900505C_SDS_92_Reference_Jun65 900505C SDS 92 Reference Jun65
900505C_SDS_92_Reference_Jun65 900505C_SDS_92_Reference_Jun65
User Manual: 900505C_SDS_92_Reference_Jun65
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SCIENTIFIC DATA SYSTEMS Reference Manual SOS 92 BASIC INSTRUCTIONS (CENTRAL PROCESSOR) Mnemonic Octal Code Name LOAD/STORE LDA LDB STA STB XMA XMB A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T 64 24 44 04 74 34 XMF A, T 17 LDF A, T 57 0044 SFT SFF 0042 INF 0046 Load A Load B Store A Store B Exchange Memory and A Exchange Memory and B Exchange Memory and F Load F Set Flag True Set Flag False Invert Flag ARITHMETIC A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T 62 22 63 23 60 20 61 21 76 36 16 56 13 53 52 12 Add to A Add to B Add with Carry to A Add with Carry to B Subtract to A Subtrac t to B Subtract with Carry to A Subtract with Carry to B Memory Plus A to Memory Memory Plus B to Memory Memory Plus One to Memory Memory Plus Flag to Memory Multiply A (Optional) Multiply B (Optional) Divide AB (Optional) Divide BA (Optional) LOGICAL ANA ANB ORA ORB EOA EOB MAA MAB A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T 65 25 67 27 66 26 75 35 AND to A AND to B OR to A OR to B Exclusive OR to A Exclusive OR to B Memory AND A to Memory Memory AND B to Memory 45 05 47 07 46 06 Compare Compare Compare Compare Compare Compare BRU BRC BRL BFF BFT BDA BAX BRM BMC A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T 37 Branch Unconditionally Branch, Clear Interrupt, and Load Flag Branch and Load Flag Branch on Flag False Branch on Flag True Branch on Decrementing A Branch and Exchange A and B Branch and Mark Place Branch, Mark Place, and Clear Flag 42 02 43 03 02 or 42 43 03 Cycle Cycle Cyc Ie Cycle Cycle Cycle Cycle 73 32 33 31 71 70 30 77 SHIFT CYA CYB CFA CFB CYD CFD CFI A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A, T A B Flag and Flag and Double Flag and Flag and A B Double Double Inverse CONTROL EXU A, T 72 0041 or HLT 00000000 Execute Halt TRAP SCT RCT TCT 0061 0060 0160 Set Program-controlled Trap Reset Program-controlled Trap Test Program-controlled Trap BREAKPOINT TESTS BPT BPT BPT BPT 1 2 3 4 0144 0145 0146 0147 Breakpoint Breakpoint Breakpoint Breakpoint 0051 0050 0150 00020001 Enab Ie Interrupt Disab Ie Interrupt Interrupt Enabled Test Arm Interrupts No. No. No. No. 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test INTERRUPTS EIR DIR lET AIR COMPARISON COA COB CMA CMB CEA CEB Name Octal Code BRANCH FLAG ADA ADB ACA ACB SUA SUB SCA SCB MPA MPB MPO MPF MUA MUB DVA DVB Mnemonic Ones with A Ones with B Magnitude of Memory with A Magnitude of Memory with B Memory Equa I to A Memory Equal to B Legend: A = address; * A = indirect address; =A = immediate address; T = index tag SOS 92 COMPUTER REFERENCE MANUAL June 1965 Ell' -\I!J SCIENTIFIC DATA SYSTEMS/1649 Seventeenth Street/Santa Monica, Cal ifornia @1965 Scientific Doto Systems, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. REVISIONS Th is pu bl ication, 90 05 05C, supersedes the SDS 92 Computer Reference Manual, 900505B. Revisions, corrections, and clarifications to the previous edition are indicated by a vertical I ine in the left or right marg in of the page. ii CONTENTS GENERAL DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SDS 92 Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . SDS 9.2 Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memory Word Formats . . . . . . . . . . Addressing Facil ities . . . . . . . . . . Trapping Facil ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . II 1-1 APPENDIX A 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-4 SDS Character Codes Table of Powers of Two . . . . . . . . . . . . . Octal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table .. Octal-Decimal Fraction Conversion Table . Two's Complement Arithmetic . • . . . . . . . 1-6 2-1 MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS Load;Store Instructions . . . . . . . . . Flag Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . Logical Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . Comparison Instructions . . . . . . . . . Branch Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . Shift Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . Control Instructions Trapping Instructions .......... Breakpo i nt Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . III . . . . . . APPENDIXES 1-1 . . . . . . Optional Equipment Real-Time Clock Automatic Power Fail-Safe . . . . . . . . . Data Mu Itiplexing System . . . . . . . . . Memory Parity Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . Trapping Return Subroutine Example . . . . . SDS 92 Memory Allocation ......... . 92 Instruction List - Functional Categories . 92 Instruction List - Numerical Order . . . . 92 Instruction List - Alphabetical Order 2-2 . . INPUT/OUTPUT SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Introdu ct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Data Transfer Instructions . . . . . . . . I/O Channel Operation . . . . . . . . . . EOM Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SES Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interlace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POT/BPO, PIN/BPI Instructions Single Bit Input/Output . . . . . . . . . . I/O Termination Programming Notes .. Priority Interrupt System (Optional) .. Control Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peripheral Equ ipment Description . . . . Input/Output Typewriter . . . . . . . Paper Tape Input/Output . . . . . . . Card Input/Output . . . . . . . . . . . Magnetic Tape Input/Output Line Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-9 A-3 A-7 A-lO I B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-4 I APPENDIX B 2-1 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-7 A-1 A-2 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-11 B-15 FIGURES 1-1 1-2 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-10 3-13 3-15 3-15 3-17 3-18 3-21 3-25 SDS 92 Computer (Frontispiece) ...... SDS 92 Computer Configuration ...... Basic Register Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . ROT/RIN Data Transmission . . . . . . . . . SDS 92 Channel Buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . Interrupt Arm-Enable Response . . . . . . . SDS 92 Computer Control Panel ...... Card Read into Memory in Hollerith . . . . Printer Control Indicators and Switches . . . . . . . . iv 1-2 1-3 3-2 3-3 3-12 3-14 3-19 3-25 TABLES 3-1 3-2 3-3 iii Unit Address Codes Interrupt Location Assig nments . . . . . . . . Format Control Characters . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 3-11 3-26 , • J Iliin ~" SDS 92 Computer iv I. GENERAL DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION • 6-bit characters, 286,000 characters/second, parity checked and packed 1 per word The SDS 92 is a small, high-speed, very low-cost, generalpurpose computer designed especially to include application in the following areas: • High-speed computer-based systems featuring speed and flexibility • Format conversion featuring complete versatility in formats and equipment involved • Three standard I/O modes: 6-bit characters, 286,000 characters/second, parity checked and packed 2 per word 12-bit parallel words, 572,000 words/second, parity checked Small, general-purpose applications featuring repetitive, high-speed computation • I/O transfer of 12-bit characters, 286,000 characters/ second, parity checked, optional • Four console sense switches • Optional features Interlace feature for standard I/O buffer The SDS 92 has the following characteristics: High-speed multiply and divide instructions, 5 and 13 cycles, respectively • The first commercia I computer using monolithic integrated circuits; all fl ip-flops are integrated • 12-bit word plus parity bit • 1.75 jJsec memory cyc Ie • Binary, integer arithmetic • 12- and 24-bit instructions • Immediate, direct and indirect addressing Keyboard/printer (teletype) with or without paper tape reader and punch, 10 cps • 2048-word basic memory Paper tape reader and punch, 300 and 60 cps, respectively • Memory expandable to 4096, 8192, 16,384 or 32,768 words, all directly addressable MAGPAK Magnetic Tape System Many-channel Data Multiplexing System using a second, independent path to memory 24-bit parallel I/O Up to 256 levels of true priority interrupt Automatic power fai I-safe Memory parity checking Real-time clock • Peripheral equipment for the SDS 92 All equipment in SDS standard peripheral line • Two independent arithmetic registers, either of which may be an accumulator • True Index Register; adds no time to execution • Instruction set comparable to medium-scale computer; includes shift instructions • Software Basic uti lity package • • • Symbolic assembler I/O packages for optional peripheral equipment Mathematical subroutines, including floatingpoint arithmetic, fixed-point multiply and divide, and elementary mathematical functions 4096 single-bit control outputs; 4096 single-bit sense inputs • All silicon semiconductors Independent I/O buffer with automatic assembly/ disassemblyof 6-bit characters to/from words (standard) • O perating temperature range: • Dimensions: 65 in. x 30 in. x 25-1/2 in. I/O block transfer standard • Power: 1 kva 1-1 0 100 to 40 C Priority Interrupt up to 256 Levels I I I J • t t t EOM • • t 2048 Words Expandable to : SES Core Memory SDS 92 Computer 12-bit Word POT/PIN Para II e I, Single Word BPO/BPI or Bloc k (24-bit Single Word 0 ptional) t I I I I I I I I Basic I/O Channel .--_ I .. L__ I 6 bits I Second Memory Path I ~ 12 bits Optional 4K 8K 16K 32K I 12 bits WOT;WIN ROT/RIN (plus parity) {} ~ t I f t I t External Devices ! Data Multiplex System I f • • • I f Subchannels (6-bit, 12-bit, or 24-bit) Items with dotted lines (---) are optional. Figure 1-1. t 4 SDS 92 Computer Configuration 1-2 SDS 92 REGISTERS The Flag Bit Register is a one-bit register used for arithmetic carry, storage and testing. The 92 Central Processor contains the following arithmetic and control registers. They are full-word, 12-bit registers except as noted. NOT AVAILABLE TO THE PROGRAMMER (light lines) The S Register is a 15-bit register that contains the address of the memory location being accessed for instructions or data. AVAILABLE TO THE PROGRAMMER (dark lines) The C Register, is a 12-bit register that is used in arithmetic and control operations. The A Register and the B Register are two independent, 12-bit accumulators. The A Register is also the index register. The 0 Register is a 6-bit register that contains the operation code of the instruction being executed. The P Register is a 15-bit register that contains the memory address of the current instruction. Unless modified by the program, the contents of P increase by one during one-word instructions and increase by two during two-word instructions. The M Register is a 13-bit register that holds each word as it comes from memory. Recopying of a word into memory takes place from the M Register. B (Accumu lator) 1 Flag B;, j F I A (Accumulator and/ or Index) j Adder , -- S (Memory Address) P (Program Counter) , C (Arithmetic and Control) - -- M (Memory Access) Memory --------------------~ Figure 1-2. Basic Register Flow Diagram 1-3 o (Opcode) offers great versatility both in addressing and indexing capabilities. In most cases, the instruction can select either the A or B for use as the accumulator. SDS 92 MEMORY The basic 92 memory contains 2048 words, consisting of 12{,its plus parity. Memory is available in 4096-, 8192-, 16,384and 32,768-word sizes. The central processor can directly address all memory. Addresses for memory words extend from locations 00000 to 77777 (octal). If the address of the next instruction to be executed is outside of available memory (for less than 32,768-word memories), the 92 executes a halt instruction (00000000); the P Register wi II contain the requested address + 2. For example, assume a 3777-word memory and Bit Position Meaning o Register Selection: 1-5 Instruction Code 6 Scratch Pad Bit 1 = A Register B Register o= 1. the instruction "Branch-to" 4000, or 7 Indirect Address Bit 2. the instruction "Load A" whose location is 3777. 8 Index Register Bit 9-11 Part of the Address Field In both cases, a halt occurs after execution of the instruction and the P Register contains 4002 which is outside of available memory. Note that the P Register responds as if there were always 32,768 words of memory. With a 32,768-word memory, the memory is a "wrap-around" or circular memory where the next location after 77777 is 00000. An attempt to read from a location whose address is not avai lable causes zeros to be read. An attempt to store into such a location essentially results in a "no-op" operation, with the next instruction in sequence being executed. A program can use th is property to determine the core size avai lable in the machine. r The flexibility of addressing in the 92 allows bits 7, 8, and 9 through 11 to be used in more than one way as explained below. ADDRESSING FACILITIES The 92 has one-word or two-word instructions with the length depending on the addressing mode being used. The addressing modes are: Addressing Area A power fai I-safe option is avai lable such that: before accessing each memory word, the co;"puter checks the power to ensure that it can complete the entire read/write cycle. If it detects a power loss, the computer halts. Direct, Two Words Indirect, One Word Indirect, Two Words Direct, One Word Immediate, One Word With the memory parity option, the computer automatically generates even parity or checks for it during each read/write cycle (optional). Setting a control panel pa~ity switch causes the computer to halt automatically in case of parity error detection. Full Memory Indirect Through Scratch Pad Indirect Through Full Memory Scratch Pad Next Location Indirect addressing can be cascaded indefinitely. The standard assembler forms for instructions are: MEMORY WORD FORMATS Form Type A computer word is 12 binary digits (bits) long: Label Label Label Label IIIIIII" IIII o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The word format numbers the bits from the left, or most significant end of the word, to the right, or least significant end of the word. This numbering format serves as a basis of reference to bit positions or bit numbers. Octal notation most easi Iy describes the contents of the 12 bits of a word. Thus, one octal digit, 0 through 7, represents three binary digits. For example, the octal number, 0123, represents its binary equivalent, 000 001 010 011. The programmer selects direct addressing by setting both bits 6 and 7 to zero. Bits 9 through 11 of the first word combine with the entire second word to form a 15-bit address to directly address up to 32,768 words. Bit 8 of the first word can specify indexing. y 6 7 8 9 n is a label or a 1- to 5-digit number, c is a 1- to 4-digit number «4096). Direct Addressing I 5 Direct, One and Two Words Direct, Two Words, Index Indirect, One and Two Words Immediate The following section describes the bit configurations that the octal programmer or the symbolic assembler must provide to select the various addressing modes. The 92 instruction word: o n n, 1 *n =c 10 11 where Opcode Opcode Opcode Opcode Qpcode r The multiply instructions are exceptions. 10 11 1-4 Note: Instruction Form: Although the A Register is only 12 bits long, the top three bits of the address will be modified by indexing if a "borrow" occurs. HI Scratch Pad Addressing LOW o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Memory locations 00001 to 000378 are referred to as the "scratch pad" memory and are special only in that they can be addressed more si mply. 10 11 Direct Addressing With No Indexing When the programmer sets the Scratch Pad Indicator (bit 6) to 1, the instruction addresses one of the 31 scratch pad locations. This allows a complete instruction in a single word. The form of the instruction is: The computer constructs the 15-bit direct address from bits 9, 10, 11 of the instruction word and bits 0 through 11 of the next location. Example 1: 1 Opcode o 0 Opcode I RI 0 I 5 1 101 6 3 0 1 7 8 1M 9 10 11 2' 3 0 4 0 0 0 51 6 7 8 1 9 5 16 7 8 Example: Assume .--location 34 IM+ 1 I 9 I 10 11 10 , Contents 2333 Then the instruction: 10 11 LDB 2 Assembler Form: Scratch Pad Address The value of n must be in the range 1 ~ n ~ 31 .. 32000 2 I ., 034 4 LDB 024300 0 Machine Language Form: 2 yields (8) 3 4 5 I 6 7 7 4 8 I 9 1011 = 2333 2 4 2 Immediate Addressing 4 3 o When the programmer sets the Scratch Pad Indicator to 1 and sets bits 7 through 11 to 00, the instruction acquires its address by adding one to the current contents of the $ Register. That is, the next location contains the operand. The computer automatically increments the Program Counter by an additional one to take the next instruction from the word following the immediate operand word. o 234 Note: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 In the standard assembler, a 0 precedes any octal number; noth i ng precedes a dec i ma I number written as a literal (i. e., immediate). Direct Addressing With Indexing The form of the instruction is: 1 When the programmer sets the Index Bit (number 8) to 1, the computer subtracts the contents of the A Register from the direct address to obtain the effective address. I I I o 0 o 0 Opcode OPERAND MMMMM NNNN Effective Address 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 The standard assembler form is: LDA =, where the following number literally". Example 2: Assume (A)=OOOl Assembler Form: t o "=" means "take Example: - - LDA = 04311 LDB 024300, Machine Language Form: 6 o 2 2 M 4 o M+ 1 4 o 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 In the standard assembler, a 0 precedes any octal number; nothing precedes a decimal number written as a literal (i. e., immediate). This instruction loads the contents of location 24277 into the B Register. 1-5 Take LDB Indirect Addressing The indirect addressing facility provides two ways of specifying the IIpointing II address. Indirect From Scratch Pad 0 First, the single-word instruction specifies that the pointing address is within the second 16 locations of the Scratch Pad area (locations 208 through 378). The specified pointing address used in the standard assembler form must be in the range: 20.::; n ::; 36, n even. 4 2 3 2 0 0 0 2 : 3 4 5 : 6 7 8: 9 10 11 The logic reinitializes addressing and ( 14020) :or: 2200----B The two Pointer words can specify all forms of addressing. TRAPPING FACILITY Program-Control Ied 4 The program-controlled trapping facility permits the calling of subroutines with a single instruction of the same form as builtin, machine instructions. The trapping is controlled by the status of the Program-Controlled Trap (PCT) bit. When PCT is a 0, the computer decodes the eight trapping Opcodes as special instructions and executes the Opcode in the unique trapping location determined by the Opcode. When PCT is a 1, the computer decodes the eight Opcodes as normal instructions. The Opcodes, their normal names, and their respective trapping locations follow. where bit 6 is 0 and bits 7 and 8 are l. Bits 8 9 10 11 and C form a five-bit address that selects the fi;st ~f t~o c~ntiguous address words. The computer always supplies a least significant fifth bit (C) that is zero, making all such Scratch Pad addresses even. When the addressing logic selects the even address, it reinitiates addressing and interprets that location and the next one as an instruction word-pair without an instruction code. These two (or one) words can specify all forms of addressing. Bit 8 of the instruction does not effect indexing in this operating mode. Example: 0002 0010 Since the 0 in bits 6,7,8 of location 34 indicates direct addressing, the instruction does the following: = POT BPO WOT ROT PIN BPI WIN RIN RESET PROGRAM-CONTROLLED TRAP (RCT) TEST PROGRAM-CONTROLLED TRAP (TCT) !: I~ I: ! HI Multiply and Divide When the high-speed multiply/divide option is not prese~t in a system, an attempt to execute the associated instruction code causes a transfer to a special trap location. These locations are: Location Mnemonic Opcode 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 o where the 0 in bit 8 specifies that the pointing address consists of a 15-bit address constructed as in Direct Addressing. MUA MUB DVA DVB Example: Assume 32000 32001 14020 130 132 134 136 140 142 144 146 SET PROGRAM-CONTROLLED TRAP (SCT) The second form of indirect addressing is: Location 10 50 0004~B Indirect Full Addressing OP:Ode Normal Mnemonic One of the "branch and mark place" instructions BRM or BMC placed in the trapping location (and location plus one) by the programmer branches to the associated subroutine. The mark information provides the subroutine I inkage back to the main program, i. e., the address stored in the mark is the address of the instruction that caused the trap. The program sets, resets, and tests the PCT bit via the instruction: yields reinitialized addressing on locations 34, 35. (20010) Trapping Location 51 14 54 15 55 *034 34 35 Opcode 11 Conte~ts 0002 0010 0004 Location 34 35 20010 Then, LDB 2 (32000) = 0001 (32001) = 4020 Opcode 2 13 ! This yields: In this mode, the instruction bits have the form: o *032000 which is Contents 0001 4020 2200 13 53 52 12 124 126 122 120 When the option is absent, the trapping process is always active and cannot be inhibited by the programmer. 1-6 Appendix-B-5 contains a complete trap-subroutine example. that is useful as a guide to writing subroutine return code. Trapp i ng Notes When a trap occurs, the P counter is not incremented. It is therefore mandatory that only branch instructions be placed in the trap instructions; otherwise, the program goes into an unrecoverable loop: Nomenclature Assume there is no multiply option. 124 L~A Throughout the following discussions, the term "next locati~n" refers to the location immediately following the location of the instruction under discussion. The simi lar term "next address" is also used. 1000 1200 MUA 5000 If MUA is executed, the execution sequence is: 1200 MUA 124 LDA 1200 MUA 124 LDA The term "effective memory location" describ~s the location in memory from which the computer takes the final operand at the conclusion of all indirect addressing and indexing. The effective memory location is the location whose address is the effective address. 1-7 II. MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS STORE A (STORE B) STA (STB) This section describes SDS 92 instructions; they are presented in functional groups. Lists of instructions in functional, numerical and alphabetical order are in Appendices B-7 through B-17. 44(04) a The following statements apply to the instruction descriptions. Y I 5 6 789 11 STA stores the contents of the A Register in the effective memory location. All instruction times are in memory cycles, where each cycle is 1.75 microseconds. Timing: 2 Registers Affected: M All timings assume that the instruction addresses operands in scratch-pad memory (even though the instruction may, in fact, preclude this mode of addressing). For more comprehensive addressing, add cycles to the given execution times as follows: Addressing 74(34) a Cycles a Immediate EXCHANGE M AND A (EXCHANGE M AND B) XMA (XMB) I 56789 11 XMA loads the contents of the effective memory location into the A Register and stores the contents of the A Register in the effective memory location. Direct Full Direct Full with Indexing Registers Affected: A(B), M Indirect Addressing One-Word, even scratch-pad address P Indirect Addressing Two-Word, Fu II add ress 1+ P Timing: 3 FLAG INSTRUCTIONS XMF where P is the number of cyc les required to process the indirect address pair. EXCHANGE M AND FLAG 17 I a Parentheses denote IIcontents of ", as, for example, (A) represents the contents of the A Register. 56789 11 a a XMF loads the content of the Flag Bit into bit of the effective memory location and loads the content of bit into the Flag Bit; it leaves bit positions 1 through 11 of the effective memory location the same as they were. The interrupt system (optional) can interrupt the program sequence at the end of any instruction except as noted. Registers Affected: F, M Those instructions that apply to the A and the B Registers appear with the B Register operation code and mnemonic in parentheses. LDF With each instruction description is a diagram depicting the instruction format. Preceding this diagram is the mnemonic code and the instruction name. In the diagram, S stands for Scratch Pad Bit, I stands for Indirect Address Bit, X stands for Index Bit, and Y stands for part of the address. The letter M depicts a general memory location. Timing: 3 LOAD FLAG 57 I a 5 6 LDF loads the content of bit into the Flag Bit. 7 8 9 11. a of the effective memory Registers Affected: F location Timing: 3 LOAD /STORE INSTRUCTIONS SFT LDA (LDB) SET FLAG TRUE LOAD A (LOAD B) 00 64(24) a I a 56789 11 I 44 5 6 I 11 SFT unconditionally sets the Flag Bit to a one. LDA loads the contents of the effective memory location into the A Register. SFT cannot be interrupted. Registers Affected: A(B) Registers Affected: F Timing: 2 2-1 Timing: 3,4 SFF SUA (SUB) SET FLAG FALSE 42 I 00 o I 5 6 60(20) o 11 SFF unconditionally resets the Flag Bit to a zero. Timing: 3,4 Registers Affected: F 00 46 I I 5 6 8 9 11 Timing: 2 Example: Assume (A) = 3003 (10) =·4010 (F) = 0 11 INF unconditionally inverts the Flag Bit. it to a Oi if it is a 0, INF sets it to a 1. If it is a 1, INF sets Performing SUB 010 (A) = 6773 (F) = 1 INF cannot be interrupted. Timing: 3,4 Registers Affected: F ADD TO A (ADD TO B) o yields SUBTRACT WITH CARRY TO A (SUBTRACT WITH CARRY TO B) SCA (SCB) ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONS ADA (ADB) 7 Registers Affected: A(B), F INVERT FLAG o 5 6 SUA subtracts the contents of the effective memory location from the contents of A and places the result in Ai it stores the carry from bit 0 in the Flag (F) bit. [(M) > (A) sets Fi (A) ~ (M) resets F.J SFF cannot be interrupted INF SUBTRACT TO A (SUBTRACT TO B) 61(21) I 5 6 7 8 9 ]] 62(22) o I 5 6 7 8 9 SCA subtracts the content of the effective memory location from the contents of the A Register, then subtracts the content of F from the least significant end of the difference and places the result in A. It places the carry from bit 0 in the Flag (F) bit. [(M) +F >(A) sets Fi (A)~(M)+FresetsF.] 