229 2116 2_360_30_FE_Handbook 2 360 30 FE Handbook
229-2116-2_360_30_FE_Handbook 229-2116-2_360_30_FE_Handbook
User Manual: 229-2116-2_360_30_FE_Handbook
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Field Engineering Handbook System/360 Model 30 'Ii' 10)0 'IY.i' L!J~~ (i) Field Engineering Handbook System/360 Model 30 Address comments concerning the contents of this publication to: IBM Corporation, FE Technical Operations, Department 793, Endicott, New York 13760 CONTENTS M2I GATE AND SELECTION LOGIC. DIODE PACK - PIN 2391181. . . DIODE LAYOUT - 32K ARRANGEMENT ORIENTATION OF DIODE PACK (BY DIODE iI). POWER RESISTOR LOCA TION. . . . . . ARRAY LAYOUT . . . . . . . . . . . MAIN ADDRESS REGISTER LAYOUT (M&N) PLUG CHART - B1 BOARD . . PLUG CHART - B2 BOARD . . . M2 MAIN STORAGE ADDRESSING . . ROS ADDRESSING BLOCK DIAGRAM ROS ADDRESSING - CARD POSITIONS ROS PARITY CHECK BITS LOCAL STORAGE - CPU . . . . . FORMA T FOR K ADDRESSABLE BYTES TRACK FORMATS. . . . . . . . . . . BETA GAP BIT CONFIGURATION. . . . . HA AND ALPHA GAP BIT CONFIGURATION PROGRAM STATUS WORD. . CHANNEL STATUS WORD. . TRAPS IN PRIORITY ORDER. ROS ADDRESS . . . . . . READ ONLY STORAGE CONTROL. S-Reg., MC-Reg., H-Reg., ALU Controls Micro-Word Format. . . . . ROS Control Field Description. ROS CONTROL FIELD CHART. . SYSTEM/360 MOD 30 DATA FLOW MULTIPLEX CHANNEL MICRO-PROGRAM DATA FLOW/TIMING . . . . . . ADDRESSING OF UCW - I/O FORMAT UNIT CONTROL WORD. . . . . . MULTIPLEX CHANNEL CONTROL . STATUS-IN AND SERVICE-IN BRANCHES SELECTOR CHANNEL CONTROL. CPU CHANNEL LOGOUT . . . MPX AND SX MICRO P!l.OGRAM . 1050 INTERFACE REGISTERS . . REGISTER DISPLAY AND FUNCTION IBM 1407 CONSOLE INQUIRY STATION AND IBM 1447 CONSOLE MODELS 2 & 3 1401 OPERATION CODES. 1400 d MODIFIERS. . . . . d Characters For Branch . d Characters For Branch If Wordmark Or Zone . . . d Characters For Form Control BCD TO CM6 CONVERSION - 1401 CODE TO SYSTEM/360 CODE . . . . . . . SUGGESTED STANDARD ADDRESSES . . . I 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 10 10 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 32 32 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 42 43 43 44 45 CONTENTS 1400 COMPATIBILITY - PROGRAMMED AND ERROR STOPS. . • • • • • • • • • . • BIT ASSIGNMENTS FOR BYTES IN 1401 BUMP LOCAL STORAGE - 1401 MODE . • • . . . K ADDRESSABLE BYTE UTILIZATION • • . DEFINITIONS OF ALD PAGE NUMBER PREFIXES. 1620 OP CODES • • • • • . • • • • 1620 PROGRAMMED AND ERROR STOPS. ROS CONTROL FIELD CHANGES. FUNCTIONAL DESIGNATIONS. ROUTINE POINTERS • . . INITIALIZATION MESSAGES . DISK FORMAT CHANGES. • • • • • . . • • . NUMERIC INPUT/OUTPUT CODES AND GRAPHICS. • • ALPHAMERIC INPUT/OUTPUT CODES AND GRAPHICS. ADDRESS CONVERSION . ADDITIVE CARD CODE . • . . . . • • • • • ROS PAGE ASSIGNMENTS • • • • • • • . • • 1400 COMPATIBILITY - ROS PAGE ASSIGNMENTS. 1620 COMPATIBILITY - ROS PAGE ASSIGNMENTS. ROS FEATURE ASSIGNMENTS. • . . . COMBINATION VERSION ASSIGNMENTS. ALD VERSION ASSIGNMENTS . R PQ VERSION ASSIGNMENTS. • • • RPQ COMBINED VERSIONS. . . . • SYSTEM/360 EBCDIC HEXIDECIMAL . 2821 HEX TO BCD TRANSLATION • • 2821 PRINT HAMMER DRIVER LOCATION. INTERFACE CONNECTOR CHART . • . 2030 BOARD LOCATION . • • • • • . SPECIFICATION OF SLT MODULES FOR SYSTEM/360. • . • • • • DIAGNOSTICS . • • . . • . . • . • SENSE SWITCHES DMA4. . • • . . SWITCH SETTINGS FOR CONSOLE OVERLAY DMA4. ERROR MESSAGES DMA4 . SYSTEM/360 DIAGNOSTICS. 1401 COMPATIBILITY. 1620 COMPATIBILITY. . . MISCELLANEOUS . . . . OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR SELECTOR CHANNEL FLT'S. • • . • • . • • . . OPERATOR'S FLOW - CHART A. . • . . OPERATOR'S FLOW - CHART B. . • . • DMA4 RESTART PROCEDURES - CHART C INITIALIZE OUTPUT MESSAGE OF DMA4 INDEX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 50 51 51 52 53 55 59 60 61 62 62 63 64 65 66 67 67 67 68 69 70 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 79 80 81 83 83 83 84 86 87 88 89 91 S32EF Diodes To 15 other Write Gates To 15 other Write Gates ------4 DIODE PACK - PiN 2391181 Schematic - Each diode pack contains 4 diodes connected as follows: Pin 6 Pin 2 ---,--"--O--;--,----~-----------"'"-~-t_,_r_/ 98-2-B-7 \ A - Pin 4,,- I I I : I Pin 1 L---I*--t-'I-o/~98-1-B-ll \AI: L _________ ~ The example shown is taken from MM870 X-Drive Diode Pin # 1. DIODE LAYOUT - 32K ARRANGEMENT 1 ",:,:,:w/local storage :-:--34 W /0 Ioea I storage e 32 34 32K w/o local storage 99-=-w/local storage':":132 2 8/360 MODEL 30 SLT Card Side ORIENTATION OF DIODE PACK (BY DIODE #) SIDE A SIDE B SIDE C SIDE D Count Towards Large Card Count Top To Bottom (Evens) Count Towards Large Card Count Top To Bottom (Odds) Diode Card 1 8/16/32K 99-132 36-98 1-34 35-97 Diode Card 1 32K W/O Local 97-128 34-96 1-32 33-95 Diode Card 2 8/16K 35-68 None 1-34 None Diode Card 2 32K 99-132 36-98 1-34 35-97 Diode Card 2 32K W/O Local 97-128 34-96 1-32 33-95 POWER RESISTOR LOCATION TOP OF FRAME A C a Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 6 Bit a-16K 7 Bit P Bit a Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 16-32K 3 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit a-16K 5 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 16-32K 7 Bit P Bit Y Read Y Write X Read 8 24K X Write 16 32K I N H I B I T R E S I S T 0 R S X-V DRIVE BOHOM OF FRAME S/360 MODEL 30 3 .\RRAY LAYOUT Y-Winding Goes Through All 18 Planes One X-Winding (Second 16K) Diode Cord N locotlon 0 X lines ® Side View Printed X-Retum Wires for 4 8/360 MODEL 30 • MAIN STORAGE ADDRESS REGISTER LAYOUT (M & N) \ MAIN STORAGE ADDRESS REGISTER 8 14 12 1 1 8 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 P I 01112134 5 6 7 1 1 1 I I 8 4 p 10 12 1 1 1 8 4 2 112 3 415 6 1 MS( I 7 LS )1 Sel ects A or B Sense Inhibit Selects one of 64 X drive lines for each 16K Selects one of 128 Y drive lines T2" 0 - 8K Selection T 28 - 16K 1 2" 16 - 24K 1224-32K o Lower 32K o Upper 32K S/360 MODEL 30 5 NOTES: 1. BJB2 and BlA5 Sockets have 5803577 Installed if Memory is Highest Addressable CSU, Otherwise these Sockets are used for Intermemory Coble Chaining. 2. *Denotes Cable 5802515 Installed on 8, 16,32K, or 1st 32K But Not 2nd 32K. A BCD E F G M N o I- ,-- ,-- EC TERM 10 oc EC to CPU Dolo r-;- Ie' U M P E . Store REC & PWP D E L A y I-; A B L E , II ,-- ,---- ,-- - N V T L I N E , TIM OUT DV' r-::N D I N G S ~;= ~;=~ EC to CPU (TIM) T I M I N G ~ ~ 0' EC TO 2ND ~ I I M I N G ~ Bl to B2 XOVR CABLE - D E L A D E L A Y Y L I N E L I N E - II T I M I N G SA OUT DV' II S-Z 0 BIT 0-16 II r - ,---- ,--- r - r S-Z 1 BIT 0-16 ~ S-Z 6 BlT 0-16 S-Z 7 BIT 0-J6 S-Z P BIT 0-16 ,---- S-Z 0 BIT 16-32 II S-Z 1 BIT J6-32 ,---S-Z 2 BIT 16-32 II I ,-- r - ,---- ,-- S-Z 3 BIT J6-32 S-Z 4 BIT 16-32 Z D S E T C , 00 ~ DB E E TIM REC & PW, & V 0 L T A G E , E G V , E G ~ line 5NS Topes ~~~~ ~~~ :=~~;=~~ ~~ S-Z S-Z S-Z Sense Sense Sense Sense S-Z S-Z Sense Sense S-Z S-Z Gate I 3 BIT 0-16 4 BIT 0-16 5 BIT 0-16 r;I M I N G S-Z 2 BIT 0-J6 V - B1 to B2 XOVR CABLE ' - - '------- II -Z BITS 0,1,2 0-8K -Z BITS 6,1,P 0-8K -Z BITS 3,4,5 8-16 -Z BITS 0,1, 16-24 ~ ~ 7e:: ~ Sense -Z BITS 3,4,5 0-8K -Z BITS 0, J,2 8-16K - '------- II -Z BITS 6,7,P 8-16K - -Z BITS 3,4,5 16-24 ~ -Z BITS 6,1,P 16-24 -Z BITS 3,4,5 24-32 5 BIT 16-32 6 BIT 16-32 7 BIT 16-32 P BIT 16-32 t: ~ -Z BITS 0,1,2 24-32 K -Z BITS 6,7,P 24-32 K -~ II D' 0-16 N V T , ~ ~ DR 16-32 ~ '------- '------- II - '------- .':=--:: I NOTES: 1. B2B2 Socket hos 5803577 Installed if Memory is Highest Addressable CSU, Otherwise This Socket is Used for Inlermemory Cable Chaining. 2. These Sockets Not Available for Cards. A I G B2 10 Bl XOVR CA8LE II B2 to Bl XOVR CABLE M II , - - ,-- , - - r - r - r - r - r - r TERM y EC to CPU (Addr) roo- X DVR 0-16 oc EC Aod PWR to-Addr REC Aod PWR '---- I Y DVR DVR 0 N T R ~ L DVR 0 X DVR 0-16 I N V T R y DVR y DVR II - B X CTL 32K 0 A y ro- 'I ~ R D X A R R 16K D I D I 0 0 D E D E B B 0 A 0 A R D R D '2 8K A Y cn '2 16K R R A y II '2 ':::::: '== =-: '== <::--- '-- II y y DVR DVR X DVR 16-32 ~ ~ II ~ 0 A Note ~ .=;==~ r-y y DVR DVR R D A R R A y '-- I U M P U M P 0 B r;- ~ B D I D E Note ~~ II ,-- r-- r - r - - r - A R R A D E ;::::;:=;==~;:= r~ A D I 0 X DVR 0-16 r--- , - - v Q C to I N V T R II - Y 2ND ;==;== ;:::: Addr REC X DVR 0-16 N cn ;:::: ;:::: X DVR 16-32 D V R '2 5 32K With Bump U R C E 5 Q w/o Note Bump #2 '-- '-- II ~ ~'--~ II ~ I NOTES S/360 MODEL 30 ( MAIN STORAGE ADDRESSING 2 MICRO-SECOND MEMORY ,-------1f N REG. BITS 4,5,6, & 7 ,----------A--- --i'-,------ ,f-' !:?::@8tI N REG. BITS 2 & 3 WRITE 1 NOT M REG. 1 BIT +L GATE TX PHASE READ 16 (MS~51) DECODE y GATE DEC. (MS) (031) LINES +L GATE TX 16 DECODE liNES 4 SWITCHES ~ M REG 6 & 7 N REGO& 1 ~"" ~." y GATE TRANS MREG 2 BIT CONT. (MS151) y 8 DECODES FOR 32K Y DRIVER DEC. R (-L) (1'*321<) READ OR WRITE W (8+24K) (MS 421 431) (MS 401 128 LINES 128 LINES 411 Y DRIVER DEC. 8 DECODES FOR 32K f---'-----------i 16+32K) READ OR WRITE (8-24K) W DEC. (MS 041) (MS 151) W R (-L) Y DRIVER DEC. (8+24K) +~V (1 '*32 K) y GATE 2 81T CONT. R y GATE TRANS (MS 091) MREG. (MS 101) MREG BITS 3,4, &5 +L GATE TX 16 DECODE LINES +l GATE TX 16 DECODE LINES :r T J A~~~,~~~~~ GATE TERM X DRIVER DECODE PHASE REV. X GATE DECODE BIT POSITION DECIMAL VALUE OF BIT M-REGISTER S/360 MODEL 30 N-REGISTER 9 \ \ ROS ADDRESSING BLOCK DIAGRAM 3969-8 4001-0 Drive Words lst BOARD 42nd BOARD 3937-6 EVEN Bd. No. Hex Pos. 0 - 0 000 2 018 4 030 6 048 IE- 065064 033 032 001 000 lElE- IElElE- '"~ ;;: i:5= ,,=tJ= ...... IflElE- 0 O 0 '" If- O IE- '" 16 LINES T PULSES !flE3949-8 3967-6 If- 095,094 063,062 « Ucc« Val Ua:r.<{ c:Q« Uco« I ~ltH"'ltHgritl~N *Itl~rl~ gl+~I- 001 11 019 031 049 - .~ Group Decod. A r-- ~ 3 3 ~ J A ~ ~ W31 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 1 Modul. 2 j C Decodej B Decode S.1. IE---- W - Reg ~I~ ~I~I~I~ :q CNP, PS, PC CN = AOO CNP, PS, PC QB871 All Bits but PE PC QB871 CN = 15FC ci. All Bits but PS PC oS QB871 QB871 "" 0 Me; CNP, PS, PC CN=1500 CNP, PS, PC QB871 MPX Diag. QB881 MPX Diag., w/Loop (80 in G) QB881 1401 Soft Stop QE691 IPL from 1402 1401 Mode QE521 IPL from 1442 1401 Mode QE521 IPL from 28xx 1401 Mode QE521 1401 Start Reset QE631 Micro Diagnostics " NOTE: ROS addresses can change depending upon the E. C. Level of CCROS. S/360 MODEL 30 19 READ ONLY STORAGE CONTROL Field Hex Mnemonic Old Form Operation 0-5 CN Shown in Hex on Right Side of Line 7 in the CLD Box. Sets POSition 0 through 5 of the X-Register for Next Address. 