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CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY LTPC0042 OBJECTIVES: To implement Map Reduce programs for processing big data To realize storage of big data using H base, Mongo DB To analyze big data using linear models To analyze big data using machine learning techniques such as SVM / Decision tree classification and clustering LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Hadoop 1. Install, configure and run Hadoop and HDFS 2. Implement word count / frequency programs using MapReduce 3. Implement an MR program that processes a weather dataset R 4. Implement Linear and logistic Regression 5. Implement SVM / Decision tree classification techniques 6. Implement clustering techniques 7. Visualize data using any plotting framework 8. Implement an application that stores big data in Hbase / MongoDB / Pig using Hadoop / R. TOTAL: 60 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon Completion of this course, the students will be able to: Process big data using Hadoop framework Build and apply linear and logistic regression models Perform data analysis with machine learning methods Perform graphical data analysis 1 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL EX. NO: 1 Install, configure and run Hadoop and HDFS Step by step Hadoop 2.8.0 installation on Windows 10 Prepare: These software’s should be prepared to install Hadoop 2.8.0 on window 10 64 bits. 1) Download Hadoop 2.8.0 (Link: http://wwweu.apache.org/dist/hadoop/common/hadoop2.8.0/hadoop-2.8.0.tar.gz OR http://archive.apache.org/dist/hadoop/core//hadoop-2.8.0/hadoop2.8.0.tar.gz) 2) Java JDK 1.8.0.zip (Link: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8downloads-2133151.html) Set up: 1) Check either Java 1.8.0 is already installed on your system or not, use “Javac version" to check Java version 2) If Java is not installed on your system then first install java under "C:\JAVA" Java setup 3) Extract files Hadoop 2.8.0.tar.gz or Hadoop-2.8.0.zip and place under "C:\Hadoop-2.8.0" hadoop 4) Set the path HADOOP_HOME Environment variable on windows 10(see Step 1, 2, 3 and 4 below) hadoop 5) Set the path JAVA_HOME Environment variable on windows 10(see Step 1, 2, 3 and 4 below) java 6) Next we set the Hadoop bin directory path and JAVA bin directory path 2 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL Configuration a) File C:/Hadoop-2.8.0/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml, paste below xml paragraph and save this file.b)Rename "mapred-site.xml.template" to "mapred-site.xml" and edit this file C:/Hadoop-2.8.0/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml, paste below xml paragraph and save this file. fs.defaultFS hdfs://localhost:9000 c) Create folder "data" under "C:\Hadoop-2.8.0" 1) Create folder "datanode" under "C:\Hadoop-2.8.0\data" 2) Create folder "namenode" under "C:\Hadoop-2.8.0\data" data d) Edit file C:\Hadoop-2.8.0/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml, paste below xml paragraph and save this file. mapreduce.framework.name yarn e) Edit file C:/Hadoop-2.8.0/etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml, paste below xml paragraph and save this file. 3 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL dfs.replication 1 dfs.namenode.name.dir C:\hadoop-2.8.0\data\namenode dfs.datanode.data.dir C:\hadoop-2.8.0\data\datanode 4 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL f) Edit file C:/Hadoop-2.8.0/etc/hadoop/hadoop-env.cmd by closing the command line "JAVA_HOME=%JAVA_HOME%" instead of set "JAVA_HOME=C:\Java" (On C:\java this is path to file jdk.18.0) Hadoop Configuration 7) Download file Hadoop Configuration.zip (Link: https://github.com/MuhammadBilalYar/HADOOP-INSTALLATION-ONWINDOW-10/blob/master/Hadoop%20Configuration.zip) 8) Delete file bin on C:\Hadoop-2.8.0\bin, replaced by file bin on file just download (from Hadoop Configuration.zip). 9) Open cmd and typing command "hdfs namenode –format" .You will see hdfs namenode –format Testing 10) Open cmd and change directory to "C:\Hadoop-2.8.0\sbin" and type "startall.cmd" to start apache. 11) Make sure these apps are running. a) Name node b)Hadoop data node c) YARN Resource Manager d)YARN Node Manager hadoop nodes 12) Open: http://localhost:8088 13) Open: http://localhost:50070 5 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL Ex. No: 2 Date: Implementation of word count programs using MapReduce Procedure: Prepare: 1. Download MapReduceClient.jar (Link: https://github.com/MuhammadBilalYar/HADOOPINSTALLATION-ON-WINDOW-10/blob/master/MapReduceClient.jar) 2. Download Input_file.txt (Link: https://github.com/MuhammadBilalYar/HADOOPINSTALLATION-ON-WINDOW-10/blob/master/input_file.txt) Place both files in "C:/" Hadoop Operation: 1. Open cmd in Administrative mode and move to "C:/Hadoop-2.8.0/sbin" and start cluster Start-all.cmd 6 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 7 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 2. Create an input directory in HDFS. hadoop fs -mkdir /input_dir 3. Copy the input text file named input_file.txt in the input directory (input_dir) of HDFS. hadoop fs -put C:/input_file.txt /input_dir 4. Verify input_file.txt available in HDFS input directory (input_dir). hadoop fs -ls /input_dir/ 8 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 5. Verify content of the copied file. hadoop dfs -cat /input_dir/input_file.txt 9 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 6. Run MapReduceClient.jar and also provide input and out directories. hadoop jar C:/MapReduceClient.jar wordcount /input_dir /output_dir 10 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 7. Verify content for generated output file. hadoop dfs -cat /output_dir/* Some Other useful commands 8) To leave Safe mode hadoop dfsadmin –safemode leave 9) To delete file from HDFS directory hadoop fs -rm -r /iutput_dir/input_file.txt 10) To delete directory from HDFS directory hadoop fs -rm -r /iutput_dir 11 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 12 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL Ex. No: 3 Implementation of an MR program that processes a weather dataset Date: Aim: Program AverageMapper.java import org.apache.hadoop.io.*; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.