DENSO TEN BT002A Vehicle console with Bluetooth transmitter User Manual
Fujitsu Ten Limited Vehicle console with Bluetooth transmitter Users Manual
- 1. Users manual
- 2. Users Manual
Users Manual
I PhnneEook 27P1514 ‘,., mi km. ( E Contact Data 27P279 E Comm Data ‘f—‘wfim'fi 27Pzflo 2. Select the desired data. 216 3. Touch the “Delete" switch. 05/08/26 4. Touch the “Yes“ switch 2006 Prius(U) (OM47520U) 34 when you select "Group Date", the “Select Group" screen Is displayed I Phone Bonk Management Phone am sss/tooogfie .__1't I Select Gmup mt \ (Teta‘tew‘f n iamulunc | £03 fl Group as , ‘04 ll! Emma _ 27Pza1 2. Selecl lhe deleting method. deleting all the phone dale in group 4. Selecl lhe deslred group, 1. Touch the “Delete All" swllch of Group Dala‘ “Phone back”. All Contact Data u deletlng all the phone date 217 05/08/26 2006 Prius(U) (OM47520U) I Select Group 5. Touch the “Yes" switch 218 way. You can also delete it in the lollowing I Telephone ‘n a...“ “Wu-mmmmmw 27P| 93 1. Touch (he “Phone Book" switch 05/08/26 7T» 27P295 2. Touch the “Delete All" switch. 2006 Prius(U) (OM47520U) 0 Registering a group name You can reglster 20 groups “No Group”, “Group 01“ — “Group 19" are registered by delault. You can change “Group 01" - "Group 19" into desired names, \0‘ Wfimm ‘OEHMu I Mammaeem <3 m Phnne Book 9951“! 3. Touch [he “Yes” Switch 2. Saint the group you want to regis~ (er. 27P2£7 1. Touch the “Register" switch 01 “Group name". 219 05/08/26 2006 Prius(U) (OM47520U) I Edit Group 3. When you camplele all touch the “0K" swltch. 220 0 Selecting a group icon I Edit Group 27F290 (he edit, 1. Touch the “Icon" switch. 05/08/26 27929| 2. Select the desired icon. 2006 Prius(U) (0M47520U) 0 Editing a group name H Edit Group 1. Touch the “Name” switch. 27P293 2. Use the soltware keyboard to input the name. 05/08/26 0 Deleting a group name Vou can delete the group names indi- vldually or all at once. If you delete a group name, that group will return to the default setting. (excluding “No Group") I Phone Book Management Phone Bunk 995/1000Free 279294 1. Touch the “Delete" swltch of “Group Name". 221 2006 Prius(U) (OM47520U) 27pm I Select Group ‘Zi‘sm m Guns Nam? 2. select the group you want to delete :L Touch the “Yes" switc the name ol. 222 05/08/26 h. o Deleting all the group names l Flume Bunk Management Phdne Bunk 595/19 27P295 L Touch the “Delete All” "Group Name". switch of 2006 Prius(U) (OM47520U) _L e Deletlng the log data You can delete the log data individually I PhumBunkManagemem or all al once. _ 995/100!) When you release your vehicle, delete all the data on the syslem. (a) individually I 9.09 Data in a...“ ”as venomu 00 IN) 27P297 fl; “SLAM. 2. Touch the “Ves” switch. 155 '_“£2&E'_J(.fl’£._) 27P299 1.T0u|:h the “Delete" swllch on the “Log Dale” Screen. 05/08/26 I Log Data e -- «a niflnmmugafl e, 27P299 2. Touch the “Yes” swltch. 2006 Prius(U) (0M47520U) 223 (b) all at once H incoming Calls 71 fl‘ OBENMSL led . [mun new lawman. Mm 105 mi" Ed l‘iiND 00:0“ 1. Touch lhe “Delete All" switch on the “Outgoing Calls" or “Incoming Calls" screen. 224 E Incnming talk in. m z. 2. Touch the “Vas” switch. 05/08/26 (v) Setting the security When you set the security, you can pre- vent people lrom using some lunctions of the hands-tree system. ll ls usetul when you leave your car wllh the hotel or you do not want others to see the date you registered. When you sel or unlock lhe eeourily, you have to input the eeourily code, Be sure to change the default code when you use the security fol the first time, 2006 Prius(U) (OM47520U) o Changlng the securiiy code The security code Is 4 diglts and the default is “0000". Choose a new code that Is hard for other people to know, When you change (he sevurlly code. do not forget the code The dealers cannot unlock the security when you forget it u you forget me security code. initialize your personal data. (See “Initializing the securi|y code" on page 227.) I Settings 27an2 1. Touch the “Phone Book Lock" swllch. 05/08/26 2. Touch the “Change” switch. 27P3im ! Security Code EWIAWH’RIA‘WL 27F304 Si |nput the security code. Each rime you touch "4", an inputted digit is deleted 225 2006 Prius(U) (OM47520U) I Security Code 27F'305 4. Touch the “Yes" switch. 226 0 Phone Book Lock When you set the phone book lock. you can have the iollowing functions locked. 0 Display of the phone book screen and transferring, registering, editing. delet- ing the phone book data. - Display of speed dial screen. register» ing, deleting the speed diet and speed dialing. 0 Display of the other party's name for calls being received or made. 0 Display of dialed numbers screen and received calls screen, deleting dialed numbers and received numbers. 0 Display of phone intonnetion screen, a Changing the security cede. When you set this function, the speed dial screen is not displayed while you are driv- ing, 05/08/26 I Phane Book Lixk 27F305 1. Touch the “ON" swllch. 2006 Prius(U) (OM47520U) 0 Initializing the security code You can ize the settlngs. I Security Code ' Msmw I Security Code Msflw‘hmw i Phoneflnok totk 27P309 2. Input the security code and touch “0K". 2 Input the security code and touch 279305 “0an 1A Touch the “Default" switch. 227 05/08/26 2006 Prius(U) (OM47520U) I Security Code 3. Touch the “Ves” switch. 223 (f) Setting a Bluetooth phone 0 Selecting a Bluetooth phone “i . In case you register more than one Bluetooth phone, you need to choose e favorite one. I Telephone Mmewflani-mrr‘acheos.Moi... . No J _ 27P3l1 1. Touch the “Settings" switch to dis- play “Settings" screen. 05/08/26 27F312 2. Touch the “Select Telephone" switch to display “Select Telephone" screen. You can select the Bluelooth phone from a maximum 01 5 numbers. “Empty" is displayed when you have nol registered a Biuelooth phone yet. Bluetclotl'l mark is displayed when you choose the phone. 2006 Prius(U) (OM475 20 U) ct Telephcne l (Manhattan ) 27P313 I Select Telephone 27F'a14 I Connect Bluemmh 27P3‘5 Although you can register up to 6 Blue- tooth phones in the system, only one Bluetooth phone can function a( a time. 05/08/26 3. Touch the “0K" switch. When the result message is displayed, you can use the Bluetooth phone, 2006 Prius(U) (OM47520U) 229 When another Blueloolh phone is (rying lo connect. (his screen is displayed, E Select Telephone 27P316 Touch the “Yes" or “No” switch. 230 05/08/26 0 Displaying Blueloolh information You can see or set the inlormallon of the Bluelooth phone on the system Device Name H the name of the Blue» math phone which is dis- played on the screen, Vou can change it into a desired name, Bluelooth Device Address ..(he address peculiar to the system. You cannot change it 14 Select the desired phone and touch the “lnlormation“ switch. 27P3| s 2. Touch the “Change" switch. 2006 Prius(U) (OM47520U) I Telephone Infmmafion _Qai’.§mm‘ W213 A chamumcelsdfir Momma». 27P319 - Changlng a Device Name You can change a devlce name. If you change a device name, the name ragla- lered in your cellular phone is not changed. . Yefephune Inturmafinn 34When you complete the setting, tcucn we 27F3m 1. Touch the “Change“ swltch. 05/08/26 27P320 24 Use the software keyboard to input the devlce name. 231 2006 Prius(U) (OM47520U) o Changing the Biueteoth settings You can change the oiepiey and settings of Bluetooth information on the system. The information displays the following items. Device Name .. Passkey ,,,,,,, the name in the Biuetooth network. Vou can change it. the password when you register your cellular phone in the system. you can change it into the figure Of 4—5 digits, Bluelooih Device Address ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 232 the ecioitess peoutier to the system You can not change it. if you have registered two Bluetooth phones with the seme Device Name or Passkey and you cannot distinguish one from the olher, refer to it 05/08/26 When you change the davice name or Passkey, do the following. I Settings (ta: JEIF = Elunmlh 27P32| 1. Touch the “Elueloolh“ switchi I liluetootit Settings ._ ML 27F322 tTouch the "Change" 0! “Device Name" or “Passkey”. 2006 Prius(U) (OM47520U) I swam Settings 3,th lflsdfinbsmz; _y_ 27P323 2712324 27P325 3; Use the sonware keyboard to Input 4. Input a Passkey with 4 — 3 digits. 5. When you complete lhs setting, "le “WW "flme- When you touch “4 the inputted digit is much “me You can input up In 20 characfiars, deletezi 233 05mm 2006 Prius(U) (0M47520U) . Initl Iizing (he Blueloolh settings. 0 Deleting a Eluetooth phone Vou can Inlllallze the semngs. l Bhetoolb Settings [RhetoomSetfings ( u». E": ._,6Jum,vm1clwb9 ._me.14&11.__= MARE 27P328 2. Touch the “Yes" swllch. 27P326 1. Touch the “Delete” switch of "Blue- 1. Touch the “Default" switch. “w“! Telephone”- 234 05/08/26 2006 Prius(U) (OM47520U) When you delele the telephone while another Bluetoolh phone Is connected, ( lnlnmlan‘un ) 27P329 I Delete Telephone 27P330 24 Select the lelephone you want to de- lete and touch "OK'fl 05/08/26 3. Touch the “Yes" switch. this message is dlsplayed. Touch the “Yes“ switch. 2006 Prius(U) (0M47520U) 27F331 235 e Dlsplaying the Information of the Bluetooth phone you delete Vclu can display the information of the Bluetoolh phone before you delete it and you can make sure whether the telephone you delete ls correct or not I. I Delete Telephone Nun .—-—-—~——\ (flmflauon l 27P332 1. Select the telephone you want to display the Information about. 236 | Telephone information . ufimn’vuflMl‘e'u , 2. When you complete conflrmlng touch “- ". 05/08/26 27P3le It, —Speech command system The speech command system enables you to operate the hands-free system by glvlng a command. 1. Push the speech command switch. A beep sounds and Oil—screen message is displayed with an indicator at the top left. 2006 Prius(U) (OM47520U) e txiqmvt AVL' rm 13W sr rm 4 2. Give a command while an Indicator is shown in lhe display. if you want lo check the command list, touch the “Help“ switch to dispiey the Help screen. (See “Help screen“ an page 235.) When you touch the “Cancel", the previous screen returns. 05/08/26 If the hands—free system does not re- spend or the confirmation screen does not disappear, push the speech command switch and try agaln. If no command is given. a beep sounds and the indicator disappears 6 seconds laterr If the system does not recagnize your speech, the system wiil respond with this message (“System does not recognize this command, rephrase your command"). Start the operation from the beginning 27P334 bMicrophone ll Is unnecessary to speak direolly into the microphone when giving a com- mand. 237 2006 Prius(U) (OM47520U)
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