0-3 CH Set 6th Position Shown on Left Side of Line 7 in the CLD Box. Set X-6 to ZERO Set X-6 to ONE Set X-6 to the Condition of R-Register Position 0 Set X-6 to ONE, if the V-Register Positions 6 and 7 are ZERO Status in (I/O) OP in (I/O) Set X-6 to ONE: if there is a Carry Out of ALU Position 0 of RO VZ RO V=OO 8T OP AC 8TI OPI AC 80 81 82 84 86 80 81 82 84 86 GO G2 G4 G6 GO G2 G4 G6 X-Register 9 A C D E F 0-3 CL Set 7th Position CAhh_W W=CA AI 8VI R=VDD AI 8VI RVDD IBC IBC Z=O G7 83 85 87 Gl G3 G5 INTR Z=O G7 83 85 87 WRITE WRITE STORE STORE IJ_MN LJ UV_MN UV of X-Register A B C D F 0-2 CM Storage Control 0-1 CU Storage Selection 20 G1 G3 G5 INTR T_MN T 'aa K YP GUV M8 L8 MPX MEM CPU UCW S/360 MODEL 30 } Set X-6 to ONE, if the Tested Position of the S-or G-Register is Equal to ONE Shown on Left Side of Line 7 in the CLD Box-Example; CH, CL Set X-7 to ZERO Set X-7 to ONE Set Value of CA Field into W-Register, Set X-7 to ONE. bh is the Hex Value of the CA Field and AA Field Address in (I/O)Address) Service in (I/O) Set X-7 to ONE if the R-Register Contains Valid Decimal Digits Set X-7 to ONE if there is a Carry Out of ALU Position One Set X-7 to ONE if the Z-Bus (Bits 0-7) is ZERO } Set X-7 to ONE, if the Tested Position of the S-or G-Register is Equal to ONE Test for any Interrupt, Set X-7 to ONE if there is a Interrupt Shown on Left Side of Line 4 in the CLD Box Write the Data in the R-Register into the Storage Position Addressed by the M-and N-Registers No Mnemonic-Compute Cycle, Storage not Used Write NEW R-Register Data into the Storage Position Addressed by the M-and N-Registers Set the M-and N-Registers to the Address in the land d-Registers and Read from Storage at that Address Set the M-and N-Registers to the Address in the Uand V-Registers and Read from Storage at that Address Set the N-Registers to the Address in the T-Register and Read from Storage at that Address Set the N-Register using the CK Field (Note 1) Dummy Symbol-No Action or Can be Used in a diagnostic Area. (Old From was a Selector Channel Code). Shown on Right Side of Line 4 in the CLD Box Addressing MAIN Storage Addressing Auxiliary storage-LOCAL Store Section Addressing Auxiliary storage-Multiplexor UCW Sect. READ ONLY STORAGE CONTROL (continued) Field Hex 0-1 CO Mnemonic Old Form M/LS M, C GR Use GR FWX_WX W=K WX=FWX Operation Addressing MAIN Storage or LOCAL Store Section, Depending on the OP Code-RR Format Selects LS In 1400 Mode this Selects the Local Storage Area for NPL Area Storage Selection (Cont'd) 0-1 Alternate CU 0-3 CA A-Register Source Control FT TT YA Shown on Right Side of Line 4 in the CLD Box No Action Use the GR-Register in the Selector Channel in Place of the R-Register for Storage Input and OUtput Set the W-Register to the Hex Value of the CK Field Set the W-and X-Registers to the Address in the Multiplexor Back- Up Registers (FW and FX) Shown on Left Side of Line 3 in the CLD Box Multiplexor Channel Tags in 1050 Tags in Dwnmy Symbol-No Action or Can be Used in a Diagnostic Area Dummy Symbol-No Action or Cr..n be Used in a Diagnostic Area Gate the S-Register to the A-Register Via the A-Bus Gate the H-Register to the A-Register Via the A-Bus Multiplexor Channel Bus In FT TT YB H FI R FI R A B C D L D L G T V G T V U D } Gate the - Register to the A - Register Via the A-Bus E 0-3 Alternate CA Activated by "AA"=l FG FG MC MC YC Q Q JI Tl JI TI Shown on Line 4 of the CLD Box Gate the F-Register to the A-Register Via A-Bus (External Interrupts). Gate the F-and G-Switches to the A-Register Via the A-Bus Gate the Machine Check Register to the A-Register Via the A-Bus Dummy Symbol-No Action or Can be Used in the Diagnostic Area Gate the C-Register to the A-Register Via the A-Bus (Interval Timer) Gate the Q-Register to the A-Register Via the A-Bus (Protect Storage) Direct Data Channel Bus In 1050 Bus In YD YE YF YG GR GR D KZ GS GS E KY GT GT KW GJ GJ R R D D K K 0000 0001 0010 0000 0001 0010 A } 0-1 CB B-Register Source Control 0-3 CK Emit Value Dummy Symbols - No Action or Can be Used in the Diagnostic Area Gate the GR-Register (Selector Channel) to A-Register Via A-Bus Gate the GS-Register (Selector Channel) to A-Register Via A-Bus Gate the GT-Register (Selector Channel) to A-Register Via A-Bus Gate the GJ-Register (Selector Channel) to A-Register Via A-Bus Shown on Line 3 of the CLD Box Gate the R-Register to the B-Register Via the B-Bus Gate the L-Register to the B-Register Via the B-Bus Gate the D-Register to the B-Register Via the B-Bus Gate Hex Value of the CK Field to the B-Register Via the B-Bus Shown on Line 2 of the CLD Box } Binary Bit Form of the Hex Number is Routed to the Selected Area When Requested. S/360 MODEL 30 21 READ ONLY STORAGE CONTROL (continued) Field 0-3 CK Emit Value (Continued) Hex 5 6 A D 0-3 Alternate CK Activatcd by"AK"=l Mnemonic Old Form 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 O __DrAG RESET DrAG UV__WX WRAP.... Y WRAp....X6 HJ __ B AC FORCE YM yr;; 1_0E ASCII_XG A Ir;;T__X6, X7 O_:\IC Y__WRAP D O__LOAD E O_F F=O I __ FO 1"0=1 TE TE TE JE JE Q Q TA TA S R D D A G G D V U J T E 0-2 CF A-Register to ALU 22 S/360 MODEL 30 Binary Bit Form of the Hex Number is Routed to the Sclected Area When Requested. Shown on Left Side of Line 6 of the CLD Box Reset the Diagnostic Latch Gate thc V-and V-Register to the W-and X-Registers WX L'V Via the \VX-Bus RESTORE Gate the Wrap Buffer Latch to the Wrap Latch WRAP Sct X6 to ZERO if Wrap Latch is On TEST WRAP Gate the H-and J-Switches to the B-Rcgister Via the HJ B-Bus AC Set X-Register to ZERO, if an ALU Carry Occurred FORCE in Previous Dummy Action or Used in Diagnostic Area, Old Mnemonic was Reset 1050 Line Latch Dummy Symbol-No Action or Used in Diagnostic Area, Old Mnemonic was Set 1050 Line Latch OE-I Force an ALU Check (Note 3) Sct X-6 to ZERO if the ASCII Latch is On TEST ASCII TEST INT Set X-6 and X-7 per Stacked Interrupts (Note 4) MC-O STORE WRAP LOAD 0-3 CD Destination of ALI: Output Operation V 1: Set Machine Check Register to All ZEROS Gate thc Wrap Latch to the Wrap Buffer Latch Reset the LOAD, ODD/EVEN, and INTRODUCE ALl: CHECK Latches Reset the F-Register to ALL ONES, Note: The Reset Condition of the I<'-Register is ALL ONES Set the F-Register Position 0 to ZERO Shown on Line 3 of the CLD Box To Show That thc Z-Bus is the Only Place the Output of the ALU is Routed 1050 Bus Out (Exit) Direct Data Channel Bus Out (Exit). Set JE-Register from D-Register, Z-Bus not "L'sed, Gate the Output of the ALU to the Q-Register Via the Z-Bus 1050 Tags Out IG~te the Output of the AL U to the _Register Vla the Z-Bus Shown on Line 3 of the CLD Box Block A-Register Exit to the ALU, Route ALL ZEROS to ALU Entry for the A-Register Block High 4 Bits of A-Register. Route 4-ZEROS and Bits 4-7 of A-Register to the ALU READ ONLY STORAGE CONTROL (continued) Field Hex Mnemonic A-Register to ALU (Continued) Old Form H H SP Xlf Xlf XL XL X x 0-1 CG I3-Regtster to ALU STOP L H 0-1 CV Arithmetic Functions @ 0-2 CC Arithmetic Controls oc Ie CO Cl cc CC 0-3 cs I Stat~ Operation Block Low 4 Bits of A-Register, Route 4-ZEROS and Bits 0-3 of A-Register to the ALU Gate the Entire A-Register to the ALU Conditional Machine Stop (Note Bloek A-Register Bits 0-3 Exit A-Register Bits '1-7 to ALU Entry Bits 0-3 and 4-ZEROS to Bits 4-7 Block A-Register Bits 4-7 Exit, Gate A-Register Bits Bits 0-3 to ALU Entry Bits 4-7 and 4-ZEROS to Bits 0-3 Gatc A-Hegister Bits 0-3 to ALV Entry Bits 4-7 and Gate A-Register Bits 417 to ALU Entry Bits 0-3 Shown on Linc 3 of the CLD Box mock B-Register Exit to the ALU. Route All ZEROS to the ALl: Entry for the B-Register moek High 4-B1ts of the B-Register. Route 4-ZEROS and Bits 4-7 of the B-Register to the ALU Block Low 4 Bits of the B-Registers. Route 4-ZEROS and Bits 0-3 of the B-Registcr to the ALU Gate the Entire B-Register to the ALU Shown on Linc 3 of the CLD Box True Add B-Register Data Complement Add B-Register Data Binary Add or Subtract Depending on the Status of 50 Decimal Add or Subtract Depending on the Status of SO Shown on Line 3 of the CLD Box Block Carry Insert Carry A}fD Function-Chcck to See if Same Bits are Set to O}fE in both the A-and B-Rcgister "csing thc ALU OR Function-Check to See if Either Elt in the Same Position of the A-and B-Register is Set to ONE No Set S3 to ONE if a Carrout Occurs Insert and Set S3 to ONE if a Carryout Occurs Allow Carryin from Carry Latch and Set S3 to ONE if a Carryout Occurs Exclusive OR Function-Check to See A-or B-Register has the Same Bit Position Set to ONE Shown on Line 5 of the CLD Box No Action Set S5 to ONE if Bits 4-7 of the Z-Bus Are 0, Reset S5 if Non-Zero S4-LZ Set S4 to ONE if Bits 0-3 of the Z-Bus are 0, Reset S4 if Non-Zero S4,S5=HZ, Combines the Conditions of CE Field Mnemonics LZ LZ S5 and HZ S4 S4,S5=0 Set S4 and S5 to ZERO Sl=TREQ Set S1 to ONE if a 1050 Request has Occurred. Set S1 to ZERO if no 1050 Request SO-O Set SO to ZERO SO=1 Set SO to ONE Sct S2 to ZERO S2=0 S2 ANS}fZ Set S2 to ONE if the Output from the ALl.' is NonZero (Note 6) S6 0 Set S6 to ZERO S6=1 Set S6 to ONE S7 oo 0 Set S7 to ZERO S7=1 Set S7 to ONE FB-K Multiplexor Channel Tags Out FA=K Multiplexor Channel Tags Out S5=LZ Conditions HZ __ S4 HZ--S4, LZ __ S5 O__ S4,S5 TREQ __ S1 O--SO 0__ S2 A\'.rSN~2 A C D E F I __ S6 0-87 1--S7 K __ FB K __ FA S/360 MODEL 30 23 READ ONL Y STORAGE CONTROL (continued) Field }ox Dummy Symbols Kc-R KD-R KK__ R KUV_KCD R_KK R __ KF D E 24 Operation YH YJ KS_R A Note 1 Old Form Shown on Line 5 of the CLD 9 N-Register Set as Follows: NO-Forced toONE NI-Forced to ZERO N2-CN OBit N3-CK OBit N4-Forced to ONE N5-CK lBit N6-CK 2Bit N7-CK 3Bit Mnemonic Hex 0-3 Alternate CS Selector Channel Activated by"AS"=l Selected by Hardware R--KG R--KU R __KV K.....MP POSITIONS 0 AC ACS 1 1 2 3 2 3 • ADDRESS 1M (I/O ADDRESS) F FA F8 FG FI FT FWX EXTERNAL INTERRUPT REGISTER MX CHANNEL CONTROL MX CHANNEL CONTROL SWITCHES FG MX CHJl.NNEL BUSS IN MX CHANNEL TAGS IN MX CHANNEL BACKUP ROMAR GR, GS GT GUV SX CH TAGS OUT CTRl SX CH CONTROLS SX CH COUNT REG SX CH FLAG REG SXCHCQMREG SX CH CONTROLS SX CH K FIELD CTRl A-REG ENTRY SX CH PROT KEY REG GROUP MARK-WORD MARK SC CH DATA REG SX CH " .... EG ENTRY SX CH A-I:EG ENTRY Sx CH DATA ADDR REG HJ H HZ SWITCHESHJ HOLDING REGISTER-PRIORITY HIGH ZB.USS CH 1 • 7 8 • 10 11 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 o 2 3 o :, 2 12 13 15 .. 0" :;~~ A ", C D E F S. GO G2 G' G. ZeO G7 S3 55' S7 GI • • :! • 7 8 AC SO @ ~f~s~r;:: !~)ctions When R-VDD R VALID DECIMAL DIGIT STATUS IN (VO) STOP WRITE BUT DON'T SET R (CLEAR) SERVICE IN (VO) TE Tt TREQ TT TA IOSO BUSS OUT (EXJn IOSO BUSS IN IOSO REQUEST IOSOTAGS IN IOSO TAGS OUT MPXSTORAGE VOl 00 tOAD RESET LOAD, ODD/EVEN CTRl. INTRa ALU CHK GATE CA FlELD TO W STORAGE WRAP LATCH STORAGE WRAP LATCH WRITE AND SET R OE ODD, EVEN AND ALU CHECK CTRL O"N(t/O) ,A 'N Ps ADDRESS PARITY (ROS ADDRESS) NEXT ADDRESS PARITY SAl1'.ARITY Q STORAGE PROTECT REGISTER T~~~ ..oa.... LT... GUV I I I I I I I INT CA·K 0, STORE IJ_MN ) / In VZ 18C ONE BIT CARRY .no AND OR EXCLUSIVE OR ¥- MS LS M'X M/LS ~:'@ M'X MACHINE CHECK MACHINE RESET 20 21 UV.MN ftEB DIRECT DATA CHANNEL BUSS OUT (EXJn DIRECT DATA CHANNEL BUSS IN MC MRST 19 SVO 5 ~o VZ ST ST STOR SV WRITE 17 18 NOTE: A! SETS WAIT LATCH ON ¥ ± SETS MACH CH MASK LATCH FROM RS AND ASCII LATCH FROM R4. "aa In Storage Control Meons 00 Is Low Order Digits Of Effective Address Formed 1 0 1 2 2. 22 23 2' 25 FT TT YA YB 1 27 28 2. 48 .. 2 3 30 31 I, 32 51 52 CD 0 C 33 34 2 3 0 35 36 • Z TE JE K Q I 1 38 39 C Q JI Tt Selector Chan Option 58 5. 