AT1846S Programming Guide 1.4
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AT1846S/AT1846SD AT1846S/AT1846SD Programming Guide The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in 1 part without prior written permission of AT. AT1846S/AT1846SD Contents Document overview ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Doc. A: Interface .................................................................................................................................................. 5 1. I2C Interface ............................................................................................................. 5 2 Three- wire SPI interface ....................................................................................... 7 Doc. B: Programming guide................................................................................................................................. 9 1. Setting RF Frequency ............................................................................................. 9 2. Reference Clock ...................................................................................................... 9 3. Setting Tx and Rx .................................................................................................... 9 4. Deep Sleep ............................................................................................................. 10 5. TX Voice Channel Select ....................................................................................... 10 6. TX PA_bias output Voltage ....................................................................................11 7. Subaudio .................................................................................................................11 8. SQ ........................................................................................................................... 12 9. VOX......................................................................................................................... 13 10. DTMF .................................................................................................................... 13 11. Tx FM Deviation ................................................................................................... 16 12. Rx Voice Volume .................................................................................................. 16 13. GPIO ..................................................................................................................... 16 14. INT ........................................................................................................................ 17 15. Filter ..................................................................................................................... 18 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in 2 part without prior written permission of AT. AT1846S/AT1846SD 16. Only read register................................................................................................ 19 17. Flag....................................................................................................................... 19 18. PLL Lock Detection ............................................................................................. 19 19. LDO ...................................................................................................................... 