700121_Extension_Of_The_PDP 11_Instruction_Set 700121 Extension Of The PDP 11 Instruction Set
User Manual: 700121_Extension_Of_The_PDP-11_Instruction_Set
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- Thll drlwlng end sneelffeatlonl, h.ereln. are the property of Dlgltll Equ'''~en~ Cor-oraton ~nd s~all not be reproduced or cop'e or u~d In W o.e or in part. as the basis for the manufacture or sa:e of items without written permission. \ PDP-K Technical Memoranda #~ 2 Title: Extension of PDP-ll Instruction Set • Author (s) : Ad van de Goor Index Keys: Instruction Sets Opcode Space Modes Stack Operations Distribution Keys: K Revision: None Obsolete: None Date: 21 January 1970 -1- 0.0 ABSTRACT Scver~l sot ore methods of extending the PDP-Il instruction di~cussed. Coding comparisons are made. Subject to the trivial weighting scheme used, two solutions were excluded from further analysis because of their poor performance. The "multiply/ divide" subsolution as discussed in sections 4.4 and 5e4 was the best performer. -21.0 INTRODUCTJON A more elaborate vers·ion of the PDP-l1/20 is considered as a possible candidate-for the PDP-K. It is felt that if the PDP-K is a member of the PDP-Il family, sUbstantial gains could be" obtained from: 1.1 upw-arda program compat.ibili ty For DEC this would mean a lower total software investment., and new machin.s could be introduced mo~e easily as present PDP-l! software would run on PDp-x. For customers this would mean that they could move to a larger machine without the direct need for reproqramming. 1.2 Peripheral compatrbility only one line of peripheral devices" has to be built. The introd~ction. of a new machine could be done more easily for thi. reason. Any new peripheral device would b. available for the whole f_l~y. -3- 2.0 PROBLEMS IN ADAPTING TIlE PDP-ll ARCiITECTURE TO BIGGER MACHINE Au ~o important problems of the PDP-ll have to be sol ved in order to meet the PDP-I( requ:ir aments. 2.1 Limited number of instructions and Itmited amoUilt of opcode apace left. For the PDP-K . three more class.. of instructions conaidered: are 2 .1.1. BAE ins truc:tiona , i .•. , rotate/ shift and multiply/divid~ for 16-bit word.~ 2.1.2 Double Precision Integer Ari~~c Instruction•• 2.2 Liaited Address Spa~ The total amount of addre.sable core ....ory on the PDP-ll/20 is 65K (l~ • i . 1024) bytes, or 32K 16-bit words. Por a big 32-bi~ version of the. PDP-ll· this would only mean l6l( 32-bit word. could be addr•••ed, which is certainly not adequate for auch • machill•• -4- 3.0 PUR~OSE OF MEMORANDUM The purpose of this memol:;andum is to examine the suggested methods -of solving the first problems: extending the basic PDP-ll instruction set. An acceptable solution. subject to several constraints, will be sought. 3.1 program compatibility at language level.. 3.2 ~oa.t on the as.embly • in programming by .in~1zin9 ~. number o£ instruction format. and restrictions S~licity imposed on inatructions • . 3.3 3.4 opcode .pace left for future tlXpaftuion. Opcod•• of the largest member of the family have to fit ill the added iD.truction set. thus miniaiziAq the Dumber of fOrllAta. and making progr~nq .a.ier. -5- 4.0 POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS If _ .... Four possible solutions to the opcode space problem are shown below. l~ey are followed by a discussion in se\.