Agilent 34420A User's Guide
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The 34420A is a 71/2 digit, high performance nanovolt, micro-ohm meter. Its combination of bench-top and system features makes this meter a versatile solution for your testing requirements now and in the future. Convenient bench-top features • Built-in math operations including thermistor, thermocouple and RTD temperature measurements • Two channel input allows ratio and difference functions for voltage measurements • Highly visible vacuum-fluorescent display • Portable, ruggedized case with non-skid feet Flexible system features • HP-IB GPIB (IEEE-488) interface and RS-232 interface are standard • SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) and Keithley 181 compatibility • Readings at up to 250 per second Agilent 34420A HP 34420A Nano Volt/Micro Ohm Meter The Front-Panel at a Glance 1 2 3 4 2 Input channel select Measurement function keys Math operation keys Filter select key 5 6 7 8 Menu operation keys Range/number of digits displayed keys Single trigger/autotrigger/auto hold key Shift / local key The Front-Panel Menu at a Glance The menu is organized in a top-down tree structure with three levels. To turn on menu press: To move left/right To move up/down To enter a command press: A: MEASurement MENU 1: DIG FILTER Ø B: TEMPerature MENU Ø 1: PROBE TYPE 2: UNITS C: MATH MENU 1: STATS Ø Ø 2: INTEGRATE 2: NULL VALUE Ø Ø 3: RTD TYPE Ø 2: TRIG DELAY E: SYStem MENU ØØ 1: RDGS STORE 7: CHART NULL Ø 4: LOW POWER Ω 4:RTD Ro Ø Ø 2: INTERFACE Ø ØØ [1: SECURED] 6: CAL COUNT 5: T/C TYPE 5: LOW VOLT Ω Ø Ø 6: LoV LIMIT Ω 6: COLD JUNCT Ø 7: JUNCT TEMP 4: SCALE OFST ØØ 3: BAUD RATE Ø Ø Ø 3: N SAMPLES Ø Ø G: CALibration MENU 1: UNSECURED [5: INJECTED I] Ø Ø ØØ 2: SAVED RDGS 3: ERROR 4: TEST 8: DISPLAY 9: COMMA 10: PRESET F: Input/Output MENU 1: HP-IB ADDR Ø 3: SCALE GAIN D: TRIGger MENU 1: READ HOLD 3: OCOMP Ω Ø [2: CALIBRATE] 7: MESSAGE 4: PARITY Ø 5: CHART OUT 11: REVISION Ø Ø 6: CHART SPAN Ø 5: LANGUAGE [3: CHART ZERO] Ø [4: CHART GAIN] Ø NOTE: The commands enclosed in square brackets ([ ]) in the CAL MENU are "hidden" unless the meter is UNSECURED for calibration. 3 Display Annunciators *Adrs Rmt Man Trig OC Off Null Stats Scale ERROR Shift Ch1 Ch2 Ch1 - Ch2 Ch1 / Ch2 Turns on during a measurement. Meter is addressed to listen or talk over the HP-IB interface. Meter is in remote mode (using remote interface). Meter is using manual ranging (autorange is disabled). Meter is waiting for a single trigger or external trigger. Offset compensation is turned off. A null value is being used. Math statistics operations are being used. Math scaling operations are being used. Hardware or remote interface command error(s) detected. "Shift" key has been pressed. Meter input is on Channel 1. Meter input is on Channel 2. Meter is indicating the difference between inputs on channel 1 and channel 2. Meter is indicating the ratio of the inputs on channel 1 and channel 2. Ω LP 2W LoV Hold Filt Mem Meter is measuring resistance (Ohms). Meter is using low power Ohms. Meter is using 2-wire Ohms (annunciator off indicates a 4-wire measurement). Meter is using voltage limited Ohms. Automatic reading hold is enabled. The analog and/or the digital filter is enabled. Turns on when reading memory is enabled. To review the display annunciators, hold down the Shift key as you turn on the meter. 4 The Rear Panel at a Glance 1 2 3 4 Chassis ground Power-line fuse-holder assembly Power-line voltage setting Chart recorder output terminal (Analog out) 5 6 7 8 Voltmeter complete output terminal External trigger input terminal GPIB (IEEE-488) interface connector RS-232 interface connector Use the front-panel Input / Output Menu to: • Select the GPIB or RS-232 interface • Set the GPIB bus address • Set the RS-232 baud rate and parity 5 In This Book Quick Start Chapter 1 prepares the meter for use and helps you get familiar with a few of its front-panel features. Front-Panel Operation Chapter 2 introduces you to the front-panel menu and describes some of the meter’s menu features. Features and Functions Chapter 3 gives a detailed description of the meter’s capabilities and operation. You will find this chapter useful whether you are operating the meter from the front panel or from a remote interface. Remote Interface Reference Chapter 4 contains reference information to help you program the meter using a remote interface. Error Messages Chapter 5 lists the error messages that may appear as you are working with the meter. Each listing contains enough information to help you diagnose and solve the problem. Application Programs Chapter 6 contains several remote interface application programs to help you develop programs for your measurement application. Measurement Tutorial Chapter 7 discusses measurement considerations and techniques to help you obtain the best accuracy and reduce sources of measurement error. Specifications Chapter 8 lists the meter’s specifications and describes how to interpret these specifications. If you have questions relating to the operation of the meter, call 1-800-452-4844 in the United States, or contact your nearest Agilent Technologies Sales Office. 6 Contents Chapter 1 Quick Start To Prepare the Meter For Use 13 If the Meter Does Not Turn On 14 To Adjust the Carrying Handle 16 To Make Input Connections 17 To Measure Voltage 19 To Measure Resistance 20 To Measure Temperature With Thermistors 21 To Measure Temperature With RTDs 21 To Measure Temperature With Thermocouples 22 To Select a Range 23 To Set the Number of Digits 24 To Set the Integration Time 25 Front-Panel Display Formats 26 To Rack Mount the Meter 27 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation Front-Panel Menu Reference 31 A Front-Panel Menu Tutorial 33 To Select an Input Channel 41 To Select a Range 42 To Set or Change the Number of Digits 43 To Set the Integration Time 44 To Make Null (Relative) Measurements 45 To Store Minimum and Maximum Readings (Stats) 46 To Trigger the Meter 47 To Use Reading Hold 48 To Make Voltage Ratio and Difference Measurements 49 To Use Reading Memory 50 C o n t e n t s Chapter 3 Features and Functions General Measurement Configuration 55 Input Filters 55 Integration Time 58 Reducing Measurement Noise 60 Number of Digits Displayed 62 Ranging 64 Overload Detection 65 Voltage Measurement Configuration 66 Input Channels 66 Resistance Measurement Configuration 68 Temperature Measurement Configuration 71 Measurement Units 71 RTD Measurements 72 Thermistor Measurements 72 Thermocouple Measurements 73 7 Contents Chapter 3 Features and Functions (continued) Math Operations 74 Null (Relative) Operation 77 Reading Hold 79 Triggering 80 Trigger Source Choices 82 The Wait-for-Trigger State 85 Halting a Measurement in Progress 85 Number of Samples 86 Number of Triggers 86 Trigger Delay 87 Automatic Trigger Delays 89 System-Related Operations 90 Reading Memory 90 Error Conditions 92 Self-Test 93 Display Control 94 Comma Separators 95 Firmware Revision Query 95 SCPI Language Version 96 Voltmeter Complete Terminal 97 External Trigger Terminal 97 Chart Output (Analog Output) 98 Chart Rollover 100 Remote Interface Configuration 101 Remote Interface Selection 101 GPIB Address 102 HP-IB Baud Rate Selection (RS-232) 103 Parity Selection (RS-232) 104 Programming Language Selection 105 Connection to a Terminal or Printer (RS-232) 106 Calibration 107 Calibration Security 107 Calibration Count 110 Calibration Message 111 Defaults, Power-On and Reset States 112 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Command Summary 117 Simplified Programming Sequence 126 Using the MEASure? Command 128 Using the CONFigure Command 128 Using the range and resolution Parameters 129 Using the READ? Command 130 Using the INITiate and FETCh? Commands 131 The MEASure? and CONFigure Commands 134 Setting the Function, Range, and Resolution 137 Selecting the Input Channel 140 Special Resistance Measurement Commands 141 Temperature Measurement Commands 142 8 Contents Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference (continued) Null (Relative) Commands 145 Input Filter Commands 146 Math Operation Commands 148 Statistics operation commands (AVERage) 149 Scale operation commands 150 Triggering 151 The Wait-for-Trigger State 153 Triggering Commands 154 Chart Output (Analog Out) Commands 156 System-Related Commands 157 The SCPI Status Model 159 What is an Event Register? 159 What is an Enable Register? 159 What is a Condition Register? 159 SCPI Status System 160 The Status Byte 161 Using Service Request (SRQ) and Serial POLL 162 Using *STB? to Read the Status Byte 163 To Interrupt Your Bus Controller Using SRQ 163 To Determine When a Command Sequence is Completed 163 How to Use the Message Available Bit (MAV) 164 Using *OPC to Signal When Data is in the Output Buffer 164 The Standard Event Register 165 The Questionable Data Register 167 The Operational Status and Condition Registers 169 Status Reporting Commands 171 Calibration Commands 174 RS-232 Interface Configuration 176 RS-232 Configuration Overview 176 RS-232 Data Frame Format 177 Connection to a Computer or Terminal 177 Connection to a Printer 179 DTR / DSR Handshake Protocol 179 RS-232 Troubleshooting 181 RS-232 Interface Commands 182 An Introduction to the SCPI Language 183 SCPI Data Types 185 Input Message Terminators 186 Output Data Formats 186 Using Device Clear to Halt Measurements 187 TALK ONLY for Printers 187 GPIB Address 188 To Set the HP-IB To Select the Remote Interface 189 To Set the Baud Rate 190 To Set the Parity 191 To Select the Programming Language 192 Alternate Programming Language Compatibility 193 Specific Issues 193 SCPI Compliance Information 194 IEEE-488 Compliance Information 197 C o n t e n t s 9 Contents Chapter 5 Error Messages Execution Errors 201 Self-Test Errors 208 Calibration Errors 210 Chapter 6 ApplicationPrograms HP BASIC Language Programs 215 GPIB Program Example 1 215 HP BASIC / HP-IB GPIB Program Example 2 216 HP BASIC / HP-IB HP BASIC / HP-IB GPIB Program Example 3 218 GPIB Program Example 4 221 HP BASIC / HP-IB RS-232 Operations with QuickBASIC 223 Microsoft® Visual Basic Language Program 224 C Language Programs 231 Compiling and Linking a C Program 231 C / HP-IB GPIB Example 1 233 C / HP-IB GPIB Example 2 235 GPIB Program Example 3 239 C / HP-IB Microsoft® Excel Macro Example 243 Macro Comments 244 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error 249 Voltage Measurements 249 Resistance Measurements 258 Temperature Measurements 263 Cleaning the Connector Contacts 271 Input Connector 272 Obtaining Parts For the Input Connector 273 Chapter 8 Specifications Accuracy Specifications Measurement Characteristics Operating Characteristics Dimensions To Calculate Total Measurement Error 281 Interpreting Meter Specifications 285 Number of Digits and Overrange 285 Sensitivity 285 Resolution 286 Accuracy 286 24-Hour Accuracy 287 90-Day and 1-Year Accuracy 287 Temperature Coefficients 287 Configuring for Highest Accuracy Measurements 287 Index 289 Declaration of Conformity 295 10 1 Quick Start Quick Start This chapter helps you prepare the meter for use and contains exercises designed to get you started with the meter, its menus, and the front panel. The front panel has two rows of keys to select various functions and operations. Most keys have a shifted function printed in blue above the key. To perform a shifted function, press Shift (the Shift display annunciator will turn on). Then, press the key that has the desired label above it. For example, to select the temperature measurement function, press Shift DCV . If you accidentally press Shift , just press it again to turn off the Shift annunciator. The rear cover of this book is a fold-out Quick Reference Guide. On this cover you will find a quick summary of various meter features. Inside the rear cover is a diagram of the front panel menu options. 12 Chapter 1 Quick Start To Prepare the Meter For Use 1 To Prepare the Meter For Use The following steps help you verify that the meter is ready for use. 1 Check the list of supplied items. Verify that you have received the following items with your meter. If any item is missing, contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales Office. Agilent Technologies Sales Office. One low thermal input cable. One low thermal four-wire shorting plug. One power cord. This User’s Guide. One Service Guide. One folded Quick Reference card. Certificate of Calibration with removeable calibration label. One bottle of DeoxIT contact cleaner. 2 Connect the power cord and turn the meter on. The front panel display will light up while the meter performs its power-on self-test. The GPIB HP-IB bus address is displayed. The meter is left in 61/2 digit resolution, channel 1 input, and digital filter on. To view the display with all annunciators turned on, hold down Shift as you turn on the meter. 3 Perform a complete self-test. The complete self-test performs a more extensive series of tests than those performed at power-on. Hold down Shift as you press the power switch to turn on the meter; continue to hold Shift for more than 5 seconds. The self-test will begin when you release the key. If the self-test is successful, "PASS" is displayed on the front panel. If the test is not successful, "FAIL" is displayed and the ERROR annunciator turns on. See the Service Guide for instructions on returning the meter to Hewlett-Packard for service. Agilent for service. DeoxIT is a trademark of CAIG Laboratories, Inc., San Diego, California. 13 Chapter 1 Quick Start If the Meter Does Not Turn On If the Meter Does Not Turn On Use the following steps to help solve problems you might experience when turning on the meter. If you need more help, see the Service Guide Agilent for service. for instructions on returning the meter to Hewlett-Packard for service. 1 Verify there is ac power to the meter. First verify that the meter’s power switch is in the "On" position. Make sure the power cord is firmly plugged into the power module on the meter’s rear panel. Verify that the power source is energized. 2 Verify the power-line voltage setting. The line voltage is set to the proper value for your country when the meter is shipped from the factory. Change the voltage setting if it is not correct. The settings are: 100, 120, 220, or 240 Vac (for 230 Vac operation, use the 220 Vac setting). See the diagram on the next page to verify or change the setting. To replace the 250 mAT 250 V fuse, order part number 2110-0817. This fuse is used for all power line voltage settings. 14 Chapter 1 Quick Start If the Meter Does Not Turn On 1 Remove the power cord. Remove the fuse holder assembly from the rear 1 2 Install the fuse. Remove the line-voltage selector from the assembly. 250 mAT fuse (250V) 3 Rotate the line-voltage selector until the correct voltage appears in the window. 4 Replace the fuse-holder assembly in the rear panel. 100, 120, 220 (230), or 240 Vac Install the correct fuse and verify that the correct line voltage appears in the window. 15 Chapter 1 Quick Start To Adjust the Carrying Handle To Adjust the Carrying Handle To adjust the position, grasp the handle by the sides and pull outward. Then, rotate the handle to the desired position. Bench-top viewing positions 16 Carrying Position Chapter 1 Quick Start To Make Input Connections 1 To Make Input Connections Using the Cable Provided Align the front panel connector and cable conductors, press in. Tighten coupling nut. RED Torque to 20 in-lb maximum CH1 HI BLACK LO HI CH2 GREEN WHITE LO The connector and cable are an integral part of the measurement system. For the highest accuracy, use the copper cable and connectors supplied Agilent Technologies. by Hewlett-Packard. The conductors may require occasional cleaning to remove oxides. Cleaning the conductors is described on page 271. Warning The connector body and cable shield are connected to earth ground. 17 Chapter 1 Quick Start To Make Input Connections Using a Custom Cable Channel 1 DCV 4-WireΩ 2-WireΩ Thermistor HI LO + Source + Source and Sense + Source and Sense + – Source – Source and Sense – Source and Sense – Earth Ground (shell) Channel 2 DCV 4-WireΩ Thermocouple HI LO + Sense + + – Sense – – Refer to page 272 for additional information about building custom input cables. 18 Chapter 1 Quick Start To Measure Voltage 1 To Measure Voltage Channel 1 Ranges: 1 mV, 10 mV, 100 mV, 1 V, 10 V, 100 V Maximum resolution: 0.1 nV (on 1 mV range) Channel 2 Ranges: 1 mV, 10 mV, 100 mV, 1 V, 10 V Maximum resolution: 0.1 nV (on 1 mV range) Independent NULL for each channel Channel 1 LO to Channel 2 LO isolated to 150 Vpeak. RED DC Voltage BLACK CH1 CH2 GREEN DC Voltage WHITE DIFFERENCE RATIO VOLTAGE TOGGLES MEASUREMENT CHANNEL (SCAN) ALTERNATING MEASUREMENT CHANNELS Scan mode alternates between input channels every 3 seconds or every measurement, whichever is longer. 19 Chapter 1 Quick Start To Measure Resistance To Measure Resistance Ranges: 1 Ω , 10 Ω , 100 Ω , 1 kΩ , 10 kΩ , 100 kΩ , 1 MΩ Maximum resolution: 0.1 µ Ω (on 1 ohm range) See also Resistance Measurements on page 68. RED (SOURCE) CH1 GREEN CH2 (SENSE) WHITED 4-WIRE BLACK OR 4-WIRE RED 2-WIRE SOURCE BLACK GREEN NOT CONNECTED WHITE Resistance measurements use offset compensation. Offset compensation can be disabled if desired (see page 69). 20 2-WIRE Chapter 1 Quick Start To Measure Temperature With Thermistors 1 To Measure Temperature With Thermistors Thermistor type: 5 kΩ RED CH1 BLACK GREEN OPEN WHITE To Measure Temperature With RTDs 4-wire, type: α = .00385 (DIN/IEC 751) or α = .00391 R0 = 4.9 Ω to 2.1 kΩ RED (SOURCE) CH1 GREEN CH2 (SENSE) WHITE BLACK 21 Chapter 1 Quick Start To Measure Temperature With Thermocouples To Measure Temperature With Thermocouples Thermocouple types: B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T Reference: external thermistor, external fixed value, or internal thermistor. Channel 2 only. ISOTHERMAL BLOCK RED CH1 REFERENCE THERMISTOR BLACK GREEN CH2 EXTERNAL WHITE RED CH1 OPEN BLACK OR FIXED VALUE GREEN OR INTERNAL CH2 WHITE CH2 ICE BATH When using the internal thermistor as the temperature reference, you should make a custom cable to connect the thermocouple wire directly to the input terminals (see page 272). 22 Chapter 1 Quick Start To Select a Range 1 To Select a Range You can let the meter automatically select the range using autoranging or you can select a fixed range using manual ranging. Toggles between autoranging and manual ranging Selects a higher range and disables autoranging Selects a lower range and disables autoranging Man annunciator is on when manual range is enables • Autoranging is selected at power-on and after a remote interface reset. • Autorange thresholds: Down range at <10% of range Up range at >120% of range • If the input signal is greater than the present range can measure, the meter will give an overload indication ("OVLD"). • When making difference or ratio measurements, an overload on either channel will give an overload indication ("OVLD"). For voltage measurements, ranging is local to the selected channel. This means that you can select the ranging method (auto or manual) for each channel independently. When manually ranging, the selected range is local to the active channel; the meter remembers the range when you switch between channels. 23 Chapter 1 Quick Start To Set the Number of Digits To Set the Number of Digits You can set the display to show 41⁄2 , 51⁄2 , 61⁄2 , or 71⁄2 digits. In this book, the most significant digit (leftmost on the display) is referred to as the “1⁄2” digit, since it can only be a “0” or “1”. The number of digits displayed also depends upon the integration time set, see page 25. Selects 71⁄2 digits (100 PLC) Press the Shift key Selects 61⁄2 digits (10 PLC) Selects 51⁄2 digits (1 PLC) • The number of digits is set to 61⁄2 digits at power-on and after a remote interface reset. • The number of digits shown is dependent upon integration time and filter settings. The meter will not allow you to show more digits than the practical measurement capability of the meter. You can, however, reduce the number of digits shown. Fewer Digits 24 More Digits Chapter 1 Quick Start To Set the Integration Time 1 To Set the Integration Time Integration time is specified in Number of Power Line Cycles (NPLC). You can set the NPLC to 0.02, 0.2, 1, 2, 10, 20, 100, or 200. • You can set the integration time to one of three fixed values by choosing the number of digits displayed, see page 24. • You can set the integration time in the MEASure menu using the INTEGRATE command. • The Integration Time is directly related to the maximum number of digits the meter will display. NPLC Filter Off Max Digits Shown Filter On Max Digits Shown 0.02 41⁄2 51⁄2 0.2 51⁄2 61⁄2 1 61⁄2 71⁄2 2 61⁄2 71⁄2 10 61⁄2 71⁄2 20 71⁄2 71⁄2 100 71⁄2 71⁄2 200 71⁄2 71⁄2 • You can always show fewer digits than the maximum allowed (the minimum number of digits shown is 41⁄2). Integration Time is local to the selected function. This means that you can select the integration time for each function independently. The meter remembers integration time when you switch between functions. 25 Chapter 1 Quick Start Front-Panel Display Formats Front-Panel Display Formats -H.DDD,DDD,D EFF Front-panel display format. H D E F Negative sign or blank (positive) "1/2" digit (0 or 1) Numeric Digits Exponent (m,k,M) Measurement units 6 digits V This is the 1 V range, 61⁄2 digits are displayed. mV This is the 100 mV range, 51⁄2 digits are displayed. 1.021,651 "1/2" digit 5 digits -045.230 "1/2" digit 7 digits 0.133,256,7 Ω This is the 1 ohm range, 71⁄2 digits are displayed. "1/2" digit O.VLD mV This is an overload indication on the 1 mV range. 26 Chapter 1 Quick Start To Rack Mount the Meter 1 To Rack Mount the Meter You can mount the meter in a standard 19-inch rack cabinet using one of three optional kits available. Instructions and mounting hardware are included with each rack-mounting kit. Any System II instrument of the same size can be rack-mounted beside the 34420A meter. Remove the carrying handle, and the front and rear rubber bumpers, before rack-mounting the meter. To remove the handle, rotate it to the vertical position and pull the ends outward. To remove the rubber bumper, stretch a corner and then slide it off. 27 Chapter 1 Quick Start To Rack Mount the Meter To rack mount a single instrument, order adapter kit 5063-9240. To rack mount two instruments side-by-side, order lock-link kit 5061-9694 and flange kit 5063-9212. To install one or two instruments in a sliding support shelf, order shelf 5063-9255, and slide kit 1494-0015 (for a single instrument, also order filler panel 5002-3999). 28 2 Front-Panel Operation Front-Panel Operation This chapter assumes you are familiar with the meter and menu operations. You should also understand how to make connections for the various types of measurements. If you are not familiar with this information, please read chapter 1, "Quick Start", starting on page 11. This chapter does not give a detailed description of every front-panel key or menu operation. It does, however, give you a good overview of the front-panel menu and the most common front-panel operations. See chapter 3 “Features and Functions,” starting on page 53, for a complete discussion of the meter’s capabilities and operation. 30 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation Front-Panel Menu Reference Front-Panel Menu Reference A: MEASurement MENU 1: DIG FILTER Ø 2: INTEGRATE Ø 3: OCOMP Ω Ø 4: LOW POWER Ω Ø 5: LOW VOLT Ω Ø 6: LoV LIMIT Ω 1: DIG FILTER 2: INTEGRATE 3: OCOMP Ω 4: LOW POWER Ω 5: LOW VOLT Ω 6: LoV LIMIT Ω Selects the digital filter speed. Can be set to FAST, MEDIUM, or SLOW. Sets the measurement integration time. Enables or disables offset compensation for resistance measurements. Enables or disables low power ohms measurements. Enables or disables voltage limited resistance measurements. Sets the voltage limit for voltage limited resistance measurements. 2 B: TEMPerature MENU 1:PROBE TYPE Ø 2: UNITS Ø 3: RTD TYPE Ø 4:RTD Ro Ø 5:T/C TYPE Ø 6: COLD JUNCT Ø 7:JUNCT TEMP 1: PROBE TYPE 2: UNITS 3: RTD TYPE 4: RTD Ro 5: T/C TYPE 6: COLD JUNCT 7: JUNCT TEMP Selects thermocouples, thermistors, or RTDs as the temperature probe. Sets the measurement units to either °C, °F, or Kelvins. Sets the type of RTD in use. Sets the nominal (0°C) value for the RTD in use. Selects the type of thermocouple in use. Sets the source of the temperature reference junction. Allows direct entry of reference junction temperature. C: MATH MENU 1: STATS Ø 2: NULL VALUE Ø 3: SCALE GAIN Ø 4 : SCALE OFST 1:STATS 2: NULL VALUE 3: SCALE GAIN 4: SCALE OFST Recalls the values of minimum, maximum, standard deviation, average, peak-to-peak, and number of readings. Selects independent null settings for voltage on channels 1 and 2, resistance, and temperature functions. Sets the gain for linear scaling of the data. Sets the offset for linear scaling of data. D: TRIGger MENU 1: READ HOLD Ø 2: TRIG DELAY Ø 3: N SAMPLES 1: READ HOLD 2: TRIG DELAY 3: N SAMPLES Selects the reading hold sensitivity band. Specifies a time delay between the trigger and the start of the measurement. Sets the number of samples taken per trigger. 31 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation Front-Panel Menu Reference E: SYStem MENU 1: RDGS STOREØ2: SAVED RDGS Ø3: ERRORØ4: TESTØ5: CHART OUT Ø6: CHART SPANØ 7: CHART NULLØ8: DISPLAYØ9: COMMAØ10: PRESETØ11: REVISION 1: RDGS STORE 2: SAVED RDGS 3: ERROR 4: TEST 5: CHART OUT 6: CHART SPAN 7: CHART NULL 8: DISPLAY 9: COMMA 10: PRESET 11: REVISION Enables or disables reading memory. Recalls readings stored in memory (up to 1024 readings). Retrieves errors from the error queue (up to 20 errors). Performs a complete self-test or individual self-tests. Enables or disables the chart recorder output (Analog Out). Sets the chart recorder output range (Analog Out). Sets the chart recorder output offset (Analog Out). Enables or disables the front panel display. Enables or disables a comma separator between digits in the display. Returns the meter to factory default settings. Displays the meter’s firmware revision code. F: Input / Output MENU 1: HPIB ADDR Ø 2: INTERFACE Ø 3: BAUD RATE Ø 4: PARITY Ø 5: LANGUAGE 1: HP-IB ADDR 2: INTERFACE 3: BAUD RATE 4: PARITY 5: LANGUAGE Sets the GPIB bus address (0 to 30, default 22). Selects either the GPIB or RS-232 remote interface. Sets the baud rate for RS-232 operation. Selects even, odd, or no parity for RS-232 operation. Selects interface language, either SCPI or Keithley 181. G: CALibration MENU * 1: SECURED Ø [1: UNSECURED] Ø [2:CALIBRATE] Ø [3: CHART ZERO] Ø [4 : CHART GAIN] Ø [5: INJECTED I] Ø6:CAL COUNT Ø 7:MESSAGE 1: SECURED 1: UNSECURED 2: CALIBRATE 3: CHART ZERO 4: CHART GAIN 5: INJECTED I 6: CAL COUNT 7: MESSAGE The meter is secured against calibration; enter code to unsecure. The meter is unsecured for calibration; enter code to secure. Performs a calibration of meter; must be UNSECURED. Performs a calibration of the chart recorder output zero level. Performs a calibration of the chart recorder output gain. Performs a calibration to minimize the injected current. Reads the total number of times the meter has been calibrated. Reads the first 11 characters of a calibration string, if any, entered from the remote interface. * The commands enclosed in square brackets ( [ ] ) are "hidden" unless the meter is UNSECURED for calibration. 32 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation A Front-Panel Menu Tutorial A Front-Panel Menu Tutorial This section is a step-by-step tutorial which shows how to use the front-panel menu. We recommend that you spend a few minutes with this tutorial to get comfortable with the structure and operation of the menu. The menu is organized in a top-down tree structure with three levels (menus, commands, and parameters). You move down ∨ or up ∧ the menu tree to get from one level to the next. Each of the three levels has several horizontal choices which you can view by moving left < or right > . Menus Commands Parameters • To turn on the menu, press Shift < (Menu On/Off). • To turn off the menu, press Shift < (Menu On/Off), or press any of the function or math keys on the top row of front-panel keys. • To execute a menu command, press Auto/Man . • To recall the last menu command that was executed, press Shift (Menu Recall). > • To turn off the menu at any time without saving changes, press any function key If you become confused or get lost at any point during the tutorial, simply turn off the menu and start over again with step 1 for that example. 33 2 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation A Front-Panel Menu Tutorial Messages Displayed During Menu Use TOP OF MENU -You pressed ∧ while on the menus level; this is the top level of the menu and you cannot go any higher. To turn off the menu, press Shift < (Menu On/Off). To move across the choices on a level, press < or > . To move down a level, press ∨ . MENUS - You are on the menus level. Press < or > view the choices. COMMANDS - You are on the commands level. Press < or > to view the command choices within the selected menu group. PARAMETER - You are on the parameter level. Press < or > to view and edit the parameter for the selected command. MENU BOTTOM - You pressed ∨ while on the parameter level; this is the bottom level of the menu and you cannot go any lower. To turn off the menu, press Shift press ∧ . < (Menu On/Off). To move up a level, ENTERED - The change made on the parameter level is saved. This is displayed after you press Auto/Man (Menu Enter) to execute the command. MIN VALUE - The value you specified on the parameter level is too small for the selected command. The minimum value allowed is displayed for you to edit. MAX VALUE - The value you specified on the parameter level is too large for the selected command. The maximum value allowed is displayed for you to edit. EXITING - You will see this message if you turn off the menu by pressing Auto/Man (Menu On/Off) or a front-panel function/math key. You did not edit any values on the parameter level and changes were NOT saved. NOT ENTERED - You will see this message if you turn off the menu by pressing Shift < (Menu On/Off) or a front-panel function/math key. You did some editing of parameters but the changes were NOT saved. Press Auto/Man (Menu Enter) to save changes made on the parameter level. VOLTS ONLY - The requested function is only available for voltage measurements. UNAVAILABLE - The action requested is NOT allowed in the present configuration. 34 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation A Front-Panel Menu Tutorial The following steps show you how to turn on the menu, move up or down between levels, move across the choices on each level, and turn off the menu. In this example, you will turn off the display comma separator. Menu Example 1 The meter can display readings on the front panel with or without a comma separator. The following steps show how to disable the comma. - 0.824,153 V With comma separator (factory setting) - 0.824153 2 V Without comma separator On/Off Shift 1 < Turn on the menu. You enter the menu on the menus level. The MEAS MENU is your first choice on this level. A: MEAS MENU > > > > 2 Move across to the SYS MENU choice on this level. There are six menu group choices available on the menus level. Each choice has a letter prefix for easy identification (A: , B: , etc.). E: SYS MENU ∨ 3 Move down to the commands level within the SYS MENU. The RDGS STORE command is your first choice on this level. 1: RDGS STORE 35 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation A Front-Panel Menu Tutorial > > > > > > > > 4 Move across to the COMMA command on the commands level. There are eleven command choices available in the SYS MENU. Each choice on this level has a number prefix for easy identification (1: , 2: , etc.). 9: COMMA ∨ 5 Move down a level to the COMMA parameter choices. The first parameter choice is ON for the COMMA command (the comma setting is stored in non-volatile memory and ON is the factory setting). ON > 6 Move across to the OFF choice. There are two parameter choices for COMMA. OFF Auto/Man ENTER 7 Save the change and turn off the menu. The meter beeps and displays a message to show that the change is now in effect. You are then exited from the menu. The meter will no longer show commas in the display. ENTERED 36 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation A Front-Panel Menu Tutorial The following exercise demonstrates how to use the menu recall feature as a shortcut to set the COMMA command back to its original setting. You must perform the steps in Menu Example 1 before you start this example. Menu Example 2 Recall Shift > 1 Use menu recall to return to the COMMA command. 2 This returns you to the COMMA command, which was the last command used before you exited the menu in the Example 1. 9: COMMA v 2 Move down to the COMMA parameter choices. The first parameter choice is OFF (the current setting from Example 1). OFF > 3 Move across to the ON choice. Set the parameter back to its original value. ON Auto/Man ENTER 4 Save the change and turn off the menu. The meter beeps and displays a message to show that the change is now in effect. You are then exited from the menu. ENTERED 37 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation A Front-Panel Menu Tutorial Some commands in the menu require that you enter a numeric parameter value. The following steps show you how to enter a number in the menu. For this example, you will set the null value for channel 1 to –30 millivolts. Menu Example 3 Make sure the meter has channel 1 selected, is in the dc voltage function, and has 61⁄2 digits displayed. Connect the four-wire short to the meter input. On/Off Shift < 1 Turn on the menu. You enter the menu on the menus level. The MEAS MENU is your first choice on this level. A: MEAS MENU > > 2 Move across to the MATH MENU choice on this level. There are six menu group choices available on this level. C: MATH MENU v 3 Move down to the commands level within the MATH MENU. The STATS command is your first choice on this level. 1: STATS > 4 Move across to the NULL VALUE command. 2: NULL VALUE 38 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation A Front-Panel Menu Tutorial 5 v Move down to edit the NULL VALUE parameter. The null value should be 0.000000 V when you come to this point in the menu for the first time. For this example, you will first set the null value to –0.300000 volts. Ù0.000,000,0 2 V When you see the flashing “∧” on the left side of the display, you can abort the edit and return to the “commands” level by pressing ∧ . v 6 v Make the number negative. The left most character on the display toggles between +, – , and ^. – 0.000,000,0 > 7 > V Move the flashing cursor over to edit the second digit. Notice that the digit to the right of the decimal point is flashing. – 0.000,000,0 ^ ^ ^ 8 V Increment the digit until “3” is displayed. You decrement or increment each digit independently. Neighboring digits are not affected. – 0.300,000,0 V 39 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation A Front-Panel Menu Tutorial > > > > > > > 9 Move the flashing cursor over to the units location. Notice that the units are flashing on the right side of the display. – 0.300,000,0 V 10 Decrease the displayed number by a factor of 10. v Notice that the position of the decimal point changes and the displayed number increases by a factor of 10 and the mV annunciator is on. – 030.000,00 mV Auto/Man ENTER 11 Save the change and turn off the menu. The meter beeps and displays a message to show that the change is now in effect. You are then exited from the menu. ENTERED You will be returned to the normal measurement display, and, if you have installed the four-wire short, the display will show a positive measurement in the approximate amount of the null value just entered. The Null annunciator is on in the display. Keep in mind that null is turned on and - 0.03 volts is used as the null value for measurements. To clear the null value, press Null . Hint You can use the menu recall feature to save steps when entering the null value. First, press Null on the front panel and then press Shift > (Menu Recall). The meter will jump to the 2:NULL VALUE command. Press v . The null value in the display is the first reading taken after you turned NULL on. You can then edit this number as described. This is the end of the front-panel menu tutorial. The remainder of the chapter discusses several of the most common front-panel operations. 40 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation To Select an Input Channel To Select an Input Channel For voltage measurements, you have two independent input channels. 2 RED DC Voltage Channel 1 BLACK GREEN DC Voltage Channel 2 WHITE TOGGLES MEASUREMENT CHANNEL (SCAN) ALTERNATING MEASUREMENT CHANNELS • Pressing Channel toggles the display between Channel 1 and Channel 2. • Pressing Shift Channel (Scan) creates an alternating Channel 1 and Channel 2 display. Press Channel again to cancel. Scan mode alternates between input channels every 3 seconds or every measurement, whichever is longer. If you are using the scan mode, turn off all the input filters (both digital and analog), see page 55. 41 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation To Select a Range To Select a Range You can let the meter automatically select the range using autoranging or you can select a fixed range using manual ranging. Toggles between autoranging and manual ranging Selects a higher range and disables autoranging Selects a lower range and disables autoranging Man annunciator is on when manual range is enables • Autoranging is selected at power-on and after a remote interface reset. • Autorange thresholds: Down range at <10% of range Up range at >120% of range • If the input signal is greater than the present range can measure, the meter will give an overload indication (“OVLD”). • When making difference or ratio measurements, an overload on either channel will give an overload indication (“OVLD”). For voltage measurements, ranging is local to the selected channel. This means that you can select the ranging method (auto or manual) for each channel independently. When manually ranging, the selected range is local to the active channel; the meter remembers the range when you switch between channels. 42 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation To Set or Change the Number of Digits To Set or Change the Number of Digits You can set the display to show 41⁄2 , 51⁄2 , 61⁄2 , or 71⁄2 digits. In this book, the most significant digit (leftmost on the display) is referred to as the “1⁄2” digit, since it can only be a “0” or “1”. The number of digits displayed also depends upon the integration time set, see page 25. Press the Shift key Selects 71⁄2 digits (100 PLC) Selects 61⁄2 digits (10 PLC) Selects 51⁄2 digits (1 PLC) • The number of digits is set to 61⁄2 digits at power-on and after a remote interface reset. • The number of digits shown is dependent upon integration time and filter settings. The meter will not allow you to show more digits than the practical measurement capability of the meter. You can, however, reduce the number of digits shown. Fewer Digits More Digits 43 2 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation To Set the Integration Time To Set the Integration Time Integration time is specified in Number of Power Line Cycles (NPLC). You can set the NPLC to 0.02, 0.2, 1, 2, 10, 20, 100, or 200. Also see "Integration Time" on page 58. • You can set the integration time to one of three fixed values by choosing the number of digits displayed, see page 43. • You can set the integration time in the MEASure menu using the INTEGRATE command. • The Integration Time is directly related to the maximum number of digits the meter will display. NPLC Digital Filter Off Max Digits Shown Digital Filter On Max Digits Shown 0.02 41⁄2 51⁄2 0.2 51⁄2 61⁄2 1 61⁄2 71⁄2 2 61⁄2 71⁄2 10 61⁄2 71⁄2 20 71⁄2 71⁄2 100 71⁄2 71⁄2 200 71⁄2 71⁄2 • You can always select to show fewer digits than the maximum allowed (the minimum number of digits shown is 41⁄2 ). Integration Time is local to the selected function. This means that you can select the integration time for each function independently. The meter remembers integration time when you switch between functions. 44 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation To Make Null (Relative) Measurements To Make Null (Relative) Measurements Each null measurement, also called relative, is the difference between a stored null value and the input signal. See page 77. 2 Enables null operation; Press again to disable Null annunciator is on when null operation is enabled Reading = measurement – null value • You can make null measurements on any function or channel. You can set a null for each channel and function independently. The meter remembers the null value when you switch between input channels or functions. • To null the test lead resistance for more accurate two-wire ohms measurements, short the ends of the test leads together and then press Null . • The first reading taken after you press Null is stored as the null value in the Null Register. Any previously stored value is replaced with the new value. • After enabling null, you can edit the stored null value by pressing Shift > (Menu Recall). This takes you to the “NULL VALUE” command in the MATH MENU (only if null is enabled). Go down to the “parameter” level, and then edit the displayed value. 45 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation To Store Minimum and Maximum Readings (Stats) To Store Minimum and Maximum Readings (Stats) You can store the minimum and maximum readings during a series of measurements. The following discussion shows how to read the minimum, maximum, average, peak-to-peak, standard deviation, and reading count. Enables stats operation; Press again to disable Stats annunciator is on when stats operation is enabled • You can use stats with any function. When you change functions, stats operation is disabled. • Changing input channels or selecting Scan does not disable stats. The stored readings, however, are not marked as to the input channel. • After enabling stats, you can read the stored minimum, maximum, average, standard deviation, peak-to-peak, and count by pressing Shift > (Menu Recall). This takes you to the “STATS” command in the MATH MENU (only if stats is enabled). Go down to the “parameter” level ∨ , and then read the values by pressing < or > . • After reading the stored value, pressing Shift < (Menu On/Off) returns to the measurement display and continues stats operations. • The stored values are cleared when you turn stats on, turn off the power, or perform either a remote interface reset or preset. • The average and standard deviation are of all readings taken since stats was enabled (not just the average of the stored minimum and maximum). The count is the total number of readings taken since stats was enabled. 46 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation To Trigger the Meter To Trigger the Meter You can trigger the meter from the front panel using single trigger or autotrigger. 