CRS216_The_16 Bit_Computer_Market_Jun89 CRS216 The 16 Bit Computer Market Jun89
CRS216_The_16-bit_Computer_Market_Jun89 CRS216_The_16-bit_Computer_Market_Jun89
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THE 16-81T COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS CRS 0216 -For Internal Use Only- By CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE DTN 264-6911 Prepared for Dick Palm SYSTEM QUALITY GROUP June 30, 1989 CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE Andrea Schulman, M anagerlEditor MK01-11K11 DTN 264-6911 Martha Bronelle, Production Editor mamaoma Copyright 1989 by Digital Equipment Corporation All rights reserved THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS TABLE OF CONTENTS I. . II. III. IV. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •..•......•..••.............•.. OBJECTIVES. . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. METHODOLOGY. • . . • . . . . • . . . . . . • . . • • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . .. MARKET DEFINITION •......•....................... MARKET CHARACTERI STI CS . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . .. MAJOR VENDORS AND SYSTEMS ..••................... 2 5 6 7 7 9 V. MARKET SIZE .........•.•........•................ 12 TOTAL MARKET SIZE ..............•....•........... 12 PRODUCT BUSINESS BY MAJOR SYSTEMS .•........•.... 12 VI. COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS ...........•................ 16 MARKET/CUSTOMER PROFILE BY MAJOR SYSTEMS ........ 16 PROFILE BY MAJOR SYSTEM ........•................ 16 VII. OPPORTUNITIES ................................... 30 VIII. LIST OF SOURCES ................................. 34 APPENDICES .••.•••••••......................•..•.•..........•... 35 A: B: C: D: E: F: UNIT SHIPMENTS BY SELECTED SYSTEMS ................... 35 INSTALLED BASE BY SELECTED SYSTEMS ..•................ 37 SYSTEM CUSTOMERS BY INDUSTRY ......................... 39 MARKET/APPLICATION OVERVIEY BY SYSTEM ....•...•....... 41 APPLICATIONS BY SELECTED SYSTEMS ....•............•... 49 CUSTOMER INTERVIEY SCRIPT ..................... ~ ...... 50 *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 1 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this study is to: Analyze the market for 16-bit systems in general and, in particular, the System/36, Series/1, low-end of the HP3000 Series, low-end of the Tower Series, Altos, PC/AT and the PS/2 systems which are AT-compatible. Iden~ify new opportunities for 16-bit systems in regard to markets, customers or applications. This research was conducted according to the methods described in Part III. These methods were employed in an objective fashion. Because of the qualitative nature of this research, we cannot apply a quantitative measure of its accuracy, but the results presented here give a comprehensive and unbiased view of these research topics. For the purposes of this research, the 16-bit computer market is defined as traditional 16-bit minicomputers and 16-bit supermicros (MicroPDP-11, Micro3000, MiniTower, DG 500, etc.). Ye have included the 286-based PS/2 systems which compete in some of the same arenas as the traditional 16-bit mini in our analysis, but not in our market sizing. Although the installed base of traditional 16-bit systems continue to grow, albeit at a declining rate, the annual shipment of traditional 16-bit systems is declining dramatically. Between 1987 and 1988, unit shipments worldwide declined 17% and this decline is expected to continue for the next several years. By the mid-1990s very few of these systems will be sold. Customers who continue to purchase and maintain 16-bit systems do so because of: Cumulative experience working with the systems Software investment Lower cost than 32-bit counterpart Vendors who continue to market 16-bit systems do so because of: The availability and diversity of software with proven reliability The ability to position the systems in niche applications such as OAS, departmental servers for PC systems, and network control The significant aftermarket and service revenue that the installed based still generates *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 2 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS Of the major 16-bit systems, the System/36 and the Series/1 have increased unit shipments over the last two years. Systems such as the 16-bit Altos and DPS 6 have been replaced by their 32-bit counterparts. Most vendors offer migration paths from their 16-bit systems and actively market a 32-bit system into new accounts. Unlike the companies that market 32-bit systems as replacements or offer easy migration to 32-bit systems, IBM still focuses on small, professional offices (such as legal, medical, dental) with its SolutionPacs or