11 ADA adds the contents of the effective memory location to the contents of A and stores the result in Ai it stores the carry from bit 0 of the addition in the Flag Bit. Timing: Registers Affected: A(B), F MPA (MPB) Example: Assume (A) = 4300 (1000) 3700 (F) = 0 , Flag Bit Performing ADA 01000 (A) = 0200 (F) ACA (ACB) = o yields ADD WITH CARRY TO A (ADD WITH CARRY TO B) 76(36) I 6 7 8 9 11 o ACA adds the contents of the effective memory location to the contents of Ai it also adds the content of the Flag Bit to bit position 11 of the result. ACA places the final result in Aand records the carry from bit 0 in the Flag Bit. Registers Affected: A(B), F 5 6 7 8 9 11 Timing: 3 Registers Affected: M, F MPO 5 MEMORY PLUS A TO MEMORY (MEMORY PLUS B TO MEMORY) MPA adds the contents of the effective memory location to the contents of A and places the result in the effective memory location; it stores the carry from bit 0 in the Flag Bit. 1 63(23) o 2 Timing: 2 Registers Affected: A(B), F MEMORY PLUS ONE TO MEMORY 16 I 56789 11 MPO increments the contents of the effective memory location by one and places the result back into the same location; it places the carry bit from bit 0 in the Flag Bit. Timing: 2 Registers Affected: M, F 2-2 Timing: 3 o Exampl e: Assume (A) = 0027 (B) = 4335 (1000) = 0036 MEMORY PLUS FLAG TO MEMORY MPF 234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PerformingDVA01000 (B) = 6217 (A) = 0033 MPF adds the content of the Flag Bit to the contents of the effective memory location at bit position 11 and places the result back into the effective location. The carry from bit o of the addition goes into the Flag Bit. MULTIPLY A The div is ion is performed as follows: B Registers Affected: M, F MUA (Optional) Y 13 I / 6 7 8 J I 0 10 13 16 1 I0 I0 1217 H A * 151 B LOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS 11 MUA multiplies the contents of A by the contents of the effective memory location and places the product in A and B with the more significant portion in A. 5 A Timing: 3 1000 o yields 9 ANA (ANB) AND TO A (AND TO B) 65(25) Timing: Registers Affected:. A, B 5 o Performing MUA 01000 (A) = 0077 (B) = 2420 MULTIPLY B 6 7 8 9 11 Registers Affected: A, (B) yields ORA (ORB) (Optional) 53 Timing: 2 OR TO A (OR TO B) 67(27) I o 5 ANA performs a logical AND with the contents of the A Register and the contents of the effective memory location; it places the result in A. The previous contents of A are lost. Example: Assume (A) = 3411 (1000) = 0220 MUB I 56789 o 11 MUB multiplies the contents of B by the contents of the effective memory location and places the product in A and B with the more significant portion in A. Registers Affected: A, B I 5 6 7 8 9 11 ORA performs a logical "inclusive OR II with the contents of the A Register and the contents of the effective memory location; it places the result in A. The previous contents of A are lost. Timing: 5 Registers Affected: A, (B) Timing: 2 DIVIDE AB (DIVIDE BA) (Optional) DVA(DVB) 52(12) o I EOA (EO B) 5 6 7 8 9 DVA(DVB) divides the contents of the A and B Registers (B and A Registers) I treated as a double-precision number I by the contents of the effective memory location and places the quotient in the B Register I with the remainder in the A Register. The A Register (B Register) must initially contain the more significant half of the dividend. The contents of the effective memory location must be greater than the contents of A (B). Registers Affected: A, B EXCLUSIVE OR TO A (EXCLUSIVE OR TO B) 11 66(26) o I 56789 11 EOA performs a logical "exclusive OR II with the contents of the A Register and the contents of the effective memory location; it places the result in A. The previous contents of A are lost. Timing: 13 Registers Affected: A, (B) 2-3 Timing: 2 MAA(MAB) BRANCH INSTRUCTIONS MEMORY AND A TO MEMORY (MEMORY AND B TO MEMORY) BRU t o BRANCH UNCONDITIONALLY Y 75(35) 5 6 7 8 9 73 11 o MAA performs a logical AND with the contents of the A Register and the contents of the effective memory location; it places the result in the effective memory location. The previous contents of the memory location are lost; MAA leaves the contents of A undisturbed. Registers Affected: M I 5 6 7 8 9 11 The computer takes the next instruction from the location determined by the effective address. BRU cannot be interrupted. Registers Affected: None Timing: 1 Timing: 3 BRC BRANCH, CLEAR INTERRUPT AND'LOAD FLAG COMPARISON INSTRUCTIONS COA(COB) 32 COMPARE ONES WITH A (COMPARE ONES WITH B) o I 56789 11 COA compares the contents of the A Register, the contents of the effective memory location. of A and the contents of the effective location in corresponding bit positions, COA resets the there is no such corresponding pair of one bits, Flag Bit. Registers Affected: F 5 6 7 8 11 9 The computer takes the next instruction from the location determined by the effective address; it also clears the currently active interrupt level. If BRC uses direct addressing, it clears the Flag Bit and sets the PCT bit. If it uses indirect addressing, BRC places into the Flag Bit and PCT bit the content of bits 0 and 1 of the first word of the last indirect address pair. 45(05) o I bit by bit, with If the contents have any ones Flag Bit. If COA sets the Registers' Affected: F, PCT BRL Timing: 3 BRANCH AND LOAD FLAG Timing: 2 33 'CMA(CMB) o COMPARE MAGNITUDE OF M WITH A (COMPARE MAGNITUDE OF M WITH B) 47(07) I 5 6 7 8 9 o If the contents of the A Register are arithmetically less than the contents of the effective memory location, CMA resets the Flag Bit. Otherwise, it sets the Flag Bit. CEA(CEB) 56789 11 BRL transfers to the effective memory location. If BRL uses direct addressing, it clears the Flag Bit and sets the PCT bit. If it uses indirect addressing, BRL places into the Flag Bit and the PCT bit the content of bits 0 and 1 of the first word of the last indirect address pair. BRL cannot be interrupted. 11 Registers Affected: F I Registers Affected: F, PCT Timing: 2 BRANCH ON FLAG FALSE BFF COMPARE M EQUAL TO A (COMPARE M EQUAL TO B) Timing: 31 o I 5 6 7 8 9 11 46(06) o I 56789 If the content of the Flag Bit is zero, the computer takes the next instruction from the location determined by the effective address. If the content is one, the ~omputer executes the next instruction in sequence. If a branch occurs, there can be no interrupt. 11 If the contents of the A Register are equa I to the contents of the effective memory location, CEA resets the Flag Bit. Otherwise, it sets the Flag Bit. Registers Affected: Registers Affected: F Timing: 2 2-4 None Timing: 1 if Branch 2 if No Branch BFT o BRANCH ON FLAG TRUE BMC 71 37 I I 5 6 7 8 9 o 11 If the content of the Flag Bit is one, the computer takes the next instruction from the location determined by the effective address. If the content is zero, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. If a branch occurs, there can be no interrupt. Timing: Registers Affected: None BOA 1 if Branch 2 if No Branch BRANCH ON DECREMENTING A 56789 11 Registers Affected: A Timing: 6 7 8 9 11 M, M + 1, F, PCT Timing: 3 The single or double shift is determined via bit 7 of the effective address; it is a 0 for single-register shift and a 1 for doubleregister shift. 10 11 BAX exchanges the contents of A with the contents of B; then it branches to the location determined by the effective memory address. BAX cannot be interrupted. If this instruction specifies indexing, the indexing wi II be performed before the interchange of IIA II and liB. II The conventional address formats are: One-Word Address Timing: 1 Registers Affected: A, B BRM 8 9 Shift instructions operate on. the A, B, and Flag Registers. The shifts can be single or double register. All sh ifts are to the left. The number of shifts N is specified in the least significant 4 bits of the effective address. The maximum number of shifts is 15 (178); zero is allowed. N is written in the 4 bits, in onels complement form (i .e., a shift N =7 appears as 10 ), 8 1 if Branch 2 if No Branch 30 5 7 SHIFT INSTRUCTIONS BRANCH AND EXCHANGE A AND B 2 I 3 4 6 Note that the BMC instruction is the one normally executed when an interrupt occurs. The add ress stored in th i s case is the location of the next instruction to be executed in the main program. BOA decrements the contents of the A Register by one. It then tests the result unequal to 77778 , If unequal, the computer takes the next instruction from the location determined by the effective address. If equa I, the computer executes the next instruction in sequence. t If a branch occurs, there can be no interrupt. If this instruction specifies indexing, the indexing is performed before A (the index register) is decremented. o 5 Registers Affected: I BAX y BMC stores the contents ofthe Program Counter in bits 9 through 11 of the effective memory location and bits 0 through 11 of the effec .. tive location plus one. It stores the contents of the Flag Bit in bit 0 and the contents of the PCT bit in bi t 1 of the effective location; bits 2 through 5 of the effective location are unpredictable. Bits 6 through 8 of the effective location are cleared. The Flag Bit is cleared and the PCTbit isset. BMCthen branches to the effective memory location plus two. Immediate addressing is not allowed. 70 o BRANCH, MARK PLACE, AND CLEAR FLAG BRANCH AND MARK PLACE 11 77 o I 5 6 7 8 9 Two-Word Address 11 BRM stores the contents of the Program Counter (which contains the address of the next instruction in sequence) in bits 9 through 11 of the effective memory location and bitsO through 11 of the effective location plusone. It stores the content of the Flag Bit in bit 0 and the content of the PCT bit in bit 1 of the effective location; bits 2 through 5 of the effective location are unpredictable. Bits 6 through 8 of the effective location are cleared. BRM then branches to the effective memory location plus two. Immediate addressing is not allowed. Registers Affected: M, M+ 1 Timing: 3 tAs with any instruction, when using immediate addressing with a BOA, the phrase lithe next instruction in sequence II refers to the instruction two locations beyond the BOA. 2-5 Opcode 0=1 lis Complef o 11 Shift Timing Shift Count (Decimal) Timing (Cycles) 0-3 3 4-6 4 7-9 5 10 - 12 6 13 - 15 7 CYA(CYB) CFI CYCLE A (CYCLE B) CYCLE FLAG AND DOUBLE INVERSE o3 42 (02) o 56 7 8 9 o 11 CYA shifts the contents of the A Register N places to the left. All bits shifting past position 0 shift into position 11. The one's complement of N, the number of positions to be shifted, is placed in the least significant 4 bits of the effective address. 7 A(B) CYCLE FLAG AND A (CYCLE FLAG AND B) 11 r0j_B---,H,--_A-----h CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS EXU 43 (03) o 9 o Registers Affected: A, B,F CFA(CFB) 8 CFI shifts the contents of the B and A Registers and the F lag Bit, taken as a single 25-bit register, N places to the left. Bits shift from position 0 of A into position 11 of B, from position of B into the Flag Bit, and from the Flag Bit into position 11 of A. The one's complement of N is placed in the least significant 4 bits of the effective address. d b Registers Affected: A(B) 5 6 EXECUTE 11 72 CFA shifts the contents of the A Registerand the Flag Bit, taken as a single 13-bit register, N places to the left. All bits shifting past position 0 shift into the Flag Bit, bits from the Flag Bit go into position 11. The one's complement of N is placed in the least significant 4 bits of the effective address. rEH Registers Affected: A(B), F CYD I A(B) 02 or 42 I I[I I 5 56 X 7 8 9 b I y HLT CYD shifts the contents of the A and B Registers N places to the left. All bits shifting out of position 0 of A shift into position 11 of B; all bits shifting out of position 0 of B shift into position 11 of A. The one's complement of N is placed in the least significant 4 bits of the effective address. Registers Affected: A, B CFD 8 9 11 Timing: HALT 1 + time of instruction execution 41 00 I o _B_h H. . . . o 4 3 5 11 6 o o o o 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 HLT halts instruction execution and lights the HALT light. To resume computation, the operator sets the mode switch to IDLE and then to RUN or STEP at which time the computer executes the instruction in the location addressed by the contents of the Program Counter. (This wi II be the instruction following the ti LT instruction if the operator has not changed the contents of the Program Counter. ) 11 CFD shifts the contents of the A and B Registers and the Flag Bit, taken as a single 25-bit register, N places to the left. Bits shift from position 0 of B into position 11 of A, from position 0 of A into the Flag Bit, and from the Flag Bit into position 11 of B. The one's complement of N is placed in the least significant 4 bits of the effective address. Registers Affected: A, B, F 7 One Word CYCLE FLAG AND DOUBLE o 6 Registers Affected: None 11 A ·5 EXU executes the instruction in the effective memory location. Then the computer executes the next instruction following EXU. If the effective memory location contains a branch, control goes to the branch-to location. If the effective location contains another EXU, the process repeats with control always returning to the next location after the first EXU or to the branch-to 10-' cation if the last instruction is a branch instruction. Immediate addressing is not allowed on EXU (this restriction does not apply to the instruction executed}. No "trappable" instruction that wi II trap can be executed. CYCliDOUBli o I o If an interrupt occurs while halted by a HALT (while still in RUN), the computer acknowledges the interrupt and computation resumes. (The instruction following the HLT instruction will be executed following the processing of the interrupt.) r0j,---A---,H,--_B-b Registers Affected: None 2-6 Timing: 3,4 TRAPPING INSTRUCTIONS SCT TEST PROGRAM-CONTROLLED TRAP TCT SET PROGRAM-CONTROLLED TRAP 00 61 I I o 01 60 I I 11 SCT unconditionally sets the PCT bit to a one. TCT tests the status of the PCT bit. If PCT is a one, it sets the Flag Bit to a one. If PCT is a zero, it sets the Flag Bit to a zero. SCT cannot be interrupted. Registers Affected: o 5 Registers Affected: RCT 11 PCT Timing: 3,4 I )6 60 I Mnemonic 11 Coding BPT 1 BPT2 BPT 3 BPT 4 RCT cannot be interrupted. PCT Timing: 3,4 This instruction tests the status of the Breakpoint switches. If the selected switch is set, the Flag Bit is set to a 1. If the switch is reset, the Flag is set toa O. RCT unconditionally sets the PCT bit to a zero. Registers Affected: F BREAKPOINT TESTS RESET PROGRAM-CONTROLLED TRAP 00 o 6 Timing: 3,4 Regi sters Affected: 2-7 0144 0145 0146 0147 F Timing: 3,4 III. INPUT/OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS INTRODUCTION Central Processor The SDS 92 has a comprehensive input/output system to complement its high internal processing speed. This system can transmit data in word, character, and single-bit form to and from the computer at the speed of internal computation. The input/ output system is of great variety and can assume control of conditions imposed by a wide range of input/output j special system devices; but the computer always leaves a high degree of flexible input/output control to the programmer. Memory The system contains: Buffered input/output of data words, under program con.trol in blocks or as single words. Input/output of blocks of data via subchannels; up to 64 channels simultaneously operating through a multiplexing system (optional). WOT causes a word to be taken from the specified memory location and placed in the I/O Channel to be output when requested by the currently active peripheral device. Direct parallel input/output of 12-bit words, singly or in blocks, to and from external statiC registers. ·Single bit input/output, such as equipment on/off status, sense switches, and pulsing and sending of special signals. Central Processor Memory I/O CHANNEl The I/O Channel, standard equipment in the computer, performs input/output of words singly or in blocks. On output, the I/O channel transmits words in 6-bit characters, one or two characters per word as selected, or in 12-bit (optional) single character form. On input, the I/O channel receives words in 6-bit characters, one or two per word, or 12-bit (optional) characters as desired. This channel transmits single words or blocks. The program places the block count in the A Register prior to the transfer and the computer counts this down to 7777 automatically to terminate the transfer operation. To transfer blocks of data words via the I/O channel, the program uses the same EOM configuration to set the channel for operation; the program specifies the number of words in the transfer.by placing the word count minus one in the A Register ((A) + 1 = N). The RECORD OUT (ROT) instruction causes the computer to output words from the effective address M through the effective address plus the contents of A (M through M + (A)). The RECORD IN (RIN) instruction causes the computer to input from the actively transmitting peripheral device; the operation terminates when the computer receives N words, or when it receives an "end-of-record" from the peripheral device •. RIN and ROT tie up the computer during the entire input/output transmission. SINGLE WORD TRANSMISSION Using the I/O Channel, a progrdm can transmit data words between memory and peripheral devices under single instruction control. To do this, the program first activates the channel and the peripheral device with an energize or "alert" instruction (one of the configurations of the multi -purpose instruction, ENERGIZE OUTPUT M (EOM)). WOT is the WORD OUT instruction; WIN is the WORD IN instructi.on. WIN causes a word from a peripheral device to be taken from the I/O channel and placed directly into the specified memory location witho.ut disturbing any internal registers .. 3-1 Central Processor For a PIN, EOM alerts the sending device, PIN stores the least significant 12 bits, the high-order bits fill the extender, EOM a Ierts the extender, and another PIN stores the contents of the extender. Ne i ther of these cod i ng sequences can be interrupted. See the Interrupt System paragraphs for the Alert Extender EOM for both POT and PIN. Memory o SINGLE BIT INPUT/OUTPUT N-1 The EOM and SES instruction provide a general single bit transmitting and sensing facility for use as test and control signals with special systems and standard peripheral devices. (A) = N-1 DATA TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS No interrupt can occur between any of these instructions and the instruction following it. Figure 3-1. ROT/RIN Data Transmission WOT Two instructions control the process of transmitting and receiving data-between peripheral equipment and the central proces\ sor using the I/O Channel. These instructions are: EOM ENERGIZE OUTPUT M S-ES SENSE EXTERNAL SIGNAL WORD OUT o 5 6 7 8 9 11 WOT transfers the contents of the effective memory location into the I/O channel buffer. If the buffer is not ready, the central processor IIhangs Upll unti I the buffer empties from a previous instruction and is ready to accept the new data word. The EOM instructi on activates the I/O Channel, selects the peripheral device, and requests the desired operation. The programmer uses the SES instruction to test for all input/outputoperational conditions; SES is multipurpose like the EOM. Later sections describe the exact configurations of EOM and SES. Timi ng: 4 + wait Registers Affected: None ROT RECORD OUT DIRECT PARALLEL INPUT/OUTPUT, 12 BIT The parallel input/output facility allows full, 12-bit words to be transmitted directly out of and into the memory. After activating the peripheral device or special system device with an activating EOM, the PARALLEL OUTPUT (POT) and PARALLEL INPUT (PIN) cause any selected word in core memory to be presented to the peripheral device connector; or conversely, cause a word (12-bit signa I) received into the device connector to be stored in the selected location. POT/PIN also check or generate correct memory parity with each word transmitted. The system provides a block transfer form of POT and PIN with the instructions, BLOCK PARALLEL IN (BPI) and BLOCK PARALLEL OUT (BPO). By placing the word count N minus one in the A Register, BPI and BPO provide the identical function of PIN and POT, respectively, on N consecutive words. o 51 I 5 6 7 8 9 11 Starting with the effective memory location, ROT transfers N sequential words into the I/O channel buffer. The contents of the A Register are the word count N minlfs one; ROT can output to 4096 words per execution. The central processor must wait as with WOT before it transfers the first word to the buffer; it also must wait for the buffer to clear between each word transfer. ROT completely ties up the computer until the Nth word transfers into the channel buffer. The next instruction executes before the Nth word transfers out of the channel buffer to the connected peripheral device. Timing: 2 + 2N + wait Registers Affected: A Parity checking/generating is automatic for these operations on machines equipped with the memory parity feature. WORD IN WIN See POT/BPO, PIN/BPI Instructions in this section. o DIRECT PARALLEL INPUT/OUTPUT, 24-BIT (Optional) 15 I 5 6 7 8 9 11 WIN transfers the contents of the channel buffer into the effective memory location. If the buffer is not already fi lied, the central processor IIhangs Upll unti I the buffer fi lis with the word being received from the peripheral device. A 12-bit register is available to extend the word for POT/PIN operations to 24 bits. For a POT, the device operates as follows: EOM to activate the extender, POT to place the most significant 12 bits in the extender, EOM to activate the externa I device to get the data, and POT to transmit the lower -12 bits. This last POT transmits the entire 24 bits. Registers Affected: M 3-2 Timing: 5 + wait RIN RIN. To place data into the channel buffer so that the channel can transmit it to the waiting peripheral device, the program uses WORD OUT (WOT), or its block transfer equivalent, ROT. RECORD IN 55 o I 5 6 7 8 9 I/O CHANNEL BUFFER DESCRIPTION (See Figure 3-2.) 