2 Toggles between autotrigger and reading hold Enables single trigger and triggers the meter Trig annunciator is on when the meter is waiting for single trigger (autotrigger disabled) * (sample) annunciator is on during each measurement • Autotriggering is enabled when you turn on the meter. Notice that the * (sample) annunciator turns on during each measurement. • Single triggering takes one reading each time you press Single and then waits for the next trigger. Continue pressing this key to trigger the meter. Using an External Trigger The external trigger mode is also enabled by pressing Single . It is like the single trigger mode except that you apply a trigger pulse to the rear-panel Ext Trig terminal. The meter is triggered on the negative edge of a TTL pulse. The front-panel Single key is disabled when in remote. 47 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation To Use Reading Hold To Use Reading Hold The reading hold feature allows you to capture and hold a stable reading on the display. When a stable reading is detected, the meter emits a beep and holds the value on the display. Toggles between autotrigger and reading hold * (sample) annunciator is on during each measurement • Reading hold has an adjustable sensitivity band to allow you to select which readings are considered stable enough to be displayed. The band is expressed as a percent of reading on the selected range. The meter will capture and display a new value only after three consecutive readings are within the band. • The default band is 0.10% of reading. After enabling reading hold, you can choose a different band by pressing Shift > (Menu Recall). This takes you to the “READ HOLD” command in the TRIG MENU (only if reading hold is enabled). Go down to the “parameter” level, and then select a value: 0.01%, 0.10%, 1.00%, or 10.00% of reading. • The sensitivity band is stored in volatile memory; the meter sets the band to 0.10% of reading when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. 48 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation To Make Voltage Ratio and Difference Measurements To Make Voltage Ratio and Difference Measurements To calculate a voltage ratio, the meter measures the voltages applied to the Channel 1 input terminals and Channel 2 input terminals. The calculation is as follows: Difference = ((Ch 1 voltage − Ch 1 Null ) − (Ch 2 voltage − Ch 2 Null )) − Null * Ratio = (Ch 1 voltage − Ch 1 Null ) (Ch 2 voltage − Ch 2 Null ) RED DC Voltage CH1 BLACK CH2 GREEN DC Voltage WHITE DIFFERENCE RATIO • Maximum input signal on Channel 1 is 120 Vdc, the meter will autorange on the actual input or can be manually set. • Maximum input signal on Channel 2 is 12 Vdc, the meter will autorange on the actual input or can be manually set. • Maximum voltage difference between Channel 1 LO and Channel 2 LO is 150 Vdc. • Null, if used, is independent for each channel. An additional null* of the difference can also be made. If null is used on either input channel, the ‘Null’ annunciator will flash when the difference function is selected. If you null the difference, the ‘Null’ annunciator will be steady. *The difference null is only available from the front panel. 49 2 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation To Use Reading Memory To Use Reading Memory The meter can store up to 1024 readings in internal memory. The following steps demonstrate how to store readings and retrieve them. 1 Select the function. Select any measurement function. You can change the function at any time during reading memory. 2 Single Select the single trigger mode. Notice that the Trig annunciator turns on. When reading memory is enabled, readings are stored when you trigger the meter. For this example, single triggering is used to store readings. You can also use auto triggering or reading hold. On/Off Shift < 3 Turn on the menu. A: MEAS MENU < < < 4 Move across to the SYS MENU choice on this level. E: SYS MENU v 5 Move down to a level to the RDGS STORE command. 1: RDGS STORE 50 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation To Use Reading Memory v 6 > Move down a level and then across to the “ON” choice. ON Auto/Man 7 ENTER 2 Save the change and exit the menu. Notice that the Mem (memory) annunciator turns on to indicate that the meter is ready to store readings. Up to 1024 readings can be stored in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order. When memory is full, the Mem annunciator will turn off. Readings are preserved until you re-enable reading memory at another time, turn off the power, or perform a remote interface reset. Single Single Single 8 Trigger the meter three times. This stores three readings in memory. Recall Shift > 9 Use menu recall to retrieve the stored readings. This takes you to the “SAVED RDGS” command in the SYS MENU. 2: SAVED RDGS 51 Chapter 2 Front-Panel Operation To Use Reading Memory 10 Move down a level to view the first stored reading. v Reading memory is automatically turned off when you go to the “parameter” level in the menu. The first reading displayed is the first reading that was stored (FIFO). If no readings are stored in memory, “EMPTY” is displayed. The first five digits of the reading and the reading number are displayed. After a brief pause, the reading number is removed and all reading digits are shown. The stored readings are displayed with their units ( µ, m, k, etc.) when appropriate. For example: Reading number 10.31607K: 11 Units 10.316076 > K 11 Move across to view the two remaining stored readings. > The readings are stored horizontally on the “parameter” level. If you press < when you first get to the “parameter” level, you will see the last reading and you will know how many readings were stored. On/Off Shift < 12 Turn off the menu. EXITING 52 3 Features and Functions Features and Functions You will find that this chapter makes it easy to look up all the details about a particular feature of the meter. Whether you are operating the meter from the front panel or from the remote interface, this chapter will be useful. This chapter is divided into the following sections: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • General Measurement Configuration, page 55 Voltage Measurement Configuration, page 66 Resistance Measurement Configuration, page 68 Temperature Measurement Configuration, page 71 Math Operations, page 74 Null (Relative) Operation, page 77 Reading Hold, page 79 Triggering, page 80 System-Related Operations, page 90 Voltmeter Complete Terminal, page 97 External Trigger Terminal, page 97 Chart Output (Analog Output) Operation, page 98 Remote Interface Configuration, page 101 Calibration, page 107 Defaults, Power-On and Reset States, page 112 Some knowledge of the front-panel menu will be helpful before you read this chapter. If you have not already read chapter 2, “Front-Panel Menu Operation,” starting on page 29, you may want to read it now. Chapter 4, “Remote Interface Reference,” starting on page 115, lists the syntax for the SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) commands available to program the meter. Throughout this manual, the following conventions are used for SCPI command syntax. Square brackets ( [] ) indicate optional keywords or parameters. Braces ( {} ) enclose a list of parameters separated with a vertical bar (|), use only one of the values . Triangle brackets ( <> ) indicate that you must substitute a value for the enclosed parameter. The actual command string you send to the meter should not include any of the conventions indicated above. 54 Chapter 3 Features and Functions General Measurement Configuration General Measurement Configuration This section contains information to help you configure the meter for making measurements. You may never have to change any of the measurement parameters discussed here, yet they are provided to give you the flexibility you might need. Input Filters Two input filters are available; a digital filter and an analog filter. You can enable the digital filter, the analog filter, or both. The digital filter may be used for any measurement type. The analog filter is only available for thermocouple temperature measurements and voltage measurements on the 1 mV, 10 mV, or 100 mV ranges. 3 TURN FILTERS ON OR OFF DIGITAL Ø ANALOG Ø ANA + DIG 55 Chapter 3 Features and Functions General Measurement Configuration • Front Panel operation: Press Shift Filter and scroll to one of DIGITAL, ANALOG, or ANA + DIG . Press Enter to enable the filter type. Press the Filter key to turn the filter on or off. To set the digital filter averaging, use the MEASurement menu 1: DIG FILTER command. • Remote operation: the following commands turn the filters off, on, set the digital filter count, : INPut:FILTer :STATe {OFF|ON} :TYPE {ANAlog | DIGital | BOTH} :DIGital:RESPonse {SLOW|MEDium|FAST} :DIGital:PRECharge {ON | OFF} Using the filters in remote operation is not recommended. Use: INPut:FILTer:STATe OFF to disable the filters. The digital filter is also disabled following a remote reset (*RST) or preset (SYStem:PREset). Use the math operation (AVERage) commands to obtain a single reading that is the average of a number of readings (see page 148). An example program is shown on page 221 in chapter 6. If you attempt to use the digital filter in remote operations, be aware of the following special conditions: The digital filter requires a number of readings to settle (10, 50 or 100). The digital filter readings only occur when the meter is triggered to take a reading. In remote operation a reading is only taken when requested. For example, if you have set the digital filter to MEDIUM (50 readings), you will need to request (trigger) 50 readings from the remote interface before the filter can settle. It is also possible that after 50 readings the digital filter will still not be settled as described in the next paragraph. The STATus:OPERational:CONDition register contains a bit that indicates the settled/unsettled state of the digital filter on a per reading basis. See page 169 in Chapter 4. You should check the state of this bit for each reading to ensure the digital filter count has not reset (filter reset operation is described in the next section). 56 Chapter 3 Features and Functions General Measurement Configuration Digital Filter • The digital filter is a moving average (boxcar) filter. Equal weighting is applied to all readings to calculate the displayed reading. • Three digital filters are available: SLOW (average last 100 readings), MEDIUM (average last 50 readings), or FAST (average last 10 readings) • When the digital filter is enabled, the ‘Filt’ annunciator flashes until the required number of readings are obtained. The measurement displayed before the ‘Filt’ annunciator is steady is the average of the number of readings taken so far. For example, with the filter set to MEDIUM (average of 50 readings), the measurement displayed after 20 readings will be the average those 20 readings. The ‘Filt’ annunciator will flash until 50 readings have been taken. • The filter count resets (and the ‘Filt’ annunciator will flash) if the function, range, integration time, or channel is changed. • The filter count resets if a reading is outside a set range of the average. The amount of input reading change required to reset the filter count is: FAST MEDIUM SLOW 1mV Range All Other Ranges ± 400 ppm of range ± 700 ppm of range ± 2000 ppm of range ± 100 ppm of range ± 300 ppm of range ± 1000 ppm of range Analog Filter The analog filter is an 11 Hz, two-pole low pass filter. Use this filter to remove line frequency noise from the input measurement. • The filter requires approximately 300 milliseconds after the input is present to settle. Using the filter, therefore, slows the measurement rate significantly. • Use the analog filter only when line power noise (50/60 Hz) is causing an overload (OVLD) condition. See page 65. • The analog filter is available for voltage and thermocouple temperature measurements. The analog filter is not available for resistance measurements. • The analog filter is available for the 1 mV, 10 mV, and 100 mV ranges. 57 3 Chapter 3 Features and Functions General Measurement Configuration Integration Time Integration time is the period during which the meter’s analog-to-digital (A/D) converter samples the input signal for a measurement. Integration time affects the measurement resolution (for better resolution, use a longer integration time), and measurement speed (for faster measurements, use a shorter integration time). • Integration time is specified in number of power line cycles (NPLCs). The choices are 0.02, 0.2, 1, 2, 10, 20, 100, or 200 power line cycles. The default is 10 NPLCs. • The integration time is stored in volatile memory; the meter selects 10 NPLC when power has been off or after an interface reset. • Only the integer number of power line cycles (1, 2, 10, 20, 100 or 200 NPLC) provide normal mode (line frequency noise) rejection. • Integration time is related to the maximum number of digits the meter will display. You can always choose to show fewer digits than the maximum allowed (the minimum number of digits shown is 41⁄2). 58 NPLC Digital Filter Off Max Digits Shown Digital Filter On Max Digits Shown 0.02 41⁄2 51⁄2 0.2 51⁄2 61⁄2 1 61⁄2 71⁄2 2 61⁄2 71⁄2 10 61⁄2 71⁄2 20 71⁄2 71⁄2 100 71⁄2 71⁄2 200 71⁄2 71⁄2 Chapter 3 Features and Functions General Measurement Configuration • Front Panel operation: Integration time can be set indirectly when you select the number of digits (See page 43). You can also set the integration time in the MEASurement menu with the 2: INTEGRATE command. • Remote operation: Refer to the table on page 129. Use one of the following commands: [SENSe:] VOLT:DC:NPLC {0.02|0.2|1|2|10|20|100|200|MIN|MAX} FRES|RES :NPLC {0.02|0.2|1|2|10|20|100|200|MIN|MAX} TEMP:NPLC {0.02|0.2|1|2|10|20|100|200|MIN|MAX} 3 Integration time and resolution are related. The CONFigure and MEASure? commands can also set the integration time, see page 129. Integration Time is local to the selected function. This means that you can select the integration time for each function independently. The meter remembers the integration time when you switch between functions. 59 Chapter 3 Features and Functions General Measurement Configuration Reducing Measurement Noise At high resolutions and low measurement levels, measurement noise can become an important factor in the accuracy of your measurements. One possible source of measurement noise is the wiring and cabling in the test setup. These noise sources and their effects are discussed in Chapter 7, "Measurement Tutorial". A smaller level of noise is also inherent in the meter itself. To minimize the effects of noise on your measurements, use the highest possible integration time (NPLC) and average the readings. Faster reading rates are more susceptible to noise. Choosing the best NPLC and averaging method for your measurement requires a tradeoff between the reading rate and the level of acceptable noise in the resulting measurement. The Integration Time (NPLC) and averaging can be multiplied to create an equivalent NPLC. The equivalent NPLC defines the reading rate and characterizes the expected noise level. Averaging can be performed in the meter by using either the digital filter or by using the statistics (Stats) mode of operation. Measurement noise characteristics of the meter closely match theoretical gaussian noise distributions. The graph on the next page shows typical input noise measurements for the 1 mV range with the low thermal shorting plug applied to the input terminals. Other functions and ranges will exhibit similar noise reduction characteristics versus NPLC. For example, if you set the NPLC to 20 and enable the digital filter set to FAST (10 reading average), the equivalent NPLC is 200. At an equivalent NPLC of 200, the reading rate is approximately 6 readings per minute (digital filter fully settled) and the typical noise level expected is 1.6 nVrms. Alternately, if you take readings every 5 minutes, you can set an equivalent NPLC of 5000 to minimize the noise in the measurement. An equivalent NPLC of 5000 could be obtained by setting the integration time to 100 NPLC and enabling the digital filter set to MEDIUM (50 reading average). At this equivalent NPLC, a typical noise level of 0.35 nVrms can be expected. 60 Chapter 3 Features and Functions General Measurement Configuration 30 minute measurement, ±0.5° C, zero input, rms noise (typical) nV rms Noise 3 Equivalent NPLC Readings per second Readings per minute Approximate Reading Rate Minutes per reading • Front Panel operation: Integration time can be set indirectly when you select the number of digits (See page 43). You can also set the integration time in the MEASurement menu with the 2: INTEGRATE command. Enable the digital filter and set the filter reading average as described on page 55. • Remote operation: Set the integration time for the measurement function. If possible, use NPLC 200. If you use the CONFigure or MEASure commands, refer to the table on page 129. Use the math operations (AVERage) to average the readings or average the readings in your program. An example program that uses the math operations to average readings is shown on page 221 in Chapter 6. Do not use the digital filter to average readings, see page 56. 61 Chapter 3 Features and Functions General Measurement Configuration Number of Digits Displayed Front Panel operation only. See also “Integration Time,” on page 58. • You can set the number of digits shown in the display to 4, 5, 6, or 7 full digits, plus a “1⁄2” digit which can only be a “0” or “1”. • You can set both the number of digits displayed and the Integration Time in a single operation by pressing digits keys (see page 43). • You can change the number of digits displayed without disturbing the Integration Time settings by pressing the < or > keys (see page 43). • The number of digits is set to 61⁄2 digits at power-on and after either a remote interface reset or preset. • The number of digits shown is dependent upon integration time and filter settings. The meter will not allow you to show more digits than the practical measurement capability of the meter. You can, however, reduce the number of digits shown. The minimum number of digits available is 41⁄2. (See the table on page 58). 62 Chapter 3 Features and Functions General Measurement Configuration 7 digits Ω 0.003,256,4 This is the 1 ohm range, 71⁄2 digits are displayed. "1⁄2" digit 6 digits 0.216,569 mV 3 This is the 1 mV range, 61⁄2 digits are displayed. "1⁄2" digit 5 digits -045.231 mV This is the 100 mV range, 51⁄2 digits are displayed. "1⁄2"digit 63 Chapter 3 Features and Functions General Measurement Configuration Ranging You can let the meter automatically select the range using autoranging or you can select a fixed range using manual ranging. Autoranging is convenient because the meter automatically selects the appropriate range for each measurement. However, you can use manual ranging for faster measurements since the meter does not have to determine which range to use for each measurement. • The selected mode (auto or manual range) is stored in volatile memory; the meter returns to autoranging when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. • Autorange thresholds: Down range at <10% of range Up range at >120% of range • If the input signal is greater than the present range can measure, the meter gives an overload indication: “OVLD” from the front panel or “9.90000000E+37” from the remote interface. • For ratio and difference measurements, the specified range is independent for both Channel 1 and Channel 2. ^ v Auto/ Man • Front Panel operation: Press a front-panel RANGE key to set manual ranging and to up or down range. Press the Auto/Man key to return to autoranging. See also “To Select a Range,” on page 42. • Remote operation: Range is set with parameters in the MEASure and CONFigure subsystems. For example: CONF:VOLT:DC 10.0 Sets the 10 Volt DC range Range can be set directly with the SENSe subsystem. For example: SENS:VOLT:DC:RANGe 0.001 SENS:RES:RANGE:AUTO 64 Sets the 1 mV DC range Sets auto ranging on 2-wire resistance measurements Chapter 3 Features and Functions General Measurement Configuration Overload Detection The 34420A uses both an analog and digital method to generate an overload condition and display the OVLD message. An understanding of the cause of the overload can help you make more accurate measurements. Digital Overload Detection The digital overload detect occurs when the magnitude of the measurement is greater than 120% of the Range. For example, on the 1 volt Range, signal levels of greater than ± 1.2 volts will cause an OVLD in the display. 3 Analog Overload Detection Another type of overload can result in measurement errors that are hard to identify. For example if an overload signal only occurs for a portion of the measurement period, the input amplifier could become non-linear resulting in an inaccurate reading. The displayed result may appear to be correct because the overload signal only occurred during a small portion of the measurement cycle. The 34420A detects this problem by providing comparators on the input amplifier. If signals large enough to overload the input amplifier are detected, the display will read OVLD. The comparators detect signals greater than 140% of the range setting. If an overload occurs, two solutions are possible. • Setting the meter to the next higher range will provide 10 times improvement in the overload signal handling capability. For example,if you are measuring on the 1 mV range and have 2 mV rms of power line (50 or 60 Hz) pickup, the noise overload comparators would sense the peaks of the signals and an OVLD message would be displayed. If you set the range to 10 mV, the resolution (with 7 digits) is still 1 nanovolt, and the reading rate is faster than if ANALOG FILTER had been turned on. Additionally, the 10 mV range noise is almost as low as the 1 mV range. • Alternately, if using the 1 mV, 10 mV, or 100 mV ranges, turn on the ANALOG FILTER. The reading rate slows down with the filter on. In the case of a larger overloads (for example, 20 mV rms noise on the 1 mV range) using the ANALOG FILTER would give a lower noise result than changing to the 100 mV range. 65 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Voltage Measurement Configuration Voltage Measurement Configuration Input Channels The meter has two independent input channels for measuring dc Volts. You can make measurements on either or both channels, measure the difference between the channels, or measure the ratio between the channels. Each channel has an independent settings for null and range. The figure on page 19 shows connections for two input channels. • Channel 1 is the default input channel. Both channels use the same integration time setting. • The maximum measurable input on Channel 1 is 120V, on Channel 2 is 12 V. • For two channel operation, the maximum voltage difference between Channel 1 LO and Channel 2 LO is ±150 V. • For either channel, the maximum non-destructive input is ±150 V. Channel • If you enable input filters, the filters are active for both input channels. Switching between the channels will reset the digital filter reading count (see page 57). • Front Panel operation: Toggle the input channel by pressing the Channel key on the front panel. The CH1 or CH2 annunciator will light in the display. The meter keeps range and null settings independently for each channel. Scan Shift Choose the scan mode to alternately show the CH1 and CH2 readings. Disable the digital filter when using the scan mode. In scan mode, the meter alternates between the CH1 and CH2 readings every 3 seconds or for each measurement (whichever is longer). Channel 66 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Voltage Measurement Configuration • Remote operation: The CONFigure and MEASure subsystems use an optional parameter to specify the input channel as either 1 or 2: CONF:VOLT:DC DEF, DEF,(@FRONTl) CONF:VOLT:DC DEF, DEF,(@FRONT2) Channel 1 operation Channel 2 operation The SENSe subsystem uses a keyword modification to indicate the channel: SENS1:VOLT:DC:RANG:AUTO SENS2:VOLT:DC:RANG:AUTO Ch1 - Ch2 Channel 1 operation Channel 2 operation Two Channel Measurements • Difference measurements: First, set the range and null value for each input channel. Then, select difference measurements. 3 Difference = ((Ch 1 voltage − Ch 1 Null ) − (Ch 2 voltage − Ch 2 Null )) − Null* Shift Ch1- Ch2 • Ratio measurements: First, set the range and null value for each input channel. Then, select ratio measurements. Ratio = (Ch 1 voltage − Ch 1 Null ) (Ch 2 voltage − Ch 2 Null ) • Remote operation: use the following commands to measure or configure a difference or ratio measurement. Set each channel to the appropriate range and null conditions using: [SENSe1: | SENSe2:] VOLTage:DC :RANGE:NULL:STATe {OFF | ON} :NULL:VALue { | MIN | MAX} Then use the following commands to measure the ratio or difference: MEASure:VOLTage:DC :RATIO? :DIFFerence? CONFigure:VOLTage:DC :RATIO :DIFFerence [SENSe:]FUNCtion "VOLTage:RATio" [SENSe:]FUNCtion "VOLTage:DIFFerence" *Difference Null is only available from the Front Panel. 67 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Resistance Measurement Configuration Resistance Measurement Configuration The meter can make 2-wire or 4-wire ohms measurements. The meter can compensate for voltages in the resistive circuit being measured using offset compensation. You can also choose to either limit the power applied or limit the open circuit voltage applied during a resistance measurement. The test current sourced by the meter depends upon the range and conditions as shown below: Range Test current 2-wire or 4-wire measurements 1Ω 10 Ω 100 Ω 1 kΩ 10 kΩ 100 kΩ* 1 MΩ* 10 mA 10 mA 10 mA 1 mA 100 µA 10 µA 5 µA 4-wire measurements Low Power Voltage Limited 10 mA 10 mA 1 mA Not Available 1 mA 100 µA 10 µA 5 µA 5 µA 100 µA Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available * Offset Compensation is not applied to measurements on these ranges 68 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Resistance Measurement Configuration Offset Compensated Measurements Offset compensation removes the effect of any voltages in the circuit being measured. The technique involves taking two measurements, one with the current source turned on, and one with the current source turned off and computing the difference. A description of this operation is given on page 259. • Front Panel operation: Offset compensation is on at power on. Turn offset compensation off under the 3: OCOMP Ω command in the MEASure menu. • Remote operation: Offset compensation is off following a remote reset or preset. Use the following command to change the state of offset compensation: 3 SENSe: FRESistance:OCOMpensated {OFF|ON} RESistance:OCOMpensated {OFF|ON} Low Power Measurements Low Power measurements use a reduced output measurement current to limit the power dissipation in the circuit being measured. • Low Power measurements apply only to 4-wire ohms measurements. • When the low power measurement mode is enabled, the ‘LP’ annunciator is on in the display. • Setting the Voltage Limited measurement mode will cancel the Low Power mode. • Front Panel operation: set low power mode under the 4: LOW POWER Ω command in the MEASure menu. • Remote operation: use the following command to set the low power ohms mode: SENSe:FRESistance:POWer:LIMit {OFF|ON} 69 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Resistance Measurement Configuration Voltage Limited Measurements Voltage limited resistance measurements clamp the open circuit voltage to predefined limits. • Voltage limits apply only to 4-wire ohms measurements. • Voltage limited resistance measurements are only available on the 10 Ω and 100 Ω ranges. If a manual range is selected in either 2-wire or 4-wire ohms, and then Voltage Limited measurements are enabled, the range will be set to the highest valid range (either 10 Ω or 100 Ω ). • The open circuit voltage can be limited to 20 mV, 100 mV, or 500 mV. • Setting the Low Power measurement mode will cancel the Voltage Limited mode. • Front panel operation: Enable or disable the voltage limit under the 5: LOW VOLT Ω command in the MEASure menu. Set the voltage limit under the 6: LoV LIMIT Ω command in the MEASure menu. • Remote operation: the following command enables or disable the low voltage limit mode: SENSe:FRESistance:VOLTage:LIMit {OFF|ON} Set the limit with the following command: SENSe:FRESistance:VOLTage:LIMit:VALue { |MIN|MAX} 70 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Temperature Measurement Configuration Temperature Measurement Configuration This section contains information to help you configure the meter for making temperature measurements. To measure temperature, you will need a temperature transducer. Transducer descriptions and specific comments about their usage are given on page 263. The meter supports three general categories of transducer: • RTD (Resistive Temperature Device) • THERM (Thermistor) • T/C (Thermocouple) 3 The meter supports specific types of transducers in each category: RTD’s R0 = 4.9 Ω to 2.1 kΩ α = 0.00385 (DIN/IEC 751) α = 0.00391 Thermistor Thermocouples 5k Ω B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T Once you set the measurement units, probe type, and transducer type, the setting is stored in non-volatile memory. This makes the last probe type used the default probe type. Measurement Units • The meter can report temperature in °C (Celsius), °F (Fahrenheit), or K (Kelvins). • The measurement units set are stored in non-volatile memory. • Front Panel Operation: Set the units under the 2: UNITS command in the TEMPerature menu. • Remote operation: Set the units using the following command: UNIT:TEMPerature {C|F|K} 71 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Temperature Measurement Configuration RTD Measurements • The meter supports RTDs with α = 0.00385 (DIN/IEC 751) or α = 0.00391. The nominal value of the RTD (R0) must be in the range of 4.9 Ω to 2.1 kΩ. RTD Connections are shown on page 21. • The meter makes a 4-wire measurement for RTD’s. All four input leads must be connected. • Front Panel operation: Set RTD as the probe type under the 1: PROBE TYPE command in the TEMPerature menu. Select the RTD type under the 3: RTD TYPE command in the TEMPerature menu. Enter the 0° C resistance of the RTD (R0) in the 4: RTD R0 command in the TEMPerature menu. • Remote operation: Use the following commands for temperature measurements with RTD’s: CONFigure:TEMPerature FRTD,{85|91}[,1, ] MEASure:TEMPerature? FRTD, {85|91}[,1, ] SENSe:FUNCtion "TEMPerature" SENSe:TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TYPE FRTD SENSe:TEMPerature:TRANsducer:FRTD:TYPE {85|91} SENSe:TEMPerature:TRANsducer:FRTD:RESistance Thermistor Measurements • Only the 5 kΩ thermistor type is supported. Thermistor connections are shown on page 21. • The thermistor must be connected to the Channel 1 inputs. • Front Panel operation: Set THERM as the transducer type under the 1: PROBE TYPE command in the TEMPerature menu. • Remote operation: use the following commands for temperature measurements with a thermistor: CONFigure:TEMPerature THER, DEF,[,1, ] MEASure:TEMPerature? THER, DEF,[,1, ] SENSe:FUNCtion "TEMPerature" SENSe:TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TYPE THER 72 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Temperature Measurement Configuration Thermocouple Measurements • The thermocouple must be connected to the Channel 2 inputs. Be sure to observe the correct polarity. Thermocouple connections are shown on page 22. • Thermocouple measurements require a reference junction temperature. You can input a known fixed junction temperature, use an external thermistor temperature, or use the internal thermistor temperature as the reference junction temperature. The accuracy of the measurement is very dependent upon the thermocouple connections and the reference junction temperature. Use a fixed temperature reference for highest accuracy measurements. The internal thermistor reference produces the lowest accuracy measurements. See page 265 for a discussion of the reference junction temperature measurements. 3 • Front Panel operation: Set T/C as the probe type under the 1: PROBE TYPE command in the TEMPerature menu. Select the thermocouple type under the 4: T/C TYPE command in the Temperature menu. Set the reference junction temperature source under the 5: COLD JUNCT command in the TEMPerature menu. If you used a FIXed reference junction temperature, set the reference temperature under the 6: JUNCT TEMP command in the TEMPerature menu. The number entered must be in the range of –1° C to 55° C. • Remote operation: use the following commands for temperature measurements using thermocouples: CONFigure:TEMPerature TC,{B|E|J|K|N|R|S|T}[,1, ] MEASure:TEMPerature? TC,{B|E|J|K|N|R|S|T}[,1, ] SENSe: FUNCtion "TEMPerature" TEMPerature:TRANsducer :TYPE TC :TCouple :TYPE {B|E|J|K|N|R|S|T} :RJUNction:TYPE {FIXed|INTernal|THERmistor} :RJUNction { |MIN|MAX} 73 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Math Operations Math Operations There are two math operations available, only one of which can be enabled at a time. You can choose to either scale the readings as they are taken, or keep statistics on a group of readings. The selected math operation remains in effect until you disable it, change functions, turn off the power, or perform a remote interface reset. Scaling • The scaling is applied as: reading = gain ∗ (measurement − offset) Scale Shift Stats • Front Panel operation: Set the values of gain and offset in the MATH menu. Enable scaling by pressing the scale key. The Stats annunciator will light in the display. • Remote operation: the math operations and registers are controlled using commands within the CALCulate command subsystem. First, select the math operation you want to use CALCulate:FUNCtion SCALe Then, set the values for gain and offset. CALCulate:SCALe:GAIN CALCulate:SCALe:OFFSet Finally, enable the selected math function by turning the math state on: CALCulate:STATe ON 74 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Math Operations Statistics • After you enable statistics, the first reading that the meter takes is stored as both the minimum and maximum value. The minimum is replaced with any subsequent value that is less. The maximum is replaced with any subsequent value that is greater. • All values are stored in volatile memory; the meter clears the values when stats is turned on, when power has been off, or after a remote interface reset or preset. • When enabled, the following statistics are available: MIN MAX AVER STD DEV PEAK – PEAK COUNT minimum reading maximum reading arithmetic average of all readings standard deviation of all readings peak to peak value of minimum and maximum the total number of readings • Front Panel operation: Enable the statistics by pressing the Stats key. Read the statistics gathered in the MATH menu under the STATS command. After reading the stored statistics, press Shift < (Menu On/Off) to return to the measurement and continue taking statistics. 75 3 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Math Operations • Remote operation: the math operations and registers are controlled using math operation commands. First, select the math operation you want to use CALCulate:FUNCtion AVERage Then, enable the selected math function by turning the math state on: CALCulate:STATe ON When you have finished collecting readings, obtain the desired statistics: CALCulate:AVERage :MINimum? :MAXimum? :AVERage? :SDEViation? :PTPeak? :COUNt? After reading the statistics, supply another trigger to continue taking measurements and collecting statistics. Measurements are not taken while reading the results. If you are interested in the statistics on a number of readings, but not the readings themselves, you can use the following command: DATA:FEED RDG_STORE, "" The null value parameter in the command tells the meter not to store the individual readings. The meter does, however, accumulate statistics on the readings. This method removes the 1024 reading limitation and you can calculate statistics on any number of readings. See page 150 for more information. 76 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Null (Relative) Operation Null (Relative) Operation When making null measurements, also called relative, each reading is the difference between the input signal and a stored null value. You could, for example, make a more accurate two-wire ohms measurement by shorting the test leads and pressing Null to remove the test lead resistance. See also “To Make Null (Relative) Measurements,” on page 45. Reading = measurement – null value • The null value is adjustable and you can set it to any value between 0 and ± 120% of the highest range, for the present function. • The null value is stored in volatile memory; the value is cleared when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. • Each function and channel has an independent null value. For voltage measurements, each input channel has an independant null. Temperature measurement null is applied to all temperature measurements (if you change the probe type, null is still enabled and applied). The null for resistance measurements applies to both 2-wire and 4-wire measurements. • The null value is stored in the meter’s Null Register. There are two ways you can specify the null value. First, you can enter a specific number into the register from the front-panel menu or from the remote interface. Any previously stored value is replaced with the new value. If you are operating the meter from the front panel, entering a null value also turns on the null function. The second way to enter the null value is to let the meter store the first reading in the register. Press the Null key to make the displayed measurement the null value and enable the Null operation. After you enable null, the first reading displayed will be zero. If you entered a number into the register, as described in the paragraph above, the first reading does not overwrite the stored value. • Since an independent null value is stored for each input channel, difference or ratio functions also use these null values. Additionally, when using the difference function, an additional difference null can be applied (the difference null is only available from the front panel). See page 67 for a description of how null is applied to difference and ratio functions. 77 3 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Null (Relative) Operation • Front-panel operation: After enabling null, you can edit the stored null value by pressing Shift > (Menu Recall). Any previously stored value is replaced with the new value. Turning on the menu does not disable the null operation; the meter will resume taking measurements when you turn off the menu. When null is enabled, the Null annunciator lights in the display. For ratio or difference measurement, if either input channel has a null enabled, the Null annunciator will flash. If you apply the difference null, the Null annunciator will light (not flash). • Remote interface operation: You can use the following commands to make null measurements. Null must be enabled before you can store a value in the Null Register. SENSe1 | SENSe2 :VOLTage:DC :NULL {OFF|ON} :NULL { |MIN|MAX} [SENSe:] FRESistance | RESistance :NULL { OFF | ON } :NULL { |MIN|MAX} TEMPerature :NULL { OFF | ON } :NULL { |MIN|MAX} To enable null and set a null value (0.10) for the 2-wire resistance function execute the following commands in the order shown. SENS:RES:NULL ON SENS:RES:NULL 0.10 You can use the first reading as a null value from the remote interface by first setting the function, range, and resolution and then executing the following command: [SENSe:]NULL [{OFF | ON | ONCE}] 78 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Reading Hold Reading Hold The reading hold feature allows you to capture and hold a stable reading on the front-panel display. This is especially useful in situations where you want to take a reading, remove the test probes, and have the reading remain on the display. When a stable reading is detected, the meter beeps and holds the reading on the display. The reading hold feature is available only from the front panel. If you go to remote when reading hold is enabled, the meter ignores it; when you return to local (front panel), reading hold is enabled again. • Reading hold has an adjustable sensitivity band (adjustable only from the front panel) to allow you to select which readings are considered stable enough to be displayed. The band is expressed as a percent of reading, on the selected range. The meter will capture and display a new value only after three consecutive readings are within the band. Select one of these values: 0.01%, 0.10% (default), 1.00%, or 10.0% of reading. For example, assume that the 1.00% band is selected and a 5 volt signal is applied to the meter. If three consecutive readings are between 4.95 volts and 5.05 volts, the meter will beep and display a new reading. • The sensitivity band is stored in volatile memory; the meter sets the band to 0.10% when power has been off or after an interface reset. • If the meter is in autorange when you enable reading hold, it will autorange to the correct range. If the meter is in the manual range mode, the same fixed range will be used for reading hold. • For certain applications, it may be useful to use reading hold with reading memory. See also “Reading Memory,” on page 90. • Front Panel operation: After enabling reading hold, you can select a different sensitivity band by pressing Shift > (Menu Recall). 1: READ HOLD 79 3 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Triggering Triggering The meter’s triggering system allows you to generate triggers either manually or automatically, take multiple readings per trigger, and insert a delay before each reading. Normally, the meter will take one reading each time it receives a trigger, but you can specify multiple readings (up to 50,000) per trigger. • You can trigger the meter from the front panel, with an external trigger, or use autotriggering. Single triggering takes one reading each time you press the Single key. External triggering is like single triggering, but the meter waits for a pulse on the rear-panel Ext Trig (external trigger) terminal before taking a reading. Autotriggering takes continuous readings at the fastest rate possible for the present configuration. See also “To Trigger the Meter,” on page 47. • Press Shift Auto/Hold to return the meter to auto triggering. Triggering the meter from the remote interface is a multi-step process that offers triggering flexibility. • First, you must configure the meter for the measurement by selecting the function, range, integration time, etc. • Then, you must specify the source from which the meter will accept the trigger. The meter will accept a software (bus) trigger from the remote interface, a hardware trigger from the Ext Trig terminal, or an immediate internal trigger. • Then, you must make sure that the meter is ready to accept a trigger from the specified trigger source (this is called the wait-for-trigger state). • Finally, to make the measurement, you must provide an INITiate, READ?, or MEASure command. The diagram on the next page shows the meter’s triggering system. 