Disetronic Medical Systems 1 Handheld remote control device for insulin pump User Manual 04451309001 V01 Sentr RC EN

Disetronic Medical Systems AG Handheld remote control device for insulin pump 04451309001 V01 Sentr RC EN

User manual

Owner’s BookletRemote Controlfor your SENSOTREND Insulin Pump
Contents1The remote control for yourSENSOTREND1insulin pump  . . . . . . .42Handling Keys Indicator light  . . . . . .123Preparation   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184Adding the remote control ID number 225Program a Standard bolus   . . . . . . .286Cancel a Standard bolus   . . . . . . . . .387Recommendations for daily use  . . . .468Troubleshooting   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .509Technical features   . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5810 Symbols   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6411 Index  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6812 Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7013 Warranty  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .723
its operation prior to use. Prior to using yourSENSOTREND insulin pump read theOwner's Booklet to become familiar with itssafe use and the appropriate warnings andprecautions for its operation.Prior to using your SENSOTREND insulinpump with your remote control be aware ofthe following warnings:Warning: Incorrect programming of yourinsulin pump may cause inappropriateinsulin delivery. Your insulin pump must beprogrammed with your personal settingsprior to starting insulin pump therapy. Donot operate your insulin pump withoutknowing your personal settings. If you arenot sure about your personal settings or youare less experienced, have your doctor orhealthcare team check your personalsettings. Work with your doctor orhealthcare team to determine the timing,1The remote control for yourSENSOTREND1insulin pumpCongratulations on your new remote controlfor the SENSOTREND insulin pump. Theremote control allows for discreet one-handed programming of a Standard boluswithout touching or looking at your insulinpump. Your insulin pump beeps and vibratesto assist you with the programming and theindicator light of the remote controlconfirms each press of a key with a lightsignal.This owner's booklet provides you with thenecessary information for safe and efficientuse of the remote control with your insulinpump. The remote control is an accessoryfor a medical device and must be trained on451SENSOTREND is a trademark of a Member of theRoche Group.
Warning: Incorrect programming of yourinsulin pump may cause inappropriateinsulin delivery. Your insulin pump must beprogrammed with your personal settingsprior to starting insulin pump therapy. Donot operate your insulin pump withoutknowing your personal settings. If you arenot sure about your personal settings or youare less experienced, have your doctor orhealthcare team check your personalsettings.Warning: If your insulin pump “times out”before you finish programming a bolus, nobolus is delivered. Check the bolus historyscreens on your insulin pump for the bolusamount delivered with time and date andprogram a new bolus if necessary (seesection 4.8.1 of your SENSOTREND owner'sbooklet).7amount and type of bolus you need todeliver. Make sure you know your personalcarbohydrate insulin ratio and yourcorrection bolus ratio. Warning: Do not use the SENSOTRENDinsulin pump and remote control if you arenot able to read the display, hear the beepsor you are not able to feel the vibrations. Thedisplay, beeps and vibrations indicate criticalalert information and must be addressedimmediately by the insulin pump user.Failure to see, hear or feel the alerts from theinsulin pump could result in serious harm ordeath of the user.Warning: Keep the remote control out ofunauthorized third persons and of children.Activation of the remote control may lead tounintended bolus delivery.61 The remote control for your SENSOTREND insulin pump
void the warranty. For any questions pleasecontact your local Customer Care Area.Warning: Avoid electromagnetic fields ofradar or antenna installations, high-voltagesources, X-Ray sources, MRI, CAT scan orother sources of electrical current. Do notuse your insulin pump and the remotecontrol in such areas. Electromagnetic fieldsmay cause malfunction to your insulin pumpand remote control. Always stop your insulinpump beforehand. In other cases, the insulindelivery may be stopped immediately and anerror E7: ELECTRONIC ERROR occurs.Warning: Your insulin pump has not beentested with cardiac pacemakers. Do not usethe SENSOTREND insulin pump if you have acardiac pacemaker.Warning: Any changes or modification to theremote control or insulin pump that are notexpressly approved by Disetronic could void9Warning: Avoid deliberate contact withwater. Check daily that your insulin pumpand the remote control are not chipped,cracked or damaged in any way. In thepresence of chips and cracks, water, dust,insulin, or other foreign substances mayenter your insulin pump and your remotecontrol and lead to malfunction.Warning: You must inspect the remote con-trol and your insulin pump immediately afteran accidental immersion in water or after anyaccidental contact with foreign liquids thatcould damage or contaminate the insulinpump system.Warning: Do not perform any servicing orrepair on the remote control by yourself orby an unauthorized person. Any changes ormodifications to the remote control that arenot expressly approved by Disetronic may8
