A26 5988 2_2841_2302_2311_2321_2303_Component_Descriptions_Oct65 2 2841 2302 2311 2321 2303 Component Descriptions Oct65
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File No. S360-07 Form A26-5988-2 Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Component Descriptions2841 Storage Control Unit 2302 Disk Storage, Models 3 and 4 2311 Disk Storage Drive 2321 Data Cell Drive, Model 1 2303 Drum Storage This publication contains reference information for the operation and programming of storage devices which attach to the IBM 2841 Storage Control Unit. These storage devices include the IBM 2311 Disk Storage Drive; the IBM 2302 Disk Storage, Models 3 and 4; the IBM 2321 Data Cell Drive, Modell; and the IBM 2303 Drum Storage. This is a reprint of an earlier publication (Form A26-5988 -1). The following Technical Newsletter is incorporated in this edition: Form No. N26-0131 Pages iii and blank, 1 and 2, 13 and 14, 41 and 42 Date 10/22/65 Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. Comments concerning the contents of this publication may be addressed to: IBM, Product Publications Department, San Jose, Calif. 95114 ii CONTENTS Page IBM 2841 STORAGE CONTROL UNIT. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 1 Introduction. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • IBM 2841 F1.Ulctions ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Data Character Format ••• ••••• •••••••••••••••••• Data Characters ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Data Checking •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Data Character Transfer. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 2 Track Format. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 2 Index Marker. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 2 Gaps. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 2 Home Address. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 3 Track Descriptor Record (RO) • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • •• 3 Data Records (Rl - Rn) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 5 INPUT/OUTPUT OPERATIONS. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Instruc tions • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Start I/O ••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• Halt I/O •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Test I/O •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• T est Channel ••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ChaIUlel Operation •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ChaIUlel Status Word •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 Channel Address Word ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ChaIUlel Command Word ••••••••••••••••••••••• Program Status Word •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Channel Program Branching ••••••••••••••••••••• Control Commands. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Sense I/O Commands • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Search Commands • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Read Commands • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Write Commands. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• End-of-File •••••••••••••• • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Multiple Track Operation • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • •• Two -ChaIUlel Switch •••• • • • . • . • . • . • • • • • • • • • .• 10 10 11 12 Record Overflow • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Page 28 IBM 2311 DISK STORAGE. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Introduction • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Device Description. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Data Storage. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Operator Controls and Indicators • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Operating Procedures •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 29 29 31 31 32 IBM 2302 DISK STORAGE, MODELS 3 AND 4 Introduction • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Device Description. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Data Storage. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Indicators •••••••••••••••••••• •• •• •• •• 34 34 34 36 36 IBM 2321 DATA CELL DRIVE •••••••• Introduction •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Device Description •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Data Storage •••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• Operator Controls and Indicators ••••••••••••••••••• Operating Procedures ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 37 37 37 38 39 40 IBM 2303 DRUM STORAGE •••••••••••••••••••••••• Introduction •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Device Description •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Data Storage ••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 41 41 41 41 APPENDIX A. 2841/2311 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE ••••••• 43 0 12 15 18 22 22 27 27 27 iii • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • APPENDIX B. HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL CONVERSION 46 APPENDIX C. COMMAND SUMMARY 51 APPENDIX D. TRACK ORIENTATION •••••••••••.•.•• 52 IBM 2841 STORAGE CONTROL UNIT INTRODUCTION DATA CHARACTER FORMAT The IBM 2841 Storage Control Unit provides for the attachment of direct access storage devices to IBM System/360. These storage devices are: Data Characters IBM 2311 Disk Storage Drive (standard feature) IBM 2302 Disk Storage, Models 3 and 4 (special feature) IBM 2321 Data Cell Drive (special feature) IBM 2303 Drum Storage (special feature) A single 2841 Storage Control Unit provides for the attachment of any combination of the above storage devices up to a maximum of eight access mechanisms. With the 2841 Additional Storage special feature, up to eight access mechanisms may be added, bringing the total available access mechanisms to sixteen. A versatile set of instructions ensures optimum data processing efficiency. Direct access to vast quantities of operating information enables the user to locate specific data records without sequential address searching. Voluminous master record files can be stored on-line, ready for immediate reference or updating. Maintenance of master record files can be immediate and direct; the most current information can be entered into the proper area of the master record file as transactions occur. Complex accounting procedures can be Simplified, because intermediate manual operations, necessary to maintain offline record files, are eliminated. IBM 2841 Functions The 2841 performs the following functions: • Interprets and executes commands from the channel attached to the central processing unit (CPU). • Provides a path for data between the CPU and attached storage devices. • Translates data appropriately as it is transferred between the storage devices and the CPU. • Furnishes operation status information to the CPU. • Performs checks to ensure accurate transfer of data. The basic unit of data within all components of the IBM System/360 is called a byte. A byte is eight bits in length. A single byte can represent one alphameric character, one 8 -bit binary number, or two decimal digits. The eight bits of each byte can be arranged in any of 256 combinations. Decimal Values of Byte Positions ,128 I 64 I I I I I 32 16 o 8 4 2 4 A Byte Containing the Number 19 I I I I I I I 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 2 4 0 5 6 ~ A group of related bytes is called a field. A series of related fields is called a record. A series of similar records is known as a logical file. The length and organization of records and logical files is versatile and is based on the needs of the data processing application. First Record Field Name: Bytes Required: Second Re Social Security Number Name Address Social Security Number 5* 30 30 5* N( 1 *Two Digits per Byte Records and Fields within a Fi Ie Data Checking CPU (Central Processing Unit) - Parity To ensure data accuracy, a parity bit is associated with each byte within the CPU. When the byte is formed, the parity bit is set to "zero" or "one" to maintain an odd number of "one" bits within the byte. This is called odd parity. 1 Whenever data is accessed by the CPU, its parity is checked. Storage Units - Cyclic Check In 2841 controlled storage devices, data is stored and retrieved in Areas, which contain one or more fields. Storage capacity can be more efficiently used by associating check bits with each area, rather than with each byte. Information is transferred between attached storage devices and the 2841 one bit at a time (in serial). This transfer method is called serial-bybit. --The 2841 converts data from serial-by-bit to parallel-by-bit or from parallel-by-bit to serial-bybit to provide data movement between the CPU and the attached storage devices. Parallel By Bit Serial By Bit o. 1~ ov----" Count Area Key Area Dota Area Count Areas Within Records 2 3 4 5 6 7 C System 360 CPU As data is transferred from the CPU to an attached storage device, the 2841 removes the parity bit from each byte. The 2841 then computes two Cyclic Check (cc) bytes which are added to the end of each Data Area. The two Cyclic Check bytes are arithmetically coded to represent the data in the associated area. The Cyclic Check code detects the following types of errors: 1. All errors occurring within a 16-bit span. 2. All errors involving an odd number of bits over any span. 3. Errors involving an even number of bits over a span greater than 16-bits, except in certain cases. During a transfer from a storage device, all areas read are inspected by the 2841. Cyclic Check bytes are recalculated for each area and compared with those retrieved from storage. An unequal comparison will set Data Check Error indicators. As the 2841 transmits data to the CPU, Cyclic Check bytes are removed and parity bits are restored as needed to maintain odd parity . Data Character Transfer Information is transmitted between the CPU and 2841 Storage Control Unit one byte at a time. A ninth bit, the odd parity or check bit, is added as needed and is associated with each byte. Thus, nine bits are transferred simultaneously (in parallel) between these two units. This transfer method is called parallel-by -bit. 2 76543210 2841 Storage Control Unit Storage Device Data Transfer Format TRACK FORMAT All direct access st<.>rage units associated with the 2841 use the same track format: Index Home Mar ker Address Record R.0 Dato Record R 1 Dota R Troc k Format Index Marker The Index Marker indicates the physical beginning of each track. There is one index marker per recording medium (disk pack, drum, strip). All tracks on a device are synchronized by the same index marker. No index indication appears on individual records. Gaps (G) Gaps (G) separate record areas on recording tracks. Gap lengths will vary depending on storage device, location within the record and the record length. Home Address Read/Write Head Number The Home Address consists of seven bytes which define track condition and physical location within the storage device. There is one Home Address per track. Home Addresses are transferred from the CPU to the storage device only by a Write Home Address operation, and from the storage device to the CPU only by a Read Home Address operation. Writing Home Addresses is usually accomplished by utility programs. Index Home Merker Address The read/write head number (2 bytes) identifies a read/write head w\thin the selected cylinder. The combination of cylinder and read/write head numbers is used to locate a specific track. A more detailed discussion of addressing schemes will be found in the descriptions of the various storage units. Cyclic Check A Cyclic Check is used for error detection as described in the section on Data Checking. Two bytes are required for this check. Gap This is a fixed gap generated by the 2841 to separate the Home Address from the next recorded area. Track Descriptor Record (RO) Home Address Flag A flag (1 byte) indicates track condition. It is normally all zero bits when Home Addresses are first written. Bit significance is: Bit 0 The first record following the home address on each data track is the Track Descriptor Record (Figure 1), or RO. Although it may be used to store data, RO has been designed to enable entire tracks to be moved to alternate tracks if a portion of the primary track becomes defective. For description, a primary track is considered the original track on which data was stored, and an alternate track contains data which has been repositioned from a defective primary track. This repositioning is independent of the file organization scheme in use. Count Area This I1-byte area describes the Data Area and Key Area which follow. FWlction Zero Flag. Byte 0 of the Count Area is generated by the 2841 as RO is written. It is not sent from the CPU. Zero 2 Zero 3 Zero 4 Zero 5 Zero 6 Track Condition Bit Flag Byte 0 Function or Setting Zero Zero o indicatE:s operative track 1 indicates defective track 7 Track Use o indicates primaty track 1 indicates alternate track Cylinder Number The cylinder number (2 bytes) identifies the storage unit cylinder within which the data is stored. Flag Byte 2 Zero 3 Zero 4 Zero 5 Zero 6 Track Condition o indicates operative track 1 indicates defective track 7 Track Use o indicates primary track 1 indicates alternate track 3 Home Address Index Marker Record R~ Data Record R1 Data R __--------~A---------~r----------------JA~--------------~----------~ Home Address I CY~liC Check 5 6 Count Area Key Area Data Area Figure 1. Track Descriptor Record Bits 6 and 7 are transmitted to the flag bytes of all records on the track from the flag byte of the home address of that track. Cylinder Number. In a primary track, bytes 1 and 2 of RO contain the cylinder number of the primary track on which this record was stored. If this record has been moved to an alternate track, the cylinder number of the alternate track appears in the data area of RO of the defective primary track. Read/Write Head Number. In a primary track bytes 3 and 4 of RO contain the read/write head number of the primary track on which this record was stored. If this area has been moved to an alternate track, the head number of the alternate track appears in the data area of RO of the defective primary track. Record Number. Byte 5 designates the sequential number of the record on the track. For RO, the record number is zero. Key Length. Byte 6 specifies the number of bytes in the Key Area of the record (excluding check bytes). If the record has no key, this byte is zero. This byte can indicate a Key Length from 0 to 255 bytes. Because of its intended special use with alternate track procedures, RO will normally have no Key Area. Data Length. Bytes 7 and 8 specify the number of bytes in the Data Area of the record (excluding check 4 bytes). Two bytes (16 bits) can indicate Data Length from 1 to 65,535 bytes. Zero Data Length indicates the end of a logical file. The 2841 sends special indicators to the CPU when an End-of-File record is read or written. Cyclic Check. Bytes 9 and 10 are used for error detection as discussed in the section on Data Checking. Key Area Although a Key Area can be written and used in RO by the commands used by the 2841, this use is purely at the discretion of the programmer. Standard use of RO by IBM Programming Systems does not include a Key Area. A more detailed discussion of Key Area may be found in the section of this manual which describes Key Area within Data Records (R1 - Rn). Data Area The design and use of this area is normally prescribed by IBM Programming Systems. Because of this special use by the programming system, it is recommended that this area not be used for application data. If the Data Length is zero, indicating End -ofFile, the Data Area contains one byte of zeros in addition to the check bytes. No data is transferred to the channel when this record is read, but the Endof - File indicator is set. Data Records (R - Rn) 1 Count Area One or more data records may follow RO on a track. Count areas make each record self-formatting for maximum data organization flexibility and efficiency. This II-byte area describes the Key and Data Areas which follow it. Bytes 1 through 8 are created in the CPU by the program used to write the record. Index Flag. Byte 0 of the Count Area is generated by the 2841 as each record is written. It is not sent from the CPU. HA Bit o D Dcrlal ~ Address Marker * May Not be Present Address Marker Function o for even-count records (RO, ~, R , R ) 6 4 1 for odd-count records (R , R , Rs • • •• ) 3 1 Used by the 2841 to ensure that all address markers (and records) are present. The 2841 signals a missing Address Marker when two consecutive, identical bits are encountered (unless an Index Point intervenes). Record R1 - Rn Format Flag Byte Address Marker This 2-byte area indicates the beginning of each record after RO (Figure 2). Address markers are supplied by the 2841 as records are written. They are used by the 2841 to locate the beginning of a record for searching, writing, and reading operations. Used with Record Overflow feature. o for all non-overflow records and for the last record of an overflow chain. for each record except the last record of an overflow. Record R1 Data Area r'--------------------------~A~----------------------------~ ~_D_a_ta_ _JI ~! A_r_ea_~ ......_K_e_Y_~J J Area __ G T Data Area Address Mar ker Count Area Key Area Address Marker and Count Area Figure 2. Address Marker and Count Area 5 ~ Flag Byte Function Zero Data Length indicates the end of a logical file. Special indicators are sent to the CPU when an End-of-File record is read or written. 