1994_Technical_Literature_In_Inventory_3rd_Quarter 1994 Technical Literature In Inventory 3rd Quarter
User Manual: 1994_Technical_Literature_In_Inventory_3rd_Quarter
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TECHNICAL LITERATURE IN INvENIoRY Th e Key to Total Customer Satisfaction Effective Date 3rd Quarter 1994 ® MOTOROLA Semiconductor Products Sector " INTERNAL AND DISTRIBUTOR USE ONLY TABLE OF CONTENTS LITERATURE DISTRIBUTION INFORMATION .........................................................2 ANNOUNCEMENT ....................................................3 PROCEDURE FOR RUSH ORDERS ...................... .4 NEW, REVISED, AND DELETED LITERATURE SINCE LAST PUBLICATION ..........................5 thru 7 COMPONENT DATA SHEETS (ALPHA NUMB ERIC LISTING) 1.5KE .........................................................................8 1.5SMC .....................................................................8 lC .............................................................................. 8 1M .............................................................................8 lMC ........................................................................... 8 IN .............................................................................. 8 15MB .........................................................................8 2N ................................................................. 8 thru 11 2SA ..........................................................................11 2SC .........................................................................11 32S ..........................................................................11 3EZ ..........................................................................11 3N ............................................................................11 4 .............................................................................. 11 4M ...........................................................................11 4N ............................................................................ 11 5 .............................................................................. 11 6 .............................................................................. 11 8S ............................................................................11 9 ..............................................................................12 AA ............................................................................12 AM ...........................................................................12 ATV .........................................................................12 BAS .........................................................................12 BAV .........................................................................12 BAW ........................................................................12 BC ...........................................................................12 BCP .........................................................................12 BF ............................................................................12 BFR .........................................................................12 BFRC .......................................................................12 BFW ........................................................................12 BFX .........................................................................12 BFY .........................................................................12 BS ............................................................................12 BSP .........................................................................12 BSS .........................................................................12 BU ...........................................................................12 BUL .........................................................................12 BUT .........................................................................12 BUW ........................................................................12 BUZ .........................................................................12 C..............................................................................12 CA ...................................................................12 & 13 CAN ......................................................................... 13 CC ........................................................................... 13 CP ...........................................................................13 D..............................................................................13 DAC .........................................................................13 DDK .........................................................................13 DS ...........................................................................13 DSP .........................................................................13 ECHELON ....................................................... 13 & 14 ETL ..........................................................................14 FDDI ........................................................................14 FIRMWARE ............................................................. 14 FO ...........................................................................14 FT ............................................................................14 GDB .........................................................................14 H..............................................................................14 HA ...........................................................................14 HC ...........................................................................14 HCA .........................................................................14 HDC .........................................................................14 ICTE ........................................................................14 IL .............................................................................14 IRF ..................................................................14 & 15 IRFD ........................................................................15 IRFZ ........................................................................15 J ............................................................................... 15 LCX .........................................................................15 LEAD .......................................................................15 LF ............................................................................15 LM ...................................................................15 & 16 LVT ..........................................................................16 LT ............................................................................16 M .............................................................................16 MAC ............................................................16thru 18 MAD ........................................................................18 MBAL .......................................................................18 MBAS ......................................................................18 MBAV ......................................................................18 MBAW .....................................................................18 MBD ........................................................................18 MBI ..........................................................................18 MBR ................................................................18& 19 MBRB ......................................................................19 MBRD ......................................................................19 MBRF ......................................................................19 MBRL ......................................................................19 MBRS ......................................................................19 MBS .........................................................................19 MC ...............................................................19 thru 34 MCA ........................................................................34 MCC ........................................................................34 MCCF ..............................................................34 & 35 MCCS ......................................................................35 MCD ........................................................................35 MCH ........................................................................35 MCK ........................................................................35 MCM ............................................................35 thru 37 MCMC .....................................................................37 MCML ......................................................................37 MCR ................................................................37 & 38 MCT .........................................................................38 MDA ........................................................................38 MDC ........................................................................38 MFE .........................................................................38 MFF .........................................................................38 MFOD ......................................................................39 MFODC ...................................................................39 MFOE ......................................................................39 MFOEC ...................................................................39 MFO ........................................................................39 MG ...........................................................................39 MGM ........................................................................39 MGP ........................................................................39 MGTO ......................................................................39 MHO ........................................................................39 MHW ...........................................................39 thru 41 MJ ...................................................................41 & 42 MJD .................................................................42 & 43 MJE .........................................................................43 MJF .........................................................................43 MJH ........................................................................ 44 MJL. .........................................................................44 MJW ........................................................................44 MK ...........................................................................44 MKP .........................................................................44 MKT .........................................................................44 MLED ......................................................................44 MLEDC ....................................................................44 MLL .................................................................44 & 45 MLP .........................................................................45 MM ..........................................................................45 MMAD .....................................................................45 MMBD .....................................................................45 MMBF ......................................................................45 MMBR .....................................................................45 MMBT ......................................................................45 MMBV ......................................................................45 MMBZ ......................................................................45 MMC ........................................................................45 MMDF ......................................................................45 MMDS .....................................................................45 MMFT ......................................................................45 MMPO .............................................................45&46 MMSZ ......................................................................46 MMUN .....................................................................46 MOC ........................................................................46 MOS ........................................................................46 MPC ........................................................................46 MPD ........................................................................46 MPF ................................................................46 & 47 MPM ........................................................................47 MPN ........................................................................47 MPO ........................................................................47 MPS .........................................................................47 MPTE ......................................................................47 MPU ........................................................................47 MPX ................................................................47 & 48 MR ...........................................................................48 MRA ........................................................................48 MRAL ......................................................................48 MRD ........................................................................48 MRDC ......................................................................48 MRF ............................................................48 thru 52 MRFC ......................................................................52 MRFG ......................................................................52 MRFIC .....................................................................52 MRFO ......................................................................52 MRL .........................................................................52 MROS ......................................................................52 MRW .......................................................................52 MSA ................................................................52 & 53 MSB .........................................................................53 MSC ........................................................................53 MSD ........................................................................53 MT ...........................................................................53 MTA .........................................................................53 MTB .........................................................................53 MTD .........................................................................53 MTG ........................................................................53 MTH ................................................................53 & 54 MTM ........................................................................54 MTP .............................................................54 thru 56 MTS .........................................................................56 MTW ........................................................................56 MU ...........................................................................56 MUN ........................................................................56 MUR ................................................................56 & 57 MURB ......................................................................57 MURD ......................................................................57 MURF ......................................................................57 MURH ......................................................................57 MURS ......................................................................57 MV ...........................................................................57 MVAM ......................................................................57 MVS .........................................................................57 MWA ........................................................................57 MXF .........................................................................57 MXR ........................................................................57 MZ ...........................................................................57 MZC .........................................................................57 MZP .........................................................................57 MZT .................................................................57 & 58 NE ...........................................................................58 NTC .........................................................................58 OP ...........................................................................58 P .............................................................................. 58 PA ............................................................................58 PAM .........................................................................58 PAN .........................................................................58 PPC .........................................................................58 PZT ..........................................................................58 PZTA .......................................................................58 REEL PACK STD ....................................................58 RF ............................................................................58 SA ............................................................................58 SAA .........................................................................58 SC ...........................................................................58 SD ...........................................................................58 SE ............................................................................58 SG ...........................................................................58 SN ...........................................................................58 SOJ .........................................................................58 SPDPRODCAL. .......................................................58 STD. EPITAXIAL WAFERS .....................................58 T......................................................................58 & 59 TCA .........................................................................59 TCF .........................................................................59 TDA .........................................................................59 TIL ...........................................................................59 TiP ...........................................................................59 TL ............................................................................59 TPU .................................................................59 & 60 TPV .........................................................................60 TR ............................................................................60 U..............................................................................60 UA ...........................................................................60 UAA .........................................................................60 UC ...........................................................................60 ULN .........................................................................60 VN ...........................................................................60 XC ...........................................................................60 XHW ........................................................................60 APPLICATIONS NOTES AN'S ............................................................61 thru 66 ANE's ......................................................................66 APR's ..............................................................66 & 67 AR's .................................................................67 & 68 ARE's ......................................................................69 BF's .........................................................................69 DC's .........................................................................69 DCE's ......................................................................69 EB's .................................................................69 & 70 AUSTIN Chip Manuals ..................................................70 & 71' Instruction Set Cards ..................................... .71 & 72 Evaluation Module Manuals ................................... .72 MISCELLANEOUS Special Documents .........................................72 & 73 ASIC Semicustom Literature ........................... 73 & 74 Brochures ....................................................75 thru 77 Cross Reference & Selection Guides ......................78 Data Paks ................................................................79 Data Disks ...............................................................79 S~~~~~~~i:.·.·.·:::.·:::::.·.·::.·:.·:::.·.·:.·.·.·:.·.:. ::.:. . ::. . . . . . . . :. .:.~..~.~~ Training Books ........................................................80 Sample Kits & Evaluation Kits .................................80 Echelon and Related Products .......................80 & 81 Miscellaneous Oversized Data Sheets .................... 81 1 (800) 441·2447 Literature 1 (800) 521·6274 Design Line Literature Distribution Center 8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. - Mountain STANDARD Time Phone 602-994-6561 FAX 602-994-6430 UB Code LDC Posts: Use Skip Dunlap's Account RJ7460 Mail Drop: USPS Address: UPS Address: Broadway Bldg. (BB100) Interplant Mail Motorola Semiconductors Products, Inc. P.O. Box 20924 Phoenix, AZ 85036-0924 Motorola Semiconductors Products, Inc. 616 W. 24th St. Tempe, AZ 85282 NOTE: If not for Skip, address message to LDC. Appropriate person will get it. Customer Service 994-6561 Margie Drotos Jeanne Gallaway Betty Hayes Theresa Sebele Nancy Shene Velia Urias (Supervisor) 994·6672 994·6580 994·6581 994·6582 994·6583 994·6014 - SKIP DUNLAP (Manager Physical Distribution) BRUCE FRICK (Marketing Support) ROGER JACOBSON (Special Jobs) WAYNE HISER (Operations Manager) MAGGIE MIRACLE (Inventory Control Supervisor) ED CIOLLI (Inventory Control Manager) Codes Used On Orders From "LDC" N/A T.O. D.l.S. R.P.L. L.Q. R.I. O.H. D.T.O. Not currently a stocked item at L.D.C. Temporarily out, contact: Kelly Otto (602) 897·3699 Discontinued or obsolete Replaced by Limited quantity available Restricted item, contact product marketing On hold, contact: Kelly Otto (602) 897·3699 Don't tube off. 2 Some devices are found only in product data books. If you don't find your document number listed, please check for it in the appropriate data book. As you go through this issue of the technical literature catalog, you will notice that the IX devices have gone away. They have been converted to a 10 part number to conform with internation requirements for order entry. In the future months these will all be available on Design-Net so that your customers will have access to a FAX copy if needed ASAP. If you have any questions, call Bruce Frick or Maggie Miracle at the Literature Distribution Center. 3 STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE FOR RUSH LITERATURE ORDERS 1. Check for available inventory in bank "L001" before ordering. 2. Use "CSA" in the SHIP VIA FIELD, Motorola Traffic Dept guidelines are followed for carrier preference, unless the customer is paying. 3. Fix any kickouts showing on "C30" screen before proceeding. 4. Enter overide address if needed. 5. Use A. B. C. C36 "0" notes at FO# level (no line notes) and indicate: Need by date Dept # for charges If it's for a show/seminar & date 6. After completing all the above steps, do your C15 transaction. 7. Send a follow-up "U B" to (LDC) immediately after the C15, and state; A. Just entered "FO#" it's a rush. (Indicate FO#). B. Your name & phone number in case we need to contact you. C. (Note: There is no need to restate critical info on the "U B", all needed information will be taken from the notes of the FO# itself). Any questions about these guidelines, call Bruce Frick at (602) 994-6580. 4 LITERATURE # REV# 46226/0 CALCPSTG/O Firmware/O FORTRANCOMP/O HAUO PAK102/0 PAK104/0 MAC15/0 MAC16/0 MAC24/0 MAC25/0 MAC8/0 MAC9/0 MBR2515UO MBR30100/0 MBR3045ST/O MBR4015LWT/O MBR0835UO MC10SX1130/0 LONPAKIO MC143150/0 LONPAKIO MC143150/0 MC33111/0 MC33128/0 MC44144/0 MC54HC405110 M68060/0 MC68322/0 M68060/0 MC68HC05B6/0 MC68HC05B6/0 MC68HC05B6/0 MC68HC05B6/0 MC68HC05B6/0 MC68HC05E6/0 MC68HC05F5AO/O MC68HC05M4TS/O MC68HC05M4TS/O MC68HC11A8/0 N/A 2094 N/A N/A N/A REVO REVO REV 1 REV 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A REV3 REV3 REV3 REV3 N/A N/A REV2 REV6 REV 1 N/A REV 1 REV3 REV 3 REV3 REV3 REV3 N/A N/A REV 1 REV 1 REV5 LITERATURE # REV# REV3 REV3 REV3 REV2 N/A REV 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A REVO REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Y93 N/A N/A N/A MC68HC05B6/0 MC68HC05B6/0 MC68HC05B6/0 MC68HC705C8AO/O MC68HC05E6/0 M68060/0 MCM321000/0 MCM321 030/0 MCM324000/0 MCMC6206/0 MHW6182-6/0 MHW6205/0 MHW6222-6/0 MHW6205/0 MJ3281NO MJ3281NO MJL3281NO MJL3281NO MMOS05/0 MOC3160/0 MOC3160/0 MPC604/0 MPX7010/0 MRF10005H/O MRF10031H/O MRF10070H/O MRF10120H/O MRF10150H/O MRF10350H/O MRF10500H/O MRF857/0 MRF858/0 MRF860/0 MRF861/0 MRF862/0 MROS/O MUR3060/0 MUR3060/0 PPCCOMPMACPC/O 11:',~~~~QI]§f1]lAffi])~~D), : "'~'IQ:: l~\'" If.": ,i' .• 'r;~"'\,~'\!r~'ltl':'I. ITEM DESCRIPTION AN1128/0 AN1208/0 AN1226/0 AN1227/0 AN1228/0 AN1500/0 AN1514/0 AN853NO AR524/0 OCE402/0 MC68EC030 40 MHz Minimal System Parallel 1/0 Interface to the Neuron® Chip Use of the 68HC705C8A in place of a 68HC705C8 (REV 1) Using 9346 Series Serial EEPROMs with 6805 Series Microcontrollers Interfacing the HC05 MCU to the MC145051 NO Converter IEEE Std. 1149.1 Boundary Scan for H4CTM Arrays H4CPlus™ Series 3.3V/5V Oesign Considerations M146805 CMOS Family Emulators Update EON Pick the right package for your next ASIC design MC68030 25 MHz Benchmarking Board 5 ~( 'i",1,.,t~ ,:.' 1" I . ~ oi: :':."',' .~ :',: II":'; '".,::,' ; I ITEM DESCRIPTION CTMRM/D MC68331UM/AD MC68332UM/AD MC68840UMAD/AD MPC603UM/AD Modular Microcontroller Family CTM Configurablo Timer Module Reference Manual MC68331 UM (REV 1) MC68332 UM (REV 1) PowerPCTM 603 RISC Microprocessor User's Manual "',"',' I ITEM DESCRIPTION MC68HC11 MRG/AD M68HC11 M Series Programming Reference Guide ITEM DESCRIPTION MC92005UM/D H4CPDMAD/D MC92005 SBus Slave Interface Controller UM H4CPlus Series Design Reference Guide ITEM DESCRIPTION BR1112/D BR1133/D BR1146/D BR1147/D BR1148/D BR1153/D BR1159/D BR1310/D BR1332/D BR1340/D BR1411/D 8R1417/D BR1437/D BR1443/D BR348/D BR380/D BR923/D HC05 (CSIC) & (MCU) Literature (REV 6) High-Performance Internal Product Portfolio Overview Issue 51094 (REV 4) PowerPCTM Family of Microprocessors PowerPC™ Microprocessor Software by Motorola Power PC 604™ Microprocessors The 68060 Family Motorola's Chisholm LBP Board Our Low-Cost 68HC05 CSICs Can Take Your Designs to New Heights. Logic Integrated Circuits Division New Products Calendar 2094 The Motorola MPA1000 Fine-Grain FPGA Family World Wide Bar Code Ouick Ref. Guide Release 5.1 (REV 2) OACS 3.05M Changing the World of ASIC Design (REV 2) Multichip Module Solutions State-of-the-Art Communications Technical Training Catalog (REV 11) Bar Code Label Specifications (REV 6) Comm. Power & Signal Tech Group Reliability Audit Report January - April 1994 (REV 15) ITEM DESCRIPTION CR103/D CR104/D SG146/D SG162/D SG165/D SG166/D SG167/D SG169/D SG171/D SG172/D SG173/D SG265/D SG266/D SG267/D SG268/D SG273/D Transient Voltage Suppressors General Instruments Cross Reference General Instrument-to-Motorola Optoelectronics Cross Reference Digital Signal Processors 2094 (REV 12) Sensor Operations SPD 2094 (REV 10) CSIC MPUs Update 2094 (REV 12) AMCU Advanced Microcontroller Division 2094 (REV 7) High Performance MPU 2094 (REV 13) MOS Digital - Analog Update 2094 (REV 9) MOS Memory Products Division Fast Static RAM Update 2094 (REV 7) MOS Memory Products Division Dynamic RAM Update 3094 (REV 6) Motorola CSIC Microcontrollers 3094 TMOS Product Update 2094 (REV 3) Bipolar Power Transistors Product Update 2094 (REV 3) Rectifier Product Update 2094 (REV 3) Thyristor Product Update 2094 (REV 2) Optoelectronics Operations SPD 2094 (REV 2) 6 ITEM DESCRIPTION SG274/D SG275/D SG276/D SG370/D SG373/D Zener Operations SPD 2094 (REV 2) Surface Mount Packages Small-Signal Operations SPD 2094 (REV 1) Power Products Division New High Power Products Discrete Surface Mount Selector Guide (REV 1) Commercial Plus and Mil/Aero Applications RF Products Selector Guide ITEM DESCRIPTION DL110/D DL136AD/D DL150/D DL411/D RF (REV 5) Errata to DL 136/0 Rev 3 Communications Device Data (REV 3) TVS/Zener Device Data (REV 1) Communications Applications 580 pg. Reprints of 44 applications documents (REV 1) LITERATURE # REPLACEMENT 1SMC5.0/D 68HC705V8/D MAC15/D MACH15/0 MAC15/0 MACH16/0 MAC15/0 MRF1 0031 HX/O MC68HC811 E2/0 REPLACEMENT LITERATURE # AN1312/D AN1313/D AR281/0 AR282/0 REPLACEMENT LITERATURE # BR1135/D BR282/D REPLACEMENT LITERATURE # OK101/0 7 ITEM THRU PRODUCT LITERATURE # REV# 1.5KE6.8, A 1.58MC6.8T3, AT3 10223 MILITARY 120008EVK 120NCO Product Preview 145152-2 Military 188100 Military 196002 Military 1C4370, A 1C4728, A 1C5283 1C5333 1C6267, A 1C746, A 1C821, A 1C825, A 1M110Z810 1M110Z810 1MC110Z10 1N4001 1N4565, A 1N4678 1N4728, A 1N4765, A 1N4933 1N5139, A 1N5158 1N5221A, B 1N5273 1N5333A, B, C, 0 1N5779 1N5817 1N5820 1N5823 1N5832 1N5908 1N5913 1N5985A 1N6095 1N6097 1N6267, A 1N6373 1N823, A 1N987A 18MB5.0, A 18MB5.0AT3 18MB5913, B 2N1595 2N2646 2N2857 2N2913 2N2972 2N3055 2N3055A 2N3553 2N3668 2N3738 2N3839 2N3866 2N3870 2N3896 THRU THRU 1.5KE200, A 1.58MC91T3, AT3 1N5908/0 1.58MC6.8T3/0 10223/0 120008EVK!0 REV 1 REV 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A REV2 REV2 087077 087061 087059 087060 087063 087077 087062 087062 087079 N/A 087061 086015R3 088005R2 AOl528R1 087039R1 088005R2 086071R1 088512 086510R1 087051R2 AOl527R1 087035R1 086510R1 086088R2 086095R1 086080 086079R1 REV 1 087045 087046R1 086127 086128 REV 1 REV 1 087062 AOl526R1 REV 1 REV 1 087081 086503R1 082500 085387R1 084522 084522 083337 083353R1 085132R2 086583 083070R4 085387R1 085145R1 086549R1 086549R1 120NCO/O 145152-2/0 188100/0 196002/0 1C746/0 THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU 1C4372, A 1C4764, A 1C5314 1C5388 1C6303, A 1C759, A THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU 1M200Z810 1M200Z81 0 1MC200Z1 0 1N4007 1N4584, A 1N4717 1N4764, A 1N4784, A 1N4937 1N5148, A 1N5160 1N5281A, B 1N5281 1N5388A, B, C, 0 1N5793 1N5819 1N5822 1N5825 1N5834 THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU 1N5956 1N6025A 1N6096 1N6098 1N6303, A 1N6389 THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU 1N992A 18MB170, A 18MB170.AT3 18MB5956A, B 2N1599 2N2647 THRU THRU 2N2920 2N2979 THRU THRU 2N3670 2N3739 THRU THRU 2N3873 2N3899 1C4728/0 1C5283/0 1C5333/0 1C6267/0 1C746/0 1C821/0 1C821/0 MZP4728/0 MZP4727/0 1N4728/0 1N4001/0 1N4565/0 1N4678/0 1N4728/0 1N4565/0 1N4933/0 1N5139/0 1N5158/0 1N5221NO 1N5273/0 1N5333NO 1N5158/0 1N5817/0 1N5820/0 1N5823/0 1N5832/0 1N5908/0 1N5913/0 1N5985NO 1N6095/0 1N6097/0 1N5908/0 1N5908/0 1C821/0 1N987NO 18MB5.0/0 18MB5.0AT3/0 18MB5913NO 2N1595/0 2N2646/0 2N2857/0 2N2913/0 2N2913/0 2N3055/0 2N3055NO 2N3553/0 2N3668/0 2N3738/0 2N2857/0 2N3866/0 2N3870/0 2N3870/0 8 ®'l\'IT& @]13 #IT ~ ITEM THRU PRODUCT LITERATURE # REV# 2N3903 2N3905 2N3959 2N4013 2N4091 2N4103 2N4117, A 2N4167 2N4183 2N4199 2N4208 2N4391 2N4400 2N4409 2N4416 2N4427 2N4441 2N4851 2N4856, A 2N4957 2N4993 2N5016 2N5031 2N5050 2N5058 2N5060 2N5070 2N5071 2N5108 2N5109 2N5164 2N5179 2N5208 2N5301 2N5322 2N5431 2N5441 2N5567 2N5571 2N5583 2N5589 2N5590 2N5591 2N5636 2N5638 2N5641 2N5642 2N5643 2N5655 2N5829 2N5835 2N5841 2N5849 2N5941 2N5943 2N5944 2N5947 2N6027 2N6040 2N6049 2N6050 THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU 2N3904 2N3906 2N3960 2N4014 2N4093 THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU 2N4119, A 2N4174 2N4190 2N4204 2N4209 2N4393 2N4401 2N4410 THRU THRU THRU THRU 2N4444 2N4853 2N4861, A 2N4959 THRU THRU THRU THRU 2N5032 2N5052 2N5059 2N5064 THRU 2N5171 THRU THRU 2N5303 2N5323 THRU THRU THRU 2N5446 2N5570 2N5574 THRU 2N5640 THRU 2N5657 THRU THRU 2N5837 2N5842 THRU 2N5946 THRU THRU 2N6028 2N6045 THRU 2N6052 2N3903/0 2N3905/0 2N3959/0 2N4013/0 2N4091/0 2N3668/0 2N4117/0 2N4167/0 2N4167/0 2N4199/0 2N4208/0 2N4391/0 2N4400/0 2N4409/0 2N4416/0 2N4427/0 2N4441/0 2N4851/0 2N4856/0 2N4957/0 2N4993/0 2N5016/0 2N5031/0 2N5050/0 2N5058/0 2N5060/0 2N5070/0 2N5071/0 2N51 08/0 2N51 09/0 2N5164/0 2N5179/0 2N5208/0 2N5301/0 2N5322/0 2N5431/0 2N5441/0 2N5567/0 2N557110 2N5583/0 2N5589/0 2N5590/0 2N5591/0 2N5636/0 2N5638/0 2N5641/0 2N5642/0 2N5643/0 2N5655/0 2N4957/0 2N5835/0 2N5841/0 2N5849/0 2N5941/0 2N5943/0 2N5944/0 2N5947/0 2N6027/0 2N6040/0 2N6049/0 2N6050/0 085127R2 085128R2 085129R1 085520 085283 086583 085672 086608 086608 086513 085447R1 085292 085198R1 085200R1 085237R2 085316 086533R1 082502 085378R1 085227R2 082519 085393 085333 083141 085552 086525R1 085448R1 085606 085332 085483R1 086515R2 085317R2 085242R1 083162 085819R1 082506 086561 086580 086542R1 085343 D85280R1 085337 085338 085593 085319 085263R2 085591 085592 083163R3 085227R2 085402R1 085406 085411 085465R2 085414R1 085473R1 085419R1 082520 083241 083210 083224R1 9 ITEM THRU PRODUCT LITERATURE # REV# 2N6053 2N6057 2N6068 2N6080 2N6081 2N6082 2N6083 2N6084 2N6094 2N6107 2N6109 2N6111 2N6114 2N6116 2N6145 2N6151 2N6157 2N6166 2N6167 2N6171 2N6233 2N6235 2N6236 2N6249 2N6255 2N6282 2N6288 2N6292 2N6298 2N6304 2N6315 2N6342 2N6342A 2N6394 2N6400 2N6428 2N6430 2N6432 2N6439 2N6504 2N6543 2N6545 2N6546 2N6557 2N6603 2N6604 2N6618 2N6659 2N6667 2N6676 2N6679 2N6755 2N6756 2N6759 2N6761 2N6763 2N6765 2N6767 2N6769 2N6782 2N6784 THRU THRU THRU 2N6056 2N6059 2N6075B THRU 2N6097 THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU 2N6115 2N6118 2N6147 2N6156 2N6165 THRU THRU 2N6170 2N6174 THRU THRU 2N6241 2N6251 THRU 2N6287 THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU 2N6301 2N6305 2N6318 2N6349 2N6349A 2N6399 2N6405 2N6429A 2N6431 2N6433 THRU 2N6509 THRU THRU 2N6547 2N6559 THRU THRU THRU 2N6661 2N6668 2N6678 THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU 2N6756 2N6758 2N6760 2N6762 2N6764 2N6766 2N6768 2N6770 2N6053/0 2N6050/0 2N6068/0 2N6080/0 2N6081/0 2N6082/0 2N6083/0 2N6084/0 2N6094/0 2N61 07/0 2N61 07/0 2N61 07/0 2N6114/0 2N6116/0 2N5571/0 2N6151/0 2N6157/0 2N6166/0 2N6167/0 2N3870/0 2N6233/0 2N6233/0 2N6236/0 2N6249/0 2N6255/0 2N6282/0 2N61 07/0 2N61 07/0 2N6053/0 2N6304/0 2N6315/0 2N6342/0 2N6342NO 2N6394/0 2N6400/0 2N6428/0 2N6430/0 2N6432/0 2N6439/0 2N6504/0 2N6543/0 2N6545/0 2N6546/0 2N6557/0 2N6603/0 2N6604/0 2N6618/0 2N6659/0 2N6667/0 2N6676/0 2N6679/0 2N6755/0 2N6757/0 2N6759/0 2N6761/0 2N6763/0 2N6765/0 2N6767/0 2N6769/0 2N6782/0 2N6784/0 083231 083224R1 088544R1 085466R2 085565 085467R2 085610 085611 085474 083295R2 083295R2 083295R2 086541 082515R1 086542R1 086535 086550R1 085480 086548R1 086549R1 083213 083213 086538R1 083283 085482 083230 083295R2 083295R2 083231 085489 083179R2 086546R1 086547R1 086565R1 086567R1 085694 085692 085693 085663 086590R1 083275R4 083276R3 083277R3 085643 085680 085681 085681 084620 083552R1 083526R2 085966 083613 083612 083610 083611 083673 083674 083665 083666 AOl1307 AOl1303 10 I . ®'A\1f& §}: I=- 31f lYf§JlilR@ ITEM 2N6788 2N6790 2N6796 2N681 2N6833 2N6835 2N6836 2N6837 2N6985 2N6986 2N6987 2N6989 2N7000 2N7002 2N7008 28A1302 28A13068 28C3281 28C32988 328128 Military 3EZ3.905 3N128 3N201 3N209 3N211 3N253 462110 Military 46226 MILITARY 4M x 4 4N25 4N25A 4N29 4N29A 4N32A 4N35 4N38 4N39 56002 Military 56824 MILITARY 6164 MILITARY 6168 MILITARY 6205C Military 6206C MILITARY 6226 MILITARY 6228 MILITARY 6268 MILITARY 6287 MILITARY 6288 MILITARY 6294 MILITARY 628950A 6706 MILITARY 68902 MILITARY 68902A (CPTO) 68HC05CO 68HC05C4A 68HC05E1 68HC05PEO 68HC705C8A 68HC705V8 88256 Military 88512 Military THRU PRODUCT THRU THRU 2N692 2N6834 THRU THRU 2N6988 2N6990 THRU 3EZ40005 THRU THRU THRU THRU 3N203 3N210 3N213 3N259 THRU 4N28 THRU 4N33 THRU THRU THRU 4N37 4N38A 4N40 11 LITERATURE # REV# 2N6788/0 2N6790/0 2N6796/0 2N681/0 2N6833/0 2N6835/0 2N6836/0 2N6837/0 2N6985/0 2N6986/0 2N6987/0 2N6989/0 2N7000/0 2N7002/0 2N7008/0 28C3281/0 28C32988/0 28C3281/0 28C32988/0 328128/0 3EZ3.905/0 3N128/0 3N201/0 3N209/0 3N211/0 3N253/0 462110/0 4622610 MCM516400/0 4N25/0 4N25/0 4N29/0 4N29/0 4N29/0 4N35/0 4N38/0 4N39/0 56002/0 56824/0 616410 6168/0 6205C/O 6206C/O 622610 6228/0 6268/0 6287/0 6288/0 6294/0 628950NO 6706/0 68902/0 68902NO HC05COGR8/0 HC05C4AGR8/0 HC05E1 GR8/0 HC05PEOGR8/0 HC705C8AGR8/D HC705V8GR8/0 88256/0 88512/0 AOl1304 AOl1305 AOl1306 086577 083543R1 083571 083570 083583 085951 085950 089699R3 089698R2 AOl1318R1 AOl1333 084645 083961 083962 083961 083962 N/A 087075 085506 085647 085557 085675 086102R1 REV 1 N/A REV 1 082623R4 082623R4 082627R3 082627R3 082627R3 082649R1 082646R1 082722 N/A N/A 089706R1 089703R1 N/A N/A AOl1760 N/A 089708R1 089709R1 089707R1 REV 1 N/A N/A N/A REV 1 REV 0.5 REV1.1 REV 1.6 REV 1.2 REV 1 REV2 N/A N/A ITEM 93415 MILITARY 93422, A MILITARY 93425 MILITARY AAFOC AM26L830 AM26L831 AM26L832 ATV6060 BA8116LT1 BAV170LT1 BAV199LT1 BAW156LT1 BC846 series BC856 series BCP53T1 BCP56T1 Series BCP68T1 BCP69T1 BF720T1, T3 BF721T1, T3 BFR90 BFR91 BFR96 BFRC96 BFW92A BFX89 BFY90 B8170 B8P16T1, T3 B8P19AT1,20AT1 B8P52T1 B8P62T1 B88123 BU1008AF, ADF BU204 BU207 BU208D BU406, D BU508, A, D, AD BU806 BUL146, F BUL147, F BUL44, F BUL45, F BUT11AF BUW11,A BUZ10L BUZ11, A BUZ73 BUZ80A BUZ84, A BUZ90 C106 series C122 series C205 series C228 series C230 series C35 series CA3054 CA3059 CA3079 THRU PRODUCT THRU THRU BC848 series BC858 series THRU THRU BU205 BU208 THRU BU407, D THRU BU807 THRU BUW12,A THRU THRU C229 series C233 series 12 LITERATURE # REV# 93415/D 93422/D 93425/D AAFOC/D AM26L830/D AM26L831/D AM26L832/D ATV6060/D BA8116LT1/D BAV170LTlID BAV199LT1/D BAW156LT1/D BC846AT/D BC856AT/D BCP53T1/D BCP56T1/D BCP68T1/D BCP69T1/D BF720T1/D BF721T1/D BFR90/D BFR91/D BFR96/D BFR96/D BFW92A1D BFX89/D BFX89/D B8170/D B8P16T1/D B8P19AT1/D B8P52T1/D B8P62T1/D B88123/D BU1008AF/D BU204/D BU207/D BU208D/D BU406/D BU508/D BU806/D BUL146/D BUL147/D BUL44/D BUL45/D BUT11AF/D BUW11/D BUZ10UD BUZ11/D BUZ73/D BUZ80AlD BUZ84/D BUZ90/D C106/D C122/D C205/D C228/D C230/D C35/D CA3054/D CA3059/D CA3059/D D89720 D89722 D89721 REV 1 N/A D89526 D89591R1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A D82760 D82759 N/A N/A N/A N/A REV2 REV3 ADI329 ADI333 D85714R1 D85714R1 D85785 D85805 D85805 D84622 REV2 N/A N/A REV 1 ADI1329R1 D83960 D83329 D83287R1 D83569 D83591R1 D83675 D83620 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV2 REV2 D83731 D83847 D83681 D83783 D83815 D83670R1 D83805 D86585 D86586 D83654 D86587 D86606 D86584 ADI434 D89450 D89450 1":,,~~&§]13!ii~ ITEM CA3139 CA3146 CA3179 CA4800C,S CA4812C,S CA4815C,S CA4900C,S CA4912C,S CA4915C,S CA5800C,S CA5801, 5801 S CA5815C,S CA5900 CA5915 CA7901 CA901 CA902 CA912 CA922,922A CAN (Controller Area Network) CCOMPSTM (PowerPC) CPSTG New Product Calendar Custom 68300 D44C series D44E3 D44H series D44VH series DAC-08 DCE402 DDK Discrete Proceedings Discrete Surf. Mount Reels DS8641 DSP FAMILIES DSP HYPERformance DSP56000 DSP56000ADS DSP56000CLASx DSP56000CLASx DSP56001 DSP56002 DSP56004 DSP56100CLASx DSP56100FM DSP56156 DSP56166 DSP56166ROM DSP56200 DSP56401 DSP56401 Addendum DSP56ADC16 DSP56ADC16EVB DSP56KCCx DSP56L002 DSP96000CLASx DSP96002 DSP96KCCx ECHELON ECHELON ECHELON ECHELON THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU PRODUCT D45C series D45E3 D45H series D45VH series 13 LITERATURE # REV# CA3139/D CA3146/D MC12071/D CA4800C/D CA4800C/D CA4800C/D CA4900/D CA4900/D CA4900/D CA5800C/D CA5801/D CA5800C/D CA5900/D CA5915/D CA7901/D CA901/D CA902/D CA902/D CA922/D CAN/D CCOMPSTM/D CALCPSTG/D M68300/D D44C/D D44E3/D D44H/D D44VH/D DAC-08/D DCE402/D DDKlD AJ100/D TRSMD/D DS8641/D BR1105/D BR439/D DSP56000/D BR517/D BR526/D BR526/D DSP56001/D DSP56002/D DSP56004/D BR1128/D DSP56100FM/D DSP56156/D DSP56166/D DSP56166ROM/D DSP56200/D DSP56401/D DSP56401 AD/D DSP56ADC16/D BR718/D BR541/D DSP56L002/D BR725/D DSP96002/D BR1126/D LONBDSUM/D LONKITSUM/D LONPROD/D LONTP/D DS9452 DS9725 DS9540 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ADI755 ADI756 DS6013 DS6051 N/A N/A N/A ENP0107 REV 1 2Q94 N/A DS3582 DS3592R2 DS3580 DS3581 DS9681 R1 N/A N/A N/A DS3563R6 DS9535 N/A REV 1 REV2 REV 1 N/A REV 1 REV3 N/A REV 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ADI1257R1 N/A N/A REV 1 N/A REV G1.0 N/A REV 1 REV 1 REVG1.