Automation Anywhere Enterprise Control Room User Guide AAE 11 LTS CR

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11 LTS
Control Room - User Guide
Product Version

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Update(s) to Document Edition

First Edition

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Table of Contents




Control Room interface


Log on to Control Room


Log on to Control Room hosted in Non-Active Directory mode


Re-logon to Control Room when password policy is updated


Log on to Control Room hosted in Active Directory/Kerberos mode


Log on to Control Room hosted in Single Sign On mode


Configuring Control Room for the first time - Custom installation


Configuring Control Room for the first time - Express installation


Steps to configure Single Sign-On authentication


General settings


Control Room Database & Software


Audit Logs


Version Control Pre-requisites


Enable Version Control


Disable Version Control


Impact of enabling and disabling version control settings


Audit Logs




Secure recording


Product help URLs


Device health check configuration


Modification details


Audit Logs


Audit Log


Enable Email notifications


Disable Email notifications


Audit Logs


Benefits of creating roles


Audit Logs


Benefits of purchasing a license


Product licenses


Bot user licenses


Bot user licenses

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License Expiry




Important Considerations


Role-based access to Migration tool


Migrating Data




Control Room database


Bot Insight Database








Select Roles


Migration behavior - roles




Migration behavior - users


Migration - View Data


Post Migration Steps


Audit Log


Known behavior of data migration


Benefits of creating credentials and lockers


Roles permission for credential and locker management


My Credentials


My Lockers


Credential Requests






Detailed information on Credential Vault-email notifications


Create a folder


Rename a folder


Audit Logs


Delete a bot


Delete multiple bots


Delete folder(s)


Delete dependent bots and files


Audit Log


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Unlock a Bot


Unlock multiple Bots


Audit Logs


Export bots


Export bot files - version control disabled


Export bot files - version control enabled


Export bots - Validations


Audit Logs


Import bots


Import bot files - version control disabled


Import bot files - version control enabled


Import bots - Validations


Audit Logs


Audit Log


Create device pool


Delete device pool


Create queues


Delete Queues


View work item


Edit work item


Delete work item


Work item - status and actions allowed


Select Automation




Total active users widget


Total clients registered widget


Total failed tasks widget


Total Bots widget


Total Bot Scheduled widget


Total queues


Bot Heartbeat Widget


MVP Bots Widget


Bot status Widget


Top Failure Reasons Widget


Upcoming Schedules Widget


Failure Analysis Widget


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CPU Utilization Widget


Memory Utilization Widget


HDD Utilization Widget


Overall Device Status Widget


Upcoming Device Utilization Widget


API for authentication


API to manage bot login credentials


API for bot deployment


API for export import of bots for Business Lifecycle Management


Authentication API


Authentication API Response Codes


Bot Deployment API Response Codes


Authentication API


Login Credentials API


VB Script to Create User's Login Credentials


Contents of Input Files


Features and benefits








API Endpoints


Export Bot


Import Bot


API Response Codes


Audit Logs


Export bots audit details


Import bots audit details

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Getting started with Control Room
Here are some resources to help you get started with Control Room.

Control Room overview


Control Room interface


Configuring Control Room for the first time


Logging on to Control Room


Adding users to your installation of Control Room


Assigning roles to the users you have created

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Control Room overview
Automation Anywhere's Control Room is a central interface that allows you to manage and monitor all the processes of your
RPA infrastructure. In a nutshell, it allows you to manage your bots, monitor activities, create and manage users and roles, monitor connected and disconnected devices, view audit logs, schedule when to run bot, and many more.


View task relevant activities using the Dashboard


View the history, tasks in progress and the tasks and activities carried out in control room using the Activity page.


Manage the automation (bot) files repository and schedule or run tasks using the Bots page


Manage credentials and lockers using the Credentials page.


View and manage the statuses of devices using the Bot runners and bot creators page.


View schedule details using the Scheduled activity page


Manage various work items using Workload management page


View recent activities of users and administrators using the Audit Log page.


Create new and manage existing roles using the Roles page.


Manage and configure users (client and administrator), assign roles and licenses using the Users page.

Some other features enable you to:

Manage your own profile details using the profile tray


Configure CR settings for VCS, SMTP etc.


Configure email notification to notify users on important events and activities


Configure version control to enable controlled edits to the bots


Set up different authentication types - AD, Kerberos and Non-AD




Simplified and improved monitoring and administration of large multi-site complex automation infrastructure using the web based
control room.
Access and manage tasks, clients, and users from anywhere, anytime.
Monitor task progress and status to enforce internal compliance regulations, as well as prevent tampering with mission-critical processes.

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Facilitate an environment for increased collaboration to optimize productivity.


Accommodate scaling of multiple users and Client environments (machines).


Enable an environment to enforce controlled edits using SVN.


Facilitate uploading and downloading of MetaBots and MetaBot enabled tasks. .


Facilitate uploading and downloading of IQBots with Vision Skills.


Provide role-based access to credentials


Responsive web design helps to run the application in multiple devices such as tablets

Control Room interface
The interface of Control Room gives you several options to manage and monitor the different components of your RPA infrastructure.
This is illustrated in the following figure.




Control Room left navigation pane: This is the first level of navigation. This area on the left holds the components of Control Room.
These are Dashboards, Activity, Bots, Devices, Workload, and Administration. The views differ from user to user depending on the
assigned roles, permissions, and rights.
Details area: This is the second level of navigation. Depending on the page you are on, it displays a detailed list of users, roles,
and bots. It provides you options to perform various actions like create, edit and delete on single or multiple records at a time.
It also indicates the current page level in the breadcrumbs at the top. You can use this to navigate back to your previous view.
Your profile: This area allows you to make changes to your profile. This includes changing your password and editing your personal details, such as first name, last name, and e-mail address.

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Access help: Clicking this displays a help menu, as shown in the following figure.

This provides you with links to the following resources.

Help with the page you are currently on


Access our online knowledge base


Get support from the Automation Anywhere support team by submitting a support request on our support site


Call the Automation Anywhere sales team for Sales inquiries


Visit Automation Anywhere‘s Website

Log on to Control Room
To log on to Control Room, double-click the Automation Anywhere Control Room icon on your desktop.
The log on screens are different for Control Room hosted in Active directory/Kerberos and Non-Active directory modes. These are
explained in the following sections.

Log on to Control Room hosted in Active Directory/Kerberos mode


Log on to Control Room hosted in Non-Active Directory mode


Log on to Control Room hosted in Single Sign On mode

Note: Control Room does not allow multiple sessions to the same account at the same time.

Log on to Control Room hosted in Non-Active Directory mode
To log on to Control Room hosted in Non-Active Directory mode, perform the following steps.
1. Double-click the Automation Anywhere Control Room icon on your desktop or type the Control Room URL on your Web browser
and press the Enter key. The Log in screen is displayed.

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2. In the Log in area, do the following.

Username: Type your Automation Anywhere Enterprise (AAE) user name.


Password: Type your Automation Anywhere Enterprise (AAE) password to log on.

3. Once the Log in button is enabled, click the Log in button. The credentials are authenticated directly with CR database.
Note: Your account will be locked if you enter the wrong password for a certain number of times
depending on the password policy set by your administrator. For security reasons, failed log in
attempts are audited, which allows the administrator to analyze and take appropriate actions.

You can opt to select Remember my username if you want to quickly login to the Control Room.


Click on Forgot password? to reset your password.


If you are an admin user, you will have to provide answers to the security questions that were configured during user creation. Once you provide correct answers, you are taken to the navigation page.
If a normal user, you are directly taken to the change password page:

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If you provide incorrect credentials during log in, you are shown:

Re-logon to Control Room when password policy is updated
You will have to change your password when the the Control Room admin updates the password policy in Control Room Settings.
If the policy is updated, next time you login to the Control Room, the Change Password screen is displayed, wherein you can update
your password:


to login successfully.

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Note: When you try to log into theControl Roomas a BotInsight Consumer,Control Roomdisplays the following error message when the Bot Insight license has expired: "Unable to login. Bot Insight license
has expired. Please contact your Administrator or Automation Anywhere Sales."

Log on to Control Room hosted in Active Directory/Kerberos mode
To log on to Control Room hosted in Active Directory/Kerberos users, perform the following steps.
1. Double-click the Automation Anywhere Control Room icon on your desktop or type the Control Room URL on your Web browser
and press the Enter key. The Log in screen is displayed.

2. In the Log in area, do the following.

Domain: Select the domain of the active directory. Note that Automation Anywhere Enterprise Control Room single forest
multi-domain environment.


Username: Type your Active Directory user name.


Password: Type your Active Directory password.

Note: For Kerberos installation, you do not need to enter your user name and password. Just click
the Log in with Windows button and you will be logged in with your current Windows account.
3. Once the Log in button is enabled, click the Log in button. The log in details are authenticated directly with the Active Directory
Domain Controller when you log in.
Note that,



Your session will timeout in 20 minutes after you log in and the session is idle for that time period.
Multiple sessions of the same user account is not allowed. If you are logged in at one instance and later log to another
instance, for example different browser on same machine or different machine, you are allowed to log in with new session.
However, when you perform a new request in the earlier session, you will be logged out.

If you provide incorrect credentials, you are shown:

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Note: When you try to log into the Control Room as a BotInsight Consumer, Control Room displays the following error message when the Bot Insight license has expired: "Unable to login. Bot Insight license
has expired. Please contact your Administrator or Automation Anywhere Sales."

Log on to Control Room hosted in Single Sign On mode
To log on to Control Room hosted in Single Sign On mode, perform the following steps:
1. Double-click the Automation Anywhere Control Room icon on your desktop or type the Control Room URL on your Web browser
and press the Enter key. The Log in screen is displayed:

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2. Click
3. You can now provide your SSO credentials on the IdP server page of your organization:

4. Click Log In.

If you provide incorrect credentials, you are shown:

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If your user account is disabled, you are shown:


If the you input invalid IdP Server credentials, you will not be taken to the Control Room login page.



If the IdP Server URL is not valid or the server is down, you are shown appropriate message configured for it. For example,
404 or Bad Gateway.
When your Control Room session expires, you are shown:

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When you log in twice, you are shown:


When your email address is not verified and if you try to login, you are shown

5. On successful authentication in the IdP server, you are logged into the Control Room.

You are automatically logged into the Control Room if you open the Control Room in the same
browser or refresh the page as you are already authenticated by the IdP server.


When you Logout (available when you click  in the profile) of the Control Room,
you are not logged out of other applications running with the same IdP Server.

Refer Control Room Overview article for a summary on Control Room

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Note: When you try to log into the Control Room as a BotInsight Consumer, Control Room displays the following error message when the Bot Insight license has expired: "Unable to login. Bot Insight license
has expired. Please contact your Administrator or Automation Anywhere Sales."

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Configure Control Room for the first time
Once you have installed Control Room, you must configure it when you launch it for the first time. Depending on the mode of your
installation of Control Room, the flow and the pages displayed to you are different when you launch Control Room for the first time.
This is illustrated in the following figure.

For more information on configuring Control Room for the first time, refer to the following sections.

Configuring Control Room for the first time - Custom installation


Configuring Control Room for the first time - Express installation

Configuring Control Room for the first time - Custom installation
A typical work flow for configuring Control Room installed in custom mode is illustrated in the following figure.

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When you install Control Room in Custom mode, the getting started wizard guides you through:
1. Specifying the path of the repository - this is the location where the uploaded automation files, such as meta bots, IQ Bots, and task
bots will be stored.
2. Specifying the host name URL - this is the URL that users will use to access your installation of Control Room.
3. Setting up the Credential Vault details
4. Selecting the authentication type - Active Directory, Single Sign-On or Control Room database
5. Creating yourself as the first Control Room administrator
6. Creating security questions in case your lose your password
To configure Control Room when you start it for the first time for a custom installation, perform the following steps.
1. Double-click the Automation Anywhere Control Room icon on your desktop. The Configure Control Room settings page is displayed.

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2. On the Configure Control Room settings page, do the following.

Repository Path: Type the location where the uploaded automation files will be stored. For example, ldap\\My-Server\Server Files.
Note: If you do not specify the correct location, an error message is displayed, as shown
in the following figure.


Control Room access URL: Type the URL that users will use to access your installation of Control Room.

Note: This URL is the URL of the load balancer, which routes request to different Control Room

3. Once you have typed the Repository Path and Control Room access URL, click the Save and continue button. The Credential
Vault setting page is displayed.

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IMPORTANT: The back button of your Web browser is automatically disabled after you type the Repository path and Control Room access URL and click the Save and continue button. This is to ensure
that the Credential vault master key that will be generated matches the repository path and Control Room access URL. To go back to the Configure Control Room settings page, press Ctrl+F5 on
your keyboard and start over again.
Note:The Save and continue button is not enabled if the correct path or URL is not specified.

4. On the Credential Vault settings page, do the following.

Express mode: Select this option if you want the system to store your master key to connect to Credential Vault.
Note: It is recommended that you do not use this option for a production environment.


Manual mode: Select this option if you want to store the master key on your own. When you use this mode, you must enter
the master key if the Credential vault is locked. The Master key is used to connect to the Credential Vault so that users can
use the vault to secure their credentials and access it in their taskbots. Copy the master key to your Windows clipboard by
clicking the Copy button and save it in a secure location.

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IMPORTANT: As an administrator, you must copy the master key to your clipboard and save it
in a secure place. This key is required in the event that the credential vault is closed.
If you lose the master key, your access to Control Room is locked.
5. Click Save and Continue. The Authentication type for Control Room users page is displayed. Use this page to specify the type of
authentication your Control Room users will use to log on to Control Room.
IMPORTANT: The back button of your Web browser is automatically disabled after you click the Save
and continue button on the Credential Vault settings page and you cannot make any further changes
to the Control Room configuration or Credential Vault settings. To make changes, you must reinstall Control Room again.

6. On the Authentication type for Control Room users page, do one of the following.
Authentication type


Active Directory

Select this option if you want use Active Directory as the type of authentication. This
allows users to log on to Control Room with Active Directory credentials.



URL: Type the LDAP URL. For example, ldap:// This is the URL of
the domain controller.
Username: Type the user name. This must be a user with domain controller
rights (domain administrator.)
Password: Type the password for the user.

Type the details for the Active Directory and click the Check connection button. If
Control Room is unable to connect to the Active Directory database, an error message is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

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Single Sign On

Select this option if you want to use IdP server for authenticaton.

Refer Configure Control Room for Single Sign On for details.
Control Room database

Select this option if you want to use the Control Room database as the type of

7. After selecting the type of authentication. Click Next. The Create yourself as the first Control Room administrator page is displayed.

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8. On the Create yourself as the first Control Room administrator page, do the following.

Username: Type a user name for the administrator.


First name: Type the first name of the administrator. This is optional.


Last name: Type the last name of the administrator. This is optional.


Email: Type an e-mail address for the administrator.


Confirm email: Confirm the e-mail address.


Password: Type a password for the administrator.


Confirm password: Confirm the e-mail address.

9. Click Next. The Create security questions page is displayed.

10. On the Create security questions page, type three security questions and an answer to each. This will be used in case you forget
your Control Room password.
Note: Each question must be unique. Set questions and answers that are easy to remember.
11. Click Save and log in. The first administrator user of your Control Room installation is created and you can now configure and manage your overall RPA environment with Control Room and its clients.
Note: For a non-active directory environment, you will be directly logged on to Control Room.
However, for an active directory environment, a login dialog is displayed.

Configuring Control Room for the first time - Express installation
When Control Room is installed in Express mode, the getting started wizard guides you through:
1. Creating yourself as the first Control Room administrator so that you can configure and manage the overall RPA environment of
your organization.
2. Creating three security questions in case you forget your password.
3. Setting up your Credential Vault master key.

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To configure Control Room for the first time for an express installation, perform the following steps.
1. Double-click the Automation Anywhere Control Room icon on your desktop. The getting started wizard is displayed.

2. On the Control Room First tab, do the following.

Username: Type a user name of your choice.


First name: Type your first name (this is optional)


Last name: Type your last name (this is optional)


Email: Type your e-mail address.


Password: Type a password.


Confirm password: Type your password again to confirm.

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3. Click Next. The Create security questions page is displayed.

4. On the Create security questions page, type three security questions and an answer to each. This will be used in case you forget
your Control Room password.
5. Click Next. The Credential settings page is displayed.

6. Depending on your requirements, select the Express mode or Manual mode options.
The Master key is used to connect to the Credential Vault so that users can use the vault to secure their credentials and access it in
their taskbots.
IMPORTANT: As an administrator, you must copy the master key to your clipboard and save it in a
secure place - use the Copy button to do this. This key is required in the event that the credential vault is closed. If you lose the master key, your access to Control Room is locked.
7. Click Save and log in. The first administrator user of your Control Room installation is created and you can now configure and manage your overall RPA environment with Control Room and its clients.

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Configure Control Room for Single Sign-On
As a Control Room administrator, you can configure the Control Room instance for Single Sign-On (SAML 2.0) if your organization
uses IdP server for authentication.
You can select this option once you have specified the repository path, host name URL, and Credential Vault details. Refer Configuring Control Room for the first time - Custom installation for details.

Steps to configure Single Sign-On authentication
Use the Single Sign-On option to allow your Control Room to connect to your identity provider database (Control Room) using SAML
2.0 protocol and log on using Single Sign-On.
1. On the Authentication type for Control Room users page select Single Sign-On (SAML 2.0) option:

2. You need to check the connection to Control Room for which you need to provide SAML Metadata details.
3. Copy and paste the SAML Metadata from an xml file.
4. Provide the Unique Entity ID for Control Room. This is basically a user who is the Control Room admin and also has been given
an admin role in the IdP Server.

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5. Optionally, select Encrypt SAML Assertions for enhanced security. For this you will be provided a public and private key by the system admin which you must copy and paste from relevant files.

6. Click Next. The Registering Controls panel is displayed wherein you need to register your Control Room as a service provider with
the IdP.

Note: If SAML Metadata URL that your provide is incorrect, you are given an error on this page:

7. To register the Control Room with IdP as service provider, follow the instructions given on the page. To summarize,
a. Click

to copy the Control Room metadata to the IdP manager

b. Login to the IdP server as admin or a user with privilege to add a service provider
c. Click Manage Metadata to add a service provider
d. Select Attributes for assertion
e. Paste the metadata that you copied
f. Click Submit to import data
8. Go back to Control Room configuration page
9. Click
10. Leave the page to go to IdP login
11. Log on using credentials of the IdP user who provides the Control Room Service Provider credentials.

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12. Once you are authenticated, log out of the IdP server. This will take you back to the Control Room First Admin page wherein you
can create your first control room admin.

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Search and filter data
The search feature in Control Room allows you to search for the information that you are looking for thereby helping you work efficiently. It provides you dynamic suggestions as you type. For example, if you type 'CRM', the suggestion narrows down with every additional character that you type - this suggestion is based on the existing values already available in the database. The count of the autopopulated search terms are displayed and the data is dynamically updated. The search results are displayed in the format of X of Y,

X = search result


Y = total number of records in table

Besides this, you can also reset the search query and Control room remembers the last filter applied by each user per session. The following figure illustrates a search result for the Scheduled activity page.

You can use the search feature in the following pages of Control Room.

Activity tab


Bots tab


My bots tab


Individual folders




All credentials


Individual lockers


Devices tab


Bot runners and bot creators


Device pools


Bot farm images


Workload tab




Audit log







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Profile Management
User profiles in Control Room are created by administrators who can change your first name, last name, password, and role depending on the business requirements. If you are a user of Control Room configured with a non-directory environment, you can change the
following details of your profile.

Your password


Your first name


Your last name


Your e-mail address

To personalize and maintain your Control room profile, refer to the following sections.

Changing your password


Editing and updating your profile

Note: The process of managing your own profile is different for Control Room configured with an active directory and a non-active directory environment. Users cannot configure or make changes to their
profile in an active directory environment.

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Change your password
To change your password, perform the following steps.
1. Click your user name located at the top right corner of Control Room. The Edit Profile and Change Password form is displayed.

2. Click Change password. The Change password form is displayed.

3. On the Change password menu, type your current and new password.

Current password: Type your current password.


New password: Type your new password.


Confirm New password. Type your password again for confirmation.
Note: The new password must be different than the current password and must meet the
password policy set up by your Control Room administrator.

4. Click Save changes. If your password is successfully changed, a toast message is displayed.

Note: The Save changes button remains disabled if the mandatory fields are not filled. You do not
need to log in again after changing your password.

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Edit and update your profile
You can change the following details about your profile by clicking your user name located at the top right corner of Control Room.

First name


Last name


Email address

For this, perform the following steps.
1. Click your user name located at the top right corner of Control Room. The Edit Profile and Change Password form is displayed.

2. Click Edit Profile. The Edit Profile menu is displayed.

3. On the Edit Profile form, do one of the following.

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First name: Type your first name. This is optional.


Last name: Type your last name. This is optional.



Email: Type your e-mail. You can use this to reset your password. All important Control Room notifications will be sent to
you on this e-mail address.
Confirm email. Type your email again.

Tip: As you start typing and make changes to the fields of the Edit profile form, the text of
the Close button changes to Cancel to visually indicate that you have made changes to the form.
Clicking Cancel closes the Edit profile form.
4. Click the Save changes button. Your profile is updated and a toast message is displayed.

For information on updating user profiles from the administration page, refer to the following sections.

Edit active directory user details


Edit non-active directory user details

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Administration Overview
As a Control Room admin you can use the administration module of Control Room to:

Manage roles by creating, editing, deleting, and viewing existing roles


Manage users by creating, editing, deleting, and viewing existing users


Change the general settings of Control Room


Purchase an extended license or install a new license

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Settings - an overview
As a Control Room admin, you can use the Control Room Settings, to:

Configure General Settings and Control Room Database & Software in General


Enable or disable Version Control in Bots


Enable or disable Secure recording, set Product help URLs, and configure Device health checks in Client applications


Configure the connection mode to the Credential Vault in Credentials


Enable or disable email settings in Email

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Configuration settings
As a Control Room admin you can view and manage settings that are configured while setting up the Control Room. You can view configuration details of:
1. Control Room Installation type, access URL, and program files destination folder in General Settings
2. Website Security & Configuration details, Control Room Users, Database, and Repository details, Deployment settings, and Security details in Control Room Database & Software

General settings
The General settings provide information about the installation type, the access URL and program files destination folder. You cannot
edit these settings as they are configured during installation.

The table below describes the General settings:


Control Room Installation type

It is the type of setup used to install the Control Room. It can either be Express or Custom. This setting is configured during installation and is not editable.

Control Room access

It is the fully qualified name of the server that is used by Bot Creators, Bot Runners and Users to
access the Control Room. You can change the access URL if the Control Room is setup in custom
To modify the URL,
1. Click edit
2. The General Settings page opens in edit mode.
3. Type the fully qualified name of the url that you want to use to access the Control Room:

4. Click

Control Room Database & Software
The Control Room database and software settings provide details for website security and configuration, Control room users, database, and repository, deployment, and security settings. You can edit settings for the Control Room repository, Deployment, and Password.

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The table below describes the Control Room Database and Software settings:


Website security

It shows the type of security protocol used - http or https. This setting is configured during installation and is not editable.

Website configuration

It shows the website configuration details such as web server host name, If the Control Room is
configured for Express installation, only one host name is shown. However, if it is configured for
Custom installation, multiple host names are shown. This setting is configured during installation
and is not editable.
Web server host name and port details of all registered and active users are listed. However, note
that the username and password values are not shown.

Control Room users

It shows the Authentication type used to log on to the Control Room instance by Bots. It could be
Active Directory, Single Sign-On (SAML 2.0) or Database. This setting is configured during installation and is not editable.

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Control Room database

Active Directory users are configured when you want Bots of a specific domain to be authenticated with their Active Directory credentials.
Single Sign-On (SAML 2.0) users are configured when you want Bots to be authenticated
using SAML 2.0 protocol and log on using the organizations' IdP server credentials.
Database users or Non-Active Directory users are configured when you want Bots to be
authenticated using the Control Room database.

It shows the settings for :
1. Windows authentication - It is the authentication type used to connect to the database server.
It shows Enabled when Windows Authentication is selected while configuring the database in
installation. It shows Disabled when default database authentication is used.
2. Server host name - It is the fully qualified name of the control room database server.
3. Server port - It is the port to which the database is configured.
4. Database name - It is the database that will be used to store Control Room data.
5. Username - The values are not displayed.
This setting is configured during installation and is not editable.

Control Room repository

It shows the location where all Bots, application files, and supporting files are stored. The default
path is set to C:\ProgramData\AutomationAnywhere\Server Files during installation, if not
updated during installation. You can also choose to modify this path post installation here.
Before changing the repository path, ensure that you:

Copy the existing files to another location


Put the Control Room in maintenance mode


Inform users to disconnect their devices from the Control Room instance

To modify,
1. Click edit
2. The page opens in edit mode.
3. In the Repository path field, type the location of the repository ending with Server Files:


You can use Network Drive folders for repository path.


When you type an invalid pathname, an error is shown:

4. Click
Deployment settings

It shows whether the users with run and schedule privileges can choose to Run bot runner session on Control Room when you deploy or schedule a Bot. Refer Run a bot and Schedule a Bot
for details.
By default this setting is Enabled.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


To modify,
1. Click edit
2. The page opens in edit mode.
3. Select Enabled or Disabled as required for Bot Runner deployment session on Control


These define the password policy settings for all Control Room users. Here, you can customize
the password length, password content, and/or select the number of log on attempts allowed.
Note: The password policy is applicable for a Control Room that is configured for Database authentication type.
To modify,
1. Click edit
2. The page opens in edit mode.
3. Specify the following as per your company policy:

Tip: The user account is disabled in the Control Room when it is
locked out.

You cannot enter invalid values in the:

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Password length field


Log on attempts field


4. Click

Audit Logs
All updates to the Configuration Settings are captured in the Audit Log page. For example, the following illustration lists all actions performed to edit general settings :

To view details of each audit entry:
1. Go to the required data and mouse over
2. Click
3. The details page is launched where in you can view only those entries that are changed. The illustration below shows details of
successful disabling of Bot Session on Control Room and setting of the password policy:

Refer View Audit Details for more information.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Bots - Configure Version Control
To manage controlled edits of files that could include TaskBots, MetaBots, Reports, and Workflows, as a Control Room admin you can
configure Version Control in Control Room Settings.
The Control Room is tightly integrated with SubVersion version control system so that the version, checkin/checkout, version history
and version roll back functionality can be leveraged with ease for all files.

By default, the feature is disabled.

Version Control Pre-requisites

For Version Control to be enabled and integrated from Control Room, it is necessary that SVN (SubVersion) should be installed
and configured.
Note: Automation Anywhere supports Subversion v1.7.2, v1.9.7, and 1.8.15.


SVN Administrator user should be created with required permissions.


SVN repository should be created, which can be used to store all version control files.


Control Room will be the basis of communication with SVN. Clients will not communicate with SVN directly.
Note: Once the Control Room integration with SVN is up and running, all communication for version control operations from Enterprise Client to SVN will take place via Control Room only.

Enable Version Control
To enable Version Control for Bots:
1. Select Administration →Settings →Bots
2. Click


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3. The page opens in edit mode:

4. Select Enabled
5. Enter the following details:
a. Subversion server name - Provide hostname of subversion server.
b. Subversion repository path - Provide the SVN repository path.

The SVN repository must be empty if you are enabling these settings or switching from an old configured repository
to new SVN repository.


You can configure only upto three levels of repository path.


Refer section on Impact of enabling and disabling VCS settings for details.
Tip: You can copy these details from the VisualSVN Server Manager as shown:

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


6. Select option for assigning Bot production version manually or automatically when you enable version control or configure version
control to another Subversion repository.
The production version of a Bot is must for a schedule to run on the selected Bot, Your schedules will not be triggered unles the
scheduled bots have their production versions set.


Use Do not assign "Production versions". I will do so manually when you want to manually assign a production version for
Bots. Use this option when you want to set production versions in a controlled manner.
Use Automatically assign the latest version of a bot to be its "Production version" when you want the Control Room to automatically select the latest version of Bots to Production version.

7. Optionally, select Use a secure connection with the Subversion server
8. Provide the Subversion server port number that is assigned for SVN. It should be between 1 and 65535.
9. Provide your Subversion Login credentials - Username and Password
10. The details for Subversion path and Files last uploaded are updated once you configure Version Control. The default path of Control Room files is also displayed.
11. Click
Note: If VCS was earlier configured and you switch to a different Subversion repository, the
bot version history is not stored. Refer Impact of enabling and disabling... section for details.


You must confirm whether you want to continue:

Note: Bots which are deleted after VCS is disabled, will be deleted from SVN too.

You can view the repository synching as shown:

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12. The details are updated as shown:

Disable Version Control
You can also choose to disable Version Control.
1. Clear Enable
2. Click
3. A successful switch is denoted with:

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Impact of enabling and disabling version control settings
When you enable and disable version control settings in the Control Room, it affects the way a Client can access their Bots in the Client and upload those to the Control Room. While enabling and disabling this setting ensure you are aware about its impact, which is
summarized here.



When you enable version control settings, the system uploads the Bots from Control Room repository to SVN repository. During
upload the Control Room repository is in read only mode and locked. Hence, you cannot update it. You will not be able to perform
actions such as Upload, Delete, Set production version, Checkout /Check in /Undo checkout, and Force unlock.
When you disable version control settings, the files that are in checked out state are listed for force unlock by the Control Room
administrator or a user with unlock bots privileges. You are allowed to disable the settings only when you unlock the checked out
When you re-enable version control settings, you can:
a. Connect to the repository that you had uploaded earlier. Version history of existing Bots is also retained. Hence, in this
i. The version of the Bots that are not updated remains the same.
ii. A new version of updated Bots is created.
iii. Version 1.0 is allotted to new Bots that have the same name as that of a Bot that was deleted from the earlier repository.
iv. Production version is not set if the option Do not assign production version. I will do so manually is selected.
v. Production version is set to latest versions of the Bots if the option Automatically assign the latest version of bots to
production version is selected
b. Connect to a new repository that does not have any Bots. Your version history of the earlier repository is not retained. Also,
you can choose to set the production version manually or automatically.
Note: You cannot connect to a new repository that is not empty.

Audit Logs
All updates to the VCS Settings are captured in the Audit Log page. For example, the following illustration lists all actions performed to
connect and edit VCS settings :

To view details of each audit entry:
1. Go to the required data and mouse over
2. Click
3. The details page is launched where in you can view only those entries that are changed. The illustration below shows details of
successful connection of Version Control to a Subversion repository:

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Note: Some fields such as Subversion server name, port, repository path, and credentials are
shown as (Encrypted) because these values are securely stored in the Credential Vault.
Refer View Audit Details for more information.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Client application
As a Control Room admin you can choose to configure the settings relevant to your Automation Anywhere Client in Client application.
Here, you can:

Enable or disable Secure recording


Change Product help URLs


Configure Device health checks

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Secure recording
Secure recording offers you a choice between capturing or not capturing images and control values during business process recording
by Bot creators. You can enable secure recording when you are automating secure applications such as Bank accounts.
To modify secure recording settings:
1. Select Client application
2. Click


3. The page opens in edit mode wherein Secure recording is shown Off by default.
4. Select Secure recording is On

5. Click

Product help URLs
Product help URLs allow you to redirect links to Automation Anywhere Support Site or to any Custom URL of your choice.


Use Automation Anywhere's URLs - Use this to navigate your users to the default Automation Anywhere Support site. This disables all the other options such as Live Chat with Support URL etc.
Use Custom URLs - Use this to navigate your users to your custom defined URLs for Product help. This allows your users to seek
help from in-house automation experts.
The illustration below shows the URL's as seen in Enterprise Client → Help:

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Table below summarizes Product help URLs:


AAE client application support

It allows you to add your customized Product Help URL and re-direct users to your
in-house support site.

Live chat with support

It allows you to access in-house Live Chat and speak to online Experts.

Example online

It allows you to look for available Online Examples.

Request live 1-on-1 demo

It allows you to request for live demonstration of features and experts would
answer your questions.

Technical support

It allows you to access in-house Technical Support.

Ask the expert

It allows you to speak to an expert and get their expert advice.

To modify Product help URL settings:
1. Select Client application
2. Click


3. The page opens in edit mode wherein Use Automation Anywhere URLs are selected by default.
4. Select Use Custom URLs as required. For example, you might want to redirect Live chat support to a specific chat group.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.



You must use http(s) protocol in the URLs. If you do not, then your are shown an error:

5. Click

Device health check configuration
These settings allows you to set the time interval for Device Health check that includes parameters such as CPU, Memory, and Disk
usage etc. You can therefore set the frequency at which the data is exchanged between the Control Room and connected Clients.
To modify Device health check settings
1. Select Client application
2. Click


3. The page opens in edit mode wherein the Blip interval for bot execution and device status can be enabled. The default value for:

Bot execution is set to 60 seconds


device status i.e. how long it is idle is set to 600 seconds.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


4. Change the Blip interval time as required

You cannot input less than 5 or empty value. If you do, then you are shown an error:

5. Click

Modification details
The modification details such as Modified by and Last modified date/time are captured. The Client application tab shows System and
the Control Room installation/configuration date and time by default when you launch the Settings page:

Audit Logs
All updates to the Client application settings are captured in the Audit Log page. For example, the following illustration lists all actions
performed to update the Client application configuration settings:

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To view details of each audit entry:
1. Go to the required data and mouse over
2. Click
3. The details page is launched where in you can view only those entries that are changed. The illustration below shows details of
successful disabling of Secure Recording mode, change in Client application support URL, and change in Blip Interval:

Refer View Audit Details for more information.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Configure credential vault connection mode
Credential Vault is a centralized location for securely storing credential information used by Bots. As a Control Room admin, you can
configure the Connection mode that allows you to connect to the Credential Vault using a Master key.
The connection mode is first configured during Control Room's initial setup as illustrated below:

You can view the Connection mode details in Settings → Credentials tab

To configure settings for Credential Vault, you have to choose between Express or Manual mode.

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Express Mode - Use this to auto connect to the Credential Vault with the master key that is stored in the system during Control
Room configuration.
Manual Mode - Use this to manually connect to the Credential Vault using the master key that was available during Control Room
Note: You will have to provide this key every time you start / re-start the Control Room.
Important: Store the master key at a secured location if using the Manual mode. Any modification or loss may result in your losing complete access to the Control Room.


Compared to Express, the Manual mode is more secure and recommended for use in production environment.


While switching modes, you must provide the Master Key in the field and click Save for the changes to take effect.


When you do not enter a valid key, you are shown:


If the field is empty, you are shown:


A successful switch is denoted with:

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Tip: Restart the server machine (on which the Control Room is installed) or services to allow
changes to take effect.

Audit Log
All updates to the Credential Vault connection mode are captured in the Audit Log page. For example, the following illustration lists all
actions performed to connect and edit connection settings to the Credential Vault :

To view details of each audit entry:
1. Go to the required data and mouse over
2. Click
3. The details page is launched. The illustration below shows details of successful Credential Vault connection switch from Express to
Manual mode:

Refer View Audit Details for more information.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


As a Control Room admin, you can opt to send email notifications to other Control Room users when certain activities that affect the
users are updated such as user information, account activation/de-activation, TaskBot execution status etc.
Also, when this setting is enabled, all users have to confirm their account by clicking on the confirmation link that they receive in their
email account, set the password & security questions, and login to the Control Room.
By default, email notifications are disabled.

Enable Email notifications
To modify Email settings:
1. Select Email
2. Click


3. The page opens in edit mode
4. Select Send email notifications
5. Enter the following details:
a. Email address - this is the address from which the notification will be sent to the user
b. Email server host - this is the email server host name
c. Email server port.- this should be between 1 and 65535
d. My server uses a secure connection (SSL/TLS) - This is optional. Select this if you have enabled SSL/TLS protocol.
e. Username and Password - This is only enabled if you select My server requires authentication
6. Select any or all activities for which you want to send the notification to the user when:
a. The user information changes. For example when the Control Room admin updates the Firstname and Lastname of user
Mike.Lee, he receives an email notification stating that his user account information has been updated.
b. The user is activated, deactivated or deleted. For example, if the Control Room admin disables the user Mike.Lee, he
receives an email stating that his user account has been disabled.
c. The Taskbot scheduled or run by the user fails execution. For example, if Mike.Lee who has scheduling privileges schedules a Bot to run on the Bot Runner Amy.Chen's machine and the Bot fails to,

deploy to Bot Runner machine


execute because it was either stopped, timed-out or encountered an error,

Mike.Lee receives an email notification stating that the Bot scheduled on the Bot Runner Amy.Chen could not finish execution.
d. An ALM package is exported or imported by the user. For example, if Mike.Lee exports or imports an ALM package, he will
receive an email notification providing status of the export or import package.

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7. Click

8. The settings are saved successfully

Disable Email notifications
You can also choose to disable the notifications if required.
1. Clear the Send email notifications option.
2. Click
3. Click OK

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Audit Logs
All updates to the Email notification settings are captured in the Audit Log page. For example, the following illustration lists all actions
performed to connect to the mail server and edit email notification settings :

To view details of each audit entry:
1. Go to the required data and mouse over
2. Click
3. The details page is launched where in you can view only those entries that are changed. The illustration below shows details of
successful enabling of email notification settings, connection to the mail server, email server details, and actions for which notification will be sent:

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Note: Some fields such as From email address, server host, port, authentication required or
not, and credentials are shown as (Encrypted) because these values are securely stored in the Credential Vault.
Refer View Audit Details for more information.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Users - An Overview
The Users page of Control Room gives a detailed information of existing users. As a Control Room user with user management privileges, you can view, edit, delete, and enable or disable a user. You can also perform other actions, such as delete multiple users,
export the list of users in CSV format, refresh the list in the Users table, and show or hide columns in the Users table depending on
your preferences,
Besides the above tasks, you can:

Create a user


Create a role

The page is illustrated in the following figure.

For ease of access, you can apply search parameters to Username, First Name, Last Name, Description, User Status, and Email

You can use specify the search parameters in the search bar for Username, First Name, Last Name, Description, and Email

Note: When you specify search parameters for the same column, the system searches using OR
operator. When you specify search parameters for different columns, the system searches using AND
Known Behavior: When you use special keys "-" or "_", the system lists all Usernames instead
of Usernames having these parameters.

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You can choose the search parameters from a list in the search bar for user status:

Tip: You can perform the following actions on a column to help you work efficiently.

Click a column to sort it in ascending and descending order. You can sort up to three columns by
holding the Shift key when you click on two more columns. This gives you the option of sorting
two additional columns. This way the sorting is done on the entire table and not just the data
that is currently visible to you. The last sorting is stored in memory applied by a user per session.


Use a drag-and-drop operation to move the column left or right.


Move your mouse cursor at the end of the column and drag to re-size.

You can perform the following tasks on an individual User by moving your mouse over the Actions icon.

Click this icon to Edit details about the user .

An email is sent when you edit a user if SMTP is enabled.


A non admin user with user management permissions can only view the
Admin and Locker Admin users in the Users list but cannot edit these


Click this icon to view additional information about the user. Refer View user details.

Enable/ Disable

Click this icon to activate or deactivate the user. This is useful in scenarios when you want to temporarily restrict a user’s access to Client or Control Room.
Note: When you activate or deactivate a user, an email is sent to the
user if SMTP is enabled.


Click this icon to delete the user. You can use this feature in scenarios when a user leaves the
organization or is moved to another role. This frees the device to which the user was attached and
the license allocated to the user is freed. Learn more
Note: When you delete a user, an email is sent to the user if SMTP is

You can also perform the following table-level actions for a set of multiple activities.
Note: These actions can be performed only at a table-level and not on individual items.
Table Item



Refreshes the table and reflects the latest data.


Deletes the selected users. Learn more
Note: You cannot delete a user who is currently logged in.

Export to CSV

Exports the selected items in the table in CSV format.

Show/ Hide columns

Allows you to select the columns that you want to show or hide in the table.

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Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Create a non-active directory user
To create a user, perform the followings steps.
1. Log on to Control Room with administration privileges.
2. Navigate to the users page. The Users page is displayed.
3. Click the

link . The Create user page is displayed.

4. In the General details area, do the following

Username: Type a user name for the user.
Note: You can use the "@" character to accommodate email user-names.


Description:Type a description for the user. This is optional.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.



First name: Type the first name for the user. This is optional.


Last name: Type the last name for the user. This is optional.
Note: The number of characters allowed in First name and Last name is 50.


Password: Type a password for the user. Ensure that you are assigning a password that follows the password policy of your
organization. For more information on password policy settings, refer Security in Configuration Settings.
Note: If Email Notification is enabled then the password field is not displayed to the user;
an email is sent to the user to set the password.




Confirm password: Type the password again. This should be same to what you typed in the Password field.
Email: Type the e-mail address for the user. If e-mail setting are enabled, the user is sent an email to this address to confirm
the account. All important Control Room notifications will be sent to this e-mail address.
Confirm email: Type the email address again. This should be same to what you typed in the Email field.

5. Select a role for the user from the Available roles table in the Select roles area and click the add button
.You can select
multiple roles for the user. The role is added to the Selected roles area. Depending on the role that you assign to a user, the user
will have privileges and permissions to access and perform action in certain areas of Control Room. For example, a user with an
AAE_Basic role can view the Dashboard, Activities, Bots, and to manage lockers and queues.
Note: View Dashboard, Manage my credentials and locker, View and manage my queues: These permissions are available to any Control Room user by default. A non-admin user does not have access
to Admin, BotFarm Admin, Pool Admin, Locker Admin roles.

6. Select a license to be allocated to the user from the Allocate a device license to user area.


Bot runner:This allows the user to run bots and and requires a run-time license. Additionally, select the IQ Bots check box,
if you want to grant the user to run Bots.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.




Bot creator: This allows the user to create and build automation, such as TaskBots, MetaBots, and Workflows and requires
a development license. Additionally, you can select the Enable auto login check box, if you want the Client UI of the user to
remember the credentials of the user. A column in users page is displayed, wherein the value for auto login is either N/A or
Can auto login. N/A is displayed when auto login option is not checked, hence disabled. Can auto login is displayed when
auto login option is enabled.
None: This allows the user to only access Control Room. Users with this license cannot run or create bots. This option can
also be used to release the allocated license.

7. Once you allocate a license to the user, the Create user button is enabled.

The Create user button has two options.


Create user:This creates the user and the Users page is displayed.
Create user and create another: This creates the user and the Create user page is refreshed so that you can create
another user.

8. After clicking one of the Create user options, the user is created and the following message is displayed.

The user "amy.chang" is reflected in the All users list

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Edit non-active directory user details
As a Control Room user having edit user permission, you can modify the details of a user from the Users page. This is useful in scenarios where you may want to change the role of a user or when users forget their password or when their email address is changed.
Note: If roles/ permissions for any user is updated, the user must re-login or refresh the browser
for the changes to be immediately reflected on Control Room UI.
You can change the following details for a user.

First name


Last name











You cannot change the User name for a user.
You cannot change or edit your own details except from User Profile tray. To change the details of your own profile, refer to
Edit and update your profile.
In case when Email Notification is enabled when you edit the details of a user, an email is sent to the user. Learn more

To edit the details of a user, perform the following steps.
1. Log on to Control Room as an administrator and navigate to Administration → Users. The Users page is displayed

2. Move your mouse over the Actions icon and click the Edit user

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


icon . The Edit user page is displayed.

3. Make changes to the fields depending on your requirements. For example, you can reallocate license of a Bot Creator to Bot Runner.

While making any updates, ensure that you are aware as to what changes are applicable.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


4. Click the Save Changes button. The changes are made and a successfully edited message is displayed.
Note: These changes are audit logged and authorized users can refer to it in the future.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Create an active directory user
The process of creating an active directory user is different from creating a non-active directory user as the user must be a part of an active directory.
To create an active directory user, perform the following steps.
1. Log on to Control Room with administration privileges.
2. Navigate to the Users page. The Users page is displayed.

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3. Click the

link . The Create user page is displayed.

4. In the General details area, do the following

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.




Enable user: Select this check box to enable the user.
Active Directory domain:Select the active directory name for the user. The list displays all domains that are available in AD
domain controller.
Note: Control Room Active Directory supports single forest multi-domain environment.


Username: Type a user name for the user, the CHECK NAME IN ACTIVE DIRETORY button is enabled.
When you click the CHECK NAME IN ACTIVE DIRETORY button, one of the following happens.
Note: The "@" character is supported to accommodate email user-names.



If the user name is present in the active directory, the First name, Last name, Email, and Confirm email fields are
automatically displayed, as shown in the following figure.

If the user name is not present in the active directory, an error message is displayed, as shown in the following figure. Contact your network administrator to resolve the issue.

In Active Directory environment details such as: First Name, Last Name, Email address are auto-populated from AD and
hence user does not need to type-in. In case the data is not populated from AD then user must specify the details.

5. Select a role for the user from the Available roles table in the Select roles area and click the add button
added to the Selected roles area.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


. The role is

6. Select a license to be allocated to the user from the Allocate a device license to user area. By default, there are three licenses available.




Bot runner: This allows the user to run bots and and requires a run-time license. Additionally, select the IQ Bots check box,
if you want to grant the user to run IQ Bots.
Bot creator: This allows the user to create and run task bots and and requires a development license. Additionally, you can
select the Enable auto login check box, if you want the Client UI of the user to remember the credentials of the user. A
column in users page is displayed, wherein the value for auto login is N/A or Can auto login. N/A is displayed when auto
login option is not checked and Can auto login is displayed when auto login option is enabled.
None: This allows the user to only access Control Room. Users with this license cannot run or create bots.

7. Once you allocate a license to the user, the Create user button is enabled.

The Create user button has two options.


Create user:This creates the user and the Users page is displayed.
Create user and create another: This creates the user and the Create user page is refreshed so that you can create
another user.

8. After clicking one of the Create user options, the user is created and the following message is displayed.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Edit active directory user details
As an administrator, you can edit the details of an active directory user from the Users page This is useful in scenarios where you may
want to change the role, email address of users or when users forget their password.
Note: If roles/ permissions for any user is updated, the user must re-login or refresh the browser
for the changes to be immediately reflected on Control Room UI.
You can change the following details for a user.

First name


Last name




Roles and Licenses


You cannot change the User name and Active Directory domain for a user.


You cannot change or edit your own profile. Contact you administrator to make the changes.


When you edit the details of a user, an email is sent to the user.

To edit the details of a user, perform the following steps.
1. Log on to Control Room as an administrator and navigate to Administration → Users. The All Users page is displayed

2. Move your mouse over the Actions icon and click the Edit user

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icon . The Edit user page is displayed.

3. Make changes to the fields depending on your requirements.
4. Click the Save Changes button. The changes are made and a successfully edited message is displayed.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Add user from IdP server for single sign on
The process of adding a user from the IdP server in a Control Room that is configured for Single Sign On is similar to creating an active
directory user.
To create an sso user, perform the following steps.
1. Log on to Control Room with administration privileges.
2. Navigate to the Users page. The Users page is displayed.
3. Click the

link . The Create user page is displayed.

4. In the General details area, do the following

Username: Type a user name for the user.
Tip: Ensure that the Username is the same as provided in the IdP Server.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Note: The "@" character is supported to accommodate email user names.

Description:Type a description for the user. This is optional.


First name: Type the first name for the user. This is optional.


Last name: Type the last name for the user. This is optional.
Note: The number of characters allowed in First name and Last name is 50.



Email: Type the e-mail address for the user. If e-mail setting are enabled, the user is sent an email to this address to confirm the
account. All important Control Room notifications will be sent to this e-mail address.
Confirm email: Type the email address again. This should be same to what you typed in the Email field.

7. Select a role for the user from the Available roles table in the Select roles area and click the add button
added to the Selected roles area.

. The role is

8. Select a license to be allocated to the user from the Allocate a device license to user area. By default, there are three licenses available.




Bot runner: This allows the user to run bots and and requires a run-time license. Additionally, select the IQ Bots check box, if you
want to grant the user to run IQ Bots.
Bot creator: This allows the user to create and run task bots and and requires a development license. Additionally, you can select
the Enable auto login check box, if you want the Client UI of the user to remember the credentials of the user. A column in users
page is displayed, wherein the value for auto login is N/A or Can auto login. N/A is displayed when auto login option is not checked
and Can auto login is displayed when auto login option is enabled.
None: This allows the user to only access Control Room. Users with this license cannot run or create bots.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


View user details
A Control Room user with view user permission, you have access to View users page.
When you click the View icon
for an individual user in the All users page, the View user page is opened in read only mode. It
provides information, such as the user details, roles, and general details, such as Last modified, Modified by, Object type, and User
type. Besides this, you can also edit details of the user and enable or disable the user using the enable/ disable toggle button
Note: For Active Directory users, the password field is not displayed.

The different areas of the View user page are explained in the following table.


User details

Use this area to view the following details of the folder

First name:The first name of the user.


Last name: The last name of the user


Description:The description of the user.


Email: The email address of the user


Password: The password of the user


User status:The status of user, whether enabled or disabled.


License: The license type of the user, such as bot runner, bot creator and other license types.


License status: The status of the license for the user. This may be verified or unverified.


The roles assigned to the user.

General details

Use this area to view the following details for the folder.

Last Modified: Displays the last time changes were made to the user in date and time.


Modified by: Displays the name of the user who last made changes to the user in date and time.


Object type: Displays the type of the bot, such as Task Bot, Meta Bot, or IQ Bot.


User type: The type of user, such as Bot creator, Bot runner, Admin or Other.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Edit idp user details
As a Control Room user having edit user permission, you can modify the details of a user from the Users page. This is useful in scenarios where you may want to change the role of a user or when users forget their password or when their email address is changed.
Note: If roles/ permissions for any user is updated, the user must re-login or refresh the browser
for the changes to be immediately reflected on Control Room UI.
You can change the following details for a user.

First name


Last name







You cannot change the User name for a user.


You cannot change or edit your own details except from User Profile tray. To change the details
of your own profile, refer to Edit and update your profile.


In case when Email Notification is enabled when you edit the details of a user, an email is sent
to the user. Learn more

To edit the details of a user, perform the following steps.
1. Log on to Control Room as an administrator and navigate to Administration → Users. The Users page is displayed

2. Move your mouse over the Actions icon and click the Edit user

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icon . The Edit user page is displayed.

3. Make changes to the fields depending on your requirements.
4. Click the Save Changes button. The changes are made and a successfully edited message is displayed.

Note: These changes are audit logged and authorized users can refer to it in the future.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Delete a user
To remove redundant users, and free allocated license, a Control Room Admin user can Delete users.
To Delete a user, follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Go to Administration → Users
2. In the roles list, choose the user that you wish to delete. Then mouse over to the actions list and click Delete user

3. The following messages are displayed if the user is assigned:

Bot Runner license


Bot Creator license



4. Once the user is deleted, the following notification is displayed:

5. When an admin user deletes "amy.chang" from Control Room,"amy.chang" is displayed as Inactive. As shown in the below mentioned screen shot. The deleted users are shown as Inactive appended to their name. This helps to identify the users that are not in
use any more and have left the organization.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Roles - An Overview
This page allows an admin or user with roles permission to perform actions such as: Create, Edit, Delete roles for various features and
operations in Control Room. RBAC (role based access control) grants access to users based on the assigned roles and the accessibility provided to the user.

Benefits of creating roles

Increased security by controlling users access according to their specified roles.


Decreased need of customer support


Easy and accurate monitoring of the use and access of data by higher management, leading to better research management.

In Control Room you can see two types of roles:


System- created: These roles are pre-configured during Control Room installation.
User- created: These roles are created by user themselves and can be customized accordingly.
Note: If a custom role /user-created role is created with all Control Room permission then it
is not considered as a Control Room Admin role. Only system created Admin role has this privilege.


Create role: Allows user to create roles. Learn More


Create user: Allows to create users in Control Room. Learn More


In the search pane you can filter roles according to role name and role type.
Note: When you specify search parameters for the same column, the system searches using OR
operator. When you specify search parameters for different columns, the system searches using AND

Tip:You can perform the following actions on a column to help you work efficiently.

Click a column to sort it in ascending and descending order. You can sort up to three columns by holding the Shift key when
you click on two more columns. This gives you the option of sorting two additional columns. This way the sorting is done on the
entire table and not just the data that is currently visible to you. The last sorting is stored in memory applied by a user per session..


Use a drag-and-drop operation to move the column left or right.


Move your mouse cursor at the end of the column and drag to re-size.

The following describes the list of items that can be viewed in the table:

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Table Item



Shows the type of role as system-created or user-created.

Role Name

Shows name of the role.

# of Users

Shows number of users accessing the role.

Last Modified

Shows date and time of role when it was last modified.

Modified By

Shows name of the user who last modified the role.

Table Item



Allows you to view role details. Learn More


Allows you to edit a role. Learn More


Allows you to delete a role. Learn More


Allows you to copy a role. Learn More

Alternatively, you can select all roles and perform the following actions:
Table Item



Allows you to refresh the list of roles.


Allows you to delete selected roles from the list.

Show/ hide columns

Allows you to show or hide specific columns. By default, all the columns are displayed.

Tip: To hide a column, click the column name.

Audit Logs

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All the Create, Update, Delete actions are tracked in audit log for record keeping and future use. You can refer those entries in the
Audit Log page:

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Create a role
Activities and access to Control Room for Users (Administrators, Clients, and non-Clients) are governed by the role defined for each.
The role based accessibility model ensures each User has privileges to view information or data that is relevant to the role assigned by
the Control Room Administrator. Therefore, only an admin or Control Room user with roles permission can assign roles to users and
provide access to them for various features and operations.
To create a role, follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Go to Administration → Roles.

2. Click on Create Role.

3. Input the following information:


Name and description of the role.
Click individual sub-tabs such as: Features, Bots, Devices, Usersand select required permissions that are relevant to
the role you are creating.
Note: Bots and Devices sub-tabs are displayed only if the required permission is selected from the Features sub-tab.

4. Input required information such as- role name, description, and check desired permissions. Click next, if you wish to add users.
Note: Bot Insight, BotFarm, and IQ Bot roles are displayed only if you have respective


You can assign the following permissions to your role:

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.




View dashboards
Note: This permission is checked and disabled by
default since it is available to all users.



View my In progress activity
Note: This permission is checked and disabled by
default since it is available to all users.



View everyone's In progress activity



Manage everyone's In progress activity

View my scheduled bots


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Manage my In progress activity


Schedule my bots to run


Edit my scheduled activity


Delete my scheduled activity





View and manage ALL scheduled activity

View my bots


Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.

View and manage ALL scheduled activity from my


Run my bots



Export bots


Import bots


Create Folders


Rename Folders

Manage my credentials and lockers
Note: This permission is checked and disabled by
default since it is available to all users.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.



Manage my lockers


Administer all lockers
Note: This permission is available
only for Locker Admin role and cannot be
granted to any other roles.



View and manage my Bot runners, and device pools
Note: This permission is checked and enabled by
default since it is available to all users.


Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Create device pools


Administer all device pools
Note: This permission is available
only for Locker Admin role and cannot be
granted to any other roles.



View and manage BotFarm


View and manage my queues
Note: This permission is checked and disabled by
default since it is available to all users.

Audit Log

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Create queue


Administer all queues


SLA Calculator

View everyone's audit log actions





Archive audit log actions

View and manage settings
Note: This permission is available only for Control Room Admin role and cannot be granted to any
other roles



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View users


Create users


Edit users


Delete users

View and manage roles



IQ Bot

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View and manage Migration


View licenses


Manage user's device licenses


Install License


Bot Auto-Login Credentials API


Bot Insight Data API







System- created roles:These roles are pre-configured during Control Room installation
Note: System-created roles cannot be deleted or edited, except assigning or removing
users from the role.
Default Roles



This role allows access to all features, including creating other Admin users
and access to all folders and files. The only role that can access Control
Room settings.

AAE_Locker Admin

This role allows to view all credentials and all lockers. A Locker Admin can
change the owner of a credential that they do not own. For lockers they do
not own, they can delete the locker, edit permissions, and remove credentials.
Note: This permission is not applicable to Control Room
Admin role.


This role provides permissions to upload and download Task Bots in the My
Tasks folder. Limited access to other features.

AAE_Pool Admin

This role allows user to view and manage all device pools.
Note: Users with AAE_Pool Admin do not have permission
to see any bots and supporting files.

AAE_Queue Admin

This role allows user to view and manage all queues.

AAE_Bot Insight Admin
AAE_Bot Insight Consumer

This role allows permissions to view data in Bot Insight. Limited access to
Control Room features. (If Bot Insight license is installed)

AAE_Bot Insight Expert

This role provides permission to view and manage data in Bot Insight. Limited access to Control Room features. (If Bot Insight license is installed)

AAE_BotFarm Admin

This role provides BotFarm admin privileges to the user.

AAE_BotFarm Agent

This role provides view and manage privileges to the user.

AAE_IQ Bot Validator
AAE_IQ Bot Services

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


5. In the Bots tab, you can check permissions for the following:
Note: Bots tab is visible only if 'View my bots'permission is selected in Features tab.

TaskBots and other supporting files - You can check the following permissions:


Select all - This permission includes upload, download, execute, delete, Run + Schedule actions.


Run + Schedule - This permission includes run and schedule permission for TaskBots i.e. allows user to run and/or
schedule Bots. This permission is enabled only if user has either Run my bots or Schedule my bots to run permission.



This permission is termed as Run when the user has Run my bots feature permission. You can explicitly select
Run permission on a specific folder to allow the user to run all bots that belong to this folder.
Similarly, this permission is termed as Schedule when the user has Schedule my bots to run feature permission.
You can explicitly select Run permission on a specific folder to allow the user to schedule all bots that belong to
this folder.
It is termed as Run + Schedule when user has both feature permissions. This allows the user to run and schedule bots that belong to this specific folder on which the permission is selected.


Upload: This permission allows uploading TaskBot files/ folder to Control Room from Client.


Download:This permission allows downloading TaskBot from Control Room.


Delete:This permission allows removing files and its dependencies from Control Room.


MetaBots- MetaBot supports role based access control (RBAC) on individual MetaBot files, and folders containing
MetaBots. When a MetaBot is uploaded to Control Room, it inherits permission of the immediate parent folder. To
change or modify permission on individual MetaBot file, you must perform the action manually.
Note:If the applied permissions are different on a MetaBot file and its folder, precedence is given to permission applied at the MetaBot file level.
You can check the following permissions:


Select all - This permission includes upload, download, execute, delete, run + schedule actions.
Run + Schedule - This permission includes run and schedule permission for MetaBots i.e. allows user to run
and/or schedule Bots. This permission is enabled only if user has either Run my bots or Schedule my bots to run



This permission is termed as Run when the user has Run my bots feature permission. You can explicitly
select Run permission on a specific folder to allow the user to run all bots that belong to this folder.
Similarly, this permission is termed as Schedule when the user has Schedule my bots to run feature permission. You can explicitly select Run permission on a specific folder to allow the user to schedule all
bots that belong to this folder.
It is termed as Run + Schedule when user has both feature permissions. This allows the user to run and
schedule bots that belong to this specific folder on which the permission is selected.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.




Upload - This permission includes uploading MetaBot files/ folder to Control Room.
Download - This permission includes downloading MetaBot files/ folder from Control Room to Client. Please
note, if download is selected then execute is auto-selected.


Execute - This permission includes using MetaBot in a task.


Delete - This permission includes removing file/ folder from Control Room.

Note: The Run + Schedule permission replaces the earlier behaviour of 11.0 where user was
allowed to run or schedule a bot when the user had download permission for a folder.
3. In Devices tab, you can select the devices your role will have access to. A non-admin user will have access to Bot runners that
are tagged to user's role.

4. In Users tab, you can assign your role to existing users, select users from the list of available users and click on
you complete selecting users for your role, click on Create role.

. After

Tip: You can select multiple users for your role in users tab. This allows more than one
user to be assigned the same role at a time, which reduces the effort unlike the Users landing

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Note: Users that are shown disabled cannot be selected if they have been deactivated by an
Admin user. Also, your own user is reflected as disabled in the users' list and it cannot be
5. The following notification indicates that your role has been successfully created:

Create users in Control Room based on the roles and permissions assigned. Learn More

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Edit a role
When you click the Edit icon
for a role in the Roles table of the All roles page, the Edit role page is opened. Only an admin user, or a
user with permission to edit role can access Edit role option. User has access to modify information, such as feature permissions, bots,
devices and users
Note: If a role/ permission for a user is updated, the user must re-login or refresh the browser for
the changes to be immediately reflected on Control Room UI.
1. Go to Administration → Roles
2. In the roles list, choose the role that you wish to edit. Then mouse over to the Actions list and click Edit role.

3. In the Edit role page, user can make changes : Features, Bots, Devices, and Users

Features: Allows you to add or revoke role permissions.

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Bots: Allows you to add or revoke access to folders on the Bots tab. Also, you can select the actions a user can perform on
files within the folder.

Devices: Allows you to add or remove devices a role has access to on the Devices tab.
Note: If a Bot is scheduled on a device, the device is shown disabled in the "selected"

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.



Users: Allows you to add or remove users who have permission to access the role.

4. Once the changes are done, click Save changes. Your role is successfully edited.

Note: A user with View and Manage Role permission can view all the roles. However, the user cannot edit
details of Admin and Locker Admin roles. When the user clicks
, the following message is displayed:

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


View a role
An admin user, or a user with permission to view and/or manage role can access View role page.
1. Go to Administration → Roles
2. In the roles page, choose the role that you wish to view. Go to the actions list and click View Role.

3. The following page is displayed with information such as selected: Features, Bots, Devices, and Users for the role in read-only

Features: Shows the list of features and permissions the role has access.


Bots: Shows the list of bots and supporting files the role has access.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.



Devices: Shows the list of devices the role has access.


Users: Shows the list of users having access to the respective role.

Note: A user with View and Manage Role permission can view all the roles. However, the user cannot view
details of Admin and Locker Admin roles. When the user clicks

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


, the view page is launched with an

Delete a role
An admin user, or a user with permission to delete role can select Delete option to remove redundant roles from the system.
To delete a role, follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Go to Administration → Roles
2. In the roles list, choose the role that you wish to delete. Then mouse over to the actions list and click Delete role
Note: System-created roles cannot be deleted.



If users are assigned to your role, then the following message is displayed:

If users are not assigned to your role, then the following message is displayed. Click Yes, delete to delete your role and No,
cancel to cancel deletion:

3. You can also delete multiple roles . Check the roles that you wish to delete and click on Delete Checked Items icon

4. A success notification is displayed as follows:

In case when single role is deleted:


In case when multiple roles are deleted:

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Licenses- An Overview
Control Room License page provides detailed information about the current license that is installed. It also gives the Admin user privilege to monitor license details and usage statistics. Therefore, an Admin user can view these details any time and avail information
about the number of products purchased, the number of device licenses purchased, and number of licenses that are exactly in use. A
first time user has access to trial license for a period of 30 days, after which a user can continue with an extended trial license or install
a new license.

Benefits of purchasing a license

Genuine license ensures reliable support system


Enables user to utilize the product features for the license period they have purchased


Helps gain access to latest updates, upgrades, security patches, hot fixes.

Product licenses
Control Room integrates with other Automation Anywhere products such as BotFarm, Bot Insight and Cognitive Platform. The product
license details shows the list of purchased products, along with license version and product license status as used, not used, or N/A.
Note: If you have Bot Insight license, Operational Analytics is available by default with Control
Room v11.0




Product Name


Latest version no. of the current installed product


Product has been purchased or not purchased


Product is in used, not used, or N/A status

Bot user licenses
Bot user license detail shows the number of device licenses that have been purchased and are currently in use.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Bot creator (Development): Users with privilege to automate Bot(s) in Client.
Bot runner (Runtime): Users with privilege to run Bot(s).
BotFarm (Runtime) : Bot user count of licenses is measured in number of hours used by all runtime clients within BotFarm to execute a
BotInsight: It shows the number of user count having Business Analytics role -Bot Insight Consumer or Expert. And API count is measured in number of rows that API fetches from Bot Insight database.




Type of license


No. of licenses purchased


No. of licenses in use

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Trial license
Automation Anywhere Control Room ships trial License with an evaluation period of 30 days. This provides the user with an ability to
assess the product and make an informed decision. Trial license offers 3 Bot Creators and 2 Bot Runners to begin with; also a user can
contact System Administrator or Automation Anywhere Sales to purchase a new license or extend the existing trial license.
To purchase an extended license or to install a new license, follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Login to Control Room as an Admin and the Dashboard homepage is displayed.
2. A notification is displayed with remaining days for license expiry. Click Show details.
3. A message appears with a link to Install a new license or to contact System Administrator or Automation Anywhere Sales

To view Bot license and usage statistics, follow the below mentioned steps:
Note: Product and Bot user license statistics is only visible to users with Admin role and users with License management permission,
1. Go to Administrations Tab → Click Licenses.

2. The License page shows Product and Bot User license statistics with details.
For detailed information, refer Install a new license.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Install a license
A Control Room Admin or a user with License management permission can install a license, and evaluate Control Room version 11.0.
A trial license is shipped with validity of 30 days; on expiry of Trial license the user must contact System Administrator or Automation
Anywhere Sales to purchase a new license.
To install a license, follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Go to Administration Tab → Click Licenses.

2. Click Install license button.

or you can click on Show details on the notification bar in Control Room header and then click Install a new license link.

3. Click on browse to select a '.license' file from the list of licenses. Make sure you select a valid '.license' file.

4. Click Install license button.

5. The following message indicates that your license is successfully updated:

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.



If a user has invalid or an expired license file, then the following error is displayed:


If user selects a file with a different extension other than ".license", then the following error is displayed:


If user selects a file that is either deleted or moved to another location, then the following error is displayed:

License Expiry
You would be unable to access Control Room, if your current license has expired. You must install a new license or contact system
administrator or Automation Anywhere Sales.

The following message is displayed when your current license expires:

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Migration - an overview
Use the Migration page to migrate data from a previous Control Room version 10.x to the current version - 11 LTS. You should be a
Control Room administrator with View and Manage Migration permission to be able to use the migration tool - Migration wizard. The
wizard can be launched anywhere in a browser from Control Room version 11 LTS.
You can use the tool to migrate data either on the basis of Roles or Users in phases depending on your business requirements.
Dependent data such as licenses, credentials, bots, and schedules are also migrated automatically when you migrate roles or users.

To ascertain whether you can initiate migration of data, ensure the following prerequisites are met:
1. You should have
a. Access to Control Room v10.x* repository path via a shared drive
b. Credentials to connect to Control Room v10.x* SQL database
c. Master key to connect to Credential Vault of Control Room v10.x*
d. Credentials to connect to Bot Insight SQL database (applicable only if using Bot Insight with Control Room v10.x*)
e. URL of Bot Insight meta-data database
2. A new infrastructure (that is separate from 10.x* environment) with Automation Anywhere Enterprise v11.1 already installed
3. It is recommended that you backup,

Control Room v10.x* SQL database


Control Room v10.x* shared repository


Control Room v10.x* SVN database (if applicable)


Bot Insight SQL database (if applicable)


Bot Insight meta-data database (if applicable)

4. It is recommended that if a migration is already in progress, you do not initiate another migration process.

* Includes Automation Anywhere Enterprise 10 LTS, 10 SP2, and hot-fixes with these as base version. Refer Installation Guide of particular versions on how to install.

Important Considerations
1. The Automation Anywhere Enterprise 10.x environment should be strictly controlled and monitored once the migration process is
initiated. Hence, it is recommended that you,

Do not,
a. Create users, roles, and permissions
b. Create and upload any meta data. For example, new automation bots
c. Create new schedules
d. Check out bots (if version control is enabled)


Schedule and deploy only on demand bots.

2. If you are using a version less than 10 LTS, you should first migrate to 10 LTS using the 10 LTS Migration Utility and then migrate
from 10 LTS to 11 LTS.
Note: The hot fixes on 10 LTS are supported for migration to 11 LTS.
3. You cannot migrate from Automation Anywhere Enterprise version 9.x. For this you should first migrate to 10 LTS. Refer AAE 10
LTS Installation Guide and AAE 10 LTS Data Migration Utility Guide.
4. Migrating data from 11 GA (11.0) to 11 LTS is NOT supported
5. Migration of data includes,
a. Repository data
b. Meta-data available in database
c. Users, roles, licenses, and permissions

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


d. Automation schedules
e. System defined credentials
f. Application settings
g. Automation bots with version history if applicable
h. Bot Insight data
6. Migration of data excludes,
a. Devices/Clients
b. Audit logs
c. License information of source Control Room
d. User defined credentials
e. Version Control Settings
f. Schedule history
7. If Version Control is enabled in 10.x Control Room then you must enable the same in 11 LTS Control Room manually since the settings for Version Control is not migrated. It is mandatory to use a fresh SVN database for 11 LTS which is different than 10.x SVN
8. Ensure the SQL database service is running during the migration process.
9. Data from source Control Room configured for one user type cannot be migrated to destination Control Room configured for
another user type. For example, data for Control Room configured for Active Directory cannot be migrated to Control Room with
either Non Active Directory or Single Sign On users.
10. Migration of SAML configuration data is NOT supported.
Refer the article on Frequently asked questions (FAQs) for other details.

Role-based access to Migration tool
You can access the migration tool from Administration → Migration page as illustrated:

Note: Only a Control Room admin can access the Migration page as the admin user is granted View and Manage Migration permission. Refer Create a role for details.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


For ease of access, you can search the entries based on the unique Migration Name

The following describes the list of items that can be viewed in the table:
Table Item



Shows the status of the saved migration - successful or unsuccessful

Migration Name

Shows the name of the migration for the corresponding migration run i.e. .

Start Time

Shows the time and date when the migration process began

End Time

Shows the time and date when the migration process ended


Shows the time it took for the migration to run

Modified by

Shows name of the user who initiated the migration i.e. name of the Control Room administrator

# Migrated

Shows the number of entities that were migrated successfully

# Not Migrated

Shows the number of entities that failed to migrate

# Total

Shows the total number of entities that were attempted for migration

Tip: You can perform the following actions on a table column:

Click a column to sort it in ascending and descending order. You can sort up to three columns by
holding the Shift key when you click on two more columns. This gives you the option of sorting
two additional columns. This way the sorting is done on the entire table and not just the data
that is currently visible to you. The last sorting is stored in memory applied by a user per session.


Use a drag-and-drop operation to move the column left or right


Move your mouse cursor at the end of the column and drag to re-size

The following describes the tasks that you can perform on an individual migration:
Table Item
View details

Allows you to view details of the selected migration run

At table level you can perform the following actions:
Table Item



Allows you to refresh the table contents so that you can view the latest migration status

Export to CSV

Allows you to export the selected data to a csv file. You can export data based on:

Show / Hide columns





Allows you to show or hide specific columns. By default, all columns are displayed:

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Tip: To hide a column, click on the column name.

Migrating Data
To migrate date, first ensure following preconditions are met,
1. Control Room 11 LTS must be installed
2. First Control Room Admin user is created
3. Credential Vault is configured
4. Control Room 11 LTS license is installed.
5. If using Version Control, the Version Control Settings should be configured under Administration → Settings. Refer Control Room
settings for details.
6. If using Windows Authentication to connect to source database, the user who is configured to run all destination Control Room Windows Services has access on source database.
7. If using Secure Connection, the source Control Room certificates is imported to the Java trust store. To import the certificate,
a. Run command prompt in administrator mode
b. Go to the AAE installation path - for example, C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Enterprise
c. Type or paste the following command at the prompt:
jre\bin\java -jar certmgr.jar -appDir "C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Enterprise" importTrustCert ""
Once the above is done, follow below steps to start the migration process:
1. Launch the 11 LTS Control Room
2. Login using your first admin credentials
3. Go to Administration → Migration tab
4. Click

available above the Migrations table or the Migrate data now link in the Migrations table.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Note: The migrate data now link is visible only if no migration process has been done.
5. The Migration wizard is launched

6. The Migration wizard comprises of following tabs,
1. Database
2. Settings
3. Roles/Users
4. Data

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Migration wizard
As a Control Room administrator with View and Manage Migration privileges you can use the Migrate data wizard to migrate data from
Automation Anywhere Enterprise v10.x to v11.1 in a systematic and phased manner.

The system allows you to connect to the source Control Room and migrate data from the source database to the destination Control
Room database. You can also migrate your Bot Insight data if it is installed in the source Control Room.

Control Room database

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To migrate Control Room database from 10.x, you must first connect to 10.x source Control Room and follow the steps given below:
1. Keep the Use secure connection selected if the SQL instance hosting 10.x Control Room database is configured with a secure connection. Clear this if the source SQL Server is not configured with secure connection.
2. Provide the host name and port number of the SQL Server where v10.x Control Room database is hosted. For example,
PRODUCTLT and 1433
3. Keep the Use Windows authentication selected if the source SQL Server is configured using Windows authentication.
Alternatively, clear the option and provide Username and Password if SQL Server is configured with SQL authentication.
4. Type the source Control Room database name. For example, AAECR10
5. Copy the source Control Room master key and paste it in the Master key field. This allows you to connect to the credential vault of
the source Control Room. This is shown encrypted once you save the migration process.
6. Click

at this juncture if you do not want to migrate Bot Insight database and move on to the next step of migrating

Tip: You can
the page if you do not provide any data or
to go back to the Migration page without saving the data.

if you want

Note: You can change the Database connection settings until the migration process is started. The
database tab is disabled once the process starts.
7. Click

Bot Insight Database
Applicable only if Bot Insight is installed on source Control Room 10.x

To migrate data from source Bot Insight database,
1. Select Connect to 10.x Bot Insight SQL Database. This enables all other fields for Bot Insight database connection.
2. Keep the Use secure connection selected if the SQL instance hosting 10.x Bot Insight database is configured with a secure connection. Clear this if the source SQL Server is not configured with secure connection.
3. Provide the host name and port number of the SQL Server where v10.x Bot Insight database is hosted. For example, PRODUCTLT
and 8091

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4. Keep the Use Windows authentication selected if the source PostgreSQL Server is configured using Windows authentication.
Alternatively, clear the option and provide Username and Password if PostgreSQL Server is configured with SQL authentication.
5. Type the source Control Room Bot Insight database name. For example, BOTINSIGHT10
6. Type the Server URL where Bot Insight is hosted. For example,
7. Click
8. Click

to connect to the database. When the connection is established, you can move to the next step.
to select migration of data based on roles or users.

1. If the master key is invalid, you are shown:

2. If a connection could not be established, you are shown:

You can choose to migrate data from your source Control Room based on roles or users in the Settings page. Though it is possible to
migrate entire data at one go, this method is not recommended. Hence, you can migrate selected data in different phases.

Migration of data can be done using two options,
1. Migrate data based on Roles. This option allows you to migrate selected roles data from source Control Room database. When you
migrate the roles, data associated with those roles such as users, license, bots, credentials, and schedules are also migrated.
2. Migrate data based on Users. This option allows you to migrate selected user data from source Control Room database. When you
migrate the users, data associated with those users such as roles, license, bots, credentials, and schedules are also migrated.

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It is recommended that you migrate data using Roles as on migrating roles all users associated
with that role are migrated along with related data such as its bots, folder access permissions,
schedules, and information regarding the user who created the bot.


If you migrate data using Users, the Roles that are NOT associated with any User might not be
migrated. Similarly, the Schedules that are associated with the Users that were NOT selected for
migration shall not be migrated.


once you select an option.


When you select Roles and associated data and click

, the Roles page is displayed. This option is selected by default.


When you select Users and associated data and click

, the Users page is displayed

You can switch between the two options. Use
previous page.

if you have not made any updates or click


to return to the

The Roles page allows you to migrate all or only selected roles from source to destination Control Room. When you select roles, other
related data such as license, users, credentials, and schedules are also migrated. This tab is shown only if you select Roles and associated data in Settings tab.
Tip: For ease of access, you can search for role names to migrate.

Select Roles
1. In the Available roles list, select the check-box beside Role Name if you want to select all roles. Alternatively, select each role from
the list of roles.
Note: The Available roles display all roles - both system and user defined that exist in 10.x CR

2. Click

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3. The roles are added to the Selected list.

4. Click

to go to Data page

Migration behavior - roles

The system defined roles from source 10.x Control Room are mapped to the destination 11 LTS Control Room


Similarly, user permissions from source 10.x Control Room are mapped to the destination 11 LTS Control Room


Roles that have any of the Upload, Download or Delete permissions, are granted Run/Schedule permission by default on migration



User defined roles with same name will have _1 suffixed to its name. For example, If a role Bot_Manager is available in both versions of the Control Room, the 10.x Control Room role will be created as a new role with the name Bot_Manager_1
For next migration run, the Available roles list will display all roles irrespective whether they are migrated or not

The Users page allows you to migrate all or only selected users from source to destination Control Room. When you select users, other
related data such as license, roles, credentials, bots, and schedules are also migrated. This tab is shown only if you select Users and
associated data in Settings tab.
Tip: For ease of access, you can search on user names for migration.

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1. In the Available users list, select the check-box beside User Name if you want to select all users. Alternatively, select each user
from the list of users.
2. Click
3. The users are added to the Selected list.

4. Click

to go to Data page

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Migration behavior - users

Users with same name will have _1 suffixed to its name. For example, If a user Mike_Lee is available in both versions of the Control Room, the 10.x Control Room role will be created as a new user with the name Mike_Lee_1. However for Active Directory
users, if the domain user with same name already exists in the destination Control Room, then such users and their dependencies
are skipped during migration.


For next migration run, the Available users list will display all users irrespective whether they are migrated or not


Deleted users shall not be migrated

Migration - View Data
You should now verify whether the data that you selected is ready for migration. The data not only includes the Roles and/or Users that
were selected, but also dependent or associated data such as Bots, Schedules, and Credentials if any.
1. The Roles tab is displayed first wherein you can verify the roles that you selected are available for migration:

2. Verify the Users are available for migration. These could either be the ones that you selected or the ones that were included based
on roles that you selected:

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3. Verify the Bots are available for migration.

Note: Migration of Bots is based on the User role as well as the folder permission granted to
that user. Hence Bots that correspond to that folder are displayed.

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4. Verify the Schedules associated with the Bots are available for migration:

5. Verify the system Credentials associated with the Users are available for migration:

6. Click
7. Confirm:

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8. You can view the progress as shown:

9. Once the migration process finishes, the status of data is shown in separate tabs:
a. The following illustrates a Roles tab with the Status, Name, and Reason for each data:

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The following illustrates a Users tab with the Status, Name, and Reason for each data:

c. The following illustrates a Bots tab with the Status, Name, and Reason for each data:

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d. The following illustrates a Schedules tab with the Status, Name, and Reason for each data:

Note: By default, all schedules are migrated as disabled. These should be activated once
the migration process is finished.
e. The following illustrates a Credentials tab with the Status, Name, and Reason for each data:



The status of an entity can either be success or failed. Status is successful if the Not Migrated column shows 0 (zero) and
unsuccessful if it shows > 0 (more than zero).
When the data fails to migrate, you can verify why it was not migrated in the Reason column. The commonly seen messages are:

Role  has been renamed


User  has been renamed


This  is already migrated.
Note: The  is for Role, User, Bot, Schedule or Credential

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General Details pertaining to the process are displayed such as Last modified for the data and time, Modified by for user
who initiated the migration and Object type for the type of action performed.

10. Once you have analyzed the migrated data, click
listed with status and other details:

to return to the Migration page wherein the migration activity is

11. On successful migration, you should perform the post migration steps as summarized in the next section.

Post Migration Steps
Since all schedules are migrated as disabled by default, you should manually add the devices to the migrated schedules to activate
them. You can perform the following to on-board the migrated schedules,
1. Install AAE 11 LTS Client. Refer AAE Client Installation Guide for details.
2. Register the Client devices with the migrated user. Refer Bot creators and bot runners - an overview for details.
3. Edit the schedules to add relevant devices
4. Enable the schedule.
Refer Schedule a bot for step 3 and 4.

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Audit Log
The Audit Log displays individual entry for each entity that is migrated.

When the migration process is initiated, a Migration started entry is logged in Audit log. Similarly when the migration process is completed, a Migration finished entry is logged. Between these two entries, migration entries are logged for each entity that is migrated
such as Create or Update operation.


to view details of the process. For example, the following illustrates details of a successful migration:

Known behavior of data migration
1. Bots and Files are migrated based on user having at least one folder permission viz Upload, Download or Delete. Similarly
MetaBots are migrated based on user having at least one folder permission viz Upload, Download Delete or Execute.


Note that ‘My MetaBots’ folder permissions are not propagated when a new folder is migrated in the destination Control
If a 10.x bot to be migrated already exists in 11.x then the same will not be migrated

2. If the source Control Room has Version Control enabled then

The version history of both the bots and its dependencies is migrated


The production version which is last set will be migrated


Locked bots and files are unlocked and then migrated to 11.x

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Client Last Modified and Modified by fields for each version of the migrated bot will be set to name of the current Control
Room user running the migration process or else the Modified by field of the migrated bot is set to SYSTEM if the user referencing this field is not migrated in 11.x

3. In case of failure to migrate the Modified by field for bot(s), the field shows the name as SYSTEM in the My bots and Edit page.
4. You can migrate only those bots and files for which you have at least one permission for a Folder - Upload, Download or Delete.
Similarly, you can migrate individual Metabots for which you have at least one permission - Upload, Download, Delete or Execute.
5. All user licenses are migrated automatically when you migrate the users. Note that license migration is not visible on the Control
Room user interface.

If the number of licensed in destination 11 LTS Control Room are less than the ones available in source 10.x Control Room,
and all are consumed in the destination Control Room, then a user might not be assigned a license.

6. During the first migration run, the entities related to CR Settings viz. Mail Server Configuration, Email Notification, and Client Configuration are migrated automatically.
7. All dependencies for a user or role are migrated based on the folder permissions the user has for the assigned role.
8. On migrating a 10.x role having any of the Upload, Download or Delete permission on a folder, the role is granted Run/Schedule
permission by default in 11.1.

All system created roles in 10.x are mapped to the corresponding 11.x roles and hence are not migrated.


All default permissions available in 11.x are granted to all the 10.x roles that are migrated.

9. Password protect tasks and its schedules are not supported in 11.x and hence they cannot be migrated. These entities will be
shown as Failed in the migration history details page
10. When migrating users, the following entities are automatically migrated,

License assigned to the user


System-defined Credentials related to Auto-login and Email Settings that are set in AAE 10.x Client by the user

A license migration for the user may fail if the destination Control Room does not have sufficient user licenses If a user or role
already exists in 11.x then on migrating such user or role, they will be renamed with suffix _1 added to their name. The existing
entity will not be modified in 11.x. Deleted users in 10.x will not be migrated to 11.x.
11. If a schedule has some manual dependencies added in 10.x then they will not be migrated. Post migration the user will have to edit
the TaskBot and add these manual dependencies as references and upload it to Control Room
12. When migrating a bot and its schedule, if the user who created the schedule is not migrated in 11.x then such schedules will not be
migrated. If an entity viz. role, user, bot or schedule is migrated once then it will be available for next migration run however they
will not be migrated again and the migration history detail page will show their status as Success and Reason as already migrated.
13. Schedules that are password protected are also not migrated.

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Migration - FAQs
1. What is the recommended migration strategy?



You can migrate data from source Control Room (version 10.x) to destination Control Room (version 11 LTS) in phases
using the web based Migration wizard available in the Control Room for a user with Manage migration permission.
You can choose to either migrate Roles or Users from source to destination based on which all associated entities shall
also be migrated automatically.
It is recommended that you migrate data using Roles as on migrating roles all users associated with that role are migrated
along with related data such as its bots, folder access permissions, schedules, and information regarding the user who created the bot.

2. Are the AAE 10.x Bots compatible with 11 LTS Control Room? Can those be migrated?

To ensure the AAE 10.x Bots are compatible, you need to migrate them to 11 LTS Control Room. If you are using AAE 10.2,
you should first migrate to either AAE 10 LTS or AAE 10 SP2 using the AAE Migration utility.

3. Are MetaBots created in AAE 10.2 or less compatible? Can those be migrated?

If you are using AAE 10.2 or a lower version, you should first migrate to either AAE 10 LTS or AAE 10 SP2 using the
AAE Migration Utility to ensure your MetaBots are compatible.

4. Is Database migration required during platform upgrade?

Database migration can be done post the platform upgrade.

5. Is version history available once the data is migrated?

Yes, the version history is available. However note that you need to configure Version Control in destination Control Room
manually as the source 10.x Version Control settings are not migrated. Also, the SVN repository should be different in both source and destination Control Rooms.

6. Are credential variables and audit log entries migrated?

Only system credentials are migrated. The audit logs although migrated, are not available on the destination Control Room
user interface.

7. If existing AAE 10.2 database or backup of AAE 10.2 database is used for AAE 11 LTS during setup, would there be challenges for
AD mode setup specially when SSO with SAML 2.0 needs to be integrated?

You should create a new unused database for AAE 11 LTS. You cannot use the AAE 10.2 database for AAE 11 LTS. To
ensure the data from this version is available, you should first migrate to either AAE 10 LTS or AAE 10 SP2 using the
desktop migration utility. Thereon you can migrate your data to AAE 11 LTS.

8. Can schedules from the source Control Room that has version control enabled be migrated to the destination Control Room that
does not have version control enabled? or the other way round?

The status of version control should be same in both Control Rooms. If it is enabled in source Control Room, you should
manually configure version control in destination Control Room using an SVN repository that is independent/separate from
the AAE 10.x version.

9. Is it possible to migrate schedules from different time zones?

This is not supported.

10. Do the migrated schedules retain their status and work as before?

The schedules do not retain their status and fire on their own - they are deactivated by default. To activate such schedules,
you should perform certain steps - open it in edit mode, add devices, update time/date, etc.

11. What happens to schedules that have manual dependencies created in source Control Room that has version control configured?

To retain the manual dependencies after migration, you should,
a. Download the required file(s) i.e. perform a rollback from Version History
b. Manually add the reference dependencies
c. Save the task
d. Set the production version to run the task.


Is it possible to migrate schedules from source Control Room that are already present in the destination Control Room?
Yes. Such schedules are migrated with the same name unlike Roles/Users which have suffix _1.

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13. If a role or user is already migrated, will it be available for migration?
Yes such roles and users are available for migration. However, the reason would be shown as "This  is already
14. Can I migrate all the entities that were completely migrated?
Yes such entities are available for selection. However, the reason would be shown as "This is already migrated."
15. Can I switch to User option of migration, once i have already migrated using Roles?
Yes you can.
16. Can I connect to multiple 10.x Control Room database for migration?
No. You cannot once the migration run is initiated.
17. If during migration, if my machine restarts, will I be able to continue the migration?
If your machine restarts when the migration is in progress, you can initiate the migration process despite the status being In progress. Also the entities that were already migrated will be shown as migrated.
18. Would the schedules created by a user who already exists in destination Control Room or is deleted from source Control Room be
Such schedules are not migrated. Refer examples given below for both Active Directory User and Non Active Directory user


Active Directory user - If the user Mike.Lee who has created a schedule say SCH1 in source Control Room also exists in
destination Control Room, then the first run of the migration shows the following status for Schedules:




Unable to proceed as the user with same name already exists

Non-Active Directory user - If the user Mike.Lee who has created a schedule say SCH1 in source Control Room does not
exist or is deleted in destination Control Room, then the first run of the migration shows the following status for Schedules:





User ‘Mike.Lee’ for this schedule does not exist

19. Since IQBots and My Lists are deprecated from 11 LTS, what happens to the bots that have IQBots as dependent files or the files
that are there in My Lists?
IQBot dependency and My Lists are filtered out in the pre-scan as it is deprecated in 11 LTS. These are not listed in the preview.

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Bots - Overview
As a Control Room user with administrator or My Bots privileges, you can use the Bots module of Control Room to:

Run and schedule uploaded bots


Run bot with queue


Export bot files for Business Life-cycle Management


Import bot files for Business Life-cycle Management


Work with secure and centralized credentials

Note: To perform these actions, you must be an administrator or have the following roles and privileges.

View my bots


Run my bots


Export bots


Import bots

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Credentials - Overview
This page provides a centralized location for securely creating and storing sensitive information that is included in automation tasks in
the form of credentials. All Control Room users can create credentials. Users with Manage my lockers permission can create lockers
and users with Administer all lockers can manage all the lockers in the vault..

Benefits of creating credentials and lockers
Apart from providing a secure and centralized location for storing credentials, it:

Minimizes the possibility of credential fraud.


Provides an environment to enable improved security.


Enables businesses to adhere to processes and credential management compliance.


Offers increased Automation opportunities with secure data/ applications.

Roles permission for credential and locker management


Manage my credentials and lockers: By default, you (all users) can see the Credentials tab and manage your own credentials. In
addition, you can interact with locker of other users, if they provide locker access permission.


Manage my lockers: This permission allows you to create and manage your own locker.


Administer ALL lockers: This permission allows you to view all the lockers and perform limited actions on them.
Note: This permission is available for AAE_Locker Admin role only

This page covers:

My Credentials


My Lockers


Credential Requests

My Credentials
This tab consists the list of credentials created by a user. All users have permission to see their credentials.
Note: In case you have "AAE_Locker Admin" permission, then you are able to view credentials of all
the users.

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In the search pane you can filter credentials according to the following:
Search Item



User- provided: Credential owner and Locker consumers can input the value with usage
Standard: User must input the value.


Based on credential name

My Access

Credential owner: Credential has been created by you.
Credential non-owner: Credential has been created by other user.

Request Status

All values provided or requests sent.

Note: When you specify search parameters for the same column, the system searches using OR operator.
When you specify search parameters for different columns, the system searches using AND operator.

Tip:You can perform the following actions on a column to help you work efficiently.

Click a column to sort it in ascending and descending order. You can sort up to three columns by holding the Shift key when
you click on two more columns. This gives you the option of sorting two additional columns. This way the sorting is done on the
entire table and not just the data that is currently visible to you. The last sorting is stored in memory applied by a user per session..


Use a drag-and-drop operation to move the column left or right.


Move your mouse cursor at the end of the column and drag to re-size.

The following describes the list of items that can be viewed in the table:
Table Item



Shows the type of credential as user-provided or standard.


Name of the credential.

Locker Name

Name of the assigned locker for the credential .

My Access

Credential owner: Credential has been created by you.
Credential non-owner: Credential has been created by other user.

Request Status

All values provided: Value has been given .
Requests sent: Request has been sent to users to input credential value.

Credential Owner

Name of the user who has created the credential.




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Allows you to view credential details .Learn more



Allows you to edit a credential. Learn more


Allows you to delete a credential. Learn more
Note: To delete a credential, user must be a credential owner
To delete a credential, click Accept.

Transfer Credential Ownership

Allows you to transfer the ownership of the credential. If locker is assigned to your credential then the ownership can be transferred to any member of the locker. Else it can
be transferred to any user in the system.
Note: Once the ownership is transferred to another user, the
previous owner can no longer access the credentials. Also, only
a Locker Admin has permission to transfer credential ownership.
Select the user and click Submit.

Alternatively, you can select all credentials and perform the following table-level actions:
Table Item



Allows you to refresh the list of credentials.


Allows you to delete multiple credentials.

Show/ hide columns

Allows you to show or hide specific columns. By default, all the columns are displayed.

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Tip: To show/ hide a column, click the column name.

My Lockers
This tab shows the list of lockers that has been created by a user. A locker can only be created by an authorized user with Locker_
Admin permission or a user having 'Manage my locker' permission.
Note: Users can see lockers only if they have created them or if they are a member of that

In the search pane you can filter lockers according to the following:
Search Item



User- provided: Credential owner and Locker consumers can input the value with
usage access.
Standard: User must input the value.


Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.

Based on locker name.


My consumer permission

Consumer or not a consumer.

My additional permission

Locker participant, manager, owner.

The following describes the list of items that can be viewed in the table:
Table Item



Name of the locker.

My consumer permission

Consumer or not a consumer.

My additional permission

Locker participant, Locker manager, Locker owner.


Users having locker manager permission.


No. of credentials assigned to a locker.


Name of user who created the locker.




Allows you to view locker. Learn more


Allows you to edit a locker. Learn more


Allows you to delete a locker. Learn more

Alternatively, you can select all lockers and perform the following actions:
Table Item



Allows you to refresh the list of lockers.


Allows you to delete multiple lockers. Learn more

Show/ hide columns

Allows you to show or hide specific columns. By default, all the columns are displayed.

Tip: To show/ hide a column, click the column name.

Credential Requests

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This tab shows the list of user-provided credential requests sent to a Locker Admin and Locker owner i.e. when a credential is created
with attribute as user-provided, all the consumers in the locker receive a request to fill in the credential value.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Create a credential
As an Automation Expert, Credential Vault provisions you to securely create and store your credentials. Therefore, it ensures that your
credentials can be used in Bots without compromising security with safe deployment of tasks. Any authorized user can create credentials.
To create credential, follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Login to Control Room, click Bots → Credentials.

2. Click Create credential button

or click create a credential under the credentials tab.

Note: The following option is displayed only when you are creating your first credential.

3. This opens the Create credentials page in which you can add attributes to your credentials. Provide Credential details such as Credential name and Description (optional) and Attribute details such as Attribute Name, Description (optional), Value (masked and

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


unmasked), and also you can check or clear whether you want your credential attributes to be User-specific or Standard.


Standard: In case of standard attribute, user must input the value.


User specific: In case of user-specific attribute, the value field is greyed- out.
Note: Only consumers of the locker containing this credential can provide the value

4. Click on Create credential.

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Note: If you already have an existing locker, then you can assign your credential to the
respective one while adding Credential details. If no locker has been created then you
must create a locker and then assign your credential.
5. The following notification indicates that your credential has been successfully created:

6. Once your credential is successfully created, it is visible in the list of credentials tab.

Note: If email notification setting is enabled and credentials are added to a locker, then all
the locker consumers shall receive an email. Learn more

The next step is to add your credentials to a secure locker. Learn More

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View a credential
As an authorized user, this page allows user to view details of any credential. When you click the View icon
for an individual credential. It provides information, such as the Credential details, Attribute name, Description, Credential Type and Value, and General
details such as Last modified, Modified by, Object type, and Credential type.
To view a credential, follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Go to Bots → Credentials.
2. In My Credentials tab, choose the credential that you wish to view. Go to action list and click View credential.

3. View credential page is displayed with the following details:



Edit credential- Allows you to modify the your credential.

Delete credential- Allows you to delete your credential.


Credential details- Description and credential owner.


Attribute name, credential description, type, value.


General details- last modified (date and time), modified by, object type, credential type.

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Edit a credential
As an Control Room user, edit credential allows you to edit details of any credential. This is useful in scenarios where you may want to
make changes to your credential definition and value.
Note: If a credential type is user-provided, then locker consumers have permission to edit the credential and their credential value.
1. Go to Bots → Credentials
2. Choose the credential that you wish to edit on the actions list click on edit credential.
Note: If your credential is assigned to a locker, then you can only edit the value of common
attribute. And if the attribute is user-specific then the locker consumers can edit the value.

3. In the edit credentials page, make the required changes.
If email notification setting is enabled and credentials are added to a locker, then all the
locker consumers shall receive an email. Learn more


In case of user-provided credential, you can only edit General information such as adding or removing a locker.
In case of standard credential, you can edit General information such as adding or removing a locker and Attribute detail
such as credential value

Note: You can choose to Close or Cancel your updates. Close option is available when you do not
make any updates. It changes to Cancel when you make any change to the page.
4. Once you complete editing the credential, click on save changes or you may click on cancel to undo the changes. A credential can
be edited by a credential owner, or if the credential type is user-provided then locker consumers can edit the credential value

5. The following notification indicates that your credential has been successfully edited.

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Delete a credential
A credential owner can select the delete option to remove redundant credentials from the system.
To delete a credential, follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Go to Bots →Credentials
2. In My credentials tab, choose the credential that you wish to delete. Mouse over to actions list and click delete


Note: If a locker is assigned to a credential, then it cannot be deleted.
The following message is displayed, click Yes, delete to delete your credential and No, cancel to cancel deletion:

Note: If you are a credential non-owner, then you cannot delete a credential.
3. To delete multiple credentials, you must perform table level delete action. Select the multiple credentials and click delete


The following message is displayed, click Yes, delete to delete your credential and No, cancel to cancel deletion:

4. Once the credentials is deleted, the following notification is displayed:

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Create a locker
A user with locker admin or manage my locker permission is authorized to create a locker. A locker can be used to group similar credentials and share it with other users.
To create a locker, follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Go to Bots → Credentials
2. In My Lockers tab, click Create locker. If you are creating locker for the first time, then the following screen is displayed:

If lockers already exist, then the following screen is displayed:

3. The create locker page is displayed. You can add locker details such as:

Name and Description


Add credentials, owners, managers, participants, consumers.


Credentials: Shows the available credentials owned by the user. You can select one or multiple credentials from the list and
add it to the locker.
Note: If email notification setting is enabled and credentials are added to a locker,
then all the locker consumers shall receive an email. Learn more

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Owners: A locker owner can edit, view, delete a locker and can add or remove other owners. Also, an owner can be a
locker consumer but cannot be a manager or participant within the same locker.

Managers: A locker manager has access to all the functionality like a locker owner, but they do not have permission to add
owners, managers, or participants to the locker.
Note: Disabled users cannot be selected as locker managers if they were already selected
as owners in the previous tab.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.



Participants: A locker participant has access to view a locker and participants can also add their own credentials to a locker.

Note: A locker participant does not have access or visibility of credentials created by
other users.


Consumers: You must select one or more roles. The users belonging to these selected roles are the consumers of the lockers. These users have access to view a locker and input credential value.
If the credential type is:
Standard: Locker consumers can view the locker and all the credentials inside the locker. They are able to utilize credentials in the locker when running a bot. All consumers are able to see the same value of the credential that is set by the
owner of the credential.
User-provided: Consist of same usability as Standard credential; locker consumers are able to input their information in
user-provided credentials with user-provided attributes (i.e. credential value).

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Note: System-created roles are not displayed in the consumer list.

4. Click on Create locker.

5. The following message indicates that your locker has been successfully created:

Note: In case of email notification setting enabled, all the locker consumers will receive an email to
edit the credential value if credential type is user-provided. Learn more

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View a locker
Any user with "Manage my locker" permission can view their own lockers. This provides information such as credentials assigned to
the locker, locker owners, locker managers, locker consumers, and locker participants.
To view a locker, follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Go to Bots → Credentials
2. In My Lockers tab, choose the locker that you wish to view. Go to action list and click View locker.

3. View locker page displays the following details:



Edit locker- Allows you to modify your locker. Learn more

Delete locker- Allows you to delete your locker.


Credentials- Shows list of credentials added to the locker.


Owners- Shows list of locker owners.


Managers- Shows list of locker managers.



Participants- Shows the list of locker participants. Locker participants are able to view this locker. They can add their own
credentials to a locker. They will be able to see their credentials, but no other credentials, that are in the locker.
Consumers- Shows the list of locker consumers. Locker consumers are able to view this locker and all the credentials
inside the locker. A locker consumer with user-provided credential type have two additional permissions:
1) They will be able to input their information in user-provided credentials with user-provided attributes. 2) They will be able
to use credentials in this locker when running a bot.

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Edit a locker
Control Room users with Locker Admin permission or any user having edit permission can edit their own lockers and access this feature.
To edit a locker, follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Go to Bots → Credentials.
2. In My Lockers tab, choose the locker that you wish to edit. Then on the action list, click edit locker.
Note: Only a locker owner or locker admin has permission to edit a locker.

3. You can make changes to the following:
If email notification setting is enabled and credentials are added to a locker, then all the
locker consumers shall receive an email. Learn more

Credentials- Add or remove credentials that are assigned to a locker.


Owners- Add or remove locker owners.


Managers- Add or remove locker managers.


Participants- Add or remove locker participants.


Consumers- Add or remove locker consumers.

4. Once you finish editing the locker. Click Save changes.
Note: You can choose to Close or Cancel your updates. Close option is available when you do not
make any updates. It changes to Cancel when you make any change to the page.

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5. The following message indicates that your locker has been successfully edited:

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Delete a locker
To eliminate redundant lockers from the system, a locker owner can perform the delete action.
To delete a locker, follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Go to Bots →Credentials
2. In My Lockers tab, choose the locker that you wish to delete. Mouse over to actions list and click delete


3. The following message is displayed, click Yes, delete to delete your locker and No, cancel to cancel deletion:

4. Once the locker is successfully deleted, the following notification is displayed:

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Credential requests
This page allows a Control Room user to send credential requests to locker consumers i.e. when a user-provided credential is added
to a locker, all the consumers of the locker receive a credential request in their name to fill in their credential values.
Example: Amy.chen is a user with manage my locker permission. Amy.chen creates a credential with credential type as user-provided
and assigns it to a locker. Therefore, a credential request is sent to all the locker consumers. All the locker consumers will receive a
request to complete the credential status by adding the credential value.
To generate credential request, follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Go to Bots → Credentials
2. Create a credential (Learn more) with credential type as user-provided.
3. Assign your credential to a locker.
4. All the present locker consumers will receive a credential request. You can see that the following user receives a credential
Note: If locker consumers provide the credential value then the status of this credential is
set to complete. However, the overall status of the credential remains incomplete until all consumers add their credential values.

5. Once all the consumers input the credential value, the status of the credential changes to complete.
Note: If email notification setting is enabled and credentials are added to a locker, then all
the locker consumers shall receive an email to input the credential value. Learn more

After completing the credential request you can use these credentials in automation tasks. Refer the topic Assigning Credential Variables in Client User Guide 11.0 to use credentials within a task.

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Credential Vault Email-Notifications
In Control Room, if Email notification setting is enabled it ensures that users are notified via email if any important changes regarding
credentials and lockers are made.
Email notifications are sent via email for the below mentioned scenarios:
1. When credential is added to a locker. Learn more
2. When a member is added to or removed from the locker. Learn more
3. When there is change in permissions for locker members. Learn more
4. When a consumer gets added or removed from a role assigned to locker, and consumer roles get added to or removed from the
locker. Learn more

Detailed information on Credential Vault-email notifications

Credential is added to a locker
When a new credential is added to a locker an email notification is sent to all consumers of the locker at their registered email
address in Control Room. The email consists of a link to the Credential that is added to the locker. The consumers are redirected to Edit credential page wherein they must input the credential value.
For example: Credential FTP is added to a locker Fin HR Locker. All the locker consumers will receive an email notification to
add the credential value. The below screen-shot illustrates that consumer amy.chen has received an email with a link to Edit
Credential page:
Click on view the credential FTP link. This navigates user "amy.chen" to Edit Credential page.

In Edit Credential page, user must click on Requested versionand input the value. And click on Save changes.

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Member is added or removed from a locker
An email notification is sent when a new member (co-owner or participant) is added to a locker. The email consists link to the
Locker of which they are added as member.
For example: User Ellie.brown is added as a locker participant for FinHR Locker. The following email is sent to the user
wherein user must link on the link:

The link redirects user to View locker- FinHR Locker page as illustrated in the following screenshot:

The following email is sent to the user when user is removed from the locker as a member of participant:


Change in permission for locker members
When a locker owner/ admin, grants or removes locker membership permissions from a locker, an email notification is sent to
the locker members at their email address. This ensures that members are notified of their membership changes within the


Locker consumer gets added or removed from a role assigned to a locker, and consumer role gets added or removed from a
When a role assigned to a locker is modified by addition or removal of users, an email notification is sent to the new or existing
user at their email address so that the consumers are notified that credentials are pending for their input in the locker.
Also when a new role added to a locker or an existing role is revoked from the locker, an email notification is sent to the new or
existing consumers at their email address so that the consumers are made aware of the changes.
For Example: User amy.chen is assigned consumer role "Creator" in FinHR Locker. The role has been revoked from the locker,
the user receives the following email:

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If the role is assigned to the locker, then locker consumer amy.chen receives the following email:


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My bots - Overview
As a Bot Creator, when you upload files from Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client, the files are displayed on the My bots page. This
page is divided into the following areas.



Files and folders

Note: As a Control Room user, you must have the right privileges to access this page. Folders for
which you do not have access to will not be visible to you.
The My bots page also allows you to perform tasks, such as exploring your documents, executable files, metabots, reports, scripts,
tasks, and workflows from the Folders area. It also allows you to:

Import bot files


Export bot files


Run a Bot


Schedule a bot


Run bot with queue

For ease of access, you can apply search parameters to Type, Name and Version Control columns.

You can specify the search parameters in the search bar for Name:

Note: When you specify search parameters for the same column, the system searches using OR
operator. When you specify search parameters for different columns, the system searches using AND

You can choose the search parameters from a list in the search bar for Type and Version Control:

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My bots - Overview
As a Bot Creator, when you upload files from Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client, the files are displayed on the My bots page. This
page is divided into the following areas.



Files and folders

Note: As a Control Room user, you must have the right privileges to access this page. Folders for
which you do not have access to will not be visible to you.
The My bots page also allows you to perform tasks, such as exploring your documents, executable files, metabots, reports, scripts,
tasks, and workflows from the Folders area. It also allows you to:

Import bot files


Export bot files


Run a Bot


Schedule a bot


Run bot with queue

For ease of access, you can apply search parameters to Type, Name and Version Control columns.

You can specify the search parameters in the search bar for Name:

Note: When you specify search parameters for the same column, the system searches using OR
operator. When you specify search parameters for different columns, the system searches using AND

You can choose the search parameters from a list in the search bar for Type and Version Control:

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Files and folder(s)
When you click a folder from the Folders area in the My bots page, the contents of the folder are displayed in the Files and Folders

When VCS is enabled, the version related columns are displayed. If production version is set for a file, the information displayed in the
rest of the columns, such as size is for that version.
The columns of the Files and folders table are described in the following table.



The type of file - Folder or Task Bot. This is based on the type of the file in the folder.


The name of the folder or file.


The size of the file.

Client last modified



The date on which the file was last modified on the Bot Creator machine before it was uploaded to
the Control Room.
If Version Control is enabled and the Production Version is set, the date is the one when that particular production version was last modified before it was uploaded to the Control Room.

Last Modified

The date and time when the file was last updated.

Modified by

Name of the user who last modified the file or folder

Tip: You can perform the following actions on a column to help you work efficiently.

Click a column to sort it in ascending and descending order. You can sort up to three columns by
holding the Shift key when you click on two more columns. This gives you the option of sorting
two additional columns. This way the sorting is done on the entire table and not just the data
that is currently visible to you. The last sorting is stored in memory applied by a user per session.


Use a drag-and-drop operation to move the column left or right.


Move your mouse cursor at the end of the column and drag to re-size.

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You can perform the following tasks on an individual file or folder in the Files and folders area.



Allows you to Run the selected Bot.

Unlock bot

Allows you to forcefully unlock the selected Bot if locked for editing by the BotCreator in Enterprise Client.


Schedule the Bot to run.

Edit folder

Allows you to rename a folder.


Allows you to view details of the file or folder.

Delete Folder / Bot

Allows you to delete a bot, file or folder.
Note: This option is not available when Version Control is enabled.

Note: Only Edit, View and Delete options are available for folders.

Alternatively, you can select all Bots or Folders and perform the following actions. Note that these actions can be performed only at a
table level and not on individual items.
Table Item


Create folder

Allows you to create a folder from the Files and folders section.

Show / Hide columns

Allows you to show or hide specific columns. By default, all columns are displayed:

Tip: To hide a column, click on the column name.
Note: Columns Version Control and Production Version are only visible
when Version Control is enabled.
Unlock checked items

Allows you to forcefully unlock selected Bots (multiple) if locked for editing by the BotCreator in

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Enterprise Client.
Note: This option is available only when Version Control is enabled.
Delete checked items

Allows you to delete the selected or all Bots or Folders (multiple).
Note: This option is not available when Version Control is enabled.

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Create and Edit Folders
As a Control Room user with View my bots and Create Folder privileges, you can create folders in the Control Room repository. This
enables you to grant access privileges to Bot Creators/Bot Runners to specific folders so that they can upload, download, delete,
and/or execute (MetaBots only) their Bots to the Control Room.
If you have Edit Folder privileges, you can also rename the folders to which you have access.

Create a folder
To create a folder,
1. Go to Activity → My Bots →Folders area
2. Click on a folder in the Folders tree view to open it. For example, My Tasks → Sample Tasks:

3. Click

that is given above the Files and folders list

4. The Create folder page is launched:

Tip: Click
Bots page.

if you do not want to continue creating the folder and go back to the My

5. Provide an appropriate name. For example, you might want the Bot Creator with Analytics license to store tasks to the AnalyticsTask folder:

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6. Click

to save the folder.

Alternatively, click

if you do not want to save changes and go back to the My Bots page.

7. The folder is added which can be viewed in the Folders tree view and Files and folders list:

Rename a folder
For some reason, such as a typo or change in naming conventions, you might want to rename a folder. This section describes how to
rename the folder.
To rename a folder,
1. Go to Activity → My Bots →Folders area
2. Click on a folder in the Folders tree view to open it. For example, My Tasks → Sample Tasks.
3. In the Files and folders list, hover over the actions icon - for the folder that you want to rename. This slides open the actions panel.
4. Click
5. The Edit folder page is launched:

Tip: Click
Bots page.

if you do not want to continue creating the folder and go back to the My

6. Update the folder name as required:

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7. Click
Alternatively, click

if you do not want to save changes and go back to the My Bots page.

8. The folder is renamed successfully:

Audit Logs

When you Create and/or Rename a Folder, the following audit entries are logged:


The details page displays the following for a Create folder action:

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View bot details
When you click the View icon
for a bot in the Files and folders area of the My bots page, the View bot page is opened. It provides
information, such as the name and other details of the bot. Besides this, you can run the bot or schedule when to run the bot. This page
is illustrated in the following figure.

When version control is enabled and the production version is set, the View bot page also displays the Production version and Version
control fields as shown in the following figure.
Note: If the Automatically assign the latest version option is selected in the Settings → Bots (Version
Control) page, all the production version of the bot is set to the latest version. For more information, refer to Bots - Configure Version Control.


When version control is enabled, the dependencies that are displayed is based on whether the production version is enabled or not.


When production version is enabled, the dependencies for that production version of the bot and
its dependents are displayed.

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When production version is not enabled for any dependent file, the dependency information for
that bot is not displayed

The different areas of the View bot page are described in the following table.


Task bot details

Use this area to view the following details of the folder

Size: Displays the size of the bot in KB or MB


Path: The location of the bot


Production version: The production version that is set either manually or assigned automatically


Version Control: The status of the bot - whether locked or un-locked for editing by the Bot Creator


Client Last Modified: The date on which the file was last modified on the Bot Creator machine
before it was uploaded to the Control Room.

If Version Control is enabled and the Production Version is set, the date is the one when
that particular production version was last set by Control Room user.

Note: Production version and Version control details are visible only when
Version Control is enabled.
Review dependencies for

Displays the bot and its dependencies.
Tip: The dependency icon will display red if you do not have sufficient
privileges for the dependent bot or file.

General details

Use this area to view the following details for the folder.

Last Modified: Displays the last time changes were made to the folder in date and time.


Modified by: Displays the name of the user who last made changes to the folder in date and time.


Bot type: Displays the type of the bot, such as Task Bot or Meta Bot.


Object type: Displays the object type, such as Bot.

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View folder details
When you click the View icon
for a folder in the Files and folders area, the View folder page is opened. Use this page to view the
details of the folder and search for items within the folder. This page is illustrated in the following figure.

The View folder page is divided into the following areas.

Folder details


Items in folder


General details

These are explained in the following table.


Folder details

Use this area to view the following details of the folder

Items in folder


Size: Displays the size of the folder.


Path: The path of the folder.

Use this area to search and view the following details for items in the folder.

Type: The type of the item, such as Task Bot, Meta Bot, or IQ Bot.


Name: The name of the item.


Size: The size of the item in KB or MB.


Client Last Modified: The date on which the file was last modified on the Bot Creator machine before it
was uploaded to the Control Room.

General details

If Version Control is enabled and the Production Version is set, the date is the one when that
particular production version was last set by Control Room user.


Last Modified: Displays the last time changes were made to the item in time and date.


Modified: Displays the name of the user who last made changes to the item

Use this area to view the following details for the folder.

Last Modified: Displays the last time changes were made to the folder in date and time.


Modified by: Displays the name of the user who last made changes to the folder in date and time.


Object type: Displays the type of Object, such as folder or sub-folder.

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Folders area
The folders area allows you to explore and browse your documents, executable files, Metabots, Reports, Scripts, tasks, and workflows.
Note: The view may differ from user to user depending on their roles and privileges.
When you click a folder, the contents of the folder are displayed in the Files and Folders area.

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Run a bot
You can run a bot from the In progress, Scheduled, and also from the My Bots page. The procedure for running a bot is the same in all
these pages, In the following scenario, we will run a bot from the My bots page.
To run a bot, perform the followings tasks.
1. Log on to Control Room with Run bot privileges.
2. Navigate to Bots → My bots. The My bots page is displayed.

3. Click the

link . The Run bot now page is displayed.

4. From the Select a Task Bot area, click one of the folders depending on your requirements. The Type and name of the bot are displayed on the right hand are in a tabular format.
Note: You can access only those folders for which you have Run+Schedule permission.

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5. Select a task bot depending on your requirements by clicking a bot. The Select button is enabled.

6. Click the Select button. The bot is added to the Review dependencies area where you can view the dependencies of the selected
bot .
Note: Although you will be able to run a bot, automation will fail in the following cases,

If any of the bot dependencies are missing


If you do not have folder privileges on the dependencies


If you do not have Run+Schedule permission (the one that shows a red dependency icon -


Tip: Once you select a bot, the Select button is changed to Replace, which gives you to option
to replace the selected bot with another one.

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7. Click the Next link. The Devices tab is displayed, which displays the list of available devices connected to Control Room.

8. Click a device of your choice from the Available devices area and click the add >> button. The device is added to the Selected
devices area and the Run Now button is enabled.
Note: You can select only bot runner devices that are connected. If a device is not connected,
it is not enabled. Also, if the device is not displayed in the list, ensure that an active bot
runner session is running on the device.

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Tip: To remove the item, click the


9. Click Next. The NAME+DESCRIPTION tab is displayed

10. Type a name and description in the General area and click the Run now button. By default, a name is provided by for the automation- this is of the format [bot name].[DD.MM.YY][HH.MM.SS].[USERNAME]. Change this depending on your preferences. For
example, Loops.
Note: The Run now button is disabled if the device is disconnected or the required fields are
not filled.
When you click the Run now button the activity is immediately started and its progress can be viewed from the In Progress activity

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Delete bot(s) and folder(s)
As a Control Room admin or user with Delete Bot privileges, you can delete one or more Bots and Folders that are uploaded by a Bot
Creator from the Enterprise Client.
Note: This option is not available when version Control is enabled.

Delete a bot
You can delete a Bot (single) that is uploaded by the Bot Creator from Enterprise Client.
To delete a Bot from the Control Room,
1. Go to Bots → My Bots
2. The My Bots page is launched:

3. In the Files and folders list mouse over for the Bot that you want to delete. For example, Sample Tasks → Download_File.atmx
4. Click
5. The following message box is displayed:

6. Select Yes, delete to confirm.
7. The Bot is deleted permanently:


Select No, cancel to go back to the Files and folders list without deleting the Bot.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Delete multiple bots
You can delete selected Bots (multiple) that are uploaded by the BotCreator from Enterprise Client.
To delete Bots from the Control Room,
1. Go to Bots → My Bots
2. The My Bots page is launched.
3. In the Files and folders list select Bots that you want to delete by clicking required check-boxes. For example, Sample Tasks →
Download_File.atmx, Import-Table.atmx, List-Variable.atmx, and Loops.atmx
4. Click

given above the table.

5. The following message box is displayed:

6. Select Yes, delete to confirm
7. The Bots are unlocked successfully:


Click No, cancel to go back to the Files and folders list without deleting the Bots.

Delete folder(s)
The method to delete Folder(s) is similar to deleting Bot(s). You can choose to delete multiple folders from table level or individually
from files and folders list.
Note: The folder that you want to delete should be empty.
Following messages are displayed when you delete,

Single Folder:

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Multiple Folders,

Delete dependent bots and files
When you delete Bot(s), its dependent Bots and Files are not deleted automatically. If you do not require those, you will have to delete
them manually from the folder where they reside.

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Audit Log
For all the Bot(s) that are deleted, audit entries are logged in the Audit Logs page:

The details page is shown as:

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Force unlock Bots
As a Control Room user with Unlock Bot privileges, you can forcefully unlock one or more Bots that are checked out by a Bot Creator in
the Enterprise Client.
Note: This option is available only when version Control is enabled.

Unlock a Bot
You can forcefully unlock a Bot (single) if locked for editing by the Bot Creator in Enterprise Client.
To unlock a checked out Bot from the Control Room,
1. Go to Bots → My Bots
2. The My Bots page is launched:

3. In the Files and folders list for the Bot that is locked, mouse over . For example, Sample Tasks → Download_File.atmx
4. Click
5. The following message box is displayed:

6. Select Yes, unlock to confirm.
7. The Bot is unlocked successfully:


Select No, cancel to go back to the Files and folders list without unlocking the Bot.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Unlock multiple Bots
You can forcefully unlock selected Bots (multiple) if locked for editing by the BotCreator in Enterprise Client.
To unlock checked out Bots from the Control Room,
1. Go to Bots → My Bots
2. The My Bots page is launched.
3. In the Files and folders list select Bots that are locked by clicking required check-boxes. For example, Sample Tasks → Download_File.atmx, Import-Table.atmx, List-Variable.atmx, and Loops.atmx
4. Click

given above the table.

5. The following message box is displayed

6. Select Yes, unlock to confirm
7. The Bots are unlocked successfully:


Click No, cancel to go back to the Files and folders list without unlocking the Bots.


If Bots that are already in Unlocked state are selected, the Control Room skips unlocking them:

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Audit Logs
For all the Bot(s) that are forcefully unlocked, audit entries are logged in the Audit Logs page:

The details page is shown as:

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The status of an unsuccessful unlock is shown with its reason in the Results column of the details page:

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Bot Lifecycle Management (BLM) - an overview
As a Control Room user with Export and/or Import Bots module permission, you can move your bots (new or updated) from one environment to another using Bot Lifecycle Management (BLM) module in Control Room. For example, you can move the Bots that are verified as production ready from staging to production.
The process can be performed in two stages:
1. Export Bots from one environment of a source Control Room
2. Import Bots to another environment of a destination Control Room
You can choose to Export and Import using two methods:
1. Control Room user interface i.e. Export and Import Bots
2. Export and Import API

Export bots
As a Control Room user with BLM Export module permission and download privileges for Tasks, Docs, Workflows, and Reports as well
as execute permission for MetaBots, you can export bots and dependent files in different automation environments to help manage
your organization's Bot Lifecycle Management (BLM).
The exported package can then be imported in another Control Room environment. Refer Import bots for details on importing a BLM

Export bot files - version control disabled
To export bot files,
1. Go to Bots → My Bots page
2. Click
3. This launches the Export bot files wizard →Select Bots page wherein you must select the bots that you want to export:

4. Select TaskBot(s) from the list of Available items. You can choose either all files by selecting the check-box in the header row or
certain files by selecting the check-box beside each.

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5. Click


to add the bots to the list of Selected bots given below the Available items list:

Note: The Selected bots panel will be available either below the Available items list or on the
right of the list based on your screen's resolution. If it is below, the down arrow will be available and if on the right, the right arrow will be available for bot selection.
6. Click Next.
7. This launches the Export bot files wizard → Summary page wherein you can provide the Export package name and/or choose to
exclude a bot or dependency file from the list.
a. The system assigns a default Export package name. However, you can choose to rename the package.
b. You can also choose to provide a Password that will be used to import the package. The password should be set as per the
Control Room password policy and one that can be easily remembered.
Note: The provided password is not stored anywhere in the Control Room. If you provide a
password the package is encrypted with AES 256-Bits and cannot be accessed outside of Control Room.

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c. If the Task Bot comprises dependent bots (TaskBots, MetaBots) and/or files, they are also automatically selected for export.
Note: If any dependent file appears more than once, it is included in the package only

8. Click


if you do not want to proceed.


Click Back to go to previous page.

9. The package is successfully exported to the default folder for downloads.

For messages related to export, refer the section Export bot files - Validations

Export bot files - version control enabled
Before you use Export bot files in a Control Room that has version control, ensure that the production version of bots and their dependencies is already set.
To export bot files,
1. Go to Bots → My Bots page
2. Click
3. This launches the Export bot files wizard →Select Bots page wherein you must select the bots that you want to export:

4. Select TaskBot(s) from the list of Available items. You can choose either all files by selecting the check-box in the header row or
certain files by selecting the check-box beside each.

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5. Click


to add the bots to the list of Selected bots given below the Available items list:

Note: The Selected bots panel will be available either below the Available items list or on the
right of the list based on your screen's resolution. If it is below, the down arrow will be available and if on the right, the right arrow will be available for bot selection.
6. Click Next.
7. This launches the Export bot files wizard → Summary page wherein you can provide the Export package name and/or choose to
exclude a bot or dependency file from the list.
a. The system assigns a default Export package name. However, you can choose to rename the package.
b. You can also choose to provide a Password that will be used to import the package. The password should be set as per the
Control Room password policy and one that can be easily remembered.
Note: The provided password is not stored anywhere in the Control Room. If you provide a
password the package is encrypted with AES 256-Bits and cannot be accessed outside of Control Room.


Only those TaskBots and MetaBots are available for selection for which Production Version is set. Hence, if the production version is not set for TaskBots and MetaBots, they cannot be exported. For other types - Docs, Workflows,
and Reports, the files with latest version are allowed for export.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.



If the Task Bot comprises dependent bots (TaskBots, MetaBots) and/or files, they will also be selected for export.
Note: If any dependent file appears more than once, it is included in the package only

8. Click


if you do not want to proceed.


Click Back to go to previous page.

9. The package is successfully exported to the default folder for downloads.

For messages related to export, refer the section Export bot files - Validations
Note: If the Email settings are enabled for Export and Import operations of a BLM package, an email
notification is sent to the user who performs the export whether the action succeded or failed.

Export bots - Validations
When you export bot files, the system checks for following validations during export:

Whether bot or dependent file is available in Control Room


Whether you have download permission (Execute permission for MetaBot) on one or more bot or dependent files of selected bot(s)


Whether the production version is set for all selected bot(s) or dependent file(s)

If any of the validation fails for one or more bots, those are automatically excluded from the package and shown in the Items not
allowed to export section. You can choose to either fix those error messages and come back to export or you can export rest of the
bots as shown in the Items to export section.

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Audit Logs
An audit entry is logged in the Control Room Audit Log page when you export bots. The illustration below shows the detailed audit
entries for Export Bots.

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The audit details are divided in two parts - Action Details and Export Bot Details,


The Export Bot Files Details include the Package Name, Package Encryption if password has been set while exporting the bot,
Exported Bot name with filepath, and Exported Dependency name with file path.
The list number of the Bot and dependency is appended inside a bracket beside each bot. All user selected items are listed, followed by list of dependencies of the bots which are added by the system and exported.

Import bots
As a Control Room user with BLM Import module permission, and Upload privileges for Tasks, MetaBots, Docs, Workflows, and
Reports, you can import bots and dependent files that were exported by another Control Room user in different automation environments to help manage your organization's Bot Lifecycle Management (BLM).
Refer Export bots for details on exporting a BLM package.

Import bot files - version control disabled
To import bot files,
1. Go to Bots → My Bots page
2. Click

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


3. This launches the Import bot wizard page wherein you must select the package file that was exported by another Control Room

4. To select the file, click
5. Go to the source folder where the exported package was stored and/or shared by the Control Room user with Export Bots privileges.
6. Select the required package - it has an AAPKG extension.
7. If encrypted, provide the same password that was used for export from source Control Room.
8. If some of the files that are being imported from the package are already available in the Control Room, you can choose to,

Skip the file(s) and not import the duplicate files


Overwrite the existing files with the imported ones


Cancel the import action.
Note: When you use this option, the entire import operation is canceled and if at least one
file already exists in Control Room. In this case, no bots will be imported into Control



When you select Skip... or Overwrite... options, and click

However, when you select Cancel... and click

the files are successfully imported:

, you are prompted to select either of the above

9. Once the bots are imported successfully, you return to the My Bots page.

Import bot files - version control enabled
To import bot files,

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


1. Go to Bots → My Bots page
2. Click
3. This launches the Import bot files wizard page wherein you must select the file that was exported by another Control Room user:

4. To select the file, click
5. Go to the source folder where the package was exported and/or shared by the Control Room user with Export Bots privileges.
6. Select the required package - it has an AAPKG extension.
7. If encrypted, provide the same password that was used for export from source Control Room.
8. If some of the files that are being imported from the package are already available in the Control Room, you can choose to,

Create a new version of files. A new version is created in the destination Control Room irrespective of version control whether enabled or not in the source Control Room.
Note: If the bot being imported is already present in the destination Control Room and does
not have any updates, a new version of the bot will not be created.


Skip the file and do not import the file. This means that there will be no change in the file of the destination Control Room


Cancel the import action.
Note: When you use this option, the entire import operation is canceled and if at least one
file already exists in Control Room. In this case, no bots will be imported into Control

9. You must choose the production version type,


Keep production version as is currently set - The system will not make any change in the production versions of the imported bots and dependencies.
Set production version to imported version of file - The latest (imported) versions are set as production versions for all the
imported bots and dependencies.


When you select Skip... or Create... options, and click

However, when you select Cancel... and click

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


the files are successfully imported:

, you are prompted to select either of the above

10. Once the bots are imported successfully, you return to the My Bots page.

Tip: You can also click
of the import process.

, if you do not wish to continue with the file import at any stage

Note: If the Email settings are enabled for Export and Import operations of a BLM package, an email
notification is sent to the user who performs import whether the action succeded or failed.

Import bots - Validations
When you import bot files, the system checks for following validations during import:

Whether bot or dependent file already exists in Control Room


Whether a file is locked if version control is enabled. If this validation fails, you are shown:

You can fix this issue from the Control Room using Unlock bot or from the Client using Checkin option.

Audit Logs
An audit entry is logged in the Control Room Audit Log page when you import bots. The illustration below shows the detailed audit
entries for Import Bots.

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The audit details are divided in two parts - Action Details and Import Bot Details :



The Import Bot Details include the Package Name, Package Encryption if password has been set while exporting the bot, Imported
Bot name with filepath, and Imported Dependency name with file path.
The list number of the Bot and dependency is appended inside a bracket beside each bot. All user selected items are listed, followed by list of dependencies of the bots which are added by the system and imported.
When Version Control is enabled, the source Control Room version of each item in the list are displayed and the version number is
appended towards the end of the file.


If you want to know from which Control Room a bot was imported with its version number, you can track it through version
history in the Edit bot page

Alternatively, if you want to know from which Control Room a bot was imported with its version number, you can also track it
through the Version History in the Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client:

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Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Activity - Overview
If you have View everyone's In progress activity, View my scheduled bots, and View my bots privileges, the Activity page of Control
Room allows you to perform tasks, such as viewing activities that are scheduled and are in progress. At the same time, it allows you to
view a historical chronology of activities performed on a bot using the Historical Activity page. You can perform the following tasks
using this page.

Run a bot


Schedule a bot


Run a bot with queue


Edit a scheduled bot


Delete a schedule


Activate or Deactivate a schedule


View scheduled activities


View in-progress activities

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


In progress activity page
The In progress activity page displays a live status of all the on-going activities for Control Room. Depending on your privileges, you
can manage one or more automation activities using a pause, stop, or resume operation.
By default, you will be able to monitor and manage all the ongoing automation which has been triggered or scheduled by you. If you
have “View my in-progress activity” permission, you can also manage and monitor all the ongoing automations on the bots where you
have either of Upload, Download or Delete permission.
The default page is illustrated in the following figure.

For ease of access, you can apply search parameters to Status, Activity Type, Bot, Queue, Device, and Item Name columns.

You can use specify the search parameters in the search bar for Bot, Queue, Device, and Item Name:

Note: When you specify search parameters for the same column, the system searches using OR
operator. When you specify search parameters for different columns, the system searches using AND

You can choose the search parameters from a list in the search bar for Status and Activity Type:

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


The items of the Activity table are described in the following table.

Tip: You can perform the following actions on a column to help you work efficiently.

Click a column to sort it in ascending and descending order. You can sort up to three columns by
holding the Shift key when you click two or more columns. This gives you the option of sorting
two additional columns. This way the sorting is done on the entire table and not just the data
that is currently visible to you. The last sorting is stored in memory applied by a user per session.


Use a drag-and-drop operation to move the column left or right.


Move your mouse cursor at the end of the column and drag to re-size.

Table Item

Whether the status of the activity is:

Active (In progress) - This is shown when the bot is being run on Bot machine


Paused - This is shown when the bot is paused either from Control Room or Device.


Unknown - This is shown when the bot fails to run reasons that are not known.


Waiting for user input - This is shown when the bot is paused and requires an input from the Device


The progress of the activity in percentage.

Started on

The time at which the activity was started. This is of the format HH:MM:SS YYYY-MM-DD.


The name of the bot.


The device on which the activity is running.


The Control Room user account used for running the automation on a remote Bot runner.

Item Name

The name of the automation.

You can also perform the following table-level actions for a set of multiple activities.
Note: These actions can be performed only at a table-level and not on individual items.
Table Item



Refreshes the activities listed in the table

Pause in progress activities

Pauses any activity being performed on the bot

Resume in progress activities

Resumes any paused activity being performed on the bot

Stop in progress activities

This stops all activities of the bot regardless of the stage it is in.

Export in progress activities

Exports the list of items in the Activity table in CSV format

Move to History

Moves the selected activity to history

Show/hide columns

When you click this icon, the list of available columns is displayed, as shown in the following figure. Select or deselect an item to add or remove a column.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


You can perform the following tasks on an individual activity.
Table Item


View in progress activity

Select this to view details of the activity

Pause in progress activity

Select this to pause the activity

Resume in progress activity

Select this to resume the activity that was paused. This is visible only when you pause the

Stop in progress activity

Select this to stop the activity

Move in progress activity

Select this to move the activity to Historical Activity page

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Historical activity page
The Historical activity page chronologically displays a list of all activities that have occurred. This page lists all the activities, which
have finished running - successfully or unsuccessfully completed. For example, there may be scenarios where an activity failed to run
and you can use this page to come back and check the status of the activity.
To view this page, you should have View my in-progress activity or View everyone's in-progress activity permission.


If you have View my in-progress activity permission, you should be able to see all the completed automations that you deployed or
If you have View everyone's in-progress activity, you should be able to see all the automations run or scheduled by other users.
Note: You must have Run/Schedule permission on the corresponding bot to be able to see the
activity here.

Refer Create a role for details on role description.
You can use this page to run the activity again and perform other tasks, such as export the data in the table in CSV format, show/hide
columns, or refresh the list in the table. The page is illustrated in the following figure.

For ease of access, you can apply search parameters to Status, Device Name, Automation Name, and Bot Name columns in the
search bar.

Note: When you specify search parameters for the same column, the system searches using OR operator.
When you specify search parameters for different columns, the system searches using AND operator.
The items of the Activity table are described in the following table.

Tip: You can perform the following actions on a column to help you work efficiently.

Click a column to sort it in ascending and descending order. You can sort up to three columns by
holding the Shift key when you click on two more columns. This gives you the option of sorting
two additional columns. This way the sorting is done on the entire table and not just the data
that is currently visible to you. The last sorting is stored in memory applied by a user per session.


Use a drag-and-drop operation to move the column left or right.


Move your mouse cursor at the end of the column and drag to resize.



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The status of the activity. This may be Unknown, Completed, Failed, Stopped, or Time Out.

Device name

The name of the Bot runner machine on which automation was running.

Automation name

The name of the automation.

Bot name

The name of the bot.


The name of the user under whose account that particular activity/automation was running on the

Started on

The date and time on which the activity was started.

Ended on

The date and time on which the activity was completed.

You can perform the following tasks on an individual item in the Historical activity page.



Allows you to view details of the activity.

Run bot

Allows you to Run the selected Bot.

Tip: Move your mouse over the Actions icon
and click the Run icon to run
the activity again. Clicking the Run icon opens the Run bot now page with all
the values of the bot populated. You can then make changes to the bot and run
the bot again.

You can also perform the following table-level actions for a set of multiple activities.
Note: These actions can be performed only at a table-level and not on individual items.
Table Item



Refreshes the table

Export to CSV

Export the selected items in the table in CSV format

Show/Hide columns

Select the columns to show in the table.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


View details of selected activity from history
As a user with access privileges to the Historical activity, when you click the View icon
for an activity, the View historical activity
page is opened. It provides information in three sections - Details of activity such as Bot + Dependencies, Device, Name + Description
of activity, Run details, and General details. Besides this, you can also run the bot again from this page.
The page shows details based on the activity type,

The Run bot activity page is illustrated below:


The Schedule a bot activity page is illustrated below:

The different sections of the Historical activity view details page are described in the following table.


Bot + Dependencies

Displays the Bot name as well as name of its dependent bots or files.


Displays the device name of the source Control Room from which the Bot was deployed

Run Details


Progress: Displays color coded progress in automation,

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.

Red - when automation fails or is stopped with error message




Schedule Details

General details

Green - when automation is completed

Percentage of automation completed, stopped or failed

This tab is visible only if the bot is deployed using Schedule a bot operation.

Schedule type: Displays the type of schedule used to deploy the bot. For example, Run once.


Next occurrence: Displays the next schedule run date + time


Start/End date: Displays the schedule start and end date + time

Displays following details,

Last Modified: Displays the last time changes were made to the folder in date and time.


Modified by: Displays the name of the user who last made changes to the folder in date and time.


Object type: Displays the activity type - Run Bot or Schedule Bot

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Scheduled activity page
The Scheduled Activity page displays a list of activities that have been scheduled for a later time (future) in an Activity table. If you
have View my scheduled bots, and View my bots privileges, you can perform tasks, such as edit, view, activate, deactivate, or delete
the schedule.
You can access the Scheduled activity page by logging on to Control Room and click Activity → Scheduled. The page is illustrated in
the following figure.

For ease of access, you can apply search parameters to Type, Activity Name, Bot Name, and Status columns in the search bar.

Note: When you specify search parameters for the same column, the system searches using OR operator.
When you specify search parameters for different columns, the system searches using AND operator.
The items of the Activity table are described in the following table.

Tip: You can perform the following actions on a column to help you work efficiently.

Click a column to sort it in ascending and descending order. You can sort up to three columns by
holding the Shift key when you click on two more columns. This gives you the option of sorting
two additional columns. This way the sorting is done on the entire table and not just the data
that is currently visible to you. The last sorting is stored in memory applied by a user per session..


Use a drag-and-drop operation to move the column left or right.


Move your mouse cursor at the end of the column and drag to resize.

Table Item



The type of schedule. For example, One time or recurring.

Next occurrence

The next time the scheduled bot will run.

Activity name

The name of the activity. For example, List files in a folder, loops.

Bot Name

The name of the bot. For example, monthly-payroll.atmx


The description of when the activity will run. For example, every Monday at 3 PM


The devices on which the bot will run at the scheduled time.


The Status of the scheduled activity. For example, active or inactive.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Modified by

The name of the user who last modified the activity.

Last modified

The date and time when the activity was last modified.

You can perform the following tasks on an individual Schedule by moving your mouse over the Actions icon.

Click this icon to Edit the scheduled bot .


Click this icon to View details about the scheduled bot.

Activate /


Click this icon toactivate or deactivate the scheduled bot.
Click this icon to delete the scheduled bot.


You can also perform the following table-level actions for a set of multiple activities.
Note: These actions can be performed only at a table-level and not on individual items.
Table Item

Refreshes the schedules page

Activate /

Deactivate Activities

Activates or deactivates the schedules.Learn More


Deletes the schedules.Learn More


Export the selected schedules in CSV format.

Show/Hide column

Select the columns to show or hide in the Activity table.

Tip: Click the

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icons to add or remove items in the table.

Schedule a bot
There may be times when you want to run a bot at a later point in time (future) or when you want the bot to run on a periodic basis or at
a specific point in time. In such cases, use the Schedule bot page to perform such tasks.
Note: You can schedule a bot from any of the following pages of Control Room if you have View everyone's In progress activity, View my scheduled bots, and View my bots privileges:

Activity → In progress


Activity → Scheduled


Bots → My bots


Devices → Bot runners and bot creators

To schedule a bot, perform the following steps.
1. Click the
link on the appropriate page, such as In progress, Scheduled, My bots, or Bot runners and bot creators page. The Schedule bot page is displayed.

2. From the Select a Task Bot area, click one of the folders depending on your requirements. The Type and name of the available
bots are displayed on the right hand side in a tabular format.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Note: You can access only those folders for which you have Run+Schedule permission.
3. Select a task bot depending on your requirements by clicking a bot. The Select button is enabled.

When you click the Select button the bot is ready to be scheduled and you can view the dependencies of the selected in the
Review dependencies for  section.
Note: When you click the Select button, the label of the button is changed to Replace. This
gives you an option of selecting another bot and replace the selected bot.
4. Click the Select button. The bot and all its dependencies are added to the Review dependencies for  section. In the following figure, the  or name of the bot is List-Variable.

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Note: Although you will be able to schedule a bot, automation will fail in the following

If any of the bot dependencies are missing


If you do not have folder privileges on the dependencies


If you do not have Run+Schedule permission (the one that shows a red dependency icon -


5. Click the Next link. The SCHEDULE + DEVICES tab is displayed.

You have two options of scheduling a bot – Run once and Run repeatedly.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.



Run once: Use this option to run the bot once on a given day at X hour. When you select this option, you must enter the
Start date and Start time. The default value of the Start date field is set to the current day while the default value of the Start
Time field is a roundup of the closest half-hour that is 15 minutes away. As an example, if the current time is 13:43 hours, a
value of 14:00 hours is displayed.

Note: The value of the Start date box is always later than or equal to the current date.
If the Start date is the current date, the scheduled time cannot be less than the current

Run repeatedly: Use this option when you want to schedule your bot to run every X minutes/hours on a given day. When
you select this option, you must select the Start date, end date, and Start time. The default value of the Start date field is set
to the current day while the default of the Start Time field is a roundup of the closest half-hour that is 15 minutes away. As
an example, if the current time is 13:43 hours, a value of 14:00 hours is displayed. The default value of the End date field is

Note: If the value selected in the Start date box is the current day, the scheduled time
must be greater than the current time. Also, the value of the End date box must be later
than or equal to the value in the Start date box.
6. After selecting the Run once or Run repeatedly options, click a device of your choice from the Available devices area and click the
>> button. The device is added to the Selected devices area, which displays the list of connected and disconnected devices to Control Room.
Note: You can select only bot runner devices that are connected. If a device is not connected,
it is not enabled. Also, if the device is not displayed in the list, ensure that an active bot
runner session is running on the device

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7. Click the Next link. The NAME+DESCRIPTION tab is displayed.

8. Type a name and description in the General area and click the Schedule bot button. The bot is added to the Activity table of the
Scheduled activity page.
Note: The Schedule bot button remains disabled until all the required items, such as bots,
schedule details, and devices are not selected.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


View scheduled bot details
Once you have scheduled a bot, you can view details for the bot from the View scheduled bot page. This page allows you to make
changes to the bot using the Edit button
and activate or deactivate it depending on your requirements by using the activate/deactivate toggle button
This page illustrated in the following figure.

The different areas of the View scheduled bot page are described in the following table.



The name of the bot and dependencies for the scheduled bot.


The date and time at which the bot has been scheduled along with the name of the device connected
to the bot.


The name and description for the bot.


The run details for the bot. For example, when did the bot last run?


The following details for the schedule are displayed here.



Schedule type: Whether the schedule will run once or repeatedly?


Next occurrence: When the schedule will run again


Start date: The date when the schedule will run for the first time.


End date: The date when the schedule will stop running.

The following details for the schedule are displayed here.

Last modified: The last date and time the bot was modified.


Object type: The type of object of the bot, such as scheduled bot.


Modified by: The name of the user who last made changes to the scheduled bot.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Edit scheduled activity
There may be times when you want to change the number of retries or the retry interval so that the automation is not skipped. Besides
this, you may also want to edit the scheduled activity to:

Change the schedule type, date, or time.


Add or remove Bot runners from the schedule.


Change the retry settings.

To edit a scheduled activity, perform the following steps.
1. On the Scheduled activity page, move your mouse over the Actions icon of an item in the Activity table and click the Edit icon

When you click the Edit icon


, the Edit scheduled bot page is displayed.

2. Make changes to the bot depending on your requirements. Once done, click the Schedule bot button.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Note:You must select the fields, such as Bots and devices. These are required to save your

Tip: As you start typing and make changes to the fields of the Edit scheduled bot page, the text of
the Close button changes to Cancel to visually indicate that you have made changes. Clicking Cancel
closes the Edit Schedule bot form.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Bot runners and bot creators - overview
As a Control Room user with Bot creator, Bot runner and Device pools privileges, use the Control Room Bot runners and bot creators,

View a list of Devices registered and connected to the current instance of the Control Room in My Devices


Create and view a list of Device pool available from the current instance of the Control Room in My Device Pools


Run Bots immediately on selected Bot runners using Run bot now


Schedule Bots to run on selected Bot runners using Schedule bot


Run Bots on selected Device pools using Run bot with queue

Note: Only an admin user has access to see all the devices in the Control Room. A non- admin user
will not have access to view Bot creators.
The Bot runners and bot creators page is illustrated in the following figure:

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My Devices
As a Control Room admin or a user with manage devices privileges, you can view the devices that are registered to your Control Room
Devices privileges include View and Manage Bot runners, Bot creators, as well as Create and Manage Device Pools. Learn More
about privileges in Roles - Overview
Note: Only an admin user has access to see all the devices(Bot runners and Bot creators) in the Control Room. A non - admin user will not have access to view Bot creators.
The My Devices page is illustrated in the following figure:

For ease of access, you can apply search parameters to Status, Name, Username, Device pool, and Type columns.

You can use specify the search parameters in the search bar for Name, Username, and Device Pool:

Note: When you specify search parameters for the same column, the system searches using OR
operator. When you specify search parameters for different columns, the system searches using AND

You can choose the search parameters from a list in the search bar for Status and Type:

The following describes the list of items that can be viewed in the table:

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Table Item



Shows device's status, which is the combined status of the user and the device used by
that user.
For example Mike Lee and Amy Chen might be using the same device 123.456.7.89.
However, Mike Lee - a Bot Creator could be shown connected while Amy Chen could be
shown disconnected.
Following statuses are visible:

Connected when the Bot is logged on to the Control Room


Disconnected when the Bot is not logged on to the Control Room


Offline when the device user has been unregistered/disabled by the Control Room

Note that the icon indicates the user type.
Bot Creator

Bot Runner


Shows the machine's fully qualified server name


Shows name of the user connected with the device

Device Pool

Shows the name of the device pool that the device is part of, if any. Note that "--" indicates
the device is not part of any device pool and N/A indicates that it cannot be included in
any device pools. Learn More


Shows the type of license that is assigned by the Control Room admin.

Tip: You can perform the following actions on a table column:

Click a column to sort it in ascending and descending order. You can sort up to three columns by
holding the Shift key when you click on two more columns. This gives you the option of sorting
two additional columns. This way the sorting is done on the entire table and not just the data
that is currently visible to you. The last sorting is stored in memory applied by a user per session.


Use a drag-and-drop operation to move the column left or right


Move your mouse cursor at the end of the column and drag to re-size

The following describes the tasks that you can perform on an individual device:
Table Item



Allows you to run a Bot on the device immediately.


Allows you to schedule a Bot to run on the device.

Alternatively, you can select all devices and perform the following actions. Note that these actions can be performed only at a table
level and not on individual items.
Table Item



Allows you to refresh the table contents so that you can view the latest device status


Allows you to run a Bot on selected devices immediately.


Allows you to schedule a Bot to run on selected devices.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Export to CSV

Show / Hide columns

Allows you to export the data to a csv file. You can export data based on:




Allows you to show or hide specific columns. By default, all columns are displayed:

Tip: To hide a column, click on the column name.

When you want to perform actions such as Run, Schedule or Create a device pool quickly without switching your current location, you
can use the following options:
Table Item

Allows you to run a Bot on the device immediately.
Allows you to schedule a Bot to run on the device.
Allows you to create a device pool for workload management.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


My device pools
As a Device Pool admin you can view all devices pools that can be used for work items in workload management. You can also create
device pools comprising Bot Runners.
If you are a Device Pool Owner / Consumer you can view only those Device pools of which you are the owner or consumer.
Device pools provide a logical grouping of similar Bot Runners on which you want to run bot(s) with the work item from a queue. For
example, you can group devices of a particular department/unit and create a device pool for it.
The My device pools page is illustrated in the following figure:

Note: You need to create device pools to view those in the list. To get started, click on the create a
device pool here link.
For ease of access, you can apply search parameters to Status, My Access and Queue Name columns.

You can use specify the search parameters in the search bar for Detailed Status and Device Pool Name:

Note: When you specify search parameters for the same column, the system searches using OR
operator. When you specify search parameters for different columns, the system searches using AND

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You can choose the search parameters from a list in the search bar for Status

The following describes the list of items that can be viewed in the table:
Table Item

Shows device's status. Here, status refers to the status of both User and Device from which the
user is connects.



Connected when the user and device are connected to the Control Room from selected Bot
Disconnected when the user and device are not connected to the Control Room from selected
Bot Runner
Offline when the user is deactivated by the Control Room admin

Device Pool Name

Shows name of the device pool

Detailed Status

Shows status of the devices that are part of that particular device pool

All Connected when all users and devices are connected to the Control Room


All Disconnected when one or more user and device are disconnected from the Control Room

# of Automations

Shows the number of automation that are currently deployed on that particular device pool

# of Devices

Shows the number of devices that are included in the device pool


Shows the owner name(s) of the device pool

Tip: You can perform the following actions on a table column:

Click a column to sort it in ascending and descending order. You can sort up to three columns by
holding the Shift key when you click on two more columns. This gives you the option of sorting
two additional columns. This way the sorting is done on the entire table and not just the data
that is currently visible to you. The last sorting is stored in memory applied by a user per session.


Use a drag-and-drop operation to move the column left or right


Move your mouse cursor at the end of the column and drag to re-size

The following describes the tasks that you can perform on an individual device pool:
Table Item



Allows you to run a Bot on the device pool immediately


Allows you to view device pool details


Allows you to edit device pool details


Allows you to delete the device pool

Alternatively, you can select all device pools and perform the following actions. Note that these actions can be performed only at a
table level and not on individual items.
Table Item

Allows you to delete one or more device pools

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Show / Hide column

Allows you to show or hide columns other than Device Pool Name:

Tip: To show or hide a column, click on the column name.
When you want to perform actions such as Run bot with queue or Create a device pool quickly without switching your current location,
you can use the following options:
Table Item

Allows you to run bot with a queue for workload management
Allows you to create a device pool for workload management

Audit Log
All the Create, Update, Delete actions are tracked in audit log for record keeping and future use. You can refer those entries in the
Audit Log page:

To view details of the audit entry, click
shown as:

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which is visible when you mouse over . For example, the device pool creation details are


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Create and delete device pools
As a Device Pool admin, you can create a Device pool comprising Bot Runners to optimize your automation workload and thereby
achieve your entity's SLA.

Create device pool
A Device pool is created to group similar type of devices and run bots on those devices with work items from their respective queues.
To create a device pool, you must give a unique name to the pool and add Bot Runners to it. You can add only those Bot Runners that
are not part of any pool and are not associated with any role. Optionally, you can add other users as owners so that they can manage
the pool. You can also add Control Room user roles as consumers. Only users with these roles can use the pool for any automation.
A. Create a device pool and select Bot Runners
1. Go to Devices → My Device Pools
2. Click

at the top right of the Devices page.

Tip: Click the create a device pool here link, which is shown if no device pools are present.
3. The Create device pool page is launched:

4. Select the Bot Runners for which the automation will be relevant. For example, you can create a Finance Automation pool that can
run all finance relevant automations on Bot Runners from the finance department.
Note: You can add only those Bot Runners that are not part of another device pool. Such Bot Runners are disabled for selection.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


5. Click

to add the Bot Runner(s) to the list of Selected devices

Tip: Click

to remove the Bot Runner from the list of Selected devices.

6. Click Next to select Device Pool Owners
B. Select Device Pool Owners
You can choose to grant other Control Room users permissions to view, edit, and delete the device pool.


Select user(s) from the list of Available users
Tip: You can search the list of users based on their Username, First name, or Last name.

2. Click
3. The user is shown in the list of Selected users .
Note: The Device pool creator is listed as the default owner of the pool.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Tip: Click
to remove the user from the list of Selected users. You cannot remove the user
who created the device pool though.
4. You can choose to create the device pool at this instance or select Device Pool Consumers.


to complete device pool creation process


Click Next to select Device Pool Consumers

C. Select Device Pool Consumers
You can select the device pool consumers so that they can view the device pool when they want to run automation/bot with a queue.
Refer Run bot with queue for details.
Note: This step is optional.
1. Select a Role from the list of Available roles.

Tip: You can search for a role name:

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2. Click
3. The user is shown in the list of Selected roles.

Tip: Click

to remove the user from the list of Selected roles.

4. Click
Your device pools for which you have consumer privileges are listed in the My Device Pools page:

Delete device pool
You can choose to delete your device pools in either of two ways:

Delete one device pool 1. To delete one device pool, mouse over the actions icon 2. Click

If the device pool is being used for workload automation, you will not be allowed to delete it:

3. Confirm or cancel as required:


Delete multiple or all device pools 1. Select the device pools that you wish to delete:

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Or select all device pools by selecting the Select All check-box in the header:

2. Click

given at the top of the device pools table

3. Confirm or cancel as required:


Based on your selection, the devices are deleted. The following shows one device pool deleted:

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View device pool
As a Control Room user with device pool management privileges or as a device pool owner, you can view device pool details to
ensure the information provided is correct and if required customize as per your workload requirement.
To view device pool details,
1. Go to Devices → My Device Pools
2. For the device pool that you need to view, mouse over the actions icon 3. Click
4. The Device Pool Details page is launched in view mode

The page provides details of the device pool in two sections:

Device Pool Details such as the Name, Description, Status, and Detailed Status


Device Pool contents in tabs such as Automations, Bot Runners, Device Pool Owners, and Device Pool Consumers.
Tip: Select each tab to view its details.

The following provides details for each of the following tabs:

Automations - Shows the automations that are using the device pool and the order that is chosen to run those. This is shown as the
default view. To find an automation quickly, use the search option using Status, Automation name, Queue, or Activity type.
Tip: You can perform the following actions on a table column:


Click a column to sort it in ascending and descending order. You can sort up to three columns by holding the Shift key when
you click on two more columns. This gives you the option of sorting two additional columns. This way the sorting is done on
the entire table and not just the data that is currently visible to you. The last sorting is stored in memory applied by a user
per session.


Use a drag-and-drop operation to move the column left or right


Move your mouse cursor at the end of the column and drag to re-size

Bot Runners - Shows list of Bot Runners that are part of the device pool.

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Device Pool Owners - Shows list of Device Pool Owners that are granted permission to view, edit, and delete the device pool.
Refer the article Create and delete device pool for details.
Device Pool Consumers - Shows the list of Device Pool Consumers who are granted permission to view the device pool as an
option while running automations. Refer the article Create and delete device pool for details.
General Details - Shows the Last modified date and time, name of the user who modified device pool details, and the Object Type
which is the component on which modification was done.

When you view a device pool, apart from updating the Bot Runner, Device Pool Owner, and Consumer details, you can additionally
choose to

Run Bot with queue


Edit the device pool


Delete the device pool

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Edit device pool
As a Control Room user with device pool management privileges or as a device pool owner, you can edit device pool details to customize as per your workload requirement.
When you open the device pool in edit mode, you have to first define the priority or the order in which the automations will run in the
Automations tab. This is visible only when you edit a device pool and is not available when you create a device pool. Apart from this
you can update the Bot Runner, Device Pool Owner, and Consumer details.
To edit a device pool,
1. Go to Devices → My Device Pools
Tip: You can also edit device pool details when in view mode. Refer article View device pool to
learn more.
2. For the device pool that needs to be updated, mouse over the actions icon 3. Click
4. The Device Pool Details page is launched in edit mode

5. You can choose the order in which your automations will run. Select either Round robin or Priority as shown in table.

Round robin - Use this when you want to run your automations at equal time intervals termed as Time slice. A Time slice
unit can be defined in seconds, minutes, and hours. You can calculate or estimate the time for each automation and then
provide this number.
This means that the automations are executed for only 5 minutes first, then system checks for other automations in queue
for execution, If yes, that automation is paused and next automation is executed. This will continue till all automations in the
queue are executed.
Note: The default Time Slice is set to 5 minutes.

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The Time slice should be more than zero:


Priority as shown in table - Use this when you want to run your automations on priority defined in the Priority table. This
method allows you to run automations in order of priority. Automations are processed till all are consumed from the specified automation queue.

The following details are shown in the priority table:
Table Item



Shows the priority number allotted to that queue


Shows the automation status - Active or Inactive

Automation Name

Shows the automation that is selected to run on the device pool

Started On

Shows the run date and time of the automation


Shows the Bot name that will run using this device pool


Shows the Queue name that will be used to run automation using this device pool

Activity Type

Shows the Activity type used to run the automation using this device pool - Run bot

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


with queue.

Tip: You can perform the following actions on a table column:



Click a column to sort it in ascending and descending order. You can sort up to three columns by holding the Shift
key when you click on two more columns. This gives you the option of sorting two additional columns. This way the
sorting is done on the entire table and not just the data that is currently visible to you. The last sorting is stored in
memory applied by a user per session.


Use a drag-and-drop operation to move the column left or right


Move your mouse cursor at the end of the column and drag to resize


Search on Status, Automation Name, Queue, and Activity Type headers in the table if the data available is large.

The Priority column is editable. You can set/re-set automation implementation priority. Ensure that you provide unique priority value to two different work items as same values will not be allowed:

You can also view the Priority list in ascending or descending order by clicking the ordering arrows in the Priority header

6. You can update the list of Bot Runners that will be included in the device pool. Refer the article Create and delete device pool for
7. You can update the list of Device Pool Owners who are granted permission to view, edit, and delete the device pool. Refer the article Create and delete device pool for details.
8. You can update the list of Device Pool Consumers who are granted permission to view the device pool as an option while running
automations. Refer the article Create and delete device pool for details.
9. Click
Note: If at any point you do not want to save the changes, click Cancel.

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Workload - an overview
Workload Management allows you to manage your work items by dividing them into small yet logical modules and processing those
simultaneously to ensure your time based SLAs are met and resource utilization is optimized.
As a Control Room admin user, you can manage the work items in your Control Room instance with help of Queues. You can create,
update and control the way work items are included in Queues and distributed to Bot Runners that are part of Device Pools.
The Workload - Queues page is illustrated below:

Refer Workload - Queues for details
As a Control Room admin user or a user with SLA Calculator privilege, you can access the Service Level Agreement (SLA) calculator
page. It allows you to assess how long would it take to process items based on device pool size or how many devices are required to
meet your target SLA.
The Workload - SLA calculator page is illustrated below:

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Refer Workload - SLA calculator for details.

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Workload - Queues
As a Control Room admin user, you can manage the work items in your Control Room instance with help of Queues. You can create,
update and control the way work items are included in Queues and distributed to Bot Runners that are part of Device Pools.
Workload Management allows you to manage your work items by dividing them into small yet logical modules and processing those
simultaneously to ensure your time based SLAs are met and resource utilization is optimized.
The Workload - Queues page is illustrated below:

Note: You can see only those queues for which you are either the owner /participant /consumer.
However, the Queue Admin can see all the queues in the system.
For ease of access, you can apply search parameters to Status, My Access and Queue Name columns.

You can use specify the search parameters in the search bar for Queue Name:

When you specify search parameters for the same column, the system searches using OR operator. When you specify search parameters for different columns, the system searches using AND operator.

You can choose the search parameters from a list in the search bar for Status and My Access

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The following describes the list of items that can be viewed in the table:
Table Item



Shows Queue's status:



Draft when the Queue is created but saved as a draft. This option is generally selected by the
Queue admin when some information needs to be updated or when the queue is not meant for
running automations yet.
In use when the Queue is created, saved and used to Run a bot with queue. This shows that at
least one active automation is using this queue.
Not in use when the Queue is created and saved but not used to Run a bot with queue.

Queue Name

Shows the name of the Queue

My Access

Shows the currently logged on user's access status to the queue.

Queue Owner - is the user who can create, edit and view the queue.


Queue Participant - is the user who can add new work items and view the queue


Queue Consumer - is the user who can view the queue and all the work items in the queue.

Automation Name

Shows the name of the Automation. If the queue is not being used or is in draft state, this will show
N/A and the automation name if in use.

Automation Status

Shows the status of the Automation created for this queue. If the queue is not being used or is in
draft state, this will show N/A and Active if in use.

Bot Name

Shows the name of the Task Bot selected for this queue's automation.

Device Pool

Shows the name of the Device Pool that is used for the automation of this queue.

Tip: You can perform the following actions on a table column:

Click a column to sort it in ascending and descending order. You can sort up to three columns by
holding the Shift key when you click on two more columns. This gives you the option of sorting
two additional columns. This way the sorting is done on the entire table and not just the data
that is currently visible to you. The last sorting is stored in memory applied by a user per session.


Use a drag-and-drop operation to move the column left or right


Move your mouse cursor at the end of the column and drag to re-size

The following describes the tasks that you can perform on an individual queue:
Table Item

Allows you to view details of selected queue


Allows you to edit details of selected queue. You can see this icon only if you are the Queue
Owner or Participant.


Allows you to delete the selected queues. Note that if a queue is in use, you are not allowed to
delete the queue.

Alternatively, you can select all devices and perform the following action. Note that these actions can be performed only at a table level
and not on individual items.
Table Item



Allows you to refresh the table contents so that you can view the latest queue status


Allows you to delete all or multiple queues.

Show / Hide columns

Allows you to show or hide specific columns. By default, all columns are displayed:

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Tip: To show or hide a column, click on the column name.

When you want to perform actions such as Run bot with queue or Create queue quickly without switching your current location, you
can use the following options:
Table Item

Allows you to run bot with a queue
Allows you to create queues

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Create queues
As a Control Room user with queue ownership privileges, you can create queues. Queue is one of main building blocks for Work Load
Management. Queue comprise of logical group of work items that are processed for automation by individual Bot Runners from a pool.
These work items are loaded from Excel or csv files.
The following illustration shows the Create queue page when it is launched:

Create queues
You can Create queue by providing details such as Queue name, Queue owners, participants, consumers and work item structure.
These details are summarized in the tab on the left side. You can refer this summary while editing the queue and open the tab that you
want to update. Refer the article Edit Queue.
To Create a queue:
1. Go to Workload → Queues
2. Click
or if you are creating a queue for the first time, click on the Create a queue here link, which is available when you launch the
Queues page as shown:

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3. The Create queue page is launched wherein you can first configure General Settings
a. General settings - Here, you can specify general settings for the queue such as Queue Name, Description, Reactivation
Threshold, and Time required for a person to complete one work item.

i. Type a name for the queue that reflects its purpose in Queue Name. For example, you can specify Payroll Queue for
work items that are designed to manage the payroll system.
ii. Optionally type in the Description that reflects what the queue will achieve. For example, the Payroll Queue will process those automations that are designed to manage the payroll system.
iii. Specify the minimum number of new work items (i.e. in 'Ready to Run' status) that should be present in the queue in
order to resume the queue processing after all the work items in the queue are processed in Reactivation
Threshold. By default this is set to 1.
iv. Optionally, specify the average time that a person would need to complete one work item in seconds, minutes, hours
or days.
v. Click Next to assign queue owners.

Tip: You can choose to save a draft of the queue by clicking
add rest of the information later.


b. Owners - Add name(s) of Queue Owner(s) to Selected Users from the list of Available Users. Queue owners can edit the
queue and also add new work items to the queue. The Queue creator is the default Queue Owner. You can choose to add
other users as Queue Owners only if required.
i. To add Queue Owners, select user(s) from list of Available Users
ii. Click

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iii. The users are added as Queue Owners in the list of Selected Users:

iv. Click Next to add roles as queue participants
c. Participants - Optionally add Roles as Participants from the list Available Roles. Participant roles can add new work items
and view the queue. however, they are not allowed to edit other queue properties.

To add Participants, select role(s) from list of Available Roles




The roles are added as Participants in the list of Selected Roles:


Click Next to add queue consumers

d. Consumers - Optionally add Queue Consumers from the list of Available Roles. Queue consumers can view the queue and
all the work items in the queue. In addition, they can use this queue when running bots.
i. To add Consumers, select role(s) from list of Available Roles
ii. Click

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iii. The roles are added as Consumers in the list of Selected Roles:


Click Next to define the work item structure.

e. Define Work Item Structure - You can define the work item structure when you do not have the ready data in a file and directly want to load the work items manually from the system. Define the structure of the work items that will be processed in
the queue. For this you must add column names to the structure. This can be done in either of two ways:
i. Selecting a csv or excel file that automatically populates the headers to the structure by clicking



Only excel or csv files are allowed. For any other file, the following error is shown:

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If the header column name is empty in the excel/csv file, the following error is shown:


If the header column name has special characters, following error is shown:


If the header column name contains characters other than alpha numeric spaces, the following error is

ii. Adding column headers manually to the structure.

iii. Click Next to select the data category and column headers that will be processed.
f. Work Item Structure - Select the type of data that you want to process in this queue.
i. In Step 1, you must provide a name to the work item structure in Queue Category. For example, if the queue contains employee information, you can specify Queue Category as 'Employee Data'. Queue category should be
ii. In Step 2, you are shown all the column names from the header row. You can choose only those columns that you
want to include in the work item structure.
You can select up to five columns to view in the Control Room. While viewing work item data in Control Room, system allows you to filter/sort work items only on these selected five columns.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


For example, you can select column headers Employee Name, Employee ID and Designation. You can then select
the Data Type for that column. In our example selected columns belong to the Text data type.You can also choose
to view those columns being processed in the Control Room Activity page.
iii. In Step 3, you can choose to sort the selected column data in Ascending or Descending order. Out of the five "Show
in control room" selected columns, you can select up to three columns to specify the sort criteria. When the system is
processing work items from this queue, it will use the sort criteria specified to fetch the work items in that order.
For example, if you want to process payslips with first Employee Id followed by Employee Name from 1 to n and A to
Z, you can specify Employee Id and Employee Name in Ascending order.

iv. Click Next to add the data to work items.
g. Add Work Items - Optionally choose an excel or csv file if you want to add work items to this queue. You can add work items
later by editing the queue.
i. To add an excel or csv file, click
ii. The file is added as a work item.

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iii. Click
iv. The queue is added successfully added to the list :

Tip: The new queue is added at the top of the list. You can choose to apply column
sorting to view as required.

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Delete Queues
You can delete the queues if you have Queue Admin or Owner access rights. You can delete an individual queue, selected or all
To delete an individual queue,
1. Go to Workload → Queues
2. For the queue that needs to be deleted, mouse-over the actions icon 3. Click
4. The following message is shown:

5. Click Yes, delete to confirm or No, cancel to discard the action.
6. The following confirmation message appears once you delete the queue:

To delete selected or all queues:
1. Go to Workload → Queues
2. Select the check-box of required queues or select the check-box given in the header to select all queues:

3. Click

above the table header.

4. The following message is shown:

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5. Click Yes, delete to confirm or No, cancel to discard the action.
6. The following confirmation message appears once you delete the queues:

Note: Only one queue is deleted instead of two because the second queue is being used for processing work items. For that particular queue you are shown the following error:

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Edit queues
As a Control Room user with owner privileges you can edit the queues that you created and as a user with participant privileges you
can edit queues that are created by other queue owners.
Refer Queue Owners section in Create Queues article.

You can edit a queue using two methods - from Queues list and from View queue page

To Edit a queue from Queues list,

1. Go to Workload → Queues
2. For the queue that needs to be updated, mouse over the actions icon 3. Click

To Edit a queue from View queue page,

1. Go to Workload → Queues
2. For the queue that needs to be updated, mouse over the actions icon 3. Click

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4. The View queue page is launched:

5. Either click on edit this queue link or
6. The Edit Queue page is launched:

Note: You can choose to Close or Cancel your updates. The Close option is available when you
do not make any updates. It changes to Cancel when you update the page.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


7. You can choose to edit the entire queue details such as the queue name (applicable only if in draft), description, work items,
threshold and time values, owners, participants, and consumers. The Work Item structure cannot be edited once it is defined. Refer
article Create Queues to know more about adding details in each tab.
8. By default, you are shown the Work Items tab wherein you must first upload a file for the work item that will be used for processing
in this queue.
Tip: You can search for a work item quickly based either on Status or Status details using the
search option.

9. Click

and select the file that you want to upload.

Tip: You can upload only an excel or csv file.

10. Click

when you finish updating details as required.


If you provide a duplicate name, the following error is shown:


Edit the name and save the changes made to the queue.

11. The following message is shown:

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View queue details
As a Control Room user with queue management privileges you might want to view the details of a Queue that either you created or
are granted participant rights.
To view details of a particular queue,
1. Go to Workload → Queues
2. Mouse over the queue that you want to view and click
3. Click
4. The View queues page is launched:

5. The page provides details of the queue in two sections:
a. Queue Details such as the Name, Description, My access status, and queue Status
b. Queue contents in different tabs such as,
i. Work Items - This is the default view. This allows you to view all work items in a list form. You can perform actions
such as edit and delete as well as modify the column view, and change the status of all or selected work items.
ii. General - This displays the Reactivation Threshold and Time required to complete one work item,
iii. Owners - This displays Queue owners who can edit the queue and add new work items.
iv. Participants - This displays Queue Participants who can add new work items and view the queue.
v. Consumers - This displays Consumers who can view the queue and all the work items in the queue. In addition,
they can use this queue when running bots.
vi. Work Item Structure - This displays the work item structure that you defined when creating the queue.

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Tip: You can choose to edit any of these details by either clicking the edit this queue link or
. You can also delete the queue by clicking
Refer the articles Edit queues and Create and delete queues for details.
For ease of access, you can apply search parameters to Status, My Access and Queue Name columns.

You can use specify the search parameters in the search bar for Queue Name:

When you specify search parameters for the same column, the system searches using OR operator. When you specify search parameters for different columns, the system searches using AND operator.

You can choose the search parameters from a list in the search bar for Work item Status

The following describes the list of items that can be viewed in the table:
Table Item



The priority in which the work items shall be processed. Typically this is allotted by the system in
the order that the work item is added to the queue.


Shows Work item status:

Active when work item is currently being processed or staged for processing


Complete when work item successfully processed by a Bot Runner or marked Complete


Unsuccessful when work item processing failed on Bot Runner


Ready to run when work item is successfully processed for execution does not have any data
errors and can be staged for processing


On hold when work item is deferred for use by the Queue admin


Data error when there is an error in loading data from the file

Start Time and End

Shows the work items processing start/end time and date

Modified by

Shows the name of the user who had modified the work item last

Last Modified

Shows the time and date when the work item was modified last

Note: Apart from the above system generated columns, the fields that you define in your work item are
also displayed as columns:

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Tip: You can perform the following actions on a table column:

Click a column to sort it in ascending and descending order. You can sort up to three columns by
holding the Shift key when you click on two more columns. This gives you the option of sorting
two additional columns. This way the sorting is done on the entire table and not just the data
that is currently visible to you. The last sorting is stored in memory applied by a user per session.


Use a drag-and-drop operation to move the column left or right


Move your mouse cursor at the end of the column and drag to re-size

The following describes the tasks that you can perform on an individual work item:
Table Item

Allows you to view details of selected work item


Allows you to edit details of selected work item. You can see this icon only if you are the Queue
Owner or Participant or Consumer and the status of the work item is Unsuccessful, On hold, or
Data error


Allows you to delete the selected work item. Note that if a work item is in use, you are not allowed
to delete it.

Alternatively, you can select all devices and perform the following action. Note that these actions can be performed only at a table level
and not on individual items.
Table Item



Allows you to refresh the table contents so that you can view the latest work item status


Allows you to delete all or multiple work items.

Mark complete

Allows you to mark all or multiple work items as Complete whose status is On hold, Data Error, or
Ready to run.

Ready to run

Allows you to mark all or multiple work items as Ready to run whose status is On hold, or Data

On hold

Allows you to mark all or multiple work items as On hold whose status is Data Error or Ready to

Show / Hide columns

Allows you to show or hide specific columns. By default, all columns are displayed:

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Tip: To show or hide a column, click on the column name.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Manage Work Items
As a Control Room user with queue management privileges, based on the work item status you can View, Edit, and Delete one or
more work items in a Queue of which you are an owner, consumer, and/or participant. For actions allowed on work item based on its
status, refer section on Work item - status and actions allowed given in this article.
This allows you to fix discrepancies prior to queue processing and reduce your automation related errors and failures.

View work item
You can view a work item when its status is Successful, Unsuccessful, On hold, Active, or Data Error.
To view a work item,
1. Go to Workload → Queues
2. Select and open the Queue in view or edit mode whose work items you want to view
3. Mouse over the work item that you want to view and click
4. Click
5. The View work item page is launched:

6. The page provides details of the work item in three sections:
a. Work Item Details such as the Status, Status Details, Start Time, End Time, and Queue Name


Status - Whether Successful/Unsuccessful for work items that have Failed, are in Unknown state or Stopped, Pending for work items that are Deferred, New or Paused, Active for work items that are processed in queue, Data error
for work items that are being uploaded from the file.
Status Details - Successful for work item with status NA, Unsuccessful for work items with one or more errors, has
Unknown status or is Stopped, Active for work item with status NA and Pending for a work item that is New, Deferred,
or Paused, and Data Error for work item with one or more errors.


Start time and End time - This is shown when the work item is being processed.


Queue Name - This displays the name of the queue of this work item.

b. Tabs for Work Item and Automation


Work Item - Displays the attributes of the selected work item and Audit log comments that were added by the queue
owner while editing the work item.
Automation - Displays the name of the automation, Bot name, and the Device pool under which this work item was

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


c. General Details such as the Last modified date and time, Modified by and Object type.
Tip: You can choose to edit any of these details by clicking
work item by clicking

. You can also delete the

provided its status is other than Active.

Edit work item
You can edit a work item only if its status is Unsuccessful, on hold, or Data error.
You can edit a work item in one of two ways depending upon where you are in the Workload page:

If you are on the Queues page,
a. Mouse over a work item from the list of work items
b. Click


If you are on the Work Item page, click


The work item page is launched in edit mode:


The page provides details of the work item in two sections:

Tabs for Work item attributes and automation details

Work Item - Displays the Name of the Queue, Start and End time if it is processed, text box for adding comments that
will appear in the Audit log, Option to change the work item status to Mark complete, Defer or Re-process, and work
item attributes.
Note that the system will set the status to Data Error during the data load if there is any issue with the data. For
example, if user gives a text value for a number field or invalid date string for an attribute of date type, the status will

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


be displayed Data Error.

Automation - Displays the name of the automation that is deployed by the pool admin, Bot name, and the Device
pool on which the Bot will execute if processed or is being processed.

b. General Details such as the Last modified date and time, Modified by and Object type.


Delete work item
You can delete a work item when only if its status is not Active.
To delete a work item,
1. Go to Workload → Queues
2. Select and open the Queue in view or edit mode whose work items you want to delete
3. Mouse over the work item that you want to view and click
4. Click
5. The selected work item is deleted and you are shown:

Note: You can also delete a work item one at a time or in bulk by using the delete option above the
table. Refer View queue for details.

Work item - status and actions allowed
The following table provides description of each status and action allowed for that status:
Work Item Status


Actions Allowed


Work item is currently being processed



Work item successfully processed by a Bot Runner

View and Delete


Work item processing failed on Bot Runner

View and Delete

Ready to run

Work item is successfully processed for execution

View, Edit, and Delete

On hold

Work item is deferred for use by the Queue admin

View, Edit, and Delete

Data Error

Error in loading data from the file

View, Edit, and Delete


Work item processing was paused by the Queue

View, Edit, and Delete

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Run bot with queue
As a Control Room user with Run my bots or Schedule my bots to run privilege, you can choose to run a TaskBot with the work items
present in queues. These work items will be collectively processed across all the Bot Runners present in one or more device pools.
You can Run a bot with queue from the Activity → Scheduled, Bots → My Bots, and Workload → Queues page. The procedure for
running a bot with queue is the same in all these pages,
Here, you will choose the bot, queue and device pool(s).
To run a bot with queue:
1. Go to Activity → Scheduledor Bots → My Botsor Workload → Queues page
2. Click
3. The Run bot with queue page is shown:

Note: Even if you select the run bot with queue option from Activity → Scheduled or Workload →
Queues page, you are navigated to Bots → My bots page. If version control is enabled, you can
choose either the latest version or the production version of the Bots as shown:

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4. You must select a Task Bot to process in the queue. By default, the My Tasks folder is selected. Navigate to the folder which contains the required Tasks.
5. Select the Task Bot and click

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The following illustration shows Download_File.atmx selected from Sample Tasks folder.

Tip: Use Search to find the required file quickly.

If the task has any dependent files, they are shown in the Bot + Dependencies tab above the file selection.


You can review the list of dependent files at the bottom of the page, if available.


You can also opt to replace the bot with another by clicking

7. Click Next to select appropriate queue and device pool.
8. You must select a queue and device pool that will be used to run the selected bot. Only the queues that are not in use are available
for selection and for which you have consumer access privileges. The In use queues are shown disabled.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Tip: Use Search to quickly find the required queue and device pool.

9. To select a Queue from the list of Available queues , click
Note: If the Queue is In use,it will not be available for selection.

10. To select a Device Pool from the list of Available device pools, click


11. The queue and device pool are added to the run bot with queue list.

Tip: You can click

if you want to replace the queue and/or device.

12. Click Next to provide Name and Description.
13. In the Name + Description tab, the Name field shows the filename+date+time+username as the default name. This is automatically
generated and can be changed per requirement.
14. Optionally add the description.This could describe the purpose of running the bot with a queue.

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15. Click

to run the bot with queue. The status of the queue changes to In use in the list of Queues:

Note: This queue will not be available for any other automation. This means that only one queue
can be used by one bot.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Workload - SLA calculator
As a Control Room admin or a user with SLA Calculator privilege, you can access the Service Level Agreement (SLA) calculator page.
It allows you to estimate device pool size or time required to process a given queue size. You can use this information while orchestrating work load management to meet your organizations' target SLA.
The Workload - SLA calculator page is illustrated below:

Note: You can see only those automations with queues for which you are either the owner /participant
/consumer. However, the Queue Admin can see all the queues in the system.
For ease of access, you can apply search parameters to Status, Automation, Queue, and Activity Type columns.

You can use specify the search parameters in the search bar for Automation:

When you specify search parameters for the same column, the system searches using OR operator. When you specify search parameters for different columns, the system searches using AND operator.
The following describes the list of items that can be viewed in the table:
Table Item



Shows automation status:

Active when work item is currently being processed


Paused when work item processing was paused by the Queue admin


Automation Name

Active with error when work item is currently being processed. However, there are some errors
while processing.

Shows name of the Automation

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Started On

Shows the time and date when the automation was started


Shows name of the Bot that is selected for automation


Shows name of the Queue selected for this automation.

Device Pool

Shows name of the Device Pool that is used for the automation of this queue.

Activity Type

Shows type of activity performed on this automation - Run bot with queue

Tip: You can perform the following actions on a table column:

Click a column to sort it in ascending and descending order. You can sort up to three columns by
holding the Shift key when you click on two more columns. This gives you the option of sorting
two additional columns. This way the sorting is done on the entire table and not just the data
that is currently visible to you. The last sorting is stored in memory applied by a user per session.


Use a drag-and-drop operation to move the column left or right


Move your mouse cursor at the end of the column and drag to re-size

Select Automation
To arrive at the targeted SLA, you can choose to select an automation that is active. You can also directly fill in the parameters for calculation if you do not have an existing automation.
If specified the data from this is used to calculate the SLA in next tab - Calculation.
To add automation data,
1. Select an automation from the list:

2. Click
3. The automation is selected for SLA calculation

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4. Click Next >
5. The Calculation tab is launched

If you have selected an existing automation, system populates the the number of work items processed and average processing time of
a work item for that automation.

1. Number of work items processed. You can add upto 999999999999 (ninety-nine billion, nine hundred ninety-nine million, nine hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred ninety-nine) work items. For example, 67890
2. Average processing time per work item. You can add the time in days, hours, minutes, and seconds. For example, 2000s or 33
minutes and 20 seconds
3. If you want to calculate the time it takes to process the number of work items specified with the given average processing time of
each work item, enter the number of devices in your device pool in The processing time with this number of devices text box. For
example, the number of devices for processing time is 120.
4. Click
5. The system shows the result based on specified parameters:

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Based on the parameters provided in the example, your SLA will be 8 hours and 20 minutes.


If you want to calculate the device pool size to meet your business SLA, specify your SLA in The number of devices with this total
processing time text box
Click < Back to return to the previous tab if required.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


6. Audit log - overview
Audit Log captures and provides read-only records of all the important actions performed by users for Control Room and Client.
As a Control Room admin or a user with Audit Log privileges, you can view logs and details of various activities performed by Control
Room users in Audit Log as shown in the following illustration:

In Audit Log, you can:

Apply Time filters to view activities for specific time period :

Note: By default the time filter Last 24 hours is selected.

Also apply Custom filters wherein you can specify Start date and time as well as End date and time.

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Apply search filters based on the header types in the table that lists the audit logs.


Your search parameter(s) are displayed below the search bar. For example, the illustration below shows search filters
applied on Action Type = Run Bot and Status = Successful

Note: When you specify search parameters for the same column, the system searches using
OR operator. When you specify search parameters for different columns, the system searches
using AND operator.
Known Behavior: When you use special keys "-" or "_", the system lists all Item Names,
Source Devices, and Request ID instead of these columns having these parameters.


Combine Time and Search filters to refine your search parameters. For example, you can filter the audit log to search for Status =
Successful for Last 7 days.
View the following audit details in the table:
Table Item


Shows action status - whether



Shows the date and time of the action performed. You can sort this data in ascending or
descending order

Action Type

Shows the type of action performed. Some action types captured in Audit logs are:

Connect Credential Vault


Create / Edit / Delete Role / User


User / Client Login / Logout


Allocate License


Create / Activate / Deactivate Automation


Run / Schedule Bot Stopped / Resumed / Paused / Ended


Unlock bot

Item Name

Shows the entity on which action was performed. For example, user name, automation
name, role name etc.

Action Taken By

Shows the user that performed the action


Shows the device or machine name / IP that was used to perform the action


Shows the component - Control Room, Client or API, from where the action was originated
or performed

Request ID

Shows the unique identity number assigned to a specific set of user actions.

Tip: You can perform the following actions on a column to help you work efficiently:

Click a column to sort it in ascending and descending order. You can sort up to three
columns by holding the Shift key when you click on two more columns. This gives you the

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


option of sorting two additional columns. This way the sorting is done on the entire table
and not just the data that is currently visible to you. The last sorting is stored in
memory applied by a user per session.

Use a drag-and-drop operation to move the column left or right


Move your mouse cursor at the end of the column and drag to re-size


View details of selected audit log using


Alternatively, select all audit logs and perform the following actions:
Table Item
Export to checked
item to.csv

Show / Hide columns

which is seen once you mouse over the actions icon -

Allows you to refresh the table contents so that you can view the latest audit logs
Allows you to export the data to a csv file. You can export data based on:






Allows you to show or hide specific columns. By default, all columns are displayed:

Tip: To hide a column, click on the column name.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


View audit details
As a Control Room admin or a user with Audit Log privileges, you can select an activity from the Audit Logs to view its details. Viewing
details of an action ensures that you can track all the changes that are being made in Control Room as well as Client.
To view Audit details,
1. Go to Audit Log page
2. Mouse over actions icon - in the audit entry for which you want to view details
3. Click
4. The Audit Log details page is launched. The following illustration shows the details of successful modification of User details:


An audit details page is divided in two sections:
Details of the action performed
Details of action type that comprises Attribute and Values of the action performed.

1. Action details - This forms the upper half of the Audit details page and shows all details that are shown on the landing page. Note
that for an unsuccessful action, the error is also shown in this section. The illustration shows an unsuccessful attempt at login:

2. Action type details - This section, which forms the bottom half will show the details of the Action performed. You can view details of
the type of action performed. You can see What Changed? in the New Value from the Old Value. You can see only those fields that
were updated. Also, the information that is stored in the Credential Vault is shown (Encrypted). Based on our illustration of Edit
User details, you compare the old and new values and understand what changes were made.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Dashboards overview
Control Room Dashboard provides exclusive graphical insight so that you can make informed decisions for your Bots. It represents
your RPA infrastructure in the form of meaningful visuals and charts so that you can analyze it, interpret it, and take action on updates
important to you. It dynamically updates information related to active users, registered clients, failed tasks, apps, bots, bot schedules,
workflows, queues, and the overall status of devices - their memory, CPU, and HDD utilization.
The primary purpose is to help you take business decisions, and take corrective actions to fix any errors instead of going to each module and page of Control Room. For example, using the information provided to you about the disk usage, CPU status or the total number of active users, you can determine at what hour and day is Control Room the most busy or what caused a problem at 1:00 PM on
It also has rich features that let you work with your data by using features like filtering, sorting, applying visually appealing colors to
charts, and setting the time bar for each widget on the dashboard.
The following figure illustrates the Dashboards Home page.

Refer to the following sections to learn more about the different pages of the Dashboards module.

Dashboards Home


Dashboards Bots


Dashboards Devices

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As a Control Room user with Dashboard view privileges, you can view data presented in the form of widgets which provide information
about the following:

Number of active users


Number of registered clients


Number of failed tasks


Number of existing Bots


Number of upcoming Bots that have been scheduled


Number of queues available

Tip: To expand to a detailed view, click the Full Screen icon for a given widget:

Total active users widget
This widget displays the total number of active users in Control Room

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Total clients registered widget
This widget displays the total number of registered clients connected to Control Room

Total failed tasks widget
This widget displays the total number of task execution failure. Last 2 days

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Total Bots widget
This widget displays the total number of Bots

Total Bot Scheduled widget
This widgets displays the total number of Bots that have been scheduled in Control Room. Next 7 days

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Total queues
This widget displays the total number of active queues

For details on tasks that can be performed on widgets such as Filters, Sort & Limit, Color, Rulers, Export, Chart Style, and Time Bar
refer Common Dashboard Tasks

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Dashboards - Bots
As a user with appropriate permissions, the Bots page of the Dashboards module provides you with a graphically summarized view of
all the deployed bots in Control Room. This dashboard gives you answers to the following questions.

Which of my bots use the most system resources?


Which bots are scheduled to run? Which of these bots failed to run?


What percentage of bots are in progress, paused, unknown, failed, and completed?

Bot Heartbeat Widget
The Heartbeat widget provides a statistical representation of the relationship between the failure score of a bot and the respective bot.
A failure score is a calculation of the resources utilized by the CPU, memory, and hard disk (HDD) when you run a bot. By default, the
formula for calculating the failure score is:

Failure Score = 0.5*M + 0.3*C + 0.2*H

M =Memory usage


C = CPU usage


H = HDD usage

Once the failure score is calculated, it is plotted against the respective bot and is displayed in the heartbeat widget. While the failure
score is plotted in the Y-axis, the respective bot is plotted in the X-axis.
Tip: The heartbeat widget also displays the most busy bot (MVP) and is represented with a different
Use this widget to identify, which bot is using the most resources and take decisions on whether you need to upgrade your system configuration. A sample figure of the heartbeat widget is displayed in the following figure.

MVP Bots Widget
This widget displays bots based on their maximum processing time and the number of times they are run.

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Bot status Widget

Top Failure Reasons Widget
This widget categorizes the errors that your bots may encounter into various groups and shows the count of each group

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Upcoming Schedules Widget
This widget shows all bots that are scheduled to run, which are sorted by the number with which they are run.

Mark the bots that failed a lot before (e.g. failed more than 50% etc.)

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Dashboards - Devices page
As a Control Room user with Dashboard view privileges, you can view and analyze Devices (Bot Runner machine) relevant data when
Bots are deployed on those Devices. This data is presented in the form of widgets which provide information about:
1. The number of bots that failed to execute on devices for a given time
2. The number of devices that either crossed, did not achieve or are equal to the threshold for CPU, Memory, and HDD utilization for a
given time frame
3. The overall device status for given time frame
4. The number of devices on which automations are scheduled for given time frame

Tip: To expand to a detailed view, click the Full Screen icon for a given widget:

Failure Analysis Widget
This widget displays the top n number of devices with most failures for a given time period. You can expand the widget to see a
detailed view of the devices that failed:

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In expanded mode, the widget shows the list of bots that failed ordered by the number of times it failed on that device during that time.
You can also click on the graph to perform tasks such as Zoom, Filter, Details and Trends.

CPU Utilization Widget
This widget displays the number of devices that crossed the threshold for CPU usage for a given time period. You can expand the widget to see detailed view of the CPU usage of devices:

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Memory Utilization Widget
This widget displays the number of devices that crossed the threshold for Memory usage for a given time range. You can expand the
widget to see detailed view of the Memory usage of devices:

HDD Utilization Widget
This widget displays the number of devices that crossed the threshold for HDD usage for a given time range. You can expand the widget to see detailed view of the HDD usage of devices:

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Overall Device Status Widget
This widget displays the number of Devices that are Connecte or Disconnected for a given time range. You can expand the widget to
see a detailed view of the device statuses.

You can also click on the graph to perform tasks such as Zoom, Filter, Details and Trends.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Upcoming Device Utilization Widget
This widget displays the number of devices on which automations are scheduled to run, offline devices and MvP (most used) devices
for a given time range. You can expand the widget to see a detailed view of the device utilization status:

In expanded mode, it shows the number of devices that are filtered on Limit for a specific time period and sorted either on Device failure score, Hostname, Device MvP, and Volume.
The default time period is set to next 7 days i.e. the data is shown from January 7 - 13 when viewed on January 6.
You can also click on the graph to perform tasks such as Zoom, Filter, Details and Trends.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Note: CPU, Memory, and HDD utilization data collectively provide the inputs for Heartbeat widget in
Dashboards → Home.
For details on tasks that can be performed on widgets such as Filters, Sort & Limit, Color, Rulers, Export, Chart Style, and Time Bar
refer Common Dashboard Tasks

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Control Room APIs
The Automation Anywhere Enterprise Control Room provides various public APIs which allow you to customize your business automation for third party applications. It enables the third party applications to consume RPA, orchestrate bots and manage the RPA data
based on events.
Control Room offers the following APIs:
1. Authentication API
2. Bot Login Credentials API
3. Bot Deployment API
4. Export Import Bot API

API for authentication
All the APIs are preceded by an Authentication API, wherein the user invoking third party application has to authenticate so as to use
the downstream APIs. Click here for details.

API to manage bot login credentials
In enterprise organizations where the password rotation policy is applied, the Client user has to remember to update the password
from Tools → Options → Login Settings during each password rotation. To automate this process, Control Room enables you to use
an API to create, update or delete the Login Credentials stored in the credential vault. Click here for details.

API for bot deployment
To deploy Bots onto the Automation Environment the user has to login into Control Room, select the Bot and the Bot Runners and then
‘Run/Schedule’ the task. However, as the Automation scenarios scale up, there is an increasing need to deploy/trigger Bots from an
external third party application. To meet this business requirement, you can use the Bot Deployment API which enables you to trigger a
Bot from an External System. Click here for details.

API for export import of bots for Business Lifecycle Management
Usually, the Control Room user has to depend on means other than Control Room (for example email) to deploy TaskBots from one
environment to another. Using the Export-Import APIs, you can easily introduce a customized BLM solution thus removing all external
factors that could possibly disrupt your automation life cycle. Click here for details.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Control Room API for Authentication
Control Room v.11 exposes public APIs so as to manipulate the Control Room data and to deploy bots from an external system. This
enables third party applications to consume RPA, orchestrate bots and to manage the RPA data based on events - for example, create
an AAE user as soon as a user is created in SAP system; update the login credentials in AAE as soon as password is rotated in
domain controller.
All the APIs are preceded by an Authentication API, wherein the invoking third party application user has to authenticate so as to use
the downstream APIs.

Authentication API
API: v1/authentication
If the Control Room URL is, then the API will be
The API takes two parameters as input in JSON format:
1. The username of the AAE user
2. The password of the AAE user
Note: All parameters are mandatory.
For example:
1. The AAE username is mike_williams.
2. The AAE password is abc123, then the JSON will be :
If the authentication is successful, the Control Room will issue an authentication token which needs to be passed on to the Deployment
API as header information.
Note: The authentication token will ONLY be valid for 15 minutes from the time it is issued.

Authentication API Response Codes





Authentication is successful

"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.



The password is


User does not exist


AD Authentication –
Credentials are

"message": "Invalid credentials."


"message": "Please verify your email by clicking on the email verification link. This
is mandatory as you will be able to login post verification only."

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Email notification is
enabled - user has not
verified email



License has expired

"message": "License expired."


User is deactivated

"message": "Your account is not activated. Please contact the admin."

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Control Room API for Bot Deployment
To deploy Bots onto the Automation Environment, currently, the user has to login into Control Room, select the Bot and the Bot Runners and then ‘Run/Schedule’ the task.
However, as the Automation scenarios scale up, there is an increasing need to deploy/trigger Bots from an external third party application.
To meet this business requirement, Automation Anywhere Enterprise has published Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) using
which a Bot can be triggered from an External System.
A Control Room user can use these APIs to deploy Bots (Tasks) to BotRunners on commencement of events specified by a third
party/external application.
Key Features and Business Benefits of Control Room APIs

Bots can be deployed from an external third party systems using AAE APIs.


The input and output of APIs is JSON based (industry standard data-interchange format).


Bot Deployment can be orchestrated from an External Application / Workflow using a combination of scripts and AAE APIs.

Note: The Bot deployment API can ONLY be invoked once the system/user has authenticated using the
Authentication API
Also, the user will need to have the ‘Run my bots’ privileges and the privileges of the bot runners on which the bot is to be deployed.
Deployment API
The Deployment API is used to deploy Bots to BotRunners.
API: /v1/schedule/automations/deploy
For example, if the Control Room URL is ; then the bot deployment API will be
The user can pass three parameters as JSON string.
1. Bot name with relative path – This is mandatory.
2. List of Bot-Runners and users in JSON format – This is mandatory.
3. Use RDP based approach – This is optional and set to false by default.
Deployment Scenario and corresponding JSON string:
1. For example, the name of the Bot is AccountsBot.atmx and the Bot is under ‘My Tasks’
2. The Bot is to be deployed on 3 machines

First machine hostname BR-1 with user U-1


Second machine hostname BR-2 with user U-2


Third machine hostname BR-3 with user U3.

3. The JSON string in the above scenario will be:
"taskRelativePath":"My Tasks\\AccountsBot.atmx", "botRunners":
"client":"BR-1", "user":"U-1"
"client":"BR-2", "user":"U-2"
"client":"BR-3", "user":"U-3"

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Bot Deployment API Response Codes
Http(s) Status code

Response - Description


Succesful creation of automaton.


Bad Request


Authentication Required


Unauthorized access




Internal Server error

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Control Room API to manage bots login credentials
When the Bot is deployed from Control Room to the Bot Runner, the Bot will auto-login into the Bot Runner (if the machine is locked /
logged off). The Bot will use the credentials stored in the Credential Vault for auto-login. These credentials are set by the user using the
Tools → Options → Login Settings of AAE Client.
However, there could be cases when the user's Windows password is modified; especially in Enterprises where there is a password
rotation policy. In such cases, the user has to remember to update the new password from Tools →Options → Login Settings.
In order to automate the above process, Control Room 11.1 provides a direct API to create, update or delete the Login Credentials
stored in the credential vault.
There are 2 steps to use this API:
1. Invoke the Authentication API
2. Invoke the Login Credentials API

Authentication API
The details for the Authentication API are provided in the article Control Room API for Authentication.

Login Credentials API
Note that only the Control Room Administrators (users having AAE_Admin Role) can use the Login Credentials API; this means that if
the user invoking the Authentication API has an AAE_Admin role, only that user can use the Login Credentials API.
Also, this API will make use of the authentication token that is obtained using the Authenication API. The authentication token has to be
passed on as one of the header inputs to the Login Credentials API.
API: v1/credentialvault/external/credentials/loginsetting
If the Control Room URL is, then the API will be:
The API takes three parameters as input in JSON format:
1. The username of the AAE user.
2. The Login (Windows) username for the user which is to be updated in the Credential Vault against that user.
3. The Login (Windows) password for the user which is to be updated in the Credential Vault against that user.
Note: All parameters are mandatory.
For example:
If we take a 'Database Authentication' scenario (where users are stored and authenticated by the Control Room) and
1. The AAE username is mike_williams
2. The fully qualified Login username is\mike.williams
3. The Login password is abc123, then the JSON will be
{ "Username": "mike_williams", "Windows_Username": "\\mike.williams", "Windows_Password": "abc123" }
Using the Login Credentials API, the Control Room Admins can:
1. Create a user's Login Credentials in the Control Room - by using the 'POST' method
2. Update a user's Login Credentials in the Control Room - by using the 'PUT' method
3. Delete a user's Login Credentials from Control Room - by using the 'DELETE' method.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


VB Script to Create User's Login Credentials
Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream.CharSet = "utf-8"
objStream.LoadFromFile("D:\Deven.Deshpande\Office\Products\API for CV\auth-input.txt")
restRequest = objStream.ReadText()
Set objStream = Nothing
contentType = "application/json"
Set oWinHttp = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
oWinHttp.Open "POST", "", False
oWinHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", contentType
oWinHttp.Send restRequest
response = oWinHttp.StatusText
MsgBox response
Dim AuthToken
'Set oJson = new aspJSON
AuthToken = oWinHttp.ResponseText
MsgBox AuthToken
'--------------------------------------------------'RESPONSE HEADER PARSING - START
Dim sToken
Dim posUser
sToken = Right(AuthToken, Len(AuthToken) - 10)
'sToken = Left(sToken, Len(sToken) - 4)
posUser = InStr(sToken, "user")
MsgBox posUser
sToken = Left(sToken, posUser - 4)
Set objStream_dep = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream_dep.CharSet = "utf-8"
objStream_dep.LoadFromFile("D:\Deven.Deshpande\Office\Products\API for CV\cred-input.txt")
restRequest = objStream_dep.ReadText()
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Set objStream = Nothing
contentType = "application/json"
Set oWinHttp = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
oWinHttp.Open "POST", "", False
oWinHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", contentType
oWinHttp.setRequestHeader "X-Authorization", sToken
oWinHttp.Send restRequest
response = oWinHttp.StatusText
MsgBox response
Dim DeployResponse
DeployResponse = oWinHttp.ResponseText
'MsgBox DeployResponse

Contents of Input Files
Applicable to the above VB Script
The text Of auth-input.txt will have the input JSON String For authentication {"UserName":"admin","Password":"12345678"}
The text For deploy-input.txt will have the input JSON String For deployment
{ "Username": "mike_williams", "Windows_Username": "\\mike.williams", "Windows_Password": "abc123" }

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


API - Export and Import Bots for Bot Lifecycle Management
As a Control Room user with privileges to Export bots and files as well as Import bots and files, you can export and then import
TaskBots with its dependent files in different automation environments to help manage your organization's Bot Lifecycle Management
You can use the Control Room Export Import REST API to manage your automation TaskBots including dependent files in different
environments such as Development, Testing, Acceptance, and Production based on your organization's automation needs.
Usually, the Control Room user has to depend on means other than Control Room (for example email) to deploy TaskBots from one
environment to another. Using the Export-Import APIs, you can easily introduce a customized BLM solution thus removing all external
factors that could possibly disrupt your automation life cycle.
Refer Export bot files and Import bot files to use the functionality from your Control Room user interface.

Features and benefits

Flexibility to customize the process life-cycle environment (Bot Lifecycle Management) and not restrict it to the Development, Testing, Acceptance and Production environments.


Role based access control on Bot Lifecycle Management


Automatic export of dependencies (files and bots)


Audit and traceability on source and target environment for compliance


Notification references in email on successful execution or failure of export and import.





The Control Room user whose credentials are used for authentication must have "Export bots" permission
The Control Room user whose credentials are used for authentication must have download permission on the Bots and dependencies that are being exported.
If Version Control is enabled in the source Control Room, the production version of all bots and dependencies which you want to
export must be set.
User account that is used to run the Control Room services must have access to the location where package is getting exported,
e.g. network location(shared drive) or on Control Room server machine




The Control Room user whose credentials are used for authentication must have "Import bots" permission
The Control Room user whose credentials are used for authentication must have upload permission on the Bots and dependencies that are being imported.
The Control Room user who will execute the utility to import multiple bots must have access to the exported package file provided
by Automation Anywhere.

API Endpoints
a. Export - /v1/alm/export
b. Import - /v1/alm/import
Using the above end points of the BLM Export API you can export a single bot and all of its dependencies.

Export Bot
Export a single bot with its dependent files using the Export API provided by Automation Anywhere:
1. Use the Post method to generate a token using the end point http(s):///v1/authentication. For this provide the
Control Room instance as Server Name /Hostname /IP and the Port number. Refer sample:
2. Use the Post method and state the parameters for credentials in Body Data. Refer sample:

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


3. Click Play/Start
4. Once your credentials are authenticated, use the generated token for Export API.
5. Provide parameters such as filename, destination path and package name in Body Data to export a bot. Following list provides
parameter description:

filename - use this to specify the filepath ending with the name of the file that has to be expored.


destination path - use this to specify the destination path where the exported package is to be stored


package name - use this to specify the package name that you must provide
Refer sample,
"filePath":"Automation Anywhere\\My Tasks\\Finance\\Account Reconciliation.atmx",
"destinationPath":"tempshare\\datashare\\Finance Department",
"packageName":"Finance package"

6. Click Play/Start
7. You can use multiple sources to view the export results in,

Reponse Data that comprise package path and checksum.


Audit Log page (Main as well as details)


Email when you receive notification on success or failure

Import Bot
Once the bot is successfully exported to a network drive or Control Room machine path, another user can import that package to a different Control Room using the Import API:
1. Use the Post method to generate a token using the end point http(s):///v1/authentication. Provide the Control
Room instance as Server Name /Hostname /IP and the Port number. Refer sample:
2. Use the Post method and state the parameters for credentials in Body Data.
Refer sample:
3. Click Play/Start
4. Once your credentials are authenticated, provide parameters such as package path and the checksum that was generated as a
token during export in Body Data.Refer sample:
"packagePath":"tempshare\\datashare\\Finance Department\\Finance Package_20171221-154403.aapkg",

API Response Codes
Http(s) Status code

Response - Description


Package created successfully


Bad request parameter


File not found


Permission error

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Audit Logs
An audit entry is logged in the Control Room Audit Log page when you export or import bots. The illustration below shows the detailed
audit entries for Export Bots and Import Bots

Export bots audit details

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Import bots audit details

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


Troubleshooting Control Room
1. When I try to upload an automation file from AAE Client in a distributed environment, the following error message is displayed.
“Storage does not exists for job ”

This is due to one of the following reasons.

The Control Room installation wizard did not create the folder where automation files will be uploaded

The folder where automation files are to be uploaded does not have the required shared permission
To troubleshoot this, perform the following steps.

A. Ensure that the folder where automation files are to uploaded has been created.
B. If the folder has been created, ensure that the folder has the Enable inheritance and shared permissions. To do this perform
the following steps.
i. Right-click the folder and click Properties. The folder properties is displayed.

ii. Click the Security tab and then click the Advanced button. The Advanced Security Setting dialog box is displayed.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.


iii. Click the Enable Inheritance button and then click the Apply button.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc.



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Title                           : Automation Anywhere Enterprise Control Room - User Guide
Author                          : Tejashree.Shiju
Subject                         : 
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