56 CV ALT 62 63 CC 2 0 1 1 0 1 40 41 42 43 44 .... 46 , TA H S R D L G T V U J I 0 64 SPARES 6566 68 + A A S K 1 2 " 48 4. SO 5152 53 54 55 56 Sl 58 3 70 ¥ H~S4 LZ"S5 a.S4,55 C C C Decoder In PS Pari Iy TREQ+Sl ....SO I-SO 1 Ac;:tivates Alternate CS 0·52 ANS NZ+S2 0-S6 I....S6 I 5. t'~~-~-, Lz..SS HZ...S4 " I C A A 0 1 :(DEC) t(BIN) L H CS 2 Decoder In PC Parit '-----, 0....S7 1-+57 K-+fB K-F +-_., Ac:tivutes Alternate CA Dec:ocler In PS Pari Iy I Selec:tor Channel Optlon _ _ _ I {,-_L_~_W___W_X"""'f-----';"'~~--I 53 54 0 l H I / STAT CONTROL OPANDCARRY CG F 1 0 R l S H FI R D L G T V U J I / ENTRY CTRl 9PTIONS , CK 1 0 0 3 .... 43 44 "!II 3. CB CA 0 ALU B TRY C NTROL 36 37 CU 2 STI • 0 INTERRUPT LOW Z BUSS 1 WRITE 0 1 2 3 INT MAIN MEMORY MAIN MEMORY OR LOC STOR - (LOC STOR ,. 0 0, 1 CAhh-W AI JE JI lZ MS M/LS' CM 3 Alternate CPU Decoder Ac:tlvated By CM I- 3 - 7'-----<1>1> w.... , 32 33 ~UA DESTINATION CONSTANT AREG INPUT 30 31 27 28 Cl 0 0100 STORAGE CONTROL SAlS A 0000 COUNTER FOR INTERVAL TIMER LOCAL STORAGE GMWM 5 _RANCH lOW 23 24 \ 20 S 0001 0010 0011 C LS I. 5 ALTERNATE CS ANSWER NON ZERO PSWBIT 12 G8 • ADDRESS CARRY (ALU CARRy) AI ANSNZ ASCII GCD GF GG GH GJ GK 18 , , CN ACU ALTERNATE CU AC FORCE SET X REG=() IF AC ON PREVIOUS WORD GA BRANCH HIGH NEXT ADDRESS NUMBER I O"DlAG IN+WX WRAP...", WRAP-X6 H~ AC"'FORCE YM Y!" I.... OE TEST ASCII X6 TEST INT X6X7 O-MC Y...WRAP ....CAD O_F I-Fa GUV-GCD GR""'""<3K GR-GF GRo-GG GR....GU GR-GV K-GH GI-GR K-GB K-GA ~ Alternate CA Oec:oder Activated By AA (Col 63)=1 Alternate CS Decoder Ac:tivoted By As (Col 64)=1 Alternate CK Decoder Ac:tivoted By AK (Col 65)=1 LOGIC BLOCK BRANCH - - - - , IDENTIFIER XX NOTE: Only The Fields And lines Necessary In A logic Bloc:k Are SpecIRed. Fields Not Specified Are Considered To be the Zero or Blank Combination as Required. ,--HEX XXXX ADDRESS ~~: ~~~ €~), CB, CG + C~~~~, ~E2) CM, CU [ CS ACK CH, CL XX----XX i By The K Field CO..QRDINATE J I VERSION NO. NEXT ADDRESS XX L.SERIAL NO. LEG SELECTOR 8/360 MODEL 30 27 \ SY8TEM/360 - MOD 30 DATA FLOW 2540 peG (Non UCS) 28 8/360 MODEL 30 ( MULTIPLEX CHANNEL MlCRo-PROGHAM DATA FLOW/TIMING START 10 INITIALIZATION AND CCWCHK CHANN L SETUP & INTER ACE SEQUENCE TO RISE OF CMO-o 44 CYCLES 9 CYCLES EXECUTE CHANNEL FINIS CNL TUP & INTtRFACE SETUP & ** Device selection time is a function of priority position of device on interface. Formula (T:::NX1.5)J. S) gives worst case time for any priority position (N). INTERFACE SEQUENCE 30 CYCLES SEQU NCE 21 CY lES SET MULTIPlEX SHARE INTERLOCK BLANK CYCLE & STORAGE OF CPU REGISTERS 20 CYCLES HARDWARE FORCED I------+l~~~~ ~6:..~~ SETUP CHANNEL FOR MULTIPLEX r-_ _~~~T~~~~ENCE "SHARE" ENTRY Timing infonnation is given in ROS cycles rather than ,.u..SEC in blocks where operation time depends upon RQS cycle timing. The diagram thus coven timings for both the original and improved versions of the Model 30. Cycle Times of RDS: OrigInal l.u.S/Cycle Improved .75 ..u..S/Cycle f 15 CYCLES POLLING RESUMED; HARDwARE FORCE "SHARE" ENTRIES REMAIN INTERLOCKED All indicated timings are for worst case paths in the Multiplex Channel Control Micro-Progrcm. Some extension of the worst case times computed from this diagrcm con result from unit response delays in interface signaling. The maximum value of this time it 32 micro seconds by specification. However, this much elongation will never occur on the Multiplex Channel because all of the response sequences are overlapped with other control sequences to some extent. Typically, this elongation {in initial selectio.n) might Nn fran 0 to 10 micro seconds. ·This figure changes with inclusion of the following mochine features: 1. 64K Storage and No·Storage Protect -- 21 Cycles 2. 64K Storage and Storage Protect -- 22 Cycles 3. Storage Protect and less than 64K -- 20 Cycles RESET MPX SHARE INTERLOCK 9/360 MODEL 30 29 ADDRESSING OF UCW - I/O FORMAT INSTRUCTION FORMAT o Bit Pos. 7 8 15 16 OP CODE BYTE 1 31 Bl SI BYTE 2 I 01 I I BYTE 3 BYTE 4 ~----~vr------~ t Start 1/0 Test 1/0 Halt 1/0 Test Ch. , I 9C 90 9E 9F 1 '{ SHARED SUB CHANNEL -------OR SINGLE SUB CH. t " Note 1: Address of byte within UCW determined by Micro Program. V-REG 0= Single Sub Ch. I Note 2: Not used to determ i ne UCW Address of Shared Sub-Chans. Used for Addr. of 1/0 Unit. ie - Tape Drive ~ 10 10 I 01 T-REG XXHXH XL NOTE 1 BYTE 4 BYTE 3 A oJoJoloJolx xix xix Ix [xlx [xJxlx 16117118119120121 22123 24125126127128129130131 r ~ 11 11 10 11 10 11 11 '--v-i'v' ! I NOTE 2 ~ Addr. of 1/0 0=UCWO_15 I=UCWI6_31 001 010 Ctrl. Unit & UCW --------....I,---',~, I I I 10 10 10 I XXH XH XL Resetl Set by Commands FB = K9, X Ie: S2_XL 1 ----. XH etc. 30 S/360 MODEL 30 0 ) I Jill ~ 1 = Shared Sub Ch. ~ I SET TO ZERO UNIT CONTROL WORD Status l Count Count Data Addr Flag OP Hi La Hi La Next XO Xl X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X8 X9 XA XB XC XD XE 0 7 or 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hex CCW Addr La Hi 0-15 Addr X7 Hex Addr XF Local Storage 16-31 0 ....7 0_7 0+70_7 0....,.. 70----.7 Bits + Indicates Data Addr. Wrap for 64K Chain Data Address Chain ommand Suppress Incorrect Length -SIL Skip Flag '" Pro9ram Contro Interrupt - Pu **Active Bit OutPut (1) Input 0 Decrement (1) Increment 0) (Data Addr.) '" IPL Routine **Set During Start I/O, Reset By I/O Interrupt or Test I/O Instruction Zero Count - 1050 Only ~ J-2 3 4 ~ t+7 00 01 10 11 Channel Control Chec:k Interface Contro Chec Sub Channel Expects Data Sub Channel Term. Data X Fer - Status Exp. Status From Unit - Qued Bac - Inter. u er "Active Bit" Must Be On ull Status From Unit - Accepted - Now In Inter. Buffer Wrong length Record To Be Meaningful. Program Check Protection Check MULTIPLEX CHANNEL CONTROL CKO.-+FA CK1.-+FA CK2_FA CK4.-+FA CK8_FA CK Field P 0 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 CK5~FB 0 0 1 1 CK6.-+FB CKA~FB CKC_FB 1 1 0 1 o0 CK3~FB 0 CK9~FB 0 1 o Reset By FA Reg Latches Command Start KO 0 FA Fall of Serv or Stat In Service Out Fall of Addr Stat or Serv In Command Out Address Out Buss Out Ctrl. Fall of Add Ser or Cmd Out NOTE: Some functions may be combined. Blanks in CK Field Are Not Significant Description FB Reg Latches 0 1 Operational Out Ctrlls Op Out Line Determines Chnl/CPU Error 1 0 MPX Op Latch 1 0 Suppress Out Ctl Ctrlls Supp Out IB Full 01OJ. MPX Interrupt Mask Latches Controlled by RO 1 1 MPX Channel Controlled by R1 Sell Channel Sel 2 Channel Controlled by R2 External Mask Controlled by R7 Bump Addr Lat 0 1 XXH MPX 1 Controlled by SO XL MPX 2 Contralled by S1 Controlled by S2 XH MPX 3 8/360 MODEL 30 31 MULTIPLEX CHANNEL CONTROL FT - BUS - CONTROLLED BY CA FIELD Function Suppress Out (Diagnostic Use Only) Hold - In Latch (Direct Data Channel) Multiplexor Operation Latch Multiplexor-Share-Request Signal (if command start is off) Initial - Program Load Latch Select - In Interface Signal Select - Out (Diagnostic Use Only) Multiplexor Channel Interrupt Latch 2 3 4 5 6 7 STA TUS - IN and SERVICE - IN BRANCHES Stat-In 1 {J 1 {J Serv-In 1 1 {J {J Function Operational-In is Down Service-In and Operational-In Status-In and Operational-In None of the ahove, Note 1. Up Up NOTE 1: Usually "OperatIOnal In" Up, and "ServICe In" and "Status In" Down SELECTOR CRANNEL CONTROL CM Field 7 ALT CA Field C D E F Diag. Control - (GUV_MN) GR GS GT GJ ALT CS Field 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F GUV-- GCD (Count) GR..... GK (prot. Key) GR_ GF (Flags) G:a-- GG (Command) GR-+GU GR ..... GV (Data Address) K ..... GH* GI -GR (Bus In) K ..... GB* K-+GA* * * Decode from SALS (others from Ctrl. Req.) 32 S/360 MODEL 30 SELECTOR CHANNEL CONTROL K-~GB. K_HB CONTROLS {continued] CK FIELD DECODE 'KO REASON NAME Program Check Kl (0 or 1) K2 K3 K4 K5 SX2 Selection Operational Out Reset Reset PCl Selector Interrupt Set Channel Control Check K6 K7 K8 (0 or 1) K9 (0 or 1) CPU Stored COWlt Ready Zero Count Except for TIC, Invalid Memory Key, Memory Wrap, Three Low Order Flag Bits Not Zero, First CCW is a TIC, Two TICs in Succession CCW Not on Word Boundaries or Invalid Command. D - SXl, 1 - SX2 A Macoine Check Trap (H Register 5 Latch On) Indicates Hardware Failure, or an MN or GHYZ Parit.y Check During a Selector Share Cycle. Set GR to- Zero o - Reset, 1 - Set Channel Reset Not Poll Control Reset, Poll Control Reset 0- Reset, 1 - Set 0 Reset, 1 Set 0 1 KID (0 or 1) Suppress-Out Kll (0 or 1) Poll Control K12 Reset Select-Out K13 Channel Busy See Halt lja Latch K14 K15 Interface Control Chk. = -Address Mismatch, No Response, Time Out, Unit Busy on Chaining, Address or Status Parity Error. *(0 orl) Refers to the CK Field Parity Bit GA or HA Reg (K_ GA) CK Field Bit CK CK 1 CK 2 CK 3 Prog. Symbol Bus Out Ctrl. Address Out Command Out Service Out GJ Entry into A- Reg (K........,...GJ) K8 K4 K2 Kl GR or HH Reg EMIT (K-~GH) EMIT K~ K 1 GG+GJ K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 GD+GJ GK~GJ GE?o'GJ } SXl or 2 CtrlS-ioGJ}Diag, SXI or 2 Tags .. GJ Ctrls GO or HO --..GJ A - Reg. Parity Ignored K~ SXI, SX2 Mach. Reset}Diag . Kl Set Diag. Mode Ctrls & Tag Ctrl K2 Reset Diag. Tag Ctrl K3 K4 K5 K6 K 7 Set Chain Detect K12 Set Select Out S/360 MODEL 30 33 SELECTOR CRANNEL CONTROL rcontinued 1 Input to GJ Assembler Bit Diagnostic Controls Bus GE Bus Diag. Tags Bus P None None None 0 PCI COlmt Ready, Not Zero Input 1 Incorrect Length SLl Flag Suppress Out 2 Program Check Output SXI ROS Request 3 Protection Check Count Ready, Zero Address Out 4 Channel Data Check Selector ChnL Data Trans. Command Out 5 Channel Control Check CC Flag Service Out 6 Interface Control Chk. Read Backward Bus-Out Control 7 Not Used Skip Flag Operational Out GS or HS Entry into A - Reg GS¢. RS¢ GR Full Chain Detect Select Out Interrupt Condition CD Flag SXI Gate (1 SXI Gate, m Interface Check GT or HT Entry into A - Reg GT¢. HT¢ Select In Serv in & Not Serv Out Poll Ctrl Chnl Busy Address In Status In SXl (or 2) Interrupt LA Operational In GR or HR Entry into A - Reg GR¢. HR¢ 4 34 S/360 MODEL 30 Device Address or Device Status CPU CHANNEL LOGOUT f- CPU-l---- MPX------l "- 80 . 1 ~--orI 81# 82 83 84 85 MACH CHECK REGISTER SIT CONDITION A REG 0 1 B REG 2 MN REG 3 CR 4 SALS S ROAR 6 R REG/Q REG 7 AlU 86 INDICATOR t0Jr -I SELl 1 - I:ND'C MeR I, MCR OR AlOR I,UN'T, ADDR txjMCR OR {ND'CA-I,UNIT TOR ADDR CAT CAT # ~ 87 88 LOG-OUT C NT. ItCCu~ 6 -1 SA NIT ADDR 88 I7 I INTERFACE STATE BITS 00 fSET 1 ON ANYTO LOG-OUT CONDITION 89 I BYTE 101,12131.ls r SELl 2 - - - - 1 I:NDICAOR TOR CAT # 01 MEANING INTRF CLEAR (OP IN DOWN) AT ERR OCCURRENCE HID RESET REQUIRED AND SUCCESSFUL 10 SELECTIVE RESET REQUIRED AND SUCCESSFUL 11 INTRF LOCKED UPi SELECTED RESET FAILED 1 CATALOG NUMBER STORED} DETERMINES lNFORMATION o MeK REGISTER STORED TO BE STORED IN BYTES 81,85,or89. " t MULTIPLEX CHANNEL, HEX NO 20 31 41 so Sl 70 77 80 90 AD 80 CATALOG NUMBERS MEANING OR CONDITION eeN SOURCE FALSE SHARE REQUEST, Q(601 GG CONS. NO ADDR MATCH ON INITIAL SELECTION NO ADDR MATCH ON INITIAL SELECTION SELECTOR CHANNEL CATALOG NOS. HEX NO 10 MEANING OR CONDITION POLL CTRl TIME-OUT (SIO, no, OC051 GJ 20 QC051 GJ 30 ~~E~~~~~~~~~~~~~NE QC161 CE FALSE REQUEST, WITHOUT SELECT-IN PROPOGATED DOUBLE SELECTION (CONSOLE AND OTHER USED BY A NUMBER OF ICC T!MEOUTS DURING THE VARIOUS SEQUENCES. THE EXIT WORD IS 500 AND IS ENTERED BY WAY OF THE AC FORCE MICRO COMM.AND. TO FIND THE ERROR, SET SYSTEM TO EARLY ROAR STOP ON ROS ADR 500. DATA LOOP TIMED OUT. NO RESPONSE FROM UNIT NO UNIT RESELECTION ON COMMAND CHAINING NO SELECTION AND NO SELECT IN UNIT oro NOT STOP AS TOLD AFTER CCW EXHAUSTED OR TERMINATED OC211 EF 50 QC151 GE 60 70 80 QCOO1 NF 90 QC091 CD AO OC091 CD 80 QC081 lF NO ADDR-IN, STATUS IN, ~~ii~-~~, (;1; O~II~)I:. 