763 Tulsa Dist. Corp Of Engr. 14 Jun 96 U.S. GENERAL 95181 Dist.Corpof Engr
User Manual: U.S. GENERAL 95181
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,. . INTRASERVICE S U P P O R T 1. AGREEMEm NUMEER A G R E E M E N T 2. SUPERSEDED AGREEMENT m E R Ref #E64 3. EFFECTIVE DATE iYYMMDD1 iMay be "indefinite") Indefinite (If this replaces another ISA) W44DQ1-84319-763 (Provided by Supplier) W44DQ1-95181-763 6a. RECEIVING ACTIVITY (Name and Address1 ia. SUPPLYING ACTIVITY iName and Address) Comander Tulsa District, Corps of Engineers A m : CESWT-RM-M P.O. Box 61, 1645 S. lOlST B. AVE. Tulsa, OK 74121-0061 Commander U.S. army Field artillery Center and Fort sill ATTN: ATZR-LMI Fort Sill, OK 73503-5100 6b. MAJOR COMMAND: 5b. MAJOR COMMAND: TRADOC Corps of Engineers I 7 . SUPPORT PROVIDED BY SUPPLIER 7b. BASIS FOR REIMBURSEMENT 7a. SUPPORT (Specify what, when, where, and how much1 7". ESTIMATED REIMBURSEMENT Al-Administrative Services None/Non-Reimbursable $0 C1-Chapel None/Non-Reimbursable 0 C3-Clubs None/Non-Reimbursable 0 C4-Command Support Nane/Non-Reimbursable 0 None/Non-Reimbursable 0 h Chaplain Services CS-Common use Facility Construction, Operations, Maintenance. ~irectorof ~ogistica o a . SUPPLIER'S Approving Authority MOD DD 1144-1 h HY L. SANFORD. Colonel, Commander 10d. Date Signe Page 1 of 33 Pages S U P P O R T A G R E E M E N T 1. AGREFMENT NUMBER: W44DQ1-95181-763 11. GENEPROVISIONS (complete blank spaces and add additional general provisions as appropriate; e.g.. exceptions to printed provisions, additional parties to this agreement, billing and reimbursement instructions.) a. The Receiving Components will provide the Scpplying Component projections of requested support. (Significant changes in the Receiving Components' support requirements should be suhnitted to the Supplying Component in a manner that will permit timely modification of resource requirements.) b. It is the responsibility of the Supplying Component to bring any required or requested change in support to the prior to changing or attention of (See paqe 8, para 12b.) cancelling support. c. The component providing reimbursable support in this agreement will submit statements of costs to DFRS-IN Fld Port Sill, ATTN: DFRS-IN/EM-TJA, Fort Sill, OK 73503-0500,DSN 639-6367 ODS, DAO d. a 1 rates expressing the unit cost of services provided in this agreement are based on current rates which may be mbject to change for uncontrollable reasons such as legislation, W D directives, and commercial utility rate increases. The Receiver will be notified immediately of such rate changes that must be passed through to the support Receivers. e. This agreement may be cancelled at any time by mutual consent of the parties concerned. This agreement may also be cancelled by either party upon giving at least 180 days witten notice to the other party. f. In case of mobilization or other emergency, this agreement will remain in force only within Supplier's capabilities. g. Attachment: A: Calculations for Reimbursable Costs DISTRIBETION: Cdr, USAPACFS, ATTN: ATZR-LMI. Fort Sill, OK 73503-5100 Cdr, Tulsa District, Colps of Engineers, A m : CEWT-m-M, P.O. Box 61. 1645 S lOlST E A m , Tulsa, OK 74121-0061 Continued on page 6. 4 12. SPECIFIC PROVISIONS (As appropriate: location and size of occupied facilities; unique Supplier and Receiver responsibilities; and conditions. requirements, quality standards, and criteria for measurement/reimbursement of unique requirements. Continued on page Additional specific provisions attached: MOD DD 1144-2 X YES 9. - NO Page 2 of 33 Pages S U P P O R T A G R E E M E N T 1. AGREEMENT NUMBER : W44EQ1-95181-763 I 7. SUPPORT PROVIDED BY SUPPLIER 7b. BASIS FOR REIMBURSEMENT 7a. SUPPORT (Specify what, when, where, and how much1 7C. ESTIMATED R E I M B U R S m c?-community Relations ~one/~on-~eimbursable C8-Community Services NonelNon-Reimbursable 0 C9-Custodial Services Square feet 1500 D1-Disaster Preparedness ~one/~on-~eimbursable 0 El-Education Services ~one/~on-~eimbursable 0 E2-Entomology Services Square feet 200 E3-Environmental Cleanup Cleanup cost 0 E4-Environmental Compliance None/Non-Reimbursable 0 FI-~acilitiesh ~ e a lproperty Support None/Non-Reimbursable 0 Minor construction projects/work orders 1000 F2-Facility Construction h Major Repair . '. $0 3';I-... ' F3-Facility Maintenance 6 Minor Repair '. :u n + . : , ...-.: . . <... - ,.." * Work/service orders/ grounds maintenance 1600 F5-Eire Protection Unauthorized discharge of fire extinguishers 0 F6-Food Service None/Non-Reimbursable 0 HZ-Housing h Lodging Services None/Non-Reimbursable 0 Ll-Laundry h Dry Cleaning None/Non-Reimbursable 0 Additional support requirements attached: X YES - NO ?* I continued on page 4 L MOD DD 1 1 4 4 - 3 page 3 of 3 3 pages S U P P O R T A G R E E M E N T 1. AGREEMENT NUMBER : W44DQ1-95181-763 I 7. SUPPORT PROVIDED BY SUPPLIER 7b. BASIS FOR REIMBWSEMENT 7a. SUPPORT (Specify what, when, where, and how much1 ~z-~ega services l ~one/~on-~eimbursable M1-Mail Service Contracted Distribution Postage Costs h 7c. ESTIMATED REIMBURSFMENT $0 200 None/Non-Reimbursable 0 MS-~ortuaryServices ~one/~on-neimbursable 0 M6-Museums None/Non-Reimbursable 0 P1-Police Services None/Non-Reimbursable 0 P3-Public Affairs None/Non-Reimbursable 0 Pounds of refuse 400 None/Non-Reimbursable 0 ~4-~01ale, welfare, h R1-Refuse Collection Recreation IMWRI Activities h Disposal RZ-Resource Management d S1-Safety None/Non-Reimbursable 0 S2-Security Services None/Non-Reimbursable 0 S4-Social Actions None/Non-Reimbursable 0 T1-Training Services None/Non-Reimbursable 0 TZ-Transportation Services Packing 200 m-Utilities Actual consumption (meter readingsl/utility survey Additional support requirements attached: YES - NO h Crating Services 4700 continued on page 5 L MOD DD 1144-3 Page 4 of 33 pages S U P P O R T 1. AGREEMENT NUMBER A G R E E M E N T : W44Da1-95181-763 7. SUPPORT PROVIDED BY SUPPLIER 7b. BASIS FOR REIMBWSEMENT 7a. SUPPORT (Specify what, when, where, and how mchi ~one/~on-~eimbursahle WI-weather services Additional support requirements attached: MOD DD 1144-3 - YES X NO TOTAL 7C. ESTIMATED REIMBURSEMENT $0 $9800 Page 5 of 33 Pages SA #W44DQ1-95181-763 Receiver: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tulsa District, Tulsa, OK GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. References: a. DOD 4000.19-1, 9 Aug 95, Interservice and Intragovernmental Support. b. AR 5-8. 15 Jan 74, Host-Supported Activity Relationships (Intraservice). c. AR 37-1, 30 Apr 91, Army Accounting and Fund Control d. Memorandum, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management), 19 May 95, subject: Army Reimbursable Policy. 2. This intraservice support agreement (SA) documents base operations (BASOPS) support provided by the U.S. Army Field Artillery Center and Fort Sill (USAFACFS/Supplier/Host) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District, Tulsa, OK (Receiver/Tenant). 3. Supported unit is Fort Sill Area Office, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District, Fort Sill, OK. Authorized personnel strength is 1 officer and 14 DOD civilians. The unit's mission is to provide design and construction management support for the U.S. Army. 4. Supplier and Receiver are funded through different Army commands. (TRADOC versus Corps of Engineers) Effective 1 Oct 95 (reference id) Receiver shall reimburse for directly identifiable costs and any attributable incremental cost. Mission unique support, stock fund support, and support provided above the normal standard level will also be reimbursable. 5. Within thirty days after the start of each fiscal year, Tenant shall submit DD Form 448 (Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request) for the total amount of the SA to Cdr, USAFACFS, ATTN: ATZR-RP, Fort Sill, OK 73503-5100, DSN 639-2690. Host has the option to accept any portion of the MIPR as a direct fund cite. Money accepted as a direct fund cite shall be monitored by DFAS-IN and the Tenant. Host will forward DD Form 448-2 (Acceptance of MIPR) to Cdr, Tulsa District, Corps of Engineers, ATTN: CESWT-RM, P.O. BOX 61, 1645 S lOlSt E Ave. Tulsa, OK 74121-0061. 