Amadeus System Certification Course Guide May 2012
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Amadeus System Certification Course Guide YOUR USE OF THIS DOCUMENTATION IS SUBJECT TO THESE TERMS Use of this documentation You are authorized to view, copy, or print the documentation for your personal use only. None of the Amadeus data included in the documentation may be sold, transferred, redistributed, retransmitted, published or commercially exploited in any way without the express advance written permission of Amadeus. This documentation is provided on an “AS IS” basis and Amadeus does not warrant any maintenance or support in using this documentation. Data ownership This documentation is protected by Intellectual Property rights and is the exclusive property of Amadeus. No licence over these Intellectual Property rights is herein being granted. You acknowledge that the documentation is the valuable intellectual property of Amadeus and that if you use, modify or distribute the documentation for unauthorized purposes, you will be liable to Amadeus for any damages it may suffer. The examples in this document are for illustrative purposes only. The naming of particular airlines, hotels, car rental agencies, or other companies in these examples does not constitute an endorsement, express or implied, of Amadeus by these companies or of these companies by Amadeus. Product offers, prices, terms and other information provided herein are subject to change without notice. You should determine the appropriateness of any product for your intended purpose and needs. Amadeus makes no warranty of any kind including but not limited to the implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. All Rights Reserved. Edition 3.1 Job Number 3017 For [Product Name] [Release] FE mmyy Published by: Amadeus Global Learning Services (Distribution and IT) e-mail: March 2012 Table of Contents Before You Start ...................................................................................... 1 Introduction............................................................................................ 1 Audience................................................................................................ 1 Course Objectives ................................................................................. 1 Course Guide Objectives....................................................................... 1 What Is New In This Guide?.................................................................. 2 Chapter 1 Getting Started......................................................................................... 3 Objectives.............................................................................................. 3 Signing In and Out................................................................................. 3 Remote Terminals and Offices.................................................................... 11 Viewing Office Profiles......................................................................... 13 Working with Agent Preferences ......................................................... 15 Working with Local Security ................................................................ 17 Working with Information in the Amadeus System .............................. 22 Amadeus Information Pages ....................................................................... 24 Amadeus Online Help.................................................................................. 26 Encoding and Decoding ...................................................................... 28 Using Timatic....................................................................................... 32 Chapter 2 Air............................................................................................................ 35 Before You Start .................................................................................. 35 Objectives............................................................................................ 35 Introduction.......................................................................................... 36 Working with an Availability Display .................................................... 37 Understanding the Display .......................................................................... 37 Viewing Flight Information ........................................................................... 44 Understanding Access Levels ..................................................................... 45 Using Carrier-Preferred Displays ................................................................ 49 Working with Direct Access ......................................................................... 50 Working with a Schedule Display ........................................................ 53 Working with a Timetable Display ....................................................... 54 Changing the Display .......................................................................... 56 Requesting Minimum Connecting Times............................................. 57 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records .................................................................... 61 Before You Start .................................................................................. 61 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved i Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Objectives............................................................................................ 61 Introduction.......................................................................................... 61 PNR Basics ......................................................................................... 63 Name Element............................................................................................. 63 Itinerary Element ......................................................................................... 67 Contact Element .......................................................................................... 70 Ticketing Arrangement Element .................................................................. 71 Received From Element .............................................................................. 73 End Transaction .......................................................................................... 73 Ignore Transaction....................................................................................... 74 PNR Header ................................................................................................ 75 Using Optional Elements ..................................................................... 75 Passenger and Segment Association ......................................................... 76 Special Service Requests............................................................................ 77 Other Service Information............................................................................ 80 Seat Requests ............................................................................................. 81 Frequent Flyer Information .......................................................................... 83 Remarks ...................................................................................................... 85 Queue Option Indicators.............................................................................. 87 Ticketless Bookings..................................................................................... 88 Individual PNR Security....................................................................... 89 Using Special Segments ..................................................................... 92 Married Segments ....................................................................................... 92 Open Segments........................................................................................... 93 Waitlist Segments........................................................................................ 94 Information Segments ................................................................................. 95 Passive Segments....................................................................................... 97 Auxiliary Segments....................................................................................100 Booking Special Passengers............................................................. 101 Unaccompanied Minors.............................................................................101 Stretcher Passengers ................................................................................102 Extra Seats for Cabin Baggage.................................................................103 Extra Seats for Comfort .............................................................................105 Group PNRs ..............................................................................................106 Retrieving PNRs ................................................................................ 107 Purged PNRs..................................................................................... 111 Modifying PNRs................................................................................. 112 Deleting PNR Elements.............................................................................112 Rebooking PNRs .......................................................................................115 Changing PNR Ownership ........................................................................118 Copying PNRs ...........................................................................................119 Splitting PNRs ...........................................................................................121 Handling Non-Homogeneous PNRs..........................................................122 Printing a PNR................................................................................... 124 Displaying PNR History ..................................................................... 126 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing ................................................................................ 129 Before You Start ................................................................................ 129 Objectives.......................................................................................... 129 Introduction........................................................................................ 129 Fares and Pricing Entries ..........................................................................130 Working with Fare Displays ............................................................... 131 What Fares Are Displayed?.......................................................................131 Fare Display Elements ..............................................................................132 Types of Fare Displays..............................................................................134 Fare Display Options .................................................................................137 ii Edition 3.1 Table of Contents Displaying Fare Notes ....................................................................... 139 Working with Follow-up Transactions................................................ 142 Taxes .........................................................................................................142 Booking Codes ..........................................................................................143 Routing and Mileage..................................................................................144 Extra Mileage Surcharge ...........................................................................146 Fares and Currency...................................................................................147 Working with Fare Quote Tools ......................................................... 148 Mileage ......................................................................................................148 Currency and Exchange Rates .................................................................149 Excess Baggage........................................................................................152 Working with Informative Pricing ....................................................... 152 What Is Informative Pricing?......................................................................152 Pricing with Informative Pricing .................................................................153 Working with Itinerary Pricing ............................................................ 156 What Is Itinerary Pricing? ..........................................................................156 Pricing a PNR ............................................................................................157 Pricing Override Options ...........................................................................160 Using Amadeus Best Pricer............................................................... 162 What Is Amadeus Best Pricer? .................................................................162 Amadeus Best Pricer with Automatic Rebooking ......................................162 Amadeus Best Pricer with Manual Rebooking ..........................................164 Amadeus Best Pricer Options ...................................................................166 Using Master Pricer Expert................................................................ 167 What Is Master Pricer Expert?...................................................................167 Recommendation Options .........................................................................169 What Is a Ticketability Check? ..................................................................170 Chapter 5 Ticketing............................................................................................... 173 Before You Start ................................................................................ 173 Objectives.......................................................................................... 173 Introduction........................................................................................ 174 Understanding TSTs.......................................................................... 174 What Is a TST?..........................................................................................174 Types of TSTs ...........................................................................................175 Updating TSTs...........................................................................................178 Working with TSTs ....................................................................................182 Issuing Tickets................................................................................... 186 Working with Agreement Tables........................................................ 191 Re-issuing Tickets ............................................................................. 194 How to Re-issue a Ticket...........................................................................195 Using Amadeus Ticket Changer........................................................ 196 Chapter 6 Queues ................................................................................................. 199 Before You Start ................................................................................ 199 Objectives.......................................................................................... 199 Introduction........................................................................................ 199 Queue Types .............................................................................................200 Commonly Used Queues ..........................................................................200 Nightly File Maintenance ...........................................................................201 Working with Queues ........................................................................ 201 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved iii Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Chapter 7 Profiles ................................................................................................. 217 Before You Start ................................................................................ 217 Objectives.......................................................................................... 217 Introduction........................................................................................ 218 What Is a Profile? ......................................................................................218 What Is Profile Mode? ...............................................................................221 Working with Traveller Profiles .......................................................... 221 Modifying Profiles .............................................................................. 226 Working with Company Profiles......................................................... 230 What Is a Company Profile?......................................................................230 Working with Agency Profiles ............................................................ 231 What Is an Agency Profile? .......................................................................231 Working with the Management Profile............................................... 232 What Is a Management Profile? ................................................................232 Profiles and PNRs ............................................................................. 234 Chapter 8 Itinerary and Invoice............................................................................ 237 Before You Start ................................................................................ 237 Objectives.......................................................................................... 237 Introduction........................................................................................ 237 Itineraries........................................................................................... 238 Type of Itineraries......................................................................................238 What Is Displayed on an Itinerary? ...........................................................238 Working with Itineraries .............................................................................239 Invoices ............................................................................................. 240 Types of Invoices.......................................................................................240 What Is Displayed on an Invoice? .............................................................241 Working with Invoices................................................................................241 Sending Documents .......................................................................... 243 Using Remarks .................................................................................. 243 Index ..................................................................................................... 245 iv Edition 3.1 Before You Start Introduction The Amadeus central system is a global distribution system (GDS) that allows users to book and sell tickets for multiple travel-related companies, including airlines, trains, cruises, car rentals, ferries, and hotels. Audience This course guide is intended for Amadeus Commercial Organizations (ACOs) and system user airline staff attending the Amadeus System Certification (ASC) training course. Course Objectives The objective of the Amadeus System Certification course is to provide a high standard of knowledge and experience in order for the participants to receive the Amadeus Certificate of Achievement. Course Guide Objectives The aim of this document is to reinforce the lessons you learn in the Amadeus System Certification course, as well as to provide a structure for teaching the course content to your customers. This guide provides help in understanding the material presented in the Amadeus System Certification (ASC) course. It is designed to help you: • Learn how to sign in and navigate • Understand important concepts for each area • Perform tasks • Locate additional information in the Amadeus Online Help © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 1 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide What Is New In This Guide? In this edition of the Amadeus System Certification Course Guide, the following changes have been made: 2 Type of Change Area/Topic Update • The cryptic commands used to search for PNRs have been updated. For more information, see How to Search for PNRs on page 110. Edition 3.1 Chapter 1 Getting Started Here we explain the basics you need to get started in the Amadeus central system. Objectives The objectives of the Getting Started module include: • Signing in and signing out • Accessing and moving between work areas • Identifying the office ID and terminal address • Understanding local security • Displaying, updating and resetting agent preferences • Displaying Amadeus Information Pages • Displaying Amadeus Online Help • Encoding and decoding: • - Cities and airports - Countries, states and provinces - Airlines and aircraft types - Car rental companies and hotel chains Using the Timatic system Signing In and Out What do you need to understand about signing in and out of the system? You must have a sign to access the distribution system. A sign is assigned to each person authorized to use an Amadeus terminal. This sign is unique to an individual and provides a way to identify the actions performed by the agent. Each Amadeus sign is a six-character code. The first four characters must be numbers. The last two characters can be letters or a combination of a letter and a number. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 3 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Each sign can have a number of duty codes associated to it. These duty codes specify which transactions the agent can or cannot perform. See What Are Duty Codes? below for more information on duty codes. In addition to the security determined by the sign, a further security structure is in place to allow or disallow certain transactions. This security structure is based on the office identification and the terminal address. There are six work areas, identified by the letters A to F, associated with each terminal. When you sign in to the system, you sign in to one or more work areas. See What Are Work Areas? on page 5 for more information on work areas. Depending upon your sign configuration, you may need a password to sign in. For more information, see HE SIGN. What Are Duty Codes? A duty code restricts access to certain Amadeus functionality. You can have multiple duty codes associated with your sign. If you have more than one duty code for your agent sign, you must specify which duty code you want to use for your sign-in. The following table shows the available duty codes: Table: Duty Codes Duty Code Description AS Agent Sell (travel agents only) CE Customer Engineer GS General Sales Agent PD Pre/Post Departure Agent PR Programmer RC Space Control SU Supervisor TR TTY Reject Agent Some duty codes are not available in all markets. How to Sign In to the System To sign in, enter, for example: JI 0001AA /SU -PASSWORD JI Sign in transaction code 0001AA Agent sign /SU Slash, duty code -PASSWORD Dash, your password For information about creating and changing passwords, see HE GEN, GP SIG. 4 Edition 3.1 Chapter 1 Getting Started What Are Work Areas? There are six work areas in the system. Each work area is identified by a letter from A to F. If you do not specify a work area when you sign in, the system assigns the first available work area to you. Only one PNR at a time can be active in a work area. You can work on more than one PNR at a time, each in a different work area. Similarly, more than one agent can work on the same terminal at the same time. Each agent can sign in to a different work area using the individual agent signs. How to Sign In to Work Areas The entries below show several ways you can sign in to one or more work areas: Table: Sign In To Work Areas Entry Signs in to... JI C 0404FG /SU -PASSWORD A specific work area In this example, work area C JI A/F 2345AB /SU -PASSWORD Multiple work areas In this example, work areas A and F Note: You must enter a slash (/) between the work area identifiers JI* 0001AA /SU - PASSWORD All work areas, A to F How to Identify Your Work Area Status To check the status of your work areas after you have signed in, enter: JD This entry also displays your terminal address and your office ID. The terminal address appears in the top-left corner of the screen, with the office ID next to it. System response: 09B55EC8n AREA A-IN B C D E F TM NCE1A0950o PSEUDO CITY : NCE MOD SG/DT.LG TIME QCAT ACT.Q STATUS TRN KO/SU.EN 24 SIGNED NOT SIGNED NOT SIGNED NOT SIGNED NOT SIGNED NOT SIGNED n Terminal address o Office ID © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved NAME 5 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide What Is a Terminal Address? Each PC has a unique terminal address that can be found in the top-left corner of the work area status display. See How to Identify Your Work Area Status on page 5 for information on displaying your work area status. The terminal address is attached to a user group set by each market. A user group determines the level of access for each duty code. Groups might be ticket agents, reservation agents or help desk agents. Security definitions contained in the terminal address are checked during sign-in, allowing the system to identify the user. Once all checks have been completed, an agent assembly area (AAA), which is a temporary holding area, is assigned to the terminal. What Is an Office ID? Each Amadeus terminal is associated to a unique office ID. The office ID determines the access rights and security for the users of the office. The office ID is structured as follows: NCE AF 0 100 NCE Three-character IATA city or airport code AF Two-character IATA corporate code for the airline, travel agency, hotel, car or other provider 0 Corporate qualifier code 100 Office code/type Corporate Qualifier Codes The table below describes the corporate qualifier codes: Table: Corporate Qualifier Codes Code Description 0 Amadeus users and Amadeus Altéa Reservation airlines 1 Participating airlines 2, 3 Travel agencies 4 Hotel providers 5 Car providers 6 Tour providers 7 Surface providers 8 Other providers 9 Wholesalers Note: 6 The corporate qualifier code is always related to the corporate code. Edition 3.1 Chapter 1 Getting Started Office Type Codes The tables below describe the office type codes that correspond with the corporate qualifier codes. The office type code for the Amadeus Service Management Centre is 990. This table shows the codes for airline offices. Table: Office Type Codes - Airline Offices Code Office Type 001 - 0ZZ Airport offices 100 - 54Z Ticketing offices 550 - 59Z Space control 555 Space control with reject queue 600 - 899 Miscellaneous 8AA - 8ZZ Internet offices 900 - 94Z Training offices 980 - 98Z Help desk This table shows the codes for travel agencies and other service providers. Table: Office Type Codes - Travel Agencies or Service Providers Code Office Type 001 - 0ZZ Airport offices 100 - 899 Town offices 8AA - 8ZZ Internet offices 900 - 94Z Training offices © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 7 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Display Corporate Codes There are two ways you can display the corporate codes used in an Amadeus office ID: by code or by name. Search by Code To do this, enter the transaction code followed by the first letter of the code you wish to see. For example: GG CORP CODES X This entry returns the list of codes in Amadeus that start with the letter X. System response: CORPCODES X EN 3FEB09 1404Z COD*QUALIFIER **CORPORATE - NAMES ================================================================ X1 ..2....... TUR ACCESS TTS SOFTWARE X5 .1........ CRONUS AIRLINES X9 ..2....... TAJAMAR IN CHILE -LANCHILE SPONSORED CHANNEL XA ..2....... ALPITOUR XB ..2....... BOLIVIAN TRAVEL AGENCIES XD ..2....... TAJAMAR IN CHILE XF .1........ VOSTOK AIR XF ..2....... STARTER XF ...3...... STARTER XG 0......... ALSAVIA XH 0......... DEUTSCHE BUNDESBAHN XH ..2....... DATA SYSTEM TOUR ACCESS XI ..2....... CIT/GLOBE TOUR ACCESS XI ...3...... IXIGO METASEARCH COMPANY XK 0......... CORSE MEDITERRANEE XK ....4..... AMADEUS HDP CRS XK .........9 AMADEUS HDP CRS XL .1........ COUNTRY CONNECTION AIRLINES 8 Edition 3.1 Chapter 1 Getting Started Search by Name You can also search for the codes using a company name. For example: GG CORP NAMES M This entry returns a list of all the companies in Amadeus that start with the letter M or have a corporate code that starts with M. System response: CORPCODE PER NAMES M EN 9APR09 0719Z CORPORATE - NAMES (M) CODE QUALIFIER ========================================================================= 1001 SOLEILS MS ......6... M2B MW ...3...... M.O. TOURIST MG ...3...... MACDONALD HOTEL GRP GB ....4..... MACEDONIAN TRAVEL AGENTS M8 ..2....... MADAGASCAR TRAVEL AGENCIES MG ..2....... MAERSK AIR DM .1........ MAERSK TRAVEL MT ..2....... MAEVA MV ......6... MAGES MA .....5.... MAGGIORE MG .....5.... MAGNUSON HOTELS AS - 13/11/07 MS ....4..... MAIN STAY MZ ....4..... MAJORICA MA ..2....... MAJOR TRAVEL M2 ...3...... MAKE MY TRIP MY ...3...... MALAYSIAN AIRLINES SYSTEM MH .1........ MALAYSIAN TRAVEL AGENCIES MY ..2....... How to Move Between Different Work Areas When you sign in to more than one work area, you can move from one signed area to another. To move to a specific work area, enter: JM A Note: This entry also reactivates a temporarily deactivated work area. See How to Temporarily Deactivate a Work Area below. How to Move to and Sign In to Another Work Area The system allows you to temporarily leave a currently-signed work area and sign in to another work area at the same time. To do this, enter: JX D Note: The system retains the settings of your previous work area. How to Temporarily Deactivate a Work Area If you need to be away from your terminal for a short time, such as for a meeting or a break, you can temporarily deactivate your work areas without signing out of the system and having to sign back in when you return. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 9 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Deactivating your work areas password-protects them and prevents other agents from using your sign and modifying your work. Any other agents who want to use the same terminal must sign in with their own signs. To temporarily deactivate all of your work areas, enter: JS Once you have deactivated your work areas, you cannot continue working until you reactivate them. However, you can only reactivate one work area at a time by entering the JM transaction code followed by the work area identifier. For example, to reactivate work area A, enter: JM A You must enter your password to complete the transaction. How to Sign Out of the System and Work Areas The basic sign-out entry, which signs you out of your current work area, is: JO You can also use the following entries to sign out of specific work areas: Table: Sign Out of Work Areas Entry System Response JO B Signs out of a specific work area In this example, sign out of work area B JO C/D Signs out of multiple work areas In this example, work areas C and D JO * 10 Signs out of all signed work areas Edition 3.1 Chapter 1 Getting Started Remote Terminals and Offices The information here describes some sign-in and sign-out tasks that allow you to access other offices and terminals remotely. Note: You may require specific security settings to complete these tasks. How to Sign In Using an Extended Sign Using an extended sign allows you to stay at your current terminal, but sign in to another office using your agent sign. When you sign in with an extended sign, the system associates your terminal to the other office and gives you access to the other office's PNRs, queues and other data. However, your terminal definitions remain unchanged. To sign in using an extended sign, enter: JI 1974AB/SU .OFFICEID -PASSWORD JI Remote sign-in transaction code 1974AB/SU Agent sign, slash, duty code .OFFICEID Dot, remote office ID -PASSWORD Dash, your password Note: You must have the appropriate security rights to sign in to another office. How to Sign In to a Remote Office If security permits, you can use remote office access entries to emulate a terminal in another office. With these entries, you assume all the office profile settings of the remote office. There are two ways to perform a remote office sign-in: • Remote office jump: JUM • Remote office log-on: JUI For more information on remote offices, see HE REMOTE OFFICE. Remote Office Jump The remote office jump is the quickest way to sign in. It allows you to jump from your own office to a remote office in a single entry, without first signing out of your current session. To perform the remote office jump, you must be signed in. This allows the system to identify the agent who initiated the remote office session, by storing the sign ID from which the remote office jump entry was performed. Enter: JUM /O-OFFICEID JUM Remote office jump transaction code /O Slash, office type identifier -OFFICEID Dash, target office ID © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 11 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Remote Office Log-On To perform a remote office log-on: 1. Sign out of all work areas of your current session. JO or JO* 2. Enter the remote office log-on transaction code and specify the office. JUI /O-OFFICEID JUI Remote office log-on transaction code /O Slash, office type identifier -OFFICEID Dash, target office ID 3. Sign in using one of the following: - A sign of the target office: JI 0001AA /SU - Your own sign: JI 1234AB /SU - A universal sign: JIU 2400CA /SU Alternatively, you can perform steps 2 and 3 together, using the entry: JUI /O -NCE1A0902 /JI 1234AB /SU How to Sign Out of a Remote Office To sign out of a remote office session, enter: JUO When you end a remote office session, the sign and working areas are retrieved as they were left. How to Sign Out Remotely from a Different Terminal You can sign out from a different terminal than the one you signed in on. To sign out remotely from another terminal, enter: JUR 1234XY /PASSWORD 12 JUR Remote sign-out transaction code 1234XY Agent sign /PASSWORD Slash, your password Edition 3.1 Chapter 1 Getting Started If you are sharing an agent sign with other agents, you must add the terminal address to your entry: JUR 9876ZY /PASSWORD /T -0908C4CD JUR Remote sign-out transaction code 9876ZY Agent sign /PASSWORD Slash, your password /T Slash, T -0908C4CD Dash, your terminal address This allows other agents using the same sign to continue working. Viewing Office Profiles Here we describe what you need to understand about the office ID and the office profile. For more information, see HE OFFICE. What Is an Office Profile? The Amadeus office profile is the security record that controls many features at the office level. It displays all the settings for the office, including the office ID, address and telephone information, opening hours and messaging information. There are two types of office profiles you can view: mini and full. Note: All agents can display the mini office profile. Only authorized agents can display the full office profile. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 13 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to View the Mini Office Profile To view your mini office profile, enter: PV System response: * * * * * * * * * * * * PV OFFICE PROFILE AMADEUS OFFICE ID - NCE1A0950 NATIONAL SYSTEM OFFICE ID - 1A/NCE1A0950 DATE/TIME - 07MAY09/0918 * * * * * * * * * * AMID - 000027 * * * * * * * * * * * * OFFICE IDENTIFICATION * * * * * * * * UVC*PRIMARY VENDOR CODE - AMAD CIN*IATA NUMBER - 12345675 - PRIMARY ERN*ERSP NUMBER - 00000000 UVC*USER CODE - N OSD*OFFICE SUBDIVISION - 01 * * * * * * * * * * * * GENERAL DATA * * * * * * * * * * * * NAM*OFFICE NAME - AMADEUS PRODUCT PLANNING AD1 ADDRESS 1 - 155 ROUTE DU PIN MONTARD AD2 ADDRESS 2 - BOITE POSTALE 69 AD3 CITY NAME - 06902 SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS CEDEX CRP*CORPORATE IMPLANT- NONE CST*CONSORTIUM CODES - NONE CTN*COUNTRY NAME - FRANCE PHO PHONE PRIMARY - 33492943273 PH2 PHONE SECONDARY - NONE FAX FAX PRIMARY - NONE You can also view the mini office profile for any office in the Amadeus system. To view the mini profile for another office, enter a slash (/) and the office ID: PV /NCEAF0100 14 Edition 3.1 Chapter 1 Getting Started How to View the Full Office Profile To view the full office profile, enter: PV A System response: * * * * * * * * * * * * OFFICE PROFILE NS OFFICE ID 1A OFFID AMID 1A/NCE1A0950 NCE1A0950 000027 * * * * * * * * * * * DATE/TIME ACT 22MAY09/1419 YES * * * * * * * * * * * * UVC*PRIMARY VENDOR CODE AVC*MULTI-VENDORS OFFICE IDENTIFICATION * * * * * * * * - AMAD - AMAD SOUS AMUK AMAU ATAU STRT ESFR AMZA ALBA AL6X AMBE AMCH ALQF AMPT AQO*ALT.QUEUING OFFICE - 000027 NCE1A0950 CIN IATA NUMBER - 12345675 - PRIMARY ERN ERSP NUMBER - 00000000 NAO*NON-AUTOMATED OFFICE - NO UVC*USER CODE - N UST USER TYPE - A : AIRLINE OFFICE (ATO/CTO) UGR*SECURITY USERGROUP - 1APP1 WGR*RDA WGR SET TYPE - AFRV INS INTERNET SITE - NO ISC*INTERNET SITE CODE - NONE URL WEB SITE URL - NONE API API SITE - NO PCM*REMOTE PRINTER CLUSTER - AA0020 PSM*PRINTER SECURITY MNEM - M00537 To view the full profile for another office, enter: PVA NCEAF0100 Note: There is no slash in the entry after the PVA transaction code. Working with Agent Preferences This section describes what you need to understand about agent preferences and how to work with them. For more information, see HE PREFERENCES. What Are Agent Profiles and Preferences? Each agent has an agent profile. The profile is made up of attributes that describe the agent's security profile, rights and duties, and preferences. Each attribute has a three-character code, description and value. Your agent preferences control certain default options that you use in the system, such as language preference, 12- or 24-hour clock formats and so on, or the defaults that are used in the system such as the TST layout. You can display and modify certain preferences attached to your own agent sign. Modifying your sign does not bypass any existing security checks. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 15 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Display the Agent Profile Each agent profile contains both agent preferences and settings that apply to the office. Agents can only change their preferences, not the office settings. To display the current settings of your agent profile, enter: JGD System response: ********************* SIGN IDENTIFICATION ********************* OFFICE - NCE1A0900 SIGN - 6749MO SIGNED IN AT 09B00866 *********************** SECURITY PROFILE ********************** PAT ALLOWED PASSWORD ATTEMPTS - 3 PWR PASSWORD REQUIRED INDICATOR - Y ********************** RIGHTS AND DUTIES ********************** DUT DUTY CODES - SU ************************* PREFERENCES ************************* LNG LANGUAGE PREFERENCE - EN RAI RAIL PREFERENCE - NONE FRR FERRY PREFERENCE - NONE How to Display Agent Preferences To display only your agent preferences, enter: JGD /P To display a single preference, enter the attribute code after the transaction code: JGD /LNG JGD Agent profile transaction code /LNG Slash, attribute code Some common preferences include: Table: Common Agent Preferences Attribute Code Preference Description LNG Language QCT Queue category TCM Time control DIS Distance unit For more information on the specific agent preferences, see HE PREFERENCES. How to Update Agent Preferences Depending on the security configuration in your office, you may be authorized to update your preferences. To change a preference, enter the transaction code followed by a slash (/), the attribute code, a dash (-) and the new value. 16 Edition 3.1 Chapter 1 Getting Started For example, to change the language preference to French, enter: JGU /LNG-FR You can specify as many preferences as you like in a single entry. For example, to change the language preference to French, the queue sorting category to 29 and the TST display mode to cryptic, enter: JGU /LNG-FR /QCT-29 /TST-C Note: If you make updates to your agent preferences in the production system, you must also make them in the training system. How to Reset Agent Preferences to the Default Settings To reset all the agent preferences to the default settings, enter: JGR /ALL To reset a specific attribute to its default setting, enter the JGR transaction code, followed by a slash and the attribute code: JGR /LNG Working with Local Security Here we describe what you need to know about office security and agent signs, and how to create and manage agent signs in an office. For more information, see HE LSA. What Are Security Levels? There are three levels in an office's security structure: • Amadeus Security Administrator Many of the security features in Amadeus are controlled centrally by the Amadeus Security Administrator (ASA). The ASA has full security rights to the entire office ID and creates the sign for the local security administrator. • Local Security Administrator The local security functions in Amadeus allow many of the security features of an office to be maintained by a person or persons in that office. This person is known as the Local Security Administrator (LSA). The LSA creates and maintains sign banks and security profiles for the agents in their office. The LSA has fewer security rights than the ASA. Note: There must be one LSA (minimum) per office. However, a single LSA can manage more than one office ID. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 17 Amadeus System Certification • Course Guide Agent Agents are able to display and update certain elements of their security profiles, depending on the rights granted to them by their LSA and the ASA. They have the fewest security rights and can only update preferences for their own signs. For more information about agent preferences, see What Are Agent Profiles and Preferences? on page 15. LSA Rights During Office Creation When a new office is created, an LSA sign (0000LS) is automatically created. This sign has the LSA attribute set to Y (Yes). The sign with LSA rights keeps these rights for 28 days after the time it was first used. During this 28 day period, the person with the temporary LSA rights must either make the sign a permanent LSA sign, or assign LSA rights to another sign. If no sign has been assigned permanent LSA rights during the initial 28 day period, then the next time someone signs in using the sign with the temporary LSA rights, the following warning message is displayed: PLEASE DESIGNATE LOCAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATOR DURING CURRENT SESSION Note: You must make the sign permanent during this session. If you do not, no one can sign in to the office with LSA rights after this session. How to Create a Permanent LSA Sign To create a permanent LSA sign: 4. Sign in using the sign with temporary LSA rights. JI 0000LS /SU JI Sign in transaction code 0000LS Sign with temporary LSA rights /SU Slash, duty code 5. Give this sign permanent LSA rights. JGU /LSA -Y 18 JGU Update agent profile transaction code /LSA Slash, attribute for LSA rights -Y Dash, attribute value Edition 3.1 Chapter 1 Getting Started 6. Assign LSA rights to another sign. JGU 1234AB /LSA -Y JGU Update agent profile transaction code 1234AB Agent sign /LSA Slash, attribute for LSA rights -Y Dash, attribute value Note: Once a sign is updated with permanent LSA rights, or a sign is created with permanent LSA rights, a password is required at the next sign-in. What Is a Sign Bank? The sign bank is the repository for all the agent signs in the office. It is created when the office is created in the system and is administered by the LSA. How to Display the Sign Bank If you have the correct rights, you can display the sign bank. Enter: JCD System response: OFFICE NCE1A0950 SIGN LOC PLC QCT DUTY CODES ------ --- --- ---- ---------------------------0000SY N N GS,AS,TR,RC,SU,PR 0001AA N Y GS,AS,TR,RC,SU,PR 0005CM N N GS,AS,TR,RC,SU,PR 0006MA N N GS,AS,TR,RC,SU,PR 0008JL N N GS,AS,TR,RC,SU,PR 0020FE N N GS,AS,TR,RC,SU,PR 0036RI N N GS,AS,TR,RC,SU,PR 0051SL N N GS,AS,TR,RC,SU,PR 0052JS N N GS,AS,TR,RC,SU,PR 0055YM N N GS,AS,TR,RC,SU,PR 0061RO N N GS,AS,TR,RC,SU,PR USER NAME ---------ANTONIO CA CMARECHAL MARISA ALO JULIEN ETILE FRED RENATA IVA SANDRINE L JEAN SKAMA YVES MORE OUAFAE RA You can specify which office's sign bank you wish to view. Enter the transaction code followed by the office ID: JCD NCEAF0100 How to Create an Agent Sign and Profile You can only create an agent sign and add the sign to the sign bank if you have ASA or LSA rights. When you create a sign, you can also assign security attributes to this sign at the same time. Note: These attributes can be changed later using the security profile update command. However, it is recommended to assign the security attribute to a sign when the sign is created. Any security attributes that you do not enter take the values from the office's default attributes. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 19 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Here is an example entry: JGA 1234AB .NCE1A0TRN /DUTA-SU /QCT-21 JGA Create agent sign transaction code 1234AB New agent sign .NCE1A0TRN Dot, office ID (optional) If this is not entered, the current office ID is taken by default /DUTA-SU Slash, first security attribute identifier, dash, attribute value /QCT-21 Slash, second security attribute identifier, dash, attribute value The LSA may enter as many security attributes as required. The attribute identifiers for these groups are described in the Amadeus online help. For more information, see HE LSA, GP LS2. How to Copy an Agent Sign and Profile If you have LSA rights, you can copy an existing agent sign to create a new sign. For example: JGC 1234AB .NCE1A0TRN -9876ZY /1357AC /2468BD JGC Copy agent sign transaction code 1234AB Original sign from which attributes are to be copied .NCE1A0TRN Dot, office ID of original sign If this is not entered, the current office ID is taken by default -9876ZY Dash, first new sign to be created /1357AC Slash, second new sign to be created /2468BD Slash, third new sign to be created How to Update an Agent Profile Use the update entry to change the attributes for a single sign that already exists in the sign bank. This entry can be performed by the ASA, the LSA and, with certain limitations, an agent. If agents perform this entry, they can update only those attributes that they are authorized to modify. To update an agent profile, enter: JGU 1234AB /LNG-FR How to Reset an Agent Profile The reset entry is used to reset the agent's attributes to the default office attributes. This entry can be performed by the ASA, the LSA and, with certain limitations, an agent. 20 Edition 3.1 Chapter 1 Getting Started To reset a sign’s queue sorting category to the office default, enter: JGR 1234AB /QCT How to Delete an Agent Sign If you have LSA rights, you can delete an agent sign and its associated profile from the sign bank. To delete an agent sign and profile, enter the transaction code followed by the sign you wish to delete: JGX 9876ZY How to Display Sign History If you have LSA rights, you can display the history of an agent sign for the last 12 months. The date when a sign was created or deleted is always retained in history, provided it was after December 12 2001. Note: History is not retained for currency preferences. To display agent sign history, enter, for example: JGH 1234AB .NCE1A0TRN or JGH JGH Sign history transaction code 1234AB Agent sign (optional) If this is not entered, the sign of the agent making the entry is displayed .NCE1A0TRN Dot, office ID (optional) If this is not entered, the current office ID is used by default How to Display the Default Office Security Settings You can display the default security settings for agents in an office if you have LSA rights. Enter the transaction code followed by the office ID: JTD NCE1A0TRN Note: If you do not enter an office ID, the current office ID is displayed. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 21 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Update the Default Office Security Settings If you have LSA rights, you can update the default security settings for an office. To do this, enter: JTU NCE1A0TRN/RMO-Y/R JTU Update office security settings transaction code NCE1A0TRN Office ID (optional) If you do not enter an office ID, the current office ID is displayed /RMO Slash, attribute identifier -Y Dash, attribute value /R Slash, level of access granted to agent How to Reset the Default Office Security Settings If you have LSA rights, you can reset the security settings for an office. The reset entry is used to reset the office's default security settings to the default values set centrally by the ASA when the office was first created. For example, here is how you would reset two of the office security attributes to their default settings: JTR NCE1A0TRN /RMO /LNG JTR Reset office security settings transaction code NCE1A0TRN Office ID (optional) If you do not enter an office ID, the current office ID is displayed /RMO Slash, attribute identifier for first attribute to be reset /LNG Slash, attribute identifier for second attribute to be reset Working with Information in the Amadeus System There are two main sources of information in the Amadeus system: • Amadeus Information Pages These reference pages are provided and updated by ACOs, outside providers and Amadeus. See Amadeus Information Pages on page 24. • Amadeus Online Help These help pages are provided and updated by Amadeus. See Amadeus Online Help on page 26. These pages provide you with the information you need to use the Amadeus system and get help when you have questions. 22 Edition 3.1 Chapter 1 Getting Started What Is a Quickpath? You navigate around the information pages in the Amadeus system using quickpaths, which are keyword entries that take you directly to the page you want. • To access information in the Amadeus Information Pages, the entry starts with GG. To see a list of all information categories, enter: GG AIS • To access information in the Amadeus Online Help, the entry starts with HE. You can find a list of the main quickpath subjects on the help introduction page. Enter: HE Additionally, all transaction codes in the system are quickpaths. For example, if you want to find help on the sign in transaction code, enter: HE JI How to Navigate in the Amadeus Information Pages and Online Help The information in the system can sometimes exceed one screen display. Here are some scrolling commands you can use to view the additional information: Table: Scrolling Commands Scrolling Command Description MD or M Move down to the next screen MU Move up to the previous screen MT Move to first line (top of page) MB Move to last line (bottom of page) MS295 Move to the screen beginning on line number 295 MD106 Move down 106 lines MU64 Move up 64 lines MPGG Move to the previous information page displayed MPHE Move to the previous help page displayed GPCAR Go to the page using the CAR page code For more information, enter HE SCROLL. How to Display a Page in a Different Language To display the current page in a specific language, enter the transaction code, a semicolon and the two-letter language code: GP ; FR Note: This entry only works if the page is available in the requested language. If not, the page language does not change. This entry does not change your language preferences. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 23 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Search for Text You use the GSL entry to locate specific text or characters within an Amadeus Information Pages page. The system searches for the text you have entered and displays the line containing the text at the top of the screen. For example, to search for the first occurrence of the word "infant," enter: GSL /INFANT/ To search for the next occurrence of the text, enter the command again. How to Print an Information Page or Online Help To print an information page to your local printer, enter: GL For more information and printing options, see HE GL. Amadeus Information Pages Here we describe what you need to know about the Amadeus Information Pages. For more information, see GG AIS. What Are the Amadeus Information Pages? Amadeus Information Pages are a central source of reference information. There are three types of providers that add and maintain the information in the Amadeus Information Pages: • Amadeus • ACOs • Outside providers Providers and ACOs can translate and store their information in different languages, in addition to English. If you have specified a language preference in your agent or office profile, the page is displayed in that language, provided it has been translated. If the page has not been translated, the system displays it in English. For help on using the information pages, see HE GG. How to Display the Amadeus Information Page Categories To see a list of information categories, enter: GG AIS Note: 24 Once you are signed in, you can request information from Amadeus Information Pages at any time using the GG entry. Edition 3.1 Chapter 1 Getting Started How to Display General Information Provided By Amadeus The pages provided by Amadeus cover a wide range of information. Below are some examples of commonly used Amadeus pages. Table: Common Amadeus Pages Entry System Response GG COU Displays main country pages, containing detailed facts and other information for over 200 countries GG COU BE Displays specific country information page In this example, the country pages for Belgium (BE) GG TRAINING Displays a catalogue of Amadeus training courses and enrollment information GG CODE W Displays a description of AIRIMP action codes and four-letter service codes In this example, to decode WCHR, or to find a list of all codes that start with the letter W GG APT SFO Displays information about specific airports In this example, the airport information for San Francisco airport (SFO) GG WEA SFO Displays weather information for a specific airport GG NEWS Displays Amadeus product news GG 1A NEWS Displays specific Amadeus product information and updates How to Display ACO Pages Amadeus Commercial Organizations (ACOs) provide information pages about specific markets. To display the ACO page for a market, enter: GG AMA XX GG Amadeus Information Page transaction code AMA Amadeus marketing company indicator XX Country/market code How to Display Provider Pages The airlines and other providers that use Amadeus can provide their own information pages in the system. Below are some examples of provider pages and the information you can find on them: Table: Provider Page Examples Entry System Response GG AIR Displays an index of airline pages GG AIR AF Displays an index of pages for a specific airline © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 25 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Entry System Response GG AIR AF BAGS Displays a specific page for an airline with the page keyword In this example, this entry displays the baggage policy for Air France GG AIR AF BAGS ; FR Displays the page in a different language (if available) by adding the language code after a semicolon In this example, changes the previous entry to display the page in French (FR) GG AIR LH NEWS Displays specific news for an airline In this example, Lufthansa Airlines (LH) GG CAR Displays the main index page for car providers GG CAR ZI SYD Displays the main car page for the car company Avis (ZI) at Sydney airport (SYD) GG HTL Displays the main index page for hotel providers GG HTL HI COM Displays the commission policy page (COM) for Holiday Inn (HI) hotels When you are in a provider page, you can return to the main index of the page at any time by entering: GP 1 Amadeus Online Help Here we describe what you need to understand about using the Amadeus Online Help. For more information, see HE HELP. What Is Amadeus Online Help? Amadeus Online Help contains a detailed description of all the entries that can be used in the distribution system. It explains how to use the entries, gives examples, and describes the responses the entries generate. Amadeus Online Help provides you with the most up-to-date support in the use of the distribution system. The information it contains is updated as soon as a functional enhancement is made to the system. After accessing help, you can return to your previous activity. Amadeus Online Help is part of the Amadeus Information Pages database, so the quickpath principle applies to it as it does to Amadeus Information Pages. 26 Edition 3.1 Chapter 1 Getting Started How to Access the Help Pages There are several ways you can access the help pages. The table below shows some examples: Table: Accessing the Help Pages Entry System Response HE Displays the introduction to the help pages HE SIGN Displays the main page for a specific subject (SIGN) HE JI Displays help for a specific transaction code (JI) If the page you requested is not available, a warning message appears. How to Go Directly to Another Help Page From an Amadeus Information Page, you can move directly to a specific page of information using a three-character page code. This enables you to move between pages (within the same category and subject) without having to refer back to the index. To move directly to a GG page, where XXX is the three-letter page code, enter: GP XXX How to Find a List of Quickpaths for a Subject As an example, if you want to know the quickpath entries for the PNR subject in the system: 1. Go to the PNR help pages. HE PNR 2. Display the list of quickpaths for the subject. GP QPS System response: QUICKPATHS EN 1APR09 1001Z HERE ARE THE KEYWORDS OR QUICKPATHS FOR THIS SUBJECT HEAI HEAPA HEAPH HEAPM HEAPN HEAU HEAXR HECLAIM HECOPY HEAM HEAPB HEAPI HEARNK HEASR HEAUX HECHANGENAME HECOMPANYNUMBER HECOPYPNR HEAP HEAPE HEAPIS HEARRANGE HEASSOCIATION HEAUXILIARY HECHD HECONTACT HECOSTCENTER How to Display the Help Page for the Previous Entry If you want to display the help page for the previous entry you made, enter the help transaction code followed by a slash: HE / © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 27 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Find the Steps for a Transaction Amadeus Online Help steps pages offer you a quick and simple procedure to follow in order to complete a specific task. To request steps, enter: HE STEPS The entries are not described in detail, and in many cases alternative entries could be used. Some entries may vary depending on the practices in your market. Each procedure is followed by a list of help pages where you can find additional information. Encoding and Decoding Here we describe what you need to know about encoding and decoding in the system, as well as how to use the system's conversion functions. For more information, see HE ENCODE or HE DECODE. What Are Encode and Decode? Amadeus uses codes to represent locations, companies and equipment in the entries that you use in Amadeus and in the displays that are returned to you. Therefore, you need to be able to interpret the codes you see and use. The airline industry uses a system that identifies each airport and city with a unique three-letter code. Each airline is identified by a unique two-character code. With these codes, which are administered by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Standards Organization (ISO), you can identify cities, airports and airlines. Many cities around the world have the same name, but are located in different countries. In this case, the system displays the corresponding country code. Here is an example of an encode display that shows the same city name (San Jose) in different countries: DAN SAN JOSE A:APT B:BUS C:CITY G:GRD H:HELI O:OFF-PT R:RAIL S:ASSOC TOWN SJS C SAN JOSE /BO A SJS - SAN JOSE - 0K /BO SJO*C SAN JOSE /CR A SJO - JUAN SANTAMARIA - 0K /CR A SYQ - TOBIAS BOLANOS - 0K /CR SJI C SAN JOSE /PH A SJI - MCGUIRE FLD - 0K /PH SJC*C SAN JOSE /USCA A RHV - REID HILLVIEW - 0K /USCA A SJC - SAN JOSE MNPL - 0K /USCA B ZJO - BUS STATION - 0K /USCA SJD C SAN JOSE CABO /MX A SJD - LOS CABOS - 0K /MX SJE C SAN JOSE DEL GUA /CO A SJE - SAN JOSE DEL GUA - 0K /CO Similarly, many major cities such as Paris, London and New York, have more than one airport. In the United States, Australia, Canada and some South 28 Edition 3.1 Chapter 1 Getting Started American countries, two-letter state/province codes are included to correctly identify the city and the state where the airport is located. Here is an example of an encode display that shows multiple airports associated with one city: DAN NEW YORK A:APT B:BUS C:CITY G:GRD H:HELI O:OFF-PT R:RAIL S:ASSOC TOWN NYC C NEW YORK /USNY A NBP - BATTERY PK CITY - 0K /USNY A NES - EAST 34ST LANDING - 0K /USNY A JFK - JOHN F KENNEDY - 0K /USNY A LGA - LA GUARDIA - 0K /USNY A QNY - MARINE AIR - 0K /USNY A EWR - NEWARK LIBERTY INTL - 0K /USNJ A NWS - WALL STREET SPB - 0K /USNY H JRB - DOWN MANH HPT - 0K /USNY H TSS - EAST 34TH HPT - 0K /USNY H JRE - EAST 60TH HPT - 0K /USNY H FLU - FLUSHING HELIPORT - 0K /USNY H JRA - WEST 30TH HPT - 0K /USNY P XNY - 39TH STREET FERRY - 0K /USNY R ZME - METROPARK RAILWAY STN - 0K /USNJ R ZRP - NEWARK RAILWAY STATION - 0K /USNJ R ZYP - PENN RAILWAY STATION - 0K /USNY How to Encode Use the encode transaction when you know the name or partial name, and want to find out the code. For example, if you want to know the city code for Moscow, enter: DAN MOSCOW System response: DAN MOSCOW A:APT B:BUS C:CITY G:GRD H:HELI O:OFF-PT R:RAIL S:ASSOC TOWN MOW C MOSCOW /RU A BKA - BYKOVO - 0K /RU A DME - DOMODEDOVO - 0K /RU A SVO - SHEREMETYEVO INTL - 0K /RU A VKO - VNUKOVO INTL - 0K /RU R ZKD - LENINGRADSKIY RAIL - 0K /RU R XRK - PAVELETSKIY RAIL STN - 0K /RU PUW C PULLMAN /USWA A PUW - MOSCOW REGIONAL - 0K /USWA For more information, see HE DAN. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 29 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Using a Wildcard You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard. For example, if you do not know how to spell Singapore but you know it starts with "Sing", enter: DAN SING* The system displays all the locations that start with "Sing" and their corresponding codes: DANSING* A:APT B:BUS C:CITY G:GRD H:HELI O:OFF-PT R:RAIL S:ASSOC TOWN SIN*C SINGAPORE /SG A SIN - CHANGI - 0K /SG A QPG - PAYA LEBAR - 0K /SG A XSP - SELETAR - 0K /SG SGB C SINGAUA /PG A SGB - SINGAUA - 0K /PG ZQA O SINGEN /DE IXA C AGARTALA /IN A IXA - SINGERBHIL - 0K /IN SIQ C SINGKEP /ID A SIQ - DABO - 0K /ID SIX C SINGLETON /AUNS A SIX - SINGLETON - 0K /AUNS S5I G SINGSAKER /NO Restricting the Encode Display There are several options you can add to the DAN encode entry to restrict the display. These options display all locations that contain the letters you enter. For example, if you want to encode the name of a city, enter: DAN PAR /C This entry returns a list of all the cities that contain the letters PAR and their corresponding codes. Some common location encode options you can use to restrict the display include: Table: Common Encode Options 30 Option Description /C City /A Airport /S Associated location /N Nearest 10 airports Edition 3.1 Chapter 1 Getting Started How to Decode Use the decode transaction when you know the code and want to find out the name. For example, if you want to know the name that corresponds with the code LHR, enter: DAC LHR System response: DACLHR A:APT B:BUS C:CITY G:GRD H:HELI O:OFF-PT R:RAIL S:ASSOC TOWN CITY : LON C LONDON /GB:UNITED KINGDOM AIRPORT-HELIPORT : LHR A HEATHROW /GB - 0K For more information, see HE DAC. Encode and Decode Entries The following table shows several commonly used encode and decode entries: Table: Common Encode and Decode Entries Entry Description DNA Airline DNC Car company DNH Hotel company DNE Flight equipment DNS State/Province Note: DC This only applies to Argentina (AR), Australia (AU), Brazil (BR), Canada (CA) and the United States of America (US). Country How to Calculate Times and Dates You can make time and date calculations in the system using the DD entry. The table below shows some examples of the types of information you can display: Table: Time and Date Entries Entry System Response DD Displays the current system time and date DD MIA Displays the current time and date in Miami DD 25DEC Displays the specific day of the week for a date For example, on which day of the week is Christmas Day © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 31 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide For more information and entries, see HE DD. Using Timatic Here we describe what you need to understand about the Timatic information system. For more information, see HE TIMATIC. What Is Timatic? Timatic is a third-party system that provides travel and health information. You can access Timatic through Amadeus. You can access the information in Timatic in three ways: • By referring to a PNR segment The easiest way to find the information if you already have a PNR is to refer to the itinerary segments. • Through guided mode Guided mode gives you a line entry you can overwrite with the information you need. You can use this without a PNR. • Through expert mode Expert mode relies on you knowing the formats for the entries. You do not need a PNR. For more information, see HE TIMATIC. How to Request Visa and Health Information You can request information about a passenger's travel requirements using the existing information in itinerary segments. For example, this entry allows you to request the information directly from a PNR: TIRA /NABUD /EMMOW /DENYC /TRLON /S4 TIRA Timatic health and visa information transaction code /NA BUD Slash, nationality indicator, nationality code /EM MOW Slash, origin point indicator, origin point code /DE NYC Slash, destination point indicator, destination point code /TR LON Slash, transfer point indicator, transfer location code /S4 Slash, segment reference You can also request all the health and visa information by entering: TI /ALL 32 Edition 3.1 Chapter 1 Getting Started How to Request Detailed Travel Information You can request detailed travel information in Timatic. For example, to request customs information for Lisbon, enter: TIDFT /LIS /CS TIDFT Timatic display full text transaction code /LIS Slash, city code /CS Slash, customs information section code © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 33 Chapter 2 Air Here we give you the basics you need to understand the Air module in the Amadeus central system. It includes information on availability displays, access levels, Direct Access, schedule displays, timetable displays, flight information, and minimum connecting times. Before You Start In order to successfully use Amadeus Air, you must meet the following conditions: • You must have an Agent sign. If not, contact your supervisor. • You must be able to sign in to and out of the system, and move among different work areas. • You must understand how to access the online help and Amadeus Information Pages. If you are unclear about any of the above listed items, review Getting Started on page 3. Objectives The objectives of the Air module include: • Displaying and reading a flight availability, schedule and timetable display • Understanding the different flight types • Requesting a carrier-preferred display, seven-day search and dual-city-pair availability • Viewing flight information • Recognizing the various types of air access levels • Using Direct Access entries • Changing to different types of displays • Requesting minimum connecting times © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 35 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Introduction Here we describe the functionality of Amadeus Air, its displays and the options you have to customize your requests. There are three types of displays in the Air module: • Availability Display An Amadeus availability display shows all flights with at least one seat available for sale or waitlist, based on the transaction code and parameters you use to request the display. See Working with an Availability Display on page 37. • Schedule Display An Amadeus schedule display shows all flights operated by all airlines that submit schedule information to Amadeus. See Working with a Schedule Display on page 53. • Timetable Display An Amadeus timetable is a display of flights operating during a specified one week period. See Working with a Timetable Display on page 54. Note: Flights up to 361 days in the future and up to three days in the past are stored in the system. Flights in the past are shown in an availability display without availability status codes. For more information on the types of displays, see HE AIR, GP INT. Other Types of Display Requests In addition to the basic displays, you can request: • A seven-day search • A display for a dual-city pair • A carrier-preferred display • An availability by directly accessing an airline's reservation system You can also customise display requests by using various options in your request entry. See Understanding the Display on page 37 for more information. If you want information about airlines in Amadeus, such as which ones offer lastseat availability or carrier-preferred displays, enter GGPCALFIG. 36 Edition 3.1 Chapter 2 Air Working with an Availability Display This section describes what you need to understand to work with availability displays. For more information, see HE AN. Understanding the Display Availability displays contain a great deal of flight information. This section describes the various components of the availability display and explains how to work with it. What Is a Carrier? A carrier is an airline that provides information to Amadeus. You can find different types of airlines in the system: • Altéa Reservation airlines—Amadeus system user airlines • Participating carriers—Airlines which have signed the Participating Carrier Agreement (PCA) with Amadeus but do not want to become system users. They provide schedule information to Amadeus and allow you to sell seats. • Non-participating carriers—these airlines provide schedule information to Amadeus; however, you cannot sell seats. What Is a Flight Type? There are four main types of flights shown on an availability display, as described in the table below. Table: Flight Types Flight Type Definition Non-Stop A flight that operates between two cities without stops. Direct A flight with intermediate stop(s) and the same flight number and aircraft. Connecting A flight with intermediate stop(s) and a change of flight number and aircraft. Change of Equipment A connecting flight that operates between two cities with a change of aircraft at an intermediate city, but no change to the flight number. Change of Gauge Flight Type Examples Here is an example of each flight type on an availability display: Non-stop - Paris to London 1 AF1680 C9 D9 Z9 F1 O9 Y9 S9 /CDG2E LHR 2 B9 K9 V9 L9 M9 Q9 X9 I2 GR © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 1610 1625 E0/320 1:15 37 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Direct - Frankfurt to Addis Ababa with one stop 1ET:LH1930 J4 C4 D4 Z4 Y4 B4 M4 /FRA 1 ADD H4 Q4 V4 W4 U4 S4 2150 0730+1E1/763 8:40 Connecting - Paris to San Francisco via Amsterdam 4 KL1228 KL 605 J4 C4 I4 Z4 X4 S4 B4 CDG2F AMS M4 K4 H4 L4 Q4 T4 E4 N4 V4 J4 S4 B4 M4 H4 Q4 K4 AMS SFO I L4 0900 1020 E0/73H 1110 1305 E0/744 13:05 Change of Equipment - Barcelona to Caracas via Madrid with a change of equipment 3 IB6701 J0 D0 I0 U0 YL BL HL /BCN B MAD KL ML LL NL EL GL /MAD4S CCS 0845 0955 E0/320 IR 1215 1445 E0/340 IR 12:30 Order of Flights On EU displays, the system always shows flights in the following order: • Non-stop flights • Direct flights • Connecting flights • Change of equipment/gauge What Is an Availability Display? An Amadeus availability display shows all flights with at least one seat available for sale or waitlist, based on the transaction code and parameters you use to request the display. If you do not request a specific time, the first available flights are displayed. Availability includes any airline that has a sales agreement with Amadeus. Note: Fully-booked and non-participating carrier flights are not displayed. You can request four types of basic availability display:neutral, by departure time, by arrival time, and by elapsed travel time. The elapsed time shown on the display also includes any ground time. How to Request an Availability Neutral Display To request a basic availability neutral display, enter: AN NYC AN Availability neutral transaction code NYC Arrival city The entry defaults the originating city to the city location that is set up in the terminal ID where the request is made and today's date if you do not enter a specific date of departure. You can add more options to the basic entry that allow you to provide more specific information in your request. See How to Add Options on page 41 for more information. 38 Edition 3.1 Chapter 2 Air To request a specific departure date and time, enter the date before and the time after the city pair and before you add options: AN 1DEC NYC 1500 If available, the system also displays flights that are one hour before the requested departure time. Sample Availability Display Below is a sample of an availability display with explanations for the various display elements. AN19SEPCDGLAX n ** AMADEUS AVAILABILITY - AN ** LAX LOS ANGELES.USCA 1 pAF 062 P9 F4 J9 C9 D9 I9 Z8 /CDG2F LAX 5 1015 Y9 B9 K9 H9 W9 T9 V9 L9 GR UR 2AF:DL8256qC7 D7 I7 Y7 B7 M7 H7 CDG2F LAX 5 1015 Q7 K7 L7 U7 T7 3 TN 021 P4 A0 J4 D4 Z4 Y4 M4 CDG2A LAX B 1130 K4 H4 T4 L4 V4 Q4 4 AF 068 P9 F3 J9 C9 D9 I9 Z3r/CDG2F LAX 5 1315 Y9 B9 K9 H9 W9 T9 V9 L7 GR UR 5AF:DL8254 C7 D7 I0 Y7 B7 M7 H7 CDG2F LAX 5 s1315 Q7 K7 L7 U7 T7 6 AF 070 P9 F3 J9 C9 D9 I9 Y9 /CDG2F LAX B 1920 B9 K9 H9 W9 T9 V9 GR UR 7AF:DL8262 C7 D7 I7 Y7 B7 M7 H7 CDG2F LAX B 1920 Q7 K7 L7 U7 T7 1250 172 SU 19SEP0900o E0/772 11:35 1250 E0/772 11:35 1420 0*343 11:50 1550 E0/772 11:35 1550 E0/772 11:35 2145tE0/744 11:25 2145 E0/744 n AN entry with date, departure and arrival airports o Day and date p Airline and flight number q Booking classes and number of seats r Last seat availability indicator, departure/arrival airport and terminal s Departure/arrival times t E-ticket indicator, number of stops, access indicator, equipment code u Elapsed travel time u11:25 What Is a Status Code? When you display an availability request, the status codes are shown next to the classes available on the flight: 6 AF 070 P9 F3 J9 C9 D9 I9 Y9 /CDG2F LAX B B9 K9 H9 W9 T9 V9 GR UR 1920 2145 E0/744 11:25 The various status codes are described in the table below. Table: Status Codes Status Code Description 9 9 or more seats available © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 39 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Status Code Description 1-8 The exact number of seats available for sale 0, L Waitlist open R Seat on request C Closed for sell Note: A slash (/) before the departure city indicates that the seat availability is taken in real time from the airline's inventory. For more information, see Understanding Access Levels on page 45. What Is a Codeshare? A codeshare is an agreement between an airline that operates a flight using its own flight number (the operating carrier) and another airline that also sells seats on that same flight under its own flight number (the marketing carrier). In the display, the operating carrier is shown to the left of the indicator and the marketing carrier is shown to the right. Here is an example of a codeshare flight: 1AF:DL8510 2 AF 062 C7 D7 S7 I7 Y7 B7 M7 CDG2E LAX 2 H7 Q7 K7 L7 U0 T0 P3 F2 J9 C9 D9 I9 Z9 /CDG2E LAX 2 1040 1310 E0/77W 11:30 1040 1310 E0/77W 11:30 A codeshare flight appears in the availability display in one of the following ways: • A commercial duplicate. AF : DL This option shows the colon (:) indicator, which means that both airlines are marketing and selling the flight. AF is the operating carrier. • The flight is operated by one airline on behalf of another. WX * AF This option shows the asterisk (*) indicator, which means that WX is operating the flight, but only AF is selling the flight. * DL This option shows the asterisk (*) as an indicator and a blank space where the operating carrier would normally appear. This means that DL is outsourcing the actual operation of the flight to another carrier that does not have its own IATA code. DL is only selling the flight. For more information on codeshare flights, see HE CODESHARE. 40 Edition 3.1 Chapter 2 Air What Is an Alliance? An alliance is a group of airlines that create a network for routes and frequent flyers. You can request an alliance availability by inserting an asterisk (*) followed by the alliance code after the availability transaction code (AN, AD, etc.). For example, to request availability for flights on carriers belonging to the One World alliance from London to New York, enter: AN *O 25MAY LONNYC AN Availability neutral transaction code *O Alliance indicator, alliance code 25MAY Departure date LONNYC City pair The system response shows carriers in the alliance that fly that route: AN*O25MAYLONNYC ** ONEWORLD - AN ** NUC 1 AA 115 P9 F4 J9 C9 Y9 B9 K9 H9 2 BA 117 C7 D7 I7 Y7 Q7 K7 L7 U7 NEW YOURK.USNY D9 I9 Z8 LHR 3 JFK 8 W9 T9 V9 L9 GR UR B7 M7 H7 /LHR 5 JFK 7 T7 172 SU 19SEP0000 0830 1100 E0.777 7:30 0855 7:25 1120 E0/744 The alliance codes and descriptions are shown below: Table: Alliance Codes Alliance Code Description A Star alliance O One World alliance S Sky Team alliance For additional information about alliances, see GG ALLIANCE. How to Add Options In order to make your availability neutral display more specific, you can add various options to your entry. You always add options to the basic availability entry by including a slash (/) and the option indicator before the specific information you request. For example, the following entry helps allows you to request the flights from a specific airline: AN 1DEC NYC /A AF AN Availability neutral transaction code 1DEC Departure date NYC Arrival city /A Slash, option code AF Specific airline © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 41 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Below is a list of common availability options. Table: Common Availability Options Option Description Example /K Specific cabin class /KC /C Specific booking class /CY /B Number of seats to book /B5 Note: You can book up to nine seats in one PNR. If you book more, the booking becomes a group booking. /X Request a specific connecting point /XAMS /X- Request to avoid a specific connecting point /XAMS For more information on additional options, see HE AN OPTIONS. How to Request a Dual-City-Pair Display You can request a dual-city-pair availability in one entry. The system searches for flights for each origin and destination city. To request a dual-city-pair availability, enter an asterisk (*) and the return date at the end of your entry. For example: AN 1DEC MEXNYC 1500 * 14DEC Note: If you omit the return date, the system automatically displays return flights departing one hour before 1800 on the same day. System response: AN1DECMEXNYC1500*14DEC ** AMADEUS AVAILABILITY - AN ** NYC NEW YORK.USNY 1DL:AM5278 J9 A9 D9 R9 Y9 B9 M9 MEX 2 JFK 3 1420 S9 K9 Q9 N9 T9 2 DL 484 C7 D7 S7 I7 Y7 B7 M7 MEX 2 JFK 3 1420 H7 Q7 K7 L7 U7 T7 3MX:AA8298 J7 D7 Y7 B7 H7 K7 M7 MEX 1 JFK 8 1655 V7 W7 N7 S7 Q7 L7 G7 4 MX 002 J9 C9 D8 Y9 B9 H9 K9 /MEX 1 JFK 8 1655 M9 L9 V9 S9 N9 Q9 O9 G9 E9 ** AMADEUS AVAILABILITY - AN ** MEX MEXICO CITY.MX 11 MX 001 J9 C9 D9 Y9 B9 H9 K9 /JFK 8 MEX 1 0030 M9 L9 V9 S9 N9 Q9 O9 G9 E9 12MX:AA8297 J7 D7 Y7 B7 H7 K7 M7 JFK 8 MEX 1 0030 V7 W7 N7 S7 Q7 L7 G7 13 CO1736 C4 D4 Z4 A4 Y7 B4 M4 /EWR C MEX 2 0820 H4 K4 Q4 U4 V4 G4 W4 E4 S4 T4 N4 L4 14AM:DL8045 C7 D7 S7 I7 Y7 B7 M7 JFK 1 MEX 2 0900 H7 Q7 K7 L7 U7 42 2039 209 TU 01DEC 1500 E0/757 5:19 2039 E0/757 5:19 2230 E0.319 4:35 2230 E0/319 4:35 0500 222 MO 14DEC 0000 E0/319 5:30 0500 E0.319 5:30 1300 E0/738 5:40 1345 E0/738 5:45 Edition 3.1 Chapter 2 Air The display shows: • Outbound flights beginning on line number 1 in the upper section of the display and inbound flights beginning on line number 11 in the lower section. • A header line for each availability display that contains the type of display, number of days between current date and departure date, day of the week, date, and time. City Pair Options If you want to use the same option for each city pair, you do not need to specify it twice. The system automatically applies the same options that were entered for the first city pair to the second city pair. You must add an asterisk (*) near the end of the entry. For example: AN 1DEC MEXNYC 1500 /B5 /AMX /KC * 14DEC The departure time, number of seats, specific airline, and cabin class are applied to the return flight by default. Note: Any options that you want to apply to both city pairs must appear before the asterisk. If you want to specify a different option for each city pair of the round trip, you must enter it in each part of the entry. For example: AN 1DEC MEXNYC 1500 /B5 /AMX /KC * 14DEC 1600 /AAF /KF Anything after the asterisk only applies to the second city pair. How to Perform a Seven-Day Search You can search for flights for a seven-day range from the date you specify in the availability entry. This entry is useful for: • Peak travel times • Limited frequency To request a seven-day search display, enter a slash (/) after the availability transaction code. For example: AN / 26FEB PARRUN /AAF System response: AN/26FEBPARRUN/AAF **FIRST FLIGHT AVAILABLE 27FEB** PAR RUN ** AMADEUS AVAILABILITY - AN ** RUN ST DENIS REUNIO.RE 292 SA 27FEB 0000 1 AF 910 J9 Z9 Y9 A9 C9 X9 M9 /ORY S RUN 1545 0535+1E0/744 10:50 O9 K9 B9 H9 E9 T9 U9 L9 V9 W9 N9 The header line advises you of the date when the first flight is available (27FEB). The system begins its search from the date in your entry; in this case the first available flight is on February 27th. Note: Flights that are available for waitlist only on all segments do not appear in the seven-day search availability display. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 43 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Move to the Previous Availability Display If you want to move to a previous availability display, you have several options, as described in the table below. Table: Entries to Move to a Previous Availability Display Entry Description MPAN Move back to the previous availability display MDAN Move back to the previous display and down to the next screen of information MUAN Move back to the previous display and up one screen MTAN Move back to the top of the previous display MBAN Move back to the bottom of the previous display MOAN Move back to the first page of the original availability request Viewing Flight Information Flight information is stored and displayed in Amadeus. The information available is provided to Amadeus by the airline. Here we describe what you need to understand flight information. What Is Flight Information? Flight information provides the most up-to-date planned and operational information about a particular flight both before and after departure. There are two types of flight information available: • Planned flight information • Latest known operational flight information You can request flight information for flights shown in an availability or schedule display. For flights today, and up to three days in the past, operational information is available, if it has been provided by the airline. If so, an asterisk (*) appears immediately before the departure time of the flight. How to Request Flight Information You request flight information from availability and schedule displays using the flight information transaction code and the line number from the display. For example, to request information about line 2 of a display, enter: DO 2 44 Edition 3.1 Chapter 2 Air You can also request flight information by flight number and date of departure: DO BA342 /10MAY System response: DOBA342/10MAY * OPERATIONAL FLIGHT INFO * CITY INFO LHR ETD OFF ETA NCE ARR BA 342 * 1A PLANNED FLIGHT INFO * APT ARR DY DEP DY CLASS/MEAL LHR 0750 SU JCDRIU/M Y/S BHKMLVNQOSG/S X/S NCE 1045 SU COMMENTS1.LHR NCE 2.LHR NCE 3.LHR NCE 4.LHR NCE -3 SU 10MAY HOUR (LOCAL) ETD OFF ETA ARR BA 342 -3 SU 10MAY EQP GRND EFT TTL 320 1:55 1:55 - DEPARTS TERMINAL 5 - ARRIVES TERMINAL 1 9/ NON-SMOKING - ET/ ELECTRONIC TKT CANDIDATE Understanding Access Levels This section describes access levels and helps you to understand the differences between the different kinds. What Are Access Levels? There are different access level indicators in the availability display. Each indicator shows what access level agreement the airline has with Amadeus. The access level indicator appears just before the flight equipment field in the availability display. For more information on access indicators, see HE ACCESS. Access Level Indicator Information The following tables show the access levels and related information. The Last Seat Availability Indicator indicates if the seat availability comes from the airline's real-time inventory. The Action Code is displayed in the segment at sell time at and end of transaction. Table: Standard Access Level Indicators Access Information Standard Access Display Access Indicator Blank Information Source 1A flight database © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 45 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Access Information Standard Access Display Dynamic Schedule Updates? NO Note: Numeric Availability Updates? Flight schedules are delivered on Wednesday night and loaded on Thursday afternoon (Saturday morning for some US carriers). NO Note: Last Seat Availability Indicator? NO Action Code SS Æ HK Standard updates only. Possible status: Open: 4 or another value chosen by the airline, Waiting: L or 0, Closed: C or S, Request: R. LL Æ HL NN Æ HN Segment sell message sent at: End of transaction Can the sell be rejected? YES Within 12 hours Table: Direct Access Level Indicators Access Information 1A Air Display Direct Access Display Access Indicator * Information Source 1A flight database Airline Dynamic Schedule Updates? NO NO Numeric Availability Updates? NO NO Last Seat Availability Indicator? NO Direct Access offers Last Seat Availability Action Code SS Æ HK LK Æ HK LL Æ HL NK Æ NK or HK NN Æ HN Segment sell message sent at: End of transaction End of transaction Can the sell be rejected? YES NO Within 12 hours Note: The Direct Access display is ACL1 from AN display or 1xxAN (xx = airline code). Table: Amadeus Access Update (AAU) Level Indicators 46 Access Information Display Without Numeric Availability Display With Numeric Availability Access Indicator : : Information Source 1A flight database 1A flight database Dynamic Schedule Updates? YES YES Numeric Availability Updates? NO YES Edition 3.1 Chapter 2 Air Access Information Display Without Numeric Availability Display With Numeric Availability Last Seat Availability Indicator? NO YES Action Code SS Æ HK SS Æ HK LL Æ HL LL Æ HL NN Æ HN NN Æ HN Segment sell message sent at: End of transaction End of transaction Can the sell be rejected? YES YES Within 12 hours Within 12 hours Table: Amadeus Access Sell (AAS) Level Indicators Access Information Display Without Dynamic Availability Display With Dynamic Availability Access Indicator . . Information Source 1A flight database Airline Dynamic Schedule Updates? NO NO Numeric Availability Updates? NO NO Last Seat Availability Indicator? NO YES Action Code HK HK HL HL HN HN Segment sell message sent at: Segment sell Segment sell Can the sell be rejected? NO NO Table: Amadeus Full Access (AAU + AAS) Level Indicators Access Information Amadeus Full Access Display Access Indicator / Information Source 1A flight database Dynamic Schedule Updates? YES Numeric Availability Updates? YES Note: There are some exceptions. Last Seat Availability Indicator? YES Note: Unless airline is an exception and does not send Numeric Availability Updates. Action Code HK HL HN Segment sell message sent at: Segment sell Can the sell be rejected? NO © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 47 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Display Airline Access Information If you want to display detailed access level information for a specific airline, enter: GG PCA XX Replace XX with the two-character airline code. System response: PARTICIPATING CARRIER ACCESS AND FUNCTION LEVEL BA - BRITISH AIRWAYS ACCESS INDICATOR LAST SEAT AVAIL INDIC STANDARD ACCESS AMADEUS ACCESS SELL DYNAMIC SCHEDULE UPD NUMERIC AVAIL UPDATE AMADEUS DYNAMIC AVAIL DIRECT ACCESS PASSIVE SEGMENT: SERVICE SEGMENT: MEAL VALIDATION: Y : : : : : : : : / / YES YES YES YES ALTEA RESERVATION RECORD LOCATOR RETURN CARRIER PREFERRED DISP BOOKING RANGE IN DAYS INTERACTIVE SEAT MAP INTERACTIVE ASR ASR DAYS/HOURS BP ISSUE DAYS/HOURS PASSIVE NOTIFY: DELETE SEGMENT: FREQUENT FLYER: Y : : : : : : : : YES ALL YES 354 YES YES 354/24 000/00 PNR CLAIM: TICKETLESS: EPAY: What Is Ticketless Access? Some carriers use ticketless bookings, and typically sell directly to their customers via a website. They can be included in the system as ticketless access airlines. These carriers are identified by a dash (-) in the Access Indicator field on an availability display and by the letter Y in the TICKETLESS field of the airline's GG PCA page. The airline must have an agreement to sell via Amadeus in Amadeus Ticketless Access and must authorize agencies to make sales on its flights through the use of an extended ownership security (EOS) agreement. The rules for making a booking on a ticketless access airline are different from those for airlines using other types of Amadeus access. For more information, see HE TLA. 48 Edition 3.1 Chapter 2 Air Using Carrier-Preferred Displays This section describes what you need to understand to request carrier-preferred displays. What Is a Carrier-Preferred Display? The carrier-preferred display shows flights that the airline has chosen to display for the route you specify in your entry, such as its own flights or flights of partner airlines. The display is the same as the one seen by the airline's own agents. The display can include: • Flights of the specific airline, even though other airlines may offer an earlier service. • Flights operated by the airline's chosen affiliates. • Flights that are normally excluded from a display due to lengthy flying time, or excessive mileage. This type of availability is useful when the customer wants to travel only on a selected airline, or on other airlines or flights selected by the target airline. The carrier-preferred display is available for those carriers that have a carrierpreferred display agreement with Amadeus. For more information, see HE CPD. How to Request a Carrier-Preferred Display To request a carrier-preferred display, enter the airline code after the availability transaction code: AN AF 13MAY PARLON To return to an Amadeus availability display from a carrier-preferred display, enter: AC 1A/ © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 49 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Sample Carrier-Preferred Display Below is a sample of a carrier-preferred display. ANAF13MAYPARLON ** AIR FRANCE 1WX*AF5018 C9 B9 2 AF1080 C9 B9 3WX*AF5020 C9 B9 4 AF1280 C9 B9 5WX*AF5128 C9 B9 6 AF1480 C9 B9 7 AF1580 C9 B9 8WX*AF5024 C9 B9 9 AF1680 C9 B9 AN D9 R9 D9 R9 D9 R9 D9 R9 D9 R9 D9 R9 D9 R9 D9 R9 D9 R9 ** Z9 K9 Z5 K9 Z9 K9 Z7 K9 Z9 K9 Z9 K9 Z9 K9 Z9 K9 Z9 K9 LON LONDON.GB F1 O9 Y9 S9 /ORY W LCY 0715 0730 V9 L9 M9 Q9 W9 X9 GR F1 O1 Y9 S9 /CDG2E LHR 2 0730 0750 V4 L4 M4 Q4 GR F1 O9 Y9 S9 /ORY W LCY 0835 0900 V9 L9 U9 M9 Q9 W9 E9 N9 X9 GR F1 O6 Y9 S9 /CDG2E LHR 2 1000 1015 V9 L9 U9 M9 Q9 W9 E7 GR F1 O8 Y9 S9 /ORY W LCY 1110 1130 V9 L9 U9 M9 H9 Q9 A9 W9 E9 N9 X9 GR F1 O9 Y9 S9 /CDG2E LHR 2 1325 1345 V9 L9 U9 M9 H9 Q9 W9 E9 N9 X9 GR F1 O9 Y9 S9 /CDG2E LHR 2 1425 1440 V9 L9 U9 M9 H9 Q9 W9 E9 N9 X9 GR F1 O9 Y9 S9 /ORY W LCY 1500 1520 V9 L9 U9 M9 H9 Q9 A9 W9 E9 N9 X9 GR F1 O9 Y9 S9 /CDG2E LHR 2 1610 1625 V9 L9 U9 M9 H9 Q9 W9 E9 N9 X9 I2 GR 8 WE 13MAY 0000 E0/AR8 1:15 E0/321 1:20 E0/AR8 1:25 E0/321 1:15 E0/AR8 1:20 E0/320 1:20 E0/318 1:15 E0/AR8 1:20 E0/320 1:15 Working with Direct Access This section describes what you need to know to work with direct access entries when you are making availability requests. For more information, see HE DIRECT. What Is Direct Access? Direct access allows you to access the reservation system of an airline directly, so you can sell the last seat available on a flight without the airline rejecting the booking after end transaction. Flights can be sold even if they are on a request basis or are showing waitlist status on other types of Amadeus displays. You can see up to a maximum of 26 classes of service in a Direct Access display. Note: Most airlines offer a higher level of access than Direct Access. There are two methods you can use to obtain direct access to the reservation systems of some airlines: • From an availability display See How to Request Direct Access from an Availability Display on page 51 for more information. • Directly by making a long entry See How to Request Direct Access Using a Long Entry on page 52 for more information. For more information about direct access, enter HE DIR. For information about a specific airline, enter HE DIR XX, where XX is the airline code. 50 Edition 3.1 Chapter 2 Air How to Request Direct Access from an Availability Display To request direct access via an availability display: 1. Make a basic availability entry. AN 20NOV CGKPLM AN Availability neutral transaction code 20NOV Departure date CGKPLM City pair System response: AN20NOVCGKPLM ** AMADEUS AVAILABILITY - AN ** PLM PALEMBANG.ID 1 GA 110 C4 Y4 M4 L4 K4 CGK 2 PLM 0605 2 GA 112 C4 Y4 M4 L4 K4 CGK 2 PLM 0850 3 GA 116 C4 Y4 M4 L4 K4 CGK 2 PLM 1420 4 GA 118 C4 Y4 M4 L4 K4 CGK 2 PLM 1555 5 GA 120 C4 Y4 M4 L4 K4 CGK 2 PLM 1800 6 MH 710 C4 J4 D4 E4 Y4 W4 K4 CGK 2 KUL M 1110 B4 H4 M4 Q4 L4 OR S4 TR V4 X0 U4 AK 492 V4 P4 U4 T4 Q4 K4 H4 KUL L PLM 1535 7GA:MH9082 D0 W4 K0 B4 Q0 S4 V4 CGK 2 KUL M 1040 AK 492 V4 P4 U4 T4 Q4 K4 H4 KUL L PLM 1535 8 GA 820 C4 D4 Y4 M4 L4 K4 N4 CGK 2 KUL M 1040 Q4 B4 V4 AK 492 V4 P4 U4 T4 Q4 K4 H4 KUL L PLM 1535 0705 0950 1520 1655 1900 1410 199 FR 20NOV 0000 E0.734 1:00 E0.735 1:00 E0.734 1:00 E0.733 1:00 E0.734 1:00 E0.330 1605 1340 1605 1340 T0 320 E0.733 T0 320 E0.733 4:55 1605 T0 320 5:25 5:25 2. Make a change display follow-up entry indicating the line number for the provider you want. AC L1 AC Change entry transaction code L1 Line number indicator, line number The display changes to show the direct access availability: 1GAAD20NOVCGKPLM0605 ** GA - GARUDA INDONESIA ** FRI 20NOV09 JAKARTA-PALEMBANG 21 GA 110 C4 Y7 M7 L7 K9 N9 QC BC 22 GA 112 C4 Y7 M7 L7 K9 N9 QC BC 23 GA 114 C4 Y7 M7 L7 K9 N9 QC BC 24 GA 116 C4 Y7 M7 L7 K9 N9 QC BC 25 GA 118 C4 Y7 M7 L7 K9 N9 QC BC 26 GA 120 C4 Y7 M7 L7 K9 N9 QC BC 27 GA 122 FLT CANCELLED © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 199 FR 20NOV 20/0405 21/0300 CGK PLM 0605 0705 G*G 0 738 CGK PLM 0850 0950 0 735 CGK PLM 1145 1245 0 734 CGK PLM 1420 1520 0 734 CGK PLM 1555 1655 0 733 CGK PLM 1800 1900 0 734 CGK PLM 1925 2025 0 733 51 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Request Direct Access Using a Long Entry When you know that the airline has a direct access agreement with Amadeus, you can make the following entry to view the availability information: 1 GA AN 20NOV CGKPLM 1 Direct access indicator GA Two-letter airline code AN Availability neutral transaction code 20NOV Date of departure CGKPLM City pair System response: 1GAAN20NOVCGKPLM ** GA - GARUDA INDONESIA ** FRI 20NOV09 JAKARTA-PALEMBANG 21 GA 110 C4 Y7 M7 L7 K9 N9 QC BC 22 GA 112 C4 Y7 M7 L7 K9 N9 QC BC 23 GA 114 C4 Y7 M7 L7 K9 N9 QC BC 24 GA 116 C4 Y7 M7 L7 K9 N9 QC BC 25 GA 118 C4 Y7 M7 L7 K9 N9 QC BC 26 GA 120 C4 Y7 M7 L7 K9 N9 QC BC 27 GA 122 FLT CANCELLED 199 FR 20NOV 20/0001 21/0300 CGK PLM 0605 0705 G*G 0 738 CGK PLM 0850 0950 0 735 CGK PLM 1145 1245 0 734 CGK PLM 1420 1520 0 734 CGK PLM 1555 1655 0 733 CGK PLM 1800 1900 0 734 CGK PLM 1925 2025 0 733 When you request a direct access availability display from a normal availability display, the system automatically clears your screen and only displays the direct access information. This action prevents any possibility of overlapping a direct access display with a normal availability display. The direct access information always starts on line number 21. Note: After requesting a direct access display, you have three minutes in which to book a seat. If you exceed this time, and attempt to sell from the direct access display, the system displays a warning message. How to Change Direct Access to Another Airline You can also change from one direct access display to another for a different airline. From a direct access display, enter the following and replace XX with the airline code: 1XX/ This entry uses the same criteria you entered for the previous availability and applies it to the new airline's direct access availability. 52 Edition 3.1 Chapter 2 Air How to Redisplay a Direct Access Display If you want to return to the previously-displayed direct access availability, enter: 1YY/ Note: This entry only redisplays the previous direct access availability. It does not convert an Amadeus availability display to a direct access display. Working with a Schedule Display This section describes what you need to understand about schedule displays. For more information, see HE SN. What Is a Schedule Display? An Amadeus schedule display shows all flights operated by all airlines that submit schedule information to Amadeus. For airlines that have a sales agreement with Amadeus, availability status codes by class of service are included in schedule displays regardless of whether seats are available. The schedule display also shows the schedules of airlines that do not have a sales agreement with Amadeus (non-participating carriers). However, you cannot sell these flights. The flights shown on the schedule display appear in the same order as those on the availability display. See What Is a Flight Type? on page 37 for the order of flights in the display. How to Request a Schedule Neutral Display A basic schedule display entry appears like this: SN 20DEC NCENYC SN Schedule neutral transaction code 20DEC Date of departure NCENYC Departure and arrival city pair You can add more options to the basic entry that allow you to provide more specific information in your request. Note: The entries you use with the SN transaction code are the same as the ones you use with the availability display (AN). See How to Add Options on page 41 for more information. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 53 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Sample Schedule Display Below is a sample schedule display. SN20DECNCENYC ** AMADEUS SCHEDULES - SN ** NYC NEW YORK.USNY 229 SU 20DEC 1 DL 083 J7 D7 S7 I7 Y7 B7 M7 NCE 2 JFK 3 1050 1410 E0/767 H7 Q7 K7 L7 U7 T7 2DL:AF8702 J9 C9 D9 I9 Z9 Y9 B9 /NCE 2 JFK 3 1050 1410 E0/767 K9 H9 T9 V9 L9 QS NS 3 BA 347 J5 C2 D1 RS IS US Y9 /NCE 1 LHR 5 1350 1500 E0/319 B9 H9 K9 M9 L9 V9 N9 Q9 O9 S9 G9 X9 BA 115 F9 A9 Z7 J9 C9 D9 R9 /LHR 5 JFK 7 1600 1845 E0/744 I9 U9 W9 E9 T9 PS Y9 B9 H9 K9 M9 L9 V9 S4 NS QS OS GL XS 4 BA 341 J4 C2 D2 R1 I1 U1 Y9 /NCE 1 LHR 5 0835 0945 E0/319 B9 H9 K9 M9 L9 V9 N9 Q9 O9 S9 G9 X9 BA 175 F9 A9 Z7 J9 C9 D9 R9 /LHR 5 JFK 7 1100 1340 E0/744 I9 U9 W9 E9 T9 PS Y9 B9 H9 K9 M9 L9 V9 SS NS QS OS GL XS 5 BA 343 J5 C2 D1 RS IS US Y9 /NCE 1 LHR 5 1100 1215 E0/319 B9 H9 K9 M9 L9 V9 N9 Q9 O9 S9 G9 X9 BA 177 F9 A6 ZS J9 C9 D9 R9 /LHR 5 JFK 7 1335 1615 E0/744 I9 U9 W9 E9 T9 PS Y9 B9 H9 K9 M9 L9 V9 S3 NS QS OS GL XS 0000 9:20 9:20 10:55 11:05 11:15 How to Display Non-Participating Carriers on a Specific Route If you want to display all the carriers on a specific route, including the carriers that do not participate in Amadeus, enter: SN 16MAY KHIDXB /AYY SN Schedule neutral transaction code 16MAY Departure date KHIDXB City pair /A Slash, airline option indicator YY Universal airline code Working with a Timetable Display This section describes what you need to understand about timetable displays. For more information, see HE TN. What Is a Timetable Display? A timetable display shows all flights operating over a seven-day period for a given city pair. If you do not specify a date, the system uses the current date. Flights are ordered in the same hierarchy as for availability displays. The display contains flights of all airlines for which schedule information is submitted to Amadeus. You can also display the flights of airlines that do not have a sales agreement with Amadeus. Timetable displays do not show classes of service; therefore, you cannot sell seats directly from this display. 54 Edition 3.1 Chapter 2 Air How to Request a Timetable Neutral Display To request a timetable neutral display, enter: TN 20MAY CDGNCE 0900 TN Timetable neutral display 20MAY Departure date CDGNCE City pair 0900 Departure time Timetable displays only contain flights for participating carriers. If you want the display to include non-participating carriers, you must add the /A YY option to your entry. Sample Timetable Display Below is a sample timetable display with explanations for the various display elements. TN20MAYCDGNCEn ** AMADEUS TIMETABLE - TN ** NCE NICE.FR 1 AF7700 67o CDG2F NCE 2 0725 0855 2 AF7700 X67 CDG2F NCE 2 0725 0855 3AF:MK9080 6 CDG2F NCE 2 0950 1120 4 AF7716 6 CDG2F NCE 2 0950 1120 5 AF7702 467 CDG2F NCE 2 1025 1155 6AF:MK9086 467 CDG2F NCE 2 1025 1155 7AF:MK9086 135 CDG2F NCE 2 1025 1155 8 AF7702 1235 CDG2F NCE 2 1025 1155 9 AF7714 D CDG2F NCE 2 1245 1415 10 AF7706 5 CDG2F NCE 2 1545 1715 11 AF7706 X5 CDG2F NCE 2 1545 1715 12AF:MK3565 X67 CDG2F NCE 2 1815 1945 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11APR09 30MAR09 30MAR09 31MAR09 30MAR09 30MAR09 30MAR09 30MAR09 30MAR09 04FEB09 30MAR09 30MAR09 p20MAY09 27MAY09 25OCT09 321 1:30 25OCT09 320 1:30 25OCT09 320 1:30 25OCT09 320 1:30 25OCT09 320 1:30 25OCT09q320 1:30 25OCT09 321 1:30 25OCT09 321 1:30 25OCT09 320 1:30 05DEC09 319 1:30 25OCT09 320 1:30 25OCT09 319 1:30 n Timetable display entry with date and city pair. o Timetable codes for days of the week. p Seven-day date range beginning with the requested date. q Dates of service for this flight. Timetable Codes The following codes are used on the timetable display: Table: Timetable Codes Code Description D Daily 1-7 The days of the week. 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, etc. X Except X6 means every day except Saturdays. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 55 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Changing the Display This section explains how to change the display when you are working with availability, schedule or timetable displays. How to Change the Availability or Schedule Display When you are viewing an availability or schedule display, there are several shortcut entries you can use to change the display and to avoid having to re-enter your initial transaction. Below are some common entries. For more information and additional entries, see HE AC. Table: Entries to Change an Availability or Schedule Display Entry Description MN Move to the next day AC 1 Availability change, move forward one day SC 1 Same effect as MN. Note: You can add the standard availability options such as /A, /K, /C, and so on after the AC or SC entry. MY Move to yesterday AC -1 Availability change, move back one day SC -1 Same effect as MY. AC 20FEB Availability change, to a specific date SC 20FEB SCR 1 Availability change, reverse itinerary, move forward one day ACR 20FEB Availability change, reverse itinerary, to a specific date ACR 1 SCR 20FEB How to Change the Timetable Display When you are viewing a timetable display, there are several shortcut entries you can use to change the display and to avoid having to re-enter your initial transaction. Below are some common entries: Table: Entries to Change a Timetable Display Entry Description MN Move to the next seven-day range TC 1 Timetable change, move forward one day Note: You can add the standard availability options such as /A, /K, /C, and so on after the TC entry. 56 MY Move to the previous seven-day range TC -1 Timetable change, move back one day Edition 3.1 Chapter 2 Air Entry Description TC 20FEB Timetable change, to a specific date For more information and additional entries, see HE TC. How to Change to a Different Type of Display You can change from one type of display to another at any time. For example, you can change from an availability display to a timetable display. Below are entries for changing to a different display type: Table: Entries to Change to a Different Type of Display Entry Changes... ACSN An availability or timetable display to a schedule display TCSN SCAN A schedule or timetable display to an availability display. TCAN ACTN An availability or schedule display to a timetable display. SCTN For more information, see HE AN, HE SN, or HE TN. Requesting Minimum Connecting Times This section explains how to request minimum connecting times. For more information, see HE MCT. What Are Minimum Connecting Times? The minimum connect time (MCT) is the minimum time passengers must allow to make a connection between flights at an airport or city. You can request a minimum connection time display for: • A specific airline or airlines at a city • Connections between terminals at the same airport • Multiple airports at the same city • Two air segments in a PNR Your entry can contain a maximum of two airline codes and two airport codes. MCT information is valid for a specific date only. How to Request Minimum Connecting Times To display connection times for the current date, enter the transaction code followed by the airport code. For example: DM LON © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 57 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide You also have several options you can use when requesting minimum connecting times. Here are some common examples: Table: Common Minimum Connect Time Entries Option Sample Entry Between specific airports DM LGW-LHR Date DM AMS /15DEC09 Airline and airport DM KL /AMS /15DEC09 You can include a date in all DM entries, except when using a shortcut entry from a PNR or availability/schedule display. The DM entry shows the standard connection times between terminals at a specific airport. Note: Airlines can supply exceptions to the standard times, so where possible, add the airline code to the DM entry or make this entry from a PNR. How to Check Minimum Connecting Times and Segment Continuity from a PNR If you are working in a PNR, before you enter the end of transaction, you can check for invalid minimum connecting times and segment discontinuity. Check Entire Itinerary To check the entire itinerary, enter: DM I Note: Auxiliary segments are not taken into account by this process. If the PNR contains segments booked on code share flights, refer to HE MCT for more information. Check Segments You can display the MCT for two flight segments in a PNR. This method is recommended because the system checks any exceptions to the standard MCT logged by the airlines. Enter, for example: DM 2/4 58 DM Minimum connecting time transaction code 2 PNR flight segment number / Slash separator between flights 4 PNR flight segment number Edition 3.1 Chapter 2 Air How to Display Connecting Points You can display the connecting points between two cities or airports. Enter: DRT LAXNCE DRT Display connecting point transaction code LAXNCE City pair, a city or an airport code The display shows the various connecting points between the two cities, the elapsed flying time, and the mileage. DRTLAXNCE LAX-NCE MEFT 24:45 1A NEUTRAL DISPLAY NB 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 MIN-EFT 12:10 11:44 11:30 17:49 11:30 12:30 12:00 12:27 12:55 15:50 16:55 19:15 23:25 11:54 12:20 Note: MILEAGE 6095 6451 6099 6217 6245 6184 6374 6284 6202 6635 7669 7882 11313 6524 6099 CX1 PAR NYC LON SAN FRA AMS MUC YMQ ZRH ROM MOW ATH DXB NYC LON CX2 CX3 CX4 PAR PAR If you work in an airline office, you must enter 1A after the transaction code to display neutral routes. For example: DRT 1A LAXNCE To display a specific connecting point, enter the connection point: DRT LAXNCE /X NYC DRT Display connecting point transaction code LAXNCE City pair /X Connecting point indicator NYC Specific connecting point © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 59 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records Here we give you the basics that you need in order to understand the passenger name record (PNR) module in the Amadeus central system. We include an introduction to PNRs, the five mandatory elements, optional elements, and how to modify PNRs. Before You Start In order to successfully use the PNR module, you must have a good understanding of the Air module. You should understand how to display availability and how to work with schedule and timetable displays. Objectives To meet the objectives of the PNR module, you should know how to: • Create, retrieve and modify a PNR • Understand the difference between mandatory and optional elements • Display and read a seat map, and book advance seats • Handle a non-homogeneous PNR • Copy, split and print a PNR • Display and read the PNR history Introduction Here we describe the functionality of PNRs, how they are created, how they are managed and the options available that enable you to add more information into them. What Is a PNR? A PNR contains the details of a passenger's reservation and other information related to a passenger's trip. PNRs can also contain information to assist airline personnel with passenger handling. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 61 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide PNRs remain active in the distribution system for four days after the date of the last active or inactive segment in the itinerary. Once a PNR is purged, you can retrieve it up to three years in the past. The items of information that make up a PNR are called elements. A PNR can contain a maximum of 999 elements. These PNR elements can be either mandatory or optional. The mandatory elements are: • Name • Itinerary • Contact • Ticketing • Received From After you have entered the five mandatory elements, you use an end of transaction entry to file the record in the distribution system. When creating a PNR you can enter the elements in any order. As the system accepts each element, it assigns it a number and places it in the proper sequence. What Is a Record Locator? When a PNR is created in the system, it is assigned a unique six-character code, called a record locator, which you can use to retrieve the PNR and modify it if you need to. PNR Features Here are some of the unique features of PNRs in Amadeus: • All elements are numbered consecutively, making modifications easier. • All names are displayed individually, even though two passengers may have the same family name. • By default, the system arranges the names in a PNR in alphabetical order by family name. However, an office can choose to display names in the order in which they were entered, which requires an office profile update. • Each name is numbered according to its display order. This numbering is used for reference when you need to add passenger association to other PNR elements. 62 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records PNR Basics Here we explain how to create a basic PNR including the five mandatory elements, and how to save or ignore a PNR. We also describe a PNR header. For more information, see HE PNR. Name Element The name element is used: • To insert names for individual passengers when you create a PNR • To add individual names for a group Note: You can enter up to nine names in a non-group PNR. At least one name element is mandatory for the creation of a PNR and to end transaction on a retrieved PNR. Each name is numbered according to its display order. This numbering is used for reference when you need to add passenger association to other PNR elements. How to Add Passengers with the Same Family Name You can add a name element for one or more passengers with the same family name. Single Passenger To enter a name element for a single passenger, enter: NM 1 BARCLAY/ADAM MR NM Name element transaction code 1 Number of passengers with the same family name, each occupying a seat BARCLAY/ADAM MR Passenger family name, slash, first name, title System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR Note: The family name must contain a minimum of two characters and can contain up to 57 characters. The system automatically: • Appends the office identification to the PNR header line • Numbers the name element • Begins to create the PNR © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 63 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Multiple Passengers To create more than one passenger with the same family name, enter: NM 2 BARCLAY/ADAM MR /ANN MRS NM Name element transaction code 2 Number of passengers with the same family name, each occupying a seat BARCLAY/ADAM MR Family name, slash, first name, title /ANN MRS Slash, second person's first name, title System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MRS How to Add Passengers with Different Family Names To add passengers who have different family names, enter: NM 1 BARCLAY/ANN MRS 1 BLACK/ANDREW MR NM Name element transaction code 1 Number of passengers with the same family name, each occupying a seat BARCLAY/ANN MRS Family name, slash, first name, title 1 Number of passengers with next family name BLACK/ANDREW MR Family name, slash, first name, title System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ANN MRS 64 2.BLACK/ANDREW MR Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records How to Add a Child or Infant There are special formats you must use if you are entering the name of a child or infant on a PNR. Add a Child To add a child to a PNR, you must enter the child passenger type code. Enter: NM 1 BARCLAY/JOEY (CHD/05APR04) NM Name element transaction code 1 Number of passengers with the same family name, each occupying a seat BARCLAY/JOEY Family name, slash, first name (CHD/05APR04) Open bracket, child indicator, slash, birth date, close bracket System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/JOEY(CHD/05APR04) Note: Passengers between the ages of 2 and 11 are considered child passengers. Add an Infant To add an infant to a PNR, you must associate the infant to an adult passenger and add the infant passenger type code. Enter: NM 1 BARCLAY/ANN MRS (INF/MARY/10JAN08) NM Name element transaction code 1 Number of passengers with the same family name, each occupying a seat BARCLAY/ANN MRS Adult passenger's family name, slash, first name, title (INF/MARY/10JAN08) Open bracket, infant indicator, slash, infant's first name, slash, birth date, close bracket System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ANN MRS(INF/MARY/10JAN08) If the infant has a different family name, enter: NM 1 BARCLAY/ANN MRS (INF JONES/MARY/10JAN08) System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ANN MRS(INFJONES/MARY/10JAN08) © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 65 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Associate an Infant to a Passenger You can associate an infant to a passenger on an existing PNR. Here is an example of names on an existing PNR: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MRS To associate an infant to a passenger number with the same family name, enter: 2/ (INF/MARY/10JAN08) 2/ Associate with passenger number 2, slash (INF/MARY/10JAN08) Open bracket, infant indicator, slash, infant's first name, slash, birth date, close bracket System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MRS(INF/MARY/10JAN08) To associate an infant to a passenger with a different family name, enter: 2/ (INF JONES/MARY/10JAN08) System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MRS(INFJONES/MARY/10JAN08) Add the Child Indicator to a Passenger Name You can add the child indicator to a passenger on an existing PNR. Here is an example of names on an existing PNR: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 3.BARCLAY/JOEY 2.BARCLAY/ANN MRS To add the child indicator to passenger number 3, enter: 3/ (CHD/05APR04) 3/ Associate with passenger number 3, slash (CHD/05APR04) Open bracket, child indicator, slash, birth date, close bracket System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MRS 3.BARCLAY/JOEY(CHD/05APR04) 66 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records How to Remove a Child or Infant Indicator You can remove the child or infant indicator from a passenger name in an existing PNR. Here is an example of a PNR with both child and infant indicators: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MRS(INF/MARY/10JAN08) 3.BARCLAY/JOEY(CHD/05APR04) Remove the Child Indicator To remove the child indicator from passenger number 3, enter: 3/ System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MRS 3.BARCLAY/JOEY Remove the Infant Indicator To remove the infant indicator from passenger number 2, enter: 2/ System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MRS 3.BARCLAY/JOEY(CHD/05APR04) Itinerary Element A segment is called an itinerary segment in a PNR. A PNR can contain the following itinerary elements: • Air segments • Segments for associated travel services like a hotel, a rental car, a ferry crossing, a cruise, a tour and ground transportation How to Create Short-Sell Entries When you request an availability or schedule display, you can sell directly from the screen. Here is an example of an availability display: 1 AF 022 P3 FL J9 C9 D9 I3 Y9 /CDG2E JFK 1 B9 K9 H9 T9 V9 W9 L9 Q9 GR UR © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 0825 1015 E0/772 7:50 67 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide To book a single segment, or to book connections with the same class, enter: SS 1 C 1 SS Segment sell transaction code 1 Number of seats C Class of service 1 Availability or schedule line number System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1 AF 022 C 15JUN 1 CDGJFK DK1 Note: 0825 1015 15JUN E 0 772 BM If the segment is eligible for electronic ticketing, an E appears after the departure date. Multiple Seats If you want to sell multiple seats in the same class, you increase the number of seats in your entry. From the sample availability display above, enter: SS 3 Y 1 System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1 AF 022 Y 15JUN 1 CDGJFK DK3 0825 1015 15JUN E 0 772 BM Multiple Classes on Connecting Flights If you are selling a connecting flight, you can request different classes of service on each flight in one entry. Here is an example availability display: 1 AF7711 AF 012 68 Y9 Q9 P6 E5 S9 W9 F5 OL B9 K9 V9 L9 M9 /NCE 2 CDG2F 0755 GR J9 C9 D9 I9 Z9 /CDG2E JFK 1 1030 Y9 B9 K9 H9 T9 V9 W5 L9 Q9 GR UR 0930 E0/321 1245 E0/77W 10:50 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records To sell a different class on each connecting flight, enter: SS 1 M K 1 SS Segment sell transaction code 1 Number of seats M Class of service on first flight in the itinerary K Class of service on the second and remaining flights in the itinerary 1 Availability line number System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1 AF7711 M 15JUN 1 NCECDG DK1 2 AF 012 K 15JUN 1 CDGJFK DK1 0755 0930 1030 1245 15JUN 15JUN E E 0 321 B 0 77W MS How to Sell from a Dual-Availability Display When you make a request for a dual-city-pair availability display, you can sell a seat for each flight in one entry. Here is an example of a dual-city availability display: AN15JUNCDGJFK*21JUN ** AMADEUS AVAILABILITY - AN ** JFK JOHN F KENNEDY.USNY 1 AF 022 P3 FL J9 C9 D9 I3 Y9 /CDG2E JFK 1 0825 1015 B9 K9 H9 T9 V9 W9 L9 Q9 GR UR 2AF:DL8600 C7 D7 S7 I7 Y7 B7 M7 CDG2E JFK 1 0825 1015 H7 Q7 K7 L7 U7 T0 3AF:DL9334 C7 D7 S7 I7 Y7 B7 M7 CDG2E JFK 1 1030 1245 H7 Q7 K7 L7 U7 T0 ** AMADEUS AVAILABILITY - AN ** CDG CHARLES DE GAUL.FR 11 AF 023 P3 F3 J9 C9 D9 I9 Z7 /JFK 1 CDG2E 1630 Y9 B9 K9 H9 T9 V9 W8 L9 GR UR 12AF:DL8601 C7 D7 S7 I7 Y7 B7 M7 JFK 1 CDG2E 1630 H7 Q7 K7 L7 U0 T7 13 AA 044 J7 R7 D7 Y7 B7 H7 K7 JFK 8 CDG2A 1745 M7 V7 W7 S7 Q7 L7 G7 O7 31 MO 15JUN 0000 E0/772 7:50 E0/772 7:50 E0/77W 8:15 37 SU 21JUN 0000 0600+1E0/772 7:30 0600+1E0/772 7:30 0725+1E0.763 7:40 To sell from this screen, enter: SS 1 Y1 * Y11 SS Segment sell transaction code 1 Number of seats Y1 Class, availability line number * Dual-city pair indicator Y11 Class, availability line number System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1 AF 022 Y 15JUN 1 CDGJFK DK1 2 AF 023 Y 21JUN 7 JFKCDG DK1 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 0825 1015 1630 0600 15JUN 22JUN E E 0 772 BM 0 772 MB 69 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Create a Long-Sell Entry When you know all the details for a specific flight, you can book a seat using a long-sell entry, also called a direct-sell entry. The long-sell entry does not refer to an availability or schedule display. To create a long-sell entry, enter: SS LH969 C 23SEP MUCFRA 1 SS Segment sell transaction code LH969 Airline code, flight number C Class of service 23SEP Departure date MUCFRA Origin and destination airport codes 1 Number of seats requested System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1 LH 969 C 23SEP 3 MUCFRA DK1 1100 1205 23SEP E 0 321 S Contact Element The contact element is used as a point of contact for passengers. It can be any of the following: • Home, business or mobile telephone number • E-mail address • Fax number This element enables you to contact passengers if changes occur to their itinerary, or to advise them of other important information. A PNR can contain up to 127 contact elements, each with a maximum of 90 characters. You can also add the passenger's mailing or billing address, which allows you to send tickets or itineraries to them in the post. How to Add Passenger Contact Information To specify passenger contact information, you can use any of the options shown in the table below. You can enter free-flow text after the entry. Table: Contact Information Options 70 Entry Description APH- Home telephone number APM- Mobile telephone number APB- Business telephone number APE- Email address APF- Fax number Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records Entry Description AB Billing address AM Mailing address Note: The dash indicated in the entry is mandatory. Here is a system display showing the contact elements from the table above: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1 APB 07 115 677 2 APE JSMITH@TRAVELER.NET 3 APF 07 228 549 4 APH 07 123 123 5 APM 07 992 994 6 AB 12 PL DE GAULLE, PARIS, FR, 75001 7 AM 5 RUE DE BAC, PARIS, FR, 75006 For additional options, see HE AP. How to Add an Office Contact Element You can add a basic contact element that displays the default information for your office as specified in the office profile. Enter: AP System response: RP/LONKP351S/ 1 AP LON (0181) 123 4567 - HAPPY TRAVEL LTD - A Ticketing Arrangement Element The ticketing arrangement element indicates the type of ticketing arrangement for the booking. It indicates when and where the tickets are to be issued to a passenger. A PNR can contain up to 127 ticketing elements. For more information, see HE TK. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 71 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Add a Ticketing Arrangement Element To add a ticketing arrangement element, enter: TK TL 19SEP /1200 /MADIB0230 TK Ticketing arrangement element transaction code TL Ticketing arrangement indicator 19SEP Date /1200 Slash, time /MADIB0230 Slash, ID of the office where the tickets are to be issued System response: RP/MADIB0900/ 1 TK TL19SEP/1200/MADIB0230 Ticket Arrangement Indicator Options The table below describes some of the options you have for the ticketing arrangement indicator: Table: Ticket Arrangement Indicator Options Indicator Description OK Ticket issued immediately No queue placement TL Ticket time limit, used to request ticketing on a specific date and time Automatic queue placement (queue 8, category 1) XL Automatic cancellation of the ticket if not issued by the specific date/time Note: A date on this entry is mandatory No queue placement MA Tickets mailed to the passenger Automatic queue placement (queue 8, category 7) AT Ticket issued at airport ticket office Automatic queue placement (queue 8, category 9) There are some important points to remember when adding a date, time, or office identification to your entry: • The date is mandatory when you use the XL ticketing arrangement. • If you do not enter a date for the other ticketing arrangements, the system assumes the current date. The date you enter in the ticketing element can indicate: • 72 - When the passenger wants the ticket to be issued - The last date the ticket can be issued - The date the ticket was actually issued When you enter a time, the system regards this time as local time for that office. Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records • The office ID is optional. If you omit the office ID, the system assumes that the office ID is the one that is associated to the terminal where the booking was made. For more options and details on the ticketing arrangement options, see HE TK. Received From Element The received from (RF) element indicates who has made or updated a reservation. After you create or modify a PNR, you cannot file the PNR unless an RF element is present. Note: In some markets, the received from (RF) element is not mandatory. The RF element only appears in the PNR during the current session and is recorded in PNR history when the PNR is filed at the end of transaction. There is no limit on the number of times you can enter or change an RF element when you are creating or modifying a PNR. For more information, see HE RF. How to Add a Received From Element To add a received from element, enter: RF MR BARCLAY RF Received from element transaction code MR BARCLAY Free-flow text System response: RP/NCE1A0900/ RF MRBARCLAY Note: Spaces are optional when you enter the free-flow text. When the RF element is displayed in the PNR, the system removes all spaces. End Transaction When you end the transaction, the PNR is stored in the system. You must retrieve the PNR again to make any modifications or to perform any other actions. See How to Retrieve a PNR on page 107. How to Save a PNR Once you have added the five mandatory elements, you have two options to end the PNR transaction, save the PNR and receive the new record locator. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 73 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide End and Retrieve The end and retrieve transaction code saves your PNR and redisplays it so you can continue working on it. Enter: ER If you enter this transaction code after creating a new PNR, the system returns the new record locator. End Transaction Using the end transaction entry saves the PNR, returns the new record locator, and closes the PNR. Enter: ET System response: END OF TRANSACTION COMPLETE - Z472IX Ignore Transaction You can ignore a PNR at any time during creation or modification. When you ignore a PNR during creation, all elements are ignored, and any flight, hotel, or car bookings are returned to inventory. Note: A PNR that is left inactive for 180 minutes is automatically ignored by the system. How to Ignore a PNR To ignore a PNR, enter: IG System response: >IG IGNORED If you use the ignore transaction when modifying an existing PNR, the system ignores the updates, returns the PNR to its original form and files it in the system. The system then displays the PNR record locator after the ignored message: >IG IGNORED - Z472IX 74 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records Ignore and Redisplay When you want to ignore current updates to an existing PNR and have the PNR redisplayed on your screen in its original form, enter: IR If you make the ignore and redisplay entry on a PNR during creation, the system responds with the following message: >IR RESTRICTED : PNR NOT FINISHED PNR Header The header line is automatically generated by the system after the first entry in a PNR. The header line displays different information depending on whether the PNR is newly created or retrieved. A newly created PNR includes the indicator RP followed by your office identification. This indicates that your office is responsible for the PNR. Here is an example of a PNR: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950n NCE1A0950/0022AG/14MAY09r 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 AF 022 C 18NOV 3 CDGJFK HK1 3 AP 07 123 123-H 4 TK TL15NOV/NCE1A0950 oAG/SU p14MAY09/1341Z q2RRMM3 0825 1035 18NOV E AF/ n Office IDs for the responsible office and queuing office o Agent sign and duty code of the agent who created the PNR or made the last update p Date and time of PNR creation or last update q Record locator r Original office ID, agent sign, and date of PNR creation The first line of a newly created or retrieved PNR may contain a label or tag to indicate a special condition within the PNR. Examples of PNR tags are RLR, AXR, NHP, MSC, HFR, *PARENT PNR*, and *ASSOCIATE PNR*. If there are no special conditions, no tag appears. For more information on the PNR tag and header line, see HE HEADER. Using Optional Elements After you have entered the five mandatory elements in your PNR, you can also add other optional elements that provide more details. This section describes some of the optional PNR elements. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 75 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Passenger and Segment Association You can associate specific PNR elements to a specific passenger or segment using passenger or segment association. When a PNR element is not associated, it applies to all segments in the PNR. Most association is performed automatically by the system. However, you must associate certain PNR elements, including: • Special service requests (SSR) that apply only to specific segments • Advance seat requests • Ticketing elements For more information, see HE PNR. How to Passenger-Associate Here is an example of a PNR with air segments: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MS 3.BLACK/ANDREW MR 4 AF 022 Y 15JUN 1 CDGJFK DK3 0825 1015 15JUN E 0 772 BM 5 AF 023 Y 21JUN 7 JFKCDG DK3 1630 0600 22JUN E 0 772 MB To passenger-associate contact information with Andrew Black only, for example, enter: APH-PAR 16122344553 /P3 APH- Contact element transaction code PAR 16122344553 Contact element information /P3 Slash, passenger name element number System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MS 3.BLACK/ANDREW MR 4 AF 022 Y 15JUN 1 CDGJFK DK3 0825 1015 15JUN E 0 772 BM 5 AF 023 Y 21JUN 7 JFKCDG DK3 1630 0600 22JUN E 0 772 MB 6 APH PAR16122344553/P3 76 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records How to Segment-Associate Here is an example of a PNR that contains air segments: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 NCE1A0950/0022AG/15MAY09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 BA 117 Y 15JUN 1 LHRJFK HK1 3 BA 178 Y 21JUN 7 JFKLHR HK1 4 APH 07 123 123 LONDON 5 TK TL10JUN/NCE1A0950 AG/SU 15MAY09/0932Z 0855 1120 0840 2035 15JUN 21JUN E E 2YS4BF BA/ BA/ Mr. Barclay wants a vegetarian meal on the flight from London to New York. To segment-associate his special service request, enter: SR VGML /S2 SR Service request element transaction code VGML Service request element information /S2 Slash, segment element number System response: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 NCE1A0950/0022AG/15MAY09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 BA 117 Y 15JUN 1 LHRJFK HK1 3 BA 178 Y 21JUN 7 JFKLHR HK1 4 APH 07 123 123 LONDON 5 TK TL10JUN/NCE1A0950 6 SSR VGML BA HK1/S2 AG/SU 15MAY09/0932Z 0855 1120 0840 2035 15JUN 21JUN E E 2YS4BF BA/ BA/ For more information on special service requests, see Special Service Requests below. Special Service Requests You use a special service request (SSR) to request a special service for a passenger, such as special meals, wheelchairs and other services. A special service request is made using an SR entry and a four-character service code. This generates an SSR element in the PNR and a request message to the airline or airlines concerned. A PNR can contain a maximum of 127 active SSR elements. For more information, see HE SR. How to Create an SSR Here is an example of a PNR with air segments: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 NCE1A0950/0022AG/15MAY09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 BA 117 Y 15JUN 1 LHRJFK HK1 3 BA 178 Y 21JUN 7 JFKLHR HK1 4 APH 07 123 123 LONDON 5 TK TL10JUN/NCE1A0950 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved AG/SU 15MAY09/1020Z 0855 1120 0840 2035 15JUN 21JUN E E 2ZOL66 BA/ BA/ 77 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide To create a special service request for a vegetarian meal on all flights in the PNR, enter: SR VGML SR Special service request transaction code VGML Service code The system automatically applies the SSR to all the appropriate segments, and displays the following: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 NCE1A0950/0022AG/15MAY09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 BA 117 Y 15JUN 1 LHRJFK HK1 3 BA 178 Y 21JUN 7 JFKLHR HK1 4 APH 07 123 123 LONDON 5 TK TL10JUN/NCE1A0950 6 SSR VGML BA HK1/S2 7 SSR VGML BA HK1/S3 AG/SU 15MAY09/1020Z 0855 1120 0840 2035 15JUN 21JUN E E 2ZOL66 BA/ BA/ If the request is rejected by the airline, the SSR line disappears from the PNR. To enter the SSR for only a single airline, enter: SR VGML AF To view a list of the service codes, see GG CODE. What Is SSR Explosion? SSR explosion is the term used when the system takes one SSR entry and generates a request for all segments to which it applies. There are two types of SSR explosion: automatic and manual. Automatic SSR Explosion The SR entry uses SSR explosion at input time. When you enter an SSR, the system immediately checks your entry for passenger and/or segment association and/or the presence of an airline code. From this it generates individual SSR items (based on the names and itinerary currently booked). Note: If you add further flights to the itinerary, you must re-enter your SSR requests for the new segments. Manual SSR Explosion If you do not want the SSR to be exploded on input, but at end of transaction or manually (before end of transaction), use the SR* entry instead of the SR entry. The system temporarily creates a single SSR with YY as the airline code. Then, when you make an end-of-transaction entry (ET, ER), all the SSR items are associated to the appropriate segments in the itinerary. The exploded items appear after the ET or ER entries. 78 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records How to Manually Explode an SSR To add SSRs for manual explosion: 1. Create name and itinerary elements in the PNR. RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BLACK/ANDREW MR 3 AF7711 Y 15JUL 3 NCECDG DK2 0755 0930 SEE RTSVC 4 AA 045 G 15JUL 3 CDGJFK DK2 1105 1320 SEE RTSVC 5 AA 855 L 15JUL 3 JFKDFW DK2 1750 2100 SEE RTSVC 15JUL E 0 321 B 15JUL E 0 763 LS 15JUL E 0 757 F 15JUL E 0 321 B 15JUL E 0 763 LS 15JUL E 0 757 F 2. Add SSR manual explosion entries. SR* VGML AA /P1 SR* SPML-NUT FREE MEAL /P2 System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BLACK/ANDREW MR 3 AF7711 Y 15JUL 3 NCECDG DK2 0755 0930 SEE RTSVC 4 AA 045 G 15JUL 3 CDGJFK DK2 1105 1320 SEE RTSVC 5 AA 855 L 15JUL 3 JFKDFW DK2 1750 2100 SEE RTSVC 6 SSR VGML AA NN1/P1 7 SSR SPML YY NN1 NUT FREE MEAL/P2 3. End and retrieve the PNR. ER The system explodes the SSRs to the appropriate segments, and displays the following: NCE1A0950/0022AG/2JUN09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BLACK/ANDREW MR 3 AF7711 Y 15JUL 3 NCECDG HK2 0755 0930 4 AA 045 G 15JUL 3 CDGJFK HK2 1105 1320 5 AA 855 L 15JUL 3 JFKDFW HK2 1750 2100 6 SSR VGML AA HN1/S4/P1 7 SSR VGML AA HN1/S5/P1 8 SSR SPML AF HN1 NUT FREE MEAL/S3/P2 9 SSR SPML AA HN1 NUT FREE MEAL/S4/P2 10 SSR SPML AA HN1 NUT FREE MEAL/S5/P2 15JUL 15JUL 15JUL E E E AF/ AA/ AA/ What Is a Keyword Element? A keyword (SK) element contains special information about a booking or passenger that can be used by an airline for service or marketing purposes. A PNR can contain a maximum of 127 keyword elements. You can only create SK elements for airlines that support them and that have a keyword table stored in the system. The keyword table determines which keywords are active for the airline and what information is mandatory in the keyword element. When you create a keyword element, the system checks the appropriate keyword table automatically to verify the element. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 79 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide For information about which keywords are active for an airline, contact the airline or consult the airline-specific Amadeus information pages by entering: GG AIR XX (where XX is the two- letter airline code). For more information, see HE SK. How to Create a Keyword Element To create a keyword element, enter: SK PARK QF HK 1 -SYD.CAR WASH /P1 SK Keyword element transaction code PARK Keyword defined by the airline QF Two-character airline code HK HK status code (mandatory if number in party is required by the airline) Number in party 1 (mandatory if required by the airline) -SYD.CAR WASH Dash, free-flow text (optional if allowed by the airline) Passenger association /P1 Note: Depending on the target airline and the keyword element you use, you may have to include a segment and/or passenger association in your entry. Once created, an SK element can only be viewed, modified, or cancelled by the office that created the element or by offices that are specifically authorized to do so. Other Service Information An other service information (OSI) element contains special information regarding a passenger or passengers in the PNR that is sent to the airlines that appear in the itinerary. Note: An OSI element is not a service request and does not require confirmation from the airline. Unlike SSR elements, OSI elements do not result in the automatic placement of PNRs on queue if a response is received from the airline. For more information, see HE OSI. 80 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records How to Create an Other Service Information Element To create an OSI element, enter: OS AF VIP COMPANY PRESIDENT/P2 OS Other service information transaction code (mandatory) AF Specified recipient airline for the OSI message (mandatory) VIP COMPANY PRESIDENT Text /P2 Slash, passenger association Note: If the OSI element is for all airlines in the itinerary, enter YY as a common code. Seat Requests When making a booking on a PNR, you can request and confirm an advance seat assignment for a passenger. When you make a seat request entry, this generates seating SSR elements for the first 5 air segments of each airline in an itinerary that does not have associated seating. Note: Each airline has a time limit within which advance seat requests are possible; conditions vary from airline to airline. See GG AIR for the specific procedure for each airline. You can also request seat maps for Amadeus Access airlines and airlines that have an advance seat agreement with Amadeus. How to Request a Seat An advance seating request is sent to an airline at booking time to reserve a specific seat for a passenger. To request a window seat, for example, enter: ST /W Seat Locations The following table shows the codes you can use to specify a preferred seat location or seat orientation: Table: Seat Locations Area Code Description W Window A Aisle B Bulkhead C Cot R Rear-facing P Upper deck F Front of aircraft © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 81 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Area Code Description T Tail of aircraft Passenger Types You can also add a passenger type to the seat request to notify the airline that the passenger has special requirements. For example, to request an aisle seat for handicapped passenger on all segments, enter: ST /A H The following table shows the codes you can use to indicate a specific passenger type: Table: Seat Request Passenger Types Passenger Type Code Description I Infant U Unaccompanied minor H Handicapped M Medically fit for travel Note: Requests for M and H passengers require an additional SSR MEDA element to indicate the nature of the passenger's medical condition. For more information, see HE ST. What Is a Seat Map? The seat map shows the layout of the aircraft cabin for a particular flight and class. This is used to help you make advance seat requests. You can request a seat map in three ways: • Without a PNR • From a PNR display • From an availability or schedule display, including Amadeus Direct Access How to Display a Seat Map Here is an example of a PNR: 1.DOHERTY/CLAIRE MRS 2 LH 772 F 30MAR 1 FRASIN 3 LH 773 F 3APR 5 SINFRA 4 AP PAR 22344581 5 TKOK31JUL/MUCLH0100 82 HK1 HK1 2120 2330 2150 2359 1600+1 0645+1 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records To display a seat map for flight segment number two, enter: SM 2 The system displays the seat map for the segment you've requested: SM LH 0778/Y/30MARFRASIN SM LH 0778 Y 30MAR FRASIN M 3 4 5 2 345678901234567890123456 EK VVYYYYYYV./.U....//.. J / VV......V.I.U....//..... H / VV......V...U....//..... G F E D 744 K J H V......V./UU....//..... V......V.IUU....//..... V......V.IUU....//..... V./....V./UU...///..... G F E D C / VV......V...U....//..... B / VV......V.I.U....//..... A VVY/YYYYV./.U...///..... . AVAILABLE <> WING F GEN FACI + OCCUPIED - LAST OFF H HANDICAP / RESTRICTED B BULKHEAD V PREF.SEAT () SMOKING D DEPORTEE UP UP-DECK Y CHARGEABLE C B A K Q X Z GALLEY QUIET BLOCKED NO FILM E G L I EXIT GROUPS TOILET INFANT C P U R COT PET UMNR REAR For more information, see HE SM. How to Book a Specific Seat To book a specific seat from a seat map, such as the one shown above, enter: ST /J 56 ST Seat request transaction code /J Slash, the row number or letter 56 Seat number How to Cancel a Seat Request If you need to cancel a seat request, enter the cancel seat request transaction code followed by the segment number: SX /S2 Frequent Flyer Information You can add information in an SSR element about a frequent flyer (FF). This information can be used by the system for mileage accrual or service upgrades for the passenger. For more information, see HE FF. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 83 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Add Frequent Flyer Information The following table describes the transactions you can use for frequent flyer (FF) passengers to create SSRs automatically: Table: Frequent Flyer Transactions Entry Description FFD Displays the name of a passenger as it is stored in the frequent flyer database of an airline FFA Creates a name element and enters a frequent flyer SSR FQTV element for mileage accrual FFN Creates the SSR FQTV element for mileage accrual if the name element for the frequent flyer has already been entered in the PNR FFR Redeems accrued mileage by creating the name element and an SSR FQTR element FFU Requests an upgrade for a passenger The FF number and the name in the case of the FFN transaction are checked when: • The airline has a full FF database in Amadeus • The airline has a partial database and the transaction is entered at an office belonging to an alliance member If the number is stored in the database, the SSR FQT element is preceded with an asterisk (*). If the number is not in the database, an error message is displayed. How to Create a Manual Mileage Accrual SSR To manually create an SSR to indicate that the passenger is accruing miles for the segments flown, enter: SR FQTV KL -KL FREE-FLOW TEXT 84 SR Special service request transaction code FQTV Frequent traveller mileage program service code KL Airline code -KL FREE-FLOW TEXT Dash, airline code, free-flow text for the frequent flyer information Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records How to Display Frequent Flyer Agreements Many airlines hold bilateral agreements to allow the use of each other's FF schemes. This means that passengers can collect points or mileage and redeem awards with an airline other than the card-owning airline. To display the table of airlines that have agreements, enter: VFFD Note: Airlines that do not appear in the table may be subject to special processing but may still provide points or mileage. Refer to the GG AIR XX pages for more information. Remarks A remark element in a PNR contains additional comments or information concerning passengers and their bookings. Depending on the type of remark you want to use, you can display the remark to all offices or make the remark confidential. If you do not include passenger or segment association in your entry, the system applies the remark to all names and all air segments in the PNR. For more information, see HE RM. Types of Remarks There are several types of remarks you can add to a PNR. Here we describe three: • General remarks—Visible to all users who have the authority to review the PNR • Corporate remarks—Allow corporations to share remarks without having to specify which offices are allowed to view them. Only offices that have an Amadeus extended ownership agreement (FRX application ID) with the office that created the corporate remark can view the remark. • Confidential remarks—Can only be viewed or modified by designated offices when the PNR is retrieved. The office that created the remark can view and modify it at any time. You can allow up to three other offices or groups of offices (using wildcards) to view the remark, by including their office ID in your entry. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 85 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Add General and Corporate Remarks To add a general remark, enter: RM CALL PAX ON 09JUN TO REMIND ABOUT TICKETING System response: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 AG/SU 15MAY09/0932Z 2YS4BF NCE1A0950/0022AG/15MAY09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 BA 117 Y 15JUN 1 LHRJFK HK1 0855 1120 15JUN E BA/ 3 BA 178 Y 21JUN 7 JFKLHR HK1 0840 2035 21JUN E BA/ 4 APH 07 123 123 LONDON 5 TK TL10JUN/NCE1A0950 6 SSR VGML BA HK1/S2 7 RM CALL PAX ON 09JUN TO REMIND ABOUT TICKETING To add a corporate remark, enter: RX (FREE-FLOW TEXT) How to Add Confidential Remarks To create a confidential remark, enter: RC PARAF0100 , PARAF0200 /VIP PLS ASSIST /P1 RC Confidential remarks transaction code PARAF0100 First target office ,PARAF0200 Separator , second office /VIP PLS ASSIST Slash, free-flow text /P1 Slash, passenger association (optional) Note: The two office IDs shown in the entry above can display the remark. Confidential Remark Modifications You can also allow an office to modify a confidential remark by including a write indicator. If the indicator is omitted, the designated office can only display the remark. For example, make the following entry: RC LONBA0100 ,LONBA0200-W /VIP PLS ASSIST /P1 System response: 3 RC MUC1A0702-W, LONBA0100, LONBA0200-W/VIP PLS ASSIST/P1 LONBA0100 can only display the remark while LONBA0200 can both display and modify it. Note: 86 MUC1A0702 is the office that created the remark, and therefore it retains the right to display and modify it. Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records How to Use Wildcards in Confidential Remarks To increase the number of offices allowed to view or modify a confidential remark, you can substitute asterisks (*) for all or part of the office identification. For example, enter: RC SYDQF0100-W ,***QF0*** /VIP PLS GIVE ACCESS TO LOUNGE /P1 Here are some examples of how you can use wildcards with confidential remarks: Table:Confidential Remark Wildcard Examples Example Displays... ********* All offices ***BA0*** All BA offices LONBA0*** All BA offices in London ***BA0100 All BA offices with the 100 office number Note: A wildcard office ID must be nine characters long to be valid. Queue Option Indicators The option element is used to place a newly created or retrieved PNR on a specified queue in a specified office on a specified date. A PNR can be queued to any office that has the authority to retrieve it. Up to eight option elements can be included in each PNR. The PNR must contain a name element before an option element can be entered. The option element entry consists of the transaction code, followed by the identification of the office where it is to be queued and the date on which it is to be queued. If no date or office identification are included in the entry, the system includes today's date and the current office identification when it displays the option element. The default queue for non-group PNRs is queue 3, category 0. The default queue for group PNRs is queue 87, category 12. For more information, see HE OP. How to Add Queue Option Indicators To add a queue option indicator for your office for today's date, enter: OP /(FREE-FLOW TEXT) System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 OP NCE1A0950/15MAY/FREE-FLOW TEXT © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 87 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide To add a queue option indicator for your office for a specific date, enter: OP 10JUN /(FREE-FLOW TEXT) System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 OP NCE1A0950/10JUN/FREE-FLOW TEXT How to Add Confidential Options Airline offices can add confidential option elements to the PNR so that certain actions occur on a specified date. Automatic Cancellation of Itinerary The OPX element requests that all the itinerary elements of their airline are automatically cancelled on a specific date. To add an automatic cancellation option, enter: OPX -20MAR /(FREE-FLOW TEXT) Automatic Placement of PNR on Office Queue The OPQ option element in a PNR requests that on a specified date, the PNR is placed on the queue of a designated office. To add an automatic queue placement option, enter: OPQ -MAN7X0123 /12FEB /3C1 /(FREE-FLOW TEXT) Note: Depending on the office profile, if the queue and category are not valid, you will see an error message displayed or the PNR is placed on queue 0, category 0 at the destination office. Ticketless Bookings An airline, such as a low-cost carrier, can use ticketless bookings. This practice is entirely separate from the concept of electronic ticketing. Airlines offering ticketless bookings are identified by the letter Y in the EPAY field of the airline's GG PCA page. Additionally, an indicator (T) appears in the header of an availability display to indicate that the carrier offers a ticketless payment option. Standard Amadeus availability displays are used to make ticketless bookings. When you make a booking, you must enter electronic payment information (SSR EPAY) before you can make an end transaction entry. The airline processes the payment information and sends a booking confirmation number using an SSR OTHS element. Once the airline has confirmed the booking, the airline segments are validated and further modifications to the PNR are subject to restrictions. For additional information, see HE EPAY. 88 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records Individual PNR Security Amadeus individual PNR security allows you to set up special security rules to allow or disallow a PNR from being accessed by one or several other offices. The individual PNR security functions may allow access to a PNR even when there are no other special agreements in place. These security functions generally override Amadeus extended ownership agreements (EOS) when these exist, except in the case of PNR claim and reverse access claim. Unlike change of ownership, individual PNR security allows you to share PNR viewing and/or updating, and ticketing functionalities without your losing control of the PNR. If a travel agency office requires access to a PNR that was created outside Amadeus, the system user airline whose segments are in the PNR must retrieve the PNR and create an ES agreement to allow access by the travel agency. For more information, see HE PNR SECURITY. What Is a Security Element? The individual PNR security element is an un-numbered PNR item, which can only be created or deleted by the responsible office. The security element can store a maximum of five individual PNR security agreements. Each security agreement contains the office ID of the office receiving access to the PNR and the access mode to be applied to that office. Security Receiver Types You can specify a receiver type for the office ID receiving the security agreement. These are shown in the table below: Table: Security Receiver Types Receiver Type Description G Office ID This is the default, it can be omitted I IATA number A valid IATA number (eight characters) or an asterisk (*) P Pseudo-office ID A pseudo-office ID (between 1 and 14 characters) or an asterisk (*) You can use asterisks (*) to represent wildcards in the office ID definition, in order to cover all or parts of a corporation. An asterisk in IATA number or pseudooffice ID definitions represents all offices. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 89 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Security Access Modes The access modes for the receiving office ID are shown in the table below: Security Access Modes Access Mode Description R Read-only access You can view the PNR, but no updates are allowed. T Read and ticket access You can view the PNR and ticket. However, you cannot modify the booking (change/cancel names, add/rebook/cancel flight segments, add/modify/delete contact elements, PNR split). B Both read and write access Full PNR update is allowed, except for change of ownership. N No access The office ID specified cannot retrieve this PNR via extended security agreements. (This overrides Amadeus extended ownership.) Note: 90 Valid access modes for IATA numbers or pseudo-office IDs are B, T and N. Airlines ATOs/CTOs can use the access mode *T only in thirdparty (OA) PNRs. Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records How to Add Extended Security To add extended security to a PNR, enter: ES /G PARWL21** - B , ***WL2*** - R ES PNR security transaction code /G Slash, receiver type (optional since it is the global indicator) PARWL21** First office ID -B Mandatory separator, access mode for office ID 1 , Separator between office agreements ***WL2*** Second office ID -R Mandatory separator, access mode for office ID 2 Note: Up to five office IDs can be included in one entry. System response: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 RF RF 1.RODRIGUEZ/JUAN MR 2 LH 400 M 28JAN 7 FRAJFK HK1 3 AP +49 (0)69 696 215-B 4 TK OK08MAY/NCE1A0950 * ES/G B PARWL21** R ***WL2*** MR/SU 1 8MAY95/0836Z 1000 1245 DH5EST *1A/ In the example above, all WL2 offices world-wide can access this PNR in "read mode", and any WL2 office in Paris with a number in the range 100 to 1ZZ can access and update the PNR. After end of transaction, the PNR appears as follows: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 1.RODRIGUEZ/JUAN MR 2 LH 400 M 28JAN 7 FRAJFK HK1 3 AP +49 (0)69 696 215-B 4 TK OK08MAY/NCE1A0950 * ES/G 08MAY/MRSU/NCE1A0950 PARWL21**-B/***WL2***-R MR/SU 1 8MAY95/0848Z 1000 1245 DH5EST *1A/ How to Cancel Extended Security To cancel the entire PNR security element, enter: ESX How to Display a Security Agreement To display the security agreements, enter one of the following options: Table: Display Security Agreements Entry Displays... ESD Security elements with a global core office ID ESD /I Security elements with an IATA receiving type © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 91 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Entry Displays... ESD /P Security elements for pseudo-office IDs Any agency that can retrieve the PNR may display individual PNR security agreements. How to Retrieve a Security Element To retrieve the security element for the current PNR, enter: RTE To retrieve the security element history for the current PNR, enter: RHE Using Special Segments Here we describe several types of special segments you can add to a PNR: • Married, open and waitlist segments • Passive, ghost and service segments • Information segments • Auxiliary segments Married Segments In certain cases, airlines may offer a better level of availability on flight segments if these segments are sold as part of a connecting flight rather than as individual flight segments. In addition, some flight segments may be restricted for use as part of connecting flights only, due to a legal requirement concerning traffic restrictions. When segments are sold together in either of these ways, they are known as married segments. If segments are married to other segments in the itinerary, it may not be possible to cancel, price, or ticket a segment individually. When a PNR contains a married segment, a special tag - MSC - is displayed in the PNR header line. See HE HEADER for more information about the PNR header. For more information on married segments, see HE MARRIED. 92 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records How to Display a Married Segment If your office is using the extended air segment display, you can see the married segments displayed with an asterisk (*) before the board and destination points, as shown in the following example: 4 UA 815 A 02JAN 5*LAXSYD DK1 1040P 815A 04JAN E 0 744 LL On the other hand, there is no married segment asterisk in the standard air segment display. If you want to know which actual segments are married, you have to make a specific entry. There are two ways you can display married segments: through an itinerary display or an air segments display. Display Entire Itinerary To display an entire itinerary with married segment indicators, enter: RTIM Display Air Segments Only To display only married air segments, enter: RTAM Open Segments When a passenger does not know the exact time or date of travel, you can enter an open segment in the itinerary. You can enter an open segment with or without a date. Open segments maintain segment continuity and can be used for pricing and ticketing. Segment continuity is defined as the logical progression of a passenger's itinerary. When segments are dated, the system automatically arranges the segments in date order and by city pair. Note: Some airlines do not allow open segments on flights eligible for electronic ticketing. For more information, see HE ETT XX, where XX is the airline code. For more information on open segments, see HE OPEN. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 93 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Create an Open Segment Here is an example of an entry to book an open segment. This example specifies the airline, class of service and arrival city, with passenger association: SO BA C 25NOV LHRJFK /P2 SO Open segment transaction code BA Airline code C Class of service 25NOV Departure date Note: This is optional unless it is the first segment to be ticketed, in which case it is mandatory. Departure city (optional) LHR The system defaults to the city attached to your terminal JFK Arrival city /P2 Slash, passenger association (optional) System response: 1 BAOPEN C 25NOV 2 LHRJFK/P2 Waitlist Segments When an availability display shows a zero (0) or an L, you can waitlist a passenger on a flight. Note: The processing of your waitlisted segment is airline specific, and subject to the regulations and operating procedures of each airline. You can also waitlist a flight from an Amadeus Direct Access availability display. Waitlist Action Codes The priority waitlist action codes are PA, PC, PD or PE. PE is the standard, non-group priority action code. The PA action code represents the highest level of priority waitlist and is normally used by the agents responsible for inventory control. Note: You may not be authorized to use all of these action codes. For more information on waitlist segments, see HE WAITLIST. 94 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records How to Create a Waitlist Segment To create a waitlist segment from an availability display, enter: SS 1 C 9 /PE SS Segment sell transaction code 1 Number of seats C Class of service 9 Line number from availability display /PE Slash, the waitlist priority action code Note: You must use the PE action code for short-sell entries from a direct access availability display if the class shown is O, L or W. Information Segments Information segments can be used to maintain continuity in an itinerary. They fall into two categories: • Information segment - A flight that is part of a passenger's itinerary and is not an Amadeus air segment. • Arrival unknown segment (ARNK) - The arrival city of the previous segment does not match the departure city of the next segment in the itinerary, or the arrival is by unspecified transport. Information segments are not mandatory, but they do ensure that the PNR contains as much detail as possible concerning the passenger's itinerary. What Is an Information Segment? An information flight segment gives details of a flight that has not been booked through Amadeus. You can enter information segments for any non-distribution system user airline. Entering this segment may or may not generate a message to the airline involved, depending on whether any other element for action by the same airline is entered in the PNR during the same or a subsequent transaction. This could be an actively booked flight, or an SSR or an OSI element. Information flight segments can be included in group and non-group PNRs. Note: The information segment is not recognized by the system for pricing or ticketing. For more information, see HE SEG. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 95 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Create an Information Segment Here is an example of a PNR that has an itinerary. 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 TK1825 Y 22MAY 3 ISTORY HK1 3 AF 022 Y 23MAY 4 CDGJFK HK1 4 APH 07 123 123 PARIS 5 TK OK16APR/NCE1A0950 I 0840 1115 0725 2C 0825 1015 *1A/ *1A/E* You want to add more information regarding the passenger's flight to Istanbul, which has not been booked through Amadeus. To create an information segment for this PNR: SI SV219 Y 20MAY JEDIST HK1 /0815 1645 SI Information segment transaction code SV219 Airline code, flight number Y Class of service 20MAY Departure date JED Departure city IST Arrival city HK Status code (must be HK, HL or HN) 1 Number of seats /0815 Slash, departure time 1645 Arrival time System response: 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 SV 219 Y 20MAY 1 JEDIST HK1 0815 1345 *I* 3 TK1825 Y 22MAY 3 ISTORY HK1 I 0840 1115 *1A/ 4 AF 022 Y 23MAY 4 CDGJFK HK1 0725 2C 0825 1015 *1A/E* 5 AP NCE 33492943273 - AMADEUS PRODUCT PLANNING - A 6 TK OK16APR/NCE1A0950 Note: The *I* flag indicates that Saudi Arabian Airlines' flight number 219 operating between Jeddah and Istanbul on May 20 is an information segment. This flag is appended at the time of PNR retrieval. What Is an Arrival Unknown Segment? The arrival unknown segment indicates that it is not known how the passenger plans to travel from the arrival city of the previous segment to the departure city of the next segment. For more information, see HE SEG. 96 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records How to Create an Arrival Unknown Segment Here is an example of a PNR with two flight segments. The arrival and departure cities are different between the two flights: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 AF1080 Y 15JUN 1 CDGLHR DK1 SEE RTSVC 3 AF1469 Y 22JUN 1 MANCDG DK1 SEE RTSVC 0730 0750 15JUN E 0 321 B 0635 0905 22JUN E 0 319 B To create an arrival unknown segment for this PNR, enter: SI ARNK System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 AF1080 Y 15JUN 1 CDGLHR DK1 SEE RTSVC 3 ARNK 4 AF1469 Y 22JUN 1 MANCDG DK1 SEE RTSVC 0730 0750 15JUN E 0 321 B 0635 0905 22JUN E 0 319 B The system automatically places the ARNK segment between the non-sequential segments if you do not enter a date. If you know the arrival date, you can add this to your entry. You can also add passenger association: SI ARNK 16MAY /P2 Passive Segments Here we describe three different types of special PNR segments: passive, ghost and service. For more information on these segment types, see HE PNR. What Is a Passive Segment? When a flight segment is confirmed from a source other than Amadeus, you can enter it in the PNR as a passive segment. This enables you to maintain a passenger's complete itinerary, and allows you to price and ticket the segments. It is recommended that you use passive segments only when it is absolutely necessary. Before entering a passive segment, you should consider the following alternatives: • If you want to ticket a PNR including flight segments booked in a system other than Amadeus, and the airline supports it, use PNR Claim. If you do this, you do not have to create any passive segments and you can issue the ticket as normal. See How to Claim a PNR on page 109 for more information. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 97 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide • If you want to add service information, either as a special service request (SSR) or as other service information (OSI), and the airline supports it, use a service segment. • If you want to price an itinerary without creating an actual booking, use ghost segments. These can be used for any type of itinerary and do not generate a message to the airline. What Is a Ghost Segment? You use ghost segments to produce a quote for an itinerary without actually booking any segments. Ghost segments differ from standard IATA passive segments in two ways: • They may be used with all airlines, including system user airlines. • Information is never sent to the relevant airline. You can use ghost segments for pricing an itinerary, but not for ticketing. In order to issue a ticket for a ghost segment, you must change it to a service segment or a standard IATA passive segment, using a change of status entry (PK). You can only do this if the airline allows the use of service segments or standard IATA passive segments. You can also use ghost segments to create a booking that is beyond the airline's date range. The segment is stored in the PNR with the date, year and any ghost status code. What Is a Service Segment? You can create service segments by using either the long-sell or short-sell segment entry. Both entries must include the agent sign or record locator, if booked in another system. You must include the times in your entry when the flight does not exist in Amadeus. The advantage of service segments over passive segments is that with service segments you can request SSR and OSI items for supplementary services, including seat requests. How to Create a Passive, Ghost or Service Segment The short-sell and long-sell entry formats for all three types of segment is the same. However, you must create the required segment using one of the following status codes, depending on the type of segment you are creating: Table: Passive, Service and Ghost Segment Status Codes 98 Status Code Description PK Passive segment confirmed PL Passive segment waitlisted HK Service segment confirmed GK Ghost segment confirmed GL, GN Ghost segment waitlist Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records Short-sell Entry Here is an example of a short-sell entry from an availability display for a passive segment: SS 1 G 2 /PK /ABC123 SS 1 Segment sell transaction code for one seat G2 Class, line number /PK Slash, passive segment indicator /ABC123 Slash, record locator (or agent identifier) System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1 AF1981 C 20JUN 6 LHRCDG PK1 SEE RTSVC 0640 0900 20JUN ABC123 Long-sell Entry Here is an example of a long-sell entry for a ghost segment on a booking 15 months in the future (the current date being 12JUL09): SS LH4716 C 12OCT10 MUCSTN GK1 /1725 1815 /ABC123 System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1 LH4716 C 12OCT10 MUCSTN GK1 1655 1725 1815 FUTURE PASSIVE FLIGHT/CLASS DOES NOT MATCH PUBLISHED SCHEDULE Note: The day of the week has been replaced by the year information. A warning line and the future tag are added to the segment. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 99 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Auxiliary Segments You can use manual auxiliary segments to request specific services from an airline that already has an air segment in the PNR. These services are: • Air taxi • Car • Hotel • Tour At end of transaction, a message is sent to the airline, which processes it using its specific status codes. If the airline accepts the request, it books the required service for you and sends back a confirmation. For more information, see HE AUX. You can also use manual auxiliary segments for chargeable services that are not associated to an air segment. For more information about these segments and how to create them, see: HE IU. How to Create an Auxiliary Segment Here is an example of how to create an auxiliary segment for air and taxi services. Enter: AU XX NN1 SCQVGO 21JUL/VIP NEED CAR THX AU Auxiliary segment transaction code XX Airline code of the airline to take action NN Action code 1 Number in party SCQ Departure city VGO Arrival city 21 JUL Requested date / Slash and up to 178 characters of free-flow text The request is sent to an airline, which then contacts taxi services. If the airline accepts the request, the system displays the updated status code: 2 ATX XX HN1 SCQVGO 21JUL-VIP NEED CAR THX If the airline rejects the request, this is the system response: 3 ATX IB UC1 SCQVGO 21JUL-VIP NEED CAR THX To see a list of action and status codes, see GG CODE. 100 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records Booking Special Passengers Here we describe the functions that allow you to handle the following special passenger needs: • Unaccompanied minor • Stretcher passenger • Cabin baggage • Extra seat Unaccompanied Minors You must use a special code to indicate unaccompanied minors when making a booking. You cannot include any other passenger type in the same PNR with an unaccompanied minor. To sell a segment for an unaccompanied minor, you add the UM action code and the passengers ages to the direct sell or sell from the Amadeus availability entry (not valid for direct access availability). The upper age limit for an unaccompanied minor is 12 years. The system only accepts unaccompanied minor sell transactions for available flights. If you do not use the UM action code in your segment sell entry, you must add the unaccompanied minor SSR element manually after you have ended transaction. For information on how to do this, see HE SR. Note: Do not use the child (CHD) passenger type in the name when booking an unaccompanied minor. The unaccompanied minor transaction code cannot be combined with any other action code in a single PNR. This applies to currently active segments and to cancelled segments in PNR history. For specific airline reservation procedures, refer to GG AIR XX MINORS. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 101 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Indicate an Unaccompanied Minor To indicate unaccompanied minors from an availability display segment sell, enter: SS 3 L 2 /UM 5,6,9 SS Segment sell transaction code 3 Number of passengers L Class of service 2 Line number from availability display /UM Slash, unaccompanied minor transaction code 5,6,9 Ages of the passengers The system responds with the following display: 6 SSR UMNR BA HN3 UM05/06/09/S4 For each segment booked using UM, the system generates an SSR element indicating the number of unaccompanied minors and their ages in ascending order. An SSR is generated for each segment in the itinerary. Name Element for Unaccompanied Minors You can also enter the unaccompanied minor information using the name element when you are creating the PNR. Enter: NM1BARCLAY/JOEY (IDUM07) System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/JOEY(IDUM07) Note: Airlines may have specific requirements about adding unaccompanied minors to the name element. See GG AIR XX MINORS. Stretcher Passengers Airlines must provide a special service to those passengers who require a stretcher during the flight. Normally, a stretcher passenger must be accompanied by another passenger. You can request both reservations in the same PNR. You can book a maximum of one stretcher passenger in each PNR. You make only one stretcher request for each sell entry, regardless of the number of passengers specified. To sell a segment for a stretcher passenger, add the ST action code to the direct sell, or sell from the Amadeus availability entry (not valid for direct access availability displays). 102 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records How to Indicate a Stretcher Passenger To indicate a stretcher passenger from an availability display segment sell, enter: SS 2 C 3 /ST SS Segment sell transaction code 2 Number of passengers C Class of service 3 Line number from availability display /ST Slash, stretcher passenger action code System response: 6. SSR STCR BA NN1/S3 For each segment booked using the stretcher action code, the system generates an SSR element for the relevant carrier requesting one stretcher place. Segment association is automatic. Note: If there is more than one name element in the PNR, you must indicate the passenger needing the stretcher before end of transaction. Name Element for Stretcher Passengers You can also enter the stretcher passenger information using the name element when you are creating the PNR. Enter: NM1BARCLAY/ADAM MR (IDSTCR) System response: RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR(IDSTCR) Extra Seats for Cabin Baggage You can book an extra seat for cabin baggage using an SSR element and a name element. You may only book one extra seat per passenger. Depending on the airline, you may have to issue a separate ticket for the cabin baggage. Before making a reservation for a passenger who is carrying cabin baggage that will occupy a seat, you must find out if the airline requires that you issue a separate ticket for that baggage. For pricing or ticketing details, see GG AIR XX BAGS (where XX is the two-letter airline code) or contact the airline directly. Note: If the airline requires separate tickets for the passenger and the extra cabin baggage, see HE STEPS, GP CBB. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 103 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Request Extra Seats for Cabin Baggage To advise the airline that cabin baggage is requested when only one ticket is required for both passenger and baggage, follow the steps below. 1. Enter two name fields in one transaction to indicate the passenger travelling with the extra baggage. NM2BARCLAY/ADAM MR (IDCBBG) /CBBG NM2 Name element transaction code, number of passengers BARCLAY/ADAM MR Passenger name (IDCBBG) Bracket, extra baggage passenger identification, bracket /CBBG Slash, extra baggage code as second passenger name Note: Do not use a title for this name, otherwise you cannot associate the SSR to the passenger. 2. Enter the service request for the cabin baggage and associate it to the passenger. SR CBBG -ONE CELLO /P1 SR Service request transaction code CBBG Cabin baggage service code -ONE CELLO Dash, free-flow text describing the type of baggage /P1 Slash, passenger association to the passenger travelling with the cabin baggage System response: 4 SSR CBBG BA NN1 ONE CELLO/S3/P1 104 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records Extra Seats for Comfort You can book an extra seat for a passenger's personal comfort using a combination of the name element and a service request. For more information, see HE STEPS, GP XST. How to Request Extra Seats for Comfort To book an extra seat for personal comfort, follow the steps below. 1. Enter two name fields in one transaction to indicate the passenger requiring the extra seat. NM 2 BARCLAY/ADAM MR (IDEXST) /EXST NM2 Name element transaction code, number of passengers BARCLAY/ADAM MR Passenger name (IDEXST) Bracket, extra seat passenger identification, bracket /EXST Extra seat code as second passenger name Note: Do not use a title for this name, otherwise you cannot associate the SSR to the passenger. Note: You cannot modify an existing EXST name element. You can only update the first name if the surname is also changed. The extra seat information must be in the same name element entry as the passenger, because the system automatically links the EXST AIRIMP code to the actual passenger name element. 2. Enter the service request for the extra seat and associate it to the passenger. SR EXST -PERSONAL COMFORT /P1 SR Service request transaction code EXST Extra seat service code -PERSONAL COMFORT Dash, free-flow text explaining the reason for the extra seat /P1 Slash, passenger association to the passenger requiring the extra seat System response: 4 SSR EXST BA NN1 PERSONAL COMFORT/S3/P1 You cannot price or issue a separate ticket for the extra seat. The system creates only one TST for the passenger. For pricing or ticketing details, see GGAIRXX (where XX is the two-letter airline code) or contact the airline directly. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 105 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Group PNRs To handle bookings for large parties of up to 99 passengers, a special type of PNR, a group PNR, has to be used. The group PNR must contain the following elements: • A special group name element • At least one group air segment • A group fare SSR element • The other mandatory elements for normal PNRs (contact element, ticketing element, received from) For more information on group PNRs, see HE GROUP. How to Create a Group PNR To create a group PNR, follow the steps below. 1. Enter the group name element. NG 15 EUROPE TOUR NG Group name element transaction code 15 Number of passengers in the group EUROPE TOUR Group name 2. Sell a group segment from availability by number of passengers, class of service and line number. SS 15 Y 1 /SG SS Segment sell transaction code 15 Number of passengers in the group Y Class of service 1 Line number from availability display /SG Slash, sell group action code To waitlist a group, enter: SS 15 Y 1 /PG 3. Enter contact information, for example a home phone number. APH- NCE 92 94 70 11 4. Enter a ticketing arrangement element. TK TL 10FEB 5. Enter a group SSR element for the group fare. SR GRPF -GV15 106 SR Service request transaction code GRPF Group fare data service code -GV15 Dash, group fare basis Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records 6. Enter a received from element. RF MICHAEL 7. Transmit a group name to non-Altéa Reservation airlines. NT 8. End transaction. ET You now have the essential elements for your group PNR. For more information on these steps, see HE STEPS, GP PN4. If you need to, you can add SSRs, frequent flyer information, other service information and remarks to the group PNR. Associate any SSRs to the appropriate passenger or segment as required. Note: Specific rules apply for passive, service, and group segments (specifically in the case of non-Altéa Reservation airlines). You can create passive segments in a group PNR; however SSR or OSI elements are not allowed in passive segments for group PNRs (SSR GRPF is the only exception). You cannot use service segments in a group PNR. Retrieving PNRs You can retrieve a PNR using the details of a flight or auxiliary segment for a current date, future date or past date. A PNR can be retrieved after the departure date of the last segment booked, even if the itinerary has been cancelled. You can also retrieve a PNR while in temporary ticketing mode. PNR retrieval is controlled by the security package, and is dependent on your user identification, office type and office identification. The security package regulates PNR retrieval for system user airlines, participating carriers, travel agencies, providers and help desks. You can also retrieve a PNR if your office identification is specified in a security agreement within the PNR. In some cases a PNR may be locked or set to read mode to safeguard its integrity, or following a failure in the nightly purge process. In that case the PNR can be retrieved but not modified. How to Retrieve a PNR To retrieve the currently active PNR if you have moved off the PNR screen, enter: RT You can also retrieve a PNR using the following options if the PNR is not active: Table: PNR Retrieval Options Entry Retrieves a PNR Using a... RT Z472IX Record locator RT /BARCLAY/A Partial name RT /18NOV-BARCLAY Date and name © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 107 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Entry Retrieves a PNR Using a... RT CO123-BARCLAY Flight and name RT CO123/18NOV-BARCLAY Flight, date and name RT 1 Name list RT 0 Redisplay the list If you want to retrieve service information from the PNR, enter: RT SVC For more information on retrieving PNRs, see HE PNR RETRIEVE. What Is a PNR Claim? The Amadeus PNR claim functionality allows you to take over responsibility for PNRs that were originally created and booked in another office or airline system, provided that the following conditions are met: • The airline has an agreement with Amadeus to allow their PNRs to be claimed. • Applicable Amadeus extended ownership agreements (EOS) and PNR security elements (ES agreements) allow you to claim the PNR. Once you have claimed responsibility for a PNR, you can update it as you would any retrieved PNR. For more information, see HE CLAIM. 108 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records How to Claim a PNR If you have sufficient rights to claim a PNR, you can claim it using the following steps: 1. Retrieve the PNR using the record locator, flight number, date, or name. RO CO ABC123 RO PNR claim transaction code CO Airline code ABC123 Original airline record locator The PNR is displayed on your screen in its original format. ------------------------------------------NHTB0L 1.1BARCLAY/A 1 CO 50Y 01FEB SA LAXIAH HK1 700A 1210P 2 CO1524Y 02FEB SU IAHMIA HK1 115P 432P 3 ARNK 4 CO 50Y 03FEB MO LAXIAH HK1 700A 1210P 5 CO1524Y 04FEB TU IAHMIA HK1 115P 432P FONE1.MEX645-0008/B702 2.MEX*FAX NA/N000 3.MEX*702 645 0008H/N000 4.MEX*COMPANY/N000 *CLAIM MODE* ------------------------------------------- Note: At this point, the PNR is still the responsibility of the original office or airline. 2. Use an end of transaction entry to claim the PNR. ER This transfers the responsibility for the PNR from the original office airline to your office. The PNR is now displayed in the Amadeus PNR format: --- RLR --RP/MADIB0100/MADIB0100 AA/SU 1.BARCLAY/A 2 CO 050 Y 01FEB 6 LAXIAH HK1 3 CO1524 Y 02FEB 7 IAHMIA HK1 4 ARNK 5 CO 050 Y 03FEB 1 LAXIAH HK1 6 CO1524 Y 04FEB 2 IAHMIA HK1 7 AP 91 5878389 8 TK TL01FEB/1700/MADIB0100 9 OSI 1A CTCP MEX 645-0008/B702 10 OSI 1A CTCP MEX FAX NA/N000 11 OSI 1A CTCP MEX 702 645 0008H/N000 12 OSI 1A CTCP MEX COMPANY/N000 13 OSI 1A CTCP MEX 4908 PLANET CT LAS 10OCT96/1647Z 6 C 0700 1210 1315 1632 6 C 0700 1210 1315 1632 LL6V29 VEGAS NV 89130/N000 You can now update the PNR as you would any other retrieved PNR. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 109 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Search for PNRs Here we describe two methods you can use to find PNRs in the system, searching by flight and searching by office. Search by Flight To list all PNRs for a flight on a specific date, enter the date after the flight number. For example: LP/BA902/10JUN LP Search by flight transaction code /BA902 Slash, airline code, flight number /10JUN Slash, date System response: LP/BA902/10JUN LHRFRA 001 01FRIEDMANN 002 *01ROBERTSON 003 01TOENGES END OF DISPLAY Y58LWE C HK 01MAR SWI1G OSY X76Z8O V HK 19MAR LONBA06CS OT X782SZ Q HK 13DEC KSFL1211D FIOT For more information, see HE LP. Search by Office The search by office allows you to create a list of passenger names and record locators that you can display on your terminal, send to a printer, or place on a queue. You can search for passengers in PNRs belonging to your own office or to other offices for which you have PNR retrieval rights (see HE RT for an explanation of retrieval rights). The following table displays some of the options you can use to search for PNRs by office: Table: Search for PNRs 110 Entry System Response LPO/ALL Displays all PNRs in your office. LPO/A(AF, BA)B(CPH) Displays all PNRs in your office meeting the specified search criteria. There is no limit to the number of search codes that you can include in your entry. LPO/NCE1A0999/A(AF) Displays all PNRs in a different office meeting the specified search criteria. LPO/N(CCREP.1SEPLHR) Displays all PNRs in your office matching the specified auxiliary segments. LPS/PS Displays the passenger list status table. LPS/D3 Displays the search results. LPS/D3-Q29C3 Places a name list on a specific queue. LPX/3-5,7 Deletes selected results from the status table. Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records Entry System Response LPX/ALL Deletes all results from the status table For more information, see HE LPO. Purged PNRs PNRs that have been purged from the system are called past-date records (PDRs). A PNR is purged four days after the start date of its last segment, whether that segment was cancelled or not. This means four days after departure for a flight, tour or cruise segment; four days after check-in for a hotel segment; and four days after the pick-up date for a car segment. The purge occurs during a nightly file maintenance process that starts running at midnight. If the process fails, the PNRs that were not purged are locked and updates to these PNRs are not allowed. The locked PNRs will be purged during the next nightly file maintenance. While a PNR is being purged, you can still retrieve it using the usual retrieval requests. See HE RT. Once a PNR has been purged, there are two ways to recall it: • Online - interactively • Offline - deferred mode PNRs can be recalled for a period of three years after the last segment is flown or completed. Note: These requests may not be available to all users. For more information, see HE PURGE. How to Recall a Purged PNR Interactively Using an online request, you can recall a purged PNR by referring to an air segment in the original PNR. You must also indicate the date of the segment. Enter, for example: RPP /AF7708 /16DEC07 RPP Recall PDR interactively transaction code /AF7708 Slash, mandatory airline code, flight number /16DEC07 Slash, mandatory flight date This request recalls records that contain an AF7708 segment on 16DEC07 and displays the results on the screen. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 111 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide If more than one past-date record is found, a list of PDRs showing the names of all passengers in each PDR, is displayed: PDR LIST 00028 PDR LIST 00069 NCE1A0950/0001AAS/SU RPP/AF7708/16DEC07 001 AIGNER/S 002 BERNARDOS/E 003 GARDINER/C 004 NOGUCHI/H 005 PERIDON/O 05MAR2009/0924Z ZH9HS3 ZH9HS3 ZH9HS3 ZH9HSN ZH9HSO AF7708 AF7708 AF7708 AF7708 AF7708 16DEC03_PARAF0100 16DEC03_PARAF0100 16DEC03_PARAF0100 16DEC03_PARAF0100 16DEC03_PARAF0100 For more information, see HE RPP. How to Recall a Purged PNR in Deferred Mode Using an offline request, you can recall a purged PNR by airline code only, as long as the date range does not exceed two days. For example: RPD /LH /02JUL07-03JUL07 /BPAR -HART /JOHN *T (TEXT) RPD Recall PDR in deferred mode transaction code /LH Slash, airline code (mandatory) /02JUL07 -03JUL07 Slash, flight departure date (mandatory), or date range (optional, two days maximum) /BPAR Slash, boarding indicator and board point (optional) -HART Dash, family name (optional) /JOHN Slash, given name (optional - must be in conjunction with family name) *T Asterisk, target output display (optional) (T for terminal, Q for queue, or P for print) (TEXT) Parentheses containing up to 30 characters of free-flow text for identification (optional) This request recalls PDRs owned by your office that contain an LH segment in the specified date range. The PDR list shows, for the requested passenger name, the first LH segment found in the PDR for that date range. For more information, see HE RPD. Modifying PNRs Here we describe several tasks you can perform when you need to modify a PNR. Deleting PNR Elements Here you will find information about how to delete segments, delete itineraries and cancel name elements. 112 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records How to Delete a Segment When you are working with PNRs, you can delete a segment from the PNR or delete the entire itinerary with one entry. Here is an example of a PNR with several air segments: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 NCE1A0950/0022AG/15MAY09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 BA 428 Y 15JUN 1 LHRAMS 3 BA 423 Y 21JUN 7 AMSLHR 4 BA 117 Y 04JUL 6 LHRJFK 5 BA 178 Y 11JUL 6 JFKLHR 6 APH 07 123 123 PARIS 7 TK TL10JUN/NCE1A0950 HK1 HK1 HK1 HK1 AG/SU 15MAY09/0837Z 0705 0720 0855 0840 15JUN 21JUN 04JUL 11JUL 0920 0735 1120 2035 E E E E 2XGUPJ BA/ BA/ BA/ BA/ To delete segment number 2, enter: XE 2 System response: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 NCE1A0950/0022AG/15MAY09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 BA 423 Y 21JUN 7 AMSLHR HK1 3 BA 117 Y 04JUL 6 LHRJFK HK1 4 BA 178 Y 11JUL 6 JFKLHR HK1 5 APH 07 123 123 PARIS 6 TK TL10JUN/NCE1A0950 AG/SU 15MAY09/0837Z 0720 0735 0855 1120 0840 2035 21JUN 04JUL 11JUL E E E 2XGUPJ BA/ BA/ BA/ The system automatically renumbers the remaining segments and elements in the PNR. Note: This entry works on any type of segment in a PNR. Multiple Segments You can also delete multiple segments at the same time: Delete Multiple Segment Entries Entry Description XE 2, 3 Deletes segments 2 and 3 XE 4-7 Deletes segments 4, 5, 6, and 7 How to Delete an Itinerary When you are working with PNRs, you can delete the entire itinerary with one entry. Here is an example of a PNR with air segments: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 NCE1A0950/0022AG/15MAY09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 BA 428 Y 15JUN 1 LHRAMS HK1 3 BA 423 Y 21JUN 7 AMSLHR HK1 4 APH 07 123 123 PARIS 5 TK TL10JUN/NCE1A0950 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved AG/SU 15MAY09/0837Z 0705 0920 0720 0735 15JUN 21JUN E E 2XGUPJ BA/ BA/ 113 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide To delete all the segments in the itinerary, enter: XI System response: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 NCE1A0950/0022AG/15MAY09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 APH 07 123 123 PARIS 3 TK TL10JUN/NCE1A0950 AG/SU 15MAY09/0837Z 2XGUPJ How to Cancel a Name Element You cancel a name element in the same way that you delete other segments on a PNR. However, with the name element, there are certain restrictions that must be observed. To cancel a name element: 1. Retrieve the PNR. Here is an example of a PNR with two names and two seats booked on each flight: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 AG/SU 20MAY09/0827Z 345ALN NCE1A0950/0022AG/20MAY09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MS 3 BA 117 Y 15JUN 1 LHRJFK HK2 0855 1120 15JUN E BA/ 4 BA 178 Y 22JUN 1 JFKLHR HK2 0840 2035 22JUN E BA/ 5 APH 07 123 123 6 TK TL10JUN/NCE1A0950 The first transaction you perform after retrieving the PNR must be the name cancellation. 2. Delete the passenger name element. XE 2 System response: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 NCE1A0950/0022AG/20MAY09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 3 BA 117 Y 15JUN 1 LHRJFK HK1 4 BA 178 Y 22JUN 1 JFKLHR HK1 5 APH 07 123 123 6 TK TL10JUN/NCE1A0950 AG/SU 20MAY09/0827Z 0855 1120 0840 2035 15JUN 22JUN E E 345ALN BA/ BA/ The name is deleted and the number of seats booked is automatically reduced. Any other information that was associated to the passenger is removed as well. After you cancel the name, you cannot make any other entries except RF and ET/ER. 3. Enter the received from element. RF PAX 114 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records 4. End the transaction. ET Note: This functionality is not supported by all airlines. Please verify with the airline whether or not they allow a reduction of the number in the party. You cannot cancel a name element when an FA/ET element exists. Rebooking PNRs Here you will find information about how to rebook PNRs. What Is Rebooking? The rebooking entry enables you to rebook existing segments in a PNR. This entry allows you to change the following: • A class of service in one or more segments • A date in one or more segments • A flight number in one or more segments • A combination of class, date and flight number You can rebook segments from a displayed PNR, whether new or retrieved, or from an availability display for the same city pair. Note: You cannot rebook open segments, information segments, nonparticipating carrier segments or passive segments. For more information, see HE REBOOK. How to Rebook a PNR The rebook entry cancels existing segments and resells the segments using the new details. However, the rebook process always uses the same segment sell action code as the original segment that is being replaced and only replaces the original PNR data if an exact confirmed sale is received. Here is an example of a PNR: 1.STEWART ANDY 2.CROWTHER LESLIE 3.DRAKE CHARLIE 4 IB3402 M 23NOV 1 MADORY HK3 0730 0920 5 AF 804 K 24NOV 2 CDGLHR HK3 2D 0730 0740 6 BA 902 S 25NOV 3 LHRFRA HK3 1 0725 1000 7 LH3052 C 27NOV 5 FRAARN HK3 0950 1155 8 AY 642 D 29NOV 7 ARNHEL HK3 1330 1525 9 AY871 T 02DEC 3 HELCDG HK3 0815 1020 10 IB3405 V 04DEC 5 ORYMAD HK3 1405 1555 11 AP EL PRADO 12 TK OK05APR/MUC1A0701 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ 115 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Class To change the class in segment 6, flight BA902, from S to Y, enter: SB Y 6 SB Rebooking transaction code Y New class for the segment 6 Number of the segment being changed System response: 1.STEWART ANDY 2.CROWTHER LESLIE 3.DRAKE CHARLIE 4 IB3402 M 23NOV 1 MADORY HK3 0730 0920 5 AF 804 K 24NOV 2 CDGLHR HK3 2D 0730 0740 6 BA 902 Y 25NOV 3 LHRFRA HK3 1 0725 1000 7 LH3052 C 27NOV 5 FRAARN HK3 0950 1155 8 AY 642 D 29NOV 7 ARNHEL HK3 1330 1525 9 AY871 T 02DEC 3 HELCDG HK3 0815 1020 10 IB3405 V 04DEC 5 ORYMAD HK3 1405 1555 11 AP EL PRADO 12 TK OK05APR/MUC1A0701 *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ Flight Number To change the flight number in segment 5 to BD 194, enter: SB BD194 *5 SB Rebooking transaction code BD194 New flight number for the segment *5 Asterisk, number of the segment being changed System response: 1.STEWART ANDY 2.CROWTHER LESLIE 3.DRAKE CHARLIE 4 IB3402 M 23NOV 1 MADORY HK3 0730 0920 5 BD 194 K 24NOV 2 CDGLHR HK3 2D 0730 0740 6 BA 902 Y 25NOV 3 LHRFRA HK3 1 0725 1000 7 LH3052 C 27NOV 5 FRAARN HK3 0950 1155 8 AY 642 D 29NOV 7 ARNHEL HK3 1330 1525 9 AY871 T 02DEC 3 HELCDG HK3 0815 1020 10 IB3405 V 04DEC 5 ORYMAD HK3 1405 1555 11 AP EL PRADO 12 TK OK05APR/MUC1A0701 Note: *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ You can rebook by flight number for the same city pair only. Date To change the date in segment 7 to 28 November, enter: SB 28NOV 7 116 SB Rebooking transaction code 28NOV New date for the segment 7 Number of the segment being changed Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records System response: 1.STEWART ANDY 2.CROWTHER LESLIE 3.DRAKE CHARLIE 4 IB3402 M 23NOV 1 MADORY HK3 0730 0920 5 AF 804 K 24NOV 2 CDGLHR HK3 2D 0730 0740 6 BA 902 Y 25NOV 3 LHRFRA HK3 1 0725 1000 7 LH3052 C 28NOV 5 FRAARN HK3 0950 1155 8 AY 642 D 29NOV 7 ARNHEL HK3 1330 1525 9 AY871 T 02DEC 3 HELCDG HK3 0815 1020 10 IB3405 V 04DEC 5 ORYMAD HK3 1405 1555 11 AP EL PRADO 12 TK OK05APR/MUC1A0701 *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ Combine Rebooking Entries You can use multiple rebooking entries at the same time. For example, this entry changes the class and the date for segment 4: SB F 28 SEP 4 SB Rebooking transaction code F New booking class 28SEP New date for the segment 4 Number of the segment being changed System response: 1.STEWART ANDY 2.CROWTHER LESLIE 3.DRAKE CHARLIE 4 IB3402 F 28SEP 1 MADORY HK3 0730 0920 5 AF 804 K 24NOV 2 CDGLHR HK3 2D 0730 0740 6 BA 902 Y 25NOV 3 LHRFRA HK3 1 0725 1000 7 LH3052 C 28NOV 5 FRAARN HK3 0950 1155 8 AY 642 D 29NOV 7 ARNHEL HK3 1330 1525 9 AY871 T 02DEC 3 HELCDG HK3 0815 1020 10 IB3405 V 04DEC 5 ORYMAD HK3 1405 1555 11 AP EL PRADO 12 TK OK05APR/MUC1A0701 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ *1A/ 117 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Changing PNR Ownership Here you will find information about how to transfer PNR ownership and how to change the queuing office. How to Transfer PNR Ownership The responsible office is the location that owns the PNR. When the responsible office is changed, the ownership of the PNR is transferred to the new responsible office. Here is an example of a PNR: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 NCE1A0950/0022AG/15MAY09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 BA 117 Y 15JUN 1 LHRJFK HK1 3 BA 178 Y 21JUN 7 JFKLHR HK1 4 APH 07 123 123 LONDON 5 TK TL10JUN/NCE1A0950 6 SSR VGML BA HK1/S2 AG/SU 15MAY09/0932Z 0855 1120 0840 2035 15JUN 21JUN E E 2YS4BF BA/ BA/ To transfer the responsibility of the PNR to another office, enter: RP /MADAF0002 The system displays the change in the header: RP/MADAF0002/NCE1A0950 NCE1A0950/0022AG/15MAY09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 BA 117 Y 15JUN 1 LHRJFK HK1 3 BA 178 Y 21JUN 7 JFKLHR HK1 4 APH 07 123 123 LONDON 5 TK TL10JUN/NCE1A0950 6 SSR VGML BA HK1/S2 AG/SU 15MAY09/0932Z 0855 1120 0840 2035 15JUN 21JUN E E 2YS4BF BA/ BA/ You can also transfer responsibility of the PNR and change the ticketing office (TK), queuing office (Q), and queue option indicator (OP), if present. Enter, for example: RP /MADAF0002/ALL For more information, see HE RP. How to Change the Queuing Office You can change the queuing office in a PNR without changing the responsible office by using the RF transaction. The queuing office is where the system sends any messages it receives concerning the PNR. Changing the queuing office is controlled by Amadeus security, and the new office identification is automatically verified by the system. When you enter the first element in a newly created PNR, the system automatically enters a heading with the identification of the responsible office (RP) at the top of the PNR. For example, the original header displays: RP/MUC1A0701/MUC1A0701 118 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records To change the queuing office to MUC1A0702, enter: RF JOHN SMITH/MUC1A0702 The next time you retrieve the PNR, the header displays: RP/MUC1A0701/MUC1Q0702 At the end of transaction, the system adds the identification of the office that created the RF element to the RP identification as the queuing office. Amadeus Altéa reservation airline agents can change the queuing office identification for a PNR by including the new office identification in the RF entry. Copying PNRs Here you will find information about how to copy PNRs. How to Copy a PNR You have several options available when you need to copy a PNR. Once the PNR is copied, you save it as a new PNR to obtain a new record locator. For more information on copying PNRs, see HE COPY. Here is an example of a PNR: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 AG/SU 18MAY09/1219Z 3J8LR9 NCE1A0950/0022AG/18MAY09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MS 3 AF1080 Y 20JUN 6 CDGLHR HK2 0730 0750 20JUN E AF/ 4 AF1981 Y 30JUN 2 LHRCDG HK2 0640 0900 30JUN E AF/ 5 APH 07 123 123 PARIS 6 TK TL15JUN/NCE1A0950 To copy all of the PNR's itinerary and passenger information, enter: RRN System response: -IGNORED 3J8LR9RP/NCE1A0950/ 1 AF1080 Y 20JUN 6 CDGLHR DK2 SEE RTSVC 2 AF1981 Y 30JUN 2 LHRCDG DK2 SEE RTSVC 3 APH 07 123 123 PARIS 0730 0750 20JUN E 0 321 B 0640 0900 30JUN E 0 321 B The original PNR is ignored, and the itinerary and contact elements from the original PNR are copied into a new PNR. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 119 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Associate the Original PNR To copy a PNR and to create an associated cross-reference (AXR) record between the original PNR and the newly created PNR, enter: RRA System response: -IGNORED 3J8LR9RP/NCE1A0950/ 1 AF1080 Y 20JUN 6 CDGLHR DK2 0730 0750 SEE RTSVC 2 AF1981 Y 30JUN 2 LHRCDG DK2 0640 0900 SEE RTSVC 3 APH 07 123 123 PARIS * RR 18MAY/AGSU/NCE1A0950-3J8LR9 20JUN E 0 321 B 30JUN E 0 321 B The original PNR is ignored and the itinerary and passenger information is copied. A new line is added to the PNR, showing: • The PNR was copied from another PNR (* RR) • The date the PNR was copied (18MAY) • The agent's initials and duty code (AGSU) • The office ID of the office that copied the PNR (NCE1A0950) • The record locator of the original PNR (3J8LR9) PNR Itinerary To copy only the itinerary information from the PNR, enter: RRI System response: -IGNORED 3J8LR9RP/NCE1A0950/ 1 AF1080 Y 20JUN 6 CDGLHR DK2 SEE RTSVC 2 AF1981 Y 30JUN 2 LHRCDG DK2 SEE RTSVC 0730 0750 20JUN E 0 321 B 0640 0900 30JUN E 0 321 B Passenger Information To copy only the PNR's passenger information, enter: RRP System response: -IGNORED 3J8LR9RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MS 3 APH 07 123 123 PARIS 120 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records Splitting PNRs Here you will find information about how to split PNRs. What Is a PNR Split? You split a PNR when you wish to rebook a separate itinerary for one or more passengers. This is because all passengers in a PNR must have identical flight itineraries. When you split a PNR, you create two separate PNRs: the original, or parent PNR, and the associate PNR that will contain the new itinerary. For more information, see HE SPLIT. How to Split a PNR Here is an example of a PNR: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 AG/SU 18MAY09/1219Z 3J8LR9 NCE1A0950/0022AG/18MAY09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MS 3 AF1080 Y 20JUN 6 CDGLHR HK2 0730 0750 20JUN E AF/ 4 AF1981 Y 30JUN 2 LHRCDG HK2 0640 0900 30JUN E AF/ 5 APH 07 123 123 PARIS 6 TK TL15JUN/NCE1A0950 In this PNR, the itineraries for both passengers are identical. However, Ann Barclay must make a change to her itinerary. Therefore, you must split the PNR since the itineraries will no longer be the same. To split the PNR: 1. Separate the passengers. SP 2 SP Split PNR transaction code 2 Passenger number The system displays the new PNR for the passenger. -ASSOCIATE PNRRP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 AG/SU 18MAY09/1219Z XXXXXX 1.BARCLAY/ANN MS 2 AF1080 Y 20JUN 6 CDGLHR HK1 0730 0750 20JUN E AF/ 3 AF1981 Y 30JUN 2 LHRCDG HK1 0640 0900 30JUN E AF/ 4 APH 07 123 123 PARIS 5 TK TL15JUN/NCE1A0950 * SP 18MAY/AGSU/NCE1A0950-3J8LR9 There is an SP line at the bottom of the PNR showing the split transaction and who completed it. However, note that there is not yet a record locator for this PNR (XXXXXX). 2. Add a received from element. RF PAX © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 121 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide 3. End and file the new PNR. EF The system displays the parent PNR and shows the new record locator for the associated PNR in the SP line. This PNR is active. -PARENT PNRRP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 AG/SU 18MAY09/1219Z 3J8LR9 NCE1A0950/0022AG/18MAY09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 AF1080 Y 20JUN 6 CDGLHR HK1 0730 0750 20JUN E AF/ 3 AF1981 Y 30JUN 2 LHRCDG HK1 0640 0900 30JUN E AF/ 4 APH 07 123 123 PARIS 5 TK TL15JUN/NCE1A0950 * SP 18MAY/AGSU/NCE1A0950-3KSPBK 4. Add a received from element. RF PAX 5. End the transaction to make sure the split is recorded in the system for both PNRs. ET The system displays an end of transaction message, as well as the record locators of both PNRs. The split PNR is designated by SP-. END OF TRANSACTION COMPLETE - 3J8LR9 SP-3KSPBK After you have split the PNRs, you can retrieve them using their record locators and make any other changes that are required. Handling Non-Homogeneous PNRs Here you will find information about non-homogeneous PNRs and how to handle them. What Is a Non-homogeneous PNR Condition? A non-homogeneous condition occurs in a PNR when: • The number of seats in an air segment is not equal to the number of passenger names. • The number of seats booked within the air segments is not equal. The system automatically appends the *** NHP *** tag to the top of the PNR. You must passenger-associate the segments that create the non-homogeneous condition. If you attempt to end the transaction without passenger association, the system displays the warning message: NEED PASSENGER ASSOCIATION A non-homogeneous condition can be created intentionally to accommodate passengers who do not wish to share the entire itinerary. For example, a family may be booked to travel together on an outbound flight, but decide to return on different flights. When the reservations are made for different return journeys, the PNR enters a non-homogeneous condition. 122 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records At end of transaction, the system splits the original PNR and creates a separate PNR for each passenger or party that shares the same itinerary. Details of these PNRs are displayed by the system as an associated cross reference or AXR record at end of transaction. For more information, see HE NHP. How to Handle a Non-homogeneous Condition This example shows a PNR with a non-homogeneous condition where the number of seats booked in the air segments is not equal. Here is the PNR itinerary with different numbers of seats on each segment: *** NHP RP/NCE1A0950/ 1 LH5074 Y 13JUN 6 DUSZRH DK4 2 LH5075 Y 17JUN 3 ZRHDUS DK3 *** 1015 1125 1225 1345 13JUN 17JUN E E 0 733 R 0 AR1 R To handle the non-homogenous condition: 1. Add names to the PNR. NM3BARCLAY/ADAM MR/ANN MS/JOEY 1BLACK/ANDREW MR System response: *** NHP *** RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MS 3.BARCLAY/JOEY 4.BLACK/ANDREW MR 5 LH5074 Y 13JUN 6 DUSZRH DK4 1015 1125 13JUN E 0 733 R 6 LH5075 Y 17JUN 3 ZRHDUS DK3 1225 1345 17JUN E 0 AR1 R 2. Associate the passengers to the flight segments. In this example, the Barclays will take the return flight from Zurich and Mr. Black will not. 6 /P1-3 System response: *** NHP *** RP/NCE1A0950/ 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MS 3.BARCLAY/JOEY 4.BLACK/ANDREW MR 5 LH5074 Y 13JUN 6 DUSZRH DK4 1015 1125 13JUN E 0 733 R 6 LH5075 Y 17JUN 3 ZRHDUS DK3 1225 1345 17JUN E 0 AR1 R /P1-3 3. Add the remaining PNR mandatory elements. APH- 07 123 123 TKTL 10 JUN RF PAX © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 123 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide 4. End the transaction. ER The list of associated PNRs is displayed: AXR FOR PNR: 1.BARCLAY/ADAM- 3 3.BARCLAY/JOEY 3 ***NHP*** 2.BARCLAY/ANN - 3 4.BLACK/ANDREW- 1 3MKR7I 3MKR7I 18MAY 1640 3MKR7I 3MKR7J The system splits the PNR and creates a separate PNR for each passenger or party sharing the same itinerary. The details of each PNR are available as an associated cross reference (AXR) to the other PNRs. 5. View one of the cross-referenced PNRs. RT 4 The system displays the details of the PNR for Mr. Black: --- AXR --RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 AG/SU 18MAY09/1440Z 3MKR7J NCE1A0950/0022AG/18MAY09 1.BLACK/ANDREW MR 2 LH5074 Y 13JUN 6 DUSZRH HK1 1015 1125 13JUN E LH/3MKR7J 3 APH 07 123 123 4 TK TL10JUN/NCE1A0950 * SP 18MAY/AGSU/NCE1A0950-NHP PROC The SP line shows that this PNR was split from another PNR. 6. Retrieve the cross-referenced PNRs. RT AXR The system redisplays the list of associated PNRs: AXR FOR PNR: 1.BARCLAY/ADAM- 3 3.BARCLAY/JOEY 3 3MKR7I 3MKR7I 3MKR7J 2.BARCLAY/ANN - 3 4.BLACK/ANDREW- 1 18MAY 1651 3MKR7I * Printing a PNR You can print a PNR or a PNR screen on: • Your default printer • Another printer in your office • A printer in another Amadeus office • Any airline printer where printers are defined in the Amadeus PSDB database • Any printer with a printer mnemonic, where queue-to-queue destination addresses are used to send the print results • Any airline printer for which you know the seven-character IATA teletype address For more information, see HE PNR PRINT. 124 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records System Print Messages When the system has sent the PNR to the printer, it displays one of the following messages: • SENT This indicates that the printer address has been validated and the print request has been sent for processing. • SENT TO SYSTEM FOR PRINTING This message indicates that the network ID is not validated in the Amadeus PDSB database. The print request has been sent for queue-to-queue processing, without validating the printer address. All restrictions that normally apply to PNR retrieval also apply to printing. How to Print a PNR To print an existing PNR on your default printer, enter the print transaction code followed by either an A (all) or S (screen), and the retrieval entry. The PNR is sent directly to the printer. To print the entire PNR currently open on your screen, enter: WRA /RT To print only the currently displayed screen, enter: WRS /RT For additional information, see HE WRA. Printing Options The table below shows some options you can use with your PNR print request: Table: PNR Print Options Option Sample Entry Description /RT WRA /RT Prints the current PNR /RT (recloc) WRA /RT CIJBI1 Prints a specific PNR, indicated by the record locator /RH WRA /RH Prints the PNR history for the current PNR /RPP WRA /RPP CIJBI1 Prints a purged PNR See Purged PNRs on page 111 For more printing options and details, see HE PNR PRINT. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 125 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Print a PNR on a Printer at Another Office You can print a PNR to a printer at another office if you know the office ID of the target office. To print the entire PNR CIJBI1 to another office, enter: WRAO MADIB2743 /RT CIJBI1 WRAO Print PNR to another office transaction code MADIB2743 Target office ID /RT Slash, print PNR option CIJBI1 Record locator Displaying PNR History Every PNR that is created in the distribution system has associated historical information, which is a record of the creation of the PNR and any additions, modifications, cancellations, and deletions that are subsequently made to it. The PNR history is updated at each end of transaction entry. Each time a modification is made, the modified data is stored in PNR history. For each modification, history records the office identification, agent sign, duty code, and the date and time of the modification. If you retrieve a PNR but do not modify it, there are no entries made in the PNR history. If the modification is made using remote office logging, the IATA and office ID for both the originating and the emulated branch are included. When working in the system, you can display both full and partial PNR history: • Full PNR history - displays all transactions associated with the PNR See How to Display Full PNR History on page 128. • Partial PNR history - displays specific transactions associated with the PNR See How to Display Partial PNR History on page 128. For more information on PNR history, see HE RH. 126 Edition 3.1 Chapter 3 Passenger Name Records Sample PNR History The PNR header line appears at the top of the history. Subsequently, each activity in the PNR is listed as a numbered element. The number for each element indicates when that activity was performed. Activities that are associated with the creation of a PNR are numbered 000, activities from the first modification of the PNR are numbered 001, from the second modification 002, and so on. Each modification and set of modifications is called a step. Here is a sample of a PNR history display: n 000 ON/BLAKE S/MS JACKSON M/MR STOYLE D/MR 000 OS/LH 401 F 20SEP 5 JFKFRA LK3 530P 715A+1/NN *1A/E* 000 OS/CAR SK NN1 FRA 20SEP-21SEP ECAR/CF-/NN 000 RF-PAX CR-MUC1A0701 SU 0001AA 28FEB/1009Z 001/003 CS/NW1799M 10DEC 4 MIADEN HK4 1315 1705/KK o n Original entries in the PNR, indicated by the sequence number 000 o Modifications to the PNR, indicated by the other sequence numbers 001/003 PNR Creation in History At end of transaction during PNR creation, the following elements are added to PNR history under step number 000: original names, air segments, auxiliary segments, OSI and SSR elements, option elements, received from reference, and a communications reference. Note: Any other PNR element created before the first end of transaction will not appear in PNR history step 000. 000 000 000 000 ON/BLAKE S/MS JACKSON M/MR STOYLE D/MR OS/LH 401 F 20SEP 5 JFKFRA LK3 530P 715A+1/NN *1A/E* OS/CAR SK NN1 FRA 20SEP-21SEP ECAR/CF-/NN RF-PAX CR-MUC1A0701 SU 0001AA 28FEB/1009Z In addition to the step number, each element in history is marked with a two-letter code, indicating the type of change that was made: • ON is the code for Original Names. These are the names that were entered when the PNR was created. • OS is the code for Original Segments. These are the segments that were entered when the PNR was created. • RF is the code for Received From. RF is followed by the name entered by the agent in the RF entry, the office ID, sign, date and time. PNR Modifications in History When an element is modified, cancelled or deleted, it appears in history with two numbers. Here is an example: 001/003 CS/NW1799M 10DEC 4 MIADEN HK4 1315 1705/KK The first number (001) indicates the stage at which the item was originally entered in the PNR. The second number (003) indicates when the modification, cancellation or deletion was made. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 127 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Display Full PNR History To display the entire history of the current PNR, without queue history, enter: RH How to Display Partial PNR History You can limit the history of the PNR to display only the types of history elements you want to see. You do this by adding PNR history codes to the end of the basic PNR history display transaction code. Note: The received from (RF) element is always displayed in PNR history. For example, if you want to view only the air segments in the PNR history, enter: RH A Here are some options you can use to limit the PNR history display: Table: PNR History Codes Entry Displays... RH099 PNR history by step number RHI Itinerary segments RHJ Phone elements (AB, AM, AQ, AP) RHN Name elements RHR All remarks: general, confidential and corporate RHS* Segment number (where * is an active segment number) You can also display multiple options in one entry. For example, if you want to display only the name elements, itinerary segments and remarks, enter: RHN, I, R For additional options and more information, see HE PNR, GP COD. 128 Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing Here we give you the basics that you need in order to understand the Fares and Pricing module in the Amadeus Central System. We include an introduction to fares and pricing and explain how to read a fare display and an itinerary. We also provide information on different pricing options. Before You Start In order to make the best use of the Fares and Pricing module, you must have a good understanding of the PNR module. You should understand how to create, retrieve, and modify a PNR. Objectives To meet the objectives of the Fares and Pricing module, you should know how to: • Request and read a fare display • Display fare notes for conditions and regulations • Display the mileage table and other follow-up entries • Price an itinerary (with and without storing a TST) • Search for lower fares using Best Pricer (for those offices with access) • Search for pricing recommendations using Master Pricer Expert Introduction Amadeus Fares and Pricing is a computerized air travel pricing system. Its database stores millions of public and private fares for hundreds of different providers. It can construct an unlimited number of fares through a dynamic addon processing facility. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 129 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide The Amadeus fares and pricing entries allow you to: • Display fares • Price an itinerary • Request fare rules and conditions • Request currency conversions • Calculate mileage for a route of city pairs Fares and Pricing Entries Amadeus fares and pricing entries are divided into two types of transactions: • • Fare Quote (FQ) - The Fare Quote transactions display information based on the data contained in an entry. - No PNR is required for these entries. Itinerary Pricing (FX) - The Itinerary Pricing transactions price a specific PNR itinerary. - A PNR must be present when these codes are used, or a PNR is created as a result of the transaction. For more information on the sources of fares, see GG ASK FQT FDL. For more information on fares and pricing, see HE FARES. 130 Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing Working with Fare Displays Here we describe the types of fare displays and the entries you can use to customize the display. What Fares Are Displayed? Below is an example of an international fare display request from Helsinki to New York with American Airlines: FQDHELNYC/AAA ALSO SEE HELEWR MORE FARES AVAIL IN USD AB AC AF AP AY AZ BA BD CO DE DL EI EK FI GF HP IB KL S2 TP UA US VS XL 9W /YY*AA AC AF AK AY AZ A0 CO C6 DL DY D2 EC FR F9 GX G3 HP HV ROE 0.712358 UP TO 1.00 EUR 03JUL09**03JUL09/AA HELNYC/NSP;AT/TPM LN FARE BASIS OW EUR RT B PEN 01 FFFEUOW 3785 7570 F 02 FFFEUR 6881 F 03 JFFEUOW 2225 4450 J 04 IFFEUR 1584 I 05 Y 777 1554 Y 06 YFFEUR 1474 Y 07 YR 1444 Y 08 YDG 583 1166 Y 09 YDG 505 1010 Y 10 HARCEUR 874 H + 11 BARCEUR 864 B + XF MAY APPLY 3.54XA/4.95XY EXCLUDED OTHER TAX MAY APPLY SURCHG MAY APPLY-CK RULE 4108/MPM 4929 DATES/DAYS AP MIN + - + - + - +42+ + - + - + - + - + - + +SU+ + +SU+ MAX R 12M M 12M M 12M M 12M M - M 12M M 12M+M - M - M 12M M 12M M The fares shown on a fare display fall into one of three main categories: • YY fares • Carrier fares • Contract fares Note: The fares that appear as a result of your request depend on several factors, including your office profile, whether you are using an airline terminal and any geographic sales restrictions that apply. YY Fares YY fares are common IATA fares, which are published by the airlines that fly a particular route. These are typically full-fare, fully-flexible fares that, in theory, can be changed freely between airlines. YY is used as a generic airline code to represent these fares. Only international fare displays show YY fares. If you do not specify an airline in your fare request, you see the YY fares for all airlines that publish fares on the requested route. Note: Not all airlines publish YY fares. Airlines that do publish YY fares may not publish them for all routes. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 131 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Carrier Fares Carrier fares are fares created by an airline for a specific route, but are not YY fares. For example, an airline may offer a discounted fare on a non-refundable ticket or for flights that depart after 1900. Contract Fares Contract fares are specific fares that are negotiated between an airline and a private entity. For example, an airline may have a contract with a certain company where the employees of that company receive a discounted fare if they book flights on the airline. Fare Display Elements Here we give a brief overview of each element in a basic fare display. For more detailed information on the fare display, see HE FARES, GP DIS. Fare Display Request FQDHELNYC/AAA This line shows the entry you made for your fare display request. Airlines Publishing Fares and Taxes/Surcharge Messages ALSO SEE HELEWR MORE FARES AVAIL IN AB AC AF AP AY DE DL EI EK FI S2 TP UA US VS AC AF AK AY AZ DY D2 EC FR F9 USD AZ GF XL A0 GX BA HP 9W CO G3 BD CO IB KL /YY*AA C6 DL HP HV XF MAY APPLY 3.54XA/4.95XY EXCLUDED OTHER TAX MAY APPLY SURCHG MAY APPLY-CK RULE This section shows the airline codes for the airlines that have published fares for this city pair. Airlines displayed before the /YY* have published YY fares for this city pair. Airlines displayed after the /YY* do not participate in the YY fares for this city pair. However, they do publish fares for this route. This section also shows any tax and surcharge information that applies to the published fares, as well as any airline ticketing fees that are applicable. Rate of Exchange and Currency ROE 0.712358 UP TO 1.00 EUR This line shows the rate of exchange (ROE) and the currency. If nothing is specified, the system defaults to the currency of the origin city. Mileage and Routing 03JUL09**03JUL09/AA HELNYC/NSP;AT/TPM 132 4108/MPM 4929 Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing The following table lists and explains the items in the line above: Table: Mileage and Routing Item Description 03JUL09**03JUL09 Current date /AA Fares for the requested airline If you do not specify an airline, this appears as /YY. HELNYC City pair /NSP Normal and special fares • NLX - normal and excursion fares • CNX - companion, normal and excursion fares ;AT Fares based on a specific global routing indicator /TPM 4108 Ticketed point mileage This is the actual published mileage for the route. Maximum permitted mileage /MPM 4929 This is the maximum number of miles you can travel on this route on this fare to avoid extra charges. Fares LN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 FARE BASIS FFFEUOW FFFEUR JFFEUOW IFFEUR Y YFFEUR YR YDG YDG HARCEUR BARCEUR OW EUR 3785 2225 777 583 505 RT 7570 6881 4450 1584 1554 1474 1444 1166 1010 874 864 B PEN F F J I Y Y Y Y Y H + B + DATES/DAYS - AP MIN + - + - + - +42+ + - + - + - + - + - + +SU+ + +SU+ MAX R 12M M 12M M 12M M 12M M - M 12M M 12M+M - M - M 12M M 12M M This section shows the fares for the requested city pair and airline. The fares are sorted from highest to lowest by default. The following table explains the items in each column: Table: Fares Column Description LN Line number FARE BASIS Fare basis The fare basis code can give you information about the type of fare, type of passenger, class of travel, minimum and maximum stay, reservation restrictions, seasonality, and days of travel. OW One-way fare amount EUR Currency code RT Round trip fare amount © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 133 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Column Description B Booking class (Reservation Booking Designator) Note: PEN A plus sign (+) indicates that more than one booking class applies. Use FQS to obtain more information. Penalty information. Note: To see more penalty information, use FQN to check the fare note/rule. For fares in markets that are not automated, this is always a plus sign (+). DATES/DAYS The display contains up to two lines of date /days restrictions. AP Advance purchase requirements MIN Minimum stay restrictions MAX Maximum stay restrictions R Routing information. If you see a + sign in the routing column, use FQR to see further information related to routing. Types of Fare Displays There are many different types of fare displays, depending upon the options you add to your fare request entry. Here we describe three types of fare displays: • International - for a city pair in two different countries • Domestic - for a city pair in the same country Domestic displays do not show YY fares. • Shopper - to display the fares sorted from lowest to highest for a round trip By default, shopper displays show only airlines participating in Amadeus fares. For more information, see What Fares Are Displayed? on page 131. How to Request an International Fare Display To request a fare display for a city pair in two different countries, enter: FQD HELNYC 134 FQD Fare display request transaction code HELNYC City pair Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing System response: FQD HELNYC AA AB AC AF AP AY AZ BA BD CO DE DL EI EK FI GF HP IB KL KU LA LH LO LP LT LX MH MP NW NZ OK OS QR SK SN SQ SV S2 TP UA US VS XL 9W /YY* AA AC AF AK AY AZ A0 CO C6 DL DY D2 EC FR F9 GX G3 HP ROE 0.712358 UP TO 1.00 EUR 01JUL09**01JUL09/YY HELNYC/NSP;AT/TPM LN FARE BASIS OW EUR RT B PEN 01 FIF 5531 + 02 FIF 7374 + 03 CIF 3248 + 04 YIF 2261 + 05 CIF 4330 + 06 YIF 3014 + 01JUL09**01JUL09/YY HELEWR/NSP;AT/TPM 07 FIF 5531 + 08 FIF 7374 + 09 CIF 3248 + 10 YIF 2261 + 11 CIF 4330 + 12 YIF 3014 + - XF MAY APPLY 3.54XA/4.95XY EXCLUDED OTHER TAX MAY APPLY SURCHG MAY APPLY-CK RULE 4108/MPM 4929 DATES/DAYS AP MIN MAX R - - M - - M - - M - - M - - M - - M 4108/MPM 4929 - - - M M M M M M The system displays: • Common fares (YY), if these exist. • A list of airlines that have fares for this route if no YY fares exist. • Your owner airline fares if your terminal is configured as an airline terminal, followed by the YY fares, if these exist. If nothing is specified, the system defaults to the current date and the currency of the origin city. If the origin city and your terminal location are the same, you do not have to include the origin city in your entry. For the example above, if your terminal is located in Helsinki, enter: FQD NYC How to Request a Domestic Fare Display If you request a domestic fare display using only a city pair, for example San Francisco (SFO) to New York (JFK), the system displays the following screen: FQDSFOJFK NO YY FARES AA AS B6 CO HP NK NW SY YX DH TZ DL UA FL US F9 VX HA WN Because this is a domestic route, no YY fares are displayed. In order to see the fares for a domestic route, you must specify an airline in your request. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 135 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide To request a domestic fare display, enter the fare display request and specify an airline with the /A option: FQD SFOJFK /AUA FQD Fare display request transaction code SFOJFK City pair /AUA Slash, airline option code, airline code System response: FQDSFOJFK/AUA ALSO SEE SFOEWR XF MAY APPLY AA AS B6 CO DH DL FL F9 HA ZP EXCLUDED HP NK NW SY TZ US VX WN YX SURCHG MAY APPLY-CK RULE 03JUL09**03JUL09/UA SFONYC/NSP LN FARE BASIS USD PEN DATES DAYS AP MIN MAX RTG 01 F 2849.30 35 02 FPS 2454.88 + 35 03 FPSN 2454.88 NRF + 35 07 FUA2FSN 2040.00 NRF + + 35 15 BUA 1288.37 + 35 16 HUAUPN 1287.44 NRF + + 35 17 ZUAXN 1287.44 NRF + 35 18 HUA7UPN 1101.40 NRF + 7+ 35 21 ZUA14NX 1008.37 NRF 14+ 35 23 EA0GY 557.21 + 35 24 KHVUSA 522.01 + S B31DEC+ 60 35 F31MAR 25 UA0GN 464.19 NRF + 35 26 KCHVUSA 444.00 + S B31DEC+ 60 35 F31MAR 27 HA0GN 371.16 NRF + 35 28 VA7GN 222.33 NRF 7+ 35 30 SA10GN 175.81 NRF 10+ 35 31 SA14GN 157.21 NRF 14+ 35 32 SAG10GN 147.91 NRF F14AUG X57 10+ 35 33 SA1N1 138.60 NRF F04JUL + 1+ 35 34 SAK14GN 138.60 NRF F14AUG 236 14+ 35 35 TA14GN 129.30 NRF F14AUG 14+ 35 35 ABE CMH HOU OMA SAT ALB COS ICT ONT SBA ATL CRW IND ORF SEA AUS DAY LAS ORL SJC BDL DEN LAX PDX SLC BIL DFW LNK PHF SMF BOI DSM MIA PHL SNA BOS DTT MKC PHX STL BUF EUG MKE PIT SYR BUR EWR MLI RDU TPA CAK FAT MSN RIC TUL CHI GEG MSP RNO TUS CID GSO MSY ROA WAS CLE HAR OAK ROC CLT HFD OKC SAN The domestic airline-specific display sorts the fares from highest to lowest, with the possible routing cities displayed at the bottom of the page. Note: A US and Canadian display does not include the global indicator, the MPM (Maximum Permitted Mileage) or TPM (Ticketed Point Mileage). The fares are based on routings. How to Request a Shopper Display If the passenger is looking for the lowest fare for a round trip, you can use the shopper display by adding the option /S after the FQD entry. The shopper fare display sorts the fares from lowest to highest. 136 Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing Note: Countries in North America, Central America and the Caribbean use the Shopper display by default and do not need the /S added to the FQD entry. To request a shopper display, enter: FQD OSLNYC /S FQD Fare display request transaction code OSLNYC City pair /S Slash, shopper display option code System response: FQDOSLNYC/S ALSO SEE OSLEWR TRFNYC TRFEWR MORE FARES AVAIL IN USD YY* AA AC AF AZ BA DL FF HE KL LH MP NW OS RV SK SN SR ROE 7.42840 UP TO 5.00 NOK 20AUG0x**20AUG0x/OSLNYC/NSP;AT/TPM LN FARE BASIS OW NOK RT PEN 01 HLZZEU 2200 4400 NRF 02 HJZZEU 2300 4600 NRF 03 HHAN3 4700 NRF 04 HKZZEU 2450 4900 NRF 05 QHXSAPU 5500 NRF 06 MHXAPW 5550 NRF 07 VHZ1 2835 5670 08 VHZNOW 2850 5700 09 QHZZOW 2850 NRF 10 HHAB 5700 NRF > XF MAY APPLY 47XY/16XA EXCLUDED OTHER TAX MAY APPLY OB FEES INCLUDED SURCHG MAY APPLY-CK RULE 3671/MPM 4405 DATES DAYS AP MIN MAX AL R - - 12M AF M - - 12M AF M S15SEP - SU+ 3M+US M - - 12M AF M S31AUG X67+ 7 7+ 3M+CP M S31AUG 1234+ 7 7+ +US M S + - 12M+AA M S + - TW R + - BA R S14SEP 7 7+ 1M AF M PAGE 1/ + This display includes an airline column that lists only airlines that participate in Amadeus and shows the owner of the fare. When a large number of fares exist for a city pair, the system does not show the total number of screens until you have scrolled down to the end of the fare display. The system only shows the current page number and the plus (+) sign. Note: Special fare information does not appear in an international shopper display. Fare Display Options You can add options to customize your fare display request entry. The following table shows some commonly used options: Table: Fare Display Options Entry Explanation FQD PARVIE /AAF Specific airline fares, followed by YY fares, if the airline participates in the YY fares FQD PARVIE /A-AF Specific airline fares only (no YY fares) FQD NYCLON /ACO /KF Specific cabin fares FQD NYCLON /ACO /CJ Specific booking code © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 137 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Entry Explanation FQD PARNYC /AAF /D1SEP Specific future date It is optional to include the D when you are requesting a date starting with a number. Specific past date FQD PARNYC /AAF /D1SEP08 It is possible to display fares in the past up to two years. FQD PARNYC /AAF /D1SEP* Exact outbound travel date. FQD PARNYC /AAF /D1SEP*10SEP Exact outbound and inbound travel dates. FQD PARNYC /AAF /D1SEP**10SEP A range of travel start dates. FQD PARNYC/AAF /DSEP Three-month period, starting from September 1. FQD STORIO /ALH /R, *NPE-NAP-RF Expanded parameter codes You can include up to three expanded parameter codes. FQD NYCYYZ /R, FS-NZD Requests fares in NZD. Only valid if fares are filed in another currency. FQD PARVIE /R, NUC Fares in NUCs FQD LONPAR /R, AT All taxes FQD NYCLON /R, U Unifares for a city pair FQD NYCLON /R, UP Unifares and published fares FQD NYCLON /R, U364477 Unifares for a corporate contract FQD FRAMNL /IO One-way fares FQD FRAMNL /IR Round-trip fares FQD SYDSYD /AQF /VRW Global routing for round-the-world fares (RW) FQD PARNYC /AAF /R,-PXA-ZZ Fare request type codes You can include a maximum of three request types. How to Display Fare Request Type Codes You can include fare type and passenger type codes in your FQD entry to narrow your search. To display a list of all the different fare type codes, enter: HE FARE REQ To display a list of all known and existing fare request type and passenger type codes, enter: FQL* You can request up to three fare request type codes in one fare display request entry. For example: FQD STONYC /R, -PEX -ZZ -EX 138 Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing How to Combine Fare Display Options You can combine one or more fare display options in a single entry. Each option must be separated by a slash. To combine fare display options, enter: FQD JKTBKK /AQF /R, FS-USD, -GT You can enter the options in any order, provided that you follow these two basic points: • FQD must be entered first. • The city pair is entered immediately after FQD. The following entries return an identical system response: FQD NCENYC /CS /R, AT /AAF FQD NCENYC /AAF /R, AT /CS FQD NCENYC /AAF /CS /R, AT How to Change the Current Fare Display You can change the current fare display using the FQD C entry. The table below shows some examples of commonly used fare display change entries: Table: Fare Display Change Entries Entry Description FQD C /A AF Change airline FQD C /CB Change booking code FQD C /DSEP Change date FQD C MUC Change destination city For more options, see HE FQDC Displaying Fare Notes Fare notes (also referred to as fare rules) contain the conditions and regulations applicable to a specific fare. Fare notes have a maximum of nine versions, each with a specific effective and discontinue date. When you request fare notes by line number, the system displays the note based on the dates in the fare display. If you require a note for a past date, you must request a fare display for the past date, and then request the note for the fare based on the line number. Airline ticketing fees, also called OB fees, are included in the fare displayed. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 139 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Display Fare Notes To display a fare note, enter the transaction code for the specific line number from the fare display: FQN 4 This entry requests the fare note for line 4 of the fare display. System response: FQN4 ** RULES DISPLAY ** TAX MAY APPLY 03JUL09**03JUL09/AF PARLON/NSP;EH/TPM 217/MPM 260 LN FARE BASIS OW EUR RT B PEN DATES/DAYS AP MIN MAX R 21 MSTAYFR 249 M NRF + + + 6M R FCL: MSTAYFR TRF: 21 RULE: 2180 BK: M PTC: ADT-ADULT FTC: XPB-SUPER/SPCL INST PURCHASE RU.RULE APPLICATION AIR FRANCE SPECIAL FARES. APPLICATION AREA THESE FARES APPLY WITHIN EUROPE. CLASS OF SERVICE THESE FARES APPLY FOR ECONOMY CLASS SERVICE. TYPES OF TRANSPORTATION FARES ONLY APPLY IF PURCHASED BEFORE DEPARTURE. CAPACITY LIMITATIONS THE CARRIER SHALL LIMIT THE NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED ON ANY ONE FLIGHT AT FARES GOVERNED BY THIS RULE AND SUCH FARES WILL NOT NECESSARILY BE AVAILABLE ON ALL FLIGHTS. PAGE 1/15 How to Display a List of Applicable Paragraphs or Categories Each fare note is broken down into several paragraphs, or categories, of information about the fare. To see a list of the applicable categories for a fare note, enter: FQN 4 *L 140 FQN Fare note display transaction code 4 Line number *L Asterisk (*), list all categories in the fare note option Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing System response: FQN4*L VERIFY OPTION ** RULES DISPLAY ** TAX MAY APPLY 03JUL09**03JUL09/AF PARLON/NSP;EH/TPM 217/MPM 260 LN FARE BASIS OW EUR RT B PEN DATES/DAYS AP MIN MAX R 21 MSTAYFR 249 M NRF + + + 6M R FCL: MSTAYFR TRF: 21 RULE: 2180 BK: M PTC: ADT-ADULT FTC: XPB-SUPER/SPCL INST PURCHASE OPTION LIST RU.RULE APPLICATION MN.MIN STAY MX.MAX STAY AP.ADVANCE RES/TKT FL.FLT APPLICATION CD.CHILD DISCOUNTS TC.TOUR CONDUCTOR AD.AGTS DISCOUNTS SO.STOPOVERS TF.TRANSFERS/RTGS TE.TKT ENDORSEMENT PE.PENALTIES CO.COMBINABILITY HI.HIGHER INTERMEDIATE POINT MD.MISCELLANEOUS DATA VC.VOLUNTARY CHANGES ****** SELECT CATEGORIES ****** The available categories are shown in the Option List section of the page. How to Display a Specific Paragraph in the Fare Note If you already know the code for a paragraph or category, you can request to view it directly in order to limit the amount of information the system returns on the fare note. In this example, you can request the categories for minimum (MN) and maximum (MX) stays by entering: FQN 4 * MN, MX System response: FQN21*MN, MX ** RULES DISPLAY ** TAX MAY APPLY 03JUL09**03JUL09/AF PARLON/NSP;EH/TPM 217/MPM 260 LN FARE BASIS OW EUR RT B PEN DATES/DAYS AP MIN MAX R 21 MSTAYFR 249 M NRF + + + 6M R FCL: MSTAYFR TRF: 21 RULE: 2180 BK: M PTC: ADT-ADULT FTC: XPB-SUPER/SPCL INST PURCHASE MN.MIN STAY TRAVEL FROM LAST INTERNATIONAL STOPOVER MUST COMMENCE NO EARLIER THAN THE FIRST SUN AFTER DEPARTURE OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL SECTOR OR - TRAVEL FROM LAST INTERNATIONAL STOPOVER MUST COMMENCE NO EARLIER THAN 3 DAYS AFTER DEPARTURE OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL SECTOR. MX.MAX STAY TRAVEL FROM LAST STOPOVER MUST COMMENCE NO LATER THAN 6 MONTHS AFTER DEPARTURE FROM FARE ORIGIN. PAGE 1/ 1 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 141 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Depending on your market, if the fare note exceeds 20 pages in length, the system either displays an index with the applicable paragraphs for you to select from, or a message saying: MAX DATA EXCEEDED, RQST BY INDIVIDUAL RULE CODE If this happens, display the categories individually, or a few at a time. Working with Follow-up Transactions Here we explain some of the different follow-up transactions you can perform related to the fare quote entries; for example, taxes, routing information and booking codes. Taxes Here we describe a follow-up transaction you can use to display the taxes on a fare. How to Display the Tax Breakdown If you have requested a fare display that includes taxes, you can display the breakdown of the taxes included in the fare amount. Here is an example of a fare display: FQDJNBMOW/A-LH/R,-PXA-ZZ,AT AF AZ BA IB KL KQ OS SA SN ZA/RI TAX INCLUDED SR /YY*HE MP 2G ROE 5.07590 UP TO 10.00 ZAR 09JUL0x**09JUL0x/LH JNBMOW/PXA/ZZ;EH/TPM 5682/MPM 6818 LN FARE BASIS OW ZAR RT B PEN DATES/DAYS AP MIN MAX R 01 BHPX6M3 9223.00 B - S23JUN 12JUL+ + 6M M 02 LHSX9M 5283.00 L NRF S23JUN 12JUL+ + 3 9M M 03 LHSX6M 4983.00 L NRF S23JUN 12JUL+ + 5 6M M 04 GHSX4M 4683.00 G NRF S23JUN 12JUL+ + 7+ 4M M 05 GHSX2M 4383.00 G NRF S23JUN 12JUL+ +10+ 2M R 06 GHZZ1 3933.00 G NRF S23JUN 12JUL+ +14+ 12M M > To display the tax breakdown for the fare on line 5, enter: FQK 5 System response: FQK5 ** RULES DISPLAY ** ZA/RI TAX INCLUDED 09JUL0x**09JUL0x/LH JNBMOW/PXA/ZZ;EH/TPM 5682/MPM 6818 LN FARE BASIS OW ZAR RT B PEN DATES/DAYS AP MIN MAX R 05 GHSX2M 4383.00 G NRF S23JUN 12JUL+ +10+ 2M R FARE BREAKDOWN/BASIS GHSX2M BASE TAX TOTAL ZAR RT 4250.00 133.00 4383.00 The FQK display does not show taxes individually, but shows a breakdown of the total fare amount including the base fare and the total tax amount. 142 Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing Booking Codes Here we explain the follow-up transactions you can use when you need to work with booking codes. What Is a Booking Code? A booking code shows the reservation conditions for a fare. Some of these reservations conditions include: • The booking code itself (the reservation booking designator) • Information about the travel class • Reservation/ticket and airline/flight restrictions • Booking code exceptions (US/Canada only) • Mixed and joint classes of service (US/Canada only) You can request booking code requirements for a specific fare from a fare display, or after a pricing entry. This can be useful when you are unable to price successfully, and receive the following system response: *NO FARES/RBD/CARRIER/PASSENGER TYPE *ATTN VERIFY BOOKING CLASS SEE FQS For more information on booking codes, see HE BOOKING CODE. How to Request the Booking Code To display the booking code information for the fare on line 10 of a fare display, enter: FQS 10 System response: FQS10 ** RULES DISPLAY ** 10MAY0x**10MAY0x/KL AMSNYC/NSP;AT/TPM LN FARE BASIS OW EUR RT B PEN 10 SEENL12M 2294 S - XF MAY APPLY OB FEES INCLUDED US/2.56XA/5.79XY EXCLUDED OTHER TAX MAY APPLY SURCHG MAY APPLY-CK RULE 3639/MPM 4366 DATES/DAYS AP MIN MAX R + - - 12M+M PRIME BOOKING CODE WHEN NO EXCEPTIONS APPLY S The booking code for this fare, S, is displayed at the bottom of the page. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 143 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Request a Specific Booking Code Component If the booking code display contains multiple fare components, you must select a specific component. Here is an example of a list with multiple fare components: -------------------------------3 - PSGR P1 ;FQS 3-1 ADT NYCDFW AA G26 ;FQS 3-2 ADT DFWLAX AA GFS26 ;FQS 3-3 ADT LAXDFW AA GFS26 ;FQS 3-4 ADT DFWHOU AA HW26 ;FQS 3-5 ADT HOUNYC AA Y26 -------------------------------- To display one of the fare components, enter: FQS 3-3 Routing and Mileage Here we explain several follow-up transactions that correspond to routing and mileage on a fare. IATA has established a maximum permitted mileage (MPM) between any two cities in the world. Mileage fares allow a passenger to make a small deviation from a straight line in an itinerary, at no extra cost, or a greater deviation at a cost based on the MPM fare amount; that is, no more than 25% over the MPM. What Is Routing? On the right side of a fare display, there is a column with the letter 'R' (Routing). This column can contain one of two indicators: • M - Mileage fares (also called constructed fares) With constructed fares, you are limited by an amount of mileage. For more information on mileage fares, see HE FQM. • R - Routing fares (also called specified fares). With specified fares, a routing is applied which indicates exactly via which intermediate points travel is permitted. How to Check the Routing Information To request routing information for a specific fare, enter the transaction code followed by the fare line number: FQR 2 System response: 06JUL09**06JUL09/LH LONMUC/NSP;EH/TPM 575/MPM 690 LN FARE BASIS OW GBP RT B PEN DATES/DAYS AP MIN MAX R 06 DFLEX11 578 D + 3+ 2+ - R ADDON SPECIFIED LH8812 ADDON EFF19JUN09 1 * LON-CGN/DUS/HAM/FRA/STR-MUC 2 * LON-MUC 144 Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing There are two routing options for this fare, shown at the bottom of the display. How to Read a Routing String A routing string can contain: • A city code • An airline code • A flight number A dash (-) in a routing string means that travel can be via the city or airline. A slash (/) means "or". Here is an example of a routing string for a fare from LON to MUC on Lufthansa (LH): 1 * LON-CGN/DUS/HAM/FRA/STR-MUC 2 * LON-MUC • The routing string on line 1 shows that you can travel from LON to MUC via any of these cities: CGN, DUS, HAM, FRA or STR, on this fare. • The routing string on line 2 shows that you can also travel directly from LON to MUC on this fare. Travel via the cities listed is not mandatory, unless stated. If no airline code is included in the routing string, travel must be with the airline that owns the routing number. Note: A routing string states where travel is possible. The fare note states what stopovers are possible. How to Display Mileage Between a City Pair You can request the published ticketed point mileage (TPM) versus the maximum point mileage (MPM), between specific city pairs, for all global routes. To display the published mileage table for London and Seoul for today's date, enter: FQO LONSEL System response: FQO VIA VIA VIA LONSEL/10JUL0x AP MPM 11637 EH MPM 8940 TS MPM 8352 TPM TPM TPM 5663 To display the mileage for a specific date, add the date to the entry: FQO LONSEL /24SEP FQO Mileage table request transaction code LONSEL City pair /24SEP Slash, today's date © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 145 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Extra Mileage Surcharge The FRM transaction is a follow-up entry to FQD. It allows you to display the extra mileage surcharge band for a fare shown on a fare display. Extra mileage surcharge bands for a fare show how much more the fare costs if the given mileage on a fare is exceeded. You can exceed the mileage on a fare up to 25%. For more information, see HE FRM. How to Display the Extra Mileage Surcharge Band Here is an example of a fare quote display (partial system display): FQDJFKTYO/S ALSO SEE EWRTYO LGATYO YY* AA AC AM AZ BA BR CO CP CX DL FF HA HE JL KE LH MP NH NW OZ QF RG RV SQ UA US 2G 9B ROE 1.000000 NEAREST 1.00 USD 05APR0x**05APR0x/JFKTYO/NSP;PA/TPM LN FARE BASIS OW USD RT PEN 01 MKXAP 1300 + 02 MKXAP 1300 + 03 MKWAP 1400 + 04 MKWAP 1400 + XF MAY APPLY OB FEES INCLUDED 3.00XA/6XY EXCLUDED OTHER TAX MAY APPLY SURCHG MAY APPLY-CK RULE 6737/MPM 8084 DATES DAYS AP MIN MAX AL R S01JUL 1234+ 7+ 6+ 6M TG R S01JUL 1234+ 7+ 6+ 6M TG R S01JUL 567+ 7+ 6+ 6M TG R S01JUL 567+ 7+ 6+ 6M TG R To display the extra mileage surcharge band on line 1, enter: FRM 1 System response: FRM1 05APR0x**05APR0x/JFKTYO/NSP;PA/TPM 6737/MPM 8084 LN FARE BASIS OW USD RT PEN DATES DAYS AP MIN MAX AL R 01 MKXAP 1300 + S01JUL 1234+ 7+ 6+ 6M TG R ***FARE AMOUNTS SUBJECT TO FARE CONSTRUCTION CHECKS *** GI M 5M 10M 15M 20M 25M MPM PA 8084 8488 8892 9296 9700 10105 USD > > BASE 650 5PCT 683 10PCT 715 15PCT 748 20PCT 25PCT 780 813 PAGE 1/ 1 The top part of the display repeats the FQD fare line. The middle part of the display gives the mileage from origin to destination, followed by the mileage for each surcharge band. The lower part of the display gives the base fare from origin to destination, followed by the amount when a mileage surcharge is applied. 146 Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing Fares and Currency The FRC entry enables you to convert the fare amounts in a fare display to the default currency of your terminal, or to another currency that you specify. The fare conversion is based on the applicable bankers selling rates (BSR). However, if no BSR is available, the conversion is made into the IATA clearing house (ICH) amount. How to Convert a Fare to Another Currency Here is an example of a fare display: FQD NYCSFO/AUA ALSO SEE EWRSFO AA AS B6 CO DH HP NK NW TZ US DL VX FL WN F9 YX 07DEC0x**07DEC0x/UA NYCSFO/NSP LN FARE BASIS USD PEN 01 F 2475.35 02 FPS 2343.26 03 C 1975.81 04 FUA 1914.42 05 HUAUP4D 1541.40 06 ZUAX 1239.07 07 YUA 1238.14 08 BA3 973.95 09 ZUA7NX 960.00 NRF 10 MBIZX 746.05 > HA - XF MAY APPLY OB FEES INCLUDED ZP EXCLUDED SURCHG MAY APPLY-CK RULE DATES - DAYS AP MIN MAX RTG 35 + 35 35 + 35 35 + + 35 35 3+ 35 7+ 35 35 PAGE 1/ 3 To display the fare on line 1 in the default currency of the terminal (EUR), enter: FRC 1 System response: FRC1 ** RULES DISPLAY ** XF MAY APPLY OB FEES INCLUDED ZP EXCLUDED SURCHG MAY APPLY-CK RULE 07DEC0x**07DEC0x/UA NYCSFO/NSP LN FARE BASIS USD PEN DATES DAYS AP MIN MAX RTG 01 F 2475.35 35 FARE BREAKDOWN/BASIS F BASE TAX TOTAL EUR OW 1680.00 0.00 1680.00 RT 3360.00 0.00 3360.00 **** EQUIVALENT FARE SUBJECT TO FARE CONSTRUCTION CHECKS *** BSR CONVERSION OF USD TO EUR BSR USED 1 USD = 0.678679 EUR EFF 05DEC0x ROUNDING OF FARES UP TO 1.00 EUR ROUNDING OF OTHER CHARGES TO NEAREST 0.01 EUR > PAGE 1/ 1 The system repeats the fare line from the fare display. This is followed by the converted amount and the rates of conversion. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 147 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide You can also convert the fare amount to a currency that you specify in your entry: Table: Fare Conversion Examples Entry Description FRC 7 /GBP Converts the fare on line 7 to GBP FRC 7 /*GB Converts the fare on line 7 to the currency of country GB FRC 7 /*LON Converts the fare on line 7 to the currency of city LON Working with Fare Quote Tools Here we explain the calculation entries you can perform, such as mileage calculations, currency conversions and excess baggage charges. Note: These are standalone transactions and do not need a previous fare quote display in order for you to use them. Mileage The Amadeus mileage transaction compares the calculated ticketing point mileage (TPM) with the MPM for an itinerary. The system also calculates: • The cumulative mileage (CUM) to each city en route • The excess mileage surcharge • The difference between the CUM and the MPM • Mileage deductions when extra mileage is applicable You can include a maximum of 29 cities or 28 segments in the entry, as well as a date, global route code and adjacent city indicators. The system compares the ticketed point with the MPM for an itinerary. How to Calculate Mileage To request a mileage display from Paris to Singapore, via Stockholm, London, Delhi and Mumbai, enter: FQM PAR STO LON DEL BOM SIN System response: FQM CTY PAR STO LON DEL BOM SIN > 148 PAR 2 2 2 3 3 3 STO LON DEL DC TPM CUM MPM EH EH EH EH EH 960 890 4169 708 2437 960 1850 6019 6727 9164 1152 264 5376 5436 8322 BOM SIN DC LVL LWL 25M XTRA 0 1440 1520 330 106 6720 204 6795 10 10402 PAGE 0 0 0 0 0 1/ 1 Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing Note: The minimum information required to calculate the mileage for an itinerary is the FQM transaction code, the origin city, the stopover/transfer cities, and the destination city. Here is an explanation of the display: Table: Mileage Display Code Explanation CTY City code and tariff conference area DC Direction code for TPM TPM Ticketed point miles between each city pair CUM The cumulative total of the TPMs from the origin. MPM Maximum permitted miles from the origin to each city DC Direction code for MPM LVL Level, indicates the mileage surcharge (M) applicable when the fare is broken at that city. The levels can be 5M, 10M, 15M, 20M, and 25M. Note: When EXC appears, the mileage surcharge is greater than 25%. LWL Lower level mileage, indicates the number of miles over the previous surcharge level. 25M Indicates the total number of miles the TPM can be increased before the mileage exceeds the 25% surcharge level. It is equal to the MPM plus a 25% surcharge. XTRA Extra, indicates the number of extra miles allowed. This amount is subtracted from the cumulative TPM amount. This column can also display a negative number. In this case, the MPM figure is reduced and an asterisk (*) is placed next to the MPM figure. Note: This applies to domestic segments only. Currency and Exchange Rates The Amadeus currency conversion transactions allow you to check exchange rates and calculate amounts in different currencies. The system converts amounts based on the rates of exchange for the current date, unless you specify another date. You can request rates for a past date, for up to 12 months in the past. The exchange rates are: • BSR - Bankers selling rate (the default conversion rate) • BBR - Bankers buying rate • ICH - IATA clearing house rate You can use the currency conversion transaction when you are calculating fares manually and you need to find the exchange rates between different currencies and neutral units of construction (NUCs). A NUC is a fictitious currency established by IATA as a fare calculation tool. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 149 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Display the IATA Rate of Exchange The IATA rates of exchange transaction allows you to request rates of exchange between NUCs and a designated currency. You can make a comparison using either the currency code, the country code or a city code. The following is the minimum entry to request IATA exchange rates at your terminal location: FQA You can also check the IATA rates of exchange for a country, for a specific date up to 12 months in the past. To check the rates of exchange in Thailand on 01 July, for example, enter: FQA THAILAND /01JUL0X System response: FQATHAILAND/01JUL0x EFF 0xJUL01 *** DISC 30SEP0x 1 NUC 45.261284 THB ROUNDING UP TO NUC - NEUTRAL UNIT OF CONSTRUCTION THB - THAI BAHT > 5.00 THB PAGE 1/ 1 PAGE 1/ 8 How to Display the Bankers' Selling Rates To display the current Bankers’ selling rates for USD, enter: FQB USD System response: FQBUSD LIST OF 1 AED = 1 AFA = 1 ALL = 1 ANG = 1 AOA = 1 ARS = 1 AUD = 1 AWG = 1 BBD = 1 BDT = 1 BHD = 1 BIF = 1 BMD = 1 BND = 1 BOB = 1 BRL = 1 BSD = 1 BTN = 1 BWP = > BSR FOR 0.27225 0.00021 0.00680 0.56179 0.05133 1.00150 0.47856 0.55865 0.50251 0.01848 2.65251 0.00131 1.01010 0.55463 0.15408 0.46157 1.01010 0.02143 0.18515 USD EFF 03APR0x USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD The default output is a list of all bank selling rates that exist in the database for the US dollar (USD). 150 Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing How to Display Fares in a Local Currency To display fares in a local currency, enter: FQD L The system displays the fares in the currency of the city of origin. How to Convert Currency To convert another currency into the currency of your terminal location, enter: FQC 100 SEK System response: FQC100SEK BSR CONVERSION OF SEK TO EUR EUR 11.00 - ROUNDED AS FARES EUR 10.75 - ROUNDED AS OTHER CHARGES EUR 10.75 - AMOUNT TRUNCATED BSR USED 1 SEK = 0.10751 EUR EFF 02JAN0x ROUNDING OF FARES UP TO 1.00 EUR ROUNDING OF OTHER CHARGES TO NEAREST 0.01 EUR SEK - SWEDISH KRONA EUR - EURO > PAGE 1/ 1 The system uses the default conversion rate (BSR) for the Swedish krona (SEK), unless you indicate another rate. Note: When you are converting into the currency of your terminal, you do not have to include your own currency code. How to Convert Between Two Currencies You can also convert an amount between two currencies. If you wish to see the equivalent of 500 U.S. dollars in Turkish lira, enter: FQC 500 USD/TRL System response: FQC500USD/TRL BSR CONVERSION OF USD TO TRL TRL 718000000 - ROUNDED AS FARES TRL 718000000 - ROUNDED AS OTHER CHARGES TRL 717375000 - AMOUNT TRUNCATED BSR USED 1 USD = 1434750.000 TRL EFF 15DEC0x ROUNDING OF FARES UP TO 1000000 TRL ROUNDING OF OTHER CHARGES UP TO 1000000 TRL USD - US DOLLAR TRL - TURKISH LIRA > © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved PAGE 1/ 1 151 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Excess Baggage You can request an estimation of the excess baggage charges between two cities. Charges are normally calculated using a percentage of an airline's highest economy class fare (this may vary). Each airline decides what it wants to charge. Note: Displayed charges cannot be guaranteed by Amadeus and cannot be considered as contractually binding on any carrier. You can request rates for a specific airline and date. You can also request rates defined by IATA based on YY fares. The charges are based on a rate per kilo at the current date. The maximum weight allowed is 999.9k. Charges are calculated in the currency of the departure city. How to Request Excess Baggage Charges To request excess baggage charge rates for 10 kilos, between Zurich and Singapore, at the current rate, enter: FQX ZRHSIN /10 System response: FQX ZRHSIN/28JUL09/10/YY/CHF RATE /GI/KILOS/ TOTAL / 92.95/EH/ 10.0/ 930/ 145.18/TS/ 10.0/ 1452/ > PAGE 1/ 1 Working with Informative Pricing Here we describe the Informative Pricing tool, including how to make a request for a fare and some of the options you can use. What Is Informative Pricing? The Informative Pricing transaction (FQP) is a fare calculation tool that allows you to estimate the fare for an itinerary. This is especially useful at times when you need to find the price for an itinerary, but you are not yet ready to make a reservation. You must use airport codes, rather than city codes, in the transaction so that the system can calculate the appropriate taxes. You can also add options to your entry; the more specific you are, the easier it is for the system to target a specific fare. Informative pricing allows you to calculate discount fares, including cumulative discounts. For more information, see HE FQP. 152 Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing Pricing Conditions The following conditions apply to the Informative Pricing tool: • You can use FQP for all fares except group fares and air passes. • FQP is applicable for up to three months in the past for all itineraries and up to 12 months in the future (which in the distribution system is 361 days). Pricing Assumptions If you do not enter any specific options to your entry, the system makes the following assumptions: • An adult passenger type. • The current date for the first segment and an open date for all the other segments. • An open booking class. The system displays the lowest possible price for each class. • YY fares for travel agencies, and carrier-specific fares for airlines. • Stopovers at all cities. Note: You must specify an airline for markets where no YY fares exist. Pricing with Informative Pricing Here we describe how to make a fare request using Informative Pricing, its followup entries and the pricing options you can use. How to Request Informative Pricing You can request informative pricing on an itinerary by entering the transaction code, followed by a city pair or several city pairs. For example, to request informative pricing for an itinerary that includes Charles de Gaulle Paris (CDG), Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KUL) and Sydney Airport (SYD), enter: FQP CDG KUL SYD System response: FQPCDGKULSYD * 01 02 03 > FARE BASIS * FIF * CIF * YIF * DISC * PTC * 1 * 1 * 1 * FARE * 10407.10 * 6169.10 * 4713.10 * MSG *T *RB *Y *RB *Y *RB *Y PAGE 1/ 1 The system returns a list of fares for this itinerary. Here is an explanation of the display: Table: Informative Pricing Display Column Description FARE BASIS The fare basis code © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 153 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Column Description DISC Discount code PTC Passenger type FARE Fare MSG Message code The message column can contain one or more codes. Tax indicator T Indicates if tax is included. How to Use Informative Pricing Follow-Up Entries Here we describe how to use three of the Informative Pricing follow-up entries. Display a Ticket Image To display the ticket image of a fare from an Informative Pricing request, enter: FQQ 3 System response: FQQ3 03 YIF * * 1 * 4713.10 *RB *Y LAST TKT DTE 06JUL09 -----------------------------------------------------------AL FLGT BK T DATE TIME FARE BASIS NVB NVA BG PAR KUL YY Y Y 06JUL YIF 20 SYD YY Y Y YIF 20 EUR 4646.00 EUR EUR EUR EUR > 21.47QX 4.00IZ 41.63XT 4713.10 06JUL09PAR YY KUL YY SYD M6522.00NUC 6522.00END ROE0.712358 XT EUR 7.04FR EUR 10.38FR EUR 10.26MY EUR 13.95WY PAGE 2/ 2 Display a Fare Note To view a fare note from an Informative Pricing display, enter: FQN 1 154 Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing System response: FQN1 1 - PTC 1 ADT RULES DISPLAY FARE COMPONENT 1 ADT PARSYD YY FIF PU 1 N FCL: FIF TRF:2004 RULE: ESWA BK: F PTC: ADT-ADULT FTC: FU -FIRST CLASS UNRESTRICTED RU.RULE APPLICATION NORMAL FLEX FARES APPLICATION AREA THESE FARES APPLY BETWEEN EUROPE AND SOUTHWEST PACIFIC. CLASS OF SERVICE THESE FARES APPLY FOR FIRST/BUSINESS/ECONOMY CLASS SERVICE. TYPES OF TRANSPORTATION THIS RULE GOVERNS ONE WAY AND ROUND TRIP FARES. FARES GOVERNED BY THIS RULE CAN BE USED TO CREATE ONE WAY/ROUND TRIP/CIRCLE TRIP/OPEN JAW JOURNEYS. OTHER CONDITIONS VIA EH- WHENEVER ALL SECTORS BETWEEN THE LAST PAGE 1/ 7 Display a Booking Code To display the booking code from an Informative Pricing request, enter: FQS 2 System response: FQS2 2 - PTC 1 ADT FARE COMPONENT 1 ADT PARSYD YY CIF PRIME BOOKING CODE WHEN NO EXCEPTIONS APPLY C > PU 1 N PAGE 1/ 1 Display Mileage Information To display the mileage information, enter: FQR 3 System response: ADDON SPECIFIED MPM ADDON MILEAGE APPLIES FROM ORIGIN TO DESTINATION > EFFDDMMMYY PAGE 1/ 1 If the fare has more than one component, you can specify for which component you want to display the mileage information. To display the second component of the fare on line 3 for example, enter: FQR 3-2 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 155 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Add Options to the Informative Pricing Request The following example of a basic entry includes no options, but several city pairs: FQP LON BOM SYD TYO FRA You can refine your search by including options in your entry as follows: • If related to a segment, place the options next to the city codes (between slashes). • If related to the whole itinerary, place the options at the end of the entry. For example: FQP LON /D14SEP /ABA /CF BOM /AQF /CCSYD /AJL /CC TYO /VTS FRA /M /RCH ,PAR .MAD FQP Informative Pricing request transaction code LON First city of your city pair /D14SEP Date /ABA Specific airline If same airline for all segments, add /O at the end of the FQP entry /CF Booking code (RBD) BOM Last city of your city pair /VTS Global routing indicator Via the Trans-Siberian route between TYO and FRA /M Mirror image /RCH Reduction code child ,PAR Point of sale .MAD Point of ticketing For a complete list of Informative Pricing options and more explanation, see HE FQP. Working with Itinerary Pricing Here we describe how to request pricing for an itinerary. What Is Itinerary Pricing? The itinerary pricing transactions allow you to price a PNR. Depending on which transaction you use, you can choose whether to store the pricing response in a transitional stored ticket (TST). There are two main itinerary pricing transactions: 156 • FXP - Prices an itinerary and stores the response in a TST • FXX - Prices an itinerary without storing the response in a TST Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing The system prices the itinerary in the currency of the country of origin, and includes the equivalent amount to be paid when the journey does not originate in the country where your terminal is located. You can request fares for selected passengers, or for all passengers in a PNR. You can also add options to both FXX and FXP pricing transactions. A fare proposed by the system is valid until you make an end of transaction entry (ET, ER). Note: You will be disconnected from the fare server if you are inactive for more than three minutes. If this happens, you must re-enter a pricing entry. Pricing a PNR Here we describe how to price a PNR. Here is an example of a PNR that has not yet been priced: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 NCE1A0950/0022AG/7JUL09 1.BLACK/ANDREW MR 2 AF 022 Y 18NOV 3 CDGJFK HK1 3 AF 023 Y 25NOV 3 JFKCDG HK1 4 APH 07 543 543 PARIS 5 TK TL15NOV/NCE1A0950 AG/SU 7JUL09/0926Z 0825 1035 1650 0600 18NOV 26NOV E E 4G25AP AF/ AF/ To price the PNR: 1. Display the fares for the itinerary. FXP System response: FXP * 01 02 03 > FARE BASIS KEEUS KHWPXUS+K* KHWAPUS+K* * * * * DISC * PSGR * P1 * P1 * P1 * FARE * 2913.05 * 1603.05 * 1491.05 * MSG *T * *Y * *Y * *Y PAGE 1/ 1 Since several fares apply to this itinerary, the system displays a list of the fares. Our terminal is located in France, so the system converts the price from US dollars into euros if nothing else is specified. 2. Select a fare from the list. FXT 3 Note: If you are pricing for more than one passenger, you must passenger-associate your entry. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 157 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide System response: FXT3 01 BLACK/ANDREW * -----------------------------------------------------------AL FLGT BK T DATE TIME FARE BASIS NVB NVA BG LAX PAR AF 0065 K K 01SEP 1535 KHWAPUS 01SEP01SEP PC LAX AF 0068 K K 16SEP 1320 KHXAPUS 16SEP16SEP PC USD 1267.00 01SEP02LAX AF PAR648.50AF LAX618.50NUC EUR 1423.00 1267.00END ROE1.000000 EUR 8.99QX XT EUR 3.58FR EUR 5.61YC EUR 14.82US EUR EUR 6.66FR 14.82US EUR 3.48XA EUR 6.73XY EUR 3.36XF EUR 52.40XT LAX3.00 EUR 1491.05 EUR 10.00 AIRLINE FEES EUR 1501.05 TOTAL AIRLINE FEES INCLUDED RATE USED 1USD=1.12246EUR TICKETS ARE NON REFUNDABLE AFTER DEPARTURE ENDOS NON-END/NON-TRANS/AF ONLY PAYMT NONREF/SAPEX > PAGE 2/ 2 3. To end the transaction, enter: ER The PNR is saved with a TST and the TST indicator appears in the PNR header line. --- TST --RP/NCE1A0900/NCE1A0900 1.BLACK/ANDREW MR 2 AF 065 K 01SEP 7 LAXCDG HK1 3 AF 068 K 16SEP 1 CDGLAX HK1 4 APB LAX 1 310 419 2121 5 APH PAR 33 6 4545 36843 6 TK OK14JAN/NCE1A0900 BE/SU 14JAN0x/1705Z ZSHWF7 1435 B 1535 1115+1 *1A/E* 1220 2C 1320 1605 *1A/E* To price the itinerary without creating a TST, enter: FXX How to Display a Ticket Image To display a ticket image from the list of fares displayed, enter the transaction code followed by the fare line number: FQQ 2 158 Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing System response: FQQ2 02 YWEEK * * P1 * 2617.08 * *Y LAST TKT DTE 18NOV09 -----------------------------------------------------------AL FLGT BK T DATE TIME FARE BASIS NVB NVA BG PAR NYC AF 0022 Y Y 18NOV 0825 YWEEK 18NOV18NOV 2P PAR AF 0023 Y Y 25NOV 1650 YWEEK 25NOV25NOV 2P EUR 2252.00 18NOV09PAR AF NYC1580.66AF PAR1580.66NUC 3161.32END ROE0.712358 XT EUR 4.00IZ EUR 7.04FR EUR 10.38FR EUR 3.89YC EUR 11.39US EUR 11.39US EUR 3.54XA EUR 4.95XY EUR 1.77AY EUR 3.18XF JFK4.50 EUR 180.00YQ EUR 21.47QX EUR 61.53XT EUR 2515.00 EUR 2617.08 TOTAL INCL EUR 102.08 AGENT TKT FEE FEE PARTIALLY BASED ON VC=AF AND TT=ET 100.00 EUR PENALTY APPLIES > PAGE 2/ 2 The system displays the ticket image for the selected fare, but does not create a TST. The system takes into account any discount codes that you included in the PNR or the pricing entry. If you have a PNR, the ticket image will include the passenger name. How to Price with Options You can add options to your itinerary pricing entry. You add pricing options in the same way that you add options to a PNR: by adding a slash, followed by the option codes. Below are some commonly used options: Table: Common Pricing Options Option Entry Description FXP /P2,3 Passenger association FXX /P2,3 FXP /S2-4 Segment association FXX /S2-4 FXP /R CD Passenger discount with the passenger discount code FXX /R CD For IATA discount codes, see HE IAD For passenger type codes, see HE PTC FXP /INF Infant association FXX /INF Note: Infants must be specified in the name field of the responsible adult. FXP /PAX All passengers (adults and children) except infants FXX /PAX © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 159 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Option Entry Description FXP /R, VC-XX Validating carrier (where XX is the airline code) FXX /R, VC-XX When you use this option, the system checks the PFC collection table for the airline you specify in the entry. The system automatically adds the FV element to the PNR. Note: You must issue the ticket on the airline you enter in this option. For a complete list of options, see HE FARES, GP OPT. Pricing Override Options Pricing override is permitted in all Amadeus markets. However, some airlines may restrict the use of some override options, or all. If such an airline is included in the itinerary where you are performing a pricing override transaction, the following message will be displayed. * PRICING OVERRIDE NOT ALLOWED BY CARRIER * The same applies if you want to print a ticket belonging to an airline that is not reflected in the itinerary, but has restricted use of override functions. The following message will be displayed: * PRICING OVERRIDE NOT ALLOWED BY VALIDATING CARRIER * Note: If you as an agent use pricing override, the TST of your PNR may be considered manual. It is your responsibility to obtain authorization from the airline owning the fare or the ticket you are modifying. For more information on override options, see HE FARES, GP OP2. How to Price with Override Options Here we describe some common override options and how to price with them. All of these options can be used with either the FXP or FXX entries. Past Date Pricing Note: This option is only available to authorized users. The past date pricing option prices an itinerary by using the fare and rules of the date you include in your entry. Routing and currency conversion are taken from the current date. You can use past date pricing for up to two years in the past. To price a date in the past, enter: FXP /R, 12AUG08 160 FXP Itinerary pricing transaction code /R, Slash, pricing option, comma 12AUG08 Past date Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing System response: FXP/R,12AUG08 * FARE BASIS * DISC * PTC 01 YRT1 * * 1 02 YWEEK7 * * 1 *1-2*FARE VALID FOR E TICKET ONLY > * FARE * 3571.71 * 2434.71 * MSG * * PAGE *T *Y *Y 1/ 1 Fare Basis You can force pricing or ticketing by fare basis code (FBC), provided that the fare rule is filed in coded format. You may want to do this if, for example, the pricing request displays the lowest fare, but you know that there is a more expensive, less restrictive fare available. To price a whole itinerary by fare basis code, enter: FXP /L-YAP FXP Itinerary pricing transaction code /L Slash, pricing option -YAP Dash, fare basis code Zap Off Use the zap off option to manually apply a discount to an itinerary or a segment. The discount is applied in the currency of your terminal. A percentage discount is always applied to the base fare. The zap off option defaults to either the base fare or the total fare. To zap off an amount of the total fare, in this example 20, enter: TTP /ZO-T20A To zap off a percentage from the base fare, for example 75%, enter: FXP/ZO-B75P The pricing will fail if one or more of the following conditions exists: • The segments being priced are not on the same carrier and you want to zap off an amount. • When discounting an amount of the total fare, there is more than one fare component and more than one taxation applies. The following message is displayed: UNABLE TO DISCOUNT/INTERLINE OR MULTI-TAX See HE ZAPOFF for more information. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 161 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Using Amadeus Best Pricer Here we describe how to use Amadeus Best Pricer to price a PNR with the lowest available fare for a booked itinerary. Note: Your ability to access Amadeus Best Pricer depends on your office profile settings. What Is Amadeus Best Pricer? Amadeus Best Pricer checks for lower fares and availability in lower booking classes, or for lower fares in the same booking class as already booked in the itinerary. The system suggests only fares that are applicable to the itinerary and the passenger type. It also checks the rule conditions, such as advance purchase, and minimum and maximum stay requirements. Amadeus Best Pricer can automatically rebook an itinerary in a lower booking class by using the highest access level for the airline. For more information on Amadeus access levels, see GG AIR and GP ACC. Alternatively, the system can inform you of lower fares without rebooking, to enable you to check if the suggested fare is suitable for the passenger, without changing the PNR. You can also choose whether or not to store the pricing response in a TST. Airline ticketing fees are included in the price. For an explanation on airline ticketing fees and available options, see HE FARES, GP OBF. Here are the Amadeus Best Pricer entries: Table: Amadeus Best Pricer Entries Entry Explanation FXB Rebooks to the lowest fare and creates a TST FXR Rebooks to the lowest fare but does not create a TST FXA Displays a list of lower fares FXU Selects a fare after FXA, rebooks, and creates a TST FXZ Selects a fare after FXA, rebooks, but does not create a TST FXL Displays the lowest possible fare Note: The system also informs you about seat availability. Amadeus Best Pricer with Automatic Rebooking You can use the Amadeus Best Pricer entries FXB and FXR to automatically rebook an itinerary in a lower class. FXB creates a TST, while FXR does not. You can also add options to both FXB and FXR pricing transactions. A fare proposed by the system is valid until you make an end of transaction entry (ET, ER). 162 Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing How to Request the Best Price and Automatically Rebook Here are the basic steps required to request the best available price for a PNR using the FXB entry. Here is an example of a PNR that has not been priced: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 AG/SU 9JUL09/1300Z 46GLDV NCE1A0950/0022AG/9JUL09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MRS 3.BLACK/ANDREW MR 4 AF1080 C 18NOV 3 CDGLHR HK3 0730 0750 18NOV E AF/ 5 AF1781 C 25NOV 3 LHRCDG HK3 0735 0950 25NOV E AF/ 6 APH 07 123 123 PARIS 7 TK TL15NOV/NCE1A0950 To request the best available price and rebook, enter: FXB System response: FXB ITINERARY REBOOKED PASSENGER 01 BARCLAY/ADAM * 02 BARCLAY/ANN M* 03 BLACK/ANDRE* PTC ADT ADT ADT NP 1 1 1 FARE 659.00 659.00 659.00 TAX 144.77 144.77 144.77 PER PSGR 803.77 803.77 803.77 TOTALS 3 1977.00 434.31 2411.31 1-3 EUR 2532.39 - TOTAL INC EUR 121.08 AGENT TKT FEE 1-3 LAST TKT DTE 18NOV09 > PAGE 2/ 2 Since there are multiple passengers in this PNR, the system displays the list of passenger names and the fare details. The message at the top of the display shows that the itinerary has been rebooked. To retrieve the PNR, enter: ER The TST indicator now appears in the header line of the PNR: --- TST --RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 AG/SU 9JUL09/1300Z 46GLDV NCE1A0950/0022AG/9JUL09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MRS 3.BLACK/ANDREW MR 4 AF1080 C 18NOV 3 CDGLHR HK3 0730 0750 18NOV E AF/ 5 AF1781 C 25NOV 3 LHRCDG HK3 0735 0950 25NOV E AF/ 6 APH 07 123 123 PARIS 7 TK TL15NOV/NCE1A0950 In this example, there was a low fare in the same C class that was booked originally, so the class did not change during the rebooking. If you had used the FXR entry, the TST would not have been created. However, you can use the FQQ follow-up entry with either entry to view the ticket image. For more information, see How to Display a Ticket Image on page 158. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 163 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Amadeus Best Pricer with Manual Rebooking You can use the Amadeus Best Pricer entry FXA to display a list of lower applicable fares. If you use the FXA entry, the system displays a list of the lowest available fares for the booked itinerary. However, it does not create a TST or automatically rebook the lower fare. You must rebook manually. You can then choose from this list to make a manual rebooking with the entry FXU (with TST creation) or FXZ (without TST creation). How to Display a List of Lower Fares and Rebook Here is a PNR that has already been priced: --- TST --RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 NCE1A0950/0022AG/9JUL09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2 AF 084 J 18NOV 3 CDGSFO HK1 3 AF 083 J 29NOV 7 SFOCDG HK1 4 APH 07 123 123 PARIS 5 TK TL15NOV/NCE1A0950 AG/SU 9JUL09/1334Z 1040 1320 1540 1130 18NOV 30NOV E E 46HGPK AF/ AF/ 1. To display a list of lower available fares, enter: FXA System response: FXA * FARE BASIS * DISC 01 JRT * 02 JRT1 * 03 CRT * 04 CRT1 * 05 IWEEK * 06 ZLOISIR * *1,3* *1-6*AGENT TICKETING FEE > * * * * * * * PSGR P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 * FARE * 8986.11 * 8986.11 * 8041.79 * 8041.79 * 4687.79 * 3469.95 * MSG * * * * * * *T *Y *Y *Y *Y *Y *Y APPLIES PAGE 1/ 1 2. Select the new fare from the list and rebook. FXU 6 164 Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing System response: FXU6 06 ZLOISIR * * P1 * 3469.95 *RB *Y ITINERARY REBOOKED LAST TKT DTE 21OCT09 -----------------------------------------------------------AL FLGT BK T DATE TIME FARE BASIS NVB NVA BG PAR SFO AF 0084 Z *Z 18NOV 1040 ZLOISIR 18NOV18NOV 2P PAR AF 0083 Z *Z 29NOV 1540 ZLOISIR 29NOV29NOV 2P EUR 3016.00 18NOV09PAR AF SFO2116.91AF PAR2116.91NUC 4233.82END ROE0.712358 XT EUR 40.00IZ EUR 7.04FR EUR 10.38FR EUR 3.92YC EUR 11.48US EUR 11.48US EUR 3.56XA EUR 4.99XY EUR 1.78AY EUR 3.21XF SFO4.50 EUR 200.00YQ EUR 21.47QX EUR 97.84XT EUR 3335.31 EUR 3469.95 TOTAL INCL EUR 134.64 AGENT TKT FEE FEE PARTIALLY BASED ON VC=AF AND TT=ET TICKETS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE ENDOS AF ONLY/SPECIAL FARE > PAGE 2/ 2 The TST is updated with the new, lower fare and a message appears at the top of the screen indicating that the itinerary has been rebooked. Notice also that the booking class is now Z; on the original PNR it was J. How to Display the Lowest Possible Fare and Indicate the Seat Availability You can use the entry FXL to display the lowest possible fare for an itinerary. The system also advises you about the seat availability for this fare. Note: There is no follow-up entry to rebook the itinerary with FXL. You must use either the FXB or FXR entry. To find the lowest applicable fare for an itinerary, enter: FXL System response: LOWEST PRICE IS AVAILABLE -----------------------------------------------------------AL FLGT BK T DATE TIME FARE BASIS NVB NVA BG NCE LON BA 0341 R *R 15AUG 0735 RNNLONOW 15AUG15AUG 2P EUR 147.00 EUR EUR EUR EUR 23.00YQ 3.00YQ 32.67XT 205.67 15AUG09NCE BA LON206.35NUC206.35END ROE 0.712358 XT EUR 10.29QX EUR 10.00IZ EUR 3.92FR EUR 8.46FR If the lowest fare is not available, the system displays passenger and fare details of the lowest fare, but includes the following message at the top of the display: LOWEST SOLD OUT//TRY WAIT LIST © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 165 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Amadeus Best Pricer Options You can add options to your Amadeus Best Pricer entries in the same way that you add options to a PNR: by adding a slash, followed by the option codes. How to Add Options Here we describe two common options: adding passenger discounts and requesting specific cabins. For more information and a complete list of options, see HE FARES, GP OPT. Passenger Discounts Here is an example of a PNR with multiple passengers that has already been priced: --- TST --RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 KO/SU 9JUL09/1302Z 46GLDV NCE1A0950/0089KO/9JUL09 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 2.BARCLAY/ANN MRS 3.BLACK/ANDREW MR 4 AF1080 D 18NOV 3 CDGLHR HK3 0730 0750 18NOV E AF/ 5 AF1781 D 25NOV 3 LHRCDG HK3 0735 0950 25NOV E AF/ 6 APH 07 123 123 PARIS 7 TK TL15NOV/NCE1A0950 If the passenger type codes are not included in the PNR Name field, you can include then in the Amadeus Best Pricer entry. In this example, passenger 3 is a child, even though this is not shown in his Name field. You want to price his ticket with a child discount. In this case, you must select all passengers in the PNR, even though you only want to apply a specific discount for a specific passenger. To price the PNR and create the TST, enter: FXB /P1-2/PAX //P3/RCH System response: FXB/P1-2/PAX//P3/RCH NO REBOOKING REQUIRED FOR LOWEST AVAILABLE PASSENGER PTC NP FARE 01 BARCLAY/ADAM * ADT 1 659.00 02 BARCLAY/ANN M* ADT 1 659.00 03 BLACK/ANDRE* CH 1 330.00 TOTALS 3 1648.00 FARE TAX 144.77 144.77 144.77 PER PSGR 803.77 803.77 474.77 434.31 2082.31 1-3 EUR 2190.23 - TOTAL INC EUR 107.92 AGENT TKT FEE 1-3 LAST TKT DTE 18NOV09 > PAGE 2/ 2 The fare for passenger 3 now includes a child discount passenger type code and the fare is discounted off the adult fare. 166 Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing Passenger Type Codes in the Fare Discount Element Instead of entering passenger type codes in the name fields of the PNR, or including them in the pricing entries as above, you can store them in the fare discount elements. Enter: FD CH /P3 Then, to use Amadeus Best Pricer to price the itinerary and store the TST, enter: FXB All passengers are priced and rebooked successfully with the appropriate discount codes, if applicable. Cabin Requests When searching for low fares, you can include the option /K, which searches for fare options in the specified cabins. To search for fares in business class, for example, enter: FXA /KC Using Master Pricer Expert Here we describe how to use Amadeus Master Pricer Expert to search for travel recommendations. What Is Master Pricer Expert? Amadeus Master Pricer Expert allows you to search for available flights and fares for a travel itinerary and returns pricing recommendations without a PNR. Your ability to use Amadeus Master Pricer Expert depends on the settings in the FXD field of your office profile. You can include up to six segments in your request, including up to two surface segments. You can also enter options to describe the itinerary. When you have selected a recommendation, you can book it using the segment sell direct entry (long sell). For more information, see HE FXD. How to Search for Travel Recommendations To search for travel recommendations, enter: FXD JFKMIA FXD Request recommendation transaction code JFKMIA City pair © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 167 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide System response: FXDJFKMIA 11 GROUPS AND 20 RECOMMENDATIONS RETURNED FROM USD 203.70 TO 482.70 -------- RECOMMENDATION 1 OF 2 IN GROUP 1 (USD 203.70)--------PTC CUR TAX FARE BASIS 1 ADT 1 USD 203.70 32.54 TXA0NF2P TOTAL 1 USD 203.70 32.54 1 US 373 T 05MAY JFK 7 CLT 0959 US1675 T 05MAY CLT MIA 1320 >> FXS1 TO SELECT 1 TICKETS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE 1 LAST TKT DTE05MAY09 - DATE OF ORIGIN 1200 1522 E0 320 E0 734 0523 The recommendations are sorted into groups of the same price, and the first recommendation of each group is displayed. You can scroll through the groups or select a group to display all recommendations in the group using the MD and MU entries. Note: The system returns up to a maximum of 20 recommendations, depending on the setting in the SPN field of the office profile. The first recommendation of each group is displayed. How to Display Recommendations To display the recommendations in a group, enter: FXS 5 FXS Select recommendation transaction code 5 Group number System response: --------------------------------------------------------------1 RECOMMENDATIONS IN GROUP 5(EUR 188.74) ---------- RECOMMENDATION 1 OF 1 IN GROUP 5 (EUR 188.74)--------PTC CUR TAX FARE BASIS 1 ADT 1 EUR 188.74 19.74 LA0PN TOTAL 1 EUR 188.74 19.74 1 AA 577 L 28OCT JFK 8 MIA 1110 1425 E0 757 0315 >> MPFXD TO RETURN 1 TICKETS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE 1 LAST TKT DTE28OCT09 --------------------------------------------------------------- To return to the original display of recommendations in groups, enter: MPFXD 168 Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing How to Sell from a Recommendation To sell from a recommendation, you must use the direct sell (long sell) entry. For example, enter: SS AA577 L 28OCT JFKMIA 2 SS Segment sell transaction code AA577 Airline code, flight number L Class of service 28OCT Departure date JFKMIA Origin and destination airport codes 2 Number of seats requested For more information, see HE SS. Recommendation Options When you are making a travel recommendation request entry, you have several options you can include for flights, pricing and ticketing. Note: Certain options can be entered at the segment level, while others can only be entered at the itinerary level. How to Add Options You can add options to your Amadeus Master Pricer Expert entries in the same way that you add options to a PNR: by adding a slash, followed by the option codes. Here are some commonly used options: Table: Common Recommendation Request Options Entry Description FXD 4 JFKMIA More than one seat FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA/ D25JUNATL /D27JUNJFK Multiple segments (up to six) FXDJFK/D15JUN/TD0900MIA Time of departure See HE FXD for a complete list of options. Pricing Options You can use pricing options in your entry by adding //R to the end of your entry followed by the pricing option. To display only public fares, enter: FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,P © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 169 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Price to Beat Option The price to beat option allows you to enter a maximum price for a travel recommendation. The system searches for recommendations that are equal to or lower than the price you have entered. Note: The price applies to the number of seats in your entry for the entire itinerary. To add the price to beat option, enter: FXD 2 PAR /D15JUNMIA //PB2500 This entry requests recommendations up to 2500 Euros for two passengers travelling from PAR to MIA. How to Add Passenger Type Code Options You can specify up to three passenger type codes for one passenger, and up to six passenger type codes in the same entry. To add a youth passenger type code, enter: FXDNYC/D11APRLON/RYTH Homogenous Recommendations When you specify different passenger type codes, the system may return recommendations that require a different booking class for different passenger types: a non-homogeneous recommendation. In this case the booking class on the recommendation display is marked with an asterisk (*) and the message 'SPLIT PNR' is displayed. Homogenous recommendations return the same booking class for all passenger types. You have the option of requesting homogenous recommendations only. To make a request for a homogeneous recommendation for one adult and one youth, enter: FXD2PAR/D15SEPNCE//PAX/1/RMIL/1/RYTH//NS For more information, see HE FXD. What Is a Ticketability Check? A ticketability check ensures that all recommendations returned for an itinerary are suitable for ticketing. The system checks, for example, fare rule restrictions and ticketing agreement tables, and determines the validating carrier. This feature can be activated at office level and performed by default, but you can override the office default by entering the //V option for the itinerary. For more information, see HE FXD. How to Perform a Ticketability Check To perform a ticketability check, enter: FXD JFK/D15JUNMIA //VY 170 Edition 3.1 Chapter 4 Fares and Pricing To disable a ticketability check, enter: FXD JFK/D15JUNMIA //VN © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 171 Chapter 5 Ticketing Here we give you the basics you need in order to understand the Ticketing module in the Amadeus Central System. This chapter includes information on the ticketing process, transitional stored tickets (TSTs), issuing and re-issuing tickets, and using Amadeus Ticket Changer. Before You Start In order to successfully use the Ticketing module, you must have a good understanding of the Fares and Pricing module. You should understand how to request a fare display and price a PNR. Objectives To meet the objectives of the Ticketing module, you should know how to: • Display and read a transitional stored ticket (TST) • Create, modify and delete a TST • Display the TST history • Issue a ticket • View agreement tables • Manually re-issue a ticket • Use Amadeus Ticket Changer © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 173 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Introduction The distribution system allows you to automatically price the air itinerary of a PNR. The automatic pricing entry FXP (FXX in certain markets) creates a Transitional Stored Ticket (TST) which contains the information necessary to issue a ticket. To issue a ticket, you enter TTP. If no TST exists in the PNR and you make the TTP entry, the system prices the itinerary, creates a TST and issues the ticket. Note: If you enter TTP in a PNR that already contains TSTs, the system creates TSTs for all the unticketed segments and passengers, and also issues the ticket(s) for all the existing and new TSTs. You can price a PNR and create a TST during PNR creation, from a retrieved PNR or from a PNR that was placed on queue. The PNR must contain at least the passenger name element and a flight segment. Once you have created a TST, you can display it with the TQT entry. When you modify the itinerary or a passenger name in a PNR for which TSTs have already been created, a PNR Change flag is automatically appended to the header line of the TST. You must verify the content and the validity of the TST and remove this flag before you can issue the ticket. For more information on the PNR Change flag, see What Is a PNR Change Flag? on page 184. When the system cannot price a PNR, for example when it contains more flight segments than the system can price automatically, you can manually create a TST by making the TTC entry. The response to this entry is an empty ticket panel that you must complete with all the relevant pricing and ticketing information. Understanding TSTs Here we describe transitional stored tickets (TSTs), the different types of TSTs, how to update TSTs and how to work with them. What Is a TST? A transitional stored ticket (TST) is a record containing the pricing and ticketing information attached to a PNR. The system automatically stores information requested from the fare server in the TST. The system numbers the TST and appends the TST creation date, office identification and agent sign. The number allocated to a new TST is unique and cannot be reused within the same PNR for another TST. This number allows you to identify the TST for the entire life of the PNR. A maximum of 10 TSTs can be created for each passenger, provided that you select different flight segments for each TST. Segments cannot overlap. A TST can apply to multiple passengers if the air segments, fare elements and forms of payment are the same. If any of the information is changed for one passenger in a multiple passenger TST, a new TST is automatically created for this passenger. 174 Edition 3.1 Chapter 5 Ticketing Fare Calculation Mode Indicators The system generates a fare calculation mode indicator (FCMI or fail code) when you price or issue a ticket where special conditions apply. The FCMI is either a letter or a number that indicates how the itinerary was priced. In addition to appearing in the TST display and being stored in TST history, the FCMI is printed on the ticket. FCMIs are divided into two groups: • Those created by the fare quote system when you price an itinerary • Those created by the ticket server when you issue a ticket Sometimes you may find that one code appears when you price an itinerary and another when you issue the ticket. FCMIs created by the ticket server always take precedence. Note: The FCMIs explained in the help pages apply to the Amadeus Central Ticketing server. There may be different explanations for FCMIs depending on the ticket server you are using. For a complete list of FCMIs/fail codes, see HE FCMI. Types of TSTs There are two types of TSTs in the system: • Automatic • Manual Note: If a PNR contains an infant indicator in the name element, a separate TST is created for the infant passenger. The ticketing status code in the TST shows NS indicating no seat reserved. Automatic TSTs The system creates an automatic TST (AST) when you enter a PNR pricing command (FXP or FXX). If a TST does not exist and you enter the ticketing command TTP, the system prices the flight segments of the PNR and creates the TST and an Amadeus Interface Record (A.I.R.) which is sent to the ticketing system to request issuance. An AST can contain up to 16 flight segments. An AST created by the system is not displayed immediately. The system displays a ticket image that contains the fare, validity and baggage allowance applicable per passenger. The ticket image is for information only as the system uses the TST to issue the ticket. After the system creates a TST, a TST identification appears on the header line of the PNR. This indicates that a TST is attached to the PNR. See Passenger Name Records on page 61 for more information. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 175 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Manual TSTs A manual stored ticket (MST) is a TST that has been created manually or an automatic TST that has been updated manually. The pricing indicator M in the header line of the TST indicates that the TST is manual. You can use a manual TST when the system cannot price a PNR; for example, there are more than 16 flight segments and you need to store the fare. You can also create an MST if you need to override the system pricing or when you reissue a ticket. A manual TST is an empty TST, also called a "TST shell," that you manually complete with all the ticketing and fare information. Before you can create a manual TST, you must enter an itinerary and passenger names in the PNR. An MST can contain multiple passengers if the itinerary and the fare elements are the same for each passenger. A manual TST can contain up to 28 flight segments, including arrival unknown (ARNK) segments, but depending on the market and the ticketing server, a TST containing 28 segments might be rejected due to local limitations. Note: For users in markets that issue tickets through Amadeus Central Ticketing, the maximum number of segments is 24. How to Display a TST 1. To display a TST, enter: TQT If there is more than one TST, a TST list is displayed: Tn P/So 1 PCt.1 T 2 .2 IT 3 .2 NAMEp TOTALq BARCLAY/MR EUR 114.82 BARCLAY/INF EUR 19.62 BARCLAY/MRS EUR 159.88 FOPr SEGMENTSs CHECK 3,4 CHECK 5-7 AX371449635311+ 5-7 DELETED TST RECORDS MAY EXIST - PLEASE USE TTHu > Here is a brief description of the sections of the TST list: 176 n TST number column o Passenger name element number p Passenger name q Total fare amount r Form of payment s PNR segments that apply to the TST t PNR Change flag u Deleted TST records can be displayed with the TTH entry Edition 3.1 Chapter 5 Ticketing 2. Select a TST from the list. TQT /T2 System response: TST00002 PC NCE1A0950 AG/23JUL I 0 LD 24JUL09 OD TFXB 1.BARCLAY/ADAM MR 1 MUC LH 4750 E 18NOV 0725 OK E99B 2 O LHR LH 4751 E 25NOV 0935 OK E99B MUC FARE F EUR 41.00 TX001 X EUR 20.00YQAC TX002 X EUR 16.93RAEB TX004 X EUR 12.71GBAD TX005 X EUR 24.92UBAS TOTAL EUR 121.04 GRAND TOTAL EUR 121.04 MUC LH LON28.77LH MUC28.77NUC57.54END ROE0.712358 n MUCMUC SI o 18NOV18NOV 20K 25NOV25NOV 20K p TX003 X EUR 5.48DESE NONREF/SPEX 6.FE 7.FM 8.FP 9.FV q CHANGES OF RES RESTRICTED VALID LH ONLY NONREFUNDABLE 10 CASH LH Here is a brief description of the sections of the TST (reading from left to right along each row): n TST number, PNR Change flag (if applicable), office ID, agent sign, creation date, pricing indicator, fare calculation mode indicator (FCMI), last date to ticket, origin and destination points, international sales indicator field, ticket type indicator, pricing entry that was used to create the TST o Passenger name, air itinerary with transfer/stopover indicators, not valid before/after dates, free baggage allowance p Fare details, including the fare currency code, base fare, taxes, airline ticketing fees, fare calculation q PNR fare elements For a detailed explanation of each TST field, see HE TST, GP INR. Note: The PNR elements are numbered the same way in the TST as they are in the PNR. How to... Enter Display a TST from an index by TST number TST/T2 Display a TST by passenger TQT/P1 Display TSTs for multiple passengers TQT/P1-3,5 Display a TST by passenger type (infant associated to P1) TQT/INF/P1 Display a TST by segment numbers TQT/S5-8 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 177 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Create a Manual TST To create a manual TST, enter: TTC This entry creates one TST for all passengers using the same PNR elements and fare discount codes: for example, infants in one TST, children in a second TST and adults in a third. Note: Once you begin to create a manual TST, you must use the TQT entry to display it from the PNR. Note that if you repeat the TTC entry, the system deletes the original TST and displays an empty TST. To create individual TSTs for each of the passengers, enter: TTC /D You can create a maximum of 10 TSTs per passenger. Updating TSTs Here we describe the entries you can use to update a TST as well as the update entry options available. TST Update Entries When you need to update a TST, there are two entries you can use: TTK or TTI. All TST fields can be updated with either TTI or TTK entries. The difference between the entries is relevant when you need to update the fare fields. Fare field elements include the base fare with the issue identifier, the equivalent fare, taxes, the total fare, the bankers’ rate and the net fare amount. • TTK With the TTK entry, you can update fare fields independently from one another. You can, for example, update one specific tax field only. • TTI With the TTI entry, when you update fare fields, you must update them in one single entry (with the exception of the base fare, the bankers’ rate and the net fare) and in the following order: base fare, equivalent fare, taxes and total fare. When you update more than one fare field in a single entry, you must use the same order as in the TTI entry: base fare, equivalent fare, taxes, and total fare. The update to any TST field is subject to rules and validations that are specific to the nature of the field. Each TST field has a letter identifier that you add to your entry to identify the field you want to update. You can combine multiple fields in one entry. These entries create a TST shell if one doesn't exist. You can also make the entry in a PNR. For some commonly-used update options, see TST Update Entry Options on page 179. 178 Edition 3.1 Chapter 5 Ticketing TST Update Entry Options You have several options to choose from when you need to update a TST. These options work with both the TTK and TTI entries. Here is a list of commonly-used options you can use to update a TST: Commonly-Used TST Update Entry Options Option Description /B Fare basis /A Baggage allowance /V Validity date /F Fare amount /X Tax amount /C Fare calculation You can also update multiple options in one entry: TTK /FEUR650.00 /BY /A30K For a complete list of options, see HE TTK and HE TTI. How to Update a TST In this example, we describe how to update several elements of a manual TST including the fare basis, baggage allowance, base fare, taxes and the fare calculation. Here is an example of a PNR that has not been priced: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 NCE1A0950/0022AG/11SEP09 1.BLACK/ANDREW MR 2 LH 965 Y 30OCT 5 MUCFRA HK1 3 LH 960 Y 05NOV 4 FRAMUC HK1 4 APH 05 123 876 5 TK TL29OCT/NCE1A0950 AG/SU 11SEP09/1421Z 0825 0935 0650 0745 30OCT 05NOV E E 2CRMT5 LH/2CRMT5 LH/2CRMT5 Since the PNR has not been priced, a TST has not been created. 1. Create the manual TST. TTC System response: TST00001 NCE1A0950 AG/11SEP M 1 T1.BLACK/ANDREW MR 1 MUC LH 965 Y 30OCT 0825 OK 2 O FRA LH 960 Y 05NOV 0650 OK MUC OD MUCMUC SI Note that in the header line, the pricing indicator has changed to M for manual and the pricing failcode indicator now shows 1. Both fields indicate that the TST was changed manually. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 179 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide 2. Add the fare basis code and baggage allowance. TTI /BQEUROP2 /A30K System response: TST00001 NCE1A0950 AG/11SEP M 1 T1.BLACK/ANDREW MR 1 MUC LH 965 Y 30OCT 0825 OK QEUROP2 2 O FRA LH 960 Y 05NOV 0650 OK QEUROP2 MUC OD MUCMUC SI 30K 30K 3. Add the base fare. TTK /F1264.00 System response: TST00001 NCE1A0950 AG/11SEP M 1 T1.BLACK/ANDREW MR 1 MUC LH 965 Y 30OCT 0825 OK QEUROP2 2 O FRA LH 960 Y 05NOV 0650 OK QEUROP2 MUC FARE F EUR 1264.00 TOTAL EUR 1264.00 GRAND TOTAL EUR 1264.00 OD MUCMUC SI 30K 30K 4. Add the new taxes. TTK /X66.26YQAC /X15.33RDDP /X13.96DESE System response: TST00001 NCE1A0950 AG/11SEP M 1 OD MUCMUC SI T1.BLACK/ANDREW MR 1 MUC LH 965 Y 30OCT 0825 OK QEUROP2 30K 2 O FRA LH 960 Y 05NOV 0650 OK QEUROP2 30K MUC FARE F EUR 1264.00 TX001 X EUR 66.26YQAC TX002 X EUR 15.33RDDP TX003 X EUR 13.96DESE TOTAL EUR 1359.55 GRAND TOTAL EUR 1359.55 The system automatically recalculates the totals for you. 180 Edition 3.1 Chapter 5 Ticketing 5. Add the fare calculation with the /Z option. TTI /L1-2 /Z632.00 System response: TST00001 NCE1A0950 AG/11SEP M 1 OD MUCMUC SI T1.BLACK/ANDREW MR 1 MUC LH 965 Y 30OCT 0825 OK QEUROP2 30K 2 O FRA LH 960 Y 05NOV 0650 OK QEUROP2 30K MUC FARE F EUR 1264.00 TX001 X EUR 66.26YQAC TX002 X EUR 15.33RDDP TX003 X EUR 13.96DESE TOTAL EUR 1359.55 GRAND TOTAL EUR 1359.55 MUC LH FRA632.00 LH MUC632.00EUR1264.00END 6. Add the endorsement restrictions. FE ONLY VALID ON FLIGHTS AND DATES SHOWN The PNR is redisplayed showing the FE element: RP/NCE1A0950/NCE1A0950 AG/SU 11SEP09/1421Z 2CRMT5 NCE1A0950/0022AG/11SEP09 1.BLACK/ANDREW MR 2 LH 965 Y 30OCT 5 MUCFRA HK1 0825 0935 30OCT E LH/2CRMT5 3 LH 960 Y 05NOV 4 FRAMUC HK1 0650 0745 05NOV E LH/2CRMT5 4 APH 05 123 876 5 TK TL29OCT/NCE1A0950 6 FE *M*ONLY VALID ON FLIGHTS AND DATES SHOWN 7. File and redisplay the PNR. ER Note: If you do not file the PNR, the changes are not stored in the TST. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 181 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide 8. Display the updated TST. TQT System response: TST00001 NCE1A0950 AG/11SEP M 1 OD MUCMUC SI T1.BLACK/ANDREW MR 1 MUC LH 965 Y 30OCT 0825 OK QEUROP2 30K 2 O FRA LH 960 Y 05NOV 0650 OK QEUROP2 30K MUC FARE F EUR 1264.00 TX001 X EUR 66.26YQAC TX002 X EUR 15.33RDDP TX003 X EUR 13.96DESE TOTAL EUR 1359.55 GRAND TOTAL EUR 1359.55 MUC LH FRA632.00 LH MUC632.00EUR1264.00END 6.FE *M*ONLY VALID ON FLIGHTS AND DATES SHOWN Working with TSTs Here we describe several tasks you can do when working with TSTs. What Is a Confidential TST? Note: Confidential TSTs are not available in the following markets: US, CA, MX, Central America, Caribbean, BM, GU and Micronesia. You can make a TST confidential so that it can be displayed and modified by your office only. The confidentiality flag can be set for any type of TST regardless of status. Both confidential and non-confidential TSTs can exist in the same PNR. Note: If a PNR contains a confidential TST, the ownership of the PNR cannot be changed. If no Amadeus extended ownership agreements exist, only the office that sets the confidentiality of the TST can display and modify it. If Amadeus extended ownership agreements do exist, only those offices listed in the Amadeus extended ownership table can either display and ticket the confidential TST, or display, modify and/or ticket it. Confidential TSTs can be deleted by any office in the same way as nonconfidential TSTs. For more information, see HE TTD. How to Make TSTs Confidential A confidential TST is indicated by an asterisk (*) in the PNR header line and in the TST list. Here is an example of the header line of a confidential TST with the indicator: TST00001* TFXP 182 NCE1A0980 AA/08JAN A 0 OD NCENCE SI Edition 3.1 Chapter 5 Ticketing To make all TSTs confidential, enter: TTD System response: ALL TST(S) CONFIDENTIAL > To make a specific TST confidential, enter: TTD /T1 System response: SELECTED TST CONFIDENTIAL > To remove the confidentiality of a specific TST, enter: TTD /X /T1 System response: CONFIDENTIAL FLAG REMOVED > How to Delete a TST A TST is associated to passenger name(s). Each time a TST is deleted, it is moved to the TST history at end of transaction. When a TST that contains multiple passengers is deleted, each passenger is shown separately but the same TST number is used. Deleted TSTs can be displayed from the TST index with the TTH entry. The time, date, office identification and agent sign of the user deleting the TST is automatically appended to the TST history. How to... Enter Delete a specific TST TTE/T1 Delete all TSTs in a PNR TTE/ALL Delete TSTs by passenger numbers TTE/P1,3 Delete passenger name from a TST TTE/T1/P1 Notes: You must use the TST number (/T) and the passenger name element selection option (/P) in that order. Only the passengers selected are removed from the TST. If you specify multiple TSTs and/or passengers, you must separate the numbers by a comma (,) to indicate a series or a dash (-) to indicate a range. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 183 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide What Is a PNR Change Flag? If you change the itinerary or a passenger name after a TST has been created, a PNR Change flag is displayed in the TST to indicate that there has been a change. The system automatically appends a PNR Change flag to the TST when: • A name change has been performed in the PNR. • Flights have been rebooked after TST creation. You cannot issue a ticket against a TST that has a PNR Change flag. The PNR Change flag must be removed before you can issue the ticket. You must reprice the itinerary. The system then creates a new TST with an automatic pricing indicator. Note: A name change in a PNR does not mean that the airline has accepted the name change. PNR Change Flag Example Here is a TST with a PC indicator (next to the TST number in the header line): TST00001 PC NCE1A0950 AG/27JUL M 0 LD 03AUG09 OD TFXB 1.BARCLAY/ADAMSON MR 1 CDG AF 1080 N 01NOV 0745 OK NSTAYFR 2 O LHR AF 1981 N 08NOV 0640 OK NSTAYFR CDG FARE F EUR 37.00 TX001 X EUR 60.00YQAC TX002 X EUR 10.03QXAP TX004 X EUR 3.92FRSE TX005 X EUR 10.38FRTI TX007 X EUR 24.92UBAS TOTAL EUR 159.96 GRAND TOTAL EUR 159.96 PAR AF LON25.97AF PAR25.97NUC51.94END ROE0.712358 PARPAR SI 01NOV01NOV 20K 08NOV08NOV 20K TX003 X EUR TX006 X EUR 1.00IZEB 12.71GBAD 8.FE REF/CHANGES/CXR RESTRICTED This message is a warning to check the stored fare and make sure it still applies to the passenger and the itinerary. For more information on the PNR Change flag, see HE TTF. For more information on changing passenger names, see HE NU. The PC is also appended to the TST number in TST list displays. For example: T 1 2 P/S PC2 PC1 NAME WEBER/A MR FLORES/M MRS TOTAL EUR EUR FOP 4496.01 CHECK 4496.01 CASH SEGMENTS 2,5 3-4 NO DELETED TSTS > 184 Edition 3.1 Chapter 5 Ticketing How to Remove a PNR Change Flag from a TST To remove a PNR Change flag from a TST, enter: TTF /T1 System response: TST FLAG REMOVED > You can also remove the PNR Change flag when you issue the ticket. Enter: TTP /T1 /F The following table describes options you can use when removing the PNR Change flag: TTF Entry Options Entry Removes the PNR Change flag: TTF When only one TST exists TTF /T1 From TST number 1 TTF /T1,3-5 From TST number 1, and 3 through 5 TTF /ALL From all existing TSTs TTP /F /P1 In the ticketing entry for passenger 1 Note: The pricing indicator is set to M (manual) after the TTF entry. TST History HE TTH TST history contains TST elements that have been changed, cancelled or deleted. When you change or delete any portion of a TST, the modification is recorded in the TST history at end transaction. There are two types of TST history: • Current TST history • Deleted TST history Current TST history contains all additions, changes and deletions made to the TST, such as an individual passenger cancellation from a TST with multiple passengers or updates resulting from TTU/TTS/TTA entries. Deleted TST history contains deleted TSTs. There is one unique TST history for each TST number. Deleted TSTs that contain multiple passengers show each passenger separately but the same TST number is used. Deleted TSTs are listed in the DELETED TSTS section of the TST index. If you price a TST twice before you file the PNR (end transaction), only the last allocated TST numbers are stored in the PNR. Consequently the active TSTs may not begin with 1 and the active TST numbers in a PNR may not be consecutive. For more information, see HE TTH. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 185 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Display TST History When only one TST exists for a PNR, make the following entry to display the history: TTH System response: ** CURRENT HISTORY CT I/M FC/ AUTOMATICALLY PRICED *0* CA 20K MUC LH 965 Y 30SEP09 0830 OK CA 20K FRA LH 964 Y 05OCT09 0905 OK 002 RFCR-NCE1A0950 SU 0022AG 27JUL/1303Z If more than one TST exists, TTH displays a TST list or index and you must specify the TST for which you want to display the history. Here is an example of a TST list: T 4 6 8 P/S .1 .2 I .2 NAME LAVENDER/J MR LAVENDER/PHRED LAVENDER/ER MRS DELETED TSTS 5 A LAVENDER/ER MRS 1 A LAVENDER/J MR 1 A LAVENDER/ER MRS 3 A LAVENDER/PHRED(INF) 2 B LAVENDER/J MR TOTAL EUR 1006.05 EUR 126.07 EUR 1019.73 EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR FOP SEGMENT 3-6 3-6 3-6 1006.47 1006.47 1006.47 125.01 1019.73 To display the TST history for TST 2, enter: TTH /T2 TTH TST history transaction code /T2 Slash, TST identifier (T), TST number (2) Issuing Tickets To issue a ticket, enter: TTP The TTP entry performs the following functions: 186 • Prices the air itinerary if not previously priced • Creates a TST if not previously created • Creates a validating airline element (FV) on the PNR • Issues the tickets • Updates the ticketing element (TK) to show the date the ticket was issued and changes the ticketing indicator to OK • Ends transaction and files the PNR (ET) Edition 3.1 Chapter 5 Ticketing Amadeus creates an Amadeus Interface Record (A.I.R.) for all unticketed passengers and segments in the PNR and sends the AIR to the ticketing system. There is one AIR created for each TST. The ticketing system responds with either an acknowledgement (TRACK) or a rejection (TREJ). If the ticketing system accepts the interface record, the ticket is printed. When you enter TTP, the system checks to see if a TST already exists. If yes, the system issues a ticket for the segments in the existing TST and creates a new TST for the unpriced segments (if any) and issues the tickets. This causes the system to issue more than one ticket. If you want only one ticket for the complete itinerary, you must delete all existing TSTs before you enter TTP. Note: When issuing tickets, system processing can vary from market to market. Certain markets require a TST before a ticket can be issued. Other markets include the total price of all the tickets issued in the response. For more information on the TTP entry, see HE TTP. E-Tickets Most airlines are evolving away from paper tickets and towards the use of electronic tickets (e-tickets). The process of generating a ticket in the system is the same for both types of tickets. However, with an e-ticket, there is no paper document to print, with the exception of itinerary receipts, agent coupons and credit card charge forms. Electronic ticketing allows you to send ticketing information directly to an airline so that passengers can check in at the airport and board flights without requiring printed tickets. When you issue an electronic ticket (e-ticket) through Amadeus by making a TTP entry, the system sends the flight coupons as a message to the airline. If the airline accepts the e-ticket request, the information is stored in the airline's own system as an e-ticket record. Note: The amount of time that an e-ticket record remains stored in the airline's system varies between airlines. For information about airline-specific electronic ticketing policies, enter: HE ETT XX (where XX is the twocharacter airline code). Only the flight coupons are sent to the airline to be stored as an e-ticket record. All other ticketing documents, such as agent coupons and credit card charge forms, are still printed on paper. You can display the e-ticket record once it has been created. The e-ticket record is stored in the airline's database. The following information is taken from the PNR and the TST to create and display an e-ticket record: • Ticket number • Passenger name • Flight segments • Fare, equivalent fare, taxes, and total • Frequent traveller information See How to Display an E-Ticket Record on page 190 for information on displaying an e-ticket record. For more information on e-tickets, see HE ETT, GP ETK. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 187 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Fare Elements Required to Issue a Ticket Validating Carrier Element When you price a PNR, the system automatically creates a passenger- and segment-associated validating carrier element (FV) for every TST to ensure consistency between pricing and ticketing. The FV element is mandatory for travel agencies; however, it is not mandatory for airline agents as their carrier's own two-character airline is used. Note: You can only issue a ticket if both the validating carrier used for pricing and the one in the FV element is the same. For more information, see HE FV. Form of Payment Element The form of payment element (FP) indicates how the ticket is paid. You enter the form of payment element by using the transaction code followed by the form of payment: FP CASH For a complete list of payment types, see HE FP. Commission Element The commission element (FM) is optional, depending on your specific commission agreement for ticketing. It is for travel agencies only. You enter the commission element, for example, as a percentage or an amount: FM 9 FM 50A For more entries, see HE FM. Ticket Pre-Validation You can pre-validate the ticketing information without actually issuing the ticket by adding the option /TKT to the ticketing entry. For example, enter: TTP /TKT The system checks all the information contained in the TSTs and the A.I.R.s. If the ticketing information is correct, the system displays the following message: OK TO TICKET > If the ticketing information is incorrect, the system displays an error message. You then make the necessary corrections and repeat the entry. You can use the /TKT option in combination with all other TTP options. See TST Update Entry Options on page 179. Note: 188 Using the /TKT option performs a validation check only in the distribution system. The entry is not validated by the airline's system. You may receive an error message from the airline when you issue the ticket. Edition 3.1 Chapter 5 Ticketing How to Issue a Ticket from a PNR Follow these steps to issue a ticket from a single-passenger PNR: 1. Retrieve the PNR using the record locator. RT /SW34JT 2. Price the itinerary. FXX or FXP The validating carrier element (FV) is created automatically. 3. Enter the form of payment. FP CASH 4. Enter a commission amount (optional). FM 10A 5. Issue the ticket. TTP Ticket and AIR Sequence Numbers When you issue a ticket, the system first creates a unique 10-digit sequence number for each TST. This number is stored in an FB element and is called the Amadeus Interface Record (A.I.R.) sequence number. When the ticket is issued, the ticketing system updates the PNR and creates an FA element with the ticket number and the ticket amount. The system creates one FA element for each passenger. You cannot modify FB and FA elements; you can only cancel them. If you want to reprint a ticket, you must either cancel the existing FA and FB elements and make a new ticket print entry (TTP) or passenger-associate the TTP entry. Here is an example of a PNR that has been ticketed and shows the FB and FA elements: --- TST --RP/NCE1A0900/NCE1A0900 CM/SU 2JUL07/1459Z JX7GXL 1.ABOU/RENE MR 2.SMITH/G MR 3 KL 363 C 08JAN 4 AMSMAD HK2 1035 1310 *1A/ 4 KL 364 C 20JAN 2 MADAMS HK2 I 1510 1740 *1A/ 5 AP AMS 6 45 33 2-H 6 TK OK02JUL/NCE1A0900 7 FA PAX 074-2345780980/EUR1109.49/02JUL07/NCE1A0900/ /20497890/S3-4/P1 8 FA PAX 074-2345780981/EUR1109.49/02JUL07/NCE1A0900 /20497890/S3-4/P2 9 FB PAX SN0200000620 TTP/RT/S3-4/P1-2 10 FP CASH 11 FV KL For more information on shadow AIR sequence numbers, see HE FG. How to Use Entry Options You can use options when issuing a ticket if you need to issue tickets only for a specific passenger or segment, for example. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 189 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Here are some commonly used entry options: Table: Common Ticketing Entry Options Option Description TTP /INF Issue tickets for all infants TTP /PAX Issue tickets for all passengers except infants TTP /P1 Issue tickets only for passenger 1 TTP /P1,3 Issue tickets for passengers 1 and 3 only TTP /P1-3,5 Issue tickets for passengers 1, 2, 3, and 5 TTP /S2 Issue ticket only for segment 2 TTP /S2,5 Issue tickets for segments 2 and 5 TTP /S2-3,5 Issue tickets for segments 2, 3, and 5 TTP /T1 Issue tickets only for TST number 1 TTP /T1 /F Issue tickets for TST number 1 and remove PNR Change flag See What Is a PNR Change Flag? on page 184. TTP /RT Issue the ticket and retain the PNR TTP /R Issue the ticket and reprice the PNR TTP /O Issue the ticket on a TST that has expired (past date TST) How to Display an E-Ticket Record To display the e-ticket record when there is only one FA or FHE element in the PNR, enter: TWD If there is more than one FA or FHE element in the PNR, you must add the line number of the FA or FHE element for the e-ticket record you want to display. Enter: TWD /L10 How to Display an E-Ticket Record Using the Ticket Number You can also display an e-ticket record without a retrieved PNR by including the ticket number in your TWD entry: TWD /TKT005-1234567890 In addition to ticket number, you can display an e-ticket record by phone number, frequent traveller number, credit card number, or trip information. For more information and examples, see HE TWD. 190 Edition 3.1 Chapter 5 Ticketing Working with Agreement Tables Here we describe three types of airline reporting and agreement tables in Amadeus: • Bank Settlement Plan (BSP) / Airline Reporting Corporation Membership Table (ARC) Each time an agency issues a ticket on a given airline, the agency must report the sale to that airline for payment purposes. To simplify the reporting of sales to the airlines, IATA and the airlines have formed reporting plans. Airlines wishing to participate in the reporting plans sign an agreement where they will accept payment from a third party, usually a bank. Bank Settlement Plans (BSPs) are sometimes referred to as Area Reporting Plans (ARPs). In the U.S, the reporting plan is called ARC (Airline Reporting Corporation). The validating airline is checked against a BSP/ARC table to verify whether or not the airline participates in the BSP/ARC, which are settlement and reporting plans. • Interline Ticketing Agreement (ITA) The system verifies if an interline ticketing agreement exists between the validating airline and both marketing and operating carriers. • General Sales Agent Table (GSA) The system verifies if a GSA agreement exists between the validating airline and one airline in the itinerary (the marketing carrier only) if the validating airline is not present in the itinerary. These tables list the airlines (general sales agents) to which other airlines have delegated authority to issue air transportation documents on their behalf in a particular country. For additional information on agreement tables, see HE TGAD. How to Display BSP Tables To display an alphabetical list of the countries participating in all settlement and reporting plans, enter: TGBD © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 191 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide System response (partial display) --INDEX-AE GULFAREA AG ANTIGUAANDBARBUDA AL ALBANIA AN NETHERLANDSANTILLES AR ARGENTINA AT AUSTRIA AU AUSTRALIA AW ARUBA BA BOSNIAHERZEGOVINA BB BARBADOS BD BANGLADESH BE BELGIUM BF BURKINOFASO BG BULGARIA BH BAHRAIN BJ BENIN BM BERMUDA BO BOLIVIA BR BRAZIL BS BAHAMAS BW BOTSWANA )> To display a list of carriers participating in BSP/ARP/ARC plans in a specific country, for example France, enter the country code: TGBD -FR System response (partial display): --BSP/ARP AA AB AT AV BD BE CF CI DE DL ET EY GM GY HV HX IW IY JU J2 LG LH LY MA MX NH OS OU PW QF RG RJ SQ SS TG TK T7 UA UU UX VT VU )> 192 PLAN AC AY BI CM DT FB G0 HY IZ KC LI MD NT OV QG RO SU TN UD U8 VV FOR: AF AZ BR CO D3 FI G2 IB I5 KD LN ME NZ OZ QI SA SV TP UL VD VY FR AH A3 BT CU EC FV HF IC JJ KE LO MH OA PG QR SB SW TS UN VH V0 FRANCE AI AM A4 A7 BW B2 CX CY EI EK F7 GA HM HR IG IR JK JL KM KU LV LW MK MS OK OL PK PR Q3 RB SE SK S4 S7 TU TX UP US VN VR V3 WM AR BA CA CZ EO GF HU IT JP LA LX MU OM PS RE SN TF T3 UT VS WY Edition 3.1 Chapter 5 Ticketing How to Display Interline Agreements To display a master list of all carriers for which Amadeus maintains interline ticketing agreements, enter: TGAD System response (partial display): AA AP AY A7 BK B2 CI CW DE DT EB EN E9 FQ GD GU HA HS IF IX JG )> AB AQ AZ A9 BN B3 CK CX DI DU EC EQ FB FT GE GV HF HU IG IY JH AC AR A0 BA BP B7 CM CY DJ DV EF ET FE FV GF GW HG HX II IZ JI --INDEX-AE AF AS AT A2 A3 BC BD BR BT B8 CA CO CP CZ C2 DK DL D2 D3 EG EH EU EY FI FJ F5 F7 GH GJ GY G0 HJ HM HY H2 IK IN I1 I5 JJ JK AH AU A4 BE BV CB CS C3 DM D6 EI E3 FL F9 GL G3 HP IB IQ I9 JL AI AV A5 BG BW CC CT C9 DN D7 EK E5 FM GA GN G5 HQ IC IR JA JM AM AW A6 BI BX CF CU DB DP D9 EM E8 FN GB GO G7 HR IE IT JE JO Specific Interline Agreements for an Airline You can also request a list of interline agreements for a particular airline. For example, to display the list of airlines that Air France (AF) has interline agreements with, enter: TGAD -AF © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 193 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide System response (partial display): --AIRLINES HAVING AA TPE - AC TPE AH TPE - AI TPE AP TPE - AR TPE AV TPE - AY TPE A5 TPE - A9 TP BE TPE - BI TP BW TP - B2 TP CI TPE - CM TPE CU TPE - CX TPE DB TP - DL TPE EK TPE - ET TPE FI TPE - FV TPE GF TPE - GU TPE HF TP - HM TPE HY TPE - IB TPE IR TPE - IT TPE JK TPE - JL TPE JU TPE - JZ TPE KE TPE - KK TPE KQ TPE - KU TPE LH TPE - LI TPE AGREEMENT WITH: - AE TPE - AF - AJ TP - AM - AS TPE - AT - AZ TPE - A3 - BA TPE - BD - BP TPE - BR - CA TPE - CB - CO TPE - CS - CY TPE - CZ - DT TP *- EI - EY TPE - FB - F7 TPE - GA - G3 TPE - HA - HU TPE - HX - IC TPE - IG - IY TP - JJ - JM TP - JP - J2 TP - KA - KL TPE - KM - LA TPE - LG - LO TPE - LP AF TPE TPE TPE TPE TPE TP TPE TP TPE TPE TPE TP TPE TP TPE TPE TPE TPE TPE TPE TPE - Interline Agreement Codes The code after the airline code describes the type of agreement between the airlines. There are three types of ticketing agreements: • T - paper ticketing • P - prepaid ticket advice (PTA) • E - electronic ticketing If an asterisk (*) appears next to the code, it means there are exceptions to the agreement. Re-issuing Tickets You need to re-issue a ticket when there has been a change of airlines, fare or routing after the ticket has been issued, but before the journey has been completed. The following methods are available for processing a re-issue: • Creating a manual TST with the TTC transaction • Updating an already existing TST with the TTU transaction • Repricing the itinerary and creating a new TST with the FXP or FXX transactions You can use the FQP and the FXP transactions to recalculate the fare, with the point of sale/ticketing override and past date options. For more detailed information on ticket re-issue, see HE REISSUE. 194 Edition 3.1 Chapter 5 Ticketing How to Re-issue a Ticket If you have to make a change to an e-ticket that is not allowed under the revalidation rules, you must exchange the ticket. This is also known as re-issuing the ticket. To re-issue a ticket: Update the PNR 1. Book new flights. 2. Update the TST with the segments you want to issue. TTU /T1 /S3-5 3. Cancel unwanted segments. Note: When all segments in the itinerary are rebooked, the TST is automatically deleted. Be careful to update your existing TST before cancelling the unwanted ones. 4. Recalculate the new fare using FQP, override point of sale/ticketing and past date to the date of original issue. FQP NYC/ALHFRA-/AAFPAR-/D13DEC/ALHMUC-/ALHNYC/R,NYC,12FEB09 5. Determine if there is any additional collection required. Convert the difference in the currency of the country of origin into the currency of the country where the re-issue takes place using today's Bankers’ Selling Rate (BSR). 6. Enter the FO element. The check digit is optional. FO 001-1234567890 3 C23 NYC 12JUL0X /8049876 7. Enter the old form of payment and the new form of payment, if there is one. FPO /CASH+ /CASH Update the TST Note: All information is taken from the ticket image. 1. Display the TST. TQT 2. Update the non-valid after date. This is normally one year unless it is a special fare. Calculate from the first flown segment. If it is an open segment, calculate from the date of issue. TTK /VXX 12JUL © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 195 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide 3. Update the fare field elements. - Enter the new Base Fare in the currency of the country of origin. - Equivalent Currency (if any). - Old Tax in the currency of payment, and New Tax (if any) in the currency of the country where the re-issue takes place. - Total Amount, in the currency of the country where the re-issue takes place. 0 (zero) if there is no additional collection, or the additional amount to be collected. TTK /RUSD3744 /OUSD13.20US /XEUR3.92FR /TEUR250.92 4. Enter the Banker's Selling Rate (BSR) that was used to convert the additional collection into the currency of payment (if different from the currency of the country of origin). TTK /K1.15955 5. Display the e-ticket record. TWD /L (FA line number) 6. Remove the PNR Change flag and issue the ticket. TTP /T1 /F Using Amadeus Ticket Changer Amadeus Ticket Changer (ATC) allows you to automatically recalculate and prepare documents for the issuance of all voluntary re-issues or revalidations of electronic and paper tickets based on the IATA industry standard. Once you have made the necessary modifications to the passenger itinerary and entered the pricing entries, the system processes the best pricing solution according to the re-issue conditions. A re-issue generates a new ticket and a penalty miscellaneous charges order (MCO), and/or a refundable balance MCO, and/or a non refundable amount MCO, if any exist. You can re-issue both paper and e-tickets with Amadeus Ticket Changer. For more information on Amadeus Ticket Changer participating airlines, enter: FQN ATC /CXR For more information on Amadeus Ticket Changer, see HE ATC. How to Verify If a Fare Rule is Eligible for ATC All fares that have the VC.VOLUNTARY CHANGES category attached in the fare rule qualify for Amadeus Ticket Changer. To verify if a fare rule qualifies for Amadeus Ticket Changer, enter: FQN XX *VC Replace XX with the fare quote display line number of the fare rule you want to display. 196 Edition 3.1 Chapter 5 Ticketing How to Re-issue a Ticket Using ATC Here we describe a basic ticket re-issue using Amadeus Ticket Changer. For a more detailed ticket re-issue, see HE STEPS. To re-issue a ticket using ATC; 1. Retrieve the PNR. 2. Rebook the itinerary. 3. Cancel the old flight segments. XE 2-3 4. Cancel the old TST (if required). TTE /T1 5. Reprice the ticket using ATC confirmed pricing. FXQ 6. Update the old form of payment with a new one, in case of additional collection. FPO /CASH+ /CASH 7. Enter the form of payment for the penalty MCO, if any. 5/ FP CASH 8. Display the e-ticket record. TWD /L7 9. Issue the ticket and the penalty MCO, if applicable. TTP /TTM Note: For this last step, users in the US must use the following entries: TTP /EXCH TTM /EXCH © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 197 Chapter 6 Queues Here we give you the basics you need in order to understand the Queues module in the Amadeus central system. We include information on the different types of queues and explain how to work with them. Before You Start In order to successfully use the Queues module, you must have a good understanding of the PNR, Fares and Ticketing modules. Objectives To meet the objectives of the Queues module, you should know how to: • Display the queue bank • Place PNRs or messages on queue • Handle PNRs or messages on queue • Activate and deactivate queues • Print queues Introduction Amadeus Queues gives airlines, travel agencies and providers the ability to send and receive PNRs that require action, and to send and receive messages. Each airline and travel agency is automatically provided with a bank of predefined queues (16 for a travel agency and 19 for an airline). The system places PNRs automatically on these predefined queues. PNRs are placed on the queues by the office identification contained in the PNR header line. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 199 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide PNRs may require further action for the following reasons: • Segments, services, options, or seats from a waitlist have not yet been confirmed. • The office responsible for the PNR has changed. • There has been a change in the flight segment. • There has been a change in the ticketing arrangement. • The ticketing time limit has expired. • There has been a change in the group PNR. Amadeus Queues allows you to search the queues for PNRs that meet specific criteria (for example, PNRs for which the ticketing date is approaching). In addition to the predefined queues, you can add queues on which you can manually place PNRs. Queue Categories Queue categories are sub-queues that you can use to organize the PNRs in the queue. Each queue can have up to 256 categories. Queue Date Ranges A date range functions as a separate sub-queue. Date ranges can be changed to meet the requirements of your office, as required. Queue Types Special and Dual Queues There are two types of automatic queues in the Amadeus queue system: • Special queues - Can contain up to 256 categories, but cannot have date ranges. • Dual queues - Can contain up to 256 categories; each category can have up to four date ranges. Delay-Date and Delay-Time Queues You manually place PNRs on the delay queue that requires action on the date or time specified. The delay queue contains two sections for date-delayed and timedelayed PNRs. It does not contain any categories. When you enter a QD/TIME or QD/DATE transaction, the system places the PNR in the delay queue for the applicable time or date. The system returns the PNR to the original queue and category when the date or time is reached. Commonly Used Queues Here is a description of some commonly used queues. Table: Common Queues 200 Queue Description Q0 General Edition 3.1 Chapter 6 Queues Queue Description Q1 Confirmation Q2 Confirmation from waitlist Q3 Option Q4 Responsible office change Q7 Schedule change Q8 Ticketing Q12 Expired time limit Q25 Multi-list (Categories 0-254 are activated) Q26 Multi-list (Only categories 0-31 are activated) Q87 Groups Q87/C0 Default Q87/C1 AIR Q87/C6 SPCL SVC (SSR elements) Q87/C8 KL (Waitlist status) Q94 Customer profile message Q96 Past date record message Q97 Message For more details, see HE QUEUE. Nightly File Maintenance The system runs a file maintenance process every night at midnight GMT time (system time). The system reads the OP and TK elements in PNRs, as well as the delay queue, and moves PNRs to queues 3, 8, 12 and the delay queue at midnight local time (unless a specific time is added). PNRs are moved to each date range (D4 to D3 to D2) as the appropriate amount of time passes. Working with Queues Here we describe several tasks that you can perform when working with queues. What Is the Queue Bank? Queue banks are a collection of queues where PNRs and messages are automatically placed and categorized so that you can work on them. The queue bank is created at the same time that a new office ID is created and has the same office ID as the office. One office queue bank can use up to 80 queues. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 201 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide The queue bank is created with several default queues. However, you can also add or remove queues as required. See How to Customize Queues and Categories on page 214. For queue processing to function properly, the queue bank must include the following: • 0 - General queue • 1 - Confirmation queue • 3 - Option queue • 97 - Message queue • DLY/DATE - DLY/TIME queue If you customize your queue bank, PNRs are not automatically placed on these customized queues, but default to queue 0. How to Display the Queue Bank To display the queue bank, enter: QTQ System response: 1138 16SEPn QUEUEo...NCE1A0950.......Q/TTLp.ADDSq.LQCr.IWs ....DLY/DATt ........... 0.................. ....DLY/TIM.............. 0.................. Q97.OURMSGSu............ 2. 11. 1. 10 Q 0.GENERAL.............. 61. 63. 0. 2 Q 1.CONFO .............. 1. 5. 0. 4 Q 2.KL .............. 0. 3. 2. 5 Q 3.OPTION .............. 2. 68. 2. 68 Q 4.RPCHNG .............. 5. 33. 0. 28 Q 5.RATES .............. 1. 36. 0. 35 Q 6. .............. 5. 5. 0. 0 Q 7.SKEDCHG.............. 14. 12. 3. 1 Q 8.TKTG .............. 52. 48. 6. 2 Q 9.STEPHEN.............. 0. 0. 0. 0 Q10. .............. 1. 2. 0. 1 Q11.TEST DB.............. 0. 0. 0. 0 Q12.XTL .............. 23. 23. 0. 0 Q14.PURGED .............. 1. 0. 1. 0 Q15. .............. 0. 0. 0. 0 Q16. .............. 0. 0. 0. 0 Q17. .............. 4. 0. 4. 0 This entry displays all active queues, whether they contain PNRs or not. 202 Edition 3.1 Chapter 6 Queues Here is an explanation of the screen: n Time and date you made the request o Queue number column p TTL (Total) - The total number of PNRs/messages to be worked. q ADDS (Additions) - The number of PNRs/messages received since the queue was activated or since the last queue count request (QCR). r LQC (Last queue count) - Displays zero (0) if the queue count has never been reset, or the number of PNRs/messages in the TTL column when the queue count was last reset. s IT (Items worked) - The number of PNRs/messages worked. t Date-delayed and time-delayed PNRs/messages u Queue name (if applicable) For more information, see HE QTQ. How to Display Only Active Queues That Contain PNRs To display only the active queues that contain PNRs, enter: QT System response: 1145 16SEP QUEUE....NCE1A0950.......Q/TTL...ADDS...LQC...IW Q97.OURMSGS..................................... MY MESSAGES .C 0.... 2. 11. 1. 10 Q 0.GENERAL................................... .................C 0.... 61. 63. 0. 2 Q 1.CONFO ..................................... .................C 0.D1. 1. 1. 0. 0 Q 3.OPTION ..................................... .................C 0.... 1. 67. 0. 66 .................C 21.... 1. 1. 2. 2 Q 4.RPCHNG ..................................... .................C 0.... 5. 33. 0. 28 Q 5.RATES ..................................... .................C 0.... 1. 36. 0. 35 Q 6. ..................................... .................C 0.... 5. 5. 0. 0 Q 7.SKEDCHG..................................... .................C 0.D1. 1. 1. 0. 0 ....ASC ...C 1.D1. 13. 11. 3. 1 Q 8.TKTG ..................................... .................C 0.D1. 47. 48. 1. 2 For more information, see HE QT. How to Perform a Queue Count Reset To reset the queue count to zero for all the queues in your office, enter: QCR © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 203 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide System response: OK 1425 12JAN QUEUE....NCE1A0900.......Q/TTL..ADDS...LQC....IW ....DLY/DAT.............. 0.................. ....DLY/TIM.............. 0.................. Q97.MESSAGE.............. 48. 0. 48. 0 Q 0.GENERAL.............. 1. 0. 1. 0 Q 1.CONFO .............. 8. 0. 8. 0 Q 2.KL .............. 1. 0. 1. 0 Q 3.OPTION .............. 1. 0. 1. 0 Q 4.RPCHNG .............. 0. 0. 0. 0 The system automatically sets the ADDS and IW columns to zero (0), and copies the TTL column to the LQC column. For more information on queue count resets and recalculations, see HE QCR. How to Start a Queue To start processing queues in the queue bank, enter: QS 0 The first PNR in the queue is displayed for you to work on. As soon as the transaction that you perform on the current PNR or message is complete, the next item on queue is displayed (except for QI and QF transactions). You must include the queue number in your entry. You can also include: • A specific category and date range • An office ID, if you want to start processing queues for a different office The Amadeus queue system automatically displays each PNR or message on queue in sequence, so you do not need to make more than one QS entry to process a queue. For more information, see HE QS. How to Remove the Current PNR and Display the Next One To remove the current PNR or message from the queue, enter: QN After you make the QN entry, the system displays the next PNR or message. To end transaction on a PNR before removing it from the queue, use the ET entry instead of QN. For more information, see HE QN. How to Delay a PNR To re-queue the current PNR or message to the bottom of the queue and display the next PNR/message, enter: QD 204 Edition 3.1 Chapter 6 Queues If the current PNR or message is the last remaining item in the queue, the QD entry takes you out of the queue. For more information, see HE QD. How to Specify a Delay Date or Time You can also specify a date or time (or both) in your entry. To re-queue for a specific date, enter: QD 12JAN To re-queue for a specific time, enter: QD 1500 You can use either the 12-hour or 24-hour time format in your QD entry. Note: When you delay a PNR to a specific time, that time must be at least two hours later than the current time. To combine both the date and time, enter: QD 12JAN /1500 How to Ignore Changes and Exit a Queue To ignore changes to a PNR or message and exit the queue, enter: QI When a PNR has been displayed from a queue, the system does not accept an end transaction entry until you have taken some action on the PNR. If you enter QI, the system ignores the retrieved PNR or message and leaves it at the top of the queue. This allows you to exit the queue without affecting the order of the items in the queue. When you enter QI, the PNR remains in its currently assigned date range. For more information, see HE QI. How to Confirm a Status Change You have two options when you need to change the status of a PNR that you are working on in a queue. To end the transaction and change the advice codes, enter: ETK To end the transaction, change the advice codes and redisplay the PNR, enter: ERK These entries change the advice codes in the air, hotel, car, and auxiliary segments, as well as SSR elements, into holding status code. The system also transfers any itinerary element or SSR request with an inactive status code to PNR history. Elements that contain the codes HX, NO, UN, and UC are also transferred to the history section of the PNR. In addition, associated elements, such as the FA or FB element, are updated or removed from the PNR as appropriate. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 205 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide For more information, see HE ETK or HE ERK. How to Remove a PNR from a Queue To remove a PNR from a queue: 1. Retrieve the PNR using the RT entry and the record locator. RT Y2LNE8 2. Display all the queues that contain the PNR. RTQ System response: -----------------------------------------------------------PNR QUEUE LIST - Y2LNE8 -----------------------------------------------------------NUM OFFICE ID QUEUE CAT DR DATE / TIME SIGN 0001 NCEPL2120 003 000 00 20AUG/ 0822 TS 0002 NCEPL2120 016 003 01 20AUG/ 0823 DM 0003 NCEPL2120 033 001 02 20AUG/ 0829 AH 0004 NCEPL2120 013 000 01 20AUG/ 0827 JP 3. Remove the PNR: - From a specific queue Enter the line number from the list, not the queue number. QXP 3 System response: -----------------------------------------------------------PNR QUEUE LIST - Y2LNE8 -----------------------------------------------------------NUM OFFICE ID QUEUE CAT DR DATE / TIME SIGN 0001 NCEPL2120 003 000 00 20AUG/ 0822 TS 0002 NCEPL2120 016 003 01 20AUG/ 0823 DM 0003 NCEPL2120 013 000 01 20AUG/ 0827 JP - From all queues, enter: QXP /ALL System response: PNR Y2LNE8 REMOVED FROM ALL QUEUES For more information, see HE QXP. How to Redisplay a Queue Message If you clear your screen before you have finished working with a queue message, you can redisplay the message. Enter: QU For more information, see HE QU. 206 Edition 3.1 Chapter 6 Queues What Is Queue Placement? You can manually place PNRs and messages on queue by making QE entries in either of the following situations: • In queue mode - you have already started working a queue by entering QS. After you place a PNR or message on queue using a QE entry, the system displays the next PNR or message in the queue. If there are no more items, you exit queue mode automatically. • Outside queue mode - you have already retrieved a PNR or you have a record locator. Note: Automatic queue placement does not check for duplicate PNRs. For all placement entries, the system ignores automatic sorting by agent sign. If you do not specify a category, the PNR or message is placed in category 0 of the specified queue. If you attempt to place a PNR or message on a queue that is not active, or in a category that does not exist, the system places it in Q0C0 by default. In queue mode, if you use QE to place a PNR or message on another queue, it is removed from the current queue. Queue history (RHQ) will include the placement of the PNR on the other queue but not its removal from the current queue. How to Manually Place a PNR in a Queue Here are some examples of how to manually place a PNR in a queue: Table: Manual PNR Queue Placement Entry Description QE 8 Places the PNR on queue 8 QE 8 C1 Places the PNR on queue 8, category 1 If you do not specify a category, the PNR is automatically placed in category 0. For more information, see HE QE. How to Browse a Queue You can browse a queue and retrieve PNRs or messages from it without updating them or changing their positions on queue. To browse a queue, enter: QSB 1 C25 D1 QSB Queue browse transaction code (mandatory) 1 Queue to browse (mandatory) C25 Category to browse (optional) D1 Date range to browse (optional) You cannot perform the following actions when browsing a queue: • End transaction (ET) on a PNR • Place a PNR on another queue (QE) © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 207 Amadeus System Certification • Course Guide Remove a PNR from the queue (QN, QNF, QF, or QM) For more information, see HE QSB. How to Display a List of PNRs in a Specific Queue To display a list of PNRs in a specific queue, enter: QV /0 System response: QUEUE VIEW - NCE1A0950 Q0 C0 (24) 3 FOUND ON 24 SCANNED ---------------------------------------------------------------NO. NAME RLOC PROVIDER DATE BRDOFF ST SIGN/OID PLACED ---------------------------------------------------------------001 TEST YPBPUY BA0341 C 20SEP NCELHR PK CL NCE1A0950 27JUL 002 WHITE 27DBYO AF6203 N 15NOV NCEORY HK AA NCE1A0950 15SEP 003 AMADEUS 27P99I QF0031 L 20OCT SYDLHR HK AA NCE1A0950 15SEP NO MORE ITEMS For more information, see HE QV. How to Display the Queue Planner by PNR Record Locator You can use the queue planner to display PNRs by record locator. To display the summary planner, which shows the total of all PNRs on the ticketing, delay and option queues, enter: QVR System response: ------------------------------------------------------TKT OPT AND DELAY SUMMARY : NCE1A0900 ------------------------------------------------------NUM RLOC/FA TYP ITM QUE CAT STA DATE TIME ------------------------------------------------------0001 ANEHGZ O P 003 001 N 13MAY09 08:00 0002 ANEP31 O P 003 001 N 13MAY09 0003 CFY6TR D P 007 001 N 13MAY09 08:00 0004 DRG4YU T P 008 001 N 15MAY09 08:15 0005 SDHN7A T P 008 001 N 15MAY09 09:00 0006 EJD5K3 D P 001 002 N 20MAY09 09:00 0007 8E10ECEA D M 097 000 N 20MAY09 09:30 ------------------------------------------------------- Here are some example entries you can use to display the PNRs on the ticketing, delay and option planners: Table: Queue Planner by Record Locator Entries Entry Description QVRT Ticketing planner Displays PNRs that are queued to the ticketing queue at a future date. QVRD Delay planner Displays PNRs that have been delayed for action from the queue and that will be returned to the queue at a future time or date. 208 Edition 3.1 Chapter 6 Queues Entry Description QVRO Option planner Displays PNRs that are queued to the option queue at a future date. You can enter a date in any of the entries. For example: QVR /25JUN If you do not specify a date in your entry, the system orders the display by date, in chronological order, from the current date, followed by the numeric order of the queue. It includes PNRs with dates up to 361 days in the future. For more information, see HE QVR. How to Display All Queues That Contain the PNR, from the PNR To display all queues that contain a PNR when you are working in the PNR, follow these steps. 1. Retrieve the PNR using the RT entry and the record locator. RT Y2LNE8 2. Display all the queues that contain the PNR. RTQ System response: -----------------------------------------------------------PNR QUEUE LIST - Y2LNE8 -----------------------------------------------------------NUM OFFICE ID QUEUE CAT DR DATE / TIME SIGN 0001 NCEPL2120 003 000 00 20AUG/ 0822 TS 0002 NCEPL2120 016 003 01 20AUG/ 0823 DM 0003 NCEPL2120 033 001 02 20AUG/ 0829 AH 0004 NCEPL2120 013 000 01 20AUG/ 0827 JP For more information, see HE RTQ. How to Print a Queue You can print the PNRs and messages on a queue and either keep them on the queue or remove them from the queue, depending on the entry used. Note: You can only use this entry outside queue mode for PNRs and messages. Here are some examples of print entries: Table: Queue Print Entries Entry Description QP Prints the PNRs/messages on queue and removes them from the queue QP 87 Prints queue 87, category 0 QP 87 C1 Prints queue 87, category 1 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 209 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Entry Description QPR Prints the PNRs/messages on queue and retains them on the queue For more information, see HE QP. What Is the Queue Count Planner? The queue count planner allows you to view the future queue placement of PNRs for the ticketing, option and delay queues. There are several ways you can display the queue count planner. Here we describe three of them: • Time-deferred • Date-deferred • Month-deferred How to Display a Time-Deferred Queue Count To display the time-deferred summary planner, which shows the total of all PNRs on the ticketing, delay and option queues, enter: QCT System response: 1609 13JUN QUEUE COUNT TIME DEFERRED - TKT/OPT/DLY NCE1A0900 ******* AM ****** ******* PM ****** PNR/TIM 00......0 06.....50 12......0 18......8 01......0 07......0 13......7 19.....11 02......0 08......3 14......0 20......0 03......0 09.....10 15......4 21......0 04......0 10......0 16......9 22......0 05......0 11......0 17.....12 23......0 >MD Here are some example entries that you can use to display the time-deferred PNRs on the ticketing, delay and option planners: Table: Time-Deferred Queue Entries Entry Description QCTT Time-deferred ticketing planner Displays PNRs that are queued to the ticketing queue at a future date. QCTD Time-deferred delay planner Displays PNRs that have been delayed for action from the queue and that will be returned to the queue at a future time or date. QCTO Time-deferred option planner Displays PNRs that are queued to the option queue at a future date. You can add a date or office ID to any of the entries: QCTT /25JUN 210 Edition 3.1 Chapter 6 Queues For more information, see HE QCT. How to Display a Date-Deferred Queue Count To display the date-deferred summary planner, which shows the total of all PNRs on the ticketing, delay and option queues, enter: QCD System response: 1631 13JUN QUEUE COUNT DATE DEFERRED - TKT/OPT/DLY NCE1A0900 TKT/TTL OPT/TTL DLY/TTL TTL ON QUEUE .....4 .....2 .....5 ....11 TOTAL ....38 ....15 ....18 ....71 15JUN ....12 .....9 .....3 ....24 21JUN .....3 .....0 .....6 .....9 31PLUS ....23 .....6 .....9 ....38 Here are some example entries that you can use to display the date-deferred PNRs on the ticketing, delay and option planners: Table: Date-Deferred Queue Entries Entry Description QCDT Date-deferred ticketing planner Displays PNRs that are queued to the ticketing queue at a future date. QCDD Date-deferred delay planner Displays PNRs that have been delayed for action from the queue and that will be returned to the queue at a future time or date. QCDO Date-deferred option planner Displays PNRs that are queued to the option queue at a future date. You can add an office ID to any of the entries: QCDT /NCEAF0100 For more information, see HE QCD. How to Display a Month-Deferred Queue Count To display the month-deferred summary planner, which shows the total of all PNRs on the ticketing, delay and option queues, enter: QCM © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 211 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide System response: HALF MONTHLY SUMMARY QUEUE TYPES: TKT/OPT/DLY JUL 13-15.... 10 NOV 1-15.... JUL 16-31.... 6 NOV 16-30.... AUG 1-15.... 35 DEC 1-15.... AUG 16-31.... 12 DEC 16-31.... SEP 1-15.... 15 JAN 1-15.... SEP 16-30.... 23 JAN 16-31.... OCT 1-15.... 16 FEB 1-15.... OCT 16-31.... 9 FEB 16-29.... OFFID: NCE1A0900 21 MAR 1-15.... 43 MAR 16-31.... 29 APR 1-15.... 18 APR 16-30.... 31 MAY 1-15.... 9 MAY 16-31.... 8 11 8 4 3 0 1 0 Here are some example entries that you can use to display the month-deferred PNRs on the ticketing, delay and option planners: Table: Month-Deferred Queue Entries Entry Description QCMT Month-deferred ticketing planner Displays PNRs that are queued to the ticketing queue at a future date. Month-deferred delay planner QCMD Displays PNRs that have been delayed for action from the queue and that will be returned to the queue at a future time or date. Month-deferred option planner QCMO Displays PNRs that are queued to the option queue at a future date. The system displays the totals by half-month increments for the next 11 months. You can add an office identification to any of the four entries: QCM /NCEAF0100 For more information, see HE QCM. How to Copy a PNR from the Queue Planner You can request PNRs stored in a queue to be copied to a specific queue and removed from the planner. Here are some example entries for the ticketing (QWDT), delay (QWDD) and option (QWDO) planners: Table: Copying PNRs from the Queue Planner Entry Description QWDT/25JUN Moves PNRs for a specific date. QWDD/25JUN QWDO/25JUN QWDT/25JUN/NCEAF0100 Moves PNRs for a specific date and office ID. QWDD/25JUN/NCEAF0100 QWDO/25JUN/NCEAF0100 212 Edition 3.1 Chapter 6 Queues Entry Description QWDT/25JUN/8 Moves PNRs for a specific date and to a specific queue. QWDD/25JUN/8 QWDO/25JUN/8 Moves PNRs for a specific date, and to a specific queue and category. QWDT/25JUN/8C3 QWDD/25JUN/8C3 QWDO/25JUN/8C3 QWDT/25JUN/NCEAF0100/8C3 QWDD/25JUN/NCEAF0100/8C3 Moves PNRs for a specific date, office identification, and specific queue/category. QWDO/25JUN/NCEAF0100/8C3 QWDT/ALL Moves all future PNRs. QWDD/ALL QWDO/ALL If you specify a different office identification from the one associated to your terminal, the system copies the PNRs to the office's queue/category. For more information, see HE QWD. Ticketing Planner If you do not specify a queue number, the system automatically places the PNRs on queue 8. If you do not enter a category number, the category is determined by the type of ticketing field in the PNR. Note: You cannot specify a date range. Date ranges are determined by the dates in the PNR and existing date ranges of the receiving queue/category. Delay Planner If you do not specify a queue number, the system automatically places them on the queue from where the original delay request was made. If you specify a message queue, the system only copies messages to that queue. Note: These entries are valid for all duty codes Option Planner If you do not specify a queue number, the system automatically places them on queue 3, category 0. How to Add a Queue You can customise the queue bank to fit the needs of your office by adding additional queues. You can define specific queues, categories and date ranges. You can add a new queue to a queue bank or restore a queue that was deleted from an original queue bank. Here are some examples of queue activation entries: Table: Queue Add Entries Entry Description QA 6 C1 Adds a special queue. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 213 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Entry Description QA 5 C2 Adds a special queue with two categories. QA6C2D01NOV-15NOV-30NOV Adds a dual queue with date ranges. When you add queues to the queue bank, the system does not automatically place PNRs on those queues; you must do it manually. Note: Queues can only be added by agents with an SU duty code. You can activate a queue using any number up to and including 99, as long as the number is not already assigned to a queue. For more information, see HE QA. How to Customize Queues and Categories You can customize the names of the queues and categories in your queue bank. Here are some example entries: Table: Customizing Queues and Categories Entry Description QAQ5FARES Adds or changes the name for queue 5. Note: The queue name can be up to seven characters long. QAQ5 Deletes the name for queue 5. QAN5C2MAILING Adds or changes the category name of a special queue. Note: A category identity can be up to 16 alphanumeric characters long (no special characters). Deletes the category name for queue 5. QAN5C2 For more information, see HE QAN or HE QAQ. How to Delete a Queue You can delete queues that you seldom use. PNRs that are normally sent to those queues are directed to the general queue. To delete a queue, enter: QK 4 QK Queue delete transaction code (mandatory) 4 Queue number (mandatory) Note: You can only delete a queue if it does not contain any PNRs or messages You cannot delete the following queues: 214 • Q0 - General • Q97 - Messages Edition 3.1 Queues • Queues for time- and date-delayed PNRs For more information, see HE QK. How to Remove All PNRs from a Queue You can remove all the PNRs from a queue or category. Here are some example entries: Removing PNRS/Messages from a Queue or Category Entry Description QR 87 Removes all PNRs/messages from a specific queue, category zero. QR 28/29/87 Removes all PNRs/messages from specific queues, category zero. QR 87 CA Removes all PNRs/messages from a specific queue, all categories. QR 28CA/29CA/87CA Removes all PNRs/messages from specific queues, all categories. QR87C1 Removes all PNRs/messages from a specific queue and category. When you make the QR entry, you will receive a warning message before the PNRs or messages are removed from queue: ALL PNRS/MSGS WILL BE REMOVED FROM QUEUE RE-ENTER TO CONFIRM You have one minute to repeat the entry to confirm that you want all the PNRs/messages removed from the queue. For more information, see HE QR. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 215 Chapter 7 Profiles Here we describe the basic information you need in order to understand the Profiles module in the Amadeus central system. We include information on the different types of profiles and show how to enter and exit profile mode, as well as how to create and manage profiles. Before You Start In order to successfully use the Profiles module, you must have a good understanding of the PNR module. You should understand how to create and add elements to a PNR, as well as retrieve an existing PNR. Objectives To meet the objectives of the Profiles module, you should know how to: • Use profile mode • Create new profiles • Create profiles from a PNR and PNRs from profiles • Display profiles • Associate a traveller profile to a company profile • Retrieve and modify profiles • Deactivate and reactivate profiles © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 217 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Introduction Here we describe profiles, the elements they contain and profile mode in the system. What Is a Profile? A profile is a record containing useful information about a traveller, company or agency that can assist you when making reservations in Amadeus. There are three main types of profile: • Traveller profiles - contain information about individual passengers • Company profiles - contain information about companies • Agency profiles - contain information about your own office After you create a profile, it is stored and maintained in the system with its own record locator. You can update profile data when required. You can also associate traveller profiles to company profiles. You can also create PNRs automatically from customer profiles. See How to Create a Profile from a PNR on page 235. An additional type of profile in the system is the management profile. This is attached to your office information and determines the items that can be included when you create profiles. For more information, see Working with the Management Profile on page 232. Profile Sections A profile is divided into different sections, each of which contains different types of information. Itinerary/PNR Transferable Data This section includes information about: • Passenger names • Contact information, such as telephone number, fax number and email address • SSRs and remarks • Fare discounts This section contains all the elements that you can transfer to a PNR, or that are automatically transferred by the system. You can enter the elements in any order; the system then places them in the correct sequence. Here is an example of the Itinerary/PNR Transferable Data section in a profile: *T* ROMERO/ISA ------- PNR TRANSFERABLE DATA 1 A NM 1ROMERO/ISA 2 A AP MUC 345 789-H 3 S TK OK 4 S SR VGML END OF DISPLAY *PROFILE MODE* 218 MUC1A0701 M Edition 3.1 Chapter 7 Profiles For a complete list of items, see HE PROFILE, GP PNE. General Information The General Information section includes information about: • Company and agency name • Index field, which allows you to create your own system for filing and reference of profiles • Country information, including country of birth and citizenship • Language spoken • Date of birth None of the information in the General Information section can be transferred to the PNR. Here is an example of the General Information section in a profile: *T* WILSON/ALFRED MR C AMADEUS MARKETING ------- PNR TRANSFERABLE DATA 1 A NM 1WILSON/ALFRED MR ------- GENERAL INFORMATION C 2 PCN/ AMADEUS MARKETING 3 PIN/ ARC001 4 PCO/ DE 5 PCZ/ CZ 6 PCB/ DE 7 PLS/ DE 8 PBD/ 01JUL1949 END OF DISPLAY *PROFILE MODE* U56O5F MUC1A0701 For a complete list of items, see HE PROFILE, GP GEX. Documents This section includes information about: • Passports and visas • Driving licenses and identity cards These documents can only be stored in a traveller profile. Here is an example of the Documents section in a profile: ------- DOCUMENTS 3 PAS/ DE 4 PIV/ IN 5 PCE/ FR 6 PID/ ES n o /DP341782 /RZ589383773 /GTR28374765 /Y575647464 p /12AUG2000/12AUG2010 /01JUL2003/01DEC2003 /15JAN1987/ /01JAN2002/31DEC2007 q r n Document type o Country code, either for the issuing country or the country to which the visa applies p Document number q Issue date r Expiry date © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 219 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide For a complete list of items, see HE PROFILE, GP DOE. Follow Up This section includes information about follow-up entries. Follow up allows you to place a company, agency or traveller profile on a list for action to be taken at a later date. You can set up to three follow-up items for each profile. A profile remains on the follow-up list until all follow-up elements are deleted from the profile. Here is an example of the Follow Up section in a profile: *T* ARCHER/ALEX MR ------- PNR TRANSFERABLE DATA 1 A NM 1ARCHER/ALEX MR ------- FOLLOW UP 2 PFO/ VERIFY EXPIRATION DATE VISA CARD END OF DISPLAY *PROFILE MODE* MUC1A0701 M /04FEB2013 For a complete list of items, see HE PROFILE, GP FLW. Types of Profile Element Each element in a profile is identified by a unique three-letter transaction code and is numbered in the same way as in a PNR. You use the existing PNR transaction codes to create the PNR elements you want to store in the profile. When you are working with profiles and PNRs, you can transfer elements between the two. How the elements are transferred is indicated by one of two codes: • Automatic elements (A) - These elements are transferred to a PNR automatically. • Selectable elements (S) - You must select these elements if you want them to be transferred to a PNR. The element types are indicated in the profile example shown below: ------- PNR TRANSFERABLE DATA 1 A NM 1BUTLER/BORIS MR 2 A OS YY PLEASE ASSIST IN BOARDING 3 A AM 6 ARLINGTON ROAD, LONDON NW1 4JX 4 S ST /N/A 5 S AP LHR 568 7645-H 6 S SR VGML 7 S SR WCHR ------- ITINERARY 8 S SO YWYCDGNYC Note: Mandatory PNR elements (name, contact, etc.) are always transferred to a PNR, regardless of the options you choose when making your transfer entry. For more information on transferring elements between profiles and PNRs, see How to Add PNR Transferable Data on page 222. 220 Edition 3.1 Chapter 7 Profiles What Is Profile Mode? You can create, modify, deactivate or reactivate a customer profile using cryptic entries. To do this you must first access the profile in profile mode. When you are in profile mode, you can only enter customer profile transaction codes and request online help. You cannot retrieve or work on PNRs. Any other transaction code results in an error response. You can perform all other customer profile functions, such as display, print, or transfer, either in or out of profile mode. How to Enter Profile Mode To enter profile mode, enter: PM System response: WELCOME TO CUSTOMER PROFILE EXPERT MODE FOR ON-LINE HELP TYPE HE PEMODE *PROFILE MODE* The indicator *PROFILE MODE* is displayed at the bottom of each system response to remind you that you are working in profile mode. How to Exit Profile Mode To exit profile mode, enter: PME System response: PROFILE MODE EXITED Working with Traveller Profiles In profile mode, you can create a traveller profile, a company profile, a traveller associated to a company profile, or an agency profile. For more information about entering profile mode, see How to Enter Profile Mode above. How to Create a Traveller Profile To create a traveller profile in profile mode, you use the standard PNR name element format. Enter, for example: NM1 LEWIS/ARTHUR MR © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 221 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide System response: *T* LEWIS/ARTHUR MR ------- PNR TRANSFERABLE DATA 1 A NM 1LEWIS/ARTHUR MR END OF DISPLAY *PROFILE MODE* > NCE1A0900 M The name element is the only element required to create and store a traveller profile. In order to save the profile, you must use the special end transaction for profile mode. See How to End a Profile on page 226. For information on creating profiles from PNRs, see How to Create a Profile from a PNR on page 235. How to Add PNR Transferable Data To add elements in the PNR transferable elements section of the profile, you use the same entries as you would for PNR elements. Here are some examples of entries and their corresponding PNR elements: Table: PNR Transferable Data Entries Entry Description NM1 BLACK/ANDREW MR Name AP NCE 04 92 94 55 66 Contact FP CASH Form of payment SR*VGML Special service request OS YY VIP AMADEUS VP Other service information RM PLS DELIVER TO TRVL DEPT General remarks RC VIP PLS ASSIST Confidential remarks AM 123 AV DE GAULLE 75001 PARIS FRANCE Mailing address FV AF Validating carrier For more information on PNR elements, see PNR Basics on page 63. 222 Edition 3.1 Chapter 7 Profiles How to Add Document Information About a Traveller You use the documents section of a profile to store information about a traveller's documents. You can only store documents in a traveller profile. To store a traveller's passport information, enter: PAS/CO-DE/NR-DP341782/IS-12AUG2000/EX-12AUG2010 PAS Passport information transaction code /CO-DE Slash, country indicator, dash, two-letter country code /NR-DP341782 Slash, number indicator, dash, document number /IS-12AUG2000 Slash, issue date indicator, dash, issue date /EX-12AUG2010 Slash, expiry date indicator, dash, expiry date The entries for the other document types you can enter follow the same format but have different transaction codes. Each document must contain at least one of the following items: • Country • Document number • Issue date • Expiry date Here are examples of other entries you can use to enter document information about a traveller: Table: Traveller's Document Information Entries Entry Description PIV Visa information PCE Driving license information PID Identity card information Note: You can store up to 10 documents per profile. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 223 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Add Travel Policies You can add different travel policies and preferences to a profile. Here we describe how to add airline, cabin class, hotel and car preferences. The travel policies and preferences you enter can be limited to regions or countries. To display a list of the region codes, see HE REGION. Airline Preferences To add an airline preference, enter: PPA/A-LH/DN-EUROP PPA Airline preference transaction code /A-LH Slash, airline indicator, dash, airline code /DN-EUROP Slash, destination indicator, dash, region code For more details, rules and other options you can add to the entry, see HE PPA. Cabin Class Preferences To add a preference for cabin class, enter: PPK/K-C PPK Cabin class preference transaction code /K Slash, cabin class indicator -C Dash, cabin class For more details, rules and other options you can add to the entry, see HE PPK. Hotel Preferences To add a hotel chain preference, for example Sheraton Hotels (SI), enter: PPH/CO-SI PPH Hotel preference transaction code /CO Slash, hotel chain indicator -SI Dash, hotel chain code When adding hotel preferences, you can optionally specify a specific hotel name, bed type and room type, as well as region and city information. Note: A specific hotel chain or hotel master chain (/CO-XX) is mandatory in your entry. For more details, rules and other options you can add to the entry, see HE PPH. 224 Edition 3.1 Chapter 7 Profiles Car Preferences You can store car company and vehicle type preferences, depending on the location. To add a preference for Hertz (ZE) as the preferred car company in France, enter: PPC/CO-ZE/DN-FR PPC Car preference transaction code /CO-ZE Slash, car company indicator, dash, car company code /DN-FR Slash, destination indicator, dash, country code Note: A specific car company code (/CO-XX) is mandatory in your entry. For more details, rules and other options you can add to the entry, see HE PPC. How to Add a Traveller's Country of Citizenship To add a traveller's country of citizenship to the profile, enter: PCZ/ FR System response: ------- GENERAL INFORMATION 2 PCZ/ FR You can add up to three countries of citizenship to the profile: PCZ/ FR, NZ, GB For a list of region codes, see HE REGION. How to Add a Traveller's Languages To add the languages spoken by the traveller to the profile, you use the transaction code followed by the country code for the language. Enter: PLS/ DE System response: ------- GENERAL INFORMATION 2 PLS/ DE You can add up to five country codes for the languages spoken: PLS/ DE, FR, ES, GB, SE © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 225 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to End a Profile You must end a profile in order to save changes. There are several options you can use to end transaction for a profile. Here are the entries: Table: End Transaction Entries Entry Description PE End transaction and file the profile PER End transaction, file and redisplay the profile PEE End transaction, file and exit profile mode For more information, see HE PE. How to Ignore a Profile You can ignore a newly created profile or ignore any current updates to a retrieved profile. Here are the entries: Table: Ignore Profile Entries Entry Description PI Ignore the updates and file the profile PIR Ignore the updates and redisplay the profile PIE Ignore the updates and exit profile mode For more information, see HE PI. Modifying Profiles Here we explain the different tasks you can perform when you are working with profiles. How to Retrieve a Traveller Profile You can display a traveller profile in profile mode. The system automatically displays the PNR transferable data section. The other data sections are not displayed unless they contain information. Enter, for example: PDN/-BRAUN/ 226 PDN/ Display profile transaction code, slash -BRAUN Dash, name / Slash (optional) Edition 3.1 Chapter 7 Profiles Note: If you include the slash (/) at the end of the entry, the system displays the profile that matches the family name exactly. If you do not include the slash, the system displays a list of all profiles that begin with the name you specify. System response: *T* BRAUN/CLAUDIA MISS ------- PNR TRANSFERABLE DATA 1 A NM 1BRAUN/CLAUDIA MISS 2 A AP FRA 456 907-H 3 S TK OK 4 S SR VGML END OF DISPLAY *PROFILE MODE* 22B3F6 MUC1A0701 The header line indicates that this is a traveller profile (*T*) and the record locator is shown to the right of the name. For more information, see HE PDN. How to Retrieve a List of Traveller Profiles You can display a list of travellers who are associated with a specific company profile. You can do this for your office or another office (when security permits). Enter, for example: PLT//AMADEUS/ PLT Display traveller profile list transaction code //AMADEUS/ Double slash, company name, slash (optional) System response: TRAVELER LIST FOR AMADEUS TRAVELER 1 ARCHER/ALEX MR 2 GRAF/HEINZ MR *PROFILE MODE* RECLOC ABC123 ABC321 COMPANY AMADEUS AMADEUS This entry displays a list of travellers associated to the company name that exactly matches 'Amadeus'. Here are some other entries you can use: Entry Description PLT//AMADEUS Display a list of travellers associated to any company whose name starts with 'Amadeus'. PLT/NCE1A0900/AMADEUS Display a list of travellers in office ID NCE1A0900 who are associated with any company whose name starts with 'Amadeus'. PLT/NCE1A0900/AMADEUS/ Display a list of travellers in office ID NCE1A0900 who are associated with any company whose name exactly matches 'Amadeus'. For more information, see HE PLT. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 227 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide How to Retrieve a List of Company Profiles You can display a list of the company profiles associated with your office or with another office (when security permits). Enter, for example: PLC System response: SIMILAR COMPANY NAME LIST COMPANY 1 ABBOT 2 AMADEUS 3 BRITISH TELECOM 4 EUROP OXYGEN 5 PHILIPS 6 THOMSON CORP RECLOC FT7J2J HY7FGQ QHY1TQ GHU0LP HY61BU JGHYT1 To display the company profiles associated to a different office, enter: PLC/NCE1A0900 How to Deactivate a Profile When you have a traveller, company or agency profile that is no longer needed, you can deactivate it. To deactivate a profile displayed on your screen in profile mode, enter: PX System response (for traveller profile): TRAVELLER ARCHER/ALEX MR WILL BE DEACTIVATED TYPE PE TO CONFIRM OR PI TO IGNORE *PROFILE MODE* The system automatically displays a message requesting that you confirm (PE) or ignore (PI) the deactivation process. Deactivated profiles cannot be modified, nor used to transfer information to or from a PNR. A profile remains for a maximum of 30 days. If you do not reactivate it during this time, it is automatically deleted. Note: Profiles that are unused for 700 days are deactivated automatically. Unused means that the profile has not been displayed, modified or transferred during that time. For more information, see HE PX. How to Display a List of Deactivated Profiles You can display a list of profiles that have been deactivated. Enter: PLX 228 Edition 3.1 Chapter 7 Profiles System response: DEACTIVATED PROFILES LIST PROFILE NAME 04DEC99 1 T ARCHER/ALEX MR 2 C AMADEUS MARKETING 3 T GRAF/HEINZ MR 05DEC99 4 T ARCHER/ALEX MR RELATED PROFILE NAME C BMW CORP For more information, see HE PLX. How to Reactivate a Profile When you have a profile displayed on your screen, you can reactivate it. Enter: PR You can also reactivate a profile directly from the deactivated profile list by adding the line number to your entry. For example, enter: PR6 System response for a traveller profile: TRAVELLER LEWIS/ALBERT MR WILL BE REACTIVATED ENTER PE TO CONFIRM OR PI TO IGNORE *PROFILE MODE* The system automatically displays a request for you to confirm (PE) or ignore (PI) the reactivation process. If you confirm (PE) the reactivation process, the system response is: TRAVELLER LEWIS/ALBERT MR REACTIVATED *PROFILE MODE* If you ignore (PI) the reactivation process, the system response is: IGNORED *PROFILE MODE* © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 229 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Working with Company Profiles Here we define a company profile, show how to create one and explain how to associate a travellers profile to one. What Is a Company Profile? A company profile is one type of profile that contains useful information about a company that can help you when you make a reservation in Amadeus. You can update a company profile as required, as well as automatically create a PNR from a company profile. Additionally, you can associate a traveller profile to a company profile. Note: A company profile name must contain a minimum of three and a maximum of 60 alpha numeric characters, including spaces. However, special characters are not allowed. How to Create a Company Profile To create a company profile, enter: PCN/AMADEUS MARKETING PCN Company name transaction code /AMADEUS MARKETING Slash, company name System response: *C* AMADEUS MARKETING ------- GENERAL INFORMATION 1 PCN/ AMADEUS MARKETING ------- TRIP AND TRAVELLER CATEGORIES 2 PTP/ BIZ/BUSINESS END OF DISPLAY *PROFILE MODE* MUC1A0701 M The system automatically adds the following to the general information section of the profile: • The company name • The office identification of the office creating the profile The system also adds the trip and traveller categories section, as well as the default "business trip" purpose (BIZ), automatically. For more information, see HE PCN. How to Associate a Traveller Profile to a Company Profile In profile mode, you can associate a traveller to a company profile. The company profile must be created and stored in the system. To associate a traveller profile to a company profile: 1. Display the traveller's profile. PDN/-LEWIS/ 230 Edition 3.1 Chapter 7 Profiles 2. Enter the company profile association transaction code followed by the company name. PCN/BMW CORP System response: *T* LEWIS/ARTHUR MR C BMW CORPn ------- PNR TRANSFERABLE DATA 1 A NM 1LEWIS/ARTHUR MR ------- GENERAL INFORMATION 2 PCN/ BMW CORPo END OF DISPLAY *PROFILE MODE* 23LP9N MUC1A0701 M n The company indicator (C) and the company name is appended to the right of the traveller's name. o The company name is also appended to the general Information section of the profile. Working with Agency Profiles Here we define an agency profile and show how to create one. What Is an Agency Profile? An agency profile contains information related to your own office. You can use an agency profile to store information such as special phone numbers, remarks and preferred providers. Note: Only one agency profile can exist for each office ID. You can also create a PNR automatically from an agency profile. For more information, see HE PROFILE, GP AGY. How to Create an Agency Profile To create an agency profile in profile mode, enter: PYN/ TELIRAMA System response: *A* TELIRAMA ------- GENERAL INFORMATION 1 PYN/ TELIRAMA END OF DISPLAY *PROFILE MODE* MUC1A0701 M The system automatically adds the following to the general information section of the profile: • The agency name • The office identification of the office creating the profile © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 231 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide There are two indicators that can appear to the right of the office identification: • N - indicates that free-flow text information is being added • M - indicates that the profile is being created, updated or modified When you retrieve an existing agency profile, the record locator is displayed to the right of the agency name. Working with the Management Profile Here we define a management profile and show how to display one. What Is a Management Profile? A management profile enables you to control how profiles are created and how data is transferred from a profile to a PNR. When an office ID is created, it automatically includes a management profile. Management profiles can only be displayed and modified if the local security attribute PMR (profile management retrieval) is set to Y (yes). You can display or modify a management profile, but you cannot delete it. When you create a PNR element in a traveller, company or agency profile, the system automatically applies the default transfer indicators. If you specify a transfer indicator in your entry, that transfer indicator applies. Transfer indicators can be set to the following: • Automatic elements (A) - Transferred automatically unless overridden at transfer time. • Selectable elements (S) - Stored in the PNR, but are not always used for PNR creation. You must select these at transfer time. For more information about management profiles, see HE PROFILE, GP MAN. How to Display a Management Profile To display the management profile, enter: PDO 232 Edition 3.1 Chapter 7 Profiles System response (partial display): *M*nAMADEUS DEFAULT OFFICE TRANSFER INDICATOR COMPANYp ASSO TRAq STt 1 2 S AP 5 A 6 A TK 9 S 10 S SR 13 S 14 S SR* 17 A 18 A OS 21 S 22 S OSYY 25 A 26 A OP 29 S 30 S AI 33 S 34 S RC 37 S 38 S RM 41 S 42 S RQ 45 S 46 S FD 49 S 50 S FE 53 S 54 S FK 57 S 58 S *PROFILE MODE* MUC1A0701o UNASSO TRAr AGENCYs 3 S 4 7 A 8 A 11 S 12 S 15 S 16 S 19 A 20 A 23 S 24 S 27 A 28 A 31 S 32 S 35 S 36 S 39 S 40 S 43 S 44 S 47 S 48 S 51 S 52 S 55 S 56 S 59 S 60 S n Management profile indicator and office name o Office ID p Company profile transfer indicator q Traveller associated to a company profile transfer indicator r Traveller profile transfer indicator s Agency profile transfer indicator t PNR transaction code Each column contains the PNR element that can be transferred to each profile, followed by the default transfer indicator. Each PNR element is numbered individually from left to right. How to Display a Management Profile History To display the history of the management profile for your office at any time, enter: PHO If you have the management profile displayed on your screen already, you can display the history by entering: PH Note: Profile history entries are only allowed for agents who are signed in with an SU duty code. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 233 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide System response: *M* AMADEUS DEFAULT OFFICE MANAGEMENT PROFILE HISTORY MUC1A0701 --------------------------------------------------------------PROFILE CREATION : 08APR99/1611/MUC1A0701/0000CT LAST DISPLAY : 04NOV99/0925/MUC1A0701/0001AA LAST DISPLAY : 04NOV99/0912/MUC1A0701/0001AA LAST UPDATE : 04NOV99/0925/MUC1A0701/0001AA --------------------------------------------------------------* 04NOV99/0925/MUC1A0701/0001AA TRA : UNASSO. TRAV - AP - A --------------------------------------------------------------*PROFILE MODE* For more information, see HE PHO. Profiles and PNRs The system allows you to create profiles directly from PNRs, as well as create PNRs from profiles. How to Create a PNR from a Profile When you have a profile displayed on your screen, you can create a PNR from it. You have the option of transferring all the automatic PNR elements, transferring all the automatic and selectable PNR elements, or selecting specific elements to be transferred. Here is an example of a profile: The *T* HALLSTROM/BERT MR C BMW CORP ------- PNR TRANSFERABLE DATA 1 A NM 1HALLSTROM/BERT MR 2 A AP MUC 452 890-B 3 A AP MUC 456 875-H 4 A OS YY VIP BMW CORP 5 S TK OK 6 S FP CHECK ------- GENERAL INFORMATION 7 PCN/ BMW CORP END OF DISPLAY > 6G6NZ2 NCE1A0900 To create a PNR from the displayed profile, enter: PT System response: --- RLP --RP/NCE1A0900/ 1.HALLSTROM/BERT MR 2 AP MUC 452 890-B 3 AP MUC 456 875-H 4 OSI YY VIP BMW CORP > Only the elements that show the mandatory (M) and automatic (A) transfer indicators are transferred to the PNR. 234 Edition 3.1 Chapter 7 Profiles When you want all the PNR transferable elements to be transferred to the PNR, enter: PT* When you have a profile displayed in profile mode, and you make the entry to create a PNR, the system automatically suspends profile mode and creates the PNR. To return to profile mode, enter PM. For more information, see HE PT. How to Create a Profile from a PNR You can create a traveller profile or a company profile directly from a PNR. When you create a profile from a PNR, the system automatically switches to profile mode. When transferring PNR elements to a traveller profile, two groups of elements are transferred: • Elements that are specifically associated to the name element number selected • Elements that do not have specific passenger association Traveller Profile To create a traveller profile from a PNR, you use the PC/ transaction code, followed by a dash (-) and the passenger name element number. Here is an example of a PNR: RP/NCE1A0900/NCE1A0900 SL/SU 24DEC0x/1041Z ZM6DVD 1.HARPER/JUSTIN MR 2 LH9621 C 19JUN 1 AGBFRA HK1 0545 0605 0710 *1A/E* 3 AP MUC 456 100-B 4 AP MUC 235 186-H 5 TK OK24DEC/NCE1A0900 6 SSR VGML LH HN1/S2 7 AM LEOPOLDSTRASSE 17, 800 MUENCHEN 81, GERMANY > To create a traveller profile from the PNR, enter: PC/-1 System Response: *T* HARPER/JUSTIN MR ------- PNR TRANSFERABLE DATA NCE1A0900 M 1 A NM 1HARPER/JUSTIN MR 2 A SR *VGML 3 A AM LEOPOLDSTRASSE 17, 800 MUENCHEN 81, GERMANY 4 S AP MUC 456 100-B 5 S AP MUC 235 186-H 6 S TK OK END OF DISPLAY *PROFILE MODE* > © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 235 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Company Profile To create a company profile from a PNR, you use the PC/ transaction code followed by the company name. Here is an example of a PNR: RP/NCE1A0900/NCE1A0900 SL/SU 24DEC0x/1041Z ZM6DVD 1.HARPER/JUSTIN MR 2 LH9621 C 19JUN 1 AGBFRA HK1 0545 0605 0710 *1A/E* 3 AP MUC 456 100-B 4 AP MUC 235 186-H 5 TK OK24DEC/NCE1A0900 6 SSR VGML LH HN1/S2 7 AM LEOPOLDSTRASSE 17, 800 MUENCHEN 81, GERMANY > To create a company profile from the PNR, enter: PC/BMW CORP System Response: *C* BMW CORP ------- PNR TRANSFERABLE DATA NCE1A0900 M 1 A AP MUC 456 100-B 2 A AP MUC 235 186-H 3 A SR *VGML 4 A AM LEOPOLDSTRASSE 17, 800 MUENCHEN 81, GERMANY 5 S TK OK ------- GENERAL INFORMATION 6 PCN/ BMW CORP ------- TRIP AND TRAVELLER CATEGORIES 7 PTP/ BIZ/BUSINESS END OF DISPLAY *PROFILE MODE* > The system automatically transfers the PNR elements to the PNR transferable data section of the profile. It also creates the company name field (PCN/) in the general information section of the profile, as well as the default trip purpose (BIZ) in the trip and traveller categories. For more information, see HE PC. 236 Edition 3.1 Chapter 8 Itinerary and Invoice Here we provide you with the basic information you need in order to understand the Itinerary and Invoice module in the Amadeus central system. We describe itineraries and invoices, and show you how to display and print them, how to send them by fax or email, and how to add remarks. Before You Start In order to use the Itinerary and Invoice module successfully, you must have a good understanding of the PNR, Fares, and Ticketing modules. Objectives To meet the objectives of the Itinerary and Invoice module, you should know how to: • Display, print and add options to itineraries and invoices • Fax and email itineraries and invoices • Enter remarks to be printed on itineraries and invoices Introduction Itineraries and invoices are documents that provide information to a traveller about travel plans and amount totals. An itinerary is a list of the passenger’s travel arrangements. It can include flight information, hotel and car rental information, and any other miscellaneous information. For information about itineraries, see Itineraries on page 238. An invoice contains the details of the passenger’s routing and fare. It can include car, hotel, and surface transportation charges as well. For information about invoices, see Invoices on page 240. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 237 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Itineraries An itinerary provides a travel plan for your customer. The itinerary can be displayed on your terminal, printed in your office or in a remote office, faxed or sent by email. You can customize itineraries in the following ways: • You can issue a separate itinerary for each passenger or a single itinerary (joint) for all passengers in the PNR. • The itinerary can include all segments present in the PNR or only selected segments. • If a translated version exists in the system, you can issue the itinerary in the desired language. • You can enter remarks in the PNR and select remark lines from your minioffice profile to be printed on the itinerary. For more information, see HE ITIN. Type of Itineraries There are two main types of itinerary: basic and extended. • Basic - provides summary trip information for the traveller • Extended - provides detailed trip information for the traveller What Is Displayed on an Itinerary? The itinerary can contain information about the following : • The agency • The customer • Mailing and billing addresses • Flights • Hotel reservations • Car rental • Ground transportation • Auxiliary segments • Tours • Insurance The information is obtained from the PNR, the office profile, the mini-office profile and the Amadeus database. Only the data fields that have a value are displayed. Note: If you do not want the agency information to be printed, it can be switched off in the office profile. For detailed information about what is printed on a basic and extended itinerary, see HE ITIN, GP DTI. 238 Edition 3.1 Chapter 8 Itinerary and Invoice Working with Itineraries Here we explain how to display, print and add options to an itinerary. How to Display an Itinerary The following table describes the transactions you can use to display an itinerary. Note: The system displays a joint itinerary by default regardless of the number of passengers in the PNR. Table: Display Itinerary Transactions Entry Description IBD Display a basic itinerary. IED Display an extended itinerary. IBD/P1 Display an itinerary for a specific passenger. Joint Itineraries A joint itinerary displays one itinerary for all passengers in the PNR. To display a basic joint itinerary, enter: IBDJ To display an extended joint itinerary, enter: IBEJ Note: Use this option if you do not want a separate itinerary for each passenger. How to Print an Itinerary The following table describes the transactions you can use to print an itinerary. Table: Print Itinerary Transactions Entry Description IBP Print a basic itinerary. IEP Print an extended itinerary. IBPJ Print a single basic itinerary for all passengers. IEPJ Print a single extended itinerary for all passengers. Note: TTP/IEP Use this option if you do not want a separate itinerary for each passenger. Print the itinerary with the ticket. For more print options, see HE IBP. How to Add Options to an Itinerary You have several options you can use when displaying or printing itineraries. These options work with both the display and print entries. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 239 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide Here are some examples: Table: Itinerary Option Entries Entry Description IEP/P1-2 Print extended itinerary with passenger association. IBD/S3, 5 Display basic itinerary, segments 3 and 5 only. IED/LP FR Display extended itinerary in French. Note: If the information is not translated into the selected language, it is displayed or printed in English. For more information, see HE ITIN, GP ITI. Invoices An invoice is issued for record keeping and accounting purposes. It contains the details of the passenger's fare and can also include car, hotel and surface transportation charges. Depending on your entry, the invoice also contains either a basic or an extended itinerary, in the same format as the normal itinerary. You can customize invoices in the following ways: • You can issue a separate invoice for each passenger or a single invoice (joint) for all passengers in the PNR. • The invoice can include all segments present in the PNR or only selected segments. • If a translated version exists in the system, you can issue the invoice in the desired language. • You can enter remarks in the PNR and select remark lines from your minioffice profile to be printed on the invoice. To allow your office to issue invoices, your office profile must be set up accordingly, and you have to register invoice numbers in the document bank. See HE PV for more information. Types of Invoices There are two main types of invoice: basic and extended. • Basic - provides invoice information and a basic itinerary • Extended - provides invoice information and an extended itinerary For more information on itineraries, see Itineraries on page 238. 240 Edition 3.1 Chapter 8 Itinerary and Invoice What Is Displayed on an Invoice? An invoice is divided into four sections: header, body, invoice totals and footer. Note: US offices issue market-specific invoices instead of Amadeus default invoices. For a description of the US market differences, enter: GGAMAUSINI Header Information This section contains agency contact information, invoice number, date, record locator, mailing and billing address information, and accounting information. Body Information This section contains the information about the service being provided to the passenger, air or auxiliary segments, seating information, car and hotel segments, and insurance information. Invoice Totals This section contains information about fares, taxes, refunds, service fees and currencies. It also contains a final invoice total. Footer Information This section contains information about the form of payment, miscellaneous charge orders (MCOs), airline record locators, passenger names, ticket numbers and remarks. For more details on each section of an invoice, see HE INV, GP DAT. Working with Invoices Here we explain how to display, print and add options to an invoice. How to Display an Invoice To display a basic invoice, enter: INVD The data displayed is the same as the data printed, except for the invoice number and page number, which are not displayed. Note: The invoice number is displayed only when a copy (/COPY) or a manual invoice (/MI) request is used. To display an extended invoice, enter: INED Joint Invoices To display a basic joint invoice, enter: INVDJ © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 241 Amadeus System Certification Course Guide To display an extended joint invoice, enter: INEDJ Note: There are certain restrictions on invoice display. For more information, see HE INV. How to Print an Invoice The following table describes the transactions you can use to print an invoice. Table: Print Invoice Transactions Entry Description INV Print a separate invoice for each passenger and include the basic itinerary information. INE Print a separate invoice for each passenger and include the extended itinerary information. Note: If there is no existing TST when you make the print invoice entry, the system prices the itinerary and creates a TST or TSTs. INVJ Print a single basic invoice for all passengers. INEJ Print a single extended invoice for all passengers. How to Add Options to an Invoice You have several options you can use when displaying or printing invoices. These options work with both the display and print entries. Here are some examples: Table: Invoice Option Entries Entry Description INV/P1, 3-5 Specific passengers INV/PAX All passengers (adults and children) INV/INF Infants only INV/S3, 6-8 Specific segments INV/LP FR Display in French Note: If the information is not translated into the selected language, it is displayed or printed in English. For more options, see HE INV. 242 Edition 3.1 Chapter 8 Itinerary and Invoice Sending Documents Here we explain how to fax and email itinerary and invoice documents. How to Fax a Document Note: You can use any of the itinerary or invoice entries. To fax an itinerary, enter: IBP-FAX-FR492947200 IBP- Print basic itinerary transaction code, dash FAX- Fax indicator, dash FR492947200 Country code and fax number If there is an APF (fax) element in the PNR, enter: IBP-FAXA For more information, see HE FAX. How to Email a Document Note: You can use any of the itinerary or invoice entries. To email an itinerary, enter: IBP-EML-JSMITH@AMADEUS.COM IBP- Print basic itinerary transaction code, dash EML- Email indicator, dash JSMITH@AMADEUS.COM Email address If there is an APE (email) element in the PNR, enter: IBP-EMLA To print the ticket and email the itinerary at the same time, enter: TTP/IEP-EML-JSMITH@AMADEUS.COM Using Remarks Remarks are used to customize printed documents such as invoices and itineraries. Two types of remark exist: • PNR remarks - You create these remarks directly in the PNR. They are always printed, and contain either amounts that modify the invoice totals or free-flow text. • Mini-office profile remarks - These remarks are stored in your mini-office profile. They are either printed automatically or when you select them (customized remarks). As an option, you can passenger- or segment-associate all remark types. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 243 Amadeus System Certification Note: Course Guide All remarks except RIB, RID, RIA and RIT can be associated to air and auxiliary (such as car and hotel) segments. You can enter a maximum of 127 remark lines, all types included. Each remark can contain up to 64 characters. For more information, see HE PVU, GP MSG How to Enter a Remark In a PNR to be Printed on the Document Itinerary Remark (PNR) To add a free-flow text remark to be printed on the itinerary, enter, for example: RIR CUSTOMS TAKE PLACE IN STOCKHOLM/P2/S5 RIR Itinerary remark transaction code and free-flow text /P2 Slash, passenger association (optional) /S5 Slash, segment association (optional) Invoice Remark (PNR) To add a free-flow text remark to be printed on the invoice, enter, for example: RIF VIP ACCOUNT HAS REACHED AWARD STATUS/S3 RIF Invoice remark transaction code and free-flow text /S3 Slash, segment association (optional) How to Add Automatic Remarks in the Office Profile To add automatic remarks in the office profile that will print on invoices and itineraries: 1. Display the mini office profile. PV 2. Display the itinerary/invoice messages section of the mini office profile. PV/M 3. Add a remark. PVU/V01-ENJOY YOUR TRIP PVU/ Update transaction code, slash V01- V, line number, dash, free-flow text To delete a remark from the mini office profile, enter: PVU/V01For more information, see HE PVU, GP MSG. 244 Edition 3.1 Index © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 245 A AB, 70 AC, 56 Access indicator, 45 Access levels, 45 displaying, 48 indicators, 45 ACO pages, 25 ACR, 56 Agency profiles creating, 231 definition, 231 Agent assembly area, 6 Agent preferences, 15 displaying, 16 resetting, 17 updating, 16 Agent profile, 15 deleting, 21 displaying, 16 resetting to default, 20 updating, 20 Agent security rights, 18 Agent sign, 3 Agreement tables, 191 BSP, 191 displaying BSP, 191 displaying ITA, 193 GSA, 191 interline agreement codes, 194 ITA, 191 specific airline, 193 AIR, 187 Alliances, 41 codes, 41 AM, 70 Amadeus Access Sell, 47 Amadeus Access Update, 46 Amadeus Airline Ancillary Services chargeable manual auxiliary segments, 100 Amadeus Best Pricer, 162 automatic rebooking, 162 lowest possible fare, 165 manual rebooking, 164 options, 166 passenger discounts, 166 requesting cabins, 167 seat availability, 165 Amadeus Full Access, 47 Amadeus Information Pages, 24 accessing, 24 displaying a page in another language, 23 displaying ACO pages, 25 displaying Amadeus pages, 25 displaying provider pages, 25 moving directly to a page, 27 navigating, 23 printing, 24 searching for text, 24 Amadeus Interface Record, 187, 189 Amadeus Online Help, 26 accessing, 27 displaying help for previous entry, 27 displaying steps, 28 Amadeus Security Administrator. See ASA © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved Amadeus Ticket Changer, 196 re-issuing tickets, 197 validating fare rules, 196 AN, 38 AP, 71 APB, 70 APE, 70 APF, 70 APH, 70 APM, 70 ARNK, 97 Arrival unknown segment, 96 ASA, 17 security rights, 17 Associated cross reference, 120, 124 AST, 175 AU, 100 Automatic SSR explosion, 78 Auxiliary segments, 100 Availability display, 38 adding options, 41 alliances, 41 carrier-preferred, 49 changing the display, 56 codeshare flights, 40 Direct Access, 50 example, 39 moving to the previous display, 44 requesting, 38 requesting a 7-day search, 43 requesting dual-city pair, 42 status codes, 39 types of displays, 38 AXR, 120, 124 B Bank Settlement Plan, 191 Banker's selling rate, 150 Booking code, 143 C Cabin baggage, 103 Carrier fares, 132 Carrier-preferred displays, 49 example, 50 requesting, 49 returning to the Amadeus display, 49 Carriers, 37 Child indicator, 65 Codeshare flights, 40 Commission, 188 Company profiles associating traveller profile, 230 creating, 230 definition, 230 Confidential remarks, 85 Connecting points, 59 Contact element, 70 Contract fares, 132 Corporate codes displaying by code, 8 displaying by name, 9 Corporate qualifier codes, 6 Corporate remarks, 85 Currency conversion, 151 246 Index D DAC, 31 DAN, 29 DC, 31 DD, 31 Decode, 31 airlines, 31 flight equipment, 31 locations, 31 Direct Access, 50 changing airlines, 52 indicator, 46 redisplaying, 53 requesting from an availability display, 51 requesting with a long entry, 52 DM, 57 DM I, 58 DNA, 31 DNC, 31 DNE, 31 DNH, 31 DNS, 31 DO, 44 DRT, 59 Dual-city pair display, 42 adding options, 43 Duty codes, 4 E EF, 122 Electronic payment, 88 Emailing documents, 243 EML, 243 Encode, 29 airlines, 31 flight equipment, 31 locations, 28 options, 30 restricting the display, 30 using wildcards, 30 ER, 74 ERK, 205 ES, 91 ESD, 91 ESX, 91 ET, 74 E-ticketing, 68 E-tickets, 187 displaying, 190 retrieving with ticket number, 190 ETK, 205 Excess baggage charges, 152 Extended ownership agreements, 89 Extended sign, 11 Extra mileage surcharge, 146 Extra seats, 105 F FA element, 189 fail codes, 175 Fare basis, 133 Fare display, 131 changing, 139 domestic, 136 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved elements, 132 fare type codes, 138 international, 134 options, 137 shopper display, 136 Fare notes, 139 categories, 140 displaying, 140 paragraphs, 141 Fare quote tools, 148 Banker's selling rate, 150 converting currency, 151 currency, 149 displaying fares in local currency, 151 excess baggage, 152 exchange rates, 149 IATA rate of exchange, 150 mileage, 148 FAX, 243 Faxing documents, 243 FB element, 189 FCMI, 175 FFA, 84 FFD, 84 FFN, 84 FFR, 84 FFU, 84 Flight information, 44 Flight types change of equipment, 37 connecting, 37 direct, 37 on-stop, 37 Follow up transactions, 142 booking codes, 143 converting fare currencies, 147 displaying mileage, 145 extra mileage surcharge, 146 mileage, 144 reading a routing string, 145 routing, 144 taxes, 142 Form of payment, 188 FQA, 150 FQB, 150 FQC, 151 FQD, 134 FQD /S, 137 FQD C, 139 FQD L, 151 FQK, 142 FQL*, 138 FQM, 148 FQN, 140, 154 FQO, 145 FQP, 153 FQQ, 154, 158 FQR, 144, 155 FQS, 143, 155 FQX, 152 FRC, 147 Frequent flyers, 83 FRM, 146 FXA, 164 FXB, 163 FXD, 167 247 Amadeus System Certification FXL, 165 FXP, 157 FXR, 163 FXS, 168 FXT, 157 FXU, 164 FXX, 158 G General remarks, 85 General Sales Agent, 191 GG AIR, 25 GG AIS, 24 GG CAR, 25 GG CODE, 25 GG CORP CODES, 8 GG CORP NAMES, 9 GG HTL, 25 GG NEWS, 25 GG TRAINING, 25 GG WEA, 25 Ghost segments, 98 GL, 24 GP, 27 GP 1, 26 Group PNR, 106 GSL, 24 H HE, 27 HE /, 27 HE STEPS, 28 Homogeneous recommendations, 170 I IATA rate of exchange, 150 IBD, 239 IBDJ, 239 IBEJ, 239 IBP, 239 IBPJ, 239 IED, 239 IEP, 239 IEPJ, 239 IG, 74 INE, 242 INED, 241 INEDJ, 242 INEJ, 242 Infant indicator, 65 Information segment, 95 Informative pricing, 152 conditions, 153 follow-up entries, 154 pricing assumptions, 153 requesting, 153 Interline agreement codes, 194 Interline Ticketing Agreement, 191 INV, 242 INVD, 241 INVDJ, 241 INVJ, 242 Invoices basic, 240 248 Course Guide definition, 240 displaying, 241 displaying joint, 241 emailing, 243 extended, 240 faxing, 243 options, 242 printing, 242 sections, 241 types, 240 with remarks, 244 IR, 75 Issuing tickets, 186 commission, 188 displaying e-ticket record, 190 entry options, 189 form of payment, 188 pre-validation, 188 re-issue, 195 sequence number, 189 ticket number, 189 validating carrier, 188 Itineraries basic, 238 definition, 238 displaying, 239 displaying joint, 239 emailing, 243 extended, 238 faxing, 243 options, 239 printing, 239 types, 238 with remarks, 244 Itinerary pricing, 156 displaying a ticket image, 158 fare basis codes, 161 options, 159 past date pricing, 160 pricing overrides, 160 selecting a fare, 157 zap off, 161 J JCD, 19 JD, 5 JGA, 20 JGC, 20 JGD, 16 JGH, 21 JGR, 17, 20 JGU, 16, 20 JGX, 21 JI, 4 JM, 9 JO, 10 Joint invoices, 241 Joint itineraries, 239 JS, 9 JTD, 21 JTR, 22 JTU, 22 JUI, 11 JUM, 11 JUO, 12 JUR, 12 Edition 3.1 Index JX, 9 Keyword element, 79 NHP, 122 NM, 63 Non-homogeneous condition, 122 Non-participating carriers, 37 NUC, 149 L O Language preference, 24 Local Security Administrator. See LSA Long-sell entry, 70 in Master Pricer Expert, 169 LP, 110 LPO, 110 LSA, 17 security rights, 17 Office ID, 6 corporate qualifier codes, 6 office type codes, 7 Office profile, 13 full profile, 15 mini profile, 14 mini profile for another office, 14 Office security, 17 agent rights, 18 ASA rights, 17 copying an agent sign, 20 creating a permanent LSA sign, 18 creating an agent sign, 20 creating the sign bank, 19 deleting an agent sign, 21 display agent sign history, 21 displaying default office settings, 21 LSA rights, 17 office setup, 18 resetting an agent profile, 20 resetting default office settings, 22 sign bank, 19 updating an agent profile, 20 updating default office settings, 22 Office type codes, 7 airline offices, 7 service providers, 7 travel agencies, 7 OP, 87 Open segments, 93 OPQ, 88 Option element, 87 OPX, 88 OS, 81 Other service information element, 80 K M Management profiles definition, 232 displaying, 232 displaying history, 233 Manual SSR explosion, 78 Married segments, 92 Master Pricer Expert adding options, 169 definition, 167 displaying recommendations, 168 homogeneous recommendations, 170 passenger type codes, 170 price to beat option, 170 requesting recommendations, 167 selling, 169 ticketability check, 170 Maximum point mileage, 133 MB, 23 MBAN, 44 MCO, 196 MD, 23 MDAN, 44 Mileage fares, 144 Minimum connecting times, 57 checking PNR itinerary, 58 checking PNR segments, 58 displaying connecting points, 59 options, 58 requesting, 57 Miscellaneous charges order, 196 MOAN, 44 Moving to the next screen, 23 to the previous screen, 23 MP, 23 MPAN, 44 MPM, 133 MS, 23 MST, 176 MT, 23 MTAN, 44 MU, 23 MUAN, 44 N Name element, 63 Navigating in Online Help and AIS, 23 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved P Participating carriers, 37 PAS, 223 Passenger association, 76 Passive segments, 97 Past date record, 111 PC, 235 PCE, 223 PCN, 230 PCZ, 225 PDN, 226 PDO, 232 PDR. See Past date record PE, 226 PEE, 226 PER, 226 PH, 233 PHO, 233 PI, 226 PID, 223 PIE, 226 PIR, 226 249 Amadeus System Certification PIV, 223 PLC, 228 PLS, 225 PLT, 227 PLX, 228 PM, 221 PME, 221 PNR associated cross reference, 120 cabin baggage, 103 checking minimum connecting times, 58 child indicator, 65 claiming, 109 confidential options, 88 copying, 119 definition, 61 dual-availability, 69 elements. See PNR elements end transaction, 73 exploding SSRs, 79 extra seats, 105 features, 62 frequent flyers, 84 groups, 106 history. See PNR history ignoring, 74 infant indicator, 65 long-sell entries, 70 modifying. See PNR modification non-homogeneous condition, 122 on queue, 199 printing. See PNR print purging, 111 queuing office, 118 rebooking, 115, See PNR rebook recalling, 111 record locator, 62 remarks, 85 retrieving, 107 saving, 73 searching. See PNR search seat maps, 82 seat request, 81 short-sell entries, 67 splitting, 121 SSRs, 78 stretcher passengers, 102 ticketless, 88 transferring ownership, 118 unaccompanied minors, 101 PNR association infants, 66 passengers, 76 segments, 77 PNR Change flag, 184 issuing a ticket, 185 removing, 185 PNR elements contact, 70 itinerary, 67 keyword, 80 mandatory, 62 name element, 63 optional, 75 other service information, 81 queue option indicators, 87 received from, 73 250 Course Guide ticketing arrangement, 71 PNR history, 126 full history, 128 modifications, 127 options, 128 original elements, 127 partial history, 128 sample screen, 127 PNR modification cancelling a name element, 114 copy, 119 deleting a segment, 113 deleting an itinerary, 113 deleting multiple segments, 113 PNR pricing. See Itinerary pricing PNR print all, 125 options, 125 screen, 125 system print messages, 125 to another office, 126 PNR rebook class, 116 combined entries, 117 date, 116 flight number, 116 PNR search by flight, 110 by office, 110 PNR security, 89 adding, 91 cancelling, 91 displaying security agreements, 91 retrieving, 92 security access modes, 90 security agreement, 89 security element, 89 security receiver types, 89 PNR segments arrival unknown, 97 auxiliary, 100 ghost, 98 information, 95 married, 93 open, 93 passive, 97 service, 98 special, 92 waitlist, 95 PPA, 224 PPC, 225 PPH, 224 PPK, 224 PR, 229 Price to beat, 170 Printing help and information pages, 24 PNRs, 124 Profile mode entering, 221 exiting, 221 Profile sections documents, 219 follow up, 220 general information, 219 itinerary/PNR transferable data, 218 Profiles Edition 3.1 Index adding citizenship, 225 adding document info, 223 adding languages, 225 adding PNR data, 222 adding travel policies, 224 creating PNR from profile, 234 creating profile from PNR, 235 creating traveller, 221 deactivating, 228 definition, 218 displaying deactivated list, 228 ending, 226 ignoring, 226 profile elements, 220 reactivating, 229 retrieving company list, 228 retrieving traveller, 226 retrieving travellers list, 227 sections, 218 Provider pages. See Amadeus Information Pages Pseudo-office ID, 89 PT, 234 Purged PNRs, 111 PV, 14 PVA, 15 PVU, 244 PX, 228 PYN, 231 Q QA, 213 QAN, 214 QAQ, 214 QCD, 211 QCDD, 211 QCDO, 211 QCDT, 211 QCM, 211 QCMD, 212 QCMO, 212 QCMT, 212 QCR, 203 QCT, 210 QCTD, 210 QCTO, 210 QCTT, 210 QD, 204 QE, 207 QI, 205 QN, 204 QP, 209 QPR, 209 QR, 215 QS, 204 QSB, 207 QT, 203 QTQ, 202 QU, 206 Queue bank additions, 203 definition, 201 display active queues only, 203 displaying, 202 items worked, 203 last queue count, 203 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved total PNRs, 203 Queue count reset to zero, 203 Queue count planner date-deferred, 210 definition, 210 displaying date-deferred, 211 displaying month-deferred, 211 displaying time-deferred, 210 month-deferred, 210 time-deferred, 210 Queue option indicators, 87 Queue planner delay, 208 display by PNR record locator, 208 option, 208 removing PNRs, 212 ticketing, 208 Queues activating, 213 browsing, 207 category, 200 commonly used, 200 confirming status change, 205 customizing, 214 date ranges, 200 delay planner, 208 delay time and date, 205 delay-date, 200 delaying PNRs, 204 delay-time, 200 deleting, 209, 214 displaying, 209 displaying all queues for a PNR, 206 displaying PNRs in specific queues, 208 dual, 200 ignoring changes and exiting, 205 manually placing on queue, 207 nightly file maintenance, 201 option planner, 209 printing, 209 queue bank, 201 queue placement, 207 redisplaying a message, 206 remove current PNR, 204 removing all PNRs, 215 removing PNRs, 206 removing PNRs from specific, 206 special, 200 starting, 204 ticketing planner, 208 types, 200 Queuing office, 118 Quickpath, 23 displaying a list, 27 QV, 208 QVR, 208 QVRD, 208 QVRO, 209 QVRT, 208 QWDD, 212 QWDO, 212 QWDT, 212 QXP, 206 251 Amadeus System Certification R RC, 86 Rebook, 115 Record locator, 62 Region codes, 225 Re-issuing tickets, 194 Remarks adding, 244 confidential, 85 corporate, 85 general, 85 mini-office profile, 243 PNR, 243 wildcards, 87 Remote office, 11 jump, 11 log-on, 12 sign in, 11 sign out, 12 Reservation booking designator, 134 Responsible office, 118 RF, 73 RH, 128 RHA, 128 RHE, 92 RHI, 128 RHJ, 128 RHN, 128 RHR, 128 RHS, 128 RIF, 244 RIR, 244 RM, 86 RO, 109 Routing, 144 Routing fares, 144 Routing strings, 145 RPD, 112 RPP, 111 RRA, 120 RRI, 120 RRN, 119 RRP, 120 RT, 107 RT SVC, 108 RTAM, 93 RTE, 92 RTIM, 93 RTQ, 206 RX, 86 S SB, 115 SC, 56 Schedule display, 53 changing the display, 56 displaying non-participating carriers, 54 example, 54 requesting, 53 SCR, 56 Seat maps, 82 Seat requests, 81 locations, 81 passenger types, 82 Security 252 Course Guide office, 17 PNR, 89 Segment association, 77 Service segments, 98 Seven-day availability search, 43 Shopper display, 136 Short-sell entry, 67 SI, 96 Sign bank, 19 Signing in, 4 extended sign, 11 remote office, 11 Signing out, 10 remote office, 12 remotely from a different terminal, 12 SK, 80 SM, 82 SN, 53 SO, 94 SP, 121 Special segments, 92 Special service request, 77 SR, 78 SR*, 79 SS, 68 SSR. See Special service request SSR explosion, 78 ST, 81 Standard access, 45 Status codes, 39 Stretcher passengers, 102 SX, 83 T TC, 56 Terminal address, 6 Text search, 24 TI /ALL, 32 Ticket arrangement options, 72 Ticketability check, 170 Ticketed point mileage, 133 Ticketing arrangement element, 71 Ticketless Access, 48 Ticketless bookings, 88 TIDFT, 33 Timatic, 32 requesting detailed travel information, 33 requesting visa and health information, 32 Time and date calculations, 31 Timetable display, 54 changing the display, 56 example, 55 requesting, 55 timetable codes, 55 TIRA, 32 TK, 72 TK AT, 72 TK MA, 72 TK OK, 72 TK TL, 72 TK XL, 72 TKT, 188 TN, 55 TPM, 133 TQT, 176 Travel policies, 224 Edition 3.1 Index TST automatic, 175 confidential, 182 creating manual, 178 definition, 174 deleting, 183 displaying, 176, 177 fail codes, 175 list, 176 manual, 176 numbering, 174, 176 shell, 176 update options, 179 updating, 178, 179 TST history, 185 displaying, 186 TTC, 178 TTH, 186 TTI, 178 TTK, 178 TTP, 186 TTU, 194 W Waitlist action codes, 94 segments, 94 Work area, 5 moving between work areas, 9 moving to and signing in to another work area, 9 reactivating, 10 sign in to all, 5 sign in to multiple, 5 sign in to specific, 5 signing out of a specific, 10 signing out of all, 10 signing out of multiple, 10 status, 5 temporarily deactivating, 9 WRA, 125 WRAO, 126 WRS, 125 X U UM, 102 Unaccompanied minors, 101 Universal sign, 12 XE, 113 XI, 114 Y YY fares, 131 V Validating carrier, 188 VFFD, 85 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved Z Zap off, 161 253
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