80 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Triggering Initiate Triggering MEASure? READ? INITiate Trigger Source TRIGger:SOURce IMMediate TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal TRIGger:SOURce BUS front-panel "Single" key Idle State Wait-forTrigger State 3 Trigger Delay TRIGger:DELay Delay Sample (*) Annunciator Measurement Sample Yes Yes Sample Count >1 Triggering the meter is a multi-step process. Trigger Count >1 No No 81 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Triggering Trigger Source Choices You must specify the source from which the meter will accept a trigger. • The trigger source is stored in volatile memory; the source is set to autotrigger (front panel) or immediate (remote interface) when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. • Front Panel operation: the meter will accept a either a front panel single trigger or a hardware trigger from the Ext Trig terminal, or continuously take readings using autotrigger. At power-on, autotriggering is used. • Remote operation: the meter will accept a software (bus) trigger, a hardware trigger from the Ext Trig terminal, or an immediate internal trigger. See "Triggering" on page 80 for more information. Autotriggering In the autotrigger mode (front panel only), the meter continuously takes readings at the fastest rate possible for the present configuration. This is the power-on trigger source for front-panel operation. Single Triggering In the single trigger mode (front panel only), you can manually trigger the meter by pressing Single . The meter takes one reading, or the specified number of readings (sample count), each time you press the key. The ‘Trig’ annunciator turns on when the meter is waiting for a trigger. Pressing the Single key also allows the meter to accept triggers on the Ext Trig terminal. The front-panel Single key is disabled when in remote. 82 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Triggering External Triggering In the external trigger mode, the meter will accept a hardware trigger applied to the Ext Trig terminal. The meter takes one reading, or the specified number of readings (sample count), each time Ext Trig receives a low-true pulse. See also “External Trigger Terminal,” on page 97. • The meter buffers one external trigger. This means that if the meter is taking a reading and another external trigger occurs, that trigger is accepted (a “Trigger ignored” error is not reported). After the reading in progress is complete, the stored trigger satisfies the trigger source and then the trigger is issued. • Front-panel operation: The external trigger mode is like the single trigger mode except that you apply the trigger to the Ext Trig terminal. Pressing Single to enable the single trigger mode also enables the external trigger mode. The ‘Trig’ annunciator turns on when the meter is waiting for an external trigger. The front-panel Single key is disabled when in remote. • Remote operation: Use the following command to enable external trigger. TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal 83 3 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Triggering Internal Triggering In the internal trigger mode (remote interface only), the trigger signal is always present. When you place the meter in the wait-for-trigger state, the trigger is issued immediately. This is the power-on trigger source for remote interface operation. To select the internal trigger source, send the following command. The CONFigure and MEASure? commands automatically set the trigger source to IMMediate. TRIGger:SOURce IMMediate After setting the source to IMMediate, an INITitate or a READ? command will trigger the measurement. Software (Bus) Triggering The bus trigger mode is available only from the remote interface. This mode is similar to the single trigger mode from the front panel, but you trigger the meter by sending a bus trigger command. • To select the bus trigger source, send the following command. TRIGger:SOURce BUS GPIB or RS-232), • To trigger the meter from the remote interface (HP-IB send the *TRG (trigger) command. The *TRG command will not be accepted unless the meter is in the wait-for-trigger state. HP-IB interface by sending the • You can also trigger the meter from the GPIB IEEE-488 Group Execute Trigger (GET) message. The meter must be in the wait-for-trigger state. The following statement shows how to send a GET from a Hewlett-Packard controller. TRIGGER 722 84 (group execute trigger) Chapter 3 Features and Functions Triggering The Wait-for-Trigger State After you have configured the meter and selected a trigger source, you must place the meter in the wait-for-trigger state. A trigger will not be accepted until the meter is in this state. If a trigger signal is present, and if meter is in the “wait-for-trigger” state, the measurement sequence begins and readings are taken. The “wait-for-trigger” state is a term used primarily for remote interface operation. From the front panel, the meter is always in the “wait-fortrigger” state and will accept triggers at any time, unless a measurement is already in progress. You can place the meter in the “wait-for-trigger” state by executing any of the following commands from the remote interface. MEASure? READ? INITiate Halting a Measurement in Progress You can send a device clear at any time to halt a measurement in progress and place the meter in the “idle state.” The following statement shows how to send a device clear from a Hewlett-Packard controller if you are using the HP-IB GPIB interface. See also page 187. CLEAR 722 (device clear) For operation with the RS-232, you must establish a means to send a device clear (for example, by pressing ^C (Control C)). A device clear does not affect the configuration of the triggering system. The trigger source, sample count, trigger delay, and number of triggers are not changed. If you have set the meter to infinite sampling (TRIGger:COUNt INFinity), the device clear is the only way to halt the measurements. 85 3 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Triggering Number of Samples Normally, the meter takes one reading (or sample) each time it receives a trigger from the selected trigger source (if the meter is in the wait-for-trigger state). You can, however, instruct the meter to take multiple readings for each trigger received. • Number of samples: 1 to 50,000. The default is 1 sample per trigger. • The sample count is stored in volatile memory; the meter sets the sample count to 1 when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. The CONFigure and MEASure? commands automatically set the sample count to 1. • Front Panel operation: set the number of samples per trigger in the 3: N SAMPLES command under the TRIGger menu. • Remote operation: use the following command: SAMPle:COUNt { |MIN|MAX} Number of Triggers Normally, the meter will accept only one trigger before returning to the “idle” trigger state. You can, however, instruct the meter to accept multiple triggers. This feature is available only from the remote interface. If you set the trigger count and then go to local (front panel), the meter ignores the trigger count setting; when you return to remote, the trigger count returns to the value you selected. • The selected number of triggers is stored in volatile memory; the meter sets the trigger count to 1 when power has been off or after a remote interface reset or preset. The CONFigure and MEASure? commands automatically set the trigger count to 1. • The number of triggers can be set to any number between 1 (MIN) and 50000 (MAX) or can be set to be INFinity. When the trigger count is set to be infinite, use the READ? command to collect the readings. Send a device clear to stop the measurements. See page 187 for information about device clear. TRIGger:COUNt { |MIN|MAX|INFinity} 86 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Triggering Trigger Delay You can insert a delay between the trigger signal and each sample that follows. This may be useful in applications where you want to allow the input to settle before taking a reading, or for pacing a burst of readings. If you do not specify a trigger delay, the meter automatically selects a delay for you. • Delay range: 0 to 3600 seconds. The default trigger delay is automatic; the delay is determined by function, range, and integration time (see also “Automatic Trigger Delays,” on page 89). • The trigger delay is stored in volatile memory; the meter selects an automatic trigger delay when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. The CONFigure and MEASure? commands set the trigger delay to automatic. 3 • If you specify a delay other than automatic, that same delay is used for all functions and ranges. • If you have configured the meter to take more than one reading per trigger (sample count > 1), the specified trigger delay is inserted between the trigger and each reading. • Front Panel operation: You can use an automatic trigger delay or you can specify a delay in seconds. Set the delay time in the 2: TRIG DELAY command of the TRIGger menu. If an automatic trigger delay is enabled, “AUTO” is displayed momentarily before the actual number of seconds is displayed. AUTO 87 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Triggering • Front Panel operation (continued) To set the delay to 0 seconds, select the “parameter” level of the TRIG DELAY command. Move the flashing cursor to the “units” location on the right side of the display. Press ∨ until ZERO DELAY is reached, then press Enter . ZERO DELAY • To select the automatic trigger delay, select the “parameter” level of the TRIG DELAY command. Move the flashing cursor to the “units” location on the right side of the display. Press ∨ until AUTO DELAY is reached, then press Enter . AUTO DELAY • Remote operation: You can use the following command to set the trigger delay. TRIGger:DELay { |MIN|MAX} You can use the following command to set an automatic trigger delay. TRIGger:DELay:AUTO {OFF|ON} 88 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Triggering Automatic Trigger Delays If you do not specify a trigger delay, the meter selects an automatic delay for you. The delay is determined by function, range, and integration time. • DC voltage : Range NPLC < 1 Trigger Delay NPLC ³ 1 Trigger Delay 1 mV 10 mV to 120 V 15 ms 1.0 ms 15 ms 1.5 ms • Resistance (2-wire and 4-wire): Range NPLC < 1 Trigger Delay NPLC ³ 1 Trigger Delay 1Ω 10 Ω 100 Ω 1 kΩ 10 kΩ 100 kΩ 1 MΩ 1.0 ms 1.0 ms 1.0 ms 1.0 ms 1.0 ms 4 ms 40 ms 1.5 ms 1.5 ms 1.5 ms 1.5 ms 1.5 ms 6 ms 60 ms NPLC < 1 Trigger Delay NPLC ³ 1 Trigger Delay 1.0 ms 1.0 ms 1.0 ms 1.5 ms 1.5 ms 1.5 ms 3 • Temperature: RTD THERmistor ThermoCouple 89 Chapter 3 Features and Functions System-Related Operations System-Related Operations This section gives information on topics such as reading memory, errors, self-test, and front-panel display control. This information is not directly related to making measurements but is an important part of operating the meter. Reading Memory The meter can store up to 1024 readings in internal memory. Readings are stored in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order. The first reading returned is the first reading stored. See also “To Use Reading Memory,” on page 50. • You can use reading memory with all functions, math operations, and also reading hold. After you have enabled reading memory, you can change the function or input channel. Be aware, however, that the function labels and channel labels (V, OHM, etc.) are not stored with the reading. • Readings taken while reading memory is enabled are stored in volatile memory; the meter clears the stored readings when reading memory is turned on again, when power has been off, after a self-test, or after a remote interface reset. • You can use reading memory with autotrigger, single trigger, external trigger, and reading hold. If you configure the meter for multiple readings per trigger, the specified number of readings are stored in memory each time a trigger is received. 90 Chapter 3 Features and Functions System-Related Operations • Front-panel operation: enable readings storage under the 1: RDGS STORE command in the SYStem menu. The ‘Mem’ annunciator lights in the display. Recall the stored readings under the 2: SAVED RDGS command in the SYStem menu. Press Shift > (Menu Recall) after enabling reading memory to quickly go to the Saved Readings command. Reading memory is automatically turned off when you go to the “parameter” level in the menu to recall the readings. • Remote interface operation: The INITiate command uses reading memory to store readings prior to a FETCh? command. You can query the number of stored readings in memory by sending the DATA:POINts? command from the remote interface. 91 3 Chapter 3 Features and Functions System-Related Operations Error Conditions When the front-panel ‘ERROR’ annunciator turns on, one or more command syntax or hardware errors have been detected. A record of up to 20 errors is stored in the meter’s error queue. See chapter 5, “Error Messages,” for a complete listing of the errors. • Errors are retrieved in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order. The first error returned is the first error that was stored. When you have read all errors from the queue, the ERROR annunciator turns off. The meter beeps once for each error generated. • If more than 20 errors have occurred, the last error stored in the queue (the most recent error) is replaced with –350 “Queue Overflow”. No additional errors are stored until you remove errors from the queue. If no errors have occurred and you read the error queue, the meter responds with +0, “No error”. • The error queue is cleared when power has been off or after a *CLS (clear status) command has been executed. • Front-panel operation: read the errors under the 3: ERROR command in the SYStem menu. If the ERROR annunciator is on, press Shift > (Menu Recall) to read the errors stored in the queue. The errors are listed horizontally on the “parameter” level. The error queue is cleared when you go to the “parameter” level and then turn off the menu. ERR 1: -113 First error in queue Error code • Remote interface operation: use the following command to read the errors. SYSTem:ERRor? Errors have the following format (the error string may contain up to 80 characters). –113, 92 "Undefined header" Chapter 3 Features and Functions System-Related Operations Self-Test A power-on self-test occurs automatically when you turn on the multimeter. This limited test assures you that the meter is operational. This self-test does not perform the extensive set of tests that are included as part of the complete self-test described below. A complete self-test runs a series of tests and takes approximately 15 seconds to execute. If all tests pass, you can have a high confidence that the meter is operational. • The results of the complete self-test are stored in internal reading memory (see page 50). Memory is cleared as the self-test stores this information. Other than clearing memory, the complete self-test does not alter the state of the meter. 3 • If the complete self-test is successful, “PASS” is displayed on the front panel. If the self-test fails, “FAIL” is displayed and the ERROR annunciator turns on. See the 34420A Service Guide for Agilent for service. instructions on returning the meter to Hewlett-Packard for service. • Front Panel operation: You can perform some of the tests individually or you can perform all tests together at once. Scroll through the parameters under the 4: TEST command in the SYStem menu. Another way to perform the complete self-test from the front panel is as follows: Hold down Shift as you press the Power switch to turn on the meter; hold down the key for more than 5 seconds. The self-test will begin when you release the key. • Remote operation: use the following command to initiate a self-test and return the results: *TST? Returns “0” if the self-test is successful, or “1” if it fails. 93 Chapter 3 Features and Functions System-Related Operations Display Control To speed up your measurement rate, or for security reasons, you may want to turn off the front-panel display. From the remote interface, you can also display a 11-character message on the front panel. See page 43 for information about the number of digits displayed. • When the display is turned off, readings are not sent to the display and all display annunciators except ‘ERROR’ and ‘Shift’ are disabled. Front-panel operation is otherwise unaffected by turning off the display. • The display state is stored in volatile memory; the display is enabled when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. • You can display a message on the front panel by sending a command from the remote interface. The meter can display up to 11 characters of the message on the front panel; any additional characters are truncated. Commas, periods, and semicolons share a display space with the preceding character, and are not considered individual characters. When a message is displayed, readings are not sent to the display. • Sending a message to the display from the remote interface overrides the display state; this means that you can display a message even if the display is turned off. • Front-panel operation: set the display state under the 5: DISPLAY command in the SYStem menu. The display always turns on for menu operation; this means that even when the display is turned off, you can still operate the menu. • Remote operation: use the following commands to control the display: DISPlay {OFF|ON} DISPlay:TEXT DISPlay:TEXT:CLEar disable/enable the display display the string enclosed in quotes clear the message in the display The following statement shows how to display a message on the front panel from a Hewlett-Packard controller. OUTPUT 722; "DISP:TEXT ’HELLO’" 94 Chapter 3 Features and Functions System-Related Operations Comma Separators The meter can display readings on the front panel with or without a comma separator. This feature is available only from the front panel. See “Menu Example 1” on page 35. 08.241,53 V With comma separator (factory setting) 08.24153 V Without comma separator • The display format is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not change when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. The comma separator is enabled when the meter is shipped from the factory. • Front-panel operation: change the state of the comma display under the 9: COMMA command in the SYStem menu. Firmware Revision Query The meter has three microprocessors for control of various internal systems. You can query the meter to determine which revision of firmware is installed for each microprocessor. • The meter returns three numbers. The first number is the firmware revision number for the measurement processor; the second is for the input/output processor; and the third is for the front-panel processor. • Front-panel operation: read the revisions under the 11: REVISION command in the SYStem menu. X.X-X.X-X.X • Remote operation: use the following command to read the revision: *IDN? returns “HEWLETT-PACKARD,34420A,0,X.X-X.X-X.X” Be sure to dimension a string variable with at least 40 characters. 95 3 Chapter 3 Features and Functions System-Related Operations SCPI Language Version The meter complies with the rules and regulations of the present version of SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments). You can determine the SCPI version with which the meter is in compliance by sending a command from the remote interface. You cannot query the SCPI version from the front panel. • The following command returns the SCPI version. SYSTem:VERSion? Returns a string in the form “YYYY.V” where the “Y’s” represent the year of the version, and the “V” represents a version number for that year (for example, 1994.0). 96 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Voltmeter Complete Terminal Voltmeter Complete Terminal The rear-panel VM Comp (voltmeter complete) terminal provides a low-true pulse after the completion of each measurement. Voltmeter complete and external trigger (see below) implement a standard hardware handshake sequence between measurement and switching devices. Output 3 Approximately 2µs External Trigger Terminal You can trigger the meter by applying a low-true pulse to the rear-panel Ext Trig (external trigger) terminal. To use this terminal from the remote interface, you must select the external trigger source (TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal). Input >1µs You can use a simple switch to generate an external trigger using the Ext Trig input as shown below. 97 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Chart Output (Analog Output) Chart Output (Analog Output) You can use the Chart Output (Analog Output) connector on the rear panel to run a strip chart recorder or similar instrument. The connector provides an output voltage proportional to the measured voltage. • The output can range from –3.00 V to +3.00 V. • When chart output is disabled (Off), the output is set to 0 V. • The output impedance is 1 kΩ. • The output voltage is related to the input signal as follows: (reading − chart null) = chart output voltage span Note that reading includes the results of measurement unit conversion, filtering, null, and any math operation performed on the measurement. • The chart output state (including the span and null values) is stored in non-volatile memory. • span cannot have a negative value. • The chart output has a voltage "rollover" to prevent the loss of data, see page 100. Examples: See page 38 for a menu procedure to enter a number. 1) To set the chart span so that a ±1 mV input signal produces a ±1.0 Volt chart output: (0.001 − 0.0) = 1.00 span span = 0.001 = 0.001 1.00 When chart null is set to 0, the value chart output = gain ∗ reading. 98 1 can be considered the gain and span Chapter 3 Features and Functions Chart Output (Analog Output) 2) To set the chart output voltage to ±3.0 V to correspond to an input temperature range of 5° C to 45° C with a mid temperature of 25° C (chart output is 0 V at 25° C). (25 − chart null ) = 0 span chart null = 25 and (45 − 25) span = 3.0 span = 20 3.0 = 6.66 3 • Front Panel operation: Enable the chart output under the 5: CHART OUT command in the SYStem menu. Set the chart span under the 6: CHART SPAN command in the SYStem menu. Set the chart offset under the 7: CHART NULL command in the SYStem menu. You can also press Shift Null (Chart Null) to null the chart output voltage based upon the displayed reading. This action places a null value in the Chart Offset register. Pressing Shift > (Menu Recall) will take you to the 7: CHART NULL command where you can manually edit the null value. • Remote operation: use the following commands to enable and set the chart output values. OUTPut {OFF|ON} OUTPut:REFerence :OFFSet { |MIN|MAX} :OFFSet:NULL :SPAN { |MIN|MAX} :SPAN? :VALue { |MIN|MAX} :GAIN? 99 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Chart Output (Analog Output) Chart Rollover To prevent the loss of data, the chart output will "rollover" if a measurement would cause the chart output to exceed the limits (± 3 V). This feature is especially useful with strip chart recorders. Rollover can be used to increase the resolution of the chart since smaller values of span can be specified. As smaller values of span are used, chart rollover will occur more frequently. Rollover occurs when a chart limit is exceeded. The chart output voltage rolls over to the opposite limit. The result, on a strip chart, is a step from one limit to the opposite limit, effectively shifting the chart range and center values. By counting the steps and noting their direction, the actual measurement values can be deduced. Example: The chart output voltage is set to ± 3 V to correspond to an input temperature range of 5° C to 45° C with the 0 V output at 25° C, span = 6.66 and chart null = 25. If the actual measured temperatures ranged from 20° C to 100° C, a strip chart recorder might look like the one shown. The actual measurements recorded could be reconstructed by cutting and pasting the chart between the rollovers. chart range 5° C to 45° C chart center 25° C 100 chart range 45° C to 85° C chart center 65° C chart range 85° C to 125° C chart center 105° C chart range 45° C to 85° C chart center 65° C Chapter 3 Features and Functions Remote Interface Configuration Remote Interface Configuration This section gives information on configuring the remote interface. For programming information, see Chapter 4, “Remote Interface Reference,” starting on page 115. Remote Interface Selection The meter is shipped with both a HP-IB GPIB (IEEE-488) interface and an RS-232 interface. Only one interface can be enabled at a time. The GPIB HP-IB interface is selected when the meter is shipped from the factory. The remote interface can be set only from the front-panel. • The interface selection is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not change when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. • If you select the HP-IB GPIB interface, you must select a unique address for the meter. The HP-IB GPIB address is displayed when you turn on the meter. • If you select the RS-232 interface, you must set the baud rate and parity for the meter. “RS-232” is displayed when you turn on the meter. • If you select the RS-232 interface and then set the HP-IB GPIB address to the talk only address (31), the meter will send readings over the RS-232 interface when in the local mode. • There are certain restrictions to be aware of when you are selecting the remote interface (see also “Programming Language Selection,” on page 105). The only programming language supported on RS-232 is SCPI. Front Panel operation: set the interface under the 2: INTERFACE command in the I/O menu. See also “To Select the Remote Interface,” on page 189. 101 3 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Remote Interface Configuration GPIB Address HP-IB Each device on the HP-IB GPIB (IEEE-488) interface must have a unique address. You can set the meter’s address to any value between 0 and 31. The address is set to “22” when the meter is shipped from the factory. HP-IB address is displayed when you turn on the meter. The GPIB The HP-IB GPIB address can be set only from the front-panel. • The address is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not change when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. • You can set the address to “31” which is the talk only mode. In this mode, the meter can output readings directly to a printer without being addressed by a bus controller. Address 31 is not a valid address HP-IB interface with a if you are operating the multimeter from the GPIB bus controller. HP-IB address to the • If you select the RS-232 interface and then set the GPIB talk only address (31), the meter will send readings over the RS-232 interface when in the local mode. • Your HP-IB GPIB bus controller has its own address. Be sure to avoid using the bus controller’s address for any instrument on the interface bus. Hewlett-Packard controllers generally use address “21”. • Front Panel operation: set the address under the 1: HP–IB ADDR command in the I/O menu. See also “To Set the HP-IB GPIB Address,” on page 188. 102 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Remote Interface Configuration Baud Rate Selection (RS-232) You can select one of six baud rates for RS-232 operation. The rate is set to 9600 baud when the meter is shipped from the factory. • Select one of the following: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 baud (factory setting). • The baud rate selection is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not change when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. • Front Panel operation: set the baud rate under the 3: BAUD RATE command in the I/O menu. 3 See also “To Set the Baud Rate,” on page 190. • Remote operation: use the following commands to set the baud rate: SYStem:COMMunicate:SERial:BAUD If you change the baud rate over the remote interface, you may lose control of the meter. 103 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Remote Interface Configuration Parity Selection (RS-232) You can select the parity for RS-232 operation. The meter is configured for even parity with 7 data bits when shipped from the factory. • Select one of the following: None (8 data bits), Even (7 data bits), or Odd (7 data bits). When you set the parity, you are indirectly setting the number of data bits. • The parity selection is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not change when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. • Front Panel operation: set the parity under the 4: PARITY command in the I/O menu. See also “To Set the Parity,” on page 191. • Remote operation: use the following commands to set the parity: SYStem:COMMunicate:SERial:PARity {EVEN|ODD|NONE} If you change the parity over the remote interface, you may lose control of the meter. 104 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Remote Interface Configuration Programming Language Selection You can select one of two languages to program the meter from the selected remote interface. The programming language is SCPI when the meter is shipped from the factory. • Select one of the following: SCPI or 181 (Keithley). • The language selection is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not change when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. • There are certain restrictions to be aware of when you are selecting the interface language (see also “Remote Interface Selection,” on page 101). The Keithley 181 language is not supported on the RS-232 interface. • Front Panel operation: set the programming language under the 5: LANGUAGE command in the I/O menu. See also “To Select The Programming Language,” on page 192. • Remote operation: use the following command to set the language: SYStem:LANGuage 105 3 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Remote Interface Configuration Connection to a Terminal or Printer (RS-232) The RS-232 connector on the meter’s rear panel is a 9-pin connector (DB-9, male connector). You can connect the meter to any terminal or printer with a properly configured DTE connector (DB-25). You can use a standard serial interface cable and the 34399A Adapter Kit to make connections. Additional information about the interface is given on page 176. Pin Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 Input/Output Input Output Output Input Description Receive Data (RxD) Transmit Data (RxD) Data Terminal Ready(DTR) Signal Ground (SG) Data Set Ready (DSR) If you are using the RS-232 interface for connection to a printer, you may wish to use the Talk Only mode. This mode is enabled by setting the GPIB address to 31. See page 187 for more information. HP-IB 106 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Calibration Calibration This section gives a brief introduction to the calibration features of the meter. For a more detailed discussion of the calibration procedures, see Chapter 4 in the Service Guide. Calibration Security This feature allows you to enter a security code to prevent accidental or unauthorized calibrations of the meter. When you first receive your meter, it is secured. Before you can calibrate the meter, you must unsecure it by entering the correct security code. • The security code is set to “HP034420” when the meter is shipped from the factory. The security code is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not change when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. • To secure the meter from the remote interface, the security code may contain up to 11 alphanumeric characters as shown below. The first character must be a letter, but the remaining characters can be letters or numbers. You do not have to use all 11 characters but the first character must always be a letter. A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (11 characters) • To secure the meter from the remote interface so that it can be unsecured from the front panel, use the eight-character format shown below. The first two characters must be “HP” and the remaining characters must be numbers. Only the last six characters are recognized from the front panel, but all eight characters are required. (To unsecure the meter from the front panel, omit the “HP” and enter the remaining numbers as shown on the following pages.) HP _ _ _ _ _ _ (8 characters) If you secure the meter from the remote interface and the secure code you use does not have the first two characters "HP" and the next 6 characters as digits, you cannot unsecure the meter from the front panel. 107 3 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Calibration To Unsecure for Calibration You can unsecure the meter for calibration either from the front panel or remote interface. The meter is secured when shipped from the factory, and the security code is set to “HP034420”. • Front-panel operation: 1: SECURED If the meter is secured, you will see the above command when you go into the CAL MENU. (If you move across the “commands” level in the menu, you will notice that the “2: CALIBRATE” command is “hidden” if the meter is secured.) To unsecure the meter, select the “parameter” level of the SECURED command, enter the security code, then press Enter. ∧ 000000 CODE When you go to the “commands” level in the CAL MENU again, you will notice that the meter is unsecured. Notice also that the 2: CALIBRATE command is no longer hidden and you can perform a calibration. 1: UNSECURED • Remote operation: use the following command: CALibration:SECure:STATe {OFF|ON}, To unsecure the meter, send the above command with the same code used to secure. For example, CAL:SEC:STAT OFF, HP034420 108 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Calibration To Secure Against Calibration You can secure the meter against calibration either from the front panel or remote interface. The meter is secured when shipped from the factory, and the security code is set to “HP034420”. Be sure to read the security code rules on page 107 before attempting to secure the meter. • Front-panel operation: 1: UNSECURED If the meter is unsecured, you will see the above command when you go into the CAL MENU. To secure the meter, select the “parameter” level of the UNSECURED command, enter the security code, then press Menu Enter. ∧ 000000 CODE • When you go to the “commands” level in the CAL MENU again, you will notice that the meter is secured. Notice also that the 2: CALIBRATE command is now hidden and you cannot perform a calibration. 1: UNSECURED • Remote interface operation: CALibration:SECure:STATe {OFF|ON},
To secure the meter, send the above command with the same code as used to unsecure. For example, CAL:SEC:STAT ON, HP034420 109 3 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Calibration To Change the Security Code To change the security code, you must first unsecure the meter, and then enter a new code. Make sure you have read the security code rules on page 107 before attempting to secure the meter. • Front-Panel operation: To change the security code, first make sure that the meter is unsecured. Select the “parameter” level of the UNSECURED command, enter the new security code, then press Menu Enter. Changing the code from the front panel also changes the code as seen from the remote interface. • Remote interface operation: CALibration:SECure:CODE
To change the security code, first unsecure the meter using the old security code. Then, enter the new code. For example, CAL:SEC:STAT OFF, HP034420 CAL:SEC:CODE HP010495 unsecure with old code enter new code Calibration Count You can determine the number of times that your meter has been calibrated. Since the value increments by one for each calibration point, a complete calibration increases the value by several counts. • The calibration count is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not change when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. Your meter was calibrated before it left the factory. When you receive your meter, read the count to determine its initial value. • The calibration count increments up to a maximum of 32,767 after which it wraps-around to 0. • Front-Panel operation: read the calibration count under the 3: CAL COUNT command in the CALibrate menu. • Remote operation: use the following command: CALibration:COUNt? 110 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Calibration Calibration Message You can use the calibration message feature to record calibration information about your meter. For example, you can store such information as the last calibration date, the next calibration due date, the meter’s serial number, or even the name and phone number of the person to contact for a new calibration. You can record information in the calibration message only from the remote interface. You can read the message from either the front-panel menu or the remote interface. • The calibration message may contain up to 40 characters. The meter can display up to 11 characters of the message on the front panel; any additional characters are truncated. • The calibration message is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not change when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. • Front Panel operation: read the calibration message (if any) under the 4: MESSAGE command in the CALibrate menu. • Remote operation: use the following command to store a calibration message: CALibration:STRing The following statement shows how to store a calibration message from a Hewlett-Packard controller. OUTPUT 722; "CAL:STR ’CAL 9-1-94’" 111 3 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Defaults, Power-On and Reset States Defaults, Power-On and Reset States The meter stores settings in either volatile or non-volatile memory. Settings stored in volatile memory are returned to default settings at power-on or after a remote reset. Settings stored in non-volatile memory are not changed by power-on or a remote reset (*RST), CONFigure, or MEASure command. • Volatile memory settings and their defaults: Setting Function Input Channel Digital Filter Analog Filter Offset Compensation N Samples Display (On or Off) Trigger Math Readings Hold Readings Store Trigger Delay Integration Time (NPLC) 3 Null 3 Range 3 Front Panel Default Remote Default 1 DCV Channel 1 On (50 rdgs) Off On 1 On Autotrigger Off Off Off Auto (10 plc) Off Autorange DCV Channel 1 Off2 Off Off 1 On Autotrigger Off Off Off Auto (10 plc) Off Autorange 1 Remote defaults are used following reset (*RST), preset (SYSTem:PRESet), CONFigure, or MEASure commands. 2 You should ensure the digital filter is turned off when using the remote interface. See page 57. 3 Integration Time, Null, and Range are independent in each function. CONFigure or MEASure commands will only affect the Integration Time, Null, or Range for the function used. 112 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Defaults, Power-On and Reset States • Non-volatile memory settings can be returned to their factory defaults. Front Panel operation: return the settings to factory defaults under the 11: PRESET command in the SYStem menu. Remote operation: use the SYStem:PRESet command to return the meter to the factory defaults. Non-volatile memory settings and their factory defaults: Setting Factory Default 1 Digital Filter Digital Filter Precharge Low Power Ω Low Volt Ω LoV Limit Ω Probe Type RTD Type RTD R0 Temperature Units Chart Out Chart Span Chart Offset Comma 1 MEDium 50 rdgs On Off Off 20 mV RTD α = .00385 100 Ω °C Off 1 mV 0.00 V On 3 The digital filter is ON following a Front Panel PRESET. The digital filter is OFF following a Remote Interface PRESET. 113 Chapter 3 Features and Functions Defaults, Power-On and Reset States • Independent vs. common settings: Some settings are independent to the channel or function being used and some are common to multiple channels or functions: Voltage Channel 1 Resistance 2-Wire Ω Channel 2 Null (On/Off) Null (On/Off) Range Range Integration Time Number of Digits 4-Wire Ω Null (On/Off) Range 1 Integration Time Number of Digits Math (Stats or Scale) Digital Filter (On /Off) Analog Filter (On/Off) 2 Trigger Readings Hold Readings Store Temperature Null (On/Off) Range Integration Time Number of Digits 1 The meter may change the set resistance measurement range when voltage limited measurements are enabled. 2 Analog filter available for voltage and thermocouple measurements on the 1 mV, 10 mV, and 100 mV ranges. 114 4 Remote Interface Reference Remote Interface Reference This chapter is divided into the following sections: ➡ ➡ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Command Summary, page 117 Simplified Programming Sequence, page 126 The MEASure? and CONFigure Commands, page 134 Setting the Function, Range, and Resolution, page 137 Selecting the Input Channel, page 140 Special Resistance Measurement Commands, page 141 Temperature Measurement Commands, page 142 Null (Relative) Commands, page 145 Input Filter Commands, page 146 Math Operation Commands, page 148 Triggering, page 151 Triggering Commands, page 154 Chart Output (Analog Output) Commands, page 156 System-Related Commands, page 157 The SCPI Status Model, page 159 Status Reporting Commands, page 171 Calibration Commands, page 174 RS-232 Interface Configuration, page 176 RS-232 Interface Commands, page 182 An Introduction to the SCPI Language, page 183 Input Message Terminators, page 186 Output Data Formats, page 186 Using Device Clear to Halt Measurements, page 187 TALK ONLY for Printers, page 187 To Set the GPIB HP-IB Address, page 188 To Select the Remote Interface, page 189 To Set the Baud Rate, page 190 To Set the Parity, page 104 To Select the Programming Language, page 192 Alternate Programming Language Compatibility, page 193 SCPI Compliance Information, page 194 IEEE-488 Compliance Information, page 197 If you are a first-time user of the SCPI language, refer to these sections to become familiar with the language before attempting to program the meter. 116 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Command Summary Command Summary This section summarizes the SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) commands available to program the meter. Refer to the later sections in this chapter for more complete details on each command. Throughout this manual, the following conventions are used for SCPI command syntax. Square brackets ( [] ) indicate optional keywords or parameters. Braces ( {} ) enclose a list of parameters separated with a vertical bar ( | ), use only one of the values. Triangle brackets ( <> ) indicate that you must substitute a value for the enclosed parameter. The actual command string you send to the meter should not include any of the conventions indicated above. 4 First-time SCPI users, see page 183. 