Denso Wave orporated AN22R01 High Frequency 13.56MHz Transceiver User Manual 1 1 1732 cover v0 90

Denso Wave Incorporated High Frequency 13.56MHz Transceiver 1 1 1732 cover v0 90

Users manual_v0.92

      M18 / M30 Cylindrical type transceiver for 1732 series   User’s Manual
   NOTICE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.  Properly shielded and grounded cables must be used for connection to host computers and / or peripherals in order to meet FCC emission limits.   FCC WARNING: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  FCC CAUTION:  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:   (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.    Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
   For European Union [EN] English Hereby, DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED declares that this equipment (M18/M30 Type Transceiver) is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. [BG] Bulgarian  , DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED, ,  M18/M30 Type Transceiver            1999/5/EC. [HR] Croatian Ovim DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED, izjavljuje da je M18/M30 Type Transceiver u sklau s bitnim zahtjevima i drugim relevantnim odredbama Direktive 1999/5/EC i Pravilnika o RiTT opremi (NN25/2012). [CS] Czech DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED tímto prohlašuje, že M18/M30 Type Transceiver spluje základní požadavky a všechna píslušná ustanoveni Smrnice 1999/5/ES. [DA] Danish Undertegnede DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr M18/M30 Type Transceiver   overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF. [DE] German Hiermit erklärt DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED, dass sich das Gerät  M18/M30 Type Transceiver in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet. [ET] Estonian Käesolevaga kinnitab DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED seadme M18/M30 Type Transceiver vastavust direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele. [EL] Greek      DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED   M18/M30 Type Transceiver             1999/5/ [ES] Spanish Por la presente, DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED, declara que este M18/M30 Type Transceiver cumple con los requisitos esenciales y otras exigencias relevantes de la Directiva 1999/5/EC. [FR] French Par la présente, DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED déclare que l’appareil M18/M30 Type Transceiver est conforme aux exigencies essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE. [IT] Italian Con la presente DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED dichiara che questo M18/M30 Type Transceiver è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE. [LV] Latvian Ar šo DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED deklar, ka M18/M30 Type Transceiver atbilst Direktvas 1999/5/EK btiskajm prasbm un citiem ar to saisttajiem noteikumiem. [LT] Lithuanian Šiuo DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED deklaruoja, kad šis M18/M30 Type Transceiver atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas [HU] Hungarian A DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED ezzennel kijelenti, hogy a HIGH FREQUENCY 13.56MHz TRANSCEIVER típusú beren-dezés teljesíti az alapvet követelményeket és más 1999/5/EK irányelvben meghatározott vonatkozó rendelkezéseket. [NL] Dutch Hierbij verklaart DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED dat het toestel l HIGH FREQUENCY 13.56MHz TRANSCEIVER in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalin-gen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG. [PL] Polish Niniejszym DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED deklaruje e HIGH FREQUENCY 13.56MHz TRANSCEIVER jest zgodny z zasadniczymi wymaganiami iinnymi waciwymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC. [PT] Portuguese Eu, DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED, declaro que o HIGH FREQUENCY 13.56MHz TRANSCEIVER cumpre os requisitos essenciais e outras provisões relevantes da Directiva 1999/5/EC. [RO] Romanian Prin prezenta, DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED, declar c aparatul HIGH FREQUENCY 13.56MHz TRANSCEIVER este în conformitate cu cerinele eseniale i cu alte prevederi pertinente ale Directivei 1999/5/CE. [SK] Slovak DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED týmto vyhlasuje, že HIGH FREQUENCY 13.56MHz TRANSCEIVER spa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES. [SL] Slovenian DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED izjavlja, da je ta HIGH FREQUENCY 13.56MHz TRANSCEIVER v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in drugimi relevantnimi doloili direktive 1999/5/ES. [FI] Finish DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED vakuuttaa täten että HIGH FREQUENCY 13.56MHz TRANSCEIVER tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen. [SV] Swedish Denna utrustning är i överensstämmelse med de väsentliga kraven och andra relevanta bestämmelser i direktiv 1999/5/EC. Declaration of Conformity (For European Union)