the S/36 Office System. IBM has also introduced new models of its 16-bit systems in the last few years. Both these tactics help explain the increase in S/l and 8/36 installations. Some of the opportunities identified include: Applications that do not need the power and speed of 32-bit systems, such as embedded processors in copy machines and fuel injec'tion devices Laptops using 16-bit microprocessors Third-world and Soviet bloc countries where importing older technology is permitted, and may be adequate for the generation of applications. These countries represent 4% of the unit shipment and installed base of 16-bit systems in 1988 and 1987 and 5% of the revenue from this market. Vhether this small share is due to a lack of marketing effort or a lack of demand is inconclusive. Markets with low growth which do not take advantage of new software or customers who are only now beginning to automate. IBM is the only vendor that appears to be penetrating outside its customer base with non-PC class machines. However, the type of customer is generally unsophisticated, small businesses or professional offices in the medical, dental, and legal fields. Construction and commercial property management are other areas that may continue to use 16-bit systems because only a small percentage of this group are automated, users are relatively unsophisticated, and they do not need much speed or power. Some vendors offer 386 accelerator boards for 16-bit systems. This allows the users to off-load some applications and thereby extend the life of the processor. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 3 *** THE 16-BIT COHPtn'ER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS Other potential implementations of 16-bit systems include PC host or server, network controller and communications system, remote network management and administration (an RSM-like product that supports RSX), and terminal server. Clearly, the size of the above opportunities must be weighed" against the cost and ris"k of pursuing them. * * * CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 4 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER HARKET: AN ANALYSIS II. OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study is to: o Perform a market analysis of the 16-bit computer market defined as: 16-bit traditional minicomputers 16-bit supermicros 16-bit microcomputers (PC/AT, PS2/30, PS2/50, PS2/60) o Identify opportunities in the form of new markets/customers or new applications targeted by major vendors of selected 16-bit computer systems. The particular systems which potentially compete with Digital's PDP-11/84 and MicroPDP-11/53, 11/53+, 11/73, and 11/83 include: NCR's MiniTower and Tower-XP IBM's System/36, PC/AT*, and PS/2 Models 30,50,60 HP's 3000 Series 52,58,70 and Micro3000 Series Altos 80286-based microcomputer series* *No longer marketed. Other systems identified during the course of the study will be included in the market definition and sizing and, if they appear to compete with PDP systems, they will also be included in the product analysis. * * * CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only 5 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS III. METHODOLOGY The design of this project included the following phases: Analysis of industry reports to determine the set of products that fall within' the specified definition of the 16-bit computer market. Analysis of customers who have installed the aforementioned 16-bit systems within the last year and a half, using the Computer Intelligence Corporation (CI) database. Search of industry reports and publications for trends and information on the subject. Interviews with industry analysts of computer research firms regarding 16-bit market trends and opportunities in general and major systems in particular. Interviews with a small sample of customers who have recently installed one of the selected 16-bit systems, in order to profile 16-bit selection, and current and potential uses. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 6 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS IV. MARKET DEFINITlON The traditional minicomputer market has undergone pressures from supermicros and superminis and the technological changes brought about by these systems. This study attempts to look at the market in which the PDP-11 participates. This market includes: The traditional 16-bit minicomputer market 16-bit supermicros, including the MicroPDP Select microcomputers PC/AT, PS/2 Models 30, 40, 50, and 16-bit Altos computers. Although the PC/AT and the 16-bit Altos systems are no longer marketed, they are included because of the impact that these systems have had in the manufacturing, laboratory, and scientific areas where PDP systems have traditionally participated. It is fair to say that if the AT has had an impact upon the PDP market, then AT-compatible systems such as the PS/2 would similarly continue to compete in the PDP market. Some of the salient characteristics of these systems include: Multi-user, multiprogramming, multitasking computing based on 16-bit architecture. Prices ranging from $10,000 to $250,000 for typical configurations. Performance between 1 and 2 HIPS (the exception being the current System/36 which operates at rates that range from 0.25 to 1 MIPS). Proprietary technology for instruction execution, system control, and I/O support for traditional 16-bit minis, and generally industry-standard processors in 16-bit supermicros and micros. Despite the dominance of proprietary 32-bit and industry-standard architectures, major vendors continue to market and support 16-bit systems for the following reasons: There are close to 3 million 16-bit sysstems installed worldwide. The continued demand from current customers is the primary reason 16-bit systems are still offered. It may be unacceptably expensive for these customers to move to 32-bit technology. They have a huge investment in experience . and software in their current systems and technologies. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE * - - For Internal Use Only - 7 ** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS Softwafe av~i]ability And rltversity are other major rea~ons for the continued existence of 16-bit systems. Software is available for extremely specialized applications, and is a major factor in the capability of minis to maintain their presence in particular vertical market niches. This part of the market needs to be watched. If software houses are migrating their software to 32-bit systems and providing an easy and cost effective means of migrating the customers to new technology, then marketing 16-bit systems will be significantly more difficult. The growth of PC-based departmental processing systems has provided the mini with the role of departmental server. The mini-as-server offers shared resource system communications, file management, and applications to the attached workstations. Acting as the connection between individual microcomputers and either local or remote mainframes, these departmental servers prove highly functional at a low cost. The major advantages that 16-bit systems have over 32-bit systems include: 16-bit systems can sometimes perform the same applications as 32-bit systems and are usually less expensive. 16-bit systems are suitable where low cost is more important than high precision or sophisticated instruction capabilities. 16-bit systems have access to a wide variety of software. The software has been proven reliable. 16-bit software is available for extremely specialized applications w~ich allows these systems to maintain their presence in particular vertical market niches. Investment in 16-bit systems is a significant reason to continue using them. Customers have a huge investment in experience and software on these systems. The expense and difficulty of migrating to 32-bit can be prohibitive. Expandability of 16-bit systems has been addressed by major vendors. HP3000 Series 70 and Unisys System/80 can be configured to support a large number of terminals, disk drives, printers, and other peripherals. The ability to upgrade to a more powerful model with minimum disruption has also been addressed by major vendors. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 8 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARlCET: AN ANALYSIS Some vendors provide upgrade p~ths to 32-bit systems at rerluced costs when the 16-bit system no longer fills the customer's needs. Examples of this are System/36 to AS/400, HP3000 16-bit models to HP3000 Series 900, and DPS6 to DPS 6 Plus. Vendors such as IBH, Digital, and HP no longer position their minis as general-purpose computers. Instead, the traditional mInI focuses on application-specific or well-defined niche markets. Some examples follow: VENDOR MODEL IBH Series/1 Data communications and network server in Bse and SNA environments; programmable controller on factory shop floor. System/36 Office automation system DIGITAL PDP-11/84 Application processor for factory automation applications HP HP3000 Specific departmental or functional applications APPLICATION FOCUS By changing product targets and focusing on more defined niches, the minis reduce the competition factor and extend growth. The following table lists market: some of the systems that make up this Table 1: Major 16-Bit Systems Traditional 16-bit Minis HP 3000 Series 52, 58, 70 HP 1000 Series Bull UN DPS 6 Series IBM System/36, Series/1 *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 9 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS Table 1: Kajor 16-Bit Systems (Continued) NCR Tower-XP August Systems Series 330 Computer Designed Systems Adviser 100,600,900 McDonnell Douglas Computer Systems H6400,H6600 Modular Computer Systems System 45XP,SS,S8,78,43 Nixdorf Computer 88S0,8870 Unisys Corp. System 80/4,6, 8,10,20 GEAC Computer 6000,8000, Concept 9000 16-Bit SuperMicros BP's Micro3000LX, Micro3000GX, Micro3000XE Data General DG/SOO NCR Minitower Alpha HicroSystem AM-1200M Data General DG/SOO Gen. Automation Zebra 13S0 I System 1000,1100,1200,SP1000 Unisys B26,B27,B28,B38 *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE For Internal Use Only - 10 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS 16-Bit Microcomputers *IBM PC/AT,PS/2 Models 30,50, and 60 *Altos 1086,2086,3086 OTHER 16-BIT MINIs Barrister Information System Model 145,150,160,3100,3200,3300 BTl Computer Systems BTl 6000 Display Data Corp. in*sight IeL Inc. System 25 Independent Business Systems 3075-5, 3175-5, 3300-5 MAl/Basic Four MAl 2000 Norsk Data N.A. Inc. NO-100 Satellite, NO-lOa Compact lOO/CX 585, Meridian DV-l Northern Telecom, Inc. TI Business System 352A, 373A, 374A, 375A, 362A, 673A, 674A, 675A, 690A, 69lA, 874A, 875A, 890A/b, 891A/B Yang VS 5 *IBM PC/AT and Altos 16-bit systems are no longer marketed. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE For Internal Use Only - 11 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS v. MARKET SIZE The size of the 16-bit computer market and selected systems is based upon two sources: o o Infocorp, which provides shipment, installed base, and revenue data for all 16-bit, multi-user systems but DOES NOT include PS/2s and PC/ATs. (However, Infocorp does include many systems which will not be analyzed in this report.) . Bence, the figures represent the universe of traditional 16-bit, multi-user systems for the years 1986, 1987, 1988. Please refer to Tables 2, 3, and 4. IDC, which provides shipment and installed base data only for the systems this study focuses on, particularly those systems with any significant marketing and sales activity for the last three years. Please refer to Table 5. Note: The shipment figures from Infocorp and IDC do not agree, primarily because of the inclusion in each of different systems. Acc·ording to Infocorp, the size of the market for 16-bi t systems was $17.4 billion in 1988, down from $20 billion in 1986 and $19.8 billion in 1987. This represents a compound annual growth of -6.9%. The greatest decline in revenue occurred in the US (-10.2%) compared to-5.3% in Europe and -2.5% in the Pacific Basin. Vorldwide unit shipments of 16-bit machines (excluding PS/2 and PC/AT systems) was approximately 450,000 units in 1988, down from 546,000 in 1986 and 526,000 in 1987. This is a compound annual growth rate of -9.2%. The Pacific Basin region showed the sharpest unit shipment decline at -19.4% compared to worldwide shipment'decline of -9.2% over the last three years. TABLE 2: 16-BIT MARKET SIZE BY UNITS SHIPPED (OOO's) 1986 1987 1988 1986-88 CAGR Vorldwide 546 526 450 -9.2% US Europe Pacific Basin Balance of Vorld 172 148 203 22 171 148 186 21 150 148 132 20 -6.6% 0.0% -19.4% -4.7% Source: Infocorp * * * CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 12 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER KARKET: AN ANALYSIS 16-BIT KARKET - INSTALLED BASE (OOO'S) TABLE 3: Vorldwide US Europe Pacific Basin Balance of Vorld 1986 1987 1988 2275 2624 2865 937 544 690 103 1025 648 837 115 1076 743 923 123 Source: Infocorp TABLE 4: 16-BIT KARKET SIZE BY VENDOR REVENUE ($B) Vorldwide US Europe Pacific Basin Balance of Vorld Source: 1986-88 CAGR 1986 1987 1988 $20.09 $19.78 $17.43 -6.9% 7.92 5.57 5.44 1.15 7.41 5.46 5.84 1.08 6.38 5.00 5.17 0.93 -10.2% -5.3% -2.5% -10.1% InfoCorp *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE * - - For Internal Use Only - 13 ** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARlCET: AN ANALYSIS TABI.R 5: VORI..DVIDB UNIT SHTPMENT BY SET .F.CTED SYSTEMS 1986 5345 3045 2480 6625 2040 Altos ** DPS6 PDP* HP1000 HP3000 PS/2-30,50,60 PC/AT** System/36 Series/l Tower-XP, Hini 555000 35000 6500 5965 1987 5600 3082 30050 5442 5900 850000 710000 35000 4500 4390 % Growth 86/87 4.8% 1.2% -17.9% 189% 28% 0% -30.8% -26.4% 1988 2700 1882 11800 5805 4200 1870000 20000 67000 11000 2020 % Growth 87/88 -51.8% -38.9% -60.7% 6.7% -28.8% 120.0% -97.2% 91.4% 144.4% -54% Source: IDC * These numbers include only the MicroPDP-11/53, 11/53+, 11/73, 11/83 and the PDP-11/84. In 1986, 16,000 PDP 11/03, 23, and 11 SV systems, 2700 PDP-11/44 systems, and 1000 PDP/11/24 systems were shipped. For this reason, the rapid rise in growth between 1986 and 1987 pictured above is misleading. ** Systems no longer marketed by vendor. Other highlights of