117 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Command Summary Voltage Measurement Configuration Commands MEASure [:VOLTage][:DC]? [{ | AUTO | MIN | MAX | DEF}][,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}][,(@ )]1 [:VOLTage][:DC]:RATio? [{ | AUTO | MIN | MAX | DEF}][,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] [:VOLTage][:DC]:DIFFerence? [{ | AUTO | MIN | MAX | DEF}][,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] CONFigure [:VOLTage][:DC] [{ | AUTO | MIN | MAX | DEF}][,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}][,(@ )]1 [:VOLTage][:DC]:RATio [{ | AUTO | MIN | MAX | DEF}] [,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] [:VOLTage][:DC]:DIFFerence[{ | AUTO | MIN | MAX | DEF}] [,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] [SENSe:] | SENSe1: | SENSe2: FUNCtion "VOLTage[:DC]" FUNCtion "VOLTage[:DC]:RATio" FUNCtion "VOLTage[:DC]:DIFFerence" FUNCtion? [SENSe:] SENSe1: | SENSe2: VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe { | MIN | MAX} VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe? [MIN | MAX] VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe:AUTO {OFF | ON} VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe:AUTO? [SENSe:] | SENSe1: | SENSe2: VOLTage[:DC]:RESolution { | MIN | MAX} VOLTage[:DC]:RESolution? [MIN | MAX] [SENSe:] | SENSe1: | SENSe2: VOLTage[:DC]:NPLCycles {0.02 | 0.2 | 1 | 2 | 10 | 20 | 100 | 200 | MIN | MAX} VOLTage[:DC]:NPLCycles? [MIN | MAX] [SENSe:] | SENSe1: | SENSe2: VOLTage[:DC]:NULL[:STATe] {OFF | ON} VOLTage[:DC]:NULL[:STATe]? VOLTage[:DC]:NULL:VALue { | MIN | MAX} VOLTage[:DC]:NULL:VALue? ROUTe :TERMinals {FRONt | FRONt1 | FRONt2} :TERMinals? 1 118 is one of: {FRONt | FRONt1 | FRONt2 | 1 | 2} Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Command Summary Resistance Measurement Configuration Commands MEASure :FRESistance? [{ | AUTO | MIN | MAX | DEF}][,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] :RESistance? [{ | AUTO | MIN | MAX | DEF}][,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] CONFigure :FRESistance | :RESistance [{ | AUTO | MIN | MAX | DEF}][,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] [SENSe:] FUNCtion "RESistance" FUNCtion "FRESistance" FUNCtion? (2-wire ohms) (4-wire ohms) [SENSe:] FRESistance | RESistance :RANGe { | MIN | MAX} :RANGe? [MIN | MAX] :RANGe:AUTO {OFF | ON} :RANGe:AUTO? 4 [SENSe:] FRESistance | RESistance :RESolution { | MIN | MAX} :RESolution? [MIN | MAX] [SENSe:] FRESistance | RESistance :NPLCycles {0.02 | 0.2 | 1 | 2 | 10 | 20 | 100 | 200 | MIN | MAX} :NPLCycles? [MIN | MAX] [SENSe:] FRESistance | RESistance :NULL[:STATe] {OFF | ON} :NULL[:STATe]? :NULL:VALue { | MIN | MAX} :NULL:VALue? [SENSe:] FRESistance | RESistance :OCOMpensated {OFF | ON} :OCOMpensated? [SENSe:] FRESistance :POWer:LIMit[:STATe] {OFF | ON} :POWer:LIMit? :VOLTage:LIMit[:STATe] {OFF | ON} :VOLTage:LIMit? :VOLTage:LIMit:VALue { | MIN | MAX} :VOLTage:LIMit:VALue? [MIN | MAX] 119 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Command Summary Temperature Measurement Configuration Commands MEASure :TEMPerature? [{TC | THER | FRTD | DEF}][,{ | DEF}][, 1, { | MAX | MIN | DEF}] CONFigure :TEMPerature [{TC | THER | FRTD | DEF}][,{ | DEF}][, 1, { | MAX | MIN | DEF}] [SENSe:] FUNCtion "TEMPerature" FUNCtion? [SENSe:] TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TYPE {TCouple | THERmistor | FRTD} TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TYPE? [SENSe:] TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TCouple:TYPE {B | E | J | K | N | R | S | T} TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TCouple:TYPE? TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TCouple:RJUNction { | MIN | MAX} TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TCouple:RJUNction? [{MIN | MAX}] TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TCouple:RJUNction:TYPE {FIX | INT | THER} TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TCouple:RJUNction:TYPE? [SENSe:] TEMPerature:TRANsducer:FRTD:TYPE {85 | 91} TEMPerature:TRANsducer:FRTD:TYPE? TEMPerature:TRANsducer:FRTD:RESistance[:REFerence] TEMPerature:TRANsducer:FRTD:RESistance[:REFerence]? [SENSe:] TEMPerature:NULL[:STATe] {OFF | ON} TEMPerature:NULL[:STATe]? TEMPerature:NULL:VALue { | MIN | MAX} TEMPerature:NULL:VALue? [SENSe:] TEMPerature:NPLCycles {0.02 | 0.2 | 1 | 2 | 10 | 20 | 100 | 200 | MIN | MAX} TEMPerature:NPLCycles? {MIN | MAX} UNIT :TEMPerature {C | CEL | F | FAR | K} :TEMPerature? 120 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Command Summary General Measurement Configuration Commands CONFigure? [SENSe:]NULL [{OFF | ON | ONCE}] INPut:FILTer :STATe {OFF | ON} :STATe? :TYPE {ANALog | DIGital | BOTH} :TYPE? :DIGital:RESPonse {SLOW | MEDium | FAST} :DIGital:RESPonse? :DIGital:PRECharge:AUTO {ON | OFF} :DIGItal:PRECharge:AUTO? ROUTe:TERMinals {FRONt | FRONt1 | FRONt2} ROUTe:TERMinals? Math Operation Commands 4 CALCulate :FUNCtion {AVERage | SCALe} :FUNCtion? [:STATe] {OFF | ON} [:STATe]? CALCulate :AVERage:MINimum? :AVERage:MAXimum? :AVERage:AVERage? :AVERage:COUNt? :AVERage:PTPeak? :AVERage:SDEViation? CALCulate :SCALe:GAIN { } :SCALe:GAIN? :SCALe:OFFSet { } :SCALe:OFFSet? DATA :FEED RDG_STORE,[{"CALC" | ""}] :FEED? RDG_STORE :POINts? 121 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Command Summary Triggering Commands INITiate READ? TRIGger :SOURce {BUS | IMMediate | EXTernal} :SOURce? TRIGger :DELay { | MIN | MAX} :DELay? [MIN | MAX] :DELay:AUTO {OFF | ON} :DELay:AUTO? TRIGger :COUNt { | MIN | MAX | INFinity} :COUNt? [MIN | MAX] SAMPle :COUNt { | MIN | MAX} :COUNt? [MIN | MAX] Chart Output Commands OUTPut [:STATe] {OFF | ON} [:STATe]? :REFerence:OFFSet { | MIN | MAX} :REFerence:OFFSet? [{MIN | MAX}] :REFerence:OFFSet:NULL :REFerence:SPAN [{ | MIN | MAX}] :REFerence:SPAN? [{MIN | MAX}] :REFerence:GAIN? :REFerence:VALue { | MIN | MAX} System-Related Commands FETCh? READ? DATA :FEED RDG_STORE,[{"CALC" | ""}] :FEED? RDG_STORE :POINts? 122 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Command Summary System-Related Commands (continued) DISPlay[:STATe] {OFF | ON} DISPlay? DISPlay :TEXT :TEXT? :TEXT:CLEar SYSTem:ERRor? SYSTem:PRESet SYSTem:VERSion? *RST *TST? *IDN? Status Reporting Commands 4 SYSTem:ERRor? STATus :OPERation:CONDition? :OPERation:ENABle :OPERation:ENABle? :OPERation[:EVENt]? :QUEStionable:CONDition? :QUEStionable:ENABle :QUEStionable:ENABle? :QUEStionable[:EVENt]? STATus:PRESet *CLS *STB? *ESE *ESE? *PSC {0 | 1} *PSC? *ESR? *SRE *SRE? *OPC *OPC? 123 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Command Summary Calibration Commands CALibration? CALibration:COUNt? CALibration :ICURrent? CALibration :OUTPut {ZERO | GAIN} :OUTPut? CALibration :SECure:CODE :SECure:STATe {OFF | ON} [, ] :SECure:STATe? CALibration :STRing
:STRing? CALibration :VALue :VALue? Remote Interface Commands SYSTem :INTerface {HPIB | RS232} :INTerface? SYSTem :COMMunicate:SERial:BAUD :COMMunicate:SERial:BAUD? :COMMunicate:SERial:PARity {EVEN | ODD | NONE} :COMMunicate:SERial:PARity? SYSTem :LANGuage {SCPI | 181} :LOCal :REMote :RWLock L1X L2X (SCPI language) (181 language) 124 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Command Summary IEEE-488.2 Common Commands *CLS *ESE *ESE? *ESR? *IDN? *OPC *OPC? *PSC {0 | 1} *PSC? *RST *SRE *SRE? 4 *STB? *TRG *TST? *WAI 125 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Simplified Programming Sequence Simplified Programming Sequence ➡ You can program the meter to take measurements from the remote interface using the following seven-step sequence. Throughout this manual, the following conventions are used for SCPI command syntax. Square brackets ( [] ) indicate optional keywords or parameters. Braces ( {} ) enclose a list of parameters separated with a vertical bar ( | ), use only one of the values . Triangle brackets ( <> ) indicate that you must substitute a value for the enclosed parameter. 1. Place the meter in a known state (often the reset state). 2. Change the meter’s settings to achieve the desired configuration. 3. Set-up the triggering conditions. 4. Initiate or arm the meter for a measurement. 5. Trigger the meter to make a measurement. 6. Retrieve the readings from the output buffer or internal memory. 7. Read the measured data into your bus controller. The MEASure? and CONFigure commands provide the most straightforward method to program the meter for measurements. You can select the measurement function, range, and resolution all in one command. The meter uses defaults for other measurement parameters. Integration time, range, and resolution are local to the function or channel used in the MEASure? and CONFigure commands. For example, if you use the MEASure command to make a resistance measurement, the range, resolution, and integration time set for voltage measurements are not affected. Other measurement parameters affect all measurement functions. When you use the MEASure? and CONFigure commands the meter uses default parameters. The default measurement parameters, common to all functions or channels, used by the meter are shown in the table on the next page. Using the digital filter is not recommended from the remote interface, see page 57. 126 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Simplified Programming Sequence MEASure? and CONFigure Defaults Setting SCPI Command System Defaults Used ROUTe:TERMinals Channel 1 Digital Filter INPut:FILTer Off Digital Filter Precharge INPut:FILTer Last value set Analog Filter INPut:FILTer Off TRIGger:SOURce Immediate Trigger Delay TRIGger:DELay Auto Trigger Count TRIGger:COUNt 1 N Samples SAMPle:COUNt 1 CALCulate Off DATA:FEED RDG_STORE "CALC" DISPlay On (10 plc) Autorange SENSe: :NULL Off SOURce:FRESistance:OCOMPensated Off SOURce:FRESistance:VOLTage:LIMit Last value set Low Power Ω SOURce:FRESistance:POWer:LIMit Last value set Transducer SENSe:TEMPerature:TRANsducer Last probe set Probe Type SENSe:TEMPerature:TRANsducer Last type set RTD type and resistance SENSe:TEMPerature:TRANsducer Last type set Input Channel Common to all Functions Trigger Source Math Readings Store Display (On or Off) Specific To Each Function Integration Time (NPLC) Range Null Offset Compensated Ω Resistance Specific Temperature Specific Voltage Limited Ω 4 The MEASure? and CONFigure commands use default parameters for volatile memory parameters. Non-volatile memory parameters are not modified and the MEASure? or CONFigure commands use parameters in memory. See page 112. For example, the temperature units last set are stored in non-volatile memory and are not changed by a MEASure? or CONFigure command. 127 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Simplified Programming Sequence Using the MEASure? Command The easiest way to program the meter for measurements is by using the MEASure? command. However, this command does not offer much flexibility. When you execute the command, the meter uses defaults for the requested configuration and immediately performs the measurement. You cannot change any settings (other than function, range, and resolution) before the measurement is taken. The results are sent to the output buffer. Sending the MEASure? command is functionally the same as sending a CONFigure command followed immediately by a READ? command. Using the CONFigure Command For a little more programming flexibility, use the CONFigure command. When you execute the command, the meter sets the defaults for the requested configuration (like the MEASure? command). However, the measurement is not automatically started and you can change measurement parameters before making measurements. This allows you to “incrementally” change the meter’s configuration from the default conditions. The meter offers a variety of low-level commands in the INPut, SENSe, CALCulate, and TRIGger subsystems. (You can use the SENSe:FUNCtion command to change the measurement function without using MEASure? or CONFigure.) Use the INITiate or READ? command to initiate the measurement. 128 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Simplified Programming Sequence Using the range and resolution Parameters With the MEASure? and CONFigure commands, you can select the measurement function, range, and resolution all in one command. Use the range parameter to specify a fixed range larger than the expected value of the input signal. You can set the range parameter to AUTO to set autoranging. Use the resolution parameter to specify the desired resolution for the measurement. Setting the resolution sets the integration time of the meter. The resolution parameter can be set to any number but the resulting integration time (NPLC) is one of the following: Parameter Integration Time (NPLC) < 0.0001 x Range 0.02 < 0.00001 x Range .2 < 0.000003 x Range 1 < 0.0000022 x Range 2 < 0.000001 x Range 10 < 0.0000008 x Range 20 < 0.0000003 x Range 100 < 0.00000022 x Range 200 4 Specify the resolution in the same units as the measurement function, not in number of digits. For example, for volts measurements, specify the resolution in volts. For resistance, specify the resolution in ohms. You must specify a range to use the resolution parameter. 129 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Simplified Programming Sequence Using the READ? Command The READ? command changes the state of the trigger system from the “idle” state to the “wait-for-trigger” state. Measurements will begin when the specified trigger conditions are satisfied following the receipt of the READ? command. Readings are sent immediately to the output buffer. You must enter the reading data into your bus controller or the meter will stop making measurements when the output buffer fills. Readings are not stored in the meter’s internal memory when using the READ? command. Sending the READ? command is like sending the INITiate command followed immediately by the FETCh? command, except readings are not buffered internally. Caution If you send two query commands without reading the response from the first, and then attempt to read the second response, you may receive some data from the first response followed by the complete second response. To avoid this, do not send a query command without reading the response. When you cannot avoid this situation, send a device clear before sending the second query command. 130 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Simplified Programming Sequence Using the INITiate and FETCh? Commands The INITiate and FETCh? commands provide the lowest level of control (with the most flexibility) of measurement triggering and reading retrieval. Use the INITiate command after you have configured the meter for the measurement. This changes the state of the triggering system from the “idle” state to the “wait-for-trigger” state. Measurements will begin when the specified trigger conditions are satisfied after the INITiate command is received. The readings are placed in the meter’s internal memory (up to 1024 readings can be stored). Readings are stored in memory until you are able to retrieve them. Use the FETCh? command to transfer the readings from the meter’s internal memory to the meter’s output buffer where you can read them into your bus controller. Configure the meter using the SENSe commands. For voltage measurements on two channels, you can configure each channel independently by specifying either SENSe1 or SENSe2. Once configured, use the ROUTe:TERM command to switch between the input channels. The INIT and FETCh? commands use the meter’s memory. You can defeat the storing of readings, and still obtain the statistics on the readings using the DATA:FEED command. See page 150. 131 4 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Simplified Programming Sequence MEASure? Example The following program segment shows how to use the MEASure? command to make a measurement. This example configures the meter for voltage measurements on channel 1 using autoranging on the input signal, automatically places the meter in the “wait-for-trigger” state, internally triggers the meter to take one reading, and then sends the reading to the output buffer. MEAS:VOLT:DC? AUTO,MIN,(@FRONt1) bus enter statement This is the simplest way to take a reading. However, you do not have any flexibility with MEASure? to set the trigger count, sample count, trigger delay, etc. All measurement parameters except function, range, and resolution are preset for you automatically (see the table on page 127). CONFigure Example 1 The following program segment shows how to use the READ? command with CONFigure to make an externally-triggered measurement. The program configures the meter for dc voltage measurements. CONFigure does not place the meter in the “wait-for-trigger” state. The READ? command places the meter in the “wait-for-trigger” state, takes a reading when the Ext Trig terminal is pulsed, and sends the reading to the output buffer. CONF:VOLT:DC 10, MIN, (@FRONt1) TRIG:SOUR EXT READ? bus enter statement 132 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Simplified Programming Sequence CONFigure Example 2 The following program segment is similar to the example above but it uses INITiate to place the meter in the “wait-for-trigger” state. The INITiate command places the meter in the “wait-for-trigger” state, takes a reading when the Ext Trig terminal is pulsed, and sends the reading to the meter’s internal memory. The FETCh? command transfers the reading from internal memory to the output buffer. CONF:VOLT:DC 10, MIN, (@FRONt1) TRIG:SOUR EXT INIT FETC? bus enter statement Storing readings in memory using the INITiate command is faster than sending readings to the output buffer using the READ? command. The meter can store up to 1024 readings in internal memory. If you configure the meter to take more than 1024 readings (using the sample count and trigger count), and then send INITiate, a memory error is generated. After you execute an INITiate command, no further commands are accepted until the measurement sequence is completed. However, if you select TRIGger:SOURce BUS, the meter will accept the *TRG command (bus trigger) or an IEEE-488 Group Execute Trigger message. You can stop a measurement started with an INITiate command by sending a device clear (see page 187) CONFigure Example 3 The following program segment sets the state of two input channels and then uses the ROUTe and READ? commands to take measurements on each. Channel 1 is set to the 10 Volt range with maximum resolution. Channel 2 is set to the 1 volt range. Note that resolution is common to both channels, the NPLC in effect will be the NPLC set by the last CONFigure command the meter receives. CONFigure:VOLT:DC 10, MAX, (@FRONt1) CONFigure:VOLT:DC 1, MAX, (@FRONt2) ROUTe:TERMinals FRONt1 READ? bus enter statement ROUTe:TERMinals FRONt2 READ? bus enter statement 133 4 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference The MEASure? and CONFigure Commands The MEASure? and CONFigure Commands See also “General Measurement Configuration,” starting on page 55 in chapter 3. Both the MEASure? and CONFigure commands reset measurement parameters to defaults. See page 127. • For the range parameter, MIN selects the lowest range for the selected function; MAX selects the highest range; AUTO or DEF selects autoranging. • For the resolution parameter, specify the resolution in the same units as the measurement function, not in number of digits. MIN selects the smallest value accepted, which gives the highest resolution; MAX selects the largest value accepted, which gives the least resolution; DEF selects the default resolution which is 0.000001 x range (10 PLC). See the table on page 129. • You must specify a range to use the resolution parameter. • For voltage measurements, you can also specify the input channel. The parameter channel can be set to FRONt1, FRONt2, 1, or 2. In the command, the channel must be preceded by the ‘@’ symbol and enclosed in parenthesis (). MEASure[:VOLTage][:DC]? [{ | AUTO | MIN | MAX | DEF}] [,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}][,(@ )] This command presets and makes a voltage measurement with the specified range, resolution, and input channel. The reading is sent to the output buffer. MEASure[:VOLTage][:DC]:RATio? [{ | AUTO | MIN | MAX | DEF}][,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] This command presets and makes a voltage ratio measurement with the specified range and resolution. The reading is sent to the output buffer. For ratio measurements, the specified range applies to the signal connected to the Channel 1 terminals. Autoranging is selected for voltage measurements on the Channel 2 terminals. 134 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference The MEASure? and CONFigure Commands MEASure[:VOLTage][:DC]:DIFFerence? [{ | AUTO | MIN | MAX | DEF}][,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] This command presets and makes a difference measurement with the specified range and resolution. The reading is sent to the output buffer. For difference measurements, the specified range applies to the signal connected to the Channel 1 terminals. Autoranging is selected for voltage measurements on the Channel 2 terminals. MEASure:FRESistance? MEASure:RESistance? [{ | AUTO | MIN | MAX | DEF}][,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] This command presets and makes a 2-wire or 4-wire ohms measurement with the specified range and resolution. The reading is sent to the output buffer. MEASure:TEMPerature? {TC | DEF},{B | E | J | K | N | R | S | T | DEF}[,1,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] {THER | DEF},{DEF}[,1,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] {FRTD | DEF},{85 | 91 | DEF}[,1,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] This command presets and configures the meter for temperature measurements using the specified probe type and resolution. The reading is sent to the output buffer. DEF defaults to the last probe type set. 4 CONFigure[:VOLTage][:DC] [{ | AUTO | MIN | MAX | DEF}][,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}][,(@ )] This command presets and configures the meter for dc voltage measurements with the specified range, resolution, and input channel. This command does not initiate the measurement. CONFigure[:VOLTage][:DC]:RATio [{ | AUTO | MIN | MAX | DEF}][,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] This command presets and configures the meter for dc:dc ratio measurements with the specified range and resolution. This command does not initiate the measurement. For ratio measurements, the specified range applies to the signal connected to the Channel 1 terminals. Autoranging is selected for voltage measurements on the Channel 2 terminals. 135 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference The MEASure? and CONFigure Commands CONFigure[:VOLTage][:DC]:DIFFerence [{ | AUTO | MIN | MAX | DEF}][,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] This command presets and configures the meter for difference measurements with the specified range and resolution. This command does not initiate the measurement. For difference measurements, the specified range applies to the signal connected to the Channel 1 terminals. Autoranging is selected for voltage measurements on the Channel 2 terminals. CONFigure:FRESistance CONFigure:RESistance [{ | AUTO | MIN | MAX | DEF}][,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] This command presets and configures the meter for 2-wire or 4-wire ohms measurements with the specified range and resolution. This command does not initiate the measurement. CONFigure:TEMPerature {TC | DEF},{B | E | J | K | N | R | S | T | DEF}[,1,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] {THER | DEF},{DEF}[,1,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] {FRTD | DEF},{85 | 91 | DEF}[,1,{ | MIN | MAX | DEF}] This command presets and configures the meter for temperature measurements using the specified probe type and resolution. This command does not initiate the measurement. DEF defaults to the last probe type set. CONFigure? This command queries the meter’s present configuration and return a quoted string. 136 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Setting the Function, Range, and Resolution Setting the Function, Range, and Resolution See also “General Measurement Configuration,” starting on page 55 in chapter 3. [SENSe:]FUNCtion " " Select a measurement function. The function must be enclosed in quotes in the command string (for example, FUNC "VOLT:DC"). Use one of the following strings to set the function: VOLTage:DC RESistance (2-wire ohms) VOLTage:DC:RATio FRESistance (4-wire ohms) VOLTage:DC:DIFFerence TEMPerature [SENSe:]FUNCtion? This command queries the measurement function and return a quoted string. [{SENSe1: | SENSe2:}]VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe { | MIN | MAX} [SENSe:] FRESistance | RESistance :RANGe { | MIN | MAX} This command sets the range for the function specified. MIN selects the lowest range. MAX selects the highest range. [volatile memory] [{SENSe1: | SENSe2:}]VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe? [MIN | MAX] [SENSe:] FRESistance | RESistance :RANGe? {MIN | MAX} This command queries the function range setting. 137 4 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Setting the Function, Range, and Resolution [{SENSe1: | SENSe2:}]VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe:AUTO {OFF | ON} [SENSe:] FRESistance | RESistance :RANGe:AUTO {OFF | ON} This command disables or enables autoranging for the function. Autorange thresholds: Down range at <10% of range; Up range at >120% of range. [volatile memory] [{SENSe1: | SENSe2:}]VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe:AUTO? [SENSe:] FRESistance | RESistance :RANGe:AUTO? This command queries the autorange setting for the specified function. Returns “0” (OFF) or “1” (ON). [SENSe1: | SENSe2:]VOLTage:[DC:]RESolution { | MIN | MAX} [SENSe:] FRESistance | RESistance :RESolution { | MIN | MAX} This command sets the resolution for the specified function. Specify the resolution in the same units as the measurement function, not in number of digits. MIN selects the smallest value accepted, which gives the most resolution. MAX selects the largest value accepted which gives the least resolution. [volatile memory] [SENSe1: | SENSe2:]VOLTage:[DC:]RESolution? [{MIN | MAX}] [SENSe:] FRESistance | RESistance :RESolution? [{MIN | MAX}] This command queries the resolution for the selected function. 138 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Setting the Function, Range, and Resolution [SENSe1: | SENSe2:]VOLTage[:DC]:NPLCycles {0.02 | 0.2 | 1 | 2 | 10 | 20 | 100 | 200 | MIN | MAX} [SENSe:] FRESistance | RESistance :NPLCycles {0.02 | 0.2 | 1 | 2 | 10 | 20 | 100 | 200 | MIN | MAX} [SENSe:]TEMPerature:NPLCycles {0.02 | 0.2 | 1 | 2 | 10 | 20 | 100 | 200 | MIN | MAX} This command selects the integration time in number of power line cycles for the present function (the default is 10 PLC). MIN = 0.02. MAX = 200. [volatile memory] [SENSe1: | SENSe2:]VOLTage[:DC]:NPLCycles? {MIN | MAX} [SENSe:] FRESistance | RESistance :NPLCycles? {MIN | MAX} [SENSe:]TEMPerature:NPLCycles? {MIN | MAX} This command queries the integration time for the selected function. 4 139 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Selecting the Input Channel Selecting the Input Channel The correct input channel is automatically selected for resistance and temperature measurement functions. For voltage measurements, you must select the input channel. The easiest, but least flexible, method to specify the input channel is by using the channel parameter in the MEASure? or CONFigure commands. For example, CONFigure:VOLTage:DC MAX, MAX, (@FRONt1) CONFigure:VOLTage:DC MAX, MAX, (@FRONt2) Channel 1 Channel 2 In the SENSe subsystem, the keyword is modified to select the input channel. For example, SENSe1:VOLTage:RANGe 10 SENSe2:VOLTage:RANGe 10 Channel 1 range setting Channel 2 range setting For increased flexibility, and to take advantage of the independant null and range settings for each input channel, you can set each input channel as desired and switch between the input channels using the ROUTe:TERMinals command. For example, SENSe1:VOLTage:RANGe 10 SENSe2:VOLTage:RANGe .1 ROUTe:TERMinals FRONt1 READ? ROUTe:TERMinals FRONt2 READ? Channel 1 range 10 V Channel 2 range 100 mV Select channel 1 Channel 1 measurement Select channel 2 Channel 2 measurement You can determine which input channel is active with the query: ROUTe:TERMinals? The query returns either FRON1 or FRON2. 140 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Special Resistance Measurement Commands Special Resistance Measurement Commands The following commands provide offset compensation and low power or voltage limited resistance measurement capability. [SENSe:] FRESistance | RESistance :OCOMpensated {OFF | ON} :OCOMpensated? This command enables or disables the offset compensated resistance measurements (see page 69). Once enabled, offset compensation will apply to both 4-wire and 2-wire resistance measurements. [SENSe:] FRESistance :POWer:LIMit[:STATe] {OFF | ON} :POWer:LIMit[:STATe]? This command enables or disable the 4-wire low power resistance mode (see page 69). [SENSe:] FRESistance :VOLTage:LIMit[:STATe] {OFF | ON} :VOLTage:LIMit[:STATe]? :VOLTage:LIMit:VALue { | MIN | MAX} :VOLTage:LIMit:VALue? {MIN | MAX} This command enables or disables the 4-wire voltage limited resistance mode (see page 70). The voltage limit parameter will be rounded to one of three values: 20 mV, 100 mV, or 500 mV MIN sets 20 mV and MAX sets 500 mV. 141 4 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Temperature Measurement Commands Temperature Measurement Commands See "Temperature Measurement Configuration" on page 71 in Chapter 3. • The meter stores the last settings used for temperature measurements in non-volatile memory and uses these values as the default for future measurements. You can, therefore, make temperature measurements without having to set the transducer type or reference each time. • A range setting is not meaningful for temperature measurements. The range parameter is included in the commands to allow you to set the resolution. For temperature measurements, set the range to 1. Other numbers can be entered and are ignored. The range is reported as 1 in response to a query. MEASure:TEMPerature? {TC | DEF},{B | E | J | K | N | R | S | T | DEF}[, 1, { | MIN | MAX | DEF}] {THER | DEF},DEF[, 1, { | MIN | MAX | DEF}] {FRTD | DEF},{85 | 91 | DEF}[, 1, { | MIN | MAX | DEF}] These commands preset and configure the meter for temperature measurements using the specified probe type and resolution. The reading is sent to the output buffer. Set the measurement probe type in the first parameter, either TC (thermocouple), THER (Thermistor), or FRTD (four-wire RTD). The DEF (default) option sets the last probe type used. Set the thermocouple or RTD type in the second parameter. Set to DEF for thermistors. The optional parameter, 1, is a place holder to allow you to set the resolution. CONFigure:TEMPerature {TC | DEF},{B | E | J | K | N | R | S | T | DEF}[, 1, { | MIN | MAX | DEF}] {THER | DEF},DEF[, 1, { | MIN | MAX | DEF}] {FRTD | DEF},{85 | 91 | DEF}[, 1, { | MIN | MAX | DEF}] These commands preset and configure the meter for temperature measurements using the specified probe type and resolution. This command does not initiate the measurement. Set the measurement probe type in the first parameter, either TC (thermocouple), THER (Thermistor), or FRTD (four-wire RTD). The DEF (default) option sets the last probe type used. Set the thermocouple type in the second parameter. Set to DEF for thermistors. The optional parameter, 1, is a place holder to allow you to set the resolution. 142 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Temperature Measurement Commands [SENSe:]TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TYPE {TC | THER | FRTD | DEF} This command sets the type of temperature transducer to use for temperature measurements. Choose TC (thermocouples), THER (thermistors), or FRTD (four-wire RTD). DEF sets FRTD. [SENSe:]TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TYPE? This command queries for the current temperature measurement transducer type. [SENSe:]TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TCouple:TYPE {B | E | J | K | R | S | T | DEF} This command sets the type of thermocouple to use for the temperature measurement. DEF sets the last thermocouple type used. [SENSe:]TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TCouple:TYPE? This command queries for the thermocouple type in use. [SENSe:]TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TCouple:RJUNction { | MIN | MAX} This command sets the reference junction temperature for thermocouple measurements when using a fixed temperature reference. MIN sets 0° C, MAX sets 55° C. [SENSe:]TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TCouple:RJUNction? [{MIN | MAX}] This command queries for the reference junction temperature, if set, when using a fixed temperature reference. MIN returns 0° C, MAX returns 55° C. [SENSe:]TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TCouple:RJUNction:TYPE {FIX | INT | THER} This command sets the reference junction type for thermocouple measurements. The type can be se to a fixed value (FIX), can be set to use the internal thermistor (INT), or can use a thermistor connected to channel 1 (THER). When type is set to FIX, use SENSe:TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TCouple:RJUNction to set the reference temperature. [SENSe:]TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TCouple:RJUNction:TYPE ? This command queries for the type of reference junction being used for thermocouple measurements. 143 4 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Temperature Measurement Commands [SENSe:]TEMPerature:TRANsducer:FRTD:TYPE {85 | 91} This command sets the four-wire RTD type. The alpha is entered as either 85 (for α = .000385) or 91 (for α = .000391). [SENSe:]TEMPerature:TRANsducer:FRTD:TYPE? This command queries for the type of RTD being used. Returns either +91 or +85. [SENSe:]TEMPerature:TRANsducer:FRTD:RESistance[:REFerence] This command sets the four-wire RTD R0 value. The value is in the range of 4.9 Ω to 2.1 kΩ. [SENSe:]TEMPerature:TRANsducer:FRTD:RESistance[:REFerence]? This command queries for the RTD R0 value being used. UNIT:TEMPerature {C | CEL | F | FAR | K} This command sets the measurement and reporting units for temperature measurements. UNIT:TEMPerature? This command queries the temperature measurement reporting units. 144 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Null (Relative) Commands Null (Relative) Commands The meter uses independant null values for channel 1 and channel 2 voltage measurements, resistance measurements, and temperature measurements. See page 77 in Chapter 3. [SENSe:] | SENSe1: | SENSe2 VOLTage[:DC]:NULL[:STATe] {OFF | ON} VOLTage[:DC]:NULL[:STATe]? VOLTage[:DC]:NULL:VALue { | MIN | MAX} VOLTage[:DC]:NULL:VALue? These commands enable or disable the null state for voltage measurements on the selected input channel. Null must be enabled before the null value can be set. The null value set must be within ±132 V on each input channel. [SENSe:] FRESistance | RESistance :NULL[:STATe] {OFF | ON} :NULL[:STATe]? :NULL:VALue { | MIN | MAX} :NULL:VALue? 4 These commands enable or disable the null state for resistance measurements. Null must be enabled before the null value can be set. The null value set must be within ±1.2 MΩ. Null is common to both 2-wire and 4-wire resistance measurements, that is, enabling null on 4-wire ohms measurements also enables null on 2-wire ohms measurements. [SENSe:] TEMPerature :NULL[:STATe] {OFF | ON} :NULL[:STATe]? :NULL:VALue { | MIN | MAX} :NULL:VALue? These commands enable or disable the null state for temperature measurements. Null must be enabled before the null value can be set. The null value set must be in the range of -300° C to 2000° C. Null is common to all temperature measurements, that is, enabling null for one probe type enables null for all probe types. [SENSe:]NULL {OFF | ON | ONCE} This command enables or disables null for the active channel or function. OFF or ON disables or enables null using a value set in the null register. ONCE enables null and makes the next reading the null value. 145 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Input Filter Commands Input Filter Commands See also page 55 in Chapter 3. Using the input filters from the remote interface is not recommended. To use the filters with the remote interface be aware of the following: • The digital filter is a moving average (boxcar) filter. The filter rate sets the number of readings that will be averaged. A reading is taken and included in the average with each trigger. You must, therefore, supply enough triggers to fill up the average before the filter will settle. If your measurement requires averaging readings, use the math operations (Stats) instead of the digital filter (see page 148). • The digital filter average may reset, based upon the measurement value (see page 57). You must use the STATus:OPERation:CONDition register to determine if the filter is settled with each reading taken. • The analog filter significantly slows the reading rate. The input filters are disabled following a remote interface reset (*RST) or preset (SYStem:PREset). 146 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Input Filter Commands INPut:FILTer :STATe {OFF | ON} :STATe? These commands enable or disable the filter state and query the filter state. INPut:FILTer :TYPE {ANALog | DIGital | BOTH} :TYPE? These commands set the filter type and query the filter type. BOTH enables the digital and analog filters. INPut:FILTer :DIGital:RESPonse {SLOW | MEDium | FAST} :DIGital:RESPonse? These commands set the averaging for the digital filter and query the digital filter setting. SLOW sets a 100 reading average, MEDium sets a 50 reading average, and FAST sets a 10 reading average. 4 INPut:FILTer :DIGital:PRECharge {OFF | ON} :DIGital:PRECharge? These commands enable or disable the digital filter precharge and query the digital filter precharge setting. Disabling the digital filter precharge prevents the filter from resetting based upon the measured value (see page 57 in chapter 3). 147 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Math Operation Commands Math Operation Commands See also “Math Operations,” starting on page 74 in chapter 3. There are two main math operations available; stats and scale, only one of which can be enabled at a time. Stats performs mathematical operations on a series of readings. Scale performs a mathematical operation on each reading. The selected math operation remains in effect until you disable it, change functions, turn off the power, or perform a remote interface reset. CALCulate:FUNCtion {AVERage | SCALe} This command selects the main math function. Only one function can be enabled at a time. [volatile memory] CALCulate:FUNCtion? This command queries the present math function. Returns SCAL or AVER. CALCulate[:STATe] {OFF | ON} This command disables or enables the selected math function. [volatile memory] CALCulate[:STATe]? This command queries the state of the math function. Returns “0” (OFF) or “1” (ON). 148 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Math Operation Commands Statistics operation commands (AVERage) • You must have set CALC:FUNC AVER and CALC ON to use these commands. CALCulate:AVERage:MINimum? This command returns the minimum value found during a math average operation. The meter clears the value when math is turned on, when power has been off, or after a remote interface reset. [volatile memory] CALCulate:AVERage:MAXimum? This command returns the maximum value found during a math average operation. The meter clears the value when math is turned on, when power has been off, or after a remote interface reset. [volatile memory] CALCulate:AVERage:AVERage? This command returns the average of all readings taken since math average was enabled. The meter clears the value when math is turned on, when power has been off, or after a remote interface reset. [volatile memory] CALCulate:AVERage:COUNt? This command returns the number of readings taken since math average was enabled. The meter clears the value when math is turned on, when power has been off, or after a remote interface reset. [volatile memory] CALCulate:AVERage:PTPeak? This command returns the peak-to-peak value of all readings taken since math was enabled. The meter clears the value when math is turned on, when power has been off, or after a remote interface reset. [volatile memory] CALulate:AVERage:SDEViation This command returns the standard deviation of all readings taken since math was enabled. The meter clears the value when math is turned on, when power has been off, or after a remote interface reset. [volatile memory] 149 4 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Math Operation Commands DATA:FEED RDG_STORE, {"CALCulate" | " "} This command selects whether readings taken using the INITiate command are stored in the meter’s internal memory (default) or not stored at all. In the default state (DATA:FEED RDG_STORE, "CALC"), up to 1024 readings are stored in memory when INITiate is executed. The MEASure? and CONFigure commands automatically select "CALC". With memory disabled (DATA:FEED RDG_STORE, " "), readings taken using INITiate are not stored. You can use this method to gather statistics on any number of readings (no 1024 reading limit). An error will be generated if you attempt to transfer readings to the output buffer using the FETCh? command. DATA:FEED? This command queries the reading memory state. Returns "CALC" or " ". DATA:POINts? This comand queries the number of readings in memory. Scale operation commands You must have set CALC:FUNC SCAL and CALC ON to use these commands. CALCulate:SCALe:GAIN This comand sets the slope of the readings scale according to y = mx + b. The gain is the m value. CALCulate:SCALe:GAIN? This command queries the current gain. CALCulate:SCALe:OFFSet This command sets the offset of the readings scale according to y = mx + b. The offset is the b value. CALCulate:SCALe:OFFSet? This command queries the current offset. 150 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Triggering Triggering See also “Triggering,” starting on page 80 in chapter 3. First time SCPI users, see page 183 The meter’s triggering system allows you to generate triggers either manually or automatically, take multiple readings per trigger, and insert a delay before each reading. Normally, the meter will take one reading each time it receives a trigger, but you can specify multiple readings (up to 50,000) per trigger. You can also set an infinite trigger. Triggering the meter from the remote interface is a multi-step process that offers triggering flexibility. • First, you must configure the meter for the measurement by selecting the function, range, resolution, etc. • Then, you must specify the source from which the meter will accept the trigger. The meter will accept a software (bus) trigger from the remote interface, a hardware trigger from the rear-panel Ext Trig (external trigger) terminal, or an immediate internal trigger. • Then, you must make sure that the meter is ready to accept a trigger from the specified trigger source (this is called the wait-for-trigger state). The diagram on the next page shows the meter’s triggering system. 