39072900D_1750_Data_and_Control_Terminal_DCT_CE_Manual_Nov70 39072900D 1750 Data And Control Terminal DCT CE Manual Nov70
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CONTROL DATA® 1750 DATA AND CONTROL TERMINAL (OCT) GENERAL' DES~RI~TION OPERATION AND' PROG,RAMMING THEORY OF OPERATION' MAINTENANCE DIAGRAMS AND PARTS LIST j ". • "., WIRE LIST CONTROL DATA CORPORATION HARDWARE REFERENCE/ CUSTOMER ENGINEERING MANUAL 1750 DATA AND CONTROL TERMINAL (DCT) HARDWARE REFERENCE/ CUSTOMER ENGINEERING MANUAL Publication No. 39072900 November 1970 CONTROL DATA CORPORATION LA JOLLA SYSTEMS DIVISION La Jolla, California REVISION RECORD REVISION A DESCRIPTION Manual released _(9/66) B Manual revised {2/68) C (9/69) Manual revised with the following ECO/FCOs for Equipment No. 38924100Revision F: DS11116, DS11228, DS11264, DS11277, DS11304, DS11305, DS11316, DS11417, DS11451, DS11455, DS11457, DS11463, DS11484, DS11536, DS11554, DS11560, DS11594, DS11597, DS11625, DS11660, DS11676, DS11688, DS11696, DS11764, DS11775, DS11796, DS11807, DS11920, DS12034, DS12086, DS12107, DS12304, DS12463, DS12473, DS12519, DS12569, DS12574, DS12579, DS12591, DS12596, DS12622, DS12756, and DS12805. D (11/70) Manual revised with the following ECO/FCOs for Equipment No. 38924100 Revision G: DS12988 and DS12932 - PUBLICATION NO. 39072900 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS MANUAL MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE NEAREST CONTROL DATA CORPORATION SALES OFFICE. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS COMMENTS CONCERNING THIS MANUAL TO: . CONTROL DATA CORPORATION LAJOLLA SYSTEMS DIVISION 4455 EASTGATE MALL LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA OR USE COMMENT SHEET IN THE BACK OF THIS MANUAL. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE xi INTRODUCTION . Section One GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 GENERAL. 1.1 1.2 OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION . 1.1 1.2. 1 Connect/Addressing Requirements 1. 2. 2 Addressing 1. 2. 3 Interrupt Lines . 1. 2.4 Program Protect 1.3 OPTIONS 1.3 1. 11 . '. 1. 14 1. 14 . 1. 16 . 1. 16 1. 3.1 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit 1. 3. 2 1572 Programmable Sample Rate Unit 1. 3. 3 1573 Line Synchronized Timing Generator . 1. 17 1. 3. 4 1577 Stall Alarm 1. 17 1.4 SYSTEM OPTIONS . 1.5 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION. . 1. 16 1. 17 1. 18 1. 18 1. 5.1 General 1. 5. 2 Dimensions . 1. 20 1. 5. 3 Cooling 1. 20 1..6 . . ELECTRICAL REQUffiEMENTS . 1. 20 1. 6.1 Power. 1. 20 1.6.2 Logic Levels 1. 20 39072900/28B iii TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE Section Two OPERATION AND PROGRAMMING 2.1 2.1 GENERAL. 2.2 DATA TRANSFER OPERATIONS . 2.1 2.2. 1 Digital Output . 2.1 2.2.2 Digital Input. 2.1 2.2.3 Analog Output . 2.2 2.2.4 Analog Input. 2.2 2.3 2.2 COMMAND FORMATS. 2.3.1 Connect/Function Commands . 2.4 2.3.2 Status and Connect 2.8 2.3.3 Data Transfer Commands 2.3.4 Sequential Operation Commands . 2.4 . 2.10 2.13 2.15 INTERRUPTS USAGE . Section Three THEORY OF OPERATION GLOSSARY OF TERMS. 3.2 3.1 GENERAL. 3.4 3.2 TYPICAL DATA AND CONTROL BUS INPUT AND OUTPUT CONFIGURATION . 3.4 3.2.1 Input Configuration 3.4 3.2.2 Output Configuration . 3.4 3.3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 3.7 3.3.1 A-Register Interface. 3.7 3.3.2 Q-Register Receivers 3.7 3.3.3 PROTECT and EQUIPMENT NUMBER Switches. 3.7 iv 39072900/28B TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE . 3.7 3.3.4 Response Control Logic 3.3.5 Function Control Logic 3.7 3.3.6 Interrupt Interface . 3.8 3.3.7 A-Write Line Drivers. 3.8 3.3.8 A -Read and Status Terminators 3.8 3.3.9 CiS Line Drivers 3.8 3.3.10 End of Sequence. 3.8 3.3.11 Control Line Drivers . 3.8 3.3.12 Address Decoder 3.8 3.3.13 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit 3.8 3.4 DATA AND CONTROL BUS 3.10 3.5 PROGRAM PROTECT AND EQUIPMENT NUMBER SWITCH LOGIC (CARD 7) . 3.19 3.5.1 EQUIPMENT NUMBER Switch . 3.19 3.5.2 PROTECT Switch 3.19 3.5.3 Clear and Master Clear 3.19 3.6 A-WRITE LINE DRIVERS (CARD 8) 3.22 3.7 LINE TERMINATORS (CARD 9) . 3.24 3.7.1 A-Read Lines 3.24 3.7.2 Status Lines . 3.24 3.7.3 Interrupt Lines . 3.24 3.7.4 Q-Register Receivers. 3.24 3.7.5 Miscellaneous Logic Elements (Card 9) . 3.24 3.7.6 Miscellaneous Logic Elements (Card 11) 3.26 3.7.7 Miscellaneous Logic Elements (Card 13) 3.28 3.7.8 Miscellaneous Logic Elements (Card 15) 3.30 3.8 A-REGISTER INTERFACE 39072900/28B 3.32 v TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE 3.8.1 Receivers 3.32 3.8.2 Transmitters 3.32 3.9 FUNCTION CONTROL LOGIC (CARD 17) 3.38 3.9.1 Local Station False (LST AF) 3.38 3.9.2 Station Addresses "0" and "1" 3.38 3.10 RESPONSE CONTROL LOGIC (CARD 18) 3.43 3.10.1 Basic Response Timing. 3.43 3.10.2 Command Formats 3.44 3.10.3 Normal Response Sequence 3.45 3.10.4 Device Protect Sequence 3.46 3.10.5 Internal Reject Sequence 3.48 3.10.6 Device Rejects Execution Command Sequence 3.49 3.10.7 Device Here But Not Ready Sequence 3.50 ADDRESS CONTROL LOGIC (CARD 19) . 3.52 3.11 3.11.1 No-Address (NAD) 3.52 3. 11. 2 Station Address (STAT) . 3.52 3. 11. 3 Channel Address (CHLT) 3.52 3. 11. 4 Write Ready (WR YF) . 3.52 3. 11. 5 Q07A. 3.52 3. 11. 6 Q15F. 3.52 3.11. 7 Read Execute (REXT) and Write Execute (WEXT) 3.53 3. 11. 8 QOOA and QOOB 3.53 3. 11. 9 Simulate Response 3.53 3.11.10 Sequential Address Setup or Status (SASS). 3.53 3.11. 11 SAM1T and SAM2T 3.53 3.11. 12 Random Address and Lockup (RAL) . 3.53 3.11.13 ADD1A and ADD1B 3.54 vi 39072900/28B TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE 3.12 LONG-LINE DRIVERS (CARDS 20 AND 21) . 3.56 3.13 ADDRESS DECODER (CARD 22) . 3.60 3.13.1 No Address . . 3.60 3.13.2 Enable Data Transfer. 3.60 3.13.3 Random Access Lockup . 3.60 3.13.4 End of Sequence. 3.60 . . . Section Four MAINTENANCE 4.1 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 4.2 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES. . 4.1 4.3 TROUBLE SHOOTING PROCEDURES. 4.4 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE INDEX . . . . . . . 4.1 4.2 Section Five DIAGRAMS AND PARTS LIST 5.1 GENERAL. . 5.1 Section Six WffiE LIST 6.1 GENERAL. APPENDIX A 39072900/D J 6.1 INTERRUPT USAGE IN THE 1700 OPERATING SYSTEM vii I LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE FIGURE 1.1 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM. 1.2 RESPONSE TIMING DIAGRAM. 3.1 TYPICAL DCB INPUT CONFIGURATION 3.5 3.2 TYPICAL DCB OUTPUT CONFIGURATION 3.5 3.3 DATA AND CONTROL TERMINAL BLOCK DIAGRAM . 3.9 3.4 DCT CABLING. . 3.11 3.5 DATA AND CONTROL BUS. 3.12 3.6 DCB CONNECTOR (CARD POSITION 2). 3.7 DCB CONNECTOR (CARD POSITION 3) . 3.8 DCB CONNECTOR (CARD POSITION 4). 3.9 DCB CONNECTOR (CARD POSITION 5) . 3.16 3.10 DCB CONNECTOR (CARD POSITION 6) . 3.17 3.11 PROTECT AND EQUIPMENT NUMBER SWITCH LOGIC (CARD 7). . . . . . . . . . 3.21 3.12 A-WRITE LINE DRIVERS (CARD 8). 3.23 3.13 DATA AND CONTROL BUS, INTERFACE 1 (CARD 9) . 3.25 3.14 DATA AND CONTROL BUS, INTERFACE 2 (CARD 11). 3.27 3.15 DATA AND CONTROL BUS, INTERFACE 3 (CARD 13). 3.29 3.16 DATA AND CONTROL BUS, INTERFACE 4 (CARD 15). 3.31 3.17 A-REGISTER INTERFACE: BITS 12-15 (CARD 10) . 3.33 3.18 A-REGISTER INTERFACE: BITS 8-11 (CARD 12) 3.34 3.19 A-REGISTER INTERFACE: BITS 4-7 (CARD 14) 3.35 3.20 A-REGISTER INTERFACE: BITS 0-3 (CARD 16) 3.36 3.21 FUNCTION CONTROL LOGIC (CARD 17) 3.41 3.22 RESPONSE TIMING DIAGRAM. 3.43 3.23 NORMAL RESPONSE CYCLE . 3.47 3.24 DEVICE PROTECT CYCLE. 3.47 viii . . . 1.2 1. 13 . . 3.13 . 3.14 3.15 . . . . . . 39072900/28B LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) PAGE FIGURE 3.25 INTERNAL REJECT CYCLE . 3.48 3.26 DEVICE REJECT CYCLE . 3.49 3.27 DEVICE HERE BUT NOT READY CYCLE 3.28 RESPONSE CONTROL LOGIC (CARD 18). 3.29 ADDRESS CONTROL LOGIC (CARD 19) 3.55 3. 30 LONG-LINE DRIVERS (CARD 20) 3.57 3.31 LONG-LINE DRIVERS (CARD 21) 3.59 3.32 ADDRESS DECODER (CARD 22) . 3.61 5.1 BALANCED LINE INTERFACE (AV) CARD, BOARD LAYOUT. 5.2 5.2 RESPONSE CONTROL (BB) CARD, BOARD LAYOUT . 5.4 5.3 ADDRESS DECODER (BE) CARD, BOARD LAYOUT. . 5.6 5.4 PROTECT AND EQUIPMENT SELECT (BG) CARD, PANEL ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 . 3.50 3.51 . 5.8 PROTECT AND EQUIPMENT SELECT (BG) CARD, BOARD LAYOUT ................ . ADDRESS CONTROL (BH) CARD, BOARD LAYOUT. 5.7 DATA AND CONTROL BUS INTERFACE (BJ) CARD, BOARD LAYOUT . . .. ............. 5. 8 LONG-LINE DRIVERS (BM) CARD, BOARD LAYOUT 5.9 FUNCTION CONTROL (BN) CARD, BOARD LAYOUT . . 5.12 . . 5.14 5.16 5. 18 LI ST OF TABLES NUMBER 1.1 EQUIPMENT CODE ASSIGNMENTS. 1.2 DCT STATION ADDRESSES 1.3 CHANNEL ADDRESSES. 1.4 MAXIl\1UM DCT STATION AND CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTS . 1. 10 1.5 RESPONSE CONDITIONS . 1. 12 39072900/C . . . 1.4 1.5 . . 1.8 . . . . . . . . . I 5.10 5. 6 . I ix I LIST OF TABLES (Continued) PAGE NUMBER . 1. 15 1.6 INTERRUPT LINE ASSIGNMENTS . 2.1 DCT COMMAND STRUCTURE 3.1 DCT SIGNAL AND PIN ASSIGNMENTS. 3.2 RESPONSE CONTROL LOGIC (CARD 18) 3.43 3.3 TYPICAL TRUTH TABLES 3.60 5.1 PARTS LIST - BALANCED LINE INTERFACE (AV) CARD . 5.3 5.2 PARTS LIST - RESPONSE CONTROL (BB) CARD 5.5 5.3 PARTS LIST - ADDRESS DECODER (BE) CARD 5.7 5.4 PARTS LIST - PROTECT AND EQUIPMENT SELECT (BG) PANEL ASSEMBLY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.9 2. 16 . 3.10 . 5.5 PARTS LIST - PROTECT AND EQUIPMENT SELECT 5.11 5.6 PARTS LIST - ADDRESS CONTROL (BH) CARD 5.13 5.7 PARTS LIST - DATA AND CONTROL BUS INTERFACE (BJ) CARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.15 5.8 PARTS LIST - LONG-LINE DRIVERS (BM) CARD. 5.17 5.9 PARTS LIST - FUNCTION CONTROL (BN) CARD . 5.10 MODULE ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST. x . . . . . . . 5.19 . 5.20 39072900/28C INTRODUCTION This manual contains logic diagrams, circuit descriptions, and programming information for the CONTROL DATA ® * 1750 Data and Control Terminal (DCT). References are made in the text to Control Data manuals which describe invididual equipments in greater detail. Following is a list of Control Data publications that are applicable to the DCT. 1700 MAIN FRAME MANUALS Publication NO. Input/Output Specification Manual 60165800 Computer Reference Manual . 60153100 System Manual . . . . . . . 60152900 1500 SERIES/MISCELLANEOUS PERIPHERAL MANUALS 1572 Programmable Sample Rate Generator . . 39070900 1573 Line Synchronized Timing Generator. 39071000 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit 39073200 1577 Stall Alarm . . . 84781600 DTL Intebrid ® Logic 84785000 *Registered trademark of Control Data Corporation 39072900/28B xi Section One GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 GENERAL The CONTROL DATA 1750 Data and Control Terminal (DCT) provides the control and interface to allow communication between the computer and CONTROL DATA® 1500 Series I/O Peripheral Equipment. If optional devices, such as the CONTROL DATA ® 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit, 1572 Programmable Sample Rate Unit, 1573 Line Synchronized Timing Generator, and the 1577 Stall Alarm are used in the system, they are contained in the DCT module rack. Following are brief functional descriptions of these optional devices. Complete descriptions of the optional equipment can be found in their respective manuals. The remainder of this manual describes the DCT in detail. 1.2 OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION .The Data and Control Terminal connects to a CONTROL DATA ® 1705 Interrupt/Data Channel and provides a specialized interface for attaching industrial control and data acquisition equipment (see Figure 1. 1). The DCT simplifies the logical decoding task of all devices attached to it by providing the following features which are time shared by all devices attached to the Data and Control Bus (DCB). a. Computer Interface. The DCT provides party-line transmitters and receivers for all lines to the 1705 Interrupt/Data Channel, including transmitters for all 15 interrupt lines. (Refer to publication NO. 84785000 for details on party lines.) b. Responses. All responses to Read and Write signals from the computer are predetermined by the DCT. No response is sent (resulting in an internal reject within the computer after a preset delay time of 4 microseconds) if the addressed device is not in the system or if it is too slow in acknowledging a data transfer. A Reject is sent if the addressed device is not ready. A Reply is sent only when the operation has been executed successfully. 39072900/28B 1.1 I TO/FROM LOW-SPEED DEVICES ....... I I COMMON SYNC 1704 COMPUTER .. ... .... A/Q CHANNEL " INTERRUPTS I I I 1577 Ir-STALL ALARM I ST ATrON ADDRESS DEVICE ........ -- 1573 LINE SYNC LTIMIN~ENERATOR_ I DATA AND CONTROL BUS (DCB) FROM OTHER PERIPHERALS 1572 PROGRAMMABLE SAMPLE RATE UNIT ~--DATA AND CONTROL TERMINAL (DCT) 4-- 0 THER DS A UNITS ,h ~~ - ...... .... 1705 INTERRUPT/DATA CHANNEL TO/FROM OTHER PERIPHERALS T O/FROM DIRECT STORAGE ...ACCESS (DSA) I -- 1574 SEQUENTIAL ADDRESSING UNIT ~ .. ... -"" ~, . .... STATION AND CHANNEL DEVICE .... .... 1797 BUFFERED rio INTERFACE (ST ATION ADDRESS) ...... 1571 CHAINING BUFFER CHANNEL (ST ATION ADDRESS) .... IIIIIIII .h BUFFERED DATA AND CONTROL BUS (BDCB) (CHANNELS) ~, CHANNEL ADDRESS DEVICE 1-2537 .... ..... ...... BUFFERED UNITS STATION AND CHANNEL ADDRESSES TO/FROM OTHER 1500 SERIES SUBSYSTEMS FIGURE 1.1. SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM 1. 2 39072900/28B 1. 2.1 Connect/Addressing Requirements The nCT must be assigned an equipment number, usually Equipment NO. 8 or NO.9. Equipment NO.8 is for nCT NO.1; Equipment NO.9 is for nCT NO.2. The neT is also assigned station addresses (0 and 1). Each device attached to the nCT is assigned a station address andior channel addresses. A Connect command, which includes the equipment number and a station address, must be sent by the computer. A Continue command is sent for channel addresses. Following are brief descriptions of an equipment, station, channel, Connect command, and Continue command. a. Equipment. An equipment is any device which occupies a position on the 1705 from the CONTROL nATA® 1700 Computer. A maximum of eight equipments can be attached. A maximum of 16 addresses (0 through F) are available. (Refer to Table 1. 1 for recommended equipment codes.) b. Station. A station is contained within an equipment. Up to 128 station addresses are possible within the nCT. (Refer to Table 1.2 for recommended station assignments. ) c. Channel. A channel is contained within an equipment. (Refer to Table 1. 3 . for channel assignments.) d. Connect command. Execution of the Connect command allows addressing of a specific equipment and a station within that equipment. e. Continue command. Execution of Continue commands allows channel Read and Write instructions to be issued to channels within a specific equipment. (Refer to Section Two for Connect and Continue command formats.) The station and channel assignments in the following tables are recommended only. The standard addresses listed in Tables 1. 2 and 1. 3 allow for a system equal to or less than the maximum listed in Table 1.4. Hardware restrictions may prevent these maximums from being realized. 39072900/28B For systems exceeding the maximum in one or more areas, it is 1. 3 TABLE 1. 1. EQUIPMENT CODE ASSIGNMENTS HEXADECIMAL DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT CODES o Unassigned 1 Low-Speed I/O Equipment (e.g., 1711, 1713, 1721, 1729) 2 1731 Magnetic Tape Controller 3 1751 Drum Interface/1738 Disk Pack Controller 4 1742 Line Printer 5 1749 Communications Terminal Controller 6 Remote I/O Controller NO. 2 7 Remote I/O Controller NO. 1 8 nCT NO.1 9 DCT NO.2 A B C D E F 1.4 39072900/28B TABLE 1.2. DeT STATION ADDRESSES STATION ADDRESS 0] 01 Fixed 02 Address 03 INPUT COMMAND EQUIPMENT ASSIGNED OUTPUT COMMAND neT 1750 Status 1750 Function nCT System Status Acknowledge Interrupt from 1573 Status Function Acknowledge Interrupt 1572 Programmable Sample Rate unit) 1 device 1572 Programmable Sample Rate Unit 04 05 06 07 08 09 1577 Stall Alarm OA 1575 Llmll Compar;son unit} DB 1575 Limit Comparison Unit OC 1575 Limit Comparison Unit on 1575 Limit Comparison Unit 1 device DE OF 10 1549 Interrupt Interface NO. 1 (00-15) Status 11 1549 Interrupt Interface NO. 2 (00-15) Status Acknowledge Interrupt 12 1549 Interrupt Interface NO. 3 (00-15) Status Acknowledge Interrupt Acknowledge Interrupt 13 1549 Interrupt Interface NO. 4 (00-15) Status 14 1549 Interrupt Interface NO. 1 (00-15) -- Set Mask 15 1549 Interrupt Interface NO. 2 (00-15) -- Set Mask 16 1549 Interrupt Interface NO. 3 (00-15) Set Mask 17 1549 Interrupt Interface NO. 4 (00-15) --- 18 1549 Interrupt Interface NO. 5 (00-15) Status 19 1549 Interrupt Interface NO. 6 (00-15) Status Acknowledge Interrupt lA 1549 Interrupt Interface NO. 7 (00-15) Status Acknowledge Interrupt IB 1549 Interrupt Interface NO. 8 (00-15) Status Set Mask Acknowledge Interrupt Acknowledge Interrupt lC 1549 Interrupt Interface NO. 5 (00-15) 10 1549 Interrupt Interface NO. 6 (00-15) --- IE 1549 Interrupt Interface NO. 7 (00-15) -- Set Mask IF 1549 Interrupt Interface NO. 8 (00-15) -- Set Mask 20 1547 Event Counter Interface NO. 1 (O-F) Status 21 1547 Event Counter Interface NO. 1 (O-F) -- 22 1547 Event Counter Interface NO. 2 (O-F) Status 23 1547 Event Counter Interface NO. 2 (O-F) -- 24 1547 Event Counter Interface NO. 3 (O-F) Status 25 1547 Event Counter Interface NO. 3 (O-F) -- 26 1547 Event Counter Interface NO. 4 (O-F) Status 27 1547 Event Counter Interface NO. 4 (O-F) -- 28 1547 Event Counter Interface NO. 5 (O-F) Status 29 1547 Event Counter Interface NO. S (O-F)· -- 39072900/D Set Mask Set Mask Acknowledge Interrupt Set Mask Acknowledge Interrupt Set Mask Acknowledge Interrupt Set Mask Acknowledge Interrupt Set Mask Acknowledge Interrupt Set Mask 1.5 I TABLE 1. 2. DCT STATION ADDRESSES (Continued) STATION ADDRESS 1.6 EQUIPMENT ASSIGNED INPUT COMMAND 2A 1547 Event Counter Interface NO. 6 (O-F) Status 2B 1547 Event Counter Interface NO. 6 (O-F) -- 2C 1547 Event Counter Interface NO. 7 (O-F) Status 2D 1547 Event Counter Interface NO. 7 (O-F) -- 2E 1547 Event Counter Interface NO. 8 (O-F) Status -- OUTPUT COMMAND Acknowledge Interrupt Set Mask Acknowledge Interrupt Set Mask Acknowledge Interrupt 2F 1547 Event Counter Interface NO. 8 (O-F) 30 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 1 Data ,31 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 1 Status Function 32 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 2 Data Data 33 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 2 Status Function Set Mask Data 34 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 3 Data Data 35 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 3 Status Function 36 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 4 Data Data 37 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 4 Status Function 38 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 5 Data Data 39 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 5 Status Function 3A 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 6 Data Data 3B 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 6 Status Function 3C 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 7 Data Data 3D 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 7 Status Function 3E 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 8 Data Data 3F 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 8 Status Function 40 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 9 Data Data 41 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 9 Status Function 42 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 10 Data Data 43 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 10 Status Function 44 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 11 Data Data 45 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 11 Status Function 46 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 12 Data Data 47 1581/1583 Typewriter Interface NO. 12 Status Function 48 1558 Latching Relay Output Interface (1024) Status Function 49 1558 Latching Relay Output Interface (1024) Status Function 4A 1558 Latching Relay Output Interface (1024) Status Function 4B 1558 Latching Relay Output Interface (1024) Status Function 4C 1558 Latching Relay Output Interface (1024) Status Function 4D 1558 Latching Relay Output Interface (1024) Status Function 4E 1538 High-Speed, High-Level Analog Input Interfac3 NO. 1 Status Function 4F 1538 High-Speed, High-Level Analog Input Interface NO. 2 Status Function 39072900/28B TABLE 1.2. DCT STATION ADDRESSES (Continued) STATION ADDRESS EQUIPMENT ASSIGNED INPUT COMMAND OUTPUT COMMAND 50 1538 High-Speed, High-Level Analog Input Interface NO.3 Status Function 51 1538 High-Speed, High-Level Analog Input Interface NO.4 Status Function 52 1561 High-Speed Analog Output Interface NO. 1 Status Function 53 1561 High-Speed Analog Output Interface NO.2 Status Function 54 1561 High-Speed Analog Output Interface NO.3 Status Function 1561 High-Speed Analog Output Interface NO.4 Status Function 1530A, 1530B, or 1534 NO. 1 Analog Input Interface (1024/256) Status Function S7 1530A, 1530B, or 1534 NO. 2 Analog Input Interface (1024/256) Status Function 58 1530A, 1530B, or 1534 NO. :3 Analog Input Interface (1024/256) Status Function S9 1530A, 1530B, or 1534 NO.3 Analog Input Interface (1024/256) Status Function SA 160A I/O Channel NO. 1 Status Function 5B 160A I/O Channel NO. 2 Status Function 60 1797 Buffered I/O Interface NO.1 Status Start 61 1797 Buffered I/O Interface NO. 2 Status Start 62 1797 Buffered I/O Interface NO.3 Status Start 63 1797 Buffered I/O Interface NO.4 Status Start 64 1797 Buffered I/O Interface NO. 5 Status Start 65 1797 Buffered I/O Interface NO. 6 Status Start 66 1797 Buffered I/O Interface NO.7 Status Start 67 1797 Buffered I/O Interface NO. 8 Status Start 68 1797 Buffered I/O Interface NO. 1 Next Address Function 69 1797 Buffered I/O Interface NO 2 Next Address Function 6A 1797 Buffered I/O Interface NO.3 Next Address Function 6B 1797 Buffered I/O Interface NO.4 Next Address Function 6C 1797 Buffered I/O Interface NO. 5 Next Address Function 6D 1797 Buffered I/O Interface NO.6 Next Address Function 56 5C 5D SE 5F 6E 1797 Buffered I/O Interface NO. 7 Next Address Function 6F 1797 Buffered I/O Interface NO. 8 Next Address Function 70 No Address Commands 7F No Address Commands 39072900/28B 1.7 TABLE 1.3. CHANNEL ADDRESSES CHANNEL ADDRESS EQUIPMENT ASSIGNED DIGITAL OOO-OFF (R) 1544 Digital Input Interface: 256 words (16 controllers with 16 words each) = 4096 bits 000-07F (W) 1553 External Register Output Interface: 128 words (8 words per controller) = 128 DAC's or 2048 contact closure outputs less 2 words for each digital display 080-1FF (W) 1558 Latching Relay Output Interface: 384 words (64 words per controller) = 384 DAC' s or 6144 contact closure outputs. Each DAC relay module (16 DAC's) requires 16 words, and each contact closure relay module (128 contact closures) requires 8 words even if the modules are partially filled. Assign the least significant addresses to the DAC' s. 200-27F (R & W) 1547 Event Counter Interface: 16 counters per controller for 8 controllers = 128 counters 3FE Not As signed 3FF (R & W) 160A I/O Channel 100-IFF (R) Not Assigned (256) 280-3FD (R & W) Not Assigned (382) 1.8 39072900/28B TABLE 1. 3. CHANNEL ADDRESS CHANNEL ADDRESSES (Continued) EQUIPMENT ASSIGNED LOW-SPEED ANALOG 800-BFF 1530A, 1530B, or 1534 Analog Input Interface NO.1: (1024 points) 256 or 1024 per controller COO-FFF 1530A, 1530B, or 1534 Analog Input Interface NO.2: (1024 points) 256 or 1024 per controller HIGH-SPEED ANALOG 400-7FF (R) 1538 High-Speed, High-Level Analog Input Interface: (1024 points) 256 per controller 400-7FF (W) 1561 High-Speed Analog Output Interface: (1024 points) 256 per " controller for 4 controllers = 1024 39072900/28B 1.9 TABLE 1.4. MAXIMUM DCT STATION AND CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTS QUANTITY EQUIPMENT 4096 Digital inputs 6144 Latching contact closure outputs or 384 latching DAC outputs or a combination 2048 External register relay outputs or 128 DAC outputs less two words/digital display or a combination 128 Event counters 128 External interrupts 12 2048 Analog input relay multiplexer channels 1024 1538 High-Speed, High-Level Analog Input Interface channels 1024 1561 High -Speed DAC Output Interfaces 1 1577 Stall Alarm 1 1573 Limit Comparison Unit (optional) 1 1572 Programmable Sample Rate Unit (optional) 1 1797 Buffered I/O Interface 2 160A I/O Channels 10 382 1.10 I/O typewriters Unassigned station addresses Unassigned channel addresses 39072900/28B recommended that additional devices be assigned in the unassigned areas, even though addresses for a particular class of equipment may not be contiguous. All responses to Read or Write signals from the computer through the 1705/DCT interface are controlled by the response control logic of the DCT. Conditions existing either at the DCT or at devices connected to the Data and Control Bus (DCB), determine the response to the Read or Write signal. The response conditions are arranged in Table 1.5 in order of precedence. The condition with the highest order of precedence determines the response, and all lower precedence conditions are ignored. A device must be installed in the system (Here) and available (Ready) at the time of receipt of a Read or Write command. If either of these conditions is not established at the start of a Read or Write pulse or if a protect fault exists, the command is not executed. The device acknowledges receipt of the Read or Write execute signal from the DCT by dropping its ready line. If the ready line does not drop within 2 microseconds after the leading edge of the Read or Write pulse, no response is sent to the computer. If the computer receives a Reply or a Reject or if no response has been received prior to the end of the Internal Reject delay time, the computer drops the Read or Write Ready input to the DCT and the response logic is cleared allowing the response control logic of the DCT to reset to the Ready state for the next input/output command. Timing of responses is determined by fixed delays with the response control logic. The basic response timing is summarized in Figure 1. 