Style Guide And Naming Conventions For CSDC CDSC
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Style guide and naming conventions for CSDC Code last updated: July 9, 2018 • Introduction • Naming variables ◦ General conventions ◦ Naming conventions specific to CDSC ◾ Column names ◾ Factor names ◾ Scale-specific naming conventions • Style guide ◦ Spacing ◾ General spacing conventions ◾ Spacing in if else statements ◾ Spacing long lines Introduction This guide is a starting place for thinking about how to write clean, understandable, reproducible code. In it includes standards specific to CDSC (e.g., standardized naming conventions for frequently used variables), but it also includes comments about general good practices. This style guide is derived from the tidyverse style guide (available at ( and only includes what is most immediately relevant for people using R in our lab. However, I highly encourage you to reference the tidyverse style guide as you progress through your journey into the world of R as it is more thorough than this guide. Naming variables General conventions 1. Always, always, always use only undercase. Consistency makes it easier for you (and others!) to work with your code. 2. Use _ to break up variable names. Do not use or . 3. Do not use other special characters (e.g., % , $ , # , etc.) or spaces in variable names. Variables should only be lowercase letters, numbers, and _ . Hide # good test test_one test_1 # bad Test testOne TestOne test1 test1 test.1 4. Variable or object names should use nouns, whereas function names should generally use verbs. 5. Names should be short as possible while also maintaining informativeness. Hide # good race day_one day_1 # bad race_of_participant rop first_day_of_the_month 6. If you create new variables in your dataset that may not be intuitive to others (e.g., acronyms of measures), it’s always helpful to have a section of the comments (preferable at the top of your code but also possibly where you create the variable) that define your variables. ◦ This goes both for names that you created in your R code but also names that may have been inherited directly from your .csv/data file. Hide # In the following analyses "cdi" refers to data collected using the MacArthurBates C ommunicative Development Inventory (CDI; e.g., Fenson et al., 2007) # "amss" refers to responses to the Ainsworth Maternal Sensitivity Scale (e.g., Ainswo rth et al., 1974) colnames(df) < c("gender", "race", "age_exact", "cdi", "amss") 7. If you use a scale or measure that has multiple items, subscores, etc., label your items consistently with the scale name first followed by additional disambiguations. ◦ E.g., if you collected CDI data (a measure of language development), name your variables accordingly ◦ “cdi_item” if you have individual items (e.g., “cdi_1”, “cdi_2” OR “cdi_hello”, “cdi_ball”) ◦ “cdi_subscale” if there’s subscale scores (e.g., “cdi_comprehension”, “cdi_production”) ◦ “cdi_total” if you would like to be unambiguous that columns refers to a total score from measure 8. Using acronyms as names is convenient (especially when you describe what they stand for in a comments) but using too many acronyms can be less transparent. Try to limit variable names to only one set of acronyms. ◦ E.g., “cdi_p” is quicker to type but less transparent than “cdi_production” ◦ Using more than one acronym or shortened form per variable name isn’t a strict no, but think of the information that is being lossed by doing so and whether it’s worth the gain in typing efficiency. Naming conventions specific to CDSC Column names 1. gender , not sex ◦ The measures we use typically capture the gender of the participant as opposed to their biological sex. Feel free to use sex if you feel the variable name more accurately captures the measure used in your study. Otherwise, use gender . 2. race to refer to participant’s race or ethnicity 3. dob for date of birth and dot for date of test. ◦ If you have multiple dates of test, use dot_1 , dot_2 , etc. to reflect multiple timepoints. 4. age_factor to refer to age when it is treated categorically and age_exact when age is calculated from date of birth and date of test ◦ Avoid using just age as it is ambiguous as to whether you are treating age as a categorical variable or as a linear variable. 5. id when refering to a participant’s id ◦ Do not use ID (no caps!), nor sid (some datasets have adult participants and the s is redundant), nor participant (unnecessarily long variable name). 6. condition to refer to the condition. 7. item to refer to the content of an individual trial ◦ For example, the item column may include the kinds of animals participants saw (e.g., “cheetah”, “skunk”, etc.) or whether the kid saw a black or white kid in the trial. ◦ Here, item was chosen over stimuli or trial because in mixed-effects models, it’s often discussed as including a random effect of item when one wants to account for the stimuli used. ◦ If you have multiple elements about the item you wish to encode (or wish to be more specific for clarity), add an _ with additional content to item . E.g., item_gender and item_race if participants saw both black and white boys and girls as stimuli. 8. response to refer to the column containing the participant’s answer or response when the data is in long format 9. task : if your data is in long format, consider having a single column task for all measures instead of separate item and response columns per task ◦ E.g., if participants complete two measures (a preference scale and a resource allocation task), set up your data so that you have one column task (with two levels: “preference” and “allocation”), a column (or more) for item (with however many levels to describe the stimuli), and a single column for response . ◦ By doing this with your initial dataset that you read in, it’s easy to break up that dataset into smaller data frames for subsequent analyses (e.g., subset data frame by task) and keeps your data very tidy. Factor names Like column names, remember to keep these all undercase! It’s easier to work with while coding. When it comes time to make plots, you can specify these in your ggplot() to be capitalized. 1. gender : male and female ◦ not boy/girl, not m/f, not man/woman ◦ male/female is neutal to age 2. condition : avoid untransparent acronyms ◦ e.g., “black_first” instead of “bf” 3. race : 4. age_factor : use numerics (e.g., 4, 5, etc.), not words (e.g., four, five, etc.) Scale-specific naming conventions We recycle a lot of measures in our studies, which means we should be recycling naming conventions, too. If you borrow a measure from someone, ask how they labeled things in R. As measure become widely used, they should be added to this document. Style guide It’s also important to format your code in a way that is easy to read. Take this example of poorly styled code: Hide #bad plot < ggplot(data=means_diversity) + facet_grid (. ~ age) +geom_point(aes(x = exp_ch oice, y = response, color=age),shape = 16,size = 7) +scale_y_continuous(expand = c (0, 0)) + coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0.9,5.1)) + labs(x = "Experimenter Choice", y =" Aver age Response") + theme(text=element_text(size = 14), axis.title.x = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold",margin = margin(t =20, r = 0, b = 0, l = 0)),axis.title.y = elemen t_text(size = 14, face = "bold",margin = margin(t = 0, r = 20, b =0,l = 0)),strip.tex t = element_text(size = 12),strip.background = element_blank(),panel.border = element_ rect(color = "black", fill = NA),panel.background = element_rect(fill = NA)) The above code is nearly impossible to parse. It’s clear from the beginning that the chunk of code is creating some kind of plot, but it’s hard to tell what kind of plot it is and what exactly it’s plotting because the elements of the code aren’t well spaced. Here’s the same code but styled properly. In this format, it’s much easier to parse each element of the graph, thus marking it easier to make changes to. Hide # good plot < ggplot(data = means) + facet_grid(. ~ age) + geom_point( aes(x = exp_choice, y = response, color = age), shape = 16, size = 7) + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0.9, 5.1)) + labs( x = "Experimenter Choice", y = " Average Response") + theme( text = element_text(size = 14), axis.title.x = element_text( size = 14, face = "bold", margin = margin(t = 20, r = 0, b = 0, l = 0)), axis.title.y = element_text( size = 14, face = "bold", margin = margin(t = 0, r = 20, b = 0, l = 0)), strip.text = element_text(size = 12), strip.background = element_blank(), panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA), panel.background = element_rect(fill = NA)) Spacing General spacing conventions There should almost always be spaces around operators (e.g., < , + , , = , etc.). Commas, like in English, should have spaces after but never before. The consistent exceptions where spaces around the operator is not required are: ^ , : , and :: . Spaces are not needed after an open parenthesis ( , bracket [ , or brace { , or before a closed parenthesis ) , bracket ] , or brace } . Hide # good var_1 < var_2 < var_3 < var_4 < mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) a + b c c(1:10) x^2 #bad var_1<mean(x ,na.rm=TRUE) var_2 = a +b c var_3 < c( 1 : 10 ) var_4 < x ^ 2 Spacing in if else statements There should always be spaces before the conditional (i.e., before the ( ) and after the conditional (i.e., after ) ). The opening brace { should always be on the same line as the conditional, and the argument inside the {} should always be on its own line and indented. Additional arguments within the {} should be on their own lines. Hide # good if (x == 1) { print("x is equal to 1") # argument on its own line and indented } if (x == 1) { print("x is equal to 1") } else { print("x is not equal to 1") } if (x == 1) { y < 0 # each argument is on their own line print("x is equal to 1") } if (x == 1) { print("x is equal to 1") } else if (x == 2) { print("x is equal to 2") } # bad if(x == 1) print("x is equal to 1") # this will evaluate but styling is poor if(x == 1){ print("x is equal to 1") }else{print("x is not equal to 1")} Spacing long lines It’s generally best to keep code under approximately 80 characters per line. If line starts to get too long, its best to put each argument of a function on its own line. Hide # good geeglm( response ~ group + age + group * age, data = df, family = binomial(logit), id = participant, corstr = "exchangeable" ) # bad geeglm(response ~ group + age + group * age, data = data_keep_test, family = binomial (logit), id = participant, corstr = "exchangeable") geeglm(response ~ group + age + group * age, data = data_keep_test, family = binomial(logit), id = participant, corstr = "exchangeable" )
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : Yes Author : kelse Create Date : 2018:07:09 13:31:54-04:00 Modify Date : 2018:07:09 13:31:54-04:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c015 84.159810, 2016/09/10-02:41:30 Format : application/pdf Title : Style guide and naming conventions for CSDC Creator : kelse Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 18.0 (Windows) Document ID : uuid:c9106504-3c56-43fa-8468-fff628cc5dc3 Instance ID : uuid:a70e2501-42cc-4d1e-8b4f-80b8c80a820d Page Count : 8EXIF Metadata provided by