Sdjd205.tmp 968 0220 Onan MDJE (spec A AA) Marine Diesel Genset Parts Manual (07 1975)
User Manual: 968-0220 Onan MDJE (spec A-AA) Marine Diesel Genset Parts manual (07-1975)
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parts catalog I — —. ~-for series MDJE marine electric generating sets SPEC A THROUGH AA I —- 968-0220 —. 7A-AA75 Printed In U.S. A GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING For parts or service, contact the dealer from Authorized Onan Parts and Service Center. To avoid errors or delay in filling Always refer to the nameplate 1. Always give the MODEL, INFORMATION whom REPAIR PARTS you purchased this equipment Nearest . your parts order, please furnish all information requested. on your unit. SPEC NO. and SERIAL 10 NO. MctMllllfDISON O II 1 I I MODEL I or refer to your SERIAL AND SPEC NO. NO. M-1149 For handy reference, insert “YOUR” nameplate information in the spaces above. 2. Do not order by reference number; always use part number and description. 3. Give the part number, description and quantity needed of each item. If an older part cannot be identified, return the part prepaid to your dealer or nearest Onan Parts and Service Center. Print your name and address plainly on the package. Write a letter to the same address stating the reason for returning the part. 4. State definite shipping instructions. Any claim for loss or damage to your unit in transit should be filed promptly against” the transportation company making the delivery. Shipments are complete unless the packing list indicates items are back ordered. ‘Prices are purposely omitted from this Parts Manual due to the confusion duties, sales taxes, exchange rates, etc. For current parts prices, consult your Onan Dealer, ‘En esta lista de partes Ios precios se omiten IOS precios, derechos aduanales, impuestos Consiga Ios precios vigentes Distributor resulting from fluctuating or Parts and Service de proposito, yaque bastante confusion de venta, cambios extrajeros, etc.” de su distribuidor de productos costs, import Center. resultode fluctuaciones de ,,, ‘,>, .,., “ONAN.” Std. #36a PARTS CATALOG This catalog applies to the standard MDJE Generating Sets as listed below. Parts are arranged in groups of related items. Each illustrated part is identified by a reference number corresponding to the same reference number following the illustration. Parts illustrations are typical. Using the MODEL and SPEC. NO. from the set nameplate, select parts from this catalog that apply to your set. Unless otherwise mentioned in the description, parts are interchangeable between models. Right and left set sides are determined by FACING the engine end (front) of the set. SET DATA TABLE ELECTRICAL f MODEL NO. AND SPECIFICATION WATTS VOLTS HERTZ 6. OMDJE-53CR/* 6.0 MDJE-54R/* 6. OMDJE-55DR/* 6. OMDJE-57R/* 6. OMDJE-518R/* 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 120/240 120/208 120/240 220/380 * 50 50 50 50 50 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 120/240 120/208 120/240 * 60 60 60 60 MDJE-3cR/* MDJE-4R/* MDJE-5DR/* MDJE-18R/* DATA WIRE ** 4 4 4 12 ** 4 4 12 — PHASE 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 * - The Specification Letter advances (A to B, B to C, etc. ) with manufacturing changes. ,, - Set is reconnectable for 120 volt, 2 wire; 240 volt, 2 wire or 120/240 volt, 3 wire service. NOTE: Previously the C designation was not used in the model. E - New model designations shown, begin during 1969. Previous designations did not use a decimal in the KW rating. EXAMPLE: 6. OMDJE was formerly 6MDJE and 7.5MDJE was formerly 705 MDJE. Also previously a V was used in the model to designate vacu-flo cooling. * - These sets are reconnectable; NOTE: Hertz is a unit of frequency refer to the Specifications equal to one cycle (Generator Details), per second. NOTICE! ITEMS REFERENCED APPLICABLE TO ALL AS OPTIONAL MODELS. INDICATE FOR FIELD PART IS FACTORY CONVERSIONS REQUIRED. 1 INSTALLED ADDITIONAL AND MAY NOT BE PARTS ARE USUALLY “3 1 5 4 6 78 .,... ! -e- REF. NO. PART NO. QTY. U5ED 1 105-0271 1 2 515-0001 2 3 4 150-0075 105-0205 1 1 ‘REF. NO. PART DESCRIPTION Camshaft - Includes Center Pin Key - Camshaft Gear or Injection Pump Drive Gear Pin, Center Washer, Thrust i- PISTON REF. NO. 1 2 PART NO. AND CONNECTING QTY. USED PART DESCRIPTION QTY. USED 5 105-0218 1 6 7 8 9 10 510-0046 150-0775 150-0078 147-0142 518-0195 10 1 1 1 1 I . Gear, Includes Flyball Spacer and Plate Ball, Fly - Governor Cup, Governor Ring, Snap - Center Pin Gear, Injection Pump Drive Ring, Retainer - Injection Pump Drive Gear I t ROD GROUP PART DESCRIPTION RING SET 113-0137 2 Standard 113-0137-05 2 ,005” Oversize 113-0137-10 2 .010” Oversize 113-0137-20 2 ,020” Oversize .030” Oversize 113-0137-30 2 .040” Oversize 113-0137-40 2 PISTON AND PIN- INCLUDES PIN RETAINING RINGS 112-0118 2 Standard 112-0118-05 2 .005” Oversize .010” Oversize 112-0118-10 2 112-0118-20 2 .020” Oversize 112-0118-30 2 .030” Oversize 112-0118-40 2 .040” Oversize PART NO. REF. NO. PART NO. 3 l12_0117 2 4 5 112-0085 114-0168 4 2 805-0012 4 6 7 PART DESCRIPTION QTY. USED , Pin, Piston Ring, Retaining Ring Rod Assembly, Connecting (Forged) Less Bearing BEARING HALF, CONNECTING ROD 114-0164 4 Standard 114-0164-02 4 .002” Undersize 114-0164-10 4 ,010” Undersize 114-0164-20 4 .020” Undersize 114-0164-30 4 .030” Undersize 114-0170 4 Bushing, Piston Pin Connecting Rod . 8 Bolt, Machine - Hex Head, Slotted (5/16-24 x 1-13/16”) . . -,. :“1,. CYLINDER HEAD, VALVE AND ROCKER BOX GROUP REF. NO. 1. . PART NO. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 In 5 F 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 1 20 115-0134 1 24 25 11—- $ 31 26 27 28 29 4 32~ 30 18+ 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 *E- 110-1856 1 110-1852 1 110-1501 4 INSERT, VALVE SEAT 4 110-1268 110-1268-02 4 110-1268-05 4 110-1268-10 4 110-1268-25 4 110-1320 2 110-1278 2 110-1221 4 110-1220 4 110-0858 8 110-0859 4 509-0090 2 115-0128 115-0129 115-0127 115-0150 115-0152 115-0149 115-0185 115-0196 13 I 1 12 13 14 15 16 .17 18 19 21 22 23 PART DESCRIPTION HEAD, CYL~NDER [16-/$56 2 3 4 QTY. USED Plants WITHOUT Heat Exchanger Plants WITH HeatExchanger Gasket, Cylinder Head Guide, Valve’ INTAKEANDEXHAUST Standard .002” Oversize .005” Oversize .010” Oversize .025” Oversize Valve, Intake Valve, Exhaust -lStellite Spring, Valve Retainer, Valve Spring Lock, Valve Spting Retainer Cap, Valve Stem Seal Assembly, Oil - Intake Valve Includes Retainer Rings Arm, Rocker-Exhaust Arm, Rocker-Intake Ball, Rocker Arm Locknut, Hex -Rocker Arm Stud, Rocker Arm Rod, Valve Push - Steel Tappet, Valve Guide, Push Rod Cover Assembly, Rocker (Includes Parts Marked ‘) 120-0628 1 ‘Line, Oil -Rocker Cover 115-0130 1 Gasket, Rocker Cover 800-0091 1 fScrew, Cap - Hex Head (1/2-13 X 1-1/4”) 850-0060 1 Washer, Lock-Spring (1/2) 526-0174 7 Washer, Flat (0.406” IDx 0.781” OD X 0.1345” THK) 526-0130 1 ‘Washer, Flat (17/64’’ lDxl’’ODx 16lTHK)HK) 4 520-0608 Stud - Exhaust Manifold 403-0707 1 Kit, Lifting (Includes Parts Marked E) 800-0501 6 Sct”ew, Cap - Hex Head, Grade 8 (3/8-16 x 3-3/8”) 110-1264 5 Screw, Cap - Hex Head, Special (3/8-16 x 4-1/4”) PLUG, GLOW (Includes Gasket) 333-0106 2 12 Volt Type 333-0107 2 24 Volt Type 333-0112 2 32 Volt Type 110-0546 2 Gasket, Glow Plug 800-0038 2 Screw, Cap - Hex Head (5/16-18 X 3-1/4”) 800-0030 2 Screw, Cap - Hex Head (5/16-18 X 1-1/4”) 850-0045 4 Washer, Lock - Spring (5/16) 809-0042 1 *Screw, Tapping - Round Head (#10 X 5/16”) 403-0826 2 CSpacer - Lifting Bracket Included Included in Rocker Cover 115-0134. in Lifting Kit403-0707. , CRANKCASE AND OIL BASE GROUP .,. - . 