Beginners Guide To React

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The beginners

The Complete React Web
Development Course (with Redux)

In this section we will dive into the very basic fundamentals of
React and setting up your own web developer environment to

Section 1

React 101
• Install Visual Studio Code

write and execute your own code. We will go through installing a
very popular text editor release by Microsoft called Visual Studio
Code to installing Node.js on your machine and then onto setting
up your very own local web server and installing Babel.
Once we have setup your developer environment we will continue
to learn the fundamentals of JavaScript (ES6) and JSX syntax to
build our foundational skills on both languages and technologies

• Install Node.js

on which the React Library is built upon.

• Setting up a Web Server

After learning the basics we will move onto the next sections where

• Setting Up Babel

architecture and will build our own applications.

we will start learning more about the React component

• Exploring JSX & JSX Expressions

It will soon become apparent why React is considered a very

• ES6 Variables & Arrow Functions

popular frontend JavaScript library as you are not required to learn

• Events & Attributes

on components.

• Manual Data Binding
• Forms & Input
• Arrays in JSX

a new language but rather learn an application architecture based

Installing Visual Studio Code
There are many free and paid text editors out there available to download and
use to write your own code, popular editors include Atom, Sublime Text,
Notepad++ and Visual Studio Code to name a few. We will be using Visual
Studio code as our text editor of choice to write our code as it allows us to
install some useful packages to help write our code.

To install Visual Studio code simply visit the following website and download and install the application onto your
Visual Studio Code has some useful extensions which you can install:
• Bracket Pair Colorizer
• ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native Snippet
• Liver Server
• Prettier - Code Formatter
• Babel ES6/ES7

Installing Node.js
Node is JavaScript on the server. You can visit the following website to
download node onto your machine:
Download the latest version of node that is available on their website.
To check that you have node.js installed on your machine, simply open up your terminal

and enter the following

$ node —v
This will allow us to double check that node was installed onto our machine as we now have this new command and it also
shows us what version of node you have installed on your machine. When installing node we also got NPM (node package
manager) which allows us to install various dependencies/packages such as React or Yarn and other libraries. NPM and Yarn
aims to do the same job. To check that you have npm installed enter the following command in your terminal:
$ nom —v
To install yarn on your machine globally run the following command in your terminal:
$ npm install —g yarn
On windows machines you will need to restart your machine to complete the installation. To check that yarn has installed
successfully, run the following code in your terminal:
$ yarn ——version

Setting up a web server
To setup a developer web server we can achieve this in two ways using live-server.
Firstly you will need to create a directory (folder) for your application. This folder will act as a place for all your project code.
This folder can be called anything for example ‘indecision-app’. In this example we will create a sub-folder called public and
store our basic HTML file.
If we open VS Code and have installed live-server extension we can simply open up our html document and right-click to
open the file with live-server. Every-time we update our project files in the folder, the live-server will refresh the browser
which will update our application with the changes automatically.
Alternatively, we can use npm or yarn to install live-server globally onto our machines using either command in the terminal:
$ npm install —g live-server


$ yarn global add live-server

To check that we have installed live-server on our machine correctly we would run the command:
$ live-server —v
To run live server from the terminal, navigate to your file directory using cd and the file path. Note: you can use cd to change
directory, ls (or dir on windows) to list all the files within the folder. You can use cd ~ to navigate back to your user folder.
Once you have navigated to your project directory run the following code:
$ live-server public
Note: you would run live-server followed by the folder name in the directory you wish to serve through the live web server
(in our example we had a sub-folder called public which contained our HTML file). Any changes made in the folder will
automatically update in the browser.

Setting up Babel
Babel is a compiler and allows you to write for example JSX, ES6, ES7 code and have it compile down to regular ES5 code,
allowing your code to work on browsers which only support ES5 syntax.
Babel on its own has no functionality. Babel is a compiler but its not going to compile anything by default. We have to add
various plugins and presets in order to get any sort of change in our code (e.g. taking JSX code and converting it into ES5
createElement calls). A preset is just a group of plugins.
We are going to install babel locally on our machines so that when we write our code in JSX/ES6/ES7 it will compile locally
to our ES5 code (i.e. we want to write our code locally on our machine and update without using Babel on the web).
The babel website has a docs page which provide documentation on plugins available to you to install. We will install two
presets: react preset and env preset. These presets have all the necessary plugins we require and we would not need to
install the plugins individually by ourselves (as this could get out of hand very quickly). The env preset will include ES2015,
ES2016 and ES2017 plugins which will give us access to the new JavaScript features (e.g. arrow functions, const and let
variables, spread operator etc).
In our local environment we are going to install three things:
Babel itself, env preset and react preset.
In your terminal run the following command to install babel @v6.24.1 globally on your machine.
$ npm install —g babel-cli@6.24.1 or

$yarn global add babel-cli@6.24.1

This will give us a new command in our terminal which we can run while in our project directory. Run the following code to
check if Babel has been installed successfully. This should print out the help output in your terminal and will indicate if Babel
has been installed successfully on your local machine.
$ babel ——help
To clear the terminal enter the command line:
$ clear
The react and env presets will be installed locally in our projects (i.e. these codes will live in our projects so that babel CLI
can take advantage of these codes to transform our code down to ES5 syntax). Within the project directory enter the
following command:
$ npm init


$ yarn init

This command will setup our project to use node/yarn and specify the local dependencies. This will walk us through series of
questions such as the app name, version, description,
entry point, repository, author and license (MIT).
All this does is, it generates a brand new file in our
project called package.json (note we could have created
this file ourselves without the npm/yarn init command).
The whole point of package.json is to outline all the
dependencies that the project needs in order to run. This
will make it easy to install everything.
We are going to add our dependencies to this package.json file using the following commands in the terminal:
$ npm install babel-preset-react@6.24.1 babel-preset-env@1.5.2
$ yarn add babel-preset-react@6.24.1 babel-preset-env@1.5.2


