ASK 21 Repair Manual 2016 09 26
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nsH 2t Flight Manua I lnstructions For Continued Airworth iness Repair Manual ALEXANDER SCHLEICHER GMBH & CO., SEGELFLUGZEUGBAU D-361 63 POPPENHAUSEN (WASSERKUppE) Tel. +49 (0) 06658 /89-0 Fax +49 (0) 06658 I 8940 www. REPAIR MANUAL Repair Manual REPAIR MANUAL Table of Contents 2. GeneralDirections 3. Repair Methods & Classification 4. Repair Materials + Useful Aids 5. Preparing the Parts for Repair 6. Repair Classes 7. Summary 8. New Materials Carbon & Aramid 9. Tables and Diagrams Materials Used and Supply Reference Repair lnstructions and Technical Notes lssue February 1983 Amended and corrected Amended Amended Amended Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 5 5 7 8 11 Annex : : April1999 : 3 4 Page22 January 1994 July 1994 July 1998 : 1 2 Published by the author ALEXANDER SCHLEICHER with the assistance of Martin Heide. Translation into English has been done by best knowledge and judgement. ln any case of doubt the original text in German language is controlling. Copyright @ tgag Alexander Schleicher GmbH & Co. D-36'163 PoppenhausenM/asserkuppe All rights reserved. Reprints or copies, even partly, only with written consent of the publisher. Rev.No./Date Sig. Author Date 13.04.'1999 Juw Heide Feb.1983 Page no. 1 Repair Manual 2. General Directions Any material to be used for a repair must be suitable intended repair purpose, must fullfill the acceptance requirements of the compstent Civil or Military Acceptance Authority, and must be stored aecording for tha to the makers' prescriptions. To ensura that these ponditions ate met, it is advisable to obtain a stock of fiber cloth, resin and hardener, as well as the manufacturer's main layer scheme drawings, already before the beginning of competitions and to store the materials {even the clothl in airtight packs at about 20 oC. lt is also advisable to make yourself familiar with the literature relevant to the subiect on fiber composite repair methods. We recommend in German: 'rYortiufige Richttinien f0r die ReparEtur von GFK-Tei ten (i.e. Provisionat Guidetines for the Repair of GRp Compo nents.r); nay be obtained from: DLR,, 38108 ERAUllSCHrrEIc. or in English: I|IL-HDBK-23 Part 1; nay be obtained from: Office, lrashington 25 D.C., USA. Govern Dent Printing Abrupt change in thickness of laminate should be avoided in order to prevent stress concentration areas, and wherever possible the areas cut out should . be oval and circular instead of rectangular. The transition between repair and undamagad area should be as gradual and smooth as possible. The scarf or taper angles for fiber composite materials should be between 1 : 50 and to 1 I 100. Thin laminate layers cannot be scarfed; here the joints must overlap. ln case of bFdirectional cloth (equal number of fibers in warp and weft), the overlap lengths should be about 10 mm per 100 g/m- of cloth weight. With predominantly uni-directional cloth {reinforced warp) the overlap Jengths of the warp should be - 20 mm per 100 g/m-. The weft fibers need not overlap. For exact values see diagram "Overlap Lengths". Rev.No.lDate. SiS. Author Date July 1994 Page No. 2 Repair Manual Fiber composite materials are susceptible to water. Therefore, wet sanding of repaired areas must' be avoid' ed. For the same reason it is also important that all ' repaired areas be preserved by paint finish after the inspection - wherever neceqsary by a licensed inspector. 3. Reoair Methods & Classification described hereafter apply only to smaller repairs. Maior repairs must only be carried out by the manufacturer of the relevant part, or by an appropri- The methods ately licensed aviation repair station; major repairs also require a new release inspection. Many referencss given hereafter apply to the repair of sandwich areas because they are particularly tricky for repair due to their structure. These described methods are analogously applicable to any simple fiber composite skin repair. Repair Classilication Sometimes it may be necessary to do a temporary repair while ths permanent repair over a larger area will then be carried out later by the manufacturer. Such provisional repairs ar€ usually done mostly only superficially and are not the subiect of these repair instructions. Repairs are divided into the following ing to the extent to which the classes, damage affects accordair- the worthiness of the entire aircraft. CTASS 1: Large area destructions requiiing partial replacement of the componont or a repair over a large erea, i.e. damage to highly stressed components which impair the airworthiness, must only be repaired by the manufacturer of the relevant component, or by an appropriately licensed aviation repair station. Rev.No./Date. SiS. Author Date July 1994 Page llo. 3 Repair Manual 5. Preoarino the oarts Wherever possible all for reoair damaged components should be rc' moved from the aircraft prior to their repair. They ' should then be cleaned with soap-suds and thoroughly dried. Now use a solyent (tri'chlor'ethylene, carbon to remove any wax and grease residues from the repair area. Finally the aree is sanded using glass paper of grade 60 to 80. The surrounding areas are covered with stout paper or plastic foil to protetra-chloridel tect them from being soiled by resin drops. 