21—— 19\ 3 2 . . — \ ‘w 52 \41 . . REF. ” NO. PART NO. Block Assembly, Cylinder (Includes Parts Marked *) ‘Plate, Bearing - Less 1 101-0337 Bearing and Pin ‘Gasket and Shim Kit, Rear 101-0386 1 Bearing Plate BEARING, PRECISION, MAIN -FRONT OR REAR Standard 2 101-0359 .002” Undersize 101-0359-02 2 .010” Undersize 101-0359-10 2 .020” Undersize 101-0359-20 2 .030” Undersize 101-0359-30 2 ●Pin, Lock - Thrust Washer 516-0072 4 *Washer, Crankshaft Thrust 104-0420 2 *Bearing, Precision Cam 101-0363 1 Front - Standard Only *Bearing, Precision Cam 101-0365 1 Rear - Standard Only *Tube, Crankcase Oil 1 120-0553 “Plug, Expansion - Rear 1 517-0053 Camshaft Opening ●Plug, Expansion - Cylinder 517-0059 3 Block (1-7/16”) 110-1664 3 4 5 6 “7 8 9 10 11 1 12 509-0086 1’ 13 805-0019 6 14 TUBE, OIL FILL 123-0681 123-1 0S5 123-0667 1 1 1 15 16 17 18 REF. NO. PART DESCRIPTION QTY. USED CAP AND INDICATOR, 123-0651 1 123-1058 1 123-0191 1 123-1203 1 19 123-0952 1 20 123-0958 1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 123-0865 102-0540 102-0451 505-0056 505-0014 505-0002 516-0141 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Seal, ‘Oil - Rear Bearing Plate ●Bolt, Place - Rear Bearing Plate (3/8-16 x 1-1/4”) Spec A Only Begin Spec B Gasket, Oil Fill Tube Mounting OIL FILL Spec A Only , Begin Spec B Gasket, Oil Fill Cap Cap and Valve, Breather Tube, Tube Breather Screen, Breather - Used on some early Models Baffle, Breather Tube Base, Oil Gasket, Oil Base Plug, 1/2” Coupling, 1/2” Nipple, I/2 x 3“ ●Pin, Dowel - Gear Cover Locating PART DESCRIPTION QTY. USED PART NO. 28 29 30 505-0449 505-0027 502-0153 1 1 1 31 509-0117 1 1 32 123-0951 33 34 35 36 CUSHION, 402-0284 402-0285 405-1402 405-1265 526-0014 37 517-0096 Nipple, 1/4 x 6“ Coupling, 114” Plug, 1/4” Hex Head Seal, “O” Ring - Breather Cap ,Clamp, Breather Cap VIBRATION’CONE SHAPED Engine End 2 Generator End 2 Pan, Drip 1 Clamp, Drip Pan Hold-Down 2 4 ●Washer, Mounting Rubber Steel 1 ●Plug, Expansion Block - Cylinder (1-9/16’) 4 ●Bushing, 800-0072 4 42 43 44 850-0055 102-0558 526-0245 4 1 6 45 46 47 123-1201 123-1202 809-0035 1 1 ,1 48 49 123-1153 800-0081 1 4 50 51 850-0055 800-0026 4 3 52 850-0045 3 Screw, Cap - Hex Head (7/16-14 X 1-1/4”) Washer, Lock - Spring (7/16) Heater, Oil Base - Optional *Washer, Flat (0.391” ID x 0,625” OD X 0.598” THK) Retainer - Breather Screen Screen - Breather Cap — Screw, Tapping - Round Head (#8 X 3/4”) Baffle - Breather Tube ●Screw, Cap - Hex Head (7/16-14 X 3-1/2”) ●Washer, Lock - Spring (7/16) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (5/16-18 X 3/4”) Washer, Lock - Spring (5/16) 38 402-0290 39 40 402-0282 526-0198 41 ● ● - Included - Included Cushion Mounting Spacer .. Snubber, Shock Mcunting 4 As Rea. ●Washer. (29/64” I.D. x 1-1/2;’ ‘O.D. X 1/16”) in 402-0360 Mounting in 110-1664 Cylinder Hardware Set. Block Assembly. @,* “’”’ ! ‘ -17 / 16 ‘% ‘ REARP::;:ING & 7 21 t ,, L 20 OIL SYSTEM REF. NO. PART NO. /. , ‘23 GROUP QTY. USED 1 2 3 120-0547 120-0580 120-0551 1 1 1 4 5 6 7 8 122-0185 122-0188 122-0182 193-0006 502-0053 1 1 1 1 1 9 10 505-0057 502-0037 1 1 11 12 120-0636 502-0274 1 1 13 502-0242 1- 14 12Q-0631 -. 1 REF. NO. PART DESCRIPTION Pump Assembly, Oil Gasket Kit, Oil Pump Cup Assembly, Oil Pump Intake Filter, Oil Gasket, Filter Adapter Adapter Assembly, Filter Gauge, Oil Pressure Elbow, Street -45° (NOTE: Quantity of 2 Used Prior to Spec B) Plug, 1/8” - Filter Adapter Elbow, Inverted Male - Oil Line to Oil Filter Adapter Line, Oil - Adapter to Tee Connector, Restricted Injection Pump Tee Tee, Restricted - Injection PumD Lubrication Line, Oil - Injection Pump Tee to Cylinder Head E PART NO. QTY. USED 15 502-0281 1 16 17 18 19 120-0539 120-0555 505-0274 309-0169 1 1 1 1 20 21 501-0003 502-0003 1 1 22 502-0058 1 23 800-0028 3 24 25 850-0045 800-0030 3 2 26 27 850-0045 502-0037 2 1 PART DESCRIPTION Connector, Restricted - Oil Line to Cylinder Head Valve, Oil By-Pass Spring, By-Pass Valve Plug, Oil By-Pass Switch, LOW Oil pressure cut-off Line, Oil - Begin Spec B Connector, Oil Fill Bracket to Oil Line - Begin Spec B Tee, Oil Fill Bracket to Gauge and Switch - Begin Spec B ‘“ Screw, Cap - Hex Head (5/16-18 X l“) Washer, Lock - Spring (5/16) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (5/16-18 X 1-1/4’) Washer, Lock - Spring (5/16) Elbow, Injection Pump to Lubrication Tee r 1 I 7 1’1 6 ]2 START-DISCONNECT PLATE AND STOP SOLENOID GROUP REF. NO. PART NO. 1 2 3 4 5 191-0496 309-0134 309-0152 160-0263 160-0720 1 1 1 1 1 6 160-0721 1 7 8 191-0392 191-0554 1 9 ‘~ 160-0806 813-0107 1 1 800-0052 2 12 13 850-0050 160-0711 2 2 14 812-0150 2 — — PART DESCRIPTION QTY. USED REF. NO. Plate, Centrifugal Switch Switch Assembly, Centrifugal Plunger, Switch Diaphragm, Switch Plunger Spacer, Switch Plate and/or Bearing Plate Gasket, Switch Plate and/or Bearing Plate Cover, Plate Control Assembly, StartDisconnectSwitch (Also Drive Water Pump) Includes Weight Springs . 1 15 ‘ Disc, Thrust Plunger Screw, Machine - Round Head (#10-32 X 1-1/4”) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (3/8-16 X 1-1/2”) Washer, Lock - Spring (3/8) Spring, Weight - Included in Control Assembly Screw, Machine - Round (1/4-20 X 5/8”) B27 PART NO. 2 850-0040 16 160-0774 17 160-0773 18 SOLENOID, 307-0628 307-0680 PART DESCRIPTION QTY. USED 1 1 STOPPING 1 1 19 20 21 22 306-0162 306-0161 306-0159 518-0203 1 1 1 1 23 306-0158 1 24 800-0007 1 25 26 862-0001 336-0706 1 1 27 338-0258 1 Washer, Lock - Spring (1/4) Plunger, Thrust Spring, Thrust Plunger Units with 12 Volt DC Units with 32 Volt DC Retainer, Solenoid Plunger Spring, Solenoid Plunger Plunger, Solenoid Ring, Snap - Spring Retaining Bracket, Solenoid Screw, Cap - Hex Head (1/4-20 x l“) Nut, Hex (1/4-20) Lead, Electrical - Solenoid Ground Harness, Wiring - Switch to Control Head ,jo)12 –( W@-’ ob —w .