This will install the two dependencies and will update the package.json file in our app folder which will now list our
dependencies for our app. Notice that a new folder has been created called node_modules. This is where all the modules
and dependencies will live.
The dependencies will have their own package.json file which will
list the dependencies they require to run. This will install the all the
sub-dependencies of their own in the node_modules folder. The
package.json file makes it easy to install all the dependencies and
sub-dependencies your application will need.
We will never need to go into the node_modules folder to change
any of the code. This folder is a auto-generated folder from the
package.json file and we can always delete and reinstall this folder/modules using the dependencies information from the
package.json file (we would use the command $ npm install or $ yarn install to install the node_modules folder again).
This command has also generated a package-lock.json file (if you used yarn this file will be called yarn.lock) in our project
folder. We will not need to edit/manually change this file. This file lists out all the dependencies in the node_module folder,
the version used and where exactly it got that package from. This helps npm/yarn behind the scenes.
We are now able to use Babel locally on our machines within our project directory to compile our React JSX code into
regular ES2015 code. In the terminal we will need to run the following command with a few arguments:
$ babel src/app.js ——out—file=public/scripts/app.js ——presets=env, react ——watch
The first argument specifies the path to our code we wan to compile (in our example above it lives in the src folder and the
file is called app.js).
The second argument specifies the output file (in our example above it lives in the public/scripts folder and is also called
app.js). This file will always be overridden by Babel.
The third argument specifies the presets we would like to use (this is a comma separated list of the presets we wish to use).
Finally, the last argument will watch for any changes in the first specified file to update (compile) the second specified file
Babel will compile the JSX/ES6/ES7 code in one file into regular ES2015 code the browser will understand in the other file.

Exploring JSX
In JSX you can only have a single root element. If you want to add more elements side by side we will need to wrap it within
a single root element for example:
var template = 

Header Text

Paragraph Text

; var appRoot = document.getElementById(‘app’); ReactDOM.render(template, appRoot); When we are creating JSX expressions, we can get really complex expressions to include a lot of information/nested elements - however, we must have a single root element. We can make our JSX expression more readable by formatting the elements on separate lines i.e. format as we would do in our html code for example: var template = (

Header Text

Paragraph Text

); The above would still be seen as valid JSX expression and table will successfully render the expression down to ES2015. The above is more readable to the eye and easily understood. We can make the expression even more complex and as long as there is a single parent root element (the
wrapper) then this will be seen by Babel as valid JSX. Below is another example of a complex JSX expression with nested elements. var template = (

Header Text

Paragraph Text

  1. Item One
  2. Item Two
); All this is doing is creating nested React.createElement() functions calls to create each element in the ES2015 syntax. React.createElement(‘ol‘, null, React.createElement(‘li’, null, ‘Item One’), React.createElement(‘li’, null, ‘Item Two’) ) This is why we do not write our React code in React.createElement calls as it is difficult to read and write, instead we use JSX. We can make our JSX code dynamic by using variables to store data and then referencing these variables within our JSX expressions. For Example: var userName = ‘John Doe’; var template = (

{ userName .toUpperCase()}

We use the curly brackets to write any JavaScript expressions. Therefore we can enter the JavaScript variable within the curly braces to output the variable value in our JSX code. This allows our JSX to be dynamic rather than static. In our JavaScript expressions we can use different types such as strings, numbers, operators, arrays, objects, functions etc. To render an object in React we must specify the object property, for example: var user { name: ‘John Doe’, age: 28, location: ‘Derby’ } ; var template = (

Name: { }

Age: { user.age }

Location: { user.location }

); We have now dynamically injected our data from our variables into our JSX expression. We should now have knowledge on how to use JavaScript expression in React, how to render JavaScript strings and number types and that we cannot render object but we can render the object properties. There are still many more other JavaScript types. We are going to continue to look at JavaScript expressions and how we can make truly dynamic and useful JSX. Conditional Rendering and conditional logic in general is at the very core of software development. The same will be true for our React interfaces for example, is the user logged into the app? If true, then show the logout button, else show the login button. To perform Conditional rendering in our JSX we will need to use JavaScript expressions. We can continue using the regular conditional statements we have been using in vanilla JavaScript and do not need to learn any weird syntax. The conditional JavaScript tools that are available are: 1) If Statements. 2) Ternary operators. 3) Logical and operator. IF STATEMENTS: A if statement is not an expression and therefore cannot live inside the curly brackets (i.e. JavaScript expression). However, calling a function is an expression. We can add whatever we want in our function including if statements. The return value from the function will show up in the JSX. For example: var user = { user: ‘John Doe’, age: 28, location: ‘Derby’ } function getLocation(){ if (location) { return location; } else { return ‘unknown’; } }; var template = (

{ getLocation(user.location) }

); We can use the function to operate the if statement and whatever is returned from our function can be used in our JavaScript expression to pass the data into our JSX to display. We can use other JSX expression such as {123} and {

Heading 3

} and this will render in our browser. This is equivalent to writing JSX expression outside of the curly brackets. This is useful as it allows us to setup getLocation() to return a separate JSX expression. For example: function getLocation(){ if (location) {

{ getLocation(user.location) }

} else { return undefined; } }; var template = (
{ getLocation(user.location) }
); Important Note: undefined is implicitly returned if you do not explicitly return it. Therefore the above getLocation() function can be simplified without returning the else statements: function getLocation(){ if (location) {

{ getLocation(user.location) }

} }; This will implicitly return undefined when the statement returns false. If the Statement returns true this will return the JSX expression value within the other JSX expression curly brackets. This will then render in our browser. TERNARY OPERATORS: A ternary operator is a expression and not a statement and therefore we do not need to add it to a function. A ternary operator allows us to write if statements more concisely. For example: True ? ‘Return True’ : ' Return False’; [This will return ‘Return True’ as the statement is true] False ? ‘Return True’ : ' Return False’; [This will return ‘Return False’ as the statement is false] These two ternary operator will check whether the statement is true or false. If true it will return the first value else it will return the false value. Therefore the first example will return ‘Return True’ while the second example will return ‘Return False’. We use the ? to return something when the statement equates to true while we use the : to return something when the statement equates to false. The first part of the ternary operator is the statement we wish to check the value i.e. whether it will return true or false. Depending on the answer we want to return the first value else we return the second value. For example: { app.option.length >0 ?

