1991_LSI_Logic_Short_Form_Catalog 1991 LSI Logic Short Form Catalog

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Shortform Catalog


Shortform Catalog

Table of

Products and Services


ASIC Design Tools
Silicon 1076
C-MDE (Concurrent Modular Design Environment)
MOE (Modular Design Environment)
Design Builder Synthesis Software
ChipSizer Synthesis Software
Memory Compiler
Test Builder
Logic Block Synthesizer
Logic Expression Synthesizer Tool
Silicon Builder
Data Path Compiler
Block Compiler
MOE Support Service
CDE/MG Co-Designer Software for Mentor Graphics
Verilog Design Kit
Synopsis Synthesis Libraries
LLC Valid Logic LCA10000, LMA9000 Libraries
Third Parties


Design Services
Design Building Blocks
Cell Development
Full Scan Testing and ATPG
Fault Grading
SPICE Models
Applications Engineering Support


Array-Based ASICS
LCA200K Compacted Array Turbo Series
LFT150K FasTest Array Series
LCA lOOK Compacted Array Plus Series
LEA lOOK Embedded Array Series
LCA 10000 Compacted Array Series
LMA9000 Micro Array Series
BiCMOS LDD10000 Direct Drive Array Series
BiCMOS LAD310 Analog/Digital Array Series
RHASIC LRH10000 Radiation Hardened Series
RHASIC LRH9000 Radiation Hardened Series
L63500 ARINC 629 Terminal Device (DATAC)


Cell-Based ASICS
LCB007 Series
LCB15 Series


IEEE P1149.1/JTAG Testability Bus


Shortform Catalog
Table of

DSP Standard Products
32-Bit MAC
32-Bit HCMOS IEEE Floating-Point Processor
L64210{11 Variable-Length Video Shift Registers
Variable-Length Video Shift Register (HVSR)
Rank-Value Filter (RVF)
Binary Filter and Template Matcher (BFIR)
Multi-Bit Filter
3 x 3 Multi-Bit Filter (MFIR3)
Fir Filter Processor
Histogram/Hough Transform Processor (HHP)
L64260/61 High-Speed Versatile Fir Filter (VFIR)
64 to 64 Crossbar Switch (XBAR)
Complex FFT Processor (FFTP)
FFT Video Shift Register (FFTSR)
Object Contour Tracer


Video and Still Image Compression
L6471 0
8-Error Correcting Reed-Solomon Codec
Two-Error Correcting BCH Encoder-Decoder
Video Motion Estimation Processor (MEP)
Discrete Cosine Transform Processor (OCT)
Discrete Cosine Transform Processor
OCT Quantization Processor (OCTO)
JPEG Coder
L64750/51 CCITI Variable Length Coder/Decoder
Interframe Processor


MIPS Microprocessors
RISC Products MIPS Architecture
RISC Microprocessor
Floating-Point Accelerator
RISC Microprocessor
LR3000A RISC Microprocessor
Floating-Point Accelerator
LR3010A Floating-Point Accelerator
Read-Write Buffer
MipSET Chips
RST-INT Controller
Bus Controller
DRAM Controller
LR32D04 DRAM Data Bus Buffer (16-Bit)
Block Transfer Buffer
MIPS Embedded Processor
RPM3310 MIPS Ngine Module
RPM3330 MIPS Ngine Module
MIPS System Programmer's Package
MIL-STO-1750A Microprocessor
MIL-STO-1750A MBU Peripheral
MIL-STD-1750A Radiation-Hardened Microprocessor
MIL-STD-1750A Radiation-Hardened MBU






Shortform Catalog
Table of

SPARC Microprocessors
RISC Products SPARC Architecture
Integer Unit
Floating-Point Unit
Memory Management Unit
Data Buffer
Clock Controller
Cache Controller
SBus Video Controller
SBus DRAM Controller
Enhanced Integer Unit
Enhanced Floating-Point Unit
Memory Management, Cahce Control and Cache Tag Unit
Mbus DRAM Controller
Mbus Standard I/O Bus Interface
Mbus-to-SBus Controller
SBus DMA Controller
SBus Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller
SBus Video Frame Buffer
Embedded Processor
Integrated System Controller


Sales Offices and Design Resource Centers



Products and Services

and Services


LSI Logic is the leading designer, developer
and manufacturer of the most advanced ASICs
(Application-Specific Integrated Circuits) in the
industry. The company's broad ASIC line
includes high performance HCMOS and
BiCMOS array-based and cell-based ASICs
which integrate random logic, microprocessors, memory and analog functions on chips
with up to 200,000 equivalent gates. LSI Logic
also manufactures and markets SPARC and
MIPS microprocessors using RISC (Reduced
Instruction Set Computing) technology and
other selected standard products.

Radiation-hardened versions of array-based
ASICs are available from 10,000 to 50,000
usable gates with a total dose of 200 to 1,000
krads (Si). LSI's mil/aero facility in Fremont, CA
is fully self-contained, with assembly, burn-in,
test and qualification in one domestic location.
MOE Design Tools
LSI Logic's comprehensive and flexible ASIC
design tools support both silicon-specific and
system design environments. The MOE®
(Modular Design Environment®) Design Tools,
CDE® (Co-Designer™ Environment) Design
System and interface tools are fully integrated
with the company's advanced manufacturing
MDE tools offer Design Builder and Silicon
Builder, which greatly increase ASIC designers' productivity while making sure that correct-by-construction circuits are designed.
Design Builder tools synthesize higher level
descriptions of circuits into netlists. These
netlists are then synthesized using the Silicon
Builder tools to produce efficient physical layout. This combination produces ASICs guaranteed to meet specifications, whether customers use in-house MDE software, or one of
LSI Logics's Design Resource Centers.
The MDE toolset, comprised of over 25 modules, is used to design chips with up to 200,000
gates and systems in excess of two million
gates. More than 1,000 library elements ranging from simple macrocells to complex megacells are available for both array- and cellbased ASICs.
©1989, 1990. 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

RISC Microprocessors
The LSI Logic MIPS and SPARC microprocessor product lines provide open-architecture
RISC design solutions. A variety of peripheral
chips and chip sets, including processors optimized for embedded control, and innovative
chip-on-board module packaging technology,
enhance the product line. LSI Logic's leadingedge microprocessor products simplify design
and shorten the time-to-market for SPARC- and
MIPS-based products.
DSP Products
LSI Logic manufactures selected standard
products, such as DSP (Digital Signal
Processing) products. LSI Logic's DSP family
currently includes 32-bit building block processors, special purpose memory devices,
Function-Specific DSP, Crossbar Switch, Error
Correcting Reed-Solomon Codec and still
image and video compression chip sets.
The term "Function-Specific DSp· covers a
wide range of devices which are optimized to
perform a particular algorithm, or function.
Typically the system designer turns to functionspecific devices when the performance
required far exceeds that which can be delivered by a single chip DSP microprocessor. LSI
Logic offers devices capable of processing
video data at 20 or even 40 MHz in real time.
Application areas where this kind of performance is required include image processing,
radar, sonar, C31, visualization systems and any
application where video data rates are
Image and video compression products, the
newest LSI Logic DSP products, offer the ability to drastically reduce the amount of digital
information required to store or transmit
images (either still or full motion video). The
still image compression chip set is compatible
with the JPEG standard, while the video compression chip set is designed to the CCITI
H.261 standard.

and Services

Worldwide Manufacturing
LSI Logic has state-of-the-art manufacturing
sites in the US, Japan, West Germany and
Canada. Through these facilities, LSI Logic
offers high-performance 1.D-micron drawn
gate length (D.7-micron effective channel
length) processes and more than 400 different
advanced package types.

Right-first-TimelM Silicon
Prototype turnaround times average two
weeks for gate arrays and six weeks for sellbased ASICs-the fastest in the industry. LSI
Logic's proven track record of over 10,000 successful designs assures Right-First-Time™
ASIC solutions.

Design Concept

LSI Logic design tools are focused on reducing
the design cycle and "buying you time". This is
vital in establishing a market lead in product

They also leverage the silicon technology providing highly optimized, fast circuits that lead
to differentiated products.

Design Resource

LSI Logic offers the industry's most extensive
ASIC design support network and a full range
of hardware and software design tools. At 39
LSI Logic Design Resource Centers worldwide
and 12 authorized distributor Design Centers,

experienced application engineers offer training and design assistance giving customers
the expertise, hardware platforms and design
tools they need to integrate systems into silicon.


Advanced wafer fabrication, assembly, testing
and packaging technology make LSI Logic the
leader in prototype and volume ASIC manufacturing. With worldwide production facilities
extending from the US to the United Kingdom,
Japan, West Germany and Canada, LSI Logic's
manufacturing operations are geared to produce dense and fast chips, a wide variety of
packages, small-to-Iarge production runs and
extensive test patterns. These manufacturing
sites offer advanced ASIC processes including

1.0 and 1.5-micron drawn gate lengths (0.7micron and D.9-micron effective channel
lengths) HCMOS and high-performance
LSI Logic offers more than 400 different plastic
and ceramic package types with up to 524
leads and accommodating die up to 1.5 cm sq.
These include pin grid array, leaded and leadless chip carrier, chip on tape, plastic quad flat
packs and dual-in-line packages.

LSI Logic offers the fastest ASIC prototype services in the industry. Fully tested and working
gate array prototypes are delivered in only two
to three weeks - or an eight-day Hot Lotser-

vices is offered if a customer requires faster
turnaround. For cell-based ASICs, tested and
working prototypes are delivered in six weeks
- or Hot Lots in just four weeks.

Fast Prototypes


ASIC Design Tools·


Silicon 1076 VHDL


Silicon 1076 is an advanced system development
environment that reduces the time-to-marketfor
ASIC-based systems. It provides a complete
concept-to-silicon design methodology based
on the VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description
Language). Because Silicoil1076 is integrated
with LSI Logic's MDE® Design Tools and
advanced manufacturing capabilities, it is the
only environmentthat provides Right-Firstlime™ manufacturing assurance forthe most
complex systems.


can be translated to MOE format. After the
MOE netlist is validated, the resulting delay
information is annotated back into the VHDL


Silicon 1076 eliminates labor-intensive mapping of code from one design level to the next:
• At the architectural level. partitioning tools
turn abstract code into design alternatives.
Area estimation software helps the designer
evaluate the alternatives. Synthesizing software generates a register transfer level VHDL
description of the selected alternative
• At the register transfer level (RTL), synthesis
tools generate and optimize gate-level VHDL
• Atthe gate level, the optimized VHDL netlist

Silicon 1076


• Reduces the time-to-market for ASIC-based
electronic systems
• Ensures that the complex designs can be built
in silicon
• Facilitates the design of complex systems in
• Maximizes designer creativity and productivity
by supporting top-down design

• Eases the translation of designs to new or different technologies
• Shortens the learning curve with its integrated,
single-language design environment
• Complies fully with MIL-STD 454M
requirement 64


• Integrates powerful VHDL design tools with LSI
Logic's proven design analysis and signoff
tools and worldwide manufacturing capability
• Allows flexible VHDL data entry at the architectural, RTL or gate level
• Provides flexible design optimization: libraryindependent or based on LSI Logic libraries
• Partitions functions, estimates area and synthesizes RTL code from VHDL architectural

• Synthesizes memory and logic blocks through
calls to LSI Logic distributed experts: Logic
Block Synthesizer (LBS) and Memory Compiler
• Annotates delays from MOE back into the gatelevel VHDL netlist
• Supports LSI Logic product line libraries
• Assures LSI Logic Right-First-lime silicon

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


C-MDE Design

C-MDETM (Concurrent Modular Design
Environment) Design System is a new state-ofthe-art ASIC design environment that enables
you to meet and beat your time-to-market
deadlines. The C-MDE Design System combines new capability, ease of use and LSI's
proven ASIC design methodology with powerful results.
The C-MDE tool set was designed to take
schematic capture and simulation through to
layouttools into an integrated environment
that allows multiple programs to run and interact concurrently.

Features and Benefits


• Concurrency and intertasking among applications dramatically cut the analysis and debug
• Common design database simplifies the flow of
data and reduces memory requirements
• Interactive, integrated graphical interface
quickly transfers vital design data to the user

©1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

In the C-MDE environment, concurrency and a
unified database means designers can open
simultaneously a schematic capture window
and a simulation window. Changes made to the
schematic are reflected almost immediately in
the simulation window. This eliminates having
to exit schematic entry, transfer the netlist to a
file and import the netlist into simulation before
proceeding. This rapid feedback speeds
design cycle time.

• Incremental linking and compilation reduces
design cycle time
• Rule-based automation manages design complexity

Modular Design
Design Tools


LSI Logic's MDE® (Modular Design
Environment®) Design Tools represent the
industry's most advanced and proven arrayand cell-based design system. MDE software
products and third-party offerings (CAE design
tools, testers and accelerators) meet any ASIC
design requirement and run in virtually any
workstation or mainframe environment.
The MDE Integrator Series, Logic Integrator™
and Silicon Integrator™, offers a diverse range
of high-performance graphics and non-graphic
design-entry tools supported by the most extensive library in the industry. The Integrator Series
includes all the elements necessary to quickly
and accurately design arrays and cell-based
ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuits).
The entry-level Logic Integrator is for designs
with complexities up to 12,500 gates. It can be
upgraded with Silicon Integrator modules for
building ASICs with up to 200,000 usable gates.
The Silicon Integrator can also be easily coupled to the System Integrator's mUlti-chip
mixed-mode simulation capabilities.

MDE Integrator Series
ASIC Design Flow


Design Entry
Schematic Editor
Waveform Editor
Schematic Builder
Netlist Description
Simulation Control

Path Timing
Delay Prediction
Chip FloorPlanner

The Integrator Series operates on a variety of
popular workstations.
Highly integrated, yet expandable, MDE configurations can include optional hardware accelerators and behavioral modelling, plus automated schematic and production test-pattern
generators. MDE's modular approach allows
easy migration into new leading-edge technologies and emerging CAE standards. MDE
links the design to LSI Logic technology guaranteeing accuracy with a Right-First-Time™
record of over 10,000 successful designs.
MDE offerings are backed by LSI Logic's software support and technology training classes
with complete documentation, system
consulting and maintenance. A user hotline is
available with trained engineering professionals on hand to assist with urgent customer
problems. MDE tools are also available
through LSI Logic's 39 global Design Resource




LDS® Simulator
Accelerated Logic
Accelerated Fault
Multi-ASIC Logic

Gate Modeling

Waveform Editor
Path Timing
Power Analyzer
Package Planning

The Integrator Series ASIC Design Flow lists the MOE modules available for each design step. The Logic Integrator, Silicon
Integrator and System Integrator design packages each include a subset ofthese modules as standard and optional offerings.

©1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.



Modular Design
Design Tools
MDE Integrator
Series Products

CAE Modules
LOS Simulation and Verification Tools
Schematic Editor*
Waveform Editor"
Schematic Builder*
Path liming Analyzert
Power Analyzer t
Chip FloorPlanner
Behavioral Simulator
Multi-ASIC Simulator
Multi-Chip Behavioral Simulator
Standard Product Gate Modeling
Hardware-Accelerated Logic Simulator
Hardware-Accelerated Fault Simulator
Package Planner
Silicon Compilers

logic Integrator

Silicon Integrator





• Modules included.
D Modules available as options.
" Requires graphics platform.
t Supports I.S-micron drawn gate length technology and under.

MDE Integrator
Series Platforms

Sun Microsystems
3 series. 4 series


Contact your LSI Logic sales representative for specific configurations and availability.
The integrator Series runs in nearly any CAE environment The Logic Integrator runs on Sun Microsystems 3 and 4 series only.
Graphics tools are supported only on Sun Microsystems workstations.


©1988. 1989. 1990. 1991. LSI Logic Corporation. All rights r.served.

Modular Design
Design Tools
Silicon Integrator


The Silicon Integrator is a comprehensive single-chip design system for creating ASICs.
Designed to run on high-performance multitasking computers, the Silicon Integratorfeatures interactive event-driven simulation and
one of the most extensive ASIC cell library sets
in the industry. Graphics and multi-windowing
provide a high productivity CAE environment.
Non-graphic support on popular mainframes
extends the Silicon Integrator availability to
most high-powered computer hardware in use
• Extensive library support
- Macrocell Libraries-over 800 fully characterized SSI/MSIIogic cells for device families
from 7oo-gate channeled arrays to lOOK-gate
Compacted ArraysTM as well as cell-based
- Megafunction and Megacell Libraries
(optional library set) - more than 400 complex
LSINLSI building blocks, including industrystandard parts and proprietary LSI Logic
• Precise gate-level simulation with back-annotated wire lengths guarantees ASIC performance and eliminates breadboarding
• Automatic error checking and reporting
catches design problems early, enhancing
productivity and manufacturability

A modular system, the Silicon Integrator anticipates a wide variety of user needs with standard features and add-on capabilities such as
silicon compilation, chip sizing, hardware
acceleration and PLA-to-ASIC cell conversion.
The Silicon Integrator includes the following
modules: schematic capture, waveform editor,
single-chip simulator, test program extraction,
path timing analysis, power analysis, chip
floorplanning and schematic builder.
. Customers can select optional library support
for specific applications.
• Automatic test program formatting for industrystandard test equipment
• Add-on capabilities
- Design productivity tools such as Design
Builder, Test Builder and Silicon Builder
- Multi-ASIC gate-level simulators
- Behavioral simulators
- Mixed-mode simulators
- Automatic test pattern generator for scanbased synchronous circuits
- ChipSizer™





Logic Integrator

The Logic Integrator is a low-cost entry-level
system containing design and simulation tools
for creating single-chip ASICs on Sun platforms. Optimized for graphic entry and multiwindow tasking, the Logic Integrator boosts
CAE productivity for 1.5-micron drawn gate
length (0.9-micron effective channel length)
HCMOS Channel-Free™ designs using
LSI Logic's design libraries. These libraries
contain hundreds of industry-standard logic
elements, supporting designs with up to 12,500
usable gates.

point to the MDE Design Tools allowing ASIC
designers to upgrade to more powerful tools
and emerging technologies later. A modular
expansion path offers application and design
portability to a variety of hardware platforms as
well as upgrades to emerging technologies and
mixed-mode behavioral and gate-level multichip simulation. The Logic Integrator features
near-mainframe performance providing
schematic capture, waveform editor, graphic
entry and editing of simulation test patterns,
interactive (single-chip) simulation, design verification and production test pattern extraction.

The Logic Integrator provides a low-cost entry

• Graphic schematic editing with advanced
automated features
• Graphic waveform logic editing for precise
interactive simulation of all or part of a design
• Automatic extraction of production test programs, including patterns·to evaluate timing

@1988. 1989. 1990. 1991 LSI logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

• Silicon-specific designs for guaranteed ASIC
perfomance-to-simulation specifications
• Upgrade path to Silicon Integrator and System
Integrator tools



Design Builder
Synthesis Software

Design Builder enables the designer to design
complex ASICs (Application-Specific
Integrated Circuits) on his own workstation or
at any of LSI Logic's worldwide Design
Resource Center locations. With this sophisticated set of design tools, the designer no
longer needs to worry about designing ASICs
at gate level. He simply describes what he
wants, be it a state machine, logic functions,
ASIC memories or a datapath block, such as
the adder. Design Builder automatically generates optimized netlists.
While designing various components of a single or multi-ASIC system, Design Builder
allows the designer to perform quick feasibility
analysis and get reliable answers to "what if'
kinds of questions about alternative chip sizes,
packages, etc. Design Builder is fully compatible with LSI Logic's MDE® Design Tools and
is available on the Sun/UNIX platform. Support
for other platforms is available if needed.

tinued commitment to Right-First-lime™ delivery of working prototypes that are verified and
fully tested.

Design Builder provides capabilities to implement RAM/ROM, DataPath logic, control logic, logic blocks, and logic arrays on an ASIC

Design Builder demonstrates LSI Logic's con-



• Design productivity is enhanced and ASIC
development costs are reduced
• First-pass working silicon ensures on-time
product market entry
• On-site design tools offer efficient project management control and promote a team project
approach and the sharing of design system

©1990. 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights re.erved.

• Expert technical support is available in local
Design Resource Centers at worldwide locations
• Full MDE Design Tools support including customertraining and a hotline service is available

Synthesis Software



LSI Logic's ChipSizer™ software offers systems designers an ASIC (Application-Specific
Integrated Circuit) planning environment. In
this environment, designers can evaluate various alternatives in determining which system
functions are ideal for ASIC implementation.
the appropriate technology and die size of an
ASIC. and the package requirements based on
the die size and the pin requirements. ASIC
designers can quickly perform this iterative
task and document ·what if" type of analysis
to evaluate various alternatives of system partitioning. The versatility of the software allows
expert designers to supplement the rules
based on their experience. The ChipSizer tool
is fully automatic in effectively illustrating multiple ASIC solutions. The user specifies system
components such as logic blocks, memories,
lIDs or other elements via a user-friendly
graphics interface. Then the ChipSizer tool
graphically displays the area allocation diagram and pad locations of various components

in a system. It also allows designers to fine
tune the floorplan by moving or rotating megacells. The accuracy of die size estimation
improves with design details.

ChipSizer enables users to select the best
architecture by evaluating different alternatives.

route software algorithms, which can be finetuned using graphic commands, such as move,
rotate and reshape
Allows expert designers to specify their own
rules to tailor the tool to their particular needs
Can easily implement alternative technologies
or design rule changes
Documents system concepts and various alternatives
Offers a user-friendly graphics interface

• Ensures silicon efficiency to a high level of
• Analyzes design alternatives without having to
describe the netlist or physical design
• Describes designs as logic blocks, ASIC memory blocks or other LSI Logic library elements,
such as megafunctions
• Describes designs independent of the technology and helps in realizing an optimum system
configuration of multiple ASICs
• Bases the floorplan of the chip on place-and-


• Specifies buses as global (that is, with connection between blocks) or local to a logic block
• Evaluates multiple ASIC architectures by hierarchical function
• Computes memories with the use of LSI Logic's
Design Builder
• Offers a wide range of user-specified options
within each class of logic functions
• Describes designs independent of technology

• Can easily evaluate a given design under alternative technologies
• Bases its floorplan estimation on layout design
• Automatically calculates power pad requirements
• Ensures that packaging requirements are met
and suggests suitable packages
• Has full MDE® Design Tools support available

©199D. 1991 lSI logic Corporation. All rights reserved.





LSI Logic's Memory Compiler software allows
ASIC system designers to automatically compile memories such as multi-port RAMs, ROMs,
FiFOs, ROM-Multipliers or Barrel-Shifters. The
Memory Compiler generates mega cells for cellbased products and Channel-Free™ arraybased products using 1.0 and 1.5-micron drawn
gate length (0.7 and 0.9-micron effective channellength) HCMOS technology. With Memory
Compiler, the user can quickly and efficiently
generate memories optimized for both speed
and area. Memory Compiler generates all the
necessary data files for accurate timing simulation as well as physical layout design. ASICs
with on-board mem-ory requirements can now
be implemented easily, using advanced 1.0micron gate length HCMOS technology.

ASIC RAMs and ROMs can be generated in
minutes using Memory Compiler.


• Megacells can be compiled and implemented on
user's own workstation
• Fast megacell turnaround significantly reduces
ASIC development cycles
• Automatic test vector generation saves significant design time

• Risks are reduced, since megacells are "right by
• Easy to use, graphics menu interface
• Fully integrated within MDE® Design Tools
• Has full MOE Design Tools support available
• Technical training available from experienced staff


• Memory Compiler supports both array-based
and cell-based products
• Memory Compiler supports both 1.0 and
1.5-micron gate length HCMOS process technologies
• RAMs can be compiled with single port, two
ports, three ports or six ports
• ROMs can be compiled with maximum block
size of up to 64K bits
• Single-port RAMs can be compiled in two
types: low power RAMs with up to 4K bits max-

imum, and 1.0-micron gate length high-density
cell-based RAMs with up to 12K bits maximum
per block
• High-density, single-port RAM's performance
is competitive with commercially available
SRAMs, Taa < 7.5uS
• Programmable I/Os allow easy expansion for
wide data word widths such as 16,32 or 64 bits
• Flexible design allows for easy scan test implementation by user

The user specifies the memory parameters
such as Words, Bits (word length), number and
types of Address ports. As shown in figure 1, a

32 x 16 single-port RAM with one read/write
Address port and an eight-bit Byte Write capability is specified.


Megacell Type:



User Environment


Simulation Model
Test Vectors
Memory Log


Number of Words?


Number of Bits?


Byte Write?


Bits per Byte?




Figure 1. Memory Compiler User Specifications and Output Files


©1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

Layout Environment


Layout Database
Design Verification
Topological Cell
Signal Pins

Test Builder

Test Builder is an advanced scan design
environment that reduces time-to-market and
improves productivity for ASIC-based systems.
It provides high fault coverage and performance based on the full scan design methodology. Because Test Builder is integrated with
LSI Logic's MDE® Design Tools and advanced
manufacturing capabilities, it is the only scan
design environment that provides Right-FirstTIme™ silicon.

Test Builder is an integrated scan design environment that automates creation of test vectors to achieve high stuck-at-fault coverage for
synchronous designs. It consists of Scan
Design Expert (LDMC), Scan Design
Synthesizer (LSCAN) and Synchronous
Automatic Pattern Generator (SATPG).


• TIme scale for test vector development is
substantially reduced
• Ensures that the complex scan designs are fully testable
• Increases reliability of ASICs
• Generates test patterns that typically have 95%
or more stuck-at-fault coverage

• Eases ASICs debugging and straightforward
timing analysis
• Maximizes designer creativity and productivity
by supporting higher level design
• Full software support
• Easy to learn and use
• Technical training available from experienced


• Fast and efficient built-in fault simulation and
test vector generation
• No additional hardware required
• Full support of LSI Logic scan methodology
• Checks all scan design rules automatically
• Automatically converts non-scan design to
scan design
• Produces compact and optimized test vectors
• Provides flexibility in handling special blocks
such as RAMIROM and megafunction

• Enables flexible integration of boundary scan
(JTAG) scheme
• Works at net-list level
• Only one test pin is needed for scan compatible designs. Scan in and scan out can be
multiplexed with regular II0s
• Selects best scan chain order to minimize chip
area overhead
• Detailed summary reports

©1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


Logic Block

The Logic Block Synthesizer (LBS) is a logic
design tool which significantly enhances
designer productivity during the logic design
phase by automating the design, verification
and documentation of common logic functions.
Counters, registers and muxes are examples of
such functions that are part of almost every

digital system design. With the LBS, optimized
logic functions which are "right by construction" can be automatically generated from
user specifications. As a result, ASIC systems
and logic designers greatly enhance their
design productivity.


