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Two Electronic Computers Share a Single Problem
· . . National Bureau of Standards
Roster of Organizations in the Computer Field
IBM Electronic Data Processing Operations in the
· . . Neil D. Macdonald
· .. K. W. Bennett

.... The First in a Series of Announcements
". on Progressive Expansion of Program
and Facilities in Mathematics at the
Knolls Atomic Power t.aboratory:



Because we believe that theory is our most powerful weapon in dealing
with reality, we are expanding our Mathematical Analysis Program.
One of the first elements in this expansion is the creation of a new and
modern -building for mathematicians and physicists, which will be the
center of the Laboratory's efforts to meet by theoretical means the
challenges of the nuclear energy field.
We are seeking men with strong mathematical training at all degree
levels to participate in this expanding Numerical Analysis Programa program growing not only in staff, equipment, and facilities, but also
in concept and function. They will work in close association with our
theoretical and experimental physicists. There are openings in each of
the following fields:

Numerical solution of the diffusion equation for complicated geomet~ical arrays
taxes even the most powerful electronic computers. Fundamental work in iterative
techniques must lie carried out.

Due to the nature of physical situations now being encountered, the rough approximations which were formerly adequate must now be improved. The ultimate
test of such improvement ,is comparison with ~xperiment.

A broad program 0/ computational tools lor reactor design must be effected ;ncor.porating the best available techniques. Strong interests in computation and i"
machine properties are indicated. The program at Knolls offers the atmosphere~
the equipment, the richness 0/ subject matter and the material benefits conduciv6
to a satisfying career in applications of mathematics.











Vol. 5, No. 8

Au~st, 1956


TWo Electronic Computers Share
a Single Problem
IBM Electronic Data Processing Operations
in the Midwest

••• National Bureau


of Standards
Neil D. Macdonald



Roster of Organizations in the COmputer Field
New Patents
Books and Other Publications


••• Raymond R. Skolnick


Complaint by Sperry Rand Corporation in Anti-Trust
Suit Brought Against International Business
Machines COrporation
Answer and Counterclaim by International Business
Machines Corporation to Anti-Trust Suit Brought
by Sperry Rand Corporation



••• K. W. Bennett

The Editor's Notes
Index of Notices
Advertising Index



Editor: Edmund C. Berkeley
Assistant Edi tors: Neil D. Macdonald, F. L. Walker
Contributing Editors: Andrew D. Booth, John M. Breen, John W. Carr, III, Alston S. HOuseholder
Advisory Comittee: Samuel B. Will~ams, Herbert F. Mitchell, Jr., Justin Oppenheim
Publisher: Berkeley Enterprises, Inc.
Main Office: 815 Washington Street, Newtonville 60, Mass. -- Decatur 2-5453 or 2-3928
Editorial Office: 36 West 11 Street, New York 11, N.Y. -- Gramercy 7-1157 or Algonquin 5-7177
Advertising Fepresentatives:
San Francisco - W.A.Babcock, 605 Market St., San Francisco 5, Calif •• Yukon 2-3954
Los Angeles - Wentworth F. Green, 439 So. Western Ave., Los Angeles 5, Calif., Dunkirk 7 -8135
Elsewhere - the Publisher
COMPUTERS AND AUIDMATION is published monthly. Copyright, 19 5~, by Berkeley Enterprises, Inc.
Subscription rates: in the United States - one year $5.50, two years $10.50; in Canada - one year $6.00, two years S11.SO;
elsewhere - one year $6.~, two years
Bulk subscription rates: see page 9
Advertising rates: see page 38
Entered as second class matter at .....the Post Office, New York, N.Y •


- 3 -





In this issue we publish the text of the
legal complaint by Sperry Rand Corporation against International Business Machines Corporation as entered in court in December 1955.
We also publish the legal answer and counterclaim by IBM against Sperry Rand, as entered
in court in June 1956. These documents are
interesting to read, and they deal with i~
portant matters. People in the computer field
will watch with even more interest the evidence that will be produced and the development of the case, although of course this information will not appear if, as is more likely, the case is settled out of court.
Publication of these complaints by two of
the largest corporations in the computer field
against each other, we realize, is to some extent unconventional. It runs counter to a
rather deep-seated tendency in any social unit,
ranging from the family, or the group of people in any professional field, up to the country as a whole: the desire to gloss over, take
little notice of, the sea~ side of life, where
important socially accepted principles have
apparently not been followed. In a newspaper,
for example, a f~ank admission by someone in
authority that something has happened in his
area of responsibility that should not have
,happened invites unfriendly and unfair attack.
It rarely calls up the more scientific and
charitable attitude "He did it and he's sorry;
maybe he has learned something."
In spite of the fact that the present conflict deals with the less pleasant side of co~
petition in the computer field, we believe
that discussion of it, airing of it, is beneficial and not harmful. Computer people and
the public in general, in regard to this and
similar questions, cannot make up their minds
in a vacuum, without data, without knowledge
of things that have actually'happened. The
texts of the complaints, of course, contain
no evidence; it is the evidence to be offered
that will be crucial.
In spite of the conflict there is a great
unanimity about the way in which the conflict
will proceed and tdll be settled.' The procedure is knot1.D and agreed on. Employees of the
contending corporations will continue to talk
amicably to each other at meetings of computer people. The conflict is put into a co~
partment and localized. Everyone is agreed
- 4 -

that no shooting over the argument will occur.
The two corporations and everyone else have
accepted coexistence as something that will
inevitably happen.
In this issue we also publish a computer
science-fiction story, ''Requiem''. It discusses
another kind of conflict and pictures another
kind of mentality -- one which would not accept coexistence even if not to do so meant
self-destruction. It also points out some of
the logical consequences of computers. Scientists and computer people are not immune from
the social consequences of the science and
computer knowledge which they discover, and
they have a social responsibility for what
they find out. And the pursuit of knowledge,
the skillful extraction of the secrets of nature, with complete disregard of how these
secrets will be used, is just as academic and
can ~ell be far more harmful than to spend
forty years of one's life in unraveling the
grammar of ancient Greek.

- END -

*---------* ----------*
For Information on:
Advertising Index
Advertising Rates and
Back Copies
Bulk Subscription Rates
Reader's Inquiry Form
Special Issues

See Page:



Address Changes: If your address changes,
please send us both your new and your old address, (torn off from the tvrapper if possible),
and allow three weeks for the,change.


After Thirty-Four Months. ..

systems. The initial unit of the plant, located on a 640-acre
site in suburban Denver, Colorado, will be completed next
spring and will contain approximately 150,000 square feet.






Our current military contracts support a broad
range of advanced work in the fields of modern communications, digital computing and data-processing, fire control systems, instrumentation and test equipment. In the
guided missile field, Ramo-Wooldridge has technical direction and systems engineering responsibility for the Air
Force Intercontinental and Intermediate Range Ballistic
Missiles. Our commercial contracts are in the fields of
operations research, automation, and data processing. All
this development work is strengthened by a supporting
program of basic electronic and aeronautical research.

curve shows the growth in Ramo-Wooldridge personnel
which has taken place since our Progress Report one year
ago. A significant aspect of this growth is the increase in
our professional staff which today is made up of 135
Ph.D:s, 200 M .S:s and 265 B.S:s or B.A:s. Members of the
staff average approximately ten years' experience.
FACILITIES Within the past few months, construction has
been completed at our Arbor Vitae complex, which now
consists of eight modern buildings of 350,000 square feet,
four of which are illustrated at the bottom of the page.
Nearby is the R-W flight test facility, including hangar,
shop, and laboratories, located on a 7-acre plot at International Airport.
To provide ,additional space for our continuing growth,
construction (has been started on an entirely new 40-acre
Research an~ Development Center, located three miles
from the Arbor Vitae buildings. The photograph above is
of a mod~l of the Center, which we believe will be one of
the finest research and development facilities in the country. The first three buildings, now under construction, will
total 250,000 square feet.
A second major construction program is underway on a
manufacturing plant for quantity production of electronic

As we look back on our first three years of
corporate history, we find much to be grateful for. A wide
variety of technically challenging contracts have come to
us from the military services and from business and industry. We have been fortunate in the men and women who
have chosen to join us in the adventure of building a company. We are especially happy about the six hundred scientists and engineers who have associated themselves with
R-W. Their talents constitute the really essential ingredient
of our operations. We plan to keep firmly in mind the
fact that the continued success of The Ramo-Wooldridge
Corporation depends on our maintaining an organizational
pattern, a professional environment, and methods of operating the company that are unusually well suited to the
special needs of the professional scientist and engineer.