your ability to operate the SENSOTRENDinsulin pump.Warning: Be sure that the remote control IDnumbers programmed into your insulinpump belong to your remote control.  Do nothave other remote ID numbers programmedinto the insulin pump besides the remote(s)that you are personally using.  Keep theremote control out of reach of children. Donot let your remote control be handled byunauthorized persons as a bolus could beaccidentally delivered. Models availableTwo different remote control models areavailable:̈The pocket remote control which lookslike an ordinary key chain.̈The watch remote control is a wristwatchof Swiss quality that integrates both thetime piece and the remote control.10The pocket and watch remote control areavailable only from Disetronic. Pleaseconsult your SENSOTREND owner's bookletor contact your local Customer Care Area formore information.For information on your insulin pump,please refer to the SENSOTREND owner'sbooklet.11
Watch remote controlActivation to activate the communicationbetween the remote controland your SENSOTRENDinsulin pump. The indicatorlight will remain on as long asyou press the  key.Activation keyIndicator lightDown keyCrownUp key2Handling Keys Indicator lightKeys and indicator light of the remote controlThe use of the remote control requires threekeys. With each key press you hear a softclick (pocket remote control only) and theindicator light confirms that a key has beenpressed. Pocket remote control Watch remote controlPlease note: The remote control doesnot respond with beeps and vibrations.Pocket remote controlDown keyActivation keyUp keyIndicator light12 13
Your SENSOTREND insulin pump beeps**when Beepsyou activate the remote controlcommunication, or the bolus deliverystarts.you start the Standard bolus menu, oryou reset the bolus amount to zero.you increase to the desired bolusamount, or during the confirmation ofthe bolus amount.you cancel the bolus.Your insulin pump beeps only if its beepvolume has been turned on (see section4.7.2 in your SENSOTREND owner'sbooklet).Up or to program and cancel a Down Standard bolus, and toincrease or reset the bolusamount. For each press of theor  key the indicator lightflashes.If you accidentally press the  and  (or ) keys simultaneously, the indicator lightremains on during the press and yourinsulin pump tries to establish the communi-cation. If the communication is alreadyactive, your insulin pump will beep** andvibrate periodically (a short vibration everysecond), if  is pressed.Please note the  ,  ,  andsymbols refer to the keys of yourSENSOTREND insulin pump.14 152 Handling** Depending on the beep volume setting. ** Depending on the beep volume setting.
Set the time as desired by turning thecrown. When finished push the crown in.The watch remote control has a conventionalwatchstrap. It may be replaced according toyour personal preference by an authorizedjeweller. Position of the remote control to yourSENSOTREND insulin pumpThe remote control works best at an arm'slength distance from your insulin pump.Position the remote control in the vicinity ofyour insulin pump to establish thecommunication. Position of the remote controlYour SENSOTREND insulin pump vibrateswhen Vibrationsyou activate the remote control (short  communication, or you increasevibration) to the desired bolus amount.you start the Standard bolus (long  menu, during the confirmation of vibration) the bolus amount, you reset thebolus amount to zero, or youcancel the bolus.Pocket remote controlUse your thumb to slide the remote controlout of its cover until you see all three keys.After use, close the cover properly to avoidunintentional key operation and to protectthe remote control.Watch remote controlPull gently at the crown of the watch remotecontrol until you hear a soft click. 16 172 Handling
Each remote control has an unique IDnumber to provide secure communicationbetween your insulin pump and the remotecontrol. This ID number is engraved in therear casing of the remote control. To viewthe ID number of the pocket remote controluse your thumb to slide the remote controlout of its cover. The ID number has to beadded to the REGISTERED IDs list of yourSENSOTREND insulin pump before use. Add only the ID(s) of your remote control(s)to your personal SENSOTREND insulinpump. If you are using a differentSENSOTREND insulin pump, make sure toadd the remote control ID(s) prior to use.Aremote control, which is not registered onyour insulin pump, cannot activate thecommunication. ID number3Preparation PreparationWarning: Be sure that the remote control IDnumbers programmed into your insulinpump belong to your remote control.  Do nothave other remote ID numbers programmedinto the pump besides the remote(s) thatyou are personally using.  Keep the remotecontrol out of reach of children.  Do not letyour remote control be handled by unautho-rized persons as a bolus could beaccidentally delivered. REGISTERED ID'sAEF000010123IDSNREFAEF00001036C0277130010320000FCC ID RAH1Disetronic MedicalSystems AG18 19