6. Reoair Classes Class 4 Reoair Surface abrasions, scratches and grooves (provided the fiber glass laminate has not been damaged) usually ony require a new protective coat. Polyester paint is ideal for this {mixture of 100 parts UP gelcoat, white 03-69469, with 3 parts hardener 07-20500). To fill dee+sr grooves, the paint can be allowed to gel slightly {about 30 min.}. lf the reinforcement layers have been damaged, the areas must be cleaned and, if necessory, smoothed down lightly with glass paper. Then one layer of fine glass cloth is applied over the erea and covered with plastic foil. When the resin has hardened, use filler and re-paint. Class 3 Reoair The damaged outer laminate skin is cut out over a sufficiently large area in rounded shapes. Be careful to remove any detached laminate layers from the core material. Then the edges of the damaged outer skin must be sanded down to a very flat taper. The laminate layers which become visible like coniour lines, provide a good guide for the evenness of the taper. lf the supporting core material has also been damaged, it must be removed, where necessary, right down to the inner laminate. Please note that the core material is repaired usirp Balsa wood of the specific weight 0'15 - 0.19 kg/dm'. Scarf ratio is 1 : 5 in the direction of the fiber. Rev.No./Date, SiS. Author Date July 1994 Page ilo. 5 Repair Manual No scarf is made at right angles to the fiber direction. The foam cors matarial - Conticell or Rohacell is not scarfed (see Fig. 3a and 3b). The cloth for the new outer laminate skin is now cut to size; where the largest cut piece should just cover ths entire sanded area and the smallest cut piece should be the size of the removed core material area. All remaining layers shpuld be graded in equal steps between these two extreme sizes. A suitable technique is: a suitably larger piece of cloth is laid on a plastic foil and impregnated with resin, using a paint brush or a rubber smoother, then it is covered with a second plastic foil and all air bubbles and excess resin is squeezed out. Together with these foils tha laminates are then cut to size' Now first the new core material piece is impregnated and inserted in its place. Then the laminates are laid in, starting with the largest cut piece. To do this the bottom foil is torn off, the laminate inserted, and then the upper foil is peeled off, etc. All further repair steps are similar to those described under Class 4. For unsupported skin laminates proceed analogously. Perhaps it needs in this case first a piece of foam to be glued to the bottom surface to pre' vent the wet cloth laminate from sagging down (Fig.1.). Class 2 Reoairs Damage which has penetrated both laminate skins, can be repaired as follows: alt damaged areas in the skins and in the core material are cut out; the skins here again being cut in either oval or round shape. GRP laminate skins are sanded to a very ftat . laper (1 :50 up to 1 : 100) and the Balsa wood is scarfed in along the fiber direction (1 : 5). When the new core material has been inserted, the laminates are glued in as des' cribed under Class 3 repairs. First on one side only, and then after the first skin has cured completely, the laminate on the other side is glued on {Fig.2}. Rev.No./Date. Sis. Author Date July 1994 Page No. 6 Repair Manual lf there is no or only very difficult access to the inner skin of the sandwich, the repair area should be prepared as shown in Fig.3. Becausa the inner skins of thE sandwiches (wing; tailplanel are very thin throughout, they ca0not be scarfed, but. only overlapped. However, this fact simplifies the re' pair somewhat as the lower laminate skin need not be scarfed. The cloth layers of the upper laminate skin are prepared as described for Class 3 repairs. The lower skin layers are laminated onto the underside of the then allowed to gel for 2 to 3 core materiat and oC. Now fresh resin-hardener mixhours at 20 to 23 ture is applied to the glue joints and the core pieca with the lower laminate skin already glued on, is inserted and glued into place under light pressure. The upper laminate skin can then be repaired as described for Class 3 repairs. lf there is the risk tespecially in the case of larg' er holes) that this thin, unsupponed inner laminate skin will ba displaced when the core material is glued in place. then it should be supported from the inside by some foam pieces beforehand. Styro-foam used with Uhu'por glue has proved useful here. lf the inside area is inaccessible, the foam pieces can remain in these repaired areas permanently. Class 1 Reoairs Such repairs should be reserved to the manufacturer or to an appropriately licensed aviation repair station. ln any case the manufacturer and the compatent Civil Aviation Authority must be contacted' 7. Summino uo, are particulary important for repairs: 1. A bright, warm (20 ocl, and dry room (50 % rela- the following Points tive humidity). 