The Ramo-Wooldridge Corporation



45. CALIF.

National Bureau of Standards
Washington 25, D.C.
Data-processing shared by two interconnected electronic digital computers has bee n
successfully performed- at the National Bureau
of Standards. SEAC and DYSEAC, two high-speed
computers designed and built at the B u re a u,
worked cooperatively on a common task to demonstrate program-controlled machine intercormnunication in which coordinated programs t~ere read
into both machines. The problem simula te d a
situation where stock transaction reports are
tabulated and summarized for fiscal ac counting, and then forwarded for posting to inventory control records elsewhere. The ex periments were carried out by the -Bureau IS d a t a
processing systems laboratory as part 0 f a
cooperati ve program wi th the Navy Bur e a u of
Supplies and Accounts to investigate the application of electronic techniques t o t h e
problems of supply management. The experilDEDts
showed that two digi t'al computers need not have
identical operating characteristics to work
together, provided that one of them has th e
necessary control flexibility.
Typical applications of digital compute~
as data processors involve replacement of many
small specialized machines by a single aut 0matic system. However, for massive pap e rhandling operations, or for large-scale activi ties requiring the processing of the sam e
data for different purposes at differen t locations, the use of roore than one high-speed
data processor may be necessary. For instance,
in the far-flung supply organizations of the
armed services, expediting flow of mformation
is essential to efficient supply management.
Automatic cODlDunication between machines has
been foreshadowed by direct input and outp u t
provisions so that the computer continues with
other useful work while transfers of information between it and external devices are in
process, and by tape-proce~sing devices where
search is under the program control of a computer. In this example, however, the interconnection is between a computer serving as
the nucleus of a processing system and othe r
parts of the same system.

they can cooperate on a common task. For example, a versatile large-capacity data-processor at a materiel control center might receive
data fed to it automatically by smaller computers located at various supply depots. The
supervisory processor (at the center) mig h t
so control the system-wide processing that it
would accept data from each of its repor ti n g
sources in a scheduled sequence but would also
be free to accept and handle priority requests
for supply action from any of the depots at any
For the kind of interac tion where bot h
information and exchanges of control are transferred between computers, the question of programmed control versus automatic interruption
is particularly important. Programmed control
depends to a cons iderable extent on hum a n
anticipation of when and how the interchanges
should occur; however, if two or more systems
are to interact automatically wi thout h urn a n
intervention, provision must be made for automatic interruption of a program in process in
order to turn to the new information jus t received from another system. DYSEAC provides
such interruption properties.
DYSEAC tfas designed at the National Bureau of Standards for the Department of Defense
to serve as the nucleus of a generalized feedback control network. This computer incorporated a number of operating features enabl in g
it to respond automatically to informa~nfrom
remote external devices. These 0 pe rat i n g
features include manual-monitor f ac iIi ties,
program control flexibility, and s p e cia 1
input-output controls. Together they provide
DYSEAC wi th unusual properties of concurr e n t
operation, self-regulation, and interruptibility which enable it to interact effectively
with another computer.
During a period of three weeks the two
machines, SEAC and DYSEAC, were available for
experiments in interconnection. The prog ram
chosen for the experiment was a new method of
sorting, merging, and posting of records. In
the problem, stock transaction reports we r e
tabulated and summarized by SEAC, then f 0 rwarded to DYSEAC for posting. In the SEA C
program for running this problem, as de t ail
items were identified as belonging toe a c h
file section in a scheduled order they we r e
transferred to DYSEAC for posting there.
c:ddi tion, after each complete set of de t ail
items for a p~rticular file section had b ee}l


Most general-purpose electronic compute~
employ a generally compatible digi tal language,
can receive and transmit data in the form of
electrical signals via standard communication
channels over any desired distance, and can
al ter the course' of process ing programs in accordance with new or revised information. It
should therefore be possible to interconnect
two or more general-purpose machines so that
- 6 -



Two f:lectroni c Computers



































••••••••••• DYSEAC PROGRAM It 2


Figure I -- Flow diagram of problem shared by the interconnected computers, SEAC and DYSEAC.
In this problem, stock transaction reports are tabulated and summarized by SEAC, then fo~varded
to DYSEAC for posting. Results of this experiment demonstrate clearly the ability of DYSEAC to
respond to monitor signals originating in SEAC and to interrupt its program in order to receive
and process the detail data from SEAC. DYSEAC worked on an independent sequence of typical_machine operations, silD.lllating a concurrent program, while waiting for SEAC to transmit data.

Figure 2 -- SEAC computing room at the National Bureau of Standards.
far end of the room, and the computer proper is at the left. To the
external storage units which store on magnetic tape such informa~ion
structions to the machine, and numerical data, as well as the entire
and its solution when tr.e computation is completed.
- 7 -

Control console is'at the
right are several of the
as coded subroutines, incoded program for a problem

Computers and Automation

processed, SEAC transmitted a special end-of-·
set flag to DYSEAC. The coordinated DYSE A C
program called for (1) responding to the SEAC
transmi tted signal, (2) reading-in the message
from SEAC .. (3) determining whether th.e message
was a detail item or an end-of-set f13g, and
(4) either tallying the appropriate mas t e r
file item ill the first case, or reading 0 u t
one file section and reading in the next in the
case of the flag.
A cable between the SEAC building and the
trailer van housing DYSEAC provided interc 0 nnection through a regular input-output terminal
of each machine. Information transfers we r e
ini tiated and terminated by trans mis s ion of
control signals between the two machines. Whenever a SEAC output instruction called for selection of the particular output use d for
transmission to DYSEAC, a 62-volt preparatory
signal lfas sent from the SEAC external selector
uni t to DYSEAC. This signal activated appropriate moni tor operations in DYSEAC. As s 0 0 n as
DYSEAC was ready to accept the data, it transmitted a 62-volt signal to SEAC. Only upon receipt of this signal lfas SEAC able to proce e d
wi th its next instruction. In effect, SEA C
continued trying to complete this 0 u t pu t instruction until DYSEAC signalled readine s s to
accept the transfer.
This dual machine interconnection utilized
both the special program control and the man u almonitor features of DYSEAC. In terms of program
control, DYSEAC is a three-address automatically
sequenced machine; choice between 0 n e of two
counters as the source of the address 0 f the
actual next instruction is determined by c 0 ntrol-code digits in the ins truction being ex ecuted at any operating time. In addi t ion, a
special address-storage register can serve t 0
locate the next instruction when new information
or new instructions are to be interpolated inm
a program that is being processed '. as i nth e
case of manual-monitor operations.

tion specified by the address-storage register.
The instruction selected in this manner the n
indicates in its program-control -digits whic h
of the two counters is to be used next. In this
way, it can either return DYSEAC to a program
that had been discontinued during the interruption or initiate an entirely new seque n c e of

For the DYSEAC-SEAC interconnection, monitor switch settings were arranged so that~n
receipt of the preparatory signal from SEA C,
DYSEAC at its next breakpoint read in one i nformation word to a predetermined m e m 0 r y
address aud took its next instruction from the
location indicated in the address storage register. This next instruction was a "file" order which recorded both counter settings, reset
the proper counter to the ini tiation 0 f the
routine for the processing of the data fro m
SEAC and transferred control to that counte r.
Upon completion of the processing of anyone
set of data from SEAC, DYSEAC would return t 0
the sequence of operations it had been performing immediately prior to each interruption.
When the coordinated programs had bee n
read into both machines, SEAC was set tor u n
but was inhibited by a control signal from DYSEAC. When DYSEAC had completed reading in tire
first file section and had proceeded to 0 th~ r
independent operations, a release of con t r 0 I
enabled SEAC to start. As soon as the S E ACprocessed data were ready for posting, the y
were converted t~ the proper format for DYSEAC,
transmi tted, and checked by DYSEAC t 0 see
whether there had been garbling in transmission.
The receipt of data simulating a detail i t e m
resulted in a tally count for the appropriate
master item in the file section.

Manual-monitor operations are those th a t
are carried out by the machine l"hen c e r t a i n
prespecified conditions arise in the course of
the machine's internal program and s imul t a neously in external switch settings. The switch
settings are controlled either by the machine
operator or by d-c voltage signals originating
in external devices at any distance from DYSEAC.
Thus, the machine can monitor its internal program to determine precisely when special operations requested by an external source are tohe

Several runs of the shared program w ere
successfully made, and the "posted" file s e ctions lfere printed out on a DYSEAC mag net ic
wire cartridge. These results clearly dem 0 nstrated the abili ty of DYSEAC to respond to the
monitor signals originating in SEAC and to interrupt its program in order to rece i v e and
process the detail data from SEAC. The -t w 0
machines were thus made to work cooperatively
on the common task that involved preliminary
processing of data by SEAC, transmiss ion 0 f
these data and program information from SEA C
to DYSEAC, and further processing by DY SEAC.
DYSEAC worked on an independent seque nee of
typical machine operations, simulating a co ncurrent program, during the intervals in which
it waited for SEAC to transmit data.

If the switch settings that are controlled
by d-c voltages from the external device indicate that the device is ready, DYSEAC Ifill then
carry out the indicated operation, s u c h a s
direct loading of one or more memory locations,
and select its next ins truction from the 1 0 c a-

Only a limited form of master-s I a v e relationship was demonstrated. Only one of the
two machines, DYSEAC, had the flexible system
design features that provide for multiple program processing and interruptibility necessary
in the interdependent sys tem. However. t his

- 8 -

Two Electronic Computers

Figure 3 -- Cutaway view of the DYSEAC computer trailer constructed by the National Bureau of
Standards. The forward ~art of the trailer, in front of the drop, contains the
control console and the magnetic-wire input-output equipment. The three cabinets
in the central portion house the computer itself. Immediately behind these are
two additional cabinets which contain the 5l2-word acoustic delay-line memory. In
the rear of the trailer is the air-conditioning equipment.
*.l.'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

limited experiment did demonstrate the signifcant fact that two machines need not h a v e
identical capabilities and characteristics in
order to share a common data-processing program, provided that one machine has the necessary flexibility. The one machine th a t is
capable of rnul tiple-program process ing \II i t h
interruptibility can receive and process data
fed directly to it from one or more external
sources and, can therefore share its high-speed
memory, computing ability, and output facilities with remotely located external devices,
including other computers with different charac teris tics.
For further technical information, see
The interconnection of two digital computers,
M. E. Stevens, AlEE Conference Paper CP No.55736 (1955); DYSEAC, the new NBS electronic
computer, NBS Tech. News Bull. 38, 134 (Sept.
1954); SEAC, the NBS electronic automatic computer, Tech. News Bull. 34, 121 (Sept. 1950).