*; import java.io.IOException; public class AverageMapper extends Mapper yarn.nodemanager.aux-services mapreduce_shuffle yarn.nodemanager.auxservices.mapreduce.shuffle.class org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ShuffleHandler { public static final int MISSING = 9999; public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String line = value.toString(); String year = line.substring(15,19); int temperature; if (line.charAt(87)=='+') temperature = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(88, 92)); else temperature = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(87, 92)); String quality = line.substring(92, 93); if(temperature != MISSING && quality.matches("[01459]")) context.write(new Text(year),new IntWritable(temperature)); } 13 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL } AverageReducer.java import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.*; import java.io.IOException; public class AverageReducer extends Reducer { public void reduce(Text key, Iterable values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { int max_temp = 0; int count = 0; for (IntWritable value : values) { max_temp += value.get(); count+=1; } context.write(key, new IntWritable(max_temp/count)); } } AverageDriver.java import org.apache.hadoop.io.*; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.*; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.*; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat; public class AverageDriver { 14 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length != 2) { System.err.println("Please Enter the input and output parameters"); System.exit(-1); } Job job = new Job(); job.setJarByClass(AverageDriver.class); job.setJobName("Max temperature"); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job,new Path(args[0])); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job,new Path (args[1])); job.setMapperClass(AverageMapper.class); job.setReducerClass(AverageReducer.class); job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setOutputValueClass(IntWritable.class); System.exit(job.waitForCompletion(true)?0:1); } } 15 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL EX. NO: 4.A R – PROGRAMMING INTRODUCTION AND BASICS R – PROGRAMMING INTRODUCTION AND BASICS What is R? R Data Types & Operator R Matrix Tutorial: Create, Print, Add Column, Slice What is Factor in R? Categorical & Continuous R Data Frames: Create, Append, Select, Subset Lists in R: Create, Select [Example] If, Else, Elif Statement in R For Loop Syntax and Examples While Loop In R With Example Apply(), Sapply(), Tapply() in R With Examples Import Data into R: Read Csv, Excel, SPSS, STATA, SAS Files R Exporting Data to Csv, Excel, STATA, SAS and Text File R Select(), Filter(), Arrange(): WHAT IS R? R is a programming language developed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman in 1993. R possesses an extensive catalog of statistical and graphical methods. It includes machine learning algorithm, linear regression, time series, statistical inference to name a few. Most of the R libraries are written in R, but for heavy computational task, C, C++ and Fortran codes are preferred. R is not only entrusted by academic, but many large companies also use R programming language, including Uber, Google, Airbnb, Facebook and so on. Data analysis with R is done in a series of steps; programming, transforming, discovering, modeling and communicate the results Program: R is a clear and accessible programming tool Transform: R is made up of a collection of libraries designed specifically for data science 16 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL Discover: Investigate the data, refine your hypothesis and analyze them Model: R provides a wide array of tools to capture the right model for your data Communicate: Integrate codes, graphs, and outputs to a report with R Markdown or build Shiny apps to share with the world What is R used for? Statistical inference Data analysis Machine learning algorithm R DATA TYPES & OPERATOR Basic data types R works with numerous data types, including Scalars Vectors (numerical, character, logical) Matrices Data frames Lists Basics types 4.5 is a decimal value called numerics. 4 is a natural value called integers. Integers are also numerics. TRUE or FALSE is a Boolean value called logical. The value inside " " or ' ' are text (string). They are called characters. We can check the type of a variable with the class function Data Types R Code Output # Numeric x <‐ 28 ## [1] "numeric" class(x) # String y <‐ "R is Fantastic" ## [1] "character" class(y) # Boolean z <‐ TRUE ## [1] "logical" class(z) 17 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL Variables Variables store values and are an important component in programming, especially for a data scientist. A variable can store a number, an object, a statistical result, vector, dataset, a model prediction basically anything R outputs. We can use that variable later simply by calling the name of the variable. To declare a variable, we need to assign a variable name. The name should not have space. We can use _ to connect to words. To add a value to the variable, use <- or =. SYNTAX: SYNTAX RCODE OUTPUT # First way to declare a variable: use the `<‐` # Print variable x name_of_variable <‐ value # Second way to declare a variable: use the `=` ## [1] 42 x <‐ 42 x y <‐ 10 ## [1] 10 y name_of_variable = value # We call x and y and apply a ## [1] 32 subtraction x‐y Vectors A vector is a one-dimensional array. We can create a vector with all the basic data type we learnt before. The simplest way to build a vector in R, is to use the c command. Vectors Type – Rcode OUTPUT # Numerical vec_num <‐ c(1, 10, 49) ## [1] 1 10 49 vec_num # Character vec_chr <‐ c("a", "b", "c") ## [1] "a" "b" "c" vec_chr # Boolean vec_bool <‐ c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) ##[1] TRUE FALSE TRUE vec_bool # Create the vect_1 <‐ c(1, 3, 5) vectors vect_2 <‐ c(2, 4, 6) [1] 3 7 11 # Take the sum of A_vector and B_vector 18 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL sum_vect <‐ vect_1 + vect_2 # Print out total_vector sum_vect # Slice the slice_vector <‐ c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) first 5 rows slice_vector[1:5] ## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 of the vector # Faster way c(1:10) ## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to create 10 adjacent values Operator Description Arithmetic + Addition - Subtraction * Multiplication / Division ^ or ** Exponentiation Logical RCode OUTPUT 3+4 ## [1] 7 ## [1] 2 ## [1] 15 ## [1] 5 ## [1] 32 4-2 3*5 (5+5)/2 2^5 logical_vector <‐ c(1:10) logical_vector>5 logical_vector[(logical_vector>5)] # Print 5 and 6 logical_vector <‐ c(1:10) logical_vector[(logical_vector>4) & (logical_vector<7)] ## [1]FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ## [1] 6 7 8 9 10 ## [1] 5 6 R MATRIX TUTORIAL: CREATE, PRINT, ADD COLUMN, SLICE What is a Matrix? A matrix is a 2-dimensional array that has m number of rows and