In order to make use of the remotecontrol, the remote control function onyour insulin pump must be turned on.Please refer to the sections 5.1 and5.3 in your SENSOTREND owner'sbooklet for further information.On the rear of the casing you will findadditional information engraved. Theseinclude the SN and the REF number. Pleaserefer to the section 10 in this owner's book-let for further information on the labelling.20 213 Preparation
menu is turned on. Please refer to section5.1 of your owner's booklet for furtherinformation.S_RemoteControl_menu_EN.bmp2. Select with  . Check that the currentstatus is ON. (Press  or  to turnit to ON ( ), if necessary.)S_RemoteControl_ON_EN.bmp3. Press  to move to the ADD IDscreen. Any currently registered IDs aredisplayed.S_AddID_EN.bmp 4. If the ID number of your remote controlis not displayed, hold the remote controlwithin 75 cm (2.5 feet) of your insulinpump. 234Adding the remote controlID number Warning: Be sure that the remote control IDnumbers programmed into your insulinpump belong to your remote control.  Do nothave other remote ID numbers programmedinto the insulin pump besides the remote(s)that you are personally using. Keep theremote control out of reach of children. Donot let your remote control be handled byunauthorized persons as a bolus could beaccidentally delivered. Use the remote control and yourSENSOTREND insulin pump and check yourinsulin pump's display during the entireregistry process.  Add ID number1. Press your insulin pump's  key tomove to the REMOTE CONTROL menu.Make sure that the REMOTE CONTROL22
If you want to register a furtherremote control now, repeat steps 4 to6 with the additional remote control.7. Save and exit with  .– You can register up to three differentremote controls to your insulinpump. For safety reasons(unintended bolus activation) werecommend to register only the oneremote control in use on your insulinpump.– You can review any registeredremote control(s) at theREGISTERED IDs screen.– Check that the remote controlfunction is turned on ( ) in thequick info screen. To view the quickinfo screen press  from theRUN or STOP screen.Press  . Your insulin pump scans for30 seconds for a valid remote control ID.S_AddID_Scanning_EN.bmp5. Within these 30 seconds press the  keyof the remote control to register its ID.6. After the ID is added, the REGISTEREDIDs screen automatically appears.Compare the display with the engraved IDnumber on the remote control casing tomake sure that the ID number is correctlyregistered.S_RegisteredID_1_EN.bmpIf no (additional) ID number is regis-tered, the ADD ID screen will appearagain. Hold your remote control closerto your insulin pump and repeat steps 4to 6.24 254 Adding the remote control ID number
27– If you do not use the remotecontrol(s), turn the REMOTECONTROL function to OFF ( , seestep 2).Warning: Keep the remote control out ofunauthorized third persons and of children.Activation of the remote control may lead tounintended bolus delivery. 264 Adding the remote control ID number
The remote control allows you to easily anddiscreetly program a bolus of insulin. YourSENSOTREND insulin pump must be inRUN. Each key press and each bolusincrement you program is confirmed withbeeps** and vibrations. Pay attention andcount these confirming beeps** andvibrations for secure programming. The remote programming follows a definedsequence which involves key presses andpre-set time intervals.If you use the KeyLock function onyour insulin pump, the keys areautomatically unlocked as you activatethe communication with the  keyand remains unlocked until the bolusis delivered.295Program a Standard bolusWarning: Incorrect programming of yourinsulin pump may cause inappropriateinsulin delivery. Your insulin pump must beprogrammed with your personal settingsprior to starting insulin pump therapy. Donot operate your insulin pump withoutknowing your personal settings. If you arenot sure about your personal settings or youare less experienced, have your doctor orhealthcare team check your personalsettings.Warning: If your insulin pump “times out”before you finish programming a bolus, nobolus is delivered. Check the bolus historyscreens on your insulin pump for the bolusamount delivered with time and date andprogram a new bolus if necessary (seesection 4.8.1 of your SENSOTREND owner'sbooklet).28** Depending on the beep volume setting.