- f — =,-—~ CRANKSHAFT REF. NO. PART NO. —. — —~ 0 AND FLYWHEEL QTY. USED 1 1’ 1 1 ‘\, , ., 1 2 3 4 5 104-0451 104-0418 104-0416 518-0188 104-0448 6 104-0423 1 7 800-0500 1 GROUP ‘5 REF. NO. PART DESCRIPTION Crankshaft Gear, Crankshaft Washer, Retainer Ring, Lock Flywheel - Includes Ring Gear Gear, Flywheel Ring Screw, Cap - Hex Head, Grade 8 (7/16-14 x 5-1/2”) 7 PART NO. QTY. USED 8 104-0550 1 9 10 11 104-0444 515-0001 515-0153 1 1 1 12 526-0185 1 13 850-0055 1 PART DESCRIPTION Pulley, Flywheel - For Plants with Heat Exchanger or Keel Cooling Guard, Flywheel Key, Gear Mounting Key, Flywheel to Crankshaft Washer, 1-1/2” Washer, Flat (15/32” ID x OD X 3/8” THK) Lock - Spring (7/16) . REF. NO. PART NO. QTY. USED 1 103-0267 1 2, 3’ 150-1095 516-0111 1 1 4 5 150-0777 518-0129 1 6 7 509-0088 510-0048 1 1 8 510-0082 1 9 510-0043 1 10 11 12 509-0087 150-0838 815-0176 1 1 1 1 13 14 103-0228 131-0152 1 1 15 131-0127 1 PART DESCRIPTION - REF. NO. Cover Assembly, Gear Complete - Includes Parts Marked * Arm, Governor “Pin, Roll - Governor Cup stop *Yoke “Ring, Yoke Retaining “E” Shaped ●Seal, C)il - Governor Shaft ‘Bearing, Needle - Governor Shaft - For 1/2” Shaft *Bearing, Needle - Governor Shaft - For 1/4” Shaft ‘Ball, Bearing - Governor Shaft Thrust ‘Seal, Oil - Gear Cover ‘Shaft, Governor ‘Screw, Machine - Hex Head, Grade 5 (#8-32 x 1/2”) . Backpiate, Gear COver Pump, Water (For Component Parts Refer to Separate Group) Gasket, Water Pump Mounting PART NO. 16 502-0076 1 17 18 19 130-0628 130-0511 502-0074 1 1 1 20 21 502-0304 800-0006 1 2 22 23 850-0040 815-0347 2 2 24 526-0115 5 25 26 27 103-0251 103-0218 110-0879 1 1 4 28 800-0028 1 29 30 850-0045 800-0026 31 800-0045 * - Included PART DESCRIPTION QTY. USED Elbow, Inverted Male Water Pump Outlet Line, Water - Pump to Block Clamp, Water Line Elbow, ll~verted Male - Water Line tc Block Elbow, Water Pump Inlet Screw, Cap - Hex Head (1/4-20 X 7/8”) Washer, Lock - Spring (1/4) Screw, Machine - Flat Head, Socket Drive (1/4-20 x 1/2”) Washer, Flat (1 1/32” ID x 11/16” OD X 1/16” THK) Gasket, Gear Cover Gasket, Backplate Screw, Cap - Hex Head, Special (5/16-18 x l-I/4’1) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (5/16-18 X l“) Washer, Lock - Spring (5/16) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (5/16-18 X 3/4”) Washer, Lock - Spring (5/16) Assembly 5 1 1 in Gearcover 5 10 8 6 9 W6J~WATER REF. NO. PART NO. 131-0179 1 2 3 4 5 6 PUMP PARTS GROUP QTY. USED 1 1 131-0154 131-0157 518-0221 131-0158 131-0159 1 1 1 1 ? (131 -01;2) PART DESCRIPTION Kit, Water Pump Repair Includes Parts Marked ‘ Body, Water Pump (Not Sold Separately) Bearing and Shaft Assembly ●Seal Assembly ●Retaining Ring ●Wear Plate, Rear “Cam -impeller . REF. NO. PART NO. QTY. USED 7 W5-0283 4 8 9 10 11 131-0160 131-0161 131-0162 502-0080 1 1 1 2 “ - Contained in Repair PART DESCRIPTION Screw, Machine - Hex Head, Slotted, Brass (#8-32 x 1/2”) “Impeller *Gasket, Cover *Cover, Pump plug, Square Head (?/8”) Kit. ... ‘~, -, ‘. ,,, WATER NOTE: PUMP PARTS GROUP This pump used on plants (132-0110) with heat exchanger REF. NO. only. : ,8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lb WATER NOTE: REF. NO. PUMP PARTS GROUP This pump PART NO. used on plants with 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 132-0143 132-0144 132-0145 132-0087. 132-0088 810-0099 1 1 1 1 1 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 132-0089 132-0101 132-0091 132-0092 132-0138 132-0140 132-0139 132-0132 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;: ‘ - Included in the 132-0093 keel cooling only. PART DESCRIPTION QTY. USED 132-0074 132-0093 (132-0074) Pump, Water Repair Kit (Includes Parts Marked *) Pedestal Body, Pump Cover, Pump Impeller ‘Gasket, Cover ‘Screw, Machine - Round Head, Brass (#1 O-32 X 7/1 6“) *Shaft and Bearing Assembly ‘Seal, Mechanical ●Ring, Seal Wear *Cap, Wear Ring Screw, Cap - Hex Head Nut, Hex Washer, Lock - SPrin9 Ring, Snap Repair Kit. 9 PART NO. QTY. USED 132-0110 132-0111 1 132-0136 132-0137 132-0114” 132-0101 132-0091 132-0092 132-0112 132-0113 132-0138 132-0139 132-0140 132-0141 132-0142 132-0089 132-0132 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 13.2-0/252 1 ‘1 PART DESCRIPTION Pump, Water ReDair Kit (Includes’ Patis ’) Marked Body, Pump Cover, Pump “Impeller *Seal “Face, Wear “Seat, Seal *Gasket, Cover *Screw, Cap - Hex Head, Slotted Screw, Cap - Hex Head ● Plug, Drain Pedestal ‘Shaft and Bearing RJng, Snap Assembly FUEL TRANSFER PUMP AND INJECTION SYSTEM GROUP ,’. * 0 e :\!. -,, REF; NO. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QTY. USED REF. NO. .. PART DESCRIPTION Repair Kit, Fuel Pump (Includes Diaphragm and Gaskets) ELBOW, INVERTED MALE, FUEL PUMP INLET 45°- Spec A Only 502-0065 1 1 90°- Begin Spec B 502-0002 Pump, Fuel Transfer 1 149-1038 1 Gasket, Fuel Transfer Pump 149-0792 1 Gasket, Fuel Pump Bowl 149-0517 1 Screen, Fuel Pump Filter 149-0463 Bowl, Fuel Pump (Metal) 1 149-0662 Washer, Fuel Pump Mounting 2 149-1307 ELBOW, INJECTION PUMP INLET 1 Spec A Only 502-0054 1 Begin Spec B 502-0039 Pump, Fuel Injection 147-02191 (Includes Buttons 2,4, 12) 4 Stud, Injection Pump 520-0129 Mounting 1 Seal, O-Ring, Injection 509-0094 Pump to Crankcase 1 Tappet, Injection Pump 147-0182 1 Gasket, O-Ring, injection 147-0196 Pump Tappet 1 Shim Kit, Injection Pump 147-0145 Mounting LINE, INJECTION PUMP TO NOZZLE 1 No. 1 Cylinder 149-1101 1 No, 2 Cylinder 149-1102 BUTTON, INJECTION PUMP PLUNGER .119 - Marked 1 or A 1 147-0147 .116 - Marked 2 or B 1 147-0148 1 .113 - Marked 3or C 147-0149 .110 - Marked 4or D 147-0150 1 .107 - Marked 5 or E 1 147-0151 .104 - Standard, 11 or 1 147-0161 No Mark 1 .101 - Marked 6 or F 147-0152 .098 - Marked 7 or H 1 147-0153 1 .095 - Marked 8 or J 147-0154 1 .092 - Marked 9 or K 147-0155 1 .089 - Marked 10 or L 147-0156 1 .122 - Marked 12 or M 147-0190 1 .125 - Marked 13 or N 147-0189 1 .128 - Marked 14 or P 147-0188 .131 - Marked 15 or R 1 147-0187 1 .134 - Marked 16 orS 147-0186 149-1046 1 -. PART NO. 1 11 -- PART NO. QTY. USED 17 850-0045 4 18 862-0015 4 19 20 ELBOW, INVERTED 502-0002 1 502-0065 1 147-0183 1 21 22 147-0136 147-0134 2 2 23 147-0141 2 24 25 147-0044 14?-0043 4 2 26 110-0419 2 27 28 LINE, NOZZLE 149-1056 149-1057 149-1058 29 502-0065 2 30 31 502-0102 501-0007 1 1 32 114-0022 4 33 526-0122 4 34 147-0259 1 35 800-0027 2 36 526-0022 4 FUEL 1 1 1 PART DESCRIPTION Washer, Lock - Spring (5/16) Injection Pump Mounting Nut, Hex (5/16-18), Injection Pump Mounting MALE- FUEL PUMP OUTLET 90°- Spec A Only 45°- Begin Spec B Valve, Bleeder, Injection Pump Nozzle and Holder Assembly Nozzle Only, Component of Nozzle & Holder Assembly Flange, Injection Nozzle Hold-down Shield, Nozzle Heat, Steel Gasket, Nozzle Heat Shield (Asbestos) Gasket, Shield to Head (Copper) RETURN #1 Cylinder #2 Cylinder Line, Injection Pump to Fuel Return Lines Tee Elbow, Inverted (45°) Nozzle (Fuel Return Line) Tee, Return Lines Line, Flexible (24’I) Screw, Cap - Hex Head, Special (5/16-18 x 2-3/4”) Washer, Flat (1 1/32’ ID x 23/32” OD X 0,1345”, THK) Ring, Retaining - Timing Button Screw, Cap - Hex Head (5/16-18 X 7/8”) Washer, Flat (21/64” ID x 9/16” OD X 1/16’ THK) AIR CLEANER AND FUEL FILTERS GROUP 38 ... , 31 2’ , . -2 3 * .,. ., . REF. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 PART NO. QTY. USED REF. NO. PART DESCRIPTION 20 LINE, FUEL PUMP TOFILTERI 1 Spec A Only 149-0806 1 Begin Spec B 149-1190 2 Elbow, Inverted Male, 502-0041 Secondary Filter Inlet and Outlet - Spec A Only 1 Filter, Secondary Fuel, 149-0408 Includes Cartridge (Bleed Plug 149-0769 is available separately) - Spec A Only 1 Cartridge, Secondary Fuel 149-0428 Filter - Spec A Only 1 Gasket, Secondary Filter, 149-0456 Bowl to Cover - Spec A Only 1 Gasket, Secondary Filter 149-0455 Cartridge to Head Spec A Only 1 Gasket, Secondary Filter 149-0493 Cartridge to Retainer Spec A Only LINE, FUEL SECONDARY FILTER TO INJECTION PUMP 1 501-0091 Spec A Only 1 Begin Spec B 501-0129 1 Gasket, Air Cleaner Adapter 141-0281 to Cylinder Head ADAPTER, RESONATOR Units with 12 Volt DC 1 140-0804 Units with 32 Volt DC 1 140-0816 Units with 24 Volt DC 1 140-0817 Plug, Pipe (1/4”) Air 1 505-0180 Cleaner Adapter and Intake Manifold - Used on some early models Stud, Resonator Adapter 2 520-0011 Mounting 1 Gasket, Resonator 140-0584 Hose, Breather 1 503-0557 1 Resonator 140-0803 1 Screw, Cap - Hex Head 801-0074 (7/16-20 X 1-3/4’) Begin Spec B 1 Washer, Flat (25/64” ID x 526-0066 9/16” OD X 1/16” THK) Begin Spec B 1 Screw, Cap - Hex Head 801-0053 (3/8-24 X 1-3/4”) Begin Spec B 2 Plug, Drain - Fuel Filters 502-0080 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 13 PART NO. QTY. USED PART DESCRIPTION .—— — - INCLUDES GASKET “- HEATER, MANIFOLD (12 volt) 154-0712 1 12 Volt Units 154-0712 3 32 Volt Units 154-0712 2 24 Volt Units LEAD, GLOW PLUG TO AIR HEATER #2 Cylinder (12-1/4”) 336-1504 1 336-1505 1 #1 Cylinder (5-1/4”) 1 Lead, Air Heater to Solenoid 336-1418 in Control 149-0769 Plug, Air Bleed, Secondary 1 Filter - Spec A Only Clamp, Breather Hose 2 503-0170 Connector, Primaty Fuel 1 502-0003 Filter Inlet - Begin Spec B Elbow, Reducer - Secondary 1 502-0099 Fuel Filter Outlet Begin Spec B Filter, Fuel - Primary 1 122-0325 Begin Spec B 1 122-0326 Filter, Fuel - Secondary Begin Spec B 1 149-1185 Adapter, Fuel Filter - Begin Spec B .Washer, Flat (29/64’ ID x 1 526-0068 3/4” OD X 1/16” THK) Begin SpeC B 31 149-1078 1 32 149-0846 1 33 140-0706 1 34 140-0705 1 35 508-0103 —. 2 36 508-0102 2 37 336-1051 1 38 800-0011 . .. 2 39 40 850-0040 870-0137 2 2 41 800-0026 3 42 850-0045 3 Filter, Fuel - Mounted between Fuel Tank and Transfer Pump - Spec A Only Cartridge, For 149-1078 Filter - Spec A Only Gasket, Heater Adapter Units with 24 and 32 Volt DC Plate, Heater Adapter Units with 24 and 32 Volt DC Bushing, Sleeve - Mica (24 & 32 Volt DC Units) Washer, Flat - Mica (24 & 32 Volt DC Units) Lead. JumIJer - Air Heater wi{h 24 and 32 Volt DC ... Units ___ Screw, Cap - Hex Head (1/4-20 X 2“) Washer, Lock - Spring (1/4) Nut, Self-Locking (5/16 X 24) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (5/16-18 X 3/4) Washer, Lock - Spring (5/16) GOVERNOR REF. NO. 1 PART NO. GROUP PART DESCRIPTION QTY. USED 2 150-1084 150-1082 3 4 5 6 7 862-0003 150-1103 150-0823 150-1132 150-0939 8 870-0131 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 9 10 11 870-0133 850-0040 800-0005 1 2 2 12 150-1358 1 Spring, Governor Stud. Adiustina Nut, Hex (3/8-16) Bracket, Governor Spring Cover, Governor Spring Linkage Assembly, Governor Joint, Ball Nut, Hex - With External Tooth Lockwasher (#1 O-32) Nut, Self-Locking (3/8-16) Washer, Lock - Spring (1/4) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (1/4-20 X 3/4”) ,! Joi’nt, Ball l’; 11 REF. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PART NO. QTY. USED PART DESCRIPTION 8 1 Clamp, Cable Harness, Wiring Screw, Hex Head (3/8-16 X 2“) Washer, Lock - Spring (3/8) 850-0050 3 800-0052 1 Screw, Hex Head (3/8-16 X 1-1/2”) 1 Washer, Lock - Spring (3/8) 850-0050 191-0311 1 Spacer, Starter 2 800-0051 Screw, Hex Head (3/8-16 X 1-1/4”) 2 Washer, Lock - Spring (3/8) 850-0050 Flange, Starter 191-0512 1 800-0046 Screw, Hex Head 1 (3/8-16 X 1/2”) Nut. Hex (3/8-16) 864-0003 1 856-0010 Washer, Lock - External/Internal 1 Tooth (3/8) Bracket. Starter 191-0365 1 STARTER (See Separate Group For Components) 191-0324 1 12 volt 191-0443 1 24 Volt (Optional) CABLE, BATTERY (Select by Length) 416-0021 2 20-1/2” Long 416-0077 2 28-1/4” Long t Cable, Battery Jumper 416-0004 416-0096 338-0279 800-0054 STARTER 1 3 34 L 15 GROUP ; 9 L k 16 a \ L 11 \ 10 ‘, + 7 0. 12 *( 2 3 / 14 t 1 ‘4 —-----8 ‘ 15 STARTER REF. NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 PART NO. STARTER 191-0324 191-0443 ARMATURE 191-0712 191-0713 191-0432 191-1023 & PARTS GROUP PART DESCRIPTION QTY. USED 1 1 12 volt 24 Volt 1 1 1 1 12 volt 24 Volt Clutch Head Assembly, End REF. NO. 7 8 9 10 11 Commutator CO IL PACKAGE, FIELD 191-1024 1 12 volt 191-1C43 1 24 Volt PLATE ASSEMBLY, BRUSH 191-1025 1 12 volt 191-1042 1 24 Volt 191-1020 1 Spring Set, Brush (Set of 4) PART DESCRIPTION QTY. USED 12 13 191-1026 191-0497 191-1027 191-1028 SWITCH, 191-0433 191-0715 191-1029 191-1030 1 1 1 1 SOLENOID 1 1 1 1 14 191-1031 1 15 BRUSH SET, SERVICE 191-0434 1 191-0714 1 191-1032 1 16 15 PART NO. Connector Package Bearing (Bronze), Drive End Spring, Plunger Core Assembly, Moving 12 volt 24 Volt Yoke Parts Package Stop and Lock Ring Package, Pinion Thrust Washer Package, Armature (Use as Required) 12 volt 24 Volt Yoke 26 25 % MANIFOLD ~ REF. NO. 1 NOTE: AND THERMOSTAT For plants with heat exchanger PART NO. MANIFOLD, 154-0708 QTY. USED EXHAUST1 154-1592 1 2 154-1057 2 3 4 5 6 505-0110 502-0074 130-0510 502-0103 1 1 1 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 COVER, THERMOSTAT 1 309-0144 1 309-0161 1 505-0274 1 309-0145 1 309-0130 2 520-0143 1 309-0156 13 309-0154 14 869-0002 1516 1 : 503-0159 2 GROUP or keel cooling see also separate group. PART NO. REF. NO. PART DESCRIPTION WATER COOLED All, except Heat Exchanger Cooled Units Begin Spec C Heat Exchanger Cooled Models Beoin S~ec C Gasket, Exha-ust Manifold to Head Plug, 3/8” Elbow, Inverted Male Line, Water Connector, Inverted Male Thermostat Cover Outlet Plants WITHOUT Keel Cooling Plants WITH Keel Cooling Plug, 1/8” Thermostat Cover Gasket, Thermostat Cover Thermostat Stud, Thermostat Cover Switch, Hi-Temperature cut-off Cover, Thermostat Switch For Plants with Switch Mounted on Cover Nut, Acorn - 5/1 6-24 Thermostat Cover Stud Elbow, Brass - Exhaust Manifold Water Outlet Hose, Rubber (1/2 x 34) Water Outlet and Inlet QTY. USED PART DESCRIPTION 4 1 17 18 503-0446 502-0080 Clamp, Water Hose Plug (1/8”) - Manifold End Cap (Used on some early models) - EXHAUST (With Provision for 19 20 21 TEE, REDUCING Water Line) 505-0485 155-1058 154-0894 22 505-0625 1 23 505-0493 1 24 25 505-0359 503-0575 1 1 26 502-0237 1 27 503-0465 2 28 29 517-0041 850-0030 3 2 30 813-0096 2 31 526-0022 2 32 110-0445 4 33 526-0045 4 1 1 1 ,,, Early Models Late Models Tube Assembly, Water Hose Adapter - Early Models Nipple, Close (1-1/4”) Exhaust (Early Mocleis Used Quantity of 2) Elbow, Pipe (1-1/4” x 90°) Exhaust - Early Models Plug, Exhaust Manifold End Elbow, Exhaust Hose - Late Models Elbow, Brass - Water Hose Adapter - Late Models Clamp, Hose - Exhaust Elbow - Late Models Plug, Expansion Washer, Lock - High Temperature Switch Mounting Screw, Machine - Round Head (#10-32 x 1/4”) Washer, Flat (21/64” ID x THK) 9/16” OD X 1/16 Nut, Hex (5/16-18) Hardened Washer, Flat (21/64” ID x 5/8” OD X 1/8” THK) .