Terminal Technical Manual AEIPS V4.3 Apr 2015
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AEIPS Terminal Technical Manual (AEIPS 4.3) April 2015 American Express AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Confidential and Trade Secret Materials This document contains sensitive, confidential and trade secret information and may not be disclosed to third parties without the prior written consent of American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc. The policies, procedures, and rules in this manual are subject to change from time to time by American Express Global Network Services. © 2015 American Express Travel Related Services Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Table of Contents 1 SUMMARY OF CHANGES ..................................................................................................................... 10 2 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 11 2.1 Scope................................................................................................................................................... 11 2.2 Audience ............................................................................................................................................. 11 2.3 Reference Materials ........................................................................................................................... 11 2.3.1 ISO ................................................................................................................................................ 11 2.3.2 EMV .............................................................................................................................................. 12 2.3.3 American Express ......................................................................................................................... 12 2.4 Use of Terms ...................................................................................................................................... 12 2.4.1 Optional, Mandatory or Conditional .............................................................................................. 12 2.4.2 Use of the Term “Chip Card” ........................................................................................................ 12 2.4.3 Cardholder or Cardmember? ........................................................................................................ 12 2.5 Document Structure ........................................................................................................................... 13 2.6 Notation ............................................................................................................................................... 13 3 TRANSACTION OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................. 14 3.1 Functional Overview .......................................................................................................................... 14 3.2 Dual Interface Support ....................................................................................................................... 15 3.3 Mandatory and Optional Functionality Summary ........................................................................... 15 3.3.1 Functions ...................................................................................................................................... 15 3.3.2 Commands .................................................................................................................................... 16 3.3.3 AEIPS Command Non-Specific Status Words ............................................................................. 17 4 APPLICATION SELECTION ................................................................................................................... 18 4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 18 4.2 Commands .......................................................................................................................................... 18 4.3 Processing Requirements ................................................................................................................. 19 4.3.1 Chip Card Insertion and Power Up Sequence .............................................................................. 19 4.3.2 Answer to Reset ............................................................................................................................ 19 4.3.3 Application Selection – Building the Candidate List ..................................................................... 19 4.3.4 Application Selection – Choosing the Required Application ......................................................... 20 5 INITIATE APPLICATION PROCESSING ............................................................................................... 21 5.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 21 5.2 Commands .......................................................................................................................................... 21 5.3 Processing Requirements ................................................................................................................. 21 Page 3 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 6 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL READ APPLICATION DATA .................................................................................................................. 23 6.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 23 6.2 Commands .......................................................................................................................................... 23 6.3 Processing Requirements ................................................................................................................. 23 7 OFFLINE DATA AUTHENTICATION ..................................................................................................... 25 7.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 25 7.1.1 Static Data Authentication (SDA) .................................................................................................. 26 7.1.2 Dynamic Data Authentication (DDA) ............................................................................................ 27 7.1.3 Combined DDA / Application Cryptogram Generation (CDA) ...................................................... 27 7.2 Commands .......................................................................................................................................... 27 7.3 Processing Requirements ................................................................................................................. 28 7.3.1 American Express Scheme CA Keys ........................................................................................... 28 7.3.2 Static Data Authentication (SDA) .................................................................................................. 28 7.3.3 Dynamic Data Authentication (DDA) ............................................................................................ 29 7.3.4 Combined DDA/AC Generation (CDA) ......................................................................................... 29 8 PROCESSING RESTRICTIONS ............................................................................................................. 30 8.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 30 8.2 Processing Requirements ................................................................................................................. 30 9 CARDHOLDER VERIFICATION ............................................................................................................. 32 9.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 32 9.2 Commands .......................................................................................................................................... 32 9.3 Processing Requirements ................................................................................................................. 33 9.3.1 Online PIN ..................................................................................................................................... 34 9.3.2 Offline PIN ..................................................................................................................................... 34 9.3.3 Other CVM .................................................................................................................................... 36 9.4 PIN Pad Requirements....................................................................................................................... 36 10 TERMINAL RISK MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................... 37 10.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 37 10.2 Commands ...................................................................................................................................... 37 10.3 Processing Requirements ............................................................................................................. 37 11 11.1 ST 1 TERMINAL ACTION ANALYSIS .................................................................................................. 39 Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 39 Page 4 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL 11.2 Processing Requirements ............................................................................................................. 39 11.2.1 Offline Processing Results ............................................................................................................ 40 11.2.2 Request Application Cryptogram in 1st GENERATE AC ............................................................. 41 12 ST 1 CARD ACTION ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................... 42 12.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 42 12.2 Commands ...................................................................................................................................... 43 12.3 Processing Requirements ............................................................................................................. 43 13 ONLINE PROCESSING ....................................................................................................................... 44 13.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 44 13.2 Processing Requirements ............................................................................................................. 44 14 ISSUER AUTHENTICATION ............................................................................................................... 46 14.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 46 14.2 Commands ...................................................................................................................................... 46 14.3 Processing Requirements ............................................................................................................. 46 15 ND 2 15.1 TERMINAL ACTION ANALYSIS .................................................................................................. 48 Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 48 15.2 Processing Requirements ............................................................................................................. 48 15.2.1 Advice Messages .......................................................................................................................... 49 15.2.2 Voice Referrals ............................................................................................................................. 49 16 ND 2 CARD ACTION ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................... 50 16.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 50 16.2 Commands ...................................................................................................................................... 50 16.3 Processing Requirements ............................................................................................................. 51 17 ISSUER SCRIPT PROCESSING ........................................................................................................ 52 17.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 52 17.2 Commands ...................................................................................................................................... 52 17.3 Processing Requirements ............................................................................................................. 53 17.4 Processing a Blocked Application ............................................................................................... 53 18 TRANSACTION COMPLETION .......................................................................................................... 54 Page 5 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 18.1 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 54 18.2 Processing Requirements ............................................................................................................. 54 18.2.1 Voice referrals ............................................................................................................................... 54 19 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................... 55 20 CRYPTOGRAPHIC REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................... 56 20.1 Unpredictable Number Generation ............................................................................................... 56 20.2 Offline Data Authentication ........................................................................................................... 56 20.3 Offline PIN Encipherment .............................................................................................................. 56 20.4 PIN Entry Device ............................................................................................................................. 56 21 ADDITIONAL PRODUCT SPECIFICS ................................................................................................ 57 21.1 Membership-Related Data Processing ......................................................................................... 57 21.1.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 57 21.1.2 Data............................................................................................................................................... 57 21.1.3 Processing Requirements ............................................................................................................. 57 22 22.1 DATA ELEMENTS............................................................................................................................... 58 Data Overview ................................................................................................................................. 58 22.2 Payment Systems Environment .................................................................................................... 58 22.2.1 PSE Select Response Data .......................................................................................................... 58 22.2.2 PSE Directory Level Data ............................................................................................................. 59 22.3 Payment Application Data ............................................................................................................. 59 22.3.1 Select Response Data .................................................................................................................. 59 22.3.2 Initiate Application Processing Data ............................................................................................. 61 22.3.3 Read Record Data ........................................................................................................................ 62 22.3.4 SDA Data ...................................................................................................................................... 67 22.3.5 DDA / CDA Data ........................................................................................................................... 68 22.3.6 Chip Card PIN Encipherment Data ............................................................................................... 69 22.3.7 Terminal Risk Management Data ................................................................................................. 70 22.4 Data Elements Table ...................................................................................................................... 72 23 GLOSSARY ......................................................................................................................................... 91 24 INDEX .................................................................................................................................................. 94 Page 6 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL List of Figures Figure 3-1: AEIPS Transaction Flow ............................................................................................ 14 Figure 4-1: Application Selection Detail ....................................................................................... 18 Figure 5-1: Initiate Application Processing Detail ......................................................................... 21 Figure 6-1: Read Application Data Detail ..................................................................................... 23 Figure 7-1: Offline Data Authentication Detail .............................................................................. 25 Figure 7-2: Key Hierarchy ............................................................................................................ 26 Figure 8-1: Processing Restrictions Detail ................................................................................... 30 Figure 9-1: Cardholder Verification Detail .................................................................................... 32 Figure 9-2: Cardholder Verification Terminal Process Flow ......................................................... 33 Figure 9-3: Offline PIN Terminal Process Flow ............................................................................ 35 Figure 10-1: Terminal Risk Management Detail ........................................................................... 37 Figure 11-1: Terminal Action Analysis Detail................................................................................ 39 Figure 12-1: 1st Card Action Analysis Detail ................................................................................ 42 Figure 13-1: Online Processing Detail ......................................................................................... 44 Figure 14-1: Issuer Authentication Detail ..................................................................................... 46 Figure 15-1: 2nd Terminal Action Analysis Detail ......................................................................... 48 Figure 16-1: 2nd Card Action Analysis Detail ............................................................................... 50 Figure 17-1: Issuer Script Processing Detail ................................................................................ 52 Figure 18-1: Transaction Completion Detail ................................................................................. 54 Figure 22-1: AEIPS Data ............................................................................................................. 58 Page 7 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL List of Tables Table 2-1: ISO Publications ......................................................................................................... 11 Table 2-2: EMV Publications........................................................................................................ 12 Table 2-3: American Express Publications................................................................................... 12 Table 3-1: AEIPS Terminal Functionality Requirements .............................................................. 15 Table 3-2: AEIPS Command Terminal Support Requirements ..................................................... 16 Table 3-3: AEIPS Command Non-Specific Status Words ............................................................ 17 Table 11-1: Issuer Action Codes and corresponding Terminal Action Codes ............................... 40 Table 22-1: PSE Response Data ................................................................................................. 59 Table 22-2: PSE Directory Level Data ......................................................................................... 59 Table 22-3: Select Response Data .............................................................................................. 60 Table 22-4: Application Priority Indicator (API)............................................................................. 61 Table 22-5: Data Retrievable by Get Processing Options Command (GPO) ................................ 61 Table 22-6: Application Interchange Profile (AIP) ........................................................................ 62 Table 22-7: Read Record Data Objects ....................................................................................... 63 Table 22-8: Application Usage Control (AUC) .............................................................................. 64 Table 22-9: CDOL1 Data Objects ................................................................................................ 64 Table 22-10: CDOL2 Data Objects .............................................................................................. 65 Table 22-11: Authorization Response Code Values (Tag ‘8A’) .................................................... 65 Table 22-12: Cardholder Verification Methods List ...................................................................... 66 Table 22-13: Optional Data Objects ............................................................................................. 67 Table 22-14: Data used in Static Data Authentication .................................................................. 67 Table 22-15: Data Objects for Signing ......................................................................................... 68 Table 22-16: Mandatory Data for Dynamic Data Authentication ................................................... 68 Table 22-17: Public key modulus lengths for which support is mandatory .................................... 69 Table 22-18: Static Data to be Authenticated ............................................................................... 69 Table 22-19: DDOL Data Objects ................................................................................................ 69 Page 8 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 22-20: Mandatory Data for Chip Card PIN Encipherment ................................................... 70 Table 22-21: Data Retrievable by GET DATA Command ............................................................ 70 Table 22-22: Terminal Verification Results (TVR) Settings .......................................................... 71 Table 22-23: AEIPS Data Elements Table (DET) ......................................................................... 73 Table 23-1: Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................................................... 