2. 1.2.2 Addressing All addresses are partially decoded in the DCT for easy recognition by connected devices. The Address Decoder is designed to decode the least Significant bits (QO through Q11) of the address; this is done by binary decoding of the bits, two at a time, to form four addressing signals for each two bits. If the 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit is installed, the Address Decoder (Card 22) must be removed. The 1574 can be instructed to increment the address 39072900/28B 1.11 TABLE 1. 5 RESPONSE CONDITIONS PRECEDENCE CONDITION RESPONSE 1 Not connected and not a Connect command None 2a Unprotected command and PROTE CT switch in position 2 Reject 2b Unprotected command and PROTE CT switch in position 3 Reply and Interrupt 3a Addressed device Here and Ready: Generate REX or WEX and wait 2 I1sec from leading edge of Read or Write, then: If Ready drops in time and RJT is false Reply If Ready drops in time and RJT is true Reject If Ready does not drop in time None 3b Addressed device Here but not Ready Reject 3c Addressed device not Here None 4 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit not in system: Sequential Setup or Sequential Status command None Random Address command in mode 2 or 3 Reject Any No-Address command Reject 5a Station Address 00 and Write (set DCT functions) Reply 5b Station Address 00 and Read (present DCT status) Reply 5c Station Address Oland Write (1573 Line Synchronized Timing Generator): 5d If 1573 not in system None If 1573 interrupt sent Reply If 1573 interrupt not sent Reject Station Address Oland Read (present system status) Reply NOTE: Cases 4 and 5 are special cases of 3. 1.12 39072900/28B I Q-REGISTER LINE 0.1 Ilsec _ _ ~MAXIMUM I I ~ L ___ _ I I I : 11-------11 .. ADDRESS LINES I 7 READ HERE (RHR) OR WRITE HERE (WHR) __ ....I 7 READ READY (RRY) OR WRITE READY (WRY) ...J I I I : ,1 II L / I ~ 1. 0 Ilsec MAXIMUM L-_ __ _ r-1 jl / 0.45 Ilsec MAXIMUM / I i I REPLY A / I I V :·_·V ...J --I- I I ~ \ I I --------- I READ EXEC UTE (REX) OR WRITE EXEC UTE (WEX) 0.5 Ilsec MAXIMUM I I READ OR WRITE \ / / I / \_. .: . --\ I t I ~~I __ I I ~~I - NOTES: A REJECT IS SENT INSTEAD OF A REPLY IF RJT IS TRUE WHEN READY DROPS. A REJECT IS SENT INSTEAD OF AN EXECUTE IF THE ADDRESSED DEVICE IS HERE AND NOT READY. NO RESPONSE IS SENT IF THE ADDRESSED DEVICE IS NOT HERE. NO RESPONSE IS SENT IF READY DOES NOT DROP IN TIME (WITHIN 4.0 fLSEC OF READ OR WRITE). ADDRESS BEING INCREMENTED FOR SEQUENTIAL OPERATION (NO-ADDRESS COMMAND ONLY). 1-1347B FIGURE 1.2. RESPONSE TIMING DIAGRAM 39072900/C 1. 13 after each data transfer and to cycle repeatedly between programmed first and last addresses. The CONTROL DATA® 1797 Buffered I/O Interface/1571 Chaining Buffer Channel system (optional equipment) contains its own incrementing logic. A brief description of these options can be found at the end of this section. 1.2.3 Interrupt Lines Fifteen interrupt lines are available for use by the nCT and all devices connected to the nCB. The priority of the interrupt lines is controlled by the computer program by use of the interrupt mask. The interrupt line(s) of any device can be connected to any interrupt line (01 through 15) by proper installation of jumpers on the interrupt plugboard of the device. No control or inhibit of the interrupts from devices connected to the nCB is maintained by the nCT, except for the interrupt status of the nCT. Provision for jumpering interrupts from options housed in the DCT module (refer to Section Three) is available on card position 5. The basic 1705 Interrupt/Data Channel transfers the address information to the nCT on the Q-register lines and inputs or outputs data on the A-register lines. nata is input or output upon Read or Write commands issued by the computer on the A-Read or A-Write lines, respectively. Table 1.6 lists the recommended line assignments. These assignments may be changed to meet particular system requirements. 1.2.4 Program Protect The nCT and all other devices connected to the nCT contain a three-position PROTECT switch. The switch positions are labeled and function as follows: a. OFF (Posi!ion 1). The Program Protect bit is ignored, no protect faults are recognized, and the Program Protect status bit is false. b. REJE CT (Position 2). A Reject signal is transmitted if the command is not protected, and the faulting 1. 14 comm~nd is not executed. 39072900/28B TABLE 1.6. INTERRUPT LINE ASSIGNMENTS lNTERRUPT LINE NUMBER EQUIPMENT o Memory Protect/Parity 1 Low-Speed I/O 2 1573 Line Synchronized Timing Generator 3 1731 Magnetic Tape Controller 4 1751 Drum Interface/1738 Disk Pack Controller 5 1749 Communications Terminal Controller 6 1584 I/O Typewriter 7 1545 Digital Input Sync Unit 8 1530/1534 Analog Input Interface 9 1558 Latching Relay Output Interface 10 1547 Event Counter Interface 11 Unassigned 12 Unassigned 13 Unassigned .14 Unassigned 15 Unassigned 39072900/28B 1. 15 c. INTERRUPT (Position 3). A Reply signal is transmitted if the command is not protected, but the faulting command is not executed, and the interrupt output becomes true. 1.3 OPTIONS The DCT module provides. space for the addition of up to three optional units. While these do not form a part of the DCT itself, they occupy the same module as the DCT. The units are the 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit, 1572 Programmable Sample Rate Unit, 1573 Line Synchronized Timing Generator, and the 1577 Stall Alarm. 1. 3.1 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit This unit provides automatic scanning of channel addressing and is an alternate replacement unit for the Address Decoder. The 1574 and the Address Decoder are controlled by common Signals and perform similar, but not identical, functions; they cannot both be used with the same DCT. The 1574 must be provided with a first channel address (FCA) and a last channel address plus one (LCA) , which are specified by the program. A counter in the 1574 starts at the first channel address and is successively incremented until the last channel address is reached. The counter then recycles, starting again at the first channel address. Random Address commands can be executed to sample a single address without disturbing the sequence, and a sequence can be modified to skip or repeat a group of channels at any time under the program control. 1. 3. 2 1572 Programmable Sample Rate Unit The 1572 Programmable Sample Rate Unit can be operated either as an elapsed:...time accumulator or as an interval generator. In the Elapsed -Time mode, it accumulates counts from a time base, and the counter is examined under program control. In the Interval mode, the program specifies a count value, and the 1572 accumulates the time base until the specified count value is reached; at this point an interrupt is generated. 1.16 39072900/28B A timing signal is also generated and distributed to the peripherals via the DCB. The 1572 obtains its time base from the 1573 Line Synchronized Timing Generator, a self-contained oscillator, or an external source. 1. 3. 3 1573 Line Synchronized Timing Generator The 1573 Line Synchronized Timing Generator provides a timing pulse output and interrupts at selectable frequencies between 60 Hz and 7680 Hz that are multiples of and synchronous with the 60 Hz power line. The interrupt can be used to initiate computer programs. The timing pulse can be used by the 1572 Programmable Sample Rate Unit or by other peripheral devices. 1.3.4 1577 Stall Alarm The 1577 Stall Alarm detects system malfunctions caused by nonterminating loops or similar errors in the computer program; it also detects power failures. The stall alarm contains a "watchdog timer" that must be periodically reset by the computer program by means of a function command. If the program fails to reset the timer within a given . period, the 1577 produces a Stall condition. A Stall condition causes a computer interrupt, actuates an audible alarm, produces a contact closure for controlling external equipment, and may inhibit further data transfers to some of the I/O systems. In the case of a power failure, the 1577 causes an interrupt to inform the computer of the failure. 1.4 SYSTEM OPTIONS The 1571 Chaining Buffer Channel is a system option that is used in conjunction with the 1797 Buffered I/O Interface. The 1571 is similar to the 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit in that it also provides automatic sequential channel addressing. The 1571, however, can be operated in a Buffered or Nonbuffered mode. The Buffered mode is via the Direct Storage Access (DSA) bus, and the Nonbuffered mode is via the A/Q channel and the DCB. If a 1571 is used in the system, a 1574 is not used. 39072900/28B 1. 17 1.5 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 1. 5.1 General The DCT is contained within a standard Control Data 19 -inch module. The module provides connectors and card guides for the DCT and for the following additional logic units (see Figure 1. 3 for a card position diagram) : a. Address Decoder (standard for the DCT) . b. 1572 Programmable Sample Rate Unit. c. 1573 Line Synchronized Timing Generator. d. 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit. e. 1577 Stall Alarm. The card connectors are numbered from left to right, 01-42, as viewed from the front of the module. The connector pins are numbered from top to bottom, 01-50. Assignment and wiring of the connectors for the units listed above are as follows: a. Connectors 02, 04, 06 U sed as cable connectors for the DCT (DCB). b. Connector 05 U sed to jumper interrupts from within DCT module to desired interrupt lines. c. Connectors 07 -21 Contain the D CT logic cards. d. Connector 22 Contains the Address Decoder card (if used) . e. Connectors 23 -28 Contain the 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit (if used). f. Connectors 29-31 Spare connectors. g. Connectors 32 -33 Contain the 1573 Line Synchronized Timing Generator (if used) . h. Connectors 34-39 Contain the 1572 Programmable Sample Rate Unit (if used) . 1. 18 i. Connector 40 Spare connector. j. Connector 41 Oscillator card (1572). k. Connector 42 Contains stall alarm logic. 39072900/28B .~ 01 02 1577 St:lll Al:1rm .Tu IT 03 Je "ts DCB O~ Option Interrupt Jumpers 05 06 (~~ ( ,: Protect and Equipment Select (BG) Card Long-Line Driver (BM) Card Data and Control Bus. Interface 1 (BJ) Card Balanced Line Interface (A V) Card Data and Control Bus. Interface 2 (BJ) Card Balancen Line Interface fA V) Card Data and Control Bus. Interface 3 (BJ) Card Balanced Line Interface (A V) Card Data and Control Bus Interface 4 (BJ) Card Balanced Line Interface (A V) Card Function Control (BN) Card Resnonse Control (BB) Card Address Control (BID Card Long-Line Driver (BM) Card Lonl!-Line Driver (BM) Card Address Dp(>()npr (BE) Card* Seauence Control (BP) Card Counter (BQ) Card Counter (BQ) Carn ...... DCT t \\ 16 17 \ 19 \ 20 '" 21 '\ \ 22 ~~ 23 26 ~()l1nt~r 28 r.()l1ntpr fRO\ r.:lrn Counter (BQ) Card IHc)\ ~~rn 1574 (optional) 29 )0 35 36 37 38 39 Oscillator (CA) Card Counter (CB) Card Counter and Comnarator (CM) Card r.onntAr and r.omn:lrator (CM) Card Counter and Comparator (CM) Card Counter and Comparator (CM) Card Control No. 2 Timer (DY) Card Control No. 1 Timer (DX) Card 1573 (optional) 1572 (optional) ~o ~ 1 G Oscillator (P A) Card 1577 St~ 11 A 1~ rl'n IHP\ earn {f'",+~" ... " 1\ * Remove Card 22 before installing a 1574 unit. FIGURE 1.3. 39072900/28B CARD LOCATION DIAGRAM 1. 19 1.5.2 Dimensions Width Standard 19 -inch RETMA relay rack mounting Height Standard 7 -inch RETMA relay panel Depth 16 inches Weight 35 pounds 1. 5.3 Cooling Cooling for the module is provided by fans mounted in the rack. All operating specifications are met with an ambient air temperature of 40°F. to 120°F. and a relative humidity of o percent to 95 percent excluding conditions where condensation takes place in and on the equipment in the form of water and/or frost. 1.6 ELECTRICAL REQUffiEMENTS 1.6.1 Power Two integral power supplies are included in the module. Primary power to these supplies -is 208V, 3-phase, 400-Hz which is provided by a self-contained MG set or is customer supplied. Power supplied to the printed circuit cards is ground, + 6 volts, and - ~ volts. The + 6 VDC and ground lines are distributed by bus bars. The -6 VDC is wired from connector to connector using wire-wrap techniques. The back plane (chassis) is also used for ground, and pins 2 and 50 of each connector are connected directly to the ground plane. Supplied by a cable from the computer is ±20 volt terminator power for the computer interface. 1.6.2 Logic Levels Logic levels within the DCT are as follows: False or "0" True or "1" 39072900/28B = +0.9 to +1. 1 VDC = +1. 8 to +3. 0 VDC (nominal) 1. 20 Section Two OPERATION AND PROGRAMMING 2.1 GENERAL The Data and Control Terminal is programmed using the Input-to-A and Output-from-A commands. For the programming descriptions following, it is assumed that the programmer is familiar with CONTROL DATA 1700 Computer System programming formats and all general 1700 programming procedures. For further information on programming, refer to the CONTROL DATA 1700 Computer Reference Manual and System Manual. 2.2 DATA TRANSFER OPERATIONS There are four types of data transfer operations: digital output, digital input, analog output, and analog input. Any of these can be executed using Random Address commands or, if the 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit is present, No Address commands can be used. 2.2.1 Digital Output A digital output consists of transferring one 16 -bit word which can be used as a binary quantity, in the form of 16 discrete "0" or "1" values or any combination thereof. The combination is determined only by the output's use by equipment external to this system. The 16 bits are usually stored in flip-flops or relays in a digital output unit or in external equipment. 2.2.2 Digital Input A digital input can be any combination of binary values and discrete bits making up the 16 -bit word. Each bit or group of bits meaning is determined only by the source of information. 39072900/28B 2.1 2.2.3 Analog Output An analog output is similar to a digital output, except that the significant bits are stored in the holding register of a digital-to-analog converter. The command is rejected if a conversion is in progress at the time. 2.2.4 Analog Input Analog input operations require more sophisticated programming techniques because an analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion takes longer than the 4 microseconds allowed by the computer. The data transferred when an analog input command is executed is the result of the previous A/D conversion. The command is rejected if a conversion is in progress at the time. Another A/D conversion is started at the specified address except when the input command is a Random Address command with mode equal to "0" or a No-Address command with a "1" in bit 2.3 o. COMMAND FORMATS In general, command formats recognized by the DCT are analogous to those used by other equipments connected to the computer (refer to the Computer Reference Manual). Accordi~gly, f~ur command formats are possible on the A/Q channel, i. e., Connect/Function, Status and Connect, Data Transfer, and Sequential Operations. The function and status bit assignments for the DCT and associated equipment are summarized below. 2.2 39072900/28B 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 A-Register 1 t Enable 1573 Interrupt Disable 1573 InterruptEnable 1573 Output to Sync 1 Line Disable 1573 Output from Sync 1 Line------~ Enable External Sync to Sync 2 Line Disable External Sync from Sync 2 Line Not Used Clear DCT Analog-toDigital Controllers Reset Protect Fault Interrupt Reset End -of -Sequence Interrupt Reset External Sync Interrupt Disable End -of -Sequence Interrupt Enable End-of-Sequence Interrupt Disable External Sync Interrupt Enable External Sync Interrupt NotUsed--------------------------~ FUNCTION WORD BIT ASSIGNMENTS (STATION 00 OUTPUT) 10 9 15 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Not A-Register Assigned t Ready Protect Fault Interrupt End-of-Sequence Interrupt (1574) External Sync Interrupt Line Synchronized Timing Interrupt (1573) 1574 Present in System 1573 Present in System External Sync Enabled to Sync 2 Line Protected End-of-Sequence 1574 STATUS WORD BIT ASSIGNMENTS (STATION 00 INPUT) 39072900/28B 2.3 3 15 2 1 0 Not Assigned A-Register f Inte rrupt present (1572) Interru pt (stall condition, 1577) Interrupt (power failure, 1577) STATUS WORD BIT ASSIGNMENTS (STATION 01 INPUT) 2.3.1 Connect/Function Commands When the contents of the Q-register conform to the format for a Connect command as shown below, the contents of the A -register control the functions of the DCT. For Function and Connect commands, the W -field must be "0", and the station address must be "0" to address the DCT. The E-field must contain the equipment number of the DCT. The DCT contains a thumbwheel switch for setting the equipment number (usually set to equipment NO. 8 'for DCT NO. 1 and equipment NO.9 for DCT NO.2). When an Output-from-A command is executed under these conditions, Function and Connect command is executed. 15 11 10 Converter Address (W) Q-Register 7 Equipment Number (E) o 6 Station Address (S) o 15 A-Register Assigned Function Bits CONNECT /FUNCTION COMMAND FORMAT 2.4 39072900/28B When the Connect/Function command is executed, the equipment number in the E -field sets the Connect flip-flop in the DCT and connects the DCT to the computer. A data transfer cannot take place unless the DCT is connected. The Connect flip-flop stays set regardless of the number of new Connect commands as long as the E -field contains the equipment number of the DCT (8 or 9) and the station address is for the DCT or one of the attached devices. The Connect flip-flop is reset by any Connect command addressed to an equipment other than the DCT. The Connect flip-flop is not reset by a clear function. When the computer executes the Output-from-A instruction, the bits in the A-register control the functions of the addressed station. Refer to the appropriate module manuals for function bit assignments. STATION ADDRESSES Bits 0 through 6 of a Connect command are defined as a station address. Station addresses are used to communicate with subsystem interfaces and other devices connected directly to the DCT. Station address 00 is reserved for commands (function and status) directed to the DCT itself. Execution of an input to station 01 is used to input status from the 1572 and 1577. Execution of an output to station address 01 is used to acknowledge an interrupt from the 1573. The A-register is not used for this operation. No response is sent if the 1573 is not present. A Reply is sent if the 1573 is present, has sent an interrupt, and the interrupt is reset. A Reject is sent if the 1573 is present but has not sent an interrupt. Station addresses 02 and 03 are reserved for use by the 1572 option within the DCT module. Station addresses 60 through 6F (hexadecimal) are reserved for use by devices connected to the 1797 Buffered I/O Interface. The values 70 through 7F are not allowed as station addresses because of the restriction that a command with a "1" in bits 4, 5, and 6 is a No Address Data Transfer command. 39072900/28B 2.5 The remaining 92 station addresses, 04 through 5F (hexadecimal), are reserved for assignment to individual stations connected to the DCT. FUNCTION CODES Clear DCT Analog-to-Digital Subsystems Controller (AO = "1.") This code clears all interrupt selections and signals, error indications, and other clearable conditions. It cannot be used in conjunction with other function codes. This is the same as a Master Clear, except that the DCT is connected. Clear Protect Fault Interrupt (AI = "1") This code clears the interrupt signal generated by a protect fault. The code can be used in conjunction with other function codes. This interrupt can also be reset by clearing the controller or by a Master Clear .. Clear End-of-Sequence Interrupt (A2 = "1") This code clears the interrupt signal generated by the completion of a sequential addressing operation by the 1574 option. This interrupt can also be reset by clearing the controller or by a Master Clear. Clear External Sync Interrupt (A3 = "1 If) This code clears the interrupt received from an external synchronizing source. Disable End-of-Sequence Interrupt (A4 = "1") This code disables the interrupt sent by the 1574 upon completion of an addressing sequence. The interrupt is prevented from reaching the computer, but bit 8 of the DCT status is set by End of Sequence. 2.6 39072900/28B Enable End-of-Sequence Interrupt (A5 = "1") This code enables the interrupt sent by the 1574 at the end of a sequence. The interrupt is sent to the computer, and bits 2 and 8 of the DCT status are set. Disable External Synchronizing Interrupt (A6 = "1") This code disables the interrupt sent by an external synchronizing source. The interrupt is prevented from reaching the computer, but bit 3 of the DCT status is set. Enable External Synchronizing Interrupt (A7 = "1") This code enables the interrupt generated by an external synchronizing source. The interrupt is sent to the computer, bit 3 of the DCT status is set, and a signal mayor may not be sent on the SYNC2 line of the DCB depending on whether or not that signal is enabled or disabled. Disable External SYNC from SYNC2 Line (A10 = "1") This code prevents the transmission of a signal received from an external synchronizing source to the SYNC2 line of the DCB. Enable External SYNC to SYNC2 Line (All = "1") This code enables an external sync signal to be transmitted on the SYNC2 line of the DCB. Disable 1573 Output from SYNC1 Line (A12 = "1") This code prevents the transmission of a signal received from a 1573 Line Synchronized Timing Generator to the SYNC1 line of the DCB. Enable 1573 Output to SYNG1 Line (A13 = "1") This code enables the signal from a 1573 to be transmitted on the SYNC1 line of the DCB. 39072900/28B 2.7 Disable 1573 Interrupt (A14 = "1") This code disables the interrupt sent by the 1573. The interrupt is prevented from reaching the computer, but bit 4 of the DCT status is set. Enable 1573 Interrupt (A15 = "1") This code enables the interrupt sent by the 1573. The interrupt is sent to the computer, and bit 4 of the DCT status is set. 2.3.2 Status and Connect When the contents of the Q-register conform to the format for Function and Connect commands, the status of the DCT is loaded into the A -register when an Input-to-A command is executed. For Status and Connect commands, the W-field must be 00, the station must be 00, and the E -field must contain the equipment number of the DCT. Execution of this command connects the DCT to the computer. If station address bits are present when the computer executes the Input-to-A instruction, the status of the addressed station is loaded into the A -register. Refer to the appropriate manuals for status word bit assignments for particular units (stations). STATUS CODES (STATION 00) DCT Ready (AO = "1") The DCT is always Ready, i. e., any allowable operation can be performed on request, except while being reset by a Master Clear. Thus, this bit is always set in the status word except when the MASTER CLEAR button on the DCT is depressed. 