11 During the execution of ROT/RIN, the computer is completely tied up whi Ie it handles the data transfers, increments the memory location address for the data transfers, and tests for transfer termination using the word count N (by decrementing A by one whenever a word is transferred). Starting with the effective memory location, RIN transfers N words from the channel buffer into sequential locations. The contents of the A Registerare the word count N minus one; RIN can input up to 4096 words per execution. The centra I processor must wait as with WIN before it receives the first word from the channel buffer; it also must wait for the buffer to fill between each word transfer. RIN completely ties up the computer until the Nth word is in memory. This input will also terminate if the computer receives an END signal from the peripheral device before the Nth word. In either case, the computer executes the next instruction after RIN terminates. Registers Affected: M to M + (A), A I/o Each of the 30 devices which can be attached to a buffer has a unique, two-digit, octal address by which it is chosen for an input/output operation. To choose the peripheral device, the program loads the proper unit address into the 6-bit Un it Address Register (UAR). This address selects both thedeviceand, if appropriate, the function to be performed. Placing a non-zero unit address in the Unit Address Register "connects" the peripheral unit addressed to the buffer and the buffer becomes "active tl • When the UAR contains a zero address, or any time that a terminal or initial condition clears the contents of UAR, the buffer is "inactive", and it is not connected to a peripheral unit. Timing: 3 + 2N + wait CHANNEL OPERATION The Word Assembly Register (WAR) and the Single Character Register (SCR) comprise the active portion of a buffer. The Word Assembly Register, a 12-bit, word~sized buffer, contains the word of data actively being received or transmitted during an input or output operation. During input, 6-bit characters (plus parity) come into the Single Character Register where the channel assembles them, one at a time, into the WAR. Depending on the number of characters per word specified, the word assembled during input has the form: The I/O Channel can control up to 30 input/output devices; it automatically handles character, word assembly/disassembly, and input/output parity detection and generation. The channel is bi-directional and communicates with 6-bit character devices (12-bit optional). The program specifies whether one or two characters are to be assembled/disassembled in each word during the transmission. The program uses a Buffer Control EOM to set the operation controls such as forward/backward tape direction, to place the unit address in the channel, and to initiate the proper assembly/disassembly mode. The presence of the unit address activates the channel causing it to look for data coming from a peripheral device or from memory, as determined by the unit address (see the Unit Address Code, Table 3-1). Word 1st I o To get data from the channel buffer after it is received there from a peripheral device during input, the program uses a WORD IN (WIN) instruction, or its block transfer equivalent, o ~~~~~J I I I I J6 2nd I ~ o I I Parity Error Character Count E1 Word Assembly '--_ _ _ _~_ _ _ _~ 11 5 6 o L _____ _ -0- I One character per word 11 Two characters per word 11 ----------, I r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To I/O Device : I Unpredictable 5 6 1st I Mode o • I I I 5 I I I _J Figure 3-2. SDS 92 Channel Buffer 3-3 I Table 3-l. Unit Address Codes 00 Disconnect 40 01 Type Input No. 1 41 Type Output No. 1 02 Type Input No.2 42 Type Output No.2 03 Type Input No.3 43 Type Output No.3 04 Paper Tape Input No. 44 Paper Tape Punch Output No. 05 Paper Tape Input No.2 45 Paper Tape Punch Output No.2 06 Card Reader Input No. 1 46 Card Punch Output No. 1 07 Card Reader Input No.2 47 Card Punch Output No.2 10 Magnetic Tape Input No. 0 50 Magnetic Tape Output No. 0 11 Magnetic Tape Input No.1 51 Magnetic Tape Output No.1 12 Magnetic Tape Input No.2 52 Magnetic Tape Output No.2 13 Magnetic Tape Input No.3 53 Magnetic Tape Output No.3 14 Magnetic Tape Input No.4 54 Magnetic Tape Output No.4 15 Magnetic Tape Input No.5 55 Magnetic Tape Output No.5 16 Magnetic Tape Input No.6 56 Magnetic Tape Output No.6 17 Magnetic Tape Input No.7 57 Magnetic Tape Output No.7 20 60 High-Speed Printer Output No. 21 61 High-Speed Printer Output No.2 22 62 23 63 24 64 Incremental Plotter Output No. 25 65 Incremental Plotter Output No.2 26 Disc File Input No. 66 Disc File Output No. 1 27 Disc File Input No.2 67 Disc File Output No.2 30 Scan Magnetic Tape No. 0 70 Magnetic Tape Erase No. 0 31 Scan Magnetic Tape No.1 71 Magnetic Tape Erase No.1 32 Scan Magnetic Tape No.2 72 Magnetic Tape Erase No.2 33 Scan Magnetic Tape No.3 73 Magnetic Tape Erase No.3 34 Scan Magnetic Tape No.4 74 Magnetic Tape Erase No.4 35 Scan Magnetic Tape No._5 75 Magnetic Tape Erase No.5 36 Scan Magnetic Tape No.6 76 Magnetic Tape Erase No.6 37 Scan Magnetic Tape No.7 77 Magnetic Tape Erase No.7 3-4 An unfi lied character position is unpredictable. When assembled during a single-word operation, a WIN instruction places the word into memory. With RIN, the computer places each word in memory when assembled. The Buffer Control EOM operates essentially as a setup or preparation facility for data transmissions or other peripheral functions using the I/O Channel. The Input/Output Control EOM directs peripheral devices directly in such operations as rewind tape and upspace the printer. EOM in the Internal Control mode performs internal control operations such as activating the (optional) 24-bit PIN/POT extender logic. The System EOM is specifically concerned with special systems; the system determines the particular uses. EOM in any of the last three modes also can alert a device for a POT or PIN type operation. During output, words come from memory into the WAR where the channel disassembles them into the SCR, one 6-bit character at a time. Depending on the characters per word mode specified, the channel transmits the 6-bit characters (with generated parity) as follows: Mode Function Output one character from bits o through 5 One character per word NOTE: If an interrupt occurs during the execution of an EOM, no acknowledgement occurs until the completion of the execution of the instruction following the EOM. Output two characters from bits 5, 6 through 11 Two characters per word o through Registers Affected: None After the first character transfer, the word in the WAR shifts left six bits to be ready for the next transfer, when two characters from each word are used. Under ROT control, a new word contail")ing the next characterls) comes to the WAR when it is required. BUFFER CONTROL EOM (effective address) U N I T o (OM INSTRUCTIONS (opcode 00) 2 Designation BASIC CONFIGURATION The EOM instruction is a multipurpose instruction that operates in four distinct modes with many functional configurations. The modes are Buffer Control, Input/Output Control, Internal Function Control, and System Control. EOM ENERGIZE OUTPUT M 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 Function Bit position 0 specifies Interlace operation. A "0" specifies no Interlace operation. A "1" alerts the Interlace. 00 Bit positions 1 and 2 contain the EOM mode indicator for the Buffer Control mode. F/R Bit position 3 specifies the direction in which the peripheral device operates. A "0" specifies the forward direction. A "1" specifies the reverse direction. L/N Bit position 4 specifies whether the device should be started with a leader as in paper tape. A "0" specifies a start with leader. A "1" specifies a start without leader. D/B Bit position 5 specifies the mode of character format. A "0" specifies BCD format. A "1" specifies Binary format. When this is not appropriate, ,bit 5 provides special control. o Bit position 6 is unassigned. ' C/W Bit position 7 specifies the number of characters to be assembled into, ordisassembled from, each transmitted word. 0 specifies one character per word, 1 specifies two. One character per word, 0, is used for full-word (12-bit characters) transmission (optional). o o 5 234 6 8 7 9 10 11 Effective Address Io ! 3 I/N Instruction Word o Timing: 3,4 \ 2 3 4 5 I 6 7 I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 The EOM uses the 15 bit configurations of the effective memory address asa control word to select the different control modes and toselectall additional control functions. EOM allows a II addressing modes in obtaining the effective address. Setting the two bits (1, 2) in the address determines the mode of the EOM: 2 Control Mode 0 0 Buffer 0 1 Input/Output 0 Internal Bit position 8 must always be 1. UNIT System 3-5 Bit positions 9 through 14 specify the unit and the function to be performed with that unit. INPUT/OUTPUT CONTROL EOM (effective address) I IIYNlo 1 FUN CT ION 11 01 2 345 ' 6 I Designation I UN IT 10 789 111 12 13 4. 14 Function I/N Bit 0 specifies Interlace operation. A "0" specifies no Interlace. A "I" alerts the Interlace. 01 Bits 1, 2 specify the Input/Output Control mode. FUNCTION a. b. ASC Bits 3 through 7 specify control peculiar to each device. I/o Channel itself. DISCONNECT CHANNEL o 4 7 10 13 Registers Affected: None o Registers Affected: None SES INSTRUCTIONS (opcode The SES is a multipurpose test instruction used for testing responses to the input/output channel and attached peripheral devices as well as for testing internal and external indicators. Timing: 3, 4 o 10 SES 13 Ii 14 o During output when the last word of a block goes to the channel, TOP terminates output. After execution of TOP, the following occurs. When the channel del ivers the last character to the peripheral device, the channel disconnects. Registers Affected: None o o 10 13 14 Timing: 3, 4 7 8 19 10 111 12 13 14 2 I 3 4 5 IsII\x! 6 7 8 9 10 I 11 0 1 0 1 Test Mode Buffer Input/Output Internal System When executed, an SES tests for a specified condition and sets or resets the Flag Bit in response to the condition. The program determines the Flag Bit status via one of the branch-onflag instructions. SES allows all addressing modes in obtaining the effective address. After TIP isgiven during an input operation, the following occurs: 2. 3. 1 5 6 0 0 0 1 1 TIP or DSC should always terminate a channel input operation. 1. 4 1 1.. During input when the last (desired) word has been stored in memory, TI P term i nates input. Registers Affected: None 3 Like the EOM, the SES uses the bit configuration of the effective address to select the different tests and also operates in four modes that are selected by address bits 1 and 2: TERMINATE INPUT ON THE CHANNEL o i 0 Timing: 3, 4 o 2 Effective Address TOP must always terminate a channel output operation. TIP SENSE EXTERNAL SIGNAL Instruction Word I o 11'12 01) BASIC CONFIGURA nON TERMINATE OUTPUT ON THE CHANNEL o Timing: 3, 4 13 14 10 DSC disconnects the I/o Channel. This instruction unconditionally sets the UNIT Address Register to 00 regardless of whether the channel is currently addressing a device. DSC disconnects any device connected to the channel; it unconditionally makes the channel inactive and clears the error indicator. TOP 14 NOTE: The above sequence must be consecutive; no other instruction should be interposed. o o o stores the current contents of the COUNT register into location M. See Interlace Option, this section. These EOM effective address configurations have standard uses. o 5 ASC PIN STANDARD EOM INSTRUCTIONS DSC o ASC alerts the interlace option that the PIN to follow is a request for the contents of the current COUNT contents. The sequence: Bits 9 through 14 contain the Unit Address of the specified device. A Unit Address of 00 refers to the ALERT TO STORE INTERLACE COUNT o Bit 8 must be l. UNIT Interlace operations store no more words. Non-interlace operations give no more End-of-Word (11) Interrupts. The above "scanning-type" sequence continues until the End-of-Record at which time: a. The End-of-Record (12) Interrupt is sent (if armed). b. The channel disconnects. c. The channel becomes inactive. The I/o channel receives any further characters from the input device - as before. All error checks are performed - as before. However, the Word Assembly Register is never again considered "full". This means: The Buffer and Input/Output Test SESs are the complement of the Buffer and Input/Output Control EOMs; they sense 3-6 the conditions of the I/o Channel and its connected peripheral devices. the data address as needed, and counting the number of words in the record. Usually, when the count goes through zero, the operation is completed and the program can use the newly entered data and/or can reset the Interlace for another independent, I/O transm ission . INPUT/OUTPUT TEST SES (effective address) IIYNI 0 1I CO ND 11 I UNIT The Interlace contains two registers: the 12-bit COU NT register to contain the record count and the 15-bit ADDRESS reg ister to conta in the data address. When load ing the record count (N), the program places N-l (one less than the record count) in the COUNT register. 1 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11'12 13 14 Function Designation Bit 0 specifies Interlace operation. A "0" specifies no Interlace. A "1" alerts the Interlace. I/N The program can use any I/O or Buffer Control EOM to "alert" the Interlace for operation. A l-bit in bit pos it ions 0 and 8 of the effective address generated by the EOM will alert the Interlace. Bits 1 and 2 specify the Input/Output Test mode. 01 The standard assembler form for alerting the Interlace is an asterisk (*) in the first column of the address of the EOM that activates the peripheral device in the I/O transmission. For example, to alert the Interlace while activating the magnetic tape unit number 1 to read tape decimal, one could write: Bits 3 through 7 specify conditions to be sensed. COND Bit 8 must be 1. RTD *1, 2 Bits 9 through 14 contain the Unit Address of the specified device. UNIT A special EOM to alert only the Interlace, ALC ALERT CHANNEL INTERLACE STANDARD BUFFER SES INSTRUCTIONS (effective address) has the address form 50100; no 11*.. is needed. CAT CHANNEL ACTIVE TEST; SET FLAG IF NOT ACTIVE o 4 1 o 2 34 o 5 16 7 The PARALLEL OUTPUT (POT) instruction transmits the starting address and record count to the Interlace. The three II POTs" that are needed function as follows (RTD * 1, 2 is used as the alerting EOM): I 13 14 8'9 RTD POT POT POT If the channel is ready to accept a new input/output instruction, CAT sets the Flag Bit. If the channel is active, CAT resets the Flag Bit. (The channel wi II test active during an input operationeven after the peripheral has terminated its operation - until all meaningful data words in the character buffer have been stored in memory.) *1,2 HIADDR LOWADDR NLESSONE (NOTE: This sequence must be consecutive; no other instructions shou Id be interposed.) Timing: 3,4 Registers Affected: F where: CET CHANNEL ERROR TEST; SET FLAG IF ERROR o o o 10 11112 o The least significant bits of the contents of location HIADDR form the high or most significant three bits of the starting address, I 13 14 the contents of location LOWADDR form the least significant 12 bits of the 15-bit starting address, and CET tests the error indicator in the I/O Channel for being set. If set to no error, CET resets the Flag Bit. If set to error, CET sets the F lag Bit. Registers Affected: F the contents of NLESSONE are the record length minus one (N-1). Timing: 3,4 INTERLACE In each case, the POT transmits the information into the proper Interlace register. The I/O Channel interlace is an optional hardware device that can control and perform input/output operations independent of, and simu Itaneous with, central processor program execution. In using the interlace, the program sets up a starting address for data in or out, sets up a record length of the data to be read or written, and starts the interlaced operation. The program then continues computation while the interlace monitors the I/O operation, accessing memory when necessary, incrementing The termination of an interlace operation can be determined by using a CAT, CHANNEL ACTIVE TEST; or the progress of an operation may be monitored through the use of the ALERT TO STORE INTERLACE COU NT. ASC (10500) alerts the Interlace that a PIN is to follow to get a record of the current COU NT contents. 3-7 Note: The sequence: ASC PIN M If 11 is armed, the Interlace does not terminate the channel on COUNT passing zero; instead an 11 interrupt is generated. This allows the program to re-initiate the COU NT and starting ADDRESS in the Interlace and continue performing the same I/o operation. alerts the Interlace and IPINs" the current contents of the COU NT register into location M. The contents of COU NT are N-1 minus the number of words of the record already transm itted . I/O CHANNEL INTERRUPTS OPTION The Channel always disconnects when the endof-record occurs with no regard to the interrupt arms. Two interrupts 11 and 12 are directly associated with the I/O channel. These are priority interrupts with 11 having priority over 12. Note: When armed by ARM X, an interrupt condition occuring on 11 or 12 causes the interrupt level to go to the Waiting state. If the Interrupt System is Enabled, the respective interrupt will go to the Active state as its priority perm its. If the Interrupt System is Disabled, the interrupt stays in the Waiting state indefinitely. When 11 is requested, it interrupts each time the I/O channel buffer empties or fi lis; that is, when requested it occurs on input each time the buffer collects a word, or it occurs on output each time the buffer transmits a complete word. When 12 is requested, it interrupts when an End-of-Record occurs; that is, it interrupts only after a complete record is input or output. POT/BPO, PIN/BPI INSTRUCTIONS Two instructions, PARALLEL OUTPUT (POT) and PARALLEL INPUT (PIN), cause any word in core memory to be presented in parallel at a connector; or, inversely, cause signals sent to a connector to be stored in any core memory location. The execution of a POT or PIN instruction causes a signal to be sent to the external device involved in the input/output operation. During a PIN, this signal tells the device to send its data word as soon as it is operational. Wehn a device becomes operational duringaREADorPIN operation, ittransmitsaReady signal to the central processor while at the same time presenting its data word. The computer places the received data word into a specified memory location without disturbing any arithmetic registers. The computer II hangs Up" during the execution of PIN until it receives the Ready signal from the external device. 11 and 12 are always enabled (as described in the Interrupt Paragraphs, Input/Output Section of this manual). I A special instruction, EOM 11XOO, arms/disarms these interrupts. The values of X are: X Function Disarm 11 and 12 3 Arm 11, disarm 12 5 Arm 12, disarm 11 7 Arm 11 and 12 During the executionofa POT 'instruction, the central processor transmits a signal to the external device alerting it to receive a data word. When the device becomes operational, it transmits a Ready signal to the central processor which releases the data word to the external device. The computer II hangs Up" during the execution of POT until it receives the Ready signal from the external device. The block transfers forms of these instructions are BLOCK PARALLEL INPUT (BPI) and BLOCK PARALLEL OUTPUT (BPO). The instruction EOM 13XOO, as a terminate output EOM, can be used effectively in conjunction with the arming feature. For "instance, EOM 13500 terminates output, arms 12 and disarms 11. It functions like this: When the current output from the I/O channel is finished and the Jlo buffer is free, the 12 interrupt occurs. The standard assembler mnemonic and instruction form is: ARM During input, this means that the peripheral continues to the end-of-record, but no more input words are stored in memory. X Special system requirements demand that complete words of control or data information be transferred between the central processor and the special external devices. The PIN or POT preceded by the activating EOM gives exactly this facil ity. The EOM alerts the system device by specific address and the PIN or POT transfers the requ i red word. That is, the EOM activates andalertsthespecialdevice and the PIN/POT transfers 12 bits to or from the effective memory location specified. To avoid a posssible computer II hang ... up", the SES instruction can test the Ready signal of the specia I device prior to the EOM and PIN/ POT. If the Ready signal from the external device sets one of the priority interrupts (optional), parallel input/output operation can occur as soon as the external device is able to transmit or receive. Since the Ready signal initiating the interrupt persists through the POT or PIN execution, no IIhang-up ll occurs. where X is as described above. Interrupts Used with the Interlace Option During Interlace operation, the basic interrupts function according to the names they are given below: 11 is COU NT EQUAL 77778 12 is END OF RECORD When requested, 11 occurs when COU NT goes through zero. When requested, 12 occurs when an End-of-Record occurs. On output or input: If 11 is not armed, the Interlace terminates the channel (i. e., effects a~ automatic TOP or TIP) when the COU NT goes throug h zero. No interrupt can occur during the execution of, or between any of these instructions and the instruction following it. 3-8 POT SYSTEM MODE EOM (effective address) POT PARALLEL OUTPUT o o 4 I Y 5 6 7 8 9 10 Registers Affected: 5 o o 4 Y 5 6 7 8 9 o 11 10 PIN Pin stores the contents of 12 input I ines in parallel in the effective memory location. Registers Affected: M o BLOCK PARALLEL INPUT 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 Starting with the effective memory location, BPI transfers N words from the 12 input lines in parallel into sequential locations. The contents of the A Register are the word count N minus one; BPI can input up to 4096 words per execution. The input lines fill and empty under the control of the Ready signal and BPI. Registers Affected: M to M + (A), A Timing: 3,4 3 J 3 10 13 14 There is a test to see whether the I/O channel is ready to accept a new input/output instruction - the CHANNEL ACTIVE TEST (CAT). 2. Following the termination of an input operation by an Endof-Record, the channel remains active until all significant data words have been stored by the program or interlace. 3. Following the termination of a non-magnetic tape output operation by TERMINATE OUTPUT (TOP), the channel remains active unti I the last cha racter has been del ivered to the peripheral device. 4. Following the term ination of a magnetic tape output operation by TOP, the channel remains active unti I the magnetic tape un it commences stopping. Th is is long after the last character has been del ivered to the magnetic tape un it. 5. The End-of-Record (12) Interrupt is never sent unti I the I/O channel becomes inactive. Y 5 None 1. Timing: 5 + wait (h igh-speed) and 5,6 + wait 4 13 14 I/O TERMINATION PROGRAMMING NOTES o 5 12 The SES System Test Format is identical to the System EOM Format. Timing is 3,4 cycles. Timing: 3 + N + wait (high-speed) and 2,3 + 2N + wait PARALLEL INPUT BPI d Execution of an SES (System Test Mode) causes an address to be presented to the collection of special system devices. If the addressed external device is supplying a set signal to the central processor, the Flag Bit is set. If there is no signal, the Flag Bit is reset. Starting with the effective memory location, BPO transfers the contents of N sequential locations in parallel to 12 output lines of an external device. The contents of the A Register are the word count N minus one; BPO can output up to 4096 words per execution. The output lines fi II and empty under control of BPO and the Ready signa I . Registers Affected: A 10 SYSTEM MODE SES (effective address) BLOCK PARALLEL OUTPUT BPO 1678 1 9 Bit positions 3 through 14 contain the address field that specifies the special system destinations. Timing: 4 +.wait (h igh-speed) and 4,5 + wait None I Bit positions 0-2 contain the System Mode Indicator. POT transm its the contents of the effective memory location in parallel to 12 output lines of an external device. Registers Affected: 3 012345 11 Thus, an input program (using End-of-Word, 11, Interrupts for example) must take care to store every input character presented to it by the I/O channel (in our example, every 11 Interrupt must result in a II WI Nil or "DSC" or "TIP"). If not, the input devicewill proceed to End-of-Record and stop, but no 12. Interrupt will ever be given and the channel will never go inactive. Timing: 4 + N + wait (h igh-speed) and 3,4+ 2N + wait The programmer has several options after he has read as much of a record desired: " SINGLE BIT INPUT/OUTPUT Operating in the System mode, the two instructions, ENERGIZE OUTPUT M (EOM) and SENSE EXTERNAL SIGNAL (SES), provide single-bit input/output transmissions. Execution of an EOM (System Mode) causes a 1.15-microsecond signal to be transmitted to one of a possible 4096 signal destinations. The system EOM format is: 3-9 1. Disconnect (DSC) - but not if the peripheral device is a magnetic tape. 2. Do nothing - but only if no more words remain in the record (i.e., the entire record has been read). 3. Give TIP - the input peripheral device wi" continue to End-of-Record with all normal error checks on the remainder of the record. 4. TERMINATE INPUT (TIP) and TERMINATE OUTPUT (TOP) have the same octal configuration - the I/O channel differentiates TIP and TOP according to the type of operation it is performing. 5. The programmer can have no problem by giving a TIP when the input device is concurrently sending an End-of-Record signal or when the channel is already inactive. 