151 4 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Triggering Initiate Triggering MEASure? READ? INITiate Trigger Source TRIGger:SOURce IMMediate TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal TRIGger:SOURce BUS front-panel "Single" key Idle State Wait-forTrigger State Trigger Delay TRIGger:DELay Delay Sample (*) Annunciator Measurement Sample Yes Yes Sample Count >1 Triggering the meter is a multi-step process. 152 Trigger Count >1 No No Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Triggering The Wait-for-Trigger State After you have configured the meter and selected a trigger source, you must place the meter in the wait-for-trigger state. A trigger will not be accepted until the meter is in this state. If a trigger signal is present, and if the meter is in the “wait-for-trigger” state, the measurement sequence begins and readings are taken. The “wait-for-trigger” state is a term used primarily for remote interface operation. From the front panel, the meter is always in the “wait-for-trigger” state and will accept triggers at any time, unless a measurement is already in progress. You can place the meter in the “wait-for-trigger” state by executing any of the following commands from the remote interface. MEASure? READ? INITiate The meter requires approximately 20 ms of set-up time after you send a command to change to the "wait-for-trigger" state. Any external triggers that occur during this set-up time are ignored. 153 4 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Triggering Commands Triggering Commands See also “Triggering,” starting on page 80 in chapter 3. INITiate This command changes the state of the triggering system from the “idle” state to the “wait-for-trigger” state. Measurements will begin when the specified trigger conditions are satisfied after the INITiate command is received. The readings are placed in the meter’s internal memory (up to 1024 readings can be stored). Readings are stored in memory until you are able to retrieve them. Use the FETCh? command to retrieve reading results. READ? This command changes the state of the trigger system from the “idle” state to the “wait-for-trigger” state. Measurements will begin when the specified trigger conditions are satisfied following the receipt of the READ? command. Readings are sent immediately to the output buffer. TRIGger:SOURce {BUS | IMMediate | EXTernal} This command selects the source from which the meter will accept a trigger. The meter will accept a software (bus) trigger, an immediate internal trigger (this is the default source), or a hardware trigger from the rear-panel Ext Trig (external trigger) terminal. After you set the trigger source, you still need to send an INITiate command to move the meter to the wait-for-trigger state. [volatile memory] TRIGger:SOURce? This command queries the present trigger source. Returns “BUS”, “IMM”, or “EXT”. 154 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Triggering Commands TRIGger:DELay { | MIN | MAX} This command inserts a trigger delay between the trigger signal and each sample that follows. If you do not specify a trigger delay, the meter automatically selects a delay for you (see page 89). Select from 0 to 3600 seconds. MIN = 0 seconds. MAX = 3600 seconds. [volatile memory] TRIGger:DELay? [{MIN | MAX}] This command queries the trigger delay. TRIGger:DELay:AUTO {OFF | ON} This command enables or disables an automatic trigger delay. The delay is determined by function, range, integration time, and ac filter setting. Selecting a specific trigger delay value automatically turns off automatic trigger delay. [volatile memory] TRIGger:DELay:AUTO? This command queries the automatic trigger delay setting. Returns “0” (OFF) or “1” (ON). 4 SAMPle:COUNt { | MIN | MAX} This command sets the number of readings (samples) the meter takes per trigger. Select from 1 to 50,000 readings per trigger. MIN = 1 and MAX = 50,000. [volatile memory] SAMPle:COUNt? [{MIN | MAX}] This command queries the sample count. TRIGger:COUNt { | MIN | MAX | INFinity} This command sets the number of triggers the meter will accept before returning to the “idle” state. Select from 1 to 50,000 triggers. The INFinity parameter instructs the meter to continuously accept triggers (you must send a device clear to return to the “idle” state). Trigger count is ignored while in local operation. MIN = 1 and MAX = 50,000. [volatile memory] TRIGger:COUNt? [{MIN | MAX}] This command queries the trigger count. If you specify an infinity trigger count, the query command returns “9.90000000E+37”. 155 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Chart Output (Analog Out) Commands Chart Output (Analog Out) Commands See also "Chart Output", starting on page 98 in chapter 3. OUTPut [:STATe] {OFF | ON} [:STATe]? These commands enable or disable the chart output (analog output) and query the output state. When disabled, the output is held at 0 V. OUTPut :REFerence:OFFset { | MIN | MAX} :REFerence:OFFset? :REFerence:NULL These commands set or query the offset value. The offset can be set in the range of -1.0E9 to 1.0E9. MIN sets –1.0E9 V and MAX sets 1.0E9 V. The :NULL form of this command makes the next measurement value the null value. OUTPut :REFerence:SPAN [{ | MIN | MAX}] :REFerence:SPAN? [{MIN | MAX}] :REFerence:GAIN? These commands set or query the span value. The span can be set in the range of 5E-9 to 1.0E9. MIN sets 5E-9 and MAX sets 1.0E9. The :GAIN? query returns the reciprocal of the span value. OUTPut :REFerence:VALue { | MIN | MAX}] This command allows you to set a fixed value output. The value can be set in the range of ±3.00 V. MIN sets -3.00 V and MAX sets +3.00 V. 156 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference System-Related Commands System-Related Commands See also “System-Related Operations,” starting on page 90 in chapter 3. FETCh? This command transfers readings stored in the meter’s internal memory by the INITiate command to the meter’s output buffer where you can read them into your bus controller. READ? This command changes the state of the trigger system from the “idle” state to the “wait-for-trigger” state. Measurements will begin when the specified trigger conditions are satisfied following the receipt of the READ? command. Readings are sent immediately to the output buffer. DISPlay {OFF | ON} This command turns the front-panel display off or on. [volatile memory] DISPlay? 4 This command queries the front-panel display setting. Returns “0” (OFF) or “1” (ON). DISPlay:TEXT This command displays a message on the front panel. The meter will display up to 11 characters in a message; any additional characters are truncated. [volatile memory] DISPlay:TEXT? This command queries the message sent to the front panel and returns a quoted string. DISPlay:TEXT:CLEar This command clears the message in the display. 157 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference System-Related Commands SYSTem:ERRor? This command queries the meter’s error queue. Up to 20 errors can be stored in the queue. Errors are retrieved in first-in-first out (FIFO) order. Each error string may contain up to 80 characters. SYSTem:VERSion? This command queries the meter to determine the present SCPI version. Returns "1994.0" *RST This command resets the meter to its power-on configuration. *TST? This command performs a complete self-test of the meter. Returns “0” if the self-test is successful, or “1” if the test fails. *IDN? This command reads the meter’s identification string (be sure to dimension a string variable with at least 40 characters). 158 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference The SCPI Status Model The SCPI Status Model All SCPI instruments implement status registers in the same way. The status system records various instrument conditions in four register groups: the Status Byte register, the Standard Event register, The Operational Status register, and the Questionable Data register. The status byte register records high-level summary information reported in the other register groups. The diagram on the next page illustrates the SCPI status system used by the meter. Chapter 6, “Application Programs,” contains example programs showing the use of the status registers. You may find it useful to refer to the programs after reading the following section in this chapter. What is an Event Register? The standard event and questionable data registers have event registers. An event register is a read-only register that reports defined conditions within the meter. Bits in the event registers are latched. Once an event bit is set, subsequent state changes are ignored. Bits in an event register are automatically cleared by a query of that register (such as *ESR? or STAT:QUES:EVEN?) or by sending the *CLS (clear status) command. A reset (*RST) or device clear will not clear bits in event registers. Querying an event register returns a decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of all bits set in the register. What is an Enable Register? An enable register defines which bits in the corresponding event register are logically ORed together to form a single summary bit. Enable registers are both readable and writable. Querying an enable register will not clear it. The *CLS (clear status) command does not clear enable registers but it does clear the bits in the event registers. The STATus:PRESet command will clear the questionable data enable register. To enable bits in an enable register, you must write a decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of the bits you wish to enable in the register. What is a Condition Register? A condition register actively indicates the current state of the instrument. Bits in the condition register are not latched, and change as the conditions within the instrument change. The event register latches the changes in the condition register bits. 159 4 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference The SCPI Status Model SCPI Status System + See page 169 for information on the use of this bit. 160 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference The SCPI Status Model The Status Byte The status byte summary register reports conditions from other status registers. Query data that is waiting in the meter’s output buffer is immediately reported through the “message available” bit (bit 4). Bits in the summary registers are not latched. Clearing an event register will clear the corresponding bits in the status byte summary register. Reading all messages in the output buffer, including any pending queries, will clear the message available bit. Bit Definitions — Status Byte Register Bit Decimal Value Definition 0 Not Used 1 Always set to 0 1 Not Used 2 Always set to 0 2 Not Used 4 Always set to 0 3 Questionable Data 8 One or more bits are set in the Questionable Data register (bits must be "enabled" in the enable register). 4 Message Available 16 Data is available in the meter output buffer 5 Standard Event 32 One or more bits are set in the Standard Event register (bits must be "enabled" in the enable register). 6 Request Service 64 The meter is requesting service (serial poll). 7 Operational Status 128 One or more bits are set in the Operational Event register (bits must be "enabled" in the enable register) 161 4 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference The SCPI Status Model The status byte summary register is cleared when: • You execute a *CLS (clear status) command. • Querying the standard event and questionable data registers will clear only the respective bits in the summary register. The status byte enable register (request service) is cleared when: • You turn on the power and you have previously configured the meter using the *PSC 1 command. • You execute a *SRE 0 command. The status byte enable register will not be cleared at power-on if you have previously configured the meter using *PSC 0. Using Service Request (SRQ) and Serial POLL You must configure your bus controller to respond to the IEEE-488 service request (SRQ) interrupt to use this capability. Use the status byte enable register (SRE) to select which summary bits will set the low-level IEEE-488 SRQ signal. When the status byte “request service” bit (bit 6) is set, an IEEE-488 SRQ interrupt message is automatically sent to the bus controller. The bus controller may then poll the instruments on the bus to identify which one requested service (the one with bit 6 set in its status byte). The request service bit is only cleared by reading the status byte using an IEEE-488 serial poll or by reading the event register whose summary bit is causing the service request. To read the status byte summary register, send the IEEE-488 serial poll message. Querying the summary register will return a decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of the bits set in the register. Serial poll will automatically clear the “request service” bit in the status byte summary register. No other bits are affected. Performing a serial poll will not affect instrument throughput. Caution The IEEE-488.2 standard does not ensure synchronization between your bus controller program and the instrument. Use the *OPC? command to guarantee that commands previously sent to the instrument have completed. Executing a serial poll before a *RST, *CLS, or other commands have completed can cause previous conditions to be reported. 162 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference The SCPI Status Model Using *STB? to Read the Status Byte The *STB? (status byte query) command is similar to a serial poll except it is processed like any other instrument command. The *STB? command returns the same result as an IEEE-488 serial poll except that the “request service” bit (bit 6) is not cleared if a serial poll has occurred. The *STB? command is not handled automatically by the IEEE-488 bus interface hardware and the command will be executed only after previous commands have completed. Polling is not possible using the *STB? command. Using the *STB? command does not clear the status byte summary register. To Interrupt Your Bus Controller Using SRQ • Send a bus device clear message. • Clear the event registers with the *CLS (clear status) command. • Set the *ESE (standard event register) and *SRE (status byte register) enable masks. • Send the *OPC? (operation complete query) command and enter the result to assure synchronization. • Enable your bus controller’s IEEE-488 SRQ interrupt. To Determine When a Command Sequence is Completed Either: • Send the *OPC? (operation complete query) command and enter the result to assure synchronization. Or, to prevent holding the interface bus for commands that take longer to execute (such as CALibrate commands), : • Send a device clear message to clear the meter’s output buffer. • Clear the event registers with the *CLS (clear status) command. • Enable “operation complete” using the *ESE 1 command (standard event register). • Send your programming command string, and place the *OPC (operation complete) command as the last command. • Use a serial poll to check to see when bit 5 (standard event) is set in the status byte summary register. You could also configure the meter for an SRQ interrupt by sending *SRE 32 (status byte enable register, bit 5). 163 4 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference The SCPI Status Model How to Use the Message Available Bit (MAV) You can use the status byte “message available” bit (bit 4) to determine when data becomes available to read into your bus controller. The meter sets bit 4 when the first reading trigger occurs (which can be TRIGger:SOURce:IMMediate). The meter subsequently clears bit 4 only after all messages have been read from the output buffer. The message available (MAV) bit can only indicate when the first reading is available following a READ? command. This can be helpful if you do not know when a trigger event such as BUS or EXTernal will occur. The MAV bit is set only after all specified measurements have completed when using the INITiate command followed by FETCh?. Readings are placed in the meter’s internal memory when using INITiate. Sending the FETCh? command transfers readings (stored in internal memory by the INITiate command) to the meter’s output buffer. Therefore, the MAV bit can only be set after all measurements have been completed. Using *OPC to Signal When Data is in the Output Buffer Generally, it is best to use the “operation complete” bit (bit 0) in the standard event register to signal when a command sequence is completed. This bit is set in the register after an *OPC command has been executed. If you send *OPC after a command which loads a message in the meter’s output buffer (either reading data or query data), you can use the operation complete bit to determine when the message is available. However, if too many messages are generated before the *OPC command executes (sequentially), the output buffer will fill and the meter will stop taking readings. 164 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference The SCPI Status Model The Standard Event Register The standard event register reports the following types of instrument events: power-on detected, command syntax errors, command execution errors, self-test or calibration errors, query errors, or when an *OPC command is executed. Any or all of these conditions can be reported in the standard event summary bit through the enable register. You must write a decimal value using the *ESE (event status enable) command to set the enable register mask. An error condition (standard event register bits 2, 3, 4, or 5) will always record one or more errors in the meter’s error queue, with the following exception: A reading overload condition is always reported in both the standard event register (bit 3) and the questionable data event register (bits 0 or 9). However, no error message is recorded in the meter’s error queue. Read the error queue using SYSTem:ERRor?. 4 Bit Definitions — Standard Event Register Bit Decimal Value Definition 0 Operation Complete 1 All commands prior to and including an *OPC command have been executed. 1 Not Used 2 Always set to 0. 2 Query Error 4 The meter tried to read the output buffer but it was empty. Or, a new command line was received before a previous query had been read. Or, both the input and output buffers are full. 3 Device Error 8 A self-test, calibration, or reading overload error occurred. 4 Execution Error 16 An execution error occurred (see error numbers -211 through -230 in Chapter 5). 5 Command Error 32 A command syntax error occurred (see error numbers -101 through -158 in Chapter 5). 6 Not Used 64 Always set to 0. 7 Power On 128 Power has been turned off and on since the last time the event register was read or cleared. 165 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference The SCPI Status Model The standard event register is cleared when: • You send a *CLS (clear status) command. • You query the event register using the *ESR? (event status register) command. The standard event enable register is cleared when: • You turn on the power and you have previously configured the meter using the *PSC 1 command. • You execute a *ESE 0 command. The standard event enable register will not be cleared at power-on if you have previously configured the meter using *PSC 0. 166 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference The SCPI Status Model The Questionable Data Register The questionable data register provides information about the quality of the meter’s measurement results. Overload conditions can be reported in the questionable data summary bit through the enable register. You must write a decimal value using the STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle command to set the enable register mask. Note: A reading overload condition is always reported in both the standard event register (bit 3) and the questionable data event register (bits 0, 1, or 9). However, no error message is recorded in the meter’s error queue. Bit Definitions — Questionable Data Register Bit Decimal Value Definition 0 Voltage Overload 1 Range overload on dc volts 1 Not Used 2 Always set to 0. 2 Not Used 4 Always set to 0. 3 Not Used 8 Always set to 0. 4 Temperature Overload 16 Range overload on temperature measurements. 5 Not Used 32 Always set to 0. 6 Not Used 64 Always set to 0. 7 Not Used 128 Always set to 0. 8 Not Used 256 Always set to 0. 9 Ohms Overload 512 Range overload on 2-wire or 4-wire Ohms 10 Not Used 1024 Always set to 0. 11 Not Used 2048 Always set to 0. 12 Not Used 4096 Always set to 0. 13 Not Used 8192 Always set to 0. 14 Not Used 16384 Always set to 0. 15 Not Used 32768 Always set to 0. 4 167 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference The SCPI Status Model The questionable data event register is cleared when: • You execute a *CLS (clear status) command. • You query the event register using STATus:QUEStionable:EVENt?. The questionable data enable register is cleared when: • You turn on the power (*PSC does not apply). • You execute the STATus:PRESet command. • You execute the STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle 0 command. 168 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference The SCPI Status Model The Operational Status and Condition Registers The operation status register provides information about the operation of the meter. Bits in the operational status event register are latched from changes in the bits in the operational status condition register. The meter only uses a single bit (bit 8) in these registers. This bit indicates the settling state of the digital filter. If the digital filter is enabled, bit 8 is set to 1 to indicate that the filter has settled. See page 57 for information about the operation of the digital filter. You can read the operational status condition register to determine the digital filter state on a per measurement basis. You can read the operational status event register to determined if the digital filter ever settled. The digital filter count can be reset based upon input signal levels. See page 57. If you need to know the digital filter state for a given measurement, use the condition register (STATus:OPERation:CONDition?). This bit changes with each measurement. Changes to this bit are latched in the operational status event register and so the event register bit only indicates if the filter ever settled. 169 4 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference The SCPI Status Model Bit Definitions — Operational Status Register Bit 0 1 ↓ 7 8 9 ↓ 15 Decimal Value Not Used ↓ Filter Settled Not Used ↓ Definition Always set to 0 ↓ 256 Digital filter is settled. Always set to 0. ↓ The operational status event register is cleared when: • You execute a *CLS (clear status) command. • You query the event register using STATus:OPERation:EVENt?. The operational status enable register is cleared when: • You turn on the power (*PSC does not apply). • You execute the STATus:PRESet command. • You execute the STATus:OPERation:ENABle 0 command. 170 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Status Reporting Commands Status Reporting Commands SYSTem:ERRor? This command queries the meter’s error queue. Up to 20 errors can be stored in the queue. Errors are retrieved in first-in-first out (FIFO) order. Each error string may contain up to 80 characters. STATus:QUEStionable:CONDition? This command queries the questionable status condition register. The meter returns a decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of all bits set in the register. STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle This command enables bits in the Questionable Data enable register. The selected bits are then reported to the Status Byte. STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle? This command queries the Questionable Data enable register. The meter returns a binary-weighted decimal representing the bits set in the enable register. STATus:QUEStionable:EVENt? This command queries the Questionable Data event register. The meter returns a decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of all bits set in the register. STATus:OPERation:CONDition? This command queries the operational status condition register. The meter returns a decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of all bits set in the register. Only bit 8 (decimal 256) is used (indicates the digital filter has settled). STATus:OPERation:ENABle This command enables bits in the Questionable Data enable register. The selected bits are then reported to the Status Byte. STATus:OPERation:ENABle? This command queries the Questionable Data enable register. The meter returns a binary-weighted decimal representing the bits set in the enable register. 171 4 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Status Reporting Commands STATus:OPERation:EVENt? This command queries the Questionable Data event register. The meter returns a decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of all bits set in the register. Only bit 8 (decimal 256) is used and latches the digital filter settled state of the condition register. STATus:PRESet This command clears all bits in the Questionable Data enable and Operational Status enable registers. *CLS This command clears the Status Byte summary register and all event registers. *ESE This command enables bits in the Standard Event enable register. The selected bits are then reported to the Status Byte. *ESE? This command queries the Standard Event enable register. The meter returns a decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of all bits set in the register. *ESR? This command queries the Standard event register. The meter returns a decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of all bits set in the register. *OPC This command sets the “operation complete” bit (bit 0) in the Standard Event register after the command is executed. *OPC? This command returns “1” to the output buffer after the command is executed. 172 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Status Reporting Commands *PSC {0 | 1} (Power-on status clear.) This command clears the Status Byte and Standard Event register enable masks when power is turned on (*PSC 1). When *PSC 0 is in effect, the Status Byte and Standard Event register enable masks are not cleared when power is turned on. [non-volatile memory] *PSC? This command queries the power-on status clear setting. Returns “0” (*PSC 0) or “1” (*PSC 1). *SRE This command enables bits in the Status Byte enable register. *SRE? This command queries the Status Byte enable register. The meter returns a decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of all bits set in the register. 4 173 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Calibration Commands Calibration Commands See the Service Guide for a more detailed description of the meter’s calibration procedures. CALibration? This command performs a calibration using the specified calibration value (CALibration:VALue command). CALibration:COUNt? This command queries the meter to determine the number of times it has been calibrated. Since the value increments by one for each calibration point, a complete calibration increases the value by several counts. [non-volatile memory] CALibration:ICURrent? This command begins an injected current calibration. The query returns +0 if the calibration was successful and a +1 if the calibration failed. CALibration:OUTPut {ZERO | GAIN} This command sets the Chart Output (Analog Output) to either 0V or 1V output for calibration purposes. Use the CALibration:VALue and CALibration? commands to set the values and perform the calibration. CALibration:OUTPut? This command query returns "ZERO" or "GAIN" . CALibration:SECure:CODE This command enters a new security code. To change the security code, first unsecure the meter using the old security code. Then, enter the new code. The calibration code may contain up to 11 characters. [non-volatile memory] CALibration:SECure:STATe {OFF | ON}, This command unsecures or secures the meter for calibration. The calibration code may contain up to 11 characters. [non-volatile memory] CALibration:SECure:STATe? This command queries the secured state of the meter. Returns “0” (OFF) or “1” (ON). 174 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Calibration Commands CALibration:STRing
This command records calibration information about your meter. For example, you can store such information as the last calibration date or the next calibration due date. The calibration message may contain up to 40 characters. [non-volatile memory] CALibration:STRing? This command queries the calibration message and return a quoted string. CALibration:VALue This command specifies the value of the known calibration signal used by the calibration procedure. CALibration:VALue? This command queries the present calibration value. 4 175 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference RS-232 Interface Configuration RS-232 Interface Configuration See also “Remote Interface Configuration,” on page 101 in chapter 3. You connect the meter to the RS-232 interface using the 9-pin (DB-9) serial connector on the rear panel. The meter is configured as a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) device. For all communications over the RS-232 interface, the meter uses two handshake lines: DTR (Data Terminal Ready) on pin 4 and DSR (Data Set Ready) on pin 6. The following sections contain information to help you use the meter over the RS-232 interface. The programming commands for RS-232 are listed beginning on page 182. RS-232 Configuration Overview Configure the RS-232 interface using the parameters shown below. Use the front-panel I/O MENU to select the baud rate, parity, and number of data bits (see page 101 for more information). • Baud Rate: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 baud (factory setting) • Parity and Data Bits: None / 8 data bits (factory setting) Even / 7 data bits, or Odd / 7 data bits • Number of Start Bits 1 bit (fixed) • Number of Stop Bits 176 2 bits (fixed) Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference RS-232 Interface Configuration RS-232 Data Frame Format A character frame consists of all the transmitted bits that make up a single character. The frame is defined as the characters from the start bit to the last stop bit, inclusively. Within the frame, you can select the baud rate, number of data bits, and parity type. The meter uses the following frame formats for seven and eight data bits. Connection to a Computer or Terminal To connect the meter to a computer or terminal, you must have the proper interface cable. Most computers and terminal are DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) devices. Since the meter is also a DTE device, you must use a DTE-to-DTE interface cable. These cables are also called null-modem, modem-eliminator, or crossover cables. The interface cable must also have the proper connector on each end and the internal wiring must be correct. Connectors typically have 9 pins (DB-9 connector) or 25 pins (DB-25 connector) with a "male" or "female" pin configuration. A male connector has pins inside the connector shell and a female connector has holes inside the connector shell. If you cannot find the correct cable for your configuration, you may have to use a wiring adapter. If you are using a DTE-to-DTE cable, make sure the adapter is a "straight-through" type. Typical adapters include gender changers, null-modem adapters, and DB-9 to DB-25 adapters. 177 4 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference RS-232 Interface Configuration Refer to the cable and adapter diagrams below to connect the meter to most computers or terminals. If you configuration is different than those described, order the 34399A Adapter Kit. This kit contains adapters for connection to other computers, terminals, and modems. Instructions and pin diagrams are included with the adapter kit. DB-9 Serial Connection If your computer or terminal has a 9-pin serial port with a male connector, use the null-modem cable included with the 34398A Cable Kit. This cable has a 9-pin female connector on each end. The cable pin diagram is shownbelow. DB-25 Serial Connection If your computer or terminal has a 25-pin serial port with a male connector, use the null-modem cable and 25-pin adapter included with the 34398A Cable Kit. The cable pin diagram is shown below. 178 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference RS-232 Interface Configuration Connection to a Printer To connect to a printer you must use a DTE to DCE (Data Communications Equipment) cable. GPIB address to 31 Set the meter to the TALK ONLY mode by setting the HP-IB from the front panel. Then set the RS-232 interface as the active interface. See pages 187 and 189. DTR / DSR Handshake Protocol The meter is configured as a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) device and uses the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) and DSR (Data Set Ready) lines of the RS-232 interface to handshake. The meter uses the DTR line to send a hold-off signal. The DTR line must be TRUE before the meter will accept data from the interface. When the meter sets the DTR line FALSE, the data must cease within 10 characters. To disable the DTR/DSR handshake, do not connect the DTR line and tie the DSR line to logic TRUE. If you disable the DTR/DSR handshake, also select a slower baud rate (300, 600, or 1200 baud) to ensure that the data is transmitted correctly. 179 4 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference RS-232 Interface Configuration The meter sets the DTR line FALSE in the following cases: 1 When the meter’s input buffer is full (when approximately 100 characters have been received), it sets the DTR line FALSE (pin 4 on the RS-232 connector). When enough characters have been removed to make space in the input buffer, the meter sets the DTR line TRUE, unless the second case (see below) prevents this. 2 When the meter wants to "talk" over the interface (which means that it has processed a query) and has received a message terminator, it will set the DTR line FALSE. This implies that once a query has been sent to the meter, the controller should read the response before attempting to send more data. It also means that a must terminate the command string. After the response has been output, the meter sets the DTR line TRUE again, unless the first case (see above) prevents this. The meter monitors the DSR line to determine when the controller is ready to accept data over the interface. The meter monitors the DSR line (pin 6 on the RS-232 connector) before each character is sent. The output is suspended if the DSR line is FALSE. When the DSR line goes TRUE, transmission will resume. The meter holds the DTR line FALSE while output is suspended. A form of interface deadlock exists until the controller asserts the DSR line TRUE to allow the meter to complete the transmission. You break the interface deadlock by sending the character, which clears the operation in progress and discards pending output (this is equivalent the the IEEE-488 device clear action). 180 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference RS-232 Interface Configuration RS-232 Troubleshooting Here are a few things to check if you are having problems using the RS-232 interface. If you need additional help, refer to the documentation that came with your computer. • Verify that the meter and your computer are configured for the same baud rate, parity, and number of data bits. Make sure that your computer is set up for 1 start bit and 2 stop bits (these values are fixed on the meter). • Make sure to execute the SYSTEM:REMOTE command to place the meter in the REMOTE mode. • Verify that you have connected the correct interface cable and adapters. Even if the cable has the proper connectors for your system, the internal wiring may not be correct. The 34398A Cable Kit can be used to connect the meter to most computers or terminals. • Verify that you have connected the interface cable to the correct serial port on your computer (COM1, COM2, etc). 181 4 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference RS-232 Interface Commands RS-232 Interface Commands SYSTem:LOCal This command places the meter in the local mode during RS-232 operation. All keys on the front panel are fully functional. SYSTem:REMote This command places the meter in the remote mode during RS-232 operation. All keys on the front panel except the LOCAL key are disabled. You MUST send this command before any other RS-232 command can be received. SYSTem:RWLock This command places the meter in the remote mode during RS-232 operation. All keys on the front panel are disabled, including the LOCAL key. Caution Sending or receiving data over the RS-232 interface when not configured for REMOTE operation can cause unpredictable results. Always make sure the meter is configured for remote operation when using the RS-232 interface. 182 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference An Introduction to the SCPI Language An Introduction to the SCPI Language Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) defines how you communicate with an instrument from a bus controller. The SCPI language uses a hierarchical structure similar to the file systems used by many bus controllers. The command “tree” is organized with root-level commands (also called “subsystems”) positioned at the top, with multiple levels below each root-level command. You must specify the complete path to execute the individual lower-level commands. Using a Colon (:) When a colon is the first character of a command keyword, it indicates that the next command mnemonic is a root-level command. When a colon is inserted between two command mnemonics, the colon moves the path down one level in the present path (for the specified root-level command) of the command tree. You must separate command mnemonics from each other using a colon. You can omit the leading colon if the command is the first of a new program line. Using a Semicolon (;) Use a semicolon to separate two commands within the same command string. The semicolon does not change the present path specified. For example, the following two statements are equivalent. 4 :TRIG:DELAY 1;:TRIG:COUNT 10 :TRIG:DELAY 1;COUNT 10 Using a Comma (,) If a command requires more than one parameter, you must separate adjacent parameters using a comma. Using Whitespace You must use whitespace characters, [tab], or [space] to separate a parameter from a command keyword. Whitespace characters are generally ignored only in parameter lists. 183 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference An Introduction to the SCPI Language Using “ ? ” Commands The bus controller may send commands at any time, but a SCPI instrument may only send responses when specifically instructed to do so. Only query commands (commands that end with a “?”) will instruct the instrument to send a response message. Queries return either measured values or internal instrument settings. Caution If you send two query commands without reading the response from the first, and then attempt to read the second response, you may receive some data from the first response followed by the complete second response. To avoid this, do not send a query command without reading the response. When you cannot avoid this situation, send a device clear before sending the second query command. Using “ * ” Commands Commands starting with a “ * ” are called common commands. They are required to perform the identical function for all instruments that are compliant with the IEEE-488.2 interface standard. The “ * ” commands are used to control reset, self-test, and status operations in the meter. 184 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference An Introduction to the SCPI Language SCPI Data Types The SCPI language defines different data formats for use in program messages and response messages. Instruments are flexible listeners and can accept commands and parameters in various formats. However, SCPI instruments are precise talkers. This means that SCPI instruments will always respond to a particular query in a predefined, rigid format. Numeric Parameters Commands that require numeric parameters will accept all commonly used decimal representations of numbers including optional signs, decimal points, and scientific notation. Special values for numeric parameters like MAXimum, MINimum, and DEFault are also accepted. You can also send engineering unit suffixes (M, k, or u) with numeric parameters. If only specific numeric values are accepted, the meter will automatically round the input numeric parameters. Discrete Parameters Discrete parameters are used to program settings that have a limited number of values (like BUS, IMMediate, EXTernal). They have a short form and a long form just like command keywords. You can mix upper-case and lower-case letters. Query responses will always return the short form in upper-case letters. Boolean Parameters Boolean parameters represent a single binary condition that is either true or false. For a false condition, the meter will accept “OFF” or “0”. For a true condition, the meter will accept “ON” or “1”. When you query a boolean setting, the instrument will always return “0” or “1”. String Parameters String parameters can contain virtually any set of ASCII characters. A string must begin and end with matching quotes; either with a single quote or with a double quote. You can include the quote delimiter as part of the string by typing it twice without any characters in between. 185 4 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Input Message Terminators Input Message Terminators Program messages sent to a SCPI instrument must terminate with a character. The IEEE-488 EOI (end or identify) signal is interpreted as a character and may also be used to terminate a message in place of the character. A followed by a is also accepted. Many programming languages allow you to specify a message terminator character or EOI state to be automatically sent with each bus transaction. Message termination will always set the current path back to the root-level. Output Data Formats Output data will be in one of formats shown in the table below. Type of Output Data Output Data Format Non-reading queries <80 ASCII character string Single reading (IEEE-488) SD.DDDDDDDDESDD Multiple readings (IEEE-488) SD.DDDDDDDDESDD,...,... Single reading (RS-232) SD.DDDDDDDDESDD Multiple readings (RS-232) SD.DDDDDDDDESDD,...,... S Negative sign or positive sign D Numeric digits E Exponent newline character carriage return character 186 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Using Device Clear to Halt Measurements Using Device Clear to Halt Measurements Device clear is an IEEE-488 low-level bus message which can be used to halt measurements in progress. Different programming languages and IEEE-488 interface cards provide access to this capability through their own unique commands. The status registers, the error queue, and all configuration states are left unchanged when a device clear message is received. Device clear performs the following actions. • All measurements in progress are aborted. • The meter returns to the trigger “idle state”. • The meter’s input and output buffers are cleared. • The meter is prepared to accept a new command string. • For RS-232 operation, sending the control-C character will perform the equivalent operations of the IEEE-488 device clear message. The meter’s DTR (data terminal ready) handshake line will be true following a device clear message. See “DTR / DSR Handshake Protocol,” on page 179 for further details. 