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A ITEM ECHELON ECHELON (MC143120) ECHELON (MC143150) ETL (MCA Series) FOOl Chip Set FOOl Chip Set Firmware FORTRANCOMP FTRANCOMPSTM/D (Power PC) GOB H112B1,2,3 H112B255 H11A1 H11A10 H11A5100 H11A520 H11A550 H11AA1 H11AV1,A H11B1, 2, 3,255 H11C1 H11C4 H11D1 H11G1 H11L1 H21A1, A2, A3 H21B1,B2,B3 H4C MILITARY series H4C Series H4CPlus series HA1199P HAL HARDWARE (1/4 STUD) HARDWARE (11/32 STUD) HARDWARE (CASE 340-01) HARDWARE (CASE 340-01) HARDWARE (CASE 77) HARDWARE (CASE 90) HARDWARE (TO-220AB) HARDWARE (TO-3) HARDWARE (TO-66) HC05 HC05C4AGRS HC05E1GRS HC05PEOGRS HC705V8GRS HCA62AOO series HOC MILITARY series HOC SERIES ICTE-5, C IL1, 12, 15,16,74 IRF130 IRF140 IRF150 IRF250 IRF330 IRF340 IRF350 IRF440 IRF450 IRF510 THRU PRODUCT THRU H11A5 THRU THRU H11AA2 H11AV3, A THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU H11C3 H11C6 H11D4 H11G3 H11L2 H22A 1, A2, A3 H22B1,B2,B3 THRU ICTE-45, C THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU IRF133 IRF143 IRF153 IRF253 IRF333 IRF343 IRF353 IRF443 IRF453 IRF513 14 LITERATURE # REV# MC143XXXEVKlD MC143150/D MC143150/D ETUD M68800/D M681FDDI/D Firmware/D FORTRANCOMP/D FTRANCOMPSTM/D GDB/D H11A1/D H11A1/D H11A1/D H11A1/D H11A1/D H11A1/D H11A1/D H11AA1/D H11AV1/D H11A1/D H11ClID H11C4/D H11D1/D H11G1/D H1L 1/0 H21A1/D H21 B1/D H4CMIUD H4C/D H4CP/D HA1199P/D HAUD DO-203AB/D DO-203AAlD CASE340-01/D T0218AC/D TO-225AAlD TO-225AB/D TO-220AB/D TO-3/D TO-213AAlD MC68HC05C12/D HC05C4AGRS/D HC05E1 GRS/D HC05PEOGRS/D 68HC705V8/D HCA62AOO/D HDCMIUD HDC/D 1N5908/D H11A1/D IRF530/D IRF140/D IRF150/D IRF250/D IRF330/D IRF340/D IRF350/D IRF440/D IRF450/D IRF510/D N/A REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A DS8018 DS8018 DS8018 DS8018 DS8018 DS8018 DS8018 DS2572 DS2737 DS8018 DS2560 DS2720 DS2587 DS2584 DS2583 DS2582 DS2711 REV 1 REV3 REV 1 ADI556R1 N/A DS3310R1 DS3309R1 DS3529R1 DS3529 DS3302R2 DS3306R2 DS3302R3 DS3307R1 DS3308R2 N/A REV 1.1 REV 1.6 REV 1.2 REV2 DS2742R1 N/A REV4 REV 1 DS8018 ADI1072 ADI1078 ADI1076 AD11077 DS3568R3 DS3655 DS3656 DS3658 DS3657 ADI1069 I ID'A\11& §}{§3if ~ ITEM THRU PRODUCT LITERATURE # REV# IRF530 IRF540 IRF610 IRF710 IRF720 IRF730 IRF740 IRF820 IRF830 IRF840 IRF9630 IRF9640 IRF0120 IRF0210 IRFZ20,22 IRFZ30,32 IRFZ34 IRFZ40 IRFZ44 J107 J308 LCXfamily LEAO-TAPE-PKG LF155 LF255 LF347 LF351 LF353 LF355 LF411C LF441C LF444C LM101A LM108, A LM11,C,CL LM111 LM112 LM117 LM117L LM123,123A LM124 LM137 LM139, A LM140, A series LM148 LM150 LM158 LM193, A LM201A LM208, A LM211 LM212 LM217 LM217L LM223,223A LM224 LM237 LM239, A LM248 LM250 LM258 THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU IRF533 IRF543 IRF613 IRF713 IRF723 IRF733 IRF743 IRF823 IRF833 IRF843 THRU THRU IRF0123 IRF0213 THRU THRU J110 J310 THRU THRU LF157A LF257 THRU LF357B THRU LF442C IRF530/0 IRF140/0 IRF610/0 IRF710/0 IRF720/0 IRF730/0 IRF740/0 IRF820/0 IRF830/0 IRF840/0 IRF9630/0 IRF9640/0 IRF0120/0 IRF0210/0 IRFZ20/0 IRFZ30/0 IRFZ34/0 IRFZ40/0 1RFZ44/0 J107/0 J308/0 PAK102/0 LEAO-TAPE-PKG/D LF155/0 LF155/0 LF347/0 LF347/0 LF347/0 LF155/0 LF411C/O LF441C/O LF441C/O LM101A10 LM108/0 LM11/0 LM111/0 LM112/0 LM117/0 LM117UO LM123/0 LM124/0 LM137/0 LM139/0 LM140/0 LM148/0 LM150/0 LM158/0 LM193/0 LM101A10 LM108/0 LM111/0 LM112/0 LM117/0 LM117UO LM123/0 LM124/0 LM137/0 LM139/0 LM148/0 LM150/0 LM158/0 AOl1072 AOl1078 AOl1070 083659 083668 083710 083638 083667 083711 083639 083804 083803 AOl1323 AOl1325 083759 083752 083876 083760 083875 085874 085666 REVO N/A 089449 089449 089603 089603 089603 089449 AOl1409R1 089690 089690 089574 089576 089572 089329R2 089571 089486R1 089544R1 089581 089339R2 089549R1 089579R1 089528R1 089446 089751 089385R1 089679 089574 089576 089329R2 089571 089486R1 089544R1 089581 089339R2 089549R1 089579R1 089446 089751 089385R1 15 ITEM THRU PRODUCT LM285 LM2900 LM2901 LM2902 LM293, A LM2931 series LM301A LM307 LM308, A LM311 LM312 LM317 LM317L LM317M LM323,323A LM324,324A LM337 LM337M LM339, A LM340, A series LM348 LM350 LM358 LM385 LM3900 LM393, A LM833 LT4217A LT4239A LVTfamily M1MA141KT1,142KT1 M1MA141WAT1,142WAT1 M1MA141WKT1,142WKT1 M1MA151AT1, AT3 M1MA151KT1, KT3 M1MA151WAT1, WAT3 M1MA151WKT1, WKT3 M68000EC M6800010P M68040FPSP M68340EVS M68606ESP M68800 M68COS8M0501 M68FAOS M68HC05K Series M68HC05P8EVS M68HC11 K Series M68HC11 KA Series M68HC11 M Series M68HC11 EVBU M68HC16PN01 M68HC71103EVB M68HC71103PGMR M68KESW MAC137, G series MAC15 series MAC15A10FP MAC15A4FP MAC15A6FP MAC15A8FP 16 LITERATURE # REV# LM2851D MC3301/0 LM139/0 LM124/0 LM193/0 LM2931/0 LM101A10 LM307/0 LM108/0 LM111/0 LM112/0 LM117/0 LM117UO LM317M/O LM123/0 LM124/0 LM137/0 LM337M/O LM139/0 LM140/0 LM148/0 LM150/0 LM158/0 LM285/0 MC3301/0 LM193/0 LM833/0 LT4217A10 LT4217A10 PAK104/0 M1MA141KT1/0 M1MA141WAT1/0 M1MA141WKT1/0 M1MA151AT1/0 M1MA151KT1/0 M1MA151WAT1/0 M1MA151WKT1/0 MC6800EC/O M68KIOP/O M68040FPSP/O BR753/0 M68606ESP/O MC68836/0 M68COS8M0501/0 M68FAOS/O M68HC05TB/O BR735/0 MC68HC11 KTS/O MC68HC11 KA4TS/O MC68HC11 M2TS/O BR736/0 M68HC16PN01/0 BR737/0 BR748/0 M68KESW/O MAC137/0 MAC15/0 MAC15A4FP/O MAC15A4FP/O MAC15A4FP/O MAC15A4FP/O OS9633R2 OS9202R1 OS9579R1 OS9339R2 OS9679 OS9677R1 OS9574 OS9251R1 OS9576 OS9329R2 OS9571 OS9486R1 OS9544R1 OS9552R2 OS9581 OS9339R2 OS9549R1 OS9582R1 OS9579R1 OS9528R1 OS9446 OS9751 OS9385R1 OS9633R2 OS9202R2 OS9679 OS9693 N/A N/A REVO REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A NP448 N/A N/A REV 1 N/A N/A N/A REV 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A REV 1 AOl1373 AOl1373 AOl1373 AOl1373 ==:. ri"~§}tl;tID~.,., >"lll. D.l A ____ ',,',I,~ ITEM MAC16 series MAC20-4 MAC20A-4 MAC21 0-4 MAC210-A4 MAC210A10FP MAC210A4FP MAC210A6FP MAC210A8FP MAC212-4, 6, 8,10 MAC212A-4, 6, 8,10 MAC212A 1OFP MAC212A4FP MAC212A6FP MAC212A8FP MAC213-4, 6, 8,10 MAC216-4, 6, 7, 8 MAC216A-4, 6, 7, 8 MAC218-4 MAC218A-4 MAC218A10FP MAC218A4FP MAC218A6FP MAC218A8FP MAC219-4, 6, 8, 10 MAC220 series MAC221 series MAC222-1 MAC222A-1 MAC223A 1OFP MAC223A4FP MAC223A6FP MAC223A8FP MAC224-4 MAC224A-4 MAC228-2 MAC228A2 MAC24 series MAC25 series MAC25-4 MAC25A-4 MAC3010 series MAC3020 series MAC3030 series MAC3040 series MAC3060 series MAC310, A series MAC320, A series MAC320A 1OFP MAC320A4FP MAC320A6FP MAC320A8FP MAC321-4, 6, 8, 10 MAC40688 MAC40795 MAC40797 MAC40799 MAC50-4 MAC50A-4 MAC625-4, 6, 8 MAC635-4, 6, 8 THRU '. PRODUCT THRU THRU THRU THRU MAC20-10 MAC20A-10 MAC210-10 MCA210-A10 THRU THRU MAC218-10 MAC218A-10 THRU THRU MAC222-10 MAC222A-10 THRU THRU THRU THRU MAC224-10 MAC224A-10 MAC228-10 MAC228A10 THRU THRU MAC25-10 MAC25A-10 THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU MAC40690 MAC40796 MAC40798 MAC40801 MAC50-10 MAC50A-10 17 LITERATURE # REV# MAC16/0 MAC20/0 MAC20/0 MAC21 0/0 MAC21 0/0 MAC210A4FP/O MAC210A4FP/O MAC210A4FP/O MAC210A4FP/O MAC212/0 MAC212/0 MAC212A4FP/O MAC212A4FP/O MAC212A4FP/O MAC212A4FP/O MAC213/0 MAC216/0 MAC216/0 MAC218/0 MAC218/0 MAC218A4FP/O MAC218A4FP/O MAC218A4FP/O MAC218A4FP/O MAC219/0 2N6342/0 2N6342/0 MAC222/0 MAC222/0 MAC223A4FP/O MAC223A4FP/O MAC223A4FP/O MAC223A4FP/O MAC224/0 MAC224/0 MAC228-2/0 MAC228-2/0 MAC24/0 MAC25/0 MAC20/0 MAC20/0 MAC3010/0 MAC3010/0 MAC3010/0 MAC3010/0 MAC3060/0 MAC31 0/0 MAC320/0 MAC320A4FP/O MAC320A4FP/O MAC320A4FP/O MAC320A4FP/O MAC321/0 2N5441/0 2N5567/0 2N5571/0 2N5567/0 MAC20/0 MAC20/0 MAC625/0 MAC625/0 REV 1 083351 083351 083598 083598 AOl1369 AOl1369 AOl1369 AOl1369 083660 083660 AOl1371 AOl1371 AOl1371 AOl1371 083871 083525 083525 083559 083559 AOl1368 AOl1368 AOl1368 AOl1368 083837 086546R1 086546R1 086609 086609 AOl1370 AOl1370 AOl1370 AOl1370 083577 083577 086618 086618 N/A N/A 083351 083351 083407 083407 083407 083407 083712 083694 083661 AOl1372 AOl1372 AOl1372 AOl1372 083870 086561 086580 086542R1 086580 083351 083351 083774 083774 .-~~'DATA,SI;tEET.LIS:riNG ITEM THRU . PRODUCT MAC8 series MAC80-6,8 MAC81-6,8 MAC9 series MAC97, A, B series MA01103, 1107, 1108 MA01109 MA0130 MBAL99 MBAS16 MBAV70, 74, 99 MBAW56 MB0102 MB0201 MB0301 MB0501 MB0502 MB0701 MB0702 MBI101 MBR020, H, H1 MBR030, 040 MBR10100 MBR1 020, 1035, 1045 MBR1060, 1070 MBR1080, 1090 MBR1100 MBR12035CT,12045CT MBR12050CT,12060CT MBR150, 160 MBR1535CT MBR1545CT MBR16035CT,45CT,50CT MBR1635,1645 MBR170, 180, 190 MBR20015CTL, 20020CTL MBR20025CTL, 20030CTL MBR20035CT, 20045CT MBR20050CT, 20060CT MBR20060CT MBR20100CT MBR20150CT, 20200CT MBR2015CTL MBR2030CTL MBR2035CT MBR2045CT MBR2060CT, 2070CT MBR2080CT, 2090CT MBR2515L MBR2520, 2530 MBR2530CTL MBR2535CT MBR2535CTL MBR2540 MBR2545CT MBR30035CT MBR30045CT MBR30050CT, 30060CT MBR30100 MBR3035PT MBR3035WT 18 ".', LITERATURE # REV# MAC8/0 MAC80-6/0 MAC80-6/0 MAC9/0 MAC97/0 MA0130/0 MA01109/0 MA0130/0 MBAL99/0 MBAL99/0 MBAL99/0 MBAL99/0 MB0102/0 MB0201/0 MB0201/0 MB0501/0 MB0502/0 MB0501/0 MB0502/0 MBI101/0 MBR020/0 MBR030/0 MBR1060/0 MBR1020/0 MBR1060/0 MBR1060/0 MBR170/0 MBR12035CT/O MBR12035CT/O MBR150/0 MBR1535CT/O MBR1535CT/O MBR16035CT/O MBR1635/0 MBR170/0 MBR20015CTUO MBR20015CTUO MBR20035CT/O MBR20035CT/O MBR20035CT/0 MBR2060CT/O MBR20200CT/O MBR2015CTUO MBR2015CTUO MBR2035CT/O MBR2035CT/0 MBR2060CT/0 MBR2060CT/O MBR2515UO MBR2520/0 MBR2535CTUO MBR2535CT/O MBR2535CTUO MBR2520/0 MBR2535CT/0 MBR30035CT/0 MBR30035CT/O MBR30035CT/O MBR30100/0 MBR3035PT/O MBR3035WT/O N/A OS3558R1 OS3558R1 N/A REV 1 OS4636R1 OS4643 OS4636R1 OS4638 OS4638 OS4638 OS4638 OS2517 OS2533 OS2533 OS2514 OS2518 OS2514 OS2518 OS2522 OS6111 OS6169 OS6150R1 OS6124R1 OS6150R1 OS6150R1 OS6174 OS6152 OS6152 OS6155 OS6138 OS6138 OS6189 OS6139 OS6174 OS6154 OS6154 OS6153 OS6153 OS6153 OS6171 OS6195 OS6181R1 OS6181R1 OS6140R1 OS6140R1 OS6171 OS6171 N/A OS6085 OS6197 OS6141 OS6197 OS6085 OS6141 OS6158 OS6158 OS6158 N/A OS6147R1 OS6187 1~§};I~iCO:I~~I':'~t:"'~'iA'.!I':I!:.jir.":,,,;:".,:,., ITEM MBR3045PT MBR30458T MBR3045WR MBR3100 MBR320 MBR320P MBR330 MBR330P MBR340 MBR340P MBR350 MBR3520, 3535 MBR3545, H, H1 MBR360 MBR370, 380, 390 MBR4015LWT MBR60035CTL MBR6015L MBR6020, B MBR6020L, 6025L, 6030L MBR6035, B MBR6035PF MBR6045, B, H, H1 MBR6045PF MBR6535, 6545 MBR735,745 MBR8035, 8045 MBRB1545CT MBRB20100CT MBRB2060CT MBRB2515L MBRB2535CTL MBRB2545CT MBRD320, 330, 340 MBRD350, 360 MBRD620CT, 630CT, 640CT MBRD650CT, 660CT MBRD835L MBRF1045 MBRF1545CT MBRF20100CT MBRF20200CT MBRF2045CT MBRF2060CT MBRF2535CT, 2545CT MBRF2545CT MBRF745 MBRL030, 040 MBRL120, 130, 140 MBR8120T3, 130T3, 140T3 MBR8130LT3 MBR8320T3 MB84991, 4992 MC100E111,211 MC100E137 MC100E195 MC100E196 MC100E445 MC100EL01, 4, 5, 7 MC100EL11 MC100EL11,12,15,16 THRU THRU ~ PRODUCT MBR8340T3 19 , I , ~: ',L" ';'.', ",':' , I.,; ~~ , , LITERATURE # REV# MBR3035PT/O MBR30458T/O MBR3035WT/O MBR370/0 MBR320/0 1N5820/0 MBR320/0 1N5820/0 MBR320/0 1N5820/0 MBR320/0 MBR3520/0 MBR3520/0 MBR320/0 MBR370/0 MBR4015LWT/D MBR60035CTUO MBR6015UO MBR6020/0 MBR6015UO MBR6020/0 MBR6035PF/O MBR6020/0 MBR6035PF/O MBR6535/0 MBR735/0 MBR8035/0 MBRB1545CT/O MBRB20100CT/O MBRB2060CT/O MBRB2515UO MBRB2535CTUO MBRB2545CT/O MBR0320/0 MBR0320/0 MBR0620CT/O MBR0620CT/O MBR0835UO MBRF1045/0 MBRF1545CT/O MBRF20100CT/O MBRF20200CT/O MBRF2045CT/O MBRF2060CT/O MBRF2535CT/O MBRF2545CT/O MBRF745/0 MBRL030/0 MBRL120/0 MBR8120T3/0 MBR8130LT3/0 MBR8320T3/0 MB84991/0 BR1333/0 MC10E137/0 MC10E195/0 MC10E196/0 MC10E445/0 BR1330/0 BR1333/0 BR1330/0 086147R1 N/A 086187 086175 086151 086095R1 086151 086095R1 086151 086095R1 086151 086104R1 086104R1 086151 086175 N/A N/A 086159 086106R1 086159 086106R1 086132 086106R1 086132 086144 086137 086143 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A REV 1 086161 086161 086160 086160 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 086196 N/A N/A AOl1094 086156 086183 N/A 086185 082510R2 REV3 REVO 089759 AOl1768 REVO REV 1 REV3 REV 1 ITEM MC100EL 15 MC100EL31 MC100EL51, 52, 57, 58 MC100ELT20 MC100H640 MC100LVE111 MC10318P MC10319 MC10320, -1 MC10321 MC10322 MC10324 MC10801 MC10802 MC10803 MC10804 MC10806 MC10808 MC10900 MC10901 MC10902 MC10904 MC10905 MC10951 MC1 OE111, 211 MC10E137 MC10E1651 MC10E1652 MC10E195 MC10E196 MC10E445 MC1 OEL01, 04, 05, 07 MC10EL11 MC10EL11, 12, 15, 16 MC10EL15 MC10EL31 MC10EL51,52 MC10EL57, 58 MC10EL89 MC10ELT20 MC10H640 MC108X1130 MC12015 MC12019 MC12022A, B MC12022LVA, B MC120228LA, B MC12022T8A, B MC12022TVA, B MC12023 MC12025 MC12026A, B MC12028A, B MC12031A, B MC12032A, B MC12033A, B MC12034A, B MC12036A, B MC12040 MC12052A, B MC12053A, B THRU PRODUCT THRU MC100EL35 THRU THRU MC100ELT26,28 MC100H644, 646 THRU MC10805 THRU MC10EL35 THRU THRU MC10ELT26, 28 MC10H646 THRU MC12018 20 LITERATURE # REV# BR1333fO BR1330fO BR1330fO BR1330fO BR1333fO BR1333fO MC10318PfO MC10319fO MC10320fO MC10321fO MC10322fO MC10324fO MC10801fO MC10802fO MC10803fO MC10804fO MC10806fO MC10808/0 MC10900/0 MC10901/0 MC10902/0 MC10904/0 MC10905/0 MC10951/0 BR1333/0 MC10E137fO MC10E1651/0 MC10E1652/0 MC10E195/0 MC10E196/0 MC10E445fO BR1330/0 BR1333/0 BR1330/0 BR1333/0 BR1330/0 BR1330/0 BR1330/0 BR1330/0 BR1330/0 BR1333/0 MC108X1130/0 BR1334/0 MC12019/0 BR1334/0 BR1334/0 BR1334/0 BR1334/0 BR1334/0 BR1334/0 BR1334/0 BR1334/0 BR1334/0 BR1334/0 BR1334/0 BR1334/0 BR1334fO BR1334/0 BR1334/0 BR1334fO BR1334/0 REV3 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV3 REV3 089580R1 089680 089702 089711 AOl1751 AOl1752 089497R1 AOl1507 089498R1 089652 089654 089651 089655 089657 089658 089659 089660 AOl1350 REV3 REVO N/A REVO 089759 AOl1768 REVO REV 1 REV3 REV 1 REV3 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV3 N/A REV 1 E080082 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 ,' , I :' 11~~~'~:pl" ;",iE~" >~{J~'--..:==.',:'i'I'~"'''''''' r\(t~":ID'J.\l!/js§JtiO@if~ ITEM MC12054A, B MC12058 MC12073, 74, 76 MC12078 MC12090,93 MC12100,01 MC12148 MC12148,49 MC12202 MC12206,07 MC12429 MC12502 MC12560 MC12663 MC13001XP MC13010P MC13011 MC13014P MC1302 MC13020P MC13022 MC13023 MC13024 MC13041 MC13055 MC13060 MC1306P MC13077 MC1309 MC1310P MC13135 MC13155 MC13156 MC13175,6 MC1323P, PW MC1324P MC1330AP MC1349P MC1350P MC1351 MC1352 MC1357 MC1358 MC1364 MC1372 MC1373 MC1374 MC1377 MC1378 MC1381 MC1382 MC1383 MC1384 MC1388 MC1391P MC1393 MC1394P MC1398P MC1399 MC1403, A MC1404, A THRU ,I I . , PRODUCT THRU MC12080,83 THRU MC12561 THRU MC13002XP THRU MC13136 21 ' ~,: ".~,,; 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REV# MC1405/D MC1506UD MC1507UD MC1408/D MC1411/D MC1411/D MC1414/D MC68HC05L9D/H MC1411/D MC141620/D MC141621/D MC141625/D MC142100/D MC145439/D MC1422/D LONPAKID MC143150/D LONPAKID MC143150/D MC143403/D MC1537/D MC1538R/D MC1539/D MC144000EVK/D MC14408/D MC14410/D MC14411/D MC14412/D MC144143/D MC14417/D MC14419/0 MC1544/D MC1545/D MC14467-1/D MC14468/D MC14470/D MC145010/D MC145026/D MC145040/D MC145053/D MC142100/D MC145190/D MC145190EVKlD MC145190EVKlD MC145192/D MC145200/D MC145402/D MC145403/D MC145406/D MC145407/D MC145403/D MC145411/D MC145412/D MC145414/D MC145415/D MC145418/0 MC145421/D MC145421/D MC145428/D MC145429/D MC145432/D DS9291R2 DS9231R1 DS9269 DS9238R2 DS9383R2 DS9383R2 DS9111R2 N/A DS9383R2 N/A N/A N/A DS9804R1 ADI1295 DS9410 REV3 REV3 REV3 REV3 ADI1027 DS9113R1 DS9129 DS9094R5 REVO DS9426R1 DS9867 DS9386R2 DS9411R1 N/A DS9891 OS9892 DS9312 DS9125R2 N/A N/A N/A ADI1288R1 ADI-855R1 ADI992R1 ADI1572 DS9804R1 REV2 REVO REVO N/A REV 1 ADI1293 N/A DS9917 NP475 N/A ADI1029 ADI1526 DS9557 ADI983 AOl1234 ADI1251 ADI1251 ADI1019R1 ADI965 ADI966 ~ ITEM 18 i~ @uuliH~mm~~!~_:y~!w:i!il.!¥jlt!~:IM';:'(lrif.$_;d'~l~ftt~::~~~LI~~~~~~~_~~g THRU MC145433 MC145436 MC145439 THRU MC145442 MC145445 MC145447 MC145450 MC145453 MC145460EVK MC145472 MC145474 THRU MC145480 MC145488 MC145494EVK MC1455 MC145500 THRU MC145512 MC145532 MC145536EVK MC145537EVK MC145540 MC145554,145557 MC145564, 145567 THRU MC145705 MC14573,74,75 (Same as in OL130/0 Rev1) MC14576B,77B (Same as in 0L130/0 Rev 1) MC14578 MC1458, C, N MC1458S MC1463 MC1468 MC146805E2 MC146818 MC146818A MC146823 MC1469 MC1472 MC1488 MC1490 MC1494L MC1496 MC14C88B MC14C89AB MC14C89B MC14LC5472 MC1503, A MC1504 MC1505 MC1506L MC1507L MC1508 MC1514 MC1537 MC1538R MC1539 MC1544 MC1545 MC1550 MC1552G THRU MC1555 MC1558, N PRODUCT MC145443 MC145475 MC145503, 145505 MC145707 MC1553G 23 LITERATURE # 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MC34166/0 MC34167/0 MC3417/0 MC34181/0 MC3419-1UO MC3423/0 MC3424/0 MC3424AO/O MC3425/0 MC34261/0 MC34262/0 MC34268/0 MC3430/0 MC3437/0 MC3446NO MC3447/0 MC3448NO MC3450/0 MC3453/0 MC3456/0 MC3558/0 MC3459/0 MC3467/0 MC3469P/O MC3470P/O MC3471P/O MC3476/0 MC3479/0 MC3481/0 MC3484S2-1/0 MC3481/0 MC3486/0 MC3487/0 MC3488NO MC34C86/0 MC34C87/0 MC34001/0 MC3403P/O MC3405/0 MC34060/0 MC34060NO MC34063/0 MC34063NO MC34071/0 MC34080/0 MC341 0/0 MC3417/0 MC33171/0 MC34181/0 MC3423/0 MC3424/0 MC3456/0 MC3558/0 MC4307/0 MC431 0/0 MC4316/0 MC4335F/O MC4337F/O MC4038/0 MC431 0/0 MC4316/0 REV# REV 1 N/A OS9488R2 OS9716 OS9605R1 OS9434R1 AOl594R1 AOl594R1 OS9671 R1 N/A N/A N/A OS9292R1 OS9294 OS9345R2 OS9543 OS9462R1 OS9278 OS9279 OS9320R2 OS9379 OS9323 OS9390R2 OS9577 OS9588 AOI771 OS9303R1 OS9732 OS9750 OS9697 OS9750 OS9399R1 OS9458R2 OS9590R1 REV3 REV3 OS9545R1 OS9293R3 OS9420R1 OS9562R1 REV 1 OS9669R1 AOl1431 OS9718 OS9717 OS9389R1 OS9488R2 OS9710 OS9716 OS9434R1 AOl594R1 OS9320R1 OS9379 OS9108 OS9108 OS9554R1 OS9108 OS9108 OS9108 OS9108 OS9554R1 DATA SHEET LISTING ITEM MC44011 MC44144 MC44250 MC44301 MC44602 MC44615A MC44802 MC45050 MC4558, AC, C MC4741, C MC514402A MC54174HC02A MC54/74HC138A MC54/74HC4051, 52, 53 MC54/74HCTOOA MC54/74HCT161A, 163A MC54F162A MC54F163A MC54F381 MC54F382 MC54F51 MC54HC533A MC54HCT533A MC54HCT534A MC55107 MC55325 MC6108 MC660 MC661 MC662 MC663 MC664 MC667 MC668 MC669 MC670 MC671 MC672 MC674 MC675 MC6800 MC68000 MC68008 MC6801 MC6801U4 MC6802, N8 MC68020 MC6803 MC68030 MC68030 ELEC. CHAR. MC6803U4 MC68040 MC68040V MC6804J1, J2, P2 MC6805P series MC6805R2, R3 MC6805R6 MC680582 Addendum MC680582, 83 MC6805U2, U3 MC68060 THRU THRU THRU PRODUCT MC34051 MC55108 28 _'. _. ~~._;~ LITERATURE # REV# MC44011/0 MC44144/0 MC44250/0 MC44301/0 MC44602/0 MC44615A10 MC44802/0 MC34050/0 MC4558/0 MC4741/0 MC514402/0 MC54174HC02A10 MC54/74HC138A10 MC54HC4051/0 MC54HCTOOAlO MC54174HCT161A10 MC54F160AlO MC54F161A10 MC54F381/0 MC54F382/0 MC54F51/0 MC54HC533A10 MC54HCT533A10 MC54HCT534A10 MC55107/0 MC55325/0 MC6108/0 MC660/0 MC661/0 MC662/0 MC663/0 MC664/0 MC667/0 MC668/0 MC669/0 MC670/0 MC671/0 MC672/0 MC674/0 MC675/0 MC6800/0 MC68000/0 BR259/0 MC6801/0 MC6801U4/0 MC6802/0 MC68020/0 MC6801/0 MC68030/0 MC68030EC/O MC6801U4/0 MC68040/0 MC68040V/O MC6804JlIO MC68/7/05P/O MC68/7105R-U/0 BR773/0 MC68058AO/O MC680582/0 MC68/7105R-U/O M68060/0 N/A REV2 N/A REV 1 N/A N/A 089730 AOl1341 R1 089442R1 089398 N/A AOl1453 AOl1455 REV6 N/A N/A 089675 089674 AOl766R10 AOl1335 AOl1422 REV 1 AOl1748 AOl1750 089192R1 089326 AOl1328 089091 089091 089091 089091 089091 089091 089091 089091 089091 089091 089091 089091 089091 089471R2 REV3 N/A 089841 R1 AOl896R1 089818R3 REV4 089841R1 REV3 REV 1 AOl896R1 REV3 N/A AOl1248 AOl1031 AOI977 N/A N/A AOl997R1 AOI977 REV 1 ITEM THRU PRODUCT MC6808 MC6809 MC6809E MC68150 MC68150 (Special) MC68153 MC68184 MC68185 MC68195 MC6821 MC68230 MC68302 MC68302 MC68306 MC68306 MC68307, V MC68322 MC68330, V MC68331 MC68331 Tech. Sum. MC68332 MC68332 MC68333 MC68334 MC68334 MC68334 MC68335 MC68340, V MC68341, V MC68349, V MC68360 MC6840 MC6844 MC68440 MC68440 MC68442 MC6845 MC6845 Addendum MC68450 MC68450 Addendum MC68451 MC68452 MC6847, Y MC68488 MC6850 MC6852 MC6854 MC6859 MC6859 Addendum MC68606 MC68681 MC68701 MC68701U4 MC68704P2 MC68705P MC68705P5 MC68705R series MC68705S3 MC68705S3 Addendum MC68705U series MC6880A 29 LITERATURE # REV# MC6802/D MC6809/D MC6809E/D MC68150/D MC68150S/D MC68153/D MC68184/D MC68185/D MC68195/D MC6821/D MC68230/D BR469/D MC68302/D MC68306/D MC68306UMAD/AD MC68307/D MC68322/D MC68330/D MC68300EC01/D MC68331 TS/D MC68300EC01/D MC68332TS/D MC68F333TS/D MC68334/D MC68300EC01/D MC68334TS/D MC68335TS/D MC68340/D MC68341/D MC68349/D MC68360/D MC6840/D MC6844/D MC68440AD/D MC68440/D MC68440AD/D MC6845/D MCC6845/D MC68450/D MC68450AD/D MC68451/D MC68452/D MC6847/D MC68488/D MC6850/D MC6852/D MC6854/D MC6859/D MC6859AD/D BR520/D MC68681/D MC68701lD MC68701 U4/D MC6804J1/D MC68/7105P/D MC68705P5/D MC68/7105R-U/D MC6805S2/D MC6805S2AD/D MC68/7105R-U/D MC6880ND DS9818R3 DS9845R2 DS9846R2 REV2 REV 0.3 DS9705 ADI1423 ADI1545 N/A DS9435R5 ADI860R2 N/A REV2 N/A REV 1 N/A N/A REV 1 N/A REV2 N/A REV2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A REV3 N/A N/A N/A DS9802R3 DS9520R3 REV2 ADI1002 ADI1002A1 DS9838R1 DS9838R1-A1 ADI1216 N/A ADI872R1 DS9704 DS9823R1 DS9844 DS9493R4 DS9494R4 DS9495R2 ADI827R2 N/A N/A ADI988R1 ADI839R2 ADI986 ADI1248 ADI1031 ADI964R1 ADI977 ADI997R1 N/A ADI977 DS9417 '.: .DATA SHEET LISTING ITEM MC68824 Tech. Sum. MC68824UM MC68836 (FOOl Chip Set) MC68836 (FOOl Chip Set) MC68840 MC68840 (FOOl Chip Set) MC68851 MC68881 MC68882 ELEC. CHAR. MC6889 MC68901 MC6898 MC68A488, B488 MC68ECOOO MC68ECOOO Addendum MC68EC020 MC68EC020 Addendum MC68EC030 MC68EC040 MC68EC060 MC68ECOxO FAMILY MC68F333 Tech. Sum. MC68HCOOO MC68HC001 MC68HC05 (CDS8 System) MC68HC05 (CSIC) & (MCU) Lit. List MC68HC05 FAMILY MC68HC05B16 MC68HC05B32 MC68HC05B4 MC68HC05B6 MC68HC05B6AD Errata EAD1 0054R2 MC68HC05B8 MC68HC05C12 MC68HC05C4 MC68HC05C4 Addendum MC68HC05C5 MC68HC05C5 Addendum MC68HC05C8 MC68HC05C9 MC68HC05C9 MC68HC05D24 MC68HC05D24 MC68HC05D32 MC68HC05D9 MC68HC05EO MC68HC05E1 MC68HC05E6 MC68HC05F5 MC68HC05F5 Addendum MC68HC05H2 MC68HC05i8 MC68HC05J1 MC68HC05J1 MC68HC05J1A MC68HC05J3 MC68HC05KO MC68HC05KO/K1 Addendum MC68HC05L1 (Hong Kong) MC68HC05L10 (Hong Kong) MC68HC05L 11 (Hong Kong) THRU THRU . PRODUCT MC68839 LITERATURE # REV# MC68824/D MC58824UM/AD REV4 REV 1 M68800/D N/A M681FDDI/D MC68840UMAD/AD M681FDDI/D N/A MC68851/D MC68881/D MC68882EC/D MC8T28/D MC68901/D MC68HC99/D MC68488/D MC68ECOOO/D MC68ECOOOAD/D MC68EC020/D MC68EC020AD/D MC68EC030/D MC68EC040/D M68060/D BR1109/D MC68F333TS/D MC68HCOOO/D MC68HC001/D CDS05/D BR1112/D CDS05/D MC68HC05B6/D MC68HC05B6/D MC68HC05B6/D MC68HC05B6/D MC68HC05B6AD/D MC68HC05B6/D MC68HC05C12/D MC68HC05C4/D MC68HC05C4AD/D BR767/D BR767AD/D MC68HC05C4/D BR760/D MC68HC05C9/D THRU MC68HC05K1 30 MC68HC05D24/D MC68HC05D9/D MC68HC05D9/D MC68HC05D9/D MC68HC05EO/D BR772/D MC68HC05E6/D MC68HC05F5/D MC68HC05F5AD/D MC68HC05H2TS/D MC68HC05i8/D BR768/D MC68HC05J1/D MC68HC05J1 AID MC68HC05J3/D MC68HC05K1/D MC68HC05K1 AD/D MC68HC05L 1 PR/H DLH05L 1O/PR MC68HC05L 11 PR/H N/A N/A REV2 REV4 N/A DS9419R1 ADI984R1 NP435 DS9844 N/A N/A N/A N/A REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 N/A N/A REV4 N/A N/A N/A N/A REV3 REV3 REV3 REV3 N/A REV3 N/A ADI991R2 REV4 N/A N/A ADI991R2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A REV 1 N/A REV 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A REV 2.0 REV 1.0 REV 2.0 . ,. . . . ~:::===:",.::., ~: ,,~::."~., ,,:~= ..,., . . ,.'''-'=~'':~''=-''-''''''''''''''-' . -'---~- . . . =·;3 ~ I == ~~ ~~&)~'~~!"j'!~~~!'.lf:~'I!r.!i!M~M!!iS'~'!Jjj",:'l"i'f""'\I!;~!t?llh.i~\E:J1;'!': • , ITEM " , , ' , "" \ .1' THRU MC6SHCOSL2 MC6SHCOSL4 MC6SHCOSLS Addendum MC6SHCOSLS Tech. Sum. MC6SHCOSL6 MC6SHCOSL6 Addendum MC6SHCOSL7 (Hong Kong) MC6SHCOSL9 (Hong Kong) MC6SHCOSL9 Addendum MC6SHCOSM4 MC6SHCOSP1 MC6SHCOSP1 MC6SHCOSP1 MC6SHCOSP1 Addendum MC6SHCOSP10 MC6SHCOSP10 MC6SHCOSP2 MC68HCOSP3 MC6SHCOSP4 MC68HCOSP4 MC6SHCOSP4 Addendum MC68HCOSP6 MC6SHCOSP7 MC6SHCOSP7 MC6SHCOSPS MC6SHCOSPS MC6SHCOSP9 MC6SHCOSP9 MC6SHCOSSC11, 21,24 Comp. Oev. Sys. MC6SHCOST1 MC6SHCOST2 MC6SHCOSX4 MC68HC11 K Series MC68HC11 N Series MC68HC11AO Tech. Sum. THRU MC68HC11A8 MC68HC11A8 Tech. Sum. MC68HC11CO MC6SHC11CO MC68HC1100 MC68HC1103 MC68HC1103 MC68HC11E THRU MC68HC11 EO Tech. Sum. MC68HC11 E20 MC6SHC11 E20 MC68HC11E9 MC68HC11 EA9 MC68HC11 EOO MC6SHC11 EOO MC68HC11F1 MC68HC11F1 MC68HC11 GS, G7 MC68HC11K4 MC68HC11K4 MC68HC11KM MC68HC11L6 MC68HC11L6 MC6SHC11M2 MC68HC11 N Series MC68HC11N4 ,. • , ' '" " ,," ft, , OJ"" ,.' "j ,I ," I ,', II "",,,, ,",•• ,,,. PRODUCT MC6SHC11 A 1 Tech. Sum. MC68HC11 E1 Tech. Sum. 31 • ' ' ' . ' ,"J "I' •• ,,'0' .', ,,~ 'I. J'I :'" ", , .r Or '.", r, " I, ! I .,' LITERATURE # REV# MC6SHCOSL2/0 MC6SHCOSL4/0 HCOSLSTSAO/O MC6SHCOSLSTS/O MC6SHCOSL6/0 MC6SHCOSL6AO/O MC6SHCOSL90/H MC6SHCOSL90/H MC6SHCOSL9AO/H MC6SHCOSM4TS/O BR7S7/0 MC6SHCOSP1/0 MC6SHCOSM4TS/O MC6SHCOSP1 AO/O MC6SHCOSP101D MC6SHCOSP101D MC6SHCOSP2TS/O MC6SHCOSP3/0 BR744/0 MC6SHCOSP4/0 MC6SHCOSP4AO/O MC6SHCOSP6/0 BR743/0 MC6SHCOSP7/0 BR7S0/0 MC6SHCOSPS/O BR766/0 MC6SHCOSP9/0 M6SCOSSMOS01/0 BR770/0 BR771/0 MC68HCOSX4/0 MC68HC11 KTS/O MC68HC11 N/O MC68HC11ASTS/O MC68HC11A8/0 MC68HC11A8TS/0 MC68HC11 COPP/O MC68HC11 COTS/O BR777/0 BR777/0 MC6SHC11 03/0 MC6SHC11 E/O MC6SHC11 E9TS/0 MC6SHC11 E20/0 MC6SHC11 E20TS/O MC6SHC11 E9/0 MC68HC11 EA9/0 MC68HC11 EOOPP/O MC68HC11 EOOTS/O MC68HC11 FHS/O MC68HC11 F1/0 MC68HC11GS/O BR776/0 MC68HC11 K4/0 MC68HC11 KMTS/O BR774/0 MC68HC11 L6/0 MC68HC11 M2TS/O MC68HC11 N/O MC68HC11 N4TS/0 N/A N/A N/A N/A AOl12S4 N/A N/A N/A N/A REV 1 N/A REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A REV 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A REVS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A REV 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A REV3 N/A N/A N/A REV 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A DATA SHEET LISTING ITEM THRU '. " PRODUCT MC68HC11P2 MC68HC16X1 MC68HC16Y1 MC68HC16Z1 MC68HC16Z2 MC68HC24 MC68HC33 MC68HC34 MC68HC68L9 (Hong Kong) MC68HC68T1 MC68HC705B16 MC68HC705B16 MC68HC705B32 MC68HC705B5 MC68HC705C4 MC68HC705C5 Addendum MC68HC705C5 Tech. Sum. MC68HC705C8 MC68HC705C8 Addendum MC68HC705C9 MC68HC705032 MC68HC70509 MC68HC705E1 Addendum MC68HC705E1 Tech. Sum. MC68HC705E6 MC68HC705H2 MC68HC705J2 MC68HC705J3 MC68HC705K1 MC68HC705L1 (Hong Kong) MC68HC705L2 MC68HC705L2 MC68HC705L4 MC68HC705L5 MC68HC705P6 MC68HC705P9 MC68HC705P9 MC68HC705X16 MC68HC705X4 MC68HC705X4 MC68HC71103 MC68HC71103 MC68HC711 E20 MC68HC711 E9 MC68HC711 E9 Tech. Sum. MC68HC711 EA9 MC68HC711 G5 MC68HC711 K4 MC68HC711 L6 MC68HC711L6 Tech. Sum. MC68HC711 M2 MC68HC711 N4 MC68HC711 N4 MC68HC711 P2 MC68HC805B6 MC68HC805C4 MC68HC916X1 MC68HC916Y1 MC68HC99 MC68HCL05C12 MC68HSC05C12 32 .. ;:: " .', L,~,' ,:'.J LITERATURE # REV# MC68HC11 P2/0 MC68HC16XHS/O MC68HC16Y1 TS/O MC68HC16ZHS/O MC68HC16Z2TS/O MC68HC24/0 MC68HC33TS/O MC68HC34TS/O MC68HC05L90/H MC68HC68T1/0 MC68HC705B16/0 MC68HC05B6/0 MC68HC05B6/0 MC68HC05B6/0 MC68HC705C4/0 HC705C5TSAO/O MC68HC705C5TS/O MC68HC705C8/0 MC68HC705C8AO/O BR467/0 MC68HC0509/0 MC68HC0509/0 HC705E1 TSAO/O MC68HC705E1 TS/O MC68HC05E6/0 MC68HC705H2/0 MC68HC705J2/0 MC68HC05J3/0 MC68HC705K1/0 MC68HC05L 1PR/H MC68HC705L2/0 MC68HC05L2/0 MC68HC05L4/0 MC68HC705L5/0 MC68HC705P6/0 BR765/0 MC68HC705P9/0 MC68HC705X16/0 MC68HC705X4/0 MC68HC05X4/0 BR778/0 MC68HC711 03/0 MC68HC11 E20/0 BR775/0 MC68HC11 E/O MC68HC11 EA9/0 MC68HC11 G5/0 MC68HC11 KTS/O MC68HC711 L6/0 MC68HC711 L6TS/O MC68HC11 M2/0 MC68HC11 N4/0 MC68HC711 N4TS/O MC68HC11 P2/0 MC68HC05B6/0 MC68HC05C4/0 MC68HC916X1/0 MC68HC916Y1/0 MC68HC99/0 MC68HC05C12/0 MC68HC05C12/0 N/A N/A REV 1 REV3 N/A AOl1046R2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A REV3 REV3 REV 3 NP446 N/A N/A REV 1 REV2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A REV 1 REV 2.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A REV 1 N/A REV 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A REV 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A EA010054R2 AOl991R2 N/A N/A NP435 N/A N/A ~~~13~{MJ9%iR® -~-~:-:--,----"."~~"- .'_._.,_....._' ....... ITEM MC68HSC05C4 MC68KTBFA MC68l11A8 MC68l11D3 MC68l11E9 MC68l11L6 MC68lC040 MC68lC040V MC68lC060 MC74F162A MC74F163A MC74F1803 MC74F258A MC74F2970 MC74F381 MC74F382 MC74F51 MC74F803 MC74F823 MC74HC533A MC74HCT533A MC74HCT534A MC74HCT640A MC75107 MC75125,75127 MC75128,75129 MC75172B MC75174B MC75325 MC75491 MC75S110 MC7800 series MC78l00C, AC series MC78MOO series MC78TOO series MC7900 series MC79l00C, AC series MC79MOO series MC830, 861 MC832 MC833 MC834 MC835 MC836 MC838 MC839 MC840 MC844 MC845 MC846 MC847 MC848 MC849 MC850 MC8500 MC8502 MC8503 MC8504P MC8506 MC851F, G, P MC852 THRU PRODUCT THRU MC75108 THRU MC75492 THRU MC837 THRU MC8501 THRU MC853 33 LITERATURE # REV# MC68HC05C4/D MC68KTBFAID MC68l 11 A8/D MC68l 11 D3/D MC68l 11 E9/D MC68l 11 l6/D MC68lC040/D MC68lC040V/D M68060/D MC54F160AlD MC54F161A1D BR1333/D MC74F258A1D MC74F2970/D MC54F381/D MC54F382/D MC54F51/D BR1333/D MC74F823/D MC54HC533A1D MC54HCT533A1D MC54HCT534A1D MC54HCT640AlD MC55107/D MC75125/D MC75128/D MC75172B/D MC75172B/D MC55325/D MC75491/D MC75S110/D MC7800/D MC78l00C/D MC78MOO/D MC78TOO/D MC7900/D MC79LOOC/D MC79MOO/D MC930/D MC932/D MC933/D MC934/D MC935/D MC936/D MC938/D MC939/D MC940/D MC944/D MC945/D MC946/D MC947/D MC945/D MC946/D MC950/D MC8500/D MC8502/D MC8503/D MC8504P/D MC8506/D MC951/D MC952/D ADI991R2 REV 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A REV 1 DS9675 DS9674 REV3 ADI1439 ADI1408 ADI766R10 ADI1335 ADI1422 REV3 N/A REV 1 ADI1748 ADI1750 DS9745 DS9192R1 DS9524 DS9536 REV 1 REV 1 DS9326 DS9264 DS9547R1 DS9557R2 DS9374R2 DS9313R3 DS9587R1 DS9280R4 DS9375R2 DS9634R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9255R1 DS9256R1 DS9285R1 DS9309 DS9354R2 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 ITEM MC8520L MC855 MC857 MC858 MC862 MC88100 MC88110 MC88110 MC88110 Addendum to MC8811 OEC/D MC88110 Prog. Ref. Guide MC88200 MC88204 MC88410 MC88410 MC88913 MC88915TFN100 MC88915TFN133 MC88915TFN55 MC88915TFN70 MC88920,21 MC88LV926 MC88LV930 MC88LV950 MC88LV970 MC88PL117 MC8T13 MC8T14 MC8T23 MC8T24 MC8T26A MC8T28 MC92001 (Order MC92005/D with this) MC92005 (Order MC92001/D with this) MC936 MC938 MC940 MC944 MC945 MC946 MC948 MC949 MC951F, G MC961 MCA 1OOOOECL MCA1500M MCA2200ECL MCA230 MCA2500ECL MCA255 MCA2800ALS MCA2800RAM MCA3200ETL MCA3200ETL MCA6200ETL MCA6200ETL MCA750ETL MCA750ETL MCA800ECL MCC3334 MCCF33095 MCCF33096 THRU PRODUCT THRU MC856 THRU MC863 THRU MC88916 THRU MC937 THRU MCA231 34 LITERATURE # REV# MC8520UD MC952/D MC957/D MC958/D MC962/D MC88100/D MC88110EC/D MC88110/D MC88110ECAD/D MC88110PRG/D MC88200/D MC88204/D MC8841 OlD MC88410EC/D BR1333/D BR1333/D BR1333/D BR1333/D BR1333/D BR1333/D BR1333/D BR1333/D BR1333/D BR1333/D BR1333/D MC8T13/D MC8T14/D MC8T13/D MC8T14/D MC6880AlD MC8T28/D MC92001/D MC92005/D MC936/D MC938/D MC940/D MC944/D MC945/D MC946/D MC945/D MC946/D MC951/D MC930/D MCA 1OOOOECUD MCA1500M/D MCA2200ECUD H11A1/D MCA2500ECUD H11A1/D MCA2800ALS/D MCA2800RAM/D ETUD ETUD ETUD ETUD ETUD ETUD MCA800ECUD MC3334P/D MCCF33095/D MCCF33096/D DS9290R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9045R1 DS9054R1 REV2 N/A REV2 N/A N/A REV2 N/A N/A N/A REV3 REV3 REV3 REV3 REV3 REV3 REV3 REV3 REV3 REV3 REV3 DS9298 DS9311 DS9298 DS9311 DS9417 DS9419R1 N/A N/A DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 DS9054R1 REV2 ADI1417 REV 1 DS8018 ADI726R2 DS8018 ADI1095 NP179 REV 1 REV1 REV1 REV 1 REV 1 REV1 ADI1348 DS9670 N/A N/A (.:.~~~ ... -.,.. ,,---~--.,..--.-.,--.--.---.-,-.---- ITEM MCCF3326 MCCF3333 MCCF3334 MCCS142233 MCCS142234 MCCS142235 MCCS3201 MCCS3205 MC0210 MC0250 MCH12140 MCH12140 MCK12140 MCK12140 MCK7AO, AOA MCK8AO, AOA, OA MCM2018A MCM2464 MCM2814 MCM321000 MCM321030 MCM32130 MCM32230 MCM32256 MCM32257 MCM32400 MCM324000 MCM32512 MCM3264 MCM3264A MCM32800 MCM32A32, 64 MCM32AB32, 64,128 MCM32L130 MCM32L230 MCM32L256 MCM32L512 MCM34262 MCM36100 MCM36232 MCM36256 MCM36L100 MCM411000 MCM414256 MCM41L1000 MCM41L4256 • MCM44100 MCM44256 series MCM4464 series MCM4L4100 MCM5003 MCM511000A MCM511000B MCM511001A MCM511002A MCM514256A MCM514256B MCM514258A MCM516100 MCM516160A MCM516180A THRU THRU PRODUCT MCM5004 35 --',._""-- .... -..... -' ""--~ .- .. -..... -.... - --- ._J LITERATURE # REV# MCCF3326/0 MCCF3333/0 MC3334P/O MCCS142233/0 MCCS142234/0 MCCS142235/0 MCS3201/0 MCS3201/0 MC0210/0 MC0250/0 BR1330/0 BR1334/0 BR1330/0 BR1334/0 MCK7AO/O MCK7AO/O MCM2018A10 MCM2464/0 MCM2814/0 MCM321000/0 MCM321030/0 MCM32130/0 MCM32230/0 MCM32256/0 MCM32257/0 MCM32400/0 MCM324000/0 MCM32512/0 MCM3264/0 MCM3264A10 MCM32800/0 MCM32A32/0 MCM32AB3210 MCM32130/0 MCM32230/0 MCM32256/0 MCM32512/0 MCM34262/0 MCM361 00/0 MCM36232/0 MCM36256/0 MCM36100/0 MCM411000/0 MCM414256/0 MCM411000/0 MCM414256/0 MCM441 00/0 MCM44256/0 MCM4464/0 MCM441 00/0 MCM5303/0 MCM511000AlO MCM511000B/O MCM511001A10 MCM511002A10 MCM514256A10 MCM514256B/O MCM514258A10 MCM516400/0 MCM516160AlO MCM516160AlO AOl423 OS1541 OS9670 N/A REVO REV 0.1 REV3 REV3 N/A N/A REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 OS9589 OS9589 OS9915R1 NP512 N/A N/A N/A REV 1 REV 1 REV2 REV2 N/A N/A REV2 NP507 N/A N/A N/A N/A REV 1 REV 1 REV2 REV2 N/A REV 1 N/A REV2 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 N/A REV 1 REV 1 N/A OS9302 REV3 REV 1 OS9933 OS9934 REV2 REV2 OS9936 REV 1 N/A N/A ITEM MCM516400 MCM516402 MCM517400 MCM518160A MCM51L1000A MCM51 L1OOOB MCM51 L4256A MCM51 L4256B MCM524258A MCM528128A MCM5303 MCM54100A MCM54170B MCM54260B MCM54280B MCM54400A MCM54400A-C MCM54800A MCM56824A MCM56824AFNC MCM56824AZP MCM5L4100A MCM5L4170B MCM5L4260B MCM5L4280B MCM5L4400A MCM5L4800A MCM5V4170B MCM5V4260B MCM5V4280B MCM5V4800A MCM60L256A-V MCM6205D MCM6206D MCM6209-35, -45 MCM62110 MCM6226A MCM6226B MCM6227A MCM6229 MCM6229A MCM6229B MCM6246 MCM62486A MCM62486B MCM6249 MCM6264-15, -20 MCM6268-20 MCM6269-20 MCM6293 MCM6294 MCM62940A MCM6295 MCM62950A MCM62960A MCM62995A MCM62996 MCM62L26A MCM62L27A MCM62L29A MCM62V06D THRU THRU THRU LITERATURE # PRODUCT MCM5304 MCM6265-15, -20, -25 36 MCM516400/D MCM516400/D MCM516400/D MCM516160AlD MCM511000AlD MCM511000B/D MCM514256A1D MCM514256B/D MCM524258A1D MCM528128A1D MCM5303/D MCM54100AlD MCM54170B/D MCM54260B/D MCM54280B/D MCM54400AlD MCM54400A-C/D MCM54800AlD MCM56824A1D MCM56824AFNC/D MCM56824AZP/D MCM54100AlD MCM54170B/D MCM54260B/D MCM54280B/D MCM54400AlD MCM54800AlD MCM54170B/D MCM54260B/D MCM54280B/D MCM54800AlD MCM60L256A-V/D MCM6205D/D MCM6206D/D MCM6208-35/D MCM62110/D MCM6226A1D MCM6226B/D MCM6227A1D MCM6229/D MCM6229A1D MCM6229B/D MCM6246/D MCM62486A1D MCM62486B/D MCM6249/D QUICKRAM/D MCM6268-20/D MCM6268-20/D MCM6293/D MCM6294/D MCM62940AlD MCM6295/D MCM62950AlD MCM62960AlD MCM62995A1D MCM62996/D MCM6226A1D MCM6227A1D MCM6229A1D MCM62V06D/D REV# REV 1 N/A REV 1 N/A REV3 REV 1 REV2 REV2 N/A N/A D89302 REV2 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV3 REV 1 REV 1 N/A N/A N/A REV2 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV3 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 ADI1557 REV 1 REV 1 D89941 REV3 REV2 N/A REV3 N/A REV2 N/A REV 1 REV2 N/A REV 1 ADI1554R1 REV 1 REV 1 D89921R1 D89922R1 REV5 D89923R1 REV2 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV2 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 ('~~1M §un:~@',:",··--,· -_._ . _--:. _..:~.:---~-~--~.:._.: ..._ . . _._.-:' .....-:.: ... -......-- _.._. ITEM MCM62X308 MCM62Y308 MCM6705A MCM6706 MCM6706A MCM6706R MCM67082A MCM6708A MCM6709A MCM6709R MCM6726 MCM6726A MCM6727A MCM6728 MCM67282 MCM6728A MCM6729 MCM6729A MCM67A518 MCM67A618 MCM67B518 MCM67B618 MCM67C518 MCM67C618 MCM67D709 MCM67F804 MCM67H518 MCM67H618 MCM67J518 MCM67J618 MCM67M518 MCM67M618 MCM67P804 MCM670709 MCM670804 MCM67W518 MCM67W618 MCM6810 MCM72BA32, 64 MCM81430 MCM8256 MCM84000 MCM84030 MCM8L1430 MCM8L4000 MCM91000 MCM91430 MCM91600 MCM93L422, A MCM94000 MCM94030 MCM9L1000 MCM9L1430 MCM9L1600 MCM9L4000 MCMC6206 MCML Series (Multichip Modules) MCR08BT1 series MCR1000 series MCR106-1 MCR106-6, -8 THRU THRU PRODUCT MCR106-4 37 . --.- .....• -~. ,-"- ._. -- - . LITERATURE # REV# MCM62X308/D MCM62Y308/D MCM6705A1D MCM6706/D MCM6706A1D MCM6706R/D MCM67082A1D MCM6708A1D MCM6709A1D MCM6709R/D MCM6726/D MCM6726A1D MCM6727A1D MCM6728/D MCM6728/D MCM6728A1D MCM6729/0 MCM6729A10 MCM67A518/D MCM67A618/D MCM67B518/D MCM67B618/D MCM67C518/0 MCM67C618/0 MCM67D709/D MCM67F804/D MCM67H518/D MCM67H618/0 MCM67J518/D MCM67J618/D MCM67M518/0 MCM67M6181D MCM67P804/D MCM670709/0 MCM670804/0 MCM67W518/D MCM67W618/D MCM6810/D MCM72BA32/D MCM81430/0 MCM8256/D MCM84000/D MCM84000/D MCM81430/D MCM84000/D MCM91000/D MCM91430/D MCM91600/D MCM93422/D MCM94000/D MCM94000/D MCM91000/D MCM91430/D MCM9L 1600/D MCM94000/D MCMC6206/D MCMUD MCR08BT1/D MCR1000/D MCR106-1/D MCR106-1/D N/A N/A REV3 REV2 REV4 N/A REV 1 REV3 REV 1 N/A REV4 N/A N/A REV3 REV 1 N/A REV3 N/A N/A REV 1 N/A REV4 REV 1 REV3 REV 1 REV2 REV 1 N/A REV 1 REV 1 N/A REV3 REV2 N/A REV 1 N/A N/A OS9487R3 REV 1 REV 1 REV2 REV2 REV2 REV 1 REV2 REV2 REV 1 N/A DS9579R2 REV2 REV2 REV2 REV 1 N/A REV2 N/A N/A N/A OS3564 DS8535R2 DS8535R2 ITEM THRU PRODUCT LITERATURE # REV# MCR107-1 MCR115,120 MCR1718-5 MCR1906-1 MCR2080, A series MCR2150, A series MCR218FP series MCR22-2 MCR220-5 MCR220-7 MCR220-9 MCR221-5 MCR221-7 MCR221-9 MCR225-12 MCR225-5 MCR225-7 MCR225-9 MCR225FP series MCR264-4 MCR265-2 MCR310 series MCR3818-1 MCR3835-1 MCR3918-1 MCR3935-1 MCR506 series MCR606-2 MCR63-1 MCR64-1 MCR65-1 MCR67, 68,69 series MCR70,71 series MCR703A MCR72-1 MCR92 series MCT2, 2E, 26 MCT21 0 MCT7800 Series MOA200 series MOA2500 series MOA2550 MOA3500 series MOA3550 M0A4002, 4004 MOA4006,4008 MOC1000A, BLT1, CT1 MOC1005A, BLT1 MOC1100A, CT1 MOC1115A MOC1115CT1 MOC2125 MOC4010A, CT1 MFE201 MFE204 MFE209 MFE211 MFE910 MFE9200 MFE930, 960, 990 MFF324B THRU MCR107-8 THRU THRU MCR1718-8 MCR1906-6 MCR107-1/0 MCR115/0 MCR1718-5/0 MCR1906-1/0 MCR2080/0 MCR2150/0 MCR218FP/O MCR22-2/0 2N6394/0 2N6394/0 2N6394/0 2N6400/0 2N6400/0 2N6400/0 2N6504/0 2N6504/0 2N6504/0 2N6504/0 MCR225FP/O MCR264-4/0 MCR265-2/0 MCR31 0/0 MCR3818-1/0 MCR3835-1/0 MCR3818-1/0 MCR3835-1/0 MCR506/0 MCR606-2/0 MCR63-1/0 MCR63-1/0 MCR63-1/0 MCR67/0 MCR70/0 MCR703A10 MCR72-1/0 MCR92/0 H11A1/0 H11A1/0 MCT7800/0 3N253/0 MOA2500/0 MOA2550/0 MOA3500/0 MOA3550/0 MOA4002/0 MOA4002/0 MOC1000AlO MOC1005A10 MOC1100AlO MOC1115A10 MOC1115A10 MOC2125/0 MOC4010AlO MFE201/0 MFE204/0 MFE209/0 MFE211/0 MFE91 0/0 MFE9200/0 MFE930/0 MFF324B/O OS6536 OS6529 OS6521 OS6520R1 OS3587 OS3588 OS3775 OS3402 OS6565R1 OS6565R1 OS6565R1 OS6567R1 OS6567R1 OS6567R1 OS6590R1 OS6590R1 OS6590R1 OS6590R1 OS3762 OS6131R1 OS3578 OS3693 OS6523R1 OS6524R2 OS6523R1 OS6524R2 OS3663 OS3403 OS6605 OS6605 OS6605 OS6611 OS6612 OS3835R1 OS6610 OS6568 OS8018 OS8018 N/A OS6102R1 OS6110R1 OS6122 OS6101 OS6121 OS6173 OS6173 REV2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OS5647 OS5972 OS5557 OS5675 OS4621 AOl596R1 AOl597R1 N/A THRU THRU MCR22-8 THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU MCR264-12 MCR265-10 MCR3818-10 MCR3835-10 MCR3918-10 MCR3935-10 THRU THRU THRU THRU MCR606-8 MCR63-10 MCR64-10 MCR65-10 THRU THRU MCR708A MCR72-8 THRU MOA2551 THRU MOA3551 THRU MFE203 THRU MFE212 38 ~.-.~& §? f;lW {1f@ijffif@... ---.---..--..ITEM MF00100 MF001100 MF00200 MF002202 MF002302 MF002404 MF002405 MF00300 MF003100 MF003510 MF003510 MF0071 MF0075 MFOOC1100 MFOE1100 MFOE1100 MFOE1200 MFOE1200 MFOE1201 MFOE200 MFOE200 MFOE3100 MFOE3100 MFOE3200 MFOE3200 MFOE71 MFOE76 MFOEC1200 MFQ1000C, P MFQ5460P MFQ6660C, P MG100BZ100 MG100BZ50 MG25BZ100 MG25BZ50 MG50BZ100 MG50BZ50 MGM20N45, 20N50 MGM5N45, 5N50 MGP20N45, 20N50 MGP5N45, 5N50 MGT01000, 1200, 1400 MGT01000M,1200M,1400M MHQ2222, H, HX, HXV MHQ2369, H, HX, HXV MHQ2484, H, HX, HXV MHQ2907, H, HX, HXV MHQ3467, H, HX, HXV MHQ3546, H, HX, HXV MHQ3724, H, HX, HXV MHQ3799, H, HX, HXV MHQ4013 MHQ6002, H, HX, HXV MHQ6100A, AH, AHX, AHXV MHQ6842, H, HX, HXV MHQ918, H, HX, HXV MHW10000 series MHW105 MHW11005 MHW1121 MHW1134 THRU --.,.--..•. -." ........... ~. ,.. , - .... ...... ., ~ PRODUCT THRU MF003100 THRU MF002405 THRU MF0073 THRU THRU THRU MFOE1102 MFOE1102 MFOE1203 THRU MFOE1202 THRU THRU THRU THRU MFOE3101 MFOE3102 MFOE3202 MFOE3201 THRU MHQ3725, H, HX, HXV THRU MHQ4014 THRU MHW1122 39 '~'~----' .. - " --."~ ~. -- .. ,.,,- -~ - -.- -' . LITERATURE # REV# MF00100/0 AAFOC/O MF00200/0 MF002202/0 MF002302/0 AAFOC/O MF002405/0 MF00300/0 MF003100/0 AAFOC/O MF00351 0/0 MF0071/0 MF0075/0 MFOOC1100/0 AAFOC/O MFOE1100/0 AAFOC/O MFOE1200/0 MFOE120110 AAFOC/O MFOE200/0 AAFOC/O MFOE31 00/0 AAFOC/O MFOE3200/0 MFOE7110 MFOE76/0 MFOEC1200/0 MFQ1000C/O MFQ5460P/O MFQ6660C/O MG 100BZ1 00/0 MG100BZ50/0 MG25BZ100/0 MG25BZ50/0 MG50BZ100/0 MG50BZ50/0 MGM20N45/0 MGM5N45/0 MGM20N45/0 MGM5N45/0 MGT01000/0 MGT01000/0 MHQ2222/0 MHQ2369/0 MHQ2484/0 MHQ2907/0 MHQ3467/0 MHQ3546/0 MHQ3724/0 MHQ3799/0 MHQ4013/0 MHQ6002/0 MHQ6100NO MHQ6842/0 MHQ918/0 MHW10000/0 MHW105/0 MHW11005/0 MHW1121/0 MHW1134/0 082549 083967 082550 082693R1 082691R1 083967 082690R1 082551 082707R1 083967 082727 082706 082728 085935 REV 1 082724 REV 1 082688R1 082689R2 REV 1 082548 REV 1 082723 REV 1 082708R1 082705R1 082740 085936 082702 084635 082703 083801 083901 083797 083899 083787 083900 083621 083640 083621 083640 083662 083662 084626 084633 084629 084576R2 084578R2 084632 084625R1 084631 084585 084630 084634 084628 084591R2 085947R1 N/A N/A 085710 085843R1 ITEM THRU PRODUCT LITERATURE # REV# MHW1171 MHW1171R MHW1184 MHW1220 MHW1221 MHW1224 MHW1244 MHW1341 MHW1343 MHW1391 MHW2001-15 MHW2122 MHW2162 MHW2172 MHW2332 MHW3171 MHW3181 MHW3222 MHW3342 MHW4171 MHW4341 MHW4524F MHW5122 MHW5142 MHW5171 MHW5181 MHW5183 MHW5185 MHW51858 MHW5205, R MHW5222 MHW5225, R MHW5342 MHW572 MHW580 MHW590 MHW591 MHW592 MHW593 MHW607 series MHW6141 MHW6171 MHW6181 MHW6182-6 MHW6183 MHW6185 MHW6185-6 MHW61858 MHW6205 MHW6222 MHW6222-6 MHW6225 MHW6342F MHW703 MHW704 MHW707 MHW709 MHW710 MHW7182 MHW720 MHW720A 1, A2 THRU THRU MHW1172 MHW1172R THRU MHW1222 THRU THRU THRU MHW1342 MHW1344 MHW1392 THRU THRU MHW3172 MHW3182 THRU THRU MHW4172 MHW4342 THRU THRU MHW5172 MHW5182 THRU THRU THRU MHW6142 MHW6172 MHW6182 MHW1171/D MHW1171R/D MHW1134/D MHW1220/D MHW1171/D MHW1134/D MHW1134/D MHW1341/D MHW1343/D MHW1391/D MHW2001/D MHW2122/D MHW2162/D MHW2172/D MHW2332/D MHW3171/D MHW3181/D MHW3222/D MHW3342/D MHW4171/D MHW4341/D MHW4524F/D MHW5122/D MHW5142/D MHW5171/D MHW5181/D MHW5183/D MHW5185/D MHW51858/D MHW5205/D MHW5222/D MHW5225/D MHW5342/D MHW572/D MHW580/D MHW590/D MHW591/D MHW592/D MHW593/D MHW607/D MHW6141/D MHW6171/D MHW6181/D MHW6182-61D MHW5183/D MHW5185/D MHW51858/D MHW51858/D MHW6205/D MHW6222/D MHW6222-6/D MHW6205/D MHW6342F/D MHW703/D MHW704/D MHW707/D MHW709/D MHW71 OlD MHW7182/D MHW720/D MHW720A1/D D85704 D85733 D85843R1 D85765 D85704 D85843R1 D85843R1 D85703R1 D85707R1 D85713 D85981 D85838 D85841 D85817 D85844 D85847 D85855 D85846 ADI651 D85806 ADI579 ADI1053R1 D85867 ADI1063 D85859R1 D85861R1 N/A D85905 N/A D86055 ADl1620 D86026 D85860R1 D85637 D83303 D85689 D85690 D85691 D85695 D85979 ADI1105 D85904 D85888 N/A N/A D85905 N/A N/A N/A D85900 N/A N/A ADI1104R1 D86052 N/A D85980 D85521R1 D85522R3 N/A D85727 D85880 40 r~ 13 ~~~~~~,~!.I~~':.~·:":·1::~l'~~'~I,~':1'~:~':i::~I".':~:~:~~~f~yl~~~5"~!~'!~.~;'~2.'~~.~~;~~~I~~,E~!'~~~~~~::~~~I~~~~~~).i~_J."'! ITEM MHW720A3 MHW801 series MHW803 series MHW804 SERIES MHW806A series MHW807 series MHW808-1, -2, -3 MHW808A 1, A2, A3 MHW812A3 MHW8182 MHW820-1, -2, -3 MHW851 series MHW9002 series MHW903 MHW909 MHW912 MHW914 MHW9182 MHW926, 927 A, 927B MHW932 MHW953 MJ10000 MJ10002 MJ10004 MJ10006 MJ10008 MJ10011 MJ10012 MJ10014 MJ10015 MJ10020 MJ10022 MJ10024 MJ10041 MJ10042 MJ10044 MJ10045 MJ10047 MJ10048 MJ100AA45 MJ100B3045 MJ100B045 MJ100BE55 MJ100BK100 MJ100BX120 MJ11011 MJ11017 MJ11028 MJ12002 MJ12003 MJ12004 MJ12005 MJ120050 MJ12010 MJ12020 MJ13014 MJ1302A MJ13070 MJ13080 MJ13090 MJ13101 THRU PRODUCT THRU MHW915 THRU THRU MHW954 MJ10001 THRU THRU THRU MJ10005 MJ10007 MJ10009 THRU THRU THRU THRU MJ10016 MJ10021 MJ10023 MJ10025 THRU THRU THRU MJ11016 MJ11022 MJ11033 THRU THRU MJ12022 MJ13015 THRU THRU THRU MJ13071 MJ13081 MJ13091 41 LITERATURE # REV# MHW720A3/0 MHW801/0 MHW803/0 MHW804/0 MHW806NO MHW807/0 MHW808-1/0 MHW808A1/0 MHW812A3/0 MHW7182/0 MHW820-1/0 MHW801/0 MHW9002/0 MHW903/0 MHW909/0 MHW912/0 MHW914/0 MHW7182/0 MHW926/0 MHW93210 MHW903/0 MJ10000/0 MJ10002/0 MJ10004/0 MJ10006/0 MJ10008/0 MJ1001110 MJ10012/0 MJ10014/0 MJ10015/0 MJ10020/0 MJ1002210 MJ10024/0 MJ10041/0 MJ10042/0 MJ1004110 MJ10042/0 MJ10041/0 MJ1004210 MJ 100AA45/0 MJ 100B3045/0 MJ100B045/0 MJ100BE55/0 MJ100BK100/0 MJ 1OOBX 120/0 MJ11011/0 MJ11017/0 MJ11028/0 MJ12002/0 MJ12003/0 MJ12004/0 MJ12005/0 MJ120050/0 MJ12010/0 MJ12020/0 MJ13014/0 MJ3281NO MJ13070/0 MJ13080/0 MJ13090/0 MJ13101/0 N/A OS6035 OS5952R1 N/A OS5953 OS6036 OS5791R1 OS5878 OS5903R1 N/A OS5803R2 OS6035 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 083285R3 OS3292R3 OS3300R1 OS3299R1 OS3327R1 OS3567 083318R2 OS3349R2 OS3360R1 OS3377 083380 OS3395 OS3584 OS3574 083584 083574 OS3584 OS3574 083788 083890R1 OS3725 OS3727 OS3721 083736 OS3367 OS3545 AOl392 083328 OS1524 OS3330R1 083387 083618 OS3389 083585 083332R1 N/A OS3396 OS3397 083398R1 083422 ITEM THRU PRODUCT LITERATURE # REV# MJ13330 MJ13333,13335 MJ14000 MJ15001 MJ15011 MJ15015 MJ15018 MJ15022 MJ15026 MJ150B3055 MJ150BK100 MJ150BX100 MJ150BX120 MJ15FG45 MJ16002,16004 MJ16002A MJ16006, 16008 MJ16006A MJ16010, 16012 MJ16010A MJ16014,16016 MJ16018 MJ16110 MJ200AA55 MJ200AF55 MJ200AV100 MJ200AV120 MJ21193 MJ25BX100 MJ2940 MJ2955 MJ2955A MJ300A2F55 MJ300AV100 MJ300AV120 MJ3029 MJ3281A MJ410 MJ4360 MJ4646 MJ50AC100 MJ50B2045 MJ50B045 MJ50BK100 MJ50BX100 MJ50BX120 MJ6308 MJ6503 MJ7000 MJ75B2050 MJ75BX100 MJ75BX120 MJ8100 MJ8501 MJ8502 MJ8504 MJ0112,117 MJ0122,127 MJ013003 MJ0148 MJ0200, 210 THRU MJ13331 THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU MJ14003 MJ15002 MJ15012 MJ15016 MJ15021 MJ15025 MJ15027 THRU MJ21194 THRU MJ2941 THRU THRU THRU MJ411 MJ4361 MJ4647 THRU MJ8101 THRU THRU MJ8503 MJ8505 MJ13330/0 MJ13333/0 MJ14000/0 MJ15001/0 MJ15011/0 2N3055A10 MJ15018/0 MJ15022/0 MJ15026/0 MJ 150B3055/0 MJ 150BK1 00/0 MJ 150BX 100/0 MJ150BX120/0 MJ15FG45/0 MJ16002/0 MJ16002A10 MJ16006/0 MJ16006A10 MJ16010/0 MJ16010AlO MJ16014/0 MJ16018/0 MJ16110/0 MJ200AA55/0 MJ200AF55/0 MJ200AV100/0 MJ200AV120/0 MJ21193/0 MJ25BX100/0 MJ2940/0 2N3055/0 2N3055A10 MJ300A2F55/0 MJ300AV100/0 MJ300AV120/0 MJ3029/0 MJ3281A10 MJ41 0/0 MJE13002/0 MJ4646/0 MJ50AC100/0 MJ50B2045/0 MJ50B045/0 MJ50BK100/0 MJ50BX100/0 MJ50BX120/0 MJ6308/0 MJ6503/0 MJ7000/0 MJ75B2050/0 MJ75BX100/0 MJ75BX120/0 MJ81 00/0 MJ8501/0 MJ8502/0 MJ8504/0 MJ0112/0 MJ0122/0 MJ013003/0 MJ0148/0 MJ0200/0 OS3358 OS3365 OS3421R1 OS3319 OS3630 OS3353R1 OS3841 OS3356R2 OS3412 OS3800 OS3722 OS3769 OS3738 OS3724 OS3413 OS3606R1 DS3415R1 OS3589R2 OS3386R2 OS3633R2 OS3532 OS3624R1 OS3830R1 OS3723 OS3882 OS3768 OS3739 REV 1 OS3785 OS3148 OS3337 OS3353R1 OS3767 OS3756 OS3740 OS3185 N/A OS3197 OS3288R4 OS3229R2 OS3720 OS3786 OS3719 OS3718 OS3770 OS3733 OS2753 OS3376 OS3142 OS3757 OS3766 OS3734 OS3135 OS3373 OS3374 OS3375 OS3706R1 OS3687R1 OS3726R1 OS3802 OS3729R1 42 E-'~!~~~;~~~".'--.. -:-~.-~.~. . -..--.-..-"-.-~-. .:-. . ."':-. . -....... ---'....-.. . . . -....... ITEM MJD243,253 MJD2955,3055 MJD31, C MJD340, 350 MJD41C MJD44E3 MJ044H11 MJD47,50 MJD5731 MJD6036,6039 MJE1123 MJE12007 MJE13002 MJE13004 MJE13007 MJE13008 MJE13070 MJE1320 MJE15028 MJE16002,16004 MJE16032,16034 MJE16080 MJE16106 MJE16204 MJE170 MJE180 MJE18002 MJE18004 MJE18006, MJF MJE18008 MJE2360T MJE270 MJE2801, T MJE2901 MJE2955, T MJE3055, T MJE3521 MJE370 MJE371 MJE4340 MJE4350 MJE5170 MJE5180 MJE521, K MJE5220 MJE5230 MJE5420Z MJE5730 MJE5740 MJE5850 MJE6040 MJE700, T MJE800, T MJE8500 MJE8502 MJE8503A MJF10012 MJF102, 107 MJF122, 127 MJF13007 MJF15030 THRU PRODUCT THRU MJ032,C THRU MJ042C THRU MJ045H11 THRU THRU MJE13003 MJE13005 THRU THRU MJE13009 MJE13071 THRU MJE15031 THRU MJE16081 THRU THRU MJE172 MJE182 THRU THRU MJE2361T MJE271 THRU THRU THRU THRU MJE4343 MJE4353 MJE5172 MJE5182 THRU THRU MJE5221 MJE5231 THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU MJE5732 MJE5742 MJE5852 MJE6045 MJE703 MJE803 MJE8501 MJE8503 THRU MJF15031 43 LITERATURE # REV# MJ0243/0 MJ02955/0 MJ031/0 MJ0340/0 MJ041C/O MJ044E3/0 MJ044H11/0 MJ047/0 MJ05731/0 MJ06036/0 MJE1123/0 MJE12007/0 MJE13002/0 MJE13004/0 MJE13007/0 MJE13008/0 MJE13070/0 MJE1320/0 MJE15028/0 MJE16002/0 MJE16032/0 MJE16080/0 MJE16106/0 MJF16204/0 MJE170/0 MJE170/0 MJE18002/0 MJE18004/0 MJE180060 MJE18008/0 MJE2360T/O MJE270/0 MJE2801/0 MJE2801/0 MJE2955/0 MJE2955/0 MJE52110 MJE370/0 MJE371/0 MJE4340/0 MJE4340/0 MJE5180/0 MJE5180/0 MJE52110 MJE5220/0 MJE5220/0 MJE5420Zl0 MJE5730/0 MJE5740/0 MJE5850/0 2N6040/0 MJE700/0 MJE700/0 MJE8500/0 MJE8502/0 MJE8503A10 MJF10012/0 MJF102/0 MJF122/0 MJE13007/0 MJF15030/0 083822R1 083688R1 083715R1 083773 083684R1 083784 REV2 083686R1 083889 083707R2 N/A 083368 083288R4 083334R2 N/A 083314 083533 083730 083369 083530R1 083676R2 083683 083832 REV2 083405R1 083405R1 REV 1 REV3 REV 1 REV 1 083168R1 083405R1 083338 083338 083339 083339 083146R1 083143R2 083144R2 083385R1 083385R1 083628 083628 083146R1 083586 083586 AOl1465 083267 083378R1 083379 083241 083196R3 083196R3 083383 083384 N/A 083839 083818 083819 N/A 083810 DATA SHEET LISTING ITEM MJF16002 MJF16006A MJF16010A MJF16204 MJF16206 MJF16212 MJF18002 MJF18004 MJF18006 MJF18008 MJF2955, 3055 MJF44H11 MJF47 MJF6107 MJF6284, 6287 MJF6388 MJF6668 MJH10000 MJH10012 MJH11017 MJH12004 MJH13090 MJH16002 MJH16002A MJH16004 MJH16006 MJH16006A MJH16008 MJH16010 MJH16010A MJH16012 MJH16018 MJH16032,16034 MJH16106 MJH16110 MJH16206 MJH6282 MJH6676 MJL1302A MJL3281A MJW16206 MJW16212 MK1V series MK1V240 series MK433 MKP1 V120,130, 160,240,260,270 MKP9V120, 130, 240 MKP9V240 series MKP9V260, 270 MKT1 V series MLE015 MLE071 MLE076 MLE077 MLE081 MLE091 Series MLE0930 MLE096 MLE097 MLEOC1000 MLL4001 THRU ., . 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Mount Reels MPC1710A MPC601 MPC601 MPC603 MPC604 MP01202 MP01203 MP01204 MPF102 MPF4150 THRU PRODUCT THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU MMSZ75 MMSZ4717 MMSZ5270B MMUN2114T1 MMUN2214T1 MOC1006 THRU THRU THRU THRU MOC207 MOC213 MOC217 MOC223 THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU MOC3001 MOC3003, 3007 MOC3012 MOC3021 MOC3033 MOC3041 THRU THRU MOC3063 MOC3083 THRU MOC5009 THRU MOC71U1, U3 THRU MOC8021 THRU THRU THRU MOC8104 MOC8113 MOC8206 46 LITERATURE # REV# MMP03906/0 MMP06700/0 MMP06842/0 MMSZ5221 B/O MMSZ5221 B/O MMSZ5221 B/O MMUN2111T1/0 MMUN2211T1/0 MOC1005/0 MOC119/0 MOC205/0 MOC211/0 MOC215/0 MOC221/0 MOC2A40-10/0 MOC2A60-10/0 MOC2A60-10ANT/O MOC3000/0 MOC3002/0 MOC3009/0 MOC3020/0 MOC3030/0 MOC3040/0 MOC3050/0 MOC3060/0 MOC3081/0 MOC3160/0 MOC3160/0 MOC5007/0 MOC5010/0 MOC70/0 MOC70K1/0 MOC70K1/0 MOC70K1/0 MOC70W1/0 MOC71/0 MOC71T1/0 MOC71W1/0 MOC74TlIO MOC75T1/0 MOC8020/0 MOC8050/0 MOC8050/0 MOC8060/0 MOC8080/0 MOC81 00/0 MOC8101/0 MOC8111/0 MOC8204/0 MOC9000/0 TRMEM/O MPC1710NO MCM601/0 MPC601EC/O MPC603/0 MPC604/0 MP01202/0 MP01203/0 MP01204/0 MPF102/0 MPF4150/0 AOl1353 AOl1355 AOl1352 N/A N/A N/A REV 1 REV 1 OS2648 OS2647R1 OS2748 082749 082750 OS2751 REV 1 N/A REV 1 082725 082555 082535R3 OS2538 OS2541R1 OS2559 N/A 082721 082731 N/A N/A OS2580 OS2542 085946 082704 082704 OS2704 AOl1155 OS5945 AOl1113 AOl1156 AOl1114 OS2717 OS2539 OS2645R1 082645R1 N/A 082729 OS2698 OS5978 OS2697 082586 N/A OS9918 AOl1420 REV 1 REV2 REV 1 N/A OS3878 OS3879 OS3880 OS5203 AOl1312 [~~~! 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THRU PRODUCT THRU MRF209 THRU MRF230 49 LITERATURE # REV# MRF1150MAlO MRF1250M/0 MRF1325M/0 MRF134/0 MRF136/0 MRF137/0 MRF1375/0 MRF138/0 MRF140/0 MRF14110 MRF141G/0 MRF148/0 MRF150/0 MRF1500/0 MRF151/0 MRF151G/0 MRF153/0 MRF154/0 MRF157/0 MRF158/0 MRF16110 MRF162/0 MRF163/0 MRF164W/0 MRF166/0 MRF171/0 MRF173/0 MRF174/0 MRF175GV/0 MRF175LV/0 MRF176GV/0 MRF177/0 MRF1946/0 MRF2000·5UO MRF2001/0 MRF2001M/0 MRF2003/0 MRF2003M/0 MRF2005/0 MRF2005M/0 MRF2010/0 MRF2010M/0 MRF2016M/O MRF207/0 MRF212/0 MRF215/0 MRF216/0 2N6081/0 2N6082/0 2N6083/0 2N6084/0 MRF225/0 MRF226/0 MRF227/0 MRF229/0 MRF232/0 MRF233/0 MRF234/0 MRF2369/0 MRF237/0 MRF238/0 OS5776 OS5815R1 OS5816R1 OS5869 OS5876R1 OS9645 N/A AOl740 AOl709 OS6049 OS6048 AOl724 AOl703 N/A OS6047 OS6050 OS5909 OS5906 N/A N/A OS5890 OS5887 OS5882 REV 1 REV 1 OS5862 N/A OS5871 OS5955 OS5954 OS5965 N/A OS5894 N/A OS5715 OS5804 OS5731 OS5813 OS5719 OS5797 OS5730 OS5802 OS5796 OS5505R1 OS5697 OS5448 OS5549 OS5565 OS5467R2 OS5610 OS5611 OS5567 OS5568 OS5587 OS5669R1 OS5571 OS5572 OS5573 OS5910 OS5626 AOl332 ITEM MRF239 MRF240 MRF245 MRF247 MRF248 MRF260 MRF261 MRF262 MRF2628 MRF264 MRF309 MRF3104 MRF313, A MRF314, A MRF315, A MRF316 MRF317 MRF321 MRF323 MRF325 MRF326 MRF327 MRF329 MRF331 MRF338 MRF340 MRF342 MRF344 MRF3866 MRF390 MRF392 MRF393 MRF401 MRF406 MRF4070 MRF4070 MRF410, A MRF412, A MRF421 MRF422 MRF426, A MRF427A MRF428A MRF429 MRF430 MRF432 MRF4427 MRF448 MRF449,A MRF450, A MRF453, A MRF454,A MRF455, A MRF458, A MRF460 MRF464,A MRF466 MRF475 MRF476 MRF477 MRF479 THRU PRODUCT THRU MRF3106 THRU MRF433 50 LITERATURE # REV# MRF239/0 MRF240/0 MRF245/0 MRF247/0 MRF248/0 MRF260/0 MRF261/0 MRF262/0 MRF2628/0 MRF264/0 MRF309/0 MRF31 04/0 MRF313/0 MRF314/0 MRF315/0 MRF316/0 MRF317/0 MRF321/0 MRF323/0 MRF325/0 MRF326/0 MRF327/0 MRF329/0 MRF331/0 MRF338/0 MRF340/0 MRF342/0 MRF344/0 MRF3866/0 MRF390/0 MRF392/0 MRF393/0 MRF401/0 MRF406/0 MRF4070/0 MRF4070/0 MRF41 0/0 MRF412/0 MRF421/0 MRF422/0 MRF426/0 MRF427A10 MRF428A10 MRF429/0 MRF430/0 MRF432/0 MRF4427/0 MRF448/0 MRF449/0 MRF450/0 MRF453/0 MRF454/0 MRF455/0 MRF458/0 MRF460/0 MRF464/0 MRF466/0 MRF475/0 MRF476/0 MRF477/0 MRF479/0 085782 085783 085686 085784 085938 085724 085759 085725 085881 085726 085708 N/A 085634 085696 085699 085688 085677 085678 085679 085682 085687 085683 085850 085720 085812 085722 085723 085732 085957 085911 085914 085939 085547 085602 085851 085851 085921 085762 085620 085612 085718 085658 085638 085820 085917 085640 085994 085864 085617 085609 AOl349R1 085634 085685 085684 085500R1 085669 085801 085668 085700 085737 085760 (······~lJ&~-~· ITEM MRF485 MRF486 MRF492, A MRF497 MRF5003 MRF501 MRF511 MRF515 MRF5160 MRF517 MRF5174 MRF5175 MRF521 MRF5211, L MRF525 MRF526 MRF531 MRF534 MRF536 MRF542 MRF543 MRF544 MRF545 MRF546 MRF547 MRF548 MRF549 MRF553 MRF555 MRF557 MRF5583 MRF559 MRF571 MRF5711, L MRF580, A MRF5812 MRF586 MRF5943 MRF604 MRF607 MRF626 MRF629 MRF630 MRF641 MRF644 MRF646 MRF648 MRF650 MRF652 MRF653 MRF654 MRF658 MRF660 MRF750 MRF752 MRF754 MRF816 MRF837 MRF8372 MRF838, A MRF839, F - THRU . 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PRODUCT THRU MRF502 THRU MRF522,524 THRU MRF573 THRU MRF581, A THRU MRF587 THRU MRF627 51 LITERATURE # REV# MRF485/0 MRF486/0 MRF492/0 MRF497/0 MRF5003/0 MRF50110 MRF51110 MRF515/0 MRF5160/0 MRF517/0 MRF5174/0 MRF5175/0 MRF521/0 MRF521/0 MRF525/0 MRF526/0 MRF531/0 MM4049/0 MM4049/0 MRF542/0 MRF543/0 MRF544/0 MRF545/0 MRF546/0 MRF547/0 MRF542/0 MRF543/0 MRF553/0 MRF555/0 MRF557/0 MRF5583/0 MRF559/0 MRF57110 MRF5711/0 MRF580/0 MRF5812/0 MRF586/0 MRF5943/0 MRF604/0 MRF607/0 MRF626/0 MRF629/0 MRF630/0 MRF641/0 MRF644/0 MRF646/0 MRF648/0 MRF650/0 MRF652/0 MRF653/0 MRF654/0 MRF658/0 MRF660/0 MRF750/0 MRF752/0 MRF754/0 MRF816/0 MRF837/0 MRF8372/0 MRF838/0 MRF839/0 085717 085738 085800 085761 N/A 085485 085577 085590 085958 085646R1 085559 085560 085929 085929 085698 085809 085630 085371R2 085371R2 085918 085922 085908 085917 085919 085923 085918 085922 085892 085921 085895 085963 085811 085877 085912 085868R1 085927 085879 085962 085603 085551R1 085618 085619 085840 085676R1 085664 085662R1 085667 085964 085870 085924 085893 N/A 085728 085787 085788 085789 085574 085896 085920 085749 085883R1 ITEM THRU PRODUCT MRF840 MRF841, F MRF842 MRF843, F MRF844 MRF846 MRF847 MRF857 MRF858 MRF860 MRF861 MRF862 MRF870, A MRF873 MRF880 MRF890 MRF891 MRF892 MRF894 MRF898 MRF899 MRF901 MRF9011, L MRF904 MRF905 MRF911 MRF914 MRF931 MRF9331, L MRF941 MRF9411, L MRF942 MRF947 MRF951 MRF9511, L MRF952 MRF957 MRF961 MRF962 MRF965 MRF966 MRFC521 MRFC544 MRFC545 MRFC572 MRFC581, A MRFC966 MRFG9661, R MRFG9801, R MRFIC1801 MRFIC2001 MRFIC2002 MRFIC2004 MRFIC2006 MRFIC2101 MRF017 MRF019 MRL005, 010, 020, 040 MROS MRW54602 MSA 1022-8T1 52 LITERATURE # REV# MRF840/D MRF841/D MRF842/D MRF843/D MRF844/D MRF846/D MRF847/D MRF857/D MRF858/D MRF860/D MRF861/D MRF862/D MRF870/D MRF873/D MRF880/D MRF890/D MRF891/D MRF892/D MRF894/D MRF898/D MRF899/D MRF901/D MRF9011/D MRF904/D MRF905/D MRF911/D MRF914/D MRF931/D MRF9331/D MRF941/D MRF941/D MRF942/D MRF947/D MRF951/D MRF951/D MRF952/D MRF957/D BFR96/D BFR96/D BFR96/D MRF966/D MRF521/D MRF544/D MRF545/D MRF571/D MRF580/D MRF966/D MRFG9661/D MRFG9801/D MRFIC1801/D MRFIC2001/D MRFIC2002/D MRFIC2004/D MRFIC2006/D MRFIC2101/D MRF017/D MRF019/D MRL005/D MROS/D MRW54602/D MSA 1022-BT1/D DS5750 DS5866R1 DS5751 DS5889R1 DS5752 DS5753 DS5944 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NP110 DS5928 N/A DS5839 DS5897 DS5853 DS5857 DS5915 N/A DS5615R1 DS5913 DS5645R1 DS5650 ADI342R1 ADI337 ADI362R1 DS5926 DS5969 DS5969 DS6033 N/A DS5961 DS5961 DS6003 N/A DS5714R1 DS5714R1 DS5714R1 DS5875R2 DS5929 DS5908 DS5917 DS5877 DS5868R1 DS5875R2 ADI1397 ADI1398 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A DS5975 DS5974 ADI1111 Y93 AD11774 N/A ',-··tm'IT&·~·~··"··-·"~· •....•. , ITEM M8A 1022-CT1 M8B1218A-RT1, 8T1 M8B709-RT1 M8B709-8T1 M8B710-QT1 M8B710-RT1 M8C1621T1 M8C2295-BT1 M8C2295-CT1 M8C2404-CT1, CT3 M8C3130T1, T3 M801328-RT1, RT3 M801678 M801819A-RT1, 8T1 M80601-RT1 M80601-8T1 M80602-RT1, RT3 MT15FR45 MT50BY45 MTA2N60E MTB15N06E MTB30N06EL MTB50N06E MTB75N05HO MT010N05E MT010N08E MT01N40 MT01 N45, 1N50 MT02955 MT02N20 MT02N50 MT03055E MT03055EL MT04N20 MT04P05 MT05N05 MT05N10 MT06N08,6N10 MT06N15 MT07N20 MTG15P10 MTG20N20 MTG4N100E MTG9N50E MTH13N45, 13N50 MTH13N50E MTH15N35, 15N40 MTH20P08,20P10 MTH25N08,25N10 MTH25P05 MTH30N25 MTH30N25E MTH35N05 MTH35N06E MTH40N05, 40N06 MTH40N08, 40N1 0 MTH50N05E MTH5N95, 5N1 00 MTH6N100 MTH6N100E MTH6N85, 6N90 THRU ...... "~ ...... -.- .. ,- ~- ,~.-.- PRODUCT THRU THRU MT04P06 MT05N06 THRU MTH25P06 THRU MTH35N06 53 .. - -..... - -.. --, .-.. .. .-~.- ...... __ ...... - LITERATURE # REV# M8A 1022-CT1 10 M8B1218A-RT1I0 M8B709-RT1/0 M8B709-RT1/0 M8B710-QT1/0 M8B71 0-QT1 10 M8C1621T1I0 M8C2295-BT1/0 M8C2295-BT1/0 M8C2404-CT1/0 M8C3130T1/0 M801328-RT1/0 M081678/0 M801819A-RT1/D M80601-RT1/0 M80601-RT1/0 M80602-RT1/0 MT15FR45/0 MT50BY45/0 MTA2N60E/O MTB15N06E/O MTB30N06EUO MTB50N06E/O MTB75N05HO/O MT010N05E/O MT010N08E/O MT01N40/0 MT01N45/0 MT02955/0 MT02N20/0 MT02N50/0 MT03055E/O MT03055EUO MT04N20/0 MT04P05/0 MT05N05/0 MT05N10/0 MT06N08/0 MT06N15/0 MT07N20/0 MTG15P10/0 MTG20N20/0 MTG4N100E/O MTG9N50E/O MTH13N45/0 MTH13N50E/O MTH13N45/0 MTH20P08/0 MTH25N08/0 MTH25P05/0 MTH30N25/0 MTH30N25E/O MTH25N08/0 MTH35N06E/O MTH40N08/0 MTH40N08/0 MTH50N05E/O MTH5N95/0 MTH6N100/0 MTH6N100E/O MTH6N85/0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 083336 N/A N/A N/A N/A 083793 083794 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 083813 083852 083747 083851 083829 083808 083732 083748 083809 AOl1379 083771 083772 083850 083780 083776 083872 083873 083874 083902 083903 083651 083856 083651 083700 083599 083781 083814 083892 083599 083763 083635 083635 083798 083789 083823 083857 083790 ITEM MTH7N45, 7N50 MTH8N35, 8N40 MTH8N50E MTH8N90 MTH8P18,8P20 MTM10N06E MTM10N08,10N10 MTM10N100E MTM10N12L,10N15L MTM10N25 MTM12N05 MTM12N08,12N10 MTM12P05 MTM12P08,12P10 MTM13N50E MTM15N05 MTM15N05L MTM15N35,15N40 MTM15N40E MTM15N45,15N50 MTM1N95,1N100 MTM20N08,20N10 MTM20P06 MTM20P08, 20P1 0 MTM24N45E MTM24N50E MTM25N05 MTM25N05L MTM25P05 MTM26N40E MTM2N85, 2N90 MTM2P45, 2P50 MTM35N06E MTM3N75, 3N80 MTM3N95,3N100 MTM3P25 MTM45N05E MTM4N45, 4N50 MTM4N85, 4N90 MTM55N08, 55N1 0 MTM5N35, 5N40 MTM5N95,5N100 MTM5P18, 5P20 MTM5P25 MTM60N05 MTM6N80E MTM6N85, 6N90 MTM7N45, 7N50 MTM8N35, 8N40 MTM8P08, 8P1 0 MTM8P18,8P20 MTM8P25 MTP10N06E MTP10N08,10N10 MTP10N10E MTP10N10M MTP10N12L,10N15L MTP10N25 MTP10N35,10N40 MTP10N40E MTP12N05 THRU PRODUCT THRU MTM12N06 THRU MTM12P06 THRU THRU MTM15N06 MTM15N06L THRU THRU THRU MTM25N06 MTM25N06L MTM25P06 THRU MTM60N06 THRU MTP12N06 54 LITERATURE # REV# MTM7N45/0 MTM7N45/0 MTH8N50E/0 MTH8N90/0 MTM8P18/0 MTM10N06E/0 MTM10N08/0 MTM10N100E/0 MTM10N12UO MTM10N25/0 MTM12N05/0 MTM12N08/0 MTM12P05/0 MTM12P05/0 MTM13N50E/0 MTM12N08/0 MTM15N05UO MTM15N35/0 MTM15N40E/0 MTM15N45/0 MTM1N95/0 MTM20N08/0 MTM20P06/0 MTH20P08/0 MTM24N45E/0 MTM24N50E/0 MTM20N08/0 MTM25N05UO MTH25P05/0 MTM26N40E/0 MTM2N85/0 MTM2P45/0 MTH35N06E/0 MTM3N75/0 MTM3N95/0 MTM3P25/0 MTM45N05E/0 MTM4N45/0 MTM3N95/0 MTM55N08/0 MTM4N45/0 MTH5N95/0 MTM5P18/0 MTM5P25/0 MTM55N08/0 MTM6N80E/0 MTH6N85/0 MTM7N45/0 MTM7N45/0 MTM8P08/0 MTM8P18/0 MTM8P25/0 MTM10N06E/0 MTM10N08/0 MTP10N10E/0 MTP10N10M/0 MTM10N12UO MTM10N25/0 MTP8N45/0 MTP10N40E/0 MTM12N05/0 083420R1 083420R1 083885 083826 083648R1 083713 083544 083853 083737 083597 083535 083539R1 083649 083649 083906 083539R1 083728 083409 083931 083536 083791 083572 083782 083700 083905 083854 083572 083708 083781 083855 083527 083418 083763 083629 083682 083696 083765 083528R1 083682 083617 083528R1 083789 083650 083705 083617 N/A 083790 083420R1 083420R1 083537 083648R1 083704 083713 083544 083743 083816 083737 083597 083641 083914 083535 1··-·~lf&~{illSUt~·-, ITEM MTP12N05E MTP12N08,12N10 MTP12N08L, 12N10L MTP12N10E MTP12P05 MTP12P08, 12P1 0 MTP14N05A MTP14N05L MTP15N05 MTP15N05E MTP15N05L MTP15N06E MTP15N06E MTP15N08L MTP16N05A MTP1 N45, 1N50 MTP1 N55, 1N60 MTP1 N95, 1N1 00 MTP20N06 MTP20N08, 20N1 0 MTP20N10E MTP20P06 MTP23N05L MTP23P06 MTP25N05 MTP25N05E MTP25N06E MTP25N08,25N10 MTP25N10E MTP2955 MTP2N25 MTP2N35, 2N40 MTP2N60E MTP2N85, 2N90 MTP2P45, 2P50 MTP3055E MTP3055EL MTP30N05E MTP30N06EL MTP30N08M MTP33N10E MTP35N06E MTP36N06E MTP3N100 MTP3N100E MTP3N50E MTP3N60E MTP3N75, 3N80 MTP3N95 MTP3P25 MTP40N06EL MTP40N06M MTP45N05E MTP4N08,4N10 MTP4N45, 4N50 MTP4N50E MTP4N80E MTP4N85, 4N90 MTP50N05E MTP50N05EL MTP50N06E .'~' THRU -~ ,'''' .,... -.~- ..-. -J PRODUCT THRU MTP12P06 THRU MTP15N06 THRU MTP15N06L THRU MTP25N06 55 LITERATURE # REV# MTP12N05E/O MTM12N08/0 MTP12N08UO MTP12N10E/O MTM10N08/0 MTM10N08/0 MTP14N05A10 BUZ71UO MTM12N08/0 MTP15N05E/O MTM15N05UO MTM15N06E/O MTP15N06E/O MTP15N08UO MTP14N05A10 MTP1N45/0 MTP1N55/0 MTM1N95/0 MTP20N06/0 MTM20N08/0 MTP20N10E/O MTM20P06/0 BUZ10UO MTP23P06/0 MTM20N08/0 MTP25N05E/O MTP25N06E10 MTP25N08/0 MTP25N10E/O MTP2955/0 MTP2N25/0 MTP1N45/0 MTP2N60E/O MTM2N85/0 MTM2P45/0 MTP3055E/O MTP3055EUO MTP30N05E/O MTP30N06EUO MTP30N08M/O MTP33N10E/O MTP35N06E/O MTP36N06E/O MTP3N95/0 MTP3N100E/O MTP3N50E/O MTP3N60E/O MTM3N75/0 MTP3N95/0 MTM3P25/0 MTP40N06EUO MTP40N06M/O MTM45N05E/O MTP4N08/0 MTM4N45/0 MTP4N50E/O MTP4N80E/O MTP3N95/0 MTP50N05E/O MTP50N05EUO MTP50N06E/O 083761 083539R1 083779 N/A 083544 083544 AOl1140 083848 083539R1 083758 083728 083744 N/A 083825 AOl1140 083579R1 083573 083791 083934 083572 083750 083782 083847 083938 083572 083753 083754 083699 083755 083828 083646 083579R1 N/A 083527 083418 AOl1399R1 083807 083749 N/A 083817 N/A 083792 083969 083697 083912 083886 REV 1 083629 083697 083696 083834 AOl1419 083765 083551R1 083528R1 083884 083913 083697 N/A 083831 REV 1 ITEM MTP5N05 MTP5N35, 5N40 MTP5N40E MTP5P18, 5P20 MTP5P25 MTP6NSS, 6N60 MTP6N60E MTP7P05 MTP8N10E MTP8N15L MTP8N4S, 8N50 MTP8NSOE MTP8P08, 8P10 MTP8P20 MTP8P25 MTS102, 103, 105 MTW14N50E MTW16N40E MTW20N50E MTW32N20E MU2646 MU4891 MUN2111T1 MUN2211T1 MUNS111T1 MUN5211T1 MUR1000SCT, 1001 OCT MUR10015CT,10020CT MUR10120E MUR10150E MUR10S, 110,115 MUR120, 130,140 MUR150, 160,170 MUR1605CT, 1610CT, 161SCT MUR1605CTR,1610CTR MUR1616CTR, 1620CTR MUR1620CT, 1630CT, 1640CT MUR1650CT,1660CT MUR170E,180E MUR180, 190,1100 MUR190E,1100E MUR20005CT, 20010CT MUR20015CT,20020CT MUR20030CT, 20040CT MUR2S0S, 2510 MUR2515,2520 MUR30100E MUR3020, 3030, 3040 MUR3020WT MUR3040WT MUR3060 MUR3060WT MUR3080 MUR405, 410,415,420 MUR4100 MUR430, 440, 4S0, 460 MUR470, 480,490 MUR470E, 480E, 490E, 4100E MUR5005, 5010, 5015, 5020 MUR6020, 6030, 6040 MUR605CT, 610CT THRU PRODUCT THRU MTP5N06 THRU MTP7P06 THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU MU4894 MUN2113T1 MUN2213T1 MUNS114T1 MUNS214T1 56 LITERATURE # REV# MTP4N08/0 MTM4N45/0 MTPSN40E/O MTMSP18/0 MTMSP25/0 MTP6N5S/0 MTP6N60E/O MTP7POS/O MTP8N10E/O MTP8N1SUO MTP8N45/0 MTP8NSOE/O MTM8P08/0 MTP8P20/0 MTM8P25/0 MTS102/0 MTW14NSOE/O MTW16N40E/O MTW20NSOE/O MTW32N20E/O MU2646/0 MU4891/0 MUN2111T1/0 MUN2211T1/0 MUN5111T1/0 MUN5211T1/0 MUR10005CT/O MUR10005CT/O MUR10120E/O MUR1050E/O MUR10S/0 MUR105/0 MUR105/0 MUR1605CT/O MUR160SCTR/O MUR160SCTR/O MUR160SCT/O MUR1605CT/O MUR170E/O MUR105/0 MUR170E/O MUR20005CT/O MUR20005CT/O MUR20030CT/O MUR2505/0 MUR2505/0 MUR30100E/O MUR3020/0 MUR3060WT/O MUR3060WT/O MUR3060/0 MUR3060WT/O MUR3060/0 MUR405/0 MUR40S/0 MUR40S/0 MUR405/0 MUR470E/O MURS005/0 MUR6020/0 MUR60SCT/O OS3551R1 OS3S28R1 OS3883 OS36S0 OS3705 OS3642 OS3907 OS3701 R1 OS3745 OS3827 OS3641 OS3909 OS3S37 OS3932 OS3704 REV2 N/A OS3921 N/A N/A OS2S30 OS2505 REV3 REV3 N/A N/A AOl1061 AOl1061 OS6194 OS6198 OS3S33R2 OS3S33R2 OS3S33R2 OS613SR1 OS6188 OS6188 OS613SR1 OS6135R1 OS6180 OS3533R2 OS6180 AOl1141 AOl1141 OS6172 OS7064 OS7064 OS6193 OS6177 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OS6149R2 OS6149R2 OS6149R2 OS6149R2 OS6179R1 OS706S OS6178 OS6145 '--·~8~-{!d §t~~ ~~-., .. -~:.--,- -.---.---.-".....___ ~._. .___.. __._._~_.~_:1-..~_~~:J...~_. li.~·. I~;:.:..~~-:-J ITEM MUR615CT,620CT MUR805, 810, 815, 820 MUR830, 840, 850, 860 MUR870 MUR870E MUR880, 890, 8100 MUR880E, 890E, 8100E MURB1620CT MURB1660CT MUR0305, 310, 315, 320 MUR0605CT, 610CT MUR0615CT, 620CT MURF1620CT MURF1660CT MURF820 MURH840CT MURH860CT MURHB840CT MUR8105T3, 110T3, 115T3 MUR8120T3, 130T3, 140T3 MUR8150T3,160T3 MUR8305T3 MV104, G MV109 MV1401 MV1403, H MV1620 MV1866, 1868, 1870 MV1871, 1872 MV1874, 1876, 1877, 1878 MV209 MV210 MV2301 MV3102 MV3140 MV3501 MV409 MV7005T1, T3 MV7404T1 MVAM108, 109, 115, 125 MV8240 MV8460 MVVA0204,0211, L,0270 MVVA0304,0311, L, 0370 MVVA110, 120, 130 MVVA210, 220, 230 MVVA5121 MVVA5121 MVVA5157 MXF930, 960, 990 MXR571 MXR911 MZ4099 MZ4614 MZ5520B MZ600 series MZC1.8B10 MZC2.4A10 MZP4727 MZP4728 MZT2970 THRU PRODUCT THRU MUR8360T3 THRU THRU MV1405, H MV1650 THRU THRU THRU THRU MV2308 MV3103 MV3142 MV3507 THRU THRU THRU MZ4104 MZ4627 MX5530B THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU MZC200B10 MZC200A10 MZP4764 MZP4764 MZT3015 57 LITERATURE # REV# MUR605CT/O MUR805/0 MUR805/0 MUR805/0 MUR870E/O MUR805/0 MUR870ElO MURB1620CT/O MURB1660CT/O MUR0305/0 MUR0605CT/O MUR0605CT/O MURF1620CT/O MURF1660CT/O MURF820/0 MURH840CT/O MURH860CT/O MURHB840CT/O MUR8105T3/0 MUR8105T3/0 MUR8105T3/0 MUR8305T3/0 MV104/0 MV109/0 MV1401/0 MV140110 MV1620/0 MV1866/0 MV1866/0 MV1866/0 MV209/0 MV21 0/0 MV2301/0 MV31 02/0 MV3140/0 MV3501/0 MMBV409/0 MV7005T1/0 MV7404T1/0 MVAM108/0 MV8240/0 MV8460/0 MVVA0204/0 MVVA0304/0 MVVA110/0 MVVA21 0/0 MVVA5121/0 MVVA512110 MVVA5157/0 MXF930/0 MP8571/0 MP8911/0 MZ4099/0 MZ4099/0 MZ5520B/O MZ600/0 MZC2.4A 10/0 MZC2.4A 10/0 MZP4727/0 MZP4728/0 MZT2970/0 086145 086136R2 086136R2 086136R2 086176 086136R2 086176 N/A N/A 086163 086162 086162 N/A N/A N/A 086191 N/A N/A 086182 086182 086182 086184 088542R1 088546R1 088022 088022 088517R1 088543 088543 088543 088548R1 088552 088536R1 088541 088540 088539 082743 REV2 N/A 088016R2 087047 087043 085940 085949 085712R1 085763 085891 085891 085907 AOl1316 084640 084642 087089 087089 087088 088006R2 081513R3 081513R3 N/A 087079 087068 ITEM THRU PRODUCT LITERATURE # REV# MZT3305 MZT4549 NE565N NE592 NTC OP-27 P6KE6.8, A P68MS6.8AT3 PA900-19-100L PA900-19-60L PA900-45-10LGC PAM225-42-10LA PAN0105-50-50-LA8 PAN081 0-38-1 OOAS, AM PAN0810-40-50L, LAM PAN081 0-52-1 OOAS, AM PAN0810-54-50LA8, L8M PPCARCH32 (PowerPC) PPCCOMPMACPC PPC8im603 PZT2222AT1 , AT3 PZT2907AT1,AT3 PZT651T1 PZT751T1 PZTA13T1, T3 PZTA14T1, T3 PZTA42T1,T3 PZT A63T1 , T3 PZT A64T1 , T3 PZTA92T1,T3 PZTA96T1 , T3 REEL PACK 8TD. RF3094 8A5.0 8AA1042, A 8C136 series 8C141 8C143 series 8C146 8C149 series 8C245 8C250 8C260 8D41 8D51 8E592 8G1525A 8G1526 8G2527A 8G3525A 8G3526 8G3527A 8N74L8724 8N75173,75 80J Packages SPDPRODCAL STD. EPITAXIAL WAFER8 T2300P series T2322 series T2327 series T2500 THRU THRU MZT3350 MZT4554 THRU THRU P6KE200, A P68MS200AT3 THRU THRU RF3096 8A170A THRU THRU THRU 8C246 8C251 8C261 THRU THRU T2302P series T2323 series MZT3305/D MZT3305/D NE565N/D NE592/D NTC/D OP-27/D P6KE6.8/D P68MS6.8AT3/D PA900-19-100UD PA900-19-60UD PA900-45-10LGC/D PAM225-42-10LND PAA01055050LA8/D PAA081 0381 OOAS/D PAA08104050UD PAA081 0521 OOAS/D PAA08105450LA8/D PPCARCH32/D PPCCOMPMACPC/D PPC81M603/D PZT2222AT1/D PZT2907AT1/D PZT651T1/D PZT751T1/D PZTA13T1/D PZTA14T1/D PZTA42T1/D PZTA63T1/D PZTA64T1/D PZTA92T1/D PZTA96T1/D LEAD-TAPE-PKG/D RF3094/D 8A5.0/D 8AA1042/D 8C136/D 8C141/D 8C143/D 8C141/D 8C143/D 8C245/D 8C250/D 8C260/D 1N6095/D 1N6097/D NE592/D 8G1525ND 8G1526/D 8G1525ND SG1525ND 8G1526/D 8G1526/D 8N74L8724/D 8N75173/D TRMEM/D SPDPRODCAUD 8TD/EP IIWFR/D T2300P/D T2322/D T2322/D T2500/D ADI1116 ADI1116 D89514 D89430 N/A DS9600R2 REV 1 REV2 N/A N/A N/A D85999 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 N/A N/A REV 1 REV3 N/A N/A ADI1495 N/A REV2 ADI1495 REV3 REV2 REV 1 PZR-110 D86053 REV 1 REV 1 D86607 D86593 D83691 D86593 D83691 D86594 D86595 D86596 D86127 D86128 D89430 D89584R2 D89586R2 D89584R2 DS9584R2 D89586R2 D89586R2 ADI739 D89743 D89918 REV 1 D81102 D86603 D83388 D83388 D86597 58 !. . . ~~~. -.. -.~.-. ". . . .~ . . "-" ..... f..J'l...,. . ........-.... _ ITEM T2500BFP,OFP,MFP,NFP T2800 T2801 T2802 T4120 T4121 T6400 T6401 T6410 T6411 T6420 T6421 TCA0372 TCA3385 TCA4500A TCA5600 TCF5600 TCF6000 TOA1185A TOA1190P, Z TOA1285A TOA1524A TOA2002, A TOA3190P TOA33018, 3303 TOA3330 TOA4600 TOA4601 TIL111 TIP110 TIP115 TIP120 TIP125 TIP140 TIP145 TIP29, A, 8, C TIP2955 TIP290, E, F TIP3055 TIP31, A, 8, C TIP310, E, F TIP33, A, 8, C TIP35, A, 8, C TIP41, A, 8, C TIP410, E, F TIP47 TL061 TL071 TL081 TL431 , A series TL494 TL594 TL780 series TPU (Prog. Lib.) TPUPN01 TPUPN02 TPUPN03 TPUPN04 TPUPN05 TPUPN06 TPUPN07 TPUPN08 . _._ THRU -~ PRODUCT THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU TIL119 TIP112 TIP117 TIP122 TIP127 TIP142 TIP147 TIP30, A, 8, C THRU TIP300, E, F THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU THRU TIP32, A, 8, C TIP320, E, F TIP34, A, 8, C TIP36, A, 8, C TIP42, A, 8, C TIP420, E, F TIP50 TL062,64 TL072, 74 TL082,84 59 ....... ,.".- .... .... ~ ~ .-~. _.'---'.,.- ·1 .-...- LITERATURE # REV# T25008FP/O T2800/0 T2801l0 T2800/0 T4120/0 T4121/0 T6400/0 T6401l0 T6400/0 T6401l0 T6400/0 T6401/0 TCA0372/0 TCA3385/0 TCA4500NO TCA5600/0 TCA5600/0 TCF6000/0 TOA1185NO TOA3190P/O TOA1285NO TOA1524NO TOA2002/0 TOA3190P/O TOA33018/0 TOA3330/0 TOA4600/0 TOA4601/0 H11A1/0 TIP110/0 TIP110/0 TIP120/0 TIP120/0 TIP140/0 TIP140/0 TIP29/0 TIP3055/0 TIP290/0 TIP3055/0 TIP31/0 TIP31 0/0 TIP33/0 TIP35/0 TIP41/0 TIP41 0/0 TIP47/0 TL061/0 TL071/0 TL081/0 TL431/0 TL494/0 TL594/0 TL780/0 TPUPNOO/O TPUPN01/0 TPUPN02/0 TPUPN03/0 TPUPN04/0 TPUPN05/0 TPUPN06/0 TPUPN07/0 TPUPN08/0 AOl1387 086598 086599 086598 086600 086601 086592 086602 086592 086602 086592 086602 N/A N/A AOl558R1 AOl1362 AOl1362 AOl1166 089639R1 089438R2 089640 089700 089445R1 089438R2 NP529 089663 089642 AOl1447R1 088018 083321R1 083321R1 083297R2 083297R2 083390 083390 083320R1 083576 083602 083576 083316R1 083603 083575 083406 083296R1 083604 083322R1 089691 089602 089601 N/A 089559R1 AOl1400 089632 REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ITEM TPUPN09 TPUPN10 TPUPN11 TPUPN12 TPUPN13 TPUPN14 TPUPN15A TPUPN158 TPUPN17 TPUPN18 TPUPN19 TPUPN20 TPV6030 TPV81 008 TPV82008 TRMEM U308 UA758A UA78840 UAA10168 UAA1041 UC2842A, 43A UC28428, 438 UC2844,45 UC28448, 458 UC3842A, 43A UC38428, 438 UC3844,45 UC38448, 458 ULN2068 ULN2074 ULN2801 VN10LM VN2222LL XC68HC27 XHW572 THRU PRODUCT THRU U310 THRU ULN2804 60 LITERATURE # REV# TPUPN09/0 TPUPN10/0 TPUPN11/0 TPUPN12/0 TPUPN13/0 TPUPN14/0 TPUPN15A!0 TPUPN158/0 TPUPN17/0 TPUPN18/0 TPUPN19/0 TPUPN20/0 TPV6030/0 TPV81 008/0 TPV82008/0 TRMEM/O U308/0 UA758A!0 UA78840/0 UAA10168/0 UAA1041/0 UC3842A!0 UC38428/0 UC3844/0 UC38448/0 UC3842A!0 UC38428/0 UC3844/0 UC38448/0 ULN2068/0 ULN2074/0 ULN2801/0 VN10LM/O VN2222LUO 8R785/0 XHW572/0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 085665 089550 089636R1 089641 R1 089682 AOl1418 N/A AOl1452 N/A AOl1418 N/A AOl1452 N/A 089564 089570 089583 AOl1364 084646 N/A NP22R1 ITEM DESCRIPTION AN's AN-HK-07/H AN-HK-08/H AN1000/D AN1001/D AN1002/D AN1003/D AN1004/D AN1006/D AN1007/D AN1008/D AN1009/D AN1010/D AN1011/D AN1012/D AN1013/D AN1014/D AN1015/D AN1016/D AN1019/D AN1020/D AN1021/D AN10221D AN1025/D AN1027/D AN1028/D AN1029/D AN1030/D AN10321D AN1033/D AN1034/D AN1037/D AN1038/D AN1039/D AN1040/D AN1041/D AN1042/D AN1043/D AN1043ND AN1044/D AN1045/D AN1046/D AN10471D AN1048/D AN1049/D AN1050/D AN1051/D AN1054/D AN1055/D AN1057/D AN1058/D AN1059/D AN1060/D AN1061/D AN1062/D AN1063/D AN1064/D AN1065/D AN1066/D AN1067/D AN1076/D A High Performance Manual-Tuned AM Stereo Receiver for Automotive Applications A Medium Scale PABX SENSEFETs For High Frequency Applications Understanding SENSEFETs A Handsfree Featurephone Design Using the MC34114 & MC34018 Speakerphone ICs A Featurephone Design, with Tone Ringer & Dialer, Using the MC34118 Speakerphone ICs A Handsfree Featurephone Design Using the MC34114 & MC34114 Speakerphone ICs Linearize the Volume Control of the MC34118 Speakerphone MC68824 Token Bus Controller to iAPX80186 Interface MC68824 Token Bus Controller to MC68010lnterface Programming the MC1468705F2 EPROM Microcomputer Unit (MCU) MC68HC11 EEPROM Programming from a Personal Computer MC146805G2 to MC68HC05C4 Conversion A Discussion of Interrupts for the MC68000 MC68606 to Intel iAPX80186 Interface Motorola MC68606 to MC68020 Interface MC68020 Minimum systen configuraton Infrared Sensing and Data Transmission Fundamentals NTSC Decoding using the TDA330, with Emphasis on Cable In/Cable Out Operation A High-Performance Video Amplifier for High Resolution CRT App. A Hybrid Video Amplifier For High Resolution CRT Applications Mechanical and Thermal Considerations in Using RF Linear Hybrid Amplifiers Reliability Considerations in Design and Use of RF Integrated Circuits Reliability/Performance Aspects of CATV Amplifier Design 35/50Watt Broadband (160-240MHz) Push-Pull TV Amplifier Band III TV Transposers Band IV and V, P = .5 W/1.0W 1 W/2 W Broadband TV Amplifier, Band IV and V How Load VSWR Affects Non-Linear Circuits Match Impedances in Microwave Amplifiers Three Balun Designs for Push-Pull Amplifiers Solid-State Power Amplifier - 300 / Watt, FM 1.2 V, 40-900/ MHz Broadband Amplifier 470-860MHz Broadband Amplifier 5W Mounting Considerations for Power Semiconductors Mounting Procedurs for Very High Power RF Transistors High Fidelity Switching Audio Amplifiers Using TMOS Power Masfets Spice Model for TMOS Power MOSFETs TMOS Library (Version 2.0) (REV 1) MC1378 A Monolithic Composite Video Synchronizer Series TRIACS In AC High Voltage Switching Circuits Three Piece Solution For Brushless Motion Comoller Design (REV 2) Electrical Characteristics of the CR2424 and CR2425 CRT Driver Hybrid Amplifiers RC Snubber Networks For Thyristor Power Control and Transient Suppression The Electronic Control of Fluorescent Lamps Designing For Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) With HCMOS Microcontrollers Transmission Line Effects In PCB Applications ISDN System Development Using MC145490EVKlMC145491 EVK Development Kits M6805 16-Bit Support Macros Selecting the Right Microcontroller Unit Reducing ND Errors in Microcontroller Applications Pseudo Static RAM Simplifies Interfacing With Microprocessors MC68HC11 Bootstrap Mode Reflecting on Transmission Line Effects Using the aSPI for Analog Data Acquisition DRAM Controller for the MC68340 Use of Stack Simplifies MC68HC11 Programming Use of the MC68HC68T1 Real-Time Clock with Multiple Time Bases Interfacing the MC68HC05C5 SlOP to an 12C Peripheral Pulse Generation and Detection with Microcontroller Units Speeding Up Horizontal Outputs 61 ITEM DESCRIPTION AN1077/D AN1078/D AN1080/D AN1081/D AN1082/D AN1083/D AN1090/D AN1091/D AN1092/D AN1093/D AN1095/D AN1096/D AN1097/D AN1099/D AN1101/D AN1102/D AN1103/D AN1105/D AN1106/D AN1107/D AN1108/D AN1120/D Adding Digital Volume Control To Speakerphone Circuits New Components Simplify Brush DC Motor Drives (REV 1) External-Sync Power Supply with Universal Input Voltage Range for Monitors Minimize the "pop" in the MC34119 Low Power Audio Amplifier Simple Design for a 4-20 mA Transmitter Interface Using a Motorola Pressure Sensor Basic Thermal Management of Power Semiconductors Understanding and Predicting Power MOSFET Switching Behavior Low Skew Clock Drivers and their System Design Considerations Driving High Capacitance DRAMs In An ECL System Delay and Timing Methods for CMOS ASICs Clock Distribution Techniques for HDC Series Arrays Guidelines for Using the Mustang ATPG System Calibration-Free Pressure Sensor System Test Methodology and Release Issues for HDC Series Gate Arrays One-Horsepower Off-Line Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Drive Interfacing Power MOSFETs to Logic Devices Using the CR3424 for High Resolution CRT Applications A Digital Pressure Gauge Using the Motorola MPX700 Series Differential Pressur~ Sensor Considerations in Using The MHW801 and MHW851 Series RF Power Modules Understanding RF Data Sheet Parameters Design Considerations for a Two Transistor, Current Mode Forward Converter Basic Servo Loop Motor Control Using the MC68HC05B6 MCU Running the MC44802A PLL Circuit MCS3201 Floppy Disk Controller in MC68000 System 1 Meg to 4 Meg DRAM Upgrading DRAM Interface to the MC88200 M Bus Evaluation Systems for Remote Control Devices on an Infrared Link High Speed DRAM Design for the 40 MHz MC68EC030 MC68EC030 40 MHz Minimal System Effect of Cache Memory and Latency on MC88100 Performance Configuring the M68300 Family Time Processing Unit (TPU) A Software Method for Decoding the Output from the MC14497/MC3373 Combination The MC145170 in Basic HF and VHF Oscillators Parallel 1/0 Interface to the Neuron® Chip Interfacing DACs and ADCs to the NEURON IC J1850 Multiplex Bus Com. Using MC68HC705C8 and SC371 016 J1850 Com. Interface (JCI) 16-Bit DSP Servo Control With the MC68HC16Z1 MC88110 64-Bit External Bus Interface to 16-Bit EPROM PID Routines for MC68HC11 K4 and MC68HC11 N4 Microcontrollers Setback Thermostat Design Using the NEURON® IC Application Note - Interfacing to the MC8811 0 HC05 to HC08 Optimization (REV 1) M68HC08 Integer Math Routines Optical Character Recognition Using Fuzzy Logic Hamming Error Control Coding Techniques with the HC08 MCU Arithmetic Waveform Synthesis with the HC05/08 MCUs A Zero Wait State Fuzzy Logic and the Neuron Chip Use of the 68HC705C8A in place of a 68HC705C8 (REV 1) Using 9346 Series Serial EEPROMs with 6805 Series Microcontrollers Interfacing the HC05 MCU to the MC145051 AID Converter Interfacing Microcomputers to Fractional Horsepower Motors Interfacing Analog Inputs to Fractional Horsepower Motors Pressure Sensors - Recommended Housing For Very Low Absolute Pressure Measurements A Simple 4-20 mA Pressure Transducer Evaluation Board (REV 1) Integrated Sensor Simplifies Bar Graph Pressure Gauge An Evaluation System for Direct Interface of the MPX51 00 Pressure Sensor w/Microprocessor Thermal Distortion In Video Amplifiers A Simple Pressure Regulator Using Semiconductor Pressure Transducers 100 and 200 Watt High Fidelity Audio Amplifiers Utilizing a Wideband-Low Feedback Design Compensated Sensor Bar Graph Pressure Gauge AN1122/D AN1123/D AN1124/D AN1125/D AN1126/D AN1127/D AN1128/D AN1129/D AN1200/D AN1203/D AN1207/D AN1208/D AN1211/D AN1212/D AN1213/D AN1214/D AN1215/D AN1216/D AN1217/D AN1218/D AN1219/D AN1220/D AN1221/D AN1222/D AN1223/D AN1225/D AN1226/D AN1227/D AN1228/D AN1300/D AN1301/D AN1302/D AN1303/D AN1304/D AN1305/D AN1306/D AN1307/D AN1308/D AN1309/D 62 ITEM DESCRIPTION AN1310/D AN1311/D AN1314/D AN1315/D AN1316/D AN1318/D AN1319/D AN1320/D AN1321/D AN1322/D AN1324/D AN1325/D AN1326/D AN1400/D AN1401/D AN1402/D AN1403/D AN1404/D AN1405/D AN1406/D AN1408/D AN1410/D AN1500/D AN1502/D AN1503/D AN1504/D AN1508/D AN1509/D AN1510/D AN1511/D AN1512/D AN1514/D AN1516/D AN1517/D AN1518/D AN211ND AN220/D AN222ND AN270/D AN273ND AN294/D AN427/D AN428/D AN429/D AN430/D AN431/D AN432/D AN433/D AN434/D AN435/D AN435AD/D AN436/D AN437/D AN438/D AN439/D AN440/D AN441/D AN442/D AN444/D AN445/D AN446/D Using the MC68332 Microcontroller for AC Induction Motor Control Software for an 8-Bit Microcontroller Based Brushed DC Motor Drive Automatic Line Voltage Selector An Evaluation System Interfacing the MPX2000 Series Pressure Sensors to a Microprocessor Frequency Output Conversion for MPX2000 Series Pressure Sensors Interfacing Semiconductor Pressure Sensors to Microcomputers Design Considerations for a low Volt. N-Channel H-Bridge Motor Drive 300 Watt, 100kHz Converter Utilizes Economical Bipolar Planar Power Transistors Brushless DC Motor Drive Incorp. Sm. Outline Integrated Cir. Packaged MOSFETs (REV 1) Applying Semiconductor Sensors to Bar Graph Pressure Gauges A Simple Sensor Interface Amplifier Amplifiers for Semiconductor Pressure Sensors (REV 1) Barometric Pressure Measurement Using Semiconductor Pressure Sensors MC1 0/1 00H640 Clock Driver Family 1/0 SPICE Modelling Kit Using SPICE to Analyze the Effects of Board layout on System Skew MC1 0/1 00H600 Translator Family 1/0 SPICE Modelling Kit FACT 1/0 Model Kit ECLinPS Circuit Performance at Non-Standard VIH levels ECl Clock Distribution Techniques Designing With PECl (ECl at +5.0V) Power Dissipation for Active SCSI Terminators (REV 0) Configuring and Applying the MC54/74HC4046A Phase-locked loop (REV 1) IEEE Std. 1149.1 Boundary Scan for H4CTM Arrays Embedded RAM BIST ECLinPS 1/0 SPICE Modelling Kit Metastability and the ECLinPS TM Family High Frequency Design Techniques and Guidelines for Bipolar Gate Arrays ASIC Clock Distribution Using A Phase-locked-loop (Pll) MC34118 Speaker phone Applications of the MOC2A40 & MOC2A60 Series POWER OPTOTM ISOLATORS (REV 1) TestPASTM Primer H4CPlus™ Series 3.3V/5V Design Considerations Liquid level Control Using a Motorola Pressure Sensor Pressure Switch Design with Semiconductor Pressure Sensors Using a Pulse Width Modulated Output with Semiconductor Pressure Sensors Field Effect Trans in Theory and Practice FET's in Chopper and Analog Switching Circuits The ABCs of Solid-State DC to AC Inverters Nanosecond Pulse Handling Techniques in IC Intercom More Value out of data sheet Integrated Operational Amp Unijunction Transistor Timers and Oscillators MC68HC11 EEPROM Error Correction Algorithms in C Automotive direction indicator with short circuit detection using the UAA 1041 MC68332 OSPI interface for the MCM2814 EEPROM Adding floating point support to an MC68030 high performance system Temperature measurement and display using the MC68HC05B4 and the MC14489 128K byte addressing with the M68HC11 TV on-screen display using the MC68HC05T1 Serial bootstrap for the RAM and EEPROM1 of the MC68HC05B6 MC68040 Benchmark Board Addendum to AN435 MC68040 Benchmark Board Error Detection and Correction Routines for M68HC05 devices containing EEPROM Using the MC68332 Periodic Interrupt Timer 300W, 88-108MHz Amplifier using the TP1940 MOSFETs Push-pull Transistor Booting an MC68040 from a Single Byte-wide EPROM MC68HC805B6 and MC68HC705B5 Serial/Paraliel Programming Module MC68HC05EO EPROM Emulator Living lCDs with M6805 Microprocessors An MC68040-based Zero Wait State Evaluation System Software Model for Implementation of 1.430 ISDN Phy. layer on MC145474/5 SIT bus Trans. MCM2814 Gang-programmer using an MC68HC805B6 63 ITEM DESCRIPTION AN447/D An MC881 00/MC88200 20/25/33 MHz system DRAM Design Addendum to Broad Band Linear Power Amplifiers using push-pull Transistors FLOF Teletext using M6805 Microcontrollers An MC68340 to M88000 MBUS Bus Translator IC design: a statistical approach to electromigration An MC68340-based Input/Output Processor Design Using the MC68HC11 K4 Memory Mapping Logic Serial Peripheral Interface Device Emulation Routine for the MC68340 Using the Table Interpolation features of the CPU32 Using PCbug11 as a Diagnostic Aid for Expanded Mode M68HC11 Systems A Self-Test Approach for the MC68HC11A1E A Monitor for the MC68HC05EO An Introduction to the HC16 for HC11 Users FET Current Regulators-Circuits and Diodes Infra-Red Remote Control Software Driver routines for the Motorola MC68HC05 CAN Module Secure Remote Control Using the 68HC05K1 and the 68HC05P3 Linking Two MC68302's Via the SCP Interface A Minimum Evaluation System for the MC68331 and MC68332 CPU16 and the configurable timer module (CTM) in engine control Simple AID for MCUs Without Built-in AID Converters HIP Audio Amps with Short Circuit Protection Analysis & BVasic Oprtn of the MC1595 MC1596 Balanced Modulator Phase-Locked Loop Design Fundamentals Television Vidio IF Amplifier Using Integrated Circuits Programming the MCM5003/5004 Programmable Read Only Memory Interconnection Tech for Motorola's MECL 10,000 A Single Ramp Analog-to-Digital Converter MECL Positive & Negative Logic Transient Thermal Resistance-General Data and Its use Variable Speed Control System for Induction Motors An MSI 500 MHz Frequency Counter Using MECL and MTIL Analysis and Design of the Op Amp Current Source Broad Band Linear Power Amplifiers using push-pull Transistors 25-Watt and 1O-Watt VHF Marine Band Transmitters Understanding MECL 10,000 High Speed Digital-to-Analog and Analog-to-Digital Techniques Designing Digitally-Controlled Power Supplies Line Driver and Receiver Considerations Battery-Powered 5-MHz Frequency Counter A New Approach to Switching Regulators Interfacing with MECL 10,000 Integrated Circuits Impedance Matching Networks Applied to RF Power Transistors Bussing with MECL 10,000 Integrated Circuits A High Speed FIFO Memory Using the MCM10143 Register File A ROM-Digital Approach to PWM-Type Speed Control of AC Motors NBCD Sign and Magnitude AdderlSubtracter A 200 MHz Autoranging MECL-McMOS Frequency Counter Broadband Transformers and Power Combining Techniques for RF Scanning Logic for RF Scanner-Receivers Using CMOS Integrated Circuits Crystal Switching Methods For MC12060/12061 Oscillators A Two-Stage 1kW Solid-State Linear Amplifier A CMOS Keyboard Data Entry System for Bus Oriented Memory Systems A Line Operated, Regulated 5 V/50 A Switching Power Supply CMOS Schmitt Triggers Simple High Speed Bipolar Microprocessor Illustrates Sys. Design & Microprogram