461847 001_Extended_i RMX_II.3_Volume_4_System_Utilities_and_Programming_Information_1988 001 Extended I RMX II.3 Volume 4 System Utilities And Programming Information 1988
461847-001_Extended_iRMX_II.3_Volume_4_System_Utilities_and_Programming_Information_1988 461847-001_Extended_iRMX_II.3_Volume_4_System_Utilities_and_Programming_Information_1988
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intef E X T E N D Ei D RMX@II.3 O P E R A T I NSGY S T E M DOCUMENTATION VOLUME 4 SYSTEM U T I L I T I EASN D P R O G R A M M I NI N GF O R M A T I O N O r d e r N u m b e r ; 4 6 1 8 4 70 0 1 ntel Corporation 3 0 65 B o w e r sA v e nue 5 a n t aC l a r aC , alrfora n 95051 C o p y r r g h t ì 9 8 8 , l n t e C o r p o r a t r o nA, l l R i g h t sR e s e r v e d I n l D c a t i ( r n so u t s r d e t h e U n r t e d S t a t e s , o b t a i n r d d ì t r o n a l r r r p r e s , r l l n t e ì d o e u m c n l a l i o n b y r , ) n t r L ( t i n gy o r r r l o c a l I n t e ì s a l e s , r f f i c e .I ' ì r ry o L r rc o n s c n r e n c eL, n t e f n a t i , ) n asl a l { r s , r f f i caed d r e s s r : s a r e l o c a t e d d i r e c t l y b e i ì r r et h e r e a d e r r e p ì v t a r d i n r h e b a c k I l l h e m a n u a I t h e i n l o r m a t i o n i n t b r s d o c u m I o t i s s r . t b i et rt , r . h a n q e { r t h ou t r ì , , rt ( r ' l n t e l ( ' , ) r f o r a l r l ) nr ì r r k o sd , ) w a r r a n t \ ' , r f r ì r ì vk r r l w r t h r f j l a r d l , r t h r s ù ì a t { . r ì a l .i n c l ( ì d i n g ,b L r l n r ) l l i m r t e d 1 o ,t h e i n r p ì i o d| | r r r a r t ì o s ) l n r f r r h a . l r l ) r l L ! v a r r l f i t n e s sl ì r a p a r t i c u l a r p u r p o s € . I n l e l (1,)rp,)rati,)n r f s p i ) n s L b r l i l ri 'ì ) r r ì ! ì v f r f , r f s r h r l n ì r ì v r p p e a r r n l h i s d ( x L ì n r e n t .I n l € l C o r p o r a t i o nm a k e s n , rr , r r r r r n i l n r e or tr )L r p d a t p) . t , r k e p p . L r r r e n lt h e I n { i ) r m a t i r ) nc o n t a r n o dì n t h r s I n l e l ( o r p , J r a l i o na s s u n ì r s n , ì . { r s p r ì n s r b i l i t fyi ) r t h f u s e r i i r n v f i . r u i l r ! o r h € r t h a n c L r c u i l r y r : m b r x ì i e di n l r n I n l e l l ) r , r l L r ( l \ , ) , r l . h e r . i r c u i t 0 t t l e n l l i . { ' r ì \ p s r r e i r r r p l i e d . I n t e l s . ) l ì r r n . r p r ) d u . t s a r f L o p v r r r : h t c db v a n ( l r h a l l r c m a ì n t h e p r ) p e r t y , ) i l n t e l ( , ) r p o r r l r ) n . t ' s e . d L r p l ì c a l i r r n , rrrl ì s c l , r s u r ei s s u b t e ( t t , ) r r s t r ì c t i , ) . \ i t a l P d r n I n t e l s , ; o f t s a r e l r c o n s p . , ' r n s r l e i ì n e di n A S t ) R 7 1 0 , 19 r r ) r 9 r . \ o p a r t , ) f t h r s d o ( . u n ì e n 1r n a r b e f , ) p r e d 0 r r e p r r x l u c e d r n a n y f o r m o r b v a n v r n e a n s , r r l h o u t p r r o r { r i l t f n c o n s e n tr ) l I n t e | ( ' , ) rp , ) f l r t i , ) n . Ì h e f l l l o $ L n g a r e t r a d e m ? ì r k s, ) l I n t p l ( o r p o r î t i o Ì 1 a n d r t s a f f i ù a t e s a n d m a y b e u s c d o n l y L 0 r d e n l i l v I r ) t e lp r , ! l u f i s : Ab,rve ,l.lìX rPS(l BII II( S ('OY Ypute r (lRl'iDiî rll I)l)K rS I I ( ' r\lMX rSllX I ) r ì t aI ì p e h n e lnsrle LSI)U ,nr,,l rSSII T rnrcllìOs iSX 11 r Intolevisrr)n Lrbrarl \fenrLqer f2lCFi , n r e l i g e n tl d e n t , f i o r tf('s lCFl , n t e l i s e n t i ' ] r r ) s r a n ì m i n q \fega(hassrs rCÉlL Inlollec iCS Inteìlink rDtìl' ,OSP IDIS rPl)S lìfnil's rlìUX \ft('tìo \f'\ r \ t RA lll] \fUI,TIB(,S \ILI,'TI(]HA\\EI, \ f L ; t . lt \ f o t ) ( L u O p e n \ LL o\a !l IllusA Ilubbìe PIIoMPT QL:EST Quex Rrpplenode R\f x/80 RUPI SI,II LPI VLS'('!:1. ìl'Stì K E . \ * l K , \ f S D O S , \ f L r l t L p l a n . r n d \ f i c r o s o l ì a r e t r a d e m a r k s , r l \ l i c r o s o f t C , - r r p o r a t L o n[.. \ l K r s a t r r d e n ì a r k ' r i B e l l L r i b o r r t , r r r e s F l t h e r n c l r s a l r a ( l e n r r r k ' r t X e r | \ ( , ) r p o r a t i o n . C ( ' n r r , r n r r sì s a L r a d e m a r k , r l ( l e n t r o n ' r s D a t r ( , ) m p u l e r ( ' , , r p o r a t L o n(. h a s s i s T r a k r s a l r a d e n Ì a r k , r l ( Ì e n e r a l [ ) e v Ì c e sC o n r p a n v , I r ì f . \ ' A \ , r o d VUS rrf tradenìxrks rf l)rqrtrl tqurpmenr Corporarion_ S n ì a r t m o d e m i 2 0 0 a n d l l a y e s a r e r r a d e m a r k s o f I l a \ ' f s \ l r c r o c o | n p u t ( ' rl , r o d u c r s ,I n c . I B M i s a r f g r s t e r p d t r a d e ù r a r k , ) l l n l t ' r n a Ì i o n a l l l u s Ì n e s s \ f a c h r n e s . S o f t S { . 0 p er s a r e g t s t e r e d r r n r l e r n a r k o f (li)ncurrent Scrences. ( ' , ) p y r i q h t ! l 9 l l l ì .l n t o l C , r r p o r r t i o n VOLUMEPREFACE MANUALS IN THISVOLUME This volume (Volume 1, Ertended iRMl{'@II Operating Syltent Lltilitit:s and prograntniry4 Infonnation) includesthe following manuals: Exteruled IRMXP II Boorstap Loader ReferenceManual Extended iRMÀo II SystentDebug4erReferenceManuol Extended iRlll)o II Disk Verilication Lltilitl ReferenceManuul Guide to tlu: Etcntletl IRM}@ II lrtteructive Configuration utiliq, Ertended iRltl)@ II Prograrntning Technique.sReftrente Mrtttuttl The Extended iRMA\o II Bootstrap Loader RefercnccManual tlescril.testhc use of the Bootstrap Loader and how to modify the Bootstritp Loatler îiles. The Ertenderl iRhl)@ II SystemDehugqerReferenceManualdescribesthe iRMX@ II Operating System'sstatic debug-eer.All of thc SystemDebugger commancisare explained and an exampledebug-uing sessionis provided. The Ertended iRMXo II Dkk Veificatbn lrility Rcferenu Munual rlescrihesthe Disk v e r i l i c a t i o n U t i l i t y w h i c h i s u s e dt o e x a m i n ea n d r n o t l i f yt h c d a t l ì s t r u c t u r e so f i R M X o I I n a m e da n d p h y s i c avl o l u m e s . The Guide to the Efiended iRMXo II Interactive Conf.guration Utlltv'manual describes the I n t e r a c t i v eC o n f i { u r a t i o nU t i l i t y c o m m a n d sa n d m e n u s ,a n d p r o v i d e sa n e x a m p l es y s t e m configuration. The Extended iL\lÀl@ II Progrurnnting TechniquesReference!úanuul provides programnring t e c h n i q u e sa n d e x a m o l e s . iRMX@II SystemUtilitiesand Prograrnming lnformationVolume Itl VOLUME PREFACE VOLUMECONTENTS Manualsare listedin the order theyappearin the volumes.For a synopsisof eachmanual, refer to fhe Introductiortto the Ertended|RMX\ II OperatingSystem. VOLUME 1. Erk:nriediRMXo II Introduction,It$tallation,and OperatingInstructions Introductiort to the Ertended iRMX II Operating System Exteruled |RMX ll Hardware and SoffA,are Installation Cuide Operator's Guide to the Extenried|RMX II Human Interface Master Iruler VOLUME 2: Extended iRMXo II Operating SystemUser Guide.s Extended iRltlXÒ II Nucleus U.ser'sGuide Extended iRMXo II Ba.sicI/O SystentUser'sGuide Guide Extended |RIVX@I I E.rtendedI/O SystentU.ser'.s Extended iRM)P ll Hurnctn Interface User'sGuide Extended iRMXo II Applicatbn Loader User'sGuitle Erteruled iRl'ltX@ll UniversalDevelopment Intefaca U.ser'sCuide Device Div'cr.s Uscr's Gu' le VOLUME 3: Ertended iRMXo II Sy*em Calk Extended iRMXo II Extended iRMÀ@II Extended iRhl}.@ II Ertended |RMX@ll Extended iRMXa II Ertended iRlllYù II VOLUME Nucleus SystentCalls Referente Manual Basic I/O SystemCalls ReferenceManual Ertended I/O System Calls Reference Manual Applicatiort Loader SystentCalls ReferenceManual Hurnrut Interface Sy-stent Calls ReferenceManrutl UDI Sl,sternCalls ReferenceMartual 4: Ertendad |RMX@II Operuting $,stem Utilities Extended iRltlX@II Bootstrup Loadar ReferenceManual Extended iRlt't)@II S1'stent DebuggerRet'erencel4anual Extended iRltl)'@ II Di.sk Verification Utility Ret'ere ce lllanual Extended |RMXò II Progranuning TechniquesReferenceMrutual Guide to the E.rtundd iRMX@II Interactive Configuration Utilitl,^ VOLUME 5'.Ettended íRMXò II Interoctive Configurutbn Utility Reference Extended iRltlXE II Inteructive Configurution Utility ReferenceManual lv iRl\tX@ll SystemUtilitiesand ProgrammingInformationVolume REV. -001 REVISIONIIISTORY f)riginnll**ur DATE 0l/88 intel E X T E N D Ei D RMX@II B O O T S T R ALP OADER R E F E R E NM CAEN U A L l n t e lC o r p o r a t r o n 3 0 65 B o w e r sA v e nue S a n t aC l a r aC , a l i f o r na 9 5 0 5 1 C o p y r i g h t I 9 8 8 , I n t e lC o r p o r a t r o A n ,i l R g h t sR e s e r v e d PREFACE INTRODUCTION The BootstrapLoaderenablesyou to generatea systemîhat canbootloadfrom Intelsuppliedor customdevices.A hootablesystemgainscontrolimmediatelyafterpower-up or systemreset. This manualprovidesinformationthat enablesyou to configureyour systemto boot from specificdevices,to includeyour own customdevicedriversaspart ol the system,and to placeyour generatedsysteminto PROM devices. READERLEVEL The manualassumes thatyou arefamiliarwith the iRMX ìl Operating Systemandan editorwith whichyou canedit sourcecodefiÌes. lt may alsobe helpfulif you are familiar with the following: o SUBMITfiles. . ASM86 sourcecoclefiles. MANUALOVERVIEW This manualis organizedastbllows: ChapterI This chapterprovidesan overviewof the BootstrapLoaderoperations. Chapter2 This chapterprovidesan operator'sviewpointof usingthe Bootstrap Loader. Chapter3 This chapterdescribes how to configurethe first stageof the Bootstralr Loader. Chapter4 This chapterdescribes how ro configurethe third srageof the Bootstrap Loader. Chapter5 This chapterdescribes how to write customfirst-stagedrivers. Chapter6 This chapterclescribes how to write customthird-stagedrivers. Bootstrap[,0ader llt PREFACE Chapter7 error handlingprocedures. This chapterdescribes AppendirA how to includeautomaticboot device This appendirdescribes your systcm. it ion into rccogn AppendixB This appendixdescribes how to load the BootstrapLoaderand the monitorinto PROM devices. CONVENTIONS are usedthroughoutthis manual: The followingconventions o whenshownin keyboard InformationappearingasUPPERCASEcharacters examplesmustbe enteredor codedexactlyasshown.You may,however,mix lower whenenteringthe text. and uppercase characters . within anglebrackets( < > ) whenshownin Fieldsappearingaslowercase characters variableinformation.You mustenteran appropriate keyboard examples indicate valueor symbollbr variablefields. . User input appearsin one of the followingforms: as bolded tv text nithln a screen . The term"iRMX If'refersto the Extended iRMX ll.3 Operating System. . The term'iRMX I'refersto the iRMX I (iRMX 86)Operating System. . All numbers, unless otherwise stated,areassumed to be decimal.Hexadecimal numbersincludethe "H" radixcharacter (for example, OFFH ). Bootstrapl,oadcr CONTENTS CHAPTER1 OVERVIEW OF BOOTSTRAP LOADEROPERATIONS PAGE CHAPTER2 USINGTHEBOOTSTRAP LOADER PAGE CHAPTER3 CONFIGURING THEFIRSTSTAGE PAGE Bootstrap [,oader CONTENTS CHAPTER3 (continued) PAGE CHAPTER4 THETHIRDSTAGE CONFIGURING PAGE vl BrntstrapInader CONTENTS CHAPTER4 (continued) PAGE CHAPTER5 WRITINGA CUSTOMFIRST.STAGE DBIVER PAGE 5.1Introduction ..............................5-1 5.2 DeviceInitializeProcedure........... .......................5-2 5.3 DeviceReadProcedure.... ............................. 5-3 5.4 Supplying Configuration Information to the First-Stage Driver...............................5-4 5.4.1Hard-Cocìing the Configuration Information .......................5-4 5.4.2Providing a Configuration Fiìe...................... ..........................5-5 5.5 Usingthe MULTIBUS@ Il TransportProtocol .............................5-8 5.5.1Message Passing ControllerInitialization.. ...........................5-9 5.5.2Message Tlpes.................. ..........,..............5-10 5.5.3Request/ Response Transaction ModeI......... ....................... 5-10 5.5.4Sendand Receive Transaction Models ................................ 5-l5 5.5.5Message Broadcasting...... ......................... 5-20 5 . 5 . 6T r a n s m i s s i M o no d e s . . . . . . . . . . . ......................5-22 5.5.7Interconnect Space .......5-22 5.5.8DriverCodeConsiderat ions...................... ............................. 5-30 5.6 Changing BSl.A86or BS1M82.,486 to Includethe NewFirst-Stage Driver........ 5-33 -5.7Generating a NewFirstStageContaining theCustomDeviceDriver.................. 5-34 CHAPTER6 WRITINGA CUSTOMTHIRD-STAGE ORIVER PAGE 6.1 Introduction ..................,...........6-1 tr.2 Whata Third-Stage DeviceDriverMustContain..... ........,...........6-1 6.3 DeviceInitialization Procedure........... ................ 6-3 6.4 DeviceReadProcedure ..........6-4 6.5 Protected ModeConsiderations .................... ...................................6-ó 6.(rSupplying Configuration lnformationto theThird-Stage Driver.............. ...............6-1 ó.7 UsingMULTIBUS@ II TransportProtocol .............. ......................6-8 6.8 Changing BS3.A86 to Includethe NewThird-Stage Driver............................-..........6-8 fi.9 Generating a NewThirdStageContaining the CustomDriver................. ...............6-9 BootstrapLoader vtl CONTENTS CHAPTEB7 PAGE ERRORHANDLING 7.1Introduction ..............................7-1 -l 7.2 Analyzing ...............l Bootstrap LoaderFailures. -1 7.2.1ActionsTakenby theBootstrap .....................7 LoaderAfter an 8rror...,.......... -2 7.2.2 AnalyzingBrrorsWith DisplayedError Messages . .............7 7.2.3 Analyzing ErrorsWithoutDisplayed Error Messages.......................................7-5 -7 7.2.4lnitialization Errors.............. ........................7 APPENDIX A PAGE AUTOMATICBOOT DEVICERECOGNITION 4.1 Introduction........................... ...............................A-1 A.2 How AutomaticBootDevìceRecognition Works........... ............ A-1 A.3 How to IncludeAutomaticBootDeviceRecognition....... ......... A-2 A.4 How to Exclude AutomaticBootDeviceRecosnition ............................................. A-5 APPENDIX B PAGE PROMMING THEBOOTSTRAP LOADER ANDTHEISDM"MONITOR B.l Introduction .............................B-1 8.2 Incorporating theiSDM"Monitor.............. ....................................8-l vltt Brxrtstrapl{)ader CONTENTS TABLES TABLE PAGE l-1 Intel-Supplied Bootstrap LoaderDrivers. ...................................... 1-8 2-1 Supplied Third StageFiles..................... ..............2-7 3-l Procedure Namesfor Intel-Supplied FirstStageDrivers...............,........................ 3-25 3-2 5.25-lnchDiskettesSupportedby iSBC@ 20tland MSC-specificDrivers............. 3-26 3-3 8-InchDiskettes Supported by iSBC@ 208and MSC-Specific Drivers..................3-2ó 4-l Namesfor Intel-Supplied Third StageDrivers................ ..............4-7 4-2 MemoryLocations Usedby the Bootstrap Loader...................................................4lfi 7-I Postmortem -6 Analysis of Bootstrap LoaderFailure.. ....................7 FIGURES FIGURE B(x)tstrap Lr|ader PAGE LX CHAPTER1 OVERVIEW OF BOOTSTRAP LOADEROPERATIONS 1.1 INTRODUCTION The BootstrapLoaderis a programthat is not part of anyparticularOperatingSystem. storage Rather,it is a programthat loadsan applicationsysteminto RAM from secondary so that it canbeginrunning.This processis calledbootstraploadìngor booting. Booting canoccurwhenthe systemis turnedon, whenthe systemis reset,or underoperator controlwhenthe monitoris active. into PROM The BootstrapLoadereliminatesthe needto placecompleteapplications program--into devices.Instead,you canplacethe BootstrapLoader--irrelativelysmall PROM devicesand storeyour applicationsystemon a massstoragedevice.The Bootslrap Loadercanthenbe usedto load the applicationprograminto RAM. of threestages. The BootstrapLoaderconsists The first stageresidesin PROM devices.It determinesthe nameof the file to load,loads controlto that part. Intel System300Series part of the secondstage,and passes are deliveredwith the first stageof the BootstrapLoaderand the iSDM Microcomputers monitor alreadyplacedin PROM devices.Intel ModulesDevelopmentPlatformsare deliveredsimilarlyexceptwith the D-MON386monitor. If you are huildingyour own you canusethe informationin this manualto configurea first stageand computersystems, placeit into PROM devices. The secondstageresideson track0 of everyiRMX-formattcdnrmed volume. That is, wheneveryou usethe HumanInterlàceFORMAT commandto format a volume,the secondstageis copiedto that volume. Wheninvoked,the secondstagefinishesloading itselfinto memoryand thenloadsa file from the samevolumeand passescontrolto it. The contentsof thisload file dependon the kind of systemyou are loading.If you are loadingan iRMX I system,the file loadedby the secondstagecontainsthe application systemitself. Ifyou are loadingan iRMX II system,the file loadedby the secondstage containsthe third stageof the BootstrapLoader,whichfinishesthe loadingprocess. BootstrapLoader l-l OVERVIEWOF BOOTSTRAPLOADEROPERATIONS for loadingiRMX ll applications, becausetheseapplications Thc third stageis necessary requirethe 80286processorto be runningin protectedmodeand becausetheyusethe OMF-2tì6objectmoduleformat. The OMF-28fiformat is differentfrom the OMF-86 format and thereforecannotbe handledb1'thesecondstage.The third stageplacesthe processorin protectedmode,loadsthe iRMX II applicationsystem,and transferscontrol to that applicationsystem.The third stageresidesin a namedfile on the samevolumeas the secondstage.Your BootstrapLoaderpackagecontainsa configuredthird stagethat canloadapplications from selected devices.The instructions in thismanualcanhelpyou configureyour own third stageto add supportfor otherdcriees. The bootstraploadingprocesscannotbe completedwithouta devicedriver. The device driver is a smallprogramthat providcsthe interfacebetweenthe BootstrapLoaderand a hardwaredevice(or a controllerfor the device).Whenyou configurethe Bootstrap Loader(a taskthat is independent of operatingsystemconfiguration), you specifothe devicedriversthat the BootstrapLoaderrcquires.Duringthe courseof configuration, thesedevicedrivers(whichare usuallydistinctfrom the drìversneedetJ by the application system) are linkedto the Bootstrap Loaderautomatically. 1.2THESTAGESOFTHEBOOTSTRAP LOADER T h e B o o t s t r a pL o a d e r h a s a n u m b e ro f s t a q e st h a t c o n t r o lt h e l o a c l i n go f t h e a p p l i c a t i o r . s y s t e m .i R M X I a p p l i c a t i o n sl o a d u ' i t h a t w o - s t a g ep r o c e s s .i R M X I I a p p l i c a t i o n su s e t h e s et w o s t a g e sb u t a l s or e q u i r ea t h i r d s t a g e . 1.2.1 FirstStage The Bootstrap Loader's first stageconsistsof two parts. One part is the code for the first stage,and the other part is a set of minimal devicedrivers used by the first and second stagesto initialize and read from the devicethat containsthe systemto be booted. The Bootstrap Loader packagecontainsdevicedrivers for many common Intel devices. To support other devices,you can write your own drivers and configure them into the first slage. To use the Bootstrap Loader, the first stagemust be in one of two places. The natural place fbr the first stageis in PROM devices,either as a standaloneproduct or combined w i t h a m o n i t o r . f n t e l S y s t e m3 1 0 a n d 3 8 0 S e r i e sM i c r o c o m p u t e r sa r e d e l i v e r e dw i t h t h e Bootstrap Loatler's first stage,the iSDM monitor, anrJthe SystemConficlenceTest (SCT) in the PROM devices. Intel System320 SeriesMicrocomputers are deliveredwith the Bootstrap Loader's first stage,the iSDM monitor, the D-MON3tì(r monitor, and the SCT in t h e P R O M d e v i c e s .I n t e l M o c i u l e sD e v e l o p m e n P t l a t f o r m sa r e d e l i v c r e dw i t h t h e B o o t s t r a pL o a c l c r ' sf i r s t s t a g e ,t h e D - M O N 3 8 6 m o n i t o r ,a n d t h e S C T i n t h e P R O M devices. t-2 Brxrtstrap [-oader OVERVIEWOF BOOTSTRAPLOADEROPERATIONS l f y o u h a v ea s y s t e mt h a t i n c l u d e st h e i S D M m o n i t o r a n d y o u a r e a c l d i n gy o u r o w n d e v i c e driver to the Bootstrap Loader's first stage,you might find it useful to load the first stage into the target system'sRAM using a developmentsystemiSDM kracìerand activatethc f i r s t s t a g eu n d e r i S D M c o n t r o lf r o m t h e d e v e l o p m e nst y s t c m .A f t e r a c t i v a t i n gt h e f i r s t s t a g e y, o u c o u l d t h e n d e b u gd r i v e r c o d e . I f y o u r s y s t e mi n c l u d e st h e D - M O N 3 8 ( rm o n i t o r , however,you must perform all driver debuggingfrom the target system. You cannot download the first stagefrom a developmentsysteminto the target systemand then use DM O N 3 8 ó t o i n i t i a t ep r o g r a me x e c u t i o n .W h e n d e b u g g i n gu n d e r t h e s el a t t e r c i r c u m s t a n c e s , y o u m a y w i s h t o e i t h e r d e b u gw i t h i n t h e P R O M d e v i c e so r p e r h a p su s e a w o r k i n g B o o t s t r a pL o a d e r t o b o o t l o a dt h e B o o t s t r a pL o a d e rt h a t c o n t a i n st h e n e w d r i v e r . W h e n t h e f i r s t s t a g eb e g i n sr u n n i n g ,i t f i r s t i d e n t i f i e st h e b o o t s t r a pd e v i c ea n d t h e n a m e o f t h e f i l e t o b o o t , e i t h e r b y a c c e p t i n gt h a t i n f o r m a t i o nf r o m a c o m m a n dl i n e e n t e r e cul t t h e m o n i t o r o r b y u s i n gd e f a u l tc h a r a c t e r i s t i cess t a b l i s h c w d h c n t h e f i r s t s t a g ew a s c o n f i g u r e t ì . T h e B o o t s t r a pL o a d e r n e x tc a l l si t s i n t e r n a ld e v i c ed r i v e r f o r t h e c l e v i c ew, h i c h i n i t i a l i z e s the device and reatis the first portion of the secondsttìgeinto memory. (The secondstage alwaysresideson track 0 and block 0 of the named volume, so it can be accessedeasily by t h e f i r s t s t a g e . )A f t e r c a l l i n gt h e i n t e r n a ld e v i c ed r i v e r ,t h e î i r s t s t a g ep a s s e sc o n t r o lt o t h e secondstage. Becausethe first stageworks on both lt0tl6/ lllfi- ancl802t16/31.ì(r-basccl computers,it o p e r a t e si n r e a l a d d r e s sm o d e w h e n r u n n i n gi n a n t l 0 2 t l 6 / 3 8 6 - b a s esdy s t c m .T h i s m e a n s that any devicedrivers you write for the first stagemust also opcrate in real addressmode. 1.2.2 SecondStage Unlike the first stage,the secondstageof the Bootstrap Loadcr is not configurable. Its slze i s a l w a y st h e s a m e( l e s st h a n f ì K b y t e s ) ,a n d i t d o e sn o t d e p e n do n t h e a p p l i c a t i o ni n a n y w a y . T h e c o t ì ef o r t h e s e c o n ds t a g er e s i d e so n a l l v o l u r n e sf o r r r a t t c dw i t h t h e i R M X I o r i R M X I I H u m a n l n t e r f a c eF O R M A T c o m m a n d s .T h e r c f ì r r e t, h e s e c o n ds t a g ci s a l w a y s availablefor loading applicationsresidingon random accesstlevices. W h e n t h e s e c o n ds t a g er e c e i v e sc o n t r o l ,i t f i n i s h e sl o a d i n gi t s c l f i n t o m e m o r y a n d t h e n loads the file determined by the first stage. When loading the file, it usesthe same device driver used by the first stage. In iRMX I systems,the load file is the application systcm i t s e l f . I n i R M X I I s y s t e m st,h i s f i l e i s t h e t h i r t l s t a g eo f t h e B o o t s t r a pL o a d e r . Bmtstrap LOader l-3 OVERVIEWOF BOOTSTRAPLOADER OPERATIONS NOTE II.3 OperatingSystemfrom a You cannotbootstrapload the iRMX IL 1, 11.2, volumethat wasformattedusingthe iRMX 1.6or I.7 (iRMX 86 Release6 or 7) FORMAT command.However,you canmakethe volumebootablewithout reformattingthe entirevolumeand losingthe datastoredon it. To be ableto from the samevolume, boot both the iRMX I and iRMX II OperatingSystems invokethe iRMX II.3 FORMAT commandand specifythe BOOTSTRAP control. With BOOTSTRAPspecified,FORMAT just replacesthe second stageon track0 of the volumewhile leavingthe remainingdatauntouched. When the FORMAT commandfinishes,you canbootstrapload both the iRMX from the samevolume. I and iRMX II OperatingSystems 1.2.3ThirdStage The third stageof the BootstrapLoaderis usedfor loadingiRMX Il-basedapplications into memory.The third stageresidesin a namedfile on the bootstrapdevice.Both the third stageand the applicationsystemto be loadedmustresidein the samedirectoryon the volume. third stage. There are two typesof third stages:a genericthird stageand a device-specific The type neededfor your systemdependson the sizeof the applicationsystemyou intend to load. 1 .2.3.1 Generic Third Stage from any The genericthird stageis so namedbecauseit canload applicationsystems devicethat the first stagerecognizes.This stagecontainsno devicedriverof its own. Instead,it usesthe samedevicedriverusedby the first and secondstages.This meansthat you won't needto write a separatedevicedriverto work in protectedmode,but it also meansthat the genericthird stagerunsin real addressmode. In real addressmode, addressability is restrictedto the first (lowest)megabyteof memory.Therefore,the genericthird stagecanloadonly thoseapplicationsystems that are smallerthan 840K bytes.The remainingspaceis usedby the BootstrapLoader,the monitor and the SCT. To load largerapplications, you mustusea device-specific third stage. When the genericthird stagereceivescontrol,it usesthe devicedriversuppliedin the first stageto load the applicationsystem.Then it switchesthe processorinto protectedvirtual addressmodeand passes controlto the application. l-4 Bo()tstraplrader OYERYIEWOF BOOTSTRAPLOADEROPERATIONS ThirdStage The device-specific third stageswitchesthe processorto protectedvirtualaddressmode beforeloadingthe applicationsystem.This enablesthis stageto load into memory addresses higherthan one megabyte.However,becausethis stageswitchesthe processor into protectedmode,it cannotusethe first stage'sdevicedrivers(whichoperateonly in real mode). Instead,it mustcontainits own devicedriver,operatingin protectedmode,to controlthe devicefrom whichthe applicationsystemis loaded. The device-specific third stagesuppliedin your BootstrapLoaderpackagesupportsthe following devices: . iSBC21SG/iSBX2l8A winchesterand diskettecontrollercombinationor the iSBC214controller . iSBC264bubblememorycontroller . controller iSBC 186/224Amulti-peripheral o Systems SCSI(SmallComputerSystemslnterface)anooo<:pm<>" message at the terminal,issuesits prompt(a singleperiodfor real-modeiRMX I andwaitsfor a command iRMX II systems), fwo systems, periodsfor protected-mode from the terminal.At this point the operatorcaninvokeanyof the iSDM monitor commandsthat are appropriatefor real or protectedmode. (To continuerunningthe loadedprogram,enterG .) tellsyou that of the Debugswitchis that the monitor'sinterruptmessage One advantage you not fails, might you are booting If a system process was successful. the loacling whether the or otherwisebe ableto tell whetherthe bootstrapload itselfwasunsuccessful, and then failed during initialization. The presenceor absenceof systemloadedsuccessfully whenyou usethe Debugoptionclarifieswhetherthe loadingwas the interruptmessage successful. Bootstrapl-oader , -'l LOADER USINGTHE BOOTSTRAP Becausethe Debugoptionleavesyou in the monitor,you canalter the contentsof specific memorylocationsandperformother monitoractions(suchas , inval-id interface type ERROR E R R O R- i n v a l i d Daraneter cornbination 3.2.4 "/"CPUMacro The %CPU macroidentifiesthe typeof CPU that performsthe bootstraploading operation.You mustincludethis macroin the BS1.A86or BSlM82..486file once(and only once). The syntaxof the CPU macrors %CPU(cpu_type) where: cpu_type The typeof CPU performingthe bootstrapoperation.Valid typesare: Typ" Description 8086 8088 8018ó 801llti 80286 80386 8[ì86processor(iRMX I only) 8088processor(iRMX I only) (iRMX I only) 8018óprocessor lì0ltllìprocessor(iRMX I only) 80286processor (iRMX I andiRMX II) 80386processor(iRMX I and iRMX II) llOnly) 3.2.5 "/"BMPSMacro(MULTIBUS@ passingsystemusedduringbootstraploading. The %BMPSmacroconfiguresthe message (MPC), Coprocessor This macroidentifiesthe baseaddressof the MessagePassing addressdistancebetweenMPC ports,and informationthat defineshow directmemory access(DMA) transfersoccur. If you havea MULTIBUS II systemthat bootloadsfrom a devicewhosedriverusesMULTIBUS II transportprotocol(i.e.the 186/224Adriver),you mustusethis macro. lf you havea MULTIBUS I s)'stemor a systemthat bootloadsfrom a devicewhosedriverdoesnot useMULTIBUS II transportprotocol,you mustnot usethis macro. Bootstraplnader 3-ll CONFIGURINGTHE FIRST STAGE The syntaxof the %BMPSmacrols port$sep,duty$rycle, dma$in,dma$out, dma$base$addr, %BMPS(mpc$base$addr, dma$trans, data$width) where: mpc$base$addr The baseI/O port addressof the MPC. Referto the appropriatesingleboardcomputeruser'sguidefor this address. port$sep The numberof addresses separatingindividualMPC ports. For example,if the mpc$base$addr is 0000Hand the nextthreeI/O port addresses are 0004H,0008H, and 000CH,respectively, the port$sepis 4H. Referto the appropriatesingleboardcomputeruser'sguidefor the l/O port addressmap. duty$rycle The MPC duty cyclefor the localbus. (The rate at whichdatapacketsare generated.)For informationon how to calculatea dutycyclesuitablefor the localbus, refer to the MPC User'sManual. For duty cyclessuitable for Intel singleboardcomputers,refer to the appropriate singleboardcomputeruser'sguide. dma$base$addr The baseI/O port addressfor the AdvancedDirect MemoryAccess(ADMA) controller.Referto the appropriatesingleboardcomputeruser'sguidefor this address. dma$in The channelusedto receive(input) DMA message passingtransfers.Referto the appropriatesingleboard computeruser'sguidefor this channelnumber. dma$out The channelusedto send(output)DMA message passing.Referto the appropriatesingleboardcomputer user'sguidefor thìschannelnumber. dma$trans The l/O port addressusedfor DMA datatransfers. Reier to the appropriatesingleboardcomputeruser's guidefor this address. data$width The datawidth in bits of the localbus. This valuemust be eitherl6 or 32 ldecimall.If thewidthis setto 32 bits on a 386/116-or 386/120-based board,flyby(onecycle) DMA modeis enabled. The %BMPSmacrocan qenerateerrorsif the localbuswidth is not l6 or 32 bitswide. 3-t2 Bmtstrap l-oader CONFIGURINGTHE FIRST STAGE 3.2.6 %IAPX186 lNlT Macro(!RMXI MULTIBUS@ | Systems Only) T\e o/oIAPX_186_INIT macrospecifies the initialchip selectand modevaluesfor 8018ó and 80188CPUs. Includethis macroonly for systems that usethe 80186or 80188 processorand do not includea monitor in PROM devices.In systemsthat includethe iSDM monitor,the monitorbecomesactivebeforethe BootstrapLoader,and the monitor mustinitializethe CPU. An iSDM configurationmacrois availablefor this purpose.See the iSDM SystemDebugMonitor Reference Manual for more information. The syntaxof the iAPX_186_INITmacrois ToiAPX_186_INIT(rmx, umcs,lmcs,mmcs,mpcs,pacs) where: rmx The initial modeof the 80186Programmable InterruptController (PIC). Acceptablevaluesare as follows: Value Description v The 8018óPIC is initializedin iRMX compatibility mode. n The 80186PIC is initializedin defaultmode. umcs Initial valuefor the upper-memory chip-select controlregister. lmcs Initial valuefor the lower-memory chip-select controlregister mmcs Initial valuefor the midrange-memory chip-select controlregister. mpcs Initial valuefor the memory-peripheral chip-select controlregister. pacs Initial valuefor the peripheral-address chip-select controlregister. In all parametersexceptthe first one (rmx),NONE is alsoan acceptable value,implying that no initializationvalueshouldbe placedin the corresponding register.For information on the chip-select controlregisters, and the valuesto placein them,seethe datasheetsfor the 80186and 8018t1 processors. All the defaultparametervaluesfor this macro(in the Intel-supplied BSl.Alt6file shownin Figure3-1)areappropriate to initialize the CPUson the iSBC186/03(A), iSBC186/51 and iSBC 188/48/56 boards. The iRMX I OperatingSystemdoesnot allowyou to movethe 80186relocationregisterto I/O addresses other than 0FF00H,its defaultregister. Bootstrapl-oader 3-13 CONFIGURINGTHE FIRST STAGE %MANUAL, 3.2.7%CONSOLE, and %AUTOMacros The CONSOLE,MANUAL, andAUTO macrosspecifyhow the first stageidentifiesthe file that the secondstagewill load (eitherthe loadfile or the third stage)and the deviceon whichthe file is found. o/oMANUAL,and %AUTO macrosis The syntaxof the a/oCONSOLE, TaCONSOLE TaMANUAL ToAUîO Thereare no parametersassociated with anyof thesemacros. Dependingon the actionyou want the BootstrapLoaderto take,you can includenone, any,or all of thesemacros,and the combinationyou choosedefinesthe set of actions taken. Becausethe ToMANUAL macroautomatically includesboth the %CONSOLEand %AUTO macros,five functionally-distinct combinations are possible.Eachof these combinations requiresthat the devicelist at the end of the BS1.A86or BS1MB2.A86file be setup in a certainway. For more informationon the devicelist,seethe discussion of the ToDEYICE macro later in this chapter. The following paragraphslist the possible macrocombinations, the devicerequirements, and the actionsthat the BootstrapLoader takeswheneachcombinationis invoked. (Requiresthat the devicelist definedwith ToDEVICEmacroshave No o/oCONSOLE, only one entry.) %MANUAL. or TaAU'fO macro 3-14 o The BootstrapLoadertriesonceto load from the activedevice. . The BootstrapLoadertriesonceto loadthe file with the default pathname(the oneyou definewith the %DEFAULTFILE macro). Bo0tstraplrader CONFIGURINGTHE FIRST STAGE ToCONSOLE (Requires thatthedevicelisthaveonlyoneentry.) oruy . The BootstranLoadertriesonceto load from the devicein the device list. r The BootstrapLoaderissuesan asterisk(*) promptat the console terminalandwaitsfor an operatorto cnter the pathnameof the file to load. It triesonceto load the file the operatorspecifies. -- If the operatorentersa pathname,the BootstrapLoaderloads the file with that pathname. -- If the operatorentersa CARRIAGE RETURN only,the lile with the defaultpathnameis loaded. (Requiresa devicelist with at leastone entry.) %MANUAI only . The BootstrapLoaderissuesan asterisk(*) promptfor a pathnameat theconsole terminal. . The BootstrapLoaderchoosesa devicedependingon the operator's response. -- lf a devicenameis entered,the BootstrapLoaderloadsfrom that device.It triesto load until the devicebecomesreadyor until no more triesare allowed(as limitedby the optional %RETRIESmacro). -- If only CARRLq.GERETURN is entered,the BootstrapLoader throughthe list of devices looksfor a readydeviceby searching (in the orderthe ToDEVICEmacrosarelistedin the BSl.,486 or BSI MB2.A86file). The searchcontinuesuntil a readydevice is foundor until no more triesare allowed(aslimitedby the optional%RETRIESmacro). If the BootstrapLoaderfindsa readydevice,it loadsfrom that device. . The BootstrapLoaderchoosesa file dependingon the operator's response. -- If a pathnameis entered,it triesonceto load the file with that pathname. -- If no file nameis entered,it triesonceto loadthe file with the defaultpathname. Bmtstrap [-oader 3-15 CONFIGURINGTHE FIRSTSTAGE (Requiresa devicelist with at leastone entry.) %AUTO . The BootstrapLoaderlooksfor a readydeviceby searching throughthe list of devices(in the orderthe %DEVICE macrosare listedin the BSl.A86or BSlM82.A86file). The searchcontinuesuntil a ready deviceis foundor until no more triesare allowedlas limitedbv the optional% RETRIESmacro). . If the BootstrapLoaderfindsa readydevice,it triesonceto load the file with the defaultfile name. o/oAUTO, ToMANUAL, and o/aCONSOLE (Requiresa clevicelist with at leastone entry.) . The BootstrapLoaderissuesan asterisk(*) prompt for a pathnameat theconsole. . with a pathnamethat containsno devicename, If the operatorresponds the BootstrapLoaderlooksfor a readydeviceby searching throughthe list of devices(in the order the %DEVICE macrosare listedin the BSl.A86or BSlMB2.A86file). The searchcontinues untila ready deviceis foundor until no more triesare allowedlas limitedbv the optionalToRETRIES macro). . lf the BootstrapLoaderfindsa readydeviceor the operatorresponds with a pathnamecontaininga devicename,the BootstrapLoadertries .,"':.. l;:::l;il:l:'::',:"? ::::T::: ;:T;':.,,^", lathname. -- If only CARRIAGE RETURN is entered,it triesto load the file with the defaultpathname. Wheneverthe BootstrapLoader'sasteriskpromptappears,the operatorcan includea DebugSwitchalongwith a deviceand/or filenamespecification.The DebugSwitchis clescribed in Chapter2. 3.2.8 o/"LO ADFILE Macro The %LOADFILE macrocausesthe BootstrapLoaderto displaythe pathnameof the file itloads. If you areloa is an lnvalid Serial Channel type port delta for the Baud Rate Timer Invalid 8253/4 Baud Rate Counter is not 0, 1or 2 Counter 2 is the only valid 80130 Baud Rate Counter 80186 counter counter,type is not a valid Baud Rate Counter is an invalid Baud Rate Tirner cype Counter 0 is the only valid 82530 Baud Rate Counter 825J0 channel must be specified as A or B only Max Baud Rate Count must be sreater than 1 Bootstrap lnader 3-23 CONFIGURING THE FIRSTSTAGE 3.2.14%DEVICE Macro The VoDEYICEmacrodefinesa deviceunit from whichyour appÌicationsystemcanbe bootstraploaded.If the BS1.A86or BS1MB2.A86 file containsmultipleToDEYICE macros,their order in the file is the order in whichthe first stagesearches for a ready deviceunit. All,ToDEYICEmacrosthat selectdeviceunitson the samecontrollermustbe listed consecutively in BS1.A86or BSlMB2.A86,or assembly errorswill occur. Recallthat multiple%DEVICE macrosmaybe includedonly if the VoAUTOor ToMANUAL macro is included(otherwise, an error occursduringthe assembly of BS1.,486or 8S1MB2.A86.1. The syntaxof the ToDEVICEmacrois ToDEVICE(name, unit, device$init,device$read,unit info) where: name The physicalnameof the device,not enclosedin quotesor between colons.This is the namethat you wouldenterto specirythis device wheninvokingthe BootstrapLoaderfrom the keyboard.(However, wheninvokingthe BootstrapLoader,you would surroundthis name with colons.) After the BootsîrapLoaderloadsfrom a device,it passesthe physical nameof îhe device,aslistedhere,to the load file. To enablethe OperatingSystem's AutomaticBoot DeviceRecognitioncapability(see AppendixA) to function,this physicalnamemustmatcha device-unir namefor the deviceasspecifiedduringthe confìguration of the OperatingSystem. Refer to the InterúctiveConfigurationUtílity Reference Manualfor more informationaboutconfiguringthe OperatingSystem. 3-24 unrt The numberof this unit on this device.Unit numberingis the sameas that usedfor devicesby the BasicI/O System.Referto theDevice Diver User'sGuideîor more informationaboutunit numbering. device$init The nameof the deviceinitializationprocedurethar is part of the first stagedevicedriverfor this device-unit.Beforeattemptingto readfrom the device-unit, the BootstrapLoadercallsthis proce<.lure to perform initializationfunctions.If the device-unithasan Intel-supplied device driver,specifythe nameof the deviceinitializationprocedureaslisted in Table3-1. Ifyou supplyyour own driver(writtenas describedin Chapter5), enterthe nameof the initializationprocedure. Bootstraplr}ader CONFIGURINGTIIE FIRST SI'ACE device$read The nameof the devicereadprocedurethat is part of the first stage devicedriverlbr this device-unit.To readfrom this device-unit. the first and secondstagesof the BootstrapLoadercall this procedure.lf your BootstrapLoaderusesa genericthird stage,it too usesthis device readprocedureto readliom the deviceunit. If the device-unithasan Intel-supplied devicedriver,specifythe nameof the deviceread procedureaslistedin Table3-1. If you supplyyour own driver (written asdescribedin Chapter5), enterthe nameof the deviceread procedure. unit info An ASM8ólabelthat marksthe locationof an arrayof BYTEs containingspecificdevice-unitinformationrequiredby the massstorage devicedefinedby this invocationof the ToDEVICEmacro. This parameteris currentlyusedonly by the SCSIdevicedriver. Ifyou includeit for anyotherdevice,the BootstrapLoaderwill fail to load your applicationfrom that device.Referto the "FirstStageDevice of the Driver Files"sectionof this chapter,underthe clescriptions ToSCSIand 9iSASl UNIT INF'Omacrosfor informationabouthow anclwhento specifythis unTtinformationand for examplesof its use. for IntelTabÌe3-l liststhe namesof the deviceinitializationand devicereadprocedures suppliedfirst stagedevicedrivers. Table 3-1. I'rocedure Names for Intel-Supplied l'irst StageDrivers Dsvice Drivor Devicelnilialize Procedure DeviceRead Procedure iSBC208 SpecifìcDriver iSBC208 GeneralDriver * |SBCMSCSpecificDr ver. iSBCMSC GeneralDriver SCSIDriver iSBX218ADriver iSBC224ADriver iSBC251 Driver iSBC254 Driver iSBC264 Driver deviceinit20S deviceinit20Bgen deviceinitmsc deviceinitmscgen deviceinitscsi deviceinil2lSA deviceini1224A deviceinit25l deviceinlt254 deviceinlt264 deviceread20S deviceread20Sgen devicereadmsc devicereadmscgen devicereadscsi deviceread2'18A deviceread224A deviceread25l deviceread254 deviceread264 as wellas the iSBX218A The MSC driverssupportthe iSBC214,iSBC215G,|SBC220 controllers, to supportthe iSBC controllermountedon the iSBC215Gboard. The driversmustbe reconfigured 220 controller. for the iSBC208and MSC devices. Table3-1listshoth specificand generalprocedures Configurations of the BootstrapLoaderthat usethe generalversionof eitherdriverwill be larser. Bootstrapl-oader 3-25 CONFIGURINGTHE FIRST STAGE One differencebetweenthe two versionsof thesedevicedriversis that the generalversions from anyof the standardtypesof diskettesasdefinedin will bootstrapload applications only from the InstallationSystems.The specificversionswill bootstrapload applications specifictypesof disketteslistedin Tables3-2and 3-3. Thesetablesapplyto the specific versionsof both the iSBC208and MSC devicedrivers. Drivers Table3-2. 