4 TALK ONLY for Printers GPIB address to “31” which is the talk only mode. You can set the meter’s HP-IB In this mode, the meter can output readings directly to a printer without being addressed by a bus controller. Address 31 is not a valid address if HP-IB interface with a bus you are operating the meter from the GPIB controller. GPIB address to the If you select the RS-232 interface and then set the HP-IB talk only address (31), the meter will send readings over the RS-232 interface when in the local mode. 187 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference To Set the GPIB Address To Set the GPIB HP-IB Address Each device on the GPIB HP-IB (IEEE-488) interface must have a unique address. You can set the meter’s address to any value between 0 and 31. The address is set to “22” when the meter is shipped from the factory. The address is displayed on the front panel when you turn on the meter. On/Off Shift < 1 Turn on the front-panel menu. A: MEAS MENU < < 2 Move across to the I/O MENU choice on this level. F: I/O MENU ∨ 3 Move down a level to the HP-IB ADDR command. 1: HP-IB ADDR ∨ 4 Move down to the “parameter” level to set the address. Use the left/right and down/up arrow keys to change the address. ∧22 Auto/Man ENTER 5 ADDR Save the change and turn off the menu. The address is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not change when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. 188 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference To Select the Remote Interface To Select the Remote Interface GPIB (IEEE-488) interface and an The meter is shipped with both a HP-IB RS-232 interface. Only one interface can be enabled at a time. The GPIB HP-IB interface is selected when the meter is shipped from the factory. See also “Remote Interface Selection,” on page 101. On/Off Shift < 1 Turn on the front-panel menu. A: MEAS MENU < < 2 Move across to the I/O MENU choice on this level. F: I/O MENU 4 v > 3 Move down a level and then across to the INTERFACE command. 2: INTERFACE ∨ 4 Move down to the “parameter” level to select the interface. Use the left/right arrow keys to see the interface choices. Choose from the following: HP-IB / 488 or RS-232. HP-IB / 488 Auto/Man ENTER 5 Save the change and turn off the menu. The interface selection is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not change when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. Remote Interface: you can set or query the interface using the following commands: SYStem :INTerface {HPIB | RS232} :INTerface? 189 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference To Set the Baud Rate To Set the Baud Rate You can select one of six baud rates for RS-232 operation. The rate is set to 9600 baud when the meter is shipped from the factory. See also “Baud Rate Selection,” on page 103. On/Off Shift 1 < Turn on the front-panel menu. A: MEAS MENU < 2 < Move across to the I/O MENU choice on this level. F: I/O MENU ∨ > > 3 Move down a level and then across to the BAUD RATE command. 3: BAUD RATE ∨ 4 Move down to the “parameter” level to select the baud rate. Use the left/right arrow keys to see the baud rate choices. Choose from one of the following: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 baud. 9600 Auto/Man ENTER 5 BAUD Save the change and exit the menu. The baud rate selection is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not change when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. Remote Interface: you can set or query the baud rate using the following commands: SYStem:COMMunicate:SERial :BAUD :BAUD? 190 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference To Set the Parity To Set the Parity You can select the parity for RS-232 operation. The meter is configured for even parity with 7 data bits when shipped from the factory. See also “Parity Selection,” on page 104. On/Off Shift 1 < Turn on the front-panel menu. A: MEAS MENU < 2 < Move across to the I/O MENU choice on this level. F: I/O MENU ∨ < < 3 4 Move down a level and then across to the PARITY command. 4: PARITY ∨ 4 Move down to the “parameter” level to select the parity. Use the left/right arrow keys to see the parity choices. Choose from one of the following: None (8 data bits), Even (7 data bits), or Odd (7 data bits). When you set parity, you are indirectly setting the number of data bits. EVEN: Auto/Man ENTER 5 7 BITS Save the change and turn off the menu. The parity selection is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not change when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. Remote Interface: you can set or query the parity using the following commands: SYStem:COMMunicate:SERial :PARity {EVEN | ODD | NONE} :PARity? 191 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference To Select the Programming Language To Select the Programming Language You can select one of three language to program the meter from the selected remote interface. The language is SCPI when the meter is shipped from the factory. The languge setting is stored in non-volatile memory and does not change with power off or reset. See also “Programming Language Selection,” on page 105. On/Off Shift < 1 Turn on the front-panel menu. A: MEAS MENU < < 2 Move across to the I/O MENU choice on this level. F: I/O MENU ∨ < 3 Move down a level and then across to the LANGUAGE command. 5: LANGUAGE ∨ 4 Move down to the “parameter” level to select the language. Choose from one of the following: SCPI or KEITHLEY:181 SCPI Auto/Man ENTER 5 Save the change and turn off the menu. The language selection is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not change when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. Remote Interface: you can set the programming language using the following commands: SYStem:LANGuage {SCPI | 181} L1X (SCPI) L2X (Keithley 181) 192 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference Alternate Programming Language Compatibility Alternate Programming Language Compatibility You can configure the 34420A to accept and execute the commands of the the Keithley 181 meter. Remote operation will only allow you to access the functionality of the meter language selected. You can take advantage of the full functionality of the 34420A only through the SCPI programming language. For more information on selecting the alternate languages from the front panel menu, see “To Select the Programming Language,” on the previous page. All of the commands available for the Keithley 181 are implemented in the 34420A, with the exception of the self-test and calibration commands. You must always calibrate the 34420A using the SCPI language setting. You can use L2X to switch to the Keithley 181 language. L1X switches back to the SCPI language. Note that once the Keithley 181 language has been selected you must append the Keithley "end of message" terminator (X) to any commands. Be aware that measurement timing may be different in the alternate language compatibility modes. Specific Issues You should be aware of the following differences when using the Keithley 181 language: • Unlike the Keithley 181, the status byte is not cleared when read unless the SRQ bit was set. • A significant software delay exists between the time a syntax error is generated and the error is reported in the status byte. • The meter will always use the next highest range than the one requested in a Keithley command. For example, if you specify the Keithley 2 mV range, the meter will use the 10 mV range. • The digital filter, set to SLOW or MEDium, is used to emulate the Keithley input filter. • The meter is always set to 2 NPLC. • The 34420A has a maximum input range of 100 V. Be sure the test setup does not require a 1000 V range. 193 4 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference SCPI Compliance Information SCPI Compliance Information The following commands are device-specific to the 34420A. They are not included in the 1994.0 version of the SCPI standard. However, these commands are designed with the SCPI format in mind and they follow all of the syntax rules of the standard. Many of the required SCPI commands are accepted by the meter but are not described in this manual for simplicity or clarity. Most of these non-documented commands duplicate the functionality of a command already described in this chapter. CALibration :COUNt? :OUTPut { ZERO | GAIN } :OUTPut? :SECure:CODE :SECure:STATe { OFF | ON | 0 | 1 } [,
] :SECure:STATe? returns 0 or 1 :STRing
:STRing? CALCulate :FUNCtion { SCALe | AVERage } :FUNCtion? :AVERage:MINimum? :AVERage:MAXimum? :AVERage:AVERage? :AVERage:SDEViation? :AVERage:PTPeak? :AVERage:COUNt? :SCALe:GAIN :SCALe:GAIN? :SCALe:OFFSet :SCALe:OFFSet? 194 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference SCPI Compliance Information INPut :FILTer[:LPASS]:DIGital:PREcharge {ON | OFF} :FILTer[:LPASS]:DIGital:PREcharge? :FILTer[:LPASs]:DIGital:RESPonse { SLOW | MEDium | FAST } :FILTer[:LPASs]:DIGital:RESPonse? :FILTer[:LPASs]:TYPE { ANAlog | DIGital | BOTH } :FILTer[:LPASs]:TYPE? OUTPut :REFerence:OFFSet { | MINimum | MAXimum } :REFerence:OFFSet? [ MINimum | MAXimum ] :REFerence:OFFSet:NULL [ONCE] :REFerence:SPAN { | MINimum | MAXimum } :REFerence:SPAN? [ MINimum | MAXimum ] :REFerence:GAIN? :REFerence:VALue SAMPle :COUNt :COUNt? 4 { | MINimum | MAXimum } [ MINimum | MAXimum ] [SENSe:] CURRent:BIAS:ZERO[:IMMediate] NULL [ONCE] NULL[:STATe] { OFF | ON | 0 | 1 } NULL[:STATe]? NULL:VALue { | MINimum | MAXimum } NULL:VALue? [SENSe:] FRESistance | RESistance :NULL[:STATe] { OFF | ON | 0 | 1 } :NULL[:STATe]? :NULL:VALue { | MINimum | MAXimum } :NULL:VALue? :VOLTage:LIMit[:STATe] { OFF | ON | 0 | 1 } :VOLTage:LIMit[:STATe]? :POWer:LIMit[:STATe] { OFF | ON | 0 | 1 } :POWer:LIMit[:STATe]? :VOLTage:LIMit:VALue { | MIN | MAX } :VOLTage:LIMit:VALue? [ MINimum | MAXimum ] 195 Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference SCPI Compliance Information [SENSe:] TEMPerature :NULL[:STATe] { OFF | ON | 0 | 1 } :NULL[:STATe]? :NULL:VALue { | MINimum | MAXimum } :NULL:VALue? :NPLCycles { | MINimum | MAXimum } :NPLCycles? [ MINimum | MAXimum ] :TRANsducer:TYPE { DEFault | TCouple | THERmistor | FRTD} :TRANsducer:TYPE? :TRANsducer:TCouple:TYPE { DEFault | B|E|J|K|N|R|S|T } :TRANsducer:TCouple:TYPE? :TRANsducer:TCouple:RJUNction[:VALue] { |MIN| MAX} :TRANsducer:TCouple:RJUNction[:VALue]? [MINimum | MAXimum] :TRANsducer:TCouple:RJUNction:TYPE {FIXed, INTernal, THERmistor } :TRANsducer:TCouple:RJUNction:TYPE? :TRANsducer:FRTD:TYPE :TRANsducer:FRTD:TYPE? [SENSe:] VOLTage[:DC] :NULL[:STATe] { OFF | ON | 0 | 1 } :NULL[:STATe]? :NULL:VALue { | MINimum | MAXimum } :NULL:VALue? SYSTem :INTerface[:TYPE] :INTerface[:TYPE]? :REMote :RWLock :LOCal L1X L2X 196 { HPIB | RS232 } Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference IEEE-488 Compliance Information IEEE-488 Compliance Information Dedicated Hardware Lines Addressed Commands ATN Attention DCL Device Clear IFC Interface Clear EOI End or Identify REN Remote Enable GET Group Execute Trigger SRQ Service Request Interrupt GTL Go to Local LLO Local Lock Out SDC Selected Device Clear SPD Derial Poll disable SPE Serial Poll Enable 4 IEEE-488.2 Common Commands *CLS *ESE *ESE? *ESR? *IDN? *OPC *OPC? *PSC {0 | 1} *PSC? *RST *SRE *SRE? *STB? *TRG *TST? *WAI 197 5 Error Messages Error Messages When the front-panel ERROR annunciator turns on, one or more command syntax or hardware errors have been detected. A record of up to 20 errors is stored in the meter’s error queue. Errors are retrieved in first-in- first-out (FIFO) order. See also “Error Conditions,” on page 92. Front-Panel operation: Use the SYStem menu command: 3: ERROR If the ERROR annunciator is on, press Shift > (Menu Recall) to read the errors stored in the queue. The errors are listed horizontally on the “parameter” level. The error queue is cleared when power has been off or after a *CLS (clear status) command has been executed. • To read the error queue from the remote interface: SYSTem:ERRor? Errors have the following format (the error string may contain up to 80 characters): -113, "Undefined header" 200 Chapter 5 Error Messages Execution Errors Execution Errors -101 Invalid character An invalid character was found in the command string. You may have inserted a character such as #, $, or % in the command header or within a parameter. Example: CONF:VOLT#DC -102 Syntax error Invalid syntax was found in the command string. You may have inserted a blank space before or after a colon in the command header, or before a comma. Example: SAMP:COUN ,1 -103 Invalid separator An invalid separator was found in the command string. You may have used a comma instead of a colon, semicolon, or blank space – or you may have used a blank space instead of a comma. Example: TRIG:COUN,1 or CONF:TEMP 1000 0.1 -104 Data type error The wrong parameter type was found in the command string. You may have specified a number where a string was expected, or vice versa. Example: DISP:TEXT 5.0 -105 GET not allowed A Group Execute Trigger (GET) is not allowed within a command string. -108 Parameter not allowed More parameters were received than expected for the command. You may have entered an extra parameter, or you added a parameter to a command that does not accept a parameter. Example: READ? 10 -109 Missing parameter Fewer parameters were received than expected for the command. You omitted one or more parameters that are required for this command. Example: SAMP:COUN 201 5 Chapter 5 Error Messages Execution Errors -112 Program mnemonic too long A command header was received which contained more than the maximum 11 characters allowed. Example: CONFIGURATION:VOLT:DC -113 Undefined header A command was received that is not valid for this meter. You may have misspelled the command or it may not be a valid command. If you are using the short form of the command, remember that it may contain up to four letters. Example: TRIGG:COUN 3 -121 Invalid character in number An invalid character was found in the number specified for a parameter value. Example: STAT:QUES:ENAB #B01010102 -123 Numeric overflow A numeric parameter was found whose exponent was larger than 32,000. Example: TRIG:COUN 1E34000 -124 Too many digits A numeric parameter was found whose mantissa contained more than 255 digits, excluding leading zeros. -128 Numeric data not allowed A numeric parameter was found when a string or discrete parameter was expected. -131 Invalid suffix A suffix was incorrectly specified for a numeric parameter. You may have misspelled the suffix. Example: TRIG:DEL 0.5 SECS -134 Suffix too long A suffix for a numeric parameter contained too many characters. -138 Suffix not allowed A suffix was received following a numeric parameter which does not accept a suffix. Example: SAMP:COUN 1 SEC (SEC is not a valid suffix). 202 Chapter 5 Error Messages Execution Errors -141 Invalid character data -144 Character data too long -148 Character data not allowed A discrete parameter was received but a character string or a numeric parameter was expected. Check the list of parameters to verify that you have used a valid parameter type. Example: DISP:TEXT ON -151 Invalid string data An invalid character string was received. Check to see if you have enclosed the character string in single or double quotes. Example: DISP:TEXT ’ON (the ending quote is missing). -158 String data not allowed A character string was received but is not allowed for the command. Check the list of parameters to verify that you have used a valid parameter type. Example: CALC:STAT ’ON’ -160 to -168 Block data errors The meter does not accept block data. -170 to -178 Expression errors An incorrect expression for the channel specifier was received. The meter does not accept mathematical expressions. -211 Trigger ignored A Group Execute Trigger (GET) or *TRG was received but the trigger was ignored. Make sure the meter is in the “wait-for-trigger” state before issuing a trigger, and make sure the correct trigger source is selected. -213 Init ignored An INITiate command was received but could not be executed because a measurement was already in progress. Send a device clear to halt a measurement in progress and place the meter in the “idle” state. -214 Trigger deadlock A trigger deadlock occurs when the trigger source is BUS and a READ? command is received. 203 5 Chapter 5 Error Messages Execution Errors -221 Settings conflict This error can be generated in one of the following situations: You sent a CONFigure or MEASure command with autorange enabled and with a fixed resolution. Example: CONF:VOLT:DC DEF,0.1 You turned math on (CALC:STAT ON) and then changed to a math operation that was not valid with the present measurement function. -222 Data out of range A numeric parameter value is outside the valid range for the command. Example: TRIG:COUN -3 -223 Too much data A character string was received but could not be executed because the string length was more than 11 characters. This error can be generated by the CALibration:STRing and DISPlay:TEXT commands. -224 Illegal parameter value A discrete parameter was received which was not a valid choice for the command. You may have used an invalid parameter choice. Example: CALC:FUNC SCALE (SCALE is not a valid choice). -230 Data corrupt or stale A FETCh? command was received but internal reading memory was empty. The reading retrieved may be invalid. -330 Self-test failed The meter’s complete self-test failed from the remote interface (*TST? command). In addition to this error, more specific self-test errors are also reported. See also “Self-Test Errors,” starting on page 208. 204 Chapter 5 Error Messages Execution Errors -350 Queue overflow The error queue is full because more than 20 errors have occurred. No additional errors are stored until you remove errors from the queue. The error queue is cleared when power has been off, or after a *CLS (clear status) command has been executed. -410 Query INTERRUPTED A command was received which sends data to the output buffer, but the output buffer contained data from a previous command (the previous data is not overwritten). The output buffer is cleared when power has been off, or after a *RST (reset) command has been executed. -420 Query UNTERMINATED The meter was addressed to talk (i.e., to send data over the interface) but a command has not been received which sends data to the output buffer. For example, you may have executed a CONFigure command (which does not generate data) and then attempted an ENTER statement to read data from the remote interface. -430 Query DEADLOCKED A command was received which generates too much data to fit in the output buffer and the input buffer is also full. Command execution continues but all data is lost. -440 Query UNTERMINATED after indefinite response The *IDN? command must be the last query command within a command string. Example: *IDN?;:SYST:VERS? 501 Isolator UART framing error 502 Isolator UART overrun error 205 5 Chapter 5 Error Messages Execution Errors 511 RS-232 framing error 512 RS-232 overrun error 513 RS-232 parity error 514 Command allowed only with RS-232 There are three commands which are only allowed with the RS-232 interface: SYSTem:LOCal, SYSTem:REMote, and SYSTem:RWLock. 521 Input buffer overflow 522 Output buffer overflow 531 Insufficient memory There is not enough memory to store the requested number of readings in internal memory using the INITiate command. The product of the sample count (SAMPle:COUNt) and the trigger count (TRIGger:COUNt) must not exceed 1024 readings. 532 Cannot achieve requested resolution The meter cannot achieve the requested measurement resolution. You may have specified an invalid resolution in the CONFigure or MEASure command. 540 Cannot use overload as math reference The meter cannot store an overload reading (9.90000000E+37) as the math reference for null measurements. The math state is turned off as a result of this condition. 550 Command not allowed in local The meter received a READ? command while in the local mode for RS-232 operation. You should always execute the SYSTem:REMote command before sending other commands over the interface. 552 Command not allowed in current function 206 Chapter 5 Error Messages Execution Errors 750 Invalid channel name The meter received a MEAS or CONF command with an invalid channel specifier. 810 Invalid or unsupported transducer type An invalid transducer type was detected as a parameter. 820 Temperature out of range for specified transducer 1000 Settings conflict; voltage limit mode has been disabled After being set to the voltage limited resistance mode, the meter received a command that changed the settings to an mode or range not allowed. 1001 Settings conflict; power limit mode has been disabled After being set to the low power resistance mode, the meter received a command that changed the settings to an mode or range not allowed. For example, after the low power mode has been enabled, a MEAS:RES (2-wire Ohms) command is received. 5 207 Chapter 5 Error Messages Self-Test Errors Self-Test Errors The following errors indicate failures that may occur during a self-test. Refer to the Service Guide for more information. 601 Front panel does not respond 602 RAM read/write failed 603 A/D sync stuck 604 A/D slope convergence failed 605 Cannot calibrate rundown gain 606 Rundown gain out of range 607 Rundown too noisy 608 Serial configuration readback failed 609 DC gain x1 failed 610 DC gain x10 failed 611 DC gain x100 failed 208 Chapter 5 Error Messages Self-Test Errors 613 Ohms 5 uA source failed 614 Ohms 10 uA source failed 615 Ohms 100 uA source failed 616 Ohms 1 mA source failed 617 Ohms 10 mA source failed 618 Ohms 20 mV voltage clamp failed 619 Ohms 100 mV voltage clamp failed 620 Ohms 500 mV voltage clamp failed 621 Low Impedance DC gain X100 failed 622 High Impedance DC gain X100 failed 623 Cannot calibrate precharge 624 Unable to sense line frequency 625 I/O processor does not respond 626 I/O processor failed self-test 627 Hardware overload comparator failed 630 Bias current DAC test failed 5 209 Chapter 5 Error Messages Calibration Errors Calibration Errors The following errors indicate failures that may occur during a calibration. Refer to the Service Guide for more information. 701 Cal security disabled by jumper The calibration security feature has been disabled with a jumper inside the meter. When applicable, this error will occur at power-on to warn you that the meter is unsecured. 702 Cal secured The meter is secured against calibration. 703 Invalid secure code An invalid calibration security code was received when attempting to unsecure or secure the meter. You must use the same security code to unsecure the meter as was used to secure it, and vice versa. The security code may contain up to 11 alphanumeric characters. The first character must be a letter. 704 Secure code too long A security code was received which contained more than 11 characters. 705 Cal aborted A calibration in progress is aborted when you press any front-panel key, send a device clear, or change the local/remote state of the meter. 706 Cal value out of range The specified calibration value (CAL:VALue) is invalid for the present function and range. 707 Cal signal measurement out of range The specified calibration value (CAL:VALue) does not match the signal applied to the meter. 709 No cal for this function or range Attempt to calibrate gain on 1 mV range. 710 Full scale correction out of range 210 Chapter 5 Error Messages Calibration Errors 720 Cal DCV offset out of range 722 Cal RES offset out of range 723 Cal FRES offset out of range 730 Precharge DAC convergence failed 731 A/D turnover correction out of range 737 Bias current selfcal failed 738 Charge compensation selfcal failed 739 Injected current selfcal failed 740 Cal checksum failed, secure state 741 Cal checksum failed, string data 742 Cal checksum failed, DCV corrections 743 Cal checksum failed, Low Power FRES corrections 744 Cal checksum failed, RES corrections 745 Cal checksum failed, FRES corrections 746 Cal checksum failed, Low Voltage FRES corrections 747 Cal checksum failed, HP-IB address 748 Cal checksum failed, internal data 5 211 6 Application Programs Application Programs This chapter contains several remote interface application programs to help you develop programs for your measurement application. Chapter 4, "Remote Interface Reference", starting on page 115, lists the syntax for the SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) commands available to program the the meter. This chapter is divided into the following sections: • • • • • HP BASIC Language Programs, page 215 RS-232 Operations with QuickBASIC, page 222 Microsoft® Visual Basic Programs, page 223 C Language Programs, page 230 Microsoft® Excel Macro Example, page 242 214 Chapter 6 Application Programs HP BASIC Language Programs HP BASIC Language Programs All of the HP BASIC examples in this chapter were developed and tested on an HP 9000 Series 300 controller. Each device on the GPIB HP-IB (IEEE-488) interface must have a unique address. You can set the meter’s address to any value between 0 and 30. The current address is momentarily displayed on the front panel when you turn on the meter. The GPIB HP-IB (IEEE-488) address is set to "22" when the meter is shipped GPIB address from the factory. The examples in this chapter assume a HP-IB of 22. When sending a remote interface command, you append this address to the GPIB HP-IB interface’s select code (normally 7). Therefore, with an address of 22 and a select code of 7, the combination is "722". GPIB Program Example 1 HP BASIC / HP-IB This example demonstrates the general sequence of programming and the use of the MEASure? command to set and obtain a 4-wire Ohms measurement. 10 ! 20 ! This program configures the meter for a 4-wire ohms measurement on 30 ! Channel 1 using the MEAS command. 40 ! 50 REAL Value,Rdg ! Dimension real variables 60 CLEAR 7 ! Clear interface - send "device clear" 70 ASSIGN @Meter TO 722 ! Assign I/O path to address 722 90 OUTPUT @Meter;"*RST" ! Reset the meter 100 OUTPUT @Meter;"*OPC?" ! Send "1" to output buffer when reset complete 110 ENTER @Meter;Value ! Enter value 80 ! 6 120 ! 130 ! Select 4-wire ohms on the 10 ohm range with the least resolution; 140 ! 150 OUTPUT @Meter;"MEAS:FRES? 10,MAX" 160 ENTER @Meter;Rdg ! Enter reading 170 PRINT Rdg ! Print reading 180 END 215 Chapter 6 Application Programs HP BASIC Language Programs HP BASIC / GPIB HP-IB Program Example 2 This program example demonstrates how two input channels can be independently configured and used. 10 ! 20 ! This program configures the meter for voltage measurements on two 30 ! input channels. The channels are set to different ranges and 40 ! resolutions to show the independence of the settings for each channel. 50 ! 60 REAL Rdg_ch1,Rdg_ch2,Null_ch1,Null_ch2 ! Dimension variables 70 CLEAR 7 ! Clear interface - send "device clear" 80 ASSIGN @Meter TO 722 ! Assign I/O path to address 722 90 OUTPUT @Meter;"*RST" ! Reset the meter 100 OUTPUT @Meter;"*OPC?" ! Send "1" to output buffer when complete 110 ENTER @Meter;Value ! Enter value 120 ! 130 ! Configure channel 1 for dc volts, 1 volt range with 10 mV resolution 140 ! Configure channel 2 for dc volts, 1 mV range with least resolution 150 OUTPUT @Meter;"CONF:VOLT:DC 1,0.01,(@FRON1);:CONF:VOLT:DC 0.001,MAX,(@FRON2)" 160 ! 170 OUTPUT @Meter;"ROUT:TERM FRON1" ! Select channel 1 180 OUTPUT @Meter;"READ?" ! Take reading; send to output buffer 190 ENTER @Meter;Rdg_ch1 ! Enter reading 200 ! 210 OUTPUT @Meter;"SENS1:VOLT:DC:NULL ON" ! Enable null on channel 1 220 OUTPUT @Meter;"SENS1:VOLT:DC:NULL:VAL ";Rdg_ch1 ! Store value in register 230 ! 240 OUTPUT @Meter;"READ?" ! Take nulled reading; send to output buffer 250 ENTER @Meter;Null_ch1 ! Enter nulled reading 216 Chapter 6 Application Programs HP BASIC Language Programs ... continued 260 270 PRINT ;Null_ch1 ! Print nulled reading ! 280 OUTPUT @Meter;"ROUT:TERM FRON2" ! Select channel 2 290 OUTPUT @Meter;"READ?" ! Take reading; send to output buffer 300 ENTER @Meter;Rdg_ch2 ! Enter reading 310 ! 320 OUTPUT @Meter;"SENS2:VOLT:DC:NULL ON" ! Enable null on channel 2 330 OUTPUT @Meter;"SENS2:VOLT:DC:NULL:VAL ";Rdg_ch2 ! Store value in register 340 ! 350 OUTPUT @Meter;"READ?" ! Take nulled reading; send to output buffer 360 ENTER @Meter;Null_ch2 ! Enter nulled reading 370 PRINT Null_ch2 ! Print nulled reading 380 ! 390 END 6 217 Chapter 6 Application Programs HP BASIC Language Programs GPIB Program Example 3 HP BASIC / HP-IB This program example demonstrates the use of an SRQ to indicate when measurements are complete. The meter is set to use external triggering. Math scaling is also demonstrated. 10 ! 20 ! This program configures the meter to make multiple dc voltage measurements 30 ! using an external trigger. The "Operation Complete" bit in the Standard 40 ! Event Register is used to determine when the trigger is received and 50 ! generates an SRQ. This program also shows the use of math scaling. 60 ! 70 INTEGER Value,Task ! Dimension variables 80 CLEAR 7 ! Clear interface - send "device clear" 90 ASSIGN @Meter TO 722 ! Assign I/O path to address 722 100 COM @Meter ! Use same address in subprogram 110 OUTPUT @Meter;"*RST" ! Reset the meter 120 OUTPUT @Meter;"*CLS" ! Clear status registers 130 OUTPUT @Meter;"*OPC?" ! Send "1" to output buffer when reset complete 140 ENTER @Meter;Value ! Enter value 150 ! 160 ! Configure the Status Register system to generate an SRQ when the 170 ! "Operation Complete" bit is set in the Standard Event Register 180 ! 190 OUTPUT @Meter;"*SRE 32" 200 210 ! Enable "Standard Event" bit in Status Byte ! to pull the IEEE-488 SRQ line OUTPUT @Meter;"*ESE 1" 220 ! Enable "Operation Complete" to set ! "Standard Event" bit in Status Byte 218 Chapter 6 Application Programs HP BASIC Language Programs ... continued 230 ! 240 ! Configure the GPIB interrupt system to generate an SRQ 250 ! 260 Hpib=7 ! HP-IB select code is "7" 270 ON INTR Hpib CALL Read_data ! Call subprogram when operation complete 280 Mask=2 ! Bit 1 is SRQ 290 ENABLE INTR Hpib;Mask ! Enable SRQ to interrupt program 310 OUTPUT @Meter;"SENS:FUNC ’VOLT:DC’" ! Select dc volts on channel 1 (default) 320 OUTPUT @Meter;"SENS:VOLT:DC:RANG 10" ! Select 10 volt range 330 OUTPUT @Meter;"SENS:VOLT:DC:NPLC 10" ! Select 10 power line cycles 340 OUTPUT @Meter;"CALC:FUNC SCAL" ! Select math scaling function 350 OUTPUT @Meter;"CALC:STAT ON" ! Turn math scaling on 360 OUTPUT @Meter;"CALC:SCAL:GAIN 0.001" ! Set the gain value (1 mV) 370 OUTPUT @Meter;"CALC:SCAL:OFFS 0.5" ! Set the offset value (50 mV) 390 OUTPUT @Meter;"SAMP:COUN 5" ! Take 5 reading per trigger 400 OUTPUT @Meter;"TRIG:SOUR EXT" ! Select external trigger source 410 OUTPUT @Meter;"INIT" ! Initiate measurement, wait for trigger, 300 ! 380 ! 420 430 440 ! and send readings to internal memory OUTPUT @Meter;"*OPC" ! Set "Operation Complete" bit in 6 ! Standard Event Register when complete 219 Chapter 6 Application Programs HP BASIC Language Programs ... continued 450 ! 460 ! Wait for "Operation Complete" 470 ! 480 Task=1 490 WHILE Task=1 500 DISP "Reading..." 510 WAIT .5 520 DISP " " 530 WAIT .5 540 END WHILE 550 ! 560 OFF INTR Hpib 570 END ! Disable interrupts 580 ! 590 ! After SRQ is generated, transfer the readings to the output buffer and print 600 ! 610 SUB Read_data ! Subprogram is called after INIT complete and trigger is received 620 DIM Rdgs(1:5) ! Dimension array for readings 630 COM @Meter ! Use same address as in main program 640 OUTPUT @Meter;"FETC?" ! Transfer readings to output buffer 650 ENTER @Meter;Rdgs(*) ! Enter readings 660 PRINT Rdgs(*) ! Print readings 670 STOP 680 SUBEND 220 Chapter 6 Application Programs HP BASIC Language Programs HP BASIC / GPIB HP-IB Program Example 4 This program example demonstrates how data can be formatted and put in a file. The program also shows how to use math operations (stats) to average data. 10 ! RE-SAVE "EXAMP" 20 CONFIGURE SAVE ASCII OFF 30 ! This program will generate a DOS file, in the file will be three columns each 40 ! separated by the Separator$ specified below, The columns are: 50 ! Reading Number,Time,DMM Reading 60 ! This file may be imported into a spreadsheet for analysis 70 ! 80 Separator$="," !What separates the columns 90 Num_points=25 !How many measurements (rows in file) 100 Address=722 !34420A HPIB address 110 Range=1.E-3 !34420A Range 120 Nplc=1 !34420A Integration time 130 Num_samples=20 !How many samples per measurement 140 ALLOCATE Results$(1:Num_points)[80],Filename$[80] 150 Filename$="B:/EXAMP_DAT" 160 Setup_meter(Address,Range,Nplc,Num_samples) 170 FOR I=1 TO Num_points 180 DISP "Getting "&VAL$(I)&" of "&VAL$(Num_points)&" measurements" 190 OUTPUT Results$(I) USING "4D,A,8A,A,SD.12D";I,Separator$,TIME$(TIMEDATE),Separator$, FNGetdata(Address) 200 NEXT I 210 ON ERROR GOTO Save_file 220 CREATE Filename$,1 6 230 Save_file: ASSIGN @File TO Filename$ 240 OUTPUT @File;Results$(*) 250 ASSIGN @File TO * 260 DISP "Done" 270 END 221 Chapter 6 Application Programs HP BASIC Language Programs ... continued 280 !************************************************************************ 290 Getdata: DEF FNGetdata(Address) 300 REPEAT 310 UNTIL BIT(SPOLL(Address),5) !Bit 5 is Standard Event Reg 320 OUTPUT Address;"*CLS" !Clear status 330 OUTPUT Address;"CALC:AVER:AVER?" !Get average 340 ENTER Address;Result 350 OUTPUT Address;"CALC:FUNC AVER" 360 OUTPUT Address;"*OPC" 370 OUTPUT Address;"INIT" 380 RETURN Result !Resets average to 0 !Start taking next readings 390 FNEND 400 !************************************************************************ 410 Setup_meter: SUB Setup_meter(Address,Range,Nplc,Num_samples) 420 OUTPUT Address;"*CLS" !Clear Status 430 OUTPUT Address;"SENSE:VOLTAGE:RANGE "&VAL$(Range) ! 440 OUTPUT Address;"INPUT:FILTER:STATE OFF" 450 OUTPUT Address;"SENSE:VOLTAGE:DC:NPLC "&VAL$(Nplc) ! 460 OUTPUT Address;"CALC:FUNC AVER" !Take average of 470 OUTPUT Address;"CALC:STATE ON" !Num_samples 480 OUTPUT Address;"SAMPLE:COUNT "&VAL$(Num_samples) 490 OUTPUT Address;"TRIGGER:SOURCE IMM" 500 OUTPUT Address;"*ESE 1" !Enable register mask 510 OUTPUT Address;"*OPC" !for *OPC 520 OUTPUT Address;"INIT" ! 530 SUBEND 540 !************************************************************************ 222 Chapter 6 Application Programs RS-232 Operations with QuickBASIC RS-232 Operations with QuickBASIC This program example uses QuickBASIC and the 82335B GPIB Interface Card and command library for IBM® PC compatibles. HP-IB CLS LOCATE 1, 1 DIM cmd$(100), resp$(1000) ’ Set up serial port for 9600 baud, even parity, 7 bits; ’ Ignore Request to Send Carrier Detect; Send line feed; ’ enable parity check, reserve 1000 bytes for input buffer ’ OPEN "com1:9600,e,7,2,rs,cd,lf,pe" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = 1000 ’ ’ Put the meter into remote operation mode PRINT #1, "SYST:REM" ’ ’ Query the meter’s id string ’ PRINT #1, "*IDN?" LINE INPUT #1, resp$ PRINT "*IDN? returned: ", resp$ ’ ’ Get the SCPI revision number PRINT #1, "SYST:VERS?" LINE INPUT #1, resp$ PRINT "SYST:VERS returned: ", resp$ ’ ’ Send a message to the meter’s display 6 PRINT #1, "DISP:TEXT ’HP 34420A’ " ’ ’ Configure the meter for dc voltage measurements, 10 V range, ’ 0.1 V resolution, take 4 readings PRINT #1, "CONF:VOLT:DC 10, 0.1, ;:SAMP:COUN 4" ’ Trigger the readings and get the results PRINT #1, "READ?" LINE INPUT #1, resp$ PRINT "READ? returned: ", resp$ END 223 Chapter 6 Application Programs Microsoft Visual Basic Language Program Microsoft Visual Basic Language Program This example was created in Microsoft® Visual Basic for Windows. The GPIB control library. You must set up example uses the 82335B and HP-IB the GLOBAL.BAS to provide access to the HP-IB.DLL. The Control Libraries. GLOBAL.BAS file is included with the Agilent Hewlett-Packard control libraries. In addition to the global declarations, the subroutine check_srq is also included in the GLOBAL.BAS file. GPIB (IEEE-488) address is set to "22" when the meter is shipped The HP-IB GPIB address from the factory. The examples in this chapter assume a HP-IB of 22. When sending a remote interface command, you append this GPIB interface’s select code (normally 7). Therefore, with address to the HP-IB an address of 22 and a select code of 7, the combination is "722". Sub Command1_Click () Rem Set up interface variables isc& = 7 device& = isc& * 100 + 22 swap% = 2 max% = 4000 * swap% act% = 0 max1% = 50 TimeVal# = 10# Rem Clear out text boxes Text1.Text Text2.Text Text3.Text Text4.Text = = = = "" "" "" "" Rem Set up the meter errnum% = HpibOpen(isc&, hHpib%) Call check_srq errnum% = HpibReset(hHpib%, isc&) Call check_srq errnum% = HpibTimeout(hHpib%, isc&, TimeVal#) Call check_srq rst$ = "*RST; *CLS; *SRE 32; *ESE 60" errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, rst$, Len(rst$)) Call check_srq 224 Chapter 6 Application Programs Microsoft Visual Basic Language Program ... continued Rem Channel 1 measurement conf1$ = "CONF:VOLT:DC 1,0.01,(@FRON1)" errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, conf1$, Len(conf1$)) Call check_srq conf2$ = "CONF:VOLT:DC 0.001,MAX,(@FRON2); " errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, conf2$, Len(conf2$)) Call check_srq route$ = "ROUT:TERM FRONT1" errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, route$, Len(route$)) ’ Take the reading and check for errors. reed$ = "READ?" errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, reed$, Len(reed$)) errnum% = HpibEnter(hHpib%, device&, reading1!) Text1.Text = Str$(reading1!) Call check_srq Rem Channel 2 measurement route$ = "ROUT:TERM FRONT2" errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, route$, Len(route$)) Call check_srq ’ Take the reading and check for errors. errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, reed$, Len(reed$)) errnum% = HpibEnter(hHpib%, device&, reading2!) Text2.Text = Str$(reading2!) Call check_srq Rem Nulled Channel 1 Measurement null_stmt$ = "SENS1:VOLT:DC:NULL ON" errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, null_stmt$, Len(null_stmt$)) Call check_srq 6 null_stmt$ = "SENS1:VOLT:DC:NULL " + Str$(reading1!) errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, null_stmt$, Len(null_stmt$)) Call check_srq errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, reed$, Len(reed$)) errnum% = HpibEnter(hHpib%, device&, reading!) Text3.Text = Str$(reading!) Call check_srq 225 Chapter 6 Application Programs Microsoft Visual Basic Language Program ... continued Rem Nulled Channel 2 Measurement null_stmt$ = "SENS2:VOLT:DC:NULL ON" errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, null_stmt$, Len(null_stmt$)) Call check_srq null_stmt$ = "SENS2:VOLT:DC:NULL " + Str$(reading2!) errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, null_stmt$, Len(null_stmt$)) Call check_srq errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, reed$, Len(reed$)) errnum% = HpibEnter(hHpib%, device&, reading!) Text4.Text = Str$(reading!) Call check_srq Rem Close the instrument errnum% = HpibClose(hHpib%) End Sub Sub Command2_Click () End End Sub Sub Command3_Click () Rem Set up interface variables isc& = 7 device& = isc& * 100 + 22 swap% = 2 max% = 4000 * swap% act% = 0 max1% = 50 TimeVal# = 10# Rem Set up Measurement variables Funct$ = "SCAL" Trig_src$ = "EXT" range% = 10 nplc% = 100 Gain% = .001 Offset% = .5 samp_count% = 100 ReDim Readings!(samp_count%) Rem Clear out text boxes Text1.Text Text2.Text Text3.Text Text4.Text 226 = = = = "" "" "" "" Chapter 6 Application Programs Microsoft Visual Basic Language Program ... continued Rem Set up the meter errnum% = HpibOpen(isc&, hHpib%) Call check_srq errnum% = HpibReset(hHpib%, isc&) Call check_srq errnum% = HpibTimeout(hHpib%, isc&, TimeVal#) Call check_srq rst$ = "*RST; *CLS; *SRE 32; *ESE 61" errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, rst$, Len(rst$)) Call check_srq Rem Measurement Setup quote$ = Chr$(34) cmd$ = "SENS:FUNC " + quote$ + "VOLT:DC" + quote$ errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, cmd$, Len(cmd$)) Call check_srq cmd$ = "SENS:VOLT:DC:RANG " + Str$(range%) errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, cmd$, Len(cmd$)) Call check_srq cmd$ = "SENS:VOLT:DC:NPLC " + Str$(nplc%) errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, cmd$, Len(cmd$)) Call check_srq cmd$ = "CALC:FUNC " + Funct$ errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, cmd$, Len(cmd$)) Call check_srq cmd$ = "CALC:STAT ON" errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, cmd$, Len(cmd$)) Call check_srq cmd$ = "CALC:SCAL:GAIN " + Str$(Gain%) errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, cmd$, Len(cmd$)) Call check_srq 6 cmd$ = "CALC:SCAL:OFFS " + Str$(Offset%) errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, cmd$, Len(cmd$)) Call check_srq cmd$ = "SAMP:COUN " + Str$(samp_count%) errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, cmd$, Len(cmd$)) Call check_srq cmd$ = "TRIG:SOUR " + Trig_src$ errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, cmd$, Len(cmd$)) Call check_srq 227 Chapter 6 Application Programs Microsoft Visual Basic Language Program ... continued Rem Need to set timeout so that sampling and averaging can complete. Rem This assumes triggers occur at a rate high enough to be a Rem negligible factor. errnum% = HpibTimeout(hHpib%, isc&, samp_count% * nplc% / 20) Call check_srq Rem Use "INIT" and "FETCH" to initiate measurement and read back Rem results into an array. cmd$ = "INIT" errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, cmd$, Len(cmd$)) Call check_srq reed$ = "FETC?" errnum% = HpibOutputS(hHpib%, device&, reed$, Len(reed$)) errnum% = HpibEnterA(hHpib%, device&, Readings!(0), samp_count%) Text1.Text = Str$(Readings!