6. DFAS-IN Field Operations, Defense Accounting Office (DAO) Fort Sill, shall bill Tenant monthly using Standard Form (SF) 1080 (Voucher for Transfers Between Appropriations and/or Funds) mailed to Corps of Engineers, Fort Sill Area Office, P.O. Box 33159, Fort Sill, OK 73503-0159 for payment. SF 1080 shall cite this SA number, DODAAC W44XGQ (Tulsa office) or unit identification code (UIC) number W07605 (Tulsa office) and have appropriate accountable documents attached. Page 6 of 33 Pages 7. Fort Sill will provide regional confinement support without SA documentation. Tenant shall negotiate separately with MEDDAC/DENTAC, DFAS-IN, DeCA, and DPS for medical supplies/maintenance and health services, finance and accounting services, commissary services, and printing services respectively. 8. Unless stated otherwise in the specific provisions, services provided will be comparable in kind, quality, and scope to those furnished to the Host's own activities (standard level of support) and will be provided within available capabilities and resources. Above-standard level of support and mission unique support are annotated with asterisks ( * * ) in the specific provisions. 9. Tenant shall comply with Host's policies, procedures, and regulations that apply to the services provided and financial arrangements made. Receiver shall also provide data as requested by the Supplier to review and update all costs annually. Receiver is responsible for categories of support not listed in this agreement until negotiated with and approved by the Supplier to be provided. 10. Host will not change, reduce, or terminate the agreement unilaterally without giving sufficient advance notice to the Tenant. a. When possible, both parties shall effect significant changes to support provided by giving sufficient advance notice to the other to allow appropriate funding adjustments to be made during the budget formulation process (at least 180 days). Minor changes may be made by pen and ink or by attaching a memorandum; these changes must be initialed by both parties. b. Host reserves the right to reduce/terminate support based on customer demand and will apply any reductions in support on an equitable basis to all receivers of support. c. If this agreement is unilaterally terminated with less than 180 days prior notice to the other party, the terminating party may be billed by the non-terminating party for reimbursement of unavoidable termination and reprocurement expenses incurred during the 180-day period following notification. Page 7 of 33 Pages 11. Points of contact for the administration of this support agreement are as follows: a. Supplier: Ms. Dora Presley Installation Support Agreements Manager (SAM) Directorate of Logistics (DOL) Fort Sill, OK 73503-5100 DSN 639-5072/3369 or (405) 442-5072/3369 FAX ext 2719 b. Receiver: c. Supported Unit: Brenda Knight Tulsa District Corps of Engineers ATTN: CESWT-RM-M P.O. Box 61, 1645 S lOlst E Ave. Tulsa, OK 74121-0061 DSN 339-2825 Helen C. Jackson Fort Sill Area Office ATTN: CESWT-EC-FF, B 2586 Fort Sill, OK 73503-0159 (405) 442-3207/2809 Page 8 of 33 Pages SA #W44DQl-95181-763 Receiver: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tulsa District, Tulsa, OK SPECIFIC PROVISIONS Category of Support Al-Administrative Services: Non-Reimbursable Host Shall Tenant Shall 1. Provide blank forms and publications. la. To establish an account, submit DA Form 12-R (Request for Establishment of a Publications Account)--original plus 2 copies--to DOIM Publications Supply Sec, ATZR-UAS, B 2800. lb. To place an order, complete and forward DA 17 (Requisition for Publications and Blank Forms) as required to DOIM Publications Supply Sec. Pick up items when notified. Maintain pinpoint distribution files (DA 12-series). 2a. Provide records management services which include forms and records management, files management, records holding area, Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act administration, and correspondence management. Service does not include formal training or surveys. 2a. Comply with directives as specified by the Installation Admin Management Division, DOIM. 2b. Provide records holding storage space for temporary storage of records awaiting destruction or other disposition. 2b. After each fiscal or calendar year, forward records to DOIM, B 652, 2-6573. 3. Provide a personnel locator system. 4. Provide general reference and technical library services for official and recreational use. 4. Utilize the following libraries as required and authorized. Pay for overdue books and other such fees on an individual cash basis. a. Installation Reference Library, B 445, Room 115, 2-5886. Sign for items withdrawn from the library and return them within 3 days. b. Nye Library, B 1640, 2-5111. c. Morris Swett Technical Library, B 730, Room 16, 2-4525 Page 9 of 33 Pages Category of Support Tenant Shall nost Shall C1-Chapel & Chaplain Services: Non-Reimbursable 1. Provide comprehensive free exercise of religion to active and retired military personnel, DOD civilians, and their families. Service includes opportunities for worship, religious rites, family enrichment, pastoral visits, spiritual counseling and religious education. 1. Request services as required from the Post Chaplain's Office, B 463, 2-5790. Ensure military personnel have the time and opportunity to use chaplain and religious services. Assist chaplains as required. C3-Clubs: Non-Reimbursable Provide various recreational clubs, services, and activities. Publicize schedules of services/ activities in the Fort Sill news media, activity calendars, and bulletins made available to the Tenant on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. 1. Utilize available recrea- 1. tional facilities as desired. Pay for certain services on an individual cash basis. Reimburse for non-revenue producing mission-related functions held in club facilities; for reimbursement, utilize the Army charge card (I.M.P.A.C./ VISA)--appropriated fund only. 2a. Authorize active duty/ retired officers and civilians in grades GS-7 and above (or equivalent access to the Fort Sill Officers' Club (500 Upton Road). Offer dining, entertainment, and catering. Authorize active duty officers and enlisted personnel, all retirees, and civilians access to The Observation Post (TOP/B 5678), an annex offering food and beverage service and interactive video programs. 2b. Authorize access to the Gunners' Inn Enlisted Club (6000 area) and Impact Zone Enlisted Club (3400 area); which offer video games, pool tables, music, bar facilities, and short order foods. 3. Authorize soldiers, family members, and DOD civilians year-round access to the Fort Sill Golf Course (tree lined) at 1275 Quinette Road and Cedar Lakes Golf Course (wide open fairways with challenging water hazards) at 4746 Monrovia. Both Page 10 of 33 Pages Category of Support C3-Clubs: (cont) Host Shall Tenant Shall are 18-hole courses offering driving ranges, putting, pitching greens, pro shops, club/cart rentals, snack bars, and golf lessons. 4. Authorize access to the Twin Oaks Bowling Center (935 Macon! Road), a full-service 36-lane center offering open bowling, league play, bowling instruction, computerized scoring, a pro shop, game room, and snack bar. Authorize access to areas for outdoor recreation such as camping, fishing, hiking, etc. Provide sporting and camping equipment rentals. Offer group activities such as hunting, skiing, and canoe trips; jet skiing; white water rafting; and hang-gliding lessons. 5. c4-command Support: Non-Reimbursable 1. Command Overhead 2. Protocol Provide command/staff personnel to manage base operations support provided to all customers. Personnel include the command group, DRM, DPW, DCA, DOIM, and those described in the following paragraphs. 