’Here are your options’


’No options’

} LOGICAL AND OPERATOR: Much like the undefined, null and the boolean values true and false are all ignored by JSX. Therefore we can write a JSX expression of {true}, {false}, {null} or {undefined} and all will be ignored by JSX and will not be rendered on the screen. This is a very useful feature. If we want to display a JSX expression e.g.

tag for age, only if the user is 18yrs or older else we do not want to display the age of the use if they are under age. We could use the function technique, however, we are going to explore this new technique which is just as concise as the ternary operator. The Logical And Operator uses the && to check if two arguments returns true to run the code. If both do not return true we do not want to run the code. We will examine the Logical AND Operator to understand the technique and how it can be used to solve the above problem without using to the function technique. true && ‘Some Age’; If we run the above, this will return the value ‘Some Age’. So in Logical And Operator if the first value is true it is not going to use/return that first value; however, if the second value is also true it will use/return the second value. False && ‘Some Age’; If we now run the above, this will return false. So in this instance, where the first value is false, that value is what actually gets used/returned and ignores the second value ever exists. Therefore if we check for age and the user is below 18 a boolean (false) is returned and this is ignored by JSX. We can use this tools and technique to add this conditional rendering in our JSX. The ternary function is great for when you want to do one of two things, while the Logical And Operator is useful for when you want a condition to do one thing else you want to do nothing at all. We can make our Logical And Operator even more complex by checking two things in our first value to equate to true or false for example we can check if the age exists at all and is above 18 to return our JSX. For example: { (user.age && user.age >=18) &&

Age: { user.age }

} We have now explored the very basics of conditional rendering techniques we will use over and over again. Eventually, over time and lots of practice, we will eventually master all three strategies. However, we should now be confident of being able to make our JSX expressions more dynamic. ES6 Aside: Let & const ES6 introduces let and const variables keywords which are alternatives to the var variable keyword. Is there anything inherently broken with var? No. The only problem with var is that it can be easily misused creating unnecessarily weird situations. For example: not only can you reassign a var variable but you can also redefine the variable. This means if recreate a var variable without knowing that you have created it elsewhere in your code, you are essentially overriding the original variable value and therefore you will run into hard to debug issues. var nameVar = ‘John Doe’; var nameVar = ‘Mike’; The let and const variables prevents you from reassigning/redefining existing variables. The let variable allows you to reassign the variable however you cannot redefine the variable (i.e. you cannot redeclare the same variable. You can however reassign it to another type e.g. a string to a number). let nameLet = ‘John Doe’; let nameLet = ‘Mike’; > Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier ‘nameLet’ has already been declared at… The const variable does not allow you to reassign nor redefine the variable again. const nameConst = ‘Frank’; const nameConst = ‘Barry’; > Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier ‘nameLet’ has already been declared at… nameConst = ‘Barry’; > Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to content variable at… By default you should always use the const variable when creating a new variable, however, if you need to reassign the variable then you should switch to the let variable instead. You should stop using the var variable. There are a few other differences between var, let and const variables i.e. the scoping of the variables are also different. The var, let and const variable are all function—scoped meaning that the variable within the function cannot be accessed outside the function. function getName(){ name = ‘Paul’; } getName(); console.log(name); > Uncaught ReferenceError: name is not defined at… Note: we could create the variable called name outside the function and set the value to the function which will work. The let and const variables are all block-scoped whereas var is not. Bock Scoping is where the variable are also bound to the code block (e.g. the code block for an if statement or a code block for a for loop). For example: if we had a variable in an if statement this variable can be accessible outside this code block provided this variable uses var instead of let and const. const fullName = ‘John Doe’; If(fullName) { const firstName = fullName.split(‘ ‘); } console.log(firstName) > Uncaught ReferenceError: name is not defined at… Remember the rule: ‘const first; if we need to reassign, let; … var never!’ ES6 Aside: Arrow Functions Arrow functions is a new ES6 syntax and is used heavily throughout React, therefore, it is important to have a basic grasp of how arrow functions operate. We are going to compare and contrast a regular ES2015 function with a ES6 Function. The function we are going to create will square a number. ES2015 Regular Function Syntax: const square = function(x) { return x * x; }; console.log(square(5)); ES6 Arrow Function Syntax: const square = (x) => { return x * x }; Arrow functions do not need the function keyword. We start with the function argument(s) followed by an arrow and then the function body. Arrow functions are always anonymous (unlike ES2015 functions where we can give the function a name). To give an arrow function a name we must always declare a const or let variable first and assign the arrow function to it as we did above. Example of ES2015 Function with a Name: function square (x) { return x* x; }; console.log(square(5)); If an arrow function body returns only a single expression we can use the new syntax. We no longer require the curly brackets. The expression is implicitly returned and therefore we do not need to write the return keyword (compared to the ES2015 syntax where we need to explicitly return): const square = (x) => x * x The argument object s and this keywords are no longer bound to the arrow function. This means that if you try to access the arguments, it is not going to work. ES2015 Example: const add = function (a, b) { console.log(arguments); return a + b; }; console.log(add(1, 2, 3); The arguments will have access to the 100 object even though this has not been defined in the function and is outside the function. However this has gone away with arrow functions as we cannot access objects outside the arrow function. const add = (a, b) => { console.log(arguments); return a + b; }; console.log(add(1, 2, 3) > Uncaught ReferenceError: argument is not defined at… In ES2015 when we use a regular functions and we define it on an object property, the this keyword is bound by that object e.g. we have access to the values for example: const user = { name: ‘John’, cities: [‘Bristol’, ‘Bath’, 'Birmingham’] printPlacesLived: function () { this.names; this.cities.forEach(function(city) { console.log( + ‘ has lived in ‘ + city); }); } }; The forEach function takes in a single function as a parameter and will be called once for each item in the array with a single argument called city. However, this will return an error in the JavaScript console of Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘name’ of undefined at… This is because the is not accessible inside the forEach function but is accessible in the printPlacesLived function which is and object inside of the user object. The past workaround was to create a const variable called that and assign the this value to it and then in the nested function use the which will make the function work without causing the error message. With arrow functions, they no longer bind their own values, instead they use the value of the context they were created in i.e. it would just use its parent ‘this’ value. We no longer require the ES2015 workaround. const user = { name: ‘John’, cities: [‘Bristol’, ‘Bath’, 'Birmingham’] printPlacesLived: function () { this.names; this.cities.forEach((city) => { console.log( + ‘ has lived in ‘ + city); }); } }; There is no need for the const that = this workaround as arrow functions will use the value from the parent this keyword. There are places where you would not want to use the arrow function for the very reason above such as methods for example if we turned the printPlacesLived method into an arrow function this will return and error message of Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘name, cities’ of undefined at… because the arrow function is no longer equal to the user object and will look to its parent level which is the global scope and therefore undefined causing the error. ES6 does introduce a new method syntax where we can remove the ES2015 function keyword and have the above work. printPlacesLive() {…}; Map is an array method like the forEach() but it works a little differently. This function gets called one time for every item in the array. Just like the forEach we have access to the item via the first argument (e.g. we can call them city). The difference is that the forEach method just lets you do something each time e.g. print to the screen, whereas, the map allows you to actually transform each item and return a new item back. We can therefore transform our array and get a new array back. const userMap = { name: ‘Peter Parker’, cities: [‘New York’, ‘London’, ‘Rome’] printPlacesLived() { return => + ‘ has live in ’ + city); } }; console.log(printPlacesLived()); This will return a new array object of [‘Peter Parker has lived in New York’, ‘Peter Parker has lived in London’, ‘Peter Parker has lived in Rome’]. Maps are used a lot in React development. Events & Attributs Responding to user interactions via events is at the core of all web apps. Attributes sit within the opening tag of an html element for example id and class are attributes. The class attributes are used to add an identifier across multiple elements while id is a unique identifier. However, in JSX some attributes remain the same while others have been renamed. An example of a renamed attribute is class which JSX refers to as className. Regular HTML Attribute:
JSX HTML Attribute:
Certain keywords are reserved words in JavaScript such as let, const, class etc. and therefore certain HTML attributes required a name change in order to work with JSX. The React document page provides a full list of HTML attributes that have been renamed (scroll down to the All supported HTML Attributes section): In JSX al the keywords have become camelCase for example autofocus is now autoFocus in JSX. We would use the onClick attribute to create a function that would be run every time the button is clicked. We would reference the function within a JSX expression. } We have now explored a little user interaction between the user and the React app. Manual Data Binding let count = 0; count addOne = () => { count++ }; const template = (

Count: { count }

); const appRoot = document.getElementById(‘app’); ReactDOM.render(template, appRoot); The above function will not update the count shown in the

because the

element has already been rendered to the screen and the application is not re-rendering to show the new count value. JSX does not have built in data binding. When we create JSX, all the data that gets used inside of it, that happens at the time the code runs. Therefore, count is always going to be 0. To fix this we need to rerun our template code and the ReactDOM.render function again when our data changes. We would use React Components to do that later on, but for now we will explore how to manually do this to understand how React works before we dive into React. const renderCounterApp = () => { const template = (

Count: { count }

); ReactDOM.render(template, appRoot); }; renderCounterApp(); With this new function renderCounterApp, this will render our application. We would want to initialise the function so that when we run our application for the very first time we would render the template to the screen. However, whenever we make changes to the data using event functions, we would want to call on that same function to re-render the template with the new data which allows our application to update in real-time. This simple technique above illustrates exactly how React does this thing really well and we will look at the advanced techniques in more details later. It is important to understand that this is essentially what is happening behind the scenes in React. React is actually very efficient behind the scenes as it does not re-render the whole application every time there is a change. React uses some virtualDOM algorithms in JavaScript to determine the minimal number of changes that needs to be made in order to correctly render the new application. Therefore, the whole application does not need to re-render which would be very taxing and make the application not scalable. Using ReactDOM.render we are getting all the capabilities of React and we are using the virtualDOM algorithm to efficiently render and re-render our application. Forms & inputs The structure of forms will looks exactly the same as regular HTML, angular or any other templating frameworks. Forms are usually used to allow the user to input in information using the form and then doing something when the user submits the form. This allows applications to be more interactive. To create a form in html you will use a
tag and place everything you want in your form within these tags.
The input tag has some attributes which remain the same as regular html. The type indicates the type of input field, while the name provides a unique identifier for the field which would allows us to collect the data from the input field when we listen for the form submission. The above will create a textbook input field and a button. When we enter something in the input field and press the button this will refresh the page but add to the end of the url an ?option=input-field-value — for example if we used the text test and pressed the button our url would look something like: We do not want to go through this method a full refresh of the page, that sort of technique is useful for older server side rendered applications. We want to handle the form submission on the client, we want to run some JavaScript code that pushes and item onto the array and re-renders the application. To do that we would need to setup an event handler for the form submission. In the React documents there is a page on all the different event handlers we could use in our react application (supported events: Form Events = onChange, onInput, onInvalid, onSubmit. These are the various event handlers for forms): We would want to use the onSubmit event handler on our
tag. When we use the event handler we need to set it to a JavaScript expression where we want to reference a function we want to have fired when the event happens. const onFormSubmit = (e) => {…}
When using event handler functions, we usually have access to an event (e) object that is passed in as a parameter within our event handler function. This event object holds various information and methods we can use. For forms we have a event object method which allows us to prevent the full page refresh when the user submits a form. const onFormSubmit = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); }; In our onSubmit we want to reference the function but do not want to call the function because if we call the function it is equivalent to calling undefined.
make reference to the function and not call it.
using () at the end of the function will try to call it. We can use the event object to call on the target.elements to have reference to all the elements from our form which are referenced by name. In the above example we can look at the input field with the name=‘option’ and return the value. We can use the value and set it to a variable and then have our function to perform actions using that information. const onFormSubmit = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const option =; if(option) { app.options.push(option); = ‘’; }; }; Forms are a useful way of recording information from users of your application and then perform some sort of function using that information that is returned from the e event object, the above example takes the input field value and stores it in the app.options array object. Arrays in JSX So far we know that JSX supports both strings and numbers, it does not support objects and it ignores booleans, null and undefined. The good news is that JSX also supports arrays and it actually works with them really well. We would put the array in an JSX expression to render onto the screen. { [98, 99, 100] } The above is the same as writing the JSX expression of: {98}{99}{100}; This will add each array item side by side which will display 9899100 in the browser. This is what is happening behind the scenes i.e. it is taking your array and breaking them our as individual JSX expression and is rendering them all to the screen. We know that numbers and strings will show up on the browser. Booleans, null and unidentified can also be used in arrays however they will not show up in the browser. { [99, 98, 97, ‘Mike’, null, undefined, true, false] } We cannot use objects within arrays as they are not supported by JSX expressions. If we inspect the developer tools in our browser and within the Elements tab, we can see exactly what gets rendered in the DOM for the array object. React creates various comments (react text nodes) for our array object, and this is how React keeps track of various items and where they are rendered inside the DOM. This also allows React to update an individual array item if the value changes as opposed to needing to update everything contained within the array. This makes React efficient when working with arrays. We already know that we can render JSX within JSX for example: {


} Therefore, we can also render arrays of JSX. { [






] } When we use JSX in arrays we are going to see a warning error of: Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique “key” prop. Check the top—level render call using
see … for more information. All we have to do in the JSX is to add in a key prop attribute which must be unique amongst the array. { [






] } This allows React behind the scenes optimise the application using the key properties to monitor changes to each individual JSX so that only the changes value is re-rendered rather than the whole array. We can use the map() function to loop through an array and return a new array items. This allows us to take the original array and and iterate through the items to create new JSX expression array items. For example we have an array of numbers we want to use the map to iterate through the array to create JSX paragraph tags for each item in the array so that we can display each item in the array within in the browser. const numbers = [50, 100, 150]; cost template = ( { => { return

Number: {x}

} ); What this does it takes the numbers array and iterates through each item in the array. Each item will pass in as an argument called x and this value is used within our JSX to generate a paragraph tag for each item, essentially creating/rendering the html element for our application which will be rendered in the DOM:

Number: 50

Number: 100

Number: 150

Section one review We have now covered the fundamentals of JSX. We started off knowing absolutely nothing about React and JSX, but we are now at a place where we can now build out a little application such as a task list and task selector app. What we have learned: - How to setup your environment and Babel. - How JSX works. - How to inject values in our JSX. - Add conditional rendering. - Setup event handlers e.g. form submits and button click and generate dynamic elements based off some application data. - How to pre-render and re-render the UI to keep up to date with our app data. Extra Knowledge/Tips: We can make This will evaluate to true if the options array is equal to zero, whereas if an item is added to the array then the JSX expression will evaluate to false. This will make the button act dynamically based on the application data. Wrap up: Now that we understand the fundamentals of JSX, in the next section we will look at the intermediate concept of React Components. In this section we are going to learn all about React Components. Section 2 React component • Thinking in React • ES6 Classes • Creating a React Component • Nesting Components • Component Props • Events & Methods • Component State • Props vs State React components allows us to break up our application into small reusable chunks. Each little component has its own set of JSX that it renders to the browser screen, it can handle events for those JSX elements and it allows us to create these little self-contained units. At the end of this section we should be able to think in React for our application and be able to create our own React Components. We are also going to analyse the difference between Component Props and State and when we would use them. Thinking In React What is a React Component? We should think of it as an individual piece of the UI. These components are reused all over the place within the application for example the navigation bar can appear in multiple pages. We would have a single component for the navigation and we could reuse it wherever we need the navigation bar to appear in our application. We can analyse web applications and break them down into different UI components. The data in the components could change, but the underlying structure of the JSX for the component remains the same. Below is a basic structure of React components we could make if we were to break up the Twitter UI elements for the below image. We would have a parent component (page) which will wrap around all the individual child components (UI) that make up the parent page. The child components are reusable UI and are siblings to each other. A Child Component can have its own children components. Just like HTML, we will also be nesting React components. ES6 Classes The purpose of Classes is to be able to reuse code. A Class is like a blue print and we will be able to make multiple instances of that class for the individual items. To create a class we would use the class keyword followed by the class name (just like how we name our variables and functions). The convention for class names is to have the first character of the class name to be upper case. This will let other developers know that this is the name of a class and not just some other object. Within the curly brackets this is where we would define our class. class Person {} ; To create an instance of the class we would create a new variable and set it using the new keyword followed by the class name and then the opening and closing brackets calling it as a function. const customer = new Person(); When we create a new instance of our class, we have the ability to pass in any amount of data/arguments which can be of any data type (e.g. string, number, boolean, object, array etc.), however, nothing will happen with our data unless we define them within our class using something called a constructor. Constructors are functions that get called when we make a new instance of the class and it will get called with all of our arguments passed into the new instance of the class. Example of adding a constructor to our Person class: class Person { constructor(name) { = name; } }; const customer = new Person(‘John Doe’); console.log(customer); Person { name: “John Doe” } We now have a blueprint to allow us to create multiple instances of the Person class but the name argument can be unique to each instances. Do you have to provide all the constructor arguments? No. This will return the class object with undefined for each property ( Person { name: undefined }). We can also add a default value to our arguments by assigning it a value (we do not need a default value for all our arguments): constructor(firstName = ‘Anonymous’, lastName) { this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; } We can create instances of Person and we can define what makes each Person unique. However, what about the things that each Person shares? We can setup methods that allows us to reuse codes across every instance of the class. Unlike constructor which has a specific name and gets implicitly called when we make a new instance of the class, methods on the other hand has a name that we can pick (it can be anything we like) and the function will only run if we explicitly call it. Note: we cannot use a comma after the constructor closing curly bracket to separate the constructor from the method as this illegal and will cause an error. class Person() { constructor(firstName = ‘Anonymous’, lastName) { this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; } getGreeting(){ return ‘Hello’; } }; const customer = new Person(‘John’, ‘Doe’); console.log(customer.getGreeting()); The customer class has access to the getGreeting() method from the Person class and so we can explicitly call the method. This will return a static ‘Hello’ greeting for all instances that calls on this method regardless if this is a different person. We can make the greeting message dynamic/unique to the class for example we can greet using the first and last name. In our method we have access to the ‘this’ keyword which relates to the current instance. getGreeting(){ return this.firstName; } We can use concatenation or use template literals to make the message more complex. The getGreeting() method is now accessible to all our instances and has the same behaviour without us having to redefine our properties. return ‘Hello ’ + this.firstName + ‘ ’ + this.lastName; return `Hello ${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`; Now that we know the fundamentals of a ES6 classes and how to set them up, we are now going to focus on a advance ES6 class topic which is how to setup/create a subclass using the ES6 syntax. If we were going to create a website for students we would create a class call Students. We would realise that the student is actually just a Person with some modification i.e the Person would have a firstName, lastName and age. The student also has a qualification/subjects studied that we would like to keep a track of. So instead of copying and pasting the code from the Person class into the Student class and modifying to meet the needs of the Student class, we can extend Person from Student. This will provide us with all the functionality of the Person class but also allows us to override functionality we might want to change. In order to achieve the above we would create the class name, after the class name and before the opening curly bracket we will add the ‘extends’ keyword to indicate that we want this new class to extend from an existing class. class Student extends Person {}; The Student class extends from the Person class and this allows us to continue to use the Person properties and methods on the Student class and this will continue to run the code and function the same. const customerOne = new Student(‘John’, ‘Doe’, 28); console.log(customerOne.getGreeting()); We have now created a sub-class of Person called Student but we want to modify.override the Person constructor to take in an extra argument for the subject. In order to do this we would use the constructor function and pass in our arguments list and then setup our function body. We would not need to setup the properties and defaults for the extended class again, however, we must call on the parent constructor function to run. To do this we would use the super() function — super refers to the Parent (extended) class and is the same as accessing the Parent constructor() function. class Students extends Person { constructor(firstName, lastName, age, subject){ super(firstName, lastName, age); this.subject = subject; } }; We no longer need to re-write the code from the Person class as we are passing in the values that come through into the super function and allowing that to be passed into the parent Person constructor to set the correct values. const studentOne = new Student(‘John’, ‘Doe’, 28, ‘Maths’); console.log(studentOne); Student { firstName: “John”, lastName: “Doe”, age: 28, subject: “Maths” } Adding a new method on the sub-class remains exactly the same i.e. define the name of the function and add the function to the function body. This can then be called/accessed on the class instance. We can also override a Parent method behaviour in our sub-class by redefining the method. We can completely override the method or we can get the parent method and modify it: Original Parent getDescription() method: getDescription() { return `${firstName} is ${age} year(s) old.`; } Completely override the Parent method behaviour: getDescription() { return ‘original behaviour completely overridden’; } Modify the Parent method: getDescription() { let description = super.getDescriptiom(); if(this.subject) { return description += ` They are studying ${this.subject}`; } return description; } We can use super again to get the parent class but this time we use the . followed by the method name and assign this to a variable we can return. We can now modify the original method and add the subject to the end using the if statement to check if there is a subject for the student. We have now learnt how to extend from another class and do something new and this is really important because this is exactly what you would be doing with React Components. React requires new Components to extend from the original React Components class. It is therefore very important to get a good understanding and a grasp of creating ES6 classes and sub-classes. Tips/Techniques: Destructuring is an important and useful technique as it allows you to extract values from the ‘this’ keyword and assign it to variables which we can then reference in our functions without making references to the ‘this’ keyword. This helps make the code look much more cleaner and readable. Creating a react component A React Component is simply a ES6 class. To create a component we will be creating our own class that extends from the React Component class. We already know that there are two globals we get from our two scripts, React and ReactDOM. We are going to grab the Component class from the React global library. class Header extends React.Component { render() { return

This is from Header

; } }; In ES6 classes we can have no method defined and that is completely valid. Whereas, with React Component we must define render (this is a special method and we must always call render when we use React Component class, else it will not work and error). The render returns all the JSX expressions we want to render i.e. show up in our browser. To render the component to the screen we would use the ReactDOM.render() method passing in our two arguments. ReactDOM.render(jsx, document.getElementById(‘app’)); The jsx will be our variable holding all our JSX expression we want to inject/parse into our
element in our html. In this jsx variable we can pass in what looks to be custom html element tags but are simply tags that reference our class names which have our JSX expressions. const jsx = (
) This will render our header component’s JSX expression and display it in our browser screen. We have now created a React component. What makes React Components great is that we are able to reuse these components (code) multiple times by just using the component tags for example we can have two or more instances of the
tag being rendered to the screen without us having to retype/repeating the same code: const jsx = (
) Note React enforces the upper case letters of class names (ES6 does not require the upper case names of classes but is merely a convention) therefore, when naming our React Components we must use upper case for the first letter in our class name. If we use all lower case for our class component name, this will not fail but it will not render the component to the browser screen. This is how React distinguishes the html element tags from our custom Components tags behind the scenes. Therefore, it is good practice to keep to this naming convention when creating ES6 classes. Nesting react component Nesting components is essential for creating meaningful React apps. We can create a parent component and then have all the other components created nested within the parent component. This allows us to get rid of the const jsx variable and we can now use our parent component directly in the ReactDOM.render() function directly. For example: Class IndecisionApp extends React.Comonent = { render() { return (
) }; }; ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById(‘app’)); We have nested all the various components within the IndecisionApp component which acts as the parent component. We can render all the various components for this application through this Parent component. Component props React Component Props are at the very core of allowing our components to communicate with one another. The data we pass in when we initialise an instance of our components is known as props. This allows our components to be reusable and unique based on the information passed into our component. We use key:value pairs in our components elements, similar to how we do this in HTML attributes.
To have access to this data value, we would go to the component class and within the render() method we have access to the this keyword which gives us access to the data passed in for the current instance of the class. class Header extends React.Component { render() { console.log(this.props); Object {title: “Title Header”} return(

{ this.props.title }

) }; }; What this does, it takes the HTML attribute looking data and it converts it into an object of a key:value pairs. We can use this string value using JSX expression to make the render of the title dynamic based on the data passed into our components. Whenever we use the
component we can now pass in data to change the header to a relevant header title. When we create instances of our React Components we can also choose to pass some data into it. The data looks very much like HTML attributes but is in reality just a set of key value pairs where the key is always some sort of string and the value can be anything (any JavaScript data type) we would like for example a string, number, array etc. When we pass in pass in data into a component we can use that data inside of the component itself. We can use that information to correctly render our components. All of the props are available on this.props and we can access the specific data by adding the key string. Props allows us to setup one way communication for example: The Parent component can communicate with its child components and the child component can communicate with its children components (sub-child). We can also add props when we use the ReactDOM.render() method by adding the props attributes to the React Component. Events & methods In Section 1 we looked at how we could create event handlers that will call on global functions, however, in React we would want to create self-contained methods within the React Component class. This method will appear in the class components before the render() method. class Action extends React.Component { handlePick() { alert(‘Run handlePick’); }; render() { return( ) }; }; On the button we have a onClick event handler which will call the handlePick function which is a self-contained function of the class which is why we can use the this keyword to access it. We do not want to execute the method right away and therefore we would only make reference to the method in our onClick event handler (and do not add () at the end). When the button is clicked this would execute the handlePick() function. Component State Component State allows our components to manage some data (think of data as an object with various key value pairs). When that data changes, the component will automatically re-render to reflect those changes. In component state, all we have to do is manipulate the data and the component will take care of the re-rendering of itself i.e. we do not need to manually call the render function every time the data changes. How to setup a Component State: Step 1. Setup a default state object. Step 2. The component rendered with default state values. * * Implicitly run behind the scenes. render { count: 0 } Step 3. Change state based on event. render { count: 0 } HandleAddOne(){ //Increase “count” state by 1 } Step 4. Component re-rendered using new state values. * re-render { count: 0 } HandleAddOne(){ //Increase “count” state by 1 } Step 5. Start again at step 3. Component State is essential for interactive applications. The above diagram is an abstract flow of react component state. So to recap: the state is just an object with a set of key value pairs, we define our initial data (state) and this gets rendered to the screen when the application initialises. The state object can be changed by the user i.e. based off some event for example a button click, form submission or finishing of a http request that returns JSON data etc. When the state changes the application will automatically re-render itself. React will update the UI on the screen with the updated data. To set a state we would add this.state in the constructor and set this to an object defining all of the pieces of state we want to track for example: class Counter extends React.Component { constructor (props) { super(props); this.state = { count: 0 }; } render() { return (

Count: {this.state.count}

) }; }; We now have a default state for our components which renders on initialisation of the application (steps 1 and 2). We can create events to change the state. However, we must use a special method to change the state object which will re— render our application when the state changes an that is called setState() for example: class Counter extends React.Component { this.state = { count: 0 }; handleAddOne() { this.setState( (prevState) => { return { count: prevState.count + 1 }; }); } render() { return (

Count: {this.state.count}

) }; }; ALTERNATE METHOD (AVOID USING): The setState() method allows us to manipulate the state object but then refresh the application to render the changes automatically (steps 3 and 4). This methods gets called with a single argument using an arrow function to define our updates we want to make (an updater function). To define our updates we return an object where we state the various state values we want to change and the new values we want to assign. I our updater function (arrow function) we have access to our current state via the first argument commonly called prevState (but we can call this anything e.g. prevState, state, x etc.). We can use this value and select a specific key property from the state to update/manipulate its value. The setState() will update the state and re-render the application component to render the change onscreen automatically. We can call on this event handler as many times as we want to update the state and have it refresh the render (step 5). Common things related to this.setState(): 1) If you have multiple pieces of state on your component, you do not need to provide them in the setState() return object. You only provide the key of the state(s) you wish to change. When we are defining the updates in the setState() updater function (anonymous function), we are not overriding the state object completely. We are just changing specific values i.e. it is the same as writing this.state.count = this.state.count +1 which is changing the value of the specific object key value. 2) The setState() function will automatically render the component after the updater function has run to update the specific state key value. This will render the new value onto the screen without you manually calling a render method to update the components render to the screen. 3) If we do not care about the previous state value we do not need to pass in the prevState argument in our updater function argument, for example if we do not care about the previous count state value: handleReset() { this.setState( () => { return { count: 0 }; }); } There is an alternative way that we can use this.setState() method. This method also allows you to pass in an object directly into the method instead of using a function. This is the previous (older) approach. The updater function is the more recent and more preferred method and rumours has it that in future versions of React, the updater function will be the only way to update the state and render the application using the setState() method. The older obsolete syntax example: handleReset() { this.setState({ count: 0 }); } There is nothing wrong with this syntax, however, the problem is where you are trying to update the state based on the current state value. For example if we have back to back calls: handleReset() { this.setState({ count: 0 }); this.setState({ count: this.setState.count +1 }); } The problem we have with this is that when we click the handleReset() function this will not reset the state to 0 and add +1, instead it will continue to +1 only. The reason for this is because our calls to the State are Asynchronous. This means just because we started the process of changing the count, this doesn’t mean the count will be changed. In our second setState function we are still getting back the old state value. We have started the process of getting the count to zero but it hasn’t completed yet. So when we have the second process called this is grabbing the old state value. React behind the scenes is very efficient and does everything all at once and batches together our setState() operations allowing it to rerun less often, only then does it bring the state up to speed. We would end up running into weird situations like this one where we are accessing stale and outdated data. So what is the solution to the above? The solution is aways to use the this.setState() with an updater function. It never suffers from the same problem because it does not access this.state, instead React passes in the prevState as an argument. For example the below will return 1 correctly: handleReset() { this.setState( () => { return { count: 0 }; }); this.setState( (prevState) => { return { count: prevState +1 }; }); } The reason this works correctly in this instance is because the first setState() called, React goes ahead and calls our function. It is going to pass in the previous state which we did not use here and it is going to get the object back. So React knows that you want to change the count to 0. It will go off to do its asynchronous computation in the virtual DOM. Before it actually finished all of that and before the component gets re-rendered, another this.setState() call comes in. React sees this and asks itself whether it wants to render this twice or should it render this once. React will try to batch these together in order to figure out what needs to change here and make sure the DOM reflects that and only then will it update. This will prevent it from being updating a bunch of times which can get really inefficient. So what happens is React know right away when this second call comes in that the state just computed and the count was zero. This is now out of date, so it goes ahead and tries to figure out what changes were made and actually passes that state in. It passes in the state where the count is zero and not the original state before the first this.setState() call. This would mean when we add +1, it is being added to 0 and not whatever the original outdated state value was before the function was called. There is nothing inherently wrong with passing an object into the this.setState(), as long as you don’t need access to the previous state values. It is advisable to stay away from this alternative method as there are rumours that React going forward will only use updater functions within the this.setState() function method which is the preferred syntax. It allows us to build our applications without running into pitfalls like the above example. Summary: props vs state We know that something at some point rendered MyComponent (whether rendered by another Parent Component or ReactDOM render call). We also know that MyComponent could have optionally rendered a Child Component. We know that data props flow in one direction. This allows us to pass things between components e.g. the Parent could pass some data, if any, to MyComponent and MyCompnent could pass some data, if any, to its Child. We also know that my component if going to render something to the screen i.e. rendered output. This is JSX and we have access to props and state when we are rendering. props(if any) props(if any) Access to Props/State when rendering Similarity: Both Props and State are just objects. Both Props and State can be used when we are rendering the component. Changes to Props and State causes re-renders. Differences: Props come from above, whether it’s a Parent Component or just some JSX that gets passed into the React Render state. Whereas the State is defined in the component itself. Props cannot be changed by the component itself. If you want to want to track changing the data, you have to use a State because the State can be changed by the component itself. Props State • An Object • An object • Can be used when rendering • Can be used when rendering • Changes (from above) causes re-render • Changes causes re-render • Comes from above • Defined in component itself • Can’t be changed by component itself • Can be changed by component itself In this section we are going to learn a new way to create React Components. We already know how to create a class based Section 3 Stateless Functional components • The Stateless Functional Component • Default Prop Values • Lifecycle Methods • Local Storage components in the previous section and in this section we will learn how to create a stateless functional component. We will compare and contrast the two types of React Component and view their own set of advantages and disadvantages. This will allow us to have an understanding of when we would use a class based function and when we would decide to use a stateless functional component. The stateless functional component The Stateless Functional Component is an alternative to the Class Based Component. We would use a combination of both Components within your Projects. A Stateless Functional Component has 3 characteristics: 1. A React Component (just like class based components). 2. It is also just a Function (unlike class based components). 3. It is Stateless. Example Syntax for a Stateless Functional Component: const User = () => { const User = function () { return ( return (

User Name

User Name

) }; ) }; Stateless Functional Components don’t allow you to manage state but they do allow you to manage props. These components do not have access to ‘this’. To get the props, they get passed in from the function as the first argument (which is your object with all of your key value pairs). For example: const User = (props) => { return (

Name: {}

Age: {props.age}

) }; ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById(‘app’)); While we cannot use state inside our Stateless Functional Components, we can indeed use Props. The advantages of Stateless Functional Components are: they are faster than class based components (so when we can we should use them i.e. in cases of simple presentational component), they are a little easier to read and write and finally they are much easier to test. Process of creating a Stateless Functional Component is simple: 1. Create a new const with component name (first letter capital). 2. Set it to a function (this function is equivalent to the render() function. 3. If there are props, the first argument to your function should pass in this object so that your component has access to the props key value pairs. 4. Return your JSX expressions to render. Default prop values Whether our components are classes or functions, they can have props passed into them, however, what if a prop is not passed into them? We can assign a default prop values. To add a default value to our component props we can add a property after we define the component. For example if we want to add a default title property: const Header = (props) => { return (



) }; Header.defaultProps = { title: ‘Default Title’ }; This will allow us to have a default title if no properties are passed into the Header component and where we want a different title for other pages we would add the prop values in our JSX to override the default values to render something different. This allows for a much flexible component. We can add a default prop value to our class component state. This allows our component to be flexible for example: class Counter extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { count: props.count } } render() { return (

Count: {this.state.count}

) }; }; Counter.defaultProps = { count: 0 }; ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById(‘app’)); We can pass in a count prop value to override the default property value. This makes our Counter class component flexible as we can allow the user to define/override the default values. Note the this.state count key value references to the props.count value (this will default to 0 if no attributes for count is passed into the component). REACT DEV TOOLS There is a set of React Dev Tools that we can install in our browsers as extensions (which are available on both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox). This will add a new tab into the developer tools for React with React specific information. This will make debugging a whole lot easier. If you google the term Google React Devtools or Firefox React Devtools, this will bring up a link for you to install the extension in your browser of choice. Once you install the extension you will need to reopen the tab/browser to see the changes in the dev tool tabs. What you see in the React tab is similar to what we would see in the Elements tab. In the Elements tab we get our html markup while in the React tab we get our JSX tree view. This will show the parent component and the child component and the JSX expressions within each component. The components are highlighted while regular html are shown in grey. On the right hand side we have access to more data to the component that is currently selected i.e. the Props and State of the component. As you application grows, you can also search for components to make it easier to locate the component you are looking for. This allows you to isolate the component. We can play around within the React Tools to make changes and these will take affect in the application which is really useful for testing. However, the tool is also in development and not everything will work (e.g. we can change the value of state objects but cannot add a new one through the React devtools). Finally, when you highlight a component, the React devtools assigns a ==$r variable. We have access to this variable in the JavaScript console tab of our developer tools by typing $r which will show all the Props/States and functions for the selected component. Lifecycle Methods Lifecycle Methods fire off at various times in a given component life. These are built in methods available on our class based components but not available to our stateless functional components. This is one of the reason for why stateless functional components are much faster because they do not need to handle state nor lifecycle methods. Example of lifecycle methods include the ability to populate an array with data from a database when the component first gets mounted to the browser or we can watch the state change to make saves/updates to our database whenever the component updates with new data. Lifecycle Methods: componentDidMount() — this will fire when the instance of the class based component first mounts. componentDidUpdate(prevProp, prevState) — this will fire when the component updates i.e. when the props or state value changes. With this lifecycle method we have access to the this.prop and this.state for the new prop and state values. We can also access previous props and previous states by passing in the two arguments. The first is for the previous props while the second argument is for the previous state. componentWillUnmount() — this will fire just before the component goes away i.e. when the given component unmount (the whole component is removed from the browser screen). There are many more lifecycle methods which are available to read on: The categories for lifecycle methods are: 1) Mounting 2) Updating 3) Unmounting Local Storage Local Storage is simply a key value store, for example we can name a key person and give it a value of John. We can later on fetch the value of John based off of the key name. We use the localStorage object and call on a few methods on that object: localStorage.setItem(‘key’, ‘value’); localStorage.getItem(‘key’); localStorage.removeItem(‘key’); localStorage.clear(); The setItem method takes in two arguments i.e. the key and value and the getItem method takes in one argument of the key which will return the corresponding value. If we reload the webpage we can still have access to the key:value items because this is saved to local storage and the items persist. The removeItem method takes in one argument which is the key and it removes the item (key:value pair) from local storage. Finally, the localStorage.clear() method will clear everything stored in local storage. This is a great starter database mechanism to explore the general principals before exploring actual databases. It is important to note that localStorage only works with string data only. Even if we use numbers, it will actually implicitly convert it to a string. To convert the string back into a number we would use the parseInt() method. How would we work with objects and arrays in localStorage? We would use JSON. JSON is a string representation of a JavaScript object or an array. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. There are two JSON method we would always use: JSON.stringify() JSON.parse() The stringify method is going to take a regular JavaScript object and get the string representation, while the parse method takes the string representation and returns a true JavaScript object. In JSON all of the keys are wrapped in double quotes which is one of the many rules JSON enforces. Example Code: const json = JSON.stringfy( {age: 26} ); —> json returns string representation of “{“age”: 26}” JSON.parse(json); —> returns Object {age: 26} JSON.parse(json).age —> returns 26 If we try to parse in erroneous data into the parse method this will through a ‘Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected Token in JSON at…’ in these cases would use the JavaScript try/catch function to try a JavaScript code and where it fails use the catch to do something else. We can see the key value pairs in our browser dev tools by going into the Applications tab within the Local Storage area we can view all our key value pairs that is saved. In this section we are going to learn all about a tool called Webpack. Section 4 Webpack Webpack is an asset bundler, meaning that it will take in all our files that makes up our application, combine it with things from third party libraries and then spit out a single JavaScript file. This allows us to break our application into multiple smaller files e.g. having a single file for each component. • What is Webpack? • Installing & Configuring Webpack • ES6 Import/Export • Default Exports • Importing npm Modules • Setting up Babel with Webpack • Source Maps with Webpack • Webpack Dev Server • ES6 Class Properties We will learn how to configure Webpack and how to use all the features that is available to us such as ES6 Import/Export, Default exports, importing npm modules, setting up Babel with Webpack, setting up a Webpack dev server and many more. What is Webpack? We could define Webpack as a module bundler for modern JavaScript applications, however, this does not really explain or show what Webpack does or how it helps build better applications. There are many advantages to Webpack: 1. Webpack allows us to organise our JavaScript. At the end of the day when we run our application through Webpack, we are going to get back a single JavaScript file (called the bundle) which contains everything our application needs to run. This will contain the depnedencies and application code. Our index.html will only need a single

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