2 Zero 3 Zero 4 Zero 5 Zero 6 Track Condition 0 indicates operative track 1 indicates defective track Key Area 7 Track Use o indicates primary track The Key Area concept has been provided in storage units of the 2841 family to allow searching and data accessing during a single disk, drum, or strip revolution. The Key Area can contain identifying information about a record, such as serial number, social security number, or policy number. Special commands are provided to search Key Areas for this identifying information. When the desired record is found, a read or write instruction can be issued and the Data Area read or written during the same revolution. Comparison (during searching) is accomplished within the 2841. Thus, use of Key Areas for searching allows searching and comparing of keys and movement of the desired Data Area to or from the CPU during a single disk, drum, or strip revolution. Key Area length ranges from 1 to 255 bytes. Two Cyclic Check bytes are added to the Key Area by the 2841. If Key Length, in the Count Area, is zero, no Key Area will be written. Cyclic Check. Bytes 9 and 10 are used for error detection as discussed in the section on Check Characters. 1 indicates alternate track Bits 6 and 7 are transmitted to the flag bytes of all records on the track from the flag byte of the Home Address of that track by the 2841. Cy linder Number. Bytes 1 and 2 contain the cylinder number of the track on which the data is stored. Read/Write Head Number. Bytes 3 and 4 contain the read/write head number of the track on which the data is stored. Record Number. Byte 5 designates the sequential number of the record on the track. Key Length. Byte 6 specifies the number of bytes in the Key Area of the record (excluding check bytes). If the record has no key, this byte is zero. This byte can indicate a Key Length from zero to 255 bytes. Data Length. Bytes 7 and 8 specify the number of bytes in the Data Area of the record (excluding check bytes). Two bytes (16 bits) can indicate Data Length from 1 to 65,535 bytes. It should be noted that maximum data length is a function the track capacity of the specific storage device. See the description of the Overflow Feature for records that exceed the track size. of 6 Data Area This area contains the information identified by the Count and Key Areas. Data information is organized and arranged by the programmer. Two Cyclic Check bytes are added to the Data Area by the 2841. If Data Length was zero, indicating End-of-File, the Data Area will contain one byte of zeros in addition to the check bytes, however no data is transferred to the channel when this record is read. INPUT/OUTPUT OPERATIONS Input/Output (I/O) operations involve the transfer of information to or from CPU storage. Within this concept, disk and drum storage drives and data cell drives are considered I/O devices. The CPU program initiates I/O operations with the Start I/O instruction. Bit positions 24-31 of this instruction identify the device. Start I/O causes the channel to fetch the Channel Address Word (CAW) from main storage location 72. The command address portion of the CAW designates the location in main storage from which the channel subsequently fetches the first Channel Command Word (CCW). The CCW specifies the command to be executed and the storage area to be used. If the channel is not busy, the channel attempts to select the device by sending the address of the device to all attached control units. The control unit specified in the address responds to its selection and awaits further instructions. The command code is sent to the selected control unit; the control unit then responds with a device status byte to the CSW. At this time, the start r/o is terminated. The results of the attempt to initiate the execution of the command are indicated by the condition code in the Program Status Word, and, under certain conditions, by status bytes in the Channel Status Word. All data transfers from the channel to the 2841 are checked for parity. If a parity error is detected, a unit check signal is sent to the CSW by the 2841 and the command will not be executed. An I/O operation may involve transfer of data to one storage area, designated by a single CCW. When data chaining is specified, data is transferred to a number of storage areas. In each case, a chain of CCWs is used, in which each CCW designates an area in main storage for a part of the operation. The program can be notified of the progress of chaining by specifying that the channel modify the Channel Status byte upon fetching a new CCW. When command chaining is specified, a series of commands is executed. Termination of an I/O device operation normally is indicated by two CSW conditions: Channel End and Device End. The channel end condition indicates that the I/O device has received or provided all information associated with the operation and no longer needs channel facilities. The device end signal indicates that the I/O device has terminated execution of the operation. The device end condition can occur concurrently with the channel end condition or later. If command chaining has been specified, the next CCW is fetched by the channel and the operation designated is commenced. Unusual conditions and errors terminate the execution of a command chain. INSTRUCTIONS All I/O instructions use the following format: o 78 1516 1920 31 I/O Instruction Format Fields in the instruction are allocated as follows: Bit Position Field Designation 0-7 Operation (Op) Code 8-15 Not Used Function Designates the operation to be performed. 16-19 Base Address Register Location (B ) 1 Designates the address of a general register in main storage. The register is 32 bits in length, but only the low order 24 bits are used. 20-31 Displacement (D 1 ) The sum obtained by the addition of the content of the register at B1 and content of the D1 field identifies the channel and device addressed by the instruction. The result has the format: 2021 2324 31 7 Bit Position 0-7 Operation (Op) Code 8-20 Not Used 21-23 Function Field DesilEation Channel Address Designates the operation to be perfonned. 000 - deSignates multiplexer channel. 001 - 110 - designates selector channel 1-6. 111 - invalid combination. 24 Shared Channel Indicator 1 indicates multiplex channel or sub-channel. On a selector channel, this bit is included in the control unit address. 25-27 Control Unit 0-7 control units per channel. 28-31 Access Mechanism 0-7. Bit 28 will be 1 only if additional access feature is installed (indicates mechanism 8-15). Bit positions 24 to 31 of the I/O instruction specify a control unit and access mechanism. t 2S 26 Always 1 for 2841 on Multiplex Channel 27 28 t 29 30 31 Indicates Numbers 8-15 When Add'i Access Feature Installed Unit Address Format A control unit number is permanently assigned to each 2841 through internal wiring at the time the unit is installed. A maximum of 16 access mechanisms can be addressed by each control unit. A standard 2841 can control eight mechanisms; eight more can be attached with the Additional Storage feature~ Start I/O All I/O operations are initiated by a Start I/O instruction. If the channel facilities are free, Start I/O is accepted and the CPU continues its program. The channel independently selects the I/o device specified by the instruction. The CAW at main storage location 72 contains the protection key for the sub-channel and the address of the first CCW. The CCW so designated specifies the operation to be performed, the main-storage 8 Halt I/O Halt I/O terminates a channel operation, and the 2841 is disconnected from the channel. Halt I/O does not cause a command byte to be transferred to the 2841. If the operation in progress was a write command, the 2841 completes the write operation by inserting valid zeros to the end of the field or track. An erase command also inserts valid zeros to complete the operation. Test I/O Test I/O sets the condition code in the Program Status Word to indicate the state of the addressed channel, sub-channel, and I/O device. The Channel Status Word is stored in location 64. Test Channel ? I C~ntrol ~nit N~. 24 area to be used, and the action to be taken when the operation is completed. If any of the several conditions exist, Start I/O will cause the status portion, bit positions 32-47, of the CSW at main storage location 64 to be replaced by a new set of status bits. The status bits pertain to the device addressed by the instruction. The contents of the other fields of the CSW are not changed. Test Channel sets the condition code in the Program Status Word to indicate the state of the channel addressed by the instruction. The condition code then indicates channel available, interruption condition in channel, channel working, or channel not operational. The execution of this command does not affect the 2841. CHANNEL OPERATION The IBM 2841 Storage Control is attached to the CPU through a set of data paths called a channel (Figure 3). So that the CPU may control a wide variety of input/output devices with a minimum of programming differences, all control units are designed to respond to a standard set of commands from the channel. The control unit then translates these commands into specific operating orders for the particu1ar input/output unit. This enables the CPU to operate all input/output devices uniformly with the set of basic instructions. Channel Status Word (CSW) The Channel Status Word informs the program of the status of an I/O device or the conditions under which an I/O operation has been terminated. The System/360 CPU Issues I/o Instructions Executes Commands (CCW's) 2841 Storage Control I NSTRUCTIO NS and COMMANDS Data Cell Drive Figure 3. Instructions, Commands and Orders CSW is formed, or parts of it are replaced, during I/O interruptions and during execution of I/O instructions. The CSW is placed in main storage at location 64. It is available to the program at this location until the next I/O interruption occurs or until another I/O instruction generates a new CSW, whichever occurs first. When the CSW is stored as a result of an I/O interruption, the I/O device is identified by the I/O address in the old PSW. The information placed in the CSW by an I/O instruction pertains to the device addressed by the instruction. The CSW has the following format: I I I I Key 0 4 Device 32 I I Command Address 0000 3 31 78 St1 tus 39 40 Channel I Count 4748 Channel Status Word 63 ~ F.ields in the CSW are allocated for the following purposes: 9 CSW Bit Position Field Designation Function 0-3 Protection Key Form the storage protection key used in the chain of operation. 4-7 Not Used Always zero. 8-31 Command Address Form an address eight positions higher than the address of the last CCW used. 32 Attention Not Used. 33 Status Modifier Set whenever a Search High, Search Equal, or a Search High or Equal command has been executed and the condition satisfied. The Status Modifier is also set whenever the 2841 is Busy. This bit, in conjunction with the Busy Bit, signifies Control Unit Busy. CSW Bit Position Field Designation Function When this condition is detected, no data is transferred. If Key Length is not zero, the Key Area is transferred. 40-47 Channel Status Indicate channel conditions as follows: Designation Bit 40 34 35 36 Control Unit End Busy Channel End Set if a Control Unit Busy status has been generated previously and the busy condition has been terminated. Indicates that the selected device is busy. It is set when a new command chain is initiated while the selected access mechanism is still in motion due to a previous Seek command. In conjunction with the Status Modifier bit, indicates the control unit is busy. It is set when a new command chain is initiated while the 2841 is causing a track to be erased following a Format Write command. See section on Two Channel Switch. Set at the end of each channel command. 37 Device End Indicates that an access mechanism is free to be used. 38 Unit Check Set whenever an unusual or error condition is detected in the 2841 or the selected file device. A Sense 1/0 Command may then be used to identify the condition. 39 10 Unit Exception 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48-63 Program-controlled interruption IncOlTect length Program check Protection check Channel data check Channel control check Interface control check Chaining check Form the count of the last CCW used. Gount Channel Address Word (CAW) Successful execution of start I/O causes the channel to fetch a channel address word from main storage location 72. The CAW specifies the location in main s.torage where the channel program begins. The CAW has the following format: Command Address o 34 78 31 Channel Address Word CAW fields are allocated for the following purposes: CAW Bit Position· 0-3 Field Designation Protection Key 4-7 8-31 Function Forms the Storage Protection key for all commands associated with Start 1/0. This key is matched with a storage key whenever data is placed in storage. Always Zero. Command Address Designates the lacation of tIie first CCW in main storage. Channel Command Word (CCW) Indicates an End-of-File has been detected during a Read RO CKD, Read KD, Read D, Write KD, or Write D operation. It results from a Data Length of zero being detected in the Count Area of a record. The byte location specified by the CAW is the first of eight bytes of information (a double word) that the channel fetches from main storage. These 64 bits of information are called a Channel Command Word (CCW). The address of the leftmost position of the CCW must be divisible by four (in binary notation, the two low-order positions of the address are zero). One or more CCWs make up the channel program that directs channel operations. The CCW specifies the command to be executed. For commands initiating I/O operations, it designates the storage area associated with the operation and the action to be taken when transfer to or from the area is completed. CCWs can be located anywhere in main storage and more than one can be associated with a Start I/O. The channel refers to a CCW in main storage only once. Once obtained, the pertinent information is retained in the channel. The first CCW is fetched during the execution of Start I/O. Each additional CCW in the sequence is obtained when the operation has progressed to a point where the additional CCW is needed. Fetching of CCWs by the channel does not affect the contents of main storage. Fields in the CCW are allocated for the following purposes: CCW Bit Position 0-7 8-31 Field Designation Command Code CCW Bit Position Field Designation CD flag is zero in the last CCW used, the incorrect length indication is suppressed. When both the CC and the SILl flags are set to one, command chaining takes place regardless of the presence of an incorrect length indication. Absence of the SIll flag or the presence of the CD flag causes the program to be notified of the incorrect length condition when it occurs. 35 Skip (SKIP) Flag When set to one, specifies suppression of a transfer of information to storage during a read, read-backward, or sense operation. When bit 35 is zero, normal transfer of data takes place. 36 Program-ControlInterruption (PC!) Flag When set to one, causes the channel to generate an interruption condition upon fetching the CCW. When bit 36 is zero, normal operation takes place. 37-39 Transfer-inChannel Bit positions 37-39 of every CCW other than one specifying transfer in channel must contain zeros. Violation of this restriction generates the program-check condition. For additional information, see Control Commands Transfer-in-Channel. Function Specify the operation to be performed. The 4 high-order bits specify the function to be performed by the addressed I/O device; the 2 low-order bits specify the channel function. Data Address Specify the location of an 8-bit byte in main storage. This is the first location of the area designated by the CCW. Chain Data (CD) Flag When set to one, specifies chaining of data. It causes the storage area designated by the next CCW to be used with the current operation. The command code of the next CCW will be ignored. When bit 32 is zero, the current CCW is the last one for the operation. Not used. 40-47 32 33 Chain Command (cq Flag When set to one, and when the CD flag is zero, specifies chaining of commands. It causes the operation specified by the command code in the next CCW to be initiated on normal completion of the current operation. 34 Suppress Incorrect Length Indicator (SIU) Controls whether an incorrect length condition is to be indicated to the program. When this bit is set to one and the Function 48-63 Count Specify; the llumber of 8-bit byte locations in the storage area designated by the CCW. Program Status Word (PSW) A double word, the program status word (PSW) contains information required for proper program execution. In general, the PSW is used to control instruction sequencing and to hold and indicate the status of the system in relation to the program being executed. The active or controlling PSW is called the "current PSW." By storing the current PSW during an interruption, the status of the CPU can be preserved for subsequent inspection. By loading a new PSW or part of a PSW, the state of the CPU can be initialized or changed. 11 The PSW has the following format: Program Status Word I I Interruption Code ISystem Mask Key AMWP\ o 7 8 1112 15 16 31 2. Instruction Address 32. 3334 PSW Bit Position 0-7 35 36 63 3940 Field Designation System Mask Function Associated with I/O channels and external signals. When a mask bit is one, the source can interrupt the CPU. When a mask bit is zero, the corresponding source cannot interrupt the CPU and interruptions remain pending. all Search commands transmit.a status modifier indication, this allows branching from a command chain when the search command condition has been satisfied. The programmer can also modify the CCW chain sequence by using the Transfer-inChannel (TIC) command. This command directs the channel to fetch the next CCW from an address specified within the TIC CCW. See Control Commands - TransferIn -Channel for additional information. These methods of modifying the sequence of a chain of CCWs provide branching capability in the channel program. Control Commands 12 ASCII (A)* Control operations on 110 devices do not involve a transfer of data between a storage unit and the CPU. However, in certain Control operations, a few bytes or bits may be transferred between the CPU and 2841 to enable the operation to take place. These bytes are parity checked during transfer. 