2.8 39072900/28B Protect Fault Interrupt (AI = "1 If) Bit Al is set whenever an unprotected I/O command is received by the DCT and the PROTECT switch is in position 3. An interrupt is generated and a Reply is sent; however, no other action is taken. This bit is cleared when the interrupt signal is cleared. End-of-Sequence Interrupt (A2 = "1") Bit A2 is set when the 1574 has generated an interrupt upon completion of an addressing sequence, the interrupt was enabled, and the interrupt has not been acknowledged. External Sync Interrupt (A3 = If 1If) Bit A3 is set when a synchronizing interrupt has been received by the DCT from an external sync source. Bits in the station 00 function word enable an external sync signal to cause an interrupt and/or cause the signal to be transmitted on the SYNC2 line of the DCB. The station 00 function word is also used to reset these interrupts. Line Synchronized Timing Interrupt (A4 = "1") Bit A4 is set when a synchronizing interrupt has been received by the DCT from the 1573 Line Synchronized Timing Generator. Bits in the DCT station 00 function word enable the 1573 to send interrupts and/or send a signal on the SYNC1 line of the DCB. A Write command at DCT station address 01 is used to acknowledge an interrupt from the 1573. (Bit A4 is present as a status bit regardless of whether the interrupt is enabled or disabled.) 1574 in the System (A5 = "1") Bit A5 is set whenever a 1574 is connected to the DCT. 1573 in the System (A6 = "1") Bit A6 is set whenever a 1573 is connected to the DCT. 39072900/28B 2.9 Protected (A 7 = "1") This bit is set whenever the DCT' s PROTE CT switch is in position 2 or 3. End of Sequence (AS = "1") Bit AS is set when the 1574 is precisely at the end of an addressing sequence. External Sync Enabled to SYNC2 Line (A9 = "1") Bit A9 is set when the external synchronizing input has been connected to the SYNC2 line of the DCB. This bit is reset when the external sync is disabled from the SYNC2 line. 2.3.3 Data Transfer Commands Data Transfer commands are used for Read or Write operations at specified channel addresses. The channel address may be specified in the command (Random Address) or it may have been previously set up (No Address commands) if a 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit is in the system. DATA TRANSFER COMMAND FORMAT The general format for data transfer commands is shown below. In Data Transfer command the Q-register contains a "1" in bit 15 and an Input-to-A or Output-from-A command is executed indicating the "connected" flip-flop of the DCT is set. If a Connect command has not been previously executed, the DCT does not respond and the computer generates an Internal Reject. o 15 14 13 12 11 Q-Register Channel Address 15 A-Register o Data CHANNEL DATA TRANSFER COMMAND FORMAT 2.10 39072900/2SB RANDOM ADDRESS COMMANDS Random Address commands are Data Transfer commands with a "0" in bit 14. The channel address is always specified by bits 0 through 11 of the Q-register. Bits 12 and 13 specify 1 of 4 operating modes as follows: a. Random Address Read Only (Mode = 00) . This mode causes data to be read from the indicated channel without starting another conversion. The sequence of a sequential operation using the 1574 is not affected. No execute signal is generated in this mode. b. Random Address Execute (Mode = 01). This mode causes a data transfer to be executed at the specified channel. The sequence of a sequential operation using the 1574 is not affected. c. Random Address and Lockup (Mode = 02) . This mode is rejected if the 1574 is not present in the system. A data transfer is executed at the specified channel address and the next address in the sequence is set equal to the specified address. d. Random Address and Increment (Mode = 03). This mode is rejected if the . 1574 is not present in the system. A data transfer is executed at the specified channel address and the next address in the sequence is set equal to one greater than the specified address. CHANNEL ADDRESSES Bits 0 through 11 of a Data Transfer command are defined as a channel address. Channel addresses are used to communicate with units connected to the stations. Bits 10 and 11 of the channel address select the type of unit to be addressed as illustrated below. 39072900/28B 2.11 Channel Address , (---------------~--------------~ I II Ii 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 l Q-Register 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I J ~--.-~~--r-~-~------------------------~J "1" = Continue J L o o 1 1 o o o 0 0 1 o 1 0 1 0 1 Channel Address (1024) = Digital I/O = ANAl (Solid-State Multiplexer) (1024) = ANA2 Relay Multiplexer NO. 1 (1024) = ANA3 Relay Multiplexer NO.2 (1024) o = Random Address - Read Only No Execute 1 = Random Address Execute - Transfers Data o 1 = Requires 1574 Sequential Address CHANNEL ADDRESS UNIT TYPE BIT ASSIGNMENTS Unique channel addresses (bits 0-9) must be assigned to all channels connected to stations of the same type. NO ADDRESS COMMANDS As No Address command is a command with "1's" in bits 4,5, and 6 as shown below. 15 Q-Register I 11 10 W = "0" 7 E = neT 6 5 4 3 11 1 1I x 2 1 0 A S N o 15 Data A-Register x = Enable A A = Analog/Digital S = Step Address Counter of 1574 N = Inhibit Read Execute Signal NO ADDRESS DATA TRANSFER COMMAND FORMAT 2.12 39072900/28B Bits 0 through 3 specify special operating conditions. The channel address for sequential operations is controlled by the 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit; No Address commands are rejected if the 1574 is not in the system. Bits 2 and 3 can be used to change from an analog channel to a digital channel of the same address or vice versa. No change is made if bit 3 is "0;" however, if bit 3 is "1," bit 2 is temporarily substituted for bit 10 of the address previously set up if bit 11 of that address is"O." A "1" in bit 1 causes the channel address to be incremented after the data transfer. Bit 0 indicates that the Read Execute signal should be inhibited. A No Address input command with a "1" in bit 0 may be used to read the result of an analog-to-digital conversion without starting another conversion. No response is sent to a No Address output command with a "1" in bit O. 2.3.4 Sequential Operation Commands . Sequential addressing operations are made possible by the 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit or the 1571 Chaining Buffer Channel. A reject is sent from the DCT when Sequential Operation commands are executed if a 1574 or 1571 is not in the system. The A-register is used for addresses instead of for function or status bits when Sequential Address commands are executed. Sequential operations for data transfer are executed in the Direct mode using No Address commands (1574 only). The channel address may be incremented (for the 1574) on each data transfer or at selected times as desired. 1571 is automatic after initial setup. Incrementing of channel addresses using the Bits 10 and 11 of the channel address are never incremented since they are used to select the type of unit instead of for channel selection. Random Address operations can be executed in modes zero or one without disturbing the sequence of a sequential operation. Random Address operations in modes two or three are used only by the 1574 and can be used to change the sequence at any time. 39072900/28B 2.13 SEQUENTIAL SETUP The A-and Q-register formats for Sequential Operation Setup commands are shown below. Sequential setup is accomplished when bit 14 and' bit 15 are" l' s," the registers are loaded as indicated, and the computer executes an Output-from -A command. Bit 15 indicates the channel address; bit 14 indicates a sequential address setup. Since setup commands are in the form of a Data Transfer command, the DCT must have been connected previously. o 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Analog Q-Register 1 1 Unit /' First Channel Address Digita Continue Command I Sequential Address Stu e p 00 01 10 11 - 1574 Sequential 1571A Chaining 1571B Chaining 1571B Chaining Addressing Unit Buffer Channel Buffer Channel NO. 1 Buffer Ch~nnel NO.2 o 15 Last Channel Address + 1 A-Register SEQUENTIAL OPERATION SETUP COM1\1AND FORMATS SEQUENTIAL STATUS The A-and Q-register formats for Sequential Operation Status commands are shown below. When the Q-register is loaded as indicated and the computer executes an Input-to-A command, the A-register receives the next channel address from the 1574 in bits 0 through 11. The same word as used for a Sequential Setup may be left in the Q-register, since bits 0 through 11 are ignored. This status command can be executed while a sequential operation is in progress to determine how much of a block has been transferred. 2.14 39072900/28B o 15 14 13 12 11 Not Used Q-Register o 15 A-Register Next Channel Address SEQUENTIAL OPERATION STATUS COMMAND FORMATS Table 2 . 1 summarizes all allowable nCT commands. 2.4 INTERRUPTS USAGE Refer to Appendix A for a discussion of nCT interrupts usage. 39072900/28B 2.15 TABLE 2.1. nCT COMMAND STRUCTURE INPUT OR OUTPUT OPERATION TO/FROM 'A-REGISTER 15114113112 III 1 10 9181716151413121110 Functions FROM Q-REGISTER 15\14\ 13 1 12 11 10\ 9\ Sl7 6\5\4\3\2\110 1 Function Out 2 Device Status In 3 Start·· Out 4 Next Memory Address·· In 5 Direct I/O No Address I/O 6 Random Address Read Only In Data 1000 Channel Address 7 Random Address Execute I/O Data 1001 Channel Address 8 Random Address Lock lip I/O Data 1010 Channel Address 9 Random Address Increment I/O Data 1011 Channel Address 10 Sequential Setup Out 1574B Last Channel Address 1100 First Channel Address 11 Sequential Setup Out 1571 (1) Last Channel Address 1101 First Channel Address 12 Sequential Status In 1571 (1) 1l0I Ignored 13 Sequential Setup Out 1571 (2) 1110 First Channel Address 14 Sequential Status In 1571 (2) 1110 Ignored 15 Sequential Setup Out 1571 (3) III 1 First Channel Address 16 Sequential Status In 1571 (3) Device Status Station Address· W ="0" E = Ec Station Address· Station Address. Next Memory Address \V == "0" Station Address· W Next Channel Address Next Channel Address Last Channel Address I c W == "0" Last Channel Address I E=E Starting Memory Address Data I W ="0" Next Channel Address == "0" 1111 • Station addresses zero and one are used by the DCT; station addresses 60 through 6F are reserved for the 1797; station addresses 70 through 7F are No Address data transfer . •• Used by buffered devices connected to 1797. ••• Definitions: X == enable A; A = analog/digital: S = step address counter after data transfer; N = inhibit execute signal. No Address commands apply only to modules with sequential channel addressing capability (1574 or 1571). E==E ••• c 1 1 1 X A S N Ignored Section Three THEORY OF OPERATION - GLOSSARY OF TERMS DEFINITION INPUT /OUTPUT SIGNAL NAME SIGNAL NAME INTERNAL CONTROL SIGNALS (Continued) INPUT SIGNALS TO DCT FROM 1705 QO-Q15 7,9,11,13,15,18,19 DEFINITION INPUT /OUTPUT Q-Register Inputs WEX 17, 19 Write Execute ADDIB 9, 19 Add "]" to 1574 Register (No 19 No Address AO-AI5 10,12,14,16 A-Register Inputs WEZ 7 W-Field Equals Zero Address· QOl) MCL 7 Master Clear NAD PRO 7 Program Protect Bit SRS 19 Status Read PR~2 7, 18 PROTECT Switch in Position 2 READ 18 Read Command WRITE 18 Write Command OUTPUT SIGNALS TO 1705 FROM DCT 15 Character Input RPY 18 Reply RJT 18 Reject NTOI-NTI5 9, l1, 13, 15 Interrupt Lines 01-15 AOO-A15 10,12,14,16 A-Register Outputs S1771 --------- 1573 Grounds This Signal S1785 23-28 1574 Grounds This Signal S1788 QOOA-QI5B ADDIA --------{ 7, 9, 11 , 13, 15, 19,22,25,26,28 19 PR()3 7, 18 PROTECT Switch in Position 3 CNCT 7 Connect C~NR 7 Reset ADDRESS DECODER SIGNALS CSAO-CSA3 20, 22 Decoded Address Bits 8,9 CSBO-CSB3 8, 17, 21, 22 Decoded Address Bits 6,7 CSCO-CSC3 8, 17,21,22 Decoded Address Bits 4,5 CSDO-CSD3 8, 17, 21, 22 Decoded Address Bits 2,3 CSEO-CSE3 8, 17, 21, 22 Decoded Address Bits 0, 1 DIGT 22 Digital Input or Output (Address OXX) 1572 Grounds This Signal ANAl 22 Analog 1 (Address 4XX) Condition Q-Register Bits ANA2 22 Analog 2 (Address 8XX) Add "1" to 1574 Register ANA3 22 Analog 3 ( Address CXX) E()S 22 End of Sequence (Grounded by (Q12 . Q14 . Q15) WHR 19 Write Here SYNI 9, 13 Sync Source NO. 1 SYN2 9, 17 Sync Source NO. 2 FNCT 7, 20 Function PR~T 2, 7, 42 Protect MCL 7 Master Clear REX 19 Read Execute This Card) DDT 18, 22 Disable Data Transfer EDT (NAD + RAL) RDT 22 Reject Data Transfer EDT (NAD + RAL) EDT 22 Enable Data Transfer (Grounded by Cards 23 -28) GLOSSARY OF TERMS (Continued) SIGNAL NAME DEFINITION INPUT /OUTPUT SIGNAL NAME DEFINmON INPUT/OUTPUT DCT INPUT AND OUTPUT LINES 1574 SEQUENTIAL ADDRESSING UNIT SIGNALS Compare CHL 20 Channel Address SASS Sequential Address and Setup STA 20 Station Address SAMI Sequential Address Module 1 E~ 23 End of Sequence Sequential Address Module 2 SAM 1 20, 42 Sequential Addressing Module 1 SAM2 SAM2 20, 42 Sequential Addressing Module 2 REX 20 Read Execute WEX 20 Write Execute C~MP 23-28 NAD No Address NLK 1574 Interlock RAL Random Address and Lockup PR~ 20 Protected Command E~S End of Sequence UNPF 20 Unprotected (False) NA Next Address Register SYN1 20 Sync NO. 1 SYN2 17 Sync NO. 2 MCL 7 Master Clear CINF 15 Character Input (False) PA Present Address Register FA First Address Register LA Last Address Register CARY Carry from Preceding Stage of Register RJTF 18 Reject Unconditionally (False) RHRF 18 Read Here (False) RRYF 18 Read Ready (False) RNA Read Next Address Register WHRF 18 Write Here (False) NAPA Copy Next Address to Present WRYF 18 Write Ready (False) Address Register Copy First Address to Present FAPA Address Register PAN A Copy Present Address into Next Address Register and Add "1" QTPA Copy Q-Register Bits into Present Address Register RNAR 23-28 Read Next Address Register CSAO-CSE3 20, 21 Decoded Address Lines DIG 20 Digital ANAl 20 Analog NO. 1 ANA2 20 Analog NO. 2 ANA3 20 Analog NO. 3 AROOF-AR15F 9, 11, 13, 15 A-Read Lines 00-15 (False) STOOF-ST15F 9,10,11, 13, 15 Status Lines 00-15 (False) AWOO-AW15 8 A-Write Lines 00-15 NT01F-NT15F 9, 11, 13, 15 Interrupt Lines 01-15 (False) PR~SF 7 PROTECT Switch in DCT Off 3.1 TYPICAL DATA AND CONTROL BUS INPUT AND OUTPUT 3.2 GENERAL CONFIGURATIONS The 1750 Data and Control Terminal receives function and addressing information in 3.2.1 Input Configuration the form of line-to-line differential voltages of the order of 0.5 volts with a complete Figure 3.1 shows the typical configuration of input lines from devices connected to voltage reversal distinguishing a "1" from a "0. " the DCT. Each input line forms a continuous AND gate because of the connection of For a logical "0," the odd numbered line of the pair (e.g., AI) is at +0.25V and the input signals through the output diodes of the line drivers within the devices. the even numbered line of the pair (e. g. , A2) is at - O. 25V. Since inverted logic levels are provided for the output signals from the devices. the For a logical "1," these voltages reverse so that the even numbered line is at +0. 25V and the odd net effect is the formation of a continuous OR. The gate implemented by this config- numbered line is at -0. 25V. uration performs an OR operation on the incoming signals from the devices, and the output of the receiver within the DCT is the logical sum of all the input signals. This The Q-register and the A-register configurations of the 1700 Computer are trans- output is a "1" if the output frqm any device is a "0" state signal. mitted to the DCT with the Q-register containing the W-field, the equipment number in the E-field, and the address (if applicable) in the lower order 7 bits. A-register contains either the function code or the address. The 3.2.2 Output Configuration Table 2.1 defines the configuration of the A- and Q-registers during input/output operations. Figure 3.2 shows the typical configuration of the output line connections for devices connected to the DCT. Each DCT line output driver is capable of driving 40 diode In addition to the A- and Q-register transfers, inputs are provided for 15 interrupt input loads. lines. device connected to the DCT. These interrupts can be generated within the DCT or within any of the devices connected to the DCT. An isolation diode must be provided for each signal line within each for each input signal. A maximum of two loads are used within any device DEVICE WITHIN OCT MODULE DCT MODULE OCT MODULE DEVICE WITHIN DeT MODULE A+B+C+ D+E+F B D F MAXIMl'M 2 LOADS PER DEVICE 1-1332-A 1-1333-A FIGURE 3.1. TYPICAL DCB INPUT CONFIGURATION FIGURE 3.2. TYPICAL DCB OUTPUT CONFIGURATION 3.3 and the PROTECT and EQUIPMENT NUl\lBER switch logic. These bits provide the FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION basic connect and addressing configuration which are decoded to form the various Information received by the DCT is handled by the A-register interface, the basic control signals. Q-register receivers (Address Control), and the PROTECT and EQUIPMENT NUMBER switch logic. Control of information flow during input/output information 3.3.3 PROTECT and EQUIPMENT NUMBER Switches transfers is maintained by the function control and response control logic. Addressing of devices connected to the DCT is established by either the Address The remaining Q-register bits, the Master Clear, W = "0," and the Program Decoder or the 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit. These are mutually exclusive Protect bits are received by this logic block, changed to logic level signals, and If both or parts of both are compared to the switch settings to originate control signals used by the function and options and only one should be installed in any DCT. accidentally installed, a logical interlock system inhibits data transfers until the duplication is eliminated. response control logic blocks. The interrupts from the DCT and its connected devices are transmitted to the 1705 by the interrupt line transmitters. The function of each of 3.3.4 Response Control Logic the logic blocks shown in Figure 3.3 is briefly described in the following paragraphs. This block of logic receives the Read or Write command from the 1705 and the Here, 3.3.1 A-Register Interface Ready, and Character Input signals from the DCB. The bipolar signals received from the stations connected to the DCB are received as logic levels, and, in some The A -register interface logic provides an interface for all data and status informa- cases, AND'ed with control signals from the function control logic, then changed to tion between the 1705 and the stations and channels connected to the DCT. The bipolar bipolar signals and transmitted to the 1705. inputs are received from the A-register transmitters of the 1705, changed to logic to be transmitted to the computer. levels (0 volts = "0," +3 volts = "1") for transmission to the devices connected to has occurred, a response is simulated. This block provides the final response In cases where no execution of the instruction the DCT. Signals originating at the stations are received by line terminators, changed to bipolar levels by the transmitters, and transmitted to the 1705. Control 3.3.5 Function Control Logic of this information flow is maintained by the DCT function and response control logic with initiation of control by the computer Read/Write signals. This logic controls the basic functions of the DCT for transmission, generation, and retrieval of information. 3.3.2 Q-Register Receivers the DCB. Inputs are received from all other logic blocks and from The inputs are decoded, interpreted, and combined to control the flow of information to and from the devices connected to the DCT. Decisions regarding Q-register bits QOO through Q06 and Qll through Q15 are received by this logic disposition of all information transfers are made in this block, with the control block, changed to logic level signals, and output to the Address Decoder, the 1574, information from all other blocks. 3.3.6 Interrupt Interface 3.3.11 Control Line Drivers The interrupt interface provides line terminators for interrupts generated. at the stations or the DCT and transmitters to change these inputs to bipolar signals for This block of drivers provides amplification for the control signals transmitted to transmission to the computer. the stations. The inputs to this block are provided by the function control and Address Decoder logic blocks. 3.3.7 The input control signals are received, in some cases inverted, and amplified for transmission on the DCB lines. A-Write Line Drivers This block receives the logic level outputs of the A-register interface block and 3.3.12 Address Decoder transmits the A-register configuration to the stations continually except during transmission of A-read or status information to the 1705. This block provides decoding for the lower bits of the Q-register. The bits are decoded two at a time to provide four control outputs for each two bits. 3.3.8 A-Read and Status Terminators These outputs are labeled CSAO through CSE3, with CSEO through CSE3 decoded from the two lowest order bits of the Q-register. This block of logic receives the logic level inputs from the stations which are gated by control signals into the A-register interface block. Qll is also decoded for special functions within this block. This block and the 1574 are mutually exclusive, and if the 1574 is installed, this block, which is 3.3.9 cis implemented by Card 22, should be removed. Line Drivers This is a block of line drivers which receives the cis (Channel/Station Address) 3.3.13 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit inputs from either the Address Decoder or the 1574 and transmits the address control signals to the stations. This is an alternate option to the Address Decoder and is used instead of, but not in addition to, the Address Decoder. The 1574 is implemented on cards in poSitions 23 3.3.10 End of Sequence through 28, all of which must be removed if the 1574 is not used. The 1574 provides a group of four interconnected registers to retain the addresses during sequential A single line driver is provided for the End-of-Sequence signal from the 1574. This addressing operations. The four 8-bit registers are labeled Last Address register, driver is located on a 1574 card and is not used if the 1574 is not installed. First Address register, Next Address register, and Present Address register. A-WRITE LINE DRIVERS A-REGISTER INTERFACE ANOO-AW03 AROO-AR03 STOO-ST03 1IT9>0-STSO 3 TO/FROM A-REGISTER AWOO-AWlS CARD 8 ~A~~_ ..Q.RD..,li. _ AWO-4-AW07 AR04-AR07 STO-4-!n'C·7 IIT9>-4-STS07 ~A~AO_7_ _ ~!!...AW08-AWlI AR08-ARll ST08-BTll 1IT9>8-STSII ~A~A.!L _~RD....!!._ AW12-AWlS AR12-ARlS STI2-BTlS CARD 10 STS12-STSlS READ TERMINATORS - II'l'SO-STSl5 r-- ~ ~ II: - --CARll 11 ~l!..- FROM Q-REGIBTER ~ ~ ADDRESS DECODE OPTIONS FUNCT:ON CONTROL . i - L __ _ _ ~RD~ _ i -.5~ 22-.J iSEQUE~LMm~~ CARD 17 ADDRESS CONTIWL QOO, Q04-Q06, Q12-Q15 CARll 1. ~D;;SS-;-EC-;;;E; l! - - - - - -- lill MODULE I -SA.!!£S ~2!...J - A-ilEAl> LDlEB SYSTEM STATUS LINES CARD UNE DRIVERS CSBO-CSE3 r---- - ~A~l_ CSAO-CSA3, ANAI-ANA3, DIG SYNCl, SAMl, SAM2 READ EXECUTE WRITE EXECUTE PROGRAM PROTECT CHANNEL ADDRESS WTA.I!..ON2!2PR~ ~ L E~~E~ PROGRAM PROTECT AND EQUIPMENT SELECT SWITCIIES CARD 7 Q07-QIO - -- - - -• AR12-ARIS STl2-STlS CARD 9 _QO.,L _ _ _CAl!!! 11- _ CARD 15 ARO-4-ARD7 CARD 13 S1'04-81'07 f------AR08-ARll CARDU 81'08-STll NAOO-NAll r--"----INTERFACE TO 170S INTJ;RRUPT/ DATA CHANNEL -------- STOO-STlS Q-REGmTERINTERFACE Q02 AROO-AR03 S1'OO-ST03 ..... AROO-ARlS ~ f--QO~- A-WRITE LDlEB AWOO-AWlS ADDREIII UNES CONTROL UNES ~22a SYNC 2 ~1,!f---- - - - CARD 7 MASTER CLEAR • EXTERNAL SYNC CONTROL INTERFACE W = 0, MASTER CLEAR, PROGRAM PROTECT TO/FROM CONTROL ~- CONTROL TERf,UNA TORS RESPONSE CONTROL CARD2..._ -READ, WRITE UNCONDITIONAL REJECT READ IIERE, WRITE READY, ~EAD READY, V.1UTE HERE ~ Z REPLY, RE.TECT ~-- - CARD IS ~..!L_ ~---- 1 CHARACTER INPUT CARD 15 RESPONSE INPUT U NES -- --.CAIUl 13 CHARACTER INPUT CARD 15 ~ ~RRUPTINTERFACE -- -- -- - - --- - - -- -r--- - - - - - - -f--- INTERRUPT TO{ UNESOl-lS ----1LTOl, NT05, N1'09, NTI3_ _ __ r--- __ ~T06~,~ ~, --- NT07, NTll, NT15 _ _ NTn4' NTOIl. NT12 -- C~ 9 -- - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- - ~RD_l_l_ CARD 13 CARD 15 - • CARD Z2 IS REMOVED IF TilE 1574 MODULE IS INSTALLED. FIGURE 3.3. DATA AND CONTROL TERMINAL BLOCK DIAGRAM INTERRUPT UNES INTERFACE TO DATA AND CONTROL BUS 3.4 DATA AND CONTROL BUS All communications to and from the computer are via the A/Q cables connected to TABLE 3. 1. DCT SIGNAL AND PIN ASSIGNMENTS DATA CABLE SIGNAL PIN Data Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 To/From 09 A-Register 10 11 12 13 14 Data Bit 15 Reply Reject Character Input Priority* AI, 2 3, 4 5, 6 7, 8 9, 10 B1, 2 3,4 5, 6 7, 8 9, 10 C1, 2 3,4 5, 6 7, 8 9, 10 D1, 2 3,4 5, 6 7, 8 9, 10 r EI ,2 3,4 5, 6 7, 8 < 9, 10 FI, 2 3,4 5, 6 7, 8 '- 9, 10 ADDRESS CABLE SIGNAL the DCT. Each interrupt is cabled separately from the DCT to the computer. (See Table 3. 1 for DCT pin assignments and Figure 3.4 for DCT cabling.) All communication between the DCT and 1500 Series Peripherals is via the Data and Control Bus (DCB) which originates at the DCT. The DCB is a two-way communication bus that originates at the DCT in card positions 2, 4, and 6. The DCB is connected to each cabinet rack that contains a controller and is connected from controller to controller in a serial fashion by 50-pin wired connectors (see Figure 3.5). Terminator boards are installed in card positions 2, 4, and 6 of the last controller rack of the serial string. Figures 3.6 through 3. 10 list the signal and pin assignments for the DCB connectors that are in card positions 2 through 6. Master Clear (MCL) originates from four parallel diodes of a standard logic element in the DCT and appears in true orientation on the DCB. All other signals originate from four parallel diodes of standard logic elements in devices on the DCB; these signals appear in inverted orientation on the DCB. Card position 3 contains the jumpering for the 1577 Stall Alarm channel/ station lines, interrupts, and status. Card position 5 contains the jumpering for signals and interrupts for other optional equipment. Not Defined All of the channel/station lines (CSAX, CSBX, CSCX, CSDX, and CSEX) are jumpered from various card positions in the controller module rack to the required Termination Power Address Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 From Q-Register } 12 13 W 14 Address Bit 15 Read Write Master Clear Program Protect Buffer Active* Timing Pulse Spare Spare Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined Not Defined W=O Termination Power DCB lines. (Refer to individual controller manuals for station/channel selection examples and jumpering positions.) Interrupts and multiplexer assignments are jumpered to the DCB lines in the same manner. All other signals are back-plane wired to the DCB lines. * These signals exist in the cables from a BDC only and are for use with devices which use the BDC channel exclusively. ~ to 0 ~ ~ to 0 0 tj INTERRUPT LINES 4 0 J14 8 3 0 J13 7 2 0 0 12 11 10 0 J22 0 0 15 14 13 0 0 0 J25 J21 J24 Jll-J25: CONNECTOR RECEPTACLE 17896900 0 0 0 0 5 I 0 JIG J15 9 0 J20 J23 J37, 40, 41 Jll 6 0 J17 0 J12 0 J18 A/Q CHANNEL J31 DATA ~ J19 J30 ADDRESS 8 J36. 40. I ~ 0 a 120 VAC CORD J40 -6V TO OTHER -6V USERS J30-J33: 30 TWISTED-PAIR WIRE CONNECTOR 38956900 0 0 J39 ·n 8 (SRG:"Cl) (40) (SRG-Q) (39) SAMPLE RATE GENERATOR 8 J35 8 POWER (SRG-C2) EXT SYNC (IN) J34 J38 TERMINATOR POWER J38-J40: CONNECTOR RECEPTACLE 38925500 EITHER ONE OF THE DATA, ADDRESS, Ar·m TERMINATOR POWER CONNECTOJt PAIRS CAN BE USED FOR IN. OR OUT WHEN THE LCA IS PART OF A CHAIN ON THE 1700 COMPUTER. IF THE LCA IS TilE LAST UNIT ON 1700 PARTY LINES, VACANT RECEPTACLES J30 OR J31 RESISTIVE TERMINATOR PLUG (NO. 30001201) INSTALLED. FIGURE 3.4. nCT CABLING A~ J:.l2 OR J33 MUST HAVE A 1 - CABLED TO SECOND RACK CABINET IF REQUJHED; IF LAST MODULE, INSTALL TERMINATOR BOARDS CONTROLLERS OR OTHER SUBSYSTEM UNITS - __---A'----... ( - 'I 5 - - \ r- \ \ \ \ DATA AND CONTROL BUS POSITIONS 1 THROUGH 6 '\ \ \ 9 \ 13 - - \ t- \ \ \ \ - \ 17 - - - \ - \ \ \ \ - \ 21 - \11 5 \6 \ I DCB ORIGINATION POSITIONS 2, 4, AND 6 2 \ I I I I I 4 - CONTROLLER'S AND ASSOCIATED UNITS \ 25 DATA AND CONTROL TERMINAL AND OPTIONS ( 6 7 '- - ) 42 29 - 33 - BLOWER (MG SET IN REAR IF USED) - - FILTER 1-2525 FIGURE 3.5. DATA AND CONTROL BUS 3.12 39072900/28B PIN SIGNAL FROM CARDS TO CARDS PIN SIGNAL TO CARDS GROUND 2 GROUND 3 CSAO 4 DIG 5 CSA1 ~2fi 6 ANAl 7 CSA2 J 8 ANA2 9 CSA3 10 ANA3 12 SAMl 23 14 SAM2 23 CSB2 16 REX 17.. 18.24.38 CSB3 18 WEX 17 23 32311 A2 CSCO 17,3 20 PR0 SYN1 1 11 13 15 17 19 CSBO CSBI j 17,3 ~ 3 FROM CARDS r. 20 ,.... 21 CSC1 3 22 23 CSC2 3 24 SYN2 25 CSC3 3 26 MCL 27,42 28 PR0SF 2 7 STALL 42 42 27 29 CSDO 21 I 17,3 3 30 CSD2 3 32 CSD3 3 34 35 CSEO 17, 3 36 37 CSE1 17-,- 3 38 39 CSE2 39~ 40 41 CSE3 39, 3 43 CHL 45 STA 47 E0S GROUND 31 33 49 CSD1 3 17, 18, 18, 42 17 7 42 ~ 20 44 20 46 CINF 15 23, 22 48 RJTF GROUND 18 50 NOTE: Pins 28, 32, and 34 are spare pins for signals originating in the DCT; pins 38, 40, 42 and 44 are spare pins for signals originating outside the DCT; pin 36 is used for E{l>PF in the 1571. FIGURE 3.6. DCB CONNECTOR (CARD POSITION 2) GROUND C".:) 1--4 ~ Q C:J Q Q GJ 0 G G 0 C".:) ~ 0 -:] I:\:) DSABL CSBl CSBO From Pin 26 G 8 GJ G CSBX G G GiJ NT08F GJ NT02F G;J NT09F NT03F GJ CSC2 ~ ~ G 0 G G B G G G CSCl CSCO CSD3 G CSD2 0 G CSDl E] CSDO 0 CSE3 [;] CSE2 B B 0 GJ CSDX CSEX CSEO B EJ G NTllF NT06F B NTl3F NT07F El NTl4F NT04F NT05F PFLNF STLNF G To Pin 28 ~ 0 0 "I:\:) 00 OJ G G NTOlF CSC3 cscx CSEl FIGURE 3.7. DCB CONNECTOR (CARD POSITION 3) El EJ EJ NTlOF NTl2F NTl5F FIELD GROUND PIN SIGNAL 1 GROUND 3 AROOF 5 AROIF FROM CARDS TO CARDS I, ~ 11 , \ 15 37 PIN SIGNAL TO CARDS 2 GROUND 4 AWOO 37, 39, 42 6 AWOl 37, 39 8 AW02 37 7 AR02F { 9 AR03F I) I) 10 AW03 37 11 AR04F II 11 12 AW04 36 13 AR05F \ 14 AW05 36 16 AW06 36, 39 1;:$ ;:$0 15 AR06F 17 AR07F I) I) 18 AW07 36, 39 AR08F II I, 20 AW08 35, 39 \ 22 AW09 35, 39 24 AW10 35, 39 19 21 I I AR09F 11 J 35 FROM CARDS I"", 8 23 ARI0F 25 ARIIF I) I) 26 AW11 35, 39 27 AR12F 11 11 28 AW12 32, 34, 39 29 AR13F \ 30 AW13 32, 34, 39 32 AW14 32, 34, 39 34 AW15 32, 34, 39 WHRF 18 9 WRYF 18, 42 19 31 AR14F 33 AR15F J ::J 34 f ) ,) 35 RHRF 18 13 36 37 RRYF 18 11 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 GROUND 50 GROUND NOTE: Pins 39 through 48 are not continuous in the DeB Connector. FIGURE 3.8. DCB CONNECTOR (CARD POSITION 4) I..... PIN SIGNAL TO CARDS FROM CARDS PIN SIGNAL TO CARDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 NTOIF 3, 6, 9 23 8 NT02F 3, 6, 11 32 10 NT03F 3. 6. 13 39 12 NT04F 3, 6, 15 17 14 NT05F 3, 6, 9 NT06F 3, 6, 11 7 9 11 13 E~SNF LSCNF SRGNF EXSNF 5 5 5 5 FROM CARDS Jumpered from signals on nins ::It 1Aft 15 ESOSNF 5 16 17 LSCNF 5 18 NT07F 3. 6. 13 19 SRGNF 5 20 NT08F 3, 6 5 22 NT09F 3, 6, 9 23 24 NTI0F 3, 6, 11 25 26 NTI1F 3, 6, 13 27 28 NT12F 3, 6, 15 29 30 NT13F 3, 6, 9 31 32 NT14F 3, 6, 11 33 34 Jumpered from signals on NT15F 3, 6, 13 l1in.R at 1Aft 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 21 EXSNF 15 GROUND NOTE: For standard interrupt line assignments, insert jumpers as follows: pin 9 (line 2). Line Sync Clock (LSC) pin 8 to FIGURE 3.9. DCB CONNECTOR (CARD POSITION 5) PIN 1 3 SIGNAL FROM CARDS TO CARDS PIN SIGNAL TO CARDS G..K.UUNlJ 2 GROUND UNPF 4 STOOF i) 6 STOIF ~ 15 11 j""I 5 NTOIF 9 7 NT02F 11 8 ST02F 9 NT03F 13 10 ST03F ( LJ 11 NT04F 15 12 ST04F rl 9 14 ST05F 11 16 ST06F 13 18 ST07F l.J 20 ST08F 11 ST09F 13 15 17 19 NT05F NT06F NT07F NT08F 5 15 1 ~ NT09F 9 22 23 NTI0F 11 24 STI0F 25 NTIIF 13 26 STIIF LJ ST12F fl 27 NT12F 15 28 29 NT13F 9 30 ST13F 31 NT14F 11 32 ST14F 13 34 33 NT15F .,/ 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 GROUND 50 ST15F 39 1!1 II 11 i ~ { ) GROUND NOTE: Pins 35 through 48 are not continuous in the DCB Connector. FIGURE 3.10. DCB CONNECTOR (CARD POSITION 6) 42 42 ( 21 FROM CARDS 9 3.5 PROGRAM PROTECT AND EQUIPMENT NUMBER SWITCH LOGIC The Progra~ Protect bit is received, changed to a logic level signal, and provided (CARD 7) as an output (PR0T) to other blocks of logic. The output of the receh·er is also connected to the common pin of the PROTECT switch. The three positions of the This block of logic is implemented by the printed circuit card at card position 7 (see switch provide control and status signals as descrived below. Figure 3.11), which contains a hexadecimally-coded thumbwheel switch (EQUIPMENT NUMBER), a three-position rotary switch (PROTECT), and logic elements for a. OFF (Position 1) decoding Q7 through Q10, W = "0," Program Protect, and the Master Clear signal In this position the Program Protect bit is ignored, no protect faults occur, and the to provide control signals. Program Protect status bit (STS07, indicating switch positions 2 and 3) is false. The output to the nCT (PR0SF) is true when the switch is in this position. 3.5.1 EQUIPMENT NUMBER Switch b. REJECT (Position 2) The Q-register bits Q7 through Q10 are received, changed to logic levels for output In this position the PR02 output is the protect bit of the command. the PR03 output to other logic blocks within the nCT module, and decoded by the equipment select is true, and the PR0SF output is false. When PR02 is false, a protect fault exists, logic to provide a Connect (CNCT) output. When the setting of the hexadecimal and the faulting command is rejected. For further explanation of this mode. refer thumbwheel switch matches the E -field (Q7 through Q10) and the W = "0" signal is to paragraph 3. 10. true, the Connect (CNCT) output is true. c. The "C" and "e" contacts of the EQUIPMENT NUMBER switch are mutually exclusive and provide selection of the output of Q7 through Q10, either as they INTERRUPT (Position 3) In this position the PR03 output is the protect bit of the command. the PR02 output is true, and the PR0SF output is false. When PR03 is false, a protect fault exists, appear on the output of the receivers or inverted, but not both. When the Q7 through and the response is a Reply and Interrupt transmission to the computer. Q10 configurations, and the EQUIPMENT NUMBER switch setting are identical, only faulting command is not executed. The For further explanation, refer to paragraph 3. 10. "1" state signals are connected to the output. These signals are AND'ed with the W = "0" signal to form the Connect (CNCT) output. 3.5.3 When the switch setting does not match the E -field identically or when the W -field is The Master Clear signal is received in inverted form, changed to a logic level signal, not "0," the nCT is not connected to the 1705, and the instruction and address is and provided as an input to the AND gate at the input to inverter n4B. The MASTER Clear and Master Clear ignored, unless the DCT was connected by a previous operation and bit 15 of the CLEAR pushbutton provides another input to the AND gate. The manual switch dis- Q-register is a "1" (Continue commands). charges the capacitor, providing a 30-millisecond Clear signaL A 3D-millisecond signal is also provided when power is turned on. . 3.5.2 PROTECT Switch When either the Master Clear from the computer or the switch goes false. the input The PROTECT switch is a three-position rotary switch used to select the Program to D4B is false, and the Connect flip-flop reset (C0NR) is true. The Connect reset Protect response to an unprotected command. provides a reset pulse for the Connect flip-flop and an input to inverter C4. When either C¢NR is true or the Clear signal (FNCT AND'ed with AOO and provided as input FNCTO) is true, the output of inverter C4 is false. The output of C4 The output of C4 is inverted by D4A, which provides an input to the line driver A. The output of line driver A provides a Master Clear signal for other devices provides control outputs MCLFI through MCLF5 and a false signal for status bit 00 connected to the DCT. Figure 3.11 is a diagram of the PROTECT and EQUIPMENT (STSOO, which indicates a Ready state if true). NUMBER switch logic. PROGRAM PROTECT Ql0A B9 BID B7 QB :{:!J PR¢2 lB I~PR¢3 lB I 14 010 C2 Q9 20 09 Cl Ql0 PR;lT 22.23 Ql0B 23 Q09A 22.24 Q09B 24 QOBA 22.24 I ADDRESS CABLES J32. J33 1 2 3 I OFF REJECT INTERRUPT AND REPLY .2 I :5 I I I BB 6 QOBB 24 Q07A 22.25 Q07B 25 2 B B5 B6 Q7 w=O F7 FB t 14 1.21( MCL 16.17 FNCTO ADDRESS CABLES J32. J33 +6V I" iW IN OUT 6 40 LOGIC LOAD SCHEMATIC FOR DISCRETE CIRCUIT ~ CNCT ADDRESS CABLES J32. J33 07 DB L---------8 t.':O NOTES: &-sv STSOO 16 MCLFI 17 MCLF3 23 MCLF4 32 MCLF5 39 lB MASTER CLEAR I. 2.7.42 lB R'O SWI IS EQUIPMENT NUMBER SW2 IS PROGRAM PROTECT SW3 IS MASTER CLE.AR ~+6V ~ 1 2 3 4 5 A ROIA ROIA ROlA ROIA ROIA B ROlA ROIB ROIB ROIB ROIA C ROIB D24 D24 148 ROIB D ROIB E D24 ROIB DCKT Ql-Q15 Q-Register Inputs PR03 PROfECT Switch in Position 3 QlOA-Ql5B Condition Q-Reglster Bits CARD TYPE: BG STSJO-STS15 Local Status Bits 00-15 FUNCTO FWlction at Station Address Zero CARD TITLE: Protect and Equipment Select PROOF PROfECT Switch in DCT Off CNCT Connect CARD DRAWING NO.: 38882400 MCL Master Clear· PROf Protect LOOIC DRAWING NO.: 38952600. Sheet 7 L-_CO_N_R _ _ _...L..._Re_se_t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _U-_P_R_02 _ _ _...l-_P_R_O_T_E_C_T_5',o,_itc_h_in_Po_S_it_io_n_2--...J FIGURE 3.11. PROTECT AND EQUIPMENT NUMBER SWITCH LOGIC (CARD 7) 3.6 A-WRITE LINE DRIVERS (CARD 8) The inputs to this card exactly duplicate the configuration of the computer A-register except during the time required for transmission of data or status information The logic elements contained on the printed circuit card at pOSition 8 (FigurE:! 3.12) to the computer. provide line drivers for the A-write outputs to the DCT. Each of the noninverting amplifiers contained in this block can drive up to 40 loads. Inputs to these ampli- The outputs of the amplifiers are connected directly to the connectors to the DCT, fiers are provided by one of the outputs from the A-register interface logic. and the AW lines are output directly to modules connected to the DCT. ~ ~ Col:) CD 0 ~ l\:) It) ti5A 45 CD 0 0 .......... tj 10 F 47 AWlS tv' AI4A 44 ¢ . .Jl. ]4,4<; 14- 46 AWI4. 4- 32 . ~4,41. 14 ~ 37 ~ 3' AO:l4 25 AXA 23 J C 27 AW07 21 AW06 ~36.J ~36) 10 ~ 10 AI2A~AWIZ 4,32: W04 14- ,?.36 +6V f~J 4Z, r----~------------~-----t @ ,2 R3 AIIA~IIWI/ 240A 1/4W. • RI 12K 1/8W /6 12 ~ R6 I 71.2K I CR3: ,-'\. . -r-_____ r,r~.J ~ 1/8W IN;' 12 ~'~' SCHEMATIC FOR DISCRETE. CIRCUIT ~ @ flo AOM f29L-.~AWQ9 ~ 3 ..~ ~ f-+-----._-_--_~C) . f(P --- ---a- J? ~ V ' A B I ~K1A 2 CKT& Ct.Tc 3 4 !S 6 C E D IC.TG C~r.N KTH :r"TF C"T[l O:TE KT J KTK 1"KTQ KTl CKTP: C~TF l(i~ CARD TYPE: BM CARD TITLE: Long Line Drivers CARD DRAWING NO.: 38897100 LOGIC DRAWING NO.: 38952600, Sheet 8 AOO-A15 A-Register Inputs AWOO-AWl5 A- Write Lines 00-15 FIGURE 3.12. A-WRITE LINE DRIVERS (CARD 8) 3.7 LINE TERMINATORS (CARD 9) within a station connected to this line, the interrupt is transmitted to the 1705 interrupt input as described above. The printed circuit cards located in card positions 9, 11, 13, and 15 provid~ line terminators for the A -read lines (AROO through AR15) , system status lines (STOO 3.7.4 Q-Register Receivers through ST 15), and interrupt lines (NTO 1 through NT15). The remainder of the logic elements on these cards are used for miscellaneous functions as described below. Receivers are provided for Q-register bits Q1, Q2, Q3, and Qll on the logic cards in locations 9, 11, 13, and 15. The Q-register signals are received, converted to 3.7.1 A-Read Lines logic level signals, and provided as outputs to the address decoding and/or function control logic blocks. The A-read signals received from stations on the DCB are inverted by the line terminators to provide inputs to AND gates located on the A-register interface cards. Q01 is also used for the ADD1B output to the 1574 logic when the 1574 is used. The A-read line signals are AND'ed with control signals from the function control The ADDIB signal is used to increment the Present Address and Next Address logic, which controls the data transmission to the 1705. registers of the 1574. 3.7.2 Status Lines The System Status signals received from the stations on the DCB are gated to the 3.7.5 Miscellaneous Logic Elements (Card 9) S1788 A-register interface transmitters by the function control logic as described above. This input is generated by the Sample Rate Generator (Card 9) when this option is 3.7.3 Interrupt Lines installed (see Figure 3.13). The 1788 input is inverted and provided as an input to the function control logic (SYN2T) and as an output to the DCT line drivers (SYN1B). Interrupt lines 02 through 15 are received from the DCB stations, inverted, and transmitted directly to the 1705 interrupt inputs. LOCAL WRITE HERE (LWHR1) Interrupt line NT01 is used for interrupts within the DCT module and for stations on An inverter is provided for the LWHR1 input, from the function control logic. the Decoded Data Channel. When an interrupt occurs either within the DCT or providing an input (WHRF) to the response control logic. t.A:l ~ 0 -.:J 20 l\:) ~ 0 0 .:>:J S17f18 ~ 3V ALL BU6S AI2E \\Ot.'OL\ Tt11C SYNI-SYjl,~ . C:I-.'L£:':' MA(,,-G) NIHI A ' ... CARD TYPE: DJ CARD TITLE: Daisy Chain Interface CARll DRAWING NO.: 38897000 LOGIC DRAWING NO.: 38952600. Sheet 9 NTOIF-NTI5F QO-QI5 LWHRI QOOA-QI5B ADDIB WHR FIGURE 3.13. DATA AND CONTROL BUS, INTERFACE 1 (CARD 9) 1572 Grounds This Signal A-Read Unes 00-15 (False) Status Unes 00-15 (False) Sync Source NO. 1. 2 Interrupt Unes 01-15 (False) Q- Register Inputs Local Write Here (False) Condition Q-register Bits Add "1" to 157 ~ Register (No Address· QOl) Write Here (False) 3.7.6 Miscellaneous Logic Elements (Card 11) In addition to the elements described in the preceding descriptions, Card 11 UNP3, which are used by the response control logic; and (2) LRRY1 is received (Figure 3.14) provides circuit elements for the follOwing signals: from the function control logic, inverted, and provided as an output to the response (1) UNPF is received from the DCB stations and inverted to provide output signals UNP2 and control logic block. c..:> LINES c.o 0 -.J I:'-' 1.'3 6 14- ~b c.o 0 0 ........... 18 tj IlRI IT 12 -Sb 10 12 12 12 z It:. Q2 /IS 27 • At;; J~Jj.i .J 17 23 LRRYI I-----~-----_:;.( II K~ YF 18 12. f41!'---~-I-'>=:' * -CDV NOTE: INVERTER WITH FOUR OUTPUT DIODES TIED TOGETHER c.~ ~- -hs~ T l~9 ~--+--+-~ +G.V r' + T 1-1 Tel ~I.uF 135'1 c.z lAAF 3SV I I ALL W6S A[:C ...·\DIVOLI-rnIC UtvLE~S MAICk.E.D WIT/-1 A " . " ---- - , I rz ~ L4 ,IS c olI A B TOIA- T31 :I48 :I4S!J:48 TOIA- nl! H8 148 024 TOIAl" T311 H8 146 14a 'TalA' T31! 14a :I48 140 ROIIt' ROt 148 I,4B CARD TYPE: BJ CARD TITLE: Daisy Chain Interface CARD DRAWING NO,: 38897000 LOGIC DRAWING NO.: 38952600. Sheet 11 UNPF AROO-AR15 STOO-STl5 NT01-NTI5 QO-QI5 LRRY QOOA-Q15B RRYF FIGURE 3.14. DATA AND CONTROL BUS, INTERFACE 2 (CARD 11) Unprotected (False) A-Read Lines 00-15 Status Lines 00-15 Interrupt Lines 01-15 Q-Register Inputs Local Read Ready Condition Q-Register Bits Read Ready (False) 3.7.7 Miscellaneous Logic Elements (Card 13) (STS04 and STS06) and as an input to the nCT (SYNIA). indicating a line sync interrupt when true. In addition to the elements described in the preceding description, Card 13 STS04 is the status bit 04, STS06 is the status bit 06, indicating that the 1573 module is present in the system. (Figure 3. 15) provides circuit elements for the following signals. S1771 LRHRI This signal is received from the 1573 Line Synchronized Timing Generator, if This signal is received from the Function Control logic and inverted for use by the installed, and is inverted and provided as an output signal to the status transmitters response control logic. 14-~ ..: LINES 14 IS S;C 2.0 14II ~~ ROt:T ~A.ea', -;- 4,36 14 14- 7 .s;6 .~ 3 ~-6 6' 14 ~Q03A t-------~~'~~Q03.5 ......-~ Q3 Z7 I---;-:::~- Z3 17 LI?/l1?1 C-"D ~9 0 . ~ . 22 II 10 • - 23 T E2B/2 * ALL E:UbS ALE .\.\C>l\)("\L-I'i\-IIC, UNLES!> MA12k£.C .v111~ A " ... CARD TYPE: BJ CARD TITLE: Daisy Chain Interface CARD DRAWING NO.: 38897000 LOGIC DRAWING NO.: 38952600, Sheet 13 ---~~~RHRF I{J NOTE: INVERTER WITH FOUR OUTPUT DIODES TIED TOGETHER S1771 AROO-ARl5 STOO-STl5 ST910-STSI5 SYNI NTOI-NTI5 LRHR QOOA-QI5B RHRF FIGURE 3.15. DATA AND CONTROL BUS, INTERFACE 3 (CARD 13) 1573 Grounds This Signal A-Read Lines 00-15 Status Lines 00-15 Local Status Bits 00-15 Sync Source NO. 1 Interrupt Lines 01-15 Local Read Here Condition Q-Register Bits Read Here (False) 3.7.S Miscellaneous Logic Elements (Card 15) h. STS05 is the status bit indicating that the 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit is present in the system. In addition to the elements described in the preceding sections, Card 15 (Figure 3.16) c. STSOS is the status bit that indicates the end of sequence for the 1574. provides circuit elements for the following signals. CINF NLK5 The CINF (Character Input) signal is received from the DCB stations, inverted, and NLK5 (Interlock 5) is received from the 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit, inverted, and provided as status output signals as follows. a. STS02 is the 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit interrupt hit. AND'ed with the CS0NT (Connect) signal to provide an input to the character input transmitter to the 1705. The Character Input signal. when true, indicates that the information being transmitted is a character and not a word of input data. ~ c.o 24 NLK5 STS02 16 STS05 14 STSOB 12 AR03T 16 CHARACTER INPUT 2 CINF 1B C¢NT 07 DB J30 J31 0 -.;:J I.\:) c.o 0 0 4,37 AR03F INTERRUPT LINES ......... I.\:) 00 to 4,37 AR02F AR02T 16 4,37 AR01F AR01T 16 4, 37 AROOF 6 6 5, 6 NT12F 5,6 NTOBF 5,6 NT04F Q11 C3 C4 J22-A J22-B J1B--A J18-B 12 B 16 J14-A J14-B 4 16 ST03F ST02F 16 Q11A 22, 23 Q11B 23 J32, J33 6,42 ST01 F 16 911 ~ 22 6,39 p' 10" ..s:-:l E28/2 f-----~~------~ 16 STOOF *" 1 2 3 4 5 A TOIA TOIA TOIA TOIA ROIB - B T31B T31B T31B T31B ROIA C 145 145 145 145 145 D 145 145 145 145 145 E 145 D24 145 145 CARD TYPE: BJ CARD TITLE: Daisy Chain Interface CARD DRAWING NO.: 38897000 LOGIC DRAWING NO.: 38952600, Sheet 15 NLK5 AROO-AR15 STOO-STI5 STSOO-STS15 CINF CONT NTOI-NTI5 QO-QI5 QOOA__~15B NOTE: INVERTER WITH FOUR OUTPUT DIODES TIED TOGETHER 1574 Interlock 5 A-Read Lines 00-15 System Status Lines 00-15 Local status Bits 00-15 Character Input (False) Connect Signal Interrupt Lines 01-15 Q-Register Inputs Condition Q-Re.zister Bits FIGURE 3.16. DATA AND CONTROL BUS, INTERFAqE 4 (CARD 15) 3.8 A-REGISTER INTERFACE the STSOO - STS15 input gates are enabled. If the STS input to the gates are true, a "1" will be transmitted to the 1705. The A-register interface is implemented by circuit cards in card positions 10, 12, SYSTEM STATUS (STOOT - STI5T) 14, and 16 (see Figures 3.17 through 3.20). These cards contain both transmitters and receivers for all A-register interfacing. System Status information, received from stations connected to the DCB, will be 3.8.1 Receivers transmitted when the Read-Station-One command is executed. During this command the RSIFI through RSIF4 inputs will be false, the outputs of the D3 inverters will be The informatiori is received from the 1705 in the form of bipolar differential signals. true, and the STOOT - ST15T input gates will be enabled. If the STXXT input is true, The receivers accept the 16A -register bits, change the bipolar signals to logic a "1" will be transmitted to the 1705. levels, provide the logic level outputs for use by the DCT logic, and provide A-READ LINE INFORMATION (AROOT - ARI5T) inputs to the A-write line drivers (Card 8). The receivers are constantly accepting the A-register contents except during transmission of information from any device Input information, received from the DCB, will be transmitted when a Read command on the DCB. with the appropriate station or channel address is executed. During these commands 3.8.2 Transmitters the RARFI - RARF4 inputs to the A-register interface will be false. If the other inputs to the B3 inverters (RSO FX, RS IFX, and RN AFX) are also all false, the output Information transmissions to/from the DCT occur as described below. of the B3 inverters will be true and the ARXXT input gates are enabled. If the ARXXT input is true, a "1" will be transmitted to the DCT. If one or more of the other inputs to the B3 inverters is true, the ARXXT lines will not be transmitted. The transmitters receive information from the DCB, the 1574, and the DCT. Control of the transmission is maintained by the function control logic (Card 17), SEQUENTIAL ADDRESSING UNIT NEXT ADDRESS REGISTER the response control logic (Card 18), and the sequential address control (Card 23) (NAOO - NAll) if the 1574 is installed. LOCAL STATUS (STSOO-STSI5) If the 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit is installed in the DCT package replacing the Address Decoder, the NAOO - NAll information (contents of the Next Address Local Status information, from the DCT or devices contained within the DCT module, register of the 1574) is transmitted when a Read-Sequential-Status command is will be transmitted when the Read-Station-Zero command is executed. During this executed. During this command the RNAFI - RNAF4 inputs to the A-register inter- command the RSOFI through RSOF4 inputs to the A-register interface cards will be face are false, the output of the C3 inverters is true, and the NAXX input gates are false. The input to the E3 inverter (RSOFX) is false, the output of E3 is true, and enabled. If the NAXX input is true, a "1" is transmitted to the 1705. ~ CD 0 -:::a 9 ST15T 9 AR15T 9 ST14T 9 AR14T 9 ST13T 9 AR13T ~ CD 0 0 "~ ex> to A 3 B RDIB ROIA 145 C TOIA T3lB 148 D RDIB ROIA 148 E T(tIA T3lB 148 4 5 ROIB ROIA TOIA T3lB ROIB ROIA TOIA T3lB I 2 CARD TYPE: AV CARD TITLE: Balance Line Interface CARD DRAWING NO.: 38874900 LOGIC DRAWING NO.: 38952600, Sheet 10 STOO-ST15 ARDO-AR15 RS> Fl- RS> F 4 RSl Fl-RSI F4 RNA RARFl AO-Al5 FIGURE 3.17. A-REGISTER INTERFACE: BITS 12-15 (CARD 10) Status Lines 00-15 A-Read Lines 00-15 Gate Local Status (Address Zero) Gate System Status (Address One) Read Next Address Read Data Enable A-Register Oltputs GRD Vj Vj 11 STIlT 23 NAIl 11 ARlIT ~ 12 13 II 14 AlIA 6 AllB 17 C3 GRD 11 23 C4 ST10T 12 11 AR10T 17 STS09 11 ST09T 24 NA09 11 AR09T 15,23 STS06 11 ST06T 24 NA06 11 AR06T 17 RSOF2 Al0A 6 Al0B 17 14 Cl (A1Q) C2 12 II J30. J31 13 NA10 II (All) A09A 6 A09B 24 J30, J31 13 14 B9 Bl0 12 II A06A 6 A06B 24 J30. J31 13 14 GRD B7 B6 17 (A9) (A6) J30. J31 RS1F2 GRD 24 RNAF2 16 RARF2 25 ~-6V ~+6V CI:l ~ 0 -:J I:\:) ~ 0 0 ~ A 1 2 3 4 5 B ROIB ROIA 145 ROIB ROlA C TOIA T31B 148 TOIA T3IB D ROIB ROIA 148 ROIB ROlA E TOIA T31B 148 TOlA T3lB CARD TYPE: AV CARD TITLE: Balance Line Interface CARD DRAWING NO.: 38874900 LOGIC DRAWING NO.: 38952600. Sheet 12 STOO-STI5 NAOO-NAll AROO-AllI5 STSOO-STSI5 RSO Fl- RSO F4 RSI FI-RSI F4 RNA RAHF2 AOO-AI5 '-.. I:\:) 00 td FIGURE 3.1B. A-REGISTER INTERFACE: BITS 8-11 (CARD 12) Status Lines 00-15 Next Address 00-11 A- Read Lines 00-15 Local Status Bits 00-15 Gate Local Status (Addref'!s Zero) Gate System Status (Address One) Read Next Address Read Data Enable A- Register Outputs c,..., 7 STS07 CD 0 13 ST07T 12 ~ I:\:) CD 0 0 25 NA07 13 AR07T 13 STS06 13 ST06T II A07A 8 A079 25 A07C 17 13 14 ........... I:\:) 00 to 95 B6 12 25 NA06 13 AR06T 15 STS05 II A06A 8 A069 25 A06C 17 13 ST05T NA05 14 13 AROST 13.32 STS04 13 ST04T B4 12 26 NA04 13 AR04T 17 RSOF3 II J30. J31 13 93 26 (A07) (Aa» A05A 8 A059 26 AOSC 23 J30.J31 13 14 91 92 12 13 II 14 GRD (AOS) J30. J31 A04A 8 A049 26 A04C 23 A9 (A04) J30. J31 A10 17 RS1F3 24 RNAF3 18 RARF3 A 1 2 3 4 5 B ROIB ROIA 145 ROIB ROIA FIGURE 3.19. C TOIA T3lB 148 TOIA T31B D ROIB ROIA 148 ROIB ROIA E TOIA T3lB 148 TOIA T3lB Local Status Bits 00-15 STSlO-STSl5 Status Lines 00-15 STOO-ST15 Next Address 00-11 NAOO.-NAlI A-Read Lines 00-15 AROO-AlU5 Gate Local Status (Address Zero) R9JF1-RSOF4 Gate System Status (Address One) RSlFhRSlF4 CARD TYPE: AV Read Next Address CARD TITLE: Balance Line Interface RNA Read Data Enable CARD DRAWING NO.: 38874900 RARF4 LOGIC DRAWING NO.: 38952600, Sheet 14 L..-A_0_0_-_Al_5_ _-,-_A_-_R_e..=gt_"s_te_r_Ol_tp..;;.....ut_s_ _ _ _ _ _....J A-REGISTER INTERFACE: BITS 4-7 (CARD 14) 17 STS03 15 ST03T 12 27 NA03 15 AR03T 15.23 STS02 15 ST02T " A03A 8 A038 27 A03C 17 13 14 A7 A8 12 27 NA02 15 AR02T 17 STSOI 15 STOlT II A02A 8 A028 27 A02C 23 14 NAOI AROIT CA21 J30. J31 AS 12 15 J30. J31 13 AS 28 CA31 " AOIA 8 A018 28 AOIC 17 13 14 A3 A4 12 " 13 14 CAll J30. J31 AOOA 8 AOO8 28 FNCTO 7 AI A2 A 1 2 3 4 5 B ROIB ROIA 145 ROIB ROlA C TOIA T31B 148 TOlA T31B D ROIB ROIA 148 ROlB ROIA E TOIA T31B 148 TOIA T3lB CARD TYPE: AV CARD TITLE: Balance Line Interface CARD DRAWING NO.: 38874900 LOGIC DRAWING NO.: 38952600. Sheet 16 STSOO-STSI5 STOO-STI5 NAOO-NA11 AROO-ARI5 RSO Fl- RSl F4 RSI Fl-RSI F4 RNA RARF3 AOO-AI5 FNCTO FIGURE 3.20. A-REGISTER INTERFACE: BITS 0-3 (CARD 16) IAOI J30. J31 Local Status Bits 00-15 status Lines 00-15 Next Address 00-11 A-Read Lines 00-15 Gate Local Status (Address Zero) Gate System status (Address One) Read NeAt Address Read Data Enable A-Register Outputs Function at Station Address Zero 3.9 FUNCTION CONTROL LOGIC (CARD 17) READ STATION ADDRESS "0" The function control logic is implemented by the circuit card in position 17 (see When the address is "0," D2B provides a true output to enable the input gate to Figure 3.21). inverter A2. If the command is a Read command, Read Execute (REX) is true, and Inverters and drivers incidental to function control are located on other cards and described in other sections. The "L" prefix used in this description the input to A2 is true and the output of A2 is false. The output of A2 provides RSOF1 implies a local control signal (station addresses 0-3), pertaining to devices located through RSOF4 outputs (these are used in the false state to gate local status informa- within the DCT module package, and includes the DCT logic and the Sequential Setup tion to the A-read line drivers and transmitters) and provides an input to inverter and Sequential Status commands. D3B. The output of inverter D3B provides a true input for the input gate to D3A. The functional descriptions are divided into sections based on the function being described. These sections are not mutually exclusive, but descriptions are carried only as far as required to describe adequately each function. The delay input to the D3A gate provides a time delay which is fixed to provide a true Local Read Ready (LRRY1) output for 1. 0 microsecond after the leading edge of the Time-to-Execute pulse (REX is timed by TEX). This timing insures sufficient time for transmission of information, and the Ready signal drops at the end of this timed 3.9.1 Local Station False (LST AF) delay and remains false until REX goes false. This output, when false, indicates that the station address being used is addressing READ STATION ADDRESS "1" a local station. When a station is addressed (STA true) and when the address is less than 04 (CSBO, CSCO, and CSDO all true), the input to inverter E 1B is true and the The sequence for address "1" is the same as described above for address "0," except E1B output is false. for the inverters used. The outputs RS1F1 through RS1F4 are false as described for LSTAF is used in the false state to control station addresses 02 and 03. If the device address is not a station (STA false) or if the address is larger RSOF1 through RSOF4. The RS1Fl through RS1F4 outputs are used in the false state than 04 (one or more of the CSBO, CSCO, or CSDO inputs are false), the input to to gate System Status (status of devices connected to the DCT) to the transmitters. inverter E1B is false and the output is true. The status word bit assignments for station addresses "0" and "1" are listed below. LSTAF in the true state indicates that a loc.al station is not being addressed. a. Input at Station Address "0" (DCT Status). A-Register Bit 3.9.2 o Station Addresses "0" and "1" If the LSTAF output is false, the input to inverter E1A is false and the output of E1A is true, which enables the input gates to inverters C2A and D2A. When the address is "0" (CSEO true), the input to D2A is true and the output of D2A is false. If the address is "1" (CSE1 true), the input to C2A is true and the output of C2A is false. When the address is either "0" or "1," a false input is provided for the input gates of inverters C3A, C3B, and D3A. These inverters provide read or write control outputs for stations within the DCT module; read is controlled by the Read Execute (REX), and write is controlled by the Write Execute (WEX), as described below. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Function (and source if not DCT) Ready Protect Fault Interrupt End-of-Sequence Interrupt (1574) External Sync Interrupt Line Sync Clock Interrupt (1573) 1574 Present in System 1573 Present in System Protected (PR.OTECT switch in position 2 or 3) End of Sequence (1574) External Sync Enabled to Sync Line 2 b. Input at Station Address "1" is used to read the system status lines EXTERNAL SYNC CONTROL, EXTERNAL SYNC, AND PROTECT on the DCB. FAULT INTERRUPT CONTROL WRITE STATION ADDRESS "0" The functions performed with station address "0" include control of four flip-flops used for External Sync Enable (B4) , External Sync Interrupt Enable (C4), External When the station address is "0," the false output of inverter D2A starts at the local Sync Interrupt (D4), and the Protect Fault Interrupt. Various control signals and read or write cycles (outputs LRRY, LRHR, and LWHR become true), and the LWRY A-register bits are used for these control functions, as described below. For these output gate and the A5B inverter input gate are enabled. The output of A5A is functions, the station address must be "0" and WEX must come true as described normally true; therefore, LWRY goes true at this time. When the Write Execute above. (WEX) input goes true, the input to A5B is true and the output of A5B is false. The that the FNCTO (Function at Station Address "0") output is true. A5B false output provides the FNTF1 through FNTF3 outputs (used in the False state the flip-flops are enabled by the FNCTO signal. The following descriptions assume that these conditions have been met and Input gates to all to indicate a Function (Write) for devices within the DCT) and provides a false input to inverter A4. The true output of A4 enables the input gates to the sync and Inter- Master Clear rupt flip-flops, provides an input to the A5A gate, and provides the FNCTO (Function at station 0 address) output. The time delay input to the A5A gate provides a 1. 5- The Master Clear Input (MCLF1, used in the False state to indicate a Master Clear) microsecond delay and causes the A5A inverter to remain true for 1. 5 microseconds when false, provides a false input to inverter E5B. The output of E5B goes true and after WEX comes true. clears (resets) all four flip-flops. This delay allows time for the function to be executed. When the 1.5-microsecond delay time elapses, the LWRYoutput goes false and remains false until WEX goes false. The functions at station address "0" are as Sync Enable Flip-Flop listed in the table below. a. Set Output at Station Address "0" (DCT Functions) When FNCTO is true and the A11B input is true (A-register bit 11), flip-flop B4 is A-Register Bit o 2 3 4 5 6 7 set. Clear DCT Reset Protect Fault Interrupt Reset End-of-Sequence Interrupt Reset External Sync Interrupt Disable End-of-Sequence Interrupt Enable End-of-Sequence Interrupt Disable External Sync Interrupt Enable External Sync Interrupt The set side of B4, when in the True state, enables the input gate to line driver A and provides a true output for status bit 09 (STS09). indicates that the External Sync is connected to SYN2. STS09, when true, When the EXTSN (External Sync Input) goes true, all inputs to the AND gate at the input to the SYN2 line driver are true (C5A output is normally true), and the SYN2 output goes true. After 300 nanoseconds the output of C5A goes false, and the SYN2 output goes false. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Disable External Sync from Sync 2 Line Enable External Sync to Sync 2 Line Disable 1573 Output from Sync I Line Enable 1573 Output to Sync 1 Line Disable 1573 Interrupt Enable 1573 Interrupt b. Reset When FNCTO is true and the AIOB input is true (A-register bit 10) or MCLFI is false as described above, flip-flop B4 resets and remains reset until set again with a FNCTO command. When set, the C4 flip-flop provides a true set output which enables the input gate to following paragraph. The set output provides a true output for the protect fault the C5B line driver. This line driver provides an output to the interrupt lines and can status bit which is STSOI. be OR'ed with one or more other interrupt outputs. With the input gate enabled, the b. Reset input to C5B goes true whenever an External Sync Interrupt occurs (flip-flop D4 set) and remains true until D4 and/or C4 is reset by a FNCTO command as described above. When FNCTO is true and the AOIC input is true (A-register bit 01), or MCLFI is false as described above, flip-flop E4 resets and remains set until it is set by PFNS External Sync Interrupt Flip-Flop as described above. a. Set During the set state of E4, the reset output provides a false output to inverter When the EXTSN (External Sync Input) input goes true, flip-flop D4 is set (C5A E5A. output is normally true), and a true input is provided for the input gate to inverter with one or more other NTOI inverter outputs. C5A. as long as E4 is set. C5A acts as a leading edge detector to provide a sync pulse for a period of 300 nanoseconds. E5A provides a true output connected to interrupt line 01 and may be OR'ed The input to E5A remains true At the end of the 300-nanosecond period, the input to C5A goes true and the C5A output goes false. C5A thus produces a 300-nanosecond, positive- going pulse at the leading edge of the EXTSN pulse. When true, the set side of the Provision is made to OR another input to E5A via pin 39. When false, the input on pin 39 also provides a true output on NTOIT as long as it remains false. As D4 flip-flop provides a true input to the line driver C5B. If the input gate of C5B is pin 39 is not currently connected to any input, it can be disregarded but should not enabled (enable flip-flop C4 is set), the input to C5B goes true and remains true be tied to ground. until D4 and/or C4 is reset. WRITE STATION ADDRESS "1" b. Reset When the station address is "1," both inputs to the gate at C2A are true, the input to When FNCTO is true and the A03C input comes true (A-register bit 03) or when the C2A is true, and the C2A output is false. This false output provides an input for the MCLFI input goes false as described above, the External Sync Interrupt flip-flop D4 local Read and Write controls as described above; it also provides false input to C2B. resets and remains reset until the next EXTSN pulse occurs. The output of C2B is true, providing the LST41 output. Protect Fault Interrupt Flip-Flop This command is used to acknowledge an interrupt from the 1573 Line Synchronized Timing Generator. The A-register is not used for this operation. a. Set No response is sent if the 1573 is not present. A Reply is sent if the 1573 is present When a protect fault interrupt occurs (in other words, the PFNS input is true), and has sent an interrupt, and the interrupt is reset. A Reject is sent if the 1573 is flip-flop E4 sets. present but has not sent an interrupt. Flip-flop E4 remains set until it is reset as described in the 21 CSEI 20 STA -::J 21 CSSO t\:) (0 21 CSCO 21 CSDO 21 CSEO 20 12 c...:> (0 LSTAF 39 FNTFI 23 FNTF3 32 WEX LWRY 19 AIlS FNCTO 0 0 0 """() REX 20 7 STS09 10 Al0S 18 PFNS 16 AOIC LRHRF 23,39 12 LWHRF 23, 32, 39 16 LRRYF 23, 38 1UI 3300pf +6V 14 A07C 14 A06C 9,39 SYN2T' tI I Ir-- +6V 2 R3 2401l R4 30011. ~;~ RI 1.2 K 16 1I A03C MCLFI R5 ~+6V NOTE: * NOTE: "* 300Jl ~-6V F:\CTU STSOO-STSl5 NTOI-NT15 SYK~ B C D 148 148 D24 D24 D24 D24 148 D34 F24 F24 D24 F24 A NOTE' INVERTERS WITH FOUR OUTPUT DIODES TIED TOGETHER. INVERTERS WITH FOUR OUTPUT DIODES TIED TOGETHER. E 024 DCKT F24 D24 CARD TYPE: BN CARD TITLE: Functitm Control CARD DRAWING NO.: 3~905500 LOGIC DRAW1NG NO.: 38952600, Sheet 17 EXS!'lF REX LRIIR L\\llR LRRY EXTSN LSTAI RSOFl-RSOF4 RSI Fl-RSI F4 JUMPER - Function at Station Address Zero Loc;ll Status Bits Oll-15 Interrupt Lines UI-15 S)llC Source KO. 2 External Sync Interrupt l False) Head Execute Loca Read Here Local Write lIere Local Head Ready External Sync Input Local Station Address NO. I Gate Local Status (Address Zero) Gate System Status (Address One) FIGURE 3.21. FUNCTION CONTROL LOGIC (CARD 17) f-i'~ Ti=, I ~ QI 7 I1 OUT !~ -6V-= ** BOARD IS SUPPLIED WITH JUMPERS BETWEEN INPUT a OUTPUT TERMINALS OF DISCRETE CIRCUIT E I JUMPER TO BE REPLACED BY SIGNAL CONDITIONING CIRCUIT ASDE TERMINED BY E~GR CSEO-CSE3 STA CSBO-CSll3 CSCO-CSC3 CSDO-CSD3 V·/EX AlOB-AOiC PFNS MCLFI LSTAF LWRY FNTFl, FNTF2 Decoded Address Bits 0, I Station Addres3 Decoded Address Bits 6, .. Decoded Address Bits 4, 5 Decoded Address Bits 2, 3 Write Execute A-Register Bits Protect Fault lnterrupt Status !llaster Clear Input Local Station (False) Local Write Ready Function False I, 2 3.10.1 RESPONSE CONTROL LOGIC (CARD 18) 3.10 The response control logic (Card 18), with the function control logic, maintains Basic Response Timing When a device is addressed, a response [Read Here (RHR) or Write Here (WHR)] is control of the responses sent to the computer. These responses include data inputs transmitted to the neT. The addressed device transmits a Read Ready (RRY) or and the Reply, Reject, Character Input, and the Interrupt signal used by the nCT Write Ready (WRY) if ready to perform the specified operation. Upon receipts of a module. Table 3.2 lists the responses in order of precedence. Read or Write command from the computer, the nCT examines the RHR, WHR, RR Y, The condition with the highest precedence determines the response; all other conditions are ignored. and WRY lines. If the device is both Here and Ready, a Read Execute (REX) or Write Execute (\VEX) is transmitted to the device. The device acknowledges the Execute TABLE 3.2. RESPONSE PRIORITIES signal by dropping the Ready line, and a Reply (RPy) is transmitted to the computer. PRECEDENCE CONDITION RESPONSE This description assumes the nCT is connected, no protect fault exist, and a Reject is not generated by the device. See Figure 3.22 for basic response timing. 1 Not connected and not a Connect command None 2a Unprotected command and PROTECT switch in position 2 Reject 2b Unprotected command and PROTECT switch in position 3 Reply and Interrupt 3a Addressed device Here and Ready: Q-REGISTER LINE 7 0.1 !,sec __ __ ~J\!AXIMUM \ --l I L ___ _ ADDRf:SS LINES Generate REX or WEX and wait 2 ",sec from leading edge of Read or Write, then: If Ready drops in time and RJT is false Reply If Ready drops in time and RJT is true Reject If Ready does not drop in time None 3b Addressed device Here but not Ready Reject 3c Addressed device not Here None 4 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit not in system: Sequential Setup or Sequential Status command __ -1 READ READY (RRY) OR WRITE READY (WRY) Reject Any No-Address command Reject Station Address 00 and Write (set DCT functions) Reply 5b Station Address 00 and Read (present DCT status) Reply I~L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J I READ EXECUTE (REX) OR WRITE EXECUTE (WEX) 1. 0 !,sec l\!AXn!t;~! I : ": /\1-..:.. 1- - - pi . 0.45 !,sec ;\!AXI~!ml / ~I------ ~,---I NOTES: A REJECT IS SENT INSTEAD OF A REPLY IF RJT IS TRUE WHEN READY DROPS. 5d If 1573 not in system None If 1573 interrupt sent Reply NO RESPONSE IS SENT IF THE ADDRESSED DEVICE IS NOT HERE. If 1573 interrupt not sent Reject NO RESPONSE IS SENT IF READY DOES NOT DROP IN TIJ\!E (WITHIN 4.0 fLSEC OF READ OR WRITE). Station Address Oland Read (present system status) Reply A REJECT IS SENT INSTEAD OF AN EXECUTE IF THE ADDRESSED DEVICE IS HERE AND NOT READY. ADDRESS BEING INCREMENTED FOR SEQUENTIAL OPERATION (NO-ADDRESS Co:.l;\IA~'D ONL'tl. 1-1347B NOTE: Cases 4 and 5 are special cases of 3. FIGURE 3.22. ..j j! / '\ REPLY Station Address 01 and Write (1573 Line Synchronized Timing Generator): I I \ _______..J1; READ OR WRITE Random Address command in mode 2 or 3 I I None 5a 5c 7 READ HERE (RHR) OR WRITE HERE (WHR) RESPONSE TIMING DIAGRAM - I . ~ 3.10.2 of BIB is true, and if a Read or Write input is true, the connected flip-flop is set. Command Formats When true, the set output of E1 provides an enable input to the CIA inverter gate and provides the connect CONNECT (C~NT) output. This output is used on Card 15 to enable the Character Input transmitter gate. The reset output of E1 provides a false signal for The format for Connect commands is shown below. A Connect command is defined one input to the E2 inverter. as any command whose W-field is "0" and whose E-field matches the equipment number of the nCT. When any command is executed, a flip-flop in the nCT is set which allows Continue commands to be recognized. b. Reset This "connected" flip-flop is reset by any command addressed to another equipment or by a Master Clear. It is If the Connect (CNCT) input is false and the Q15F input (Not Continue) is true, or if the Connect Reset not reset by a clear function. (C~NR) input is true, the Connected flip-flop is reset and remains reset until set as described above. W="O" E StaHon Address J CONTINUE The general format for Continue commands is shown below. A Continue command is defined as any commandwith a "I" in bit 15 when the connected flip-flop is set. CONNECT COMMAND FORMAT The mode field is used by the 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit and 1571 Chaining Buffer Channel and must be "0" or "I" if the 1574 is not present in the system. Connect Flip-Flop a. Set Channel Address When the Connect (CNCT) input is true, the output of inverter B1A is false to inhibit resetting the connected flip-flop (E1). The input to inverter BIB is false, the output CONTINUE COMMAND FORMAT J 3.10.3 Inverter B3 acts as an inverted AND gate for the output of E5B (false at this time) Normal Response Sequence and the output of CIA, which goes false at the end of the 250-nanosecond delay. During this sequence it is assumed that the DCT is connected, the device is Here and When both of these inputs are false, the output of B3 comes true, providing a true Ready, and no protect faults occur. state TEX (Time-to-Execute pulse), which is transmitted to the device. When the Read or Write pulse goes true, the output of the Read or Write receivers goes true, providing one true input to inverter E5B. A true input is also provided to enable the input gates to inverter E4B (Device Since the Device-Not-Ready reset output enabled the WEXT and REXT gates, and the Response). Read Here or Write Here inputs provided a true input to these gates, the Write The Read Ready or Write Ready signals provide another true input to the E4B gate, and the output of E4B goes false and remains false until the Read or Write Ready line is dropped. Execute (WEXT) or Read Execute (REXT) ouput comes true at the leading edge of the Time-to-Execute pulse, and TEX, WEXT or REXT remain true until the ready line is dropped by the device. E5B provides a false input to the TEX inverter (B3). The output of the E5B inverter also provides a false input to E4A (Read or Write) and the output of E4A comes true The response control logic of the DCT now waits forthe addressed device to drop the to start the 500-nanosecond Read or Write pulse delay and to start the 3.4-micro- Read Ready (RRYF comes true) or the Write Ready (WRYF comes true) line. second Internal Reject Delay at the input to the E4B inverter. Inverter D2A provides the ready line drops, the input to the Device Response inverter (E4B) goes false and the 500-nanosecond Read or Write delay. The Read or Write pulse is delayed 500 When the output of E4B becomes true, providing a true input to set the Reply (E3) flip-flop. nanoseconds after the leading edge of the Read or Write command pulse; then the The delay at the input of the set gate provides a 50-nanosecond delay which acts as a output of D2A goes false, the output of D2B goes true and provides the input to start noise filter for the Reply flip-flop. the Read or Write pulse at the input to E2, and the time-to-execute delay at the input true and the Reject flip-flop has not been set, a 450-nanosecond delay at the input to to inverter CIA. the Reply transmitter (D4 and C4) is started to allow the Reply flip-flop to settle. When the set output of the Reply flip-flop comes After the 200-nanosecond delay time has elapsed, the input to the Reply transmitter When the E2 inverter output comes true, the reset input gates to the Device-Not- comes true and the reply is transmitted to the computer. Ready flip-flop (D3) are enabled. Since the device is both Here and Ready, all inputs to either the Read gate or the Write gate are true and the Device-Not-Ready (D3) After the computer receives the reply, the Read or Write command line is dropped, flip-flop is reset. causing the output of E5B to go true dropping TEX and WEXT or REXT, and resetting the Reply flip-flop. The Read or Write pulse output of E2 remains true for 60 nanoseconds, as determined by the delay, and drops false after the delay time has elapsed. E5B also provides a true input to E4A, the false output of E4A provides an input to D2A. The true output of D2A sets the Device-Not-Ready (D3) flip-flop, which dis- When the output of D2B goes true, the input to CIA is delayed for 250 nanoseconds, ables the REXT and WEXT output gates. as determined by the delay, and the output of CIA remains true during the 250-nano- provides a true input to D2B, and the output of D2B goes false. second delay time to inhibit the Time-to-Execute (TEX) inverter B3. the Ready state for the next command. The D2A output is coming true and also The DCT is now in I 3.10.4 DEVICE PROTECTED WHEN AN UNPROTECTED COMMAND OCCURS Device Protect Sequence The unprotect false (UNPF) line of the decoded data channel is used to inhibit the normal use of the DCT PROTECT switch. PROTECT Switch in Position 2 When this input is false (0 volts), the addressed station accepts all commands with the proper station address. With the PROTECT switch in position 2, the input to inverter CIB (the Program Protect bit of the command PR02) is false, and the output of CIB is true, disabling If the device has a Program Protect switch, the switch controls the protect re- the DIB inverter (Disables Execute) and enabling the input gate to the reject trans- sponses. If the device has no switch and accepts unprotected commands, the UNPF mitter. line is false when the device is addressed. (TEX) . During this response cycle, the Ready lines from the device, and the state This allows a Reject to be transmitted directly during Time-to-Execute of the Device Ready inverter (E4B) are ignored, the Device-Not-Ready flip-flop (D3) If the UNPF line is true when a station is addressed, the station is protected against is not reset, and the response cycle proceeds normally, except for these alterations: protect faults by the PROTECT switch in the DCT. the Reply and Reject flip-flops are not set and the Reject signal is transmitted during The UNPF line, when false, provides the response control logic inputs (UNP2 and UNP3). Both these inputs are TEX time. true when the UNPF line is false. DCT cycles out, resetting the response logic to the Ready state for the next command. If the UNP2 and UNP3 inputs are true and the device addressed is a station, the AND gate inputs to inverters CIB and E5A are both true. PROTECT Switch in Position 3 The outputs of these inverters provide false inputs for the Execute Enable inverter (DlB). Since the DDT input is normally false, the output of DIB is true. The computer responds by dropping the Read or Write command and the The result of this is that the With the PROTECT switch in position 3, the response cycle proceeds as described above except that the output of inverter E5A provides a true signal to enable the set PROTECT switch on the DCT (providing inputs PR02 and PR03) is ignored, and the input of the Reply flip-flop and to enable the Protect Fault Interrupt (PFNS) output Enable Execute is true regardless of the state of the Program Protect bit during gate. the present command. Protect Fault Interrupt output comes true and is transmitted to the computer. When the Read or Write pulse comes true, the Reply flip-flop is set, and the The Reject flip-flop (C3) is not set during this cycle, so the input gate to the Reply transWhen the UNPF input is in the true state, the addressed device is protected by the mitter is enabled. PROTECT switch of the DCT. nanosecond delay time has elapsed, a Reply is sent to the computer. The computer If the UNPF line is true, UNP2 and UNP3 are false, and the AND gate inputs to inverters CIB and E5A are disabled. In this condition When the Reply flip-flop set output comes true and after the 200- responds by dropping the Read or Write command, and the DCT cycles out to the the response depends upon the setting of the DCT PROTECT switch as described Ready state for the next command. below, with normal responses occurring unless there is a protect fault. described above. Figure 3.24 shows the timing of both sequences A TIME DELAYS , RIlY OR WRY 1 13 0 'I r- C E F I I I --1 'I WRlT~E iI II II I --- -lI\.f-- 'I I (' I ___ ,I-L- 'I 1 1 D2A INYEnTER. _ _ _ _ _-+,_-I~ I ,II --+-I~v 1 D2B INYERTER _ _ _ _ 1 (E2) 1 1 ~ I' iii DVR (E4B) 1 1 I 1 I I 1 " 1 , ,.L.. 1- - - -V I I II 1- - - ~ 1 1 1 I , " ------+:--I.~ FLIP-FLOP (D3.:..,) ~;~)AND :1 l: i -1--1-4-~-I--~r (REXTI...l.I.0BIIo..,I;I,W"""""-IEXT",-1 II -+--+'-+-'__4-_ _I,...J)1 RPY FLIP-FLO... P ____ REPLY __ I; I; :- ---H,- - - it- ~I- - - 1"'L-- -.l-.---Ij'--L.-~---+--"I:L..----J j 1 -- - n- TIME DELAY DESCRIPTIONS A 500 'Is B 60 'Is n A DELAYS , on IlHY WHY IN(;OHED HEAD on H I , 1 I ]"-1- - - l - - \ - - - - - - - -l-II I - - - - - - 71------ ,- ----l---L----------II I 1 , - - - - - - - - - - - ~ C ---, WIUn: OVH HiNOHED 1 I' ---~I- ~t-- I -l- - -r -- - --- 1I --1-1-- - - - - - - -'-,-,- - -,- - -' - - - - - - - -1l- ~I 02A I :--...J1 : ::: : : : : :: : :: : : : :::D OR WHlT_E_D_E_L_A_YE_D_ _ _ _ ~ , 1 ---41-0---1-1--11-+1------1: ___ J-L1 1 1 , I I READ OR WRIT.w..E. l,;":PJlo:..;\lL,, ,"SEl<.,_ DNR TI~IE I I ::::::~~~I~,---I~~~~I__~ INPUT COJIIMAND ) READ OR _ _ _- J If (; -r:~ II - - - - - - - - - - - ~ READ/WHITE _ _ _- - - - J 1 I DNR FLIP-FLOP -----------~----'--, 1 I ---I - - - - - - - - - - - ++1 , ---:-----.:.h--+-:---Ir -+-1 TEX n : : : 'FF PROTECT SWlTCH IN POSITION 3 I , ( ) I : :: : : : : : : : : : : ~ ~ I 1--1 ___________ ~r- REPLY PROTECT SWITCH IN POSITION 2 -- -- -- ":':'; :RE~JEC':" T~II--1-: ! +-:-----J I rl - - - - - - I I - - - - I't-~ . I ALLOWS CONNECT FLIP-FLOP TO SETTLE. TIME DELAY DESCRIPTIONS LEADING EDGE DETECTOR PULSE USED AS STROBE. A 500 'Is ALLOWS CONNECT FLIP-FLOP TO SETTLE. C 250 'Is COMBINED WITH TIME DELAY B, ALLOWS 250 'Is FOR DNR FLIP-FLOP TO SETTLE. D 0-2 fLsec WAITING FOR RESPONSE. B 60 'Is E 50 'Is NOISE FILTER FOR REPLY. C 250 'Is COMBINED WITH TIME DELAY B, ALLOWS 250 'Is FOR DNR FLIP-FLOP TO SETTLE. F 200 'Is ALLOWS RPY FLIP-FLOP TO SETTLE. D 0-2 fLsec WAITING FOR RESPONSE. G INDETERMINATE COMPUTER RESPONSE TIME TO DROP READ OR WRITE. E 50 'Is NOISE FILTER FOR REPLY. REPLY (F) DELAY DISCHARGE. F 200 'Is ALLOWS RPY FLIP-FLOP TO SETTLE. G INDETERMINATE COMPUTER RESPONSE TIME TO DROP READ OR WRITE. H ::20 'Is REPLY (F) DELAY DISCHARGE. H :: 20 'Is 1-1331A . LEADING EDGE DETECTOR PULSE USED AS STROBE. 1-1328 FIGURE 3.23. NORMAL RESPONSE CYCLE FIGURE 3.24. DEVICE PROTECT CYCLE 3.10.5 Internal Reject Sequence RRY OR WRY output goes false as described in the normal response sequence, and the timing B II I 1 1 1 I ~ -------1 If the addressed device responds as Here and Ready, the Device Ready inverter (E4B) sequence proceeds as in the normal sequence. .\ TIME DEL.\YS C ----, ~ DVR come true. :: READ/WRITE DELAYED -----------~ N- +I-~( I - -- - - - -- -- - D3A INVERTER _ _ _ _ _ _ The DCT is then waiting for the device to drop the ready line to acknowledge execuIf the device never drops the ready line during the 2-micro- -HI . .__----' .. READ/WRITE PU=L_S;.;;E_ _ _ _ _l-' - I second interval specified, the Device Ready inverter (E4B) remains inhibited by the 3.4-microsecond delay. The output of E4B never comes true, the Reply flip-flop is - - - -' - --.~, -----------fi : ~: D2A INVERTER I I I -+-:--I~ DNR FLiP-FLO.,:..P_ _ _ _ never set, and the computer does not receive a response. TEX AND 1 1 -----------~I,I--- I : (REXT~OR;.;. \.;.;.V; :.:EX.:. :T.J. .)---+I--+I-+I----J'r - - - - - - - - - ~ -+I_...I......I---T"l I the computer drops the Read or Write command. The Response logic then cycles out to the Ready state, as described in the normal response sequence. shows the timing of this internal reject sequence described above. " 1 I--L-----------, - - - - - - - - : - ,----:-","T'"I 1-1329A 1 ---1-1 -- --- - - - -- -I-r- REPLY ates an Internal Reject signal for use by the program for recognition of the fault, and -.vr' I 1 __________ REPLY FLlP-F...;;L;.;;;O.;..P_ _ _ _ Mter the time delay set for Internal Reject within the computer, the computer gener- 'I ~O HESI'()~SE -----------n- II / the Device-Not-Ready flip-flop is reset, and the REX and WEXT or REXT outputs tion of the command. WITII ___--J·Irt-I--+-,1+-11--+ READ OR WRITE A Read or Write pulse is generated, I COMP('TEH THIES O!'T NOTE: FOR TIME DELAY DESCRIPTIONS, SEE FIGURE 3.24. Figure 3.25 FIGURE 3.25. INTERNAL REJECT CYCLE 3.10.6 Device Rejects Execution Command Sequence IUlYIJIl WHY Stations can inhibit execution of commands by the Reject False (RJTF) input. When the RJTF input is false (indicating of execution), the output of the Reject inverter (D lA) is true, enabling the set input gate to the Reject flip-flop (C3). A TIME DELAYS I 1 I "C---, ::::.:.:~ HEAD OH WnITE DVH signal comes true, the Reject false input goes true in the device and is transmitted to the DCT. The output of DIA, now true, is AND'ed with the output of E4B (Device I---i 1 1 I I I 1 VI I 1 I I I I yl I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I \ 1- -- I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I ~I I I I 1 READ OR WRITE DELA YED n READ OR WRITE PULSE 1 I i NOTE: I I I .\ I I ---.:II I---~ 1 I I 1 I 1 I I- 1 1" r 1-1327A I 11 I---{ I 1 1 REJ Figure 3.26 shows the timing during the device reject sequence described above. 1 1 1 ___ Y mitter, to allow the Reject flip-flop to settle. \ 1 1 1 -- -I I I and the set output starts a 200-nanosecond delay/reject at the input of the trans- REPLY ~---L--_ I 1 1 II . ---------tt---f-RJT FLlP-FLO~ - - - - - - 1 T - - - T - -' the Read or Write command as described in the normal sequence description. I I 1 ~I D3A INVERTER REJECT I I I 1 1 I Reject signal is transmitted to the computer, and the computer responds by dropping 1 I ~ TEX AND (REXT OR WEXn When the delay time has elapsed, the I 1 I DNR FLIP-FLOP The Reject flip-flop reset output (now false) inhibits the Reply transmitter input gate, I I G 1 1 I I Response) and the reset output of the Device-Not-Ready flip-flop (D3), setting the Reject flip-flop. I A D2A INVERTER The first portions ofthe timing cycle are normal, but when the TEX (time-to-execute) D R 1 -- II II 1,1 1 1 \ I I I 1 I I I I II I I, I I FOR TIME DELAY DESCRIPTIONS, SEE FIGURE 3.2·1. FIGURE 3.26. DEVICE REJECT CYCLE 1,1 I1 II 3.10.7 Device Here But Not Ready Seguence If the addressed device is Here But Not Ready, the RRYF input (Read Ready false) remains true and the output of inverters D5A (Write Ready) or D5B (Read Ready) remains false causing the Device Ready inverter (E4B) output to remain true. The Read or Write pulse is generated as in the normal sequence, and the Time-toExecute (TEX) output comes true, but the WEXT or REXT gates are not enabled (since the Device-Not-Ready flip-flop was not reset), and the WEXT or REXT outputs remain false. With the Device-Not-Ready flip-flop still set and the Device Here inverter, Read Here (C5A) or Write Here (C5B) output true, the Reject flip-flop set input gate is enabled, and the flip-flop is set when TEX comes true. The Reply is inhibited by the 'reset side of the Reject flip-flop (now false), and the set side starts the delay at the input to the reject transmitter. After the delay time, the Reject signal is trans- mitted and the computer responds by dropping the Read of Write command. 1 A I BI I r i C , 1 HIli OIl WIlY ------) II IlE.-\O OIl WIUTE 1 I I Dva I 1I I 1I D2A INVERTER I ,I READ OR WRITE DELAYED I I I D3A INVERTER I I Ij I I 1 I I READ/WIUTE PULSE I 11 I I I I 1 DNR FLIP-FLOP I 11 I 1 1 1 1 TEX (ONLY) ( 1 11 IlEPLY I II 1 I 11 REJ Y I 1 I I REJECT TIME DELAYS The response logic cycles out to the Ready state as described in the normal sequence. Figure 3.27 shows the timing of the device here and not ready sequence described above. 1-1330A Figure 3.28 is a logic diagram of Card 18. I II NOTE: I F G I" I 1I ------~ I I -------rtI I I 1_______ J-t- :-------~ I I I I-------+tI 11 I-------+t- :-_n-UhI--------W- 1-------""lL r-------\L FOR TIllIE DELAY DESCRIPTIONS, SEE FIGURE 3.2,1. FIGURE 3.27. DEVICE HERE BUT NOT READY CYCLE I I I'.EX-'- 20 REXT 20 03 04 +6V A 1 2 3 4 5 T31B ROIA ROIA B D24 TOIA 148 ROIB ROIB C D24 D24 F34 T31B D24 D D34 024 F24 TOIA D24 E F24 148 F24 D34 D24 NOTE: RESISTOR R 23 IS TO BE SELECTED FOR A DELAY OF 3.3usTO 3.:Jus. RHRF WHRF RARFl-RARF4 CONT RDT CARD TYPE: BB CARD TITLE: Response Control CARD DRAWING NO.: 38896800 LOGIC DRAWING NO.: 38952600, Sheet 18 TEX WEX PFNS RPYT, RPYF REPLY .---().-~------+-----~Z9 P FNS 17 1--~-----~24 RPYT 23 9 1---------~21 RPY F 23 J30. J31 "-----~ Read Here (False) Write Here (False Read Data Enable Connect Signal Reject Data Transfer EDT (NAD + RAL) Time-to-Execute Pulse Write Execute Protect Fault Interrupt Status Reply True, False FIGURE 3.28. RESPONSE CONTROL LOGIC (CARD 18) SRSFI. SRSF2 REX CNCT QO-Q15 COlm UNP2, UNP3 PRO.2, PROJ DDT ...,RYF RRYF Simulate Response Signals Read Execute Connect Q-Register Inputs Reset Vnprotected PROTECT S-.itcb in Positions 2, 3 Disable Data Transfer EDT (NAD + RALI Write Ready (False) Read Ready (False) ADDRESS CONTROL LOGIC (CARD 19) 3.11 output of the Q14 receiver provides a false input to the other gate of C4A. With both input gates having false signals, the output of C4A (CHLT) is true. The address control logic is implemented by the printed circuit card in position 19 (see Figure 3.29) and provides decoding for QOO, Q04 through Q06, and Q12 through Q15. These inputs from the Q-register of the computer are combined in various 3.11.4 Write Ready {WRY F) ways described below to form the control signals to determine the addressing modes. The Write Ready False (WRYF) output is normally true. A Local Write Ready signal No-Address (NAD) 3.11.1 (LWRY going true or LWRYF going false) creates a Write Ready condition causing WRYF to go false. It is necessary for Write Ready to drop (WRYF going true) to When Q04, Q05, and Q06 are all true and Q15 is false, the input to inverter C4B is cause a response. This is inhibited if the output of inverter D4B is true. The output true. The output of C4B, when false, disables the input gates to C4A, and the STAT of D4B is true for any Read Only command, as determined by the inputs to E3A, NAD output gate. The output of C4A is inverted by D5A to provide a true NAD output and to ena~.le the input gate to E3A. The NAD output, when true, specifies a No-Address data transfer command used for direct 3.11.2 I/o (No-Address) AND'ed with QO (Inhibit Execute) and Random Address Read only (Q15 set and Q12, Q13, and Q14 reset). with no address. Station Address (STAT) 3.11.5 The Station Address true (STAT) output is true if the NAD output is false and Q15 is This output is connected with the output of another inverter at the input of logic cards false. in positions 22 (Address Decoder) and 25 (1574 Sequential Addressing Unit). The two This output indicates that the device being addressed is a station and is true only during Function and Connect or Status and Connect commands. The STAT out- inputs to these cards (Q15 and Q07) are AND'ed to form the final input signal. put is transmitted on the DCB and is also used to enable the inhibit gate for the protect fault reject logic on Card 18. When Q15 is false, the Q07 input to the cards is inhibited from the decoding logic. Since a station address consists only of bits QOO through Q06, the Q07 bit is only 3.11.3 Channel Address (CHL T) inhibited during those commands associated with station addresses. When the address is a channel, the Q07 bit is used in the address decoding. The Channel Address True (CHLT) output indicates that a channel is being addressed and is true for direct I/O commands and all random -addressing commands. 3.11. 6 The output of inverter C4B provides a false input to both gates of inverter C4A when- For this output Q15 is inverted and is provided as·an output to the response control ever the direct I/O commands are used. logic (Card 18). This makes the CHLT output true during these commands. Q15F in the True state enables the reset input gate to the Connect flip-flop. allowing the Connect flip-flop to be reset. Q15F in the False state inhibits the .reset gate of the Connect flip-flop, and thus specifies a Continue command, as When Q15 is true, the output of inverter E4 is false, providing a false input to one of Q15F is false only during those commands when Q15 is true (Random Addressing and the gates to C4A. If Q14 is false, which it is during Random Address commands, the Sequential Addressing). 3.11. 7 Read Execute (REXT) and Write Execute (WEXT) 3.11.10 Sequential Address Setup or Status (SASS) The Read Execute (REXT) and Write Execute (WEXT) outputs are used for all data This control signal is used when a sequential address module is being addressed. It transfers, unless inhibited, and are false only during direct I/O commands with QOO is used by the 1574 as well as by other sequential addressing modules external to the false or during Random Address Read Only commands. DCT package (e.g., 1797/1571). In all other cases either REXT or WEXT is true for a time specified by the response control logic. They will come true at the leading edge of the Time-to-Execute (TEX) pulse, unless When both Q14 and Q15 are true, the inputs to E2B and E4 inverters are true, and inhibited by a Read Only command. the outputs provide false inputs to inverter E3B. output (SASS) is true. The conditions creating a false output for these signals are described above in the With both these inputs false, the When Q15 is true and Q14 is false (during Random Address mode commands), the SASS output is false. WRYF descriptions. 3.11. 8 QOOA and QOOB 3.11.11 The QOO outputs are true whenever the Q-register bit 00 is true. They are used to SAl\I1T and SAM2T These two signals are used for control of special sequential addressing modules other inhibit execution of commands in the No-Address mode as described above and also to than the 1574 (1797/1571). provide outputs used by the Address Decoder and the 1574 Sequential Addressing Unit. the Sequential Setup and Sequential Status formats, which are defined as commands When the Address Decoder is installed, QOO is combined with Q01 to form the CSEO- inverters E2B and E4 (both false at this time) provide inputs to inverter E3B, which Commands controlling these modules are programmed in having both Q14 and Q15 set ("l's"). When both Q14 and Q15 are true, the outputs of CSE3 addressing outputs. When the 1574 is installed, QOO is used as the set input to acts as an inverted AND gate for False State signals and provides a true output (SASS). the least significant bit of the address registers. The Sequential Address or Setup (SASS) output enables the output gates for SAl\I1T and SAM2T. If Q12 is true, the SAM1T output is true, and if Q13 is true, the SAM2T 3.11.9 Simulate Response output is true. The Simulate Response signals (SRSF1 and SRSF2) are normally true, enabling the normal responses described above. and REXT outputs are inhibited. 3.11.12 Random Address and Lockup (RAL) However, for any Read Only command, WEXT Therefore, the addressed device does not respond During the Random Address and Lockup commands, which are rejected if the 1574 by dropping its· Ready signal (RRY or WRY going false). The input gate to D4B (Read Sequential Addressing Unit is not installed, a data transfer is executed at the speci- Only and TEX) causes SRSFI and SRSF2 to go false when the Time-to-Execute (TEX) fied address and the next address is set equal to the address specified by the pulse occurs. current command. The SRSF1 and SRSF2 outputs go to Card 18 to cause the AR lines to be gated to the A-read line transmitters and to provide inputs to simulate the RRYF output to go true (Read Ready dropping). . ~ During the Random Address and Increment commands, also rejected if the 1574 is not installed, a data transfer is executed at the specified channel address and the This group of control signals is used for all sequential addressing modules. next address is set to one greater than the address specified by the current command. The RAL signal is gated by the Address Decoder logic (Card 18) to cause a Reject 3.11. 13 ADD 1A and ADD 1B Data Transfer (RDT) and a Disable Data Transfer (DDT) if the Address Decoder is These outputs are used to increment the Address register of the 1574 during the RAL installed in addition to the 1574. commands described above. ADD1A is true during Random Address commands when Q12 is true and increments the Next Address register during RAL commands The RAL output is decoded from Q13, Q14, and Q15. When Q13 is true, Q14 is (Random Address and Increment). false, and Q15 is true, all three inputs to the RAL gate are true, and the RAL signal is available for gating on other logic cards. If anyone or more of the inputs is false, ADD1B and Q01 are AND'ed at the input to the 1574 (Card 27) and increment the Next the RAL output is disabled. Address register when Q01 is true during a No Address command. C..:l CO SAMIT 20 QI2 C5 C6 ADDIA 28 QI3 C7 C8 RAL QI4 C9 CIO 0 ~ I:\:) CO 0 0 SAM2T .......... I:\:) 00 0:1 Q07A 7 QI5 01 02 22. 23 20 22.25 23 QOOA 22.28 QOOB 28 18 REXT 20 WEXT 20 SRSFI 18 20 QO AI A2 SRSF2 ADDRESS CABLES J32.{33 Q4 Q5 OS NAD A9 AIO BI B2 133 B4 Q04A 22.26 Q04B 26 Q05A 22. 26 QOSB 26 Q06A 22. 25 Q06B 25 LWRYF 17 LWRY 18 TEX ADDIB 28 WRYF 18 RI4 II 23 18 22.23 * 42 * INVERTERS WITH FOUR OUTPUT DIODES TIED TOGETH£R ~+6V ~-6V SAMlT AnOIA 1 2 3 4 5 A ROlA ROlA ROlA ROlA ROlA B ROlA ROlA ROlA ROlB ROlB C ROlB ROlB ROlB D24 145 D ROIB ROlB ROlB D2-l 024 E D2-l D2-l 1-18 CARD TYPE: BH CARD TITLE: Address Control CARD DRAWING NO.: 38896900 LOGIC DRAWING NO.: 38952600. Sheet 19 FIGURE 3.29. QO-QI5 RAL SAM2T QOOA-QI5B SASS Sequential Address Module 1 Add "1" to 1574 Register (Q12 • Q14 • Q15) Q- Register Inputs Random Address and Lockup Sequential Address Module 2 Condition Q-register Bits Sequential Address and Setup ADDRESS CONTROL LOGIC (CARD 19) STA CHL NAD AnDIB LWRY SRSFl. 2 WRYF Station Address Channel Address No Address Add "1" to 1574 Register (No Address· QOl) Last Address Write Ready Simulate Response Signals. Write Ready (False) 3.12 LONG-LINE DRIVERS (CARDS 20 AND 21) Bus. Figures 3.30 and 3.31 are logic diagrams of the Long-Line Drivers (Cards 20 and 21). The line drivers provide sufficient amplification for The line drivers provided on the printed circuit cards in card positions 20 and 21 driving 40 normal loads. provide noninverting amplification of the signals connected to the Data and Control load on each line. An isolation diode must be provided for each GJ 22.Jl3I)/~7~f)/G z 2 7 I' Z l.2.J 1"3' LS ~ I'~~T 37 E 40 PR¢ Z Z2,23 L 39 OIL l 2?L4 C.'i4PT~CShO " I:) Z +6V r-- -- ~ CHL.T 36 AN113~hNh3 R3 240A 1/4W. Z 2 R6 • SAMI ~ 30 K 32 SAMI 1.J23 lZ.I l4 C"'Z~C5A2 ~1.2K r Ilaw CR3: ':)- _6 ______ [;{~.J 2 IN2 SCHEMATIC FOR DISCRETE CIRCUIT I'J SAMlT~ EJ ~ 0 31 SAM2 ~Z3 ZZ.J 24 cr''''~CSA3 Z ~0 A B I 2 3 ""J(T A CKTB CKTC 4 enD 5 CKT£ ""K1F 6 C FIGURE 3.30. D E CKTG itKHI CKTH CKTP CKT J CKTK ~KTQ KTl ~KTR c~n~ CARD TYPE: BM CARD TITLE: Long Line Drivers CARD DRAWING NO.: 38897100 LOGIC DRAWING NO.: 38952600, Sheet 20 LONG-LINE DRIVERS (CARD 20) REX WEX SYNI PRO CHL STA SAMI-SAM2 DIG ANAI-ANA3 CSAO-CSA3 Read Execute Write Execute Sync Source NO. 1 Protected Command Channel Address Station Address Sequential Addressing Module 1. 2 Digital Input or Output (Address OXX) Analog NO.1. 2. 3 Decoded Address Bits 8, 9 · ~ [S8~~CS/5.s 2 ZZ,Z7 r----~---------------------~------~ llJB CSE~CS£O 2. RI 2./17 R3 Z40n 1/4W. R4 300.n. 1/4W 1.2K 119W OUT 40 LOGIC LOADS '2, /7 SCHEMATIC FOR DISCRETE CIRCUIT ~ - -- -a- ~~----------~~~ ~ I--_-__-_--_-~> +0 V A 8 C DIE I cn~ 2 3 4 ',..:nc ~ C~~ CtT 1-1 KT" !::TD CKT K)C(f Q 5 "nE ""KT licn ~ 6 CKT F CKTMi CK"T C"-T J' CARD TY PE: BM CARD TITLE: Long Line Drivers CARD DRAWING NO.: 38897100 LOGIC DRAWING NO.: 38952600, Sheet 21 FIGURE 3.31. LONG-LINE DRIVERS (CARD 21) CSBO-CSB3 CSCO-CSC3 CSDO-CSD3 CSEO-CSE3 Decoded Decoded Decoded Decoded Address Address Address Address Bits Bits Bits Bits 6, 4, 2, 0, 7 5 3 1 3.13.2 ADDRESS DECODER (CARD 22) 3.13 Enable Data Transfer The Address De.coder (Card 22) provides inverters and gates for partially The EDT (Enable Data Transfer) is a pin which is grounded by each card of the decoding the Q-register inputs; these inputs have, in some cases, terms AND'ed 1574, thus providing a false signal input to the Address Decoder when the 1574 for additional control features and are not the actual A-Register contents. is also installed. Each set of four inverters decodes two input bits in straight binary fashion as shown 3.13.3 in Table 3. 3. TABLE 3.3. TYPICAL TRUTH TABLES Random Access Lockup The RAL input is the Random Access Lockup signal used for the 1574 and is not used in the Address Decoder. EDT, NAD, and HAL inputs. TRUE TRUE QOIA QOOA OUTPUT COMBINATION QllA QIOA 0 0 CSEOT QOIA QOOA 0 0 0 1 CSEIT QOIA QOOA 0 1 0 CSE2T QOIA QOOA 1 1 1 CSE3T QOIA QOOA 1 1 OUTPUT The B2A inverter acts as a NOR gate for the COMBINATION If RAL or NAD come true or if the EDT input is held at ground by any of the DIGT QllA QIOA 1 ANA IT QllA QIOA 1574 cards installed, the DDT (Disable Data Transfer) and the RDT (Reject Data 0 ANA2T QllA QIOA Transfer) outputs of the card are true, thus disabling and rejecting any transfer ANA3T QllA QIOA of data. ·This interlocking system provides protection for misplacement of hardware and programming errors. Two additional inverters and several input and output pins are used to provide interlocking controls for the Address Decoder (see Figure 3.32). 3.13.1 No Address 3.13.4 End of Sequence The E¢)S output pin is grounded by the Address Decoder to provide a continuously false E~S output when the Address Decoder is installed. This output and DDT and The NAn input (No Address is decoded from the Q-register bits to indicate a direct RDT outputs disable the 1574 if the Address Decoder is installed. I/O command with no address associated with the command. bilateral protection for both the Address Decoder and the 1574. This provides DIGT 20 CSCOT 21 ANA2T 20 CSC2T 21 ~ to 0 -.;J ~ to 0 0 " ~ 00 IJ:f Q11A 15 Q10A 7 ANA1T 20 7 ANA3T 20 40 QOSA 19 CSC1T 21 CSC3T 21 Q04A 19 CSDOT 21 CSAOT 20 CSA2T 20 Q09A 7 CSD2T 21 Q03A 13 CSD1T 21 CSA1T 20 CSA3T 20 Q08A 7 Q02A 11 CSD3T 21 21 ~------------~ CSBOT 21 CSEOT 21 CS82T 21 CSE2T 21 Q01A 9 CSE1T 21 CS81T 21 CS83T 21 QOOA 19 CSE3T 21 8t------~ DDT 18 RDT 18 NOTE: THIS CARD IS REMOVED WHEN THE SEQUENTIAL ADDRESSING OPTION IS ADDED TO THE 1750. QOOA-Q15B EDT A 1 2 3 4 5 B D34 D34 D34 C D D34 D34 D34 D34 D34 E 034 D34 D34 D34 D34 CARD TYPE: BE CARD TITLE: Address Decoder CARD DRAWING NO.: 38882200 LOGIC DRAWING NO.: 38925600. Sheet 22 NAD RAL DIGT ANAIT ANA2T ANA3T CSAOT-CSA3T Condition Q-Regtster Bits Enable Data Transfer (Grounded by Cards 23-28) No-Address Random Address and Lockup Digital Input or Output (Address OXX) Analog 1 (Address 4XX) (True) Analog 2 (Address 8XX) (True) Analog 3 (Address CXX) (True) Decoded Address Bits 8. 9 (True) FIGURE 3.32. ADDRESS DECODER (CARD 22) CSBOT-CSB3T DDT RDT CSCOT-CSC3T CSDOT-CSD3T CSEOT-CSE3T EOS Deexided Address Bits 6. 7 (True) Disable Data Transfer EDT (NAD+RAL) Reject Data Transfer EDT (NAD+RAL) Decoded Address Bits 4. 5 (True) Decoded Address Bits 2. 3 (True) Decoded Address Bits O. 1 (True) End of Sequence (Grounded by this card) Section Four MAINTENANCE 4.1 GENERAL Corrective maintenance procedures, parts removal, and parts replacement can be found in Control Data publication NO. 84785000. This section provides only fundamental preventive maintenance instructions and procedures. Since the DCT is located in a cabinet that includes other modules, some maintenance procedures include the other modules as well as the DCT. 4.2 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES P~eventive maintenance includes two basic pro.cedures: a. Inspect modular cabinet MG air filters and clean as necessary every two to three weeks. b. Check output of MG power supply at least once a month. The MG power supply contains a variac with which the output voltage can be varied to compensate for additional module loading. Whenever modules are added or deleted, check output voltage and adjust the variac for 208 volts output. 4.3 TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES There are no normal troubleshooting procedures besides chasing" 1 'sIt and "0 's. " The response control Card 18 (Figure 3.28) contains the response delay for the Reply signal. Resistor R23 is selected to adjust for a nominal response delay of from 3. 3 to 3. 5 microseconds. 39072900/28B 4.1 4.4 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE INDEX TIME EST. MINS. LEVEL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEM 5 Monthly 1.1 Clean Air Filter 5 Monthly 1.2 Check Cooling 2 Monthly 1.3 Check Power Supplies Bi-Monthly 2.1 Voltage Margins 40 "This PM! is the recommended frequency of performing preventive maintenance on this equipment. Scheduling of this preventive maintenance is a site responsibility. Scheduling may I include variations in the recommended frequency due to individual site conditions (e. g., usage, environment, time, etc.)." CLEAN AIR FILTER CHECK/Conditions Action 1. 60 Hz power off. 2. Snap plate at front bottom of cabinet removed 1. Vacuum both sides of filter element thoroughly. a. If filters are very dirty, wash them in a mild detergent-water solution. b. 4.2 Place filters vertically while drying to avoid damage. 39072900/D CHECK COOLING Action CHECK/ Condition 1. 60 Hz power off. CHECK: Is the red light on at the bottom of the cabinet? Yes No - - - - - - - - 1... 1. 2. Check operation of vane switch. Check for presence of 60 Hz or 400 Hz on either side of lamp. 400 Hz on one side turns on the lamp, while 60 Hz at the other side keeps it off. 2. 60 Hz power turned on. CHECK: Does air circulate upwards through entire cabinet? Yes No -------....,1> 1. Verify blower is operating. 2. Check for any unnatural obstructions. 3. Verify there is a proper allowance for air to move under cabinet, through -filters and up. Next Item CHECK POWER SUPPLIES CHECK/ Condition 1. Action Verify power supplies are creating +6 VDC and -6 VDC. 39072900/D 4.3 CHECK: Is the proper voltage present? Yes No --------I.~ 1 1. Check fuse. 2. Check 400 Hz supplied to power supply. 3. Check for 'any wiring shorts. 2. Verify termination power (±20 VDC) is supplied to the module. RUN VOLTAGE MARGINS Action CHECK/ Condition 1., Insure system is configured for running of appropriate diagnostic for equipment on 1750. (Interrupts equipment number, proper inputs or outputs for diagnostic used, . '.. ) 2. Optional testing could be performed to verify operation of master clear button, equipment number switch and protect switch depending on whether customer desires to use these features as variables. 3. Run the diagnostic and shock test the 1750 module* CHECK: Are there any errors? No + Yes --------.~ 1. Isolate and/or replace shock sensitive card or component. 4. Re-run the diagnostic at ±10% power supply margins. CHECK: Are there any errors: No + Yes - - - - - - - -•• 1. Isolate· and/or replace marginal card or component. End of PMP *Equipment that has not been shock tested regularly, should be approached with caution as large scale failures are possible in older modules. 4.4 39072900/D .Section Five DIAGRAMS AND PARTS LI ST 5.1 GENERAL Included in this section are board layout diagrams for· all cards in the nCT (see Figures 5. 1 through 5. 9). These diagrams illustrate the positions of the components on each board. I Following each diagram is a parts list for that board. Table 5.10 is a module assembly parts list. 39072900/C 5.1 \ 11824400 TOIA 11824500 T31B 11823400 11824400 11824500 148 TOIA T31B 11827000 11826900 11823400 11827000 11826900 ROIB ROIA 148 ROIB ROIA 11824400 11824500 11823400 11824400 11824500 TOIA T31B 148 TOIA T31B 11827000 11826900 11823300 11827000 11826900 ROIB ROIA 145 ROIB ROIA Cl o ~ o ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f) 00000000000000000000000 r, ~ o ~ r1 1-1117 FIGURE 5.1 5.2 BALANCED LINE INTERFACE (AV) CARD, BOARD LAYOUT 39072900/ C :;IOlB]~ ~-' ..~, -'\"":iti'~·,/·~'''- .:{D]~: B' '.' . : . . ~ '". ,. ~:', ~-------~- .. ,Jl Y PRODUCT , B/lL/lA/CEO LJ/y,£ /~T£RF/JCL- ,>~~ >",,~ -~ *'.':-' ' -,"~,."!.~;~! ,"" " 'IS@ ~ I~!"·~cj~l:.\v ,4) V C ".l t-: T R 0 l_ :; " S T EMS D,VISION .., I REV B IL277 ,.&/No#e whS 'rB C 11455 sc~ DD E D .D 124,5 8 B E QUANTITY REQUIRED - PART NO IDENTIFICATION 00 I :188272 ()() / _- 2 11827()()C} 4- APPD ~;SL LQ11) .29st'rzI7,/IPPELJ ~Nl' Ala //8/Z k~ c,~.," -Ub! C,(), AIIJ/ DOC F/N~ WAS P/tJ 115Z3'lOO} ~TY 3j DELETED F/~ 7j FlUB WAS P1~3Rt)O(O{)')(11~5~ SE~ ~ !A UNIT OF MEAS ~OMENC~A1uRE SPECI FICA TIONS. NOTES QR DESCRIFTIOJ',; OR MATERIAL PW 8(J,,9,f'£) . ~Ne . Ph'.RTY 3 //B24-4-CJO 4~ l/a26?OO 2 OF DESCRIPTION RcLE--h:> ....a.: ~-' /; FIND / SHE E r- ECO -- - C 388749!/u' E REVISIONS " ,t; PL I~OO REV:510N STATUS OF SHEETS / ~E" P~lr'Tl 4- f'~,1( T) /i'ECC/j',:: ,t' ROIB I /I, I L-INE /~ W..JAlITTE~ 'p19;f r) J.IN£ S 118G4rO(J 46 1184B5()D 4 -- .. A'£CFIYER J.INE T R/),V.5".,1 Tn,,,, I/Vve',,' TGJ/17 I ROI/? 1 I T3/8 .-.~ ~. r~8M 7 8 C/ll-.· 7i1~· T I f.'£' ~ ~ '( ,?45D5229 1 3 :9 38~J6/tJ~ A'.e-J ~ I CO;~ESt I & L O!J"IC 8 : ~ /./:,." - ,. .-. I~ " -- ..., . -.. -. .. tJjI,i I~-~j \~I , . / .1 t cPD" --- --"-- V//:,/ c.J. /?hJ/~, 4·' , tz...-.-' C'~Tr J r_, ( . l /olc c /- !; Ie; I ['·ATE ; ' . ..co· .IIJ!',J; TITLE .~~,:~ P/f/NTEP t!#~;9NCEP L/#tt!' QUANTITY REQUIRED 00 REV. /5~CJ PL 3887~9()O SHEET UNIT OF MEAS 2- NOMENCLATURE OR DESCRIPTION LJ OF SPECIFICATIONS, NOTES OR MATERIAL I /0 II ~U-'j'()33 B -artJz I I~ /I1ITFIfF,9Ct!? PRODUCT ~V CONTROL SYSTEMS DIVISION FIND PART NO. IDENTIFICATION WIR/IV~ ,?.5 $Y 'fjj /3 38BI7Z00 I 14 847/7S()O Z KG5. CbMP I.~K~W S% ,r/ rH~V ~8 TEST ./~CK HEADE£, fJ.:'IAI r..C:.J) )/v!:[I/V6 BIJ EJrE 7; (J/V/Jl I-I-P; A L ¢/, j)/A )( ~4 L6 -. CSD ~Qt 11826600 11823400 11826600 F24 148 F24 ~ 11823600 D34 o--§e ~ ~ 11823500 D24 ~ 11823600 11823500 11826600 11824400 11823500 D34 D24 F24 TOIA D24 - i ---------ot I ill I I : -r' I.' ----+!-\-+--t---rl-+---+-+----+--t----+--t-------~----+-· r .. ~··-------l ~-l- +-.: I I I i I I ". ~-~ -.------~--r_-T--T-~--~~r_~--+__+--+_~--~--------~--------~~------------~ I I I I I I r--r------~r_-r--+__+--+_~--~---~_r--+__+--+_~--------------------~----------------L.-----'------------'~~ _ _'__---'-_ __'__----I.._ _'___ _L_____.L.__ _"'_____'__ _'______I._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ L_ _ _ ._... _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ 11823600 11823600 11823600 11823600 11823600 D34 D34 D34 D34 D34 11823600 11823600 11823600 11823600 11823600 D34 D34 D34 D34 11823600 11823600 D34 D34 D34 11823600 D34 Cl o~~OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO \) ~ 0 00000000000000000000000 r, ~ v ~ r1 v 1-2529 FIGURE 5.3. 5.6 ADDRESS DECODER (BE) CARD, BOARD LAYOUT 39072900/C TITLE P,R/A! TEJ:) W//?ING- /955 y- ~PRI?£SS CONTROL SYSTEMS DIVISION -/50 ;oECOPER B£ .-- ~ II JJ G / 3883~ooo I Z 52301300 13 3 ?45D5229 ~ I c.-~- / APPD ReV} se.p FE ,e_c__, o __,___________.____ c; .~~... _.-!.::#.C!:". ~ ARREJ) F/AID Alo.. " ~ c 1//304 -{) I/N6"'; "'''PEl) )="/AI .1. .1.Uit rf9 PER CO OF MEAS 00 SHEE-;- DESCRI PTIO!'1 ECO 1 <--0_ U..--, N_ _r - - -E.....,O! t U_:~ D--r_~----r-_-r----r---t UN I T PART IDENTIFICATION J8(g82Zt}tJ £ REVISiONS REV NO PL (J I -- REVISION STATUS OF SHEETS FIND PRODUCT 1M SPECIFICATIONS. NOTES NOMENCLATURE OR DESCR!PTION OR MATERIA.L C4P. 7AAJT I.odf 35V la~ C / AN£) c. 2- Z9S6.J1J 5'3 13 /i'ES. et/MP t:c,( }tw s~ /(1 rH~/) If' / ~ S-I~ 514800 IEEF"T--1-+---+--+-----+--+----+-+---+---+---+---+--L.-_c:;-(c--;. .t7,-/.-'/?-~~.~-~-~--+ M...:......:..-~--=--....;;..~---:.......=.--I 4- c-· I 7 J89SJS-o~ / 8 388/ ~O(~· / J.lELlOEI?, PR/,(JTELJ Ik:Wl: SO IU I I I, LJ o0 @ @ @ @ MASTER CLEAR m 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -00 00 00 00 53 II II 81 II II 12(COM) 1 0. 3 2 8 4 o0 " f 5 L 10 . @ 6 82 FIGURE 5.4. 7 EQUlPIIlEI\1' NUMBER I PROTECT @*OFF 0- - REJECT 9 • 8 (COM) - I I PROTECT AND EQUIPMENT SELECT (BG) CARD, PANEL ASSEMBLY INTERRl"PT -r TABLE 5.4. PARTS LIST PROTECT AND EQUIPMENT SELECT (BG) PANEL ASSEMBLY PART NO. QTY. 24523001 1 Switch, Push, SPST (S3) 38923002 1 Swi tch, Rotary (S2) 38851400 1 Switch, Hexadecimal (S1) 24500050 1 Resistor, Composite, 3000, 1/4w, 5% (R11) 39072900/C DESCRIPTION 5.9 ~8888888888888888888888888 000 0 .~~ 0 0 ~~~ ~~~~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 r----------, I ~ I ICR2A f::::\ II ~ lI~ [[§J I~ L ~ "'-- o ~ 2A I I I 1 ~~ 1 _____ -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 00000000000000000000000 )0 ""' r, r-- 8 I : rr~ 11 1-3503BO FIGURE 5.5. 5.10 PROTECT AND EQUIPMENT SELECT (BG) CARD, BOARD LAYOUT 39072900/C _~-- ,P,tf/A/TEP W/h7/~& /95.5Y?/?OTECT.& EqU/?M'E/lIT i COl'ITROL SYSTEMS DIVISION - - PRODUCT TITLE / 0 :0 / /~ 7/ K£'VISEP P£"~ D V/5J7 E 'f/j F /Z4h3 AOD£D FINONO. 17 At/D 18 245 / D 4 -~ 8 DD~ r:-I N LJ N!l. Jb WfJS <7- ,L/"vL)~. /3 h/,q) c4'-55/3{l') /lLJOFL} F/NO/VO. /,,~ RNt)NO.IS" L1TY Whl_C:; 2 ~ CV -~-~~ '~~r /1ai_v //-/9 !! V'i I t~ ~/ 2·13·~ til. iJ/ rf41 (!:.~, I .:-.~ -;;)_//~~ /.~ ~). ';~.-. II#! /( (.- DDe. FltJ4 WAS P/~ 11&23500 F/~~ WAS fYfU-\l82.3400 FOJ 5 NJ6 P/k)3&'OI~ FIOIO Wt6 QTY It ADDEDF/kJ I~ (ECe2557). ~ UNIT OF MEAS SPECI FICATIONS. NOTES NOMENCLATURE OR DESCRIPTION PVY OR MATERIAL BO~/f'P 1?A71 TY LINE RECIEVE~ ROl8 P;9,f'T)t LINE ;f1£'CJeVER /i'O/~ POU9LE /A/VEJI? T2!:R £)2-~;i1 rEST - ._.- r/ACK ... I?8A1 //yYERrE/r7 7 2517. -eO() 3 CRJ)C/?/A.I CRZA 0/00£ 8 24505229 3 CAF: TAAlT /-O..ut.J5V 10% C/ )S I c~p. T~ '& BY ,i CO /I 5 J89f8~OZ ~ 6 //848500 / I I -- APPD ""'~ 2 118c7C)(){) 7 3 1/82.9tJO 7 4- IJ 4!J~O 3 COPIES TO -- 2- OF RELEASEP l388(' 'ac:::; / ~ /7706 I DESCRIPTION ECO !/135,2 SEE CO H OU RE-. ~, SHEET C b PART ~ REVISIONS /1 8 IDENTI FICATION _- - PL38882400 . , .s~LECT REV NO - - .. /ffOO REVISION STATUS OF SHEETS FIND - - Ii I ~ J .. . - ;~ DATE '3 ~/'-' /20u-r /tJY ~ CHKD 1..I.J1] I'./-66 I . DATE "#R~ C 3 c~ APPD. f~K" .'" I OPE ~. i/.",. ,-' ...... 'I 1 IiT~T~YA"';W~-7P'-W;;/#C;-'AS5Y~ .... --. PR\/'}.r~.~_c;JO ~'*I'ii*iih~:~'l "P,-f'OTL"Cr &- Eq(///'A1'EA/T J"ELECr I.. i ." . j .. ·:·.. ·I; ..., I :"-l\; 00 _'. '. -. _, "E _,""- C ,-- .-, --"- _ - v ' · --'000 £- ~U(/ --~. !~. t ' J-£-+-£--J--4--~-+--+-_+__I__+__+_-+---£____t1/-2c_;..3_A_/)_{)_£_D_f-_~_I_c',2._I_I__3.__ # F E I-------f-+---I--+---+--+---+-~f___+__+___f . . Pl3B89b900~L - PRODUCT STATUS OF SHEETS C - .. ------....---.-------- 8# DIVISION ~EVI31c)N ------·-f -... - -.- - 'F DDC • _ _ _ .. _. ___ ._. .... .. APPD .•••• , _ ••• _. _ _ . ' _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ F,"')4 WA~ 118'23L'1CX1 ~~1Y I... IDETE.D F/hl'S) F/tJro FI kJ 7 WAc:, F'I ~ 35:.>0 I DcX' (t::LJ2 =- ~) NOME:.r,I,· .. ~Tu~.E J=' j!!11 ~ '. ~JE.5 .. "~ il!li! V .ft" WAC; r/lJ 1182.350");' /h iP; "Tr:~'~' P/lRT)t· L.INE RECI:--; ~~ ';'- E ~IF:(:ATIONC: ~"'" ,...OTES () R M A , E R I A L RO/~ -----4 I'~A'T)' LI4IE ~~Cr/VE~' INI/E~7ER ~" .. ' ~ . /fo/B I4BM -, Iltil]~llal!lIJ!"! ~ TITLE -~ PA"/#TEP W/R/AlG- AS$y'/?PPA'£S S CONTROL. /500 REV. PL 38896'300 pAl CONTROL SYSTEMS DIVISION PART FIND NO. IDENTI FICA TION PRODUCT SHEET QUANTITY REQUIRED OtJ UNIT OF MEAS 2- NOMENCLATURE OR DESCRIPTION £ OF SPECIFICATIONS. NOTES OR MATERIAL I 10 /1 38958 72- I /2 385/72DD I 13 847/7500 Z CSD 291 TESr c/,.fCK... H£AD£R P~/NTED W/f?INI ~ BD. f -- f. - I J.lIIE RECG/VGR - C'/;r?_ TA~/'-~.C!- .> ..sEE co c //~6:t SeE co NO .- RE-..-,S,'JNS STATUS OF SHEETS , "'!O - . 388.9 7000 . PL at./' L S'r S T EMS DIVISION ~EVI;'')N / - .--- TITLE co'" T R 0 ~ ------_ .. -- v /0; ~ W SJG c/ ,1='/ rfflPtI K IS 14~11';i::,~1 ... T#A't/ C3 -" !~,>t.<~:' I -.~ ~ - TITLE 'pA'/AlTEP PI9/.sy Cl¥~/J./ 10 ~11. Y - PRODUCT IAI/ERr~CE / Yt/O 8'/ CONTROL SYSTEMS DIVISION FIND PART NO. IDENTI FICATION W/~/Alcr ;9.$,$ Q DO '0 ~:)~ .NTITY REQUIRED R X)\()(X) F/~ 12 WA~ 35c:::Je£)7(x) l='/N I \ WAS 245Co3033 DDC t. 1/f)W I2.ES) (EC~ & e.701) I &I2EDl2AWN AT • J" I2E.V\:'1 Otv J OK:.I 61 ~AL AP~) DATE h It'l lil' fi;L. j. NOTES: K RECORD DESCRIPTION ECO Rt:V ~o897100 ~ REVISION NO. DOCUMENT ~....-z.. - VELLUM LOST. I ......... " I DETACHED LISTS j J~1]:.- I: {lI~lfiltil ~~~a*!~~~-. L~ Jolla, Calif. 92037 QUANTITY PART fiND DOCUMENT CO[)E IDENT ANALOG - DlelTAL SYSTEMS DIVISION NO IDENT! FICA TlON REQUIRED 09132 SHEET PL 2- UNIT OF MEAS PW NOTES, OR MATERIAL ~12D ~ 2 Z4'=lX048 Iu, l2ES COMP 2.40.n.1/4W 570 2.3A-~312. 3 E45CXD50 ltD ICES CDMP 300.n. I/~W 570 4 245D522.~ CAPTAtJT 5 39~9Q) EE= LOGIC. DlAlS 7 3&951Y5D2 , TE!:>T :rACk::. B z.45tP 2.JCO ICD T12A ~S\SIDE (2fJ30\4 ') '9 3~34da: ICo T12AtVS\~lDlZ Co 4 r..u~ ~5V Cl-C.4 Q\A-Q..l12. Q2A-QZe (1(\)914) C121A.- CIGZM C(2.\,\J- C£3 e l2'A- e2E.) ~~-I2U>R:.- DIODE I I l.450CXYcS 3(0 12ES COMP 1.2k: !~ CAP CE£ I/~W Sf>t(l 'DroPf IOOV 10,"0 CIA-C\lc 13 3BBI7ZCO I HEA.DE:.E. PWB 14 B4717500 2 f2.l \JET 6..~I.1 101'0 124A-l2.cq~ (ZI\J32.52) 10 BI758CO "5u, B499li>,29 ICD K SPECIFICATIONS. DESCRIPTION I I REV. 38597/00 NOMENCLATURE OR NO U~'V l-4 D AWM III (p D'A )( \/d Lb_ ~088888888G888888888888888 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 'DiSCRETE CIRCUIT-';;:"--' 0 0 000 r--------j I ~ I~ IR2A1 I I '~9 ~ QIA I I I I I ~ IR6AI Q I I~QI I _______ ~ .IR5AI -1I ~ L Cl + ~ o~~OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO( ~ 00000000000.000000000000 ~ r, 0 ~ ~ r~ 1-3502BN FIGURE 5.9. 5.18 FUNCTION CONTROL (BN) CARD, BOARD LAYOUT 39072900/C ItIm d:TI.~ RM. -- -- ----TITLE WJ~1f.D U)\ R\t\\G : t\jl\\C\\O~1 (\::s~~\6L~- PRODUCT CO'W\\2C)L \500 BN CONTROL SYSTEMS DIVISION PL R ~5905500 L I SHEET OF 2- REVISIONS REVISION STATUS OF SHEETS REV ::1. 12'22 K DDl.. L DESCRIPTION ECO ~,[)RA~ J s"t£ c. 0 J!PD 1uL ~ 1Jw; • wt)s Z 4-5ID4f.D~ *llJJ~5 2..45104-.5~#ID WAS 2.4-51!J457 (EI ~ JiIII! DDC f/kJ 12 WAS 3S'JOIOOO) F/tvltD WAS IIB234(0) F/tv 16 WAS G.TYj{; FlU 19 WAS 1\8Z~500 ~ Ar:::DED F/tJ 2.. 2 • (ECI2. 255 7) FIN g ~l I FIND NO QUANTIT PART IDENTIFICATION 00 tE~UI tED UNIT OF MEAS SPECI FICATIONS. NOTES NOMENCLATURE OR DESCRIPTION \ 2. 3 4 388b18DO I ?w. ~AR..b 388(7200 SL\7\75C>O 2- 7 Z~SOOOb5 \-\E ~ bE:. r<.. \ V. ~.\:> . ~\\lIT) LJ~\ \J. \-\D.) I\L. \/\bD\~ .. )( \ (4 LG, TES1 J"N:.K ~S_JCOM r'12 40.n..;/4WJ 5 ~~ R3A R5.JCO~f.J300JL~(4\\}}S 'c R4J\ ~ RSf.\ ~(S'JCO~?'J\.2\~J 1/4WJ5~ R\l\J R'2..A) RbA . , 389S8S02. I 5 24500048 \ b 2-450C050 2- 3 B 84996718 , ~ &4CfJ"728 \ . L OR MATERIAL COPIES TO I I BY I Cl\~~R./2.70~\()oVJ ~r:f fl C4 Ct\p, JCER. T\ \0 P.f; \D()V, ~~ ~ C5 WD" J'D-'\ '11 CHKD. G ',~, I DATE J IO·"~· 71 APPD. 1 1 DATE l"II](U~{llIl1!"!11 TITLE - F\.J~CT\()"l NO. PART IDENTI FICATION AS;--£t-·~fJL~ 2\ 2e. PL38905~OO L. SHEET UNIT OF MEAS QUANTITY REQUIRED 00 2- OF SPECIFICATIONS. NOTES OR MATERIAL NOMENCLATURE OR DESCRIPTION Ct\P.)c.~ 'l./~~ ~ \00 JJ~D~ ~ C7 ct\~ 'J"'~N.).OOL.\1Al"tJ"5S V,\O~ b Cb 84~g 3902B8CX) PRODUCT C(:)t-,)\·\~aL r6 \ \ \ 24SC>520\ \ \2 2450522.9 3 \3 25\75&)Q \S \4 2.45bZ\OO \ \5 3903~eoo \ \b \ \B ~5JC 3 \7 \\8Z35OC \ \B \\B23600 2 \9 52.30'~OO 4 2.0 ZS\~SOL\3 f\/~ \0 - 5N CONTROL SYSTEMS DIVISION ~IND PQ\ffiE.D Wl K1N(::> CAP.~TAJJ.J I.D~F 35V 'D?C~ \)\ODE:. ~~~~c~~~~ T\- 1')9 c'l7-"ot; )(32- 00 n7-1)111i IPGPT )(~l- 09 07-006 X33- no 07-1)0-; SQo O?- A1 19-n21 X32- A2 fq-,,~~ 'Qo x:n- Al 19-n21 X33- A2 lq-O~? ,Ql )l3~- AJ 09-n42 X32- A4 ;'Q-n4; SQI lt33- A3 09-n4? X33- A4 I\Q-1)41 ,QIn X3j)- Cl 07-"07 X32- C2 n7-/)08 ,QI0 X3::1- C1 07-n07 X31- C~ 07-00R 'QIl xl?~ C3 15-o4~ X3t'- C4 11;-04j '011 l(J'l_ .C3 1~-1I4? )(33- C4 lCi-n 4 1 ,alt' V~?_ C5 19-n,,4 X3?- C6 1q-01\1 'Ol? )(31_ CS 19-(104 X33- C6 1Q-O") ,013 X'3?- C7 19-,,0C; )(l?- C8 1Q-OOl, ,an )(11- C7 1 9 -1'10; X33- C8 lq-~"ft 'Qu ("l"" r:Q 1 ~-r'1' X~?- r.n lQ-!'Ill ,au Y'n .. r:Q 1Q-r.P X3;l- "0 1 q-1l1 1 ,()IS ,('p .. 01 ot'- 112 lQ-n~q ,0,5 'It)"!!_ I) 1 t Q-1'I1 n Xl-:f- °2 l Q-I'It\Q 'Ot' X1?- AS 11-"4~ X'l?- 1\6 '1-n41 ~a2 '(".11_ A5 Il-n4~ X33- A6 11-'14\ ~Q3 X~?_ ~7 13-n4? )(3?- A~ 1~-n41 ,Q3 x3'3 .. 47 13-04, )(3'3- A8 1~_1'I41 ,04 Oil .. A9 19-ri.'1) X)?- lQ-'l19 l~-rq n AO C;TG~'AL nl)flwT~I[; "/lo.1F 17",. LTC:;T • q~V. 3A9~54t"'1 I\A I)ATr: ~~T ,04 X31. Aq 19-n~0 )(31- AO 1 Q-ll1 '05 X3~- ..q 1Q .. ,,'31 n2- ~2 lq-I'I~? so~ v,,_ HI 19.. fl3\ X'B_ ~i' lQ-03~ '06 x:;p_ ~J ]9-(,43 X32- ~4 ]Q-n44 '06 n~- ;.\3 IQ-(\43 X33- R4 1 Q-044 ,07 0,_ ~c; 07-043 X3?- R6 07 .. 1'144 ,Q7 Xl 1 .. 1.45 1'17-043 X"33- ~6 n7-044 ,QR l(],- ~7 n7 -n26 X32- RS ;'7·1'1,-5 'Q~ )(1'- R7 n7 .. ",,, x '33- I:H4 07-1'12e; SQ9 X:;I,. q9 n7-n]7 X32- ~n o7·/'IiR IQ9 X31- A9 1'1 7 -1'111 x:n- ~n 01-1'I1R sREAD 0,- n3 )~-n'H Xl?- 1)4 IA-1)3~ 'READ OJ- 03 lR-""H X33- n~ i A-r)'3A SREJEC '1(,,,_ nS HI-,,, 5 Xl"· 116 lA-I))6 ~REJEC X'H- nr; lR-nle; X31· 116 IA-I)j" ,RFPLY Y1~_ In 1~-"~4 X3"- 04 lA .. C'3l ,RFPLY )(11_ f)3 1 ~-n34 X31- n4 IP-n31 SSPan) V1 r ,_ 09 v31- nQ X10- nn X3'" I)n SSPA02 )(3-'. q x3)- n X30- X::t;- Eil ~2 TTTLF" 9 ,SPAI).i X":I ~SPA04 - !'3 131- Xl'_ ~c; )(11- I:'C; 'SPAnS l(r- ~ 7 )131- 'SPA06 1(11- FQ llll- ,SPAn7 x,:. 'SPAO~ X~~_ ~1 XVI- 1:'4 l(~1- E'4 X1n_ c:'6 XJ1- 1:'", F..'7 X10- F~ )();- ~~ ~q X10- FO Xl;- En Fl X31- Fl Xln- F2 0;- 1=''' F3 )(31_ FJ X]"_ F4 '(11- F'4 ISPA09 1(1". Fe; X31- Fe; )(30- F6 lC1;- FI, ,SPAID J(~"- F7 01- F7 Xll)- F8 X);- FP 'SPAll X~?- E'1 )(33- n )(32- F.2 )(3J- E~ 5 Jr,~IAL LT<;T /';'1 M F n~AwHIR 171:." , ~r:V. 3RQ'~4no A.A IlAT~ 'SPAI2 )t C::3 X33- El Xl?- r:4 X3'- ~4 'SPAl3 )(,:;:- ~5 X31- r:; Xl~- l(1~- E" 'SPAI4 Y1?- )'33- E7 Xl?- 1:8 l(l~- r:~ ~SPAlS x:p_ 1::9 r:q X3'_ 1:0 X31_ En 'SPAl6 l(1~- F) x33- F1 X1?- F2 x~j- r:, SSPA17 X'p_ F3 )(33- F3 X32- F'4 )(3~- F4 SSPAl8 Xl'- FS X33- Fe; )(32- F'6 X3'- F6 ,Wan )(3'- F7 07-(\46 )(12- FA i1'1-n45 SW-n X31_ F7 07-n46 X33- Fa 07-045 '~RITE X3"- ns 1R-04K; X32- n6 IF1-046 'WRITE X31- 1)5 1~-n4'5 X33- 06 IR-O." SI+ T~"-OO6 09-0]" 51+ leIl- A l85-n06 11- TI"I:\-'I04 n9-n36 $1- lC11_ q l~5-on4 ~ln+ Tq~-n4S l1-tl17 5ln+ 1(;> .. - A T~r;-,,45 SlO- TQc.-n43 II-n1R -un- X?"- R T~C;-!l43 3:;:- n 03- 1::6 TTTtr: . nCT 11-(' 11 'lh T:·',_" I? ~ll· (?1_ A T~~-f\p '11- T;~;:'-fll (I '~-rlq U1- X;>l. ~ T~C;-(\ll) "2. p.t;.tI~l 15-r 17 ~12· X?,?- A T~;-"?J '12- n~r,-(ll Q IS-oIR 'ti12- )(~~- R TQS-nlQ s13. TI~t;-lno 09-"07 5TM'4l LTC;T r."'''4F np4wt~lr, 17<:.'1 A T~5·(I't'I Tr:H'.f'~A I'IQ-/IOR l(?~. 513- H T~S-(l?~ T~c;;·'13q ]1-(107 X?1. x74_ st4- • 3AQ?SAnt) A TI:\5-n'3Q TRC;_O]1 Il-n(\R X74. A T~5-n37 TR!;·n /•R 11-n0 7 A T~5-n4R TI -O?7 15-n,' SB· xp:.- A TQS-n'7 18- TP~-o:?5 15-1"1'8 'B- Y.1~- R TQS-n,S ,9+ TH"--n36 OQ-n17 A TQC\-nnQ ;17 ll-tl?R H TQC:;-tlt\1 ,9. ,9_ A - TQS-n3'" TIoI"-n34 oQ-r'l R ,9_ 1II U_ 4001A LTC:;T , )(14- H 1 o_~ 14 RF'V. AA TR5-n~4 ?8-04R "Fl.S AOO,8 1Q-041 "Q··'44 or;.'; '1".5 ANAl 1-';1., Ill, 2 R -047 ~O-t}?l F)ATC' TTTI_F' "oCr q...,.~ ANAlT ?( - ~3-n'7 "1 ~ ~NA;t 3.·j n-n41 03." '0-(1" i'?_~ ,,~ 10. tJ ANA,T ~)I'\_r 23-n,c; 1 (j ANA1 ;:»n.I)17 "?-'.1 n 'IQ.O ;:»'-018 n3.n 1l3.0 5TG~IAL ~! # M~ 1 ANA1T nQAioot ""G Tt.. n -;.,,-- 1 lP9~~4(\O ~ ~3-Il~Q ''1'3.5 ~ROOF r4-i"t13 AA n"039 'S-I'I?) '''-~~I') RI:V. O?C; "7.5 AR(\OT UC;T , 37"019 1?1l 16-0?8 112.0 AR01F 15 .. n?4 "4-"n~ ,17.5 lRO}T 1 "-1"5 17-047 12.0 )fI-nnI '14.0 ARn2F n4-~n7 15-1'101 U.S 11".5 ARO?T 37-043 16-0::14 '''-''1? n4.0 -RIl3F 114_",119 "6.5 ARtl3T 37_0415 15-014 1C;-"?O 13.0 I6-1'I?7 'l2.1.1 APn4F t-'4-"11 13-1'I?1 APl14T l~-rv} 1"-019 1?C; ol".O 14-0?R TTTL~ r)AT~ t")r:T ...., ' . !, ARn'5F . 4-, 11 1J-n?4 (\~. .R"~T 1 '-~.~t; :V·-n47 1;:t.~ ) 14-0'11 ·14,0 AR""F "'4--,5 36_043 13-0rQ '1",5 14,C; c; TG~!AL lTc;r l1c;.r AROf\T , nPtlwH-:r, :·".\I'~ 3q~?54nO 1 ~-"1'? RF'V. AA 14-0::'4 1'14.') 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'13.5 1)4.~ 1".-0) 5 1"-009 13." 42-,,4' n~.'; 4i?-~?i? 37-01.3 n~-on; '4-~1" "Q-n3Q ns.n 11'.15 4(1-"" n4.~ n2.~ '37-00 9 I'R-nln .,4-'11'\" ~Q-oin 37-011 ll.&; Awnl, ,./.- ~ II', ,,~-n?l 11.1; ,~. ~J AW07 1\~_(\?7 "4-:1i~ n.5 Awn~ '13.5 /\l.C: '1q.n14 3f.·015 !\t:'~" 13.C:; tlA.n~l r4-"?" .,q_n~.; 1"-011 1Q·n" lC:·Ol1 14." 1\1.0 5tr; M 6L UC;T nQAw, ~Ir:; 1\ I\'~~' 17~{\ Awoq 3~Q'C)ltnn "'4-~ ;r? f1~-(\1j) "4_~;H. "4- AWl? AW1?C 4~-"S 1'4.1: 14.C; 0 4 .0 ~q-n~F. -:iq-~;)I~ 35-0]5 ~8_04n /·4_".,10\ ~Q_';', 1\3." 14.c) '14.i) TTTLF' '/~T ~15.013 ~R.O::-Q ~,,., nAT~ AA ~c;-(l"Q (\~-03C; :')3. '5 AWll QF'V. 14.n !)4.t.l AWl0 • n4.C; ~4_nii 1~-015 13.11 ,q_n~" "Ii.~ I)?.c; h::;."'4 "3.~ X~6-0'? 50.b AW13 f·4_ro ll' ng-04~ AW13C ~4-nnq 1?-O17 n3.n 13.5 04.0 ~q-n,Q n4.'; 4".n'6 "1.1i; xo6-014 4?-,,:"7 I5n.& AWl. "4-1'!~? I)R-04f. 1)4.5 Aw14C ~4-ii,~ 3?-019 1'3.C; n4.~ n2.S; 4',,""9 19-';,,, '\i'.~ xnfl-o,'" "-!J-,,?q C;C;.b AWlS n R-n4' "4-"~4 AW1c)C 1,7-' 11 Xn"-nl~ C;C;.b 14·;;11:; 3?-O?C; 13. n "4.J "3.n .. " 4? .. "'~ ~q_",c; .:; "3.:\ AonA r "~.""~ 1 ",-(\(17 ,,~.u AOOF~ If..· ,,,q ;)I~-nnQ 16.0 4014 n~_ ""17 l~-nll :)C:;. () C;YC.J..IAL "t····;:: rlOAWT~Ir, , 7c.,. AOIR ll,_r 3q~~54nn 11 ~B.n(lc; 117.(/ AOtC , f.-~ 14 17·01(, 14./) A02A "A·,l/\q tft-03~ '17.0 A02Ft ?7-0nQ ''''-r'~7 I)A.S A02C 11--11~ ~3-0~3 114.5 A03A 16-03Q "A-"'14 o)f,. !;) A03R 11-·,..41 ?7-0nc; 09.5 A03C 1 1-. {\4i' 17-03R 12.0 A04A r:A-"1Si \4-007 04.5 A04R 1/•• ""q "'''-01'9 '1('.0 A04C ?3-047 14-('101 'lR.S LT5T , REV. hA OAH~ TTl! r.CT J:' AnC;A • ~- H-nll 'lq 14.!) AnCiR '4- ''''-nr~ 11 n7.1l An15C ,3-(\41 14-"14 1)7.5 LTST C;TG~'AL tv -,'-IF rH~A~TMr, 17 (~(I A06A "~_fl;:t~ 3RQ~C;4nn . 14-0~C; 'l5.0 "n~R '1...~17 25-01'9 "R,S A06C 14-"~A 17-0-:n 'l2,5 AnlA r\~_";t~ 14-039 nC;.O A(l18 14-"41 25-005 1)9.5 U1C 14-"4? 17-03\ "3.5 AORA "~-;l?9 1=!-on7 :')5.0 AORR ~4-nn9 1 ?-"n9 ,ft.O A09A T'~·"'~n 1 "-(\11 ,4.5 A(l9R 1?-q3 ?4-nnCi 'l7.1) AlnA ·,Q·"13 l?-O3'5 o:t.o I REV. AA OATF TTTLF I'\('T Al"R l?_ 17 17-1'\41\ "l.5 4111\ ""_.-:"1~ t~-o~o Ill.U 1\11R \:>- 41 17-1'':14 '.14.0 --TG·'At I. TC:;T I'., t. lJF' npAINI~ir; 17r:" A12A ~q9?56.nn 10-0n7 "~-··'~7 O'i.O A13A )n-fll1 '· ... -;'41 1'1".0 A14A ~'A-"44 10-0J5 'l?.5 A15A (·~-U.5 In-O~9 1)2.5 CARA ~1.-n~7 :H-01-; n2.0 CARR ;lC;-'1~7 3~-O~5 !l2.0 CARC 14·"17 ~S-O~C; 1l~.O CARYl ~q-(\,~ ;>7--'4Q 1)'i.S CARy? ""'_.~4~ ~7-01? 'Ir;.5 CA~V3 ;>C;··4Q ~"-nl? '15.5 CARV4 ?4- 4q ?5-01? l'i.C; , R~V. U f')AT~ T'TLF' nr:T COI"l 17_ -·?7 1Q-I'l'14 '" • (I COIN? 'H-n,A ":1,_' ;>" .!? ,.0 PH -.,C,_ u ;17 ':'''-''?~ Of' .', 5IG"'AL LTST , O~A.TNC; ~~9?5400 COI~4 ":t4-!\~7 REV. AA :':'S-Oi'R fl?O COINS "4-n?A 39-0'~ 04.5 C06n ~?_r; ~l 33-047 n3.5 C060F 03.5 oi.~ 25-006 01.S oj.5 CHL 09.0 CHLT CINF (I?-1'I46 15-003 to.S CLAL 1 1~-"t\5 39-0?? 1\3.5 .CLAL2 lR.t·ll 19-0,,5 n4.5 OATJ: TTTLr:' CLRAF ~ lR·O~4 7 . ' 1 fo i ~.:j CLR~F .jO... ~'" lQ-n~c;, I)~.::) CLRrF ,C; .... 10 ~R-n?" "4.• P C;TG~IAL l'" r nDAwHI(; ~J!C 17 C," CLROF 14-.')1 3~~t?540n n 1J:1-(l?7 "4.5 CL?AF 17--,11 3R-t'14 1l3.5 CL2RF "';!~-nl JR-01S n3.e; CL~CF 1r:,-:-11 3R-01F! 1)4.0 CLi!OF 34-(,11 3R-017 ()4.5 04P "lp_r:13 '39 .. 033 1l3.5 CMPAF 17-,,·,,4 18-0n7 )} .5 CMPRF 31--'\1'14 3R-(l~n 1l?S CMPCF 1"-·",1'14 38-1)(\9 "2.5 CMPDF 14_,n4 38-011 1'13.5 CMPF 1Fl- -.,.1, 3Q-O/\7 til.5 LT~T I qF.:V. U I'lATF TTTLF r'lCT '7.~ ?7_n" '. .-._: 4] I'll • C; CO~JR 1''1. c:; r., • c:; c; T G~llIl LTC;T 1 CONI '·.n ~? , ',QA.,J ~Ir. ··,: • .'.1~ '3~~;;tS/·no 'r·x RFV. fill ~1"0,Q 1;;J.S -'·',"7 CONR , A"'}I'~ !lk.O CONS 1~-O'7 ~?·~·I16 ~;>.5 CaNT , R.. O1'1 '3 lc;-rn~ 'l2.~ CSAO /1.,-",,1 "o-n,~ :'19.5 CSAOT ""-"'14 ;>4-0~q ')-:'.0 CSAl ?2-1)4B 03.(1 ;>0-(11 '3 p?-~'lS nq.S CSAIT .,,,-,.,,q :;J4 .. 0;> 11 (\4.~ CSA? r ?-""7 n-047 1)4." ?0-010 (Iq.O CSA;>T ?f\-f,.,7 ;>4"O;>:? 114.5 CSA~ ""."14 04.C; ?O-O"'; flQ. U 2i?