n number of columns. In other words, matrix is a combination of two or more vectors with the same data type. Note: It is possible to create more than two dimensions arrays with R. SYNTAX: matrix(data, nrow, ncol, byrow = FALSE) Arguments: 19 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL ‐ data: The collection of elements that R will arrange into the rows and columns of the matrix ‐ nrow: Number of rows ‐ ncol: Number of columns ‐ byrow: The rows are filled from the left to the right. We use `byrow = FALSE` (default values), if we want the matrix to be filled by the columns i.e. the values are filled top to bottom. # Construct a matrix matrix_a <‐matrix(1:10, byrow = TRUE, with 5 rows that nrow = 5) contain the numbers matrix_a 1 up to 10 and byrow = TRUE # Print dimension of dim(matrix_a) ## [1] 5 2 the matrix # Construct a matrix matrix_b <‐matrix(1:10, byrow = with 5 rows that FALSE, nrow = 5) contain the numbers matrix_b 1 up to 10 and byrow = FALSE matrix_c <‐matrix(1:12, byrow = ## FALSE, ncol = 3) ## [1,] 1 5 9 matrix_c ## [2,] 2 6 10 ## [3,] 3 7 11 ## [4,] 4 8 12 # concatenate c(1:5) matrix_a1 <‐ cbind(matrix_a, c(1:5)) to the matrix_a # Check the dimension dim(matrix_a1) [,1] [,2] [,3] ## [1] 5 3 Slice a Matrix We can select elements one or many elements from a matrix by using the square brackets [ ]. This is where slicing comes into the picture. For example: matrix_c[1,2] selects the element at the first row and second column. matrix_c[1:3,2:3] results in a matrix with the data on the rows 1, 2, 3 and columns 2, 3, 20 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL matrix_c[,1] selects all elements of the first column. matrix_c[1,] selects all elements of the first row. WHAT IS FACTOR IN R? CATEGORICAL & CONTINUOUS What is Factor in R? Factors are variables in R which take on a limited number of different values; such variables are often referred to as categorical variables. In a dataset, we can distinguish two types of variables: categorical and continuous. In a categorical variable, the value is limited and usually based on a particular finite group. For example, a categorical variable can be countries, year, gender, occupation. A continuous variable, however, can take any values, from integer to decimal. For example, we can have the revenue, price of a share, etc.. Categorical variables R stores categorical variables into a factor. Let's check the code below to convert a character variable into a factor variable. Characters are not supported in machine learning algorithm, and the only way is to convert a string to an integer. SYNTAX: RCODE: # Create gender vector gender_vector <‐ c("Male", "Female", "Female", "Male", "Male") class(gender_vector) # Convert gender_vector to a factor 21 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL factor_gender_vector <‐factor(gender_vector) class(factor_gender_vector) OUTPUT: ## [1] "character" ## [1] "factor" Nominal categorical variable A categorical variable has several values but the order does not matter. For instance, male or female categorical variable do not have ordering. RCODE: # Create a color vector color_vector <‐ c('blue', 'red', 'green', 'white', 'black', 'yellow') # Convert the vector to factor factor_color <‐ factor(color_vector) factor_color OUTPUT: ## [1] blue red green white black yellow ## Levels: black blue green red white yellow Ordinal categorical variable Ordinal categorical variables do have a natural ordering. We can specify the order, from the lowest to the highest with order = TRUE and highest to lowest with order = FALSE. We can use summary to count the values for each factor. RCODE: # Create Ordinal categorical vector day_vector <‐ c('evening', 'morning', 'afternoon', 'midday', 'midnight', 'evening') # Convert `day_vector` to a factor with ordered level 22 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL factor_day <‐ factor(day_vector, order = TRUE, levels =c('morning', 'midday', 'afternoon', 'evening', 'midnight')) # Print the new variable factor_day OUTPUT: ## [1] evening morning afternoon midday midnight evening ## Levels: morning < midday < afternoon < evening < midnight # Append the line to above code # Count the number of occurence of each level summary(factor_day) ## Morning midday afternoon evening midnight ## 1 1 1 2 1 Continuous variables Continuous class variables are the default value in R. They are stored as numeric or integer. We can see it from the dataset below. mtcars is a built-in dataset. It gathers information on different types of car. We can import it by using mtcars and check the class of the variable mpg, mile per gallon. It returns a numeric value, indicating a continuous variable. RCODE: dataset <‐ mtcars class(dataset) OUTPUT: ## [1] "numeric" R DATA FRAMES: CREATE, APPEND, SELECT, SUBSET What is a Data Frame? A data frame is a list of vectors which are of equal length. A matrix contains only one type of data, while a data frame accepts different data types (numeric, character, factor, etc.). 23 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL SYNTAX: Create a data frame RCODE: # Create a, b, c, d variables a <‐ c(10,20,30,40) b <‐ c('book', 'pen', 'textbook', 'pencil_case') c <‐ c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE) d <‐ c(2.5, 8, 10, 7) # Join the variables to create a data frame df <‐ data.frame(a,b,c,d) df OUTPUT: ## a b c d ## 1 1 book TRUE 2.5 ## 2 2 pen TRUE 8.0 ## 3 3 textbook TRUE 10.0 ## 4 4 pencil_case FALSE 7.0 # Name the data frame names(df) <‐ c('ID', 'items', 'store', 'price') df OUTPUT: ## ID items store price ## 1 10 book TRUE 2.5 ## 2 20 pen FALSE 8.0 ## 3 30 textbook TRUE 10.0 ## 4 40 pencil_case FALSE 7.0 # Print the structure str(df) 24 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL OUTPUT: ## 'data.frame': 4 obs. of 4 variables: ## $ ID : num 10 20 30 40 ## $ items: Factor w/ 4 levels "book","pen","pencil_case",..: 1 2 4 3 ## $ store: logi TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE ## $ price: num 2.5 8 10 7 Slice Data Frame It is possible to SLICE values of a Data Frame. We select the rows and columns to return into bracket precede by the name of the data frame. RCODE: ## Select Rows 1 to 3 and columns 3 to 4 df[1:3, 3:4] OUTPUT: ## store price ## 1 TRUE 2.5 ## 2 FALSE 8.0 ## 3 TRUE 10.0 Append a Column to Data Frame You can also append a column to a Data Frame. You need to use the symbol $ to append a new Variable. RCODE: # Create a new vector quantity <‐ c(10, 35, 40, 5) # Add `quantity` to the `df` data frame df$quantity <‐ quantity df OUTPUT: ## ID items store price quantity ## 1 10 book TRUE 2.5 10 ## 2 20 pen FALSE 8.0 35 ## 3 30 textbook TRUE 10.0 40 ## 4 40 