• Increases logic design productivity thus reducing ASIC development costs
• Datapath building blocks such as multipliers
and adders are available. As a result of this
Datapath, designs can be built efficiently

,. 13 logic functions, each with different varieties
of modules supported
• Hotline service is available
• Fully integrated within MDE® Design Tools
• Technical training available from experienced


• Supports most commonly used logic building
• Generated circuits are optimized for speed or
area (gate count)


LSI Logic's Block Synthesizer generates
adders, counters, muxes, incrementer/de,crementer, decoders, shift-registers and fallthru
FIFOs. The Logic Block Synthesizer generates
an NDL netlist and a file with file type or extension of .PINS, which contains the 110 signal
names. The netlist can be implemented in
Channel-Free™ array-based products or cellbased products using 1.0 or 1.5-micron drawn
gate length (0.7 or 0.9-micron effective channel
length) HCMOS technology. Schematic of the
netlists thus generated is made available by
the Schematic Builder software. The simulation of the whole ASIC, of which the complied
function is a part, is done within LSI Logic's
MDE Design Tools.



Array Products


©1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corpor.tion.,AII rights reserved.

• Wide range of user specified options within
each class of logic functions
• Dn-line help menu available
• Easy to use, menu driven user interface

Logic Block Synthesizer saves designers time
in building logic and Datapath blocks.

Logic Expression
Design Tool


LSI Logic's Design Builder software includes
Logic Expression Synthesizer (LES), a logic
synthesis tool, that helps to design high-performance ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated
Circuits). LES provides an efficient means of
designing finite state machines, sequencers
and other control logic, which are essential
parts of most digital ASIC circuits. It allows
design description using Boolean equations,
truth tables or a HDL language similar to C. An
associated Register-Transfer Level simulator
allows the verification of a circuit at the
design-language level without a gate-level
translation. As a result, the design can be iterated quickly for evaluating various alternatives. Once the design is functionally complete,
LES automatically builds a gate-level NDL netlist
for either Channel-Free™ array-based products
Dr cell-based products. It also features an
optimizer. With this logic synthesis tool, design-

ers can shorten design time to build finite state
machines, datapaths and control logic circuits
that are correct by construction.

Logic Expression Synthesizer synthesizes
finite state machines. control and Datapath
logic efficiently.


• Saves weeks in generating gate-level netlists
from higher levels of abstraction compared to
the schematic capture approach
• Simplifies the tracking of design details
• Efficiently manages complexASICs because
logic is described in higher levels of
• Optimizes the circuit for area and speed, saving designers a great deal of time

• Is technology-independent
• Minimizes production costs by reducing the
overall chip size due to increased silicon efficiency compared with Schematic Capture
• Is fully supported by LSI Logic's MDE® Design


• Offers an easy-to-use, flexible, high-level synthesis language
• Offers multi-tasking capability, nonstandard
clocking and compile-time control structures
• Synthesizes gate-level schematics directly
from Boolean equations and finite state
machines in Mealy Dr Moore form
• Translates truth table inputs similar to UC
Berkeley's format into LES
• Supports both combinational and synchronous

• Offers a logic optimization capability for technology implementation to achieve high performance
• Features a source-level debugger
• Offers a mixed-mode simulator by translating
LES models to behavioral simulation language
(BSL) models
• Performs static timing analysis using LCAP

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic


All rights reserved.


Silicon Builder

Silicon Builder is a suite of design tools that automatically generates layouts of random and regular structure logic block functions. This productivity-enhancing toolset is comprised of two
compilers, Data Path Compiler and Block
Compiler with its powerful Graphics Editor, and is
yet another MDE® Design Tools package. Silicon
Builder enables the designer to manage the
design of today's and tomorrow's ASICs
(Application-Specific Integrated Circuits) by
• Complete control of the design process
because the design tools are available on his
own workstation
• Improved predictability of the final die size and
length of the design cycle
• Increased accuracy of simulation and ability to
avoid costly post-layout design changes
Although Silicon Builder is targeted for ASIC
designers with limited layout expertise, these
flexible tools allow expert designers to influence layouts. Actual segment length information enables the designer to verify accurate




• Provides access to a proven layout design system with over 10,000 completed designs
• Guarantees Right-First-Time™ ASICs
• Offers user control ofthe design cycle,
because designers have access to Silicon
Builder on their own workstations
• Allows easy sharing of design tool resources
among various design projects, which significantly reduces ASIC development costs
• Eliminates the need for post-layout design
change and significantly increases design productivity
• Saves silicon area and improves speed performance of ASICs
• Offers customer support, training and a hotline
• Provides a segment length file (SEGLEN) that
allows the designer to accurately verify the timing of the compiled blocks or data path circuits
• Produces optimized layouts to minimize overall
die size and to improve the performance of the
ASIC circuits
• Allows expert designers to influence the layout
so that they can meet their design goals

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

timing behavior of the circuit including setup
and hold time checks. As a result, the designer
can design ASICs on time with the assurance
of first-time success.

With Silicon Builder, high-performance ASICs
can be designed quickly and efficiently
because the designer has access to actual
layout information early in the design cycle
for accurate timing verification of the functionallogic blocks.

II Logic Expression
II Synthesizer (LES)


Logic Block
Synthesizer (LBS)


Qr NDL Ne~ist






Netlist Backplane ,I.
Data Path Compiler
Block Compiler



,I. Layout (lL3) Backplane,l.



Figure 1. Silicon Builder enables ASIC designers to build block layouts efficiently, regardless of their expertise in layout.

• Features a powerful layout Graphics Editor
(GE) with built-in design rule checking
• Features a Graphics Editor with a rich command set that offers great flexibility in the
interactive layout process, while ensuring
compliance with design rules

Data Path Compiler

Data Path Compiler is a specialized Silicon
Builder design tool that automatically generates optimized layouts of regular data path
structures for cell-based and array-based
ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated
Circuits). Its flexibility permits easy handling of
designs with regular multibit logic elements
connected by buses and non-bit-slice structures. Unlike conventional approaches to datapath compilation, the designer is not restricted
to a limited set of cell library elements or a
specific design description tool.
Datapaths can be efficiently described using
the powerful Schematic Editor (LSED), an
MDE® Design Tool. Alternatively, data paths
can be described using a high-level design
language. For example, Logic Block
Synthesizer (LBS), one of the Design Builder
design tools, can be used to automatically generate NDL netlists of datapath elements, such
as adders and muxes. Data Path Compiler
accepts a netlist of the design, provides quick



• Enhances system performance because optimized layouts are produced
• Minimizes costly post-layout design changes
because data path circuits can be accurately
verified at an early stage
• Gives the designer complete control of the
design process
• Increases design productivity, thus reducing
ASIC development costs
• Provides expert technical support at worldwide Design Resource Center locations
• Offers full MDE design tools support, including
customer training and a hotline service
• Provides feedback on area estimation and
wiring efficiency
• Compiles datapaths atthe cell or chip level
• Allows routing of signal nets over the compiled
data path megacell
• Allows expert designers to use LSI Logic's
powerful Graphics Editor (GE) to modify the
layout manually
• Supports nonuniform bus widths and inter-bitslice wiring

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights re.erved.

feedback on size estimate and wiring efficiency, and generates a completed layout along
with wire segment information for accurate
timing simulation.

Data Path Compiler produces dense layout datapath blocks by taking advantage of the regularity of structures and generates wire segment
information for accurate timing verification.

Netlist Backplane

IGl Backplane

Figure 1. Data Path Compiler generates layout
and segment length information for accurate
timing verification.
• Is compatible with Logic Block Synthesizer
(LBS) to allow automatic generation of datapath elements, such as adders, incrementers/
decrementers, registers, muxes and decoders
• Supports 1.0 and 1.5-micron drawn gate length
(0.7 and 0.9-micron effective channel length)
HCMOS Channel-Free™ array-based and cellbased products
• Allows easy use of graphics interface


Block Compiler

Block Compiler is a specialized Silicon Builder
design tool that automatically generates optimized layouts of random logic blocks for
Channel-Free™ array-based or cell-based
ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated
Circuits). Block Compiler offers control of the
layout process during the ASIC design phase.
Block Compiler accepts a flat or a hierarchical
netlist of functional blocks. Itthen places all of
the cells and routes signal nets within the
block, including clock lines and power buses
automatically. ASIC designers with limited layout expertise benefit from the use of Block
Compiler because the compiler produces block
layouts that are 100% executed.
At the same time this flexible tool allows expert
designers to interactively influence the layout
and meet performance goals. With Block
Compiler, sections of the design, including the
physical layout, are fully implemented. Actual
wiring information is quickly made available by
the compiler to facilitate accurate timing verification of the blocks.
As a result, designers are able to predict both
the size of an ASIC and its performance at an



• Gives ASIC designers complete control of the
ASIC design process because it's available on
their own workstations
• Produces optimized layouts, which enhance
system performance
• Verifies critical sections ofthe circuit with
accuracy at an early stage; therefore, no major
surprises are encountered when the chip layout is completed
• Eliminates the need for costly design iterations
and greatly enhances design productivity
resulting in minimized ASIC development costs
• Offers full MDE® Design Tools support, including customer training and a hotline service

©1990. 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights re.erved.

early stage rather than at the chip layout completion stage. Any design changes in the postlayout stage have an adverse effect on design
schedules. Block Compiler virtually eliminates
costly design iterations allowing timely market
introduction of products. As a result, design
productivity is enhanced.

Block Compiler produces finished layouts of
logic blocks and generates wire segment
information for accurate timing verification.

Netlis! Backplane

layout (lGl) Backplane

Figure 1. Block Compiler provides an easy
and efficient means of bridging the netlist and
layout (lGL) backplanes.

Support Service

Service Description

LSI Logic's MOE Support Service offers a comprehensive software support and maintenance
package for MOE users. The service is


The MOE Support Service offers the following
benefits to the customer:
• Hotline Support:
A dedicated, toll-free hotline is available for MOE
Support Service subscribers (1.800.MOE.4545}.
Customers designate one primary and one alternate contact who may place direct calls to the
Technical Support Center. Knowledgeable design
tool engineers are ready to answer software
questions and if software problems arise, assist
in resolving them. In addition, users may report
enhancement requests for the design tools
through the Hotline. This service is not intended
to replace or augment customer product training .

required for each computer node authorized to
run MOE design tools.

• Periodic Library Updates:
Technology libraries are updated on a regularly
scheduled basis. Changes reflected in these
library updates can affect design perfomance
and functionality.
• MOE Design Tools User Conference:
An annual conference allowing MOE users from
across the country to meet with LSI Logic's management, engineering and CAD engineers to discuss various design issues ranging from future
design tool requirements to current customer
case studies. The conference is free to all MOE
Support Service customers.

• Periodic Software Updates:
Customers will receive regular updates to their
MOE design tools. These updates include revisions covering enhanced software functionality,
support of new hardware operating systems,
documentation updates and corrections to software problems. If a critical software problem is
encountered, every effort is made to correct the
problem and update the user with a software
Note: The MOE Support Service does not cover hardware or operating system problem support.
Installation services and system consulting are available at an additional cost.

©1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All right. re.erved.



Software for
Mentor Graphics

Co-Designer@ Environmentfor Mentor Graphics
(CDE®/MG) software allows the user to design
LSI Logic ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated
Circuits) accurately in the Mentor Graphics environment, enhancing its capabilities by coupling
LSI Logic's design methodology with Mentor
Graphic's tools. CDE/MG software is the result of
an engineering partnership between LSI Logic
and Mentor Graphics, where both parties ensure
that their software and libraries work together.
Designing high performance gate arrays and
cell-based ASICs requires accurate timing for
successful design implementation. The designer
also needs to simulate at the system level to
ensure the ASIC works correctly with the other
components ofthe system.
CDElMG software features quality silicon-specific timing within the Mentor Graphics environment. CDElMG is fully integrated with LSI Logic's
advanced manufacturing capabilities. The result


• Is compatible with LSI Logic's Modular Design
Environment software
• Uses Mentor Graphics' SYMED and NETED for
schematic capture
• Uses Mentor Graphics' QUICKSIM for simulation
• Translates automatically hierarchical netlist
between Mentor Graphics and MOE software
• Offers CSM, the Co-Designer Scheduling Monitor,

Mentor Graphics

is an ASIC that can be manufactured with LSI
Logic's Right-First-lime™ assurance.

Floorplanning map of a chip. preparatory to
full layout. The blocks have been placed by
FloorPlanner™ software, an MDE® Design

making CDElMG software easy to use
• Results in MOE software quality design sign-offs
• Back-annotates to QUICKSIM for accurate system-level simulation
• Includes LOS" simulation and verification,
FloorPlanner software and bonding diagram programs
• Supports selected LSI Logic technology libraries
• Assures LSI Logic Right-First-lime silicon


Figure 1. Using CDE/MG software in the Mentor Graphics Environment

©1989, 1990, 1991 lSI logic Corporation. All rights re.erved.

Design Kit


Block Diagram

The coupling of general-purpose EDA software
along with silicon-specific software in the
design of ASICs (Application-Specific
Integrated Circuits) is becoming increasingly
popular with electronic designers. The Veri log
Design Kit from LSI Logic supports the use of
Cadence's popular and highly regarded VERILOG-XL simulator in conjunction with LSI
Logic's MDE® Design Tools. Now with the
Verilog Design Kit, ASIC designers have a way
to blend their Verilog simulator with MDE software. This is yet another example of LSI


Logic's Open Systems Architecture, whereby
general-purpose EDA software is bridged to
silicon-specific MDE software. The results are
superior, high-performance ASICs that are
designed quickly with Right-First-lime™ assurance. Verilog Design Kit was written by LSI
Logic's software and model development engineers working with their counterparts at
Cadence, the Veri log vendor.





LSI Logic








©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


Synthesis Libraries


The LSI Logic/Synopsys libraries offer the user of
the Synopsys Design Compiler software a link to
LSI Logic's ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated
Circuit) technology and manufacturing capability.
A synthesis library, written in Synopsys library
language format, contains the timing and functional description of LSI Logic macrocells.lt also
contains the definition of environmental delay
conditions and wire loading tables. Each table is
associated with a die and a package.

The synthesis libraries software includes internal macrocells only. Timing and logic information represents specification of MOE software
and its libraries for use with Design Compiler.
MOE software simulation and design verification are required for design acceptance at LSI

The synthesis libraries are developed in cooperation with Synopsys to effectively exploit the
synthesis and optimization capabilities that Design Compiler offers.
LSI Logic/Synopsys libraries are designed to
incorporate MDE® Design Tools delay estimation techniques into the process of logic synthesis and optimization with the Synopsys Design
Compiler. Complex LSI Logic designs may be
synthesized and optimized using process specifications that are offered and maintained by LSI

Synopsys Design Compiler uses timing models and embedded synthesis strategies in the
LSI Logic synthesis library to generate optimized netlists.


• Accurate timing and modelling
• Ease of use and compatibility with MOE software, Logic Expression Synthesis, Design
Compiler, etc.

• Cost savings at implementation


• Environmental condition scaling factors for delay
calculation (i.e., WCCOM, BCCOM, NOM, etc.)
• Wire loading tables specific to each die code
• Default scaling factors
• Macrocell definitions

• Specifications for delay calculations under
specific environmental conditions
• Instructions for Design Compiler to adopt alternative algorithms or actions to comply with LSI
Logic modelling strategies


©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

Valid Logic
LCA 10000, LMA9000



The Logic Library Connection (LLC) design
interface supports front end design of LSI
Logic's Channel- Free™ array and cell-based
ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated
Circuits) on Valid Logic workstations.
The LLC interface provides the graphics symbols ofthe macrocells to support graphics
capture. It also provides simulation models that
allow the designer to simulate on the Valid Logic
Once complete, it provides interface software
to manage the transition to LSI Logic when the
design is ready. It generates a network description language (NOL) file for LSI Logic's MDE®
Design Tools. In addition, Valid Logic simulation
outputs are converted to simulation control
files, test pattern files and simulation listing
files suitable for transfer to MDE software,



• Interfaces with Valid Logic's schematic capture, ValidGED
• Interfaces with Valid Logic's ValidSIM simulation environment
• Offers the LCA 10000 macrocelilibrary
• Offers the LMA9000 macrocelilibrary
• Includes macrocell elements
• Has high-drive buffers available
• Has configurable buffers available

Valid Logic
Symbol and
Network Editor

where they will be used to test the chip and to
compare and verify with MDE software simulations.
For the LCA 10000 and LMA9000 libraries, the
gate delays may be modified as functions of
fanout, voltage, temperature, processing
parameters and estimated wirelengths. For the
LCB15 library, the gate delay is fixed, assuming
no wirelength contribution and worst-case
commercial conditions of 70 D C, 4.75 V and +50%
worst-case process.
ASIC designers can use the Valid Logic tools to
capture and simulate an LSI Logic design prior
to transferring to MDE software for final simulation, design rule checks, sign-off and layout.
This can either be done on site or at one of LSI
Logic's Design Resource Centers.

• Generates NDL file with complete design
• Generates simulation source files for functional test, parametric test, 3-state functional test
and IDD test
• Generates expected simulation results listing
• Generates logical states for all outputs atthe
end of each simulation cycle
• Checks pulse width, setup and hold violations
under worst-case commercial conditions
Listing Files

Control Files

Test Pattern

Net File!or
MDE Software

©1989,1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


Other Third-Party

lycad Corporation

• Support for LE, FE and XP hardware accelerators
• All technology libraries supported

• Megafunctions and memories supported
• Sun4 platform supported

IKOS Systems

• Support for 800/1900 hardware accelerators
and simulation environment
• LCA100K, LCB007, LCA10000 technology
libraries supported

• No memory or megafunction
• At present, Sun4 and Sun3 platforms supported

Systems, Inc.

• Certified LCA 10000 and LMA9000 libraries

• Sold by Viewlogic directly (contact Viewlogic
for ordering information)

Note: Customers should contact LSI Logic for more information regarding third·party interface offerings.


©1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


Design Services

Design Building
Design Services

LSI Logic supports an extensive library of
design building blocks. Complexities of the
devices in this library range from gate-level
macrocells and macrofunctions through function-level megacells and megafuctions, all the
way up to system-level megacores. Designers
can choose from almost 1,000 cells including
flip-flops for special scan configurations, hardcoded functional elements, RAM and ROM

configurations and multiplier configurations. In
addition there are almost 200 significant
Megafunctions, including military microprocessors, AMD, Motorola and Intel compatible
devices, all types of data communications and
microcontrollers, as well as a plethora of arithmetic functions. For further information, please
see LSI Logic's Cell Development datasheet
and Design Building Block Catalog.

Basic Building Blocks

LSI Logic has the industry's largest collection
of design elements included with every technology library purchased. Design elements
include everything from flip-flops, shift registers, 110 and internal buffers, latches, clock
drivers, clock-prescalers, oscillators FIFOs,
UFOs, and arithmetic functions, to multiplexers, synchronizers and RAM and ROM
configurations. Many basic megafunctions are

also provided as an integral part of every technology library along with macrocells, macrofunctions, megacells and metal mega cells. LSI
has a technology library for every technology
supported. Technologies currently include the
LMA9000, LCA10000, LDD10000, LCB15,
LCA100K, LCB007, LEA100K and LRH10000 and
as LSI introduces new technologies, new
libraries will be available to support them.

Individually Licensed
Building Blocks

Complex megafunctions add significant value
to LSI Logic's product offering. These functions
are sold individually because oftheir added
value. The megafunction lists in the library catalog are shown independent of technology.

Not all megafunctions are actually available at
the present time in all technologies. Translation
into other technologies or conversions into
rad-hard technologies or metal megacells can
be done on a case-by-case basis.


Netlists are available for most megafunctions.

A netlist license agreement is required.

Building Blocks

----1 Adders

Arithmetic Functions
Data Comm Functions



Micro Controller










©1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


PC AT Functions










Cell Development
Design Services

LSI Logic has the industry's largest collection of
library elements for designing array- and cellbased ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated
Circuits). lSI logic Cell Development Design
Services are prepared to design customer specific elements ranging from macrocells to

megafunctions. Commonly developed cells
include flip-flops for special scan configurations, hard-coded functional elements, new
RAM and RDM configurations and multiplier


Circuit performance can be dramatically
improved by incorporating macrocells that efficiently fit the architecture of unique system
designs. Variations in setup and hold time
between register element instances caused by
layout differences can be reduced by hardcoding the logic surrounding those register
elements. Features for register elements such
as set-direct, scan control and input data multiplexing can all be handled in this manner.

lSI Logic has a significant number of unique
RAM and RDM configurations in the mega cell
libraries. These memories are constructed in
an efficient manner optimizing area and speed.
LSI logic will create the correct size or number of access ports for memories needed by



Gate Level

Function Level

Complexity of Building Blocks


<1:>1990, 1991 LSI logic Corporation. All rights re.erved.

System Level

Full Scan Testing
and ATPG
Design Services

LSI Logic supports Full Scan Testing on designs
which meet our published guidelines. The customer may supply his/her own vectors or purchase the scan ATPG (Automatic Test Pattern
Generation) design service option. Purchase of

the Scan Chain Creator program (LSCAN) and
the Design Methodology Checker program
(LDMC) provides optimal methodology support.


When compared to ad-hoc test generation,
scan-based designs reach higher fault coverage in test programs with far fewer engineering
hours spent developing test vectors. Reaching
99% stuck-at fault coverage with less than
three hours of CPU time is common for scan
ATPG. This results in a higher quality product
that reaches market faster. Design For
Testability (DFT) is becoming increasingly
important to the overall success of new systems, and scan-based design is the most
mature DFT technique. A device can be tested
with scan-based tests while it is resident in the

circuit board. Scan-based tests can be implemented for boards and systems by incorporating boundary scan onto the devices.

LSI Logic offers scan ATPG as a service to
those customers who don't have ATPG software themselves. Customers can now take
advantage of all the benefits of scan-based
DFT without having to make the capital expenditures or learn the complexities of the ATPG
software. Customers can rely on the LSI Logic
expertise of Right-First-Time™ success for
scan-based testing.


LSI Logic has developed a comprehensive
methodology for designing a fully synchronous
scannable device, and has attained a high level
of expertise in scan design methodology. LSI
Logic has successfully delivered hundreds of
scan-based designs.

LSI Logic has invested significant resources in
scan design software, layout programs, tester
hardware, documentation and other support
functions. Customers can leverage this significant investment in their designs by utilizing our
tools and services.


The software enhancements to the MDE®
(Modular Design Environment®) Design Tools
for ATPG include a Design Methodology
Checker (LDMC) and a Scan Chain Creator
(LSCAN). These software programs allow
greater flexibility for the designer to select
scan elements and connection order manually,
or to allow the software to make the selections. During the layout process the scan chain
order can be optimized to reduce routing congestion.

LSI Logic uses a modified D-Algorithm (FAN) as
well as other heuristics. Full scan design
requires all memory elements (flip-flops or registers) to be directly controllable through the
scan chain, which causes the circuit to appear
completely combinatorial (logic). All buried
states in sequential machines are thus controllable and observable, thereby making ATPG
practical. Partial scan, where some ofthe register elements are not part of the scan chain, is
not supported in the LSI Logic full scan
methodology. An entire test pattern can be
automatically generated in a matter of hours,
with fault coverage from such ATPG runs consistently above 97%, and often above 99.5%.





ATPG algorithms, such as the D-Algorithm, are
well known for scan-based designs and have
attained very high fault coverages (even 100%).

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.





Fault Grading
Design Services

LSI Logic's Fault Grading design service combines state-of-the-art software with hardware
acceleration to provide a cost effective quality
improvement methodology. Through Fault
Grading of the test patterns, the designer can
determine the effectiveness in detecting
potential manufacturing defects. The results of
Fault Grading simulation can be used as a tool
to modify the test program and increase the
fault coverage. This improves the quality of

tested devices. Simulation and design files are
sent for fault simulation processing to computer accounts in Milpitas, California, or other
design centers where Zycad hardware accelerators are located. Reliable, accurate and
convenient fault simulation based on exhaustive or statistical methods is provided, accompanied by comprehensive, easy-to-analyze


LSI Logic's Fault Grading design service
addresses the complex issue of assessing test
vector completeness. By utilizing this fully integrated environment, the designer doesn't need
to learn any additional procedures, methodologies or languages. This saves time and
reduces potential sources of errors that can
occur with complicated translations.

Unless a structured design approach (such as
scan test) is used, the responsibility of the test
program is in the hands of the circuit designer
rather than the ASIC manufacturer. Therefore,
the quality of the product delivered will depend
on how thoroughly a functional test can be
produced by the designer. LSI Logic helps the
designer by providing industry-leading tools
and services to attain the highest level of ASIC
design and quality.

The fault simulations are performed on Zycad
hardware accelerators using fault models that
are built into LSI Logic macrocell libraries at
the primitive level. The Zycad simulator is
"socketed" into the MDE® Design Tools.
Studies show that high fault coverage test programs are directly related to higher quality levels and lower defect rates in end products. This
saves significant production costs by reducing
yield loss, returns and repairs of electronic
equipment. Product quality is becoming a product differentiator with ever increasing importance. Reliance on tools such as Fault Grading
is becoming more important in managing the
increasing complexity of ASIC (ApplicationSpecific Integrated Circuit) design.


©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

Many designers rely on high node toggle. coverage to obtain quality test programs. LSI Logic
design methodology requires that a designer
obtain 100% node toggle coverage, butthis
does not ensure the highest possible fault coverage (and therefore, quality). In order for the
test program to be effective in detecting potential faults, each toggle node must have the toggle data propagate to an output pin of the
device. This fault observability is what Fault
Grading checks for and why only high fault
coverage, not node toggle coverage, can guarantee high quality end product.

SPICE Models
Design Services

LSI Logic supports SPICE I/O models for licensing to customers. Models are available for most
technologies. These models are for I/O cells

only, not internal macrocells. The models are
designed only for use with META Software
HSPICE, not Berkeley SPICE or P-SPICE.


The SPICE I/O models simulate the output
characteristics and input capacitance of LSI
Logic I/O buffers. The designer creates his
own circuit board simulation to check the
operation ofthe board level circuit. This can
also be used for 'what if' calculations. When
there is heavy capacitance, long traces or
concern about round trip delay and signal
integrity (reflections and ringing) in a board
design, the designer can use SPICE simulations
to analyze circuit operation.

Simulations can be run for worst case (weak
N, weak P) and best case (strong N, strong P)
conditions of the P and N transistors.


LSI Logic guarantees that silicon passes LDS@,
MDE® Design Tools simulator approved tests
which specify output buffer delays into a
lumped capacitance rather than to SPICE simulations. Test programs for all designs are generated from MDE Design Tools and cannot be
modified to reflect SPICE results.

