S5 Digital Audio System User Guide Ampac Firefinder Manual
User Manual: Ampac Firefinder User Manual
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FIREFINDER SP SERIES GUIDE FIRE BRIGADE RESPONSE FireFinder TM FireFinderTM SP Series Fire Alarm Control Panel (AS4428) Installation, Commissioning & Operation MAN 2744-20 FIREFINDER SP SERIES GUIDE 1. INDICATION FIRE BRIGADE RESPONSE ( INCOMING FIRE ALARM CONDITION ) ALARM Loop X sensor X LX SX ZX STAT: ALARM DATE & TIME ZONE ALARMS X OF XX 2. NEXT ALARM 5. 6. LCD DISPLAY OF DESCRIPTION TYPE, ADDRESS, DATE & TIME AND NUMBER OF UNACKNOWLEDGED ALARMS PRESS ACKNOWLEDGE KEY PRESS NEXT TO SCROLL TO NEXT ALARM REPEAT THE ABOVE STEPS TO ACKNOWLEDGE ALL ALARMS Loop X sensor X LX SX ZX STAT: ALARM DATE & TIME ACKED ZONE ALARMS X OF XX 4. TYPE ACKNOWLEDGE ALARM ACKNOWLEDGE 3. ALARM LED FLASHING TYPE LCD DISPLAY OF DESCRIPTION TYPE, ADDRESS, DATE & TIME AND NUMBER OF ACKNOWLEDGED ALARMS ALARM LED STEADY ISOLATE BELL EXTERNAL BELL ISOLATE PRESS TO ISOLATE BELLS INDICATOR WILL TURN ON RESET PRESS TO RESET ALL ACKNOWLEDGED ALARMS RESET ALARMS ACKNOWLEDGE RESET ACKNOWLEDGE PRESS ACKNOWLEDGE KEY Table Of Contents Page No 1 Non Disclosure Agreement..................................................................................................... 1 2 About This Manual .................................................................................................................. 2 3 2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 2 2.2 General Requirements ............................................................................................. 2 2.3 References ................................................................................................................ 2 2.4 Symbols .................................................................................................................... 2 System Overview .................................................................................................................... 3 4 FireFinderTM Description ......................................................................................................... 5 5 Placing The Basic System Into Operation ............................................................................. 7 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 6 Expanding the FACP with Compatible FireFinderTM Boards ............................................... 24 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7 Unpacking................................................................................................................. 7 Anti-Static Precautions ............................................................................................ 7 Working On The System .......................................................................................... 7 The Cabinet............................................................................................................... 7 Mounting The Cabinet .............................................................................................. 7 Operational Parameters ........................................................................................... 8 Cabling Recommendations...................................................................................... 8 Power Supplies and AC Mains Installation ............................................................. 9 Current Limiter, Fuse Board .................................................................................. 11 Brigade / PSU Monitor Board 302 - 6730 ............................................................... 12 Brigade / PSU Monitor Board & Battery Connections .......................................... 14 Brigade / PSU Monitor Board Auxiliary 27 Volt Power ......................................... 14 Brigade / PSU Monitor Board DBA / MCP & Door Switch Connections ............... 14 Brigade PSU Monitor Board ASE Fault Brigade Box Connection ........................ 14 Connecting a Bell / Sounder to the Brigade / PSU Monitor Board ....................... 15 Warning System Connections ............................................................................... 15 Brigade / PSU Monitor Board Relay Output Connections .................................... 15 Main Board BRD85MBA ........................................................................................ 16 Front Panel Board 302 -690.................................................................................... 17 Main CPU BRD85CPU ............................................................................................ 19 Slave CPU 302-669 ................................................................................................ 20 RS232 Modem / Programming / Debug Interfacing ............................................... 21 Ancillary Services .................................................................................................. 21 Conventional Zone Board 302 - 6710..................................................................... 22 Addressable Loop Termination Board 302 - 7350 ................................................. 23 16/16 Input / Output Board 302 - 6720 ................................................................... 26 8 Way Relay Board 302 – 6760 / 1 .......................................................................... 26 16 Way Input Board 302 - 6770 .............................................................................. 27 Serial Relay Board 302 - 7320 ................................................................................ 27 Fire Fan Module BRD25FCB .................................................................................. 28 Fan Termination Board BRD25FTB ....................................................................... 28 Zone & General Indicator Card .............................................................................. 29 8 Way Sounder Monitor Board 302 – 7420 / 1 ....................................................... 30 Printer ..................................................................................................................... 31 6.9.1 Indicators and Buttons ............................................................................ 31 6.9.2 Maintenance............................................................................................. 32 6.9.3 Printer Connections and Jumpering....................................................... 33 6.9.4 Printer 5 Volt Power Supply ( 302-713 ) .................................................. 33 Expanding the System Through Networking ....................................................................... 34 8 7.1 Communications: Controller Interface Card 302 - 725.......................................... 34 7.2 Communications: Network Interface Card 302 - 724 ............................................ 34 7.3 Expansion Board ( 302-688 ) .................................................................................. 35 7.4 Expansion Controller ............................................................................................. 35 7.5 Networking ............................................................................................................. 36 7.6 Liquid Crystal Display Repeater Panel 302 - 7200 ................................................ 38 SmartTerminal ....................................................................................................................... 39 9 8.1 Operation ................................................................................................................ 39 8.2 Access levels.......................................................................................................... 39 8.3 Specifications ......................................................................................................... 40 8.4 Overview ................................................................................................................. 40 8.5 Operational & Key Features ................................................................................... 41 8.6 Mechanical.............................................................................................................. 41 8.7 Installation & Cabling ............................................................................................. 42 8.8 Setting the Address................................................................................................ 43 8.9 Setting the SmartTerminal Controller Configuration in ConfigManager................... 44 8.10 Setting the SmartTerminal Reporting Parameters in ConfigManager....................... 44 8.11 SmartTerminal Controls ......................................................................................... 45 8.12 SmartTerminal Indicators....................................................................................... 47 LCD Screen Format ............................................................................................................... 49 10 9.1 Trouble Shooting Chart.......................................................................................... 50 Agent Release Control .......................................................................................................... 51 11 10.1 Operation ................................................................................................................ 51 10.2 Agent Release Module BRD25ARB –A .................................................................. 53 10.3 Controlled Access .................................................................................................. 54 10.4 Local Control Station ............................................................................................. 55 10.5 Agent Release Termination Board BRD25ATB ..................................................... 58 10.6 Interface Wiring ...................................................................................................... 59 10.7 Warning Signs ........................................................................................................ 61 Occupant Warning Systems ................................................................................................. 63 12 11.1 EV60 / 120 ............................................................................................................... 67 11.2 EV3000 .................................................................................................................... 67 Brigade Devices .................................................................................................................... 68 13 12.1 ASE ( Vic Metro ) Brigade Box ............................................................................... 68 12.2 Brigade Box ( Deltec WA, SA, TAS,QLD ).............................................................. 68 TM FireFinder Operation.......................................................................................................... 69 13.1 The Control Panel ................................................................................................... 69 Function And Menu......................................................................................................................... 72 13.2 13.3 13.4 14 The Main Menu ...................................................................................................................... 73 14.1 14.2 15 The Default LCD Display ........................................................................................ 72 Accessing Functions and Menus .......................................................................... 72 Function Menu and Access Levels ........................................................................ 72 13.4.1 Forgotten Passwords .............................................................................. 72 Status Menu ............................................................................................................ 73 Testing Menu .......................................................................................................... 75 14.2.1 Alarm Test................................................................................................ 75 14.2.2 Fault Test ................................................................................................. 75 14.2.3 Lamp Test ................................................................................................ 75 Main Functions...................................................................................................................... 76 15.1 Setting the Function Date Facility ......................................................................... 76 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 15.9 Setting the Function Time Facility ......................................................................... 76 Setting the Function Daynight Facility .................................................................. 76 Function Logs Facility............................................................................................ 76 The Function Test Facility...................................................................................... 77 Function Manual I/O Control .................................................................................. 78 Function Access ( Level II ) / Passwords ( Level III ) ............................................ 78 Function Programming .......................................................................................... 79 15.8.1 Conventional Zone Programming ........................................................... 79 15.8.2 Device Programming ............................................................................... 80 15.8.3 Input Programming.................................................................................. 80 15.8.4 Output Programming ............................................................................... 80 15.8.5 Manual Control Point ( MCP ) .................................................................. 81 15.8.6 Sub Address ............................................................................................ 81 15.8.7 Watchdog ................................................................................................. 81 Self Learn................................................................................................................ 81 15.9.1 Extra Devices Detected ........................................................................... 81 15.9.2 Mismatch Detected .................................................................................. 82 16 Incoming Fire Alarm Signal .................................................................................................. 82 17 Accessing a Loop, Sensor or Zone ...................................................................................... 84 18 List of Compatible Devices ................................................................................................... 84 19 18.1 Short Circuit Isolation ............................................................................................ 84 18.2 Compatible Devices ............................................................................................... 85 Certification Information ....................................................................................................... 87 20 Statement of Compliance ..................................................................................................... 88 21 20.1 Installation Details.................................................................................................. 90 Commissioning Test Report ................................................................................................. 91 22 21.1 Procedure ............................................................................................................... 92 21.2 System Information ................................................................................................ 92 Troubleshooting Chart .......................................................................................................... 96 23 Address Setting..................................................................................................................... 97 24 Battery Capacity Calculation ................................................................................................ 98 25 Glossary of Terms............................................................................................................... 104 26 Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 105 27 Quick Reference Guides ..................................................................................................... 106 FIREFINDERTM 1 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Non Disclosure Agreement This contract has been entered into by the person or company user of this document (hereafter called the Trader) and AMPAC Technologies (hereafter called AMPAC) of 7 Ledgar rd, Balcatta, WA 6021, Western Australia 6017. Under terms and conditions as specified here under. Whereas AMPAC and the Trader for their mutual benefit and pursuant to a working relationship which may be established, anticipate that AMPAC will disclose in the form of this document, information of a secret, or confidential or proprietary nature (hereinafter collectively referred to as Proprietary Information). Whereas AMPAC desires to ensure that the confidentiality of any Proprietary Information is maintained in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises, and the mutual covenants contained herein, the Trader hereby agrees as follows: 1. The Trader shall hold in trust and confidence, and not disclose to any person outside its organisation, any Proprietary information which is disclosed to the Trader by AMPAC under this Agreement. Proprietary Information disclosed under this Agreement may be used by the Trader only for the purpose of carrying out work on or with AMPAC supplied equipment and may not be used for any other purpose whatsoever. 2. The Trader shall disclose Proprietary Information received by AMPAC under this Agreement to persons within its organisation only if such persons are legally bound in writing to protect the confidentiality of such Proprietary Information. 3. The undertakings and obligations of the Trader under this Agreement shall not apply to any Proprietary Information which : 1. Is disclosed in a printed publication available to the public, is described in patent anywhere in the world, or is otherwise in the public domain at the time of disclosure; 2. Is generally disclosed to third parties by AMPAC without restriction on such third parties; 3. Is shown by the Trader to have been in its possession prior to the receipt thereof from AMPAC; 4. Is approved for release by written authorisation of AMPAC; or 5. Is not designated by AMPAC in writing or by appropriate stamp or legend to be of a secret, confidential or proprietary nature. 4. This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, and their respective successors and assigns. 5. This Agreement, and all rights and obligations hereunder, shall expire on the 10th anniversary of the date of issue of this document. These terms are accepted by the Trader on receipt and retention of this document. Page 1 FIREFINDERTM 2 2.1 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION About This Manual Introduction This manual contains all the information required to install, commission and operate the FireFinder™ SP series Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) fitted with Version 6 software and is only available to and for the use of personnel engaged in its installation, commissioning and operation. 2.2 General Requirements The FireFinder SP series FACP has been designed and manufactured from high quality commercial components so as to comply with major world standards. To ensure these standards are not compromised in any way installation staff and operators should; 2.3 1. be qualified and trained for the task they undertake; 2. be familiar with the contents of this manual prior to the installation, commissioning or operation of a FireFinder control system; 3. observe anti-static pre-cautions at all times; and 4. be aware that if a problem is encountered or there is any doubt with respect to the operational parameters of the installation the supplier should be contacted. References FireFinder™ Technical Manual ConfigManager ( V6 ) FireFinder™ Detector Manual Australian Standards: AS1670 - Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm Systems, system design, installation, and commissioning, Part 1 & Part 4 AS1851 - Maintenance of Fire Protection Systems and equipment Detection and Alarm Systems. Fire AS4428 - Fire Detection, Warning, Control and Intercom Systems – Control and Indicating Equipment. Part 1 and Part 4 2.4 Symbols Important operational information Note: Configuration considerations Observe antistatic precautions Mains supply earth DANGER mains supply present Page 2 FIREFINDERTM 3 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION System Overview The FireFinder™ SP series is an Intelligent Analogue / Addressable and / or Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panel capable of supporting: Apollo Discovery and XP95 Intelligent Detectors, Multisensor, Photoelectric, Ionisation, Thermal (heat) and CO detectors. Addressable Initiating Devices: Modules that monitor any conventional normally open contact such as supervisory switches and flow switches. Conventional two wire zone detector circuits Multiple input/outputs High Level Interfaces Graphical Interfaces Remote LCD Annunciators Remote LCD Repeaters Remote LED mimics Peer to Peer networking Master Slave (Main - Sub) networking Main panel plus Data Gathering Panels networking and; is built to comply with the following standards: Australian Standard: New Zealand Standard: European Standard: Malaysian Standard: Singapore Standard: AS 4428.1 NZ4512 EN54 MS1404 CP10 CONVENTIONAL ZONE USING CONVENTIONAL DETECTORS AND BASES HIGH LEVEL INTERFACE PRESS HERE TO BREAK E.O.L 3K3 FI R E ALARM NORMAL AL ARM DEFECT PREVIOUS NEXT BUZZER MUTE I SOLATE CONVENTIONAL ZONE CIRCUIT PRE-ALARM M ENU ANCILLARY SERVICES FLOW SWITCH E.O.L 20K 4K7 MANUAL CALL POINT ( MCP ) ANALOGUE DETECTORS EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION LOOP ION OPTICAL HEAT PRESS HERE ISOLATOR TO BREAK FI R E ALARM FIREFIGHTER FACILITY POWER ON PRE-ALARM ALARM FIREFINDER AMPAC PH: 08 9242 3333 SYSTEM IS NORMAL 15/1/2003 14:00:00 AUX ALARM WARNI NG SYS FAULT EARTH FAULT WARNING SYS ISOLATE PREVIOUS ACKNOWLEDGE RESET LOOP FAULT OUTPUT ISOLATE SENSOR 1 ABC 4 JKL 2 DEF 5 M NO AUXILIARY FAULT / ISOLATE ZONE T UV WXYZ AIF ACTIVE DISPLAY TO SPACE 7 L2 ISOLATE TEST MODE DE-ISOLATE L1 SYSTEM FAULT NEXT 8 0 3 GHI IN ADDRESSABLE LOOP SINGLE INPUT DEVICE CANCEL ENTRY 6 9 SYMB MENU FUNCTION TM FireFinder RELAY O/P 1 NC 20K EOL IN-1 AUX OUTPUTS NO AS PER INPUT 1 IN-2 AS PER INPUT 1 IN-3 C2 RELAY O/P 3 NC C3 + +24V DC - PRESS HERE N/O RELAY O/P 2 NC NO ISOLATOR E.O.L 10K C1 N/O INPUT SWITCH DEC2580-T1 SOUNDER NO 4K7 PQRS ENTER E.O.L 20K EXTERNAL BELL ISOLATE OUT SUPPLY FAULT ISOLATED C N/C RELAY OUTPUT MONITORED INPUT + - 4K7 FAULT +24V DC TO BREAK F I RE ALARM FIREFINDER FACP HIGH LEVEL INTERFACE THREE INPUT / OUTPUT DEVICE INPUT/OUTPUT UNIT SOUNDER CONTROL LOOP SOUNDER ZONE MONITOR CONVENTIONAL DETECTORS MAXIMUM OF 20 E.O.L 6K2 Figure 1: Typical Application Page 3 SPECIFICATIONS: MAX LENGTH = 2KM MAX RESISTANCE = 50ohms MIN CABLE SIZE = 1.5mm² FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION FACP Configuration Examples 2 LOOP TERMINATION BOARD (302-7350) OR 16Z CONVENTIONAL BOARD (302-671B) EXT +35V B L2+ L1- EARTH STUD EXT +35V CN14 2 CN18 16 WAY CN2 c RN17 +V +V POWER SUPPLY UNIT AUX POWER O/P + + - CH8 CH6 -V 20 WAY U11 CH8 -V (AC) TB5 WARN SYS + NO C NC L(AC) N(AC) 1 DANGER 240V + - SLAVE CPU (302-6692) SLAVE CPU (302-6692) CN1 CN1 CPU BOARD (BRD85CPU) RN20 POWER U13 U14 CN1 SLAVE CPU (302-6692) U15 C N2 MAINS SWITCH CN5 TB4 AUXILIARY NO C NC CN2 LOOP COM M S CN2 1 1 1 c CN1 3 CN11 a b CN2 4 CN3 CN15 a b ACTIVE CN13 TB3 +VE A L2+ L1- EXT +35V -VE B L2+ L1- BELL2 - EXT +35V + A L2+ L1- BELL1 - CH16 CN20 D13 + MAIN CONTROL BOARD (BRD85MBA) CH15 GROUND CN17 NEUTRAL FRONT PANEL CONTROL (302-6906) CH8 U10 TB2 CN1 SERIAL RELAY BRD (302-7320) OR CN10 PSU M ONITOR B RIGADE I/F 27V IN 10 WAY C12 CN7 TB6 FAULT NO C NC D14 CN16 CN6 AGENT TERM BRD (BRD25ATB) OR CN3 CN2 ISOLATE NO C NC PRINTER ZD7 CN2 CN4 TX1 POWER 26 WAY CN3 GENERAL INDICATOR, OR X- PRINTER (OEM1447) C/W MOUNTING PLATE. (KIT = 159-0093) FAN TERM BRD (BRD25FTB) MOUNTED ON CONVENTIONAL OR LOOP TERMINATION BRD CN1 BRIGADE O/P TERM BOARD (302-6732) TB10 CN6 + IN - DOOR SW DBA/MCP SGD II + BAT - FAN CONTROL OR AGENT RELEASE TB 1 COMMS IN D C B A + - S COMMS OUT D C B A RTS S CTS - RX D + TX D TB1 COM S CRN TRX - TRX+ CTS RX D RTS +27V PRINTER PSU (302-7130) C/W CAB2153 TX D CABINET BACKPAN VIEW SHOWING MODULES FITTED TO THE BACKPAN AND WIRING DETAILS COM 10 WAY CN5 FRONT PANEL VALVE MON NO C NC CN3 3 WAY CN1 BZ1 EXPANSION LEDS ALARM NO C NC CH2 CN4 EXPANSION PANEL BATT FAIL C CN21 + CN2 + - R17 M ODEM TH1 CH1 0V CN8 CN3 CN3 TP3 TB3 TB 2 TB 3 TB2 X- MAF (341-0015) CONSISTS OF: 1- CONTROL PANEL BOARD (302-6906) 1- MAIN BOARD (BRD85MBA"X"-A) 1- CPU (BRD85CPU"X"-D) X-SLAVE CPU (302-6692) CN3 NOTE: PANEL LAYOUT MAY VARY DEPENDING ON CLIENT CONFIGURATION OUT OPTIONAL NETWORKING BOARDS 302-7240 NETWORK INTERFACE CARD 302-7250 CONTROLLER INTERFACE CARD. NOTE: POSITION MAY VARY AS SHOWN AND IS FOR INDICATION ONLY. TYPICAL FRONT DOOR LAYOUT FOR A FULLY POPULATED PANEL 302-7250 CN1 CN2 CN1 302-7240 TO BATTERIES Figure 2: Typical Example of an SP1X Layout AGENT TERM BRD OR FAN TERM BRD FRONT DOOR AND FRONT INNER DOOR REAR VIEW SHOWING INSTALLED BOARDS ON FRONT INNER DOOR AND WIRING DETAILS 2 LOOP TERMINATION BOARD OR 16Z CONVENTIONAL BOARD MAINS INPUT FRONT PANEL CONTROL RJ45/8 PIN MAIN CONTROL BOARD DANGER 240V EARTH STUD CN2 C H15 MAINS SWITCH L(AC) N(AC) (AC) +VE -VE CN1 GROUND CN3 NEUTRAL 20 WAY ACTIVE 16 WAY SLAVE CPU 2 SLAVE CPU 3 SLAVE CPU 4 CPU BOARD C H15 -V -V +V +V C N10 PSU MONITOR BRIGADE I/F 10 WAY C N7 ZD7 C N6 C N8 C H2 C N1 PRINTER BELL2 - CN5 AUX POWER O/P + + - 3 WAY TB1 TB2 TB6 - FAULT NO C NC + CN1 S CN2 COMMS OUT D C B ALARM NO C NC S A TB3 X- PRINTER (OEM1447) C/W MOUNTING PLATE. (KIT = 159-0093) CN1 VALVE MON NO C NC RXD RTS CTS BRIGADE PSU MON. BOARD BATT FAIL C TB2 + COM TXD OPTIONAL NETWORKING BOARDS NETWORK INTERFACE CARD CONTROLLER INTERFACE CARD. NOTE: POSITION MAY VARY AS SHOWN AND IS FOR INDICATION ONLY. ISOLATE NO C NC A NETWORK I/F CARD BLANK + - COMMS IN D C B CN2 302-6880 EXPANSION BOARD CN3 SLAVE CPU 6 SLAVE CPU 7 SLAVE CPU 8 SLAVE CPU 5 TB5 WARN SYS + NO C NC 20 WAY BLANK TB3 + - ANCILLARIES or HOUSING BLANKS POWER SUPPLY UNIT + AGENT RELEASE MODULE OR FIRE FAN CONTROL MODULE BELL1 - RJ45/8 PIN GENERAL INDICATOR CARD + 3 WAY TB4 AUXILIARY NO C NC 16Z CONVENTIONAL BOARD C N5 TB10 CN6 TB3 +27V 0V TB2 CN1 COM CONTROLLER I/F CARD TXD RXD RTS CTS TRX+ TRXSCRN TB1 CN3 OUT CABINET BACKPAN VIEW SHOWING MODULES FITTED TO THE BACKPAN AND WIRING DETAILS NOTE: WIRING MAY VARY DUE TO CLIENT PANEL CONFIGURATION CABINET (291-0076) TO BATTERIES Figure 3: Typical Example of an SP8X Layout Page 4 SGD II DOOR SW DBA/MCP + IN - + BAT - FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION FireFinderTM Description 4 The following description does not relate to specific cabinets as the size of each cabinet will vary with the amount of hardware fitted. The heart of the FireFinder™ consists of two boards collectively known as the Controller. These boards are the Main Board (BRD85MBA) and the CPU board (BRD85CPU). Combining these two boards with a front panel (302-690) forms the basis for a FireFinder™ FACP. A single FireFinder™ Controller without an expansion board has the capacity to interface to four (4) FireFinder™ Slave CPU’s modules. Each of these Slave CPU’s can interface to 16 Zone Conventional Termination Boards, Loop Termination Boards or Input/Output Boards as well as communicate with the Brigade / PSU Monitor Board (302-673). The Main Board (BRD85MBA) has the Slave CPU Board for the first Loop Termination Board and the provision for mounting of up to three additional FireFinder™ Slave CPU’s. The FireFinder™ Slave CPU’s all have the same software installed and the manner in which they operate is automatically determined by the type of termination or interface board onto which they connect. If the system is to be expanded to have more than four Slave CPU’s an Expansion Board (302-688) is required. This board contains FireFinder™ Slave CPU No. 5 and expansion sockets for three more. This configuration allows for a maximum number of 8 Slave CPU’s that any one Controller can accommodate. If a system is required to be expanded beyond eight Slave CPU’s then either local networking using up to a total of four controllers (max 32 Slave CPU’s) within the one cabinet may be fitted or external networking must be used. The FireFinder™ has an internal ASPI ( Ampac Serial Peripheral Interface ) serial bus. This serial bus provides interfacing to the Brigade /PSU Monitor Board and if required up to eight (8) Sounder Board/s (302-7420/1). FireFinder™ has a second serial interface that connects to ancillary boards that can be designed into a system to control / monitor field plant / equipment and agent release . Where the system design exceeds the capability of one FireFinder™ then other FireFinder™ panels can be networked together to provide an expanded system containing multiple boards in a variety of applications. Some of these applications include: A Master / Slave (Main Sub) FACP arrangement (MFACP / SFACP) A Peer to Peer System Use of Data Gathering Panels (DGP’s) LCD Annunciators LCD Repeater Panels (LCDR) SmartGraphics A Network FireFinder™ System supports a combination or all these options on a single network. Each panel on the network is regarded as a “node”. The NETWORK BUS can be accessed using either a Network Interface Card (NIC 302-724) and/or Controller Interface Card (CIC 302-725). Modules that are supported on the network are Remote LED Mimic Board (302-715), Remote Liquid Crystal Display Repeater (302-720, 302-721), remote FireFinder™ main panels and other FireFinder™ remote data gathering panels. The network configuration determines whether a NIC or a CIC or a combination of both is required. Page 5 Page 6 CN1 CN1 TO FRONT KEYPAD (NOT USED IF THE PANEL IS A DGP OR SLAVE CONTROLLER) KEY SW +- Figure 4: Single Controller Board with Expansion Board SLAVE CPU 7 302-6692 PANEL BOARDS ARE CONNECTED BY A 20 WAY RIBBON TO CN1 ON A SLAVE CPU CN2 SLAVE CPU 8 302-6692 302-6880 JUN 98 CN2 TO CN5 OF THE BRIGADE BOARD OR SOUNDER CONTROL BRD IN CN1 CN10 CABLES VIA A 20 WAY CABLE TO THE PANEL BOARDS THE MAIN BOARD CARRIES SLAVE CPU 1. NODE ADDRESS LOOP COMMS EXTERNAL LOOP COMMUNICATION CONNECTS TO NIC OR CIC RS485 COMMS TO BACKPAN BORADS UP TO 3 ADDITIONAL SLAVE CPU's ( 6, 7 & 8 ) CAN BE SLOTTED INTO THE EXP BOARD. INTERNAL PRINTER OUTPUT CN5 PRINTER CN7 SLAVE CPU 6 302-6692 CN2 AN EXPANSION BOARD (302-6880) CAN BE CONNECTED TO FACILITATE UP TO 4 ADDITIONAL MODULES IF REQUIRED CN4 CN3 CN2 INTERNAL SERIAL COMMUNICATION PORT EXPANSION LEDS CN1 MODEM I/O PORT CN21 CN1 CN6 CN1 CN4 CN10 CN2 CN2 CN1 FRONT PANEL SW3 8 BZ1 7 CN3 6 EXPANSION PANEL 5 CN8 4 LK2 SLAVE CPU 2 302-6692 CN2 3 SLAVE CPU 3 302-6692 #1 PANEL BOARDS ARE CONNECTED VIA A 20 WAY RIBBON TO CN1 ON A SLAVE CPU CN2 2 B U ZZER ENABLE SLAVE CPU 4 302-6692 CN2 ON RS485 COMMS TO FRONT PANEL MODULES O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O CN18 27VDC CN16 (CN16) IN O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O BACKLIGHT CN17 1 MAIN CPU O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O RESET SW1 CN20 abc CN11 #2 UP TO 3 ADDITIONAL SLAVE CPU's (302-6692) CAN BE SLOTTED ONTO THE MAIN BOARD. +- MAIN BOARD FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Master / Sub FACP : Where there are one or more FACP’s configured as local panels then each report the status of their associated zones/devices to a MFACP. There is no control between local panels as the MFACP is structured to have full control of the entire system. Peer to Peer : Each FACP is regarded as a Master FACP and therefore a user can take control of the entire fire system from any FACP. Data Gathering Panel : The use of this type of panel may be installed where there is a need to have field terminations only at one location and all control is performed by an FACP that is remotely located. LCD Repeater Panel : The LCDR’s are network compatible and provide the user with the ability to monitor the status of designated areas or an entire site as well as execute specific interrogation tasks. SmartGraphics: Is an active graphics system connected to the FireFinder™. CN1 CN1 CN1 CN5 FIREFINDERTM 5 5.1 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Placing The Basic System Into Operation Unpacking Carefully unpack the FireFinder™. The package should include: FireFinder™ Fire Alarm Control Panel An Operators manual 003 keys 5.2 Anti-Static Precautions To prevent damage to components, modules and boards, anti-static precautions MUST be observed while performing any task within the FACP. The same applies to those situated in the field 5.3 Working On The System Prior to unplugging any connector, connecting or disconnecting any wiring, removing or replacing any module or board ensure that both the Mains and Batteries have been isolated to prevent damage to panel components. 5.4 The Cabinet Features: The cabinet is available in three different styles. Each style has the capability of being either surface or flush mounted. With flush mounting though a surround is required. Normally painted Arch White Ripple. Other colors are available on request. The inner and outer door hinges are mounted on the left-hand side of the cabinet which allow the doors open to an angle of 100º. Locking is normally keyless though keyed entry is available on request. Knockouts are positioned at the top and rear of the cabinet to simplify cable entry. 5.5 Mounting The Cabinet Note: It is recommended the cabinet should be installed in a clean, dry, vibration-free area. Open the front door. Use the keyhole mounting holes in the top corners and in the lower middle of the unit to mount it on the wall. Cables to connect the system to its external actuating devices are brought in through the knockouts on the top or bottom of the cabinet. 12 mm R 6mm. Tap lightly around the rim of the knockout Figure 5: Example SP1X Back Pan Mounting Hole & Removing Knockouts Page 7 FIREFINDERTM 5.6 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Operational Parameters Temperature: -5ºC to + 55ºC Humidity: 25% to 75% IP Rating IP51 Maximum Number of Devices per Loop: 126 Maximum Number of Devices per Conventional Zone: 40 Cable Loop Characteristics: 2 core. 1.5 to 2.5mm² Power Supply Output Voltage: 27V ( Set to 27.2V ) Power Supply Output Current: 2Amp, 5.6Amp or 18Amp Power Supply Input: 85 - 240V AC Panel Current Draw: 450 mA (min) Battery Type and Capacity: 2 x 12V sealed lead-acid batteries (capacity is determined by the installation configuration and supplementary documentation Power Supply and Battery Calculation ). 19.2 V Minimum Operating Voltage: 5.7 Cabling Recommendations Conventional Zones Cabled in red Twin Plastic Sheath ( TPS ) or fire rated Radox or approved equivalent. Analogue Loop Two core cable. The minimum cable size is 0.75mm 2, the maximum loop resistance is 50 ohms and the maximum loop distance is 2km. RS 422 Loop Two twisted pair screened ( 4 core ) cable originating from FACP extending through the protected areas and returning to the FACP. Cable Specifications Capacitance of 100 picofarads per metre or less Resistance of 100 milliohms per metre or less Impedance of loop typical 100 to 120 ohms Maximum distances between modules 1.2km providing cable meets above specifications. Recommended cable type Belden 8132 or 9842 (non fire rated) Radox FR Communication 0.75mm 1 pair (fire rated) x 2 LCD Repeater Two by two twisted pair shielded cable (4 core) plus 2 Maximum distance between LCD mimic panel and FACP. is 1.2km. core power, or local supply. Note: If the LCD operates in a redundant path mode the total cores including power is 10. The preferred cabling method in this case is 1 X 2 pair twisted shielded cable ( 4 core ) and 1 X two pair twisted shielded cable (4 core) plus 2 core power LED Mimic ( RS485 ) Two core twisted shielded cable (No return loop) plus 2 core power or local supply. Maximum distance between each LED repeater card and FACP. is 1.2km. Recommended Cable Type Hartland HC2335 Belden 9841 Radox FR Communication Page 8 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Fire Alarm Bell Connection Two core 1.5mm2 PVC sheathed MIMS ( Mineral Insulated Metal Sheathed ) to the bell location. Brigade Connection Via Telecom Two core 1.5mm² PVC sheathed MIMS from the FACP to the Telecom MDF. RJ45 Multi-drop Serial Port 5.8 Power Supplies and AC Mains Installation AC Mains will be connected to either a 2 Amp, 5 Amp or 18Amp 27 volt supply. These supplies will be either mounted in the upper or lower right hand corner of the cabinet with the Brigade Board mounted above or below. The wiring should enter the cabinet through the nearest knockout entry hole on that side. See the following diagrams for the actual wiring and fusing details for each supply. Common Power Supply Features & Specifications High efficiency, low working temp. Universal AC input/ full range Short circuit/ over load Built in EMI Filter and PFC Circuit Over voltage protection Input Voltage: Input Freq PFC 85 to 264 VAC 47 to 63Hz. 0.95~230VAC High efficiency; low ripple noise Soft start with limiting AC surge current 100% full load burn-in test Remote control on/off (option) Over temp. protection (option) Tolerance at 27V Load Regulation Line Regulation +/- 1% +/- 0.5% +/- 0.5% Power Supply Specifications Type No S-60-27 Output 27V @ 2.2A Tolerance 1% R&N 150mV Efficiency 79% SP-150-27 27V @ 5.6A 1% 150mV 84% SP-500-27 27VDC @ 18A 1% 200mV 86% Connecting the Mains Power to the Power Supply Terminate the mains power to the 240 VAC switch terminal block as shown below. POWER SWITCH (LOOKING AT REAR) BROWN (ACTIVE) 1 C LOOP MAINS CORD EARTH (GREEN) TO CHASIS EARTH TERMINAL BLUE (NEUTRAL) NOTE: Output Voltage is Set to 27.4Volts. BROWN (ACTIVE) DC 27V TO PANEL FUSE Rating 1 Amp 3AG Slow Blow V ADJ Mains cable should be no less than 0.75mm LED V+ V- GND N(AC) L(AC) Figure 6: Mains Power Connection to the 2 Amp Power Supply Page 9 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION MAINS CORD POWER SWITCH (LOOKING AT REAR) BROWN (ACTIVE) 1 C LOOP FIREFINDERTM BLUE (NEUTRAL) EARTH (GREEN) TO CHASSIS EARTH TERMINAL 27VDC TO BRIGADE PSU MONITOR BOARD BLACK NOTE: Output Voltage is Set to 27.4 Volts. FUSE Rating 2 Amp 3AG Slow Blow RED L(AC) N(AC) (AC) -V -V +V +V + Fuse is under this cover V ADJ Mains cable should be no less than 0.75mm Figure 7: Mains Power Connection to the 5 Amp Power Supply POWER SWITCH (LOOKING AT REAR) BROWN (ACTIVE) 1 C EARTH (GREEN) TO CHASSIS EARTH TERMINAL LOOP MAINS CORD BLUE (NEUTRAL) NOTE: Output Voltage is Set to 27.4 Volts. FUSE Rating 5 Amp 3AG Slow Blow (AC) (AC) L N ( AC ) (AC) FG NC NC G RC RED DC 27V TO PANEL Mains cable should be no less than 0.75mm BLACK +S +27V 18A -V -S V ADJ + Figure 8: Mains Power Connection to the 18 Amp Power Supply Page 10 FIREFINDERTM 5.9 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Current Limiter, Fuse Board The Current Limiter, Fuse Board provides protection for the boards, cards and other 27VDC distribution within the FACP when the 18Amp power supply is used. The four LED’s associated with the board indicate that 27VDC is available at each of the outputs CN1 – 5. BRD85CLFB1-A U2 HS1 U1 RV1 Q1 Q3 Q2 N1236 F1 F2 1A 1A CN1 CN2 F3 1A F4 1A F5 1A TB1 TB4 CN3 CN4 CN5 0V+27V 0V 0V +27V 0V CN1-5 PINOUT = 0V, +27V, 0V +27V + OUTPUT - + BATT - + PSU I/P - +BATT V TO 302-6730 TB1 TO 302-6730 CN1 MAF, FRONT DOOR AND BACKPAN DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION EV60 / 120 TONE GEN Figure 9: Current Limiter Fuse Board Connecting the Mains Earth 1. All earth cabling shall be terminated to the panel Chassis Earth Terminal in a star configuration. 2. The earth cable closest to the cabinet body shall have an M4 SPW beneath the lug then an M4 SPW and M4 nut. 3. Each additional earth cable shall be terminated with an M4 SPW and M4 nut. 4. An additional M4 nut and M4 SPW are fitted to the Chassis Earth Terminal for installers to connect their Mains Earth. CHASSIS EARTH TERMINAL M4 Nut * M4 Shake Proof Washer * M4 Nut M4 Shake Proof Washer Note: * Extra M4 Nut and M4 SPW are provided finger tight on the Earth bolt. Earth Cable M4 Nut Earth Cable M4 Shake Proof Washer Figure 10: Panel Earthing Page 11 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 5.10 Brigade / PSU Monitor Board 302 - 6730 The Brigade / PSU Monitor Board monitors and controls the power supply, battery charging, monitored / un-monitored inputs, outputs and the 7 relay outputs. Providing the Power supply has adequate capacity monitored Bell/Sounder O/P’s are capable of driving 2 X 2Amp circuits. Each circuit, terminated in a bell/sounder or not, requires a 10K EOL resistor to give a system normal indication. If either circuit is open or shorted, the panel buzzer will sound and a Sounder Fault will be indicated on the Panel. Monitoring is achieved using a small reverse polarity current. For this reason it is necessary to ensure that all alarm devices are fitted with a series diode (1N4004 recommended) and correct polarity is observed for both the output and the sounders they are connected to. Relay outputs marked NO, C and NC are voltage free relay contacts. Outputs marked +ve and -ve are fitted with resistors (10k) to allow the circuit to be monitored. If these outputs are un-used they must be terminated at the terminal block or turned off in ConfigManger. For all outputs combined, total output current is 2A ( if 2.5A power supply is being used ). Once all the field devices are installed and the wiring has been correctly terminated the FireFinder™ is ready to turn on. Turn the Mains power on, and connect the batteries observing correct polarity. The green power on LED should be illuminated. OUTPUT RATINGS TB 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 Function Bell 1 Bell 2 Plant (Aux) Monitored Plant (Aux) Non-Monitored Warn Sys (Evac) Monitored Warn Sys (Evac) Un-Monitored Fault Monitored Fault Non-Monitored Isolate Alarm Valve Monitor Batt Fail ( Relay Normally Energised ) Battery Output Aux Power Output 1 Aux Power Output 1 – EV40 use Aux Power Output 2 Type of Output 2 Amp Fused 2 Amp Fused 1 Amp Fused 1 Amp Voltage Free Contacts 1 Amp Fused 1 Amp Voltage Free Contacts 1 Amp Fused 1 Amp Voltage Free Contacts 1 Amp Voltage Free Contacts 1 Amp Voltage Free Contacts 1 Amp Voltage Free Contacts 1 Amp Voltage Free Contacts Thermistor Protected 1 Amp Fused Not Monitored 3 Amp Fused Not Monitored 1 Amp Fused Not Monitored Fuse F2 F3 F4 Relay RL 1 RL 1 RL2 F5 RL3 F6 RL 4 RL6 RL 5 RL 8 RL 7 F7 F7 F8 Fuse Information 1. All fuses are of the Glass M205 style. 2. F1 is 6.3A 3. Voltage Free contacts are rated at 1A @ 30V Back EMF Protection Inductive loads fitted to the Brigade PSU Monitor Board MUST be fitted with “Flyback” diodes at the load for back EMF protection. Transient Protection Recognised transient line protection methodologies at the FACP and the load MUST also be considered when connecting any control devices to the outputs be they in close or remote proximity to the FACP. Page 12 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION - TB3 CN5 F3 2A To CN7 of the Main Controller Board + - C NC NO Bell 1 RL1 /// + Bell 2 F2 2A Monitored EOL Required TB4 + - NO C NC + - NO C NC EOL 10K Ohms Bell Un-monitored or Sounder Auxiliary Monitored EOL Required Note: If a diode is NOT fitted internally to a bell / sounder a diode MUST be fitted as shown - fit 1N4004 or similar Warning System Alarm RL2 F4 1A Note: Wired as for a Bell TB5 1, 2 could be used as a Sounder O/P TB5 + - + - F5 1A Aux 2 27VDC Supply Warning System 27VDC * NOTE: When used for the EV40 F7 MUST be changed to 3 Amps F7 1A Alarm Relay Valve Mon Relay CN3 TB6 CN2 TB7 TB8 TB9 TB10 RL6 F6 1A CN1 RL5 RL8 RL7 TB11 TB1 CN6 ASE Fault NO + BAT - DBA Door MCP Switch Monitored C CN1, 2, 3 Supplies Regulated +27VDC to Internal Boards F1 6.3A + IN - NC -+- -+- -+- Isolate Relay RL4 302-6730 EOL Required + - NO C NC Monitored NO C NC NO C NC NO C NC NO C NC Fault Note: NC C NO Denotes Voltage Free Contacts NC = Normally Closed C = Common NO = Normally Open * TB2 Un-monitored Batt Fail Relay ( Normally Energised ) F8 1A EOL Required +27VDC from PSU Battery 1 12 Volts + - + - Battery 2 12Volts Figure 11: Brigade / PSU Monitor Board Layout Note: When connecting to the Brigade PSU Monitor board transient and “Flyback” (Back EMF) protection methodologies MUST be applied. Page 13 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 5.11 Brigade / PSU Monitor Board & Battery Connections A FireFinder can be supplied with two ( 2 ) 12 volt batteries. The batteries should be placed into the bottom right hand side of the cabinet. A red and black lead coming from TB1 on the Brigade Board will be clearly seen in the same area, this lead is to be connected to the batteries red to positive and black to negative once the system is operating on Mains supply. TB1 Brigade/PSU Monitor Board C14 M20 + IN - TB1 is located on the bottom right hand side of the board + BAT - + Battery 1 12 Volts +27VDC FROM PSU - + - Battery 2 12Volts Figure 12: Battery Connection To The Brigade Board 5.12 Brigade / PSU Monitor Board Auxiliary 27 Volt Power Two ( 2 ) 1 Amp outputs are available from TB2 terminals 1+ ( plus ) and 2- ( minus ) or 3+ and 4- on the Brigade Board. It is important to note these outputs are not monitored. TB2 is located in the middle of the left hand side of the board TB2 C27 + -+ - 2 X LIMITED 1A AUX POWER OUTPUTS Brigade/PSU Monitor Board F8 1A F7 1A * If TB2 1/2 are used to power an * NOTE: EV40 F7 MUST be changed to 3AMPS Figure 13: Auxiliary 27v Power Output 5.13 Brigade / PSU Monitor Board DBA / MCP & Door Switch Connections If used the DBA / MCP & Door Switch Connections are shown below. Note: Door Switch is Open for Normal Operation and not Monitored 4K7 DBA / MCP DBA/MCP DOOR SW TB11 Door Switch EOL 10K Ohms TB11 is located in the middle bottom of the board Brigade/PSU Monitor Board TB11 Figure 14: DBA /MCP and Door Switch Wiring 5.14 Brigade PSU Monitor Board ASE Fault Brigade Box Connection If an ASE Brigade Box is included in a system CN6 is used to convey a fault in the box to the FACP. Brigade/PSU Monitor Board NOTE: In New Zealand CN6 is Used to Connect the Brigade Board to a Signal Generating Device (SGD) CN6 1 2 3 4 RL/1 5 6 C NC Figure 15: ASE Fault Switching Page 14 NO FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 5.15 Connecting a Bell / Sounder to the Brigade / PSU Monitor Board Sounders are connected to the Brigade / PSU Monitor Board as shown below. If more sounders are required, the Sounder / Bell Control Board ( 302-7420 ) must be used. Bell 2 EOL 10K Ohms Bell 1 Note: If a diode is NOT fitted internally to a bell / sounder a diode MUST be fitted as shown - fit 1N4004 or similar TB3 is located on the top left hand side of the board TB3 + - + - Note: Outputs are fused @ 2Amps ( F2, F3 ) Brigade/PSU Monitor Board Un-used O/P's must be terminated in 10K Ohms EOL Figure 16: Sounder / Bell Wiring ( Diagram 1 ) TB4 Auxiliary + - NO C NC Note: 1. NO C NC are 1A voltage free contacts 2. + / - are monitored / fused 1A outputs Un-used O/P's must be terminated in 10K Ohms EOL Note: If a diode is NOT fitted internally to a bell / sounder a diode MUST be fitted as shown - fit 1N4004 or similar Sounder TB5 Brigade/PSU Monitor Board EOL 10K Ohms + - NO C NC Warning System EOL 10K Ohms TB4 & 5 are located on the top left hand side of the board Figure 17: Use of Warning System Control for Sounder / Bell Wiring ( Diagram 2 ) 5.16 Warning System Connections Warning systems such as the EV20 and EV40 are connected to the Brigade / PSU Monitor Board as shown below. TB4 Monitored EOL Required Warning System Alarm TB4 & 5 are located on the top left hand side of the board Auxiliary + - NO C NC + - NO C NC Note: 1. NO C NC are 1A voltage free contacts 2. + / - are monitored / fused 1A outputs Un-used O/P's must be terminated in 10K Ohms EOL Brigade/PSU Monitor Board EOL 10K Ohms TB5 Figure 18: EV20 / EV40 Warning System Cabling ( Alternate to Sounder / Bell Wiring ) 5.17 Brigade / PSU Monitor Board Relay Output Connections The relay contacts are connected as shown below. BATT FAIL Note 1: + = 1A monitored output and must be terminated in EOL Note 2: 1A Un-monitored Voltage Free Conacts: NO: Normally Open NC: Normally Closed C: Common NO C NC M23 M27 TB10 C NC VALVE MON ALARM NO CC NC NO CC NC NC NO NC NO M26 TB9 TB8 + - NO CC NC NC NO M24 TB7 TB10 to TB6 are located on the lower left hand side of the board NO Figure 19: Relay Outputs Page 15 FAULT ISOLATE NO CC NC NO NC EOL 10K Ohms TB6 Brigade/PSU Monitor Board FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 5.18 Main Board BRD85MBA The Main Board is the " heart " of the FACP and carries the devices for interconnecting to all the other Boards, a buzzer for auditory indication, the backlight power supply for the LCD and CPU Reset. The Main CPU is mounted on this board and connected to it by CN11. The main connection board then provides interfacing to Up to 4 Slave CPU’s A printer A Modem/Graphics Output An Expansion Panel An Internal serial bus An External communication bus. CN8 provides a serial data (RS232) port for interfacing to the outside world eg modems. This facility is implemented via U15. U21 provides the real time clock for the panel. U19 provides non volatile memory in the form of an EEPROM. The board also provides a data bus for the BRD85CPU processor. RV1 – LCD contrast adjust Supply and Current = 27VDc @ 120mA Connections CONNECTOR CN1 CN2 CN3 CN4 CN5 CN6 CN7 CN8 CN10 CN11 CN12 CN13 CN14 CN15 CN16 CN17 CN18 CN19 CN20 CN21 CONNECTS TO Keyswitch Input Expansion Panel Serial Communication Port Front Keypad Printer Misc Brigade Output Modem Slave CPU output 1 Main CPU LCD Expansion Lead Slave CPU connection Slave CPU connection Slave CPU connection 27VDC in To LCD Backlight supply External Loop Communication LCD Characters RS485 Communications Port 1 RS485 Communications Port 2 Page 16 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION CN17 LC BACKLIGHT RESET SW1 RS485 COMMS CN13 CN14 CN15 SLAVE CPU4 SLAVE CPU3 SLAVE CPU2 CN20 CN11 abc 302-674E 27V IN CN16 C N 1 8 6 7 8 NETWORKING 3 4 5 NODE ADDRESS 2 LCD CONTRAST ADJUST O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 1 RV1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ON O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O SW3 1 ON BOARD SLAVE CPU CABLES TO LOOP TERMINATION BOARD BRD85MBA TOP OVERLAY C N 1 0 CN9 NOT FITTED +- MODEM DEBUG I/O PORT CN8 TO BRIGADE PSU MONITOR BOARD OR SOUNDER BOARD RS485 COMMS CN2 CN6 CN21 BZ1 EXPANSION LEDS INTERNAL PRINTER FRONT PANEL + EXPANSION BOARD FOR 4 SLAVE CPU's CN3 CN4 C N 7 CN5 CN1 NOT USED CONTROL INDICATOR CARD Figure 20: Main Board Layout with no Main CPU or Slave CPU’s 5.19 Front Panel Board 302 -690 The Front Panel Board provides the buttons used to control the FACP as well as all LED indications. All LED’s are surface mounted and the buttons are embedded within the board. The LCD is viewed / protected by a clear perspex screen. API 690 JAN 2002 D21 D1 D16 D15 U1 D2 D8 LCD Cut - out D3 U3 D9 D4 D10 D11 D6 U2 D7 U4 D5 D22 D23 U5 D12 D24 U6 D13 CN1 Cables to CN4 on the Main Board Page 17 D14 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Figure 21: Front Panel Board Page 18 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 5.20 Main CPU BRD85CPU The Main CPU holds the main central processing unit for the FACP. BRD85CPU is a 4-layer surface mount board The processor (U1) is a Motorola MC68302, running at 20MHz. The external data bus is 16 bits wide. The board has 256 Kbytes (128K x 16) of EPROM (U2,U3). 2Mbytes ( 1M x 16 ) of FLASH (U6,U9). 2Mbytes ( 2M x 16 ) of static RAM (U4,U5,U16,U17). U8 is a programmable logic device which implements control signal timing and decoding. External address, data and control lines are buffered by U10, U11, U13, U14 and U15. U7 is a watchdog control and will reset the processor if there as an error in software execution. Two sockets (U2 and U3) are provided for 27C010 EPROMS. U2 provides the even bytes. (D0 toD7) and U3 the odd bytes (D8 to D15 Connections CONNECTOR CN2 CONNECTS TO The Main Board BRDMBA CN11 Board Overlay XL1 a b U8 CN2 U9 U1 1 BRD85CPU306/01/2004 U6 U2 U3 Figure 22: The Main CPU Board PCB Layout Page 19 c FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 5.21 Slave CPU 302-669 The Slave CPU (Central Processing Unit) provides the interfacing signals and I/O’s required to allow the FACP to connect / communicate to a variety of termination boards. A single chip micro controller U1 controls all operations of the FACP Slave CPU. This device contains the control program within Read Only Memory (ROM). Communication to the main system is via an eight bit bi-directional bus (CN1). Integrated circuits U5, U3 and U7 provide buffering and data latches that allow data flow between the Main and Slave CPU’s. The buffers hold one output byte and two input bytes. CN1 provides the interconnection to the Termination Board. Within CN1 are ten analogue input lines, two input/output lines, two current loop outputs (RS422) and one current loop input (RS422). All analogue inputs are de-coupled then fed to an eight-bit analogue to digital converter (ADC) U4. The data from the ADC is sent via a serial peripheral interface to the micro controller U8. The current loop inputs and outputs are used to provide various signals according to the board connected. The signals provided can be serial peripheral interface clock and data signals or full duplex asynchronous data and a timing output. U6 provides the signal multiplexing and buffering required to switch between different functions. Automatic Termination Board Sensing A unique feature of the Slave CPU is its ability to automatically sense the type of board it is connected to without the user having to configure the board to suit. Board sensing is done by measuring the voltage on analogue input ten (CN1-10), denoted Type Voltage. Each termination board provides a unique predefined voltage. After the Slave CPU has determined the board type the Slave CPU will set the appropriate operating conditions, signal the Main CPU of the installed type and wait for the Main CPU to inform the Slave to begin executing the program. Connections Connector CN1 Connects to 302-735, 302-671 and 302-672 1 CN2 1 1 TLC542 1 U9 Main Board U8 U5 U7 U6 302-696 U3 1 U4 U2 X1 U1 CN1 CN2 Main Connection Board (BRD85MBA) Figure 23: Slave CPU Board Page 20 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 5.22 RS232 Modem / Programming / Debug Interfacing The modem I/O port is a DB9 connector ( CN8 situated on the lower left hand corner of the Main Board BRD85MBA ) that is normally used for programming of the FACP via the serial port of a PC or Laptop. The Controller also has the required hand shaking to support connection to a Modem, thus allowing the FACP to be programmed from a remote site that has an established telephone connection. This allows the system software to be upgraded by simply transmitting a file via the serial port of the PC or Modem external to the FACP. Diagnostic facilities are also available via the same connection. Plug in DB9 Connector 6 7 8 9 Note: CN8 is located on the lower left hand side of the Main Board 1 2 3 4 5 Rx Data Tx Data Signal Ground CN8 Figure 24: DB9 Connector CN8 as Mounted on the Main Board 1 2 CORE SHIELDED CABLE 5 9 6 Rx Data 2 4 3 3 Tx Data 4 2 Rx Data 5 1 8 7 Tx Data 7 8 6 9 DB9F CONNECTOR ( Female Rear View ) DB9F CONNECTOR ( Female Rear View ) Plugs into FACP To Modem or PC Figure 25: Modem / Programming / Debug Cabling 5.23 Ancillary Services The FACP has been designed such that detectors and/or call points, in addition to giving an alarm and calling the fire brigade, will close or open circuits of ancillary services by means of relays or similar devices. Examples of these services are: (a) (b) (c) (d) actuation of fixed fire-extinguishing systems; closing of windows, smoke and fire doors, control of ventilating systems; covering of tanks containing flammable liquids and controlling their valves to isolate the contents from direct contact with the fire, etc. To facilitate safe maintenance of these services an option is available that allows for the isolation and visual indication of the disablement of ancillary services that does not affect the normal operation of the fire alarm system. To ensure power to the fire alarm system is not prejudiced in any way, power for the ancillary services must be included in the calculation of the power supply and battery capacity. Page 21 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 5.24 Conventional Zone Board 302 - 6710 Under the control of a Slave CPU the 302-6710 Conventional Zone Board provides the interface between it and the external conventional devices. 16 Conventional zones can be connected to TB4 to terminated in an EOL resistor of 3K3 as shown below. TB4 + _ Zone 1 + _ + _ + _ + _ Zone 2 Zone 3 TB3 Zone 4 Zone 5 + _ + _ + _ Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 To Slave CPU 302-6692 TB1. All un-used zone connections MUST be 3K3 EOL 4K7 3K3 EOL MCP 3K3 EOL 3K3 EOL OUT L1 L1 IN 3K3 EOL -R L2 L2 3K3 EOL 3K3 EOL OUT L1 L1 IN -R L2 L2 TB2 + _ Zone 9 + _ + _ + _ +_ Zone 10 Zone 11 Zone 12 TB1 Zone 13 Zone 14 C1 CN1 + _ + _ + _ To 27VDC Regulated Output of the Brigade / PSU Monitor Board Zone 15 Zone 16 + POWER 3K3 EOL 3K3 EOL 3K3 EOL OUT L1 L1 E O L L2 IN -R L2 3K3 EOL 3K3 EOL 3K3 EOL 3K3 EOL 3K3 EOL 3K3 EOL The Above Shows a Series 60 Monitored Detector Circuit 302-671B 27/2/01 Figure 26: Conventional Board Layout Alarm Zone Facilities ( AZF ) Parameters Maximum Line Voltage: The maximum line voltage is limited to the system voltage. With a nominal battery voltage of 27V, system voltage and therefore open circuit voltage would be approximately 26.4V. Page 22 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 5.25 Addressable Loop Termination Board 302 - 7350 The Addressable Loop Termination Board acts as the interface between the external addressable devices and the control and monitoring functions of the FireFinder™. Each board provides terminations for two loops. One slave CPU is required per loop. The 2 Addressable loops are connected to TB1 and TB2. Note: Apollo devices L2 is +ve (positive), L1 is -ve (negative) Connect the XP-95 / DISCOVERY loop to the panel as shown below. AMPAC strongly recommend that the LoopManager test set is used to check that the Apollo loop has been correctly installed and commissioned before connecting it to the FireFinder™. Loop Parameters 126 Apollo Devices 250mA Current Max S/C protection circuitry activates at approximately 300mA LOOP 1 ADDRESSABLE DEVICES LOOP 2 ADDRESSABLE DEVICES IN OUT A L2+ L1- L2+ L1- B A L2+ L1- L2+ L1- B L1 L1 R+ TB1 TB2 B A IN -R L2 L2 B A OUT LOOP NORMAL LED A monitoring each Loop is ON L1 L1 LOOP IN FAULT LED A & B ON indicates a fault on the Loop ( S/C, O/C ) and the Loop is being monitored in both directions R+ L2 -R L2 L1 L1 R+ L2 -R L2 T0 SLAVE CPU 302-6692 CN1 C N 3 C N 1 T0 SLAVE CPU 302-6692 CN1 Wiring Shown Above is for a XP95 Circuit with one Detector Having LED Monitoring F1: 3AMP M205 27V INTO DC TO DC CONVERTOR F1 3A REGULATED 27VDC In / Out CN4 CN2 + + RV1 26V ADJ POWER Figure 27: Loop Termination Board Page 23 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 6 Expanding the FACP with Compatible FireFinderTM Boards Numbers in Italic are Panel Add On Order Codes Module / Function............................................... Order Codes Max Number Off 8 per Slave CPU 16/16 Input / Output Board .......................................... (302-6720) ( SP1X: 159-0113, SP8X: 159-0051, SP16X: 159-0009 ) 8 Way Relay Board ..................................................... (302-6760) 16 per Slave CPU ( SP1X: 159-0013, SP8X: 159-0013, SPX16X: 159-0015 ) 16 Way Input Board .................................................... (302-6770) 8 per Slave CPU ( SP1X: 159-114, SP8X: 159-0010, SP16X: 159-0011 ) Serial Relay Board ...................................................... (302-7320) 16 per Controller ( SP1X: 159-0079, SP8X: 159-0072, SP16X: 159-0072) Fire Fan Module / Fire Fan Termination Board ............. (159-0103 H/W) 15 per Controller ( SP1X: 159-0103, SP8X:159-0104, SP16X: 159-0119 ) Fire Fan Module ( Loop Driven ) .................................. (159-0105) General Indicator Card [ 32 Zone Alarm ] ..................... (85BRDGIBB) * 16 ( SP1X: 159-0106 ) * Configuration dependant ( SP8X: 159-0089, SP16X: 159-0120 ) General Indicator Card [ 16/16 Zone Alarm / Fault ] ..... (85BRDGIBB) * 16 ( SP1X: 159-0107) * Configuration dependant ( SP8X: 159-0108, SP16X: 159-0121 ) General Indicator Card ( Amber LED’s ) ....................... SP1X: 159-0123, SP8X &16: 159-0124 Printer ......................................................................... (TPUP-AT) 1 per Controller ( SP1X: 159-0084, SP8X: 159-0110 ) Sounder/Bell Controller Board 8 X 1A per Circuit ......... (302-7420) 8 per Controller ( SP1X, SP8X: 159-0071 ) Sounder/Bell Controller Board 4Volt free, 4x1Amp ....... (302-7421) 8 per Controller ( SP1X, SP8X: 150-0069 ) Agent Release Module / Agent Termination Board ....... (BRD25ARB-A) 8 per Controller ( SP1X:159-0099, SP8X: 159-0100, SP16X: 159-0117 ) Local Control Station (IP40) ......................................... (BRD25ARB-B) 4 per Termination Board (N/A) Expansion Board ........................................................ (302-6880) 1 per Controller ( SP8X: 159-0112, SP16X: 159-0022 ) Expansion Controller ................................................... (SP16X: 159-0077) 3 per Node ( Rack: 159-0067 ) Occupant Warning System – EV20 .............................. Factory fit Occupant Warning System – EV40 / 60 / 120............... Factory fit Occupant Warning System – EV3000 .......................... Factory fit Brigade Devices .......................................................... Factory fit Compatible Networking Devices Network Interface Card ............................................... (302-7240) 1 per Controller ( SP1: 159-0053, SP8X: 159-116, SP16X: 159-0053 ) Controller Interface Card ............................................. (302-7250) 1 per Controller ( SP1X: 159-0054, SP8X: 159-0115, SP16X: 159-0054 ) LCD Repeater ( Supplied Complete ) ........................... (302-7200) Note # 2 ( 159-0044 ) Note # 1 : This comprises 4 on the Main Controller and 4 on the Expansion Board. Page 24 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Note # 2 : Depends on the configuration and the number of Panels in the System. Page 25 FIREFINDERTM 6.1 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 16/16 Input / Output Board 302 - 6720 The Input / Output Board is connected to the slave CPU via CN1 and acts as the interface between the Slave CPU, 8 Way Relay Board and the 16 Way Opto Input Board. Dependant on the panel configuration a maximum of 8 Input / Output boards can be daisy chained together. TO 16 WAY OPTO INPUT BOARD TO 8 WAY RELAY BOARDS 1 2 CN3 I/P 1-16 CN5 O/P 1-8 CN4 O/P 9-16 CTRL IN CTRL OUT U2 U1 U7 U8 U6 TO CN1 OF THE SLAVE CPU (302-6690) U9 CN2 CONTROL OUT TO CONTROL IN OF NEXT INPUT / OUTPUT BOARD OR FAN CONTROL BOARD MAXIMUM OF 8 BOARDS PER SLAVE CPU +5V U3 CN6 U5 CN1 0V CN7 U4 POWER +V CN2 +27V IN OUT + - + - 302-6720 1/98 Figure 28: 16 / 16 Input / Output Board 6.2 8 Way Relay Board 302 – 6760 / 1 Relay Outputs: Each 8 Way Relay Board 302-676 is fitted with either eight 1A, RL1 to 8, (302-6760) or 5A, RL9 to 16, (302-6761) relays with voltage free contacts which can be used for control ( eg. releasing doors ) or monitoring ( eg. driving indicators, door open / closed ) purposes. O/P 1 O/P 2 O/P 3 O/P 4 O/P 5 O/P 6 O/P 7 O/P 8 N/0 C N/C N/0 C N/C N/0 C N/C N/0 C N/C N/0 C N/C N/0 C N/C N/0 C N/C N/0 C N/C TB1 TB2 CN1 C TO CN4 OR CN5 OR THE 1/0 BOARD 302-6720 N/C RL1 N/O N/O N/O N/O N/O N/O N/O RL10 RL11 RL12 RL13 RL14 RL15 RL16 C C C C C C C N/C RL2 N/C RL3 N/C RL4 N/C RL5 N/C RL6 N/C RL7 N/C RL8 N/O RL9 C N/C RL1 5 Amp Version Legend 1 Amp Version Figure 29: 8 Way Relay Board With 1A Relays Fitted ( 302-6760 ) Page 26 302-676x N/O RL9 FIREFINDERTM 6.3 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 16 Way Input Board 302 - 6770 Opto-Inputs: Up to 16 inputs can be connected to the 16 Way Input Board. These inputs are required to be voltage free contacts as shown below. AS AN EXAMPLE INPUTS 1 AND 16 CONNECTED TO VOLTAGE-FREE CONTACTS COMCOM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 U1 U3 U2 U5 U4 TB5 TB4 TB3 U6 U7 U9 U11 U8 U10 U12 TB6 U13 302-6770 TB2 TB1 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 U15 U14 U16 CN1 TO CN3 OF 302-6720 Figure 30: 16 Way Input Board (302-6770) 6.4 Serial Relay Board 302 - 7320 Relay Outputs: Each Serial Relay Board 302-7320 communicates with the Main Controller via the Serial Bus and is fitted with eight 1A relays with voltage free contacts. A maximum of 16 boards can be daisy chained together per Controller. Cabled to CN3 of 302-674 or CN2 of Previous Serial Board O/P 1 N/0 O/P 2 C N/C N/0 O/P 3 C N/C N/0 O/P 4 C N/C N/0 O/P 5 C N/C N/0 O/P 6 C N/C N/0 C N/C O/P 7 N/0 O/P 8 C N/C N/0 TB2 TB1 IN C N/C CN1 10 Way Ribbon RL1 OU T Cabled to CN1 (IN) of next Serial Board RL2 RL3 RL4 RL5 RL6 RL7 RL8 CN2 CN3 CN4 U7 U6 U1 U5 302-7320 To 27VDC Regulated Output of Brigade / PSU Monitor Board Figure 31: Serial Relay Board (302-7320) Note: These boards are not monitored so should not be used for brigade calling or with occupant warning systems Page 27 FIREFINDERTM 6.5 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Fire Fan Module BRD25FCB The Fire Fan Module has four ( 4 ) separate fan controls each having an On, Auto and Off function switch and a set of three (3) monitoring LED’s. The LED’s indicate the status of the equipment eg. Run, Fault or Stop. The two ( 2 ) arrow head keys are used to step up and / or down through the three ( 3 ) conditions. A slip in label can also be inserted into the hinged cover for identification purposes. A loop driven version is also available (159-0105 ) Note#: As per AS 1668.1 1991, Clause 14.17.4 lettering on any of the slip in labels must be at least 5mm in height. Quiescent Current: 13.5mA Module & PCB Securing Tabs ( Top & Bottom ) WINDOWS PCB C le TIV AT E FOR SLIP IN LABELS P la s tic D C li pI nL ab C N 1 el WINDOWS PL TT Top Module & PCB Securing Clips Address Switch Set to 1 Out In AN ON C N 2 1 2 3 4 AC ar RIP K2 Termination Link RE SE CN1: Communications & 27V IN from CN2 off the previous Front Panel Card or CN20 on the Main Control Board T Slip In Label Clip On Plastic Surround ( Push down here and pull out to remove and insert labels ) CN2: Communications & 27V OUT to Next Front Panel Card. If Unsed the Termination Link Must be Inserted. Lettering on slip in labels must be at least 5mm in height. Bottom Module & PCB Securing Clips Figure 32: Fire Fan Module Front Panel 6.6 Figure 33: Fire Fan Module PCB Layout Fan Termination Board BRD25FTB The Fan Termination Board interfaces between the Fire Fan Module and the plant/equipment it controls via the 24 volt 250mA Start, Stop, current limited, relay outputs and monitor inputs. Programmable monitoring of the field equipment is achieved using 0 volts as an input level to indicate run, fault and stop conditions of that equipment. Monitoring is programmed in the Function Menu for a 3, 4 or 5 Wire Start / Stop, Run, Fault, Stop & Common functions. The inputs are protected by way of resetable transorbs and resistive / capacitive networks. Connectors CN5 Is used for factory programming only and may not be available on all boards. Terminal Blocks TB2 – 5Are used to connect the fan control and monitoring wiring to the board. FAN 1 FAN 1 START STOP RUN FLT STOP COM FAN 2 FAN 2 START STOP RUN FLT STOP COM TB2 TB3 FAN 3 FAN 3 START STOP RUN FLT STOP COM TB4 FAN 4 FAN 4 START STOP RUN FLT STOP COM FAN MONITORING TB5 RUN RUN STOP STOP RS485 Control in from CN2 of Previous Board or CN21 of the Main Control Board CN1 LK1 EOL Termination CN3 CN4 27V Out to Next Board if Applicable COM STOP, START, RUN, STOP = 4 WIRE ON 1 2 3 4 Cabling from FACP to Plant / Equipment STOP, START, RUN = 3 WIRE RS485 Control Out to Next Board or Link 1 EOL is Applied POWER 0 V +27V CN2 FLT START FAN CONTROL SOLID STATE OR RELAY INTERFACE SW1 Address SW 27V In from the Brigade Broard or CN4 of the Previous Board +24V O/Ps INPUTS 1, 2 & 3 TB 2, 3, 4 or 5 1 2 3 Figure 34: Fan Termination Board Layout and Typical I/O Wiring Page 28 0V STOP, START, RUN, STOP, FAULT = 5 WIRE 4 5 6 FIREFINDERTM 6.7 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Zone & General Indicator Card The General Indicator Card (BRD85GIBB) comes in two versions each consisting of a front clip on surround, decal, mounting frame, PCB and is clipped into the front panel of the FACP to provide visual LED indication of; Zones in alarm x 32 [red], or Zones in alarm x 16 [red] / Zones in fault x 16 [yellow]. Each Indicator can identified by way of slip in labels. Decal Panel & PCB Securing Tabs Connectors Clear Plastic Clip In Label Holder PCB Windows for Slip in Label Clip On Plastic Surround ( Remove to Insert Labels ) To Remove Push Down Here and Lift Upwards Slip In Label Windows for Slip in Label Slip In Label Windows for Slip in Label Windows for Slip in Label Slip In Label Slip In Label Figure 35: 32 Zone Alarm General Indicator Card Top OverLay Control In From CN3 on the Main Board (302-674E) CN3 CN2 Control Out To Next Card D1 D9 D17 D25 D2 D10 D18 D26 D3 D11 D19 D27 D4 D12 D20 D28 D5 D13 D21 D29 D14 D6 D15 D7 D8 Bottom Overlay Figure 36: Bottom Overlay D16 D22 D30 D23 D31 D24 D32 Figure 37: Top Overlay Note #1: DO NOT USE excessive force to remove any component once it is clipped into position. Note #2: If the indicator becomes illuminated it remains so until “Reset” is pressed. Note #3: The indicators are tested by the Lamp Test control. DEC2580-T1 BRD85GIBB2 050603 LED's Windows for Slip in Labels RED D1 D9 D17 D25 YELLOW D2 D10 D18 D26 RED D3 D11 D19 D27 YELLOW D4 D12 D20 D28 RED D5 D13 D21 D29 YELLOW D6 D14 D22 D30 RED D7 D15 D23 D31 D16 D24 D32 YELLOW D8 Figure 38: 16 Zone Alarm / Fault Card Decal & PCB Layout Page 29 FIREFINDERTM 6.8 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 8 Way Sounder Monitor Board 302 – 7420 / 1 The 8 way Sounder Monitor Board allow a larger number of bells and sounders to be connected to the FireFinder™ System. The 302-742 is built in two versions: 1. 302-7420: All outputs are monitored and provide 1 Amp per circuit. 2. 302-7421: The first 4 circuits are Voltage free contacts, the second 4 are as per the 302-7420. Wiring to the Monitored sounder outputs is as per the 302-6730. The Sounder/ Bell monitor board connects to the serial peripheral interface (SPI) bus. This is the same bus that connects to the Brigade Output Board and a maximum of 8 boards can be daisy chained together. Note: Output current is dependent on the capacity of the Power Supply R10 D2 R37 R33 R11 D33 F2 1A R34 D3 TB3 R12 D34 C26 R38 RL2 R30 R21 1A TB2 C25 R29 R20 F1 F3 RL3 1A D4 F4 1A TB5 R40 R36 R23 D5 F5 C20 R6 D7 R26 R17 D6 C21 R7 RL5 F6 C22 R8 1A TB6 D30 F7 RL7 R27 R18 1A D29 RL6 1A TB7 D31 R28 R19 R9 D8 C23 RL8 F8 10K EOL U9 Note: If the O/P was configured as a monitored O/P, as below, NO is the +ve leg while NC is the -ve leg. D28 R25 R16 R32 RL4 -VE +VE -VE +VE -VE +VE -VE +VE R35 R39 C27 R22 R31 TB4 D35 R13 EOL Resistors are not required if the O/P is configured for Volt Free Contacts NO, NC, & C 10K EOL C NC- NO+ C NC- NO+ C NC- NO+ C NC- NO+ C24 D32 RL1 10K EOL 10K EOL 10K EOL 1A D9 X1 302-742 U7 U2 This area will be marked with the correct Version Number U1 AT90S8535-8JC LK2 U3 U4 TB1 LK1 NORMAL IN OUT CN1 CN2 D10 C5 +27V To CN7 of the Main Controller D1 C4 To IN (CN1) of next Sounder Monitor Board or Output Brigade Board CN5 All Fuses are 1A M205 Style 0V To the AUX Power O/P TB2 of the O/P Brigade Board = Shaded Components are Not Fitted to 302-7421 Sounder Monitor Brd. Volt-Free but are Fitted to the 302-7420 Figure 39: Sounder / Bell Controller Board 302-742x Page 30 FIREFINDERTM 6.9 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Printer Specifications Printing method: directed impact dot matrix Printing mechanism: 4/6 pin shuttle Interface: 8 bit parallel interface Interface port: 26 PIN flat plug 6.9.1 Indicators and Buttons The front panel has an LED indicator and two buttons SEL (SELECT), LF (LINE FEED). Press to Release Mechanism PUSH to lock Mechanism TP PUSH Indicator INDICATOR Press and turn to tighten ribbon SEL Button SEL LF Button LF Ribbon Cassette Paper Paper Cutter Instructions Figure 40: Printer Front Panel Layout ( Front Cover Closed / Open ) 1. Indicator When the 3 colour LED indicator is illuminated; red it indicates the printer is offline with no paper; green it indicates the printer is On Line; yellow it indicates the printer is On Line with no paper; or if it is off indicates the printer is Off Line or printer is busy. 2. SEL Button a) On Line / Off Line State The printer enters the On Line state automatically when power is applied or on exiting from the Self-Test mode. ( LED is green ). Press the SEL button, the LED is turned off and the printer goes Off Line. Press the SEL button again, the LED turns on and the printer is On Line again. Note : The printer will not receipt data when the printer is off line. b) Pausing the Printer While It Is Printing. Press the SEL button while the printer is printing, the printer will pause and enter the Off Line mode after it finishes printing the row it was currently printing. The printer will continue to print when the SEL button is pressed again. c) Enter the HEX-DUMP mode Remove power from the printer, press the SEL button, then reconnect the printer to the power supply. The printer will enter the HEX-DUMP mode. In this mode any programs sent from the host CPU will be printed out in Hexadecimal. LF Button While the printer is Off Line press the LF button, paper feed will be initiated press again to cancel. 4. Self-Test Mode With power applied (green LED illuminated ) push the SEL button. This will turn off the LED, press and hold in the LF button then press the SEL button again and the printer will enter the Self Test mode. Self-test will print out all the valid characters in the character sets. Page 31 FIREFINDERTM 5) INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Exit the Self-Test Mode: a) After printing out the complete Self-Test list the printer will exit the mode automatically; or b) Press the SEL button and the printer will immediately exit the Self-Test mode. 6.9.2 Maintenance Installing The Ribbon Cassette The printer has a factory loaded ink ribbon cassette. Ribbon Replacement; Mechanism Release Button Hinges PUSH 1. 2. LED 3. Push Buttons 4. Remove the power from the printer. Unlock the front cover by pushing down on the tab at the top of the front panel. Push the mechanism release button in the top right corner to release the print head. To remove the ribbon cassette gently pull out the left end then the right. Paper Replace the cassette by putting the right end of the new cassette slightly onto the drive axle then gentle pushing the left end into the clips. Paper Cutter The left end of the cassette can only be pressed in after the right end has been correctly seated onto the drive axle. If alignment is difficult it may be necessary to turn the knob on the cassette slightly. Now check that the ribbon is tight across the face of the cassette, that is on the inside of the cassette and across the paper. Turn the knob clockwise again if the ribbon is on the outside of the cassette. Front Door Locking Tab Figure 41: Front Panel Push back the mechanism head and lock it, close the cover of the printer and reconnect the power. Loading the Paper Roll 1. Disconnect the power, unlock and open the front cover. 2. Push down on the mechanism release button in the top right corner to release the head. 3. Lift the mechanism as shown below. Mechanism Release Button Hinges PUSH LED Push Buttons Paper Note: Front Door Removed Ink Ribbon Cassette Note: Front Door Removed Replacement Paper Roll Figure 42: Head Mechanism Rotation and Paper Roll Removal / Insertion 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Take out the empty paper roll and roller Put the new paper roll onto the paper roller and replace as shown above. Connect to the power supply. Press the SEL button to take the printer Off Line, ( LED is off ). Press the LF button, ( paper feed ). Feed the edge of the paper into the mechanism and allow it to feed through. Once it established the paper is feeding through the head mechanism correctly press the SEL button to stop the paper feed. Return the printer head to its original position. Pushing on the affixed label PUSH the head mechanism back into position. Close the front cover. Page 32 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Note #1: Press only on the PUSH label to return the head mechanism back into position. Note #2 :The above instructions are graphically displayed on the inside of the front cover.. 6.9.3 Printer Connections and Jumpering Mounted on the back of the printer mechanism is the PCB that carries the; 1. connectors for interconnection to the Main Board, 2. jumper links required to set the programmed print modes; and 3. Printer 5 volt DC Power Supply. 5V Power Supply Connector to Main Board J2 J3 C9 R2 + R3 U3 U2 C6 C7 C19 C21 D2 T4 C5 U8 U7 R9 T1 J1 OPEN ESC Command Set CLOSE UP Command Set J2 OPEN ASCII Char Mode CLOSE Chinese Mode J3 OPEN UP-A Direction CLOSE UP-T Direction U5 C18 C8 T3 Connector to Front Panel LED & Switches C17 R8 C4 T2 C20 U4 X1 C2 C16 C15 U6 C3 U1 UP-ATHZP VER:CC 2002.1 - C14 R7 C1 U9 C12 R6 R1 R5 R4 D1 J1 C13 R10 J6 R11 J7 Connector to Print Head C22 J7 Select 12X12 (Pins 1/2) or 15X16 (Pins 2/3) Chinese Characters Figure 43: PCB Layout Jumper Settings Designator J1 J2 Set as Default J3 J7 Set as Default Jumper State NOT Inserted Inserted NOT Inserted Function Selects ESC Commands Selects UP Commands Selects ASCII Character Printing Mode Inserted Selects Chinese Character Printing Mode Select Printing by Contrary Direction Select printing in the Normal Direction Selects the 12 X 12 Font NOT Inserted Inserted Insert the Shorting Clip Between Pins 1 and 2 Insert the Shorting Clip Between Pin 2 and 3 Selects the 15 X 16 Font 6.9.4 Printer 5 Volt Power Supply ( 302-713 ) 27 volts DC is taken from Brigade / PSU Monitor Board and fed to CN 2 of the 5volt Printer Power Supply Board. It is this board that drops this voltage from 27volts to 5volts for use by the Printer. IN: 18 -36VDC OUT: 5VDC - CN2 OUT OUT + - IN + API-713 HY1 0.5A - F1 5V OUT CN1 + - 27VDC IN + TO PRINTER Figure 44: Printer Power Supply Board Layout Page 33 FIREFINDERTM 7 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Expanding the System Through Networking Expanding the system can be achieved in various ways and requires the use of boards specifically designed for communications purposes and boards that actually expand the system. 7.1 Communications: Controller Interface Card 302 - 725 The Controller Interface Card ( CIC ) provides 1 X RS232 O/P for High Level Interfaces, Graphics etc., 1 X half duplex RS485 O/P for external LED Mimics, High level Interfaces – EWIS- , Graphics etc and option to allow for multiple CIC interconnection. 27VDC IN K1, K2: Link Pins 1 & 2 on LAST CIC only To Previous CIC CN3 ( OUT ) CN6 + - CN5 F1 2A + - TB3 +27V 0V COM TX D 27VDC IN IN CN1 CN6 + - CN5 + - TB2 TB3 RXD +27V RTS 0V F1 2A C OM CTS TXD RTS K1 K2 CN2 TRX+ CTS TRX+ TRX- TRX- 1 2 3 ----- OUT RS232 COMMS OUTPUT HLI / GRAPHICS OR BMS RXD TB2 To Loop Comms ( CN18 ) of the Main Controller AUX FUSED ( F1 ) 27VDC OUT SCRN TB1 SCRN CN3 RS485 COMMS OUTPUT TB1 302-7150 LED REPEATER TB1 To CN2 ( IN ) of the next CIC or CN1 of the NIC CN16 302-422 IN EWIS SYSTEM Figure 45: Controller Interface Card 7.2 Communications: Network Interface Card 302 - 724 The Network Interface Card provides two communication buses, RS232 and RS422, networking of multiple panels in different combinations, eg. from Data Gathering panels to panels. Intercommunication can be via CN18 on the Main Controller (Loop Comms) or Controller Interface Card connector CN3 (Out). Fitted to the rear of the NIC is the CPU (BRD85CPU) with NIC software to control the flow of communications in and out of the NIC. F1 FUSED 27V OUT TO CN3 (OUT) OF THE CONTROLLER INTERFACE CARD IF CIC IS INSTALLED +27v U1 +27v CN1 0V 0V 1 RL1 S U2 TB1 D TB1 B U3 RL2 U4 A +27v U5 S U6 CN3 U7 U11 U9 U8 U10 TB2 A C OM S W2 ISOLATE TB3 ON OFF EC3A21H A B U14 HY1 B D TXD +27v RXD U15 RTS 0V CTS c b a F1 RESET CN4 + - + - TB2 2A D Note: The ISOLATE Switch turns OFF the board and effectively S/C's the O/P's C RS422 COMMS OUT B LCD Repeater Other Panels COM TXD ON CN5 CN4 TB3 RXD RTS CTS + - + - 2A Figure 46: Network Interface Card Page 34 To Remote Mimic A SW2 ISOLATE OFF F1 FUSED 27V OUT S CN5 27VDC (CN4,5) IN / OUT 27VDC (CN4,5) IN / OUT RS422 COMMS IN C U13 U12 RL4 SW3 D C 0V RL3 To Remote Mimic S C CN2 TO CN18 (LOOP COMMS) OF THE MAIN CONTROLLER (STAND ALONE USE) to allow the Peer to Peer by way of a IO Controller F1 RS232 COMMS OUTPUT Graphics or BMS FIREFINDERTM 7.3 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Expansion Board ( 302-688 ) The Expansion Connection Board is used t increase the capacity of the controller from 4 Slave CPU’s to 8. Connection from the Controller to the Expansion Board, which must be mounted within 200mm of the Controller, is made via a 20 way flat cable Connections Connector CN1 CN2 CN3 CN4 CN5 Connects to To Main Connection Board Slave CPU 2 Slave CPU 3 Slave CPU 4 On board Slave CPU to 302-670. 302-671 and 302-672 Board Overlay Slave CPU number 5 is an integral part of the Expansion Board, only Slave CPU’s 6, 7 and 8 are plug ins. To CN2 of the Main Controller CN2 Slave CPU CN1 U1 U2 RN1 + 6 U3 R1 C5 C6 D2 RN2 TP1 D1 TP2 C7 U5 U6 C8 U8 U7 CN5 U9 C15 Slave CPU 5 C9 C11 C12 C13 C14 C17 C19 C21 C23 C25 RN3 RN4 RN5 C16 U10 C18 C20 C22 Slave CPU 7 8 C10 L1 Note: Slave CPU 5 is incorporated on the Expansion Borad U4 X1 Slave CPU C3 C4 C1 CN4 Slave CPU's 6,7,& 8 all mount onto the Expansion Board in the same way as they do to the Main Controller C2 CN3 R3 R2 D3 C24 C29 C26 C27 U11 U12 C28 302 - 6880 JUN 98 Figure 47: Expansion Board 7.4 Expansion Controller An Expansion Controller ( Fast Fit Kit Number 159-0077 ) can be described as a Main Controller without a without a Front Panel. A maximum of 3 can be introduced into any one Node, that is into any one FACP and require Controller Interface Cards ( CIC ) and Network Interface Cards in order to communicate with the Main Board / Controller. Connecting Controllers together ( Networking within the same cabinet ) expands the system beyond 8 Slave CPU’s, that is the Main Board plus an Expansion Board. Networking in this way enables the connection of up to 4 Expansion Controllers within the same FACP cabinet. This requires the use of CIC’s and NIC’s but offers the added advantage that the RS422 communication bus is internal and all Controllers are physically and logically located at the same Node. It is now possible to Network up to 32 Slave CPU’s in one cabinet with each Slave CPU connected to an Addressable Loop, 16 Conventional Zone Board or Digital I/O Board. With this configuration only one Controller has a Front Panel Board. Once the system has been expanded to this degree it is obviously quite large and some form of indication at a point remote from the FACP may become necessary. This is achieved with the use of a Controller Interface Card (CIC ) and a Remote LED Mimic or a CIC, a Network Interface Card ( NIC ) and a Remote LCD Repeater. Page 35 FIREFINDERTM 7.5 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Networking When FACP’s are connected to each other they form a “ NETWORK “. Individual FACP’s in the Network are referred to as NODES. The Network as defined by the limitations of the installation can consist of a number of Nodes, the number of Nodes being dependant on the configuration of each Node. Typically an entire Network could consist of 60 Slave CPU’s connected to loops, zones and or input / output devices spread over several nodes. The Network is Peer to Peer with the entire system configuration being stored at each Node. The system is then programmed so that information can be made invisible to particular Nodes or visible to all Nodes. Likewise system commands can be global or restricted to specific parts of the network. The entire system can be programmed from Node 1 in the Network and is connected as a data loop which provides redundancy should there be a single cabling fault. IMPORTANT While it is important that proper documentation is kept and maintained for any installation it becomes even more important as a system develops into the larger types described above. FIREFINDER FACP NODE 1 CONTROLLER 1 BACKLIGHT C N18 CN17 CN13 CN15 4 3 2 LED DISPLAY POW ER ON OFF NORMAL FAULT ON D4 CN5 D3 D2 SW2 ALM PRE ADDRESS DBA c FLT CONTROLLER 302-669 BRD85MBA BRD85CPU SW 3 NODE ADDRESS NOM RST LT LEDS FLASH BM BI SW7 N/F EVC CPU RESET NOTE: ONLY RS485 OR RS422 NOT BOTH 1 CN1 CN1 CN1 REMOTE LED REPEATER 302 - 715 BZ CN1 LOOP COMMS SYSTEM FACTORY USE ONLY CN2 2 3 4 5 6 TB4 7 SW5 LAMP TEST 8 SW4 BUZZER M UTE SW6 CN2 LAMP RESET C CN10 16 WAY RIBBON LK2 CN16 TB5 9 10 11 0V PSU MONITOR BRIGADE I/F LED 1 SW3 CN7 N/O CN2 CN11 N/C CN2 1 c a b 1 1 a b 12 G PI 13 27V IN CN9 14 15 TB3 CN1 CN5 FRONT PANEL PRINTER IN C N2 TB3 +27V 0V TB2 2A C OM F1 TXD C N1 R XD CTS RS485 MULTIDROP (SINGLE PAIR SHIELDED) CABLE TYPE BELDEN 9841 20 TB1 TRX- K2 S CRN TB1 C N3 19 FIT K1 ON LAST MIMIC ONLY OUT 21 22 23 24 CN4 TRX+ 1 2 3 K1 18 + RTS CONTROLLER INTERFACE CARD (CIC) 302-7250 17 BZ1 C N6 CN4 +27 OV GND SCR TX- TX+ BZ1 EXPANSION LEDS C N5 EXPANSION PANEL OUT CN7 CN3 + CN2 16 +27 OV SCR TX- TX+ CN6 MODEM IN RESET SW1 CN8 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 CIC 27V OUTPUT OR EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY EXPANSION CONTROLLER NODE 1 C2 K2 CN6 LED AUX 5V POW ER OUT FIT K2 FOR BUZZER BACKLIGHT LED DISPLAY POW ER ON OFF C N18 CN17 CN15 3 D4 CN5 D3 D2 10 WAY RIBBON CN13 4 NORMAL FAULT ON SW2 ALM 2 PRE ADDRESS DBA c CN2 FLT 1 c 1 a b 1 a b CN2 CN2 NOM RST SYSTEM CN11 LT LOOP COMMS LEDS FLASH EVC SW 3 CN1 LED 1 2 3 4 5 6 TB4 N/O 7 SW5 LAMP TEST 8 LAMP RESET SW4 C CN2 BUZZER M UTE TB5 9 10 SW6 11 0V CN16 BZ SW3 CN7 N/C CN1 CN1 16 WAY RIBBON CN10 PSU MONITOR BRIGADE I/F FACTORY USE ONLY NOTE: ONLY RS485 OR RS422 NOT BOTH 1 CN1 REMOTE LED REPEATER 302 - 715 CPU RESET NODE ADDRESS LK2 BM BI SW7 N/F 12 G PI 13 27V IN CN9 14 15 TB3 CN7 CN1 CN5 FRONT PANEL PRINTER C N2 IN TB3 +27V 0V TB2 2A C OM F1 TXD C N1 R XD CTS RS485 MULTIDROP (SINGLE PAIR SHIELDED) CABLE TYPE BELDEN 9841 20 FIT K1 ON LAST MIMIC ONLY TB1 TRX- K2 S CRN TB1 C N3 19 OUT 21 22 23 24 CN4 TRX+ 1 2 3 K1 18 + RTS CONTROLLER INTERFACE CARD (CIC) 302-7250 16 17 BZ1 CN4 +27 OV GND SCR TX- TX+ BZ1 EXPANSION LEDS C N5 EXPANSION PANEL C N6 CN3 + CN2 OUT +27 OV SCR TX- TX+ CN6 MODEM IN RESET SW1 CN8 26 27 29 30 31 32 CIC 27V OUTPUT OR EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY EXPANSION CONTROLLER NODE 1 C3 25 28 K2 CN6 LED AUX 5V POW ER OUT FIT K2 FOR BUZZER BACKLIGHT LED DISPLAY POW ER ON OFF C N18 CN17 NORMAL FAULT ON D4 CN5 D3 D2 SW2 CN13 CN15 4 3 ALM 2 PRE ADDRESS DBA c CN2 FLT CN2 NOM 10 WAY RIBBON CN11 LOOP COMMS RST SYSTEM LT LEDS FLASH SW 3 CPU RESET NOTE: ONLY RS485 OR RS422 NOT BOTH BZ LED 1 3 4 5 6 7 SW5 LAMP TEST 8 SW4 BUZZER M UTE SW6 C LAMP RESET CN2 TB5 9 10 11 0V CN16 EVC 2 TB4 N/O CN1 CN1 CN1 16 WAY RIBBON CN10 PSU MONITOR BRIGADE I/F BI SW3 CN7 N/C 1 LK2 FACTORY USE ONLY NODE ADDRESS BM REMOTE LED REPEATER 302 - 715 SW7 N/F CN1 CN2 1 c 1 a b 1 a b 12 G PI 13 27V IN CN9 14 15 TB3 CN7 CN1 FRONT PANEL CN5 PRINTER C N2 IN TB3 +27V 0V TB2 2A C OM F1 TXD C N1 R XD 20 FIT K1 ON LAST MIMIC ONLY TB1 TRX- K2 S CRN TB1 C N3 19 OUT 21 22 23 24 CN4 TRX+ 1 2 3 K1 16 18 + RTS CTS CONTROLLER INTERFACE CARD (CIC) 302-7250 RS485 MULTIDROP (SINGLE PAIR SHIELDED) CABLE TYPE BELDEN 9841 17 BZ1 BZ1 +27 OV GND SCR TX- TX+ EXPANSION LEDS C N5 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 10 WAY RIBBON CIC 27V OUTPUT OR EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY K2 CN6 LED AUX 5V POW ER OUT TB1 FIT K2 FOR BUZZER CN1 C O M M S IN C D S B A T B1 RT S SW 2 CN7 CT S R XD + T XD Figure 48: Example of 2 Expansion Controllers within an FACP Page 36 TOP LAYER API 720 BACKLIGHT- BACKLIGHT+ Jan 1999 BZ1 C OM RV1 OPTIONAL RS232 (AVAILABLE FOR HIGH LEVEL INTERFACE OR GRAPHICS OR REMOTE SERIAL PRINTER) SW 3 PRINTER RESET COMMS OUT REMOTE LCD REPEATER 302 - 720 + RS422 COMMS LOOP TWO PAIR SHIELDED BELDEN 8132 OR 9842 - TB3 CN5 CN4 RS232 NOT AVAILABLE C OM M S OUT C D S A C TS - + CN5 LCD C OMMS OUT D C B SW2 c a b SW3 R ESET R TS F1 B S ON OFF SW1 RXD 2A A - COMMS IN T XD T B2 TB2 + COMMS OUT COM ISOLATE DEBUG A CN2 CN2 POW ER C OMMS IN D C B SW 1 S OFF - 1 NETWORK INTERFACE CARD (NIC) 302-7240 27VDC POWER ON + CN1 CN3 COMMS IN CONTRAST EXPANSION PANEL CN4 C N6 CN3 + CN2 OUT +27 OV SCR TX- TX+ CN6 MODEM IN RESET SW1 CN8 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION CN17 CN15 C 18 2 CN2 1 c 1 a b 3 c 1 a b NOTES: MAXIMUM DISTANCES BETWEEN PANELS = 1.2KM IF GREATER DISTANCE ARE REQUIRED A RS422 REPEATER (BLACK BOX 352A or 352A-F) TO BE FITTED EVERY 1.2KM AFTER THE FIRST 1.2KM CABLE TO BE USED = BELDEN 8132 OR 9842 TWO PAIR SHIELDED. FIREFINDER PANEL No1 BACKLIGHT CN13 4 RV1 CN2 CN2 CN11 LOOP COMMS SW 3 RN17 NODE ADDRESS 1 CN1 CN1 CN1 CONTROLLER CN10 PSU MONITOR BRIGADE I/F CN1 SW1 27V IN CN9 REMOTE LCD REPEATER 302 - 720 BZ1 EXPANSION LEDS CN1 CN5 FRONT PANEL PRINTER CN2 EXPANSION PANEL CN4 ON CN7 CN3 + CN2 OFF CN6 MODEM POWER RESET SW1 CN8 DEBUG LK2 CN16 TB1 - COMMS IN C D S + C N1 C N3 1 S COMMS IN D C B COMMS IN B A C N2 NETWORK INTERFACE CARD (NIC) 302 - 724 COMMS IN A A COMMS OUT C D S COMMS OUT RS422 COMMS LOOP TWO PAIR SHIELDED BELDEN 8132 OR 9842 RESET C N5 OPTIONAL RS232 (AVAILABLE FOR HIGH LEVEL INTERFACE OR GRAPHICS OR REMOTE SERIAL PRINTER) A TB3 C N4 F1 BACKLIGHT 2 CN2 1 c 1 1 a b 3 c SW3 FIREFINDER PANEL No2 C N18 CN17 CN13 4 a b SW2 RTS CTS 2A PRINTER c a b SW3 RESET 27VDC POWER TB1 + COMMS OUT D C B - S R XD B - TXD TB2 TB2 + COMMS OUT C OM RV1 - + CN5 LCD 16 WAY RIBBON CN2 CN2 CN11 LOOP COMMS RTS CN7 CTS SW 3 RN17 RXD NODE ADDRESS PSU MONITOR BRIGADE I/F + COM 27V IN CN16 TXD TOP LAYER CN10 BZ1 CONTROLLER API 720 CN1 CN1 CN1 OPTIONAL RS232 (AVAILABLE FOR HIGH LEVEL INTERFACE OR GRAPHICS OR REMOTE SERIAL PRINTER) Jan 1999 1 CN6 CN1 CN5 FRONT PANEL PRINTER BACKLIGHT- CN4 CONTRAST BZ1 + EXPANSION LEDS RV1 CN7 CN3 EXPANSION PANEL BACKLIGHT+ RESET SW1 CN8 16 WAY RIBBON TB1 + - C N1 C N3 1 S COMMS IN D C B OUT COMMS IN TO OTHER LCD REPEATER PANELS IF INSTALLED A C N2 TB2 + NETWORK INTERFACE CARD (NIC) 302 - 724 - COMMS OUT S IN COMMS OUT D C B A C OM TXD R XD c a b SW3 RESET RTS CTS 2A C N5 OPTIONAL RS232 (AVAILABLE FOR HIGH LEVEL INTERFACE OR GRAPHICS OR REMOTE SERIAL PRINTER) TB3 C N4 27VDC POWER F1 Figure 49: Example of Networking 2 Panels with LCD Repeaters EXTERNAL FIELD FACP (INTERNAL) LED DISPLAY POW ER ON OFF BACKLIGHT CN17 CN5 ALM PRE 2 DBA FLT 16 WAY RIBBON 1 1 1 CN2 D4 D3 ADDRESS 3 c c a b CN11 NORMAL FAULT SW2 CN14 4 a b CN18 CN13 ON D2 CONTROLLER MAIN BOARD CN2 CN2 NOM SYSTEM RST LEDS FLASH BM SW7 N/F EVC LT BI LOOP COMMS CPU's 2,3,4 BZ REMOTE LED MIMIC 1 NODE ADDRESS 1 CN1 SLAVE SW3 MAIN CPU LED 1 2 3 CN1 CN1 CN1 4 5 6 TB4 N/O 7 CN2 CN7 CN3 EXPANSION PANEL CN1 EXPANSION LEDS FRONT PANEL CN5 N/C C 0V 11 12 GPI 13 14 PRINTER 15 CIC 27V OUTPUT (OR EXTERNAL SUPPLY) 16 CN3 CN4 10 OUT MODEM 17 18 19 20 21 22 TB1 23 +27 OV GND SCR TX- TX+ 24 RN3 CN4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 CN1 OPTIONAL RS232 (AVAILABLE FOR HIGH LEVEL INTERFACE OR GRAPHICS OR REMOTE SERIAL PRINTER) TB3 +27V 0V LED DISPLAY POW ER ON OFF D4 D2 CN5 D3 ALM PRE ADDRESS DBA FLT NOM RST SYSTEM LT LEDS FLASH CONTROLLER INTERFACE CARD BM BI COM SW7 N/F TXD EVC BZ RXD RTS CTS REMOTE LED MIMIC 2 RS485 MULTIDROP TRX+ LED 1 2 3 4 5 TRXSCRN 6 TB4 N/O 7 8 C OUT CN2 N/C TB1 CN3 NORMAL FAULT ON SW2 CN1 CN6 27VDC POWER CN5 9 10 TB5 0V 11 12 13 GPI NOTES: MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN PANELS = 1.2KM CABLE = BELDEN 9841 OR SIMILAR SINGLE PAIR SHIELDED. 14 15 OUT 16 CN3 +27 OV SCR TX- TX+ TB3 17 18 19 20 21 22 TB1 23 IN 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 TO MAXIMUM OF 32 LED MIMICS Figure 50:Example of Networking 1 Panel and 2 LED Mimics Page 37 CN4 POWER REQUIREMENTS 27VDC CAN BE DERIVED FROM THE FIREFINDER OR AN EXTERNAL APPROVED 27VDC SUPPLY CAN BE USED AND WIRED INTO TB1 + AND - TERMINALS +27 OV GND SCR TX- TX+ CN8 9 TB3 +27 OV SCR TX- TX+ 27V IN CN6 8 TB5 IN PSU MONITOR BRIGADE I/F CN16 CN2 2 CORE SHIELDED CABLE TYPE BELDEN 9841 OR SIMILAR CN10 FIREFINDERTM 7.6 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Liquid Crystal Display Repeater Panel 302 - 7200 The LCDR mimics all displays as those shown at the main panel, provides controls to interrogate the system and would normally connect / communicate with the Network Interface Card using RS422 communication protocol. The controls function in the same way as those on the FACP. . NORMAL FIRE FAULT ISOLATE PRE-ALARM FireFinder 16/12/2004 12:32:42 AMPAC TECHNOLOGIES AUSTRALIA MENU SYSTEM IS NORMAL PREVIOUS NEXT ACKNOWLEDGE Figure 51: Liquid Crystal Display Repeater Front Panel CTS TXD RTS RXD COM PRINTER TB3 RS232 OUTPUT HIGH LEVEL INTERFACE [ HLI ] CONTRAST RV1 A B C D S 0 V +27v TB2 RS422 COMMS IN TO TB1 NETWORK INTERFACE CARD [ NIC ] CN7 PRINTER OUTPUT A B C D S 0 V +27v TB1 RS422 COMMS OUT TO TB2 NETWORK INTERFACE CARD [ NIC ] CN3 LCD BACKLIGHT + POWER SW1 302-7200 BACKLIGHT - ON CN5 LCD OFF LCD Mounting CN4 LCD + PRINTER POWER CN1 BZ1 CN2 RESET CN9 DEBUG Pin2 Rx Data Pin3 Tx Data Pin5 Shield SW2 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Figure 52: Liquid Crystal Display Repeater Panel Board Layout To set the address of the LCDR plug a PC into the Debug port, go to “Boot Mode” (BT) then type in EP82, followed by a space and the Node address eg EP82 02. This address is hexadecimal format. The address is that displayed on the screen in ConfigManager, typically NX. To display an address that has already been set go to “Application Mode” and type in DA. Page 38 FIREFINDERTM 8 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION SmartTerminal SmartTerminal connects to the FireFinder™ Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) via the RS485 multidrop communication port. Generally it is designed to be used anywhere where the status of the FACP is required to be monitored by local personnel and limited control is required. SmartTerminal; 8.1 Has front panel controls that allow the resetting of alarms and activation/silencing of alarm devices. Enabling operational access to the controls is via a key-switch; reports events from devices that are accessible to the host FACP. For example if the host FACP is configured with global access then the connected SmartTerminal reports events from all devices. If the host FACP is configured as local then the connected SmartTerminal reports events from devices that are directly connected to the host FACP. Operation The operation of SmartTerminal can be considered to be in one of three states, these are; 1. power up - when the SmartTerminal is initialising 2. normal - when the SmartTerminal address has been set and is communicating with the FACP, reporting normal / abnormal conditions and controlling the FACP via the front panel controls 3. fault where the SmartTerminal is in fault and/or is unable to communicate with the FACP. Power Up The LCD displays a message telling the operator SmartTerminal is being powered up and that the hardware is being initialised. Once the hardware has been successfully initialised set the address and SmartTerminal should automatically transition to the normal state. Should a failure occur on power up press the “RESET” button located on the LCD PCB ( see Figure 5 ) and check the address is correct. Normal The Normal state is entered from the “Power-up” or a return from the “Fault” state and is displayed on the LCD if the SmartTerminal is communicating with the FACP and operating correctly. In this state the front panel Power indicator is illuminated. Fault SmartTerminal enters the Fault state upon; 1. 2. 3. a hardware failure LCD module failure or a loss of communications with the FACP ( indicated by the “DIAGNOSTIC” LED – not flashing and the “no communications “ message being displayed) In a Fault condition the front panel NORMAL indicator is extinguished and the details of the fault are displayed on the LCD. The FACP will also indicate a fault in a similar manner. 8.2 Access levels There are two levels of access. Access level 1 only the Acknowledge, previous and next front panel controls are operative. All other controls operate in access level two. Access level 2 is entered when the key-switch is in the ENABLED position. Keyswitch disabled Keyswitch enabled Figure 53: Keyswitch in the Disabled / Enabled Postions Page 39 FIREFINDERTM 8.3 8.4 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Specifications Mechanical Dimensions ABS Cabinet: ( mm ) 300H x 360W x 100D Environmental Temperature: Humidity: -5ºC to + 55ºC 25% to 75% Input Power Operating Voltage ( nominal ): Operating Voltage ( minimum ): Quiescent Current @ 26.5VDC: Maximum Current: Cabling Requirements: 27VDC 18VDC 12.4mA (back light, off buzzer off”) 43.8mA (back light on, buzzer on) 2 core 1.5 to 2.5mm² Optional 27VDC Power Supply: Batteries: 1.8A plus 400mA Battery Charging 12Ahr 27VDC Outputs Auxiliary 27VDC Distribution Protection: Cabling Requirements: 24VDC 500mA Monitored 2 core 1.5 to 2.5mm² Communications Internal to FACP: External to FACP: Cabling Requirements: Fault monitoring: Maximum Number of SmartTerminals per FACP: Maximum Distance ( from FACP ): RS485 RS485 Twisted pair plus power O/C, S/C 30 1.2Kms. LCD 4 line X 40 character - backlit Overview SmartTerminal essentially consists of three PCBs; 1. BRD82CEB2 – FACP – Communications Extender Board (Item Number 159-0129) The Communications Extender Board is mounted inside the FACP and provides the protected RS485 communications and 27VDC to the SmartTerminal Termination Board/s and LCD/s. 2. BRD82LTB2 – Termination Board A Termination Board is mounted in each SmartTerminal to protect and interface the RS485 communications and 27VDC supply to the LCD Board 3. BRD82ICC2 – Control, LCD Communications and LCD Driver Board Note: A maximum of 30 SmartTerminals may be connected to the communications bus over a distance of approximately 1.2Kms Page 40 FIREFINDERTM 8.5 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Operational & Key Features SmartTerminal complies with AS4428 /NZS4512 and designed for use with the FireFinder™ series of FACP’s. 8.6 4 line by 40 character LCD with backlight and navigation keys keys allow the SmartTerminal to be used for FACP operation and interrogation. Note the backlight is only energised when alarms are present, a key has been pressed or controls enable key switch is enabled Buzzer and system Reset. System expansion capabilities / options: A wide range of secure user functions. This includes the ability to isolate / de-isolate a large number of system functions. Flush or surface mountable enclosure. Controls have tactile and audible feedback of operation. All terminals cater for 2.5mm cables. Mechanical SmartTerminal is supplied in a ABS cabinet and consists of; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Main Card, with all controls and indicators mounted directly onto it 1 X Termination Board 2 X ABS door keys 2 X 003 Enable / Disable keys 2 X Jumper links Note: A Communications Extender Board will be required if the Comms Bus in the FACP is fully utilised and / or if one is not fitted. The front door of the ABS version is locked by way of two clips on the right hand side of the cabinet. A special locating key which has two raised pins that are inserted into the side of the cabinet unlocks the door. DOOR RELEASE PINS DOOR RELEASE PINS Figure 54: ABS Door Key and Front Panel Add On Card Surround Release Clip CN1 Q1 Q7 LCD BACKLIGHT CN3 U1 BRD82ICC2- DISCHARGE POINT TOUCH HERE FIRST LCD R12 R46 R42 R47 R45 R43 28/04/2006 CN2 CN5 TO TERM BRD CONFIG U2 SW27 U3 U4 D35 D3 DIAGNOSTIC / CONFIG LED D4 D5 RN1 D6 D7 RESET Main Control PCB D8 U6 D2 U5 BZ1 SW28 TH1 U7 D9 D18 D22 CN9 LK1 Q4 CN7 D19 CN7 D23 D20 D32 D31 D24 Q6 BRD82ICC PRINTER CN8 U14 FLASH U15 RN13 CN10 D29 D11 D15 PWR LINK CN10 R35 Figure 55: Main PCB Layout Page 41 D10 D14 U12 7 6 3 2 D13 Q2 8 5 4 U11 CN6 D21 1 U10 D17 KEYSWITCH U9 U8 X1 D16 CN11 PWR LINK CN12 Q5 D12 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION KNOCKOUTS TOP ( x15 ) BACK ( x 4 ) KEY HOLE MOUNTING HOLE CN1 TB2 CN3 U1 D25 + TB1 - COM + RS485 OUT TB3 TB4 +24V 0V +24V 0V POWER IN POWER OUT D26 BRD82LTB2- R47 R45 R43 R12 R46 R42 LCD - COM RS485 IN CN1 BRD82ICC2- 28/04/2006 CN2 DISCHARGE POINT TOUCH HERE FIRST 03/05/2006 Q1 Q7 KEY HOLE MOUNTING HOLE CONFIG U2 CN5 SW27 U3 LK1 C9 U4 RN2 D35 D2 D3 D4 D5 RN1 D6 D7 R13 D8 C12 U5 CN6 BZ 1 C13 LCDA Main Control PCB RESET BRD82LTB R15 C16 R16 C17 SW28 TH1 RN3 U7 U8 X1 U10 D17 KEYSWITCH R44 R14 C15 U6 DIAGNOSTIC C21 U9 R19 C19 CAB2116 C20 RN4 U11 C23 C22 D13 D9 R20 Q2 RN5 D21 5 4 7 6 Q4 R23 D23 D32 D 24 Q6 D31 RN8 RN9 PRINTER BRD82ICC CN7 D19 D29 D11 D15 CN7 D20 PWR LINK CN11 CN10 R35 U15 KEY HOLE MOUNTING HOLE D10 D14 RN10 U12 RN7 3 2 8 CN8 D22 U14 Q3 LK1 CN9 D18 R34 R32 C36 C29 C26 C25 1 PWR LINK R30 CN12 Q5 D16 D12 RN13 D24 CN11 CN10 CN12 TECHNOLOGIES PTY LTD TECHNOLOGIES PTY LTD ORDER CODE ORDER CODE SERIAL NO I/P VOLTAGE 27VDC I/P CURRENT SERIAL NO ADDRESS TESTED QA APPR DATE OF MAN I/P VOLTAGE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE No. 12 mm 27VDC N1236 I/P CURRENT COMPLIANCE & CONFIGURATION LABEL R 6mm. ADDRESS TESTED QA APPR DATE OF MAN CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE No. FRONT DOOR HINGES N1236 Figure 56: Typical Layout ( Externally Powered ) and Location of Keyholes 8.7 Installation & Cabling The Communications Extender Board (Item Number 159-0129) should be mounted into the FACP and cabled as shown below. It should be noted the Communications Extender Board and its supporting plate is mounted in a piggy back fashion onto one of the loop / zone boards. 2 LOOP TERMINATION BOARD (302-7350) A L2+ L1- EXT +35V B L2+ L1- A EXT +35V L2+ L1- EXT +35V B L2+ L1- EXT +35V A L2+ L1- EXT +35V B L2+ L1- A EXT +35V L2+ L1- EXT +35V B L2+ L1- EXT +35V FRONT PANEL CONTROL (BRD85CTLA) C N17 MAIN CONTROL BOARD (BRD85MBA) C H15 D13 C H16 C N13 5.6 AMP SWITCHMODE POWER SUPPLY (330-0002) RJ45 C N20 ENSURE CN13 - 15 ARE FITTED WITH PIN ENTRY SIDE FACING THE BOTTOM OF THE BOARD C H15 C N14 C N15 4 3 2 C N18 C N11 SLAVE CPU (302-6692) SLAVE CPU (302-6692) C N1 U14 C N1 SLAVE CPU (302-6692) U13 16 WAY C N2 LOOP COMMS C N2 c U15 CN2 C N1 CPU BOARD (BRD85CPU) C N2 1 1 a b 1 a b c L(AC) N(AC) RN20 (AC) -V -V +V +V RN17 CN3 CN1 CN3 20 WAY 1 CN1 API-735 AUG 2000 API-735 AUG 2000 U11 C H8 C H8 C H6 C H8 U10 C N10 PSU MONITOR BRIGADE I/F 27V IN C N16 10 WAY C N7 CN2 CN4 C N6 C N8 TX1 POWER CN2 CN4 TX1 POWER MODEM C N21 TH1 C H1 C N2 C H2 C N3 C N4 C N1 B Z1 EXPANSION LEDS C N5 FRONT PANEL 3 WAY PRINTER CN3 EXT +35V B L2+ L1- A EXT +35V L2+ L1- EXT +35V B L2+ L1- EXT +35V A L2+ L1- EXT +35V B L2+ L1- A EXT +35V L2+ L1- EXT +35V B L2+ L1- EXT +35V C N1 FRONT PANEL EXPANSION LEDS TO LCDA C H8 C N1 SLAVE CPU (302-6692) C H8 C H8 C H8 C N1 C OM RS 485 OUT TB1 27VDC in/out C N5 CN5 0V P OWE R OUT TB3 +24V SLAVE CPU (302-6692) + C N3 C N4 SLAVE CPU (302-6692) C H8 RS485 C N2 CN5 20 WAY A L2+ L1- BELL2 - EXPANSION PANEL C N2 1 C N2 C N2 1 R1 1 + TB4 CN3 CN1 CN3 CN1 + BELL1 - API-735 AUG 2000 6 CN3 CN2 7 CN3 8 CN4 TX1 CN2 CN4 POWER TX1 AUX POWER O/P + + - POWER TB5 WARN SYS + NO C NC + - TB4 AUXILIARY NO C NC CN1 CN2 CN4 20 WAY TB2 COMMUNICATIONS EXTENDER BOARD IS MOUNTED HERE + - FAULT NO C NC CN3 TB6 ISOLATE NO C NC CN2 BRIGADE PSU MONITOR BOARD (302-6732) CN1 VALVE MON NO C NC ALARM NO C NC CUTAWAY CABINET BACKPAN VIEW SHOWING MODULES FITTED TO THE BACKPAN AND WIRING DETAILS 27VDC DISTRIBUTION BATT FAIL C CUTAWAY FRONT DOOR REAR VIEW SHOWING INSTALLED BOARDS ON FRONT DOOR AND WIRING DETAILS TB10 CN6 SGD II DOOR SW DBA/MCP TO BATTERIES Figure 57: FACP Internal Layout Page 42 + IN - + BAT - FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION SmartTerminal is then connected to the FACP as shown below. SHIELDED COMMS CABLE FACP FRONT PANEL CONTROL (BRD85CTLA) +24VDC RJ45 CABLE CN17 CH16 MAIN CONTROL BOARD (BRD85MBA) CH15 D13 CN20 CN13 SHIELD 0V CN14 CN15 2 CN2 CN2 LOOP COMMS CN2 1 c 1 a b 1 a b c SLAVE CPU (302-6692) U15 CN2 TB1 CN18 SLAVE CPU (302-6692) SLAVE CPU (302-6692) - COM + RS485 OUT L2 RN20 ZD3 TH2 TH1 C15 ZD2 L6 C12 U13 CN2 U11 CH8 CH8 CH6 M1 CN1 CN1 CN1 COMMUNICATIONS EXTENDER BOARD ( ITEM NUMBER 159 - 0129 ) 1 U14 M2 CPU BOARD (BRD85CPU) +24V 0 V TB4 POWER OUT L1 RN17 CN3 CH8 25/11/2005 3 BRD82LTB2 4 CN11 CN4 U10 TP3 D14 CN10 CN5 PSU MONITOR BRIGADE I/F 27V IN CN16 CN7 CN6 CN8 MODEM R17 + CN21 TH1 CN2 CH1 CH2 CN3 CN4 EXPANSION PANEL CN1 BZ1 EXPANSION LEDS FRONT PANEL CN5 PRINTER FACP CABINET CN3 CN1 EXPANSION LEDS TO AVAILABLE 27VDC CONNECTOR (3 WAY) RS485 OUT VDC IN - COM TB2 TB3 TB4 + +24V 0 V +24V 0 V POWER IN POWER OUT BRD82LTB2- TO LCD LK1 NOT FITTED - COM RS485 IN TB1 - COM + RS485 OUT TB3 TB4 +24V 0V +24V 0V POWER IN POWER OUT BRD82LTB2- + CN1 COM CN1 - VDC 0V OUT 03/05/2006 TB1 TB2 + TO LCD TO NEXT LCDA MAXIMUM OF 30 +24V LK1 MUST BE FITTED TO THE LAST BOARD ON THE COMMS BUS SmartTerminal 1 03/05/2006 RS485 IN SmartTerminal 2 (IF FITTED) TERMINATION BOARD No.2 ( BRD82LTB2 ) TERMINATION BOARD No.1 ( BRD82LTB2 ) Figure 58: Connecting SmartTerminal/s to the FACP 8.8 Setting the Address 1. Open the front door, locate the “CONFIG” button situated on the left hand side of the PCB and press for 3 seconds. The buzzer and “Config” LED will double beep and flash respectively to indicate that the Configuration mode has been entered. The LCD will now display the Configuration screen. This screen consists of the code version number, current address and four adjustment markers. These markers A-, A+, C-, and C+ are used to indicate the keys that adjust the address and LCD contrast. 2. Use the “PREVIOUS (A-) and NEXT” (A+) keys to select the desired address. The default value for this address is 255 which is not a valid SmartTerminal address. The user must then select an address value from 1 to 30, ie the same address as that set in the FACP. The keys corresponding to C- (ACK) and C+ (RESET) are used in a similar manner to decrease and increase the LCD contrast level. There is audible feedback for all key presses. 3. Once the address has been set press the “CONFIG” button again for 3 seconds and the screen will return to its default and the “DIANOSTIC” LED will return to a slow flash. This slow flash indicates SmartTerminal and the FACP are communicating normally ie the LED flashes if communications data is being received from the FACP. Note: If the address is not set within the time out period of approximately 75 seconds SmartTerminal will return to its normal state. Page 43 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 8.9 Setting the ConfigManager SmartTerminal Controller Configuration in Right click on the Controller icon and select “Edit Module Types” to bring up the following screen/s. Figure 59: The Controller Edit / Add Module Types Screens Click within the check box to “tick” the check box and click OK. Double click on the Controller to open the Panel screen and the SmartTerminal tab should now be visible along with the other installed functions. 8.10 Setting the SmartTerminal Reporting Parameters in ConfigManager To set the SmartTerminal parameters click on the SmartTerminal tab and the following screen will be displayed. Under the assigned SmartTerminal Card designator, 1 to 30, click in the Active box to change the “N” (NO not fitted) to “Y” (YES fitted) and then enter or type in a “Description”. The description should be a name given to the SmartTerminal or its physical location. Double click in each of the “Report” boxes to display and set the, “Y” ( Yes reports the parameter) and “N” ( No does not report the parameter ) “Alarms, Faults, Disables” parameters that SmartTerminal will display on each SmartTerminal at each location. Note: A maximum of 30 SmartTerminals can be used in the configuration of the FACP. Note: In this case SmartTerminal numbers 6 to 30 are not used. Figure 60: Example of SmartTerminal Configuration Settings Screen Page 44 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION In the above example Card 1 & 2; i. are active ii. are situated in the factory floor area 8 iii. will display all Alarms iv. will not display any Faults, and v. will not display any Disables Card 3 i. ii. iii. iv. v. is active is situated in the stores area will display all Alarms will display any Faults, and will not display any Disables Card 4 & 5 i. are active ii. are situated in the security areas iii. will display all Alarms iv. will display any Faults, and v. will display any Disables 8.11 SmartTerminal Controls All controls, except for the Enable / Disable keyswitch, are of a momentary push button style. FIRE FIGHTER FACILITY 16 : 02 : 2007 21:34 SYSTEM IS NORMAL EXTERNAL BELL WARNING SYSTEM ISOLATE ISOLATE PREVIOUS NEXT ALARM ACK AIF ACTIVE SYSTEM FAULT EXTERNAL BELL FAULT WARNING SYSTEM FAULT ACF FAULT / ISOLATED EARTH FAULT ASE FAULT DAY / NIGHT ACTIVE POWER POWER FAULT FAULT ISOLATED RESET ISOLATE TEST PRE ALARM Figure 61: SmartTerminal Front Panel Layout External Bell Isolate Press to isolate the External Bell output (associated LED illuminated). EXTERNAL BELL ISOLATE Press again to re-enable the output (associated LED extinguished). Active at access level 2. Page 45 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Warning System Isolate Press to isolate the Warning System output (associated LED illuminated). WARNING SYSTEM ISOLATE Press again to re-enable the output (associated LED extinguished). Active at access level 2 only. Previous PREVIOUS Primary Function Press to display the previously displayed LCD screen Secondary Function Set SmartTerminal address – A – (minus) decrement number Active at access level 1 and 2 Next NEXT Primary Function Press to display the next displayed LCD entry Secondary Function Set SmartTerminal address – A + (plus) increment number Active at access level 1 and 2 Acknowledge ALARM Acknowledges the alarm condition of the sensor or conventional zone that is currently displayed on the LCD. ACK If the key is held down for 3 seconds a lamp test is initiated. The Lamp Test illuminates all indicators, segments on the LCD and momentarily sounds the buzzer Active at access level 1 and 2. Reset FAULT Resets the acknowledged alarm condition of the sensor or conventional zone currently displayed on the LCD Active at access level 2 only. RESET Isolate ISOLATED Isolates (or de-isolates) the sensor or conventional zone currently displayed on the LCD Active at access level 2 only ISOLATE Key Switch Controls enable key switch. The SmartTerminal by default is in access level 1, and when the control enable key switch is in the ENABLED position, the SmartTerminal is in access level 2. Access level 2 is used to restrict access to certain controls. Page 46 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Buzzer The Buzzer is activated under the following conditions and can be silenced by pressing the Acknowledge (ACK) control locally or on the FACP. Alarm condition Devices – missing, out of calibration, wrong type, reporting an internal error Loops – short circuit or open circuit Monitored inputs and outputs on loop devices are in fault Sounders – missing, wrong type or reporting an internal error Modules within the panel – missing, wrong type or hardware error Main and / or secondary power supply fault 8.12 SmartTerminal Indicators Introduction The following section details the operation of the front panel indicators on the SmartTerminal. Isolate ISOLATED Indicator is illuminated when one or more device/s or conventional zones are isolated either at the SmartTerminal or the FACP. ISOLATE Fault FAULT RESET Indicator is illuminated when there is one or more faults on the system. Faults can be; Devices – missing, out of calibration, wrong type, reporting an internal error Loops – short circuit or open circuit Monitored inputs and outputs on loop devices Sounders – missing, wrong type or reporting an internal error Modules within the panel – missing, wrong type or hardware error Main and secondary supplies Alarm ALARM General fire alarm indicator. The LED will flash until all alarms have been acknowledged. Once Acknowledged the LED will remain steady until all alarms have been cleared by Reset. ACK Warning System WARNING SYSTEM Illuminated when the Warning System output has been isolated either at the SmartTerminal or the FACP. ISOLATE External Bell EXTERNAL BELL Illuminated when the External Bell output has been isolated either at the SmartTerminal or the FACP. ISOLATE Power POWER Illuminated to show the presence of power. Flashes when mains have failed Page 47 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Power Fault POWER FAULT Illuminated when there is a fault with the power supply. Fault can be no mains, high charger voltage, low battery voltage or missing/damaged battery System Fault SYSTEM FAULT Illuminated when the FACP is unable to provide mandatory functions. Indicator is latched, until cleared by reset Earth Fault EARTH FAULT Illuminated when there is an earth fault detected on the panel External Bell Fault EXTERNAL BELL FAULT Illuminated if the External Bell output is in fault Warning System Fault WARNING SYSTEM FAULT Illuminated is the Warning System output is in fault ACF Fault / Isolated ACF FAULT / ISOLATED Illuminated steady if the ACF output has been disabled and flashes if the ACF output is in fault (open or short circuit). Isolate has priority over fault ASE Fault ASE FAULT Illuminated when the ASE output is in fault Test TEST Illuminated when the FACP is in the test mode. Possible tests are alarm, fault, walk, lamp and loop. AIF Active AIF ACTIVE Illuminated when the AIF facility is active at the FACP Pre - Alarm PRE ALARM Illuminated when one or more devices are in the pre-alarm condition and not disabled Day / Night Active DAY / NIGHT ACTIVE Illuminated when day / night facility has been enabled on the FACP Programmable Programmable 1 to 4 – For future use Page 48 FIREFINDERTM 9 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION LCD Screen Format There are 3 events that can be reported and displayed by SmartTerminal. The types of event are; 1. Fire 2. Faults and 3. Disables. The types of events are only associated with sensors and detectors hence faults associated with modules, loops O/C – S/C, power supplies and so forth are not reported on the LCD. The SmartTerminal has front panel indicators for each type of event. When SmartTerminal is configured not to report a type of event and that event type is present (and the corresponding front panel indicator is illuminated on the SmartTerminal), then a standard information screen is displayed on the LCD stating the system is not normal and the operator should see the FACP. Alarm If configured the screen format for reporting loop / sensor / zone fire condition is: LCD Line Number Information 1 Device descriptor (up to 33 characters) Type Descriptor (up to 6 characters) 2 Loop address and zone number(Lxx Syyy.zz Zwww) current device status 3 Date and Time of occurrence (DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS) 4 Alarm sequence number ( Device Alarms nnn of nnn) Fault If configured the screen format for reporting loop / sensor / zone fault condition is: LCD Line Number Information 1 Device descriptor (up to 33 characters) Type Descriptor (up to 6 characters) 2 Loop address and zone number(Lxx Syyy.zz Zwww) current device status 3 Blank 4 Fault sequence number ( Device Fault nnn of nnn) Note: The fault types only relate to devices. In the event of a loss of communications, for a period of greater than 15 seconds the SmartTerminal will default to the No Communications screen. The format for this screen is: LCD Line Number Information 1 2 No Communications 3 4 Device Isolate / Disables If configured the screen format for reporting loop / sensor / zone disable condition is: LCD Line Number Information 1 Device descriptor (up to 33 characters) Type Descriptor (up to 6 characters) 2 Loop address and zone number(Lxx Syyy.zz Zwww) current device status 3 Blank 4 Isolate / Disable sequence number ( Device Fault nnn of nnn) Pre-alarm If configured the screen format for reporting loop / sensor / zone Pre-alarm condition is: LCD Line Number Information 1 Loop address and zone number(Lxx Syyy.zz Zwww) 2 Pre-alarm descriptor (up to 15 characters) 3 Line is left blank 4 Pre-alarm sequence number ( Device Pre-alarms nnn of nnn) Page 49 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Normal / Default The format for reporting that everything is normal is: LCD Line Number Information Current Date and Time (DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM) 1 System Status 2 Blank 3 Blank 4 The screen is only displayed when there are no alarms, fault or disables on the panel. The default screen is only displayed when there are no device alarms, device faults or device disables present on the system. The highest priority current system status will be displayed and can be one of the following listed in order of highest to lowest priority: 1. “SYSTEM ALARM” 2. “SYSTEM PRE-ALARM” 3. “SYSTEM FAULT” 4. “SYSTEM ISOLATE” 5. “SYSTEM NORMAL” Config The Config screen displays the following LCD Line Number Information 1 VX.X ( This is the code software version number ) 2 Address 3 4 A - A + C - C+ A - A + : adjusts the address 1 to 30, 30 being the maximum number of SmartTerminals that can be connected to the FACP, ( default is 255 which is not a valid address). The function keys perform the following; A – press “Previous” A+ press “Next” C - C+: decreases [-] and increases [+] the LCD contrast level. The function keys perform the following; C – press “Silence Buzzer” C+ press “Reset” 9.1 Trouble Shooting Chart Problem Solution Normal Supply LED not illuminated FACP Earth Fault LED illuminated FACP System Fault LED illuminated FACP Warning System Fault LED illuminated RS485 Communication Bus not working Check supply voltage it should be set to 27.2VDC. Nominal fault voltages are - Low = (<18VDC) High = (> 28VDC ) Check all input and output cabling and wiring assemblies for short to ground Ensure correct panel configuration Check all connections for loose wiring Check correct E.O.L is fitted Check wiring is connected correctly Refer FACP LCD. This may identify where there is a break in the communication line Check the SmartTerminal Diagnostic Config LED is flashing. If not the FACP is not communicating with the SmartTerminal. Check the RS485 cabling. If flashing check the SmartTerminals address. Page 50 FIREFINDERTM 10 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Agent Release Control Agent Release control consists of a Agent Release Module, Termination Board and an optional Local Control Station. 10.1 Operation Introduction The Agent Release Module and Termination Board communicate with the FACP via the RS485 multi-drop bus. The Local Control Station communicates only with the Termination Board via a separate RS485 bus. Up to 4 Local Control Stations can be connected to one termination board. Agent discharge operates in two modes – automatic and manual. The manual mode is selected by pressing the Inhibit switch on any Local Control Station. To indicate the system is in manual the Inhibit LED will be illuminated. Pressing Inhibit again will toggle or return the mode to automatic and extinguish the Inhibit LED. The “ Agent Released ” Pressure Switch ( PSW ) is wired to the PSW input on the Termination Board and is used to confirm that the agent has been released. The circuitry involved in this process can be configured to accept a normally open contact, normally closed contact, normally open mechanically operated (manual) or is ignored ( not fitted ) and is selected via FACP on-site programming. If the mechanical ( manually operated ) option is selected the module monitors the pressure switch input and provides notification the agent has been released manually, initiates an alarm and illuminates the “Agent Released “ indicator. Manual Mode When the system is in manual mode, then; The Local Control Station Inhibit indicator is lit at the FACP and all Local Control Station’s. The buzzer at all Local Control Stations will sound until the inhibit is released. The System Inoperative output is turned on. The Automatic discharge sequences are prevented from starting. If an automatic discharge sequence was underway and the inhibit switch is activated (switched to manual mode) the discharge sequence is aborted and the sequence is reset. This means the Stage 1 and Stage 2 outputs are switched off. To manually discharge the agent the “ Lock Off Valve “ must be open and the Manual Release switch on the Local Control Station pressed. The manual discharge sequence is; Manual Activation indicator is lit on the FACP and Local Control Station. The FACP activates its brigade alarm output. Stage 1 outputs are switched to +24VDC. [FIRE ALARM sign illuminated, aural alarm sounds]. Stage 2 outputs are switched to +24VDC. [ FIRE ALARM, EVACUATE & DO NOT ENTER signs illuminated, aural alarm sounds ]. The optional pre-release start delay is activated ( Selected via FACP on-site programming ), time out and an ON Interlock signal will then operate the selected release circuitry. The Agent Discharge LED on the Agent Release Module and Local Control Station will illuminate when the Pressure Switch input on the Termination Board is activated. Activate gas-fired output. Note: The Interlock Input can be defaulted to the on position by placing a 10K EOL termination resistor across the terminals TB2. 7 / 8 of the Agent Release Module and Local Control Station. Auto Mode Automatic discharge is when one or two zones going into alarm initiate the agent discharge sequence. Note: A “manual release” can still be initiated in “auto mode” but the LCS “Inhibit” control WILL NOT inhibit / abort the agent release sequence. Page 51 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Single Zone Activation, the following discharge sequence is executed; Automatic Activation LED is illuminated on the Agent Release Module and Local Control Station. Stage 1 outputs are switched to +24VDC. [FIRE ALARM sign illuminated, aural alarm sounds]. Stage 2 outputs are switched to +24VDC. [ FIRE ALARM, EVACUATE & DO NOT ENTER signs illuminated, aural alarm sounds ]. Optional pre-release delay is started ( Selected via FACP on-site programming ). The delay times out and if the Interlock signal is ON, the selected circuit will activate. The Pressure Switch field input on the Termination Board is activated and the Agent Discharge LED on the Agent Release Module and Local Control Station will be illuminated. Activate gas-fired output. Dual Zone Activation, if the first zone goes into alarm the following steps are initiated; The automatic activation LED on the Agent Release Module and Local Control Station will flash. Stage 1 outputs are switch to –24VDC. [FIRE ALARM sign illuminated, aural alarm sounds]. When the second zone goes into alarm, then the following steps occur; Automatic activation LED goes steady. Stage 1 outputs are switched to +24VDC. [ FIRE ALARM & EVACUATE signs illuminated, aural alarm sounds ]. Stage 2 outputs are switched to +24VDC. [ DO NOT ENTER sign illuminated ]. Optional pre-release delay commences ( Selected via FACP on-site programming ). The delay times out and if the Interlock signal is on the selected circuit will activate. The Pressure Switch field input on the Termination Board is activated and the Agent discharge LED on the Agent Release Module and Local Control Station will be illuminated. Activate gas-fired relay output. Service Switch The service switch is situated on the Agent Release Module when activated causes the following; Electrically isolates the activation circuitry from the agent release device. Operates the System Inoperative output. Note: The service switch is NOT overridden by a manual discharge. Lock-Off Valve When the manual lock-off valve is operated; The agent is blocked from reaching the release valve. The lock-off valve inhibit indicator LED’s on the Agent Release Module and Local Control Station are illuminated. The system inoperative output operates. Fault Monitoring Fault conditions are initiated by: The Pressure Switch monitoring circuit. The Low Pressure Switch monitoring circuit. The Lock-off Valve monitoring circuit. Activation circuitry. Stage 1 outputs. ( Aural & visual discharge alarms ). Stage 2 outputs. ( Aural & visual discharge alarms ). A Zone Fault. A Fault on the interlock input. A Fault with a LCS. Note #1: The common fault indicator on the Agent Release Module and Local Control Station is illuminated for any Fault condition. Note #2: For a pressure switch fault, low pressure switch fault, lock-off valve fault, stage 1 output fault, stage 2 output fault and interlock fault, the FACP will signal the brigade. Page 52 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Note #3: When there is a fault in the activation circuit or in the trigger zones, in addition to the above, the system inoperative output is operated. Note #4: The FACP fault buzzer will sound for all faults. Note #5: The FACP will report the type of fault on the LCD. Isolation If a trigger zone is isolated at the FACP the trigger zone isolated indicator at the Agent Release Module and Local Control Station is illuminated, and the system inoperative output is operated. System Inoperative Output The system inoperative output is switched to +24VDC under the following conditions; Operation of the Service Switch. A Fault in the selected trigger circuit. Operation of the Lock-off valve. Operation of the Inhibit at an Local Control Station. A Fault in any of the activation zones. If any of the activation zones are isolated. Manual Mechanical Release of the Agent With agent release systems, a manual mechanical means can be provided to release the agent. If the pressure switch is activated (indicating that the agent has been released), and the agent release module has not activated the selected activation circuit, then the following will occur: Stage 1 output is switched to +24VDC and stage 1 relay is output closed Stage 2 output is switched to +24VDC and stage 2 relay output is closed Light the agent release led on the ACC and LCSs Activate gas-fired relay output Monitoring of the Pressure Switch Due to the requirements of Manual Mechanical Release of the Agent, the pressure switch input conveys two pieces of information: When the pressure switch input is active, it signals that the agent has been released. The release can be as a result of the agent release module or due to a manual mechanical release. 1. When the pressure switch is not active, it signals that there is a full bottle of agent available to be discharged. 2. In order for the agent release module to respond to a manual mechanical release, the pressure switch must have been previously not active, to signify that a full bottle of agent is available 10.2 Agent Release Module BRD25ARB –A The Agent Release Module controls and monitors all the requirements for agent release and carries the slide in label for identification of the agent and application area. Figure 62: Front Panel Layout Page 53 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 10.3 Controlled Access Service Inhibit When activated, the module goes into service mode, which results in the selected agent activation circuit being electrically isolated. Control to be secured from unauthorised use, therefore a keyswitch is required. Key is only removable in the off position. I N H I B I T A G E N T Lifting the switch cover and pressing the push button places the system in manual mode – which prevents an automatic release sequence from starting, and sounds the buzzer at the Local Control Station(s). This two action safety feature prevents any accidental operation of the control and should not be disabled. SELECT AGENT When activated, causes the selected agent to toggle between Initial and Reserve. Indicators show which agent has been selected. Agent Release Module PCB Layout The PCB is fitted with two 2 x RJ45 connectors CN6 & 7 for power (27VDC) and communications (RS485) for communications between the Agent Release Module and the FACP Main Control Board. CN5 COMMS IN / OUT CN6 CN7 Agent Inhibit Switch RS485 & +/- 27v Out RS485 & +/- 27v In JTAG LK1 BRD25ARB5- BZ1 ADDRESS SWITCH S W2 Out LK2 + MCP MANUAL HOLD/ AGENT CN1 INHIBIT 10K EOL CN2 KEYSWITCH CN3 REMOTE SWITCHES FUTURE USE MANUAL RELEASE RS 485 OUT RS 485 IN COM TB2 TB1 TB4 Figure 63: Exploded View Figure 64: Underside of the Module PCB Quiescent Current: 28.5mA INTERLOCK COM + 0V + +24V - 0V + +24V - Agent Release MCP (Fit 10K EOL) - Service Inhibit Keyswitch INHIBIT SWITCH MON DISABLE Note: If the keyswitch is not used CN2 will carry a link so as to enable the panel. Page 54 ON AGENT RELEASE 1 2 3 4 In PCB EOL TERMINATOR LINK FIREFINDERTM 10.4 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Local Control Station The Local Control Station is supplied fitted into enclosure and has the same indicators and “Agent Inhibit switch as the Agent Release Card but no Agent Select button or Service Inhibit keyswitch (this is replaced by the Inhibit push button). The Comms line is RS485 and is cabled to the Agent Termination Board. The Interlock is a monitored input with 10K EOL. This input is used to determine if air conditioning dampers and doors are closed but can be defaulted to the “ON” condition by terminating the input with a 2K2Ω EOL. Note: Typically the agent is not discharged until all dampers / doors are closed. LCS MCP Control Lifting the cover and pressing the MCP starts the manual agent release sequence. This two action safety feature prevents any accidental operation of the control and should not be disabled. Buzzer (located at the FACP) i. ii. iii. iv. Buzzer sounds; under all fault conditions and can be silenced by using the FACP buzzer silence control. when the LCS Inhibit control is activated – after 8 hours – treated as an isolate condition. when the service inhibit is activated - after 8 hours – treated as an isolate condition Buzzer Located at the LCS - To comply with AS4214 – the buzzer at the LCS sounds when the automatic discharge of the agent has been inhibited via the agent inhibit push button located at the ACC or LCS(s). In some installations, it is preferred not to sound the buzzer when the automatic discharge of the agent has been inhibited because workers have a set exit procedure which includes checking the agent inhibit condition has been removed. In order to meet both requirements, the continual sounding of the buzzer when the automatic discharge of the agent has been inhibited is configurable through the “Programming” menu at the FACP. This only affects the buzzer at the LCS(s). LCS Local Control Panel Inhibit TO INHIBIT AUTOMATIC AGENT RELEASE LIFT COVER AND PRESS BUTTON PRESS AND HOLD UNTIL THE LAMP IS ILLUMINATED which indicates the inhibit is activated at the ARC or any of the LCSs. To disable the “Inhibit” PRESS AND HOLD again until the lamp is no longer illuminated. Page 55 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Local Control Station Interconnections CN5 EOL TERMINATOR LINK ONLY USED ON THE LAST LCS ON THE COMMS BUS LK1 JTAG 2 Address Switch Set to 1 ON 4 1 2 3 4 + CN1 T1 3 ON Local Control Station 2 SW2 1 2 3 4 1 LK2 INHIBIT SWITCH MON. DISABLE ON 1 2 3 4 BRD25ARB5- 3 MANUAL HOLD/ AGENT INHIBIT ON 1 2 3 4 SIG SIG + SCRN + - 10K EOL 2K2 10K EOL INTER LOCK INSERT A 2K2 ACROSS THE 10K EOL TO DEFAULT TO "ON" + 0V DC TB1 27VDC Agent Termination Board within the FACP + + +27VDC OUT TO NEXT LCS - +27VDC IN FROM TERMINATION BRD. 4 RS 485 OUT INTERLOCK COM TB2 - RS 485 IN COM - MANUAL +24V 0 V +24V 0 V RELEASE TB4 TB1 RS 485 COMMS BUS LCS Interconnections Quiescent Current: 18.5mA The LCS is fitted with a 3 terminal strips TB1, 2 & 3 Pin Assignment TB1 1 & 3 2&4 TB4 1& 2 TB2 1 & 4 2&5 3&6 7 8 +27VDC 0VDC Manual Release RS485 + The Comms line is RS485 and supports In/Out communications between the local control station and the termination board. RS485 – In/out RS485 Com The Interlock is a supervised input which is used to determine if Interlock+ air conditioning dampers and doors are closed. Typically the Interlockagent is not released until all dampers and doors have been closed. Page 56 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION MANUAL ACTIVATION LOCK OFF VALVE INHIBITED AGENT LOW PRESSURE AUTOMANTIC ACTIVATION STAGE 2 TIMER RUNNING TRIGGER ZONE ISOLATED AGENT DISCHARGED AGENT CIRCUIT FAULT INTERLOCK INITIAL AGENT RESERVE AGENT COMMON FAULT TO INHIBIT AUTOMATIC AGENT RELEASE LIFT COVER AND PRESS BUTTON AGENT RELEASE BREAK GLASS PRESS HERE Figure 65: Local Control Station Layout Common Agent Release & LCS Indicators There are 12 indicators on both the Agent Release Module and Local Control Station. They are; MANUAL ACTIVATION – Red Illuminated when a manual release sequence has commenced. Manual release sequence can only be started by activating the manual release at the ACC or LCS. Indicator is extinguished by initiating a “RESET” on the FACP. AUTOMATIC ACTIVATION – Red Illuminated when an automatic release sequence has commenced. This occurs when the selected zone(s) on the FACP have gone into alarm. For dual zones, the indicator should flash when the first zone goes into alarm, and steady when the second zone goes into alarm. Indicator is extinguished by activating RESET on the FACP. AGENT DISCHARGED – Blue Illuminated when the pressure switch indicates the agent has been released. For Pyrogen, feedback is from the thermal switch. If there is no pressure switch fitted, the indicator will be illuminated immediately the agent release signal is activated (Selected via FACP on-site programming – refer to relevant FACP Manual). Indicator is extinguished by activating RESET on the FACP. LOCK OFF VALVE INHIBITED – Yellow Illuminated when the lock-off valve has been activated. STAGE 2 TIMER RUNNING – Yellow Stage 2 Timer Running Illuminated when the pre-discharge delay timer is running. Indicator is extinguished by activating the RESET control on the FACP. AGENT CIRCUIT FAULT – Yellow Illuminated when there is a fault on the monitored Main or Reserve activation circuits. Eg S/C or O/C. Page 57 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION AGENT LOW PRESSURE – Yellow Illuminated when the low pressure switch is activated. This indicates a leakage at the agent cylinder. The low pressure switch is a separate switch. It is not the same pressure switch as used for the agent discharged indicator. TRIGGER ZONE ISOLATED – Yellow Illuminated when any of the programmed trigger zones on the FACP are isolated. COMMON FAULT – Yellow Illuminated under the following fault conditions; pressure switch monitoring fault, low pressure switch monitoring fault, lock-off valve monitoring fault, activation circuit fault, stage 1 output fault, stage 2 output fault, LCS fault (missing or extra), trigger zone(s) fault, low agent pressure and interlock fault. INTERLOCK – Yellow Illuminated when the interlock input (eg from dampers, doors etc) is off during the discharge sequence – meaning the dampers, doors etc are not closed as they should be or a fault exists. The “Interlock” is overridden after 10 seconds and the agent is released Note: The Interlock is a Monitored Input and can be defaulted to the ON position by terminating the input ( TB2 7 & 8 ) into a 2.2K EOL resistor. INITIAL AGENT – Green Illuminated when the “ Initial“ Agent is selected. RESERVE AGENT – Yellow Illuminated when the “ Reserve “ Agent is selected. 10.5 Agent Release Termination Board BRD25ATB Monitored INPUTS LCS CABLE NC /// LK1 NO NO + - RL4 +L 302-7870 03/09/02 -L + RELEASE MAIN N/0 COM + - - TB6 C RL5 NO NC NC RL6 NO Contact Rating 1A & 24V COMM -L RESV + - TB7 NO NO Contact Rating 1A & 24V COMM C RL2 N/0 COM TB5 NC NC Contact Rating 1A & 24V C RL1 EOL Termination - /// 27V In NO Contact Rating 1A & 24V U1 + TB3 TB4 TB2 NC U3 C N 2 N/0 COM + LOCK- + PSW - /// RS485 Control Out to Next Board or Link 1 EOL is Applied + L.PSW- TB1 C N 1 STAGE2 STAGE1 /// RS485 Control In From CN2 of Previous Board or CN21 of the Main Control Board SIG+ 0VDC SCRN SIG+24VDC + - Outputs are Monitored GAS SYST. FIRED INOP. +L U4 NC COMM RL7 C RL3 -L +L U2 Q2 U5 U10 X1 Address Setting CN3 CN4 ON CN5 27V to Next Board 1 2 3 4 U9 U7 SW1 Figure 66: Agent Termination Board PCB Layout The Agent Termination Board interfaces to; 1. The FACP via CN1, CN2 continuing the RS485 communications bus if required. LK1 is inserted if this is the last backpan board on the bus. 2. LCS’s ( up to 4 ) via TB1. LK1 is inserted in the last board in the RS485 Bus Page 58 FIREFINDERTM 3. INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Monitored Inputs: via TB2. ( EOL Resistance 22K, Series Resistance 4K7 ) (a) Pressure Switch ( PSW ) agent released (b) Low Pressure Switch ( LPSW ) agent storage cylinder pressure has dropped to a predetermined level; and (c) Interlock, the manual lock-off valve has been operated. 4. Gas Fired: Output via RL2 N/O contacts rated at 1A @ 24VDC wired to TB3. Used to indicate to other monitoring devices the agent has been released. 5. System Inoperative: via RL1 N/O contacts rated at 1A @ 24VDC wired to TB4. Used to warn by way of signage / audible alarm and/or monitoring that the system is inoperative. 6. Stage 1: Output; initiates the visual and audible Fire Alarm and Evacuate warnings. (a) Monitored; via RL4 C/O contacts wired to TB5 1 & 2 ( EOL required 10K ) and (b) un-monitored; via RL5 N/O contacts wired to TB5 3 & 4. 7. Stage 2: output; initiates the visual and audible Fire Alarm and Do No Enter warnings (a) Monitored; via RL6 C/O contacts wired to TB6 1 &2; ( EOL required is 10K ) and (b) Un-monitored; via RL3 N/O contacts wired to TB6 3 & 4 8. Release: Main actuating circuit, monitored (10KΩ EOL required) via TB7 1 & 2 ( 2A current limited ), Release: Reserve actuating circuit, monitored (10KΩ EOL required) via TB7 3 & 4 ( 2A current limited ) (a) To Pyrogen Igniter ( max of 10 ) (b) Metron Igniters ( max of 10 – a series 2watt 10 resister must be added to the circuit ) (c) Solenoid valve ( max current of 2 amps & 27VDC ) 10.6 Interface Wiring Monitored Inputs TB2 1 & 2 Pyrogen, This input relies on a thermal fuse used in conjunction with 22K EOL and 4K7 series resistors. The type of agent release mechanism has to be set in the Programming Menu for the input to function as per the manufacturers specifications and be in accordance with the relevant Standard. To Next 302-740 if Applicable Place 10K EOL Across Last Board. Pyrogen Release Board 302-740 C2 * Keep cable length to a minimum -VE TB2 FUSE +VE Pyrogen Canister D1 R2 R1 302-7400 17/10/00 4K7 Pyrogen Release Point To TB7 MAIN or RESERVE Release 10K EOL TB1 C1 10K EOL Solenoid 22K EOL - PSW + TB2 Termination Board Alternative Wiring to TB7 + - TB7 MAIN 1 2 Figure 67: Pyrogen Wiring Page 59 + RESV FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Solenoid & Metron This input relies on N/O or N/C relay contacts used in conjunction with 22K EOL and 4K7 series resistors. The type of agent release mechanism and contacts used has to be set in the Programming Menu for the input to function as per the manufacturers specifications and be in accordance with the relevant Standard. Note: The PSW, LPSW & the Interlock Mechanisms are all mounted onto the top of the cylinder containing the Agent Agent Distribution 10K EOL * + - + - 22K EOL To TB7 MAIN or RESERVE Release Solenoid 22K EOL 4K7 4K7 22K EOL TB7 MAIN Termination Board + - + RESV MAIN / RESERVE RELEASE * For METRON 4K7 - + - Agent PSW add a series 10ohm resistor here LPSW LOCK Figure 68: Solenoid, Metron PSW, LPSW and “LOCK” Wiring LPSW & Lock These inputs are also monitored and should be wired as shown above TB3 * = MOV * 35V RL2A * 1 To Monitoring Interface / Device TB4 RL1A + System Inoperative 2 +27V Current Limited to1A 0V Figure 69: Gas Fired Wiring 1 0V 2 - To Sys Inop Mon Figure 70: System Inoperative Wiring As can be seen from above the; Gas Fired Output can be wired to any interfacing or 1A monitoring circuit that requires a closed relay contact to indicate a change of state. This could be a relay or a solid state device. System Inoperative Outputs 27V @ 1A to supply interfacing, signage and aural alarms to indicate the system has been taken out of service or has developed a fault. Stage 1, Stage 2 Stage 1 or Stage 2 RL4A RL6A RL4B RL6B TB5 / 6 1 +ve * -ve 2 3 RL5A RL3A The above circuitry applies to both TB5 ( Stage 1 ) and TB6 ( Stage 2 ) Termination Board Relays * * = MOV 35V 4 10K EOL -(+) To audible / visual device or interface * 0V Figure 71: Stage 1 and 2 Wiring Page 60 +(-) 1 or 2 Way Signage TB5 = Stage 1 TB6 = Stage 2 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 10.7 Warning Signs Description The warning signs are driven by a 2 wire system and may be configured for single or dual stage operation. An on-board buzzer provides an audible warning which may be disabled by removing JP3. External evacuation devices, eg sounders may be connected to TB3 of the input termination board. An external mute push-button (N/O contacts) may also be connected to Term 3 on the warning sign PCB to enable the user to silence the internal buzzer and evacuation device. Inserting JP4 disables this function. Enclosures The IP50 is a metal enclosure. The facia surround is fitted by removing the screw on the left hand side of the enclosure and pulling it away to the left. The facia sign is fitted in place and the tabs bent over to hold it in place. Two holes in the backpan of the chassis allow for mounting. The IP65 ABS enclosure has 10 screws, tightened evenly but not over tightened, hold the facia in place. Do not over tighten. 4 holes in the backpan allow for mounting. Specifications: Operational Voltage Power Consumption Continuous IP Ratings Environmental 28VDC At 24VDC 55mA Stage 1 At 24VDC 140mA Stage 2 (100mA Muted) IP50 ( Dim: 190H x 315W x 73D mm ) IP65 ( Dim: 200H x 295W x 65D mm ) -10˚C to +55˚C Dry heat +40˚C @ 0 to 93% Relative Humidity Installation 1. 2. 3. 4. Remove the backpan from the enclosure to ensure it is not damaged while mounting the enclosure. Bring the cabling into the enclosure by removing the knockouts most appropriate for the installation. Mount the enclosure, remount thebackpan, set the configuration and then cable as per the following diagram. ENSURE THE AGENT IS ISOLATED and test from the Agent Release Module. Cabling Term 3 (Buzzer Mute) BUZZER MUTE Normally Open [ N/O ] Push Button Switch (Optional) INPUT Term 4 ( Single pair polarity reversing / 2 Stage Input ) Stage 1 Stage 2 0V – 24VDC 24VDC – 0V Configuration – Jumper Settings JP 1 (Continuous / Flashing) JP 2 (Single / Dual Stage) 1-2 Continuous 2-3 Flashing (DEFAULT) 1-2 Single Stage 2-3 Dual Stage (DEFAULT) LED's Permanently ON LED's flashing at 1.5Hz JP 3 (Enable Buzzer) 1-2 ENABLE BUZZER (DEFAULT) Full sign on for Stage 1&2 Half sign on for Stage 1 Full sign on for Stage 2 JP 4 (Disable External Mute) Buzzer activates both Stage 1 & 2 for 1-2 EXTERNAL (DEFAULT) MUTE Disable external mute for internal Buzzer JP 5 ( Enable External Evacuation Device ) [ not used ] 1-2 ENABLE EXTERNAL EVACUATION External evacuation device will activate on Stage 1 & 2 DEVICE (DEFAULT) with the tone dependent on the input polarity Page 61 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION WARNING SIGN TERMINATION BRD TB1 C OM+ STG1 BRD 42WTB2- A TB2 CN1/2 INPUT TERM 6 OUTPUT INPUT TERM 2 TERM 3 OUTPUT OUTPUT TERM 1 - + TONE 1 + TONE 2 BUZZER MUTE NOT USED EXTERNAL SO UNDER TP10 ROW BACKPAN RETAINING SCREWS IN EACH CORNER BUZZER MUTE COM + LEVEL 2 LEVEL 1 + TONE 1 + TONE 2 COM + GND 2 WIRE INPUT FROM AGENT TERMINATION BOARD 10K TO NEXT WARNING SIGN IF USED FIT 10K EOL TO LAST SIGN (MAX 6) TERM 4 TERM 5 LEVEL 2 + LEVEL 1 TP1 + + - OUT STG2 IN TB3 VANTAGE SOUNDER (MAX 1) NOT USED TO N/O MUTE SWITCH TP11 JP"X" TP12 ROW NOT USED 1 2 3 JUMPER NUMBERING TP13 TP7 TP8 ROW NOT USED TP9 JP2 JP4 JP5 JP3 ENABLE BUZZER DISABLE EXT-MUTE BUZZER ENABLE SOUNDER (NOT USED) FLASHING DUAL LEVEL CONTINUOUS GND SINGLE LEVEL TP14 JP1 WARNING SIGN PCB UNSCREW THE 4 SLOTTED SCREWS TO REMOVE PCB Figure 72: Warning Sign PCB Layout and Cabling TB1 4. (-) ALERT STG1 3. (-) ALERT 2. (-) EVAC OUT STG2 BRD 42WTB2- A 1. (-) EVAC BRD 42WTB1-A TO NEXT WARNING SIGN IF MULTIPLE SIGNS ARE USED FIT 10K EOL TO LAST SIGN ON CHAIN + + - 10K TB3 C OM+ IN 6. (+) POS 5. (+) POS TB2 CN1 CN2 10K SYST. VANTAGE SOUNDER ( ORDER CODE 205-0062 ) NOTE: THE WARNING SIGN TERMINATION BRD IS MOUNTED ON THE INSIDE BACK PLATE OF THE WARNING SIGN + TERM 4 WARNING SIGN ( MAXIMUM OF 6 IN TOTAL ) INPUT + TONE 1 + TONE 2 - INOP TB4 MAIN + - N/0 C O M + - N/0 C O M + - RESV + - + - Outputs are Monitored TB5 STAGE1 TB6 STAGE2 TB7 RELEASE AGENT TERMINATION BOARD Figure 73: 2 Wire Cabling from the Agent Termination Board to the Warning Sign/s & Evacuation Device/s Page 62 FIREFINDERTM 11 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Occupant Warning Systems The EV20, EV40, EV60 and EV120 are compact single zone occupant warning devices that when triggered produce Alert and Evacuation signals to meet the requirements of AS1670.4. EV20 At the heart of an EV20 single zone occupant warning system is a microprocessor that generates the alert and evacuation signals, controls timing and the input / output. If an FACP warning system input is received when the rotary switch is in the AUTO position the EV20 will begin to output the “Alert” signal for a duration determined by the setting of the 4 way DIL switch SW1. The set duration is termed the changeover timeout and ranges from 0 seconds to a maximum of 300 seconds. If the time out is set to 0 seconds then the alert signal is bypassed and the evacuation signal commences immediately. The operator can manually stop the sequence by turning the rotary switch to the ISOLATE position. IC4 performs the task of an audio amplifier with TX1 providing the impedance matching to a 100 volt speaker line. The alert and evacuation signal output Stages are set by adjusting RV1 and RV2 respectively. Short or open circuit speaker faults are detected by the fault monitoring circuitry and will result in the illumination of the FAULT indicator mounted on the front panel control module. Public Address A microphone and pre-amplifier (Order Code 222-0007) is used to provide the public address capabilities. EV20 Verbal Messaging An optional verbal messaging PCB (Order Code 222-0026) is available and is mounted directly onto the main board. EV40 At the heart of an EV40 single zone occupant warning system is a microprocessor that generates the alert and evacuation signals, controls timing and the input / output. If an FACP warning system input is received when the rotary switch is in the AUTO position the EV40 will begin to output the “Alert” signal for a duration determined by the setting of the 4 way DIL switch. The set duration is termed the changeover timeout and ranges from 0 seconds to a maximum of 540 seconds. If the time out is set to 0 seconds then the alert signal is bypassed and the evacuation signal commences immediately. The operator can manually stop the signal sequence by turning the rotary switch to the ISOLATE position. Amplifier 1 & 2 provides 40watts of audio output at 8 ohms which feeds TX1 to provide the impedance matching to a 100 volt speaker line. The “ALERT” and “EVAC” Stage controls adjust the output Stage of each set of signals. Short or open circuit speaker faults are detected by the fault monitoring circuitry and will result in the illumination of the FAULT indicator mounted on the front panel control module and “SPEAKER SHORT” (red) or “SPEAKER OPEN” (yellow) LEDs on the main board. Public Address A microphone (Order Code 294-0001) is used to provide the public address capabilities. EV40 Verbal Messaging An optional verbal messaging PCB (Order Code 222-0013) is available and is mounted directly onto the main board. EV20 / 40 Verbal Message Alert / Evacuation – “Emergency Evacuate Now” Page 63 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Control Module When the control switch is in; AUTOMATIC - occupant warning signals and if applicable verbal messaging is under the control of the microprocessor and outputted to the speaker system when it receives a “warning system” signal from the FACP. ISOLATE – the occupant warning system is isolated from the FACP “warning system” signal and even if the signal is present there will be no output. PUBLIC ADDRESS – the occupant warning system can be used locally as a PA system. MANUAL EVACUATION – the occupant warning signal/s will be transmitted over the system. Indicators LINE FAULT - In the event of an open or short circuit speaker line the LINE FAULT indicator (yellow) will be illuminated ISOLATED - the LED will be illuminated (yellow) when the warning system is isolated Signal Structures ALERT SIGNAL Australian AS1670.4 Alert Signal 420Hz 420Hz 420Hz ON AS1670.4: 420Hz pulsed on for 0.625 seconds at 1.25 second intervals 0.625 0.625 sec sec OFF 0 2 3 Time in seconds 1 4 EVACUATION SIGNAL Australian AS1670.4 Evacuate Signal 1200Hz 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 500Hz 1.5 sec sec sec sec sec secs 0.5 OFF 0 2 3 Time in seconds 1 0.5 sec AS1670.4: 0.5 second sweep signal 500-1200 Hz for 2.5 seconds at 4 second intervals 4 EVACUATE SIGNAL WITH VERBAL MESSAGE 1200Hz 500Hz 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 sec sec sec sec sec secs sec 0.5 OFF 0 "EMERGENCY EVACUATE NOW" 1 2 3 4 Time in seconds Figure 74: Alert & Evacuation Signal Structures Page 64 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION EV20 Cabling EV20 TB2 4 47K IS PLACED ACROSS LAST SPEAKER ON THE CIRCUIT 2 1+ PSU BRIGADE MONITOR BOARD CN1 5 EVACUATION 4 SYSTEM EV20 CONTROL RED PINK BLACK GREEN ORANGE COMMON 3 ISOLATE 2 MANUAL EVAC 1 CN3 GND 3 OUT 2 IN 1 302-604A IF THE PA OPTION IS NOT USED INSERT LINK ACROSS PINS 1 & 2 OF CN3 EV20 OUTPUT 3 TB1 TB5 2 1 WARNING SYSTEM 222-0008 TB2 2 1 47K TB2 +27V 3 COMMON 4 1 2 3 CN3 4 5 3 MIC PRE-AMP TB1 1 1 CN1 2 3 1 CN1 2 3 1 2 CN2 3 4 5 302-475 3 CN2 302-718 +27V Figure 75: Typical EV20 & PA Wiring O /P E T H O /P + D090 PHILIPS + ISOLATED + + TO VERBAL MESSAGE BOARD D4 CN2 3 3 5 WAY CABLE - MESSAGE CONTROL 260-0027 AMPAC S T D MSG3 EVACMESSAGE 4 REC LATCHING 0 ( EVAC ONLY ) 30 S 60 E C 120 O N 180 D S 240 AMPAC - SW1 TIME OUT TABLE + EXAMPLE OF SETTING - 30SECS ( FACTORY SETTING "0" ) AND I/P SET TO NON-LATCHING PLAY 1 2 3 4 2 Core Audio 1 C14 + TB1 ON 4 TO N E C5 C2 U3 + + SW1 1 2 3 4 ON + + TX1 + TB5 2 D C- D C + C6 2 1 - GREY .22mm (500mm) WHITE .22mm (500mm) + CN3 VOICE VOLUME EV C O M TIMER FireFinder BRIGADE PSU MON BOARD WARNING SYSTEM ( MONITORED ) + +27V -0V NOTE: IF THE P.A. OPTION IS NOT FITTED. FIT LINK ACROSS CN3 PINS 1(IN) AND PIN 2(OUT) AUDIO RV2 RV1 TONE VOLUME + IN - 3 4 RED .75mm (500mm) BLACK .75mm (500mm) TB2 SW 1 CTRL O/P +27 VDC F1 1A CN1 VOICE RES1093 47K FACP CONNECTIONS GND 5 WAY PANDUIT EVAC/ALERT CONTROL 2 FRONT PANEL PCB Signal Pin 1 1 SW1 TDA 2030 11 261-0005 CABLE ASSEMBLEY 2 CORE AUDIO FITTED WITH 3 WAY PANDUIT CONNECTORS FAULT 12 C 9 10 Signal Pin 2 A BRD42ETG-01 API-718 8 1 Shield Pin 3 B 2 1 1 IN 7 CN2 2 CORE AUDIO TERMINATED ONE END WITH 3 WAY PANDUIT CONNECTOR SHEILD OUT ISOLATE 6 PUBLIC ADDRESS PRE-AMP + - + 5 4 3 LINE FAULT CN3 CN2 CN1 FRONT PANEL CN3 0V Pin1 Shield MIC I/P +27V Pin 2 - + PUBLIC ADDRESS MANUAL EVACUATION RL1 Signal (Red) TB1 * + CN1 AUTOMATIC RV1 Shield LED1 LINE FAULT + API-475/2 TX1 O/P TB1 TX2 OCCUPANT WARNING SYSTEM O/P Note: “WARNING SYSTEM” is a monitored O/P. The EOL is on board the EV20 and is effectively made to be O/C (at TB1) during an EV20 fault condition. This produces the fault condition at the FACP. NON-LATCHING SW1/4 MUST BE SET TO NON-LATCHING. OPTIONAL VERBAL MESSAGE BOARD ORDER No 222-0013 VERBAL MESSAGE BOARD IS MOUNTED ON STANDOFFS ONTO THE MAIN BOARD IN THE POSITION INDICATED ABOVE 300 ALERT ONLY NO CHANGE OVER Figure 76: EV20 Wiring to Control Module, FACP Cabling and Time Out Table Page 65 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION EV40 Cabling NOTE 1: "WARNING SYSTEM" IS A MONITORED FACP O/P. THE EOL IS ONBOARD THE EV40 AND IS EFFECTIVELY MADE TO BE O/C (AT TB1) DURING AN EV40 FAULT CONDITION. THIS PRODUCES THE FAULT INDICATION AT THE FACP 8 OHM o o o o o o o o o o SPARE JUMPERS EVACTRON EV40 TB4 AMP2 40W LINE TRANSFORMER NOTE 2: IF NO SPEAKER MONITORING IS REQUIRED PLACE A 22K RESISTOR ACROSS TB4 TERMINALS 1 & 2 TO DISABLE OPEN CIRCUIT LED 100V IN A B R ED 100V IN 22K MONITORED SPK OUT TB5 MONITORED SPK OUT AMP1 FUSE 3A OCCUPANT WARNING SYSTEM + 27VDC IN SPEAKER SHORT (RED) PA1 SPEAKER OPEN (YELLOW) PA2 CONT LINE FAULT FAULT AUTOMATIC PINK FAULT COM FLT - o o + ISOLATED PUBLIC ADDRESS MANUAL EVACUATION AL IND (0v SWITCH) NOCF o o M/MAN o o o OFF 1 2 3 4 EV - 27VDC IN TB3 CCT FLT RELAY AL EV IND (0v SWITCH) o ON ON 4321 TIMER OUT CON (0v SWITCH) + 27VDC GND MICRO FRONT PANEL ALARM MESSAGE BRD MOUNTING SOCKETS PLUG IN VERBAL MESSAGE BOARD ( OPTIONAL ORDER SEPARATELY ) TB2 AL EV ORANGE AUTO WHITE GND BLACK o o o o o o PA1 o o o o ALM VOLUME CONTROLSP W R OU T PWR IN TB1 ALERT EVAC CN1 MIC2 MIC1 TERMINATION BOARD + +P W R M2 GREEN BLACK PA2 PINK -WARN R ED CN2 o o o o o o o o o o GND TB1 302-718 o o o o o o 302-718A 14/8/00 M1 PAU PEV CN1 STATUS CONTROL CN3 + MIC - OPTIONAL ORDER SEPARATELY D090 PHILIPS MIC SYSTEM POWER TB2 1 2 BLACK 0V VERBAL MESSAGE BOARD +27VDC NOTE: Ensure F7 is 3Amps WARNING SYSTEM GREY - WHITE + 1 2 RED +27V + FireFinder BRIGADE PSU MON BOARD WARNING SYSTEM MONITORED TB5 TIME OUT TABLE AND EXAMPLE OF 30SECS SETTING (FACTORY SETTING "0" SECONDS) ON ALERT 480 540 420 360 300 240 270 210 150 180 120 60 90 SECONDS 30 EVAC Figure 77: Typical EV40 Wiring to Control Module and FACP 4 ON OFF 3 ON OFF 2 ON OFF 1 ON OFF EVAC / ALERT = SEQUENCE GOES STRAIGHT TO EVAC OR ALERT TONES SW 1 - 4 = ON SW 1 - 4 = OFF Figure 78: EV40 Time Out Table Jumper settings PEV: - PA + Evac – must be inserted when a selector switch is connected. PAU: - PA in Auto – if inserted allows Mic 1 input (hand held microphone) to be used in “Auto” (with no FACP alarm ) and paging in “Evac” mode. PA2 CONT: - PA2 Control – if inserted allows the PA2 input to also switch the Control Output. M2 1milli volt: - if inserted enables a 1mV microphone input for Mic 2, not inserted enables the input for 100mV line level ( background music etc.) Page 66 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 11.1 EV60 / 120 The EV60 & 120 are essentially an EV20 MPU and driver but with 60 and 120 watt output amplifiers powered from a Current Limit Fuse Board. Figure 79: EV60 EV120 11.2 EV3000 Relay Board Operation One of the relays on the 8 Way Relay Board will be programmed to operate on “Alarm”. The subsequent shorting of the 10KΩ EOL initiates the Alert / Evac sequence 10K EOL EV3000 O/P 2 O/P 3 O/P 4 O/P 5 O/P 6 O/P 7 O/P 8 N/0 C N/C N/0 C N/C N/0 C N/C N/0 C N/C N/0 C N/C N/0 C N/C N/0 C N/C N/0 C N/C TB1 F.I.P. INPUT BOARD INPUT COMMON INPUT INPUT 16 15 14 13 TB5 INPUT 1 2 11 1 0 9 TB2 TB3 O/P 1 8 7 6 INPUT 5 4 3 2 1 TB1 TB2 TB4 CN1 IC37 N/O N/O N/O IC39 N/O RL13 RL14 RL15 RL16 C C C C C 8 N/O RL12 C 5 TO CN4 OR CN5 OR THE 1/0 BOARD 302-6720 N/O RL11 C 7 N/O RL10 C 6 N/O RL9 RL1 RL2 RL3 RL4 RL5 N/C RL6 RL7 N/C 4 N/C RL8 3 N/C 2 N/C 1 N/C ON N/C 302-676x N/C IC38 SW1 CN1 IC40 RS485 IN N/O RL9 5 Amp Version Legend 1 Amp Version C N/C RL1 CN2 8 WAY RELAY BOARD IC36 IC27 IC18 IC9 IC41 RS485 OUT CN4 POWER OUT FIREFINDER Figure 80: FACP / EV3000 Cabling Using Relay1 and I/P 1 HLI Interface Operation The EV3000 Occupant Warning and Intercommunications System ( OWIS ) main central processing unit communicates via a RS485 bus with a Controller Interface Card ( CIC ) in an FACP. A fault in the EV3000 will be indicated by the Master Control Panel which in turn initiates, via the Common Fault Relay Board and Brigade PSU Monitor Board, a Warning System Fault indication on the FACP. FireFinder CN17 MAIN CONTROL BOARD (BRD85MBA) CN13 CH16 CONTROLLER I/F CARD CN15 2 1 CN2 CN2 CN2 CH8 CH6 27V IN SLAVE CPU (302-6692) CN6 TB2 302-7250 RX D 1 T RX+ TRX- CN3 S CRN OUT CN3 RN17 TB1 BRIGADE PSU MONITOR BOARD EXPANSION LEDS TB5 1/2 (+/-) WARN SYS CN7 CN5 CN4 CN3 EXPANSION PANEL API-422B CN17 CN15 CN4 CN5 CN6 CN7 TIME OUT SELECTION SWITCH OWIS EV3000 MAIN CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT + CN10 CN21 CN2 CN14 CN16 TXD CH8 U10 CN8 CN13 COM RT S CN1 RN20 CN16 MODEM 0V CT S U11 CH8 CN1 +27V FRONT PANEL CN8 CN9 CH2 CN1 S W2 CN11 PRINTER RESET CN10 COMMON FAULT RELAY BRD Note: The common fault methodology shown here is only used in a combination EV3000 / FireFinder Panel. 10K 302-673 EV3000 MASTER CONTROL PANEL EV3000 CN18 Figure 81: HLI & Common Fault Cabling To & From the FACP and EV3000 Page 67 ON CN1 CN1 U14 CN18 TB3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 U13 SLAVE CPU (302-6692) CN2 CN1 SLAVE CPU (302-6692) c U15 CPU BOARD (BRD85CPU) 3 c 1 a b 1 a b LOOP CO MMS 4 CN11 CN26 CN12 CN20 CN14 ON D13 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CH15 FIREFINDERTM 12 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Brigade Devices 12.1 ASE ( Vic Metro ) Brigade Box The ASE Brigade Box interfaces the Victorian Fire Brigade into the FireFinder™ SP series of FACP’s. TB8 ALARM TB7 ISOL TB6 FAULT NOTE: THE BATT FAIL RELAY TB10 ON THE BRIGADE BOARD BATT FAIL IS NORMALLY ENERGISED N DURING NORMAL OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM HENCE TB10 2/3 WILL PRESENT AN O/C TO THE I/F 1 2 3 N/C N/0 BRIGADE PSU MONITOR BRD COM 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 6 + 27 VDC COMMON BLACK BLUE RED YELLOW 1A RED 1 2 3 CN6 RL 1 + 27 VDC TERMINAL BLOCK ASE FAULT 1 2 4 3 5 8 7 6 10 9 RL/1 CONTRACTOR CONNECTIONS CABLE THE BRIGADE BOX EARTH TO THE CHASSIS EARTH IN A STAR CONFIGURATION ASE BRIGADE BOX ASE BRIGADE BOX MOUNTING CLIP Figure 82: ASE FACP Internal Wiring 12.2 Brigade Box ( Deltec WA, SA, TAS,QLD ) The Brigade Box interfaces the Fire Brigade to the FireFinder™ SP series of FACP’s. TB8 TB6 ALARM FAULT TB3 TB9 ISOL TELEPHONE CABLE IN SPRINKLER N/C N/0 COM 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 8 10 12 TB2 C O M M O N + 2 7 V D C BRIGADE PSU MONITOR BRD 1 2 E 5 6 7 CONTRACTOR CONNECTIONS BRIGADE BOX CABLING 9 11 RED 4 +27V 3 BLACK 2 0V 1 NOTE: CABLE THE BRIGADE BOX EARTH TO THE CHASSIS EARTH IN A STAR CONFIGURATION BRIGADE BOX BACKPAN Figure 83: Brigade Box FACP Internal Wiring Page 68 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION FireFinderTM Operation 13 13.1 The Control Panel FIREFIGHTER FACILITY 1 ALARM 2 FAULT 3 ISOLATED 4 EXTERNAL BELL ISOLATE FIREFINDER AMPAC PH: 08 9242 3333 SYSTEM IS NORMAL 15/1/2003 14:00:00 34 WARNING SYS ISOLATE PREVIOUS NEXT ACKNOWLEDGE RESET ISOLATE 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 19 DE-ISOLATE 23 LOOP ABC 20 FAULT OUTPUT ISOLATE 24 SENSOR JKL 2 3 DEF 4 GHI 5 CANCEL ENTRY 6 MNO 11 POWER ON 12 PRE-ALARM 13 AUX ALARM 14 WARNING SYS FAULT 15 SUPPLY FAULT 16 EARTH FAULT 17 SYSTEM FAULT 18 TEST MODE 30 31 PQRS 27 21 AUXILIARY FAULT / ISOLATE 25 ZONE TUV WXYZ SYMB 22 AIF ACTIVE 26 DISPLAY TO SPACE 0 ENTER 7 8 28 9 32 MENU FUNCTION 33 TM FireFinder 29 Figure 84: The FireFinder™ Control Panel with a 4 Line LCD NOTE: The Italic numbers next to each of the Indicators and Keys / Buttons in the diagram above relate to the explanations below. FIRFIGHTER FACILITY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ALARM (Red): This LED will flash if any unacknowledged alarms are present on the system. If all alarms have acknowledged it will light steady. FAULT (Yellow): This LED will light steady if there are any faults on the system, whether they are loop faults, module faults, device faults etc. ISOLATED (Yellow): This LED will light steady if any detectors, devices or zones in the system have been isolated. EXTERNAL BELL ISOLATE (Yellow): Pressing this button will isolate any bells connected to the fire panel If the bell is isolated the LED just above the button will glow steady yellow. Pressing the button again will de-isolate the bell. WARNING SYS ISOLATE Pressing this button will isolate the FACP output to the Warning System if it is connected to one. Pressing the button again de-isolates the Warning System output. When the Warning System is isolated the LED just above the button will be illuminated steady. Page 69 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION PREVIOUS 6. Pressing this key scrolls the display backwards through the alarms, faults, or isolates. NEXT 7. Pressing this key scrolls the display forwards through alarms, faults, or isolates . ACKNOWLEDGE 8. Pressing this key will acknowledge an alarm currently displayed on the LCD. It will also silence the panel buzzer, which sounds whenever there is an alarm (optional) or fault. RESET 9. Pressing this key will reset the panel, clearing any acknowledged alarms and taking the LCD display back to its default screen, unless there are any uncleared faults or isolated devices, these will continue to be displayed. ISOLATE 10. This key is used to isolate individual or groups of detectors, devices or zones. Indicators POWER ON 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. PRE-ALARM AUX ALARM (Green): This LED will light when the mains power is turned on. (Red): This LED will light when a sensor/detector is in the pre-alarm state. (Red): This LED will light if the auxiliary alarm output has been activated. WARNING SYS FAULT (Yellow): When a warning system is connected to the fire panel, this LED will light if the connection to the warning system becomes faulty. SUPPLY FAULT (Yellow): This LED will light if there is one of the following faults on the power supply. 16. 17. 18. The output voltage is too low (less than 26.5V ) The output voltage is too high (greater than 28V ) The battery is not connected properly. EARTH FAULT (Yellow): This LED will light if there is an incorrect earth on any of the signal cables of the system. SYSTEM FAULT TEST MODE (Yellow) This LED will light if the main system CPU is in fault. (Yellow): This LED will light when the panel is in any of the test modes. DE-ISOLATE 19. 20. If a detector currently displayed on the LCD has been isolated, pressing this key will de-isolate it. FAULT OUTPUT ISOLATE ( Yellow ): Pressing this button will isolate the fault output relay on the brigade board. If the relay is isolated the associated LED will light. Pressing the button again will de-isolate the relay. Page 70 FIREFINDERTM 21. 22. INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION AUXILIARY FAULT / ISOLATE ( Yellow ): Pressing this button or if the FACP is fitted with a door switch and the door is opened the auxiliary output relay on the brigade board will be isolated. If the auxiliary fault / isolate is isolated the associated LED will light steady. Pressing the button again will de-isolate the auxiliary fault / isolate relay. The auxiliary output line is monitored, should it go into fault, the LED will flash. AIF ACTIVE ( Yellow ): Pressing this button will activate the Alarm Investigation Facility. The LED just above the switch shall turn on. LOOP 23. Press this key followed by a number to select the loop you wish to access eg LOOP 4. SENSOR 24. After selecting the Loop number press this key to enter the sensor number for the device to be interrogated. ZONE 25. Press this key followed by a number eg ZONE 4 to select the required zone. DISPLAY 26. Press this key after selecting the Zone number or the Loop and Sensor numbers to display the state of the device. 9 27. SYMB These keys are used to navigate around the panel’s menus and enter data. If entering a descriptor, or some other data that contains characters as well as numbers, pressing the keys multiple times will scroll through the available letters written on the button, in sequence. Eg 1,A,B,C TO 28. Use this key to access a range of devices. Eg, 2 TO 7. ENTER 29. Press the ENTER key when using the panel, to enter data. CANCEL ENTRY 30. The CANCEL ENTRY key is used to delete data in a current field or return to the previously displayed menu. 31. Used to move the cursor back and forth when entering data in a field. 32. These keys are used to move between fields when entering data. MENU FUNCTION 33. Pressing the MENU key will display the main menu on the LCD. Similarly pressing the FUNCTION key will display the function menu on the LCD. 34. LCD DISPLAY - This screen can be configured with the servicing companies name and phone number. It also displays the current date, time and that the system is normal (no faults and alarms). If there are any faults or alarms the LCD will display the device in question, if multiple detectors or zones are not in their normal state, the PREVIOUS and NEXT keys are used to scroll through them. FIREFINDER AMPAC PH: 08 9242 3333 SYSTEM IS NORMAL 15/7/2005 Page 71 14:00:00 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION IMPORTANT NOTE: It is strongly recommended that all field programming changes be properly recorded. Function And Menu 13.2 The Default LCD Display In its normal state the FireFinder™ will display a screen similar to that shown below. FIREFINDER AMPAC PH: 08 9242 3333 SYSTEM IS NORMAL 15/7/2005 14:00:00 Figure 85: The Default LCD Display This screen can be configured with the servicing company’s name and phone number via a laptop or modem. The current date, time is set in the Function menu while system status is automatically displayed. 13.3 Accessing Functions and Menus At Levels 2 and 3 access to the panel Functions are password protected. A new panel has a pre-programmed password of 2222 for Level 2 and 3333 for Level 3. When the customer takes control of the panel the password can be changed to suit their requirements. NOTE: All menus are provided with screen prompts and a “Quick Reference Guide” ( see Section 24 ) guides the operator through the operation of the FAC . From the DEFAULT DISPLAY, press MENU or FUNCTION. The FUNCTION menu is password protected (actually a pass-number as it can only contain numbers) to prevent unauthorised changes to the panel's configuration. MENU FUNCTION 13.4 Function Menu and Access Levels Three levels of ACCESS are available. Level 1 has access to MENU only while Password protected Levels 2 and 3 access MENU and FUNCTION as listed below. ( also see the Quick Reference Guide, Section 24 ) Level II: Allows access to: Date: Time: Day/Night Settings: Logs: Tests: I/O: Access: Enter the Day, Month and Year (4 digit year). Enter the hours and minutes (24 hour mode). Enter the Day / Night ON times and Enable - Disable. Fire Alarm, Fault, Isolate, System & Input / Output logs. Walk and loop tests. Sets the functionality of Input / Output devices. Password entry to Level 3 Level III: In addition to the Level I & II facilities, Add, Delete, Delete all passwords and Mode ( Zone / Sensor ) onsite Programming. 13.4.1 Forgotten Passwords Follow the following process if a password has been forgotten or misplaced; a. entering 9999 into the password field; b. take note of the 4 digit password number displayed on the screen; then c. contact the AMPAC head office and quote the above number; A temporary password will be issued and a new password can then be programmed into the FACP. NOTE: The temporary password becomes invalid if 9999 is entered again or if the panel is repowered after 9999 has been entered. Page 72 FIREFINDERTM 14 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION The Main Menu The MAIN MENU is accessed by pressing MENU. MAIN MENU 0: ALARMS 3:ISOLATES SELECT NO. MENU FUNCTION 1:PREALARMS 4: STATUS 2: FAULTS 5:TEST Figure 86: The Main Menu Pressing the appropriate number on the keypad while in the MAIN MENU the user can view any; FIRE ALARMS; PRE-ALARMS, brings up a sub-menu from which a more detailed description of the fault can be displayed. With a Fault present select a field ( to ) to view details of the fault. FAULTS; Pressing Zones Power Test Sensors Loops Modules Supply Brigade Failures Bells ISOLATES on the system. If there are no alarms, pre-alarms, faults or isolates, a message, eg. NO ZONES OR SENSORS IN ALARM, will be displayed for 1 to 2 seconds and then the display will return to the Main menu. 14.1 Status Menu Is pressed to access the STATUS MENU. STATUS MENU 0: LOOPS 3: SYSTEM SELECT NO. 1: MODULES 4:AVALUES 2: I/O STATUS MENU 0: LOOPS 3: NETWORK SELECT NO. 1: MODULES 4: SYSTEM 2: I/O 5:AVALUES FACP WITH NETWORKING FACP WITHOUT NETWORKING Figure 87: The Status Menu From the STATUS MENU the status of system components and settings can be selected and displayed as listed below. Note that different screens are displayed for a system with and without networking. Press Loops: Enter the loop number and the LCD will display its status, eg normal, type of fault etc. Press to print all devices on the loops ( Press RESET to stop printing ) Press to print totals of the loops ( Press RESET to stop printing ) Modules: Select the type of module, Slave , P/S , Brigade or External LED Mimic and follow the screen prompts to display the status of the selected field. I/O: The LCD will display the status of an input or output in a panel or on a loop. Press to display Output status – IN A PANEL or ON A LOOP Press to display Input status - – IN A PANEL or ON A LOOP Once the above is selected follow the prompts and enter the; i) I/O controller number then the input or output on that controller or, ii) loop, sensor and output number on that device. The LCD will display if it is configured and if so a description of what that input or output does and its current state. Page 73 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Network: Note: This option is only available if the system configuration is networked. Is pressed to access NETWORK STATUS. DISPLAY NETWORK STATUS 0: NETWORK POINTS 1: REMOVE SLAVE MODULES 2: REMOTE EXTERNAL MIMIC MODULES SELECT NO. Figure 88: Display Network Status Network Points: DISPLAY NETWORK POINTS 0: STATUS 1: POWER SUPPLY 2: BRIGADE SELECT NO. Figure 89: Display Network Points Network Points Screens are Press Status LCD Displays Select network point Eg. Loop number or Power Supply LCD Displays Charger volts Battery Detected Mains OK or Brigade LCD Displays Operational Non- Op Remote Slave Modules: Select from Network Status Remote Slave Modules, then Module number, then ENTER . Apollo Loop No: 1 TYPE: APOLLO LOOP NO: 1 NP: 1 MOD: 1 REMOTE MODULE STATUS VER: 6.2 STAT: NORMAL Figure 90: Display Remote Module Status Remote External LED Mimic Modules: Select from Network Status Remote External LED Mimic Modules, then NP number, then ENTER, then External LED Mimic number, then ENTER Is pressed to access SYSTEM STATUS.( If the system configuration is not networked Press ) SYSTEM STATUS ALARMS: 0000 PREALARMS: 0000 ISOLATES: 0000 SENSOR FAULTS: 0000 MOD FAULTS: 0000 WDOG: 00 LOOP FAULTS: 00 VERSION: 6.0.30/AS4428 Figure 91: System Status Page 74 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION A Values: Is pressed to access AVALUES. Enter Loop number, then ENTER , then Sensor number, then ENTER . ( If the system configuration is not networked Press ) Loop 1 Sensor 1 SMOKE L1 S1 Z2 STAT: NORMAL AVALUE: 25 MODE: 0 1: 000 O: 000 Figure 92: Analogue Values 14.2 Testing Menu Is pressed to access the ALARM, FAULT AND LAMP TESTING MENU. TESTING MENU 0: ALARM 1: FAULT 2: LAMP SELECT NO: Figure 93: The Testing Menu 14.2.1 Alarm Test Important: Ensure “Alarm” outputs are isolated / inhibited before commencing the test. is pressed to initiate an Alarm Test: Alarm tests either a zone or a sensor on a loop or a range TO TO of zones or sensors on a loop if the key is used, eg, ZONE 1 3. This test will force a zone/s or sensor/s to go into the Alarm state or a conventional zone to a simulated Alarm condition. Pressing ENTER initiates the test. ALARM TEST 0: ALARM 1: SENSOR ALARM TEST ZONE select ZONE NO. then ENTER or TO key SELECT NO: SELECT NO: Figure 94: Alarm Test Selection Screens 14.2.2 Fault Test is pressed to initiate a Fault Test: Fault tests either a zone or a sensor on a loop or a range of zones or sensors on a loop in the same way as for the Alarm test above. This test will force a sensor to go into the Fault state or a conventional zone to a simulated Fault condition. Pressing ENTER initiates the test. FAULT TEST ZONE select ZONE NO. then ENTER or TO key SELECT NO: FAULT TEST 0: ALARM 1: SENSOR SELECT NO: Figure 95: Fault Test Selection Screens Once the above tests have been completed the TEST FAILURE screen will appear. Each ALARM NEXT and FAULT that was detected can be viewed by scrolling through them using the and PREVIOUS keys. If an Alarm or Fault was not detected a short message displays this result and the screen returns to the Fault Test default screen. 14.2.3 Lamp Test is pressed to initiate a Lamp Test: The test will sequentially flash the LED’s on the front panel and illuminate the various segments on the LCD display. Page 75 FIREFINDERTM 15 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Main Functions LEVEL II MAIN FUNCTIONS 0: DATE 1: TIME 2: DAYNIGHT SETTINGS 4: TESTS 5: I/O 6: ACCESS SELECT NO: LEVEL III MAIN FUNCTIONS 0: DATE 1: TIME 2: DAYNIGHT SETTINGS 4: TESTS 5: I/O 6: PASSWORDS SELECT NO: 3: LOGS 3: LOGS Figure 96: The Level II & III Functions Menu 15.1 Setting the Function Date Facility Select FUNCTION . A prompt will ask for a PASSWORD if the control panel is not currently active. Using the keypad key in the Level 2 or 3 PASSWORD and press ENTER . Press to select the set DATE SCREEN. The prompt will ask for the date to be entered in this format, DD/MM/YYYY ( EG 18/08/2005 ), key in and press ENTER . The screen will then return to the MAIN FUNCTIONS MENU. 15.2 Setting the Function Time Facility Press then in the following format key in the time, HH:MM ( EG 16:00 ) using the 24 hour mode. Press ENTER and the screen will return to the MAIN FUNCTIONS MENU. 15.3 Setting the Function Daynight Facility Press The DAY-NIGHT SETTINGS screen will appear. Time entry is the same as setting the “Time” facility Press to enter the DAY ON time then ENTER and, to enter the NIGHT ON time then to ENABLE / DISABLE then ENTER . ENTER . For this Function to have control it must be ENABLED, press toggle to DISABLE. Re-pressing will 15.4 Function Logs Facility Press and the EVENT LOG MENU will be displayed. The LOGS MENU allows the operator to select and view the events that have occurred of all; Press: ALARM, FAULT, ISOLATE, SYSTEM FAULT LOG 7/7 11/7/2005 14:56 05 SUPPLY FAULT ST: EARTH FAULT SELECT 0: PRINT ENTRY 1: SHOW OPTIONS EVENT LOG MENU ( MAXIMUM SIZE = 1162 ) 0: ALARM 1: FAULT 2: ISOLATE 3: SYSTEM 4: I/O SELECT NO: Figure 97: Logs Function Menu & Fault Log Selected Once the type of log is selected, eg. FAULT above, each entry can be viewed by stepping through them PREVIOUS NEXT using the and keys Page 76 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION The type of log, number and totals logged, date and time of the ALARM, FAULT, ISOLATE, SYSTEM or I/O as well as device information will be displayed. The SYSTEM screen displays events and watchdog activity. From these screens the operator can select two other facilities, they are; Press PRINT ENTRY will print out the displayed information if a printer is installed, or SHOW OPTIONS allows the operator to select how the Logs are viewed. Press to VIEW BY ENTRY NUMBER or to VIEW BY DATE. In each case the screen will ask for the appropriate information ( ENTRY NUMBER or DATE ) to be entered before the selected option will be displayed. NOTE: it is possible to scroll through the alarms by using the PREVIOUS and NEXT keys. 15.5 The Function Test Facility Press TESTS: prompts the operator to select either the WALK or LOOP test. Press WALK TEST; the operator will be prompted to select either ZONE or SENSOR test. Press ZONE WALK TEST MENU; This screen requires the operator to select a Zone or number of Zones to be tested, that is enter the Zone number press ENTER or enter the Zone number press TO then the next highest Zone number to be tested EG. 2 TO 7 then ENTER. The TEST MODE LED will be illuminated for the duration of the test and the test will run until the operator RESETS the system or the test times out [Time Out = 15 minutes + 3 to 5 seconds]. Press SENSOR WALK TEST MENU This screen requires the operator to select a Zone and then a Sensor (using the TO key) to be tested then pressing ENTER to start the test. or number of Sensors The TEST MODE LED will be illuminated for the duration of the test and the test will run until the operator RESETS the system or the test times out [Time Out = 15 minutes + 3 to 5 seconds]. Press LOOP TEST requires the operator to select a LOOP for DIAGNOSTIC TESTING Entering the LOOP number and pressing ENTER will initiate the DIAGNOSTIC TEST. NOTE: The LEDs on the Brigade Board will indicate which leg is being tested. The tests displayed are; TESTING SIDE A IDENTIFING DEVICES on SIDE A, and TESTING SIDE B IDENTIFING DEVICES on SIDE B. Once the testing is completed the final screen will display the number of devices found and tested on the LOOP and a Reset is requested to return the system to normal. NOTE: If the data is not entered within 2 minutes the screen will time out and return to the DEFAULT SCREEN. Page 77 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 15.6 Function Manual I/O Control Press to display the Manual I/O Control menu MANUAL I/O CONTROL 0: INPUT 1: OUTPUT 2: REMOVE MANUAL CONTROL SELECT NO. Figure 98: The Manual I/O Control Menu Manual I/O control allows the technician to turn ON or Off inputs and outputs off a device to facilitate testing or isolation of plant during maintenance. Removal of manual control returns control to the panel. Press Input Selected: Press IN A PANEL: Enter the I/O Controller number then the input number . This will display the description for the input and its current state, you can then turn the input ON or OFF or remove manual control. ON A LOOP: Enter the loop number , the sensor number and the input number. This will display the description for the input and its current state, you can then turn the input ON or OFF or remove manual control. Remove All Manual Input Control: Will remove all manual input control. Output Selected: Same sequences as above for inputs but substitute outputs for inputs. Remove All Manual Control Selected: Globally removes all manual control. 15.7 Function Access ( Level II ) / Passwords ( Level III ) PASSWORD MENU 0: ADD PASSWORD 2: DELETE ALL PASSWORDS SELECT NO. FUNCTIONS PASSWORD select PASSWORD then ENTER key Figure 99: The Level II Password Entry & 1: DELETE PASSWORD 3: SENSOR MODE Level III Password Menu Screens Press while in the Main Functions menu and enter the Level III Password if in Access Level II or, if in Access Level III to display the Password Menu. Add Password: Enter the new password, then press ENTER . The password is always a 4 digit number. Delete Password: Enter the password that you want to delete, then press ENTER. Delete All Passwords: This asks you to confirm that you want to delete all the passwords. Press ENTER then ENTER again. Zone / Sensor Mode: This sets the mode in which Alarms, Faults, Prealarms and Isolates status information will be displayed. “Zone” is the default setting. Page 78 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 15.8 Function Programming Press to display the Level III Programming Menu. ON SITE PROGRAMMING MENU 0: CONV ZONE 1: DEVICE 2: INPUT 3: OUTPUT 4: PANEL BASED MCP 5: SUB ADDRESS 6: WDOG SELECT NO. Figure 100: The Programming Menu 15.8.1 Conventional Zone Programming Press Zone: Key in the zone number and enter or change the description ( DESC ) by pressing the numeric buttons multiple times to access characters while at the same time using buttons to move the flashing underline or curser. EDIT Zx DESC AND TYPE SETTING DESC < ZONE > TYPE < ALPHA KEYS ARE ACTIVE Figure 101: Zone Description & Type Programming EDIT Z CONFIGURATION CONFIG LATCHING use < or > to change alarm setting Figure 102: Brigade Options Press to move to the TYPE field or edit the information. Press to move between fields use the reciprocal button By going through all the fields a second screen can also be accessed to show the Output options. Press to step through these fields. The keys are used to set the Y/N field, that is the selected Zone that will activate the Brigade Options ALRM, BELL etc and Config. EDIT Z I/O GROUPS GROUP 1: GROUP 2: GROUP 4: GROUP 5: Enter GROUP NO: GROUP 3: GROUP 6: Figure 103: Zone Configuration Latching / Unlatching Use or to change the setting Configuration settings are Latching, Non-Latching, AVF, Self Reset ( 0 to 99 seconds ). After setting the Configuration the ZONE I/O GROUPS are programmed. ENTER Zx BRIGADE OPTIONS AND CONFIG ALRM: Y/N BELL: Y/N AUX: Y/N SPK: Y/N AIF: Y/N ALARM LED: Y/N CONFIG: LATCHING use < or > to change setting Figure 104: Zone I/O Groups After scrolling through the groups and entering what I/O GROUPS will be turned on by what module/s or device/s in a zone/s the operator is prompted to press ENTER to confirm the entries and / or changes. Page 79 FIREFINDERTM 15.8.2 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Device Programming Press DEVICE: Screen: use these keys these to EDIT and move through wording & keys to MOVE between fields ie: DESC & TYPE and next parameter Enter the Loop and Sensor number then scroll through the following screens. Press or Press to EDIT or to DELETE 1. EDIT LxSx DESCRIPTION AND TYPE STRING. eg: DESC Loop 1 Sensor 1 TYPE SMOKE Edit then press. 2. Allocate / Edit the Sensor to a Zone and set the device type then press. eg: XP95 Photo, XP95 Heat etc3. Set /Edit and display the Output Configurations or options then eg: Latching, AVF, Non-latching etc press. 4. Set / Edits and enables / disables the day/night settings then press. 5. Allocates / Edits the Loop and Sensors Groups. After scrolling through the groups a prompt tells the operator to press ENTER to confirm the changes. 15.8.3 Input Programming Press INPUT: By following the screen prompts as above Edit or Delete an INPUT in a panel or a loop. Screen: PROGRAM MENU SELECTING AN INPUT IN A PANEL I/O MODULE ON A LOOP LOOP Select I/O MODULE NO. then ENTER Select LOOP NO. then ENTER INPUT SENSOR Select I/P NO then ENTER Select SENSOR NO. then ENTER EDIT / DELETE DESC INPUT Select INPUT NO. then ENTER key EDIT LxSxI/Px DESC STRING DESC ALPHA KEYS ARE ACTIVE 15.8.4 Output Programming Press OUTPUT: By following the screen prompts as above Add, Edit or Delete an output in a panel or on a loop. Page 80 FIREFINDERTM 15.8.5 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Manual Control Point ( MCP ) Press MCP: The operator will be prompted to enter the NODE Number, that is the Node or panel on which the MCP is mounted. 15.8.6 Sub Address Press Sub Address lets the operator EDIT or DELETE the address of an IO device on a Loop. Note: an input is the only function that can bring up an alarm. Select the LOOP, then ENTER, SENSOR, then ENTER then the SUBADDRESS ( eg 1, 2 or 3 for 3IO device ), or press to EDIT or press to DELETE. Editing If editing, the screen will display the Loop number, Sensor number and sub address followed by DESC < TYPE < INPUT > and advise the Alpha keys are active. Once edited and pressing ENTER the message UPDATE TO MEMORY message will be displayed. ENTER should not be pressed if the CONFIGURATION is to be edited, instead press to go to the next screen where the output is configured to be latching (general alarm requiring a Reset to be returned to normal ), NON-LATCHING ( hence self resetting ) or FAULT which clears when the fault is cleared. ) 15.8.7 Watchdog This Function provides a counter to record any re-initialisation of the processor. If due to a software failure the panel is automatically reset then the counter will increment by 1 The maximum count is 99 after which the counter resets to 00. Pressing will reset the counter. When the panel is commissioned this counter MUST be reset to 0 as must be the Events Logs. 15.9 Self Learn Self Learn is enabled / disabled in the EEPROM programming. If enabled FireFinder has the ability to detect extra or missing modules or devices, (that is devices or modules that have been added or removed) or there has been a change of the type of module or device. Note: If a change does occur the FACP will take 30seconds to register the event on the LCD and illuminate the FAULT LED. 15.9.1 Extra Devices Detected The FireFinder LCD will indicate extra devices have been detected by displaying the screen below and the FAULT LED will be illuminated. FIREFINDER 4/7/2005 08:05:45 EXTRA DEVICES DETECTED GOTO PROGRAMMING MENU TO RESOLVE SYSTEM IS NOT NORMAL Figure 105: Resolving Extra Modules And Devices Page 81 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION To resolve select FUNCTION, enter PASSWORD, press below will appear and the screen PROGRAMMING MENU 0: RESOLVE EXTRA MODULES AND DEVICES 1: ON SITE PROGRAMMING SELECT NO: Figure 106:Added Module Or Device Select ( Selecting presents the PROGRAMMING MENU ) then or (as seen below) then ENTER to ADD the module or device to the configuration, or skip to resolve the changes manually in the Programming Menu. 0: ADD EXTRA MODULES 1: ADD EXTRA DEVICES 2: DEVICE TYPE MISMATCH 3: MODE MISMATCH SELECT NO: Figure 107: Resolving Extra Modules Or Devices 15.9.2 Mismatch Detected If a mismatch is detected the Normal Default Screen will change to that shown below. Go to the Programming Menu and select either Resolve Extra Modules and Devices then ( Device Type ) or ( Mode ) to resolve the mismatch, OR On Site Programming to resolve manually. Loop 1 Sensor 1 L1 S6 Z1 STAT: TYPE MISMATCH ZONE FAULTS 1 OF 1 Figure 108: Resolving A Mismatch 16 Incoming Fire Alarm Signal Will operate the red common LED fire indicator Will display location of fire alarm origin on the LCD Will activate external alarm. Will activate the internal FACP buzzer. (optional) Will activate any ancillary equipment so programmed. Will abort any test in progress. The LCD will always display the first fire alarm signal received in the top section of the LCD. The lower section of the LCD will also permanently display the most recent zone in alarm. Other essential fire alarm PREVIOUS NEXT information and fault or disablement information is available via the and keys. After 30 seconds if no key is pressed the top section of the display will revert to displaying the first zone in alarm. DETECTOR 1 L1 S1 Z17 ALARM 5/7/2005 15:12:10 SENSOR ALARMS 1 OF 5 SMOKE Figure 109 LCD Screen With 5 Devices In Alarm Note: The displayed information changes to that associated with the device as the PREVIOUS / NEXT push buttons are pressed. If there is a fault condition or a fire alarm and the buzzer is sounding, press the Page 82 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION ACKNOWLEDGE button to stop it sounding Page 83 FIREFINDERTM 17 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Accessing a Loop, Sensor or Zone LOOP OR SENSOR 1. From the default display, press LOOP 2. Enter the loop number you wish to interrogate then press SENSOR. 3. Press the button for the sensor number. 4. Press the TO button if you wish to access a range of sensors on the loop, 5. Press the DISPLAY button if you wish to display the status of a sensor, 6. Press the ISOLATE button if you wish to isolate a sensor then ACKNOWLEDGE 7. Press the DE-ISOLATE button to de-isolate a sensor. LOOP 1 4 SENSOR ABC JKL For Multiple Devices TO 7 ISOLATE TUV DISPLAY ACKNOWLEDGE Figure 110: Steps for Isolating Single and / or Multiple Devices ZONE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 18 From the default display, press ZONE Press the button for the zone number. Press the TO button if you wish to access a range of zones, Press the DISPLAY button if you wish to display the status of a zone, Press the ISOLATE button if you wish to isolate a zone then ACKNOWLEDGE Press the DE-ISOLATE button to de-isolate a sensor. List of Compatible Devices 18.1 Short Circuit Isolation The Ampac modules listed above feature built-in Short Circuit Isolation that continually monitors the Apollo detection loop. In the event the loop voltage drops below 14.0V DC, an open circuit condition is introduced on the negative line of the loop. This action effectively isolates the short circuit condition, and allows the device to function by drawing power from the unaffected side of the loop. The isolated section of the loop is tested every four (4) seconds, and is automatically reconnected when a loop voltage of greater than 14 V DC can be maintained. Note: Should an OC/SC condition eventuate on a loop the LEDs A & B on the Loop Termination Board will both be illuminated. Direction of Current Flow Detectors Direction of Current Flow Isolator Section B Section A Interface Isolator L+ L- Isolator LEDs A & B Loop 1 Panel Loop Termination Board Figure 111: Short Circuit Isolation Block Diagram Page 84 L- L+ FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 18.2 Compatible Devices Description XP95 Analogue Thermal – ‘A’ & ‘B’ Discovery Analogue Thermal ‘C’ Discovery Analogue Thermal ‘D’ Ampac Order Code 201-0001 201-0089 201-0090 XP95 Analogue Ionisation XP95 Analogue Photo Optical XP95 Analogue Universal Base XP95 Short Circuit Isolator XP95 S/C Isolator Base XP95 Input / Output Unit XP95 Sounder Control XP95 Zone Monitor XP95 Xpert Card (Nos. 1 – 126) XP95 Analogue Duct Probe inc. Detector XP95 1 Metre Inlet Tube XP95 Manual Call Point XP95 MCP Spare Glass XP95 Waterproof MCP XP95 Ionisation Black XP95 Photo Optical Black XP95 Universal Base Black Discovery Multisensor Discovery Carbon Monoxide Detector XP95 XPert Card blank Zone Interface Device Single Input Device Enc Single Input/Output Device Enc 3 Input Device Enc 3 Input/Output Device Enc Loop Powered 201-0002 201-0003 201-0004 201-0005 201-0006 201-0007 201-0010 201-0012 201-0013 214-0004 214-0005 213-0028 213-0030 213-0034 201-0091 201-0092 201-0093 201-0094 201-0102 201-0095 201-0100 201-0300 201-0301 201-0308 201-0309 3 Input/Output Device Enc Ext Powered Single Input Device DIN Single Input/Output Device DIN 3 Input Device DIN 3 Input/Output Device DIN Loop Powered 3 Input/Output Device DIN Ext Powered Alarm Acknowledge Module ACP-01 Manual Call Point Square Red ACP-01 Manual Call Point Protective Cover 201-0310 201-0350 201-0351 201-0358 201-0359 201-0360 226-0001 213-0017 213-0014 Glass for ACP-01 MCP FP2 Manual Call Point Resettable Red FP2 Manual Call Point Resettable White FP2 Manual Call Point Protective Cover 213-0015 213-0021 213-0022 213-0023 Page 85 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Description Ampac Order Code Thermal Type A Series 60 White Dot 201-0023 Thermal Type B Series 60 Blue Dot 201-0024 Thermal Type C Series 60 Green Dot 201-0025 Thermal Type D Series 60 Red Dot 201-0026 Smoke Ionisation Series 60 201-0027 Smoke Optical Series 60 201-0028 Universal Base Series 60 201-0029 S60 Duct Probe inc Detector 214-0001 Type E Detectors available on request 223-0001 Remote Indicator Latching Type E 209-0019 S60 I.S. Heat Grade 3 201-0032 S60 I.S. Heat Grade 1 201-0033 S60 I.S. Ionisation 201-0034 S60 I.S. Universal Base 201-0035 XP95 I.S. Ionisation Detector 201-0103 XP95 I.S. Photo Optical Detector 201-0104 XP95 I.S. Heat Detector 201-0105 XP95 I.S. Base 201-0106 XP95 I.S. Manual Call Point 201-0107 XP95 Protocol Translator Single Channel 201-0108 Beam Detector Fireray 2000 220-0004 EV20 single zone EWS AS1670.4 222-0020 EV40 single zone EWS AS1670.4 222-0021 EV60 single zone EWS AS1670.4 222-0022 EV120 single zone EWS AS1670.4 222-0023 Vantage Sounder Red Inc Shallow Base AS1670.4 205-0062 Vantage Sounder White Inc Shallow Base AS1670.4 205-0063 Vantage Combi Red Inc Shallow Base AS1670.4 205-0066 Vantage Combi White Inc Shallow Base AS1670.4 205-0067 Vantage Combi Red Inc Deep Base AS1670.4 205-0064 Vantage Combi White Inc Deep Base AS1670.4 205-0065 Vector White AS1670.4 205-0077 XP95 Ana Uni Base Inc Vector Sounder AS1670.4 205-0078 Ampac Integrated Base Sounder AS1670.4 201-0110 Ampac Integrated Base Sounder Lid AS1670.4 201-0114 Ampac Loop Powered Beacon 201-0113 Page 86 FIREFINDERTM 19 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Certification Information The FireFinder™ is designed and manufactured by: AMPAC TECHNOLOGIES PTY LTD 7 Ledgar Rd Balcatta 6021 Western Australia PH: 61-8-9242 3333 HEAD OFFICE FAX: 61-8-9242 3334 Manufactured to: AS4428 SSL Certificate of Compliance Number: Equipment Serial Number: Job Number Date of Manufacture: Page 87 FIREFINDERTM 20 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Statement of Compliance Please PRINT 1. Name of building 2. Address Fire Alarm Control Panel Brand Name 3. I/WE have installed in the above building an alteration to the manufactured by, OR system a system manufactured by Name of Service Provider 4. The system is connected to the monitoring service provider by a permanent , non-permanent 5. Date of connection connection ( tick ) / / 6. Ancillary equipment connected to the control and indicating equipment ( attach ). 7. Current drain of ancillary loads powered from the CIE power supply 8. Primary power source voltage 9. Battery type and capacity Manufacturer AH 10. Is maintenance agreement held for the system? Yes No 11. Operator's handbook supplied? Yes No 12. Logbook supplied? Yes No 13. 'As-installed' drawings supplied? Yes No 14. Portions of the building not protected by this system are; ( Please PRINT ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Page 88 FIREFINDERTM 15. INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION I/We 1. 2. 3. Print Name/s hereby certify that the installation has been thoroughly tested from each actuating device and that a test of the transmission of the alarm signal to the monitoring service provider has been satisfactorily carried out. I/We further certify that the whole system and all components called up in Clause 1.3 in connection therewith are installed entirely in accordance with the current requirements of AS 1670.l, except with regard to the following details which have already been approved", approval attached. Strike out the bolded sentence if there have not been any exceptions. Signature Date Installing Company Please PRINT or Stamp Page 89 / / FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 20.1 Installation Details # * Indicate with a number in brackets the number of actuating devices in concealed spaces. Add addressable loop number in brackets where applicable. Zone Alarm Zone # Number and Type of Actuating Devices Thermal Fire Flame * No of Actuating Devices per Zone A B C D E Smoke CO IR MCP UV 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Additional Information: ( Attach if necessary ) Name Company Signature Page 90 Date Other FIREFINDERTM 21 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Commissioning Test Report This FireFinder Fire Alarm Control Panel is installed at: Company Name Street Suburb State / Country ( Company Name & Installation Address ) Postcode Owner or Owners' Authorized Representative: Company Name Street Suburb State / Country Postcode Type of Installation: ( Circle ) NEW MODIFIED ADDITION Date of commissioning tests: UPGRADE / Name and address of commissioning company, ( in 'BLOCK LETTERS' ) Company Name Street Suburb State / Country Postcode Commissioning Representative: Name ( Print ) Signature: Page 91 / FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION 21.1 Procedure The following tests are the minimum that shall be performed when commissioning a system using the FireFinder Fire Alarm Control Panel. Supplements to these test may be added by way of attachments or notation ( using waterproof ink ) to this documentation. If supplements or tests are added reference to them shall be made at an appropriate point on this document. This Commissioning Record is to be completed in conjunction with the 1. operator's manual; 2. installer's statement(s); 3. 'as-installed' drawings; and 4. detector test records, The Record provides a complete description of the installed system and its tested performance at the time of being commissioned. 21.2 System Information Check relevant box GENERAL YES NO (a) Equipment: Eq u ip m en t h as b een d esig n ed acco r d an ce w it h t h e r elevan t St an d ar d s. an d co n st r u ct ed in (b ) Installation: Eq u ip m en t h as b een lo cat ed , in st alled an d in t er co n n ect ed in acco r d an ce w it h t h e syst em d o cu m en t at io n NA (c) Compatibility: All d et ect o r s an d o t h er d evices u sed in t h e syst em ar e — (ii) co m p at ib le w it h t h e r elevan t p ar t s o f CIE, p ar t icu lar ly t h at t h e p er m it t ed n u m b er o f d et ect o r s an d o t h er d evices f o r each cir cu it is (i) list ed in t h e o p er at o r ’s m an u al; n o t exceed ed ; (iv) n o t set t o a sen sit ivit y o u t sid e t h at p r escr ib ed in t h e r elevan t p r o d u ct St an d ar d . (d ) Alarm zone limitations: Th e alar m zo n e lim it at io n s in Clau se 2.4 o f AS 1670.1 ar e n o t exceed ed . (iii) in st alled in an en vir o n m en t f o r w h ich t h ey ar e su it ab le; (e) Primary power source (i) Th e p r im ar y p o w er so u r ce f o r t h e syst em h as b een p r o vid ed in acco r d an ce w it h AS/NZS 3000. (ii) Th e iso lat in g sw it ch d isco n n ect s all act ive co n d u ct o r s. (iii) Five o p er at io n s o f t h e p r im ar y p o w er so ur ce sw it ch d id n o t cau se an alar m t o b e in d icat ed o n t h e syst em . (f ) Secondary power source (i) Th e seco n d ar y p o w er so u r ce is o f a su it ab le t yp e an d cap acit y co m p lyin g w it h t h e r eq u ir em en t s o f Clau se 3.16.2 o f AS 1670.1. (ii) Th e f lo at vo lt ag e, ch ar g er t yp e an d set t in g is co r r ect an d in acco r d an ce w it h t h e b at t er y m an uf act u r er ’s r eco m m en d at io n . (g ) Battery temperature and voltage: Th e b at t er y vo lt ag e co r r esp o n d s t o t h at sp ecif ied b y t h e b at t er y m an u f act u r er f o r t h e t em p er at u r e m easu r ed af t er 24 h q u iescen t o p er at io n . Page 92 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION (h ) Alarm zone parameters: Each alar m zo n e cir cu it is w it h in t h e eq u ip m en t m an uf act u r er ’s sp ecif icat io n s. (i) Wire-free alarm zones: Wir e-f r ee act u at in g d ev ice p ar am et er s m eet t h e m in im u m p ar am et er s sp ecif ied b y t h e m an uf act u r er , in clu d in g t h at t h e r eceiver r esp o n d s t o sig n als f r o m an act u at in g d evice f o r alar m , t am p er , lo w st an d b y p o w er sig n als an d g ives a f ault sig n al w h en t h e su p er viso r y sig n al co n d it io n is ab sen t . (j) Operation of fault and alarm signals: Fau lt an d alar m co n d it io n s co r r ect ly d et ect an d in d icat e as t h e co r r ect . alar m zo n e, o p er at in g o t h er r eq u ir ed in d icat o r s, an d o p er at e r elevan t o u t p u t s o f t h e CIE. (l) Alarm zone controls: Alar m t est , f au lt t est , iso lat e an d r eset f acilit y o f each alar m zo n e o p er at es co r r ect ly. (m ) Alarm dependency: Alar m d ep en d en cy w o rks co r r ect ly an d d o es n o t ap p ly t o d evices list ed in Clau se 3.3 o f AS 1670.1. (n ) CIE response to actuating device operation: Each act uat in g d evice h as o p er at ed w h en t est ed w it h a m ed iu m su it ab le f o r t h e d evice t yp e an d t h e (k) Mimic panel: All m im ic p an els, an n u n ciat o r s, et c., o p er at e co r r ect ly. alar m h as in d icat ed o n t h e FIP an d at t h e t est ed d evice. (o ) Fault response time: Th e r esp o n se t o a f ault d o es n o t exceed 100 s f o r each alar m zo n e cir cu it . (p ) Alarm response time: At least o n e d et ect o r in each alar m zo n e h as b een t est ed an d t h e r esp o n se t o t h e alar m d o es n o t exceed 10 s o r t h e p er io d sp ecif ied w h en d ep en d en cy o n m o r e t h an o n e alar m sig n al is u sed . (q ) Supervisory signal response time: At least o n e su p er viso r y d evice in each alar m zo n e cir cu it h as b een t est ed an d t h e r esp o n se t o t h e su p er viso r y d evice d o es n o t exceed 100 s. (r ) Alarm acknowledgment facility: Alar m ackn o w led g em en t f acilit ies o p er at e in acco r d an ce w it h t h e r eq u ir em en t s o f Clau se 3.2 AS 1670.1. (s) Occupant warning system (ii) Each so un d er /sp eaker o p er at es in acco r d an ce w it h t h e r eq u ir em en t s o f Clau se 3.22 o f AS 1670.1 an d a r eco r d o f t h e so u n d p r essu r e level h as (i) A f au lt sig n al is d isp layed at t h e CIE w h en t h e cir cu it w ir in g at t h e last sp eaker o r so u n d er is sh o r t o r o p en cir cu it ed . b een m ad e. (t ) Th e ext er n al alar m in d icat io n is v isib le f r o m t h e m ain ap p r o ach t o t h e b u ild in g . (u ) Manual call points (i) Each m an u al call p o in t o p er at es co r r ect ly. (ii) Th e act ivat io n o f m an u al call p o in t s d o n o t cau se exist in g d et ect o r alar m in d icat io n s t o b e ext in g u ish ed . (iii) Man u al call p o in t s ar e n o t su b ject t o alar m d ep en d en cy. (v) Smoke and fire door release: Each d o o r -r elease d evice o p er at es co r r ect ly. Page 93 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION (w ) Flame detectors (i) Th e n u m b er an d t yp e o f p r o t ect io n f o r t h e ar ea. f lam e d et ect o r s p r o vid e ad eq u at e (ii) Th er e ar e n o ‘b lin d ’ sp o t s in t h e ar ea p r o t ect ed . (iii) Det ect o r s ar e r ig id ly f ixed . (iv) Det ect o r len ses ar e clean an d ad eq u at ely p r o t ect ed f r o m d u st an d ext r an eo u s r ad iat io n so u r ces. (v) Det ect o r s r esp o n d t o a f lam e o r sim u lat ed f lam e so u r ce. (x) Multi-point aspirating smoke detectors (i) Resp o n se t im e o f all sam p lin g p o in t s m eet s t h e r eq u ir em en t s o f AS 1670.1. (ii) Alar m set t in g s an d in d icat o r s o p er at e co r r ect ly. (iii) Rem o t e in d icat io n o f alar m an d f au lt sig n als o p er at e co r r ect ly. (iv) Air f lo w f ailu r e in d icat o r o p er at es co r r ect ly. (v) Syst em (sig n al) f ailu r e in d icat o r s o p er at e co r r ect ly. (vi) Iso lat e an d r eset f u n ct io n s o p er at e co r r ect ly. (vii) Alar m an d f au lt t est f acilit ies o p er at e co r r ect ly. (y) Duct sampling unit: Th e alar m in d icat o r is clear ly visib le f r o m a t r af f icab le ar ea an d t h e d u ct air velo cit y exceed s t h e m in im u m velo cit y sp ecif ied f o r t h e u n it . If n o t , t h e m easu r ed d if f er en t ial p r essu r e is at least t h e m in im u m sp ecif ied f o r t h e u n it . (z) Ancillary control functions: Each an cillar y co n t ro l f un ct io n o p er at es w it h t h e act ivat io n o f asso ciat ed alar m zo n es. (aa) Alarm signalling equipment: Alar m sig n allin g eq u ip m en t in it iat es a f ir e alar m sig n al t o t h e m o n it o r in g ser vice p r o vid er . (b b ) Labelling: Alar m zo n e lo cat io n is im m ed iat ely ap p ar en t f r o m t h e alar m zo n e lab ellin g . DOCUMENTATION Th e f o llo w in g d o cu m en t at io n is lo cat ed in o r ad jacen t t o t h e FIP: (a) ‘As-in st alled ’ d r aw in g s. (b ) CIE d o cu m en t at io n r eq u ir ed b y AS 4428.1 o r AS 7240.2. (c) Co m m issio n in g t est r ep o r t . (d ) In st aller ’s st at em en t in acco r d an ce w it h Ap p en d ix E o f AS 1670.1. (e) A lo g co m p lyin g w it h t h e r eq u ir em en t s o f Clau se 7.3 o f AS 1670.1. (f ) Asp ir at in g syst em d esig n t o o l calculat io n . Page 94 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Page 95 FIREFINDERTM 22 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Troubleshooting Chart Problem Solution No Mains Power Check mains Fuse Check output voltage it should be set to 27.6V. Low = (less than 26.5V ) Supply fault LED illuminated High = (greater than 28V ) Check the battery has been connected properly Check all input and output cabling and wiring assemblies for short to ground Earth Fault LED illuminated Ensure correct software is installed System Fault LED illuminated Check all connections for loose wiring Check correct E.O.L is fitted (10K) Warning System Fault LED illuminated Check wiring is connected correctly Maintenance Alarm cleared but displays Maintenance Alarm FireFinder™ still Carry out Loop Test LCD displays LOOP (number) open circuit Check in and out legs are connected correctly at the loop termination board Unable to clear an O/C or S/C on a loop You must perform a loop test to clear the fault. This is a level 1 function. Check for correct software installed in all communication boards. Communication Loop not working Check LCD at Main controller. This may identify where there is a break in the communication line Can not access Function menu Incorrect Password entered Forgotten password Ring AMPAC and directions will be given to provide you with a temporary code An Analogue Fault occurs when using a Zone Monitor A 1.8k Ohm resistor must be placed in series with the switch to monitor a switch. contacts. Sounder Fault Make sure you have a 10K Ohm EOL resistor fitted and a diode (1N4004) in series with the sounder Page 96 FIREFINDERTM 23 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Address Setting BINARY ADDRESS SETTING (APOLLO) SERIES XP95 - ADDRESS DATA DIL SWITCH: ON = 1 OFF = 0 ADDRESS TAG FOR DETECTORS (I/O DEVICES) ADDRESS 1234567 ADDRESS 1234567 01 = 1000000 02 = 0100000 03 = 1100000 04 = 0010000 05 = 1010000 06 = 0110000 07 = 1110000 08 = 0001000 09 = 1001000 10 = 0101000 11 = 1101000 12 = 0011000 13 = 1011000 14 = 0111000 15 = 1111000 16 = 0000100 17 = 1000100 18 = 0100100 19 = 1100100 20 = 0010100 21 = 1010100 22 = 0110100 23 = 1110100 24 = 0001100 25 = 1001100 26 = 0101100 27 = 1101100 28 = 0011100 29 = 1011100 30 = 0111100 31 = 1111100 32 = 0000010 33 = 1000010 34 = 0100010 35 = 1100010 36 = 0010010 37 = 1010010 38 = 0110010 39 = 1110010 40 = 0001010 41 = 1001010 42 – 0101010 43 = 1101010 44 = 0011010 45 = 1011010 46 = 0111010 47 = 1111010 48 = 0000110 49 = 1000110 50 = 0100110 51 = 1100110 52 = 0010110 53 = 1010110 54 = 0110110 55 = 1110110 56 = 0001110 57 = 1001110 58 = 0101110 59 = 1101110 60 = 0011110 61 = 1011110 62 = 0111110 63 = 1111110 64 = 0000001 65 = 1000001 66 = 0100001 67 = 1100001 68 = 0010001 69 = 1010001 70 = 0110001 71 = 1110001 72 = 0001001 73 = 1001001 74 = 0101001 75 = 1101001 76 = 0011001 77 = 1011001 78 = 0111001 79 = 1111001 80 = 0000101 81 = 1000101 82 = 0100101 83 = 1100101 84 = 0010101 85 = 1010101 86 = 0110101 87 = 1110101 88 = 0001101 89 = 1001101 90 = 0101101 91 = 1101101 92 = 0011101 93 = 1011101 94 = 0111101 95 = 1111101 96 = 0000011 97 = 1000011 98 = 0100011 99 = 1100011 100 = 0010011 101 = 1010011 102 = 0110011 103 = 1110011 104 = 0001011 105 = 1001011 106 = 0101011 107 = 1101011 108 = 0011011 109 = 1011011 110 = 0111011 111 = 1111011 112 = 0000111 113 = 1000111 114 = 0100111 115 = 1100111 116 = 0010111 117 = 1010111 118 = 0110111 119 = 1110111 120 = 0001111 121 = 1001111 122 = 0101111 123 = 1101111 124 = 0011111 125 = 1011111 126 = 0111111 ON 8 2 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 8 Figure 112: Switch and Tab Set to 11 Page 97 32 1 4 16 64 FIREFINDERTM 24 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Battery Capacity Calculation INTRODUCTION The standby power source capacity, or battery capacity, determines how long the system will continue to operate in the event of the loss of the primary power source. It therefore becomes necessary to calculate the battery and hence power supply / battery charger capacity required for each installation. The following calculator has been designed to determine the required capacity to meet the required standards. Should an existing panel be expanded the required battery and power supply capacity should be recalculated to ensure the panel continues to operate within the required standards. The standards considered in this document are: AS1603/4428 EN54 NZS4512 UL72 MS1404 GB4717 DESCRIPTION Enter the number of units listed in the left hand column which go to make up the panel, complete the multiplication to obtain the quiescent current then multiply by the standby and alarm hours required by the standard. POWER SUPPLY RATING The minimum Power Supply Rating ( 4 ) is obtained by calculating the manufacturers recommended battery charge current [ see Note ] ( 1 ) then adding the quiescent current of the entire system ( 2 ) and the alarm current ( 3 ). 1. Battery Capacity (AH) ( determined from Calculator ) 24 x 0.8 = Amps 2. Add Quiescent Current of the System ( Iq) = Amps 3. Add the extra current that is drawn when in alarm ( Ia ) = Amps 4. Minimum Current Rating of Power Supply is = Amps Note: Point 1 Battery Capacity The capacity of the battery shall be such that in the event of failure of the primary power source the batteries shall be capable of maintaining the system in normal working (quiescent) condition for at least 24 h, after which sufficient capacity shall remain to operate two worst case AZFs and associated ACFs for 30 min. When calculating battery capacity, allowance shall be made for the expected loss of capacity over the useful life of the battery. A new battery shall be at least 125% of the calculated capacity requirements, based on a loss of 20% of its capacity over the useful life of the battery. Note: Where the fire control station will not receive the system's total power supply failure signal, the battery should have sufficient capacity to maintain the system for 96 h. Page 98 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION POWER SUPPLY & BATTERY CALCULATOR Panel Configuration Basic 1 loop panel Basic 2 loop panel Basic 16 Zone panel Extender LCD repeater LED repeater Evac Module Iq Calculation Iq No Off X mA 240 254 360 1.8 156.2 27 = Iq Interface Modules Additional 3,5 loops add Additional 2,4 loops add 16 zone 16/16 I/O Fire Fan Control 32 Zone LED Network I/F Controller I/F Valve or Pump Display 8 Way Bell Monitor Agent Release 40 each 15 each 143 5 14 0 74 5.1 3.7 20 29 Loop Devices XP95 Thermal A / B Discovery Thermal C&D XP95 Ion XP95 Photo Discovery Multisensor Discovery Photo Discovery Ion XP95 Short cct isolator XP95 I/O module XP95 Sounder control XP95 MCP XP95 Zone Monitor Ampac 3 I/O loop power Ampac 3 I/O ext. power Ampac SID / SIOD 0.25 0.5 0.28 0.34 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.11 1.2 1.9 0.35 6 2.1 1.5 1.7 Iq = Devices activating when the system is in alarm 8 x Relays 60 Bell 30 Other Ida= Devices de-activating when the system goes into alarm Aircon Relays 20 Electric locks 100 Other Idd= Page 99 Evac Type Iq in mA Ia in mA EV20 41 650 EV40 EV60 EV120 140 150 150 2500 3800 8500 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION I Alarm ( Ia = Iq + Ida – Idd ) = mA Battery capacity at end of battery life NOTE: Note: 1,000ma = 1 Amp = = ( Iq x 24 ) + Fc( Ia x 0.5 ) Note: The figure of 24 above should be replaced with 96 if Agent Release is used = = Ah Fc = capacity de-rating factor AS 1670.1 states a factor of 2 is deemed to satisfy the criteria. New battery capacity requirement = = Ah x 1.25 Ah Rounded up to nearest available Ah = PRIMARY POWER SOURCE CALCULATIONS Battery Charger Current Requirement: Battery is charged for 24 hrs. to provide 5Iq + 0.5Ia ( 5x Iq ) + Fc( 0.5 x Ia ) Ah Requirement = = = = Battery Charging Current Required = e is the battery efficiency, 0.8 = Ah above 24 x e A Ah Power Supply Requirement Select the greater of 1 or 2 1. Ia + non- battery backed ancillary alarm loads 2. Iq + non – battery backed quiescent loads If the power supply is used as the charger the current rating of the supply shall be [( 1 or 2 ) + battery charger current ]. Page 100 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION EXAMPLE CALCULATION Panel Configuration Basic 1 loop panel Basic 2 loop panel Basic 16 Zone panel Extender LCD repeater LED repeater Evac Module Iq Calculation Iq No Off X mA 1 240 254 360 1 1.8 156.2 2 27 = Iq 240 0 0 1.8 0 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 429 5 6.7 0 0 0 3.7 0 Interface Modules Additional 3,5 loops add Additional 2,4 loops add 16 zone 16/16 I/O Fire Fan Control 32 Zone LED Network I/F Controller I/F Valve or Pump Display 8 Way Bell Monitor Agent Release 3 1 1 1 Loop Devices XP95 Thermal A & B Discovery Thermal C&D XP95 Ion XP95 Photo Discovery Multisensor Discovery Photo Discovery Ion XP95 Short cct isolator XP95 I/O module XP95 Sounder control XP95 MCP XP95 Zone Monitor Ampac 3 I/O loop power Ampac 3 I/O ext power Ampac SID / SIOD 30 30 5 40 each 15 each 143 5 6 0 74 5.1 3.7 20 29 Evac Type Iq in mA Ia in mA EV20 41 650 EV40 EV60 EV120 140 150 150 2500 3800 8500 0 0 0 7.5 0.25 0 0.5 0 0.28 0 0.34 15 0.5 0 0.4 0 0.5 0 0.11 6 1.2 0 1.9 0 0.35 0 6 0 2.1 0 1.5 0 1.7 0 Iq = 768.7 Devices activating when the system is in alarm 600 8 X Relays 10 60 120 Bell 4 30 Other Ida= 720 Devices de-activating when the system goes into alarm 40 Aircon Relays 2 20 400 Electric locks 4 100 Other eg LAM Idd= 440 I Alarm ( Ia = Iq + Ida – Idd ) = 769 + 720 – 440 = 1049mA Page 101 FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Battery capacity at end of battery life Note: 1,000ma = 1 Amp New battery capacity requirement = = = = ( Iq x 24 ) + Fc( Ia x 0.5 ) ( 769ma x 24 ) + 2( 1049ma x 0.5 ) 18456ma + 1050ma 19.506Ah = = 19.5 x 1.25 24.375 Ah Rounded up to nearest available 25 Ah PRIMARY POWER SOURCE CALCULATIONS Battery Charger Current Requirement: Battery is charged for 24 hrs. to provide 5Iq + 0.5Ia Ah Requirement = = = = ( 5x Iq ) + Fc( 0.5 x Ia ) ( 5 x 769 ) + 2( 0.5 x 1049 ) 3845 + 1050 4.895Ah Battery Charging Current Required = e is the battery efficiency, 0.8 = 4.895 24 x e 0.26A ( rounded ) Power Supply Requirement Select the greater of 1 or 2 1. Ia + non- battery backed ancillary alarm loads 2. Iq + non – battery backed quiescent loads If the power supply is used as the charger the current rating of the supply shall be [( 1 or 2 ) + battery charger current ]. List of Compatible Batteries ( tested by SSL to comply with AS 1603 . 4 1987 Appendix G [ valid until June 2002 ] ). Note 1: afp number is the SSL Listing Number. Note 2: Types are the Manufacturers and not the suppliers. Note 3: Automotive type batteries are not normally suitable for stationary use. afp - 791 Yuasa NP Series afp - 792 Power-Sonic PS Series afp - 1220 Matsushita LCR Series Page 102 afp - 1228 B&B BP Series FIREFINDERTM NPH1.3-12 NPH2-12 NPH3.2-12 NPH5-12 NPH16-12 NP0.8-12 NP1.2-12 NP1.9-12 NP2.3-12 NP2-12 NP2.6-12 NP4-12 NP7-12 NP12-12 NP24-12 NP24-12B NP38-12 NP65-12 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION PS-1208 PS-1212 PS-1219 PS-1232 PS-1240 PS-1270 PS-12120 PS-12180 PS-12240 PS-12330 PS-12400 PS-12650 LCR12V4BP LC-R125P LC-RC1217P LC-R127P LC-R127R2P afp - 1221 Matsushita LCL Series LC-LA12V33P Afp - 1222 Matsushita LCX Series LC-X1224P9(AP) LC-X1228P(AP) LC-X1238P(AP) LC-X1242P(AP) LC-X1265P LC-XA12100P Page 103 BP 1.2-12 BP 1.9-12 BP 4 –12 BP 7 –12 BP 12-12 BP 17-12 BP 24-12 BP 40-12 FIREFINDERTM 25 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Glossary of Terms ACF : ANCILLARY CONTROL FACILITY ACKD : ACKNOWLEDGED AHU : AIR HANDLING UNIT ALM : ALARM AVF : ALARM VERIFICATION FACILITY AZF : ALARM ZONE FACILITY AZC : ALARM ZONE CIRCUIT C: RELAY COMMON CONTACT (WIPER) CIC : CONTROLLER INTERFACE CARD CN : CONNECTOR CPU : COMMON PROCESSOR UNIT DGP : DATA GATHERING POINT EARTH : BUILDING EARTH EOL : END OF LINE FDS : FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM FACP : FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL FLT : FAULT GND : GROUND (0 VOLTS) NOT EARTH I/O : INPUT/OUTPUT LCD : LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MAF : MASTER ALARM FACILITY MCP : MANUAL CALL POINT MOV : METAL OXIDE VARISTOR (TRANSIENT PROTECTION) NIC : NETWORK INTERFACE CARD N/C : NORMALLY CLOSED RELAY CONTACTS N/O : NORMALLY OPEN RELAY CONTACTS N/W : NETWORK PCB : PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS P/S : POWER SUPPLY PSM : POWER SUPPLY MODULE REM : REMOTE SPOT : SINGLE PERSON OPERATING TEST TB : TERMINAL BLOCK VDC : DIRECT CURRENT VOLTS Page 104 FIREFINDERTM 26 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Definitions Addressable system - a fire alarm and detection system that contains addressable alarm zone facilities or addressable control devices. Alarm Verification Facility (AVF) - that part of the FACP, which provides an automatic resetting function for spurious alarm signals so that they will not inadvertently initiate Master Alarm Facility (MAF), or ACF functions. Using ConfigManager prior to downloading to the FireFinder™ sets this option Alarm zone - the specific portion of a building or complex identified by a particular alarm zone facility. Alarm Zone Circuit (AZC) - the link or path that carries signals from an actuating device(s) to an alarm zone facility(s). Alarm Zone Facility (AZF) - that part of the control and indicating equipment that registers and indicates signals (alarm and fault) received from its alarm zone circuit. It also transmits appropriate signals to other control and indicating facilities. Alert signal - an audible signal, or combination of audible and visible signals, from the occupant warning system to alert wardens and other nominated personnel as necessary to commence prescribed actions. Ancillary Control Facility (ACF) - that portion of the control and indicating equipment that on receipt of a signal initiates predetermined actions in external ancillary devices. Ancillary equipment - remote equipment connected to FACP. Ancillary relay - relay within FACP to operate ancillary equipment. Ancillary output - output for driving ancillary equipment. Approved and approval - approved by, or the approval of, the Regulatory Authority concerned. Card-detect link - a link on a module connector to indicate the disconnection of the module. Conventional System - is a fire detection system using a dedicated circuit for each alarm zone. Distributed system - a fire alarm and detection system where sections of the control and indicating equipment are remotely located from the FACP or where sub-indicator panel(s) communicate with a main FACP. Field connections - are connections made to FACP or ancillary equipment during installation. Fire alarm system - an arrangement of components and apparatus for giving an audible, visible, or other perceptible alarm of fire, and which may also initiate other action. Fire detection system - an arrangement of detectors and control and indicating equipment employed for automatically detecting fire and initiating other action as arranged. Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) - a panel on which is mounted an indicator or indicators together with associated equipment for the fire alarm or sprinkler system. Fire resisting - an element of construction, component or structure which, by requirement of the Regulatory Authority, has a specified fire resistance. Indicating equipment - the part of a fire detection and or alarm system, which provides indication of any warning signals (alarm and fault), received by the control equipment. Interface - The interconnection between equipment that permits the transfer of data. Main equipment - equipment essential to the operation of the system including, control equipment, amplification equipment and power supply modules. Master Alarm Facility (MAF) - that part of the equipment which receives alarm and fault signals from any alarm zone facility and initiates the common signal (alarm and/or fault) for transmission to the fire control station. Bells and other ancillary functions may be initiated from this facility. Power Supply - that portion of the FACP which supplies all voltages necessary for its operation. Regulatory Authority - an authority administering Acts of Parliament or Regulations under such Acts. Page 105 FIREFINDERTM 27 INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION Quick Reference Guides MAIN MENU OPTIONS MENU FUNCTION MENU KEY / FUNCTION KEY ( TO ENTER MENU / TO FUNCTION MENU ) 0 ALARMS ( DISPLAY ALARMS ) 1 PREALARMS ( DISPLAY PRE-ALARMS ) 2 FAULTS ( DISPLAY FAULTS OF SELECTED FIELDS ) SPACE ABC DEF 0 ZONES/SENSORS 1 LOOP 2 MODULE 3 P/SUPPLY 4 BRIGADE SPACE ( FAULT FIELDS ) ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO 5 TFAILS 6 BELLS PQRS (TEST FAILURES) 3 ISOLATES ( DISPLAY ALL SYSTEM ISOLATES) 4 STATUS (DISPLAY STATUS OF SELECTED FIELDS) GHI JKL 0 SPACE LOOPS ( LOOP / SENSOR No ) 0 PRINT ALL DEVICES 1 PRINT TOTALS SPACE ABC 1 ABC MODULES ( MODULE No ) 0 SLAVE 1 P/S 2 BRIGADE 3 EXTERNAL LED MIMICS 0 OUTPUTS (OUTPUT No) 1 INPUT (INPUT No) SPACE ABC DEF GHI 2 DEF I/O SPACE ABC 3 GHI NETWORK ( IF NETWORK IS ENABLED ) 0 NETWORK POINTS 1 REMOTE SLAVE MODULES 2 REMOTE LED MIMICS SPACE ABC DEF ( STATUS FIELDS ) ( IF NETWORK IS ENABLED ) 4 SYSTEM 5 AVALUES ( ANALOGUE VALUE OF DET ) JKL MNO 5 MNO 3 NETWORK NOT ENABLED 4 NETWORK NOT ENABLED GHI JKL TESTING ( TESTING THE SELECTED TEST FIELDS ) 0 SPACE ALARM (TEST ALARM FIELDS ) 0 ZONE ( ZONE No ) 1 SENSOR ( LOOP/SENSOR No ) SPACE ABC 1 ABC FAULT ( TEST FAULT FIELDS ) 0 ZONE ( ZONE No ) 1 SENSOR ( LOOP/SENSOR No ) SPACE ABC 2 DEF LAMP Page 106 ( TEST FIELDS ) FIREFINDERTM INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING & OPERATION FUNCTION MENU OPTIONS MENU 0 DATE ( DD/MM/YYYY ) 1 TIME ( HH:MM ) SPACE LEVEL 1 FUNCTIONS FireFinder FUNCTION KEY ( TO ENTER FUNCTION FIELD ( ENTER PASSWORD ) ) FUNCTION ABC 2 DEF MENU DAY/NIGHT SETTINGS ( SET ON/OFF FIELDS ) SPACE 5 MNO 1 2 DEF 3 GHI 0 NIGHT TIME (HH:MM) 1 SHOW OPTIONS 2 REMOVE MANUAL CONTROL ( RETURN INPUT TO ORIGINAL STATE) OFF ( TURN INPUT OFF ) 1 ON ( TURN INPUT ON ) 2 REMOVE MANUAL CONTROL ( RETURN INPUT TO ORIGINAL STATE) 1 VIEW BY DATE DEF 2 DEF AS FOR ALARM 1 0 CON ZONE ( EDIT ZONE NUMBER, DESCRIPTION ) 1 DEVICE ( ENTER LOOP / SENSOR ) SPACE ISOLATE ( ISOLATE LOG ) 1 DEF DELETE ( LOOP / SENSOR ) INPUT ( EDIT INPUT FIELDS ) 0 IN A PANEL ( SELECT I/O CONTROL NUMBER AND OUTPUT No ) IN A PANEL ( SELECT INPUT CONTROL No AND INPUT No ) 0 EDIT ( EDIT DESCRIPTION ) 1 DELETE ( DELETE DESCRIPTION ) ABC SPACE OFF ( TURN OUTPUT OFF ) 1 ABC SYSTEM ( SYSTEM LOG ) 1 ON ( TURN OUTPUT ON ) 2 REMOVE MANUAL CONTROL ( RETURN OUTPUT TO ORIGINAL STATE) ABC AS FOR ALARM DEF I/O (INPUT / OUTPUT LOG ) 1 ABC ON A LOOP ( SELECT LOOP No, SENSOR No, OUTPUT No ) DISABLED IF FACP IS NETWORKED OFF ( TURN OUTPUT OFF ) 1 ON ( TURN OUTPUT ON ) EDIT ( EDIT DESCRIPTION ) 1 DELETE ( DELETE DESCRIPTION ) OUTPUT ( EDIT OUTPUT FIELDS ) 0 0 SPACE 0 ABC 3 GHI SPACE TESTS ( TEST SPECIFIED FIELD ) ON A LOOP ( LOOP / SENSOR No ) SPACE AS FOR ALARM 4 EDIT ( DESCRIPTION, ZONE No, DEVICE TYPE, BRIGADE OPTIONS, CONFIGURATION, GROUP No ) ABC 2 REMOVE ALL MANUAL INPUT CONTROL ( RETURN ALL MANUAL INPUTS TO ORIGINAL STATE ) 0 JKL 0 SPACE SPACE 0 AS FOR ALARM 4 PROG ( PROGRAMMING FEILDS ) OUTPUT ( OUTPUT FIELDS ) SPACE JKL MODE ZONE / SENSOR SPACE FAULT ( FAULT LOG ) ABC 3 7 TUV ABC 0 SPACE PRINT MULTIPLE ENTRIES 3 ON A LOOP ( SELECT LOOP No, SENSOR No, INPUT No ) ABC 2 DELETE ALL PASSWORDS ( DELETE ALL PASSWORDS ) GHI VIEW BY ENTRY NO. DEF DELETE PASSWORD ( DELETE SELECTED PASSWORD ) 2 ON ( TURN INPUT ON ) 0 ABC ABC 1 DEF ALARM ( ALARM LOG ) PRINT ENTRY (PRINT TO PANEL PRINTER (IF FITTED)) ADD PASSWORD ( ADD PASSWORD (MAX 4 CHAR), LEVEL No ) 1 DEF ABC 0 0 OFF ( TURN INPUT OFF ) SPACE ENABLE SPACE DEF PASSWORDS ( EDIT PASSWORD FIELDS ) IN A PANEL ( SELECT I/O CONTROL NUMBER AND INPUT No ) 0 ABC DEF 6 PQRS SPACE SPACE SPACE 2 ACCESS LEVEL 3 ( ENTER LEVEL 3 PASSWORD ) DAY TIME (HH:MM) 1 1 6 PQRS INPUT ( INPUT FIELDS ) ABC ABC FUNCTION KEY ( TO ENTER FUNCTION FIELD ( ENTER PASSWORD ) ) LEVEL 3 FUNCTION 0 LOGS SPACE FUNCTION I/O ( MANUAL INPUT /OUTPUT CONTROL FIELDS ) 0 ABC MENU LEVEL 2 FUNCTION SPACE 0 Quick Reference FUNCTION KEY ( TO ENTER FUNCTION FIELD ( ENTER PASSWORD ) ) FUNCTION LEVEL 2 FUNCTIONS TM IN A PANEL ( SELECT OUTPUT CONTROL No AND OUTPUT No ) AS FOR INPUT 0 SPACE WALK ( ZONES OR SENSORS ) 0 SPACE 1 ABC 1 ABC ABC 2 ZONE ( ENTER ZONE No ) SENSOR ( ENTER LOOP / SENSOR No ) DEF 2 DEF 1 ABC REMOVE MANUAL CONTROL ( RETURN OUTPUT TO ORIGINAL STATE) GLOBAL REMOVE ALL MANUAL OUTPUT CONTROL ( RETURN ALL MANUAL O/PS TO ORIGINAL STATE ) AS FOR INPUT 4 PANEL BASED MCP ( DESCRIPTION / NODE ) 5 SUB ADDRESS ( EDIT / DELETE ) 6 WATCHDOG RESET JKL MNO LOOP ( ENTER LOOP No ) PQRS 107 ON A LOOP ( LOOP / SENSOR No ) UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT NOTE: Due to AMPAC’s commitment to continuous improvement specifications may change without notice.
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