1. 2a. Furnish appropriate protocol services for Tenant's visiting general officers/ civilian equivalents. For military grades 07/civilian grades GS-16 and above; make arrangements for lodging, transportation, itineraries, and social functions. Keep Tenant informed of arrangements made and any changes/problems encountered. Furnish Tenant a copy of the itinerary. 2a(l). Notify the Protocol Office immediately (2-3902/ 2346, B 455) of Tenant's visiting dignitaries (whether for social or official reasons) in military grades 07/civilian grades GS-16 and above. Provide details of the visit and furnish Protocol with biographical sketches of the dignitaries. Za(2). For visitors in military grades 06/civilian grades GS-15 and below; make own arrangements for billeting, transportation, etc. Arrange Page 11 of 33 Pages Category of Support Host Shall Tenant Shall billeting for 06 through Billeting Ofc in Comanche House and for GS-15 and below members through the BOQ/BEQ. Request assistance/guidance in proper etiquette/procedures as required. C4-Command Support: (cont) 2b. Keep the Commanding General, Chief of Staff, and Deputy Garrison Commander abreast of visiting dignitaries. Provide VIP visit forecasts. Limit distribution of itineraries by operational need. 3. Inspector General 3. Provide Inspector General services as required. Process complaints or requests for assistance presented by Tenant's employees. Assist Tenant's IG in conducting investigations and/or inquiries. Coordinate with Tenant in advance of visits and furnish feedback reports following the visits. 3. For assistance contact the IG, B 462, Rm 301, 2-3176/ 3109. 4. Auditing 4a. Provide internal review and audit services. Conduct financial or performance audits of Tenant's operations upon request. 4a. For assistance, contact the Internal Review and Audit Compliance (IRAC) Office, 2-3712/2943, B 455. 4b. Manage/monitor visits by external audit agencies such as the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO), Department of Defense Inspector General (DODIG), and U.S. Army Audit Agency (USAM). Notify Tenant of any external audit agency visits affecting their operations. Prepare command responses to external audit reports. 4b(l) When notified of an external audit agency visit, appoint an audit project officer (APO) to monitor the visit. Furnish adequate working space and access to telephones. Furnish reports to the IRAC Ofc as required. . 4b (2). Provide prompt information and access to records as requested by external audit agencies. Do not deny access to any official records. However, obtain IRAC Ofc approval prior to furnishing information such as USAAA reports, non-DA audit reports, information con12 of 33 Pages Category of Support Tenant Shall Host Shall sidered to be highly sensitive, and military mobilization documents. Notify IRAC Ofc immediately when Tenant determines that a possible or potential adverse major finding exists concerning DA or DOD. C4-Command Support (cont) 5. Property Accountability 4c. Perform follow-up audits of internal/external reviews and audits . 4c. Provide the IRAC Ofc with written confirmation that all recommendations have been implemented or new target dates for recommendations not implemented. Describe the procedures used to implement recommendations and quantify actual monetary benefits associated with those recommendations. Ensure that internal control procedures have been established to sustain implementation of the recommendations. 5. Appropriate PBO will assign document numbers to property accountability adjustment documents as required. Forward ROS' for processing to the Host's POC at DOL, B 2258W, 2-6742. 5a. Reference AR 735-5. When the Tenant loses/damages property belonging to the Host, the Tenant employee responsible for the property at the time of loss/damage (hand receipt holder, subhand receipt holder, or user) shall initiate the property accountability adjustment document (chapter 12 of AR). Take the document to the appropriate PBO for signature and document number. Tenant's appointing authority is Area Engineer, Corps of Engineers. Fort Sill Area Office. Tenant's approving authority is Cdr, Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 5b. Notify LEC (2-2101) when loss, damage, or destruction of property is due to apparent theft, willful misconduct, or damages/accidents involving Host's vehicles. Notify the Fort Sill Field Office of the Page 13 of 33 Pages Host Shall Category of Support U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (2-4503) when the dollar value exceeds $1,000. C4-Command Support (cont) CS-common use Facility Construction, Operations, Maintenance & Repair: Non-Reimbursable C6-Communication Services : Partially Reimbursable Tenant Shall 1. Provide for the operation, maintenance, repair, and minor construction/alteration of common use infrastructure, roads, grounds, surfaced areas, miscellaneous structures, real property, installed equipment, common benefit signs, energy consumption, and beautification projects. 1. Submit DA 4283 (Facilities Engineering Work Request) to DPW, B 1950, 2-4214, as required. Call DPW at 2-3251 for emergency work orders. 2. mon IAW ice 2. Remove ice and snow in Tenant use areas (sidewalks, stairs, and porches). Do not use salt to melt ice; use ammonium nitrate which is available at the DPW Self-Help Center, Bldg 2751. Request services from DPW as needed. Remove ice and snow on comuse areas (such as roads) the installation snow and removal plan 1. Provide official telephone service with access to the Defense Service Network (DSN), FTS, and local area telephone system. Manage and submit monthly billing documents to Tenant's disbursing and cost accounting as appropriate for reimbursement of toll calls, equipment installation, relocation, and special equipment service charges as may be required. Provide maintenance of service lines. 1. Request services from DOIM as required. Complete and submit DA 3938 (Local Service Request) to DOIM 15 working days prior to required date of service. Dial 114 for minor telephone repair (no dial tone, excessive static, burned out push-button light, etc.). Reimburse for toll calls, equipment installation, relocation, and special equipment service charges. 2. Receive and process telecommunication messages. Forward routine and "priority' messages via the electronic mail system. Telephonically notify Tenant for pick-up of "immediate" or "flash" messages. 2. Pick up unclassified "immediate" or "flash" telecommunication messages in Rm 116, B 455. 3. Upon request, identify and install telephone requirements for ADPE. Prior to procurement of inter-command and/or paper systems, DOIM will perform tech- 14 of 33 Pages Category of Support C6-Communication Services: (cont) Tenant Shall nical reviews to ensure compatibility with existing service. 4. Upon request, issue personal phone access codes (PACs) for Tenant's authorized personnel. 4a. Request PACs from DOIM as required. In order to place long distance/DSN calls, personnel must enter their PACs after dialing the phone number and hearing the dial tone that follows. Each individual is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his/her PAC. 4b. Do not move, alter, or place attachments on telephone equipment. Ensure calls are in support of official Government business or emergency situations. Employees who place personal long distance calls on official telephones are responsible for payment of the charges and subject to disciplinary action. Do not discuss classified information over nonsecure telephone lines, which are subject to monitoring at all times. C7-Community Relations: Non-Reimbursable 1. Conduct open house programs, charity fund raising events, public relations activities, etc. CB-Community Services : Non-Reimbursable 1. Provide community facilities and services and family support center activities to authorized personnel. Publicize schedules of services/activities in the Fort Sill news media, activity calendars, and bulletins made available to the Tenant on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. 