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Ages & Stages Questionnaires® 36 Month Questionnaire 34 months 16 days through 38 months 30 days Please provide the following information. Use black or blue ink only and print legibly when completing this form. Date ASQ completed: Child’s information Middle initial: Child’s first name: Child’s last name: Child’s gender: Male Female Child’s date of birth: Person filling out questionnaire Middle initial: First name: Last name: Relationship to child: Street address: Parent Guardian Teacher Grandparent or other relative Foster parent Other: City: State/ Province: ZIP/ Postal code: Country: Home telephone number: Other telephone number: E-mail address: Names of people assisting in questionnaire completion: Program Information Child ID #: Program ID #: Program name: P101360100 Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ-3™), Squires & Bricker © 2009 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Child care provider 36 Month Questionnaire 34 months 16 days through 38 months 30 days On the following pages are questions about activities children may do. Your child may have already done some of the activities described here, and there may be some your child has not begun doing yet. For each item, please fill in the circle that indicates whether your child is doing the activity regularly, sometimes, or not yet. Important Points to Remember: ✓ Try each activity with your child before marking a response. ❑ ✓ Make completing this questionnaire a game that is fun for ❑ you and your child. Notes: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ✓ Make sure your child is rested and fed. ❑ ____________________________________________ ✓ Please return this questionnaire by _______________. ❑ ____________________________________________ COMMUNICATION YES SOMETIMES NOT YET 1. When you ask your child to point to her nose, eyes, hair, feet, ears, and so forth, does she correctly point to at least seven body parts? (She can point to parts of herself, you, or a doll. Mark “sometimes” if she correctly points to at least three different body parts.) 2. Does your child make sentences that are three or four words long? Please give an example: 3. Without giving your child help by pointing or using gestures, ask him to “put the book on the table” and “put the shoe under the chair.” Does your child carry out both of these directions correctly? 4. When looking at a picture book, does your child tell you what is happening or what action is taking place in the picture (for example, “barking,” “running,” “eating,” or “crying”)? You may ask, “What is the dog (or boy) doing?” 5. Show your child how a zipper on a coat moves up and down, and say, “See, this goes up and down.” Put the zipper to the middle and ask your child to move the zipper down. Return the zipper to the middle and ask your child to move the zipper up. Do this several times, placing the zipper in the middle before asking your child to move it up or down. Does your child consistently move the zipper up when you say “up” and down when you say “down”? 6. When you ask, “What is your name?” does your child say both her first and last names? COMMUNICATION TOTAL page 2 of 7 E101360200 Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ-3™), Squires & Bricker © 2009 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. All rights reserved. 36 Month Questionnaire GROSS MOTOR YES SOMETIMES NOT YET 1. Without holding onto anything for support, does your child kick a ball by swinging his leg forward? 2. Does your child jump with both feet leaving the floor at the same time? 3. Does your child walk up stairs, using only one foot on each stair? (The left foot is on one step, and the right foot is on the next.) She may hold onto the railing or wall. (You can look for this at a store, on a playground, or at home.) 4. Does your child stand on one foot for about 1 second without holding onto anything? 5. While standing, does your child throw a ball overhand by raising his arm to shoulder height and throwing the ball forward? (Dropping the ball or throwing the ball underhand should be scored as “not yet.”) 6. Does your child jump forward at least 6 inches with both feet leaving the ground at the same time? GROSS MOTOR TOTAL FINE MOTOR YES Count as “yes” 1. After your child watches you draw a line from the top of the paper to the bottom with a pencil, crayon, or pen, ask her to make a line like yours. Do not let your child trace your line. Does your child copy you by drawing a single line in a vertical direction? E101360300 Count as “not yet” Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ-3™), Squires & Bricker © 2009 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. All rights reserved. SOMETIMES NOT YET page 3 of 7 36 Month Questionnaire FINE MOTOR (continued) YES SOMETIMES NOT YET 2. Can your child string small items such as beads, macaroni, or pasta “wagon wheels” onto a string or shoelace? Count as “yes” 3. After your child watches you draw a single circle, ask him to make a circle like yours. Do not let him trace your circle. Does your child copy you by drawing a circle? Count as “not yet” Count as “yes” 4. After your child watches you draw a line from one side of the paper to the other side, ask her to make a line like yours. Do not let your child trace your line. Does your child copy you by drawing a single line in a horizontal direction? Count as “not yet” 5. Does your child try to cut paper with child-safe scissors? He does not need to cut the paper but must get the blades to open and close while holding the paper with the other hand. (You may show your child how to use scissors. Carefully watch your child’s use of scissors for safety reasons.) 6. When drawing, does your child hold a pencil, crayon, or pen between her fingers and thumb like an adult does? FINE MOTOR TOTAL PROBLEM SOLVING YES 1. While your child watches, line up four objects like blocks or cars in a row. Does your child copy or imitate you and line up four objects in a row? (You can also use spools of thread, small boxes, or other toys.) 2. If your child wants something he cannot reach, does he find a chair or box to stand on to reach it (for example, to get a toy on a counter or to “help” you in the kitchen)? E101360400 Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ-3™), Squires & Bricker © 2009 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. All rights reserved. SOMETIMES NOT YET page 4 of 7 36 Month Questionnaire PROBLEM SOLVING (continued) YES SOMETIMES NOT YET 3. When you point to the figure and ask your child, “What is this?” does your child say a word that means a person or something similar? (Mark “yes” for responses like “snowman,” “boy,” “man,” “girl,” “Daddy,” “spaceman,” and “monkey.”) Please write your child’s response here: 4. When you say, “Say ‘seven three,’” does your child repeat just the two numbers in the same order? Do not repeat the numbers. If necessary, try another pair of numbers and say, “Say ‘eight two.’” (Your child must repeat just one series of two numbers for you to answer “yes” to this question.) 5. Show your child how to make a bridge with blocks, boxes, or cans, like the example. Does your child copy you by making one like it? 6. When you say, “Say ‘five eight three,’” does your child repeat just the three numbers in the same order? Do not repeat the numbers. If necessary, try another series of numbers and say, “Say ‘six nine two.’” (Your child must repeat just one series of three numbers for you to answer “yes” to this question.) PERSONAL-SOCIAL PROBLEM SOLVING TOTAL YES SOMETIMES NOT YET 1. Does your child use a spoon to feed herself with little spilling? 2. Does your child push a little wagon, stroller, or toy on wheels, steering it around objects and backing out of corners if he cannot turn? 3. When your child is looking in a mirror and you ask, “Who is in the mirror?” does she say either “me” or her own name? 4. Does your child put on a coat, jacket, or shirt by himself? 5. Using these exact words, ask your child, “Are you a girl or a boy?” Does your child answer correctly? 6. Does your child take turns by waiting while another child or adult takes a turn? PERSONAL-SOCIAL TOTAL E101360500 Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ-3™), Squires & Bricker © 2009 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. All rights reserved. page 5 of 7 36 Month Questionnaire OVERALL Parents and providers may use the space below for additional comments. 1. Do you think your child hears well? If no, explain: YES NO 2. Do you think your child talks like other children her age? If no, explain: YES NO 3. Can you understand most of what your child says? If no, explain: YES NO 4. Can other people understand most of what your child says? If no, explain: YES NO 5. Do you think your child walks, runs, and climbs like other children his age? If no, explain: YES NO 6. Does either parent have a family history of childhood deafness or hearing impairment? If yes, explain: YES NO E101360600 Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ-3™), Squires & Bricker © 2009 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. All rights reserved. page 6 of 7 36 Month Questionnaire OVERALL (continued) 7. Do you have any concerns about your child’s vision? If yes, explain: YES NO 8. Has your child had any medical problems in the last several months? If yes, explain: YES NO 9. Do you have any concerns about your child’s behavior? If yes, explain: YES NO Does anything about your child worry you? If yes, explain: YES NO 10. E101360700 Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ-3™), Squires & Bricker © 2009 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. All rights reserved. page 7 of 7 36 Month ASQ-3 Information Summary 34 months 16 days through 38 months 30 days Child’s name: ________________________________________________________ Date ASQ completed: __________________________________________ Child’s ID #: ______________________________________________________ Date of birth: ______________________________________________ Administering program/provider: 1. SCORE AND TRANSFER TOTALS TO CHART BELOW: See ASQ-3 User’s Guide for details, including how to adjust scores if item responses are missing. Score each item (YES = 10, SOMETIMES = 5, NOT YET = 0). Add item scores, and record each area total. In the chart below, transfer the total scores, and fill in the circles corresponding with the total scores. 2. 3. Area Cutoff Communication 30.99 Gross Motor 36.99 Fine Motor 18.07 Problem Solving 30.29 Personal-Social 35.33 Total Score 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 TRANSFER OVERALL RESPONSES: Bolded uppercase responses require follow-up. See ASQ-3 User’s Guide, Chapter 6. 1. Hears well? Comments: Yes NO 6. Family history of hearing impairment? Comments: YES No 2. Talks like other children his age? Comments: Yes NO 7. Concerns about vision? Comments: YES No 3. Understand most of what your child says? Comments: Yes NO 8. Any medical problems? Comments: YES No 4. Others understand most of what your child says? Yes Comments: NO 9. Concerns about behavior? Comments: YES No 5. Walks, runs, and climbs like other children? Comments: NO YES No Yes 10. Other concerns? Comments: ASQ SCORE INTERPRETATION AND RECOMMENDATION FOR FOLLOW-UP: You must consider total area scores, overall responses, and other considerations, such as opportunities to practice skills, to determine appropriate follow-up. If the child’s total score is in the If the child’s total score is in the If the child’s total score is in the area, it is above the cutoff, and the child’s development appears to be on schedule. area, it is close to the cutoff. Provide learning activities and monitor. area, it is below the cutoff. Further assessment with a professional may be needed. 4. FOLLOW-UP ACTION TAKEN: Check all that apply. ______ Provide activities and rescreen in _____ months. 5. OPTIONAL: Transfer item responses (Y = YES, S = SOMETIMES, N = NOT YET, X = response missing). ______ Share results with primary health care provider. ______ Refer for (circle all that apply) hearing, vision, and/or behavioral screening. ______ Refer to primary health care provider or other community agency (specify reason): __________________________________________________________. ______ Refer to early intervention/early childhood special education. ______ No further action taken at this time 1 Communication Gross Motor Fine Motor Problem Solving Personal-Social ______ Other (specify): ____________________________________________________ P101360800 Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ-3™), Squires & Bricker © 2009 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. All rights reserved. 2 3 4 5 6
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