525-InchDiskettesSupportedby iSBC208and MSC-Specilìc Seclor Size Density 256 256 Singl€ Double NOTE: Seclors Der Track I The diskettescan be formattedwith either48 tracks p€r inch or 96 tracks per inch, and can b€ eithersingle-or doubl€-sided. Table3-3. 8-lnchDiskettesSupportedby iSBC20Eand MsC-SpecificDrivers Sector Size Density 128 2s6 Singl€ Double NOTE: Seclorso€r Treck 26 26 lhe diskettesmay be eithersingle-or double-sided. The Intel-supplied BSl.A86and BS1M82.A8óconfigurationfilesinclude%DEVICE macrosfor all of the supporteddevices,and includemultipleinstances of someof the macrosto indicatemultipleunitson the samedevice.It doesn'thurt to includesupportfor all of thesedevices,evenif your applicationsystemwon't containall of them. And if you add a new devicelater,you'll be ableto boot from the devicewithoutgeneratingnewboot PROM devices.However,you canreducethe sizeofyour BootstrapLoaderby excluding supportfor devicesthat you neverintendto use. Release3.2of the iSDM monitor providesspacefrom 0FE400Hto OFFFTFHfor useby the BootstrapLoader. This requiresyou chooseonly the devicesyou needwhenyou reconfigurethe BootstrapLoader so it will fit into the spaceallocatedby the iSDM monitor. If the BootstrapLoaderdoes not fit into the spaceallocatedby the monitor,you mustlocateit belowthe monitor. To excludea devicedriverfrom the BootstrapLoader,two stepsmustbe performed.First, excludeall the ToDEYICEmacrosin BS1.A86or BS1M82.A86that applyto deviceunits on that controller.To do this,edit BS1.A86or BS1MB2.A86and replacethe percentsign (7o)in îr u 5 L d É Y , & & & & & & Change the previous l i n e t o ' s t a r t ( f i r s t s t a g e _ 1 8 6 ) ' iAPX_186_INIT rnacro i s i n v o k e d i n t h e c o n f i g u r a t i o n if the fí1e. s e g si z e ( b o o t ( 1 8 0 0 H) ) Figure3-4. First StageConfigurationFile BSI.CSD (continued) Bootstraplrader 3-43 THE FIRSTSTAGE CONFIGURING m a pp r i n c ( : f l : 1 2 . m p 2 ) ;bootstrap & R e m o v eL h e ' ; ' f r o r u t h e l i n e ' : b o o t s t r a p ' w h e ng e n e r a t i n g a a s t a n d a l o n e B o o t s t r a p L o a d è r í n P R O Mf o r a 8 0 2 8 6 - b a s e d C P U b o a r d . Do not rernove the ' ;' if uhe BooEstrap Loader ls beÍng generated f o r a n 8 0 3 8 6 - b a s e d C P Ub o a r d . Bootstrap Loader fÍrst stage generation conplete. Figure 3-4. First StageConfigurationFile BSI.CSD (continued) the BSl.CSDSubmitFile 3.5.1 Moditying To generateyour own versionof the BootstrapLoaderfirst stage,thereare several changes you might needto make. First,ifyou haveexcludedanydevicedriversfrom the BootstrapLoader(by excluding TaDEYICEmacrosfrom the BSl.A86or BS'lMB2.A86file), you won'tìvantto link the codefor thosedriversinto the the first stage.To preventthe linkingof a devicedriver,edit the LINKSócommandin the BSI.CSDfile andplacean ampersand(&) in front of anyfile namethat corresponds to a driveryou want to exclude.Figure3-5 is an examplethat showsa portionof the BSl.CSDfile after excludingthe iSBC208,iSBX 218A,iSBX 251, iSBC254and SCSIdevicedrivers. 3-44 Bmtstrap l-oader CONFIGURJNGTHE FIRST STAGE 1ink86 & f1 :12.obj, & f l : b s e r r . o b J, & & f1 :bcico.obj, & ; for s tandalone s e r i a l & f 1 :b 2 0 8. o b j , & f1 :bnsc . obj , & & f l : b 2 1 8 a. o b J , & & fl :b25l.obj, & & f l : b 2 5 4. o b j , & fl : b264.obj , & f7:b224a . obj & & f 1 : b s c s i .o b j , & fl :bs1.1ib & t o f l : l 2 . l n k p r i n t ( : f l : 2 2 .u r p l ) & &nopublics except (f irststage, & & firststage_l86, & & & & channel support Renove the '&' from the beginning of the previous line if iAPX_186_INITrnacro is invoked in rhe configurarion file. Èhe Figure3-5. Excludingthe iSBC251and iSBC254Drivers NOTE If you excludea dcvicedriver,do NOT includeany %DEVICE macrosfor it in the BSl.A86or BSI lt{82.A86configurationfile or errorsfrom LINK86 will occur. Also, if you are not usingan iRMX I or iRMX II systemto configurethe Bootstrap Loader,you mustcommentout the commandattachingthe directorywherethe Bootstrap Loaderfilesresideasthe logicalname:F1:. Changethe line: ATTACHFILE $ AS :Fl : to ;ATTACHFILE $ AS :F1 : Bootstrap l,oader 3-45 CONFIGURING THE FIRST STAGE 3.5.2 Invokingthe BSl.CSDSubmitFile invokethe After you havemodifiedthe BSl.CSDfile to correspondto your configuration, absolute and assiglt them together, the BootstrapLoaderfiles,link submitfile to assemble addresses. The formatfor invokinsthe submitfile is asfollows: ATTACHFILE /RMX286/BOOT SUBMIT B S l ( f i r s t - s t a g e _ a d d r e s s ,s e c o n d - s t a g e - a d d r e s sI i.r s t - s t a g e - f i 1 e ) where: 3-46 first_stage_address The startingaddressof the first stageof the Bootstràp Loader. This canbe a RAM addressifyou intendto run the BootstrapLoaderfrom RAM, or it canbe a PROM devicesaddressif you intendto placethe Bootstrap Loaderinto PROM devices.The addressyou specif shouldbe a full 20-bitaddress.Do not usethe base:offset form to indicatethe address.The iSDM Release3.2monitorallocatesthe addressrangefrom 0FE400Hto 0FFFTFHto the BootstrapLoader. Ifyour configurationof the BootstrapLoaderwill not fit in this space,locateit at a loweraddressthan FF8000H. second_stage_address The addressin RAM wherethe secondstageof the BootstrapLoaderwill be loaded.The dataareafor the first and secondstagesis alsolocatedhere. The sizeof this secondstageareaconsistsof lessthan 8K contiguous bytes.The defaultaddressfor the secondstageis 0B8000H.This addresshasbeenchosento be compatiblewith the defaultaddressof the third stage whichis 0BC000H. first_stage_file The first-stage configurationfile to use. lfyour systemis a MULTIBUS I system,setthis parameterequalto the the string'bs1'.Settingthisparameter to 'bs1'causes locatedBootstrap Loaderfile to be named'bs1'.Ifyour systemis a MULTIBUS II system,set this parameter to equalto thestring'bslmb2'. Settingthisparameter 'bs1mb2'causes the locatedBootstrapLoaderfile to be named'bs1mb2'. B(x)tstrapl-oader CONFIGURINGTHE FIRSTSTAGE To invokethe BSl.cSD SUBMIT file with the defaultaddresses for combiningwith the iSDM monitor,typeone of the two setsof commandsbelow: 3.6 MEMORYLOCATIONS OF THEFIRSTANDSECONDSTAGES when you invokethe BSl.csD file,you assignmemorylocationsto the first and secon rd r r d L ru rr \ rr./ lend Figure4-3. Intel-SuppliedBG3"{8óFile 4.3.1 o/"BMPS Macro(MULT|BUS@ il Onty) The ToBMPSmacroconfiguresthe message passingsystemusedduringbootstraploading. This macroidentifiesthe baseaddressof the MessagePassingCoprocessor (MPC), addressdistancebetweenMPC ports,and informationthat defineshow directmemory access(DMA) transfersoccur. The syntaxof the ToBMPSmacrols %BMPS (mpc$base$addr, port$sep,duty$cycle, dma$base$addr, dma$in,dma$out, dmagtrans, datagwidth) where: mpc$base$addr The baseI/O port addressof the MPC. Referto the appropriatesingleboardcomputeruser'sguidefor this address. port$sep The numberof addresses separating individualMPC ports. For example,if the mpc$base$addr is 0000Hand the nextthreel/O port addresses are 0004H,0008H, and 000CH,respectively, the port$sepis 4H. Referto the appropriatesingleboardcomputeruser'sguidefbr the I/O port addressmap. Bootstrap[.oader ,l-5 CONFIGURINGTHE THIRD STAGE duty$cycle The MPC duty cyclefor the localbus. (The rate at whichdatapacketsare generated.)For informationon how to calculatea dutycyclesuitablefor the localbus, refer to the MPC User'sManual. For duty cycles suitablefor Intel singieboardcomputers,refer to the appropriatesingleboardcomputeruser'sguide. dma$base$addr The baseI/O port addressfor the AdvancedDirect MemoryAccess(ADMA) controller.Referto the boardcomputeruser'sguidefor this appropriatesing.le address. dma$in The channelusedto receive(input) DMA message passingtransfers.Referto the appropriatesingleboard computeruser'sguidefor this channelnumber. dma$out The channelusedto send(output)DMA message passingtransfers.Referto the appropriatesingleboard computeruser'sguidefor this channelnumber. dma$trans The I/O port addressusedfor DMA datatransfers. Referto ihe approprint.singleboardcomputeruser's guidefor this address. data$width The datawidth in bits of the localbus. This valuemust be eìtherl6 or 32 (decimal).If thewidthis setto 32 bits board,flyby(onecycle) on a 386/116-or 386/120-basetJ modeis enabled. The ToBMPSmacrocangenerateerrorsif the localbuswidth is not l6 or 32 bitswide. Macro(853.A86and BS3M82.A86 4.3.2 %OEVICE Only) T\e /oDEYICE macroappliesonly to the device-specific third stage(BS3.A86and a devicewith a particularthird stagedevicedriver. The BS3MB2.A86files). It associates syntajK of the ToDEYICE macro is as follows: ta.unit_info ) device$read, device$da ToDEYICE(unit, name,device$init, where: 4-6 unit The unit numberof this device.Unit numberingshouldbe the sameas that usedin the BS1.A86or BS1MB2.A86file describedin Chapter3 name The nameof the device.You shouldalwaysspecifuthe samenamethat you usedfor the devicein the BSl.A86or BSlMB2.A86file. Bootstrap LOader CONFIGURJNGTHE THIRD STAGE device$init Publicnameoî the third stagedevicedriver,sinitializationprocedure. Table4-1liststhe namesusedfor lntel-supplied devicedrivers.lfyou supplyyour own driver(writtenasdescribedin Chapter6), enterthe nameof its initializationprocedure. device$read Publicnameofthe third stagedevicedriver'sreadprocedure.Table4-1 liststhe namesusedfor Intel-supplied devicedrivers.If you supplyyour own driver (writtenasdescribedin Chapter6), enterthe nameof its readprocedure. device$data Publicnameof a labelthat marksthe first byteof the datasegmentused by the third stagedevicedriver. Table4-l liststhe namesusedfor Intelsupplieddevicedrivers.Ifyou supplyyour own driver(writtenas describedin Chapter6), you mustcreatesucha labeland enterits name here. unit info An ASM86labelthat marksthe locationof an arrayof ByTEs containingspecificdevice-unitinformationrequiredhy the masssrorage devicedefinedby this invocationof the %DEVICE macro. Table4-1 liststhe namesof the deviceinitializationprocedures, devicereadprocedures, and datasegments for Intel-supplied third stagedevicedrivers. Table4-1. Namesfor Intel-SuppliedThird StageDrivers DevicoDriver OeviceInhislize Procedur€ DevicaRead Proc6dure MSCDriver iSBC264Driver iSBC186/224A Driver SCSIDriver deviceiniîmscgen deviceinit264 device init 2244 deviceinltscsi d€vicereadmscgen deviceread264 deYicelead 2244 devicereadscsi Dsta 569ment data msc aaazu data bs drivers oala scsl 4.3.3 "/"SASl_UNIT_INFO Macro(BSCSl.A86 Fite) The SCSIdevicedriverprovidesan interfaceto massstoragedevicesthrougheitherSASI or SCSIcontrollers.ìf usingdevicescontrolledby a SASIcontroller,you mustspecifoa sequence of initializationbytesfor the controller.This informationis not requiredby SCSI controllers.The initializationsequence identifiesthe typeof iìeviceyou haveassigned to the particularunit of the SASIcontrolìer.The sequence will be clifferentdependingon the manufacturerand modelof the harddiskor flexiblediskettedrive.and the manufacturer and modelof the SASIcontrollerboarditsell BootstrapLoader 1-7 CONFIGURINGTHE THIRD STAGE requiredby your deviceson This macroenablesyou to definethe initializationsequences (in the SASIbus. For eachinstanceof the ToDEVICEmacro the 851.A86or BS1MB2.A86file) that definesa deviceon the SASIbus,you mustalsoincludethe file) to definethat device'sinitialization ToSASI_UMT_INFOmacro(in the %BSCSI.A86 sequence.The labelspecifiedfor the unit info field of the %DEVICE macromustmatch %SASI_UNIT-INFOfield. the labelfield of the corresponding of the %SASI-UNIT-INFO macrois not used The informationsuppliedby an occurrence by deviceson the SCSIbus. Therefore in the BS1.A86or BSIMB2.A86 file, VoDEYICE macrosfor devicescontrolledby the SCSIbusshouldneverspecif a valuefor the unit info readprocedures parameter.Note that thereis only one pair of deviceinitialization/device is SCSI or SASI. whether the controller of for the SCSIdriver regardless The %SASI_UNIT_INFOmacrocanbe includedonly in the SCSI/SASIdriver confisurationfile. BSCSÌ.A86.The macrohasthe form init_count,init_data) %SASI-UNIT _INFO( label,init_command, where: 4-8 label A validASM86labelnamematchingthe one you specifiedin the unit info field of the ToDEVICEmacro or BSlM82.,486). for yourdevice(in thefile BS1.,{86 init_command A WORD that is the initializationcommandfor your particularSASIcontroller. init_count the numberof initializationBYTEs A BYTE specifying your controller requires. that SASI init data The arrayof BYTEs of initializationdatarequiredby your SASIcontroller.The lengthof this arraymustbe equalto thevaluein the init countparameter. BootstrapInader CONFIGURINGTHE THIRD STAGE The defaultinvocations of this macroin BSCSLA86are j . S B C7 8 6 / 0 3 A S C S I H o s t ; lbscsi( 0C8H , C C HO , C E,H0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , O F F C O H , 2 , 0 ) , O C A HO ; iSBc 286/700 SCSI Hosc b s c s i ( 0 C 8 H ,0 c A H ,0 C C H 0 , C E H ,0 , 0 , 2 , 0 , 0 2 0 0 H ,2 , l , 0D1H) Xebec 51420 SASI controller and a Teac model F558. 5 L/4-ínch ; flexible di skette drive. ; Xs a si _ u n i t _ f n f o ( s a s i _ x 1 4 2 0 m f ,1 l h , 1 0 , 0 , 2 8 h , 2 , 9 0 h , 3 , 0 f h , 5 0 h , 0 f h , 0 1 4 h , 0 ) i X e b e c 5 1 4 1 0 S A S I c o n È r o l l e r a n d a Q u a n t u mr o o d e l Q 5 4 0 , 5 L / 4 - l n c h ; l,linchester dÍsk drive. ; Z s a s i _ u n i t _ i n f o ( s a s i _ x 1 4 1 0 bO , ch, 8, 2, 0, 8, 2, 0, 0, 0, Obh) ; Xebec S1410 SASI controller and a Computer Memories, Inc. ; rnodel CMI-5619 5 1/4-inch l,Jinchester disk drive. ; Zsasi_unit_info(sasi_x140a, Och, 8, 1, 32h, 6, 0, 0b4h, 0, 0, Obh) 4.3.4 o/"lNTlMacro The ToINTl macrocausesthe third stageto executean INT 1 (soliwareinterrupt) instructionwhcnevera bootstraploadingerror occurs.This enablesyou to passcontrolto a user-writtenprogramif loadingfails. However,to passcontrolto anotherprogram,you mustplacethe addressof that programin position1 of the interruptvectortable. This macrois supportedby only the D-MON3Sómonitor. The iSDM monitordoesnor support thismacro. The svntaxof the %lNTl maerois a/olNTI Thereare no parametersassociated with this macro. Exactlyone of the %lNTl, %lNT3, and %HALT macrosmustbe included,or an error will occurwhen BS3.Alì6,BS3MB2.A[ìó, or BG3.A8óare assembled. BootstrapLoader 4-9 CONFIGURINGTHE THIRD STAGE 4.3.5 %lNT3Macro The %INT3 macrocausesthe third stageto executean INT 3 (sofrwareinterrupt) instructionwhenevera bootstraploadingerror occurs.Ifyou are usingthe iSDM monitor, controlto the monitor. Otherwise,the INT 3 instructionhas the INT 3 instructionpasses no effectunlessyou haveplacedthe addressof your custominterrupthandlerin position3 of the interruptvectortable. The syntaxof the aolNT3 macrois 7aINT3 with this macro. Thereare no parametersassociated Exactlyone of the %lNT1, %lNT3, and TaHALTmacrosmustbe included,or an error will or BG3.A86are assembled. occurwhen8S3.A86,BS3MB2.A86, 4.3.6 %HALTMaero 'Íhe ToHAIJTmacrocausesthe third stageto executea halt instructionwhenevera bootstraploadingerror occurs.The syntaxof the VoÍIALT macrois asfollows: ToHAlT with this macro. There are no parametersassociated Exactlyone of the ToINTl, %INT3,and ToHALTmacrosmustbe included,or an error will occurwhenBS3.A86,B53MB2.A86,or BG3.A86are assembled. 4.3.7 a/oCPUBOARD Macro The ToCPU BOARD macrospecifiesthe typeof processorboardin your system.The third stageneedsthis informationso that it canproperlyinitializethe boardwhen switchinginto protectedvirtualaddressmode. The syntaxof the %CPU BOARD macro is as follows: TaCPU_BOARD(type) 4-10 BootstrapLoader CONFIGURINGTHE THIRD STAGE where: type The tlpe of processor boardin your system.The followingare the valid values: Value Processor Board 286/12 286/|Z 286112 2861100A 386/20 386/100 iSBC286/10board iSBC2861104 board iSBC28ól12board iSBC2861100.4 board iSBC386/2Xboardor iSBC386/3XBoard iSBC386/116 boardor iSBC386/120 Board 4.3.8 %INSTALLATION Macro(8G3.A86Only) The TaINSTALI-ATIONmacrospecifies whetherthe genericthird stagewill enterthe monitorafter loadingthe applicationsystemor not. The syntaxof the %INSTALLATION macrols: ToINSTALI-ATION (monitor_entry) where: monltor_entry The typeof actionthe BootstrapLoaderis to take upon loadingthe applicationsystem.If monitorentry is 'n' the systemis loadedand then executedwith no monitor entryinbetween.If it is'y', the monitor is enteredafter the systemis loaded.You mustrypein the monitorGO commandto continue. 'y' for the monitor_entryparameter, Whenthe monitoris entered,asa resultof specifying the BootstrapLoaderprintsthe followingmessage to the terminal: Insert the Start-uD Svsten Cornmands Dlskette and tvDe "G " NOTE If your systemhas the D-MON386 monitor rather than the iSDM monitor, type ''GO< RETURN>". BootstrapLoader 4-t I THE THIRD STAGE CONFIGUR-ING This macrois usedto generatethe genericthird stageusedto boot the OperatingSystem from diskettes.The %INSTALTATION macroallowsone diskette,whichcontainsonly the OperatingSystemboot file and the third stageto be usetlto load the systemfrom disketteinto memory. In enteringthe monitor,it allowsa seconddiskette,whichcontains to be usedasthe systemdevicewhenthe systemis the necessary systemcommands, initialized. 4.3.9%ENDMacro and BG3.A86 The ToENDmacrois requiredat the end of the 853.A86,BS3MB2.A8ó, is as follows: files. The syntaxof this macro ToEND with the ToENDmacro. Thereare no parametersassociated 4.3.10 User-Supplied Drivers If you want to usethe device-specific third stageto loadyour systemfrom a deviceother than one for whichIntel suppliesa third-stage driver,you mustwrite your own device driverproceduresthat the third stagewill call. Chapterfr describes how to do this. In to the BootstrapLoader: addition,performthe followingactionsto add the procedures Speci! the namesof the deviceinitializationprocedure,the devicereadprocedure, and the driver'sdatasegmentin a ToDEYICEmacroin the 853..4[ì6file. If thereare configurable parametersassociated with your device(suchasbase addresses or wakeupports),you mightwant to createyour own configurationmacro and includeit in a specialconfigurationfile,just like the Intel devicesdo. Chapter5 describes how to setup a macro. You will probablyusethe sameconfigurationfile for both the first- and third-stagedrivers. Assembleyour deviceinitializationprocedure,your devicereadprocedure,and your configurationfile (ifyou haveone),and link the resultingobjectcodeto the rest of the BootstraDLoaderobiectfilesand libraries. 4-12 Bfi)tstrap hader CONFIGURINGTHE THIRD STAGE 4.4 GENERATING THETHIRDSTAGE TwoSUBMITfiles(BS3.cSD andBG3.csD)areusedto generate thetwotypesof third stages.B53.cSDperforms theassembly, linkage, andlocationofthe device-specific third stage.BG3.GSD performs thesameoperations for thegenericthirdstage.Figures 4-4and 4-5showtheIntel-supplied B53.CSD andBG3.CSD files. attachfile $ as :fl: ; rnp1286: f 1 : Í 0 . a 8 6 $ o b j e c t ( % 0 . r n p 1 ) asn86 f l : f 0 . r n p l a s n 8 6 f 1 : b m s c .a 8 6 asrn86 f 1 : b 2 l 8 a . a 8 6 a s m 8 6 fL:b264 . a86 asn86 f 1 :b s c s i . a 8 6 asm86 fI:b224a . a86 ; link86 & f1 20.obj , & f1 :bs3.lib, & f 1 : b r n s c. o b j , & f l : b 2 1 8 a .o b j , & f l : b 2 6 4. o b j & & f1 :bscsi.obj, & & fl:b224a.obj & co fl:10.lnk print(:f1 :Z0.mp1)notype nolines nosynbols ; 1 o c 8 6 : f l : Z 0. l n k a d d r e s s e s( c l a s s e s ( c o d e( 1 1 ) ) ) o r d e r ( c l a s s e s ( c o d e ,d a t a ) ) noinitcode purge staft (bs 3) m a p p r i n t ( : f 1 : % 0 .n p 2 ) & & & & & T h e T h i r d S t a g e , l o c a r e d a r a d d r e s s1 1 , i s i n t h e f i l e 10 Figure4-4. Device-Specific Third StageSUAMIT File (B53.CSD) BootstrapInader ,:t-13 THE THIRI) STAGE CONFIGURING atfacnîlIè I as : f r: ; a s m 8 6 : F l : b g 3. a 8 6 ; link86 :f1:bg3.obJ, .!i-.uBJ.r!u to nolisr & & ù : fl :bg3.1nk notype nolines nosyurbols & & & & L\urJ./ & Pu!óc :Fl:20.11nap print(:fl :ifO.mp2) 1oc86 : fl :bg3. lnk a d d r e s s e s( c l a s s e s ( c o d e( Z l ) ) ) o r d e r ( c l a s s e s ( c o d e ,d a t a ) ) nolnitcode èLd! to The Generic in the file Third Stage is Z0 .11- located at address Z2 and is Figure4-5. GenericThird StageSUBMIT File (BG3.CSD) 4.4.1 Modifyingthe SubmitFiles your own versionof the third stage,you shouldmodifythe appropriate Beforegenerating submitfile to matchyour intendedconfiguration. If you are usingthe device-specific third stageand you haveexcludedanydevicedrivers o/oDEYICE from it (by excluding macrosfrom the 853.A86or BS3MB2.A86file),you won't want to link the codefor thosedriversinto the the third stage.To preventthe linkingof a devicedriver,edit the LINK86 commandin the BS3.CSDfile and placean ampersand(&) in front of anyfile namethat corresponds to a driveryou want to exclude. If you are not usingan iRMX I or iRMX II systemto configurethe third stage,you must commentout the line wherethe directorycontainingthe BootstrapLoaderfilesis attached as :fl: beforeinvokingthe othercommandsin the BS3.CSDor BG3.CSDfile. Changethe line: ATTACHFILE $ AS :Fl : to :ATTACHFII-ES AS :F1 : 4-14 Burtstrap [-oader C O N F I G U R I NT GI I E T H I R DS T A G E 4.4.2 Invokingthe SubmitFile After you havemodifiedeitherthe BS3.CSDor BG3.CSDfile to correspondto your configuration, invokethe appropriateSUBMIT file to assemble the third stagefiles,link them together,and assignabsoluteaddresses. The formatfor invokingeitherSUBMIT file is as follows: Device-soecificthird stage SUBMIT B53 (filename,third_stage_addr) Genericthird stage SUBMIT BG3 (filename,extension, third_stage_addr) where: filename The nameof the file in whichto storethe senerated rhirdstage.Also,the nameof the third-stage configuration file you are using(BS3.A8ófor MULTTBUSI systemsand BS3MB2.A86for MULTIBUS II systems).The genericthird stage appendsthe nextparameter(extension)to the lìÌename. extenslon The extensionthe genericthird stageis to have. This doesnot applyto the devicespecilìcthird stage.Normal genericthird stagesusuallyhavethe extension'GEN'. Genericthird stagesusedlbr OperatingSystem installationshouldusethe extension'INS'. third_stage_addr The addressin RAM wherethe third stagewill be loaded.The addressyou specifyshouldbe a full 20-bit address.Do not usethe base:offset form to indicatethe address. If you haveno specialrequirements for loadingthe third stage,speci$a valueof 0BC000Hfor this parameter. Bootstraphader 4-r5 CONFIGURINGTHE THIRD STAGE OFTHETHREESTAGES 4.5 MEMORYLOCATIONS Whenyou configurethe first and third stagesof the BootstrapLoader,you canassignthe you at whichthe threestageswill be located.Beforesettingtheseaddresses, addresses in the BootstrapLoader. mustunderstandhow defaultmemoryis assigned Table4-2liststhe defaultmemorylocationsusedby the BootstrapLoader- It alsonames the SUBMIT filesyou caninvoketo changethe memoryassignments. Table4-2. MemoryLocationsUsedbv the BootstrapLoader Deacription 1stStage Code D€fauh Applicatìon Dependent* for iSDMR3.0 0FE40OH Marimum Size' Configuration File 14KBytes BSl,CSD 2nd Stage Code, I st/2nd Data and Stack 088000H 8K Bytes BSl.CSD 3rd Stage (specifìc) Cod€,Data and Stack 0Bc000H 16KBltes BS3.CSD 3rd Stage (gen€ric) Code 0Bc000H 8K Byîes BG3,CSD ThirdStage (generic) Data and Stack 0880@H BSl,CSD * Maximumsiz€is a functionol the sizeof the devicedriversincludedin the Bootsfap Load€r, versionof the Bootstrap The BootstrapLoaderReleaseDiskettecontainsa standalone Loader,in the file namedBS1,whichselectsall the supportedlntel devicedrivers.The map file, BS1.MP2,is suppliedto showthe layoutof the segments in BS1. The first stageis locatedat 0C0000Hand the secondstaseis locatedat 0B8000H.All defaultthird stases are locatedat 0BC000H. 1-16 BootstrapIîader CHAPTER 5 WRITING A CUSTOM FIRST.STAGE DRIVER 5.1 INTRODUCTION You canconfigurethe BootstrapLoaderto run with manykindsof devices.If you plan to useone of the devicesfor whichIntel suppliesa devicedriver,you canskipthis chapter. If you want to usethe BootstrapLoaderwith a deviceother than thosesupportedby Intel, you mustwrite your own first-stage devicedriver. (lf you want to load iRMX II applications pastthe first megabyteof addressspace,you mustalsowrite a customthirdstagedriver. Chapter6 describes how to write thirtJ-stage drivers.)This chapterprovides you with guidelinesfor writinga customfirst-stage driver. You mustincludetwo proceduresin everyfirst-stage devicedriver:a deviceinitialize procedureand a devicereadprocedure.The deviceinitializeproceduremustinitializethe bootstrapdevice.The devicereadproceduremustload informationfrom the deviceinto RAM. The restof this chapterrefersto the two procedures as DEVICE$INIT and DEVICE$READ. However,you cangivethemany namesyou want,providedno other first-stagedriverprocedureusesthe chosennames.To checkthe namesof the Intelsuppliedfirst-stage procedures, useLI886 to Iist the modulesin the objectlibrary /RMX286/BooT/BS1.I-lB or /RMX86/BooT/BS 1.LIB. You mustwrite both procedures in an t1086 language(eitherPL/M-ll6 or ASM86) and conformto the I-ARGE modelof segmentation of the PL/M-86 programminglanguage. This meansthat you mustdeclarethe two procedures as FAR (not NEAR) an 01),pushthe valueonto the stack,and call the BSERRORprocedure.For example, resultingworcl the device code is 0B3H,pushB301Honto the stack,and call BSERROR. If no if devicecodeexists.use00. aocomplish this in PL/M-86: Addingthe followingstatements EXTERNAL, DECI.AREBSERROR D E C I ^ A . RI O E - E R R O RL I T E R A L L Y ' O B 3 O 1 H ' CALL BSERROR(ÌO_ERROR) ; language, note that BSERROR lf you call the BSERRORprocedurefrom assembly that is,declareBSERRORas followsthe PL/M-86 TARGE modelof segmentation; extrn BSERROR:far NOTE In adclitionto the abovetwo steps,the proceduremustfollow MULTIBUS II if the transportprotocoland belongto the BSl-DriversCOMPACT sub-system driverfunctionsin a MULTIBUS II environment.Referto Section5.5for moreinformation on theselwo requircments. INFORMATION TO THE 5.4 SUPPLYING CONFIGURATION FIRST.STAGE DRIVER Any customdevicedriveryou write needssomeconfigurationinformationaboutthe devrce it supports,suchas the addressof the devicewakeupport. (To determinewhat devicespecificinformationyour driverneeds,consultthe hardwarereferencemanualfor the device.)You canprovidethis informationto the customdevicedriverone of two ways: . Placethe information directlyintothe driver(hard-coding) . Createa configurationfile similarto thoseprovidedwith the Intel-supplied drivers. 5.4.1 Hard-Coding the Configuration lnformation One wayto supplyconfigurationinformationto a customdevicedriver is to placeit directlyinto the code. This methodworks,but if anyof the configurationinformation changes, or if you want to supporta similardevicethat hasa slightlydifferent configuration, you mustchangethe ciriverancìreassemble it. Fortunately,first-stagedevrce driversare usuallysmallenoughso that the amountof time requiredto reassemble them is negligible. 5-4 Brxtlstraplrtader WRITING A CUSTOMFIRST-STAGEDRIVER Figure5-t illustrateshow to placethe configurationinformationdirectlyinto the code. This figureliststhe "Constants and Data"sectionthat couldbe usedto supplythe MSC first-stagedriverwith device-specific configurationinformation. Constants and Data data_bsmsc segnent ; Static wakeup_newdrivl dw 100H ;MSC wakeup address device_newdrlvl db 0 drtab_ne\,Jdrivl db db db db db d\r 256 2 0 9 L024 5 Data ;number of cylinders ;nuruber of fixed heads ;nurnber of rernovable heads ;numberof sectors :device granularicy ;nurnberof alternaÈe cylinders Figure 5-1. Hard-CodedConfìgurationInformation 5.4.2 Providinga Configuration File The secondwayto supplyconfigurationinlbrmationis to declareall device-specifìc parametersasvariablesthat are externalto your devicedriver. A separatesmallmodule candeclaretheseparametersaspublicvariablesin . You canincorporatethis second moduleinto the BootstrapLoaderby placingassembly and link commandsin the firststageSUBMIT file BS1.CSD.To usethis approach,followthe stepsbelow: Bootstrapl-oader 5-5 WRITING A CUSTOMFIRST-STAGEDRTVER 1. parameters asexternal thedevice-specific In thecodefor thedevicedriver,declare variables. For example, thefollowing codecouldbeusedinsteadof thehard-coding shownin Fisure5-l. narne bpmsc C o n fl g u r a t i o n i n f o r m a t i o n : ; extrn r^rakeup_newdrivl w o r d ;l,Iakeup port extrn extrn device_ne\rdrivl drÈab newdrivl ;Devlce nurnber ;Device Table byce byte Createan INCLUDE file containinga macrodefinition.The macrodefinitionmust declarethe device-specific parameters aspublicvariables(matchingthe external where declarations from the previousstep). This file shouldbe namedas"roo<.inc" no oo<.a86). To the list of modulesto be linked (immediatelybelowthe LINK86 invocation),add the nameof the objectmodule createdwhenyour file (no<.a86) is assembled. In both the ASMIJ6invocationand the LINK86 invocation,prefacethe filenamewith the logicalname:Fl: (suchas :f1:nc<.a86). Unlessyou havereasonto do otherwise,usethe sameASM86 and LINK86 optionsshownfor otherfilesassembled and linkedby BSI.CSD. Figure5-2showsmodifications to BSl.CSDthat add supportfor the driver configurationfilesjust created.Arrows ar the left of the figureshowthe linesthat were added. Noticethat only the configurationfile is beingassembled eachtime BSl.CSDis invoked,not the entiredriver. BSl.CSDassumes the useof the configurationfile BS1.A86and that you haveassembled your driverand addedthe resultingobject moduleinto the libraryBSl.LIB. Bootstrapl.oader f,-/ WRITING A CUSTOMFIRST-STAGEDRIVER ; ; a s r n 8 6: f 1 : b s 1 . a 8 6 r n a c r o ( 9 0 )o b j e c c ( : f 1 - : b s 1 . o b J ) Prínr ( : fl:bs1 . lst) a s r n 8 6: f l : b 2 6 4 . a 8 6 n a c r o ( 5 0 ) o b j e c t ( : f 1 : b 2 6 4 . o b )j p r i n t ( : f 1 : b 2 6 4 . 1 s t ) a s n 8 6 : f 1 : b s c s l . a 8 6 m a c r o ( 5 0 )o b j e c t ( : f l : b s c s t . o b J ) p r i n t ( : f l : b s c s i . l s t ) -> asn86 : fl :nvdrvlnac.aS6 nacro(50) object( :fl :nvdrwlnac.obj nollsÈ ; & & & &;standaÌonè serlal channèl support l lnKób 'f1 & 'hcprr nhì :f1:bcico.obj, fl hcnci nhi f l : b 2 6 4 . o b J, fl : nrdrvlnac . obj , rl:Ds_t.llD to & & & :f1 :bs1.lnk prlnt(: fl:bs1.npl) & Figure5-2. ModifiedBSI.CSDFile 5.5 USINGTHEMULTIBUS@ IITRANSPORT PROTOCOL If the driveryou are creatingfunctionswithin a MULTIBUS I environment, you neednot readthis section.Skipto Section5.6. If the driveryou are creatingfunctionswithin a MULTIBUS II environment, you must write the drivercodeto usethe MULTIBUS II message transportprotocol.To helpyou accomplish this task,Intel providesa small,single-thread communication systemthat enablesBootstrapLoaderdriversto communicate with devicecontrollerswithin a MULTIBUS II environment.This communication systemis calledthe BootstrapLoader CommunicationSystem. The followingparagraphs providean overviewof the BootstrapLoaderCommunication System,whichusesconceptssimilarto the NucleusCommunication System.Shouldyou desirea more completedescriptionof thesecommunication systemconcepts, refer to the Extended|RMX II NucleusUser'sGuiriein Volume 2 of the iRMX ll documentationset. 5-E Bootstrap[.oader WRITING A CUSTOMFIRST-STAGEDR-IVER The BootstrapLoaderCommunication Systemcanbe thoughtof as a subsetof the Nucleus CommunicationSystem.It fully conformsto the MULTIBUS II transportprotocol suitablefor a limitedbootloadingenvironment.Unlike the NucleusCommunication System,the BootstrapLoaderCommunication systemis designedto handlebootstrap loadingonly. Consequently, the systemis synchronous in nature. In otherwords, proceduresexecuteto completionone afterthe other;no multitaskingor needto handle asynchronous eventsexists, MULTIBUS II transportprotocolfunctionssupportedby the BootstrapLoader Communication Systemincludecontroland datamessage tlpes,a subsetof the request/response transactionmodel,sendand receivetransactionmodels,message broadcasting,and accessto deviceinterconnectspace. To supportthesefunctions,lntel suppliesa setof systemutilitiesgroupedtogetherin a BootstrapLoaderMessagePassing SystemModule. As a programmer,you haveaccessto theseutilitiesthroughsystemcallsyou placein your drivercode. The remainderof this sectionexplainsthe supportedfunctionsin the BootstrapLoaderCommunications System and showsyou how to useeachof the utilities. 5.5.1 MessagePassingControllerInitialization Beforeany BootstrapLoaderCommunication Systemcallscanbe made,you must initializecertainpartsof the hardwarein preparationfor message passing.You accomplish this initializationthroughthe BS$MPS$INITutility. You mustmakethiscall from your driver'sinitializationprocedurebeforemakinganyother BootstrapLoader Communicationutility calls.The followingutility descriptionpresentsBS$MPS$INIT: CALL BS$MPS$INIT INPUT PARAMETERS This utility hasno input parameters. OUTPUT PARAMETERS This utility hasno outputparameters. DESCRIPTION The BS$MPS$INITutility provideshardwareinitializationfor the MessagePassing Controller(MPC) and the AdvancedDirect MemoryAccess(ADMA) devices.You must performa call to this utility beforeattemptinganyother BootstrapLoaderCommunication Svstemutilitv calls. Bootstrap Loader 5-9 WRITING A CUSTOM FIRST-STAGEDRI!'ER CONDITION CODES This utility hasno conditioncodes. 5.5.2MessageTypes control Systemsupportstwo typesof messages: The BootstrapLoaderCommunication messages and datamessages. occurbetweenthe Controlmessages consistof only a controlportion. Thesemessages senderand receiverrequiring no explicitbuffer resourceallocation. The reasonfor no hasno datapart. The maximumlengthof a a controlmessage bufferallocationis because existsbetweencontrol is 20 bytes.Also,a one-to-onecorrespondence controlmessage are control (all unsolicitedmessages messages and MULTIBUS II unsolicitedmessages messages). consistof both a l6-bytecontrolportionand a variablelengthdataportion. Data messages do requireexplicitbufferallocationbetweenthe senderand receiver.The Thesemessages containsa variable this typeof message reasonbufferallocationis requiredis because amountofdata. The maximumlengthof the dataportionis 64K-l bytes. Transaction Model 5.5.3Request/Response Systemsupportsa subsetof the re<1uest/response The BootstrapLoaderCommunication Svstemuses.This subsethasthe transactionmodelthat the NucleusCommunication folìowingcharacteristics: o Systemfunctionswithin a bootloading Becausethe BootstrapLoaderCommunication originateonly from the hostCPU board. The specific environment,requestmessages to requestson a one-to-onebasis. devicecontrollersthen matchresponses . requests. No supportexistsfor multipleoutstanding . of response messages into specificapplicationbuffers Fragmentation and transmission is completelytransparentto the user,the canoccur. Becausethis fragmentation asa singleresponse to a singlerequest. fragmentedresponse is considered o Systemreceivesmessages in the order in which The BootstrapLoaderCommunication they are sent. Communicationbetweenthe CPU hostboardexecutingthe driverand lhe bootabledevice controllerusesthe basictransmission modelof sendand receive.The driversendsa back. When the driver requestto the devicecontrollerand thenreceivesa response the ID is generatedthat logicallyassociates initiatesthe message, an internaltransaction thus requestwith the response.This ID remainsvalid until the devicecontrollerresponds, completingthe transaction. 5-10 Bootstrap l-oader WRITING A CUSTOMFIRST-STAGEDRIVER For messages that requiredataaspart of the response, the drivercan initiatethe allocation of an rsvpdatamessage bufferin whichto receivethe responsedata. The datacanthen arriveeitherwholeor fragmented.Regardless of fragmentation, the hostCPU boardviews the responsemessage asone message. If the requestmessage requiresno dataas a response, the responsemustbe a controlmessage. The utility the BootstrapLoaderCommunication Systemusesto supportthe request/response transaction modelis BS$SEND$RSVP. The followingutilirydescription presentsBS$SEND$RSVP: CALL BS$SEND$RSVP (socket,control$ptr,data$adr,data$length, rsrp$control$p,rsrp$data$adr,rsvp$data$length, flags,exception$ptr) INPUT PARAMETERS socket A DWORD of the form host$id:port$id identif ing the remotedestination. control$ptr A POINTER to a controlmessage.If data$adr= NULL = 0, then the controlmessage (0) or data$length is 20 byteslong. Otherwise,the controlmessage is 16bytes long. data$adr A DWORD containingthe absoluteaddressof a data message.If data$adris NULL (0), then a control message is sent. Otherwise,data$adrpointsto a contiguous buffer. data$length A WORD definingthe lengthof the datamessage.If length data$length is equalto zero,the controlmessage is assumedto be 20 bytes. rsrp$control$p A POINTER to the receivedcontrolmessage.If = 0, then = NULL (0) or rsrp$data$length rsvp$data$adr the controlmessage is 20 byteslong. Otherwise,the controlmessage is 16byteslong. rsrp$data$adr A DWORD containingthe absoluteaddressof a data message bufferfor the return responsethat is expected. is If rsrp$data$adr is NULL (0), then a controlmessage points to expectedasa reply. Otherwise,rsw$data$adr arrives. bufferin whichthe datamessage a contiguous BootstrapLoader 5-ll WRITINC A CUSTOMFIRST.STAGEDRI!'ER rslp$data$length A WORD definingthe lengthof the rsrp databuffer. flags WORD reservedfor future use. Aithough this parameteris ignored,you mustsupplya "0"valueasa placeholder. OUTPUT PARAMETER exception$ptr A POINTER to a WORD to whichthe Operating Systemreturnsthe exceptioncodegeneratedby this Systemcall. BootstrapLoaderCommunication DESCRIPTION from a port to a remotesocketwith an The BS$SEND$RSVP utility sendsa message explicit requestfor a return response.This call is synchronouswith respectto both the requestand the response. 5-12 Bootstrapl-oader WRITING A CUSTOM FIRST.STAGEDRIVER EXAMPLE This exampleillustratesthe fundamentals of the request/response transactionmodel betweenthe hostCPU boardand bootabledevicecontrollerboard. This examoleis written in PL/M-Sócodeand is intendedto be genericin nature. //************************************************************ * îhis exanple sends a 20,byte control nessage to the * bootable device controller board located ln slot 1 * a t p o r t 5 0 0 o f t h e M U L T I B U SI I s y s t e n . This nessage * sollcits data from the device as DarÈ of the * ra 0 THEN CALL BSERROR; . . (Typical code to execuLe lor successful status. ) E N DC O D E ; sAÌ,fPLE_BS I SEND9RSVP ; 5-r4 Bootstrap [-{)ader WRITINCA CUSTOMFIRST-STAGE I)RtVER CONDITION CODES E$OK 0000H No exceptional conditions. BS$E$BUFFER$SIZE 0082H The rsvpbufferpostedis too small. BS$E$TRANSMISSION 00ElI{ An error occurretlwhile transmitting a MULTIBUS II message. 5.5.4 Sendand ReceiveTransaction Models In additionto the request/response transaction model,the Bootstrap Lolder CommunicationSystemsupportsscndand receivetransactionmodels.Normally, communication betweena driverand a devicein a bootloadingenvironmentusesthe request/response or sendmodels.However,ifyour hostCPU boardcancapitalizeon a receivetransactionmodelinitiatedliom the driver,the utility is available. You can makecallsto the sendand receiveutilities,respectively whenyou neetlthe driver to simplysenda message with no requestfor a response, or whenyou needthe driverto wait lbr spontaneous communication from a specificdevicecontroller. The two utilitiesavailableto you that supportthe sendand receivetransactionmodelsare BS$SENDand BS$RECEIVE.The followingutility descriptions presentBS$SENDand BS$RECEIVE: CALL BS$SEND (socket,control$ptr,data$adr,data$length, flags,exceptiongptr) INPUT PARAMETERS socket A DWORD of the form hostgid:portgid identifyingthe remotedestination. control$ptr A POIN'IER to a controlmessage.lf datagadr= NULL = 0, then the controlmessage (0) or data$length is 20 byteslong. Otherwise,the controlmessage is l6 bytes long. data$adr B{ntstrap l-oader A D W O R D c o n t a i n i n gt h e a b s o l u t ea d d r e s so f a d a t a m e s s a g e I. f d a t a $ a d ri s N U L L ( 0 ) , t h e n a c o n t r o l messageis sent. Otherwise,data$adr points to a contiguousbuffer. 