SPICE I/O models are comprised of subcircuit
and transistor parameter text files compatible
with META Software's HSPICE, version H8701
or higher.


Models for slew rate control versions of output
buffers are included in the library. Each I/O
buffer is formed by subcircuits. For instance,
the BT4 is constructed of a predriver, an inverting buffer and a clamp diode. Each of these
subcircuits is constructed of P and N transistor
models. Transistor models exist for all process


Weak N strong P
Strong N weak P


Parameters for poly and metal capacitance are
also included.
The P and N transistor models include the following parameters:

























Maintenance service for SPICE I/O models is
not required. The models are considered stable and do not require updates. Questions
regarding these models should be directed to
your local applications engineer.


California, phone number 800.346.5953 or
LSI Logic is unable to support any questions
arising from usage of these models in software
other than HSPICE.

Any questions regarding use of HSPICE should
be directed to META Software in Campbell,

©1990, 1991 LSI logic Corporation. All rights reserved.



Design Services

LSI Logic offers custom tailoring of every
design through the use of proprietary, state-ofthe-art layout design tools, optimized for both
our array-based and cell-based ASIC
(Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) products. Several levels of layout complexity are
offered, enabling a choice of cost/performance
solutions. The standard layout is included with
every NRE for a new design. The merge layout

is for small changes to an original LSI netlist.
Trial layout has two types. One type of trial layout is for timing performance evaluation and
another is for determining die size. Custom layout is for designs pushing the limits of the standard design criteria. These designs will require
handcrafting of the layout in order to meet
extraordinary design objectives.

Standard Layout

Included in every new design NRE is the standard layout. LSI performs a comprehensive
series of procedures to ensure a clean, efficient layout for every design. There are over 30

steps in LSI's layout procedure. Each step must
be signed off along the way, ensuring a quality
layout is achieved.

Merge Layout

A merge is when a small change is made to a
completed layout. That is, the change is
merged into the original database. Merges
only work for very small changes in the netlist.
Even a relatively small change may not work if
the change causes a chain-reaction to many
more nets that drive it, or are driven by it. The

maximum merge amount is 50 macrocells or
100 gates. There is no limit when gates are
subtracted. However, any design over 40%
utilization is not eligible for a merge layout.
This is because in larger designs the chainreactions increase beyond routibility.

Trial Layout for
Speed Evaluation

Wire length estimates for pre-layout simulation
generated by LSI's FloorPlanner™ program are
generally adequate for simulation of most
designs. However, some design architectures
are dependent on precise delay path predictions. The designer in these cases must make
design tradeoffs based on the precise delay
path predictions before handing off the final
netlist for layout (ECR). This is much different
than creating the fastest possible layout configuration, defined as the optimum total delay
sum on all nets in a design, which can be done
without going through a trial layout phase. The
customer must determine whether or not this
kind of trial layout is necessary for the design
objectives set.

The cost difference between the two options
can be significant since finishing the drops will
be time consuming and involves manual intervention. In the case ofthe auto route only
option, any critical net necessary for timing
analysis is so noted and completed first. This
produces a SEGLEN file with only the completed nets. The unconnected nets must have timing information inserted from the pre-layout
estimated file.

There are two ways of performing trial layout
for speed evaluation:
• Auto route only (leave the drops unconnected)
• Finish all nets (connect the drops as in a full


©1991 LSI LogiC Corporation. All rights reserved.

When a timing analysis requires all nets to be
completed, the full standard layout procedure
is completed in its entirety.
A SEGLEN file contains actual wire lengths.
This is used by LDEL to calculate the delay
times for back-annotation into MDE® Design
Tools for precise timing analysis.


Engineering Support
Design Services

LSI Logic has produced over 10,000 ASIC
(Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) designs
to date. LSI offers the support of the most experienced field applications engineering organization in the ASIC industry. This resource is avail-

able to our customers at different levels of
support as stated in the purchase agreements.
It is also possible to obtain applications support services for specific objectives.

LSI Facilities

LSI Logic operates 39 design centers worldwide. These facilities include the latest high
performance workstations available for customer use. Customers may use this equipment
without making the capital budget expenditures, while gaining access to the latest LSI
Logic MDE® Design Tools.

Applications engineers are available for consultations whenever the customer is engaged
in design activity at the LSI Logic facilities.
This is particularly valuable for first time MDE
Design Tools users. All LSI Logic MDE Design
Tools are available for use by customers at
design centers, although the usage fee may
vary depending on the type of software

Consulting Support

LSI Logic has extensive system level architectural experience. Major workstation suppliers
have designed multiple LSI Logic ASICs into
their most advanced workstations.
Architectural partitioning at the system and
chip level was accomplished with the aid of
LSI Logic experience and expertise. LSI Logic
is expert in many different system design disciplines, including:
• Architectural partitioning
• Design methodologies

On Site Applications

LSI Logic applications engineers may be sent
to the customer's site to perform any of these
support functions. If there will be substantial
interaction between customer and vendor
engineers, it is more convenient to tackle
these situations directly at the customer site
where the work is being performed.

©1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


Testing methodologies
SPICE analysis of board level interconnects
Clock distribution architectures
Design system configurations
The basic design flow for ASICs has not
changed much over the last few years. What
has changed is the migration in the bulk ofthe
design task to earlier in the design cycle. The
proper decisions at the early stages of the
design will pay huge dividends later.
Applications engineers may be assigned full
time to a customer site for extended periods of
time if warranted by the size and scope of the
design effort.


Array-Based ASICs

LCA200K Compacted
Array Turbo Series

The LCA200K Compacted ArrayTM Turbo series
is a submicron array-based HCMOS product
family offering extremely high performance
and density. The LCA200K is manufactured
using O.7-micron drawn gate length (0.55micron effective channellengthl silicon gate
HCMOS technology. The advanced feature size
of the LCA200K translates into high performance with gate delays of 270ps and maximum
flip-flop toggle frequency of 300 MHz. LSI Logic
proprietary library elements such as the phase
locked loop for minimizing system clock skew,
and new high-performance I/O, dramatically
increase system performance capability.
The LCA200K utilizes LSI Logic's ChannelFree™ architecture, which constitutes an
array core filled with potentially active transistors connected through either two layers of
metal interconnect in the LCA200K product line
or three layers in the LCA210K product line.
Integration of cache memories and microcode
is possible through customer defined memory
capability up to 36K bits of SRAM and 160K bits
of ROM. The largest masterslice is capable of
integrating 32K bits of SRAM, 16K bits of ROM,
and over 100,000 random gates.

The LCA200K is supported by LSI Logic's proprietary C-MDETM (Concurrent Modular Design
Environmentl Design System that allows a
design to be captured and simulated prior to
fabrication. New enhancements in the delay
prediction scheme utilize piecewise linear
modeling of cell outputs as well as considering
cell input ramp times and thresholds, providing
accurate delay modeling and enabling the
designer to access the true performance
capabilities of the LCA200K. Optimum performance and efficient layout are assured by consideration of the design hierarchy during the
simulation phase of the design. Cell compilation, floorplanning and hardware acceleration
are available to expedite the design of ASICs
(Application-Specific Integrated Circuitsl up to
200,000 random gates.

LSI offers one of the largest libraries in the
industry including SSI/MSI circuitry and complex industry standard Intel. AMD and
Motorola functions, as well as SPARC and
MIPS microprocessors and peripherals. This
robust library yields many distinct architectural
solutions to a given system design, allowing
the designer to make performance, functionality and costtradeoffs.

Typical LCA200K Compacted Array Turbo Device

©1991 lSI logic


All rights reserved.


LFT150K FasTest
Array Series

The lFT150K FasTest™ Array series is a unique
Array-Based ASIC (Application-Specific
Integrated Circuit) product line incorporating
the patented CrossCheck technology. This new
family of arrays provides the customer a new
design for test (DFT) methodology that transparently generates a very high quality test in
zero test development time. This enhances
designer productivity and reduces the time-tomarket.
The FasTest Array series is suited for high performance, complex applications where quality,
reliability, fast time-to-market and time-to-production are driving requirements. All design
styles are supported from totally asynchronous
through to completely synchronous with a single clock. A wide spectrum of applications are
enabled by the FasTest Array series to enjoy
the benefits of the ASIC technology without
compromising test.
The core of the four masterslices consists of
an array of proprietary sea-of-gates cells that
support the extensive, macrocelilibrary of the
Compacted ArrayTM products offered by lSI
logic. The performance of each cell is not
altered by the CrossCheck technology providing the designer with a solution to critical timing problems in complex designs. The MDE®
Design Tools achieve extremely high utilizations of the arrays providing support of design
complexities from 30,000 to 80,000 used gates.
lSI logic's proven experience at implementing
complex designs is enhanced by the
CrossCheck technology to provide very high
fault coverage with no additional effort.
The periphery ofthe arrays have proven struc-



• Quality test transparent to the designer in
• Observability of "real" manufacturing defects
• Greater than 98% stuck-at fault coverage
• Comprehensive fault modeling capability
• Highest performance structured test solution
• Test vector generation service

©1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

tures that support all of the I/O functions such
as TTL and CMOS compatible inputs, multidrive and slew-rate controlled outputs, 3.3 V
and ECl interface I/Os that are supported in
other lSI logic Compacted Array series.
The hardware implementation ofthe embedded CrossCheck structures is supported by a
suite of software tools that performs fault
grading and ATPG to achieve a test tape that
verifies the design. The software has been fully
integrated into the MDE software which allows
designers to work productively due to familiarity with a widely used and interfaced platform.

Typical LFT150K FasTest Array Device

• 30K to 80K usable gates and up to 4141/0s
• Four FasTest Array masterslices (with
CrossCheck technology)
• Qualified 1.0-micron CMOS process technology
• Fault simulation and ATPG tools integrated
with MDE Design Tools

LCA100K Compacted
Array Plus Series


The LCA100K Compacted Array Plus™ series is
an HCMOS Array-Based ASIC (ApplicationSpecific Integrated Circuitl product offering
extremely high performance. The LCA100K
series is manufactured using 1.0-micron drawn
gate length (O.7-micron effective channel
lengthl silicon gate HCMOS technology.
Twelve masterslice options provide from 6,580
to 234,916 equivalent gates. Two layers of metal
interconnect are used to implement circuits of
greater than 100,000 gates in complexity. LSI
Logic's Channel-Free™ architecture is employed
in the array core, which is completely filled with
potentially active transistors. A total of 438 pads
are available on the largest masterslice for use
in most industry standard packages.

and artificial intelligence processors. Parallel
processor designs can benefit substantially
from the high gate density of the LCA lOOK.
Applications formerly implemented with software, such as image processing and speech
recognition/synthesis algorithms, can be performed in real time with the speed and density
ofthe LCA100K. These high speed CMOS
arrays allow digital signal processing to supplant all but the most advanced analog processing techniques.



The LCA100K is ideally suited for system-tosilicon integration. Sophisticated simulation
algorithms incorporated in LSI Logic's proprietary MOE@ Design Tools allow very complex
circuits to be accurately modeled prior to fabrication. Optimum performance and efficient
layout are assured by consideration of the
design hierarchy during the simulation phase
of design. Cell compilation, floorplanning and
hardware acceleration are available to expedite the design of very large ASIC chips of over
100,000 gates complexity.






Applications for highly integrated array products such as the LCA100K Compacted Array
Plus series include proprietary CPU designs

Typical LCA100K Compacted Array Plus Device

• Greater than 100,000 usable gates
• Silicon gate, 1.0-micron gate length, HCMOS
• Channel-Free architecture for maximum layout
• Fully integrated with LSI Logic's MOE Design
• High speed performance: 350 ps average
through high drive NAND (ND2PI gate. 430 ps
average through standard drive 2-input NAND
gate. Standard load = 2, VDD = 5 V, TA = 25°C
• Twelve array sizes from 6,580 gates to 234,916
available gates
• Up to 418 signal I/O with choice of:
Input, output, or bidirectional buffers
- HCMOS or TTL input levels

- Schmitt trigger inputs
- Configurable output drive up to 48 mA
with slew rate (dV/dtl control capability
3.3 V I/O interface capacity
Power dissipation 3.0 f.lW/gate/MHz
Compilable ASIC memory (up to 32K RAM/128K
ROM I plus logic implemented on one chip
Extensive library of macrocells, macrofunctions, megafunctions and standard memory
Over 400 macrocell and 300 megafunction
types available. Standard and high-drive
versions of macrocells and macrofunctions
for speed and gate usage optimization.
Full netlist compatibility with all other LSI Logic
ASIC products

©1987. 1988. 1989. 1990. 1991 lSI logic Corporation. All rights reserved.




Array Series

The LEA100K Embedded ArrayTM Series is an
HCMOS ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated
Circuit) product which combines the benefits of
cell-based and array-based ASICs. Design-specific, standard cell format embeddable cores
offer high density and performance rivaling full
custom design methodologies. Memory, microprocessors, mega cells and any user-defined
semicustom cores may be placed in any location
on the user-defined masterslice. The remaining
area is filled with potentially active transistors
using LSI Logic's Channel-Free™ architecture.
The LEA100K series is manufactured using 1.0micron drawn gate length (OJ-micron effective
channel length) silicon gate HCMOS technology. This technology provides the advantages
of EeL speeds with the lower power consumption and the higher noise margin characteristics of CMOS technology. With the added
capability to incorporate very high density cellbased memory blocks, LEA100K Embedded
Arrays offer an effective, high performance,
high density design capability to implement virtually any digital logic design.



• Silicon gate 1.0-micron drawn gate length
HCMOS technology
• LCA100K Compacted Array Plus™ series proto
turnaround time
• Array production leadtimes available through
wafer bank program
• LCB007 Series of cell-based ASIC density and
• Up to 150,000 equivalent gate capacity
• Up to 422 signal I/O
• High density memory blocks:
- High speed static RAM up to l44K bits
- Up to five ports available
- Contact programmable ROM up to 1M bits
• Megafunctions (soft-coded LSI and MSI building blocks) including:
- RISC Microprocessors and Floating Point
- Motorola, Intel and AMD peripherals
- Communication controllers
- Generic adders, multipliers, MACs and CAMs
- Barrel shifters, FlFOs, UFOs and ALUs
- All megafunctions may be converted into
megacells (hard-coded large building blocks)

©1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

LEA100K Embedded Array Series Device
The LEA lOOK Embedded Array series offers the
very high density and high performance of a
cell-based ASIC design, with gate array
turnaround time.

Extensive macro libraries
Hierarchical functional placement
Clock driver distribution methodology
Full netlist compatibility with all other LSI Logic
ASIC products
• Full military capability
• Fully supported by LSI Logic's MDE® Design

Array Series


The lCA10000 Compacted ArrayTM series is an
HCMOS semicustom technology offering
speed performance equivalentto 10K ECl,
combined with very high gate counts. The
lCA10000 series is processed using 1.5-micron
drawn gate length (0.9-micron effective channellength), 2-layer metal HCMOS technology
and is based on a Channel-Free™ array, completely filled with potentially active transistors.
Densities from 25,740 to 129,042 equivalent
gates are offered. Up to 348 signall/Os are
available from the larger members.

determined by the user during the design
phase. A slew rate control circuit is available
that allows the dV/dt of each output to be tailored to individual load conditions.
The Compacted Array shown below demonstrates the versatility of Channel-Free architecture in efficiently implementing random
logic, wide buses and memory elements.

The speed and range of gate counts available
in the lCA 10000 series make it ideally suited
for achieving system-to-silicon integration.
Sophisticated algorithms incorporated in lSI
logic's proprietary MDE® Design Tools allow a
circuit designer's modular hierarchy to be utilized to its maximum potential. By performing
an optimized functional placement of these
building blocks, and then collapsing and compacting them to minimum size, substantial benefits are realized in both device speed and silicon area utilization.
Output buffer drive strengths of 1, 2, 4, 6, 8,
12 rnA and 24 rnA (24 rnA available with commercial specifications only) are available and


• Up to 50,000 usable gates
• 1.5-micron silicon-gate length, 2-layer metal
HCMOS technology
• Speeds equivalent to 10K ECl, 450 ps through
high-drive NAND (ND2P) gate, 550 ps through
standard drive, 2-input NAND (ND2) gate (standard load = 2, VDD = 5 V, TA = 25°C)
• Up to 348 signal I/O capability
• Extensive library of over 400 macrocell and 300
megafunction types available, as well as standard memory configurations; standard and
high-drive versions available for speed and
gate usage optimization
• Six array sizes from 25,740 to 129,042 gates
• Fully integrated with lSI logic's MDE Design
• Channel-Free architecture for maximum layout
• Random routing with hierarchical functional

Typical LCA10000 Compacted Array Device
• Configurable output drive up to 12 rnA (24 rnA
available with commercial specifications only)
with slew rate control capability
• 3.3 V input and output capability
• Compilable Application Specific Integrated
Circuit (ASIC) memory (up to 16K RAM and 64K
ROM) plus logic implemented on one chip
• TIl/CMOS I/O compatibility
• Inputs and outputs protected from overvoltage and latch-Up
• Efficient implementation of large logic blocks
• Clock driver distribution methodology
• Advanced packaging techniques
• ESD protection: 2001 V

©1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990,1991 lSI logic Corporation. All rights reserved.



Micro Array Series


The lMA9000 Micro Array series is an HCMOS
semicustom technology offering both speed
and performance equivalent to 10K ECl and
high gate density ASICs. The lMA9000 Micro
Array series is processed using 1.5-micron
drawn gate length (D.9-micron effective channellength), 2-layer metal HCMOS technology
and is based on lSI logic's Channel-Free™
architecture, in which potentially active transistors fill the array core. Arrays ranging from
1,968 to 34,944 available gates are offered. The
largest micro array has up to 174 available signail/Os. The lMA9000 series uses small
device structures which exhibit low power
consumption. The series is well suited to be
used as a high reliability universal logic design
vehicle, able to integrate entire printed circuit
boards into a single array.
The larger micro arrays can be used for VlSI
implementation of high performance subsystem architectures such as intelligent special
purpose processors or multifunction controllers. The smaller members can be used for
replacement of high speed Schottky TTL or 10K
ECl logic. Midrange micro arrays are ideal for
high performance dedicated peripheral con-



• 1.5-micron silicon gate length, 2-layer metal
HCMOS technology
• Gate speed equivalentto 10K ECl; faster than
74S TTL; 0.57 ns through 2-input NAND gate,
standard load =2, VDD =5 V, TA =25°
• Up to 174 signal I/O capability
• Extensive macrocell, macrofunction, megafunction, metal-megacell and memory library
• Ten array sizes from 1,968 to 34,944 gates
• Fully supported by lSI's MDE® Design Tools
for verification, simulation and layout
• Channel-Free architecture for maximum layout

©1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

trollers, intelligent support functions, etc.
A large library of macrocells, macrofunctions,
megafunctions, metal-megacells, RAMs and
ROMs is available to simplify the conversion of
existing logic designs or to easily produce new
circuit designs.

Typical Micro Array Die
• Random routing with hierarchical function
• Configurable output drive up to 12 mA with
slew rate control
• Over voltage and latch-up protection for I/Os
• TTUCMOS I/O compatibility
• Efficient implementation of large logic blocks
• Extensive selection of ceramic and plastic
• ESD protection greater than 2001 V
• Functionally compatible with ll7000 and
ll9000 macrocell and macrofunction libraries
• Full military capability

Direct Drive
Array Series



The LDD10000 Direct Drive™ Array series is a
BiCMOS Array-Based ASIC (ApplicationSpecific Integrated Circuit) offering the fast
speed, low power dissipation and very high
gate count of a CMOS Compacted ArrayTM
device, and the high output load driving performance of LS or AS bipolar TTL.
The LDD10000 series is manufactured using a
BiCMOS process that has 1.5-micron drawn
gate length (O.9-micron effective channel
length). 1.5-micron bipolar emitters, and two
metal layers. The proprietary 3-region architecture shown in figure 1 consists of
(1) high density CMOS Channel-Free™ gates,
(2) peripheral BiCMOS blocks for high drive of
internal loads and (3) BiCMOS I/O buffers with
additional gates to implement basic macrocells.

Cell compilation, floorplanning and hardware
acceleration are available as options to expedite the design process.
Output drive strengths of 6,12 and 24 mA with
selectable TTL or CMOS levels are possible
from a single I/O module. Three output buffers
can be used in parallel for 72 mA drive capability, allowing direct interface to common bus
specifications such as VME and Multibus.
Differential TTL and backplane transceivers
can be implemented for line drivers and highspeed, high-data integrity bus communication
applications. A series termination resistor,
selected during the design phase, is provided
to tailor output characteristics and minimize
bus ringing.

The major portion of each array consists of
Channel-Free CMOS logic gates, making the
LDD10000 series functionally compatible with
existing Compacted Array logic/memory libraries and design software. Optimization of
selected internal speed-critical paths is possible using the BiCMOS blocks to drive highfanout nets such as clock lines and buses. In
addition improved I/O characteristics, I/O modules can be configured as flip-flops, latches and
gates to allow easy integration of TTL standard
logic devices into the I/O area.
Sophisticated algorithms incorporated in LSI
Logic's proprietary MDE® Design Tools allow
very complex circuits to be accurately modeled prior to fabrication. Optimum performance
and efficient layout are assured by consideration of the design hierarchy during the simulation phase.


• 1.5-micron gate length, micron poly-silicon
emitter BiCMOS technology
• BiCMOS output buffer performance equivalent
to LS or AS bipolar TTL (4.2ns, conditions: 25
mA TTL output, CL =1OOpF, VDD =5 V, TJ =
• Eight array sizes from 7,198 to 116,778 available gates
• Fully supported by LSI Logic's MOE Design

©1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.



Typical LDD10000 Direct Drive Array chip with
3-region architecture highlighted

• 3-region architecture for optimized performance and density
• CMOS Channel-Free gate core is directly compatible with existing logic and memory libraries
• BiCMOS blocks allow speed enhancement of
heavily loaded internal nets
• I/O modules can implement logic functions
such as basic gates, latches and flip-flops
• Configurable output drive up to 24 mA per I/O
module or parallel buffers for 72 mA maximum


LAD31 0
Array Seri es


The LAD310 Analog/Digital Array series is a
BiCMOS array-based ASIC (ApplicationSpecific Integrated Circuit) offering high performance bipolar and CMOS analog functions
combined with the speed, low power dissipation and very high gate density of a digital
CMOS Compacted ArrayTM.
The LAD310 series is manufactured using a
BiCMOS process that has 1.5-micron drawn gate
length (0.9-micron effective channel length)
CMOS devices and 1.5-micron bipolar emitters
(Ft=6 GHz) and two metal layers. The array architecture is shown in figure 1 and consists of two
distinct sections. The upper part of the chip contains a digital CMOS Compacted Array surrounded on three sides by digital I/O buffers. The lower
part is an analog tile array with analog I/O buffers
also available on three sides of the tiled region.
Equivalent gate densities for the digital section
range from 1512 to 114,987 available gates with
up to 239 digital I/O pads. The analog section
has from 96 to 672 available tiles depending on
the array size (approximately 4 tiles are required
to construct a basic operational amplifier) and
97 analog I/O pads on the largest member.
The ability to implement high performance analog
and digital functions on a single chip makes the
LAD310 series ideally suited for total system integration onto silicon. Using a Channel-Free™
architecture throughout the array assures maximum silicon utilization and direct compatibility
with existing Compacted Array logic/memory
libraries and design software for the digital section. An extensive library of precharacterized
analog functions is available to expedite the
design process in the analog section. Each function makes selective use of both MOS and bipolar
devices to implement accurate, high speed and



• 1.5-micron gate length poly-silicon emitter
BiCMOS process
• Analog and digital functions on a single chip
• High-performance bipolar analog functions:
800 MHz wide band operational amplifiers, 3 ns
high-speed comparators
• High-speed digital CMOS logic: 0.57 ns through
2-input NAND gate, standard load =2,
VDD =5 V, TA =25°C
• Seven array sizes: 1512 to 114,987 digital gates,
96 to 672 analog tiles
©1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights re.ervad.

Array Architecture
low noise building blocks. The analog designer
can choose the specifications of a function to
optimize the circuit for a particular application.
Sophisicated algorithms incorporated within LSI
Logic's proprietary MDE® Design Tools allow very
complex circuits to be accurately modeled prior to
fabrication. Optimum performance and efficient
layout are assured by consideration of design
hierarchy during the simulation and layout phase.
Digital output buffer drive strengths of 1,2,4,6,8 and
12 mA are available in the digital section and
determined by the user during the design phase.
Also available is a slew rate control circuit that
allows the dV/dt of each outputto be tailored to
individual load conditions. Analog output buffers
with emitter follower and push-pull configurations
are available with up to 50 mA drive capability. ECl
logic can also be integrated within the analog
section of the array with pseudo ECl interface.
• Advanced packaging techniques
• Up to 239 digital I/O and 97 analog I/O
• Channel-Free architecture throughout array for
maximum layout flexibility and silicon utilization
• Pre-characterized library of analog functions
• Digital section is directly compatible with
existing logic and memory libraries
• CMOS, TIL, ECl and analog I/O capability
• ESD protection to 2001 V and latch-up immunity
• Full military specifications supported including
MIL883 and CECC90000 (H)

Hardened Series


RHASIC is the LSI Logic family of radiation hardened ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated
Circuits). The LRH10000 Compacted ArrayTM
series is a radiation hardened HCMOS semicustom technology offering speed performance
equivalent to 10K ECL, combined with high gate
counts. The LRH 10000 series is processed using
1.5-micron drawn gate length (0.9-micron effective channel length), 2-layer metal, epitaxial
bulk silicon HCMOS technology. The LRH10000
is a Channel-Free™ array, completely filled with
potential active transistors. Oensities from
25,740 to 129,042 equivalent gates are offered.
Usable gate capacity of 50,000 gates and up to
348 signall/Os are available.
The speed and range of gate counts available
in the LRH 10000 series make it ideally suited for
achieving system-to-silicon integration.
Sophisticated algorithms incorporated in LSI
Logic's proprietary MDE® Design Tools development software allow a circuit designer's
modular hierarchy to be utilized to its maximum
potential. By performing an optimized functional placement of these building blocks, and then
collapsing and compacting them to minimum
size, substantial benefits are realized in both
device speed and silicon area utilization.