Techniques The M1 0800 MECL LSI Processor Family - Three Descriptive Articles Low Distortion 1.6 to 30MHz SSB Driver Designs REVised Data-Interface Standards Interfacing and Controlling Digital Temperature Data Using the MC6800 AN447A1D AN448/D AN449/D AN450/D AN451/D AN452/D AN453/D AN455/D AN456/D AN458/D AN459/D AN461/D AN462/D AN463/D AN464/D AN465/D AN471/D AN473/D AN476/D AN477/D AN485/D AN489/D AN531/D AN535/D AN545A1D AN550/D AN556/D AN559/D AN567/D AN569/D AN575A1D AN581/D AN587/D AN593/D AN595/D AN701/D AN702/D AN703/D AN708A1D AN717/D AN719/D AN720/D AN721/D AN726/D AN730AlD AN733/D AN738/D AN742/D AN749/D AN753/D AN756/D AN758/D AN759/D AN767/D AN768A1D AN774/D AN776/D AN779/D AN781 AID AN782/D 64 ITEM DESCRIPTION AN784/D AN790/D .AN791/D AN792/D AN801/D AN803/D AN810/D AN814/D AN827/D AN829/D AN838/D AN840/D AN843/D AN846/D AN847/D AN849/D AN853ND AN854/D AN857/D AN860/D AN861/D AN862/D AN864ND AN868/D AN869/D AN873/D AN875/D AN876/D AN877/D AN878/D AN879/D AN881/D AN885/D AN890/D AN891/D AN892/D AN894ND AN896ND AN897/D AN899/D Transient Power Capability of Zener Diodes Thermal Rating of RF Power Transistors A Simplified Approach to VHF Power Amplified Design M10800 MECL LSI Circuits Using Input/Output Modules in Industrial Control Applications The Effect of Emitter-Base Avalanching on High Voltage Power Switching Transistors Dual 16-bit Ports for the MC68000 using two MC6821 s Using Integrated Detector/Pre-amplifiers in Fiber Optics Systems The Technique of Direct Programming by Using a Two- Modulus Prescaler Application of the MC1374 TV Modulator High Performance Memory Design Technique for the MC68000 Temperature Compensation Methods for the Motorola X-Ducer Pressure Sensor Element A REView of Transients and Their Means of Supression Basic Concepts of Fiber Optics & Fiber Optic Communications (REV 1) Tuning Diode Design Techniques Guide to Thyristor Applications M146805 CMOS Family Emulators Update The MC68230Paraliei InterfacelTimer Provides an Effective Printer Interface MC68705P3/R3/U3 8-Bit EPROM Microcomputer Programming Module (REV 2) POWER MOSFET's versus BIPOLAR TRANSISTORS Power Transistor Safe Operating Area-Special Considerations for Motor Drives Interfacing Digital Circuits to Thyristor Controlled AC Loads Interfacing Multiplexed Bus Peripherals with Non-Multiplexed MPUs Using High-Speed CMOS Logic for Microprocessor Interfacing Application Summary for the MC6805R2 Single-Chip Microcomputer with ND Converter Understand Power Transistor Dynamic Behavior - dv/dt Effects on Switching and RBSOA Power Transistor Safe Operating Area-Special Considerations for Switching Power Supplies Using Power MOSFETs in Stepping Motor Control Precision Voltage References for the MC1 0315/MC1 0317 Flash AD Converters VHF MOS Power Applications MONO MAX - Application of the MC13001 Monochrome Television Integrated Circuit Dual-Ported RAM for the MC68000 Microprocessor General Purpose Frequency Counter Using an M6805 HMOS/M146805 CMOS Family Low Voltage Inhibit (LVI) Capability of the M6805 HMOS Microcomputer (MCU) Family MC14412/MC145440 Chip Set Sets New Standard in 300 Baud Modem Designs A Dual-processor system using two MC6809E MPUs on a common bus User Considerations for MC146818 Real Time Clock Applications Serial I/O, Timer, and Interface Capabilities of the MC68901 Multifunction Peripheral MC68008 Minimum Configuration System A Terminall/F, Printer I/F & Background Printing for a 68K-Based Sys. using the 68681 Duart Using the M6805 Family On-Chip 8-Bit AID Converter A Zero-Crossing Application for the M6805 HMOS Family User-Callable Self-Check Subroutines for M6805 HMOS/M146805 CMOS Microcomputers A Transparent DMA using an MC6809E MPU and a MC6844 DMAC Self-Programming the MC68701 & the MC68701 U4 Programming the MC1468705G2 Microcomputer EPROM Self-Contained Self-Check Unit for M6805 Family Single-chip Microcomputers Designing With TMOS Power MOSFETs Characterizing Collector-to-Emitter and Drain-to-Source Diodes for Switch mode Applications Reading and Writing in Floppy Disk Systems Using Motorola Integrated Circuits Paralleling Power MOSFETs in Switching Applications Using the Motorola X-ducer Pressure Sensor Data Sheet Theory & Applications of MC34063 & uA78S40 Switching Regulator Control Circuits (REV 2) Horizontal APC/AFC Loops Temperature Compensation, Calibration & Applications of Motorola'S X-ducer Pressure Sensor 800MHz Test Fixture Design Measurement of Zener Voltage to Thermal Equilibrium with Pulsed Test Current UHF Preamplifier Centers on Budget Dual-Gate GaAs FET Techniques for Improving the Settling Time of a CAC & OP-AMP Combination Insuring Reliable Performance from Power MOSFETs High Voltage, High Current, Non-Destructive FBSOA Testing AN900/D AN902/D AN903/D AN905/D AN906ND AN907ND AN91 OlD AN913/D AN915/D AN917/D AN918/D AN919/D AN920/D AN921/D AN922/D AN923/D AN924/D AN925/D AN926/D AN929/D AN930/D 65 APPLICATION NOTES ITEM DESCRIPTION AN932/D AN933/D AN935/D AN936/D AN937/D AN938/D AN940/D AN941/D AN942/D AN943/D AN947/D AN948/D AN949/D AN951/D AN952/D AN953/D AN955/D AN956/D AN957/D AN958/D AN959/D AN960/D AN961/D AN962/D AN963/D AN964/D AN966/D AN968/D AN970/D AN971/D AN973/D AN974/D AN975/D AN976/D AN977/D AN978/D AN979/D AN980/D AN981/D AN982/D AN983/D AN986/D . AN987/D AN991/D AN993/D AN997/D Application of the MC1377 Color Encoder A Variety of Uses For the MC34012 and MC34017 Tone Ringers Compensating For Nonlinearity In The MPX1 0 Series Pressure Transducer Mounting Techniques, lead Forming & Testing of Motorola's MPX Series Pressure Sensors A Telephone Ringer which complies with FCC and EIA Impedance Standards Mounting Techniques for POWER MACRO Transistor Telephone Dialing Techniques Using The MC6805 A 2.0MHz MC68B09E System with Transparent Refresh of Dynamic RAM MC68704P2 8-Bit EPROM Microcomputer Programming Module UDlT Evaluation Board MC68881 Floating-Point Coprocessor as a Peripheral in an M68000 System Data Multiplexing Using the Universal Digital loop Transceiver and the Data Set Interface A Voice/Data Modem Using the MC145422/26, MC145428 and MC14403 Drive Optimization for 1.0kV Off-Line Converter Transistors Ultrafast Recovery Rectifiers Extend Power Transistor SOA Binary Addition/Subtraction & Binary/BCD Addition Utilizing MCA2500 I ECl Macrocell Array A Cost Effective VHF Amplifier For land Mobile Radios Operation and Application of the SMARTpower Overvoltage and Overtemperature Protectors Interfacing The Speakerphone To TheMC34010/11/13 Speech Networks Transmit Gain Adjustments For the MC34014 Speech Network A Speakerphone With Receive Idle Mode Equalization Of DTMF Signals Using The MC34014 Interfacing The MPX2000 Series Silicon Pressure Sensors MPX Pressure Sensors Used For Switch Applications Interfacing The MC6108 ND to a Microprocessor Trigger Design Ideas for Diac Replacements MC68HC805C4 8-Bit EEPROM Microcomputer P.M. A Digital Voice/Data Telephone Set Hardware and Software Interface for theMC8605 X.25 Protocol Controller Avoiding Bus Contention in Fast Access RAM Designs (REV 1) Avoiding Data Errors with Fast Static RAMs MC68HC11 Floating-Point Package The Interrupt Controlling Capabilities of the MC68901 and the MC68230 A New High Performance Current-Mode Ctrl. Teams Up with Current Sensing Pwr. MOSFETs Third Generation ECl Macrocell Arrays Application of the Motorola VDE Approved Optocouplers Guidelines for Circuit Board Assembly by Motorola Case 349 Opto Products VHF Narrowband FM Receiver Design Using the MC6662 and MC3363 Receivers Building Counters with Motorola's Macrocell Arrays Applications of Zero Voltage Crossing Optically Isolated Triac Drivers A Simplified Power Supply Design Using the Tl494 Control Circuit Page, Nibble, & Static Columm Modes: High-Speed, Serial-Access Options on 1M-Bit + DRAMs DRAM Refresh Modes Using the Serial Peripheral Interface to Communicate Between Multiple Microcomputers Serial-to-Parallel Converter Using the MC68705P3 CON FIG Register Issues Concerning the M68HC11 Family ANE's ANE402/D ANE415/D ANE416/D ANE418/D ANE421/D ANE4221D ANE424/D ANE425/D ANE426/D 130W Ringing Choke Power Supply Using TDA4601 MC68HC11 Implementation of IEEE-488 Interface for DSP56000 Monitor MC68HC05B4 Radio Synthesizer MC68HC805B6 low-Cost EEPROM Microcomputer Programming Module MC68HC704P4 8-bit EPROM Microcomputer Programming Module An Application Note on a MC68HC04 Based Intruder Deterrent 50W Cur. Mode Controlled Offline Switch Mode PS Working over 50% duty cycle using UC3842A Use of the MC68HC68T1 RTC with M6805 Microprocessors An MC68030 32-bit High Performance Minimum System APR's APR1/D APR10/D Digital Sine-Wave Synthesis Using the DSP56001/DSP56002 (REV 2) DSP96002 Interface Techniques and Examples (REV 1) 66 ITEM DESCRIPTION APR11/D APR12/D APR14/D APR15/D APR2ID APR3/D APR4/D APR5/D APR6/D APR7/D APR8/D APR9/D DSP56001 Interface Techniques and Examples (REV 1) Twin CODEC Expansion Board for the DSP56000 Application Development System Conference Bridging in Digital Telecom. Environment Using DSP56001/2 (REV 1) Implementation of Adaptive Controllers on the Motorola DSP56000/DSP56001 Digital Stereo 10-Band Graphic Equalizer Using the DSP56001 Fractional & Integer Arithmetic Using DSP56000 Digital Signal Processors (REV 1) Implementation of Fast Fourier Transforma on Digital Signal Processors (REV 3) Implementation of PID Controllers on the Motorola DSP56000/DSP56001 Convolutional EncodinglViterbi Decoding Using DSP56001 w/V.32 Modem Trellis (REV 1) Implementing IIR/FIR Filters with Motorola's DSP56000/DSP6001 (REV 2) PrinCiples of Sigma-Delta Modulation for Analog-to-Digital Converters (REV 1) Full-Duplex 32-kbitls CCITT ADPCM Speech Coding on the Motorola DSP56001 (REV 1) AR's AR103/D AR108/D AR109/D AR115/D AR119/D AR120/D AR128/D AR131/D AR133/D AR141/D AR145/D AR154/D AR160/D AR164/D AR175/D AR176/D AR177/D AR178/D AR179/D AR180/D AR181/D AR183/D AR194/D AR195/D AR196/D AR197/D AR208/D AR213/D AR217/D AR223/D AR225/D AR226/D AR232/D AR233/D AR235/D AR241/D AR2421D AR243/D AR244/D AR254/D AR255/D AR256/D AR257/D AR258/D AR259/D AR260/D AR266/D Compilation and Pascal on the new Microprocessors Macrocell Arrays - An Alternative to Custom LSI Power Transistor Safe Operating Area - Special Considerations for Motor Drives Biplar OP Amp Achieves JFET-Like Speeds Dynamic Saturation Voltage A Designer's Comparison Speeding up the very High Voltage Transistor ARRAY-BASED Logic Boosts System Performance BAKER CLAMPS Traditional Concepts updated for third generation Power Transistors Multichip Power MOSFETS Beat Bipolars at High-current Switching Applying Power Mosfets in CLASS DIE RF Power Amplifier Design DPAK-The Power Package for Surfacemount Applications MUX Wiring: Digital Control for Vehicular Electrical Systems Lossless Current Sensing with SENSEFETs Enchances Motor Drive Good RF Construction Practices and Techniques A Power FET Spice Model from Data Sheet Specs New MOSFETs Simplify High Power RF Amplifier Design Proper Testing Can Maximize Performance in Power MOSFETs Versatile Test Fixture Verifies the Switching of UFR Rectifiers Under High dildt Conditions RF Power Transistors Catapult into High-Power Systems Electronic Ballasts Bipolar Transistors Excel in Off-Line Resonant Converters Motorola Grabs Lead in ECL Density, Using Mosaic III Drive Techniques For High Side N-Channel MOSFETs Advanced ECL Family Boosts Performance Threefold Understanding the Power MOSFETs Input Characteristics Packaging Trends in Discrete Surface Mount Components Design Philosophy Behind Motorola's MC68000 The MC68881 Floating-point Coprocessor The Motorola MC68020 SCSI Protocol and Controller Ease Bus Arbitration Testing Approaches In the MC68020 Designing With the 68008 Microprocessor The MC68020 32-Bit MPU: Opening New Application Doors Software links math chip to 68000-family uPs MC68000 Microprogrammed Architecture Building Fast SRAMs with No Process 'Tricks' A Benchmark Comparison of 32-bit Microprocessors The 68000 Family The Floating-Point Performance Standard Gets Even Faster! Phase-Locked Loop Design Articles Simplified Remote Control Circuits Motorola's Radical SRAM Design Speeds Systems 40 Maximize Performance by Choosing Best Memory High Frequency System Operation Using Synchronous SRAMs PaineWebber Technology Group Enhancing System Performance Using Synchronous SRAMs LCD Driver with Serial Interface 67 APPLICATION NOTES . ITEM DESCRIPTION AR268/D AR270/D AR283/D AR284/D AR300/D AR301/D AR302/D AR305/D AR306/D AR307/D AR308/D AR309/D AR31 OlD AR311/D AR312/D AR313/D AR314/D AR317/D AR319/D AR320/D AR321/D AR322/D AR323/D AR324/D AR326/D AR327/D AR328/D AR329/D AR330/D AR331/D AR332/D AR333/D AR335/D AR336/D AR338/D AR339/D AR340/D AR341/D AR345/D AR346/D AR347/D AR348/D AR349/D AR350/D AR355/D AR356/D AR450/D AR51 OlD . AR511/D AR512/D AR513/D AR514/D AR515/D AR517/D AR518/D AR519/D AR520/D AR521/D AR522/D AR523/D AR524/D Motorola 68020 and Intel 80386 32-Bit Microprocessors Designing a Cache for a Fast Processor Motorola's 68040 Boost for Mac, NeXT, and HP/Apollo 96002 Media Engine The Hidden Dangers of Electrostatic Discharge ESD Solid-State Devices Ease Task of Designing Brushless DC Motors Thermal Management of Surface Mount Power Devices Building Push-Pull, Multioctave, VHF Power Amplifiers Densest Gate Arrays Ever From lSI logic, Motorola Jumbo High-Density Gate Arrays Score A Round of Industry Firsts Motorola's Arrays Hit A New High: 80 Gate Utilization High Density ASIC Family Achieves 100 K-Cell Arrays Software for Sea-of-Gates Arrays Places and Routes over 70% of Available Gates Catalog-on-a-disk Finds RF Devices Fast JEDEC Simplifies Selection of BiMOS, CMOS Gate Arrays Wideband RF Power Amplifier A 60-Watt PEP Linear Amplifier Advanced Processing Improves Bipolar Dynamic Saturation DPAK: A Surface Mount Package for Discreet Power Devices Automotive Engineering Current Sensing Simplifies Motor Control Design High-Voltage Schottky Rectifiers for Power Conversion Managing Heat Dissipation in DPAK Surface-Mount Power Packages TAB TAMES High Density Chip I/0s High Voltage MOSFETS Simplify Flyback Design MOSFETS Compete With Bipolars in Flyback Power Supplies Application-Specific Transistors Gate Change Explains HF Effects of MOSFET Parasitsc Compacitances High Density ECl Arrays Ease System Implementation Optoisolators For Switching Power Supplies CDA TM Array Papers RF Modems Simplified Ultra-Fast Rectifiers and Inductive loads ASIC TAB Packaging Papers Metal-Backed Boards Improve Thermal Performance of Power Rejuvenated BiCMOS Satisfies Demands for Performance, Density The low Forward Voltage Schottky Power MOSFET, 1HP Brushless DC Motor Drive Withstands Commutation Stresses Switches For High-Definition Displays RF Power FETs Their Characteristics and Applications A Compact 1-kW 2-50 MHz Solid-State Linear Amplifier Higher Power levels in Surface Mount Designs Vetronics. On the road to SAVA. Adapt Non-ISDN Terminals To ISDN Data Rates BYTE - PowerPC PowerPC: The New Generation of Computing Trans Suppressors (REV 1) VSWR Protection of Solid State RF Power Amplifiers Biasing Solid State Amplifiers to Linear Operation Gate Arrays Challenge Standard-Cell ASICs Discrete Component Trends Build Ultra-low Dropout Regulator Motorola's Malaysia Facility High Resolution Position Sensor for Motion Control System Gate Arrays Simplify Translation Between High Speed logic Families low-skew clock drivers: Which type is best? Application Specific MultiChip Modules SENSORS The Journal of Machine Perception Global ASIC Service Quarterly Report 2Q93 An Overview of Surface Mount Technology (SMT) for Power Supply Applications EDN Pick the right package for your next ASIC design 68 ITEM DESCRIPTION ARE's ARE402/D The Electronic Control of Fluorescent Tubes BF's BF81 05/0 MC145026 & MC145027 Remote Control System DC's DC004/D DC407/D DC408/D DC409/D OC410/D Avoiding Transmit Underruns in a TBC-Based System Interfacing MC68020 and MC68030 to DSP56001 Host Port MC88110 Single Stepping Code Example FOOl Chip Set Interface to an 80486 System Fuzzy Logic - A New Approach to Embedded Control Solutions DCE's DCE402/D DCE403/D DCE404/D DCE406/D MC68030 25 MHz Benchmarking Board Interfacing 25M Hz MC68030 to a 20M Hz MC68882 Hardware Trap for MC68000 Interface for MC68000 to DSP56001 Host Port EB's EB101/D EB104/D EB105/D EB106/D EB107/D EB108/D EB109/D EB116/D EB117/D EB121!D EB123/0 EB124/D EB125/D EB126/D EB128/D EB129/D EB130/0 EB131/D EB141/D EB1421D EB146/D EB147/D EB148/D EB149/D EB150/D EB151/D EB152/D EB153/D EB155/D EB157/D EB159/D EB160/D EB161!D EB162/D EB163/D EB164/D EB165/D EB20/D EB200/D EB201/D EB27ND The MOC3011 and MOC3022 Get 600 watts RF from four Power Fets A 30 watt, 800 MHz Amplifier Design The SIDAC, A New High Voltage Trigger That Reduces Circuit Complexity And Cost Mounting Considerations for Motorola RF Power Modules Relative Efficiencies of Power Semiconductors in a PWM DC Motorola Controller Low Cost UHF Device Gives Broadband Performance a 3.0Watt Output Chip-Select Generation for a 33.33-MHz MC68030 Microprocessor and a 33.33-MHz MC68882 P-Bus Flexibility Using PCE SCR Improves DC Motor Controller Efficiency A Simple Brush Type DC Motor Controller (REV 1) MOSFFTS Complete With Bipolars In Flyback Power Supplies Testing Power MOSFET Gate Charge Ultra-Rapid Nickel-Cadmium Battery Charger Simple, Low-Cost Motor Controller Snubbers For High Power Semiconductors An Evaluation Board for the MPX2000 Series Pressure Sensors Curve Tracer Measurement Techniques for Power MOSFETs Boost MOSFETs Drive Current in Solid State AC Relay The MOSFET Turn-Off Device - A New Circuit Building Block Neuron Chip Quadrature Input Function Interface LonWorks Installation Overview Enhanced Media Access Control with Echelon's LonTalk Protocol Optimizing LonTalk Response Time Neuron Chip RS-485 Transceiver Scanning a Keypad with the Neuron Chip How to Use SNVTs in LonWorks Applications Driving a Seven Segment Display with the Neuron Chip Echelon Analog-to-Digital Conversion with the Neuron Chip Echelon Creating Applications with the LonBuilder Multi-Function 1/0 Kit Echelon Neuron Chip-based Installation of LonWorks Networks Echelon Neuron Chip Input/Output Timing Specification Echelon LonTalk Protocol Programming Tips Running the MC8811 0 in Lockstep Interrupt Latency in the MC88110 Hardware Implications of xmem as a st followed by a Id True RMS Detector Evaluation Board for MOC2A40, MOC2A60 Series - Optically Isolated Zero Volt. Turn-on Triacs High Cell Density MOSFETs Get 300 Watts PEP Linear Across 2 to 30 MHz from this Push-Pull Amplifier 69 I , ./, I .,: >~ ., ,. ITEM DESCRIPTION EB29/D EB30/D EB38/D EB400/D EB401/D EB402/D EB403/D EB404/D EB405/D EB406/D EB407/D EB408/D EB47/D EB48/D EB51/D EB51/D EB54/D EB59/D EB77/D EB79/D EB85ND EB89/D EB90/D EB91/D EB93/D The Common Emitter TO-39 and Its Advantages Sensitive Gate SCE - Don't Forget the Gate Cathode Resistor Measuring The Intermodulation Distortion of Linear Amplifiers Secure Single Chip Microcomputer Manufacture SCAM modules for Smart Cards Smart Card product packaging, MC6805SC01 ,MC68HC05SC11, and MC68HC05SC21 Smart Card bootstrap loader, MC68HC05SC21 B Memories Are Made of This ... a look at memory considerations for Smart Card applications SMART CARDS: how to deal yourself a winning hand Getting Started with the FOOl ADS Board Basic Halogen Converter MC68HC705T3 Bootloader Event Counter and Storage Latches for High-Frequency, High- Resolution Counters T Time Base & Control Logic Subsystem for High-Frequency, High-Resolution Counters Successive Approximation BCD NO Converter Communications Engineering Bulletin Successive Approximation BCD NO Converter A Simple One Phase-REVersal Detection Circuit Predict Frequency Accuracy for MC12060and MC12061 Crystal Oscillator Circuit A 60-Watt 225-400 MHz AMP 2N6439 Techniques for accurately measuring the gain band with product of power transistors Full Bridge Switching Power Supplies A 1-Watt 2.3 GHz Amplifier Low-Cost VHF Amp has Broadband Performance Use of Inverse - Parallel SCR's 60-Watt VHF Amplifier uses Splitting/Combining Techniques ITEM CQ DESCRIPTION ADCRM/AD CPU08RM/AD CPU16RM/AD CPU32RM/AD CTMRM/D DLE404/D DSP56000UM/AD DSP56002UM/AD DSP56004UM/AD DSP56100FM/AD DSP56156UM/AD DSP56166UM/AD DSP56KFAMUM/AD DSP96002UM/AD DSP96002UMAD/AD GPTRM/AD LONUG/AD M68000FR/AD M68000PM/AD M68000UM/AD M68020UM/AD M68040UM/AD M6805UM/AD3 M6809PM/AD M68EC030UMAD/AD M68HC05AG/AD M68HC05TB/D M68HC11 RM/AD M68PRM/D MC6801 L 1UM/AD 120 30 24 34 50 Analog-to-Digital Converter RM HC08 M68HC08 Central Processor Unit RM M68HC16 Family CPU16 Central Processing Unit RM (REV 2) M68300 Family Central Processor Unit RM (REV 1) Modular Microcontroller Family CTM Configurable Timer Module Reference Manual M6804 MCU Manual Digital Signal Processor UM (REV 2) DSP56002 Digital Signal Processor User's Manual (REV 1) DSP56004 Digital Signal Processor UM DSP56100 Digital Signal Processor Family Manual DSP56156 Digital Signal Processor User's Manual (REV 1) DSP56166 UM DSP56000 Digital Signal Processor Family Manual IEEE Floating-Point Dual-Port Processor UM Addendum to DSP96002 Digital Signal Processor UM General Purpose Timer RM LonBuilder User's Guide M68000 Family Reference Programmer's PM Includes C.P.U. 32 (REV 1) M68000/8-/16-/32-Bit MPU User's Manual Ninth Edition (REV 8) M68020, MC68EC020 Microprocessors UM MC68040, MC68EC040, MC68LC040 Microprocessors UM (REV 1) M6805 HMOS M146805 CMOS UM (REV 3) MC6809-MC6809E PM Addendum to MC68EC030 32-Bit Embedded Controller UM HC05 Applications Guide (REV 1) HC05 K Series Understanding Small Microcontrollers HC11 RM (REV 3) M6800 Programming RM LlLbug Monitor for the MC6801 L 1 UM t 18 34 60 24 42 50 20 16 90 20 12 16 44 36 20 44 19 t 36 46 24 32 50 70 _.) ITEM CQ DESCRIPTION MC6801 RM/AD2 MC68030UM/AD MC68040DH/AD MC68302UM/AD MC68302UMAD/AD MC68306UM/AD MC68330UM/AD MC68331 UM/AD MC68332UM/AD MC68340UM/AD MC68341 UM/AD MC68349UM/AD MC68360UM/AD MC68360UMAD/AD MC68488UM/AD MC68605UM/AD MC68606UM/AD MC68824UM/AD MC68836UM/AD MC68837UM/AD MC68838UM/AD MC68840UM/AD MC68840UMAD/AD MC68847UM/AD MC68851 UM/AD MC68881 U~ .lAD MC68EC030UM/AD MC68F333UM/AD MC68HC16Y1 UM/AD MC68HC16Z1 UM/AD MC68HC16Z2UM/AD MC88100UM/AD MC88100UMAD/AD MC8811 0/41 ODH/AD MC88110UM/AD MC88110UMAD/AD MC88200UM/AD MC88200UMAD/D MC88410UM/AD MCCIRM/AD MPC601 UM/AD MPC603UM/AD MPCTOOLBKlAD NEURONCPG/AD QSMRM/AD SCIMRM/AD SIMRM/AD TPURM/AD 10 18 7 24 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcomputer RM (REV 10) MC68030 UM (REV 2) MC68040 Designer's Handbook Preliminary Version Integrated Multiprotocol Processor UM (REV 2) Errata to MC68302 UM (REV 1) MC68306 Integrated ECOOO Processor User's Manual MC68330 UM MC68331 UM (REV 1) MC68332 UM (REV 1) MC68340 UM (REV 1) MC68341 Integrated Processor User's Manual MC68360 UM MC68360 Quad Integrated Communications Controller UM Errata & Added Info to MC68360 QUad Integrated Communication Controller UM (REV 2) General Purpose Interface Adapter (GPIA) UM MC68605 X.25 UM MC68606 UM MC68824 UM (REV1) MC68836 UM FOOl Fiber Distributed Data Interface UM MC68837 MC68838 FOOl User's Manual FOOl Fiber Distributed Data Interface User's Manual MC68840 IFDDI Addendum to MC68840 Integrated FOOl UM FOOl Fiber Distributed Data Interface User's Manual MC68847 QUAD ELM MC68851 UM (REV 1) MC68881/2 UM (REV 2) EC030 32-Bit Embedded Controller UM MC68F333 User's Manual M68HC16 Family MC68HC16Y1 UM MC68HC16Z1 UM M68HC16 Family MC68HC16Z2 UM RISC Microprocessor UM (REV 1) Errata to MC88100 UM Second Edition UM/AD (REV 1) MC8811 0/MC8841 0 Designer's Handbook MC88110 UM Errata to MC88110 Second Generation RISC Microprocessor UM Cache/Memory Management Unit UM (REV 1) Errata to MC88200 UM MC88410 Secondary Cache Controller UM Modular Microcontroller Family MCCI Reference Manual PowerPC 601 RISC Microprocessor UM PowerPCTM 603 RISC Microprocessor User's Manual PowerPC Tools Development Tools for PowerPC Microprocessors Neuron C Programmer's Guide Queued Serial Module RM Single Chip Integration Module RM Modular Microcontroller Family SIM System Integration Module RM Modular Microcontroller Family TPU Time Processor Unit Reference Manual (REV 1) ITEM M6800/AC M6809/AC3 M6840/AC1 M68HC08RG/AD MC68000/AC MC6801/AC MC6845/AC3 MC68488/AC t 44 44 34 32 28 24 30 12 30 52 30 36 154 90 80 28 t 80 24 26 24 30 34 30 30 36 t 12 22 t 44 t 38 88 10 16 48 16 84 46 48 60 DESCRIPTION (M6809 - M6809E 8-bit microprocessor) HC08 Family Reference Guide (REV 3) (MC6801168701/6803) 71 .1 ITEM DESCRIPTION MC6854/AC MC68HC05CxRG/AD MC68HC11A8RG/AD MC68HC11 D3RG/AD MC68HC11 ERG/AD MC68HC11 F1 RG/AD MC68HC11 K4RG/D MC68HC11 KA4RG/AD MC68HC11L6RG/AD MC68HC11MRG/AD MC68HC11 NRG/AD MC88110PRG/D MPC601 PRG/D HC05,C4,C8,C9,705C8,805C8,L05C4,L05C8,SC05C4,SC05C8 HC11 A8 Programming Reference Guide (REV 1) HC11 D3, 711 D3 Programming Reference Guide HC11 E SERIES Programming Reference Guide HC11 F1 Programming Reference Guide (REV 2) HC11 K4-HC711 K4 Programming Reference Guide HC11 KA4-HC711 KA4 Programming Reference Guide HC11 L6-HC711 L6 Programming Reference Guide M68HC11 M Series Programming Reference Guide M68HC11 N Series Programming Reference Guide MC88110 Programmer's Reference Guide (See Data Sheets Section) (REV 1) PowerPC 601 Programmer's Reference Guide ITEM DESCRIPTION BR1111/D BR1416/D BR734/D BUGATECH/AD1 HC711 D3EVB/AD1 HC711 D3PGMR/AD1 HC711 E9PGMR/AD1 M68331 EVKlAD1 M68332BCC/AD1 M68332EVKlAD1 M68332EVKEM/AD1 M68701 EVM/AD3 M68705EVM/AD4 M68705EVM/AD5 M68CPU32BUG/AD1 M68HC05EVM/AD4 M68HC05P8EVS/D1 M68HC05P9EVS/D1 M68HC11EVB/A1 M68HC11 EVB/AN1 M68HC11 EVB/D1 M68HC11 EVB2/AD1 M68HC11 EVBU/AD2 M68HC11 EVBUAG/D M68HC11 EVM/AD7 M68HC16Z1 EVB/D M68HC99EVM/AD1 M68PCBUG11/D2 MCUDEVTLDIR/D MCUTLBXlD M68HC705J2IP9PGMR Programmer Board Educators Pocket Guide - Creating the Impossible M68332EVS Evaluation System BUFFALO Bit User's Fast Friendly Aid to Logical Operation Monitor Program Listing RM M68HC711 D3EVB UM M68HC711 D3PGMR UM M68HC711 E9PGMR Programmer Board UM M86331 EVK Evaluation Kit UM Business Card Computer UM M68332EVK Evaluation Kit UM M68332 Evaluation Kit Exercise Manual (APR/91) M68701 EVM UM M68705EVM UM M68705EVM UM CPU32 Bug Debug Monitor UM HC05EVM UM HC05EVS Evaluation Systems UM M68HC05P9EVS UM Addendum to M68HC11 EVB UM EVB Application Note M68HC11 EVB Evaluation Board UM M68HC11 EVB2 Evaluation Board UM M68HC11 EVBU Universal Evaluation Board UM 68HC11 Applications Guidebook M68HC11 EVM UM M68HC16Z1EVB UM (REV 1) M68H099EVM UM MC68HC11 PC bug11 UM Microcontoller Dev. Tools Directory M68HC05, M68HC08, M68HC11, M68HC16 & M68300 MCU Toolbox Development Tools For Motorola Microcontrollers (REV 3) The following documents are available ONLY with the permission of the originating department! They may not be available even if listed in this section. Contact LDC by (Phone/UB/Post) for possible copies. ITEM DESCRIPTION AR's AR142S/D AR156S/D AR157S/D 14 Watt AMPL Design Mosfet Measures Computing SDA 72 -J The following documents are available ONLY with the permission of the originating department! They may not be available even if listed in this section. Contact LDC by (Phone/UB/Post) for possible copies. ITEM DESCRIPTION AR163S/D AR165S/D AR166S/D AR169S/D AR318S/D AR501S/D AR502S/D Bipolar Transistors RF Power Mosfets Trends in Power IC Sense Cell Mosfets Power MOSFETs Improve Brushless DC Motor Drives RELIABILITY ISSUES FOR SILICON PRESSURE SENSORS THE DESIGN OF A MONOLITHIC, SIGNAL CONDITIONED PRESSURE SENSOR BR's BR1300S/D BR1305S/D BR1436S/D BR325S/D BR376S/D BR932S/D Outlook A Sense of Vision or the Future 10/92 Linear New Product Calendar 20/93 Six Sigma Process Control Guide to Standardized Process Control Practices GI to Motorola 030 Background Smarter, Smaller, Faster, Better ... Automotive Solutions DATA SHEETS MOC2A40-10S/D Optoisolator 2 Amp Zero Cross Triac Output 400 Volts SG's SG112S/D SG269S/D SGBR932S/D RFTMOS SG Harris to Motorola (Opto) Motorola Semiconductors For Automotive Electronic Systems ITEM DESCRIPTION NOTE: These devices are listed alphabetically in order throughout the book. (They are listed for your convenience.) BROCHURE/SELECTOR GUIDES/PACKITECHNICAL PRODUCT OVERVIEWS BR1417/D New Generation OACS 3.0M BR329/D MAP Overview (MC68184) BR334/D ASIC Overview (REV 5) BR354/D Sector Overview (Includes ASIC) Using EDIF for Designing with Motorola Gate Arrays BR357/D BR360/D ASIC Folder BR3911D Semi-custom Circuit Literature (REV 2) BR367/D Semicustom Circuits BR466/D Submicron CMOS Gate Arrays For Your Success DATA SHEETS H4C/D HCA62AOO/D HDC/D MC10900/D MC10901lD MC10902/D MC10904/D MC10905/D MC109511D MC68153/D MC68184/D MC68452/D MC92005UM/D MCA 1OOOOECUD MCA1500M/D MCA2500ECUD MCA2800AlS/D MCA2800RAM/D MCA800ECUD H4C Series CMOS Arrays and the CDA Architecture HCA62AOO Series High Density CMOS Series MC10900AlU MC10901 8x8 Multiplier MC10902 Binary/BCD AlU MC10904 Micro-Code Sequencer MC10905 16-Bit EDAC MC10951 12x12 Multiplier MC68153 Bus Interrupter Module MC68184 BIC (Broadband Interface Controller) MC68452 Bus Arbitration Module MC92005 SBus Slave Interface Controller UM MCA 10000 ECl Macrocell Array MCA 1500M Marcrocell Array MCA2500ECl Macrocell Array MCA2800AlS Macrocell Array MCA2800RAM Macrocell Array MCA800ECl Marcrocell Array 73 ITEM DESCRIPTION NOTE: These devices are listed alphabetically in order throughout the book. (They are listed for your convenience.) DESIGN MANUALS BR107/D BR110/D BR165/D BR312/D H4CDM/D H4CPDM/D H4CPDMAD/D HCA62AOODM/D HDCDM/D MCA3ECUD MCA3EClAD/D MCA3ETlDM/D MCA3ETlDMAD/D MCA600/1200ECl (REV 1) MCA500/1300AlS (REV 1) MCA800/2500 / ECl (REV 1) MCA2800 RAM/2800AlS (REV 2) H4C Series Design Reference Guide (REV 1) H4CPlus Series Design Reference Guide H4CPlus Series Design Reference Guide MCA62AOO Series (REV 1) High-Density CMOS Arrays (REV 2) MCA3/2200/1 O,OOOECl Macrocell Arrays (REV 1) Errata to MCA3 ECl Series Design Manual (MCA3ECUD REV 1) MCA3 ETl Series Design Manual Addendum to MCA3 ETl Series Design Manual (REV 1) APPLICATION NOTES AN1093/D AN1095/D AN1096/D AN953/D AN977/D AN981/D AR128/D AR183/D AR307/D AR308/D AR309/D AR31 0/0 AR312/D AR330/D AR331/D AR522/D Delay and Timing Methods for CMOS ASIC Clock Distribution Techniques for HOC Series Arrays Guidelines for Using the Mustang ATPG System Binary Addition/Subtraction & Binary BCD Addition Utilizing MCA2500 I ECl Macrocell Array Third Generation ECI Macrocell Arrays Building Counters With Macrocells Array-Based logic Boosts System Performance (10900/ Series) Motorola leads in ECl Density, Using MOSAIC III Jumbo High Density Arrays Score Industry Firsts High-Density Arrays Reach 80 Utilization High-Density ASIC Family Achieves 100/ K-Cell Arrays Software for Sea-of-Gates Arrays Places & Routes Over 70 of Available Gates JEDEC Simplifies Selection of BiMOS, CMOS Gate Arrays High Density ECl Arrays Ease System Implementation Optoisolators For Switching Power Supplies Global ASIC Service Quarterly Report 2Q93 74 .-- ITEM CO DESCRIPTION BR101/0 BR107/0 BR1100/D BR1101/D BR1104/D BR1105/D BR1107/D BR1108/D BR1109/D BR1111/D BR1112/D BR1113/D BR1114/D BR1115/D BR1116/D BR1118/D BR1119/D BR1125/D BR1126/D BR1127/D BR1128/D BR1130/D BR1131/D BR1132/D BR1133/D BR1134/D BR1136/D BR1137/D BR1138/D BR1139/D BR1140/D BR1141/D BR1143/D BR1146/D BR1147/D BR1148/D BR1153/D BR1159/D BR1201/D BR1202/D BR128/0 BR1301/D BR1302/D BR1305/D BR1305S/D BR1306/D BR1307/D BR1308/D BR1310/0 BR1330/D BR1331/D BR1332/D BR1333/D BR1334/D BR1336/D BR1337/D BR1340/D BR135/0 BR1400/D BR1401/D BR1402/D 150 50 46 250 350 150 175 175 1400 2900 325 3000 800 850 300 3000 3000 1500 1000 225 1000 180 175 100 100 200 Technical Literature and Information Guide 1094 (REV 18) MCA600 ECI and MCA1200 ECl MECl 10,000 Macrocell Arrays (REV 1) MOS Memory Products Division Reliability and Ouality Report 4093 (REV11) 68HC08 Technical Preview FDDI Chip Set DSP Families (REV 1) lONWORKS Applications Primer lONWORKS Product Line Brief MC68ECOxO Microprocessor Family (REV 1) M68HC705J2/P9PGMR Programmer Board HC05 (CSIC) & (MCU) Literature (REV 6) M68HC705B5PGMR Programmer Board 68300 Integrated Microprocessor Family for Embedded Control (REV 1) 68000 Microprocessor Family (REV 1) Advanced Microcontroller Unit (AMCU) Literature 68lC040 MPU 68EC040 MPU The long and short of it. (DRAM) Modules Software Summary DSP96KCCx DSP96002 C Cross Compiler (REV G1.1) RISC 88000 Family Software Tool Summary DSP561 OOClASx DSP Development Software MOS Digital-Analog Integrated Circuits Div. Coming Through loud and Clear leadership 2000: Motorola's 68000 Family Through the '90s and Beyond Motorola CSIC Microcontrollers 68HC05 Sales Guide (REV 1) High-Performance Internal Product Portfolio Overview Issue 51094 (REV 4) Neuron Chips (REV 1) Motorola Fuzzy logic The Explorer's Guide to the World of Embedded Control Solutions 68HC08 CSIC Microcontroller Advance Information lonWorks Support Tools PowerPC 603 Microprocessors (REV 1) Presenting the World's longest Line of 32-Bit Microprocessors FSRAM Cross Reference 1094 PowerPCTM Family of Microprocessors PowerPCTM Microprocessor Software by Motorola Power PC 604™ Microprocessors The 68060 Family Motorola's Chisholm lBP Board Now Global Optoisolators (REV 2) OSR Corporate Ouality System Review (REV 2) Semiconductor Data Update Winter 94 Motorola and Education Support Program The Next logical Step! Linear Integrated Circuits 1094 Linear New Products Calendar 4093 CATS Design-NET (REV 8/92) DMO Surface Mountable Mil-Processed Overview Our low-Cost 68HC05 CSICs Can Take Your Designs to New Heights. (REV 1) ECl in PS Lit Single Gate ECl Devices (REV 1) ALExiS Bus Interface Solutions (REV 1) logic Integrated Circuits Division New Products Calendar 2094 logic Integrated Circuits Division Timing Solutions (REV 3) logic Integrated Circuits Division hipercomm High Per. Freq. Control Products (REV 1) MC22V10 PlD -Introducing the MC11V10 Family MC22V10 Ultra Low Power FLASH E2PROM PLD The Motorola MPA 1000 Fine-Grain FPGA Family Applications & Product Lit Selector Guide & Device Cross Reference 2094 (REV 13) OACS (REV 1) Military Products Operation Risk Free RISC Ada Supported Military Products Operation Five Star DSP Ada Supported t 50 150 125 270 225 375 275 500 500 325 350 1500 23 175 400 1200 350 350 250 650 t 250 60 450 200 23 25 400 1200 1300 135 225 500 500 75 ITEM CO DESCRIPTION BR1403/D BR1406/D BR1409/D BR1410/D BR1411/D BR1412/D BR1413/D BR1414/D BR1415/D BR1416/D BR1417/D BR1418/D BR1420/D BR1421/D BR1422/D BR1424/D BR1426/D BR1427/D BR1429/D BR1430/D BR1435/D BR1437/D BR1439/D BR1442/D BR1443/D BR165/D BR191/D BR231/D BR251/D BR259/D BR261/D BR263/D BR266/D BR269/D BR272/D BR278/D BR285/D BR291/D BR293/D BR297/D BR298/D BR299/D BR314/D BR319/D BR340/D BR347/D BR348/D BR348AD/D BR378/D BR380/D BR382/D BR391/D BR398/D BR411/D BR433/D BR439/D BR460/D BR467/D BR468/D BR469/D BR478/D 1650 550 250 Customer Satisfaction Survey MPO 68332 Ada Supported ECl300 logic Array (REV 1) MAP Metric Awareness Program World Wide Bar Code Quick Ref. Guide Release 5.1 (REV 2) Motorola Power Products ProductfTechnology Update MPO Sleep-Mode On Alert 35102 DMO Mil-Processed Hermetic Power Discrete Semiconductors MPO Tomorrow's Communications Today! Educators Pocket Guide OACS 3.05M Changing the World of ASIC Design (REV 2) Military Products Operation Analog, Telecom & Special Functions Fact Sheet June 92 Military Products Operation The Next Generation 68040 Ada Supported Solutions to Your Custom Sensing Needs Isolators, Survivors in a Hostile World Automotive Sensor Solutions MPO 68302 The Great Communicator PC Brochure Wideband Linear Amplifiers 56ADC16 AID Wave Rider Application Specific MultiChip Modules MCMlTM Series Multichip Module Solutions Semiconductors For Office Peripheral Systems HDTMOSTM FETs Step Up to the Next level of Power Efficiency State-of-the-Art Communications MCA800 ECUMCA2500 ECl Macrocell Array (REV 1) Solid-State Foundation For Industrial Automation M68000 Family Technical Literature (REV 8) MC68450 Direct Memory Access Controller (REV 1) MC68008 Tech. Sum. 8-Bit MCU & MPU Families (REV 3) MC68230 Tech. Sum. (REV 1) MC68HC11 EVM (REV 3) MC68010 Tech. Sum. MC68605 Preliminary Tech. Sum. (REV 3) M68HC11 EVB Evaluation Board (REV 2) M68701 EVM Evaluation Module M68705EVM Evaluation Module Presenting the MC68000KIT DSP Electronic Bulletin Board (Dr. Bub) (REV 1) Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector Technical Operations (REV 1) MC68851 Tech. Sum. (REV 2) Audio-Visual Catalog Motorola Information Management Services Plug-In Module Provides MC68HC11 Development Support for your IBM PC, XT, or AT Bipolar logic Circuits Technical Training Catalog (REV 11) Addendum to Technical Training Catalog (REV 9) UnitiPakSM Packing Bar Code label Specifications (REV 6) University Support for DSP56000 (REV 1) ASIC Literature Listing (REV 2) Referral Guide Consultant Program The M68HC11 Microcontroller Family (REV 2) M68HC05 8 Bit Microcontrollers (REV 2) HYPERformance Digital Signal Processors (REV 1) The European Blue Book 1992 Qualified Semiconductor Products (REV 1) MC68HC705C9/D9 Tech. Sum. Secure MCU Product Packaging MC6805SC01, SC11, SC21 and SC24 MC68302 Development Support Tech. Sum. MC68l11 Family Extended Voltage Microcontrollers t 40 N/A 550 150 500 175 550 560 500 200 370 150 575 200 t 525 900 375 100 175 225 40 275 650 150 150 100 250 1000 150 140 1000 1000 1200 1500 2450 1667 125 t 275 2800 350 350 t 250 200 400 1000 90 t t 225 160 t 275 t 76 ITEM CQ DESCRIPTION BR509/0 BR513/0 BR517/0 BR518/0 BR520/0 BR526/0 BR527/0 BR529/0 BR541/0 BR568/0 BR583/0 BR706/0 BR713/0 BR717/0 BR718/0 BR724/0 BR725/0 BR726/0 BR729/0 BR733/0 BR734/0 BR736/0 BR737/0 BR741/0 BR742/0 BR747/0 BR748/0 BR749/0 BR753/0 BR756/0 BR758/0 BR767/0 BR767AO/O BR770/0 BR771/0 BR773/0 BR774/0 BR775/0 BR777/0 BR778/0 BR780/0 BR782/0 BR784/0 BR785/0 BR786/0 BR904/0 BR905/0 BR911/0 BR912/0 BR913/0 BR914/0 BR915/0 BR916/0 BR919/0 BR92210 BR923/0 BR924/0 BR925/0 BR928/0 BR931/0 BR934/0 LONPROO/O 160 1000 1300 19 250 1000 175 175 1000 2000 1000 1200 120 500 2000 21 1000 150 20 1200 500 1250 1000 150 500 2000 2800 550 500 64 17 180 MC68882 Tech. Sum. (REV 3) MEX68KECB Tech. Sum. OSP56000AOS Application Oevelopment System for OSP56000 Family Products (REV 1) 1993 Reliability & Quality Handbook (REV 6) MC68606 Tech. Sum. OSP56000CLASx Tech. Sum. (REV 1) 8-Bit Microcomputer Unit Software Package MC146805G2 Tech. Sum. Software Summary DSP56KCCx, DSP56000/Family C Language Compiler (REV G1.0) MCU Freeware Electronic Benetin Board (REV 1) HYPERmoduie Family M68HC11 F1 EVM Evaluation Module MC68HC05M4 Tech. Sum. Motorola 88000 Market Potential Study DSP56ADC16EVB Evaluation Board & Software 880pen Sourcebook Featuring Certified UNIX Systems and Software (REV 6) DSP96000CLASX (REV 1) Motorola Data Communications We Have Everybody Talking The 68K Source 1993 Edition Motorola'S 68040 Microprocessor (REV 3) M68300EVS Evaluation System (REV 1) M68HC11 EVBU M68HC711 D3EVB Evaluation Board Measurable Differences The Jewelbox Family (CDS8/05) M68000 Family Surface-Mount Packaging Update RISC Microprocessor Literature (REV 2) M68HC711D3PGMR DSPP96000ADSx (REV 1) M68340EVS Tech. Sum. MC68332 Tech. Sum. (REV 1) Motorola Univ. Design Contest 1990/91 Student Guidebook (REV 2) MC68HC05C5 Tech. Sum. Addendum to MC68HC05C5 MC68HC05T1 Tech. Sum. MC68HC05T2 Tech. Sum. MC6805R6 Tech. Sum. MC68HC11 L6 Tech. Sum. MC68HC711 E9 Tech. Sum. MC68HC11 DO, 03 Tech. Sum. MC68HC711 03 Tech. Sum. MC68HC811 E2 Tech. Sum. MC68HC711J6 Tech. Sum. MC68HC56/57 Tech. Sum. XC68HC27 Tech. Sum. DSP56156ADSx Application Development System MIL-Processed Devices Technical Data Military Product Portfolio Fast Static RAMs? (REV 2) Military Products Operation 8/16/32 Bit MPU/MCU (REV 4) Military DSP56001 The Military 68HC11 AO and 68HC11 A 1 are Available Now Military Products Operation MEP Product Flow (REV 1) Military Products Operation Fast Static RAMs Packaging Manual for ASIC Arrays (REV 1) Military Products Operation Motorola'S 68030 and 68882 Military Products Operation Motorola'S 68HC811 E2 Comm. Power & Signal Tech Group Reliability Audit Report January - April 1994 (REV 15) Military Products Operation US Analog Lineup Six Sigma Roadmap Technical Training Flyer on AudioNideo Courses Symbols ... Sensing Solutions from Motorola LonWorks Products 1992 t 115 100 210 90 90 100 90 90 100 175 175 700 22 600 600 500 500 1300 500 40 500 550 36 500 250 300 100 250 82 77 ITEM CO CR's CR101/D CR102/D CR103/D CR104/D DESCRIPTION Tag to Motorola Thyristor Cross Reference leadless-34 to Sod-123 Cross Reference Transient Voltage Suppressors General Instruments Cross Reference General Instrument-to-Motorola Optoelectronics Cross Reference Video Driver Hybrid Amplifiers Video Driver Hybrid Amplifier Video Driver Hybrid Amplifiers Video Driver Hybrid Amplifier High Frequency Complementary Pair Transistor Array CR2424/D CR2428/D CR3424/D CR3428/D CR820/D SG's RFCHART/D SG121/D SG127/D SG131/D SG134/D SG135/D SG137/D SG138/D SG140/D SG144/D SG146/D SG162/D SG163/D SG165/D SG166/D SG167/D SG169/D SG1711D SG172/D SG173/D SG265/D SG266/D SG267/D SG268/D SG270/D SG271/D SG272/D SG273/D SG274/D SG275/D SG276/D SG365/D SG366/D SG367/D SG370/D SG371/D SG372/D SG373/D SG46/D SG73/D SG79/D SG96/D SG98/D 1000 24 350 N/A 900 200 25 140 1000 475 450 450 150 150 450 400 425 450 225 200 500 200 300 35 1050 1112 200 200 200 450 60 325 45 1100 450 425 40 16 28 35 500 USA Frequency Allocations CHART 10KHz to 4GHz Generallnstrument-To-Motorola Opto X-Ref Surface Mount Selector Guide (REV 8) Isolated Packages for Power Semiconductor Applications 1992 (REV 2) VARO to Motorola Rectifier X-Ref. (Xerox copy on demand) Bipolar Power Transistor X-Ref (REV 1) SGS Tompson & Harris (GE/RCA) to Motorola ICEPAK Isolated Power Modules For Multiple Chip Power Circuits (REV 1) Commercial Plus & Mil/Aero Application IC & Discrete Selector Guide (REV 5) Scanswitch For High Resolution CRT Monitors (REV 1) Pressure Sensor Competitor X-Ref (REV 1) Digital Signal Processors 2094 (REV 12) Sensor Operations SPD 2094 (REV 10) Motorola SOT-223 Selector Guide (REV 2) CSIC MPUs Update 2094 (REV 12) AMCU Advanced Microcontrolier Division 2094 (REV 7) High Performance MPU 2094 (REV 13) MOS Digital - Analog Update 2094 (REV 9) MOS Memory Products Division Fast Static RAM Update 2094 (REV 7) MOS Memory Products Division Dynamic RAM Update 3094 (REV 6) Motorola CSIC Microcontrollers 3094 TMOS Product