5-t-s WRITING A CUSTOM FIRST-STAGE DRIVER data$length A WORD definingthe lengthof the datamessage.If length data$length is equalto zero,the controlmessage is assumedto be 20 bltes. flags WORD reservedfor futureuse. Althoughthis you mustsupplya "0"valueasa panrmetcris ignored, placeholder. OUTPUT PARAMETER exception$ptr A POINTER to a WORD in whichthe Bootstrap Loaderreturnsthe exceptioncodegeneratedby this Systemcall. BootstrapLoaderCommunication DESCRIP'TION to a MULTIBUS II board The BS$SENDutility sendseithera contrttlor a datamessage parameter socket. identifiedby the EXAMPLE of message passingfrom the hostCPU boardto This exampleillustratesthe fundamentals the bootabledevicecontrollerboard. This exampleis written in PL/M-Só codeand is intendedto be qenericin nature. /**********************************:t*******:****************** * * * This exaurple sends a data nessagè to the bootable controller board located in slot 1 at port 500 of t h e M U L T I B U SI I s y s t e r n . The control portion of the message sent is located i.n the 16-byte data array p$control$rnsg (Peripheral C o n m a n dM e s s a g e ) . T h e d a t a p o r t i o n o f t h e n e s s a g e sent is located in the 100-bvÈe data arrav send$data. * * * * * Note that the progranmer is responsible for p $ c o n t r o l $ m s g a n d t h e a r e a c o n t a i n i n g t h e d a"t .a" . r . i r r g p o r t i o n o f t h e r n e s s a g ea r e i n i t i a l i z e d lrith correct i * * ************************************************************/ 5-ló Bfi)tstrap l-oader WRITING A CUSTOMFIRST-STAGEDRIVER SAIPLE_BS$SEND D:0 ; DECI,AREs ocke t DECIAREsocket$o s truc ture ( h o s E $i d Porr$ id pgcontrol gmsg ( l6 ) DECI^ARE D E C I A R Es e n d $ d a t a ( 1 0 0 ) DECIAREdata$adr DECIAREdata$ len8th DECIAREfl ags D E C I A R Ee x c e p t i o n DECTAREsIoC LITEMLLY DECI-AREport I-ITERALLY DECIAREnul-l LITEMLLY DECIARElength LITERALLY C O D E :D O ; socket$o.host$ld: s o c k e t $ o. p o r t $ i d : data$lengrh fl ags DWORD ; WORD , W O R D )A T ( @ s o c k e t ) ; BYTE; BYTE; DWORD ; WORD ; WORD ; WORD ; ,lH' ; ,1F4H' ; '0H'; , 64H, 1 slot; pórt; length; null; ( G s e n d $ d a r a( 0 ) ) ; data$adr : coNvERT A D D R E S S . . . (Typical code to define the 16-byte p$control$msg btock holding the control message. ) . . . (Typi-caÌ code to define the 100-byce message p o r Ci o n . ) CALL BS9 SEND ( s o c k e t , @ p $ c o n c r o l $ m s g ( 0 ) ,d a t a g a d r , d a t a $ L e n g th , f [ a g s , @ e x c e p t i o n ) ; IF exception <> 0 THEN CALL BSERROR; . . (Typical code to execute for success.ful sLaLus. ) END CODE; SMPLE_BS$SEND; Bootstrapl,oader 5-17 WRITING A CUSTOMFIRST-STAGEDRIVER CONDITION CODES E$OK 0000H BS$E$TRANSMISSION O O E I H CALL BS$RECEIVE conditions. No exceptional An error occurredwhile transmittinga MULTIBUS II message. (socket,control$ptr,data$adr,data$length, exception$ptr) INPUT PARAMETERS socket i d e n t i $ i n gt h e A DWORD of the form host$id:port$id remote sender. control$ptr A POINTER to the area in memory that receivesthe control message. data$adr A D V / O R D c o n t a i n i n gt h e a b s o l u t ea d d r e s so f a d : r t a messrìgereceived. If data$adr is NULL (0), then the host CPU board expectsa control message.Otherwise, data$adrpoints to a contiguousbuffer that receivesthe data portion of the message. data$length A WO RD defining the length of the data message received. OUTPUTPARAMETERS exception$ptr A POINTER to a WORD to whichthe Operating Systemreturnsthe exceptioncodegeneratedby this BootstrapLoaderCommunication Systemcall. DESCRIPTION The utility BS$RECEI\E,enablesa hostCPU boardto receivea message from a specific devicecontroller.The utilitiescall identifiesthe MBII slot to wait on, the tlpe of message, and addresses for the controlportionand,if necessary, the dataportionof the message. To receivedatamessages, you mustprovidea buffercontainingadequatespacein whichto capturethe data. Ifyou do not supplya largeenoughbuffer,the receivingCPU host rejectsthe message.Also,your applicationmustmakea call to BS$RECEIVEbeforethe actualmessage is sent. No facilityfor queuingasynchronously receivedmessages exist. 5-18 BootstrapLOader WRITING A CUSTOMFIRST-STAGEDRIVER EXAMPLE This exampleillustratesthe fundamentals of message passingfrom the hootabledevice controllerboardto the hostCPU board. This exampleis written in PL/M-86 codeand is intendedto be senericin nature. /************************************************************ * This example illustrates h o w a h o s t C P Ub o a r d * receives a data message from the bootable * controller board located in slot 1 at port 500 of * t h e M U L T I B U SI I s y s t e m . * * * * * The controf portion of the message rèceivèd is located in the 16-byte array p$sCatus$msg ( P e r i p h e r a l S t a r u s M e s s a g e ). T h e d a t a p o r t i o n o f the nessage received is located in the 1024-byte data array sent$data. ***********************************************************)t * * * * * * * * * / S A H P L EB S S R E C E I V ED: O : DECIAREs o c k et DECI*AREs o c k e t $ o s t r u c t u r e (host$id porr$id DECI.AREp $ s t a t u s $ m s g( 1 6) DECIARE d a t a $ a d r DECIARE d a t a $ l e n g t h DECl-ARE f l a g s DECIARE e x c e p t i o n DECIARE s e n r $d a r a ( 1 0 2 4 ) DECLARESlot LITERALLY DECIARE POTI LITEMLLY DECISRE length LITEMLLY DECIAREn u 1 1 Ll TEMLLY DWORD ; WORD , I . J O R DA) T ( G s Ò c k e t ) ; BYTE; DWORD ; WORD ; IIORD; WORD ; BYTE; 'lH'; ,1F4H' ; , 400H' ; ,OH'; C O D E :D O ; s o c k e t $ o .h o s t $ i d : s l o t ; cnnl.ot(n ^^rt-( i À : port; - lenglh; dara$length : null; fÌags @Ss e n t $ d a r a ( 0 )) ; d a r a $ a d r : C o N V E R T _ A D D R E( S C A L L B S$ R E C E I V E ( s o c k e t , @ p $ s t a t u s $ n s g ( 0 ), d a t a $ a d r , ^ vC, l ^r -, ^' .6rt u. ld^L+ d ", BootstrapLoader I I dés , \:cÀuFp L I u'r/ , 5-r9 WRITINC A CUSTOMFIRST.STAGEDRIVER ] F exception <> 0 THEN CALL BSERROR; (Typical code to execute for successful status. ) E N DC O D E ; IVE ; SAMPLE_BS $RECE CONDITION CODES E$OK 0000H conditìons. No exceptional BS$E$BUFFER$SIZE 0082H The receiveclatabufferpostedis too small. BS$E$TRANSMISSION 00ElH while An erroroccurred transmittinga MULTIBUS II message. 5.5.5 MessageBroadcasting to go out at the sametime to all boards enablesonecontrolmessage Messagebroadcasting (busagents)in the MULTIBUS ll system.Recallthat the identificationschemefor boards whichhavethe host$id:port$id form. Host$idindicatesthe board employssockets, port within the board. During message port$id indicates the unique I/O involvedand arrives broadcasting, the host$idportionof the socketis uninterpreted.Thus,the message at everyboardhavinga port identifieciby port$id. Systemusesthe bs$broadcast utility to support The BootstrapLoaderCommunication broadcasting. The followingutility descriptionpresentsbs$broadcast: message CALL BS$BROADCAST (socket,control$ptr,exception$ptr) INPUT PARAMETERS 5-20 socket identifyingthe A DWORD of the form host$id:port$id The host$id component is ignored. remotedestination. control$ptr A POINTER to the controlmessage sent. Bootstraphader WRITING A CUSTOMFIRST.STAGEDRIYER OUTPUT PARAMETER exception$ptr A POINTER to a WORD to whichthe Operating Systemreturnsthe exceptioncodegeneratedby this BootstrapLoaderCommunicationSystemcall. DESCR]PTION The bs$broadcast utilirytransmitsa singlecontrolmessage to the MULTIBUS ll boards havinga port whoseID matchesthe port$idportionof the parametersocket.This message goesout on all MULTIBUS Il buses(iPSBparallelsystembusand/or iSSBserial systembus)connectedto the broadcastìng CPU hostboard. EXAMPLE This exampleillustratesthe fundrrmentals of broadcasting controlmessages over a MULTIBUS II system.This exampleis written in PL/M-tì(rcodeand is inten 0 THEN CALL BSERROR; . . (Typical code to execute for successfuÌ status . ) E N DC O D E ; END SAMPLE-BS 9BROADCAST ; CONDITIONCODES E$OK 000011 No exceptionalconditions. BSSESTRANSMISSION 00ElH An error occurredwhile transmittinga MULTIBUS II message. Modes 5.5.6 Transmission waitsfor Data message transmissions are synchronous in that the senderof the message the receiverof the message to rcturn a transmission statusvalue. This valueindicates whetheror not the receiversuccessfully acquiredthe message.Controlmessages, however, are not synchronous in this manner.Thereis no indicationto the senderthat a control message hasbeenreceived.Also,relatedto eachtlT)eof message transmission is a transactionID value. The communication systemusesthisvalueinternallyto match requestswith responses and to indicatewhetherthe message is an rsrp message or a sentis not an rsvpmessage, nonrsvpmessage.lf the message the associated transactionID valueis zero. If the message sentis an rsvpmessage, the associated transactionID valueis a nonzerovaluematchedto both the recìuest and the resoonse. 5.5.7Interconnect Space The BootstrapLoaderCommunication Systemsupportsaccessto boardinterconnect space.This accessenablesthe driverto determinecriticaldevicestatusinformation.The BootstrapLoaderCommunication Systemprovidesinterconnect spaceaccessthroughtwo systemutilities: BS$GET$INTERCONNECT and BS$SET$INTERCONNECT. When you usethesecallswithin your drivercode,you mustverify the valuereador written from or to the interconnect spaceis u'hatyou expect.The BootstrapLoadercodedoesnot know what "correct"valuesshouldbe <-) ) Bfi)tstrap Loader WRITING A CUSTOMFIRST.STAGEDRIVER The followingutility descriptionpresentsBS$GEfiINTERCONNECT: value = BS$GET$INTERCONNECT (slot$number,reg$number, exception$ptr) INPUT PARAMETERS slot$number A BYTE that specifiesthe MBII slotwhoseinterconnect spaceis to be read. You mustspecirythisvalueas lbllows: Value Meaning 0-19 20-23 24-29 30 3l specifiesiPSBslotnumbers0-19 illegalvalues specifiesiLBX slot numbers0-5 illegal specifiesthe iPSBslot ofthe CPU that the callingsoftwareis executingon, regardless of the actualiPSBslot numberof the CPU illegalvalues 32-255 reg$number A WORD identifoingthe interconnect registerto be read. This valuemustbe in the rangeof 0000Hto 0l FFH (the interconnect spacedefinition). OUTPUTPARAMETERS value A BYTE containingthe contentsof the interconnect registerread. exception$ptr A POINTER to a WORD in whichthe Bootstrap Luaderreturnsthe exceptioncodegeneratedby this BootstrapLoaderCommunication Systemcall. DESCRIFIION The utility BS$GET$INTERCONNECT readsthe contentsof the interconnect register specifiedby reg$number from the boardspecifiedby slot$number and returnsthe contents in the parametervalue. Bootstrap Loader 5-23 WRITING A CUSTOMFIRST-STAGEDRIVER EXAMPLE spaceregisters.The of readinginterconnect This exampleillustratesthe fundamentals exampleis written in PL/M-86 codeand is intendedto be genericin nature. /************************************************************ * This exarnple reads the general purpose reglster of che * unit deflnition record vithin the interconnect spacè * found on the board in slot nunber three. Note that * this code dóès no checking of stalus after each call to * BS$CET$ INTERCONNECT.The programmer Erust ensure the * value returned is correct. ************************************************************ * * * * * * / : DO; SA.I,fPLE_BS$GET$INTERCONNECT DECIAREslot$nurnber DECI-ARErecord$offset D E C I A R Eu n i t $ d e f $ r e c D E C I A R - rEe c $ l e n g t h $ r e g $ o f f gen$staÈus$reg$off DECTARE DECLARErecord$found D E C I À R Ee o E $ r e c DECI,AREstacus D E C T A R vEa l u e DECI-AREslot LITERALLY DECIAREudr LITERALLY DECIAREgsro LITERALLY DECIAREeotrec LITERALLY DECI,ARErlro LITERALLY DECLAREro LITERALLY C O D E :D 0 ; slot$nurnber unit$def$rec gen$statusSreg$off eot$rec r e c $ l e n g t h $ r e g $ of f : BYTE; IíORD; BYTE; BYTE; BYTE; BYTE; BYTE; woRD; BYTE; '3H' ; '0FEH' 'OAH' ; '0FFH' '01H' ; '020H' slot; udr; gsro; eotrec; rlro ; /*********************************************************** * Set up to read the first nonheader record within the * intèrconnect space. This is done by establishing * record$offset past the interconnect space header * record, which in this case is 32 bytes long. * * * * *******************************************>r***************/ record$offset : ro; 5-24 BoolstrapLOader DR]VER WRITINGA CUSTOMFIRST.STACE /*********************************************************** * Read the record type register (the firsE register * wlthin a record) of the first nonheader record into * the variable recordSfound. ***********************************************************,/ * * * record$f ound = BS$CEîgIMERCONNECT ( s lotSnumber , recordSoffset, Gstatus ) i /***************************:t***********************:t***rt**** * * * * * Decerminè if this first record is the record we r^tant to * * If so, bypass the D0 IiHILE loop and get read from. * lf noc, right to reading the specifíc regiscer. record, * and the record is not the EOT (End Of Tenplate) * execute the DO hTllLE loop to get at thè next rècórd. ***************rk*******:&************************************/ D0 WHILE (record$found o unit$def$rec) (record$found <> eot$rec) ; AND /************************************************************ * Position record$offset to read lhe next sequential * record. INTERCONNECT T h i s í s d o n e b y c a l l l n g B S9 C E T $ * to read the aurrent record length, adding 2 (for the * tl^iobytes used for the record type and record length * registers), and finally adding the current * recordSoffset value. Note that record$offset + * r e c $ l e n g t h $ r e g $ of f y i e l d s t h e i n t e r c o n n e c t r e g i s t e r * that holds the current record length. * * * * :r * * * **********************)t*************************************/ record$offset - record$offset B S$ GE T $1 N Î E R C O N N E C T (slot$nurnber, record$offset + r e c $ 1 en g t h $ r e g $ of f , G st a t u s ) ; + 2 + /*********************************************************** * Read the next record-type regi,ster into the variable * record$found. * * ************************************************:t**********/ Bootstrap L0ader < - ?q WRITINCA CUSTOMFIRST-STACE I)RIVER r e c o r d $ f o u n d = B S$ c E T $I N T E R C O N N E C T (slotSnunber, recordSoffset, Gstacus); END; /******************************************************:P***** * Ca11 BS$GET$INTERCONNECT to read the general status * register. The exact register location is deterurined by * a d d i n g t h e r è g i s t e r o f f s e t v a l u è g e n $s t a t u s $ r e g $ of f t o * record$offset ************************************************************ * * * * / ( slot$nurnber, value - BS$GET$INTERCONNECT record$offset + gen$status$reg$off , Gstatus). ENDCODE: END SA}fPLE-BS$GET$INTERCONNECT ; CONDITION CODES E$OK 0000H No exceptionalconditions. The followingutility descriptionpresenrsBS$SEfiINTERCONNECT: CALL = BS$SET$INTERCONNECT (value,slot$number,reg$number, exception$ptr) s-26 BootstrapLoader WRITING A CUSTOMFIRST-STAGEDRIVER INPUT PARAMETERS value A BYTE containingthe valueto be writteninto the interconnectregister. slot$number A BYTE specirying the MBll slotwhoseinterconnect spaceis to be written. You mustspecifythisvalueas follows: Value Meaning 0-19 20-23 24-29 30 3t specifiesiPSBslot numbers0-19 illegalvalues specifiesiLBX slot numbers0-5 illegal specifiesthe iPSBslot of the CPU that the callingsoftwareis of the executingon, regardless actualiPSBslot numberof the CPU illegalvalues 32-255 reg$number A WORD identifuingthe interconnect registerto be written. This valuemustbe in the rangeof 0000Hto spacedefinition). 0lFFH (the interconnect OUTPUTPARAMETERS exception$ptr A POINTER to a WORD in whichthe Bootstrap Loaderreturnsthe exceptioncodegeneratedby this BootstrapLoaderCommunication Systemcall. DESCRIPTION The utility BS$SET$INTERCONNECT writesthe interconnect registerspecifiedby reg$numberon the boardspecifiedby slot$number with the contentsin the parameter value. BootstrapLoader 5-27 WRITING A CUSTOMFIRST.STAGEDRIVER EXAMPLE spaceregisters.The of writinginterconnect This exampleillustratesthe fundamentals exampleis written in PL/M-86 codeand is intendedto be genericin nature. /************************************************************ * the conÈroller initÍalization This exarnple writes * record systen bus control register of the parallel * within space found on the board in the interconnect * Note that this code does no slot nunber three. * to checkinp of scatus after each call * * * . Thè BS$GET$ INTERCoNNECîand BS$s ET$INTERCONNECT prograumer rnust ensure values returned and writcen correct. * This exarnple uses the sane record - s earching scheme * shown ln the exanple for BS$GET$INTERCONNECT. ************************************************************,/ * * * * * are * * SAI{PLE_BS : D0; $ SET$INTERCONNECT BYTE; DECI^ARE slot$nurnber \'ORD; DECLAREstatus WORD; DECLARE record$offset BYTE; D E C I - A RpEs b $ c t r l $ r e c DECLARErec $ length$ re g$off BYTE; DECIAREcontr$ init$ reg$off BYTE; DECI-ARErecord$found BYTE; DECIAREeot$rec BYîE; D E C I A R Eh o s t $ m e s s $i d BYTE; ' 3H' DECIAREsloÈ LITEMLLY ; DECI,AREpsbcr LITERALLY '6H' ; DECLARE ciro LITERALLY 'DH'; DECLAREeotrec LITERALLY 'OFFH' ' 01H' DECIARErlro LITEMLLY ; DECIAREhnid LITERALLY 'AH'; DECIAREro LITERALLY '020H' C o D E :D Q ; slot$number psb$ctrl$rec contr$init$reg$off eot$rec -r ^c^LCY lr -c -" ^ó fr h C - ^ .' Cc^t F 1 .F? u . "v host$mess$id 5-28 : : - slot; psbcr; ciro; eoLrec; - rlyò. - hnid; B(ntstrap [,0ader WRITING A CUSTOM FIRST-STAGEDRIVER /*********************************************************** * Set up to read the first nonheader record wíthin the * intèrcónnect space. This is done by establishing * record$offset past the interconnect space header * record, which in this case is 32 bytes lóng. *********************************************************** * * * * / record$offset - ro; //**************x******************************************** * Read the record type register (thè first register * within a record) of the first nonheader record into * the variable record$found. *********************************************************** * * * / r e c o r d $ f o u n d - B S$ c E T $I N T E R C O N N E C T (s1ot$nurnber, record$offset, Gstatus); /************************************************************ * Deterrnine if chís first record is the record we wanc to * * write. * I f s o , b y p a s s t h e D 0 l + r H l L El o o p a n d p r o c e e d * 'rrítins the sne.ific repísrcr If n.lt end the record * * is not the EOT (End Of Template) record, executè the DO * * )t I.IHILE loop to get at the next record. ************************************************************/ DO WHILE (record$found o psb$ctr1$rec) AND (record$found O eot$rec) ; /************************************************************ * Position record9offset to read the next sequential * record. T h i s i s d o n e b y c a l l i n g B S $ G E TI $ NTERCONNECT * to read the current record length, addíng 2 (for the * Èwo bytes used for the record type and record length * registers), and finally adding the currenc * record$offset value. Note that record$offset + * rec9length$reg$off yields the interconnect regisrer * that holds the current record lengÈh. ************************************************************/ * * * * * * * :* record$o[[set : record$offset + 2 + B S9 G E T $ INTERCONNECT ( s l o r $ n u m b e r, record$offset + recglengthgreggoff , @status); Bootstrapl,oader 5-29 WRITING A CUSTOMFIRST.STAGEDRIVER /*********************************************************** * Read the nexÈ record-type register into the variable * record$found. ***********************************************************/ record$found * * - BS$GET$INTERCONNECT (slot$nurnber, record$offset, G sL at u s ) ; END: /******************************************************)k***** * c a l l B s SS E T S t oT w r i t e t h e c o n t r o l l e r INTERCONNEC * initialization The exact register locatíon register. * is deternined by adding the register offset value * c o n t r $ i n l t $ r e g $ of f t o r e c o r d $ o f f s è t . ************************************************************ * * * * / I N T E R C O N N E( h CoTs t $ m e s s $i d , s l o t $ n u m b e r , C A L L B S$ S E T $ r e c o r d $ o f f s e t + c o n t r $ i n i t $ r e g $ o f f , @ st a t u s ) ; ENDCODE; END SAMPLE-BS $ SET$INTERCONNECT ; CONDITION CODES E$OK 0000H No exceptional conditions. 5.5.8DriverCodeConsiderations Whenwritingthe first-stagedriver,you mustprovidetwo proceduresto the Bootstrap Loader: a deviceinitializationprrredure and a devicereadprocedure.To be compatible with the BootstrapLoader,theseprocedures mustperformthe samestepsas the initializationand readprocedures listedin Sections5.2and 5.3. An additionalrequirementfor drivercodeusedin a MULTIBUS II environmentstipulates that codeusinganyof the utilitiesshownin Sections5.5.2through5.5.6belongto the BootstrapLoaderDriversCOMPACT sub-system. The reasonfor this requirementis becauseall the utilitiesare arcessible asNEAR calls. 5-30 Bfi)tstrap k)ader WRITINGA CUSTOMFIRST.STAGE DRIVER The followingpartialcodeprovidesln exampleof how to ensureyour drivercodeis part of the BootstrapLoaderDriver coMPACT sub-system. In this example,the coclingis shown usingtheASM86programming Ianguage. name public public bs2pci device_ini t_2 24A d e v i c e_ r e a d _ Z 2 4 t t bs l_dr ive rs_cgroup bsl_dr ive rs_dgroup assume cs: assune ds: group group bsl_dr ive rs_c group bsÌ_dr ive rs_dgroup bsl_dr ive rs_data segment word . (Typical b s l_dr ive rs_data ends bs l_dr ive r s_c ode device inir 224A segment byte p roc . bs1 drivers b s 1_dr ive rs*code bsI drivers data code (Typical pubÌ ic 'DATA' c o d e) pubLic far 'CODE' code) ends In the aboveexample, bs2pciis the nameof the driverntodule.You cannameyourdriver moduleanyuniquenameyou desire. The two followingpublicstatements declarethe deviccinitializationand deviceread proceduresaspublic. Thesepublicstatements enablethe BootstrapLoadercodeto access themasFAR calls.Again,youcannanteyourdeviceinitialization andreatlprocedures anyuniquenameyou desire. Next,the two groupstatements cnsurethatthisdrivermoduleis groupedtogetherwith the BootstrapLoaderutilitiesaspartof the sameCOMPACTsub-system. You mustusctlìc two groupnamesbsl_driverscgroupirnclbsl_cirivers_dgroup anclthe two segmentnames hsl clriverscodeand bsl drivers data. F i n a Ì Ì y ,t h e t w o a s s u m es t a t e m e n t se s t a b l i s ht h e c o r r e c tv a l u e sf o r t h e c o d e s e q m e n tb a s e a d d r e s sa n d t h e d a t a s e g m e n th a s ea d d r e s sc, s a n d d s . tsootstrapl,Oader 5--tI WRITING A CUSTONIFIRST-STAGEI)RIVER The followingalgorithmis an examplethat illustratesboth a methodof usingthe Bootstrap LoaderCommunicationSystemes a wayof verifuinga certainboardis presentin the The exampleis written using systemanrlof usingthe utility BS$GET$INTE,RCONNECT. a pseudocodethat is not meantto representanyknownprogramminglanguage. *BEGIN COMMENTS: * Paraneters received a r e B O A R D $ I Da n d I N S T A N C E . * * BOARD$ID is the identificatlon Òf fhe troard beins looked for. * * * * INSTANCE Ís the instance of a particular bus system. This troard on the parallel parameter allows for multiple occurrences of the MULTIBUS II systern the sarne board within * Parameters returned are value iPSB$SLOT * * * iPsB$sLoT is is found, or not found. the MULTIBUS II board slot when the board the value OFFH when Lhe board is * Note that * cnoní fi. * concains the board identification the variable ínl"ar.nnnpr.l- V E N D O R _ I Dp o í n t s sna.p rèpister to the fhat value. *END COMMENTS: **********************************-x*************** *BECIN CODE: * D O u n t i l a l l M U L T I B U SI I b o a r d s l o t s o n t h e P S B a r e * sequentially examined. Use the variabÌe * i P S B $ S L O Ta s t h e l o o p i n g v a r i a b l e t o i n d i c a t e * the slor nunber for che board being examined. * * 5-32 : B S$ G E T I$N T E R C O N N E( C i PTS B $ S L O T , VENDOR$ID V E N D O RI D , S T A T U S ) Bù)tstrap [,oader WRITINGA CUSTOMFIRST-STAGE I)RIVER * rf * * * x * * * * * * )t * * * * * * * * n * * * t h e V E N D O R $ I Dr e t u r n e d i s n o n z e r o , a board exi-sts in the examined slot then Ìt V E N D O R $ Ì Dr n a r c h es B o A R D g t D then lf INSTANCEis the desired Ínstance of BOARD$ ID then return lhe iPSBSSLOT looping index to indicace the sl-oc number of BOARD$ID else else else If we have checked all board slots then Return the value OFFtt as the ipSB$SLOT parameter indicating t-hedevice to boot from does not exist. else Loop back to beginning to check the next board slot. * END DO *END CODE: 5.6. CHANGING BS1.A86 OR BS1MB2.A86 TO INCLUDE THENEW FIRST.STAGE DRIVER The first stageof the Bootstrap Loader obtains information about the devicesantl their associateddevicedrivers from the Bootstrap Loader configuration file BS LA86 or BS1MB2.A86. To support a custom devicedriver, you musr add to that file a TTDEVICE macro for each unit on the devicethît your first-stagedevice driver supports. For example,if tr.voflexihle diskette drives are attachedto the device,you must add two ToDEYICE macros to the list (one for each clrive). Chapter 3 describesthe syntaxol thc %DEVICE macro. Brntstraphader 5-33 WRITING A CUSTOMFIRST-STAGEI)RIVER As an example,Figure5-3showsa portionof the BSl.A86file that waschangedto add to driver (changes %DEVICE macrosfor two unitssupportedby a customfirst-stage physical 1, and their numbers 0 and BSlMB2.A86wouldoccursimilarly).The unitshave The nameof the customdriverdeviceinitialization namesare YZ\ andYZ1, respectively. the nameof the devicereadprocedureis procedureis NEWDEVICEINIT, and NEWDEVICEREAD. Arrows to the left of the fisureshowthe addedlines. b s1 $include ( : f1 :bs1.inc) fcpu(80286) of the iAPX 188 ;iSBC 188/48 initialization ( y 0 f c 3 8 h n o n e i A P X _ 1 8 6 _ I N I T , , B O b b h, n o n e , 0 0 3 b h ) , ; Zdevlce (b0 , Ò r l o r r i n a i n i t ? 5 ú Zdevice (bao , Ò . . l o r r i n a i n i r ? 6 ú - -> ldevlce(y20, 0, nesdevlceinit, --> ldevlce (yzI, l, newdeviceinit, Tend deviceread254) d e v i c e r e a d 26 4 ) newdevlceread) newdeviceread) Figure5-3. NftrdilìedBSl.Att6File THE A NEWFIRSTSTAGECONTAINING 5.7. GENERATING DRIVER CUSTOMDEVICE Once you have written the custom clevicedriver and changedthe Bootstrap Loader Configuration files, you must generateir new first stagethat includesthe custom device driver. To do so, follow the stepsbelow. (These stepsilssumethat you use an iRMX II systemto developyour cocle.) l. Compìle or assemblethe first-stagecleviceinitialization and device read procedures. For example,the following command assemblesdeviceread and device initialize nrocecluresthat iìre assumc(lto reside in the file NEWDEVICE l.Al'tfr. - a s m 8 6n e w d r i v l . a 8 6 o b j e c t ( n e w d r l v l . o b j ) iRMX rr 8086/87/186 MACRO A S S E M B L E RV,2 . 0 Copyright 1980, 1981, 1982, INTELCORP. IOUND ASSEMBLYCOMPLETED, NO É]RRORS 5-34 Bo0tstrapl,{)ader I)RIVER WRITINCA CUSTOMFIRST-STAGE 2. Insertthe objectmodulesfor the devicereadand the deviceinitializeproceduresinto the objectlibraryof the BootstrapLoader. This libraryis namedBS1.LIB and normallyresidesin the directory/RMX2tlfr/BOOT or /RMX86/BOOT. The followingcommands addtheobjectmodules generated ìn Stepl. . LIB86 i R M X I I 8 0 8 6 L I B R A R I A NV 2 . O Copyrlght 1980 INTEL CORPOMTION *add newdrivl .obj to /rnx286/boot/bs1.1ib 3. Attach the directorv containingthe Bootstrap Loader configuration files as the current default directorv: - a t t a c h f 1 1 e /tntx296 /boot -tsF^^l ^.1 ^c /rnx286 /boor , o ! L d L L ' E u n J è. ,V. 4 . G e n e r a t ea n e w f i r s t s t a g eb y i n v o k i n gt h e S U t s M I l ' f i l e n a m e d B S I . C S D . C h a p t e r2 d e s c r i b e st h e d e t a i l so f t h e i n v o c a t i o n .A s a n e r a m p l e ,t h e f o l l o w i n gc o m m a n da s s u m e s t h a t y o u h a v ec h o s e n4 0 0 0 0 Ha s t h e m e m o r yl o c a t i o no f t h e f i r s t s t a g ea n t l 4 3 0 0 0 Ha s the memory location of the seconclstage. Thisstepassumes thatyou havemadeappropriate changes to the BSI.CSDfile as describedearlierin this chapter. The BSl.CSDfile placesthe resulting locatedBootstrap Loaderin the file BSl. One thingto rememberaboutthis procedureis that because you addedyour devicedriver to the objectlibraryof the BootstnìpLoader,the devicedriveris automatically inclucledin all futureversionsof the first stagecreatedbv BS1.CSD. B0otstraplr'ader 5--t: CHAPTER 6 WRITING A CUSTOMTHIRD.STAGE DRIVER 6.1 INTRODUCTION Ifyou plan to usethe BootstrapLoatlerto loadiRMX ll applications from a devicefor whichno Intel-supplied third-stage driverexists,you can makeone of two choices dependent uponthe sizeofyour loadlile: 'I'he . For loadfilessmal-ter than i3.lt)Kbytcs.usethe genericthird stage. genericthird stageusesthe first-stage delice ciriversyou havealreadysupplied.Sincethe loadlile fits in the I megabyteaclclress spacesupportedin real mode,and first-stage device driversare ableto placethe loadfile,no needfor you to createnewdevicedriversexists for the third stage. . For loadfileslargerthan 840Kbytes,usethe device-specifìc third stage.The devicespecificthird stageusesnewclevicedriversthat you mustsupply.Thesedevicedrivers run in protectedvirtualaddressmodeenablingthe loadfileto be placedusingthe full 16megabyterangeof addresses. This chapteroutlinesthe procedurelirr writinga thirtl-stage tlriver neededlbr the devicespecificthir --> ( :fl:bs3enf. inc ) (0,w0, device ini tmscgen, devicereadnsc gen, data_msc) Ídevice ( 1 , w 1 , d e v l c e i n i t m sc g e n , d e v i c e r e a d n s c g e n , d a t a _ r n s c) fdevice ( 8 ,wfO , devic e ini rnsc gen, devic ereadnscgen, data_msc ) ldevice ldevlce (9,wfl,deviceinitmscgen,devlcereadmscgen,data_nsc) (0, ba0, deviceinit264, ldevice devi ceread264 , data_264) yz0, newdevicelnlt, Idevlce(0, newdeviceread, data_newdev) ldevice(1, yzl, newdevicelnft, nevdevlceread, data neudev) ; ;int1 Zlnt 3 ;halt %cpu_board (286/12) i lend Figure6-l. Changingthe tsS3.A8ó File 6.9 GENERATING A NEWTHIRDSTAGECONTAINING THE CUSTOMDRIVER Once you have written the custom devicedriver and changedthe Bodstrap Loader Configuration files, you must genenrtea device-specificthird stagethat includesthe custom devicedriver. To do so, perform the following steps. (These stepsassumethat you u s e a n i R M X s y s t e mt o d e v e l o py o u r c o d e . ) l. Compiìe or assemblethe third-stagedevice initialization and device read procedures. For example,the following command assemblesdevice read and device initialization proceduresthat reside in the file NEWDRIV3.A86. Bootstrap[íader ó-9 WRITING A CUSTOMTHIRD-STAGET)RIVER - asn86 newdrív3. a86 obj ect (nesdrlv3 .obj ) i R l D { r r 8 0 8 6 / 8 7 / L 8 6 M A C R 0A S S E M B L E RV,2 . 0 copyrighr 1980, r981, 1982, INTELCoRP. ASSEMBLYCOMPLETED, NO ERRORSFOUND z. Insertthe objectmodulesfor the devicereadand the devìceinitializeprocedures into the BootstrapLoaderobjectlibrary. This libraryis namedBS3.LIBand normallyresidesin the directory/RMX8ó/BOOT or /RMX286/BOOT. The followingcommandsadd the objectmodulesgeneratedin Step l. - L I B S6 iRMX II 8086 LIBMRIAN V2.O Copyright 1980 INTEL CORPORATÍON *add newdriv3. obj to /rnx2B6/boot/bs3.1ib 3. A t t a c h t h e d i r e c t o r yc o n t a i n i n gt h e B o o t s t r a pL o a d e r c o n f i g u r a t i o nf i l e sa s t h e c u r r e n td e f a u l td i r e c t o n . - attachflle /rnx286 /t>oot , A /rnx286 /boot .fl-,.}la; Aq q Generatea newthird sta_qe by invokingthe SUBMIT file namedBS3.CSD.Chapter 3 describes the detailsof invokingBS3.CSD.As an example,the followingcommand namesthe new third stage"NEW3STG,"and locatesit at memorylocation08C000H. This stepassumes that you havemacleanyappropriatechanges to the BS3.CSDfile that are requiredto supporttrnyconfigurationfilesyou might havedesigned. 6-10 B(x)tstrap k)ader CHAPTER 7 ERROR HANDLING 7.1 INTRODUCTION If the bootstraploadingprocessis unsuccessful, the Bootstrap[-oaderìnitiateserrorhandlingprocedures. Notification ol lailuresoccurring duringthe loadingprocess clepends on the configuration of the firstrrnrlthirristl,qes. Thischupterdescribes the Bootstralt Loader'serrorhandlingfncilities. 7.2 ANALYZING BOOTSTRAP LOADERFAILURES T h e B o o t s t r a pL o a d e r c a n d i s p | r l n t e s s : t g east t h e t e r m i n . l w h e n b o o t s t r i ì pl o a c ì i n gi s u n s u c c e s s f uA l .s d i s c u s s c d i n C ì h a p t c lr. r h c . I . C O N S O L h , . ; T ' E X T . a n d _ c É L I Sm T acros i n t h e B S E R R . A E ( fI i l c d c t e r m i n c* h c t h c r o r n o t n ì c s s i ì g eisr r e r i i s p l l y e r w J hencrrors o c c u rd u r i n g t h e f i r s t a n d s e c o l r ds t l r - s t sh.o w d e t i r i l c dt h e n t e s s a g easr e , a n d u n d e r w h a t c i r c u m s t a n c etsh e v a r e d i s p l a y e d .A s C ì h l p t e r- l e x p l a i n st.h e t h i r d s t l q e a u t o m a t i c l l l y d e t e r m i n e si f a m o n i t o r i s p r e s c n t .: r n c il l s o . d i s p l a v sc r r o r m e s s a g eas t t h e t e r m i n a l r e g a r d Ì e sos f t h e f i r s t s t a g ec o n i i g u n t t i o n . The following sectionsdescribewhrrt h;rp;rcnsu hen a bocttstraploutlinq error occursancì how to analyzethe errclr. Therc arc two situationsdescribed:error anulvsiswhen nlessu_lllcs a r e d i s p l a y e da, n d e r r o r a n a l v s i sw h e n n o r n e s s a q casr e d i s p l a y c c l . 7.2.1 ActionsTakenby the BootstrapLoaderAfteran Error A f t e r r e s p o n d i n gt o a n e r r o r h y p u s h i n ga w o r d o n t o t h e s t i r c ka n d o p t i o n a l l yd i s p l a y i n ga m e s s a g et ,h e B o o t s t r a pL o a d c r c i t h c r t r i e s a g a i n ,p a s s c sc o n t r o lt o a m o n i t o r ,o r h a l t s . l f t h e e r r o r ì s d e t e c t e di n t h e f i r s t o r s c c o n ds t l r q et,h e a c t i o nt a k e n d e p e n d so n w h e t h e rv o u r B S E R R . A t ì 6f i l e c o n t a i n sa n f i A ( l A I N . . ; l N T l , . - ; l N ' f l , o r _ c i H A L Tm a c r o . I f r h e e r r c l i s d e t e c t e dì n t h e t h i r d s t a g e ,r h e a c r i o nr : r k e nd e p e n d so n w h e t h e ry o u r B S 3 . A 8 óo r B C 3 . A 8 óf i l e c o n t a i n sa n c l l N ' f I , c i l N ' l ' ] . o r c . , i H A L Tm a c r o . The only diffèrcnce betweenthe clcvicc-spccilicand generic third stagcsis that the generie t h i r d s t a g en e v e rg e n e r a t e st h e c r r o r c o d c " D c v i c cN o t S u p p o r t e d "( r c l e r t o e r r o r c o d eJ . l l a t e r i n t h i s c h a p t e r ) ,b e c a u s ct h e q e n e r i ct h i r d s t a g es u p p o r t sa l l t h e d e v i c e ss u p p o r t e dl r y t h e f i r s t s t a g e . I f y o u i n v o k et h e t s o o r s t r t rLpo a d e rw i t h a d e v i c en a m e t h a t i s n o t s u p p o r t e db y t h e f i r s t s t a q e ,t h e g c n c r i ct h i r d s t a g ew i l l n e v e re v e ng e t Ì o a d e di n t o m e m o r y . Brxrtstrapl-oader 7-l ERRORHANDLING 7.2.2 AnalyzingErrorsWith DisplayedErrorMessages ToTEXÎ, or a/oLISTmacro,then the If your BSERR.A86file containsthe o/cCONSOLE, at the terminalwhenevera failureoccursin BootstrapLoaderdisplaysan error message consistsof one or two parts. The first part, the bootstraploadingprocess.The message is a numericalerror code. The secondpart is a shortdescription whichis alwaysdisplayed, of the error. Althoughthe secondpart is alwaysdisplayedfor third stageerrors,it is displayedfor first and secondstageerrorsonly if the T,ITEXTor ToLISTmacrois included. 'l'he the stageof first digit indicates,if possible, Eachnumericalerror codehastwo digits. the bootstraploadingprocessin whichthe error occurred.The seconddigit distinguishes the typesof errorsthat canoccurin a particularstage.Thereare four possiblevaluesfor the first disit. First Digit 0 I 2 3 Stage Can'ttell First Second Th irtl messages, and their causesand meaningsare as cìisplay The error codes,their abbreviated folìows. Error Code: Description: 0l I/O error loading iìt someundetcrmined time duringthebootstrap An I/O erroroccurred process. macrois inclucled. the Bootstrap [.oaderplacesa codein the highIf the ToCONSOLE word orderbyteof the it pushesonto the stack,so that you canfurtherdiagnosethe problem. This byte identifiesthe drivcr lìrr the devicethat producedthe error, as follows: Code Driver 08H l5H 20tì MSC (with or without2l8A) 218Aon CPU board 1861224A 18H 25H 5lH 54H ()EOH other(in rangeA0H-DFtl) 1 1 25r 254 or 264 SCSI driverfor your custom BrntstrapLrader ERRORTIANI)LING Note that this devicecodeis oven'rittenwhenthe descriptionis printerJif the o/r'l'EXT or ToLISTmacrois included. The lastentry in the list of devicec.des assumes that you havewritten:r devicedriver for your deviceand haveidentifiedthe driverby somec.de in the inclicated range-othervaluesarereserved for Inteldrivers.For information abouthowto incorporirtc thiscodeintothe driver,seeCihapter 5. Error Code: Description: 11 Devicenot readv. 'fhe specificdevice designatet{for bootstrap loatJingis not reatly. This error occurs o n l y w h e n y o u r B S E R R . A I J ífT i l e d o e sn o t c o n t a i nt h e f T A U T O m a c r o . T h c r c f o r c . e i t h e r t h e o p e r a t o rh a s s p e c i f i e da p a r t i c u l a rd e v i c eo r o n l y o n e d c v i c ei s i n t h c B o o t s t r a pL o a d e r ' st l e v i c el i s t , : r n t lt h e d e v i c ei s n o t r e a r j v . Error Code: Description: 12 D e v i c ed o e sn o t e x i s t . ( l f B S E R R . A I J 6 c u n t u i n st h e T c L I S Tn r a c r o , t h e d i s p l a yt h e n s h o w st h e l i s t o f k n o w n d e v i c e s . ) T h e d e v i c en a m e e n t e r e da t t h c c o n s o l eh a s n o c n t r y i n t h e B o o t s t r a pL o a d e r ' sd e v i c c l i s t . T h i s e r r o r o c c u r so n l y w h e n I ' o u r t ì S E R R . A 8 ( lri l e c o n t a i n st h c g I M A N U A L m a c r o a n d y o u e n t e r a d e v i c en a m e ,b u t t h e d e v i c en a m ey o u e n t e r i s n o t k n o w n t o t h c B o o t s t r a pL o a d e r . A f t e r d i s p l a y i n gr h e m e s s a g et ,h e B o o t s t r a pL o a d e r t l i s p Ì a y st h e n a m e so f t h e c l e v i c e isn i t s t l c v i c el i s t . Error Code: Description: 13 No deviccrcudv. Noneof the devices in the l]ootstrupl,oader's devicelistarereadv.Thiserroroccurs onlywhenyour BSERR.A8(r lile contains the 9óAUTOor oZMANUALmacroandvou do not entera devicenameat theconsole. Error Code: Description: 2l File not founrl. T h e B o o t s t r a pL o a d e rc o u l d n o t f i n d t h e i n d i c u t e rfli l e o n t h e d c s i g n l r t e d bootstriì[l d e v i c e . T h i s i s t h e d e f a u l tf i l e i f n o p : ì t h n a m ew a s e n t e r e da t t h e c o n s o l e. O t h e n l i s e ,i t i s t h e f i l e w h o s ep a t h n a m er l a s e n t e r e d . I n i R M X I I s y s t em s , t h e B o o t s t r a pL o a c ì e r couldnot find the third staqc. Brntstraphader ERROR HANI)LING Error Code: Description: 22 Badchecksum. or the While tryingto load the targetfile (the applicationsystemfor iRMX I systems, a checksumerror. the BootstrapLoaderencountered third stagefor iRMX II systems), value with eachrecordis a checksum Eachfile consistsof severalrecords.Associatetl that specifiesthe numericalsum(ignoringoverflows)of the bytesin the record When valuefor eachrecordand the BootstrapLoaderloaclsa file, it computesa checksum for any value. If thereis a discrepancy comparesthat valueto the recordedchecksum recorclin the file, it usuallymcansthrttone or more bytesof the file havebeen insteadof continuingthe corrupted,so the BootstrapLoirderreturnsthis message loadingprocess. Error Code: Description: 23 endof lile. Premature recordsat the end of the The BootstrapLoaderdid not fintl the requiredencl-of-file or the thirdstagefor iRMX ll 1i)riRMX I systems, system targetfile (theapplication systems). Error Code: Description: 24 No startaddresstìrunclin inputfile. loadedthc targetfile but wasunableto transler The BootstrapLoadersuccesslully initiirlCSitndIP valueswerenot present. controlto the file,because Error Code: Description: 3l File not found. bootstrap device. The thirdstagewasunableto finrlthe turqetfile on thedesignated of the wayyou invokeclthe BootstrapLoader,the targetfile is expectedto Regardless havea .286extension. Error Code: Description: 32 Badchecksu m. a checksum errorwhiletryingto loadthe targetfile. The thirdstageencountered Error Cotle: Description: 33 Premature endof file. whileattempting to loadthe end-of-file earlierthanexpected The thirdstagereached targetfile. 7-4 Boolstrap hadcr ERRORIIANI)LING Error Code: Description: 34 Devicenot supportetJ. The specifietldeviceis not supportedby the device-specific third stage.That is,there is no %DEVICE macroinvocationfor this devicein the BS3.Auófile. Error Code: Description: 35 Invalitlfile t1,pe. The targetfile is not an 8028óbootloadable file (usuallyproducedby BLD2lt6). 7.2.3 AnalyzingErrorsWithoutDisplayedErrorMessages In mostcases, you candetermìnethe causeof a BootstrapLoaderfailureby obsening the behaviorof the Bootstrap Loaderwhcnit failsto loadthe application successlully. You 'l'able canthentakestepsto correctthe frriìure. 