 NOTICE: This M18/M30 Type Transceiver may be operated in below country: AT CZ FR HR LT PL SI  IS  HR BE DK DE IE  LU PT ES LI  MK BG EE GR IT  MT RO SE NO TR CY FI  HU LV NL SK GB CH LI  Properly shielded cables must be used for connection to host computers and / or peripherals in order to meet CE emission limits.   CE marking
Table of contents  Preface        i Applicable Standards and Regulations        ii About this Manual      iii SAFETY PRECAUTIONS     iv Chapter 1  Outline      1 1.1  Hardware Configuration    1 1.2  System Configuration    1 Chapter 2  Hardware Specifications    2  2.1 M18 Type Transceiver    2   2.1.1  Components and Functions   2    2.1.2  External Dimensions    3   2.1.3  Environmental Specifications   4  2.2 M30 Type Transceiver    5   2.2.1  Components and Functions   5   2.2.2  External Dimensions    6   2.2.3  Environmental Specifications   7 Chapter 3    Power Supply Specifications      8   3.1 Supply Voltage and Current Consumption    8   3.2 Inrush Current (reference value)      8  3.3 Power OFF Duration     9  3.4 Power Supply Protection Circuit   9 Chapter 4    Upper Communication Specifications    10   4.1 Specification to communicate with the host device  10  4.2 I/F Circuit      11  4.3 Response Timing     11 Chapter 5    Tag Communication Specifications      12   5.1 Specifications to communicate with the RF tag    12  5.2 Communication Distance    12  5.3 Communication Area (reference)   13 Chapter 6  Installation      14  6.1 Tightening Torque     14  6.2 Surrounding Metal     14   6.3 Interference between the transceivers      15 Chapter 7  Troubleshooting     16
 i Preface  Read this manual thoroughly before using the product to ensure the proper use of the product and its functions. Keep the manual in a convenient location for quick reference.  Liability Limitations •  DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED does not assume any product liability (including damages for lost profits, interruption of operations, or the loss of business-related information) arising out of, or in connection with, the use of, or inability to use the product. •  DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED ("DENSO WAVE") takes appropriate precautions to ensure its products do not infringe upon any patents or other intellectual property rights of other(s). However, DENSO WAVE cannot be responsible for any patent or other intellectual property right infringement(s) or violation(s) arising from any of the following. 1)  The use of DENSO WAVE's products in connection or in combination with other components, products, devices, data processing systems or software not supplied by DENSO WAVE. 2)  The use of DENSO WAVE's products in a manner for which they were not intended nor designed. 3)  The modification of DENSO WAVE's products by parties other than DENSO WAVE. •  The warranty period is one (1) year from the date of delivery.   If it is determined by DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED that malfunction of the product is due to the product    having been dropped or subjected to impact, repairs will be made at a reasonable charge even within the    warranty period.
 ii Applicable Standards and Regulations  Standards and Regulations in Other countries  Standards Applicability Remarks FCC (USA)  ✔ *1  FCC Part 15 Subpart C M18 FCC ID : PZWAN22R01 M30   FCC ID : PZWAN23R01 R&TTE (Europe)  ✔ *1  EN 302 291-1, -2 Radio Regulations RSS-Gen RSS-210(Canada)  n/a  EC/R&TTE Directive (Europe)  ✔ *1 EN 301 489-1, -3 ICES-003 (Canada)  n/a  EMC Regulations EMC Framework (Australia)  n/a C-Tick UL (USA)  ✔ UL508(Type4X Indoor Use Only) Product ID: 46XM INDUSTRIAL CONTROL EQUIPMENT c-UL (Canada)  ✔ CSA C22.2 No.142 Safety Regulations R&TTE (Europe)  ✔ EN 60950   ✔: Applicable  n/a: Not applicable  *1 NOTICE: Properly shielded and grounded cables must be used for connection to host computer and / or peripherals in order to meet FCC/CE emission limits.