pencil_case FALSE 7.0 5 25 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL Note: The number of elements in the vector has to be equal to the no of elements in data frame. Executing the following statement RCODE: quantity <‐ c(10, 35, 40) # Add `quantity` to the `df` data frame df$quantity <‐ quantity Select a column of a data frame Sometimes, we need to store a column of a data frame for future use or perform operation on a column. We can use the $ sign to select the column from a data frame. RCODE: # Select the column ID df$ID OUTPUT: ## [1] 1 2 3 4 Subset a data frame In the previous section, we selected an entire column without condition. It is possible to subset based on whether or not a certain condition was true. We use the subset() function. SYNTAX: We want to return only the items with price above 10, we can do RCODE: # Select price above 5 subset(df, subset = price > 5) OUTPUT: ID items store price 2 20 pen FALSE 8 3 30 textbook TRUE 10 26 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 4 40 pencil_case FALSE 7 LISTS IN R: CREATE, SELECT [EXAMPLE] What is a List? A list is a great tool to store many kinds of object in the order expected. We can include matrices, vectors data frames or lists. We can imagine a list as a bag in which we want to put many different items. When we need to use an item, we open the bag and use it. A list is similar; we can store a collection of objects and use them when we need them. We can use list() function to create a list. SYNTAX: RCODE: # Vector with numeric from 1 up to 5 vect <‐ 1:5 # A 2x 5 matrix mat <‐ matrix(1:9, ncol = 5) dim(mat) # select the 10th row of the built‐in R data set EuStockMarkets df <‐ EuStockMarkets[1:10,] # Construct list with these vec, mat, and df: my_list <‐ list(vect, mat, df) my_list 27 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL OUTPUT: IF, ELSE, ELIF STATEMENT IN R The if, else, ELIF statement An if-else statement is a great tool for the developer trying to return an output based on a condition. SYNTAX: if (condition1) { expr1 } else it (condition2) { expr2 } else if (condition3) { expr3 } else { expr4 } VAT has different rate according to the product purchased. Imagine we have three different kind of products with different VAT applied: Categories Products VAT A Book, magazine, newspaper, etc.. 8% B Vegetable, meat, beverage, etc.. C Tee-shirt, jean, pant, etc.. 10% 20% We can write a chain to apply the correct VAT rate to the product a customer bought. 28 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL RCODE: category <‐ 'A' price <‐ 10 if (category =='A'){ cat('A vat rate of 8% is applied.','The total price is',price *1.08) } else if (category =='B'){ cat('A vat rate of 10% is applied.','The total price is',price *1.10) } else { cat('A vat rate of 20% is applied.','The total price is',price *1.20) } OUTPUT: # A vat rate of 8% is applied. The total price is 10.8 FOR LOOP SYNTAX AND EXAMPLES # Create fruit vector fruit <‐ c('Apple', 'Orange', 'Passion fruit', 'Banana') # Create the for statement for ( i in fruit){ print(i) } OUTPUT: ## [1] "Apple" ## [1] "Orange" ## [1] "Passion fruit" ## [1] "Banana" For Loop over a matrix A matrix has 2-dimension, rows and columns. To iterate over a matrix, we have to define two for loop, namely one for the rows and another for the column. SYNTAX: # Create a matrix mat <‐ matrix(data = seq(10, 20, by=1), nrow = 6, ncol =2) # Create the loop with r and c to iterate over the matrix 29 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL for (r in 1:nrow(mat)) for (c in 1:ncol(mat)) print(paste("Row", r, "and column",c, "have values of", mat[r,c])) OUTPUT: WHILE LOOP IN R WITH EXAMPLE A loop is a statement that keeps running until a condition is satisfied. The syntax for a while loop is the following: SYNTAX: #Create a variable with value 1 begin <‐ 1 #Create the loop while (begin <= 10){ #See which we are cat('This is loop number',begin) #add 1 to the variable begin after each loop begin <‐ begin+1 print(begin) } OUTPUT: ## This is loop number 1[1] 2 ## This is loop number 2[1] 3 30 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL ## This is loop number 3[1] 4 ## This is loop number 4[1] 5 ## This is loop number 5[1] 6 ## This is loop number 6[1] 7 ## This is loop number 7[1] 8 ## This is loop number 8[1] 9 ## This is loop number 9[1] 10 ## This is loop number 10[1] 11 APPLY(), SAPPLY(), TAPPLY() IN R WITH EXAMPLES apply() function We use apply() over a matrice. This function takes 5 arguments: SYNTAX: The simplest example is to sum a matrices over all the columns. The code apply(m1, 2, sum) will apply the sum function to the matrix 5x6 and return the sum of each column accessible in the dataset. RCODE: m1 <‐ matrix(C<‐(1:10),nrow=5, ncol=6) m1 a_m1 <‐ apply(m1, 2, sum) a_m1 OUTPUT: 31 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL lapply() function SYNTAX: l in lapply() stands for list. The difference between lapply() and apply() lies between the output return. The output of lapply() is a list. lapply() can be used for other objects like data frames and lists. lapply() function does not need MARGIN. A very easy example can be to change the string value of a matrix to lower case with to lower function. We construct a matrix with the name of the famous movies. The name is in upper case format. RCODE: movies <‐ c("SPYDERMAN","BATMAN","VERTIGO","CHINATOWN") movies_lower <‐lapply(movies, tolower) str(movies_lower) We can use unlist() to convert the list into a vector. movies_lower <‐unlist(lapply(movies,tolower)) str(movies_lower) OUTPUT: ## List of 4 ## $:chr"spyderman" 32 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL ## $:chr"batman" ## $:chr"vertigo" ## $:chr"chinatown" ## chr [1:4] "spyderman" "batman" "vertigo" "chinatown" sapply() function SYNTAX: sapply() function does the same jobs as lapply() function but returns a vector. We can measure the minimum speed and stopping distances of cars from the cars dataset. RCODE: dt <‐ cars lmn_cars <‐ lapply(dt, min) smn_cars <‐ sapply(dt, min) lmn_cars smn_cars lmxcars <‐ lapply(dt, max) smxcars <‐ sapply(dt, max) lmxcars smxcars We can use a user built-in function into lapply() or sapply(). We create a function named avg to compute the average of the minimum and maximum of the vector. avg <‐ function(x) { ( min(x) + max(x) ) / 2} fcars <‐ sapply(dt, avg) fcars OUTPUT: ## $speed ## [1] 4 ## $dist ## [1] 2 ## speed dist ## 4 2 33 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL ## $speed ## [1] 25 ## $dist ## [1] 120 ## speed dist ## 25 120 ## speed dist ## 14.5 61.0 Function Arguments Objective Input apply apply(x, Apply a function Data frame or vector, list, MARGIN, FUN) to