4-1Ìistssomecommonbehaviors and possiblecausesfor failure. The tableiìssunles that the BootstrapLoaderis setup to halt if it detects:ìn error. BeforehaÌting.the BootstrapLoaderplacesthe error codeinto the CX reglsler. Another possiblecauseoî îailure.the eltèctsof whichare unpredictlble,is that the device controllerblock(asdeterminedby the device'swake-upatldress)canbe corrupted.To avoidthis kind of failure,ensurethiìt neitherthe BootstrapLoadernor the targetfiJe overlansthe devicecontrollerblock1ìrrthe device. BrxrtstrapInader 7-5 ERRORIIANDLING Table7-t. PostmolemAnallsisof BootstrapInader Failure Behaviorof Loader PossibleCeuses B o o t s t r a pÌ o a d i n gf ai l s ì n the first stage. The indicateddeviceis not readyor is not knownlo thc B(ìoî\trapLoader An I/O error occurredduringthe first stage (ABR) Autornatfc Boot Devlce Recognltlon IYes/No] Yes (IBS) Incernal Buffer Size [O-OFFFFh] 0400H (DDS)Default lO Job Dírectory size [5-3840] 50 (ITP) Internal EIOSTask's Priorities 131 l0-2551 ( P M I ) E I O S P o o l M l n i m u mI O - O F F F F H I 0180H ( P M A ) E I O S P o o l M a x i r n u m[ 0 - 0 F F F F H ] OFFFFFH (CD) Configuration directory lL-45 charactersl :SD:RMX286/C0NFIC FigureA-1. EIOS ConfîgurationScreen(ABR) A-2 Bootstrapl,0ad€r AUTOMATICBOOT DEVICERECOGNITION . If you setABR to "yes,"the ICU displaysthe screenshownin FigureA-2. On this screen,you mustspecirythe characteristics of the systemdevicevia the DLN, DPN, DFD, and DO prompts.For the DLN, DFD, and DO prompts,you mustnot supply this informationlater in the "LogicalNames"screen. With the DLN prompt,you canspecifothe logicalnamefor your systemdevice.If you changethisvaluefrom the default(SD),you mustchangeall otherreferences to the :SD:logicalnameto the new nameyou speciff. The ExtendedI/O Systemcreatesthe logicalnameyou speci! only if you setABR to "yes." With the DPN prompt,you specifothe physicalnameof a devicethat you want to use asyour systemdevicein casethe ExtendedI/O Systemcannotfind the name RQBOOTED catalogued in the root ohjectdirectory.This situationnormaÌlyoccurs whenyou loadyour systemusinga meansotherthan the BootstrapLoader. For example,if you transferthe OperatingSystemto your targetsystemvia the iSDM monitor,there is no bootstrapcievice.In thiscase,the ExtendedI/O Systemusesthe devicenamespecifiedin the DPN promptasthe systemdevrce. With the DFD and D0 prompts,you setothercharacreristics with the associated systemdevice.For mostcases, the defaults (DFD=NamedandDO=0000H)arethe nreferredvalues. (ABDR) -- ->(DLN) -- ->(DPN) --->(DFD) --->(DO) Automatic Boot Device Recognitlon D,rfault Systen Device Logfcal Nane Il-12 chars] D,:fault Systen Devlce Physlcal Nane [1-12 chars] D,:fault Systen Device Flle Driver \P/S/N/R) D,rfault Syster0Devlce Osners ID [0-oFFFFH] SD rr0 Named 0000H FigureA-2. ABI)R Screen(DLN, DPN, DFD, DO) . Duringconfigurationof the BasicI/O System, you mustspecifydevice-unit informationfor t re devicesyou wishto support.One of the promptson each"DeviceUnit lnformatior" screen(NAM) requiresyou to specifythe nameof the device-unit. Another parameLer (UN) requiresyou to specifythe unit number. (SeeFigureA-3 for an exampleof thr:seprompts.)To enablethe ABDR lèatureto work correctly,you mustassign device-unit nantesandunit numbers thatmatchthe devicenamesandunit numbersassignecl duringBootstrapLoaclerconfiguration. . You assignthe Br)dstrapLoadcrdcvicenamesand unit numbersby includingor motJifyingo/oDE\rICEmacrosin the first-stage configurationfile (BSl.A8óor BS1MB2.Atl6).With the lCU, you candefinedevice-unitnamesand unit numbers other thanthosethat arevalid tìrr the BootstrapLoadcr. But eachBootstrapLoader devicenamemusthavea corresponding device-unitname,and the unit numbersmust be the same. BootstrapLoader A-3 AUTOMATIC BOOT DEVICERECOGNITION youmustformatyoursystem deviceusingthe BeforeyoucanusetheABDR feature, Utilirt^ |RMXIl lnteractive Configuratton FORMAT command.The Guideto theExtended devicefor usewiththecurrentrelease. howto setupyoursystem describes (IMSC)Mass Storage Controller Device-Unit lnformation ( D E V ) D e v i c e N a m e[ 1 - 1 6 C h a r a c t e r s ] --->(NAìl) Devlce-Unit Name [1-14 chars] (PFD) Physical File Driver Required IYesrzNo] ( N F D ) N a m e dF i l e D r í v e r R e q u i r e d l Y e s / N o l (SDD) Singlè or Double Density Disks ISingle/Double] (SDS) Single or DoubIe Sided Disks ISingle/Double] (EFI) 8 or 5 inch Disks l8l51 ( S U F ) S t a n d a r d o r U n i f o r m F o r n a t l Sc a n d a r d / U n i f o r m l (GRA) Cranularity [ 0 - O F F F F ]H ( D S Z ) D e v i c e S i z e [ 0 - O F F F F F F F F] H - -->(UN) Unlt Numberon this Devtce [O-OFFH] ( U I N ) U n i t I n f o N a r n el L - 1 6 C h a r s l (RUT) Request Update Timeout l0-OFFFFHI (NB) No. of Buffers Inonrarid : O/rand : 1-0FFFFH] ( C U P ) C o m r n oU n p d a t e l T r u e / F a 1 se l ( M B ) M a x B u f f e r s [ 0 - O F F H] YES YES DOUBLE DOUBLE 8 STANDARD 0100H 07c500H 0000H 0096H 0008H TRUE OFFH FigureA-3. Device-UnitInformationScreen(NAM and UN) A-4 Burtstrap Loader AUTOMATICBOOTDEVICERECOGNITIO\ 4.4 HOWTOEXCLUDE AUTOMATIC BOOTDEVICE RECOGNITION To configurea systemthat doesnot includethe ABDR feature,setrhe ABR prompt in the "EIOS"screento "no"(seeFigureA- 1). This disablesthe ABDR fèature. Whenyou setABR to "no",the ICU will not displaythe ABDR screen.Therelbre,you mustprovideinformationfor the DLN, DPN, DFD, and DO promptsas input to the "LogicalNames"screen.FigureA-4 showsan exampleof this screenafter it hasbeenfilled in to includea logicalnamefor the systemdevice.The underlinedinformationin Figurc A-4 is the informationyou wouldsupplyif you set the ABR prompt in FigureA-l to "no" andyou want the systemdeviceto be a flexiblediskettedrivecontrolledby an iSBC208 devicecontroller. (LOCN) Logical [1] [2] [3] --->[4] Logical Narnes Narne : Iog_narne,devlce_narne, fiÌe_driver, owners-id c h a r s ] , C h a r s ] , [1-12 [1-14 ÍP/S/N/R], [0-OFFFFH] Logical Name : BB 0H , BB , PHYSICAL, Logical Name : STREAM STREAI"f STREAM 0H , , , Logical Name: LP L P P H Y S I C A L , 0 H , , Logical Nane = SD 0H , AFO , NAXED , Figure A-,1. Logical Names Screen Bootstrap[-oader A-5 APPENDIX B PROMMING THEBOOTSTRAP LOADER ANDTHE|SDM"MONITOR 8.1 INTRODUCTION chapter 2 statedthat one of the waysto preparethe BootstrapLoaderfor useis t' combineit with one of the Intel monitorpackages and burn the combinedcodeinto PRoM. This appendirsuppÌiesintbrmationaboutcombiningthe BootstrapLoaderand the |SDM monitor. The iSDM S;vern DebugMonitor lJser'sGuide alsocontains informationaboutthis process. 8.2 INCORPORATING THE|SDMMONITOR This sectiongivesthe instructions requiredto placethe first stageand the iSDM monitor into nvo 27128EPROM devices.You canmodifythis exampleto suit your own purposes, oryou canfollowit exactly.Referto the iPPSPROM PROGRAMMING SOF|WARE USER'SGUIDE for detailedinlìrrmationaboutthe commands.The step-by-step procedureis as follows: 1. Enter the nameof the (version1.4or later)softwareusedwith the iUpp Universal PROM Proerammer: 2. Specifo thatthe PROMsirrc2712R EPROMdevices: 3. Respondwith the number oî the ciesired work file drive: 1 This saysthat drive :fl : * ill be useclfor creating temporary IPPS workfiles. 4. lnitialize the file type to be loacled: This saysthat the load file is an li0lló Object Module Format file (which the first s t a g ea n d t h e i S D M m o n i t o r a r e ) . Bff)tstrap k)ader B-l PROMMING THE BOOTSTRAPLOADI]RANI) TTIEiSD]\I' MONITOR 5. bytesof the BSI (lirst stage)file are to go into Specifythat the even-numbcred hytesare to go into EPROM l. (The address EPROM 0 and the odd-numbered of the FE400His an examplevaluewhichis compatiblewith mostconfigurations the highest OFFF7FH, iSDM R3.2monitor. The upperboundof the format rangeis memorylocationthe BootstrapLoadercanusewhencombiningit with the iSDM monitor. The upperboundalsoappliesto all previousversionsof the iSDM 86 or Loadermemorymaps iSDM 286monitors.Alwayscheckthe monitorandBootstrap into the PROM devices.Also,be surethat the beforeburningthe addresses you usedo not collide.l'he numbers3, 2, and I matchIPPSpromptsfor addresses definingthe information.) 6. bytes.Use the Tell the softwareto progriìmonc EPROM with even-addressetl the adilress to use: followingformulato determine ((addressof first stage)- (startaddressof EPROM ptk))12 = a appears whereyou mustentera carriage return.Whenpressing the carriagereturn key,the text < CR > doesnot appeîr on the console. Althoughall syntaxdiugramsshowuppercase Ìerters(e.g.,VR), you canalsouse lowercase letters. The manualrefersto the iRMX II Operating Systemasthe opcrltingsyslem. All numbersunlessotherwisestatedare assumedto be decimal.Hcxaclecimal numbcrs includethe "H" radixchlracter(for example, OFFH). Darker shadedtext appelrringovershadedtextwithin figuresor screendisplaysdoes not actually appearon the screen.The textwithinthe darkerbor supplies information that is helpfulin understancling the figureor screendisplav. lv System Debugger CONTENTS CHAPTER1 iRMX@ II SYSTEMDEBUGGER OVERVIEW PAGE CHAPTER2 SYSTEMDEBUGGER COMMANDS PAGE SystemDebugger CONTENTS 3 CHAPTER PAGE A APPENDIX COMMANDS ISDM"MONITOR PAGE APPENDIX B D.MON386COMMANDS PAGE SAMPLE DEBUGSESSION vl SystemI)cbugger CONTENTS APPENDIX B (continued) PAGE FIGURES FIGURE a 1 a a 1 À z-) SystemDebugger vll CONTENTS PAGE FIGURE 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-t2 2-13 2-14 2-16 2-ltì 2-19 2-20 2-21 2-22 2-26 2-28 2-29 2-30 2-ll l--)I 2-34 2-35 3-1 3-2 3-3 Ylll . . . . . . ....... . 2 -l u . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .-2. .- 2 0 . . . . . . . . , . . . . . :. -. :. z. . . . . . ........ .....2-24 of VO Output................ F-ormat . ..2-28 .-......... Formatof VR Output................. ... .....2-32 ..'. .. Formatof VS Output................ ...............2-37 ....... Formatof VT Output:Job Display.........,...... ................2-39 Task........ Non-lnterrupt V Formatof f Output: . . . . . ... . . . 2 - 3 9 F o r m ao t f V T O u t p u t :I n t c r r u pTt a s k. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --..........2-42 Formatof VT Output: Miìill)oxwith No Qucue.. -----.. ................2-42 ... .. .. ....... with Task Queue Formatof VT Output: Mailbox .. .. .. .. . .......... ...2-43 Formatof VT Output: MailboxwithOhjcctQueue....... . .. .. .. . . .. ....l-13 riith \'lcssirte Data !f irillxrr Queue.. of VT Output: Format . . .. .. . .. . ..2-'11 ...... .. ........ u'ithNo QucLre Formatof VT Output:Senrrrlthttre .. . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . 2-.l-5 * ith Tlsk Queuc... Formatof VT Output:Sennphore ....... . ....2-1-5 Formatof V'f Output: Regionu'ithNo Queue.. w i t hT a s kQ u e u e . . . . . . . . .-. -. .- . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . 2 ' 4 6 F o r m a ot f V T O u t p u t :R c q i o n ()trject.................. ........ .2-17 nsion Formatof VT Output: Exte . . . .... . . . . . 2 - ' 1 6 F o r m a ot f V ' f O u t p u t :S c g m c n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .....2-11Ì OtrjectOther Than8IOS....... Formatof VT (lutpLrt:Compositc . 2-'19 Formatof VT Output: fillOSLJscrOltjcctCompc1site............................. a li l eC o n n c c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .......2 - 1 9 F o r m a ot f V T O u t p u t :B I O SP h y s i c F .. . .. .. ..,...2--51 Stream File C-Ìtnnection.................. Formatof VT Output: IìlOS ..... 2--5'1 ........................... NunretjfrileConnection Formatof VT Output: 13lOS F o r m ao t f V T O u t p u t :I ì l O SR c n r o t [eì i l eC o n n e c t i t l n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......2. -. .5. 6. . . . . . . r l r o l o c oPl o r t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 5 1 F o r m ao t f V T O u t p u t :S i g n : P 'l'ransport Port......................-.............2-5ft Prtttctcol Formatof VT Output: Diìtir Plo r t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 5 l J F o r m ao t f V T O u t p u t :D a t a l n t n s p o rPt r ( } t o c o .................2-60 F o r m ao t f V ' f O u t p u t :B u f l e rP o o l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................2-63 F o r m ao t f V L JO u t p u.t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (lnit).................... ................3'2 E x a m pefP L / M - 2 8 6A p p l i c l t i o n ................3-5 A p p l i c : r t r o( A nl p h o n s e ) . . . . . . . . . ExamplP e L/M-286 ( C l a s t o n ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......,,........3-7 P L . I M - 2 8A6p p l i c a t i o n Example ....................... l - 12 MOVW in Gaston(ìrdc..... F o r m ao t f V J O u t p u.t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i R M X @I l J o bT r e e . . . . . . . . . . . . . System l)ebugger CHAPTER1 IRMX@ II SYSTEMD E B U G G E R OVERVIEW 1.1 INTRODUCING THE|RMX@ II SYSTEM DEBUGGER Whenyou developapplication svstems, you needdebugging capabilities on your development system.In additionto the iSDM SystemDebugMonitoror the D-MoN3Err Monitor,Intelprovides rheiRMX II SystemDebugger (SDB)îor debugging your iRMX I I-based application system. NOTE T h e r e m a i n d e ro f t h i s m a n u a lu s e st h c t e r m ' , m o n i t o r 't,o r e l e r t o b o t h t h e i S D M S y s t e mD e b u g M o n i r o r a n d r h e D - M O N 3 l ì ( rM o n r r o r . T h e S y s t e mD e b u g g e ri s a m e m o r y - r e s i d e netx t e n s i o no f t h e m o n i t o r ; t h e r e f o r c ,v o u m u s t have the monitor if you have thc SystentDebuggerconfi{ured into your system. The monitor provides code disassembly,executionbreakpoinrs,memory cJisplay, and pro_qran.l d o w n l o a dc a p a h i Ì i t i e sT . h e S y s t e n D e b u q q e re x t e n d st h e m o n i t o r ' sd i s a s s e m b lfyu n i t i o n s b y i n t e r p r e t i n gi R M X I I c a l l s ,d a t a s t r u c t u r c sa, n d s t a c k s . M o n i t o r a n d S y s t e mD e b u g g e rc o n r m a n d sa r e e n t c r e c i n r c s p o n s et o t h e i s D M M o n i t o r ' s protected-modp e r o m p r ( . . ) o r r h e D - M O N l 8 ( r M o n i r o r ' sp r o m p t ( > ). Whenyou invoke t h e m . n i t o r , b o t h t h e o p e r a t i n gs y s t c ma n d y . u r a p p l i c a t i . ns v s t e ma r e l i . z e n . A s v o u u s e m o n l t o r c o m m a n d st o s e t l t r e a k p o i n t sw h i l e t h e a p p l i c a t i o nc o d e i s e x e c u t e dy, o u c a n inspect systemobjects,changesystcmcall parametersand regisrers,and test chrrnees. R e f e r t o A p p e n d i xA f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o no n i S D M M . n i t . r c o m m a n d sa n d A p p c n d i x B tor D-MON3tì6Monitor cornmanos. SystemDebugger l-I iRI\TX@II SYSTEI\Í I)EBTJGGEROVERVIEW DEBUGGER THESYSTEM 1.2 SUPPORTING T o u s e t h e S y s t e mD e b u g g e ry, o u m u s t h a v eo n e o f t h e f o l l o w i n gh a r d w a r ec o n f i g u r a t i o n s w i t h a l l t h e r e q u i r e ds u p p o r th a r d w a r e : o An Intel MicrocomPuter ctlnnectedto an 8021ì6-or 386-basedboard . A terminal connecteddirectly to lrn 802iì(r-or 386-bltscdlrortrtl . or 386-basedlxlard An Intellec@Development Svstenìconnectedto an E1)21ì(r- I n a d c l i t i o nt o t h e a b o v eh a r d w a r e v, o u m u s t h a v eb o t h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g : o T h e E , P R O Mp o r t i o n o 1 t h e i S D M S y s t e mD e b u g M o n i t o r o r t h e D - M O N 3 f ì 6 M o n i t o r . A t l e a s tt h e m i n i m a l c o n f i s u r a t i o no f t h e i R M X I I N u c l e u s DEBUGGER THESYSTEM 1.3 CONFIGURING t h r o u g ht h e Y o u c a n n o tu s e t h e S y s t e mD e b u q q e ru n t i l y t t t ti n c l u t l ei t i n v o u r s 1 ' s t e m 'fo t h e S y s t e m D e b u g g e r b, e g i nb y i n c l u d e I n t e r a c t i v eC o n f i g u r a t i o nU t i l i t i , ( I C L J ) . i n v o k i n gt h e I C U . N e x t ,p r o v i d et h e f o l l o w i n gi n l b r m a t i o nt h e I ( ì t J r e q u i r e st o c o n f i g u r e the SystemDebuggcr: 1 . I n t h e I C U ' s " S u b - S y s t e m s c" r e c n ,r e s p o n d" y e s "t o t h e S D B p r o m p t . 2 . I n t h e I C U ' s " S y s t e mD e b u q q e r s" c r e c n ,s e t t h e i n t e r r u p tl c v e lv o u w a n t t o u s e t o i n v o k et h e m o n i t o r m a n u a l l y( b v p r e s s i n qa h a r d w a r ei n t e r r u p tb u t t o n ) . T o u s e t h e N o n - M a s k a b l eI n t e r r u p t( N M I ) f o r d e b u g - q i ntgl e v i c ed r i v e r s ,s e et h e Ertended |RMX II Hardn'are and Softv'are lrtstalloliott CLtitle. F o r d e t a i l e di n f o r m a t i o no n c o n f i g u r i n tt h c S y s t e mD e h u g g c r c, o n s u l tt h e E x t e n f u d iRlvIX II Interactive Confrguration l.ltilif Rtftrotcc ltlartuttl. DEBUGGER THESYSTEM 1.4 INVOKING Y o u m u s t e n t e r t h e m o n i t o r t o u s e t h e S v s t e mD e b u [ q e r . Y o u c a n i n v o k et h e m o n i t o r i n tnree ways: l. U s e a h a r d w a r es w i t c hp h y s i c a l l yc o n n e c t e dt o t h e i n t e r r u p tl c v e ly o u s p e c i f i e dd u r i n g s v s t e m s, a v e st h e s y s t e m ' s c o n f i g u r a t i o n .A c t i v a t i n gt h i s s u ' i t c hh a l t st h e r r p p l i c a t i o n t o t h c n r o n i t o r . c o n t e n t s a, n t l p a s s e sc o n t r o l 2 . U s e t h e H u m a n l n t c r l ì r c cD E t s U G c o m m r t n d .D E B U C l o a t l sy ' o u rs p e c i f i e d a p p l i c a t i o np r o g r i ì mi n t o m a i n m e m o r va n d t r i ì n s l c r sc o l ì t r o lt o t h e m o n i t o r . l-2 System I)cbugger iRMX@II SYSTE]\Í DEBUGGERO!'ERVIElV 3. Usethe Bootstrap LoaderDEtsLJG switch.Whenyou specifyrhisswitch,the monitor comesup afterthe systemis loucled but befìtrethe systemstartsrunning.Thc CS:lP pointsto the firstinstruction of the application system.At thispointthe systemhusnot beeninitialized; therefctre, youcanrun onlymonitrtrcctmmands. Usingthe MAP2IJ(I output,youcanidentilywherevouwantto insertbreakpoints. (For moreinfitlnlttion on BIND, MAP, and OVL, sec theAI,X 286UtilitiesU.ser's Guitlefttr |RMX l/.$urlnr.r). Usethe breakaddress parameter in the monitor'sCO (G) commandto setbreakpoints in the application systcmcocle.Whenyouenter"G ", thc systemstartsanLiis initialized.The monitoris invokedwhenthe CS:lPreaches the breakpoints. Iìor more informationon bootingwith DE,BUG,consultrheExtended |RMX II BootstntpLoudcr Reference Manual. Whenyou invokethe monitor,the application systemstopsrunningitndall systerlactivir\ freezes.The appropriate promptitppears (the".."for the iSDM Monitoror thc " > " for the D-MON3tl6Monitor),anciyoucunbcqinenteringSystent Debuggcr and moniror commands to exirmine system objccts. 1.5 USINGTHESYSTEM DEBUGGER T h e S y s t e mD e b u g g e ru s c sn t o n i t o rJ l r o c e d u r ctso p a r s et h e c o m m a n dl i n o a n d t o o u t l t u t l o t h e c o n s o l e t; h e r e f o r e y, o u r u n b o t h S y s t e mD e b u g g c ru n t l m o n i t o r c o m m : r n c lfsì - o r nt h e monitor. The syntaxfor SystemDebugter commundsis a "V" or "v" followed bv another l e t t e r ,a n o p t i o n a ls p a c e u , n d u n o p t i o n i r lp a n ì m e t e r . T h e t w e l v eS y s t e mD e b u e e e rc o m m i r n d s( d e s c r i b e di n C h a p t c r2 ) f a l l i n t o t h r e e c i r t e q o r i c s : . E i g h t c o m m a n d se x t e n dt h c n r o n i t o rm c m o r y d i s p l a yf u n c t i o n sb y d i s p l a y i n gi l ì M X l l d a t a s t r u c t u r e sa n d o t ! c c t s . . T h r e e c o m m a n d se x t c n dt h c n t o n i t r t rd i s a s s c m b lfyu n c t i o n sb v r c c o g n i z i n ga n d d i s p l a y i n gi R M X I I c a l s . . A h e l p c o m m a n dp r o v i d e sa s h o r td e s c r i p t i o no f a l l t h e c o n ì r n a n c l s . A l l c o m m a n d sc i t h e r d i s p l a yi n l ì r r m a t i o na s h e x a d e c i m anl u m b e r so r t r y t o i n t c r l ) r e tt l ì e i n f o r m a t i o n . I f t h e S y s t e mD e b u u c r c l ì n n o ti n t e r p r e tt h e i n f o r m a t i o n ,i t d ì s p l a y st h e actual heradecimalvalue, followed by tu,o question marks. i R M X I I p r o v i d e st w o f e a t u r e st h a t en a b l ev o u t o l e a v et h e m o n i t o r w i t h o u t r i j s c t t i n gy o u r s y s t e m :w a r m - s t a r ta n d C l - l - r e s t a r t .T h e \ ì a r m - s t a r tl e a t u r er e i n i t i a l ì z e tsh e s y s t e n a t nd j r e t u r n sc o n t r o lt o t h e H u m a n I n t c r f a c e .T h e C l - l - r e s t a r tf e a t u r ed e l e t e st h e c u r r e n t o t r t h e n r e t u r n sc o n t r o lt o t h e f l o m m l r n t l[ - i n e I n t e r p r e t e r . R e f e r t o C h a p t e r2 f o r n t o r e information on these tèatures. SystemDebugger l --l iRMX@ II SYSTENI I)EBUGGER OVERVIEIV TOYOURAPPLICATION 1.6 RETURNING your applicationsystemwith the SystemDebugger,or if Whenyou havefinisheddebugging code,usethe monitor'sGO you madeto the apPlication youwantto testthechanges of the application. command(G) to resumeexecution l-4 Systeml)ebugger CHAPTER2 SYSTEMDEBUGGER COMMANDS 2.1 INTRODUCTION T h i s c h a p t e rc o n t a i n sd e t a i l e dd e s c r ì p t i o nos f t h e i R M X I I S y s t e mD e b u g g e rc o n t n l r n d s . C o m m a n d sa p p e a ri n a l p h a b e t i c aol r c l c r ,w i t h t h e î i r s t r r c u r r e n c eo f e u c hc o m m a n d a p p e a r i n gi n a t t h e t o p o I t h e p a g e . A d i r e c t o r yo f t h e c o m m a n d s d, i v i c l e tiln t o l u n c t i o n a lg r o u p s ,p r e c e d e st h e c o m m r n d d e s c r i p t i o n s . T h i s e h a p t e ru s e st h e [ o l l o u i n - [\ . ( , n \ ( . n t i ( ì n \ : . " C S : l P "i s t h e C o d e S e g m c n t : l n s t r u icot n P o i n t e r - - T h cp o i n t c r t o t h e i n s t r u c t i o nt h l t w o u l d b e e x e c u t e dn e x t i î t h c r r p p l i c a t i o sn v s t e n\ìr ' c r er u n n i n g . I f v o u s p e c i f v i r nI p v a l u e( o n e f b u r - d i g i th e x i r c i e c i r r rnrul m b e r )b u t n o t i ì C S v l r l u e ,t h e S y s t e n ìD e b u q , q c r u s e st h e c u r r e n tC S a s t h c d e l ì t u l tb a s e . o " S S : S Pi"s t h e S t a c kS e g m e n t : s l r r cPko i n t e r - - ' [ ' hpeo i n t e r t o t h e c u r r e n ts t a c kl o c a t i o n . . E n t e r i n gz e r o ( 0 ) a s a v a l u c l i r r a n o p t i o n a lp i r r i t n ì e t c irs t h e s a n r ea s o m i t t i n gt h e p a r a m e t e r ;t h e d e f ì r u l tv a Ì u co 1t h c p i r r i r m e t e irs u s c d . . A l l t e r m i n a le x a m p l e sa s s u n l et h r ì tt h e i S D M S y s t e mD e b u q M o n i t o r i s b e i n qu s e c l . T h u s ,e x a m p l ei n p u t l i n es s h o u ,r h e i S D l v lm o n i t o r p r o m p r ( . . ) . 2.2 CHECKINGVALIDITYOF TOKENS M a n v S y s t e mD e b u g - { ecr o m m u n d su s c i R N I X I I t o k c n sî s p l r a m e t e r so r d i s p l a yt o k e n si r s p a r t o f t h e c o m m a n do u t p u t . T h e i l L M X I I O p e r a t i n gS v s t e n m t i r i n t a i n st o k en s i n r l o u b l v Ì i n k e d l i s t s . W h e n y o u e n t e r u t o k e n i t s u p l r u l m e t e r t, h e S v s t e mD c b u g g e rc h c c k st h e v a l i d i t yo f t h e t o k e n b y l o o k i n ga t t h e t ì r r u a r c ri n d b a c k w a r dl i n k s o f t h e t o k e n . I f o n e o f t h e l i n k s i s b a d ,t h c S v s t e n rl ) e b u g g c rg e n e n ì t e sÍ ì n e r r o r m e s s a g ea l o n gw i t h t h e s t a n d a r dc o m m a n do u t p u t . T h e t o k e n v o u e n t e r a s a p a r a n l e t c ra l w ; r y sa p p c a r sl t s t h e c e n t e rv a l u e i n e a c hl i n e o f t h e t o k c n t l i s p l a l ' .T h e d i s p l a y sf o r f ì r r u , a r c al -n d b l c k u a l d - l i n k erroÍs are as lbllows: Forwardlink ERROR: .1I I l-->.lF.E5 . 1 l l I < - - . + t r l J ->54- -1 5 5 'IFFFF<--,ll-s5 tsackward lìnk E,RROR:4lll-->110F'l > 4 l5-5 4 I I I < --4E85-- 4El.ì-5<--.1155 SystemDebugger SystemDebuggerCommands Arrows to the left indicatebackwardlinks; arrowsto the right indicateforward links. A questionmark beforeor aftera valuesignifiesa forwardor backwardlink error, respectively. the tokeninvalid.A tokenmay also Ifboth linksare bad,the SystemDebuggerconsiders be invalid if it belongsto an objectin the deletionprocess,if an incorrecttoken is entered as a parameterin a systemcall,or if a deletedor unusedtokenis enteredasa parameter. When the token is invalid,the SystemDebuggerdisplaysthe followingmessage: *** lNvALlD ToKEN *** A link error indicatesthat iRMX II datastructureshavebeencorrupted.The most commonreasonfor this problem is a task might haveaccidentallywritten over part of the systemdatastructures.However,the iRMX II protectionmodefeatureprotectsagainst Data structurecorruptioncan alsooccurif suchoverwritingundernormalcircumstances. you are usingthe Non-Maskable Interrupt(NMI). The Nucleusmay havebeen interruptedwhile it wassettingup the links. (The NMI is a hardwareinterrupt. For more Manual or the 8038óHardware information on the NMI, seethe 80286HardwareReference Reference Manual.) 2.3 PICTORIAL REPRESENTATION OF SYNTAX consists deviceto illustratecommandsyntax.The schematic This chapterusesa schematic ofwhat lookslike an aerialviewof a modelraiìroad,with syntacticelements(appearingin circles)scatteredalongthe track. To constructa valid command,imaginethat a train entersthe systemat the far left, travelsfrom left to right only (backingup is not allowed), choosesone branchat eachfork, and finallydepartsat the far right. The command generatedconsistsof the syntacticelementsit encounters on its journey. The following schematic showstwo valid seouences: AC and BC. 2-2 SystemDebugger SystemDebuggerCommands Theseschematics do not showspacesaselements, but you may includeone or more spaces betweenthe commandand parameter.For example,eventhoughthe syntaxfor VR is as follows: sagmenl token The followingcommandis valicl: The spacebetween"VR" and "xxxx"is optional. 2.4 LEAVING THEMONITOR Two features enableyou to leavethe monitorwithoutresetting yoursystem:wrrm-strrrt andCLI-restart. The warm-startfeatureis the processof startinga systcmwithoutreloadingit from secondary storage.Warm-startrcinitializesthe system,that is,it beginsexecutingthe applicationsystemat the samepoint whcrethe BootstrapLoaderpasses controlto the system. To warm-start the system from the iSDM monitor,enterthe followingcommand: To warm-startthe systemfrom the D-MON3lì6monitor,enterthe followingcommancl: If no systemcodeor datasegments werecorrupted,the systemreiniîializes.If segment corruptionhasoccurred,the applicationsystemwill not run; you mustrebootthe system. If yoursystemcontains a CommandLine Interpreter, andrunningyourapplication programcausesan exceptionthat brcaksto tht: monitor(for example,a General Protectionexception), enterthe followingcommlìndto CLI-restartthe systemfrom the iSDM monitor: SystemDebugger 2-3 SysternDebuggerCommands Enter the following command to CLI-restart the systemfrom the D-MON3lì6 monittlr: These commandscausesthe systemto attempt to delete the job tree of the running task. If the running task is part of the application'sjob (not a subsystemtask running on behalf of thejob) control returns to the Command Line Interpreter. Otherwise,you must reboot the system. 2.5 COMMAND DIRECTORY Page Command DISPI-AYINGiRMX II DATA STRUCTURES VB--Display DUIB lnformation. . .. VD--Displaya Job's Object Directorv. . 2- 1 2 VF--Display Nunber of .2-14 VJ - -Display Job Hierarchy . 2 -r 8 VK--Display Ready and Sleeping Tasks.. .2-22 VO--Display Objects .2-24 V R -- D i s p l a y 1/O Request/Result VT- -Display iRMX II Free Slots in a Job. Segment .2-21 .2-36 Object. RECOGNIZINGAND DISPLAYINGiRMX II SYSTEMCALTS VC--Display Systern Call ..2-9 Information. V S - - D i s p l a yS t a c k a n d S y s t e mC a l I I n f o r m a t i o n . . . . . . . W- -Display System Calls in a Task's Stack. . .2-62 OTHER COMMANDS V H -- D i s p l a y 2-4 Help lnformation. . .. .2-16 SystemDebugger The VB commanddisplaysthe DUIB informationfor the specifiedphysicaldevice.For additional information aboutDevice-Unit Information Blocks(DUlBs),referto Chapter of the ExtendediRMX II DeviceDivers User'sGuùIe. PARAMETER Physicaldevice The nameof the physicaldevicefor whichyou want to viewthe DUIB intbrmation (e.g.,WMF0). Thisdevicemustbe partot the svstcmconfisuration. DESCRIPTION The VB command displaysthe DLJIB information fbr the specifiedphysicaldevice. Figure 2 - 1 i l l u s t r a t e st h e o u t n u t f r o m t h e V B c o m m a n d . Device name: Func ts : Dev$gran D e v $s i z e Uni t Device$info$p UpdateStimeout Priority Init$io Queue$io (phys ical d e v i c e name> xx DUIB addre s s XXXX ; XXXX XXXX MewAhlffar< xx XXXXXXXX Device Dev$unit XX XXXX : XXXX XXXX XXXX : XXXX XXXX N"m(h"f€arc XXXX XX Fixe d$upda te Fini sh$ io C a n ce 1 $ i o xx xxxx xxxx Flags: D e n si t y Size xx File driver: Physical xxxx : xxxx : xxxx XXXXXX X XXXX Valid Si d e s Format Named Stream XXXX : XXXX XXXX : XXXX xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx XXXXX Figure2-1. Fr)rmaltrf VB Output. SystemDebugger 7-1 VB--DISPLAYDUIB INFORMATION The fields displayedin Figure 2- I are as lbllows: 2-6 Functs A BYTE used to specifythe [/O function validity for this devrce-unrt. DUIB address T h e s t a r t i n ga d d r e s si n m e m o r yo f t h e s p e c i f i e dD U I B . Dev$gran A wORD that specifiesthe devicegranularity, in bytes. This parameter appliesto random accessdevices,and to some common devices,such as tape drives. It specifiestht: minimum numtrer of bytesof information that the device reads or writes in o n c O P c iIl l i (ì n . Max$buffers The muxinrum number of buffers that the EIOS can allocatefìrr a c o n n e c t i o nt o t h i s d e v i c e - u n iw t h e n t h e c o n n e c t i o ni s o p e n e d by a call to S$OPE,N. Dev$size The number of bytesof information that the device-unitcan store. Device The number of the devicewith which this device-unitis associated. Unit T h e n u m b e ro f t h i s d e v i c e - u n i tw, h i c h d i s t i n g u i s h etsh i s u n i t f r o m o t h e r u n i t so f t h e d e v i c e , Dev$unit T h e d e v i c e - u n int u m b e r ,w h i c h d i s t i n g u i s h etsh i s c l e v i c e - u n i t f r o m o t h e r d e v i c e - u n i tisn t h e h a r d w a r es y s t e m . Device$info$p A P O I N T E R t o a s t r u c t u r et h î t c o n t a i n sa d d i t i o n a li n f o r m a t i o n a h o u tt h e d e v i c e .T h e c o m m o n ,r a n d o m ,a n d t e r m i n a ld e v i c c drivers recluirea Device lnformation Table in a specifictormat, for each device. Unit$info$p A P O I N T E . Rt o a s t r u c t u r et h a t c o n t a i n sa d t l i t ì o n a il n f o r m a t i o n about the unit. R:rnrlomaccess,common rlevice(such as tape t J r i v e s )a, n c it e r m i n a lc l e v i c ed r i v e r sr e r l u i r et h i s U n i t Inlbrmation Table in a specificlbrmat. Update$timeout T h e n u m t r e ro f s y s t e mt i m e u n i t st h a t t h e I / O S y s t e mm u s t w r i t before writing l partial sector,after processinga wriîe request for a disk device. Num$buffers The number of buffers of device-granula rity size that the I/O SystenìalÌocates. Priority The priority of the I/O Systemservicetask for the device. Fixed$update Indicateswhether the fixed update option was selectedfor this device-unitwhen the application systemwas configured. Init$io T h e a d d r e s so f t h e I n i t i a l i z eI / O p r o c e d u r ea s s o c i a t c w d ith this unrt Systen I)ebugger vB--DISPL\Y DUIBIn*FORNIATI ON Finish$io The addressof the FinishI/O procedureassociated with this unit. Queue$io The addressof the QueueI/O procedureassociatetl with this unit. Cancel$io The adciress of the CancelI/O procedureassociated with this unlt. Flags Specifiesthe characteristics of diskettedevices. Valid whetherthe Flagsfieldis "Valid"or "NotValid"for Indicates t his tleriee. Density The densityof the device.If the flagsfor this DUIB are invalicl, this field is marked"N/A". Sides The numberof mediasidesthatthe devicecanwriteto. Ifthe flagslor thìsDUIB areinvalid,thisfieldis marked"N/A". 'l'he physicalsizeof the clevice(-5l/4-inch or S-inch).If the flagsfor this DUIB are invalid,this lìeld is marked"N/A", Size Format Indicates whethertrack0 of a diskis to be formattedasa STANDARD diskette( 12ttbytes/sector) or asa UNTFORM diskette(all sectorsformattedasspecified).This parameter appliesonly to flexiblediskettes.Hard disksare alwrys speciiied asUNIFORM. lf the flagsfor thisDUIB are invalid, thisfieldis marked"N/A". Filedriver: A WORD that indicates the BIOSfile driverto whichthis connection is attached. Named Indicateswhetherthis deviceis configuredto usethe Namedfile driver. Physical lndicateswhetherthis deviceis configuredto usethe Physical file driver. Stream Indicates whetherthisdeviceis configured to usethe Streamfile driver. SystemDebugger )-1 VB--DISPÍAYDUIB INFORMATION ERRORMESSAGES SyntaxError An error wasmadewhenenteringthe command.The correct syntaxis VB . Any other syntaxproducesthis messaSe. VB not supported VB couldn'tfind the bytebucketDUIB entry in the BIOS code segment.If no DUIB entryfor the bytebucketexists,VB ìs unsupported. If the BIOS hasnot beenconfiguredinto the system,or if the BIOS codesegmenthasexecute-only attributes,this error message is returned. DUIB not found 2-8 VB returnsthis error message undertheseconditions: 1. The DUIB is not configuredinto the system. 2. The DUIB entryfor the specifieddeviceis locatedbetbre the b)'tebucketDUIB entry. 3. The usermadean error while enteringthe physicaldevice name. SystemI)ebugger The VC commandchecksto seeif a CALL instructionis an iRMX II systemcall. The VC commandidentifiessystemcallsfor all iRMX II OperatingSystemlayers. PARAMETER polnrer The addressof the CALL instructionto be checked.This parametercantreanyvalid monitoraddress(two four-digit hexadecimal numbersseparated hy a colon). If you are usingthe iSDM monitorand you do not supplya pointer(or you specifo0), this parameterdefaultsto the current CS:lP. If you specifyan IP value(onefour-digithexadecimal number)but not a CSvalue,the SystemDebuggerusesthe currentCS asthe defaultbase. lf you are usingthe D-MON38ómonitor andyou specilythe addresswith an offsetvaluewith no basevalue,the parameter defaults to thecurrentCS:lPvalue. DESCRIPTION lf the CALL instruction is an iRMX II system call,the VC commanddisplays information aboutthe CALL instructionasshownin Fieure2-2. gate /INNNN (subsysten) system call F i g u r e2 - 2 . F o r m a f o f V C O u l p u t The fieldsin Figure2-2are aslbllows: gate#NNNN SystemDebugger with the iRMX II systemcall at the The gatenumberassociated addressspecifiedin the command. 2-9 VC--DISPI,AY SYSTE]\Í CALL INFORMATION (subsystem) to the The iRMX ll OperatingSystemlayercorresponding systemcall. systemcall The nameof the iRMX II systemcall. NOTE The SystemDebugger usesthe gate number to determine whether the CALL instruction representsa systemcall. Sincethe SystemDebugger does not disassemblethe code, but rather examinesa byte value at a particular offset from the CALL instruction,in rare casesa non-systemcall can be displayedas an iRMX II systemcall. However, the SystemDebuggerdoes recognizeand d i s p l a ya l l i R M X I I s y s t e mc a l l s . ERROR MESSAGES SyntaxError An erftrrwasmadein entering the command. Not a systemCALL The parameterspecifiedpointsto a CALL instructior. that is not an iRMX II system call. Not a CALL instruction The CS:lPspecifieddoesnot point to any kìnd of call instruction. EXAMPLES you disassembled Suppose the following codeusingthe iSDM monitor'sDisplayMemory (DX) command: 1 8 A 0 : 0 0 6 D5 0 1 8 A 0 : 0 0 6 8E S A D I E 1 8 A 0 : 0 0 7 1E 8 D D 0 3 1 8 A 0 : 0 0 7 48 8 0 0 0 0 1 8 A 0 : 0 0 7 75 0 18A0:0078 8D060600 1 8 A 0 : 0 0 7 C1 E 1 8 A 0 : 0 0 7 D5 0 1 8 A 0 : 0 0 7 EE 8 4 1 l E 1 8 A 0 : 0 0 8 1A 3 0 0 0 0 PUSH CALL CALL MOV PUSH LEA PUSH PUSH CALL Mov AX A : lFlE A : 0451 AX,O A-\ A - \ , l n o R DP R T 0 0 6 DS Ax A - LEC2 w o R DP T R 0 0 0 0 H , A x ;$+7856 1$+992 ;$+7748 If you usethe VC commandon theCALL instruction at address1tìA0:0t)(rE by entering the followingcommand: 2-r0 SystenrI)ebugger VC..DISPI.AYSYSTEMCALL INFORMATION The SystemDebuggerdisplaysthe followinginlbrmation: gate 110468 (Nucleus) set exception handlèr Gatenumber0468corresponds to an RQ$SET$EXCEPTION$HANDLER systemcall, whichis a Nucleuscall. Now,supposeyou want to seeif the CALL instructionat 18A0:0071 is a systemcall. Enter the followinscommand: The SystemDebuggerresponds with the following: Not a systen CALL Finally, ifyou use the VC command on the instruction at l840:0074, the SystemDebugger respondswith the following: Not a CALL instruction SystemDebugger 2-tl The VD commanddisplaysa job's objectdirectory. PARAMETER The tokenfor thejob havingthe objectdìrectoryyou want displayed.To obtainthejob token,usethe VJ command. job token DESCRIPTION If you specifieda validjob token,the SystemDebuggerdisplaysthejob's objectdirectory, asshownin Fisure2-3. Directory narnel narne2 s\ze: xxxx Entries used: tokenl : ^ ^ l - LdJ^r . . - { * i - !drLIiÈt token2...tokeni . iok.r,i namek tokenk namen cokunat Figure2-3. Formatof YD Output Figure2-3showsthesefields: 2-12 Directorysize The maximumnumberof entriesthisjob canhavein its object directory. Entries used The numberof entriespresentlyin the directory. SystemDebugger VD..DISPLAY A JOB'SOBJECTDIRECTORY namel...namen The namesunderwhichobjectsare catalogued.Thesenames wereassìgned at the time the objectswerecatalogued wìth RQ$CATALOG$OBJECI. tokenl...tokenn Tokensfor the catalogued objects. taskswaiting Signifiesthat one or more taskshaveperformedan RQ$LOOKUP$OBJECT on an objectnot catalogued.The tokensfollowingthis field identifythe tasksstillwaitingfor rhe objectto be catalogued. For more information on objectdirectories,seethe Extendtd\RMX I I NuclettslLser's Guide. ERRORMESSAGES SyntaxError No parameterwasspecifiedfor the command,or an error wasmadein enteringthe command. TOKEN is not a Joh ... IIWALID TOKFN *** A valid tokenwasenteredthat is not ajob token. The valueenteredfor the tokenis not a valid token(as definedin "CheckingValidityof Tokens"earlierin this cnapter). EXAMPLE Supposeyou want to look at the objectdirectoryofjob "2280".Enter the following command: The SystemDebuggerresponds with DirecÈory slze: 000A S 2228 R?IOUSER RQGLoBAL 2?OO 2280 Entries used: 0003 The symbols'$", 'R?IOUSER",and "RQGLOBAL" are the namesof objectsrhc sysrem creates;their respective tokensare 2228,2200, and 2280.Thereare no waitingtasksor invalidentries. SystemDebugger 2-13 The VF commanddisplaysthe number of free Global DescriptorTable slotsavailableto the user. PARAMETERS The VF commandhasno parameters. DESCRIFIION The VF commanddisplaysthe number of free Global DescriptorTable (GDT) slots availableto the user,in the format shownin Figure2-4. Number of free slots : xxxxxxxx Figure 2-4. Format oflT 2-14 Output. SystemDebugger !T'..DISPI,AY NUMBER OF FREE SLOTS ERRORMESSAGES Syntax Error SystemDebugger An errorwasmadein entering thecommand. 2-15 the twelveSystemDebuggercommrrnds. The VH commanddisplaysand brieflydescribes PARAMETERS This commandhasno parameters. DESCRIPTION alongwith their parameters The VH commandlistsall of the SystemDebuggercommands, and descriptions. ERRORMESSAGE SyntaxError An error wasmadein enteringthe command. EXAMPLE If you enterthe followingcommand: 2-16 SystemDebugger VH--DISPLAY HEI.PINFORMAI]ON The SystemDebuggerrespondsasshownin Figure2-5. Extended iRllx II SYSTEMDEBUGGER, Vx.y Copyright [ ] [ ] [(count)] Displays DùlB for physical device. Display sysrern call. Display job,s objècr direcrÒry. Dispì-ays number of free slots available ro user. Display help inforrnation. Display job hierarchy from specified 1evel. Display ready and sleeping rasks. Display list of objects for specified job. Display I/0 RequestlResulr Segmènr. Display stack and syscem caLl informaLion. Display iRMX tl object. Unwind task stack, displaying system calls. Figure2-5. I'ormatof VH Output Anglebracketssurroundrequiredvariablefields. Squareandan_ule brackets surroundoptionalfields. NOTE The systemusesdefaultvaluesif vou speci|rzero (0) for anyof the optional parametersin Figure2-5. LJsing zerofor requireclparameterscausesthe systemto displaythe followingmessrìge: SystemDebugger 2-t7 from the levelyou The VJ commanddisplaysthe portionof thejob hierarchythat descends sDecifu. PARAMETER job token The tokenof thejob for whichyou want to displaydescendant jobs. If you do not specifya job token,or you specifuzero (0), VJ jobs. displaysthe root job and its descendant the ofjob descendants, If thejob hasmorethan44 generations the displayat the 44th SystemDebuggerdisconîinues and promptsfor message, level, displays an error descendant anothercommand. DESCRIPTION job and the tokensof all its The VJ commanddisplaysthe tokenof the specified jobs. (and at the same their descendants) It alsodisplaysthe tokensofjobs descendant jobs are indentedthreespacesto levelas the specifiedjob. The tokenslbr descendant job's showsthe format of thejob hierarchy position hierarchy. Figure 2-6 in the showtheir disolav. iRMx@ Il Job Tre e tokenl token2 token3 token4 tokent t o k e n ,o Rooc Job HurnanI ntè rface Command Line Inte rpre ter A p pI l c a t í o n EIOS BIOS Figure 2-6. Formal of VJ Oulput 2-l8 Sysfem Debugger VJ-.DISPI-AYJOB IIIERARCTIY The fields in Figure 2-6 are tokenl The tokenyou specifiedasjob token(recallthat the rootjob token is the default). token2...token6 jobs of token The tokensfor the descendant 1. In Figure2-6,the HumanInterface,EIOS,and BIOS Jobsare indentedthreespacesto signifythat they are childrenof the RootJob. Similarly,the CommandLine Interpreter Job is the child of the HumanInterfaceJob,and the ApplicationJob is the child of the CommandLine InterpreterJob. ERRORMESSAGES SyntaxError An error wasmadein enteringthe command. TOKEN is not a Job A validtokenwasenteredthat is not ajob token. TOKEN *** SDBjob nestlimit exceeded The valueenteredfor the tokenis not a valid token(as definedin "CheckingValidityof Tokens"earlierin this chapter). job (or the defaultjob) has The specified more than44 generations ofjob descendants. EXAMPLES Ifyou want to examinethe hierarchyof the root job, enterthe followingcommand: with the followingjob tree: Supposethe SystemDebuggerresponds lRMx@ II Job Tree 0258 0F38 1670 2460 0888 0E00 Figure2-7showsthisjoh tree: SystemDebugger 2-19 VJ--DISPL{YJOB HIERARCHY Root Job ( 0 2 5 8) l l u m an I n t e r f a c e ( 0 F 3 8) / EIOS ( 0 8 8 8) / / Co r n n a n d L i n e I n t e r p r e t e r (1610) AppI icat ion (2460) Figure2-7. iRMXo ll Job Tree jobs of "0E88",enterthe followingcommand: If you want to displaythe descendant 2-20 SystemDebugger VJ..DISPT.4,YJOB HIERARCTIY The SystemDebuggerdisplaysthe following: ÍR-ì{XO II JOb T r e e 0E88 0E00 0F38 1670 2460 Note that the tokensfor alljobs at the samelevelasthe specifiedtoken (0E00and 0F38), and their descendants (1ó70antJ2460),are alsodisplayed. SystemDebugger 2-21 The VK commanddisplaysthe tokensfor tasksin the readyand sleepingstates. PARAMETERS This commandhasno parametersDESCRIPTION The VK commanddisplaysthe tokensfor tasksthat are readyand asleep,in the format shownin Figure 2-8. Ready casks: xxxx xxxx Sleeping tasks: xxxx xxxx Figure 2-8. Format ofVK Output The fields in Figure 2-8 showthe following: Readytasks The tokensfor all tasksin the readystate. The first token in this lìst representsthe running task Sleepingtasks The tokensfor all tasksin the sleepingstate. ERROR MESSAGES SyntaxError An error wasmadein enteringthe command. Readytasks:Can't locate The systemis corrupted. Sleepingtasks: Can'tlocate The mostcommonreasonfor this type of error ts not initializing the Nucleus. To recoverfrom this error,reinitializethe system. 