the IDC and Infocorp data include: The installed base of 16-bit systems is approximately three million worldwide. The US has 38% of the worldwide installed base, followed by the Pacific Basin with 32%, Europe with 26%, and the Balance of the Vorld with 4%. Although shipments in the Pacific Basin have declined the most among the various geographical regions, revenue generated from those systems has declined the least. In 1988, the US represented 37% of the worldwide revenue for this market, followed by Pacific Basin and Europe with 30% and 29% respectively. The balance of the world comprised 5% of the market revenue. According to IDC, unit shipment growth was impressive for PDP-II systems, HP3000 and Micro3000, System/36, Series/1 over the last two years. However, with the exception of S/36 and Series/I, the traditional 16-bit mini experienced a sharp decline in the last year. Refer to Table 5 for shipment by selected systems. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 14 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS S/36 unit shipment grew 91% between 1987 and 1988 (35,000 to 67,000). S/l shipment more than doubled in 1988 compared to 1987, 4,500 to 11,000. According to IDC and Datapro consultants, growth of these two system~ seems to be due to new product announcements and the refocusing of the S/l as a network and communications controller. 286-based microcomputers PC/AT and PS/2 systems represent substantial unit volume. 710,000 PC/AT systems shipped in 1987, the last year in which they were sold in the us. Vith the introduction of the PS/2 Model 30, and subsequent AT-compatible Models 50 and 60, the PS/2 unit shipments continued and surpassed the sales performance of the AT. 1988 worldwide shipments of PS/2 systems totalled 1.87 million units. Please refer to Appendix A. Vendors continue to support the market by introducing new or improved models. Examples: the S/36 Model 5363 introduced in the fall of 1987, the Micro3000LX and GX in April of 1988, and Data General's new DG 500, a 16-bit supermicro introduced in May, 1988. At the same time, 32-bit technology is also putting many 16-bit systems out of business. Currently, Altos has replaced its 16-bit line with the 32-bit Altos 386 Series and, of course, the PC/AT has been replaced by the PS/2. The large installed base for some of these systems is part of the reason for continued support and enhancement. Refer to Appendix B for installed base by selected systems. Despite shipment of only about 6,000 UP 1000s in 1988, the installed base of 92,530 commands by-product revenue. Similarly, the installed base of S/36 and Series/1 is 212,500 and 95,900 respectively. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 15 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS VI. COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS A. MARKET/CUSTOMER PROFILE BY MAJOR SYSTEM Analysis of markets/customers for each of the selected systems in this section is based on: analysis of customers from the CI database who have installed these particular systems within the last year and a half. Please refer to Appendix C for a distribution of these customers by industry. An System overviews by Datapro. SYSTEM/36 IBM continues to market its System/36 (S/36), due primarily to its sizable installed base. In 1988, the installed base of 5/36 was approximately 212,500, while unit shipments were 67,000. The System/36 includes models 5360, 5362, 5363, and 5364. Model 5364 is better known as the 5ystem/36 PC, which provides facilities to run both SSP and PC-DOS applications. The Model 5363 was introduced in the fall of 1987. Although the S/36 lost much of its strategic importance with the introduction of the AS/400 in entry-level, mid-range, workgroup, departmental, and enterprise-wide computing, it has continued to be successful in the areas in which IBH has positioned it. This positioning includes: A general purpose, multi-user, communications processing system. The S/36 functions as a centralized, departmental, or distributed processing system, running MIS, office automation, decision support, data entry, and communications and networking applications in either a dedicated or integrated mode. A host or server to a cluster of PCs in a LAN. In an analysis of 2347 sites in the CI database that have installed S/36 since the beginning of 1988, approximately 25% of those sites installed a 8/36-PC. Based on an analysis of recent 8/36 sites in the CI database, the following characteristics describe customer sites which have recently installed the S/36 (installations between January 1988 and the preseat): *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE * - - For Internal Use Only - 16 ** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS The 5/36 is targeted