the rows or array matrix Output columns or both lapply lapply(X, FUN) Apply a function List, vector or to all the list data frame elements of the input sapply sappy(X FUN) Apply a function List, vector or vector or to all the matrix data frame elements of the input Slice vector We can use lapply() or sapply() interchangeable to slice a data frame. We create a function, below_average(), that takes a vector of numerical values and returns a vector that only contains the values that are strictly above the average. We compare both results with the identical() function. RCODE: below_ave <‐ function(x) { ave <‐ mean(x) return(x[x > ave]) } dt_s<‐ sapply(dt, below_ave) 34 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL dt_l<‐ lapply(dt, below_ave) identical(dt_s, dt_l) OUTPUT: ## [1] TRUE IMPORT DATA INTO R: READ CSV, EXCEL, SPSS, STATA, SAS FILES Read CSV One of the most widely data store is the .csv (comma-separated values) file formats. R loads an array of libraries during the start-up, including the utils package. This package is convenient to open csv files combined with the reading.csv () function. SYNTAX: RCODE: PATH <‐ 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vincentarelbundock/Rdatasets/master/csv/datasets/m tc ars.csv' df <‐ read.csv(PATH, header = TRUE, sep = ',', stringsAsFactors =FALSE) length(df) class(df$X) 35 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL OUTPUT: ## [1] 12 ## [1] "factor" Read Excel files Excel files are very popular among data analysts. Spreadsheets are easy to work with and flexible. R is equipped with a library readxl to import Excel spreadsheet. SYNTAX: RCODE: require(readxl) library(readxl) readxl_example() readxl_example("geometry.xls") We can import the spreadsheets from the readxl library and count the number of columns in the first sheet. # Store the path of `datasets.xlsx` example <‐ readxl_example("datasets.xlsx") # Import the spreadsheet df <‐ read_excel(example) # Count the number of columns length(df) OUTPUT ## [1] 5 36 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL Read excel_sheets() The file datasets.xlsx is composed of 4 sheets. We can find out which sheets are available in the workbook by using excel_sheets() function RCODE: example <‐ readxl_example("datasets.xlsx") excel_sheets(example) If a worksheet includes many sheets, it is easy to select a particular sheet by using the sheet arguments. We can specify the name of the sheet or the sheet index. We can verify if both function returns the same output with identical(). example <‐ readxl_example("datasets.xlsx") quake <‐ read_excel(example, sheet = "quakes") quake_1 <‐read_excel(example, sheet = 4) identical(quake, quake_1) OUTPUT: [1] "iris" "mtcars" "chickwts" "quakes" ## [1] TRUE R EXPORTING DATA TO CSV, EXCEL, SAS, STATA, AND TEXT FILE Export to Hard drive To begin with, you can save the data directly into the working directory. The following code prints the path of your working directory: RCODE: directory <‐getwd() directory OUTPUT: ## [1] "/Users/15_Export_to_do" Create data frame First of all, let's import the mtcars dataset and get the mean of mpg and disp grouped by gear RCODE: library(dplyr) 37 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL df <‐mtcars % > % select(mpg, disp, gear) % > % group_by(gear) % > % summarize(mean_mpg = mean(mpg), mean_disp = mean(disp)) df OUTPUT: The table contains three rows and three columns. You can create a CSV file with the function write.csv(). Export CSV SYNTAX: RCODE: write.csv(df, "table_car.csv") Code Explanation write.csv(df, "table_car.csv"): Create a CSV file in the hard drive: df: name of the data frame in the environment "table_car.csv": Name the file table_car and store it as csv Note: You can use the function write.csv2() to separate the rows with a semicolon. write.csv2(df, "table_car.csv") Note: For pedagogical purpose only, we created a function called open_folder() to open the directory folder for you. You just need to run the code below and see where the csv file is stored. You should see a file names table_car.csv. 38 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL # Run this code to create the function RCODE: open_folder <‐function(dir){ if (.Platform['OS.type'] == "windows"){ shell.exec(dir) } else { system(paste(Sys.getenv("R_BROWSER"), dir)) } } # Call the function to open the folder open_folder(directory) Export to Excel file Export data to Excel is trivial for Windows users and trickier for Mac OS user. Both users will use the library xlsx to create an Excel file. The slight difference comes from the installation of the library. Indeed, the library xlsx uses Java to create the file. Java needs to be installed if not present in your machine. Windows users If you are a Windows user, you can install the library directly with conda: conda install ‐c r r‐xlsx library(xlsx) write.xlsx(df, "table_car.xlsx") library(haven) write_sav(df, "table_car.sav" ## spss file write_sas(df, "table_car.sas7bdat") write_dta(df, "table_car.dta") ## STATA File save(df, file ='table_car.RData') 39 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL R SELECT(), FILTER(), ARRANGE(): Verb Objective Code Explanation glimpse check the structure of a df glimpse(df) Identical to str() select() Select/exclude the variables select(df, A, B,C) arrange() Sort the dataset with one or many variables Select the variables A, B and C select(df, A:C) Select all variables from A to C select(df, ‐C) Exclude C arrange(A) Descending sort of variable A arrange(desc (A), B) and ascending sort of B 40 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL EX. NO:4.b DATE: IMPLEMENT LINEAR AND LOGISTIC REGRESSION AIM: PROGRAM: ****SIMPLE LINEAR REGRESSION**** dataset = read.csv("data-marketing-budget-12mo.csv", header=T, colClasses = c("numeric", "numeric", "numeric")) head(dataset,5) #/////Simple Regression///// simple.fit = lm(Sales~Spend,data=dataset) summary(simple.fit) OUTPUT: ****MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION **** multi.fit = lm(Sales~Spend+Month, data=dataset) summary(multi.fit) 41 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION OUTPUT: ****Logistic Regression **** #selects some column from mtcars input<- mtcars [,c("am","cyl","hp","wt")] print(head(input)) input<- mtcars [,c("am","cyl","hp","wt")] am.data =glm(formula = am ~ cyl+hp+wt,data = input,family = binomial) print(summary(am.data)) OUTPUT: 42 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL RESULT: 43 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL EX. NO: 5 DATE: IMPLEMENT SVM CLASSIFICATION TECHNIQUES AIM To implement support vector machine (SVM) to find optimum hyper plane (Line