2-22 SystemDebugger VK..DISPI-AY READYAND SLEEPING TASKS EXAMPLE To displaya iist of all the ready and sleepingtasksin your system,enter the following command: The SystemDebuggerrespondswith the following: Ready tasks: 2F00 Sleeping taeks: 26F0 2020 20D0 SystemDebugger 2588 1FF8 0300 2688 2698 2200 2238 2180 2118 2090 2668 2588 2638 2050 2768 2-2i The VO commanddisplaysthe tokensfor the objectsin the specifiedjob. PARAMETER The tokenof thejob for whichyou want to displayobjects. job token DESCRIFTION semaphores, The VO commandliststhe tokensfor a job'schildjobs,tasks,mailboxes, composites, and bufferpoolsin the formatshownin Figure regions,segrnents, extensions, t_o Child Jobs Tasks : Mailboxes: Sernaphores XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX xxxx XXXX XXXX XXXX Segnents: Extens ions Cornposites XXXX xxxx xxxx xxxx XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Buffer XXXX xxxx XXXX Pools: Figure2-9. Formatof VO Output The fieldsin Fizure2-9are asfollows: 2-24 ChiìdJobs job's offspringjobs. The tokensfor the specified Tasks The tokensfor the tasksin the specifiedjob. Mailboxes The tokensfor the mailboxes in thejob. An "o" followinga mailboxtokenmeansthat one or more objectsare queuedat the maìlbox.A "t" followinga mailboxtokenmeansthat one or more tasksare queuedat the mailbox. SystemDebugger VO..DISPLAYOBJECTSIN A JOB Semaphores The tokensfor the semaphores in the specifiedjob. A "t,' followinga semaphore tokenmeansthat one or more tasksare queuedat the semaphore. Regions The tokensfor the regionsin the specifiedjob. A,'b" (busy) followinga regiontokenmeansthat a taskhasaccessto information guardedby rheregion. Segments The tokensfor the segments in the specifiedjob. Extensions The tokensfor the extensionsin the specifiedjob. Composites The tokensfor the compositesin the specifiedjob. A ,'s,' following a compositesigrifies a port with a signalwaiting. An "m" signifiesa port with a message waiting.A "t" signifiesa port with a taskwaiting. Buffer Pools The rokensfor the buffer pools in the specifiedjob. ERRORMESSAGES Svntax Error oran I:J.T:Tff:Jff:ffil?',lTJ*command TOKEN is not a Job A valid tokenwa, .nt"."dlho*"uer, it is not a job token. ... INVALID TOKEN *** The valueenteredfor the tokenis not a valid token(as defined.in"CheckingValidityof Tokens"earlierin this cnaDter ì. SystemDebugger ,-)< VO.-DISPI-AYOBJECTSIN A JOB EXAMPLE If you want to look at the objectsin thejob havingthe token"1670",enterthe following command: The SystemDebuggerrespondswith the following: Child j obs Tasks : Mailboxes: Sermphores RegÍons: Sègnents: Extens ions Conposites Buffer pools: 2460 1688 L720 17A0 t178 1128 17A8 r 1788 1738 r 1940 1740 r 1950 1760 r 2FF8 1768 r 16D8 1750 1958 1960 2FE8 2Fc8 1690 16F0 1710 1828 1848 1980 semaphores, regions, This displayshowsthe tokensfor the childjobs,tasks,mailboxes, and bufferpoolsin thejob. It alsotellsyou that tasks segments, extensions, composites, and one semaphore. arewaitinsat four mailboxes 2-26 SystemDebugger The VR commanddisplaysinformationaboutthe iRMX ll BasicI/O SystemI/O Request/Result Segment(IORS) that corresponds to the segmenttokenyou enter. PARAMETER Segmenttoken The tokenfor a segmentcontainingthe IORS you want to display.If thissegment is not an IORS,the VR command returnsinvalidinformation.To obtaina list of the segment tokensin a iob.usethe VO command. DESCRIPTION The VR commanddisplaysthe namesandvaluesfor the fieldsof a specificIORS. The contentsof the IORS reflectthe mostrecentI/O operationin whichthis IORS wasusec. Exceptfor ensuringthe specifiedsegmentis between45 and 65 byteslong,the System Debuggercannotdeterminewhetherthe segmentcontainsa valid IORS,soyou must ensurethat it does. If the parameteris a valid segmenttokenfor a segmentcontaining an IORS,the SystemDebuggerdisplaysinformarionaboutrhe IORS asshownin Figure2-10. For more informationon l/O Request/Result Segments, seetheExtended |RMX II Basic I/O SystemUser'sGuide. For more detailedinformationaboutthe IORS contents,seetheExtended |RMX II Device Diven User'sGuide. SystemDebugger 2-27 SEGMENT I/O REQUEST/REST]LT VR..DISPT-AY l/O Request Result Status Device Function count Device location Resp mailbox Link forward Done Connection token Segment xxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx:xxxx xxxxx xxxx Unit status Unit Subfunction Actual Buffer pointer Aux pointer Link backward Cancel ID xxxx xx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx:xxxx xxxx:xxxx xxxx:xxxx xxxx Figure2-l{ì. Formatof VR Output The fieldsin Fisure2-l0 are asfollows: Status T h e c o n d i t i o nc t r t F f o r t h e l / O o p e r a t i o n . Unit status Additionalstatusinformation.The contentsof this field are meaningfulonlywhenthe Statusfield is setto the E$lO condition(0028H).lf the Statusfieldis not setto E$lO,the "N/A" Unit Statusfielddisplays Device The numberof the devicefor whichthis I/O requestis intended. Unit The numberof the unit for whichthis l/O requestis intended. Function The operationperformedby the BasicI/O System.The possiblefunctionsare Function SvstemCall Reaci Write Seek Special Att Dev Det Dev Open Close RQ$A$READ RQ$A$WRITE RQ$A$SEEK RQ$A$SPECIAL RQ$A$PHYSICAL$ATTACH$DEVICE RQ$A$PHYSICAL$DETACH$DEVICE RQ$A$OPEN RQ$A$CLOSE an invalidvalue,the System If the Functionfieldcontains Debuggerdisplaysthe actualvaluein this field,followedby a spaceand two questionmarks. 2-28 SystemDebugger VR.-DISPI-AYI/O REQUEST/RESULTSEGMENT Subfunction A furtherspecification of the functionthat appliesonly whenthe Functionfield contains"Special" from the BIOS RQ$A$SPECIALsystemcall. Possiblesubfunctions lnci their descript ionsare Subfunction Description For/Que Satis! Notify Devicechar Get TermAttr SetTerm Attr Signll Rewind ReadFileMark Write File Mark Retention Trpe Set Font Set Bad Info Get Bad Info Formator Query Streamfile satisfyfunction Notify function Devicecharacteristics Get terminalattributes Setterminalattributes Signalfunction Rewindtape Readfile markon tape Write file mark on taoe Takeup slackon tlpi Setcharacterfont Setbad track/sectorinformation Get bad track/sectorinformation If the Functionfield doesn'tcontain"Special," thcn thc Subfunction field contains"N/A." If the Subfunctionfield containsan invalidvalue,the SystemDebuggerdisplaysthe valucof the field followedby a spaceand two questionmarks. Count The numberof bytesof datacalledfor in the I/O request. Actual The numberof bytesof datatransferredin responseto the requ(st. Devicelocation The eight-riigithexadecimal addressof the byteor logicalblock wherethe I/O operationbeganon the specifieddevice. Bufferpointer The adclress of the bufferthe BasicI/O Systemreadfrcm, or wr(ìtct(ì.in response to the request. Respmailbox A tokenfor the response mailboxto whichthe devicesentthc IORSafterthe operation. Aux pointer The pointerto the locationof auxiliarydata,if any. This field is significantonlywhenthe Functionfield contains"Special." Link forward The adclress of the nextIORS in the queuewherethe IORS waitedto be processed. Link backward The addressof the previousIORS in the queuewherethe IORS waitedto be orocessed. SysternDebugger 2-29 VR--DISPT-AY I/O REQUEST/RESULTSECMENT Done This field is alwayspresentbut appliesonly to IORSs for I/O it devices.When applicable, operationson random-access indicateswhetherthe I/O operationhasbeencompleted.The possiblevaluesare TRUE (0FFH) and FAI-SE (00H). CancelID A word usedby devicedrivers to identi! I/O requeststhat need to be canceled.A valueof zero (0) indicatesa requestthat cannotbe canceled. Connectiontoken The token for the file connectionusedto issuethe requestfor the I/O ooeration. ERROR MESSAGES SyntaxError No parameterwasspecifiedfor the commandor an error wasmadein enteringthe command. TOKEN is not a SEGMENT The tokenenteredis validbut not a segmenttoken. *** INVALID TOKEN *** The valueenteredfor the tokenis not a valid token (as definedin "CheckingValidityof Tokens"earlierin this chapter). SECMENT wrong sizenot an IORS 2-30 The specifiedsegmentis not berween45 and 65 byteslong,so it is not an I/O Request/Result Sesment. SystemDebugger The VS commandidentifiessystemcalls(asdoesthe VC command)and displaysthe stack. PARAMETER A decimalor hexadecimal valuethat specifiesthe numberof words from the stackto be includedin the display. A suffix of T, as in l6T, meansdecimal.No suffixor a suffir of H indicates hexadecimal. If you do not specifya count,or you specifya countof zero (Lr, the numberofwords in the displaydependson the numberof parameters for the systemcall at the CS:IP. Or, in the case whenCS:IPis not pointingto a systemcall,the entirecontents of the stackis disolaved. DESCRIFTION The VS commandidentifiesiRMX II systemcallsfor all iRMX II subsystems (asdoesthe VC command)and interpretsthe systemcall parameterson the stack. If the stackdoesnot containa systemcall,the VS commanddisplayseitherthe numberof stackelementsyou specifuor all of the stackcontents,whicheveris least. If a parameteris a string,the System Debuggerdisplaysthe string. For additionalsystemcall information,seethe appropriate iRMX II Volume3 systemcall manual. The VS commandinterpretsthe CALL instructionat the currentCS:IP. If you want to interpreta CALL instructionat a differentCS:IPvalue,you mustmovethe CS:IPto that value. To movethe CS:lPusingthe iSDM monitor,usethe GO (G) commandor the EXAMINE/MODIFY REGISTERcommand(X with CS or lP specifiedasthe 80286or 80386register).If you are usingthe D-MON386monitor,useonly the GO command. If the instructionis not a CALL instruction,VS displaysthe contentsof the wordson the stackand no message.If the instructionis a CALL but not a systemcall (for example,a PLIM-286call to a procedure),VS displaysthe stackcontentsand a message informing you that the CALL wasnot a systemcall. SystemDebugger 2-31 VS..DISPT.AYSTACK AND SYSTE]ITCALL INFORMATION (StackSegment:Stack Pointer)registers usescurrentvaluesof theSS:SP TheVScommand is aniRMX ll system call,VS displays to displaythecurrentstackvalues.If theinstruction asshownin Figure2-11. thesystem callandthestackinformation gare /INNNN xxxx:xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx XXXX:XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ( subsys tem) system call lparameters I Figure2-ll. Formatof VS Output The fieldsin Figure2-l l are as folÌows: xxxx:xxxx The contentsof the SS:SP(stackmemoryaddresses). )oofi Values(tokens)currentlyon the stack.The numberof stack valuesvaries,dependingon the numberof parametersin the systemcall. parameters The namesof the stackvaìues.The parameterscorrespondto the stackvaluesdirectlyabovethem. The maximumnumberof displayedparametersis 24. The threeremainingfieldsin Figure2-11are identicalto thosein the VC command: ) -7) gate#NNNN The gatenumberassociated with the systemcall. (subsystem) The iRMX ll OperatingSystemlayerthat the systemcall is part of. systemcall The nameof the iRMX II systemcall. SystemI)€bugger VS--I)ISPLAYSTACKAND SYSTEMCALL INFORMATION ERRORMESSAGES SyntaxError An error wasmadein enteringthe command. Not a systemCALL The CS:IPis pointingto a CALL instructionthat is not an call. iRMX II system Unknownentrycode This message indicatesthat one of two infrequenteventshas occurred.One is that the SystemDebuggerhasmistakenan operandbelongingto someinstructionin the objectcodefor the FAR CALL instruction.The other eventis that a softwarelink from usercodeinto iRMX ll codehasbeencorrupted.To recoverfrom systemcorruption,rebootthe system. EXAMPLES '1906:07CA (usingthe iSDM Monitor'sX Supposeyou determinethat the SS:SPis command,for example)then usethe VS commandby enteringthe followingcommand: with the following: The SystemDebuggerresponds gate /10360 1906:07cA 0808 1906:07DA 19A0 1980 0820 1EA8 0s80 1980 1EA8 1980 1EA0 0000 1EE8 0800 0000 1908 0000 (Nucleus) delete mailbox | . . e x c e p $ p .. | . r n b o x I. The parameternamesidentifothe stackvaluesdirectlyabovethem. That is, the "excep$p" to the parameternamesignifiesthat the first two wordsrepresenta pointer(1980:0808) exceptioncode. Similarly,the "mbox"parametersignifiesthat the third word (18A8) is the tokenfor the mailboxbeingdeleted. Now,supposethat you movethe SS:SPto 2906:07D0.If you invokethe VS commandby enteringthe followingcommand: SystemDebugger 2--l-l VS.-DISPLAYSTACKAND SYSTEMCALL INFORMATION The SystemDebuggerdisplaysthe followingstackand a message informingyou that the instructionis a CALL instructionbut not an iRMX II systemcall: 2906:07D0 2906:0780 2980 2 7C 8 2980 27C8 0000 25C8 0600 25C8 2908 25C8 29A0 25C8 0020 25C8 1s80 25C8 Not a systen CALL When an iRMX II systemcall is executed, its parametersarepushedonto the current stack,and then a CALL instructionis issuedwith the appropriatestackaddress.If the call hasmoreparametersthanwill fit on one line,the SystemDebuggerautomatically displays multiplelinesof stackvalues,with corresponding multiplelinesof parameterdescriptions directlybelowthem. For example,supposeyou usethe VS commandasfollows: gate i10310 z l c c : Q F 9 A 0 1 58 27cc:OFAA 20E8 27CC:0FBA 2608 20 C 8 0028 tA58 0000 0000 1AF8 20c8 0000 2608 20c8 20C8 0000 0000 0600 OOEO 2FF8 0000 0000 l1c8 2FF8 0000 (Nucleus) create job l . . . e x c e p g pI . t.$. f l g s . s t k s z e l . . s p .. 1. . . . l . . ds. . l . . ip . . I "" . e x p $i n f o $ p . . I maxpri l . . c s . . l . . p rIi . Inaxtsk I maxobjI p a r a m . . . o l r s 1 z lpoolm-x lpoolrnn I I This displayindicatesthar the CALL instructionis a NucleusRe$CREATE$JOBsystem callwith 18parameters.The namesof theseparameters are shownbetweenthe vertical bars( | ). The wordson the stackcorrespondto the Darameters directlvbelowthem. 2-34 SystemI)ebugger VS--DISPI-AYSTACK AND SYSTEMCALL INFORMATION The followingdisplayshowsthat theCALL instructionis a BasicI/O System(BIOS) RQ$A$ATTACH$FILEsystemcallwith five parameters.The "subpath$p" parameter pointsto a stringsevencharacters long:theword"example." gate /10500 27CC|0F4E 0F88 27CC:0F5E 2608 17c8 1C10 25F8 2600 0000 1320 2600 26D0 29AO 0000 0F78 0DF8 2600 2FF8 ( B I o s ) a È t a c hf i 1 e l . . . . e x c e p $ p . .l.. r n b o xl .. . s u b p a t h $ pl...p r e f i x l . u s e r l subpath--) 07' exarnple' The followingdisplayindicatesthat the CALL instructionat CS:IPis an ExtendedI/O SystemRQ$S$RENAME$FILEsystemcallwith threeparameters.Two of the parameters havestrings:the "new$path$p" parameterpointsto a stringfour characters long ("XY70"); the "path$p"parameterpointsto anotherstringfour characters long ("temp"). gate /f06E8 27AC:0F98 0148 27CC:0F48 17c8 20c8 2088 0858 0028 20E8 1320 0640 0000 2088 20c8 0000 0008 0600 2600 l . . excepgp. . l . . newgpathgp. . l . . . path$p . . . I new path- -> 04'XY70' paEh- -> 04' teurp' NOTE If a string is more than 50 characterslong, the SystemDebuggerdisplaysonly the first 50 characters.If the pointeris pointingto a nonreadable segment,the SystemDebuggerdoesnot displaythe string. SystemDebugger 2-35 with the token The VT commanddisplaysinformationaboutthe iRMX II objectassociated you enter. PARAMETER token The tokenof the objectfor whichyou want to display information. DESCRIPIION The VT commanddeterminesthe typeof iRMX II objectrepresented by the tokenand displaysinformationaboutthat object.Both the informationand the format in whichthe SystemDebuggerdisplaysthe informationdependon the typeof object. The followingsectionsare dividedinto displaygroupsillustratingthe displayformatfor theseiRMX II objects: . Jobs . Segments . Tasks o Extensions . Mailboxes . Compositeobjects(six types) r Semaphores . Buffer Pools . Regions ERRORMESSAGES 2-36 Svntax Error oran }:ffixTil::Jtr:i:;il:1i"JJ*comman'lr *** INVALID TOKEN +** The valueenteredfor the token is not a valid token (as definedin "CheckinsValiditvof Tokens"earlierin this chapter ). SystemDebugger VT--DISPI,AYiRMX@II OBJECT JOB DISPI,AY If the parameteryou specifyis a validjob token,the SystemDebuggerdisplaysinformation aboutthejob havingthat token,asFigure2-12shows. Objecttype:1Job Current tasks Current obj ects Directory s ize Except handler Pool min Borro!.red XXXX XXXX XXXX xxxx : xxxx XXXXX Max tasks Max obj ects Entries used Except rnode PooI max xxxx xxxx xxxx xx xxxxx Max priority Paraneter obj Job flags Parent job size Initial xx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx XXXXX Bvte ranse Number chunks 22 - 44H 44 - 81-!H 8 4- 2 0 0 H 2 0 0 H -1 K 1 K -2 K 2K-4K 4 K -8 K 8 K -3 2 K + 32 K Largestchunk Total memory xxxxxxxx XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx XXXXXXXX xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Figure2-12. FormatofVT Output: Job Display The fieldsin Figure2-12(from Ieli to right) are asfollows: Currenttasks The numberof taskscurrentlyexistingin thejob. If the Max tasksis not 0FFFFH (no limit), the numberof Currenttasksis equalto the Currenttasksof thisjob plusall of its childrenMax tasks. Max tasks The maximumnumberof tasksthat canexistin thejob This valuewassetwhenthejob wascreated. simultaneously. l\{a-rpriority The maximum(numericallylowest)priority allowedfor anyone taskin thejob. Thisvaluewassetwhenthejob wascreated. Currentobjects The numberof objectscurrentlyexistingin thejob. Max objects The maximumnumberof objectsthat canexistin the job Thisvaluewassetwhenthejob wascreated. simultaneously. SystemDebugger 2-37 W..DISPI,AY iRMX@II OBJECT 2-38 Parameterobj The tokenfor the objectthat the parentjobpassedto thisjob. This valuewassetwhenthejob wascreated. Directory size The maximumnumber of entriesthe job can havein its object directory. This valuewasspecifiedby the first parameterwhen thejob wascreatedwith the NucleusRQ$CREATE$JOB systemcall or the RQE$CREATE$JOBsystemcall. Entries used The number of objectscurrentlycataloguedin the job's object directory. Job flags The job flagsparameterspecifiedwhenthe job wascreated.It containsinformationthe Nucleusneedsto createand maintain thejob. Excepthandler The start addressof thejob's exceptionhandler. This address wassetwhenthejob wascreated. Exceptmode The value that indicateswhen control is to be passedto the new job's exceptionhandler.This valuewassetwhenthejob was created. Parentjob The token for the specifiedjob's parent. Poolmin The minimumsize(in 16-byteparagraphs) of thejoh,smemory pool. Thisvaluewassetwhenthejob wascreated. Poolmax The maximumsize(in 16-byteparagraphs) of thejob's memory pool. This valuewassetwhenthejob wascreated. Initial size The initial size(in 16-byteparagraphs) ofthejob,s memory pool. Borrowed The currentamount(in 16-byteparagraphs) of memorythat the job hasborrowedfrom its ancestor(s). Free Space All free memory in a job's pool is accountedfor, via several double-linked lists. Eachlist containsa rangeof chunksizes.A chunkis a pieceof contiguous memory. Columnone of the free spacetableshowsthe sizerangesfor the list. Columntwo shows the numberofchunkson eachlist. Columnthreedisnlavsthe largestchunkon eachiist. Columnfour showsthe toial amount of memoryon eachlist. SystemDebugger VT--DISPT.AY iRMX@II OBJECT TASKDISPI"AY The SystemDebuggerdisplaysinformationabouttasksin two differentways.Figure2-13 showsthe displayfor non-interrupttasks,andFigtre 2-14showsthe displayfor interrupt tasks. Objecttype-2Task C È - È i ^ r La Lre - - t P!r Suspend depth Except handler Concalning job xx xxxx: xxxx xxxx Dynamic pri Delay req Except mode Interrupt task xx xxxx xx no Last exchange Task flags K-saved SS:SP xxxx XX xxxx : xxxx Figure 2-13. Format ofVT Output: Non-Interrupt Task Objecttype-2Task Suspend depth Except handler Containing job Master nask Max interrupts xx xx xxxx : xxxx XXXX XX xx n,,-^-i ^ ujl rrdu' r L --i Pr r Delay req ExcepL mode InLerrupt task Slave rnask K-saved SS:SP 'r^^1. ^r^,^ xxxx Last exchange xx Task flags yes Int level xx Pending int xxxx: xxxx XXXXXXXXX xxxx xx XX XX Figure 2-14. Format of VT Output: Intemrpt Task The fields in Figures2-13 and2-14(from left to right) are as follows: Staticpri The maximumprioriryvalueof the task. This valuewassetby the max$priorityparameterwhenthe task'scontainingjob was createdwith RQ$CREATE$JOBor RQE$CREATE$JOB. Dynamicpri A temporarypriority that the Nucleussometimesassigns to the task to improve systemperformance. For example,if a higher priority taskwantscontrolof a regionthat belongsto a currently executinglower priority task,the Nucleusassignsthe lower priority taska priority equalto that of the higherpriority task. This increasing of a task'spriority,in this case,improvesthe overallsvstemoerformance. SystemDebugger 2-39 vT--DISPLAYiRMX@II OBJECT Taskstate The stateof the task. The twelveoossiblestates.as thevare are displayed, State Descriotion rea is entered at the Hl prompt. rhe task calletl lnit runs first, creating a mailbox it catalogsin the rod directory under the name,'master.',lt createsthe tasksAlphonse and Ga:itorìthen suspenclsitself. When Gaston receivescontftrl, it gets the token for the mailbox created by Init (by looking up the name "master"in the root job's object directory). It then creatcsa segment(in which it will place a message)and a responsemailbox (to which Alphonse will send a reply). Next it goes into a loop in which ìt placesa messagein the segment(after d i s p l a y i n gi t o n t h e s c r e e n ) s, e n d st h e s e g m e n t o t h e m a s t e rm a i l b o x ,t h e n w a i t s a t t h e responsemailbox for a repÌy. When Alphonse receivescontrctl,it also sets the token lbr the mailbox created by Init (by looking up the name in the root job's objcct clirectory). It rhen goes into a loop in which it waits at the maiìbox for a messagcand checksto see if the token it received is a segment. If it is a segment,Aìphonse placesits own messagein the segment(alier displayingit on the screen),then sendsthe segmentto the responsemailhox. If it isn't a segment, Alphonse drops out of the loop anri deletesitself. SystemDebugger 3-l SAMPLEI)EBUG SESSION Gaston By usingthe two mailboxes, the tasksAlphonseand Gastonare synchronized. sendsa message to the first mailboxandwaitsat the secondone beforecontinuing. it sendsa replyto the Alphonsewaitsat the first mailbox.When it receivesa message, secondmailboxandwaitsat the first for anothermessage.This cyclecontinuesfor 6 messages. After sendingits sixthmessage, Gastondropsout of the loop. Insteadof sendinga segmentto the m:ìstermailbox,Gastondisplaysa final message to the screenthen sends the tasktoken(thetokenfor the Init trìsk)to the mailbox.WhenAlphonsereceives this tokenand findsit is not a segment, Alphonsedropsout of its loop and deletesitself. (remember,the To finishthe processing, Gastoncausesthe Init taskto resumeprocessìng Init tasksuspended itselfearlier). When Init takesover,it deletesboth offspringtasksand issuesan EXIT$IO$JOBsvstemcall to returncontrolto the Humanìnterfacelevel. compacf init: DO; DECI-ARE token DECI,ARE fifo DECI-ARE seÌf D E C I A R Et a s k $ p r i o r i t y D E C I ^ A R Ec a 1 1 i n g $ t a s k DECIARE c a11ing$ tasks $j ob D E C I - { R Em a s t e r $ m b o x DECI,ARE status DECI^AREini t$ task$ t oken DECIARE gas ton$ task$ token DECI-AREalphons e $ tas k$ token DECIARE aÌphonse$start$add D E C I - { R Eg a s t o n q s t a r t S a d d DECLARE ga s ton$ds DECI"{RE alphons e $ ds D E C L A R Es t a c k $ p o i n t e r DECI-{REstack$size D E C L A R Et a s k $ f l a g s LITEMLLY LITEMLLY LITEMLLY BYTE; TOKEN; , S E L E C T O; R ' '0'; ,0,; TOKEN TOKEN WORD ; TOKEN TOKEN TOKEN POINTER; POINTER; WORDEXTERNAL; WORDEXTERNAL; POI NTER; WORD ; T.IORD ; gas ton : PROCEDUREEXTERNAL; END gaston; alphonse: PROCEDUREEXTERNAL; END alphonse; Figure3-1, ExamplePL/M-286Application(Init) 3-2 SystemDebugger SAMPLEDEBUG SESSION $include (/rmx2 86/inc/nuclus .ext ) $ include (/rmx286 / inc / eio s . ext) ( NFI L ) i calling$tasks$job: SE L E C T o R $ O calling$task : SELECToR$OF(NIL); g a st o n $ s t a r t $ a d d : @ g a s t o n ; a l p h o n s e$ s t a r t $ a d d : @ a l p h o n s e ; stack$pointer : NIL; stack$size : 500; task$f1ags : 0; init$task$token self , Gstatus ) ; ,/* /* /* /* /* ,/* Directory obj cataloged in vill îask whose priority be gotter' */ Set up scart addresses for Lasks */ Values for creating tasks : R Q $ G E T $ T A S K $ T 0 K( E N S, / * G e t t o k e n f o r init task */ */ *,/ */ */ CALL RQ$0ATALoG$oBJ ECT ( calling$tasks$job, inic$task$token, @(4,'init'), @ sr a t u s ) ; /* /* /* catalog task token in directory of calling task's job */ */ x/ n a s t e r $ n b o x : R Q $ C R E A T E $ M A I L B(O X fifo, Gstatus ) ; /* /* Create mailbox tasks use to Pass messages */ x/ C A L L R Q $C A T A L O C $ OEBCJT ( calling$tasks$job, master$mbox, @(6,'master'), @ sc a t u s ) ; /* Catalog mailbox in /* directory of calling ,/* task's job */ */ */ : R Q $ G E T $ P R I O R I T( Y task$prlority calling$task, @ st a t u s ) ; ./* Get priority /* xask */ */ taskSnrioritv: task$príority I Ii of calling /x Pick lowerprioriry for ,/* ne!{ tasks */ */ Figure 3-1. Example PL/M-286 Application (Init) (continued) SystemDebugger 3-3 SAMPLEDEBUGSESSION a l p h o n s e $ t a s k $ t o k e n : R Q $ C R E A T E $ T A(S K / * r. clzQ-Fi ^ri create rasks */ r" aÌphonse$start$add, G aI p h o n s e $ d s ) , S E L E C T O R $ O( F s dÉr ^^..-c . uuu L , G st a t u s ) ; END; ENDalphonse; alphonse$code; ,/* FOREVER ,/* Alphonse Figure3-2. ExamplePL/M-286Application(Alphonse)(continued) 3-6 SystemDebugger SAMPLEDEBUG SESSION 9compact oacr-^nq^^.la' nn' DECI-AREtoken $i n c l u d e $ include $ include ,SELECTOR, ; LITEMLLY (/rmx2 86/inc/nuc lus . ext ) ( /rrnx286 / inc / e io s . ext) ( /rmx286 / íne /hi . ext) gas con : P R O C E D U RPEU B L I C ; D E C I A R EC R LITERALLY DECI-ARELF LITEMLLY DECLARE fifo LITERALLY D E C I " A Rw Ea i t $ f o r e v e r LITERALLY D E C I A R Ep a r e n t $ t a s k TOKEN; DECIAREcal l ing$ tasks $j ob TOKEN; D E C I A R Em a s t e r $ m b o x TOKEN; D E C I A R Er e s p o n s e $ m b o x TOKEN; DECLAREstatus ITORD; DECI"ARE time$linit IIORD; DECI-AREcount WORD; D E C I A R Ef i n a l $ c o u n t WORD; DECIAREgaston$ds latORD PUBLIC; D E C I " A R sEe g $ t o k e n TOKEN; D E C I - A R sEe g $ si z e WORD; D E C I A R Er n a i n $ m e s s a g(e* ) BYTE CR,LF, 'After you, Alphonse', CR, LF); D E C I A R Ef i n a l $ m e s s a g e ( * ) CR,LF, 'If you insist, BYTE Alphonse', CR, LF); D E C I ^ A RrEn e s s a g eB A S E Ds e g $ t o k e n count : 0; flnal$count : 6; time$linit : 25; seg$size : 32; calling$tasks$job DATA( DATA( STRUCTURE( count rexr(27) ,/* ,/* /* /* /* : S E L E C T O R $ O F ( NjI L ) , / * /* 'I3': ' 10 ' ; '0, ; ,OFFFFH, ; BYTE, BYTE); Initialize count Set nurnber of loops Delay facror for display to screen Size of message segment Directory in which to look up obj ect */ */ */ */ *,/ x/ Figure 3-3. Example PL/M-286 Application (Gaston) SysternDebugger J-l SAMPLEDEBUGSESSION rnaster$rnbox : RQ$LOOKUP$OBJ ECT ( cal l ing$ tasks $j ob, ,/* Look up message mailbox */ @(6,'master'), wait$forever, G st a t u s ) ; response$mbox : fifo, R Q $ C R E A T E $ MLABI O X ( /* Create response rnailbox /* Create message segment */ @status ) ; s e g $ t o k e n - R Q $ C R E A T ES$E G M E N(T seg$s ize , Q st a t u s ) ; DO WHILE count < final$count; nessage.count:23; C A L L M O W ( @ m a i n $ r n e s s a g e@ , m e s s a g et.e x t , C A L L R Q $ C $ S E N D $ C 0 $ R E S P O N(S E NIL, /* */ SIZE(main$message) ; Send rnessage to screen */ 0, Arîa(<,oa ^^'1nf @status ) : CALL RQ$SLEEP( time$l-init, /* ilair ,/* time a while ro give user Lo see the messa€le */ x/ Gstatus ) ; C A L L R Q $ S E N D $ M E S S A G( E naster$mbox, seg$ token, /* Send message to mailbox */ rp runs,the systemdisplaysthe following message: Interrupt 13 at 2C38:0199 General Protection EC0DE:0000 arewherethe CS:IPwaspointingwhenthe programhalted. The The values2C38:0199 protected-mode prompt (..) indicatesthat we are in the iSDM monitor. However,sincethe the code. programhasbeenexecuted, we mustre-enterthe iSDM monitorto re-execute We canusethe Cll-restart featureto returnto the CommandLine Interoreter.Enter the followinscommand: The systemrespondswith the Human Interfaceprompt(-). Next,enterthe following command: with the following: The systemresponds Interrupt 3 a t 2 A 7 0 :F F F F Use the iSDM monitor'sGO (G) commandto seta breakpointat the instructionwherethe programhalted(rememberthe CS:IPvalueis givenin the interruptmessage displayed whenthe programhalts). The codesegment(CS)valuewill changeeachtime you re-enter the iSDM monitor,but the instructionpointer(IP) will remainthe same.Enter the followinscommand: -ì-10 SystemDebugger SAMPLEDEBUCSESSION To find out wherewe are in the code,usethe iSDM monitor'sD (DISPIAY MEMORY/DESCRIPTOR TABLES) commandto displaya disassembled blockof code. Enter the followingcommand: The systemdisplaysthe followingcode: 2500: 0199 2500:0198 2500: 019E 2500: 01A0 F2A5 REP 880000 MOV SBDO MOV 52 PUSH 25 0 0: 0 1 A l 50 PUSH 2500:01A2 680000 PUSH 2 5 0 0 : 0 1 A 5 8 E 0 6 3 8 0 0 MOV 25 0 0: 0 I A 9 880000 M0v 2500:01AC 06 PUSH 2500; 0lAD 5 0 PUSH MOVSW A X ,0 0 0 0 DX,AX DX AX 0000 E S ,[ 0 0 3 8] A X ,0 0 0 0 ES AX. The instruction at address 2-500:0199 is a MOVE STRINGWORD command.The only moveword instructionin the sampleprogramis the PL/M-2t16MOVW callwhenCaston entersthe loop aftercreatingthe segment.The lbllowingdisplayshowsthis sectionof code: SystemDebugger 3 - lI SAMPLEDEBUGSESSION */ r e s p o n s e S m b o r = R Q S C R E A T E $ U A I L B O (X fifo, Gstatus); /. Create S E g SI O K E N = R QS CR E A T E9 S E G M E N(T s e g 9s i z e . !astatus); /i C r e a t e m e s s a g es e g m e n t r / response mailbox DO wHILE count IinalScount; .^,'^r = ?ì. CÈIL r|Ottx(enal n$nessage, 0nessage.tert, ( CALL RQSCSSEND$COSRESPONSE NIL, SIZE(nain$rcssagè] ,/t Send message to Ii screen r/ 0, ry'Irs54Ys.LUurrLt 0status ) ; Figure 3-,1. MO!'W in Gaston Code lf displayingthe instruction doesn't provide enough information about why the program halted,we can look at the surroundingcode by displayingfor-wardor backward from the CS:IP. The comma we specifiedin the DX command enablesus to enter just a comma (,) now to displayforward another ten instructionsfrom the current CS:lP. (Displaying backwardfrom the CS:IP is shown in Example #2.) However, since the instruction where the exceptionoccurred is traceableto the sample code, we know where the program fails. To ex:rminewhat happenswhen the systemtries to move the message,we'll return to the protected-modeprompt (by entering a carriage return ) and examine registercontentsbefore and alìer MOVSW is executed. Enter the following command: 3-12 System l)ebugger SAMPLEDEBUCSESSION The systemdisplaysthe following: AX-OOOO BX*0034 cx-0017 DX:2680 CS_2500 SS:2638 Ds:2530 ES:2680 IP-0199 F I . F O 2 9 3 R G D T . B A S E : O O 2 O O.O LIMIT:2FFF SP:01F2 BP:O1F2 RfDT .BASE:OO5OO . LOI M I T : O 3 F F sI-0042 MSW:FFFB Dr:0001 TR=0278 RLDT:02A0 To executethe MOVSW instruction,enterthe lblkrwingcommancl: The systemdisplays the folltrwing: Entera comma(,). The systemresponds with the following: I n c e r r u p t 1 l a t 2 5 0 0 : 0 1 9 9G e n e r a l P r o r e c r i o n E C O D E * O o 0 0 T o s e eh o w e x e c u t i n gt h i s i n s t r u c t i o nc h a n g e dr e g i s t e rc o n t e n t s e, n t e r t h e f b l l o w i n g command: The systemdisplaysthe folÌowing: AX-OOOO BX:0034 CX:OOO6 DX:26C0 CS-2800 SS:26D8 DS:2888 ES:26C0 SystemDebugger IP_0I99 SP:01F2 SI : 0 0 6 2 Dl=0021 F I , : O 2 9 3 R G D T . B A S E : O O 2 O O.O LIMIT:2FFF BP:01F2 RIDT .BASE:OO5OO . LOI M I T - O 3 F F MSW:FFFB TR:0278 RLDT:02A0 3- t3 SAMPLEDEBUGSESSION the sourcedata In the ASM286AssemblylanguageMOVSW instruction,DS:SIrepresents seethe on MOVSW, (For more intbrmation is movingfrom; ES:DI is the destination. Manual.) To checkthe limit of the ES register, ASM286AssemhlyLanguageReference command: enterthe following The systemdisplaysthe following: c D T ( 1 4 2 7 T ) D S E GB A S E : 0 9 0 4 8 4L l t f r r : o o l F P*l DPIFOED:O ll-1 A:1 sR*0000(Es) The LIMIT parametershowsthat the segmentlimit is 1FH (31 decimal).Sincethe system in Gaston. to seg$size countsfrom zero,the limit is 32 decimalwhichis the valueassigned The DI register(shownin the previousdisplay)contains2lH (33 decimal),indicatingthe systemwastryingto write pastthe segmentlimit whenthe programhalted. This fact suggests the PL/M-286 MOVW call shouldbe changedto MOVB. Here we couldexit the iSDM monitor,changethe PLIM-286code,then recompileand run it. However,we canusethe iSDM monitor'sEXAMINE/MODIFY REGISTERS(X) commandto changea registerv:rlueand the GO (G) commandto executethe program. with the X and S (SUBSTITUTEMEMORY) commandsenablesus ttr Makingchanges testcodewithouthavingto recompileand bind it. the countin The CX registercontainsthe countofbytesor wordsmoved. If we decrease we shouldbe ableto the CX registerto l5 before\ryeexecutethe MOVSW instruction, monitor and set a breakpoint at the MOVSW moveall the data. Re-enterthe iSDM instructionby enteringthe followingcommands: Setthe CX registerto 15. E,nterthe fbllowingcommand: Now, executethe restof the programby enteringthe followingcommand: 3 -l 4 SystemDebugger SAMPLEDEBUG SESSION The systemrespondswith the following: After you, AfÈer you, Gaston Interrupt 1 3 a t 2 4 7 0 : 0 1 9 9G e n e r a l P r o t e c t i o n ECODE-0000 Sinceour changewasvalidfor one passthroughthe code,the first passthroughthe Gaston loop worked. The nextpassfailed. To returnto the CommandLine Interpreter,enterthe followingcommand: This partiallysuccessful run shclws that if we reducethe numberofwords moved,the programworks. Therefore,to makea permanentfix, we shouldchangethe PLIM-286 MOVW call to MOVB in the samplecode.then recomnileand bind it. EXAMPLE#2: We canalsomakechangesin the disassembled code. Suppose we haverun the program for the first time,and the systemdisplayedthe followingmessage: Interrupt 13 at 2A70:0199 General Protection EC0DE-0000 Restartthe systemusingthe CLI-restartlèatureasyou did in Example#1, then re-enter the iSDM monitorby enteringthe lbllowingcommand: Seta breakpointat the instructionthat wasexecuting whenthe programfailedand display a blockof disassembled codeby enteringthe followingcommands: . . SystemDebugger 3-15 SAMPLEDEBUCSESSION The systemdisplaysthe following: 1258:0199 1258:0I9B 1258:019E 1258:01A0 1 2 5 8 :O 1 A 1 F2A5 880000 SBDO 52 50 REP MOV MOV PUSH PUSH MOVSW Ax, 0000 DX,AX DX AX To lookat the instructions preceding MOVSW,enterthe followingcommand: The systemdisplaysthe followingcoclc: L258 o l l 4 7258 0 1 78 1258 0 1 7C 1 2 s 80 1 7E t2s8 0181 1 2 5 80 1 83 t258 0 1 87 r258 0 1 8C 1 2 s 80 1 8E 1 2 5 80r92 L258 0 1 95 1 2 5 80 1 98 t258 0 1 99 t258 0 1 9 8 1258 0 1 9E 88063800 MOV 38 06 3 A 0 0 CMP JB 7203 897600 JMP 81l7 MOV 8 E 0 6 3 E 0 0 MOV 2 6 8 8 0 E 0 0 0 0 MOV 8500 MOV 8E063800 MOV 8F0100 MOV BE4200 MOV FC CLD F2A5 REP 880000 MOV SBDO MOV Ax,I00381 Ax,1003Al A=0181 A : O1 F7 CL,Il E S ,[ 0 0 3 E] Es:[0000],cL cH,00 E S ,[ 0 0 3 8] DI ,0001 sr ,0042 MOVSW Ax, 0000 DX,AX M O V S W i s a r e p e t ì t i v em o v e f r o m D S : S It o E S : D l . L o o k i n ga t t h e p r e c e d ì n gi n s t r u c t i o n s , w e s e e 1 2 5 1 J : 0 1m 8 1o v e s 1 7 H i n t o C L , w h i c h i s t h e l o w - o r d e rr e g i s t e ro f C X . R e m e m b e r that CX is the count of bytes or wortls moved. (For more information on the register set, see the ASM286 AssentblyLanguage Rat'erenceManual). lf we display the ES register c o n t e n t su s i n g" d d t ( e s )< C R > " a s w e d i d i n t h e l a s te x a m p l ew , e c a n c h e c kt h e l i m i t . S i n c e the limìt is 32 (decimal) and the systemis trying to write l7H words, rhe systemlirils when it tries to write past the segmentlimit. f f we reduce this count we shouÌd be abÌe to move t h e d a t a . W e m u s t r e - e n t e rt h e i S D M m o n i t o r ,t h e n u s i n gt h e i S D M m o n i t o r ' s S U B S T I T U T E ( S ) c o m m a n d ,w e c r n c h a n g et h e c o d ea t l 2 5 t l : 0 1 8 1 S . e m i c o l o n s( ; ) p r e c e d et h e e x p l a n a t i o n isn t h e f o l l o w i n gc o c l e e; n t e r t h e i n f o r m a t i o na p p e a r i n gi n b l u e : -l-t6 SystemDebugger SAMPLEI)EBUG SESSION ;enter monitor conunandto substitute menory at lp:0181 ;enter a conma ro srep to the counÈ ;enter the neù counr code execution ;re-start 1258:0181 81 1258:0182 17 - The systemrespondswith sixiterationsof the following: After After you, A1 you, Gaston After six iterationsof the previousscreen,the monitordisplaysthe following: If you lnsist, Alphonse 3.4 VIEWINGSYSTEMOBJECTS Consider that we have a deadlockproblem. tsy looking at systemobjectsat various stages of execution,we can observehow synchronization(or lack of it) is occurring. We can view any object in a job using the VO command (specifyingthe job's token) to provide the broad picture of the systemstate,then the VT command to focus on individual elements. Suppose,we want to view the state of thc olrjectsbelbre entering the loop in which Gaston and Alphonse exchangemessages.Assume we have steppedthrough the code, verifying systemcalls until we located the CS:lP lbr the Nucleuscreategsegment systemcall in Gaston. Re-enter the iSDM monitor and set a breakpoint at this CS:lP by entering the fol-lowingcommands: - D e b u g < n a n e o f O B J E C Tf i l e . .9,16d SystemDebugger speclfied 1n BND286> 3-t7 SAMPLEDEBUGSESSION 'I'o get thejob token,enterthe followingcommand: the frrlltrwing: The systemclisplays iRMX@ll Job Tre e 0258 0F38 1670 2460 0E88 0E00 Note that "2460"is the token for the applicationjob. To view objectsfor this job, enter the following command: T h e s y s t r md i s p l a y st h e f o l l o w i n g : Child Jobs Tasks: Mailboxes: Semaphores Segments: E x t e n si o n s C o n p o si t e s 26D0 25C0 t 26F0 1AB8 1AC8 1 90 0 2580 25E8 25E0 2650 2528 2480 2418 24A0 At this stageof program execution,two mailboxesexist. The "t" following mailbox 25C0 m e a n so n e o r m o r e t a s k sa r e w a i t i n ga t i t ( A Ì p h o n s ew a s c r e a t e df i r s t a n d i s w a i t i n gf o r a messagefrom Gaston). Examine mailbox 25C0 by entering the follorvingcommand: 3-18 Syst€m I)ebugger SAMPLEDEBUGSESSION The systemrespondswith the following: object Èype - 3 Mal]box 1900 Task queue head Queue di sc ipl ine ContaÍning job FIFO 2460 O b je c t q u e u e h e a d o b j e c t c a c h e depth 0000 08 1900 VU commandto viewthe waitingtask'sstack.To unwindthe Use the SystemDebugger's stack,enterthe followingcommand: The systemdisplaysthe folkrwing: gate /10430 Rpr,,rn.q ín - 16C8:01E6 (Nucleus ) receive lnlR'OzqF 0086 1D28 0084 1D28 FFFF 17E0 0000 message l . . . e x c e p $ p.. . l . . . . r e s p $ p -. . l . t i m e . I . r n b o xI. We cancontinueto examineobjectsor set a breakpointat the return CS:lP. Settingthe CS:IP(g, 29f < CR > ) in the sampleprogramcausesthe iSDM monitorto displaythe followins: lnterrupt L3 at 21F0:0199 Ceneral Protecîrion ECODE:0000 is the This message indicatesthat the programhaltsin Gastonand that 21F0:0199 when it drcs. instructionexecutins SystemDebugger l-19 SAMPLEDEBUG SESSION This chapterhasshowntwo waysto find an error and two waysto maketemporaryfixes from the SystemDebugger.The message whenthe programhaltscontainsthe clisplayed CS:IPof the lastinstructionexecuting.If settingthe CS:IPat this instructionand displayingthe surroundingcodedoesn'tgiveyou enoughinformationaboutwherethis point is in your applicationcode,you canusecombinations of VJ, VO, VT, VU, and VS to Iocatethe runningtask. Then setthe breakpointat the CS:IPof the lastexecuting instructionand displaycode,objects,and registersto determinehow the systemis executinsthat instruction. J-20 SystemDebugger APPENDIX A iSDM"MONITOR COMMANDS 4.1 INTRODUCTION This appendirbrieflydescribes the iSDM SystemDebugMonitor commandsin alphabetical order. A commanddirectorylistingthe functionalgroupsand pagereferences precedeslhe commanddescriptions.For examples and more detailedinformaîionabout the commands,seethe ISDM Sy,stem DebugMonitor User'sGuide. A.2 COMMAND DIRECTORY This section provides a brief summ:rryof all iSDM monitor comm:rndslisted by functions. Each entry in the following summary containsalong with the command name a brief descriptionof the command and a page referencewhere you can find more information on the command. Command FunctionPerformed Pa,qe PROGRAM LOADING AND EXECUTION dP secondary rwúu d' storage jnto ÈJrr tlre Larget sli s(r'u system's 5 memory.... C : ^^' q Pnr n/ 'r B e e i n P " è r r t i' nr . eE J e L* Load an 8086 absolute object fiLe or an 80286 object file from a development system into P ' u É , d , , , . . . . . . . . . . A-5 A- 6 rsrvry. at a time N Execute one or more instfuctions R* Load and execute an 8086 absolute object file or an 80286absolute object file in target system nemory... iSDM" SyslemDebugger A-3 A 6 A-8 A-l iSDM" MONITOR COMMANDS Function Performed Command Page I/O PORT INPUTAND OUTPUT COMMANDS I O Input and display porc... F M or word from the specified A-5 Output a byte or word to the specified port.......... BLOCK C a byte A-1 MANIPUI-A,TION Conpare the contents of that of another block.. one block A-4 Search the specified block of hexadecirnal digits Copy che content of hlnnlr nf mprnnrv of memory t^'ith a block of memory for a sequence A-5 of memory to another .. A-6 MEMORY/REGISTER DISPIAY AND MODIFICATION D S X L-2 Display the entries. contents of mernory and descriptor A-4 Display and (optionally) modify descripLor tabl e entri es Display and/or modify segment contenls. table nemory locations CPU/NPX register and A- 8 or rask state A- 9 iSDM" SystemDebugger iSDM" MONITOR COMMANDS Page FunctionPerformed Command MISCELI-ANEOUS COMMANDS E* P DÍsplay che base and offset or an expression.... Enable Protected mode). . Display outDut Virtual and define C o m m a n dr e q u i r e s control to the .. Echo al1 Y* console Return K* Q * Exit the loader program. developnent sys tem. to A-5 a fi1e. portion A-4 of an address A'-1 Address Mode (protected A-1 symbol inforrnation. an attached development . A-9 system. A.3 COMMANDDESCRIPTIONS for iSDM monitorcommandsin an easily This sectionprovidesbrief descriptions syntax,and order. For more informationon commandparameters, referencedalphabetical options,refer to the iSDM tstem DebugMonitor User'sGuùúe. A.3.1 B-BootstrapLoad controlto the bootstraploaderto load absoluteobjectcodefrom The B commandpasses secondary storageinto your targetsystemmemory.The BootstrapLoaderloadsthe file into the targetsystemat the memoryaddressspecifiedin the file. After the bootstrap loaderfinishesloadingthe file, the codebeginsexecuting.To usethe B command correctly,you mustbe operatingin real mode. If eitherthe file you specifiedor the defaultfile doesnot exist,the bootstraploaderhalts and takesactionaccordingto how it is configured. Debugger iSDM" System A.3 iSDM. MONITOR COMMANDS A.3.2 C-Compare The C commandcomparesthe contentsof oneblockof memorydefinedby a rangewith the contentsof anotherblockof memorythat beginsat a destinationaddress.The iSDM monitorexpectsthe blocksto be equalin length. If the iSDM monitorencountersany mismatched bytes,it displaysthem in the folìowingformaL. aaaa:bbbb xx yy aaaa:bbbb where "aaaa:bbbb"are the addressesof the bytesthat do not match and "xx" and "yy" are the bytes themselves. 4.3.3 D-Display Memory/Descriptor Tables/Disassembled lnstructions The D commandis actuallythreecommandsin one. You canuseit to displaythe contents of a specifie<.I blockof memory,the contentsof an 80286/80386 descriptortable,or the contentsof a specifiedblockof memoryin disassembled form. Ifyou are operatingin reat mode,you cannotdisplaydescriptortableentries.However,ifyou are operatingin protectedmode,you canuseboth functionsof this command. A.3.4 E-Exit The E commandenablesyou to exit the loaderprogramby returningcontrolfrom the loaderprogramto the development operatingsystem.Upon return,the iSDM monitor losesall symbolinformation. Whenusingthe E command,you mustuseit on a line by itself;do not usemultiple commandson a line with the E command.Also,your systemmustincludean attachetl development systembeforeyou can usethis command. Whenyou reinvokethe iSDM monitorafter exitingthe loaderprogram,one of two things happens: . The iSDM monitorprintseithera singleor doublepromptdependinguponwhether you were operatingin real or protectedmodewhenyou exited. . The iSDM monitorprintsits usualsign-on message andre-initializes itselfif you reset your targetsystembetweenthe time you exitedthe loaderand the time you reinvoked the iSDM monitor. A-4 iSDM" System I)ebugger iSDM" MONITOR COMMANDS 4.3.5 F-Find TheF command searches theblockof memoryyouspecified to determine if it contains the sequence of hexadecimal digitsyouchosein thedataparameter. EachtimetheiSDM monitorfindsa match,it displays theaddress of thefirstmatching byte. A.3.6 G-Go The G commandinstructsthe iSDM monitorto beginexecuting your applicationprogram. In responseto the G command,the iSDM monitorsinglestepsthe first instruction,then executesall succeedinginstructionsat full speed. Your applicationprogrammusthaveat least12bytesof stackavailablefor lhe iSDM monitorto use. If you are operatingin protectedmode,eachtaskin your programmust containat least12bytesof stackat privilegelevel0 for the iSDM monitorto use. With 80286and 80386boards,a specialsituationariseswhenyou executethe G command and you speci! a breakpointaddressbut not a startingaddress.If the breakpointis in an interrupthandlerand the currentCS:IPis at a softwareinterruptinstruction(INT x, INTO, BOUND), the iSDM monitorsinglestepsthe interruptinstruction,executingthe interrupthandlerat full speedand bypassing the breakpointyou set. To get arountlthis 8028ó/8038ó operationalanomaly,makesurethat the CS:IPis pointingto the (or any) instructionprecedingthe softwareinterruptinstructionbeforeyou executethe G command. A.3.7 l-Port lnput The I commandretrievesand displaysa byteor word from the port you specify.Byte and word formats are different. (Seethe ISDM SystemDebugMonítor User'sGuide for byte and word format descriptions). 4.3.8 K-Echo File The K commandcopiesall consoleoutputto a development systemfile you specify. Repeatingthe K commandwithoutspeciling a file causesthe iSDM monitorto stop copyingconsoleoutput. Your systemmustincludean attacheddevelopment systemin orderto usethiscommand iSDM" SystenDebugger A-5 iSDM" MONTTORCOMMANDS A.3.9 L-Load AbsoluteObjectFile The L commandloadsabsolute8086or 80286objectfilesinto targetsystemmemory. The iSDM monitorloadsthe datafrom the file into the memorylocationthat you specified whenyou usedthe LOC86or BLD286commands.Whenloadingthe data,the iSDM monitordiscardsall previouslyloadedsymbolinformationand loadsthe new symbol symbols.If the file containsa register information,but it retainsall user-defined initializationrecord,the iSDM monitorsetsthe appropriateregistersto the valuesthe file systemin order to usethis specifies.Your systemmustincludean attacheddevelopment command. The L commandcannotload relocatable modules.Ifyou are operatingin real mode,you canload only 808óabsoluteobjectfiles. Ifyou are operatingin protectedmode,you can load only 80286absoluteobjectfiles. Whenyou load an 80286objectfile, the iSDM monitorinitializesthe first 40 global descriptortable(GDT) entriesfor its own use. In addition,the iSDM monitor initializes anyuninitializedinterruptdescriptortable(lDT) entries.If the access byte is equalto zero,the iSDM monitorassumes that the descriptortableentry is not initialized.Referto Intel's Microprocessor and PeipheralHandhook,MicroststemComponentsHandbook,or IAPX 286 OperatingSystemWiter's Guidefor more information about the descriptortahles. 4.3.10 M-Move The M command copiesthe contentsof a block of memory to a memory addressyou specif. 4.3.1I N-ExecuteSingleInstructions The N commanddisplaysand executes one or more disassembled instructions at a time. Goingthroughyour applicationline-by-lineis called"single-stepping." SingJe-stepping allowsyou to beginat a CS:IPyou specifyand checkyour applicationfor problemsin an instruction-by-instruction manner. Your applicationprogrammusthaveat least12bytesof stackavailablefor the iSDM monitor to use. Ifyou are operaîingin protectedmode,eachtaskin your programmust containat least12bytesof stackat privilegelevel0 for the iSDM monitorto use. Whenyou are single-stepping you shouldbe awareof somespecial instructions, considerations.Seethe ISDM S1,sîem DehugMonitor User'sGuide îor more information aboutthesespecialconsiderations whenusingthe N command. A-6 iSDM" Sysfeml)ebugger iSDM" MONITOR CONI]!IANI)S 4.3.12O-PortOutput The o commandallowsyou to enterdata(a byteor word) at the consoleand sendit to a port you select. 4.3.13P-Print The P commandallowsyou to displayeitherthe valueof an expression or the valueof the base(or selector)and offsetportionsof an address.The valuesare tJisplayed on your consoleterminalscreen.The iSDM monitoralwaysdisplaysan addressin hexaclecimal form. Ifyou enter"P"plusan expression, the iSDM monitorprintsthe valuein hexadecimal. If youenter"Pl-'or "PS"plusan expression, the iSDM monitorprintsthe valuein decimalor signeddecimalform, respectively. In thiscommand, thecommaactingasa separator alsocauses the iSDM nronit.rto adda spacebetweenthe addresses or exltressions it displays. 4.3.14 Q-EnableProtection(80286/80386 Onty) The Q command changesthe [ì02tlfi-or 803iJ6-based systemfrom real ntode to protected mode. The iSDM monitor displaysthe lbllowing mcssagewhen you use rhe e command: Now in Protected Mode Whenyou invokethiscommand, the iSDM monitorinitializes the entriesit needsin the GDTandthelDT. The iSDM monirorthenplacesitselfat privilege levelzero. Ifyou are alreadyoperatingin protectedmodewhenyou invokethis command,the iSDM monitor re-initializes the GDT and IDT entries.The onlywayyou canreturn to real mocleis to resetthe 80286or 80386hardwarc. iSDM" SystemDebugger A-7 iSDM* MONITORCOMMANDS A.3.15R-Loadand Go of the Loadcommand(L) andthe Go command(G) The R commandis a combination systeminto targetsystem This commandloadsan absoluteobjectfile from a develrrpment the iSDM monitorto discard program. This command causes then executes this memory all previouslyloadedsymbolinformationand load newsymlxrlinformation;however,the symbols.Your systemmustincludean attached iSDM monitorretainsall user-defined systemin order to usethis command. development The iSDM monitorloadsthe datafrom the file into the memorylocalionthat you specified whenyou usedthe LOC86or BLD2ttficommands.If the file containsa register registers to thevaluesthe file initialization record,the iSDM monitorsetsthe appropriate specifies. in real-addressing modules.If you areoperating The R commandcannotloadrekrcatable in protected mocle, absolute objectfiles.Ifyou areoperating mode,youcanloadonlyf1086 youcanloadonly80286bootloadable (ahsolute) files. Whenyou load an 80286objectfile, the iSDM monitorinitializesthe first 40 global descriptor table(GDT) entriesfor itsown use.In addition,the iSDM monitorinitializes any uninitializedinterruptdescriptortable(lDT) entries.Relèr Ío Intel'sMicroproces.sor ComponentsHandhook,or APX 286 Operatíng and Peipheral Handhook,Microsy.îtem descriptortahles. SystemWiter'sGuidefor more informationaboutthe 80286component's to thevaluesthe After the iSDM monitorloadsthefile andsetsthe appropriate registers file specifies, it beginsto executethe programat the locationspecifiedby the CS and IP regrsters. Your applicationprogrammusthaveat lcast l2 bytesof stackavailablefor the iSDM monitorto use. Ifyou areoperating in protected mode,eachtaskin yourprogrammust containat leastl2 bytesof stackat privilege level0 for the iSDM monitorto use. A.3.16 S-SubstituteMemory/Descriptor TableEntry The S commandis actually two commands in one. You canuseit to displayand (optionally)modifoeitherthe contentsof memoryor the contentsof descriptortable entries.If you areoperaîing in realmode,voucannotdisplayand modi! descriptor tabÌe entries.However,ìf ycluare operatingin protectedmode,you canuseboth functionsof thiscommand. A-8 iSDM" SystemDebugger iSI)M* I\fONITOR CONII\'IANI)S If you enterthe S commandwithoutan equalsign( = ), the |SDM monitordisplays a specialhyphen(-) prompt. Then,it waitsfor you to entereither o A continuation commainstructing the iSDM monitorto tlisplaythe nextmcnìory location. . A singleexpression or a list of expressions (/). By enteringan separatedby slashes expression (or expressions), you instructthe iSDM monitorto substitutethesevaluesin placeof thosealreadyin the memorylocationyou specified. The iSDM monitorcontinues to issuehyphenpromptsuntilyou enterî carriagereturn. 4.3.17 X-Examine/Modify Registers The X commandallowsyou to examine and(optionally) rrodifythe contents of your system's NPX antlmicroprtress,tr rcgislcrs. If you usethe X commandwith no parametcrs, the iSDM ntonitordisplays all ol the 8(Ìbo, 286,and 386registers. If you useboththe registernameandan expression, (for exrmple,CS = XXXX), thevalue you entered(XXXX) is placedin the specifiedregister. You can usethe X commandto setthe tl0tl6familyand NPX registerslnd the taskstate segment contents to anyvalue.lfyou usedanyinvalitlvalues. the iSDM monitorreports them whenyou executethe applicationprogram. 4.3.18 Y-Symbols(80286or 80386Only) The Y commandallowsyou to rJisplay and definesymbolinformationgeneratedby 8028tr translators. If you usethe Y command with no parameters, the iSDM monitordisplays all the symbols storedin thecurrentdomainmoduleor in all modulesif yousetno domuin. You canalsochooseto havethe iSDM monitordisplaythe symbols andtheirvaluesin a particularmoduleor you can usethiscommandto defineyour own symbols.To usethis command, you mustbe operating in protected mode,with an attached development system. iSDM" SystemDebugger A-9 APPENDIX B D-MON386 COMMANDS 8.1 INTRODUCTION This appendixbrieflydescribes rhe 80386DebugMonitor (D-MoN3tì6) commancls in alphabetical order. A commanddirectorylistingthe functionalgroupsand pagereferences precedesthe commanddev:riptions.For examples and more detailedinformationabout the commands,seethe D-MONJ86DebugMonitorfor the 8038óllser'sGuide. 8.2 ENTERING COMMANDS To enterD-MON386commands, followthe gui ) key. A commandline canconsistof one or more commands. . Separatemultìplecommandson a singleline usinga semicolon(;). o Continuecommandsfrom one line to anotherby enteringthe slash(/) just before terminatingthe line with rhe ENTER key or RETURN key. . Enter commandsusingupperor lowercasecharacters. o Use CTRL-C (pressingthe controlkey downwhile at the sametime pressingthe C key) to aborta commandbeingconstructed on the commandline. D-MON3EóSystemDebugger B-l I)-MON386COMMANDS DIRECTORY 8.3 COMMAND This sectionprovidesa brief summaryof all D-MON386commandslistedby functions. contains alongwith thecommandnamea brief Eachentryin thc followingsummary descriptionof the commandand a pagereferencewhereyou canfind more informationon thecommantl. Page FunctionPerformed Command BI-OCK C O U N T / E N D C O U N TP r o v i d e s m o l ì i t o r c o m m a n d c o n t r o l These structures enabÌe you structures. to enLer and repeat execution of several cornmands nonitor B-5 CONTROLVARIABLES BASE N0-N9 $ Display or set the base nurnber system to to either binary, octal, decimal , or hexadecirnal Display or set scratch registers zero through nine... Display or set the current execution point.. B-5 B-B B-5 DISPLAY EXPRESSION EVAL EvaLuates an expressíon resul ts and dispì-ays the 8-6 EXECUTIONENVIRONMENT G0 ISTEP SWBREAK ShREMOVE B-2 Controls high-1evel execution environment. . . EnabLes single step execution. D i s p l a y s a n d s e t s s o f t w a r e c o c l eb r e a k s . . . . . . Removes software code breaks. B-1 B-8 B-9 B-10 D-MON3116 SystemDebugger I)-MON3II6COMMANI)S Command FunctionPerformcd Page DESCRIPTORTABLE ACCESS GDT LDT IDT DT Displays specific Displays specific Displays specific Displays tabÌes. the clobal Descriptor Table or entries the Local Descriptor Table or entries. the Interrupt Descriptor Table or entries the Global or Local Descripror B_1 B-g B_7 ts_6 MEMORY ACCESS ASM BYTE DWORD INTn ORDn USE WORD Disassembles memory as 80386 assembler mnemonrcs Reads or writes bytes of memory. Reads or writes double words of menory. .. Reads or writes 1- , 2,, ot 4-byte integers in memorl/. . Reads or \rrites 1 , 2-, or 4 byte ordinaÌs in memory. .. Initializes the default for disassembling code ro L6-bir or 32-bit. Reads or writes rvorclsof nemory. B _5 B-5 8-6 B _7 B_g B-10 B-10 PAGE TABLE ACCESS PD Displays the Page Table Directory table entri es D-MON.l8óSystemDebugger or page B_g Ir-3 D-MON38óCOMMANDS Page FunctionPerformed Commancl PoRTr/O DPORT PORT WPORT Reads or wrítes Reads or \trites Reads or writes B 6 B-9 B-11 32-bit ports.. 8-bit ports.. 16-bit ports. . REGISTERACCESS CRECS FLAGS Register-name RECS SRECS Disptays Displays register Displays Displays group. . Displays the control registers the lower 16 bits of the EFI-A.GS in nnemonic form.,. registers. . . or modifies lndividual as a s e l e c t e d r e g i s t ers a set of the segmerìt registers as a group... 8-6 B 6 B-9 B-9 B-9 TASK STATE SEGMENT ACCESS TSS Disptays the contenls segment. of a task state B-10 USER AID B HELP HOST VERSION Executes Displays Provides P M O Nh o s t DisDlavs a real mode incerface program...... the help screen. the capabiliLy for operation wiLh software. Lhe version of D-MON386 B-5 B-l B-l B-10 DESCRIPTIONS 8.4 COMMAND brief cìescriptions for D-MON3fificommandsin an easilyreferenced This sectionprovicles alphabetical order. For on-linesyntaxhelp,referto the HE,LPcommand.For more Dehug syntax,and options,refer to the D-,ttON-18ó informationon commandparameters, Mottitorfor tlrc 8038(tUser'sGuitle. B-rl D-MON3tl6SystemDebugger D-MON3116 COMMANI)S 8.4.1 $ This commanddisplaysor modifiesthe currentexecutionpoint via the executionaddress register(CS:ElP). The contentsof CS:EIPdeterminewhichASM3tì6statementexecutes next. Entering$ by itselfdisplaysthe currentcontentsof CS:EIP. 8.4.2 ASM This commanddisassembles codeinto ASM386opcodemnemonics.Usingthis command you supplywith it, you candisassemble and the addresses from one to severallinesof code. Disassembled codeappearson the screenin columnform. Eachrow of columnscontains an address,a hexadecimal objectvalue,an opcodemnemonic,anyoperands,and commentsappendedto the operands. 8.4.3 B This commandinvokesa user-supplied real modeinterfaceprogram.The B commandis intendedprimarilyfor includinga bootstraploatJerprogram. 8.4.4 Base This commanddisplaysor modifiesthe numberbase.Availablenumberbasesinclude baseis the monitordefaultbase. binary,octal,decimal,and hexadecimal. The hexadecimal EnteringBASE by itselfdisplaysthe currentbase.EnteringBASE followedby an to 2, 8, 10,or 16(all tlecimalnumbers)setsthe baseto binary, expression that evaluates octal,decimal,or hexadecimal, respectively. B.4.5 Byte This commanddisplaysor modifiespartitionsof memoryusinga byteformat. You can specifythe partitionasa singlebyteor a rangeof bytes.Enteringthe commandBYTE causesthat partitionof memoryto appearon followedby an addressor rangeof addresses the screen.Enteringthe commandBYTE asan equationcausesthe partitionof memory on the left sideof the equationto be replacedwith the contentsof memoryor valueof the right sideof the equation. 8.4.6 Count/Endcount groupsof D-MON386commandsin a specifiedorder for a This commandexecutes specifiednumberof times. After enteringCOUNT expr,simplyenterin commandsyou wishto execute.After enteringENDCOUNT,one iterationof the commandswill have alreadybeenexecuted.The entiregroupof commandsthencontinuesto executefor expr1 numberof times. D-MON386SystemDebugger B-5 D.MON38óCOMMANDS 8.4.7 Cregs This commanddisplaysthe contentsof the controlregistersand the EFI-AGSregister whenthe processoris in real mode. lf the processor is in protectedmode,the CREGS commandalsodisplaysthe systemaddressregistersTR and LDTR. The displayappears numberbase. usinea hexadecimal 8.4.8 Dport This commandreadsor writesa 32-bitport. EnteringDPORT with the physical input/outputaddressspaceasa l6-bit unsignedquantitycausesthe specifiedport to be readand the contentsto appearon the screen.If you supplyan expression to the right of the equalsignwhenenteringthiscommand,the addressed port is writtenwith the value the expression equals. 8.4.9 DT This commanddisplaysdescriptors from eitherthe LDT or the GDT dependingupon the indexsuppliedwith îhe commanct. B.4.10Dword This commanddisplaysor modifiespartitionsof memoryusinga doubleword format. You can displaya specificdoubleword or a rangeof doublewordsby enteringDWORD followedby the singleaddressor the rangeof addresses. Enteringthe DWORD command asan equationcausesthe partitionof memoryspecifiedon the left-handsideof the equationto be replacedwith the contentsof memoryor valueof the right-handsideof the equation. 8.4.11Eval This commandevaluates the expression enteredin after the kepvordEVAL. The results of the expression appearon the screenin binary,octal,decimal,hexadecimal, and ASCII formats. 8.4.12Flags This commanddisplaysthe contentsof the lower 1óbits of the EFI-AGSregister.The displayappearsin a mnemonicform. The presence of a mnemonicindicatesa flag is set. The absenceof a mnemonicin the disnlavindicatesa flaqis not set. B-6 I)-MON3lt6SystemDebugger D.MON]116COMMANDS 8.4.13GDT This commanddisplaysthe entireGlobalDescriptorTable(GDT) or individualGDT GDT by itselfcausesthe entireGDT to appear. descriptors.Enteringthe key"lvord EnteringGDT followedby an indexexpression causesa specificdescriptorto appear. 8 . 4 . 1 4G o This commandsupplieshigh-levelexecutioncontrol. Use of the GO commandenablesyou to beginand end programexecutìonusingspecificpointsin the application.You canalso clearand specifybreakconditionsusingthe GO command. 8.4.15 Help This commanddisplaysthe major D-MON3lì6commandsalongwith their generalsyntax. For examplesand more detailedinformationaboutthe commands,seetheD-MON38ó DebugMonitorfor the 80386User'sGuide. 8.4.16Host This commandprovidesthe capabilityfor operationwith PMON hostsoftware.When enteringthis command,be sureto pressonly the E,NTERkey or a carriagereturn immediatelyafter HOST. 8.4.17IDT This commanddisplaysthe entireInterruptDescriptorTable(lDT) or individualIDT descriptors.Enteringthe kepvordIDT causesthe entireìDT to appear.EnteringIDT followedby an indexcausesa specificdescriptorfrom the IDT to appear. 8 . 4 . 1 8l N T n This commanddisplaysor modifiespartitionsof memoryusingan integerf ormat. When youcansubstitute the numbers1,2,or 4 for n. Thus,the integer enteringthecommand, type(s)referencedin memoryare either 1-,2-,or 4-byteintegers.You can specifythe partitionasa singleINTn valueor a rangeof INTn values.Enteringthe commandINTn causesthat partitionof memoryto appearon follo'xedby an addressor rangeof addresses the screen.Enteringthe commandINTn asan equationcausesthe partitionof memoryon the left sideof the equationto be replacedwith the contentsof memoryor valueof the right sideof the equation. D-MON3E6SystemDebugger B-7 D-MON386COMMANDS 8.4.18lstep This commandperformssingle-step execution.You canusethis commandto single-step throughthe executable one statements.ISTEPalsoprovides codefrom to 255executable the capabilityto beginexecutionfrom a point otherthanthe currentexecutionpoint. B.4.19LDT This commanddisplaysthe entireLocalDescriptorTable(LDT) or individualLDT descriptors.Enteringthe keyrvordLD f causesthe entireLDT to appear.EnteringLDT followedby an indexcausesa specificdescriptorfrom the LDT to appear. 8.4.20 N0-N9 This commanddisplaysor altersscratchregisterszero throughnine. EnteringNn (wheren is a number0 through9) by itselfcausesthe valueof the appropriateregisterto appeuron the screen.You canenterNn followedby an equalsignand an expression to alter the contentsof the appropriatescratchregister. 8.4.21ORDn This commanddisplaysor modilìespartitionsof memoryusingan ordinalformat. When enteringthe command, youcansubstitute the numbers1,2,or 4 for n. Thus,the ordinal type(s)referencedin memoryare either l-, 2-,or 4-byteordinals.You canspecifythe partitionas a singleORDn valueor a rangeof ORDn values.Enteringthe command ORDn followedby an addressor rangeof addresses causesthat partitionof memoryto appearon the screen.Enteringthe commandORDn asan equationcausesthe partitionof memoryon the left sideof the equationto be replacedwith the contentsof memoryor valueof the right sideof the equation. 8.4.22 PD This commandexaminesthe PageTableDirectoryand pagetables.When pagingis enabled,the 80386usestwo levelsof tablesto translatea linearaddressinto a physical address:the PageTableDirectoryand the pagetablesthemselves.Enteringthe PD commandby itselfcausesthe entire4K PageTableDirectoryto scrollto the screen.You can,however,supplyan indexwith the PD commandto viewa particulardirectoryentry within the PageTableDirectory.Also,you canusethe additional,PT optionwith an index to view a particularpagetahleentry. B-8 D-MON-1t|6 Sysfem Debugger D.MON38óCOMMANDS 8.4.23 Port This commandreadsor writesa 8-bitport. EnteringPORTwith the physicalinput/output addressspaceasa 16-bitunsignedquantitycausesthe specifiedport to be readand the contentsto appearon the screen.Ifyou supplyan expression to the right of the equalsign whenenteringthis command,the addressed port is writtenwith the valuethe expression eouals. 8.4.24 Register-name D-MON386enablesyou to displayor alterthe contentsof 80386registers.To gainregister access, enterthe nameof the registerEnteringthe nameof the registeronÌycausesthe contentsof the registerto appearon the screen.Enteringthe nameof the register followedby an equalsignand a valid expression causesthe contentsof the registerto be writtenwith the valueof the expression.For a completelist of registernames,refer to the u-MON386DebugMonitorfor the 80386User'sGuide. NOTE Registermodificationis dependenton the currentprocessorprotectionmodel. You cannotmodifyprotectedregisters. 8.4.25 Regs This commanddisplaysthe contentsof a set of registersasa group. The registerset dependson whichmodethe processoris currentlyoperatingunder(realor protected). The displayis alwaysin hexadecimal, and it provideslessdetailfor the segmentand control that designedfor thosegroupsof registers, registersthan the commandthat are specifically is SREGSand CREGS,respectively. 8.4.26 Sregs This commanddisplays, in hexadecimal, the contentsof the segmentregisters(CS,DS, SS, ES,FS,and GS). 8.4.27 Swbreak This commanddisplaysor setscodepatchbreaks.EnteringSWBREAK by itselfcausesall currentsoftwarebreakdefinitionsto appear.If you enterSWBREAK folÌowedby an the commandsetsa softwarebreakat the specified equalsignand one or more addresses, addressor addresses. D-MON3EóSyslemDebugger B-9 D-MON386COMMANDS NOTE the addressmustbe ableto be When specifying softwarebreakaddresses, written,presentin physicalmemory,and on an instructionboundary.A maximumof 16softwarebreaksmavbe in effectat one time. 8.4.28 Swremove This commandremovesall or selectedcodepatchbreaks.Enteringthis commandfollowed with the by ALL removesall currentsoftwarebreaks.If you supplyone or more addresses command.the softwarebreaksat thoseaddresses aloneare removed. 8.4.29 TSS This commanddisplaysthe contentsof a taskstatesegment.TSSsupportsboth 80386and 80286taskstatesegments.Taskstatesegments appearusingthe componentnames. 8.4.30 Use This commandspecifiesthe default(16-bitor 32-bitcode)for disassembling codefrom physicalor linearaddresses. Whenenteringthe command,the expression to the right of the equalsignmustevaluateto either l6 or 32 (decimal). 8.4.31 Version This commanddisplaysthe versionnumberof the D-MON386softwareyou are using. 8.4.32 Word This commanddisplaysor modifiespartitionsof memoryusinga word format. You can specifythe partitionasa singleword or a rangeof words. Enteringthe commandWORD followedby an addressor rangeof addresses causesthat partitionof memoryto appearon the screen.Enteringthe commandWORD as an equationcausesthe partitionof memrtry on the left sideof the equationto be replacedwith the contentsof memoryor valueof the risht sideof the equation. B-10 D-MON-ì86SystemDebugger D-MON386 COMN{ANDS 8.4.33 Wport This commandreadsor writesa 16-bitport. EnteringWPORT with the physical input/outputaddressspaceasa l6-bit unsignedquantitycausesthe specifiedport to be readand the contentsto appearon the screen.Ifyou supplyan expression to the right of the equalsignwhenenteringthis command,the addressed port is writtenwith the value the expression equals. D-MON3tì6SystemDebugger B - tI INDEX A Alteringdescriptortableentries A-8 Altering memorycontentsA-[t, B-5,6, 7, 8, 10 Altering registercontents3-1,1, A-9, B-8,9 B Bootloadingfrom the monitor A-3, B-5 BootstrapLoaderDEBUG switch l-3 Breakpoints1-3,3-10,B-9,10 c Changingcurrentinstructionpointer B-5 Changingdisassembled code 3-15,16 ChangingdescriptortableentrycontentsA-8 ChangingmemorycontentsA-8, B-5,6, 7, 8, 10 Changingmodes A-7 Changingregistercontents3-14,A-9, B-8,9 Cl-l-restart1-3,2-3,3-10 Codeblocks,displaying3-12,ló Commands D-MON386B-l Directory 2-4 iSDM" A-1 Overview 1-3 Synta\ for debugger l-3 Tokenvalidity 2-l vB 2-5 vc 2-9 vD 2-12 vF 2-14 vH 2-16 vJ 2-18,3-18 YK 2-22 YO 2-24,3-t7, t8 vR 2-27 SystemDebugger lndex-.1 INDEX Commands (cont.) vs 2.31 w 2-36,3-17,18 vu 2-62,3-19 Comparingblocksof memory A-4 Configuration1-2 Contentsof the stack 2-31 iv,2-1 Conventions Copyingblocksof memory A-6 Currentinstruction,displaying3-11,B-5 D D-MON386monitorcommanddirectoryB-2 D-MON386monitorcommandoverviewB-1,5 D-MON386monitorcommands $ B-5 Asm B-5 B B-5 Base B-5 Byte B-5 Count/EndcountB-5 Cregs 8-6 Dport 8-6 DT 8-6 Dword 8-6 Eval 8-6 Flags 8-6 GDT B-7 Go B-7 Help B-7 Host B-7 IDT B.7 INTn B-7 Istep B-8 LDT B-8 N0-N9 B-8 ORDn B-8 PD 8.8 Port B-9 Registername B-9 Regs B-9 SregsB-9 SwbreakB-9 Index.2 SystemDebugger INDEX D-MON386monitorcommands(cont.) SwremoveB-10 SyntaxB-l TSS B.1O Use B-10 VersionB-10 Word B- l0 Wport B-11 Deadlock3-17 DEBUG command1-2,3-10 Debugsession, sample3-1 Descriptortables,displayingA-4, 8-6, 7,8 Determiningthe baseand offsetof an addressA-7 code,displaying3-15,A-4, B-5, l0 Disassembled Displayingblocksof code 3-12,A-4 DisplayingsymbolinformationA-9 Displayingthe numberbase B-5 DUIB information,displaying2-5 E Echoingconsoleoutput A-5 ES registerlimit, checking3-14 Examininga mailbox 3-18 Examiningpagetabledirectoryand tablesusingD-MON3[ì6 B-fì Examiningregistercontents3-12,13,8-6, 9 Examining stackcontents3-19 Exampledebugsession3-l Executinga program 3-14,15,A-5, 8, B-7 Executinga sing.le line of code 3-13,A-ó, B-8 Exitingthe monitor A-4 Expression evaluationA-7, 8-6 F Findingtext A-5 G GDT slots,displayingfree amount 2-14 Gettinghelp 2-16,B-7 H requirements1-2 Hardware/Software Help 2-16,B-7 SystemDebugger lndex-3 INDEX I I/O ResultSegment(IORS) 2-27 Identifuingsystemcallparameterson the stack 2-31 Interpretingsystemcallparameterson the stack 2-31 Invocation1-2,3-10 IORS,displaying2-27 ISDM* monitorcommanddirectoryA-1 ISDM' monitorcommandoverviewA- 1 ISDM" monitorcommands B - bootstrapload A-3 C - compareA-4 D - Display3-11,A-4 E - exit A-4 F - find A-5 G - go 3-10,14,15,A-5 I - port input A-5 K - echofile A-5 L - load A-6 M - move A-ó N - singleinstructionexecution3-13,A-ó O - port output A-7 P - print A-7 Q - enableprotectionA-7 R - load and go A-8 S - substituteA-8 X - examine/modify3-12,13,14,A-9 Y - symbols A-9 J job tokens,displaying2-18 Job and descendent L Loading object files A-6, 8 Locatingrunningtasks 3-20 Loopingwithin D-MON386 B-5 M Mailboxexamination3-18 ManualOverviewiii Modi$ringthe numberbase B-5 Mode changìngA-7 Monitor 1-1 Index-4 SystemDebugger INDEX Monitorcommands iSDM" A.1 D-MON386B-1 Movingblocksof memoryA-6 o Object directory,displaying 2-12 Objects,displaying 2-24,3 -18 P Ports Displayingdata A-5, 8-6, 9, 11 Enteringdata A-7, 8-6, 9, 1l Productoverviewiii, l-1 Programcodeexecution3-l3 o Quittingthe debuggerl-4, A-4 R Re-enteringthe iSDM" monitor 3-10,l5 Readerlevel iii Redirectingconsoleoutput A-5 RemovingBreakpoints with D-MON3U6B- 10 Registercontents,examining3-12,13 Returningto your applicationl-4 s Sampledebugsession3-l Searching for text A-5 Settingbreakpointsl-3, 3-10,B-9 Single-step executionA-6, B-8 Stackcontents2-31,3-19 Startingthe debugger1-2 Strings,displaylimitations2-35 Support 1-2 Symbolinformation,displayingA-9 Syntaxfor D-MON38(rcommandsB- I SystemDebugger Index-5 INDEX Syntaxfor debuggercommands1-3,2-2 displaying 2-9 callinformation, System Systemcall parameterson the stack,clisplaying2-31 Systemrequirements1-2 T Tasksystemcalls,displaying2-62 Tasktokens,displaying2-22 Tokens,displaying2-36,3-1tl U UsingPMON hostsoftwarewith D-MON386 B-7 Usingthe debuggerl-3,3-9 v VB command2-5 VC command2-9 VD command2-12 Versionnumberof D-MON386,displayingB- lt) VF commanti2-'14 VH command2-l6 VJ command2-18 VK command2-22 VO command2-24,3-17 VR command2-27 VS command2-31 VT command Bufferpool display2-60 Compositeobjectdisplay2-47 Extensionobjectdisplay2-47 Job display2-37 Mailboxdisplay2-42,3-1Íl Regiondisplay2-45 Segmentdisplay2-46 Semaphoredisplay2-44 Taskdisplay2-39 VT command2-36 VU command2-62 w Warm-start 1-3,2-3 Index-6 SystemDebugger E X T E N D EiD RMX@II D I S KV E R I F I C A T I O N CA EN U A L U T I L I TR Y E F E R E NM I n t e lC o r p o r a t i o n 3 0 65 B o w e r sA v e n u e 5 an t a c l a r a c, al i f o r nr a9 5 0 5 1 C o p y r i g h 't' 1 9 8 8 ,l n t e l C o r p o r a t r o nA, l l R r g h t sR e s e r v e d PREFACE INTRODUCTION tool thatrunsasa HumanInterface Utilityis a software The iRMX II DiskVerification of iRMX namedand physical the datiì structures commandverifyingand modifying volumes. of all utility descriptions the utility invocationand containscìetailed This manualdescribes volume of backingup andrestoring the iRMX Il capability commands.It alsodocuments file descriptornodes(fnodes). of iRMX namedvolumesasusersmustbe the structure In addition.the manualdescribes Utility. of the DiskVerification to usethe full capabilities familiarwithvolumestructure READERLEVEL of the operating whtt havean understanding This manualis intendetlfor programnrers layers.To usethis and HumanInterface the Basicl/O System andparticularly system, volume structure. with iRMX shoulcl be familiar programmers manualeffectively, a briefrevicwof iRMX namedvolumestructure.However,thisis AppendixA provides anclnot asa tuttlrial. intendedasa reference MANUALOVERVIEW Thismanualis organizedasfollows: ChapterI Disk Verification This chapter describestwo ways of invoking the Utility: sing.l€command mode or interactivemode. It explainssingle-command mode and how to interpret output and error messagesfrom the single-commandverification. lt also describesthe invocation in interactivemocleand the interactivemocleerror messages. C o m m a n d sf o r t h e i n t e r a c t i v em o d e a r e e x p l a i n e di n C h a p t e r2 . |ll PREFACE Chapter2 of the Disk Verification This chaptercontainsdetaileddescriptions discussed in alphabetical Utility commands.The commandsare order. Whenverifyinganclmodifyingvolumes,vou shouldrefer to this chapterfor specificinformationaboutthe format and parametersof the commands. Chapter3 This chapterexplainsthe fnodebackupand restorefeaturein detail. This featureprovidesa limitedmechanismfor attempting to recoverdatawhenthe volumelabelor the fnodefile hasbeen damaged. AppendixA This appendixprovidesinformationon the format of iRMX named volumes.lt includesdetailsof the volumelabeland fnodefile, betweenlongand shortfiles,and format information differences specificto diskettes.Programmers shouldbe familiarwith this informationbeforeattemptingto modifya volume. CONVENTIONS Thismanualusesthe following conventions: . whenshownin keyboard Informationappearingas UPPERCASEcharacters examplesmustbe enteredor codedexactlyasshown.You may,however,mix lower whenenteringthe text. and uppercase characters . Fieldsappearingaslowercase characters within anglebrackets( < > ) whenshownin keyboardexamplesindicatevariableinformation.You mustenteran appropriate valueor symboltbr variablefields. . User input appearsin one of the followingforms: as bolded lv text \ríthin a screen . text is usedto indicatethe first occurrence of eachcommanddescribedin Chapter2; subsequent occurrences are printedin blackink. . The terms"iRMX II. and "OperatingSystem"refer to the ExtendediRMX II OperatingSystem. . The term "ìRMX I'refers to the iRMX I OperatingSystem(ìRMX 86 Operating System). . All numbersunlessotherwisestatedare assumedto be decimal.Hexadecimal numbersincludethe "H" radixcharacter(for example,OFFIì). Disk Verification CONTENTS CHAPTER1 OISKVERIFY INVOKING PAGE CHAPTER2 DISKVERIRY COMMANDS PAGE Disk Verilication CONTENTS CHAPTER2 (continued) PAGE CHAPTEF3 PAGE APPENDIX A PAGE vl Disk Verification CONTENTS APPENDIX A (continued) PAGE TABLES PAGE TABLE A-1 8-lnchDisketteCharacteristics... 5 1/4-lnchDisketteCharacteristics .............4-21 ........4-22 F IG U R E S FIGURE a i a a l-t 2-4 t < A-t A-2 Disk Verification Yll CHAPTER 1 INVOKINGDISKVERIFY 1.1 INTRODUCTION When usingan iRMX lI applicationsystem,you will needto storedataon secondary storagedevices.Unfortunately,occasional powerirregularities or accidentalresetmay destroythe indexto the dataon thesedevices,makingthe informationinaccessible to the system.In somecases, losingevcna smallamountof datacan renderan entirevolume useless. You needa tool to examineand fix the damagedvolume. This tool shouldenableyou to determinehow muchof the datawasdamagedand helpyou recreatefile structureson the damagedvolume. The iRMX II Disk VerificationUtility (DISKVERIFY) is a tool that enablesyou to verify the consistency and recoverdamageddataon iRMX volumes. The Disk VerificationUtility inspects, verifies,and correctsthe datastructuresof iRMX namedvolumes.It canalsoverifoan iRMX physicalvolume. The Disk Verification Utility canreconstructthe fnodefile, the volumelabel,the file descriptornodes(fnodes) map,the volumefree spacemap,and the bad blocksmap of the volume. In addition,with DISKVERIFY you canmanipulatefnodes,bad trackinformation,and the actualdataon the volumes.The Disk VerificationUtility alsosupportsauto-volumerecognitionwhich meansyou canveri! anyiRMX namedvolumewithoutdetachingand attachingthe devicewith the correctDUIB. You can useDISKVERIFY in one of two ways: o As a singlecommandthat verifiesthe structuresof a volumeand returnscontrolto the Human Interfàce o As an interactiveprogramthat enablesyou to checkand modifydataon the volume by enteringdiskverificationcommands To take full advantage of this utility,you mustbe familiarwith the structureof iRMX (eitheriRMX I or iRMX II asthevolumestructure is almostthe samefor both)named volumes.AppendixA containsdetailedinformationaboutvolumestructure.If you are unfamiliarwith the iRMX lI volumestructure,you shouldavoidusingthe DISKVERIFY commands.Somecommands, if not usedcorrectly,can renderyour volumesunusable. However,evenifyou knownothingaboutiRMX volumestructures, you canstill usethe Disk VerificationUtility asa singlecommandto verifythat the datastructureson an iRMX volumearevalid. Disk Verification l-l INVOKING DISKVERIFY 1.2 TNVOCATTON To invokeDISKVERIFY, enterthe followingcommand: where: t-2 :logicalname: Logicalnameof the secondary storagedevicecontainingthe volumeto be verified. TO Copiesthe outputfrom the Disk VerificationUtility to the file specifiedin OUTPATH. If no "TO" is specified,output is directed to the consolescreen(:CO:). OVER Copiesthe outputfrom the Disk VerificationUtility overthe specifiedfile. AF'TER Copiesthe outputfrom the Disk VerificationUtility beginningat the en Vx.x 1 R M XI I D i s k V e r i f y U t i Ì i t y , Copyright Intel Corporation At the asteriskprompt,you canenteranyof the DISKVERIFY commandslistedin the DISKVERIFY COMMANDS chapterof this manual.If you enteranythingelse,the utility will displayan error message. NOTE Althoughyou canuseDISKVERIFY to veriff the systemdevice(:sd:), note that all connections to this deviceare deletedby the operatingsystem. After exiting,you must reboot the systemor usethe warm start feature (see the Extended|RMX II SystemDebuggerRet'erenceManual). 1.4 INVOCATION ERRORMESSAGES The followingis a list of error messages you mightencounterwheninvokingthe Disk Verification Utility. l-6 argumenterror The optionspecifiedis not valid. , invalidlogical name. The logicalnamedoesnot exist;was longerthan 12characters;contained invalidcharacters; or wasmissinga matchingcolon. 0045: E$LOG NAME NEXIST or .logical name doesnot exist A nonexistent was specified in eitherihe:logical name:or outpathparameter. 0038: E$ALREADY_ATTACHED The outputwasdirectedto a file on the volumebeingverified. commandsyntaxerror A syntaxerror wasmadewhen entering the command Disk Verilication INVOKING DISKVERIFY < logicalname>, outstanding connectionsto the devicehave beendeleted. Thiswarningis not fatal andwilì occur everytime you try to verifu the system deviceor anyothervolumeon whichfiles havebeenattached. < log.icalname> or < outpath> . invalid wildcard specification The logicalnameor outputpathname containeda wildcardcharacter < logicalname> , can'tattach device The devicecannotbe attachedand read. sizein devicesizeinconsistent = volumelabel : computedsize= < value2> When the Disk VerificationUtility computedthe sizeof the volume,the size it computeddid not matchthe informationrecordedin the iRMX II volumelabel. The volumelabelmay containinvalidor corruptedinformation. Thisis not a latalcrrttr,hut it is an indicationthat furthererror conditions mayresultduringthe verificationsession. You may haveto reformatthe volumeor usethe Disk VerificationUtility to restorethe volumelabel. not a named disk A NAMED, NAMEDl, or NAMED2 verificationwasrequestedfor a physical volume. < partiallogicalname>, 0081:E$STRING_BUFFER The logicalnamewaslongerthan 14 in length,not includingcolons. characters < logicalname> , devicedoesnot belongto you An attemptwasmadeto verify a device that wasattachedby anotheruser. For example,the systemdeviceis :SD:and USER is not the superuser. < logicalname> , devicesizeis zeÍo The logicalnameentereddoesnot deline a massstoragedevice.For example,you cannotperformDISKVERIFY on a line printer. Disk Verification r-7 CHAPTER 2 DISKVERIFY COMMANDS 2.1 INTRODUCTION Whenthe DiskVerification (*) prompt,youcanenter Utilityissues the asterisk infurmation on thevolume. DISKVERIFYcommands to examine or changefile structure This processusuallyinvolvesreaclinga portionof the volumeinto a buffer,modiryingthat buffer,andu'ritingthe informationbackto the volume. This chlpter describes the commands thatenablevouto perfbrmthescoperations. The commands ìn thischapterarepresentcrl in alphabetical orderregardless of their function.The onÌyexception is whentwo commancis aresimilar,suchasDISPIAYBYTE in its alphabetical and DISPLAYWORD.In thiscase,the lirstcommantlis explained order,andthe second comnrancl followsit with onlythe differences described. on the The firstoccurrence of eachcommandn:rmeis printedin blueink andappears outsitleuppercornerof the page;subsequent occurrences are printedin blackink. Blue or boldedtextis alsousedto indicatean entryvou makefromvourterminaÌ. the individual commancls, thischapterdiscusses commandsyntax, Beforedescribing It alsoprovides a commandnames,parameters, inputradices. anclerrormessages. gives commund and the page number commanddictionary that a hriefdescription of each on whichthecommancl is founcl. 2.2 COMMANDSYNTAX in this chapter is presentedin a "railroad track' The syntaxfor each commanclclescribeci schematic,with syntiìcticelemeiltsscatteredalong the track. Your entrance to any given schematicis alwaysfrom lcfì to right, beginningwith the command name entry. Elements shown in uppercasechuractersmust tre typed in a comnrandline exactlyas s h o w ni n t h e s c h e m a t i ch, o w e v e r y, o u m r y e n t e r t h c m i n e ì t h e r u P l ) e r c a soc r l o w e r c a s e . Syntacticelementsshown in lowercasearc qeneric terms, which meansyou must supply t h e s p e c i f i ci t e m , s u c ha s t h e p a t h n a n r eo l a f i l e . Disk Verifìcation 2-l DISK VERIFYCOMMANDS "Railroadsidings"go throughoptionalparameterelements.In somecases,you havea oneof several sidings before returning to themaintrack.In still choice of goingthrough othercases,the maintrack itselfdivergesinto two separatetracks,whichmeansyou must selectone trackor the otherbut not both. For example,a commandthat consistsof a wouldlook like this: commandnameand two ontionalnarameters C O MM A N D p a r a ml F0213 You can enter this command in any one of theseforms: The arrowsare usedhereto illustratethe possibleflow throughthe tracks.They do not appearin the schematics in the rest of this chapter. 2.3 COMMAND NAMES Whenyou entera DISKVERIFY command,you canenterthe commandnameor its abbreviation(listedin this chapter),or you canenteranyuniqueportionof the command name. For example,whenspecifying the DISPLAYFNODEcommand,you can enterany of the followins: You canalsoenteranyotherpartialform of the word DISPLAYFNODEthat containsat leastthe characters DISPIAYF. 4 , . Disk Verification DISKVERIFT COMMANDS 2.4 PARAMETERS SeveralDISKVERIFY commandshaveoarametersdescribedasbeine in this form: in this form: You canalsoentertheseDarameters For example,both of thesespeci! a FREE command: 2.5 INPUTRADICES format. You can DISKVERIFY alwaysproducesnumericaloutputin hexadecimal provide input to DISKVERIFY in any one of the following three radicesby includinga are radixcharacterimmediatelyafter the number.The valid radixcharacters radix character example hexadecimal horH 16h,7CH decimal t or T 23t, 1007 octal o, O, q, or Q 27o,33Q the numberis hexadecimal. If you omit the radixcharacter,DISKVERIFY assumes Disk Verification 2-3 DISKVERIFY COMMANDS 2.6 ABORTINGDISI(\/ERIFY COMMANDS You canabort the followingDISKVERIFY commandsby enteringa CONTROL-C, whichterminatesthe commandand returnscontrolto the Disk VerificationUtilitv lnot the Human Interfacecommandlevell. DISK DISPT-AYBYTE DISPI-AYDIRECTORY DISPI.A,YFNODE DISPT-AYNEXTBLOCK DISPI-A,YPRE\'IOUSBLOCK DISPI-A,YWORD EDITFNODE EDITSAVEFNODE FIX GETBADTRACKINFO LISTBADBLOCKS SUBSTITUTEBYTE SUBSTITUTEWORD VERIFY 2.7 DISKVERIFY ERRORMESSAGES EachDISKVERIFY commandcangeneratea numberof error messages, whichindicatc errorsin the way the commandwasspecifiedor problemswith the volumeitself. The followingmessages canbe generatedby manyof the commands(eachcommand descriptionliststhe error messages generatedby the particularcommand): 2-4 blockI/O error The utility attemptedto reador write a blockon the volumeand foundthat the blockwasphysically damagedand therefore,couldnot completethe requested command.Or, an attemptwasmadeto write a blockto a diskvolumethat is write protected.The error message stateswhetherread or write wasperformedand the numberof the hlockcausing the error. commandsyntaxerror A syntaxerror wiìsmadein a command. illegalcommand The commandspecifiedis not a valid DISKVERIFYcommand. Disk Verification DISK !'ERIFY COMMANI)S fnodefile/spacemap file inconsistent One of the files,R?SAVEor R$FNODEMAP,is damagedand DISKVERIFY cannotperform furtherverification. argumenterror The commandwasmissingan argument,or the argumentwas illegallyspecified. not a nameddisk The deviceis not a namedvolume(a tape,for example)or the iRMX volumelabel,obtainedwhen containsinvalitJ DISKVERIFY beginsprocessing, information.If the labelcontainsinvalìd information,the utiliry(in somecases)canassume that a namedvolumeis a physicalvolume. In this case,the commandsthat applyto namedvolumes onÌy(suchasDISPTAYFNODE, DISPTAYDIRECTORY, andVERIFY NAMED) issuethis message.If you are surethe volumeis a may indicatethat the namedvolume,this message iRMX II volumelabelis corrupted.(If the file was formattedwith the RESERVEoptionof the FORMAT command,DISKVERIFY issuesthis message only if both volumelabelsare corrupted. Whenonly the volumelabelis invalid,the duplicate in the saveareais used.) seekerror The utility unsuccessfully attemptedto seekto a locationon the voÌume.This error normallyresults from invalidinformationin the iRMX II volume labelor in the fnodes.Or. a newvolumewas insertedafter DISKVERIFY wasinvoked. 2.8 COMMANDDICTIONARY The commanddictionarybelowliststhe DISKVERIFY commandsin alphabetical order and providesa brief functionaldescriptionof eachcommand.Followingeachcommand you can locatethecommand nameis its uniqueabbreviation, if any. For quickreference, usingthe pageheadersremainingin this chapter. Command Synopsis ALLOCATE Marksa particularfnodeor volumeblock asallocated BACKUPFNODES BF Copiescurrentfnodefile into a backup file namedR?SAVE Disk Verification t-< DISK VERIFY COMMANDS 2-6 Command Synopsis DISK Displavsthe attributesof the volume beingverified. DISPI-A,YBYTE DB or D Displaysthe working buffer in byte format DISPI-A.YWORD DW Displaysthe working buffer in word format DISPI-A,YDIRECTORY DD Displaysdirectorycontents DISPI-A,YFNODE DF Displaysthe specifiedfnode information DISPI.A.YSA\'EFNODE DSF Displaysthe fields of a singlefnode in the R?SAVE fiIC DISPI-AYNEXTBLOCK DNB or > or Displaysthe "next"volume block DISPI-A.YPREVIOUSBLOCK DPB or < Displaysthe"previous"volumeblock EDITFNODE EF Edits the specifiedfnode EDITSAVEFNODE ESF Edits the specifiedsavedfnode EXIT E Exits the Disk Verification Utiìiry FIX Verifies the disk and fixesinconsistencies FREE Marks a particular fnode or volume block as free GETBADTRACKINFO GB Displaysthe bad track information Disk Verifrcation DISKYERIFY COMMANDS Command Synoosis HELP H Liststhe DISKVERIFYcommands LISTBADBLOCKS LBB Displaysall the bad blockson the volume MiscellaneousCommands Perform usefularithmetic and conversion functions;the commandsincludeADD, SUB,MUL, DIV, MOD, HEX, DEC, ADDRESS,andBLOCK QUIT Exits the Disk Verification Utility READ R Readsa volumeblock into the working buffer RESTOREFNODE RF Copiesone fnode(or rangeof fnodes) from the R?SAVE file to the fnode file RESTOREVOLUMEI-ABEL RVL Copiesthe duplicatevolume label to the volume label offset on track 0 SAVE Writes the updatedfnode map, free space map, and bad block map to the volume SUBSTITUTEBYTE SB or S Modifies the contentsof the working buffer in byte format SUBSTITUTEWORD SW Modifies the contentsof the working buffer in word format VERIFY Verifies the volume WRITE Writes the workins buffer to the volume o w Disk Verilication a n andvolumeblocksasallocated. nodes(fnodes) file descriptor designates Thiscommand to designate oneor a rangeof volumeblocksas"bad" You canalsousethiscommand command is asfollows: the ALLOCATE Theformatof INPUT PARAMETERS fnodenum Numberof the fnodeto allocate.This numbercan rangefrom 0 through(maxfnodes- 1),wheremaxfnodesis the numberof fnodesdefinedwhenthe volumewasoriginallyformatted.Two fnodevaluesseparated by a commasignifiesa rangeof fnodes. blocknum Numberof the volumeblockto allocate.This numbercanrange from 0 through(maxblocks- 1),wheremaxblocksis the number of volumeblocksin the volume. Two blocknumbersseparatedby a commasignifiesa rangeof blocknumbers. OUTPUT If you are usingALLOCATE to allocatefnodes,ALLOCATE displaysthe following message: is the numberof the fnodethat the utility designated asallocated. If you are usingALLOCATE to allocatevolumeblocks,ALLOCATE displaysthe following message: is the numberof the volumeblockthat the utilitv desienated as allocated. 2-8 Disk Verification ALLOCATE If you are usingALLOCATE to designate one or morevolumeblocksas"bad," ALLOCATE displaysthe followingmcssage: (blocknun>, block narked bad where < blocknum> is the numberof the volumeblockthat the utility desigrrated as"bad." If this block was not allocatedbeforeyou attempt to designateit as "bad,"ALLOCATE alsodisolavs , bLock rnarked aÌlocated ALLOCATE checksthe alìocationstatusof fnodesor blocksbefore allocatingthem. Therefore,ifyou speci! ALLOCATE for a block or fnode alreadyallocated, ALLOCATE returns one of the following messages: , fnode already marked allocated , block out of range The block number specifiedwaslarger than the largestblock number in the volume. < fnodenum> , fnode out of range The fnode number specifiedwas larger than the largestfnodenumberin the volume. no badblocksfile The volume doesnot havea bad blocks couldappearif an file. This message earlierversionof the HumanInterface FORMAT commandwas usedwhen the disk wasformatted. Disk Verification fnoclebackupfile named This commandcopiesthe currentfnodefile into a designated R?SAVE. R?SAVEmusthavebeenreservedwhenthe volumewastbrmatted.(That is, the RESERVEoptionof the FORMAT commandmusthavebeenspecifietl.)The format of the BACKUPFNODEScommantlis asfollows: PFNODES BACKU INPUT PARAMETERS None. OUTPUT BACKUPFNODESdisplaysthe followingmessage: fnode file backed up to save area DESCRIPTION commandensuresag:ìinstdatalossthat occurswhenthe fnode The BACKUPFNODE,S file is damagedor destroyed.To usethis command,you musthaveformattedthe volume area(R?SAVE) reserve usingthe FORMAT command(V1.1or later)to createa special the creationof (the switch) controls RESERVE A switchin the FORMAT command R?SAVE. If you did not specifythe RESERVEparameterwhcn the volumewas commandwill he unableto copythe fnodef ile to formatted,the BACKUPFNODE.S will be returnedindicatingthat no saveareilhasbeen R?SAVE. An error message reserved.In thiscase,the volumemustbe refìrrmattedif you wishto usethe BACKUPFNODESctrmmanti. The FORMAT commandwritesthe initializedcopyof the fnodefile into R?SAVE Therefore,you do not haveto useBACKUPFNODIISto backup a newlyformatted you can routinely(for example,oncea ciay)backuptiodcs to volume. Subsequently, thedatain the fnodefile. You cando thisby in R?SAVE matches the data assurethat commandor thc HumanInterficeSHUl'DOWN usingeitherthe BACKUPFNODES seethe on SHI.J-I'DOWN, with the BACKUPoption.(For moreinformation commantl Intarfitce.) II Human Operator'sGuideto the Extanded|RMX Disk Verification 2-tl BACKUPFNODES NOTE Be sure that the current fnode file is valid before executingthe BACKUPFNODE command(usingNAMED verification). ERROR MESSAGES argumenterror Whenthe commandwasentered,an argumentwassupplied. BACKUPFNODESdoesnot acceptan argument. no saveareawasreservedwhen volumewasformatted The volumehasnot beenformattedto supportfnodebackup.To allowfuture useof backupfnodes on this volume,you shouldinvokethe Human Interface BACKUP commandto savethe dataon the volume,reformatthe volumewith a savearea(usingthe RESERVEoptionof the FORMAT command),and finally, restorethe volumedata. not a nameddisk The volumespecifiedwhenthe Disk VerìficationUtility wasinvokedis a physicalvolume,not a namedvolume. EXAMPLE super- dlskvertfy : sd: (CR.> 1 R M XI I D i s k V e r i f y U t j - l i t y , V x . x Copyríght Intel Corporat i on :sd:, ouÈstanding connections Èo device have been deleted ìtsverify NAI{ED B I T M A P SO .K . *backupfnodes or bf fnode ffle backed up to save area 2-t2 Disk Verilication This commanddisplaysthe attributesof the volumebeingverified. You can abortthis commandby typinga CONTROL-C. The formatof the DISK commandis asfollows: INPUT None. OUTPUT The output of the DISK commantldependson whetherthe volumeis formattedas a physicalor namedvolume. For a physicalvolume,the DISK commanddisplaysthe following information: devfce P'rysrLdr narne uaDN devlce granularity block size mrnber of blocks volune s ize (numblocks) wnere: < devname> Nameof the devicecontainingthe volume. This is the physical nameof the device,as specifiedin the ATTACHDEVICE Human Interfacecommand. Granularityof the device,asdefinedin the DeviceUnit InformationBlock(DUIB) for the device.Referto the Guideto the Ertended .RMX II Interactive Configuration Utility for more informationaboutDUIBs. For physicaldevices,this is alsothe volumeblocksize. > < numblocks Numberof volumeblocksin the volume. < size> Sizeof the volume,in bYtes. Disk Verification 2-13 DISK For a nametlvolume,the DISK commanddisplaysthe followinginformation: named disk, ucvrrE device volume Ér d,,urdr narne narne r LJi block s ize nurnber of blocks nunber of free blocks volune size interleavè extension size nunber of fnodes nuxober of free fnodes save area reserved {numblocks) (nurnfree fnode s) (yeslno) fieldsarethe sameasfor The , , ,and physicalfiles. The remainingfieldsare asfollows: Nameof the volume,asspecifiedwhenthe volumewasformatted. Volumegranularity,as specifiedwhenthe volumewasformatted. < numfreeblocks > Numberof availablevolumeblocksin the volume. The interleavefactorfor a namedvolume. Size,in bytes,of the extensiondataportionof eachfile descriptor node(fnode). < numfhodes > Numberof fnodesin the volume.The fnodeswerecreatedwhen thevolumewasformatted. < numfreefnodes > Numberof availahlefnodesin the namedvolume. saveareareserved Indicateswhetherthe R?SAVEfile is reservetllbr volumelabel and fnodefile backups. Referto AppendixA of this manualor to the descriptionof the FORMAT commandin the Operetor'sGuideto the Ertended|RMX II Human Interfacefor more information about the nameddiskfields. DESCRIPTTON The DISK commanddisplaysthe attributesof the volume. The format of the outputfrom DISK dependson whetherthe volumeis formatted:rsa namedor physicalvolume. ERRORMESSAGES None. 2-11 Disk Verifìcation DISK EXAMPLE The followingexampleshowsthe outputof the DISK commandfor an 5.25-inchdiskette. :f0: super- dlskverlfy iRMx ll Disk Verify Utility. vx.x Copyright Intel CorporatÍon *dfsk device name named disk, volume narne device granularicy block size nurnber of b I ocks n u m b er o f f r e e b l o c k s volume size i n t e r 1 ea v e extension size nurnber of fnodes nurnber of free fnodes s a v e a r e a r e s er v e d Disk Verification wnfdx0 rmx2 8 6 0200 0200 0000027c 000001E9 0004F800 0005 03 OOCF 008[ no 2-15 displays portionof theworkingbufferin BYTEformat.It Thiscommand thespecified displays thebufferin 16-byte rows.Youcanabortthiscommand bytypinga CONTROLC. Theformatof theDISPI-AYBYTE command is asfolìows: INPUT PARAMETERS startoffset Numberof the byte,relativeto the startof the buffer,that begins the display.DISPI-AYBYTEstartsthe displaywith the row containingthe specifiedoffset. Ifyou omit this parameterand the endoffsetparameter,DISPI-A.YBYTEdisplaysthe entireworking buffer. endoffset Numberof the byte,relativeto the startof the buffer,that endsthe display.If you omit this parameter,DISPII,YBYTE displaysonly the row indicatedby startoffset.However,ifyou omit both startoffsetand endoffset,DISPLAYBYTE displaysthe entire workinsbuffer. OUTPUT In responseto the command,DISPI-AYBYTEdisplaysthe specifiedporrionof the workingbuffer in rows,with 1óbytesdisplayedin eachrow. Figure2-l illustratesthe format of the disolav. 2-16 Disk Verification DISPLAYBYTE As Figure 2-1 shows,DISPT-AYBYTEbeginsby listing the block numberwhere data residesin the working buffer. It then lists the specifiedportion of the buffer, providing the columnnumbersasa headerand beginningeachrow with the relativeaddressof the of first blte in the row. It alsoincludes,at the right of the listing,the ASCII equivalents printable the bytes,if the ASCII equivalents are printablecharacters.(lf a byteis not a position.) character,DISPIAYBYTE displaysa periodin the corresponding *dlsplaybyÈe 7,13 BLOCKNUHBER- blocknum A B c D E F 2 3 4 5 6 7 I9 offset 0 | 0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0c 0D 0E 0F 0010 61 6E 20 65 F8 61 6D 70 6C 65 20 20 20 20 20 20 AscII STRING an example Figure2-1. DISPLAYBYTEFormat DESCRIPIION DISKVERIFY maintainsa workingbufferfor READ and WRITE commands.The size of the bufferis equalto the volume'sgranularityvalue. Alier you reada volumeblockof memoryinto the workingbufferwith the READ command,you can displaypart or all of that buffer,in BYTE format,by enteringthe DISPT-AYBYTEcommand. DISPI-A,YBYTE displaysthe hexadecimalvalue for eachbyte in the specifiedportion of the buffer. DISPI-A.YBYTEdisplaysthe entireblockstoredin the If you omit all parameters, working buffer. ERRORMESSAGES argumenterror A syntaxerror wasmadein the command or a nonnumericcharacterwasspecified in one of the offsetparameters. < offset>, invalid offset Either a largervalue wasspecifiedfor startoflsetthanfor endoffsetor an offset valuelargerthan the numberof bytesin the blockwasspecified. Disk Verification 2-17 the command, exceptthatit displays Thiscommand is thesameasthe DISPL.AYBYTE pcr row, Thetbrmatof theDISPT-AYWORD workingbufferin WORDformat,fì-words command is as follows: EXAMPLES Assuming that thevolumegranularìty is 128bytesandthatyou havereadblock20H into theworkingbufferwith the READ commanrl, theftrllowing commanci thatblock clisplays in WORD format. *DISPIAYTJOR.D BLOCK NUHBER: 20 offset 0000 0010 0020 0030 0040 00s0 0060 0070 o 0000 0000 0000 1F25 0001 0000 0000 0000 2 0000 0080 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 4 0000 0000 0500 002E 0001 0000 0000 OOOl 6 0000 0000 0000 0000 0080 0000 0000 FFOF 8 A 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0025 1 F 2 5 0000 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0000 0000 0000 OOFF 0 0 0 0 C E 0000 FFOt' 0108 002B 0000 0000 0080 0000 0000 00FF FFFF 0000 0000 0000 0000 0500 The ibllowìngcommanddisplaysthe portionof the blockthat containsthe offsets3 I h through45h(wordsbeginning at odd addrcsses). *DI{ 31, 45 : 20 BLOCKNUMBER offset 0 03 1 0041 2-18 O 2 4 6 8 C E 0 0 l F 2E 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 l F 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0000 0100 8000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Disk VerifÍcalion DISPLAYWORD The followingcommanddisplaysthe portionof the blockthat containsthe ollsets30h through45h (wordsbeginningat evenaddresses). *DIS PIAYSORD30, 45 BLOCKNUMBER- 20 offset 0030 0040 Disk Verification C E 8 A 4 6 0 0 2 8 0000 0000 rF25 0000 002E 0000 1F25 0001 0000 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 0 0000 0000 0000 0000 O 2 2-r9 Thiscommand listsall thefilescontained in a directory.Youcanabortthiscommand by a CONTROL-C. The format of the DISPLq.YDIRECTORY command is as ryping follows: INPUT PARAMETER fnodenum Numberof the fnodethat corresponds to a directoryfile. This numbercanrangefrom 0 through(maxfnodes- 1),wheremax fnodesis the nurnberof fnodesdefinedwhenthe volumewas originallyformaued. DISPI-AYDIRECTORY lists all files or directoriescontainedin this directory. OUTPUT In responseto the command,DISPI-AYDIRECTORYlistsinformationaboutall files containedin the specifieddirectory. The format of this dìsplayis as follows: FILE NAME FNODE TYPE (fnode) (type) FILE NAMEFNODE TYPE (filenam) (filenam) (fnode) (fnode) (type) (fnode) Nameof the file or directorycontainedin the directory. < fnode> Numberof the fnodethat describes the file. 2-20 Disk Verification DISPLAYDIRECTORY type> Type ofthe file. The can be Tlpe of file Descrintion DATA DIR SMAP FMAP BMAP VI-A.B data files directoryfiles volume free spacemap free fnodesmap bad blocksmap volumelabelfile DESCRIPTION DISPI-AYDIRECTORYdisplaysa list of filescontainedin the specifieddirectory,along with their fnodenumbersand tvoes.You canthen useotherDISKVERIFY commandsto examinethe individualfiles. ERRORMESSAGES argumenterror A nonnumericcharacterwasspecifiedin the fnodenumparameter. < fnodenum> , fnodenot allocated The numberspecifiedfor the fnodenum parameterdoesnot correspondto an allocatedfnode. This fnodedoesnot representan actualfile. ,not a directory fnode The numberspecifiedfor the fnodenum parameteris not an fnodefor a directory file. < fnodenum> , fnodeout of range The numberspecifiedfor the fnodenum parameteris largerthan the largestfnode numberon the volume. Disk Verification 2-21 DISPLAYDIRECTORY EXAMPLE The following command lists the files contained in the directorv whose fnode is fnode 6. *DISPIAYDIRICTORY6 FILE NAME FNODETYPE FILE NAME FNODETYPE FILE NAME FNODETYPE R?SPACEMAP OOO1SMAPR?FNODEMAP OOO2FMAPR?BADBLOCKMAPOOO4BMAP R?VOLUMEU,BEL OOO5VTAB R?SAVE 0007 DATA Rlfl(286 0008 DIR M1TILE OOO9DATA YOURFILE OOOADATA ONEFILE OOOBDATA ) -)7 Disk Verification with an fnode. You canabortthis command This commanddisplaysthe fieldsassociated by typinga CONTROL-C. The formatof the DìSPTAYFNODEcommandis asfollows: INPUT PARAMETER Numberof the fnodeto be displayed.This numbercanrangefrom 0 through(maxfnodes- l), wheremaxfnodesis the numberof fnodesdefinedwhenthe volumewasorisinallyformatted. fnodenum OUTPUT In responseto this command,DISPIAYFNODE displaysthe fieldsof the specified fnode. The formatof the displayis as follows: Fnode nuuber - flags tYPe t.. ^ l LLL- --^^ ÉLdtt/ OIJTìET create ,access,mod t imes t^È^r Ltr.- bl-ock pointer block pointer (1) (2) hl /?\ nrlz nnJ nrpr block pointer (4) t'l^-L ^^i-r-r /5\ hl nrlz nai ntar l6ì block block n..ahÈ pointer (7) (8) pointer this size id count accessor (1) aeeessor (2) accessor (3) rh or lz , , , , , , , , , , , , , t-t1 DISPLAYFNODE where: < fnodenum> Number of the fnode being displayed.If the fnode doesnot describean actualfile (that is, if it is not allocated),the following message appearsnextto this field: *** AILOCATION STATUSBIT IN THIS FNODE NOT SET *** In this case,the fnode fields are normally set to zero. < pathname> FulÌ pathnameof the file describedby the fnode. This field is not displayedif the fnode doesnot describea file. < flgr > A word defining the attributesof the file. Significantbirs of this word are as follows: Bit Meaning 0 Allocationstatus.This bit is set to 1 for allocatedfnodesand 0 for free fnodes. 1 Long or shortfile attribute.This bit is set to 1 for long files and 0 for short files. 5 Modificationattribure.This bit is set to 1 whenevera file is modified. ó Deletionattribute.This bit is setro 1 to indicatea temporaryfile or a file to be deleted. The DISPLAYFNODEcommanddisplaysa message nexrto this field to indicatewhetherthe file is a longor shortfile. < typ > Type of file. This field containsa value and a descriptionwhich is displayednextto the value. The possiblevaluesand descriptions are as follo\À's: Value Descriptions 00 01 02 03 04 06 08 09 fnode file volumemap file fnodemap file accountfile bad block file directoryfile data file volumelabelfile < gran > File granularity,specifiedasa multipleof the volumegranularity. User ID of the ownerof the file. 2-24 Disk Verification DISPLAYFNODE < acctime> and Time and dateof file creation,lastaccess, last modification. Thesevaiuesare expressedas the time,in seconds, sinceJanuary1, 1978. < totsize> Total size,in bytes,ofthe actualdata in the fiìe. Total numberof volumeblocksusedby the file, includingindirect block overhead. < blks>, < blkptr > Valuesthat identify the data blocksof the file. For short files, each < blks> parameterindicatesthe numberof volume blocksin the data block,and each is the number of the first such volumeblock. For long files, each parameterindicatesthe number of volumeblockspointed to by an indirect block, and each is the block number of the indirect block. < thissize> Sizein bytesof the total data spaceallocatedto the file, minus any spaceusedfor indirect blocks. < count> with the file. Numberof userIDs associated < access> , < id > Each pair of fields indicatesthe accessrights for the file and the ID ofthe userwho hasthat accessID. Bits in the field are set to indicatethe following accessrights: Bit Data File Ooeration Directory Operation 0 1 2 3 delete read append update delete list add entry changeentry The first ID listedis the owner'sID. Fnodenumberof the directoryfile that containsthe file. Checksumof the fnode. Auxiliary bytesassociatedwith the file. Appendix A containsa more detaileddescriptionof the fnode fields. DESCRIFTION Fnodesare systemdatastructureson the volumethat describethe fileson the volume. The fnode structuresare createdwhen the volume is formatted. Each time a file is createdon the volume,the iRMX II BasicI/O Systemallocatesan fnodefor the file and fills in the fnode fields to describethe fiìe. The DISPI-A.YFNODEcommandenablesyou to examinethesefnodesand determinewherethe datafor eachfile resides. Disk Verification )-r\ DISPLAYFNODE ERRORMESSAGES argumenterror The valueenteredfor the fnodenum parameterwasnot a legitimatefnode number. < fnodenum >,fnode out of range The number specifiedfor the fnodenum parameteris largerthanthe largestfnode numberon the volume. The pathnamespecifiedcouldnot be retrieved.Possible causesof this error are seekerror,I/O error,or invalid parent. Unable to get pathname < reason> EXAMPLE The followingexampledisplaysfnode 10of a volume. This fnoderepresents a directory. XDISPIAYFNODE 10 Fnode number nr rh n.mo : I0 /M\'nTP flaoc tyPe create cotal ollTte r a c c e s s , m o d times , size, total b locks hl ^.L n^ínrar / I I block polnter (2) hl anlr nni nrar t ìl L9 rlv^L ^^ 1 . -^i-+^P9llrLq! \Y/ h l arlz nni ntar r ( \ h l nalz nnJnrar i'At hìnnlr nnintar /7\ h1 nnL -^i / e\ //,\ ^t-r this size fd count n.ranr ecno< short fi Ie 06:)directory fl le 01 FFFF I02L9017, 10219E58,1 0 2 1 9 E s 8 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0001, 000050 0000,000000 0000,000000 0000,000000 0000,000000 0000,000000 0000,000000 0000,000000 00000400 0 00 1 OF, FFFF 00,0000 00,0000 0006, 0000 000000 Disk Verifìcation This commandis identicalto DISPI-AYFNoDE,exceptthe DISPLAYSAVEFNoDE takesthe fnodeinformationfrom the R?SAVEfile, and displaysthe fnodeas saved. R?SAVEmusthavebeenreservedwhenthe volumewasformatted.(That is, the RESERVEoptionin the FORMAT commandmusthavebeenspecified.)The format of commandis asfollows: the DISPT-AYSAVEFNODE D I S P L A Y S AFVN EO D E f n o d e n um F0212 ERRORMESSAGES argumenterror Whenthe commandwasentered,no argumentwassupplied. requiresa DISPTAYSAVEFNODE designation of the fnodenumber. < fnodenum> , fnodeout of range The numberspecifiedfor the fnodenum parameteris largerthan the largestfnode numberon the volume. no savearea was reservetlwhen volume was formatted The volumewasnot formattedto support backupfnodes.This meansthe RESERVEoptionwasnot specified whenthe volumewasformatted. Unableto get pathname < reason> The pathnamespecifiedcouldnot be retrieved.Possiblecausesof thrserror are seekerror, I/O error,or invalid parent. Disk Verífication 2-27 This commanddisplaysthe "next"volumeblock. (The "next"volumeblockis the block formatcan immediately following theblockcurrently in theworkingbuffer.)Thedisplay be either WORD or BYTE. The utility remembersthe mode in which you displayedthe volume block currently in the working buffer, and it displaysthe next block in that format. So, if you usedDISPI-AYBYTE to displaythe current volume block, the next volume blockappearsin BYTE format;if you usedDISPLAYWORD,the nextvolumeblock appearsin WORD format. DISPLAYNEXTBLOCKusesthe BYTE format as a default ifyou havenot yet displayeda volumeblock. You canabortthis commandby typinga CONTROL-C. The format of the DISPTAYNEXTBLOCK commandis as follows: DI5PLAYNEXTELOCK CARRIAGERE-TU RN F 0.205 OUTPUT In responseto the command,DISPI-AYNEXTBLOCKreadsthe "next"volumeblockinto the workingbufferand displaysit on the screen. DESCRItrTION The DISPI,AYNEXTBLOCKcommandcopiesthe "next"volumeblockfrom rhevolume to the workingbufferand displaysit at your terminal. It destroysanydatacurrentlyin the workingbuffer. Oncethe blockis in the workingbuffer,you canuse SUBSTITUTEBYTEand SUBSTITUTEWORDto changethe datain the block. Finally, you canusethe WRITE commandto write the modifiedblockbackout to the volume. NOTE If you specifothe DISPI-AYNEXTBLOCKcommandar rhe end of the volume,the utility'Vrapsaround"and displaysthe first blockin the votume. 2-28 Disk Verification This commandis identicalto DISPLAYNEXTBLOCK exceptthat it displaysthe volume blockprecedingthe currentblockin the workingbuffer. The format of the DISPI-AYPREVIOUSBLOCKcommandis asfollows: F0206 Disk Verification 2-29 This commandallowsyou to edit valueswithin a specilìedfnode. It canbe abortedby enterinsCONTROL-C. The formatof the EDITFNODE commandis INPUT PARAMETER fnode Numberof the fnodeto edit. This numbercanbe in the rangeof 0 through(maxfnodes- l), wheremaxfnodesis the numberof fnodes definedwhenthe volumewasorisinallvformatted. OUTPUT When EDITFNODE is invokedit displaysthe followingmessage: Fnode nurnbe r - nnnn wherennnn is the numberof the fnodeyouwant îo edit. The first field of the fnodeis displayedwith its currentvalue,asfollows: f lags(xxxx) : wherepoo No modificationto the field. numericalvalue < CR > The newvalueto be assigned. This valueis alwaysinterPreted ashexadecimal. Quit or Q or c1< CR > Skipthe remainingfieldsand displaythe query. and other thanthoselistedabove,causesthe field to remainunchanged, Any response, the nextfield to be displayed. Oncethe fnodehasbeenupdated,you canuseDISPLAYFNODE to examinethe you made. Changingthe contentsof an fnode contentsof the fnodeand the changes causesit to havea bad checksum.UseFIX with the NAMED1 optionto correctit. For of FIX later in thischapter. more details,seethe ex?lanation ERRORMESSAGES argumenterror The optionspecifiedis not valid. , fnodeout of range The fnodenumberspecifiedwaslarger than the largestfnodenumberon the volume. Errorin Input Invalidinputwasenteredwhile editingan entry. Disk Verification 2-l t EDITFNODE EXAMPLE The followingexampleillustratesusingEDITFNODE to edit fnode 10. *edltfnode 10 fnode nurnber - 10 flags(0025): type(0006): flle gran/vol gran(01) : owner(0FFFF): 0 créatè time(1O2I9CR2): q Encering "q'r causes the modified fnode to be displayed. fl ags tYPe s.:1^ r r rE -,-.^ ó!drrl vur ÉLdrr OIJTìE r c r e a t e , a c c e s s ,m o d t i n e s t o t a L s i " z e ,t o t a l b l o c k s block poínter (1) block pointer (2) block pointer (3) block pointer (4) block pointer (5) hl oelr nai nror /6 t block pointer (7) hl ó.L 1R\ n^int ar this size i.d count accessor (1) accessor (2) accessor (3) nr rén t_ e h a r l z< " - aux ( *) l,lrice back? yes Fnode has been updated 2-32 0025 -)short OA:>rlirartnrrr fi Ie fí1a 01 0000 1 0 2 1 9 C 8 21,0 2 1 9 C C 81 ,0 2 1C 9C8 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0001, 0000s0 0000, 000000 0000,000000 0000,000000 0000, 000000 0000, 000000 0000,000000 0000, 000000 00000400 0001 OF, FFFF 00, 0000 00, 0000 0006, 0000 000000 Disk Verification EDITSAVEFNODE is identicalto EDITFNODE, exceptthat it allowsyou to edit an fnodefrom the R?SAVEfile. (R?SAVEmusthavebeenreservedwhenthe volumewas the fnodeassavedwhendisplayingthe fnode formatted.)In addition,it designates number. You can abortthis commandby enteringCONTROL-C. The format of the EDITSAVEFNODE commandis ERRORMESSAGES are the sameasin EDITFNODE with the additionof the following The error messages messaqe. no saveareawas reseryedwhenvolume wasformatted Disk Verification The volumewasnot formattedto support backupfnodes.This meansthe RESERVEoption wasnot soecifiedwhenthe volumewasformatted. 2-33 This commandexitsthe Disk VerificationUtility and returnscontrolto the Human Interfacecommandlevel. The format of the EXIT commandis asfollows: r o20t This commandis identicalto the QUIT command. NOTE Althoughyou canuseDISKVERIFY to verify rhesysremdevice(:sd:), note that all connections to this deviceare deletedby the operatingsystem. After exiting,you mustrebootthe systemor usethe warm startfeature (see the ErtendediRMX II SystemDebuggerRet'erence Manual). 2-34 Disk Verification This commandverifiesthe volumein the samewayasthe VERIFY commandto determineif the dataon the volumeis consistent.In addition,this command"fixes" variouskindsof inconsistencies discovered duringverification.You can abortthis commandby enteringCONTROL-C. (CONTROL-Cis ignoredwhenFIX is writingto the volumein order to preventinconsistencies on the volume.) BecauseFIX and VERIFY performthe sameverificationfunctionsand generatethe sameerror messages, only the additional the commanddescriptiongivenbelowdescribes functionsof FIX. For a completeexplanation of the veriff functions,seethe VERIFY commanddescribed later in this chanter.The formatof the FIX commandis: Disk Verification 2-35 Ftx INPUT PARAMETERS NAMED1 or N1 PerformsNAMEDl verification and fixesthe following inconsistencies: . Fixesbad checksums . Attachesorphanfnodesto their parents.An orphanfnodeis an fnodecontainedwithin a directoryandwhoseparentfield doesnot point backto this directory.If the parentfield of the specifiedfnode points to a secondvalid directory,and the seconddirectory alsopoints to the fnode, no fix is performed sincethe specifiedfnode belongsto an existingdirectory. This (discussed in NAMED2). is a caseof multiplereferences If the parentfield doesnot point to a valid parent,the parentfield is fixed to point to the directorythat containsthis fnode in its fiìe list. NAMED2 or N2 PerformsNAMED2 verification and fixesthe followins inconsistencies: . Removesfnodesfrom their iilegalparents.If there is a multiple referenceto an fnode,the fnodeis removedfrom the directoriesthat it doesnot point to (if FIX wasperformedwith NAMEDl, the fnodeshouldnow point to onevalid parent). r Savesfnodeand blockbit mapson completionof NAMED2. NAMED or N Performsboth the NAMEDI and NAMED2 verificationfunctions on a namedvolumeand fixesthe inconsistencies definedfor these options. ALL Performsall operationsappropriateto the volume.For named volumes,this optionperformsboth the NAMED and PHYSICAL verificationfunctions.For physicalvolumes,this optionperforms only the PHYSICALverificationfunction.For both NAMED and PHYSICAL volumes,ALL performsthe fixesfor the relevant verifications. PHYSICAL PerformsPHYSICALverificationand savesthe bad blockbit man. LIST Liststhe file informationdisplayedin Figure2-3for any verificationthat includesNAMED l. 2-36 Disk Verilication FIX OUTPUT (seeFigures 2-3,2-4,and2-5) FIX produces thesameoutputastheVERIFYcommand withadditional messages displayed whenaninconsistency is fixed.NAMEDl output includes thesemessases. Checksum Fixed fnode nnnn was a t t a c h e d to parent nnnn The first messageappearsafter a bad checksumis fixed. The secondmessageis displayed whenthe parentfield of an fnodeis modifiedto point to a valid parent. is removedfrom whenan fnodewith multiplereferences NAMED2 displaysthis message the directory. fnode rernoved frorn this dlrectory FIX but hasnot beenreferenced, If an fnodeexistson a diskand is markedallocated, issuesa warningmessage and asksif you wantto savethe bit maps.This preventsSAVE from freeing this fnode and its blocksand possiblycausinga file to be lost. Disk Verification 2-37 It also fnodesandvolumeblocksasfree(unallocated). designates Thiscommand is as volumeblocksfromthebadblocksfile. Theformatof theFREEcommand removes follows: INPUT PARAMETERS fnodenum Numberof the fnodeto free. This numbercan rangefrom 0 through(maxfnodes- l), wheremar fnodesis the numberof fnodesdefinedwhenthe volumewasoriginallyformatted.Two by a commasignifya rangeof fnodes. fnodevaluesseparated blocknum Numberof the volumeblockto free. This numbercanrangefrom 0 through(maxblocks- 1),wheremar blocksis the numberof volumeblocksin the volume. Two blocknumbersseparated by a commasignif a rangeof blocknumbers. OUTPUT Ifyou are usingFREE to deallocatefnodes,FREE displaysthe followingmessage: , fnode narked free where is the numberofthe fnodethat the utilitv desisnated asfree. If you are usingFREE to deallocate volumeblocks,FREE displaysthe followingmessage: , block marked free where < blocknum> is the numberof the volumeblockthat the utilitv desisnated as free. 2-18 Disk Verification FREE Ifyou are usingFREE to designate one or more "bad"blocksas"good,"FREE displays the following message: , block marked good where < blocknum> is the numberof the volumeblockthat the utilitv desisratedas "good." FREE checksthe allocationstatusof fnodesor blocksbeforefreeingthem. Therefore,if you specifyFREE for a blockor fnodethat is alreadyunallocated, FREE returnsone of the followingmessages: , fnode already marked free (blocknum>, block already marked free (blocknun>, block already marked good DESCRIPTION Free fnodesare fnodesfor whichno actualfilesexist. FREE designates fnodesas free by updatingboth the F[-{GS field of the fnodeand the free fnodesmap file. Freevolumeblocksare blocksthat are not part of anyfile; theyare availableto be assigned to any newor currentfile. FREE designates volumeblocksasfree by updating the volumefree spacemap. Whenyou usethe FREE commandto designate one or more bad blocksas "good,"it removesthe blocknumberfrom the bad blocksfile. However.FREE BADBLOCK does not designate the blocksasfree. To updatethe volumefree spacemap and designate theseblocksas free,usethe FREE BLOCK command. ERRORMESSAGES argùmenterror A syntaxerror wasmadein the command or a nonnumericcharacterwasspecified in the blocknumor fnodenumDarameter. < blocknum> , block out of range The block number specifiedwaslarger than the largestblocknumberin the volume. < fnodenum> , fnodeout of range The fnodenumberspecifiedwaslarger thanthe largestfnodenumberin the volume. Disk Verification 2-39 FREE no badblocksfile The volume doesnot havea bad blocksfile. This messagecould of theHumanInterface because anearlierversion appear FORMAT commandwasusedwhenthe diskwasformatted. not a nameddisk 2-40 FREE wasperformedon a physicalvolume. Disk Verification This commanddisplaysthe volume'sbad trackinformation.It canbe abortedby entering CONTROL-C. The format of GETBADTRACKINFO is x.1599 INPUT PARAMETERS None. OUTPUT The GETBADTRACKINFO commanddisplaysthe volume'sbad track informationas written by the manufactureror the HumanInterfaceFORMAT command.The output displayedby the GETBADTRACKINFOcommandis compatiblewith the format required by the Human InterfaceFORMAT commandwhen writing bad track informationon the disk. To usethe outputasinput to FORMAT, removethe first two lines,leavingonly the actualbad track information data. The displayis as follows: Bad track L-/ ! cccc cccc information: L^-r hh hh ss ss whereccccis rylindernumber,hh is the headnumberand ssis the sector number(always zero for all devicessupportedin this releaseof the operatingSystem). Disk Verification 2-41 GETBADTRACKINFO As mentionedabove,the outputof the GETBADTRACKINFOcommandcanbe usedas file. The whencreating thebadtrackinformation inputto theFORMATcommand examplebelow showshow to useGETBADTRACKINFO this way. -atÈachdevlce wnfdxo as :v: *exLt and removethe After exitingDISKVERIFY and rebootingthe system,edit :w:bad.lst headerlines. The file canthenbe usedasinDutto the bad track informationfile created by the FORMAT command. ERRORMESSAGES 2-42 I/O error whiletryingto readbad track information An I/O error occurredwhile readingthe bad trackinformation. No valid bad track info found Bad track information is not valid and cannotbe displayed. No bad track info found The areadesignated for bad track informationis emDtv. l)isk Verification This commandlistsall availableDisk VerificationUtilify commandsand providesa short descrintionof eachcommand.The formatof the HELP commandis F0214 OUTPUT In response to thiscommand, HELPdisplays thefollowing information: *heIp aLlocace/free fnodes (bî /r î) Control C di sk ( d, db/dw) display byte/vord (dd) display directory display fnode (df ) display next block (>, dnb ) display previous block (<,dpb) dlsplay save fnode (dsf) exÍ t, qui t bad blocks (lbb) list read (r) restore volune label (rvl) save (s, sb/sw) substltute byte/word ver ify \,Iri te (Lr) edit fnode (ef) edi t save fnode (esf) fix get bad track info (gb) nisc connands address block hex/dec add, +, sub, - , nul , *, div, /, rnod backup/restore DiskYerification a1l-ocate/free fnodes, space blocks, bad blocks to,/from save area backup/restore Inode file abort the comnand in progress display disk at tr ibute s format) display the buffer in (byte/word display the directory contents fnode information display 'next' volune block read and display 'previous' volume block read and display display saved fnode information ^..: c gur L r . ' ^ 1 , . .w^ E- :! ft -! ,) ursF bad blocks on the vol.ume list read a disk block into the buffer copy volurne 1abel from save area save free fnodes, free space & bad block (byte/word format) rnodify the buffer ..^-: 8.. ÈL^ naps r i -1. ,rite to the disk block from the buffer edit an fnode edit a saved fnode perforn varlous fixes on the voluue get the bad track info on the volume convert block nurnber co absolute address c o n v e r t a b s o l u t e a d d r e s s t o b l o c k n u r n b er display number as hexade c imal/de c imal nurnber operations on unsigned nurnbers afithmetic 2-4i all thebadblockson a namedvolume.Youcanabortthis Thiscommand displays commandby tlping a CONTROL-C.Theformatof the LISTBADBLOCKScommandis as follows: F0208 OUTPUT In responseto thiscommand,LISTBADBLOCKSdisplaysup to eightcolumnsof block numbersthat you specifiedas"bad."Figure2-2 illustratesthe format of the display. Badblocks on Volune: volumenurn (b I o cknurn) (blocknurn) (blocknr.uÈ (blocknurn) (blocknurn) (blocknum> Figure2-2. LISTBADBLOCKSFormat lf noneof the blockshavebeenmarkedas"bad",LISTBADBLOCKSdisplaysthe following message: no badblocks NOTE Bad tracksand bad blocksare different. Bad tracksare handledby the devicedriversin conjunctionwith the hardware,whereas,bad blocksare handledby the iRMX II BasicI/O System. 2-44 Disk Verification LISTBADBLOCKS ERRORMESSAGES no badblocksfiÌe Disk Verification The volume doesnot havea bad blocksfile. This messagecould appearbecause an earlierversionof the HumanInterface FORMAT commandwasusedwhenthe diskwasformattedor because the diskis a ohvsicalvolume. 2-45 The followingcommandsprovideyou with the abilityto performarithmeticand conversionoperationswithin the Disk VerificationUtility. The commandsperformthe operationson unsignednumbersonly and do not report anyoverflowconditions.When and decimalformat,it appearsin the numberis displayedin both hexadecimal For example: by the decimal numberin parentheses. followed format first, hexa where: < addr > Absoluteaddressin hexadecimal that corresponds to the speciîied blocknumber.This addressrepresents the numberof the bytethat beginsthe blockand canrangefrom 0 through(volumesize- 1), wherevolumesizeis the size,in bytes,of the volume. BLOCK The BLOCK commandis the inverseof the addresscommand.It convertsa 32-bit absoluteaddress(in hexadecimal) into a volumeblocknumber,so that you don't haveto performthisconversionby hand. The formatof thiscommandis where: address Absoluteaddressin hexadecimal that BI.OCK convertsinto a blocknumber. This parametercanrangeliom 0 through(volume size- 1),wherevolumesizeis the size,in bytes,of the volume. In response, BLOCK dispÌaysthe followinginformation: block nunber : where: < blocknum> Disk Verification Numberof the volumeblockthat containsthe specifiedabsolute addressin hexadecimal. The BLOCK commanddeterminesthis valueby dividingthe absoluteaddressby the volumeblocksizeand truncatinqthe result. 2-47 MISCELLANEOUS COMMANDS DEC This commandfindsthe decimalequivalentof a number. Its format is <'-y'--'<1:,-> where: arg equivalent.The Numberfor whichthe commandfindsthe decim-al valueof the argumentcannotbe greaterthan2'"-1. The default baseis in hexadecìmal. In response, the commanddisplaysthe decimalequivalentof the specifiednumber. DIV This commanddividesone numberby another.Its format is where: argl and arg2 Numberson whichthe commandoperates.It divides-arglby arg2. The valueof eachargumentcannotbe greaterthan 2rz-1. In response, the commanddisplaysthe unsignedintegerquotientin both hexadecimal and decimalformat. 2-48 Disk Verification MISCELLAN EOUSCOMMANDS HEX This commandfindsthe hexadecimal equivalentof a number. Its format is <3>1-r-> where: arg Numberfor whichthe commandfindsthe hexadecimal eouivalent. If you are speci$ring a decimalnumber,you mustspgify i "f' The valueofthe argumentcannotbe greaterthan2)z-1. In response, the commanddisplaysthe hexadecimal equivalentof the specìfietlnumber. MOD This commandfindsthe remainderof one numberdividedby another. Its format is uoo ,/--- -e' -.,'1] ! ''c'? where: argl and arg2 Numberson whichthe commandoperates.It performsthe operationargl moduloarg2. The valueof eachargumentcannot be greaterthan2-'z-l. In response, the commanddisplaysthe valueargl moduloarg2in both hexadecimal and decimalformat. Disk Verification 2-19 COMMANDS MISCELLANEOUS MUL This commandmultipliestwo numberstogether.Its formatis where: argl and arg2 The valueof each Numbersthe commandmultiplieslo^gether. argumentcannotbe greaterthan2'tz-1. the commanddisplaysthe unsignedproductof the two numbersin both In response, and decimalformat. hexadecimal SUB This command subtractsone number from another. Its li)rmat is where: argl and arg2 Numberson whichthe commandoperates.The command subtractsarg2from argl. The valueof eachargumentcannotbe ereaterthan2''z-1. the commanddisplaysthe unsigneddifferencein both hexadecimal and In response, decimalformat. 2-50 Disk Verification MISCELTANEOUS COMMANDS ERRORMESSAGES The followingerror messages maybe returnedby anyof the Miscellaneous Commands: argumenterror A syntaxerror wasmadein the command,a nonnumericvaluefor one of wasspecified,or a value the arguments for a blocknumberparameterthat was not a valid blocknumberwassoecified. < blocknum> , blockout of range lf the commandwasan ADDRESS command,the blocknumberenteredwas greaterthan the numberof blocksin the volume. < address > , addressnot on the disk If the commandwasa BLOCK command, BLOCK convertedthe addressto a volumeblocknumber,but the block numberwasgreaterthan the numberof blocksin the volunrc. EXAMPLES *l{ul, 134î, 13î 6cE ( 7142T) *+ 8, 4 0c ( 12r) *suB 8884, 256 8 6 2 E( 3 4 3 5 0 r ) *l{oD 1225, 256T 31r) 25 ( *HEx 155T 9B *ADDRESS15 absolute address - 0A80 *BLoCK2236 block nunber - 44 Disk Verification 2-51 This commandexitsthe Disk VerificationUtility and returnscontrolto the Human Interfacecommandlevel. The formatof the QUIT commandis asfollows: This commandis identicalto the EXIT command. ) -<, Disk Verilìcation This commandreadsa volumeblockfrom the diskinto the workingbuffer. The format of the READ commandis INPUT PARAMETER Numberof the volumeblockto read. This numbercan rangefrom 0 through(maxblocks- 1),wheremaxblocksis the numberof volumeblocksin the volume. blocknum OUTPUT ln responseto the command,READ readsthe blockinto the workingbutlèr and displays the followingmessage: read block nurnber: where is the number of the block. DESCR]PTION The READ command copies a specifiedvoÌume block from the volume to the working buffer. It destroysany data currently in the working buffer. Once the block is in the working buffer, you can use DISPTAYBYTE and DISPTAYWORD to display the block, and you can use SUBSTITUTEBYTE and SUBSTITUTEWORD to changethe data in the block. Finally, you can use the WRITE command to write the modified block back to the volume and repair damagedvolume data. ERROR MESSAGES argumenterror A nonnumericcharacterwasspecifiedin the blocknumparameter. < blocknum> , blockout of range The blocknumberspecifiedwaslarger than the largestblocknumberin the volume. FFFFFFFF.blockout of ranee No blocknumberwasspecifiedand no previousreadrequestwasexecutedon thisvolume. Disk Verification 2-53 This commandcopiesan fnodeor a rangeof fnodesfrom the R?SAVEfile to the fnode file. Beforechangingthe fnodefile, RESTOREFNODEdisplaysthe fnodenumberto be changedand promptsyou to confirm(by enteringa "y")that the fnodeis to be restored. R?SAVEmusthavebeenreserved(the RESERVEoptionof the FORMAT command musthavebeenspecified)whenthe volumewasformatted.The format of the RESTOREFNODEcommandis asfollows: REsTORÉFNODE fnodenum fnodenum 1 fnodenum2 INPUT PARAMETER fnodenum The hexadecimal numberof the fnodeto be restored.This number mustbe greaterthanor equalto zeroand lessthan the m.tximum numberof fnodesdefinedwhenthe volumewasfbrmatted. fnodenumI The initial hexadecimal fnodenumberin a rangeof fnodesto be restored.This numbermustbe greaterthan or equalto zero and lessthanor equalto the final fnodenumberin the range lfnodenum2l. fnodenum2 The final hexadecimal fnodenumberin a rangeof fnodesto be restored.This numbermustbe greaterthanor equalto the initial fnodenumberin the range(fnodenuml)and lessthan the marimumnumberof fnodesdefinedwhenthe volumewas formatted. OUTPUT Whenthe fnodeis restored(the response to the confirmationqueryis "Y" or "y"): ( fnodenurn)? Y restore fnode r e s È o r e d f n o d e nunber : ( fnodenr.un) 2-54 Disk Verification RESTOREFNODE to the confirmationqueryis not "Y"): When the fnodeis not restored(the response restore fnode ( fnodenur) ? DESCRIFTION The RESTOREFNODEcommandenablesyou to rebuilda damagedfnodefile, thereby re-establishing linksto datathat wouldotherwisebe lost. RESTOREFNODEcopiesan fnode or a rangeof fnodesfrom the R?SAVE file (the fnode backupfile) to the fnode file. Beforeeachof the specifiedfnodesis copied,RESTOREFNODEdisplaysa query promptingyou to confirmthat the indicatedfnodeis to be restored.You mustreplyto this querywith the letter "Y" (either"Y" or "y")to restorethe fnode. If you enterany RESTOREFNODEwill not restorethe fnotleandwill passon to the next other response, fnodein the range. SinceRESTOREFNODEoperateson the R?SAVEfile,you musthavereservedthis file the RESERVE whenthe volumewasformatted.(You reserveR?SAVEby specifuing parameterwhenyou invokethe FORMAT commandto formatthe volume.) lf the R?SAVEfile wasnot reservedwhenthe volumewasformatted,RESTOREFNODEwill return an error message. CAUTION When using this comrnand,be sure that any fnodeyou restore represents a file that has not beenmodified sincethe last fnodebackup. RESTOREFNODEoverwritesthe specifiedfnode in the fnodefile with the correspondingfnode in the R?SAVEfile. Ifthat fnode has not been backedup sincethe last file modification,a valid fnode may be fìle will be overwrittenwith invaliddata, Thus,all links to the associated DATA IN THE FILE. ALL THE and YOU WILL LOSE OF destroyed, ERRORMESSAGES argumenterror Whenthe commandwasentered,no argumentwassupplied.This command rctluiresan argument. no saveareawasreservedwhen volumewasformatted The volumewasnot formattedto support backupfnodes.This meansthe RESERVEoptionwasnot specified whenthe volumewasformatted. Disk Verification 2-55 RESTOREFNODE not a nameddisk The volume specifiedwhen the Disk Verification Utiiity wasinvokedis a physicalvolume,not a namedvolume. < fnodenum>, fnodeout of range The fnodenumberspecifiedis not in the rangeof 0 to (maximumfnodes- 1). allocationbit not set for saved fnode restorefnode < fnode num>? The fnode you specifiedhasnot been backedup in the R?SAVEfile. If you respondto the querywith a "Y", THE DATA IN THE FILE ASSOCIATED WIT]] THE ORIGINAL FNODE WILL BE LOST. EXAMPLE super- dfskverlfy : sd: iRl{X II Disk Verify Utility, Vx.x Copyrlght or rf 9,0B restored fnode number: 9 rescore fnode 0A? Y restored fnode nurnber: 0A restore fnodè 0B? Y rescored fnode number: 0B 2-56 Disk Verification This commandcopiesthe duplicatevolume label to the volume label on track 0. The duplicatevolumelabelmusthavebeenconstructed whenthe volumewasformatted. (That is, the RESERVE option of the FORMAT commandmust havebeen specified whenthe volumewasformatted.)The format of the RESTOREVOLUMEII,BEL commandis as follows: F 0 2 11 INPUT PARAMETERS None. OUTPUT volumelabelrestored DESCRIPIION The RESTOREVOLUMELABELcommandenablesyou to rebuilda damagedvolume label,therebyre-establishing linksto datathat wouldotherwisebe lost. RESTOREVOLUMEI-ABELcopiesthe duplicatevolumelabelto the volumelabeloffset on track0. Whenyou usethe HumanInterfaceFORMAT commandto createthe duplicatevolume label (by specifyingthe RESERVE parameter),the volume label is automatically copiedto the end of the R?SAVEfile. Becausethe contentsof the volume labeldo not change,no othervolumelabelbackupis required. If a duplicatevolumelabelhasbeenreseryedon a volume,the Disk VerificationUtility canaccessthat volumeasa Namedvolumeevenif the volumelabelis damaged.When the originalvolumelabelis corrupted,the Disk VerificationUtility attemptsto usethe duplicatevolumelabel. If the backuplabelis used,a "DUPLICATE VOLUME I-ABEL USED" message appearswhenthe utility is invoked. If the duplicatevolumelabelwasnot reservedwhenthe voiumewasformatted, RESTOREVOLUMEI-ABELwill returnan error messase. Disk Verification 2-57 RESTOREVOLUMELABEL ERROR MESSAGES argumenterror Whenthe commandwasentered,an argùmentwassupplìed.This command doesnot acceptan argument. no savearea was reservedwhen volume lvas formatted The volumehasnot beenformattedto supportvolumelabelbackup. not a named disk The volumespecifiedwhenthe Disk VerificationUtility wasinvokedis a physicalvolume,not a namedvolume. EXAMPLE supèr- diskverlfy : sd: Vx.x I R M XI l D l s k V e r i f y U t i l i t y , Copyrlght lntel Corporation :sd:, outstandlng connections to device have been deleted DUPLICATE VOLUMEU.BEL USED *restorevolune labe I or rvl , N A I 4 E D 2V ' ERIFICATION B I T M A P SO .K . *sAvE savè fnode map? y free fnode map saved save space nap? y free space map saved 2-60 Disk Verification This commandenablesyou to interactively changethe contentsof the workingbuffer(in byteformat). You canabortthis commandby typinga CONTROL-C. The format of the SUBSTTUTEBYTE commandis SUASrrÌUl€BYrE INPUT PARAMETER Numberof the first byte,relativeto the startof the workingbuffer, that you wantto change.This numbercanrangefrom 0 to (block size- l), whereblocksizeis the sizeof a volumeblock(and thus the sizeof the workingbuffer). If you omit this parameter,the a valueof 0. commandassumes offset OUTPUT In responseto the command,SUBSTITUTEBYTEdisplaysthe specifiedbyteandwaits for you to entera newvalue. This displayappearsas : val where < offset> is the numberof the byte,relativeto the startof the buffer,and val is the currentvalueof the byte. At this point,you canenterone of the following: . A valuefollowedby a carriagereturn. This causesSUBSTITUTEBYTEto substitute the newvaluefor the currentbyte. If the valueyou enterrequiresmore than one byte of storage,SUBSTITUTEBYTEusesonly the low-orderbyteof the value. It then displaysthe nextbytein the bufferand waitsfor furtherinput. . A carriagereturn alone.This causesSUBSTITUTEBYTEto leavethe currentvalue asis and displaythe nextbytc in the buffer. lt thenwaitsfor furtherinput. Disk Verifìcation 2-61 SUBSTITUTEBYTE . A valuefollowedby a period(.) and a carriagereturn. This causes SUBSTITUTEBYTE to substitutethe new value for the current b]'te. It then exits from the SUBSTITUTEBYTEcommandand givesthe asterisk(*) prompt,enabling you to enterany DISKVERIFY command. . A period (.) followed by a carriagereturn. This exitsthe SUBSTITUTEBYTE commandand givesthe asterisk(*) prompt,enablingyou to enteranyDISKVERIFY command. DESCRIP'TION With the SUBSTITUTEBYTE commandyou can interactivelychangebytesin the working buffer. Once you enter the command,SUBSTITUTEBYTE displaysthe offset and the valueof the first byte. You canchangethe byteby enteringa new bytevalue,or you canleavethe byteas is by enteringa carriagereturn. The commandthendisplaysthe nextbytein the buffer. In this manner,you canconsecutively stepthroughthe buffer, changingwhateverbytesare appropriate.Whenyou finishchangingthe buffer,you can entera periodfollowedby a carriagereturnto exit the commantl. The SUBSTITUTEBYTE commandconsidersthe working buffer to be a circular buffer. That is, enteringa carriagereturnwhenyou are positionedat the lastbyteof the buffer causesSUBSTITUTEBYTE to displaythe first byte of the buffer. The SUBSTITUTEBYTEcommandchanges only the valuesin the workingbuffer. To makethe changesin the volume,you mustenterthe WRITE commandto write the workingbufferbackto the volume. ERRORMESSAGES 2-62 argumenterror A nonnumericcharacterwasspecifiedin the offsetparameter. ,invalidoffset An offsetvaluelargerthan the numberof bytesin the block wasspecified. Disk Verification SUBSTITUTEBYTE EXAMPLE This examplechangesseveralbytesin two portions of the working buffer. Two SUBSTITUTEBYTE commandsare used. *SUBSTITUTEBYTE 0000: 0001: 0002: 0003: 0004: A0 80 E5 FF FF - 00 31 . *SUBSTITUÎEBYÎE 4O 0040: 00 - E6 0041: 0O - E6 0042: 00 - . Disk Verification 2-63 Thiscommand is identical to SUBSTITUTEBYTE, exceptthatit displays thebufferin wordvaluesin thebuffer.Theformatof the WORDformat,andsubstitutes SUBSTITUTEV/ORD command is EXAMPLE This examplechangesseveralbytesin two areasof the workingbuffer. Two SUBSTITUTEWORDcommandsare used. In the first commandthe wordsbeginon evenaddresses, and in the secondcommanC, theybeginon odd addresses. *SUBSTTTUTEgORD 0000 0002 0004 0006 0008 AOBO 0000 8 0 7 0 E51t- FFFF 3111 FFFF . *SUBSTITUTEi{ORD 35 0035: 0000 - E6FF 0037: 0000 - E6AB 0039: 0000 - . 2-64 Disk Veriffcation This commandchecksthe structureson the volumeto determinewhetherthe volumeis properlyformatted.You canabortthis commandby t)?ing a CONTROL-C. The tbrmat of the VERIFY commandis VERIFY NAMED PHYSICAL F 0211 INPUT PARAMETERS NAMEDl or Nl Checksnamedvolumesto ensurethat the infìtrmationrecordedin and matchesthe informationobtained the fnodesis consistent from the directoriesthemselves.VERIFY perfbrmsthe following operationsduringa NAMEDl verification: . Checksfnodenumbersin the directoriesto seeif they correspondto allocatedfnodes. . Checksthe parentlhodenumbersrecordedin the thodesto see if theymatchthe informationrecordedin the directories. o Checksthe fnodesagainstthe filesto determineif the thodes specif the properfile type. . Checksrhe POINTE,R(n)structuresof longfilesto seeif the indirectblocksaccuratelyreflectthe numberof blocksusedby thefile. . Checkseachfnodeto seeif the TOTAL SIZE, TOTAL BLKS, andTHIS SIZE fieldsare consistent. o Checksthe bad blocksfile to seeif the blocksin the file correspondto the blocksmarkedas"bad"on the volume. o Checksthe checksum of eachfnode. Disk Verilication 2-65 VERIFY NAMED2 or N2 Checksnamedvolumesto ensurethat the informationrecordedin the free fnodesmap and the volumefree spacemap matchesthe actualfilesand fnodes.VERIFY performsthe following operationsduringa NAMED2 verification: e Createsa free fnodesmapby examiningeverydirectoryin the volume. It thencomparesthat free fnodesmapwith the one alreadyon the volume. o Createsa free spacemapby examiningthe informationin the fnodes.lt thencomparesthat free spacemapwith the one alreadyon the volume. . Checksto seeif the blocknumbersrecordedin the fnodesand the indirectblocksactuallyexist. . Checksto seeif two or morefilesusethe samevolumeblock. If so,it liststhe filesreferringto eachblock. e Checksthe volumefree spacemap for anybad blocksthat are markedas "free." . Checksto seeif two or more directoriesreferencethe same fnode. If so,it liststhe directoriesreferringto eachfnode. NAMED or N Performsboth the NAMEDI and NAMED2 ooerationson a namedvolume. If you specifythe VERIFY commandwith no option,NAMED is the default. ALL Performsall operationsappropriateto the volume. For named volumes, thisoptionperformsborhthe NAMED andpHySICAL operations.For physicalvolumes,this optionperformsonly the PHYSICAL operations. PHYSICAL Readsall blockson rhevolumeandchecksfor I/O errors. This parameterappliesto both namedand physicalvolumes.VERIFY alsocreatesa bad blocksmap by examiningeveryblockon the volume. LIST Whenyou speci! thisoption,the file informationin Figure2-3 is displayedfor everyfile on the volume,evenif the file containsno errors. You canusethis optionwith all parametersthat,either explicitlyor implicitly,specifythe NAMED I paramerer. OUTPUT VERIFY producesa differentkind of outputfor eachof the NAMEDl, NAMED2, and PHYSICAL options.The NAMED andALL optionsproducecombinations of these threekindsof outDut. 2-66 Disk Verification VERIFY Figure2-3 illustratesthe formatof the NAMEDI output(\ùithoutthe LIST option). DEVICE NAI'IE: , NAì"ÍEDI' VERIFlCATION FILE- ( LEVEL: : PARENT: : TYPE: FILE- ( LEVEL:<1ev>: PAI{ENT: : TYPE: ffle- LEVEI--<1ev>: PARENT- : TYPE: 1 , r: Figure 2-3. NAMEDI Verification Output The followingparagraphs identifothe fieldslistedin Figure2-3. < devname> Physicalnameof the device,as specifiedin the ATTACHDEVICE Humanlnterfacecommand. < devsize> Hexadecimal sizeof the volume,in bytes. < blksize> Hexadecimal volumegranularity.This numberis the sizeof a volumeblock. Nameof thefile (l to 14characters). < fnodenum> Hexa Hexadecimal levelof the file in the file hierarchy.The root directoryof the volumeis the only level0 file. Filescontainedin the root directoryare level1 files. Filescontainedin level I directoriesare level2 files. This numberinscontinuesfor all levels of filesin the volume. < parnt> Fnodenumberof the directorythat containsthisfile, in hexadecimal. Disk Verification 2-67 VERIFY File type,eitherDATA (datafiles),DIR (directoryfiles),SMAP (volumefree spacemap),FMAP (freefnodesmap),BMAP (bad blocksmap),or VI-AB (volumelabelfile). If VERIFY cannot ascertainthat the file is a directoryor datafile, it displaysthe r****ù iÍr this field. characters with the previously Messages that indicatethe errorsassociated are listed later in this listed file. The possibleerror messages section. As Figure2-3shows,the NAMED1 option(withoutthe LIST option)displays informationabouteachfile that is in error. Ifyou usedthe LIST optionwjth the NAMED I option, the file information in Figure 2-3 is displayedfor everyfile, evenif the that file containsno errors. The NAMEDl displayalsocontainserror messages immediatelyfollowthe list of the affectedfiles. Figure2-4i.llustrates the formatof the NAMED2 output. If VERIFY detectsan error verification, it displaysone or more error messages in placeof the "BlT duringNAMED2 MAPS O.K.' messase. D E V I C E N A M E: (dermame) : DEVICE SIZE : (devsize> : BLK SIZE : (blksze) 'NA.t.fED2 ' VERI FICATION B I T M A P SO .K . Figure 2-4. NAMED2 Verificati{}nOutput The fieldsin Figure2-4 are exactlythe sameasthe corresponding fieldsin Figure2-3. Figure2-5 illustratesthe formatof the PHYSICAL output. DEVICE NAl.fE: : DEVICE SIZE : (devsize> : BLOCKSIZE : , P H Y S I C A L 'V E R I F I C A T I O N NO ERRORS Figure 2-5. PHYSICAL Verification Output 2-68 Disk Verification VERIFY fieldsin Figure2-3. The fieldsin Figure2-5are exactlythe sameasthe corresponding If VERIFY detectsan error duringPHYSICALverification,it displaysthe message: , blockbad The blocknumbersdisplayedin this message are markedas"bad." . . invalid block number recordedin the fnode/indirect block One of the POINTER(n) fields in the fnode specifiesblock numberslarger than the largestblock number in the volume. o directory stackoverflow This messageindicatesthat a directoryon the volume lists,as one of its entries,itself or one of the parentdirectoriesin its pathname.If this happens,the utiliry,when it searches throughthe directorytree,continuallyloopsthrougha portionof the tree, overflowingan internalbufferarea. In thiscase,performingNAMED2 verification may indicatethe causeof thisproblem. . file sizeinconsistent total$size= :this$size= :datablocks= The TOTAL SIZE, THIS SIZE, and TOTAL BLKS fields of the fnode are inconsistent. o < filetpe >, illegalfile type The file type of a user file, asrecordedin the TYPE field of the fnode, is not valid. The valid file typesand their descriptionsare asfollows: File Fpe SMAP FMAP BMAP DIR DATA VI-AB . Number 1 2 4 6 8 9 Descriorion volumefree spacemap free fnodesmap bad blocksmap directory data volume label file ,allocationstatusbit in this fnodenot set The file is listedin a directorybut the flagsfield of its fnodeindicatesthat fnodeis free. The free fnodesmap mayor maynot list the fnodeasallocated. . ,fnodeout ofrange The fnodenumberis largerthanthe largestfnodenumberin the fnodefile. 2-70 Disk Verification VERIFY . ,parentfnodenumberdoesnot match The fi.lerepresentedby fnodenumis containedwithin a directorywhosefnode number doesnot match the parent field of the file. e invalid blocknumrecordedin the fnode/indirect block One of the pointerswithin the fnodeor within the indirectblockspecifiesa block numberthat is largerthan the largestblocknumberin the volume. . insufficientmemory to createdirectorystack There is not enoughdynamicmemoryavailablein the systemfor the utility to perform the verification. . sum of the blks in the indirect block doesnot matchblock in the fnode The file is a long file, and the numberof blockslisted in a POINTER(n) field of the fnodedoesnot agreewith the numberof blockslistedin the indirectblock. . total-blocksdoesnot reflect the data-blockscorrectly The TOTAL BLKS field of the fnode and the number of blocksrecordedin the POINTERIn) fieldsare inconsistent. . Bad Checksum, checksumis : shouldbe: Checksum An invalidchecksumhasbeencalculated. NAMED2 Messages The following messages can appearin a NAMED2 display. . < blocknumI - blocknum2>,bad block not allocated The volumefree spacemap indicatesthat the blocksare free,but theyare markedas "bad"in the bad blocksfile. . ,blockallocatedbut not referenced The volume free spacemap lists the specifiedvolume block as allocated,but no fnode specifiesthe block aspart of a file. r ,blockreferencedbut not allocated An fnodeindicatesthat the specifiedvolumeblockis part of a file, but the volumefree spacemap liststhe blockasfree. Disk Verification 2-7| VERIFY . directorystackoverflow This message can indicatethat a directoryon the volumelists,as one of its entries, itselfor one of the parentdirectoriesin its pathname.If this happens,the utility, whenit searches throughthe directorytree,continuallyloopsthrougha portion of the tree,overflowingan internalbufferarea. The "MultipleReference" message (explainedbelow)mayhelpyou find the causeof thisproblem. o Fnodesmap indicatesfnodes> m:u$fnode The free fnodesmap indicatesthat thereare a greaternumberof unallocated fnodes thanthe maximumnumberof fnodesin lhe volume. r ,fnode-mapbit markedallocatedbut not referenced The free fnodesmap liststhe specifiedfnodeasallocated,but no directorycontainsa file with the fnodenumber. o ,fnodereferencedbut fnode-mapbit markedfree The specifiedfnodenumberis listedin a directory,but the free fnodesmap liststhe fnode as free. . Free spacemap indicatesVolumeblock > max$Volume$block The free spacemap indicatesthat thereare a greaternumberof unallocated blocks than the maximumnumberof blocksin the volume. . insufficientmemoryto createdirectorystack Not enoughdynamicmemoryis availablein the systemfor the utility to performthe verification. . insufficientmemoryto createfnodeand spacemaps During a NAMED2 verification,the utility tried to createa free fnodesmap and a volumefree spacemap. However,not enoughdynamicmemoryis availablein the systemto createthesemaps. . insufficientmemoryto createbad blocksmap During a PHYSICAL verification,the utility tried to createa bad blocksmap. However,not enoughdynamicmemoryis availablein the systemto createthe map. o Multiplereferenceto fnode Pathname: < full path name> referring fnodes: < fnodenum> Pathname:< full path name> Pathname: The directorieson the volumelist morethan one file associated with this fnode number. 2-72 Disk Verification VERIFY . Multiple referenceto block < blocknum> referring fnodes: Pathname: Pathname: < full path name> More than one fnodespecifies this blockaspart of a file. PHYSICAL Messages . < blocknum>, error An I/O error occurredwhen VERIFY tried to accessthe speciîiedvolume block. The volume is probablyflawed. Miscellaneous Messases The followingmessages indicateinternalerrorsin the Disk VerificationUtility. Under (or normalconditionsthesemessages shouldneverappear.However,if thesemessages verification, other undocumented messages) do appearduringa NAMEDl or NAMED2 you shouldexit the Disk VerificationUtility and re-enterthe DISKVERIFY command. directorystackempty directorystackerror directorystackunderflow EXAMPLE The followingcommandperformsboth namedand physicalverificationon a named volume. *VERIFY ALL DEVICE NAÌ'IE: F1 : DEVICE SIZE : 0003E900 : BLoCK SIZE : 0080 ,NAI4EDI' VERIFICATION ,NA.I{ED2'VERIFICATION B I T } , I A P SO . K . , PHYSICAL' VERIFICATION NO ERRORS Disk Verification 2-7t This commandwritesthe contentsof the workinsbufferto the volume. The format of this commandis b l o c k num F0 2 1 0 INPUT PARAMETER blocknum Numberof the volumeblockto whichthe commandwritesthe workingbuffer. If you omit this parameter,WRITE writesthe bufferbackto the blockmostrecentlvaccessed. OUTPUT In responseto the command,WRITE displaysthe followingmessage: write to block is the numberof the volumeblockto whichWRITE intendsto write the workingbuffer. If you respondby enteringY or anycharacterstringbeginningwith y or y, WRITE copiesthe workingbufferto the specifiedblockon the volumeand displays the following message: written to block nunber: Any other responseabortsthe write process. DESCRIPTION The WRITE commandis usedin conjunctionwith the READ, DISPT-AYBYTE, DISPI-AYWORD, SUBSTITUTEBYTE, and SUBSTITUTEWORD commandsto modifyinformationon the volume. Initiallyyou useREAD to copya volumeblockfrom the volumeto a workingbuffer. Thenyou canuseDISPTAYBYTEand DISPI-A,YWORD to view the buffer and SUBSTITUTEBYTE and SUBSTITUTEWORDto changethe buffer. Finally,you can useWRITE to write the modifiedbufferbackto the volume. By default,WRITE copiesrhe bufferto the block mostrecentlyaccessed by a READ or WRITE command. A WRITE commanddoesnot destroythe datain the workingbuffer. The dataremains the sameuntil the nextSUBSTITUTEBYTE,SUBSTITUTEWORD.or READ commandmodifiesthe buffer. 2-74 Disk Verification WRITE ERRORMESSAGES argumenterror A syntaxerror wasmadeor nonnumeric characters werespecifiedin the blocknumparameter. < blocknum> , blockout of range The blocknumberspecifiedwaslarger than the largestblocknumberin the volume. FFFFFFFF,blockout ofrange No blocknumwasspecifiedand no previousreadrequestwasexecutedon thisvolume. EXAMPLE The followingcommandcopiesthe workingbullèr to the blockfrom whichit wasread. *I.RITE wrire 48? y wrltcen to block number: 48 Disk Verification 2-75 CHAPTER 3 BACKINGUPAND RESTORING FNODES 3.1 INTRODUCTION To access dataon a namedvolume(suchasa disk),the iRMX Il OperatingSystemusesa mechanism commonto virtuallyall operatingsystems:it maintainsan indexto everyfile on the disk. Thisindexis createdwhenthe diskis formattedandremainsasa permanent structureat a dedicatedlocationon the clisk.The indexconsistsof a systemof pointers that indicatethe locationof the datafileson the disk. Thus,whendatamustbe storedon or retrievedfrom the disk,the operatingsystemcanfind the exactlocationof the appropriatefile by lookingup the file namein the index. In the operating system, the indexconsists of the iRMX ll volumelabelandan fnodefile. This volumelabelresidesat the samelocationin all devicesand seruesasthe initial entry point into the device.The fnodefile canresidean).where on the disk (specifiedwhenthe disk is formatted)and containsa seriesof individualstructurescalledfile dcscriptornodes or "fnodes."Thereis one fnodefor eachlle on the disk. The lnodecontainsinformation essentialto accessing and maintainingthe respective file. The iRMX II file structurefor a namedvolumeis organizerJ asa hierarchicaltree. That is,thereis a root directorywith branchesto otherdirectoriesand ultimately,to files. The organization of the fnodefile reflectsthis hierarchical structure.The iRMX II volume labelcontainsa pointerto the fnodeof the file structure'sroot directory.The root directoryis alwaysthe startingaddressfor anyfiìe or directoryon the volume. It listsalÌ the first levelfilesand directorieson the volume. First leveldirectoriespoint to second levelfilesand directories,and so on, downthe hierarchical structure. As previouslymentioned,eachfile or directoryis represented by an fnode. The fnode, alongwith other datadescribingthe file or directory,containspointersto blockson the volume. If the fnodedescribes a shortfile, theseblockscontainthe actualfile data. If the fnodedescribes a longfile, theseblockscontainpointcrsto otherblockscontainingthe actualdata. If the fnodedescribes a directory,theseblockscontainentrieswhichdescribe the contentsof the directorv.Eachentrvliststhe fnodenumberand nameof the associated file or directory, The operatingsystemcreatesthe iRMX Il volumelabeland the lìode file whenthe disk is formatted. Disk Verification 3-l BACKING UP AND RESTORINGFNODES fnodesin the fnodefile is controlledby the FILES parameter The numberof unallocated fnodes,seven(with an option of the FORMAT command.In additionto the unalìocated whenthe fnodefile is created.Theseallocated of eight)allocatedfnodesare established fnodesrepresent . the fnode file . the volumelabelfile - R?VOLUMEIABEL . the volumefree spacemap file - R?SPACEMAP o the free fnodesmap file - R?FNODEMAP o the bad blocksfile - R?BADBLOCKMAP . the root directory . file, the spaceaccounting . Optionally,the duplicatevolumelabellile - R?SAVE For a full descriptionof thesefiles,seeAppendixA "Structureof A NamedVolume." to the root, the Thereafter,whenfilesor directoriesare creiìteddirectlysubordinate operatingsystemmustadjusta pointerin the root fnodeto indicatethe fnodenumberof clirectories subordinate to the root must the new datafile or directoryfile. Subserluently, alsohavetheir pointersadjustedwhentheybecomeparentsto a new datafile or directory. This methodof storingand retrievingdataon a disk hasone majordrawback.All access to fileson the disk is throughthe iRMX II volumelabeland the fnodefile. If eitherthe volumelabelfile or the fnodefile is damagedor destroyed, there is no practicalway to recoverdataon the disk. The backupand restorefnodesfeatureenablessomerecoveryof datalost asa resultof damageto the fnodefile or the iRMX II volumelabel. With this feature,you createa backupversionof the volumelabeland all the fnodeson the disk. The backupversionis storedin one of the innermosttracksof the diskwherethe chanceof accidentallossof data is minimal. (In normaluse,the disk headsdo not extendto the innermosttracks.) To implementthis feature,the Human InterfaceFORMAT commandhasbeenmodified to includean optionalparameter-- RESERVE. This versionof the FORMAT command createsa file namedR?SAVEin the innermosttrackof the volume. A copyof the iRMX II volumelabelis placedin the front (that is,the physicalend) of the file and an fnodeis allocatedfor R?SAVEin the fnodefile. (The fnodefor the R?SAVEfile is allocatedout of the fnodesreservedthroughthe FILES parameterof the FORMATcommand. Thus, ifyou specify"FILES = 3000"whenyou format,only 2999of thosefnodeswill remain availableafter the R?SAVEfnodehasbeenallocated.)Finally,FORMAT copiesthe fnodefile into R?SAVE. a-) Disk Verifîcation BACKINC UP AND RESTORINGFNODES Noticethat the FORMAT commandcreatesa backupof the fnodefile in its initialized state. R?SAVEis not subsequently updatedasfilesarewritten to or deletedfrom the volume. Therefore,you will haveto usethe BACKUPFNODES Disk Verification Utility commandor the BACKUP optionof the HumanInterfaceSHUTDOWN commandto backup the fnodefile at regularintervals.If the volumelabelor the fnodefile become you canattemptto recoverliles on the volumeby usingthe Disk Verification damaged, Utility commands(RESTOREFNODEand RESTOREVOLUMETABEL)to rebuildthe index. To assistin this process, the DISPI-AYSAVEFNODEDisk VerificationUtility commandenablesyou to look at individualfnodesstoredin the R?SAVEfile. Sincethe contentsof the iRMX II volumelabeldo not change,the copyof the volume labelin R?SAVEis alwaysvalid. Therefore,you canrestorethe volumelabelat anytime regardless of whenthe R?SAVEfile waslastupdated.(Whenthe Disk Verification a damagedvolumelabel,it automatically usesthe backupvolumelabel Utility encounters if the R?SAVEfile is present,however,it doesnot restoreunlessexplicitlyinstructed.) CAUTION One noteof caution: The fnodefìle is changedeachtime a volumeis modified (that is, eachtime a fìle or directory is created,written to, or deletedfrom the volumel. Therefore.valid restorationcan be assured only for fnodeswhoseassociatedfiles or directorieshavenot been changedsincethe last backup. If the fnodesare not backedup after eachmodificafion,the structureof the R?SAVEfile will differ from that of the fnode file. Somefnodesin R?SAVEmay not be assoriatedwith the samefiles as the corresponding fnodesin the fnodefile. Attemptingto recoverfnodesunderthese because the RESTOREFNODE commandwill conditionsis dangerous ovenvritewhat may be a valid fnode in the fnodefile. While the backupand restorefnodesleatureis a usefulaid in attemptingto recoverdata your system, on a volume,this capabilityis limitedin scope.If you are troubleshooting you maywant to backup the fnodeson the systemdisk beforetakinganyactionthat may risk the disk'sintegrity.You may alsodecideto backup the fnodeson a routinebasis (beforeor duringeachsystemshutdown,for instance)so that the R?SAVEfile is always and wherea volumeis accessed relativelycurrcnt. However,undernormalcircumstances, practical. The modifiedfrequently,backingup the fnodesaftereachmodificationis not mostpracticalsolutionis to backup the fnodefile oncea dayusingthe BACKUP option of the SHUTDOWN command. Disk Verification J-J B A C K I N G L I P A N I ) R E S T O R I N GF N O I ) E S protectionfrom the loss Note that this featureis not intencled to proviclecomprehensive with damagediRMX Il volumelabelsor fnodefiles. Rather,it offersa of dataassociated tool that,whenproperlyapplied,canbe usefulin maintainingvolumeintegrityin certain protectionagainstlossof datausethe HumanInterface situations.For comprehensive BACKUPcommand. ANDRESTORE 3.2 USINGFNODEBACKUP T o u s e t h e f n o d e b a c k u pa n d r e s t o r ef e a t u r e ,y o u m u s t u s e V e r s i o n L l ( o r l a t e r ) o f t h e I I u m a n I n t e r f a c eF O R M A T c o m n u r n da n r lt h e V e r s i o n2 . 0 ( o r l a t e r ) o f t h e D i s k V e r i f i c a t i o nU t i l i t y . U s e d t o g e t h er , t h e s ev e r s i o n so f t h e F O R M A T c o m m a n da n d t h e D i s k V e r i f i c a t i o nU t i l i t y e n a b l ey o u t o . f o r m a t a v o l u m et o c r e : ì t et h e b a c k u pf i l e ( R ? S A V E ) . b a c k u p t h e f n o r i e so f a n y f i ì c sw r i t t e n t o t h e v o l u m e . e x a m i n et h e c o n t r ì n t so f t h c h l c k u p f i ì e ( R ' I S A V E , ) . restore damagedfnodcs . r e s t o r et h e v o l u n i el a b e l . edit fnodes or savefnodcs 'l his section describeshou, to perlìrrm each of thcse operations. A brief overview of the o p e n r t i o ni s f o l l o w e db y o n c o r n r o r ee x a m p l e so f a t y p i c a li m p l e m e n t a t i o n .l n t h e e x u m p l e sb, l u e o r h o l d e dt e x t i n d i c a t e sa n e n t r yy o u m a k e f r o m y o u r t e r m i n a l . S t a n d a r d t y p e ( t h i s i s s t a n d a r dt y p e ) i n d i c a t e ss y s t e mo u r p u rr o y o u r r e r m i n a l . 3.2.1 Creatingthe R?SAVEFnodeBackupFile Ilyou intendto buckupthevolumelrrbelantlthe liodeson a volumc', you mustfirstcreate the RISAVE backupfile on the innermost tracksof thevolume.To do so,you must invokeVersion2.0oî the HumanInterface FORMAT command, specifying the RESERVEoption.NOTE THAT THE FORMAT COMMAND OVERWRITESALL OF THE DATA CURRE,NTLYON THE DISK. Thereftrre,makea backupcopyof any îilesyouwishto saveusingthe HumanlnterfaceBACKUPcommand. Oncethe volumehasbeenformtttecì,the R?SAVEfile will contaìna copyof the fnode file inclutlingthe allocatedliodes (R?SPACE,MAP, R?FNODEMAP,erc.). Therefore, you neednot backup the lìode file immediatelyafter formattingthe volume. PROCEI)URE Fromthe Iluman Interface, invokethe FORMAT command, specifying the RESERVE Darameter. 3-,1 Disk Verification BACKING UP AND RESTORINGFNODES EXAMPLE Assumethat you havebootedyour systemfrom a flexibledisketteto format the system disk. The commandlisted below formats the disk and createsthe R?SAVE backuofile. The initialized fnode fiìe is cooied into R?SAVE. -attachdevlce carbo as :nydlsk: -fornat ;aaydlskr 1l - 4 ftles = 3000 reserve (CR> volume ( ) will be fornatced as a NAÌ.IEDvolurne granularity L,O24 nap start lnterleave 4 * 3000 files extensionsize 3 yes save area reserved bad track/sector Ínformation written - no : 15, 984K volume size 1lr t.L I r llr 7,859 I r - t - Ll - t I vol,u.ne fornalted The disk hasnow beenformatted.A file namedR?SAVEhasbeenreservedin the innermosttracksof the disk. (If you usethe Disk VerificationUtility DISPI-AYDIRECTORYcommandon the volumeroot fnode(fnode6) or the Human InterfaceDIR commandwith the invisible(l) optionon the volumeroot directory,you will find an fnodelistedfor R?SAVE.) R?SAVEcontainsa duplicatecopyof the fnodes in the fnodefile. That is, R?SAVEcontainseightallocatedfnodes(R?SAVE, R?SPACEMAP,R?FNODEMAP,etc.)and 2,999unallocated fnodes.(Remember,the R?SAVEfnodeis allocatedout of the 3,000fnodesspecilìedthroughthe FILES parameter.) 3.2.2 Backingup Fnodeson a Volume DESCRTPTION To backup the fnodeson a volume,you musthavepreviouslyreservedthe backup file R?SAVEwhenthe volumewaslbrmatted.Thereatìer,anymodificationto the volume (creating,writingto, or deletinga file) requiresthat the fnodesbe backedup if the R?SAVEfile is to containan accuratecopyof the fnodefile. You canbackupthe fnodeon a volumeeitherby: . Usingthe Human InterfaceSHUTDOWN commandwirh the BACKUP option . Usingthe BACKUPFNODESoptionof DISKVERIFY (seeChapter2) Disk Verification 3-5 BACKING UP AND RESTORINGFNODES EXAMPLE I This exampleshowshow to backupthe fnodefile usingSHUTDOWN with the BACKUP option. The BACKUP optionallowsyou to copythe volumefnodefile to its duplicate file, R?SAVE,on anyattachedvolume. super-SHUTDoIIN B