91 Page 9 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 1 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Summary of Changes Summary of changes from AEIPS 4.2 Specification: Document structure changes All section numbers 1-17 incremented by 1 to 2-18 Summary of Changes now section 1 Data Elements moved from section 18 to 23 Table 11-1 added. Table 11-1 renamed as Table 11-2 Cryptographic Requirements moved from section 19 to 20 Addition of sections: 19 Performance Requirements; 21 Additional Product Specifics; 24 Index All Tables; Figures & internal links updated to match new structure Document functional changes – updates Updates for EMV Bulletin No. 137 st nd o Use of CDA for both 1 & 2 o Mandatory check for presence of CA Public Key required for CDA, no CDA processing if not present. GENERATE AC is now recommended. Updates for EMV Bulleting No. 113 o Table 22-22 updated to include Byte 1 bit 2 “SDA Selected”. o Additionally, in 7.3.2 set SDA Selected bit in TVR is SDA is performed. Updates for EMV 4.2 to 4.3: o Despite EMV removing support for DDF entries to the PSE DDF directory, Terminals need to continue to support them for compatibility with existing cards o Introduction of CDA Mode to define CDA processing o Terminal Risk Management is always performed regardless of the AIP setting o DDA support in mandated in Terminals. This document also mandates CDA Document functional changes – new features Added Membership related data processing in section 21.1, with new optional data elements (‘9F5A’ & ‘9F5B’) Introduction of PUT DATA command for contactless CVM list update via contact interface with tag (“9F6F”) Document functional changes – clarifications Process overviews included within individual sections instead of separate section. Duplication removed. Processing for APPLICATION UNBLOCK described Handling online PIN CDA processing options fully described Setting TVR bits Page 10 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 2 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Introduction This version of the American Express AEIPS Terminal Technical Manual fully conforms to EMV v4.3 [EMV4.3i - iv]. There are two volumes within AEIPS: AEIPS Chip Card Specification AEIPS Terminal Manual (this document). 2.1 Scope The purpose of this document is to outline the terminal functionality required to process American Express Chip Card transactions. All American Express Acquirers and Third Party Processors must ensure that the terminal performs American Express Chip Card transactions as defined in this manual. Any functionality beyond that defined in this document must comply with [EMV4.3i – iv] (See section 2.3.2 for additional information). This document only specifies requirements for Terminal interaction with American Express payment applications over a contact interface. Requirements for Terminals supporting contactless payments can be found in the American Express Expresspay Terminal Specification [XP-TERM]. This document is primarily a technical manual but the business requirements that the technical solutions address are also outlined. Any terminal application intended to process an American Express Chip Card shall be certified against the requirements in this manual. Note that EMV certification is conditional but not sufficient in meeting this requirement. 2.2 Audience This document is intended for American Express personnel involved with the implementation of payment products on Integrated Circuits or “chip”, American Express Global Network Services Partners, Chip Card application developers, Systems developers, Chip Card and Terminal vendors seeking a technical understanding of the functionality of Chip Cards and Terminals supporting AEIPS. 2.3 Reference Materials Reference citations in this manual are shown as labels within square brackets (e.g., [ISO3166]). Full details of the references are given in this section. Users of the information contained in these materials are solely responsible for identifying and obtaining any and all patent or other intellectual property licenses that may be needed for products or services developed in connection with these materials. 2.3.1 ISO ISO standards may be ordered via the ISO Website at www.iso.org. Table 2-1: ISO Publications [ISO3166] Codes for the representation of names and countries [ISO4217] Codes for the representation of currencies and funds [ISO639] Codes for the representation of names and languages [ISO8583] Financial Transaction Card Originated Messages - Interchange message specifications [ISO7813] Identification Cards - Financial transaction Cards [ISO7816-4] Identification Cards - Integrated circuit(s) Cards with contacts - Part 4: Inter-industry commands for interchange Page 11 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS [ISO7816-5] 2.3.2 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Identification Cards - Integrated circuit(s) Cards with contacts -Part 5: Numbering system and registration procedure for application identifiers EMV EMV publications may be ordered from the EMV Co. Website at www.emvco.com. Table 2-2: EMV Publications 2.3.3 [EMV4.3i] EMV ICC Specification for Payment Systems, Book 1 – Application independent ICC to terminal interface requirements, version 4.3, November 2011 [EMV4.3ii] EMV ICC Specification for Payment Systems, Book 2 – Security and key management, 4.3, November 2011 [EMV4.3iii] EMV ICC Specification for Payment Systems, Book 3 – Application specification, version 4.3, November 2011 [EMV4.3iv] EMV ICC Specification for Payment Systems, Book 4 – Cardholder, attendant and acquirer interface requirements, version 4.3, November 2011 American Express There are a number of American Express documents that are relevant to AEIPS card Issuers and Acquirers, which can be obtained from GNSWEB, americanexpress.com/gns. All American Express’ AEIPS manuals operate within the boundaries defined in [EMV4.3i – iv]. Table 2-3: American Express Publications [AG] Acquirer Chip Card Implementation Guide [ATG] AEIPS Terminal Guide [XP-TERM] Expresspay Terminal Specification (ExpressPay 3.1) 2.4 Use of Terms 2.4.1 Optional, Mandatory or Conditional American Express’ philosophy is to facilitate market requirements while ensuring global interoperability. To this end, AEIPS’ minimum requirements reflect the EMV mandatory items in addition to specific requirements for American Express. American Express’ minimum requirements are designated using the term “mandatory”, “required”, or “must”. Participants wishing to implement parts of EMV beyond this may do so only if this manual does not state that those parts are not supported under AEIPS. Markets can customize their programs beyond the minimum requirements through adoption of the optional functions and through proprietary processing. Proprietary processing, however, must not compromise global interoperability. If a requirement is conditional, it must meet the condition as defined in the value restrictions. 2.4.2 Use of the Term “Chip Card” In general, the term “Chip Card” is used to represent the entity which performs the AEIPS Chip Card application functions. This acknowledges the possibility of the chip supporting multiple applications. 2.4.3 Cardholder or Cardmember? The words Cardholder and Cardmember refer to “A person who has entered into an agreement and established a Card Account with an Issuer, or whose name is embossed on a Card”. Page 12 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 2.5 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Document Structure This document is structured to guide the reader through the steps required to implement the AEIPS Terminal requirements. It is assumed that technical readers are familiar with the EMV specifications [EMV4.3i – iv] and that all readers have a basic understanding of the technology. Each part of this document starts with a descriptive section. This is the suggested minimum reading for a business understanding of the document. Subsequent sections indicate the technical detail associated with the business function or requirement. Section 3 provides an overview of a terminal transaction. Sections 4 to 18 describe each of the transaction processing steps in detail, providing: an overview; list of commands; set of processing requirements. Section 19 describes the performance requirements. Section 20 describes the cryptographic requirements. Section 21 describes the additional product functionality Terminals use to support additional American Express services. Section 22 summarizes the Data Elements. Section 23 contains a glossary of terms used in this document. Section 24 is the index. 2.6 Notation Throughout this document, the data elements that are defined in the Data Dictionary, Table 22-23, are marked in italics, e.g., Card Verification Results. In the transaction flow diagrams that are used throughout this document, dashed lines around boxes are used to indicate the presence of optional functionality. Hexadecimal numbers are represented within single quotes, e.g., ‘6A83’. Page 13 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 3 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Transaction Overview This section provides a general non-technical overview of the complete AEIPS transaction. It is important to understand this, since the rest of this document is structured around the transaction steps as defined in this section. 3.1 Functional Overview All functions mentioned in this manual are performed as described in the EMV [EMV4.3i – iv]. Figure 3-1 shows the AEIPS transaction flow from the point at which a Chip Card is inserted into a Terminal to the point at which it is removed. Functions shown as dashed boxes are optional. This diagram is used throughout this manual where more detail of each function is provided. Insert card Application selection Cardholder verification Issuer authentication 2nd terminal action analysis Init application processing Terminal risk management Online processing 2nd card action analysis Read application data 1st terminal action analysis 1st card action analysis Offline data authentication N Y Unable to go online Offline data authentication CDA sig check Issuer script processing Y Offline data authentication CDA sig check Processing restrictions Legend Optional / Conditional Step Online transaction N Transaction completion Remove card Mandatory Step Figure 3-1: AEIPS Transaction Flow As shown in Figure 3-1, a transaction consists of a number of processing steps which assure the AEIPS transaction. These steps are described in detail in sections 4 to 18 below. In summary, the AEIPS transaction flow provides the means to: Authorize payment Authenticate the card Authenticate the transaction at the time of the transaction and for audit purposes Verify the Cardholder. Page 14 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 3.2 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Dual Interface Support A dual interface card is one that is capable of transacting over both a contact and contactless interface. The functionality required of an American Express payment application over a contact interface is defined in this manual. The functionality required of an American Express payment application over a contactless interface is defined in the Expresspay Terminal Specification [XP-TERM]. Terminal and card behavior over the contactless interface is beyond the scope of the AEIPS manuals. However, Terminals meeting this manual will successfully process dual interface cards when used on the contact interface. 3.3 Mandatory and Optional Functionality Summary 3.3.1 Functions AEIPS Terminals must support the mandatory functions listed in Table 3-1 below. An Acquirer can then decide whether to make use of these functions or not. Unless noted, it should be assumed that mandatory parts of EMV are mandatory under AEIPS. Where AIEPS requirements differ from EMV on the presence of these functions, then this is highlighted in bold in Table 3-1. Optional functions may be supported at the Acquirer’s discretion. Conditional functions must be supported if the associated condition is true. Table 3-1: AEIPS Terminal Functionality Requirements Online Only Terminals (e.g. ATMs) Online Capable Terminals Function Offline Only Terminals Application Selection Directory Method Explicit Selection Method Partial Name Selection Enabled Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Initiate Application Processing Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Read Application Data Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Offline Data Authentication SDA Standard DDA Combined DDA/AC Generation CRL checking of Issuer PKC Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory N/S Optional Optional Optional Optional N/S Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory N/S Processing Restrictions Application Version Number Application Usage Control Effective Date Check Expiration Date Check Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Cardholder Verification Signature Online PIN Offline PIN No CVM Mandatory Mandatory Conditional* Optional Conditional** Mandatory Mandatory Conditional* Optional Conditional** Mandatory Mandatory N/S Optional Conditional** Terminal Risk Management Velocity Checking New Card Check Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory 1st Terminal Action Analysis TACs Mandatory*** TACs Mandatory*** TACs Mandatory*** 1st Card Action Analysis N/A N/A N/A Page 15 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Online Only Terminals (e.g. ATMs) Online Capable Terminals Function Offline Only Terminals Online Processing Online Capability Issuer Authentication Mandatory Mandatory N/S 2nd Terminal Action Analysis Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory 2nd Card Action Analysis N/A N/A N/A Issuer Script Processing Secure Messaging Mandatory Mandatory N/S Transaction Completion Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory * Online PIN is mandatory for cash advance transactions. ** No CVM is mandatory for CATs *** It is mandatory that TACs are present. 3.3.2 Commands The table below indicates the command requirements for an AEIPS-compliant Terminal to support the Chip Card commands defined in [EMV4.3iii]. Table 3-2: AEIPS Command Terminal Support Requirements Command AEIPS Terminal Support EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Mandatory GENERATE AC Mandatory GET CHALLENGE Mandatory GET DATA Mandatory GET PROCESSING OPTIONS Mandatory GET RESPONSE Mandatory INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Mandatory READ RECORD Mandatory SELECT Mandatory VERIFY Mandatory Page 16 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 3.3.3 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL AEIPS Command Non-Specific Status Words The table below indicates the status word responses that an AEIPS-compliant card may generate in response to errors processing commands. Additional status words representing particular errors specific to a command can be found in the appropriate section of the document. The order column indicates the order in which error checking will be performed by the card. Table 3-3: AEIPS Command Non-Specific Status Words Order Error Condition Status Word 1 When any command is attempted with an CLA byte not equal to one of ‘00’, ‘04’, ‘80’, ‘84’. 6E00 2 When a command is attempted with an INS byte not equal to one of: ‘A4’, ‘A8’, ‘B2’, ‘CA’, ‘20’, ‘88’, ‘AE’, ‘82’, ‘1E’, ‘24’, ‘DA’, ‘18’. 6D00 3 When a supported card command completes processing without error 9000 Page 17 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 4 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Application Selection Insert card Application selection Init application processing Read application data Cardholder verification Terminal risk management Terminal 1st terminal action Application analysis selection Offline data authentication Issuer authentication 2nd terminal action analysis Online processing 2nd card action analysis Card N Offline data SELECT List supportedauthentication Y Unable to applicationsCDA sig check READ RECORD go online 1st card action analysis Issuer script processing Y Processing restrictions Offline data authentication CDA sig check Online transaction N Transaction completion Remove card Figure 4-1: Application Selection Detail 4.1 Overview When an AEIPS Chip Card is presented to a Terminal, the Terminal determines, and optionally displays, a list of applications supported by both Chip Card and Terminal. In the case where the list is displayed, the Cardholder selects the desired application from the available list. When the Terminal does not support Cardholder selection the terminal selects the application according its priority. During Application Selection, the Chip Card and Terminal determine which of the applications that are supported by both will be used to conduct the transaction. Two steps are performed: Build the candidate list: The Terminal builds a list of mutually supported applications. Application selection: A single application from the candidate list is identified and selected for the following transaction. 4.2 Commands SELECT READ RECORD To support Application Selection as described in [EMV4.3i] Sections 11.2 and 11.3, the Terminal must support the READ RECORD and the SELECT commands. Page 18 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 4.3 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Processing Requirements Card Application selection consists of a number of stages: Card Insertion and Power Up Sequence Answer to Reset Application Selection – Building the Candidate List Application Selection – Choosing the Required Application. 4.3.1 Chip Card Insertion and Power Up Sequence Terminals must be fully compliant to the requirements detailed in [EMV4.3i] Part I – Electromechanical Characteristics and Logical Interface and Transmission Protocols. 4.3.2 Answer to Reset The Chip Card reader must be fully compliant with the requirements of [EMV4.3i] Part II – Electromechanical Characteristics and Logical Interface and Transmission Protocols. This details the electromechanical characteristics and transmission protocols to be used for communication between Chip Card and Terminal. Protocol Support Two transmission protocols are defined in the EMV Specifications: T = 0 – Character-oriented asynchronous half-duplex transmission protocol T = 1 – Block-oriented asynchronous half-duplex transmission protocol. The Terminal must be capable of supporting both protocols. If a Chip Card does not support a protocol which is supported by the Terminal, i.e., other than T=0 or T=1, fallback to magnetic stripe must apply. 4.3.3 Application Selection – Building the Candidate List Applications are identified by Application Identifiers (AIDs). AIDs are intended to identify a Chip Card product or service provider, i.e., American Express Charge Card, American Express Credit Card, etc. The following EMV documents detail the Terminal requirements for the support of the EMV Application Selection process: [EMV4.3i] Section 12 [EMV4.3iv] Section 11.3. Note that EMV4.3 removes other DDF entries from the PSE DDF directory. However, terminals must continue to process application selection of PSE with DDF entries in accordance with previous versions of EMV and as detailed in [ISO7816-4] until the cards are replaced. EMV specifies two methods for identifying the candidate list of applications for selection: Using a Terminal held list of supported AIDs, as described in [EMV4.3i] Section 12.3.3 Using the Payment Systems Environment (PSE), as described in [EMV4.3i] Section 12.3.2. Terminals compliant with this manual must support both methods. If the PSE is present on the card then the PSE selection method must be attempted first. If either the card does not have a PSE, or PSE processing does not identify a suitable application, the Terminal must use a list of AIDs it supports to build the candidate list. Additionally, all AEIPS compliant terminals must support the use of partial name selection, as described in [EMV4.3i] Section 11.3.5. If there are no applications supported by both the Chip Card and Terminal, the transaction must be terminated. Page 19 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL The Registered Application Provider Identifier (RID) assigned to American Express is ‘A000000025’. 4.3.4 Application Selection – Choosing the Required Application There are three scenarios depending on the display capabilities and environment of the terminal: Terminal supports Cardholder selection - if the Terminal supports Cardholder selection, the Cardholder must be presented with an application list in priority order. If the Cardholder does not select an application, the transaction must be terminated. Terminal supports Cardholder confirmation - if the Terminal supports Cardholder confirmation, then it will select the highest priority application and must ask for Cardholder confirmation. If the Cardholder confirms, the application must be selected. Otherwise the Terminal must select the next highest priority application, until the Cardholder confirms, or no further applications exist. If the Cardholder does not select an application, the transaction must be terminated. Terminal does not support Cardholder selection or confirmation - if the Terminal does not support application selection or confirmation by the Cardholder, the Terminal must select the highest priority application that does not require Cardholder confirmation. The application priority is indicated by the value of the Application Priority Indicator read from the Chip Card. The Application Priority Indicator also defines whether a particular application requires specific Cardholder confirmation before use in a transaction. Operational design and Terminal location should take this into account if a Terminal is going to support such applications. If as a result of application selection a list is presented to the Cardholder, it must be in priority sequence, with the highest priority application listed first. If there is no priority sequence specified in the card, the list should be in the order in which the applications were encountered in the card, unless the terminal has its own preferred order. The same applies where duplicate priorities are assigned to multiple applications or individual entries are missing the Application Priority Indicator i.e. the terminal may use its own preferred order or display the duplicate priority or nonprioritized applications in the order encountered in the card. If there is only one AEIPS application supported by both the Chip Card and Terminal, the Terminal may select it automatically without involving the Cardholder if the payment application does not require cardholder confirmation If there is only one AEIPS application supported by both the Chip Card and Terminal which requires cardholder confirmation, then explicit Cardholder selection must ensue. Once the Terminal has identified the application to be used for the transaction, it must be selected by the Terminal using the SELECT command, as defined in [EMV4.3i] Section 11.3 SELECT Command-Response APDUs. Page 20 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 5 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Initiate Application Processing Insert card Application selection Cardholder verification Issuer authentication 2nd terminal action analysis Init application processing Terminal risk management Online processing 2nd card action analysis Read application data 1st terminal action Terminal analysis N Y Card Unable to go online Initiate st Offline data 1 card GET action PROCESSING application analysis authentication OPTIONS processing Y Processing restrictions Offline data authentication CDA sig check Offline data authentication CDA sig check Supported functions & Issuer script pointers to processing application data Online transaction N Transaction completion Remove card Figure 5-1: Initiate Application Processing Detail 5.1 Overview If an AEIPS application is selected, the Terminal requests that the Chip Card presents the location of the data to be used for the current transaction and the functions supported. The GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command signals the Chip Card to return the Application File Locator (AFL) and Application Interchange Profile (AIP). The AFL is a list of parameters identifying the files and records to be read from the Chip Card used in processing the transaction. The AIP indicates the capabilities of the Chip Card to support specific functions of the application to be taken into consideration by the Terminal when determining how to process the transaction. 5.2 Commands GET PROCESSING OPTIONS To support Initiate Application Processing, the Terminal must support the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 6.5.8. 