-. 16 ‘“ HEAT EXCHANGER GROUP - BEGIN SPEC C 22 ,. I d ‘4 1 . > 19 ,7 31 REF. NO. . PART NO. QTY. USED ,1 2 3 130-0904 309-0282 502-0238 1 1 1 4 505-0098 1 5 505-0026 1 6 7 8 502-0304 502-0237 503-0612 1 1 2 9 10 130-0903 309-0145 1 1 11 309-0156 1 12 502-0237 3 13 14 15 16 17 18 503-0446 104-0550 132-0110 131-0130 511-0067 512-0042 12 1 1 1 1 1 19 20 130-0920 504-0006 1 1 21 130-0692 1 As Req. 22 23’ 800-0054 2 PART DESCRIPTION PART NO. REF. NO. QTY. USED PART DESCRIPTION Washer, Lock - Spring (3/8) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (5/16-18 X 3/4”) Washer, Lock - Spring (5/16) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (1/4-20 X 5/8”) Washer, Lock - Spring (1/4) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (1/4-20 X 3/4”) Washer, Lock - Spring (1/4) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (1/4-20 X 1/2”) Washer, Lock - Spring (1/4) Screw, Machine - Round Head (#1 O-32 X 1/4”) Washer, Lock - Spring (#IO) Washer, Flat (11/32” ID x 1“ OD X 3/32” THK) Washer, Flat (11/32” ID x 23/32” OD X 0.1345” THK) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (5/16-18 X 2-1/4”) Exchanger, Heat Cover, Thermostat Connector, Thermostat Cover Outlet Nipple, Pipe Thermostat Cover Coupling, Pipe - Thermostat Cover Valve Elbow, Raw Water Pump Outlet Elbow, Exhaust Manifold Inlet Clamp, Heat Exchanger Mounting Bracket, Heat Exchanger Gasket, Thermostat Chamfer (Also listed in Manifold and Thermostat Group) Switch, High Temperature cut-off Elbow, Brass - Rubber Hose Connections Clamp, Hose Pulley, Flywheel *Pump, Water (Less Pulley) Nut Bar - Pump Hold-down Belt, Centrifugal Water Pump Pulley, Centrifugal Water Pump Guard, Belt Valve, Air Bleed 24 25 850-0050 800-0026 2 2 26 27 850-0045 800-0004 2 2 28 29 850-0040 800-0005 2 2 30 31 850-0040 800-0003 2 4 32 33 850-0040 813-0096 4 2 34 35 850-0030 526-0113 2 2 36 526-0122 2 37 800-0034 2 38 39 309-0130 154-1592 1 1 40 41 505-0625 155-1058 1 1 Bracket, Water Pump and Governor Spring Hose (#503-0110 Bulk .Hose Order by length -6 feet required for all hoses) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (3/8-16 X 2) 42 43 505-0359 130-0959 ) 3/ 130-1& 1 1 44 17 ‘ - See Separate 1 Group Thermostat Manifold Exhaust - Water Cooled Nipple, Exhaust Tee, Reducing - Exhaust (With provision for Water Line) Plug, Exhaust Manifold Gasket, Heat Exchanger Cleanout Cap Cap, Cleanout - Heat Exchqn~. .— for Component Parts. ‘ HEAT EXCHANGER GROUP OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT - SPEC A AND B g-50 ! \\>, \; ’15 ,“ REF. NO. PART NO. QTY. USED 1 130-0908 1 2 130-0568 1 3 502-0103 1 4 5 130-0524 502-0080 1 1 6 7 130-0589 130-0590 1 1 8 9 10 130-0519 502-0155 309-0145 1 1 1 11 309-0156 1 12 502-0237 5 13 14 503-0446 502-0238 6 1 15 16 17 18 132-0110 131-0130 511-0067 512-0042 1 1 1 1 19 20 130-0591 130-062? 1 t REF. NO. PART DESCRIPTION Exchanger, Heat (Replaces early heat exchangers) Line, Water - Expansion Tank to Exhaust Manifold Connector, Inverted Male Expansion Tank Outlet Tank, Expansion Plug, 1/8” Expansion Tank Fill Vent Cap, Pressure Neck and Adapter, Expansion Tank Cap Gasket, Neck and Adapter Plug, 3/8” - Expansion Tank Gasket, Thermostat Chamber (Also Listed in Manifold and Thermostat Group) Switch, Hi-Temperature cut-off Elbow, Brass - Rubber Hose Connections Clamp, Hose Nipple Brass - Manifold Outlet Hose Connection *Pump, Less Pulley Nut Bar - Pump Hold-down Belt, Centrifugal Water Pump Pulley, Centrifugal Water Pump Guard, Belt Liner Water - to Heat Exchanger 10 PART NO. QTY. USED 21 130-0692 1 22 503-0159 1 23 502-0074 1 24 130-0626 1 25 505-0101 1 26 505-0060 1 27 502-0049 1 28 504-0006 1 29 30 104-0550 130-0726 1 2 31 130-0727 2 33 800-0041 -2 34 821-0005 6 35 813-0096 2 36 37 38 850-0050 130-0892 503-0347 2 1 * ‘ PART DESCRIPTION Bracket, Heat Exchanger and Governor Spring Bracket Hose, Rubber (1/2” I.D. x 34” Total Length Required for all Hoses) Elbow, Inverted Male - . Manifold Line Inlet (Also Listed in Manifold and Thermostat Group) Pencil Assembly, Zinc Nipple, Close (3/8”) - Manifold Outlet Tee, Pipe (3/8”) - Manifold Outlet Bushing, Pipe (1/8 x 3/8) Manifold Outlet Valve, Air Bleed - Manifold Outlet Pulley, Flywheel Gasket, End Bonnet - Heat Exchanger Bonnet, Heat Exchanger Screw, Cap - Hex Head (5/16-18 X 4“) Screw, Self-Locking - Hex Washer Head (#10-32 x 1/2”) Screw, Machine - Round Head (#10-32 X 1/4) Washer, Lock - Spring (3/8) Stiffener, Filler Neck Hose. Rubber - OverflQw .: .. .. . REF.’ NO. PART NO. QTY. USED 39 800-0054 2 40 800-0026 2 41 42 850-0045 800-0004 2 2 43 44 850-0040 800-0005 2 2 PART DESCRIPTION ,/-’ PART NO. 45 46 850-0040 800-0003 2 4 47 48 850-0040 800-0003 4 4 49 50 850-0040 850-0030 4 6 51 850-0030 2 ‘ - For component parts, Screw, Cap - Hex Head (3/8-16 X 2“) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (5/16-18 X 3/4”) Washer, Lock - Spring (5/16) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (1/4-20 X 5/8”) Washer, Lock - Spring (1/4) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (1/4-20 X 3/4) SPECIAL PARTS FOR KEEL COOLING OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT QTY . USED REF. NO. MODELS PART DESCRIPTION Washer, Lock - Spring (1/4) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (1/4-20 X 1/2”) Washer, Lock - Spring (1/4) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (1/4-20 X 1/2”) Washer, Lock - Spring (1/4) Washer, Lock - Spring (#IO) (Early Models Only) Washer, Lock - Spring (#IO) refer to separate group. - .--——--—- :~ REF. NO. A% ● ✍ PART NO. QTY. USED PART DESCRIPTION Screw, Cap - Hex Head (1/4-20 X 1/2”) Washer, Lock - Spring (1/4) Guard, Belt Belt, V - Water Pump Drive Pulley - Water Pump Screw, Cap - Hex i-1~<~ -(1/4-20 X 3/4”) Washer, Lock - Spring (1/4) Nut Bar - Pump Hold-down ‘Pump, Water (less Pulley) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (5/16-18 X 3/4’) Nut, Hex (5/16-18) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (1/4-20 X 5/8”) Washer, Lock - Spring (1/4) Bracket, Mounting - Water Pump Elbow, Pipe - Brass, Pump Inlet Clamp, Hose Hose, Rubber - Pump to Block Elbow, Pipe - Brass, Pump Outlet Pulley, Flywheel 1 800-0003 4 2 3 4 5 6 850-0040 130-0591 511-0068 512-0042 800-0005 4 1 1 1 2 7 8 9 10 850-0040 131-0144 132-0074 800-0026 2 1 1 2 11 12 850-0045 800-0004 2 2 13 14 850-0040 130-0692 2 1 15 502-0278 1 16 17 18 503-0183 503-0445 502-0250 2 1 1 19 104-0550 1 For Component Parts see Separate Group. P ,“ ..!? ‘m’ 19 -- ‘“- } so ,1’,,.. .. \ \ -.. -.’. ‘~,\ 1 .-. — ... .-’\. \ 7 “1 Q -.. .. ------ REF. NO. .>. . PART NO. 405-1482 -, /“’ . I I QTY. USED 1 1 2 517-0126 800-0006 1 1 3 800-0015 1 4 5 6 7 8 140-0645 503-0269 503-0691 140-1266 813-0105 1 2 1 1 1 9 10 11 12 850-0030 870-0053 405-2209 508-0004 1 1 1 2 13 14 508-0008 508-0071 2 2 15 508-0115 1 16 17 18 405-1478 405-1456 808-0053 1 1 6 19 812-0150 4 20 405-1466 1 ... :, 21 28 406-0343 808-0053 5 5 PART DESCRIPTlON REF. NO. Kit, Installation -Sound Shield Group (Includes all parts in this GrouP) Plug, Button Screw, Cap - Hex Head (1/4-20 X 718”) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (1/4-20 X 3“) Adapter, Air Intake Clamp, Hose Hose, Rubber - Air Intake Intake, Air Screw, Machine - Round Head (#10-32 X l“) Washer, Lock - Spring (#10) Nut. .. —.,Hex (#lo-32) Band, Air’Duct Grommet, Rubber - Water Lines Grommet, Rubber - Fuel Lines Grommet, Rubber - Battery Cables Grommet, Rubber - Exhaust Line Plate, Cover Panel, Access (Insulated) Screw, Tapping - Round Head (#14 x 3/4”) Screw, Machine - Round Head (1/4-20 X 5/8”) panel, Side - Air Outlet (Insulated) - Includes (2) Latch Assemblies Marked E .Latch Assembly - Folding Screw, Tapping - Round Head (#14 x 314”) m PART NO. 29 812-0150 30 405-1446 PART DESCRIPTlON QTY. uSED Screw, Machine - Round (1/4-20 X 5/8”) panel, End - Air Inlet (Insulated) - Includes 3 -1 31 870-0107 6 32 808-0053 6 33 812-0150 4 34 405-1454 1 35 405-1474 1 36 870-0097 20 37 808-0053 7 38 405-1471 1 39 812-0150 7 40 405-1468 1 41 800-0084 4 42 526-0195 4 43 44 45 46 862-0004 405-1431 405-1480 98-2330 4 1 1 1 47 48 870-0261 809-0030 3 3 i ,, Head (2) J Type Spring Sheet Nuts -J tYPe Nut. Sheet SIJrin9 (#i4) Screw, Tapping - Round Head (#14 x 3/4) Screw, Machine - Round Head (1/4-20 X 5/8”) panel, End - Front (Insulated) - Includes (2) Latch Assemblies Panel, Top (Insulated) Includes (1) Latch Assembly Marked G and (11) J Type Spring Sheet Nuts Nut, Sheet Spring - J Type (#14) Screw, Tapping - Round Head (#14 x 3/4’) Molding, Corner-Top (Insulated) - Includes (9) J Type Spring Sheet Nuts Marked + Screw, Machine - Round Head (1/4-20 X 5/6”) Panel, Side (Insulated) Includes (4) J Type sPrin9 Sheet Nuts Screw, Cap - Hex Head (7/16-14 X 4-1/2”) Washer, Flat (29/64” ID x 3-I/4° OD X 1/8” THK) Nut, Hex (7/1 6-1 4) Pan, Drip - Oil Base, Housing (Insulated) --Decal, Fire Extinguisher Access Hole Nut, Speed (#8-32) Screw, Tapping - Round Heed ($8 X 1/4”) ,, -. -k_, i /ERATOR GROUP - ALTERNATOR ,#EC A THROUGH Z ‘ PORTION - 1 7 27 29 . 204 194 REF. NO. PART NO. 1 2 3 4 5 231-0112 205-0064 515-0006 234-0162 201-1120 6 7 ,2 9 510-0047 232-0596 . 211-0146 10 11 12 520-0636 520-0612 212-1064 13 14 15 16 214-0059 234-0199 870-0177 RESISTOR, 304-0500 304-0534 232-1565 304-0006 520-0620 17 18 19 QTY. USED REF. NO. PART DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 1 1 Adapter, Generator to Engine Blower, Generator Key, Blower to Crankshaft Baffle, Generator Air Rotor, Wound - Includes Bearing and Blower 1 Bearing, Ball - Rotor 1 Clip, Bearing Stop 1 Stator Assembly, Wound 1 Bell, End - Alternator to Exciter 4 Stud, Generator Through 1 Stud, Rotor Through 2 Block, Guide - Collector Ring 4 Brush. Collector Rino 1 Cover, Air Outlet 1 Clip, Fastening TAPPED ADJUSTING 1 Units with 12 Volt DC 1 Units with 24 and 32 Volt DC 1 Bracket, Resistor Mounting 2 Washer, Resistor Centering 1 Stud, Resistor Mounting PART DESCRIPTIC)N QTY. USED 20 866-0001 1 Nut, Acorn Mounting 21 22 23 24 25 862-0015 232-0200 508-0095 332-0050 508-0112 4 1 1 1 1 26 27 204-0061 800-0050 1 2 28 29 850-0050 800-0051 4 2 30 870-0203 1 31 813-0098 5 32 33 34 35 850-0055 850-0045 850-0030 809-0046 4 5 1 Nut, Hex (5/16-18) Washer, Thrust Grommet, Rubber - Air Baffle Clamp, Loop Grommet, Rubber - Generator Leads Collector Ring Screw, Cap - Hex Head (3/8-16 X 1“) Washer, Lock - Spring (3/8) Screw, Cap - Hex Head (3/8-16 X 1-1/4”) Nut, Hex (7/1 6-20) Hardened Screw, Machine - Round Head (#1 O-32 X 3/8”) Washer, Lock - Spring (7/16) Washer, Lock - Spring (5/16) Washer, Lock - Spring (#IO) Screw, Tapping - Round Head (#lo) ● 21 PART NO. Order Serial by description Number. 1 giving Model, - Resistor Spec and ......- GENERATOR SPEC. GROUP A - EXCITER THROUGH PORTION ,, Z Y’ .,, -. ... 9A 11 1 1 ; I 9 ‘!,$ , ,- ? REF. NO. (Less Cover) 04SX1N3B 06SX51 N1 B 06 SX51N3B 209-0003 209-0005 209-0012 209-0013 234-0185 Exciter 1 Cover, Exciter 234-0185 234-0185 234-0185 2 1 Panel Only, Exciter 234-0188 234-0188 234-0188 234-0188 3 2 Reactor, 315-0099 315-0099 315-0104 315-0104 Gate 4 2 Gasket, Gate Reactor Mounting, Outer 232-1553 232-1553 232-1553 232-1553 5 2 Gasket, Gate Reactor Mounting, Inner 232-1551 232-1551 232-1551 232-1551 6 2 Retainer, 232-1552 232-1552 232-1552 232-1552 7 1 Stud, Gate Reactor Mounting 8 1 Rectifier Assembly, Resistor 305-0387 305-0264 305-0388 9 2 Rectifier Only, Power Field, Negative 305-0238 305-0238 h305-0238 9A 2 Rectifier Only, Power Field, Positive 305-0239 Gate Reactor 1 Rectifier, Field Flash 4 Rectifier, Voltage 11 1 Resistor, Included in Rectifier (150-Ohm, 5 Watt) Assembly 11 1 Resistor, Included in Rectifier (500-Ohm, 5 Watt) Assembly 305-0240 305-0240 304-0512 304-0512 304-0476 Block, Terminal 332-0745 3~2-0745 332-0745 332-0746 332-0925 332-0746 332-0925 Strip, Block Marker 1 Resistor, 14 1 Resistor, Tapped, UU-UIIIII, Fixed (< (mm” ‘k- 14 1 Resistor, 15 4 Washer, Resistor 02SX1 NIA) Reactor, Voltage I I 1 I I 500-Ohm (425 Fixed, 75 Adj.) ~04-0527 304-0527 Centering (Two Only Used for I bo4-oo15 304-0015 Mounting ~32-1474 232-1474 232-1474 232-1474 Control b15-oloo 315-0100 315-0105 315-0105 232-1548 232-1548 304-0510 304-0510 1 ~ Gasket, Voltage 19 1 Relay, Field Build-up 9n .“ 4 Stud (or Screw), 21 1 Clip, Tinnerman 22 1 Grommet, 23 1 Cover, Relay 24 1 Resistor, 25 1 Switch, 26 1 Washer, Retainer, Control ~32-1 548 Reactor I ‘ 304-0527 304-0527 304-0015 304-0015 I . 232-1548 I Tapped Rubber, Resistor Mounting For 7/8” Hole Fixed (250-Ohm, A - Some Later Models use quantity I I . Residual I [ J (425 Fixed, 75 Adj. ) Tapped, Spacer, Resistor UU VVdl L) ‘n “’-’” 500-Ohm 17 ,0 ,“ NOTE: 305-0240 804-0476 1 I 305-0239 305-0239 332-0745 14 2 305-0239 305-0239 305-0240 Control 13 16 *305-0238 305-0239 10 1 305-0259 and Complete 9B 12 I Complete 04 SX1N1B 1 1 I PART NUMBER PART DESCRIPTION QTY. USED 304-0510 25 Watt) Reset Voltage Control 526-0173 Reactor of 3. All 6.OMDJE Sets use Exciter 06SX51N3B (Except 6.OMDJE-55DR which uses 06SX51N1 B). The 7.5 MDJESets use Exciter 04 SX1N3B (Except 7.5 MDJE-5DR which uses 04 SX1N1B), 23 304-0510 308-0175 308-0175 1 526-0173 526-0173 I 526-0173 I I GENERATOR PARTS GROUP - BEGIN SPEC AA ,, I *49 ‘2.3 ‘i. 43 ( 29 20 47 % 44 ,,,/ 27 22 REF. NO. 1 PART NO. 2 STATOR, 220-2023 220-2205 220-2230 220-2015 220-2197 220-2222 220-2048 220-2155 220-2180 220-2040 220-2147 220-2172 201-2155 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 510-0112 232-2398 201-2151 515-0094 870-0284 205-0105 515-0103 526-0008 870-0131 358-0069 358-0070 853-0008, QTY. USED REF. NO. PART DESCRIPTION WOUND 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 8 1 1 4 lPhase,50Hertz (AC)-12Volt(DC) lPhase,50”Hertz(AC) -24Volt(DC) lPhase,50Hertz (AC) -32Volt(DC) lPhase,60Hertz (AC) -12Volt(DC) lPhase,60Hertz (AC) -24Volt(DC) lPhase,60Hertz (AC) -32Volt(DC) 3Phase,50Hertz (AC) -12Volt(DC) 3Phase,50Hertz (AC) -24Volt(DC) 3Phase,50Hertz (AC) -32Volt(DC) 3Phase,60Hertz (AC) -12Volt(DC) 3Phase,60HertZ (AC)-24Volt(DC) 3Phase,60Hertz (AC) -32Volt(DC) Rotor Assembly, Wound Includes Parts Marked + +Bearing, Rotor +Spacer, Bearing +Rotor, Wound - Exciter +Key, Exciter Rotor +Nut, Exciter Rotor Locking +Fan, Generator +Key, Fan +Washer, Flat +Nut, Hex (#10-32) +Rectifier Assembly (Positive) +Rectifier Assembly (Negative) +Washer, Shakeproof (#1 O) PART NO. PART DESCRIPTION QTY. USED 15 16 17 18 813-0100 211-0237 220-2009 234-0185 4 1 1 1 19 20 21 509-0094 520-0795 850-0050 1 4 4 22 850-0040 2 23 850-0040 2 24 850-0055 1 25 850-0040 1 26 850-0030 6 27 862-0011 4 28 870-0203 1 29 871-0010 1 +. Screw, Round Head (#1 O-32x 1/2”) Bell, End Stator, Wound - Exciter Cover, End Bell SeaI, Bearing (“O’ Ring} Stud, Generator Through Washer, Lock - Generator Through Stud (3/8”) Washer, Lock - End Bell Cover Mounting (1/4”) Washer, Lock - Resistor Bracket Mounting (1/4”) Washer, Lock - Rotor Through Stud (7/1 6“ ) Washer, Lock - Resistor Through Screw (1/4”) Washer, Lock (#1 O) Nut, Hex - Generator Through Stud (3/8-1 6) Nut, Hex - Rotor Through Stud (7/1 6-20) Nut, Hex - Resistor Tap (#10-32) .,!, . . + - Included 24 in the Rotor Assembly REF. NO. . )’ PART NO. QTY . USED 30 526-0260 2 31 526-0034 1 32 853-0013 2 33 815-0184 2 34 856-0003 1 35 800-0004 2 36 812-0165 2 37 813-0098 4 . 38 812-0150 2 39 812-0169 1 40 811-0098 1 41 520-0787 1 PART DESCRIPTION REF. NO. Washer, Flat -Exciter Stator Mounting Washer, Flat -Rotor Through Stud Washer, Shakeproof - Exciter Stator Mounting (1/4”) Screw, Tapping - Hex Head with External Tooth Lock Washer (#10-32 x 3/8”) Washer, Shakeproof -Resistor Tap (#10) Screw, Hex Cap - Exciter Stator Mounting (1/4-20 X 5/8”) Screw, Machine - Ro’und Head (1/4-20 X 4-1/2”) Screw, Round Head - Alr Baffle Mounting (#10-32 X 3/8) Screw, Round Head - Resistor Bracket Mounting (1 /4-20 X 5/8”) Screw, Round Head - Resistor Through (1/4-20 x 5-1/2”) Screw, Round Head - Resistor Tap (#1 O-32 x 3/8”) Stud, Rotor Through 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 25 PART NO, QTY . USED 234-0462 508-0112 1 1 234-0498 1 PART DESCRIPTION Baffle, Air Grommet, Rubber - 2-3/4 x 1-7/8” (Lead Outlet) 1 508-0095 Grommet, Rubber-25/32x21/32” 1 515-0006 Key, Fan 232-2418 1 Board, Connection 231-0161 1 Adapter, Generator 1 234-0491 Cover, Air Outlet RESISTOR, TAPPED (Adjustable) 304-0500 1 12 and 24 Volt DC 1 304-0534 32 Volt DC 232-2399 1 Bracket, Resistor Mounting 304-0006 2 Washer, Centering - Resistor Mounting SWITCH ASSEMBLY, OVERSPEED - OPTIONAL 150-0956 1 60 Hertz 150-1861 1 50 Hertz 1 Bracket and Point Assembly, 150-1446 Overspeed - Optional 868-0004 1 Nut, Hex Jam - Overspeed Switch Mounting 850-0040 2 Washer, Lock - Overspeed Bracket and Point Assembly Mounting (1/4”) 2 Screw, Hex Cap - Overspeed 800-0003 Bracket and Point Assembly Mounting (1/4-20 x 1/2”) Cover, End Bell - Sets with Overspeed Switch CONTROL GROUP .16 “1 . 21 e-’ 25 2.7 26 ‘ REF. NO. )) .4 PART NO. QTY. USED 1 2 301-1962 301-1963 1 1 3 PANEL, CONTROL 1 301-1961 1 301-2376 4 301-1968 1 5 6 304-0006 301-3683 As Req. 1 7 307-0597 1 8 RELAY, SOLENOID 2 307-1046 307-0061 9 10 307-1046 1 307-0061 1 307-0845 1 307-0875 1 307-0623 RESISTOR, 304-0005 304-0247 304-0194 304-0268 11 332-0602 12 13 14 15 308-0154 308-0037 302-0446 RECTIFIER 305-0235 16 2 REF. NO. PART DESCRIPTION Box, Control Cover, Control through Z 17 Box - Spec A 18 Standard Units Units with Overspeed Cut-off Indicator Lamp - Optional Bracket, Control Box Mounting - Spec A thru Z Washer, Resistor Centering Saddle, Control Box - Begin Spec AA Relay, Ignition Start Spec A through Z 19 20 21 Start and Manifold Heater (12 Volt DC) - Spec A through Z Start and Manifold Heater (24 Volt and 32 Volt DC) Spec A through Z Manifold Heater (12 and 24 Volt DC) - Begin Spec AA Manifold Heater (32 Volt DC) - Begin Spec AA Start (12 and 24 Volt DC) Begin Spec AA Start (32 Volt DC) - Begin Spec AA Relav, Start Disconnect 22 23 24 25 26 1 ADJUSTABLE 32 Volt DC 1 (150-ohm, 25 Watt) 32 Volt DC 1 (100-ohm, 10 Watt) 24 Volt DC 1 (50-ohm, 25 Watt) 24 Volt DC 1 (5-ohm, 50 Watt) Jumper, Heater Solenoid to 1 Start Solenoid Switch, Start Stop 1 1 Switch, Manifold Heater Ammeter, Charge (5-O-5) 1 1 358-0015 1 305-0254 1 For 12 and 24 Volt DC (10 Amp, 100 Volt) For 32 Volt DC (12 Amp, 300 Volt) Bracket, Rectifier QTY. USED 307-1129 1 28 856-0008 4 29 800-0024 4 30 850-0045 4 31 526-0115 4 32 33 GROMMET, 508-0117 508-0001 508-0183 301-2466 34 35 301-2467 815-0236 1 4 36 815-0178 4 38 PART DESCRIPTION STRAP. GROUND - CONTROL BOX Spec A through Z 1 337-0052 Begin Spec AA 1 337-0036 RESISTOR, FIXED 12 Volt DC, 15-Ohm, 10 Watt 1 304-0032 12 Volt DC - Units with 1 304-0217 Low Oil Pressure Switch (l-Ohm, 10 Watt) Units with Low Oil Pressure 1 304-0003 Switch (5-ohm, 50 Watt) (32 Volt DC) 24 Volt Dh 1 304-0276 (75-ohm, 10 Watt) Mount, Rubber - Control Box 4 402-0078 Block, Terminal (5 Place) 1 332-0604 Strip, Marker (4, 5, 6, 7, 1 332-0739 8, 9) Block, Terminal ( 8 Place) 1 332-0706 Load Holder, Indicator Lamps 2 322-0069 Optional - Begin Spec AA Strip, Block Marker (B+, 1 332-0616 1,2, 3,H) Lamp, Indicator (Low Oil 2 322-0004 Pressure and Overspeed) Optional - Begin Spec AP. SWITCH, EMERGENCY-UNITS WITH LOW OIL PRESSURE SWITCH-OPTIONAL For Units Without Indicator 1 320-0104 Lamps For Units With Indicator 1 320-0221 Lamps (Includes Micro Switch) 27 37 27 PART NO. RUBBER 1 1 1 1 Relay, Overspeed - Optional - Begin Spec AA Washer, Lock - Bracket to Generator Frame (5/1 6“) Screw, Hex Cap - Control Box to Bracket (5/16-18 x 1/2”) Washer, Lock - Control Box to Bracket (5/1 6“) Washer, Flat - Control Box to Bracket (5/1 6“) 1-3/8” Hole 1-1/16” Hole - Spec A thru Z 1-3/4” Hole - Begin Spec AA Cover, Output Box - Begin Spec AA Box, Output - Begin Spec AA Screw, Bracket to Generator Frame (5/16-18 x 5/8”) Screw, Machine - Hex Head (#10-32 X 5/8”) 4 853-0008 Washer, Lock - External Tooth (#1 0) VOLTAGE REGULATOR ASSEMBLY-BEGIN SPECAA (See Separate Group for Components) 305-0532 1 Not Adjustable 305-0533 1 Adjustable VOLTAGE REGULATOR GROUP - BEGIN SPEC AA /“-” 10 7 r 1 6 -22 L 11 25 REF. NO. PART NO. 1 815-0263 2 3 4 850-0030 301-3714 815-0263 5 6 850-0030 VOLTAGE 305-0532 QTY. USED PART DESCRIPTION Screw, Machine- Hex Head, Slotted (#1 O-32 x 3/8”) 4 Washer, Lock - Spring (#10) 1 Cover, Voltage Regulator Screw, Machine - Hex Head , 4 Slotted (#l 0-32 x 3/8”) Washer, Lock - Spring (#IO) 4 REGULATOR ASSEMBLY 1 Without Voltage Adjustment 4 $1 :~~$fi ~;:;:;~:~;~;:;; , 7 #’ 8 815-0190 4 9 853-0005 4 10 11 320-0505 812-0070 1 4 12 13 870-0183 315-0391 4 1 “) (Includes Parts Marked t) ●tPrinted Circuit Board Assy. (VR21 ) (See Separate Group For Components) ‘t Screw, Tapping - Round Head (#8 -32 x 3/8”) “t Washer, Lock - External Tooth (#8) “tCircuit Breaker (CB21) “t Screw, Machine - Round (#6-32 x 1-1/4”) Head ‘tNut, Hex (#6-32) ‘tReactor (CMR21) — REF. NO. PART NO. 14 15 16 17 18 315-0386 303-0103 303-0194 517-0045 812-0027 1 1 1 1 1 19 20 21 853-0001 860-0003 812-0063 1 1 2 22 870-0183 2 23 24 25 QTY. USED PART DESCRIPTION ●tTransformer, Voltage (T21 ) 7Rheostat (R21) tKnob “Plug, Dot Button ‘Screw, Machine - Round Head (#4-40 x 1/4”) * Washer, Lock - External Tooth “ Nut, Hex (#4-40) ‘tScrew, Machine - Round Head (#6-32 X 1/2”) “tNut, Hex with External Tooth Lockwasher (# 6-32) 1 ‘tTerminal Strip (TB21 ) 332-1647 301-3713 ‘tPanel, Mounting WIRING HARNESL - VOLTAGE REGULATOR TO EXCITER STATOR 338-0744 1 Used on Unhoused Sets 338-0755 1 Used on Housed Sets ‘ - Parts Included in Non-Adjustable Voltage RegulatorAssembly. t - Patis Included in Adjustable-Voltage Regulator Assembly. , - PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY GROUP - BEGIN SPEC AA 4 . . “E 6 —HI-3 Rllu R12U CR7 ‘~ dui —TB1 300-[006 REF. DES ) PART NO. QTY. USED 300-1006 356-0039 355-0006 355-0005 355-0015 355-0015 355-0006 355-0005 355-0016 355-0031 355-0017 355-0015 359-0036 359-0025 357-0004 357-0004 359-0026 357-0004 357-0021 365-0002 357-0021 357-0021 365-0002 332-1511 363-0069 812-0029 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 14 2 2 H2 526-0257 2 H3 860-0003 367-0005 517-0127 362-0017 361-0003 2 1 2 1 1 cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 Clo cl 1 CR1 CR2 CR3 CR4 CR5 CR6-11 CR12 CR13 CR14 CR15 CR16 E1-14 E15-16 HI ICI MPI-2 Q1 Q2 1 1 1 REF. DES. PART NO. Printed Circuit Board Assembly Capacitor, Electrolytic (100 Mfd,10 VOlt)~~ Capacitor, Plastic (.47 Mfd, 200 Volt) R3 Capacitor, Plastic (.22 Mfd, 200 Volt) R4 Capacitor, Plastic (.1 Mfd, 200 Volt) R5 Capacitor, Plastic (.1 Mfd, 200 Volt) R6 Capacitor, Plastic (.47 Mfd, 200 Volt) R7 Capacitor, Plastic (.22 Mfd, 200 Volt) R8 Capacitor, Plastic (1 Mfd, 100 Volt) R9 Capacitor, Ceramic (.39 Mfd, 100 Volt) R1O Rll Capacitor, Plastic (.47 Mfd, 400 Volt) R12 Capacitor, Plastic (.1 Mfd, 200 Volt) R13 Diode R14 Diode R15 Rectifier Rectifier R17 Diode R18 Rect[fler R19 Rectifier R20 Rectifier R21 R22 Rectifier R23 Rectifier R24 Rectifier R25 Terminal, Lug R26 Heatsink, Diode Screw, Machine - Roundhead R27 (#4-40 X 3/8”) Washer, Flat (1/8i’ID x 5/16 “ OD R28 X l/32’’ THK) TB 1 Nut, Hex (#4 -40) Integrated Circuit Cover, Potentiometer Transistor Transistor 350-0423 350-0443 350-0447 350-0398 350-0466 351-0202 350-0455 350-0435 350-0459 350-0435 353-0048 353-0048 351-0293 350-0363 350-0351 350-0351 351-0332 351-0240 351-0211 351-0234 350-0973 350-0512 351-0353 351-0349 303-0168 PART DESCRIPTION 29 PART DESCRIPTION QTY. USED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ‘1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 303-0164 1 350-0355 332-1566 1 1 Resistor Resistor Resistor (33,000-Ohm, (220,000-Ohm, (330,000-Ohm, Resistor (3,000-Ohm, 1/2 watt, 5°/0) Resistor (2 1/2 Watt, 50/.) Resistor Resistor Resistor 1/4 Watt, 10/.) (1 ,240-Ohm, (270,000-Ohm, 1/2 Watt, 5°/0) (100,000 -C)hm, 1/2 Watt, 50/’) Resistor (1 Resistor (1 00,000-Ohm, Resistor (4,000-Ohm, 5 Watt, 5“/0) Resistor (4,000-Ohm, 5 watt, 50/0) Resistor Resistor 1/4 Watt, 10/.) (100-Ohm, 1/2 Watt, 50/0) (33-Ohm, 1/2 Watt, 5°/0) (33-Ohm, 1/2 Watt, 5°/0) Resistor (28,000-Ohm, Resistor (3,090-Ohm, Resistor Resistor Megohm, Megohm, 1/2 Watt, 50/o) 1/2 Watt, 596) 1/2 Watt, 50/.) 1/2 watt, 1/2 5°/0) Watt, So/o) (1 1,000-Ohm, 1/4 Watt, 1°/0) 1/4 Watt, 1°/0) Resistor (1,530-Ohm, 1/4 Watt, 10/~) Resistor (2,670-Ohm, 1/4 Watt, 10/.) Resistor (270-Ohm, 2 Watt, 5°/0) Resistor (l O-Ohm, 1/2 Watt,loO/~) Resistor (46,400-Ohm, 1/4 Watt, 1°/0) Resistor (42,200-Ohm, 1/4 Watt, 1°/0) Potentiometer (5,000-Ohm, 2 Watt, 20°/0) Potentiometer (8,000-Ohm, 2 Watt, 20°/0) Resistor (47-Ohm, 1/2 Watt, 50/.) Printed Wiring Board SERVICE NOTE: REF. NO. KITS AND MISCELLANEOUS For other kits, refer to the group in question. PART NO. 98-1807 168-0106 155-1004 155-0955 OVERHAUL 522-0241 522-0257 525-0216 QTY. USED for the part PART DESCRIPTION Decal Kit Gasket Kit, Plant Muffler, Aqualift (Includes Hull Strainer) 1 Installation Package Aqualift Muffler KIT, ENGINE 1 Spec A Only Begin Spec B 1 Paint, Touch-up (pressurized 1 can) 16 ounce - Marine White Enamel 1 1 1 HARDWARE IDENTIFICATION Illustrated hardware items are only for identification catalog are steel SAE grade five (5) or lower (zinc indica{es differently, Al~dimensionk “are in inches. purposes. All hardware items listed throughout this parts plated with clear chromate dip) unless parts description WASHER aQ@ EXTERNAL LOCK INTERNAL TOOTH LOCK (ET) TOOTH EXTERNAL-INTERNAL TOOTH (IT) LOCK SPRING COUNTERSUNK (EIT) EXTERNAL “FLAT LOCK TOOTH LOCK ‘ - Flat washer dimensions and Thickness (Thk). given are: Inside Diameter (ID), Outside Diameter (OD) BOLT AND SCREW TYPES CARRIAGE ROUND BOLT TRUSS HEAD HEXAGON BINDER HEAD OVAL WASHER HEAD PAN HEAD SQUARE HEAD HEAD HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD FILLISTER HEAD TWELVE POINT HEAD FLAT SLOTTED SOCKET En SET L - Measure length between these points. INTERNAL DRIVE TYPES r Nominal size (fractional Number of threads Length in inches @@oo CROSS SLOTTED RECESSED SIX PoINT TWELVE POINT rr SOCKET SOCKET (PHILLIPS) 1/4-20 X 3/4 NUT TYPES Dm FULL STD. #35 HEXAGON JAM HEXAGON HEXAGON WASHER mwfi SQUARE WING HEAD ACORN SET diameter per inch or screw number)
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