40 QC211ED HIO. ~~6,Si:~~SHi6~.E-OUT CO EO 'FO ADDR MISMATCH (SIO, TIO HIO OR COMMAN 0 CHAIN. NO STATUS-IN OR INITIAL SELECT (SIO, TlO, HIO, OR COMMAND CHAIN). BAD ADDR, OR STATUS BYTE ON I NITIAL SELECT (510, TIO, HIO, OR COMMAND CHAIN). STATUS-IN TIME OUT ON INITIAL SELECT (TIO) STATUS-IN TIME-OUT ON COMMAND CHAINING. SELECT -IN ON CMD CHAINING RESELECTION. CONTROL UNIT BUSY ON COMMAND CHAINING ADDRESS MISMATCH ON TIO OR HALT 10 STATUS-IN OR OP-IN CANNOT BE RESET ON CSW STORE POLL CTRL CANNOT BE SET ON HIO OP-IN CANNOT BE RESET ON HIO S/360 MODEL 30 35 MPX AND SX MICRO PROGRAM Main fWlCtions of initial Selection of MPX and SX with the micro Program Address where they are performed. With ROAR STOP, one single cycle should be done to perform the function. Example: MPX: Addr. Function Address Out Select Out 536 5A0 Test OP IN Test Addr. IN 59D 5A8 Test Addr. Match Command Out 5A9 Test Status IN Test Status 0 Service Out 5CI 604 609 5BD Notes Unit addr. Is displayed on Bus Out If the Addr. Out has been recognized by a Ctrl. Unit, OP IN Is displayed Addr. IN on Bus IN can be displayed with FI (Switch E) Command Out stays UP only few microseconds and only Status In, as an answer Is displayed. Status on Bus IN can be displayed with FI. Service Out stays Up only few microseconds and only Service IN as an answer Is displayed. ,,1 SXI: Address Out 93D Select Out 9C7 Address IN 9B5 Command Out 94D Status IN 'I '.' 9B3 Service Out 9B9 Service In 9C5 Note: 36 Unit addr. Is displayed In Data Reg. Address Is displayed in A-Reg. Command Is displayed In Data Reg. Status Is displayed In R-Reg. ROS Addresses can change, depending upon the EC level of CCROS S/360 MODEL 30 1050 INTERFACE REGISTERS AND TAG OPERA TIONS REG. Description TI TE TT Data to A from 1050 Data to 1050 from Z buss Tags in to A entry BITS 2 3 4 5 6 Cancel RDR 2 Ready End 1050 Operational Home start Intervention req. Attention Data check REG. Tags out Z buss to 1050 TA BITS 0 2 3 4 Set home RDR start Set RDR 2 to run Force Share Request Set proceed Audible alarm Set carrier return and line feed A ttention reset 1050 Reset T REQ to Sl, Set Sl on if 1050 share req. S/360 MODEL 30 37 REGISTER DISPLAY AND FUNCTION Note; "'Indicates that you cannot manually store data in the designated register. Register to be Displayed v T Where Displayed Instruction Address (high-order bits) A-register (also the high-order eight bits of the main-storage address register if the allow-write indicator is offj Instruction Address (low-order bits) A-register (also the low-order eight bits of the main-storage address register if the allow-write indicator is offj Data Address (high -order bits) A-register (also the high-order eight bits of the main-storage address register if the allow-write indicator is offj Data Address (low-order bits) A-register (also the low-order eight bits of the main-storage address register if the allow-write indicator is offj Data Length A-register Auxiliary Storage Address A-register D General Purpose Data Register A-register R Storage Vata Register A-register (Also has own display in main-storage data-register indicators) Status (CPLl A-register G Instruction Operation Code A-register H Priority Status Register A-register *FI :\lultiplexor Channel Bus-In A-register *FT Multiplexor Channel Tags A-register Storage-Protection key in PSW (High 4-bits) Storage-Protection key of block of storage just used (low 4-bitS) A-register *C Interval Timer Count A-register *F External Interrupt: Interval Timer (bit 0) Console 1) Six direct-control interrupts 2 through 7) A-register *TT 1050 Documentary Console Tags A-register *TI 1050 Documentary Console Bus-In A-register *JI Direct Control Bus-In A-register *GS Selector Channel One Status A-register Q *GT *GUV-GCD 38 Usual Function Selector Channel One Tags A-register GUV contains storage address for data for selector-channel one. GCD contains the current byte count for selectorchannel one GUV in main-storage address reglater. GCD in count register (18 bits each). 'HS Selector Channel Two Status A-register 'HT Selector Channel Two Tags A-register S/360 MODEL 30 REGISTER DISPLAY Ai'W FUNCTION (continued) Register to be Displayed *HUV-Hcn Csuai Function HUV contains storage address for data for selector-channel two, Hcn contains the current byte count for selectorchannel two Where Displayed HUV in main-storage address register. HCD in count register (18 bits each) Note: *Incticates that you cannot manually store data in the designated register, 8/360 MODEL 30 39 IBM 1407 CONSOLE INQUIRY STATION AND IBM 1447 CONSOLE MODELS 2 AND 3 The functions of the 1407/1447 in run, character display, and alter modes are available through equivalent procedures on the IBM 1052 Printer Keyboard. The following list gives the corresponding 1050 operations or indications: 1407/1447 Functions 1050 Equivalents Request key Request key Enter light Proceed light Respond key Operate alternate code key and the 5-key Type-out key Not available Clear key light During a read-into-storage operation, this function is performed by operating the alternate-code key and the O-key. During a write-out-of-storage operation, this function is not available. Cancel key Cancel key Release key EOB key 40 S/360 MODEL 30 1401 OPERATION CODES 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 A B C D E F H K L M N P Q S U V W X y Z 0 / % # @J Read Print Print-Read Punch Read-Punch Print- Punch Print- Read- Punch Read Release Punch Release Add Branch Compare Move Digit Edit Form Control Store B Star Stacker Select Load Move No Op Move Record Store A Star Subtract Unit Control Branch _ WM or Zone Branch - - Bit Equal Move--Insert Zeros Move Zone Move Zero Suppress Stop Clear Wordmark Clear Storage Set Wordmark Divide Modify Address Multiply Zero and Add Zero and Subtract S/360 MODEL 30 41 1400 d MODIFIERS d CHARACTERS FOR BRANCH BIIld d-Character b 9 @ A B C D E F G K L N P t / * Q R S T U V W X Y Z % Branch On Unconditional Carriage #9 Carriage Channel #12 "Last Card" Switch (Sense Switch A) Sense Switch B* Sense Switch C* Sense Switch D* Sense Switch E* Sense Switch F* Sense Switch G* End of Reel * ** Tape Transmission Error* Access Inoperable* Reader Error if I/O Check Stop Switch is off** Punch Error if I/O Check Stop Switch is off** Printer Busy (print storage feature)* Print Error if I/O Check Stop Switch is off** Unequal Compare (B F A) Inquiry Clear* Inquiry Request* Printer Carriage Busy (print storage feature)* Equal Compare (B=A)* Low Compare (B < A)* High Compare (B > A)* Read- Write Parity Check or Read- Back Check Error* Wrong-Length Record* Unequal-Address Compare* Any Disk- Unit Error Condition* Overflow** Processing Check with Process Check Switch off*' * Special Feature. ** Conditions tested are reset by a BRANCH IF INDICATOR ON instruction. 42 S/360 MODEL 30 d CHARACTERS FOR BRANCH -IF WORD MARK OR ZONE YIIIBBBd d-Character 2 B K S 3 C L T Condition Wordmark No zone (No-A, No-B bit) 12-zone (A-B bits) 11-zone (B, No-A bit) Zero-zone (A, No-B bit) Either a wordmark, or no zone Either a wordmark, or 12-zone Either a wordmark, or II-zone Either a wordmark, or zero-zone d CHARACTERS FOR FORM CONTROL Fd d 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 # @ d J K L Immediate skip to Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Immediate space 1 space 2 spaces 3 spaces d A B C D E F Skip after print to 0 Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel d After print- space / 1 space 2 spaces 3 spaces G H ? S T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 S/360 MODEL 30 43 ) BCD TO CM6 CONVERSION 1401 CODE TO 8Y8TEM/360 CODE DEF i CARD CHAR CODE I BCD CM6 CM6 DEFol'CARD: WM HARCODE F==F==~===F=4~ Blank 40 C 00 J:( [ < '* & $ J A / BA821 BA84 BA84 1 BA842 BA8421 BA B 8 21 B 84 B 84 1 B 842 B 8421 11 B v 0-1 0-3-8 0-4-8 0-5-8 \ 0~6-8 , % b # @ ? A B C D E F G H 44 12-3-8 12-4-8 12-5-8 12-6-8 12-7-8 12 11-3-8 11-4-8 11-5-8 11-6-8 11-7-8 0-7-8 2-8 3-8 4-8 5-8 6-8 7-8 12-0 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 A 1 A821 A84 A84 1 A842 A8421 A 8 21 84 84 1 842 8421 BA82 BA 1 BA 2 BA 21 BA 4 BA 4 1 BA 42 BA 421 BA8 8/360 MODEL 30 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F CO C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 i I I OBOC I J! t I i i I, OD K OE OF L M 10 1B 1C 0 lD Q N P 1E R 1F 20 21 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 80 81 82 '" 83 84 85 86 87 88 5 T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BCD CM6 CM6 WM 12-9 IBA8 1 11-0 'B 8 2 11-1 B 1 B 2 11-2 B 21 11-3 B 4 11-4 B 4 1 11-5 11-6 B 42 11-7 B 421 B 8 11-8 B 8 1 11-9 0-2-8 A8 2 0-2 A 2 0-3 A 21 0-4 A 4 0-5 A 4 1 0-6 A 42 A 421 0-7 0-8 A8 0-9 A8 1 8 2 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 21 4 4 1 42 421 8 8 1 C9 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 EO AO E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 A2 A3 DO A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 FO BO F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 SUGGESTED STANDARD ADDRESSES 1412"f 1418 1419 Optical and Magnetic Sorter Readers 1428 1442 Card/Reader/Punch 1443 Printer 2540 Card Reader (1st) 2540 Card Punch (1st) 1403 Printer (1st) 1403 Printer (2nd) 1403 Printer (3rd) 2540 Card Reader (2nd) 2540 Card Punch (2nd) 2501 Card Reader 2520 Card Reader/Punch 1285 Roll Reader 1231 Page Reader Channel-Channel Adapter 12671 Paper Tape Reader 1050 Console 2701/2702 Teleprocessing (1st) 2701/2703 Teleprocessing (2nd) 2400 Magnetic Tapes (1st TAU) storage Control 2400 Magnetic Tapes (2nd TAU) (1st) (2nd) 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 07 IF 20 30 8X 9X AX S/360 MODEL 30 45 ) 1400 COMPATIBILITY PROGRAMMED AND ERROR STOPS On all stops at ROS address 10FF except for Set-IC and Sense Switch operations, a coded digit is displayed in the main storage data register (MSDR) to indicate the reason for the stop, and all the ALU output register lights are off. The 1400 decimal instruction address is displayed in the BA register lights and the 1400 decimal A-address is displayed in the MN register lights. The 1400 decimal B-address can also he displayed manually in the UV registers by the Normal 2030 procedure. MSDR Reason for Stop 00 Normal stop, Appears wben the stop is caused by pressing the stop key, ending an instruction-execute in instruction-step mode, or getting a match in SAR Delayed-Stop mode. 01 Attempted to use invalid 1400 B-address. 