-044 nur TTT'_F . n~T CSA1T ?,,_ r,. :'4.5 r.SRX ~?-O45 ;:J4-r\lQ ~ 1l4.c:. 4l'-rll n f~-"~4 17.5 CSRn ,,;:>_ '1 11 "1.r,~5 '1;:> .5 ~1_n47 )7-003 (17." ('I7.C; ~;rG"'AL nPAiIIT NAt-lf 17c;'l CsRnT ~Ir, 3P9~C;400 ;1-1\45 n?-n13 03-00) ~1-r)44 25-020 04.n 21-043 11.5 CSB2T· ::»1-(141 22-032 02.5 CSB3 O~-'IJ 25-022 03.5 21-040 7 11.5 CS83T ?l-o]l 22-031 1)2.0 CSCX n~-no8 25-019 ';4.(\ 41-011 17.0 ~SCO n?-tn9 03-013 1)2.5 CSC"T ~1-(l'6 22-0~n 02.5 CSC1 n~-{J?] ,,6.0 26 .. 0)9 03.!' o3-oii 0?5 :,j-53Q 17-004 I}R.n 21-035 11.0 TTT'-~ "'~T 21-046 22-o~5 ,,?-0;5 AA 13.n tl2.5 CSB2 I'lAT~ n?~ 02.5 CS8lT R~V. ?5-0~9 ::»2-1'3" 112.5 <;S81 LTST I r.SCl T '-'1-- ~l ':)~-t';JQ "'''.(: CSC? r?_"::», ?1-0~? 1')1-0(\9 .11. () ~SC?T ',:,-O;JO fl4.n 11." ?,-o,," ?l-",O ')i? I' i'~-O?~ 03., LT«;T C;I(;~!AL 1 \Jr;M~ rll~A"'T~r. 7c:.. (\ 3 R 9t'54rHl CSC3 nJ-Otl7 ":>-~;:IC:; 1l:l.S CSC]T ~~V. I')AT~ AA ,11. " ?"-OI9 OJ.e; 'l?,.O 4(»-011 r'~-'llfJ )7.0 CSOO ":>.";)7 113-n?i 02.5 CSDnT. ~1-"~5 ~~-O::»l 02.0 CSDI :>1-1;»] . ,,]-n,1 "?-'\~1 :>1-'q9 ??-nl1 03-01-; ~?-"'13 ;'1--.1A '·~-···?4 21-n17 "R.Ii ?~-rll Q 27-019 n,.c; fll.S CSEX ?7-n22 04.n 13.5 cso:n 21-022 09." 02.0 CS03 27-020 1)3.-; "3.i) CSD2T 21-021 ?2-(l?~ n?O CSO? ~7-019 nR.t; "2.5 4t'-1)15 ::»1-0?7 04.C; n5.n 03-019 r?-"~9 CSDlT 17-006 Ol'.~ TTTt~ ~eT ?1-031 ?,,-O;?7 ? l · r ,;)Q CSOX I J7. ':I (SEn "'?- ' i'i 'I? CSfllT :t ;';1--' 4 r. 3. I:; Oq." ~~ .. O~9 '?-otn ')?O :::>1 ·(it ~ t7-I\M~ "3-0?Q "lb., I:\YG"'Al. LTc;T r; 11"1'1 CSEI 3QQ'S4nn "'-,"~7 Il3-0~7 .,,,.5 CSE1T ?l-'H'IQ ./) ~".r~9 r;."41 2"-005 1?"n3 11. ;\ 28-019 015.(1 33-0(\4 1'I?o nOT , A ••;"q ?2-011 1'l~.U nI6 "'-"1'14 ?3-0(\3 Ili'.C, ~n-O?7 10.5 nI6T ?;.. "?Cj ?3-03n "1. DSARL 13·"'11 ??-042 0'3.1\ i) )(t)F!-0015 )1.'1 ~Q-Oi?q 21-005 10.C; .12.0 C1771 , ". c, 2P-022 n3-n?l ,,-1\1'13 1 Q-t\31 21-010 OC;.'5 1'13.5 CSE3T '1-011 "3.1'1 10.il 'l?1l CSEl t"lr:T i'P-O?O "?-on~ ;;»1-""7 t.,A 17-0)0 (\]-1);5 4?-O?1 14.C, TTTLF I'l/1TF OC;." 113.0 CSE?T RFV. n~.c, ""-007 .,,, CSE? , nOAi>lT!--,r, f.. ' ..4~ fnT i'4.t'l1P ::>? .. "q n1 .~ 'l'-'.J f:O~ • ?_~4 7 "1-0 4 4 10.11 r::OS~IF ,)~. \J ", .c:; ?i'-OO4 nC;.1:i ~3-04f, IlS-fllS pC;.rn7 ?F,_tl'lR i';-O~R n.e; "7_Il~n ",.1:; :;'l.n4 G ~~'_n'lA .. , • c; "4.C; LTCiT Cirr,~'Al rlJ\"'F OOAw , ., t:.. (' FTC T'm I 3~Q?S4no ;lA_I'nl REV. AA ~~-O/'l4 1?(\ EXSt,lF f c;,_~ 13 tls-n~l ,1'.0) FAPA 17-041 nA." ?!;-011 ;>1-",2 :14.5 FJELD f1-"4!-l 4~-O4~ 17 .0 FNCTO "1-'\~~ l".r; 04.r; ?3-n4r; 17-~43 ')4.0 FNTF3 17-'14" 12-011 10.5 FPAFl ;)(,-014 ~4-"~r; .14.5 FPAF? ?c;,_,~ ~r; ;?&-n1S 'n.S FPAF3 '?,,-, 1" ?f1-o~r; t)~.O FPAF4 '?I-- }f'-Ol n 17-035 05.S F'NTFl XOfl-003 "1-(l~r; 17 "'3.':) DATE TTTLF "r.r 'j ~.::J GPO n?-n,..~ 11.11 C; Tr->!:\L UC;T i, 1 f! , nC/lf'TMr, ~"F 7', I' ~FV. 3~Q;J"40fl I'lATF' TTTLF" ftA ""'T "4-0n; '.4- ~ '" 11 .IJ .,4_0C:;0 "\4-'- 49 'l} ,',.-~, .5 ", n6-0n? n 1 .0 r(.._"'4Q Ob-O~O 01.5 nR_",n; n~-(lll 1?5 ~Q·,-~4 OR-020 Ot'.t; n~-04' '12.u ,.Q-'"',!'2 O~-O;O 02,n 09-('1" 02,5 09-022 02. tI n9-0~n (\Q-~.;~ '13.5 In- .. n? In-on3 In .~ '11.5 In.-.r, .:; 11-'"'('; ol,e:; 11-01 :)?.5 "l.e:; ]n"032 11)-011 ") l(\-O~" lO-l)n4 ~ ot'.n ;'.~ 10"""';; ;0-';3" (\1.~ 11"0?Z 1 n-nnl)· 1''1 • e:; n.,.e:; ;0-0:J4 '''-0;2 nLe; 11- ", ll .. n 14 ,?u 11-0<;0 n1." l?-n?? '?-·~n? r1J.5 1?-r.1? )?-O?4 01." l?-OC;1) P-I':;lFl 11.'5 O~.C; C;1(''''hL lTC;T ",,,MF' , nQA~H'r; 17t.,(\ 3PQ~C;t.nll 11-~,,~ O?I\ 13-n~4 'I;:». u 13-050 03." ,4_0?? 14_"r? 1\4 13-n?? 13-01 '" 'l? 5 11-~;>~ R~V. 1'\3.5 }4-074 n].c; 15-(116 1c:.,-~r? 12.5 1 Ci-:;;>'" 1~-O34 il?.O ''''-''n;> 15-nc;o 03.i) 16-0?? 0'3.5 ?n_l'\l\? '''-0?4 nl.; ?O-O" 1'12.5 =,~-., ~4 '-1\-020 1)2.~ ;?O-OC;O 1)3.0 ;>1-",,7 21-00 "1;:».5 :n -04? ':Il-"'~4 ':I;>_"I"? ?l-0'5n n7." 1)2.;) ?7-nlf1 "7.=> ?4- 1 47 ?1-n20 otl.e; 22-024 n,.n ?4-nC;1\ r)AT~ TTTl.F n~T 'n. :; .) 1. 5 LTC;T cqr.~IOL ,'1 1 nOAllIp:r, f PAt· 71. (\ I 3~Q'~6nn QFV. AA ?7.nc:;,n )7-"1..0.7 11 .5 '.''''- ~ ~/~ ?~·!lSn fl3.lj ,q.nC;n ~q··'1" 1\3.0 4}-0C:;O 41·"4~ nl.~ Xrf.. r n1 xn"-04n 03.5 27-00(' 11.n GROC T'-01\4 4~-nr;t) GROC n<1-1}'l3 POl-nn3 GROC TI\4-l\n? 3~-(\C;O GROC T'"I:.onl TQ4-flCl9 GROC )(11- C T~s-nnc:; C;ROC )l.l?- r. T~5-fl14 C;ROC Y1"'· C T~~-n~l r,ROr. X14- C T~~-nl? r,Poe l(1~· c T~S-t\4' GROC xli,· C T~c:;-rnA TTTLF' I)ATF' ~r:T r;JH)r. It 17- r: T~C:;-rI17 t;Rnc It' ll~_ C T~C;-n?~ r,ROC lCl'l_ C BC;- n 1c:; GRnC lei'·'- C T:lr;-n44 GRDC X?l- C T~c;-rl1 r,ROC lC?:.>_ C T~C;-"~Il GROC Y.?~- C TQS-n?Q GRDC X:J4_ C T"C;-,,~q c; TG~!AL UST .~,--. vc; n~A.-II~!r. 1 .,~,. I 3R~;>c=,"nO GROC x~".;,_ C;ROC C T~C;·(\47 )(~,',. r.T T~4·nn1 GRDC It il_ CT T~4.nn4 GROC Y;I?- r:r TQ4- n nc; GROt: lC'~_ r:T T",4.n06 GROe lC~7-l'In? l(3"-Otl? INpF 11:1·'''\(11 Re-V. ~/lTF' TTTLF' IIA n~T X'3S-002 X3i.-on;> T~4-nn7 l'1-tl1, O?5 LORAF '17-' 1q 3A-OjA rJ?.O LORRF ~f,-rlq 3R.-019 "12.0 LORCF 1,,-,,;4 J8-0'" 1'12.5 LORflF 14-"19 3Q-O', '11.0 LFLAF ~'1- '11i ,4"0(13 "1.0 -;>7-",,, nl.1; ,6·01, "1.~ LRHRF ?r;-on3 17-"74 i?5-0'32 01.1; '3-0(17 "1i.O ;;(,-';01 39·042 11. c:; '4-n1; 1'1.1; ,7-n,,1 I\;.C; 111.1; ,0.1_0;;1 ;', . ~ ~7';',;;; ?D.n1;; 114.11 ';1.~ LRHP) 11- 19 17-(l"~ '11.5 LRRYF :::t3-nnQ 17-'?~ ~'4. LRRYI :; 11-·'lQ In.'' 1 7-"~~ ,,4.0 ~P-041 5tr;"~AL t·','I.'.'F=" I)PAwTI\Jr. , -, :,11 LSCNF 3~~?~4n1' r·!:,_"oQ oE;-n17 I)~.n LSTAF LTC;T , 11-"f)" RF.:V. AA l'rT 11'-024 l~.n lQ-n~; 13.f) l STAI l7-r"-f)Q 3~,,0'3 'IR.S L~HPF 17-",1, ~3-0nA 1c;.5 LWHRI ~Q-rlQ ,Q-04n 3i?-Oi?7 nc;.c; 1)6." 17-t)~, n4.5 ,-WRY 19-03R 11-r.4C; 0'3.(1 LWRVF lQ-~1q 1'3-010 '16.0 MANLF n~." Xo"-on9 4?-"'?:,:\ 14.5 "1CL (,?- .• ,,, n7-03Q ,,,.(\ !l4.S "1CLF1 "1-"'~1 1 7-04'1 "7.U ,",eLF;:! r·7--·11, ~l-04~ "IA.!; 1 Q-;;'3 R 1?-O?f06.~ 4?-O45 TTTI.F' nAT~ MCLF4 r 7_ '17 ~;:t-O';) 14.0 ~CLF~ ~ 7-··, ~~ 19-0(lA )1.0 NAn ??-O12 ?3-0~4 lQ·r.4n 113.5 04." 'I ; 1I'.'r nPA"'HIG I 1 Q Q?C;4nl) 1 It; (\ NAPA \.I"&.&L ?1-"'1 "C;-n'l 111. :) ~Aon 1~-"~1 ?R-n~l I)Q.IJ NAn) "~-n?l 11,-r1\4 "17.5 NAn? ;:»7-01, 11,-"11 '1':'.5 "JAo3 1 ~-r' ?7-0?1 ~n Il".~ "JAn4 26-n::11 14-~'11 '19. Q NAnS ::»6-0;'1 14-".1\4 n7.5 'IA06 ;?S-o::n 14-',";11 r)C;.S 'IAo7 14-." ~C;-n?l ~f) 'lFt. !:I NAnR "JAnQ "JAlo '''_In] ?4-n11 :~ q. ~ 7.:) i) ?4-n?1 1?- n4 '?-.' 11 ?3-nlq U«;T ~F.'V. AA I1~T~ TTTt "l~T ~ ·17. ~All ,j , ? - ' ':11'1 ?3-n?1 '14'..5 NLKl ;:H~-n~" ;>7-~~4 "?II c; TG~I~L L T c;y I 'I ,~~ .... t-" I'lPA lOll ~Ir. , I c." ~LI I 3"9'''1,1'\1) ;,,,_r14 ~~V. 'HT~ AA r'lr'T ~1-0'~ n?u ~LK3 ;l"-' ~6-n'3f'l ·~4 'I?~ NLt<4 0 ';)1.- ··14 ~S .. O:.::r" 1?O ~Lt 4-'1., 'Ie:;. !:i PNAF? ;:»1-01C; ?t;-~41 14.5 PNAF3 i?7-01F, ~"-·.41 1)4.5 PNAF4 "7-"17 ;:»7-041 1)3.5 PNAF5 ?7-11A ?~-O41 03.5 PRn 20-040 "'-f·?O Hl.S PRnSF "?-",fl (14.5 PRnT f\7-.:l"~ 01.1:, ?n-n~7 10.0 PRo;:» "7-1' "q 18-0Cl'3 1".0 PRO'3 "7- 07~O13 07-01" '1? 1~-O44 'lq.o TTTLr: ''HI TI: :)r"T (~TpAF i)OIlA .' 1·" ~ 1 I), .. 1 0 • "17 1'1 fJon~ 1 0- ,~ n7,1'1 ~q-n?3 "~1 ~ :'IS:;. 0 /'1 ~FI .. 1'I4;J ~?-Of\R l~. ~ ?".n44 i'''-n44 ?4-n'.4 j .~ ~p-I'I/.4 -..7""4" n, ~ c:; "" • c:; ~Tr;~IAt .... rH~A III , ,~ , 1"-,.. nOlA ,or. • 3~~;JS"nl\ ·,'l_ "I,~ ;JJ;-n"Q "Q-~~A ~EV. ... A n-003 n".c; IIl.S [)"JR Uc:.T ?R-O"" II • v n02A ?;J-O;Jl 11-~4C; 1R.O Q02R ?7-04? I\c;.c; '7-0;J~ 11-"41, 1)9.5 o02e \3-044 11-:'41 12.5 n03A '~-"45 07.e; ?7-029 ??-CllA fl7.S (,)03R 23-02t' 04." ':>7_n;Jf) 1 ~-"4F, '19.il n03C 1~-r43 =,J-OH~ I')A.~ D04A lq-,,;i, i??-O?~ 1)).iJ n04R lq.r?4 '''-042 04.1:i ;JfI-O?3 "14.1 n05A 1°· ,,-n,C; 1) 13. :t no5~ 1 ,,- - -~4 i'f,-1}?9 01.C; iJ6-n?/f, I)ATr:" TTTIF' ',,, T '''. J r)"FtA l~- I." "13.5 Qn6~ ilC;·(,4? ili'-n~4 n1.c; il5-0;:t1 ) 1 I)~.O g09A :-7.;,,9 ~4-0i>Q I1Q.O QOQR 'l7··:Ji> ~2-043 n3.C; i>4-0?~ (Jti.S QI0A "7."11 ?3-0"~ aInR "'7-, 11+ 27-040 03,/1 'IQ.5 ";13-1'70 'l~.5 ')l1A 1 r;.I4r; n·O::l7 1)5.-) ')}lR lC;··4~ 01.1'1 ~3-0?4 'If,.S p15F 1 ~ •.""f, 19-037 14.5 f'J-02f1 TTTL~ 'I"\~T iQ-on 7 "~./I If'.J QORA nI\T~- 6.A ,,1:i.n?9 :J?n~' 1.7_' '.' 'lA. :> O07R f OPA""PIr, I RAL 10. n RAR~l 04." ,~-n~? In.'?!:; lIe:;. ,1 qARF? ?1-01R ~;J-nlC; "\;J.':I , ?_r,?'" 1 14-01 Q "4.5 uq r:;, (i~1 41_ /)QAwT~II; I .~. ~"F 1 7r~ " RARF3 I 3~Q?~4nn 14-~?C; R~V. TTTI ~ I)ATI: flA ·"'CT l~-O?n '13.5 RlRF14 1 &'_"?C; 1 ~-rq ~ rn.o RDT l'l-r;:q ?'--O11 14.0 RE~~F 17-";>1 '-3-0(14 I)?,C; 3~·n4C; "14.0 RENBF ~"-"?1 ~R-04~ '14.5 RE~CF ,,,-";>1 3R-I'47 1'1';.0 RENOF ::\4-·-71 ,~-n4A '15.5 REX P;::J·"lf.. 1R·"17 1'\7.5 RExT 1/'\-, ?Cj I)i?~ 19-1'I?C; :, 1.5 RHRr: '.4.-",; QJTF n1.~ 5 1 1. J RNAF ;>1- 14 lR.040 Ofl.'5 t Q-1'I14 '~-'4A "4.r::: ?O-O45 13-01 t '~1. 24-(11'3 ?4-nC\R 17-01'17 ~~.n4~ '''_1'14'7 n".r::: I\Q.n '\1 • PNAFl 1"_ ':J ~~·1"4 ?h ,"IR. " ANAFt' l~_"'~ i'''.f',C; f!7.v ,~Tr.~IAl ", ,..:_1~ 1 '/ t.;. QNAF3 (')QA'~T~Ir, l.lC;T , 3ACPC;4 ntl .. 14-1'-;1=, Q~V, AA ;4-0,,,, 'lil,5 RNAF4 ,1,-' .,,., ~4-017 I'\t;.O RNAl ~~- ~ 16 24-";1 1)2.0 RPYF 1 ~-,'1;7 ;?3-0':l~ '}4.0 RPYT ~3-0:H 1 ~-1'?4 ()4.5 qRYF f\4-';"a7 RSnF} nil. I' 1 n-:,:J1 17-0; "3 1'15.0 RSOF2 , ?-{'~1 17-014 ')4.0 RSOF3 14-"~1 17-0P; ,~.O pSnF4 , '.- 17-01 ,.. -." n~.5 RSJF1 19-011 11-011 '1",.5 In--:;q 17-017 ,}4.5 nATF TTTI.F' ""T QS1F? '::>-'''' 11-1'1J.l 1(l. RS1F3 n 17-n1<~ 14-1"] ., 1. f) qS1F4 ''-_"/1 '1-0~n I)?.J 5Te.;"AL 1 ; !=iA~l '-.1' J~q?r:;4no ,,?,,"1? ::»3-n11 -)Q ~A~1T LT~T • DPA .'HJr; \j,. ... ~ .S lq .. t\f\H RF:V. nAT~ At. TTTLF' -I"I"T ?n-OJ2 04." 7n-n~n 14.0 SAM? ::»3 .. 01? "? .. :-'14 10.0 C;A"'?T 2n-n31 1'14." ?'O-(l?q 1 Q"-"l" . 1l?5 SASS 1 q_r., '5 23-0015 1)4.0 SRGel 4n .. "nc; 41·noS ril.S SRGC2 4(\-(,07 4\"OIl7 0].5 !iRGti :;!Q .. ';7 -40-0;>4 ;1?5 SRGt? 4n-Ot'lA ,4 .. "'1':; (17. U SRG) ~n-'\l? 39-n7~ ~q"~,4 19-0". ol.e; 41-"3R 04.e; 39-032 '''.~ -12. S C;RG? 41-0n8 05-01 q -'':;'''''11 4n-I'I,,- 41-nn" !\3.n ",.e:; o?.5 C;RGNF 41-024 nl.C; 4n_"~Cl nl.~ l? S SASFI 1.1 - 1~-o'7 "lC; ·')2. :; ~RSF? 1 n_" :;., 19-nnl '\l.S SI(;~IAL ,; .\t-·r- n~A~T~Ir; 11~f\ C;TA 3~Q?C;400 ri~-'·/6.5 1~-O;l9 r?r.-:an RF"V. ?/'I-(l~'3 '1',0 C;TLCF "., • .,~C; Xl'''-O'''7 16,0 STLNF n~·r.41 4~-tl"7 ~1.0 STNAl ~R·r43 39-045 Oi?,O STNA2 1 A·"44 ~9·04" ,12. \I STsno '17-'--10 16-00" n7,S STSOl 1 ,,_r,,~ 17-0i'7 'lJ,5 STSI\? 1',.'·oQ 16-032 '14.0 5Tsn3 ,,,- 'l?,1J ?3-~40 "r;,n 17-n:;:lQ 1" tR-nii (\4,c:. 42-047 1 Q •. '.,~ TTTI_ F' "·rr ?11-0)5 U~.5 C;UT OATF AA O?,I:\ lR.S t;TALL LTc;T I ·4?_';;Q 17-n"; n:;:l.1:\ 1:;». ~ STc;n4 ,-I.',n4 '17.. sTc;n~ , nq.1: J ' 4-'~ ,..~ 15.nn~ 111.5 C;TC:;"t' 1?-lln7 14-0flfot 11_'n~ 14-0~? "4.5 ~tc;~IAL 'J (I '~F- nCAWPIC; , , c, "! C;TSo7 Lf~T , 3RQ'56nll 117_1.1') ~FV. I\A 14·0':1" ,16. ::) ~Tsn8 , ?-''''''~ 15-010 07. n '13. !J c;TS09 1'-"I'\A ?3-0'19 11-033 ')5.5 STnoF nf,.nn4 115-037 "I~.O sTonl 1,,-:n9 19-036 11.0 1ft-0015 'IC;.0 ST01F 15-04/\ rl.-f\(ln 'lR.5 STolT 4i?-037 12." 16-019 1"-'4R 1)4.5 ~Tn2F /,1.-" "A 1)".5 5TI)2T 13." 16-0?Q 1 "-r'':IR 07..5 C;T"~F ('f.-'ln 15-01? (17.(; 5T03T 1Ft-n:n 1 '---'':13 ')1.5 ~T"4F r,I.-:·1 ? 42-03 9 15-0?9 13-031 I'lAT~ TTTLF' r,r.T 1"l- SHSF ~(l r·f.._' 14 .'''. :; c; T(j·~AL lTC;T ~ ~'AI nPAo '" 11-011' '\4. \) «;Ttl1 11-'~'n 17-013 Ill.5 «;11 ?F ,·I.·',?A n9·0:H "3.0 5 TG~14L "'!IIA F l1c.'l !ltTl?T r·q-"'1~ Ll~T nra_p·IG I RF.V. 1F19:?C;6"O U 1 "-OtiC; "IC;.I) ST13F 0"- 1'9-04" ",';In nl.S STilT r.Q-~4~ "1-0 1C~ '4.5 C;T14F ""-"'1i' ,,9-0;:tQ 'J?5 STUT 10-0i'Q "Q-tl·U~ 'Ji'.5 ST15F n9-01;.» ""-'':14 1:?5 STIST t(l-n:n r.q-~'~n 1'11.5 SYNU 39-tl;:tl :-~-"'n '15.0 SYN l ?n-n43 "i'-1~? 10.5 SYN1A '1·"','1 i'n-o"? nq.(I 117.5 SYNIB t:Q_r'l"9 '\i'-r;:t4 3Q-(109 i'n-n41 1~.t\ IlQ.1J SYNtt 1t'-OI)9 17-nl? I I'lIlTJ:' TTTLF' I'I"T l~." t..:., 5YN;:JT .. ().o."r:. 17-n11 ;lC;.O 51771 1 11. n 1?-nI14 ~."'14 1)9.0 lQ·(I'l3 S tr,~IAL Llq nPAoIIp,r. '''r.M~ 17:.:.n, Ci17RR 3P'q~~4t\n 3Q·n,A ~'J-"1'I4 14.5 lEX 1 q.',?", 19-0~~ ,,;).~ TlAF '~7-"~3 ~~-n::»? "3.0 TlRF '1~-"11 1"-0;1 "3.0 lIeF 1c;·,,~'3 3~-Oilq ')3.0 TlOF 3'1-030 ~4·!1·n 13.5 T2A 17-'n~ 3R-O~7 '),.0 l2A 3B-n~A 1"-".''1 'lC;.S T?C 1a-o:v.) ~c;-"\n3 .,(,. \1 T:;»('I ~4-"n3 3J:1-n1~ 'If.!.() UNPF t.".: 01 11-0('4 1)1.5 & ~F'V. AA TTftF' ~ATF P~T t 1- . r.c;, IINP1 11.\·0(17 '1- . . ,1l .,7. U v." , " • C; 5 rr~~Il\l '.t."A"- J~Q;II:;4 1 /<." V-f. , c;. '47 ~ , ~R.'q? nl.e; ,Q_;;4; 3?-021 nlll;.1; 39-04~ 19-n'~ l~·"?R n7.0 wHPF "4-::~f, n3.111; ,,9.011 ,;.5 WNlI ORIGINAL PRIORITY LE\'EL IS REESTABLISHED FIGURE 1. SIM:PLIFIED FLOWCHART FOR SCHEDULING A REQUESTED PROGRAM PROGRAM a. Parameters to be passed to the program. b. Request code. c. Completion priority of the program. d. Program address. e. A pointer to the next entry on the thread. Programs are threaded in order of increasing priority so that the top entry on the full thread holds the highest priority program. If two or more programs have the same priority level, programs in this priority level are threaded on a first-come, first-served basis. When a program in the scheduler stack is removed to be executed, the thread entry point is added to the list of entries on the empty thread. If a program is requested when no entries remain on the empty thread (i. e., the stack is full), Q is set negative on the return to the requester and the request is ignored. The scheduler stack is built when the Operating System is assembled. The length should be . four times the number of timer calls and scheduler requests that may be active at anyone time. As a rule of thumb, 4 x 25 10 or 100 10 usually provides an adequate scheduler stack. The form of the stack is shown on pages A.13 and A.14. While the scheduler is determining whether to put a requested entry in the scheduler stack or to put the running program in the interrupt stack, interrupts are inhibited and the running program parameters are assigned to volatile. Volatile is a specified area of the system table region designated at assembly time. It is used by re-entrant program for storage of necessary parameters and intermediate results. If the requested program is of higher priority, the running program parameters are transferred to the interrupt stack and the requested program is executed. If the requested program is of the same or lower priority, the· entry parameters are threaded on the scheduler stack. After the determination is made, the interrupts are re-enabled and the interrupt mask is set to correspond to the current running priority level. A.6 The chosen program is then put into execution. 39072900/28B Interrupt Stack, Interrupt Trap, and Interrupt Mask The interrupt stack (see Figure 2) consists of up to 16 five-word entries. Each entry holds data pointers for programs that have been interrupted. The stack is a push -down, pop-up type. The top-of-the-stack pointer is located at location $B8. It points to the first word of the next available entry. The size of the interrupt stack should be the number of interrupt lines used (N) times 5. Normally this is 16 10 x 5, or 90 locations. The stack size is determined at operating 10 program assembly time. A stack smaller than the full number of interrupt lines times five is subject to overflow . . When the interrupt stack entry is due to scheduling up in priority, some parameters from the interrupted program are saved in the volatile area. The I -register entry in the interrupt stack holds the address of that portion of volatile which has the remaining program parameters. Volatile is not released until the higher priority program is terminated and the requesting program is resumed. The new priority level is established as in the hardware interrupt case. The interrupt mask is set to the new priority level before entering the requested program. The ip.terrupt mask allows only interrupts of higher priority than the running programs to be processed. All other interrupt lines are suppressed. The suppressed interrupt lines remain activated until the mask is reset to the priority level of the interrupt line (or lower). Dispatcher Operation to Find Next Program As higher priority programs are completed, they exit to the dispatcher. The next program is picked off the top of the interrupt or scheduler stack (see Figure 3). The priority level is lowered by the dispatcher to the level of the proposed program to be executed and the Mask register is reset. 39072900/28B A.7 > ACTIVATE INTERRUPT LINE YES INHmlT INTERRUPTS. GO .TO COMMON INTERRUPT HANDLER NO CONDITION IN UNIT) HARD'VARE OPERATION WITHIN INTERRUPTIKG UNIT AND 1100 CO!\IPl"TER WAIT UNTIL PRIORITY IS LOWERED TO INTERRUPT PRIORITY LEVEL COMMON INTERRUPT HANDLER 1 STORE CU RRENT PROGRAM ON INTERRUPT STACK SET MASK TO LEVEL OF INTERRUPT LINE ENABLE INTERRUPTS J \ EXIT ) (VIA INTERRUPT RESPONSE ROUTINE) 1-2536 FIGURE 2. SIMPLIFIED INTERRUPT LINE PROCESSING FLOW DIAGRAM SOFTWARE $B8 I POINTER INTERRUPT STACK r SCHEDULEH STACK SCHTOP I POINTER MASK REGISTER ~ PRIORITY LEVEL P 3 PRIORITY LEVEL P 2 \ ~ FULL >STACK ~ PRIORITY ~ LEVEL PI - I It INTERRUPT TRAP 1 J TOP OF FULL THREAD LINE J f- PRIORITY f- LEVEL P4 - LINE MASKED AT LEVEL P 3 - LINE MASKED AT LEVELS PI- P 2 P 3 AND P 4 4 EMPTY > STACK LINE K PRIORITIES SHOWN AT THE END OF THE PREVIOUS PROGRAM. - - PRIORITY LEVE-L P 5 PREVIOUS PROGRAM RAN AT LEVEL P 3 > (PI' P 2 , P 4 , OR P 5). SELECTION OF NEXT PROGRAM PROCEEDS IN TWO STAGES: a. COMPARE PI TO P 2 . IF PI 2! P 2 , NEXT PROGRAM 1 COMES FROM PI; OTHERWISE PROGRAM COMES FROM P 2 · b.CHANGE MASK LEVEL AND CHECK INTERRUPTS AT NEW LEVEL. LOWER MASK TO NEW LEVEL (PI OR P 2). IF P 4 2! NEW LEVEL, LINE J INTERRUPTS PUTS NEXT PROGRAM 1 ONTO THE INTERRUPT STACK, THE INTERRUPT LINE IS ACKNOWLEDGED, THE MASK IS SET TO P 4 LEVEL, AND THE PROGRAM ASSOCIATED WITH P 4 IS EXECUTED. IF P 4 < NEW PRIORITY LEVEL, LINE J REMAINS MASKED. LINE K REMAINS MASKED IN ALL CASES SINCE P 5 < (PI' P 2 , P , OR P ). 3 4 1-2538 > FIGURE 3. SELECTION OF NEXT PROGRAM WHEN PREVIOUS PROGRAM IS COMPLETED When the ~ask is reset, it may include one or more active interrupt lines. Those lines are processed. The propose~ next program is moved to the interrupt stack and the program associated with the interrupting line is put into execution. INTERRUPT LINE PRIORITY ASSIGNMENT For maximum efficiency, the used interrupt lines should be assigned priorities' on a scale of decreasing order of importance, i. e., line n + l's priority ~ line n's priority. Assign- ment is made this way because interrupting lines which have been masked are processed in ·line number order when several active lines are unmasked at the same time. In other words, an interrupt on line 0 is processed before an interrupt on line 1, which in turn is processed before an interrupt on line 2, etc., when all these active interrupt lines are unmasked at the same time. Assume, for example, a program operating at priority level 9 ends and the next highest entry in either interrupt or scheduler stack is priority 3. At the same time, three interrupt lines are active: Line Priority 5 6 10 4 7 8 In this case, the program with priority 3 becomes the next scheduled. The mask is set to priority level 3. As soon as interrupts are enabled, all three lines are capable of interrupting. Line 5 is processed first. Interrupts are inhibited, the associated priority 4 program is scheduled, the next scheduled program is transferred to the interrupt stack, the mask is set to level 4, and the interrupts are enabled. The same processes are repeated for line 6. Line 6 interrupts, interrupts are inhibited; the level 4 program goes to the interrupt stack, and the mask is raised to level 7. When the interrupts are again enabled, the process is repeated. Line 10 interrupts, interrupts are inhibited, the level 7 program is added to the interrupt stack, the mask is raised to level 8, and interrupts are again enabled. A.10 This program is the next to be executed. 39072900/28B Two disadvantages to this type of interrupt line assignment are apparent: a. Each interrupt processing cycle requires 40 to 50 microseconds. b. The interrupt stack is unnecessarily filled with programs that might have as well remained masked. If, in the example given, the lines were assigned priority on a decreasing scale of priorities, the first interrupt would have been line 5 at priority 8, and the associated program would have been executed as soon as the interrupt mask was reset. STACK ORGANIZATION Two types of stack organization are discussed, threaded and push down/pop up. Both are described below. Threaded Stacks The address of the top of the threaded scheduler stack is held in SCHTOP. Assume programs are requested as shown: Program Priority Temporal Sequence of Requests A 6 1 L +0 B 10 2 L+4 C 9 3 L+8 D 10 4 L+C E 8 5 L + 10 F 6 6 L + 14 Location of First Word of Entry The programs are loaded into the stack in the order of column 3 with the top of each entry shown in column 4. They are threaded as follows: 39072900/28B A.l! POINTER Pointer SCHTOP FffiSTWORD OF ENTRY L L +,4 SCHTOP L+4 Thread L+7 L+C L +14 Thread L +2 L + 14 L +18 Thread L + 16 L' + 18 L+4M Thread L+A L+C Thread Last FFFF* * Indicates entry is at the end of stack. As programs are removed from the stack the pointer ($B4) is moved consecutively through L + 4 -..L + C -..L + 8 ~L + 12 -.. L +0 -.. L + 14. It can then be reinitialized to L + 0 awaiting a new schedule of programs. A.12 39072900/28B The form of the scheduler stack is shown below: 15 9 I N $B4 14 RC = 9 7 8 I I 4 o 3 I CP C Address of top entry on full thread Thread Q N+4 N +8 CP = Completion priority (level at which this entry runs) . Thread = Points to address of first word of next less important entry. RC = 9 = Request code 9 (schedule) (refer to Control Data Publication No. 60170400, Paragraph 3.2.5) Q = Contents of the Q-register at the time of request. C = Program add~ess. Push-Down, Pop-Up Stacks In the push-down, pop-up interrupt stack, entries are added to the top of the stack and the pointer is moved to the next available entry. When an entry is removed, it is always the top (last) entry and the pointer is moved back five words. 39072900/28B A.I3 N Filled Entries N +5 Pointer Word for Stack N + 5 (n) $BS N+A I ....... N+F N + 14 ~ Co) Unused Entries t..s ~ rI.l '+-4 0 ~ N + 19 0 ~ N + IE ~~ The structure of an entry is shown below: Entry for interrupted program A N Q-Register N+l A-Register N+2 I-Register N+3 N +4 * Address P Priority Level of Program A P = Execution address. when program A was interrupted * Overflow indicator (bit 15) A.14 39072900/2SB The structure of the in1:errupt trap is ($100 + 4n) Line n interrup trap * Address P RTJ to $FE Priority Level of Interrupt Address R R = Address of the program that responds to the. interrupt. * Overflow indicator (bit 15) 39072900/28B A.15 Significant parameters and tables are $FE . Address of Common ~terrupt Handler 15 14 13 12 11 10 MASKT' A.16 -1 9 8 7 6 5 4' 3 2 1 o~Internal Line Number 1111100000111111 o 1 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 +1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 +2 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 +3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 . +4 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1· 1 1 1 1 +5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 +6 0000000000111111 +7 0000000000111111 +8 o 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 +9 o 0 0 0 0 0 o· 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 +10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 +11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 +12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1· 1 +13 0 0 O' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 1 . +14 0 0 o. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 +15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 39072900/28B LINE/PRIORITY LEVEL LINE PRIORITY LEVEL 0 15 1 13 2 13· 3 B 4 B 5 B 6 MASKED 7 MASKED B MASKED 9 MASKED 10 MASKED 11 5 12 5 13 3 14 3 15 2 LINES CAN NEVER BE PROCESSED MASK REGISTER Entry from MASKT table corresponding the current priority level $BB Address of highest priority entry on the interrupt· stack 39072900/2BB A.17 COMMENT SHEET MANUALTITLE __~1~7~5~0~DuA~T~A~AN~D~CQQ~N~T~R~Q~L~T~E~R~NIT~NuA~Lw(~DQC~T~)~_____________________ PUBLICATION NO. __3_9...;.0...;.,7_2_90.-.0..-.-________ REVISION _ _ _....;;D~___________"· FROM NAME: ________________________________________________________________________ BUSINESS ___________________________________________________________________ ADDRE~: COMMENTS: This form is not intended to be used as an order blank. Your evaluation of this manual will be welcomed by Control Data Corporation. Any errors, suggested additions or deletions, or general comments may be made below. Please include page number. STAPLE STAPLE FOLD -------------------------------.----~ FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO. 333 BUSINESS REPLY MAIL LA JOLLA. CA. NO POSTAGE STAMP NECESSARY IF MAiLED !N U.S.A. POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY CONTROL DATA CORPORATION LA JOLLA SYSTEMS DIVISION 4455 EASTGATE MALL LA JOLLA, CAilFORNIA 92037 ATTN: PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT ------------------------------------~ FOLD STAPLE STAPLE
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