Update 2094 (REV 3) Bipolar Power Transistors Product Update 2094 (REV 3) Rectifier Product Update 2094 (REV 3) Thyristor Product Update 2094 (REV 2) Discrete Semiconductor Cross Reference Guide 1992 D2PAK Surface Mount TMOS Power MOSFETs and Rectifiers (REV 1) TO-247 Selector Guide Optoelectronics Operations SPD 2094 (REV 2) Zener Operations SPD 2094 (REV 2) Surface Mount Packages Small-Signal Operations SPD 2094 (REV 1) Power Products Division New High Power Products low Skew Clock Drivers & Clock Generation Circuits (REV 1) TTL, ECl, CMOS and Special logic Circuits Selector Guide (REV 3) Semicustom Circuits Discrete Surface Mount Selector Guide (REV 1) DPAK Surface Mount Semiconductor Products Sector Hard Disk Drive Products Ouick Reference November '93 Commercial Plus and Mil/Aero Applications RF Products Selector Guide RF Products Selector Guide & Cross Reference-1994 (REV 11) Master Selection Guide (REV 6) Switchmode a Designer's Guide For Switching Pwr. Supply Circuits And Components (REV 4) Linear/lnterface ICs Selector Guide & Cross Reference (REV 5) Linear Telecom X-Ref (REV 4) 78 J ITEM CQ DESCRIPTION 88KSUPPAKID ACCELEROMTRPAKID CRTPAKID HC05PAKID ICEPAKPAKID LONPAKID M68KCOMPAKID M88KPAKID MAG.7PAKID OACSPAKID SCANSWITCHPAKID SNSFETPAKID SOT223PAKID TMOSPAKID 28 65 27 7 25 10 13 16 65 120 33 35 20 9 88000 Software and Support Automotive Sensor Solutions, Sensing the Needs of the Future 80 PSI CRT Literature Pack M68HC05 Family Literature Package Power Modules Data Sheets on the MC143150 NEURON & the LONBUILDERTM Dev. Tools (REV 3) M68000 Communication Products Information (REV 5) M88000 Family Info 8/90 Magnificent Seven Open Architecture CAD System Literature SCANSWITCH LITERATURE PAK for High Resolution CRT Monitors SENSEFETS and CONTROL ICs (REV 8) SOT-223 Medium Power Surface Mount Products (REV 0) TMOS Products (REV 5) ITEM DESCRIPTION DK105/D DK106/D DK107/D DK201/D DK202/D DK301/D DK304/D RF Scattering Parameters RF Scattering Parameter Plotting Utility Impedance Matching Program Communications Semiconductor Products Division Discrete/IC - Disk 3.5 (Macintosh compatible) See E01 Screen for details (REV 5) Spice Disk for AN1043/D 3.5 (Macintosh Compatible) Version 2.0 Spice Disk for AN1043/D 3.5 (MS-DOS Compatible) Version 2.0 Discrete/.Disk Specs in Secs REV 6 DOS version LITERATURE # CQ DESCRIPTION DL110/D DL111/D DL118/D DL121/D DL122/D DL126/D DL128/D DL129/D DL130/D DL1311D DL135/D DL136/D DL136AD/D DL137/D DL138/D DL140/D DL144/D DL145/D DL148/D DL 150/D DL 1511D DL 152/D DL154/D DL155/D DL156/D DL200/D DL408/D DL409/D DL410/D DL4111D 14 14 40 24 30 18 6 24 32 20 16 10 RF (REV 5) BIPOLAR POWER TRANSISTOR (REV 6) OPTO (REV 3) FAST and LS TTL (REV 5) MECL DATA (REV 5) Small-Signal Transistors, FETs and Diodes Device Data (REV 4) Linear/Interface ICs Device Data Vol. 1 (REV 4) HIGH-SPEED CMOS LOGIC (REV 5) CMOS Application-Specific Standard ICs (Formerly CMOS/NMOS Special Functions) (REV 1) CMOS Logic Data (REV 3) POWER MOSFET TRANSISTOR (REV 3) Communications Device Data (REV 3) Errata to DL136/D Rev 3 Communications Device Data (REV 3) Thyristor Device Data (REV 5) FACT (REV 3) ECLinPS and ECLinPS Lite (REV 2) Commercial Plus and MIUAero Applications Memory Data Military MECL Family Data Discrete Military Operations Data (REV 1) TVS/Zener Device Data (REV 1) Rectifier Device Data (REV 1) MDA 15 CMOS Standard Cell Data MDA08 CMOS Standard Cell Data DRAM Fast Static RAM BiCMOS, CMOS, and Module Data (REV 1) Pressure Sensor Device Data 8-bit MCU Applications Manual 630 pg. Reprints of 39 applications documents. (REV 1) 16/32-bit Applications Manual 514 pg. Reprints of 38 applications documents. (REV 1) Power Applications Manual 544 pg. Reprints of 60 applications documents. (REV 1) Communications Applications 580 pg. Reprints of 44 applications documents (REV 1) t 28 40 52 54 24 40 36 32 56 52 16 16 48 t t t t 79 LITERATURE # CQ DESCRIPTION OL412/0 OL413/0 OL414/0 t t t Industrial Control Applications 598 pg. Reprints of 42 applications documents. Radio, RF and Video Applications 514 pg. Reprints of 37 applications documents. FET Applications Manual 284 pg. Reprints of 34 applications documents. ITEM CQ DESCRIPTION HB205/0 HB213/0 HB214/0 38 MECL System Design (REV 1) 120 Discrete Military Operations 32 Rectifier Applications Handbook NOTE: Text books are purchased by Motorola and not intended as handouts. They will be charged to your Department, or your customer may purchase them directly from L.D.C. ITEM DESCRIPTION TB301/0 TB304/0 TB309/0 TB312/0 TB313/0 TB316/0 TB316LM/O TB318/0 TB319/0 TB321/0 TB322/0 TB323/0 TB324/0 TB325/0 TB325LM/O TB326/0 TB327/0 Basic MPU & The 6800 - Ron Bishop - Haden Books Pascal Programming Structures for MPU + (M6809PASC(L 1) & M68KPASC/L2 Letters) Programming the 6809 - Rodnay ZakslWiliiam Lablak - Sybex Inc. Intro to Integrated Circuit Layout - Brian Spinks - Prentice Hall Efficient C - Thomas Plum/Jim Brodie - Plum Hall Inc. Single-and Multiple-Chip Microcomputer Interfacing - G. J. Lipovski - Prentice Hall Single & Multi Chip Microcomputer Interfacing - G. J. Lipovski - Prentice Hall Microprocessor Systems Design 68000 Hardware, Software & Interfacing M68000 Assembly Language and Systems Programming (REV 2) Practical Switching Power Supply Design - Marty Brown - Academic Press Inc., The M68000 family Volume 2 App. and the M68000 Devices - Werner Hilf Anton Nausch The 68000 Book - Bob Southern - Southcroft Publications Ltd. Ottawa Canada K2H 718 Real Time Digital Signal Processing Applications with Motorola's OSP56000 Family MC68332 Product Design, Assembly Language Programming, and Interfacing MC68332 Laboratory Manual Radio Frequency Transistors Principles and Practical Applications Understanding Small Microcontrollers by James M. Sibigtroth ITEM DESCRIPTION KITOEVB 103/0 KITOEVB104/0 KITOEVB114/0 KITOEVB118/0 KITOEVB 126/0 KITOEVB129/0 KITOEVB147/0 KITNOK26/0 SEK-1KIT/O MPM3002 Logic to Motor EVB MPX5100 Pressure Regulator MPX5100 Sensor To Microprocessor EVB MPM3002 Analog To Motor EVB MPX71 00 4-20MA Pressure Transducer EVB MPX5100 Pressure Gauge MPX2100 Pressure Gauge Brushless Motor Drive Sensor Evaluation Kit ITEM DESCRIPTION EB146/0 EB147/0 EB148/0 EB149/0 EB150/0 EB151/0 Neuron Chip Quadrature Input Function Interface LonWorks Installation Overview Enhanced Media Access Control with Echelon's LonTalk Protocol Optimizing LonTalk Response Time Neuron Chip RS-485 Transciever Scanning a Keypad with the Neuron Chip COST 80 $95.00 $75.00 $95.00 $95.00 $75.00 $50.00 $75.00 $40.00 $10.00 ITEM DESCRIPTION EB152/D EB153/D EB155/D EB157/D EB157/D EB159/D EB160/D EB161/D LONBDSUM/D LONKITSUM/D LONPROD/D LONTP/D LONUG/AD MC143150/D MC143XXXEVKlD MC145407/D MC145705/D NEURONCPG/AD How to Use SNVTs in LonWorks Applications Driving a Seven Segment Display with the Neuron Chip Analog-to-Digital COnversion with the Neuron Chip Creating Applications with the LonBuilder Multi-Function 1/0 Kit Creating Applications with the LonBuilder Multi-Function 1/0 Kit Neuron Chip-based Installation of LonWorks Networks Neuron Chip Input/Output Timing Specification LonTalk Protocol LonBuilder Processor Boards Summary LonBuilder Kits Summary LonWorks Products 1992 Lon Builder Twisted Pair Transceiver Lon Builder User's Guide Neuron Chip Distributed Com. and Control Processors Product Preview - Lon Builder Workbench 5-Volt-Only Driver/Receiver 5-Volt-Only Driver/Receiver With an Integrated Standby Mode Neuron C Programmer's Guide ~~~;tD)@YA\VtA\~I#l3U@ NOTE: (Full carton quantity of over-sized Data Sheets) These devices are listed alphabetically in order throughout the book. (They are listed here for your convenience. ITEM CQ REV# ITEM AJ100/D LONPROD/D MC143150/D MC145472/D MC145474/D MC145488/D MC68/7/05P/D MC68/7/05R-U/D MC6804J1/D MC6805S2/D MC68230/D MC68302/D MC68331TS/D MC68332TS/D MC68440/D MC68450/D MC68451/D MC68681/D MC68824/D MC68851/D MC68881/D MC68901/D MC68F333TS/D MC68HC05A6/D MC68HC05B6/D MC68HC05C4/D MC68HC05C9/D MC68HC05EO/D MC68HC05F5/D MC68HC05J 110 MC68HC05J 1AID MC68HC05K1/D 20 82 44 62 80 60 60 55 60 38 85 80 70 45 45 60 110 60 100 90 90 110 40 70 36 66 85 96 74 120 90 76 N/A N/A REV3 REV 1 REV 1 ADI1524 ADI1031 ADI9?? ADI1248 ADI997R2 ADI860R2 REV2 REV 1 REV 1 ADI1002 ADI1216 ADI872R1 ADI988R1 REV4 REV2 REV4 ADI984R1 N/A N/A REV3 ADI1991R2 N/A N/A N/A REV 1 N/A N/A MC68HC05L2/D MC68HC05L6/D MC68HC05P1/D MC68HC05P4/D MC68HC05P7/D MC68HC05P8/D MC68HC05P9/D MC68HC05X4/D MC68HC11A8/D MC68HC11D3/D MC68HC11 E/D MC68HC11 F1/D MC68HC11 G5/D MC68HC11 K4/D MC68HC11 KA4TS/D MC68HC11 L6/D MC68HC11 N/D MC68HC11 N4TS/D MC68HC16Y1 TS/D MC68HC16Z1 TS/D MC68HC 16Z2TS/D MC68HC705C8/D MC68HC705H2/D MC68HC705J2/D MC68HC705K1/D MC68HC705P6/D MC68HC705P9/D MC68HC711D3/D MC68HC711 L6/D MC68HC711 N4TS/D MCCS53C90/D MCS3201/D 81 CQ 78 65 100 90 84 90 72 34 60 60 42 65 46 42 55 56 42 60 35 40 40 84 66 100 76 64 72 70 56 60 80 96 REV# N/A ADI1254 REV 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A REV5 N/A N/A REV2 N/A N/A REV1 N/A N/A N/A N/A REV2 N/A REV 1 N/A N/A REV 1 REV 1 REV 1 R-EV 1 N/A N/A N/A REV3 6/1194 MOTOROLA DISTRIBUTOR AND WORLDWIDE SALES OFFICES AUTHORIZED NORTH AMERICAN DISTRIBUTORS Woodland Hills UNITED STATES Hamilton Hallmark ••••.•..•••• (818)594-0404 Richardson Electronics •.•••.• (615)594-5600 ALABAMA Huntsville Arrr:1NtsmNfbfx Electronics .••• (205)837-6955 Future Electronics. • • • • • • • • • •. (205)830-2322 Hamilton Hallmark .••.••..••.. (205)837-8700 Newark ..................... (205)837-9091 Time Electronics ..•...•..••• 1-800-789-TIME Wyle Laboratories ..••..•..•.• (205)830-1119 Arizona Phoenix Future Electronics • . . . • • • • • . •. (303)232-2008 Colorado Springs Newark ••••••..•••••••. . • • •. (719)592-9494 Denver Newark .••.•••.•••••••..••.• (303)757-3351 Englewood Future Electronics ..•.••..•... (602)968-7140 Hamilton Hallmark .••.••..•••.. (602)437-1200 Newark Electronics • . . . . • . • • •. (602)864-9905 Wyle Laboratories. • • • • • • • . • •• (602)437-2088 Tempe ArrrmlSdmfbfx Electronics ••.. (602)431-0030 Time Electronics ..•..•..••.. 1-800-789-TIME CALIFORNIA Agoura Hills Time Electronics Corporate •••• 1-800-789-TIME Belmont Richardson Electronics •.••.•• (415)592-9225 Calabassas ArrrmlSdmfbfx Electronics •••• (818)88D-9686 Wyle Laboratories. • • . . • • . . • •• (818)880-9000 Chatsworth Future Electronics •••••••••••• (818)865-0040 Time Electronics •••••••••••• 1-800-789-TIME Costa Mesa Hamilton Hallmark •••.•••••••• (714)641-4100 C~~fto~l~allmark .••..••••••• Irvine Arrow/Schweber Electronics ••. Future Electronics •••••••••••• Wyle Laboratories Corporate •••• Wyle Laboratories ••••••••.••• (213)558-2000 (714)587-0404 (714)250-4141 (714)753-9953 (714)863-9953 Los Angeles Wyle Laboratories •••••••..••. (818)880-9000 Mountain View Richardson Electronics ••••..• (415)960-6900 Orange Newark ..................... (714)634-8224 Rocklin Hamilton Hallmark •.••••••••• (916)624-9781 Sacramento Newark ..................... (916)721-1633 Wyle Laboratories •••••.••.••. (916)638-5282 San Diego COLORADO Lakewood Arrow/Schweber Electronics •.• Future Electronics •••••••••••• Hamilton Hallmark •••••••••••. Newark ••••.••.•••.••••••••. Wyle Laboratories •••••••••••. (619)565-4800 (619)625-2800 (619)571-7540 (619)569-9877 (619)565-9171 San Francisco Newark ..................... (415)571-5300 San Jose ArrrmtsmNfbfx Electronics ..•. (408)441-9700 Arrrm/~ Electronics •••• (408)428-6400 Future Electronics ••••••••••••• (408)434-1122 Santa Clara Wyle Laboratories •••••••••••• (408)727-2500 Sunnyvale Hamilton Hallmark •••••.•••••• (408)435-3500 Time Electronics •••••••••••• 1-800-789-TIME ArrrmlSchweber Electronics •••• (303)799-0258 Hamilton Hallmark •••••••.••. (303)790-1662 Time Electronics ..••••••.••• 1-800-789-TIME Thornton Wyle Laboratories ••••.•.••••• (303)457-9953 CONNECTICUT Cheslre Future Electronics • • . • • • • • • • •• (203)250-0083 Hamilton Hallmark ••••••••••• (203)271-2844 Southbury Time Electronics •••••••••••• 1-800-789-TIME Walllngfort Arrr:1NfSctr.t.IdxJr Electronics •••• (203)265-7741 Windsor Newark •• • . . • • • • • • . • • • . • • • •• (203)683-8860 FLORIDA Altamonte Springs Future Electronics ••••••••.••• (407)767-8414 Clearwater Future Electronics •••••••••••• (813)530-1222 Deerfield Beach ArrrmISchwOOaf Electronics •••• (305)429-8200 Wyle Laboratories • • • • • • • • • • •• (305)420-0500 Ft. Lauderdale Future Electronics. • . • • • . • • • •• (305)436-4043 Hamilton Hallmark ••..••.•••.• (305)484-5482 Time Electronics •••.•••.•••• 1-800-789-TIME Lake Mary ArrrmlSchweber Electronics •••• (407)333-9300 LargolTampalSl Petersburg Hamilton Hallmark ............ (813)541-7440 Newark ..................... 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(301)604-1700 Columbia Arrrm/SI:JrNeber Electronics •••• (301 )596-7800 Future Electronics •••••••••••• (410)290-0600 Hamilton Hallmark ••••••••••• (410)988-9800 Time Electronics ••.••••••••• 1-800-789-TIME Wyle Laboratories •••••••••••• (410)312-4844 MASSACHUSETTS Boston Arrr:JN/SI:JrNeber Electronics •••• (508)658-0900 Bolton Future Corporate. • • • • • • • • • • •• (508)779-3000 Burlington Wyle Caboratories •••••••••••• (617)272-7300 Methuen Newark ..................... (508)683-0913 Winter Park Peabody Hamilton Hallmark ••••••••••• (407)657-3300 Richardson Electronics ••••••• (407)644-1453 GEORGIA Atlanta Time Electronics •••••••••••• 1-800-789-TIME Wyle Laboratories •••••••••••• (404)441-9045 Duluth ArrrmISctJwf:mr Electronics •••• (404)497-1300 Hamilton Hallmark •••.••••••• (404)623-5475 Norcross Future Electronics •••••••••••• (404)441-7676 Newark ..................... 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(313)967-0600 Grand Rapids Future Electronics •.•••••••••• (616)698-8800 Livonia Arrrm/SI:JrNeber Electronics •••• (313)462-2290 Future Electronics •.•••••••••• (313)261-5270 Hamilton Hallmark ••••••••••• (313)347-4020 Time Electronics •••••••••••• 1-800-789-TIME MINNESOTA Bloomington .................. (612)853-2280 Eden Prairie Arrr:JN/SI:JrNeber Electronics .... (612)941-5280 Future Electronics •••••••••••• (612)944-2200 Hamilton Hallmark ••••••••••• (612)881-2600 Time Electronics •••••••••••• 1-800-789-TIME Minneapolis Newark ..................... (612)331-6350 For changes to this Information contact Technical Publications at FAX (602) 8974171 6/1/94 AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS - continued UNITED STATES - continued MISSOURI- continued Earth City Hamilton Hallmark •••••••.••• (314)291-5350 Solon Electronics .••. (314)567-6888 Future Electronics •••••••••••• (314)469-6805 Newark ..................... 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Many different topics are discussed - in a way that is not possible in a device data sheet - from detailed circuit designs complete with PCB layouts, through matters to consider when embarking on a design, to complete overviews of a microprocessor family and its design philosophy. Information is presented in the form of Application Notes and Article Reprints (originally published 1 in the electronics press), plus detailed Engineering Bulletins, Benchbriefs2, Design Concepts, APRs3. This guide to the Applications Literature includes a Selector Guide listing all the documents under subject or device-type headings, and a Device Cross Reference listing by featured devices. Each section of this Applications Literature Selector Guide also includes cross references to a selection from Motorola's extensive range of Data Books, Brochures, Technical Bulletins and Selector Guides, which may provide further relevant information. Information in this document is given in good faith and no liability is accepted for errors or omissions. Includes literature available as of March 1, 1994. Historical Information The various Application Notes, Article Reprints, Engineering Bulletins and Design Concepts were developed at Design Centers strategically placed throughout the global community, and many were written originally to support a local need. While the basic concepts of each of the publications have broad applications, specific Motorola parts may be referenced that are currently available for limited distribution in a selected region and are only currently supported by the country of origin of the Application Notes, Article Reprints, Engineering Bulletins and Design Concepts. Also contained in this catalog, for completeness and historical significance, are Application Notes, Article Reprints, Engineering Bulletins and Design Concepts that are no longer available as individual documents because obsolete devices are referenced. These are marked with the letters "HI" to indicate that these documents are for Historical Information only. All the Application Notes, Article Reprints, Engineering Bulletins and Design Concepts are included to enhance the user's knowledge and understanding of Motorola's products. However, before attempting to design-in a device referenced in these documents, contact the local Motorola supplier for product availability and available application support. 1 Article Reprints are reproduced with the permission of the original publisher. 2 A Benchbrief is an Engineering Bulletin produced by Motorola's Asia-Pacific Group. 3 APRs are applications documents relating specifically to Digital Signal Processing. TIA All trademarks are recognized. 2 Contents Ordering Information •••••••.•••••.•••••.•••.•••.•••••••••••••••••••••••.•.• 4 Device Cross Reference ••••.••••••••••••••••••• ,.......................... 11 Applications and Product Literature Selector Guide •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 21 NO and D/A Conversion .................................................. 22 ASICs (Application Specific ICs) ........................................... 22 Audio Amplifiers ......................................................... 23 Automotive Applications .................................................. 23 Computer Systems ...................................................... 23 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) ........................................... 24 FET ................................................................... 25 Instrumentation and Control ............................................... 26 ~J~~a~i~~. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~~ CMOS .............................................................. ECl ................................................................ TTL ................................................................. Memories .............................................................. Microprocessors ......................................................... 8-bit MPU/MCU ...................................................... 16-bit MPU/MCU ..................................................... 32-bit MPU/MCU ..................................................... 8-bit Peripherals ...................................................... 16/32-bit Peripherals .................................................. MECl Bit Slice MPUs ................................................. Motor & Lighting Control .................................................. Mounting Techniques & Surface Mount ..................................... Networking ............................................................. Optoelectronics ......................................................... Phase-locked loop ...................................................... Power .................................................................. Power Supplies & Voltage Regulators ................................... Power Device Characteristics .......................................... Protection & Thermal Considerations .................................... Pressure Sensors .................................................... Quality and Reliability .................................................... Radio Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RF ..................................................................... Small Signal Transistors & Diodes ......................................... Smart Card/Conditional Access ............................................ Software & Programming ................................................. SPICE I/O Models ....................................................... Telecommunications ..................................................... Thyristors and Triacs ., ................................................... TV and Video ........................................................... Unijunction ............................................................. All Products and Application Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alphanumeric Index •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••.•••••••••• 3 27 28 28 29 30 30 32 33 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 38 38 39 40 40 41 41 41 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 Ordering Information Consult your nearest Motorola Sales Office or authorized distributor for copies of desired documents. Copies may also be obtained by sending check or money order to: Motorola Semiconductor Products Inc. Literature Distribution Center P.O. Box 20924 Phoenix, Arizona 85036 For any Application Note, Article Reprint, Engineering Bulletin, Benchbrief, Design Concept, or Application Report. A maximum of ten copies are available free of charge. Quantities exceeding ten are $.35 each.* For pricing on all other documents, including data books, textbooks, and selector guides, refer to the Order Form or call 1-800-441-2447. *Prices subject to change without notice. 4 Literature Order Form Motorola Offers More ••• • Quality • Service • Convenience Motorola offers three convenient ways to order literature. Please send check or money orders of $50.00 or less. USA purchase orders will be honored for orders of $50.00 or more if credit line has previously been established. We accept MasterCard, Visa and American Express credit cards for your convenience. CREDIT CARD # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EXP. 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ENTER SUBTOTAL ON PAGE 10 6 SUBTOTAL $ Literature Order Form Document DL137/D DL138/D DL140/D DL144/D DL145/D DL148/D DL150/D DL151/D DL152/D DL154/D DL155/D DL156/D DL200/D DL408/D DL409/D DL41 OlD DL411/D DL412/D DL413/D DL414/D DSP56000UM/AD DSP56004UM/AD DSP56166UM/AD DSP96002UM/AD GPTRM/AD HB205/D HB214/D H4CDM/D HCA62AOODM/D HDCDM/D LONUG/AD M6805UM/AD3 M6809PM/AD M68000FRlAD M68000PM/AD M68000UM/AD M68020UM/AD M68040UM/AD M68HC05AG/AD 'Prlces are subject to change without notice. continued Price· (1-9) Price· (10-24) Price· (25-up) Weight (Lbs.) 4.50 2.50 0.90 1.90 3.05 3.50 1.75 3.50 1.70 1.55 6.30 4.50 3.35 14.85 14.85 14.85 14.85 14.85 14.85 12.10 6.00 4.70 3.70 6.00 1.70 2.70 2.00 4.40 2.00 3.35 6.00 2.70 3.75 5.40 3.70 1.55 2.10 3.10 2.25 4.00 2.25 0.80 1.75 2.70 3.10 1.55 3.10 1.50 1.40 5.65 4.20 3.00 13.25 13.25 13.25 13.25 13.25 13.25 10.80 5.30 4.20 3.30 5.30 0.60 2.40 1.60 3.90 3.70 2.05 0.70 1.60 2.50 2.85 1.45 2.85 1.40 1.30 5.20 3.85 2.75 12.20 12.20 12.20 12.20 12.20 12.20 9.96 4.85 3.85 3.05 4.85 0.55 2.20 1.35 3.60 3.00 5.30 2.40 3.35 4.80 3.30 1.40 2.00 2.90 2.00 2.50 4.85 2.20 3.10 4.40 3.00 1.25 1.85 2.65 1.80 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ENTER SUBTOTAL ON PAGE 10 7 Amount Qty SUBTOTAL $ Literature Order Form Document M68HC11 RM/AD M68PCBUG111D2 MC68030UM/AD MC68040DH/AD MC68302UM/AD MC68330U MIAD MC68331 UM/AD MC68332U MIAD MC68340UM/AD MC68488U MIAD MC68605UM/AD MC68606UM/AD MC68824UM/AD MC68836UM/AD MC68837UM/AD MC68838UM/AD MC68851 UM/AD MC68881 UM/AD MC68EC030UM/AD MC68HC05CxRGIAD MC68HC11 A8RG/AD MC68HC11 D3RG/AD MC68HC11 E9RG/AD MC68HC11 F1 RG/AD MC68HC11 K4RG/AD MC68HC11 KA4RG/AD MC68HC11 L6RG/AD MC68HC16Z1 UM/AD MC68HC811 E2RG/D MC88100UM/AD MC88110UM/AD MC88110/410DH/AD MC88200UM/AD MC88410UM/AD MC92005UM/D MCA3ECUD MCA3ETLDM/D MCCIRM/AD ·Prices are subject to change without notice. continued Prlce* (1-9) Prlce* (10-24) Prlce* (25-up) Weight (Lbs.) 2.65 3.75 3.50 13.75 3.40 1.40 2.85 2.05 5.35 6.80 2.10 2.30 2.15 1.00 2.00 3.75 8.15 4.00 1.95 0.75 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.30 2.40 0.40 4.85 2.85 2.85 4.85 1.75 .80 3.85 2.65 1.25 2.35 2.15 3.20 12.25 3.00 1.25 2.50 1.80 4.75 6.05 1.90 2.05 1.95 2.90 11.20 2.75 1.15 2.30 1.65 4.35 5.55 1.70 1.90 1.75 3.30 7.25 3.70 1.75 3.00 6.65 3.40 1.60 0.65 0.60 2.10 1.95 4.30 2.50 2.50 4.30 1.55 3.95 2.30 2.30 3.95 1.45 2.35 2.15 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ENTER SUBTOTAL ON PAGE 10 8 Amount Qty SUBTOTAL $ Literature Order Form Document continued Price· (1-9) Price· (10-24) Price· (2S-up) Weight (Lbs.) 1 MPC601 UM/AD 6.60 6.15 5.65 NEURONCPG/AD 7.50 6.60 6.05 1 aSMRM/AD 2.20 2.00 1.80 1 SG46/D SG73/D 5.40 5.00 4.60 2 2.15 1 SG791D 2.25 1 SG96/D SG131/D SG138/D 2.20 1 0.50 1 1.85 1 SG1461D 0.30 1 SG165/D SG166/D SG167/D SG169/D SG171/D 0.30 1 0.30 1 0.30 0.35 1 0.30 1 SG1721D 0.30 1 SG366/D SG367/D 1.60 1 0.75 1 SG3681D 1.55 1 SG373/D SEMIVID/D 1 .95 1 100.00 1 SIMRM/AD 1.75 1.55 1,40 TB301/D TB303/D 17.65 16.90 16.20 1 49.80 47.65 45.50 4 1 TB3041D 19.60 18.75 17.90 2 TB309/D TB312/D TB313/D 16.00 15.30 14.60 2 32.95 31.60 30.30 3 12.10 11.55 11.05 3 TB3161D 34.90 33.40 31.90 2 TB316LM/D 12.70 12.15 11.60 1 TB317/D TB318/D TB319/D TB320/D TB321/D TB322/D TB323/D TB324/D TB325/D 13.35 12.75 12.20 3 ·Prices are subject to change without notice. Amount Qty 50.60 48.40 46.20 4 30.20 28.90 27.55 4 36.25 34.65 33.10 2 41.30 39.65 38.00 2 37.15 35.55 33.95 2 19.50 18.65 17.80 2 54.70 52.50 50.30 4 46.75 44.90 43.00 4 ENTER SUBTOTAL ON PAGE 10 9 SUBTOTAL $ Literature Order Form continued Price· (1-9) Price· (10-24) Price· (25-up) Weight (Lbs.) TB32610 39.95 37.65 36.00 1 TB325LM/D 10.20 9.05 8.70 1 TB327/D 31.40 30.05 28.80 2 TPURMIAD 1.90 1.70 1.55 1 Document SUBTOTAL ·Prlces are subject to change without notice. ShlPcftln~ and Handling CharH,es for Cash, Cre It ard, Check and Purc ase Orders United States/Canada/Mexico Surface $00.00 - $1 0.00 $10.01 - $25.00 $25.01 - $50.00 $50.01 and Up 30% of Purchase Amount 25% of Purchase Amount 20% of Purchase Amount 15% of Purchase Amount Amount Qty $ SUBTOTAL FROM THIS PAGE $ SUBTOTAL FROM PAGE 6 $ SUBTOTAL FROM PAGE 7 $ SUBTOTAL FROM PAGE 8 $ SUBTOTAL FROM PAGE 9 $ Air Shipments Double Surface Rates International Shipments Surface 25% of Purchase Amount Air 40% of Purchase Amount ·Prlces are subject to change without notice. POSTAGE AND HANDLING $ GRAND TOTAL $ BR135/Rev 14 10 Device Cross Reference 11 II II Device Cross Reference This quick-reference list indicates where specific components are featured in Application Notes, Article Reprints, Engineering Bulletins and Design Concepts. DAC5 .................. AN801lD DAC5A ................. AN801/D DDC5 .................. AN801/D 1AC5 .................. AN801/D 1AC5A ................. AN801/D 1DC5 .................. AN801/D 1N746 ................. AN784/D 1N957A .. .. .. .. .. .. .... AN784/D 1N4001 ................. EB511D 1N4371 ................ AN784/D 1N4569A .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. AN4621D 1N4728 ................ AN7841D 1N4937 ................ AR1311D .................. EB407/D 1N5221 A . . .. . . . .. .. .... AN784/D 1N5283 thru 1N5314 . . . .. AN4621D 1N5333A . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. AN784/D 1N6267 ................ AN784/D 2N3797 ............... AN211 ND 2N4220 ............... AN211ND 2N4220A .............. AN211 ND 2N4221 ............... AN211ND 2N4221A .............. AN211ND 2N4222 ............... AN211ND 2N4222A .............. AN211ND 2N4351 ............... AN211ND 2N4851 ................ AN294/D 2N4852 ................ AN2941D 2N4853 ................ AN294/D 2N5060 ................. EB301D 2N5061 ................. EB301D .................. EB126/D 2N5062 ................. EB30/D 2N5063 ................. EB30/D 2N5064 ................. EB301D 2N5361 ................ AN4621D 2N5401 ............... AN1076/D 2N5458 ............... AN211 ND 2N5460 ............... AN211 ND 2N5596 ............... AN1033/D 2N6236 ................. EB30/D 2N6237 ................. EB30/D 2N6238 ................. EB30/D 2N6239 ................. EB30/D 2N6240 ................. EB30/D 2N6241 ................. EB301D 2N6329 ................. EB301D 2N6439 ................. EB77/D 2SA 1302 ....... . . .. ... AN 1308/D 2SA 1306B ............. AN13081D 2SC3281 .............. AN13081D 2SC3298B ............ AN 1308/D 4N25 ................. AN1108/D AM26LS31 ............ AN781ND AM26LS32 ............ AN781ND BUL44 ................ ARE402/D .................. EB407/D BUL45 ................ AN1049/D ................. ARE402lD .................. EB407/D BUL146 ................ EB407/D BUL147 ................ EB4071D BUL148 . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. EB4071D CA2200 . .. . . . . . . . . . ... AN 1027/D CA26DO ............... AN1027/D CA2820 ............... AN1022/D CA2870 . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. AN 10221D CPU05 ................ AN1218/D CPU08 ................ AN12181D CPU32 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. AN455/D CR2424 ............... AN1021/D ................. AN1306/D ................. AN1103/D CR2425 ............... AN1021/D CR3424 ............... AN11031D CR3434 ............... AN1103/D 12 DEVB103 ............. AN13001D ................. AN1311/D DEVB114 ............. AN1305/D DEVB118 ............. AN1301/D DEVB129 ............. AN1304/D DEVB147 ............. AN13091D DEVB156 ............. AN1321/D DS14500A ............. AN802/D DS14500B ............. AN802/D DS14500C ............. AN802/D DSP56ADC16 ........... APR8/D .................. APR10/D DSP56000 ............ ANE408/D ................. ANE415/D ................... APR3/D ................... APR4/D ................... APR5/D .................. APR11/D .................. APR12/D .................. APR14/D .................. APR15/D ................. APR401/D DSP56001 ............ ANE4081D ................... APR1/D ................... APR2/D ................... APR4/D ................... APR5/D ................... APR61D ................... APR7/D ................... APR9/D .................. APR11/D .................. APR12/D .................. APR14/D .................. APR151D ................. APR401/D ................. APR402lD ................... DC407/D ................. DCE406/D Device Cross Reference DSP56156 ............ APR404/D DSP96002 •••..•.•...... APR4/D .•...••••..•...... APR10/D H4C ........••........ AN1094/D ................. AN1500/D .................. AR5121D H4CPlus .............• AN1514/D HC05 ................• AN1218/D HC08 ••.•..•...•.....• AN1218/D HDC006 .•...••....... AN1095/D HDC031 .............. AN1095/D HDC064 ..•.••....•... AN1094/D HDC100 .•............. AR306/D .................. AR307/D •................. AR309/D HDC105 •..••......... AN1094/D LM324 ................. EB85ND LM324N ............... AN1105/D LM358 ..........•...... EB85ND LM2902 ............. . .. EB85ND LM3914 ............... AN1309/D ................. AN1322/D LT1123 ................. AR514/D M68FDDlADS .......... EB406/D M68HC05 .............. AN4311D .................. AN436/D .................. AN4421D ................. AN1057/D ................. AN1120/D ................. AN1203/D ................. AN1218/D M68HC05EO . . . . . . . . . . .. AN459/D M68HC08 ............. AN1219/D ................. AN1221/D M68HC11 .............. AN427/D .................. AN4321D .................. AN456/D ................. AN1057/D ................. AN1058/D ................. AN10601D ................. AN1064/D .........•.•..... AN1102lD ................. AN11221D ................. AN1203/D •.•..•........... AN1213/D M68HC11EVS ......... AN1215/D M68HC16 ............. AN1213/D .......•....... TPUPNOO/D M6800 ................ AN1064/D M6805 ................. AN4421D .................. AN448/D AN885/D .................. AN902lD .................. AN910/D ................. AN1055/D • • • • • • •1 • • • • • • • • • • • M6805 continued ..••••............ EB400/D M68300 ............... AN1057/D ................. AN1200/D ................. AN1213/D ............... TPUPNOO/D M68332 ............... AN1200/D M88000 . . . .. .. .. .. .. ... AN449/D ................. AN1129/D M146805 ............... AN885/D MBR2045CT . . . . . . . . • . •. AR340/D MBR2535CTL ......... AN1108/D •..•.............. AR340/D MBR20035CT .......... EB85ND ••..........•••••• EB85ND MBR030 .............. AN1300/D MBR040 .............. AN1108/D MBRS330T3 ........... AN1317/D MC10E111 ............ AN1405/D ................. AN1406/D .................. AR519/D MC10E211 ............ AN14051D ................. AN1406/D MC10EL11 ............ AN1406/D MC10H124 ............ AN10921D MC10H60x ............ AN1402lD MC10H600 ............ AN1402lD MC10H601 ............ AN1402lD MC10H602 ............ AN1402lD MC10H603 ............ AN1402lD MC10H604 ............ AN1402lD MC10H605 ............ AN1402lD MC10H606 ............ AN1402lD MC10H607 ............ AN1402lD MC10H640 ............ AN1400/D .................. AR519/D MC10H641 ............ AN1400/D ................. AN14051D ................. AN1406/D MC10H642 ............ AN1400/D ................. AN1406/D MC10H643 ........•... AN1400/D ................. AN1406/D MC10H644 ............ AN1400/D ................. AN1406/D MC10H645 ............ AN1400/D ................. AN1406/D MC10H646 ............ AN1400/D ................. AN1406/D MC10H64x ............ AN1401/D MC10H660 ............ AN10921D MC68B09E ......... . ... AN9051D .................• AN941/D MC68B44 .............. AN905/D 13 MC68B50 .............. AN905/D MC68EC030 •.......... AN1127/D MC68HCOOO .........•. AN1123/D MC68HC04 ............ AN E422/D MC68HC04J2 .......... ANE422/D MC68HC04P4 ......... ANE422/D MC68HC05 . . . .. .. .. .. .. AN4481D ................. AN1067/D ................. AN1203/D ................. AN12121D ................. AN1218/D ................. AN1318/D .•........•...••.. DC410/D MC68HC05B .......... ANE416/D MC68HC05B4 .......... AN431/D ................. ANE416/D ................. ANE418/D MC68HC05B6 ........•. AN434/D ................. AN1097/D ................. AN1120/D ................. ANE418/D ................. ANE420/D MC68HC05C4 .......... AN9911D ................. AN1011/D ................. AN1067/D ................. ANE413/D MC68HC05C5 ......... AN 1066/D MC68HC05EO .......... AN441/D .....•............ AN460/D MC68HC05J1 .......•.. AN1067/D MC68HC05L6 .......... AN4421D MC68HC05SC11 ........ EB401/D .................. EB402lD ................ ".. EB4041D MC68HC05SC21 ........ AN436/D ...•...........•.. EB401/D .................. EB402lD .................. EB404/D ...•.............. EB405/D MC68HC05SC21 B ...... EB403/D MC68HC05SC23 . . . . . . .. EB404/D MC68HC05SC2x . . . . . . .. 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AN1011/D ................. ANE413/D MC146805G2L1 ........ AN852/D MC146818 ............ AN864A1D ................. AN894A1D ................. ANE404/D MC146823 ............ AN864A1D ................. ANE404/D MC688836 ............. DC409/D MC688837 ............. DC409/D MC688838 ............. DC409/D MC688839 ............. DC409/D MCA750ETL ........... AN1508/D MCA2200ETL .......... AN1508/D 17 MCA2500ECL .......... AN953/D MCA3200ETL .......... AN1508/D MCA 1OOOOECL ...... AN977REID ................. AN1508/D MCC68HC05SC11 ...... EB400lD MCC68HC05SC21 ...... EB4001D MCCS 142234 . . . . . . . . .. AN 140810 MCCS142235 .......... AN14081D MCCS142237 .......... AN1408/D MCM60L256 .. .. .. .. .... AN441/D MCM2016 .. .. .. .. .. .... DC003/D MCM2814 .............. AN429/D .................. AN446/D MCM2833 .............. AN9091D MCM4180 .............. AR2701D MCM5003 .............. AN5501D MCM5004 ...... .. .. .... AN550lD MCM6164 ............. ANE426/D MCM6268 .............. AN984/D MCM6287 .............. AR241/D ................. DCE402/D MCM6288 .. .. .. .. .. .... AR241/D MCM6290-25 .......... DCE4021D MCM6292 .............. AR256/D .................. AR258/D .................. AR260/D MCM6293 .............. AR256/D .................. AR258/D .................. AR260lD MCM6294 .............. AR2561D .................. AR2581D .................. AR260lD MCM6295 .............. AR256/D .................. AR258/D .................. AR260/D MCM6605 .... .. .. .. .... AN740/D MCM6605A ............ AN732A1D MCM6664 .............. AN8381D MCM6665 ............. AN896A1D MCM6665L15 ........... AN8971D MCM10143 ............ AN730AlD MCM62110 ............ AN1217/D MCM62350 ............. AR2701D MCM62351 ............. AR2701D MCM62486 ............ AN1223/D MCM62940 ............ AN1127/D MCM67518 ............ AN1223/D MCM67618 ............ AN1223/D MCM67B518 .......... AN1223/D MCM67B618 .......... AN1223/D MCM81000 ............ AN1217/D MCM84000 ............ AN1217/D MCM84256 ............ AN1217/D MCM91000 ............ AN11251D MCM511001 ............ AN999/D MCM514256 ............ APR111D Device Cross Reference MCM514256A .......... APR11/D MCM514258A .......•. AN1127/D MCM514400 . . • • • . . . • .. AN 1063/D MCM518128 .•....••... AN1059/D MCP2004 .............. AN956/D MCP2005 .............. AN956/D MCP2006 .............. AN956/D MCP2011 .............. AN956/D MCP2012 .............. AN956/D MCP2014 .............. AN956/D MCP2015 .............. AN956/D MCR69 ................ AR450/D MCR1000 .............. AR450/D MCS3201 ............. AN1123/D MDC1000A ............ AN1101/D .................. AR341/D .................. EB142/D MDC1000B ............. EB142/D MDC1000C ............. EB1421D MDC4010A ............ AN1322/D MDC4510A ............ AN13221D MFE2012 ............. AN211A1D MFE4007 ............. AN211A1D MFOD71 .............. ANE007/D MFOE71 .............. ANE007/D MGP20N50 ............. AN934/D MGT01400 ............. AR159/D MHW607 .. .. .. .. . .. ... AN 11 07/D MHW612 ............... EB107/D MHW613 ............... EB107/D MHW709 ............... EB1071D MHW710 ............... EB1071D MHW720 ............... EB107/D MHW801 .............. AN1106/D MHW808 .. .. .. .. .. .. ... EB 107/D MHW820 ............... EB107/D MHW851 .............. AN1106/D MHW612 ............... EB107/D MHW5122A .....•....• AN1107/D MHW5185 •••........•. AN1107/D MJ14003 ............... AR450/D MJ16004 ............... AN9521D MJ16008 ............... AN9521D MJ16012 ............... AN952/D MJ16016 ............... AN9521D MJ16018 ............... AN9521D MJE200 . • .. . .. . .. • .. . ... EB79/D MJE1123 ............... AR514/D MJE16106 .............. EB85A1D MJE18004 ............. AN1080/D MJF15030 ............. AN1308/D MJF15031 ............. AN1308/D MJH6085 ............... AR511/D MJH16006A ............ AN951/D MJH16106 ............. EB85A1D MJH16110 .............. EB85A1D MJW18010 ............ AN13201D MK1V270 .............. AR450/D MKP9V240 ............. AR450/D MLED71 .............. AN1120/D MLED81 .............. AN1016/D ................. AN1203/D MMDF2C05E .......... AN1321/D MOC2A40 . .. . .. . . . . • ... EB200/D MOC2A60 .............. EB200/D MOC3031 .............. AN916/D MOC3041 .............. AN916/D ................. ANE4221D MOC8100 ............. AN1108/D MOC8101 ............. AN11081D ................. AN1325/D MOC8102 ............. AN1078/D ................. AN1080/D ................. AN1101/D ................. AN1108/D ...•...••....•...• AR341/D .•................ EB126/D MOC8104 ............. AN1108/D MPC1500 .............. AR138/D MPF102JFET .......... AN211A1D MPM3002 ............. AN1078/D ................. AN1213/D ................. AN1300/D ................. AN1301/D .................. EB123/D .................. EB1281D MPM3003 ............. AN1046/D MPM3004 ............. AN11201D MPM3017 ............. AN1319/D MPN3401 .............. AN753/D MPN3402 .............. AN753/D MPS650 .............. AN1308/D MPS750 .............. AN1308/D MPS6519 ............... EB48/D MPS8099 ............. AN1308/D MPS8599 ............. AN1308/D MPSA56 .............. AN1300/D MPSA06 .............. AN1300/D MPSG1000 ............ AN1076/D ................. AN1078/D MPSW06 .............. AN1300/D ................. AN1308/D MPSW56 .............. AN1308/D MPU6805 .............. AN989/D MPX10 ................. AN9351D MPX11 ................. AN935/D MPX12 ................. AN9351D MPX50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. AN935/D MPX50D .............. BF8401lD MPX100 ............... AN935/D 18 MPX200 ............... AN919/D .........•.......• AN935/D MPX201 ............... AN919/D MPX700 .............. AN1105/D MPX2000 ............. AN1097/D ................. AN1309/D ................. AN13121D ................. AN1313/D ................. AN1315/D ................. AN1318/D ................. AN13221D ................. AN1324/D ................. AN1325/D MPX2010 ............. AN13121D ................. AN1313/D ................. AN1315/D ................. AN1318/D ................. AN1324/D MPX2050 ............. AN1312/D ................. AN1313/D ................. AN1315/D ................. AN1324/D MPX2100 ............. AN10821D ................. AN1309/D ................. AN1313/D ................. AN1315/D ................. AN1318/D ...•............. AN13221D ................. AN1324/D MPX2200 ............. AN1100/D ................. AN13121D ................. AN1313/D ................. AN1315/D ................. AN13181D ................. AN1324/D MPX2700 ............. AN13121D ................. AN1313/D ................. AN1315/D ................. AN1324/D MPX5100 ............. AN1304/D ............... :. AN1305/D ................. AN1307/D ................. AN13181D ................. AN13221D •................ AR502S/D MPX5100A ............ AR502SID MPX5100D ............ AR501S/D ................. AR502S/D MPX7000 ............. AN1303/D ................. AN1318/D MPX7100 ............. AN1303/D MR506 ................ AN1325/D MR2520L .............. AR4501D MRD360 .............. AN1016/D MRD750 .............. AN1120/D Dovlco ere:::; Rofcrcnco MMRD821 ............. AN1016/D ...............•. AN1203/D MRD3056 ............. AN1016/D MRF50 ................. EB104/D RF141G ............... AN1041/D MRF150 ..............• AR141/D MRF151G ............. AN1041/D MRF153 .............. AN1041/D .•........•.•.•... AR176/D MRF154 ..•...•••...•. AN1041/D MRF155 .............. AN1041/D MRF175G ............. AN1041/D MRF176G ............. AN1041/D MRF227 ................ EB29/D MRF237 ............... AN955/D MRF260 ......•.....•... EB90/D ................... EB93/D MRF262 ................ EB90/D ................... EB93/D MRF264 ................ EB93/D MRF422 •.............. EB27ND MRF430 .............. AN1041/D MRF553 ............... AN938/D MRF607 ................ EB29/D MRF630 ............... EB109/D MRF650 ...•.......... AN1107/D MRF966 ............... AN925/D MRF1946A '" . . . . . . . . .. AN9551D MRF2001 ............... EB89/D MS16 .................. AN801/D MTB23P06E ........... AN1317/D MTB36N06E ...•....... AN1317/D MTD10N05E ............ AR323/D MTH5N 100 .... .. .. .. ... AR326/D MTH7N50 .............. EB85ND MTH13N50 ............. EB85ND MTH15N20 ............. EB85ND MTM15N40 ............. AR157/D MTP2N50 ............. AN1090/0 MTP4N50 .............. AN929/0 ....•.•........... EB85ND MTP4N50E ............ AN1108/D MTP4N90 ............. AN1080/D MTP7N20 .............. EB85ND MTP8N50 .............. EB85ND MTP8N50E ............ AN1108/D MTP10N10M ........... AN976/D ................. AN1001/D .................. AR160/D MTP10N25 ............. EB85ND .................. EB1411D MTP12N10 ............ AN10421D .................. AR157/D MTP12N20 ............. EB85ND MTP12P10 ............ AN10421D MTP15N05 ............. AR164/D MTP40N06M .•........ AN1078/D MTP3055 ............. AN 1102/0 MTP3055E ............ AN11021D .................. EB126/D MTP3055EL ........... AN1076/D ................. AN1102lD MTS102 ............... BF8401/D MTW7N80E ........... AN1325/D MTW23N25E .......... AN1101lD .................. AR341/D MUR105 ............... AR131/D MUR150 ............... EB407/D MUR405 ............... AR131/0 MUR450 ............... EB407/D MUR804PT ............. EB85ND MUR3015PT ............ EB85ND MUR3040PT ....•....... EB85ND MUR8100 .............. AN952/D MUR10010CT .......... EB85ND MUR10015CT .......... EB85NO MUR20010CT .......... EB85ND MURH840 ............. AN1325/D MV2115 ............... AN1207/D P6KE30 .. .. .. .. .. .. .... AR450/0 PAL16R4-7 ............. APR111D PAl22V10 .............. APR11/0 19 PCF8573 •............. AN1066/D RS232C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. EB 150/0 RS422A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. EB 150/D RS423A . . . . . . . . . • . . . . .. EB 150/D RS485 ................. EB150/D SC371016 J1850 ....... AN1212/D SG1525A .............. EB85ND SG1526 ................ EB85ND SN75172 .............. AN781 ND SN75173 .............. AN781ND SN75174 .............. AN781ND SN75175 .............. AN781ND SN75176 .. .. .. .. .. .. ... EB 150/D TCAP2 ................ AN1120/D TDA3301 .............. AN1044/D TDA3330 .............. AN1019/D TOA4601 .............. ANE402/0 TL431 ................ AN1108/0 .................. EB85ND TL431CLP ............. AN1108/D TL494 ................. EB85ND TP1940 ................ AN438/D TP3400 ............... AN1038/D TP9383 ........ AN438/D .....•••••••••••• AN1037/D TPV375 ............... AN10281D TPV593 .......... AN1039/D TPV596 ...... o. AN1029/D TPV597 ...... AN1030/D , TZA 120 AN10821D UAA 1041 .. . .. • • • • • • • • •• AN4281D UC3842A .... AN1080/O ................. ANE4241D UC3843 .. .. .. . • • • • • • • •• EB126ID UC3843A ............. AN100010 UC3844 ............... AN110s/o UC3844AN ... AN1108lD UC3845 ........... AN110S1D ~78S40 .......... AN1l2OJD V39MA2A .............. AR450JD ZC94304 .........••••• ANE422/D 0 • • • • ... 0 •••• 0 •• 000. 00 . . . . . . . 0 .... 0 ••••••••• 0 0 • 0 0 0 •••• •••••••• 0 0" 0 •••• 20 Applications and Product Literature Selector Guide 21 Applications and Product IIII Literature Selector Guide • M.~ ASICs (Application Specific ICs) AID and 01A Conversion *AN559/D AN587/D *AN713/D AN869/D *AN877/D AN900/D AN1058/D AN10621D AN1207/D AN12111D AN12161D EB51/D EB155/D A Single Ramp Analog-to-Digital Converter Analysis and Design of the Op Amp Current Source Binary D/A Converters Can Provide BCD-Coded Conversion Application Summary for the MC6805R2()l Single-Chip Microcomputer with AID Converter Precision Voltage References for the MCl 0315/MCl 0317 Flash A-D Converters Using the M6805 Family On-Chip 8-bit AID Converter Reducing AID Errors in Microcontroller Applications Using the QSPI for Analog Data Acquisition The MC145170 in Basic HF and VHF Oscillators InterfaCing DACs and ADCs to the NEURON IC Setback Thermostat DeSign Using the Neuron IC Successive Approximation BCD AID Converter Analog to Digital Conversion with the Neuron Chip AN953/D AN977/D AN981/D *AN9891D AN1093/D AN1094/D AN1095/D AN1096/D AN1099/D AN15001D AN1502lD AN1508/D AN15091D AN1514/D AR108/D Additional Information re/evsnt to AID and DIA Conversion may be found In the following Motorols documents: ADCRM/AD BR14181D DL4121D SG96/D SG169/D Industrial Control Applications Manual Linear and Interface Integrated Circuits Selector Guide &Cross Reference Data Conversion Products MOS Digital-Analog Integrated Circuits SGE102R1/D CMOS System IC Selection Guide SG117/D AR128/D Analog-to-Digital Converter Reference Manual Military Analog. Telecom and Special Functions Fact Sheet AR306/D AR307/D AR308/D AR309/D 22 Binary Addition/Subtraction and Binary/BCD Addition Utilizing Motorola's MCA2500 ECl Macrocell Array Third Generation ECl Macrocell Arrays Building Counters with Motorola's Macrocell Arrays ASIC MPU6805 Standard Cell Interrupt Handling Delay and Timing Methods for CMOS ASICs Thermally Enhanced Quad Flat Packages Clock Distribution Techniques for HDC Series Arrays Guidelines for USing the Mustang™ ATPG System Test Methodology and Release Issues for HDC Series Gate Arrays IEEE Std. 1149.1 Boundary Scan for H4CTM Arrays Embedded RAM BIST High Frequency Design Techniques and Guidelines for Bipolar Gate Arrays ASIC Clock Distribution Using a Phase-locked-Loop (PLL) H4CPlus™ Series 3.3 V/5 V Design Considerations Macrocell Arrays: An Alternative to Custom LSI Array-Based Logic Boosts System Performance Densest Gate Arrays Ever from LSI Logic, Motorola Jumbo High-Density Gate Arrays Score a Round of Industry Firsts Motorola's Arrays Hit a New High: 80% Gate Utilization High-Density ASIC Family Achieves lOOk-Ceil Arrays Bold LetterIng: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information Selector GuIde AN1081/D Minimize the "pop" in the MC34119 Low ASICs (ApplicatIon SpecIfIc ICs) continued AR310/D Power Audio Amplifier Software for Sea-of-Gates Arrays Places and Routes Over 70% of Available Gates AN1308/D AR5121D Gate Arrays Challenge Standard-Cell ASICs Applications Specific MultiChip Modules AR524/D Pick the Right Package for Your Next ASIC Design AddltionallnfonnstJon relevant to ASICs (Appllestlon Specific ICs) 100 and 200 Watt High Fidelity Audio Amplifiers Utilizing a Wideband Low Feedback Design AR520/D AdditIonal Information relevant to AudIo Amplifiers may be found In the following Motorola documonts: may be found In the following Motorola documents: BR165/D BR334/D BR449/D BR746/D BR916/D BR1400/D BR1409/D BR1417/D BRE302S/D BRE323/D BRE368R1/D DL152/D DL154/D H4CDM/D H4CPDM/D H4CPDMAD/D HDCDM/D MC92005UM/D MCA3ETLDMlD MCA 1OOOODM/D SG138/D SG169/D SG367/D SGE115/D SGE116/D MCA800ECL MCA2500ECL Macrocell Array Design Manual ASIC Semicustom Circuits Gate Arrays and Standard Cells Cell Based Products - Questions and Answers Packaging Manual for ASIC Arrays OACS (ASIC) - Open Architecture CAD System ECL300 Logic Array OACS 3.1 M - New Generation Open Architecture CAD System Motorola's High Performance Macrocell Arrays - the MCA2900ETL Your Complete Standard Cell Design Solution MPU6805 Evaluation Board MDA 15 CMOS Standard Cell Data MDA08 CMOS Standard Cell Data H4C Series Design Reference Guide H4CPlus Series Design Reference Guide Supplement to H4CPlus Design Reference Guide HDC Series Design Reference Guide MC92005 SBus Slave Interface Controller User's Manual MCA3ETL Series Design Manual MCA10000ECL Macrocell Array: MCA3 Series Design Manual Commercial Plus and Mil/Aero Application IC & Discrete Selector Guide MOS Digital-Analog Integrated Circuits Semicustom Circuits Motorola ASICs and CMOS Standard Cell Arrays Motorola ASICs and CMOS Macrocell Arrays BR924/D BR1413/D Military Analog Lineup Military 35102 Sleep-Mode Op Amp BR1418/D Military Analog, Telecom and Special Functions Fact Sheet Bipolar Power Transistor Data Small-Signal Transistors, FETs and Diodes Device Data DL111/D DL126/D DL414/D SG96/D Automotive Applications AN428/D Microcontroller Units ANE007/D Automotive Multiplex Wiring - An Example AR267/D AR517/D EB126/D Ultra-Rapid Nickel-Cadmium Battery Charger The MI-BUS and Product Family for Multiplexing Systems Additional InformatIon relevant to Automotive ApplicatIons may be found In the following Motorola documents: BR470/D BR477/D BR934/D BR1305/D BRE427R1/D Motorola Discretes - The Complete Solution Smart Mover - Stepper Motors with Integrated Serial Bus Controller Sensing Solutions from Motorola - Sensors for the Automotive Industry Linear Integrated Circuits: New Product Calendar Automotive Semiconductors Linear and Interface Integrated Circuits Selector Guide & Cross Reference Semiconductor Noise Figure Considerations AN484A/D Basic Design of Medium Power Audio Amplifiers (3 to 35 Watt) AN10421D Moto Answers Back High Resolution Position Sensor for Motion Control System EB409/D Audio Amplifiers AN485/D Automotive Direction Indicator with Short Circuit Detection Using the UAA 1041 AN1067/D Pulse Generation and Detection with SG96/D AN421/D FET Applications Manual Linear and Interface Integrated Circuits Selector Guide & Cross Reference Computer Systems High-Power Audio Amplifiers with Short-Circuit Protection High Fidelity Switching Audio Amplifiers Using TMOS Power MOSFETs 23 AN444/D An MC68040-based Zero Wait State Evaluation System AN4511D An MC68340-based Input/Output Processor Design Selector Guide Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information Computer Systems continued Digital Signal Processing (DSP) An MSI 500 MHz Frequency Counter Using MECland MTIl AN730AlX A High Speed FIFO Memory Using the MECl MCM10143 Register File *AN738/D NBCD Sign and Magnitude Adder/Subtractor *AN741ID Interface Considerations for Numeric Display Systems *AN742/D A 200 MHz Autoranging MECl - McMOS Frequency Counter *AN759ID A CMOS Keyboard Data Entry System for Bus Oriented Memory Systems AN770/D Data Acquisition Networks with NMOS and CMOS *AN806A1D Operation of the MC14469 AN917/D Reading and Writing in Floppy Disc Systems Using Motorola Integrated Circuits AN994RE/D 32-bit Computer Design Using 68020/68881/68851 AN1050ID Designing for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) with HCMOS Microcontrollers AN1051/D Transmission Line Effects in PCB Applications AN1061/D Reflecting on Transmission Line Effects AN1091/D low Skew Clock Drivers and their System Design Considerations AN1207/D The MC145170 in Basic HF and VHF Oscillators AN1405/D ECl Clock Distribution Techniques AN1406/D Designing with PECl (ECl at +5.0V) AN1408/D Power Dissipation for Active SCSI Terminators AN1504ID Metastability and the ECLinPSTM Family APR10/D DSP96002 Interface Techniques and Examples *AR261ID Multiprocessors Boost System Power *AR275/D Opus Systems' 88000 Workstation AN1051/D Transmission Line Effects in PCB Applications AN1213/D 16-bit DSP Servo Control with the MC68HC16Z1 ANE408/D logarithmic/Linear Conversion Routines for DSP56000/1 APR1/D Digital Sine-Wave Synthesis Using the DSP56001/DSP56002 APR2/D Digital Stereo 1O-Band Graphic Equalizer Using the DSP56001 APR3/D Fractional and Integer Arithmetic Using the DSP56000 Family of General-Purpose Digital Signal Processors APR4/D Implementation of Fast Fourier Transforms on Motorola's Digital Signal Processors APR5/D Implementation of PID Controllers on the Motorola DS P56000/DS P5600 1 APR6/D Convolutional Encoding and Viterbi Decoding Using the DSP56001 with a V.32 Modem Trellis Example APR7/D Implementing IIR/FIR Filters with Motorola's DS P56000/DS P56001 APR8/D Principles of Sigma-Delta Modulation for Analog-to-Digital Converters APR9/D Full-Duplex 32-kbitls CCITI ADPCM Speech Coding on the Motorola DSP56001 DSP96002 Interface Techniques and Examples *AN581/D APR10/D Addltlonsllnformstlon relevsnt to Computer Systems msy be found In the followIng Motorols documents: BR4521D Motorola Development Support Guide BR724/D 880pen Sourcebook, Edition 4 BR1305/D Linear Integrated Circuits: New Product Calendar IntroduCing Motorola's ALExiS Bus BR1331/D Interface Solutions BR13321D Logic Integrated Circuits Division: New Product Calendar BR1333/D Low Skew Clock Drivers and Programmable Delay Circuits BR1409/D ECl300 Logic Array BRE147/D Architectural Contrast: M68000 Family and the 8086/iAPX86 BRE150/D M68000 vs. iAPX86 Benchmark Performance DL155/D Dynamic RAMs and Modules DL156/D Fast Static RAM - BiCMOS, CMOS and Module Data SG169/D MOS Digital-Analog Integrated Circuits SG366/D TTL, ECl, CMOS and Special Logic Circuits Selector Guide APR11/D DSP56001 Interface Techniques and Examples APR12/D Twin CODEC Expansion Board for the DSP56000 Application Development System APR 14/D Conference Bridging in the Digital Telecomms Environment Using the Motorola DSP56000 APR15/D Implementation of Adaptive Controllers on the Motorola DSP56000/DSP56001 APR401 ID Twin CODEC Expansion Board for the DSP56000 Application Development System APR402lD low Cost Controller for DSP56001 APR404/D G.722 Audio Processing on the DSP56100 Microprocessor Family DC407/D Interfacing MC68020 and MC68030 to DSP56001 Host Port DCE406/D Interface for MC68000 to DSP56001 Host Port Add't'ons"nfonnst'on relevant to DSP may be found In the followIng Motorols documents: BR2821D 24 DSP56000 Technical Summary - 56-bit General Purpose Digital Signal Processor BR297/D Dr. Bub - DSP Electronic Bulletin Board BR460/D The European Blue Book, 1992 - Qualified Semiconductor Products Selector Guide Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information AN1000/D SENSEFETs For High Frequency Applications Digital Signal Processing (DSP) continued DSP56000ADSx & DSP56KEMULTRCABL for DSP56000 Family Products DSP320 to 56001 Software Summary DSP56000CLASx Software Summary DSP56KCCx DSP56000/DSP56001 C Cross Compiler - Software Summary DSP56ADC16EVB Evaluation Board and Software DSP96000CLASx Software Summary DSP96000ADSx Application Development System DSP56156ADSx Application Development System Military Microprocessor Fact Sheet The Military DSP56001 is Available Now DSP - Motorola's 16, 24 and 32-bit Digital Signal Processing Families BR517/D BR5221D BR526/D BR541/D BR718/D BR725/D BR749/D BR786/D BR911/D BR9121D BR1105/D BR1402lD DL411/D DSP56KFAMUM/AD DSP56000UMlAD DSP56116UM/AD DSP96002UMlAD SG1381D SG146/D SG416/D TB324/D Understanding SENSEFETs Spice Model for TMOS Power MOSFETs Speeding up Horizontal Outputs Understanding and Predicting Power MOSFET Switching Behavior AN11011D One-Horsepower Off-Line Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Drive AN1102/D Interfacing Power MOSFETs to Logic Devices AN1120/D Basic Servo Loop Motor Control Using the MC68HC05B6 MCU AN1317/D High-Current DC Motor Drive Uses Low On-Resistance Surface Mount MOSFETs AN1320/D 300 Watt, 100 kHz Converter Utilizes Economical Bipolar Planar Power Transistor AR141/D Applying Power MOSFETs in Class DIE RF Power Amplifier Design AR160/D Lossless Current Sensing with SENSEFETs Enhances Motor Drive AR175/D A Power FET SPICE Model from Data Sheet Specs AR326/D High-Voltage MOSFETs Simplify Flyback Design AR3461D RF Power FETs: Their Characteristics and Applications EB104/D Get 600 Watts RF from Four Power FETs A Simple Brush Type DC Motor Controller EB123/D MOSFETs Compete with Bipolars in Flyback EB124/D Power Supplies Testing Power MOSFET Gate Charge EB125/D Simple, Low-Cost Motor Controller EB128/D EB131/D Curve Tracer Measurement Techniques for Power MOSFETs Boost MOSFETs Drive Current in Solid State EB1411D AC Relay EB142/D The MOSFET Turn-Off Device - A New Circuit Building Block AN1001/D AN 1043/D AN1076/D AN1090/D Military DSP96002 Communications Applications Manual DSP56000 Digital Signal Processor Family Manual DSP56000/DSP56001 Digital Signal Processor User's Manual DSP56116 Digital Signal Processor User's Manual DSP960021EEE Floating-Point Dual-Port Processor User's Manual Commercial Plus and Mil/Aero Application IC & Discrete Selector Guide Digital Signal Processors Update Clock Driver Selector RealTIme Digital Signal Processing Applications with Motorola's DSP56000 Family (Mohamed EI-Sharkawy, 1990) FET AN211A1D AN220/D AN4621D *AN845/D AN860/D AN9131D AN918/D AN929/D AN976/D Field Effect Transistors in Theory and Practice FETs in Chopper and Analog Switching Circuits FET Current Regulators - Circuits and Diodes New Power Bipolars Compare Favourably with FETs for Switching Efficiency Power MOSFETs versus Bipolar Transistors Designing with TMOS Power MOSFETs Paralleling Power MOSFETs in Switching Applications Insuring Reliable Performance from Power MOSFETs A New High Performance Current Mode Controller Teams Up with Current Sensing Power MOSFETs Addltlonsllnformstlon relevsnt to FET msy be found In the fol/owlng Motorols documents: 25 BR470/D Motorola Discretes - The Complete Solution BR904/D MIL-Processed Devices: Technical Data BR923/D Discrete & Materials Technologies Group, Reliability Audit Report BR1414/D MIL-Processed Hermetic Power Discrete Semiconductors DL 126/D Small-Signal Transistors, FETs and Diodes Device Data DL135/D TMOS Power MOSFET Transistor Selector Guide Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information FET continued DL148/D DL414/D SG145E/D SG163/D SG265/D SG272/D SG275/D AN1316/D Discrete Military Operations Data FET Applications Manual Small Signal FETs: Siliconix to Motorola Cross Reference SOT-223 Surface Mount Products Selector Guide Power MOSFETs Update T0-247 Selector Guide Surface Mount Packages, Small-Signal Operations AN1405/D APR15/D AR25510 AR511/D AR51710 BF810510 Frequency Output Conversion for MPX2000 Series Pressure Sensors ECl Clock Distribution Techniques Implementation of Adaptive Controllers on the Motorola DSP56000lOSP56001 Simplified Remote Control Circuits Biasing Solid State Amplifiers to Linear Operation High Resolution Position Sensor for Motion Control System MC145026 and MC145027 Remote Control System Instrumentation and Control DC41 % Fuzzy logic - A New Approach to Embedded Control Solutions AN22010 EB4810 A Time Base and Control logic Subsystem for High-Frequency, High-Resolution EB157/D Creating Applications with the lonBuilder Multi-Function I/O Kit Neuron Chip-based Installation of lonWorks Networks AN421/D FETs in Chopper and Analog Switching Circuits Semiconductor Noise Figure Considerations AN431/D Temperature Measurement and Display Using the MC68HC05B4 and the MC14489 AN470/D Bipolar Chopper Transistors and Circuits *AN541/D Medium Scale Integration in the Numerical Control Field *AN5811O An MSI500MHz Frequency Counter Using MECl and MTTl *AN7421O A 200M Hz Autoranging MECl - McMOS Frequency Counter *AN782/D Interfacing and Controlling Digital Temperature Data Using the MC6800 AN885/D A General Purpose Frequency Counter Using an M6805 HMOS/M146805 CMOS *AN889/D AN92310 MC14500B Development System 800MHz Test Fixture Design AN92410 Measurement of Zener Voltage to Thermal Equilibrium with Pulsed Test Current Designing for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) with HCMOS Microcontrollers AN105010 EB159/D EB409/D The MI-BUS and Product Family for Multiplexing Systems Additional Information relevant to Instrumentation and Control may be found In the following Motorola documents: BR332/D Motorola Operational Amplifiers: Still Growing Strong Military Analog Lineup Military 351 02 Sleep-Mode Op Amp The MC34080 Series of J-FET Input Op Amps J-FET and Bipolar Operational Amplifiers Linear Leader Motorola/TI Cross Reference Chart Industrial Control Applications Manual LonWorks Products 1992 Linear and Interface Integrated Circuits Selector Guide & Cross Reference Data Conversion Products MOS Digital-Analog Integrated Circuits CMOS System IC Selection Guide BR924/D BR 1413/0 BRE414/D BRE415/D BRE417/D DL412/D LONPROD/D SG96/D AN1058/D Reducing NO Errors in Microcontroller Applications AN1065/D Use of the MC68HC68T1 Real-Time Clock with Multiple Time Bases AN1067/D Pulse Generation and Detection with Microcontroller Units AN1102/D Interfacing Power MOSFETs to logic Devices Interfacing AN1126/D Evaluation Systems for Remote Control Devices on an Infrared Link see also Telecommunications AN1304/D Integrated Sensor Simplifies Bar Graph Pressure Gauge An Evaluation System for Direct Interface of the MPX51 00 Pressure Sensor with a Microprocessor AN442/D Driving lCDs with M6805 Microprocessors AN449/D An MC68340 to M88000 MBUS Bus Translator An MC68340-based Input/Output Processor Design AN130510 SG117/D SG169/D SGE102R1/D AN451/D 26 Selector Guide Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information Interfacing continued AN453/D DC409/D EB406/D EB409ID Serial Peripheral Interface Device Emulation Routine for the MC68340 AN708A1D Line Driver and Receiver Considerations *AN741ID Interface Considerations for Numeric Display Systems Addltlonsllnformstlon re/evsnt to Interfsclng msy be found In the following Motorols documents: AN781 AID Revised Data-Interface Standards *AN782/D Interfacing and Controlling Digital Temperature Data Using the MC6800 *AN801/D Using Input/Output Modules in Industrial Control Applications BR428/D BR477/D BR1305/D BR1331/D AN864A1D Interfacing Multiplexed Bus Peripherals with Non-Multiplexed MPUs AN991/D AN993/D BR13321D Using the Serial Peripheral Interface to Communicate Between Multiple Microcomputers BR1415/D DL411/D DL4121D MC6801 RM/AD2 Serial-ta-Parallel Converter Using the MC68705P3 AN1016/D Infrared Sensing and Data Transmission Fundamentals SG96/D AN1061/D Reflecting on Transmission Line Effects AN1066/D SGl17/D SG169/D TB316/D Interfacing the MC68HC05C5 SlOP to an 12C Peripheral AN10821D Simple Design for a 4-20mA Transmitter Interface Using a Motorola Pressure Sensor AN1102/D Interfacing Power MOSFETs to logic Devices AN1123/D MCS3201 Floppy Disk Controller in MC68000 System AN1126/D Evaluation Systems for Remote Control Devices on an Infrared Link TB318/D Frequency Output Conversion for MPX2000 Series Pressure Sensors AN1402lD MC1 0/1 OOHOO Translator Family I/O SPICE Modelling Kit CMOS AN450/D IC Design: A Statistical Approach to Electromigration *AN738/D NBCD Sign and Magnitude Adder/Subtracter *AN741/D Interface Considerations for Numeric Display Systems *AN7 4210 A 200MHz Autoranging MECl - McMOS Frequency Counter *AN753/D Scanning logic for RF Scanner-Receivers Using CMOS Integrated Circuits *AN759/D A CMOS Keyboard Data Entry System for Bus Oriented Memory Systems AN770/D Data Acquisition Networks with NMOS and CMOS *AN806A1D Operation of the MC14469 AN1091/D low Skew Clock Drivers and their System Design Considerations AN1102/D Interfacing Power MOSFETs to logic Devices AN1400/D MC1 0/1 OOH640 Clock Driver Family I/O SPICE Modelling Kit AN1404/D ECLinPS Circuit Performance at Non-Standard V/H levels AN1406/D Designing with PECl (ECl at +5.0V) AN1408/D Power Dissipation for Active SCSI Terminators ANE007/D Automotive Multiplex Wiring - An Example ANE405/D Bi-Directional Data Transfer Between MC68HC11 and MC6805l3 Using SPI ANE415/D MC68HC11 Implementation of IEEE-488 Interface for DSP56000 Monitor AR223/D SCSI Protocol and Controller Ease Bus Arbitration AR266/D LCD Driver with Serial Interface Standard Digital Bus Interfaces Smart·Mover - Stepper Motors with Integrated Serial Bus Controller Linear Integrated Circuits: New Product Calendar Introducing Motorola's ALExiS Bus Interface Solutions Logic Integrated Circuits Division: New Product Calendar - Fourth Quarter, 1992 Military Telecom Special Functions Communications Applications Manual Industrial Control Applications Manual MC6801 8-bit Single-Chip Microcomputer Reference Manual Linear and Interface Integrated Circuits Selector Guide & Cross Reference Data Conversion Products MOS Digital-Analog Integrated Circuits Single- & Multi-Chip MCU Interfacing (Lipovski, 1988) Microprocessor Systems Design: 68000 Hardware, Software and Interfacing (Clements, 1987) Logic AN1203/D A Software Method for Decoding the Output from the MC14497/MC3373 Combination AN1316/D FOOl Chip Set Interface to an 80486 System Getting Started with the FOOl ADS Board The MI-BUS and Product Family for Multiplexing Systems 27 Selector Guide Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information *AN774/D Logic: CMOS continued AN1401/D Using SPICE to Analyze the Effects of Board Layout on System Skew When Designing with the MC1 0/1 00H640 Family of Clock Drivers AN1402lD MC1 0/1 OOHOO Translator Family 1/0 SPICE Modelling Kit AN14031D FACT 110 Model Kit AN1406/D Designing with PECl (ECl at +S.OV) AN1408/D Power Dissipation for Active SCSI Terminators AR3001D The Hidden Dangers of Electrostatic Discharge - ESD AN10S1/D AN1061/D AN1092/D AN1400/D AN1401/D AN1402lD AddItIonal InformatIon relevant to CMOS may be found In the followIng Motorola documents: BR460/D BR1331/D BR1332/D BR1407/D BRE3781D Dl129/D Dl131/D Dl138/D SG1381D SG366/D SGE102R1/D AN1404/D The European Blue Book, 1992 - Qualified Semiconductor Products Introducing Motorola's ALExiS Bus Interface Solutions logic Integrated Circuits Division: New Product Calendar 3.3 Volt logic & Interface Circuits UnitPAK Packaging High Speed CMOS logic Data CMOS logic Data FACT Data Commercial Plus and Mil/Aero Application IC & Discrete Selector Guide TIL, ECl, CMOS and Special logic Circuits Selector Guide CMOS System IC Selection Guide AN140S/D AN1406/D AN1S03/D AN1S04/D ARS19/D A Simple High Speed Bipolar Microprocessor Illustrates System Design and Microprogram Techniques Transmission line Effects in PCB Applications Reflecting on Transmission line Effects Driving High Capacitance DRAMs in an ECl System MC1 0/1 00H640 Clock Driver Family 1/0 SPICE Modelling Kit Using SPICE to Analyze the Effects of Board layout on System Skew when Designing with the MC1 0/1 00H640 Family of Clock Drivers MC1 0/1 OOHOO Translator Family 1/0 SPICE Modelling Kit EClinPS Circuit Performance at Non-Standard VIH levels ECl Clock Distribution Techniques Designing with PECl (ECl at +S.OV) EClinPSTM 110 SPICE Modelling Kit Metastability and the EClinPSTM Family low-Skew Clock Drivers: Which Type Is Best? ,. I i V AddItIonal InformatIon relevant to ECL may be found In the followIng Motorola documents: BR347/D BR378/D EeL *ANS04/D ANSS6/D The MC1600 Series MECl III Gates Interconnection Techniques for Motorola's MECl 10,000 Series Emitter Coupled logic ANS671D MECl Positive and Negative logic ·ANS79/D Testing MECl 10,000 Integrated Logic Circuits ·ANS811D An MSI SOOMHz Frequency Counter Using MECland MTIl °AN700/D Simulate MECl System Interconnections with a Computer Program AN701/D Understanding MECl 10,000 DC and AC Data Sheet SpeCifications AN720/D Interfacing with MECl 10,000 Integrated Circuits AN726/D Bussing with MECl 10,000 Integrated Circuits AN730A/X A High Speed FIFO Memory Using the MECL MCM1 0143 Register File °AN7421D A 200MHz Autoranging MECl - McMOS Frequency Counter Bipolar logic Circuits - Quality & Reliability UniVPakSM Packing BR1330/D ECLinPS Lite Single Gate ECl Devices BR1332/D logic Integrated Circuits Division: New Product Calendar BR1333/D low Skew Clock Drivers and Programmable Delay Circuits BR1409/D ECl300 logic Array BRE3721D ECLIPS Mini Data Book BRE3781D UnitPAK Packaging Dl122/D DL140/D MECl Device Data Dl14S/D ECLinPS Device Data Military MECl Family Data Dl413/D Radio, RF and Video Applications Manual HB20S/D MECl System Design Handbook SG1381D Commercial Plus and Mil/Aero Application IC & Discrete Selector Guide TIL, ECl, CMOS and Special logic Circuits Selector Guide SG366/D TTL *ANS81/D An MSI SOOMHz Frequency Counter Using MEClandMTIl AN10S1/D Transmission line Effects in PCB Applications AN1061/D Reflecting on Transmission line Effects 28 ~ ! , \~ Selector Guide Bold lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.: * HI: Historiaallnformation logic: TTL continued AN730NX A High Speed FIFO Memory Using the MECl MCM10143 Register File *AN740/D The Design of an N-Channel 16K x 16 Bit Memory System for the PDP-11 *AN805/D The 5 Volt, 64K Dynamic RAM Is Here, So Is the 32K, So Is the 16KIII *AN816/D Software Refreshed Memory Card for the MC68000 *AN838/D High Performance Memory Design Technique for the MC68000 *AN909/D MCM2833 Functional Description AN941/D A 2.0MHz MC68B09E System with Transparent Refresh of Dynamic RAM AN971/D Avoiding Bus Contention in Fast Access RAM Designs AN973/D Avoiding Data Errors with Fast Static RAMs *AN984/D 25MHz logical Cache for an MC68020 AN986/D Page, Nibble, and Static Column Modes: High-Speed, Serial-Access Options on 1M-Bit + DRAMs AN987/D DRAM Refresh Modes AN1051/D Transmission Line Effects in PCB Applications AN1059/D Pseudo Static RAM Simplifies Interfacing with Microprocessors AN1061/D Reflecting on Transmission Line Effects AN1063/D DRAM Controller for the MC68340 AN10921D Driving High Capacitance DRAMs in an ECl System AN1124/D 1 Meg to 4 Meg DRAM Upgrading AN1125ID DRAM Interface to the MC8820M Bus AN1127/D High Speed DRAM Design for the 40MHz MC68EC030 AN1129/D Effect of Cache Memory and Latency on MC881 00 Performance AN1214/D MC8811 0 64-bit External Bus Interface to 16-bit EPROM AN1223/D A Zero Wait State Secondary Cache for Intel's Pentium™ AN1502lD Embedded RAM BIST DSP56001 Interface Techniques and Examples APR11/D AR241/D Building Fast SRAMs with No Process 'Tricks' *AR248/D Memory Management in the 68030 Microprocessor AR256/D Motorola'S Radical SRAM Design Speeds Systems 40% *AR257/D Maximize Performance by Choosing Best Memory AR258/D High Frequency System Operation Using Synchronous SRAMs AR260/D Enhancing System Performance Using Synchronous SRAMs AN1091/D low Skew Clock Drivers and Their System Design Considerations AN1102/D Interfacing Power MOSFETs to logic Devices AN1400/D MC1 0/1 00H640 Clock Driver Family 1/0 SPICE Modelling Kit AN1401/D Using SPICE to Analyze the Effects of Board Layout on System Skew When Designing with the MC1 0/1 00H640 Family of Clock Drivers AN1402lD MC1 0/1 OOHOO Translator Family 1/0 SPICE Modelling Kit AN1406/D Designing with PECl (ECl at +5.0V) AddltlonallnfonnlJtlon relevant to TTL may be found In the followIng Motorola documents: BR347/D BR378/D BR460/D BR13321D BRE378JD DL121/D DL138/D DL1421D SG138/D SG366/D Bipolar Logic Circuits - Quality & Reliability UnitiPakSM Packing The European Blue Book, 1992 - Qualified Semiconductor Products Logic Integrated Circuits Division: New Product Calendar UnitPAK Packaging FAST and LS TIL Data FACT Data Military ALS/FAST/LSITIL Data Commercial Plus and Mil/Aero Application Military IC & Discrete Selector Guide TIL, ECL, CMOS and Special LogiC Circuits Selector Guide Memories MC68332 aSPllnterface for the MCM2814 EEPROM AN4321D 128K byte Addressing with the M68HC11 AN434/D Serial Bootstrap for the RAM and EEPROM1 of the MC68HC05B6 AN439/D Booting an MC68040 from a Single Byte-Wide EEPROM AN441/D MC68HC05EO EPROM Emulator AN444/D An MC68040-based Zero Wait State Evaluation System AN446/D MCM2814 Gang-Programmer Using an MC68HC805B6 AN447/D An MC88100IMC88200 20/25133MHz System DRAM Design AN447NX Appendix to AN447/D: "An MC881 00/MC88200 20/25/33MHz System DRAM Design" AN4521D Using the MC68HC11 K4 Memory Mapping logic *AN550/D Programming the MCM5003/5004 Programmable Read Only Memory AN429/D 29 Selector Guide Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information Memories continued AN446/D MCM2814 Gang-Programmer Using an MC68HC805B6 AN448/D "FLOF" Teletext using M6805 Microcontrollers AN452/D Using the MC68HC11 K4 Memory Mapping Logic AN456/D Using PCbug11 as a Diagnostic Aid for Expanded Mode M68HC11 Systems AN458/D A Self-Test Approach for the MC68HC11 AlE AN459/D A Monitor for the MC68HC05EO AN460/D An RDS Decoder Using the MC68HC05EO *AN7971D MC6801/03 Port Expansion *AN8071D Special Considerations in Using the MC6801 Interrupt Capabilities *AN817/D Asynchronous Communications for the MC68000 Using the MC6850 * AN820/D Hardware Considerations for Direct Memory Access Using the MC6809 Microprocessor Unit and MC6844 DMA Controller *AN8521D Monitor for the MC146805G2L1 Microcomputer AN8571D MC68705P3/R3/U3 8-bit EPROM Microcomputer Programming Module AN864A1D Interfacing Multiplexed Bus Peripherals with Non-Multiplexed MPUs *AN865/D The MC6809/MC6809E SYNC Instruction *AN866/D Vectoring the Device Using Interrupt SYNC Acknowledge with the MC6809/MC6809E AN885/D Acknowledge with the MC6809/MC6809E *AN888/D Monitor for the MC146805F2L1 Microcomputer AN8921D A Dual Processor System, Using Two MC6809E MPUs on a Common Bus AN894A1D User Considerations for MC146818 Real Time Clock Applications AN900/D Using the M6805 Family On-Chip 8-bit AID Converter AN902/D A Zero-Crossing Application for the M6805 HMOS Family AN906A1D Self-Programming the MC68701 and the MC68701U4 AN910/D Self-Contained Self-Check Unit for M6805 Family Single-Chip Microcomputers AN940/D Telephone Dialing Techniques Using the MC6805 AN941/D A 2.0MHz MC68B09E System with Transparent Refresh of Dynamic RAM AN942/D MC68704P2 8-bit EPROM Microcomputer Programming Module AN966/D MC68HC805C4 8-bit EEPROM Microcomputer Programming Module AN974/D MC68HC11 Floating-Point Package AN991/D Using the Serial Peripheral Interface to Communicate Between Multiple Microcomputers AR270/D Designing a Cache for a Fast Processor ARE001/D High-Speed Components and a Cache Memory Lower Access Times DC001/D Virtual Memory Using the MC68000 and the MC68451 EB162/D Programming Tips (MC8811 0) EB163/D Running the MC88110 in Lockstep EB164/D Interrupt Latency in the MC8811 0 EB165/D Hardware Implications of xmem as a st followed by a Id EB404/D "Memories Are Made of This" ... a Look at Memory Considerations for Smart Card Applications Addltlonsllnformstlon relevsnt to Memories msy be found In the following Motorola documents: BR905/D BR915/D BR1100/D BRE306R1/D DL122/D DL155/D Dl156/D MC88200UMIAD SG138/D SG171/D SG172/D SG366/D SGE102R1/D Military Fast Static RAM Fact Sheet The Military 32K x 8 is Available Now Semiconductor Products Sector Memory Products Reliability and Quality Report Monolithic Diode Arrays MECl Device Data Dynamic RAMs and Memory Modules Fast Static RAM - BiCMOS, CMOS and Module Data MC88200 CacheIMemory Management Unit User's Manual Commercial Plus and Mil/Aero Application IC & Discrete Selector Guide Fast Static RAM Update Dynamic kRAM Update TTL, ECl, CMOS and Special logic Circuits Selector Guide CMOS System IC Selection Guide Microprocessors B-blt MPUIMCU AN4271D AN431/D AN432/D AN433/D AN434/D AN440/D AN441/D AN442/D MC68HC11 EEPROM Error Correction Algorithms in C Temperature Measurement and Display Using the MC68HC05B4 and the MC14489 128K byte Addressing with the M68HC11 TV On-Screen Display Using the MC68HC05T1 Serial Bootstrap for the RAM and EEPROM1 of the MC68HC05B6 MC68HC805B6 and MC68HC705B5 SeriaVParallel Programming Module MC68HC05EO EPROM Emulator Driving LCDs with M6805 Microprocessors 30 Selector Guide Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information Microprocessors: 8-bit MPUlMCU continued AN1316/D AN993/D Serial-te-Parallel Converter Using the MC68705P3 AN997/D CON FIG Register Issues Concerning the M68HC11 Family AN1009/D Programming the MC1468705F2 EPROM Microcomputer Unit (MCU) ANE404/D ANE405/D ANE413/D ANE416/D ANE418/D AN1010/D MC68HC11 EEPROM Programming from a Personal Computer AN1011/D MC146805G2 to MC68HC05C4 Conversion AN10501D Designing for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) with HCMOS Microcontrollers AN1055/D M6805 16-bit Support Macros AN1057/D Selecting the Right Microcontroller Unit AN10581D Reducing AID Errors in Microcontroller Applications AN1060/D MC68HC11 Bootstrap Mode AN1064/D Use of Stack Simplifies M68HC11 Programming AN10651D Use of the MC68HC68T1 Real-Time Clock with Multiple Time Bases AN1066/D Interfacing the MC68HC05C5 SlOP to an 12C Peripheral AN1067/D Pulse Generation and Detection with Microcontroller Units AN1091/D Low Skew Clock Drivers and Their System Design Considerations AN1097/D Calibration-Free Pressure Sensor System AN11021D Interfacing Power MOSFETs to Logic Devices AN1120/D Basic Servo Loop Motor Control Using the MC68HC05B6 MCU AN1122/D Running the MC44802A PLL Circuit AN1203/D A Software Method for Decoding the Output from the MC14497/MC3373 Combination AN12121D J1850 Multiplex Bus Communications USing the MC68HC705C8 and the MC68HC58H1850 Communications Interface (JCI) AN1215/D PI D Routines for HC11 K4 and HC11 N4 Microcontrollers AN1218/D HC05 to HC08 Optimization AN1226/D Use of the 68HC705C8A in Place of 68HC705C8 AN1227/D Using 9346 Series Serial EEPROMs with 6805 Series Microcontrollers AN1228/D Interfacing the HC05 MCU to the MC145051 AID Converter AN1305/D An Evaluation System for Direct Interface of the MPX51 00 Pressure Sensor with a Microprocessor AN1311/D Software for an 8-bit Microcontroller Based Brushed DC Motor Drive ANE420/D ANE421/D ANE4221D ANE425/D *AR264/D BF8401lD DC41 OlD EB408/D Frequency Output Conversion for MPX2000 Pressure Series An Extended MC146805E2 CBUG05 System Using the MC68HC25 Bi-Directional Data Transfer Between MC68HC11 and MC6805L3 Using SPI MC146805G2 to MC68HC05C4 Conversion MC68HC05B4 Radio Synthesizer MC68HC805B6 Low-Cost EEPROM Microcomputer Programming Module Monitor Program for the MC68HC0586 Microcomputer Unit MC68HC704P4 8-bit EPROM Microcomputer Programming Module An Application Note on a MC68HC04 Based Intruder Deterrent Use of the MC68HC68T1 RTC with M6805 Microprocessors Hi-Tech Encoder Temperature and Pressure Measurement with MC6805 Fuzzy Logic - A New Approach to Embedded Control Solutions MC68HC705T3 Bootloader Additional Information relevant to B-blt MPUIMCU may be found In the fol/owlng Motorola documents: ADCRM/AD BR261/D BR266/D BR278/D BR285/D BR291/D BR295/D BR411/D BR433/D BR4521D BR4S8/D BR467/D BR527/D BR568/D BR597/D BRS99/D BR706/D BR713/D BR730/D BR73S/D BR736/D BR748/D 31 AnalO!:rtcrDigital Converter Reference Manual 8116/32-bit Microcontrollers from Motorola M68HC11 EVM Evaluation Module M68HC11 EVB Evaluation Board M68701 EVM Evaluation Module M68705EVM Evaluation Module M68HC05EVM Evaluation Module The M68HC11 Microcontroller Family M68HC05 8-bit Microcontrollers. The Home of the Industry Standard Microcontroller Motorola Development Support Guide MC68HCOSD9 8-bit Microcomputer with PWM Outputs and LED Drive: Technical Summary MC68HC705C9/D9 8-bit Microcontroller Unit - Technical Summary MC14680SF2 Technical Summary MCU Freeware MC68HCOSP1 Technical Summary MC68HC05B4 Technical Summary M68HC11 F1 EVM Evaluation Module MC68HC05M4 Technical Summary M68HCOSPGMR Programmer Board M68HCOSP8EVS CSIC Evaluation System M68HC11 EVBU Universal Evaluation Board M68HC711 D3PGMR Programmer Board Selector GuIde Bold LetterIng: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information MIcroprocessors: 8-bit MPU/MCU continued MCCIRM/AD BR751/D BR764/D BR774/D BR775/D BR911/D BR913/D SG138/D MC68HC711 K4 Technical Summary M68HC05 CSIC Portfolio MC68HC11L6 Technical Summary MC68HC711 E9 Technical Summary Military Microprocessor Fact Sheet The Military 68HC11 AO and 68HC11 A1 Are Available Now BR9221D Military MCU - 68HC811 E2 BR1111/D M68HC705J2IP9PGMR Programmer Board BR11121D M68(HC)05 Customer Specified Integrated Circuit (CSIC) Microcontroller Unit (MCU) Literature BR1113/D M68HC705B5PGMR Programmer Board Advanced Microcontroller Unit (AMCU) BR1116/D Literature BR1310/D Our Low-Cost 68HC05 CSICs Can Take Your Designs to New Heights BRE289/D MC68HC811A2 Technical Summary BRE368R1/D MPU6805 Evaluation Board BRE435/D M1468705EVM Evaluation Module BRE529/D MC146805G2 Technical Summary BRE586/D MC68HC811 E2 Technical Summary DL408/0 8-bit MCU Applications Manual DL411/D Communications Applications Manual DLE404/D M6804 MCU Manual HC711 D3EVB/AD1 M68HC711 D3EVB Evaluation Board User's Manual HC711 D3PGMRlAD1 M68HC11711 D3PGMR Programmer Board User's Manual M68HC05AG/AD M68HC05 Applications Guide M68HC05P9EVS/D1 M68HC05P9EVS Manual M68HC11 Reference Manual M68HC11RM/AD M68HC16PN01/D Transporting M68HC11 Code to M68HC16 Devices M68PCBUG 11/02 M68HC11 PCbug11 User's Manual M6805UM/AD3 M6805 HMOS / M146805 CMOS Family User's Manual M6809PM/AD MC6809-MC6809E Microprocessor Programming Manual MC68HCOSCxRGlAD MC68HC05Cx HCMOS Single-Chip Microcontrollers Programming Reference Guide MC68HC11A8RGlAD MC68HC11A8 Programming Reference Guide MC68HC11 D3RGlAD MC68HC11D3IMC68HC711 D3 Programming Reference Guide MC68HC11 E9RGlAD MC68HC11 E9 Programming Reference Guide MC68HC11F1RGlAD MC68HC11F1 Programming Reference Guide MC68HC11 K4RGlAD MC68HC11 K4IMC68HC711 K4 Programming Reference Guide MC68HC11 KA4RGlAD MC68HC11 KA4IMC68HC711 KA4 Programming Reference Guide MC68HC11 L6RGlAD MC68HCL6/MC68HC711 L6 Programming Reference Guide MC68HC811 E2RG/D MC68HC811 E2 Programming Reference Guide Multichannel Communication Interface Reference Manual Commercial Plus and Mil/Aero Application IC & Discrete Selector Guide CSIC Microcontrollers Update Advanced Microcontroller Division Update CSIC Modular Development Tools Update CMOS System IC Selection Guide Basic Microprocessors and the 6800 (Bishop, 1979) Using Microprocessors and Microcomputers: The Motorola Family (Greenfield and Wray, Rev. 1, 1988) Programming the 6809 (Zaks & Labiak, 1982) Single- & Multi-Chip MCU Interfacing (Lipovski, 1988) USing Small Microcontrollers (Sibigtroth, 1992) SG165/D SG166/D SG173/D SGE102R1/D TB301/0 TB303/D TB309/D TB316/D TB327/0 16-blt MPUIMCU AN4611D *AN8021D *AN81 OlD *AN815/D *AN819/D AN854/D AN897/D AN899/D *AN996/D AN1008/D AN1050/D AN1091/D AN1123/D AN1213/D AN1214/D AN1217/D APR402/D AR208/D *AR2161D 32 An Introduction to the HC16 for HC11 Users Interconnections of the DS14500A ICU to the Motorola Mounting System Boards Dual 16-bit Ports for the MC68000 Using Two MC6821s Colour Graphics for the MC68000 Using the MC6847 Prioritized Individually Vectored Interrupts for Multiple Peripheral Systems with the MC68000 The MC68230 ParaliellnterfacelTimer Provides an Effective Printer Interface MC68008 Minimum Configuration System A Terminal Interface, Printer Interface and Background Printer for an