02 Attempted to use invalid 1400 A-address. 03 Attempted to use invalid 1400 A- and B-address. 04 Attempted to use invalid 1400 operation code. 05 Invalid I/o operation attempted; either unit selection or unit number invalid. 06 Storage wrap occurred when address was used, which was outside of system capacity. 07 Storage protection occurred in 1400 mode. 08 Attempted to switch to 2030 mode without the PMS feature. 09 Invalid source or destination address on one of the special PMS tape operations. OA Attempted to convert to binary an address that was less than the bias (offset) address on a clear storage or store STAR operation. OB storage wrap-around 1400-address 0000. OC Attempted to start a 1400 I-cycle at main storage address 0000. 46 S/360 MODEL 30 1400 COMPATIBILITY PROGRAMMED AND ERROR STOPS [continued 1 MSDR Reason for Stop OE Attempted to index without advanced programming comment in CID. 10 FILE - Read-back check stop. 11 1050 - Some other device attempted to take a multiplexor channel data cycle while in the data-transfer portion of a 1050 operation. 20 FILE - No channel or device ends received. 21 Word mark missing from 1400 operation code during I-Op. 22 TAPE-SM Channel - Wrong address sent back from channel. 30 FILE - Wrong address sent back from the channel. 31 Word mark in A-address of an I/O instruction. 3F 2540 or 2501 reader error, or invalid character occurred. * 40 FILE - Unit check status response to seek command. 41 An SF character was detected at an address other than the offset address while in 1400 mode. 42 TAPE - SM Channel - Invalid channel status on data transfer. 4F 1442 - Reader intervention required. * 2540 or 2501 - Reader intervention required. 50 FILE - Operational interlock. 51 An I/O operation was attempted on a device for which the compatibility feature is not installed. 52 TAPE - SM Channel - Device end signal before encountering a GMWM or a tape write operation. 55 A 1400 start reset function was performed using the console interrupt key. 5F 1442 - Punch intervention required. * 2540 - 2520 Punch intervention required. * * S/360 MODEL 30 47 ) 1400 COMPATIBILITY PROGRAMMED AND ERROR STOP [continued 1 Reason for Stop MSDR 60 Module mis-match detected 61 Sterling Process check marked misalignment. 62 TAPE - S Channel - Status in and service in on a tape write. M Channel - Operational in disconnect on a tape write. 6F 1403 - 1443 - Printer intervention required. 71 Sterling Process check, invalid character. 7F 2540 - Select stacker instrnction given after maxi- mmn time-out. * * 80 1442/1443 - Wrong address sent back from the channel. 2540 (or 2501 and 2520)/1403 - No address compare, or plUlch-transfer error. 81 Sterling marked in add or subtract pence or shilling position. 82 TAPE - S Channel - Statns in and service in on a read move operation. 8F TAPE - SM Channel - Tape-unit intervention required. * 90 2540/2501 - Operation-in disconnect on reader. 1442/1443 - Invalid d-modifier 92 TAPE - SM Channel - Error on a 1400 tape initial program load. AO 1442/1443 - No GMWM in storage. 1403 - Operational-in disconnect A2 TAP E - S Channel - Invalid channel statns was received on a branch if error operation. BO 2540/2520 - Operational-in disconnect or punch. 1442 - Error on read or punch operation. B2 TAPE - S Channel - Statns in and service in on a 1400 read load operation. C2 TAPE - M Channel - Operational in disconnect on a read operation. 48 S/360 MODEL 30 1400 COMPATIBILITY PROGRAMMED AND ERROR STOPS [continued] MSDR Reason for Stop CF 1050 - Intervention required. * D2 TAPE - M Channel - Prematnre end to a sense operation. DF 1050 - Alter or display stop. ** E2 TAPE - M Channel - Operational in disconnect on mode set operation. FO A 1400 halt instruction performed satisfactorily. Fl A 1400 halt instruction performed satisfactorily. (Address in B-Star is invalid)*** F2 A 1400 halt instruction performed satisfactorily. (Address in A-Star is invalid)*** F3 A 1400 halt instruction performed satisfactorily. (Address in A & B Star is invalid)*** FF A 1400 halt and branch instruction has been executed. * On these stops the operator may correct the condition and then try the instruction that caused the stop by again press-. ing the 2030 console start key. ** Restart by pressing the 2030 start key. *** Information described in parentheses indicate the validity of the A & B Star when a 1401 halt operation is performed. These statements do not indicate a machine failure. S Sele cto r channel. M Mul tiplexor channel. S/360 MODEL 30 49 ) BIT ASSIGNMENTS FOR BYTES IN 1401 BUMP (2030 AUX. STaR.) K ADDRESSABLE BYTES CPU BIT A-Last Card Sense Sw 8-Sense Switch (-Sense Switch D-5ense Switch E-Sense Switch F-Sense Switch G-Sense Switch "XX98" KB o "XX99" 1 3 5- == 1442/1443 1 51 Column 2 KI ~ I} R,ad" Add"" I} Reader 1 Address o Not Equal 2 T-La K9 1402/1403 "XXB9" U-Hi /-1 MPX/UCW BIT "XXBA" 3 Equal z- Overflow 6 Q- Inq Request i K2 TEMPORARY FORMS INFORMATION 4 5 Initialize to 08 6 TEMPORARY FORMS INFORMATION Initialize to 00 7 o "XX9A" 1 2 KlO 3 4 1 for 64K 1 for 32K, 64K 1 for 16K, 32K, 64K I 1 "XXBB" K3 5 I 6 I 7 1 exce t for 64K o X-Uneguol Addr. Compare "XX98" 1 \-A.ccess Busy 2 W-Wrong Length Record 3 V-Any Disk Cond Kll 4 V-Disk Error 5 N-Access Inop 6 RBe Interlock I 2 ~Il 51> "13" or "39" Char Bar Punch Address 6 o 132 Print Pos "XXBC" 1 2 3 K4 4 5 Printer Address Reader 2 Address 7 End Alternate Trock a 10 Check Stop "XX9C" 1 Adv Prog Feature 2 Expanded Edit 3 Mode Swan Inv Dps K12 4 5 Mode Swan Halt 6 Tape on SX2 7 Mode Swan Error Slo s Mode Swan Inv 10 Dps "XX9D" 1 Mode Swan Console Ops 2 Mode Swan Printer Ops 3 Mode Swan Rdr/Pch Dps K13 4 5 Mode Sw on Tope Dps 6 Mode Swan Fi Ie Ops o "XXBD" 1 Temporary Stacker2 Select Information 3 K5 4 Initialize 10- 5 ID for 2540 6 OD for 2501-2520 7 o last Op was Fwd Sp Rec. "XX9A" 1 ThisOpis FwdSpRec. Erase latch KID 1050 Error Reader Error Punch Error Printer Error 7 o "XX9E" 1 Printer Address "XX9F" 1 load Mode Type "H" Balian 1052 2 KI5 KI4 ~ 5 6 ~7 "XX9F" K15 3 Alt 9 Track Mode 4 0 5 Allow 10 Traps 6 0 7 0 * 50 Addresses are as shown for CPU-l.S. or MPX - i.e. "XX9F" is address of K15 CPU-l.S. S/360 MODEL 30 / LOCAL STORAGE - 1401 MODE 0 UNITS OX 00 TENS HUNDS-LO BIN DEC IX X 3X 4X 5X 6X 7X 8X 00 YIX SCD NPL { 1401 AUX STORAGE A - CPU 9X BiT SIGNIFICANT{ OP CODE TABLES AX BX CX DX EX FX OX IX 2X 3X 4X HUNDS - HI 5X NPL BCD \ NOTES 6X 7X 1401 AUX STORAGE B-UCW 8X 9X AX 8X CX DX EX FX NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 1 2 3 103 14 X lEX +64)X (y+CB1X +2C X 23 84 6' F2 F3 Fl 61 E2 E3 D D3 D' C, C2 C3 TAPE CARD TAPE TAPE LOAD J LOAD I LOADJ 01 02 OA X 00 40 7A 60 50 Tape Ctl CARD LOAD I 4 04 (28)X +90 X 46 F4 F4 6 05 06 3C X Y+5B X 69 F6 E6 D6 C6 32X +F4 X F5 5 D5 C5 D4 C4 RPQ WORKING STORAGE ? 'c A '8 BOB 1)lD "" ClF 90 00 05 K 29 '9 2 22 01 Z+C Z+OO+C Z+OO+C Z+Ol+C 00 40 40 40 4B 40 58 40 68 34 1\ , 30 20 40 FILE SENSE 0 FILE UNIT 0 ADDR CYC' 00 H 3A 05 1 " :g ~~) 40 FILE SENSE 1 UNIT 0 CVC CYC fI 32 R 31 FILE SENSE 2 FILE UNIT 1 ADDR CYC fI OA 4 3 23 06 7B FILE SENSE 3 UNIT 1 CVC E '6 N 06 3A 5 25 07 Z+Ol+C 4C 5C 6C 7C 40 40 40 40 40 40 FILE UNIT 3 ADDR CYC' IE 10 67 7B 68 58 10 29 7C 6 5C 4C 4 DO , CO 2 4B 9 10 17 25 18 26 " 34 34 34 34 C9 3 ,4 '5 23 34 % 'B @IA 34 34 34 34 30 34 34 34 34 3' 34 3D 2D 3E 2E 3F 2F .)04 40 40 40 40 38 40 ~~~ 40 40 28 3C 2C 61 34 14 4L 5T 6G 7 S 8 9 10 o ~} 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 '0 Ucw ERROR CODE USED BV 1402 -03 1442 -43 o STAR HI o STAR LO FILE UNIT 4 ADDR UNIT 4 CYLINDER i/o ERROR " 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 S/360 MODEL 30 51 , 60 40 40 '0 'B 08 1C lD 40 OC OD 'E OE OF 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UNIT 3 8 CVC 9 10 " 12 13 14 15 19 27 so (A) 4E (H) 20 28 21 29 22 40 4B 30 4C 23 31 56 Cye' 50 16 24 17 25 18 26 37 38 39 40 26 16 27 17 28 18 29 19 40 60 40 40 40 40 49 46 4F 5D 56 06 07 08 09 40 1~~l 40 40 44 5F I FO 4. A'" 1403 A Chain H = 1403 H Chain 5. See 1443 Load Variations Table CPU FILE BR BYTE 1401 CONTROL PMS CONTROL D BACK-UP ALLOW I/O TRAPS WORKING STORAGE WORKING STORAGE WORKING STORAGE WORKING STORAGE CONSTANT IF STERLING FEAT 34 34 I 36 X Indicates the quantity in parenthesis is crossed in the table Z'" Memory Bias-Hi Y '" Memory Bias-la C = Carry from addition to get entry in Hunds-Lo Table CPU BACK-UP BACK-UP BACK-UP BACK-UP BACK-UP BACK-UP BACK-UP BACK-UP SENSE SW B'fTE HI-LO EQ BYTE MEM SIZE BYTE 34 34 Z+-03+C Z+03+C K ADDRESSABLE BYTE UTILIZATION 01 lJ 2U 3V 5F 4F 7 22 Z+02+C 05 7D 6D 5D 4D 5 13 40 40 04 '0 '0 ,4 7F 90 2' 29 Z+02+C ! F7 10 10 52 7E 6 5E 4E 6 '2 40 40 cyc I j 46 ' F6 10 10 20 28 , 5 Z+Ol+C UNIT 2 i CVC D F5 '9 27 .02 09 03 02 10 04 25 15 01 C F4 10 8 06 24 14 OA F9 F9 D9 F3 10 '0 06 FO EO 08 I"" 40 44 B FO 7 27 23 13 22 12 A 5A X +84 17 9 06 35 21 13 I FiLE UNIT 2 ADDR CYC' 14 DL 9 09 3B 6 26, 03 32 2A lA 134 8 08 50 X 46X +BC X +20 X 8 3' F7 F E8 E7 D IDS C7 C8 Tape Stat 0 9 T RK TAPE 8 FLAG 16 24 34 H}Bl pilE Q)Fl D '2 M 80 U 20 4 24 02 CVC 3C DL 33 00 F 2A 7 W Ilf 14 15 16 17 18 Il~ TAPE UCW RK IN ERROR A HUNDS BACK-UP B HUNDS BACK-UP 1050 STATUS CYL '28 CYL'SA PREVIOUS FILE OPER RESERVED FOR 1402 -03 00 00 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CPU STERLING FEAT STERLING FEAT STERLING FEAT 1400 TAPE CONSTANT -OF CONSTANT-2E RPQ UCW 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 C H WORKING WORKING WOR KI NG WORKING WORKING WORKING WORKING WORKING STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE DEFINITIONS OF ALD PAGE NUMBER PREFIXES A. B. C. D. E. 52 Adders 1. Addressing Adder 2. IC Incrementer 3. Exponent Adder 4. Main Adder 5. Serial Adder 6. VFL and DEC Adder F. AA-AB AC-AD AE-AF AM.,AQ AS AV-AW Decoders 1. Op Decoders 2. FLP and Gen. Decoder' 3. Addressing and Pre FTH 4. Trap Decode 5. Reg Decode 6. ROM Decode DN DP DA DB DG DR-DS Counters 1. Instruction ctrs, 2. Local Store Address Ctr. 3. Misc. ctr. CA-CB CC-CD CE-CZ Busing (Excluding Memory Bus) BA-BZ Registers 1. A-Reg. 2. BReg. 3. DReg. 4. E Reg. 5. F Reg. 6. GReg. 7. HReg. 8. JReg. 9. KReg. 10. L Reg. 11. MReg. 12. NReg. 13. P Reg. 14. QReg. 15. RReg. 16. SReg. 17. T Reg. 18. U Reg. 19. V Reg. 20. WReg. 21. X Reg. 22. VFL and Decoder Reg, Mod. 70 23. Direct Data Reg 24. MC Reg. S/360 MODEL 30 RA RB RD RE RF RG RH G. Main Storage Registers and Controls in CPU (Includes SDR Registers, Storage Busses, SAR, SBI "OR", M and N Regs in Mod. 30) MA-MC Controls 1. Advance or Seq Cntis 2. Branch and IC Cntis 3. Clock Cntis 4. 1 Exec (Mod 70) 1 Fetch & Exec (Mod. 60) 5. Chan Cntrls 6. Fix Seq Cntis 7. Gen Reg Cntis 8. FLT Cntis 9. ROS Cntis 10. Local Store Cntis 11. Priori1 Termlnate/f Terminate/. Terminate/';: @ Terminote/$ Terminate/" Any Other • Printer 0 1 2 3 ~ @ X84 08421 X8421 Cord 0 1 2 3 K Q Q R 0-8-2 11-8-2 0-8-2 11-8-2 Blank/@ R Terminate/Z Terminate/W Blank/@ Blan 0-8-7 12-8-7 Blank * Terminate/G Terminate/X ~::;~::~(2) ~ ~ 5 g ~ Notes: 1. If an ,nvalid input choracter is encountered, the read-check indicator (06) is turned on. 2. If on invalid output choracter is encountered, the writecheck indicator (07) is turned ~ 3. An x denotes any hexadecimal character except 0 or 5. 1620 Compo! 1620 Char Blank , Printer Digit (Hex) Typewriter 00 02 03 04 10 12 Blank Blank None None " CX084 & None CXO None 13 $ $ CXS21 X84 X COl None None None (0821 % 084 (0842 821 C84 Card 21 22 23 24 26 33 34 35 41 50 51 61 62 70 71 OA 'it A ..• J J ... R 5 ... Z 0 1. .. 9 DB ,A None · .49 · .59 ~o~~1 ~~~~I J ... R None · .69 · .79 ® 56 OF ,F 5F ill @ None # @ None "5A • Poper Tope 00 CV Any Other 5 ... Z 0 1. .. 9 , None None None " . , None None ' Any Other • XOI •• eXOOI CXI .. XBl 5 ... Z CO2 .. 081 0 I .. C81 082 o or 12 - 0 1. .. 9 B -2orO-8-2 11 - 8 - 2 None None 11 - B-2 None 0-8 - 7 None 12 - 8 - 7 Any Other None None None None X82 None 08421 None XB421 Blank Blank Blank " " / ~ % Blank # @ @ A ... J 5 A ••• J 1403 HN Blank Blank > ~ ~ > / / Blank Blank iBlank % Blank iBlank @ @ A ... J 0 A ... J A .•. J 0-8-2 • 1403 AN 0-8-2 11-8-2 $ # ~" 2 - ~ CO ~ c ~ ll-O None J ... R None Blank 1443 & None None Card Typewriter Blank None X0821 14 20 Invai Input Inva id Output OUTPUT INPUT Feature 8e ~ J ... R Z J ... R J ... R J ... R J ... R ~ e 5 ... Z 0 1. .. 9 5 ... Z 0 1. .. 9 5 ... Z 0 \ I .. 9 5 ... Z 0 1. .. 9 5 ... Z 0 1. .. 9 0 Terminate Terminate Terminate Terminate Terminate Terminate Terminate Terminate Terminate 0-8 - 2 0-8 - 2 0-8 - 2 0-8 - 2 11 - 8 - 2 11 - 8 - 2 0-8 - 7 0-8 - 7 12 - 8 - 7 Terminate Terminate Terminate Terminate Terminate Terminate Terminate Terminate Terminate Blank Blank Any Other • ~ > ~ ADDRESS CONVERSION Converting 1620 Decimal Addresses to 1620-Mode Hexadecimal Addresses a b d c 1620 Digit 1620 Note Address 1. (Dec. ) 00000/2 = 00843/2 = 19999/2 = 00000 00421 09999 a (0) (1) (1) f e 1620 Address (Dec.) 00000/8 = 00843/8 = 19999/8 = 0000 01AS 270F Address 20K Constant (Hex.) + OEOO = + OEOO = + OEOO = OEOO (h;gh) 01A5 (law) 350F (law) 20K Constant Address + 3600 = + 3600 = + 3600 = 3600, b;t 0 3669, b;, 3 3FC3, b;t 7 g 1620 Flag Note 2. 00000 00105 02499 (0) (3) (7) 0000 0069 09C3 (Hex.) Note 1: If there is a remainder, the digit portion of this 1620 character is placed in the four high-order bits of the 2030 byte. Note 2: The remainder of this division identifies the bit-position within the flag byte. Converting 1620-:\Iode Hexadecimal Effective Addresses to Actual 1620 Decimal Addresses (Digit and Flag Portions) k m 1620 D;g;t Address (Hex.) 20K OEOO (h;gh) OFA5 (law) 350F (law) - OEOO = - OEOO = - OEOO = 3600, b;, 0 3669, b;, 3 3FC3, b;t 7 Note 1. Constant r 1620 Flag-Byte Address (Hex.) p n 0000 01A5 270F 00000 00421 09999 s , x2= x 2::: x 2= 00000 +0= 00842 +1= 19998 + 1 = Ac'ual 1620 Address (Decimal) 00000 00843 19999 u Actual 1620 20K Constont Note 2. - 3600 = - 3600 = - 3600 = 00000 +0= 00840 +3= 19992 +7= 0000 0069 09C3 00000 00105 02499 x8= x8= x8= Address (Decimal) 00000 00843 19999 Note 1: Add J if the 1620 address was contained in the low-order four bits of the 2030 d;g;, by,e. Note 2: Add the bit-position number that represents the flag-bit's location within the fl ag byte. S/360 MODEL 30 65 / ADDITIVE CARD CODE (ACC) (ALD FEATURE ASSIGNMENTS) Feature Code Basic ADA 1051 Attachment ADFT 1051, First on Line ADLT 1051, Last on Line BAE3 Basic to Board B-E3 CBSI 1401/1440/1460 Basic Compatibility CHC Channel to Channel Adapter DCT Direct Control EIC External Interrupt SCO Selector Channel, First SCI Selector Channel, Second SCO* No Selector Channel, Second STO Storage SK Model C STI Storage 16K Model D ST2 Storage 32K Model E ST3 Storage 64K Model F STCO Storage Protect and Sel Ch, First STCI Storage Protect and Sel Ch, Second STP storage Protection TIM Interval Timer HSMX High Speed MPXR Ch HMCO High Speed MPXR Ch or Sel Ch, First HMCI High Speed MPXR Ch or Sel Ch, Second 66 S/360 MODEL 30 ROS PAGE ASSIGNMENTS QA001 QA161 QA261 QA311 QA411 - QA151 QA251 QA301 QA401 QA501 QA511 - QA751 QA 761 - QA851 QA861 QB001 QB261 QB611 QC001 QC021 QC511 QC911 QC931 QD001 - QA991 QB251 QB601 QB991 QCOll QC501 QC901 QC921 QC991 QD301 Instruction Cycles Branches, Storage Protect Converts Shifts Fixed Point Arithmetic, Logics, Sign Ctrl. Load, Store, Mple Load, Mple Store. Fixed Point Multiple and Divide Storage to Storage Moves and Logics, Pack Unpack, Move With Offset, Translate, Translate and Test PSW and mise forced address routines Decimal Option (* 19-21) Floating Point Option (*33-37) Micro-Diagnostics Decoding of I/O OP Codes Multiplex Channel 1050 Console and Features (*22-23) Direct Control Feature Unassigned Selector Channel (*24-26) 1400 COMPATIBILITY -- ROS PAGE ASSIGNMENTS QE001 - QE401 QE411 - QE501 QE511 - QE991 Instruction Cycle and Index I/E Change Trap and Interrupt Routine, Mode Switch and Stops QF001 - QF151 Multiply and Divide QF161 - QF251 Edit Add, Suh, and Compare QF261 - QF401 QF411 - QF651 Moves, Loads, Set WM, Clear WM, Move Record, Move and Zero Suppress, Move Zone, Move Digit, Move Column Binary, Reset Add and Suh. QF661 - QF801 Branches QF811 - QF991 Clear, Store Stars, Modify Address QG001 - QG101 I/O Common 1050 Typewriter (*74-75) QGll1 - QG251 1442 - 1443 (*71-73) QG261 - QG501 1402 - 1403 (*71-73) QG511 - QG751 QG761 - QG991 Tapes on Multiplex Channel (*76-78) QH001 - QH251 Tapes on Selector Channel (* 76-78) QH261 - QH751 Files (*79-84) *DENOTES CROSS BOARD LOCATION 1620 COMPATIBILITY -- ROS PAGE ASSIGNMENTS QJ001 - QM991 QP001- QP491 1620 Compatibility Sterling S/360 MODEL 30 67 ) ROS FEATURE ASSIGNMENTS FEATURE VERSo # 000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 Basic (Leave Version Blank on basic pages) 8K Storage 16K Storage 32K Storage 64K Siorage 224 UCW's (Available only with 32K or 64K Storage) Storage Protect Decimal Option Floating Point Option Direct Control 1050 Console (Addr. IF unless Ver 012 or 013) Audible Alarm for 1050 1050 Console w/Addr. 5F (Only w/16K, 32K, 64K) 1050 Con. w/ Addr. DF (Only w/32K, 64K, & 224USW's) Selecior Channel #1 Selecior Channel #2 1401 Compatibility Tapes on Multiplex Channel Tapes on Selecior Channel 1442 - 1443 1402 - 1403 Column Binary 1050 Console for 1401 Compatibility Program Mode Switching Files 50 Cycle (Int. Timer) Sterling Feature Period - Comma inversion feature 014 015 016* 017* 018* 019* 020* 021* 022" 023' 024* 025 026* 027* 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 1620 Compatibility 041 906 Storage Protect Diagnostic 914 Selector Channel Diagnostic 995 Local Storage Dump 996 R/W Storage Diagnostic 1. 5 us 997 Multiplex Channel Diagnostic 998 R/W Storage Diagnostic 2. 0 us Available only as part of 1401 Compatibility Feature * 68 S/360 MODEL 30 COMBINATION VERSION ASSIGNMENTS VERSo ,00 AOI A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 A07 \08 A09 AID All A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 A31 A32 A33 A34 A35 A36 A37 A38 A39 A40 A41 A42 A43 A44 A45 A46 A47 A48 A49 A50 A51 A52 A53 A54 A55 A56 003, 004, 006, 014, 006, 006, 006, 001, 014 014 014 015 010 010, 0]2 010, 013 010 010, 005, 010, 010, 016, 016, 003, 004, 016, 001, 004, 004, 004, 004, 004, 016, 014, 005, 005, 005, 010, 007, 005, 010, 008, 018, 016, 016, 018, 021, 016, 016, 018, 014, 020, 018, 002, 021, 020, 019, 020, 018, 018, 017, 018, 018. 019, 013 006 011 012 023 025 005 005 026 006 006 006, 010, 010, 006, 027 030 010, 010, 010 011, 010 006, 011, 014 022 020 018 020 026 019 024 024 025 021 019 014 027 022 022 024 020, 023 023 026 019, 024 32K and Selr Chan #1 64K and Selr Chan #1 Storage Prot and Selr Chan #1 Selr Chan #1 and Selr Chan #2 Storage Prot, 1050 Console Storage Prot, 1050 Console, Addr 5F Storage Prot, 1050 Console, Addr DF 8K and 1050 Console 1050 Console, Addr DF 224 UC\\.'Ts*. Storage Prot 1050 Console, Audible Alarm 1050 Console, Addr 5F 1401 Compatibility. Prog Mode Switch 1401 Compatibility. 50 Cycle 32K and 224 DeW's 64K and 224 uew's 1401 Compatibility and Sterling Feature 32 UCW's* and Storage Prot 64K and Storage Prot 010, 012 64K and Storage Prot and 1050 Con. Addr 5F 012 64K and 1050 Console Addr 5F 64K and 1050 Console, Addr DF 013 010, 013 64K Storage Prot, 1050 Can., Addr DF 1401 Compatibility and period-comma inversion Sel Chan #1, Hi Speed MPX Channel 013 224 UCW's, 1050 Console Addr DF 012 224 UCW's, 1050 Console Addr 5F 224 UCW's 1050 Console 012 1050 Aud Alarm, Adr. SF Decimal, 1050 010 224 UCW' s, Storage Protect, Decimal 013 1050, Aud. Alarm, Addr. DF Floating point, Sel. Channel #1 Tapes on Sel. Channel, 1050 col sole 1401 1401 Compatibility, 1402 - 1403 1401 Compatibility. Tapes on Sel. Channel Tapes on Selector Channel, 1402 - 1403 Col. Binary, Sterling 1401 Compatibility, 1442 - 1443 1401 Compatibility. File Tapes on Selector Channel, File Selector Channel, 50 cycle 1402 - 1403, Col. Binary Tape on Selector Channel, 1442 1443 16K and Selector Channel #1 Column Binary and Period, Comma Inversion 024 024 S/360 MODEL 30 69 ) COMBlNA TION VERSION ASSIGNMENTS (continued) * 32 uew's means 8K (Ver 001) 96 DeW's means 16K 32K, or 64K without additional (Ver 002, 003, or 004) 224 uew's means 32K, or 64K with additional (Ver 002, 003, or 004 combined with 005) Dew uew option option Version -It can be located in CLD 1. D. Block, extreme right hand bottom corner. ALD VERSION ASSIGNMENTS 000 001 002 003 004 005 008 009 Basic Retry (EC 126837) Retry and Board )lA-E3 (see note) Retry and 1. 5 us memory 1. 5 us memory Conversion of )lB-E3 to )lA-E3 1..5 us memory and board )lA-E3 Retry, 1. 5 us memory and board )1A-E3 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 RPQ RPQ 200 RPQ 881650 Compatibility Camp with 1. 5 us memory and without )lA-E3 Comp, 1. 5 us memory and )lA-E3 Camp and )lA-E3 Camp and 1. 5 us memory E41376 - External Alarm Control W12097 - Remote Interrupt RPQ VERSION ASSIGN:vrENTS No, Description 101 102 RPQ W12173 - Branch on Zero RPQ E39692 - 1050 Addr 09 (32K mach wlo 224 UCW's only) RPQ W12378 - Provide 7th tape dr on Sel Chan (1400 Compat) RPQ E42126 - A Bit Compat (No charge) RPQ F13141 - Group Mark Compat RPQ W14479 - Branch on Column Binary RPQ F14421 - Character Insert on Read Validity Error Branch on Zero indicate with Compare Digit Only Move Record to Lozenge Compat RPQ Y46595 RPQ E43217 - Putnam Fund RPQ Y25092 - Inverse Move (WTC) RPQ Y25108 - Inverse Move Compat - Additional Index Registers 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 70 8/360 MODEL 30 RPQ COMBINED VERSIONS No. Description HOI J01 J02 J03 J04 J05 J06 J07 JOS J09 JIO Jll J12 016-101-10S (logic only) (J14 & 016) (was J23) 01S-101 Tape Sel. Chan. & RPQ (Br. on 0) 023-101 PMS & RPQ (Br. on 0) 010-102 1050 & RPQ (1050 Addr.) 017-101 Tape :v1PX & RPQ (Br. on 0) 006-010102 Stor. Prot., 1050 & RPQ (1050 Addr.) 01S-103 Tape Sel. Chan. & RPQ (7th tape dr.) 020-104 1402 & A Bit Compat. 020-021-104 1402, Col. Bin, A Bit Compat. 020-1051402 & Group Mark Compat. 020-021-105 1402, col. bin., Group Mark Compat. 020-106 1402 & Branch on Col. Bin. 020-107 1402 & Character Insert on Read Validity Error 016-106 Basic, 1402 & Branch on Col. Bin. 016-101 1400 and RPQ 101 (logic page only) 020-104-106-1071402, A Bit Compat., Branch on Col. Bin., Char. Insert on Read Validity Error 020-106-1071402, Branch on Col. Bin, Char. Insert on Read Validity Error 020-104-106 1402, A Bit Compat., Branch on Col. Bin 101-10S Branch on Zero with Compat. Digit 016-10S Basic & Branch on Zero with Compat. Digit (logic page only) 017-103 Tape MPX & RPQ 103 (logic only) 01S-10S Tape Sel. Chan., Branch on Zero with Compat. Digit 017-10S Tape MPX, Branch on Zero with Compat. Digit 014-040 1620 & Sel. Chan. (logic only) 016-110 016-112 01S-023-101 016-109 01S-019-103 020-101 020-10S 017-023-101 020-103 01S-020-103 016-113 020-110 J13 JI4 JI5 J16 J17 J1S J19 J20 J21 J22 J23 J24 J25 J26 J27 J2S J29 J30 J31 J32 J33 J34 J36 S/360 MODEL 30 71 ) DIGIT PUNCHES 1-7 ZONE AND8-9 PUNCHES '" '(;;- '"o '"o I 12-9 C9 12-8-9 11-9 11-8-9 0-9 0-8-9 9 8-9 08 D9 12-0-9 12-8 12-11-9 11-8 11-0-9 0-8 12-11-0-9 8 12~ 12-0-0 12-11 12-11-8 lI- 18 E9 28 F9 38 89 C8 99 DB A9 E8 89 F8 CO 88 6A 98 D AS 70 88 50 48 60 1403 I 1443 I 2 1403 1403 1443 1443 02 • • 01 09 II 18 Z Z 21 9 9 " H H Q Q 31 39 41 49 51 59 EI Y Y 8 & 8 > - < 69 71 79 81 80 91 90 A AO 81 60 I 00 DI 10 61 20 FI 30 3 OA 12 IA 32 3A 33 38 43 48 53 58 63 68 42 4A 52 SA 62 EO 7 7A 82 8A 92 9A , ''"" '" 11-0-8 AA 12-11-0 82 12-11-0-8 BA A 2 12 & & A 8 CA 12-0-8-9 D2 II J J K 12-11-8-9 DA 58 FO 0 0 E2 5 0 EA 11-0-8-9 68 40 2 NONE I I F2 12-11-0--8-9 78 FA * 1403 Grapnlcs ore for Type "A " cham 1443 Graphics are, as shown, for 1443NI with 63 Character SMS Bar. - - $ I I l l A8 83 BB 8 K 5 2 C C6 D3 D8 E3 EB F3 F8 1403 1443 JJ • 78 . 63 88 93 98 5 4 1403 03 08 13 18 23 T T 3 3 04 OC 14 IC 24 2C 34 3C 44 4C 54 5C 64 6C 74 7C 84 8C 94 9C A4 AC 84 BC C4 CC D4 DC E4 EC F' FC 1443 ". -. % % D D M M 4 4 6 1403 1443 05 OD 15 ID 25 2D 35 3D 45 4D 55 5D 1443 2E F 37 3F 47 4F 57 5F 67 6F 77 7F 87 8F 97 9F 7 AF 67 8F C7 CF D7 DF V V 4E 56 5E 66 6E 76 7E 86 8E 96 9E A6 AE B6 8E C6 CE D6 DE E6 5 5 F6 E E N N + ; - 'F , ., G G P P F F 0 0 W W E7 EF X X 6 6 F7 FF 7 7 EE FE 1443 27 .. V 1403 07 OF 17 IF 36 3E 65 6D 75 7D 85 8D 95 9D A5 AD B5 8D C5 CD D5 DD E5 ED F5 FD 7 1403 06 OE 16 IE 26 ~ BITS 0 - 3 BITS 4 - 7 ~ 0 2 0 BA AB2 I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rn A '- '""" B s::0 c BA 2 B 2 B BA A B BA 4 4 B A M 0 BA 4 1 B B F G V 42 A 42 W BA8 A 421 B 8 I BA8 BA82 I B 8 A8 A82 8 2 - s. A821 OJ t" "" 0 % E 0 ..., "" F B 84 * ( ~ , I ( A84 1 B 842 A821 BA8421 B 8421 A8421 o , 2 BA8 8421 U 4 V 5 42 A 42 42 W 6 N 421 P m ) A84 ( % BA82 + BA8421 4 A 421 B 8 A8 9 B 8 2 A82 82 B 8 21 A821 s. * -- ( % A84 1 ) B 842 A821 B 8421 A8421 5 , 6 *= 84 AS4 BA84 + BA821 4 BA 4 U 4 4 I 42 A 42 421 T * 8421 7 A 421 X B 8 I 9 B B 2 AB 2 B 2 B 8 21 A821 s. - $ ~ * B 84 A84 ( % .- ( % BA84 A84 A84 1 ) BA82 B 842 A8 21 BA8421 B 8421 A8421 + 8 8 Z 9 , A 421 B B BA8 I I B 8 BA8 2 * B I s. , $ A84 ( % B 84 A84 % * BA84 .- A84 1 ) B 842 A821 BA8421 B 8421 A8421 c I o E 9 A 0 I;I~ B 84 @ T 'iV BA8 2 + 8 8 A8 21 *= I+-1 i 7 8 B 9 - BA8 7 8 2 B 8 21 6 421 X A82 + 8421 A 421 B 8 2 BA821 ~ 6 A8 5 5 42 W Z 0 84 @ 4 I A 42 y I 4 4 A8 R 3 4 A41 Q H I 21 3 V P BA8 8 I A8 B 2 2 21 T U 42 I 2 A 4 N BA 421 I 1 2 S 0 G 8 y A 4 B F 7 A8 21 M BA 42 421 A BA 4 1 BA 4 1 6 I A 2 L E 42 W B B F '3 o / B 0 4 I 5 V N B A 4 I I K 21 A 4 ~) (ij) BA 4 R SA8 2 0 $ I I 21 E A 82 B B 2 - J 2 C Q BAB BA 3 B 8 H I 8 2 21 P BA8 Z B 84 G A I T 0 BA 421 8 I A8 B F 8 y I BA 42 2 B A 1 S 21 M B E 421 A o L B BA 4 1 7 X B 0 4 I 2 I I / K 21 BA 4 A 4 I A c s. BA A 82 82 0 I B C 4 I - BA821 ..... *= 4 R + ~ 3 I BA8 2 I A 4 A J 2 BA 3 82 - B B 21 4 Q I 84 @ B BA 2 21 I BA A 2 T B 8 H ~12~ @' ) BA82 + G 0 A84 % BA84 BA 421 I 8 A 0 BA8 B 8 2 B 8$21 A84 B F 9 + ~) E BA 42 6 8 I BA8 21 IBAi4 5 42 Z 2 S 21 M B R I A L B 0 8 y 2 B BA 4 1 7 A8 Q H BA 4 I 1 / B A 9 B AE 0 I A -----+ 8 82 "2 K 21 C 421 X P B B 4 I I 7 - J 2 BA 4 U 421 B 4 A 4 I 0 SA 421 4 4 I N E BA 42 BA 21 3 B B A 2 T I BA 2 21 j, A82 S. I S 21 L BA 1 2 K 21 C 0 t:I I / 6 5 0 A J 4 82 - I B A 2 B B 2 S. BA 3 C ' I;I~ 8421 F o E F 2821 PRINT HAMMER DRIVER LOCATIONS Print Position 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 74 Location G-25 G-25 E-18 E-18 G-18 E-18 E-18 G-18 G-18 G-18 G-25 G-25 E-17 E-17 G-17 E-17 E-17 G-17 G-17 G-17 G-24 G-24 E-16 E-16 G-16 E-16 E-16 G-16 G-16 G-16 G-24 G-24 E-15 E-15 G-15 E-15 E-15 G-15 G-15 G-15 G-23 G-23 E-14 E-14 S/360 MODEL 30 Print Position 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Location G-14 E-14 E-14 G-14 G-14 G-14 G-23 G-23 E-13 E-13 G-13 E-13 E-13 G-13 G-13 G-13 G-22 G-22 E-12 E-12 G-12 E-12 E-12 G-12 G-12 G-12 G-22 G-22 E-11 E-11 G-11 E-11 E-11 G-11 G-11 G-11 G-21 G-21 E-10 E-10 G-10 E-10 E-10 G-10 Print Position 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 Location G-10 G-10 G-21 G-21 E-09 E-09 G-09 E-09 E-09 G-09 G-09 G-09 G-20 G-20 E-08 E-08 G-08 E-08 E-08 G-08 G-08 G-08 G-20 G-20 E-07 E-07 G-07 E-07 E-07 G-07 G-07 G-07 G-19 G-19 E-06 E-06 G-06 E-06 E-06 G-06 G-06 G-06 G-19 G-19 INTERFACE CONNECTOR CHART D 0 B 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9 • +3 . U 0 T , -3 9 0 Q .. . (,) .. Q • +6 T Q • 0 G J 0 • , . +3 Q 0 T 0 • Q• • Q• +6 , Q Q 0 Bus Bus Bus Bus Out P Out ,0 Out 1 Out 2 Operational In Status In Address In Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Out Out Out Out Out Select In Select Out Address Out Command Out Suppress Ou' 3 4 5 6 7 Service In Service Out Signal Q -3 Q CONNECTOR 2 Ground Shield ? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CONNECTOR 1 '" CONNECTOR 1 Bus Bus Bus Bus In P In f'J In 1 In 2 Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus In In In In In 3 4 5 6 7 CONNECTOR 2 Clock Out Metering Out Metering In Request In Hold Out Operational Out 8/360 MODEL 30 75 / 2030 BOARD - LOCA TION Console 76 8/360 MODEL 30 INPUT" TWILIGHT ZONE CIRCUIT u;;- Down OUTPUT" NORMAL LIMITS Un Down Un Down AI and - inverter 1.4 0.5 .3 3.0 AOI and - or - inverter 2.0 0.9 .3 3.0 API and - power - inverter 1.6 0.46 3.0 DCI direct couplet-inverter 0.8 0.58 3.0 CIRCUIT FLYER LOADED NOT LOADED DELAY INS) TURN ON TURN OFF Nom· Max Nom* Max T03 - AB T03 - AA 25.0 35.0 21.0 35.0 T03 - AE T03 - AD 34.0 60.0 21.0 32.0 0.3 T03 - AJ T03 - AF 13.0 22.0 27.0 42.0 T05 - AB T05 - AA 17.0 25.0 17.0 2S.0 }" to NONE REMARKS INV. -~ -~ '"o HPD High powered driver 0.8 0.58 II Isolating inverter 2.2 0.58 ID SCR 2.0 LR 2.03 2.88 3.1 0.3 TIS - AA T15 - AE 0.0 to 505 - AH 505 - AS 0.3 17.0 -.-.~ .-~ SS5 - EG Line sense amplifier LTN Line tenninator 1.8 PH polarity } 1.4 XOR Exclusive - OR 1.9 A OR - AND + OR 2.4 TD Time delay hold data contr. 0 - N ~- 17.0 ~5.0 40.0 50.0 --~- -~----- f----- - - - LSA 25.0 ._- .-~-~ N r--'-' -----<--,- 506 - AN 506 - AK _.. 0.9 0.14 1.8 }" T03 -_~ e----.~~.0.0 to 2.5 0.3 T03 - AI T03 - AP 2.0 * Varies with load etc. All values quoted are to upper limit of normal operation. . 26.0 -~ IS.O 46.0 60.0 55.0 20.0 32.0 SO.O 40.0 64.0 ._. T03 - AC T03 - CE 545 - EA/SB ** All voltages quoted are positive (+). (N.J.) (N.I.) (N.J.) OE ---.- DIAGNOSTICS ICARD DESCRIPTION DMA4 Version 3 or higher I SCT/DMI/O lEnd Card Minus 10) Defines Loader- Input-Output Device (Users Guide) I SCT-SRT (1st of 8 End Card Minus 8) Defines System Configuration (Users Guide) 00 SCT-UDT lEnd Card Minus 15) Defines I/o Equip on System (Users Guide) IPL LOADER #1 1st Card DMA4 (Users Guide) IPL LOADER #2 2nd Card DMA4 (Users Guide) I ESD (1st Card Section Deck) Gives Name, Origin, & Length of Program Section of Test Deck 'TXT (Follows IPL Loader 2) Gives Text of Program in Monitor & Test Deck IREP (Last Card Before RLD Crd) Used to set Sense Switches, Used to Overlay Data (Users Guide) RLD Ignored DMA4 IDAT (Used in Place of LDT Cards) Indicate to Monitor That Data Cards Follow-Must Proceed Each Set of Data Cards. (Users Guide) LDT (Last Card of Section Deck) Load Terminate Card-If Missing Next Section Will Reject. (Users Guide) END - Ignored by DMA4 BLANK - Valid in DMA4 ILOAD DMA4 - Users Guide (8400:34) IHANG UP CONDITIONS DMA4 - Users Guide 1. If a section halts with an error, it can be restarted by depressing System Reset & hitting Start Key twice. 2. If a section halts with an error and you wish to bypass it, hitting the Interrupt Key once will allow the machine to continue from the point of error. Hitting the Interrupt Key twice will terminate that section and start next section. 78 S/360 :vrODEL 30 SENSE SWITCHES D;vJ:A4 NUMBER 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON Dm Wi II Load Each Sect In Seq Dm Will Halt After Each Sect Short Format Error Msg's Long Format Error Msg 's Print All Msg S & T Prevent Print S & T No Halt After Error Halt After Error Nonmal Cycle CE Run Request Allow All Printing Prevent All Printin!,) No Cyc Prog Sect In Storage Cycle Prog Sect In Storage Print Error Msg's Prevent Print Error Msg's Nonmal DMA4 Output Msg Format 8 K System - No Effect 16 K or Larger Transfer Control to Message Editor to Print DMA4 Messages Each section has its won sense switch settings, they must be looked up in section SWITCH SETTINGS FOR CONSOLE OVERLAY DMA4 NORMAL LOAD FROM LOAD TO EXECUTE SW OFF MONITOR SECTION SW ON MONITOR SECTION CYCLE ACTIVE SELECT PRINT SEC PRINT MON OUTPUT UNIT ENTER SEC ENTER MON INITIALIZE F 0 8 9 1 Do Not Section Section Do Not 2 2 7 Sense Sw Number 8 Sense Sw Number 3 3 7 Sense Sw Number 8 Sense Sw Number 5 5 6 7 4 E F D 5 Do Not Care 6 Routine Number Dump & Print Sect Dump & Print Monitor Ch Addr I/O Addr To Change Section To Change Monitor Do Not Care G H J Care Search Number Search Number Care 8/360 MODEL 30 79 ) ERROR MESSAGES DMA4 *PZZZL *PZZZL CU *DIO DMA4 *EIE HLT HLT PZZZL *IOE *ISC DMA4 *ISC PZZZL *MCK DMA4 *MCKPZZZL OIR *PGM DMA4 *PGMPZZZL PNF DMA4 REJ PZZZL REL PZZZL RNV PZZZL S PZZZL SDO PZZZL *SDO PZZZL T SVC Dl D2 Error Msg's SVC D3 Error Msg MonitDr I/O Error External Interrupt Error With Error Msg When Halt on Error Indicated SVC DA Halt Request Prog Sect I/o Error Invalid Supervisor Call Interrupt Error in DM Invalid Supervisor Call Interrupt Error in Sect Machine Check Interrupt Error in Monitor Machine Check Interrupt Error in Section Operator Intervention Requested or Required Program Interrupt Error in Monitor Program Interrupt Error in Section Program Not Found Section Rejected Reload Requested Unit Not Found Start of Section Line. CPU is Optional SVC DO Error ID Line CUU is Optional Terminal End of Section T* Abnormal Termination *UIO PZZZL Unassigned I/O Interrupt Error WTE DMA4 Wait Message 80 S/360 MODEL 30 SYSTEM/360 DIAGNOSTICS Section # 32011 32021 32611 32621 32630 32640 32911 32921 32931 32E10 32E20 338FO 33900 33C90 34300 34470 344AO 34E10 F5011 F5022 F5032 F5042 F5051 F5061 F5071 F5081 F5091 F51A2 F51B2 F5211 F5221 F5231 F5241 F6002 F6011 F6021 F6031 F6041 F6051 F6061 F6071 F6081 F6091 F6101 F6111 F6121 F6131 Title Search # Standard Set 1 Sec 1 Standard Set 1 Sec 1 Standard Set 2 Sec 1 Standard Set 2 Sec 2 Standard Set 2 Sec 3 Standard Set 2 Sec 4 Float Point Section 1 Float Point Section 2 Float Point Section 3 Decimal Arith Sec 1 Decimal Arith Sec 2 Usage Meter R/W Storage Stor Prot Chan Fnnction Sel Chan 1 Fanlt Locating Sel Chan 2 Fanlt Locating Direct Ctrl Tape Fnnction Sec 1 Tape Function Sec 2 Tape Function Sec 3 Tape Function Sec 4 Tape Function Sec 5 Tape Function Sec 6 Tape Function Sec 7 Tape Function Sec 8 Tape Function Sec 9 Error Detection Sec 1 CRC Generation Sec 1 ffiG (Write) Sec 1 ffiG (Read) Sec 2 ffiG (Write 8K) Sec 1 ffiG (Read 8K) Sec 2 2841/2311 Function Test 2841/2311 Function Test 2841/2311 Function Test 2841/2311 Function Test 2841/2311 Function Test 2841/2311 Function Test 2841/2311 Function Test 2841/2311 Function Test 2841/2311 Function Test 2841/2311 Function Test 2311 Diagnostic Test 2311 Diagnostic Test 2311 Diagnostic Test 2311 Diagnostic Test 201 202 261 262 263 264 291 292 293 2E1 2E2 38F 390 3C9 430 447 44A 4E1 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 51A 51B 521 522 523 524 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 S/360 MODEL 30 81 J SYSTEM/360 DIAGNOSTICS (continued) Section iI F8041 F8051 F8060 F8081 F8090 F80C4 F80D2 F8102 F8111 F8152 F8170 F8202 F8212 F8231 F8251 F8303 F8313 F8323 F8330 F8362 F8382 F8394 F83FO F8500 F8510 F8520 F9000 F9010 F9020 *FOFF *3FDO *3FEI *FCI 3447 Title 2821/2540 Reader Punch Scan 2821/2540 Buff Addr Test 2821/2540 Pnch Xlator Test 2821/1403 Non UCS Scan 2821/1403 Non UCS Scan 2821/1403 UCS Scan Rtn 1 & 2 2821/1403 UCS Scan Rtn 3 & 4 2540 Reader Function Sec 1 2540 Reader Function Sec 2 2540 Reader Col Bin 2540 Reader 14XX Mode 2540 Punch Function Sec 1 2540 Punch Function Sec 2 2540 Punch Feed Read 2540 Punch Col Bin 1403 Printer Function Test Sec 1 1403 Printer Function Test Sec 2 1403 Printer Function Test Sec 3 1403 Printer Function Test Sec 4 1403 Ripple Print 1403 Carriage Snse Channel 9 & 12 1403 Carriage Forms Space & Skip 1403 Selective Tape Lister 1404 Printer Function Test 1404 Printer Read Compare 1404 Printer Seq of Commds 1052 Basic op Test 1052 Mach Func Test 1052 Reader Keyboard Test Tape Editor I/O Exerciser SEREP 8K Sys Test (SEVA) Selector Channell Fault Locating Search iI 804 804 804 808 80S SOC SOC 810 811 815 817 820 821 823 825 830 831 832 833 836 838 839 83F 850 851 852 900 901 902 OFF FDO FEI FCI 447 * These programs are stand alone programs and will not run with a monitor program. 82 S/360 MODEL 30 1401 COMPATIBILITY Section II 3FOO 3F01 3F02 3F03 3F04 3F05 3F06 3F07 3F08 3F09 3FOC 3F10 3F13 3F16 3F19 3F1C Title Searchll 14XX Compatibility CPU FOO 14XX Compatibility CPU Sec 1 F01 14XX Compatibility CPU Sec 2 F02 14XX Compatibility CPU Sec 3 F03 14XX Compatibility CPU Sec 4 F04 14XX Compatibility CPU Sec 5 F05 Prog Mode SW 1401 Compatibility F06 1402 Read-Punch 1401 Compat. F07 1402 PFR 1401 Compatibility F08 1402 Col Bin 1401 Compatibility F09 1403 PRTR TST 1401 Compatibility FOC 1442 Read-Punch 1401 Compat. FlO 1443 Bar Printer 1401 Compat. F13 Mag. Tape Test 1401 Compat. F16 F19 2311/1311 File Test 1401 Cons. Type Test 1401 Compat. F1C 1620 COMPATIBILITY Section II 3F40 3F41 3F42 3F43 3F44 3F45 3F46 3F47 3F48 3F49 3F4A 3F4B 3F4C 3351 Search II Title 1620 Compatibility Feature 1620 Non Disk I/O 1620 Set Clear MV 20K Fig. 1620/360 Output Xlator 1620/360 Input Xlator 1620/360 Xlator Count 1620 CPU Tests 1620 Dsk Sk Cy Ovfl Ad Ck 1620 Init Rd Wr Chk Dsk Rd Wr Chk Dsk 80K Sect Disk Sect Data Movement Disk Trk Data Movement Set 40K & 60K 1620 Flags 1620 Micro Diagnostics F40 F41 F42 F43 F44 F45 F46 F47 F48 F49 F4A F4B F4C 351 MISCELLANEOUS Section II 3FC1 3FC2 3FDO 3FDl 3FE1 Search 1/ Title Systems Test Description -ASystem Test Description -B3 Cd Hex Ldr & Gen 1-0 Ex Ls Map Description SEREP Description FC1 FC2 FDO FDl FE1 S/360 MODEL 30 83 ) OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR SELECTOR CHANNEL FLT'8 Initialize the Tobie With At least the Following: Ve. - Stol"Clge Protect Availability - Moin Storoge Size - DM Sense Switches - loader Devi ce - Output Device (See Note) See User's Guide NOTE: The Output Device Cannot be Attached to the Channel Under Test. If it is, Refer to the Description, POl"Clgl"Clph 5.3. See Page 1 of 10-3340 2030 Gote "G" Test light is Off "X" is Current Revision level of FLT "X" is Channel Number 84 8/360 MODEL 30 OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR SELECTOR CHANNEL FLT'S (oontinued) Console Switches FGHJ Set to 5601 Console Switches FGHJ Set to 5600 No * Description for SEL CHNL I: 103447 Description f?r SEL CHNL 2: 10344A S/360 MODEL 30 85 ) CHART A DMA4 OPERATOR'S FLOW CHART NORMAL START IDMA4 -I Description l~:i·!... ___ _ :System/360 -IMod 30 User's I Guide Section t.:i:!!'.5"!!..~~t_ tions and can be found under the following program listing headings; 1. DM Section Reference Tobie Hex Loc 180 2. DMAI-O Unit Definition Table 3. DMA Unit Definition Table ~ ~;~e~&~s~r's n~~i~o~:t~on I IInterrupt : ~~~g~s__ _ I I I J 86 8/360 MODEL 30 CHART B DMA4 OPERATOR'S FLOW CHART S/360 MODEL 30 87 J CHART C DMA4 RESTART PROCEDURES 1. The DMA4 restort PSW is loco ted ot locotion 0 ond ollows the operotor to return to 0 predetermined point. 2. If the following method is followed, the need for reloading DMA4 will be minimized. 88 5/360 :.10DEL 30 INITIALIZE OUTPUT MESSAGE OF DMA4 Any additional I/O units can be inserted into the UDT starting at the specified address. Address in this exam Ie is OlEO. DM I/O units taken from DMIO card or as implied by having the DMIO cord blank. NOTE: It is recommended that the DMIO card be left blank. If blank DMA4 will assign: 1. LOADER - rPL Unit 2. OUTPUT - First 1052, 1403, 1443, 1404 found in the UDT 3. INPUT - 1052, 2540, 1442 in the above order if in the UDT Verifies the CPU options punched into theSRTcard 31st JJuI tot~'J Stocog. po;otocCode) whkhofpo;," first byteodd"" (Prog-Unit each unit definition table entry. AVAIL Program Unit Type Channel and Unit Address Optional Feature Digits 1. A two in this position indicates that the unit has been withdrawn from the UDT tobie, and will not be assigned to any program section. I 2. To withdraw any unit from the UDT, store a two in this position of the corresponding UOT entry. ( Example: Withdraw the 1052. Stare into loc 0102 A 20) 3. To add a withdraw unit, remove the two from that unit's UDT entry. ( NOTE: If loading from tape, never remove the two from the load device) 8/360 MODEL 30 89 / INDEX ADDITNE CARD CODE. ADDRESS CONVERSION. ADDRESS MARK BIT CONFIGURATION. ADDRESSES - SUGGESTED STANDARD. ADDRESSING - MAIN STORAGE ADDRESSING - ROS BLOCK DIAGRAM. ADDRESSING - ROS CARD POSITIONS . ADDRESSING OF UCW - I/O FORMAT. ALD PAGE NUMBER PREFIX DEFINITIONS. ALPHAMERIC INPUT/OUTPUT CODES & GRAPHICS ALU CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . ARRAY LAYOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . BIT ASSIGNMENTS FOR BYTES IN 1400 BUMP. BOARD LOCATION - 2030 . CHANNELS - MPX. . . . CHANNELS - SEL. . . . CHANNEL STATUS WORD. DATA FLOW SYSTEM/360 MOD 30 DATA FLOW/TIMING MULTIPLEX CHANNEL MICRO-PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . DIAGNOSTICS - 1401 COMPATIBILITY DIAGNOSTICS DIAGNOSTICS - CARD DESCRIPTION - STOP CONDITIONS. . . . . . . . . . DIAGNOSTICS ERROR MESSAGES DMA4 DIAGNOSTICS - LISTING . . . . . . DIAGNOSTICS - SENSE SWITCHES DMA4 DIODE LAYOUT - 32K ARRANGEMENT. DIODE PACK - PIN 2391181 DISK FORMA T CHANGES . . . . . . DMA4 ERROR MESSAGES. . . . . . DMA4 INITIALIZE OUTPUT MESSAGE. DMA4 RESTART PROCEDURES. . . . DMA4 SENSE SWITCHES . . . . . . DMA4 SWITCH SETTINGS FOR CONSOLE OVERLAY EBCDIC HEXIDECIMAL CHART. FUNCTIONAL DESIGNATIONS H REGISTER . . INITIALIZATION MESSAGES. . INTERFACE CONNECTOR CHART. K ADDRESSABLE BYTES - CPU . K ADDRESSABLE BYTES 1400 COMPATIBILITY LOCAL STORAGE - 1400 COMPATIBILITY LOCAL STORAGE - CPU . . LOGOUT CPU CHANNEL . . . . . . . MACHINE CHECK REGISTER. . . . . . MAIN ADDRESS REGISTER LAYOUT (M&N). MAIN STORAGE ADDRESSING . . MULTIPLEX CHANNEL CONTROL MPX AND SX MICRO-PROGRAM . M2I GATE AND SELECTION LOGIC S/360 MODEL 30 . 66 . 65 . 15 . 45 . 9 . 10 . 10 . 30 . 52 . 64 . 25 . 4 . 50 .76 . 32 . 32 .18 .28 . 29 . 83 . 78 . 80 . 80 . 79 . 2 . 2 . 62 . 80 . 89 . 88 . 79 . 79 . 72 . 60 .25 . 62 . 75 . 13 . 51 .51 . 13 . 35 . 25 . 5 . 9 .32 . 36 91 J INDEX NUMERIC INPUT/OUTPUT CODES & GRAPHICS OPERA TING PROCEDURE FOR SELECTOR CHANNEL FLT'S . . . . . . . . . . . OPERATOR'S FLOW CHART . . . . . . . ' . ORIENTA TION OF DIODE PACK (BY DIODE iI) • PLUG CHART - Bl BOARD . PLUG CHART - B2 BOARD . POWER RESISTOR LOCATION PROGRAM STATUS WORD. . READ ONLY STORAGE CONTROL. REGISTER DISPLAY AND FUNCTION REGISTERS S, MC, H . . . . ROS CONTROL FIELD CHANGES . . ROS CONTROL FIELD CHART . . . ROS CONTROL FIELD DESCRIPTION ROS FEA fURE ASSIGNMENTS ROS MICRO-WORD FORMAT. ROS PAGE ASSIGNMENTS. . ROS PARITY CHECK BITS. . ROS ROUTINE START ADDRESS ROS TRAPS IN PRIORITY ORDER. ROUTINE POINTERS. . . . . RPQ COMBINED ASSIGNMENTS. . RPQ VERSION ASSIGNMENTS . . SELECTOR-CHANNEL CONTROL. SPECIFICATION OF SLT MODULES FOR SYSTEM/360 MODEL 30 CPU. . . . STA TUS REGISTER . . . SYSTEM/360 DIAGNOSTICS TRAP ADDRESSER. . . . UNIT CONTROL WORD. . WORD - CHANNEL STATUS WORD - PROGRAM STATUS. WORD - UNIT CONTROL . . 1050 INTERFACE REGISTERS 1400 COMPATIBILITY CONSOLE INQUffiY STATION. 1400 COMPATIBILITY - K ADDR. BYTES. . . . . COMPA TIBILITY - LOCAL STORAGE . . . . . . l400 COMPATIBILITY - PROGRAMMED AND ERROR STOPS . . . . . . 1400 d MODIFIERS. . . . . . . 1400 OPERATION CODES . . . . 1401 CODE TO SYSTEM/360 CODE 1620 COMPATIBILITY . . . . . 1620 OP CODES. . . . . . . . 1620 PROGRAMMED AND ERROR STOPS . 2311/2841 FORMATS. . . . . . . . . 2821 HEX TO BCD TRANSLATION. . . . 2821 PRINT HAMMER DRIVER LOCATION 92 S/360 MODEL 30 . 63 . 84 .86 3 6 3 . 17 .20 . 38 .25 . 59 . 27 . 27 . 68 .26 . 67 . 12 . 19 . 19 . 61 . 71 .70 . 32 . 77 . 25 . 81 . 19 . 31 .18 .17 . 31 . 37 .40 . 51 . 51 .46 .42 .41 .44 .83 .53 .55 .14 .73 .74 CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE IBM Field Engineering Handbook, System/360 -- Model 30, Form 229-2116-2 From _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Office No. _ _ _ _ _ __ Circle one of the comments and explain in the space provided: Suggested Addition (page _ ) Suggested Deletion (page _ ) Explanation: Error (page_) -'~-'---'------------------------'-------------.- FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO. 10 ENDICOTT, NEW YORK BUSINESS REPLY MAIL NO POSTAGE STAMP NECESSARY IF MAILED IN POSTAGE W ILL BE PAID BY IBM Corporation FE Technical Operations Endicott, New York 13760 Attn: Department 793 U.S.A.
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