in 2D, 3D hyper plane) which maximize the margin between two classes. Program library(e1071) plot(iris) iris plot(iris$Sepal.Length, iris$Sepal.width, col=iris$Species) plot(iris$Petal.Length, iris$Petal.width, col=iris$Species) s<-sample(150,100) col<- c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species") iris_train<- iris[s,col] iris_test<- iris[-s,col] svmfit<- svm(Species ~., data = iris_train, kernel = "linear", cost = .1, scale = FALSE) print(svmfit) plot(svmfit, iris_train[,col]) tuned <- tune(svm, Species~., data = iris_train, kernel = "linear", ranges= list(cost=c(0.001,0.01,.1,.1,10,100))) summary(tuned) 44 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL p<-predict(svmfit, iris_test[,col], type="class") plot(p) table(p,iris_test[,3] ) mean(p== iris_test[,3]) OUTPUT: 45 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL RESULT: 46 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL EX. NO:6 IMPLEMENT DECISION TREE CLASSIFICATION DATE: TECHNIQUES AIM To implement a decision tree used to representing a decision situation in visually and show all those factors within the analysis that are considered relevant to the decision PROGRAM library(MASS) library(rpart) head(birthwt) hist(birthwt$bwt) table(birthwt$low) cols <- c('low', 'race', 'smoke', 'ht', 'ui') birthwt[cols] <- lapply(birthwt[cols], as.factor) set.seed(1) train<- sample(1:nrow(birthwt), 0.75 * nrow(birthwt)) birthwtTree<- rpart(low ~ . - bwt, data = birthwt[train, ], method = 'class') plot(birthwtTree) text(birthwtTree, pretty = 0) summary(birthwtTree) birthwtPred<- predict(birthwtTree, birthwt[-train, ], type = 'class') table(birthwtPred, birthwt[-train, ]$low) 47 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL OUTPUT: RESULT 48 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL EX. NO:7 IMPLEMENTATION OF CLUSTERING TECHNIQUES DATE: AIM: PROGRAM: library(datasets) head(iris) library(ggplot2) ggplot(iris, aes(Petal.Length, Petal.Width, color = Species)) + geom_point() set.seed(20) irisCluster <- kmeans(iris[, 3:4], 3, nstart = 20) irisCluster table(irisCluster$cluster, iris$Species) OUTPUT: 49 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 50 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL RESULT: 51 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL EX. NO:8 IMPLEMENTATION OF VISUALIZE DATA USING ANY DATE: PLOTTING FRAMEWORK AIM To implement Data visualization is to provide an efficient graphical display for summarizing and reasoning about quantitative information. 1. Histogram Histogram is basically a plot that breaks the data into bins (or breaks) and shows frequency distribution of these bins. You can change the breaks also and see the effect it has data visualization in terms of understandability. Note: We have used par(mfrow=c(2,5)) command to fit multiple graphs in same page for sake of clarity( see the code below). PROGRAM: library(RColorBrewer) data(VADeaths) par(mfrow=c(2,3)) hist(VADeaths,breaks=10, col=brewer.pal(3,"Set3"),main="Set3 3 colors") hist(VADeaths,breaks=3 ,col=brewer.pal(3,"Set2"),main="Set2 3 colors") hist(VADeaths,breaks=7, col=brewer.pal(3,"Set1"),main="Set1 3 colors") hist(VADeaths,,breaks= 2, col=brewer.pal(8,"Set3"),main="Set3 8 colors") hist(VADeaths,col=brewer.pal(8,"Greys"),main="Greys 8 colors") hist(VADeaths,col=brewer.pal(8,"Greens"),main="Greens 8 colors") 52 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL OUTPUT: 2.1. Line Chart Below is the line chart showing the increase in air passengers over given time period. Line Charts are commonly preferred when we are to analyses a trend spread over a time period. Furthermore, line plot is also suitable to plots where we need to compare relative changes in quantities across some variable (like time). Below is the code: PROGRAM: data(AirPassengers) plot(AirPassengers,type="l") #Simple Line Plot 53 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL OUTPUT: 2.2. Bar Chart Bar Plots are suitable for showing comparison between cumulative totals across several groups. Stacked Plots are used for bar plots for various categories. Here’s the code: PROGRAM: data("iris") barplot(iris$Petal.Length) #Creating simple Bar Graph barplot(iris$Sepal.Length,col = brewer.pal(3,"Set1")) barplot(table(iris$Species,iris$Sepal.Length),col = brewer.pal(3,"Set1")) #Stacked Plot OUTPUT: 54 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 3. Box Plot Box Plot shows 5 statistically significant numbers the minimum, the 25th percentile, the median, the 75th percentile and the maximum. It is thus useful for visualizing the spread of the data is and deriving inferences accordingly. PROGRAM: data(iris) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) boxplot(iris$Sepal.Length,col="red") boxplot(iris$Sepal.Length~iris$Species,col="red") boxplot(iris$Sepal.Length~iris$Species,col=heat.colors(3)) boxplot(iris$Sepal.Length~iris$Species,col=topo.colors(3)) boxplot(iris$Petal.Length~iris$Species) #Creating Box Plot between two variable OUTPUT: 55 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 4. Scatter Plot (including 3D and other features) Scatter plots help in visualizing data easily and for simple data inspection. Here’s the code for simple scatter and multivariate scatter plot: PROGRAM: plot(x=iris$Petal.Length) #Simple Scatter Plot plot(x=iris$Petal.Length,y=iris$Species) #Multivariate Scatter Plot OUTPUT: 5. Heat Map One of the most innovative data visualizations in R, the heat map emphasizes color intensity to visualize relationships between multiple variables. The result is an attractive 2D image that is easy to interpret. As a basic example, a heat map highlights the popularity of competing items by ranking them according to their original market launch date. It breaks it down further by providing sales statistics and figures over the course of time. 56 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL PROGRAM: # simulate a dataset of 10 points x<‐rnorm(10,mean=rep(1:5,each=2),sd=0.7) y<‐rnorm(10,mean=rep(c(1,9),each=5),sd=0.1) dataFrame<‐data.frame(x=x,y=y) set.seed(143) dataMatrix<‐as.matrix(dataFrame)[sample(1:10),] # convert to class 'matrix', then shuffle the rows of the matrix heatmap(dataMatrix) # visualize hierarchical clustering via a heatmap OUTPUT: 57 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 6. Correlogram Correlated data is best visualized through corrplot. The 2D format is similar to a heat map, but it highlights statistics that are directly related. Most correlograms highlight the amount of correlation between datasets at various points in time. Comparing sales data between different months or years is a basic example. PROGRAM: #data("mtcars") corr_matrix <‐ cor(mtcars) # with circles corrplot(corr_matrix) # with numbers and lower corrplot(corr_matrix,method = 'number',type = "lower") OUTPUT: 58 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 7. Area Chart Area charts express continuity between different variables or data sets. It's akin to the traditional line chart you know from grade school and is used in a similar fashion. Most area charts highlight trends and their evolution over the course of time, making them highly effective when trying to expose underlying trends whether they're positive or negative. PROGRAM: data("airquality") #dataset used airquality %>% group_by(Day) %>% summarise(mean_wind = mean(Wind)) %>% ggplot() + 59 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL geom_area(aes(x = Day, y = mean_wind)) + labs(title = "Area Chart of Average Wind per Day", subtitle = "using airquality data", y = "Mean Wind") OUTPUT: RESULT: 60 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL EX. NO:9 DATE: Implement an application that stores big data in Hbase / MongoDB / Pig using Hadoop / R MongoDB with R 1) To use MongoDB with R, first, we have to download and install MongoDB Next, start MongoDB. We can start MongoDB like so: mongod 2) Inserting data Let’s insert the crimes data from data.gov to MongoDB. The dataset reflects reported incidents of crime (with the exception of murders where data exists for each victim) that occurred in the City of Chicago since 2001. library (ggplot2) library (dplyr) library (maps) library (ggmap) library (mongolite) library (lubridate) library (gridExtra) crimes=data.table::fread("Crimes_2001_to_present.csv") names (crimes) 61 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 'Output: ID' 'Case Number' 'Date' 'Block' 'IUCR' 'Primary Type' 'Description' 'Location Description' 'Arrest''Domestic' 'Beat' 'District' 'Ward' 'Community Area' 'FBI Code' 'X Coordinate' 'Y Coordinate' 'Year' 'Updated On' 'Latitude' 'Longitude' 'Location' 3) Let’s remove spaces in the column names to avoid any problems when we query it from MongoDB. names(crimes) = gsub(" ","",names(crimes)) names(crimes) 'ID' 'CaseNumber' 'Date' 'Block' 'IUCR' 'PrimaryType' 'Description' 'LocationDescription' 'Arrest' 'Domestic' 'Beat' 'District' 'Ward' 'CommunityArea' 'FBICode' 'XCoordinate' 'YCoordinate' 'Year' 'UpdatedOn' 'Latitude' 'Longitude' 'Location' 4) Let’s use the insert function from the mongolite package to insert rows to a collection in MongoDB.Let’s create a database called Chicago and call the collection crimes. my_collection = mongo(collection = "crimes", db = "Chicago") # create connection, database and collection my_collection$insert(crimes) 62 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 5) Let’s check if we have inserted the “crimes” data. my_collection$count() 6261148 We see that the collection has 6261148 records. 6) First, let’s look what the data looks like by displaying one record: my_collection$iterate()$one() $ID 1454164 $Case Number ' G185744' $Date ' 04/01/2001 06:00:00 PM' $Block ' 049XX N MENARD AV' $IUCR 63 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL ' 0910' $Primary Type ' MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT' $Description ' AUTOMOBILE' $Location Description ' STREET' $Arrest ' false' $Domestic ' false' $Beat 1622 $District 16 $FBICode ' 07' $XCoordinate 1136545 64 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL $YCoordinate 1932203 $Year 2001 $Updated On ' 08/17/2015 03:03:40 PM' $Latitude 41.970129962 $Longitude 87.773302309 $Location '(41.970129962, -87.773302309)' 7) How many distinct “Primary Type” do we have? length(my_collection$distinct("PrimaryType")) 35 As shown above, there are 35 different crime primary types in the database. We will see the patterns of the most common crime types below. 65 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 8) Now, let’s see how many domestic assaults there are in the collection. my_collection$count('{"PrimaryType":"ASSAULT", "Domestic" : "true" }') 82470 9) To get the filtered data and we can also retrieve only the columns of interest. query1= my_collection$find('{"PrimaryType" : "ASSAULT", "Domestic" : "true" }') query2= my_collection$find('{"PrimaryType" : "ASSAULT", "Domestic" : "true" }', fields = '{"_id":0, "PrimaryType":1, "Domestic":1}') ncol(query1) # with all the columns ncol(query2) # only the selected columns 22 2 66 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 10) To find out “Where do most crimes take place?” use the following command. my_collection$aggregate('[{"$group":{"_id":"$LocationDescription", "Count": {"$sum":1}}}]')%>%na.omit()%>% arrange(desc(Count))%>%head(10)%>% ggplot(aes(x=reorder(`_id`,Count),y=Count))+ geom_bar(stat="identity",color='skyblue',fill='#b35900')+geom_text(aes(label Count), color = "blue") +coord_flip()+xlab("Location Description") 67 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY = CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 11)If loading the entire dataset we are working with does not slow down our analysis, we can use data.table or dplyr but when dealing with big data, using MongoDB can give us performance boost as the whole data will not be loaded into memory. We can reproduce the above plot without using MongoDB, like so: crimes%>%group_by(`LocationDescription`)%>%summarise(Total=n())%>% arrange(desc(Total))%>%head(10)%>% ggplot(aes(x=reorder(`LocationDescription`,Total),y=Total))+ geom_bar(stat="identity",color='skyblue',fill='#b35900')+geom_text(aes(label = Total), color = "blue") +coord_flip()+xlab("Location Description") 12) What if we want to query all records for certain columns only? This helps us to load only the columns we want and to save memory for our analysis. 68 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL query3= my_collection$find('{}', fields = '{"_id":0, "Latitude":1, "Longitude":1,"Year":1}') 13) We can explore any patterns of domestic crimes. For example, are they common in certain days/hours/months? domestic=my_collection$find('{"Domestic":"true"}', fields = '{"_id":0, "Domestic":1,"Date":1}') domestic$Date= mdy_hms(domestic$Date) domestic$Weekday = weekdays(domestic$Date) domestic$Hour = hour(domestic$Date) domestic$month = month(domestic$Date,label=TRUE) WeekdayCounts = as.data.frame(table(domestic$Weekday)) WeekdayCounts$Var1 levels=c("Sunday", = factor(WeekdayCounts$Var1, "Monday", "Tuesday", ordered=TRUE, "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday","Saturday")) ggplot(WeekdayCounts, aes(x=Var1, y=Freq)) + geom_line(aes(group=1),size=2,color="red") + xlab("Day of the Week") + ylab("Total Domestic Crimes")+ ggtitle("Domestic Crimes in the City of Chicago Since 2001")+ 69 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL theme(axis.title.x=element_blank(),axis.text.y = element_text(color="blue",size=11,angle=0,hjust=1,vjust=0), axis.text.x = element_text(color="blue",size=11,angle=0,hjust=.5,vjust=.5), axis.title.y = element_text(size=14), plot.title=element_text(size=16,color="purple",hjust=0.5)) 14) Domestic crimes are common over the weekend than in weekdays? What could be the reason? We can also see the pattern for each day by hour: DayHourCounts = as.data.frame(table(domestic$Weekday, domestic$Hour)) DayHourCounts$Hour = as.numeric(as.character(DayHourCounts$Var2)) 70 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL ggplot(DayHourCounts, aes(x=Hour, y=Freq)) + geom_line(aes(group=Var1, color=Var1), size=1.4)+ylab("Count")+ ylab("Total Domestic Crimes")+ggtitle("Domestic Crimes in the City of Chicago Since 2001")+ theme(axis.title.x=element_text(size=14),axis.text.y = element_text(color="blue",size=11,angle=0,hjust=1,vjust=0), axis.text.x = element_text(color="blue",size=11,angle=0,hjust=.5,vjust=.5), axis.title.y = element_text(size=14), legend.title=element_blank(), plot.title=element_text(size=16,color="purple",hjust=0.5)) 71 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 15) The crimes peak mainly around mid-night. We can also use one color for weekdays and another color for weekend as shown below. DayHourCounts$Type = ifelse((DayHourCounts$Var1 == "Sunday") | (DayHourCounts$Var1 == "Saturday"), "Weekend", "Weekday") ggplot(DayHourCounts, aes(x=Hour, y=Freq)) + geom_line(aes(group=Var1, color=Type), size=2, alpha=0.5) + ylab("Total Domestic Crimes")+ggtitle("Domestic Crimes in the City of Chicago Since 2001")+ theme(axis.title.x=element_text(size=14),axis.text.y = element_text(color="blue",size=11,angle=0,hjust=1,vjust=0), axis.text.x = element_text(color="blue",size=11,angle=0,hjust=.5,vjust=.5), axis.title.y = element_text(size=14), 72 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL legend.title=element_blank(), plot.title=element_text(size=16,color="purple",hjust=0.5)) 16) The difference between weekend and weekdays are clearer from this figure than from the previous plot. We can also see the above pattern from a heat map. DayHourCounts$Var1 levels=c("Monday", = factor(DayHourCounts$Var1, "Tuesday", "Wednesday", ordered=TRUE, "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")) ggplot(DayHourCounts, aes(x = Hour, y = Var1)) + geom_tile(aes(fill = Freq)) + scale_fill_gradient(name="Total MV Thefts", low="white", high="red") + ggtitle("Domestic Crimes in the City of Chicago Since 2001")+theme(axis.title.y = element_blank())+ylab("")+theme(axis.title.x=element_text(size=14),axis.text.y = element_text(size=13),axis.text.x = element_text(size=13), axis.title.y 73 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY = CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL element_text(size=14), legend.title=element_blank(),plot.title=element_text(size=16,color="purple",hjus t=0.5)) 17) Let’s see the pattern of other crime types. Let’s focus on four of the most common ones. crimes=my_collection$find('{}', fields = '{"_id":0, "PrimaryType":1,"Year":1}') crimes%>%group_by(PrimaryType)%>%summarize(Count=n())%>%arrange (desc(Count))%>%head(4) Imported 6261148 records. Simplifying into dataframe... PrimaryType Count 74 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL THEFT 1301434 BATTERY 1142377 CRIMINAL DAMAGE 720143 NARCOTICS 687790 18) As shown in the table above, the most common crime type is theft followed by battery. Narcotics is fourth most common while criminal damage is the third most common crime type in the city of Chicago. Now, let’s generate plots by day and hour. four_most_common=crimes%>%group_by(PrimaryType)%>%summarize(Cou nt=n())%>%arrange(desc(Count))%>%head(4) four_most_common=four_most_common$PrimaryType crimes=my_collection$find('{}', fields = '{"_id":0, "PrimaryType":1,"Date":1}') crimes=filter(crimes,PrimaryType %in%four_most_common) crimes$Date= mdy_hms(crimes$Date) crimes$Weekday = weekdays(crimes$Date) crimes$Hour = hour(crimes$Date) crimes$month=month(crimes$Date,label = TRUE) g = function(data){WeekdayCounts = as.data.frame(table(data$Weekday)) 75 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL WeekdayCounts$Var1 levels=c("Sunday", = factor(WeekdayCounts$Var1, "Monday", "Tuesday", ordered=TRUE, "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday","Saturday")) ggplot(WeekdayCounts, aes(x=Var1, y=Freq)) + geom_line(aes(group=1),size=2,color="red") + xlab("Day of the Week") + theme(axis.title.x=element_blank(),axis.text.y = element_text(color="blue",size=10,angle=0,hjust=1,vjust=0), axis.text.x = element_text(color="blue",size=10,angle=0,hjust=.5,vjust=.5), axis.title.y = element_text(size=11), plot.title=element_text(size=12,color="purple",hjust=0.5)) } g1=g(filter(crimes,PrimaryType=="THEFT"))+ggtitle("Theft")+ylab("Total Count") g2=g(filter(crimes,PrimaryType=="BATTERY"))+ggtitle("BATTERY")+ylab(" Total Count") g3=g(filter(crimes,PrimaryType=="CRIMINAL DAMAGE"))+ggtitle("CRIMINAL DAMAGE")+ylab("Total Count") g4=g(filter(crimes,PrimaryType=="NARCOTICS"))+ggtitle("NARCOTICS")+ ylab("Total Count") grid.arrange(g1,g2,g3,g4,ncol=2) 76 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL From the plots above, we see that theft is most common on Friday. Battery and criminal damage, on the other hand, are highest at weekend. We also observe that narcotics decreases over weekend. We can also see the pattern of the above four crime types by hour: 77 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 19) We can also see a map for domestic crimes only: domestic=my_collection$find('{"Domestic":"true"}', fields = '{"_id":0, "Latitude":1, "Longitude":1,"Year":1}') LatLonCounts=as.data.frame(table(round(domestic$Longitude,2),round(domest ic$Latitude,2))) LatLonCounts$Long = as.numeric(as.character(LatLonCounts$Var1)) LatLonCounts$Lat = as.numeric(as.character(LatLonCounts$Var2)) ggmap(chicago) + geom_tile(data = LatLonCounts, aes(x = Long, y = Lat, alpha = Freq), fill="red")+ ggtitle("Domestic Crimes")+labs(alpha="Count")+theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5)) 78 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 20) Let’s see where motor vehicle theft is common: Domestic crimes show concentration over two areas whereas motor vehicle theft is wide spread over large part of the city of Chicago. 79 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY CP5261 DATA ANALYTICS LABORATORY MANUAL 80 | DR. D. SENTHIL KUMAR (AP/CSE) UCE, ANNA UNIVERSITY- BITCAMPUS TRICHY
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