MC68000-Based System Using the MC68681 DUART MC68010 Microprocessor Prototype Board MC68824 Token Bus Controller to MC68010 Interface Designing for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) with HCMOS Microcontrollers Low Skew Clock Drivers and their System Design Considerations MCS3201 Floppy Disk Controller in MC68000 System 16-bit DSP Servo Control with the MC68HC16Z1 MC88110 64-bit External Bus Interface to 16-bit EPROM Interfacing to the MC8811 0 Low Cost Controller for DSP56001 Design Philosophy Behind Motorola's MC68000 Multiprocessor Architecture Tunes In to Transaction Processing Selector Guide Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information Microprocessors: 16-bit MPUlMCU continued *AR226/D Designing with the MC68008 Microprocessor AR233/D AR235/D Software Links Math Chip to M68000 Family JlPS MC68000 Microprogrammed Architecture AR243/D A Comparison of M68000 Family Processors *AR267/D Moto Answers Back 32-blt MPUIMCU DCE406/D Interface for MC68000 to DSP56001 Host Port EB164/D Interrupt Latency in the MC88110 Addltlonsllnfonnstlon relevant to 16-blt MPUIMCU msy be found In the following Motorols documents: BR231/D BR259/D M68000 Family Technical Literature MC68008 Technical Summary BR261/D 8/16/32-bit Microcontrollers from Motorola BR275/D MC68HCOOO Technical Summary BR4521D BR460/D Motorola Development Support Guide The European Blue Book, 1992 - Qualified Semiconductor Products BR476/D Power to Perform - the M68HC16 Microcontroller Military Microprocessor Fact Sheet AN429/D MC68332 aSPllnterface for the MCM2814 EEPROM AN430/D Adding Floating Point Support to an MC68030 High Performance System AN435/D MC68040 Benchmark Board AN437/D Using the MC68332 Periodic Interrupt Timer AN439/D Booting an MC68040 from a Single Byte-Wide EEPROM AN444/D An MC68040-based Zero Wait State Evaluation System AN447/D An MC88100/MC88200 20/25/33MHz System DRAM Design AN447ND Appendix to AN447/D: "An MC88100/MC88200 20/25/33MHz System DRAM Design" AN449/D An MC68340 to M88000 MBUS Bus Translator AN451/D An MC68340-based Input/Output Processor Design AN453/D Serial Peripheral Interface Device Emulation Routine for the MC68340 AN455/D Using the Table Interpolation Features of the CPU32 AN457/D Providing a Real-time Clock for the MC68302 Advanced Microcontroller Unit (AMCU) Literature *AN9721D Platform Boards for Development of MC68030-Based Systems AN994RE/D 32-bit Computer Design Using 68020/68881/68851 CPU16RM/AD Low Skew Clock Drivers and Programmable Delay Circuits Architectural Contrast: M68000 Family and the 8086/iAPX86 M68000 vs. iAPX86 Benchmark Performance M68HC16 Family Reference Manual AN1015/D MC68020 Minimum System Configuration DL409/D 16/32-bit Application Manual AN1051/D M68HC16PN01/D Transporting M68HC11 Code to M68HC16 Devices Transmission Line Effects in PCB Applications BR911/D BR1116/D BR1333/D BRE147/D BRE150/D M6809PMlAD MC6809-MC6809E Microprocessor Programming Manual M68000UM/AD M68000 8-/16-/32-bit Microprocessors User's Manual, Eighth Edition MC68HC16Z1 UM/AD MC68HC16Z1 User's Manual SG138/D SG166/D TB303/D TB318/D TB320/D Commercial Plus and Mil/Aero Application IC & Discrete Selector Guide Advanced Microcontroller Division Update Using Microprocessors and Microcomputers: The Motorola Family (Greenfield and Wray, Rev. 1, 1988) Microprocessor Systems Design: 68000 Hardware, Software and Interfacing (Clements, 1987) The M68000 Family. Volume 1: Architecture, Addressing Modes and Instruction Set (Hilf & Nausch, 1989) TB3221D The M68000 Family. Volume 2: Applications and the M68000 Devices TB323/D The 68000 Book (Southern, 1990) 33 AN 1008/0 MC68824 Token Bus Controller to MC6801 0 Interface AN10121D A Discussion of Interrupts for the MC68000 AN1061/D Reflecting on Transmission Line Effects AN10621D Using the aSPI for Analog Data Acquisition AN 1063/0 0 RAM Controller for the MC68340 AN1091/D Low Skew Clock Drivers and their System Design Considerations AN1125/D DRAM Interface to the MC88200 M Bus AN1127/D High Speed DRAM Design for the 40MHz MC68EC030 AN1129/D Effect of Cache Memory and Latency on MC88100 Performance AN1200/D Configuring the M68300 Family Time Processing Unit (fPU) AN 131 % Using the MC68332 Microcontroller for AC Induction Motor Control AN1401/D Using SPICE to Analyze the Effects of Board Layout on System Skew When Designing with the MC1 0/1 OOH640 Family of Clock Drivers Selector Guide Bold lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information 8116132-bit Microcontrollers from Motorola Motorola Development Support Guide BR460lD The European Blue Book, 1992 - Qualified Semiconductor Products M68000IM88000 Family Fact Sheet BR461/D MC68302 Development SupportBR469/D Technical Summary M68EC020EVM Evaluation Module BR473/D MC68030 Technical Summary BR508/D HVPERmoduie Family Product Overview BR583/D MC88100 Technical Summary BR588/D MC88200 Technical Summary BR589/D BR729/D The 68K Source - Third Party Vendor Catalog (USA) for the 68000 Family of Microprocessors MC68040 Fact Sheet BR733/D M68332EVS Evaluation System BR734/D M68000 Family Surface-Mount Packaging BR7421D Update MC68340 Product Brief BR752/D M68340EVS Product Brief BR753/D MC68331 Technical Summary BR755/D MC68332 32-bit Microcontroller - Technical BR756/D Summary Military Microprocessor Fact Sheet BR911/D Military Microprocessors - Motorola's BR919/D 68030 and 68882 68ECOxO Microprocessor Family BRll09/D Software-Compatible MPUs for Embedded Control BRll14/D 68300 Integrated Microprocessor Family 68000 Microprocessor Family BRll15/D Advanced Microcontroller Unit (AMCU) BRll16/D Literature 88110 RISC Microprocessor Preview BR1117/D Motorola's 68LC040 Microprocessor BRll18/D BRll19/D Motorola's 68EC040 Microprocessor Military MC881 00/MC88200 BR1401/D BR1406/D Military 68332 Military 68040 BR1420lD MC68020 Technical Summary BRE243R3/D CPU32 Central Processor Unit Reference CPU32RM/AD Manual 16/32-bit Application Manual DL409/D GPTRM/AD Modular Microcontroller Family General Purpose Timer Reference Manual M68000FRlAD M68000 Family Reference M68000 Family Programmer's Reference M68000PM/AD Manual MC68020/MC68EC020 Microprocessors M68020UM/AD User's Manual MC68040, MC68EC040, MC68LC040 M68040UM/AD Microprocessors User's Manual M68332EVKEM/ADl M68332EVK Evaluation Kit Exercise Manual MC68EC030UM/AD MC68EC030 32-bit Embedded Controller User's Manual BR261/D Microprocessors: 32-bit MPU/MCU continued BR452/D AN1405/D ECl Clock Distribution Techniques ANEOO9/D Register Display Program for the MC68881 iMC68882 ANE4261D An MC68030 32-bit High Performance Minimum System AR217/D The Motorola MC68020 *AR225iD Testing Apprcaches in the MC68020 *AR2321D The MC68020 32-bit MPU: Opening New Application Doors *AR2421D A Benchmark Comparison of 32-bit Microprocessors *AR243/D A Comparison of M68000 Family Processors *AR2481D Memory Management in the 68030 Microprocessor *AR253/D Extra Functions and Higher Speed Push Microprocessor to Top *AR259/D As Many 68020s to Sell in 1988 as 80386s *AR267/D Moto Answers Back AR270/D Designing a Cache for a Fast Processor *AR273/D The 88000 Now *AR275/D Opus Systems' 88000 Workstation AR350/D Adapt Non-ISDN Terminals to ISDN Data Rates Low-Skew Clock Drivers: Which Type Is AR519/D Best? DC407/D Interfacing MC68020 and MC68030 to DSP56001 Host Port DC408/D MC88110 Single Stepping Code Example DCE402/D MC68030 25MHz Benchmarking Board DCE403/D Interfacing 25MHz MC68030 to a 20MHz MC68882 DCE404/D Hardware Trap for MC68000 EB116/D Chip-Select Generation for a 33.33MHz MC68030 Microprocessor and a 33.33MHz MC68882 Floating-Point Coprocessor EB117/D MC88100 P-Bus Flexibility Using PCE EB162/D Programming Tips EB163/D Running the MC88110 in Lockstep EB1641D Interrupt Latency in the MC8811 0 Hardware Implications of xmem as a st EB165/D followed by a Id TPUPNOO/D Using the TPU Function Library and TPU Emulation Mode TPUPN01/DOueued Output Match TPU Function (ODM) Addltlonsllnformstlon re/evsnt to 32-blt MPUlMCU msy be found In the following Motorols documents: BR030lD BR231/D The World Turns 030 M68000 Family Technical Literature 34 Selector Guide Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information Microprocessors: 32-bit MPUlMCU continued Addltlonsllnformstlon rtJlevsnt to 8·blt Perlphersls msy be found In the fol/owlng Motorols documents: MCS8030UM/AD MCS8030 Enhanced 32-bit MPU User's Manual, Third Edition MCS8040DH/AD MCS8040 Designer's Handbook MCS8330UM/AD MCS8330 Integrated CPU32 Processor Users Manual MCS840UM/AD1 BR1116/D MCS8331 UM/AD MCS8331 User's Manual SG9S/D MCS8332UM/AD MCS8332 User's Manual TB303/D MCS8340UM/AD MCS8340 Integrated Processor User's Manual MC88100UM/AD MC88100 RISC Microprocessor User's Manual MC8811 DUM/AD MC88110 Second Generation RISC Microprocessor User's Manual MC88410UM/AD MC8841 0 Secondary Cache Controller User's Manual TB316/D 16/32-blt Peripherals AN430/D Adding Floating Point Support to an MC68030 High Performance System AN457/D Providing a Real-time Clock for the MC68302 AN854/D The MC68230 Parallel Interfacem mer Provides an Effective Printer Interface *AN8801D An Evaluation Tool for the MC68451 MMU *AN8811D Dual-Ported RAM for the MC68000 Microprocessor AN896A1D Serial 110, Timer and Interface Capabilities of the MC68901 Multi-Function Peripheral AN899/D A Terminal Interface, Printer Interface and Background Printer for an MC68000-Based System Using the MC68681 DUART AN947/D MC68881 Floating-Point Coprocessor As a Peripheral in an M68000 System AN1013/D MC68606 to Intel iAPX80186 Interface AN1014/D MC68606 to MC68020 Interface AN1091/D low Skew Clock Drivers and their System Design Considerations AN1405/D ECl Clock Distribution Techniques ANE426/D An MC68030 32-bit High Performance Minimum System *AR213/D The MC68881 Floating-Point Coprocessor *AR224/D Standard SCSI Bus Facilitates Peripheral Control *AR244/D The Floating Point Performance Standard Gets Even Faster! AR519/D low-Skew Clock Drivers: Which Type Is Best? DC409/D FDDI Chip Set Interface to an 80486 System MC8811 0/41 ODH/AD MC8811 0/MC8841 0 Designer's Handbook MPCS01 UM/AD PowerPC S01 RISC Microprocessor User's Manual QSMRM/D Queued Serial Module Reference Manual SG13B1D Military IC & Discrete Selector Guide SG1SS/D Advanced Microcontroller Division Update SG1S7/D High End MPUs Update SG416JD Clock Driver Selector TB303/D Using Microprocessors and Microcomputers: The Motorola Family (Greenfield and Wray, Rev. 1, 1988) TB320/D The MS8000 Family. Volume 1: Architecture, Addressing Modes and Instruction Set (Hilf & Nausch, 1989) TB3221D The MS8000 Family. Volume 2: Applications and the MS8000 Devices TB323/D The S8000 Book (Southern, 1990) TB325/D The Motorola MCS8332 Microcontroller TB325LM/D Laboratory Manual: The MCS8332 Microcontroller TPURM/AD MS8300 Family lime Processor Unit Reference Manual B-blt Peripherals *AN820/D Hardware Considerations for Direct Memory Access Using the MC6809 Microprocessor Unit and MC6844 DMA Controller AN864A1D Interfacing Multiplexed Bus Peripherals with Non-Multiplexed MPUs AN894A1D User Considerations for MC146818 Real Time Clock Applications Addltlonsllnformstlon re/evsnt to 16/32·blt Perlphersls msy be found In the fol/owlng "fotorola documents: ANE425/D Use of the MC68HC68T1 RTC with M6805 Microprocessors *AR223/D Advanced Microcontroller Unit (AMCU) Literature MCS840 Programmable limer Fundamentals and Applications Linear and Interface Integrated Circuits Selector Guide & Cross Reference Using Microprocessors and Microcomputers: The Motorola Family (Greenfield and Wray, Rev. 1, 1988) Single- & Multi-Chip MCU InterfaCing (Lipovski, 1988) BR231/D BR2721D BR4S0/D SCSI Protocol and Controller Ease Bus Arbitration 35 MS8000 Family Technical Literature MCS8S05 Technical Summary The European Blue Book, 1992 - Qualified Semiconductor Products Selector Guide Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information Microprocessors: 16/32-bit Peripherals continued BR461/D BR509/D BR726/D Motor & Lighting Control M68000IM88000 Family Fact Sheet MC68882 Technical Summary Motorola Data Communications Semiconductors M68000 Family Surface-Mount Packaging Update Military Microprocessor Fact Sheet Military Microprocessors - Motorola's 68030 and 68882 Military Token Bus Controller - 68824 BR742/D BR911/D BR919/D BR930/D BR1104/D BR1332/D BRE251R1/D Motorola's FOOl Chip Set Logic Integrated Circuits Division: New Product Calendar MC68450 Technical Summary BRE262/D BRE263R1/D Motorola's Video/Graphics Peripherals MC68230 Technical Summary BRE286/D BRE520/D DL409/D MC68184 Technical Summary MC68606 Technical Summary 16/32-bit Application Manual M68000FRlAD MC68302UM/AD M68000 Family Reference MC68302 Integrated Multiprotocol Processor User's Manual MC68488 General Purpose Interface Adapter User's Manual MC68488UM/AD MC68605UM/AD MC68605 X.25 Protocol Controller User's Manual MC68606UM/AD MC68606 Multi-Link LAPD Protocol Controller User's Manual MC68824 Token Bus Controller User's Manual MC68824UM/AD see also Thyristors AN443/D Direction and Speed Control for Series, Universal and Shunt *AN733/D A ROM-Digital Approach to PWM-Type Speed Control of AC Motors AN861/D Power Transistor Safe Operating Area: Special Considerations for Motor Drives AN876/D Using Power MOSFETs in Stepping Motor Control AN938/D Mounting Techniques for PowerMacro Transistor AN1045/D Series Triacs in AC High Voltage Switching Circuits AN1046/D Three Piece Solution for Brushless Motor Controller Design AN1048/D RC Snubber Networks for Thyristor Power Control and Transient Suppression AN1049/D The Electronic Control of Fluorescent Lamps AN1078/D New Components Simplify Brush DC Motor Drives AN10901D Understanding and Predicting Power MOSFET Switching Behavior AN11011D One-Horsepower Off-Line Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Drive AN1120/D Basic Servo Loop Motor Control Using the MC68HC05B6 MCU MC68836UM/AD MC68836 FOOl User's Manual MC68837UM/AD MC68837 FOOl User's Manual MC68838UM/AD MC68851 UM/AD MC68838 FOOl User's Manual MC68851 Paged Memory Management Unit User's Manual MC68881 UM/AD MC68881 /MC68882 Floating-Point Coprocessor User's Manual MC88200UM/AD MC88200 CacheIMemory Management Unit User's Manual SG96/D Linear and Interface Integrated Circuits Selector Guide & Cross Reference AN13101D Using the MC68332 Microcontroller for AC Induction Motor Control SG1381D SG167/D Military IC & Discrete Selector Guide High End MPUs Update AN1311/D Software for an 8-bit Microcontroller Based Brushed DC Motor Drive TB318/D Microprocessor Systems Design: 68000 Hardware, Software and Interfacing (Clements, 1987) AN1317/D High-Current DC Motor Drive Uses Low On-Resistance Surface Mount MOSFETs TB322/D The M68000 Family. Volume 2: Applications and the M68000 Devices AN1319/D Design Considerations for a Low Voltage N-Channel H-Bridge Motor Drive TB323/D The 68000 Book (Southern, 1990) AR160/D Lossless Current Sensing with SENSEFETs Enhances Motor Drive AR301/D Solid-State Devices Ease Task of Designing Brushless DC Motors AN1300/D Interfacing Microcomputers to Fractional Horsepower Motors AN1301/D Interfacing Analog Inputs to Fractional Horsepower Motors AN13071D A Simple Pressure Regulator Using Semiconductor Pressure Transducers MEeL Bit Slice MPUs *AN774/D *AN7761D A Simple High Speed Bipolar Microprocessor Illustrates System Design and Microprogram Techniques The M10800 MECL LSI Processor Family Motor & Lighting Control ARE402lD The Electronic Control of Fluorescent Tubes 36 EB123/D A Simple Brush Type DC Motor Controller EB128/D Simple, Low-Cost Motor Controller Selector Guide Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information Addltlonsllnformstlon re/evsnt to Mounting Techniques msy be found In the following Motorols documents: Motor & Lighting Control continued EB141/D EB142/D EB407/D EB409/D Boost MOSFETs Drive Current in Solid State AC Relay The MOSFET Turn-Off Device - A New Circuit Building Block Basic Halogen Converter The MI-BUS and Product Family for Multiplexing Systems Addltlonsllnformstlon re/evsnt to Motor & Lighting Control msy be found In the following Motorola documents: BR470/D BR4nlD BR924/D DL111/D DL4121D DL414/D SG96/D Motorola Discretes - The Complete Solution Smart Mover - Stepper Motors with Integrated Serial Bus Controller Military Analog Lineup Bipolar Power Transistor Data Industrial Control Applications Manual FET Applications Manual Linear and Interface Integrated Circuits Selector Guide & Cross Reference AN938/D AN1040/D AN1041/D AN1051/D AN1061/D AR145/D AR302lD AR323/D AR513/D AR515/D AR516/D AR523/D EB107/D EB109/D TQ-220 Leadform Options BR396/D Discrete Military Products - Chips BR470/D Motorola Discretes - The Complete Solution BR7421D M68000 Family Surface-Mount Packaging Update BRE320R1/D Motorola Semiconductor Packages Surface Mount Technology DL111/D Bipolar Power Transistor Data SG163/D SOT-223 Surface Mount Products Selector Guide SG271 10 D2pAK Surface Mount Selector Guide SG275/D Surface Mount Packages, Small-Signal Operations SG370/D Discrete Surface Mount Networking Mounting Techniques & Surface Mount AN936/D BR370/D Mounting Techniques, Lead Forming and Testing of Motorola's MPX Series Pressure Transducers Mounting Techniques for PowerMacro Transistor Mounting Considerations for Power Semiconductors Mounting Procedures for Very High Power RF Transistors Transmission Line Effects in PCB Applications Reflecting on Transmission Line Effects DPAK: The Power Package for Surface Mount Applications Thermal Management of Surface Mount Power Devices Managing Heat Dissipation in DPAK Surface Mount Power Packages Surface Mount: Discrete Component Trends Wafers to Surface Mount Packages in One-Fourth the Time Moto on 'Very Low-Scale Integration' Tack An Overview of Surface Mount Technology (SMT) for Power Supply Applications Mounting Considerations for Motorola RF Power Modules Low Cost UHF Device Gives Broadband Performance at 3.0 Watts Output AN445/D Software Model for the Implementation of 1.430 ISDN Physical Layer on the MC145474/5 SIT Bus Transceiver AN970/D Hardware and Software Interface for the MC68605 X.25 Protocol Controller AN1007/D MC68824 Token Bus Controller to iAPX80186 Interface. AN1008lD MC68824 Token Bus Controller to MC6801 0 Interface AN1013/D MC68606 to Intel iAPX80186 Interface AN1014/D MC68606 to MC68020 Interface AN1054/D ISDN System Development Using MC145490EVKlMC145491 EVK Development Kits *AR148/D 37 Carrier Bands Get NOD for Industrial Networks *AR2621D Some Silicon Solutions for MAP AR350/D Adapt Non-ISDN Terminals to ISDN Data Rates DC004/D Avoiding Transmit Underruns in a TBC-Based System EB155/D Analog to Digital Conversion with the Neuron Chip EB157/D Creating Applications with the LonBuilder Multi-Function I/O Kit EB159/D Neuron Chip-based Installation" of LonWorks Networks EB160/D Neuron Chip Input/Output Timing Specification EB161/D LonTalk Protocol EB406/D Getting Started with the FDDI ADS Board Selector GuIde Bold LetterIng: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information NetworkIng continued Phase-Locked Loop Phase-Locked Loop Design Fundamentals The Technique of Direct Programming by Using a Two-Modulus Prescaler AN1091/D Low Skew Clock Drivers and their System Design Considerations AN12071D The MC145170 in Basic HF and VHF Oscillators AR254/D Phase-Locked Loop Design Articles AR519/D LOW-Skew Clock Drivers: Which Type Is Best? AN535/D AN8271D Addltlonsllnformstlon Ttllevsnt to Networking msy be found In the following Motorols documents: BR726/D BR1104/D BR11 07/0 BR1108/D BR1305/D BRE421/D DL 136/0 DL411/D DL412/D LONPROD/D MC68302UM/AD t'v1C68606UM/AD MC68824UM/AD MC68836UM/AD MC68837UM/AD MC68838UM/AD SG169/D Motorola Data Communications Semiconductors Motorola's FOOl Chip Set LonWorksTlol Applications Primer LonWorks™ Product Line Brief Linear Integrated Circuits: New Product Calendar A Short Tutorial on Networking Communications Device Data Communications Applications Manual Industrial Control Applications Manual LonWorks Products 1992 MC683021ntegrated Multiprotocol Processor User's Manual MC68606 Multi-Link LAPD Protocol Controller User's Manual MC68824 Token Bus Controller User's Manual (1987) MC68836 FOOl User's Manual MC68837 FOOl User's Manual MC68838 FOOl User's Manual MOS Digital-Analog Integrated Circuits Addltlonsllnformatlon Ttllevant to Phsse-Locked Loop msy be found In the following Motorols documents: BR13321D BR1415/D BR1418/D DL 12210 DL136/D DL413/D SG96/D SG366/D SGE102R1/D Optoelectronics *AN804/D *AN916/D AN979/D AN1016/D AN 1126/D AN1203/D AN1511/D AR5171D EB406/D Power Applications of Ferruled Components to Fiber Optic Systems Applications of the MOC3031 and MOC3041 Zero-Crossing Triac Drivers Guidelines for Circuit Board Assembly of Motorola Case 349 Opto Products Infrared Sensing and Data Transmission Fundamentals Evaluation Systems for Remote Control Devices on an Infrared Link A Software Method for Decoding the Output from the MC14497/MC3373 Combination Applications of the MOC2A40 and MOC2A60 Series POWER OPTO Isolators High Resolution Position Sensor for Motion Control System Getting Started with the FDDI ADS Board Power Supplies & Voltage Regulators AN004E10 Semiconductor Consideration for DC Power Supply Voltage Protector Circuits AN5871D Analysis and Design of the Op Amp Current Source AN703/D DeSigning Digitally-Controlled Power Supplies AN719/D A New Approach to Switching Regulators *AN7671D A Line Operated, Regulated 5V/50A Switching Power Supply AN875/D Power Transistor Safe Operating Area: Special Considerations for Switching Power Supplies AN915/D Characterizing Collector-to-Emitter and Drain-to-Source Diodes for Switch mode Applications AN920/D Theory and Applications of the MC34063 and J,1A78S40 Switching Regulator Control Circuits AN929/D Insuring Reliable Performance from Power MOSFETs AN951/D Drive Optimization for 1.0kV Off-Line Converter Transistors *AN954/D A Unique Converter Configuration AN9761D A New High Performance Current Mode Controller Teams Up with Current SenSing Power MOSFETs Addltlonsllnformatlon Ttllevsnt to Optoelectronics msy be found In the following Motorola documents: BR470/D BR1421/D DL118/D SG167/D Logic Integrated Circuits Division: New Product Calendar - Fourth Quarter, 1992 Military Telecom Special Functions Military Analog, Telecom and Special Functions Fact Sheet MECL Device Data Communications Device Data Radio, RF and Video Applications Manual Linear and Interface Integrated Circuits Selector Guide &Cross Reference TTL, ECL, CMOS and Special Logic Circuits Selector Guide CMOS System IC Selection Guide Motorola Dlscretes - The Complete Solution Solutions to Your Custom Sensing Needs Optoelectronics Device Data High End MPUs Update 38 Selector Guido Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information 't== Power: Power Supplies & Voltage Regulators continued AN845/D AN1080/D AN8601D AN861/D AN1090/D AN1108/D AN1314/D AN1320/D ANE4.G2ID ANE424/D AR326/D AR340/D AR514/D AR523/D EB85A/X EB124/D EB126/D EB142/D External-Sync Power Supply with Universal Input Voltage Range for Monitors Understanding and Predicting Power MOSFET Switching Behavior Design Considerations for a Two Transistor, Current Mode Forward Converter Automatic Line Voltage Selector 300 Watt, 100 kHz Converter Utilizes Economical Bipolar Planar Power Transistor 130W Ringing Choke Power Supply Using TDA4601 50W Current Mode Controlled Offline Switch Mode Power Supply Working over 50% Duty Cycle Using the UC3842A High-Voltage MOSFETs Simplify Flyback Design The Low Forward Voltage Schottky Build Ultra-Low Dropout Regulator An Overview of Surface Mount Technology (SMT) for Power Supply Applications Full-Bridge Switching Power Supplies MOSFETs Compete with Bipolars in Flyback Power Supplies Ultra-Rapid Nickel-Cadmium Battery Charger The MOSFET Turn-Off Device - A New Circuit Building Block AN873/D AN875/D AN913/D AN924/D AN930/D AN9521D *AN956/D AN10431D AN1048/D AN1076/D AN1083/D AN1090/D AN1102/D AR120/D AR340/D AR346/D Additional Information relevant to Power Supplies & Voltage Regulators may be found In the following Motorola documents: BR470/D BR924/D BR1305/D BRE417/D DL111/D DL41 010 DL414/D SG79/D SG96/D SG1381D TB321/D Motorola Discretes - The Complete Solution Military Analog Lineup Linear Integrated Circuits: New Product Calendar MotorolaITl Cross Reference Chart Bipolar Power Transistor Data Power Applications Manual FET Applications Manual Switchmode - A DeSigner's Guide for Switching Power Supply Circuits and Components Linear and Interlace Integrated Circuits Selector Guide & Cross Reference Military IC & Discrete Selector Guide Practical Switching Power Supply Design (Brown, 1990) EB79/D EB125/D EB129IX EB131/D EB200/D New Power Bipolars Compare Favourably with FETs for Switching Efficiency Power MOSFETs versus Bipolar Transistors Power Transistor Safe Operating Area: Special Considerations for Motor Drives Understanding Power Transistor Dynamic Behaviour: dv/dt Effects on Switching RBSOA Power Transistor Safe Operating Area: Special Considerations for Switching Power Supplies Designing with TMOS Power MOSFETs Measurement of Zener Voltage to Thermal Equilibrium with Pulsed Test Current High Voltage, High Current, Non-Destructive FBSOA Testing Ultrafast Recovery Rectifiers Extend Power Transistor SOA The Operation and Application of the SMARTpower Overvoltage and Overtemperature Protectors Spice Model for TMOS Power MOSFETs RC Snubber Networks for Thyristor Power Control and Transient Suppression Speeding Up Horizontal Outputs Basic Thermal Management of Power Semiconductors Understanding and Predicting Power MOSFET Switching Behavior Interfacing Power MOSFETs to Logic Devices Speeding Up the Very High Voltage Transistor The Low Forward Voltage Schottky RF Power FETs: Their Characteristics and Applications Pulsed fT, a Technique for Accurately Measuring the Gain Bandwidth Product Testing Power MOSFET Gate Charge Snubbers for High Power Semiconductors Curve Tracer Measurement Techniques for Power MOSFETs An Evaluation Board for the MOC2A40 Series and MOC2A60 Series - Optically Isolated Zero Voltage Turn-On Triacs Additional Information relevant to Power Device Characteristics may be found In the following Motorola documents: BR370/D BR470/D Power Device Characteristics AN450/D IC Design: A Statistical Approach to Electromigration AN803/D The Effect of Emitter-Base Avalanching on High-Voltage Power Switching Transistors BR904/D BR923/D DL110/D DL111/D 39 T0-220 Leadform Options Motorola Discretes - The Complete Solution MIL-Processed Devices: Technical Data Discrete & Materials Technologies Group, Reliability Audit Report RF Device Data Bipolar Power Transistor Data Selector Guide Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information Power: Power Device Characteristics continued DL135/D DL148/D DL150/D DL401/D DL41 OlD DL414/D SG1381D SG140/D SG265/D SG266/D SG267/D SG270/D AN935/D AN936/D TMOS Power MOSFET Transistor Data Discrete Military Operations Data TVS/Zener Device Data Power Switch Power Applications Manual FET Applications Manual Military IC & Discrete Selector Guide SCANSWITCH Selector Guide Power MOSFETs Update Bipolar Power Transistors Update Rectifiers Product Update Discrete Semiconductor Cross Reference Guide-1992 Discrete Surface Mount SG370/D AN9621D AN10821D AN1097/D AN11001D AN1105/D AN 1302lD AN1303/D Protection & Thermal Considerations AN569/D Transient Thermal Resistance - General Data and Its Use AN784/D Transient Power Capability of Zener Diodes AN843/D A Review of Transients and Their Means of Suppression *AN956/D The Operation and Application of the SMARTpower Overvoltage and Overtemperature Protectors AN1083/D Basic Thermal Management of Power Semiconductors *AR170/D Characterizing Overvoltage Transient Suppressors AR323/D Managing Heat Dissipation in DPAK Surface Mount Power Packages AR51 OlD VSWR Protection of Solid State RF Power Transistors EB29/D The Common Emitter T0-39 and Its Advantages EB129/X Snubbers for High Power Semiconductors AN1304/D AN13051D AN1307/D AN1309/D AN1312/D AN13131D AN13151D AN1316/D AN1318/D AN13221D AN1324/D AN1325/D Addltlonsllnformatlon re/evsnt to Protection & Thermsl Considerations msy be found In the fol/owlng Motorols documents: AN1326/D DL 150/D DL41 OlD AN1513/D TVS/Zener Device Data Power Applications Manual AN1516 Pressure Sensors AN840/D AN919/D AN9221D AN1517 Temperature Compensation Methods for the Motorola X-ducer Pressure Sensor Element Using the Motorola X-ducer Pressure Sensor Data Sheet Temperature Compensation, Calibration and Applications of Motorola's X-ducer Pressure Sensor AN1518 AR501 SID AR502S/D 40 Compensating for Nonlinearity in the MPX1 0 Series Pressure Transducer Mounting Techniques, Lead Forming and Testing of Motorola's MPX Series Pressure Transducers MPX Pressure Sensors Used for Switch Applications Simple DeSign for a 4-20mA Transmitter Interface Using a Motorola Pressure Sensor Calibration-Free Pressure Sensor System Analog to Digital Converter Resolution Extension Using a Motorola Pressure Sensor A Digital Pressure Gauge Using the Motorola MPX700 Series Differential Pressure Sensor Motorola Pressure Sensors - Recommended Housing for Very Low Absolute Pressure Measurements A Simple 4-20mA Pressure Transducer Evaluation Board Integrated Sensor Simplifies Bar Graph Pressure Gauge An Evaluation System for Direct Interface of the MPX51 00 Pressure Sensor with a Microprocessor A Simple Pressure Regulator Using Semiconductor Pressure Transducers Compensated Sensor Bar Graph Pressure Gauge Interfaced Sensor Evaluation Board Sensor Building Block Evaluation Board An Evaluation System InterfaCing the MPX2000 Series Pressure Sensors to a Microprocessor Frequency Output Conversion for MPX2000 Series Pressure Sensors Interfacing Semiconductor Pressure Sensors to Microcomputers Applying Semiconductor Sensors to Bar Graph Pressure Gauges A Simple Sensor Interface Amplifier Amplifiers for Semiconductor Pressure Sensors Barometric Pressure Measurement Using Semiconductor Pressure Sensors Mounting Techniques and Plumbing Options of Motorola's MPX Series Pressure Sensors Liquid Level Control Using a Motorola Pressure Sensor Pressure Switch Design with Semiconductor Pressure Sensors Using a Pulse Width Modulated Output with Semiconductor Pressure Sensor3 Reliability Issues for Silicon Pressure Sensors The Design of a Monolithic Signal Conditioned Pressure Sensor Soloctor Guido Bold Lotterlng: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information Power: Pressure Sensors continued AN1122/D Running the MC44802A PLL Circuit AN12071D The MC145170 in Basic HF and VHF Oscillators ANE416/D MC68HC05B4 Radio Synthesizer AN-HK-02IH Low Power FM Transmitter System MC2831A AN-HK-07/H A High Performance Manual-Tuned Receiver for Automotive Application Using Motorola ICs MC13021, MC13020 and MC13041 AR511/D Biasing Solid State Amplifiers to Linear Operation EB27ND Get 300 Watts PEP Linear Across 2 to 30MHz from this Push-Pull Amplifier EB59/D Predict Frequency Accuracy for MC12060 and MC12061 Crystal Oscillator ARE139S/D Sensors: Medical Applications BF8401/D Temperature and Pressure Measurement with MC6805 Additional Information relevant to Pressure Sensors may be found In the following Motorola documents: BR470/D BR923/D DL200/D Dl4121D SG144E1D SG162/D Motorola Discretes - The Complete Solution Discrete & Materials Technologies Group, Reliability Audit Report Pressure Sensor Device Data Industrial Control Applications Manual Sensors: Competitor Cross Reference Sensor Operations Addltlonsllnformstlon relevsnt to Rsdlo Appllcstlons may be found In the following Motorola documents: Quality and Reliability BR470/D IC Design: A Statistical Approach to Electromigration AN 1040/D Mounting Considerations for Power Semiconductors AN1041/D Mounting Procedures for Very High Power RF Transistors AR3001D The Hidden Dangers of Electrostatic Discharge - ESD AR501 SID Reliability Issues for Silicon Pressure Sensors AN450lD BR1305/D BR1334/D BRE504lD Dl411/D Dl413/D SG46/D SG169/D SG366/D Additional Information relevant to Quality and Reliability may be found In the following Motorols documents: BR347/D BR460/D BR518/D BR904/D BR923/D BR1100/D BR1202lD HB213/D Bipolar logic Circuits - Quality & Reliability The European Blue Book, 1992 - Qualified Semiconductor Products Reliability & Quality Handbook Mil-Processed Devices: Technical Data Discrete & Materials Technologies Group, Reliability Audit Report Semiconductor Products Sector Memory Products Reliability and Quality Report Motorola Quality System Review Guidelines Discrete Military Operation Handbook TB326/D RF 300W, 88 - 108MHz Amplifier Using the TP1940 MOSFETs Push-Pull Transistor AN535/D Phase-Locked Loop Design Fundamentals Broadband Linear Power Amplifiers Using AN593/D Push-Pull Transistors *AN595/D 25 Watt and 10 Watt VHF Marine Band Transmitters AN721/D Impedance Matching Networks Applied to RF Power Transistors Low-Distortion 1.6 to 30M Hz SSB Driver AN7791D Designs AN791/D A Simplified Approach to VHF Power Amplifier Design AN8471D Tuning Diode Design Techniques . AN878/D VHF MOS Power Applications AN955/D A Cost Effective VHF Amplifier for Land Mobile Radios AN1029/D TV Transposers Band IV and V Po 0.5W/1.0W AN438/D Radio Applications AN4601D AN531/D *AN753/D AN878/D AN923/D *AN9251D AN9801D Motorola Discretes - The Complete Solution Linear Integrated Circuits: New Product Calendar High Performance Frequency Control Products Electronic Tuning Address Systems Communications Applications Manual Radio, RF and Video Applications Manual RF Products Selector Guide & Cross Reference MOS Digital-Analog Integrated Circuits TTL, ECl, CMOS and Special logic Circuits Selector Guide Radio Frequency Transistors - Principles & Applications (Dye & Grandberg, 1993) An RDS Decoder Using the MC68HC05EO MC1596 Balanced Modulator Scanning Logic for RF Scanners-Receivers Using CMOS Integrated Circuits VHF MOS Power Applications 800MHz Test Fixture Design UHF Preamplifier Centers on Budget Dual-Gate GaAs FET VHF Narrowband FM Receiver Design Using the MC3362 and the MC3363 Dual Conversion Receivers 41 Selector Guide Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; • HI: Historical Information RF continued BR1305/D AN1030/D 1W/2W Broadband TV Amplifier Band IV and V AN1039/D 470-860 MHz Broadband Amplifier 5W AN1041/D Mounting Procedures for Very High Power RF Transistors AN1103/D Using the CR3424 for High Resolution CRT Applications AN1106/D Considerations in Using the MHW801 and MHW851 Series RF Power Modules AN1107/D Understanding RF Data Sheet Parameters AR141/D Applying Power MOSFETs in Class DIE RF Power Amplifier Design AR164/D Good RF Construction Practices and Techniques AR176/D New MOSFETs Simplify High Power RF Amplifier Design AR305/D Building Push-Pull, Multioctave, VHF Power Amplifiers AR51 010 VSWR Protection of Solid State RF Power Transistors EB27ND Get 300 Watts PEP Linear Across 2 to 30MHz from this Push-Pull Amplifier EB29/D The Common Emitter T0-39 and Its Advantages EB591D Predict Frequency Accuracy for MC12060 and MC12061 Crystal Oscillator EB77/D A 60 Watt, 225-400MHz Amplifier - 2N6439 EB79/D Pulsed fT, a Technique for Accurately Measuring the Gain Bandwidth Product EB89/0 A 1 Watt, 2.3GHz Amplifier EB901D Low-Cost VHF Amplifier has Broadband Performance EB93/0 60 Watt VHF AMplifier Uses Splitting! Combining Techniques EB104/0 Get 600 Watts RF from Four Power FETs EB107/D Mounting Considerations for Motorola RF Power Modules EB109/D Low Cost UHF Device Gives Broadband Performance at 3.0 Watts Output BR1334/D BR1418/D DL110/D DL 12610 DL148/D DL413/D DL414/D SG46/D SG1381D SG270/D SGE112/D TB326/D Small Signal Transistors & Diodes AN470/D • AN527/D Bipolar Chopper Transistors and Circuits Theory, Characteristics and Applications of the Programmable Unijunction Transistor AN1321/D Brushless DC Motor Drive Incorporates Small Outline Integrated Circuit Packaged MOSFETs AR515/D Wafers to Surface Mount Packages in One-Fourth the Time AR516/D Moto on 'Very Low-Scale Integration' Tack Add,tionsl'nfo""stion relevant to Smsll Signsl Trsnslstors & Diodes msy be found In the following Motorols documents: BR460/D BR470/D BR923/D DL 126/0 SG145E/D Add'tlons"nformstlon re/evsnt to RF msy be found In the following Motorols documents: BR470/D BR904/D BR923/D Linear Integrated Circuits: New Product Calendar High Performance Frequency Control Products Military Analog, Telecom and Special Functions Fact Sheet RF Device Data Small-Signal Transistors, FETs and Diodes Device Data Discrete Military Operations Data Radio, RF and Video Applications Manual FET Applications Manual RF Products Selector Guide & Cross Reference Military IC & Discrete Selector Guide Discrete Semiconductor Cross Reference Guide-1992 Cross Reference for NEC-to-Motorola RF Transistors Radio Frequency Transistors - Principles & Applications (Dye & Granberg, 1993) SG163/D Motorola Discretes - The Complete Solution MIL-Processed Devices: Technical Data Discrete & Materials Technologies Group, Reliability Audit Report SG270/D SG275/D 42 The European Blue Book, 1992 - Qualified Semiconductor Products Motorola Dlscretes - The Complete Solution Discrete & Materials Technologies Group, Reliability Audit Report Small-Signal Transistors, FETs and Diodes Device Data Small Signal FETs: Siliconlx to Motorola Cross Reference SOT-223 Surface Mount Products Selector Guide Discrete Semiconductor Cross Reference Guide-1992 Surface Mount Packages, Smail-Signal Operations Selector Guide Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information AN1203/D A Software Method for Decoding the Output from the MC14497/MC3373 Combination ANE009/D Register Display Program for the MC68881/MC68882 ANE404/D An Extended MC146805E2 CBUG05 System Using the MC68HC25 ANE425/D Use of the MC68HC68T1 RTC with M6805 Microprocessors AR273/D The 88000 Now DC408/D MC88110 Single Stepping Code Example DC41 010 Fuzzy Logic - A New Approach to Embedded Control Solutions EB408/D MC68HC705T3 Bootloader TPUPNOO/D Using the TPU Function Library and TPU Emulation Mode Smart Card/Conditional Access S88 also MIcroprocessors: B-blt MPUIMCU EB400/D EB404/D EB405/D Secure Single Chip Microcomputer Manufacture "Memories Are Made of This" ... a Look at Memory Considerations for Smart Card Applications Smart Cards: How to Deal Yourself a Winning Hand Addltlonallnfonnatlon m/~vant to Smart card/Conditional Access may be found In the following Motorola documents: BR261/D BR445/D 8116/32-bit Microcontrollers from Motorola The Standard in Smartcard Chips Additional Information m/evant to Software & Programming may be found In the following Motorola documents: .Software & Programming AN427/D AN429/D AN431/D AN434/D AN437/D AN441/D AN453/D AN455/D AN456/D AN458/D AN459/D AN974/D AN1010/D AN1011/D AN1015/D AN1055/D AN1060/D AN1064/D AN1200/D MC68HC11 EEPROM Error Correction Algorithms in C MC68332 aSPllnterface for the MCM2814 EEPROM Temperature Measurement and Display Using the MC68HC05B4 and the MC14489 Serial Bootstrap for the RAM and EEPROM1 of the MC68HC05B6 Using the MC68332 Periodic Interrupt Timer MC68HC05EO EPROM Emulator Serial Peripheral Interface Device Emulation Routine for the MC68340 Using the Table Interpolation Features of the CPU32 USing PCbug11 as a Diagnostic Aid for Expanded Mode M68HC11 Systems A Self-Test Approach for the MC68HC11 NE A Monitor for the MC68HC05EO MC68HC11 Floating-Point Package MC68HC11 EEPROM Programming from a Personal Computer MC146805G2 to MC68HC05C4 Conversion MC68020 Minimum System Configuration M6805 16-bit Support Macros MC68HC11 Bootstrap Mode Use of Stack Simplifies M68HC11 Programming Configuring the M68300 Family Time Processing Unit (fPU) BR4521D BR568/D BR724/D BR729/D Motorola Development Support Guide MCU Freeware 880pen Sourcebook The 68K Source - Third Party Vendor Catalog (USA) for the 68000 Family of Microprocessors BR730/D M68HC05PGMR Programmer Board BR73l/D 880pen Consortl.um: Software Initiative BR748/D M68HC711 D3PGMR Programmer Board BRlll1/D M68HC705J2IP9PGMR Programmer Board BRll13/D M68HC705B5PGMR Programmer Board BR1447/D Design-NET Installation and Usage on the IBM PC BR14481D DeSign-NET Installation and Usage on the Macintosh HC7l1 D3EVBIAD 1 M68HC7ll D3EVB Evaluation Board User's Manual HC7ll D3PGMRlADl M68HCl17ll D3PGMR Programmer Board User's Manual M68PCBUGll/D2 M68HCll PCbugll User's Manual M6809PMlAD MC6809-MC6809E Microprocessor Programming Manual M68000PM/AD M68000 Family Programmer's Reference Manual M68000UMlAD M68000 8-/16-/32-bit Microprocessors User's Manual, Eighth Edition M68332EVKEMlADl M68332EVK Evaluation Kit Exercise Manual MC68HCllF1RGlAD MC68HC11 Fl Programming Reference Guide MC68851UM/AD MC68851 Paged Memory Management Unit User's Manual SG146/D Digital Signal Processors Update 43 Bold LetterIng: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information Selector GuIde A Digital VoicelData Telephone Set Hardware and Software Interface for the MC68605 X.25 Protocol Controller AN1002/D A Handsfree Featurephone Design Using the MC34114 Speech Network and the MC34018 Speakerphone ICs AN1003/D Featurephone Design, with Tone Ringer and Dialer, using the MC34118 Speakerphone IC AN1004/D A Handsfree Featurephone Design using MC34114 Speech Network and MC34118 Speakerphone ICs AN 1006/D Linearize the Volume Control of the MC34118 Speakerphone AN1051/D Transmission Line Effects in PCB Applications AN1054/D ISDN System Development Using MC145490EVKlMC145491 EVK Development Kits AN10611D Reflecting on Transmission Line Effects AN1077/D Adding Digital Volume Control to Speakerphone Circuits AN10911D low Skew Clock Drivers and Their System Design Considerations AN1207/D The MC145170 in Basic HF and VHF Oscillators AN1401/D Using SPICE to Analyze the Effects of Board Layout on System Skew When Designing with the MC1 0/1 00H640 Family of Clock Drivers AN14051D ECl Clock Distribution Techniques AN-HK-01/H 300 Baud Smart Modem with Intelligent MCU Controller APR1/D Digital Sine-Wave Synthesis Using the DSP56001/DSP56002 APR91D Full-Duplex 32-kbitls CCITI ADPCM Speech Coding on the Motorola DSP56001 APR121D Twin CODEC Expansion Board for the DSP56000 Application Development System APR14/D Conference Bridging in the Digital Telecomm Environment Using the Motorola DSP56000 APR401/D Twin CODEC Expansion Board for the DSP56000 Application Development System AR519/D low-Skew Clock Drivers: Which Type Is Best? BF8501/D 2x8 Key System EB771D A 60 Watt, 225-400MHz Amplifier - 2N6439 EB89/D A 1 Watt, 2.3GHz Amplifier AN968/D AN970/D Software & ProgrammIng continued TB301/D TB309/D TB313/D TB316/D TB318/D TB320/D TB322/D TB323/D TPURM/AD Basic Microprocessors and the 6800 (Bishop, 1979) Programming the 6809 (Zaks & Labiak, 1982) Efficient C (Plum & Brodie, 1985) Single- & Multi-Chip MCU Interfacing (Lipovski, 1988) Microprocessor Systems Design: 68000 Hardware, Software and Interfacing (Clements, 1987) The M68000 Family. Volume 1: Architecture, Addressing Modes and Instruction Set (Hilf & Nausch, 1989) The M68000 Family. Volume 2: Applications and the M68000 Devices The 68000 Book (Southern, 1990) M68300 Family Time Processor Unit Reference Manual SPICE 1/0 Models *AN7001D AN1400/D AN1401/D AN1402lD AN1403/D AN1503/D Simulate MECl System Interconnections with a Computer Program MC1 0/1 00H640 Clock Driver Family 1/0 SPICE Modelling Kit Using SPICE to Analyze the Effects of Board layout on System Skew when Designing with the MC1 0/1 00H640 Family of Clock Drivers MC1 0/1 OOHOO Translator Family 110 SPICE Modelling Kit FACT 110 Model Kit ECLinPSTM 110 SPICE Modelling Kit Telecommunications see also Interfacing AN457/D *AN581/D AN9401D AN943/D AN948/D AN949/D AN957/D AN958/D AN959/D AN9601D Providing a Real-time Clock for the MC68302 An MSI500 MHz Frequency Counter Using MEClandMTIl Telephone Dialing Techniques Using the MC6805 UDlT Evaluation Board Data Multiplexing Using the Universal Digital Loop Transceiver and the Data Set Interface A VoicelData Modem Using the MC145422126, MC145428 and MC14403 Interfacing the Speakerphone to the MC34010/11/13 Speech Networks Transmit Gain Adjustments for the MC34014 Speech Network A Speakerphone with Receive Idle Mode Equalization of DTMF Signals Using the MC34014 Additional Information relevant to TelecommunIcations may be found In the following Motorola documents: BR470/D BR1333/D BR1334/D 44 Motorola Discretes - The Complete Solution Low Skew Clock Drivers and Programmable Delay Circuits High Performance Frequency Control Products Selector Guide Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information Telecommunications continued TV and Video BR1413/D BR1415/D BR14181D AN433/D DL136/D DL411/D MC68302UM/AD MC68605UM/AD SG46/D SG96/D SG98/D SG1381D SG169/D SG366/D SGE102R1/D Military 35102 Sleep-Mode Op Amp Military Telecom Special Functions Military Analog, Telecom and Special Functions Fact Sheet Communications Device Data Telecommunications Applications Manual MC68302 Integrated Multiprotocol Processor User's Manual MC68605 X.25 Protocol Controller User's Manual RF Products Selector Guide & Cross Reference Linear and Interface Integrated Circuits Selector Guide & Cross Reference Linear Telecom Cross Reference Military IC & Discrete Selector Guide MOS Digital-Analog Integrated Circuits TTL, ECL, CMOS and Special LogiC Circuits Selector Guide CMOS System IC Selection Guide AN446/D AN448/D AN545ND AN829/D AN879/D AN9211X *AN9321D AN1019/D AN1029/D AN1030/D AN1039/D AN 1044/D Thyristors and Trlaes AN1076/D AN1080/D Direction and Speed Control for Series, Universal and Shunt *AN527/D Theory, Characteristics and Applications of the Programmable Unijunction Transistor *AN916/0 Applications of the MOC3031 and MOC3041 Zero-Crossing Triac Drivers AN964/D Trigger Design Ideas for DlAC Replacements AN1045/0 Series Triacs in AC High Voltage Switching Circuits AN1048/0 RC Snubber Networks for Thyristor Power Control and Transient Suppression AN1314/D Automatic Line Voltage Selector EB30/D Sensitive Gate SCRs - Don't Forget the Gate-Cathode Resistor The Use of Inverse-Parallel SCRs EB911X EB126/D Ultra-Rapid Nickel-Cadmium Battery Charger AN443/D AN1103/D AN1122/D AN1203/D AN 1306/D Additional Information relevant to TV and Video may be found /n the follow/ng Motorola documents: BR470/D BR924/D BR1305/D BR14181D Addltlona/lnformatlon relevant to Thyristors may be found In the fol/owlng Motorola documents: BR904/D BR923/D DL137/D DL148/D DL41 OlD SG2681D SG270/D TV On-Screen Display Using the MC68HC05T1 MCM2814 Gang-Programmer Using an MC68HC805B6 "FLOP' Teletext Using M6805 Microcontrollers Television Video IF Amplifier Using Integrated Circuits Application of the MC1374 TV Modulator Monomax: Application of the MC13001 Monochrome Television Integrated Circuit Horizontal APC/AFC Loops Application of the MC1377 Colour Encoder Decoding Using the TDA3330, with Emphasis on Cable In/Cable Out Operation TV Transposers Band IV and V Po = 0.5W/1.0W 1W/2W Broadband TV Amplifier Band IV and V 470-860 MHz Broadband Amplifier 5W The MC1378 - A Monolithic Composite Video Synchronizer Speeding up Horizontal Outputs External-Sync Power Supply with Universal Input Voltage Range for Monitors Using the CR3424 for High Resolution CRT Applications Running the MC44802A PLL Circuit A Software Method for Decoding the Output from the MC14497/MC3373 Combination Thermal Distortion in Video Amplifiers BRE2621D DL111/D MIL-Processed Devices: Technical Data Discrete & Materials Technologies Group, Reliability Audit Report Thyristor Device Data Discrete Military Operations Data Power Applications Manual Thyristors Update Discrete Semiconductor Cross Reference Guide-1992 DL413/D SG46/D SG96/D SG140/D SG169/D SG3681D 45 Motorola Discretes - The Complete Solution Military Analog Lineup Linear Integrated Circuits: New Product Calendar Military Analog, Telecom and Special Functions Fact Sheet Motorola's Video/Graphics Peripherals Bipolar Power Transistor Data Radio, RF and Video Applications Manual RF Products Selector Guide & Cross Reference Linear and Interface Integrated Circuits Selector Guide &Cross Reference SCANSWITCH Selector Guide MOS Digital-Analog Integrated Circuits Video Capture chip Set Selector Guide Selector Guide Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information BR128E/D 'Update' Europe SPS Bar Code Label Specifications BR380/D Statistical Process Control BR3921D UnlJunctlon *AN294/D *AN527/D Unijunction Transistor Timers and Oscillators Theory, Characteristics and Applications of the Programmable Unijunction Transistor BR460/D BR464ID Addltlonsllnformstlon re/evsnt to UnlJunctlon msy be found In the following Motorols documents: DL148/0 SG270/D BR471/D Discrete Military Operations Data Discrete Semiconductor Cross Reference Guide-1992 BR4721D BR474/D BR518/D BR914/D MEP Product Flow BR925/D Six Sigma Roadmap BR1202/D Motorola Quality System Review Guidelines BR13061D CATS - Customer Analysis Tracking System Discrete Military Operation Handbook HB213/D All Products and Application Areas AR515/D BR101/D BR128/D The European Blue Book, 1992 - Qualified Semiconductor Products Technical Books (Europe version of BR1011D) Motorola Semiconductor Applications Manuals European Distributors European Bar Code Specifications Reliability & Quality Handbook Wafers to Surface Mount Packages in One-Fourth the Time Technical Literature and Information Catalog (oider a BR464/D: Technicsl Books in Europe) Semiconductor Data 'Update' Magazine SG73/D 46 Master Selection Guide Alphanumeric Index 47 III ANOO4E AN211A AN220 AN222A AN270 AN273A *AN294 AN421 AN427 AN428 AN428A AN429 AN430 AN431 AN432 AN432A AN433 AN434 AN435 AN436 AN437 AN438 AN439 AN440 AN441 AN442 AN443 AN444 Alphanumeric Index Semiconductor Consideration for DC Power Supply Voltage Protector Circuits Field Effect Trans In Theory and Practice FETs in Chopper and Analog Switching Circuits The ABCs of Solid-State DC to AC Inverters Nanosecond Pulse Handling Techniques in IC Intercom More Value Out of Data Sheet Integrated Operational Amp Unijunction Transistor Timers and Oscillators Semiconductor Noise Figure' Considerations MC68HC11 EEPROM Error Correction Algorithms InC Automotive Direction Indicator with Short Circuit Detection Using the UAA 1041 Using Unlwatt Transistors In HI-Fi Amps MC68332 aSPllnterface for the MCM2814 EEPROM Adding Floating Point Support to an MC68030 High Performance System Temperature Measurement and Display Using the MC68HC05B4 and the MC14489 128K byte Addressing with the M68HC11 A Monolithic Integrated FM Stereo Decoder System TV On-Screen Display Using the MC68HC05T1 Serial Bootstrap for the RAM and EEPROM1 of the MC68HC05B6 MC68040 Benchmark Board Error Detection and Correction Routines for M68HC05 Devices Containing EEPROM USing the MC68332 Periodic Interrupt Timer 300W, 88-1 08MHz Amplifier USing the TP1940 MOSFETs Push-Pull Transistor Booting an MC68040 from a Single Byte-Wide EEPROM MC68HC805B6 and MC68HC705B5 Serial/Parallel Programming Module MC68HC05EO EPROM Emulator Driving LCDs with M6805 Microprocessors Direction and Speed Control for Series, Universal and Shunt An MC6804D-based Zero Wait State Evaluation System AN445 AN446 AN447 AN447A AN448 AN449 AN450 AN451 AN452 AN460 AN461 AN462 AN463 AN464 AN465 AN470 AN4n AN484A AN485 AN489 *AN504 *AN527 AN531 AN535 *AN541 AN545A *AN550 AN556 *AN559 48 Software Model for the Implementation of 1.430 ISDN Physical Layer on the MC145474/5 SfT Bus Transceiver MCM2814 Gang-Programmer Using an MC68HC805B6 An MC881 00/MC88200 20/25/33MHz System DRAM Design Appendix to AN447/D: "An MC881 00/MC88200 20/25/33MHz System DRAM Design" "FLOP' Teletext Using M6805 Microcontrollers An MC68340 to M88000 MBUS Bus Translator IC Design: A Statistical Approach to Electromigration An MC68340~based Input/Output Processor Design Using the MC68HC11 K4 Memory Mapping Logic An RDS Decoder Using the MC68HC05EO An Introduction to the HC16 for HC11 Users FET Current Regulators - Circuits and Diodes MC68HC05KO Infra-Red Remote Control Software Driver Routines for the MC68HC05 CAN Module MC68HC05K1 & MC68HC05P3 Secure Remote Control Bipolar Chopper Transistors and Circuits Simple AID for MCUs Without Built-In AID Converters Basic Design of Medium Power Audio Amplifiers (3 t035 Watt) High-Power Audio Amplifiers with Short-Circuit Protection Analysis & Basic Oprtn of the MC1595 The MC1600 Series MECL I" Gates Theory, Characteristics and Applications of the Programmable Unijunction Transistor MC1596 Balanced Modulator Phase-Locked Loop Design Fundamentals Medium Scale Integration in the Numerical Control Field Television Video IF Amplifier Using Integrated Circuits Programming the MCM5003/5004 Programmable Read Only Memory Interconnection Techniques for Motorola's MECL 10,000 Series Emitter Coupled Logic A Single Ramp Analog-to-Digital Converter Alphanumeric Indax AN567IX AN569 AN575A *AN579 *AN581 AN587 AN593 *AN595 *AN700 AN701 AN702 AN703 AN708A *AN713 AN717 AN719 AN720 AN721 AN726 AN730A/X *AN733 *AN738 *AN740 *AN741 *AN742 AN749 *AN753 AN756 AN758 *AN759 *AN767 AN768A/X AN770 *AN774 *AN776 AN779 AN781A Bold Lottcrlng: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information MECL Positive and Negative Logic Transient Thermal Resistance - General Data and Its Use Variable Speed Control System for Induction Motors Testing MECL 10,000 Integrated LogiC Circuits An MSI 500MHz Frequency Counter Using MECL andMTIL Analysis and DeSign of the Op Amp Current Source Broadband Linear Power Amplifiers Using Push-Pull Transistors 25 Watt and 10 Watt VHF Marine Band Transmitters Simulate MECL System Interconnections with a Computer Program Understanding MECL 10,000 DC and AC Data Sheet Specifications High Speed Digital-to-Analog and Analog-to-Digital Techniques Designing Digitally-Controlled Power Supplies Line Driver and Receiver Considerations Binary D/A Converters can Provide BCD-Coded Conversion Battery-Powered 5 MHz Frequency Counter A New Approach to Switching Regulators InterfaCing with MECL 10,000 Integrated Circuits Impedance Matching Networks Applied to RF Power Transistors Bussing with MECL 10,000 Integrated Circuits A High Speed FIFO Memory Using the MECL MCM10143 Register File A ROM-Digital Approach to PWM-Type Speed Control of AC Motors NBCD Sign and Magnitude Adder/Subtracter The Design of an N-Channel 16K x 16 Bit Memory System for the PO P-11 Interface Considerations for Numeric Display Systems A 200MHz Autoranging MECL - McMOS Frequency Counter Broadband Transformers and Power Combining Techniques for RF Scanning Logic for RF Scanner-Receivers Using CMOS Integrated Circuits Crystal Switching Methods For MC12060/12061 Oscillators A Two-Stage 1kW Solid-State Linear Amplifier A CMOS Keyboard Data Entry System for Bus Oriented Memory Systems A Line Operated, Regulated 5V/50A Switching Power Supply CMOS Schmitt Triggers Data Acquisition Networks with NMOS and CMOS A Simple High Speed Bipolar Microprocessor Illustrates System Design and Microprogram Techniques The M10800 MECL LSI Processor Family Low-Distortion 1.6 to 30MHz SSB Driver Designs Revised Data-Interface Standards *AN782 AN784 AN790 AN791 AN792 *AN797 *AN801 *AN802 AN803 *AN804 *AN805 *AN806A *AN81 0 AN814 *ANB15 *AN816 *AN817 *AN819 *AN820 AN827 AN829 *AN838 AN840 AN843 *AN845 AN846 AN847 *AN849 *AN852 AN854 AN857 AN860 AN861 AN862 AN864A *AN865 49 Interfacing and Controlling Digital Temperature Data Using the MC6800 Transient Power Capability of Zener Diodes Thermal Rating of RF Power Transistors A Simplified Approach to VHF Power Amplifier Design M10800 MECL LSI Circuits MC6801103 Port Expansion Using InpuVOutput Modules in Industrial Control Applications Interconnections of the DS14500A ICU to the Motorola Mounting System Boards The Effect of Emitter-Base Avalanching on High-Voltage Power Switching Transistors Applications of Ferruled Components to Fiber OptiC Systems The 5 Volt, 64K Dynamic RAM Is Here, So Is the 32K, So Is the 16KIII Operation of the MC14469 Dual 16-bit Ports for the MC68000 Using Two MC6821s Using Integrated Detector/Pre-amplifiers in Fiber Optics Systems Colour Graphics for the MC68000 Using the MC6847 Software Refreshed Memory Card for the MC68000 Asynchronous Communications for the MC68000 Using the MC6850 Prioritized Individually Vectored Interrupts for Multiple Peripheral Systems with the MC68000 Hardware Considerations for Direct Memory Access Using the MC6809 Microprocessor Unit and MC6844 DMA Controller The Technique of Direct Programming by Using a Two-Modulus Prescaler Application of the MC1374 TV Modulator High Performance Memory Design Technique for the MC68000 Temperature Compensation Methods for the Motorola X-ducer Pressure Sensor Element A Review of Transients and Their Means of Suppression New Power Bipolars Compare Favourably with FETs for Switching Efficiency Basic Concepts of Fiber Optics and Fiber OptiC Communications Tuning Diode Design Techniques Guide to Thyristor Applications Monitor for the MC146805G2L1 Microcomputer The MC68230 Parallellnterfacemmer Provides an Effective Printer Interface MC68705P3/R3/U3 8-bit EPROM Microcomputer Programming Module Power MOSFETs versus Bipolar Transistors Power Transistor Safe Operating Area: Special Considerations for Motor Drives Interfacing Digital Circuits to Thyristor Controlled AC Loads Interfacing Multiplexed Bus Peripherals with Non-Multiplexed MPUs The MC6809/MC6809E SYNC Instruction Alphanumeric Index *AN866 AN868 AN869 AN873 AN875 AN876 *AN877 AN878 AN879 *AN880 *AN881 AN885 *AN888 *AN889 *AN890 *AN891 AN892 *AN893 AN894A AN896A AN897 AN899 AN900 AN902 AN903 AN905 AN906A AN907A *AN909 AN910 AN913 AN915 *AN916 AN917 Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; • HI: Historical Information Vectoring the Device Using Interrupt SYNC Acknowledge with the MC6809/MC6809E Using High-Speed CMOS Logic for Microprocessor Interfacing Application Summary for the MC6805R2( )1 Single-Chip Microcomputer with AID Converter Understanding Power Transistor Dynamic Behaviour: dv/dt Effects on Switching RBSOA Power Transistor Safe Operating Area: Special Considerations for SWitching Power Supplies Using Power MOSFETs in Stepping Motor Control Precision Voltage References for the MC1 0315/MC1 0317 Flash A-D Converters VHF MOS Power Applications Monomax: Application of the MC13001 Monochrome TeleviSion Integrated Circuit An Evaluation tool for the MC68451 MMU Dual-Ported RAM for the MC68000 Microprocessor General Purpose Frequency Counter Using an M6805 HMOS/M146805 CMOS Family Monitor for the MC146805F2L 1 Microcomputer MC14500B Development System Low Voltage Inhibit (LVI) Capability of the M6805 HMOS Microcomputer (MCU) Family MC144121MC145440 Chip Set Sets New Standard In 300 Baud Modem Designs A Dual Processor System, Using TWo MC6809E MPUs on a Common Bus Understanding Telephone Key Systems User Considerations for MC146818 Real Time Clock Applications Serial 110, Timer and Interface Capabilities of the MC68901 Multi-Function Peripheral MC68008 Minimum Configuration System A Terminal Interface, Printer Interface and Background Printer for an MC66000-Based System Using the MC68681 DUART Using the M6805 Family On-Chip 6-bit AID Converter A Zero-Crossing Application for the M6805 HMOS Family User-Ca"able Self-Check Subroutines for the M6805 HMOS/M146805 CMOS Family of Microcomputers A Transparent DMA Using an MC6809E MPU and an MC6844DMAC Self-Programming the MC68701 and the MC68701U4 Programming the MC1468705G2 Microcomputer EPROM MCM2833 Functional Description Self-Contained Self-Check Unit for M6805 Family Single-Chip Microcomputers Designing with TMOS Power MOSFETs Characterizing Collector-to-Emitter and Drain-to-Source Diodes for Switchmode Applications Applications of the MOC3031 and MOC3041 Zero-Crossing Triac Drivers Reading and Writing in Floppy Disc Systems Using Motorola Integrated Circuits AN918 AN919 AN920 AN921/X AN922 AN923 AN924 *AN925 AN926 AN929 AN930 *AN932 AN933 AN935 AN936 AN937 AN938 AN940 AN941 AN942 AN943 AN945 AN946 AN947 AN946 AN949 AN951 AN952 AN953 *AN954 AN955 *AN956 50 Para"ellng Power MOSFETs in Switching Applications Using the Motorola X-ducer Pressure Sensor Data Sheet Theory and Applications of the MC34063 and J,lA78S40 Switching Regulator Control Circuits Horizontal APC/AFC Loops Temperature Compensation, Calibration and Applications of Motorola's X-ducer Pressure Sensor 800MHz Test Fixture Design Measurement of Zener Voltage to Thermal Equilibrium with Pulsed Test Current UHF Preamplifier Centers on Budget Dual-Gate GaAs FET Techniques for Improving the Settling Time of a CAC &OP-AMP Combination Insuring Reliable Performance from Power MOSFETs High Voltage, High Current, Non-Destructive FBSOA Testing Application of the MC1377 Colour Encoder A Variety of Uses for the MC34012 and MC34017 Tone Riggers Compensating for Nonlinearity in the MPX1 0 Series Pressure Transducer Mounting Techniques, Lead Forming and Testing of Motorola's MPX Series Pressure Transducers A Telephone Ringer which complies with FCC and EIA Impedance Standards Mounting Techniques for PowerMacro Transistor Telephone Dialing Techniques Using the MC6605 A 2.0MHz MC68B09E System with Transparent Refresh of Dynamic RAM MC68704P2 6-bit EPROM Microcomputer Programming Module UDLT Evaluation Board Interfacing the MC145418 and MC145419 Digital Loop Transceivers to a Single Twisted Pair Wire Limited Distance Modem Using the Universal Digital Loop Transceiver Chip Family MC66681 Floating-Point Coprocessor as a Peripheral In an M68000 System Data Multiplexing Using the Universal Digital Loop Transceiver and the Data Set Interface A Voice/Data Modem Using the MC145422126, MC145428 and MC14403 Drive Optimization for 1.0kV Off-Line Converter Transistors Ultrafast Recovery Rectifiers Extend Power Transistor SOA Binary Addition/Subtraction and Binary/BCD Addition Utilizing Motorola's MCA2500 ECL Macrocell Array A Unique Converter Configuration A Cost Effective VHF Amplifier for Land Mobile Radios The Operation and Application of the SMARTpower Overvoltage and Overtemperature Protectors Alphonumorlc Indo~ AN957 AN958 AN959 ANS60 AN961 AN962 AN963 AN964 AN966 AN968 *ANS69 ANS70 AN971 AN973 AN974 *ANS75 AN976 AN977 AN978 AN979 AN980 AN981 AN982 AN983 *AN984 ANS86 AN987 *AN989 *AN990 AN991 AN993 *AN994RE *AN996 AN997 AN999 AN1000 AN1001 Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; • HI: Historical Information Interfacing the Speakerphone to the MC3401 0/11/13 Speech Networks Transmit Gain Adjustments for the MC34014 Speech Network A Speakerphone with Receive Idle Mode Equalization of DTMF Signals Using the MC34014 Interfacing the MPX2000 Series Silicon Pressure Sensors MPX Pressure Sensors Used for Switch Applications Interfacing The MC6108 AID to a Microprocessor Trigger Design Ideas for DIAC Replacements MC68HC805C4 8-bit EEPROM Microcomputer Programming Module A Digital Voice/Data Telephone Set Operation of the MC145159 Pll Frequency Synthesizer with Analog Phase Detector Hardware and Software Interface for the MC68605 X.25 Protocol Controller Avoiding Bus Contention in Fast Access RAM Designs Avoiding Data Errors with Fast Static RAMs MC68HC11 Floating-Point Package The Interrupt Controlling Capabilities of the MC68901 and the MC68230 A New High Performance Current Mode Controller Teams Up with Current Sensing Power MOSFETs Third Generation ECl Macrocell Arrays Application of the Motorola VDE Approved Optocouplers Guidelines for Circuit Board Assembly of Motorola Case 349 Opto Products VHF Narrowband FM Receiver Design Using the MC3362 and the MC3363 Dual Conversion Receivers Building Counters with Motorola's Macrocell Arrays Applications of Zero Voltage Crossing Optically Isolated Triac Drivers A Simplified Power Supply Design USing the Tl494 Control Circuit 25MHz logical Cache for an MC68020 Page, Nibble, and Static Column Modes: High-Speed, Serial-Access Options on 1M-bit + DRAMs DRAM Refresh Modes ASIC MPU6805 Standard Cell Interrupt Handling A Small-Area Network USing the MC68681 DUART Using the Serial Peripheral Interface to Communicate Between Multiple Microcomputers Serial-ta-Parallel Converter Using the MC68705P3 32-bit Computer Design Using 68020/68881/68851 MC68010 Microprocessor Prototype Board CON FIG Register Issues Concerning the M68HC11 Family Burst-Mode DRAM Controller for the MC68030 SENSEFETs for High Frequency Applications Understanding SENSEFETs AN1002 AN1003 AN1004 AN1006 AN1007 AN1008 AN100S AN1010 AN1011 AN1012 AN1013 AN1014 AN1015 AN1016 AN1019 AN1020 AN1021 AN1022 AN1025 AN1027 AN1028 *AN1029 AN1030 AN1032 AN1033 AN1034 AN1037 AN1038 AN1039 AN1040 AN1041 AN1042 AN1043 AN1044 AN1045 AN1046 51 A Handsfree Featurephone Design Using the MC34114 Speech Networ1< and the MC34018 Speakerphone ICs Featurephone Design, with Tone Ringer and Dialer, Using the MC34118 Speakerphone IC A Handsfree Featurephone Design Using MC34114 Speech Network and MC34118 Speakerphone ICs linearize the Volume Control of the MC34118 Speakerphone MC68824 Token Bus Controller to IAPX80186 Interface MC68824 Token Bus Controller to MC6801 0 Interface Programming the MC1468705F2 EPROM Microcomputer Unit (MCU) MC68HC11 EEPROM Programming from a Personal Computer MC146805G2 to MC68HC05C4 Conversion A Discussion of Interrupts for the MC68000 MC68606 to Intel IAPX80186 Interface MC68606 to MC68020 Interface MC68020 Minimum System Configuration Infrared Sensing and Data Transmission Fundamentals Decoding Using the TDA3330, with Emphasis on Cable In/Cable Out Operation A High-Performance Video Amplifier for High Resolution CRT App. A Hybrid Video Amplifier For High Resolution CRT Applications Mechanical and Thermal Considerations in Using RF Linear Hybrid Amplifiers Reliability Considerations in Design and Use of RF Integrated Circuits Reliability/Performance Aspects of CATV Amplifier Design 35/50Watt Broadband (160-240MHz) Push-Pull TV Amplifier Band III TV Transposers Band IV and V Po - 0.5W/1.0W 1W/2W Broadband TV Amplifier Band IV and V How load VSWR Affects Non-Linear Circuits Match Impedances in Microwave Amplifiers Three Balun Designs for Push-Pull Amplifiers "Solid-State Power Amplifier - 300 I Watt, FM" "1.2 V, 40-900 / MHz Broadband Amplifie," 470-860 MHz Broadband Amplifier 5W Mounting Considerations for Power Semiconductors Mounting Procedures for Very High Power RF Transistors High Fidelity Switching Audio Amplifiers Using TMOS Power MOSFETs Spice Model for TMOS Power MOSFETs The MC1378 - A Monolithic Composite Video Synchronizer Series Triaes in AC High Voltage Switching Circuits Three Piece Solution for Brushless Motor Controller Design Alphanumeric Index AN1047 AN1048 AN1049 AN1050 AN105l AN1054 AN1055 AN1057 AN1058 AN1059 AN1060 AN106l AN1062 AN1063 AN1064 AN1065 AN1066 AN1067 AN1076 AN1077 AN1078 AN1080 AN108l AN1082 AN1083 AN1090 AN109l AN1092 AN1093 AN1094 AN1095 AN1096 AN1097 AN1099 ANll00 AN1101 AN1102 ANll03 Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information Electrical Characteristics of the CR2424 and CR2425 CRT Driver Hybrid Amplifiers RC Snubber Networks for Thyristor Power Control and Transient Suppression The Electronic Control of Fluorescent lamps Designing for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) with HCMOS Microcontrollers Transmission Line Effects in PCB Applications ISDN System Development Using MC145490EVKlMC14549l EVK Development Kits M6805 l6-bit Support Macros Selecting the Right Microcontroller Unit Reducing AID Errors in Microcontroller Applications Pseudo Static RAM Simplifies Interfacing with Microprocessors MC68HCll Bootstrap Mode Reflecting on Transmission Line Effects Using the QSPI for Analog Data Acquisition DRAM Controller for the MC68340 Use of Stack Simplifies M68HCll Programming Use of the MC68HC68Tl Real-Time Clock with Multiple Time Bases InterfaCing the MC68HC05C5 SlOP to an 12C Peripheral Pulse Generation and Detection with Microcontroller Units Speeding up Horizontal Outputs Adding Digital Volume Control to Speakerphone Circuits New Components Simplify Brush DC Motor Drives External-Sync Power Supply with Universal Input Voltage Range for Monitors Minimize the "pop" in the MC34ll9 low Power Audio Amplifier Simple Design for a 4-20mA Transmitter Interface USing a Motorola Pressure Sensor Basic Thermal Management of Power Semiconductors Understanding and Predicting Power MOSFET Switching Behavior low Skew Clock Drivers and their System Design Considerations Driving High Capacitance DRAMs in an ECl System Delay and Timing Methods for CMOS ASICs Thermally Enhanced Quad Flat Packages Clock Distribution Techniques for HOC Series Arrays Guidelines for Using the MustangTII ATPG System Calibration-Free Pressure Sensor System Test Methodology and Release Issues for HOC Series Gate Arrays Analog to Digital Converter Resolution Extension Using a Motorola Pressure Sensor One-Horsepower Off-Line Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Drive Interfacing Power MOSFETs to logic Devices USing the CR3424 for High Resolution CRT Applications ANll05 AN1106 ANll07 ANll08 ANl120 AN1l22 ANl123 ANl124 ANll25 ANl126 ANl127 ANl129 AN1200 AN1203 AN1207 AN12ll AN1212 AN1213 AN1214 AN12l5 AN12l6 AN1217 AN1218 AN1219 AN122l AN1222 AN1223 AN1224 AN1225 AN1226 AN1300 AN1301 AN1302 AN1303 52 A Digital Pressure Gauge Using the Motorola MPX700 Series Differential Pressure Sensor Considerations in Using the MHW801 and MHW851 Series RF Power Modules Understanding RF Data Sheet Parameters Design Considerations for a Two Transistor, Current Mode Forward Converter Basic Servo loop Motor Control Using the MC68HC05B6 MCU Running the MC44802A Pll Circuit MCS3201 Floppy Disk Controller in MC68000 System 1 Meg to 4 Meg DRAM Upgrading DRAM Interface to the MC88200 M Bus Evaluation Systems for Remote Control Devices on an Infrared Link High Speed DRAM Design for the 40 MHz MC68EC030 Effect of Cache Memory and Latency on MC88100 Performance Configuring the M68300 Family Time ProceSSing Unit (TPU) A Software Method for Decoding the Output from the MC14497/MC3373 Combination The MC145170 in Basic HF and VHF Oscillators InterfaCing DACs and ADCs to the NEURON IC J1850 Multiplex Bus CO!1lmunications Using the MC68HC705C8 and the MC68HC58H 1850 Communications Interface (JCI) 16-bit DSP Servo Control with the MC68HC16Z1 MC88110 64-bit External Bus Interface to l6-bit EPROM PID Routines for HCll K4 and HCll N4 Microcontrollers Setback Thermstat Design Using the NEURON IC Interfacing to the MC8811 0 HC05 to HC08 Optimization M68HC08 Integer Math Routines Hamming Error Control Coding Techniques with the HC08MCU Arithmetic Waveform Synthesis with the HC05/08 MCUs A Zero Wait State Secondary Cache for Intel's PentiumTII Example Software Routines for the Message Data Link Controller Module on the MC68HC705V8 Fuzzy logic and the NEURON CHIP Use of the 68HC705C8A in Place of a 68HC705C8 Interfacing Microcomputers to Fractional Horsepower Motors InterfaCing Analog Inputs to Fractional Horsepower Motors Motorola Pressure Sensors - Recommended Housing for Very low Absolute Pressure Measurements A Simple 4-20mA Pressure Transducer Evaluation Board AlphanumerIc Index AN1304 AN130S AN1306 AN1307 AN1309 AN1310 AN1311 AN1312 AN1313 AN1314 AN1315 AN1316 AN1317 AN1318 AN1319 AN1320 AN1321 AN1322 AN1324 AN132S AN1326 AN1400 AN1401 AN1402 AN1403 AN1404 AN140S AN1406 AN1410 AN1S00 AN1S02 AN1503 AN1504 AN1508 AN1S09 AN1510 Bold LetterIng: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information Integrated Sensor Simplifies Bar Graph Pressure Gauge An Evaluation System for Direct Interface of the MPXSl 00 Pressure Sensor with a Microprocessor Thermal Distortion in Video Amplifiers A Simple Pressure Regulator Using Semiconductor Pressure Transducers Compensated Sensor Bar Graph Pressure Gauge Using the MC68332 Microcontroller for AC Induction Motor Control Software for an 8-bit Microcontroller Based Brushed DC Motor Drive Interfaced Sensor Evaluation Board Sensor Building Block Evaluation Board Automatic Line Voltage Selector An Evaluation System Interfacing the MPX2000 Series Pressure to a Microprocessor Frequency Output Conversion for MPX2000 Series Pressure Sensors High-Current DC Motor Drive Uses Low On-Resistance Surface Mount MOSFET Interfacing Semiconductor Pressure Sensors to Microcomputers Design Considerations for a Low Voltage N-Channel . H-Bridge Motor Drive 300 Watt, 100 kHz Converter Utilizes Economical Bipolar Planar Power Transmitter Brushless DC Motor Drive Incorporates Small Outline Int~grated Circuit Packaged MOSFETs Applying Semiconductor Sensors to Bar Graph Pressure Sensors A Simple Sensor Interface Amplifier Amplifiers for Semiconductor Pressure Sensors Barometric Pressure Measurement Using Semiconductor Pressure Sensors MCl Oil 00H640 Clock Driver Family I/O SPICE Modelling Kit Using SPICE to Analyze the Effects of Board Layout on System Skew when Designing with the MCl Oil 00H640 Family of Clock Drivers MCl Oil OOHOO Translator Family I/O SPICE Modelling Kit FACT I/O Model Kit ECLinPS Circuit Performance at Non-Standard VIH Levels ECL Clock Distribution Techniques Designing with PECL (ECL at +S.OV) Configuring and Applying the MC54174HC4046A Phase-Locked Loop IEEE Std. 1149.1 Boundary Scan for H4CTM Arrays Embedded RAM BIST ECLinPSTM I/O SPICE Modelling Kit Metastability and the ECLinPSTM Family High Frequency Design Techniques and Guidelines for Bipolar Gate Arrays ASIC Clock Distribution Using a Phase-Locked-Loop (PLL) A Mode Indicator for the MC34118 Speakerphone Circuit AN1Sll AN1S12 AN1513 AN1S14 AN1516 AN1S17 AN1518 ANE007 ANE009 ANE402 ANE404 ANE40S ANE408 ANE413 ANE41S ANE416 ANE418 ANE420 ANE421 ANE422 ANE424 ANE42S ANE426 AN-HK-01/H AN-HK-02lH AN-HK-07/H AN-HK-08/H AN-H K-1 0 AN-HK-12 AN-HK-13A AN-HK-15 AN-HK-16 AN-H K-17 APRl 53 Applications of the MOC2A40 and MOC2A60 Series POWER OPTO Isolators TestPASTM Primer Mounting Techniques and Plumbing Options of Motorola's MPX Series Pressure Sensors H4CPlus™ Series 3.3 V/5 V Design Considerations Liquid Level Control Using a Motorola Pressure Sensor Pressure Switch Design with Semiconductor Pressure Sensors Using a Pulse Width Modulated Output with Semiconductor Pressure Sensors Automotive Multiplex Wiring - An Example Register Display Program for the MC68881 IMC68882 130W Ringing Choke Power Supply Using TDA4601 An Extended MC146805E2 CBUGOS System Using the MC68HC25 Bi-Directional Data Transfer Between MC68HCll and MC680SL3 Using SPI Logarithmic/linear Conversion Routines for DSPS6000/1 MC14680SG2 to MC68HCOSC4 Conversion MC68HC11 Implementation of IEEE-488 Interface for DSP56000 Monitor MC68HCOSB4 Radio Synthesizer MC68HC80SB6 Low-Cost EEPROM Microcomputer Programming Module Monitor Program for the MC68HC05B6 Microcomputer Unit MC68HC704P4 8-bit EPROM Microcomputer Programming Module An Application Note on a MC68HC04 Based Intruder Deterrent 50W Current Mode Controlled Offline Switch Mode Power Supply Working over SO% Duty Cycle Using theUC3842A Use of the MC68HC68T1 RTC with M680S Microprocessors An MC68030 32-bit High Performance Minimum System 300 Baud Smart Modem with Intelligent MCU Controller Low Power FM Transmitter System MC2831A A High Performance Manual-Tuned Receiver for Automotive Application Using Motorola ICs MC13021, MC13020 and MC13041 A Medium Scale PABX MC68HC05L9 Microcomputer Applications Demo Board MC68HC05F6 Tone Pulse Dialer MC68HCOSL10 Handheld Equipment Applications MC68HCOSL11 Hand-Writing Applications MC68HC(7)05G9/G10 Laptop and Notebook PC Applications MC68HC05F2 DTM F Output Low Voltage Active Filter Digital Sine-Wave Synthesis Using the DSP56001/DSP56002 AlphanumerIc Index APR2 APR3 APR4 APR5 APR6 APR7 APR8 APR9 APR10 APRll APR12 APR14 APR15 APR401 APR402 APR403 APR404 AR103 AR108 AR109 ARl15/X AR119 AR120 AR128 AR131 AR133 AR141 *AR148 *AR150 AR154 AR160 AR164 *AR171S AR175 Bold LetterIng: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information Digital Stereo 1O-Band Graphic Equalizer Using the DSP56001 Fractional and Integer Arithmetic Using the DSP56000 Family of General-Purpose Digital Signal Processors Implementation of Fast Fourier Transforms on Motorola's Digital Signal Processors Implementation of PID Controllers on the Motorola DSP56000lDSP56001 Convolutional Encoding and Viterbi Decoding Using the DSP56001 with a V.32 Modem Trellis Example Implementing IIRlFIR Filters with Motorola's DSP56000lDSP5600l Principles of Sigma-Delta Modulation for Analog-to-Digital Converters Full-Duplex 32-kbitls CCITT ADPCM Speech Coding on the Motorola DSP56001 DSP96002 Interface Techniques and Examples DSP56001 Interface Techniques and Examples Twin CODEC Expansion Board for the DSP56000 Application Development System Conference Bridging in the Digital Telecomms Environment Using the Motorola DSP56000 Implementation of Adaptive Controllers on the Motorola DSP56000lDSP5600l Twin CODEC Expansion Board for the DSP56000 Application Development System low Cost Controller for DSP56001 Conference Bridging in the Digital Telecomms Environment, using the Motorola DSP56000 G.722 Audio Processing on the DSP561 00 Microprocessor Family Compilation and Pascal on the new Microprocessors Macrocell Arrays: An Alternative to Custom lSI Power Transistor Safe Operating Area - Special Considerations for Motor Drives Bipolar OP Amp Achieves JFET-Like Speeds Dynamic Saturation Voltage A Designer's Comparison Speeding Up the Very High Voltage Transistor Array-Based logic Boosts System Performance Baker Clamps: Traditional Concepts Updated for Third Generation Power Transistors Multichip Power MOSFETs Beat Bipolars at High-Current Switching Applying Power MOSFETs in Class DIE RF Power Amplifier Design Carrier Bands Get NOD for Industrial Networks The MAP Program: An Overview MUX Wiring: Digital Control for Vehicular Electrical Systems lossless Current Sensing with SENSEFETs Enhances Motor Drive Good RF Construction Practices and Techniques Cellular Anode Zeners Clamp High Speed Power MOSFETs A Power FET SPICE Model from Data Sheet Specs AR176 ARl77 AR178 AR179 AR180 AR181 AR183 ARl84 AR194 AR195 AR196 AR197 AR208 *AR2l3 *AR2l6 AR2l7 *AR223 *AR224 *AR225 *AR226 *AR227 *AR232 AR233 AR235 AR239 AR241 *AR242 *AR243 *AR244 *AR248 *AR253 AR254 AR255 AR256 *AR257 AR258 *AR259 AR260 *AR261 54 New MOSFETs Simplify High Power RF Amplifier Design Proper Testing Can Maximize Performance in Power MOSFETs Versatile Test Fixture Verifies the Switching of UFR Rectifiers Under High diJdt Conditions RF Power Transistors Catapult into High-Power Systems Electronic Ballasts Bipolar Transistors Excel in Off-Line Resonant Converters "Motorola Grabs lead in ECl Density, Using Mosaic III" Some Silicon Solutions for MAP Drive Techniques For High Side N-Channel MOSFETs Advanced ECl Family Boosts Performance Threefold Understanding the Power MOSFETs Input Characteristics Packaging Trends in Discrete Surface Mount Components Design Philosophy Behind Motorola's MC68000 The MC68881 Floating-Point Coproce~sor Multiprocessor Architecture Tunes In to Transaction Processing The Motorola MC68020 SCSI Protocol and Controller Ease Bus Arbitration Standard SCSI Bus Facilitates Peripheral Control Testing Approaches in the MC68020 Designing with the MC68008 Microprocessor Product Development for the MC68020 The MC68020 32-bit MPU: Opening New Application Doors Software Links Math Chip to M68000 Family ~Ps MC68000 Microprogrammed Architecture Implementing Integrated Office Communications Building Fast SRAMs with No Process 'Tricks' A Benchmark Comparison of 32-bit Microprocessors A Comparison of M68000 Family Processors The Floating Point Performance Standard Gets Even Fasterl Memory Management in the 68030 Microprocessor Extra Functions and Higher Speed Push Microprocessor to Top Phase-locked loop Design Articles Simplified Remote Control Circuits Motorola's Radical SRAM Design Speeds Systems 40% Maximize Performance by Choosing Best Memory High Frequency System Operation Using Synchronous SRAMs As Many 68020s to Sell in 1988 as 80386s Enhancing System Performance Using Synchronous SRAMs Multiprocessors Boost System Power Alphanumeric Index *AR262 *AR264 AR266 *AR267 *AR268 AR270 *AR273 *AR274 *AR275 *AR277 *AR278 *AR280 AR281 AR282 AR283 AR284 AR300 AR301 AR302 AR305 AR306 AR307 AR308 AR309 AR310 AR311 AR312 AR313 AR314 AR317 AR319 AR320 AR321 AR322/X AR323 AR324 AR326 AR327 Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information Some Silicon Solutions for MAP Hi-Tech Encoder LCD Driver with Serial Interface Moto Answers Back Motorola 68020 and Intel 80386 32-bit Microprocessors: Perceptions of Performance: Executive Summary Designing a Cache for a Fast Processor AR328 AR329 The 88000 Now 88k RISC CPU Adds UNIX to PC Platforms Opus Systems' 88000 Workstation ''Workstations, PCs Fight Over the Middle Ground" Can HP Find the Right Direction For the '90s? RISC Engine REVs VMS Applications "The 68040 Processor: Part 1, Design and Implementation" ''The 68040 Processor: Part 2, Memory Design and Chip Verification" "Motorola's 68040 Boost for Mac, NeXT, and HP/Apollo" 96002 Media Engine The Hidden Dangers of Electrostatic Discharge ESD Solid-State Devices Ease Task of Designing Brushless DC Motors Thermal Management of Surface Mount Power Devices Building Push-Pull, Multioctave, VHF Power Amplifiers Densest Gate Arrays Ever from lSI logic, Motorola Jumbo High-Density Gate Arrays Score a Round of Industry Firsts Motorola's Arrays Hit a New High: 80% Gate Utilization High-Density ASIC Family Achieves 1OOk-Cell Arrays Software for Sea-of-Gates Arrays Places and Routes Over 70% of Available Gates AR335 AR336 AR338 Catalog-on-a-disk Finds RF Devices Fast "JEDEC Simplifies Selection of BiMOS, CMOS Gate Arrays" Wideband RF Power Amplifier A 60-Watt PEP Linear Amplifier Advanced Processing Improves Bipolar Dynamic Saturation DPAK: A Surface Mount Package for Discrete Power Devices Automotive Engineering Current Sensing Simplifies Motor Control Design High-Voltage Schottky Rectifiers for Power Conversion Managing Heat Dissipation in DPAK Surface Mount Power Packages TAB TAMES High Density Chip I/Os High-Voltage MOSFETs Simplify Flyback Design MOSFETs Compete with Bipolars in Flyback Power Supplies AR518 AR330 AR331 AR332 AR333 AR339 AR340 AR341 AR345 AR346 AR350 AR351 AR450 AR501S AR502S AR510 AR511 AR512 AR513 AR514 AR515 AR517 AR519 AR520 AR521 AR522 AR523 AR524 AREOO1 ARE139S ARE402 BF8105 BF8401 BF8501 55 Application-Specific Transistors Gate Change Explains HF Effects of MOSFET Parasitic Compacitances High Density ECl Arrays Ease System Implementation Optoisolators For Switching Power Supplies CDA TM Array Papers RF Modems Simplified Ultra-Fast Rectifiers and Inductive loads ASIC TAB Packaging Papers Metal-Backed Boards Improve Thermal Performance of Power "Rejuvenated BiCMOS Satisfies Demands for Performance, DenSity" The low Forward Voltage Schottky "Power MOSFET, 1HP Brushless DC Motor Drive Withstands Commutation Stresses" Switches For High-Definition Displays RF Power FETs: Their Characteristics and Applications Adapt Non-ISDN Terminals to ISDN Data Rates Evaluating the Communications Performance of Your Next Board Design Trans Suppressors Reliability Issues for Silicon Pressure Sensors The Design of a Monolithic Signal Conditioned Pressure Sensor VSWR Protection of Solid State RF Power Transistors Biasing Solid State Amplifiers to Linear Operation Gate Arrays Challenge Standard-Cell ASICs Surface Mount: Discrete Component Trends Build Ultra-low Dropout Regulator Wafers to Surface Mount Packages in One-Fourth the Time High Resolution Position Sensor for Motion Control System Gate Arrays Simplify Translation Between High Speed logic Families low-Skew Clock Drivers: Which Type is Best? Applications Specific MultiChip Modules Sensors - The Journal of Machine Perception Global ASIC Service Second Quarterly Report An Overview of Surface Mount Technology (SMT) for Power Supply Applications Pick the Right Package for Your Next ASIC Design High-Speed Components and a Cache Memory lower Access Times Sensors: Medical Applications The Electronic Control of Fluorescent Tubes MC145026 and MC145027 Remote Control System Temperature and Pressure Measurement with MC6805 2x8 Key System Alphanumeric Index *DC001 DC003 DC004 DC407 DC408 DC409 DC410 DCE402 DCE403 DCE404 DCE406 EB20 EB27A EB29 EB30 EB38/X EB47/x EB48 EB51 EB54/X EB59 EB77 EB79 EB85A EB89/X EB90 EB91/X EB93 EB101 EB104 EB105/x EB106/x EB107 EB108 EB109 EB116 EB117 EB121 EB123 Bold Lettering: Not currently available in the U.S.; * HI: Historical Information Virtual Memory Using the MC68000 and the MC68451 Using the MC68020 as a Dedicated DMA Controller Avoiding Transmit Underruns in a TBG-Based System Interfacing MC68020 and MC68030 to DSP56001 Host Port MC88110 Single Stepping Code Example FOOl Chip Set Interface to an 80486 System Fuzzy Logic - A New Approach to Embedded Control Solutions MC68030 25M Hz Benchmari
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