(0)) Call check_srq Rem Close the instrument errnum% = HpibClose(hHpib%) End Sub Sub Command5_Click () form1.PrintForm End Sub 228 Chapter 6 Application Programs Microsoft Visual Basic Language Program ... continued The following subroutine may be included in the GLOBAL.BAS file. ’ HPIB.DLL Access ’ Put into your GLOBAL.BAS file • • • Global isc As Long Global device As Long Global hHpib As Integer Global errnum As Integer Sub check_srq () condition = 1 ’ Display any errors caused by the return of an HPIB command. If errnum% <> NOERROR Then MsgBox ("Error = " + HpibErrStr$(errnum%)) End If ’ Wait for the completion of the current command. errnum% = HpibOutPutS(hHpib%, device&, "*OPC?", 5) errnum% = HpibEnter(hHpib%, device&, done!) ’ If there is an error bit set, obtain the error. errnum% = HpibSpoll(hHpib%, device&, response%) If response% And 32 Then syst_err$ = "SYST:ERR?" errnum% = HpibOutPutS(hHpib%, device&, syst_err$, Len(syst_err$)) errnum% = HpibEnter(hHpib%, device&, errx!) actual% = 80 MsgBox ("Error=" + Str$(errx!)) errnum% = HpibOutPutS(hHpib%, device&, "*CLS", 4) End If 6 ’ Obtain other HPIB errors. errnum% = HpibStatus(hHpib%, isc&, condition, Status%) If errnum% <> NOERROR Then MsgBox ("Error = " + HpibErrStr$(errnum%)) End If If Status% = 1 Then errnum% = HpibSpoll(hHpib%, device&, Status%) If errnum% <> NOERROR Then MsgBox ("Error = " + HpibErrStr$(errnum%)) End If End If End Sub 229 Chapter 6 Application Programs Microsoft Visual Basic Language Program ... continued The following function is used by the check_srq subroutine. Function HpibErrStr$ (errorcode As Integer) Select Case errorcode Case NOERR Msg$ = " No error " Case EUNKNOWN Msg$ = " Unknown error " Case ESEL Msg$ = " Invalid select code or device address " Case ERANGE Msg$ = " Value out of range " Case ETIME Msg$ = " Timeout " Case ECTRL Msg$ = " HP-IB must be controller " Case EPASS Msg$ = " Pass control not permitted " Case EFILE Msg$ = " File I/O Error " Case ENUMB Msg$ = " Invalid Number " Case EADDR Msg$ = " Improper addressing " Case EOPEN Msg$ = " Cannot Open This Card " Case ENOOPEN Msg$ = " Card is not open " Case ECLOSE Msg$ = " Cannot close card " Case EHANDLE Msg$ = " Invalid handle for this ISC " Case Else Msg$ = " What? " End Select HpibErrStr$ = Msg$ End Function 230 Chapter 6 Application Programs C Language Programs C Language Programs All of the C language example programs in this chapter are written for GPIB Interface Card using the GPIB the 82335 HP-IB HP-IB Command Library for C. Unless otherwise noted, the library functions used in the example programs are compatible with the ANSI C standard. All of the C programs were compiled and tested used the following compilers: • Microsoft® QuickC® Version 2.0 • Borland® Turbo C®++ Version 1.0 Compiling and Linking a C Program To run a program, first compile and link the program to make an executable file. To compile and link a program: • Make sure the necessary PATH statements have been added to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to enable the compiler to find the library and header files (see your C language manual to specify the proper paths). GPIB C library file for your compiler (the file is • Link the appropriate HP-IB GPIB Command Library disk that came with the located on the HP-IB HP-IB GPIB Interface Card). Use the appropriate library file: clhpib.lib for Microsoft® QuickC® tchhpib.lib for Borland® Turbo C®++ • If you are not compiling in the "large" or "huge" memory model, include the "CFUNC.H" header file in your program (the file is located GPIB Command Library disk that came with your HP-IB on the HP-IB Interface Card). 231 6 Chapter 6 Application Programs C Language Programs • To compile Microsoft® QuickC® programs from the DOS command line (using the "large" memory model), execute the following: qcl /AL For example, qcl /AL b:\meter.c c:\qc2\lib\clhpib.lib Change the "/AL" parameter to the appropriate setting when compiling in the smaller memory models (see your C Language manual for more information). For some programs, you may also have to change the stack size using the "/F" parameter. • To compile Borland® Turbo C®++ programs from the DOS command line (using the "large" memory model), execute the following: tcc -ml For example tcc -ml b:\meter.c c:\tc\lib\tchhpib.lib Change the "-ml" parameter to the appropriate setting when compiling in smaller memory models (see you C Language manual for more information). • Once compiled and linked, and executable file (.EXE) and object file (.OBJ) are created in the current directory. run the program by typing the file name with the .EXE extension. 232 Chapter 6 Application Programs C Language Programs GPIB Example 1 C / HP-IB This example demonstrates the general sequence of programming and the use of the MEASure? command to set and obtain a 4-wire Ohms measurement. /*************************************************************************** This program configures the meter for a 4-wire ohms measurement on Channel 1 using the MEAS command. ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #define ADDR 722L /* /* /* /* Used for printf() */ Used for atoi() */ Used for strlen() */ Header file from GPIB Command Library */ /* Set GPIB address for meter */ /* Function Prototypes */ void rst_clear(void); void meter_meas(void); void check_error(char *func_name); /**************************************************************************/ void main(void) { rst_clear(); meter_meas(); } /* Start of main() */ /* Reset the instrument and clear error queue */ /* Set up meter for measurement */ /**************************************************************************/ void rst_clear(void) { /* Reset the meter, clear the error queue, and wait for commands to complete. A "1" is sent to the output buffer from the *OPC? command when *RST and *CLS are completed. */ 6 float value; IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "*RST;*CLS;*OPC?", 15); IOENTER(ADDR, &value); } 233 Chapter 6 Application Programs C Language Programs ... continued /**************************************************************************/ void meter_meas(void) { /* Configure the meter for 4-wire ohms measurements on channel 1 (default channel). The measurement is made on the 10 ohm range with the least resolution. */ float ohm_rdg; IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "MEAS:FRES? 10, MAX", 18); IOENTER(ADDR, &ohm_rdg); /* Configure channel 1 */ /* Enter reading */ printf("Reading: %f\n\n", ohm_rdg); /* Display reading */ /* Call the function to check for errors */ check_error("meter_meas"); } /**************************************************************************/ void check_error(char *func_name) { /* Read error queue to determine if errors have occurred */ char message[80]; int length = 80; IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "SYST:ERR?", 9); IOENTERS(ADDR, message, &length); /* Read the error queue */ /* Enter error string */ while (atoi(message) != 0) /* Loop until all errors are read */ { printf("Error %s in function %s\n\n", message, func_name); IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "SYST:ERR?", 9); IOENTERS(ADDR, message, &length); } } 234 Chapter 6 Application Programs C Language Programs C / HP-IB GPIB Example 2 This program example demonstrates two input channels can be independently configured and used. /*************************************************************************** This program configures the meter for voltage measurements on two input channels. The channels are set to different ranges and resolutions to show the independence of the settings for each channel. ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #define ISC 7L #define ADDR 722L /* /* /* /* Used for printf() */ Used for atoi() */ Used for strlen() */ Header file from GPIB Command Library */ /* Assign GPIB select code */ /* Set GPIB address for meter */ /* Function Prototypes */ void void void void rst_clear(void); meter_meas(void); command_exe(char *commands[], int length); check_error(char *func_name); /**************************************************************************/ void main(void) { rst_clear(); meter_meas(); /* Start of main() */ /* Reset the instrument and clear error queue */ /* Set up meter for measurement */ } /**************************************************************************/ void rst_clear(void) { 6 /* Reset the meter, clear the error queue, and wait for commands to complete. A "1" is sent to the output buffer from the *OPC? command when *RST and *CLS are completed. */ float value; IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "*RST;*CLS;*OPC?", 15); IOENTER(ADDR, &value); } 235 Chapter 6 Application Programs C Language Programs ... continued /**************************************************************************/ void meter_meas(void) { /* Configure channel 1 for dc voltage measurements on the 1 volt range with 10 mV resolution. Configure channel 2 for dc voltage measurements on the 1 mV range with the least resolution. */ float rdg_ch1, rdg_ch2, null_ch1, null_ch2; static char state[2] = {13,10}; /* ASCII 13 = carriage return, ASCII 10 = line feed */ /* Configure measurements on both channels */ IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "CONF:VOLT:DC 1,0.01,(@FRON1);:CONFVOLT:DC 0.001,MAX,(@FRON2)", 61); /* Channel 1: initiate measurement, transfer reading to the output buffer */ IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "ROUT:TERM FRON1", 15); IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "READ?", 5); IOENTER(ADDR, &rdg_ch1); /* Channel 1: Turn null on */ IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "SENS1:VOLT:DC:NULL ON", 21); /* Place the null reading into the Null Register. To do this, suppress the carriage return (CR) and line feed (LF) before sending the null reading. */ /* First, disable EOI (End-or-Identify) and EOL (End-of-Line) */ IOEOI(ISC, 0);IOEOL(ISC, " ", 0); /* Send "SENS" header and suppress CR/LF */ IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "SENS1:VOLT:DC:NULL:VAL ", 23); /* Re-enable EOI and EOL for normal GPIB operation and send data */ IOEOI(ISC, 1);IOEOL(ISC, state, 2); IOOUTPUT(ADDR, rdg_ch1); /* Channel 2: Initiate measurement, transfer reading to output buffer, and store reading in variable */ IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "ROUT:TERM FRON2", 15); IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "READ?", 5); IOENTER(ADDR, &rdg_ch2); 236 Chapter 6 Application Programs C Language Programs ... continued /* Channel 2: Turn null on */ IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "SENS2:VOLT:DC:NULL ON", 21); /* Place the null reading into the Null Register. To do this, suppress the carriage return (CR) and line feed (LF) before sending the null reading. */ /* First, disable EOI (End-or-Identify) and EOL (End-of-Line) */ IOEOI(ISC, 0);IOEOL(ISC, " ", 0); /* Send "SENS" header and suppress CR/LF */ IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "SENS2:VOLT:DC:NULL:VAL ", 23); /* Re-enable EOI and EOL for normal GPIB operation and send data */ IOEOI(ISC,1);IOEOL(ISC, state, 2); IOOUTPUT(ADDR, rdg_ch2); /* Channel 1: Take nulled reading, transfer reading to output buffer, and print nulled reading */ IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "ROUT:TERM FRON1", 15); IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "READ?", 5); IOENTER(ADDR, &null_ch1); printf("Nulled Reading (Chan 1): %f\n", null_ch1); /* Channel 2: Take nulled reading, transfer reading to output buffer, and print nulled reading */ IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "ROUT:TERM FRON2", 15); IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "READ?", 5); IOENTER(ADDR, &null_ch2); printf("Nulled Reading (Chan 2): %f\n", null_ch2); /* Call the function to check for errors */ check_error("meter_meas"); 6 } 237 Chapter 6 Application Programs C Language Programs ... continued /**************************************************************************/ void command_exe(char *commands[], int length) { /* Execute one command string at a time using a loop */ int loop; for (loop = 0; loop length; loop++) { IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, commands[loop], strlen(commands[loop])); } } /**************************************************************************/ void check_error(char *func_name) { /* Read error queue to determine if errors have occurred */ char message[80]; int length = 80; IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "SYST:ERR?", 9); IOENTERS(ADDR, message, &length); /* Read the error queue */ /* Enter error string */ while (atoi(message) != 0) /* Loop until all errors are read */ { printf("Error %s in function %s\n\n", message, func_name); IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "SYST:ERR?", 9); IOENTERS(ADDR, message, &length); } } /**************************************************************************/ 238 Chapter 6 Application Programs C Language Programs GPIB Program Example 3 C / HP-IB This program example demonstrates the use of an SRQ to indicate when measurements are complete. The meter is set to use external triggering. Math scaling is also demonstrated. /*************************************************************************** This program configures the meter to make multiple dc voltage measurements using an external trigger. The "Operation Complete" bit in the Standard Event Register is used to determine when the trigger is received and generates an SRQ. This program also shows the use of math scaling. ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #define ISC 7L #define ADDR 722L /* /* /* /* Used for printf() */ Used for atoi() */ Used for strlen() */ Header file from GPIB Command Library */ /* Assign GPIB select code */ /* Set GPIB address for meter */ /* Function Prototypes */ void void void void void rst_clear(void); setup_status(void); meter_meas(void); command_exe(char *commands[], int length); check_error(char *func_name); /**************************************************************************/ void main(void) { rst_clear(); setup_status(); meter_meas(); } /* Start of main() */ /* Reset the instrument and clear error queue */ /* Set up 34420A status registers */ /* Set up meter for measurement */ 6 239 Chapter 6 Application Programs C Language Programs ... continued /**************************************************************************/ void rst_clear(void) { /* Reset the meter, clear the error queue, and wait for commands to complete. A "1" is sent to the output buffer from the *OPC? command when *RST and *CLS are completed. */ float value; IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "*RST;*CLS;*OPC?", 15); IOENTER(ADDR, &value); } /**************************************************************************/ void setup_status(void) { /* An interrupt is to be generated when the external trigger is received and readings are available in internal memory. To enable the status registers to generate an interrupt, you must enable bits in the Status Byte and Standard Event Register. */ /* Enable bit 5 "Standard Event" in the Status Byte to recognize activity from the Standard Event Register (2^5 = 32) */ IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "*SRE 32", 7); /* Enable bit 0 in the Standard Event Register to interrupt the Status Byte (2^0 = 1) */ IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "*ESE 1", 6); /* Call the function to check for errors */ check_error("setup_status"); } 240 Chapter 6 Application Programs C Language Programs ... continued /**************************************************************************/ void meter_meas(void) { /* Configure the meter for dc voltage measurements on channel 1 (default channel). The measurement is set up on the 10 volt range with an integration time of 10 PLCs. */ float readings[5]; int stat_cond, i, numvalues = static char *cmd_string[]= { "SENS:FUNC ’VOLT:DC’", /* "SENS:VOLT:DC:RANG 10", /* "SENS:VOLT:DC:NPLC 10", /* "CALC:FUNC SCAL", /* "CALC:STAT ON", /* "CALC:SCAL:GAIN 0.001", /* "CALC:SCAL:OFFS 0.5", /* "SAMP:COUN 5", /* "TRIG:SOUR EXT" /* }; 5; Select dc volts on channel 1 */ Select 10 volt range */ Select 10 power line cycles */ Select math scaling function */ Turn math scaling on */ Set the gain value (1 mV) */ Set the offset value (50 mV) */ Take 5 readings per trigger */ Select external trigger source */ /* Call the function to execute the command strings shown above */ command_exe(cmd_string, sizeof(cmd_string)/sizeof(char*)); /* Initiate the measurement, wait for the trigger, and then set bit 0 "Operation Complete" in the Standard Event Register when complete. */ IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "INIT;*OPC", 9); /* Loop until the SRQ line is asserted when operation complete */ do IOSTATUS(ISC, 1, &stat_cond); while (!stat_cond); 6 /* Transfer readings from internal memory to the output buffer */ IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "FETC?", 5); /* Enter readings and print */ IOENTERA(ADDR, readings, &numvalues); for (i = 0; i numvalues; i++) printf("%f \n", readings[i]); 241 Chapter 6 Application Programs C Language Programs ... continued /* Use Serial Poll to read the Status Byte and clear all bits */ IOSPOLL(ADDR, &stat_cond); /* Call the function to check for errors */ check_error("meter_meas"); } /**************************************************************************/ void command_exe(char *commands[], int length) { /* Execute one command string at a time using a loop */ int loop; for (loop = 0; loop length; loop++) { IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, commands[loop], strlen(commands[loop])); } } /**************************************************************************/ void check_error(char *func_name) { /* Read error queue to determine if errors have occurred */ char message[80]; int length = 80; IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "SYST:ERR?", 9); IOENTERS(ADDR, message, &length); /* Read the error queue */ /* Enter error string */ while (atoi(message) != 0) /* Loop until all errors are read */ { printf("Error %s in function %s\n\n", message, func_name); IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "SYST:ERR?", 9); IOENTERS(ADDR, message, &length); } } /**************************************************************************/ 242 Chapter 6 Application Programs Microsoft Excel Macro Example Microsoft Excel Macro Example You can use Windows Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) to send commands to the meter and return measurement results directly into a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet. "Instrument Tools"Instrument for Windows" This example uses the Hewlett-Packard Tools for Windows" and the 82335B GPIB HB-IB Interface. The "Instrument Tools for GPIB operations, an Windows" contains two programs to support HP-IB GPIB program and a HP-IB GPIB DDE Server. Interactive HP-IB To use the "Instrument Tools for Windows" with Microsoft® Excel, follow this general procedure: 1 2 Install Tools for Windows (if not already installed). GPIB application and create and save a configuration Start the Interactive HP-IB file (.IBC file) that describes the interface with the meter. Be sure EOI is disabled and EOL is set to include the character. Refer to the "Instrument Tools for Windows" User’s Manual for procedures and descriptions of creating a configuration (.IBC) file. You can test your interface connection in the Interactive GPIB HP-IB program by sending an output string of *IDN? and entering the results. A typical response is shown in the example in cell F4. 3 GPIB DDE server. This application starts and minimizes to an Start the HP-IB icon. 4 Run the macro shown in the example. In the macro, the following commands are part of the GPIB HP-IB DDE program and are documented in the "Instrument Tools for Windows" User’s Manual. All other commands are Microsoft® Excel commands and are documented in the Excel function reference. • • • • • [Abort] [clear(device)] EnterS EOL OutputS 243 6 Chapter 6 Application Programs Microsoft Excel Macro Example Macro Comments • For simplicity, this macro is designed to output and enter data directly onto the macro sheet. You may wish to output and enter data on a worksheet. • The macro sheet is divided into the following columns: A contains the variable names used in the macro B contains the macro commands C contains comments about the macro commands D place holder E contains the SCPI commands to send F, G, ... contains the returned data • The macro takes temperature measurements every 15 minutes for a 12 hour duration, and enters the resulting statistics. Individual temperature readings are not stored. • This macro uses the DATA:FEED command to overcome the 1024 memory reading maximum. • The macro uses the CALCulate:STATe OFF and CALCulate:STATE ON commands to reset the stats for each 15 minute interval. Without these commands in the while loop, the stats at each interval would be an accumulation of readings for all measurements. 244 Chapter 6 Application Programs Microsoft Excel Macro Example 6 245 Chapter 6 Application Programs Microsoft Excel Macro Example 246 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Tutorial The 34420A is capable of making highly accurate voltage, resistance or temperature measurements. In order to achieve the greatest accuracy, you must take the necessary steps to eliminate potential measurement errors. This chapter is divided into two sections. The first section discusses the causes of measurement errors. The second section describes specific ways to use the meter to minimize measurement errors. This chapter is divided into the following sections: • Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error, page 249. Voltage Measurements, page 249. Resistance Measurements, page 258. Temperature Measurements, page263. • Cleaning Connector Contacts, page 271. • Input Connector, page 272. • Obtaining Parts For the Input Connector, page 273. 248 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error Voltage Measurements The following table shows voltage measurement error sources. Each of these sources of error is described in more detail in the sections that follow. Error Source Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Thermal EMF Errors Magnetic Loops Cabling and connection related Power Line Rejection (NMR) Ground Loops Common Mode Rejection Loading Errors Meter related Input Bias Current (Leakage Current) Injected Current Correction Page Special circuits and shields are used to minimize the effects of RFI in the measurement. Low emission of RFI also allows the use of the meter with sensitive devices such as Josephson junctions where high frequency signals may interfere with proper operation of the device. The meter has 99% copper terminals with soldered connections. The test leads are copper wire with crimped copper terminals. These test connectors and leads are recommended to help minimize the effects of thermal EMF errors. Use twisted-pair connections to the meter to reduce the noise pickup loop area, or dress the test leads as close together as possible. Loose or vibrating test leads will also induce error voltages. Make sure your test leads are tied down securely when operating near magnetic fields. Whenever possible, use magnetic shielding materials or physical separation to reduce problem magnetic field sources. Use NPLC ≥ 1 if the pickup is power line related. Set the integration time to 1 or more PLCs. 250 The best way to eliminate ground loops is to maintain the meter’s isolation from earth; do not connect the input terminals to ground. If the meter must be earth-referenced, be sure to connect it, and the device-under-test, to the same common ground point. This will reduce or eliminate any voltage difference between the devices. Also make sure the meter and device-under-test are connected to the same electrical outlet whenever possible. Reduce the series resistance or common mode voltage. The meter’s input resistance is > 10 GΩ for 1 mV to 10 V ranges, 10 MΩ for 100 volt range. The meter’s measuring circuitry exhibits approximately 30pA of input bias current for ambient temperatures from 0°C to 30°C. Bias current will change at temperatures different than those at which the meter was calibrated. A circuit may or may not be sensitive to injected current depending on the topology of circuit being measured by the voltmeter, the impedance level of the circuit, and the common mode or normal mode rejection of the meter. 251 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 249 7 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error Radio Frequency Interference Most voltage measuring instruments can generate false readings in the presense of large high frequency fields. Possible sources of such fields could include radio, television, communication transmitters, and portable telephones. The high frequency energy can couple into the meter on the input leads or cables connected to the rear of the instrument. Keeping the test leads and rear panel cables as far removed as possible from high frequency sources will minimize the RFI inteference. RFI emissions from the meter meet international standards. If your application is extremely sensitive to RFI radiated from the meter, use a common mode choke in the input cable as shown. Torroid 250 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error Thermal EMF Errors Thermoelectric voltages are the most common source of error in low-level dc voltage measurements. Thermoelectric voltages are generated when you make circuit connections using dissimilar metals at different temperatures. Each metal-to-metal junction forms a thermocouple, which generates a voltage proportional to the junction temperature. You should take the necessary precautions to minimize thermocouple voltages and temperature variations in low-level voltage measurements. The best connections are formed using copper-to-copper crimped connections. The table below shows common thermoelectric voltages for connections between dissimilar metals. Copper-to- Approx. µV/° C Copper <0.3 Gold 0.5 Silver 0.5 Brass 3 Beryllium Copper 5 Aluminum 5 Kovar or Alloy 42 40 Silicon 500 Copper-Oxide 1000 Cadmium-Tin Solder Tin-Lead Solder 0.2 5 Noise Caused by Magnetic Fields If you are making measurements near magnetic fields, you should take the necessary precautions to avoid inducing voltages in the measurement connections. You should be especially careful when working near conductors carrying large currents. 7 251 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error Rejecting Power-Line Noise Voltages A desirable characteristic of integrating analog-to-digital (A/D) converters is their ability to reject spurious signals. Integrating techniques reject power-line related noise present with dc signals on the input. This is called normal mode rejection or NMR. Normal mode noise rejection is achieved when the meter measures the average of the input by “integrating” it over a fixed period. If you set the integration time to a whole number of power line cycles (PLCs) of the spurious input, these errors (and their harmonics) will average out to approximately zero. When you apply power to the meter, it measures the power-line frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz), and uses this measurement to determine the integration time. The table below shows the noise rejection achieved with various configurations. For better resolution and increased noise rejection, select a longer integration time. NPLC’s NMR 334 µs (400 µs) none .2 3 ms (4 ms) none 1 16.7 ms (20 ms) 60 dB 2 33.4 ms (40 ms) 90 dB 10 167 ms (200 ms) 95 dB 20 334 ms (400 ms) 100 dB 100 1.67 s (2 s) 105 dB 200 3.34 s (4 s) 110 dB 0.02 252 Integration Time 60 Hz (50 Hz) Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error Noise Caused by Ground Loops When measuring voltages in circuits where the meter and the device-under-test are both referenced to a common earth ground, a “ground loop” is formed. As shown below, any voltage difference between the two ground reference points (Vground) causes a current to flow through the LO measurement lead. This causes an error voltage, VL, which is added to the measured voltage. RL = Lead Resistance Ri = Multimeter Isolation Resistance Ci = Multimeter Isolation Capacitance Ideal Meter V ground = Ground Noise Voltage I = Vground caused current flow = Z = Ri ∗ ZCi Ri + ZCi VL = I ∗ RL Vground RL + Z To minimize ground loop errors: • If Vground is a dc voltage, keep RL small compared to Ri. • If Vground is an ac voltage, keep RL small compared to Z, and set the meter’s integration time (NPLC) to 1 or greater. See page 58. 7 253 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error Common Mode Rejection (CMR) Ideally, a meter is completely isolated from earth-referenced circuits. However, there is finite resistance and capacitance between the meter’s input LO terminal and earth ground. If the input terminals are both driven by an earth referenced signal, Vf, then a current will flow through RS and create a voltage drop VL as shown below. Vf = Common Mode Float voltage RS = LO Lead Resistance Ri = Meter Isolation Resistance Ideal Meter Ci = Meter Isolation Capacitance Zi = Parallel Impedance of Ri + Ci Error (VL) = Vf x RS RS + Z Any resulting voltage, VL, will appear as an input to the meter. As the value of RS approaches 0, so does the error. Additionally, if V f is at the power line frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz), the noise can be greatly reduced by setting the meter’s integration time (NPLC) to 1 or greater. See page 252. 254 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error Loading Errors Due to Input Resistance (dc volts) Measurement loading errors occur when the resistance of the deviceunder-test (DUT) is an appreciable percentage of the meter’s own input resistance. The diagram below shows this error source. Vs = Ideal DUT voltage RS = DUT source resistance Ri = Meter input resistance (10 MΩ or > 10 GΩ ) Error (%) = Ideal Meter 100 x RS RS + Ri 7 255 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error Loading Errors Due to Input Bias Current (Leakage Current) The semiconductor devices used in the input circuits of the meter have slight leakage currents, called bias currents. The effect of the input bias current is an loading error at the meter’s input terminals. ib = meter bias current RS = DUT source resistance Ci = meter input capacitance Error (v) ≈ ib x RS The leakage current will approximately double for every 10°C temperature rise, making the problem much more apparent at higher temperatures. You can adjust the input bias current to remove these errors. The bias current is automatically minimized during the zero calibration procedure (see chapter 4 in the 34420A Service Guide). You should perform the zero calibration procedure if you are operating the meter at a temperature more than 5° C from the calibration temperature. 256 Ideal Meter Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error Noise Caused by Injected Current Residual capacitances in the power transformer cause small currents to flow from the LO of the meter to earth ground. The frequency of the "injected current" is the power line frequency or possibly power line frequency harmonics. The injected current is dependent upon the power line configuration and frequency. You will need to recalibrate the injected current if you operate the meter with a different power line than the power line used to calibrate the meter. A simplified circuit is shown. Ideal Meter Injected Current In the circuit below, with connection A the injected current flows from the earth connection provided by the circuit, to the LO terminal of the voltmeter, and no noise is added to the measurement. However with connection B, the injected current flows through the resistor R adding noise to the measurement. With connection B, larger values of R will make the problem worse. Ideal Meter Ideal Meter Injected Current CONNECTION A Injected Current CONNECTION B 7 The noise caused by injected current can be significantly reduced by setting the integration time of the meter (NPLC) to 1 or greater. See page 252. 257 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error Resistance Measurements Specific resistance measurement techniques are discussed in the following sections. You should also consider the techniques and errors discussed earlier in this chapter. The 4-wire ohms method provides the most accurate way to measure small resistances. Test lead resistances and contact resistances are automatically reduced using this method. The connections for resistance measurements are shown below. See also “Resistance Measurement Configuration” on page 68. HI-Sense R = Vmeter Itest Ideal Meter LO-Sense Removing 2-wire Ohm Test Lead Resistance To eliminate offset errors associated with the test lead resistance in 2-wire ohms measurements, follow the steps below. 1. Short the ends of the test leads together. The meter displays the test lead resistance. 2. Press Null from the front panel. The meter displays “0” ohms with the leads shorted together. 258 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error Offset Compensation A resistance measurement involves measuring a voltage (E) induced across the resistance by a known current source. Ideal Meter Thermal EMF caused by dissimilar metals can create a parasitic voltage in the measurement circuit (VEMF). (See page 251 for a description of thermal EMF). The thermal EMF can be caused by the input lead connections or internally in resistor R. In general, this voltage will not change with the current applied to the resistor. Ideal Meter E=IR+VEMF Ideal Meter E=(0*R)+VEMF = VEMF The voltage measured, and so the resistance calculated, is in error by VEMF. Using offset compensation can reduce the errors caused by VEMF. To make an offset compensated measurement, the meter makes two voltage measurements, one with the current source on and one with the current source off, and subtracts the two measurements. The actual voltage drop across the resistor, and the calculated resistance are obtained by: First Reading − Second Reading = ( I ∗ R + VEMF ) − VEMF = I ∗ R Offset compensation can be used in 2-Wire or 4-Wire ohms measurements. 7 259 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error In the power-on state of the meter, offset compensation is enabled. In some circumstances it may be desirable to turn offset compensation off. For example if the resistor being measured does not respond quickly to changes in current, offset compensation will not produce an accurate measurement. Resistors with very large inductances or resistors with large values of parallel capacitance would fall into this category. In these cases the DELAY parameter can be increased to allow more settling time after the current source is switched on or off, or the offset compensation function can be turned off. Power Dissipation Effects When measuring resistors designed for temperature measurements (or other resistive devices with large temperature coefficients), be aware that the meter will dissipate some power in the device-under-test. The effects of this power dissipation can affect the measurement accuracy. If power dissipation is a problem, there are two actions you can take: you can select a higher measurement range to reduce the errors to acceptable levels or you can set the meter to the low power mode to limit the test current (see page 69). The following table shows several examples. Normal Low Power Test Current DUT Power (at Full Scale) Test Current DUT Power (at Full Scale) 1Ω 10 mA 100 mW 10 mA 100 mW 10 Ω 10 mA 1 mW 10 mA 1 mW 100 Ω 10 mA 10 mW 1 mA 100 mW 1k Ω 1 mA 1 mW 100 mA 10 10 k Ω 100 mA 100 mW 10 mA 1 mW 100 k Ω 10 mA 10 m W 5 mA 2.5 m 1M Ω 5 mA 25 m W 5 mA 25 m Range 260 W m W W Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error Output Clamping (Dry Circuit Testing) Resistance measurements on certain types of contacts may require a limitation on the voltage levels used to make the measurement. Both the open circuit and the measurement voltage should be considered. The need for voltage limitation arises from the possibility that oxidation on the contact surfaces may increase the resistance reading. If the voltage is too high, the oxide layer may be punctured resulting in a lower resistance reading. The meter provides a programmable level of open circuit clamping, called voltage limited measurements (see page 70). This feature is available on the 10 and 100 ohm ranges. The open circuit voltage can be clamped at one of three levels, 20 mV, 100 mV, or 500 mV. The table below shows the current and voltage levels used. Test Current Measurement Voltage (at Full Scale) Open Circuit Voltage (MV) 10 Ω 1 mA 10 mV 20, 100, or 500 mV 100 Ω 0.1 mA 10 mV 20, 100, or 500 mV Range 7 261 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error Settling Time Effects The meter has the ability to insert automatic measurement settling delays. These delays are adequate for resistance measurements with less than 200 pF of combined cable and device capacitance. This is particularly important if you are measuring resistances above 100 kΩ. Settling due to RC time constant effects can be quite long. Some precision resistors and multi-function calibrators use large parallel capacitors (1000 pF to 0.1 µF) with high resistor values to filter out noise currents injected by their internal circuitry. Non-ideal capacitances due to dielectric absorption (soak) effects in cables and other devices may have much longer settling times than expected just by RC time constants. Errors will be measured when settling after the initial connection and after a range change. You may need to increase the delay time before a measurement in these situations (see page 87). Errors in High Resistance Measurements When you are measuring large resistances, significant errors can occur due to insulation resistance and surface cleanliness. You should take the necessary precautions to maintain a “clean” high-resistance system. Test leads and fixtures are susceptible to leakage due to moisture absorption in insulating materials and “dirty” surface films. Nylon and PVC are relatively poor insulators (109 ohms) when compared to PTFE Teflon insulators (1013W ). Leakage from nylon or PVC insulators can easily contribute a 0.1% error when measuring a 1 MΩ resistance in humid conditions. Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. duPont deNemours and Co. 262 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error Temperature Measurements A temperature measurement is either a resistance measurement or a voltage measurement, converted to a temperature mathematically inside the meter. The mathematical conversions requires the knowledge of specific properties of specific transducer types. The conversion routines used are compatible with ITS-90. The conversion accuracy (not including the transducer accuracy) for each transducer type is: RTD 0.05° C Thermistor 0.1° C Thermocouple 0.2° C Errors associated with temperature measurements include all those listed for dc Voltage and Resistance Measurements. The largest source of error in temperature measurements is the transducer itself. Your measurement requirements determine which temperature transducer type to use. Each transducer type has a particular temperature range, accuracy, and cost. Each type of transducer is described in more detail in the following subsections. The table below summarizes some general specifications for each type of transducer. Use the table to help select the general type of transducer to use; transducer manufacturers can provide you with exact specifications for a particular transducer. RTD Thermistor Thermocouple Temperature Range -200 to 850° C -80 to 150° C -210 to 1820° C Measurement Type 4-wire Resistance 2-wire Resistance Voltage Transducer Sensitivity ≈R0 X 0.004 ° C / C W ° 6 to 60 µV/° C 0.01 to 0.1° C 0.1 to 1° C 0.5 to 5° C $20.00 to $100.00 ea* $10.00 to $100.00 ea* $1.00/foot* Fragile Fragile Rugged Accuracy Cost (approx) ≈400 Durability *Estimated cost in U.S. Dollars 7 263 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error RTDs An RTD uses a metal (typically platinum) that changes resistance with a change in temperature. Your meter can measure this resistance and by knowing the characteristics of the RTD, calculate the temperature. RTDs have the highest stability of the temperature transducers. Their output is also very linear. This makes the RTD the transducer of choice for high accuracy, long-term measurements. RTDs come in two main types: a = 0.00385 (DIN/IEC 751) and a = 0.00391. The RTD resistance at 0° C is referred to as nominal or R0. The meter can use RTD’s with R0 values from 4.9 Ω to 2.1 kΩ. The meter always makes a 4-wire measurement of RTDs to preserve their accuracy. Thermistors Thermistors use materials that change resistance with changes in temperature. Your meter can measure this resistance and by knowing the characteristics of the thermistor, calculates the temperature. Thermistors have a higher sensitivity than thermocouples or RTDs. This makes thermistors the transducer to use when measuring very small changes in temperature. Thermistors are, however, very non-linear, especially at high temperatures and function best below 100° C. Because of their high resistance, thermistors can be measured using two wire measurement techniques. The meter supports 5000 Ω thermistors. 264 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error Thermocouples A thermocouple converts temperature to voltage. When two wires, composed of dissimilar metals, are joined, an open circuit voltage is generated. The voltage is a function of the the junction temperature and the types of metals in the wire. Since the temperature characteristics of special dissimilar metals is well known, a conversion from the voltage generated to the temperature of the junction can be made. For example, a voltage measurement of a type T thermocouple (made up of copper and constantan wire) might look like this: Meter Notice, however, that the connections made between the thermocouple wire and the meter make another thermocouple where the thermocouple’s constantan (C) lead connects to the meter’s copper (Cu) input terminal. The voltage generated by this second thermocouple affects the voltage measurement of the type T thermocouple. If the temperature of the thermocouple created at J2 (the LO input terminal) is known, the temperature of the type T thermocouple can be calculated. One way to do this is to connect two type T thermocouples together to create only copper to copper connections at the meter’s input terminals, and to hold the second thermocouple at a known temperature. 7 265 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error An ice bath is used to create a known reference temperature (0° C). Once the reference temperature and thermocouple type are known, the temperature of the measurement thermocouple can be calculated. Meter Ice Bath The type T thermocouple is a unique case since one of the conductors (copper) is the same metal as the meter’s input terminal. If another type of thermocouple is used, two additional thermocouples are created. For example, the connections with a type J thermocouple (iron and constantan): Meter Ice Bath Two additional thermocouples have been created where the iron lead connects to the meter’s copper input terminals. Since these two junctions will generate opposing voltages, their effect will be to cancel each other. However, if the input terminals are not at the same temperature, then an error will be created in the measurement. 