Program a Standard bolus Program a Standard bolusUse the remote control, ...1. Press the  key till communication isactivated.... your SENSOTREND insulin pumpresponds withbeeps** vibrations displayS_RUNscreen_EN.bmp1. Press for 3 sec.3. Set bolus amount2. Press for 3 sec.The bolus increment is initially set to0.5 units per key press. You canchange it to 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 or2.0 units on your insulin pump(See section 5.5.3 in yourSENSOTREND owner's booklet).KeyLock bolus increment30 315 Program a Standard bolus** Depending on the beep volume setting.
Use the remote control, ...3. Press + + ... (or +...***) toprogram the desired bolus amount.... your SENSOTREND insulin pumpresponds withbeeps** vibrations display+ + ... + ...S_StandardBolus_05_EN.bmp Use the remote control, ...4. Wait for 5 seconds.Your SENSOTREND insulin pumpconfirms the bolus amount withUse the remote control, ...2. Press the  key for 3 seconds (or  ***).... your SENSOTREND insulin pumpresponds withbeeps** vibrations displayS_StandardBolus_00_EN.bmpDo not wait longer than 5 seconds topress the  or  key. Otherwise thecommunication “times out” and stops.32 335 Program a Standard bolus** Depending on the beep volume setting.*** This programming sequence is “reversible”,meaning you can start with either the  or key. If you start the  key, program the bolusamount with  and reset with .** Depending on the beep volume setting.*** This programming sequence is “reversible”,meaning you can start with either the  or key. If you start the  key, program the bolusamount with  and reset with .
beeps** vibrations display+  + ... +  + ...S_StandardBolus_25_EN.bmpUse the remote control, ...5. After 5 seconds (start delay), the bolusdelivery starts.... your SENSOTREND insulin pumpresponds withbeeps** vibrations display––S_Sbolus_delivery_EN.bmpIf communication does not activate, movethe remote control closer to your insulinpump while pressing the  key until youhear a beep** sequence and a vibration ofyour insulin pump. Communication 345 Program a Standard bolusOnce the communication is established,keep the remote control at the same closeposition to your insulin pump whileprogramming the Standard bolus. If yourinsulin pump does not provide any feedback,the communication has not beenestablished. Please refer to the section 8 inthis owner's booklet for further information.Start delays Start delaysStart delays in the programming sequenceallow you to cancel a bolus even before itsdelivery has started (see section 6 in thisowner's booklet).After programming thebolus amount, the bolusamount value blinks.Between confirmationof amount and bolusdelivery, the will blink (start delay).   35** Depending on the beep volume setting.
Communication timeouts Communication timeoutsIf you do not press the keys within5seconds during the fixed programmingsequence, the communication between theremote control and your insulin pump“times out” and your insulin pump returnsto RUN. If you want to continue andprogram a bolus, you may activate thecommunication again with the  .Please refer to step 1 in this section forfurther information.36 375 Program a Standard bolus
Use the remote control, ...2. Your insulin pump times out after5seconds if  or  are not pressed.... your SENSOTREND insulin pumpresponds withbeeps** vibrations display– S_RUNscreen_EN.bmporUse your SENSOTREND insulin pumpPress the  or  key for 3 secondson your insulin pump. Alert A8: BOLUS CANCELLEDThis will result in an alert A8: BOLUSCANCELLED. Please confirm the alert A8twice with  on your insulin pump. 6Cancel a Standard bolus You have six options to cancel a Standardbolus: Cancel a Standard bolus Cancel a Standard bolus:during programming– during programming (the bolusamount blinks on your insulin pump's display)Use the remote control, ...1. Press the  key to reset the bolusamount to 0.0 units (or  if you startedprogramming with  ).... your SENSOTREND insulin pumpresponds withbeeps** vibrations displayS_StandardBolus_00_EN.bmp 38 39** Depending on the beep volume setting.** Depending on the beep volume setting.
– during confirmation (when the beeps**and vibrations occur) orduring the start delay (blinks onyour insulin pump's display) Use the remote control, ...Press the  or  key until you hear amelody*.This will result in an alert A8: BOLUSCANCELLED. Please confirm the alert A8twice with  on your insulin pump.... your SENSOTREND insulin pumpresponds withbeeps* vibrations* display, S_A8_EN.bmpor Cancel a Standard bolus:during confirmation Cancel a Standard bolus:during start delay ... your SENSOTREND insulin pumpresponds withbeeps* vibrations display,  S_A8_EN.bmpNo bolus is delivered! 40 416 Cancel a Standard bolus*Depending on the beep volume and alarm signalsettings.*Depending on the beep volume and alarm signalsettings.** Depending on the beep volume setting.