6. Additional interrupts obtained with SDS optional hardware are located at interrupt levels numbered from 150a. In general, these also have priority according to number. Note that interrupts 150 through 176 have priority over any System interrupt (200 or more). When an interrupt has occurred and its service subroutine has been entered, an interrupt of higher priority can interrupt the subroutine and gain program control for the servicing of its more important operation. But an interrupt of lower priority cannot interrupt an interrupt-processing subroutine of a higher level. Thus, the priority interrupt system allows interrupts to be arranged according to their importance and/or according to their need for speedy servicing. Improper programming (especially on input) can leave the I/O channel in an active state. THE 11 INTERRUPT A non-interlace, non-character-interrupt I/O program should disarm the 11 Interrupt. If this disarming is not effected, spurious 11 Interrupts may result: 1. On output, the first Il Interrupt is generated immediately following the activating EOM. 2. During ROT/RIN (and WOTjWIN), Il Interrupts may be generated -even though the I/O channel is being properlyattended to by the ROT/RIN command. The above type of interrupt is called a normal priority interrupt to differentiate it from another interrupt feature, the singleinstruction interrupt. This is a different kind of interrupt that causes the execution of only one instruction before automaticallyclearing itself and returning to the program which it interrupted. If the executed instruction is a branch instruction which branches (i.e., BRM or BMC), the interrupt is cleared but control does not return to the interrupted routine. Th is type of interrupt needs no branch instruction to clear it. For example, by connecting an external clock source to the computer, the program can maintain a programmed real-time clock. Each time the external pulse causes an interrupt, the program executes the single instruction, MEMORY PLUS ONE TO MEMORY, to add one to the selected memory word. The main program examines this location whenever necessary to determine how many time increments have elapsed since the clock was started. No new interrupt can occur between any singleinstruction interrupt and the return to the main program. This disarming does not create many programming problems or compatibility problems-the RESET button clears both I/O channel interrupt arms. Thus, only programs which use both the interrupt and the non-interrupt modes of I/O programming need take heed. PRIORITY INTERRUPT SYSTEM (Optional) INTRODUCTION Any of the optional, system interrupts can be single- or normalinstruction interrupts in any combination desired. As an option, the SDS 92 may contain a priority interrupt system. This system provides added program control of input/ output operations, aids in programming multiplexed operations, and'allows immediate recognition of special external conditions. PRIORITY INTERRUPT OPERATIONS A normal priority interrupt level has three operational states: Inactive, Wai ting, and Active. When an interrupt is received, the internal logic examines the interrupt signal and causes the computer to interrupt the program sequence at the end of the execution cycle of the current instruction. Without disturbing the Program Counter Register, the computer transfers program control to one of a selected set of memory locations. One of the branch and mark place BRM or BMC instructions in this location saves the contents of the Program Counter, Flag, and PCT. It also transfers to the particular interrupt servicing routine required. This enters the proper service routine since each interrupt has a unique interrupt location. To exit from the routine, a BRANCH AND CLEAR INTERRUPT (BRC) instruction using indirect addressing returns control to the next instruction in proper sequence in the main program; it also clears the interrupt and restores the original contents of the Flag and PCT. In the inactive state, no interrupt signal has been received into the level and none is currently being processed by its interrupt servicing subroutine. No record is maintained if the interrupt cannot go into the waiting state. In the waiting state, an interrupt request signal has been received into the level, but is not being processed. This situation may be due to an interrupt of higher priority being processed at this time. When the system is enabled and all higher waiting interrupts have been processed, this level goes to the active state. In the active state, the interrupt has been acknowledged, meaning it has caused the main program to recognize its presence and has transferred to its assigned interrupt location and/or routine where it is being processed. When the interrupt processing is completed, execution of a BRANCH AND CLEAR (BRC) sets the interrupt level to the inactive state. The priority interrupt system has up to 256 System interrupt levels. The levels, numbered evenly upward from 200a, have priority according to number, with the higher priority levels having a smaller number. A single-instruction interrupt operates in the same way as the normal priority interrupt in the inactive and waiting states. However, when acknowledged, this interrupt enters the active 3-10 state, and remains there during the execution of one instruction. At the completion of the one instruction, the single-instruction interrupt returns to the inactive state without the aid of a branch and clear instruction. Table 3-2. Interrupt Location Assignments 150 152 154 156 INTERRUPT CONTROL Two program control features are available in the interrupt system. These features are Enable/Disable and Arm/Disarm. Arm/Disarm (optional hardware) controls whether an interrupt can proceed from the inactive state to the waiting state. The disarm conditionofan interrupt level prohibitsan interrupt signal entering the level from causing the interrupt to enter "waiting" from II inactive ll • 160 162 164 166 170 172 174 176 200 With Enable/Disable, the entire set of interrupts in the system can be enabled and disabled under program control. When the interrupt system is enabled, interrupts can proceed from the waiting state to the active state. l 1177 Power On (always armed) Power Off (always armed) Main Frame Parity Error (armed via a console switch) Data Multiplexing System Parity Error (armed via a console switch) Unassigned Unassigned Interrupt, Clock Sync (always armed) Interrupt, Clock Pulse (arm furnished) 11 (arm furn ished) 12 (arm furnished) Unassigned Unassigned System Interrupts (arms optional, single instruction discretionary) l System Interrupts The following interrupts are exceptions and are always enabled: ENABLE/DISABLE INTERRUPT INSTRUCTIONS 1. Power fa ii-safe (2 interrupts) Three instructions are available for setting, resetting, and testing the state of the INTERRUPT ENABLED indicator. 2. Memory parity error (2 interrupts) 3. Real-time clock (2 interrupts) 4. I/O Channel (2 interrupts) EIR ENABLE INTERRUPT 51 00 o I 5 6 I 11 The control of the optional Arm/Disarm feature operates on individual interrupt levels of the System interrupts (200-1176), that is, any chosen interrupt level may be selectively armed or disarmed. But the instruction structure for Arm/Disarm allows these interrupts to be operated on in groups of sixteen. EIR unconditionally sets the INTERRUPT ENABLED indicator and enables the interrupt system. At the end of the next interruptable instruction, if any interrupt levels are waiting, the one with the highest priority becomes active. SINGLE INSTRUCTION INTERRUPTS ROUTINES EIR cannot be interrupted. Only the following instructions will be meaningfully interpreted as single-instruction interrupt routines: Registers Affected: DIR None Timing: 3,4 DISABLE INTERRUPT 1. EOM 2. BMC, BRM 3. MPO - MPO, in this case, will not alter the Flag. However, if the restored, incremented operand equals 00008, a different interrupt pu Ise wi II be generated (see Real-Time Clock Option, Appendix B-1). DIR unconditionally resets the INTERRUPT ENABLED indicator and disables the interrupt system. The current state of all interrupt levels is unchanged by this instruction. EXU - Can only execute the above-listed instructions. DIR cannot be interrupted. 4. 50 00 o I 5 6 NON-INTERRUPTABLE INSTRUCTIONS Registers Affected: An interrupt cannot occur between the execution of ENERGIZE OUTPUT M (EOM) and the instruction following it. This is also true for the input/output instructions, POT/BPO, PIN/BPI, WOT/ROT, and WIN/RIN. No interrupt can occur between a single-instruction interrupt and the return to the main program. When these instructions branch, an interrupt cannot occur between their execution and the execution of the branch-to instruction: lET o I 11 None Timing: 3,4 INTERRUPT ENABLED TEST; SET FLAG IF INTERRUPT SYSTEM ENABLED 01 50 I I 11 If the priority interrupt system is enabled, lET sets the Flag Bit. If the priority interrupt system is disabled, lET resets the Flag Bit. BRU BRL BDA BAX BFF BFT Registers Affected: 3-11 F Timing: 3,4 ARMING FEATURE The two words which the PARALLEL OUTPUT (POT) instructions address have the following format: The arming feature is controlled for a group of 16 interrupts at one time. (The 24-bit POT/PIN option is a prerequisite for the arming feature. ) High-Order 12-bit Word Address The sequence of instructions required to arm the selected interrupts is: EOM POT I 23 The address field in bit positions 0 through 5 identifies wh ich group of 16 interrupts in the system is being addressed. The C field controls what is done to the particular interrupt levels selected in bit positions 8 through 23. Bit position 8 refers. to the lowest-numbered level of the group, therefore the one with the highest priority. Bit position 23 refers to the last or highestnumbered level, the one with lowest priority. The first group of 16 is group 0, For example, words of 0024 and 0000 arm level number 202 (the level of second highest priority), Transmjt entire 24 bits to the arming chassis and arms selected interrupts II the extender to accept the next POTarming chassis that a 24-bit control POT that follows. The second POT transmission. The control operations are: 6-7 The effective address of the Extender Alert EOM (an internal type) is: AIR Not used 01 Arm all interrupt levels that are selected by a 1 in bit positions 8-23 Disarm all interrupt levels that are selected by a in bit positions 8-23 Arm all interrupts selected by a 1 and disarm all interrupts selected by a 0 in bit positions 8-23 o o 11 o INACTIVE ARM INTERRU PTS o 2 o o 4 Function 00 10 2 o I 2 4 5 I 6 7 + + , Proceed if ARMED o I 3 8 11 12 EXTENDER ALERT EOM The Extender EOM alerts ted"word. AIR alerts the word is coming with the triggers the entire 24-bit I Select Bits Arm interrupts LOWTWELVE 78 Low-Order 12-bit Word Load most significant 12 bits into extender AIR Interrupt 56 Alert the extender HITWELVE POT I o I 9 WAITING 10 11 12 13 14 Proceed if PROPER PRIORITY + AIR prepares the arm interrupt control unit to receive a control word for a group of 16 interrupt levels. A PARALLEL OUTPUT (POT) must always follow AIR, or an unpredictable operation results. Proceed if ENABLED + ACTIVE AIR cannot be interrupted. Registers Affected: None Timing: 3,4 Figure 3-3. 3-12 Interrupt Arm-Enable Response CONTROL CONSOLE ENABLE ENABLE lights whenever the interrupt system is enabled. The basic computer system includes a console for operator control. This console connectsdirectly to the central processor, contains switches for operation, and displays the contents of operational registers. FLAG The FLAG indicator consists of a single binary indicator. FLAG is lit when the Flag Bit is a 1. DISPLAYS The registers displayed on the console directly reflect the contents of the hardwa re reg isters. If the operator clears or changes a display, the contents of the actual reg ister change identically. SWITCHES PROGRAM LOCATION The POWER switch turns the computer system power on or off. When power is on, the switch is I it. POWER This display consists of 15 binary indicators with a CLEAR button for the entire register and a set button for each indicator. The program counter contains the location of the next instruction to be executed. The operator may change the contents of the program counter via the CLEAR and set buttons. When the operator places the computer in RU N, the first instruction comes from the location shown in the PROGRAM LOCATION display. FILL To initiate a II fill ", 1. Press the RESET button. INPUT -OUTPUT 2. Hold down the FILL switch correspond ing to the peripheral dev ice from wh ich a fi II is desired. The UNIT lights contain the unit address of the peripheral device currently connected to the I/O Channel. 3. Move the RUN/IDLE/STEP switch from IDLE to RUN while continuing to hold the appropriate FILL. The ERROR I ight reflects the status of the I/O Channel error indicator. 4. Release the FILL switch. HALT Fill causes the following: The HALT light lights whenever the computer executes a halt instruction while in the RUN position. Setting the RUN/IDLE/ STEP switch to IDLE clears the halt. 1. Bit 0 = 0 REGISTER DISPLAY Bit 1 =0 This display consists of 12 binary indicators with a CLEAR button for the entire register and a set button under the P Register indicators that also serve the A, B, and C Registers. The Register switch selects the internal register to be displayed. The selectable registers are: C C Register, which usually contains the contents of the memory word whose address is in the program counter A A Register B B Register An EOM opcode is generated. I ~ _ _ _ Buffer Control Mode Bit 2 = 0 Bit 3= 0 - - - Forward Direction Bit 4 = 0 Bit 5 = 1 ---.~ Binary Mode Bit 6 = 0 Bit 7 = 1 ---~. Two Characters per Word Bit a = 1 Placing the computer in IDLE, clearing the register, and then pressing the button in the corresponding bit positions under the indicators sets the contents of the selected register. Pressing a button places a 1-bit into the selected position of the register. Bit 9 - Bit 14 = The unit address of the indicated peripheral: Paper Tape 04a Cards 06 Mag Tape lOa Disc 26 a MEMORY PARITY If an operand or instruction access from memory encounters a parity error and the memory switch is in the HALT position MEMORY PARITY lights. Setting the memory parity switch to CONTINUE clears the indicator and turns off the light. 3-13 a INT(RRUPT --fllL-W I PAP(Jt TAPE CARDS ..AC O"UM .l>- • (NABLEO HALT I MEMORY PARITY - - - - INPUT OUTPUT - - - _ _ _ _ UNIT _ _ _ _ fLAC I • [RROR CLUIt TAPE =1 • INTERRUPT -------••• •••• • •••• REGISTER DISPLAY PROGRAM lOC. liON " RE SET • HALT • CONTINUE " " p. • SET BREAKPOIN T Figure 3-4. SDS 92 Computer Contro l Ponel - MEM ORY OtH HO • RESE T INCRE MENT RUN IDLE · STEP. 2. 9 words (or to End-of-Record) read into memory starting in location 00000 . MEMORY PARITY 8 3. Computation begins at location 00000 . 4. NOTE: The I/O Channel is still active and the input peripheral device is sti II sending characters to the channel. (If the fill routine is less than 9 words, the End-ofRecord makes the channe I inactive; computation sti II goes to 00000.) In the HALT position, this switch causes the computer to enter the Idle state whenever a memory parity error occurs. In the CONTINUE position, the computer does not change state when a memory parity occurs. In the INTERRUPT state, any memory parity will result in one of two interrupts (optional). 8 BREAKPOINT The four BREAKPOINT switches are externally controlled, internally testable program switches. Breakpoint test instructions test them. RUN/IDLE/STEP MEMORY OUT The RUN/IDLE/STEP switch is a three-position, toggle switch with two stationary positions and a spring-loaded momentary position in STEP. In the RU N position, computation occurs at machine speed. In the IDLE position, the computer idles immediately after an instruction has been read from memory. If the Register switch is in the C position, the first word of an instruction may be viewed in the REGISTER DISPLAY. Depressing the switch to STEP reaccesses and executes the instruction; the computer returns to the Idle state. To "step" another instruction, the operator releases the switch to the IDLE position and then depresses it again to STEP. No interrupts can occur (i.e., go into the active state) while stepping. This is a momentary switch that causes the computer, in IDLE, to place the contents of the location specified by the program counter into the C Register. MEMORY IN Th is is a momentary swi tch that causes the computer, in ID LE, to place into the location specified in the program counter fhe contents of the C Register. PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION This section describes some of the input/output devices thatcan be attached to a buffer and explains their use. HOLD/INCREMENT Placing the HOLD/INCREMENT switch in the "up" position causes the current contents of the program counter to be held. This inhibits the program counter from counting. INPUT/OUTPUT TYPEWRITER The control console may contain an electric, input/output typewriter for operator control, error or status messages, and similar functions. The typewriter connects to the I/O Channel, has the input unit address 01, and the output unit address 41. Appendix 1-1 contains the typewriter codes. Momentarily placing the HOLD/INCREMENT switch in the INCREMENT position increments the program counter by one and brings the contents of the newly addressed location to the C Register. The typewriter control instructions follow. The sample instructions use Typewriter No. 1 with 2 characters per word mode. RESET This switch initializes the control section of the computer. It resets the I/O Channel, clears the FLAG, sets PCT, clears the INTERRUPT ENABLED, clears any parity error indication, clears all interrupts arms, and clears a II interrupt levels. The operator must set the RUN/IDLE/STEP switch to IDLE before pressing this switch. RKB 1,2 READ KEYBOARD 2 Characters/Word 02301t This instruction activates the I/O Channel and connects to it Typewriter No. 1. RKB readies the channel to read input from the keyboard. This instruction lights the input light on the typwriter. Switch Select TYP 1,2 This two-position toggle (labeled C and P) selects which REGISTER DISPLAY/PROGRAM LOCATION will be affected by the C LEAR and set buttons. WRITE TYPEWRITER 2 Characters/Word 02341 This instruction activates the I/O Channel and connects to it Typewriter No.1. TYP readies the channel to write output to the typewriter. Register Select This three-position switch selects the register to be shown on the REGISTER DISPLAY lights. t 3-15 This octal number is the EOM or SES effective address configuration. EXAMPLE: Typewriter Output This example types the following message: DO from location OUTWD; the internal codes for these characters are in this location. routine assumes the channel to be initially inactive. Location IN Instruction Comments RES 2 This assembler directive reserves two locations for the mark entry. TYP 1,2 This EOM instruction connects Typewriter No. 1 to the channel for output and spec ifies two characters per word. The octal configuration of the EOM address is 02341. WOT OUTWD This instruction transfers the contents of location OUTWD to the I/O Channel. The new contents of the channel are output to the typewriter as two 6-bit charactersand typed. The next instruction in sequence is executed as soon as the word is placed in the channel. Th is instruction terminates output on the channel. When the channel and the Sing Ie Character Register are c lear of characters to be output, the channel sets its Unit Address Register to zero; th is disconnects the channel. When accessed, this instruction executes immediately; the next instruction in sequence is then executed. The octal configuration of this EOM address is 12100. TOP BRU OUTWD The routine uses Typewriter No.1; the *IN 24 46 This instruction transfers to some other program area. This word contains the internal code for the characters DO. EXAMPLE: Typewriter Output then Input PROG This example types out the message: then awaits the input of a single character. Input terminates with a carriage return typed by the operator; the housekeeping necessary to determine when the carriage return has been input is not given. IN RES 2 TYP 1,2 Connect channel to Typewriter No. 1. WOT MSSGE Output first word of message. WOT MSSGE+l The central processor "hangs Up" on this instruction until the second character from the preceding instruction has cleared the channel buffer into the Single Character Buffer for output. Then this WOT executes filling the channel buffer with contents of location MSSGE + 1. TOP TEST Terminate output when channel system is clear. CAT The program "hangs Up" here unti I the channel transmits the last character. BFF TEST RKB 1,1 This instruction connects Typewriter No. 1 to the channel for input and specifies one character per word. The octal configuration is 02101. WIN KEYWD The computer "hangs Up" on this instruction until a characterentersthechannel from the keyboard; then the word in the channel buffer is placed into location KEYWD. The input character is in bit positions 0 through 5 of KEYWD. Bit position 6 through 11 are unpredictable At this point, the word in KEYWD is placed elsewhere in memory and the routine returns to the WIN above. When executed, a test is made to determine if the new input character is the carriage return code. Indexing or indirect addressing can be used with the WIN to facilitate input. When the carriage return is detected, the following is executed. This instruction disconnects the channel by immediately clearing the Unit Address register to zero. The octa I configuration of the EOM address is 00100. DSC BRU *IN Return to main program. 3-16 frames). Bit position 4 of the EOM that addresses the punch contains a "0" to punch leader; bit position 4 contains a "1" to punch without leader. PAPER TAPE INPUT/OUTPUT Format The paper tape used is one-inch wide, affording space for eight data holes and a sprocket hole in each frame of information. There are ten frames per inch of paper tape. Six hole positions are used for information, one is used for an odd parity check, and the eighth is unused. The EOM instruction that addresses and alerts the punch produces gap. No terminal punch operation produces gap after punching a block. The punch operates asynchronously. If the channel does not supply characters to the punch fast enough, the punch waits for each character, losing no data and creating no errors. p 0 B A B 0 0 '0' .. 00 0 000 00 0 0 0 0 0 ..0 .... . .0'0 . 0 0 00 00 Programming 00000 00 00 00 0 0 0 There are no status tests for the reader or punch, that is, they are always ready for operation. When the channel addresses either device, the device starts to send or accept data within approximately one character time. The reader and punch operate only in the binary mode and the forward direction. The reader or punch ignores any different mode specified, and uses the forward-binary mode. Unit address of 04 is for Paper Tape Reader 1, and unit address 44 is for Paper Tape Punch 1. '000 00 0 i ~ Direction of Travel Block of Information Information is organized on the tape in blocks. A block is a group of frames set off by a gap of at least one blank frame (in which only the sprocket hole is punched) at either end. Blocks may be of variable lengths. Paper Tape Instructions The following instructions use the I/O channel, Paper Tape Number 1 with two characters per word format. In some operations, a tape may consist of only one block, such as a source language tape prepared off-line. In this case, the program need not read the entire block at one time, but may stop the reader between frames, by disconnecting via DSC, and then start again to read the remainder or another portion of the block. RPT 1, 2 READ PAPER TAPE 02304 This instruction initiates a paper tape read operation on tape read statioA number 1 connected to the channel in the two characters per word format. PTL 1, 2 A program reads paper tape in a straightforward way, using RIN or a WIN in a read loop unti I the desired number of words are input or until gap is detected. The tape stops in less than on~ frame; this means that no frame is missed between subsequent read operations. An input operation that terminates because of gap (End-of-Record) stops the tape after the first blank of the gap. When starting the tape for reading, the tape reader ignores any leading blank frames. After reading a meaningful data word (one or two characters as defined by the program) from the tape, the reader recognizes the next blank frame as gap and signals the channel with an End-of-Transmission indication. PUNCH PAPER TAPE WITH LEADER 00344 This instruction initiates a paper tape punch operation on tape punch station number 1 connected to the channel in the two characters per word format. It generates approximately twelve (12) frames of leader preceding the first punched frame. PPT 1, 2 PUNCH PAPER TAPE WITHOUT LEADER 02344 Punching The EOM to alert the tape punch also turns on the punch motor (if not already on). If the punch instruction (EOM) so indicates, the punch unit punches a segment of leader (gap, or blank This instruction initiates a paper tape punch operation on tape punch station number 1 connected to the channel in the two characters per word format. It generates no leader preceding the first punched frame. 3-17 - EXAMPLE: Punch Paper Tape This routine punches one block of eight words (16 characters) from locations 02000 thro~gh 02007. precedes the block. The routine is a closed subroutine. Location FRST Instruction Address A twelve-frame leader Comments RES 2 This instruction is an assembler mnemonic used for convenience to reserve the subroutine entry locations. PTL 1,2 This instruction connects the channel to Paper Tape Punch No. 1 and specifies two characters per word mode. The instruction asks for leader to be punched. The octal configuration for this EOM is 00344. LDA =7 This instruction sets (A) equal to 7. ROT 02000 This instruction transfers each word as needed to the channel beginning in location 02000. TOP BRU This instruction is executed in 4 or 5 cyc les and then the computer executes the next instruction. The execution of TOP causes the channel to disconnect when the last character shifts out of the buffer and transmits out of the Sing Ie Character Register. *FRST This instruction returns to the main program. EXAMPLE: Read Paper Tape This routine reads a 64-character block from paper tape into memory beginning at location 02000. character per word mode, making the input 32 words. The routine is a 'c losed subroutine. FRST The routine uses the two RES 2 This assembler instruction reserves the entry locations. RPT 1,2 This instruction connects to the channel the Paper Tape Reader No. 1 and specifies two characters per word mode. The octa I configuration for this EOM is 02304. LDA =33 The 33 represents two more than the expected record size. RIN 02000 This instruction receives each word in the block beginning in location 02000 and going through 02037 , 8 When the channel detects the End signal (gap) following the block during the input transmission, the RIN finishes execution and the computer goes to the next instruction. CARD INPUT/OUTPUT one of the 64 combinations listed in Appendix 1-1 results in a Validity check. Presence of a Validity check causes an error signal to be sent to the channel and lights the VALIDITY CHECK Iight on the reader. If the stacker shou Id become fu II, or the hopper empty, the reader goes Not Ready and Iights the NOT READY light. The card reader remains in the Not Ready state until the operator corrects the situation and presses the START button. Upon reading the last card, the reader sets an End-ofFile signal if its EOF ON switch is on. The central processor can test the End-of-Fi Ie signal which determines if more cards are in the hopper. Format The computer uses 80-columncards in two formats: Hollerithand binary. The reader reads Hollerith-coded information from cards and the corresponding SDS character codes go into memory. In th is mode, each card column contains the equivalent of one 6-bit internal character. The character codes are in Appendix I-l. Binary-coded information goes onto the card with two 6-bit characters per column. In binary mode, one column forms a word. The reader reads the card from column 1 to 80 in a top-bottom order. A single card holds 160 characters. Punching Figure 3-5 shows the relation of Hollerith information on a card and in memory. The punch punches cards a row at a time, starting with row 12. The punch coupler in both Hollerith and binary modes automatically rearranges the information to be punched. The card punch program must present the entire image, 80 or 160 characters, to the punch 12 times for each card. The punch operates in the following manner. As each row of the card approaches the punch station, the coupler examines every character of the image to determine which column position in that row shou Id be punched. After the 12th output, the punch punches row 9 and completes the card cyc Ie. Reading The card reader scans the card, column by column, starting with column one, and transmits either 80 or 160 characters depending on the mode of operation. With poweron and cards in the hopper, the operator readies the reader by pressing the START button. During program operation, the program must test for the Ready condition before initiating a card-read. A Read EOM instruction starts the card-reading operation; then the program controls the flow of information into memory via a RIN or WIN loop. The end of the card sets the End-of-Record condition. In the Hollerith mode, any column-read that is not punched in The card punch is Ready to punch if there are cards in the magazine, the stacker is not full, and the START button has been 3-18 Memory Card A -~_ (,,(,0 :~c;tI CD ro-~ co ...... CIO CD g; (l:) ~CD ~ t;'j ti. ~ t.: ~ ... en 0') -." .,.. c.n c.n c.n c.n -.. en en c.n go ...... en c.n c.n co CIO "..... en co -... en c.n 00 ....... en O'J c.n c.n C') c.n ...... "" "" "" = QO .............. . ... c.n co _...... '-0 .... .... .... .,.. ... ........ .... .... .... .... Con"" c.n... c.n ... --... - ----...... - - -... Co> ..., ..., .... .... ... ... c.. Co> ...'"'" ..., ..., -- ... ~ - = c::> .... N ...., ..... ..., ~ ~ - to..) = B VJ .--i -:!."> :;0 B+ 1 -i -0 ;.0 0; ~ ~ C=> c,...) ...... .... -.I ~~ eo ...... 0:> ...... t (XII ..... ... .... W W ... w ~ W Q en w ~ - W W N - en c.n"" c.n c.n c..,) r-.,) ... ... A 21 T 63 C 23 15 60 73 1 01 , 15 15 60 60 I I I ID.:..::. ~U) I ...... ~ 00 :: CD go .t; 60 60 0 00 I I Q 15 60 R 51 15 c:::) = T 63 R 51 60 15 f:) c..n c.n S 62 T 63 ... . . , c n c . n . , . . w . . . . . . : . - c ....., en W N - ::;:<.0 CD .,.. en ~c:.o ...... ...=<"" U1 ...... ~ CD i:j a" ~...... CIO...... CD ... O'J ...... 01)...... <.0 ~CD c.n ..... 00 ~ (Q c; en CD 1110 ~Nc.c .. ~ .. 00=_ =0<.:0 CD o U1 ~ I I ...... ... ext ...... eX) ...... en en CX'I ...... e!u:) == CIr:) "" ...... <;;'-0 co -.. ~c.o co -.t _ c.n ... c.." c.n c.n c.n .,.. .... .... w ... C') en <.on .-. Cot.) c.n .... = en ....... c.n"" 15 w Cot.) -:jQ ~ N U"I B + 39 -~ _u:o -!!- 60 0 00 1 01 0 00 Figure 3-5. Card Read Into Memory in Hollerith pressed. The punch remains Ready as long as the above conditions are true. A punch card instruction given when the punch is Ready causes a card to feed past the punch station. The program must then give the same instructions 12 times to transmit the card image to the coupler. RCB 1,2 READ CARD BINARY RC B a Ierts the card reader, causes a card to feed from the hopper and selects the binary mode (as each column is read it is transmitted as two 6-bit binary characters). This mode reads up to 160 characters (80 words) from a card. Programming Instructions Card Punch Instructions The card reader instructions below use unit number 1 with the two characters per word transmission mode. CRT 1 CARD READER READY TEST CPT 1 CARD READER END-OF-FILE TEST CARD PUNCH READY TEST the computer resets the Flag Bit. The operator makes the punch Ready by placing blank cards in the magaz ine and pr-essi ng the START button. 11106 PC D 1,2 PUNCH CARD DECIMAL (Hollerith) This test determines if the End-of-File condition from the card reader has been detected. If not, the computer sets the Flag Bit. If the EOF condition has been detected, the computer resets the Flag Bit. PCB 1,2 READ CARD DECIMAL (Hollerith) 02346 PC D alerts the punch, causes a card to feed past the punch station and selects the Hollerith mode. A transmission of 80 characters (40 words) must follow this instruction. The instruction PC D followed by the transmission instructions for 80 characters per card must be repeated 12 times. The reader remains in the End-of-Fi Ie condition unti I cardsare added to the hopper or until the EOF ON switch is turned off. RCD 1,2 14146 This test determines if the selected card punch is Ready to punch. If so, the computer sets the Flag Bit. If the punch is Not Ready, 12106 This test determines if the selected card reader is Ready to read. If the reader is Not Ready, the computer resets the Flag Bit. CFT 1 03306 PUNCH CARD BINARY 03346 02306 PCB alerts the punch, causes a card to feed past the punch station and selects the binary mode. A transmission of 160 characters (80 words) must follow this instruction. The instruction PCB followed by the transmission instructionsfor 160 characters per card must be repeated 12 times. RCD alerts the card reader, causes a card to feed from the hopper, and selects the Hollerith mode (as each column is read, it is translated to an SDS internal code). This mode reads up to 80 characters (40 words) from a card. 3-19 EXAMPLE: Card Read This program reads one card in Hollerith mode. It is a closed subroutine. The program enters the routine via a BRM. Location Instruction FRST RES TEST CRT Comments Address 2 This assembler instruction reserves locations for the subroutine entry. This instruction is the card reader Ready test for Card Reader Number 1. It sets the Flag Bit if ready. BFF TEST This instruction branches back to the test on Not Ready. An exit to a Not Ready corrective routine can be put here. RCD I, 2 This instruction connects the Card Reader 1 and starts a card moving toward the read station. Hollerith mode is specified. The octal configuration for this instruction is 02306. LDA =39 This is the repeat count for RIN. RIN READ Beginning in READ, this instruction transfers words from the channel into the locations until the entire card is read. BRU "'FRST This instruction branches back to the main program. EXAMPLE: Card Punch The program punches one card in Hollerith mode beginning from location 03740. the program presents the card image to the punch. FRST TEST GEE RES 2 LDB =11 This instruction reserves the locations for the subroutine entry. This instruction tests the card punch for a Ready condition. It sets the F lag Bit if Ready. CPT BFF TEST This instruction branches back to the test, CPT I, if the Flag is reset. An exit to a time loop with .the facility to tell the operator that the card punch wi II not become Ready can be placed here. PCD I, 2 This instruction executes if the punch is Ready. It connects the channel to the Card Punch Number I, and starts a card moving toward the punch station. The two characters per word and Holleriih mode are specified. LDA =39 Starting with location 03740, ROT transmits 40 words to the Punch. ROT 03740 This terminates output. TOP CTEST The B Register counts the 12 times CAT Wait for the last character to be transmitted. BFF CTEST SUB =1 BFF GEE BRU *FRST SUB decrements (B) by one and sets F if the new (B) is equal to 7777 , 8 Note that the card image must be sent to the channel twelve times to punch a card. Return to main program via location FRST. 3-20 The longitudinal check character always reflects an even parity check for each channel. In the BCD mode, the check character itself always has an even number of 1-bits. In the binary mode, however, the check character may have either an even or an odd number of 1-bits. This means that a reverse scan over a binary record may result in turning on the error indicator in the buffer even though the record itself is correct. As a general rule, the program ignores the error indicator after a reverse operation. MAGNETIC TAPE INPUT/OUTPUT Magnetic tape units used in SDS computer systems are IBMcompatible. The tape is one-half inch wide, Mylar base material, 1.5 mils thick. Tape reels (10 1/2 inch, plastic) contain up to 2400 feet of tape. A reflective marker, placed on the back of the tape approximately ten feet from the beginning of it, indicates the load point. The leading ten feet leave space for threading tape through the guides on the unit. The load point marker is on the My-Iar side of the tape along the edge nearest the operator when the tape is mounted. A similar marker is along the other edge of the tape to mark the end-ofreel. About 14 feet of tape are reserved between the end-ofreel marker and the end of the tape. This space includes at least ten feet of leader and enough tape to hold a record of 9,600 characters in 200 bpi density after the end-of-reel marker is sensed. Routines should always place a TAPE READY TEST (TRT) between tape operations of opposite direction to ensure that the tape unit stops and reverses. Good programming terminates tape writing by several inches of erasure whenever subsequent resumption of recording is anticipated. This eliminates the effects of a possible extraneous character that might arise through subsequent tape repositioning. Characters are recorded on tape in seven parallel tracks. A change in the magnetic flux in a track records a 1-bit for a given character position. No change in magnetic flux indicates a O-bit. Six of the tracks contain information; the seventh track is a parity check. The system allows both even and odd parity, as needed. Binary recording uses odd parity. In this mode, the tape records the six-bit charcicters from memory without change. Binary-coded decimal (BCD) recording uses even parity. In this mode, the tape control unit transforms characters from the channel to conform with standard IBM, BCD interchange code (see Appendix A-1). A Read Binary or Read BCD EOM starts a tape which continues until the tape unit detects an End-of-Record gap. If the computer does not instruct the tape unit to continue, it stops in the middle of that gap. When the tape stops, the tape unit disconnects from the channel. If the tape encounters an End-of-File, the tape control unit sets its EOF indicator. The central processor can test this indicator which remains set until the tape unit control receives a new EOM. The tape always stops after the Tape Mark. At the end of the file, the program reads the EOF character (0001111) into memory along with its check character. In a two character per word read, this appears in the first word of the input area as a 1717 word. Only the capacity of available core storage in the computer limits block length. A record gap (section of blank tape) about 3/4-inch long separates blocks on tape. In writing, the tape automatically produces gap at the end of a record. Reading begins with the first character sensed after the gap and continues until the next gap is encountered. When the tape unit is writing on tape, it may transmit flux disturbing surges ahead of the current writing position; these surges affect previously written records further down the tape. This means that a record in the middle of a fi Ie cannot be updated or rewritten if the records that follow it are to be read. An inter-record gap, followed by a special, single-character record, marks the end of a file of information. The character is a Tape Mark (0001111). Writing a one-word record in BCD with one-character-per-word format can record such a mark. Any error detected either by the channel in the character parity check or by the control unit with the longitudina I parity check sets the channel error -indicator. When detecting such an error in reading, the routine should backspace the tape over the erroneous record and attempt to lire-read II the record. A program may write one or more files on a reel of tape. On reading an End-of -File record, the tape control unit stops the tape and sets its End-of-File indicator which may be tested by the program. The tape backspaces over records using the Scan feature. A Scan reverse EOM starts the tape in reverse. A TERMINATE INPUT (TIP) EOM should immediately follow. The program then waits for the channel to become inactive (or awaits the End-of-Transmission interrupt if armed and the interrupt system is enabled). When the channel becomes inactive (or the Endof-Transmission interrupt occurs), the tape stops in front of the backwardly traversed record. The tape control unit considers any record containing only Tape Mark (0001111) characters an End-of-File. The tape reads such characters into m-emory like any other characters. As the tape unit writes information, it makes an odd-even count of the number of 1-bits in each track. At the end of each record, it writes a bit for each track such that the total number of 1-bits in each track is even. This parity check sum is always even whether the character parity is even or odd. The character containing these check bits is the longitudinal parity character; the tape unit writes it slightly past the end of recorded information in the block. A Scan operation is similar to a Read operation except that the channel shifts the characters read through its Word Assembly Register, but does not consider a word complete unti I a tape 3-21 gap is encountered. When the tape reaches the gap, the channel uses the last two characters in the word assembly as the only word read from the record. When scanning in reverse, the word consists of the last two characters scanned that are the first two logical characters of the record. This operation assembles these characters in reverse. For example, if the first two characters of the record are 12 and the tape scans the record in reverse, these appear as 21 in the word stored for that record. In addition to writing under program control, the program can also erase tape. When an Erase EOM with an erase unit address is used, the tape operates as though it were in a Write mode, except that it records no information. The program counts the number of words to be erased. The use of this type of erase is for the correction of a Write error. When a Write error occurs, an ERASE REVERSE TAPE starts the tape in reverse. Then the same count used to write the record originally controls the erase. This procedure ensures that the tape always returns to the beginning of the erroneous record, even if a bad spot on the tape might appear as a gap. The routine may now rewrite the record. If the Write still produces an error, the routine erases the record backward and then erases it forward, using the same count and bypassing the section of tape where the difficulty occurred. The routine may now rewrite the record on a new section of tape. The same operations occurs in the forward scan with the last two characters of the record forming the word stored. The Scan is useful for reverse searching on the first word of the records in the fi Ie being searched. In this case, the routine starts the tape in a reverse scan and IIhangs Upll on a WIN. When the tape reaches the beginning of the record, the first word of the record transfers to the buffer. The WIN stores the first word and the program checks the key word against the search key. If they agree, then the program need only wait for the channel to become inactive and the routine reads the record forward. If the record is not the desired one, the program gives another Scan reverse without waiting for the channel to become inactive. The erase procedure is used to produce the required 3.75 inches of blank tape between the load point and the first record. A routine does this by erasing 300 words at 200 bpi density, 834 words at 556 bpi density, or 1200 words at 800 bpi density. EOM instructions to the tape units specify start-without-Ieader since the tape un it generates gap at the end of a" records for leader. A leader instruction should never be included in a magnetic tape program because an attempt to generate leader may cause an erroneous operation. If the tape encounters the End-of-Reel marker while reading, the tape logic sets the End-of-Reel indicator in the tape unit; the program can test this at any time. An End-of-File normally indicates the end of recorded information on tape. Possibly, however, the End-of-Reel indicator may mark the last record on the reel. Programming Writing A Write routine writes tape after testing the tape unit for Ready and testing for the fi Ie protect ring on the tape reel (i.e., the flag was set by the test). The Write tape EOM starts tape motion; the tape remains in motion unti I it receives the termination signal from the channel. The tape control unit then writes the remaining characters of the record (those in the channel buffer) and writes the longitudinal check character. When the read-after-write head reads this check character, the tape signals the channel that it has reached Gap. If the tape receives no further Write instruction within one millisecond, the tape stops and disconnects. The SES and EOM instructions for normal tape operations are Iisted below. The EOM instructions use two characters per word format. If the user wishes to backspace or rewind and then to return at some later time to record additional information at the end of the previous series of records, the routine should write an Endof-File character or erase a segment of t~pe after the series of written records. This practice provides positive identification of the end of file and facilitates return to a specific location on the tape. If the programmer does not use this method, the tape may not subsequently stop in the same location at the end of the series of records as it did when writing the last record. This would leave a segment of tape in the gap which has not been written and may cause erroneous operation when reading the ,tape. if there is no physical unit set to the logical unit number be i ng tested, TRT n TAPE READY TEST 1051n TRT test tape unit number n for Not Ready. If the tape is Not Ready, the computer sets the Flag Bit. If the tape is Ready, the computer resets the Flag Bit. A tape is Not Ready: if the selected unit is not in the Automatic mode, or if the tape is in motion for any operation. a FPT n FILE PROTECT TEST 1411n FPT tests tape unit number n for file protect ring. If the file ring is inserted, the computer sets the Flag Bit. If not inserted, the computer resets the Flag Bit. The reset will occur if logical unit n is absent from the channel line. 3-22 BTT n BEGINNING OF TAPE TEST 1211n END OF TAPE TEST RTB n,2 DENSITY TEST, 200 BPI 11lln RTD n,2 DENSITY TEST, 556 BPI SFB n,2 DENSITY TEST, 800 BPI SFD n,2 I TAPE END-OF-FILE TEST SRB n,2 1671n WRITE TAPE IN DECIMAL (BCD) SCAN FORWARD IN DECIMAL (BCD) SCAN REVERSE IN BINARY SRD n,2 REW n 1731n 0233n 0733n SCAN REVERSE IN DECIMAL (BCD) 0633n REWIND 1411n REW starts tape unit n in a Rewind. RTS a CO NVERT READ TO SCAN 14100 RTS converts an in-process Read operation to a Scan. If the interrupts are disabled when the gap is encountered and the program is hanging on a WIN (executed after RTS, but before the gap), the WIN brings into memory the last two characters from the channel buffer. If the interrupts are enabled, an End-ofWord (11) interrupt occurs when the gap is encountered by the tape unit; the last character is avai lable via a WIN. If another Read or Scan EOM is executed within 1 millisecond of the gap occurrence, the tape does not stop and no End-of-Record (I2) interrupt occurs; if not, an 12 interrupt occurs when the tape is actively stopping (1 millisecond). 13710 0335n Note: WTB starts tape unit n in a Binary Write mode. WTD n,2 0333n SRD starts tape unit n in reverse in a BCD Scan mode. The End-of-File indicator remains set until another tape operation is requested. WRITE TAPE IN BINARY SCAN FORWARD IN BINARY SRB starts tape unit n in reverse in a Binary Scan mode. TFT test the tape control unit for a tape under its control encountering an End-of-Fi Ie during the last Read or Scan operation. If the End-of-File indicator is reset, the computer sets the Flag Bit. If the End-of-File indicator is set, the computer resets the Flag Bit. WTB n,2 0231n SFD starts tape unit n forward in a BCD Scan mode. 1631n DT8 tests tape unit number n for being set at 800 bpi density. If not, the computer sets the Flag Bit. If so, the computer resets the Flag Bit. TFT READ TAPE IN DECIMAL (BCD) SFB starts tape unifn forward in a Binary Scan mode. DT5 tests tape unit number n for being set at 556 bpi density. If not, the computer sets the Flag Bit. If so, the computer resets the Flag Bit. DT8 n 0331n RTD starts tape unit n in a BCD Read mode. DT2 tests tape unit number n for being set at 200 bpi density. If not, the computer sets the Flag Bit. If so, the computer resets the Flag Bit. DT5 n READ TAPE IN BINARY RTB starts tape unit n in a Binary Read mode. ETT tests whether tape unit number n is not positioned at the end of the tape. If the tape unit has not sensed the End-ofReel marker, the computer sets the Flag Bit. If the End-ofReel marker has been sensed, the computer resets the Flag Bit. The End-of-Reel condition is reset when the tape is moved backward over the End-of-Reel marker. The reset will occur if logical unit n is absent from the channel line. DT2 n 0737n ERT starts tape unit n in reverse in an Erase mode. BTT tests tape unit number n for the beginning of the tape. If it is not positioned on the load-point marker, the computer sets the Flag Bit. If positioned at the load-point marker, the computer resets the Flag Bit. The reset will occur if logical unit n is absent from the channel line. ETT n ERASE REVERSE TAPE ERT n,2 0235n All scans must be in the 2 characters/word mode. This necessarily implies that the read operation preceding an "RTS" must have been in the 2 characters/word mode. WTD starts tape unit Wn in a BCD Write mode. MAGNETIC TAPE EXAMPLE PROGRAMS EFT n,2 ERASE FORWARD TAPE 0337n The following examples show samples of complete input/output programs for magnetic tape. EFT starts tape unit n in an Erase mode. 3-23 EXAMPLE: Magnetic Tape Read This program reads one record from Magnetic Tape No. 1 on the I/O Channel. tape is not at the beginning or the end of the tape. The program is a closed subroutine. Location Comments Instruction FRST RES TEST TRT 2 The This instruction reserves locations for the subroutine entry. This instruction tests Ready Magnetic Tape No. 1. the command is 10511. The octal configuration for BFT TEST This instruction branches back to TRT if the F lag is set. An exit to a routine that determines reason for the non-Ready condition can be placed here. RTD 1,2 This instruction activates the channel, connects it to Magnetic Tape No.1, and starts tape motion. The two characters per word and BCD modes are specified. LDA =99 This count is for the RIN instruction to read 100 words. RIN 03000 Read 100 words starting at location 03000. TIP BRU Terminate input. *FRST This instruction branches back to the main program via FRST. EXAMPLE: Write Magnetic Tape This program writes one record on magnetic tape. FRST RES TEST TRT BFT 2 BRML This instruction reserves locations for the subroutine entry. This instruction tests whether Magnetic Tape No. 1 is ready. TEST Thi s tests the Flag True. Thi s instruction branches back to the Ready test if the Flag is set. This instruction tests whether the fi Ie protect ring is present on the tape reel. If so, the computer sets the Flag Bit. The octa I configuration of the address is 14111. FPT CTEST The program is a closed subroutine; it uses Magnetic Tape No. 1. BFF BRML If the Flag is reset, branch to BRML. WTD 1,2 This instruction connects the channel to Magnetic Tape No.1, specifies BCD transfer mode, and starts the tape moving. Two characters per word mode is specified. The octal configuration of the instruction is 02351. LDA =99 The 100 is the block length. ROT 02000 Starting at location 02000, ROT writes 100 words. TOP This terminates output. CAT Wait for channel to disconnect. BFF CTEST BRU *FRST This instruction branches back to the main program via FRST. BRM OPER This instruction branches and marks to an assumed routine to call the operator and instructs him to insert file-protect ring on Magnetic Tape No. 1. 