1. utilize facilities as required. Pay for certain functions on an individual cash basis. 2. Operate one child care center. Provide full-day and part-day child care and preschool age programs. On-post home-based care for military families is also provided by military family members. 2. Parents shall furnish children's current immunization records to the central registration office, B 4122. For inquiries and assistance, contact the Child Development Service Branch, B 4122, 1. Attend the various func- tions as necessary. Pay on an individual cash basis as required. 15 of 33 Pages Category of Support Tenant Shall Host Shall C8-Community Services: (cont) 3. Authorize only dependents of military personnel access to Cannon Youth Center (B 1721, 2-6745); which offers games, special events and classes, a snack area, and a teen council.. Offer free shuttle service to the center for on-post youths ages 10 to 19. The shuttle will run hourly 1400-2100 on Saturdays and 1400-1700 on Sundays. 4. Authorize access to the Caisson Community Activity Center (B 3281, 2-5623). Provide aerobics classes, concerts, games, movies, a big screen television, and snack bar. 5. Furnish various other 5. Pay for services on services such as theaters, cloth- an individual cash basis. ing sales stores, etc. Army Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) shall offer various services such as the Post Exchange, gas gas stations, and cafeteria/ snack bars. Use of Exchange facilities (other than dining facilities) is restricted. C9-Custodial Services : Reimbursable Provide janitorial services for administrative office space (3156 net sq ft), latrines (128 net sq ft), and common service areas of buildings assigned to the Tenant. This may include the cost of all common janitorial supplies and equipment. Furnish FS 638 (Custodial Performance Schedule for Part I) for each building. See category F1-Facilities and Real Property Support for buildings assigned to Tenant. 1. la. Submit a written request for custodial services to Directorate of Public Works (DPW) for approval. Reimburse for services received. lb. Notify the DPW custodial contracting officer's representative (COR) when a building will be closed for an extended period of time. lc. Appoint a custodial coordinator and submit a copy of the appointment to DPW. Custodial coordinators shall report deficiencies in janitorial performance to the inspector (2-5582) or COR by 0830 each workday for corrective action. Page 16 of 33 Pages Category of Support D1-Disaster Preparedness: Non-Reimbursable Host Shall Tenant Shall 1. Provide for the full disaster preparedness and response for support including training and equipage. Provide or program for emergency wartime operations to include shelter spaces, shelter supplies, or radiation and chemical monitoring. 1. Request services as needed through the EOC, DPTM, B 455, 2-3241/3243. Respond to EOC requests for information and to command information passed through EOC channels. 2. Activate the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) upon order by the Fort Sill Commanding General (CG). Include Tenant in installation planning. Execute contingency plans as appropriate. Establish communications with Federal and/or civil authorities as required. Coordinate, prepare, and submit information and reports as required. Provide tasking to all activities under the control of the Fort Sill CG. El-Education Services : Non-Reimbursable 1. Provide assistance to military and DOD civilian personnel in selecting, planning, preparing, and coordinating programs, courses, curriculum, and instructions for off-duty education which is or will be directly related to the performance of official duties. Provide guidance and counseling as required. 1. References: AR 621-1 and AR 621-5. Request services as required. Make appointments for counseling by calling the Main Counseling Branch; Education Services Div; Directorate of Plans, Training, and Mobilization (DPTM); B 2607; 2-3876/ 5961. 2. Provide academic and technical/occupational educational opportunities. Fund and manage individual tuition assistance for military personnel only through the Fort Sill Army Education Center. Ensure military are tested in their assigned MOS. 2. Pay on an individual cash basis for some extension courses offered by various nonDOD agencies e . , colleges and universities). Utilize MOS Library at B 3224, 2-3046, as required. 3. Provide educational services to adult dependents of military personnel. Provide primary and secondary schooling for authorized military dependent children 3a. On-post military shall enroll their children in kindergarten through sixth grade at either Geronimo or Sheridan Road Elementary School, which Page 17 of 33 Pages Category of Support El-Education (cont) Tenant Shall Host Shall residing on post. Transport elementary students living one mile or more from their assigned school. Transport secondary students living one and a half miles or more from their assigned school. are part of the Lawton Public school (LPS) System. Off-post military shall enroll their children in one of Lawton's 33 elementary schools depending on the location of their residence. Parents shall enroll their junior-high and highschool age children in the LPS system. 3b. For additional information; contact the public school administration office at the John Shoemaker Education Center, 753 NW Fort Sill Blvd., 357-6900. E2-Entomology Services : Reimbursable 1. Provide abatement and control measures directed against insects, rodents, weeds, fungi, and other animals or plants that are determined to be undesirables including, but not limited to, routine treatment of grounds, buildings, equipment, supplies, aircraft, and other common carriers as necessary. I. Call DPW at 2-3251 for service as required. Notify pregnant and allergic employees located in/near the affected spraying area prior to pest treatment. Reimburse for services provided. E3-Environmental Cleanup : Reimbursable 1. Use own discretion in determining whether or not to hold Tenant financially liable when the actions of the Tenant result in an adverse environmental impact. 1. At the Host's discretion, bear financial responsibility for clean-up, disposal, and restoration in the event an incident caused by the Tenant results in an adverse environmental impact. Perform cleanup and disposal using environmentally and legally acceptable methods. Restore the environment to its preincident condition in a timely manner. (Ref The Economy Act of 1932, as amended) E4-Environmental Compliance: Non-Reimbursable 1. Administer programs for the control of air, water, noise, hazardous material (HM), and other forms of pollution including resource recovery programs. Inspect Tenant as required. la. Request services from' the Directorate of Environmental Quality (DEQ), 2-2715, B 2930, as needed. Actively support post conservation, pollution control, and environmental programs. Submit an annual inventory of HM to Page 18 of 33 Pages Category of Support Tenant Shall Host Shall Material and Waste Management Br, B 2592, to meet SARA Title I11 reporting requirements. Coordinate with Material and Waste Management Br for quarterly environmental compliance inspections. Tenant does not generate any hazardous waste (HW) for inclusion in the installation HW disposal program. E4-Environmental Compliance: (cont) lb. Notify DEQ of any suspected violation of hazardous waste handling/storage/disposal; personnel knowledgeable of such violations who fail to report them to appropriate authorities may be held personally liable in conjunction with the violator. F1-Facilities & Real Property Support: Non-Reimbursable 2. DCA will manage an installation recycle program. 2. Sort and transport approved material for recycle (white paper, aluminum soda cans, cardboard, etc.) to the Recycling Center, Moway Road. and Sheridan Road, 2-2348. Utilize the voluntary drop off containers located throughout the post for convenience in in dropping off aluminum cans and white paper. 1. Provide adequate space for office administrative, operational, and storage purposes. 1. Identify and justify facility requirements. Submit requests for building space to DPW, B 1950, 2-2670. Bldg 2586 Description Admin/office Gr Sq Ft 4998 2. Account for facilities used by the Tenant and subsequent improvements thereto on the Host's real property inventory. Hand receipt buildings to Tenant; conduct joint inventories as required. Conduct space utilization surveys as needed. Use of facilities is subject to the Host's installation master plan e . , reloca- Sign for space occupied (hand receipt). Conduct joint inventories as required. 2. Page 19 of 33 Pages Category of Support Tenant Shall Host Shall FI-~acilities& Real Property Support: (cont) tion, demolition, construction, etc.) and the Host's mission essential requirements. ~ 2 - ~ a c i l i tConstruey tion & Major Repair: Partially Reimbursable 1. Review requests/requirements to modify/add to existing facilities and approve/ disapprove said requests/ requirements prior to initiating any work. Provide Tenant-requested mission-unique minor construction on an as available (Host-approved) basis. 1. Retain buildings in their present condition without change unless written authorization is obtained from DPW (DA Form 4283) authorizing any changes. Notify Master Planning/Real Property (2-3517/ 2670/2922) of any requirements to modify/add to existing facilities. Program, budget and fund for minor construction projects which are mission related. 2. Provide facility planning, engineering designs, drafting and reproduction services, site survey support, inspection, and job planning and estimating required for the construction (military and minor), fabrication, and repair of facilities and equipment. 2. Submit requests for facilities to DPW Engineering Div, B 1950, 2-3517. Develop project justification, assist Host in the preparation of DD Form 1391, and submit document through command channels. 3. Provide supervisory and administrative (S&A) inspection of renovation projects. 3. Reimburse for S&A inspection/compliance costs (one-time charge of 8% of the total project cost) apart from the support agreement cost. la. Provide for the maintenance and repair of real property including (as appropriate) buildings, installed equipment, miscellaneous structures, roads and grounds (IAW USAFACFS Reg 420-8). railroads, surfaced areas, and other real property. Also included are landscaping, fence repair, and weed control through the use of herbicides. Assign a work order prefix (TR) for the Tenant. la. Submit DA 4283 (Facilities Engineering Work Request) to DPW, B 1950, 2-4214, as required. Call DPW at 2-3251 for emergency work orders. Reimburse for work/service orders. F3-Facility Maintenance & Minor Repair : Reimbursable ** lb. Perform all grounds lb. Reimburse for services. maintenance services for the Tenant which includes cutting and trimming of grass and shrubs Page 20 of 33 Pages Category of Support F3-Facility Maintenance & Minor Repair: (cont) Tenant Shall nost Shall around B 2586 and the parking lot 10 hrs per month on a biweekly basis from 1 Apr thru 1 Nov each year. 2. Maintain a Self-Help Program (Bldg 2751, 2-4723) and a U-Do-It Program (for projects beyond the scope of the SelfHelp Program but still within the unit's capability). Provide materials, instruction, and inspections as required. 2a. Organize a unit self-help maintenance team. Team members shall attend DPW self-help training sessions as required. Keep minor tools on hand in order to perform minor maintenance. Perform repair and utilities (R&U) and self-help activities at the same level ex pected of the Host's activities 2b. Perform minor maintenance such as replacing door handles and light bulbs, tightening loose bolts or screws in installed equipment, spot painting the interior of buildings for cosmetic repair, etc. 2c. utilize installation selfhelp programs. Request guidance and instruction from DPW as required. Provide the labor for these projects. Request materials from DPW. F5-Fire Protection: Partially Reimbursable 1. Provide appropriate fire protection for buildings assigned to the Tenant. Provide a fire prevention program. la. Reference USAFACFS Reg 420-90. Request assistance in fire prevention as required from DPW Fire Protection & Prevention Division, B 6041, 2-5911. lb. Appoint a unit fire marshal and building fire warden. Attend fire prevention lectures when available. lc. Upon discovering a fire, alert all personnel in the building and report the occurrence to the Fort Sill Fire Department (dial 911) . Make every effort to extinguish the fire with available personnel while exercising reasonable and prudent care. Page Zlof 33 Pages Category of Support Host Shall Tenant Shall Id. Provide material safety data sheets (MSDS) to the Fort Sill Fire Dept (B 6041) for all hazardous materials used/stored in assigned facilities. Also, furnish the exact location of these materials. F5-Fire Protection: (cont) 2. Requisition, distribute, and maintain fire extinguishers installed in real property. Determine reason for fire extinguisher discharge. 2. Deliver fire extinguishers annually and after every use to Fire Station #2, B 5031, for inspection, test, reseal, and recharge. Reimburse Host if fire extinguishers were discharged for other than to put out fires. la. Provide meals in post dining facilities for authorized personnel. Verify feeding status of individuals. la. Subsist in any available dining facility. Verify feeding status of personnel (reimbursable or nonreimbursable) with the dining facility manager. Keep the dining facility manager advised of any changes in personnel strength to be fed. Furnish a list of personnel authorized to be subsisted as required. H2-Housing & Lodging 1. Provide family housing supServices : port and housing referral serNon-Reimbursable vices to authorized personnel and bachelor officer quarters (BOQ)/bachelor enlisted quarters (BEQ) accommodations for unmarried/unaccompanied personnel attached or assigned to Fort Sill IAN AR 210-50 and USAFACFS Reg 210-50. 1. Instruct incoming personnel to report to Family Housing Section (Aultman Hall, B 5676, 442-2813/6966/6819) for housing referral. F6-Food Service: Non-Reimbursable 2. Provide temporary quarters for visiting military and civi.lian employees as requested. When TDY quarters are not available, provide recommendations on hotels in the Lawton area. 2. Call Billeting Branch, DPW, B 5676, (405) 442-6991/5000, for reservations. Upon arrival, personnel shall provide a copy of their TDY orders. Ensure availability/ nonavailability of Government quarters is cited on TDY orders. Reimbursement is required on an individual cash basis for Government quarters provided. If Government 22 of 33 Pages Category of Support Tenant Shall Host Shall quarters are not available, make hotel accommodations in the Lawton area. Ha-Housing & Lodging Services: (cont) L1-Laundry & Dry Cleaning : Non-Reimbursable L2-Legal Services: Non-Reimbursable 3. When on-post residential quarters are provided/terminated, mail assignment/clearance of quarters notice to local FAO. 3. Ensure appropriate deductions are made from military pay when Tenant's personnel reside on Fort Sill. Residents of Fort Sill are subject to applicable post policies. The Fort Sill Commanding General has legal jurisdiction over any Tenant personnel at any time they are physically present on the installation. 1. Offer laundry and dry cleaning service for organizational clothing and individual equipment (OCIE/TA 50 items) to military personnel on a piecerate basis. Post piece-rate prices for customer information. 1. Reference AR 210-130 and TM 10-8400-201-23. Have fitted wool items dry cleaned. Since sleeping bags, shelter halves, and field trousers require special cleaning; turn them in to the installation laundry. Pay for piece-rate laundry on an individual cash basis. 2. Offer a 12-piece bundle service (including battle dress uniforms (BDU) and excluding dry cleaning) to active duty Army patrons. Wash, dry, starch, press, hangar, or fold items as requested. Charge the current piece-rate for any item in excess of the 12-piece bundle. 2. Pay for bundle service on an individual cash basis. 3. Provide coin-operated and Post Exchange laundry services on a cash basis. 3. Utilize facilities as required (Bldgs 911, 1716, 2917, 4114, 5676, and 6036). Pay for services on an individual cash basis. la. Provide legal assistance IAW AR 27-1 and 27-3 to military personnel assigned to the Receiver and their family members. 1. Schedule legal assistance through appointments with the Staff Judge Advocate (SJA), 2-5058/5059, B 2593. lb. Provide assistance/counselling on wills, estate plan ning, taxes, divorce, legal separation, contracts, claims Page 23 of 33 Pages Category of Support L2-Legal Services: (cont) Tenant Shall Host Shall for damage to household goods, and suits under the Federal Tort Claims Act to eligible personnel. 1c. Provide review of and representation of the Government in administrative actions including separations, reports of survey, line of duty investigations, award and execution of procurement contracts, personnel matters (conflicts of interest, standards of conduct, grievance hearings/reviews, etc.) and similar actions. 2. Furnish claims service IAW AR 27-20 for military and civilian personnel. 3. Military justice is not within the jurisdiction of the Supplier. Provide own military justice support through next higher headquarters. M1-Mail Service: Partially Reimbursable 1. Receive and sort incoming mail in a central distribution center. Distribute official outgoing mail accordingly. Include Tenant in the official distribution contractor delivery route. Return to sender any Second, Third, and fourth Class personal mail (mail with an individual name as the first line of the address). Notify Tenant of any change in the annual target. 1. Provide a list of official office symbols as requested. Notify appropriate agencies of Tenant's correct official mailing address to ensure missionoriented mail is not addressed as personal mail and thus returned to sender. Reimburse for changed/increased support of the contracted mail distribution. Reimburse for postage costs above the Host's set target. M4-Morale, Welfare, & Recreation (MWR) Activities: Non-Reimbursable 1. Provide for the use of parks, recreational centers, gyms, fitness centers, athletic fields, hobby shops, craft centers, and related services. 1. Utilize facilities/services as required and authorized. Pay for certain services as required on an individual cash basis. M5-Mortuary Services: 1. Provide for the performance Non-Reimbursable of all logistical functions associated with the recovery, identification, care, and disposition of deceased Army personnel. Mortuary services are 1. Request services as required IAW AR 600-8-1. Coordinate special requirements with the mortuary officer, SD, DOL, B 2243, 2-4014. 3. 24 of 33 Pages Category of Support Tenant Shall Host Shall M5-Mortuary Services: provided under Contract operation. (cont) M6-Museums: Non-Reimbursable P1-Police Services: Non-Reimbursable 1. Provide facilities and services that display objects of historical military value and significance. Open the museum (Bldgs 445, 442, 425, 345, 336, and 160) Sunday through Saturday, 0830-1630 (outdoor exhibits: Cannon Walk and Missile Park). Open Bldgs 340, 437, and 441 Monday through Friday, 0730-1600. 1. Utilize facilities and services as required and authorized. 2. Offer specialized research by appointment only, public tours, living history educational programming, and a gift shop (no fees involved-donations welcome) . 2. Pay for gift shop items as required on an individual cash basis. 1. Protect Tenant's resources; maintain law and order (including enforcement of traffic laws and accident/criminal investigations. la. References: AR 190-11 w/TRADOC-FORSCOM supplements AR 190-13 w/TF supple AR 190-51 USAFACFS Reg 190-1 lb. Ensure protective standards for weapons, funds, and high-value resources are applied and maintained. Coordinate with Law Enforcement Command (LEC) any requirements for special security of equipment and buildings assigned to the Tenant. 2. Include Tenant in physical security inspections as required 2. Appoint a physical security point of contact. Request physical security inspections as required. 3. Notify Tenant of any incidents adversely affecting or otherwise pertaining to assigned personnel or property. 3. Provide information for serious incidents reports as required. 4. Provide registration services for motor vehicles and firearms operated/owned by 4. Register vehicles and firearms at B 1670, 2-5383/3045. Page 25 of 33 Pages Tenant Shall Category of Support P2-Police Services: (cont) Tenant's perso~el. P3-Public Affairs: Non-Reimbursable R1-Refuse Collection & Disposal : Reimbursable 1. Perform activities aimed toward responding directly or through news media to the general public's right and need to know how DOD components accomplish assigned tasks. Missions include public information, community relations, and internal (troop) information. 1. References: AR 360-5 w/USAFACFS Suppl, AR 360-61, and AR 360-81. 2. Handle all civilian news media queries concerning Fort Sill including Tenant activities on the installation. Coordinate those having Army-wide impact with higher-level PAOs. Prepare news releases for Tenantsponsored activities as appropriate. Process hometown news releases for military personnel. Invite media to cover changes of command, grand openings, etc., as requested by the Tenant. 2a. Coordinate in advance with the Public Affairs Office (PAO) before releasing any official information to the news media. Inform PA0 of situations which are or could be of interest to the civilian news media (2-2521/2384, B 455). 3. Coordinate appropriate community relations programs with civilian organizations consistent with Fort Sill's AR 5-9 area of responsibility, 3. Provide assistance for selected community relations projects as required. 4. Provide space in the post newspaper, The CANNONEER, to publicize unit events/activities consistent with news value and space availability. 4. Submit items of interest to The CANNONEER, B 455, 2-5150. Deadline for publication is COB every Friday. 1. Provide for the collection, 1. Request services as required from DPW. Furnish own bags to line trash and compost containers. Comply with Host's policy concerning dumpsters and pollutants. Do not leave trash outside of dumpsters. When dumpsters are full and need to be emptied prior to the next regularly scheduled run, call the DPW Inspection transportation, and/or composting disposal of trash and refuse. Furnish composting dumpsters. Furnish one-half loose trash dumpster serviced one time each week. 2b. Request, coordinate, and supervise all photographic support for Tenant-sponsored ceremonies and activities directly with TSC Photo Br. Page 26 of 33 Pages Category of Support Host Shall Tenant Shall R1-Refuse Collection & Disposal: (~0nt) Branch at 2-5582/5746. Reimburse for services received. R2-Resource Management: Non-Reimbursable 1. Cost and process SAs; manage reimbursable funds. 1. Provide feeder data as requested by the Supplier in a timely manner. S1-Safety: Non-Reimbursable 1. Include Tenant in the installation safety program IAW AR 385-10 and TB 385-4. Conduct safety meetings and inspections as required. Arrange for radiological surveys. Recommend personal protective equipment required for safe operations. Provide safety promotional material and safety training as required. 