– during bolus delivery (countdown ofbolus amount on your insulin pump's display) Use the remote control, ...Press the  or  key until you hear amelody*. Cancel a Standard bolus: during bolus deliveryThis will result in an alert A8: BOLUSCANCELLED. Please confirm the alert A8twice with  on your insulin pump.... your SENSOTREND insulin pumpresponds withbeeps* vibrations* display, S_A8_EN.bmpor  43426 Cancel a Standard bolusUse your SENSOTREND insulin pumpPress the  or  key on your insulinpump. You hear a melody*.This will result in an alert A8: BOLUSCANCELLED. Please confirm the alert A8twice with  on your insulin pump.... your SENSOTREND insulin pumpresponds withbeeps* vibrations* display, S_A8_EN.bmpNo bolus is delivered! * Depending on the beep volume and alarm signalsettings. * Depending on the beep volume and alarm signalsettings.
If the cancellation occurred during the bolusdelivery, please go to your insulin pump'sBOLUS HISTORY in the INFORMATIONMENU (see section 4.8.1 in yourSENSOTREND owner's booklet) to check forthe actual amount of the delivered bolus.The delivered amount is listed in the initialbolus history screen, if no other bolus wasdelivered. In case of re-programming a new bolus,please take this delivered amount intoaccount.Use your SENSOTREND insulin pumpPress the  or  key for 3 secondson your insulin pump. Alert A8: BOLUS CANCELLEDThis will result in an alert A8: BOLUSCANCELLED. Please confirm the alert A8twice with  on your insulin pump. ...your SENSOTREND insulin pumpsresponds withbeeps* vibrations* display,  S_A8_EN.bmpBolus delivery is interrupted!Ensure that the cancellation was intendedand program a new bolus, if necessary. Bolus history44 456 Cancel a Standard bolus* Depending on the beep volume and alarm signalsettings.
Warning: You must inspect the remote con-trol and your insulin pump immediately afteran accidental immersion in water or afterany accidental contact with foreign liquidsthat could damage or contaminate theinsulin pump system.Use a soft cloth to clean and/or dry theoutside casing of the remote control ifnecessary. Please refer to the sections 8.1.3 and 9.2 inyour SENSOTREND owner’s booklet forfurther information.In case of contact with a liquid, dry theremote control gently with a soft cloth. Forthe pocket remote control, slide it open, andplace it leaning in an upright position withthe fixing eyelet pointing downwards to let itdry. 7Recommendations fordaily use RecommendationsCleaning: Use only a soft cloth to clean theremote control. Never use solvents, strongdetergents, corrosive chemicals or similarsubstances. If the remote control had anaccidental contact with such a liquid, clean itwith a damp cloth.Contact with water and other liquids: WaterWarning: Avoid deliberate contact withwater. Check daily that your insulin pumpand the remote control are not chipped,cracked or damaged in any way. In thepresence of chips and cracks, water, dust,insulin, or other foreign substances mayenter your insulin pump and your remotecontrol and lead to malfunction.46 47
Heat and cold: Do not expose the remotecontrol to extremes in temperature and donot exceed the admissible temperaturerange. Fast temperature changes combinedwith water or high humidity may harm theremote control. Do not take the remotecontrol e.g. into saunas, baths, hot tubs,Jacuzzis or whirlpools. Heat ColdPlease refer to section 9.1 in this owner'sbooklet for further information.Dropping or damaging the remote control:Avoid shocks and hits to the remote controlas this may break the remote control's sealagainst liquids. In case of suspected damageinspect the remote control for chips andcracks and press a key to check for theindicator light. If the remote control isdamaged, please call your local CustomerCare Area.48 497 Recommendations for daily use
insulin pump beforehand. In other cases,the insulin delivery may be stopped immedi-ately and an error E7: ELECTRONIC ERRORoccurs.Keep the remote control at a secure distanceof at least 60 cm (25 inches) from potentialsources of electromagnetic interference.Warning: Your insulin pump has not beentested with cardiac pacemakers. Do not usethe SENSOTREND insulin pump if you havea cardiac pacemaker.If your insulin pump does not providefeedback to the key presses on the remotecontrol, the communication may beinterrupted. Move the remote control intothe vicinity of your insulin pump whilepressing the  key until your insulin pumpresponds. Once communication is active,keep the remote control in the same vicinity8Troubleshooting TroubleshootingWarning: Do not perform any servicing orrepair on the remote control by yourself orby an unauthorized person. Any changes ormodifications to the remote control that arenot expressly approved by Disetronic mayvoid the warranty. For any questions please contact your localCustomer Care Area. electromagnetic fieldsDisturbance of communication Warning: Avoid electromagnetic fields ofradar or antenna installations, high-voltagesources, X-Ray sources, MRI, CAT scan orother sources of electrical current. Do notuse your insulin pump and the remotecontrol in such areas. Electromagnetic fieldsmay cause malfunction to your insulin pumpand remote control. Always stop your50 51