3-24 LINE PRINTER preclude computer intervention while changing paper or ribbon, or operating the TOP OF FORM or SINGLE SPACE switches. SDS buffered line printers are capable of printing up to 1000 lines per minute at 132 characters per line, with a standard set of 56 characters. Printing is accompl ished by means of a rotating character drum and a bank of 132 print hammers. The drum passes 56 different characters, in Iines of 132 each, past the hammer bank. Upon command from the computer, the selected print hammers drive the paper against the ribbon and onto the appropriate character typeface as it passes the print position. The characters are transmitted sequentially for storage in the printer buffer before printing. A programmable format tape loop provides fixed (or preselected) space control. Upspac ing of 1 to 7 I ines, as well as page control, may be accomplished by program instructions. Pressing TOP OF FORM causes the printer to position paper according to format tape channell. This indicator is lighted only when the format tape is positioned at channell, that is, top-of-form on a standard tape loop. Th is switch is operative when there is paper in the printer and the READY indicator isoff. Pressing SINGLE SPACE causes the printer to upspace paper one single space, independently of the vertical format tape. Th is switch is operative when there is paper in the machine and READY is off. The FAULT indicator lights when the printer detects a parity error as information transfers from the buffer to the print hammers, or when it detects a parity error in incoming data from magnetic tape or cards during an off-I ine operation. It remains lighted unti I the next EOM addresses the printer. The condition of the I ight corresponds to the status of a programtestable fau It ind icator in the printer. An optional, off-I ine faci Iity allows the program or the operator to initiate card-to-printer or magnetic tape-to-printer operations simu Itaneous with computation (see Off-Line Printing). Printer Controls The printer controls, Figure 3-6, for SDS Iine printers consist of eight switches and indicators. ( P~%ER ( READY) ) MANUAL OFF LINEt is a combination switch and indicator for off-I ine operation. The computer or the operator may initiate off-I ine operation, which is indicated by the illumination ofthe bottom half of this switch. If the operator presses this switch to initiate off-line operation, the top half is also lighted. This indicator is normally reset when the end-of-file is detected from the input unit. Pressing READY when it is lighted also resets it, that is, by switching the printer from the "ready" to the "not ready" state. t The FORMAT/SPACE switch is used in off-I ine operation. The operator may use either mode, spacing a single space after each Iine of print, or using the first character stored on tape or cards as a vertical format character. t The TAPE/CARD switch selects the desired input device. Paper Tape Format Loop fl- . . .:~. :. .;~:. :. ~E=-D- -1) ( FAUL T ) Figure 3-6. Printer Control Indicator Lights and Switches The POWER ON switch is an alternate action switch. The computer must be turned on for this switch to be activated. Pressing POWER ON lights the top half of the indicator, turns on the motors and hammer driver power supply, and starts a timer that allows the motors to reach proper speed. After 20 seconds the bottom half lights, indicating that the printer is operable. A paper tape format loop, placed in the printer, allows upspacing to proceed to prespecified vertical positions on the print page. The format loop is an eight.:.channel paper tape. Putting a punch in the specified channel at the desired vertical spacing selects the channel upspace. Channel 1 is the top-of-form channel, channel 7 is the bottom-of-form channel, and channel 0 is the single-upspace channel. In the off-I ine mode with SPACE control, channel 0 controls single spacing. When printing with no format loop inserted in the printer, single upspacing occurs regardless of the channel specified. Terminating Line Printer Output When the sing Ie-word mode of transmission is used for printing on the line printer, each character transmission for a line must be followed by a TERMINATE OUTPUT (TOP) instruction. TOP is automatically generated with interlaced outputs. When the printer is initially turned on, the READY indicator is off. When pressed, it is turned on if: 1. paper is loaded in the line pri nter, 2. the lower half of the POWER ON switch is lighted, and 3. the hammer power supply is on. This indicator automatically goes off when the above conditions are not real ized. The printer is ready for either on-I ine oroff-I ine operation when READY is turned on. Ready is reset to Error Conditions 1. Print fault - parity error during transfer of character information from print buffer to print hammers. 2. Buffer error - parity or character rate error during transfer of information through buffer. t If an off-I ine coupler is not attached to the printer, the MANUAL OFF LINE, FORMAT SPACE, and TAPE CARD indicators neither light nor affect printer operation. 3-25 3. Input fau It - parity error in incoming data from cards or magnetic tape (during off-I ine operation only). Off-Line Printing The optional, off-I ine facil ity allows the Iine printer to produce printed records from card or magnetic tape sources without computer attention. The character transm ission proceeds directly from the source to the computerfor other input/ output operations (e.g., card reading on card reader 2, card punch, paper tape read/punch, disk read/write, etc.). Once initiated, the printing operation is controlled by the source and proceeds until the source generates an end-of-file signal (see card input and magnetic tape input for appropriate endof-file conditions). The FAU LT indicator Iights when a parity error is detected during the reading of a tape record; the off-I ine printer rereads the record in an attempt to read good data. If th is reread record contains an error, FAULT lights, the off-line operation terminates, and the printer goes back on-I ine if physically connected to the computer and the MANUAL indicator is off. When a val idity check occurs during a card read, FAU LT Iights, the operation terminates, and the printer goes back on-line if the MANUAL indicator is off. The next EOM addressing the printer resets FAULT if the printer is on-line. If the MANUAL indicator is on, the error condition may be cleared by pressing READY off and then on again. If a fault occurs in an off-line operation initiated by the computer, the usual method for clearing the error is: 1. Press MANUAL on. 2. Press READY off. 3. Press READY on. 4. Press MANUAL off. Off-line printing can be formatted as desired through the use of a single upspace or the format control mode (see Table 3-3). Off-line printing terminates by an end-of-file indicator from either device. Upon termination of an off-line operation, a physically connected off-line printer system returns on-line, provided the MANUAL indicator is off. Format Control Characters Code Character Function 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - (hyphen) Skip to format channel 0 Skip to format channell Skip to format channel 2 Skip to format channel 3 Skip to format channel 4 Skip to format channel 5 Sk ip to format channel 6 Skip to format channel 7 Do not space Upspace 1 line Upspace 2 lines Upspace 3 lines Upspace 4 lines Upspace 5 lines Upspace 6 lines Upspace 7 lines J K L M N 0 P 1. Switch on the desired input device. (Magnetic tape is selected by dial ing it to logical tape number 7.) 2. Place paper at top of form, as desired, by means of the TOP OF FORM switch. 3. Select desired input device by means of the TAPE/CARD switch. 4. Select either the FORMAT or SPACE mode as required. 5. Press MANUAL OFF LINE switch. 6. Press READY switch on, which initiates actual data transfer. Printing Off-Line Under Computer Control The procedure for computer control of off-I ine printing is: 1. Turn the equipment on. 2. Prepare the desired input device for operation. 3. Select desired input device by means of the TAPE/CARD switch. 4. Select either the FORMAT or SPACE mode as required. 5. Press the READY switch on. 6. Under program control, test the tape or card unit and the I ine printer for II ready" cond ition. 7. Then, to start transfer of data, give the POL instruction to print off-line. Programming In a manually-initiated off-line operation, steps 1 and 4 are not required. Table 3-3. Printing Off-Line Under Operator Control The procedure for operator control of off-I ine printing is: SES and EOM instructions that have spec ial use with the printer follow. For convenience, assume that the instructions address the channel and connect, test, or use Line Printer Number 1 on the channel. PRT 1 PRINTER READY TEST 12160 This instruction tests the printer for a Ready condition. If the printer can accept a I ine to be printed, or accept a skip or space instruction, it is Ready. If the printer is Ready, the computer sets the Flag Bit. If the printer is Not Ready, the computer resets the Flag Bit. When the printer is upspac ing paper, PRT tests for Ready before the dpw rnmnlp.tp.. Thp.rp.fnrp.. seoaratina - . - . - ic; ----·'1-----. . - - - - - - - , .PRT - - -is ' ineffective _ .. - for I - two successive upspace operations. The second upspace specified may override the first one un less suffic ient de lay is inserted (see PSP). EPT 1 END OF PAGE TEST 14160 This instruction tests the printer for having paper positioned at the End-of-Page, which is marked by a punch in channel 7. If not at End-of-Page, the computer sets the Flag Bit. If at Endof-Page, the computer resets the Flag Bit. PFT 1 PRINTER FAU LT TEST 11160 This instruction tests whether the PRINT FAULT indicator isset. If not set, the computer sets the Flag Bit. If set, the computer resets the Flag Bit. 3-26 PRINTER OFF-LINE POL 1 I Approximate completion times for PSP (from initiation of instruction to paper stop) are: 10360 This instruction places the printer off-line to begin an off-line print operation. The card reader and/or magnetic tape attached to the channel also goes off-line (see Off-line Printing). PSC 1, n Upspace 1 line: 25 milliseconds Upspace more than 1 line: Add 10 milliseconds for each additional line. Off-line Print Termination PRINTER SKIP TO FORMAT CHANNEL n 1n560 Off-line printing terminates when an end-of-file indicator from the magnetic tape unit or card reader occurs. When printing from magnetic tape, the print operation terminates when the first character read from a record is the end-of-fi Ie code, octal 17. The printer sk ips to format contro I channe I n, where n denotes a channel number from 0 to 7. The format control is an eightchannel paper tape loop that is as long as the paper being used. (See PSP for timing.) PSP 1, n PRINTER UPSPACE n LINES When printing from cards, the print operation terminates when the end-of-file signal comes from the reader. This occurs when the card hopper becomes empty and the EOF ON switch on the reader is on (END OF FILE indicator lights). If the hopper becomes empty when EOF ON is not Iighted, the printer waits for more cards to be placed in the hopper and the reader to become ready. When the reader isagain ready, printing resumes. 1n760 The printer upspaces from 0 to 7 I ines as specified by n. Consecutive upspace instructions must be separated by a sufficient time delay. Otherwise, the two PSP instructions may be merged by the printer. EXAMPLE: Print Two Lines This program prints two I ines at the top of a page with a single upspace between. Assume that the printer is Ready or is becoming Ready after a print operation. The program is a closed subroutine for printer number 1. Location FRST TSTl TST2 TST3 Instruct ion Address Comments RES 2 Saves locations for subroutine entry. LDA = 65 Load A with 65 for the length of a line image. This instruction tests for printer Ready. If not Ready, the computer resets the Flag Bit. If Ready, the computer sets the Flag. PRT Not Ready, retu rn to the test. BFF TSTl PSC 1, This instructs the printer to move paper to the top of the page. The octal configuration is 11560. PLP 1, 2 Connect line printer to the channel, specify 2 character/word mode. ROT LINE1 Output 66 words from line 1 image area. TOP Terminate output. CAT Wait for channe I to disconnect BFF TST2 LDA = 65 PRT Reload A with 65. Wait for printer to become ready after printing first line. BFF TST3 PSP 1, Upspace printer 1 line. The octal configuration is 11760. PLP 1, 2 Address printer. ROT LINE2 Output image for line 2. TOP BRU Terminate. *FRST Exit the subroutine via the BRU. 3-27 SDS CHARACTER CODES Characters Typewriter Printer o SDS Internal Code Card Code 00 o Magnetic Tape BCD Code on Tape 01 2 2 02 SDS Internal Code Card Code Magnetic Tape BCD Code on Tape 12 40 11 40 01 41 11-1 41 K 42 11-2 42 2 02 Characters Typewriter K Printer 3 3 03 3 03 L L 43 11-3 43 4 4 04 4 04 M M 44 11-4 44 5 5 05 5 05 N N 45 11-5 45 6 6 06 6 06 o o 46 11-6 46 7 7 07 7 07 P P 47 11-7 47 8 8 10 8 10 Q Q 50 11-8 50 9 9 11 9 11 R R Blank 12 8-2 # or = 13 8-3 13 @or 14 8-4 14 15 8-5 15 Space I 12 0 Car. Ret. ! 0 !0 $ 51 11-9 52 11- 0 53 11-8-3 53 54 11-8-4 54 55 11-8-5 55 51 0 52 > > 16 8-6 16 56 11-8-6 56 .J .J 17 8-7 17 57 11-8-7 57 & or + + 20 12 60 t) 60 Blank 20 A .A. 21 12-:1 61 / / 61 0-1 21 B B 22 12-2 62 s S 62 0-2 22 C C 23 12-3 63 T T 63 0-3 23 D D 24 12-4 64 U U 64 0-4 24 E' 25 12-5 65 V V 65 0-5 25 F 26 12-6 66 W W 66 0-6 26 G 27 12-7 67 X X 67 0-7 27 G Blank H H 30 12-8 70 Y Y 70 0-8 30 I I 31 1® 12-9 71 Z z 71 0-9 31 32 12-0 72 Tab * 0 *® 72 Cl-8-2 32 33 12-8-3 73 73 0-8-3 33 34 12-8-4 74 74 0-8-4 34 Backspace?0 Il or) 0 35 12-8-5 75 < 36 12-8-6 76 • Stop 37 12-8-7 77 NOTES: o @ CD 0 The characters? ! and * are for input only. % or ( \4 1662 1607 1615 1623 1631 1639 1647 1655 1663 3500 3510 3520 3530 3540 3550 3560 3570 1856 1864 1872 1880 1888 1896 1904 1912 1857 1865 1873 1881 1889 1897 1905 1913 1858 1866 1874 1882 1890 1898 1906 1914 1859 1867 1875 1883 1891 1899 1907 1915 1860 1868 1876 1884 1892 1900 1908 1916 1861 1869 1877 1885 1893 1901 1909 1917 1862 1870 1878 1886 1894 1902 1910 1918 18'53 1871 1879 1887 1895 1903 1911 1919 1665 1673 1681 1689 1697 1705 1713 1721 1666 1674 1682 1690 1698 1706 1714 1722 1667 1675 1683 1691 1699 1707 1715 1723 1668 1676 1684 1692 1700 1708 1716 1724 1669 1677 1685 1693 1701 1709 1717 1725 1670 1678 1686 1694 1702 1710 1718 1726 1671 1679 1687 1695 1703 1711 1719 1727 3600 3610 3620 3630 3640 3650 3660 3670 1920 1928 1936 1944 1952 1960 1968 1976 1921 1929 1937 1945 1953 1961 1969 1977 1922 1930 1938 1946 1954 1962 1970 1978 1923 1931 1939 1947 1955 1963 1971 1979 1924 1932 1940 1948 1956 1964 1972 1980 1925 1933 1941 1949 1957 1965 1973 1981 1926 1934 1942 1950 1958 1966 1974 1982 1927 1935 1943 1951 1959 1967 1975 1983 1729 1737 1745 1753 1761 1769 1777 1785 1730 1738 1746 1754 1762 1770 1778 1786 1731 1739 1747 1755 1763 1771 1779 1787 1732 1740 1748 1756 1764 1772 1780 1788 1733 1741 1749 1757 1765 1773 1781 1789 1734 1742 1750 1758 1766 1774 1782 1790 1735 1743 1751 1759 1767 1775 1783 1791 3700 3710 3720 3730 3740 3750 3760 3770 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016 2024 2032 2040 1985 1993 2001 2009 2017 2025 2033 2041 1986 1994 2002 2010 2018 2026 2034 2042 1987 1995 2003 2011 2019 2027 2035 2043 1988 1996 2004 2012 2020 2028 2036 2044 1989 1997 2005 2013 2021 2029 2037 2045 1990 1998 2006 2014 2022 2030 2038 2046 1991 1999 2007 2·015 2023 2031 2039 2047 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 1024 1032 1040 1048 1056 1064 1072 1080 1025 1033 1041 1049 1057 1065 1073 1081 1026 1034 1042 1050 1058 1066 1074 1082 1027 1035 1043 1051 1059 1067 1075 1083 1028 1036 1044 1052 1060 1068 1076 1084 1029 1037 1045 1053 1061 1069 1077 1085 1030 1038 1046 1054 1062 1070 1078 1086 1031 1039 1047 1055 1063 1071 1079 1087 2100 2110 2120 2130 2140 2150 2160 2170 1088 1096 1104 1112 1120 1128 1136 1144 1089 1097 1105 1113 1121 1129 1137 1145 1090 1098 1106 1114 1122 1130 1138 1146 1091 1099 1107 1115 1123 1131 1139 1147 1092 1100 1108 1116 1124 1132 1140 1148 1093 1101 1109 1117 1125 1133 1141 1149 1094 1102 1110 1118 1126 1134 1142 1150 2200 2210 2220 2230 2240 2250 2260 2270 1152 1160 1168 1176 1184 1192 1200 1208 1153 1161 1169 1177 1185 1193 1201 1209 1154 1162 1170 1178 1186 1194 1202 1210 1155 1163 1171 1179 1187 1195 1203 1211 1156 1164 1172 1180 1188 1196 1204 1212 1157 1165 1173 1181 1189 1197 1205 1213 2300 2310 2320 2330 2340 2350 2360 2370 1216 1224 1232 1240 1248 1256 1264 1272 1217 1225 1233 1241 1249 1257 1265 1273 1218 1226 1234 1242 1250 1258 1266 1274 1219 1227 1235 1243 1251 1259 1267 1275 1220 1228 1236 1244 1252 1260 1268 1276 0 1 2 3 3000 3010 3020 3030 3040 3050 3060 3070 1536 1544 1552 1560 1568 1576 1584 1592 1537 1545 1553 1561 1569 1577 1585 1593 1538 1546 1554 1562 1570 1578 1586 1594 3100 3110 3120 3130 3140 3150 3160 3170 1600 1608 1616 1624 1632 1640 1648 1656 1601 1609 1617 1625. 1633 1641 1649 1657 1664 1672 1680 1688 1696 1704 3~60 1712 3270 1720 3300 3310 3320 3330 3340 3350 3360 3370 3200 3210 3220 3230 3240 3250 1728 1736 1744 1752 1760 1768 1776 1784 A-4 2000 1024 to to 2777 1535 (Octal) (Decimal) Octal Decimal 10000· 4096 20000· 8192 30000· 12288 40000 - 16384 50000 • 20480 60000 • 24576 ·70000 • 28672 3000 1536 to to 3777 2047 (Octal) (Decimal) Octal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table 4000 2048 to 10 4777 2559 (Oclol) tDecimal! Octal Decimal 10000· 4096 20000· 8192 30000 • 12288 40000 • 16384 50000 • 20480 60000·24576 70000 • 28672 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2305 2313 2321 2329 2337 2345 2353 2361 2306 2314 2322 2330 2338 2346 2354 2362 2307 2315 2323 2331 2339 2347 2355 2363 2308 2316 2324 2332 2340 2348 2356 2364 2309 2317 2325 2333 2341 2349 2357 2365 2310 2318 2326 2334 2342 2350 2358 2366 2311 2319 2327 2335 23<43 2351 2359 2367 2119 2127 2135 2143 2151 2159 2167 2175 4500 2368 2369 2370 4510 2376 2377 2378 4520 2384 2385 2386 4~30 2392 2393 2394 4540 2400 2401 2402 4550 2408 2409 2410 4560 2416 2417 2418 4570 2424 2425 2426 2371 2379 2387 2395 2403 2411 2419 2427 2372 2380 2388 2396 2404 2412 2420 2428 2373 2381 2389 2397 2405 2413 2421 2429 2374 2382 2390 2398 2406 2414 2422 2430 2375 2383 2391 2399 2407 2415 2423 2431 2182 2190 2198 2206 2214 2222 2230 2238 2183 2191 2199 2207 2215 2223 2231 2239 4600 4610 4620 4630 4640 4650 4660 4670 2246 2254 2262 2270 2278 2286 2294 2302 2247 2255 2263 2271 2279 2287 2295 2303j 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4000 4010 4020. 4030 4040 4050 4060 4070 2048 2056 2064 2072 2080 2088 2Q96 2104 2049 2057 2065 2073 2081 2089 2097 2105 2050 2058 2066 2074 2082 2090 2098 2106 2051 2059 2067 2075 2083 2091 2099 2107 2052 2060 2068 2076 2084 2092 2100 2108 2053 2061 2069 2077 2085 2093 2101 2109 2054 2002 2070 2078 2086 2094 2102 2110 2055 2063 2071 2079 2087 2095 2103 2111 4400 2304 4410 2312 4420 2320 4430 2328 4440 2336 445012344 4460 2352 4470 2360 4100 4110 4120 4130 4140 4150 4160 4170 2112 2120 2128 2136 2144 2152 2160 2168 2113 2121 2129 2137 2145 2153 2161 2169 2114 2122 2130 2138 2146 2154 2162 2170 2115 2123 2131 2139 2147 2155 2163 2171 2116 2124 2132 2140 2148 2156 2164 2172 2117 2125 2133 2141 2149 2157 2165 2173 2118 2126 2134 2142 2150 2158 2166 2174 4200 4210 4220 4230 4240 4250 4260 4270 2176 2184 2192 2200 2208 2216 2224 2232 2177 2185 2193 2201 2209 2217 2225 2233 2178 2186 2194 2202 2210 2218 2226 2234 2179 2187 2195 2203 2211 2219 2227 2235 2180 2188 2196 2204 2212 2220 2228 2236 2181 2189 219';' 2205 2213 2221 2229 2237 4300 4310 4320 4330 4340 4350 4360 4370 2240 2248 2256 2264 2272 2280 2288 2296 2241 2249 2257 2265 2273 2281 2289 2297 2242 2250 2258 2266 2274 2282 2290 2298 2243 2251 2259 2267 2275 2283 2291 2299 2244 2252 2260 2268 2276 2284 2292 2300 2245 2253 2261 2269 2277 2285. 2293 2301 - 2432 2440 2448 2456 2464 2472 2480 2488 2433 2441 2449 2457 2465 2473 2481 2489 2434 2442 2450 2458 2466 2474 2482 2490 2435 2443 2451 2459 24,67 2475 2483 2491 2436 2444 2452 2460 2468 2476 2184 2492 2437 2445 2453 2461 2469 2477 2485 2493 2438 2446 2454 2462 2470 2478 2486 2494 2439 2447 2455 4700 2.496 4710 2504 4720 2512 4730 2520 474012528 4750 2536 4760,2544 14770! 2552 2497 2505 2513 2521 2529 2537 2545 2553 2498 2506 2514 2522 2530 2538 2546 2554 2499 2507 2515 2523 2531 2539 2547 2555 2500 2508 2516 2524 2532 2540 2548 2556 2501 2509 2517 2525 2533 2541 2549 2557 2502 2510 2518 2526 2534 2542 2550 2558 2503 2511 2519 2527 2535 2543 2551 2559 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 24~3 2471 2479 2487 2495 ---'1 0 5000 2560 to to 5777 3071 (Oclol) (Decimol) 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 5000 5010 5020 5030 5040 5050 5060 5070 2560 2568 2576 2584 2592 2600 2608 2616 2561 2569 2577 2585 2593 2601 2609 2617 2562 2570 2578 2586 2594 2602 2610 2618 2563 2571 '2579 2587 2595 2603 2611 2619 2564 2572 2580 2588 2596 2604 2612 2620 2565 2566 25671 2573 2574 2575 2581 25~2 2583 258~ 2590 2591 2597 2598 2599 2605 2606 2607 1 2613 2614 2615 ~21 2622 2623 5100 5110 5120 5130 5140 5150 5160 5170 2624 2632 2640 2648 2656 2664 2672 2680 2625 2633 2641 2649 2657 2665 2673 2681 2626 2634 2642 2650 2658 2666 2674 2682 2627 2635 2643 2651 2659 2667 2675 2683 2628 2636 2644 2652 2660 2668 2676 2684 2629 2637 2645 2653 2661 2669 2677 2685 2630 2638 2646 2654 2662 2670 2678 2686 2631 2639 2647 2655 2663 2671 2679 2687 5200 2688 5210 2696 522012704 5230\2712 5240,2720 5250 ! 2728 5260 2736 5270 2744 2689 2697 2705 2713 2721 2729 2737 2745 2690 2698 2706 2714 2722 2730 2738 2746 2691 2699 2707 2715 2723 2731 2739 2747 2692 2700 2708 2716 2724 2732 2740 2748 2693 2701 2709 2717 2725 2733 2741 2749 2694 2702 2710 2718 2726 2734 2742 2750 5300 5310 5320 5330 5340 5350 5360 5370 2753 2761 2769 2777 2785 2793 2801 2809 2754 2762 2770 2778 2786 2794 2802 2810 2755 2763 2771 2779 2787 2795 2803 2811 2756 2764 2772 2780 2788 2796 2804 2812 2757 2765 2773 2781 2789 2797 2805 2813 2758 2766 2774 2782 2790 2798 2806 2814 2752 2760 2768 2776 2784 2792 2800 2808 A-5 0 540012816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 54101282' 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 5420 5430 5440 5450 5460 5470 2832 2840 2848 2856 2864 2872 2'333 2841 2849 2857 2865 2873 2834 2842 2850 2858 2866 2874 2835 2843 2851 2859 2867 2875 2836 2844 2852 2860 2868 2876 2837 2845 2853 2861 2869 2877 2838 2846 2854 2862 2870 2878 2839 2847 2855 2863 2871 287U 5500 5510 5520 5530 5540 5550 5560 5570 2880 2888 2896 2904 2912 2920 2928 2936 2881 2889 2897 2905 2913 2921 2929 2937 2882 2890 2898 2906 2914 2922 2930 2938 2883 2891 2899 2907 2915 2923 2931 2939 2884 2892 2900 2908 2916 2924 2932 2940 2885 2893 2901 2909 2917 2925 2933 2941 2886 2894 2902 2910 2918 2926 2934 2942 288"/ 2895 2903 2911 2919 2927 2935 2943 2695 2703 2711 2719 2727 2735 2743 2751 5600 2944 -5610 12952 562012960 5630 2968 564012976 5650 2984 5660 2992 5670 3000 2945 2953 2961 2969 2977 2985 2993 3001 2945 2954 2962 2970 2978 2986 2994 3002 2947 2955 2963 2971 2979 2987 2995 3003 2948 2956 2964 2972 2980 2988 2996 3004 2949 2957 2965 2973 2981 2989 2997 3005 2950 2958 2966 2974 2982 2990 2998 3006 2951 2959 2967 2975 2983 2991 2999 3007 2759 2767 2775 2783 2791 2799 2807 2815 5710 5720 5730 5740 5750 5760 5770 3008 3016 3024 3032 3040 3048 3056 3064 3009 3017 3025 3033 3041 3049 3057 3065 3010 3018 3026 3034 3042 3050 3058 3066 3011 3019 3027 3035 3043 3051 3059 3067 3012 3020 3028 3036 3044 3052 3060 3068 3013 3021 3029 3037 3045 3053 3061 3069 3014 3022 3030 3038 3046 3054 3062 3070 3015 3023 3031 3039 3047 3055 3063 3071 ~700 Octal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3328 3336 3344 3352 3360 3368 3376 3384 3329 3337 3345 3353 3361 3369 3377 3385 3330 3338 3346 3354 3362 3370 3378 3386 3331 3339 3347 3355 3363 3371 3379 3387 3332 3340 3348 3356 3364 3372 3380 3388 3333 3341 3349 3357 3365 3373 3381 3389 3334 3342 3350 3358 3366 3374 3382 3390 3335 3343 3351 3359 3367 3375 3383 3391 6500 3392 6510 3400 652013408 6530 3416 6540 3424 6550 3432 6560 3440 6570 3448 3393 3401 3409 3417 3425 3433 3441 3449 3394 3402 3410 3418 3426 3434 3442 3450 3395 3403 3411 3419 3427 3435 3443 3451 3396 3404 3412 3420 3428 3436 3444 3452 3397 3405 3413 3421 3429 3437 3445 3453 3398 3406 3414 3422 3430 3438 3446 3454 3399 3407 3415 3423 3431 3439 3447 3455 16200 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3216 3224 3232 3240 3248 3256 3209 3217 3225 3233 3241 3249 3257 3210 3218 3226 3234 3242 3250 3258 3211 3219 3227 3235 3243 3251 3259 6600 6610 6620 6630 6640 6650 6660 6.670 3456 3464 3472 3480 3488 3496 3504 3512 3457 3465 3473 3481 3489 3497 3505 3513 3458 3466 3474 3482 3490 3498 3506 3514 3459 3467 3475 3483 3491 3499 3507 3515 3460 3468 3476 3484 3492 3500 3508 3516 3461 3469 3477 3485 3493 3501 3509 3517 3462 3470 3478 3486 3494 3502 3510 3518 3463 3471 3479 3487 3495 3503 3511 3519 6300 3264 6310 3272 6320 3280 6330 3288 6340 3296 6350 3304 636013312 6370 3320 3265 3273 3281 3289 3297 3305 3313 3321 3266 3274 3282 3290 3298 3306 3314 3322 6700 6710 6720 6730 6740 6750 6760 6770 3520 3528 3536 3544 3552 3560 3568 3576 3521 3529 3537 3545 3553 3561 3569 3577 3522 3530 3538 3546 3554 3562 3570 3578 3523 3531 3539 3547 3555 3563 3571 3579 3524 3532 3540 3548 3556 3564 3572 3580 3525 3533 3541 3549 3557 3565 3573 3581 3526 3534 3542 3550 3558 3566 3574 3582 3527 3535 3543 3551 3559 3567 3575 3583 a 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7000 7010 7020 7030 7040 7050 7060 7070 3584 3592 3600 3608 3616 3624 3632 3640 7100 7110 7120 7130 7140 7150 7160 7170 3648 3656 3664 3672 3680 3688 3696 3704 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3072 3080 3088 3096 3104 3112 3120 3128 3073 3081 3089 3097 3105 3113 3121 3129 3074 3082 3090 3098 3106 3114 3122 3130 3075 3083 3091 3099 3107 3115 3123 3131 3076 3084 3092 3100 3108 3116 3124 3132 3077 3085 3093 3101 3109 3117 3125 3133 3078 3086 3094 3102 3110 3118 3126 3134 3079 3087 3095 3103 3111 3119 3127 3135 6400 6410 6420 6430 6440 6450 6460 6470 6100 3136 6110 i 3144 612013152 6130,3160 6140 3168 6150 3176 6160 3184 6170 3192 3137 3145 3153 3161 3169 3177 3185 3193 3138 3146 3154 3162 3170 3178 3186 3194 3139 3147 3155 3163 3171 3179 3187 3195 3140 3148 3156 3164 3172 3180 3188 3196 3141 3149 3157 3165 3173 3181 3189 3197 3142 3150 315B 3166 3174 3182 3190 3198 3143 3151 3159 3167 3175 3183 3191 3199 6000 6010 6020 6030 6040 6050 6060 6070 06210 6220 6230 6240 6250 6260 6270 3213 3221 3229 3237 3245 3253 3261 3214 3222 3230 3238 3246 3254 3262 3215 3223 3231 3239 3247 3255 3263 3267 3275 3283 3291 3299 3307 3315 3323 3212 3220 3228 3236 3244 3252 3260 0 3268 3276 3284 3292 3300 3308 3316 3324 3269 3277 3285 3293 3301 3309 3317 3325 3270 3278 3286 3294 3302 3310 3318 3326 3271 3279 3287 3295 3303 3311 33191 2 3 4 5 6 7 3585 3593 3601 3609 3617 3625 3633 3641 3586 3594 3602 3610 3618 3626 3634 3642 3587 3595 3603 3611 3619 3627 3635 3643 3588 3596 3604 3612 3620 3628 3636 3644 3589 3597 3605 3613 3621 3629 3637 3645 3590 3598 3606 3614 3622 3630 3638 3646 3591 3599 3607 3615 3623 3631 3639 3647 7400 7410 7420 7430 7440 7450 7460 7470 3840 3848 3856 3864 3872 3880 3888 3896 3841 3.849 3857 3865 3873 3881 3889 3897 3842 3850 3858 3866 3874 3882 3890 3898 3843 3851 3859 3867 3875 3883 3891 38il9 3844 3852 3860 3868 3876 3884 3892 3900 3845 3853 3861 3869 3877 3885 3893 3901 3846 3854 3862 3S70 3878 3886 3894 3902 3847 3855 3863 3871 3879 3887 3895 3903 3649 3657 3665 3673 3681 3689 3697 3705 3650 3658 3666 3674 3682 3690 3698 3706 3651 3659 3667 3675 3683 3691 3699 3707 3652 3660 3668 3676 3684 3692 3700 3708 3653 3661 3669 3677 3685 3693 3701 3709 3654 3662 3670 3678 3686 3694 3702 3710 3655 3663 3671 3679 3687 3695 3703 3711 7500 7510 7520 7530 7540 7550 7560 7570 3904 3912 3920 3928 3936 3944 3952 3960 3905 3913 3921 3929 3937 3945 3953 3961 3906 3914 3922 3930 3938 3946 3954 3962 3907 3915 3923 3931 3939 3947 3955 3963 3908 3916 3924 3932 3940 3948 3956 3964 3909 3917 3925 3933 3941 3949 3957 3965 3910 3918 3926 3934 3942 3950 3958 3966 3911 3919 3927 3935 3943 3951 3959 3967 7200 7210 7220 7230 7240 7250 3712 3720 3728 3736 37044 3752 7260 :1750 7270 3168 3713 3714 3715 3721 3722 3723 3q29 3730 3731 3737 3738 3739 3745 3746 374'1 3753 3754 3755 3761 3762 3763 3769 3770 3771 3716 3724 3732 3740 3748 3756 3764 3772 3717 3725 3733 3741 3149 3757 3765 3773 3718 3726 3734 3'742 3750 3758 3766 3774 3719 3727 3735 3743 3751 3759 3767 3775 7600 7610 7620 7630 7640 7650 7660 7670 3968 3976 3984 3992 4000 4008 4016 4024 3969 3977 3985 3993 4001 4009 4017 4025 3970 3978 3986 3994 4002 4010 4018 4026 3971 3979 3987 3995 4003 4011 4019 4027 3972 3980 3988 3996 4004 4012 4020 4028 3973 3981 3989 3997 4005 4013 4021 4029 3974 3982 3990 3998 4006 4014 \022 4030 3975 3983 3991 3999 4007 4015 4023 4031 7300 7310 7320 7330 3777 3785 3793 3801 3809 3817 3825 3833 3780 3788 3796 3804 3812 3820 3828 3836 3781 3789 3797 3805 3813 3821 3829 3837 3782 3790 3798 3806 3814 3822 3830 3838 3783 3791 3799 3807 3815 3823 3831 3839 7700 7710 7720 7730 7740 7750 7760 7770 4032 4040 4048 4056 4064 4072 4080 4088 4033 4041 4049 4057 4065 4073 4081 4089 4034 4042 4050 4058 4066 4074 4082 4090 4035 4043 4051 4059 4067 4075 4083 4091 4036 4044 4052 4060 4068 4076 4084 4092 4037 4045 4053 4061 4069 4077 4085 4093 4038 4046 4054 4062 4070 4078 4086 4094 4039 4047 4055 4063 4071 4079 4087 4095 3776 3784 3792 3800 ~340 3808 73)0 3816 7360 3824 7370 3832 3778 3786 3794 3802 3810 3818 3826 3834 3779 3787 3795 3803 3811 3819 3827 3835 3~ A-6 6000 to 6777 (Octal) I 3072 to 3583 I (Decimal) Octal Decimal 10000 - 4096 20000 - 8192 30000 - 12288 40000 - 16384 50000 - 20480 60000 - 24576 70000 - 28672 7000 3584 to 10 7777 4095 (Octal) (Decimal) OCTAL· DECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION TABLE 'OCTAL DEC. OCTAL Dl::C. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL m:c. .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .010 .011 .012 .013 .014 .015 .016 .017 .020 .021 .022 .023 .024 .025 .026 .027 .030 .031 .032 .033 .034 .035 .036 .037 .040 .041 .042 .043 .044 .045 .046 .047 .050 .051 .052 .053 .054 .055 .056 .057 .060 .061 .062 .063 .064 .065 .066 .067 .070 .071 .072 .073 .074 .075 .076 .077 .000000 .001953 .1t03906 .005859 .007812 .009765 .011718 .013671 .015625 .017578 .019531 .021484 .023437 .025390 .027343 .029296 .031250 .033203 .035156 .037109 .039062 .041015 .042968 .044921 .046875 .048828 .050781 .052734 .054687 .056640 .058593 .060546 .062500 .064453 .066406 .068359 .070312 .072265 .074218 .076171 .078125 .080018 .082031 .083984 .085937 .087890 .089843 .091796 .093750 .095703 .097656 .099609 .101562 .103515 .105468 .107421 .109375 .111328 .113281 .115234 .117187 .119140 .121093 .123046 .100 .101 .102 .103 .104 .105 .106 .107 .110 .111 .112 .113 .114 .115 .116 .117 .120 .121 .122 .123 .124 .125 .126 .127 .130 .131 .132 .133 .134 .135 .136 .137 .140 .141 .142 .143 .144 .145 .146 .147 .150 .151 .152 .153 .154 .155 .156 .157 .160 .161 .162 .163 .164 .165 .166 .167 .170 .171 .172 .173 .174 .175 .176 .177 .125000 .126953 .128906 .130859 .132812 .134765 .136718 .138671 .140625 .142578 .144531 .146484 .148437 .150390 .152343 .154296 .156250 .158203 .160156 .162109 .164062 .166015 .167968 .169921 .171875 .173828 .175781 .177734 .179687 .181640 .183593 .185546 .187500 .189453 .191406 .193359 .195312 .197265 .199218 .201171 .203125 .205078 .207031 .208984 .210937 .212890 .214843 .216796 .218750 .220703 .222656 .224609 .226562 .228515 .230468 .232421 .234375 .236328 .238281 .240234 .242187 .244140 .246093 ~ 248046 .200 .201 .202 .203 .204 .205 .206 .207 .210 .2ll .212 .213 .214 .215 .216 .217 .220 .221 .222 .223 .224 .225 .226 .227 .230 .231 .232 .233 .234 .235 .236 .237 .240 .241 .242 .243 .244 .245 .246 .247 .250 .251 .252 .253 .254 .255 .256 .257 .260 .261 .262 .263 .264 .265 .266 .267 .270 .271 .272 .273 .274 .275 .276 .277 .250000 .251953 .253906 .255859 .257812 .259765 .261718 .263671 .265625 .267578 .269531 .271484 .273437 .275390 .277343 .279296 .281250 .283203 .285156 .287109 .289062 .291015 .29296'8 .294921 .296875 .298828 .300781 .302734 .304687 .306640 .308593 .310546 .312500 .314453 .316406 .318359 .320312 .322265 .324218 .326171 .328125 .330078 .332031 .333984 .335937 .337890 .339843 .341796 .343750 .345703 .347656 .349609 .351562 .353515 .355468 .357421 .359375 .361328 .363281 .365234 .367187 .369140 .371093 .373046 .300 .301 .302 .303 .304 .305 .306 .307 .310 .311 .312 .313 .314 .315 .316 .317 .320 .321 .322 .323 .324 .375000 • 37G953 .378906 .380859 .382812 .384765 .386718 .388671 .390625 .392578 .394531 .396484 .398437 .400390 .402343 .404296 .406250 .408203 .410156 .412109 .414062 .416015 .417968 .419921 .421875 .423828 .425781 .427734 .. 429687 .431640 .433593 .435546 .437500 .439453 .441406 .443359 .445312 .447265 .449218 .451171 .453125 .455078 .457031 .458984 .460937 .462890 .464843 .466"196 .468750 .470703 .472656 .474609 .416562 .478515 .460468 .482421 .484375 .486328 .48821\1 .490234 .492187 .494140 .496093 .498046 .. ' A-7 .~25 .326 .327 .330 .331 .332 .333 .334 .335 .336 .337 .340 .341 .342 .343 .344 .345 .346 .347 .350 .351 .352 .353 .354 .355 .356 .357 .360 .361 .362 .363 .364 .365 .366 .367 .370 .371 .372 .373 .374 .375 .376 .377 Octal-Decimal Fraction Conversion Table OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC • • 000000 .000001 .000002 .000003 ,000004 .000005 .000006 .000007 .000010 .000011 .000012 .000013 .000014 .000015 .000016 .000017 .000020 .000021 .000022 ,000023 .000024 .000025 .000026 .000027 .000030 .000031 .000032 .000033 .000034 .000035 .000036 .000037 .000040 .000041 .000042 .000043 .000044 .000045 .000046 .000047 .000050 .000051 .000052 .000053 .000054 .000055 .000056 .000057 .000060 .000061 .000062 .000063 .000064 .000065 .000066 .000067 .000070 .000071 .000072 .000073 .000074 .000075 .000076 .000077 .000000 .000003 ,000007 .000011 .000015 .000019 .000022 .000026 .000030 .000034 .000038 .000041 .000045 .000049 .000053 • QOO057 .000061 .000064 .000068 .000072 .000076 .000080 .000083 .000087 .000091 .000095 .000099 .000102 .000106 .000110 .000114 .000118 .000122 .000125 .000129 .000133 .000131 .000141 .000144 .000148 .000152 .000156 .000160 .000164 .000167 .000171 .000175 .000179 .000183 .000186 .000190 .000194 .000198 .000202 .000205 .000209 .000213 .000217 .000221 .000225 .000228 .000232 .000236 .000240 .000100 .000101 .000102 .000103 .000104 .000105 .000106 .000107 ,000110 .000111 .000112 .000113 .000114 .000115 .000116 .000117 ,000120 .000121 .000122 ,000123 .000124 .000125 .000126 .000127 .000130 ,000131 .000132 .000133 .000134 .000135 .000136 .000137 .000140 .000141 .000142 .000143 .000144 .000145 .000146 .000147 .000150 .000151 .000152 .000153 .000154 .000155 .000156 .000157 .000160 .000161 .000162 .000163 .000164 .000165 .000166 .000167 .000170 .000171 .000172 .000173 .000174 .000175 .000176 .000177 .000244 .000247 .000251 .000255 .000259 .000263 .000267 .000270 .000274 .000278 .000282 .000286 .000289 .000293 .000297 .000301 .000305 .000308 .000312 ,000316 .000320 .000324 ,000328 .000331 .000335 .000339 .000343 .000347 .000350 .000354 .000358 .000362 .000366 .000370 .000373 .000371 .000381 .000385 ,000389 .000392 ,000396 .000400 .000404 ,000408 .000411 .000415 .000419 .000423 .000427 .000431 .000434 .000438 .000442 .000446 .000450 .000453 .000457 .000461 .000465 .000469 .000473 .000476 .000480 .000484 .000200 .000201 .000202 .000203 .000204 .000205 .000206 .000207 .000210 .000211 .000212 .000213 .000214 .000215 .000216 .000217 .000220 .000221 ,000222 ,000223 .000224 .000225 .000226 ,000227 .000230 .000231 .000232 .000233 .000234 .000235 .000236 .000237 .000240 .000241 .000242 .000243 .000244 ,000245 ,000246 .000247 .000250 .000251 .000252 .000253 .000254 .000255 .000256 .000257 .000260 .000261 .000262 .000263 .000264 .000265 .000266 .000267 .000270 .000271 .000272 .000273 .000274 .000275 .000276 .000277 .000488 .000492 .000495 .000499 .000503 .000507 .000511 .000514 .000518 .000522 .000526 .000530 .000534 .000537 .000541 .000545 .000549 .000553 .000556 .000560 .000564 .000568 .000572 .000576 .000579 .000583 .000587 .000591 .000595 .000598 .000602 .000606 .000610 .000614 .000617 .000621 .000625 .000629 .000633 .000637 .000640 .000644 .000648 .000652 .000656 .000659 .000663 .000667 ,000671 .000675 .000679 .000682 .000686 .000690 .000694 .000698 .000701 .000705 .000709 .000713 .000717 .000720 .000724 .000728 .000300 .000301 .000302 .000303 .000304 .000305 .000306 .000307 .000310 .000311 .000312 .000313 .000314 .000315 .000316 .000317 .000320 .000321 .000322 .000323 .000324 .000325 .000326 .000327 .000330 .000331 .000332 .000333 .000334 .000335 .000336 .000337 .000340 .000341 .000342 .000343 .000344 .000345 .000346 .000347 .000350 .000351 .000352 .000353 .000354 .000355 .000356 .000357 .000360 .000361 .000362 .000363 .000364 .000365 .000366 .000367 .000370 .000371 .000372 .000373 .000374 .000375 .000376 .000377 .000732 .000736 .000740 .000743 .000747 .000751 .000755 .000759 .000762 .000766 .000770 .000774 .000778 .000782 .000785 .000789 .000793 .000797 .000801 .000805 .000808 .000812 .000816 .000.820 .000823 .000827 .000831 .000835 .000839 .000843 .000846 .000850 .000854 .000858 .000862 .000865 .000869 .000873 .000877 .000881 .000885 .000888 .OG0892 .000896 .000900 .000904 .000907 .000911 .000915 .000919 .000923 .000926 .000930 .000934 .000938 .000942 .000946 .000949 .000953 .000957 .000961 .000965 .000968 .000972 A-a Octal-Decimal Fradion Conversion Table OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. .000400 .000401 .000402 .000403 .000404 .000405 .000406 .000407 .000410 .000411 .000412 .000413 .000414 .000415 .000416 .000417 .000976 .000980 .000984 .000988 .000991 .000995 .000999 .001003 .001007 .001010 .001014 .001018 .001022 .001026 .001029 .001033 .000500 .000501 .000502 .000503 .000504 .000505 .000506 .000507 .000510 .000511 .000512 .000513 .000514 .000515 .000516 .000517 .001220 .001224 .00122-8 .001232 .001235 .001239 .001243 .001247 .001251 .001255 .001258 .001262 .001266 .001270 .001274 .001277 .000600 .000601 .00060'2 .000603 .000604 .000605 .000606 .000607 .000610 .000611 .000612 .000613 .000614 .000615 .000616 .000617 .001464 .001468 .001472 .001476 .001480 .001483 .001487 .001491 .001495 .001499 .001502 .001506 .001510 .001514 .• 001518 .001522 .000700 .000701 .000702 .000703 .000704 .000705 .000706 .000707 .000710 .000711 .000712 .000713 .000714 .000715 .000716 .000717 .001708 .001712 .001716 .001720 .001724 .001728 .001731 .001735 .001739 .001743 .001747 .001750 .001754 .001758 .001762 .001766 .000420 .000421 .000422 .000423 .000424 .000425 .000426 .000427 .000430 .000431 .000432 .000433 .000434 .000435 .000436 .000437 .000440 .000441 .000442 .000443 .000444 .000446 .000446 .000447 .000450 .000451 .000452 .000453 .000454 .000455 .000456 .000457 .000460 .000461 .000462 .000463 .000464 .000465 .000466 .000467 .000470 .000471 .000472 .000473 .000474 .000475 .000476 .000477 .001037 .001041 .001045 .001049 .001052 .001056 .001060 .001064 .001068 .001071 .001075 .001079 .001083 .001087 .001091 .001094 .001098 .001102 .001106 .001110 .001113 .001117 .001121 .001125 .001129 .001132 .001136 .001140 .001144 .001148 .001152 .001155 .001159 .001163 .001167 .001171 .001174 .001178 .001182 .001186 .001190 .001194 .001197 .001201 .001205 .001209 .001213 .001216 .000520 .000521 .000522 .000523 .000524 .000525 .000526 .000527 .000530 .000531 .000532 .000533 .000534 .000535 .000536 .000537 .000540 .000541 .000542 .000543 .000544 .000545 •• 000546 .000547 .000550 .000551 .000552 .000553 .000554 .000555 .000556 .000557 .000560 .000561 .000562 .000563 .000564 .000565 .000566 .000567 .000570 .000571 .000572 .000573 .000574 .000575 .000576 .000577 .001281 .001285 .001289 .001293 .001296 .001300 .001304 .001308 .001312 .001316 .001319 .001323 .001327 .001331 .001335 .001338 .001342 .001346 .001350 .0'01354 .001358 .001361 .001365 .001369 .001373 .001377 .001380 .001384 .001388 .001392 .001396 .001399 .001403 .001407 .001411 .001415 .001419 .001422 .001426 .001430 .001434 .001438 .001441 .001445 .001449 .001453 .001457 .001461 .000620 .000621 .000622 .000623 .000624 .000625 .000626 .000627 .000630 .000631 .000632 .000633 .000634 .000635 .000636 .000637 .000640 .000641 .000642 .000643 .000644 .000645 .000646 .000647 .000650 .000651 .000652 • QO{)653 .000654 .000655 .00'0656 .000657 .000660 .000661 .000662 .000663 .000664 .000665 .000666 .000667 .000670 .000671 .000672 .000673 .000674 .000675 .000676 .000677 .001525 .001529 .001533 .001537 .001541 .001544 .001548 .001552 .001556 .001560 .001564 .001567 .001571 .001575 .001579 .001583 .001586 .001590 .001594 .001598 .001602 .001605 .001609 .001613 .001617 .001621 .001625 .001628 .001632 .001636 .001640 .001644 .001647 .001651 .001655 .001659 .001663 .001667 .001670 .001674 .001678 .001682 .001686 .001689 .001693 .001697 .0017.Dl .001705 .000720 .000721 .000722 .000723 .000724 .000725 .000726 .000727 .000730 .000731 .000732 .000733 .000734 .000735 .000736 .000737 .000740 .000741 .000742 .000743 .000744 .000745 .000746 .000747 .000750 .000751 .000752 .000753 .000754 .000755 .000756 .000757 .000760 .000761 .000762 .000763 .000764 .000765 .000766 .000767 .000770 .00.0771 .000772 .000773 .000774 .000775 .000776 .000777 .001770 .001773 .001777 .001781 .001785 .0017t19 .001792 .001796 .001800 .001804 .001808 .0018ll .001815 .001819 .001823 .001827 .001831 .001834 .001838 .001842 .001846 .001850 .001853 .001857 .001861 .001865 .001869 .001873 .001876 .001880 .001884 .001888 .001892 .001895 .001899 .001903 .001907 .001911 .001914 .001918 .001922 .001926 .001930 .001934 .001937 .001941 .001945 .001949 A-9 TWO'S COMPLEMENT ARITHMETIC SDS computer systems hold numbers in memory in two's complement form. Single-precision numbers have 23 magnitude bits and a sign bit. The sign bit is in the first bit position to the left of the most significant of the magnitude bits. Thus, the sign bit actually is a part of the number in all arithmetic operations. A "0" bit denotes a positive sign and a 11111 bit denotes a negative sign. In this system, the negative of a number is its two's complement. As the examples indicate, the sign bit is an integral part of the number to which it is attached and its value, plus or minus, is automatically taken care of during the use of two's complement arithmetic. This property is used when numbers of different length are added. For example, assume that these two signed, two's complemented, negative numbers of 6-bit at.1d 3-bit length are added: Decimal An algorithm for finding the two's complement of a binary number with attached sign bit is: To find the two's complement of the binary number B that has.!l significant bits including the sign bit, subtract it from the number 2 n expressed in binary form. This latter number is a "1 11 followed by nzeros. EXAMPLES: The following example indicates the two's complement of binary numbers held in five bits plus a sign bit. Their decimal equivalents are on the left. Decimal Binary Number Equivalent 000010 - 2 111110 +14 001110 -14 110010 101011 101 -24 11 0000 = - 16 10 Notice that the third least significant bit of the first number is added to the sign bit of the second number causing an erroneous result. This error is corrected by filling in the empty, most significant bit positions with the value of the sign bit of the shorter number: Negative of Two's Complement Decimal Number of Binary Equivalent ,+ 2 -21 -03 Decimal Binary -21 -03 101011 111101 -24 101000 = -24 10 Th is property suggests: In the addition example below, decimal notation is on the left and binary notation on the right. +20 -03 +17 1) Fill ing the empty bit positions with the sign value of a positive number, that is, zeros, has no changing effect on the result,and 2) If the two's complement is taken by the method suggested, where n is the larger number's length, the sign value is ~tomatically appended to the smaller number. For instance, in the above example, if the complement of 03 is taken using n = 6, 010100 .lll!Ql 010001 In the computer, 24-bit numbers are written as eight octal digits for convenience. The following example shows three forms of the same addition -- decimal, binary, and octal, respectivel y. The binary number is assumed to be an integer. Decimal Binary Octal +21 -03 +18 000000000000000000010101 111111111111111111111101 000000000000000000010010 00000025 77777775 00000022 1000000 011 111101 the sign is properly appended to the number. This procedure is called lI extending li the sign of a number. A-lO OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT REAL-TIME CLOCK CONTINUOUS LY INCREMENTING CLOCK The Real-Time Clock (RTC) provides a highly flexible timeorientation system for the SDS 92 Computer. It derives time pulses from the 60-cycle computer power supply. These pulses are then used to produce a timing mark every 16.67 mi II iseconds or optionally every 8.33 milliseconds. The Real-Time Clock can also accept timing marks from a customer-supplied input, thereby allowing time measurement to any required resolution for special applications. These timing marks are supplied at standard SDS logic levels to the computer's RTC circuitry. The continuously incrementing clock maintains "time-of-day" for the computer. Two memory locations serve to count the timing marks. In this case, the Clock Pulse is used to increment the least significant twelve bits of the count. (The Clock Pulse interrupt location contains an MPO instruction.) The Clock Sync is used to increment the most significant twelve bits of the count. (The Clock Sync interrupt subroutine includes an MPO instruction.) A simple, straightforward subroutine can be entered to reconstruct the exact time-of-day from this twenty-four bit count. The timing marks are then used by the computer and its interrupt system to provide either an elapsed-time counter or a continuously incrementing time counter depending on the needs of the customer. The RTC wi II operate in either mode depending only on the computer's stored program. ARM/DISARM The Clock Pulse interrupt can be armed and disarmed with these instructions: Two pairs of locations of priority interrupts are provided with the RTC. These are as follows: Location 164 166 Normal Single Instruction Computer Description 92 CLOCK SYNC 92 Action EOM Effective Address 20200 Disarm Clock Pulse Interrupt 20100 Arm Clock Pu Ise Interrupt The Clock Sync interrupt is always armed. AUTOMATIC POWER FAIL-SAFE SYSTEM The computer core memory holds its information with all power removed, but information in the computer registers is destroyed by loss of power. Upon fai lure of main power to the computer, this system provides that the contents of all registers and other volati Ie information are automatically stored in core memory; also, further writing into core storage is inhibited durrng the decay period of the computerdc power supplyoutputs. Erroneous memory control is prevented during power-off and power-on operations. Power-off/-on interrupt routines permit proper resumption of a program, automatically, after power is restored. CLOCK PULSE The Clock Pulse and Clock Sync interrupts function together to provide elapsed-time, event-counter or time-of-day clocks. The Clock Pulse interrupt is a single-instruction interrupt. (Note: See Single Instruction Interrupts in Section III.) An MPO instruction is usually placed in the Clock Pulse interrupt location. When MPO is used as a single-instruction interrupt subroutine, it causes the contents of the effective address to be incremented by one but it does not alter the current content of the flag. Furthermore, if the new (incremented) contents of the effective address is 0000, a Clock Sync interrupt is generated. The Clock Sync interrupt can be generated in no other way. The system consists of relay-controlled, ac power-sensing and memory-sequencing circuitry, two high-priority interrupt channels, and a "shut-down/start-up" programming sequence. The Sense External Signal (SES) instruction is an aid in programming this option. Its effective address is 24000. If the OFF interrupt (152) has just occurred, this SES sets the Flag. ELAPSED-TIME CLOCK DATA MULTIPLEXING SYSTEM The elapsed-time c lock times the length of a program or subroutine, or initiates or discontinues processing at programdetermined time intervals. An arbitrary memory location is reserved as a counter. When initialized, this cell contains the 2's complement of the number of time intervals to be counted. The Clock Pulse interrupt location contains an MPO instruction. INTRODUCTION The standard I/O systems provided with the SDS 92 Computer provide for operation with all standard SDS peripheral equipments and for high-performance special devices. The Data Multiplexing System provides an alternate I/O system that is of particular use in dealing with multiple sources of data and for systems which may have data rates from low to very high. Each Clock Pulse interrupt results in incrementing the clock count by one. When the count is finished, an interrupt to the Clock Sync location occurs. A supervisory or other appropriate control program can then be entered to perform the customerdesired operation. The SDS 92 Computer has essentially two major paths along wh ich I/O data can flow to and from memory. The fi rst path is the same that is used by the main frame itself. The B-1 Priority Interrupts • • • PIN BPI POT BPO Basic I/O Channel Central Processor First Path Memory ..-- Fixed Location Interlace Contro DSCs 1--"-'-- Words for the Attached 1-----.... - ... Memory Parity. Checking Option Data Multiplexing System I -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -~e::; P:;- -- -- -- -- -- --I I Data Multiplex Channel Address Register I I I I I I I Data Register Input 1. Data 2. Addresses 3. 4-Bit Function Codes Output 1. Data 2. Control 6-Bit Characters (lor 2 per 12-Bit Word) 12-Bit Characters • • • I ElN I I Priority Interrupt I I DSC-I 12- or 24-Bit Characters DSC Priority Data Register I --------P-ri-o~i-tY-I~t-e-rr-u~~ I 1 t DSC 11* • • • -·-·~I ... Data/contm~ ~--.