2. Grease-free, cleanly sanded glue surfaces (watch hand sweat!). Rev.No.lDate. Sig. Author Date July 1994 Page No. 7 Bepair Manual 3. 4. Use of original materials; resin and hardener must not be older than 2 years. Glass cloth treated with Volan A finish or I 550 finish, stored in dry condition. Observing pot life and curing time. A well mixed resin/harden' er mixture {crystallized hardener can be regenerated by warming 8. it up to 30 ocl. New Materials CarboJL& Aramid in addition to the so tar used standard glass fibers the late-technology carbon and aramid fibers (aramid is also known as Kevlar or PRDI which have alredy been used for main components in the series construction of the ASW 22. ln composite with 3 resin system these materials are known as CFRP (garbon Eber Beinforced fllastics) and SFRP E standing There are now for the aramid fiber including $ynthetic Eiberl. Components in various SCHLEICHER sailplanes are built from these new fibers, e.g. - Wng spar flanges Carbon fiber rovings {ASW 22). - Wing shells CFRP-Conticell sandwich {ASW22} - Fuselage tail boom CFRP fabric strips (ASW 22) - Control surfaces & SFRP and SFRP-Rohacell-sandwich flaps {ASW 20 B/C and ASW 22} The general repair instructions given here before for GRP fibers, are also applicable to the above new materials. dny differences for repairs with carbon and kevlar fibers are described hereafter. Soecial Notes Resin it must be obthat these fibers require a different type of resin-hardener system than GRP repairs. ln order to get ths maximum use of the strength of carbon and kevlar fibers at higher temperatures, an epoxy resin must be used which provides still sufficient strength When repairing CFRP and SFRP components served at 54 oC temperature. Rev.No./Date. Sis. Author Date July 1994 Page llo. I Repair Manual For this reason tho usual Epikote 162 cannot be used. SCHLEICHER uses for these components the resin L 160 with hardener 163 (100 parts resin : 28 parts harden- er). Tha components must be cured at least 15 hours at above 55 oC. Carbon fibers Broken CFRP parts splinter badly so that there is increased risk of injury; gloves should always be worn when working on such fractures. A major disadvantage for sueh repairs is that thg delaminations do not show distinctly by visible white areas - as in case of glass repairs. To detect the extent of the the damage, therefore, the areas surrounding a damaged region must be examined with the greatest care for hardly visible cracks, them. e.g. by loading or pressing appears to be damaged. you in a CFRP laminate where a GRP laminate would have been still undamaged under- Even when only will find the paint sometimes damage neath. Basically cloth or rovings trom carbon fibers can be worked up in the same way as glass fibers. lf you have to repair laminates where the carbon fibers run into one direction only while glass fibers run in the other direction (e.9. lnterglas 02902), such layers are treated as uni-directional or warp-reinforced layers and the glass need not be scarfed. Overlap lengths of th6 different cloth weaves or rovings (mats) are given in the diagram. Note that the scarf length must only be half as long as the over- laps. When wetting them with reiin you will notice that the wetting through of the cloth is not visible. The solution here is to weigh the cut carbon piece which is to be used for the repair, and to work on it with the corresponding calculated resin-hardener amount. For a Rev.No./Date. Sig. Author Date July 1994 Page llo. I Repair Manual CTASS 2: CTASS 3: Holes and fractures which e.g. run through a sandwich structure destroying both laminate skins, but only over a smaller area. Small holes and fractures in the outer skin which have not resulted in any internal damage, neither to ths core material {foam, Balsa, tubus! nor to the inner laminate skin. CLASS 4. 4: Abrasions, scratches and grooves which not involve a fracture or break. do Reoair materials and useful aids For all repairs it is important C know the number of layers, the cloth weight per rh', and the fiber direction of the laminated cloth. This information is detailed in the layer scheme drawing of the component in question or can be inquired of the manufacturer. ln an emergency, it is possible to establish the composition of a laminate by burning out the resin {gas welding torch) on a broken piece from the area needing repair. The glass cloth used must be treated with Volan A finish, or !-550, and be stored in dry conditions. lf in doubL the glass cloth should be dried briefly with a fan heater before being used. For GRP repair work the resin mixture to be used should be 100 parts (by weight) of Epikote 162 and 38 parts by weight of Laromin C 260 (Epikure 1131. Clean containers and thorough mixing {approx. 2 min.} pot life of are a basic pre-requisite to success. The a 100 g resin mixture is about 25 min. 'at 23 oC. When the mixture has gelled, i.e. has becorne noticeably mors viscous, it must no longer be used, as it cannot wet out ' the cloth sufficiently any more. We point out distinctly that the original strength of a component cannot be achieved without final heat treatment {curing for 12 hours at 60 oCl. But temperatures above 80 oC must be avoided. Rev.No./Date. Sis. Author Date July 1994 Page No. 4 Repair Manual CFRP laminate applied by hand the correct proportion of fiber weight is about 35 %; this means that the proportion of the resin used must be 65 % (exception: this does not apply to roving sparsl. Aramid fibers You will come across the first difficulty in working with Aramid right at th.e point when attempting to cut the cloth. This material can only be cleanly cut when using really sharp cutting tools {serrated cuftErs}. When sanding it, you will quickly realize that it is virtually impossible to obtain a sanded surface free from fiber fluff. lt helps to rub it down wet with wet-and-dry paper, Of course. the sanded area must aI once be dried thoroughly. using a fan heater, before further work is continued. As the Kevlar fiber absorbs moisture, by which it will be deteriorated, it must be stored always in dry conditions or at least dried out before use. Kevlar must be protected from UV light, both in its unprocessed and processed condition. A Kevlar repair area therefore must immediately be painted. using a paint with a UV-filter. The UP paints (former designation was PE paint) used by SCHLEICHER do contain this UV protection {titanium dioxide as white pigment). Thin Kevlar skins as e.g. in the control surfaces and flaps of the ASW 22 cannot be scarfed and should be repaired by simple overlap. The resulting disalignment in height is corrected with filler and smoothed down. ln view of aerodynamics this has' no longer any influence for flaps or ailerons. When repairing mass-balanced control surfaces their tailheavy rnoment must be checked in any case after the repair is done. Rev.No./Date, Sis. Author Date July 1994 Page t{o. 10 Repair Manual It may be to useful determine the tailheavy moment atready prior to the repair. Thus it is possible to estimate whether it will at all be feasible to stay within the limits after a rePair. ln case of large damage. to these parts a replacement by new parts makes more sense anyhow. Overlap lengths are given in the relevant diagram for Aramid. Scarf lengths are half as long as over' lap lengths. Dressinos eaiUon and Aramid fibers are treated with a dressing to make it possible to weave cloths from the libers. For carbon fiber cloths this dressing also provides for better working qualities. lt is an Epoxy resin which is used as dressing for carbon fiber. The Aramid fibers are even dressed with a substance tpoty vinyl alcohol) which is also used as a re' lease agent. For this reason it is absolutely essen' tial to wash out the Aramid cloth very thoroughly {dressing residue < 0.05 %}. WARNING: Only such Aramid cloth qualities must be used where the manufacturer states explicitly that the dressing has been washed out. Latest service life fatigue tests with carbon laminates have dernonstrated that the type of Epoxy resin used as dressing must match the resin with which the laminate has been made. Therefore, it is important to usg only the original materials stated. 9. Tables and 6 Tables, 3 Figures, Rev.No./Date. Sis. 3 Diagrams. Author Date July 1994 Page llo. 11 Repair Manual E o E9 a(d oq org .o *l (s OE a * q) a o a (d (, o) +(Or 6o) o ozot N b8. rU) = q q 1r) lr) LO rO O q @ $ $ ro n @ n @ n @ O) c f E -C () '6 NOD (Dd ;g) _= 3s oc o=- o o o O) o o r o r N r r O) o C\I N CY) cY) o) O) q) EN C,)tr gb, (o r o c9 (o (o (o o EE (! a o a f Rev.No./Date. SiS. Author Date Page No. July 1994 12 Repair Manual c o 6 E9 a(d AdC --E (E +i OE r, c 8- U) + o a (E N a f U) (6 (, o) il(O 6o) E q q LO LO LO $ rr) n @ n @ oz9J o) cf c .o o NA (D11{ .o) : 3s oc .L LO r N o) 1o N o cr) AI C\I o @ rJ) O) O $ N o) O) (,=o EN .9', E 9ts, O @ N Rev.No./Date. c\I Sig. Author 1o O) cf) o) c) Date Page No July 1994 13 Repair Manual o o l< -o o o (U G' E o o) c o g, (s o (U (, o) (o O) (D oo z () q q o c\l rO n @ rO C\I LO n @ o) ! c c o 'iD a (6 N o 00 o) L I o o -o s o o = o o E. E (E o L o a J Rev.No./Date. Sig. Author Date Page No. July 1994 14 Repair Manual LU LU gE Z om@ z. o -o E '-6 -oE (5t O(l) I O LUX TLU ot .h (J -E c o a (! o LU O LUX ;AF rd -(E o< o< xR :6 IIN '6r r- Yco AI => Ju cc< (5 :< => Ju UlL cc< -o- Ym :< (5 UJ UJ LU (J LU Lf-I L -o_cc (5 (58 aA:< (5 frr-- CJ) )(, UJ CJ) J J o E (5 E LU F z. (E< -o(,tr a E. LU LLI F z. F z. 6a q) a (s o o -c Y o-.] 7 E o l) O) c c=- .C O '6 N (D;i (DU ,f -.8 YO oo_ o o= .CN .9, gb E N 65 o O) N o o $ o o o o) o O N Er .9f aaY @ rr) o cr) (f) O LO $ N r CD (o C\I o oE (6 a q) a = Rev.No./Date. Sig. Author Date Page No. July 1994 16 Repair Manual 6a E! o N@ -,E co ri o N i'i o u) (s tL p E SN +$ rO o(O (J a? a? c\l ol c) N ol o rr) 1r) rr) N(/) (Dtr( m-= TP oo LO o (o @ c\I -OP OC o =- @ O) @ r (o @ cr) o c\I o N o7 O) o a) o? a? .f, cr) N LO cr) N ol c.l rr) c .C .(-) o o (o O) cr) (o @ O) O) o -C or .9E gb, (o r LO N r C\I o oE (! a o U) l Rev.No./Date. Sig. Author Date Page No. July 1994 17 Repair Manual Fig.l REPAIR CLASS REPARATUR DER KLASSE Fig.2 REPARATUR DER KLASSE 2/ REPAIR CLASS {lnnenseite zugiinglich}/ (inside skin accessible) , Sctpumod. lubuslcrn 'i i-'oii'"';'-:." REeARATUR DER KLASSE 2 t REPATR clAss (lnnenseite unzuginglich)/ (inside skin inaccessible) Vorbereitung der Reparaturstette /Preparing the repair area Fig.3a :1-'" 3-. - The ,i-o... c-.4 taper ? '.-; '^ 3 i:; j;: -"1:; I of all scarf joints rs shown greatly exag- gerated. Rev.No./Date. Sis. Author Date July 1994 Page No. 18 Repair Manual Diagram: overlap length for glass fiber l 921t+6 e C 2145 (r,rol g, E E'I e, 6, a o (U Cf, -T o roo aoo 3oo I+o ll ) I 500 rveight tg/m?l Scarf lengths are half as long as overlaps. Rev.No./Date. 0q.99 Sis. Author Date July 1994 Page llo. 19 Repair Manual Diagram: overlap length for Aramid fiber E E ,15 E EN c(ll CL E L (u c) tl as !l -f,r $ .-s/ ot tl bv ,.rs/ .-f#. ( 0 300 weight tg/#l Scarf lengths are half as long as overlaps, Rev.No./Date. 0q.9e SiS. Author Date July 1994 Page llo. 20 Repair Manual Diagram: overlap length for Carbon fiber Eso tn EI -E 80 aL ctc E ?96 / I Rigitor AXT 250/ o t70 orbotex [X 25 60 50 40 n56t03492t I 031',16 fit 0 t a2924 b*P 031?t+ I CCC I+69 300 weight Scarf lengths are half as long as overlaps. Rev.No./Date. &.99 SiS. Author Date July 1994 Page l{o. 21 Repair Manual l{ateriEls used and supptv reference! Any of the materiats hercafter As may be obtained by per! 16.01.94 ilessrs.ALEXAilDER SCHLE I CIIER. Reein Gtycid5ther Hardener Epikure tt3 llenufacturer! I formerty: 162 lEpikotc 162 lAratdit tY 1525 BY 2954 llaromin c 260 I B0 ,l lilanufacturer: Deutsche SheLt Chemie 6mbH lCiba-Geigy 5 65760 Eschborn X6tner straBe AG | [Frankf urt/l-lain 1285 Resin I Lt60 llardener x2851286t287 | H 165 llanufecturcr: Hartin G. Scheufter Am Ostkai 2tl22 70327 stuttgart-Obertiirkheim fiber ctoth from E-Glaes I carbon and Kevtar ctoth rith Finish Votan-A or I 550 I Nanuf.cturerl CS-IIITERGLAS AG I C. Cramer GmbH & Co. (G BenzstraBe 14 | treberstr. 2t 89155 Erbach | 486f9 Heek-llienborg Gtass CANBOX FIBER }IATS cerbotex csT 125. csT 250 I nisitor AXT 125, AxT 250 Hith dressing for Epoxy resins. Io be supptied: from lrlessrs.ALEXA}|DER SCHLEICITEI. novl ltGs - E-Gtass: Ec 9-716 l( 4l (68) llanufacturer! vetrotex Deutschiand Bicherouxstra8e GmbH 51 52134 llerzogehrath Carbon fiber: CF-fabric strips (KDU) l.lanufacturer: Sigri GmbH lrerner-von-sienens-strage l8 86405 xeitingen KC 20 SDY LtI 29 966 and ' Rev.No./Date. SiS. Author Date July 1994 Page llo. 22 Repair Manual FOAI{ PVC }IATERIILS As Per! 14.01 .94 hard foan 5.1560.2 according to DIll e9 898 I formertyr Divinycett ll 60 .l Conticelt 60 llanufacturer: I Hanufaeturer; Divinycett Internationat GmbH I Continent.t AG llax-von-Laue-Str. 7 | 30965 tlemingen I Hannover Pl.lI hard foam 5.1460.2 according to DIll 29 898 (Rohacelt A7l) llanufacturer! Rohm GDbH Chemische Fabrik Kirschenattee 45 64293 Dgrnstadt NESII FILLENS.: Aerosit llanufacturer: A+E Fischer Postfach 15 02 45 65090 Hiesbaden Cotton flocks, Type FB 1/035 (formerly Type FL lf) llanufacturer: Schrarzr$tder Texti trerke Postfach 4 77771 Schenkenzet l llicro baltoon, Bhite llanufacturer: OilYA GmbH Postfach 51 08 509t4 r6tn 51 40 PI I }IT uP-getcoat T 35 rhite UP-hardener sF 2 ./ sF lforrnerty: 10 I uP-getcoat rhite 03-69 469 | UP-hardener llo. 07-20 500 I thinner llo. 06-10 170 I llanuf acturer: I lxZo Coatings cmbH SF acturer: tlartin G. Scheufter Am O8tk6i 21122 I 70327 stuttgart-obertiirkheim I stuttgart Thinner l,lanuf Hev.No./Date. Sig. Author Date July 1994 Page llo. 23 Er rH lltstt{ut;llt lI for ,fl Fib.r Comporat Alrcrafi Annlx to llrr Bcprh Mlnud DEEE I: '1 o, ? Alerrndor Schlelchor ffita xiQffi new Post Cods: D-36183 Subiact: Repairs on fibar composite construcdon aircraft for which ths original rgsin syatenrs ana no longer availabli in ths msrtot. S€risl number aoplicabilitv: All Eerlsl no.s of SCHLEICHER aircraft made from tiber composite mat€rials. Rsason: Th€ ffrst fiber composito akc.aft typss havs baen buih 30 yeara ago and it b€com8s more and more ditficuh to almost obtain the oriOinal roain syEtams, Thk repair instrucdon stst6 which resin types can b€ used whbh sircraft npas on Acltotri fot fgpairs. The following sircraft qrpes mads from glass fibers ASVI, 12 (dl modsl variants and serial numb€rs) ASW 15 (a[ model varianB and serial numbors] ASW 17 {all modsl variants and serial numbars; oxcspt fot such fuselago buih as per TN no.4, i.a, with carbon ffber) ASW tg (aS mod variants and Eerial numbsrsl ASyl, 20 {a[ model variant3 and orial numbes; sxoapt for fi€ coatrol Esrfac63 & flaps of ASW 20 B, 8L and ASW 20 C, CL var- i.nts! ASK 21 (a[ modsl variants and serisl nrxnbersl ASK 23 l.ll model va.ianb aad serial numbersl have baan d sre still b{J[t wi$ tig resln ayE&rns: Epoxin 182 with hadanEr Leromin C260, subs€qucrrtly renam€d Epikote 182 witlr 8ubsequenily es: a9; Glycidertar 182 hardener Eplkure witt ln cas€ $at liess 113, renamed hard€nor Epikur€ 113. original ma&riaE are no bnger available, 286 lmadiuml ttre following resin sy8lem can bs u!6d ,ot' ths repalr : Scieufler L 285 wi$ hardenarc H 285 trapld). or H or H 287 (dowl. rtructra compmants wftkh have bsan bult whh the Sclr{lrfl.r Irrh ry.tcm L 285, CANilOT bc rcpaind wiitr Epiko. to 162 ' Epi*rra l13l ASW 17 lusalages ss wsrs bullt .with the rsain Eyatem: Bak6lito L 2O & hardener Th€ carbon fibe, rsinforced p€r TN no.4a SL. ThB ASW 22 (all modal vadants and scriat numbe.s) was built with tln resin systern: CIBA XB 3052A & hardener XB 30528; sub- as: LY 5053 & hardEner HY 5052: and with Scheuflor resin L 160 and hard€ner H 161. H 162, H 1628 or H 16i1. which was roplacad after tg85 by the Scheuflor resin L 285 whh hardonors H 285. H 288 or H 287. E€quenuy ronamod l'dEt I : 2al REFAIE INSTRUCTIOIII ALxrEdcr Schloich.r for dl Fhcr Conposlt! Aircratt Ann.r to tr. B.prk Marud 2 x{xm* wl6 Post Code: D-36143 ThB sam6 lailn systsrls as on tig ASW 22 wEre ,lso us6d fo, th6 cont ol curf.ces & flaps of AS:W 20 B, BL .nd ASW 20 C, CL varF ents. The aircrsft rypes ASW 24, ASH 25 snd ASH 26 E (8tt modd ver+ aBta 6nd 3srial numbsrs rBspsctlvelyl w€re built onty wlth th3 raEin 6y8t6mt Schoufler L 288 wirh hardenars H 2gS, H 296 or H 287 - oxcept for suct haat{esiltdnt sngine parts which rs- quir8 sxplichly othor milerial. For ell aircreft ryp63 .spal'3 can b6 done or Scheufl6r L 2gS with H 285, H 288 or H 287 (dop6nding on fie desirsd pot b€fu.6-menfon6d uslno eitha, tie original rasin 8y$iams hard6neru lifu and curlng condidoruil. Any rspah ustng Scheuflar resin L for about 12 houre at 58 - 62ocl Notes: 2BS rEquircs r Fost curing Fu€l Tanb: ASK t4 .nd ASK le fu6l tanks were buih EpikorB 162[aromin C260. Sirtco ths us€ of low{rade.bdnzols uslng fuets Supar Plu3l drcse tsnkr hava beeome blind and the restn 3y$em: (MOGAS.Eurosuper snd sott The tuel tank3 tor ASW 22 M, ASW 22 BE. ASW 24 E, ASH 2E E, and ASH 26 E, as w€ll 8s new buih tanks for ASK 14 and ASK 16 were buih wlth, Bskelite L 20 & hardenu H gl.. Thsy must bs repairad only with said Bakelite L 20 Popp€nheusBn. July 4, &H 91. 1994 AI..EXATDER SCHT.HCHEB GmbH & Co. The renslati,on lnto Engli8h has b6en done by baEt knowl€dge and judgoment ln any caso of doubt tie Germsn originel is eorltrolliog. m7.E 1of CARBO{ FIBER CLOTH FOR ALL FIBER COT/I. Alexandc.r gchleich€r qrbH & co. POSITEAIRCRAFT Anncx to the Rep€ir Manu€l S€g3frlrgalghu D - 301fi! Poppe[hauson REPAIR INSTRUCTION Sh€6t 1 gubleca: Repalr ard produclion of tibe. composlis sircrsfl forwhic,h the typos of taMcs or rovlng lay€rs as dated in th€ layer saheme drawings are ns longer us€d. Aopllc.bilitv: AU AS aircrafr, seilplanqs and pourBr€d seildanes, made from fibsr comporiite rBinfor"sd plestlcs (FRP). R€raon: tho der$gnahns ot tailios or mving layBE hav€ charEed in llre cours€ of the years or aIe no longer in use erxl lor have beefl rephced by otner typ€s. This repair instrudion slates wthtr types of fsbdcs Ac'tion: or roving layers may b6 l,s€d as subciltutB. Th€ metedals Ca6otex CX12 or CST125 (fabrlc ureight 125glst, Gfibor p6rcentag6 120dIIn and Cartotox CX25 orCST250 (faffic w€Eht 250drf. Gfiber perccntage 240 g/r0 aro no. longer us6d. For repair and Foduction of FRP eitcrefl or FRP strudural compononls the follo\,ring sub. slitute fabrhs or layer srybs may bo used ard the layer scheme dmwings amsndod oonE- spordinsly. Gfibor pononlsgo Daslgnatioo rTG e8320 (03 340) 1t2g!fif MDL9M1 140Cfif l2Oglnf Supplier lnterglss SlSd CCC - Style 763 140 glm. 120 g/me l(ramer 121 S Sigratox KDU - lqrg f,5 wid€) mm sbrstexKDU - 1012 (150 mm zlayor! ITG 2 leyeG CCC - S-tyl6 CCC.- Styh 98320 763 79€ X) wide) glfif fiberpercentage Supplier 218.1stnf 291dfiP 319 glnl. 2E2.4glnt '1329ffi 121 glfif 120 glnf 400.4 g/mr 140 gdm. 2E0 g/tn' 247 glfif SiSri SiSd SlSrl hterglas Kramgr Kramer CuneIltly availaH€ €)( $o€k frcm SCHLEICHERI This Rgpslr lnSrudion mu* be inserted as AnrEx into thB Repair Maoual I lJoEE3 All fabrlc s mvirE lsyer matedals csn ba o{der€d trom Alerander Schleicher cmbll & Co. PO Box 50 D.36151 Popponllauscn Tel +49 665E tgo 0f Fax +ilg 6858 4940 Poppenheusen, July 7, 19S Alexander Schleicher f\ Byqd.r IHEREAWAGEWEITdoG\ /bmdrhd RBGY x) GmbH&Co. (#=-il,-E-J* (Lutz-w. Jlryrw) n n x) Technlcel Note No. 01-98 Shs6t l oll fdall airsafttypes of Glass Fib€r & Fib€r Composib ConstlJdion Alemil!.r SchLlchar GmDll A Co. S.gdr{[({ba D - 3816:l Poppenhauseo 3ubir6: N€ry App$c.bifty: All AS rtrc.8fr - saildsno elld pory9f€d saildana typs - forshirrt rssin leminatlng sys. tcms srs used. ,sln systom for lemindim glass, cartoo. and Aramld fib€r cloth Colr|plLnce: Nono. R6ason: The r€sin rnsnufsdusr Ma{tin G. Sohsuflsr has d€velopod e lemlnelirE r€sin L 335 wilh the hsrd6nerE H3:15, H335-340 8rd H3{0 whlch can b€ usr{l insiesrt ot ihe r8sin sy$em Edkotc 162 yrith llard€ns,s Egikur8 113 or Leromln C 260 rEpectlvsly. Produolion of lhe rEh system Eplkote / Efrkure will bo dlscontlnuad. Thls lsmlndiry lgsin system is qualified by lte t6sts 8s F€scrib€d by the kfifahltBundesemt (LBA) in GuEBlinas tor Resin Fiber Compclto grudulls (G6rman: RFM ard has b€€n certified by tha LBA rorlho svietion industry. m For a[ fib6f compodts comgonorns ufilch wsre built usine th€ lBgn system Eplkote 162 with haden€ts Epil$rs113 or LsrominC2So rcspedivaly, notv th€ hminaling lgliio L 3:15 xrffi lha hsrdgnefs H 335, H il35 - 310 and H 3{0 can be u3€d whon lhe compo- n€r{s s€ new built or€rl. Spars mu* not bc rrfek€d ,ror new buih wiln th6 leminaliqg f3sin L 33!i ard the had€flors H 335, ll ll35 - 3aO rnd H 340. ln oeEo of doubt il b mquired to oofitad lhs comsry Ah€nder Schblcrl8r. Cornponords h'frlclr h8v€ bo3n r8ps[Bd or new hrili iyfih the r€sio L 3i]5 must bo tr{€d for 15 h,rt e trmpefsluro ot 55.60 C'. Thls TN muS be lnssfed G snnex into lh€ AS Repair Msnual. The raEin sysilom L 335 cao be oHein€d from I Alexar*lrr Sa$Hciar Gmbll & Co. P.O. Box60 }'3E161 Poppenhfltsen llllasserkuppe T€l 0605E - ECo ff Fex 0€656 - a940 or email A$${ Poppenllgusen, Uedr 12, 1999 Alexander $chleicher GmbH &Co. avoa",Q,&-CI 5-/?D (Lulz-W. Jullrtev) Ths G8rman otlgtlrel of lfib Tedrniod NotB has bogn approvod by thg LBA under tfto date of Marcfi 10, 1999, (slgnsture: JUNG ). The lrandslion into Erylish halr bean dons by best knoryledge and iudlsmenti in efly cass ofdouH th€ Gerinsn orlginal is confo$ng. Technlcal Note No. 02-99 for all aircraft types of Alerand€r Schhlchor Glass Fiber & Fiber ComposiE Constudion D - 36163 Popponhausen She€t l dl SubJoct: New fini8h fut giaEe fibBr do0l Appllcrhlllty: All AS ahEatt - saldan€ and pori,6r€d sailphne Gonstucton, tp€s - whtsi Gr$H & Co. $agdn$m4nau use ghss fiber clofi hr their Complianc.: None, Rilsn: CSINTERGI-AS AG, lhe rnanufaoftrl€r d glars fibe6, h6 dEvdopsd a n6w finlsh ,or Pd}b ostff r€sin (UP), Vinyl 6ster resln (VE), Eporry resin (EP), and Polyamid Eystsms (PA); UrS ne$ frnBh replecos t!6 pr€vbus finbh tlpee. Tha n6w fnish FK 800 r*ad6 on th6 b66b ofAmirp-Silan, ofiera t ts follorlru advantagss: - kxlEr Chlorkle values - fasl€r wBttng d thg doth - lrrlproved adhesbn b6ntve6n dolh and r€sh syst€m - Chrome conlents 0% - excellent meofialiod prserties. b qualin€d by thB r6ds as F€soribed by lh6 Luflf,ahrt€und63ril (LBA) ln ffte GuEellnos fior Resin Fib6r Composlte Sbudurss {Gerrun: R}fV) and has begl certlfied by the LgAfor he avktion industy. This fink*l Acton: Gless fibsI dolh wih th€ n6n, finish FK 800 can b€ used for dl fibel cdrposite compon€nts, €lth6r ror nerry bullt pafu or ror r€palrs, lnstesd of lhe FBvi([l8ly us€d glass dolh typ€8. Thb TN must b€ inserled as ann€x inlolhe AS Ropair Mmual. Poppenhzusen, Mardr 15, lggg Alexandor $chlelcher GmbH & Co, by ord€r fu-fr, (Lute-W. Jumbur) Th6 G6man ofiglnel of thle Techbal l,lot6 hB b6en apprwed by tr€ LBA urd6r th6 dat€ d Apnl6, lS!€, (sEnafuro: JUNG ). Tha fenEhlion inb Englilfi has be€n done by. b6st kno.riedg€ end Judgemont in any cas6 of doubt th6 Garman orighal i{r contolllng. l of Alsxmdar Schlelch.r Tachnical Noh No.03-09 Sheot Sublect Applic.bility: Gmtll & C4 for a[ airareft d ttle produclion S3rios AShl, ASK & ASW 1 S.gdf{ntela D - 3616:l Poppenhausen N€w m8terlal sp€dflca0onsfor coppor-dnc alloys (foflnerly bress). All A8 aircr.fl - selplan. .nd porrvBlrd saihlanr lypes - corcn$y in ptodudion as wsll as manufaciura of sperD pad8 for thoso foflnsly ln prcdudlon. Compliance: Non€. Ree3on: DIN 17 66{, €m 17 00'l sil.ndald3 contrin psdy chengpd sp6dlicatiorls. mstBrlsl aEidgEd slgns or nunb3rs rsspoctlvoly, for copp€r-dno slloy3 (formsrty bress). The brass as orllhally slstod ln the dnwingE ls no hnger evaileue in oconomical querF tities. Action: This Tt{ Eup€rE€des lh€ mst6dal spocifleailons br copp€r-dnc alloys (fo[n€rly br€Es) on lhe rB€ctlvs sisting dnnlqgs aod mrd bo hsad€d as snnex lntothaAS RepelrMe.F uel, Mei.rirl: ln$s8d of lh6 has6 mst€rial spedficalions rldlidr wore so fer statsd in thg drawings ih€ folh|im mstcrt l abrlqpd s&m arxt rumbers c8n be llsad 83 substftute: DIN Tensib S$orEth MaterialAuldo€d sign Malsflgl NumDor N/mtrl. guzn3gPbz, heId mln. 17 6€0 2.036026 'a:lo r7 670 ' FaA Ht20 tlrss8l 2.(x01.26 min.430 17 660 Cuzn3gPt8, herd Fr" r{ff ' &s qrznx,PDz, mln.44O 2.0p, mln,4ao Cu 4137, hafll 2.0u21.32 mln.5.m 17 e6{t CuAr37, hard 2.03i!1.34 min.610 17Wt wLz.u{t€a.q+! mh.55{, naro F4{ H125 nls58) gu Znirrr nafu Hl4ll lus88) Fla Hi7! ilrAl\ Bl ,t? 661 17 6t6At 2.0402.26 F4.l !,m UU nw lkml AZ '' ,7 7 7 t7 *a 600, eal I e61 t7 861 17 681 ',ITIU 5EAlz} {SoMS ') To be ssod as FornBr ab.idged Drrwinor: ftst slil crroica, wfiorg possiblel ln braddsl (Ms = br8ss) Th€ brass met8rlal spedficrtlofis yvhhft vBre so far stat€d h the dradngs elts hel8vrlth rDdaoad by the matsdal ab{flSod sigrrs and numb€f3 rsspedivety in this TN. The t€spor*lve drewirps nc€d nol be dlalE€d, Popp€nheusen, MarEn 26, '1999 Alexander Schleicher Gmbll & co. ,"*, @i -l) (LgE-w' Ju The G6men o,lginal ot lhls TGcfinicel Nots h83 been spproved by Ule LBA under the 6s16 61 Alril 8, 1999. (signaturs: JUNG ). The Asnsletion into English has b€on dooe by Des* knorvledge sId Jtldgement h 8ny c8se of douH ti8 celman origlnal is conlrclliftg. Technical Note Page 1of Alexander Schlelcher No. G!-2fi)8 1 GmbH & Co. Segeltlugzeugbau Spar cap fibres EC9 756 P109 D - 361 63 Poppenhausen Subiect Fibres ofthe type ECg 756 P109 replace the fibres previously used for glass fibre spar caps. Applicability: All As-aircraft with glass fibre reinforced spar caps Classification: MinorChange Urgency: None Reason: The manufacturer of glass fibres Sainlcobain Velrotex replaces the finish of their ggm glass fibres. Denomination of the previous glass fibres Denominataon of the new glass fibres type: type: ECg 756 Ktl3 ECg 756 P109 The new material was tested statically and dynamically in comparison to the previous material. Actionr For all spar caps made from glass fibre reinforced plastic, the new type of fibres ECg 756 P109 may be used for production or repair instead of the fibres that were used before. This TN is to be attached to the As-repair manual as an appendix. Note: ln the meantime, the supplier Saint-Gobain Vetrotex has been acquired and has become part of the company OCV Reinforcements. Poppenhausen, 12.02.2004 Alexander Schleicher GmbH & Co. i.A. k c*; (M. Greiner) The German original has been approved by the EASA on the 1 8 March 2008 with change number EASA.A.C.09208 Page 1of1 Technical Note Alexander Schleicher No. 01-2013 GmbH & Co. Segelflugzeugbau Replacement U-PICA-MAT Subject: Applicability: D - 36163 Poppenhausen Replacement of sandwich-core U-PICAMAT through Lantor LRC Soric Sailplanesandpoweredsailplanes: 26 E ASW27 ASW28 ASW2&18 ASW2&18 E ASW27-18 (ASG29) ASH ASH 26 ASW27-18E (ASG2sE) ASH 31 Mi Type Certificate LBA 383 Type Certificate LBA 883 TCDS EASAA.22O TCDS EASAA.O17 TCDS EASAA.O17 TCDS EASA A.034 TCDS EASAA.220 TCDS EASAA.220 TCDS EASAA.538 all variants Urgency: Reason: None The produc't U-PICA MAT was used to create wall thickness between load carrying layers. The produc{ is no longer available. U-PICA MAT was used in nominal thickness of 1mm. ln impregnated condition this corresponds in respect of weight and thickness to the product Lantor LRC Soric 2mm. Action: Vvhen U-PICA MAT is specified in drawings, alternatively Lantor LRC Soric may be used, according to the following table: Specified in drawing Replaced by U-PICA MAT 1mm LANTOR SORIC LRC 2mm Poppenhausen, 1. May 2O13 Alexander Schleicher GmbH & Co. i.A. H- f .-'* (M. Greineo This modification has been approved by the EASA at the date of the 07.06.201 3 with the Major Change proval 10045216. Ap Page 1ol 1 Technical Note Alexander Schleicher No. 02-2013 GmbH & Co. Segelflugzeugbau Usage of Pyrofil TR30S- 3K D - 361 63 Poppenhausen Subiect: Carbon fibre cloth with fibre type Pyrofil TR30S 3K Applicability: Sailplanes and powered sailplanes: ASW 17 Type Certif icate LB A ASW20 Type Certificate LBA ASK21 TCDS EASA A.221 ASW22 Type Certificate LBA ASW22 BE Type Certificate LBA ASW24 Type Certificate LBA ASW24 E Type Certificate LBA ASH 25 Type Certificate LBA ASH 25 E Type Certificate LBA ASH 26 Type Certificate LBA ASH 26 E Type Certificate LBA ASW27 TCDS EASA A,220 ASW28 TCDS EASA A.017 ASW2&18 E TCDS EASA A.034 ASH 31 Mi TCDS EASA A.538 282 314 351 834 366 859 364 858 383 883 all variants Urgency: None Reason: The company SGL proved the suitability of their carbon fabric with the carbon fibre Pyrofil TR30S 3K. This fibre may be used in fabrlc and UD-reinforcements besides the other carbon fibres used hitherto (Toho Tenax HTA, Toray FT300B-3000). Action: All carbon fabrics supplied by SGL may completely or partially be made from the carbon fibre Pyrofil TR30S 3K. Poppenhausen, 1. May 201 3 Alexander Schleicher GmbH & Co. i.A H C;(M. Greiner) This modification has been approved by the EASA at the date of the 07.06.201 3 with the Major Change proval 10045216. Atr
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