1. Request services as needed from the Field Artillery Branch Safety Office, B 2912, 2-4466. Appoint a unit safety officer IAW USAFACFS Reg 385-10-1. 2. Furnish technical assistance when necessary for proper investigation and reporting of accidents. 2a. Conduct business with safety in mind to reduce jobrelated injuries. Maintain current information on designated individuals to be notified in case of emergency. 2b. Report job-related injuries/diseases to the immediate supervisor. For civilians complete and submit to the immediate supervisor within 2 working days following the injury Form CA-1 (Federal Employee's Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim for Continuation of Pay/Compensation) or within 30 days following the injury Form CA-2 (Federal Employee's Notice of Occupational Disease and Claim for Compensation)--whichever is applicable. Obtain Form CA-16, which authorizes treatment, from the immediate supervisor. 1. Establish and maintain an effective information security program which includes the Tenant. The security program includes (but is not limited to) personnel, technical, industrial, communications, operations, and information systems la. Handle, store, and safeguard classified information IAW Host's policy and procedures. Utilize the installation classified vault (B 455, Rm 116, 2-3313) as required. S2-Security Services : Non-Reimbursable 27 of 33 Pages Category of Support S2-Security Services: (cont) Tenant Shall Host Shall security. Provide facilities for the destruction of classified waste. Physical security is covered under category Police Services. lb. Develop a unit security SOP. Appoint a unit security manager in writing and forward appointment to DPTM Security Div, B 260, 2-2397. Brief newly assigned personnel on security. Attend briefings and courses as required. Report security compromises to DPTM Security Div. lc. Do not discuss classified information over unsecure telephone lines nor with unauthorized personnel. Do not record telephone conversations or listen to them as a third party without advance consent of all parties. Attach DD 2056 (COMSEC Monitoring Warning) to all telephones. 2. Provide assistance and guidance as required. Provide security education and awareness; this includes the security manager's course and staff assistance visits. 2. Conduct the mandatory annual Subversion and Espionage Directed Against the U.S. Army (SAEDA) briefing to Tenant's personnel. 3. Process security clearances, conduct security compromise investigations, and conduct unannounced as well as scheduled inspections. 3a. Develop and distribute security access rosters as appropriate. Complete SF 312 (Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement) for employees with clearances. Complete DA 2962 (Security Termination Statement) to debrief departing employees who have had access to classified information. 3b. Report derogatory information on DA 5248-R (Report of Unfavorable Information for Security Determination) for personnel with or without security clearances. Notify DPTM Security Div of suicides or attempted suicides of personnel who have had access to classified material. Report knowledgeable AWOL to Page 28 of 33 Pages Category of Support Tenant Shall Host Shall DPTM Security Div within 24 hours. If espionage or subversive activity is discovered or suspected, the unit security manager shall report the incident directly to the 902d Military Intelligence Group at 2-2720. S2-Security Services : (cont) S4-Social Actions: Non-Reimbursable 4. Provide assistance and instruction for changing safe combinations. 4. Maintain one unclassified safe. Change own safe combinations; request assistance from DPTM Security as required. Or submit a purchase request to DOC to change the safe combination. For safe "lock-outs," contact DPTM Security for assistance. If efforts are unsuccessful, submit a purchase request to DOC to get the safe opened. Obtain prior approval from DPTM Security before having a security container drilled open. 5. Identify electronic information processing equipment and determine their sensitivity levels. Provide TEMPEST advice on the acquisition of automatic data processing equipment. 5. Appoint an information systems security officer (ISSO) and terminal area security officer (TASO) Provide a list of computer systems accredited through the Tenant or other agencies to DPTM Security on a quarterly basis to arrive NLT three working days after the beginning of the month. Control access to terminals. Process classified information only on TEMPEST-certified equipment. 1. Provide services, assistance, or training to civilian and military personnel on matters pertaining to alcohol and drug abuse, equal opportunity, social actions, and human relations. 1. Request services and assistance as needed from the following: . a. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Control Div, Directorate of Community Activities (DCA), 2-5704/4205, B 2870. b. Equal Opportunity Ofc, DCA, 2-6295, B 922. Page 29 of 33 Pages Category of Support Tenant Shall Host Shall TI-Training Service: 1. Provide local training programs, courses, seminars, etc., Non-Reimbursable related to the performance of official duties. This includes training offered by various activities on post (some of which have been described in other categories of support) as well as the installation training directorate (DPTM). DPTM will process requests for school quotas as required. 1. Submit training requirements to appropriate directorates within established time frames. T2-Transportation Services : Partially Reimbursable 1. Provide transportation and traffic management services related to commercial or Government-owned transportation of personnel and/or material. 1. Request transportation services from DOL in writing, ATTN: ATZR-LST, 2-2403/4471/ 3909. 2a. Provide reservation and ticketing services in conjunction with civilian and military official travel and military leave. Provide travel via commercial carriers. Issue Government transportation requests (GTRs) and Military Airlift Command tickets. 2a. Request commercial air service as required by calling the Government contractor at 248-5000 (B 295l/official) or 357-6616 (B 172l/leisure). Submit three copies of travel orders for ticket processing. Pick up tickets. Pay on an individual basis for tickets obtained in conjunction with official military leave. 2b. Complete FS 306 (Army Aircraft Request) and submit it to Aviation Division; Directorate of Plans, Training, and Mobilization (DPTM); B 4907, Rm 205; 2-6160; 72 hours in advance of flight time. Submit changes to original request on another FS 306. Passengers shall report to B 4907 at least 30 minutes prior to flight departure. 1. General 2. Movement of Personnel 2b. Approve/disapprove and process requests for military air services on an as available basis. Ensure military air is the most economical form of transportation and the essentiality of the mission justifies the cost involved. (Military aircraft is provided by the Oklahoma Operational Support Airlift Command Flight Detachment, a tenant at Fort Sill). 2c. Provide services as authorized for civilian personnel reassigned by the Government on a case-by-case basis. 3. Movement of Property 2c. Provide a fund cite for PCS moves. 3a. Furnish Government bill of lading support when required. Page 30 of 33 Pages Category of Support T2-Transportation Services: (cont) Tenant Shall Host Shall 3b. Ship at Supplier's expense property requisitioned by the Supplier (Government property) 3b. For Federal Express service, submit a memo or DD Form 1348-1 with the item (already packaged for shipment) to DOL Trans Movements Section, B 2961, 2-2000 (NLT 1300 when next day delivery is desired). Include a justification and provide a complete destination address with phone number and fund cite. 3c. Relocate Receiver at Supplier's expense when relocation is for the Supplier's convenience. 