Datamars GATEMAX RFID Reader User Manual GATE MAX Instruction 045 07

Datamars SA RFID Reader GATE MAX Instruction 045 07

User Maual

User ManualGATE MAX READERThis manual describes the use of the GATE MAX reader.The                  GATE MAX reader is a high-performance Radio Frequency Transponder reader.The                  GATE MAX reads all ISO 11784/85 FDX/B Transponders for the electronic identification of animals. It helps to reunite the animal with its owner.The                  GATE MAX reader and the                  Transponders are manufactured according to ISO Standards 11784 & 11785 for the electronic identification of animals and are products.
Index0. Important1. Introduction2. GATE MAX Reader System3. Main Advantages4. How to Connect5. Operation (for readers with display)6. How to Use the GATE MAX Reader7. Settings and User Interface7.1. Main Screen7.1.1. Reading OFF7.1.2. Reading ON7.2. Option Menu7.3. Noise Level8. Reader Connected to a PC or a Data Recording System8.1. PC Commands9. Cleaning10. Regulations
1. IntroductionThe GATE MAX reader has been especially designed for shelters, veterinaryclinics and borders to facilitate the pet identification process. The GATE MAXsystem is composed of a reader, a gate antenna and a power supply. TheGATE MAX reader allows a hands free direct identification of the pet whenpassing through the antennas. The pet simply goes through the reader, the IDnumber gets read automatically and displayed either on the touch screen(optionally provided) mounted on the antenna or on the computer screen ofthe clinic, shelter or border. No manual tipping is necessary, which avoidshuman error in typing the 15 digits ID number and eases the process.2. GATE MAX Reader SystemThe GATE MAX reader system is in accordance with ISO Standard 11785and reads the ISO tags FDX-B. The reading range covers the area betweenthe antennas completely. The reader can be connected to a PC: the ID willbe displayed either on the touch screen mounted on the antenna (optionallyprovided) or on the PC screen. The reader includes a RS232 interface fordata transmission (ASCII) and can include, alternatively, a USB interface.This system can easily be integrated into an Open Office Package for adatabase which is used in shelters or veterinary clinics.4. How to ConnectBefore start:Plug in the RS232 cable from the GATE MAX reader unit connector to theserial communication COM port of your PC. Optionally, you can plug in aUSB cable and install its software on your PC. Then plug in the power cable.The reader is automatically powered by using the ON/OFF switch.5. Operation (for readers with display)To start reading push the ‘Start’ button on the touch screen (optionally pro-vided).The reader turns on the transmission and now is ready to detect transpon-ders. The display shows the status of the reader with a blinking text ‘Reading’and with a blinking button.When a transponder is detected, the ID number is shown on the screen. Itremains displayed until a new transponder is detected or ”Clear ID” ispressed.To stop the transmission press ‘Stop’. The display shows the status writing‘Stand-by’.3. Main AdvantagesThe GATE MAX reader is designed to facilitate pet identification. The mainbenefits are automatic recognition of the transponder FDX-B (ISO Standard),quick detection (normally no need to scan the pet manually), a safer use forthe employees and an automatic process (connection to a database and PC).RS-232 CableUSB CablePower Cable30. Important This product is sensitive to any external radio frequency disturbances due tothe large size of the antennas.Therefore, be aware of its surrounding environment. The following objectscan cause interference with the GATE MAX reader and for this reason it isrecommended to maintain a distance of 2 to 3 meters:■Large PC/ TV screen (not flat screens)■Lamps, motors■Metal objects (scales, tables, gates, cages, etc.)■Other RFID handheld readers (e.g. ISO MAX IV)
6. How to Use the GATE MAX Reader■When a pet passes through the antennas, the transponder is automati-cally detected. If not, make the dog walk slowly 2-3 times through theantennas. A short stand still of 2 seconds between the antennas mayalso help.■If a transponder is detected between the antennas, the code is auto-matically read and sent through the RS232 communication cable once.At the same time an ID number is written on the screen.■If no transponder is present, the read cycle continues. The systemreads 30 times per second.■The GATE MAX reader system detects around 80% of the ISOtransponders during the first passage.■If the pet’s transponder is still not detected after the 3rd passage, werecommend using a hand-held multi reader with a large antenna(example ISO MAX IV) in order to determine or exclude the presence ofan animal identification transponder.Walk throughOKNO 3rd  timeVerify with handheld readerDisplay number?if no number                             please try again981094573680810NO1. Let the pet walk through the reader.The transponder is automatically detected.2. If no number is displayed, please try again.The reader did not detect a transponderthis time.3. If no number is displayed after three times,please verify that a transponder exists witha portable reader.GATE MAX Reader4
8. Reader Connected to a PC or a Data Recording System The system has a RS232 interface which communicates with the PC via aserial port (COM) sending all data in ASCII. HyperTerminal can be used asa communication program.Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications > Hyper TerminalSet the communication parameters as follows:Where ‘Name’ is a customer choice.7. Settings and User Interface 7.1 Main Screen7.1.1 Reading OFFStart Button: Turns on the transmission and reads continuously.Option Button: Go to the ‘option’ menu.7.1.2 Reading ONStop Button: Turns off the transmission and stops the reader.Clear ID Button: Clears the ID on the display screen to allow an easiervisualization of the next ID. When Single Mode is selected, it reads anothertime the same ID.The ID is shown below the ‘ID:’ text. It is composed of 15 numbers.The Country Code is written with 3 numbers or 3 characters according tothe ISO 3166 country code table.7.2 Option MenuBeep Enable / Disable:Set the status of the internal beeper. If enabled, a sound of about 1 secondis generated when a new ID is detectedLamp Enable / Disable:Set the status of the light. If enabled, a light of 2 seconds is generated whena new ID is detected Single / Continuous Mode:If ‘continuous’, the system sends the ID continuously (about 30 times persecond) to the PC/Display, if ‘single’, it sends the ID only when it is a newone.Sleep Mode Enable / Disable:If enabled, the reading mode is turned off after 5 minutes when no TAG hasbeen detected. If disabled, the reader is permanently in transmission.Test Button: Goes to the noise level screen.Back Button: Comes back to the main screen.On the top right corner of the screen there is the company name followedby the display firmware’s version followed by the reader firmware’s version.7.3 Noise LevelThis screen shows the noise level detected by the antenna.The noise level must be low to have the maximum performance.Back Button: Come back to the Option Menu.If noise is high, please check the surroundings to detect possible sources ofinterference (see under ”Important”)If noise = 0, there is a transmission problem. Try to restart the GATE MAXantenna and check the surroundings for possible sources of interference. Ifthe problem persists, please contact Datamars / After Sales Service.5
Select the corresponding serial port (COM).Note: In general, the COM 1 port is the first one and the USB port the lastone in the list.8.1 PC Commands To send a command to the reader simply type the following characters:‘.x’ Call the status of the readerAnswer >STATUS: Console (C) 1Reading (R) 0Beep (BE) 0Light (L) 0Lock Code (LC) 1Sleep Mode (S) 0 Version (V) 1.2‘.r1’ Turn on the transmission and the reading modeAnswer > READING ON‘.r0’ Turn off the reader (stand-by).Answer > READING OFF‘.be1’ Beeper ON, set the status of the internal beeper (optional).If enable, a sound of about 1  second is generated when a newID is detectedAnswer > BEEP ON‘.be0’ Beeper OFF, disable the beep.Answer > BEEP OFF‘.li1’ Light Indicator on when a TAG is detected. The light stay on forabout 2 s.Answer > LIGHT INDICATOR ON‘.li0’ Light Indicator off.Answer > LIGHT INDICATOR OFF‘.lc1’ Lock code mode, Lock the same code forever. This will unlockonly when another TAG is readAnswer > LOCK CODE‘.lc0’ Unlock code, no lock code. Every code read is send to the PC.Answer > UNLOCK CODE‘.s1’ Sleep mode ON, turn off the reader after 5 minutes when noTAG has been detected.Answer > SLEEP MODE ON‘.s0’ Sleep mode OFF, the reader is permanently in transmission.Answer > SLEEP MODE OFF‘.c1’ Console ON, reader answer with the text of the commandwhich is show on the terminalAnswer > CONSOLE TURNED ON‘.c0’  Console OFF, only the IDs are send by the reader to PC (no command’s texts)Answer > CONSOLE TURNED OFF‘.v’ Give the firmware version of the ReaderAnswer > VERSION: 1.2‘.cr1’ Carriage return at the end of the telegramAnswer > WITH CARRIAGE RETURN‘.cr0’ No carriage return at the end of the telegramAnswer > NO CARRIAGE RETURN‘.nl1’ Line feed (new line) at the end of the telegramAnswer > WITH LINE FEED‘.nl0’ No line feed (new line) at the end of the telegramAnswer > NO LINE FEED‘.rd’ restore default parametersAnswer > DEFAULT PARAMETERS RESTORED6
9. CleaningClean the antennas with a wet cloth. No water contact on the display or anyouter cable.© 2007 Datamars SA version 1.0/July 2007DATAMARS SA   Via ai Prati     6930 Bedano-Lugano     Switzerland     Phone +41 91 935 73 80     Fax +41 91 945 03 30     www.datamars.com10. Regulations10.1. Equipment ModificationEquipment modifications not expressly approved by Datamars SA, CH-6930Bedano, the party responsible for FCC compliance, are forbidden. Suchmodifications could void the user’s warranty and authority to operate theequipment and cause hazardous conditions.10.2. EN 300330-1/-2 (europe)The GATE MAX reader system is a sending and receiving equipment and isin accordance with the R & TTE directive EN 300 330-1/-2.The GATE MAX reader system fulfils the requirements of this regulation.10.3. FCC (usa)To comply with FCC part 15 rules in the United States, the system must beprofessionally installed to ensure compliance with the Part 15 certification.It is the responsibility of the operator and professional installer to ensurethat only certified systems are deployed in the United States. The use of thesystem in any other combination (such as co-located antennas transmittingthe same information) is expressly forbidden.10.4. CE certificationThe system GATE MAX reader is in accordance with the requirements ofprotection, which are defined in the regulation concerning the electro-magnetic tolerability EN301 489-1, -3, emitted by the council for the harmonisation of regulations in the member countries. The EuropeanCommunity regulation for Low Frequency, EN 60950, is respected.The GATE MAX reader system fulfils the requirements of this regulation.10.5. WarrantyIf the reader is opened by not certified personnel by mistake the warranty isvoided and we cannot guarantee the fulfillments of the above-mentionedregulations.7

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