20 20. Initial process ...................................................................................................... 20 21. Register introduction .......................................................................................... 20 Change List ........................................................................................................................................................ 25 Disclaimer .......................................................................................................................................................... 26 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in 3 part without prior written permission of AT. AT1846S/AT1846SD Document overview This programming guide has been restructured from previous revisions for clarity. This contains two documents for interface and programmer separately. Interface document contains I2C interface and 3 wire SPI interface .Programmer document contains a complete programming guide for using any interface. The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in 4 part without prior written permission of AT. AT1846S/AT1846SD Doc. A: Interface AT1846S/AT1846SD each register write is 24-bit long, including a r/ w bit,7-bit register address , and 16-bit data (MSB is the first bit). R/W A[6:0] D[15:0] Note If register address is more than 7FH, first write 0x0001 to 7FH, and then write value to the address subtracted by 80H. Finally write 0x0000 to 7FH Example: writing 85H register address is 0x001F . Move 7FH 0x0001; Move 05H 0x001F; 05H=85H-80H Move 7FH 0x0000; 1. I2C Interface AT1846S/AT1846SD enable software programming through I2C interface. Software controls chip working states, For example: Txon or Rxon operation, and reads status register to get operation result through I2C interface. It includes two pins: SCLK and SDIO. A I2C interface transfer begins with START condition, a command byte and data bytes, each byte has a followed ACK (or NACK) bit, and ends with STOP condition. The command byte includes a 7-bit chip address and a r/ w bit. The 7-bit chip address is 7’b0101110 when SEN is high, or is 7’1110001 when SEN is low.The ACK ( or NACK) is always sent out by receiver. When in write transfer, data bytes is written out from MCU, and when in read transfer, data bytes is read out from AT1846S/AT1846SD. tsu:sta thd:sta SDIO tsu:dat thd:dat 1-7 Chip address SCLK START tsu:sto tbuf tsp 8 1-8 1-8 Register address r/w ACK 1-8 data high byte ACK ACK data low byte ACK STOP START ! The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 5 AT1846S/AT1846SD 2 Figure 1. I C Interface Write Timing Diagram ! tsu:sta thd:sta tsp tsu:dat thd:dat tsu:sto tbuf SDIO SCLK START 1-7 1-7 8 9 address r/w ACK 8 1-7 9 data high byte 8 9 data low byte ACK STOP START NACK ! 2 Figure 2. I C Interface Read Timing Diagram START I2C CHIP ADDRESS W A Figure 3 START I2C CHIP ADDRESS W A REGISTER ADDRESS REGISTER ADDRESS REGISTER BIT<15:8> A REGISTER BIT<7:0> A/ NA STOP 2 I C Interface Write Combined Format A/ START NA Figure 4 A I2C CHIP ADDRESS R A REGISTER BIT<15:8> REGISTER BIT<7:0> A NA STOP 2 I C Interface Read Combined Format From master to slave A = acknowledge (SDA LOW) S = START condition From slave to master NA = not acknowledge (SDA HIGH) P = STOP condition Table 2. I2C Timing Characteristics PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITION MIN TYP MAX UNIT SCLK Frequency fscl 0 - 400 KHz SCLK High Time thigh 0.6 - - µs SCLK Low Time tlow 1.3 - - µs Setup Time for START Condition tsu:sta 0.6 - - µs Hold Time for START Condition thd:sta 0.6 - - µs Setup Time for STOP Condition tsu:sto 0.6 - - µs SDIO Input to SCLK Setup tsu:dat 100 - - ns SDIO Input to SCLK Hold thd:dat 0 - 900 ns STOP to START Time tbuf 1.3 - - µs SDIO Output Fall Time tf:out 20+0.1Cb - 250 ns tr:in / tf:in 20+0.1Cb - 300 ns Input Spike Suppression tsp - - 50 ns SCLK, SDIO Capacitive Loading Cb - - 50 pF 5 pF SDIO Input, SCLK Rise/Fall Time Digital Input Pin Capacitance The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 6 AT1846S/AT1846SD 2 Three- wire SPI interface AT1846S/AT1846SD enable software programming through three-wire(SPI) interface. Software controls chip working states, For example: Txon or Rxon operation, and reads status register to get operation result through three-wire interface. Three-wire interface is slave interface. It includes three pins: SEN , SCLK and SDIO. SEN and SCLK are input pins , SDIO are bi-direction pins. AT1846S/AT1846SD samples command byte and data at posedge of SCLK.The turn around cycle between command byte from MCU and data from AT1846S/AT1846SD is a half cycle. AT1846S/AT1846SD samples command byte at posedge of SCLK, and output data also at posedge of SCLK. ts th ts th SCLK SEN SDIO R/W A6-A1 A0 D15 D14-D1 D0 Figure5. Three-wire Interface Write Timing Diagram tsdz tcdv ts th SCLK SEN SDIO R/W A6-A1 A0 D15 D14-D1 D0 Figure6. Three-wire Interface Read Timing Diagram The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 7 AT1846S/AT1846SD Table 2. Three-wire Timing Characteristics PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITION MIN TYP MAX UNIT SCLK Cycle Time tCLK SCLK Rise Time tR 50 ns SCLK Fall Time tF 50 ns SCLK High Time tHI 10 ns SCLK Low Time tLO 10 ns SDIO Input, SEN to SCLK Setup ts 10 - - ns SDIO Input, to SCLK Hold th 10 - - ns 35 ns SCLK to SDIO Output Valid tcdv Read 2 - 10 ns SEN to SDIO Output High Z tsdz Read 2 - 10 ns 5 pF Digital Input Pin Capacitance The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 8 AT1846S/AT1846SD Doc. B: Programming guide 1. Setting RF Frequency Bit Name Function 29H[13:0] freq<29:16> Freq high value (unit 1khz/16) 2aH[15:0] freq<15:0> Freq low value (unit 1khz/16) Default frequency is 409.7500MHz Freq<29:0>= Binary (Freq(MHz)*16000) For example: frequency is 409.75MHz, Freq<29:0>=409.75*16000=6556000=0x640960,so write 29H [15:0] =0x64 and 2aH [15:0] =0x0960. 2. Reference Clock AT1846S/AT1846SD takes 12.8 MHz,13MHz,25.6M Hz and 26MHz crystals as its master reference clock. . Bit Name Function 30H[14] xtal_mode 1: 26MHz/13MHz 0: 25.6MHz/12.8MHz 04H[0] clk_mode 1: 12.8MHz /13MHz 0: 25.6MHz /26MHz For example: 12.8MHz crystal 04H[0]= clk_mode =1 30H[14]= clk_mode =0 13MHz crystal 04H[0]= clk_mode =1 30H[14]= clk_mode =1 26MHz crystal 04H[0]= clk_mode =0 30H[14]= clk_mode =1 3. Setting Tx and Rx Bit 30H[13] Name filter_band_sel Function Analog filter band select 1 = 25khz band mode The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 9 AT1846S/AT1846SD 0 = 12.5khz band mode 30H[12] band_mode Dsp band mode select 1 = 25khz band mode 0 = 12.5khz band mode 30H[6] tx_on 1 = on 0 = off 30H[5] rx_on 1 = on 0 = off 4. Deep Sleep Bit 30H[2] Name Function pdn_reg The same as pdn pin 1 = power_on 0 = power_down While Normal mode, pdn_reg and PDN pin must be high at the same time. Only one of pdn_reg and PDN pin is low , which can turn into deep sleep. For example: Sleep programming sequence: setting 30H[6:5]=00 setting PDN pin is Low or 30H[2]=0 delay period of sleep time setting PDN pin is High or 30H[2]=1 delay 10ms Setting 30H[6]or 30H[5]=1 : shut down Tx or Rx ; enter into deep sleep state : in sleep state ; exit sleep state :open Tx or Rx 5. TX Voice Channel Select Bit 3aH[14:12] Name voice_sel<1:0> Function 000= Tx nothing 001= Tx signal from frequency of tone1 010=Tx signal from frequency of tone2 011= Tx signal from frequency of tone1 and tone2 100= Tx signal from microphone other= reserved The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 10 AT1846S/AT1846SD 6. TX PA_bias output Voltage AT1846S/AT1846SD Pa_bias pin output voltage can be controlled by 0aH [5:0]. Bit 0aH [5:0] Name pabias_voltage<5:0> Function 000000: 1.04V 000001:1.05V 000010:1.07V 000100: 1.10V 001000: 1.22V 010000: 1.52V 100000: 2.14V 111111 :3.28V 7. Subaudio Bit Name Function 4aH[15:0] ctcss1_freq<15:0> ctcss1 frequency for tx and tx Ctcss1 freq = ctcss_freq(Hz)*100 Default value is 100Hz It must be set to 134.4Hz when use standard cdcss mode 4dH[15:0] ctcss2_freq<15:0> ctcss2 frequency for tx and rx Ctcss2 freq = ctcss_freq(Hz)*100 Default value is 100Hz 4bH[7:0] 4cH[15:0] 4bH[7:0]=cdcss_code<23:16> 4cH[15:0]=cdcss_code<15:0> cdcss bit for tx and rx When use cdcss, this register must be set both in rx and tx state For example: When tx or rx Cdcss023 4bH=0x0076 and 4cH=0x3813 4eH[15:14] shift_sel<1:0> shift phase for tx and rx tail elimination 00= no phase shift, 01=120 degree phase shift, 10=180 degree phase shift, 11=240 degree phase shift. 4eH[10:9] ctcss/cdcss_sel<1:0> Select Ctcss/Cdcss mode for tx 11=ctcss with 1846S 10=cdcss with 1846S 01=ctcss/cdcss from GPIO0 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 11 AT1846S/AT1846SD 00= not Tx ctcss/cdcss 4eH[8:6] cdcss_sel<2:0> Select cdcss mode for tx/rx 4eH[8]=1 invert cdcss ; =0 not invert cdcss 4eH[7]=1 should be 1 4eH[6]=1 24bit cdcss; =0 23bit cdcss 3aH[5] ctcss/cdcss_out_sel Select Ctcss/Cdcss mode for rx 1: output ctcss/cdcss wave to GPIO0 0: output ctcss/cdcss compared result to GPIO0 3aH[4:0] ctcss/cdcss _dten<4:0> Select Ctcss/Cdcss detect mode for rx 3aH[4]=1 detect phase shift 3aH[3]=1 detect ctcss2 frequency 3aH[2]=1 detect invert cdcss 3aH[1]=1 detect normal cdcss 3aH[0]=1 detect ctcss1 frequency 5bH[15:8] ctcss_threshold_in<7:0> detect ctcss1 and ctcss2 match_threshold 5bH[7:0] ctcss_threshold_out<7:0> detect ctcss1 and ctcss2 unmatch_ threshold Note: 5bH setting refer to the ctcss threshold of the ‘AT1846S/AT1846SD _register_table’ 30H[11] tail_elim_en 1 = on, enable 1846S tail elimination function 0 = off disable 1846S tail elimination function ! 8. SQ Bit 30H[3] 3aH[10:6] Name Function sq_on 1 = on, enable 1846S auto sq function 0 = off sq_dten<4:0> sq condition enable 3aH[6]=1 rssi detect enable =0 rssi detect disable 3aH[7] =1 noise detect enable =0 noise detect disable 3aH[8]=1 rssi&noise(block) enable =0 rssi&noise(block) disable 3aH[9]=1 adjacent channel, detect enable =0 adjacent channel,detect disable 3aH[0]=1 fm modu signal detect enable The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 12 AT1846S/AT1846SD =0 fm modu signal detect disable 49H[13:7] th_h_sq<6:0> Sq open threshlod Sq detect high th, rssi_cmp will be 1 when rssi>th_h_sq, unit 1dB 49H[13:7] Binary (137+ Sq open threshlod) 49H[6:0] th_l_sq<6:0> Sq detect low th, rssi_cmp will be 0 when rssiVox open threshold 64H[6:0] th_l_vox<6:0> Vox Shut threshold Note: 64H setting refer to the vox ‘AT1846S/AT1846SD_register_table’ 10. of the DTMF Bit Name Function 3aH[14:12] voice_sel<1:0> 011= Tx signal from frequency of tone1 and tone2 79H[15] dtmf_direct 0= dtmf 1= single tone 79H[14] dtmf_tx 0= tx dtmf 1= tx single tone 7aH[15] dtmf_en 1=enable dtmf 0=disable dtmf 7aH[14] single_tone 1=enable single tone 0=disable single tone 7bH[11:6] dtmf_time0<5:0> Time interval for dtmf idle state Time = dtmf_time0*2.5ms The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 13 AT1846S/AT1846SD 7bH[5:0] dtmf_time1<5:0> Time interval for dual tone transmission Time = dtmf_time1*2.5ms 35H[15:0] tone1_freq<15:0> =tone1 frequency(Hz)*10 36H[15:0] tone2_freq<15:0> =tone2 frequency(Hz)*10 7eH[5] dtmf_idle only for tx 1= dtmf code request for tx 0= dtmf code idle 7eH [4] dtmf_sample only for Rx 1= dtmf code ready for read 0= dtmf code not ready for read 67H[15:0] dtmf_c0<15:0> 697Hz =0x0628 12.8MHz and 25.6MHz =0x0628 13MHz and 26MHz 68H[15:0] dtmf_c1<15:0> 770Hz =0x059F 12.8MHz and 25.6MHz =0x05e5 13M and 26MHz 69H[15:0] dtmf_c2<15:0> 852 Hz =0x0555 12.8MHz and 25.6MHz =0x0555 13MHz and 26MHz 6aH[15:0] dtmf_c3 <15:0> 941 Hz = 0x04B8 12.8MHz and 25.6MHz = 0x04B8 13MHz and 26MHz 6bH[15:0] dtmf_c4 <15:0> 1209 Hz =0x029F =0x02FE 12.8MHz and 25.6MHz 13MHz and 26MHz 6cH[15:0] dtmf_c5<15:0> 1336 Hz =0x01DD 12.8MHz and 25.6MHz =0x01DD 13MHz and 26MHz 6dH[15:0] dtmf_c6<15:0> 1477 Hz =0x00B1 12.8MHz and 25.6MHz =0x00B1 13MHz and 26MHz 6eH[15:0] dtmf_c7<11:0> 1633 Hz =0x0F81 12.8MHz and 25.6MHz =0x0F81 13MHz and 26MHz 6fH[15:0] dtmf_c0_2nd_harm<15:0> =0x017A 12.8MHz and 25.6MHz =0x017A 13MHz and 26MHz 70H[15:0] dtmf_c1_2nd_harm<150> =0x00FE7 12.8MHz and 25.6MHz =0x00B1 13MHz and 26MHz 71H[15:0] dtmf_c2_2nd_harm<15:0> =0x0F1C 12.8MHz and 25.6MHz =0x0F1C 13MHz and 26MHz 72H[15:0] dtmf_c3_2nd_harm<15:0> =0x0D91 12.8MHz and 25.6MHz The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 14 AT1846S/AT1846SD =0x0D91 13MHz and 26MHz 73H[15:0] dtmf_c4_2nd_harm<15:0> =0x09B8 12.8MHz and 25.6MHz =0x0A3D 13MHz and 26MHz 74H[15:0] dtmf_c5_2nd_harm<15:0> =0x08DE 12.8MHz and 25.6MHz =0x08DE 13MHz and 26MHz 75H[15:0] dtmf_c6_2nd_harm<15:0> =0x081F 12.8MHz and 25.6MHz =0x081F 13MHz and 26MHz 76H[15:0] dtmf_c7_2nd_harm<15:0> =0x0810 12.8MHz and 25.6MHz =0x0810 13MHz and 26MHz 7eH [3:0] dtmf_code<3:0> Dtmf code out Usually, F0~F7 is selected as 697, 770, 852, 941, 1209, 1336, 1477, 1633 Hz (default) F4 F5 F6 F7 F0 1 2 3 A F1 4 5 6 B F2 7 8 9 C F3 E(*) 0 F(#) D Note: DTMF setting refer to the DTMF of the ‘AT1846S/AT1846SD_register_table’ Run the code in Matlab for calculate dtmf_code: Coef means dtmf_coef_0~7 Coef 2means dtmf_coef_0~7_2nd_harm close all clear all % Frequency tones of the telephone pad (Hz) f = [697 770 852 941 1209 1336 1477 1633] Fs = 6.4e6/1024 % 12.8M and 25.6M crystal or Fs = 6.5e6/1024 % 123M and 26M crystal N = 127; LEN = 10; k = floor(f/Fs*N+0.5); % Indices of the DFT coef = round(2*cos(2*pi*k/N)*2^LEN)/2^LEN; disp('COEF'); coef*2^LEN dec2bin(coef*2^LEN,12) % 2nd harmonious k2 = floor(2*f/Fs*N+0.5); % Indices of the DFT The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 15 AT1846S/AT1846SD coef2 = round(2*cos(2*pi*k2/N)*2^LEN)/2^LEN; disp('COEF_2nd_harm'); coef2*2^LEN 11. Tx FM Deviation Bit Name Function 0aH[10:6] pga_gain<4:0> Voice analog gain. 41H[6:0] voice_gain_tx<6:0> Voice digital gain. 44H[11:8] gain_tx<3:0> Voice digital gain after tx ADC down sample 59H [15:6] xmitter_dev<9:0> Ctcss/cdcss + voice dev setting 59H [5:0] c_dev<5:0> Ctcss/cdcss dev setting Adjusting 59H [15:6] ( xmitter_dev) can change Tx FM deviation of voice and subaudio. Adjusting 59H [5:0] ( c_dev) can only change Tx FM deviation of CTCSS and CDCSS. Note: Please refer to the deviation of the ‘AT1846S/AT1846SD_register_table’ 12. Rx Voice Volume Bit Name Function 44H[7:4] dac_vgain_<3:0> Analog DAC gain 44H[3:0] volume<3:0> Digital Voice gain Adjusting 44H [3:0] and 44H [7:4] can change Rx voice range. Please refer to volume of ‘AT1846S/AT1846SD_register_table’. 13. GPIO Register 1fh. Bit Name Function 15:14 gpio7<1:0> 00 =hi-z 01 = vox 10 = low 11 = high 13:12 gpio6<1:0> 00 =hi-z 01 = sq, sq&ctcss/cdcss,when sq_out_sel=1 10 = low The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 16 AT1846S/AT1846SD 11 = high 11:10 gpio5<1:0> 00 =hi-z 01 = txon_rf 10 = low 11 = high 9:8 gpio4<1:0> 00 =hi-z 01 = rxon_rf 10 = low 11 = high 7:6 gpio3<1:0> 00 =hi-z 01 =dtmf_flag/code_flag 10 = low 11 = high 5:4 gpio2<1:0> 00 =hi-z 01 = int 10 = low 11 = high 3:2 gpio1<1:0> 00 =hi-z 01 = code_out/code_in 10 = low 11 = high 1:0 gpio0<1:0> 00 =hi-z 01 = css_out/css_in/css_cmp 10 = low 11 = high 14. INT Register 2dh. 16’ b0000_0000_0000_0000 Bit Name Function 15:12 others <3:0> 000000 11 code_flag_int 1=enable 0=disable 10 other 0 9 sub_audio_compared_flag_int 1=enable 0=disable 8 rxon_rf _int 1=enable 0=disable 7 txon_rf_int 1=enable The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 17 AT1846S/AT1846SD 0=disable 6 dtmf_idle int 1=enable 0=disable others 000 2 sq_flag_int 1=enable 0=disable 1 other 0 0 vox_int 1=enable 0=disable 5:3 Note Only one INT mode can be chosen at one time. 15. Filter Register 58h. Bit 15:14 Name Function others 10 13 rssi_lpfil_bw 1=bypass 0=normal 12 vox_lowpass_filter_bypass 1=bypass 0= normal 11 vox_highpass_filter_bypass 1=bypass 0= normal others 100 7 pre/de-emph_bypass 1=bypass 0= normal 6 voice_highpass_filter_bypass 1=bypass 0= normal 5 voice_lowpass_filter_bypass 1=bypass 0= normal 4 ctcss_lowpass_filter_bypass 1=bypass 0= normal 3 ctcss_highpass_filter_bypass 1=bypass 0= normal others 10 ctcss_lpfil_bw 1=250Hz BW 0=110Hz BW 10:8 2:1 0 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 18 AT1846S/AT1846SD 16. Only read register Bit Name Function 1bH[15:8] rssi_db<7:0]> Received RF signal strength ,unit 1dB 1bH[7:0] noise_db<7:0]> Received noise signal strength ,unit 1dB 1aH [15:8] vox_db<7:0> Tx path digital signal strength, unit 0.5dB 1aH [7:0] mic_db<7:0> Mic signal strength, unit 0.5dB 17. Flag Register 1ch. Bit Name 15:10 Function Others 00000 9 ctcss1_cmp ctcss1 compared result. 8 ctcss2_cmp ctcss2 compared result. 7 cdcss1_cmp cdcss positive code compared result 6 cdcss2_cmp cdcss negative code compared result. 5 invert_det Ctcss phase shift result 4:3 ctcss_shift<1:0> 00=0 degree phase shift, 01=120 degree phase shift 10=180 degree phase shift 11=240 degree phase shift 2 ctcss/cdcss_cmp ctcss/cdcss compared result 1 vox_cmp vox compared result. 0 sq_cmp Sq compare result. 18. PLL Lock Detection Bit 24H[15] 24H[14:13] Name Function pll_lock_det_sel 1=disable pll lock detection function If PLL unlock, AT1846S/AT1846SD will not shutdown RF signal. 0=enable pll lock detection function. If PLL unlock, AT1846S/AT1846SD will shutdown RF signal reset_pll_lock_delay<1:0> 00=10us 01=20us The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 19 AT1846S/AT1846SD 10=30us 11=40us 0dH [15] 19. pll_lock_det_flag Read only 0=Pll unlock 1=Pll lock LDO Bit Name Function 08H[14] ldo_master_bypass 1=bypass all LDOs inside AT1846S/AT1846SD. Note: Setting AT1846S/AT1846SD in VHF band , 08H[14] must be 0. 0=normal 09H [9:7] ldo_dig_vbit<2:0> If 08H[14]=0 control LDO Vout for digital. When supply voltage for AT1846S/AT1846SD is 3.30V 100=2.20V 101=2.40V 110=2.80V 111=3.30V 20. Initial process Refer to the ‘AT1846S/AT1846SD_register_table’ 21. Register introduction Register 00h. default value=0x1846 Bit 15:0 Name Chip_ID<15:0> Function Chip ID Register 01h. default value=0x003F Bit 15:0 Name mr_id<15:0> Function Metal revison ID Register 30h. default value=0x0000 Bit Name Function The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 20 AT1846S/AT1846SD 15 other 14 xtal_mode 1: 26MHz/13MHz 0: 25.6MHz/12.8MHz 13 filter_band_sel Analog filter band select 1 = 25khz band mode 0 = 12.5khz band mode 12 band_mode_sel Dsp band mode select 1 = 25khz band mode 0 = 12.5khz band mode 11 tail_elim_en 1 = on, enable AT1846S/AT1846SD tail elimination function 0 = off disable AT1846S/AT1846SD tail elimination function 10 direct_reg 1=enable direct_reg 0=disable direct_reg 9:8 others 7 mute 1 = mute when rxno 0 = no mute 6 tx_on 1 = on 0 = off 5 rx_on 1 = on 0 = off 4 vox_on 1 = on, enable AT1846S/AT1846SD Vox detect 0 = off, disable AT1846S/AT1846SD Vox detect 3 sq_on 1 = on, then chip auto sq 0 = off 2 pdn_reg The same as pdn pin 1 = enable 0 = disable 1 chip_cal_en 1 = cal enable 0 = cal disable 0 soft_reset 1 = reset, then all the registers are reset to default value 0 = normal Register 03h. default value=0x2B51 Bit 15:14 Name Function others 12 tx_adc_reset_dr 1=enable direct reg 0=disable direct reg 11 tx_adc_reset_reg 1=enable reset adc 0=disable reset adc The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 21 AT1846S/AT1846SD 10:9 others Register 04h. default value=0x0FD1 Bit 15:1 0 Name Function others clk_mode 1: 12.8MHz /13MHz 0: 25.6MHz /26MHz Register 08h. default value=0x02A0 Bit Name 15 other 14 ldo_master_bypass 13:0 Function 1=bypass all LDOs inside AT1846S/AT1846SD. Note: Setting AT1846S/AT1846SD in VHF band , 08H[14] must be 0. 0=normal others Register 09h. default value=0x03C2 Bit 15:10 Name Function others 9:7 ldo_dig_vbit<2:0> 6:0 others If 08H[14]=0 control LDO Vout for digital. Register 0ah. default value=0x7C20 Bit 15 Name Function other 14:11 padrv_ibit<3:0> output of RF power control 10:6 pga_gain<4:0> voice analog gain. 5:0 pabias_voltage<5:0> pabiase_pin output voltage control Register 15h. default value=0x1100 Bit Name 15:13 others 12:9 tuning_bit<3:0> 8:0 others Function Tuning IF filter center frequency and bw Register 24h. default value=0x0001 Bit 15 Name pll_lock_det_sel 14:13 reset_pll_lock_delay<1:0> 12:8 others Function 1: bypass pll lock det function 7 dsp_resetn_dr 1=enable direct reg 0=disable direct reg 6 dsp_resetn_reg 1=enable reset dsp The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 22 AT1846S/AT1846SD 0=disable reset dsp 5:0 others Register 29h. default value=0x2486 Bit Name 15:14 others 13:0 freq<29:16> Function Freq high value (unit 1khz/16) Register 2ah. default value=0x 3A84 Bit 15:0 Name freq<15:0> Function Freq low value (unit 1khz/16) Register 32h. default value=0x 7497 Bit Name 15:12 others 11:6 agc_target_pwr[5:0] 5:0 others Function AGC target power, unit 2dB Register 3ah. default value=0x40C3 Bit 15 14:12 11 10:6 5 4:0 Name Function code_out_sel 1: output code sample signal via GPIO3 0: output dtmf_sample/dtmf_idle signal via GPIO3 voice_sel<1:0> voice path select sq_out_sel =1 output of gpio6=sq_cmp & sub_audio_cmp; =0 output of gpio6= sq_cmp . sq_dten<4:0> sq condition enable ctcss/cdcss_out_sel Select Ctcss/Cdcss mode for rx ctcss/cdcss _dten<4:0> Select Ctcss/Cdcss detect mode for rx Register 41h. default value=0x4006 Bit Name 15:7 others 6:0 voice_gain_tx<6:0> Function Voice digital gain. Register 44h. default value=0x00FF Bit Name Function 15:12 others 11:8 gain_tx<3:0> Voice digital gain after tx ADC down sample 7:4 dac_vgain_<3:0> Analog DAC gain 3:0 volume<3:0> Digital Voice gain Register 4eh. default value=0x20C2 Bit Name 15:14 shift_sel<1:0> 13:11 others 10:9 ctcss/cdcss_sel<1:0> Function shift phase for tx and rx tail elimination Select Ctcss/Cdcss mode for tx The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 23 AT1846S/AT1846SD 8:6 cdcss_sel<2:0> 5:0 others Select cdcss mode for tx The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 24 AT1846S/AT1846SD Change List Rev Date Author Change Description 0.1 2010-8-22 Liu Ge Original draft 0.2 2010-10-8 Liu Ge Modify 0x4E 1.3 2012-08-21 Liu Ge Modify DTMF 1.4 2015-07-01 Lai yy Add AT1846SD The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 25 AT1846S/AT1846SD Disclaimer The information provided here is believed to be reliable; AUCTUS TECHNOLOGIES assumes no liability for inaccuracies and omissions. AUCTUS TECHNOLOGIES assumes no liability for the use of this infor- mation and all such information should entirely be at the user’s own risk. Specifications described and con- tained here are subjected to change without notice for the purpose of improving the design and performance. All of the information described herein shall only be used for sole purpose of development work of AT1846S/AT1846SD , no right or license is implied or granted except for the above mentioned purpose. AUCTUS TECHNOLOGIES does not authorize or warrant any AT products for use in the life support devices or systems. Copyright@2006 AUCTUS TECHNOLOGIES LTD. All rights reserved For technical questions and additional information about AUC TUS TECHNOLOGIES LTD. Website: Technical Support: Mail: Shenzhen Branch, Shenzhen R&D Center Address: 17F, 3rd ZhongKe Building China Academy of Science & Tech, South 1st Road, Hi-tech Park, Nanshan, Shenzhen Tel: +86-0755-26068685 Fax: +86-0755-26405328 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of AT and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of AT. 26
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : XMP Core 5.4.0 Company : RDA Source Modified : D:20150811105347 Title : RDA1846编程指南 Creator : 刘舸 Format : application/pdf Description : Metadata Date : 2015:08:11 18:54:52+08:00 Create Date : 2015:08:11 18:54:37+08:00 Modify Date : 2015:08:11 18:54:52+08:00 Creator Tool : Acrobat PDFMaker 10.1 Word 版 Instance ID : uuid:4e4aab1b-fbb9-462d-bc91-6b8539d7d349 Subject : 55 Document ID : uuid:7e49cca6-fe74-4353-910d-46699b9e36aa Producer : Adobe PDF Library 10.0 Page Count : 26 PDF Version : 1.4 Author : 刘舸EXIF Metadata provided by