In case that all these corrective actions arenot successful please contact your localCustomer Care Area.Battery of the ... Battery... Pocket remote controlA series of 10 quick flashes by the indicatorlight of the remote control indicates that thebattery is low. Please contact your localCustomer Care area for information onobtaining another pocket remote control.... Watch remote controlThe watch remote control has two batteries,one for the remote control function and oneto power the watch.– Remote control function:A series of 10 quick flashes by the remotecontrol indicates that the battery is lowand needs replacement.of your insulin pump while programming thebolus.Please note that there may be somepotential for interference by metal objectsthat are placed within the path of yourinsulin pump and the remote control. Thisinterference may disturb or interruptcommunication between the remote controland your insulin pump.If you are not able to establishcommunication between the remote controland your insulin pump, check that the IDnumber of the remote control is listed inyour insulin pump REGISTERED IDs list inthe REMOTE CONTROL menu. If it is notlisted, add the ID number of your remotecontrol. Please refer to the section 5.3 inyour SENSOTREND owner's booklet forfurther information.52 538 Troubleshooting
... Pocket remote controlWhen the pocket remote control is faulty,damaged or the indicator light does not flashas described, please contact your localCustomer Care Area.... Watch remote controlWhen the watch remote control is faulty or abattery is low, please contact your localCustomer Care Area.Please find the corresponding address at theend of these instructions. Remember toinclude a note with your name, address, anda description of the reason for returning theremote control.– Watch function: When the battery for the watch gets low,the second hand will pause for 4 secondsprior to 4 seconds in one step.When the battery is low contact your localCustomer Care Area to replace the battery.Repair and disposal ... RepairDo not modify the remote control in any wayand do not perform any service or repair onthe remote control. This might damage theseal against water as well as the functioningof your remote control, and in any casewould void the warranty.A remote control may be returned toDisetronic when approved by your localCustomer Care Area.54 558 Troubleshooting
Disposal After the end of its operation time thebattery cannot be replaced in the pocketremote control. Please do not dispose of theremote control in your normal garbage.Return the remote control to your localCustomer Care Area.56 578 Troubleshooting
Watch remote control Watch remote controlWater resistanceIPX7: Protected against unintentionalwater contact, like splashes.Temperature rangeOperating: 0 to +55 °C (+32 to +131 °F)Storage: -20 to +55 °C (-4 to +131 °F)Memory NoneWatch modelRonda 762, 2.5mm high, 2 handsBatteryRC function: Lithium 3V, CR1620Approx. 1 year operating timeWatch  Lithium V364 SR 621function:  Approx. 4 years operating timeCommunication rangeUp to 75 cm to 100 cm (2.5 to 3 feet)9Technical features9.1 Technical data Technical dataPocket remote control Pocket remote controlWater resistanceIPX7: Protected against unintentionalwater contact, like splashes.Temperature rangeOperating: 0 to +55 °C (+32 to +131 °F)Storage: -20 to +55 °C (-4 to +131 °F)Memory NoneBatteryLithium 3V, CR2032Approx. two years operating timeCommunication rangeUp to 75 cm to 150 cm (up to 2.5 to 5 feet) 58 59
This equipment generates, uses and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interferenceto radio communications. There is noguarantee that interference will not occur ina particular installation. If this equipmentdoes cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off andon, the user is encouraged to try to correctthe interference by one or more of thefollowing measures:̈Reorient or relocate your insulin pumpand/or the remote control.̈Increase the separation between yourinsulin pump/remote control and thesource of the receiving/emittinginterference.9.2 Environment EnvironmentThe remote control is equipped with codedlow power wireless communication techno-logy. It has been tested and found to complywith the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules andwith RS-210 of Industry Canada. Operationis subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmfulinterference, and2. this device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that maycause undesired operation.These limits are designed to provide reason-able protection against harmful interferencein a residential installation. Care should betaken for the remote control to be used insuch a manner that the potential for humancontact during normal operation isminimized.60 619 Technical features
̈Avoid electromagnetic fields of monitors,fluorescent lamps, radar or antennainstallations, high-voltage sources, X-Raysources, MRI, CAT scan or similarequipment.̈Please contact your local Customer CareArea for assistance.Warning: Any changes or modification tothe remote control or insulin pump that arenot expressly approved by Disetronic couldvoid your ability to operate theSENSOTREND insulin pump.62 639 Technical features
Date of manufactureFederal CommunicationsCommission, part 15 on radiofrequency devicesElectronic device of type BF accord-ing the standard IEC 60601-1.Protection against electric shock., ,  Keys of the remote control (seesection 2 in this owner's booklet),  Keys of your SENSOTREND insulin,  pump (see section 2.1.1 in your ,  SENSOTREND owner's booklet),  SENSOTREND's beeps (see ,  section 2 in this owner's booklet) ,  SENSOTREND's vibrations (seesection 2 in this owner's booklet)10 Symbols SymbolsID Identification number of the remotecontrol, necessary for communica-tion with your insulin pumpSymbol for protection against theeffects of temporary immersion inwater, according to IEC 60529:Up to 30 minutes and 1 meter(40 inches) depthSerial numberSee instructions in this owner'sbooklet or in your SENSOTRENDowner's bookletItem numberManufactured in SwitzerlandMarking of conformity to theEuropean Medical Device DirectiveMDD 93/42/EEC with the numberof the notified body64 65
67Do not throw awayBatch numberLOT6610 Symbols
ID number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Indicator light  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12KeyLock  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30Keys  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Pocket remote control  . . . . . . . . . . . .12, 58Position of the remote control  . . . . . . . . .17Preparation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Program a Standard bolus . . . . . . . . . . . .31Recommendations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46Repair  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54Start delays  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35Symbols  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64Technical data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58Troubleshooting  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50Vibrations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Watch remote control  . . . . . . . . . . . .12, 59Water  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .466911 IndexAdd ID number  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Alert A8: BOLUS CANCELLED . . . . . .39,  44Battery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53Beeps  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15Bolus history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44Bolus increment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30Cancel a Standard bolus  . . . . . . . . . . . . .38during bolus delivery  . . . . . . . . . . . . .43during confirmation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41during programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . .38during start delay  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41Cold  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34Communication timeouts . . . . . . . . . . . . .35Electromagnetic fields  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60Heat  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4868
Manufactured by:Disetronic Medical Systems AGKirchbergstrasse 190CH-3401 Burgdorf, SwitzerlandPhone: +41 34 424 2424Fax:  +41 34 424 2400www.disetronic.com12 AddressesFor patients in the Netherlands:Your local Customer Care Area for yourassistance and distributed by:Roche Diagnostics Nederland BVConsumer SystemsTransistorstraat 41NL-1322 CK AlmereThe NetherlandsPhone 0800 - 022 05 85Fax +31 (0)36 53 94 23170 71
13 WarrantyDisetronic offers an extensive, one-year,global warranty, valid from the date ofpurchase. The warranty covers the repair orreplacement according to Disetronicdiscretion, in case of a material orprocessing defect. No claim is admitted forregular use, overuse, improper use or care,chemical impact, force majeure and on thecondition that all servicing of the remotecontrol is done by Disetronic CustomerService.In case of a damage caused by a thirdperson or a none-authorized service centrethe warranty expires.72
Manufacturer:Disetronic Medical Systems AGKirchbergstrasse 190CH-3401 BurgdorfPhone +41 34 424 24 24Fax+41 34 424 24 00www.disetronic.comDistributed by:Roche Diagnostics Nederland BVConsumer SystemsTransistorstraat 41NL-1322 CK AlmerePhone 0800 – 022 05 85Fax +31 (0)36-53 94 874SENSOTREND is a trademark of a Member of the Roche Group.Swiss made     Rx only     04451309001/V01/03.04

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