• Guaranteed total dose specification 1 x 106
• Total dose functional to >1 x 107 rad(Si)
• Upset resistant for dose rates up to 1 X 109
• Latch-up resistant to dose rates :5:10 12
• SEU <5 x 10-9 errors/bit-day measured at room
temperature on latch type memory structure
without cross-coupled resistors. Actual value
will be design and layout dependent.
• No SEU latchup for 240 MeV Br ions
• Silicon-gate 1.5-micron gate length, 2-layer
metal HCMOS technology
• Speeds equivalent to 10K ECL- 0.57 ns through
2-input NAND gate, standard load = 2, VDD = 5 V,
• Up to 348 signal I/O capability
• Extensive macrocell, macrofunction and megafunction library elements (directly compatible
with industry standard LCA10000 series)
• Six array sizes from 10,000 to 50,000
usable gates
©1987. 1988. 1990. 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

Output buffer drive strengths of 0.8, 1.6,3.2,4.8,
6.4 and 9.6 mA are available and determined by
the user during the design phase. Also available is a slew rate control circuit that allows
dV/dt of each output to be tailored to individual
load conditions.

LRH10000 Compacted Array Chip

• All design and manufacturing done in the USA
• Fully supported by MDE Design Tools for verification, simulation and layout
• Channel-Free architecture for maximum layout
• Random routing with hierarchical functional
• Configurable output drive up to 9.6 mA with
slew rate control capability
• Inputs and outputs protected from over-voltage
and electricallatchup
• TTL/CMOS I/O compatibility
• Efficient implementation of large logic blocks
• Clock driver distribution methodology
• Advanced packaging available
• ESD protection: 2000 V
• Military capability up to MIL-STD-883, Class S


Hardened Series




RHASIC is the lSI logic family of radiation
hardened ASIC (Application-Specific
Integrated Circuits). The RHASIC lRH9000
series of radiation hardened silicon-gate
HCMOS logic arrays exhibits bipolar speeds,
while at the same time, offers high radiation
resistance, low power consumption, high noise
margins and ease of design.
• Total dose specification: 200 krads (Sil; fully
functional to 500 krads (Si)
• Upset resistant for dose rates ~ 1 x 109 rads
• No latch-up observed up to 1012 rads (Sil/sec
(limit of source capability)
• SEU <10-8 errors/bit-day (Adams 10% worstcase)
• No SEU latch-up
• Speeds higher than 74S TTl-l.l ns (1)
• Epitaxial silicon substrates
• Silicon-gate 1.5-micron drawn gate length
(1.I-micron effective channel length) HCMOS
• Two levels of metal interconnect
• Compatible with the industry standard ll9000
series macrocell and macrofunction libraries

The speed and range of gate counts available
in the radiation hardened lRH9000 series make
it ideal for lSINlSI implementation of a variety
of high-performance functions that are
required to operate in a radiation environment.

• Optimal structure of two n-channel and two
p-channel transistors
• Complexities ranging from 1,443 to 10,013 gates
• Ceramic package pin counts ranging up to 224
• Custom packaging available
• All design, manufacturing including assembly
done in USA
• Fully supported by lSI logic's MOE'" Design
Tools for pre- and post-radiation conditions
• All non-power pads configurable as inputs,
outputs Dr bidirectionalI/O
• TTl/CMOS I/O compatiblity
• Configurable output drive up to 9.6 rnA
• Input protection circuitry
• lRH9320Q evaluation device available
• Secure design and manufacturing facilities
• Military capability up to Mll-STD-883, Class S

LRH9000 Device
in Leaded Chip

Notice: The United States Government imposes special requirements for the authorization to export semiconductor products that are designed
or manufactured to provide radiation hardening or radiation tolerant qualities


©1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


L63500 DATAC
Terminal Device

The L63500 data bus terminal controller is
specified in ARINC 629. Primarily developed to
function as a bus interface terminal in a multiple transmitter data bus, the L63500 simplifies
I/O design and allows flexibility in the physical
layout of user systems. In addition, it minimizes
problems associated with centralized data
communication systems -loss of all communication, application complexity, etc. The L63500
is an ideal device for application in aircraft
avionic "fly by wire" systems, factory automation systems, and other control systems requiring high reliability and performance. The
L63500 is currently available in a 1BO-pin
ceramic pin grid array. A surface mountable
leaded chip carrier version is under development. Both package options are available processed to the requirements of Mil-Std-BB3 with
operation guaranteed overthe military 125°C/
-55°C temperature range.
During operation, bus access control is distributed among all terminals and decisions
concerning transmission go-ahead are determined autonomously. The data bus access
protocol is Carrier Sense Multiple AccessClash Avoidance (CSMA-CA) which enables



ARINC 629 compliant
Boeing certified
Autonomous bus control
Manchester II biphase coded serial data
2 megabit data rate
Direct memory access capability
Periodic and aperiodic protocol modes
Provides transmit and receive interrupt vectors
Automatic shutdown on error of transmitted

©1989. 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

equal priority access for all terminals even
during overload conditions. Under normal
operating conditions the terminals transmit at
a fixed update rate (periodic). When overload
conditions exist the terminal transmits continuously (aperiodic) utilizing 100% ofthe bus.
Transmitted information (messages) is (are)
formatted by the scheduler. Each message
consists of a set of wordstrings which are
stored in the transmit personality PROM. In
addition, the wordstrings contain labels which
provide subsystem identification. Once the
transmitted information is received by another
terminal, the serial data is decoded and tested
for proper format. The label of each wordstring
is compared to the information stored in the
receive personality PROM. If correlation
between the personality and transmitted data
exists, then the subsystem will initiate the
proper I/O activity. If no correlation exists the
system will remain idle.
During transmission the receiver acts as a
data monitor. Erroneous transmissions are terminated and after seven consecutive errors
the transmitter is disabled.
• Data validation based on format and parity
• Voltage, current and fiber optic transmission
media supported
• CMOS 1.5-micron drawn gate length
(0.9-micron effective channel length) technology
• Low power dissipation
• +5 V supply voltage



Cell-Based ASICs

LCB007 Series
Cell-Based ASICs



The LCB007 series of Cell-Based ASICs
(Application-Specific Integrated Circuitsl is a
family of standard cell format, semicustom
solutions available for implementing a wide
variety of complex logic functions for digital
applications. Based on a 1.0-micron drawn
gate length (O.7-micron effective channel
lengthl HCMOS process technology, it offers
very high density and high performance that
rivals full-custom design methodologies.
• 1.0-micron gate length, 2-layer metal, silicongate HCMOS technology
• Up to 200,000 equivalent gate capacity
• High-speed performance:
- 350 ps through high drive NAND (ND2CI
- 450 ps through standard drive, 2-input NAND
gate (ND2AI (standard load = 2, VDD = 5 V,
TA= 25°CI
• Latch-up immunity over 200 mA
• Electrostatic discharge (ESDI protection of
over 2001 V
• Up to 422 signalllOs with choice of:
- Input, output or bidirectional buffer
- HCMOS or TIL input levels
- Schmitt trigger inputs
- Configurable output drive up to 24 mA
(one slot 24 mA available with commercial
specifications onlyl with slew rate control
- 3.3 V input and output capability
• High-density memory blocks:
- High-speed static RAM up to 144K bits
- Up to five ports available
- Contact programmable ROM up to 1M bit
- Specialized memories, including FIFOs,
UFOs and CAMs
- Memory blocks compiled to any user-specified widths and depths
• Extensive macro libraries:
- Gate-level, SSI, MSI, LSI, VLSI and RISC
building blocks
- Over 200 macrocell and 300 macrofunction
types available
- Each macrocell available in a minimum of
four drive strengths

©19B9, 1990, 1991 lSI logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

Fully supported by LSI Logic's MDE® Design
Tools, the easy-to-use LCB007 design tools
produce circuits which are guaranteed to work
the first time to predetermined specifications.
The LCB007 also features many SSI, MSI, LSI
and VLSI building blocks, including high-density memory capacities of up to 1M bit of ROM
and 144K bits of RAM.

• All megafunctions available as, or can be converted into, mega cells
• Built-in scan circuitry for all mega cells; userdefined test circuits on all memories; choice of
system-level test structures for the balance of
• Full netlist compatibility with all other LSI Logic
ASIC products
• Full military capability
• Fully supported by LSI Logic's MOE Design Tools
• Library compatible with 1.0-micron gate length
LCA100K Compacted Array Plus™ Series and
LEA 1OOK Embedded ArrayTM Series

Typical LCB007 Series Cell-Based ASIC


LCB15 Series
Cell-Based ASICs


The LCB15 Series of Cell-Based ASICs
(Application-Specific Integrated Circuits) is a
family of standard cell format, semicustom
solutions available for implementing a wide
variety of complex logic functions for digital
applications. Based on a 1.5-micron drawn
gate length (0.9-micron effective channel
length) HCMOS process technology, it offers
high density and high performance that rivals
full-custom design methodologies.
Fully supported by LSI Logic's MDE® Design
Tools, the easy-to-use LCB15 design methodology yields designs which are guaranteed to
work the first time to predetermined specifications. The LCB15 also features many SSt MSI,
LSI and VLSI building blocks including highdensity memory capacities of up to 2M bits of
ROM and 144K bits of RAM.



• 1.5-micron gate length, 2-layer metal, silicon
gate HCMOS technology
• Up to 100,000 equivalent gate complexity
• Typical gate delays of 570 ps (ND2C 2-input
NAND gate with 8 standard loads, 5 V VDD,
TA = 25°C)
• Electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection of over
2001 V
• Full military capability
• Up to 348 pads (328 signalllOs, 256 testable)
with choice of:
-Input, output, or bidirectional buffer
- HCMOS or TTL input levels
- Schmitt trigger inputs
- Different output drive capability and slew rate
• High-density memory blocks:
- High-speed static RAM up to 144K bits
- Up to five ports available
- Metal programmable ROM up to 512K bits
- Diffusion programmable ROM up to 2M bits
- Specialized memories including FIFOs, UFOs
and CAMs
- Memory blocks compiled to any userspecified widths and depths

Typical Cell-Based ASIC Design
• Extensive macro libraries
- Gate-level, SSI, MSI, LSI and VLSI building
- Over 200 macrocell and 300 macrofunction
types available
- Each macrocell available in a minimum of
three versions varying in drive strengths
• All megafunctions available as, or can be converted into, megacells
• Built-in scan circuitry on all memories and
megacells; choice of system level test structures for the balance of logic
• Full netlist compatibility with all other LSI Logic
ASIC products
• Fully supported by LSI Logic's MOE Design

©1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.



Testability Bus

Testability Bus

The IEEE P1149.1/JTAG Testability Bus is a proposed standard protocol for board test. LSI
Logic supports this testability bus with special
cells and design methodology. The IEEE
P1149.1/JTAG Testability Bus is a boundary
scan scheme controlled by four (optionally
five) pins. In addition to boundary scan, a
designer can add internal scan path, LSSD,
BIST or CrossCheck test capability or other
special test modes. LSI Logic supports
Pl149.1/JTAG in a variety of cell-based and
array-based technologies.
The JTAG testability bus offers improved board
level testing and diagnostic capabilities for
systems where "bed-of-nails' testing is impractical. Board test vectors may be introduced
and resulting outputs read out from the board
edge connector. IndividuaIIC's, boards, or an
entire system may be tested in this fashion.

Block Diagram

The JTAG testability bus in and of itself does
not improve IC testability per se, but it does
provide a standardized gateway for IC structured test schemes such as scan, LSSD, BIST
or CrossCheck.
The JointTest Action Group (JTAG) is an international group of companies who are seeking
test solutions for boards and hybrid assemblies.
They have involved the IEEE in the effort to
develop an industry standard boundary scan
test methodology. The result has been a proposed standard known as IEEE P1149.1. While
the specification will not be final until voted on
by the committee, LSI Logic offers JTAG capability now, based on the preliminary specification "Standard Test Access Port and BoundaryScan Architecture", Test Technical Committee of
the IEEE, June 1989. Any specification changes
will be incorporated in future revisions.
Boundary Scan Path




TMS TestAccess

Port (TAP)


Block Diagram

©1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.



DSP Standard Products





32 x 32-Bit



The L64032 is a high-speed 32 x 32-bit parallel
multiplier-accumulator which provides single
precision (32 x 32) and mUltiple precision
(64 x 64) fixed point multiplication and single precision multiplication with accumulation. The
device is fabricated with a 1.5-micron drawn
gate length (O.S-micron effective channel length)
HCMOS process. High speed is obtained through
the use of modified Booth encoding, Wallace
tree adders and a high-speed carry select adder.

The L64032 is useful in DSP (Digital Signal
Processing) applications such as Fourier transforms, digital filtering, power series expansions
and correlations. In these applications, the 32-bit
word length yields a signal to noise ratio and
dynamic range of up to 192 dB. This device is
also useful for general computational tasks such
as matrix manipulations, graphics processing
and arithmetic acceleration.

• 32 x 32-bit parallel multiplication and product
• 64 x 64-bit fixed-point multiplication
• Fast cycle times
125 ns
160 ns
100 ns
125 ns
• Low power consumption-SOO mW at 10 MHz
• Supports unsigned integer, two's complement
integer, unsigned fractional and two's complement fractional input formats

• Supports unsigned integer, two's complement
integer, unsigned fractional, two's complement
fractional (shifted) and two's complement fractional (unshifted) output formats
• Positive and negative product accumulation
• TEMP register supports product register
pre loading
• Full rounding capability
• All registers offer full built-in scan testing
• 132-pin CPGA or PPGA (ceramic or plastic
pin-grid array) package

Block Diagram




OEP D---------+--<>,.

©1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


32-Bit HCMOS
IEEE Floating-Point



The L64134 is a high-speed processor which
contains a full 32-bit floating-point multiplier
and a full 32-bit floating-point ALU on a single
chip. This three-bus device has a clean architecture with no internal pipelines. It is ideally
suited for high-speed graphics and DSP
(Digital Signal Processing) applications.
The L64134 supports the ANSI/IEEE Standard
P754-1985 (commonly called IEEE) format. The
device has been implemented in a 1.o-micron
drawn gate length (o.7-micron effective channellength) HCMOS process for high-speed
with low power dissipation and is packaged in
an industry standard 144-pin ceramic pin grid
L64134 is functionally equivalent and pin compatible with the L64133. The L64134 has minor
variations from the L64133 in terms of performance, flag generation and exception handling. In all cases, the L64134 behaves in a
manner which is more consistent with the
accepted interpretation ofthe IEEE standard.



• Provides separate 32-bit floating-point mUltiplier and floating-point ALU on a single chip
• Fully supports all boundary conditions of the
IEEE format except operations with denormalized numbers, which are treated as zero
• Three-bus architecture for high bandwidth
• Six ported internal core for super-scalor performance
• Separate register enable signals
• Fast floating-point operation times
50 ns
60 ns
60 ns
80 ns
80 ns
100 ns
• No internal pipelines for low latency
• Architecture optimized for sum of products and
product of sums calculations

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

L64134 Chip

• All input registers can be selected as edgetriggered flip-flops or level-triggered latches
• All output registers can be selected as edgetriggered flip-flops or transparent buffers
• Single master clock
• Four separate input registers
• Provides conversion from integer to floatingpoint and from floating-point to integer formats
• Performs (2 minus X) for Newton-Raphson
• Special graphics operation such as Min and
• Full serial scan test mode for all input and output registers eases board and system level


Video Shift Registers


The L6421 0 and L64211 are two high-speed
Variable-Length Video Shift Registers. These
devices can be used individually or as video
line delays for the L64200 series filter processors.
The L6421 0 provides four individual 8-bit shift
registers, each with a length of up to 1032, and
is packaged in a 68-pin plastic leaded chip carrier or ceramic pin grid array.
The L64211 provides eight individual8-bit shift
registers, each with a length adjustable to 516
and is packaged in a 120-pin plastic or ceramic
pin grid array.

L64210/l64211 Chip


• Variable-length video shift register
• Acts as a variable-length line delay, reformatting serial (raster-scanned video) data into a
2-D video signal for image processing
• Can work individually or with any of the LSI
Logic L64200 series filter processors
• L6421 0 contains four separate 8-bit shift registers whose length can be varied from 24 to
• L64211 contains eight separate 8-bit shift registers whose length can be varied from 12 to 516
• High data rates
20 MHz
16 MHz
12 MHz
The L64211 contains eight individual 8-bit variable-length shift registers which can be used
as video line delays. The L6421 0 has every
other shift register output connected to external package pins and effectively has four individual 8-bit shift registers. The length of the
shift registers is controlled by the value residing in the level-triggered LENGT!:!JE.tch register controlled by an active LOWWE input. The
length of each of the eight shift registers of the
L64211 can be varied from 12 to 516 bits by
loading the LENGTH register according to:
Number of Shifts =(4· LENGTH) + 8.

©1987.1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation.

• Control available to blank (force to zero) data
outputs during horizontal video blanking intervals
• Control available to blank (force to zero) data
inputs, which could be used to ignore invalid
data during vertical video blanking intervals
• Input data can be sent to all eight internal shift
registers simultaneously
• L6421 0 is available in a 68-pin PLCC (plastic
leaded chip carrier) or CPGA (ceramic pin grid
array) package
• L64211 is available in a 120-pin PPGA (plastic
pin grid array) or CPGA (ceramic pin grid array)

where 0 is an illegal input. Since the L64210
internally cascades two shift registers together, each ofthe resulting four registers can
be varied from 24 to 1032 bits long, and its
length is determined by the equation:
Number of Shifts = (8· LENGTH) + 16.
In a video or image processing system, the
length of each shift register is normally set to
the number of pixels per video line. When used
in this fashion (as a video line delay or as a
front end to any ofthe LSI Logic real-time
image-processing chips). the line delay ouputs
the pixels vertically adjacent to (in the same
column as) the input pixel.

Video Shift
Register (HVSR)



The l64212 is a high-speed Variable-length
Video Shift Register. This device can be used
individually or as video line delays for the
l64200 family of processors. The delay of the
l64212 can be setto any value between 11 and
4140. The l64212 features fully static operation
and 40 MHz data rates. The l64212 can be
operated in a circular buffer mode, in which
the buffer is filled once and then read continuously.
The l64212 has four delay elements each with
a maximum delay of 1035. Two data inputs
allow operation in 18-bit applications with
delays up to 2070 or as two independent 9-bit
line delays. The l64212 is packaged in a 95-pin
grid array.

l64212 Chip

Pin Listing and

• Variable-length video shift register
• Acts as a variable-length line delay, reformatting serial (raster-scanned video) data into a
2-D video signal for image processing
• Contains four separate 9-bit shift registers
whose length can be varied from 11 to 1035
• Programmable for any delay value between 11
and 4140



Nine-bit input data bus. Data inputs are loaded
into the first stage of the first shift register at
the rising edge of ClK while SHIFT/HOLD is

Selects either ClK (when lOW) or WClK
(when HIGH) as system clock.

Nine-bit input data bus. Data inputs are loaded
into the first stage of the third shift register at
the rising edge of ClK while SHIFT/HOLD is
HIGH. Only active when internal control signal
2inp is HIGH.

System clock (when SElClK is lOW), active at
the rising edge.

System clock (when SElClK is HIGH), active at
the rising edge. Used to load circular buffer.


• High data rates
40 MHz
40 MHz
30 MHz
30 MHz
• Variable-length circular buffer
• 3-State outputs for double-buffered memories
• Available in 95-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid
array) package

©1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reselVed.

Enables writing of data into the shift registers.
Held HIGH for line delay applications and during loading in circular buffer applications. Held
lOW during reading in circular buffer applications.
CI.Oto CI.7
Control input bus. This bus is common to all
l64200 series devices. On the l64212, the bus is
used to load the length of each of the delay
elements and other control information.

Filter (RVF)

The L64220 computes a given rank of the input
values in a moving window and outputs the rank
value. The operation is similar to a linear
transversal filter except that the output is chosen from a sorted list of the input values rather
than a weighted sum ofthe input values. Some
examples of useful rank values include the maximum, minimum and median. Median filtering
has been shown to be effective in removing
noise that has a probability density with long
tails (i.e., spikey noise I, while preserving monotonic changes in the input data. The maximum
and minimum can also be used to suppress certain types of noise in a non-linear manner.
The Rank-Value Filter can be reconfigured for
operation as an 8 x 8, 4 x 16, 2 x 32 filter or as a
1 x 64 1-0 filter. Values can be masked from the
computation, giving the user very general control over the window of the filter. Thus, the size
and shape of the window can be varied for
many applications.



• 64-tap, 12-bit reconfigurable Rank-Value Filter
processor (RVFl
• Sorts and selects output data value based
upon input rank (000000 =min, 111111 =maxI
• Configurable for 8 x 8, 4 x 16, 2 x 32 or 64-tap
window size
• Operates on signed or unsigned data
• Eight separate 12-bit input buses
• Configurable window shape and size
The L64220 Rank-Value Filter (RVFl sorts all the
values within a window and outputs the value
of interest as determined by the RANK selector. Commonly used rank values are the maximum or minimum value within a set of inputs.
The most common application of the device
will be as a median filter which has excellent
properties for removal of impulse-like noise.
The device is a stand-alone filter which can
operate on either 1-0 or 2-D windows where
each data point is up to 12 bits in length. The
L64220 is easily reconfigurable to perform RVF
operations with a variety of window sizes and

©19B7. 19BB, 19B9, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

L64220 Chip

• Double-buffered coefficient/control registers
• High-speed real-time operation
20 MHz
16 MHz
15 MHz
12 MHz
• Extremely useful as a median filter to remove
impulse-like (salt and pepper! noise
• Fully compatible with other LSI Logic L64200
series devices
The Rank-Value Filter operates at very high
speeds and is useful in high-end applications
such as radar signal processing, image processing, high-speed data communications and
other areas where-performance and processing power are important.
The device contains eight individual8-tap shift
registers (RVFO-RVF71, each 12 bits wide. By
controlling the input source to each 8-tap shiftregister section, the Rank-Value Filter can be
configured as a 64-tap 1-0 Rank-Value Filter or
as a 2-D filter with a 2 x 32, 4 x 16 or 8 x 8 window.


L64230 Binary
Filter and Template
Matcher (BFIR)


The L64230 is a 1024-ta~high-speed binary
transversal filter processor and template matcher.
The processor can be configured as a 1-0 (onedimensional) filter for radar or other signal processing applications, or as a 2-0 (two-dimensional) filter
for image processing applications. The processor
accepts 2-0 data directly from a L64210/L64211
Variable-Length Video Shift Register or other video
source. The coefficients can be changed in time to
perform adaptive filtering and correlation. The window and/or precision of a 1-0 or 2-0 filter is
expandable using more L64230 processors with
minimal external logic.
The processor is ideally suited for real-time image
processing applications, like video pattern matching, noise removal and the morphological operations, erosion and dilation. The maximum window
size is 32x32 for a single chip. Video output formatting circuitry is also available on chip to clip the
ouputto a single bit Data throughput of 20 MHz
(WCCOM) makes the processor suitable for radar
processing. Implemented in 1.5-micron drawn gate



• Performs FIR filtering, template matching, erosion and dilation
• Compatible with the L64200 family of products
• 1024-tap sections, each operating on l-bit data
and 1 112-bit coefficients
• Reconfigurable for 1-0 and 2-0 correlation/
• Multiple processors can be used to extend
data and/or coefficient precision

The core of the processor is organized as 32 32-tap
filter sections. The outputs of all 32-tap sections
are summed and delayed by the variable-length
shift register. This delayed output is added to an
incoming partial resultto form the processor output The partial result input is used to sum partial
results in a multi-processor system and to setthe
threshold value to clip the output to a single bit
The variable-length shift register is used only in
multiprocessor systems to compensate for additionallatency acquired in the partial result path.
Each filter tap performs the basic XNOR and AND
operations. The Ai, j and Bi, j are stored in double
buffered registers. Bi, j controls the XNOR gate
ane Ai, j controls the AND gate. The XNOR gate
performs inversion (erosion) or magnitude differ-


©1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

length (0.9-micron effective channel length) low
power HCMOS technology, the L64230 is available
in a 155-lead ceramic pin grid array package.

• Multiple processors can achieve window sizes
of over 64K ta ps
• 16-bit output precision
• Double buffering of coefficients
• High speed operation
20 MHz
16 MHz
15 MHz
12 MHz
• Available in 155-lead CPGA (ceramic pin grid array)
encing (template matching). The AND gate performs masking (template matching) or l-bit multiplication (FIR filtering, dilation, erosion). The outputs of all taps are summed to produce the final
result It should be noted that no significant bits of
any signal are lost.
The processor has 32 single-bit inputs (010-0131).
For 1-0 filtering, the only active input is 010. When
performing 2-D operations over N x M window, N
of the inputs are active. Normally, when performing 2-0 operations, an L64210/211 Video Shift
Register with a raster-scanned signal as its input
would provide the N active data inputs. In this
case, the output of the processor, OO(n) represents the raster-scanned output.


Multi-Bit Filter

The L64240 is a 54-tap high-speed transversal filter processor consisting of two 32-tap sections,
with 8-bit wide coefficients and data. The processor can be configured as a 1-0 (one-dimensional) filter for radar or other signal processing
applications, or as a 2-D (two-dimensional) filter
for image processing applications. The processor accepts 2-D data directly from a
L64210/L64211 Variable-Length Video Shift
Register or other video source. The coefficients
can be changed to perform adaptive filtering and
correlation. The window and/or precision of a
1-0 or 2-D filter is expandable using more L64240
processors with minimal external logic.

1.5-micron drawn gate length (0.9-micron
effective channel length) low power HCMOS
technology, the L64240 is available in 155-lead
ceramic pin grid array package.


The processor is ideally suited for real-time
image processing applications such as video
pattern matching, noise removal, inverse filtering, edge enhancement, and edge detection. The
maximum window size is 8 x 8 for a single chip.
Video output formatting circuitry is also available
on-chip to alter gain, threshold and other parameters. Worst-case commercial grade data
throughput of 20 MHz make the processor suitable for radar processing. Implemented in










• Two 32-tap sections, each 8-bit data and coefificients
• One 32-tap section, each 16-bit data or coefficients
• Reconfigurable for 1-0 and 2-D correlation/
• Multiple processors can be used to extend
data and/or coefficient precision up to 24 bits
• Multiple processors can achieve window sizes
of over 1024 taps
• Two's complement or unsigned 8-bit input data
and coefficient
• Output precision up to 40 bits for 1-0 processing, up to 24 bits for 2-D processing
The L64240 Multi-Bit Filter is a stand-alone
Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter which can
operate on either 1-0 or 2-D data. It is easily
reconfigurable to perform FIR filter operations
with a variety of window sizes and shapes.
It operates at very high speeds and is useful in
high-end applications such as radar signal
processing, image processing, high speed data
communications and other areas where performance and processing power are important.


Double buffering of coefficients
Format adjustment for video display
On-chip barrel shifter for precision expansion
Block floating-point format output
Configurable as an IIR filter
High speed operation
20 MHz
16 MHz
15 MHz
12 MHz
• Ability to perform Sobel edge extraction
• Available in 155-lead CPGA (ceramic pin grid
array) package

The L64240 performs convolution/correlation
operations of the type:

L hi xln -I)

1 - 0: yin) 0

2- D:yln, m)

oLL hl,kxln -I, m - k).

10 Ob 0

The device contains eight individual 8th order
FIR filters (FIRO-FIR7).

©1987,1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.



3 x 3 Multi-Bit
Filter (MFIR3)


The L64243 is a 9-tap high speed transversal filter
processor consisting of a 9-tap section, with 8-bit
wide coefficients and data. The processor can be
configured as a 1-0 (one-dimensionanfilterfor
radar or other signal processing applications, or
as a 2-D (two-dimensional) filter for image processing applications. The processor accepts 2-D
data directly from a L64210/L64211 VariableLength Video Shift Register or other video
source. The coefficients can be changed to perform adaptive filtering and correlation.
The processor is ideally suited for real-time
image processing applications such as video pattern matching, noise removal, inverse filtering,
edge enhancement and edge detection. The maximum window size is 3 x 3 for a chip. Data
throughput of 40 MHz makes the processor suitable for radar processing. The L64243 is implemented in a 1.5-micron drawn gate length (0.9micron effective channel length) low power
HCMOS technology.


• 9-taps, 8-bit data and coefficients
• Reconfigurable for 1-0 and 2-D correlation/convolution
• Two's complement or unsigned 8-bit input data
and coefficient
• Output precision up to 20 bits
• Double buffering of coefficients

Block Diagram


• High speed operation
40 MHz
40 MHz
30 MHz
30 MHz
20 MHz
20 MHz
• Available in 68-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid array) or
68-pin PLCC (plastic leaded chip carrier) package


to D----1h'-''------i





to D--H-,,---!
00.0 - 00.19
to D--t+"---L--'


©1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

Two Internal
Pipeline Stages

FIR Filter Processor
The L64245 is a device for computing FIR Filters
on continuous data streams at data rates up to
40 MHz. 1-0 (one-dimensional) filters with a
range of data sample rates and filter lengths
can be implemented.


Input and coefficient data are both 10-bit
signed or unsigned values. Both real and complex (I&Q) data types are supported.
The L64245 is capable of implementing a range
of filter functions. Decimating filters, interpolators, interleaved and complex filters are all
supported. The length ohhe filter in all cases


2610*10 multiplier accumulators
208 coefficient registers
Real and complex filters
Interpolation and decimation
Up to eight independent interleaved data

©1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

is determined by the input or output data rate.
As this data rate drops below the device's
clock rate, the number ohaps available
The L64245 consists of 26 processing elements.
Each element is a 40 MHz mUltiplier combined
with eight coefficient registers and an eight
tap shift register. This makes it possible to
implement real filters ranging from 208-taps at
5 MHz to 26-taps at 40 MHz. Coefficients not
being used by a multiplier can be updated
without effecting the operation of the filter.

• Clock/Data Rates
30 MHz
40 MHz
• 68-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid array) or PPGA
(plastic pin grid array) package


Transform Processor



The L64250 computes histograms and modified
Hough transforms for data sets up to 224 points
or images up to 40S6 x 4096 pixels. In addition,
pixel location operations may be performed in
which the X and Y coordinates of pixels of designated grey values are stored. Data rates up
to 20 MHz and data precisions up to nine bits
are accommodated.

L64250 Chip


• Histogram and Hough transform calculation
performed on images up to 4096 x 4096 pixels
• Four 512 x Siook-up tables provided to perform
user-defined point-wise transformations
• Real-time histogram equalization
• High data rates
20 MHz
16 MHz
15 MHz
12 MHz

• Two system clocks provided for different pixel
and host controller data rates
• Marker circuit allows users to flag points of
interest on the histogram, modified Hough
transform or accumulated histogram
• Available in a 68-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid
array) or 68-pin PLCC (plastic leaded chip carrier) package

The architecture of the L64250 accommodates
the implementation of multiple algorithms with
the same memory-based circuitry. The particular operation that is to be performed is defined
via a group of mode latches.

pute the Hough transform parameter for each
point in the image, The user controls the X and
Y counters via the count (CX, CY) and reset
(RX, RY) pins.

The accumulation memory (ACC RAM) holds
the histogram, modified Hough transform partial results or the X and Y pixel coordinates.
Four 512 x 9 LUT RAMs hold any combination
of the histogram-equalized transfer function,
user-specified transfer functions, the function
needed to perform the modified Hough transform (Xtanq, or Ycotq,) or a table indicating
which pixel locations should be stored.
The X and Y counters are used when performing modified Hough transforms and pixellocation and contain the X and Y coordinates within
the image. The LUT, adder and counters com-


©1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

The I/O controller is used to generate addresses for the RAMs when reading results from the
processor or loading the LUTs. The processor
output comes from either the ACC RAM, the
LUT RAM or the marker memory depending on
the type of operation being performed.
Two clocks control the flow of data in the system. CLK1 is the pixel or input data clock. CLK2
is provided to allow the user to read data from
or write data into the RAMs at a lower rate
than the data input rate. CLK2 can be tied to
CLK1 when all operations are performed at the
data input rate (e.g. histogram equalization).


Versatile FIR
Filter (VFIR)


The L64260/61 compute inner products in many
different forms. FIR filters to perform decimation, interpolation, adaptive filtering and 2-0
(two-dimensional) filtering can be implemented.
In addition, matrix-matrix and matrix-vector
multiplication can both be performed. Each processor contains four high-speed MAGs each
with four data and four coeffcient registers. An
on-chip sequencer is used to control the chip
when repetitive operations are performed.
There are two versions of the processor. The
L64260 comes in a 223-pin ceramic pin grid
array with eight 16-bit data inputs bonded out.
The L64261 comes in a 144-pin ceramic pin grid
array that does not provide the use of all I/O
pins. The L64261 has two 16-bit data inputs,
three 12-bit data inputs and three 12-bit data
inputs that are shared with the buses needed to
cascade parts. In applications not requiring
both the additional data input buses and the
ability to cascade parts, the L64261 can be used.
The L64260 is useful in applications in which
either very high I/O bandwidth is required (e.g.,



Four 16-bit MAGs
On-chip control functions reduce system size
Multiple chips can be used to increase performance
Flexible architecture with 16 coefficient and data
• High I/O bandwidth for:
- Adaptive filtering
- Matrix-matrix or matrix-vector multiplication
- General inner products
• Variable input and output data rates for decimation

L64260 Block Diagram




L64260/l64261 Chip
general inner products) or the extra data precision is needed. The L64261 is aimed primarily at
filtering and matrix multiplication applications.
In these applications, not all of the data input
buses are necessary.
and interpolation
• Gan perform one-chip 4 x 4 convolution
• High data rates
40 MHz
30 MHz
• L64260 is available in a 223-pin GPGA (ceramic pin
grid array) package
• L64261 is available in a 144-pin CPGA (ceramic pin
grid array) package
CI2 012








ClK - - . . - I

to TAPs

©1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


64 to 64
Crossbar Switch



The L64270 is a 64 to 64 Crossbar Switch in
which any of the 64 outputs can be connected
to any of the 64 inputs without any blocking
constraints. In addition, any output can be set
to a constant value or put in a high impedance
state. Each of the 64 switches can be operated
in a flow through mode with a delay of 25 ns
from input to output or in a pipelined mode with
a delay of 15 ns from clock to output.
The device can be put into a bus and/or a bidirectional mode to simplify operation with multibit uni-directional or bidirectional buses. The
L64270 is implemented in a 1.5-micron drawn
gate length (0.9-micron effective channel
length) low power HCMOS technology.

L64270 Chip

• Non-blocking 64 to 64 crossbar switch
• Pipelined orflow through modes
• Multiple chips can be used to increase switch
• Outputs can be set to constant values
• Can easily switch buses of different widths
• Can be be configured as 64 bidirectional ports
• Double buffered control signals
• Can perform arithmetic or logical shifting and
bit rotation

Block Diagram


to - - - - . " L - - t

to - - - - , , 4 - -....

©1989. 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

• High data rates

Pipelined Flow Through
40 MHz
25 ns
30 MHz
35 ns
• 160-pin PQFP (plastic quad flat pack) package

Complex FFT
Processor (FFTP)

The L64280 FFTP (Fast Fourier Transform
Processor! is a floating-point complex FFT processor and is designed for primary use with
the L64281 FFTSR (Fast Fourier Transform Video
Shift Register! in real-time FFT systems. It can
also be used in a single processor configuration in which system cost is reduced along
with system performance. The FFTP includes
the FFT controller and complex exponential
ROM needed to compute transforms of 2048
points or less. For longer transforms, external
controllers and coefficient storage devices are

In addition to performing FFTs, the device can
be operated as a complex MAC, two real
MACs or as a MAC with one complex and one
real operand. The user can either input a complex or real coefficient or input the phase of a
complex exponential or real sinusoid.

The device performs both the forward and
inverse transforms and can accept data in
either normal order or bit-reversed order.
A variety of operating modes and data formats
can be chosen. The input data can be either a
floating-point or fixed-point number. Likewise,
the output data can be either a floating-point
or fixed-point number. For fixed-point outputs,
a user supplied scale factor determines which
internal bits are output.

L64280 Chip

Pin Listing and
(the highest numbered
bit is always the most


Computes FFT butterflies at 20 MHz rate
Real or complex multiplication-accumulation
Integer or floating-point data formats
Internal FFT controller for up to 2K point FFT
Internal complex exponential, real sinusoid ROM
for up to 2K point FFT
• Forty-bit internal accumulation for high precision
• Applications in modulation and demodulation

• Internal controller for single processor systems
• High data rates
40 MHz
30 MHz
30 MHz
25 MHz
• Available in a 144-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid
array! package

Twenty-bit real data mantissa input.

exponent appears on these pins. In fixed-point
output mode, OVF.O HIGH indicates overflow of
the data on RDO, and OVF.l is the sign of the
data on RDO; OVF.2 HIGH indicates overflow of
the data on IDO, and OVF.3 is the sign of the
data on IDO.

Twenty-bit imaginary data mantissa input.

Twenty-bit real data mantissa output.

Four-bit output exponent and overflow flags. In
floating-point output mode, the output data

Twenty-bit imaginary data mantissa output.

Four-bit input exponent set to constant for
fixed-point data input.

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


L64281 FFT
Video Shift

The L64281 is a high-speed FFT (Fast Fourier
Transform) video shift register. It is used to perform data formatting in real-time FFT systems
using the L64280 FFTP (Fast Fourier Transform
Processor), or as a flexible variable-length
video line delay. The FFTSR (Fast Fourier
Transform Video Shift Register) features fully
static operation and 40 MHz data rates.
When used in an FFT system, the FFTP devices
generate all control signals for the FFTSRs,
simplifying the system design. A single FFTSR
can perform the data formatting required at
each stage of the FFT if the length is limited to
2K points and the data word widths are limited
to 47 bits. Multiple FFTSRs can be cascaded
(and/or paralleled) when longer transform
lengths or wider data words are required.
The user has access to all 48 single-bit delay
element inputs and outputs, which makes very
flexible video line delays and data buffering
possible. The device can be operated in 1,2,4,
8, 12, 16 and 48-bit modes. The input and output
ofthe device can be independently operated in
serial or parallel modes. For example, the input
can be serial and the output parallel (video line
delay), or the input can be parallel and the out-




High-speed FFT data formatting
Flexible video line buffering
Serial to parallel data conversion
Parallel to serial data conversion
Internally configurable for different data word
• Contains 48 independent I-bit shift registers
whose length can be varied from 14 to 1034

©1990 1991, LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

l64281 Chip
put serial. The delay of each internal shift register is 4N + 14, where O:S; N :s; 255. Therefore, a
48-bit signal can be delayed up to 1034 cycles,
and a single-bit signal can be delayed up to
49632 cycles.

• All data outputs available
• High data rates



40 MHz
40 MHz
30 MHz
30 MHz
• Available in a 132-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid
array) package

Object Contour


The Object Contour Tracer is used to locate the
contours of objects in a binary (1-bit) image. It
will return the sequence of X, V coordinates
and discrete curvature values for each contour. In addition, the bounding box, area and
perimeter of each contour is returned.

The discrete curvature, when normalized, provides insensitivity of the identification process
with respect to translation, rotation and scaling ofthe object. The device can also be used
to compress black and white images by coding
and transmitting only the contour information.

The device can store images internally with
sizes up to 128 x 128 pixels. For images of up to
1024 x 1024 pixels, external RAM is used.
Searching for objects can be restricted to a
subset of the image to decrease the object
detection time. When using the internal RAM,
the image is automatically run-length coded
which allows the processor to skip runs of
eight or more pixels when searching.
The tracer will find all contours including contours within other contours for all of the
objects within the search window. The user
can force the tracer to ignore those contours
which touch an edge of the frame or which are
in the interior of an object.
The contour tracer can be used in object/target tracking and identification applications.

Pin Listing and
(SIGNAL.O is always
the LSB)

• Finds all object contours
• Internal RAM for 128 x 128 pixel images
• Handles 1K x 1K pixel images with external
• Automatic run-length coding decreases
search time
• 20 MHz clock rate
• User selectable search window
• Outputs object contour features
{X(n), V(n)}, {CURV(n)}, {SLOPE(n)}
bounding box, area, perimeter

Ten-bit bus for loading operating and searching parameters into the device. Also used to
read contour features and the external RAM X
coordinate. Data is latched internally when CS
is HIGH and RW is LOW. Data is output on this
bus when CS and RW are HIGH. The XIO bus
floats when CS is LOW.

Similar to the XIO bus, but carries the RAM V
©19B9, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

L64290 Chip
• Execution Time (image dependent) for N x M
typical: < NM cycles
worst case (checker board pattern):
(4.5)NM cycles
• 58-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid array) package

Five-bit register address. Selects one ofthe
internal data registers to be output on the XIO
and VIO buses when CS and RW are HIGH. If
CS is HIGH and RW is LOW, the register with
an address of REGADR will be loaded with the
data on the XID and VIO buses.
Chip Select. When HIGH data can be read from
or written to the internal data registers. When
LOW, the XIO and VIO buses float.


Video and Still Image

L6471 0
8-Error Correcting
Reed-Solomon Codec


The L6471 0 contains a RS (Reed-Solomon)
encoder and a RS decoder. This pipelined,
high-speed, error-correction device implements an RS code with 8 bits (1 byte) per symbol. The encoder appends 16 redundant check
bytes to every K message bytes. The message
length K is user-programmable between 38 and
239. Each RS codeword consists of N = K + 16
bytes of data. Thus the codeword length N may
range between 54 and 255 bytes.
The decoder is capable of correcting up to 8byte errors per codeword. Sustained throughput data rates up to 40 Mbytes per second
(commercial) are supported for both the
encoder and decoder


The L6471 0 is ideally suited for ensuring data
integrity in high-performance storage media
and communication channels. The device is
implemented in a l.O-micron drawn gate length
(O.7-micron effective channel length) HCMOS


Eight bits (1 byte) per code symbol
Sixteen bytes of redundancy per codeword
Percentage redundancy as low as 6.79%
Corrects up to 8 byte errors per codeword
Corrects single burst up to 57 bits long
Systematic Reed-Solomon code for easy
retrieval of message data
• User-selectable codeword length of between
54 and 255 bytes
• Separate encoder and decoder for full duplex

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

L64710 Chip

• Pipelined architecture with high data rate
40 MHz
40 MHz
30 MHz
30 MHz
• Fully static design with no minimum speed
• Built-in test modes
• Available in a 68-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid
array) package


Two-Error Correcting
BCH Encoder-Decoder


The device can be programmed to operate
with or without bit filling. When the fill mode is
selected, the first message bit is used to indicate if the rest of the message has been filled
or contains data.

The L64715 implements the forward error correction, bit filling and synchronization scheme
specified in CCITT (International Consultative
Committee for Telephones and Telegraphs) recommendation H.261. The forward error correcting code is a 2-error correcting BCH code. The
device contains both an encoder and a decoder
for full duplex operation.

Sustained encoded bit rates of up to 30 or 40
Mbits per second are supported for both the
encoder and decoder in full duplex mode.

The device processes blocks of 512 bits. Each
block consists of a 511-bit BCH codeword and
a single internally generated or user supplied
frame bit. The encoder appends 18 bits of
redundant check bits to every 493 bits of message to form the BCH codeword. The message
consists of either 493 bits of data or a fill indicator bit and 492 bits of data or a fill indicator
and 492 fill bits.
The BCH decoder can correct up to two errors
per codeword. The number of errors that have
been corrected is reported for channel characterization.
When internal framing and synchronization is
selected, the encoder appends a single framing bit, as specified in CCITT recommendation
H.261, to each BCH codeword. The decoder
will automatically detect the synchronization
pattern to determine the codeword boundary.
External synchronization can also be provided,
in which the codeword boundary for the
decoder is provided externally.


• Codeword size of 511 bits
• Corrects up to two bits of errors per codeword
• Separate encoder and decoder for full duplex
• Optional synchronization and bit filling

©1990, 1991 lSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

L64715 Chip


Compatible with CCITT H.261 requirements
40/30 MHz data rate for decoder and encoder
Internal BCH decoding buffers
44-pin PLCC (plastic leaded chip carrier) package

L64720 Video
Motion Estimation
Processor (MEP)


The MEP (Motion Estimation Processor)
detects the relative motion between data
blocks in two video frames. This operation
makes it possible to transmit or store less
information in a video compression system.

All input and output data is double buffered to
minimize the main memory bandwidth requirements. The search window and data blocks
are loaded sequentially while the output values
are randomly accessed.

The data block (user selectable for either
16 x 16 or 8 x 8) in the current video frame is
offset and compared with the reference image.
The position of the best match, the minimum
error and the zero offset error are returned by
the processor. The error computed is the sum
of absolute differences.

The device is available in 68-pin ceramic and
plastic PGAs (pin grid arrays).

For the 16 x 16 data block size, errors are computed for offsets of -8 to +7 in both the X and Y
dimensions. For the 8 x 8 data block size, errors
are computed for offsets of -4 to +3 in both the
X and Y dimensions. In both cases, mUltiple
devices can be used to increase the search
window size.
The L64720-30 can process a 352 x 288 image
at a 30 MHz frame rate with a 16 x 16 data
block size. When operating with an 8 x 8 data
block size, the L64720-30 can process broadcast quality images (600 x 480) at a 30 MHz
frame rate.


• 16 x 16 or 8 x 8 data block
• 32 x 32 or 16 x 16 search window
• Search window can be increased with multiple
• Multiple devices can be used for increased

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

L6472D Chip

Compatible with proposed CCID standard
30/40 MHz clock rates
Double buffered I/O
Simple control
68-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid array) or PPGA
(plastic pin grid array) package


L64730 Discrete
Cosine Transform
Processor (OCT)

The DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform)
Processor computes both the forward and
inverse DCT over 8 x 8 data blocks and meets
the CCITT (International Consultative
Committee for Telephones and Telegraphs)
standard. Up to 12-bits of data precision is
available for the input and output data. The
output can also be rounded to 9 or 12 bits. The
device supports data rates up to 40 MHz.

encoder and decoder, the proposed CCID
standard has placed strict limits on the statistics of the errors encountered when computing
the inverse DCT. This device complies fully
with these requirements.
The device is available in 68-pin ceramic and
plastic PGAs (pin grid arrays).

All DCT coefficients and control signals are
generated internally; the user only supplies a
signal indicating the beginning ofthe data
block, the direction of the transform and the
number of bits desired at the output.
The device can also perform the loop filtering
specified in the CCID standard. This operation
is performed at the same rate as the DCT and
inverse OCT.
The Discrete Cosine Transform is ideal for
image or video compression systems as the
DCT coefficients can typically be coded with
fewer bits of information than the original
image. To ensure proper tracking between an
L64730 Chip



8 x 8 data block
Handle continuous data streams
Up to 12-bit input and output precision
Computes forward and inverse transforms
Multiple devices can be used for increased
• Compatible with proposed CCID standard

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


Performs spacially variant loop filtering
30/40 MHz clock rates
Simple external control
68-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid array) or PPGA
(plastic pin grid array) package

Discrete Cosine
Transform Processor


The DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) Processor
computes both the forward and inverse DCT
over 8 x 8 data blocks and meets the proposed
CCID (International Consultative Committee for
Telephones and Telegraphs) standard (H.261).
The device operates with either signed or
unsigned pixel data. Eight-bit unsigned pixel
data is transformed into II-bit signed DCT
coefficients while 9-bit signed pixel data is
transformed into 12-bit signed DCT coefficients.
DCT coefficients are accepted and generated
in either raster order or zig-zag order. The pixel
data I/D is always in raster order. The device
supports data rates up to 35 MHz.

The user only supplies a signal indicating the
beginning of the data block, the direction ofthe
transform, the format of the pixel data and the
ordering ofthe DCT coefficients. The Discrete
Cosine Transform is ideal for image or video
compression systems as the DCT coefficients
can typically be coded with fewer bits of information than the original image. To ensure proper tracking between an encoder and decoder,
the proposed CelD standard has placed strict
limits on the statistics ofthe errors encountered when computing the inverse DCT. This
device complies fully with these requirements.
The device is available in 68-pin ceramic and
plastic PGAs (pin grid arrays) and 100-pin
PQFP's (plastic quad flat packs).

The cosine basis functions and control signals
are generated internally.


8 x 8 data block
Handles continuous data streams
9-bit signed or a-bit unsigned pixel data
Raster order pixel data
Zig-zag or raster order DCT coefficients
Compatible with proposed CelD standard

©1991 LSI logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


Bypass mode
20/27/35 MHz clock rates
Simple external control
68-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid array) or PPGA
(plastic pin grid array) or 100-Pin PQFP (plastic
quad flat pack) package


L64740 OCT
Processor (DCTQ)


The L64740 performs many of the functions
required after the OCT (Discrete Cosine
Transforml and before the IDCT (Inverse
Discrete Cosine Transforml of the proposed
CCITT (International Consultative Committee for
Telephones and Telegraphsl RM8 and H.261
and JPEG (Joint Pictures Expert Groupl R5
baseline image compression standards. The
device will optionally perform the variable
threshold function in CCITT mode and the
quantization and the zig-zag run-length coding
in both modes. In addition, the inverse runlength coding and inverse quantization can be

operating in a CCITT decoder. Operation in
JPEG systems is simpler. In the encoder, the
device quantizes the incoming block of coefficients using two internally stored tables. After
quantizaton, the coefficients are zig-zag runlength coded. In the decoder, the inverse ofthe
two operations is performed.

The L64740 can accept OCT data directly from
the L64730 (OCT processorl and generate data
for the L64730. In addition, the device will
accept OCT data in raster scanned or transposed formats.
When operating as a CCITT encoder, the OCTO
generates the run and level information to be
coded and transmitted to the decoder and the
quantized OCT coefficients which are processed by the inverse OCT processor. The
OCTO accepts the run and level information
and reconstructs the OCT coefficients which
are passed to the inverse OCT processor when



8 x 8 data block
Handles continuous data streams
Performs quantization and inverse quantization
Two quantization tables for JPEG operation
Zig-zag run-length coding and decoding
Supports with proposed CCITT and JPEG

©1990, 1991 LSI logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

L64740 Chip

• 30/40 MHz clock rates
• Simple external control
• 84-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid arrayl or PLCC
(plastic leaded chip carrierl package

JPEG Coder

The L64745 is a variable-length encoderdecoder used to implement the quantization,
zip-zag run-length coding and the variablelength coding and decoding of events as specified in the proposed baseline JPEG (Joint
Pictures Expert Group) standard. The device
includes four quantization tables and two AC
and OC variable-length coding tables.
When encoding, the processor will accept
ll-bit OCT coefficients as generated by the
L64735 or similar device. The coefficients are
quantized, coded and buffered into 32-bit
words. A 32-word output fifo makes it possible
to read the data in bursts.


• Compatible with proposed JPEG standard (8-R8)
• Performs quantization, run coding and variablelength coding
• 32-word coded data FIFO
• Two downloaded AC and OC code tables
• Four downloaded quantization tables
• Can be cascaded with OCT in encoder and
decoder modes

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

When decoding, the device accepts 32-bit
words from the buffer, decodes the events and
reconstructs the OCT coefficients which are
output in format suitable for processing by the
The encoding and decoding operations can
process one pixel and/or event each cycle.
This feature makes is possible to cascade the
L64745 with the OCT (OCT processor) for highspeed image compression systems.
The device can also be used to perform the
lossless 2-0 (two-dimensional) OPCM coding
excluding the 2-0 prediction and to collect
statistics for code table generation.
• Supports lossless mode
• Mode for collecting statistics for code table
• Can be used in non-JPEG systems
• 20/27 MHz data rates
• 84-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid array) or PPGA
(plastic pin grid array) or 100 lead PQFP (plastic quad flat pack) package


L64750/51 CCITT

The L64750 and L64751 perform the run-length
and variable-length coding and decoding functions of the CCITT (Consultative Committee for
International Telephones and Telegraphs)
video compression standard, respectively.
The L64750 encoder accepts quantized OCT
coefficients from the L64740 OCT Quantization
Processor and parameters from the L64760
Interframe Processor and the motion compensator (the parameters include the quantization
stepsize, the motion vectors, the loop filter flag
and the inter-intra decision flag). The data is
multiplexed and coded according to the CCITT
H.261 standard. The composite coded data is
packed into 24-bit words for transmission or
storage. The device encodes each quantized
OCT coefficient in a single cycle.
The L64751 decoder accepts 24-bit words of
composite coded data. The header information
is decoded and system parameters are passed
to the appropriate devices. Each quantized
OCT coefficient is decoded in a single cycle
and hence can be used in high-speed
pipe lined systems. The L64751 also optionally
performs the inverse quantization and zig-zag
to raster conversion within each block. When
operating in this mode, the L64751 is connected directly to the L64730 IOCT processor without the need for a quantization processor.




Compatible with proposed CCITT standard
Oecoder and Encoder
Packed 24-bit coded I/O
Simple interface to other L647XX devices
Up to 20/27 MHz clock rates
Full or quarter CIF

©1990. 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

Both devices were designed to operate with
L64730 (OCT Processor), L64740 (OCT
Quantization Processor) and L64760 (lnterframe
Processor) to form a compact video compression system that can operate at data rates
ranging from those required for full CIF CCITT
systems to those needed for processing broadcast quality video.


• L64750 is available in a 68-pin CPGA (ceramic
pin grid array) or PPGA (plastic pin grid array)
or 80-pin PQFP (plastic quad flat pack)
• L64751 is available in a 68-pin CPGA (ceramic
pin grid array) or PPGA (plastic pin grid array)
or 100-pin PQFP (plastic quad flat pack)


The L64760 performs many of the functions
required for the interframe prediction ofthe
CCITT (Consultative Committee for
International Telephones and Telegraphs)
video compression standard. The current
frame data and the motion compensated
(optional) previous frame data are supplied as
inputs to the device. The loop filtering will be
performed if the previous frame data has been
motion compensated. The decision is then
made to process the data in an intraframe or
interframe mode by comparing the energy of
the luminance data in the current frame to the
energy of the difference between the current
and previous frame luminance data. The signal
with less energy is sent to the OCT (Discrete
Cosine Transform) processor (decision made
according to RM8). The reconstructed pixel
values are generated by summing the prediction value with the output ofthe IDCT (Inverse
Discrete Cosine Transform).


The device also generates strobes for the variable-length coder (L64750) and the quantizer
(L64740). In addition, the quantization stepsize
from the channel data buffer is latched by the
L64760 and sentto the quantization processor
at the next macroblock boundary.
The internal inter-intra decision can be overridden externally for forced updating.

In decoder mode, the inter-intra decision is
transmitted from the variable-length decoder
and the internal decision circuit is not used.
All delays associated with internal or external
processes are compensated internally and
hence are transparent to the user.

Pin Listing and
always the LSB)


Compatible with CCITT H.26l
Loop filter
Internal/external intra-inter decision
Performs pixel reconstruction
System delays internally compensated

L64760 Chip
• Up to 30/40 MHz clock rates
• Simple external control
• 100-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid array), PQFP
(plastic quad flat pack) or PPGA (plastic pin
grid array) package

Eight-bit data input bus for current frame pixel
data. The data is input one macroblock at a
time, with each 8 x 8 pixel block raster
scanned. This bus is not used in decoder

Eight-bit data output bus for previous frame
pixel data. The data is output one macro block
at a time, with each 8 x 8 pixel block raster
scanned. This data updates the previous frame
data store.

Eight-bit data input bus for previous frame pixel data which has been motion compensated
(if desired). The data is input one macroblock
at a time, with each 8 x 8 pixel block raster

Nine-bit predicted pixel output bus for data to
be coded by the OCT processor. The data is
output one macroblock at a time, with each
8 x 8 pixel block raster scanned. This bus is not
used in decoder mode.

©1990, 1991 Lsr l Jgic Corporation. All rights reserved.




MIPS Microprocessors

Rise Products


MIPS Architecture
and Peripherals



The LR2000 and LR3000 CPUs are high-speed
HCMOS implementations of the Industry
Standard MIPS RISC (Reduced Instruction Set
Computer! microprocessor architecture. The
MIPS architecture was initially developed at
Stanford University under the auspices of
DARPA. Both the LR2000 and LR3000 RISC
microprocessors are extensions ofthe
Stanford MIPS architecture developed by
MIPS Computer Systems Inc. This architecture
• Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)
- MIPS Instruction set
- Simple 32-bit instructions
- Register-to-register load-store operation
- All instructions (except MPY and DIV) execute in a single cycle
• High performance
- Fast instruction cycle with five-stage pipeline
- Efficient handling of pipeline stalls and
exceptional events
• Optional devices tightly cOl!pled for high performance
- LR201O/LR3010 Floating-Point Accelerator (FPA)
- LR3220 Read/Write Buffer
- LR2020/LR3020 Write Buffers (WB)
- MipSET workstation chipset
• 32 general-purpose registers
• On-chip cache control

©1990. 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

makes possible a microprocessor that can
execute instructions for high-level language
programs at rates approaching one instruction
per processor clock.
The LR2000 and LR3000 microprocessors
include on-chip memory management and support for up to three external coprocessors
including the single-chip LR2010 and LR3010
Floating-Point Accelerators.
• On-chip memory management unit (MMU)
- Fully-associative, 64-entry translation lookaside buffer (TLB)
- Supports 4 Gbyte virtual address space
• Multi-tasking support
- User and kernal (supervisor) modes
• Tightly-coupled coprocessor interface
- Generates all addresses and handles memory
interface control
- Supports up to three external coprocessors
• Strong, integrated software support
- RISC/OS operating system
- SVIO-Compliant version of UNIX
- Optimizing compilers
Ada (Verdix)
- Systems Programmer's Package
- A complete integrated tool kit used to "Bring
up" target systems.



Rise Products
MIPS Architecture
and Peripherals


Product Code


Clock Rate (MHz)


Floating-Point Accelerator


144 CPGA


Military Version






175 CPGA - cavity down
172 CLDCC - cavity down



84 CPGA - cavity down
84 CLDCC - cavity down


Floating-Point Accelerator
Military Version
Enhanced FP Accelerator


84 CPGA - cavity down
84 CLDCC - cavity down


Integrated ReadIWrite Buffer


180 CPGA
184 PQFP



RST/INT Controller
L-Bus Controller
DRAM Controller
Integrated DRAM Data Buffer
Block Transfer Buffer

208 PQFP
160 PQFP
100 PQFP
208 PQFP

MIPS Ngine




LR3000 & LR3010 Module

Module Board

wi 32K 1&0 Cache & RIW Buffer




LR3000A & LR3010A Module with
64K 1&0 Cache with Multiprocessor


Module Board


Highly integrated MIPS
based Embedded Processor


155 CPGA
160 PQFP

Rise Microprocessor

The LR2000 CPU is a high-speed HCMOS
implementation ofthe MIPS RISC (Reduced
Instruction Set Computer! microprocessor
architecture. The MIPS architecture was initially developed at Stanford University under
the auspices of DARPA. The LR2000 is an
extension of the Stanford MIPS architecture
developed by MIPS Computer Systems, Inc.
This architecture makes possible a microprocessor that can execute instructions for highlevel language programs at rates approaching
one instruction per processor clock. It supports up to three tightly coupled coprocessors
including the single chip LR2010 Floating-Point

LR2000 CPU Chip

The full-custom 32-bit VLSI CMOS Reduced
Instruction Set Computer shown in the CPU
chip photo includes thirty-two 32-bit registers,
on-chip TLB (translation lookaside buffer!,
memory management unit, and cache control

• Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC!
- MIPS instruction set
- Simple 32-bit instructions, single addressing
- Register-to-register, load-store operation
- All instructions (except MPY and DIV!
execute in a single cycle
• High performance
- Fast instruction cycle with five-stage pipeline
- Efficient handling of pipeline stalls and
exceptional events
• Two speed versions
-LR2000GC-12 12.5MHz 8VAXmips
- LR2000GC-16 16.7 MHz 10 VAX mips
• Optional devices tightly coupled for high performance
- LR2010
Floating-Point Accelerator (FPA!
- LR2020 Write Buffers (WB!
• 32 general-purpose registers
• On-chip cache control
- Separate external instruction and data cache
- From 4 to 64 Kbytes each
- Both cache memories accessed during a
single CPU cycle

©19BB, 19B9, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.





- Dual cache bandwidth up to133 Mbytesl
- Uses standard SRAMs
35 ns access time
LR 2000GC-16 25 ns access time
On-chip memory management unit (MMU!
- Fully-associative, 64-entry translation
lookaside buffer (TLB!
- Supports 4-Gbyte virtual address space
Multi-tasking support
- User and kernel (supervisor! modes
Seamless coprocessor interface
- Generates all addresses and handles
memory interface control
- Supports up to three external coprocessors
Strong, integrated software support
- RISC lOS operating system
System V.3,4.3 BSD
- Optimizing compilers
- Systems Programmer's PackageA complete, integrated tool kit used to bring
up target systems
144-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid array! package



The LR2010 Floating-Point Accelerator (FPA)
provides high-speed, floating-point capability
for systems based on the LR2000 CPU. The
organization of FPA architecture is similar to
that of the CPU, allowing high-level language
compilers to optimize both integer and floating-point performance. The LR2010, with associated system software, fully conforms to the
requirements and recommendations ofthe
ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985. The LR2010 connects seamlessly to the CPU. Since both units
receive instructions in parallel, floating-point
instructions can be initialized at the same
single-cycle rate as fixed-point instructions.

LR2010 FPA Chip


• Fully compatible to ANSI/IEEE Standard 7541985 floating-point arithmetic
• Supports single- and double-precision data
• High speed throughput, low latency
• Two speed versions
- LR2010LC-12
12.5 MHz
- LR2010LC-16
16.7 MHz
• Highly pipelined architecture coupled with optimizing compilers generates high throughput.
• Load/store oriented instruction set initiates
floating-point instructions in a single cycle
and overlaps execution with additional fixed or
floating-point instructions
• Status/control registers implemented to provide access to all IEEE Standard exception
handling capability
• Sixteen on-chip 64-bit registers individually
accessible for flexible operation
• Complete instruction set
- Single and double precision multiply, divide,
add, subtract, negate, absolute value

©1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


- Conversion to/from all supported formats
- Comparison instructions derived from
predicates named in IEEE Standard
84-pin CLDCC (ceramic leaded chip carrier)
LR2010 FPA performance floating-point benchmarks
- Single precision 4.8 MFlops
- Double precision 2.2 MFlops
- Single precision
11.4 MWips
- Double precision 9.1 MWips
Livermore loops
- Single precision 9.6 x VAX 11/780
- Double precision 12.1 x VAX llnsO
- Spice
9.7 x VAX 11/180
- 256-Point FFT
23 x VAX 11nsO

Rise Microprocessor

The LSI Logic LR3000 is a 32-bit RISC (Reduced
Instruction Set Computed microprocessor for
use in multiprocessing servers to low-cost
workstations, and high-performance embedded controllers through various military applications. The LR3000 consists of two tightly
coupled processors implemented on a single
chip. The first processor is a full 32-bit CPU,
which incorporates RISC techniques to
achieve a new standard of microprocessor
performance. The second processor is a system control coprocessor, referred to as CPO,
which contains a Translation Lookaside Buffer
(TLB) and control registers to support a virtual
memory subsystem with a dual-cache bandwidth of up to 200 Mbytes/second.




The MIPS architecture grew out of earlier
RISC hardware and software development
efforts at Stanford University. Developing the
hardware and software in tandem enabled the
system architects to make performance tradeoffs across the hardware/software boundary.
They verified that every function or feature that
complicated the hardware design measurably
enhanced system performance before implementing it.

The resulting instruction set is very well tuned
for high-level language use, in contrast to
many other machines labeled RISC, which
have user-level instructions or instruction
mode combinations that are very difficult to
reach from compiled languages.






• RISC architecture
• MIPS instruction set
• Load/store architecture supports configurable
end ian-ness and misaligned data
• All instructions execute in one cycle (except
multiply and divide), and the system execution
rate approaches one instruction per cycle
• Five-stage pipeline provides precise, efficient
handling of pipeline stalls and exceptions
• LR2000-compatible instruction set
• Complete on-chip cache control supports separate, external data and instruction caches of
up to 256 Kbytes each
• Both caches are accessible during a single
CPU cycle
• On-chip Memory Management Unit (MMU)
with fully associative, 64-entry Translation
Lookaside Buffer (TLB) provides fast address
translation for virtual-to-physical memory mapping of up to 4 Gbytes of virtual address space
• Seamless coprocessor interface generates all

©1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.



addresses and handles memory interface control for up to three tightly coupled external
coprocessors, including the LR3010 FloatingPoint Accelerator (FPA)
Strong integrated software support includes
the RISC/OS operating system (SVID-compliant
version of UNIX) and high-performance optimizing compilers for C, Pascal, Fortran, Ada,
Cobol, and Pl/1
Flexible, on-chip multiprocessor support for
low-cost duplicate tags or a high-performance
secondary cache system
Development system supports complete,
native hardware, software, and applications
development environment
Three speed options, 16.67,20, and 25 MHz,
provide a wide price/performance range
Multi-source pin compatibility in advanced LSI
Logic 172-pin CLDCC (ceramic leaded chip carrier) and 144-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid array)


Rise Microprocessor

The LSI Logic LR3000A is a 32-bit MIPS
. Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)
microprocessor for use in applications that
include multiprocessing servers, low-cost
workstations, and high-performance embedded controllers. The LR3000A consists of two
tightly coupled processors implemented on a
single chip. One processor is a 32-bit CPU,
which incorporates RISC techniques to
achieve a new standard of microprocessor
performance. The other processor is a system
control coprocessor that contains a
Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) and control
registers to support a virtual memory subsystem with a dual-cache bandwidth of up to 267
Mbytes/second. The LR3000A maintains compatibility with the LR3000 while providing several enhancements.
The MIPS architecture grew from earlier RISC
hardware and software development efforts at
Stanford University. Developing the hardware
and software in tandem enabled the system
architects to make performance tradeoffs
across the hardware/software boundary. Any
function or feature that complicated the hard-



• MIPS I instruction set
• Two speed options, 25 and 33.33 MHz, provide
a wide price/performance range
• Load/store architecture supports configurable
byte ordering and misaligned data
• All instructions execute in one cycle (except
multiply and divide), and the system execution
rate approaches one instruction per cycle
• Five-stage pipeline provides precise, efficient
handling of pipeline stalls and exceptions
• Complete on-chip cache control supports separate, external data and instruction caches of
up to 256 kbytes each
• Both caches are accessible during a single
CPU cycle
• On-chip Memory Management Unit (MMU)
with fully associative, 64-entry Translation
Lookaside Buffer (TLB) provides fast address
translation for virtual-to-physical memory mapping of up to 4 Gbytes of virtual address space
• LR3000A enhanced features include parity
error detection, ignore parity option, byteordering reversal and a high-impedance option

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights re.erved.

LR3000A Chip
ware design was implemented only if it measurably enhanced system performance.
The resulting instruction set is very well tuned
for high-level language use, in contrast to
many other machines labeled RISC, which
have user-level instructions or instruction
mode combinations that are very difficult to
reach from compiled languages.
for the AdrLo bus during multiprocessor stalls
• Flexible, on-chip multiprocessor support for
low-cost duplicate tags or a high-performance
secondary cache system
• Seamless coprocessor interface generates all
addresses and handles memory interface control for up to three tightly coupled external
coprocessors, including the LR3010A FloatingPoint Accelerator (FPA)
• Strong integrated software support includes
the RISC/OS operating system (SVID-compliant
version of UNIX) and high-performance optimizing compilers for C, Pascal, FORTRAN, Ada,
COBOL, and PL/l
• Development system supports complete,
native hardware, software, and applications
development environment
• Multi-source pin compatibility in advanced LSI
Logic 172-pin CLDCC (ceramic leaded chip carrier) and 175-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid array)



The LR3010 Floating-Point Accelerator (FPA)
provides high-speed, floating-point capability
for systems based on the LR3000 CPU. The
organization of FPA architecture is similar to
that of the CPU, allowing high-level language
compilers to optimize both integer and floatingpoint performance. The LR3010, with associated system software, fully conforms to the
requirements and recommendations of the
ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985. The LR3010 connects seamlessly to the CPU. Since both units
receive instructions in parallel, floating-point
instructions can be initiated atthe same singlecycle rate as fixed-point instructions.


LR3010 FPA Chip

• Fully compatible to ANSI/IEEE Standard 7541985 floating-point arithmetic
• Supports single- and double-precision data
• High-speed throughput, low latency
• Three speed versions: 16.7,20,25 MHz
• Highly pipe lined architecture coupled with optimizing compilers generates high throughput
• Load/store oriented instruction set initiates
floating-point instructions in a single cycle and
overlaps execution with additional fixed or
floating-point instructions
• Status/control registers implemented to provide access to all IEEE Standard exception
handling capability
• Sixteen on-chip 64-bit registers individually
accessible for flexible operation
• Complete instruction set
- Single- and double-precision multiply, divide,
add, subtract, negate, absolute value
- Conversion to/from all supported formats

©1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.



- Comparison instructions derived from
predicates named in IEEE Standard
Available in 84-pin CLDCC (ceramic leaded chip
carrier) (cavity down) and 84-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid array) (cavity down) packages
LR3010 FPA performance floating-point benchmarks
SPEC floating-point 16.8
- Single precision
7.1 MFlops
- Double precision
4.0 MFlops
- Single precision
13.6 MWips
- Double precision
16.4 MWips
Livermore loops
- Single precision
14.4 x VAX 11n80
- Double precision
18.2 x VAX 11/780
- Spice
16.0 x VAX 11/780
- 256-Point FFT
29.0 x VAX 11/780






The LR3010A Floating-Point Accelerator (FPA)
provides high-speed, floating-point capability
for systems based on the LR3000A CPU. The
organization of FPA architecture is similar to
that of the CPU, allowing high-level language
compilers to optimize both integer and floatingpoint performance. The LR3010A, with associated system software, fully conforms to the
requirements and recommendations of the
ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985. The LR3010A
connects seamlessly to the CPU. Since both
units receive instructions in parallel, floatingpoint instructions can be initiated at the same
single-cycle rate as fixed-point instructions.

LR3010A FPA Chip


• Fully compatible to ANSI/IEEE Standard 7541985 floating-point arithmetic
• Supports single- and double-precision data
• High-speed throughput, low latency
• Two speed versions: 25 and 33 MHz
• Highly pipelined architecture coupled with
optimizing compilers generates high throughput
• Load/store oriented instruction set initiates
floating-point instructions in a single cycle and
overlaps execution with additional fixed or
floating-point instructions
• Status/control registers implemented to provide access to all IEEE Standard exception
handling capability
• Sixteen on-chip 64-bit registers individually
accessible for flexible operation
• Complete instruction set
- Single and double precision multiply, divide,
add, subtract, negate, absolute value
- Conversion to/from all supported formats
- Comparison instructions derived from
predicates named in IEEE Standard

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

• Available in 84-pin CLDCC (ceramic leaded chip
carrier) (cavity down) and 84-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid array) (cavity down) packages
• LR3010A FPA performance floating-point
• SPEC floating-point 16.8
• Unpack
- Single precision
7.1 MFlops
- Double precision
4.0 MFlops
• Whetstone
- Single precision
13.6 MWips
- Double precision
16.4 MWips
• Livermore loops
- Single precision
14.4 x VAX 11/780
- Double precision
18.2 x VAX 11/780
16.0 x VAX 11/780
- Spice
- 256-Point FFT
29.0 x VAX 11/780

Read-Write Buffer

The LR3220 Read-Write Buffer enhances the
performance of MIPS architecture-based systems by buffering write and read operations.
Using the Read-Write Buffer, the system can
perform memory write operations at the cycle
rate of the processor, instead of stalling the
processor to write data to memory. On memory
read operations, the system uses the ReadWrite Buffer to pass the read address to main
memory and latch the read data from memory.
The Read-Write Buffer generates parity and
then passes the data and parity to the processor. A single LR3220 provides six-deep write
buffering and one level of read buffering for 32
bits of address and 32 bits of data. It operates
at the system clock rate, and is available at 25
and 33.33 MHz to support the requirements of
LR3000-based systems.


LR3220 Chip

• Combines the functionality of four LR3020
Write Buffers
• Minimizes additional loading on the address
and data buses with on-chip data and address
latches for read operations
• Supports big endian and little end ian byteorder addressing
• Uses byte mask outputs to ease system design
• Performs block-mode conflict detection for
block sizes of eight words or less
• Offers separate enable signals for all address
and data buses
• Supports fast page-mode writes for 1 MBit
DRAM-based memory implementations
• Provides six-deep write buffering of data and

©1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


• Supports two operating modes:
1) LR3000 mode
- Compatible with the LR3000's staggered
Address and Tag bus timing - decodes
AccTyp [1:0] and AdrLo [1:0] inputs for byte
2) Harvard mode
- Uses synchronous address latching on the
rising edge ofthe clock
- Uses byte mask inputs for byte ordering
• Offered in both lBO-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid
array) and compact lB4-pin PQFP (plastic quad
flat pack) packages



MipSET Chips

The MipSrrrM chips are the industry's first
complete set in support of the MIPS RISC
microprocessor. The MIPS RISC Architecture
is regarded as the highest performance microprocessor available today and is already used
in a variety of applications including 3-D
graphics, workstations, super-minicomputers,
On-Line-Transaction-Processors and high-performance desktop systems. Virtually all of
these systems have required extensive engineering time and effort to complete. The
MipSET chips provide a common solution for
the basic functions of a computer, allowing the
system vendor to significantly reduce design

MipSET System Block

(max 64KI

MipSET chips


©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

cost and effort while accelerating time-to-market. All without comprising performance.
LSI Logic's MipSET chips include the LR3201
Reset/Interrupt Controller, the LR3202 L-Bus
Controller, the LR3203 DRAM Controller, the
LR32D04 DRAM Data Buffer and the LR3205
Block Transfer Buffer along with the LR3000(A)
CPU and the LR3010(A) Floating-Point
Accelerator. With the MipSET chips, cache,
main memory, ROM, SCSI, Ethernet, floppy disk
controller, one parallel and four serial ports, a
complete workstation can be implemented
with as few as 30 ICs.

LR3201 MipSET
RST-INT Controller

The LR3201 RST-INT Controller device is
designed to control the reset and interrupt
inputs for the LR3000 CPU, and the initialization
sequence defined by the LR3000 mode select
programming of the W, X, Y and Z cycles during reset.

LR3201 Chip

Block Diagram

• Up to 25 MHz LR3000 system
• Schmitt trigger type asynchronous RESET input
• A synchronous RESET input, and synchronous
RESET output for LR3000 CPU
• Selectable RESET output active time length
(132 or 8196 clock cyclesl


IRESET le ngth Select)















• W, X, Y and Z cycle support for LR3000 CPU
• Interrupt input synchronization






©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

* .. .Active low Signal


LR3202 MipSET
Bus Controller

The LR3202 Bus Controller is a member of the
LR3000 microprocessor peripheral chip family
and is designed to provide the functions critical to implement LR3000-based general purpose computer systems. The LR3202 Bus
Controller interfaces directly with LR3000
Cache-bus (C-Busl, and the complete control
logic necessary for data transfer between
cache and memory subsystem are supported.
The LR3202 acts as a master device for L-Bus,
which is newly defined by LSI Logic and
designed to accommodate a chip level interconnect with a variety of memory and I/O controllers.
LR3202 Chip



• Up to 25 MHz LR3000 system
• Big end ian/little end ian mode selection
• LR3000 cache bus interface
- External read buffers might be required for
high clock frequency (25 MHz) system
• Memory and I/O local bus (L-Bus) interface
- Accommodates general purpose
peripheral controllers
• Bus arbitration
- Arbitration for the access to L-Bus, instruction fetch, data read, data write and DMA
• Block refill operation for both instruction and
data read are supported via L-Bus bursttransfer
- Programmable selection of 4,8,16 or 32
words block refill mode
• Eight-level deep write buffer FIFO

©1990. 1991 LSI logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

• Boot ROM Interface
- Boot ROM chip select output signal
- 32-bit or 8-bit boot ROM data bus width
selection, data assembly for 8-bit mode
- Programmable wait-state cycle control
• DRAM main memory interface
- Interface to LR3203 DRAM Controller
- Programmable DRAM refresh interval timer
• Three independent I/O area selection outputs
with programmable wait-state cycle control
• Vectored interrupt interface (up to 256 type
vectored interrupts)
• 224-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid array) or
208-pin PQFP (plastic quad flat pack) (gullwing) package

DRAM Controller

The LR3203 DRAM Controller is a member of
the LR3000 microprocessor peripheral chip
family and is designed to provide interface
necessary to build an L-Bus-based main memory subsystem. The LR3203, when used in conjunction with the LR3204 DRAM Data Bus
Buffer, allows the system designer to build a
highly integrated memory system.

LR3203 Chip

• Up to 25 MHz operation in LR3000 system
• Variety of DRAM components, 1M x 1, 256K x 4,
4M x lor 1M x4
• 2-Way interleaved DRAM implementation
allowing block refill or burst transfer (maximum
32 words) over L-Bus (LSI Logic Local Bus) at
100 MBytes/sec = peak transfer rate
• Either 8 MBytes or 16 MBytes memory area
supported per LR3203 when used with 1M x 1bit DRAM's
• Maximum 16 MBytes memory area with
2 MBytes granularity supported per LR3203
when used with 256K x 4 bits DRAMs

©1990. 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

• Either 32 MBytes or 64 MBytes memory area
supported per LR3203 when used with 4M x 1
bit DRAM's
• Maximum 64 MBytes memory area with
8 MBytes granularity supported per LR3203
when used with 1M x 4 bit DRAM's
• Read modify write mode at partial word write
operation for x 4 type DRAM parity bits or ECC
redundant bits
• 160-pin PQFP (plastic quad flat pack) package


LR32D04 MipSET
DRAM Data Bus
Buffer (16-Bit)



The LR32D04 DRAM Bus Buffer is a member of
the LR3000 microprocessor peripheral chip
family and is designed to function as a data
buffer to/from a DRAM array_ LR32D04 also
works as a data parity generator and checker
by generating parity bits when writing a data to
DRAM main memory, or checking parity bits
when reading a data from DRAM array_ The
LR32D04 performs its function as a 16-bit
(Halfword) device, thus, two (2) LR32D04s are
required to build a system based on M-3
chipset. In conjunction with the LR3203 DRAM
Controller, the LR32D04 DRAM Data Bus Buffer
provides a complete interface solution necessary for a main memory subsystem built
around the various types of DRAM components widely available in the market.
• Up to 25 MHz LR3000 system
• 2 LR32D04's required for 32-bit data bus
• Data separator and/or selector for 2-way
interleaved DRAM bank
• Direct drive capability for DRAM Data Bus
(12 mA type high speed output buffer)

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

LR32D04 Chip
• Optional Read-Modify-Write function for interfacing with 4-bit wide ORAM components
• lOO-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid array) or
lOO-pin PQFP (plastic quad flat pack) package

LR3205 MipSET
Block Transfer


The LR3205 Block Transfer Buffer is a member
of the LR3000 microprocessor peripheral chip
family and is designed to provide the interface
between the system bus, the L-Bus and various 110 devices via Sor 16-bit I/O channels,
called the B-Bus channels and the E-channels
respectively. The B-Bus provides 3 OMA channels for S-bit 110 devices and the E-channel is
intended to interface with a 16-bit device. Each
OMA channel can be programmed independently, and contains the S-word x 32-bit FIFO
memory, which allows burst mode data transfers between the DRAM main memory subsystem and each 110 device. The LR3205 can interface to AMD 7990 LANCE and NCR 53C90 SCSI
controller without any glue devices.
• Up to 25 MHz LR3000 system
• Big endian/little endian mode selection
• 4 independent DMA channels (one 16/S-bit
channel and three S-bit channels)
• Byte to word assembly and word to byte disassembly function
• S-word x 32-bit FIFO memories for each channel
• 4-word burst block transfer to or from main
• Direct interface capability to Am7990 LANCE
and NCR 53C90 SCSI controller

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


• Independent polarity control of DMA acknowledge outputs
• Internal or external end of process control for
each channel
• Reset control outputs for each channel 110
• Cascading capability for more than 4 DMA
• 20S-pin PQFP (plastic quad flat pack) (gullwing) package


Embedded Processor


The LR33000 processor is a MIPS-compatible,
single-chip controller designed for high performance embedded processor applications.
With its on-board caches, write buffer and
flexible memory interface, it facilitates lowcost embedded processor designs requiring
the high performance of 32-bit RISC.
The LR33000 consists of a MIPS CPU core
along with system functions which significantly reduce the overall number of chips required
to build a system. This reduction in component
count helps to substantially cutthe overall system cost and power consumption and improve
system reliability. This processor maintains
user binary software compatibility with the
LR2000 and LR3000/A implementations ofthe
MIPS architecture, allowing direct portability
ofthe growing base of MIPS software and
development tools.
The LR33000's bus interface design allows itto
interface to the rest ofthe system in a simple
and cost effective manner. The LR33000's system on a chip approach integrates the following units onto a single device: MIPS compatible CPU, 8kbytes of Instruction Cache, l-kbyte
of Data Cache, Write Buffer, Timer/Counters,
DRAM Controller, 8 and 32-bit wide boot PROM
support, programmable wait-state generators
and an improved memory interface.