 iii About this Manual  •  The content of this manual may be subject to change for specification improvement without prior notice. •  The reproduction or duplication of the whole or part of this manual is strictly prohibited without prior consent. •  Every attempt has been made to ensure that the content of this manual is thorough and up to date, however, we kindly ask that any questionable content, mistakes, or omissions be reported to DENSO WAVE. •  The copyright for this User’s Manual belongs to DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.  Manual Composition This manual consists of the following 7 chapters. Safety Precautions Explains the safety precautions for preventing accidents that could result in bodily injury and property damage. Chapter 1  Outline Explains the hardware and system configuration.   Chapter 2  Basic Specifications Explains the basic specifications. Chapter 3  Power Supply Specifications Explains the power supply specifications. Chapter 4  Upper Communication Specifications Explains the interface specifications. Chapter 5  Tag Communication Specifications   Explains the RF interface specifications and communication distance. Chapter 6  Installation     Explains the environmental conditions and setups. Chapter 7  Troubleshooting   Explains possible causes and appropriate countermeasures of troubles.
 iv SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Be sure to observe the safety precautions.  Read through this manual carefully. It will enable you to use the product correctly.  Always keep this manual in a handy place for easy reference. Strict observance of these warnings and cautions is a MUST for preventing accidents that could result in bodily injury and property damage. Make sure you fully understand all definitions of these terms and symbols given below before you proceed to the text itself.   Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which could result in death or serious injury, if the instructions are not followed correctly.  Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which may result in injury, if the instructions are not followed correctly.  Meaning of Symbols  Indicates a warning of danger. The example indicates the warning for electrical shock.  Indicates what you are prohibited to do. The example Indicates that you are not allowed to disassemble.  Indicates what you MUST do without fail. The example indicates that you MUST unplug the power cord.
 v   Implantable Medical Devices  • Avoid using the product near persons with implantable medical device, such as a cardiac pacemaker. A survey conducted on wireless card systems has reported the possibility of affecting or giving unfavorable impact on implantable medical devices. This is a general characteristic of those systems using radio waves, and not a unique feature of DENSO WAVE’s products or this product itself.   More information is available from the website by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications at:  Radio Frequency Interference  • Do not use the product in places where the use of radio frequency is restricted, such as in an airplane or hospital. Failure to comply could cause a malfunction in electronic or medical devices.    Operating Environments • Do not use the product in places where any inflammable gases may be emitted.   Failure to comply could cause a fire. • Do not use the product in places where an ambient temperature exceeds the specified operating temperature.   Failure to comply could cause a fire. • Do not use the product where it is subject to substantial vibration or shock.   Failure to comply could cause a malfunction or a fire.  • Do not use the product where it is subject to oil or chemical contact. Failure to comply could cause a malfunction or a fire.  Precautions when Handling • Do not use a power supply and voltage other than the specified power supply and voltage. Failure to comply could cause a malfunction or a fire. • Do not pull on the cable.   A loose cable could cause a fire or electrical shock. • Keep the product away from water or steam.   If the connector gets wet, this could cause a fire, electrical shock, or a faulty connection.  • Do not damage, over bend, twist, pull, or heat the connection cable and device cable.   Do not place heavy material on the cables or allow them to be damaged under heavy material. Failure to comply could cause the cables to break, and cause a fire or electrical shock.
 vi  Precautions when Handling • Connect the cable to the connector firmly with a clamp. A loose cable could cause a fire or electrical shock.       • Replace the damaged cable to a new one, when a connection cable or a device cable are damaged (e.g., exposed or broken lead wires).   Failure to comply could cause a fire or electrical shock.  • Wiring to the power supply and the upper device must be done correctly in accordance with this manual.   Incorrect wiring could cause amalfunction, a fire, or electrical shock      • If smoke, abnormal odors or noises come from the product, immediately turn the product off.   Failure to comply could cause fire or electrical shock. •  If foreign material or water gets into the product, immediately disconnect the connection cable.  Failure to comply could cause fire or electrical shock. •  If the product is dropped or damaged, immediately disconnect the connection cable.  Failure to comply could cause fire or electrical shock.
 vii   Operating Environments • Never leave the product in places where there are excessively high temperatures, radiant heat, or in places exposed to direct sunlight.  Failure to comply could affect the parts, and cause a fire.  •  Do not use the product in places where there are drastic temperature changes.  Failure to comply could cause a malfunction, a fire or electrical shock. •  Do not install the product near a motor, an inverter, or a switching power supply.   Noise from these devices could interfere with the wireless communication between the product and the tag.   Examine these noises carefully before the product is installed.  • Keep the product or the connection cable away from high voltage and high current wiring.  Failure to comply could cause a wireless communication error between the transceiver and tag, or between the transceiver and the upper device. • Keep the appropriate distance specified in this manual between the transceiver and tag to avoid any interference.  Failure to comply could cause a wireless communication error between the transceiver and tag.   Precautions when Handling  • Never touch the connector terminals.   Failure to comply could damage the product by ESD. • Do not apply static electricity to the connector terminals and product itself when installing or wiring the product.   Failure to comply could cause a fire or electrical shock. • Do not pull the connector cable.   Failure to comply could disconnect the cable, damage the product inner part, burn the product, or cause a fire, or electrical shock. • Do not use chemicals or oil which may affect the material of the product. Failure to comply could damage the product.  • Never disassemble or modify the product. Failure to comply could cause a fire or electrical shock. • When pluging/unplugomg the connector, always turn the product off.     Failure to comply could cause malfunction, electrical shock or breakdown. • Do not touch the product with bear hands when operating or right after operation.   Failure to comply could cause a burn.  • Install the product making sure it is not loose by tightening the screw within the torque specified in this manual. Failure to comply could cause a damage or malfunction.      • If you are not using the product for a long time, be sure to unplug the connection cable for safety.   Failure to comply could cause a fire. • When maintaining the product, unplug the connection cable for safety.   Failure to comply could cause electrical shock.   if used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
1 Chapter 1  Outline    1.1 Hardware Configuration   This product line (hereinafter referred to as the Transceiver) is developed for the Rockwell Automation     “1732 series” products to read and write the HF (High Frequency) RFID tag.   As listed below, two versions of the transceivers are added.  type model  appearance M18 type transceiver  56RF-TR-M18         M30 type transceiver  56RF-TR-M30           Nut, Washer (Attachment) - T.B.D       1.2  System Configuration   The transceiver is intended to operate in the following system configuration.           Programmable Controller (PLC)   DC24V Power Supply I/F Box (equivalent to ”1732”)    Transceiver Shielded Cable
 2  Chapter 2  Hardware Specifications  2.1 M18 Type Transceiver   2.1.1 Components and Functions               ・Connector   Pin No. Signal Pin1 DC24V Pin2 S + Pin3 GND Pin4 S -        ・LED light patterns LED  Light  Explanation Solid Green  Power ON Power LED  No light  Power OFF Blinking Red (short intervals)  Nothing Communication Solid Green  Polling (No RFID tag) Solid Orange  Communication OK Operation LED Solid Red  Communication Error / No RFID tag    Power LED Operation LED Connector Antenna surface Pin1 Pin2 Pin3  Pin4
 3  2.1.2  External Dimensions                             Unit: mm
 4 2.1.3  Environmental specifications Item  Specification Maximum surrounding air   temperature rating 70℃ Minimum surrounding air   temperature rating -25℃  (With no icing or condensation) Operating Humidity  35 to 95%RH (With no icing or condensation) Storage Temperature  -40℃ to +85℃  (With no icing or condensation) Storage Humidity  25 to 85%RH (With no icing or condensation) Insulation Resistance  20M Min. (DC500V Mega) Between connector terminals and case Vibration Resistance  10 to 500Hz, 1.5mm double amplitude, acceleration: 100m/s2, 10 sweeps in each of 3 axis directions (up/down, left/right, and forward/backward) for 11 minutes each Shock Resistance  500 m/s2 in 6 directions 3 times each (18 times in total) Protective Structure  IP67 (Excluding connector area) Altitude Less than 2000m Pollution degree  Level 2 (IEC61010-1) Material  Plastic chassis: Grass fiber composite PBT (Black color) Metal chassis and M12 cable connector: Nickel Plated S45C Weight 30g
 5 2.2 M30 Type Transceiver   2.2.1 Components and Functions           ・Connector    Pin No. Signal Pin1 DC24V Pin2 S + Pin3 GND Pin4 S -      ・LED light patterns LED  Light  Explanation Solid Green  Power ON Power LED  No light  Power OFF Blinking Red (short intervals)  Nothing Communication Solid Green  Polling (No RFID tag) Solid Orange  Communication OK Operation LED Solid Red  Communication Error / No RFID tag    Pin1 Pin2 Pin3  Pin4 Power LED Operation LED Connector Antenna surface
 6 2.2.2  External Dimensions                          Unit: mm M30×1.5
 7   2.2.3  Environmental specifications Item  Specification Maximum surrounding air   temperature rating 70℃ Minimum surrounding air   temperature rating -25℃  (With no icing or condensation) Operating Humidity  35 to 95%RH (With no icing or condensation) Storage Temperature  -40℃ to +85℃  (With no icing or condensation) Storage Humidity  25 to 85%RH (With no icing or condensation) Insulation Resistance  20M Min. (DC500V Mega) Between connector terminals and case Vibration Resistance  10 to 500Hz, 1.5mm double amplitude, acceleration: 100m/s2, 10 sweeps in each of 3 axis directions (up/down, left/right, and forward/backward) for 11 minutes each Shock Resistance  500 m/s2 in 6 directions 3 times each (18 times in total) Protective Structure  IP67 (Excluding connector area) Altitude Less than 2000m Pollution degree  Level 2 (IEC61010-1) Material  Plastic chassis: Grass fiber composite PBT (Black color) Metal chassis and M12 cable connector: Nickel Plated S45C Weight 55g
 8  Chapter 3    Power Supply Specifications  3.1 Supply Voltage and Current Consumption   Item  Specification Supply Voltage  DC24V (DC10 to 30V, Ripple is less than 1%) Carrier off  10mA at.DC24V (Excluding inrush) M18 type  40mA (Max. 0.1A) at DC24V Current Consumption  Carrirer on M30 type  40mA (Max. 0.1A) at DC24V * Power Suplly :   UL1310 Class2,     IEC61010-1 Limited energy circuit   3.2 Inrush Current (reference value)   *The waveform and values in the above figure are reference values at room temperature.   Inrush Current Waveform Power ON  approximately 10mA (20A)
 9 3.3 Power OFF Duration OFF duration (referred to as “TvccOFF” in the figure) is required to re-power ON. “TvccOFF” must be (1 second) or more.  ON duration (referred to as “TvccON” in the figure) is required before sending any command to the   transceiver. “TvccON” must be (0.5 second) or more.    Item Description Condition Time TvccOFF  Required OFF duration to re-power ON  TvccFall=0ms (1 sec) TvccON  Required ON duration to complete start up after completion of power-on (TvccRise). TvccRise≦10ms  (0.5sec)   3.4 Power Supply Protection Circuit   The transceiver does not have any power supply protection circuits. Add the following protection circuits to the host device as necessary.  ・Over current protection circuit  ・Over voltage protection circuit  Add appropriate countermeasures for noise as necessary.  Power ON Power OFF  completion of startup
 10  Chapter 4    Upper Communication Specifications  4.1 Specifications to communicate with the host device  Item  Specification Connector M12, 4-pin male connector Communication System  Half Duplex (RS-485) Baud Rates  9600/19200/38400/115200bps selectable (Default: 38400bps) Data Length  8bit Stop Bit Length  1bit Error Detection  Parity bit even Cable Length  Max. 100m (It varies in the cable)  Note:  ・RS485 Protocol: Switch the command-response mechanism to avoid signal conflict.  ・For more information, see the communication and interface specification.  ・For changing the transmission speed, see the programming manual.   -Important-     (When Flash-ROM is rewritten,) Do not change the transmission speed more than 100 times.
 11 4.2  I/F Circuit                 4.3 Response Timing   variable  variable  variable Command  Command Response Output form the upper driver S+ S- D R CPU Rx 120ohm IF EN Tx
 12  Chapter 5  Tag Communication Specifications  5.1 Specifications to communicate with the RF tag    The following is the communication specifications between the transceiver and the RFID tag.  Item  Specification Tag Type  ISO/IEC 15693 Communication System  Half Duplex Synchronization scheme  Bit Synchronization Baud Rate  26.48kbit/s (Carrier:13.56MHz) Modulation Scheme  ASK 10 to 30% Transceiver ↓ Tag  Modulation code  1 out of 4 Baud Rate  OOK 26.48kbit/s (Sub Carrier:424kHz) Modulation Scheme  Load Modulation Tag ↓ Transceiver  Modulation code  OOK Manchester   Note:   For details of the command and communication period, see the programming manual.    5.2 Communication Distance  communication distance   (at room temperature) Transceiver  50 tag (I-Code) 30 tag (I-Code) 20 tag (I-Code) 16 tag (I-Code) M18 type  30mm - - - M30 type  60mm - - -   ・Noise Interference, metals, and other transceivers are not allowed around the transceiver. ・Communication distance may be shorter than the above value due to the tag deviation. ・Must not be any slant between the transceiver and the antenna center of the tag.
 13  5.3 Communication Area (reference)  M18 Type  * 50 tag                  M30 Type  * 50 tag                    * It isn't mentioned in the Side-Band-Area.   -100-80-60-40-200204060801000 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180-100-80-60-40-20020406080100-100-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100distance 60mm [mm][mm]-60-50-40-30-20-1001020304050600 102030405060708090100110-60-50-40-30-20-100102030405060-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60distance 40mm[mm][mm] T.B.D  T.B.D
 14  Chapter 6    Installation  6.1  Tightening Torque   The tightening torque must be 19.8N・m for M18 nut, and 33.9N・m for M30 nut.                   6.2  Surrounding Metal  M18 Type: Communication distance will drop significantly when the distance between the transceiver and any surrounding metal is less than 25mm.  M30 Type: Communication distance will drop significantly when the distance between the transceiver and any surrounding metal is less than 30mm.                Nut For M18: more than 25mm For M30: more than 30mm      Washer  For M18: more than 25mm For M30: more than 30mm Antenna
 15 6.3  Interference between the transceivers  Installing more than one transceiver causes radio frequency interference and may result in the difficulty   of the tag communication. Keep a sufficient distance between the transceivers as shown in the figure below.  ・face to face               ・side by side                     For M18: more than 180mm For M30: more than 200mm For M18: more than 180mm For M30: more than 200mm
 16  Chapter 7  Troubleshooting  Examine the cause of the problem by using the flowchart below and take appropriate countermeasures when any problems occur.    Check flow Do the operating and environmental conditions comply with the specifications? Is the transceiver installed correctly? Does the transceiver communicate with the upper device normally? (Is the transceiver’s LED in RED?) Does the transceiver communicate with the tag normally? (Is the transceiver’s LED in RED?) Read “Chapter 2 Hardware Specifications” , and confirm that the transceiver is used in the proper operating and environmental conditions. Read “Chapter 3 Power Supply Specifications”, “Chapter 4 Upper communication Specifications”, and confirm that the transceiver is installed and connected correctly. A communication error with the upper device has occurred or RFID Tag doesn't exist when the transceiver’s LED is in RED. Confirm the problem with the status code contained in the transceiver’s response.   See the Programming Manual for the communication error code. OK NO NO NO NO A communication error with the tag has occurred when the transceiver’s LED is blinking in RED. Confirm the problem with the status code contained in the transceiver’s response. See the Programming Manual for the communication error code. YES YES YES YES
                            M18 type transceiver (56RF-TR-M18) M30 type transceiver (56RF-TR-M30) for 1732 series  User’s Manual  Ver : 0.92   Jul. 2012     1, Yoshiike, Kusagi, Agui-cho, Chita-gun, Aichi 470-2297, Japan 105-0001

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