~tion 4.1 5: o. Implement new instructions as "pure stack" instructions (i.e .. , zero address). Each new" instrnction can l'lOW be specified with one combination out of 216. This allows for hundreds of new instructions. Any binary operation (like multiply, diviae, etc.), would'take the ~o operands from t.he top of the stack, and leave the .,:-: result on the top of the stack. Register 6 would be used as the implied stack pointer. 4.2 Introduce a flag to indicate that the remainder of the word contai.ninqthe flag (note: remainder can be == 0) and the next word form a new instruction. Depending on the length of the flag. two cases exist. • Inatruction ",.".,-_._"".., [.,.::. . ==W~=~d=::~=:] ... ...,16-Bit Flag 4.2~2 . 1..... - _-_-w=or_d-_-5=+=2=1 L ..... Bar Instruction Partial Word Plaq ... ..... Flag ~New Instruction iJ.'he advan'tage of thl.. technique ia that t!wa 1l.8W' instn"Lctiona can have the SUie aource-dest:ination forma~ as the stand41rd (i ••• # currrent PDP-ll/20) # instructions. -6- The disadvantage .is that every new instruction takes two words. The partial word flag case offers the adva~tage of a greater number of new instructions at the expense of somewhat more complicated hardware. 4.3 Modes mode is a (hardware) state of the processor to allow instructions to be interpreted differently. Basically two kinds of mod•• have to be recognized: A 4.3.1 ~ter 4.3.2 Enter mod•• for a specified number of instruction. after which the mode is switched back to the standard mode autOlftatically. and leave modes only with dedicated commands (i .. e., only switch modes when an instruction specifi.a to do 80). The advantage ~of IROde8 i . that instructions in any mode are only 1 word long. The disadvantage is that .peeial inatructions have to be given to enter. and in the ca•• of 4.3.1. to leave the mode. 4.4 u•• R•••rved lIultiply!Divide Space 'these two opeode apac.. are not uaed in the PDP-ll/20. The to-be-added two-operand instruction. can be implemented •• aourced •• tiAation instructions where the' .f:ack is one implied operand, and the 8.econd operand is .pacified with the full 6-bit dEtstinaticm field ot the instruction. One of the.e 6 bits can be used .s a direction bit such that operations can have either ~eir source or destination as the implied stack. This allO\l's for 32nf'!W instructions to be specified .. -75.0 EVALUATION OF PROPOS~p SOLUTIONS When e~aluating the proposed solutions, the irnplementatio:'l of a 32-bit version of t.he POP-Ii should be included.. Fer such a" machine. double-preci~ion floating point instruct:i:ons, together with EAE instructions, operating on 32-bit registers a.ce desirable, (assuming that these instructions can operate on registers). This means that opcode space for those instructions has to be regerved to provide for their efficient operation. Simplicity in programming and machine organization dictate that the number of instruction formats for the three classes of new instructions. (as discussed in section 2.1), should be minimal. In order to ~ake the extended instruction set more acceptable, it is very desirable to make the added instructions fit in currently existing formats, or add at Most a single new format. Several coding comparisons are done to assist in the evaluation, The five problems below (Pl-PS), are considered representative" The a ••umptions made in codinq the problems can be deduced frca the listed code i.n Appendi.xes A-D. The variable. A, B. C, D and E are considered single precision floating point (32-bit numbers). P]: A"-B*C P2: P3: P4: P5: Af (B+C) * (J>+E) A (i} .....a (i) *e (1') A(i) ...B.