-----~------ Char. Register ""'--"-"~ ElN IUnitAddress I I/O DEVICE * No storage reg i sters. - ---,' I I I 1 L I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ Priority Interrupt SDS 92 Computer Configuration B-2 ------.1 a memory increment operation is to be performed, the subchannel signals the DMC with a special increment line and supplies the address. For memory increments, the DMC accesses memory, increments it, and then restores the word. If a memory increment operation results in an all-zero word (or double word), the DMC signals the subchannel. The zero signal may then be used to interrupt the program. Memory increments require two cycles. PIN/POT operations use the first path. The basic I/O channel also uses this path. In addition to this path, which is primari Iy under the control of the main frame, there is an optional second path that is completely under the control of the units attached to it. The second path has priority over the first for access to memory. This path is made available with the installation of a Data Multiplexing System. The Data Multiplexing System (DMS) consists of a Data Multiplex Channel (DMC) and one or more Data Subchannels (DSC). A maximum of 64 subchannels are allowed. Transmission between a DSC and computer memory is controlled by two interlace control word-pairs unique to the DSC and wired into fixed, adjacent locations in memory. During a transmission, the controlling DMC uses these two word-pairs for control of address and record length. Four DSCs (one DSC-I and three DSC-IIs) could be placed in a system as follows. The DSCs are numbered from 100, 104, ... to 1148' Control word quads assoc i ated wi th the DSCs are numbered accord i ng Iy: 100-103 for DSC-100, etc. Control of the various DMC functions is achieved by four Function Code Iines from the subchannels. The DMC, in conjunction with the main frame Memory Parity Checking Option, insure the integrity of data transmissions. Words read from memory are checked for parity; parity is generated for words stored in memory; words received by the DMC are checked for proper parity; a parity error signal is generated by the DMC and sent to the subchannel when an input parity discrepancy is detected. DATA SUBCHANNELS (DSC-N) DATA MULTIPLEX CHANNEL (DMC) The Data Multiplex Channel is a basic unit for the Data MultiSystem. It connects to the SDS 92 Computer via the second path to memory. The DMC contains a 13-bit Data Register, 15-bit Address Register, and control logic to enable the DMS to perform a variety of functions. The data and address are connected to memory when a transfer of information is imminent. Program control required for input/output operates directly on the individual Data Subchannel (DSC), not on the DMC. A number of subchannels can be attached to the DMC. The two described below are standard subchannels. Subchannels can control and generate program interrupts, but do not include the interrupt levels themselves. The signol,s must be routed to optional interrupt levels. pexing The subchannels use a priority scheme to determine which may transmit to the DMC at any given time. Up to 64 DSCs may be connected to a DMC. A DSC may use the internal interlace feature of the DMC to control its transmission, or it may be equipped with an External Interlace (EIN). When external data addresses are provided to the DMC, the DMC transmissions require one cycle for each 12-bit word transmitted and two cycles for each 24-bit double word transmitted. A DSC using internal interlace has two word pairs assigned to it. These two word pairs are located in contiguous memory locations and are fixed for a given subchannel. The program may select either the even word pair or odd word pair location. If the even word pair location is selected, the subchannel wi II automatically switch to the odd word pair location when the count field of the even word pair word is zero. The program can also select whether the subchannel switches back to the even word pair when the count field of the odd word pair is zero. The subchannel generates an interrupt signal when the count field of either word pair reaches zero. Transmission termination occurs when the odd word pair's count equals zero, if the subchannel does not switch back to the even word pair. The DMC has an internal interlace feature. This feature allows subchannels to specify the addresses of word pairs in memory where the data address and count are located. When operating with internal interlace, the subchannel supplies the address of its associated interlace control words instead of the actual data address. The DMC accesses the interlace word pair, increments the address portion, decrements the word count, restores modified words, and then accepts data from, or transmits data to, the requesting subchannel. The DMC also supplies a signal to the subchannel, if the decremented word count is zero. The format of the'internal interlace word pair is: I--Word N + 1 - - 1 I 'Word Count o I 8 9-11 10 The two word pai~ internal interlace allows a subchannel to hand Ie continuous data by alternately working from one memory area or another. By allowing the subchannel to switch automatically from one interlace word pair to the other, the program is relieved of the necessity for making real-time responses to the zero count condition. Using first the even pair then the odd pair interlace words allows a maximum transmission of 1024 words or double words. Word N - - - - I Data Address 11 The 9-bit word count permits block lengths to 512 words. Transmissions using internal interlace require five cycles, if the required transmission is for a 12-bit word, and six cyc les, if the required transmission is for a 24-bit double word. CHARACTER SUBCHANNEL (DSC-I) The DMC provides for automatic memory incrementing. The counting capability of the DMC Data Register permits an externally specified memory word to be incremented. When such The DSC-I contains a 12-bit data register that can assemble and disassemble two 6-bit characters, and transmit one or tw06-bit characters or one 12-bit character. (DSC-I has a unit address B-3 memory cycle. After each word is transmitted, the EIN increments its address register and decrements its count. When the count equals zero, the EIN signals the DSC, which can then generate a program interrupt and/or notify the external device. Transrn:ssion normally terminates on zero count. Sequencing of interlace words is identical to the sequence of operations performed for internal interlace, except that only four memory cyc! es are used for interl ace word processi ng. The first istoaccess the interlace word pair initiallYi the second is to restore the interlace word pair when the count reaches zero. register.) It checks and generates the parity of characters to enable it to couple with standard SDS peripheral equipment. The subchannel may operate with either internal or external interlace. It has one mode of output and two modes of input. During output, it transmitsuntil the odd internal interlace word 'pair count is zero and then terminates, if interlace cycl ing is not requested. The output may also be terminated ifthedevice sends an END signal to the channel. This END signal may cause the DSC-I to generate an interrupt to the program. MEMORY PARITY INTERRUPTS Input, like output, may always be terminated due to an external END signal. TheprogramcanalsospecifythattheDSC terminates and disconnects on zero count, or disconnects only on the END signal. In either case, however, all transmission to memory is terminated after the odd interlace count reaches zero, if interlace cycling is not requested. SDS computers incorporate an extensive memory parity checking system. The inclusion of parity generation and checking circu itry assures the integrity of all data and instructions transferred among the memory, the central processing unit, and input/output channels. FULL WORD SUBCHANNEL (DSC-II) In normal operation a switch on the computer console specifies the action to be performed by the computer when a memory parity error is detected. Two actions are avai lable: the computer halts with the parity indicator lightedi or the computer ignores the parity error and proceeds with the program. The DSC-II is a general-purpose subchannel, designed to allow any device to be connected to it. It contains no storage for data . Depending on the Function Code provided to the DMC, the DSC-II will permit 12- or 24-bit (plus parity) transmission between the DMC and external devices connected to the DSC-II. The external device must be capable of holding the data during the transm ission to/from the DMC. (An A-to-D converterwou Id have such capability.) Like the DSC-I, the DSC-II can operate with either internal or external interlace. Its operation in this respect is identical to the DSC-I. The DSC-II also contains control logic to facilitate memory increment operations in conjunction with the DMC. In many real-time appl ications it is desirable to keep the computer running when a parity error isdetected. Also, the program must be notified of the error without stopping computat ion. An optional feature provides this capability by means of two levels of armed interrupts. One interrupt level is associated with the central processor and the Time-Multiplexed Communication Channelsi the other interrupt level with the Direct Access Communication Channels and the Data Multiplexing System. Memory parity errors detected from these two sources produce a priority interrupt associated with the cause. The processing routine associated with the interrupt can then take appropriate action, such as re-initiate the failed operation, notify the operator, orenter a diagnostic routine. Such action allows memory parity errors to be recognized and handled properly without hindering the computer's performance of realtime or on-I ine calculations. EXTERNAL INTERLACE (EIN) The External Interlace can be attached to the DSC to control the transmission of its data to/from memory. The EIN consists of a 15-bit address register and a 9-bit count register. These registers are loaded automatically when the subchannel is activated, the information coming from the internal interlace memory locations. Once the EIN is set up, it will control the transm ission of the DSC at a maximum rate of one word per B-4 TRAPPING RETURN SUBROUTINE EXAMPLE has the form: The following code determines how many cells (one or two) the trapped instruction used: it then increments the subroutine entry accordingly to provide the proper return address. MUASIM o DATA DATA TRUE ACK 2 3 4 5 6 .7 8 9 10 11 which marks the Flag and PCT bits in 0, 1, zeros in bits 6 through 8, and the trap instruction address in bits 9, 10, 11 to MUASIM and in bits 0 through 11 in MUASIM + 1. Executing an instruction containing the MUA operation code causes the BRM MUASIM to be executed. The marked place PLUSONE I 3 bits 12 bits Assume (1) the trap instruction is a multiply simulator at location 124, and (2) the branch in location 124 is BRM MUASIM. Assume also that MUA hardware is not present in the machine. MUASIM o F I'CTI Unpredictable I The subroutine return routine follows: LOB *MUASIM Load trapped instruction. LOA =1 Load an incrementer. COB =040 BFT TRUE COB =037 BRU ACK COB =010 BFT ACK Branch if bit 8 is reset (i.e., if F is set to 1 which implies two word-full address with no index). COB =020 F = 0 if indirect address, single precision; F = 1 if two word indexed ACA =0 Add 1 to A if two word (add 0 if one word). MPA MUASIM+1 Add 1 or 2 to the subroutine entry. MPF MUASIM This is for address overflow correction. Branch if bit 6 is reset. F = 1 if address was an immediate address (two words); F = 0 if it was direct single precision. B-5 SOS 92 MEMORY ALLOCATION 0000 Unassigned 0001 - 0037 Scratch Pad 0040 - 0077 Unassigned 0100 - 0117 DSC Interlace Control Word Pairs 0120 Trap 12 0122 Trap 52 0124 Trap 13 0126 Trap 53 0130 Trap 10 0132 Trap 50 0134 Trap 11 0136 Trap 51 0140 Trap 14 0142 Trap 54 0144 Trap 15 01'46 Trap 55 0150 Interrupt, POWER ON (always arm"'ed) 0152 Interrupt, POWER OFF (always armed) 0154 Interrupt, MAIN FRAME PARITY (armed via console switch) 0156 Interrupt, OAT A MU LTIPLEXING SYSTEM PARITY (armed via console switch) 0160 Unassigned \ Is Ir\ 0162 Unassigned 0164 Interrupt, CLOCK SYNC (always armed) 0166 Interrupt, CLOCK PULSE (arm furnished, I. type) 0170 Interrupt, Il (arm furnished) I 0172 Interrupt, 12 (arm furnished) 0174 Unassigned 0176 Unassigned 0200 - 1177 System Interrupts (up to 256 levels; any may be of I. type if desired) I I. --- Single Instruction Interrupt I Ir --- Interrupt system must be enabled before interrupt goes active. Is - Interrupt always proceeds from Waiting to Active B-6 SDS 92 INSTRUCTION LIST - FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIES Mnemonic Instruction Code Name Function Timing* LOAD!...STORE LDA 64 LOAD A (M) - - A 2 LDB 24 LOAD B (M) - - B 2 STA 44 STORE A (A) - - M 2 (B) - - M . 2 STB 04 STORE B XMA 74 EXCHANGE M AND A (A)---(M) 3 XMB 34 EXCHANGE M AND B (B)---(M) 3 17 EXCHANGE M AND F (M)O---F 3 FLAG XMF LDF 57 LOAD F (M)O - - F SFT 0044 SET FLAG TRUE 1--F 3,4 SFF 0042 SET FLAG FALSE o --F 3,4 INF 0046 INVERT FLAG If (F)=l, 0 --F; if (F)=O, 1--F 3,4 ADA 62 ADD TO A (A)+ (M) - - A; Carry - ADB 22 ADD TO B (B)+ (M) ---- B; Carry - - - F 2 ACA 63 ADD WITH CARRY TO A (A)+ (M)+ F - - A; Carry - - F 2 ACB 23 ADD WITH CARRY TO B (B)+ (M)+ F - 2 SUA 60 SUBTRACT TO A (A) - (M) - - - A; Carry - - - F 2 SUB 20 SUBTRACT TO B (B) - (M) - 2 SCA 61 SUBTRACT WITH CARRY TO A (A) - (M) - F ---A; Carry - - - F 2 SCB 21 SUBTRACT WITH CARRY TO B (B) - (M) - F - - - B; Carry - - - F 2 MPA 76 MEMORY PLUS A TO MEMORY (M)+ (A) - - - M; Carry - - F 3 3 ARITHMETIC F B; Carry - - - F B; Carry - - F 2 MPB 36 MEMORY PLUS B TO MEMORY (M)+ (B) --M; Carry - - F 3 MPO 16 MEMORY PLUS ONE TO MEMORY (M)+l ---M; Carry~F 3 MPF 56 MEMORY PLUS FLAG TO MEMORY (M)+ (F) - - - M; Carry - - - F 3 MUA 13 MU LTIPL Y A (Optional) (A)x (M) --AB 5 MUB 53 MULTIPLY B (Optional) (B)x(M) ---AB DVA 52 DIVIDE AB (Optional) (AB)+(M) - B ; R--A 13 DVB 12 DIVIDE BA (Optional) (BA)+(M) - - - B; R - - A 13 ANA 65 AND TO A (A) and (M) - - A 2 ANB 25 AND TO B (B) and (M) - - B 2 ORA 67 OR TOA (A) or (M) - - A 2 ORB 27 OR TO B (B) or (M) --B 2 EOA 66 EXCLUSIVE OR TO A (M)(A) or (M)(A) - - - A 2 5 LOGICAL *See page 2-1 for interpretation and use of the Timing column. B-7 SDS 92 INSTRUCTION LIST - FUNCTIONAL CATEGORI,ES (continued) Instruction Code Mnemonic Name Function 26 EXCLUSIVE OR TO B (M)(B) or (M)(B) --B MAA 75 MEMORY AND A TO MEMORY (M) and (A) - - M 3 MAB 35 MEMORY AND B TO MEMORY (M) and (B) - - M 3 45 COMPARE ONES WITH A If (A)(M) = 0, set Fi if (A)(M) 10, reset F 2 Timing LOGICAL (continued) EOB 2 COMPARISON COA COB, 05 COMPARE ONES WITH B If (B)(M)=O, set Fi if (B)(M)IO, reset F 2 CMA 47 COMPARE MAGNITUDE OF M WITH A If .(A) ~(M), set Fi if (A) <(M), reset F 2 CMB 07 COMPARE MAGNITUDE OF M WITH B If (B) ~(M), set Fi if (B) «M), reset F 2 CEA 46 COMPARE M EQUAL TO A If (M) I(A), set F; if (M) =(A), reset F 2 CEB 06 COMPARE M EQUAL TO B If (M)I(B), set Fi if (M)=(B), reset F 2 BRU 73 BRANCH UNCONDITIONALLY M ---P BRC 32 BRANCH, CLEAR INTERRUPT, AND LOAD FLAG M --- Pi c lear Interrupt (see page 2-4) BRL 33 BRANCH AND LOAD FLAG M --- Ii (see page 2-4) BFF 31 BRANCH ON F LAG FALSE If F = 0, M ---- Pi if F = 1, take next instruction 1 2 BFT 71 BRANCH ON F LAG TRUE If F = 1, M ---- Pi 1 2 BRANCH if F = 0, take next instruction BDA 70 BRANCH ON DECREMENTING A BAX 30 BRANCH AND EXCHANGE A AND B BRM 77 BRANCH AND MARK PLACE BMC 37 (A) - 1---A If (A) 177778, M --- Pi If (A) = 7777 , take next instruction 8 (A)~ (B)i (M) --- P 3 1 2 (P) ---M, M+1i M+2---Pi (F) -MO; (PCT)--- M1 3 BRANCH, MARK PLACE, AND CLEAR FLAG (See page 2-5) 3 SHIFT CYA 42* CYCLE A A cycled left N places 3-7 CYB 02* CYCLE B B cycled left N places 3-7 CFA 43* CYCLE FLAG AND A F,A cycled left N places 3-7 CFB 03* CYCLE FLAG AND B F, B cycled left N places 3-7 CYCLE DOUBLE A, B cycled left N places 3-7 CYD 02/42* ** CFD 43* CYCLE FLAG AND DOUBLE A, B, F cycled left N places 3-7 CFI 03* CYCLE FLAG AND DOUBLE INVERSE B, A, F cycled left N places 3-7 72 EXECUTE Instruction M is performed, P unchanged HALT Ha Its computation CONTROL EXU HLT 0041/00000000** *See page 2-5 for indication of the instruction structure and code redundancy. ** A slash (/) indicates that either instruction code can be used to perform the same operation. B-8 3,4 SDS 92 INSTRUCTION LIST - FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIES (continued) Mnemonic Instruction Code Name Timing TRAPPING SCT 0061 SET PROGRAM-CONTROLLED TRAP 1-PCT 3,4 RCT 0060 RESET PROGRAM-CONTROLLED TRAP O-PCT 3,4 TCT 0160 TEST PROGRAM-CONTROLLED TRAP If PCT = 0, O-F; if PCT = 1, 3,4 l~F BREAKPOINT TESTS BPT 1 0144 BREAKPOINT NO.1 TEST Test Breakpoint Switch 3,4 BPT 2 0145 BREAKPOINT NO.2 TEST Test Breakpoint Switch 3,4 BPT 3 0146 BREAKPOINT NO.3 TEST Test Breakpoint Switch 3,4 BPT 4 0147 BREAKPOINT NO.4 TEST Test Breakpoint Switch 3,4 EIR 0051 ENABLE INTERRUPT 3,4 DIR 0050 DISABLE INTERRUPT 3,4 lET 0150 INTERRUPT ENABLED TEST; SET FLAG IF INTERRUPT SYSTEM ENABLED 3,4 ARM INTERRUPTS 3,4 INTERRUPTS AIR 00020001 CHANNEL CONTROL AND TESTS DSC 00000100 DISCONNECT CHANNEL 3,4 TOP 00012100 TERMINATE OUTPUT ON CHANNEL 3,4 TIP 00012100 TERMINATE INPUT ON CHANNEL 3,4 ALC 00050100 ALERT CHANNEL INTERLACE 3,4 ASC 00010500 ALERT TO STORE INTERLACE COU NT 3,4 CAT 01004100 CHANNEL ACTIVE TEST; SET FLAG IF NOT ACTIVE 3,4 01001100 CHANNEL ERROR TEST; SET FLAG IF ERROR 3,4 CET INPUTLOUTPUT WIN 15 WORD IN (Channel)- M RIN 55 RECORD IN (Channel WOT 11 ROT 5 + wait 3 + 2N + wait WORD OUT d )_M N wor s (M)- Channel 51 RECORD OUT (M 2 + 2N + wait PIN 14 PARALLEL INPUT d ) - Channel N wor s (Unit M)_ M in parallel POT 10 PARALLEL OUTPUT (M)_Unit M in parallel BPI 54 BLOCK PARALLEL INPUT (Unit M)_ M in parallel, N sequential locations. 4 + N + wait, and 3,4+2N+wait BPO 50 BLOCK PARALLEL OUTPUT (M)_ Unit M in parallel, N sequential locations 3 + N + wait, and 2,3 + 2N + wait EOM 00(40)* ENERGIZE OUTPUT M 3.5 fJsec pulse to points addressed SES 01(41)* SENSE EXTERNAL SIGNAL If Signal = 1, set Flag Bit; if Signal *Codes EOM 40 and SES 41 are reserved for use in special system applications. B-9 = 0, reset Flag Bit 4 + wait 5 + wait, and 5,6 + wait 4 + wait, and 4,5 + wait 3,4 3,4 SDS 92 INSTRUCTION LIST - NUMERICAL ORDER Instruction Code Mnemonic Name Paae Reference 3-5,3-6,3-9 00(40)* EOM ENERGIZE OUTPUT M 00000000/0041** HLT HALT 2-6 00000100 DSC DISCONNECT CHANNEL 3-6 00010500 ASC ALERT TO STORE INTERLACE COUNT 3-6 00012100 TIP TERMINATE INPUT ON CHANNEL 3-6 00012100 TOP TERMINATE OUTPUT ON CHANNEL 3-6 3-12 00020001 AIR ARM INTERRUPTS 00050100 ALC ALERT CHANNEL INTERLACE 3-7 0042 SFF SET FLAG FALSE 2-2 0044 SFT SET FLAG TRUE 2-1 0046 INF INVERT FLAG 2-2 0050 DIR DISABLE INTERRUPT 3-11 0051 EIR ENABLE INTERRUPT 3-11 0060 RCT RESET PROGRAM-CONTROLLED TRAP 2-7 0061 SCT SET PROGRAM-CONTROLLED TRAP 2-7 01(41)* SES SENSE EXTERNAL SIGNAL 01001100 CET CHANNEL ERROR TEST; SET FLAG IF ERROR 3-7 01004100 CAT CHANNEL ACTIVE TEST; SET FLAG IF NOT ACTIVE 3-7 0144 BPT 1 BREAKPOINT NO. 1 TEST 2-7 0145 BPT 2 BREAKPOINT NO. 2 TEST 2-7 0146 BPT 3 BREAKPOINT NO.3 TEST 2-7 0147 BPT 4 BREAKPOINT NO.4 TEST 2-7 0150 lET INTERRUPT ENABLED TEST; SET FLAG IF INTERRUPT SYSTEM ENABLED 0160 TCT TEST PROGRAM-CONTROLLED TRAP 2-7 02*** CYB CYCLE B 2-6 02/42** *** CYD CYCLE DOUBLE 2-6 03*** CFB CYCLE FLAG AND B 2-6 03*** CFI CYCLE FLAG AND DOUBLE INVERSE 2-6 04 STB STORE B 2-1 05 COB COMPARE ONES WITH B 2-4 06 CEB COMPARE M EQUAL TO B 2-4 07 CMB COMPARE MAGNITUDE OF M WITH B 2-4 3-6,3-7,3-9 3-11 10 POT PARALLEL OUTPUT 11 WOT WORD OUT 3-2 12 DVB DIVIDE BA (Optional) 2-3 13 MUA MULTIPLY A (Optional) 2-3 3-7,3-8,3-9,3-12 *Codes EOM 40 and SES 41 are reserved for use in spec ial system appl ications. ** A slash (/) indicates that either instruction code can be used to perform the same operation. ***See page 2-5 for indication of the instruction structure and code redundancy. B-ll SDS 92 INSTRUCTION LIST - NUMERICAL ORDER (continued) Instruction Code Mnemonic Name Pa~e Reference 14 PIN PARALLE L INPUT 3-8,3-9 15 WIN WORD IN 3-2 16 MPO MEMORY PLUS ONE TO MEMORY 2-2 17 XMF EXCHANGE M ANDF 2-1 20 SUB SUBTRACT TO B 2-2 21 SCB SUBTRACT WITH CARRY TO B 2-2 22 ADB ADD TO B 2-2 23 ACB ADD WITH CARRY TO B 2-2 24 LDB LOAD B 2-1 25 ANB AND TO B 2-3 26 EOB EXCLUSIVE OR TO B 2-3 27 ORB OR TO B 2-3 30 BAX BRANCH AND EXCHANGE A AND B 2-5 31 BFF BRANCH ON FLAG FALSE 2-4 32 BRC BRANCH, CLEAR INTERRUPT, AND LOAD FLAG 2-4 33 BRL BRANCH AND LOAD FLAG 2-4 34 XMB EXCHANGE M AND B 2-1 35 MAB MEMORY AND B TO MEMORY 2-4 36 MPB MEMORY PLUS B TO MEMORY 2-2 37 BMC BRANCH, MARK PLACE, AND CLEAR FLAG 2-5 42* CYA CYCLE A 2-6 43* CFA CYCLE FLAG AND A 2-6 43* CFD CYCLE FLAG AND DOUBLE 2-6 44 STA STORE A 2-1 45 COA COMPARE ONES WITH A 2-4 46 CEA COMPARE M EQUAL TO A 2-4 47 CMA COMPARE MAGNITUDE OF M WITH B 2-4 50 BPO BLOCK PARALLEL OUTPUT 51 ROT RECORD OUT 3-2 52 DVA DIVIDE AB (Optiona I) 2-3 53 MUB MULTIPLY B (Optional) 2-3 54 BPI BLOCK PARALLEL INPUT 55 RIN RECORD IN 3-3 56 MPF MEMORY PLUS FLAG TO MEMORY 2-3 57 LDF LOAD F 2-1 60 SUA SUBTRACT TO A 2-2 61 SCA SUBTRACT WITH CARRY TO A 2-2 62 ADA ADD TO A 2-2 *See page 2-5 for indication of the instruction structure and code redundancy. B-12 3-8,3-9 3-8,3-9 SDS 92 INSTRUCTION LIST - NUMERICAL ORDER (continued) Instruction Code Mnemonic Name Page Reference 63 ACA ADD WITH CARRY TO A 2-2 64 LDA LOAD A 2-1 65 ANA AND TO A 2-3 66 EOA EXCLUSIVE OR TO A 2-3 67 ORA OR TO A 2-3 70 BDA BRANCH ON DECREMENTING A 2-5 71 BFT BRANCH ON FLAG TRUE 2-5 72 EXU EXECUTE 2-6 73 BRU BRANCH UNCONDITIONALLY 2-4 74 XMA EXCHANGE M AND A 75 MAA MEMORY AND A TO MEMORY 2-1 " 2-4 76 MPA MEMORY PLUS A TO MEMORY 2-2 BRANCH AND MARK PLACE 2-5 77 BRM B-13 SDS 92 INSTRUCTION LIST - ALPHABETICAL ORDER Mnemonic Name Instruction Code Paae Reference ACA 63 ADD WITH CARRY TO A 2-2 ACB 23 ADD WITH CARRY TO B 2-2 ADA 62 ADD TO A 2-2 ADB 22 ADD TO B 2-2 AIR 00020001 ARM INTERRUPTS ALC 00050100 ALERT CHANNEL INTERLACE 3-7 ANA 65 AND TO A 2-3 ANB 25 AND TO B 2-3 ASC 00010500 ALERT TO STORE INTERLACE COUNT 3-6 BAX 30 BRANCH ON DECREMENTING A 2-5 BDA 70 BRANCH AND DECREMENTING A 2-5 BFF 31 BRANCH ON FLAG FALSE 2-4 BFT 71 BRANCH ON FLAG TRUE 2-5 BMC 37 BRANCH, MARK PLACE, AND CLEAR FLAG 2-5 BPI 54 BLOCK PARALLEL INPUT 3-8,3-9 BPO 50 BLOCK PARALLEL OUTPUT 3-8,3-9 BPT 1 0144 BREAKPOINT NO. 1 TEST 2-7 BPT 2 0145 BREAKPOINT NO.2 TEST 2-7 BPT 3 0146 BREAKPOINT NO.3 TEST 2-7 BPT 4 0147 BREAKPOINT NO.4 TEST 2-7 BRC 32 BRANCH, CLEAR INTERRUPT, AND LOAD FLAG 2-4 BRL 33 BRANCH AND LOAD FLAG 2-4 BRM 77 BRANCH AND MARK PLACE 2-5 BRU 73 BRANCH UNCONDITIONALLY 2-4 CAT 01004100 CHANNEL ACTIVE TEST; SET FLAG IF NOT ACTIVE 3-7 CEA 46 COMPARE M EQUAL TO A 2-4 CEB 06 COMPARE M EQUAL TO B 2-4 CET 01001100 CHANNEL ERROR TEST; SET FLAG IF ERROR 3-7 CFA 43* CYCLE FLAG AND A 2-6 CFB 03* CYC LE FLAG AND B 2-6 CFD 43* CYCLE FLAG AND DOUBLE 2-6 CFI 03* CYCLE FLAG AND DOUBLE INVERSE 2-6 CMA 47 COMPARE MAGNITUDE OF M WITH A 2-4 CMB 07 COMPARE MAGNITUDE OF M WITH B 2-4 COA 45 COMPARE ONES WITH A 2-4 3-12 COB 05 COMPARE ONES WITH B 2-4 CYA 42* CYCLE A 2-6 CYB 02* CYCLE B 2-6 *See page 2-5 for indication of the instruction structure and code redundancy. B-15 SDS 92 INSTRUCTION LIST - ALPHABETICAL ORDER (continued) Mnemonic Name Instruction Code Paae Reference 2-6 CYD 02/42* ** CYCLE DOUBLE DIR 0050 DISABLE INTERRUPT DSC 00000100 DISCONNECT CHANNEL 3-6 DVA 52 DIVIDE AB (Optional) 2-3 DVB 12 DIVIDE BA (Optional) 2-3 EIR 0051 ENABLE INTERRUPT EOA 66 EXCLUSIVE OR TO A 2-3 EOB 26 EXCLUSIVE OR TO B 2-3 EOM 00(40)*** ENERGIZE OUTPUT M EXU 72 EXECUTE 2-6 HLT 00000000/0041** HALT 2-6 lET 0150 INTERRUPT ENABLED TEST; SET FLAG IF INTERRUPT SYSTEM ENABLED 3-11 3-11 3-5,3-6,3-9 3-11 2-2 INF 0046 INVERT FLAG LDA 64 LOAD A 2-1 LDB 24 LOAD B 2-1 LDF 57 LOAD F 2-1 MAA 75 MEMORY AND A TO MEMORY 2-4 MAB 35 MEMORY AND B TO MEMORY 2-4 MPA 76 MEMORY PLUS A TO MEMORY 2-2 MPB 36 MEMORY PLUS B TO MEMORY 2-2 MPF 56 MEMORY PLUS FLAG TO MEMORY 2-3 MPO 16 MEMORY PLUS ONE TO MEMORY 2-2 MUA 13 MULTIPLY A (Optional) 2-3 MUB 53 MULTIPLY B (Optional) 2-3 ORA 67 OR TOA 2-3 ORB 27 OR TO B 2-3 PIN 14 PARALLEL INPUT POT 10 PARALLEL OUTPUT RCT 0060 RESET PROGRAM-CONTROLLED TRAP 2-7 3-8,3-9 3-7,3-8,3-9,3-12 RIN 55 RECORD IN 3-3 ROT 51 RECORD OUT 3-2 SCA 61 SUBTRACT WITH CARRY TO A 2-2 SCB 21 SUBTRACT WITH CARRY TO B 2-2 SCT 0061 SET PROGRAM-CONTROLLED TRAP 2-7 SES 01 (41)*** SENSE EXTERNAL SIGNAL SFF 0042 SET FLAG FALSE 2-2 SFT 0044 SET FLAG TRUE 2-1 *See page 2-5 for indication of the instruction structure and code redundancy. **A slash V) indicates that either instruction code can be used to perform the same operation. ***Codes EOM 40 and SES 41 are reserved for use in special system appl ications. B-16 3-6,3-7,3-9 SDS 92 INSTRUCTION LIST - ALPHABETICAL ORDER (continued) \ Mnemonic Instruction Code Name Pase Reference STA 44 STORE A 2-1 STB 04 STORE B 2-1 SUA 60 SUBTRACT TO A 2-2 SUB 20 SUBTRACT TO B 2-2 TCT 0160 TEST PROGRAM-CONTROLLED TRAP 2-7 TIP 00012100 TERMINATE INPUT ON CHANNEL 3-6 TOP 00012100 TERMINATE OUTPUT ON CHANNEL 3-6 WIN 15 WORD IN 3-2 WOT 11 WORD OUT 3-2 XMA 74 EXCHANGE M AND A 2-1 XMB 34 EXCHANGE M AND B 2-1 XMF 17 EXCHANGE M AND F 2-1 B-17 SOS 92 INPUT/OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS Mnemonic Octal Code Name Mnemonic Octal Code Name Buffer Instructions and Tests BUFFER CONTROL EOM A, T DSC TOP TIP ASC ALC 00 or 40 00000100 00012100 00012100 00010500 00050100 BUFFER TESTS Energize Output M Disconnect Channel Terminate Output on Channel Terminate Input on Channel Alert to Store Interlace Count Alert Channel Interlace SES CAT CET A, T 01 or 41 01004100 01001100 Sense External Signal Channel Active Test Channel Error Test DAT A TRANSFER PARALLEL INPUT/OUTPUT POT BPO PIN BPI A, A, A, A, T T T T 10 50 14 54 Parallel Output Block Parallel Output Parallel Input Block Parallel Input WOT ROT WIN RIN A, T A, T A,T A, T 11 51 15 55 Word Out Record Out Word In Record In Peripheral Device Instructions and Tests °TYPEWRITER RKB TYP 1,2 1,2 °LINE PRINTER (cont. ) 00002301 00002341 Read Keyboard Write Typewri ter 1,2 1,2 1,2 00002304 00000344 00002344 Read Paper Tape Punch Paper Tape with Leader Punch Paper Tape, No Leader 1,2 1,2 1 1,2 1,2 01012106 01011106 00002306 00003306 01014146 00002346 00003346 Card Reader Ready Test Card Reader EOF Test Read Card Dec imal (Hollerith) Read Card Binary Card Punch Ready Test Punch Card Decimal (Hollerith) Punch Card Binary 01012160 01014160 01011160 00010360 Pri nter Read y Tes t End of Page Test Printer Fault Test Printer Off-line PSC PSP PLP 1, n 1, n 1,2 0001n560 0001 n760 00002360 Printer Skip to Format Channel n Pri nter Space n Li nes Print Line Printer °PAPER TAPE MAGNETIC TAPE RPT PTL PPT °CARD CRT CFT RCD RCB CPT PCD PCB ° LINE PRINTER PRT EPT PFT POL TRT FPT BTT ETT DT2 DT5 DT8 TFT WTB WTD EFT ERT RTB RTD SFB SFD SRB SRD REW RTS n n n n n n n n,2 n,2 n,2 n,2 n,2 n,2 n,2 n,2 n,2 n,2 n 0 0101051n 0101411n 0101211 n 0101111n 0101631n 0101671n 0101731n 01013710 0000335n 0000235n 0000337n 0000737n 0000331n 0000231n 0000333n 0000233n 0000733n 0000633n 0001411 n 00014100 Legend A = address; *A = indirect address; =A = immediate address; T = index tag; n = number (0-7) °Mnemonics and Octal Codes are given for device number 1 in a two-character/word mode. Tape Ready Test File Protect Test Beginning of Tape Test End of Tape Test Density Test, 200 BPI Density Test, 556 BPI Density Test, 800 BPI Tape End-of-File Test Write Tape in Binary Write Tape in Decimal (BCD) Erase Forward Tape Erase Reverse Tape Read Tape in Binary Read Tape in Decimal (BCD) Scan Forward in Binary Scan Forward in Decimal (BCD) Scan Reverse in Binary Scan Reverse in Decimal (BCD) Rewind Convert Read to Scan SC1ENrrIFIC DATA SYSTEMS 1649 Seventeenth Street · Santa Monica, California · Phone (2 13) UP 1- 0960
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c043 52.372728, 2009/01/18-15:56:37 Create Date : 2010:06:09 15:14:46-08:00 Modify Date : 2010:06:09 15:20:08-07:00 Metadata Date : 2010:06:09 15:20:08-07:00 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 9.32 Paper Capture Plug-in Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:c643fb66-23a2-4e18-96a8-c3eb7317f4d9 Instance ID : uuid:8b2a6cea-0a76-4ff9-b603-31ff7ca51471 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseOutlines Page Count : 78EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools