Automation Anywhere Enterprise Control Room User Guide AAE 11 LTS CR
User Manual:
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- Features
- Benefits
- Control Room interface
- Log on to Control Room
- Log on to Control Room hosted in Non-Active Directory mode
- Re-logon to Control Room when password policy is updated
- Log on to Control Room hosted in Active Directory/Kerberos mode
- Log on to Control Room hosted in Single Sign On mode
- Configuring Control Room for the first time - Custom installation
- Configuring Control Room for the first time - Express installation
- Steps to configure Single Sign-On authentication
- General settings
- Control Room Database & Software
- Audit Logs
- Version Control Pre-requisites
- Enable Version Control
- Disable Version Control
- Impact of enabling and disabling version control settings
- Audit Logs
- Introduction
- Secure recording
- Product help URLs
- Device health check configuration
- Modification details
- Audit Logs
- Audit Log
- Enable Email notifications
- Disable Email notifications
- Audit Logs
- Audit Logs
- Errors
- License Expiry
- Prerequisites
- Important Considerations
- Role-based access to Migration tool
- Migrating Data
- Database
- Settings
- Roles
- Migration - View Data
- Post Migration Steps
- Audit Log
- Known behavior of data migration
- Benefits of creating credentials and lockers
- Roles permission for credential and locker management
- My Credentials
- My Lockers
- Credential Requests
- Next...
- Next...
- Detailed information on Credential Vault-email notifications
- Create a folder
- Rename a folder
- Audit Logs
- Delete a bot
- Delete multiple bots
- Delete folder(s)
- Delete dependent bots and files
- Audit Log
- Unlock a Bot
- Unlock multiple Bots
- Audit Logs
- Export bots
- Import bots
- Audit Log
- Create device pool
- Delete device pool
- Create queues
- Delete Queues
- View work item
- Edit work item
- Delete work item
- Work item - status and actions allowed
- Select Automation
- Calculation
- Total active users widget
- Total clients registered widget
- Total failed tasks widget
- Total Bots widget
- Total Bot Scheduled widget
- Total queues
- Bot Heartbeat Widget
- MVP Bots Widget
- Bot status Widget
- Top Failure Reasons Widget
- Upcoming Schedules Widget
- CPU Utilization Widget
- Memory Utilization Widget
- HDD Utilization Widget
- Overall Device Status Widget
- Upcoming Device Utilization Widget
- API for authentication
- API to manage bot login credentials
- API for bot deployment
- API for export import of bots for Business Lifecycle Management
- Authentication API
- Authentication API Response Codes
- Bot Deployment API Response Codes
- Authentication API
- Login Credentials API
- VB Script to Create User's Login Credentials
- Contents of Input Files
- Features and benefits
- Prerequisites
- API Endpoints
- Audit Logs
- Import bots audit details
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 1
11 LTS
Control Room - User Guide
Product Version
Document Version 1.0
Date of Publication 30-04-2018
Update(s) to Document Edition First Edition
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 2
Table of Contents
Features 7
Benefits 7
Control Room interface 8
Log on to Control Room 9
Log on to Control Room hosted in Non-Active Directory mode 9
Re-logon to Control Room when password policy is updated 11
Log on to Control Room hosted in Active Directory/Kerberos mode 12
Log on to Control Room hosted in Single Sign On mode 13
Configuring Control Room for the first time - Custom installation 18
Configuring Control Room for the first time - Express installation 24
Steps to configure Single Sign-On authentication 27
General settings 37
Control Room Database &Software 37
Audit Logs 41
Version Control Pre-requisites 42
Enable Version Control 42
Disable Version Control 45
Impact of enabling and disabling version control settings 46
Audit Logs 46
Introduction 48
Secure recording 49
Product help URLs 49
Device health check configuration 51
Modification details 52
Audit Logs 52
Audit Log 56
Enable Email notifications 57
Disable Email notifications 58
Audit Logs 59
Benefits of creating roles 82
Audit Logs 83
Benefits of purchasing a license 103
Product licenses 103
Bot user licenses 103
Bot user licenses 103
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 3
Errors 107
License Expiry 107
Prerequisites 108
Important Considerations 108
Role-based access to Migration tool 109
Migrating Data 111
Database 113
Control Room database 113
Bot Insight Database 114
Errors 115
Settings 115
Roles 116
Select Roles 116
Migration behavior - roles 117
Users 117
Migration behavior - users 119
Migration - View Data 119
Post Migration Steps 125
Audit Log 126
Known behavior of data migration 126
Benefits of creating credentials and lockers 131
Roles permission for credential and locker management 131
My Credentials 131
My Lockers 134
Credential Requests 135
Next... 139
Next... 151
Detailed information on Credential Vault-email notifications 152
Create a folder 160
Rename a folder 161
Audit Logs 162
Delete a bot 171
Delete multiple bots 172
Delete folder(s) 172
Delete dependent bots and files 173
Audit Log 174
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 4
Unlock a Bot 175
Unlock multiple Bots 176
Audit Logs 177
Export bots 179
Export bot files - version control disabled 179
Export bot files - version control enabled 181
Export bots - Validations 183
Audit Logs 184
Import bots 185
Import bot files - version control disabled 185
Import bot files - version control enabled 186
Import bots - Validations 188
Audit Logs 188
Audit Log 215
Create device pool 217
Delete device pool 220
Create queues 232
Delete Queues 239
View work item 248
Edit work item 249
Delete work item 250
Work item - status and actions allowed 250
Select Automation 257
Calculation 258
Total active users widget 265
Total clients registered widget 266
Total failed tasks widget 266
Total Bots widget 267
Total Bot Scheduled widget 267
Total queues 268
Bot Heartbeat Widget 269
MVP Bots Widget 269
Bot status Widget 270
Top Failure Reasons Widget 270
Upcoming Schedules Widget 271
Failure Analysis Widget 272
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 5
CPU Utilization Widget 273
Memory Utilization Widget 274
HDDUtilization Widget 274
Overall Device Status Widget 275
Upcoming Device Utilization Widget 276
API for authentication 278
API to manage bot login credentials 278
API for bot deployment 278
API for export import of bots for Business Lifecycle Management 278
Authentication API 279
Authentication API Response Codes 279
Bot Deployment API Response Codes 282
Authentication API 283
Login Credentials API 283
VB Script to Create User's Login Credentials 284
Contents of Input Files 285
Features and benefits 286
Prerequisites 286
Export 286
Import 286
API Endpoints 286
Export Bot 286
Import Bot 287
API Response Codes 287
Audit Logs 288
Export bots audit details 288
Import bots audit details 289
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 6
Getting started with Control Room
Here are some resources to help you get started with Control Room.
lControl Room overview
lControl Room interface
lConfiguring Control Room for the first time
lLogging on to Control Room
lAdding users to your installation of Control Room
lAssigning roles to the users you have created
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 7
Control Room overview
Automation Anywhere's Control Room is a central interface that allows you to manage and monitor all the processes of your
RPAinfrastructure. In a nutshell, it allows you to manage your bots, monitor activities, create and manage users and roles, monitor con-
nected and disconnected devices, view audit logs, schedule when to run bot, and many more.
lView task relevant activities using the Dashboard
lView the history, tasks in progress and the tasks and activities carried out in control room using the Activity page.
lManage the automation (bot)files repository and schedule or run tasks using the Bots page
lManage credentials and lockers using the Credentials page.
lView and manage the statuses of devices using the Bot runners and bot creators page.
lView schedule details using the Scheduled activity page
lManage various work items using Workload management page
lView recent activities of users and administrators using the Audit Log page.
lCreate new and manage existing roles using the Roles page.
lManage and configure users (client and administrator), assign roles and licenses using the Users page.
Some other features enable you to:
lManage your own profile details using the profile tray
lConfigure CR settings for VCS, SMTP etc.
lConfigure email notification to notify users on important events and activities
lConfigure version control to enable controlled edits to the bots
lSet up different authentication types - AD, Kerberos and Non-AD
lSimplified and improved monitoring and administration of large multi-site complex automation infrastructure using the web based
control room.
lAccess and manage tasks, clients, and users from anywhere, anytime.
lMonitor task progress and status to enforce internal compliance regulations, as well as prevent tampering with mission-critical pro-
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 8
lFacilitate an environment for increased collaboration to optimize productivity.
lAccommodate scaling of multiple users and Client environments (machines).
lEnable an environment to enforce controlled edits using SVN.
lFacilitate uploading and downloading of MetaBots and MetaBot enabled tasks. .
lFacilitate uploading and downloading of IQBots with Vision Skills.
lProvide role-based access to credentials
lResponsive web design helps to run the application in multiple devices such as tablets
Control Room interface
The interface of Control Room gives you several options to manage and monitor the different components of your RPAinfrastructure.
This is illustrated in the following figure.
lControl Room left navigation pane: This is the first level of navigation. This area on the left holds the components of Control Room.
These are Dashboards, Activity, Bots, Devices, Workload, and Administration. The views differ from user to user depending on the
assigned roles, permissions, and rights.
lDetails area: This is the second level of navigation. Depending on the page you are on, it displays a detailed list of users, roles,
and bots. It provides you options to perform various actions like create, edit and delete on single or multiple records at a time.
It also indicates the current page level in the breadcrumbs at the top. You can use this to navigate back to your previous view.
lYour profile:This area allows you to make changes to your profile. This includes changing your password and editing your per-
sonal details, such as first name, last name, and e-mail address.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 9
lAccess help:Clicking this displays a help menu, as shown in the following figure.
This provides you with links to the following resources.
lHelp with the page you are currently on
lAccess our online knowledge base
lGet support from the Automation Anywhere support team by submitting a support request on our support site
lCall the Automation Anywhere sales team for Sales inquiries
lVisit Automation Anywhere‘s Website
Log on to Control Room
To log on to Control Room, double-click the Automation Anywhere Control Room icon on your desktop.
The log on screens are different for Control Room hosted in Active directory/Kerberos and Non-Active directory modes. These are
explained in the following sections.
lLog on to Control Room hosted in Active Directory/Kerberos mode
lLog on to Control Room hosted in Non-Active Directory mode
lLog on to Control Room hosted in Single Sign On mode
Note: Control Room does not allow multiple sessions to the same account at the same time.
Log on to Control Room hosted in Non-Active Directory mode
To log on to Control Room hosted in Non-Active Directory mode, perform the following steps.
1. Double-click the Automation Anywhere Control Room icon on your desktop or type the Control Room URLon your Web browser
and press the Enter key. The Log in screen is displayed.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 10
2. In the Log in area, do the following.
lUsername:Type your Automation Anywhere Enterprise (AAE) user name.
lPassword:Type your Automation Anywhere Enterprise (AAE) password to log on.
3. Once the Log in button is enabled, click the Log in button. The credentials are authenticated directly with CR database.
Note: Your account will be locked if you enter the wrong password for a certain number of times
depending on the password policy set by your administrator. For security reasons, failed log in
attempts are audited, which allows the administrator to analyze and take appropriate actions.
lYou can opt to select Remember my username if you want to quickly login to the Control Room.
lClick on Forgot password? to reset your password.
lIf you are an admin user, you will have to provide answers to the security questions that were configured during user cre-
ation. Once you provide correct answers, you are taken to the navigation page.
lIf a normal user, you are directly taken to the change password page:
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 11
lIf you provide incorrect credentials during log in, you are shown:
Re-logon to Control Room when password policy is updated
You will have to change your password when the the Control Room admin updates the password policy in Control Room Settings.
If the policy is updated, next time you login to the Control Room, the Change Password screen is displayed, wherein you can update
your password:
Click to login successfully.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 12
Note: When you try to log into theControlRoomas a BotInsight Consumer,ControlRoomdisplays the fol-
lowing error message when the Bot Insight license has expired: "Unable to login. Bot Insight license
has expired. Please contact your Administrator or Automation Anywhere Sales."
Log on to Control Room hosted in Active Directory/Kerberos mode
To log on to Control Room hosted in Active Directory/Kerberos users, perform the following steps.
1. Double-click the Automation Anywhere Control Room icon on your desktop or type the Control Room URLon your Web browser
and press the Enter key. The Log in screen is displayed.
2. In the Log in area, do the following.
lDomain:Select the domain of the active directory. Note that Automation Anywhere Enterprise Control Room single forest
multi-domain environment.
lUsername:Type your Active Directory user name.
lPassword:Type your Active Directory password.
Note: For Kerberos installation, you do not need to enter your user name and password. Just click
the Log in with Windows button and you will be logged in with your current Windows account.
3. Once the Log in button is enabled, click the Log in button. The log in details are authenticated directly with the Active Directory
Domain Controller when you log in.
Note that,
lYour session will timeout in 20 minutes after you log in and the session is idle for that time period.
lMultiple sessions of the same user account is not allowed. If you are logged in at one instance and later log to another
instance, for example different browser on same machine or different machine, you are allowed to log in with new session.
However, when you perform a new request in the earlier session, you will be logged out.
lIf you provide incorrect credentials, you are shown:
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 13
Note: When you try to log into the ControlRoom as a BotInsight Consumer, ControlRoom displays the fol-
lowing error message when the Bot Insight license has expired: "Unable to login. Bot Insight license
has expired. Please contact your Administrator or Automation Anywhere Sales."
Log on to Control Room hosted in Single Sign On mode
To log on to Control Room hosted in Single Sign On mode, perform the following steps:
1. Double-click the Automation Anywhere Control Room icon on your desktop or type the Control Room URLon your Web browser
and press the Enter key. The Log in screen is displayed:
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 14
2. Click
3. You can now provide your SSO credentials on the IdP server page of your organization:
4. Click Log In.
lIf you provide incorrect credentials, you are shown:
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 15
lIf your user account is disabled, you are shown:
lIf the you input invalid IdP Server credentials, you will not be taken to the Control Room login page.
lIf the IdP Server URL is not valid or the server is down, you are shown appropriate message configured for it. For example,
404 or Bad Gateway.
lWhen your Control Room session expires, you are shown:
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 16
lWhen you log in twice, you are shown:
lWhen your email address is not verified and if you try to login, you are shown
5. On successful authentication in the IdP server, you are logged into the Control Room.
lYou are automatically logged into the Control Room if you open the Control Room in the same
browser or refresh the page as you are already authenticated by the IdP server.
lWhen you Logout (available when you click <username> in the profile) of the Control Room,
you are not logged out of other applications running with the same IdP Server.
Refer Control Room Overview article for a summary on Control Room
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 17
Note: When you try to log into the ControlRoom as a BotInsight Consumer, ControlRoom displays the fol-
lowing error message when the Bot Insight license has expired: "Unable to login. Bot Insight license
has expired. Please contact your Administrator or Automation Anywhere Sales."
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 18
Configure Control Room for the first time
Once you have installed Control Room, you must configure it when you launch it for the first time. Depending on the mode of your
installation of Control Room, the flow and the pages displayed to you are different when you launch Control Room for the first time.
This is illustrated in the following figure.
For more information on configuring Control Room for the first time, refer to the following sections.
lConfiguring Control Room for the first time - Custom installation
lConfiguring Control Room for the first time - Express installation
Configuring Control Room for the first time - Custom installation
A typical work flow for configuring Control Room installed in custom mode is illustrated in the following figure.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 19
When you install Control Room in Custom mode, the getting started wizard guides you through:
1. Specifying the path of the repository - this is the location where the uploaded automation files, such as meta bots, IQBots, and task
bots will be stored.
2. Specifying the host name URL - this is the URLthat users will use to access your installation of Control Room.
3. Setting up the Credential Vault details
4. Selecting the authentication type - Active Directory, Single Sign-On or Control Room database
5. Creating yourself as the first Control Room administrator
6. Creating security questions in case your lose your password
To configure Control Room when you start it for the first time for a custom installation, perform the following steps.
1. Double-click the Automation Anywhere Control Room icon on your desktop. The Configure Control Room settings page is dis-
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 20
2. On the Configure Control Room settings page, do the following.
lRepository Path:Type the location where the uploaded automation files will be stored. For example, ldap\\My-Server-
\Server Files.
Note:If you do not specify the correct location, an error message is displayed, as shown
in the following figure.
lControl Room access URL:Type the URL that users will use to access your installation of Control Room.
Note: This URL is the URL of the load balancer, which routes request to different Control Room
3. Once you have typed the Repository Path and Control Room access URL, click the Save and continue button. The Credential
Vault setting page is displayed.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 21
IMPORTANT: The back button of your Web browser is automatically disabled after you type the Repos-
itory path and Control Room access URL and click the Save and continue button. This is to ensure
that the Credential vault master key that will be generated matches the repository path and Con-
trol Room access URL. To go back to the Configure Control Room settings page, press Ctrl+F5 on
your keyboard and start over again.
Note:The Save and continue button is not enabled if the correct path or URLis not specified.
4. On the Credential Vault settings page, do the following.
lExpress mode: Select this option if you want the system to store your master key to connect to Credential Vault.
Note: It is recommended that you do not use this option for a production environment.
lManual mode:Select this option if you want to store the master key on your own. When you use this mode, you must enter
the master key if the Credential vault is locked. The Master key is used to connect to the Credential Vault so that users can
use the vault to secure their credentials and access it in their taskbots. Copy the master key to your Windows clipboard by
clicking the Copy button and save it in a secure location.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 22
IMPORTANT:As an administrator, you must copy the master key to your clipboard and save it
in a secure place. This key is required in the event that the credential vault is closed.
If you lose the master key, your access to Control Room is locked.
5. Click Save and Continue. The Authentication type for Control Room users page is displayed. Use this page to specify the type of
authentication your Control Room users will use to log on to Control Room.
IMPORTANT: The back button of your Web browser is automatically disabled after you click the Save
and continue button on the Credential Vault settings page and you cannot make any further changes
to the Control Room configuration or Credential Vault settings. To make changes, you must rein-
stall Control Room again.
6. On the Authentication type for Control Room users page, do one of the following.
Authentication type Description
Active Directory Select this option if you want use Active Directory as the type of authentication. This
allows users to log on to Control Room with Active Directory credentials.
lURL:Type the LDAP URL. For example, ldap:// This is the URL of
the domain controller.
lUsername:Type the user name. This must be a user with domain controller
rights (domain administrator.)
lPassword:Type the password for the user.
Type the details for the Active Directory and click the Check connection button. If
Control Room is unable to connect to the Active Directory database, an error mes-
sage is displayed, as shown in the following figure.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 23
Single Sign On Select this option if you want to use IdP server for authenticaton.
Refer Configure Control Room for Single Sign On for details.
Control Room database Select this option if you want to use the Control Room database as the type of
7. After selecting the type of authentication. Click Next. The Create yourself as the first Control Room administrator page is dis-
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 24
8. On the Create yourself as the first Control Room administrator page, do the following.
lUsername:Type a user name for the administrator.
lFirst name:Type the first name of the administrator. This is optional.
lLast name:Type the last name of the administrator. This is optional.
lEmail:Type an e-mail address for the administrator.
lConfirm email:Confirm the e-mail address.
lPassword:Type a password for the administrator.
lConfirm password: Confirm the e-mail address.
9. Click Next. The Create security questions page is displayed.
10. On the Create security questions page, type three security questions and an answer to each. This will be used in case you forget
your Control Room password.
Note: Each question must be unique. Set questions and answers that are easy to remember.
11. Click Save and log in. The first administrator user of your Control Room installation is created and you can now configure and man-
age your overall RPAenvironment with Control Room and its clients.
Note: For a non-active directory environment, you will be directly logged on to Control Room.
However, for an active directory environment, a login dialog is displayed.
Configuring Control Room for the first time - Express installation
When Control Room is installed in Express mode, the getting started wizard guides you through:
1. Creating yourself as the first Control Room administrator so that you can configure and manage the overall RPAenvironment of
your organization.
2. Creating three security questions in case you forget your password.
3. Setting up your Credential Vault master key.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 25
To configure Control Room for the first time for an express installation, perform the following steps.
1. Double-click the Automation Anywhere Control Room icon on your desktop. The getting started wizard is displayed.
2. On the Control Room First tab, do the following.
lUsername: Type a user name of your choice.
lFirst name: Type your first name (this is optional)
lLast name: Type your last name (this is optional)
lEmail: Type your e-mail address.
lPassword: Type a password.
lConfirm password: Type your password again to confirm.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 26
3. Click Next. The Create security questions page is displayed.
4. On the Create security questions page, type three security questions and an answer to each. This will be used in case you forget
your Control Room password.
5. Click Next. The Credential settings page is displayed.
6. Depending on your requirements, select the Express mode or Manual mode options.
The Master key is used to connect to the Credential Vault so that users can use the vault to secure their credentials and access it in
their taskbots.
IMPORTANT: As an administrator, you must copy the master key to your clipboard and save it in a
secure place - use the Copy button to do this. This key is required in the event that the cre-
dential vault is closed. If you lose the master key, your access to Control Room is locked.
7. Click Save and log in. The first administrator user of your Control Room installation is created and you can now configure and man-
age your overall RPAenvironment with Control Room and its clients.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 27
Configure Control Room for Single Sign-On
As a Control Room administrator, you can configure the Control Room instance for Single Sign-On (SAML 2.0) if your organization
uses IdP server for authentication.
You can select this option once you have specified the repository path, host name URL, and Credential Vault details. Refer Con-
figuring Control Room for the first time - Custom installation for details.
Steps to configure Single Sign-On authentication
Use the Single Sign-On option to allow your Control Room to connect to your identity provider database (Control Room) using SAML
2.0 protocol and log on using Single Sign-On.
1. On the Authentication type for Control Room users page select Single Sign-On (SAML 2.0) option:
2. You need to check the connection to Control Room for which you need to provide SAMLMetadata details.
3. Copy and paste the SAML Metadata from an xml file.
4. Provide the Unique Entity ID for Control Room. This is basically a user who is the Control Room admin and also has been given
an admin role in the IdP Server.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 28
5. Optionally, select Encrypt SAML Assertions for enhanced security. For this you will be provided a public and private key by the sys-
tem admin which you must copy and paste from relevant files.
6. Click Next. The Registering Controls panel is displayed wherein you need to register your Control Room as a service provider with
the IdP.
Note: If SAML Metadata URL that your provide is incorrect, you are given an error on this page:
7. To register the Control Room with IdP as service provider, follow the instructions given on the page. To summarize,
a. Click to copy the Control Room metadata to the IdP manager
b. Login to the IdP server as admin or a user with privilege to add a service provider
c. Click Manage Metadata to add a service provider
d. Select Attributes for assertion
e. Paste the metadata that you copied
f. Click Submit to import data
8. Go back to Control Room configuration page
9. Click
10. Leave the page to go to IdP login
11. Log on using credentials of the IdP user who provides the Control Room Service Provider credentials.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 30
Search and filter data
The search feature in Control Room allows you to search for the information that you are looking for thereby helping you work effi-
ciently. It provides you dynamic suggestions as you type. For example, if you type 'CRM', the suggestion narrows down with every addi-
tional character that you type - this suggestion is based on the existing values already available in the database. The count of the auto-
populated search terms are displayed and the data is dynamically updated. The search results are displayed in the format of X of Y,
lX = search result
lY = total number of records in table
Besides this, you can also reset the search query and Control room remembers the last filter applied by each user per session. The fol-
lowing figure illustrates a search result for the Scheduled activity page.
You can use the search feature in the following pages of Control Room.
lActivity tab
lBots tab
lMy bots tab
lIndividual folders
lAll credentials
lIndividual lockers
lDevices tab
lBot runners and bot creators
lDevice pools
lBot farm images
lWorkload tab
lAudit log
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 31
Profile Management
User profiles in Control Room are created by administrators who can change your first name, last name, password, and role depend-
ing on the business requirements. If you are a user of ControlRoom configured with a non-directory environment, you can change the
following details of your profile.
lYour password
lYour first name
lYour last name
lYour e-mail address
To personalize and maintain your Control room profile, refer to the following sections.
lChanging your password
lEditing and updating your profile
Note: The process of managing your own profile is different for Control Room configured with an act-
ive directory and a non-active directory environment. Users cannot configure or make changes to their
profile in an active directory environment.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 32
Change your password
To change your password, perform the following steps.
1. Click your user name located at the top right corner of Control Room. The Edit Profile and Change Password form is displayed.
2. Click Change password. The Change password form is displayed.
3. On the Change password menu, type your current and new password.
lCurrent password:Type your current password.
lNew password:Type your new password.
lConfirm New password. Type your password again for confirmation.
Note:The new password must be different than the current password and must meet the
password policy set up by your Control Room administrator.
4. Click Save changes. If your password is successfully changed, a toast message is displayed.
Note:The Save changes button remains disabled if the mandatory fields are not filled. You do not
need to log in again after changing your password.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 33
Edit and update your profile
You can change the following details about your profile by clicking your user name located at the top right corner of Control Room.
lFirst name
lLast name
lEmail address
For this, perform the following steps.
1. Click your user name located at the top right corner of Control Room. The Edit Profile and Change Password form is displayed.
2. Click Edit Profile. The Edit Profile menu is displayed.
3. On the Edit Profile form, do one of the following.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 34
lFirst name:Type your first name. This is optional.
lLast name:Type your last name. This is optional.
lEmail:Type your e-mail. You can use this to reset your password. All important Control Room notifications will be sent to
you on this e-mail address.
lConfirm email. Type your email again.
Tip: As you start typing and make changes to the fields of the Edit profile form, the text of
the Close button changes to Cancel to visually indicate that you have made changes to the form.
Clicking Cancel closes the Edit profile form.
4. Click the Save changes button. Your profile is updated and a toast message is displayed.
For information on updating user profiles from the administration page, refer to the following sections.
lEdit active directory user details
lEdit non-active directory user details
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 35
Administration Overview
As a Control Room admin you can use the administration module of Control Room to:
lManage roles by creating, editing, deleting, and viewing existing roles
lManage users by creating, editing, deleting, and viewing existing users
lChange the general settings of Control Room
lPurchase an extended license or install a new license
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 36
Settings - an overview
As a Control Room admin, you can use the Control RoomSettings, to:
lConfigure General Settings and Control Room Database & Software inGeneral
lEnable or disable Version Control inBots
lEnable or disable Secure recording, set Product help URLs, and configure Device health checks inClient applications
lConfigure the connection mode to the Credential Vault inCredentials
lEnable or disable email settings inEmail
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 37
Configuration settings
As a Control Room admin you can view and manage settings that are configured while setting up the Control Room. You can view con-
figuration details of:
1. Control Room Installation type, access URL, and program files destination folder in General Settings
2. Website Security & Configuration details, Control Room Users, Database, and Repository details, Deployment settings, and Secur-
ity details in Control Room Database &Software
General settings
The General settings provide information about the installation type, the access URL and program files destination folder. You cannot
edit these settings as they are configured during installation.
The table below describes the General settings:
Settings Description
Control Room Install-
ation type
It is the type of setup used to install the Control Room. It can either be Express or Custom. This set-
ting is configured during installation and is not editable.
Control Room access
It is the fully qualified name of the server that is used by Bot Creators, Bot Runners and Users to
access the Control Room. You can change the access URL if the Control Room is setup in custom
To modify the URL,
1. Click edit
2. The General Settings page opens in edit mode.
3. Type the fully qualified name of the url that you want to use to access the Control Room:
4. Click
Control Room Database &Software
The Control Room database and software settings provide details for website security and configuration, Control room users, data-
base, and repository, deployment, and security settings. You can edit settings for the Control Room repository, Deployment, and Pass-
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 38
The table below describes the Control Room Database and Software settings:
Settings Description
Website security It shows the type of security protocol used - http or https. This setting is configured during install-
ation and is not editable.
Website configuration It shows the website configuration details such as web server host name, If the Control Room is
configured for Express installation, only one host name is shown. However, if it is configured for
Custom installation, multiple host names are shown. This setting is configured during installation
and is not editable.
Web server host name and port details of all registered and active users are listed. However, note
that the username and password values are not shown.
Control Room users It shows the Authentication type used to log on to the Control Room instance by Bots. It could be
Active Directory, Single Sign-On (SAML 2.0) or Database. This setting is configured during install-
ation and is not editable.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 39
lActive Directory users are configured when you want Bots of a specific domain to be authen-
ticated with their Active Directory credentials.
lSingle Sign-On (SAML 2.0) users are configured when you want Bots to be authenticated
using SAML 2.0 protocol and log on using the organizations' IdP server credentials.
lDatabase users or Non-Active Directory users are configured when you want Bots to be
authenticated using the Control Room database.
Control Room database It shows the settings for :
1. Windows authentication - It is the authentication type used to connect to the database server.
It shows Enabled when Windows Authentication is selected while configuring the database in
installation. It shows Disabled when default database authentication is used.
2. Server host name - It is the fully qualified name of the control room database server.
3. Server port - It is the port to which the database is configured.
4. Database name - It is the database that will be used to store Control Room data.
5. Username - The values are not displayed.
This setting is configured during installation and is not editable.
Control Room repos-
It shows the location where all Bots, application files, and supporting files are stored. The default
path is set to C:\ProgramData\AutomationAnywhere\Server Files during installation, if not
updated during installation. You can also choose to modify this path post installation here.
Before changing the repository path, ensure that you:
lCopy the existing files to another location
lPut the Control Room in maintenance mode
lInform users to disconnect their devices from the Control Room instance
To modify,
1. Click edit
2. The page opens in edit mode.
3. In the Repository path field, type the location of the repository ending with Server Files:
lYou can use Network Drive folders for repository path.
lWhen you type an invalid pathname, an error is shown:
4. Click
Deployment settings It shows whether the users with run and schedule privileges can choose to Run bot runner ses-
sion on Control Room when you deploy or schedule a Bot. Refer Run a bot and Schedule a Bot
for details.
By default this setting is Enabled.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 40
To modify,
1. Click edit
2. The page opens in edit mode.
3. Select Enabled or Disabled as required for Bot Runner deployment session on Control
Security These define the password policy settings for all Control Room users. Here, you can customize
the password length, password content, and/or select the number of log on attempts allowed.
Note: The password policy is applicable for a Control Room that is con-
figured for Database authentication type.
To modify,
1. Click edit
2. The page opens in edit mode.
3. Specify the following as per your company policy:
Tip: The user account is disabled in the Control Room when it is
locked out.
You cannot enter invalid values in the:
lPassword length field
lLog on attempts field
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 41
4. Click
Audit Logs
All updates to the Configuration Settings are captured in the Audit Log page. For example, the following illustration lists all actions per-
formed to edit general settings :
To view details of each audit entry:
1. Go to the required data and mouse over
2. Click
3. The details page is launched where in you can view only those entries that are changed. The illustration below shows details of
successful disabling of Bot Session on Control Room and setting of the password policy:
Refer View Audit Details for more information.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 42
Bots - Configure Version Control
To manage controlled edits of files that could include TaskBots, MetaBots, Reports, and Workflows, as a Control Room admin you can
configure Version Control in Control Room Settings.
The Control Room is tightly integrated with SubVersion version control system so that the version, checkin/checkout, version history
and version roll back functionality can be leveraged with ease for all files.
By default, the feature is disabled.
Version Control Pre-requisites
lFor Version Control to be enabled and integrated from Control Room, it is necessary that SVN (SubVersion) should be installed
and configured.
Note: Automation Anywhere supports Subversion v1.7.2, v1.9.7, and 1.8.15.
lSVN Administrator user should be created with required permissions.
lSVN repository should be created, which can be used to store all version control files.
lControl Room will be the basis of communication with SVN. Clients will not communicate with SVN directly.
Note: Once the Control Room integration with SVN is up and running, all communication for ver-
sion control operations from Enterprise Client to SVN will take place via Control Room only.
Enable Version Control
To enable Version Control for Bots:
1. Select Administration →Settings →Bots
2. Click Edit
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 43
3. The page opens in edit mode:
4. Select Enabled
5. Enter the following details:
a. Subversion server name - Provide hostname of subversion server.
b. Subversion repository path - Provide the SVN repository path.
lThe SVN repository must be empty if you are enabling these settings or switching from an old configured repository
to new SVN repository.
lYou can configure only upto three levels of repository path.
lRefer section on Impact of enabling and disabling VCS settings for details.
Tip: You can copy these details from the VisualSVN Server Manager as shown:
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 44
6. Select option for assigning Bot production version manually or automatically when you enable version control or configure version
control to another Subversion repository.
The production version of a Bot is must for a schedule to run on the selected Bot, Your schedules will not be triggered unles the
scheduled bots have their production versions set.
lUse Do not assign "Production versions". I will do so manually when you want to manually assign a production version for
Bots. Use this option when you want to set production versions in a controlled manner.
lUse Automatically assign the latest version of a bot to be its "Production version" when you want the Control Room to auto-
matically select the latest version of Bots to Production version.
7. Optionally, select Use a secure connection with the Subversion server
8. Provide the Subversion server port number that is assigned for SVN. It should be between 1 and 65535.
9. Provide your Subversion Login credentials -Username and Password
10. The details for Subversion path and Files last uploaded are updated once you configure Version Control. The default path of Con-
trol Room files is also displayed.
11. Click
Note: If VCS was earlier configured and you switch to a different Subversion repository, the
bot version history is not stored. Refer Impact of enabling and disabling... section for details.
lYou must confirm whether you want to continue:
Note: Bots which are deleted after VCS is disabled, will be deleted from SVN too.
lYou can view the repository synching as shown:
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 45
12. The details are updated as shown:
Disable Version Control
You can also choose to disable Version Control.
1. Clear Enable
2. Click
3. A successful switch is denoted with:
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 46
Impact of enabling and disabling version control settings
When you enable and disable version control settings in the Control Room, it affects the way a Client can access their Bots in the Cli-
ent and upload those to the Control Room. While enabling and disabling this setting ensure you are aware about its impact, which is
summarized here.
lWhen you enable version control settings, the system uploads the Bots from Control Room repository to SVN repository. During
upload the Control Room repository is in read only mode and locked. Hence, you cannot update it. You will not be able to perform
actions such as Upload, Delete, Set production version, Checkout /Check in /Undo checkout, and Force unlock.
lWhen you disable version control settings, the files that are in checked out state are listed for force unlock by the Control Room
administrator or a user with unlock bots privileges. You are allowed to disable the settings only when you unlock the checked out
lWhen you re-enable version control settings, you can:
a. Connect to the repository that you had uploaded earlier. Version history of existing Bots is also retained. Hence, in this
i. The version of the Bots that are not updated remains the same.
ii. A new version of updated Bots is created.
iii. Version 1.0 is allotted to new Bots that have the same name as that of a Bot that was deleted from the earlier repos-
iv. Production version is not set if the option Do not assign production version. I will do so manually is selected.
v. Production version is set to latest versions of the Bots if the option Automatically assign the latest version of bots to
production version is selected
b. Connect to a new repository that does not have any Bots. Your version history of the earlier repository is not retained. Also,
you can choose to set the production version manually or automatically.
Note: You cannot connect to a new repository that is not empty.
Audit Logs
All updates to the VCS Settings are captured in the Audit Log page. For example, the following illustration lists all actions performed to
connect and edit VCS settings :
To view details of each audit entry:
1. Go to the required data and mouse over
2. Click
3. The details page is launched where in you can view only those entries that are changed. The illustration below shows details of
successful connection of Version Control to a Subversion repository:
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 47
Note: Some fields such as Subversion server name, port, repository path, and credentials are
shown as (Encrypted) because these values are securely stored in the Credential Vault.
Refer View Audit Details for more information.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 48
Client application
As a Control Room admin you can choose to configure the settings relevant to your Automation Anywhere Client in Client application.
Here, you can:
lEnable or disable Secure recording
lChange Product help URLs
lConfigure Device health checks
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 49
Secure recording
Secure recording offers you a choice between capturing or not capturing images and control values during business process recording
by Bot creators. You can enable secure recording when you are automating secure applications such as Bank accounts.
To modify secure recording settings:
1. Select Client application
2. Click Edit
3. The page opens in edit mode wherein Secure recording is shown Off by default.
4. Select Secure recording is On
5. Click
Product help URLs
Product help URLs allow you to redirect links to Automation Anywhere Support Site or to any Custom URL of your choice.
lUse Automation Anywhere's URLs - Use this to navigate your users to the default Automation Anywhere Support site. This dis-
ables all the other options such as Live Chat with Support URL etc.
lUse Custom URLs - Use this to navigate your users to your custom defined URLs for Product help. This allows your users to seek
help from in-house automation experts.
The illustration below shows the URL's as seen in Enterprise Client →Help:
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 50
lTable below summarizes Product help URLs:
URL Description
AAEclient application support It allows you to add your customized Product Help URL and re-direct users to your
in-house support site.
Live chat with support It allows you to access in-house Live Chat and speak to online Experts.
Example online It allows you to look for available Online Examples.
Request live 1-on-1 demo It allows you to request for live demonstration of features and experts would
answer your questions.
Technical support It allows you to access in-house Technical Support.
Ask the expert It allows you to speak to an expert and get their expert advice.
To modify Product help URL settings:
1. Select Client application
2. Click Edit
3. The page opens in edit mode wherein Use Automation Anywhere URLs are selected by default.
4. Select Use Custom URLs as required. For example, you might want to redirect Live chat support to a specific chat group.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 51
lYou must use http(s) protocol in the URLs. If you do not, then your are shown an error:
5. Click
Device health check configuration
These settings allows you to set the time interval for Device Health check that includes parameters such as CPU, Memory, and Disk
usage etc. You can therefore set the frequency at which the data is exchanged between the Control Room and connected Clients.
To modify Device health check settings
1. Select Client application
2. Click Edit
3. The page opens in edit mode wherein the Blip interval for bot execution and device status can be enabled. The default value for:
lBot execution is set to 60 seconds
ldevice status i.e. how long it is idle is set to 600 seconds.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 52
4. Change the Blip interval time as required
lYou cannot input less than 5 or empty value. If you do, then you are shown an error:
5. Click
Modification details
The modification details such as Modified by and Last modified date/time are captured. The Client application tab shows System and
the Control Room installation/configuration date and time by default when you launch the Settings page:
Audit Logs
All updates to the Client application settings are captured in the Audit Log page. For example, the following illustration lists all actions
performed to update the Client application configuration settings:
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 53
To view details of each audit entry:
1. Go to the required data and mouse over
2. Click
3. The details page is launched where in you can view only those entries that are changed. The illustration below shows details of
successful disabling of Secure Recording mode, change in Client application support URL, and change in Blip Interval:
Refer View Audit Details for more information.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 54
Configure credential vault connection mode
Credential Vault is a centralized location for securely storing credential information used by Bots. As a Control Room admin, you can
configure the Connection mode that allows you to connect to the Credential Vault using a Master key.
The connection mode is first configured during Control Room's initial setup as illustrated below:
You can view the Connection mode details in Settings →Credentials tab
To configure settings for Credential Vault, you have to choose between Express or Manual mode.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 55
lExpress Mode - Use this to auto connect to the Credential Vault with the master key that is stored in the system during Control
Room configuration.
lManual Mode - Use this to manually connect to the Credential Vault using the master key that was available during Control Room
Note: You will have to provide this key every time you start / re-start the Control Room.
Important: Store the master key at a secured location if using the Manual mode. Any modi-
fication or loss may result in your losing complete access to the Control Room.
lCompared to Express, the Manual mode is more secure and recommended for use in production environment.
lWhile switching modes, you must provide the Master Key in the field and click Save for the changes to take effect.
lWhen you do not enter a valid key, you are shown:
lIf the field is empty, you are shown:
lA successful switch is denoted with:
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 56
Tip: Restart the server machine (on which the Control Room is installed) or services to allow
changes to take effect.
Audit Log
All updates to the Credential Vault connection mode are captured in the Audit Log page. For example, the following illustration lists all
actions performed to connect and edit connection settings to the Credential Vault :
To view details of each audit entry:
1. Go to the required data and mouse over
2. Click
3. The details page is launched. The illustration below shows details of successful Credential Vault connection switch from Express to
Manual mode:
Refer View Audit Details for more information.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 57
As a Control Room admin, you can opt to send email notifications to other Control Room users when certain activities that affect the
users are updated such as user information, account activation/de-activation, TaskBot execution status etc.
Also, when this setting is enabled, all users have to confirm their account by clicking on the confirmation link that they receive in their
email account, set the password & security questions, and login to the Control Room.
By default, email notifications are disabled.
Enable Email notifications
To modify Email settings:
1. Select Email
2. Click Edit
3. The page opens in edit mode
4. Select Send email notifications
5. Enter the following details:
a. Email address - this is the address from which the notification will be sent to the user
b. Email server host - this is the email server host name
c. Email server port.- this should be between 1 and 65535
d. My server uses a secure connection (SSL/TLS) - This is optional. Select this if you have enabled SSL/TLS protocol.
e. Username and Password - This is only enabled if you select My server requires authentication
6. Select any or all activities for which you want to send the notification to the user when:
a. The user information changes. For example when the Control Room admin updates the Firstname and Lastname of user
Mike.Lee, he receives an email notification stating that his user account information has been updated.
b. The user is activated, deactivated or deleted. For example, if the Control Room admin disables the user Mike.Lee, he
receives an email stating that his user account has been disabled.
c. The Taskbot scheduled or run by the user fails execution. For example, if Mike.Lee who has scheduling privileges sched-
ules a Bot to run on the Bot Runner Amy.Chen's machine and the Bot fails to,
ldeploy to Bot Runner machine
lexecute because it was either stopped, timed-out or encountered an error,
Mike.Lee receives an email notification stating that the Bot scheduled on the Bot Runner Amy.Chen could not finish exe-
d. An ALM package is exported or imported by the user. For example, if Mike.Lee exports or imports an ALM package, he will
receive an email notification providing status of the export or import package.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 58
7. Click
8. The settings are saved successfully
Disable Email notifications
You can also choose to disable the notifications if required.
1. Clear the Send email notifications option.
2. Click
3. Click OK
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 59
Audit Logs
All updates to the Email notification settings are captured in the Audit Log page. For example, the following illustration lists all actions
performed to connect to the mail server and edit email notification settings :
To view details of each audit entry:
1. Go to the required data and mouse over
2. Click
3. The details page is launched where in you can view only those entries that are changed. The illustration below shows details of
successful enabling of email notification settings, connection to the mail server, email server details, and actions for which noti-
fication will be sent:
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 60
Note: Some fields such as From email address, server host, port, authentication required or
not, and credentials are shown as (Encrypted) because these values are securely stored in the Cre-
dential Vault.
Refer View Audit Details for more information.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 61
Users - An Overview
The Users page of Control Room gives a detailed information of existing users. As a Control Room user with user management priv-
ileges, you can view, edit, delete, and enable or disable a user. You can also perform other actions, such as delete multiple users,
export the list of users in CSVformat, refresh the list in the Users table, and show or hide columns in the Users table depending on
your preferences,
Besides the above tasks, you can:
lCreate a user
lCreate a role
The page is illustrated in the following figure.
For ease of access, you can apply search parameters to Username, First Name, Last Name, Description, User Status, and Email
lYou can use specify the search parameters in the search bar for Username, First Name, Last Name, Description, and Email
Note: When you specify search parameters for the same column, the system searches using OR
operator. When you specify search parameters for different columns, the system searches using AND
Known Behavior: When you use special keys "-" or "_", the system lists all Usernames instead
of Usernames having these parameters.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 62
lYou can choose the search parameters from a list in the search bar for user status:
Tip:You can perform the following actions on a column to help you work efficiently.
lClick a column to sort it in ascending and descending order. You can sort up to three columns by
holding the Shift key when you click on two more columns. This gives you the option of sorting
two additional columns. This way the sorting is done on the entire table and not just the data
that is currently visible to you. The last sorting is stored in memory applied by a user per ses-
lUse a drag-and-drop operation to move the column left or right.
lMove your mouse cursor at the end of the column and drag to re-size.
You can perform the following tasks on an individual User by moving your mouse over the Actions icon.
Item Description
Edit Click this icon to Edit details about the user .
lAn email is sent when you edit a user if SMTP is enabled.
lA non admin user with user management permissions can only view the
Admin and Locker Admin users in the Users list but cannot edit these
View Click this icon to view additional information about the user. Refer View user details.
Enable/ Disable Click this icon to activate or deactivate the user. This is useful in scenarios when you want to tem-
porarily restrict a user’s access to Client or Control Room.
Note: When you activate or deactivate a user, an email is sent to the
user if SMTP is enabled.
Delete Click this icon to delete the user. You can use this feature in scenarios when a user leaves the
organization or is moved to another role. This frees the device to which the user was attached and
the license allocated to the user is freed. Learn more
Note: When you delete a user, an email is sent to the user if SMTP is
You can also perform the following table-level actions for a set of multiple activities.
Note:These actions can be performed only at a table-level and not on individual items.
Table Item Description
Refresh Refreshes the table and reflects the latest data.
Delete Deletes the selected users. Learn more
Note: You cannot delete a user who is currently logged in.
Export to CSV Exports the selected items in the table in CSV format.
Show/ Hide columns Allows you to select the columns that you want to show or hide in the table.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 63
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 64
Create a non-active directory user
To create a user, perform the followings steps.
1. Log on to Control Room with administration privileges.
2. Navigate to the users page. The Users page is displayed.
3. Click the link . The Create user page is displayed.
4. In the General details area, do the following
lUsername:Type a user name for the user.
Note: You can use the "@" character to accommodate email user-names.
lDescription:Type a description for the user. This is optional.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 65
lFirst name:Type the first name for the user. This is optional.
lLast name:Type the last name for the user. This is optional.
Note: The number of characters allowed in First name and Last name is 50.
lPassword:Type a password for the user. Ensure that you are assigning a password that follows the password policy of your
organization. For more information on password policy settings, refer Security in Configuration Settings.
Note: If Email Notification is enabled then the password field is not displayed to the user;
an email is sent to the user to set the password.
lConfirm password: Type the password again. This should be same to what you typed in the Password field.
lEmail:Type the e-mail address for the user. If e-mail setting are enabled, the user is sent an email to this address to confirm
the account. All important Control Room notifications will be sent to this e-mail address.
lConfirm email:Type the email address again. This should be same to what you typed in the Email field.
5. Select a role for the user from the Available roles table in the Select roles area and click the add button .You can select
multiple roles for the user. The role is added to the Selected roles area. Depending on the role that you assign to a user, the user
will have privileges and permissions to access and perform action in certain areas of Control Room. For example, a user with an
AAE_Basic role can view the Dashboard, Activities, Bots, and to manage lockers and queues.
Note: View Dashboard, Manage my credentials and locker, View and manage my queues: These per-
missions are available to any Control Room user by default. A non-admin user does not have access
to Admin, BotFarm Admin, Pool Admin, Locker Admin roles.
6. Select a license to be allocated to the user from the Allocate a device license to user area.
lBot runner:This allows the user to run bots and and requires a run-time license. Additionally, select the IQ Bots check box,
if you want to grant the user to run Bots.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 66
lBot creator: This allows the user to create and build automation, such as TaskBots, MetaBots, and Workflows and requires
a development license. Additionally, you can select the Enable auto login check box, if you want the Client UIof the user to
remember the credentials of the user. A column in users page is displayed, wherein the value for auto login is either N/A or
Can auto login.N/A is displayed when auto login option is not checked, hence disabled. Can auto login is displayed when
auto login option is enabled.
lNone:This allows the user to only access Control Room. Users with this license cannot run or create bots. This option can
also be used to release the allocated license.
7. Once you allocate a license to the user, the Create user button is enabled.
The Create user button has two options.
lCreate user:This creates the user and the Users page is displayed.
lCreate user and create another: This creates the user and the Create user page is refreshed so that you can create
another user.
8. After clicking one of the Create user options, the user is created and the following message is displayed.
The user "amy.chang" is reflected in the All users list
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 67
Edit non-active directory user details
As a Control Room user having edit user permission, you can modify the details of a user from the Users page. This is useful in scen-
arios where you may want to change the role of a user or when users forget their password or when their email address is changed.
Note: If roles/ permissions for any user is updated, the user must re-login or refresh the browser
for the changes to be immediately reflected on Control Room UI.
You can change the following details for a user.
lFirst name
lLast name
lYou cannot change the User name for a user.
lYou cannot change or edit your own details except from User Profile tray. To change the details of your own profile, refer to
Edit and update your profile.
lIn case when Email Notification is enabled when you edit the details of a user, an email is sent to the user. Learn more
To edit the details of a user, perform the following steps.
1. Log on to Control Room as an administrator and navigate to Administration →Users. The Users page is displayed
2. Move your mouse over the Actions icon and click the Edit user icon . The Edit user page is displayed.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 68
3. Make changes to the fields depending on your requirements. For example, you can reallocate license of a Bot Creator to Bot Run-
While making any updates, ensure that you are aware as to what changes are applicable.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 69
4. Click the Save Changes button. The changes are made and a successfully edited message is displayed.
Note: These changes are audit logged and authorized users can refer to it in the future.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 70
Create an active directory user
The process of creating an active directory user is different from creating a non-active directory user as the user must be a part of an act-
ive directory.
To create an active directory user, perform the following steps.
1. Log on to Control Room with administration privileges.
2. Navigate to the Users page. The Users page is displayed.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 71
3. Click the link . The Create user page is displayed.
4. In the General details area, do the following
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 72
lEnable user: Select this check box to enable the user.
lActive Directory domain:Select the active directory name for the user. The list displays all domains that are available in AD
domain controller.
Note: Control Room Active Directory supports single forest multi-domain environment.
lUsername: Type a user name for the user, the CHECK NAME IN ACTIVE DIRETORY button is enabled.
When you click the CHECK NAME IN ACTIVE DIRETORY button, one of the following happens.
Note: The "@" character is supported to accommodate email user-names.
lIf the user name is present in the active directory, the First name,Last name,Email, and Confirm email fields are
automatically displayed, as shown in the following figure.
lIf the user name is not present in the active directory, an error message is displayed, as shown in the following fig-
ure. Contact your network administrator to resolve the issue.
lIn Active Directory environment details such as: First Name, Last Name, Email address are auto-populated from AD and
hence user does not need to type-in. In case the data is not populated from AD then user must specify the details.
5. Select a role for the user from the Available roles table in the Select roles area and click the add button . The role is
added to the Selected roles area.
Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. 73
6. Select a license to be allocated to the user from the Allocate a device license to user area. By default, there are three licenses avail-
lBot runner:This allows the user to run bots and and requires a run-time license. Additionally, select the IQ Bots check box,
if you want to grant the user to run IQBots.
lBot creator: This allows the user to create and run task bots and and requires a development license. Additionally, you can
select the Enable auto login check box, if you want the Client UIof the user to remember the credentials of the user. A
column in users page is displayed, wherein the value for auto login is N/A or Can auto login. N/A is displayed when auto
login option is not checked and Can auto login is displayed when auto login option is enabled.
lNone:This allows the user to only access Control Room. Users with this license cannot run or create bots.
7. Once you allocate a license to the user, the Create user button is enabled.
The Create user button has two options.
lCreate user:This creates the user and the Users page is displayed.
lCreate user and create another: This creates the user and the Create user page is refreshed so that you can create
another user.
8. After clicking one of the Create user options, the user is created and the following message is displayed.
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Edit active directory user details
As an administrator, you can edit the details of an active directory user from the Users page This is useful in scenarios where you may
want to change the role, email address of users or when users forget their password.
Note: If roles/ permissions for any user is updated, the user must re-login or refresh the browser
for the changes to be immediately reflected on Control Room UI.
You can change the following details for a user.
lFirst name
lLast name
lRoles and Licenses
lYou cannot change the User name and Active Directory domain for a user.
lYou cannot change or edit your own profile. Contact you administrator to make the changes.
lWhen you edit the details of a user, an email is sent to the user.
To edit the details of a user, perform the following steps.
1. Log on to Control Room as an administrator and navigate to Administration →Users. The All Users page is displayed
2. Move your mouse over the Actions icon and click the Edit user icon . The Edit user page is displayed.
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3. Make changes to the fields depending on your requirements.
4. Click the Save Changes button. The changes are made and a successfully edited message is displayed.
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Add user from IdP server for single sign on
The process of adding a user from the IdP server in a Control Room that is configured for Single Sign On is similar to creating an active
directory user.
To create an sso user, perform the following steps.
1. Log on to Control Room with administration privileges.
2. Navigate to the Users page. The Users page is displayed.
3. Click the link . The Create user page is displayed.
4. In the General details area, do the following
lUsername:Type a user name for the user.
Tip: Ensure that the Username is the same as provided in the IdP Server.
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Note: The "@" character is supported to accommodate email user names.
lDescription:Type a description for the user. This is optional.
lFirst name:Type the first name for the user. This is optional.
lLast name:Type the last name for the user. This is optional.
Note: The number of characters allowed in First name and Last name is 50.
lEmail:Type the e-mail address for the user. If e-mail setting are enabled, the user is sent an email to this address to confirm the
account. All important Control Room notifications will be sent to this e-mail address.
lConfirm email:Type the email address again. This should be same to what you typed in the Email field.
7. Select a role for the user from the Available roles table in the Select roles area and click the add button . The role is
added to the Selected roles area.
8. Select a license to be allocated to the user from the Allocate a device license to user area. By default, there are three licenses avail-
lBot runner:This allows the user to run bots and and requires a run-time license. Additionally, select the IQ Bots check box, if you
want to grant the user to run IQBots.
lBot creator: This allows the user to create and run task bots a<