These rates apply to prepaid subscriptions canin'J ;in!
together direct to the publisher. For example,
if 7 subscriptions come in together, the saving on each one-year subscription will be 24
percent, and on each two-year subscription will
be 31 percent. The bulk subscription rate s,
depending on the number of simultaneous s u bscriptions received, follow:
Bulk Subscription Rates
(Uni ted States)
Number of
Rate for Each Subscription, and
Simul taneous Resulting Saving to Subscriber
One Year
nvo Year§

7 or more
4 to 6

- ENO -

* ----------

$ 4.20, 24 %

5.00, 9
5.25, 5

$ 7.25, 31
8 .. 00, 24
8 .. 80, 16
9 .. 55, 9


For Canada, add 50 cents for each yeari 0 u tside of the United States and Canada, add $1..00
for 'e'ach year ..
- 9 -









(Supplement, information as of July 3, 1956)

The purpose of this Roster is to report organizations (all that are known to us) in the computer field: organizations making or developing co~
puting machinery or data-processing machinery; organizations supplying computing services or consulting se.rvices in the computer field; and organiza·tions supplying components or services used in the
computer field if significantly related to the fie~
(for example, magnetic drums would be such a co~
ponent, while octal sockets 1vould not be).
This listing is a supplement to the cumulative
edition containing about 370 entries published in
the June 1956 issue of "The Computer Directory,
1956", the June 1956 issue of "Computers and, Automation". This listing contains only additions or
revisions as compared with previous entries.
Entries. Each Roster entry if complete contains: name of the organization, its address /
telephone number / description of its main activities, main products in the field, any comments /
size (expressed in number of employees), year established, nature of its interest in the computer
field, types of activities it engages in. The bmt
four items are reported in abbreviations, which me
explained below. In cases where we did not have
complete information, we have put d01fn what e
have. Entries in this Roster are free.


Accuracy. We )~ave tried to make each entry
accurate to the extent of information in our pos~
sion. We shall be grateful for any more information or additions or corrections that anyone is
kind enough to send us. Although we have tried to
be accurate and complete, we assume no liability
for any statements expressed or implied.


Automatic control machinery
Automatic materials handling machinery

Ma Manufacturing activity
Sa Selling activity
Ra Research and development
Ca Consulting
Ga Government activity
Pa Problem-solving
Ba Buying activity
(Used also in combinations as in
RMS a "research, manufacturing and
selling activity")
*C This organization has kindly furnished us
with information expressly for the purposes of
the Roster and therefore our report is likely to
be more complete and accurate than otherwise
might be the case. (C for Checking)
Organization Entry Form
The form to be completed for an entry in the
Roster of Organizations follows:

Your organization's name?_ _ _ _ _ _ __




Telephone number?,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Types of computing machinery or components,
or computer-field products and services
that you are interested in?


TYpes of activity that you engage in:
( ) research
( ) other (please explain):
( ) manufacturing
( ) selling
( ) cons ul ting


Approximate number of your employees?,_ __

The key to the abbreviations follows:
r;-- Large size, over 500 employees
Medium size, 50 to 500 employees
Ss Small size, under 50 employees (no. in
parentheses is approx. no. of e~~)
When Established
Long established organization (1925 or
Organization established a "medium"
time ago (I926 to 1945)
Se Organization established a short time
ago (1946 or later) (no. in parentheses is year of establishment)

7. Year when you were established?_ _ _ _ __
8. Any comments?______________

Interest in Computers and Automation
Dc Digital computing machinery
Ac Analog computing machinery
Incidental interests in computing

Filled in by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Title _______ Date _________
- 10 -

Roster of Or~8nizations

Aircraft-Marine Products, Inc., 2100 Paxton St.,
Harrisburg, Pa. / Cedar 4-0101 / ·C
Patchcord programmdng systems for critical
low level circuits, as well as nonshielded
systems for analog and digital computing
systems, data processing, test equipment,
other equipment and devices. Automatic wire
terminators, taper pins (single and multiple),
capacitors, terminals, connectors, etc.
Ls (1600) Me (1941) Ic RMSa
Allegany Instrument Co., Inc., 1091 Wills Mountain, Cumberland, Md.
Computers for ballistic measurements. Ac
Allies' Products Corp., 1028 Connecticut Ave. N.W.,
Washington, D.C. / RE 7-0504 / *C
Precision resistor components. Ss(12) Se
(1952) Ic RMSCa
American Electronic Mfg., Inc., Instruments Div.
of American Electronics Inc., 9503 W. Jefferson
Blvd., Culver City, Calif. / Texas 05581 / ·C
Precision resolvers, servomotortachometers,
resolver amplifiers, and systems. Ms(2oo)
Se(l952) Ic RMSa
Amphenol Electronics Corp., 1830 S. 54th St.,
Chicago 50, Ill.
Connectors for computer applications: all
Armour Research Foundation, Illinois Inst. of
Technology, 10 West 35th St., Chicago 16, Ill. /
CAl umet 5-9600 / *C
Design and construction of developmental co~
puters, both analog and digital, for special
applications only. Digital-to-analog and
analog-to-digital converters. Data reduction
systems. Magnetic recording. Automatic control machinery. Servomechanisms. Instrumentation. Computing service: analog, digital;
have Goodyear Electronic Digital Differential
Analyzers. nvo Channel Electronic Function
Generator, card programmed calculator. Ls
(1150) Me (1937) DAISCe RCPa
Automation Engineering Laboratory, One E. Putnam
Ave., Greenwich, Conn. / Greenwich 8-2300 /
Designs, engineers, and builds complete automated unit or system. Ic RMCa
Avion Division-Alexandria (formerly ACF Electron~)
Div. of ACF Industries, Inc., 800 No. Pitt St.,
Alexandria, Va. / King 8-4900 / *C
Analog-to-digital encoders, and digital-toanalog decoders. Ms(177) Se(l954) DAc

Basic and Experimental Physics, Box 689, Falmouth,
Mass. / Falmouth 2175.
Consultin~ services in design, development,
testing, and applications of digital and
analog computer systems. Ss Se DAIc~ RCPa
Bryant Gage and Spindle Division, Box 620, Springfield, Vt., Division of Bryant Chucking Grinder
Magnetic Drums with speeds up to 100,000 RPM,
capacity up to 5 million bits~ super-precision
bearings. Ms Se' Ic RMSa

- 11 -

Creed & Co., Ltd., Telegraph House, Croydon, England / Croydon 2121.
Teleprinter equipment for telecommunication.
Also input and output equipment specifically
intended for association with electronic
computers, machine tool, and process'control
systems. DIc RMSa

Daystrom Instrument Co., Archbald, Pa. / Jer~n
1100 / °C.
Digital and analog computers. Magnetic Core
and magentic drum storage systems. Servomechanisms. / Ls (1000) Se (1950 DAISe RMSCa

Edin Co., Inc., 207 Main St., Worcester 8, Mass. /
PL 7-8394.
Direct tYriting oscillograph recorders; high
gain D.C. amplifiers; frequency spectrum
analyzer. Alc RMSa
Electra1ab, Inc., Industrial Center, Needham,
Mass. / Needham 3-5000 / *C.
Printed circuits; printed assemblies; printed
circuit boards with reliable plated-through
holes--for computers and other applications.
Ms (75) Se (1951) Ic RMSa
Electro Instruments, Inc., 3794 Rosecrans St.,
San Diego, Calif. / Cypress 806144 / *C
Digital voltmeters; digital ohmmeters, analog-to-digital converters, card converters,
frequency counters, X-Y Recorders, go no
bO systems, automation systems, digital te$ers, and other digital instruments. Ms(80)
Se(l954) Ic RMSa
Electronic Associates, Inc., Long Branch, N.J. /
Long Branch 6-1100 / *C
General purpose precision analog computers,
special purpose analog computers, analog
computer components, digital-to-analog converter, digital plotting system (Dataplotter).
Automatic control of all machine tools. Ls
(591) Se(1945) DACe RMSCa

Fairchild Controls Corp., Components Div., 225
Park Ave., Hicksvine, L.I., N.Y., / Wells 85600 / and 6111 E. Washington Blvd., Los Angeles,
Calif. / RAymond 3-5191 / ·C
Precision potentiometers, linear, non-linear,
single turn, multi-turn, wire wound and noble
metal film; trimmer potentiometers; pressure
transducers. Subsidiary of Fairchild Camera
and Ins trument Corp. Le (1920) Ls (2500, '
companYi 375, this division) Ic RMSa
The Franklin Institute, Laboratories for Research
and Development, 20th St. and Benjamin Franklin
Par~Yay, Philadelphia 3, Pa. / LOCust 4-3600 /
Digital computing machinery, analog computing
machinery, servomechanisms, automatic control
machinery, automatic materials handling machinery. Computing service: digital (Univac);
analog (AC network analyzer). Fire control

Computers and Automation

equipment. Special purpose analog computers,
large and small sc~le. Digital computer components. Prototype construction. Ms(325) Se
- (I 946) DASCMc RPCa
Friden Calculating Machine Co., Inc., San Leandro,
Calif. / SWeetwood 8-0700 / *C
Desk calculating and adding machines. Computyper for automatic billing. Add-Punch Machine for adding, subtracting, and for recording of integrated data. Ls(2700) Me (1934)
Dc RM)a

ferential Analyzer. Portable, electronic
scientific computers (digital differential
analyzer) and such accessories as graph plotters, followers, tape input and output devices, digital-analog converters, and magnetic drums and heads. Advanced system design and development. Ls(1300) Se(I953)

Germanium Products Corp., 26 Cornelison Ave., Jersey City, N.J.
Silicon and germanium transistors for computer
and other uses. Ic RMSa

N.V. Hollandse Signaalapparaten, Hengelo (0), Netherlands / *C
Radar fire control systems and their computers
for different types of armament. Directors,
computers, trackers and radar systems for finding targets, then automatically sighting the
guns under their control. Ls(I800) Le(I922)
Hoover Electronics Co., 3640 Woodland ~e., Baltimore 15, Md. / MO 4-2350 / *C
Analog to digital converter. Digital computers. Sequential test sets and systems for
computers, telemetering, and information proc~ssing.
Ms(60) Se(I952) Dc RMSa


Mack Electronics Div., Inc., 1120 So. 2nd St.,
Plainfield, N.J. '/ Plainfield 5-4600
Research facilities in the development of
fire control, radar, missile tracking, co~
munications, ultrasonics and other complex
developments for industry and the military.
Formerly White Industries, Inc., a subsidiary
of Mack Trucks, Inc. Ic RMSa
P.R. Mallory & Co., Inc., 40 So. Gray St., Indianapolis 6, Ind.
Transistors, resistors, and capacitors for
computer and other uses. Ic RMSa
Markite Corp., 155 ~averly Place, New York 14,
N.Y. / Oregon 5-1384
Precision potentiometers for computer and
other uses. Ic RMSa

National Analysts, Inc., 1015 Chestnut St., Philadelphia 7, Pa. / Market 7-8109 / *C
Consulting and computing service. Punched
card machines; large scale general purpose
electronic data processing equipment. Ss
(25) Se (1943) Ic CPa

International Resistance Co., 401 No. Broad St.,
Philadelphia 8, Pa. / WAlnut 2-2166 / *C
Fixed variable resistors, hermetic sealing
terminals, selenium rectifiers, insulated
chokes, molded printed electronic circuits.
Ls(2100, including subsidiaries) Le(1924)

Ohmite Manufacturing Co., 3601 Howard St., Skokie,
Ill. / ORchard 5-2600
Capacitors, computer types; miniature wire110und resistors; etc. Ic RMSa
ORRadio Industries, Shamrock Circle, Odelika, Ala./
SHerwood 5-4621 / *C
Magnetic recording tape for computers and
telemetering applications. Ms(75) Se(1946)

George F. Kelk, Ltd., 130 Willowdale Ave., Willowdale, Oot. / BA 5-3391 / *C
Digital plotting equipment. Specialized analog computers. Ss(12) Se(I953) DAc RMSCa
Kleinschmidt, Inc., Deerfield, Ill. / Deerfield
1000 / *C
Page-printing read-out devices, tape reading
and tape punching equipment. Ls(650) Se
(1946) Ic RMSCa

Powers-Samas Accounting Machines, Ltd., PowersSamas House, Holborn Bars, London E.C. 1, England.
Punch card tabulating equipment using small,
medium, and standard cards. Agency is Underwood Corp., which SEE. Ls(6000) Le(1916)
Dlc RMSa

Littlefuse, Inc., 1865 Miner St., Des Plaines, Ill./
Vanderbilt 4-1188
Fuses and fuse holders for computer and other
us es • Ic RMSa
Litton Industries, Inc., Beverly Hills, Calif., and
elsewhere / 'CRestview 4-7411 / *C
Radar systems with monopulse techniques; countermeasures, inertial navigation, automatic
flight control, telemetering devices, communications equipment, instrumentation and test
equipment, servomechanisms. New digital dif-


Radiation, Inc., P.O. Drawer 37, Melbourne, Fla./
Melbourne 800 / *C / Data processing
Data processing, data conversion, and data
reduction equipment; 32 channel digital telemetering system, which includes data collection, processing, and translating equipment
for computer. Ms(400) Se(I950) Dlc RMSCa
Radio Receptor Co., Inc., 251 West 19 St., New
York, N.Y. -/ Watkins 4-3633
Germanium diodes for computer and other uses

Recording and Statistical Corporation, 100 Sixth
Ave., New York 13, N.Y., / WOrth 6-2700 / and
Computing and data processing services using
electronic digital computers and punched card
equipment of latest types.

Servonics, Inc., 834 N. Henry St., Alexandria,
Va. / TEmple 6-6800
Precision potentiometers incorporating digital techniques, \11 th high linearity t and extended frequency limits without phase shift,
multi-turn but continuous rotation.
Soroban Engineering, Inc., Box 338, Melbourne, Flaj
Data input-output systems; data preparation
devices; output tabulating devicesi coding
keyboards; paper tape readers and perforators; specialized data computing systems and
consulting services on all of above. Ss(35)
Se(1953) Dlc RMSCa
Southern Electronics Corp., 239 W. Orange Grove
Ave., Burbank, Calif. / Victoria 9-3193 / *C
Precision capacitors, adjustable capacitors.
MS(60) Se(1951) Ic RMSa
Southwestern Industrial Electronics Co., P.O. Box
13058, Houston 19, Texas
Analog computers and simulators. At:, RMSa
Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., Electronic Systems Division, 100 First St., Waltham 54, Mass./
TWinbrook 3-9200 / *C
Electronic digital computers, special purpose
digital data transmission systems. Etched
circui,ts; other computer components. (Includes the Division formerly at 70 Forsythe
St., Boston). Ls(27,OOO companYi 700 this
division). Le(1901) DAc RCa

Victor Adding Machine Co., 3900 No. Rockwell St.,
Chicago 18, Ill. / KEystone 9-8210 / *C
Digital computers and related integrated
data processing systems. Digit-matic plain
or calculating printers. Adding machines,
etc. Ls(2200) LeU9lS) Dc RMSa

Zuse, K-G., Kreis H~nfeld, No. 69, Neukirchen,
Germany / *C
Electronic digital computers. Zuse Model
'Z 4", ''Z-5'' and "z 11" computers. Ms(90)
Se(1949) Dc RMSa
o_____________________ *____________________




The June issue of "Computers and Automation"
commencing with June, 1955, is a special issue,
"The Computer Direc tory. "

We are interested in articles, papers,reference
information, science fiction, and discussion relating to computers and automation. To be considered for any particula~ issue, the manuror~t
should be in our hands by the fifth of the preceding month.
Articles. We desire to publish articles that are
factual, useful, understandable, andin~sting
to many kinds of people engaged in one part oranother of the field of computers and automation.
In this audience are many people who haw expert
knowledge of some part of too field, rut \ViI) are laymen in other parts of it. Consequently alaiter
should seek to explain his subject, and shQw its
context and significance. He should define unfamiliar terms, or use them in a way that make s
their meaning unmistakable. He should identify
unfamiliar persons with a few words. He shruld
use examples, details, comparisons, analogies,
etc., whenever they may help readers to understand a difficult point. He should give data
supporting his argument and evidence for his
assertions. We look particularly for articles
that explore ideas 'in the field of computers
and automation, and their applications and implications. An article may certainly be contr~
versial if the subj ect is discussea- reason abl~
Ordinarily, the length should be 1(0) to 4000'
words. A suggestion for an article should be
submitted to us before too much l~rk is done.
Technical Papers. Many of the foregoing zequnements for articles do not necessarily apply to
technical papers. Undefined technical terms,
unfamiliar assumptions, mathematics, circuit
diagrams, etc., may be entirely appropriate.
Topics interesting probably to only a few
people are acceptable.
Reference Information. We desire to print or reprint reference information: lists, roste~ abstracts, bibliographies, etc., of use to computer people. We are interested in m a kin 9
arrangements for systematic publication from
time to time of such information, with other
people besides our own staff. Anyone who,~
like to take the responsibility for a type of
reference information should write us.
Fiction. We desire to print or reprint fiction
which explore~ scientific ideas and possibilities about computing machinery, robots, cyberne1.ic.s.. autoJDation:. etc.. anq t;heir illtllicatials,
and \vhich at the same time is a good story. 0rdinarily, the length should be 1000 to 40W tQ.'ds.
Discussion. We desire to print in "Forumf' brJff
discussions, arguments, announcements, news,
letters, descriptions of.remarkable new developments, etc., anything likely to be of substantial interest to computer people.
(cont'd on page 31)

, - 13 -


Lake Zurich, Ill.
It was one of the two most danger 0 us
desks in the world. Cutter ran his pal m
gently across its smooth g r e ens u r f ace,
brushed his fingertips lightly across the big
green buttons scattered like organ stops across the desktop. His scrubbed finger ~raced
the letters beneath the buttons. "Moscow"
was a big button. Beneath it ranked lesser
buttons lettered "Murmansk", "Leningrad", "Baku",
and the rest. Then there was a "China" sector
with black buttons and an "Indian" sector with
buttons that were red and small like beetles.
And more, linked with fat armored cables to
the ranks of computers that crowded the walls
of the room.
Dangerous and clean and beautiful, this
desk, like a loaded Luger pistol. And e a c h
time he pushed a button, four hydrogen bombs
~uld waken to life in a distant place.
A split
sec/ond they would lie in their dark cradles beneath the JOOuntain ice and windpacked s now,
listening to the stream of measured impulses
of latest calculation from these com p u te rs.
Then their tail pipes would spurt comets 0 f
flame and they'd howl aloft and be gone atfour
times the speed of sound through the strato--Sphere on an invisible guiding arc of computer
signals, fantas~ically rapid and fantastically
accurate. When the bombs touched earth again,
a city would die. Not bravely, but with co~
The alarm bell tinkled softly. It was
regulated to tinkle softly to prevent alarming
the guardian of the buttons. In accordanc e
with regulations, Joe Cutter extended a hovering hand over the "Moscow" button and with the
other unsheathed a loaded .45 Colt aut 0 ma tic
and centered its black barrel on the door. The
pmumatic ,door hissed up. A general, t he las t
Generai, entered, smiling determinedly. Cutter
'sighed and subsided into a gray little man behind an oversi~ed desk. He touched his helmet
in half salutation and reholstered the .45
without getting up. The General closed the
pneumatically operated steel slab. .be caugh t
a remembered glimpse of clothes racks behind
the General as the grey steel slab slid down.
The General marched to one of the three
fat uphols tered chairs. He j ackknifea himself
to a sitting position with military reluctance.
"Good mrning, Cutter," he beamed.

"Good morning, General," s ai d Cut t e r.
The General winced. It wasn't much fun, being
the last General, Joe imagined. Like being an
extinct species of moose preserved in a zoo.
"Everything all right, Cutter?" the General demanded.
Joe himself winced, this time. The General asked the same question each morning. He
had for three years, ever since the co mp u te r
room and desk installation had been completed
following signing of the disarmament pact. And
it was a ridiculous question. The nation.auld
be on its knees before anything would be a 1lowed to go atf.ry in this crowded roomful 0 f
computers and maps and lethal buttons.
The General rolled on with heavy cheer,
"Good, Cutter. Must keep shipshape. Particularly now. If the citizen exchange agreement is a fake, it means the enemy is smokescreening us for good reasons. Might be the
Big Attack."
Cutter tvavered between pity and bored dislike. The last General, fending off a d is armed tforld. For an Army he had Cutter, and
his shift-mates. a battery of the greatest
electronic brains technology could pro d uc e ,
and a handful of technicians; all carefully
buried from the world. A man who'd commanded
thousands and tens of thousands. His only visible command at the moment, during this shift,
a ~mall ratlike man wearing a steel helmet fuat
was several sizes too large, hunched behind an
oversize desk and several rows of gray steel
computers that chuckled electronically over
the belly warmth of their live circuits. It
must seem like commanding a homicidal mouse
and a line of pinball machines, Joe decided.
"The Russki's are disarmed. General,"
Cutter said with gentleness. "And they're
sending their top-men" here to prove faith."
The worn gambit still brought flame to
the General's eyes. His raison d~~e. The
old eagle gaze swept the room, iis four grey
walls with their charted ballistic curves and
maps and alternate attack plans ruled in red
and yellow and black lines across the mottled,
blue of the maps.
"We have a room here 40 miles from Wash-

- 14 -


ington, D.C., Cutter. And we have weapons.
You may be completely certain that the Ene my
has a similar room. And similar 1 au nch i n g
sites, perhaps in the Urals, or perhaps in Siberia. But they have them and you can count
on it they could blanket us with hydrogen banbs
in a split ttdnkling. As we can them." .
"Intelligence never found their room or
th:eir sites, General," Cutter murmured.
"No more than their inspection teams have
been able to locate this place -- we hope. And
tfhat inspection team tfould dare go slink in g
through the bedroom of the Vice President's
tdfe looking for a secret room? Faugh! 0 f
course they have a room! An elementary tactic,

no more wars. Really. No more desk with buttons. No more Dynamite Joe •. Back to a $95 a
week clerical job.
''Yes! Just like that! They've signed!"
The President threw his handful of papers ceilin~'lard and they sailed down like big snowflakes
across the floor and over the Number Four reserve computer and even -- Joe felt a kind of
distaste at the sight -- across the spotless
desktop. The General departed from a posture
of affability and began policing up the sheets
of paper in a lost manner.
"It's not a trick," said the President into the silence.
The General was beginning to snap back.
"Why not? We can't knot'l until their people begin to arrive here."

"Well, General, if the exchange plan goes
through, we'll have mass exchanges of peoples
between the two countries with voting rig h ts
while in residence. Who'd have time to fight?
And they'll be sending their top men here -their leaders. What a struggle they'll have
before they'll accept that provision1"

"Of course," said the President, "And the
first plane load left Kharkov this morning.
Their Premier and the Party Secre·tary are aboard,
and it'll be a kind of triumphal tour witi stqs
en route."

"Any overtures thus far may be a trick,
Cutter. A sly trick."

The General marched to the President's
side in dawning anger.

Cutter shrugged and stared at the buttons.
Superior or not, he was getting pretty sick of
the General.

"That's no proof. We can't deactivate the
room. Not yet. The program must run for at
least two or three more years before we'll be
sure. "

"Have you dusted, Cutter?"

demanded the

"Sure," said Cutter, and then remembered
to add the "Sir". The General donned a white
glove and began po~ing behind the Number Three
reserve computer. Cutter rolled his eyeballs
at the ceiling. The alarm bell tinkled. Dynamite Joe Cutter donned his helmet and aimed
the .45 at the door, dropping the .45 in the
process and picking it up again. The General,
watching, winced only slightly. His control
t'las improving, even for a General, Joe decided.
The gray steel slab of door hissed up, r~
vealing a closet interior carpeted with female--type shoes. The President stood among the pumps
and sandals. He was a big, silver-haired man
and he was smiling. Not a campaign smile, but
a deep, happy smile. Joe smiled back. He liked
the President. Whatever the guy's position, he
really cared for all kinds of people. Little
people like Joe. Joe figured the President even liked the General.
. The President grinned at the .45. "Don't
shoot, Joe," he said. "The Cold War is over.
The exchange agreement is signed."
Joe couldn't help the stunned feeling. If
they'd signed the exchange agreement, it meant
- 15 -

"I can't take that chance, Hal," said the
President. "If a truce team located this room
now, there'd be a five minute war with nothing
left standing on either side. I want it eli~
inated now -- immediately. I'm taking what you
military people used to call a calculated risk."
"Calculated risk?" the General's face
went turkey color and Joe noted that he was
screaming, though in a military manner. "It's
calculated insanity: If they've got weapons .
enough -- why if they had two bombers, or two
guided missiles, or -- two beanshooters, we'd
be helpless. Helpless!"
Joe put his helmet back on.
General," he said.


n a If,

"Take that helmet off~ you icUot," snarled
the General. "For God's sake, Mr. President,
be reasonable."
"We're deactivating this room, General.
You are retiring as of today. They've given
us their faith. Ye gods, their top men are
already on that plane:"
'You've gone mad. This is what they've
been t.zaiting for." The General chC)ked and tore
at his collar. "Right now, t.ze've got a compu(cont'd on page 36)









Following the trend tourard the automation
of data processing and computing operations, mare
and more manufacturers, business firms, and scientific organizations are installing electronic
data processing systems. Installations of such
systems produced by International Business Machines Corporation throughout the country have increased sharply in the last year and a half; s~h
machines are being applied to a J.vide variety of
both scientific and commercial problems. In the
Midwest alone, there are nearly a hundred of the
company's "electronic giant brains" not'/ at work,
t\'1 th many more on order.
IBM's computers include the large-scale IBM
701, 702, 704 and 705 Electronic Data Processing
Machines, and the medium-scale IBM 650 Magnetic
Drum Data Processing Machine.
FollOlving are examples of the many fields
in which IBM electronic data processing systems
are being applied in the Midtvest.
A company that will probably be one of the
biggest users of IBM data processing equipment
in the fire and casual ty insurance indus try is
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
of Bloomington, Illinois. This company will eventually use 24 IBM 650 Magnetic Drum Data Process ing Machines. State Farm nOlY has two of the
machines installed in its home office, one each
in two regional offices, and 20 on order for its
12 regional offices thrcughout the U. S. It is
expected that deliveries will be completed in
State Farm's applications for the 650's include selective underwriting, automatic premium
rating, policy reports and internal and external
s ta tis tics.
The first 650 installed by an insurance company in the Chicago area is at the Zurich-American Insurance. Companies. .Its ini tial tasks include consolidation of collection data, and recording and classifying of transactions by branch,
agent, and type of insurance. This 650 combines
and accelerates operations formerly requiring
four separate machines. Its use will be extencirl
to recording of claims and preparation of los s
The Iowa Mutual Insurance Company, DeWitt,


Iowa, uses its nel'l650, received early thi's
spring, for automatic premium rating of automobile policies. This 650, the first in the
fire and casualty field in Iowa, will han dIe
myriads of insurance calculations at h i g h
speeds, enabling employees to be assigned to
less routine and more creative work. T his
"elec tronic clerk" will also do payroll, u nearned premium calculation, agents' commdssion
computation and various statistical distribution summaries and analyses. Iowa Mutual plam
to extend the machine's activities into the
fire, burglary, general liability, and workmen's compensation divisions of the company.
Northt1Testern Mutual Life Insurance Company of Milwaukee, Wisc., plans to add a 650
to its present line of IBM equipment this s~
mer. Initially the machine will compute annual dividends for more than 1,600,000 policies.
Another application will be accounting and calculation of 80,000 mortgage loans, involving
monthly payments of principal, interest and
Employers Mutuals of Wausau, Wisc., is putting a 650 into operation and expects it will
greatly facilitate handling of voluminous records and statistics of the insurance business.
nvo initial applications are automobile policy
rating and premium distribution reports.
. An insurance company with a decentralized
policy of operation, Hardware Mutuals, will begin using a 650 late this year, for premium,
loss, and expense distribution figures necessary for internal company reporting, annual statement, tax purposes, and insurance bureau r equirements. This company has 14 policywriting
offices that send data to the home office in
Stevens Point, Wisc., where it is converted to
a medium that can be machine processed. Hardware Mutuals does all selling through 675 direct salesmen, and figures for any individual's
territory will be obtainable very quickly with
the 650.
The Royal Neighbors of America, Rock Island, Illinois, a fraternal life insurance co~
pany, uses a 650 to audit 4,700 camp reports
per month, involving the processing of abo ut
half a million punched cards. Other systems to
be converted to machine operation are .automatic
preparation of bond schedules for the annual
statement, valuation of certificate reserves,

- 16 -


Oata Processing

calculation of dividends, and the processing
of the loan account.

counterparts of the 702 and 705. The investigations section gives mathematical and computational support to the aircraft gas turbine
division of GE, an~ to all divisions of the
company upon request. One of the 704's is at
Lynn, Mass., and the other machines are i n
Cincinnati, where they occupy the country's
first permanent industrial building designed
solely to house computers. The 701 at C i n cinnati will shortly be replaced by an additional 704.

Nationwide Insurance Company has a 650
in operation at its home office in Columbus,
(hio, used primarily to check rates on new
policies and to determine rates on r en ew a 1
policies. This information arrives a t the
home office via transceiver network from ten
regional offices. The transceiver is an IBM
,machine which makes possible duplication 0 f
punched cards over telephone and telegraph facilities. The information received at Colu~
bus is processed in the 650 and returned to
the respective region where the results are
punched in the same card originally used to
transmit the policy information.

The Evendale Opera ting Department of General Electric Company's jet engine plant near
Cincinnati received delivery of a 650 1 a s t
February. By March 5 the payroll of two departments had been completely converted from
conventional machine accounting procedures to
the 650. Other applications are being planned,
including general ledgers, budget statements,
and production scheduling.

An IBM "giant," the 705 Electronic Data
Processing Machine, is scheduled for installation this SUJIUOOr at the St. Paul Fire and
Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul, Minnesota.
The company plans to use the computer for accounting and statistical operations.

General Electric Company's component motor department in Fort Wayne has a 650 which
solves complex motor design problems and handles the weekly payroll and indirect manufacturing expense reports. The computation of 100
motor design variations, completed in t h r e e
hours, would require more than six months with
a desk calculator.

Michigan Hospital-Medical Service has on
order, for its general office in Detroit, a
705 which will be put to work on a gigantic
task of up-dating records for 1,350,000 subscribers on a daily basis. Many complicated
statistical reports, hitherto unobtainable or
prohibitively expen~ive, will be made available.

Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company will install an IBM 705 at its general
office in St. Paul in September of this year.
One of its .first tasks will be the computation
of sales statistics. Other assignments include
raw and semi-finished materials inventory, payroll and operating expense reports.

The International Harvester Company's
motor truck division at Fort Wayne, Indiana,
recently installed an IBM 705 to serve as a
centralized data processor for four pIa n. t s,
including that of the farm tractor division
in Louisville, Kentucky. In this installation, tremendous savings in time have been effected on such problems as cam design, bearing
load, gas pressure and other engineering calculations.
The West Pullman Works of International
Harvester Company, on Chicago's South Side,
recently completed a year of 650 operation.
Practically every commercial application common to manufacturing plants has been run 0 n
this 650 or is planned for the near future.
West Pullman Works js part of the company's
farm tractor division, manufacturing n i n e
collateral products comprising 25,000 parts,
for 29 other Harvester plants and other organizations.
The investigations section of the General
Electric Company's aircraft gas turbine division is operating three large-scale IBM computers, one 701 and two 704's, the scientific

The Magnavox Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana,
is processing payroll and labor distribution
in one hOur and 15 minutes weekly on its 650.
A manufacturing requirement computation, requiring 20 hours on conventional accounting
machines, was recently done in just one hour,
a saving of 95%. Later this 650 will be at
work in the realm of higher mathematics, solving problems in the design of transformers,
filters, and circuits.
The Bendix Products Division of Bendix
Aviation Corporation, South Bend, Indiana, has
a 650 on order. An involved factory payroll
of 9,000 persons, including incentive, set-up
and piece work labor, will be assigned to the
650, which is expected to take about 11 hours
a week for the job. Various production control schedules, and machine load and engineering applications are also being programed.
A. o. Smitli Corporation will put a 705 into operation in its Milwaukee home office next
December. Applications: payroll of 6,500 persons, accounting for manufacturing operations
in 10 scattered plants, and production control

- 17 -

Computers and Automation

functions relating to fabrication of 1,000,000
tons of steel annually.

to determine net and gross requirements in
production planning.

One of the nation's largest manufacturers
of heavy industrial 'equipment, the Harnischfeger Corporation of Miltfaukee, has a 650 on
order, to replace its present accounting machines. The new computer will do cost accounting, general and subsidiary ledger accounting,
accounts payable and receivable, and a payroll
of 6,000.

Micro-Switch, a division of MinneapolisHoneytfell Regulator Company, Freeport, Illinois,
has on order a 650 which will be used to process payroll, labor distribution, sales analysIs, and inventory and production control.

The Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company
has an IBM 650 on order for their engineering
computing laboratory at West Allis, Wisconsin.
Transformer design problems, formerly processed
on purchased time on a 650, will be one application, and many other technical problelm' in
machinery product design, research and engineering will be solved.
The 650 at the Columbus, Ohio division of
North American Aviation Inc. is used full time
for all types of engineering calculations. Here,
many engineers are trainea in 650 coding, enab~
ling each of them to program his own problems.
A group of computer experts is available for
consultation with the engineers to review methods of solution prior to processing.
General Motors Corporation's Frigidaire
Division at Dayton, Ohio, is speeding up work
schedules with two IBM 650's which are used in
material requirements planning payroll and labor distribution, and cost of sales accounting.
These applications were previously accomplished
on conventional accounting machines. Frigidaire is also solving linear equations in research engineering with the 650's.
A 650 has recently been installed at the
AC Spark Plug Division of General Motors in
Flint, Michigan. It is used to process payrolls and maintain inventory control, and may
later be applied to cost control and engineering research.
The Gardner-Denver Company, general offices in Quincy, Illinois, has on order a 650
to be used in complicated accounting and produ~tion c,:>ntrol problems, and in design and
scientific computations.
The first 650 to be delivered in Iowa went
to the COllins Radio Company at Cedar Rapids,
where it daily balances the manufactured parts
inventory, prepares the weekly plant payroll,
and analyzes measured work-day performance.
Part of the 650's time is devoted to the engineering department, which makes use of analyses of electrical and mechanical networks and
Caterpillar Tractor of Joliet, Illinois,
has a 650 installed and is using the machine
- 18 -

Whirlpool-Seeger Corporation is awaiting
delivery of a 650 for its Saint Joseph, Mich.,
division, and will utilize it to process its
gross tequirements and payroll.
Kellogg SWitchboard Company in Chicago
will ·get a 650 in August, to be used for payroll preparation.
The Solo Cup Company, also of Chicago,
will receive a 650 in October. The initial
applications will be order writing and payroll.
Commonwealth Edison of Chicago is operating an IBM 702, the first in the public utility industry. Revenue accounting, including
billing, accounts receivable, and credit and
collection work, is accomplished on the machine. The utility's operations research group
is exploring scientific approaches to management problems such as inventory control, coal
logistics, and transformer studies with the
aid of the computer. Eventually, the 702 will
be replaced by the more powerful 705, and payroll and all other accounting work will be
transferred to machine operation.
Detroit Edison Company, serving 1,200,
000 customers in southeastern Michigan, is
using two IBM 650's for calculation of customer bills and closely related operations,
and for. engineering and research problems.
Early in 1957 Detroit Edison expects to
begin conversion of its entire customer accounting operations to an IBM 705. This will
facilitate consolidation of various files pertaining to customers and the integration of
customer accounting activities. Customer records will be maintained in the machine, WhEh
will analyze accounts for necessary action,
render bills, apply payments, and prepare
various reports.
Ohio State University at Columbus has
installed an IBM 650 as a step in the devel~­
ment of a high-speed electronic computer center. This installation represents the largest electronic digital computer so far available on a college campus in Ohio, and is expected to make substantial contributions in .

Electronic nata Processing

the field pf research and instruction. Work
on contracts for research from machine tool
and other companies will be another main application for the Ohio State 650.
The numerical analysis laboratory of the
University of Wisconsin at Madison has a 650
which is used by most departments of the Universi ty of Wisconsin at Madison has a 650 which
is used by most departments of the University
in a variety of projects, ranging from roll
call studies of the United States Senate to
an analysis of light curves of eclipsing binary stars. About 100 students at the University are enrolled each year in courses in the
theory and use of computing machinery, including the 650 ..
Cook Research Laboratories, devoted to
basic research in physics, general electronfus
and other scientific fields, has a 650 at Skokie, Illinois, to aid its 250 engineers and
150 technicians, draftsmen, and model makers
in the rapid solution of complicated equatiaE
associated with their work.
Armour Research Foundation has a 650 at
its Chicago computing center.. Approximately
90 per cent of the machineis time is taken up
by engineering and scientific computation
channeled to the computing center from nine
Foundation research departments. The primary
commercial application is preparation of payroll for the Foundation and the Illinois Institute of Technology, and programs are constantly being created to solve problems in
government research projects.

The installation of a 650 in the Chicago
accounting offices of the Illinois Central
Railroad last year was a pioneer application
of electronic computing to railroading. The
650 is adaptable to solving many railroad p~
lems and enables Illinois Central to get out
a complicated train and engine payroll within
a few hours. The railroad recently installed
a second 650.
The offices of the auditor of expenditmes
of the New York Central Railroad in Detroit
has two 650 's, now proce'ssing a complex 50,
OOO-employee payroll. Future uses will include distribution of equipment, charges and
preparation of accounts, and'reports of payroll statistics.

At Wilkins Air Force Depot at Shelby,

A 650 t~as placed in operation at the 'lbpEka,
Kansas, Air Force Depot last summer. It co~
putes stock levels, predicts future stock needs
and prepares inventories.
A 650 which is expected to be extremely
valuable in certain operations research problems and in engineering and process design studies is on order for Shell Oil Company's Woo d
River, Illinois, refinery. Plans are under way
for processing cost and inventory accounting on
the machine in addition to payroll for 4,000
employees at the location.
The Standard Oil Company (Ohio) has a 650
in its Cleveland office, and a 705 is scheduled
for delivery in August. Ibe 705 will help co~
pany management decide such questions as: where
to open new gasoline stations; when to build
another refinery; and how much to recommend
that the board of directors should pay in stock
dividends. It will also solve complicated engineering problems, and turn out in three days
sales records that formerly took 27 days to produce. The 650 does many diverse jobs from solving complex chemical engineering equations to
processing the company's payroll.


The Rock Island Railroad has ordered two
650's, to be delivered this fall. The machines will go to work on payroll and freight
'car accounting.

Ohio, a 650 is being utilized to account for
all Air Force property received, stored and
shipped by the depot. The machine computes the
dollar value of all transactions, the projected
fiscal year budget, and estimates the volumes
required for various buying programs and reviews the stock position of all items carried.
This installation is expected to go on a three
shift basis in the near future.

The Ohio Oil Company is operating a 650
at its.general office in Findlay. Applications
in general accounting include prorating of production expense, estimating of oil and gas reserves, calculation of depletion and depreciation for Federal income tax, and calculation of
cash dividends for stockholders. The 650 also
aids in processing the employees' savings plan
and employees' home loans, and performs highly
technical tasks such as determining yields f~
refinery processes. Eventually, Ohio Oil plans
to process a 6,OOO-person payroll from time
cards to checks. Further scientific analyses
are also anticipated.
The Pure Oil Company,has a 650 in operation at its general office in Chicago. The equipment processes crude oil run tickets from
the initial tank gauging data through all calculations to the determination of royalty payments. It also processes the payroll of one
of the company's refineries. In addition, the
machine works for the research and development
laboratories in Crystal Lake, Ill., which co~
municates its data 50 miles to the general office via IBM transceivers.

- 19 -

(cont'd on page 36)


4. The tabulating industry embraces (a) the
manufacture of tabulating machines which functionally depend on punched holes in cards or paper
tape or magnetic spots on plastic or metallic
tape, (b) the distribution of such machines to
government and business organizations, (c) the
repair and maintenance of such machines, (d) the
manufacture and distribution of repair and replacement parts for such machines, and (e) the
use of tabulating machines for the sale of tabulating service both to users and nonusers of tabulating machines.



a Corporation,


5. Tabulating machines are devices for recording on a unit or continuous basis, verifying, and automatically converting, classifying,
computing, reproducing and printing alphabetic
. and numeric accounting and statistical information, as hereinafter described, by controlled
mechanical, electrical or electronic means: The
source data to be recorded is reduced to coded
punched holes in cards or paper tape, or to coded
magnetic spots on plastic or metallic tape which
are read by the machines and influence the automatic machine processes.

Plaintiff, Sperry Rand Corporation, by its
attorneys, brings this action against defendant,
International Business Machines Corporation, and
complains and alleges as follows:

1. Plaintiff Sperry Rand Corporation is a
corporation organized and existing under the laws
of the State of Delaware and has its principal office in the Ci ty of New York, State of New Yo r k.
It is the successor corporation to Remington Rand
Inc., a corporation organized under the laws of
the State of Delaware, and the Sperry Corporation,
a corporation organized under the laws of the Smte
of Delaware, which corporations were consolidated
as Sperry Rand Corporation on June 30, 1955. Sill:e
June 30, 1955, the business formerly conducted by
Remington Rand Inc. has been and is being carried
on by the Remington Rand Division of Sperry Rand
Corporation. The Remington Rand Division of Sperry Rand Corporation has a principal office at 315
Fourth Avenue in the City of New York, State of
New York. It is engaged, among other things, in
the manufacture and distribution of tabulating

2. Defendant International Business Machines
Corporation is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of New York with
its principal office at World Headquarters Building, 590 Madison Avenue, New York City 22, New
York. It, also, is engaged, among other things,
in the manufacture and distribution of tabulating


The principal tabulating machines are:

(a) a manually or automatically operated recording punch whose principal purpose is
to transcribe so~rce data onto tabulating cards
or paper tape in the form of punched holes; or a
manually operated keyboard unit whose principal
purpose is to transcribe source data onto plastic
or metallic tape in the form of magnetic spots;
(b) a manually or automatically operated verifier whose principal purpose is to check
the accuracy of the transcription of data onto
tabulating cards or paper tape in the form 0 f
punched holes or onto plastic or metallic tape
in the form of magnetic spots;
(c) a converter whose principal purpose is automatically to translate data either
to or from punched holes in cards or paper tape
or magnetic spots on plastic or metallic tape;
(d) a sorter whose principal function
is automatically to assemble punched tabulating
cards in desired classes or sequences;
(e) a collator whose principal function is automatically to match or merge separate
sets of punched tabulating cards;
(f) a calculating punch whose principal
function is automatically to perform addition,
subtraction, multiplication or division or any
combination of such operations;

3. Ibis action is brought under the antitrust laws of the United States and the j urisdiction~of this court is invoked under Sections 1
and 2 of the Act of July 2, 1890, commonly known
as the Sherman Antitrust Act (26 Stat. 209, 15
USC§§ 1 and 2) i Sections 3, 4 and 16 of the Act
of OCtober 15, 1914, commonly known as the Clalton Antitrust Act (38 Stat. 731, 737; 15 U5C§J
14, 15 and 26); and the Act of June 25, 1948 (62
Stat. 931, 28 USC ~ 1337).

(g) a reproducing punch whose principal function is automatically to duplicate data
or record summary data in the form of punched
holes in tabulating cards;
(h) a printer whose principal function

- 20 -

Sperr~-Rand Complai~t


is automatically to summarize and record on paper
data which is stored in the form of punched holes
in tabulating cards or paper tape or in the form
of magnetic spots on plastic or metallic tape; and
(i) a general or special purpose digital
computer, activated by punched holes in tabulating
cards or paper tape or by magnetic spots on plastic
or metallic tape, which by electronic means performs any, some or all of the functions performed
by the machines described in subparagraphs (b)
through (h) hereof.
There are variations of the principal tabulating
machines as well as auxiliary machines and attachments which are used to perform special functions.
These principal machines or some variation thereof,
together with auxiliary machines and attachments,
are used in groups, combinations or systems to obtain accounting and statistical results.
1. The tabulating machines described in
paragraph 6 hereof perform their automatic functions mechanically, electrically or electronically,
or by combination thereof. Mechanical tabulating
machines perform their automatic functions primarily by mechanical action, and derive source
data from punched cards under control of small
pins which penetrate holes in the cards. Electrical tabulating machines perform their automatic
functions primarily under electrical control, and
derive source data from punched cards under control of electrical circuits which are completed
by brushes that penetrate holes in the cards.
Electronic tabulating machines perform their automatic functions primarily by electronic co~
ponentry and circuitry control, and derive source
data from punched holes in tabulating cards or
paper tape or from magnetic spots on plastic or
metallic tape under control of circuits which
are completed by brush or photo-electric cell
sensing or by magnetic reading-recording heads.
utmost accuracy under conditions of extreme velocities, temperatures, and accelerations.



Division of American Bosch Arma Corporation
Roosevelt Field, Garden City, Long Island, N. Y.



to $11,500
In. this stimulating

Missile Test Project
You will be challenged by the research and
theoretical studies involved in acquiring data
from high yelocity missiles being fired over the
world's longest test range. Ph.D. degree plus
several years' experience in work related to'
above, required.

Join a scientific team at top level in
this unprecedented work with one of
the nation's largest corporations.
I deal living and working conditions on
Florida's Certtral East Coast.


Send resume to

Mr. H. C. LAUR, Dept. N-14G
Missile Test Proiect

P. O. Box 1226
Melbourne, Florida






regarding latest issues containing same)
Roster of Organ~zations in the Computer Field (June, 1956)
Roster of ComputiJ~ Services (June
Roster of Consulting Services (June
Computing Machinery and Automation:
Types of Automatic Computing Machinery (Dec. 1955)
Roster of Automatic Computers (June,
Outstanding Examples of Automation
(July 1954)
Commercial Automatic Computers (Dec.
Types of Components of Automatic Computing Machinery (March 1955)
Products and Services in the Computer
Products and Services for Sale or
Rent (June 1956)
Classes of Products and Services
(June 1956)
Words and Terms:
Glossary of Terms and Expressions in
the Computer Field (Jan. 1956)
Information and Publications:
Books and Other Publications (many
New Patents (nearly every issue)
Roster of Magazines (Dec. 1955)
Titles and Abstracts of Papers Given
at Meetings (many issues)
Who's Who in the Computer Field
(June, 1955, and later issues)
BACK COPY PRICES: If available, $1.25
each, except June 1955, $4.00, and
June 1956 $6.00 (the June issue is
the Computer Directory issue).
---------Mail this Request------or a copy of It
Berkeley Enterprises
815 Washington St., R168
Newtonville 60, Mass.


Please send me the following back




I enclose $
in full payment. 1I
My name:
My address: ___________ I



C 0













































D '"





t e























Would you like to join one of the progressive
Computing Centers on the West Coast ...
where a broad variety of equipment and
activities will be a constant challenge?
If you are already an experienced computin,g
analyst or engineer, you will find work
here to interest you.
If computing and data reduction are new to
you but you are a qualified engineer,
mathematician or a laboratory technician,
contact us and learn how you may establish a
career in this vital field.
Applied mathematicians and engineers are
needed as computing analysts t,or assignment
to Northrop's analogue computing facility, and
too, for the newly expanded digital electronic
comp~ter department which provides
unparalleled service in the practical solution of
complex engineering problems.
Design and' development groups of Northrop's
Computing Center offer additional opportunities
in the original development of computing
and data reduction' components and systems.
Laboratory technicians, electronic engineers
and iTlechanical engineers are needed
for the design and development in
reconnaissance data systems and computing
equipment involving transistors, magnetic
decision elements, printed circuits and
miniaturization techniques.
A large number of job classifications)written
specifically for computing personnel,
provide unlimited opportunities wit~ proper
salary and advancement assured. If you qualify
for any phase of computer research, design
or application, contact: Northrop Aircraft, Inc.,
1001 E. Broadway, Hawthorne, California.
Phone ORegon 8·9111, Extension 1893.


--------------------------------- I

- 41 -

be factual, useful, and understandable. For
this purpose, the kind of advertising we d esire to publish is the kind that answers questions, such as: What are your products? What
are your services? And for each product, What
is it called? What does it do? How: well does
it work? What are its main specifications?

Ferranti Electric Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza,
New York 20, N.Y. / High speed Tape Reader /
Page 35 / CA No. 52
Ferroxcube Corp., East Bridge St., Saugerties,
N.Y. / Magnetic Core Materials / Page 33 /
CA No. 53
General Electric Co., Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, Schenectady, N.Y. / Employment Opportunities / Page 2 / CA No. 54
Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory, 86-41 Georgia Ave., Silver Springs,
Md~ / Employment Opportunities / Page 37 /
CA No. 55
Northrup Aircraft, Inc., Hawthorne, Calif. /
Employment Opportunities / Page 41 / CA No.
R.C.A. Service Co. Inc., Missile Test Project,
P.O. Box 1226, Melbourne, Fla. / Help Wanted / Page 40 / CA No. 57
Ramo~Wooldridge COrp., 5730 Arbor Vitae St.;
Los Angeles 45, Calif. / Progress report /
Page 5 / CA No. 58
Sylvania Electric Products Inc., 1740 BroadWay,
New York 19, N. Y. /Diodes / Page 44 / CA No. 59

Following is the index and a summary of advertisements. Each item contains: Name and address of the advertiser / subject of the advertisement / page number where it appears /
CA number in case of inquiry (see note below).
Arma Division, American Bosch Corp., R~osevelt
Field, Garden City, L.I., N.Y. / Digital
Engineering / Page 36 / CA No. 45
Arma Division, Ameri9an Bosch Corp., Roosevelt
Field, Garden City, L.I., N.Y. / Inertial
Navigation / Page 40 / CA No. 46
Automatic Electric Sales Corp., 1033 W. Van
Buren St., Chicago 7, ~ll. / Miniature
Stepping Sid tch / Page :'43 / CA No. 47
Berkeley Enterprises, Inc., 815 Washington St.,
Newtonville 60, Mass. / Publications, Robot Show Stoppers, Geniac Kit / Pages 35,
37, 39 / CA No. 48
Bryant Chucking Grinder Q)., P.O. Box 620-K,
Springfield, Vermont / Magnetic Drums /
Page 39 / CA No. 49
Commercial Controls Corp., Rochester 2, N.Y. /
Flexowriter / Page 32 / CA No. 50
Computers and AutomatiOn," 815 Washington St.,
Newtonville 60, Mass. / Advertising, Back
* Copies / Pages 38, 41 / CA No. 51

If you wish roore information about any produc ts
or services mentioned in one or roore 0 f th e s e
advertisements, you may circle the appro pr i ate
CA Nos. on the Reader's Inquiry Form belot\' a ~ d
send that form to us (we pay postage; see the
in_structions). We shall then forward your i nquiries, and you will hear from the advertiser s
direct. I~. you do not wish to tear the maga~ine,.
just drop us a line on a postcard.



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79 80
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89 90
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101 102 103 104 105
106 107 108 109 110
111 112 113114 115
116 117 118119 120
121 122 123 124 125


171 128 129 130
131. 133 134 135
131138 139 140
142 143 144 145
147 148 149 150

zen ."







gi ~ !

•__________ -. _____ ...J_________________________________ - _ - --- ---

- 42 -

TYPE 44

featuring: small size, indirect
drive, and one-coil design.

for a long, active life
200,000,000 operations,
with liHle

or no adiustment!

This rugged little stepping switch is
racking up an outstanding service record
in countless operations. It's
A'utomatic Electric's Type 44 Miniature
Stepping Switch, now going into
more products than ever before!

To improve your products without raising costs,
get the full details on Type 44 and Automatic
Electric's complete line of stepping switches. Write
to: Automatic Electric Sales Corporation, 1033
West Van Buren Street, Chicago 7, Illinois. In
Canada: Automatic Electric Sales (Canada) Ltd.,
Its cost-reducing features are impressive. One-coil
Toronto. Offices in principal cities.
design eliminatef! a separate release coil. Indirect
drive gives smooth, high-speed stepping. There's
no wiper Hdouble loading" or galloping. Here's
the first compact, lightweight switch for 10-, 20- Originators 01 the dial telephone·
Pioneers in automatic control
or 30-point operations. Use any dc vol~age up to
110 (with r~ctifier, up to 115 volts, 60 cycles, ac).









For your microwave applications,
first diode to provide a simplified
opproach to .front-end design in
broadblJnd microwave circuitry.

For computer applications,
very low impedance diode
capable of high forward
conductanct with excellent
stability and fast recovery time. /-





Combines high sensitivity with
compact design. CoyerS the visible
spectrum ana extends to tf\e
infrared region.


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NP~ high frequency transistors built

-to hIgh standards of uniformity. Feature
.Ioy.<'collector capacitance and ease of
neutralization in rf and if circuits"




One of the standards for low frequency,
high gain applications.

crea.ted vvi.th
your produ.ct
in mind
Each of these semiconductor develop- 1942, Sylvania has maintained its semiments was created to introduce im- conductor leadership by meeting the
provements in the product you're needs of designers with imaginative,
designing, whether it's a simple tran- new semiconductor applications.
sistorized radio or a complex computer
Consult with Sylvania for your needs.
system. Whether it calls for higher A new plant at Hillsboro, N. H. is
transistor power ratings Qr faster diode · devoted exclusively to the manufacture
recovery time.
of semiconductors to provide you with
.Since producing the first commer- production quantities. Write for techcially available germanium diode in nical data.



1740 Broadway, New York 19, N . Y.
In Canada: Sylvania Electric (Canada) Ltd.
University Tower Bldg., Montreal





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