3c. Give as much advance notice as possible when requesting a relocation. . 3d. Provide for movement of household goods (personal property) through a responsible shipping office. 4. Packing Crating & U1-Utilities: Partially Reimbursable 1. Utility' Services 4. Provide packing and crating services (pack and crate material, weigh packed and crated material, address label for shipping, build wooden crates for specific items, build pallets for specific items (determined by size and weight) ) . 4. Submit DA Form 4283 (Facilities Engineering Work Request) to DPW, B 1950, 2-4214, as required. Provide DPW Packing & Crating Section, B 1948, 2-5124, with an approved DA 4283 along with material to be packed and crated. Reimburse for services la. Provide for the procurement, production, and distribution of utility services including water systems, sewage systems, electrical systems, boiler plants, heating systems, cold storage plants, airconditioning plants, and other purchased utility services for buildings assigned to the Tenant (see category F1 for list of buildings) . 1. Request services from DPW as required. Report deficiencies to DPW as soon as they occur. Reimburse for utility services. lb. For metered buildings, bill Tenant for actual usage of utilities. lb. Exercise a common sense approach to heating and air conditioning. lc. For unmetered buildings, bill Tenant based on utility survey. Depending on the lc. Comply with Host's schedule for heating/air conditioning. To exercise 31 of 33 Pages Category of Support Tenant Shall Host Shall U1-Utilities: (cont) weather, turn off air conditioners Sep-Oct and turn on heat Oct-Nov; turn off heat Apr-May and turn on air conditioners May-Jun. own discretion, install meters at own expense. 2. Energy Conservation Program 2. Provide an energy conservation program. Provide assistance and guidance in meeting established goals. Aid in making all buildings energy efficient by adopting and promoting energy-saving products, equipment, and devices that are costeffective and proven to significantly save energy resources. Conduct energy surveys as required. 2a. References: USAFACFS Reg 420-1 USAFACFS Pam 420-1 AR 11-27 EPACT 1992 Executive Order 12902 2b. Assign and appoint an energy officer and building energy monitors to meet energy goals. Forward a copy of officer and monitor names to DPW, Program Mgt Br, ATTN: Energy Officer, B 1945, 2-4906/ 4760. Update the list as appropriate when changes occur. 2c. Actively promote Fort Sill's energy awareness program. Develop an energy plan to establish efficient low-cost actions to identify and reduce energy cnsumption, improve the level of energy awareness within Tenant's organization, and meet the mandated 30% energy reduction target before the year 2005 IAW Exec Order 12902. Provide a copy of the energy plan to the DPW energy officer. Wl-Weather Services: Non-Reimbursable 1. Weather forecast and observation service is provided by 3d Weather Squadron (3d WS), B 4907. The 3d WS provides initial notification of weather conditions to DPTM. (During non-duty hours, they notify the field officer of the day (FOD).) DPTM Emergency Operations notifies Tenant. 2. Ensure rapid and complete dissemination of information according to the Fort Sill 2a. Comply with Fort Sill SWOP. Disseminate weather notifications and instructions Page 32 of 33 Pages Category of Support Host Shall Tenant Shall W1-Weather Services: Severe Weather OPLAN (SWOP). (cont) Notify Tenant of early release (DPTM), closed operations (PAO), and delayed post openings (PAO) due to freezing precipitation or heavy snow. to employees in a timely manner. Take appropriate action to protect personnel and resources. 2b. Brief employees to listen to/observe local radio stations/television channels for any announcements curtailing Fort Sill operations during inclement weather. Essential personnel shall report to work IAW Tenant's SOP. All other civilians shall comply with local announcements unless superseded by directions from supervisory personnel. 2c. Report weather injuries/ damage to 3d WS (2-3200/4000). Report personnel injuries and fatalities to the Adjutant General (AG); after duty hours, report this information to the FOD or to the Severe Weather Damage Operations Control if activated. Report property damage to Real Property, DPW Service Order (2-3251) and DOL. Initiate reports of survey for all damage. See Category C4. 3. Provide weather data/briefings as required to accomplish the Tenant's mission. 3. Request additional services as required. Page 33 of 33 Pages Page 1 of 3 United States Army Corps of Engineers SA #VJ2LJQl-95181-763 Attachment A CALCULATIONS FOR REIMBURSABLE COSTS* 1 C9: Custodial Services I -... I Total Cost $1,500 FY96 Custodial Contract, Bldg 2586: 1 ~ 2 Entomolo~v : Services IFP'19M 1 Est Reimb: Will be charged for actual costs of service Total Cost $200 $200 I E3: Environmental Cleanuo I -4 Total Cost If spill occurs, tenant will be billed for the actual costs of cleanup, I E4: Environmental Com~liance Total Cost $0 Will be charged for actual costs of hazardous waste disposal. F2. Facilitv Construction & Maior Repair 325778.K DPW Total Cost $1,000 Estimated cost of major repairlconstruction of facilities and equipment by Engineers (will be billed on actuals): Reimbursement for minor construction is required when installation funds are not available. Any mission unique support (IJO's) submitted by the customer are fully fully reimbursable. Reimbursement is based on: 1) Amount of construction required on real property by the tenant. 2) Minor construction limitation NTE $300,000, payable by the tenant. Supervisory and Administrative charges are normally one-time, charged separately from ISA. F3. Facilitv Maintenance & Minor R e ~ a i r 325778.K DPW I Total Cost Customer requested above base level of support on grounds maintenance for M 9 6 inclues 7 months (1 Apr-l Nov 96): I $1,600 DPW employee will cut and trim rnss and shrubs around Bldg 2586 and the parking lot on a biweekly basis. Riding: Push: DPW Laborer x I x RateMr x $19.61 x Nr of Hrs = 70 = Est Reimb $1.37: Lawn Mower x I x I x RateMr x $2.30 x x Nr of Hrs = 70 = 70 = Est Reimb $16 Truck Rental x I x RateMr x $5.90 x Nr of Hrs = 14 = Est Reimb $8: *Total cost is rounded to the nearest hundred. $1 Page 2 of 3 F5: Fire Protection Total Cost $0 Nonreimbursable except if fire extinguisher is maliciously discharged. 325779.M DPW Cost Per Piece: 10 LB ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers: Perform if over 12 yrs old: Replace if broken: 5 LB C02 Fire Extinguishers: Perform if over 5 yrs old: Replace if broken: 10 LB C02 Fire Extinguishers: Perform if over 5 yrs old: Replace if broken: 15 LB C02 Fire Extinguishers: Perform if over 5 yrs old: Replace if broken: MI. Mail Service 325796.P DOIM Recharge: AgenUAir: Hydro Test: Gauges: $5.00 $1.25 $6.00 $1.50 Recharge: AgenUAir: Hydro Test: Gauges: $8.00 $1.25 $11.00 $1.50 Recharge: AgenUAir: Hydro Test: Gauges: $12.00 INCL $1 1.00 $1.50 Recharge: AgenUAir: Hydro Test: Gauges: $15.00 INCL $11.00 $1.50 Total Cost $200 Postage Target: $1,000.00 Costs above target will require reimbursement by tenant. Est Reimb: $200 R1: Refuse Collection & Disposal 325779.M DPW x x #Dumpsters x 0.5 x Cubic Yds/ Dumpster x 8x #Weeks x 52 x Ratel Pound = $0.0219 = Poundsf Cubic Yd x 85 x Est Reimb $387 # Dumps/ Week 1 Total Cost $100 Page 3 of 3 T2. Transvortation 25779.M )PW Total Cost Packing and Crating: Est Reimb: $200 $200 U1. Utilities 125779.1 IPW Elect: KWHNear x 79,360 x RateKWH = $0.0242 = Est Reimb $1,921 Gas: MCFNear x 563.2 x RateNCF = $4.6207 = Est Reimb $2,602 I Water; 1996 Survey: Est Reimb: $49.32 Sewage, 1996 Sulvey: Est Reimb: $79.56 Total Cost $4,700 I GRAND TOTAL $9,800
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