(i+3) *C{i*5) A (i, j)+-A (i. j) +8 (i.Jc.) *C (k, j) /sillple case ltemporary variable case /aubscripted case /mixed arithmetic (::ase Imultl-d~en8~onal array case PS is an exaaple of the inner-loop 8tat.eraent of the array mul tiplication: ~]...-1)1 * [cJ. l·t is a.swned that the array bounds are declared frCD 0 to u. For array B this would be: Real Array 8 (0 - bul, 0 - bti2) ." The first index of IS 90es t.o bul. the second to bu2. It will be •••umed that the index•• are in registers R:L. Rj. and Rk. Assuming'that the index•• i and j are in register Ri and Rj, the value B (i. j) will be address as follows: Location of B(i.j) :c location of B (i.e., starting location of aatrix) + i*bul+j). -8-- 5.1 ,;. Pure Stack Operations In order to make the pure stack operations efficient, one of the opcode spaces reser"ed for lrtul tiply/d i vide has to be used for a double move (MOVD' instructions. MOVD:Move 2 words (32 bit!') from S (OU":cc) D (estination) . Thia instruction is required especially in a 32-bit machine. The one bina:cy op::ode .pat.;f! left can be used to implement the EAE instructions. 1 Theinstruction format would be as foll'Ns: OPERATION DESTINATION wI 3 (6 -:] ...." 3 3 ......................___-""'f'" RifGISTER This saae format 1. uae4 for t).e JSR (IIUbroutine eall) instruction. '!'be EAE instruc1.iona are made to o~rate on regiat.er8 only.. The regist.er involved is • • peqifi~ by the 3 " reg iaterr.{ bib. The value of the effective 4.id4r•• a of the ttd•• t.inat;ion decerain•• the number of p:isitions to be shifted or rotated~ Because the aute,·ina_ent and autodecrement mod•• do not; apply to these in.t.r1.l.ctions, one of the 2 NOde bit. can b. u.ed to specify a .ingle or caatbined operati.on, (1 .... " aea PDP-lO LSH. LSHC, etc.). Ther.... ining .p"ea can be used to implement in.truC1l;i0D8 like EXCHANGE, REPEAT, etc. Appendix A give. the coding axaaplea for the fiva probl.... The handling of ault;.-d~n.ional arrays i . very cwabersocae becau.. the nddre". computations have to be done on the stack. Introducing a aec:cm4 Nt of 16-blt IlNltiply/divicle instructions iapl. . .nted aa the above EA.B ir..atructions will solve thi. preble. at t:be expI:~.Cl of a BlOre complex instruction •• t. SubcolUBl Tel'!; 1 MPD of Section 6 show. the iaprov.aent gained b~' thia .. lExcept for 16-bit mult~ly/divid. U -9- 5.2 Fl199ed Instructions Th~~ coding examples shown in Ap.Pf,-lndix B are the same for alternativ£!s 4 . 2.1 and 4.2.2. 4.2.2 Is proferable only if the additional opcode space is neE!ded.. It is su99ttsted that tl'le EAE multiply/ divide instruction \1i11 be implel'lented in the space "reserved" fo~c them. The EAE rotate/shift ins'cructions have t f j be implemer ted as .t fla9ged u instructions, the format would }:'. similar to that dis~~ssed in section 5~1.1 eXCGlt for the f~ag. The doUble precision integer an, floating point inst.ructi 7.3 The. most p remising solution thi"i far is the "multiply/div·id." subsolution.. It consistentl~l scorad highest or second highest -19- APPENDIX A PURE STACK CODING EXAMPLES . . pl: '. now c, - ItOVD B. - /move C to the stac:k /fMlve B to the .tack /floating .nltiply B*C latore result in A (SP) (SP) }'MUL (SP) +,A ~OVD P2: }\. .... ---(SiC) M(\1D * (D+E) 8. -. (SP) c, - (SP) M(lD /f19atiog add B+C F}!)D D, (SP) E, -(SPj MelD MO'D /float.iDg add 0+. /flo&t1ng lMIltiply (I>+E). (:a+e) FAC "1, MOD P3~ A(.i) ~-8 .. (1) *c (1) MOV) MOV) C (Ri) .. B (R1), - /a.~ (S') (8P) /110". indeK i 1. in register ai C(i) to the .tack PMtl~ MOV) P4: ... +, A CRi) (SP) A(i, ~-B (1+3) *C (1*5) Ri.a. MOV AD!> M'J\'l' *3. Ra 8 (Ra). MOV Ai. - MOV .s~ - /iadex - (I.) (S.' (IP) lHUL MOV 1+3 fOftle4 MOVD (SP)+. RII C(Ra). - (SP) FMUL MOVD (SP)+, A(ai) /caapu~e 1*5 .ad OD top of af:ack /st:ore renlt 1.... 1 word result -20APPEND IX A (CONT • ) P5: A(i, j)......- A{i, j) +8 (i,k) *C(k, j) MOV MOV IMUL MOV ADD -- Ri, #bul. (SP) (SP) +, Rk, Rs (SP) Ra MOV B(Rs), - (SP) Rk. - (SP) MOV #cul, MOVD - lMUL MOO ADD R.i, C(Rs) MOV (SP) (SP) +, Rs MOVD FMUL MOY IRs contains index for array C R8 I a'"-, - #aul, lMUL - (SP) (SP) (SP) - ADD +, Ra Rj, Rs MOV'D A(R8). MOV IRs contain. index for array B /put B (i,k) on stack (SP} -. /R- contain. index for array C (5P) FADD MOW (SP) +, A(Rs} I.tore r ••ult -21APP~IX B FLAGGED INSTRUCTIONS CODING EXAMPLES PI: A ~ MOVD FMUL p2: FADD B,A C,A MOVD D, - (SP) P5: /A =- B+C now FADD c, FMUL (SP) +,A (SP) /top of the stack is C+D A{i} ....... ------B(i).C(i) MOVD FADD P4: /move B to A B,A C,A A ..... - - - - - - ( B + C ) * (D+E) MOVO P3: B*C B(Ri), A(Ri) C(Ri), A(Ri) ACi) ...... ------B(i+3)*C(i*5) NOV Ri, ADD *3, b B(Ra), A(Rl) NO" MOL Rt, Rs *5, R.a FMUL C(Ra), A(Ri) A(l, j) ....... ----A(i. j)+ 8 (l,1tl .a MOV al, MUL ADO 1IN1, ... MOVD B(R.). - (SP) MOV Jtlc. ••• #cul, Ita alt. . . FMUL r«:JlI Rj, R8 C (Ra), (SP)· Iti. R8 NUL kul, .a ADD Rj. R8 (8P) +, A(R8)", PADD • IRa i . a acratch regiater as MOVD· KUL ADD /move.B(i) to A(i) /index for B (1+3) exaputed * C(k, j) , linda for .(i,k) ccaputed / index 10% C (k, j) COIIIp\lted lineSex -22- APPENDIX C MODE CODING EXPMPLES pl: A'" R*C /enter extended mode EEM B.A C,A MOVD FMUL /leave extended mode LEM p2: A .. (B+C) * (D+E) /enter extended mode EEM a,A C,A MOVD FADD MOVD D" - (SP) c, (SP) (SP) +, A !'ADD PMUL LEM P:i: A(1) ... /leave extended 1BOd. & (1) *c (i) BDI 1*4: IIOVD .(al), A(Ri) !'MOt:.. LEN e{ltl), A (Ili) A(i) ... B (i+3) *C(i*S) MOV Ri,Ra ADD .3, RtI £EM . J«>VO LEN MOV MOL EEN FMUL LDl . p';,,' • A(.i, j) MOY MOL • (as) , A(Ri) Ri, R8 *5" . R8 C(R.), A(Ril' ACi, j) + Bti,x) *bul, b Rk, ••. MOVO BCRa), - LEN MUL ADD Rk. RII *<:aI, b B (i,k) /index for C (k, j) coaputed c01I.pUted - Itj, b C(RS)~ lindex for (SP) • EDt F'r.1UL C(k,j) -Ri, b ADD £EM MaV * (SP) -23AVPENDIX C MODE CODING P5: EX~lPLES Cont. LEM MOV MUL ADD Ri, Rs #aul, Rs Rj, Rs EEM FADD (s P) + , LEM /index for A(i,j) computed A ( Rs ) . T' pi: A ....... - .- ~10\''D R, - (SP) ""~ove FMUL c, /multiply c with t0P of t::e ,/move result to A A ..... MOVD B,-(SP) FADD c, MOVl) D,-eSP) L, (SP) (Sr·') +, (SP) MOVD A (i~ . - - (:;p~ +,1\ B (i) * C (i) - t-10VD A{i) .... SCi"'3) + C(i* 5) MOV Hi, Rs :: 3, Rs B(Rs), - (SP) FMUL AD;) MOVV /index i+) in Rs ~'1()V Ri, - (SP) I~~t;L ;t5, (SP) ~·~C-J (SP) +, Rs C (Rs) , (SP~ (SP) +, A (Ri) /index i*5 in Rs .l\{i,j) + B(i,k) '* F~~; rr .J-,-" r-tOVD P5: (SP) B (Ri) , (SP) C (Ri) , (SP) (SP) +" A (Ri) MOVD P4: B to the sta·~k (B+C) * (D+E) FADD FMUL p3: (~~P) (SP)+,A MOVD p2: ~~*C A{i, j) ..... - - MOV Ri, 11-ruL ~ibul, (SP) ( SP) Me)V (S p) +, ADD Rk, Rs MOVD MOV (SP) B{Rs), Rk., (SP) lMUL MOV ~cul, ADD Rj, Ps C(Rs), (SP) Ri, (SP) FMUL MO\t IMUL MOV ADD FADD MOV'!) - C',k,j) Rs /index f.or B(i,1<) comput(';!d - {SPj (SP)-+-, Rs /index for C(k,j' computed - ~nulk (SP) (SP) +,Rs Rj, Rs A(Rs), (SP) (5 P) 4o, A(Rs) ,Jindex for A (i., j) computed :~t(L·".
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