13 Machine-Check Mask (M)* Erase 8-11 Interrupt Key* 14 Wait State (W)* 15 Problem State (P)* 16-31 Interruption Code* 32-33 Instruction Length Code (ILC)* 34-35 Condition Code (CC)* 36-39 Program Mask* 40-63 Instruction Address Identifies the cause of an I/O, program, supervisor call, or external interruption. This command is used to erase the end of a track after a track overflow has occurred. It has the same chaining requirements as a Write Count-KeyData command. The execution of this command causes one's to be written from the end of the Data area of the record on which the preceding search was satisfied, or the record just written by Write CKD, to the end of the track. Channel End and Device End signals are generated when Index Point is reached. Both the channel and the control unit are busy during execution of this command. *Refer to IBM System/360 Principles of Operation, Form A22-6821. Erase Command Code Channel Program Branching Normally the next CCW in a chain is fetched from a core position eight bytes higher than the current CCW. This sequence can be modified in two ways: 1. If command chaining is specified in the current CCW and execution of the CCW results in a status modifier indication (without other unusual conditions detected), the channel will fetch the next CCW from a main storage location sixteen positions higher than the current CCW (one CCW is skipped). Since 12 Decimal Hexadecimal Binary 17 11 0001 0001 No Operation (No-Op) This command causes the addressed device to respond with Channel End and Device End. No information other than the command itself is transferred to the 2841. The addressed device takes no action. Channel End and Device End are signalled simultaneously to the CSW. No-Operation Command Code Decimal Hexadecimal Binary 03 03 00000011 Restore This command is used with the 2321 only, It causes the 2321 to restore the strip from the drum to the cell. It causes Channel End to be generated upon initiation of the operation by the Control Unit and Device End when the strip is fully restored. The Restore command operates exactly like a seek command except that no address is transferred to the 2841. A Restore command is not restricted by the file protect mask. Any device other than a 2321 performs a No-op when a Restore command is given. Seek Address from main storage to the 2841. The CCW count (pOSitions 48-63) should specify a 6-byte count field. If the count is more than six, the 2841 operates on the first six bytes transferred and, if the CCW SILl (Suppress Incorrect Length Indicator) bit is zero, a Wrong Length Record is signalled to the CSW. If the CCW count is less than six, the CSW Unit Check bit is set, and a Sense I/O CCW may be used to identify the Seek Check and Command Reject. The six bytes specified must form a valid address. At the completion of a successful address transfer from main storage to the 2841, a Channel End indication is sent to the CSW. A Device End indicator is set in the CSW when the selected access mechanism has reached the addressed track. A Seek command need not be preceded by any other CCW. Seek commands operate in conjunction with the Set File Mask command. The 6-byte seek address is arranged as follows: Byte 1 Byte 2 Device Byte 0 Decimal Hexadecimal Binary 2311 X X X 23 17 00010111 2302 X X X 2303 X X 2321 X 0-9 cell Byte 5 Byte 3 Byte 4 X X 0-202 cylinder 0-249 cylinder 0-79 cylinder X 0-9 head 0-45 head 0-9 head 0-19 sub-cell 0-9 strip 0-4 cylinder 0-19 head Restore Command Code X X indicates not used, but all bits must be zero. Recalibrate This command is used with the 2311 only. It causes the 2311 to seek to head zero and track zero. It causes Channel End to be generated immediately and Device End to be generated when the operation is complete. Any device other than a 2311 performs a No-op when a Recalibrate command is given. A Recalibrate command works under the same File Protect Mask as a Cylinder Seek command. Seek. All six seek address bytes referenced by the cCW are used to determine seek address. Seek Cylinder. Only the four low-order bytes (bytes 2-5) referenced by the CCW are used to determine seek address. With the 2321, only bytes 4 and 5 are used. Seek Head. Only the two low-order bytes (bytes 4 and 5) referenced by the CCW are used to determine seek address. With the 2321, only byte 5 is used. Reca librate· Command Code Decimal Hexadec i ma I 19 13 Binary 0001 0011 Command Seek Command Code Decimal Hexadecimal Binary Seek 07 07 00000111 Seek Cylinder 11 OB 00001011 Seek Head 27 1B 00011011 Seek Three seek commands are associated with the 2841 Storage Control unit: Seek, Seek Cylinder, and Seek Head. After a Start I/O instruction has selected the proper channel, control unit, storage unit, and access mechanism, the Seek CCW transfers a 6-byte Set File Mask (Figure 4) A Set File Mask command causes one byte of data to be transferred from main storage to the 2841. At the completion of the transfer, a Channel End and 13 Set File Mask Data Address 7 8 Count 31 32 47 48 36 63 ( 0000000000000001) Specifies CPU Storage Location of the Mask Byte, At That Location is Found: BO 0 0 0 Permit Write Commands B3 B4 All Except Write Home Address and Write Record RO ·0 0 All None 0 0 Seek Head Write Data or Write Key & Data All Permit Seek Commands Seek Cylinder or Seek Head None For the 2841 Storage Control, B2, B5, B6, and B7 of the mask must be zero. If these bits are not zero, the mask is considered to be invalid and a CSW Unit Check signal is generated. A subsequent Sense I/O command will indicate Command Reject. Figure 4. Set File Ma;k Device End signal are sent to the CSW. The byte of data that is sent to the 2841 describes the Write and Seek functions that can be performed in the CCW chain. Set File Mask can be issued anyplace within a CCW chain. At the completion of the CCW chain, the File Mask is reset to all zeros. If a Seek or Write command is issued which violates the File Mask, the command is not executed, and a Unit Check signal is generated in the CSVil Status Byte. A subsequent Sense I/O command signals File Protect and Command Reject if the generation was a write. For a seek operation, File Protect is set; for a write operation, both File Protect and Command Reject are set. A Set File Mask command can be issued only once within any given CCW chain. If an attempt is made to issue more than one Set File Mask command with a given CCW chain, a Unit Check signal is generated in the CSW Status Byte. A 14 subsequent Sense I/O command indicates Command Reject and Invalid Sequence. Space Record This command enables the 2841 to pass over the next record on a track. It allows the 2841 to retrieve subsequent records from a track when the Count Area of a preceding record is not readable. The execution of the Space Record command causes the 2841 to search for the next Address Marker on the track. Upon detection of the Address Marker, Channel End and Device End signals are genera~ed. Thus, the following CCW searches for the Address Marker following the one detected by the Space Record command. When a Space Record command follows a Search HA or Read HA CCW ~ the search for an Address Marker is suspended and Channel End and Device End signals are generated immediately. The effect of this sequence is to cause Record RO to be passed over. The Space Record command does not detect a Missing Address Marker. However, if an Address Marker is missing, it is detected on all valid commands chained from the Space Record command except Search ID commands. The Space Record command must be chained from either a Search or a Read command. Space Record Command Code Decimal Hexadecimal 15 OF Binary 00001111 are transferred to the Channel by a Sense I/O command. The Data Address portion of the CCW directs the bytes to a specific CPU storage location. Sense I/o Decimal H exadec i ma I Binary 04 04 0000 0100 The significance of a "1" condition for each bit is: Bit Designation o o Command Reject Indicates that the 2841 has received an invalid operation code, an invalid sequence of commands, an invalid Seek Address*, or a file mask is violated on a write command. (See Set File Mask. ) Intervention Required Indicates that the specified file is not physically attached to the system or, if physically attached to the system, it is not available for use because the file motor is not on, a cover interlock is open, etc. o 0 2 Bus Out Parity Check Indicates that the 2841 has detected a parity error during the transfer of a command or data from the channel to the 2841. A parity error detected during command transfer signals a Parity Check, not a Com... mand Rej ect. 0 3 Equipment Check Indicates that an unusual condition is detected in the control or storage unit. Conditions covered by this bit are defined by Sense Byte 2. 0 4 Data Check Indicates that a data error has been detected in the information received by the 2841 from the storage unit. 0 5 Overrun Indicates that a chained CCW was issued but that it was received too late to be properly executed; or that a byte was received during Reading or Writing; or that a byte was received too late (during a read or write operation) to be executed properly. TIC Command Code Decimal Hexadecimal Binary X8 X8 XXXXIOOO Positions Marked "X" Are Ignored Sense I/O Commands Four bytes of sense condition information are provided by the 2841 to identify the setting of the Unit Check bit in the CSW Status Byte. These Sense Bytes Significance of "1" Byte Transfer In Channel (TIC) The Transfer in Channel command provides chaining between CCWs not located in adjacent CPU storage locations. The next CCW is fetched from the location specified by the Data Address field of the TIC CCW. TIC does not initiate any channel I/O operation and the I/O device is not signalled that this command is being executed. TIC may not be the first CCW designated by a CAW. One TIC command may not transfer directly to a second TIC command. When either of these errors is detected or when an invalid address is specified in Transfer in Channel, the program-check condition is generated. Detection of these errors during data chaining causes the operation of the I/O device to be terminated, whereas during command chaining they cause an interruption condition to be generated. Bit positions 0-3 and 32-63 are ignored. Bits 29-31 must be zero to meet the boundary requirements for double words. Command Code *A track condition interrupt on an overflow record occurs during a write command. 15 Byte Bit Designation Significance of 11111 Byte Bit Designation When Writing, the remaining portion of the record area will be filled with valid zeros and the Overrun check will be generated. When Reading, the remaining portion of the record will continue to be read into the 2841 and the Overrun Check will be generated. o 6 Track Condition Check Indicates defective track. o 7 Seek Check Indicates that the file has been unable to complete a Seek because: write the Data Area, Read Home Address, or Read RO. It is also set in conjunction with Missing Address Marker if there is no data on the track. No Record Found is never set if the Multi-Track bit in the command (Bit 0) is on. 5 File Protected Indicates that a Seek or Write CCW was issued contrary to the file mask. The Command Reject bit is also set by this condition, if the operation is a write operation. 6 Missing Address Marker A missing Address Marker, which may indicate a missing record is detected during the execution of command or chain of commands which operates on successive Count Areas on a track. The condition detected is two successive records on a track with equal bit conditions in bit 0 of the Flag bytes, with no intervening Index Point. A missing Address Marker is also detected if two Index Points are passed with no intervening Address Marker record on the track. 1. Transferred Seek address is outside the v.!lid address boundaries of the storage device. Unused seek address bytes must be a valid address for the device selected. Command Rej ect is also set. 2. Less than six seek address bytes were sent. Equipment failed which resulted in the access mechanism going to either the inner or outer stop. In this case Command Rej ect is not set. o Indicates that a data error has been detected in a Count Area read from the storage device. Data Check (bit 4) in Byte 0 is also tumed on. Error detection is the same as described for Data Check. Track Overrun Indicates that writing has not been completed by the time the Index Point is detected. This type of error is created during a Write RO or Write Count, Key, and Data operation. 2 Cylinder End Indicates that the CCW Command Chain has not been completed, and Cylinder End has been detected. 3 Invalid Sequence Indicates that an attempt has been made to execute an invalid sequence of CCWs or that two Set File Mask commands appear in the same command chain. Valid command sequences are defined in the individual command descriptions. Command Rej ect (Byte 0 bit 0) is also set when an invalid sequence is detected. 4 16 Count Area Check No Record Found Indicates that while executing a chain of CCWs, the 2841 has detected two Index Points without completing an intervening command to read or Significance of 11111 When a Missing Address Marker is detected, this bitand bit 4 of Sense Byte zero (Data Check) will be tumed on for all commands or chained commands except Search ID CCWs. The Search ID CCW may be used to pass over the Missing Address Marker so that the remaining data on the track can be retrieved. Missing Address Marker is set in conjunction with No Record Found if there is no data on the track. 7 Overflow Incomplete This bit is used with the Record Overflow special feature. It is set with other indicators to signal conditions as follows: Condition Sets Overflow Incomple.te and Other Indicator: Overflow to a Track Condition defective track (Byte 0, bit 6) Overflow from an alternate track Track Condition (Byte 0, bit 6) Byte Bit 7 Designation Overflow Incomplete Significance of "1 II Overflow to File Protected boundary File Protected (Byte 1, bit 5) Command Rej ect (Byte 0, bit 0) Overflow to wrong track (Head number unequal) Set for write only. Seek Check (Byte 0, bit 7). A Device Reserve command is rejected when a Set File Mask command precedes it in the same command chain. The Unit Check bit in the CSW is set when the command is rejected, and the Command Reject and Invalid Sequence bits are set to indicate the conditions which caused the Unit Check. The Device Reserve command performs all of the functions of a Sense I/O command in addition to the functions described in this section. Device Reserve Command Code A Track Condition check is generated under the following conditions: 1. If an overflow record is being read, written, or searched which overflows to a defective track. The interrupt occurs after the last byte on the previous track has been operated on and before the first byte for the defective track is requested from or sent to the channel. In this case Overflow Complete is also set. Command Reject is also set if the operation was a write. 2. A Search HA, Read HA, or Read RO causes a head switch to a defective track during a multiple track operation, when a Search operation other than Search HA is attempted. The interruption occurs prior to transfer of any data to or from the channel. Write commands never set track condition checks. Sense Bytes 2 and 3. These bytes are provided to assist the Customer Engineer when using diagnostic programs to locate equipment malfunctions. Device Reserve (Two-Channel Switch Special Feature) Without the Two-Channel Switch feature installed, Device Reserve is rejected by the 2841 and the Unit Check bit in the CSW Status Byte is set. The Command Reject bit in Sense Byte 0 is set to indicate what caused the Unit Check condition. With the Two-Channel Switch feature, a Device Reserve command causes the addressed device to be reserved to the channel issuing the command. The device then remains reserved to the same channel until that channel executes a Device Release command addressed to the specific device, or until the CPU is .reset. A Device Reserve command is rejected with a Busy indication in the CSW if any normal Busy condition exists. However, a Device Reserve command is executed regardless of any abnormal file status condition, such as off-line, unsafe, etc. l>ecimal Hexadecimal Binary 180 54 1011 0100 Device Release (Two-Channel Switch Special Feature) Without the Two-Channel Switch feature installed, Device Release is rejected by the 2841 and the Unit Check bit in the CSW Status Byte is set. The Command Reject bit in Sense Byte 0 is set to indicate what caused the Unit Check condition. With the Two-Channel Switch feature, a Device Release command terminates the reservation of the addressed device to the channel. This command is rej ected with a Busy indication in the CSW if any normal busy conditions exists. However, a Device Release command is executed regardless of any abnormal file status condition such as off-line, unsafe, etc. A device is normally reserved to a particular channel whenever that channel exectues a Device Reserve command. The device remains reserved to the same channel until that channel causes the 2841 to execute a Device Release command, or until the CPU is reset. A Device Release command is rejected when a Set File Mask command precedes it in the same command chain. The Unit Check bit in the CSW is set when the command is rejected, and the Command Reject and Invalid Sequence bits in the Sense Bytes are set to indicate the conditions which caused the Unit Check. A Device Release command performs all of the functions of a Sense I/O command in addition to the functions described in this section. See Two-Channel Switch for additional information. Device Release Command Code Decimal Hexadecimal Binary 148 94 1001 0100 17 Search Commands On all Search operations, the Channel operates in the Write mode while the storage unit operates in the Read mode. The 2841 compares the information coming from CPU storage and the information coming from the storage unit. If the search condition is satisfied, a status modifier indication is sent to the CSW and the channel fetches the next CCW in the command chain from a position sixteen positions higher than the current (Search) CCW. This allows modification of a command chain as a function of the data recorded on the direct access device. On all Search commands, Command Code bit 0 determines whether this is to be a multiple track operation; that is, whether switching to the next read/write head in the cylinder is to occur when the Index Point is detected. If bit O. is not set (0), head switching does not take place; if bit 0 is set (1), head switching does take place. If head switching has occurred, the next track will be used if the Search Command is repeated. This allows for sequential searching of an entire cylinder by repeating the Search Command once for each record to be searched. The following command chain illustrates the procedure for reading a record identified by a key stored at location a in the CPU. Command Chain Search Key a TIC *-8 Read Data f3 Search Identifier (Search ID) Search ID commands (Figure 5) cause a comparison to be made between five bytes of data from CPU storage and the five byte record identifier portion of a count area from the storage unit. Function Record Identifier Compare Key with Search Argument Transfer Back to Search Read Data Area if Status Modifier was Returned from Search The channel is busy during a search operation. Search Home Address Equal (Search HA) This command causes the 2841 to search for the Index Point, then compare four bytes of Home Address data (CCHH) coming from main storage with four bytes of Home Address data coming from the storage device. The Flag byte is not transferred or compared during this command. If a logical comparison is equal, a Channel End, Device End, and Status Modifier signal is generated in the CSW status byte. If the logical comparison is lUlequal, then a Channel End and Device End are generated. 18 Search Home Address does not generate a No Record Found signal if .the specified Home Address is not found. If the CCW Count is greater than four bytes, the Search operation is completed when the 2841 count equals zero. The 2841 terminates the command with a Channel End and Device End. The Status Modifier is generated if the logical comparison was satisfied. If the CCW Count is less than four bytes, the logical comparison between the data coming from CPU Storage and the data coming from the storage unit continues until the CCW Count reaches zero. At the time the 2841 count reaches zero, a Channel End and Device End are generated. A Status Modifier is generated if the search condition was satisfied on the short field. If a Parity Check, Overrun, or Data Check is detected, Unit Check, Channel End, and Device End signals are generated in the CSW at the completion of the command. A Search Home Address command does not have to be preceded by any other CCW in order to be executed. --------~~------ ----....---~----------Count Area ~ The ID to be searched is the ID of the record following the next Address Marker or Index point, in which case ij.0 is searched. If the CCW count is greater than five bytes, the Search operation is completed when the 2841 count equals zero. The 2841 terminates the command with a Channel End and Device End. The Status Modifier is generated if the logical comparison was satisfied. If the CCW count is less than five bytes, the logical comparison between the data coming from core storage and the data coming from the file continues until the CCW COlUlt reaches zero. When the 2841 count reaches zero, a Channel End and Device End are generated. A Status Modifier is generated if the Search condition was satisfied on the short field. Search I D Command Code Command Decimal Hexadecimal Binary Search ID Equal 49 31 00110001 Search I D High 81 51 01010001 Search I D Equal or High 113 71 01110001 Search ID Multiple Track Command Code Command Decimal Hexadecimal Binary Search I D Equa I 177 B1 10110001 Search ID High 209 D1 11010001 Search I D Equal or High 241 F1 11110001 Figure 5. A Search ID command does not have to be preceded by any other CCW in order to be executed. If Command Code bit (multiple track) is 0, the search is confined to one track and can be repeated until either the Search Condition is satisfied or until two Index Points are sensed; at which time Unit Check (No Record Found), Channel End, and Device End signals are generated. If the multiple track bit is a 1, the search can be repeated until the Search Condition is satisfi~d or until the End-of-Cylinder is detected. At this time a Unit Check (End-of-Cylinder) signal is generated. ° Search Command Codes If a Parity Check, Overrun, or Data Check is detected during a Search-ID operation, Unit Check, Channel End, and Device End signals are generated at the completion of the command. Search ID Equal. If a logical comparison on equal is encountered, Channel End, Device End, and Status Modifier signals are generated. If the logical comparison is unequal, Channel End and Device End signals are generated. 18. 1 Searcl;t. ID High. This command operates in a manner similar to that of the Search ID Equal command, except that the comparison is made for a high condition. The high condition indicates that the ID on the Storage Unit is higher than the ID in main storage. The comparison is made byte by byte. Search Key Equal. If a logical comparison on equal is encountered, Channel End, Device End, and Status Modifier signals are generated. If the logical comparison is unequal or the Record has no Key area, then Channel End and Device End signals are generated. Search ID Equal or High. This command operates in a manner similar to that of the Search ID Equal command except that the comparison is made for either an equal or high condition. The equal or high condition indicates that the ID on the storage device is equal to or higher than the ID in main storage. Search Key High. This command operates in a manner similar to that of the Search-Key Equal command except that the comparison is made for a high condition. The high condition indicates that the key in the storage unit is higher than the key in CPU storage. Search Key Search Key Equal or High. This command operates in a manner similar to that of the Search Key Equal command except that the comparison is made for either an equal or high condition. The equal or high condition indicates that the key in the storage unit is equal or higher than the key in CPU storage. Execution of a Search Key command causes a comparison to be made between bytes of data from main storage and a Key from the storage device. The Key to be searched is the Key of the record following the next Address Marker. Search Key will pass over RO unless chained from a Search ID that has searched the ID of RO. If the CCW countis greater than the Key length, the Search operation is completed when the 2841 count equals zero. The 2841 terminates the command with a Channel End and Device End. The Status Modifier is generated if the logical comparison was satisfied. If the CCW count is less than the Key length, the logical comparison between data from CPU storage and the data from the storage unit continues until the CCW count reaches zero. When the 2841 count reaches zero, a Channel End and Device End are generated. A Status Modifier is generated if the Search Condition was satisfied on the (short) field. If a Parity Check, Overrun, or Data Check is detected during the Search -Key operation, Unit Check, Channel End, and Device End signals are generated at the completion of the command. A Search -Key command does not have to be preceded by any other CCW in order to be executed. If the multiple track bit is 0, the search can be confined to one track and can be repeated until either the search condition is satisfied or until two Index Points are sensed; at which time a Unit Check (No Record Found), Channel End, and Device End signals are generated. If the multiple track bit is 1, the search can be repeated until either the search condition is satisfied or until End-of-Cylinder is detected. If End-of-Cylinder is detected, an Endof-Cylinder indication is generated. The Search Key command never returns a Status Modifier if the Key Length of the search record is zero. Command Search Key Command Codes Decimal Hexadecimal Binary Search Key Equal 41 29 00101001 Search Key High 73 49 01001001 Search Key Equal or High 105 69 01101001 Command Search Key Command Codes, Multiple Track Decimal Hexadecimal Binary Search Key Equal 169 A9 10101001 Search Key High 201 C9 11001001 Search Key Equal or High 233 E9 11101001 Search Key and Data (File Scan Special Feature) The File Scan feature provides an automatic rapid search for a specific set of conditions. The search is carried out over both Key and Data areas of a record. Prior to executing a File Scan operation, a "control mask" is set up in main storage. The mask consists of bytes of information on which a comparison is or is not to be made. The bytes on which a comparison is not to be made are filled with l's prior to the search. If an equal comparison is encountered, Channel End, Device End, and Status Modifier signals are generated. If the logical comparison is unequal, only Channel End and Device End signals are generated. 19 If the multiple track bit is off (0), the search can be confined to one track until the condition is satisfied or until two Index Points are sensed, at which time Unit Check (No Record Found), Channel End, and Device End signals are generated. If the multiple-track bit is 1, the search can be repeated until the specified condition is met or until End-ofCylinder is encountered, at which time an End-ofCylinder signal is generated. No more positions than the number specified by the CCW Count are compared. If the CCW Count is greater than Key Length plus Data Length, the Search operation is limited by the record Key and Data Lengths. A zero Key Length causes comparison of data only. If the channel count is less than the Data Length plus the Key Length, a truncated search is performed. If a Parity Check, Overrun, or Data Check is detected during a Search Key and Data Operation, Unit Check, Channel End, and Device End signals are generated at the completion of the command. Search Key and Data Equal. This command causes the 2841 to make a logical comparison on equal between the Key and Data information from the storage device with the mask information coming from main storage (Figure 6). Search Key and Data High. This command operates in a manner similar to that of the Search Key and Data Equal command except that the comparison is made for a high condition. The high condition indicates that the storage device information is higher than the mask information in main storage. Command 1. *2. Seek SRCH IDEQ (Previous) 3. *4. TIC *-8 Read Count a Search Key and Data EQ TIC *-16 Seek Head a *5. *6. 7. **8. 9. **10. Search ID EQ a TIC *-8 Read Key and Data Remark Position Access find record prior to beginning of scan area on Unequal Repeat Search Read Count of Record into a Scan Key and Data On Unequal, Repeat steps 4 & 5 Reposition access (head select only) Search for ID read in step 4 On unequal repeat step 8 Read Key and data *Multiple Track Bit On **Multiple Track Bit Off Step 4 of the sequence causes the Count information coming from the storage device to be read into CPU storage. Key and data information from the storage device are compared with the mask information from main storage on step 5. The comparis on is made based on the condition specified by the Searcn Key and Data CCW. When the specified condition is encountered, the program must reorient to the beginning of the record with steps 8 and 9. Then the desired key and data is read in step 10. At each detection of Index Point in step 5, the head address is incremented by one. As a result, step 4 is done on the next track if the previous record searched was the last one on a track. Read Commands Search Key and Data Equal or High. This command operates in a manner similar to that of the Search Key and Data Equal command except that the comparison is made for an equal or high condition. The equal or high condition indicates that the storage device information is equal to or higher than the mask information in main storage. A File Scan function over an entire cylinder can be executed by the sequence of CCWs given below. This sequence assumes that a Set File Mask CCW was performed prior to the Scan sequence. 20 On all Read commands the 2841 checks the validity of each area in a record as the area is transferred from the storage device. If a Data Check or Overrun is detected, a Unit Check signal is generated upon completion of the command except when the error is in the Count Area. The command is terminated at the end of the Count Area. At the completion of the last check, the 2841 sends Channel End and Device End signals to the channel. Search Key and Data Equa I Search Key and Data High Search Key and Data Equal or High Command Code Count 48 63 Specifies number of Bytes in CPU storage {including "Mask Bytes" to be used as Search Argument. If CCW count equals key length, command is effectiveIy a "Search Key." Command Code Command Decimal Hexadecimal Binary Search Key & Data Equa I 45 2D 00101101 Search Key & Data High 77 4D 01001101 Search Argument in CPU Storage Byte 4 is not Search Key & Data Equal 109 6D 01101101 or High is set to all l's Command Code and 8-11 are not compared because of "Mask Bytes" in CPU This example assumes storage. CCW count of 20 CCW count Decimal Hexadecimal Binary Search Key & Data Equal 173 AD 10101101 Search Key & Data High 205 CD 11001101 Search Key & Data Equal or High 237 ED 11101101 20 Iimits search to 20 position span. Key Area Command Figure 6. Search Key and Data N .... Multiple-Track ~ Data Area 4 5 6 10 11 Key and Data Areas From Storage Unit 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Read Home Address (Read HA) executed immediately and does not cause a search for Index Point. This command causes the 2841 to search for the Index Point. Detection of the Index Point causes the five bytes of Home Address information to be transferred from the storage device to CPU storage. Exactly five bytes are transferred including the flag byte. If the channel count is less than five, only that number of bytes is transferred. Chaining requirement: None Read RO Command Code Decimal Hexadecimal Binary 22 16 00010110 Read RO Command Code, Multiple-Track Decimal H exadec i ma I 150 Read HA Command Code Decimal Hexadec i ma I Binary 26 1A 00011010 Read HA Command Code Multiple Track Decimal Hexadecimal Binary 154 9A 10011010 96 Binary 10010110 Read Data (Figure 7) This command causes the Data Area of a record to be transferred from the storage device to main storage. Read Key and Data Read Count This command causes the eight bytes of the Count Area following the next Address Marker (AM) to be transferred from the storage device to main storage. The number of bytes of information to be read is always eight. If the channel COlIDt is less than eight, only that number of bytes is transferred. Chaining requirement: None. The Count Area of RO cannot be read by a Read Count command. Read Count Command Code Decimal Hexadecimal Binary 18 12 00010010 Read Count Command Code, Multiple-Track Read Count, Key, and Data (Figure 8) This command causes the entire record (Count, Key, and Data) following the next AM to be transferred from the storage device to main storage. Record RO is bypassed as it is not preceded by an address mark. Chaining requirements: None. Write Commands Decimal Hexadecimal Binary 146 92 10010010 Read Track Descriptor Record (Read RO) This command causes the 2841 to search for Index Point. Detection of Index Point causes the 2841 to "count off" to Home Address and the following gap. When these Areas have been traversed, record RO (Count, Key and Data) is transferred from the storage device to main storage. Chaining Requirement: None. A Read RO command chained from a Search HA or Read HA is 22 This command causes the Key and Data areas of a record to be transferred from the storage device to main storage. If Key Length is zero, this command operates like a Read Data command. The record from which the Data or Key and Data is read is dependent upon the previous operation. Write commands cause data to be transferred from main storage to the storage device. During the transfer, the 2841 adds appropriate Cyclic Check bits to each area written. At the completion of the command, Channel End and Device End signals are sent to the channel. Format Write Commands The following are Format Write commands: Write Home Address Write RO Write Count, Key and Data Read Data Read Key and Data Command Code o Data Address Count Specifies CPU storage locations to which key or key and data fields are to be transferred. After the command is executed, CPU storage contains: . Specifies number of bytes to be transferred. May be less than entire data or key and data length. 7 8 63 Key Area Data Area • Specified Location Figure 7. Read Data and Key and Data Read Count, Key and Data Command Code o Data Address Count 7 8 48 Specifies CPU storage location to which count, key, and data areas are to be transferred, after transfer, CPU storage contains: I~__~:__~___~~o_u_n~~_A_re_~~~ __ 63 Specifies number of bytes to be transferred to CPU storage, may be less than entire record length. ~__~__K_e_y~~ Area Data ~L._ _A_re_a_ _ ..1 Read Data Command Codes Decimal Hexadecimal Binary Read Data 06 06 00000110 Read Key & Data 14 OE 00001110 Read Count, Key & Data 30 IE 00011110 Read Data Command Codes, Multiple Track Decimal Figure 8. Hexadecimal Binary Read Data 134 86 10000110 Read Key & Data 142 8E 10001110 Read Count, Key & Data 158 9E 10011110 Read COWlt, Key, and Data 23 These commands are used to initiaJize tracks or records. A command chain which includes one or more Format Write commands must include an appropriate Set File Mask CCW preceding it. After the last Format Write command in a chain has been completed, and Channel End and Device End sigrials generated, the 2841 causes the remaining portion of the track to be erased. If a new command chain is initiated before the end of the track is reached, a Control Unit Busy signal is generated in the CSW. At the end of the track, Control Unit End is signalled to the channel. If a command other than a Format Write is chained from a Format Write command, the 2841 retains and executes it after the track has been erased and Index Point is detected. Detection of a Parity Check on an Overrun during a Format Write operation causes a Unit Check to be signalled at the end of the operation. The 2841 writes valid zeros from the time the Overrun is detected to the end of the record. The Cyclic Check bits written in this case may not be valid. data from the CPU, and adds two bytes of Code Check. At this point, Channel End and Device End signals are generated. If the dcw Count is less than five, the 2841 records valid zeros until five bytes have been written. If the CCW Count is greater than five, the 2841 transfers only the first five bytes from CPU storage. A Write HA command is normally used to establish track identity within a storage device. Each track must be initialized with a Home Address before a data operation which involves that track can take place. Chaining Requirements: Execution of this command is dependent upon a correct Set File Mask . command preceding it in the same command chain. Write Track Descriptor Record (Write RO). This command causes specified data to be transferred from main storage to the storage device (Figure 10). The first eight bytes transferred from core make up the Count Area. The Flag byte is generated by the 2841. The remaining data is written in the Key and Data Areas as specified by Key Length and Data Length in the Count Area. The 2841 writes the correct Code Check at the end of each Area. Channel End and Device End signals are generated after the Code Check of the Data Area has been written. Write Home Address (Write HA). This command causes the 2841 to search for the Index Point (Figure 9). When the Index Point is detected, the specified data is transferred from main storage to the storage device. The 2841 transfers five bytes of Write HA Command Code o 000 Data Address Count 7 8 48 Specifies CPU storage location from which five ,bytes of home address are to be transferred. Index Marker (0000000000000101) Cyclic ~heck Head Number Cylinder 2Number 4 Home Address I I Write Home Address Command Decimal 25 Figure 9. Write HA 24 63 Usually 5 Hexadecimal 19 Binary 0001 1001 Write RO Command Code o Data Address Count 7 8 48 63 Specifies total RO field lengths count (eight bytes), plus key length, plus data length. Specifies CPU storage location from wh ich count, key, and data bytes are to be transferred. Key and data field lengths are specifi ed in the count area. Write RO Command Code Head No. Rec. Key No. Len. Hexadecimal Binary 15 0001 0101 Dota Length Count Area Gap Key Area Gap Dota Area Figure 10. Write RO The CCW Count Field specifies the number of bytes to be transferred from main storage by the channel. This is eight (bytes) plus Key Length plus Data Length. If CCW Count is less than this, the 2841 writes valid zeros so that the Key and Data Areas conform to the lengths specified in the record Count Area. Chaining Requirements: This command causes an Invalid Sequence signal to be generated, unless it is chained from a Search HA that was equal on all five bytes of the Home Address, or from a Write HA. If the Write RO CCW is issued more than 60 microseconds after the preceding Search HA or Write HA, an Overrun signal is generated. Write Count, Key, and Data (Figure 11). This command is the same as the Write RO except that the 2841 causes an Address Marker to be written on the track immediately before the Count. This command causes an Invalid Sequence Signal to be generated unless it is chained from a Write RO, another Write Count, Key and Data, or from a successful Search Equal ill or Search Equal Key command. This search must not be a truncated search, or one in which the CCW count is less than the length of the area. A Read Data or Read Key and Data CCW may be inserted between a Search CCW and Write Count, Key and Data CCW. Write Special Count, Key, and Data (Figure 12). This command functions like the Write command except that it causes a one-bit to be placed in bitposition one of the Flag byte when the 2841 generates and writes the Flag byte. It is used with the Record Overflow feature. Data Write Commands These commands are used for normal record updating. Detection of a Parity Check or Overrun causes a Unit Check to be generated at the completion of the command. A data check which occurs in record areas which must be passed over but not written, terminates the command before data is written. Write Data. This command causes the specified data to be transmitted from CPU storage to the storage device. Writing continues as specified by the Data Length portion of the Count Area. At this point, the 2841 causes the Code Check to be written and then sets Channel End and Device End. If the CCW Count is less than the Data Length in the Count Area, the 2841 causes valid zeros to be written in the remaining portion of the Data Field. Chaining Requirement: Write Data causes an Invalid Sequence to be generated if it is not chained 25 Write Count, Key and Data Command Code o Count Address 48 7 8 Specifies CPU storage location from wh iCh count, key, and data bytes are to be transferred. Key -cirid data field lengths are specified in the count area. 63 Specifies total of all field lengths; count {eight bytes}, plus key length, plus data length Write Count Key, and Data Command Flag Cylinder No. Head No. Hexadeci rna I Binary 29 10 00011101 Rec. Key No. Len. Count Area Address Marker Decimal Gap Key Area Data Area Gap Figure 11. Write Count, Key and Data Write Special Count, Key, and Data Command Code o Data Address Count 7 8 63 Specifies CPU storage location from wh ich count, key, and data bytes are to be transferred. Key and data field lengths are specified in the count area. Specifies total of all field lengths; count (eight bytes), plus key length, plus data length Write Special Count, Key and Data Command Code ( Cylinder No. 'III I Fla g Cylinder No. Address Marker Head No. Count Area Figure 12. Write Special Count, Key, and Data 26 Decimal Hexadecimal Binary 01 01 00000001 from a successful Search Equal ID or from a Search Equal Key command which was not truncated. Write Key and Data. This command is the same as a Write Data command except that the Key Area is also written. If the Key Length Field of the Count Area is zero, the Write Key and Data command functions just like the Write Data command. Write Data Write Key and Data Data Address ~--------~~~--------~ Specifies CPU storage location' ~ I The CCW count field specifie; from which data or key and the number of bytes to be data fields are to be transferred. transferred. Write Data Command Codes Write Data Write Key & Data Decimal Hexadecimal Binary 05 13 05 00 00000101 00001101 An Invalid Sequence is generated if Write Key and Data is not chained from a successful Search Equal ID command, which was not truncated. Write commands are never truncated. End of File The end of a logical file is indicated by a record whose Count Area contains a Data Length of two bytes of zeros. This may be any record on a track. This record is written by a Write Count,Key and Data CCW or a Write RO. The indicated zero Data Length causes the 2841 to record a Data Area of a single zero byte. Formation of a Key Area in an end-of~file record depends on the indicated Key Length. If Key Length is not zero, the Key Area is transferred. As a logical file is read or written, the Count Area of each record is examined. Detection of a zero Data Length causes Unit Exception to be signalled in the Channel Status Word at the completion time of the read or write operation that is performed. No part of the Data Area is transferred. Record Rn Key ~ 10 End-of-File Record Area Area oct.Q....1. I. . Multiple Track (M -T) Operation The 2841 has the ability to automatically select the next sequentially numbered head on an access mechanism under control of bit 0 (BO) of the Command Byte. Head switching does not take place at Index Point if BO is a zero. Head switching takes place at Index Point if BO is a 1. The M -T bit is recognized on all Read and Search commands. Therefore, a certain amount of discretion should be used when making BO a I bit. For example, if during a Search operation the M-T bit is a 1 and index is encountered before the search condition is satisfied, the head automatically switches to the next track. The operation continues until the End-of-Cylinder is detected. This condition can occur if the search was initiated beyond the point where the record was located on the track. On the other hand, by correctly utilizing the M-T bit, it is possible to search a complete cylinder of IDs or Keys. Two-Channel Switch (Special Feature) The Two-Channel Switch feature provides the ability for the 2841 Storage Control to be shared by two channels and also allows individual devices (access mechanisms) to be reserved for the exclusive use of either of the channels. The two channels may be attached to the same CPU or different CPUs. Channel switching and device reservation in the 2841 are performed under control of the system program. The Two-Channel Switch feature is limited to eight access mechanisms. Channel Selection Switch This switch has three positions: Channel A, Channel B, and neutral. With the switch in the neutral position, the 2841 is selected by the first channel to complete the selection sequence. Once the 2841 is selected by a channel, it remains selected to that channel until an end status exists. The channel selection switch then returns to neutral unless one of the following conditions exists. 1. The channel indicates command chaining. 2. The last status byte is associated with a ·channel-initiated signal sequence, it is stacked by the channel. 3. The last status byte contains the unit check bit. 4. No command other than an I/O or a No-op has been initiated since the last unit check condition occurred. 27 If Channel A (B) attempts to select the 2841 while the 2841 is selected to Channel B (A), the 2841 responds to Channel A (B) with control unit busy. This, in turn, causes the 2841 to attempt to present to Channel A (B) a status byte containing control unit end after the channel selection switch returns to the neutral position. The address byte associated with this status condition is the base address of the 2841 on that channel. This control unit busy condition may occur on any attempt to select the 2841, including initial program load, Test I/O, etc. Device Reservation (See Device Reserve and Device Release Commands) When a device is reserved to Channel A (B), any command from Cha~mel B (A) addressed to that device is rejected with a busy indication in the initial status byte. This, in turn, causes the 2841 to attempt to present to Channel B (A) a status byte containing Device End after the reservation has been terminated. The address byte associated with this status byte is the same as that associated with the Busy status byte. Device End status resulting from the completion of a 'Seek command is presented to the channel that issued the command. A device that generates Device End status when it changes from the not-ready to the ready state causes the 2841 to present this type of Device End status to both channels. However, no attempt is made to present such status on one channel while the device is reserved to the other channel. A reset can be initiated by either channel at any time. A reset causes all reservations and status conditions stored in the 2841 and related to the resetting channel to be reset in the 2841. Reservations and status conditions related to the other channel are not affected. Power Control A power control interface is provided for each channel. If either channel indicates power "ON" the 2841 turns on. The 2841 turns off only if both channels indicate power "OFF". If the Emergency Power OFF switch of either channel is activated, the 2841 power is turned off. Record Overflow (Special Feature) The Record Overflow feature is provided to allow a logical record to overflow from one track to another. It is useful in achieving a greater data packing efficiency and in formatting records which exceed the capacity of a track. The cylinder boundary is the limiting factor to the size of a record. Formatting OVerflow Records A portion of an overflow record which is written on one track is called a record segment. Each record segment is processed as a normal record during Format Write operations. The Write Special Count, Key, and Data CCW is the command used for formatting all segments of an overflow record except the last segment. The last segment is written by the normal Write Count, Key, and Data CCW. The Write Special CCW causes a bit to be written in Flag byte one in bit position one of the record segment being written. Otherwise, the Write Special CCW functions just like the normal Write command. All overflow segments must be recorded as the first record following RO on the overflow track. Overflow segments are normally recorded without a Key Field, since only the Key Field of the first segment has significance. All overflow record segments, except the last one, are full track records. Processing OVerflow Records Addressing The base address (four high-order bits) of the 2841 on one channel is independent of the base address of the 2841 on the other channel. However, the four low-order address bits for any attached device must be the same on both channels. Usage Meter A single usage meter records process time in the 2841; however, a separate Enable switch is provided for each channel. 28 The following CCWs operate on an overflow record as though it were a normal record if the Overflow Record feature is installed: Read Data Read Key and Data Read Count-Key and Data Write Data Write Key and Data The 2841 detects that flag byte bit position one is a 1-bit. After completing the read or write-- operation on the first segment based on the count of the first segment, the 2841 searches for the Index Point. At Index Point, the next sequential Head is selected and the 2841 searches for the first Address Marker on the track. Then, under control of the Data Length in the Count Area, it processes the Data Field of this record segment. This operation continues until the 2841 detects a record segment which contains a zero bit in flag byte bit position one. At the end of this record segment, the operation is terminated. A CCW chain which starts operation on a record segment other than the first segment is processed as though it started on the first segment. This type of operation may make it desirable to repeat the Key Field in all record segments if the chain of CCWs is dependent on a Search Key Equal. Search ID, Search Key, and Read Count CCWs operate on each record segment as though each were a normal record. Unusual Conditions. In addition to the checks provided in normal processing of any record, certain conditions can occur which are unique to overflow records. The commands stop immediately on detecting the following conditions: 1. Overflow to a Defective Track Overflow Incomplete and Track Condition Check sense bits will be set if an overflow occurs to a track which has been flagged as defective. 2. Overflow From an Alternate Track Overflow Incomplete and Track Condition Check sense bits are set if an attempt is made to overflow from a track flagged as an alternate. 3. Overflow Violating a File Mask Attempting to overflow by issuing a command in violation of a file mask sets Overflow Incomplete, File Protected, and Command Reject (write command only) sense bits. 4. Overflow to a Track with Incorrect Head Number Overflow Incomplete and Seek Check sense bits are set if the Head number compare is unequal during an overflow. This condition occurs if the last Seek Address issued to the 2841 is not the address of the track with the overflow record and an overflow record is being read or written. 28.1 IBM 2311 DISK STORAGE Compatibility between units: Introduction The IBM System/360 is used in many applications which require that files of medium size be accessible to the central processor. These files may contain customer account balances, current inventory status, payroll information, computer operating programs, or other information, permanent or temporary, to which the central processor' must refer to complete the specific application. If all files need not be directly accessible (on line) to the central processor at all times, operating and equipment economies can be realized if the file can be separated from the file drive. As with magnetic tape, an unlimited volume of data can be stored away from the central processor (off-line). Appropriate data files can be placed on-line as required by the processing schedule. It may also be desirable to be able to transfer data files from one file drive to another (possibly attached to a second central processor). This allows one system to process and update a data file, and another (possibly a smaller satellite system), to print reports or answer inquiries. This capability also enables a second system to complete a task if the primary system is not available because of other appl ications. The IBM 2311 Disk Storage Drive, with IBM 1316 Disk Packs, offers processing features which answer the needs of many data processing applications: Storage capacity: High speed accessibility: Data file removability: Fast data transfer to the processor. Multiple unit growth potential: Over 7. 2 million bytes per disk pack 85 milliseconds, average Disk pack change time: about one minute 156,000 bytes per second Up to eight 2311's 58 million bytes, on a single 2841 control unit Large volume of data available at a single access: 1316' s compatible between any 2311 's used on IBM System/360 Over 36, 000 bytes per cylinder Device Description The IBM 2311 Disk Storage consists of two main components: the 2311 Disk Storage Drive and the 1316 Disk Pack. Storage Medium (1316 Disk Pack) Each disk pack consists of six 14-inch disks, mounted 1/2 inch apart on a central hub. Data is recorded on the inside ten disk surfaces. The two outer surfaces are covered by protective plates. The entire assembly of disks, hub, and protective plates is rotated at 2,400 revolutions per minute (25 ms per revolution). Each disk pack weighs about ten pounds. The two-piece plastic cover is designed to protect disks against damage. A built-in handle on the top cover makes carrying easy and efficient. A selflocking device in the handle permits removal of the top cover only when the pack is mounted on the disk storage drive. Access Mechanism When the 1316 Disk Pack is mounted in the 2311 Disk Storage Drive, information is written on and read from the ten disk surfaces by magnetic read/write heads. These read/write heads are mounted in pairs between each two disks on a movable comb-like access mechanism. When in operation, the read/write heads float over the disk surfaces on a thin film of air. Access Time Cylinder-to-cylinder (horizontal) access time varies according to the number of cylinders traversed. Access time from a cylinder to an adjacent cylinder is 30 ms. Maximum access time (from cylinder 202 to cylinder 000) is 145 ms, and the average time for "random" accesses is approximately 85 ms (Figure 13) 29 ~~ 140 ~ ~ ~~ ~ 120 ~ ~ ~ ~ tOO ~ ~ ~ Vl 80 ~ ~ Z ~ ~ 60 / r ~ ~ ........ / ~ ~ ~ ~ :( 40 20 ~ ~ ~ o o Figure 13. , , , , , , 20 , 40 I I ~ I 60 , I 80 I I I tOO I I I 120 I , I I 140 , I 160 I I I 180 I I 200 NO. TRACKS TRAVELLED Access Times ...----203 Cylinders Once the access mechanism has reached a cylinder position, additional time is required for disk rotation to the desired record. At 2,400 revolutions per minute, rotation time is 25 ms, and one-half revolution (12.5 ms) is the average rotational delay. Because the access mechanism includes one read/write head for each disk surface, no vertical access motion is required. Figure 13 shows the approximate times for access mechanism movement in either direction, excluding rotational delay. This may be used as an aid in programming for the most efficient utilization of the storage unit. Data Record Addressing Cylinder Concept 30 As the access mechanism is moved horizontally, it may be stopped at any of the 203 positions. This provides 203 data tracks on each surface. Since all ten read/write heads are moved by a single access mechanism, a cylinder of ten data tracks is available at each access mechanism position. Data Storage With the high density recording techniques used in the 2311, minute contamination particles can affect data reading and writing and may cause loss of bits. Therefore, 203 tracks per disk surface are provided to ensure that the stated capacity, based on 200 tracks, is maintained for the life of the disk pack. Because each data record has non-data components, like Count Area and Gaps, track capacity for data storage will vary with record design. As the number of separate records on a track increases, additional byte positions are used by gaps so that data capacity is reduced. The track capacity formulas (Figure 14) provide the means to determine total byte requirements for records of various sizes on a track. Format Data is stored in the IBM 2311 Disk Storage Drive in the format defined by the IBM 2841 Storage Control Unit. This format is uniform for all storage devices attached to the 2841. Capacity If IBM Programming Systems are not used, the first record on each track (RO) may contain application data. Based on 200 tracks, with all records used for application data, a single IBM 1316 Disk Pack can contain over 7.3 million bytes, or over 14.7 million packed decimal digits. IBM Programming Systems reserve the use of the first record on each track (Record RO) to store various information about the track. This information is used by the Programming System, and no application data is included. Using this format, based on 200 tracks, each 1316 disk pack can contain over 7.2 million bytes, or over 14.4 million packed decimal digits (Figure 14). Record R1 is the first application data record, and if R1 is the only data record on the track, it may contain up to 3625 bytes of information. Index Point ~ Home Address ~~'-----Record RO DB B Storage "I~ -Data......1 """1 BB B Basic Track Capacity When RO is Used as Specified When RO is Used for 2311 3625 ~1:4 ~I ~~~~; Record Rn - - - - - .. 1GB Da.......... ta r--I ~ I~ Data Last Record With Key Without Key 81 + 1.049(K + D ) L L DL Without Key 61+1.049D 3694 I Bytes Requ i red by Data Records Data Records (except for last record) Dato By IBM Programming Systems. Start/Stop Key. This key is lighted (on) when it is in the Start position. With the 2311 properly connected in a processing system, press this key to the Start position to supply power to the disk drive motor and other 2311 components. When the disk drive motor has come to speed, and other components are ready for operation, the read/write heads are moved into position and the access mechanism performs an automatic seek cycle. Pressing the Start/Stop key when it is in the Start position changes it to the Stop position. This action causes the access mechanism to retract from the disk Record R1, R2, ---R(n_l) Track Capacity Basis in Bytes, Units Operator Controls and Indicators L With Key 20+(K + D } L L Number of Equa I Length Records Per 2311 Track Record RO used as specified by IBM Programming Systems. No application data;KL = 0; DL Without Key With Key 0= 8 5 6 7 8 9 3625 1739 1130 829 650 531 446 383 334 294 262 3605 1719 1110 809 630 511 426 363 314 274 1 2 3 4 10 11 242 12 20 14 15 16 17 235 212 193 176 161 148 137 127 117 215 192 173 156 141 128 117 107 13 18 19 97 Figure 14. 2311 Capacity 31 pack and removes power from the disk drive motor. Automatic braking stops disk pack rotation in a few seconds. Select Lock Indicator. When on, this indicates a machine condition which requires Customer Engineering attention. This condition causes the disk storage drive to be disabled and stops the usage meter. Enable/Disable Switch. When the CPU is in the stopped state, this switch enables or disables the communication of the storage drive with the CPU. It also enables or disables the equipment usage meter. If the CPU is running when the switch setting is changed, the storage drive and usage meter operating status are not changed until the CPU is placed in the stopped state. (See also Select Lock Indicator. ) Operating Procedures Disk Pack Handling Each disk pack is protected in transit by special carton inserts and special protective material. When received, examine the carton closely. If its condition is acceptable, remove the disk pack and store it. Keep the carton and inserts; you may need them later. If the carton or its contents show any unusual shipping damage, do not use the disk pack. Retain the damaged carton and disk pack in its "as received" condition and notify your IBM Customer Engineer immediately. Disk packs have been designed for ease of transport from location to location. For best shipping results: 1. Be sure the pack is secure in its two-piece cover. 2. Use only the specially designed IBM shipping carton with its special protective padding properly inserted. If the original carton is worn or damaged, a new carton may be ordered from your local IBM office. Handle a disk pack only with its cover on. If the disk pack is accidentally dropped, or receives a sharp impact of any kind, call an IBM Customer Engineer before using it. Disk Pack Labeling. For positive identification, small adhesive-backed labels can be placed on the disk pack center hub. Labels in this location can be read through the transparent disk pack cover. 32 The following operating procedures should be followed when labeling disk packs: 1. Use adhesive-backed labels which can be applied and removed easily. 2. Use a writing implement, like a pen or felttip marker, which does not produce loose residue. Do not use a lead pencil. 3. Write on the label before it is applied to the disk pack. 4. Place the label only on the center hub, not on the disk pack cover or top disk surface. 5. Use a new label if changes are necessary. Never use an eraser because microscopic eraser particles can damage disk surfaces and read/write heads. Disk Pack Loading and Unloading. The following procedures should be followed for rapid, effective disk pack changing: Loading. 1. Open the 2311 cover. 2. Remove the bottom disk pack cover by turning the bottom locking knob. 3. Place the 1316 disk pack (still contained in top cover) on the 2311 spindle. 4. Turn the top cover in direction of ON arrow until firm resistance is met. 5. Lift the top cover from the disk pack. 6. Close the 2311 cover. 7. Press the 2311 Start key. 8. Reassemble the top and bottom covers of the disk pack. 9. Store the covers in a clean cabinet or on a clean shelf. I CAUTION: Do not leave disk pack top cover inside Disk Drive. Unloading. 1. Press the 2311 Stop key. 2. Wait for the disk pack to stop rotating. 3. Separate the top and bottom disk pack covers. 4. Open the 2311 cover. 5. Place the disk pack top cover over disk pack. 6. Turn the top cover in direction of OFF arrow at least two full turns. 7. Lift the top cover, now containing the disk pack, from the spindle. 8. Fasten the bottom cover to disk pack (firmly). 9. Close the 2311 cover. 10. Store the disk pack in a clean cabinet or on a clean shelf. Disk Pack Storage. To assure maximum disk pack life and reliability: 1. Store the disk packs flat, not on edge. 2. Each pack should rest on a shelf, not on another disk pack. 3. Store in a clean, enclosed metal cabinet or a similar fire-resistant container; never 4. 5. in direct sunlight. Store disk packs in a machine-room atmosphere (60 0 to 90 0 F, 10% to 80% humidity). If disk packs must be stored in a different environment, allow two hours for adjustment to machine room atmosphere before use. 33 IBM 2302 DISK STORAGE, MODELS 3 AND 4 Introduction The IBM 2302 provides the using system with: • High data storage capacity • Fast, direct access to stored data • High data transfer rate • Flexible data organization The IBM 2302 Disk Storage provides fast access to vast quantities of on-line, stored information. Random access to specific areas of information enables the user to locate any data record within a maximum of 180 milliseconds, without sequential address searching. Thus, voluminous master record files may be stored on-line ready for immediate reference or updating. Maintenance of master record files is immediate and direct; the most current information available is entered into the proper area of the master record file as transactions occur. Complex accounting procedures can be simplified, because intermediate manual operations, necessary to maintain off-line record files, are eliminated. Device Description storage Medium Disk storage consists of thin metal disks uniformly coated with a magnetic recording medium. Data and control information are r~corded as magnetized spots on the coated surfaces of the disks in concentric data tracks. Two access mechanisms are used to address the 500 data tracks on the disk surface. One access mechanism services the inner 250 data tracks, and the other access mechanism services the outer 250 data tracks (Figure 15). The two access mechanisms of the 2302 are addressed as Access 0 for the outer 250 cylinders and Access 1 for the inner 250 cylinders. The two access mechanisms on the 2302 operate independently and may be in motion simultaneously. Each mechanism is restricted to motion within its own zone of operation; accordingly, one access mechanism cannot read a track written by the other access mechanism. Access Group. The access mechanism, together with the attached read/write heads, and the 250 tracks serviced by it, comprise an access group. Two access groups are provided with the 2302 Model 3, and four are provided with the 2302 Model 4. Disk Storage Module. A stack of 25 magnetic disks (50 disk surfaces) together with the associated read/ write heads and the horizontal positioning mechanisms comprise a disk storage module. Model 3 and Model 4 Disk Storage Designation. Model (3 or 4) designation refers to the number of disk storage modules provided. Model 3 disk storage contains one module of disk storage; Model 4 contains two modules of disk storage, one above the other. 500 Data Tracks per Disk; Two Access Mechanisms per Module. Access Mechanism Horizontal positioning of the read/write heads is performed by a hydraulic access mechanism containing 46 data read/write heads. During a seek operation, the access mechanism positions the read/write heads at the program specified track location. No vertical movement is necessary because there is a head for each data surface. It is not necessary to perform an additional seek operation if the desired record is in the same vertical plane (cylinder) as the previous record; only electronic head selection is necessary. 34 Figure 15. Access Mechanisms TO Cylinder Address 0- 8I § 00 .I 0 ;:; 0N 0 I 0 N 0 0M 0 I 0 0- ~I 0 0- 8I 0 0-0 0 I 0 ~ 0- I I 0 8 C! 8 8 0R ex) 0 0 ~ 0- ~I 0 ~ 00 ~ 0N 0- I 'I I I ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0- 0- $ ~ I I I I ;! !!? ~ !!? ~ 0 R 0- ex) I 0 ~ ~I 0 ~ ::I ~ ~ -8 .= >. u ~ 140-1 ~ u.. 150-1 160170-1 II 50 milliseconds ~ 120 milliseconds 100ll' .• .• .'• . •'. .• .• .'.•iI ~ 180 milliseconds NOTE: These times do not include rotational-delay time. Figure 16. 2302 Disk Storage Access Time Access Time Access to one specific track on a given recording surface is accomplished by the lateral movement of the whole access mechanism from a current track location. The time required for this movement is called access motion time and is related to the lateral distance the arm moves. Figure 16 shows the time requirements for access motion time for the IBM 2302 Disk Storage. In addition to access motion time, an additional timing factor known as rotational delay time is encountered. Rotational delay time is the time required for the disk to position the desired record at the selected read/write head. Maximum rotation at delay time is 34 milliseconds; average rotational delay time is 17 milliseconds. The selection of the proper read/write head is performed simultaneously with access motion time. The read/write head selection time consists solely of electronic switching and is negligible. Total data access time includes the summation of access motion time and rotational delay time. Average rotational delay time (17 milliseconds) is generally used in this calculation. Data Record Addressing The data tracks of the cylinders are numbered sequentially from bottom to top and from outermost cylinder to the innermost cylinder of each access group. Data track numbers begin with 0000 at the outermost cylinder of the lowest data disk surface, and continue up through this outermost cylinder to track number 0045. 35 112 million bytes, or over 224 million packed decimal digits. Record R 1 is the first application data record and if it is the only data record on the track, it may contain up to 4984 bytes of information. With the high density recording techniques used in the 2302, surface defects or contamination can affect data reading and writing and require that alternate tracks be used. Therefore, rated capacity is 112.0 million bytes per module to ensure that the stated capacity is maintained. Because each data record has non;"data components, such as Count Area and Gaps, the track capacity fqr data storage will vary with record design. As the number of separate records on a track increases, additional byte positions are used by gaps so that data capacity is reduced. The track capacity formulas (Figure 17) provide the means to determine total byte requirements for records of various sizes on a track. Numbering continues with the lowest data track of the next inner cylinder, 0046 and proceeds upward within the cylinder. Continuing through each of the cylinders of the single access group in like manner, the last track is the top track of the innermost cylinder. Data Storage Format The format of the data stored on the 2302 is determined by the 2841 Storage Control. It is identical for all storage devices which attach to the 2841. Capacity If IBM Programming Systems are not used, the first record on each track (RO) may contain application data. Based on the use of all record areas for application data, a single IBM 2302 Disk Storage Drive Model 3 can contain over 113 million bytes or 226 million packed decimal digits j the Model 4 can contain over 226 million bytes or 452 million packed decimal digits. /' IBM Programming Systems reserve the use of the first record on each track (Record RO) to store various information about the track. This information is used by the programming system, and no application data is included. By using this format, each 2302 Disk Storage module can contain over I. Index Point Home toI_.----Record RO Address ~ 0I Storage Count IB • File Ready indicates that the 2302 has power on, is up to operating temperature, and is ready to accept or retrieve data, on demand of the 2841 Storage Control. This light is used to determine when the storage device is ready after power is turned on. The light remains on until power is dropped though temperature may fall below normal operating range. I By IBM Programming Systems. Record Rn ... I I B I-D-ata-, Count ~ ICount When RO is Used for Data Records (except for last record) Data Without Key 4984 5053 61 + 1.049 DL Record RO used as specified by I -----I ..~ I GJ I Index Point I~ Data Bytes Required By Data Records Basic Track Capacity When RO is Used as Specified Unit File Ready Record RII R21 ---R(n-J) I-~-ata-I B Track Capacity Basis in Bytes, 2302 I• Indicators Last Record With Key Without Key 81 + 1.049(K + D ) L L DL With Key 20+(K + D ) L L Number of Equal length Records Per 2302 Track IBM Programming Systems. No application data;KL = 0; Dl = 8 Without Key With Key Figure 17. 2302 Capacity 36 3 4 5 6 7 4984 2402 1569 1157 912 749 632 4964 2383 1550 1138 892 729 613 I 2 8 9 10 II 12 13 546 478 424 380 343 526 459 405 361 324 14 16 17 312 285 263 243 224 208 195 182 293: 266 244 224 205 189 176 163 18 19 20 15 IBM 2321 DATA CELL DRIVE Introduction Cell Drive Many data processing applications include the maintenance of very large files of operating information. Direct access to a large file enables the central processor to answer inquiries about any item in the file. For processing economy, transactions may still be batched and sequenced. However, processing may be interrupted, an inquiry about another part of the file answered, and processing resumed on an "up-to-the-minute" basis. Thus, business decisions can be based on the most current data available, and applications not previously practical can be accomplished by data processing equipment. The IBM 2321 Data Cell Drive includes processing capabilities which expand the sphere of data processing applications: Data Cell positioning is initiated by a Seek instruction. The cell drive rotates the circular array of ten Data Cells to one of 200 discrete subcell positions. The array can rotate in either direction and always moves in the direction that requires least travel. When the array has placed the subcell containing the addressed strip beneath the access station, a position check is made by a subcell position detector, which signals the 2841 Storage Control Unit that a subcell is within the range of the access station. Large storage capacity: Medium speed accessibility: Data file removability: Fast data transfer to the central processor: Compatibility between units: Large volume of data available at single access: Over 418 million bytes per 2321 600 milliseconds maximum to any record Data Cell change time: about one minute 55; 000 bytes per second Up to eight 2321s per 2841 Data .Cells compatible between 2321s used with IBM System/360 198, 000 bytes per strip Device Description From a circular array of 10 cells with 20 subcells each (Figure 18), a rotary positioning system positions a selected subcell of ten strips beneath an access station. At this station a selected strip is first withdrawn from the subcell, then rotated past a read/write head element for data transfer, and finally returned to its original location in the subcell. Access Station The addressed strip is exposed by parting the adjacent strips with separation fingers. The strip is selected from a subcell of 10 and placed on a revolving drum. It is then rotated past the read/write head block for data transfer. When reading and/or writing is complete, the strip is returned to its original subcell location by a restore function. The read/write head block contains 20 magnetic elements. It can be positioned to any of five positions (cylinders), thus providing 100 recording tracks per strip. The head block position is specified by the address in the Seek instruction. Access Time Access time is defined as the length of time required to place a selected strip in a data transfer position. Average access time under varying conditions is listed in Figure 19. Data Record Addressing The physical location of an individual recording track is determined by considering the following areas: Data Cell Drive Data Cell Subcell Strip Cylinder Read/Write Head Element When a record is addressed, the location of each of the areas just listed is compared against the new 37 SUBCELL 10 Strips per Subcell 10 Ce 115 per Drive CELL 20 Subcells per Cell Figure 18. 2321 Drive, Cell, Subcell Conditions When only Read/ Write element selection is required When only Read/ Write head Block motion is required When No Strip is on the Drum When a previously Addressed Strip is on the Drum . 175 ms 250 ms 350 ms 400 ms 375 ms 450 ms 550 ms 600 ms Figure 19. 2321 Access Time 38 address. From this comparison, the necessary electronic and electromechanical action required to place the addressed record in the data transfer position is determined. When the new address is the same as the old address in a specific area, no access motion is required. For example, if the only difference between a new and old address is the selection of an adjacent track within the same cylinder position, the only action would be the electronic selection of the proper read/ write head element, providing the strip was not restored in the interim. Data Storage Format Data is stored in the IBM 2321 Data Cell Drive in the format defined by the IBM 2841 Storage Operator Controls and Indicators Control. This format is uniform for all devices attached to the 2841. The operator's console on the Data Cell Drive contains indicator lights and manual controls. The indicator lights provide the machine operator with the following information. Capacity If IBM Programming Systems are not used, the first record on each track (RO) may contain application data. Based on the use of all records on a track for application data, a single IBM 2321 Data Cell Drive can contain 418 million bytes or 836 million packed decimal digits. IBM Programming Systems reserve the use of the first record of each track (Record RO) to store various information about the track. This information is used by the Programming System, and no application data is included. By using this format, each 2321 can contain over 400 million bytes, or over 800 million packed decimal digits (Figure 20). Record R1 is the first application data record, and if R1 is the only data record on the track, it may contain up to 2000 bytes of information. Because each data record has non-data components, like Count Area and Gaps, track capacity for data storage will vary with record design. As the number of separate records on a track increases, additional byte positions are used by gaps so that data capacity is reduced. The track capacity formulas (Figure 20) provide the means to determine total byte requirements for records of various sizes on a track. Index Point Home 1oI11i----Record ,.. Address RO ~ 0 1Count I Storage B I .. .. """1 D-ata--'I B Ac Power On. Indicates that primary ac power is applied to the IBM 2321. Drive Operative. Indicates that the 2321 has all power on and no interlock conditions exist. Interlock conditions, such as an open entry door or an improperly mounted data or ballast cell, render the 2321 inoperative. Drive Ready. Indicates that the 2321 is ready to perform normal programmed operations under control of the 2841. Thermal. Indicates that a high temperature condition exists within the 2321. Drive Select. Indicates that the storage control unit is communicating with the 2321. The manual keys and switch enable the operator to control the following functions. Restart. This key allows the restart of the 2321 in the event of certain inoperative conditions, such as a momentary interrupt in power. I ICount I@ I Index Record Rn - - - -__~-.I Point .... Record Rl I R21 ---R(n-D IB~ ~I Data Track Capacity Basis in Bytes, Basic Track Capacity When RO is Used as Specified When RO is Used for Dota Records (except for last record) Data Without Key Unit By IBM Programming Systems. 2321 2000 Bytes Required By Data Records Record RO used as specified by Lost Record With Key With Key Without Key 100+ 1. 049 (K L + DL 84+ 1.049 DL 2092 I 1/1 Data 16+(K + D ) L L DL Number of Equal Length Records Per 2321 Track IBM Programming Systems. No application data;KL = 0; DL = 8 . Without Key With Key Figure 20. 2 3 6 7 10 11 2000 935 1 591 4 421 320 252 204 168 141 119 100 85 72 1984 919 575 406 304 237 189 153 125 103 84 70 57 5 8 9 12 13 16 17 18 61 52 A3 36 29 23 46 37 20 14 8 14 15 28 19 20 19 2321 Capacity 39 Reset. This key allows the 2321 indicators to be reset in the event of an improper status condition. This reset will not establish a Drive Operative status. DC On. Indicates that all dc power within the 2321 is on. Operating Procedures Data Cell Replacement. To facilitate Data Cell replacement, four operator aids are provided. 1. Entry door with interlock: The entry door permits access to the Data Cell array. An interlocking switch is provided for operator safety. When the door is open, no machine controlled motion can occur. 2. Data Cell location indicator: The Data Cell location indicator identifies, by number, the Data Cell located in the replacement position. It also indicates the number of the Data Cell positioned under the access station. 3. Manual by-pass valve: The manual by-pass valve allows an operator to manually rotate the array to place any desired Data Cell in the replacement position. The valve is mechanically interlocked with the access station and is closed automatically with the closing of the entry door. 4. Data Cell mount interlock: An interlock switch is provided to prevent 2321 operation unless the switch is properly closed by either a Data Cell or a ballast cell. 40 The following procedure should be followed when replacing Data Cells. 1. Check the indicator lights for the following pattern: Ac Power should be on. Drive Operative should be on. Drive Ready should be on. Drive Select should be off. 2. Open the entry door. The Drive Ready indicator should extinguish. 3. Check the Data Cell location indicator to determine the physical position of the desired Data Cell. 4. Open the manual by-pass valve and rotate the array (in either direction) to place the desired Data Cell in the replacement position. 5. Place a Data Cell cover on the desired Data Cell. This action engages all mechanical and electrical interlocks and allows the Data Cell to be removed from the machine. NOTE: New Data Cells, replacement Data Cells, or ballast cells must be inserted in place of removed cells. When the Data Cell cover is removed from a properly inserted cell, the mechanical and electrical interlocks are disconnected. 6. 7. Close the entry door. Check the indicator lights for the following pattern: Ac Power on Drive Operative on Drive Ready on Drive Select off IBM 2303 DRUM STORAGE Introduction Data Record Addressing The IBM 2303 Drum Storage provides on-line random storage of 4.006 million bytes on a magnetic drum. Two 2303s may be attached to each 2841 Storage Control Unit for a total on-line random access storage of 8.012 million bytes or 16.024 million packed decimal digits. The drum is divided into 800 data tracks; each track has a read/write head and may contain up to 5,008 bytes of data. The maximum data transfer rate is 312.5 thousand bytes per second. Arrangement of read/write heads on vertical racks retains the cylinder concept. Cylinder operations with the 2303 allow up to 800 tracks to be written or read with a single drum storage order. acce~s Device Description The 2303 Drum Storage consists of a vertically mounted drum and its associated electronic circuitry. The drum, coated with a magnetic recording material, rotates at about 3, 500 revolutions per minute. The surface of the drum is divided into tracks. These addressable tracks, extending around the periphery of the drum, are used for storing data as follows: 800 80 Standard Data Tracks Alternate Data Tracks The alternate tracks are provided to ensure that each recorded bit can be stored in a magnetically perfect medium. If a defect is encountered on a track, the entire track is disabled and one of the alternate tracks is substituted. This alternate track is given the address of the disabled track. Each data track has its own read/write head, used for both recording and retrieving data. The data read/write heads are fixed in position on 20 vertical racks that surround the drum. Each rack contains 40 data read/write heads. Access Time Because of the assignment of an individual read/write . head to each data track, data seek operations, with their associated access motion time delay, are eliminated. Therefore, the access time is composed of only the rotational time of the drum. Maximum rotational time 17 . 5 ms. Average rotational time 8.6 ms. Data Storage Format Data is stored in the IBM 2303 Drum storage in the format defined by the 2841 Storage Control. This format is uniform for all storage devices which attach to the 2841. Capacity If IBM Programming Systems are not used, the first record on each track may contain application data. Based on the use of all records on a track for application data, a single.IBM 2303 Drum Storage Unit can contain over 4.006 million bytes or over 8.012 million packed decimal digits. IBM Programming Systems reserve the use of the first record of each track (Record RO), to store various information about the track. This information is used by the Programming System, and no application data is included. By using this format, each 2303 can contain over 3. 913 million bytes, or 7.826 million packed decimal digits (Figure 21). Record Rl is the first application data record, and if Rl is the only data record on the track, it may contain up to 4,892 bytes of information. With the high density recording techniques used in the 2303 minute contamination particles can affect data reading and writing. Therefore, 80 alternate tracks are provided to ensure that the stated capacity, based on 800 tracks is maintained. Because each data record has non-data components, like Count Area and Gaps, track capacity for data storage will vary with record design. As the number of separate records on a track increases, additional byte pOSitions are used by gaps so that data capacity is reduced. The track capacity formulas (Figure 21) provide the means to determine total byte requirements for records of various sizes on a track. 41 ~~1~t A~d~~s 14 ........---Record RO ~ 0 I IB Storage Count ~ - I-Data-, When RO is Used as Specified By IBM Programming Systems 2303 Record R1, R2, ---R(n-l) B I I@ Count With Key Figure 21. 42 2303 Capacity Record Rn - - - -.........,1 ~ ICount IG I Data Without Key ~ Last Record With Key Without Key 146 + (K + D ) L L 108 + DL 5008 I Data ~~~~: Bytes Required By Data Records When RO is Used for With Key 38 + (K + D ) L L DL Number of Equal Length Records Per 2303 Track Record RO used as specified by IBM Programming Systems. No Without Key ,--Data-, 1~ Data Records (except for lost record) 4892 application data;Kl = 0; Dl = 8 .. Basic Track Capacity Track Capacity Basis in Bytes, Unit I- 1 2 3 4 6 7 4892 2392 1558 1142 892 725 606 4854 2354 1520 1104 854 687 568 5 10 11 517 447 392 346 479 409 354 308 8 9 12 13 14 15 308 276 249 225 270 238 211 187 166 16 17 204 186 148 18 19 20 169 155 142 131 117 104 APPENDIX A. 2841/2311 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE The following 2311 Programming example is included to illustrate the use of 2841 channel commands to perform operations on attached storage devices. The program was assembled and simulated with the 7090/7094 Support Package for System/360. The example is solely for the purpose of illustration, it does not necessarily reflect techniques in the use of Operating System/360 Programs. Two separate operations are performed. The first is the writing of Home Addresses (HA) and Track Descriptor Records (RO) on all 2030 trocks of the 2311. Read Back Check of RO is performed in CPU storage. The second program writes three records on track number 37, reads ,them into a separate I/O area and searches for a fourth record which is not there. The first routine is labeled HAROWT and uses the Channel command list WRDKHA. The three record read/write and fourth record search is performed with the CCW list WR3REC. A subroutine (EXCP) is used to start I/O. Not shown is an interrupt handling subroutine, a subroutine (BZSIO) that acts on condition codes 1, 2 and 3 and DUMP which dumps CPU storage (as a debugging aid) in case of errors or conditions not yet programmed. The system is in the supervisory mode and enabled for interrupts at all times unless EXCP has disabled or the interrupt subroutine is being used. EXCP sets a bit equal to one in DEVTAB to indicate that the device is being used, this bit is cleared by the interrupt subroutine when the device end bit appears in the channel status word. * * 000112 000114 000118 00011C 000120 000124 000128 00012A 00012E 000132 000136 00013A 00013E 000142 000146 00014A 000150 000154 000158 00015C IB 58 40 40 40 58 IB 40 40 40 41 58 45 91 41 05 47 81 58 87 * *HAROWT 71 40 70 10 10 C C C C 50 C 66 60 C 60 C 60 C 00 C 10 C EO C 01 C 10 C 17 C 10 C 64 C 50 C 14 C 2CA 4F2 4FA 4FE CYLP STH STH STH L HDLP SR STH STH STH LA L BAL TM BC CLC BC BXLE L BXLE * * * * 000160 000164 000168 00016C 000170 000114 41 S8 45 91 47 45 000178 45 EO C 166 00 10 EO 01 10 EO C C C C C C lEE • 2E6 0711 3EF 06A 166 R5,R5 R2,C1 RS,BBCCHH+4 R5,FCCHH+4 RS,ROCNT R3,C9 R4,R4 R4,BBCCHH+6 R4,FCCHH+6 R4,ROCNT+2 SP,WRDKHA PL,CI01 R,EXCP CH1DV1,1 1,*-4 ROCMPR(Z4),ROCNT 7,HAROER R4,RZ,HDLP R3,C202 RS,R2,CYLP SR L 202 4F4 4FC 500 LAE 2E6 0711 3EF 040 51E C4FE 016 028 206 016 WRITE HOME ADDRESSES AND TRACK DESCRIPTOR RECORDS • *HARDER SET CYLINDER REGISTER TO 0 SET INCREMENT TO 1 STORE CYLINDER NUMBER FOR SEEK STORE CYLINDER NUMBER FOR WRITE STORE CYLINDER IN TRACK OES REC SET HEAD LOOP CO~PARE TO 9 S&T HEAD REGISTER TO 0 STORE HEAD NU~BER FOR SEEK STORE HEAD NUMBER FOR WRITE STORE HEAD IN TRACK DES. REC. WRITE HOME ADORESS AND TRACK DESCRIPTOR RECORD ON THIS TRACK WAIT FOR READ BACK COMPLETE READ BACK CHECK INCREMENT HEAD AND RECYCLE SET CYLINDER LOOP COMPARE TO 202 INCRE~ENT CYLINDER AND RECYCLE WRITE THREE RECORDS ON CYLINDER 3, TRACK 7 READ THEM BACK AND LOOK FOR A FOURTH (NOT THERE) L B'AL TM BC BAL SP,WR3REC PL,CID1 R, EXCP CHIDV1,l 1, *-4 R,DUMP BAL R,DUMP LA READ BACK CHECK FAILED 11: • • 00017C 000180 000184 000188 00018C 000190 000194 000198 00019C 0001AO 80 50 9C 47 50 41 92 58 80 07 00 00 00 10 70 11 01 70 00 FE C 2C7 0 048 1 000 C OAO C 276 C 2EE 1 000 C 276 C 2C8 * EXCP CaNTIN START 1/0 SUBROUTINE SSM ST SIO BC ST LA MVI L SSM BCR EJECT CISABL SP,12(0,0) O(PL) 7,BlS10 R5,REGS RS,OEVTAB(Pl) O(RS),l RS,REGS ENABLE 15,R DISABLE SYSTEM FROM INTERRUPTS SP CONTAINS CAW PL CONTAINS DEVICE ADDRESS TEST FOR UNUSUAL CONDITIONS DEVICE STARTED. SET BIT IN DEVICE TABLE CALLER BAL R, EXCP AND R CONTAINS RETURN TO CALLER 43 2A41/2311 PROGRA~MING EXAMPLE ..• • • .. 0002BO 000288 0002eo 0002e8 000200 000208 O('l02EO 0002ES IF 01 19 15 39 OS 16 03 0002FO 0002ER 000300 00030A OQ 0 31 0 000318 000320 000328 OOOUO 000338 00034 0 000348 000350 000358 000360 000368 IF 07 39 0.8 OQOlIO 03 000378 oooHa 31 0003eB 0005F2 0005fB 000600 0005FC 0002E8 000620 0002E8 0003eB 00063A 00063C 000310 00063e 000370 000641 000A59 000A91 000641 08 10 10 10 31 08 oooua OE OOOCAC IE 0010Re lE 0010f4 31 00130C 08 000360 ooouo 4COO 4COO 4COO 4COO 4000 OCOO OCOO COOO 0001 0006 0005 001S 0004 OOOQ 0018 0000 CHANNEl COfolMANC WORD 1I STS WR ITE HOME ADDRESSES AND DESCRIPTOR RECORDS WRCKHA ecw ccw CCW CCW CCW CCW ecw ccw • ... 4COO 4COO 4COO 0000 4COO CCOO 4COO 4COO 4COO 4COO OCOO 4COO 4COO 4COO 4COO CCOO 0001 0006 0004 0000 0005 0000 C418 0038 0218 0005 0000 0410 0038 0218 0005 0000 OCOO OQOQ ..NQRCH) ...• CCW CCW Ccw ecw ccw ccw CCW ecw ccw Ccw CCW CCW ccw CCW CCW CCW 3l.HAMASK.64.1 07,RECO-2,64,6 51.RECO.64.4 OA,N{)RCFD,Q,O 49.RECO.64.5 08,NORCFD,O,0 29.RECl.64.1048 29,REC2,64,56 29.REC3.64.536 49,RECl,64,5 08.*-8,0,0 14,RECIKO,64,1040 30.REC2CD.64.S6 30,REC3CO,64,536 49,REC4.64.5 08,*-8,0,0 COl 03 .. ,0,0 READ RO ERROR EXIT SE T FILE foIASK SEEK eYl 3 TRK 7 SEARCH HA SEARCH BO EOUAl WRITE REe 1 WR I TE REC 2 WRITE REC 3 SEARCH Rl 10 TIC EQR SEARCH READ Rl KD REAP R2 CKO READ R3 CKD LOOK FOR R4 TIC FOR SEARCH RECORD NCT THEBE EXIT SAVE AREA FOR GENERAL REG I STERS os. CS 16F 00 EJECT 44 SET FILE MASK SEEK TRACK WR I TE HofolE ADORESS IoiR I TE TRACK DESCRIPTCR RECORD SEARCH HA EOUAl WRITE AND REAP BACK THREE RECORPS WfOREC REGS 31,HAMASK,X'4C',1 01.BBCCHH+2.X'40'.6 25,FCCHH+3,X'40',5 21.ROCNT.X'40'.24 57;FCCHH+4,X'40',4 OS,.+16,O,C 22,ROCMPR,Q,24 03,·,0.0 §II] 2841/2311 PROGRA~MING OOOJBA OOOlBD 0003CO 0003C4 0003C8 0003Cq 0003CA 0003C8 0003CC 000100 000304 000308 0003DC OOOlFO 00031:4 OOOlES 0003FO EXA~PlE • • 0000000000 0001FC FFOOOOCO NICPSW 00 00 FF CO 00000001 00000C04 00000009 OOCOOCCA 00000001 00000002 00000100 00000101 ECFFlG DISA8l APSW E"'~BlE H.6~.ASK Cl C4 C<.l C202 COllI COD2 CIDO CllB DEVTAA 0003FO 0003FO 0003Fl 000JF2 OC 00 00 0004FO 0004Fl 0004F2 00 00 00 CHOOVO CHCOVI CHODV2 0004FO CHICVO CHIDVI CHICV2 0005FO 0005FO 0005F4 0005FA 0005FC 000600 000608 00C611 OC061A 0006lC 000620 0006J8 00C63C 000641 00064Q 000659 OOOA 'jQ 000A61 OOOA 71 0001\ 91 OOOA 99 00OAA2 000AA9 OOOC AC 0010t3C 0010F4 OODOC 00000000 00000000 00000000 OOOOOOCO 0000000000000010 000000000000000000 OOOOOOOOOCCCOO OOOOOOOC 00000000 • DC DC DC OS DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC OS ORG DC DC DC ORG DC DC DC ORG Xl5'OOOOOOOOOO' Al3{INTl X'FFOOOOOO' F X'OO' X'OO' X'FF' X'CC' F '1' F'4' F'<.l' F'202' F I I' F I 2' F ' 256' F ' 257' 64C OEVTA8 X'OO' X'OO' X'OO' CEVTAR+256 X'OO' X'OO' X'OO' DEVTAB+512 RECORD AREAS 2F'0' FILE MASK-ALL WRITES-All SEEKS READER SYSINI PRINTER SYSOU1 TAPE IN/Ol;T SYSUT4 2311 SYSCKI STATUS OF DEVICES ONE ECUAlS BUSY lERO EQUALS FREE. 8BCCHH DC FCCHH DC 2F'0' HO~E ROCNT ROCATA DC DC XLS ' I0' Xl16'0' RO COUNT F I HD RO OATA FIElD HAC~PR DC 2F'O' HA COMPARE ROC~PR OS CC CC DC OS OS DC OS OS OC DC 6F F'O' X'00030007CO' X'00030007011004CO' Cll6 64Cl16 X'OO030007C21C0020' Cll6 2CL16 X'OO030007031C0200' CL16'RECORC 3 KEYKEY TRACK RO OS OS OS OS 32CLl6 260F 14F 134F X'0003000704' OOOOOCOO 0003000700 00030007011C0400 RECO RECI 00030007021C0020 REC2 00030007031 C0200 09C5C3060QC440F340 02C5E802C5E840 REC3 0003000704 CONSTANTS RECIKO REC2CC REC3CC REC4 DC • SEEK ADDRESS 00 BB CC HH ADDRESS 00 OF CC HH 00 OX XX XX CC~PARE AREA RO 10 COUNT KEY DATA COUNT KEY DA TA COUNT KEY DATA BUFFER FOR READ BACK RECORD NOT THERE YET ~ 4S APPENDIX B. HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL CONVERSION The table in this appendix provides for direct conversion of decimal and hexadecimal numbers in these ranges: Hexadecimal 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 AOOO BOOO COOO DOOO EOOO FOOO Decimal 0000 to 4095 Hexadecimal 000 to FFF For numbers outside the range of the table, add the following values to the table figures: Hexadecimal 1000 2000 3000 Decimal 4096 8192 12288 0 I I I I I I r---------------------J I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ir------------------------------------J II II II 0 04 _ 05 _ 06_ 07 _ 08 _ 09 _ OA_ OB_ OC_ OD_ OE _ OF _ 10_ 11_ 12 _ 13 _ 14 _ 15 _ 16 _ 17 _ r----- -- 9 r------ E r------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Decimal 16384 20480 24576 28672 32768 36864 40960 45056 49152 53248 57344 61440 I I r------------' B C D E F 0000 0016 0032 0048 0064 0080 0096 0112 0128 0144 0160 0176 0192 0208 0224 0240 0001 0017 0033 0049 0065 0081 0097 0113 0129 0145 0161 0177 0193 0209 0225 0241 0002 0018 0034 0050 0066 0082 0098 0114 0130 0146 0162 0178 0194 0210 0226 0242 0003 0019 0035 0051 0067 0083 0099 0115 0131 0147 0163 0179 0195 0211 0227 0243 0004 0020 0036 0052 0068 0084 0100 0116 0132 0148 0164 0180 0196 0212 0228 0244 0005 0021 0037 0053 0069 0085 0101 0117 0133 0149 0165 0181 0197 0213 0229 0245 0006 0022 003S 0054 0070 0086 0102 0118 0134 0150 0166 0182 0198 0214 0230 0246 0007 0023 0039 0055 0071 0087 0103 0119 0135 0151 0167 0183 0199 0215 0231 0247 0010 0026 0042 0058 0074 0090 0106 0122 0138 0154 0170 0186 0202 0218 0234 0250 0011 0027 0043 0059 0075 0091 0107 0123 0139 0155 0171 0187 0203 0219 0235 0251 0012 0028 0044 0060 0076 0092 0108 0124 0140 0156 0172 0188 0204 0220 0236 0252 0013 0029 0045 0061 0077 0093 0109 0125 0141 0157 0173 0189 0205 0221 0237 0253 0014 0030 0046 0062 0078 0094 0110 0126 0142 0158 0174 0190 0206 0222 0238 0254 0015 0031 0047 0063 0079 0095 0111 0127 0143 0159 0175 0191 0207 0223 0239 0255 0256 0272 0288 0304 0320 0336 0352 0368 0384 0400 0416 0432 0257 0273 0289 0305 0321 0337 0353 0369 0385 0401 0417 0433 0258 0274 0290 0306 0322 0338 0354 0370 0259 0275 0291 0307 0323 0339 0355 0371 0387 0403 0419 0435 0260 0276 0292 0308 0324 0340 03.56 0372 0388 0404 0420 0436 0261 0277 0293 0309 0325 0341 0357 0373 0389 0405 0421 0437 0262 0278 0294 0310 0326 0342 0358 0374 0390 0406 0422 0438 - 0263 0279 0295 0311 0327 0343 0359 0375 0391 0407 0423 0439 0266 0282 0298 0314 0330 0346 0362 0378 0394 0410 0426 0442 0458 0474 0490 0506 0267 0283 0299 0315 0331 0347 0363 0379 0395 0411 0427 0443 0459 0475 0491 0507 0268 0284 0300 0316 0332 0348 0364 0380 0396 0412 0428 0444 0460 0476 0492 0508 0269 0285 0301 0317 0333 0349 0365 0381 0397 0413 0429 0445 0461 0477 0493 0509 0270 0286 0302 0318 0334 0350 0366 0382 0398 0414 0430 0446 0462 0478 0494 0510 0271 A 02~7 0303 0319 0335 0351 0367 0383 0399 0415 0431 0447 0463 0479 0495 0511 ~ 46 20£+0:12 21_ 0528 22_ 0544 0560 2324 _ 0576 0592 2526 _ 0608 27 _ 0624 0640 28 0656 29 2A_ 0672 0688 2B0704 2C2D_ 0720 2E_ 0736 0752 2F30_ 0768 31_ 0784 0800 32 33_ 0816 34 _ 0832 0848 35 36 _ 0864 37 _ 0880 38 _ 0896 39_ 0912 3A_ 0928 3B_ 0944 3C_ 0960 0976 3D3E_ 0992 3F _ 1008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0513 0529 0545 0561 0577 0593 0609 0625 0641 0657 0673 0689 0705 0721 0737 0753 0514 0530 0546 0562 0578 0594 0610 0626 0642 0658 0674 0690 0706 0722 0738 0754 0515 0531 0547 0563 0579 0595 0611 0627 0643 0659 0675 0691 0707 0723 0739 0755 0516 0532 0548 0564 0580 0596 0612 0628 0644 0660 0676 0692 0708 0724 0740 0756 0517 0533 0549 0565 0581 0597 0613 0629 0645 0661 0677 0693 0709 0725 0741 0757 0518 0534 0550 0566 0582 0598 0614 0630 0646 0662 0678 0694 0710 0726 0742 0758 0519 0535 0551 0567 0583 0599 0615 0631 0647 0663 0679 0695 0711 0727 0743 0759 0520 0536 0552 0568 0584 0600 0616 0632 0648 0664 0680 0696 0712 0728 0744 0760 0521 0537 0553 0569 0585 0601 0617 0633 0649 0665 0681 0697 0713 0729 0745 0761 0522 0538 0554 0570 0586 0602 0618 0634 0650 0666 0682 0698 0714 0730 0746 0762 0523 0539 0555 0.571 0587 0603 0619 0635 0651 0667 0683 0699 0715 0731 0747 0763 0524 0540 0556 0572 0588 0604 0620 0636 0652 0668 0684 0700 0716 0732 0748 0764 0525 0541 0557 0573 0589 0605 0621 0637 0653 0669 0685 0701 0717 0733 0749 0765 0526 0542 0558 0574 0590 0606 0622 0638 0654 0670 0686 0702 0718 0734 0750 0766 0527 0543 0559 0575 0591 0607 0623 0639 065.5 0671 0687 0703 0719 0735 0751 0767 0769 0785 0801 0817 0833 0849 0865 0881 0897 0913 0929 0945 0961 0977 0993 1009 0770 0786 0802 0818 0834 0850 0866 0882 0898 0914 0930 0946 0962 0978 0994 1010 0771 0787 0803 0819 0835 0851 0867 0883 0899 0915 0931 0947 0963 0979 0995 1011 0772 0788 0804 0820 0836 0852 0868 0884 0900 0916 0932 0948 0964 0980 0996 1012 0773 0789 0805 0821 0837 0853 0869 0885 0901 0917 0933 0949 0965 0981 0997 1013 0774 0790 0806 0822 0838 0854 0870 0886 0902 0918 0934 0950 0966 0982 0998 1014 0775 0791 0807 0823 0839 0855 0871 0887 0903 0919 0935 0951 0967 0983 0999 1015 0776 0792 0808 0824 0840 0856 0872 0888 0904 0920 0936 0952 0968 0984 1000 1016 0777 0793 0809 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B5 B6 _ 2912 B7 _ 2928 B8 _ 2944 B9 _ 2960 BA_ 2976 BB_ 2992 BC_ 3008 BD_ 3024 BE_ 3040 BF _ 3056 CO Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C8 C9 _ CA_ -CB _ CC_ CD_ CE_ CF _ DO_ Dl_ D2 _ D3_ D4 _ D5 _ 06 _ D7_ D8_ D9_ DA_ DB_ DC_ DD_ DE_ DF_ 49 +-to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C D E F Eo_ 3584 3600 3616 3632 3648 3664 3680 3696 3712 3728 3744 3760 3776 3792 3808 3824 3585 3601 3617 3633 3649 3665 3681 3697 3713 3729 3745 3761 3777 3793 3809 3825 3586 3602 3618 3634 3650 3666 3682 3698 3714 3730 3746 3762 3778 3794 3810 3826 3587 3603 3619 3635 3651 3667 3683 3699 3715 3731 3747 3763 3779 3795 3811 3827 3583 3604 3620 3636 3652 3668 3684 3700 3716 3732 3748 3764 3780 3796 3812 3828 3589 3605 3621 3637 3653 3669 3685 3701 3717 3733 3749 3765 3781 3797 3813 3829 3590 3606 3622 3638 3654 3670 3686 3702 3718 3734 3750 3766 3782 3798 3814 3830 3591 3607 3623 3639 3655 3671 3687 3703 3719 3735 3751 3767 3783 3799 3815 3831 3592 3608 3624 3640 3656 3672 3688 3704 3720 3736 3752 3768 3784 3800 3816 3832 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3861 3877 3893 3909 3925 3941 3957 3973 3989 4005 4021 4037 4053 4069 4085 3846 3862 3878 3894 3910 3926 3942 3958 3974 3990 4006 4022 4038 4054 4070 4086 3847 3863 3879 3895 3911 3927 3943 3959 3975 3991 4007 4023 4039 4055 4071 4087 3848 3864 3880 3896 3912 3928 3944 3960 3976 3992 4008 4024 4040 4056 4072 4088 3849 3865 3881 3897 3913 3929 3945 3961 3977 3993 4009 4025 4041 4057 4073 4089 3850 3866 3882 3898 3914 3930 3946 3962 3978 3994 4010 4026 4042 4058 4074 4090 3852 3868 3884 3900 3916 3932 3948 3964 3980 3996 4012 4028 4044 4060 4076 4092 3853 3869 3885 3901 3917 3933 3949 3965 3981 3997 4013 4029 4045 4061 4077 4093 3854 3870 3886 3902 3918 3934 3950 3966 3982 3998 4014 4030 4046 4062 4078 4094 3855 3871 3887 3903 3919 3935 3951 3967 3983 3999 4015 4031 4047 4063 4079 4095 El_ E2E3E4_ E5_ E6_ E7 _ E8_ E9_ EA_ EB_ EC_ ED_ EE_ EF_ F7_ F8_ F9_ FA_ FB_ FCFD_ FE_ FF_ 50 A B 3851 3867 3883 3899 3915 3931 3947 3963 3979 3995 4011 4027 4043 4059 4075 4091 COMMAND CODE Multiple Track On (If Applicable) Multiple Track Off COMMAND Control Search Write Binary Decimal Hexadec irna I DATA ADDRESS Binary 03 17 13 07 OB 1B 04 0000 0001 0001 0000 0000 0001 0000 Set File Mask Space Record Transfer in Channel 3 1 15 X8 1F OF X8 0001 1111 0000 1111 XXXX 1000 57 49 8 1 1 13 4 1 73 105 45 39 3 1 5 1 71 29 49 69 20 0011 0011 0101 0111 0010 0100 0110 0010 1001 0001 0001 0001 1001 1001 1001 1101 185 177 209 241 169 :2 0 1 233 1 73 B9 8 1 o1 F 1 A9 C9 E9 AD 1011 1001 10110001 11010001 1111 0001 1010 1001 1100 1001 1110 1001 1010 1101 77 109 40 60 0100 1101 0110 1101 205 237 CD ED 11001101 1110 1101 Home Address Count Record RO Data Key and Data Count, Key and Data 26 18 22 06 14 30 lA 12 16 06 OE 1E 0001 0001 0001 0000 0000 0001 154 146 150 134 142 158 9A 92 96 86 8 E 9 E 1001 1010 1001 0010 10010110 \ CPU ,to'age 10coHon to whkh read will be transferred 10000110 1000 1110 1001 1110 Home Address Record RO' 25 2 1 19 15 0001 1001 0001 0101 Count, Key and Data Special Count, Key and Data* Data Key and Data 29 01 05 13 10 a1 05 00 0001 1101 0000 0001 00000101 0000 1101 Home Address Equa I Identifier Equal Identifier High Identifier Equal or High Key Equal Key High Key Equal or High Key and Data Equa 1* * Special Feature X Not Significant 0011 0111 0011 0111 1011 1011 0100 1010 0010 0110 0110 1110 1110 COUNT X X X 03 23 19 07 11 2 7 04 Key and Data High* Key and Data Equal or High* Read Decimal Hexadecimal NoOp Release* Restore Seek Seek Cylinder Seek Head Sense I/O } CPU storage location of seek address CPU storage location to which four sense bytes are sent CPU storage location of mask byte X CPU storage location of next CCW (Must be divisible by 4) ) ! CPU storage location of search argument ) } I i 1 X X 4 (usuaIlY~ 5 (usually 5 (usually) 5 (usually) From 1 to 255 From 1 to 255 From 1 to 255 \ ( X X X 6 6 6 4 0'00' CPU "o'age 10coHon f'om whkh 0'00' to be written will be transferred Number of bytes lincluding mask bytes} in search argument 5 8 Number Number Number Number of of of of bytes bytes bytes bytes to to to to be be be be transferred transferred transferred transferred 5 {usually} 8+Key Length + Data Length of Record RO 8+Key Length + Data Length 8+Key Length + Data Length Data Length Key Length + Data Length A26-5988-2 APPENDIX D. TRACK ORIENTATION As there is no unique physical address associated with each record on a given track, the 2841 must have some means of locating these records. There are seven states of orientation with respect to a track in the 2841 that are used to accomplish this. 1. Index Point State - Gap between Index Point and Home Address. 2. Home Address State - Gap between Home Address and RO. 3. Count State - Gap between Count and Key Fields. 4. Key State - Gop between Key and Data Field. 5. Data State - Gap between Data Field and succeeding Address Mark or Index Point if this is the lost record on the track. 6. Address Marker State - Gop between Address Mark and Count Field. 7. Reset Orientation State - None of the above. The Reset Orientation State, while not associated with any specific area of a track does not necessarily imply that the 2841 has lost orientation. Any time a CCW chain is broken or a Control Command is performed, the 2841 is set to this state. The next data command (i. e., read, write or search) further defines this state to one of the three substates below. 1. Reset Orientation to Index Point State (ROIP). Orientation state is set to Index Point State upon detection of the Index Point on the tra.ck. 2. Reset Orientation to Address Marker State (ROAM). Orientation is set to Address Marker State upon detection of any Address Marker. 3. Reset Orientation to Address Marker or Index Point State (ROAM or IP). Orientation is set to either Index Point State, upon detection of the Index Poi fit, or to Address Marker State upon detection of any Address Marker, whichever occurs first. Read, Write, Search and some Control commands in the 2841 have two types of prerequisities that must be satisfied to insure proper operation of the command. By considering command sequence restrictions and orientation requirements, all vol id command sequences can be constructed and the result of their execution predetermined. The following table illustrates these two prerequisities and the resulting orientation state for all data commands: Command Command Prerequisite Valid Orientation State at Beginning of Command Read CKD None ROAM Data Read KD None Count ROAM Data Read 0 None Count Key ROAM Data Write CKD (also Write Special CKD) Search Equal Count or Key Write CKD Write R~ Count Key Data Data Write KD Search Equal Count of Key Count ROAM Data Write 0 Search Equa I Count or Key Count Key Data Orientation State at Completion of Command Search 10 None ROAM or IP Count Search Key None ROAM Count Key Searc:h Home Address None ROIP Home Address Read R~ None Home Address ROIP Data Write R~ Search Equal Home Address Write HA Home Address Data Read HA None ROIP Home Address Write HA None ROIP Home Address Read IPl None ROAM Data Read Count None ROAM Count Control Space Record Search (any) Read (any) Count Key Reset Orientation Control Erose Write CKD Write R~ Count Key Data Reset Orientation Control NOP None None Reset Orientation International Business Machines Corporation . Data Processing Division 112 East Post Road, White Plains, N. Y. 10601
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c043 52.372728, 2009/01/18-15:56:37 Create Date : 2011:10:03 10:48:50-08:00 Modify Date : 2011:10:03 15:13:06-07:00 Metadata Date : 2011:10:03 15:13:06-07:00 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 9.45 Paper Capture Plug-in Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:12c88059-7e57-4b41-adfd-0ee6594c9d6b Instance ID : uuid:eacda959-61a1-4a35-a9f3-4b3e7fb7179f Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseOutlines Page Count : 58EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools