Alwac_III 3_Manual_of_Operation_1957 Alwac III 3 Manual Of Operation 1957
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Alwac_III-3_Manual_of_Operation_1957 Alwac_III-3_Manual_of_Operation_1957
User Manual: Alwac_III-3_Manual_of_Operation_1957
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alwac corporation manual of operation alwac ill-E Copyright 1957 by ALWAC CORPORATION 13040 South Cerise Avenue Hawthorne, California Form 10-0001-0 CONTENTS Page Page 6 INSTRUCTIONS 19 Memory Unit 6 ADDRESS LOCATIONS 34 Logic Unit 6 ADDRESS MODIFICATION 34 Power Supply Unit Magnetic Tape Buffer 6 6 INSTRUCTION DOUBLING 35 Magnetic Tape Transport 6 INSTRUCTION TIMING 35 Card Converter 6 COMPONENTS 37 6 Flexowrite r 37 Control Panel 6 Oscilloscope 6 High-Speed Punched Tape .C--onso Ie 41 Card Converter 42 Magnetic Tape Units 46 GENERAL Flexowriter High-Speed Punched Tape Console STORAGE 6 7 SYMBOLIC PROGRAMMING 49 General Storage Channels 9 Control Branching 50 Working Storage Channels 9 Sum of N - Quantities Floating a Fixed-Point Number 50 51 Subroutines 52 WORDS 9 Instructions 10 Numbers 11 APPENDIX 12 A. Arithmetic Elements 12 Power Supply Unit 14 LOGIC UNIT CONTROL PANEL 16 OSCILLOSCOPE 18 Binary and Hexadecimal Number Systems 53 B. Table of Powers 'of 2 56 C. Hexadecimal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table 57 Hexadecimal- Decimal Fraction Conversion Table 61 Operations by Alphabetic Code 65 D. E. ALWAC III-E MAGNETIC DRUM DATA-PROCESSING MACHINE The ALWAC III-E is a general purpose modified single-address, numerical, binary computer. It is available in two models with memory capacities of 4096or8192 words (135168 or 270336binary bits). This magnetic drum computer offers a large memory storage (heretofore available only in large scale electronic machines), ease of operation, selfchecking circuits,1 automatic operation, ease of maintenance, and a very high component reliability. Its great flexibility and large memory storage make it possible to meet the needs of the business, engineering, scientific, and research organizations. This computer uses a stored-program to perform its computations which permits lengthy computations to be performed at electronic speeds. A wide variety of input - output equipment is available which includes punched tape, magnetic tape, and punched cards. Page 4 shows the ten units that make up the AL WAC III-E Magnetic Drum Data Processing Machine: 1. Memory Unit 2. Logic Unit 3. Power Supply Unit 4. Magnetic Tape Buffer 5. Magnetic Tape Transport 6. Card Converter 7. Flexowriter with punched tape control 8. Control Panel 9. Oscilloscope 10. High-Speed Paper Tape Reader and Punch A- U.1. 8. IIADEI-.PU;NCH C. CAID alwac III-E .a.M:1U. C,oIlYElt II D. MEMOIY UNIT E. LOGIC UNIT F. 'OWEI SUPPLY UNIT G. MAGNEUC TAPE BUFFER H. MAGNETIC J. FLEXOWR·ITER K. O'liATOR'S TA.PE T.IAJUP.O.RT CONSO.LE L DISPLAY UNIT M.. HJG:H.-5'1ID PA'E~ tAPE READ AND PUNCH --~- -'--.:......---- -~,--~ .-; ..- ---.":"'--~-.- 6 ALWAC III-E Memory Unit The Magnetic Drum and its associated control circuits are contained in this cabinet. The drum rotates at a speed of 3500 revolutions per minute. Both data and instructions are stored in serial manner by means of magnetized spots on the surface of the drum. Logic Unit The control logic and certain parts of the arithmetic registers are located in this cabinet. All electronic parts are mounted on removable plug-in units to permit maximum ease of maintenance. through the Flexowriter unit by means of the typewriter keyboard or punched paper tape. A maximum input or output rate of 10 characters per second is possible. Control Panel The Control Panel contains control switches and banks of lites which display to the operator the contents of the location, instruction, and address registers and the status of the overflow indicator. By means of this the operator may control any ofthe various machine functions and observe the contents of arithmetic registers or word locations. Oscilloscope Power Supply Unit This cabinet contains the power supply for all units which comprise the basic ALWAC III-E. Voltmeters for each of the various supplies are mounted on the front ofthe cabinet with rheostat controls to permit manual adjustment of voltages. The contents of the A, B, D, and E Registers, orthe contents ofa word from one of the Working Channels, or General Storage Channels may be viewed on the face of an oscilloscope when the proper switches are set on the Control Panel. High-Speed Punched Tape Console Magnetic Tape Buffer Control for the magnetic tape transports is contained in this cabinet. A maximum of 16 magnetic tape transports may be controlled from this unit. Input at effective speed of 150 characters per second and output at a speed of 50 characters per second is accomplished through this unit by means of punched tape. Magnetic Tape Transport Magnetic tape is used to extend the memory capacity of the basic ALWAC III-Efor rapid-access, intermediate storage of information and to provide a most efficient means for input and output of large data files. Card Converter Control of punched card reading and punching equipment and the automatic conversion of decimal, hexadecimal, and alphabetic information is accomplished with the electronic equipment contained in this .c abinet. Flexowriter Input and output are accomplished Figure 2. STORAGE 7 Figure 3. Magnetic Drum and Read- Write Head STORAGE The arithmetic registers, the 4 working channels, the 256 channels of General Storage, and several channels used for internal timing are stored on the surface of the magnetic drum in the form of magnetic spots. Information stored on the drum will remain permanently, or until erased by recording another spot in the same location. This memory is extremely stable and no danger exists from loss of information when the power is turned off completely. Recorded information is arranged on separate bands on the drum which are known as channels. By the geometric location of the read and write heads around the surface of the drum, storage line s of various lengths are obtained. Placing the read-write heads closer to:gethe r provide s "sho rt" line s of rapid access for use as arithmetic registers. Information stored in these rapid access lines is retained only as long as power is supplied, the information being lost when the power is turned off. Such lines are used for the A, B, D, and E Registers and . for the four Working Storage Channels. As information is processed in groups of 33 binary digits at a time, the basic unit of storage contains 32 bits and an algebraic sign. Each such group of 32 bits and a sign is known as a word. Each of the General Storage Channels contain 32 words. Magnetic drums are provided with a capacity for either 4096 or 8192 words (135168 or 270336 binary digits). corresponding to 128 or 256 channels. 8. ALWAC III-E CT ION -- OF ~ ROTATION -.;;;.-- --- .-- --- ) ~ ~ (J If~_'" IF==::::::!;I ~ IT-------;JI WORKING I CHANNELS m II :Dr GJ 0 ~ ~O @) .f:) 0 WORKI.NG CHANNE LS II m ~f:} 0 WltlTE H,ADS ~~·O READ HEADS e~ e~ e···~ B R~·'ioI E REGISTER r ST.ER. TRACK A RIGISTER D REGISTER CLOCK MAGNET Ie. DRUM Figure 4. Dr STORAGE 9 FLI P-F LOPS Figure 5. General Storage Channel GENERAL STORAGE CHANNELS: General Storage of the ALWAC III-E computer consists of 128 (or 256) channels located on the outer surface of the drum as shown in Figure 5. Only one read-write head is required for each channel. Matric switching circuits select a particular channel and connect the read or write amplifier to a given read-write head. After two copy operations, the mat ric switching circuits return to the "Read Channel 00" position and remain in this position until reading or writing operations are to be performed on another channel of General Storage. In this reset position, any of the 32 words of Channel 00 may be copied into the A Register. As a result of this action, Channel 00 is treated as a special channel and is frequently referred to as channel "M". The contents of any word in one of the four Working Storage channels may be displayed on the surface of the cathocferay oscilloscope by the proper setting of switches on the Control Panel. \/I F L IP-FLOi=»S Figure 6. Working Storage Channel Since information is being constantly read and re - written with inte rmediate storage in flip- flop units, information is not preserved when power is turned off. No such loss of information occurs for Gene ral Storage Channels. WORDS: All words in the ALWAC III-E computer consist of 32 binary digits, sign bit and overflow bit (34 bits). These words may be stored in 128 distinct word locations in the four Working Storage channels or in any of the 32 words of the 256 General Storage Channels. The 33 bit positions of a word are shown in Figure 7 where S refers to the sign position, 1 refers to bit position 1, 2 refers to bit position 2, and so forth. WORKING STORAGE CHANNELS: In order to execute' a'series of program instructions it is necessary to copy the contents of a General Storage channel into one of the four Working Storage Channels. Each of these four channels comprises 32 word locations which are physically arranged as shown in Figure 6. IIII IIJI 123 _-------------------------311JS Figure 7. 10 ALWAC III-E When aword contains numerical data, 'and the sign position contains a 1, the word is positive; if it contains a 0, the word is negative. Used as a binary number (with algebraic sign), a word is equivalent to a decimal number (with algebraic sign) of slightly more thaT! 9 digits. As four binary digits are exactly equal to one hexadecimal digit, a word consists of 8 hexadecimal digits and an algebraic sign. the machine is to perform and the address part will have one of the following meaning s : 1. The number of binary positions that the information in the A (or A and B) register(s) is to be shifted to the left or right. 2. Location in which information is to be stored by the instruction. In.structions 3. Location of information which is to be used by the instruction. Two, three, or four instructions may be contained within one word as is shown in Figure 8. 4. Number of characters to be read or written by the Flexowrite r or HighSpeed Tape Unit. OPERATION ADDRESS OPERATION ADDRESS ~~i-·~ II I 1 I I I I 111 1---····-·S 9---·---·16 '17----·--"24 YYPEA INSTRUCTI ON WOIID 25------· -32 S 5. Specifies the particular type of operation to be performed when using magnetic tape or punched card equipment. 6. The location of the next instruction to be performed. OPERATION r ....... OPERATION --·-s 9---- ·-~-16 17-- --~- 24 25 ------- -32 S y Y PE OPERATION ( • "'" OPERATION • 1 I~I--~I~II~~I~I~I--~I~II--~I~ht 1----- u C INSTRUCTION WORD OPERATION II II I I I .. OPERATION '. III ..." OPERATION 'I III ... \ I 111 1---- --- -8 ,:91-- ---~ -1"611--- - - - 2425 -- -.- - --32 S 'Y Y PE D INSTRUCTION WORD An instruction wordis divided into four syllables consisting of eight bits each. Because of this four-part division it be .. comes convenient to use two hexadecimal digits for each syllable of the word. Thus, each hexadecimal digit consists of four binary digits; each syllable consists of two hexadecimal digits; each half-word consists of two syllables; and each word consists of two-half-words. It is emphasized that the ALWAC III-E operates asa binary machine and that the use of hexadecimal notation in no way affects this operation. Hexadecimal notation is us·ed by the programmer as a convenient means to record long sequence s of binary ones and zeros. Figure 8. Although the sign bit associated with an instruction does not affect the execution of the instruction, it is generally made positive. From Figure 8 it may be seen that both the operation code and the address part of an instruction each re'quire 8 bits. The operation code is used to de signate the particular ope ration that The counting system used for most of the arithmetic problems one encounte r s in everyday life is the decimal system. In this system each digit position may assume 10 discrete' values after which the entire sequence is repeated, numbers of larger. value being indicated by increasing the next most significant digit, Thus, one counts from 0 to 9 and then STORAGE from 10 to 19, 20 to 29, and so forth. As each digit position can assume 10 discrete values, this system is said to be of "base 10". The binary system is of "base 2" and, hence, the digits a and 1 are the only digits used in each position. For the hexadecimal system which is of "base 16" we use the symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, and F to provide 16 discrete values. . To illustrate the relation between the three systems (binary, hexadecimal, and decimal) the following table is presented: BINARY HEXADECIMAL DECIMAL a a 0 1 1 1 10 11 100 101 110 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 III 7 7 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 10000 10001 10010 8 8 9 9 A B C D E 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 F 10 11 12 An instruction word as it appears in the machine (in binary form) would resemble the following example: 11 Numbers Fixed Point. Fixed - point numbers are represented with a magnitude of 32 bits and a sign bit. The binary point is as surned to he located to the right of position 32. Howeve r, the binary point may be located elsewhere MAGNITUDE . ~ t III au .~ ,,,I 1 2-------------------------------3132 S Figure 9. by proper scale -factoring. For example, the binary number 0000 0000 0000 .•••• 0000 0100 may be variously used as the numbe r 4 at a binary point to the right of position 32 (B=32) or as the number 1 at B=30. Floating Point. No machine ope rations are provided to handle floating - point numbers automatically. However, several schemes are available to the programmer who may wish to represent numbers in this manner. One such scheme involves the "packing" of several quantities into a single word. These quantities are known as the characteristic, fraction, and sign which comprise each floating-point num~ her. CHARACTER ISTIC fRACTION ..., )11 =nIl 2 --------·8 910 SI8N JJ 1, -------'!'"-----... -----------3132 $ Figure 10. 0110 0001010100010001000100101000 + The equivalent in hexadecimal form would be as follows: 615 1 1 1 28+ which, as a Type A instruction word, might appear on a coding sheet as shown below: ADD 51, TRA 28 + A floating-point decimal number N is written as a proper fraction F (with algebraic sign) times some integral power of n the base 10, or as F x 10 • The power of ten may be chosen such that the decimal point is located to the left of the most significant digit of F. When the power of ten is chosen in this manner, the number is said to be a normalized floatingpoint number; otherwise, an unnormalized floating-point number. Examples: 12 ALWAC III-E + • 124 = + .012 + 5.120 = = • 124 x • 120 x + .512 x 0 10 10 -1 10+ 1 A floating-point binary number N is written in a similar manner with a proper fraction F (with algebraic sign) times some integral power of the base 2, or as n F x 2. Examples: + . ioo = .010 + 1. 100 10.100 + • 100 x ==+ = · lOO x • 110 x .101 x 0 2 2- 1 2+1 2+2 In the AL WAC llI- E, floating - point binary numbers are stored as shown in Figure 10. 1. Bit positions 9 - 32 contain the magnitude of the fraction F with the binary point located to the left of position 9. A normalized floating-binary number will have a 1 in position 9. Thus, the range for values of F is"s~en_to be: 2. The sign of the fraction F is placed in the S position of the word. 3. Since signed exponents will occur and since the S position contains the algebraic sign of the fraction, the chara:cteristic, C, of the number is stored in positions 1 - 8 instead of the exponent. This characteris,tic is formed by adding + 128 to the exponent. Thus, the range of the exponent is: - l28.(n ~ LOGIC UNIT Arithmetic and control functions are performed by electronic components located in the Logic Unit. Information passe s between the Memory Unit and the Logic Unit for processing. Each machine instruction may be d~vided into three micro-programming operations which are known as interpretation, search and execution times. During the interpretation time, the machine locates the next instruction to be executed and fills the Operation andAddress registers. The Operation register is then examined to determine whether or not the given instruc- . tion requires reference to the contents of another word in memory and whether or not the Address register is to be modified. During search time, if required, the machine obtains the content s of the desired word from memory. (Since some operations do not require such refer- , ence, these operations do not have search times). During execution time, the given operation is performed. The time required to complete each of these three micro-programming operations is an integral multiple of one word-time (0. 523 ms. ) and is variable depending upon the given instruction, wh~the r or not a search is to be made, and the time required to locate the given word in memory. Arithmetic Elements The A Register. The A Register is an accumulator register consisting of 32 bits, an overflow position, and a sign. See Figure. 11. + 127 whereas the range of the characteristic is: liP 0111 o ~ Z C " 1 2 --.... ------------------------ 3132 255 An exponent of + 12 would use a characteristic of + 12 + 128 = 140 while an exponent of - 12 would use a characteristic of - 12 + 128 = 116. Figure 11. 13 ARITHMETIC ELEMENTS Almost all arithmetic operations make use of the A Register. With some instructions (for example, addition, subtraction) the content's of the A. Register may overflow from position 1. When an overflow occurs, with the exception of shifting instructions, the OVERFLOW INDICATOR lite on the operator's Contro-l Panel is turned on and will remain Qn until turned off by manually depressing the ALARM SWITCH No. 2 to the RESTORE position or by executing one of the instructions COM, COV, or ,TOV. It should be noted that an overflow from bit position 1 does not always result in causing a 1 to be placed in the Z position of the A Register (for example, ADB' and SBB) and,that th~ status of the OVERFLOW INDICATOR lite is not affected by any subsequent operation which causes a change in the Z position. It must be borne in mind that the OVERFLOW INDICATOR lite ma'y be turned on by both arithmetic and control instructions and that any attempt to execute an"arithmetic operation when the lite is on will result in the sounding of the ALARM No.2 buzzer which 'will prevent the completion of the operation until the OVERFLOW INDICATOR lite is turned off. The B Register. The B Register consists of 32 hits and a sign and has three major uses: 1. The multiplier must' be placed in the B Register prior to execution of a multiplication instruction. 2. After the execution of a division. instruction, the quotient appears in the B Register (the remainde r is located in the A Register). 3. After executing a multiplication instruction, the B Register contains the les s significant part of the product and, in this respect, may be considered as an extension of the A Register. P 1 2 _______________________________ ·313:2. III 1\ Figure 12. The D Register. The D Register consists of 32 hits and a sign and has the following major uses: 1. The D Register is used to contain the multiplicand when performing multiplication operations. 2. The mask word must be placed in the D Register before the execution of the EXD ope ration. 3. The D Register is used to contain the divisor during division operations. 4. The D Register is used to count the number of shifts which occur when using the seT operation. Figure 13. Only the full-word contents of the D Register may be altered by any instrp.ction and hence this register performs no accumulating or shifting fun<:tions. The E Register. The E Register is used for the indexing operations and to provide automatic addre s s modification. This register consists of only 16 bits (without sign) and is associated with bits 1-16 of the' A Register and of words In memory. NOT AVAILABLE TO PROGRAMMER? S III II~ 1 2 ----·-----------·151617------------·31-32 Figure 14. Although a transfer of information between the A and E Registers occurs only with the left half-word of the A Register, both the left and right address syllables of instructions stored in the Working Storage channels maybe automatically modified according to the contents of the E Register. 14 ALWAC III-E Although the storage line on the drum which is used to store the E Register contains 32 bits and a sign, the right half of this line is not available for use by the programmer and will, therefore, rarely concern him. All arithmetic registers are stored on the drum as one-word recirculating lines as shown in Figure 15. WRITE '---v----:I FLI P-FLOPS Figure 15. Since information is being constantly read and re-written and requires intermediate stoTage in flip - flop units, information is not preserved when power is turned off. By the proper setting ~f switches on the Control Panel, the contents of any arithmetic register may be displayed on the surface of the cathode-ray oscilloscope. When two numbe r s having the same magnitude, but opposite signs are added algebraically in theA (or A and B) register(s), the result maybe either +0 or -0. The signof the zero result may be determined from the following tabulation: ADD and SCS - - same as sign of C (W) SUB and ACS - - opposite to sign of C(W) ADB and SBB -- same as sign of C(B) before execution of instruction POWER SUPPLY UNIT Figure 16· shows the Power Supply unit which includes indicating lites, voltmeters, voltage controls and operating switches. Master Circuit Breaker. All power to the AL WAC Ill-E is controlled by this switch. When turning on the computer, this switch mustbe turned on first; when turning off the computer, this switch should be turned off last after all other activity has ceased in the computer. See Figure 16. Record Switch. The Record switch shouldbe placed in the OFF position until the computer has been allowed to "warmup" and voltages have been adjusted to their power values. ·When turning off the computer, this switch should be. placed in the OFF position to prevent accidental destruction of recorded information due to power transients within the computer. This switch must be in the ON position when the computer is operating to permit information to be written in the general storage channels of the drum. Compute-Off-Test Switch. This switch ope rate s In COrijunction with the Powe r switch described below.Inpassing through the OFF position, this switch causes the power to be turned off and it becomes necessary to depress the Power ON switch. Since timing circuits are activated from these two switches a delay of one minute will occur before power is again supplied to the computer. Power. Switch. After the ComputeOff-Test switch has been set in the COMPUTE or TEST position, the Power ON switch- may be depressed. If the thermostats in each cahinet are below dropout temperature, the Power On neon lite will light immediately, and blo~ers and filaments will be turned on. After a one minute delay all voltages other than filament voltages will be turned on. Power will be supplierl: to the computer if the Compute-Off-Test switch is in the COM- POWER SUPPLY UNIT 15 Figure 16. PUTE position, but will only be supplied to the cable connection for the tester unit when this switch is in the TEST position. The Power switch is also located on the operator I s Control Panel and is operated in a similar manner. Operating Procedure. To prepare the computer for operation the following steps should be observed: 1. The Record switch should be turned to the OFF position. 2. The Master Circuit Breaker should be turned to the ON position. The line voltage meter will then rise to 120 volts and return to zero after a period of one minute. 3. The Compute - Off - Test switch should then be turned to the COMPUTE position. 4. The Power ON switch should be depressed. 5. The voltage regulators beneath each voltmeter should be adjusted to cause the prope r reading to be dis played. The proper voltage readings are given beneath each meter. 6. As soon as voltages are indicated on the meters and are adjusted to the values, the Record switch should be turned to the ON position. 7. The computer shouldnowbe operative. At this time a standard test program is usually executed to insure correct operation before useful computing is begun. This test may be some standard production problem which provide s an adequate check of machine operations. 16 ALWAC llI-E When turning off the computer the steps should be observed: follo~ing 1. The RecQrd switch should be turn-· ed to the OFF position. z. The Power OFF switch should be depressed. 3. After the line voltage meter has dropped to zero, the Master Circuit Breaker tnay be turned to the OFF position. CONTROL PANEL Figure 17 shows the operator's Control Panel·which includes'indlcating lites and operating switches. Under normal operating conditions this console unit is used for control of -all functions of the computer. Power Switch. The operation of this switch is identical with the Power switch locatedonthe Power Supply unit which is described on page 14. Normal -Test -Clear Switch. When this·· .Wltch rs1ii tne NoRMAL position, the computer is under the control of the FlexOVlriter and will not operate unless the Flexowriter is turned ON and the Flexowriter-Computer switch. is turned to the COM.PUTER position. In the TEST position, the computer will execute instructions whether or not the Flexowriter is· turned ON. Upon release from the CLEAR position,the contents of General Storage channel 01 replaces the contents of Working Storage channel I and control is transferred to word 00. .A similar switch is located on the· Flexowriter. A program known as the Start Routine is located in General Storage channel Oland is u,Sed to cause input and output of programs and to transfer a given location in one of the Four Working Storage channels. Normal .. Hold - Select Switch. When this switch is in the NORMAL position, the computer will execute instructions in their normal sequence. If in the HOLD position, the computer. inhibits the normal sequence and thus this position maybe used to cause the computer to repeat a giveninstructionanynumber of times. If in the SELECT position, the General Storage selection relays will select the channel which is indicated by the. neon display lites of the Address register. A given word in this channel may then be displayed on the cathode-ray oscilloscope by setting the Instruction Address lites to the address' of the desired word and setting the A B DEW M switch to the M position. Normal - Stop - One Step Switch. . In the NORMAL position, tliecomputer will execute instructions in their normal sequence at high~speed. In the STOP position, all com.putation is suspended. Byalternatelymoving this switch from the ONE STEP to the STOP position, the computer can be made to execute single instructions in their normal sequence. JuhP Switches. Two switches provide t e operator with manual control over the program while it is being executed. At various points in the program, the status of these switches maybe tested by the program, which will cause the computer to execute one of two branches of the program. Overflow Indicator Lite. Arithmetic operations and certain control operations may cause this lite to be turned on and off. If the lite is ON, any attempt to execute arithmetic operations will result in the sounding of ALARM No. 2 and will inhibit the execution of the operation until corrected manually by depressing the Overflow OFF button or by turning Alarm Switch No. 2 to the RESTORE position and then to the NORMAL position. CONTROL PANEL 17 Figure 17. Instruction Address Register. This register indicates the memory location of the instruction indicated in the Operation and Address registers, except for instructions calling for input of information in which case this register shows the location from which the next instruction to be executed will be obtained. Operation Register. This register indicate s the instruction which is about to be executed. Address Register. This register contains the effective address associated with the instruction contained in the Operation Register. The contents of the addre s s part of any instruction before and after modification are called literal and effective addresses respectively. 1£ the least significant bit of the Operation Register is a 0, the contents of the Address Register will be modified by the contents of the E Register before the instruction is performed. Alarm Switch No. 1. An internal check is made to compare, with the original, the re sult of copying information between the General Storage and Working Storage channels. If this check fails, either due to the Record switch on the Power Supply unit being in the OFF position, or by the failure to copy information correctly, the status of Alarm Switch No. 1 is tested. If this switch is in the SILENCE position, the machine will continue to atte.mpt the copying operation until the internal check indicates a correct copy has been made, after which the machine will execute the next instruction in normal sequence at high- speed. The alarm buzzer will not sound. 18 If in the NORMAL position, the buzzer . will sound and the machine will stop until this' switch is placed in the SILENCE or RESTORE position. If in the RESTORE position, the buzzer will not sound, the internal check is over-ruled and the machine continues at high speed permitting whatever information was copied to remain. ~s erroneous information could result under this condition,. it is recommended that this switch not be permitted to remain in the RESTORE position. Since General Storage channel No. 01 is used to contain the Start Routine and since the contents of this channel are to be preservedfornormal machine use, it is desirable to prevent accidental recording of information in this channel. Hence, if an attempt is made to record in General Storage channel No. 01, the status of Alarm Switch No. 1 is te sted and the machine will then operate as described above. The operator will seldom have occasion to place this switch in the RESTORE position. A special program to fill General Storage channel No. 01 is provided and is known as the Load Start Routine. This program require s Alarm Switch No. 1 to be placed in the RESTORE position in orderto copy the Start Routine into 'General Storage channel No. 01. Alarm Switch No.2. If in the NORMAL position, when arithmetic operations are attempted while the Ove rflow Indicator Lite is ON, the buzzer will sound and the exe cut ion of the operation will be inhibited until corrected manually by turning Alarm Switch No. 2 to the RESTORE position and then to ,the NORMAL position or by depressing the Overflow .' OFF button. This action will cause the Overflow Indicator Lite and the buzzer to be turned OFF. In the SILENCE po sition, the machine will pe·rform as for the NORMAL position except that the buzze r will not sound. If this switch is allowed to remain in the RESTORE position, the Overflow Indicator Lite and the buzzer will be turned OFF once with the machine returning to high-speed operation. However, if an~ other attempt is made to execute an arithmetic operation when the Overflow Indicator Lite is ON, the machine will again stop and the buzzer will sound. This switch may then be returned to the NORMAL position and the sequence repeated. ABDEWM Switch. This rotary switch controls. the selection of information to be displayed on the cathode-ray oscilloscope. The A, B, D, and E postiions select the A, B, D, and E registers respectively. To inspect the contents of a word in one of the four Working Storage channels, this switch is placed in the W position, the Normal - Hold - Select switch to the HOLD position, the Normal- Stop - One Step switch to the STOP position, and the location of the desired full-word seton the Address Register in neon lites. The contents of the desire.d word will then be displayed on the cathode-ray oscilloscope. To inspect the contents of a word in one of the General Storage channels, this switch is placed in the M position, the Normal- Hold - Select switch to the SELECT position, the Normal-Stop-One Step switch to the STOP position, the desired channel set on the Address Register neon lites, and the desired full-word set on the Instruction Address neon lites. The contents of the desired word will then be displayed on the cathode-ray oscilloscope. OSCILLOSCOPE Figure 18 shows a cathode-rayoscillos cope on which the content s of a full-word maybe displayed by setting the appropri-. ate switches on the operator's Control Panel. Note that the scope has been set by AL WAC Corporation to sweep from right to left. Sweep should be adjusted to start at the far right of the scope. OSCILLOSCO PE 19 INSTRUCTIONS Figure 18. The display presents the bits compnsmg a word as a series of high and low "pips" on the face of the tube. The high pips represent 1 bits and the low pips represent a bits. The word is divided into four syllables by changing the horizontal level of the four syllables as is shown in Figure 19. Reading the high and low pips from Figure 19 yields the following binary number (a plus sign is represented by a 1): 0101 10010101 10010101 10010101 1001 + which would be written as the hexadecimal number: 59595959+ In this section, the headin g for ea c h instruction gives the title, th e number of milliseconds required for the execution of the instruction, the alphabetic code for the instruction, and the hexadecimal code for the instruction. The time required for execution for certain operations is variable and attention is directed to the section entitled "Instruction Timing". If the instruction an address part, the letter W is used to indicate this fact. W may be the number of binary positions to be shifted, the locationofawordinmemory, a General Storage channel address, or a special code for an input-output operation. The following definitions apply to formation contained in this section: In- 1. C(W) indicates the contents oflocation W, where W refers to some location in Working Storage. C(A) indicates the contents ofthe A Register, C(B) indicates the contents of the B Register, and so forth. Individual bit positions of a word (or register) are denoted by subscripts. Thus, C(A)1_16,S is read "the contents of positions 1, 2, 3, . • • . 16, S of the A Register". When subscripts are not present, the entire word is indicated. 2. When a register is cleared, the contents of the register are replaced by a I s and the sign bit set positive (a 1 is placed in this position). 3. The negative of a number is the same number with its sign reversed. 4. The magnitude of a number is the same number with its sign made positive (a 1 in position S represents a positive sign) . 5. When the word "store" is used in the title of an instruction, a word in Working Storage is always one of the agents. When the word "load" is used in the title of an instruction, one of the arithmetic registers is always one of the agents. zo ALWAC nl-E With both Itstore II and "load" instructions., the agent from which the information is obtained is unaltered. 6. In the three -letter operation code: a. The first letter of all load instructions is L. b. The first letter of all transfer instructions is T. c. The first letter of all exchange instructions is X. d. The first letter of all add, subtract, multiply, and divide operations is respectively, A, S, M, and D. Other commands, however, may start with these letters. Add to B 1. 0 ADB W BD The status of the Overflow Indicator is tested: If ON, this instruction is not executed and the machine sounds the alarm 2 buzzer; if OFF, this operation treats the C(A)1_32 and the C(B)1_32, S ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS as a 64-bit augend (with the sign of B), replace s the content s of the Z pas ition with a 0, adds algebraically the C (W) to form a 65 - bit sum, and replaces the C(A)Z, 1-32 and the C(B)1_32, S with the result. The sign of A is replaced by the sign .of B. The C(W) are unchanged. The Overflow Indicator is 'not turned on if a carry from position 1 in the A Register occurs but said carry does enter the Z position. Add Subtract r.o ADD W 61 1. 0 SUB W 67 The status of the Overflow Indicator is tested: If ON, this instruction is not executed and the machine sounds the alarm 2 buzzer; if OFF, this operation replaces the contents of the Z position with a 0, adds algebraically theC(W) to the C(A), and replaces the C(A) with this sum. The C(W) are unchanged. Overflow indication is possible and a carry from position.l in the A Register will be placed in the Z position. The status of the Overflow Indicator is tested: If ON, this instruction is not executed and the machine sounds the alarm 2 buzzer; if OFF, this operation replaces the contents of the Z position with a 0, subtracts algebraically the C(W) from the C(A), and replaces the C(A) with this difference. The C(W) are unchanged. Overflow indication is possible and a carry from position 1 in the A Register will be placed in the Z position. Add and Change Sign Subtract and Change Sign 1.0 ACS W 63 1. 0 SCS W 65 The status of the Overflow Indicator is tested: If ON, this instruction is not executed and the machine sounds the alarm 2 buzzer; if OFF, this operation replaces the contents of the Z position with a 0, adds algebraically the C(W) to the C(A), reverses the sign of this sum, and replace s the C (A) with the re sult. The .C (W) are unchanged. Ove rflow indication is possible and a carry from position 1 in the A Register will be placed in the Z position. The status of the Overflow Indicator is tested: If ON, this instruction is not executed ~nd the machine sounds the alarm 2 buzzer; if OFF, the operation replaces the contents of the Z position with a 0, subtracts algebraically the C(W) from the C(A), reverses the sign of the difference, and replaces C(A) with the result. Overflow indication is possible and a carry from position 1 in the A Register will be placed in the Z position. ~NSTRUCTIONS Subtract fromB 1. " .SSBW ·BJ' The status of the Overflow Indicator is tested: If ON., this instruction'isnot executed and the machine sounds the a. larm2 buzzer; if OFF, the operation treats the C(A)1~32andthe C(~)1_32, S as ~ 64-bit mip.uend (with the sign of B), replaces the contents of the Z position witha 0, subtracts algebraically the C(W) to forma 65 ... bit remainder, and replaces the C(A)'Z, 1 .. 32 and theC(B) 1-32~ S with the result. The sIgn of A is replaced by the sign of B. TheC(W) are unchanged. The Overflow Indicator is not turned on iJ' a carry from position 1 in the A Register occurs but said carr·y does enter the Z position. MultiPil I'. 0 PW W E7 The status of the Overflow Indicator is tested: If ON, this inst~ction is not executed and the machine Bounds the alarm 2 buzzer; if OFF, the C(D) are replaced with the C(W) and the C(A) are replaced ~ith zeros. Then, the C(B) are multiplied by the C(D) and the 64-bit product placed in the' A and B Registers 'with the most significant part in the A Registel". The, algebraic sign of the product is placed in both the A and B Registers. Overflow indication is not possible on this instruction and the Zposition will contain a zero. MultiP~~ D 17. 0 P E5 The status of the Overflow Indicator is tested: If ON, this instruction is ;not exe cuted and the machine sounds the alarm 2 buzzer; if OFF, the C(A) are replaced with zeros, the C(B) are multiplied by the C(D) and the 64-bit product placed in the A 'and B Registers with the most significant part in the A Register. The algebraic sign of the product is placed in both th.e A and B Registers. Overflow indication is not possible on this instruc- 21 tionand the Z position will contain a zero. The address part of this instruction is not examined; thus, this instruction may be doubled if de sired. MultiP~ and Add 17. o PAW E3 The status of the Ove rflow Indicator is tested: If ON, this instruction is.not executed and the machine sounds the alarm 2 buzzer; if OFF, the C(D) are replaced with the C(W), the C(B)' are multiplied by the C(D) ~ the sign of A is replaced by the sign of the product, and the C(A) added algebraically to the least significant half of the 64-bit product. The result replaces the C(A) and C(B} with the most· significant part in the A Register. The algeb raic sign of the re suIt is placed in both the A and B Registers. Overflow indication is not possible on this instruction and the Z position will contain a zero .• MultiPifri>y D and Add 17. o X E1 The status of the Overflow Indicator is tested: If ON, this instruction is not executed and the machine sounds the alarm 2 buzzer; if OFF, the C(B) are mul- . tiplied by the C(D), the sign of A is 'replaced by the sign of the product, and the C(A) added algebraically to the least significant half of the 64-bit product. The result replaces the C(A) and the C(B) with the most significant part in the A Register. The algebraic sign 'of the result is placed in both the A and B .Registers. Overflow indication is not possible on this' instruction and the Z position will contain a zero. The address part of this instruction is ' not examined; thus, this instruction may be doubled if desired. RQund 1.0 RND 22 The status of the Overflow Indicator is tested: If ON, this instruction is not executed and the machine sounds the alarm buzzer 2; if OFF, position 1 of the 22 ALWAC III-E B Register is tested for a. 1. If it contains aI, the magnitude of the C(A) is increased by 1 in position 32. If position 1 of the BRegiste r contains a zero, the C(A) are not altered. Overflow indication is possible and a carry from position 1 of the A Register enters the Z position. The contents of the B Register are not altered. Divide 17.0 DVW W EF The status of the Ove rflow Indicator is tested: If ON, this instruction is not executed and the machine sounds the alarm 2 buzzer; if OFF, the C-(A) are replaced with zeros, the C(D) are replaced with the C(W), and the contents of the A and B Registers are treated as a 64-bit dividend(Z position. excluded) with the sign of the B Register. The new C(D) are examined for a zero divisor. If zero, the Overflow Indicator is turned ON and the division is not performed. If nonzero, the contents of the Z position are replaced with a 0, the dividend in the A and B Registers is divided algebraically by the C(D), the quotient (with its algebraic sign) placed in the B Register, and the remainder with the sign of the dividend is 'placed in the A Register. Overflow indication is possible only if the D Register contains a zero divisor. whether or not the division is perform.ed, the divisor is left in the D Register. Divide by D 17. 0 DVD ED The status of the Overflow Indicator is tested: If ON, this instruction is not executed and the machine sounds the alarm2 buzzer; if OFF, the C(A) are replaced with zeros, and the contents of the AandB Registers are treated as a 64-bit . dividend (Z position excluded) with the sign of the B Register. The C{D) are exam.ined for a zero divisor. If zero, the Overflow Indicator is turned ON and the division is not performed. If non-zero, the contents of the Z position are re- placed with a 0, the dividend in the A and B Registers is divided algebraically by the C(D), the quotient (with its algebraic sign) placed in the B Register, and the remainder with the sign of the dividend placed in the A Register. Overflow indication is possible only if the D Register contains a zero divisor. Whether or not the division is performed, the divisor is left in the D Register. The address part of this instruction is not examined; thus, this instruction may be doubled if desired. Di vide Doub le Length 17.0 nDW W EB The status of the Overflow Indicator is tested: If ON, this instruction is not executed and the machine sounds the alarm 2 buzzer; if OFF, the C(D) are replaced with the C(W), and the contents of the A and B Registers are treated as a 64-bit dividend (Z position excluded) with the sign of the B Register. If I C(A)l_ 321 ~ IC(D) or I if the D Register contains a zero divisor, the Overflow Indicator is turned ON and the division is not performed. If none of the above error conditions occur, the content of the Z position is replaced with a 0 and the division is perform.ed. The quotient (with its algebraic sign) is placed in the B Register and the remainder with the sign of the dividend is placed in the A Register. Overflow indication is possible under the conditions described above. Whether or not the divisioIl; is performed, the divisor is left in the D Register. Divide Double Length by D 17. 0 DDD -- E9 The status of the Overflow Indicator is tested: If ON, this instruction is not executed and the machine sounds the alarm 2 buzzer; if OFF, the contents of the A and B Registers are treated as a 64-bit dividend (Z position excluded) with the sign of the B Register. If IC(A) 1-321:~ IC(D) 1-321 23 INSTRUCTIONS or~ if the D Register contains a zero divisor, the Overflow Indicator is turned ON and the division is not performed. If none of the above error conditions occur, the content of the Z position is replaced with a 0, and the division is performed. The quotient (with its algebraic sign) is placed in the B Register and the remainde r with the, sign of the dividend is placed in the A Register. Overflowindication is 'possible under the conditions described above. Whether or not the division is performed, the divisor is left in the D Register. The address part of this instruction is not examined; thus, this instruction may be doubled if desired. The C (D) remain unchanged. The address part of this instruction is not examined, thus, this instruction may be doubled if desired. Load A from E 1. 0 LAE - - 34 The C(A) 1-16 are replaced with the C(E) 1-16. The C(A) 17 _ 32, S are left un- changed, and the Z position is filled with a zero. The address part of this instruction is not examined; thus, this instruction may be doubled if desired. Exchange A and B 1. 0 XAB -- 30 Load A from W 1. 0 LAW W 79 The C(W) replace the C(A) and a zero is placed in the Z position. The C(W) remain unchanged. The C(A) and the C(B) are exchanged and a zero is placed in the Z position. The address part of this instruction is not examined; thus, this instruction may be doubled if desired. Load A from M ExchXll A and D 9.0 LAM M BS The C'(M)mod 32 replaces the C(A) and a zero is placed in the Z position. The C(M) remain unchanged. At least 34 milliseconds (2 drum revolutions) must be allowed between this instruction and any preceding Copy instruction except one which copie s information into channel M (Channel No. 00). -Load A from B 1. 0 D -- 3A The C(A) and the C(D) are exchanged and a ze ro is placed in the Z position. ,The address part of this instruction is not examined; thus, this instruction may be doubled if desired. ExchjGle A and E 1. 0 E -- 36 The C(A)1_16 and the C(E) 1-16 are 1. 0 LAB -- 32 exchanged. The C(A) are, replaced with the C(B) and a zero is placed in the Z position. The C(B) remain unchanged. The addre s s part of this instruction is not examined, thus, this instruction may be doubled if de·sired. changed, the Z position is filled with a zero, and the sign of the A Register made positive. The address part of this instruction is not examined; thus, this instruction may be doubled if desired. Load A from D 1. 0 LAD -- 38 The C(A). are r'eplaced with the C(D) and a zero is placed in the Z position. The C(A) 17 -32 are left un- Exchange A and W 1. 0 XAW w 69 Th'e C (A) and C (W) are exchanged and a zero is placed in the Z position. 24 ALWAC Ill-E Store A Load B 1. 0 LBW 41 1.0 SAW W 49 The G(W) 1- 32, S are replaced with the C(A)I_32, S. The C(A) remain unchanged. The G(B) are replaced with the C(W). The C(W) are not affected. Store B 1.0 SBW C5 Place Address in A 1.0 pAA W 6D IfW~ (7F)16' the C(A)9_l6are re- placed with the C(W)9_l6; if W 'Q (80) 16' the C (A) 25 _ 32 are replaced with the C(W)25_32. The remaining bits of C(W) and G(A) including the sign -and Z positions are not affected. The C(W) are replaced with the C(B). The C(B) are not affected. Load D 1. 0 LDW W 5B The C(D) are replaced with the C(W). The C(W) are not affected. Store D Place Half- Word in A 1.0 PHA W bF If W ~ (7F) 16' the C(A) 1-16 are replaced with the C(W)1_16; ifW) (80)16' the C (A ) 1 7 _ 32 are replaced with the C(W)17_32. 1.0 SDW W C7 The C (W) are replaced by the C (D). The C(D) are not affected. Load E 1.0 LEW W 57 The C(W) and the remain- The C (E) 1- 16 are replaced with the ing bits of C(A) including the sign and Z positions are not affected. C(W)I_16. Store Address from A Store E 1.0 SAA W 4D If w.( The C(W) are not affected. 1. 0 SEW W C3 The C(W)I_16 are replaced with the (7F) 16' the C(W)9_16 are re- placed with the C(A)9_l6; if W ~ (80) 16' G(E) 1,-16. the C ( W) 25 _ 32 are replaced with the and the C(E) are not affected. C(A)25_32. The C(A) including the sign and Z positions and the remainlng bits of C(W) are not changed. The remaining bits of C(W) Clear A 1. 0 CLA 28 The C(A)I_32 and the Z position are Store Half- Word from A 1.0 SHA W 4F If W ~ (7F) 16' the C(W) 1-16 are replaced with the C(A) 1-16; if W ~ (80) 16' the C (W) 1 7 _ 32 are replaced with the C(A) 17 -32. The C(A) including the sign and Z positions and the remaining bits of Ware not affected. replaced with zeros and the sign of the A Register made positive. The address part of this instruction is not examined; thus, this instruction may be doubled if desired. Chan~e 1. 0 Sign HS -- 2E If the sign bit of the A Register is positive, it is made negative, and vice versa. 25 INSTRUCTIONS The addre s s part of this instruction is not examined; thus, this instruction may be doubled if de sired. Set Si~n Plus 1. 0 S p - - 2C The sign bit of the A Register is made positive. The address part of this instruction is not examined; thus, this instruction may be doubled if desired. Complement A 1.0 CpL -- 3E All zeros are replaced by ones and vice versa in the C(A) 1- 32, S. The Z position is filled with a ze ro. The addre s s of this instruction is not examined; thus, this instruction may be doubled if desired. p~rt LOGICAL AND CONTROL OPERATIONS Extract 1. 0 EXT W 75 Each bit of the C(A) 1-32, S is compared with the corresponding bit of C(W) 1- 32,S. When both bits are ones, the corresponding bit in the A Register is left unaltered (remains a one)~ However, when either of the bits compared is zero, the correaponding bit in the A Register is replaced with a zero. The Z position is filled with· a zero. The C(W) are not affected. Extract with D Mask 1. 0 EXD W 71 Each bit of the C(A)I_32, S is compared with the correspondingbit of C(D) 1-32, S. When the bit in the D Register is a one, the corresponding bit in the A Register is replaced by the bit in W; when the bit in the D Register is a zero, the correspondingbit in the A Register is not changed. The Z position is filled with a zero. The C(D) and C(W) are not affected. Change Overflow Indicator 1. OCOV -- 02 If the Overflow Indicator is ON, turn it OFF and vice versa. The address part of this instruction is not examined; thus, this instruction maybe doubled if desired. Compare Magnitude 1. 0 COM -- 51 The status of the Overflow Indicator is tested; if ON, this instruction causes the machine to stop; if OFF, the C{A) and C(W) are compared: If (C(A) 1-321 IC(W) 1- 321, this instruction causes the Overflow Indicator to be turned ON. If C(A) 1- 321 ~IC(W) 1- 321 ' the Overflow Indicator remains OFF. < I No Operation 1. 0 NOP -- 00 The machine takes the next instruction in sequence •. (Although no operation is performed, the Address Register will contain the effective address; i. e., after address modificatIon by the E Register has been performed.) Halt and Transfer 1. 0 HTR W IB If the START-NORMAL switch on the Control Panel is in the NORMAL position, the machine will stop until this switch is thrown to the START position, after which the machine will obtain the next instruction from location Wand proceed from there. If this switch is in the START position, the machine will not stop but, instead, will obtain the next instruction from location Wand proceed from there. Transfer 1.0 TRA W 11 The machine takes the next instruction from location Wandproceeds from there. 26 ALWAC III-E Transfer on Overflow 1.0 foV W IF If the Overflow Indicator is ON as the result of a previous operation, the indicator is turned OFF and the rna-chine take s the next inst.ruction from location Wand proceeds from there. If the indicator is OFF, the machine takes the next instruction in- sequence. Transfer on Switch One 1. 0 TSA W 13 The status of jump switch one is examined. If in the JUMP position, the machine obtains the next instruction from location Wand proceeds from there; if in the NORMAL position, the machine takes the next instruction in sequence. Transfer on Switch Two Transfer on Non-Zero 1. 0 TNZ W 1. O. TSB W 15 19 If the C(A) 1- 32 are non- zero, the machine takes the next instruction from location Wand proceeds from there. If the CJA)1_32 are zero, the machine takes the next instruction in sequence. Note that the Z and sign positions are not examined. Transfer on Less than Zero 1.0 TLZ W ID 1£ the C (A) 1- 32., S· are non - zero and negative, the machine takes the next instruction from location Wand proceeds from there·. If the C(A) 1-~2, S are zero or positive, the machine takes the next instruction in sequence. Note the Z position is not examined. Transfer on Index 1. 0 TIX W 17 The C(E) are decreased by 1 in the least significant position and the result placed in the E Register, after which the contents of this register are tested for the presence of a zero result. If nonzerQ, the machine takes its next instruction from location Wand proceeds from there; if zero, the machine takes the next instructi()n in the normal sequence. The contents of the other arithmetic registers are not affected. Therefore, the E Register may be used as an index register. The status of jump switch two is examined. If in the JUMP position, the machine obtains the next instruction from location Wand proceeds from there; if in the NORMAL position, the machine takes the next instruction in sequence. Shifting Instructions Shift instructions are used to move the contents of the A (or A and B) Register(s) to the left or rightof their original positions. The address syllable is 'Used to indicate the number of positions to be shifted. When a shift i ruction is executed, the positions left cant in the registers are automatically ilIed with zeros. When a shift instruction is interpreted, the extent of the shift is determined from the six least significant bits of the address syllable. Thesebits, are, therefore,interpretedmodulo 64. Multiples of (40)16 used in the a.ddress syllable of a shift instruction produce no shift, as the address is interpreted as zero. Thus, addresses greater than (40) 16 will produce shifts ranging between hexadecimal 91 and 3F. Hence, the maximum number of shifts is 63 (hexadecimal 3F) bits. Example 1. 8 modulo 64 = 8 because 8 = 0(64)+8 Example 2. 63 modulo 64 63 = 0(64)+63 Example 3. 128 modulo 64 128 = 2(64)+0 = 63 =0 INSTRUCTIONS Example 4. 136 modulo 64 136 = 2(64)+8 =8 Shifting C(A), C(B), or C(A and B) has the same effect as multiplying C(A), C(B), or C(A and B) by a power of 2 (as long as no significant bits are lost). Example 1: Shifting a binary number in the B Register two positions to the left has the same effect as multiplying that number by 22. Bits shifted left from position 1. of the B Register enter· position 32 of the A Register on the LLS operation. Example 2: Shifting a .binary number in the A Register 30 positions to the right has the same effect as multiplying that · .. numb er b y 2 -30 • B·Its I eavIng POSItIon 32 of the A Register enter position 1 of the B Register on the LRS operation. A Ri5tt Shift o. 5 RS W AS The C(A)Z, 1-32 ar'e shifted right W modulo 64 positions. Bits shifted past position 32 of the A Register are lost. Positions made vacant are filled with zeros. The sign position is not affected. If W mod 64 = 0, the C(A)Z, 1-32, S are not affected. A Left Shift '0.5 ALS W A7 27 shifted right W modulo 64 positions. Bits shifted past position 32 in the A Register enter position 1 of the B Register. Bits shifted past position 32 of the B Register are lost. The contents of the Z position will be shifted into position 1 in the A Register and positions made vacant (including the Z position) are filled with zeros; however,. if W mod 64 = 0, the C(A)Z, 1-32, S are not affected~ . of the Z position are not affected. Positions made vacant are filled with zeros. The sign position is not affected. Long Right Shift 5LRS W Al o. The C(A) z, 1 _ 32 and C(B) 1-32 are • REGISTER P1 • Figure 20. Long Left Shift o. 5 LLS W A3 The C(A) 1-32 and C(B) 1-32 are shifted left W modulo 64 positions. Bits shifted past position 1 of the B Regis"ter enter position 32 of the A Register. Bits shifted past position 1 of the A Register are lost. There is no overflow indication and if there is a bit in the Z position it will be lost unlessWmod 64 = 0, in which case, the C(A)Z, 1-32, S are not affected. Po- sitions made vacant are filled with zeros. 01 It. REGISTER 1 II BI I • ,~ REGISTER M ,_ Z 1 2 3 ------- -----·3132 1 2------------------------ 31 32 • Figure 21. The C(A) 1-32 are shifted left Wmodulo 64 positions. Bits shifted past position 1 of the A Register are lost. There is no overflow indication and if there is a bit in the Z position it will be lost, unless W mod 64 = 0, in which case the contents ~ It. REGISTER 01 III I ~ II I Z 1 2. 3 -------.---.31321 2 ------------------.3132 Shift and Count 1. 0 SeT -- AB If position 1 of the A Register contains a 1, or if the C(A)I_32 and C(B) are all zeros, a minus zero replaces the C(D). If position 1 of the A Register contains a 0 but there is at least one nonzero bit in C(A)I_32 or C(B), the A and B Registers are shifted left until a 1 bit appears in position 1 of the A Register and the positive value of the number of ALWAC III-E 28 shifts replaces the C(D). The contents of the sign position of the B Register replace the 'contents of the sign position of the A Register. COpy OPERATIONS Copy instructions are used to copy an entire channel of 32 full~word'5 from a General Sto.rage channel to a WorlP-ng Storage channel or from a Working Storage channel to a General Storage channel. It should be noted that it is possible to execute the instruction contained in the right half of an instruction word, when the left half contains a copy instruction to the same working channel in which the given instruction word falls, since the right half word is previously placed in the right half of the E Register. Copy to Workint Storage I 91. 0 eTA W 1 The contents of General Storage channel W replace the contents of Working Storage I. The contents ofGeneralStor. age channel Ware not changed. Copy to Workinl Storage II 91.0 eTB W ~ The contents of General Storage channel W replace the content.s of Working Storage II. The contents of General Storage channel Ware not changed. CoPl to workinl Storage III 91.· eTC W 5 The contents of General Storage channel W replace the contents of Working Storage Ill. The contents of General Stor'age channel Ware not changed. Copy to wo.rkinl Storage IV 91.0 CTn W 7 The contents of General Storage channel W replace th~ contents of Working . Storage IV. The contents of General Storage channel .W are not changed. Copy from Working Storage I 107. 0 CFA W 89 The contents of Working Storage I replace the contents of General Storage channel W. The contents of Working Storage I are not changed. CoPY from workill Storage II 107.0 CFB W 8 The contents of Working Storage II replace the contents of General Storage channel W. The contents of Working Storage II are not changed. Copy from worki~ 107.0 eFC W 8 Storage III The contents of Working Storage III replace the contents of .General Storage channel W. The contents of Working Storage III are not changed. Copy from workiif Storage IV 107. 0 CFD W 8 . The contents of Working Storage IV replace the contents of General Storage channel W. The contents of Working Storage IV are not changed. INPUT-OUTPUT OPERATIONS The most significant bit in the address part of the following Flexowrite r inputoutput instructions is used to designate whether the high-speed reader, the highspeed puncR, or the Flexowriter is to be used as the input-output device. If this bit position contains a 0, the high-speed reade r or punch will be used if this unit is connected to the computer. If the most significant bit of the address part is a 1, or, if the appropriate high-speed unit is not connected to the computer, the computer will use the Flexowriter as the input-output device. INSTRUCTIONS Hexadecimal (or Decim~l) Z9 writer to print (or punch) the hexadecimal character located in the C(A)29_3Z. Input -- HXI W Fl Hexadecimal input is indicated by placing a 0 in the second most significant bit position of the address part of this instruction; decimal input is indicated by placing a I in the second most significant bit po sition.This instruction causes the contents of the A Register to be shifted left 4 binary positions and the C(A)Z9_3Z to be replaced with one hexadecimal character (4 bits) for h'exadecimal input; or to -multiplythe contents of the A Register by 10 arid to add the 4 least significant bits of the character read to this product w)lich then replaces the contents of "the A Register, for decimal input. For both types of input, this operation is repeateduntl1 nW-l)mod 8 +~ inputshave been supplied after which the Select Lite is turned OFF and the machine resumes high- speed operations. The sign and Z positions in the A Register are not changed~ Hexadecimal (or Decimal) Output. -- HXO W F5 The C(A) including sign and Z positions are not changed. The address part of this word is not examined, and, since the operation code is odd, this instruction may be doubled only when used as the address part of a doubled instruction. Sign Input -- SNI -- F9 This instruction r~places the C(.A) 1- 3Z with zeros and replaces the sign position with a 0 or I (minus or plus) accordiJlg to the character received from the Flexo-writer. The space bar is used for plus and the minus key for minus indications; however, any Flexowriter character code which has a punch in position 4 m~y be used in place of the minus key. Thiif! include. the characters: abcdefjyzABCDEFJYZ89L,( -I $., *6~; abd the stop,lower case,color sh1ft,code delete,tabulate, carriage return,and back spi,ce codes. Hexadecimal output is indicated by placing a 0 in the second I:lost significant bit position of the address part of this instruction; decimal output -is indicated by placing a 1 in the second most significant bit position. This instruction causes the Flexowriter to print (or punch) the hexadecimal character located in the C(A)1_4 and to shift the A ~egister left- Any Flexowriter character code which has no -punch in position 4 may be used in place of the space bar. This includes the characters: 4 positions for hexadecimal output; or to multiply the C(A) 1- 32 by 10, to print (or The Select Lite 'on the Flexowriter is turned ON by this instruction and the machine waits until an input has been supplied, after which the Select Lite is turned OFF and the machine resumes high-speed ope rations. Note that the Z position of the A Re gister is not changed. punch) a decimal character form.ed from the integral part of the product, and to replace the C(A) 1- 32 with the fractional part of the product. For both types of output, this operation is repeated [(W-l)mod 8 times. The sign and Z positions in the A Register are not changed. +9 Number Output- NMO -- DD This _instruction causes the Flexo- ghiklmnopqrstuvwx GHIKIMNOPQRS'IUVWX 12345670°"+=%11) Sign Output ---SNO-- D5 If the sign of the A Register is po.itive, a space code is transmitted to the Flexowriteor; if the sign of the A Register is negative, a minus code is transmitted to ALWAC III-E 30 the Flexowriter. The C (A) including the sign ·and Z positions are not changed. Alphabetic Input ALI W F3 This instruction causes the C(A)2_32 to be shifted left 6 binary positions and replaces the C(A)26~31 with one alphabetic character (6 bits), and causes this 9perationtobe repeated RW-l)mod 8 +~ The status of these flip-flops may be affected by executing one of the instruc.tions TYP, PNH, BTP, or NTP (9B, 9D, 9F, or 99) or by depressing the Clear switch on the Flexowriter or by placing the Normal - Test - Clear switch on the Control Panel in the CLEAR position. Operating either of these switches causes the Type flip-flop to be turned ON, and the Punch flip-flop to be turned OFF. times. Note that if this instruction is repeated more than 5 times, all but the last 5 alphabetic characters will be lost. The Select Lite on the Flexowriter is turnedONby this instruction and the machine waits until -l)mod 8 +~ inputs Placing the Type and Punch switches on the Flexowriter in the COMPUTE position permits the computer to select the desired output according to the setting of the Type and Punch flip-flops which are controlled by the instructions TYP, PNH, BTP, and NTP (9B, 9D, 9F, and 99) which are described below. have been supplied, after which the Select Lite is turned OFF and the machine resume s high- speed operation. The sign and Z positions are not changed but the C(A)32 is replaced with the C(A)31 after Placing the Type arid Punch switches on the Flexowriter in the OFF position will result in the loss of printed or punched information transmitted to the Flexowriter. trw the last alphabetic character has been read. Alphabetic Output ALa W F7 This instruction replaces C(A)32 with Placing the Type and Punch switche s on the Flexowriter in the TYPE or PUNCH positions will cause all information transmitted to the Flexowriter to be typed or punched, accordingly, without regard to the setting of the Type and Punch flipflops. a zero, causes the Flexowriter to print (or punch) the alphabetic characte r located in the C(A)2 -7' the contents of the Type A Register to be shifted left 6 positions, and causes this operation to be repeated W -1 )mod 8 +~ time s. The bit positions This instruction causes the Type flipflop to be turned ON and the Punch flipflop to be turned OFF. U made vacant are filled with zeros. C(A)Z, 1, S are not changed. 24. 0 TYP -- 9B The The following instructions are used to control punching and typing functions on the Flexowriter according to the setting of the two switche s on the Flexowrite r which are labeled IITYPE" and "PUNCH". Two flip-flops, which are known as the Type and Punch flip-flops, operate in conjunction with these switches. Punch 24. 0 PNH -- 9D This instruction causes the Punch flipflop to be turned ON and the Type flipflop to be turned OFF. Both Type and Punch 24.0 BTP -- 9F This instruction causes both the Type and the Punch flip-flops to be turned ON. INSTRUCTIONS Neither Type nor Punch 24. NTP -- 99 a This instruction causes both the Type and the Punch flip-flops to be turned OFF. Punched Cards PCD W 97 This instruction is used to control the input and output of information from IBM punched card equipment. This is accomplished by means of a "buffer storage", access to which is provided from Working Storage IV. Buffer storage is divided into two half- channels of 16 words each which are called the CONTROL and INFORMATION lines, and refer, respectively, to the first and second half-channels of the buffer storage. Either, or both, of these lines may be exchanged with the first or second half- channel of Working Storage IV by placing a 0 or 1 in the appropriate bit position in the address part of this instruction, as shown in Figure 22. OPERATION (97~6 ADDRESS q!E~CHANGE:J INFORMATION 'O!NO EXCHANGE TYPE OF EXCHANGE 0'0- NORMAL , 1 '-INVERTED , CONTROL - , 0 J - EXCHANGE , O'-NO EXCHANGE ,, ----I INPUT-OUTPUT-:O - READY '1'- PUNCH CARD CYCLES .!O' PERMIT----.& , 1'... SUPPRESS Figure 22. The CONTROL line in the buffer is used to indicate both the format and the type of conversion desired (decimal, hexadecimal, or alphabetic) for data as it appears in the INFORMATION line of the buffer. If the contents of a half-channel 31 of Working Storage IV are to be exchanged with the INFORMATION or CONTROL lines in the buffer, a I is placed in bit position 1 or 3 of the addre s s part of this instruction as shown in Figure 22. If a o is placed in these positions, no exchange is made with the corresponding line in the buffe r. A normal or inverted exchange is Indicated by a 0 or 1, respectively, in bit position 2 of the address part of this instruction, the half - channel(s) affected being indicated by contents of bit positions 1 and 3 of the address part. A normal exchange is one in which eitherttle first half-channel in Working Channel IV is exchanged with the CONT ROL line in the buffer or the second half-channel in Working Channel IV is exchanged with the INFORMATION line in the buffer. An inverted exchange is one in which either the second half-channel in Working Channel IV is exchanged with the CaNT ROL line in the buffer or the first half- channel in Working ChannelIV is exchanged with the INFORMATION line in the buffe r. If bit position 4 of the addre s s part of this instruction contains a 0) the card reader is selected; if this bit position contains a 1, the card punch is selected. Bit position 5 of the addre s s part of this instruction is used to permit or suppress a card cycle when this bit position contains a 0 or 1, respectively. Thus, the buffer may be used as an additional rapid access storage channel, whether or not the punched card equipment is connected to the computer. Note however, that data placed in the INFORMATION line will be converted according to codes placed in the CONTROL line. This permits rapid binary - decimal conversion. Bit positions 6, 7, and 8 should contain zeros. Since 5 bit positions of the address part of this instruction are used to indicate the variations of this instruction, a total of 32 different machine operations rna y be obtained. 32 ALWAC III-E It should be noted that the contents of the indicated half-channels are exchanged before conversion or card cycles occur. Hence, inforrnation from either Working Channel IV or the buffer may be punched on the same card cycle; however, information read into the buffer on the previous card cycle appears in Working Channel IV after the exchange. In order to operate the punched card equipment at maximum speed, proce s sing of the· information placed in Working Channel IV is accomplished during the conversion cycle before the card reaches the "9-time" position. Since a change in format require s exchange with the CONTRoL line, a blank card is usually placed at the end of each file of cards. MAGNETIC TAPE OPERATIONS The following instructions are used for control of the magnetic tape buffer and of individual tape units. Bit positions 1-4 of the address part of these instructions are used to indicate the desired sub-operation in accordance with the hexadecimal codes given in the description of the instruction. See Figure 23. When it is necessary to specify an individual tape unit, bit positions 5-8 are used for this purpose. Thus, as m.any as 16 tape units may be used which are num.bered, hexadecirnally, from. 0 to F. searching operations are started. In the explanation of instructions which follows, the first word in each tape record is indicated by the symbol WI. The contents of this word are com.pared with, the contents of the Comparing Register during searching operations. Magnetic Tape Status 1. 0 MTS W 91 This instruction is used to prepare the unit to read or to write, to select the searching mode and cause searching operations to be started, to test for completion of searching operations, or to rewind a tape to the load point. Searching operations cause the contents of the A Register to be stored in the CR (Com.paring Register) of the des~ ignated tape unit, after which the com-' puter interlocks are released. While the computer continues to execute instru:ctions in their normal sequence, the tape m.oves in a forward direction until the desired tape record is located. In the following explanation, the symbol W 1 is used to represent the first word in a given tape record. Two searching modes are available: Mode 1. The tape unit searches for the tape record until C(W 1)1_32:9C(CR)1_32. Note that the sign positions are not compared. ADDRESS t_----------~A~-------- __ Mode 2. 'Ihe tape unit searches for the tape record until C(W1)29_32=C(CR)29_32. 8 The- address part of this instruction contains the designated tape unit and the desired operation as shown in Figure 23. Bit positions -5-8 of the address part of this instruction are used to indicate the desired tape unit. Bit positions 1-4 of the address part of this instruction are used to indicate the _ de sired sub -operation, according to the following hexadecimal code: -,_I-,----r-I--r-I-'r----r-I---rl---"I 1 2 v 3 4 J\ SUB-OPERATION 5 6 7 V TAPE UNIT Figure 23. Each individual tape unit contains a Comparing Register which is used for searching operations. The C ( A) replace the contents of this register before 33 INSTRUCTIONS "0" R~wind. "1" Set unit to read status. "2" Search in mode read status. 1 and set to "3" -- Search in mode read statu s . 2 and set to "4" Test for completion of searching operation. The status of the Ove rflow Indicator lite is tested: If ON, the computer sounds the alarm 2 buzzer; if OFF, the status of the tape unit is tested: If the tape unit is still searching, the Overflow Indicator lite is turned ON and the computer takes the next instruction in sequence. "5" Set unit to write status. "6" Search in mode write status. 1 and set to "7" - - Search in mode 2 and set to write status. It should be carefully noted that all the above codes except 4 are executed immediately by the individual tape unit and overrule any previous MTS instruction which the unit maybe in proce s s of executing. However, this overrule action will not interrupt read-write operations being executed; instead, the computer will wait until completion of the MTC instruction before execution of a MTS instruc-:tion. when reading operations are attempted, the tape unit should be in READ status, and for writing operations, the tape unit should be in WRITE status. If the tape unit is in the wrong status for the given operation, the given MTC inst.ruction cannot be executed, the machine sounds the alarm 2 buzzer and stops. If the alarm switch 2 is placed in the RESTORE position, the machine will execute the next instruction in the normal sequence. .It should be noted that the tape unit is set to READ status after a rewind operation. This rewind operation may be caused by execution of the MTS operation, by the automatic rewinding of the tape when reaching the physical end of the tape, or by the manual operation of the control switches located on the tape transport. Bit positions 5-8 of the address part of this instruction are used to indicate the desired tape unit. See Figure 23. Bit positions 1-4 of.Jh~ .. address part of this instruction are used to indicate the desired sub-operation, according to the following hexadecimal code: "I" -- Read previous record into the buffer. "2" - - Read next record into the buffer. "3" -- Read same record into the buffer. "5" Write previous record from buffer. Write next record from the buffer. Magnetic Tape Copy 1.0 MTC W 93 "7" This instruction causes information to be read from a tape and copi~.d into the magnetic tape buffer, or to be copied from the buffer and written on the tape. Before this instruction is executed, the status of the tape unit is tested and compared with the operation specified in the address part of this instruction. Thus, Write same record from the buffer. Magnetic Tape Exchange 16. 0 MTX W 95 This instruction causes the contents of Working Storage IV to be copied into the magneti c tape buffe r, 0 r the content s 34 ALWAC In-E of the buffer to be copied into Working Storage IV, or causes the contents of the buffer and Working Storage IV to be exchanged. Bit positions 5-8 of the address part of this instruction are not examined. Bit po sitions 1-4 of the addre s s part are used to indicate the de sired sub -operation, accordingto the following hexadecimal codes: It 111 - - The content s of the buffe r replace the contents of Working Storage IV. The contents of the buffer are not changed. "2 t1 -- The contents of Working Storage IV replace the contents of the buffer. The contents of Working Storage IV are not changed. 113" -- The contents of Working Storage IV and the buf~er are exchanged. ADDRESS LOCATIONS Each half-word in the four Working·· . Storage channels is addressable, the addresses 00 to 7Fbeingused for left half.:.. word locations and 80 to FF used for right half-word locations. The address locations contained in each of the Working Storage channels are as follows: 00 to IF and 80 to 9F Working Storage I 20 to 3F and AO to BF -Working Storage II 40 to 5F and CO to DF -Working Storage III 60 to 7F and EO to FF -Working Stoxeage IV Normal sequencing of instructions is in half-word increments from the left to the right half of an instruction word and, then, to the left half of the next instruc--: tion word. in sequence as shown in Figure 24 which illustrates the normal sequence for Working Channel I. . Note that the instruction which follows 80 is 04 (not 0 I), that a I follows 9C, and .that 00 follows 9F. Normal address sequencing in the remaining . Working Storage channels is similar. ADDRESS MODIFICATION Automatic address modification maybe achieved when using instructions whose hexadeci:mal instruction codes are odd numbers. This is accomplishedby using a code obtained by subtracting 1 from the instruction code. When the instruction is executed, the literal address is added to the 2 1 s complement of the contents of theE Register to determine an effective address which is placed in the Address Register and is used for the execution of the instruction. For example, assume that the ADD instruction is to be use.d and that the E Register contains the hexadecimal number 0001. The he1adecimal instruction code for the ADD instruction is 61 which would be written as 60 together with an address. Thus, the instruction 6024 with the literal address 24 would be added to the 2 1 s complement 9f the E Register (which, in this example, is FFFF), thereby obtaining the effective. address 23. Hence, when the E Register contains 0001, the instruction 6024 is executed in the same manner as if the instruction 6123 had been given. The distinct advantage to such" indexing operations is the manner in which ad.dre s s modification rna y be used to select one quantity from a set, the elements of which are stored in successive word locations. An example of such usage is given in the section titled "Symbolic Programming". ADDRESS MODIFICATION 35 Figure- 24. INSTRUCTION DOUBLING Two instructions may be doubled to forma single half-word if the first hexadecimal in,struction code is an even number. This is accomplished by using a code obtained by adding 1 to the instruction code and placing the instruction code for the second command in the address part of the half-word. Thus, to clear the A Register and exchange the A and B Registers (CLA and XAB) the instructions 28 and 30 are combined to form the half-word 2930. Note that no address part is requiredforthe first command of this doubled instruction and that if doubling of instructions is attempted in which the second instruction requires an ad~ dress, the execution of the second co~ mand will require using the same address part as the instruction code of the second command. Thus, if the instructions CLA and ADD are doubled in one half-word, the machine code 2961 is obtained. This instruction, when executed, would have the same effect as giving the instructions 2900 and 6161 (CLA and 'ADD 61). As such doubling is only rarelyused by programmers, it is advisable to avoid such practices; indeed, an as sembly program should provide for detection of such practices and indicate such coding as an error. TIMING The time required to execute instructions is variable and is not only dependent on the specific instruction being executed, but may vary with the choice of the address part of this instruction (if required by the instruction). The following points must be considered in any discussion of instruction timing: 36 ALWAC III-E 1. The word location at ~..vhich the drum is positioned at the' time of completion of the last instruction. If the current instruction is in the left side of an instruction word, the drum must turn until it is positioned to read this instruction word. If the current instruction is in the right side of an instructio~ word, and such acce s sible from the right side of the E Register (as the result of execution of the left instruction in the same instruction word), only one wordtime is required to tra.nsfer the contents to the instruction and address registers. If the current instruction is a right address and such word is not accessible from the right side of the E Register (as the result of a transfer instruction from some othe r word location), the drum must turn until it is positioned to read this instruction word. In all of the above cases, the mini,mum access time will be O. 5 milliseconds (one word-time) and the,. 8.0 milliseconds (16 word-times). 2. If the instruction requires reference to the contents of a word location specified in the address part of the instruction, a search is required. This search starts immediately, and, therefore, timing considerations :glust involve the positions of the drum at the time this action starts and at the time when it is positioned to read the word specified in the address part of the instruction. In all cases, however, access time will vary between 0.0 and 8.0 milliseconds. 3. The execution time required for an instruction, after the contents of the operand address have been obtained, is given in the Description of Instructions. See pages 19 to 34. 4. The shifting. instructions require O. 5 milliseconds for each shift (modulo 64) specified in the address part of the instruction. The transfer instructions require varying amounts of time depending upon the result of various testing operations. Maxi- mum time for such milliseconds. instruction~ is 8.0 5. Input-output instruction times are' dependent upon typing skills or upon the status of punched tape' and certain switches and, therefore, only minimum times may be specified for these types of instructions. Hence, the dete rmination of the amount of time required for the execution of a set of instructions, although computable, is sOnlewhat complex. Such computations may be included in Symbolic Assembly Programs or similar executive programs without significant reductions in the amount of time required for other operations performed by such programs. However, certain programming rules ·are re commended 'to pe rmit reduction in the time required for the execution of instructions. These rules produce near-optimum times for execution of instructions. 1. If an instruction appears in the lefthalf, of an in struction word, the optinlum address is one whose last hexadecimal digit is one greater thaii'tlie location address of either the left or right half of the instruction wora.. Thus, for location 05, the optimum addresses are 06, 86, 16, 96, 26, A6, 36, B6, 46, C6, 56, D6, 66, E6, 76, and F6. 2. If an optimum address is used for the left half instruction, the optimum ad,.. dress for the right half instruction is one whose last hexadecima1 digit is three greate r than the loca.tion addre s s of eithe r the left or right half of the instruction word. 3. If a non-optimum address is used for the left half instruction, the optimum address for the right half instruction is one whose last hexadecimal digit is at least two greater than the effective~ and address contained in the left instruction or a word location whose last hexadecimal digit is the same as this sum. 4. Transfer instructions are exceptions to the above rules. For left half, 37 COMPONENTS instructions, the optimum addre s s is one whose last hexadecimal digit is three greater than the location address of either the~ left or right half of the instruction word, providing that the transfer of controloccurs. For right-half instructions, the optimum address is four greater than the effective operand address contained in the left instruction or a word location whose last hexadecimal digit is the same as this sum, provided that the transfer of control occurs. 'When a transfer of control does not occur, the instruction is as near-optimum as can be obtained. 5. If the optimum addre s s dete rmined by rule s 1 to 4 above doe s not yield the address location of a word which may be used in the programming of the problem, successive word locations from the optimum address, may be used with the loss of one word time (0. 5 milliseconds) for each word after the optimum location. The worst possible location s.elected when time considerations are paramount is the word location which precede s the optimum location. Selection of this address will result in no less than 8.0 milliseconds searching time, since the drum must make one half- revolution before the chosen location is acce s sible. tain modifications) is the primary inputoutput medium for the ALWAC III-E and consists of three main parts: a keyboard, a paper tape reader, and a paper tape punch. This reading (or punching) of paper tape operates at a maximum speed of 10 characters per second (100 milliseconds per character). When a printed copy is produced by the Flexowriter, a maximum speed of 8 characters per second (120 milliseconds per character) is possible. Various switches located on the Flexowriter permit the operator to select the particular type of output desired. In addition, certain switch settings permit selection of printing and punching operations to be placed under program control. Of the available 51 key lever positions, 42 levers are used for characters, 7 levers are used for tabulation, color shift, back space, carriage return, upper case shift, and space, and 3 levers are used for the clear, stop, and delete controls. The keyboard is similar to that of most electric typewriters; however, the characters on certain keys have been replaced with some of the more common mathematical symbols. The keys used for hexadecimal input are made of red plastic for easy recognition. See Figure 25. FLEXOWRITER The F1exowriter (Model FL with cer- Figure 25. / 38 ALWAC III-E Since the same code is used for characters in the upper and lower case, a total of 84 distinct printed characters is available. The shift controls are selflocking and the Flexowrite r will remain in the given case until another upper or lower case shift occurs. The color shift, space, back space, carriage' return, clear, code delete, and stop codes operate independently of the upper and lower case shifts. CONTROL SWITCHES Start Read Switch: When releasedafter being depressed, this momentary contact switch starts the tape reader operation. By rapidly depressing and releasing switch, the tape may be moved one code position at a time. If this switch is operated when no paper tape is in the reader, the effect is the sa:me as pressing the Clear switch which is described below. Stop Read Switch: This :momentary contact switch IS used to stop tape reading operations. In order to resume operation, the Start Read switch must be depressed. Since it is difficult to stop the paper tape m.anually at a particular punched code position, and, since failure to depress this switch within certain critical time limits can cause double entry of the last character read; the Start Read switch is used to stop the paper tape at the desired code position and then the Stop Read switch is depre s sed which will stop reading operations. Punch On Switch: This two - position sWItch controls tape punching operations and, when in the DOWN position, causes each character typed to be punched also until the switch is returned to the UP position. Note that this switch controls only the punching of information which is read from. the tape read station or is entered m.anually on the keyboard and that this switch does not control the punching of information sent from. the com.puter. Clear Switch: This momentary con- trol switch corre sponds to the NormalTest - Clear switch which is located on the Control Panel and is described on page 16. Depressing and releasing the Clear switch causes the c.ontents of General Storage channel 01 to replace- the contents of Working Storage channel I and control to be transferred to word 00. A p~ogram known as the Start Routine is located in General Storage channel Oland is used to cause input and output of pro ... grams and to transfer control to a given location in one of the four Working Storage channels. If the Punch On switch is in the DOWN position when the Clear switch is. depressed, a special character code will be punched in the tape which is known as a "clear 11 punch. If this character code is later read by the tape reader, the effect is the same as depressing the Clear switch. Copy Inputs Switch: When this twoposition switch is in the DOWN position, each character read from the tape reader will be typed at a maximum speed of .10 characters per second; when in the UP position, information read from the tape reader is not typed and tape reading o.Perations can proceed at a maximum speed of 10 characters per second. Tape Feed Switch: This momentary contact switch is used to feed paper tape from the punch station and to punch feed holes which are used to guide and position the punched tape when placed in the read station; Since paper tape is supplied in unpunched rolls, it is necessary to use this switch to provide approximately three inches of feed holes which are used by the punching station to pull the paper tape pa st the punch die s. Code Delete Switch: Thism.omentary contact switch cause s a special character code (all six positions) to be punched which will be ignored when inte rpreted by the reading station. Thus, this switch is used to delete unwanted information on a punched tape. 39 COMPONENTS Stop Code Switch: This momentary contact switch causes a special character code to be punched which will have the same effect as depressing the Stop Read switch which is described above. However, if the computer is asking for an input at the time this switch is depressed, a binary code corresponding to the special character code will be placed in the appropriate bit positions in the A Register. sired output according to the setting of the Type and Punch flip-flops which are controlled by the instructions TYP, PNH, BTP, and NTP (9B, 9D, 9F, and 99) which are described on page 30. Select Lite: The Select Lite is turned ONwhen the computer selects the Flexowriter for an input device and remains ON until the proper number of inputs is supplied from the keyboard or from the tape read station. Computer - Off - Flexowriter Switch: This switch supplies the electrical power to the Flexowriter and determines whether the Flexowriter is to be used independently or with the computer. When in the OFF position, all electrical .power to the Flexowriter is turned off and all control switches are inoperative. When in the COMPUTE position, the Flexowriter and its as sociated control switches operate in conjunction with the computer and may be used to control various machine functions. When in the FLEXOWRITERposition, the computer and Flexowriter operate independently. Thus, the Flexowriter rna y be uS.ed to prepare punched tape s or to produce a printed copy-of information which is punched on a tape without disrupting other computer functions. Punch - Off - Compute and Type - OffCompute Switches: These two switches are used to control punching and typing functions on the Flexowriter and operate in conjunction with two flip-flop.s in the computer which are known as the Type and Punch flip-flops. Placing either of these switches in the COMPUTE position permits the computer to select the de- Figure 26. Placing the Type and Punch switches in the OFF positions will result. in the los s of printed or punched information transmitted to the Flexowriter. Placing the Type and Punch switches in the TYPE or PUNCH positions will cause all information transmi'tted to the Flexowrite r to be typed or punched, accordingly' without regard to the setting of the Type and Punch fIi p- flo ps. The proper feeding alignment of the paper tape in the reading and punching stations is shown in Figure 26. Note that small sprock-ets on the reading and punching stations are used to pull the tape through the mechanisms. The keyboard will lock, preventing operation, if any of the following conditions occur: 1. The tape guide arm is not against the tape at the reading station. 2. The blank tape which feeds the punching station tears, binds, or runs out. 40 ALWAcm""E FLEXOWRlTER AND PUNCHED TAPE CODES .......•• ••••• •• • • • •• ••• •• •• • . ••• - ••• • • • • • •• • • • ••• ••••• • •• • •••• • ••• • .- ••••• • •• • •• •••• • ••• •• ••• • • • • • • stop Code Code Delete Clear Upper Case Shift Lower Case Shift Space (See note) Back Space Color Shift Carriage Return aA 00 1010 bB 00 1011 c C 00 1100 dD 00 1101 e E 00 1110 t F' 00 llll gG 01 '0000 hH 01 0001 i I 01 0010 j J 01ll1l kK 10 0000 1 L 10 0001 mM 10 0010 nN 100011 o 0 10 0100 pP 100101 qQ 10 0110 rR 100111 s S 11 0010 t T 11 0011 uU 11 0100 vV II 0101 wW 110110 xX 11 Olll yY 11 1000 z Z 11 1001 Tab 1 0 2 It 3 4 5 6 + = 10 1 7 t 8L. 9( 0 ) /t -, - ~$ * 6 . .• , ; (See note) 11 1100 10 1011 ------- 10 1001 10 1000 00 0000 10 1110 io 1010 10 1101 10 1100 00 0001 00 0010 00 0011 00 0100 00 0101 00 0110 00 0111 00 1000 00 1001 11 0000 11'0001 01 1110 II 1011 II 1010 111lll 11 1110 Note: The binary code 000000 when used with the ALO instruction providea the space character and with t1l:e HXO in stru.ction ' provides a 0 or ) character. The binary code 10 0001 which is used for the land L character may be :a.sed as the nw:nber 1 when "sed with the HXl and HXO instruction•• Figure 2.1 • COMPONENTS The punched code system use s seven punching positions (of which the position number 7 is used only for the clear code). The remaining 6 positions provide suitable combinations for the various character and control codes which are shown in Figure 27 together with the appropriate binary codes. The punching positions are numbered 7-6-1-2-3-4-5 from left to right facing the leading edge of the tape with the feed hole placed between the number 2 and 3 holes. An 8th hole position is available but is not used. Either 7/8 inch or 'I inch paper tape width may be used. 41 The effective speed of the paper tape unit during punch operations (which includes time required to copy information to and from General Storage) is 50 characters per second and during read operations is 150 cha.racters per second. Thus, the unit is capable of punching the contents of 12 channels of memory per minute or the entire memory (256 channels) within 24 minutes. It is possible to read and store information at the rate of 35 channels per minute or the entire memory within 8 minutes. (These speeds include the programming time required for check summing and block transfer instructions. ) HIGH-SPEED PUNCHED TAPE CONSOLE The Punched Tape Console (see Figure 28) is designed as a high- speed inputoutput device. The unit operate s at an approximate power consumption of 320 watts, with voltages supplied from the Power Supply unit of the computer. The reader employs photo - cells to read the punched characters thus permitting the tape to move continuously during reading operations. The same input and output commands are used with the High-Speed Punched Tape unit as with the Flexowriter; however, the most significant bit position of the address part of the instruction is examined. If the bit position contains a I, the Flexowriter is selected as the input-output device; if the bit is a 0, the High-Speed Punched Tape unit is selected (providing the Punched Tape unit is turned ONi if it is OFF, then the Flexowriter is selected) . Figure 28. 4.2 ALWAC III-E CARD CONVERTER tion, :may be used for reading and punching of cards. The card feeding should be 12-edge face down for normal operation. The cables contained in the bases of these machines are attached to connectors located on the Card Converter unit. Plug-boards are available for each of these :machines, the wiring for which is described below: Punched cards provide a rapid inputoutput :mediu:m because of their great flexibility. Errors are easily detected and corrected, data:ma y be prepared on several key-punches si:multaneously, and the cards collected before being processed by the computer. Manual access to files of punched cards is particularly desirable since carcis can easily be separated or inserted in the file. Alphabetic,. deci:mal, and hexadeci:mal numbers, quantities representedin any nu:m,ber syste:m, and special sy:mbols may be represented by appropriate co:mbinations of punched holes in the card. Certain punch co:mbinations are standard for punched card processing :machines as is shown in Figure 29. Type 523 The hubs which are labeled CaMP MAG or CTR TOT EXIT or MS OUT provide acce s s to the cable connectors. For reading operation, these hubs are wired to the hubs :marked PUNCH BRUSHES; for punching operation, these hubs are wired to the hubs :marked PUNCH MAGNETS. The nu:mbers which appear over the hubs marked PUNCH BRUSHES and PUNCH MAGNETS, which are numbered fro:m left to right, refer to card columns 1 through 80., See Figure 30. Either the IBM Type 523 Summary Punch or the IBM Type 514 Reproducing Punch machines, with c'ertain modificaLETTERS DIGITS 0,·23 561 9 , I ~ "'~ .I~, l_~ I SPECIAL CHARACTERS !,CI", U. I ~ II I ~ II I ~ ~ ~ I _000000 ~ ~1234567 10 ~ ~ 00000000 ~ 1 ~ ~ 4 5 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 11111111 ~2 2 2 2 2222 I 00 00 ~ ~ ~ 33435 11111111 ~ 11 222222222~ 222 11111 2 33333333333 1 3 3 44444444444 ~4 ~4 555551 55555555555 5 5 5 555 5 66666661 66666Sn 66666666666 6 6 6 S6 6 6 117777111 7177111 ~ 11117711177 1 7 i 7777 555555555555 )555555~ 177777717111111 00000 167118 19 80 1 : 2 4444' 4 ~ 7711111111711 ~ 55565758 59 60 22222222222 I 44444444444~ I !~ I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.• 666666666&666 ~ 1 ~3333~ 666666666666. I~ III. 0 0000 II ~I II I ~ 0 0 00 0 .061 6263 1 64 651 ,16U , 11111111111 33333333331 h 4546 11 3333333331 55555555555 • . " .. UUSHES-,15 I_ _ _~~~~~-=---~~II '.~"1:: 1I,..........--------~~~~------'I1II " 0 0 :. So IR~SH~-~ 5~PUHCH :'\ 0 0 0 III ~::: ::::: 111~~:-;::::~;z;*~~=~==-:iJIIII I\~;::::--- " '-~'-COMP,t,RING 8RUSH~S-'~ SO 00000000000000000000 25 30 3~ ~o 00000000000000000000 .5 50 55 40 00000000000000000000 45 70 n 80 0 o. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o '-~'-COMP,t,RING BRUSHES-IS 0000000000000000000 25 30 3) 0000000000000000000 ~5 SO ~5 o 0 0 o· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 70 1$ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 30. To explain the use of these codes a relation between words in the Control and Information lines must be defined: A CONTROL word and an INFORMATION word are said to correspond if the 4 least significant binary positions of the address location of the words are the same. See Figure 24. . 44 ALWAC III-E Thus, word locations 60 correspond 16 to word location 70 , 61 to 71 , and 16 16 16 so forth. The previous and succeeding word locations are, then, the locations whose addresses are respectively, one unit greater or less than word location to which reference is made, considering each half-channel to be circular. Thus, word location 60 16 precedes 61 16 and succeeds 61 ; however, word lo16 16 cation 60 16 succeeds 6F 16 and 6e 16 precedes 6F 16. To code the CONTROL line TROL word which should have a 1 placed in bit position 4 is located by applying the following rule s : a. Determine the addre s s location of the last decimal type INFORMATION word. b. Count back 9 decimal INFORMATION words (including the starting word as number 1 of the count) and determine the address location of the word. c. Determine the corresponding location address in the CONTROL line. d. Count forward 8 CONTROL words (including the starting word as number 10f the count) and place a 1 in bit positi'on.4. 62 for a given card format the following rule s are given: 11!l11 I ~3 4 ,5 I IIII ' 3132 S J L:CO:L:~:M:N:A:S:S:IG:N:M~E:'T-S------------------~ SPECIAL TIMING MARKEl TYPE OF CONVERSION'; 00'· ALPHABET1e . . 01 -HEXADECIMAL 10-DECIMAL Figure 31. 1. The following binary code, which is determined by the type of data contained in the corresponding INFORMATION word, is placed in bit positions 1-2 of the CONTROL word which precedes the corresponding INFORMATION word: "00" Alphabetic code itO 1 U Hexadecimal code "10" De cimal code 2. Bit position 3 of the CONTROL word should contain a zero. 3. If there are 10 or less decimal type INFORMATION words, a 1 maybe placed in bit position 4 of anyone of the first 10 CONTROL words. All other CONTROL words should contain a 0 in bit position 4. If there are between 11 and 16 decimal type INFORMATION words, the CON- 4. The remaining bit positions (5--32 and the sign) are used to indicate the num,be r, of ,card columns,.as signed to each IN-' FORMA TION word and the location of data within the INFORMATION word. To accomplish this, a 1 bit is placed in the' corresponding CONTROL word one bit position to the right of each corresponding position of the data characters in the INFORMATION word. Note that the sign position appears to the right of bit position 32 and that the plus sign is represented by a 1 bit in the sign position. Thus, if the INFORMATION word contains 3 hexadecim,al characters which are located at a binary point of 32, the seven least significant hexadecimal positions in the corresponding CONTROL word should contain 0000088+ since the binary l' s in this word would appear to the right of the 3 corresponding groups of 4 bit positions in the CONTROL word. Similarly, if the INFORMATION word contains 3 hexadecimal characters which are located at a binary point of 31, the code 0000 111- would be placed in the seven least significant hexadecimal characters of the corresponding CONTROL word. CARD CONVERTER Decimal words are treated in a similar manner by making provision for 4 binary positions for each card image column but must be placed at a binary point which is an integer multiple of 4; alphabetic words may consist of up to 5 groups of 6 bit positions each. Thus, the 7 least significant hexadecimal characte rs of the CONT ROL words for INFORMATION words which contain 3 decimal and 3 alphabetic characters which are located at a binary point of 32 are, respectively, 0000088+ and 0000820+. An INFORMATION word containing 3 alphabetic characters at a binary point of 31 would require that the code 000 1 041- be placed in the seven least significant hexadecimal characters of the corresponding CONTROL words. It is important to note that, although it is possible to locate the binary points for alphabetic characters, all groups of 6 binary characters must be totally contained within one word. By examining bit positions 5 - 32 and the signs of the 16 CONTROL words, card image column assignments are made beginning with the last word of the CONTRoL line and proceeding in the reverse direction to the first word of the CONTRoL line. One column assignment is made for each non-zero bit contained in bit positions 5-32 and the sign of the 16 CONTROL words. Thus, a total of 16 different fields of alphabetic, decimal, or hexadecimal data may be formed in the card image. Since the number of fields will suffice for most problems, a standard plug - board may be wired for the IB M Type 523 and 514 machine s which connects card image columns 1 - 80 to punch brushes or punch magnet hubs 1-80. This results in a "criss-cross" wiring scheme on the plug-board and permits program control of a wide variety of card formats. In connection with punch program control using such plug-board wiring, it should be noted that careful at- tention should be given to insure that exactly 80 non-zero bits appear in positions 5-32, S of the CONTROL words. Failure to do so will re sult in the shift (and los s) of information which is punched or read. If situations occur in which more than 16 fields are required, plug-board wiring togethe r with programming technique s 'which "pack" several fields in one INFORMATION word maybe usedto eliminate such difficulties. Blank columns may be obtained by placing zeros in the INFORMATION word and identifying the word as an alphabetic word. It is emphasized that no programming is required for binary-decimal conversion when an INFORMATION word is identified as containing decimal information. Algebraic signs of hexadecimal and decimal words (not alphabetic) are punched over the least significant column of the field. The binary code s used in conjunction with punched card equipm.ent appear in Figure 32. Char. 0- B~\,iOde IBM Codes 000 0 L M (with Dec.or B1ank 00000o B.C, A B C D E F G H I J K 000001 000010 000011 000100 000101 000110 000111 001000 001001 010001 010010 010011 010100 010101 010110 010111 011000 011001 100001 100010 N 0 (with Alphabetic codes) 1 2 3 4 $ 6 7 8 9 ~ Binary Code P Q 1 2 3 4 $ 6 7 8 9 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9 11-1 11-2 R S T U V W X y Z & . 1:( $ -r... / , % # €:I Figure 32. 100011 100100 100101 100110 100111 101000 101001 110010 1100ll Uo100 110101 110110 110111 111000 111000 010000 011011 011000 100000 101011 101100 lloool lUOll 1111oo 0010ll 001100 IBM Codes ll..3 ll-4 ll-$ ll-6 11-7 ll-B ll..9 0..2 0-3 0..4 0-$ 0-6 0-7 0-8 0..9 12 12-3-8 12-4-8 II 11-3-8 11\"4-8 0-1 0-3-8 0-4-8 3-8 4-8 46 ALWAC III-E MAGNETIC TAPE UNITS In addition to magnetic drum storage, sixteen Tape Transport units with an associated Tape Buffer are available. Each tape unit may contain a half-inch wide oxide coated plastic tape up to 2400 feet long. Information is stored on m.agnetic tape as binary bits in the form of magnetized spots. Thus, the same tape may be reused many times. r----------3 R£CORD MA1UCER-+ +1 . ! to't tt tM++++...H .....t 1 ++++++tt"'... _,..·!:'~Htt+tH-ti'ttH H+++<++++t: _ _ _ _ ._. __ sS;'++-+++++++ + ti'tt"tt't1f!~.,.___ ... ___ .. H++++++++ 1 H"4~".u+~ __ .. . .. __ .+Utittttt ~ +++-I+t+++++:& L:..... ,.. ...... ++t+++H-it H1'+-ti+t+ .•• _ • INFORMATION -+ +0' INFORMATION CLOCK • INFORMATION=: INFORMATlON--+ tl CHECK BIT --+"1:1 -+H' The Tape, Transport has a one word Comparing Register, which may contain up to 32 bits of information for comparison when locating an individual record on the tape. The Buffer unit controls the mode s of operation of each of the Tape Transports and furnishes interlock signals to the computer for maximum simultaneous utilization of search, rewind, read, and write times by the computer program. ARRANGEMENT OF INFORMATION Seven bits are recorded laterally on the tape. These seven bits are composed of four information bits, one check bit, one clock bit, and one record marker bit (see Figure 27). One word is made up of nine of these groups (one group contains the sign of the word) and a tape record comprises 32 words (32 x 9 = 288 lateral groups) which correspond to a channel on the drum. Each record is preceded by a record marker bit and a clock bit record in the same lateral group. 8 U.~.U.H'" ++-J+",,~.. t -.-.....f--.......~--~ REcotm MAllKER The reading, writing, and searching speed of the tape is 100 inches per second. The longitudinal density of the tape is 100 bits per inch and reading or writing is done at the rate of 10 records (of 32 words each) per second. The tape can start and stop in approximately 10 milliseconds and rewinds at a speed greater than 500 inches per second. inch~e~s-======.='======3-__ __ .W,.HH ........ ......--""'*=~~.--- 32l1li WORD l V RECOR'D Figure 33. A tape file is composed of any number of associated records. A tape reel can contain one or more file s depending upon the size of the individual files. A 2400 foot tape contains approximately 10,000 records. SEARCH OPERATION The tape transport searches the tape for the desired record at 100 inches of tape per second. When a search order is given, the contents of the A Register replace the contents of the Cornparing Register in the tape unit, after which the computer rnay continue with its program. The search order takes one rnillisecond of machine time providing it doe s not have to wait ori inte rlocks. The' contents of the Comparing Register in the tape unit are used for search comparison. The tape starts forward and a comparison of the first word of. each record with the Comparing Register is made. Upon reachingthe end of the tape, if the desired record has not been found, the tape will rewind to the start of the tape and continue search operations until the de sired rec0rd is located after which the tape unit positions the tape in read or write status. 47 SEARCH MODES status for the read operation. The tape transport is able to search in two different modes of operation. The search mode desired is indicated by the configuration of the address part of the word. During search mode I operations, the tape transport unit will choose the first record whose first word is greater than or equal to the Comparing Register. During search mode II operation, the tape transport unit will choose the first rec0rd which has the least significant eight bits of t.he first word equal to the least significant eight bits of the Comparing Register. WRITING READING The programming required to read a record from tape is the command Magnetic Tape Copy (MTC). The configuration of the address part indicates which one of three available records to read from, the preceding, the current, or the succeeding record. If the tape unit is in the WRIT E status when the command is given to read,. the computer will stop and alarm number 2 buzze r .will sound. If a command to read is given while the tape unit is engagecrTn a search and prepare to read operation or another read operation, tli'ecommand to read is lleld up by interlocks· until the completion of the previous instruction. At this time, the interlocks release and the computer takes the next command in sequence while the tape unit performs the read operation. If the tape unit is engaged in a write operation or search and prepare to write and a command to read is given, the command to read is heTCI"li'j) by interlocks until the previous command is completed. At this time, the machine will stop and the alarm number 2 buzzer will sound, indicating the tape unit is not in the correct The programming required to write a record onto tape is the command Magnetic Tape Copy (MTC). The configuration of the addre s s portion indicate s which one of three available records is to be written: the preceding, the current, or the succeeding record. If the tape unit is in the READ status when the command is given to WRITE, the computer will stop and alarm number 2 buzze r will sound. If a command to write is given whIle the tape unit is engaged in a search and prepare to write operation or another write ope ration, the command to write is held up by interlocks until the completion of the previous instruction. At this time, the interlocks release and the computer takes the next command in sequence while the tape unit performs the write operation. If the tape unit is engaged in a search and prepare to read or a read ope ration and a command iSgIVen to the sec0nd command is held in the tape unit until the completion of the first command. At this time, the machine will stop and the alarm number 2 buzzer will sound indicating the tape unit is not in the correct status to carry out a write instruction. wnre, If the tape unit is engaged in a rewind operation and a command is given to write, the write command is held in the tape unit until the completion of the rewind operation. At this time the tape unit is automatically set to READ status and the command to write is released by the interlocks. The computer stops and alarm number 2 buzzer sounds indicating the unit is not in the correct status to perform the write operation. 48 ALWAC III-E MANUAL OPERATION During normal operation the compute r controls the tape transport through the buffer. The controls on the front panel of the tape unit are for manual operation of the unit. The door of the tpae transport must be closed to actuate an interlock which permits the unit to operate from any control. The Interlock Lite on the Control Panel 'signifies the door is open. To operate the tape unit manually the Test Switch must be ON. The Test Lite will be turned ON and remains ON until the Te st Switch is turned 0 FF • With the Test Switch ON, the unit may be run forward, reversed, or rewound with the appropriate switch. The Ready Lite is ON at any time the unit has found a record commanded by a search operation or when the machine is reading or writing under normal conditions. The Stop Lite is turned ONat anytime the Stop Switch is ON. The Stop Switch m.ay be utilized at anytime of normal operation or manual operation. CALIBRATE OPERATION The calibration switch is for the purpose of calibrating a new tape or a tape that is suspected of having bad spots on it. To calibrate a tape, load tape reel and thread tape to the start position. Depress the Calibrate Switch. No further manual operation is needed as the calibration takes place automatic,ally. The tape will start in a forward direction and traverse the entire length of the tape, saturating it on all seven tracks. Upon reaching the effective end of the tape, the unit reverse s tape direction and after inspection of the tape it records a record marker bit and 'a clock bit as an indicationthat it has scanned enough consecutive good tpae to hold one record. This process is continued to the beginning of the tape at a speed of 125 inches per second. At this time, the operation is complete and control of the tape unit is again transferred tn the computer. LOAD OPERATION Loading is accomplished by the following list of operations: 1. Place LOAD Switch in ON position. 2. Place loaded tape reel on lower spindle. End of tape should hang from left side of reel. ,Place empty reel on upper spindle. Place reel retainer caps on both spindles. 3. Thread end of tape over right hand guide and through right vacuum well guide. (Drop c;loor at top of well to provide access to guides). Tape should loop to half length of well. 4. Thread tape over right capstan and through read-write mechanism. 5. Thread tape through left vacuum well guides. Tape should form loop half the length of the well. 6. Thread tape over left capstan. 7. Thread-1 ~ ,,, I 001 16 COIl'lDflll IF FLlO IS ZIIlO ,,, I 5 6 I 5 " lUG 'l'O A RlGIS'fBR l'lWISJBR 'l'O I1IS1'ROOTIOlf 10 ]]I' HOlI-ZIRO ,~ J , 144 0,9 152 I 3 REMARKS ••1, l ' 020 I 0 14 8 I I 024 I 2 DATA~ ~ I ,,, , , . ,,, ~ ,,, ~ ~ PUG I , , FLAG Figure 34. The Sum of N-Quantities LOCATION The algebraic sum of 13 quantities is desired which are stored in successive data word locations 00, 01, 02, • • . 12, in Working Storage channel I. The coding to accomplish this computation is shown in Figure 35. DRUM NS 1f I~ R OPRN E ADDRESS G G N 000 00 L,.W S I 2 8 01 L,AW'l , , ,0 004 02 A, QDI~ 132 03 T,I,XS I 008 04 S,AtwS I 3 6 05 , 021 eo .o,P I 5 5 6 I If,O,P o 3 I 6 2 I,O,P I 59 6 3 .,O,P Figure 35. o , ,6,0 ~ , ,1,1 B~ 12 , ,6,2 ~ I DATA~ REMARKS SBT IIIIBI TO 12 ADD PIBSr-1I1IIIBR ADD B!IUI1tOI.I lItIIBIRS RlPDT IIS!JlOOfIOlI 2 _ S'l'CilB BBS'OU COll'lIlUE I'IlOOIWI ,'.1. ,2 I " I • I " ~ CO_AlIT X I ~ S'l'OlWB JOIl SlII BI!KAIIIIIO IlIIBIIIS 51 SYMBOLIC PROGRAMMING Floating a Fixed- Point Numbe r To convert a fixed - point number, whose binary point is located 16 places from the left end of a word, into a normalized floating-point number, the coding shown in Figure 36 is used. LOCATION . I OPRN DRUM NS T,; 000 o 0 L is I W I 2 8 0 I 004 1 3 2 R , L,1. W~ o 2 S,C o 3 X rA IT 0 I B , ,, 008 o 4 8 IC • S S I 3 6 o 5 A aD • D 0 I 2 o 6 t,R 18 0 I 4 0 07 S ~,'W 0 I 6 o 8 TIN. Z 14 4 -- o 9 • • 007 5 0 B.o I P 0 1 3 5 5 I ltO.P 0 0 I I !5 2 • to I P I 3 9 5 3 If PIP 015 5 4 0 •P I 4 3 5 5 If ,0 1 p 0 I 9 5 6 Il PIP "1 T J 1 S,O I ".2 .1.0 X ~ ID, 1 1 ",4 I .S,6 I .8 I 1,.8 I .3,2 I I I ,0 J 1 .0 I I • J J I J I ,0 [1.2 18 J I 1° Wp ,P I .1,6 o IfP.P I I ,0 .1' J I .0 I !5 I 5 9 ,P DATA/ REMARKS b ~ CLEAR B REGISTER FIXED-POINT WORD TO A REGISTER VI SHIn LEFT TO NORMALIZE NORM IlAGNITUIlE TO B AND COUNT TO A REGISTER .._--,---_.'-,------- ,.'-'PCRH 128-D ...--,--.---...- .. ADD BINARY POINT LOa. ---.--------.... --..--.•. PACK WORD III B REGISTER ,---"..- . - ... ..- .. STORE FLOATING-PCDr!' 1UMBFl! -------TRANSFER TO ERROR HALT IF OVERFLOW ..-. ~ ~ ~ --~- -~ .... -----..~-....-- ----.~.- .------ .~-.- ! CONTIBUE PROGRAH 1 1 • I 4 7 5 7 2 3 5 8 s E ADDRESS A G G N ~ ZlCRO ._--_.. _. X ~ ~ S'lORJ.(JE FOR FIIED-POIIfl lUMBER 128 AT A BINARY POIlI'l OF 32 ------- ~ 16 AT B OF 32 ~ STORAGE FOR FLOATING-PODT lfUHBER Figure 36. _._- ; 52 ALWAC llI-E Sub routine s . Many routines, such as square root, trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, data input-output, interpolation, and integration, are used repeatedly in the execution of a single problem or in different problems. Such routines are called subroutines since their use is subordinate to the control of the main problem of which they are a part. A set of such subroutine s is called a libr.ary and each computing installation maintains such a basic programming tool. Subroutines are classified as being an open or closed type, accordingly, by the manner in which they are used with regard to the flow of control: An open subroutine is incorporated in a pr~graiii1)y inserting the subroutine directly into the ma~n flow of control. It is therefore necessary to insert the subroutine at each point in the main program at which it is required. A closed subroutine is one which may be executed Illany tiIlles in a program, but the subroutine instructions need appear only once in the prograIll. To transfer control from the main program to the subroutine, a set of instructions (known as a calling sequence) is given. The subroutine obtains sufficient information from this sequence to perform. its various functions and to determine the return address to which control istrans·ferred after completion of the subroutine . co.mputations. Calling sequences are necessarily unique for each special subroutine; hence, each computing installation maintains a' set of such calling sequences for subroutines in their library, which set, together with selected notes pertinent to programming standards used by the installation, constitute s a text known as a coding manual. APPENDIX A BINARY AND HEXADECIMAL NUMBER SYSTEMS There are but three rules for binary addition; the se are: In all systems for representing numbers, a number may be expressed as a ~um of terms. Each term appears as the product of an inte ge r and some powe r of a base number. Thus, in the' decimal number system, the base is 10 and the 'integers of the set 0, 1, Z, . . . 9, are used. For example: =0 0+0 0+1 = 1 1 + 1 = 10 (a 0 witha "carry" of 1) The following e~ample illustrates these rules for the addition of the numbers 1011001 and 10111101: = (3xlOZ) + (2xI01) + (lxlO O) I 5.93 = (5xl0 0 ) + (9xlO- ) + (3xl0-Z) 3Z1 carries: 11111 and, in the binary number system: 32 1 = Z5 6 + 64 + 1 = (lxZ 8 ) + (OxZ 7) 5 + (OxZ ) + (OxZ4) 10111101 1011001 100010110 + ( lx2 6) + (OxZ 3 Four rules exist for tion which are: ) o- Z 0 + (Ox2 ) + (OxZl) + (lx2 ) subtrac- 0 =0 =1 1-0 If the base used is evident from the discussion in which such numbers appear, it is unnece s sary .to write more than the coefficients of the above series. Thus, 3Z1 and 101'000'001 are respectively the decimal and binary representations of the same numerical value. If confusion may occur when the base is omitted, a convenient symbol - a subscript - may be used to indicate the base. In the above example, the numbers 32 and 101000001 Z 10 indicate decimal and binary representations by the subscripts 10 and 2. bi~ary 1 - 1 =0 o- =1 1 (with a 1 borrowed from the next rno st significant position) For' example: 1011001 is subtracted from 10111101 as follows: borrows: 1 10111101 -1011001 1100100 It is important to note that the integers 0, 1, Z, . . • (n-l) comprise a set of n quantities and that each coefficient of the series must consist of an integer from this set. Thus, the integers 0, 1, 2, 3, . • . 9 are used for each decimal position, the integers 0 and 1 each for binary position, and the integers 0, 1,-Z, :-:-: 8, 9, A, B, C, . . • F, for each hexadecimal (base 16) position. For binary multiplication, the following four rules apply: OxO=O 1x 0 =0 =0 1x 1 =1 Ox 1 53 54 ALWAC III-E To multiply 1011 by 1001 proceed as follows: 1011 1001 100000 1010 = 11 with remainder of 10 11 1010 = 0 with remainder of 11 1011 0000 00000 1011 11.00011 To convert a number from one nUInber system to another, the number is divided' by the base of the new system and the remainder is noted. The quotient obtained is 2. gain. di vided by the base and the remainder again noted; this process is repeated with each successive quotient until a zero quotient is obtained. The sequence of remainder terms obtained provide s the· coefficient s of the number expressed in the number system of the chosen base and these are written from left to right in the reverse.sequence from that in. which .they are_ obtained. Thus, to convert the decimal number 321 to its binary representation the following computations are made: 321 -:- 2 = 160 + remainder of 1 160 -:- 2 = 80 + remainder of 0 80 -:- 2 = 40 + remainder of 0 40 ..;. -2 = 20 + remainder of 0 20 -:- 2::t 10 + remainder of 0 10 -:- 2 = 5 + remainder of 0 5 -:- 2 = 2 + remainder of 1 1 + remainder of 0 2 +2 = 1 ~2 = 0 + remainder of 1 . and, the number is written as: (321)10 = (101000001)2 To convert a binary number to its decimal representation successive divisions by 1010 (=decimal 10). For example: 101000001-:-1010 = 100000 with remainder of 1 The remainders obtained are the binary numbers 11, 10, and 1 which represent the decimal integers 3, 2, and 1. Hence, (101000001)2 = (321)10. To express decimal fractions in their equivalent binary representations successive multiplication by 2 is used to generate the coefficients. The integer generated (a 0 or 1) represents the correspondingbinary digits. Using only the . resulting decimal fraction the process is continued to the number of positions required or until a zero fractional part is obtained which indicate s all furthe r binary digits should be zero. Thus, to convert the decimal fraction . 875 to its binary representation, the following computations a're' performed: . 875 x 2 = 1. 75 • 75 x 2 = 1. 5 .5 x2=1.0 and, hence, the binary representation of the number (. 875) 10 is (. 11100 · · • )2' or more simply; (. 111)2. It ~aybe necessary to round the binary fractIon to the amount of accuracy desired s.ince not all terminating decimal fractl.ons can b~ represented by terminating bInary fractions .. c-ima 1 If the 'base sixteen is chosen for representation of a number, it is said to be expres'::sed in the hexadecimal number system. The number set used is 0, 1, 2, : . . 9, A, B, . . • F. Thus, the digIts 0, 1, . • • 9, correspond directly with the decimal system while the alphabetic characters A through F correspond with the decimal characters 10 through 15 respectively. APPENDIX Thedcecimal to hexadecimal conversion of an integral number can be effected by dividing successivelyby 16 (in the dec ~imal system) until a quotient of 0 is obtained. The remaInders, expressed in hexadecimal notation and written in the r.everse sequence from that obtained, produce the desired hexadecimal representation. For example, the decimal 736 conversion would be: 736+ 16 =46 with a remainder of 0 (decimal) 46";':' 16 =2 2 -:- 16 =0 with a remainder of 14 (decimal) with a remainder of 2 (decimal) The remainders when expressed in hexadecimal notation and arranged in proper sequence yield, 2, E, and O. Thus, (736) I 0 = (2EO) 16· The conversion from hexadecimalto - binary is particularly simple. Since 4 (10)16 equals 2 , the conversion is carried out· simply by replacing the hexadecimal digits with their binary equivalents expressed as four-digit binary numbers. For example, to convert the hexadecimal 2EO, replace the 0 with 0000, E with 1110, and 2 with 0010 and obtain 101110 0000, omitting the zeros at the extreme left. Conversely, to convert from binary to hexadecimal, arrange the binary digits irito groups of four, beginning at the binary point. Fill in any zeros necessary at the left. Then replace each group of binary digits with the appropriate hexadecimal character. Thus, the hexadecimal numbering system furnishes a convenient form for handling a large binary representation. Moduli In certain sections of this Manual of Operations, reference is made to num- 55 bers reduced to various moduli. To reduce a negative number to a given modulus, the number is first made positive by successive additions of the modulus until a positive integer is obtained, after which the computation proceeds as that for a positive number. To reduce a positive number to a given modulus, the number is divided by the modulus and a remainder term obtained. The number at the given modulus is equal to this remainder. Thus, 12 modulo 10 o modulo 2 17 modulo 16 -1 modulo 16 =2 =0 =1 = 15 modulo 16 = 15 10 or F 16 When evaluating algebraic expression involving moduli reductions, the quantities inside the parenthesis should be reduced to the indicated modulus before being combined with the remaining terms. Thus, the expression [(W -1)mod B + 9 which occurs in several instruction descriptions has the following evaluations: W o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 fW-l)mod B + B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 1 ~ TABLE OF POWERS OF 2 2n n 2-n 1 24 8 0 1 2 3 1.0 005 0.25 0.125 16 32 64 4 56 7 0.062 .5 0.031 25 0.015 625 00007812 5 128 256 8 017003 906 512 9 0.001 953 1 024 10 0.000 976 2 048 11 0.000 488 25 125 562 .5 281 ~5 4 8 16 32 096 192 384 768 l2 00000 244 140 13 0.000 122 070 14 00 000 061 035 -15 0.000 030 517 625 312 5 156 25 578 125 65 131 262 524 536 072 144 288 16 0 0000 01'5 17 0.000 00.7 18 00 000003 19 OoDOO 001" 789 394 697 348 258 629 814 907 0625 531 25 265 625 632 812 5 1 048576 20 0.000 000 953 674316 406 25 2 097 152 21 0.000 000 476 837 158 203 125 4 194 304 22 OeOOO 000 238 418 579 101 562 5 8 388 608 23 0 000 000 119 209 289 550 781 25 0 16 3.3 67 134 268 536 1 073 2 147 777 554 108 217 435456 870 912 741 824 483 648 4 294 967 8 589 934 l7 179 869 34 359 738 68 137 274 549 719 438 877 755 216 432 864 728 476 953 906 813 296 592 184 368 604 802 901 450 644 322 161 580 775 387 193 596 390 695 847 923 625 312 5 656 25 828 125 28 0.000 000 003 725 29 OcOOO 000 001 862 30 0 000 000 000 931 31 00 000 000 000 465 290 645 322 661 298 149 574 287 461 230 615 307 914 957 478 739 062 031 515 257 5 25 625 812 5 32 0.000 000 006 232830 33 OcOOO 000 000 116415 34 00 000 000 000 058 207 35 0 000 000 000 029 103 643 321 660 830 653 826 913 456 869 934 467 733 628 814 401 703 906 453 226 613 25 125 562 5 281 25 915 228 957 614 978 807 989403 366 183 091 545 851 425 712 856 806 903 951 475 640 625 320 312 5 660-156 25 830 078125 24 25 26 27 0 0 000 000059 0 000 000 029 0.000 000 014 0.000 000 007 0 0 0 736 36 0 0 000 000 472 37 0.,000 000 944 38 0 000 000 888 39 0 000000 0 0 000 000 000 000 014 007 003 001 551 275 637 818 56 APPENDIX C HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION TABLE 0263 0279 0295 0311 0327 0343 0359 0375 0391 0407 0423 0439 0455 0471 0487 0503 0264 0280 0296 0312 0328 0344 0360 0376 0392 0408 0424 0440 0456 0472 0488 0504 0265 0281 0297 0313 0329 0345 0361 037'7 0393 0409 0425 0441 0457 0473 0489 0505 0266 0282 0298 0314 0330 0346 0362 0378 0394 0410 0426 0442 0458 0474 0490 0506 0267 0283 0299 0315 0331 034'7 0363 0379 0395 0411 0427 0443 0459 0475 0491 0507 0268 0284 0300 0316 0332 0348 0364 0380 0396 0412 0428 0444 0460 0476 0492 0508 0269 0285 0301 0317 0333 0349 0365 0381 0397 0413 0429 0445 0461 0477 0493 0509 0270 0286 0302 0318 0334 0350 0366 0382 0398 0414 0430 0446 0462 0478 0494 0510 02'71 0287 0303 0319 0335 0351 036"{ 0383 0399 041.5 0431 0447 0463 0479 0495 0511 0518 0534 0550 0566 0582 0598 0614 '0630 0646 0662 0678 0694 0710 0726 0'742 0758 0519 0535 0551 0567 0583 0599 0615 0631 0647 0663 0619 0695 0711 072'7 0743 0'(59 0520 0536 0552 0568 0584 0600 0616 ,0632 0648 0664 0680. 0696 0712 0,(28 0744 0'(60 0521 0537 0553 0569 0585 0601 0617 0633 0649 0665 0681 0697 0713 0729 0745 0761 0522 0538 0554 0570 0586 0602 0618 0634 0650 0666 0682 0698 0714 0730 0523 0539 0555 0571 0587 0603 0619 0635' 0651 0667 0683 0699 0715 0731 0~(46 0747 0762 0763 0524 0540 0556 0572 0588 0604 0620 0636 0652 0668 0684 0700 0716 0'732 0748 0764 0525 0526 052r( 05 41 0542 0543 0557 9558 0559 r 05 (3 0574 05''(5 0589 0590 0591 0605 0606 0607 0621 0622 0623 0637 0638 0639 0653 0654 0655 0669 0670 0671 0685 0686 0687 0'701 0702 0703 0717 0718 0719 0733 0734 0735 0749 0750 0751 0765 0766 0767 0,{73 0774 0775 0'(89 0'(90 0791 0805 0806 080'( 0821 0822 0823 083'1 0838 0839 0853 0854 0855 0869 0870 0871 0885 0886 088'( 0901 0902 0903 091'( 0918 0919 0933 0934 0935 09 49 0950 05151 0965 0966 0967 0981 0982 0983 0997 0998 0999 1013 1014 1015 0'l'{6 0777' 0'793 0809 0825 0841 0857 0873 0889 0905 0921 0937 0953' 0969 0985 1001 1()I7 OT(8 0'(92 0808 0824 0840 0856 0872 0888 0904 0920 0936 0952 0968 0984 1000 1016 0779 0795 0811 0827 0843 0859 0875 0891 0907 0923 0939· 0955 09'71 0987 1003 1019 0780 0796 0812 0828 0844 0860 0876 08S2 0908 0924 0940 0950 0972 0988 1004 1020 0781 07970813 0829 0845 0861 0877 0893 0909 0925 0941 0957 0973 0515 0531 0547 0563 0519 0595 0611 0627 0643 0659 0675 0691 0,(07 0723 0739· or{55 0516 0532 0548 0564 0580 0596 0612 0628 0644 0660 0676 0692 0708 0724 0740 0756 0517 0533 0549 0565 0581 0597 0613 0629 0645 0661 0677 0693 0709 0125 0'/41 0757 OTTO 01'71 OT(2 0513 0529 0545 0561 0'(68 0784 0800 08olo 0832 0848 0864 0880 0896 0:112 0928 09 44 os6u 0976 0992 loob 0769 0'(85 0801 081,( 0833 0849 0805 0881 08::17 0913 0929 0945 0961 0977 0993 100) 3eo 3DO 3EO 31,"0 0262 0278 0294 0310 0326 0342 0358 0374 0390 0406 0422 0438, 0454 0470 0486 0502 0514 0530 0546 0562 05'(8 0594 0610 0626 0642 0658 0674 0690 0706 0722 0738 0754 0512' 0528 0544 0560 0576 0592 0608 0624 0640 0656 0672 0688 0704 0720 0736 0752 JAO 0015 0031 0047 0063 0079 0095 0111 0127 0143 0159 01'75 0191 0207 0223 0239 0255 0261 0277 0293 0309 0325 0341 0357 03'73 0389 0405 0421 0437. 04530469 0485 .0501 025'7 0273 0289 0305 0321 03J7 0353 . 0369 0385 0401 0417 0433 0449 0465 0481 0497 3BO 0014 0030 0046 0062 0078 0094 0110 012(i 0142 0158 0174 0190 0206 0222 0238 0254 0260 0276 0292 0308 0324 0340 0356 0372 0388 0404 0420 0436 0452 0468 0484 0500 0256 0272 0288 0304 0320 0336 0352 0368 0384 0400 0416 0432 0448 0464 0480 0496 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 OQ13 0029 0045 0061 0077 0093 q109 0125 0141 0157 0173 0189 0205 0221 0237 0253 0259 0275 0291 0307 0323 0339 0355 0371 0387 0403 0419 0435 0451 0467 0483 0499 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 lAO lEO lCO IDO 2FO 0012 0028 0044 0060 0076· 0092 0108 0124 0140 0156 0172 0188 0204 0220 0236 02,52 0258 0274 0290 0306 0322 0338 0354 03'70 0386 0402 0418 0434 0450 0466 0482 0498 0193 0209 '0225 0241 2EO 0011 0027 0043 0059 0075 0091 0107 0123 0139 0155 0171 0181' 0203 6219 0235 0251 0006 0022 0038 0054 0070 0086 0102 0118 0134 0150 0166 0182 0198 0214 0230 0246 0002 0018 0034 0050 0066 0082 0098 0114 0130 0146 0162 0178 019 4 02io 0226 0242 0593 0609 0625 0641 0657 0673 0689 0705 0721 0'(37 0753 0010 0026 0042 0058 0074 0090 0106 0122 0138 015 4 0170 018 0202 0218 0234 0250 0005 0021 0037 0053 0069 0085 0101 0117 0133 0149 0165 0181 0197 0213 0229 0245 0001 0017 0033 0049 0065 0081 0097 0113 0129 0145 0161 05'1'7 0088 0104 0120 0136 0152 0168 0184 0200 0216 0232 0248 0009 0025 0041 0057 0073 '0089 0105 0121 0137 0153 0169 0185 0201 0217 0233 0249 0004 0020 0036 0052 0068 0084 0100 0116 0132 0148 0164 0180 0196 0212 0228 0244 0000 0016 0032 0048 0064 0080 0096 0112 0128 0144 0160 0176 0192 0208 0224 0240 200 210 22'0 230 240 250 260 2,(0 280 290 2A0 2BO 2CO 2DO 0008 0024 0040 0056 0003 0019 0035 0051 0067 0083 0099 0115: 0131 0147 0163 0179 0195 Q211 022'7 0243 000 010 02:0 030 040 050 060 070 080 090 CAO OBO OCO ODO OEO OFO lEO 000'7 0023 0039 0055 0071 '0087 0103 0119 0135 0151 0167 0183 0199 0215 0231 0247 6 2 .1FO 9 5 1 01T{ 8 4 0 3 0786 0787 0'(88 0802 0803 0804 0818 0819 0820 0834 0835 0836 0850 0851 0852 0866 0867 0868 0882 0883 0884 0898 0899 0900 0914 0915 0916 0930 0931 0932 0946 0947 0948 0962 0963 0964 osn8 0919 0980 0994 . 0995 0996 10.l.0 1011 .L012 '( 00r(2 57 A 0'794 0810 0826 0842 0858 0874 0890 0906 0922 0938 0954 0970 0986 1002 1018 B C D E 0782 0798 0814 0830 0846 0862 0878 0894 0910 0926 0942 0958 0974 098~ 0990 1005 1006 1021 1022 F 0783 0'799 0815 0831 0847 0863 08(9 0895 0911 0927 0943 0959 0975 0991 100'( 1023 APPENDIX C HEXADECIM4-L-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION 0 1~00 lno 420 430 440 1~50 460 4'70 480 490 4AO 4BO 4~0 4DO 4EO 4FO 500 510 520 1021~ 1025 1040 1041 lC5u 1057 1072 1073 1086 1089 1104 1105 1120 1,121 1136 1137 1152 l153 I1G8 1169 1184 l1S5 1.200 1201 1216 12l'( 1232 1233 1248 1249 1264 1265 1280 1296 1312 1328 1344 1360 530 540 550 560 13i'6 5'70 1392 580 1408 590 1424 5AO 14)+0 5.J30 1456 5CO I1H2 5DO 1488 5EO 1504 5FO ·1520 DOo 610 620 630 540 650 660 670 680 690 bAO cBO Geo ODO 6EO 0FO (00 '710 '(20 730 ,(40 750 760 770 r80 790 'fAO 7BO '(CO '(DO 'TEO T£I'O 1 1281 129'( 1313 1329 1345 1361 13T{ 1393 1409 1425 Ih~-1 145'1' 1473 1489 1505 1521 2 1026 1042 1058 1074 1090 11Ub 1122 1138 1154 1170 1186 1202 121.8 1234 1250 1266 1..232 1298 1314 1330 1346 1362 Ij'{8 1394 1410 1426 1442 J. h58 1474 1490 1506 1522 3 4 1027 1043 1059 1075 1091 110'7 1123 1139 1155 1171 1187 1203 1219 1235 1251 1267 1028 1044 1060 1076 1092 1108 1124 1156 1172 1188 1204 1220 1236 1252 1268 1029 1030 1031 1032 1045 1046 1047 1048 1061 1062 1063 1064 10T( 1078 1079 1080 1093 1094 1095 1096 1109 1110 1111 1112 1125 1126 1127 1128 llla 1142 1143 1144 1157 1158 1159 1160 11'73 1174 1175 1176 1189 1190 1191 1192 1205 1206 1207 1208 1221 1222 1223 1224 1237 1238 1239 1240 1253 1254 1255 1256 1269 1270 1271 1272 1283 1299 1315 1331 134'( 1363' 1379 1395 1411 1443 1459 14'75 1491 150'7 1523 1284 1300 1310 1332 1348 1364 1380 1396 1412 1428 1444 1460 1476 1492 1508 1524 1285 1301 1317 1333 1349 1365 1381 1397 1413 1429 1445 1461 1477 1493 1509 1525 142l I1ho 5 '7 8 A B C D E F 1033 1049 1065 1081 1097 1113 1129 1145 1161 1177 1193 1209 1225 1241 1257 1273 1034 1050' 1066 1082 1098 1114 1130 1146 1162 11'78 1194 1210 1226 1242 1258 1274 1035 1051 1067 1083 1099 1115 1131 1147 :L163 1179 1195 1211 1227 12 43 1259 1275 1036 1052 1068 1084 1100 1116 1132 1148 1164, 1180 ll96 1212 1228 1244 1260 1276 1037 1053 1069 1085 1101 I11T 1133 1149 1165 1181 1197 1213 1229 1245 1261 1038 1054 1070 1086 1102 1039 1055 1071 1230 1246 1262 121'7 1278 1103 1119 1135 115.1 1167 1183 1199 1215 1231 1247 1263 1279 9 i118 1134 1150 1166 1182 1198 1~14 108'7 1286 1302 1318 1334 1350 1366 1382 1398 1414 1430 1446 '1462 14'78 1494 1510 1526 1287 1303 1319 1335 1351 1367 1383 1399 1415 1431 144'7 1463 1479 1495 .151l. 152'( 1288 1304 1320 1336 1352 1368 1384 1400 14i6 1432 1448 1464 1480 i 496 1512 1528 1289 1305 1321 133'1 1353 1369 1385 1401 1417 1433 1449 1465 1481 1497 1513 1529 1290 1306 1322 1338 1354 1370 1386 1402 1418 1434 1450 1466 i482 1498 1514 1530 1291 1307 1323 1339 1355 1371 1387 1403 1419 1435 1451 1467 1483 ' 1499 1515 1531 1292 1308 1324 1340 1356 1372 1388 1404 1420 1436 1452 1468 1484 1500 1516 1532 1293 1309 1325 1341 1357 1373 1389 1405 1421 1437 1453 1469 1485 1501 1517 1533 1294 1310 1326 1342 1358 1374 1390 1406 1422 1438 1454 1470 1486 1502 1518 1534 1295 1311 1327 1343 1359 1375 1391 1407 1423 1439 1455 1471 1487 1503 ·15:1,9 1535 1542 1558 1574 1590 1606 1622 1638 1654 1670 1686 1702 1718 1734 171~9 1750 1'765 1766 1781 1782 1543 1559 1575 1591 1607 1623 1639 1655 1671 1687 1703 1719 1735 1751 1767 1783 1544 1560 1576 1592 1608 1624 1640 1656 1672 1688 1704 1720 1736 1752 1768 1784 1545 1561 1577 1593 1625 1641 1657 1673 1689 1705 1721 1737 1753 1769 1785 1546 1562 1578 1594 1610 1626 1642 1658 1674 1690 1706 1722 1738 1754 1770 1786 1547 1563 1579 1595 1611 1627 1643 1659 1675 1691 1707 1723 1739 175-5 1771 1787 1548 1564 1580 1596 1612 1628 1644 1660 1676 1692 1708 1724 1740 1756 1772 1788 1549 1565 1581 1597 1613 1629 1645 1661 1677 1693 1709 1725 1741 1757 1773 1789 1550 1566 1582 1598 1614 1630 1646 . 1662 1678 1694 1710 1726 1742 1758 1774 1790 1551 1567 1583 1599 1615 1631 1647 1663 16'79 1695 1711 1727 1743 1759 1775 1791 1798 1814 1830 1846 1862 '1878 189 4 1910 1926 1942 1958 1974 1990 2006 2022 2038 1799 1815 1831 1847 1863 1879 1895 1911 1927 1943 1959 1975 1991 200,"( 2023 2039 1800 1816 1832 1848 1864 1880 1896 1912 1928 1944 1960 1976 1992 2008 2024 2040 1801 1817 1833 1849 1865 1881 1897 1913 1929 1945 1961 1977 1993 2009 2025 2041- 1802 1818 1834 1850 1866 1882 1898 1914 1930 1946 1962 1978 1994 2010 2026 2042 1819 1835 1851 1867 '1883 1899 1915 1931 1947 1963 :1979 1995 2011 2027 2043 1~03 1804 1820 1836 1852 1868 1884 1900 1916 1932 1948 1964 1980 1996 2012 2028 2044 1805 1821 1837 '1853 1869 1885 1901 1917 1933 1949 1965 1981 1997 2013 2029 2045 1806 1822 1838 185 4 1870 1886 1902 1918 1934 1950 1966 1982 1998 2014 2030 2046 1807 1823 1839 1855 1871 1887 1903 1919 1935 1951 1967 1983 1999 2015 2031 2047 1536 1552 1568 1584 1600 1616 l632 1648 1664 1680 1696 1712 1728 1744 1'760 1776 1537 1553 1569 1585 1601 161'7 1633 1649 1665 1681 1697 1,(13 1729 i745 1'{61 177'7 1538 1554 15'70 1586 1602 1618 1634 1650 1666 1682 1698 1114 1730 1746 1'762 1539 1555 15'(1 1587 1603 1619 1635 1651 1667 1683 1699 1715 1731 1747 1763 In8 1779 1540 1556 1572, 1588 1604 1620 1636 1652 1668 1684 1700 1'716 1'732 1748 1764 1780 1541 1557 15'73 1589 1605 1621 1637 1653 1669 1685 1'701 1717 1'733 1'{92 1808 1824 1840 1856 1872 1888 190h 1920 1936 1952 19 68 1984 2000 2010 2032 1'793 1809 1825 1841 1857 1873 1889 1905 1921 1937 1953 1969 1985 2001 2'017 2033 1794 1810 1826 1842 1858 18,{4 1890 1906 1922 1938 195 4 19,(0 1986 2002 2018 2034 1796 1812 1828 1844 1860 1876 1892 1908 1924 1940 1956 1972 1988 2004 2020 2036 1797 1813 1829 1845 1861 1877 1893 19091925 1941 1957 1973 1989 2005 2021 2037 1795 1811 1827 1843 1!?59 1875 1891 1907 1923 1939 1955 1971 1987 2003 2019 2035 b T~BLE 58 1609 APPENDIX C HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION TABLE 800 SlO 620 8301 S40 850 860 870 880' 890 SAo SBO oeo SDO SEO 8:F'0 900 910 920 930 940 950 960 c:/{O ~80 il.20 A30 A40 A50 A60 A70 ABo A90 MO ABO ACO ADO AEO AFO BOO BIO B20 B30 Bho B50 1360 B10 B80 B90 BAa BBO BeO BOO BEO BFO 8 9 2053 2054 2069 2070 2085 . 2086 2101' 2102 2111 2118 2133 2134 2149 2150 2165 2166 2181 2182 2191 2198 2213 2214 ' 2229 .2230 2245 2246 2261 2262 2217 2278 2293 2294 2055 2071 2081 2103 2119 2135 2151 2161 2183 2199 2215 2231 2247 2263 2219 2295 .2056 2072 2088 2104 2120 2136 2152 2168 2184 2·200 2216 2232 2248 2264 2280 2296 2309 2325 2341 2351 2313 2389 2405 2421 243'7 2453 2469 2485 2501 2'517 2533 25 49, 2310 2326 2342 2358 2314 2390 2406 2422 2438 2454 247Q 2486 2502 2518 2534 2550 2311 2321 2343 2359 2315 2391 2407 2423 2439 2455 241'1 2487 2503 2519 2535 2551 2565 2581 2597 2613 2629 2645 2661 2677 2693 2709 2725 2741 2'(57 2173 2'788 2789 2804 2805 2566 2582 2598 2614 2630 2646 2662 2678 2694 2'710 2726 2742 2758 2174 2790 2806 2822 2838 2854 28'(0 2886· 2902 2918 2934 2950 2966 2982 2998 3014 3030 3046 3062 1 2 3 4 2048 2064 2080 2096 2112 2128 2144 2160 2176 2192 2208 2224 2240 2256 22'72 2288 2049 2065 2081 2097 2113 2129 2145 2161 217'7 2193 2209 2225 2241 2257 2273 2050 2066 2082 2098 2114 2130 2146 2102 2~89 2194 2210 2226 2242 2258 2214 2290 2051 2067 2083 2099 2115 2131 2141 2163 2119 2.195 2211 222'7 2243 2259 2275 2291 2052 2068 2084 2100 2116 2132 2148 2164 2180 2196 2212 2228 2244 2260 2216 2292 2304 2320 2336 2352 2368 2384 2400 24l.6 2432 2448 2464 2305 2321 2337 2353 2369 2385 2401 2417 2433 2449 2465 2481 2491 2513 2529 2545 2306 2322 2338 2354 2310' 2386 2402 2418 2434 2450 2466 2482 2498 2514 2530 25 46 230:7 2323 2339 2355 2311 2381 2403 2419 2435 2451 246'7 2483 2499 2515 2531 2547 2308 2324 2340 2356 2312 2388 2404 2420 2436 2452 2468 2484 2500 2516 2532 2548 2500 2576 2592 2608 2624 2640 2656 26'(2 2688 2561 25'1'7 2593 2609 2625 2641 2657 2673 2689 2705 2721 2737 2'(53 2{69 2'785 2801 2562 2578 2594 2610 2626 2642 2658 2690 2706 2 (22 2738 2'754 2T70' 2,(86 2802 2563 2579 2595 2611 2627 .2643 2659 26'75 2691 2'70':( 2723 2739 2755 2771 2787 2803 2564 2580 ,2596 2612 2628 2644 2660 2676 2692 2'708 2'724 2740 2756 277,2 2818 2834 2850 2866 2882 2890 2914 2930 2819 2835 2851 286'( 2883 2899 2915 2931 2820 2836 2852 2868 2884 2900 2916 2932 2948 2964 2980 299u . 3012 3028 3044 3060 990 9AO 9BO 2480 9CO 2 496 9DO 2512 9EO ' 2528 9FO 2544 AOO AI0 7 0 2'l04 2'{20 2736 2J52 2768 2784 2800 2810 2832 2848 2864 2880 2896 2912 2:;28 2941J. 2960, 29(6 2992 30,.)8 3024 3040 3056 281'( 2833 2849 2865 2881 2897 2913 2ji29 291~5 2961 29Tr 2.993 3009 3025 3041 305"( 21,{8 26'7L~ 2914.6 2962 2978 299 4 3010 302'0 3042 3058 2~~7 2::;03 2979 2995 3011 3027 30!}3 3059 5 2821 2837 2853 2869 2885 2901 29r( 2933 2949 2965 2981 2991 3013 3029 3045 3061 6 ,F A, B 2057 2073 2089 2105 2121 2137 2153 2169 2;185 2201 2217 2233 22 49 2265 2281 2291 2058 2014 '2090 2106 2122 2138 2154 2110 2186 2202 2218 2234 2250 2266 2282 2298 2059 2075 2091 2107 '2123 '2139 ' 2155 2111 2181 2203 2219 2235 2251 2261 2283 2299 2060 2076 2092 2108 2124 2140 2156 2112 2188 2204 2220 2236 2252 2268 2284 2300 2061 2077 2093 '2109. 2125 . 2141 2157, 2113 2189 2205 2312 2328 2344 2360 2376 2392 2408 2424 2440 2456 2472 2488 2504 2520 2536 2552 2313 2329 2345 2361 2311 2393 2409 2425 2441 2457 2473 2489 2505 2521 2537 ,2553 2314 2330 2346 2362 2318 2394 2410 2426 2442 2458 2474 2490 2506 2522 2538 2554 2315 2331 2-341 2363 2319 2395 2411 2427 2443 2459 2475 2491 2507 2523 2539 2555 2316 2332 2348 2364 2380 2396 2412 2428 2444 2460 2476 2492 2508 2524 2540' 2556 2311 2333 2349 2365 2381 2391 2413 2429 2445 2461 2471 2493 2509 2525 2541 2557 2318 2334 2350 2366 2382 2398 2414 2430 2446 2462 2478 2494 2510 2'526 25'42 2558 2319 2335 2351 2361 2383 2399 2415 2431 2447 2463 2419 2495 2511 2521 2543' 2559 2567 2583 2599 2615 2631 2647 2663 2679 2695 2711 2127 2743 2759 2175 2791 2807 2568 2584 2600 2616 2632 2648 2664 2680 2696 2712 2728 2744 2760 2776 2792 2808 '2569 2585 2601 2617 2'633 2649 2665 2681 2697 2713 2'129 2745 2'761 2777 2193 2809 2510 2586 2602 2618 2634 2650 2666 2682 2698 2714 2730 2746 2762 2178 2794 2810 2571 2587 2603 2619 2635 2651 2667 2683' 2699 2715 ·2731 2747 2763 2779 2795 2811 2572 2588. '2604 2620 2636 2652 2668 2684 2700 2716 2732 2"748 2764 2780 2796 2812 2573 2589 2605 2621 2637 2653 2669 2685 2701 2717 2733 2749 2165 2781 2197 2813 2574 2590 2606 2622 2638 2654 2670 2686 2702 2718 2734 2750 2766 2782 2798 2814 2575 2591 2607 262'3 2639 2655 2671 2687 2703 2719 2735 2751· ' 2167 2783 2799 2815 2823 2839 2855 2871 2887 2903 2919 2935 2951 296'( 2983 2999 3015 3031 3047 3063 2824 2840 2856 2872 2888 2904 2920 2936 2952 2968 2984 3000 3016 3032 3048 3064 2.825 2841 2857 2813 2889 2905 2921 2937 2953 2969 2985 3001 3017 3033, 3049 3065 2826 2842 2858 2874 2890 2906 2922 2938 295 4 2970 2986 3002 3018 3034 3050 3066 2827 2843 2859 2875 2891 290'7 2923 2939 2955 2971 2987 3003 3019 3035 3051 3067 2828 2844 2860 2876 2892 2908 ,2924 2940 2956 2972 2988 3004 3020 3036 3052 3068 2829 2845 2861 2877 2893 2909 2925 2941 2957 2973 2989 3005 3021 3037 3053 3069 2830 2846 2862 2818 2894 2910 2926 2942 2958 2974 2990 3006 3022 3038 3054 30'70 2831 2847 2863 2879 2895 2911 2927 2943 2959 2975 2991 3007 3023 3039 3055 3071 59 C D E 2062 2078 2094, 2110 2126 2142 2158 2174 219.0 2206 22,f1 2222 ... 2231 ,2238, 2253 2254 2269 2270 2285. 2286 2301 2302 2063 2079 2095 2111 2127 2143 2159 2175 2191 2201 2223, 2239 2255 2271 2281 2303 APPENDIX C HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION TABLE COO Cl0 C20 C30 C40 C50 c60 c70 c80 C90 CAO CBO cco CDO CEO CFO DOO D10 D20 D30 , D40 D50 DoO D70 D80 D90 DAO DBO DCO DDO DEO DFO EOO E10 E20 E30 E!~O E50 EoO K(O EGO E')O EAO EBO EGO EDO EEO EFO ):0"00 FLO F20 F30 F40 F50 FoO F70 FSO F';JO FAO FEO Fca FDa FEO FFO 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 30,{2 3088 3104 3120 3136 3152 3168 3184 3200 3216 3232 3248 3204 3280 3296 3312 3073 3089 3105 3121 31J( 3153 3109 3185 ,3201 3217 3233 3249 3265 3281 329'( 3313 3074 3090 3106 3122 3138 3154 31,{0 3186 3202 3218 3234 3250 3266 3282 3298 3314 3075 3091 3107 3123 3139 3155 3171 3187 3203 3219 3235 3251 32S( 3283 3299 3315 30,,(6 3092 3108 3124 3140 3156 3172 3188 3204 3220 3236 3252 3268 3284 330b 3316 3077 3093 3109 3125 3141 '3157 3173 3189 3205 3221 3237 3253 3269 3285 3301 331'7 30"(8 3094 3110 3J.26 3142 3158 3174 3190 3206 3222 3238 3254 3270 3286, 3302 3318 3079 3080 3095 3096 3111 3112 3127 3128 3143 3144 3159 3160 3175 31~(6 3191 3192 320'( 3208 3223 3224 3239 ' 3240 3255 '3256 3271 3272 3287 3288 3303 3304 3319 3320 3081 ,3097 3113 3129 3145 3161 3328 3344 3360 3J(o 3392 3408 3424 3440 3450 34(2 3329 3330 3331 3332 3345 3346 334'( 3348 33O.L 3362 3363 3364 33(T 33'(8 3379 3380 3393 3394 3395 3396 3409 3410 3411 3412 3425 3426 3427 3428 3441 3442 3443 3444 3457 3458 3h59 3460 34(3 34'('4 34'l5 3476 3489 3h90 3491 3492 3505 3506 350'( 3508 3521 3522 3523 3521~ 353 (' 3538 3539 3540 3553 355 4 3555 355,-5 3569 35'(0 3571 3572 3333 3349 3365 3381 3397 3413 3429 3411-5 3461 3334 3350 3366 3382 3398 ,3414 3430 3446 3462 3478 3494 3510 3526 3542 3558 3574 3335 3351 3367 3383 3399 3415 3431 3447 3463 3479 3495 3511 3527 3543 3559 3575 3336 3352 3368 3384 3416 3432 3448 3464 3480 3496 3512 3528 35 44 3560 3576 3331 3353 3369 3385 3401 3417 3433 3449 3465 3481 3497 3513 3529 3545 3561 3577 3588 36Q4 3620 3036 3052 3668 3684 3(00 3{lG 3732 3'(1+8 3764 3780 3796 3812 3828 3590 3606 3622 3638 3654 36(0 3686 3702 3'(18 3734 3750 3766 3782 3798 3B13 3814 3829 3830 3591 3607 3623 3639 3655 36,(1 3687 3,,(03 3719 3735 3(51 3767 3783 3799 3815 3831 3592 3608 3624 3640 3656 3672 3688 3704 3720 3736 3752 3768 3784 3800 3816 3832 3844 3860 38'(6 38;;2 3908 3845 3846 384'( 3861 3862 3863 33't( 3B78 38'rS) 3893 3394 3[\95 3909 3910 3911 3S!25 3926 392'( 391~i. 3942 39L~3 3S!5'( 3956 3959 39'(11- J";;:3"1? ;;1,) ;;1,) 3;;0S; 3 )90 3;)91 31~88 3504 3520 3536 3552 3508 3504 3600 3616 3u32 3011-8 3u64 3uGo 3696 3'(12 3(23 3741~ 3(00 3776 3(92 3808 3824 3585 3601 301'{ 3633 ,36 49 35~)5 3681 3691 3'(13 3{2S) 3T 45 3761 37'77 3(93 3809 3825 35U6 3602 301<3 3034 3050 3566 3002 3698 3'714 3730 3(46 3'(02 3'(78 3794 3810 3826 3587 3603 361) 3035 365.;. 366'( 3083 3699 3'(15 3i'31 3(4'( 3753 3779 3795 3811 382'( 3840 3841 3842 38J~3 3850 3857 3858 385> 38'(2 38 (3 30'(4 30'(5 3888 3889 3890 389J. 3904 3905 3900 390'( 392c 3921 3)22 3923 3936 393 3938 3939 3952 3:;53 3954 3955 3')u8 3909 39'(0 3)(1 39b4 3985 3986 39D'( 4000 4()01 4002 L~003 4016 4017 4018 40i9 4032 4033 4034 4035 4011-8 4049 LI-O)O 4051 4064 4065 4066 406'( 4080 4081 4082 4083 r ( 3)~~ l~ 3940 3;ijG 3/(2 3980 l~()Ol1- 1~020 3l~Tr 3!~93 3509 3525 3541 3557 35'{3 3589 3605 3621 363'( 3653 3669 3685 3701 3'(17 3{33 3(49 Jy65 3(31 3797 40',-':i, 11-036 4-u3i' 1~052 4053 1t 068 4009 4081+ 4005 8 31~00 3848 3864 3880 38:;6 3912 3928 3944 3:)60 3)'76 'D B C 3082 3098 3114 3130 3146 3162 3178 3194 3210 3226 3242 3258 3274 3290 3306 3322 3083 3099 3115 3131 3147 3163 3179 3195 3211 3227 3243 3259 3275 3291 3307 3323 3084 3100 3116 3132 3148 '3164 3180 3196 3212 3228 3244 3260 3276 3292 3308 3324 3085 3101 3117 3133 3149 3165 3181 3197 3213 3229, 3245 3261 3277 3293 3309 3325 3086 3102 3118 3134 3150 3166 3182 3198 3214 3230 3246 3262 3278 3294 3310 3326 3087 3103 3119 3135 3151 3167 ' 3183 3199 3215 3231 3247 3263 3279 3295 3311 3327 3338 3354 3370 3386 3402 3418 3434 3450 3466 3498 3514 3530 3546 3562 3578 3339 3355 3371 3387 3403 3419 3435 3451 3467 3483 3499 3515 3531 3547 3563 3579 3340 3356 3372 3388 3404 3420 3436 3452 3468 3484 3500 3516 3532 3548 3564 3580 , 3341 3357 3373 3389 ' 3405 3421 3437 3453 3469 3485 3501 3517 3533 3549 3565 3581 3342 3358 3374 3390 3406 3422 3438 3454 3470 3486 3502 3518 3534 3550 3566 3582 3343 3359 3375 3391 3407 3423 3439 3455 3471 3487 3503 3519 3535 3551 3567 3583 3593 3594 3609 3610 3625 ,3626 3641 3642 365'( 3658 3673 3674 3689 3690 3705 3706 3721 3722 3737 3738 1753 3754 3769 3770 3785 3786 3801, 3802 3817 3818 3833 3834 3595 3611 3627 3643 3659 3675 3691 3707 3723 3739 3755 3771 3787 3803 3819 3835 3596 3612 3628 3644 3660 3676 3692 3708 3724 3740 3756 3772 3788 3804 3820 3836 3597 3613 3629 3645 3661 3677 3693 3709 3725 3741 3757 3773 3789 3805 3821 3837 3598 3614 3630 .3646 3662 3678 3694 3710 3726 3742 3758 3774 3790 3806 3822 3838 3599 3615 3631 3647 3663 3679 3695 3711 3727 3743 3759 3775 3791 3807 3823 3839 3851 3867 3883 3899 3915 3931 3852 3868 3884 3900 3916 3932 3948 3964, 3980 3996 4012 4028 4044 4060 9 31T7 3193 3209 3225 3241 3257 3273 3289 3305 3321 3849 3865 3881 3897 3913 3929 3945 3901 3Strf 39~)2 3993 l~oo6 l~OD( 4008 4009 11022 1~0;~3 ~,()<::4, 4025 4038 4039 L~O!~O 404i 405 L1- h055 11-056 4057 1.~0(0 407i 4o{2 40'73 1.~066 408'( h008 11-029 1 1~U05 7 A 3J.~82 3850 3866 3882 3898 3914 3930 3946 3962 39'(8 3S:94 4010 4026 4042 4058 40,{4 3941 3963 ' 3979 3995 LI-Ol1 4027 4043 4059 4075 h090 4091 E 3854 3870 3886 3902 3918 3934 3950 3966 3982 3998 4014 1~a29 4030 4045 4046 4061 4062 40'l~) 4,07'7 40'78 4092 4,093 4091~ 3853 3869 3885 3901 3917 3933 3949 3965 3981 3997 4013 F 3855 3871 3887 3903, 3919 3935 3951 3967 3983 3999 4015 4031 4047 4063 40'79 4095 HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION TABLE (N'16) .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 ~005 .006 .007 .008 .009 .0000 0000 .0041 8937 .0083 126e .00c4 .0106 .0147 .0189 .Olca .020c ' .024d 9ba5 24dd ae14 374b c083 49ba d2fl .010 .011 .012 .013 .014 .015 .016 .017 .018 .019 .028f 5c28 .02dO e560 .0353 .0395 .03d7 .0418 .045a .049b .04dd .020 .021 .022 .023 .024 .025 .026 .027 .028 .029 .051e b851 .0560 4189 .05al cacO ' .05e3 53f7 .0624 dd2f .0666 6666 .06a7 ef9d .06e9 78d4 .072b 020c .076c 8b43 .030 .031 .032 .033 .034 .035 .036 .037 .038 .039 .07ae 147a .07ef 9db2 .040 .041 .042 .043 .044 .045 .046 .047 .048 .049 .Oa3d .Oa7e .0acO .Ob02 .ob43 .ob85 .obc6 .Oc08 .Oc 4 9 .Oc8b .0312 6e97 f7ce 8106 Oa3d 9374 lcac a5e3 2fla (lo~3N)" .0000 0000 .0000'10c6 .0000 218d .0000 3254 .0000 431b .0000 53e2 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 64a9 7570 8637 96fe .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 a7c5 b88c c953 dala eael fba8 Oc6f 1d36 2dfd 3ec4 .0001 4f8b .0001 6052 .0001 7119 cccc 5604 df3b 6872 fla9 .Oe14 7ael .0003 .0003 :0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 46dc 57a3 6800 7931 89f8 9abf ab86 bc4d cdl4 dddb (lo-6N)lf .0000 00d6 .0000 OOdb .0000 OOdf .0000 00e3 .0000 00e7 .0000 OOee .0000 Oafa .0000 00r4 .0000 001'9 .0000 oord eea2 ff69 102f 20f6 31bd 4284 534b 6412 74d9 85aO .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 0101 0105 OlGa alOe 0112 0117 Olib 011f 0124 0128 .0000 0022 .0000 0026 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 002a 002f 0033 0037 003c 0040 0044 0049 004d 0051 .060 .061 .062 .063 .064 .065 .066 .067 .068 .0.69 .1168 72bO .lla9 fbe7 .0003 .0003 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0004 .070 .071 .072 .073 .074 .075 .076 .077 .078 .079 .11eb 851e .122d Oe56 .126e 978d .12bO 20c4 .12fla9fb .1333 3333 .137 4 be6a .13b6 45al .13f7 ced9 .1439 5810 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0005 .0005 .0005 9667 a72e b7f5 c8bc d983 ea4a fbll Obd8 1c9f 2d66 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 012c 0130 0135 0139 013d 0142 0146 014a 014r 0153 .080 .081 .082 .083 .084 .085 .089 .147a .14bc .14fd .153f .1581 .15c2 .1604 .1645 .1687 .16c8 e147 6a7e f3b6 7ced 0624 Bf5c 1893 alca 2b02 b439 .0005 .0005 .0005 .0005 .0005 .0005 .0005 .0005 .0005 • 0005: 3e2d 4er4 5fbb 7082 8149 9210 a2d7 b3ge c465 d52c .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .OOCO .0000 0157 015b 0160 0164 0168 016d 0171 0175 0179 017e .090 .091 .092 .093 , .094 .095 .096 .097 .098 .099 .170a .174b .178d .17ee .1810 .1851 .1893 .18d4 .1916 .1958 3d70 eCa7 4fdf d916 .0005 .0005 .0006 .0006 e5f3 f6ba 0780 1847 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 0000 0004 0008 ,000c 0011 0015 0019 .0000 001e .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 .0001 92a7 a36e b435 c4fc d5c3 e68a .0001 .0002 .0831 26e9 .0002 .0872 b020 .0002 .08b4 3958, .0002 .08f'5 c28f .0002 .0937 4bc6 .0002 .0978 d4fd .0002 .09ba 5e35 .0002 .09fb e76c .0002 f751 0817 18de 298.5 3a6c 4b33 5bfa 6cc1 7d88 8e4f .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0002 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 9f16 afdd cOa4 dl6b e232 f2f9 03eO 1487 254e 3615 .0000 OOab .0000 OObO .0000 0004 .0000 oOb8 .0000 OObe .0000 OOe1 .OOOOOOc5 .0000 00e9 .0000 OOce .0000 00d2 70a3 f9db 8312 Oc49 9581 1eb8 a7ef 3126 ba5e 4395 .Occc .0dOe .od4r .Od91 .Odd2 (io-3N)ur .050 .051 .052 .053 .054 .055 .056 .057 .058 .059 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 0055 .0000 005a .0000 005e .0000 0062 .0000 0067 .0000 006b .0000 006f .0000 0073 .0000 0078 .0000'007c .0001 81eO (N,.) 00- 4 1\1)16 0080 0085 0089 008d 0092 0096 009a 00ge. 00a3 00a7' .oB6 .087 .088 61 .Oe56 0418 .Oe97 8d4f .Oed9 1687 .Ofla 9fbe .Of5e .Of9d .Ofdf .1020 .1062 .10a3 28f5 b22d 3b64 c49b 4dd2 d70a .10e5 6041 .1l26 e978 62L~d .0006 290e eb85 74be fdf3 8720. 1062 .0006 .0006 .0006 .0006 .co06 39d5 4age 5b63 6e2a 7ef1 0182 olBt:: 018b 01Sf 0193 0198 01ge .oeoo 01aO .0000 01a4 .oeoo 01a9 APPENDIX D HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION TABLE (IO-~N)/6 N'6 (lo-6N),. NJf (IO-3N)16 .0009 d495 .0009 e55e .0009 f623 .000a 06e9 .000a 17b0 .00Da 2877 .000a 393e .00Da 4a05 .ooca 5aee .ooaa 6b93 CI 0-4N)'6 .0000 0284 .0000 0288 . .0000 028e .0000 0291 .0000 0295 .0000 0299 .0000 02ge .0000 02a2 .0000 02a6 .0000 02a.a .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 02af 02b3 02b7 . 02be 02eO 02e4 02e8 02cd 02dl 02d5' .100 .1999 9999 .101 . • 19db 22dO .102 .lale ac08 .103 .la5e 353f .104 .la9f·be76 .105 .1ael 41ae .106 .lb22 dOe5 .107 .lb64 5ale .108 .lba5 .e353 .109 .lbe7 6e8b .0006 .0006 .0006 .0006 .0006 .0006 .0006 .0007 .0007 .0007 8db8 ge7f af46 eOOd dOd4 e19b f262 0329 13fO 24b7 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 •. 0000 .0000 01ad 01b1 01b6 01ba 01be 01e2 01e7 01eb 01ef 01d4 .150 .151 .152 .153 .154 .155 .156 .157 .158 .159 .2666 • 2007 .26e9 .272b .276e .27ae .27ef .2831 .2872 .28b4 6666 ef9d 78d4 020e 8b43 147a 9db2 26e9 b020 3958 .110 .111 .112 .113 .114 .115 .116 .117 .118 .119 .lc28 .le6a .1eae .1ced .ld2f .ld70 .ldb2 f5e2 7ef9 0831 9168 la9f a3d7 2dOe .lM3 b645 .le35 3f7e .le76 e8b4 .0007 .0007 .0007 • 0007 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0007 357e 4645 570e 67d3 789a 8961 9a28 aaef bbb6 ce7d .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 01d8 Ol.dc 01e1 01e5 01e9 01ed 01f2 011'6 01fa 01ff .160 .161 .162 .163 .164 .165 .166 .167 .168 .169 .28f5 .2937 .2978 .29ba; .29fb .2a3d .2a7e .2acO .2b02 .2b43 e28f 4be6 d4fd 5e35 e76e 70a3 f9db 8312 Oc49 9581 .000a .00Ca .00Da .00Ga .0COa .00Ca .00Ga .0oCa .000b ~OOOb 7e5a 8d21 9de8 aeaf bf76 d03d e104 fleb 0292 1359 .120 .121 .122 .123 .124 .125 .126 .127 .128 .129 .leb8 51eb .lef9 db22 .lf3b 645a .lf7e ed91 .1fbe 76e8 .2000 0000 .2041 8937 .2083 126e .·20e4.9ba5 .2106 24dd .0007 .0007 .0007 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0008 o.d44 eeOb fed2 Of98 205f 3126 41ed 52b4 637b 7442 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .. 0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 0203 0207 020b 0210 0214 0218 021d 0221 0225 022a .170 .2b85 .171 .2be6 .172 .2e08 .173 .2e49 .174 .2e8b .175 .2eee .176 .2dOe .177 .2d4f .178 .• 2d91 .179 .2dd2 leb8 a7ef 3126 ba5e 4395 ecce 5604 df'3b 6872 fla9 .000b .000b .000b .000b .000b .000b .000b .000b .000b .000b 2420 34e7 45ae 5675 673e 7803 88ea 9991 aa58 bblf .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 02da 02de 02e2 02e7 02eb 02ef 02f3 02f8 02fe 0300. .130 .131 .132 .133 .134 .135 .136 .137 .138 .139 .2147 ae14 .2189 374b .21ea c083 .220e 49ba .224d d2f'1 .228f 5e28 .22dO e560 .2312'6e97 .2353 f7ee .2395 8106 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0009 .0009 8509 95d
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