• RISC architecure
- MIPS instru ction set
- Single-cycle instruction execution
- LR2000/LR3000/LR3000A user software
binary compatibility
• High on-chip integration
- 8 kbyte I-Cache
- 1 kbyte D-Cache
- 1 deep write buffer
- 3 timers/counters
- Integrated DRAM controller
• Simple I/O interface
- Direct DRAM interface
- Glueless 8-bit boot PROM support
- Direct interface to other memories and
- DMA interface support
- Programmable wait-state generation

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

LR33000 Chip
The LR33000 is specifically tuned for applications that requires high performance yet are
sensitive to systems cost and power consumption. This embedded processor fits into applications such as laser beam printers, X Window
terminals, LAN controllers, I/O processors, disk
controllers, graphics rendering and

• Simple lX clock input
• Debug features
- Hardware breakpoint registers
- Instruction trace capabilities
• Cache coherency support
- Bus snooping
- Cache invalidate command
• High performance
- Five-stage pipeline
- Efficient handling of pipeline stalls and
• Reduced power requirements
• Three speed versions
- 25/33/40 MHz
• Packages
- l55-pin CPGA (ceramic pin qrid array}
- lBO-pin PQFP (plastic quad flat pack}

MIPS Ngine Module



The RPM3310 Ngine™ Module is a high-performance CPU subsystem based on the MIPS
RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer)
architecture. The Ngine Module combines LSI
Logic's LR3000 MIPS Microprocessor and
LR3010 Floating-Point Accelerator with 64
Kbytes of instruction and data cache on a
compact, self-contained module. By integrating the 4-phase clock generation circuitry and
cache memory on the RPM3310, all critical timing paths are confined to the module. In addition, the on-board reset configuration logic
greatly simplifies adapting the RPM3310 to
operate in a wide range of applications.

18 to 20 VAX MIPS performance at 25 MHz
14 to 16 VAX MIPS performance at 20 MHz
Integer and floating-point capabilities
32 Kbytes each of instruction and data cache
6-word deep write buffer
On-board 4-phase clock generation and reset
configuration logic
• Buffered I/O and control signals
• Programmable block refill sizes for data and

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

The compact size of the module is achieved by
utilizing a double-sided printed circuit board
with direct die attach assembly. Thermal management and electrical properties are greatly
enhanced by utilizing this technology.
LSI Logic's RPM3310 is the first of a line of
MIPS pin- and function- compatible modules.
This means the ability to upgrade your system's performance by simply plugging in LSI
Logic's newest Ngine Module.


Instruction streaming
Even parity generation for read operations
Low power consumption
Five registered interrupt inputs
Compact size: 3.5" x 3.5" x 0.67", packaged on a
double-sided PCB
• Direct silicon-on-board technology
• CPU and FPA silicon mounted on integral head
• 100-pin AMP connector


MIPS Ngine Module



The RPM3330 Ngine™ Module is the second
generation of LSI Logic's high-performance
CPU subsystem based on the MIPS RISC
(Reduced Instruction Set Computer) architecture. The Ngine Module combines LSI Logic's
LR3000A MIPS Microprocessor and LR3010A
Floating-Point Accelerator with 128 Kbytes of
instruction and data cache on a compact, selfcontained module. By integrating the 4-phase
clock generation circuitry and cache memory
on the RPM3330, all critical timing paths are
.27 VAX MIPS performance at33 MHz
• Multiprocessing support
• Hardware Cache Invalidation
• Integer and floating-point capabilities
• 64 Kbytes each of instruction and data cache
• 6-word deep write buffer
• On-board 4-phase clock generation and reset
configuration logic
• Buffered I/O and control signals
• Programmable block refill sizes for data and

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

confined to the module. In addition, the on-chip
reset configuration logic greatly simplifies
adapting the RPM3330 to operate in a wide
range of applications.
The compact size of the module is achieved by
utilizing a double-sided printed circuit board
with direct die attach assembly. Thermal management and electrical properties are greatly
enhanced by utilizing this technology.


Instruction streaming
Even parity generation for read operations
Low power consumption
Five registered interrupt inputs
Compact size: 3.5" x 3.5" x 0.67", packaged on a
double-sided PCB
• Direct silicon-on-board technology
• CPU and FPA silicon mounted on integral head
• 100-pin high-speed AMP connector

MIPS System



The SSP (System Programmer's Package)
accelerates the development of systems based
on the high-performance MIPS RISC architecture. SSP allows system developers to execute
MIPS software on an instruction set simulator,
to make cache memory architectural tradeoffs
early in the design cycle and to debug software on a target system. SPP includes utilities

• Develop software easily with a high-level
- Symbolically debugs code running on the
simulator or a remote target at the source
• Compile and link quickly using the MIPS
- Offers a robust programming environment in
which developers can quickly compile
optimized software for a target machine

• Start software development early using simulator
- Simulates the target system, allowing the
designer to debug system software before
the target hardware is ready
• Meet memory system cost and performance
- Models different memory subsystems,
ensuring the target system meets cost and
performance objectives





to help build standalone software and download the software to a target system. SPP is a
source code productthat can be customized to
the user's target environment. SPP helps
shorten developmenttime since software
development can begin before target hardware is ready.






Standalone Program
Debug Monitor
Monitor Shell
PROM Monitor




SPP was designed to meet the unique requirements of customers developing MIPS-based
embedded systems and UNIX systems. Unlike
CISC-based systems, MIPS-based systems
often include cache memory to meet cost and
performance objectives. SPP includes tools to
model memory subsystems. In the past, the
use of software simulation was limited by the
performance of CISC-based computers. Since
SPP is hosted on high-performance MIPS

©1990. 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

RISComputers, instruction set simulation is a
viable alternative for software development
before the target hardware is available. SPP
includes a target monitor for standalone software development. In addition, SPP includes a
standalone I/O library and a high-level debugger for both simulation and target execution.
Because SPP is provided with source code,
the user can configure SPP to a specific target




The LSI Logic L64500 is a monolithic 1.5-micron
drawn gate length (0.9-micron effective channellength) HCMOS chip which implements the
MIL-STD-1750A (Notice 1) Instruction Set
Architecture (lSA). The L64500 is a 16-bit
Central Processing Unit (CPU) used for realtime processing. The CPU uses a sophisticated
ALU architecture which is expandable up to 32
bits depending on the operation and uses separate address and data buses to improve system performance. It also contains independent
instruction operand fetch and execution units.
The L64500 can be augmented with the L64550
(MBU) chip to implement optional enhancements ofthe MIL-STD-1750A. The L64550
includes a Memory Management Unit (MMU)
with memory expansion capabilities up to 1 M
words of memory, the Block Protect Unit
(BPU), Memory Fault Status Register (MFSR),
the Bus Arbitron Unit (BAU) with six bus masters, Start-up ROM interface, discrete 1/0 Port,
Trigger-go Counter and other options.
The L64500 CPU and the L64550 MBU chips
were designed as a system to optimize the performance.
The L64500 is included in LSI Logic's MDE®
Design Tools as an ASIC library library



• Single-chip high-perfomance microprocessor
• Implements MIL-STD-1750A (Notice 1)
Instruction Set Architecture
• 1.5-micron gate length HCMOS 2-layer metal
cell-based technology
• 30 MHz operation over full military range
• Power disSipation ~ 1 W
• TTL compatible interface
• Flexible packaging capability
• Available as ASIC hard macro library element

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

Chip Layout
element. This element can be used as a hard
macros when combined with gate arrays or
standard cells, or can be used in multi-chip
system simulations when adding new ASIC
chips to the system.
The L64500 is available in several speed
grades from 15 MHz to 30 MHz over the full militarytemperature range of -55° to 125°C.

• Continuous panel mode operation
• Performance optimized architecture
- Split data and address bus
- Variable width ALU: up to 32 bits
- Instruction pre-fetch
- Multiport register files
• 'Timers A and B included on-chip
• 64K word address space expandable to 1 M
word with optional MBU chip

MBU Peripheral


The LSI Logic L64550 Memory Management
and Block Protection Unit device is a monolithic 1.5-micron drawn gate length (0.9-micron
effective channel length) HCMOS chip
designed to support the L64500 CPU (MIL-STD1750A ISA). The L64550 contains a number of
MIL-STD-175OA support options including the
Memory Management Unit (MMU) with mapping RAM, Block Protect Unit (BPU) with protection RAM, Memory Fault Status Register
(MFSR), watch-dog timer and start-up ROM
interface. In addition, the L64550 contains other options such as, a bus arbitrator with up to 6
bus masters, extended addressing capability to
8 M words, a discrete I/O port, sophisticated
CPU/MBU handshake to increase performance
and bus time-out timer.
The MMU allows addressing of up to 1 M word
memory. In applications not requiring adherence to the standard, addressing can be
extended to 8 M words. The MMU performs
the logical-to-physical address translation and
protection of logical space.

Chip Layout
The L64550 MBU and L64500 CPU are included
in LSI Logic's MDE® Design Tools as ASIC
library elements. These elements can be used
as Gigacells when combined with gate arrays
or standard cells, or they can be used in multichip system simulations when adding new
ASIC chips to the system.

The BPU provides write protection in 1K page
granularity for up to 1 M word of physical
memory for both L64500 CPU and DMA access.

The L64550 is available in several speed
grades from 15 MHz to 30 MHz over the full military temperature range of -55°C to 125°C.

If desired, the MMU and the BPU can be individually disabled.



1.5-micron gate length HCMOS technology
30 MHz operation over full military range
Power dissipation <1 W
Memory Management Unit (MMU) with 512 x 16
cache RAM
• Block Protect Unit (BPU) with 128 x 16 cache
• Hit/miss mechanism
• Discrete I/O ports

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


Extended addressing to 8 M words
Bus arbitration unit with up to 6 bus masters
Memory Fault Status Register (MFSR)
Start-up ROM interface
Bus time-out timer
Watch-dog timer
TTL compatible interface
Flexible packaging capability





Radiation Test Data


The L64501 CPU from LSI Logic is a radiationhardened, single-chip implementation of the
MIL-STD-1750A instruction set. The cell-based
L64501 provides separate address and data
buses for enhanced performance, and it utilizes the LSI Logic radiation-hardened two-layer metal HCMOS process technology for reliable operation. The L64501 can interface
directly with the L64551 Memory Management
and Block Protect Unit (MBU), also available
from LSI Logic, to provide optional MIL-STD1750A enhancements and to optimize system

Ordering Information

• SEAFAC certification for L64501 CPU and
optional L64551 MBU
• Optional timers A and B implemented on-chip
• Directly interfaces with optional L64551 MBU,
which provides memory management and
block-protect capabilities and additional MILSTD-175OA options
• TTL-compatible interface
• Available in 144-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid
array) and CLDCC (ceramic leaded chip
carrier) packages

LSI Logic characterized the L64501 for total
ionizing dose radiation effect and single event
upset (SEU) phenomena. Total dose radiation
testing was performed in accordance with
MIL-STD-883C, Method 1019.2, and utilized a
Cobalt-60 gamma ray source. Following irradiation up to 200 krad (Si), the L64501 devices
passed test characterization at 25 MHz.

Tandem Van de Graff Facility. SEU testing utiliized two ions, Chlorine-35 (202 MeV) and
Nickel-58 (240 MeV).
For more information on total dose or SEU radiation testing, please refer to "MIL-STD-175OA
Single Event Upset (SEU) Test Methodology",
an LSI Logic test procedure report, or contact
the Military Microprocessor Group of LSI Logic

Refer to the L64500 MIL-STD-1750A Microprocessor Technical Manual. October, 1989.








The radiation-hardened L64501 operates at 25
MHz over the military temperature range, -55°C
to 125°C, and utilizes a single 5V ± 10% power

• Total ionizing dose specification 200 krad (Si)
• No single event upset (SEUllatchup detected
(tested to LET =70 MeV-cm 2/ma)
• SEU cross-section of 3.13e- 6cm£/bit
• 24.7 MeV-cm2 per milligram (LET) threshold
• Guaranteed post-radiation clock frequency of
25 MHz
• MIL-STD-883C/38510 Class B and Class S
screening options
• Silicon-gate epitaxial two-layer metal
LRH10000 HCMOS technology
• MIL-STD-1750A (Notice 1) Instruction Set

LSI Logic conducted SEU testing at
Brookhaven National Laboratory using the


To shorten the design cycle for L64501-based
systems, L64501 CPU and L64551 MBU models
are available in LSI Logic's MDE® Design
Tools. The MDE Design Tools provide extensive
design flexibility through its multichip and system simulation capabilities.


Screening option: M-Class B
S-Class S
L..._ _ _ _ _ _ Package option:
G-144-Pin CPGA (Ceramic pin Grid Array)
L-144-Pin CLDCC (Ceramic Leaded Chip Carrier)
Part number:

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation, All rights reserved,




The L64551 MBU (Memory Management and
Block Protect Unit) from LSI Logic is a radiation-hardened, single-chip memory management unit which supports the L64501 CPU.
While the L64501 provides the required 1750A
functionality as defined in MIL-STD-1750A, the
L64551 focuses on the system implementation
aspects and optional features ofthe standard.

memory. The L64551 can interface directly with
the L64501 CPU, also available from LSI Logic,
to provide these optional MIL-STD-1750A
enhancements and to optimize system performance.
To shorten the design cycle for L64501-based
systems, L64551 MBU and L64501 CPU models
are available in LSI Logic's MDE® Design Tools.
The MDE Design Tools provide extensive
design flexibility through its multi chip and system simulation capabilities.

For example, the L64551 includes on-chip controllogic and fast mapping RAMs to implement
both a memory management unit (MMU) and a
block protect unit (BPU). The MMU provides
logical-to-physical address translation and
logical protection and the BPU provides physical block protection. Other on-chip functions
include watch-dog and bus time-out timers, a
memory fault status register (MFSR), multimaster bus arbitration and an extended addressing
capability for up to 8 M words of physical

• Total ionizing dose specification of 200 krad (Si)
• No single event upset (SEU) latchup expected;
test results available Q4 89
• SEU cross-section (cm 2/bit) to be determined;
test results available Q489
• Threshold (MeV-cm 2 per milligram (LET)) to be
determined; test results available Q489
• Guaranteed post-radiation clock frequency of
• MIL-STD-1750A (Notice 1) Instruction Set
• SEAFAC certification in an L64501-based system

LSI Logic manufactures the L64551 MBU in a
two-layer metal HCMOS process. The radiation-hardened L64551 operates at 25 MHz,
guaranteed after exposure, over the military
temeprature range -55°C to 125°C, and utilizes
a single 5V ± 10% power supply.

• MMU, BPU, MFSR, timers, multi-master arbitration
• TIL-compatible interface
• MIL-STD-883C/38510 Class B and Class S
screening options
• Silicon-gate epitaxial two-layer metal LMA9000
HCMOS technology
• Directly interfaces with L64501 CPU
• Available in 144-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid
array) and CLDCC (ceramic leaded chip
carrier) packages

Radiation Test Data

SEU and total dose radiation data expected in Q489.

Technical Information

Refer to the L64500/64550 MIL-STD-1750A Microprocessor Technical Manual and datasheet,
October, 1989.

Ordering Information






Screening option: M-Class B
S-Class S
' - - - - - - - Package option: G-144-Pin CPGA (Ceramic Pin Grid Array)
L-144-Pin CLDCC (Ceramic Leaded Chip Carrier)
Part number:

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.






SPARe Microprocessors

RISC Products
SPARC Architecture
and Peripherals



LSI Logic offers a broad range of SPARCcompatible microprocessors and peripherals
designed to form the core logic of today's highperformance workstations and embedded control applications.

L64901 Embedded Processor. The L64801 executes up to 15 MIPS, and the L64811 executes
up to 29 MIPS. The L64901 Embedded
Processor has been specially optimized for
embedded control applications and executes

The SPARC architecture was developed by
Sun Microsystems based on RISC (Reduced
Instruction Set Computer) research done at the
University of California, Berkeley. SPARC
stands for Scalable Processor ARChitecture.
Because of its relative simplicity, the SPARC
architecture will scale well as advancing semiconductor technology allows SPARC processors to be implemented in smaller geometries.
This will allow higher operating speeds and
proportionally higher performance.

All three processors are complemented by
peripherals specially designed to support workstation and embedded control applications. The
SparKIT-20 supports the L648011U and includes
the peripherals required to build a SPARCstation
l-compatible workstation. The SparKIT-25, -33
and -40 support the L64811 and provide the functionality required to build a high-performance
workstation based on the SPARC standard. The
L64901 Embedded Processor is supported by the
L64951 System Controller, which contains the
cache control, DRAM control and other peripherallogic required to implement embedded control systems.

LSI Logic's SPARC product line includes three
microprocessors: the L64801 Integer Unit (lU),
the L64811 Enhanced Integer Unit (lU) and the


• Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)
- SPARC instruction set
- Simple 32-bit instruction format
- Large windowed register file
L64801 120 registers 7 windows
L64811 136 registers 8 windows
L64901 120 registers 7 windows
• High Performance
- Single-cycle execution for most instructions
- Efficient four-stage instruction pipeline with
hardware interlocks
• Multitasking support with user and supervisor
• Multiprocessing support with tightly coupled
coprocessor interfaces

Product Code


• Artificial intelligence support using tagged
arithmetic instructions
• SunOS operating system based on UNIX 4.3
• Optimized high-level language compilers:
C, FORTRAN, Ada, Pascal, LISP
• Complete peripheral chipsets
- SparKIT-20 for SPARCstation 1 implementations
- SparKIT-25, -33 and 40 for high-performance
workstation implementations

Integer Unit
Floating-Point Unit
Memory Management Unit
Data Buffer
Clock Controller
Cache Controller
Video Controller
DRAM Controller

©1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

Clock Rates

160 POFp, 179 PPGA, 179 CPGA



RISC Products
SPARC Architecture
and Peripherals


L64900 Embedded Control


Product Coda

Advanced Integer Unit
Advanced Floating-Point Unit
Memory Management, Cache
Control, and Cache Tag Unit
DRAM Controller
Standard I/O Interface
MBus to SBus Controller
SBus DMA Controller
SPARC Embedded Processor
System Control Processor

Clock Rates

207 PPGA, 207 CPGA
143 PPGA, 143 CPGA
223 CPGA


208 PQFP
120 PQFP
160 PGFP, 144 PPGA
160 PQFP, 144 PPGA

L64801 SPARe
Integer Unit (lU)


The L64801 IU (Integer Unit) is a high-performance CMOS implementation of a SPARC
(Scalable Processor ARChitecture) 32-bit RISC
microprocessor. This integer unit provides the
CPU function in Sun's SPARCstation1 and LSI
Logic's SparKIT-20 Chipset.
The L64801 features a large register file to optimize procedure calls, variable assignments
and context switches. Execution speed
improves significantly because this register-toregister architecture minimizes the number of
external memory accesses. Most of the L64801
instructions execute in a single cycle due to its
4-stage pipeline that minimizes interlocks, a
bus structure that allows single-cycle instruction/data accesses and an optimized branch
L64801 Chip


• High performance operation
- Commercial
L64801 C-20
- Military
L64801M-15 9 VAX MIPS
L64801M-20 12 VAX MIPS
• Open Architecture:
- Multiple vendor sourced
- Variety of binary compatible price/performance options
• Optimized for operation under high-level languages such as C, FORTRAN, Pascal, Ada and
the UNIX operating system
• External MMU, memory system and floatingpoint unit assure flexible interface for the
largest range of applications and price/performance levels
• 32-bit virtual address bus
- Supports up to 4 Gbytes of direct address
- Allows a variety of memory management and
caching schemes

©1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

• Simple instruction format with fast instruction
cycle with a 4-stage pipeleine
• Single-cycle execution for the majority of
• Large central register file divided into seven
overlapping windows of 24 registers each, plus
eight global registers
• All pipeline interlocks implemented directly in
• High-performance coprocessor interface for
concurrent execution of floating-point or other
coprocessor instructions
• Multitasking support with user/supervisor
mode and privileged instructions
• Artificial intelligence support through use of
tagged instructions
• Option to use as an ASIC core
• 179-pin CPGA or PPGA (ceramic or plastic pin
grid array) packages
• 160-pin PQFP (plastic quad flat pack) package





L64804 SPARe
Unit (FPU)




The L64804 Floating-Point Unit provides floating-point support for SparKIT-20 systems. The
L64804 includes a floating-point data path and a
floating-point controller. The data path consists
of a multiplier, an ALU, a divider/square-root
unit and a register file. The register file is a
• Provides single-chip implementation of floating-point functions
• Includes 64-bit multiplier
• Includes 64-bit ALU
• Includes 64-bit divide/square-root unit
• Includes internal register file

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved,

three-port configuration that can be used in
either 64-bit-by-16-word or 32-bit-by-32-word
configurations. The floating-point controller
handles IEEE exceptions and provides an interface between the data path and both the integer unit and main memory.
• Interfaces directly to LSI Logic L64801 Integer
Unit and Fujitsu's S-20/S-25 Integer Unit
• Interfaces directly to main memory
• Complies with ANSI/IEEE-754 standard for
binary floating-point arithmetic

L64821 SPARe
Memory Management Unit



requests generated by external devices and
provides a mechanism for software-generated
interrupts. The L64821 includes an SBus interface and all signals needed to interface with
the other members ofthe SparKIT-20 chipset.

The L64821 MMU (Memory Management Unit)
manages the translation of virtual addresses
into physical addresses using a two-level mapping scheme. The mapping scheme supported
by the L64821 includes a page map and a segment map. The L64821 also prioritizes interrupt
• Manages two-level virtual address translation
• Provides decoding and timing strobes for all
Sun-4 type 1 devices, including:
Serial controller chip
TIme-of-day clock
Floppy disk controller
Audio DAC
SBus expansion slots


Prioritizes 15 levels of interrupts
Replaces all MMU read/write buffers
Updates MMU statistics bits during bus cycles
Includes the Sun-4 interrupt register to provide
software interrupts and interrupt enabling
• Includes a four-bit context register to support
switchable MMU contexts
• Includes two internal counters to generate programmable high-resolution periodic interrupts
• Includes SBus interface signals


©1990. 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


L64822 SPARe
Data Buffer

The L64822 Data Buffer provides a data interface between the SBus and the main memory
in LSI Logic's SparKIT-20 Chipset. The L64822
includes internal read and write buffers. An
internal parity checker generator creates parity bits during memory write operations and
checks parity during memory read operations.
The L64822 generates an SBus error acknowledgment in the case of a parity error.
Assembly/disassembly logic interfaces 8-bit
I/O devices to the 32-bit IU data bus. The Sun-4
Parity Control Register is located in the L64822.



• Generates and checks parity during main
memory operations
• Performs buffered write operations in conjunction with L64824 Cache Controller
• Assembles 8-bit I/O data into 32-bit words for
IU data bus

©1990.1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

• Disassembles 32-bit words into 8-bit data for
I/O devices
• Forces NoOp on memory exceptions

L64823 SPARC
Clock Controller


The L64823 Clock Controller generates all clocks
necessary for a system based on the SparKIT-20
chipset. The L64823 can support either the LSI

Logic L64801 Integer Unit or the Fujitsu S-20/
S-25 Integer Units. The L64823 also generates
various write enable and clock signals.

• Generates all system clocks
• Generates write enables for data/instruction
and tag caches
• Generates serial controller clock
• Generates refresh clock and periodic interrupt







©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


L64824 SPARC
Cache Controller

The L64824 Cache Controller manages the
data/instruction and tag caches in a SparKIT20 system. The data/instruction cache is based
on 16-byte lines. The tag cache is based on 20bit words. The cache size can vary from 4,096
to 16,384 lines deep. The L64824 determines
cache hits and misses and initiates cache fill
operations as needed. During write operations,
the L64824 flushes cache lines as required to
ensure system data integrity.

including bus requests and grants, bus timeouts, bus arbitration and rerun initiation are
controlled by the L64824. The L64824 also performs byte-to-word assembly operations so
that byte-wide devices such as EPROMs and
peripherals can communicate with the L64801
Integer Unit. Upon receipt of a reset signal
from the IU, the L64824 generates an SBus
reset signal.

The L64824 also includes an internal SBus controller to manage SBus operations in a
SparKIT-20 system. Standard SBus operations


• Implements write-through instruction/data
cache with 16-byte line size
• Supports cache size from 64 Kbytes to 256
• Controls all cache operations, including:
- Fills on cache misses
- Flushes on cache writes
- Tag comparison
• Performs SBus controller functions, including:
- SBus reads and writes
- Bus master requests and grants
- Bus monitoring for unacknowledged transfers

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

• Performs buffered writes with external write
• Assembles data from byte-wide devices into
32-bit words for IU
• Contains set of four Sun-4 error registers for
diagnosing bus errors
• Maintains copy of Sun-4 context register
• Contains Sun-4 system enable register
• Generates system reset

L64825 SBus
Video Controller



The L64825 Video Controller generates the signals needed to control the video RAM and the
external DACs that drive the video display. The
L64825 also includes an SBus interface. Key
• Provides a single-chip video subsystem
• Interfaces to SBus
• Software control of video timing and display
• Supports 256-by-4, 128K-by-8 and 64K-by-4
video RAMs
• Supports 1-, 8- and 24-bit-per-pixel frame

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

parameters of the video display, including
video timing and resolution, are software programmable. The L64825 supports the Sun auto
configuration feature.
• Supports Up to four video clocks
• Includes built-in video shifter for l-bit frame
buffers (maximum pixel clock up to 100 MHz)
• Supports Sun Video Monitor sense lines for
auto configuration
• Interfaces directly to VRAM and video DACs
with no external components


L64826 SBus
DRAM Controller

Descri ption



The L64826 DRAM Controller handles all
address handling, RAS and CAS decoding and
control for a memory system of four or eight
SIMM memory modules. The L64826 includes
two sets of output buffers, each driving a
• Supports lM- and 4M-DRAM SIMMs
• Drives up to eight SIMMs with no external
• Can be combined with other L64826s to drive
up to 32 SIMMs for a maximum memory size of
128 Mbytes

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

group of four SIMMs. The L64826 supports 1Mbit and 4-Mbit SIMMs. Up to four L64826s
can be connected in banks to support a maximum memory configuration of 32 SIMMs.

• Supports high-speed burst mode with fastpage RAMs
• Contains refresh logic and timer

L64811 SPARe
Enhanced Integer
Unit (lU)


The L64B11 Enhanced IU (Integer Unit) is a
high-speed CMOS implementation of the
SPARC 32-bit RISC (Reduced Instruction Set
Computer) architecture processor. This architecture specifies a processor which can execute instructions at a rate approaching one
instruction per processor clock and which
supports both a tightly coupled floating-point
unit and an implementation-definable coprocessor. The L64B11 IU provides:

Simple Instruction Format
All instructions are 32 bits wide and aligned on
32-bit boundaries in memory. There are only
three basic instruction formats, featuring uniform placement of opcode and address fields.




Register-Intensive Architecture
Most instructions operate on the contents of
two registers and place the results in a third
register. Only load and store instructions
access off-chip memory.

L64811 Chip
Fast Interrupt Response
The IU samples the interrupt inputs on every
clock cycle and can acknowledge them in one
to three cycles. The IU can access the first
instruction of an interrupt service routine within six to eight cycles of receiving the interrupt

Delayed Control Transfer
The IU always fetches the instruction which
follows a control transfer instruction, and
either executes it or annuls it depending on the
state of a bit in the control transfer instruction.
This feature allows compilers to rearrange
code and place a useful instruction after a
delayed control transfer, for optimal use of the
processor pipeline.

• RISC architecture - Simple instruction format,
most instructions execute in a single cycle
• Very high performance - Four-stage pipeline
has a 25 ns instruction cycle at 40 MHz
• 29 million instructions per second (29 MIPS)
• Large windowed register file - 136 general-purpose 32-bit registers organized as B overlapping windows of 24 registers each
• 32-bit address bus and B-bit address space
identifier (AS!) support large virtual address
• Hardware pipeline interlocks

©1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.




The L64B11 IU is part of the LSI Logic L64B11
Chip Family which implements and supports
SPARC-based system development.

Concurrent Floating-Point Operation
Floating-point instructions can execute concurrently with non-floating-point instructions,
other floating-point instructions and co-processor instructions.



Multiprocessing support
User/supervisor modes
Artificial intelligence support
High-performance floating-point and coprocessor interfaces support concurrent execution of floating-point and coprocessor instructions
• 1.0-micron drawn gate length 2-layer metal
CMOS technology
• 207-pin CPGA or PPGA (ceramic or plastic pin
grid array) packages
• 2.5 watts maximum power dissipation


L64814 SPARe
Enhanced FloatingPoint Unit (FPU)


The L64814 Enhanced FPU (Floating-Point Unit)
is a high-performance, CMOS implementation
ofthe SPARC (Scalable Processor
ARChitecture) FPU. The FPU combines a floating-point controller with a high-throughput
floating-point processor to provide a singlechip floating-point solution for SPARC-based
The FPU implements the IEEE 754-1985 standard for floating-point arithmetic. It operates
concurrently with the IU to execute single- and
double-precision floating-point operations, as
well as register-to-register move instructions,
floating-point loads and stores, and floatingpoint queue and state register instructions.
Supported floating-point operations are: add,
subtract, multiply, divide, square root, compare,
and convert. Each instruction not implemented
in the L64814 hardware generates an instruction trap, so that the instruction can be emulated in software. Note that the FPU handles all
IEEE exceptions in hardware, except for denormals in the floating-point multiplier unit.


• High-performance operation provides doubleprecision Unpack floating-point operation
(assuming 25% degradation due to cache
misses) at:
L64814-25 MHz
L64814-33 MHz
L64814-40 MHz

3.04 MFlops
4.00 MFlops
4.80 MFlops

• Low-cost solution integrates a floating-point
controller and floating-point processor on a
single chip for cost-efficient system implementation
• Wide range of operating frequencies including
25/33/40 MHz versions


©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

The L64814 FPU is part of the LSI Logic SparKIT
Chipset Family which implements and supports
SPARC-based system development.

L64814 Chip
• Implements IEEE exception handling directly in
• 64-bit wide internal datapath for all floatingpoint operations results in highly efficient double-precision performance
• Connects directly to the L64811 I nteger Unit

• Pin-compatible with the Weitek Abacus 3171
and Texas Instruments TMS390C602 floatingpoint units
• Advanced, 143-pin cavity-up PPGA or CPGA
(plastic or ceramic pin grid array) package

L64815 SPARC
Memory Management,
Cache Control and
Cache Tag Unit



The L64815 MCT (Memory Management, Cache
Control, and Cache Tag Unit) provides two
essential functions for SPARC (Scalable
Processor ARChitecture) CPU Cores - memory
management and cache control. The MCT's
memory management function implements the
SPARC Reference MMU (Memory Management
Unit). The Cache Controller manages a directmapped, combined instruction and data cache.
In addition, the MCT provides an interface
between the 32-bit Local Bus and the 64-bit
The L64815 MCT is made by LSI Logic using
1.0-micron drawn gate length (O.7-micron
effective channel length), silicon gate HCMOS
The MCT is a member of LSI Logic's SparKIT
Chipset Family which implements and supports
SPARC-based system development.


The memory management unit of the L64815:
• Incorporates a 64-entry, fully associative TLB
(Translation Lookaside Buffer)
• Uses Least Recently Used (LRU) replacement
algorithm for the TLB
• Uses 4096-byte or greater page size
• Supports three-level page mapping
• Supports sparse address spaces
• Supports large linear mappings
• Supports 256 contexts
• Provides page-level protection
• Performs 32-bit virtual to 36-bit physical
address translation
The write-through, no-allocate cache controller of the L64815:

The MCT in the

The MCT is part of a high-performance, general-purpose, reprogrammable computer based
on Sun Microsystems' SPARC. Such a computer requires three main components: a CPU
Core, main memory, and an input/output (I/O)
subsystem. A SPARC CPU Core consists ofthe
following elements: a SPARC-compatible IU

©1990, 1991 lSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

L64815 Chip


Provides 2048 virtual address cache tags
Provides 32-byte block size
Provides hardware-miss processing
Includes 32-byte Line Buffer
Supports cache sizes of 32, 64,128 and 256
• Supports line-by-line cache freezing
In addition, the L64815:
• Supports 25/33/40 MHz operation
• Uses 64-bit Mbus as its main memory interface
• Is available in 223-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid
array) package
• Provides Block Fill capability
• Provides Block Copy capability

(Integer Unit), an FPU (Floating-Point Unit). an
MMU (Memory Management Unit) and a
cache. These elements provide data, integer
and floating-point arithmetic processing power
and the flexible, fast memory management
required to support multiple processes running
simultaneously from a large physical memory.


L64850 Mbus
DRAM Controller


The L64850 DMC (DRAM Controller) is a highperformance CMOS integrated circuit that provides a direct interface between an Mbus and
a DRAM array in a SPARC-based system. The
• Supports up to 4 Gbytes of DRAM address
• One- to 128-byte burst mode Mbus transactions
• Even or odd parity generation and checking
with disable option
• Parity erro~ress re~r
• Staggered CAS before RAS refresh for dualbank memory systems

System Diagram

Figure 1. Typical SPARe-based System


©1990. 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

L64850 provides single-chip control for highperformance, low-cost memory systems, and
supports 4M x 9, 4M x 8, 1M x 9, and 1M x 8
SIMMS and 4M x 1 and 1M x 1 DRAMs.
• Mbus level 1 and 2 operations
• Built-in scan chain to provide 99.97% fault coverage test vector
• Advanced 223-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid
array) package
• Supports 100 ns - 70 ns DRAMs

Mbus to Standard
110 Bus Interface


The L64851 M2STDI0 (Mbus to Standard I/O
Bus Interface) is a high-performance CMOS
interface chip that interfaces an Mbus and a
STOIO (standard, 8-bit I/O) bus. As an Mbus
interface to I/O devices, the L64851 M2STDI0
accepts requests for I/O service from an Mbus
master, converts them to I/O bus protocol and
redirects them to a designated device on the
I/O bus. In addition to the the Mbus interface,
the L64851 provides three other Mbus functional modules: a four-level Mbus arbiter, a watch
dog timer that generates Mbus Time Out and
an interrupt level encoder that generates the
interrupt request levels for the SPARC IU
(Integer Unit). These three additional modules
allow the L64851 to be used in systems that do
not have an M2S chip.
L64851 Chip


• Supports Mbus access to eight I/O devices on
a standard, 8-bit bus
• Data packing for full use of Mbus bandwidth
• Accesses 1 Mbyte of I/O address space per
• Programmable latency delays for I/O devices
• One- to 128-byte Mbus bursttransfer capability
• Mbus Arbiter supports up to four Mbus masters
• Mbus watch dog timer times out bus masters
8000 (2") clock cycles after assertion of MBB

• 15-levellU Interrupt Level Encoder supports 13
external devices and two internal, programmable timers
• IRL[7:1) can be generated in hardware (external
devices), software (interrupt bits 7:1) or both
through IU device polling
• Maskable interrupts, except for IRL15
• 25,33, and 40 MHz system clock speed
• 5 MHz clock for SCC timing
• Advanced, 208-pin, square gull-wing PQFP
(plastic quad flat pack) package

System Diagram

Figure 1. Typical SPARC-based System
©1990. 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.




The L64852 M2S (Mbus-to-SBus) Controller is a
high-performance CMOS integrated circuit
that provides all the control, arbitration and
memory-management functions needed to
interface Mbus and SBus subsystems.
The M2S acts as an intermediary while moving
data between Mbus and SBus devices, instead
of transferring control of one bus to the other
bus. When an Mbus device initiates a read
from or write to an SBus device, the M2S chip
responds as an Mbus slave and then becomes
the SBus master for the data transfer.
Conversely, when an SBus device initiates a
data access to the Mbus, the M2S chip
responds as an SBus slave and becomes the
Mbus master.
The M2S contains an Mbus arbiter to control
Mbus access and an SBus controller. The
SBus controller contains both an SBus arbiter
to control SBus access and an I/O MMU
(input/output memory-management unit). The
I/O MMU, which supports the SBus virtual
addressing scheme, includes a 16-entry TLB



• Provides complete Mbus and SBus
master/slave logic
• Supports arbitration for up to four Mbus masters, including itself
• Manages SBus transactions and supports
arbitration for up to six SBus master/slave
• Incorporates a 16-entry fully-associative TLB
(Translation Lookaside Buffer) in the I/O MMU
• Uses the LRU (Least-Recently-Used) replacement algorithm in TLB
• Performs 32-bit virtual SBus to 36-bit physical
Mbus address translation

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

L64852 Chip
(Translation Lookaside Buffer) and virtual-tophysical address calculation logic. The M2S
also contains low-level protection and diagnostic logic for the two bus subsystems.
• Performs 32-bit virtual SBus to 28-bit physical
SBus address translation and SBus slave
device selection using table walking logic
• Provides two sets of internal data buffers for
data transfer
• Performs bus protocol conversion
• Tracks internal status and generates error and
busy signals
• Stores system and bus error information in a
readable error register
• Advanced 223-pin CPGA (ceramic pin grid
array) package

L64853 SBus
DMA Controller


The L64853 SBus DMA (Direct Memory
Access) Controller by LSI Logic provides a
complete SBus interface for SBus peripheral
subsystems. The L64853 is a high-speed, lowpower, dual-port device. It provides Master/
Slave-type peripherals with a single-chip solution for interfacing to the SBus. The principal
components of the L64853 are two functionally
distinct DMA channels (an 8-bit and 16-bit
channel) and an SBus interface with associated bus arbitration logic.
The L64853 is ideal for both master and slave
peripherals as it operates either in master
mode or in slave mode. As an SBus master, the
L64853 generates, upon request from a device
attached to either channel. sequences of SBus
data transfers (reads or writes) between the
peripheral controller and main memory. In


• Operation at clock frequencies up to 25 MHz
• Packing/unpacking of SBus words into bytes
or halfwords for use by the peripheral controllers
• Support for 8- or 16-bit peripherals
• Supports byte, halfword, or word transfers on
the SBus
• Operation in virtual address space with the
SPARC MMU providing virtual-to-physical
address translations

©1990, 1991 lSI logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

SBus terminology, the L64853 is a DVMA
(Direct Virtual Memory Access) Master, that is,
it generates virtual addresses on the SBus
data lines and employs the SBus controller's
MMU (Memory Management Unit) to translate
these virtual addresses into physical addresses.
When the L64853 is an SBus slave, software
reads and writes the internal registers on the
L64853 and also on the two peripheral controllers. The CPU uses the L64853 as a conduit
to access the two peripheral controller chips.
The DMA Controller operates at a maximum
clock frequency of 25 MHz. The L64853 is
implemented in a 1.5-micron CMOS process
and is packaged in an inexpensive, 120-pin,
plastic quad flat package (PQFP).
• Support for rerun acknowledgments
• Inclusion of 24-bit address and data counters
• Packaged in a low-cost, 120-pin PQFP (plastic
quad flat pack) package


L64853A SBus
Direct Memory
Access (DMA)



The L64853A SBus DMA (Direct Memory
Access) Controller is a high-speed, low-power,
dual-port device that provides a complete
SBus interface solution for SBus peripheral
subsystems. The principal components ofthe
L64853A are its two functionally distinct DMA
channels and its SBus interface with associated bus arbitration logic.
The L64853A supports both 8- and 16-bit
peripherals through two independent DMA
channels, a 16-bit channel and an 8-bit channel. The L64853A is ideal for both master and
slave peripherals as it operates either in master mode or in slave mode.



• Operation at clock frequencies up to 25 MHz
• Support for 8- or 16-bit peripherals
• Support for byte, halfword or word transfers on
the SBus
• Operation in virtual address space with the
SPARC MMU providing logical-to-physical
address translations
• Support for rerun acknowledgments
• Inclusion of 24-bit address and data counters

©1990. 1991 lSI logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

During SBus DMA transfers, the L64853A
packs the data into one of two 32-byte caches
for optimum bus performance. The SBus DMA
Controller supports concurrent 5 MByte/sec
SCSI and 1.25 MByte/sec Ethernettransfers.
The L64853A is pin and software compatible
with the L64853 SBus DMA Controller. The
L64853A provides additional features over the
L64853 such as support for 4-word SBus bursts
and data block chaining.
The L64853A operates at clock frequencies of
up to 25 MHz. The L64853A is implemented in a
1.5-micron CMOS process and is packaged in
an inexpensive, 120-pin, plastic quad flat package (PQFP).
• Inclusion of two 32-byte caches for data transfers
• Four-word burst operation
• Data block chaining
• Packaging in a low-cost, 120-pin PQFP (plastic
quad flat pack) package
• Pin and software compatible with the L64853
SBus DMA Controller

l64855 SBus
Video Frame Buffer


The L64855 Video Controller generates the signals needed to control the video RAM and the
external DACs that drive the video display. The
L64855 also includes an SBus interface. Key
• Provides a single-chip video subsystem
• Interfaces to SBus
• Software control of video timing and display
• Supports 256-by-4, 128K-by-8 and 64K-by-4
video RAMs
• Supports 1-,8- and 24-bit-per-pixel frame

©1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

parameters of the video display, including
video timing and resolution, are software programmable. The L64855 supports the Sun auto
configuration feature.
• Supports Up to four video clocks
• Includes built-in video shifter for 1-bit frame
buffers (maximum pixel clock up to 100 MHz)
• Supports Sun Video Monitor sense lines for
auto configuration
• Interfaces directly to VRAM and video DACs
with no external components


L64901 SPARe
Embedded Processor

The L64901 SPARC Embedded Processor is a
high- speed implementation ofthe SPARC32bit RISC architecture, and it is fabricated by
LSI Logic in a 1.5-micron drawn gate length
(0.9-micron effective channel length) CMOS
process. The L64901 processor provides:

Simple Instruction Format
All instructions are 32 bits wide and aligned on
word boundaries in memory. There are only
three basic instruction formats, which feature
uniform placement of opcode and other fields.
Register Intensive Architecture
Most instructions operate on the contents of
two registers and place the results in a third
register. Only Load and Store instructions
access Off-chip memory.
L&4901 Chip

Delayed Control Transfer
The L64901 always fetches the instruction
which follows a control transfer instruction,
and either executes it or annuls it depending
on the state of a bit in the control transfer
instruction. This feature allows compilers to
rearrange code to place a useful instruction
after conditional branches, for optimal use of
the processor pipeline.

ASIC Implementation
The L64901 processor is implemented in LSI
Logic's advanced sub-micron HCMOS process,
which offers up to 200,000 usable gates on a
single integrated circuit. LSI Logic's ASIC
methodology facilitates modifications to the
processor and provides users the ability to
increase system integration or to reduce system cost.

Fast Interrupt Response
The L64901 processor can access the first
instruction of an interrupt service routine within thre.e to six cycles of receiving the interrupt


• SpARC RISC (Reduced Instruction Set
Computer) Architecture
• Simple instruction format
• Simple lx clock input
• Most instructions execute in a single cycle
• Low cost
• 4-stage pipeline
• Large windowed register file
• 120 general-purpose 32-bit registers
• 7 overlapping windows of 24 registers each
• Hardware pipeline interlocks

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

The L64901 is part of LSI Logic's L64900
Embedded Processor Family for SPARC-based


Separate 32-bit address and data buses
User/supervisor modes
Privileged instructions
Artificial intelligence support
1.5-micron gate length, 2-layer metal CMOS
• 160-pin PQFP (plastic quad flat pack) and 144pin PPGA (plastic pin grid array) packages
• 0.8 Watts maximum power dissipation
• Available in 20 or 25 MHz versions

Integrated System

The L64951 Integrated System Controller (lSC) is
a member of the L64900 Family of Embedded
Solutions. Manufactured in LSI Logic's
advanced 1.5-micron drawn gate length
HCMOS process, the ISC provides memory control. address decode and other support services
forthe L64901 SPARC Embedded Processor, a
32-bit implementation of the SPARC RISC architecture. Designers can use the L64901 and the
L64951 to build a low-chip-count, high-performance embedded processor core.
The ISC includes a host of features that make
the implementation of a processor core
straightforward. In addition to a variety of glue
logic, the ISC includes the five major features
described below.
The ISC includes a DRAM controller that can
control up to four banks of DRAMs. The
address range for each bank is programmable.
The DRAM controller also includes refresh
The ISC provides eight chip selects to control
SRAMs, EPROMs, and I/O devices. The
address range and control signal timing for
each chip select are programmable.
The ISC includes an interrupt controller that
prioritizes and encodes eight external interrupt
lines and two internal interrupt sources.
Interrupts can be individually masked or
masked by priority.


In addition to the major functions described
above, the ISC provides many of the glue logic
functions that are required to complete a processor core. Those functions are included in
this list of features:
• DRAM control with programmable address
decoders for up to four banks of DRAMs
• Eight chip selects with programmable address
decoders and control signal timing for SRAM,
EPROM and I/O control
• Interrupt control for eight external and two
internal interrupts

©1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

L64951 Chip
The ISC provides three DMA channels, two for
use by I/O devices and one for block transfers
by the processor. These DMA channels allow
large blocks of data to be transferred between
I/O devices and memory with minimal processor involvement. The two I/O DMA channels
generate interrupts when a transfer is complete. The interrupt levels are programmable.
The ISC includes cache control logic that
allows construction of a high-performance
cache memory.
The ISC provides eight protection registers to
permit or prohibit access to blocks of memory.
These protection registers can also be used to
set breakpoints to ease software debug.
• Three DMA channels with programmable
interrupt levels
• Programmable memory protection and debug
• Data bus buffer control signals
• Reset logic
• Processor bus request and acknowledge signals for I/O devices
• Low-cost 160-pin PQFP (plastic quad flat pack)
package and 144-pin PPGA (plastic pin grid
array) package
• 20 MHz operating speed



Sales Offices and
Design Resource Centers

Design Resource

Design Support


LSI Logic maintains the world's largest ASIC
design support network. Thirty-nine Design
Resource Centers provide access to qualified
LSI Logic application engineers and a full
range of hardware and software design tools.
Whether customer engineers elect to work at
or through a design center, experienced appli• Full support for all LSI Logic channelled and
Channel-Free™ array and cell-based ASIC
• Experienced LSI Logic application engineers
offer detailed and comprehensive design
• Access to major software and hardware tools
and environments:
Silicon compilers
PLD converters and logic synthesizers
Hardware accelerators
SSI, MSI, LSI and VLSI technology libraries

cation engineers offer expert training and
design assistance. Comprehensive support
includes design training, access to extensive
technology libraries, use of CAD equipment
and tools and distribution of design literature,
data books and technical information.

• Demonstration facilities to introduce customers to the latest tools and technologies
• Full customer facilities for on-site or remote
design entry and simulation
• Design courses offered on-site
• Worldwide design tool network for fast and
comprehensive service and support
• Full marketing and sales support

US Sales

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E.V. Johanssen Electronik AS

Fintronics AB

Semi Devices AS






©1989, 1990, 1991 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.



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Tel: 408.433.8000
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LSI Logic Corporation
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LSI logic Sulzer AG
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LSI Logic Corporation

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FAX: 82.2.554.9327

lSI logic GMBH
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8000 Munich 81
Tel: 49.89.9269030
FAX: 49.89.917096
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Paris France

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lSI logic Export AB
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FAX: 46.8.7506647

lSI logic K.1l

• Griekenweg 25



• Centro Direnzionale ColleoniPalazzo Oriane Ingressa 1

LSI Logic Corporation

• 4601 Six Forks Road
Phase 2, Suite 528
Raleigh NC 27609
Tel: 919.783.8833
FAX: 919.783.8909


• 1900 Glades Road
Suite 201
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Tel: 407.395.6200
FAX: 407.394.2865

lSI logic SPA

• 5080 Spectrum Drive

• 8300 Norman Center Drive

New Jersey

• 2540 N First Street
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Tel: 408.954.1561
FAX: 408.954.1565


LSI Logic Limited
• Lomond House
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FAX: 44.506.4 I 4836

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TWX: 723813
Tel: 49.711.2261124
AE Advanced Electronics
• Theaterstr. 14
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Tel: 49.5" .3681756
FAX: 49.51 1.3681759
AE Advanced Electronics
• Stefan-George-Ring 19

8000 Munich 81
Tel: 49.89.93009855
FAX: 49.89.93009866

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ASIC Design Tools
D Third-Party Tools
D Silicon 1076 VHDL
Design Services
D Design Building Blocks
D Cell Development
D Full Scan Testing & ATPG
D Fault Grading
D SPICE Models
0 Layout
r:J Applications Engineering
Array-Based ASICs
IJ LCA200K Compacted ArrayTM
Turbo Series
IJ LFT150K FasTest™
Array Series
!J LCA100K Compacted
Array Plus™ Series
IJ LEA100K Embedded
ArrayTM Series
iJ LCA10000 Compacted
ArrayTM Series
IJ LMA9000 Micro Array
IJ LDD10000 BiCMOS Direct
Drive™ Array Series
[J LAD310 BiCMOS Analog/Digital
Array Series
Radiation-Hardened ASICs
D LRH10000 RadiationHardened Series
D LRH9000 RadiationHardened Series
D L63500 DATAC ARINC 629
Terminal Device
Cell-Based ASICs
D LCB007 Series Cell-Based
D LCB15 Series Cell-Based ASICs
Testability Bus
[J L64032 32-Bit MAC
D L64134 32-Bit HCMOS
IEEE Floating-Point


State _ _ _ Zip

L64210/11 Variable-Length
Video Shift Registers
D L64212 Variable-Length
Video Shift Register
D L64220 Rank-Value Filter
D L64230 Binary Filter and
Template Matcher
D L64240 Multi-Bit Filter
D L64243 3 x 3 Multi-Bit Filter
D L64245 FIR Filter Processor
D L64250 Histogram/Hough
Transform Processor
D L64260/61 High-Speed
Versatile Fir Filter
D L64270 64 x 64 Crossbar Switch
D L64280 Complex FFT
D L64281 FFT Video Shift
D L64290 Object Contour
Video Compression
L6471 0 8-Error Correcting
Reed-Solomon Codec
D L64715 Two-Error Correcting
BCH Encoder-Decoder
D L64720 Video Motion Estimation
Processor (DCT)
D L64730 Discrete Cosine
Transform Processor
D L64735 Discrete Cosine
Transform Processor
D L64740 DCT Quantization
D L64745 JPEG Coder
D L64750/51
Length Coder/Decoder
D L64760 Interframe Processor
SPARC Microprocessors
D L64801 Integer Unit
D L64804 Floating-Point Unit
D L64821 Memory Management
D L64822 Data Buffer
D L64823 Clock Controller
D L64824 Cache Controller
C L64825 SBus Video Controller
D L64826 SBus DRAM Controller
D L64811 Enhanced Integer Unit



L64814 Enhanced Floating-Point
D L64815 Memory Management,
Cache Control and Cache Tag
D L64850 Mbus DRAM Controller
D L64851 Mbus Standard I/O Bus
D L64852 Mbus-to-SBus
D L64853 SBus DMA Controller
D L64853A SBus Direct Memory
Access (DMA) Controller
D L64855 SBus Video Frame
D L64901 Embedded Processor
D L64951 Integrated System
MIPS Microprocessors
D LR2000 RISC Microprocessor
D LR2010 Floating-Point
D LR3000 RISC Microprocessor
D LR3000A RISC Microprocessor
D LR3010 Floating-Point
D LR3010A Floating-Point
D LR3220 Read-Write Buffer
D LR3201 RST-INT Controller
D LR3202 Bus Controller
D LR3203 DRAM Controller
D LR32D04 DRAM Data Bus Buffer
D LR3205 Block Transfer Buffer
D LR33000 Mips Embedded
D RPM3310 MIPS Ngine Module
D RPM3330 MIPS Ngine Module
D Mips System Programmer's
D 1750A Microprocessor
D Packaging



LSI Logic Corporation
1551 McCarthy Blvd
Milpitas CA 95035


Marketing Communications
MS 0102

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This information will help us to serve you
If you have an immediate need for more
information, please call us at 408.433.4288.

LSI Logic
Milpitas CA
LSI Logic
of Canada, Inc.
LSI Logic K.K.
United Kingdom
LSI Logic Limited
West Germany
LSI Logic GmbH

Order No. 13000


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