266 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error To make a more accurate measurement, the copper test leads of the meter should be extended closer to the measurement and the connections to the thermocouple be held at the same temperature. Meter Ice Bath REFERENCE THERMOCOUPLE This circuit will give accurate temperature measurements. However, it is not very convenient to make two thermocouple connections and keep all connections at a known temperature. The "Law of Intermediate Metals" eliminates the need for the extra connection. This empirical law states that a third metal (iron (Fe) in the example) inserted between two dissimilar metals will have no effect upon the output voltage provided the junctions formed are at the same temperature. Removing the reference thermocouple makes the connections much easier. Meter MEASUREMENT THERMOCOUPLE Ice Bath 7 This circuit is the best solution for accurate thermocouple connections. 267 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error In some measurement situations, however, it would be nice to remove the need for an ice bath (or other fixed external reference). To do this, an isothermal block is used to make the connections. An isothermal block is an electrical insulator, but a good heat conductor. The additional thermocouples created at J1 and J2 now held at the same temperature by the isothermal block. Once the temperature of the isothermal block is known, accurate temperature measurements can be made. Typically, a thermistor is mounted to the isothermal block and used to measure the temperature. METER REFERENCE TEMPERATURE REFERENCE THERMISTOR MEASUREMENT THERMOCOUPLE ISOTHERMAL BLOCK Thermocouples come in a variety of types. The type is specified by a single letter. The following table shows the most commonly used thermocouple types and some key characteristics of each 268 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error Type B U.S. British DIN Japanese French J U.S. British DIN Japanese French K U.S. British DIN Japanese French T U.S. British DIN Japanese French E U.S. British DIN Japanese French N U.S. British DIN Japanese French R U.S. British DIN Japanese French S U.S. British DIN Japanese French + lead - lead Platinum – 30% Rhodium Gray N/A Red Red N/A Iron White Yellow Red Red Yellow Platinum– 60% Rhodium Red N/A Gray Gray N/A Constantan Red Blue Blue White Black Nickel – Chromium Yellow Brown Red Red Yellow Temperature Range Probe Accuracy 250 to 1820° C ± 0.5° C Comments High Temperature. Beware of contamination. Do not insert in metal tubes. -210 to 1200° C ± 1.1 to 2.2° For vacuum, inert environments. C Least expensive. Not recommended for low temperature. Nickel – Aluminum Red Blue Green White Purple -200 to 1370° C ± 1.1 to 2.2° For oxidizing environments. Good linearity above 8° C. C Copper Blue White Red Red Yellow Constantan Red Blue Brown White Blue -200 to 400° C ± 0.5 to 1° C Withstands moisture. Has a copper lead. Low temperature applications. Nickel – Chromium Purple Brown Red Red Yellow Constantan Red Blue Black White Blue -200 to 1000° C ± 1 to 1.7° C Highest output voltage. Highest resolution. Nicrosil Orange N/A N/A N/A N/A Nisil Red N/A N/A N/A N/A -200 to 1300° C ± 1.1 to 2.2° Superior stability to type K at high temperatures. C Platinum – 13% Rhodium Black White Red Red Yellow Platinum – 10% Rhodium Black White Red Red Yellow Rhodium Red Blue White White Green -50 to 1760° C ± 0.6 to 1.5° High Temperature. Beware of contamination. Do not C insert in metal tubes. Platinum Red Blue White White Green -50 to 1760° C ± 0.6 to 1.5° Low error, good stability. High Temperature. Beware C of contamination. Do not insert in metal tubes. Constantan = Copper–Nickel, Nicrosil = Nickel–Chromium–Silicon, Nisil = Nickel–Silicone–Magnesium. N/A = Not Available 269 7 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Measurement Techniques and Sources of Error Thermocouple Measurement Errors The meter allows you to use one of three types of temperature reference for thermocouple measurements: • Fixed Reference value (entered). The fixed reference is the most accurate, and is the type of thermocouple measurement described earlier using isothermal blocks and an external known reference temperature. • Measured Reference value (external thermistor). A thermistor is connected to channel 1 input of the meter. The thermistor is then mounted to the isothermal block. The meter measures the temperature of the isothermal block and uses the measurement in the temperature calculation. • Internal Reference value (internal thermistor). The meter contains an internal thermistor, mounted just behind the input connector. The internal thermistor is the least accurate way to measure temperature. If you use the internal thermistor, you should connect the thermocouple wire directly to the input connector (do not use the copper test leads or an isothermal block). See page 272. 270 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Cleaning the Connector Contacts Cleaning the Connector Contacts Because the meter uses connector contacts that are almost pure copper, they are subject to oxidation. Oxidation can cause measurement errors. See page 251. To help prevent the formation of oxides on the connector contacts, keep the connector engaged whenever possible. After extended periods of time, it may be necessary to treat the connector contacts. The recommended treatment uses DeoxITÔ and a small bottle of DeoxIT was included with the 34420A. Use the following procedure to apply DeoxIT to the connector terminals. 1 Remove the power cord from the meter. 2 Remove the input connector. 3 Stand the meter on a smooth level surface so that the front panel is up. 4 Apply one drop of DeoxIT to each connector pin in the input connector. A convenient method to apply a single drop is to use a clean piece of wire to transfer the liquid from the container provided to the connector. 5 Remove any excess DeoxIT from the connector by wiping with a clean soft cloth. 6 Engage and disengage the input cable several times to distribute the DeoxIT evenly over both halves of the connector. The input connector may cause measurement problems if the coupling nut is not tightened properly, the connector keys are not aligned properly, or the clamping nut is not tightened properly. See the next page. DeoxIT Ô is a trademark of CAIG Laboratories, Inc., San Diego, California. 271 7 Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Input Connector Input Connector WIRE: 22 - 28 guage copper Torque 5 to 7 in-lb Align keys Wrap cable shield (makes earth ground) Rubber Grommet Channel 1 DCV 4-WireΩ 2-WireΩ Thermistor HI LO + Source + Source and Sense + Source and Sense + – Source – Source and Sense – Source and Sense – NOTE: key Channel 2 DCV 4-WireΩ Thermocouple 272 HI LO + Sense + + – Sense – – Chapter 7 Measurement Tutorial Obtaining Parts For the Input Connector Obtaining Parts For the Input Connector Use the following Agilent Technologies part numbers to obtain replacement input connectors and cables. Contact your nearest Agilent Technologies Sales Office for replacement. Part Number Description 34104A Low thermal input connector (blank) 34103A Low thermal 4-wire shorting plug 34102A Low thermal input connector and 4 foot cable with spade lugs. You can obtain additional DeoxITÔ, part number D100L2, from: CAIG Laboratories, Inc. 16744 West Bernardo Drive San Diego, CA 92172-1904 7 273 8 Specifications Chapter 8 Specifications 34420A Nano Volt/Micro Ohm Meter ACCURACY SPECIFICATIONS ± (% of reading + % of range) [1] Function DC Voltage Range [2] Test Current 1.0000000 mV [3] 10.000000 mV [3] 100.00000 mV 1.0000000 V 10.000000 V 100.00000 V [4] Temperature Maximum Coefficient Per Lead 0°C - 18°C Resistance 28°C - 55°C 24 Hour 23°C ± 1°C 90 Day 23°C ± 5°C 1 Year 23°C ± 5°C 0.0025 + .0020 0.0025 + .0002 0.0015 + .0003 0.0010 + .0003 0.0002 + .0001 0.0010 + .0004 0.0040 + .0020 0.0040 + .0002 0.0030 + .0004 0.0025 + .0004 0.0020 + .0004 0.0025 + .0005 0.0050 + .0020 0.0050 + .0003 0.0040 + .0004 0.0035 + .0004 0.0030 + .0004 0.0035 + .0005 0.0004 + .0001 0.0004 + .00002 0.0004 + .00006 0.0004 + .00004 0.0001 + .00002 0.0004 + .00005 Resistance [5] 1.0000000 Ω 10.000000 Ω 100.00000 Ω 1.0000000 KΩ 10.000000 KΩ 100.00000 KΩ 1.0000000 MΩ 10 mA 10 mA 10 mA 1 mA 100 µA 10 µA 5 µA 0.0015 + .0002 0.0015 + .0002 0.0015 + .0002 0.0015 + .0002 0.0015 + .0002 0.0015 + .0003 0.0020 + .0003 0.0050 + .0002 0.0040 + .0002 0.0040 + .0002 0.0040 + .0002 0.0040 + .0002 0.0040 + .0004 0.0050 + .0004 0.0070 + .0002 0.0060 + .0002 0.0060 + .0002 0.0060 + .0002 0.0060 + .0002 0.0060 + .0004 0.0070 + .0004 0.0005 + .00002 0.0005 + .00001 0.0005 + .00001 0.0005 + .00001 0.0005 + .00001 0.0005 + .00002 0.0006 + .00003 1Ω 1Ω 10 Ω 100 Ω 1 KΩ 1 KΩ 1 KΩ Low Power Resistance [5] 1.0000000 Ω 10.000000 Ω 100.00000 Ω 1.0000000 KΩ 10.000000 KΩ 100.00000 KΩ 1.0000000 MΩ 10 mA 10 mA 1 mA 100 µA 10 µA 5 µA 5 µA 0.0015 + .0002 0.0015 + .0002 0.0015 + .0002 0.0015 + .0002 0.0015 + .0004 0.0015 + .0012 0.0020 + .0003 0.0050 + .0002 0.0040 + .0002 0.0040 + .0002 0.0040 + .0002 0.0040 + .0004 0.0040 + .0015 0.0050 + .0004 0.0070 + .0002 0.0060 + .0002 0.0060 + .0002 0.0060 + .0002 0.0060 + .0004 0.0060 + .0015 0.0070 + .0004 0.0005 + .00002 0.0005 + .00001 0.0005 + .00001 0.0005 + .00001 0.0005 + .00003 0.0005 + .00003 0.0006 + .00003 1Ω 1Ω 10 Ω 100 Ω 1 KΩ 1 KΩ 1 KΩ 1 mA 100 µA 0.0020 + .0002 0.0025 + .0002 0.0050 + .0002 0.0050 + .0002 0.0070 + .0002 0.0070 + .0002 0.0005 + .00002 0.0005 + .00002 1Ω 5Ω Voltage 10.000000 Ω 100.00000 Ω Limited [5][6] Resistance Channel 1 / Channel 2 (DCV Ratio) Channel 1 - Channel 2 (DCV Difference) Ratio Error % = Channel 1 accuracy in % + Channel 2 accuracy in % Difference Error = Channel 1 (% of reading + % of range) + Channel 2 (% of reading + % of range) Temperature (resolution = 0.001° C) Thermocouple probe accuracy + 0.2° C Thermocouple [7] Thermistor Thermistor probe accuracy + 0.1° C RTD RTD probe accuracy + 0.05° C [1] Specifications are for Channel 1 or Channel 2, after 2-hour warm-up, resolution at 7.5 digits (100 NPLC), with FILTERS off. RESISTANCE specifications are for 4-wire ohms or 2-wire ohms using Null. Without Null, add 0.2 Ω additional error in 2-wire ohms function. With Analog Filter ON, add 0.002% of reading to listed specifications. [2] 20% overrange on all ranges except 5% on Voltage Limited Resistance. [3] After using Null. If Null is not used add 100 nanovolts. [4] Channel 1 only. [5] Channel 1 only. Resistance measurements, for NPLC <1, add 160 µΩ RMS noise. [6] Voltage limit can be set to 20 mV (default), 100 mV, or 500 mV. Measured resistance plus Channel 1 HI and LO lead resistance is limited to 10.5 Ω on the 10 Ω range and 105 Ω on the 100 Ω range. [7] For fixed reference junction. Add 0.3° C for external reference junction, add 2° C for internal reference junction. 276 Chapter 8 Specifications 34420A Nano Volt/Micro Ohm Meter DC Voltage Noise Specifications * MEASUREMENT CHARACTERISTICS DC Voltage Observation Period Measurement Method Continuously Integrating Multi-slope III A-D Converter A-D Linearity 0.00008% of reading + 0.00005% of range Input Resistance 100V (Ch1 only) 1mV through 10V 10 MΩ ± 1% >10 GΩ, in parallel with <3.6 nF 14 nVpp Input Bias Current <50 pA at 25°C Injected Current* <50 nA pp at 50 or 60 Hz Input Protection 150 V peak any input terminal to Channel 1 LO, continuous Channel Isolation Isolation between input channels >1010Ω Earth Isolation 350 V peak any input terminal to earth. Impedence from any input terminal to earth is >10 GΩ and < 400 pF Maximum Voltage Channel 1 LO to Channel 2 LO, 150V peak 2-Minute 2-Minute 24-Hour Range RMS Noise Peak-Peak Noise Peak-Peak Noise 1 mV 1.3 nVRMS 8 nVpp 12 nVpp 10 mV 1.5 nVRMS 10 nVpp 100 mV 10 nVRMS 65 nVpp 80 nVpp 1V 100 nVRMS 650 nVpp 800 nVpp 10 V 450 nVRMS 3 µVpp 3.7 µVpp 100 V 11 µVRMS 75 µVpp 90 µVpp * After a 2-hour warm-up, ± 1°C, 6.5 digits (10 PLC) with Analog Filter Off and Digital Filter Medium (50 reading average). 2-Minute RMS and 24-hour noise typical. For measurements using 0.02 or 0.2 NPLC, add 800 nV RMS noise. DC Voltage Noise vs Source Resistance * Source Resistance Noise 0 1.3 nVRMS Off Med 100 1.7 nVRMS Off Med 1k 4 nVRMS Off Med 10k 13 nVRMS Off Med 100k 41 nVRMS On Med 1M 90 nVRMS On Slow Analog Filter Digital Filter * Typical noise behavior for Ch 1 or Ch 2, after 2 hour warm-up, 6.5 digits (10 PLC), 2 minute observation period on 1 mV range. For peak-to-peak noise, multiply RMS noise by 6. Resistance Measurement Method Selectable 4-wire or 2-wire ohms. Current Source referenced to Channel 1 LO input Offset Compensation Used on all ranges except 100 kΩ and 1 MΩ. Can be turned off if desired Protection 150V peak Open Circuit Voltage For Resistance and Low Power Resistance <14 V. 20 mV, 100 mV, 500 mV selectable clamp * Injected current is calibrated at the factory. Different line power configurations will require recalibration. 8 277 Chapter 8 Specifications 34420A Nano Volt/Micro Ohm Meter OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS [4] Temperature Thermocouple Thermistor RTD Type B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T Range: -210° C to 1820° C Integration Time Readings/s [5] 71⁄2 200 plc .15 (.125) 4-wire, 4.9 Ω to 2.1 kΩ types: α = .00385 (DIN/IEC 751) and α = .00391 Range: -200° C to 850° C Thermocouple 71⁄2 100 plc .3 (.25) 61⁄2 20 plc 1.5 (1.25) 61⁄2 10 plc 3 (2.5) 51⁄2 1 plc 25 (20.8) [1] 51⁄2 0.2 plc 100 (100) 41⁄2 0.02 plc 250 (250) Resistance, 71⁄2 200 plc .075 (.062) DCV1/DCV2, 71⁄2 100 plc .15 (.125) 5 kΩ Range: -80° C to 150° C Measurement Noise Rejection 60 (50) Hz dc CMRR 140 dB ac CMRR 70 dB Function DCV, Digits Integration Time Normal Mode Rejection [2] DCV 1-2, 61⁄2 20 plc .75 (.625) 200 plc/3.335 ms (4s) 110 dB [3] RTD, 61⁄2 10 plc 1.5 (1.25) 100 plc/1.675 ms (2s) 105 dB [3] Thermistor 51⁄2 1 plc 12.5 (10.4) 20 plc/334 ms (400ms) 100 dB [3] 51⁄2 0.2 plc 50 (50) 10 plc/167ms (200ms) 95 dB [3] 41⁄2 0.02 plc 125 (125) 2 plc/33.3 ms (40 ms) 90 dB [3] 1plc/16.7ms (20ms) 60 dB <1plc 0 System Speeds [6] Configuration Rates 26/s to 50/s Autorange Rate (DC Volts) >30/s ASCII reading to RS-232 55/s ASCII reading to GPIB 250/s Max. Internal Trigger Rate 250/s Max. Ext. Trig. Rate to Memory 250/s [1] For 1 kΩ unbalanced in LO lead. [2] For power line frequency ± 0.1%, Filters OFF. For Digital Filter slow add 20 db, for medium or fast add 10 db for NPLC ≥1. [3] For power line frequency ± 1%, use 80 db or ± 3% use 60 db. [4] Speeds are for delay 0, Display OFF, Filters OFF, OCOMP OFF. [5] Reading speeds for 60 Hz or (50 Hz), 100 mV through 100 V ranges. 1 mV range 30/s MAX, 10 mV range 170/s MAX, thermocouple 120/s MAX. [6] Speeds are for NPLC 0.02, Delay 0, Display OFF, Chart Out OFF. 278 Chapter 8 Specifications 34420A Nano Volt/Micro Ohm Meter Triggering and Memory Standard Programming Languages Reading HOLD Sensitivity 10%, 1%, 0.1%, or 0.01% of range SCPI (IEEE 488.2), Keithley 181 Samples/Trigger 1 to 50,000 Accessories Included Trigger Delay 0 to 3600s; 10µs step size External Trigger Delay <1ms External Trigger Jitter <500µs Memory 1024 readings 4 ft low thermal cable with copper spade lugs, 4-wire shorting plug, user’s manual, service manual, contact cleaner, test report and power cord General Specifications Front Panel Connection shielded, low thermal, 99% copper contacts Math Functions NULL (Channel 1 DCV, Channel 2 DCV, Difference, MMMNResistance, Temperature) STATS (Min, Max, Average, Peak-Peak, Standard Deviation, MMMMIINumber of readings) SCALE (Allows linear scaling as y=mx+b) CHART NULL (Establishes zero for rear panel output) Power Supply 100V/120V/220V(230V)/240V ± 10% Power Line Frequency 45Hz to 66Hz and 360Hz to 440Hz Automatically sensed at power-on. Power Consumption 25VA peak (10W average) Operating Environment Full accuracy for 0° C to 55° C Full accuracy to 80% R.H. up to 40° C Filter (Analog or Digital or Both) Storage Environment -40° C to 75° C Analog Low pass 2 pole @ 11Hz, available for 1, 10, 100mV range Weight 3 kg (6.5 lbs) Safety Digital Moving average filter, 10 (fast), 50 (medium) or, 100 (slow) reading averages. Designed to CSA, UL-1244, IEC-1010 RFI and ESD CISPR 11 Chart Out (Analog Out) Maximum output: ± 3V Vibration and Shock MIL-T-28800E, Type III, Class 5 Warranty 3 year Accuracy: ± 0.1% of output + 1 mV Output Resistance: 1 kΩ ± 5% Update rate: once per reading Span and Offset: Adjustable 8 279 Chapter 8 Specifications 34420A Nano Volt/Micro Ohm Meter Dimensions 280 Chapter 8 To Calculate Total Measurement Error To Calculate Total Measurement Error Each specification includes correction factors which account for errors present due to operational limitations of the meter. This section explains these errors and shows how to apply them to your measurements. Refer to "Interpreting Meter Specifications," starting on page 285, to get a better understanding of the terminology used and to help you interpret the meter’s specifications. The meter’s accuracy specifications are expressed in the form: (% of reading + % of range) In addition to the reading error and range conditions, make sure you apply the conditions as described in the footnotes on the specification pages. • If you are operating the meter outside the 23° C ±5° C temperature range specified, apply an additional temperature coefficient error. Understanding the " % of reading" Error. The reading error compensates for inaccuracies that result from the function and range you select, as well as the input signal level. The reading error varies according to the input level on the selected range. This error is expressed in percent of reading. The following table illustrates the reading error applied to the meter’s 24-hour dc voltage specification. Range Input Level Reading Error (% of reading) Reading Error Voltage 10 V 10 V 0.0002 ≤ 20 µV 10 V 1V 0.0002 ≤ 2 µV 10 V 0.1 V 0.0002 ≤ 200 nV 8 281 Chapter 8 To Calculate Total Measurement Error Understanding the " % of range" Error. The range error compensates for inaccuracies that result from the function and range you select. The range error contributes a constant error, expressed as a percent of range, independent of the input signal level. The following table ilustrates the range error applied to the meter’s 24-hour dc voltage specification. Range Input Level Range Error (%of range) Range Error Voltage 10 V 10 V 0.0001 ≤ 10 µV 10 V 1V 0.0001 ≤ 10 µV 10 V 0.1 V 0.0001 ≤ 10 µV Total Measurement Error. To compute the total measurement error, add the reading error and range error. You can then convert the total measurement error to a "percent of input" error or a "ppm (part-per-million) of input" error as shown below. % of input error = Total Measurement Error ∗ 100 Input Signal Level ppm of input error = Total Measurement Error ∗ 1,000,000 Input Signal Level Total Measurement Assume that a 5 Vdc signal is input to the meter on the 10 Vdc range. To compute the total measurement error using the 90-day accuracy Error Example specifications: ±(0.0020% of reading + 0.0004% of range). Reading Error = 0.0020% ∗ 5 V = 100 µV Range Error = 0.0004% ∗ 10 V = 40 µV Total Error = 100 µV + 40 µV = ±140 µV % of input error = ± 140 µV ∗ 100 = ± 0.0028% of 5 V 5V ppm of input error = 282 ± 140 µV 5V ∗ 1,000,000 = ± 28 ppm of 5 V Chapter 8 To Calculate Total Measurement Error Difference Error Example This example demonstrates how to compute the total measurement error when using the Difference Function. Assume a difference measurement is made with the following conditions: • Channel 1, 1 V input on the 1 Volt range • Channel 2, 1.2 V input on the 10 Volt range To compute the total measurement error using the 90-day accuracy specifications for the error: Channel 1 (% of reading + % of range) + Channel 2 (% of reading + % of range). Channel 1 Reading Error = 0.0025% ∗ 1 V = 25 µV Channel 1 Range Error = 0.0004% ∗ 1 V = 4 µV Channel 2 Reading Error = 0.0020% ∗ 1.2 V = 24 µV Channel 2 Range Error = 0.0004% ∗ 10 V = 40 µV Total Error = 25 µV + 4 µV + 24 µV + 40 µV = 93 µV Difference = 1 V − 1.2 V = − 0.2 V ± 93 µV For difference measurements, if both channel 1 and channel 2 are using the same range, the % of reading error can be applied directly to to the voltage difference. In the example, if both channels are using the 1 V range, the total reading error can be computed as: Reading Error = 0.0025% ∗ ( 1.2 V − 1 V ) = 5 µV Channel 1 RangeError = 0.0004% ∗ 1 V = 4 µV Channel 2 RangeError = 0.0004% ∗ 1 V = 4 µV Total Error = 5 µV + 4 µV + 4 µV = 13 µV Difference = 1 V − 1.2 V = − 0.2 V ± 13 µV Using NULL on each input channel will reduce the % of range error in the measurement to the noise level of the meter. 8 283 Chapter 8 To Calculate Total Measurement Error Ratio Error Example This example demonstrates how to compute the total measurement error when using the Ratio Function. Assume a ratio measurement is made with the following conditions: • Channel 1, 5 V input on the 10 Volt range • Channel 2, 10 mV input on the 10 mV range To compute the total measurement error using the 90-day accuracy specifications: Ratio Error % = Channel 1 accuracy in % + Channel 2 accuracy in % Channel 1 Reading Error % = 0.0020% Channel 1 Range Error % = 0.0004% ∗ Range = .0004% ∗ Reading 10 = .0008% 5 Total Channel 1 Error % = 0.0020% + 0.0008%= .0028% Channel 2 Reading Error % = 0.0040% Channel 2 Range Error % = 0.0002% ∗ Range Reading = .0002% ∗ 10 mV = .0002% 10 mV Total Channel 2 Error % = 0.0040% + 0.0002%= .0042% Ratio Error % = 0.0028% + 0.0042% = .0070% Ratio = 5V 10 mV = 500 ± 0.0070% = 500 ± 0.035 For Ratio Measurements, if both input channels use the same range, use 0 for the % of reading error. 284 Chapter 8 Interpreting Meter Specifications Interpreting Meter Specifications This section is provided to give you a better understanding of the terminology used and will help you interpret the meter’s specifications. Number of Digits and Overrange The number of digits specification is the most fundamental, and sometimes, the most confusing characteristic of a meter. The number of digits is equal to the maximum number of "9’s" the meter can measure or display. This indicates the number of full digits. Most meters have the ability to overrange and add a partial or "1/2" digit. For example, the 34420A can measure 9.999999 Vdc on the 10 V range. This represents seven full digits of resolution. The meter can also overrange on the 10 V range and measure up to a maximum of 12.000000 V. This corresponds to a 7 1/2-digit measurement with 20% overrange capability. Sensitivity Sensitivity is the minimum level that the meter can detect for a given measurement. Sensitivity defines the ability of the meter to respond to small changes in the input level. For example, suppose you are monitoring a 1 mV signal and you want to adjust the level to within ±1 µV. To be able to respond to an adjustment this small, this measurement would require a meter with a sensitivity of at least 1 µV. You could use a 6 1/2-digit meter if it has a 1 Vdc or smaller range. You could also use a 4 1/2-digit meter with a 10 mV range. 8 285 Chapter 8 Interpreting Meter Specifications Resolution Resolution is the numeric ratio of the maximum displayed value divided by the minimum displayed value on a selected range. Resolution is often expressed in percent, part-per-million (ppm), counts, or bits. For example, a 6 1/2-digit meter with 20% overrange capability can display a measurement with up to 1,200,000 counts of resolution. This corresponds to about 0.0001% (1 ppm) of full scale, or 21 bits including the sign bit. All four specifications are equivalent. Accuracy Accuracy is a measure of the "exactness" to which the meter’s measurement uncertainty can be determined relative to the calibration reference used. Absolute accuracy includes the meter’s relative accuracy specification plus the known error of the calibration reference relative to national standards (such as the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology). To be meaningful, the accuracy specifications must be accompanied with the conditions under which they are valid. These conditions should include temperature, humidity, and time. There is no standard convention among meter manufacturers for the confidence limits at which specifications are set. The table below shows the probability of non-conformance for each specification with the given assumptions. Specification Criteria Probability of Failure Mean ± 2 sigma 4.5% Mean ± 3 sigma 0.3% Mean ± 4 sigma 0.006% Variations in performance from reading to reading, and instrument to instrument, decrease for increasing number of sigma for a given specification. This means that you can achieve greater actual measurement precision for a specific accuracy specification number. The 34420A is designed and tested to meet performance better than mean ± 3 sigma of the published accuracy specifications. 286 Chapter 8 Configuring for Highest Accuracy Measurements 24-Hour Accuracy The 24-hour accuracy specification indicates the meter’s relative accuracy over its full measurement range for short time intervals and within a stable environment. Short-term accuracy is usually specified for a 24-hour period and for a ± 1° C temperature range. 90-Day and 1-Year Accuracy These long-term accuracy specifications are valid for a 23° C ± 5° C temperature range. These specifications include the initial calibration errors plus the meter’s long-term drift errors. Temperature Coefficients Accuracy is usually specified for a 23° C ± 5° C temperature range. This is a common temperature range for many operating environments. You must add additional temperature coefficient errors to the accuracy specification if you are operating the meter outside a 23° C ± 5° C temperature range. Configuring for Highest Accuracy Measurements The measurement configurations shown below assume that the meter is in its power-on or reset state. It is also assumed that manual ranging is enabled to ensure proper full scale range selection. • Front Panel: Configure the meter for 10 NPLC and use Digital Filter type set to MEDIUM (50 readings). Do not use the Analog Filter type. • Remote Operation: Configure the meter for 200 NPLC and turn the input filters OFF. Use the statistics functions to reduce noise in the measurements. (See page 146). • Use 4-wire Ohms and Offset Compensation for greater resistance measurement accuracy. • Use NULL to remove test lead resistance for 2-wire Ω measurements. • Use NULL to remove to remove interconnection offset voltages for voltage and temperature measurements. 8 287 Index If you have questions related to the operation of this meter, call 1-800-452-4844 in the United States, or contact your nearest Agilent Technologies Sales Office. * commands, 184 *STB?, 163 1/2 digit, 24, 43, 62, 285 2-wire ohms, 68, 258 connections, 20 nulling test leads, 258 4-wire ohms, 68, 258 connections, 20 ? commands, 184 A a/d convertor, 58 accessories included, 13 accuracy, 281 configuring for, 287 - 288 accuracy specification, 286 adapter kit, RS-232, 178 address (HPIB), 102, 188 alternate languages, 105, 193 analog filter, 57, 65 analog output See chart out analog overload detection, 65 annunciators, 4 auto trigger, 47, 82 autodelay trigger, 89 autorange, 23, 42 threshold values, 23, 42, 64 autoranging, 64 autotrigger, 47 B BASIC language examples, 215 - 221 baud rate, 176, 190 values, 103 baud rate setting, 103 BNC connectors, 97 Borland Turbo C, 230 - 241 bumpers removing, 27 bus triggering, 84 C C (continued) cable colors color code, 17 of input connections, 17 cables of thermocouple wire, 269 provided, 17 comma separator, 95 RS-232, 106 menu example, 35 calibration, 107 command summary, 117 - 125 commands, 174 - 175 commands count, 110 *OPC, 164 errors, 210 - 211 *STB?, 163 message, 111 CALCulate, 148 - 150 message string length, 111 CALibration, 174 - 175 security, 107 CONFigure, 126, 134 - 136 calibration security data formats returned, 186 changing security code, 109 data types used, 185 securing, 109 DATA:FEED, 150 unsecuring, 108 FETch?, 131 carrying handle INITiate, 131 adjusting, 16 introduction to, 183 removing, 27 math operations, 148 - 150 channel MEASure?, 126, 134 - 136 input, 41, 66 menu, 33 - 40 scan, 41 READ?, 130 selecting, 41 RS-232 interface, 182 selecting from remote interface, 140 scaling data, 148 channel parameter, 134 SENSe, 137 - 139 chart statistics, 149 null, 98 - 100 status reporting, 171 - 173 offset, 98 - 100 synchronizing, 163 rollover, 100 syntax described, 183 span, 98 - 100 system, 157 - 158 chart out, 98 - 100 temperature measurement, 142 - 144 commands, 156 terminating, 186 connector, 5, 98 - 100 TRIGger:COUNt INFinity, 85 rollover, 100 triggering, 154 - 155 chassis, 5 when completed, 163 clamping on output, 261 common mode rejection, 254 cleaning contacts, 271 compliance CLEAR 722, 85 IEEE-488, 197 CMR SCPI language, 194 - 196 See common mode rejection condition register, 159, 169 CONFigure command, 128, 134 - 136 289 I n d e x Index C (continued) D (continued) E (continued) conformity, declaration, 295 connections, 17 - 18 2-wire ohms, 20 4-wire ohms, 20 cleaning, 271 computer, 177 dc volts, 19 difference, 49 input, 17 - 18 printer, 106, 179 ratio, 19, 49 resistance, 20 RTD, 21 terminal, 106, 177 thermistor, 21 thermocouple, 22 thermocouple reference, 22 to a terminal or printer, 106 voltage, 19 connector assembly, 272 - 273 cleaning, 271 DB-25, 178 DB-9, 178 part numbers, 273 connector pinout input, 18 RS-232, 106 connector pintout input, 272 connectors Analog Out, 5, 98 - 100 Chart Out, 5, 98 - 100 Ext Trig, 5, 97 front-panel, 18 HP-IB, 5 input, 272 line power, 5 VM Comp, 5, 97 delay trigger, 87 delays settling, 262 DeoxIT cleaner, 271 description, 1 device clear, 85, 187 dielectric absorption, 262 difference connections, 19, 49 measurements, 49, 67 digital filter, 57, 169 settled, 169 digital overlaod detection, 65 digits displayed, 24, 62 maximum in display, 58 maximum number displayed, 44 display, 4 annunciators, 4 control, 94 format, 26 displaying a message, 94 dry circuit testing, 261 DTE, 179 DTR, 179 DTR/DSR lines, 179 examples BASIC programming, 215 - 221 c programming, 230 - 241 chart output rollover, 100 chart output span, 98 comma seperator, 35 CONFigre comand, 133 CONFigure command, 132 - 133 entering a number, 38 Excel, 242 - 246 Excel macro, 242 - 246 FETCh? command, 133 HP-IB address setting, 188 HP-IB DDE, 242 - 246 INItiate command, 133 MEASure? command, 132 menu recall, 37 menu usage, 35 READ? command, 132 reading memory, 50 - 52 ROUTe command, 133 selecting programming language, 192 selecting remote interface, 189 setting baud rate, 190 setting null, 38 setting parity, 191 specification, 282 Visual Basic, 223 - 229 Excel, 242 - 246 Ext Trig terminal, 5, 47, 82 - 83, 97 external temperature reference, 22 external trigger, 97 External Trigger terminal, 47 external triggering, 47, 82 - 83 D data output formats, 186 SCPI types of, 185 DB-25 connector, 178 DB-9 connector, 178 dc volts connections, 19 declaration of conformity, 295 default settings, 112 - 114 CONFigure command, 127 MEASure? command, 127 290 E earth ground, 18, 253 enable register, 159 EOI, 186 equivalent NPLC, 60 error % of range, 282 % of reading, 281 calculating, 281 - 284 total measurement, 282 ERROR annunciator, 13 error conditions, 92 error messages, 200 calibration errors, 210 - 211 execution errors, 201 - 207 self-test errors, 208 - 209 error queue, 92 error string length, 92 errors, 92 general measurement, 249 - 270 high resistance measurement, 262 service request generation, 165 test lead resistance, 258 event register, 159 F factory defaults, 113 features and functions, 54 FETCh? command, 131 filter analog, 57, 65 count, 57 digital, 57, 169 filter settled status bit, 169 filters, 55 firmware revision query, 95 fixed range, 64 fixed temperature reference, 22, 270 flowchart triggering, 80 four-wire ohms, 258 Index F (continued) I (continued) M front panel comma separator, 95 display format, 26 enable/disable, 94 front panel message, 94 front-panel, 2 at a glance, 2 keys , 2 menu, 3 menu tutorial, 33 - 40 front-panel menu reference, 31 - 32 fuse, 14 - 15 IEEE-488 compliance information, 197 induced voltages, 251 infinity trigger count, 85 INITiate command, 131 injected current noise, 257 input bias current errors, 256 cable, 273 channels, 66, 140 connections, 17 - 18 connector, 272 overload detection, 65 resistance, 255 input bias current, 249 input channels, 41 input filters, 55 input message terminators, 186 installation, 13 integration time, 25, 44, 58, 60 interface selection, 101, 189 internal memory, 50 - 52, 79 internal reading memory, 93 internal reference thermistor, 22 internal temperature reference, 270 internal triggering, 84 interrupt with SRQ, 163 isothermal block, 22, 268 magnetic loops noise, 251 manual range, 23, 42, 64 math operations, 74 - 76 scaling, 74 statistics, 75 MAV bit, 164 MEASure command, 134 - 136 MEASure? command, 128 measured temperature reference, 270 measurement connections, 251 measurement tutorial, 248 measurements halting, 85 highest accuracy, 287 - 288 low power, 260 resistance, 68 - 70, 258 stopping, 187 temperature, 263 temperature RTDs, 72 temperature thermistor, 72 temperature thermocouple, 73 temperature units, 71 units for temperature, 71 voltage, 66 - 67 voltage limited, 261 with null, 45 measuring resistance, 20 temperature, 21 voltage, 19, 249 memory defeating max, 150 internal reading, 50 - 52, 90 non-volatile, 112 - 113 readings, 90 volatile, 112 volatile settings, 112 menu at a glance, 3 recall, 37 reference, 31 - 32 tutorial, 33 - 40 using, 33 - 40 menu messages, 34 message input terminators, 186 message available bit (MAV), 164 messages displayed calibration, 111 front-panel menu, 34 G ground, 5 ground loop noise, 253 Group Execute Trigger (GET), 84 H half digit, 24, 43 resolution, 62 halting measurements, 85, 187 handle adjusting, 16 removing, 27 handshake, remote interface, 179 hardware rack mounting, 27 hardware handshake, 97 high accuracy measurements, 287 - 288 hold reading, 48, 79 holding readings in the display, 79 HP-IB address setting, 188 DDE, 242 - 246 HP-IB connector, 5 HP-IB (IEEE-488) address factory setting, 102 setting, 102, 188 TALK ONLY mode, 102 I idle trigger state, 85, 153 IEEE-488 (HP-IB) address factory setting, 102 setting, 102, 188 TALK ONLY mode, 102 K Keithley 181 language compatility, 193 keys, 2 number of digits, 24 range, 42 L language alternate programming, 193 language restrictions interface selection, 105 remote interface, 101 lead resistance nulling, 45, 77 leakage current errors, 256 line frequency, 252 loading errors input bias current, 256 input resistance, 255 leakage current, 256 low power measurements, 69, 260 commands, 141 291 I n d e x Index M (continued) O R Microsoft Excel, 242 - 246 QuickC, 230 - 241 Visual Basic, 223 - 229 Microsoft Excel, 242 - 246 min-max measurements front-panel, 46 offset chart output, 98 - 100 offset compensation, 69, 259 commands, 141 offset voltage, 253 open circuit voltage, 261 operational condition register, 169 operational status register, 169 output buffer, 164 output clamping, 261 output data format, 186 overload, 23, 26, 42, 64 overload detection, 65 overrange, 285 OVLD, 23, 42, 64 rack cabinet, 27 rack mounting, 27 - 28 range front-panel keys, 23, 42 parameters, 129 selecting, 23, 42 range overload, 23, 26, 42, 64, 167 ranging, 64 ratio connections, 49 ratio measurements, 67 front-panel, 49 READ? command, 130 reading hold, 48, 79 front-panel, 48 sensitivity band, 48 reading memory, 50 - 52, 79, 90, 93 number of readings stored, 90 reading rate, 60 rear panel, 5 reference to thermocouple, 270 register condition, 159 enable, 159 operational status, 169 operational status condition, 169 questionable data, 167 standard event, 165 status byte summary, 161 regsister event, 159 relative See null remote interface language restrictions, 101 selecting HP-IB (IEEE-488), 101 selecting RS-232, 101 selection, 189 setting input channel, 140 triggering, 80 removing carrying handle, 27 rubber bumper, 27 reset state, 112 - 114 resistance test current used, 68 test currents used, 260 - 261 resistance measurements, 68 - 70, 258 connections, 20 low power, 69 offset compensated, 69 voltage lmited, 70 N NMR See normal mode rejection noise ground loop, 253 injected current, 257 magnetic loops, 251 power-line voltage, 252 reducing by averaging, 60 vs NPLC, 60 noise rejection, 24, 43, 58, 252 non-volatile memory, 113 normal mode rejection, 58, 252 NPLC, 25, 44, 58, 60, 129, 252 equivalent, 60 null, 258 2-wire test lead resistance, 258 annunciator operation, 78 chart output, 98 - 100 commands, 145 difference, 49 difference measurement, 67 null measurements, 77 commands, 145 example, 38 front-panel, 45 null test lead resistance, 77 number of digits, 24, 43, 62, 285 number of samples, 86 number of triggers, 86 P parameters in commands, 185 menu, 33 - 40 range, 129 resolution, 129 parity, 176, 191 configurations, 104 setting, 104 PLC See NPLC power dissipation effects, 260 power line cycles, 58, 252 power-line fuse holder , 5, 14 voltage setting , 5, 14 power-line frequency, 252 power-on sensing, 252 power-line noise rejecting, 252 power-on state, 112 - 114 prepare for use, 13 preset, 113 printer connections, 106 printers, 187 programming sequence simplified, 126 - 133 programming language compatibility, 193 selection, 105, 192 Q query commands, 184 questionable data register, 167 QuickC, 230 - 241 292 Index R (continued) S (continued) S (continued) resolution, 24, 43 1/2 digit, 24, 26, 43 front-panel keys, 24, 43 half digit, 24, 43 parameters, 129 specification described, 286 revision of frimware, 95 RFI, 250 rollover for chart output, 100 RS-232 adapter kit, 178 commands, 182 connector , 5 connector pinout, 106 interface configuration, 176 - 181 talk only, 106 troubleshooting, 181 RS-232 interface data format, 177 RS-232 interface cables, 106 RTD, 72 connections, 21 described, 264 rubber bumpers removing, 27 sensitivity band reading hold, 48, 79 serial poll, 162 service request, 162 setting alternate languages, 192 baud rate, 103, 190 calibration security code, 107 display off, 94 function on remote interface, 137 - 139 HP-IB address, 188 input channel, 41 integration time, 25, 44 NPLC, 25, 44 null example, 38 number of digits, 24, 43 parity, 104, 191 programming language, 105 range, 23, 42 range on remote interface, 137 - 139 remote interface, 101, 189 resolution on remote interface, 137 - 139 temperature units, 71 settling delays, 262 settling time, 262 shift key, 12 shorting plug, 273 single trigger, 47 single triggering, 82 software (bus) triggering, 84 span chart, 98 - 100 specifications, 276 interpreting, 285 - 286 temperature coefficients, 287 SRQ, 162 - 163 standard event register, 165 bit definitions, 165 start bit, 177 statistics See stats stats, 46, 75, 149 status byte, 161 bit definitions, 161 summary register, 161 using *STB? and, 163 status register condition, 159, 169 condition register, 159 enable register, 159 event register, 159 operational, 169 status registers, 159 register diagram, 160 status reporting commands, 171 - 173 stop bit, 177 stopping measurements, 85, 187 storing readings, 50 - 52 stats, 46 supplied items, 13 system commands, 157 - 158 S sample count, 86 scaling, 74, 150 scan, 19, 41 SCPI command summary, 117 - 125 compliance information, 194 - 196 data types, 185 language introduction, 183 programming sequence, 126 - 133 status model, 159 version query, 96 security code changing, 109 rules, 107 self-test, 93 complete, 13, 93 power-on, 93 self-test errors, 208 sensitivity, 285 T T/C See thermocouple talk only, 187 RS-232, 106 TALK ONLY for printers, 187 TALK ONLY mode, 102 temperature coefficients and accuracy, 287 measurements, 71 - 73, 142 - 144 RTD measurements, 21, 72 thermistor measurements, 21, 72 thermocouple measurements, 22, 73 units, 71 temperature coefficients, 287 terminal connections, 106 test current, 68 test current for resistance measurements, 68 test currents, 260 - 261 test lead resistance, 258 nulling, 45 thermal EMF errors, 251 thermistor, 72 connections, 21 described, 264 external reference, 270 internal reference, 22, 270 293 I n d e x Index T (continued) U thermocouple, 73 color code, 269 connections, 22 described, 265 errors, 251, 270 external reference, 270 fixed reference, 270 internal reference, 270 types supported, 269 thresholds for autorange, 23 transducer See thermistor, thermocouple, or RTD transducer types supported, 263 trigger, 151 - 153 autodelay, 89 commands, 154 - 155 delay, 87 delays, 89 number of, 86 TRIGGER 722, 84 trigger count, 86 trigger delay automatic, 87 trigger source, 82 triggering, 80 - 89, 151 delay, 87 flowchart, 80 front-panel , 47 idle trigger state, 85 internal, 84 multiple readings, 86 multiple triggers, 86 sources, 82, 151 wait-for-trigger state, 85 triggering software (bus), 84 troubleshooting, 14 - 15 RS-232, 181 Turbo C, 230 - 241 tutorial front-panel menu, 33 - 40 twisted-pair connections, 249 two-wire ohms, 258 unsecuring for calibration, 108 294 V Visual Basic examples, 223 - 229 VM Comp terminal, 97 volatile memory, 112 voltage connections, 19 difference measurements, 49 loading errors, 255 measurement connections, 19 measurements, 66 - 67 ratio measurements, 49 voltage limited resistance, 70, 261 commands, 141 voltmeter complete, 97 voltmeter complete terminal, 5 W wait-for-trigger state, 85, 130, 153 Windows, 242 - 246 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY According to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and CEN/CENELEC EN 45014 Manufacturer’s Name: Manufacturer’s Address: Agilent Technologies, Incorporated th 815 – 14 St. SW Loveland, Colorado 80537 USA Declares, that the product Product Name: Model Number: Product Options: Nano Volt / Micro Ohm Meter 34420A This declaration covers all options of the above product(s). Conforms with the following European Directives: The product herewith complies with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC (including 93/68/EEC) and carries the CE Marking accordingly. Conforms with the following product standards: EMC Standard Limit IEC 61326-1:1997+A1:1998 / EN 61326-1:1997+A1:1998 CISPR 11:1990 / EN 55011:1991 IEC 61000-4-2:1995+A1:1998 / EN 61000-4-2:1995 IEC 61000-4-3:1995 / EN 61000-4-3:1995 IEC 61000-4-4:1995 / EN 61000-4-4:1995 IEC 61000-4-5:1995 / EN 61000-4-5:1995 IEC 61000-4-6:1996 / EN 61000-4-6:1996 IEC 61000-4-11:1994 / EN 61000-4-11:1994 Group 1 Class A 4kV CD, 8kV AD 3 V/m, 80-1000 MHz 0.5kV signal lines, 1kV power lines 0.5 kV line-line, 1 kV line-ground 3V, 0.15-80 MHz Dips: 30% 10ms; 60% 100ms Interrupt > 95%@5000ms Canada: ICES-001:1998 Australia/New Zealand: AS/NZS 2064.1 The product was tested in a typical configuration with Agilent Technologies test systems. Safety IEC 61010-1:1990+A1:1992+A2:1995 / EN 61010-1:1993+A2:1995 Canada: CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1:1992 UL 3111-1: 1994 18 July 2001 Date Ray Corson Product Regulations Program Manager For further information, please contact your local Agilent Technologies sales office, agent or distributor. Authorized EU-representative: Agilent Technologies Deutschland GmbH, Herrenberger Straβe 130, D 71034 Böblingen, Germany Revision: B.01 Issue Date: 18 July 2001 Document 34401A.DOC
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Title : HP 34420A User's Guide
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