5.3 Processing Requirements The Terminal must determine whether the optional Processing Data Object List (PDOL) was supplied by the Chip Card application in response to the application selection. If the PDOL is used, the Terminal must format the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command to include any data elements requested in the PDOL to be sent to the Chip Card with this command. If the PDOL is not present, the Terminal must format the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command with the command data field of ‘8300’. Page 21 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL The Terminal must format the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command according to [EMV4.3iii] Section 6.5.8. During Application Initiation, the Terminal signals the Chip Card that processing of the transaction is beginning. Initiate Application Processing must be performed as described in [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.1, and [EMV4.3iv] Section 6.3.1 and store the AFL and AIP returned from the Chip Card. If the response from the Chip Card returns SW1 SW2 = ‘6985’ indicating that ‘Conditions of use are not satisfied’, the Terminal must remove the current application from the list of mutually supported applications (the candidate list) and return to Application Selection (See Section 4). If the response from the Chip Card does not contain both the AFL and AIP then the Terminal must remove the current application from the list of mutually supported applications (the candidate list) and return to Application Selection (See Section 4). If the response from the Chip Card returns the AFL and AIP, the Terminal must proceed to Read Application Data (See Section 6). Page 22 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 6 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Read Application Data Insert card Terminal Application selection Init application processing Card Cardholder verification 2nd terminal action Provide analysis Issuer authentication Read application READ RECORD application data Terminal risk records 2nd card action Online processing management analysis Read application data Offline data authentication 1st terminal action analysis 1st card action analysis N Y Unable to go online Offline data authentication CDA sig check Issuer script processing Y Processing restrictions Offline data authentication CDA sig check Online transaction N Transaction completion Remove card Figure 6-1: Read Application Data Detail 6.1 Overview The Terminal reads the data from the location presented by the Chip Card AFL. The Terminal reads any Chip Card data necessary for completing the transaction using the READ RECORD command. The AFL is a list identifying the files and records that must be used in the processing of a transaction. The files that are read may be used for application purposes or as authentication data used during Offline Data Authentication (See Section 7). 6.2 Commands READ RECORD AEIPS compliant Terminals must support the READ RECORD command as described in [EMV4.3iii] Section 6.5.11. 6.3 Processing Requirements The Terminal must read all data records specified in the AFL. It is mandatory that the READ RECORD command be performed as defined in [EMV4.3i] Section 11.2. All data read successfully from the Chip Card must be stored by the Terminal and used when required during the transaction. If a processing error occurs during this read record phase, the transaction must be aborted. It is not the Terminal’s responsibility to ensure the integrity of the data read from the Chip Card unless it is a specific requirement of the EMV specifications. As long as the data retrieved within a read record command correctly breaks down into valid Tag/Length/Value (TLV) data elements, the Terminal can assume it is valid, and the integrity of the data element placed in a Chip Card is the responsibility of the Issuer. Page 23 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Terminal vendors must ensure that an invalid data element value does not cause the Terminal to become unusable or lock up. Data validation (missing or erroneous data on the Chip Card) is detailed in [EMV4.3iii] Section 7.5, in particular the Terminal Verification Results (TVR) byte 1, bit 6 must be set according to [EMV4.3iii] Table 31. Page 24 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 7 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Offline Data Authentication Insert card Application selection Cardholder verification 2nd terminal action analysis Issuer authentication Terminal Init application processing Card Terminal risk management data 2nd card action analysis Generate Online processing Offline INTERNAL authentication AUTHENTICATE N part 11st terminal action (only if DDA) Read application data Offline data authentication analysis dynamic Offline data cryptogram Y 1st card action analysis Unable to go online authentication CDA sig check Issuer script processing Y Processing restrictions Offline data authentication CDA sig check Online transaction N Transaction completion Remove card Figure 7-1: Offline Data Authentication Detail 7.1 Overview Offline Data Authentication is a mechanism intended to prove that certain significant card data elements have not been altered after the Chip Card was issued. “Static” data authentication proves that data is not counterfeit and “dynamic” data authentication proves that the data is not cloned. The three forms of data authentication are: Static Data Authentication (SDA) Dynamic Data Authentication (DDA) Combined DDA/Application Cryptogram Generation (CDA). The Terminal determines whether it should authenticate the Chip Card offline using either static or dynamic data authentication based upon the Chip Card support for these methods. Offline Data Authentication results are used when the Chip Card and Terminal decide whether to approve the transaction offline, go online for approval or to decline the transaction. Offline Data Authentication uses Public Key Cryptography. Figure 7-2 shows the one-to-one and the one-tomany relationships in the American Express Public Key Scheme. At the top of the trust tree there is the American Express EMV Certificate Authority (CA). Directly under this, each issuing Participant has a CA and each issues many Chip Cards. Each AEIPS-compliant Chip Card holds the Issuer’s Public Key Certificate which is signed by an American Express EMV CA private key. Each payment application on an AEIPScompliant Chip Card may hold an Application DDA Private Key and Public Key Certificate which is signed by an Issuer CA Private Key. For the cryptographic scheme to work, each Terminal need only hold the set of American Express EMV CA Public Keys. Page 25 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL AMERICAN EXPRESS ACQUIRER Previous American Express CA key pairs, still in use Live American Express CA Public Keys Current American Express CA key pair ISSUER ALL TERMINALS Issuer Key Pair (one per BIN Range) SDA Cards Issuer Public Key Certificate (Signed with American Express CA Private Key) Live American Express CA Public Keys DDA / CDA Cards Issuer Public Key Certificate (Signed with American Express CA Private Key) Issuer Public Key Certificate (Signed with American Express CA Private Key) Application DDA Key Pair (one per card application, can also be used for PIN Encipherment) Application PIN Encipherment Key Pair (one per card application, optional) Application DDA Public Key Certificate (Signed with the Issuer Private Key) Application PIN Encipherment Public Key Certificate (Signed with the Issuer Private Key) Figure 7-2: Key Hierarchy Note: The Application DDA keys may also be used for offline PIN encipherment during cardholder verification. Alternatively, a payment application may include a separate Application PIN encipherment Public and Private Key if this function is supported, and is shown in the figure. Section 9 describes cardholder verification. 7.1.1 Static Data Authentication (SDA) SDA validates a fixed cryptographic signature over data elements held within the Chip Card to assure that this data has not been altered since Chip Card personalization. The Terminal uses the Issuer Public Key retrieved from the Chip Card to decrypt the data from the Chip Card and make sure that the hash obtained Page 26 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL in this way matches a hash of the actual data objects retrieved from the Chip Card. If these hashes do not match, then offline SDA fails. During SDA, the Chip Card is passive and the Terminal is active. The Chip Card provides the data to be validated but the terminal carries out all the computation. 7.1.2 Dynamic Data Authentication (DDA) DDA is an offline authentication technique in which the Chip Card and the Terminal are both active and capable of executing a Public/Private Key algorithm. DDA validates not only that the Chip Card data has not been altered but also that the data is being read from a genuine card and is not a copy. As part of DDA processing the Terminal verifies the Chip Card static data has not been altered in a similar manner to SDA. In addition, the Terminal validates that the card is genuine in a separate process by requesting that the Chip Card generates a cryptogram using dynamic (transaction unique) data from the Chip Card and Terminal and a Chip Card Application DDA Private Key. The Terminal decrypts this dynamic signature using the Chip Card Application DDA Public Key recovered from Chip Card data. A match of the decrypted data to a hash of the original data verifies that the Chip Card is not a counterfeit. 7.1.3 Combined DDA / Application Cryptogram Generation (CDA) CDA was introduced to EMV to enable transactions to be performed more efficiently and securely by directly linking the Application Cryptogram used in authorization and settlement with the offline authentication process. CDA is an offline authentication mechanism that uses a similar technique to DDA, but combines the generation of the offline authentication signature with the generation of the Application Cryptogram. This means that the Terminal does not perform offline data authentication processing as a separate process but as part of the processing of the Application Cryptogram produced by the card as a result of Card Action Analysis (Sections 12 and 16). 7.2 Commands READ RECORD INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE (DDA Only) The data elements used for Offline Data Authentication are read from the Chip Card by the Terminal using the READ RECORD command during the “Read Application Data” phase of the transaction. If supported, the INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command must be performed as specified in [EMV4.3iii] Section 6.5.9 INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command-Response APDUs. Only one INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command must be supported per transaction. Page 27 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 7.3 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Processing Requirements AEIPS requires that all Terminals are capable of performing Offline Data Authentication except Terminals operating in certain ‘online only’ environments, for example ATMs. Offline Data Authentication can take three forms as described in the EMV 4.3 specifications. AEIPScompliant Terminals must support: Static Data Authentication (SDA) Dynamic Data Authentication (DDA) Combined DDA/Application Cryptogram Generation (CDA). Offline Data Authentication must be performed as described in [EMV4.3ii] Sections 5 and 6, and [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.3. TVR bits affected include byte 1, bits 8, 7, 4 and 3. If Offline Data Authentication is not performed, then TVR byte 1, bit 8 must be set to “1”. The Terminal must determine Chip Card authentication using SDA, DDA or CDA based on the Chip Card support for these methods as indicated in the AIP of the Chip Card. When Offline Data Authentication is to be performed, CDA has the highest priority and if the Chip Card supports it, then CDA must be performed. If the card only supports DDA and/or SDA then DDA must be attempted. If the Chip Card does not support either type of dynamic data authentication, but does support Static Data Authentication (SDA), then SDA must be performed. Any Terminal that has the ability to complete a transaction offline (i.e., without positive online authorization from the Issuer of the Chip Card) must support and perform Offline Data Authentication (subject to the Chip Card indicating Offline Data Authentication is supported in the AIP). EMV optionally supports the use of a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) to enable the listing of Issuer Public Key Certificates that a Payment Scheme has revoked. American Express does not support the use of CRLs for this purpose at this time. 7.3.1 American Express Scheme CA Keys In order that Offline Data Authentication can be performed by a Terminal, the Terminal must be configured with the necessary American Express Certificate Authority (CA) Public Keys. American Express will distribute the American Express CA Public Keys (CAPKs) to Acquirers of American Express Chip Card transactions. The Acquirers are responsible for the distribution of the American Express CAPKs to all Terminals that support Offline Data Authentication. Terminals must be able to store and use a minimum of six American Express CAPKs and associated data, permitting all keys to be available for use during the processing of a Chip Card transaction. The CAPKs, their related data elements that a Terminal must hold along with details of the format in which the CAPKs are distributed by American Express are shown in the American Express Terminal Guide [ATG]. 7.3.2 Static Data Authentication (SDA) If Static Data Authentication is to be performed, then the Terminal must: Check that the CAPK identified by the Card is configured. If Static Data Authentication is to be performed then this must be performed as described in [EMV4.3ii] Sections 5 and 6, and [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.3. If the CAPK is not present or is invalid, then SDA fails and the Terminal must set the TVR byte 1 bit 7 to “1” (SDA Failed). The Terminal must set the TVR byte 1 bit 2 “SDA selected” to “1”. During SDA the Terminal will validate the Signed Static Application Data read from the Chip Card. If SDA fails, the Terminal must set the TVR byte 1, bit 7 “SDA Failed” bit to ”1”. Page 28 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 7.3.3 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Dynamic Data Authentication (DDA) If Standard Dynamic Data Authentication, as described in [EMV4.3ii] Section 6.5, is to be performed, the INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command must be issued to the Chip Card as described in [EMV4.3iii] Section 6.5.9 Command-Response APDUs. The INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command must include a concatenation of the data elements identified in the Dynamic Authentication Data Object List (DDOL) read from the Chip Card, or in the event that the DDOL is not present in the Chip Card the Terminal must use the Default DDOL (tag ‘9F37’) present in the Terminal. In all cases the DDOL must contain the Unpredictable Number (tag ‘9F37’) otherwise DDA is considered by the Terminal to have failed. If DDA is to be performed, then the Terminal must check that the CAPK identified by the Card is configured. If the CAPK is not present or is invalid, then DDA fails and the Terminal must set the TVR byte 1 bit 4 to “1” (DDA Failed). During DDA the Terminal must validate the Signed Dynamic Application Data returned by the card in the response to the INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command. If DDA fails the Terminal must set the TVR byte 1, bit 4 “DDA Failed” to ”1”. 7.3.4 Combined DDA/AC Generation (CDA) If CDA is to be performed, the INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command is not issued to the Chip Card. Instead, CDA can be requested by a Terminal in the following circumstances: st When requesting a TC as part of 1 GENERATE AC When requesting an ARQC as part of 1 GENERATE AC When requesting a TC as part of 2 st nd GENERATE AC. Terminals supporting Offline Data Authentication have 4 operating modes for when requesting an online cryptogram from the Chip Card and processing an approved online authorization: st CDA to be requested on 1 and 2 nd GENERATE AC st CDA to be requested on 1 but not the 2 st nd GENERATE AC nd CDA is not requested on 1 or 2 GENERATE AC CDA to be requested only on the 2 nd GENERATE AC. Terminals can be configured to support any one of the modes for AEIPS transactions. American Express st nd recommends that terminals request CDA on both the 1 and 2 GENERATE AC, which corresponds to CDA Mode 1 in [EMV4.3ii] Table 30. If requested, CDA processing is performed following Card Action Analysis and is described in Sections 12 and 16. st nd If CDA is to be performed, either following the 1 and / or 2 GENERATE AC, the Terminal must check that the CAPK identified by the card is configured. If the CAPK is not present then CDA shall be considered to have failed, CDA must not be requested in the GENAC and the Terminal must set the TVR byte 1, bit 3 “CDA Failed” to “1”. Page 29 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 8 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Processing Restrictions Insert card Application selection Cardholder verification Issuer authentication 2nd terminal action analysis Init application processing Terminal risk management Online processing 2nd card action analysis Terminal Read application data Offline data authentication N st 1 terminal action analysis Processing restrictionsst Card Y Unable to go online 1 card action analysis Offline data authentication CDA sig check Issuer script processing Y Processing restrictions Offline data authentication CDA sig check Online transaction N Transaction completion Remove card Figure 8-1: Processing Restrictions Detail 8.1 Overview The Terminal performs a number of checks to see whether the transaction should be allowed. Parameters that can effect this decision include the effective and expiration date for the Chip Card, whether the application versions of the Chip Card and Terminal match, and whether any Application Usage Control restrictions are in effect. An Issuer may use Application Usage Controls to restrict a Chip Card’s use for cash, goods or services. The Terminal uses the data gathered from the Chip Card during Read Application Data (See Section 6) to ascertain the particular restrictions under which this transaction can be carried out. 8.2 Processing Requirements The Terminal must perform Processing Restrictions, as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.4 and [EMV4.3iv] Sections 6.3.3, to see whether the transaction should be allowed. Processing Restrictions cover the following mandatory checks to be performed by the Terminal: Comparison of the Chip Card Application Version Number, if present in the Chip Card, to a Terminal-resident Application Version Number. The Terminal must store an Application Version Number for each Application Identifier (AID) supported by the Terminal. If the Chip Card Application Version Number and Terminal-resident Application Version Number are not the same, then the Terminal must set the TVR byte 2 bit 8 to “1” as described in [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.4.1. Application Usage Control - This is used to determine if any geographical or transaction type restrictions have been imposed on the Chip Card product, e.g., it may be used to restrict a Chip Card’s use for domestic or international cash, or goods and services: Domestic Usage Check - If the Issuer Country Code read from the Chip Card is equal to the Terminal Country Code, the transaction is defined as ‘Domestic’. The Terminal checks that the transaction type (e.g., Cash, Goods or Services) for the transaction being processed is Page 30 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL permitted in a ‘Domestic’ environment according to the Chip Card’s Application Usage Control (AUC). International Usage Check - If the Issuer Country Code read from the Chip Card is not equal to the Terminal Country Code, the transaction is defined as ‘International’. The Terminal checks that the transaction type for the transaction being processed is permitted in an ‘International’ environment according to the Chip Card’s Application Usage Control (AUC). Transaction Environment Check – If the Terminal is an ATM the Terminal checks that the Chip Card’s AUC has the bit “Valid for use at an ATM” set to 1. If the Terminal is other than an ATM (e.g., POS), the Terminal must verify that the Chip Card’s AUC has the bit “Valid at Terminals other than an ATM” set to “1”. If any of the above checks fail, the Terminal must set byte 2 bit 5 of the TVR to “1” indicating that the “Requested Service is not Allowed for Card Product”. Effective and Expiration Date Checking – These checks ensure that the application is not pre-valid and not expired. If the transaction date is prior to the Application Effective Date, the Terminal must set the TVR byte 2 bit 6 (Application not effective yet) to “1”. If the transaction date is past the Application Expiration Date, the Terminal must set the TVR byte 2 bit 7 (Expired application date) to “1”. The outcomes of the above checks are evaluated against a set of Issuer Action Codes and Terminal Action Codes resident in the Chip Card and Terminal respectively during Terminal Action Analysis (See Section 11). Page 31 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 9 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Cardholder Verification Insert card Application selection Cardholder verification Issuer authentication 2nd terminal action analysis Init application processing Terminal risk management Online processing 2nd card action analysis Terminal Read application data Cardholder Offline data verification authentication Processing restrictions Card 1st terminal action GET CHALLENGE analysis (if offline enc. PIN) Offline data Generate unpred.authentication Y number CDA sig check Unable to go online GET DATA 1st card action (optional analysis if offline N Remaining PIN Issuer script try counter processing PIN) VERIFY (ifdata offline PIN) Offline authentication CDA sig check Y Validate PIN Online transaction N Transaction completion Remove card Figure 9-1: Cardholder Verification Detail 9.1 Overview Cardholder Verification is used to determine that the Cardholder is legitimate and that the Chip Card has not been lost or stolen. The Chip Card’s Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List is used by the Terminal to identify the highest priority CVM that both the Chip Card and Terminal support. The Terminal reads this list, and when a match of the conditions required by the Chip Card and the methods supported by the Terminal is found, that CVM method is selected. 9.2 Commands GET DATA GET CHALLENGE VERIFY If the Chip Card and Terminal support offline PIN the Terminal must use the GET DATA command to read the Remaining PIN Try Counter as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 6.5.7 GET DATA Command-Response APDUs. This enables the Terminal to identify a blocked PIN without having to issue a VERIFY command. For offline PIN processing, if supported, the Terminal application must support the VERIFY command, as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 6.5.12. If enciphered offline PIN is supported, the Terminal application must also support the GET CHALLENGE command, as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 6.5.6. Page 32 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 9.3 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Processing Requirements Cardholder Verification must be supported by the Terminal as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.5 and [EMV4.3iv] Section 6.3.4. CVM Processing is shown in Figure 9-2 and described in the following. 9.3 CVM Processing Card Supports CVM? No Yes Create list of supported CVM methods No ‘Online PIN’ is removed from list of acceptable CVM types Terminal & Infrastructure Online PIN capable? Yes CVM List processing EMV4.3iii 10.5 Mutually supported CVM found? No TVR: Cardholder Verification was not successful CVM Results set as EMV4.3iv Yes Process CVM 9.3.1 Online PIN 9.3.2 Offline PIN 9.3.3 other CVM 10 Terminal Risk Management Figure 9-2: Cardholder Verification Terminal Process Flow If the AIP returned by the card in response to the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command indicates that Cardholder Verification is supported, the Terminal must perform Cardholder Verification processing as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.5 and [EMV4.3iv] Section 6.3.4. In particular, processing continues as follows: The Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List present on the Chip Card drives the Cardholder Verification processing requirements. A Terminal must not attempt to use any CVM unless it is indicated to do so by the Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List. Page 33 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL If either the Terminal or the associated acquiring infrastructure for the payment system Card being processed does not support the Cardholder Verification Method of Online PIN, then the Terminal must not include ‘Online PIN’ as one of its supported methods (see Section 9.3.1). The Terminal must process the Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.5.5. Additionally, the Terminal must perform the operations described for individual CVMs as described in the following Sections 9.3.2 and 9.3.3. If the result of CVM processing is a CVM fail then the Terminal must set the TVR byte 3 bit 8 (Cardholder verification was not successful) to “1” as per [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.5 and CVM Results as [EMV4.3iv] Section Else AIP indicates Cardholder Verification is not supported and processing continues with Terminal Risk Management Section 10. 9.3.1 Online PIN If the CVM for the transaction is Online PIN, the Terminal must prompt for PIN irrespective of the status of the Chip Card’s Offline PIN (i.e., including the case where the Chip Card’s Offline PIN Try Limit is exceeded). Furthermore, the terminal must perform an online transaction with the Issuer to complete CVM checking and hence must not request an offline approval during Terminal Action Analysis (section 11). If the Online PIN is entered and accepted by the Terminal, the Terminal must set the Terminal Verification Results (TVR) byte 3 bit 3 (“Online PIN Entered”) to “1”, and the result of the CVM is considered to be successful. If a terminal is to support Online PIN then both the Point of Sale Terminal and the acquiring infrastructure (message protocols, etc.) must be able to support inclusion of the Online PIN in the authorization request sent to American Express. The terminal and the acquiring infrastructure must be certified for Online PIN before the Terminal is considered capable of supporting Online PIN as a CVM. 9.3.2 Offline PIN Offline PIN processing proceeds as shown in Figure 9-3. Page 34 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL 9.3.2 Offline PIN Issue GET DATA for PIN Try Counter EMV4.3iii 6.5.7 Yes No PIN Tries = 0? PIN Tries = 1? Yes No TVR: PIN Try Limit Exceeded Process CVM List Entry Prompt for PIN Entry Fail CVM? Enciphered PIN? No Next CVM in CVM List processing EMV4.3iii 10.5 Yes Prompt Last PIN Try Yes Issue GET CHALLENGE EMV4.3iii 6.5.6 and EMV4.3ii 7.1 & 7.2 No TVR: Cardholder Verification was not successful CVM Results set as EMV4.3iv PIN returned from PIN Pad Issue VERIFY EMV4.3iii 6.5.12 CVM Results: ‘Successful’ CVM Processing Complete Yes PIN OK? SW=9000 No PIN Tries left in SW 10 Terminal Risk Management Figure 9-3: Offline PIN Terminal Process Flow All AEIPS-compliant Chip Cards supporting offline PIN verification also support the GET DATA command as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 6.5.7, for the retrieval of the Remaining PIN Try Counter. Following Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List processing if the chosen CVM for the transaction is Offline PIN or Offline Enciphered PIN, the Terminal must issue the GET DATA Command to retrieve the Remaining PIN Try Counter from the Chip Card. If the value of the Remaining PIN Try Counter is zero the Terminal must perform the following: Set the ‘PIN Try Limit Exceeded’ bit to “1” in the TVR Perform the action specified by the Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List entry (i.e., Fail Cardholder Verification, or apply next CVM) and proceed to Terminal Risk Management, Section 10, or CVM List Processing in Figure 9-2. Else If the value of the Remaining PIN Try Counter is “1” the Terminal should display a message to indicate that there is only one PIN Try Remaining, such as ‘Last PIN Try’. Page 35 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Else If the value of the Remaining PIN Try Counter is greater than zero the Terminal should prompt for PIN Entry. If the CVM for the transaction is offline enciphered PIN then prior to issuing a VERIFY Command the Terminal must issue a GET CHALLENGE Command to the Chip Card, as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 6.5.6. The Terminal must proceed with enciphered PIN key selection as described in [EMV4.3ii] Section 7.1 and processing as defined in [EMV4.3ii] Section 7.2. Following the entry of the Offline PIN the Terminal must issue the VERIFY Command to the Card including the Transaction PIN Data, as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 6.5.12. PIN verification will then be performed by the Chip Card. There are four possible outcomes of the PIN Verification performed by the Chip Card that the Terminal must handle: 1 PIN Verified OK - If the PIN is successfully verified by the Chip Card, the Card will return SW1 SW2 equal to ‘9000’ and the Terminal must confirm correct PIN entry to the Cardholder displaying a ‘PIN OK’ message or similar. Cardholder CVM is successful and processing continues with Terminal Risk Management. 2 PIN Incorrect and PIN Try Limit Not Exceeded - If the PIN verification by the Chip Card is not successful and SW1 SW2 equal to ‘63Cx’ is returned by the Chip Card (where ‘x’ is the number of PIN tries remaining), the Terminal should display a message ‘INCORRECT PIN’ and additionally a message indicating the number of attempts remaining (e.g., ‘2 PIN TRIES REMAINING’ if x = 2). If the Chip Card returns SW1 SW2 equal to ‘63C1’ indicating one PIN try remaining, the Terminal may display a message ‘LAST PIN TRY’ or similar. 3. PIN Incorrect and PIN Try Limit Exceeded on this transaction - If the PIN verification by the Chip Card is not successful and SW1 SW2 equal to “63C0” is returned by the Chip Card indicating zero remaining PIN try attempts, the Terminal must perform the following: 4. 9.3.3 Set the TVR byte 3 bit 6 (“PIN Try Limit Exceeded”) to “1”. Perform the action specified by the Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List entry (i.e., Fail Cardholder Verification, or apply next CVM) and proceed to Terminal Risk Management, Section 10 or CVM List Processing in Figure 9-2. PIN Try Limit Exceeded on Previous Transaction - If the PIN verification by the Chip Card is not successful and SW1 SW2 equal to ‘6983’ or ‘6984’ is returned by the Chip Card indicating that the PIN Try Limit exceeded on a previous transaction, the Terminal must perform the following: Set the TVR byte 3 bit 6 (“Offline PIN Try Limit Exceeded”) to “1”. Perform the action specified by the Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List entry (i.e., Fail Cardholder Verification, or apply next CVM) and proceed to Terminal Risk Management Section 10 or CVM List Processing in Figure 9-2. Other CVM Other CVMs (e.g. signature, No CVM, combination CVM) are processed as per [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.5. 9.4 PIN Pad Requirements If a PIN Pad is present, it must comply with EMV requirements as defined in [EMV4.3ii] Section 11.1, the PCI Security Standards Council PIN Transaction Security (PTS) requirements and guidelines and any additional local market requirements. American Express has no minimum requirements for PIN Pads above those of EMV, the PCI and the local market payment authorities or regulatory bodies. Page 36 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 10 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Terminal Risk Management Insert card Application selection Cardholder verification Issuer authentication 2nd terminal action analysis Init application processing Terminal risk management Online processing 2nd card action analysis Read application data Terminal 1st terminal action analysis Offline data authentication Terminal risk management Processing restrictions 1st card action analysis N Card Y Unable to go online Application Transaction Counter (ATC) GET DATA Offline data authentication CDA sig check Offline data authentication CDA sig check Issuer script processing Y Last Online ATC N Online Register transaction Transaction completion Remove card Figure 10-1: Terminal Risk Management Detail 10.1 Overview Terminal Risk Management performs a series of checks to determine whether: The transaction is over the merchant Network Floor Limit The account number is on an optional Terminal exception file The Terminal limit for consecutive offline transactions has been exceeded The Chip Card is a new Chip Card The Merchant has forced the transaction online. Some transactions are randomly selected for online processing. The results of the risk management check are stored in a Terminal resident data element called Terminal Verification Results (TVR). All the required EMV-defined risk management checks are performed by the Terminal. Terminal processing decisions based on the outcome of the above checks are configurable, as determined by the Chip Card (for the Issuer) and Terminal resident data elements (for the Merchant and Acquirer) which are the Issuer Action Codes and the Terminal Action Codes respectively (See Section 11). 10.2 Commands GET DATA To support the EMV Terminal Risk Management processes, the Terminal will support the GET DATA command as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 6.5.7 GET DATA Command-Response APDUs. 10.3 Processing Requirements Terminal Risk Management must always be performed as stated in [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.6 and [EMV4.3iv] Section 6.3.5. Random transaction selection need not be performed by a Terminal without online capability. Page 37 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Online-capable Terminals and merchants must support random transaction selection and optionally a Terminal Exception File. If the transaction is randomly selected for online authorization then the TVR byte 4, bit 5 must be set to “1”. If the Terminal Exception File is used and a match is found then the TVR byte 1, bit 5 must be set to “1”. The results of the risk management check must be stored in the TVR (as defined in Section 22.3.7). Terminals must use the GET DATA Command as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 6.5.7 to retrieve the ATC (tag ‘9F36’) and the Last Online Application Transaction Counter register (tag ‘9F13’). This is used in Terminal Velocity Checking, as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.6.3. If the data is missing or erroneous the TVR byte 1, bit 6 (Card data missing) must be set to “1” according to [EMV4.3iii] Section 7.5 Table 31. If the Last Online Application Transaction Counter register value is zero then the Terminal must set the TVR byte 2, bit 4 (New Card) to “1” as per [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.6.3. Terminals may allow a merchant to force a transaction online, for example if the merchant is suspicious. If this occurs the Terminal must set the TVR byte 4, bit 4 (Merchant forced transaction online) to “1” as per [EMV4.3iv] Section 6.5.3. Where possible, terminals should be configured with a Chip Transaction Floor Limit that is distinct from the non-Chip Transaction Floor Limit. This feature allows Chip Card transactions to have their risk managed separately from magnetic stripe or manual entry transactions. Page 38 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL 11 1st Terminal Action Analysis Insert card Application selection Terminal Issuer Cardholder verification authentication 1st terminal GENERATE AC Terminal risk action analysis 2nd card action Online processing Init application processing management Read application data 1st terminal action analysis Offline data authentication 2nd terminal action Card analysis analysis 1st card action analysis N Y Unable to go online Offline data authentication CDA sig check Issuer script processing Y Processing restrictions Offline data authentication CDA sig check Online transaction N Transaction completion Remove card Figure 11-1: Terminal Action Analysis Detail 11.1 Overview st 1 Terminal Action Analysis uses the results of Offline Data Authentication, Processing Restrictions, Terminal Risk Management, Cardholder Verification (collectively known as offline-processing results) and rules set in the Chip Card and Terminal to determine whether the transaction should be approved offline, sent online for authorization, or declined offline. The Chip Card rules are set by the Issuer in fields called Issuer Action Codes (IACs) sent to the Terminal by the Chip Card. American Express rules are set in Terminal Action Codes (TACs) configured into the Terminal. After determining the transaction disposition, the Terminal requests an Application Cryptogram from the Chip Card. The Terminal processes the results with the rules to determine the type of Application Cryptogram to request from the Chip Card. 11.2 Processing Requirements The type of Application Cryptogram requested must be based upon the transaction disposition with a Transaction Certificate (TC) for an approval, an Authorization Request Cryptogram (ARQC) for a request to go online, and an Application Authentication Cryptogram (AAC) for a decline as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.7 and [EMV4.3iv] Section 6.3.6. Note that [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.7 states “The Terminal action analysis function may be executed at several places during a transaction to eliminate the need for unnecessary processing”. In line with [EMV4.3iii] AEIPS also maintains this flexibility. 1st Terminal Action Analysis comprises two stages: Checking of the Offline Processing Results Requesting a Cryptogram from the Card. Page 39 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL 11.2.1 Offline Processing Results The Terminal must examine the results of Offline processing recorded in the TVR during the Transaction so far, for example, during Terminal Risk Management. The review of the offline processing results must be performed against the Issuer Action Codes (IACs) read from the Chip Card during the ‘Read Application Data’ phase of the transaction, and the Terminal Action Codes (TACs) resident in the Terminal. The Terminal compares bit settings in the Issuer Action Codes and Terminal Action Codes to the corresponding bits in the TVR. Setting of the corresponding bit in either the IACs or TACs will determine the outcome of the Terminal action analysis as described further below. There are three sets of Issuer Action Codes and corresponding Terminal Action Codes: Table 11-1: Issuer Action Codes and corresponding Terminal Action Codes Issuer Action Code - Denial Terminal Action Code - Denial Defines conditions that determine if the Terminal must request that the transaction be declined offline Issuer Action Code - Online Terminal Action Code - Online Defines conditions that determine if the Terminal must request that the transaction be transmitted online for authorization Issuer Action Code – Default Terminal Action Code - Default Defines conditions that determine if the Terminal must request a transaction be declined that was required to be sent online but that the Terminal is unable to send online The processing to be performed by the Terminal must be as follows: The Terminal must compare the Issuer Action Codes - Denial and Terminal Action Codes - Denial with the results of the current transaction as recorded in the TVR, and if any of the corresponding bits are set, the transaction is requested to be declined and the Terminal must: Set the Cryptogram type to be requested in the GENERATE AC Command to Application Authentication Cryptogram (AAC). Set the Authorization Response Code (ARC) to value “Z1” indicating ‘Offline Decline’. Proceed to Section 11.2.2. 1 If the Action Codes and TVR do not indicate that an AAC is required, the subsequent processing is determined by the capability of the Terminal to go online: 1. If the Terminal has the capability to connect online for authorization, the Terminal must compare the Issuer Action Codes - Online and Terminal Action Codes - Online with the results of the current transaction as recorded in the TVR, and if any of the corresponding bits are set, the Transaction is requested to be transmitted online for authorization and the Terminal must: Set the Cryptogram type to be requested in the GENERATE AC Command to Authorization Request Cryptogram (ARQC). Proceed to Section 11.2.2. 2. If the Terminal has the capability to connect online for authorization, but none of the corresponding bits in the Decline and Online Action Codes are set, the transaction is requested to be approved offline and the Terminal must: Set the Cryptogram type to be requested in the GENERATE AC Command to Transaction Certificate Cryptogram (TC). Set the Authorization Response Code (ARC) to value “Y1” indicating ‘Offline Approved’. 1 While the Authorization Response Code is not submitted to the Chip Card with the 1 st GENERATE AC it is important st that the Terminal still set it during 1 Terminal Action Analysis for settlement, advice and receipt printing purposes. Page 40 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Proceed to Section 11.2.2. 3. If the Terminal does not have the capability to connect online, or the online transaction cannot complete, the Terminal must compare the Issuer Action Codes - Default and Terminal Action Codes - Default with the results of the current transaction as recorded in the TVR, and if any of the corresponding bits are set, the transaction is requested to be declined and the Terminal must: Set the Cryptogram type to be requested in the GENERATE AC Command to Application Authentication Cryptogram (AAC). Set the Authorization Response Code (ARC) to value “Z3” indicating ‘Offline Decline as Unable to go Online’. Proceed to Section 11.2.2. 4. If the terminal has requested and obtained an online PIN from the cardholder for verification, the terminal must not request an offline approval from the Chip Card regardless of other risk settings (including IACs or TACs). 5. If none of the above checks result in the Transaction being declined or sent online for authorization, the transaction is requested to be approved offline and the Terminal must: Set the Cryptogram type to be requested in the GENERATE AC Command to Transaction Certificate Cryptogram (TC). Set the Authorization Response Code (ARC) to value “Y3” indicating ‘Offline Approved as Unable to go Online’. Proceed to Section 11.2.2. 11.2.2 Request Application Cryptogram in 1st GENERATE AC The 1st Terminal Action Analysis processing concludes with the issuance of the 1st GENERATE AC Command to the Chip Card, as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 6.5.5. The Terminal must format the GENERATE AC Command to request a TC, an AAC, or an ARQC from the Chip Card dependent on the results of the review of the offline processing results described in Section 11.2.1. A request for a TC indicates that the Terminal is requesting that the Transaction be approved offline. A request for an AAC indicates that the Terminal is requesting that the transaction be declined offline. A request for an ARQC indicates that the Terminal is requesting that the transaction be sent online for authorization. As a result of the issuance of the GENERATE AC Command by the Terminal the Chip Card will (on completion of any Card Risk Management) return an Application Cryptogram to the Terminal. The Card may in some circumstances override the Terminal’s decision for the Transaction disposition (Approve, Decline, st Go Online) in accordance with the rules defined in 1 Card Action Analysis (See Section 12). An Application Cryptogram must be requested using the GENERATE AC command, as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 6.5.5 GENERATE APPLICATION CRYPTOGRAM Command-Response APDUs. If the Chip Card supports CDA and the Terminal is to request an ARQC, then the Terminal must determine st if CDA is to be requested in the 1 GENERATE AC through a configured CDA Mode, as described in [EMV4.3ii] Annex D4. When CDA is required the terminal must set the “CDA signature requested” bit in the Reference Control Parameter of the GENERATE AC command and the Terminal must perform CDA upon receipt of the GENERATE AC response as defined in [EMV4.3ii] Section 6.6. Page 41 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL 12 1st Card Action Analysis Terminal Card 1st card action GENERATE AC analysis & nd generate Cardholder Issuer 2 terminal action AC Offline data verification authentication analysis response authentication CDA sig check nd Insert card 1st terminal action analysis Application selection Init application processing Terminal risk management Read application data 1st terminal action analysis 1st card action analysis Offline data authentication 2 Online processing Online N transaction Y Unable to go online card action analysis Offline data authentication CDA sig check Issuer script processing Y Offline data authentication CDA sig check Processing restrictions Online transaction N Transaction completion Remove card Figure 12-1: 1st Card Action Analysis Detail 12.1 Overview st st Upon receiving the 1 GENEATE AC command from the Terminal, the Chip Card performs the 1 Card Action Analysis where Card Risk Management checks are performed to determine the response to the request for a cryptogram. The Chip Card may convert a Terminal request for an offline approval to an online transaction or an offline decline. Similarly, the Chip Card may convert a Terminal request for an online transaction to an offline decline. After completion of the checks, the Chip Card generates the Application Cryptogram using application data and a secret key stored on the Chip Card. It returns this cryptogram to the Terminal. For offline-approved transactions, a TC cryptogram is generated. The TC provides non-repudiation evidence of the transaction. When a TC is generated the Terminal does not request a second cryptogram from the Chip Card and the Terminal moves directly to the processing defined in Transaction Completion (See Section 18). For offline-declined transactions, the cryptogram generated by the card is an AAC. The AAC and the data used to generate it may be transmitted in an advice message where such messages are supported. Furthermore, a specially designated Terminal may still request online authorization using the AAC in the message to the Issuer if the terminal application is to support the delivery of Issuer Scripts to the Chip Card e.g. to perform functions such as unblocking the application. For transactions to be authorized online, the Chip Card responds with an ARQC cryptogram. In this case the Terminal moves directly to the processing described in Online Processing (See Section 13), unless the nd Terminal does not have online capability, in which case it proceeds straight to 2 Terminal Action Analysis (See Section 15). The Application Cryptogram (AC) produced by the Chip Card in response to a GENERATE AC command, is used by the Issuer of the Chip Card to validate the transaction and the Chip Card. Page 42 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL If the Terminal requests CDA then the process “Offline Data Authentication CDA sig check” is performed and the card generates a dynamic signature that is returned to the terminal with the Application Cryptogram. The terminal validates the returned signature. 12.2 Commands GENERATE AC The processing described in this section is triggered when the Terminal sends a GENERATE AC command for the first time within a single financial transaction. The response to the GENERATE AC command uses Format 1 as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 12.3 Processing Requirements st 1 Card Action Analysis processing in the Chip Card is triggered by the Terminal issuing the Chip Card a GENERATE AC command. The Terminal is informed of the result of this process in the response data returned by the Chip Card. If the Terminal requested a TC from the Card, then the permitted responses from the Card include a TC, ARQC or AAC and processing continues. If the Terminal requested an ARQC from the Card, then the permitted responses from the Card include either an ARQC or AAC and processing continues. Otherwise processing must terminate. If the Terminal requested an AAC from the Card, then the permitted response from the Card includes an AAC and processing continues. Otherwise processing must terminate. Valid responses which include a TC or AAC signal that the transaction is to be completed offline and processing can move to Section 18 following a CDA check, if required. A valid response containing an ARQC signals that an online authorization is required and processing moves to Section 13 following a CDA check, if required. When CDA is being performed the Card will create a dynamic signature that includes the TC or ARQC. The Terminal must use the CAPK to validate the dynamic signature as described in [EMV4.3ii] Section 6.6. If an AAC is returned then CDA is not performed by the terminal as per [EMV4.3ii] Section 6.6. If CDA fails, the Terminal must perform the processing defined in [EMV4.3iv] Section 6.3.2, in particular: The Terminal must set TVR byte 1 bit 3, indicating that CDA failed If the Cryptogram Information Data (CID) indicates a TC was returned by the card, the Terminal must decline the transaction without issuing a 2nd GENERATE AC command If the CID indicates that an ARQC was returned by the card, the Terminal must immediately issue a 2nd GENERATE AC command, requesting an AAC (transaction decline). Page 43 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL 13 Online Processing Insert card Application selection Host Terminal Online Online Cardholder processing verification processing Init application processing Terminal risk management Read application data 1st terminal action analysis Offline data authentication Card Issuer authentication 2nd terminal action analysis Online processing 2nd card action analysis 1st card action analysis N Y Unable to go online Offline data authentication CDA sig check Issuer script processing Y Processing restrictions Offline data authentication CDA sig check Online transaction N Transaction completion Remove card Figure 13-1: Online Processing Detail 13.1 Overview If the Chip Card or Terminal determines that the transaction requires an online authorization and the Terminal has online capability, then the Terminal transmits an online authorization message to the Issuer. This message includes the cryptogram generated by the Chip Card, the data used to generate the cryptogram and indicators showing offline processing results. An online authorization request is initiated when the response to the 1st GENERATE AC command is an ARQC. The authorization response message transmitted back to the Terminal may include an Issuer-generated Authorization Response Cryptogram (ARPC). The response may also include post-issuance updates to the Chip Card called Issuer Scripts. 13.2 Processing Requirements Online Processing must follow the procedures defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.9 and [EMV4.3iv] Section 6.3.8. Online processing facilitates card authentication and authorization in the Issuer’s host computer and to reach a decision on how to respond to the authorization request using the Issuer’s host-based risk management parameters. One of four Terminal actions can follow an Online Authorization Request (ARQC) being generated. The Terminal connects to the Acquirer and Issuer Authentication Data (tag ‘91’) is returned. On receipt of the Chip Card data the Terminal must pass the Issuer Authentication Data received from the Acquirer to the Chip Card in the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command as part of Issuer Authentication (See Section 14). The Terminal connects to the Acquirer but no Chip Card response data is returned from the Acquirer. On receipt of the Chip Card data a magnetic stripe or ‘downgraded’ response indicator is Page 44 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL received, the Terminal must derive the Authorization Response Code based on the data received from the Acquirer. The Authorization Response Code is passed to the Chip Card in the 2nd nd GENERATE AC Command. In this case, the Terminal must proceed to 2 Terminal Action Analysis (See Section 15) without performing Issuer Authentication. The Terminal is unable to connect to the Acquirer for online authorization (offline device or communications failure). The Terminal must proceed to 2nd Terminal Action Analysis as detailed in Section 15 without performing Issuer Authentication. The decision process for acceptance or rejection of the transaction must be determined by checking the “Default” Issuer Action Codes in use for that Chip Card application. The Terminal is connected to the Acquirer/Issuer and the Issuer responded with a ‘voice referral response’. In many cases a voice referral will require the card to be taken to a separate location in order for the referral to be completed (i.e., a phone point) as information on the back of a card may be asked for during the referral process. In order for the card to be left in a clean state, the transaction should continue and the Terminal should request either a TC or an AAC so that the card can be withdrawn. The terminal should display a ‘call card Issuer’ or similar prompt. Page 45 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL 14 Issuer Authentication Insert card Application selection Terminal Init application processing Issuer authentication Issuer authentication 2nd terminal action analysis Online processing 2nd card action analysis Cardholder verification Terminal risk management EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Read application data Offline data authentication Card Validate ARPC 1st terminal action analysis 1st card action analysis N Y Unable to go online Offline data authentication CDA sig check Issuer script processing Y Processing restrictions Offline data authentication CDA sig check Online transaction N Transaction completion Remove card Figure 14-1: Issuer Authentication Detail 14.1 Overview Optionally, the Issuer may return Issuer Authentication Data in the response to the online request from the Terminal. The Terminal sends this data to the Chip Card which uses it to authenticate that the Issuer host and response data is genuine. If Online Processing does not conclude with the Terminal receiving Issuer Authentication Data, the Terminal continues to 2nd Terminal Action Analysis (See Section 15). The response from the Issuer may also include post-issuance updates to the Chip Card known as Issuer Scripts (See Section 17). 14.2 Commands EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE This command is used in performing Issuer Authentication. The Terminal transmits to the Chip Card a data object called the Issuer Authentication Data, as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 6.5.4. This data must contain the mandatory Authorization Response Cryptogram (ARPC) and Authorization Response Code. The Issuer Authentication Data must consist of the following data: ARPC (eight bytes) Authorization Response Code (two bytes). 14.3 Processing Requirements If Online Processing concludes with the Terminal receiving Issuer Authentication Data, the Terminal must perform Issuer Authentication. Page 46 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Issuer Authentication is performed by the Terminal passing Issuer Authentication Data, received in the Chip Card authorization response message from the Issuer, to the Chip Card in an EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command. EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE must be performed as described in [EMV4.3iii] Section 6.5.4. If Issuer Authentication fails the TVR byte 5 bit 7 (Issuer authentication was unsuccessful) is set to “1” as per [EMV4.3iii] Annex F. Page 47 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL 15 2nd Terminal Action Analysis Insert card Application selection Init application processing Cardholder verification 2nd terminal action analysis Issuer authentication Terminal risk Terminal Online processing management 2 card action Card nd analysis nd Read application data Offline data authentication 2 terminal 1 terminalaction action analysis st N GENERATE analysis AC Y 1st card action analysis Unable to go online Offline data authentication CDA sig check Issuer script processing Y Processing restrictions Offline data authentication CDA sig check Online transaction N Transaction completion Remove card Figure 15-1: 2nd Terminal Action Analysis Detail 15.1 Overview Once any online processing is complete, the Terminal decides how to complete the transaction. In 2 Terminal Action Analysis there are three distinct cases: nd Online (Card Authenticated by Issuer): The Issuer has successfully processed the transaction and provided a response to the Terminal containing Issuer Authentication Data. Online (Card not Authenticated by Issuer): The Issuer has processed the transaction and provided a response to the Terminal without any Issuer Authentication Data in the Response. Unable to go Online: The Terminal was unable to go online or the connection to the Issuer failed before a complete Response was received. The Terminal processes the results and requests approval or decline from the Chip Card. 2nd Terminal Action Analysis occurs only if an ARQC was produced by the card in response to the 1 GENERATE AC command. 15.2 st Processing Requirements The Terminal must check the results from Online Processing to determine which cryptogram type (AAC or TC) to request the card to generate. If the Terminal went online and Issuer Authentication Data (tag ‘91’) was returned by the Issuer, the nd Terminal must request a 2 Generate Application Cryptogram and the Authorization Response Code nd submitted in the command data for the 2 GENERATE AC command must be the value provided as part of the Issuer Authentication Data. If the Terminal went online and receives an authorization response that does contain valid information regarding the transaction result, but does not contain the required chip data to perform Issuer Authentication Page 48 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL (Issuer Authentication Data), this is known as a downgraded transaction. In this case the terminal derives the Authorization Response Code based on local requirements for the disposition of the response message returned by the Acquirer. The Terminal must populate the Authorization Response Code (EMV tag ‘8A’) to nd be returned to the Chip Card in the 2 GENERATE AC command as follows: “00” for an approval result coded in ASCII (i.e. hexadecimal “3030”). “02” for a referral result coded in ASCII (i.e. hexadecimal “3032”). “05” for a decline coded in ASCII (i.e. hexadecimal “3035”). If the Terminal was unable to go online it must send an Authorization Response Code (Tag ‘8A’) set to “Z3” (unable to go online, offline declined) or “Y3” (unable to go online, offline approved) to the Card as part of the command data in the 2nd GENERATE AC command. The Terminal must determine whether to request offline approval or offline decline from the Chip Card dependent upon the Terminal Action Codes resident in the Terminal and the Issuer Action Codes read from the Chip Card. An Application Cryptogram must be requested using the GENERATE AC command, as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 6.5.5. If the Chip Card supports CDA and the Terminal is to request a TC, then the Terminal must determine if nd CDA is to be requested in the 2 GENERATE AC through a configured CDA Mode, as described in [EMV4.3ii] Annex D4. When CDA is required the terminal must set the “CDA signature requested” bit in the Reference Control Parameter of the GENERATE AC command and the Terminal must perform CDA upon receipt of the GENERATE AC response as defined in [EMV4.3ii] Section 6.6. 15.2.1 Advice Messages When the Terminal receives a response to a GENERATE AC command, it includes the CID, a data element that indicates if the card has requested an advice message be created. Cards may set bits requesting advice depending on card personalization for a particular AEIPS-compliant payment application. If the Card has indicated that an advice is required in the CID, the Terminal decides what action to take, if any. For instance, if the Terminal is required to transmit a data capture record or a reversal message for that transaction; it is not necessary for the Terminal to also transmit an advice. If the Terminal is required to transmit an advice, the Terminal must determine whether to transmit an offline or online advice based upon its capabilities and any local market requirements. American Express does not require advices to be supported unless stipulated by local market conditions. 15.2.2 Voice Referrals nd If a voice referral has been received the Terminal must complete the transaction by issuing a 2 GENERATE AC command for either an AAC or a TC before the card is removed and the referral is made (section 18.2.1). Page 49 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL 16 2nd Card Action Analysis Insert card Application selection Cardholder verification Issuer authentication 2nd terminal action analysis Init application processing Terminal risk management Online processing 2nd card action analysis Read application data N 1st terminal action Terminal analysis Y nd Offline data authentication Processing restrictions Card 2 terminal GENERATE action analysis 1st card action nd Unable2to go online AC card action analysis & generate AC analysis Offline data authentication Offline data CDA sig check authentication Offline data authentication CDA sig check Issuer script processing Y response Online transaction CDA sig check N Transaction completion Remove card Figure 16-1: 2nd Card Action Analysis Detail 16.1 Overview nd This function is only performed if the Terminal asks the Chip Card to generate a 2 Application Cryptogram. The Chip Card may decline an Issuer-approved transaction based upon the Issuer Authentication results and Issuer-encoded parameters in the Chip Card. The Chip Card generates a TC for approved transactions and an AAC for declined transactions. The Chip Card may set or reset certain security-related parameters in the Card at this point. 16.2 Commands nd nd 2 Terminal Action Analysis processing concludes with the Terminal issuing a 2 GENERATE AC command to the Chip Card. The AC returned in response to the GENERATE AC. Issuer Application Data will be included in the data returned by the Chip Card in response to a GENERATE AC command. The Issuer Application Data is a mandatory data object in this manual used to transmit proprietary data from the Chip Card to the Terminal for input to the online request message or clearing record. The GENERATE AC command must either indicate that the Terminal requests that the Chip Card approves (TC requested) or declines (AAC requested) the transaction. nd The 2 GENERATE AC command may only be performed in the following cases: st After an ARQC has been returned to the 1 GENERATE AC command st When the application is blocked and an AAC has been returned to the 1 GENERATE AC command. Page 50 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 16.3 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Processing Requirements The Terminal is not involved in the 2nd Card Action Analysis, however it is triggered by the Terminal issuing the Chip Card a GENERATE AC command requesting either a TC or AAC, depending on the results of 2nd Terminal Action Analysis. The Terminal must send a 2nd GENERATE AC Command to the Chip Card, requesting either the nd transaction be declined (AAC) or approved (TC) according to the result of 2 Terminal Action Analysis The Terminal is informed of the result of this process in the response data returned by the Chip Card. If the Terminal requested a TC from the Card, then the permitted responses from the Card include either a TC or AAC and processing continues. Otherwise processing must terminate. If the Terminal requested an AAC from the Card, then the permitted responses from the Card include an AAC and processing continues. Otherwise processing must terminate. At this point the transaction is ready to be completed following a CDA check, if required and any Script Processing in Section 17. When CDA is being performed the Card will create a dynamic signature that includes the TC. The Terminal must use the CAPK to validate the dynamic signature as described in [EMV4.3ii] Section 6.6. If an AAC is returned then CDA is not performed by the terminal as per [EMV4.3ii] Section 6.6.3 Figure 5. If CDA fails, the Terminal must perform the processing defined in [EMV4.3iv] Section 6.6.2, in particular: The Terminal must set TVR byte 1 bit 3, indicating that CDA failed If the Cryptogram Information Data (CID) indicates a TC was returned by the card, the Terminal must decline the transaction. Page 51 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL 17 Issuer Script Processing Insert card Application selection Cardholder verification Init application processing 2nd terminal action analysis Issuer authentication 2nd card action Card analysis Terminal risk TerminalOnline processing management Issuer script 1st terminal action processing analysis Read application data 1st card action analysis Offline data authentication N Issuer script commands Offline data Apply script Y Unable to go online authentication CDA sig check Issuer script processing Y Offline data authentication CDA sig check Processing restrictions Online transaction N Transaction completion Remove card Figure 17-1: Issuer Script Processing Detail 17.1 Overview If the Issuer included script updates in the authorization response message returned in “Online Processing”, the Terminal passes the script commands to the Chip Card after it has returned the final Application Cryptogram. Issuer Script Processing is performed to allow the Issuer to adjust or update data on the Chip Card. The functions supported by Issuer Script Processing in an AEIPS card are: Maintenance of Risk Management Parameters Control of Chip Card Use Maintenance of Personal Identification Number (PIN). EMV allows Issuer Script Processing in other places during the transaction. However, for this version of AEIPS, a Card only processes Issuer Scripts received at this point in the transaction. That is, Issuer Scripting would normally be expected to occur after 2nd Card Action Analysis (i.e., a ‘72’ command script). Issuer Scripts are protected from alteration by the presence of a Message Authentication Code (MAC) generated by the Issuer. 17.2 Commands The Issuer Script Commands to support these functions are: PUT DATA APPLICATION BLOCK PIN CHANGE/UNBLOCK APPLICATION UNBLOCK Page 52 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Note that the Terminal processes the script commands as received in the Issuer’s response message and passes them to the Card. 17.3 Processing Requirements An AEIPS-compliant Terminal must support Issuer scripts labeled with either tag ‘71’ or tag ‘72’. The Terminal must submit Issuer scripts with tag '71' to the card for processing prior to issuing the final GENERATE AC command. Issuer scripts with tag '72' must be submitted after issuing the final GENERATE AC command. Issuer Scripts must only be applied after the Chip Card has successfully performed Issuer Authentication. It is mandatory that any Issuer Scripts received be processed as described in [EMV4.3iii] Sections 6, 10.10, and [EMV4.3iv] Section 6.3.9. Although American Express only supports Issuer Scripts of tag ‘72’, a terminal compliant with this manual must accept and process Issuer Scripts of both ‘71’ and ‘72’, should they be received. This means that a failure to process a script tag ‘71’ would result in TVR byte 5 bit 6 being set to “1” although American Express does not support tag ‘71’. A failure to process tag ‘72’ scripts results in the TVR byte 5 bit 5 being set to “1”. For details of how these secure messages are formatted see the American Express Chip Card Acquirer Guide [AG]. Issuer Scripts will only contain commands to be executed by the Chip Card. The only processing requirement of the Terminal is to extract the command or commands from the script or scripts in the order they are received in the authorization response message and to pass them to the Chip Card to be processed as per [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.10, then to check and report the results returned from the Chip Card. 17.4 Processing a Blocked Application If the card application has been blocked using the APPLICATION BLOCK command in a script sent in a previous transaction, then the card behavior is altered such that a special transaction is required before an APPLICATION UNBLOCK command script can be forwarded by the terminal. Similarly, for cards personalized such that the application is blocked if the PIN is blocked, or the PIN is blocked when the application is already blocked, then a similar procedure is required to unblock the PIN and application. Support for the functionality supporting APPLICATION UNBLOCK and PIN UNBLOCK (when application blocked) is restricted to specific terminals, and is not a mandatory requirement. Terminals which support APPLICATION BLOCK and PIN UNBLOCK must allow for these features to be enabled or disabled through configuration. Local rules and conditions shall apply. To support APPLICATION UNBLOCK and PIN UNBLOCK (when application blocked) the terminal must perform the following: Recognize that the application is blocked when receiving SW ‘6283’ to the SELECT command and perform the following special processing. Continue the transaction and receive an AAC to the GENERATE AC. Send the transaction online to the Issuer. Receive the response and perform Issuer Authentication. If Issuer Authentication is successful, then send tag ‘72’ received Issuer script commands to the nd Chip Card after the 2 GENERATE AC (requesting AAC) for tag ‘72’ script commands. The transaction is successful and the card and/or PIN unblocked when the terminal receives SW ‘9000’ to the APPLICATION UNBLOCK and/or PIN UNBLOCK script command. Page 53 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 18 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Transaction Completion Insert card Application selection Cardholder verification Issuer authentication 2nd terminal action analysis Init application processing Terminal risk management Online processing 2nd card action analysis Read application data 1st terminal action analysis Offline data authentication Terminal Transaction 1st card action completion analysis N Y Unable to go online Offline data authentication Card CDA sig check Issuer script processing Y Processing restrictions Offline data authentication CDA sig check Online transaction N Transaction completion Remove card Figure 18-1: Transaction Completion Detail 18.1 Overview The Terminal performs final processing to complete the transaction. If the Terminal transmits a clearing message subsequent to an authorization message, the TC is transmitted in the clearing message. With single message systems or systems involving Acquirer host data capture of approved transactions, the Terminal or Acquirer must generate a reversal for Issuer-approved transactions which are subsequently declined by the Chip Card. American Express does not mandate anything beyond EMV and local market requirements for Transaction Completion. Once the Chip Card has responded to the final GENERATE AC command, and any scripts have been processed, its role in the transaction is complete. The Terminal will then perform any other functions required to complete the transaction. These include printing of receipts, obtaining a signature (where signature was the Cardholder Verification Method used) and storing the data for clearing. 18.2 Processing Requirements 18.2.1 Voice referrals Transactions completed as voice referrals must complete as follows: If an AAC was requested to complete the transaction and the transaction approved, the ARQC must be submitted to the clearing and settlement system, and the AAC should be discarded If a TC was requested to complete the transaction and the transaction approved, the TC should be submitted. Page 54 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL 19 Performance Requirements There are no specific performance requirements for AEIPS Terminals. Page 55 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL 20 Cryptographic Requirements This section details the cryptographic security requirements to implement Chip Card payments as detailed in this manual. It is more technically detailed than other sections and is not intended for business readers. 20.1 Unpredictable Number Generation The Terminal generates an Unpredictable Number (tag ‘9F37’) at the commencement of every transaction (i.e. as a result of the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS). The number is an essential security component preventing attacks on the payment system, such as pre-prepared Application Cryptograms. American Express requires that the Unpredictable Number is unpredictable and not simply different for every transaction. Counters, repeating sequences or the results of simple logic (e.g. exclusive OR operations) are inadequate. Vendor’s attention is drawn to [EMV4.3iv] Section 6.5.6 and to EMV “Specification Bulletin 103” which provides notice that the Unpredictable Number is subject to further Type Approval. 20.2 Offline Data Authentication Terminals must be capable of performing the cryptographic processes required to deliver Offline Data Authentication as described in Section 7 whilst meeting the performance requirements of Section 19. The processes are described in [EMV4.3ii] Sections 5 and 6, and [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.3. Terminals must be able to store and use a minimum of six American Express CAPKs and associated data, as described in Section 7.3.1. Currently, American Express does not support the use of Certificate Revocation Lists. 20.3 Offline PIN Encipherment Terminals supporting Offline PIN CVM must be capable of processing Offline Enciphered PIN as described in Section 9.3 and in [EMV4.3ii] Section 7. 20.4 PIN Entry Device If a PIN Pad is present, it must comply with EMV requirements as defined in [EMV4.3ii] Section 11.1, the PCI Security Standards Council PIN Transaction Security (PTS) requirements and guidelines and any additional local market requirements. American Express has no minimum requirements for PIN Pads above those of EMV, the PCI and the local market payment authorities or regulatory bodies. Page 56 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL 21 Additional Product Specifics 21.1 Membership-Related Data Processing 21.1.1 Overview The card issuer may require a unique Membership Reference Number or Membership Product or Scheme information be stored on the Card for processing at a Terminal that supports such a Membership scheme. To support this functionality the Card may hold optional data elements that provide values to support such Membership Related Data Processing. During the Read Application Data phase of an AEIPS EMV transaction the Terminal may recover optional tags from the Card associated with a Membership Scheme by use of the READ RECORD command and reading the data elements from the data files that have been personalized on the Card during initial Card Issuance. 21.1.2 Data The following data elements held on the Chip, are used by the Terminal: Membership Product Identifier – The presence of the Membership Product Identifier on the card is optional. The value of the field indicates which product (or ‘scheme’) is supported. Product Membership Number – the presence of the Product Membership Number on the card is optional. The field is dependent on a valid Membership Product Identifier being available. The value of the field, if present, indicates the membership number associated with the product. The Membership Product Identifier indicates the Card is part of a membership scheme. The Product Membership Number optionally indicates the membership number for the membership scheme if required Only one Membership Product Identifier and Product Membership Number pair may exist per Card. 21.1.3 Processing Requirements The Terminal will read the membership details from the Card during Read Application Data processing using the READ RECORD commands. If the Terminal supports a membership scheme, then it may use the data in the Membership Product Identifier to identify whether the card is in a scheme that the Terminal supports. If the Terminal requires a Membership number associated with that scheme then the Terminal will use the Product Membership Number retrieved from the Card. The Terminal can then utilize these values to perform any Membership processing it requires. Any Membership Related Data processing must take place after the Read Application Data phase of the transaction and must not negatively impact the remainder of the AEIPS EMV Payment transaction flow, processing or performance. The functionality to be performed as part of Membership Related Data is outside the scope of this Manual. Page 57 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL 22 Data Elements 22.1 Data Overview This section describes in detail all the data held and processed by an AEIPS-compliant payment application by looking at each group of data as described in Figure 22-1. It also describes the flexibility within which an AEIPS-compliant payment application can operate by identifying whether the presence of particular data items is mandatory (M), conditional (C) or optional (O). Any American Express restrictions on the values that particular data items can be assigned are also highlighted. Figure 22-1 below identifies the different groups of data objects that may be found on an AEIPS-compliant Card. There card will contain at least one payment application. A Payment Systems Environment (PSE) may be present on the Chip Card in order to enable a Terminal to perform EMV processing more efficiently. ICC Payment Application PSE Other Applications PSE Select Response Data Select Response Data Select Response Data PSE Directory Level Data Initiate Application Processing Data Read Record Data DDA Data ICC PIN Encipherment AEIPS Mandatory Terminal Risk Management Data Optional Applications Card Risk Management Data Mandatory Data Issuer Application Data Optional Data Secret Data Figure 22-1: AEIPS Data 22.2 Payment Systems Environment The presence of the PSE is optional. However, the terminal must always support PSE processing (Section 4.3.3). 22.2.1 PSE Select Response Data The PSE contains the following data objects as defined in [EMV4.3i] Sections 11.3.4 & 12.2.3 in the response to the SELECT command when the Payment System Environment (PSE) Directory is selected: Page 58 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 22-1: PSE Response Data Data Item Presence File Control Information (FCI) Template Value Restrictions M Dedicated File (DF) Name M FCI Proprietary Template M 1PAY.SYS.DDF01 SFI of Directory Elementary File M This value must be in the range of 1-10 as specified by EMV. Language Preference O As defined in [ISO639] Issuer Code Table Index C As defined in [ISO8859]. Mandatory if Application Preferred Name is present. FCI Issuer Discretionary Data O As defined in [EMV4.3i] Section 11.3.4 The response data is returned as a nested Tag Length Value (TLV) structure, indicated by the shading in the table above. For more detail on the structure of response data to the SELECT ADF command, see [ISO7816-4]. 22.2.2 PSE Directory Level Data The data in Table 22-2 is stored in a payment system’s directory elementary file retrievable by the READ RECORD command for use in application selection, as described in [EMV4.3i] Section 12 Application Selection. To allow the support of multiple Application Identifiers within a single EMV payment application or function, the data in Application Template in Table 22-2 may appear several times in one or more records. See [EMV4.3i] Section 12.2.3. Table 22-2: PSE Directory Level Data Data Item Presence Application Elementary File (AEF) Data Template Application Template M M Application Definition File (ADF) M Application Label M Application Priority Indicator* C Application Preferred Name O * Application Priority Indicator is mandatory if more than one application is personalized on the card. 22.3 Payment Application Data The following subsections list the mandatory (M), conditional (C) and optional (O) data items that an AEIPS-compliant Chip Card stores and are used when the application is selected and an EMV transaction is performed. 22.3.1 Select Response Data When the application to be used for this transaction has been chosen, the Terminal issues a SELECT ADF command for the required application. In response to this command, the Chip Card returns the data elements detailed in Table 22-3. Page 59 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 22-3: Select Response Data Data Item Presence FCI Template Value Restrictions M DF Name M FCI Proprietary Template M Application Label M The Application label must include a reference to American Express i.e. “AMEX” or “AMERICAN EXPRESS”. Application Priority Indicator C Though not a mandatory data element for all AEIPS-compliant Cards, this manual mandates the coding of the Application Priority Indicator when multiple Application Identifiers are supported. This allows the list of applications to be presented to the Cardholder for selection in a predefined order. Alternatively the Terminal may select the highest priority application supported by both Card and Terminal. See Table 22-4. PDOL O Defines data elements to be included in the command data of the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command. May be necessary for some dual interface implementations. PDOL processing is described in Section 5.3. Language Preference O If language support is available on a payment Terminal, this option allows any customer display associated with the payment Terminal to display in the Card’s preferred language (as defined in [ISO639]). Issuer Code Table Index C If this data element is to be included, it must be coded according to [ISO8859]. The presence of this data element must be linked to the presence of the Application Preferred Name. Application Preferred Name O This field provides an alternative application name to the Application Label and allows the Application Name to be displayed by the Terminal in a preferred language. This field is linked to the Issuer Code Table Index. FCI Issuer Discretionary Data O As defined in [EMV4.3i] Section 11.3.4 The response data is returned as a nested Tag Length Value (TLV) structure, indicated by the shading in the table above. For more detail on the structure of response data to the SELECT ADF command, see [ISO7816-4]. Page 60 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 22-4: Application Priority Indicator (API) b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 X Meaning 1 = Cardholder confirmation required. 0 RFU 0 RFU 0 RFU X X X X Order in which the application is to be listed or selected, ranging from 1 to 15, with 1 being the highest priority 0000 = no priority assigned X = Configurable by Issuer, 1 or 0 = Mandatory value 22.3.2 Initiate Application Processing Data The GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command returns two data elements to the Terminal. [EMV4.3iii] Section Data returned in the response message, defines two possible formats for the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS response data. Currently this manual has no requirement to support additional data being returned during the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command, therefore the data is returned in Format 1 as detailed in Table 22-5. Table 22-5: Data Retrievable by Get Processing Options Command (GPO) Data Item Value Restrictions Application Interchange Profile The AIP specifies the application functions that are supported by the application in the Chip Card. See Table 22-6 for configuration options. Application File Locator The Application File Locator will be created as a result of the personalization of a Chip Card. The AFL indicates to the Terminal the data to be read using the READ RECORD command and which data records must be included in the Static Data Authentication process. See Table 22-23 for format and structure. Page 61 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 22-6: Application Interchange Profile (AIP) Byte 1 (leftmost) b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 0 Meaning RFU 1 = Static data authentication is supported 0 = Static data authentication is not supported X 1 = DDA is supported 0 = DDA is not supported* X 1 Cardholder verification is supported 1 Terminal risk management is to be performed 1 Issuer authentication is supported 0 Reserved for use by the EMV Contactless Specifications X 1 = CDA is supported 0 = CDA is not supported* X = Configurable by Issuer, 1 or 0 = Mandatory value Byte 2 (rightmost) b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 0 Meaning Reserved for use by the EMV Contactless Specifications 0 Reserved for use by the EMV Contactless Specifications 0 RFU by EMV Specifications 0 RFU by EMV Specifications 0 RFU by EMV Specifications 0 RFU by EMV Specifications 0 RFU by EMV Specifications 0 RFU by EMV Specifications X = Configurable by Issuer, 1 or 0 = Mandatory value 22.3.3 Read Record Data All data supplied to the Terminal for use in the processing of a financial transaction that is not dynamically maintained by the Chip Card will be held in file records and presented to the Terminal during the appropriate READ RECORD commands. Page 62 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Read Record Data Objects Table 22-7 lists the mandatory data objects that are always present in the responses to the READ RECORD command and are retrievable using the READ RECORD command as described in Section 6 using the Short File Identifiers (SFI) as provided in the AFL to identify the file in which the data objects are located. Table 22-7: Read Record Data Objects Data Item Comments Application Effective Date A “YYMMDD” defined date indicating when this application is first valid is only checked by a Terminal. The results of this test are controlled by the Issuer Action Codes. Application Expiration Date A “YYMMDD” defined date indicating when this application is no longer valid is only checked by a Terminal. The results of this test are controlled by the Issuer Action Codes. Application Primary Account Number The account number associated with this application. Application Version Number Version number assigned by the Issuer for this application. Application Usage Control See Table 22-8 Cardholder Name Var. 2-26 Card Risk Management Data Object List 1 (CDOL1) See Table 22-9 Card Risk Management Data Object List 2 (CDOL2) See Table 22-10 CVM List American Express mandates, independent of the card holder verification methods selected, the following CVM List priority order: Enciphered PIN Verification online, if cash and the Terminal and application supports it. Enciphered PIN Verification performed by Chip Card, if the Terminal and application supports it. Plain text PIN Verification performed by Chip Card, if the Terminal and application supports it. Signature, if the Terminal supports it. No CVM required if not cash or cash back See Table 22-12 for details. Issuer Action Code - Default The Issuer Action codes are read by the Terminal for use in Terminal Action Analysis as defined in [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.7 Terminal Action Analysis. Issuer Action Code - Denial Issuer Action Code - Online Issuer Country Code Indicates the country of the Issuer, represented according to [ISO 3166]. PAN Sequence Number Identifies and differentiates cards with the same PAN Track 2 Equivalent Data American Express mandates that Track 2 Equivalent Data be present in SFI 1 Record 1. Page 63 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 22-8: Application Usage Control (AUC) Byte 1 (leftmost) b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 X Meaning 1 = Valid for Domestic Cash Transactions X 1 = Valid for International Cash Transactions X 1 = Valid for Domestic Goods X 1 = Valid for International Goods X 1 = Valid for Domestic Services X 1 = Valid for International Services X 1 = Valid at ATMs X 1 = Valid at Terminals other than ATMs X = Configurable by Issuer, 1 or 0 = Mandatory value Byte 2 (rightmost) b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 0 Meaning 0 = Domestic Cashback not allowed 0 0 = International Cashback not allowed 0 RFU by EMV Specifications 0 RFU by EMV Specifications 0 RFU by EMV Specifications 0 RFU by EMV Specifications 0 RFU by EMV Specifications 0 RFU by EMV Specifications X = Configurable by Issuer, 1 or 0 = Mandatory value Note: The ISO Country Code of the Chip Card Issuer determines whether a transaction is domestic or international. If the ISO Country Code for the Chip Card and the terminal are the same, then the transaction is domestic. If the ISO Country Code in the terminal is different from the Chip Card, then the transaction is international. Table 22-9: CDOL1 Data Objects Cryptogram Version Number Data Element Tag Length Amount, Authorized '9F02' 6 Amount, Other '9F03' 6 Terminal Country Code '9F1A' 2 Terminal Verification Results '95' 5 Transaction Currency Code '5F2A' 2 Transaction Date '9A' 3 Transaction Type '9C' 1 '9F37' 4 01 Unpredictable Number Page 64 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 22-10: CDOL2 Data Objects Cryptogram Version Number 01 Data Element Tag Length Authorization Response Code '8A' 2 Amount, Authorized '9F02' 6 Amount, Other '9F03' 6 Terminal Country Code '9F1A' 2 Terminal Verification Results '95' 5 Transaction Currency Code '5F2A' 2 Transaction Date '9A' 3 Transaction Type '9C' 1 '9F37' 4 Unpredictable Number Table 22-11: Authorization Response Code Values (Tag ‘8A’) Value Meaning 00, 08, 10, 11 Card should treat this code as meaning an “Issuer approved transaction” 01, 02 Card should treat this code as meaning the “Issuer Requested Referral” Other values Card should treat this code as meaning the “Issuer has declined the transaction” Z3 Value generated by the Terminal indicating to the card that the transaction was “Unable to go online (offline declined)” Y3 Value generated by the Terminal indicating to the card that the transaction was “Unable to go online (offline approved)” nd The Authorization Response Code is transmitted to the Chip Card in the 2 GENERATE AC command data. It is either returned by the Issuer when the transaction has gone online, or if this was not possible, the Terminal generates it. Page 65 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 22-12: Cardholder Verification Methods List BYTE 1-4: Amount (“X”) BYTE 5-8: Amount (“Y”) BYTE 9: CVM Method Codes Bit Value Meaning bit 8: 0 RFU bit 7: 0 Fail cardholder verification if this CVM is unsuccessful bit 7: 1 Apply succeeding CVR field if this CVM is unsuccessful bits 6-1: 000000 Fail CVM processing bits 6-1: 000001 Plain Text PIN verification performed by ICC bits 6-1: 000010 Enciphered PIN verified online bits 6-1: 000011 Plain Text PIN performed by ICC and signature (paper) bits 6-1: 000100 Enciphered PIN verification performed by ICC bits 6-1: 000101 Enciphered PIN performed by ICC and signature (paper) bits 6-1: 000110-011101 RFU bits 6-1: 011110 Signature (paper) bits 6-1: 011111 No CVM required bits 6-1: 100000-101111 RFU by individual payment systems bits 6-1: 110000-111110 RFU by Issuer bits 6-1: 111111 Not Available For Use BYTE 10: CVM Conditions Value Meaning ‘00' Always ‘01' If unattended cash ‘02' If not unattended cash, manual cash or purchase with cashback ‘03' If terminal supports the CVM ‘04' If manual cash ‘05' If purchase with cashback ‘06' If transaction is in Application Currency Code and is < X value ‘07' If transaction is in Application Currency Code and is > X value ‘08' If transaction is in Application Currency Code and is < Y value ‘09' If transaction is in Application Currency Code and is > Y value ‘0A' – ‘7F’ RFU ‘80' – ‘FF’ Reserved for use by individual payment systems Note: An additional 2 bytes are added following byte 10 for each additional CVM method code and corresponding CVM condition code. Page 66 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Optional Read Record Data Objects Table 22-13 lists the data objects defined in [EMV4.3iii] that may be present in READ RECORDs read by Terminals. Table 22-13: Optional Data Objects Data Item Application Currency Code Application Dual Currency Code Application Discretionary Data Cardholder Name – Extended Membership Product Identifier Product Membership Number Service Code Track 1 Discretionary Data Track 2 Discretionary Data Notes: If either the Amount “X” or Amount “Y” contained in the CVM List detailed in Table 22-12 is nonzero, or if the Offline Velocity Checks detailed in Section 12 and 16 are to be performed, the Application Currency Code must be present in the ICC. If Product Membership Number is to be present, then Membership Product Identifier must also be present. 22.3.4 SDA Data In order to support SDA, Table 22-14 lists the data objects that may be present in the Chip Card for use in SDA processing. These data objects must be retrievable using the READ RECORD command as described in Section 6 using the SFI as provided in the AFL to identify the file in which the data objects are located. If multiple application identifiers are to be included within a single application or payment function of the Chip Card, the data in Table 22-14 may appear several times to support each AID. Table 22-14: Data used in Static Data Authentication Data Item Presence Value Restrictions Certification Authority Public Key Index M Issuer Public Key Certificate M Issuer Public Key Exponent M Signed Static Application Data M The data objects used for signing will be retrievable by the Terminal using the READ RECORD command. American Express requires that the data objects shown in Table 22-15 be included within the Signed Static Application Data during card personalization. Static Data Authentication Tag List O If present, the Static Data Authentication Tag List shall only contain the tag '82' identifying the AIP, and shall be used as defined in [EMV4.3ii], Section 5.1.1, “Static Data to be Authenticated”. Issuer Public Key Remainder C Issuer Public Key Remainder must be present if the length of the Issuer’s Public Key (modulus) is greater than the Certification Authority Public Key minus 36 bytes. Page 67 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 22-15 below details the data elements used to produce the Signed Application Data and written to the card at personalization for use in Offline Data Authentication as described in Section 7. In addition, the AIP is appended at the end of the data list, if the SDA taglist is present. Table 22-15: Data Objects for Signing Data Item Application Effective Date Application Expiration Date Application Primary Account Number (PAN) PAN Sequence Number Issuer Action Code -Default Issuer Action Code -Denial Issuer Action Code -Online Application Usage Control Issuer Country Code CVM List AIP 22.3.5 DDA / CDA Data The support for Dynamic Data Authentication (Standard DDA and CDA)is mandatory. Table 22-16 lists the data objects that must be present for DDA are as stated in [EMV4.3ii] Section 6. These data objects must be retrievable using the READ RECORD command as described in Section 6, using the SFI as provided in the AFL to identify the file in which the data objects are located. Table 22-16: Mandatory Data for Dynamic Data Authentication Data Item Presence Value Dynamic Data Authentication Data Object List (DDOL) M See Table 22-19 Application DDA Public Key Certificate M Application DDA Public Key Exponent M Application DDA Public Key Remainder C Certification Authority Public Key Index M Issuer Public Key Certificate M Issuer Public Key Exponent M Static Data to be Authenticated M The data objects shown in Table 22-18 used for signing will be retrievable by the Terminal using the READ RECORD command. Static Data Authentication Tag List O If present, the Static Data Authentication Tag List must only contain the tag '82' identifying the AIP, and must be used as defined in [EMV4.3ii] Section 5.1.1 Static Data to be Authenticated. Issuer Public Key Remainder C Issuer Public Key Remainder must be present if the length of the Issuer’s Public Key (modulus) is greater than the Certification Authority Public Key minus 36 bytes. Application Public Key Remainder must be present if the length of the Application’s Public Key (modulus) contained in the Card Signed Application Data is greater than the Certification Authority Public Key, minus 42 bytes. Page 68 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL American Express requires that the Public Key Modulus as stated in Table 22-17 must be supported by the Terminal, and that the DDOL contains data objects as stated in Table 22-19. Table 22-17: Public key modulus lengths for which support is mandatory Modulus Length (bits) Certification Authority Public Key Modulus 1408 and 1984 Issuer Public Key Modulus 1152,1408 and 1984 ICC Public Key Modulus 896, 1024 and 1152 and 1408 Table 22-18 below details the static data elements and if always present (i.e. M = Mandatory) or may be present (O=Optional). The AIP is appended at the end of the data list, if the Static Data Authentication Tag List is present. Table 22-18: Static Data to be Authenticated Data Item Presence Application Effective Date M Application Expiration Date M Application Primary Account Number (PAN) M PAN Sequence Number M Issuer Action Code -Default M Issuer Action Code -Denial M Issuer Action Code -Online M Application Usage Control M Issuer Country Code M CVM List M Membership Product Identifier O Product Membership Number C AIP C Table 22-19: DDOL Data Objects Data Item Presence Terminal Country Code O Terminal Identification O Transaction Currency Code O Transaction Date O Transaction Type O Unpredictable Number M 22.3.6 Chip Card PIN Encipherment Data The support for an independent Chip Card PIN asymmetric key pair is optional. If it is supported, Table 22-20 lists the additional data objects that are present. These data objects are retrieved using the READ RECORD command as described in Section 6 Read Application Data, using the SFI as provided in the AFL to identify the file in which the data objects are located. Page 69 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 22-20: Mandatory Data for Chip Card PIN Encipherment Data Item Presence Value Application PIN Encipherment Public Key Certificate M Application PIN Encipherment Public Key Exponent M Application PIN Encipherment Public Key Remainder C Application Public Key Remainder must be present if the length of the Application’s Public Key (modulus) contained in the Card Signed Application Data is greater than the Certification Authority Public Key, minus 42 bytes. 22.3.7 Terminal Risk Management Data The data objects listed in Table 22-21 are not retrievable by the READ RECORD command as described in Section 6 Read Application Data, but may be retrieved by the Terminal using the GET DATA command as described in Section 10. Table 22-21: Data Retrievable by GET DATA Command Data Item ATC Last Online ATC Register Remaining PIN Try Counter The Terminal records the result of its risk management and action analysis in the TVR Data object, the meaning of which is detailed in Table 22-22. The TVR are included in both CDOL1 (See Table 22-9) and CDOL2 (See Table 22-10) and are therefore sent to the Chip Card as part of command data of the GENERATE AC command. If the transaction amount exceeds the Terminal Floor Limit then the Terminal sets the TVR byte 4 bit 8 to “1” as per [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.6.1. If velocity checking is performed and the check is exceeded then the Terminal shall set the TVR byte 4 bits 7 and 6 to “1” according to [EMV4.3iii] Section 10.6.3. Page 70 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 22-22: Terminal Verification Results (TVR) Settings Meaning Offline Data Authentication was not performed Byte Bit(s) 1 8 Offline Static Data Authentication failed 7 Card Data Missing 6 Card appears on Terminal exception file 5 DDA failed 4 CDA failed 3 SDA selected 2 RFU 1 Card and Terminal have different application versions 2 8 Expired Application 7 Application not effective yet 6 Requested service not allowed for Card product 5 New Card 4 RFU 3 to 1 Cardholder Verification was not successful 3 8 Unrecognized CVM 7 Offline PIN Try Limit Exceeded 6 Offline PIN entry mandatory and PIN pad not present or not working 5 Offline PIN entry mandatory, PIN pad present, but PIN was not entered 4 Online PIN entered 3 RFU 2 to 1 Transaction Exceeds Floor Limit 4 8 Lower consecutive offline limit exceeded 7 Upper consecutive offline limit exceeded 6 Transaction selected randomly for online processing 5 Merchant forced transaction online 4 RFU 3 to 1 Default TDOL used (TDOL not supported in this manual) 5 8 Issuer Authentication was unsuccessful 7 Script processing failed before final GENERATE AC 6 Script processing failed after final GENERATE AC 5 RFU 4 to 1 Page 71 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS 22.4 TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Data Elements Table This section defines those data elements that may be used for financial transaction interchange, and their mapping onto data elements. This section details the data elements directly relevant to implementing the AEIPS manuals and Expresspay specifications. For a full list of all EMV data elements see [EMV4.3iii] Annex A “Data Elements Dictionary”. The following abbreviations are used in this table (See [EMV4.3i] Section 4.3 for further details): a = Alpha an = Alphanumeric ans = Alphanumeric Special b = Binary cn = Compressed Numeric n = Numeric Var = Variable. When the length defined for the data element is greater than the length of the actual data, the following rules apply: A data element in format ‘n’ is right-justified and padded with leading hexadecimal zeroes A data element in format ‘cn’ is left-justified and padded with trailing hexadecimal F A data element in format ‘an’ is left-justified and padded with trailing hexadecimal zeroes A data element in format ‘ans’ is left-justified and padded with trailing hexadecimal zeroes Page 72 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Table 22-23: AEIPS Data Elements Table (DET) Name Description Source Presence Format Tag Length Values Additional Terminal Capabilities Indicates the data input and output capabilities of the terminal. Terminal O b '9F40' 5 Amount, Authorized (Numeric) Authorized amount of the Terminal transaction (excluding adjustments). M n 12 '9F02' 6 A mandatory data element the Terminal uses to populate a CDOL as read from the Card during Read Application Data. Amount, Other (Numeric) Secondary amount associated with the transaction representing a cash back amount. Terminal M n 12 '9F03' 6 A mandatory data elements the Terminal uses to populate a CDOL as read from the Card during Read Application Data. Application Cryptogram (AC) Application cryptogram computed by the Card during a transaction. Card M b 64 '9F26' 8 Can be: ARQC AAC TC This is a transient data element. Always returned to the Terminal in the response st to the 1 GENERATE AC or nd 2 GENERATE AC command. Application Currency Code Indicates the currency in which the account is managed. Card O n3 '9F42' 2 Coded according to [ISO4217] If either the Amount “X” or Amount “Y” contained in the CVM List is nonzero or if the Offline Velocity Checks are to be performed, then this data element must be present in the Card. The data element is made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command. As per EMV Page 73 of 94 April 2015 Location/Usage © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS Name TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Description Source Presence Format Tag Length Values Location/Usage Application DDA Public Key Certificate Application DDA Public Key Certificate used during DDA process. Card C b '9F46' Up to 176 Used for DDA/CDA. If DDA/CDA is to be performed (indicated by AIP and supported by Terminal) then this field is mandatory. If it is required but missing, the Terminal must set the TVR byte 1 bits 6 and 8 to “1” (ICC Data Missing and ODA Not Performed). Application DDA Public Key Exponent Exponent of Application DDA Public Key Card C b '9F47' 1 or 3 Used for DDA/CDA. If DDA/CDA is to be performed (indicated by AIP and supported by Terminal) then this field is mandatory. If it is required but missing, the Terminal must set the TVR byte 1 bits 6 and 8 to “1” (ICC Data Missing and ODA Not Performed). Application DDA Public Key Remainder Remaining digits of Application DDA Public Key. Card C b '9F48' Var See [EMV4.3ii], Section 6.1 Keys and Certificates. The ICC Public Key Remainder is equivalent to the Application DDA Public Key Remainder in this specification. Page 74 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved Used for DDA / CDA. If DDA/CDA is to be performed, Application Public Key Remainder must be present if the length of the Application’s Public Key (modulus) contained in the Card Signed Application Data is greater than the Issuer Public Key, minus 42 bytes. If it is required but missing, the Terminal must set the TVR byte 1 bits 6 and 8 to “1” (ICC Data Missing and ODA Not Performed). AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Name Description Source Presence Format Tag Length Values Application Definition File (ADF) Name Identifies the name of the DF as associated with an application. See Application Identifier (AID). Another name for the AID. Card M Application Dual Currency Code Indicates the currency in which the account is managed. Card O n3 '9F50' 2 Application Discretionary Data Issuer-specified data relating to the Card application. Card O b 8-256 '9F05' 1-32 An optional data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command. Application Effective Date Date from which the Card application may be used. Card O n6 YYMMDD '5F25' 3 An optional data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command. Application Indicates the record Elementary File (AEF) template of a record Data Template containing data elements. Templates are used to define TLV structures that contain other data elements. Card M Var '70' Var If the AEF is incorrectly formatted the Terminal must terminate the transaction. Application Expiration Date after which the Card Date application expires. Card M n6 YYMMDD '5F24' 3 A mandatory data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command. Terminal must terminate the transaction if this data is missing. See Application Identifier (AID) Terminal must terminate the transaction if this data is missing. Coded according to [ISO4217] An optional data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command. Page 75 of 94 April 2015 Location/Usage © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS Name TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Description Source Presence Format Tag Length Application File Locator (AFL) Indicates the location (SFI, range of records) of the AEFs related to a given application. Card M Var '94' Application Identifier (AID) Terminal Identifies the application as described in [ISO7816-4]. Terminal M b 40-128 '9F06' 5-16 Application Interchange Profile (AIP) Indicates the capabilities of the Card to support specific functions in the application. Card M b 16 '82' 2 Application Label Mnemonic associated with the AID. Card O ans 1-16 (special character limited to space) '50' 1-16 Values Var up to The AFL is made up of a 64 number of 4 byte blocks of data (1 block per AEF), formatted as follows: Byte 1 (identifies AEF): Bits 8-4 = SFI Bits 3-1 = 000 Byte 2: First record number to be read for that SFI (never equal to zero) Byte 3: Last record number to be read for that SFI (must be greater than or equal to byte 2) Byte 4: Number of consecutive records signed in Signed Application Data, starting with record number in byte 2 (may be equal to zero Terminals enabled to accept the American Express payment application must be configured with an AID of A00000002501 This data element is always returned to the Terminal in a valid response to GET PROCESSING OPTIONS. Stored in the Terminal for use during application selection. Partial Application selection must be enabled for this AID. A mandatory data element made available to the Terminal via the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command. Terminal must terminate the transaction if this data is missing. Used in application selection. Page 76 of 94 April 2015 Location/Usage © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved An optional data element returned in response to a SELECT command, providing a “friendly” name for an application. AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS Name TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Description Source Presence Format Tag Length Values Location/Usage Application PIN Encipherment Public Key Certificate Application PIN Encipherment key certified by American Express. Card O b '9F2D' Up to 176 Used for PIN Encipherment, if supported Application PIN Encipherment Public Key Exponent Exponent of Application PIN Encipherment Public Key. Card O b '9F2E' 1 or 3 Used for PIN Encipherment, if supported Application PIN Encipherment Public Key Remainder Remaining digits of Application PIN Encipherment Public Key. Card C b '9F2F' Var See [EMV4.3ii] Section 7.1 Used for PIN Encipherment, if Keys and Certificates. The supported ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Remainder is equivalent to the Application PIN Encipherment Public Key Remainder in [AEIPSCARD]. Application Preferred Name Preferred mnemonic associated with the Application Identifier of this application used by the Terminal in conjunction with the Issuer Code Table Index. Card O ans 1-16 (special character limited to space) '9F12' 1-16 Used in application selection to allow the Application Label to be displayed in an Issuerdefined language. Application Primary Account Number (PAN) American Express Card number Card M Var up to cn 19 '5A' Var up to 10 Application Primary Account Number (PAN) Sequence Number Identifies and differentiates Cards (Applications) with the same PAN. Card O n2 '5F34' 1 Application Priority Indicator Indicates the priority of a given application or group of applications in a directory. Card O b8 '87' 1 A mandatory data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command. Terminal must terminate the transaction if this data is missing. An optional data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command. See table 23-4 for potential settings for this data element. Page 77 of 94 April 2015 Optional Data Element returned in response to a SELECT command. © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved Optional Data Element returned in response to a SELECT command. AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS Name TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Description Source Presence Format Tag Length Values Location/Usage Application Transaction Counter (ATC) Counter maintained by the application in the Card. Card M b 16 '9F36' 2 Initial value is zero. It is incremented by 1 each time a transaction is performed. Used by the Terminal during Terminal Risk Management. This data element is read only via the GET DATA command. Application Usage Control Indicates Issuer-specified restrictions on the geographic usage and services allowed for the Card application. Card O b 16 '9F07' 2 Refer to table 23-8 for possible values of this data element. An optional data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command. Application Version Number Version number assigned by the Issuer for the application. Card O b 16 '9F08' 2 An optional data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command. Application Version Number Version number of a particular application supported by the Terminal Terminal M b 16 '9F09' 2 It is mandatory that the Terminal store the application version number(s) that it supports for a given application. Authorization Response Code (ARC) Data Element generated by the Issuer Host System or the Terminal indicating the disposition of the transaction. Issuer or Terminal M an 2 '8A' 2 Authorization Response Cryptogram (ARPC) A cryptogram generated by the Issuer Host System during an online transaction Issuer M B 64 — 8 Codes generated as indicated in table 23-11. Page 78 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved The value present forms part of the Issuer Authentication Data if received from the Issuer. The data is also sent to the Card as part of the 2nd GENERATE AC command forming part of the CDOL2. A cryptogram generated by the Issuer Host System and included in the Issuer Authentication Data to be returned to the terminal and sent to the Chip Card in the response to an online transaction. Refer to Issuer Authentication Data in this table. AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS Name TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Description Source Presence Format Tag Length Card Risk List of data elements (tag Management Data and length) to be passed Object list 1 (CDOL1) to the Card application st with the 1 GENERATE AC command. Card M b '8C' Var up to See table 23-9. 64 A mandatory data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command. Terminal must terminate the transaction if this data is missing. Card Risk List of data elements (tag Management Data and length) to be passed Object List 2 (CDOL2) to the Card application with the 2nd GENERATE AC command. Card M b '8D' Var up to See table 23-10. 64 A mandatory data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command. Cardholder Name Indicates Cardholder Name according to [ISO7813]. Card O ans 2-26 '5F20' 2-26 Cardholder Name Extended Indicates the whole Cardholder Name when greater than 26 characters. Card O ans 27-45 '9F0B' 27-45 Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List Identifies a prioritized list of methods of verification of the Cardholder supported by the Card application. Card O b '8E' Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List – Contactless Identifies a prioritized list of methods of verification of the Cardholder supported by the Card application. Card M b '9F6F' Values An optional data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command. According to [ISO 7813] An optional data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command. Var up to See table 23-12. 32 An optional data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command. Var up to 32 A data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command for contactless interface. This tag is only used for scripting routing purposes. When personalized it will be used as “8E” Page 79 of 94 April 2015 Location/Usage © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS Name TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Description Source Presence Format Tag Length Configuration parameter defining which of the four possible CDA Modes to apply when Terminal requests an ARQC st during 1 GENERATE AC as defined by [EMV4.3ii] Annex D4. Terminal M b — Var As defined by Terminal Configured into Terminal from configuration management Terminal Management System or equivalent. Certification Authority A check value calculated Public Key Checksum on the concatenation of the following parts of the Certification Authority Public Key (RID, Certification Authority Public Key Index, Certification Authority Public Key Modulus, Certification Authority Public Key Exponent) using SHA-1. Terminal C b — 20 Var Certification Authority Public Key Exponent Value of the exponent part of the Certification Authority Public Key. Terminal C b — 1 or 3 Key length selected by Used for Offline Data Issuer. Values assigned by Authentication (ODA) . If ODA American Express. is to be performed (indicated by AIP and supported by Terminal) then this field is mandatory. If it is required but missing, the Terminal must set the TVR byte 1 bit 8 to “1” (ODA Not Performed). Certification Authority Public Key Index Identifies the certification authority’s public key in conjunction with the Registered Identification Provider (RID) for use in static data authentication. Card C b8 '8F' 1 Key length selected by Used for Offline Data Issuer. Values assigned by Authentication (ODA) . If ODA American Express. is to be performed (indicated by AIP and supported by Terminal) then this field is mandatory. If it is required but missing, the Terminal must set the TVR byte 1 bit 8 to “1” (ODA Not Performed). CDA Mode Values Page 80 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved Location/Usage Used for Offline Data Authentication (ODA) . If ODA is to be performed (indicated by AIP and supported by Terminal) then this field is mandatory. If it is required but missing, the Terminal must set the TVR byte 1 bit 8 to “1” (ODA Not Performed). AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS Name TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Description Source Presence Format Tag Length Values Location/Usage Certification Authority Public Key Modulus Value of the Modulus part of the Certification Authority Public Key. Terminal C b — Up to 248 Cryptogram Information Data Indicates the type of cryptogram (TC, ARQC or AAC) returned by the Card and the actions to be performed by the Terminal. Card M b8 '9F27' 1 Terminal M b — Var up to 32 A mandatory data element in DDA supporting terminals. Card O b '9F49' Var up to 32 Available to Terminal via READ RECORD command. Default Dynamic Data DDOL to be used by the Authentication Data Terminal in the Object List (DDOL) construction of the Internal Authenticate command if no DDOL is present in the card Dynamic Data Authentication Data Object List (DDOL) List of data elements (tag and length) to be passed to the Card when the Card and the Terminal are performing DDA / CDA. Key length selected by Used for Offline Data Issuer. Values assigned by Authentication (ODA) . If ODA American Express. is to be performed (indicated by AIP and supported by Terminal) then this field is mandatory. If it is required but missing, the Terminal must set the TVR byte 1 bit 8 to “1” (ODA Not Performed). Bits 8-7: 00 = AAC 01 = TC 10 = ARQC 11 = RFU Bit 6-5: RFU Bit 4: 1 = Advice required Bits 3-1 (Reason/Advice/ Referral Code): 000 = No information given 001 = Service not allowed 010 = PIN Try Limit exceeded 011 = Issuer authentication failed 1xx = RFU Page 81 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved This is information the application returns to the Terminal indicating the type of AC being sent. It is generated dynamically and not subsequently stored within the application. Always present in a valid response to the GENERATE AC command. AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS Name TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Description Source Presence Format Tag Length Values File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Data 1 or more additional proprietary data elements from an application provider, Issuer, or IC card supplier, or EMVdefined tags that are specifically allocated to 'BF0C' Card M Var File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template Identifies the data elements proprietary to the [EMV 4.2i] in the FCI Template. Card M Var 'A5' Var File Control Information (FCI) Template Identifies the FCI template. Card M Var '6F' Var up to 64 Mandatory Data Element returned in response to a SELECT command. If the FCI is incorrectly formatted the Terminal must terminate the transaction. ICC Dynamic Number Time-variant number generated by the Card, to be captured by the Terminal. Card C b '9F4C' 8 This is a transient Data element generated By the card for use in Offline Data Authentication (see [AEIPSCARD] Section 7.3). Issuer Action Code Default Specifies conditions that cause a transaction to be declined if it might have been approved online, but the Terminal is unable to process the transaction online. Card O b 40 '9F0D' 5 A data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command and used during Terminal Action Analysis to modify the Terminal Action Code setting. Issuer Action Code Denial Specifies conditions that cause the decline of a transaction without attempting to go online. Card O b 40 '9F0E' 5 A data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command and used during Terminal Action Analysis to modify the Terminal Action Code setting. 'BF0C' Var up to 222 If the FCI is incorrectly formatted the Terminal must terminate the transaction. As defined in [EMV 4.2i] Page 82 of 94 April 2015 Location/Usage © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved Mandatory Data Element returned in response to a SELECT command. If the FCI is incorrectly formatted the Terminal must terminate the transaction. AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS Name TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Description Source Presence Format Tag Length Values Issuer Action Code Online Specifies conditions that cause a transaction to be transmitted online. Card O b 40 '9F0F' 5 Issuer Application Data Contains proprietary application data for transmission to American Express in all transaction messages. Card O b '9F10' Var 32 Issuer Authentication Data Issuer data transmitted to Card for online Issuer authentication. Issuer O b 64-128 '91' Issuer Code Table Index Indicates the code table to be used for displaying the Application Preferred Name at the Terminal. Card O n2 '9F11' 1 According to [ISO 8859] Optional Data Element returned in response to a SELECT command. Issuer Country Code Indicates the country of the Issuer, represented according to [ISO 3166]. Card O n3 '5F28' 2 According to [ISO 3166] An optional data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command, used when present, during Processing Restrictions. A data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command and used during Terminal Action Analysis to modify the Terminal Action Code setting. The first byte indicates the length of the discretionary data. In this specification, the discretionary data is 6 bytes long: • Derivation Key Index (1 byte) • Cryptogram Version Number (1 byte) • Card Verification Results (4 bytes) Up to 16 The Issuer Authentication Data consists of the following data: • First 8 bytes=ARPC • Last 2 bytes= Authorization Response Code Page 83 of 94 April 2015 Location/Usage © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved This is a transient data element that is constructed by concatenating other data elements as indicated. This data is transmitted to the Card by the Terminal in the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command when performing Issuer Authentication. AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS Name TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Description Source Presence Format Tag Length Values Issuer Public Key Certificate Issuer’s public key certified by a certification authority for use in static data authentication. Card C b 5121984 '90' Var 64248 Used for Offline Data Authentication (ODA). If ODA is to be performed (indicated by AIP and supported by Terminal) then this field is mandatory. If it is required but missing, the Terminal must set the TVR byte 1 bit 8 to “1” (ODA Not Performed). Issuer Public Key Exponent Issuer-specified data to be used with the Issuer’s public key algorithm for static data authentication. Card C b '9F32' 1 or 3 Used for Offline Data Authentication (ODA). If ODA is to be performed (indicated by AIP and supported by Terminal) then this field is mandatory. If it is required but missing, the Terminal must set the TVR byte 1 bit 8 to “1” (ODA Not Performed). Issuer Public Key Remainder Remaining digits of the Issuer’s public key to be hashed. Card C b '92' Var See [EMV4.3ii], Sections 5.1 & 6.1 Keys and Certificates. Page 84 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved Location/Usage Used for Offline Data Authentication (ODA). If ODA is to be performed (indicated by AIP and supported by Terminal) then this field is mandatory if the length of the Issuer Public Key Modulus is greater than (the length in bytes of the Certification Authority Public Key Modulus minus 36). If it is required but missing, the Terminal must set the TVR byte 1 bit 8 to “1” (ODA Not Performed). AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS Name TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Description Source Presence Format Tag Length Values Issuer Script Template ‘71’ Contains proprietary Issuer data for transmission to the Card after the 2nd GENERATE AC command. Issuer O b '71' Var Although not supported by American Express Issuers Terminals are expected to process the templates safely and accurately. This information is processed by ISSUER SCRIPT PROCESSING and not subsequently stored within an application on the Card. Issuer Script Template ‘72’ Contains proprietary Issuer data for transmission to the Card after the 2nd GENERATE AC command. Issuer O b '72' Var This information is processed by ISSUER SCRIPT PROCESSING and not subsequently stored within an application on the Card. Language Preference Table of up to four language codes indicating the preferred language for Terminal messages to be displayed to the Cardholder. Card O an 2 '5F2D' 2-8 Last Online ATC Register ATC value of the last transaction that went online. Card O b 16 '9F13' Maximum Target Percentage to be Used for Biased Random Selection Value used in Terminal Risk Management for random transaction selection. Terminal O — — Membership Product Identifier A product identifier for the membership scheme. Card O an [ISO639] codes alphanumeric codes Data element returned in response to an APPLICATION SELECT command. 2 Initial value is zero. Updated to contain the current value of the ATC when a transaction has been transmitted online and Issuer Authentication is successful. Data item used by Terminal Risk Management, retrievable via the GET DATA command. — 00-99 '9F5A’ Var up to 8 Page 85 of 94 April 2015 Location/Usage © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved An optional data element used by the Terminal to determine whether card is in a supported membership scheme. AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS Name TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Description Source Presence Format Tag Length Values Merchant Category Code Classifies the type of business done by the merchant. Terminal M n4 '9F15' Var up to As per [ISO8583] for Card 15 Acceptor Business Code. Merchant Identifier When concatenated with the Acquirer Identifier, uniquely identifies a given merchant Terminal M ans 15 '9F16' Var up to Var 15 Merchant Name Location Indicates the name and location of the merchant Terminal M ans — Var Point of Service (POS) Entry Mode Indicates source of Terminal Cardholder account data. M n2 '9F39' 1 Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) Contains a list of terminal resident data elements (tags and lengths) needed by the ICC in processing the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command Card O B '9F38' Var Product Membership Number A unique number to identify the cardholder as part of the scheme. Card C an ‘9F5B’ Var up to 32 Registered Application Provider Identifier (RID) First 5 bytes of an AID registered as owned by the Card Scheme or Card Issuer. Terminal M B — 5 Remaining PIN Try Counter Indicates the remaining PIN attempts. Can be used by the Terminal during offline PIN processing. Card C B '9F17' 1 Var According to [ISO 8583] May be necessary for some Dual Interface Implementations An optional data element whose presence is conditional on tag ‘9F5A’ being present. It is used by the Terminal to uniquely identify the cardholder as being part of the membership scheme. The value assigned to American Express is A000000025. Page 86 of 94 April 2015 Location/Usage © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved A conditional Data element mandatory if a Reference PIN is present. Used in Terminal Risk Management retrievable using the GET DATA command. AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS Name TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Description Source Presence Format Tag Length Values Response Message Template Format 1 Contains the data elements (without tags and lengths) returned by the Card in response to a GET PROCESSING OPTION, or a GENERATE AC without signature command. Card O Var '80' — Var See [AEIPS-CARD] Section 5 “Initiate Application Processing”. Response Message Template Format 2 Contains the data elements (with tags and lengths) returned by the Card in response to a GENERATE AC with signature command. Card O Var '77' — Var Used if the response is being returned in a signature as specified for the CDA function. Service Code Service Code as defined on magnetic stripe tracks 1 and 2. Card O n3 '5F30' 2 Should match the value on An optional data element the Card magstripe (if retrievable via the READ present) and be coded RECORD command. according to [ISO7813]. Short File Identifier (SFI) Identifies the SFI to be used in the commands related to a given AEF. Card M b8 '88' 1 Values are 1-10: Governed by joint payment systems11-20: American Express specific 21-30: Issuer Specific SFIs are pointers contained in a valid response to the SELECT command to the records readable during READ APPLICATION DATA. Static Data Authentication Tag List List of Tags of primitive data elements defined in [EMV4.3iii] whose value fields are to be included in the signed static or dynamic application data. Card O — '9F4A' Var Tag 82 (Application Interchange Profile) A data element made available to the Terminal via the READ RECORD command. Target Percentage to be Used for Random Selection Value used in terminal risk management for random transaction selection. Terminal O — — — 00-99 Page 87 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved Location/Usage AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS Name TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Description Source Presence Format Tag Length Values Terminal Action Code Specifies the Acquirer’s Terminal - Default conditions that cause a transaction to be rejected if it might have been approved online, but the terminal is unable to process the transaction online. M b 40 5 Used along with Issuer Action Codes, to decide on action to be taken during Terminal Action Analysis. Terminal Action Code Specifies the Acquirer’s - Denial conditions that cause a transaction to be denied without an attempt to go online. Terminal M b 40 5 Used along with Issuer Action Codes, to decide on action to be taken during Terminal Action Analysis. Terminal Action Code Specifies the Acquirer’s - Online conditions that cause a transaction to be transmitted online. Terminal M b 40 5 Used along with Issuer Action Codes, to decide on action to be taken during Terminal Action Analysis Terminal Capabilities Indicates the Card data input, CVM, and security capabilities of the terminal. Terminal M B '9F33' 3 Terminal Country Code Indicates the country of Terminal the Terminal represented according to [ISO3166]. M n3 '9F1A' 2 Terminal Floor Limit Indicates the Floor limit in Terminal the terminal in conjunction with the AID. O B '9F1B' 4 Var As per EMV A mandatory data element. It is one of the data elements the Terminal uses to populate a CDOL. Terminal Identification Designates the unique location of a Terminal at a merchant. Terminal O an 8 '9F1C' 8 Var Terminal Type Terminal M n2 '9F35' 1 As per EMV Indicates the Environment of the Terminal, its communication capability, and its operational control. Page 88 of 94 April 2015 Location/Usage © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved The amount above which, all transactions are attempted online. A mandatory data element. It is one of the data elements the Terminal uses to populate a CDOL. AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS Name TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Description Source Presence Format Tag Length Values Terminal Verification Results Status of the different functions as seen from the Terminal. Terminal M b 40 '95' 5 See table 23-20 for possible values. Threshold Value for Biased Random Selection Value used in Terminal Risk Management for random transaction selection. Terminal O — — — Must be 0 or a value less than the Terminal Floor Limit Track 1 Discretionary Data Discretionary data associated with the magnetic stripe track 1. Card O ans '9F1F' Track 2 Discretionary Data Discretionary data associated with the magnetic stripe track 2. Card O cn '9F20' Track 2 Equivalent Data Image of magnetic stripe Track 2. Card M cn '57' Transaction Amount Clearing amount of the Terminal transaction, including tips and other adjustments M n 12 — 6 Var up to Coded according to 16 [ISO7813] Var Var up to According to [ISO7813] 19 Transaction Currency Indicates the currency Code code of the transaction according to [ISO4217]. The implied exponent is indicated by the minor unit of currency associated with the Transaction Currency Code in [ISO4217]. Terminal M n3 '5F2A' 2 Transaction Currency Indicates the implied Exponent position of the decimal point from the right of the transaction amount. Terminal O n1 '5F36' 2 Transaction Date Terminal M n6 YYMMDD '9A' 3 Local date that the transaction was attempted. Coded according to [ISO7813]. A mandatory data element. It is one of the data elements the Terminal uses to populate a CDOL. Optional data element available via READ RECORD command. Optional data element available via READ RECORD command. Mandatory data element available via READ RECORD command must be present in SFI 1 Record 1. A mandatory data element. It is one of the data elements the Terminal uses to populate a CDOL. According to [ISO4217] Page 89 of 94 April 2015 Location/Usage © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved A mandatory data element. It is one of the data elements the Terminal uses to populate a CDOL. AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS Name TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Description Source Presence Format Tag Length Values Transaction Type Indicates the type of financial transaction, represented by the first two digits of [ISO8583] Processing Code. The actual values to be used for the Transaction Type data element are defined by the relevant payment system. Terminal M n2 '9C' 1 Transaction Personal Identification Number (PIN) Data Data entered by the Cardholder to verify a PIN offline. Terminal C B '99' 8 Var Transaction Sequence Counter Counter maintained by the terminal that is incremented by one for each transaction. Terminal M n 4-8 '9F41' 2-4 Var Transaction Status Information (TSI) Indicates the function performed in a Transaction Terminal M B '9B' 2 Transaction Time Local time that the transaction was attempted Terminal M n6 HHMMSS '9F21' 3 Unpredictable Number Value to provide variability and uniqueness to the generation of the application cryptogram. Terminal M b 32 '9F37' 4 A mandatory data element. It is one of the data elements the Terminal uses to populate a CDOL. A conditional data element which must be present for Offline PIN. Set by the Terminal during the transaction as defined in EMV 4.2. Proper setting of TSI is a Level II EMV certification requirement. Var Page 90 of 94 April 2015 Location/Usage © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved This is passes to the Card application by the Terminal and used within the GENERATE AC process. AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL 23 Glossary Table 23-1: Acronyms and Abbreviations Term Description AAC Application Authentication Cryptogram AC Application Cryptogram ADF Application Directory File AEF Application Elementary File AEIPS American Express ICC Payment Manual (Terminal and Chip Card) AFL Application File Locator AID Application Identifier as defined in [ISO/IEC7816-4] AIP Application Interchange Profile APDU Application Protocol Data Unit. The unit of information passed between a Terminal and a Smart Card according to [ISO7816]. ARPC Authorization Response Cryptogram ARQC Authorization Request Cryptogram ATC Application Transaction Counter CA Certification Authority Cardholder American Express Cardmember CDA Combined Dynamic Data Authentication / AC Generation CDOL Card Risk Management Data Object List CVM Cardholder Verification Method CVR Cardholder Verification Results DDA Dynamic Data Authentication DDF Directory Definition File DDOL Dynamic Authentication Data Object List DEA Data Encryption Algorithm DES Data Encryption Standard DET Data Element Table Page 91 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Term Description DF Dedicated File Disposition The transaction outcome that Terminal processing indicates is preferable at a particular point during the transaction (e.g., if the Terminal disposition is for an st offline approval it will request a TC when it issues a 1 GENERATE AC). EMV Europay, MasterCard and Visa. A term that is used to refer to the specifications developed by these three bodies. FCI File Control Information Financial Transaction The set of command-response pairs that are used to satisfy the payment business function. IAC Issuer Action Code IC Integrated Circuit. Component of the ‘Smart Card’. ICC Integrated Circuit Card. Synonymous with ‘Smart Card’ and ‘Chip Card’. IFD Interface Device Issuer An organization which prepares the application, establishes its processing options and cryptographic keys, provides online transaction authorization, and can modify the application after it has been issued. Issuer Script A set of commands sent from the Issuer to the application, which can modify the application’s data or status. MAC Message Authentication Code. A short digest, which is representative of a (usually longer) message. It may accompany the message, and may be used by a recipient to verify the integrity of the message. PAN Primary Account Number Payment Application Depending on the context. This is the AEIPS-compliant payment functionality on a Smart Card which may support a payment account. PDOL Processing Options Data Object List PIN Personal Identification Number Primitive Data Object Data returned or sent to the Card which includes the TLV of the data item concerned. PSE Payment Systems Environment RFU Reserved for Future Use RID Registered Application Provider Identifier RSA Rivest, Shamir and Adleman. Inventors of the RSA public key algorithm. SDA Static Data Authentication Page 92 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL Term Description SFI Short File Identifier [ISO7816-4] SHA-1 Secure Hash Algorithm 1 SW1 Status Word byte 1 [ISO7816-4] SW2 Status Word byte 2 [ISO7816-4] TC Transaction Certificate TLV Tag, Length, Value TVR Terminal Verification Results Page 93 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved AMERICAN EXPRESS AEIPS TERMINAL TECHNICAL MANUAL 24 Index GET DATA........................................... 16, 33, 36, 38, 39, 73 GET PROCESSING OPTIONS ...... 16, 22, 23, 34, 59, 63, 64 1 1st Card Action Analysis .................................. 16, 43, 44, 45 1st Terminal Action Analysis .................................. 16, 40, 42 2 2nd Card Action Analysis ................................. 16, 52, 53, 54 2nd Terminal Action Analysis ...................................... 16, 50 I Initiate Application Processing ......................... 15, 22, 23, 64 Issuer Action Codes .................. 32, 38, 40, 41, 42, 47, 51, 66 Issuer Authentication .....16, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 74 Issuer Authentication Data .......................... 46, 48, 49, 50, 51 Issuer Script Processing ................................................ 16, 54 O A AAC ................................................ 40, 44, 47, 50, 52, 55, 57 Abbreviations ...................................................................... 94 Acronyms ............................................................................ 94 Advice Messages ................................................................ 51 Application Authentication Cryptogram ........... 40, 41, 42, 94 Application Cryptogram.................. 28, 40, 42, 50, 52, 54, 59 Application File Locator ......................................... 22, 64, 94 Application Interchange Profile ........................ 22, 64, 65, 94 Application Selection ............................ 15, 19, 20, 21, 23, 62 Application Usage Control .................... 15, 31, 32, 66, 67, 72 ARPC ...................................................................... 46, 48, 94 ARQC ............................................. 30, 40, 46, 50, 52, 57, 94 ATC ........................................................................ 39, 73, 94 Authorization Response Code ......... 41, 42, 47, 48, 50, 51, 68 Authorization Response Cryptogram ...................... 46, 48, 94 Offline Data Authentication 15, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 40, 45, 59, 74 Offline Processing ............................................................... 41 Online Processing ........................... 16, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 54 P Performance Requirements ................................................. 58 Processing Restrictions ........................................... 15, 31, 40 R Read Application Data .................... 15, 23, 24, 28, 31, 41, 60 READ RECORD ....17, 19, 24, 28, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66, 70, 71, 73, 80, 85, 90 C Card Risk Management ..................................... 42, 44, 66, 94 Cardholder Verification .......................................... 15, 33, 40 Cardholder Verification Method ........... 33, 34, 36, 37, 57, 69 CDA ................... 26, 28, 29, 30, 43, 45, 51, 53, 65, 71, 74, 94 CVM ..............................33, 35, 36, 37, 59, 66, 69, 70, 72, 74 S SDA ...................................................... 15, 26, 27, 28, 29, 96 SELECT .................................... 17, 19, 21, 55, 61, 62, 63, 79 Static Data Authentication ........ 26, 27, 29, 64, 71, 72, 74, 96 T D Data Elements ......................................................... 61, 75, 76 E TC ................ 30, 40, 42, 44, 45, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 57, 95, 96 Terminal Action Codes ......................... 32, 38, 40, 41, 42, 51 Terminal Risk Management .................. 16, 38, 39, 40, 41, 73 Terminal Verification Results ......... 25, 35, 38, 67, 68, 74, 96 Transaction Completion .......................................... 16, 44, 57 EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE ...................... 16, 46, 48, 49 U G Unpredictable Number ................................ 30, 59, 67, 68, 72 GENERATE AC .....16, 30, 41, 42, 45, 47, 50, 52, 55, 57, 68, 73, 93 Page 94 of 94 April 2015 © 2015 American Express. All Rights Reserved
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 94 Language : en-GB Tagged PDF : Yes Title : Terminal Technical Manual Author : James Savage Creator : Microsoft® Office Word 2007 Create Date : 2015:03:16 10:38:59+00:00 Modify Date : 2015:03:16 10:38:59+00:00 Producer : Microsoft® Office Word 2007EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools