CA SSO And APIM Integration Step By Guide Part 1

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CA SSO and CA APIM Integration Guide
Version: CA SSO R12.8 SP1, CA API Gateway 9.3, Tool kit 4.2

CA SSO configuration – Simple Integration with Basic Authentication
1. Crate “Agent” and “Host Configuration Object” to communicate with CA APIM
Gateway and CA SSO
• Login CA SSO Admin UI
• Go to Infrastructure -> Agent-> Agent


Click “Create Agent” button and select “create new object type of agent”


Input Agent name as “agent.apim” and click “Submit” button


Go to Infra Structure -> Hosts -> Host Configuration Object in CA SSO Admin UI


Click “Create Host Configuration” button


Input Name and click “Add” button


Input CA SSO Policy Server IP Address or Host name. (Host name can be resolved
from APIM Gateway.)


Click “Submit” button

2. User Directory Check
• In CA SSO Admin UI, go to Infrastructure -> Directory- > User Directory


Click “CA Directory” . (If there is no CA Directory, please create CA Directory.)
Click “View Content” button


Verify the result. (When it shows any error message, please check CA Directory
service status and validate the configuration.)

3. Create Domain/Application in CA SSO Admin UI (Instead of Domain, Application can
be created.)
• Go to Policies -> Domain -> Domain


Click “Create Domain” button


Input Name and click “Add/Remove” button in User Directories


Select “CA Directory” and click right arrow button. Then, click “OK” button


Click “Realms” tab and click “Create Realm” button


Input the following information
• Name: APIM
• Agent Name: agent.apim (click lookup agent/agentGroup and select


Resource Filter: /login
Authentication Scheme : Basic


Rules section, click “Create” button


Input the following information
o Name: APIM login GET Post Rule
o Resource: *
o Action
§ Select “Get”, “POST” and “PUT”


Click “OK” button and exit rule setting



Click “OK” button and exit Realm setting

Click Policies tab and click “Create” button


In General tab, input name “APIM”


In Users tab, click “Add All” button. (it means that every users in user
DB can access the resource.)


In Rules tabl, please click “Add Rule” button


Click “Select” box and click “OK” button


Click “OK” button and exit Policies tab.
Click “Submit” button to save the domain

CA APIM configuration – Simple Integration with CA SSO SDK
1. Create New Web API for CA SSO Integration
• Login into CA APIM Policy Manager and publish web API


Input Service information and click “Finish” button
Service Name : CASSOTest
Gateway URL: /test/casso


Import “CASSOTest” policy, which is download from the site. (CASSOTest.xml)


Pop up “Resolve External Dependency Wizard” windows and select “Import
erroneous assertion as-is”. Then, click “Create CA Single Sign-On


CA Single Sign-on Configuration properties windows pop up. Then, click
“Register” button


Provide CA SSO connection related information in UI and click “OK” button


Select “Change assertion to use this CA Single Sign-on configuration”. Then,
click “Next” button


Unresolved provider CA SSO User DB. Select “Import erroneous assertion as-is”
and click “Create new Identity Provider”


Change LDAP Identity Provider Wizard based on user directory in CA SSO. You
can find the in detail connection information from CA SSO User Directory.
In this example, superuser password is “CAdemo123”. After creating LDAP
Identity Provider, check the connection with “Test” button.
Click “Next” button and accept the default setting.


In Action panel, select “Change Assertion to use this Identity Provider : CA SSO
User DB”. Then, click “Finish” button.


When it shows imported assertions in the UI, please click “Save and Activate”

Now, CA APIM is ready for testing !!!!.
When you are using private IP address in APIM and CA SSO. Please change hosts (client) side to
connect CA APIM and CA SSO with FQDN.

Test 1.
In browser, type https://apim:8443/test/casso.

It shows kind of waning message with guide.
Test 2.
In browser, type https://apim:8443/test/casso?username=allmi01&password=CAdemo123
It returns smsession cookie and CA SSO related information.

Without closing browser, it access https://apim:8443/test/casso again. The user can access the
page without any error because smession cookie is saved in the brower.


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Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 16
PDF Version                     : 1.4
Title                           : SiteMinder Auto_install_R12.8
Author                          : RHIBO02
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Creator                         : Word
Create Date                     : 2018:10:17 07:43:28Z
Modify Date                     : 2018:10:17 07:43:28Z
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