to the range of general business customers with principle industry applications in manufacturing and distribution. Wholesale businesses were the largest purchasers of 5/36 with 17% of 2,347 5/36 sites since 1988. Refer to Appendix C for a distribution of recent installations by industry. Manufacturing sites (includes automotive, building materials, electrical machinery, electronics, machinery, metal and glass, rubber and plastic, semiconductor, and transportation equipment industries) make up about 20% of 5/36 sites. Businesses which provide engineering and/or management services represented 6.6% of 5/36 sites and health care customers 6.7%. Customers that have recently installed 5/36 are generally small, with 1-49 employees and revenue of less than $10 million. Please refer to Tables 6 and 7. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 17 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS TABLE 6: SYSTEM/36 SERIES/1 H·P30OO TOVER DPS6 HP1000 ALTOS PC/AT PS/20 PDP SYSTEM CUSTOMER BY BUSINESS SIZE 1-49 50-99 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 100-499 500-999 1K-5K 44.4% 17.2% 11.5% 34.4% 16.1% 12.1% 50.0% 48.4% 31.5% 14.7% 17.8% 7.8% 11.5% 18.8% 12.9% 10.2% 19.2% 16.4% 14.1% 5.3% 29.2% 39.1% 40.8% 36.5% 51.6% 36.9% 25.6% 30.3% 35.5% 36.0% 5.1% 14.1% 20.3% 5.2% 8.1% 16.3% 3.8% 4.9% 8.5% 14.0% 5K-10K 3.1% 18.8% 14.3% 3.1% 11.3% 21.0% 1.3% ·0.2% 3.1% "(}.9% 1.0% 9.2% 22.0% 0.7% 4.7% >10K 0.2% 0.6% 1.0% 2.5% 0.6% 3.3% TABLE 6: SYSTEM CUSTOMER BY REVENUE SIZE SYSTEM/36 SERIES/1 HP3000 TOVER DPS6 HP1000 ALTOS PC/AT PS/2 PDP <10M 10-49M 50-99M 10O-249M 250-499M 500-999H >lB 72.9% 39.3% 22.6% 58.8% 41.2% 29.8% 70.6% 79.0% 70.3% 45.5% 16.5% 3.3% 8.9% 3.6% 32.5% 15.2% 17.6% 4.4% 29.4% 11.8% 26.2% 12.9% 19.6% 5.9% 7.4% 7.4% 13.2% 5.4% 21.5% 5.1% 1.4% 8.9% 8.2% 1.5% 6.0% 1.3% 7.1% 2.9% 2.9% 5.9% 5.0% 2.7% 1.3% 1.2% 2.5% 3.4% 17.9% 14.4% 11.8% 11.8% 14.2% 3.9% 4.9% 4.8% 12.7% 1.1% 14.3% 4.1% 2.9% 6.0% 1.2% 2.4% 11.4% SERIES/1 Vith an installed base of almost 96,000 systems and unit shipment of 11,000 in 1988, the system has sustained market demand over the last three years, despite the introduction of the RT PC, the 9370, and the PS/2. Vith the introduction of the latter systems, the S/l lost its strategic importance as an entry-level, mid-range workgroup and departmental system. Part of the Series/1 continued success is due to its position as a data communications and network server in BSC and SNA environments, as well as a programmable controller on the factory shop floor. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE * - - For Internal Use Only - 18 ** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS Again, based on an analysis of the recent sites which have installed 5/1, the following characteristics describe the 5/1 customer today: - The major types of customers are: % 5/1 Sites Industry Vholesale Manufacturing * Banking Health Care Food & Beverage 24.6% 15.3 10.8 7.7 7.7 * In this and the following CI information, Manufacturing includes automotive, building materials, electrical machinery, electronics, machinery, metal and glass, rubber and plas t i,c, semiconduc tor, and transportation equipment industries. S/l sites tend to be medium-sized, with 100-499 employees, and revenue of less than $10M. 8P3000 The HP3000 Series 52,58,70 and the Micr03000GX, LX, and XE at the low-end are 16-bit systems that continue to be marketed by HP. The HP3000 systems are basically commercial systems. These systems compete with the high-end of the System/36. The Micr03000 offers a low cost office system as well as increased performance. The Micr03000GX and LX are targeted to small offices and companies that have 4 to 16 users. The Micro3000XE is aimed at departments, large branch offices, and businesses with 8 to 56 users. These systems compete with the low-end of the System/36. Based on an analysis of 323 recent customer installations of HP3000 and Micr03000 systems, the following characteristics describe these customers: The customer sites cover a broad range of industries. major industries include: Industry Manufacturing Vholesale Construction State-Local Govt. Data Services Chemical *** % 3000 Sites 19.5% 9.6% 9.3% 6.8% 5.3% 5.3% CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 19 *** The THE 16-BIT COMPtrrER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS The size of the business tends to be medium, with 100-499 employees. Approximately 33% of the businesses have revenue ranging from $10 million to $49 million. NCR TOllER-XP, KINITOVER The Tower-XP and the HiniTower, introduced in 1984 and 1985, lost their importance with the introduction of the 32-bit Tower 32/200 in 1988. These entry-level systems serve small computing demands where UNIX is required and low-cost processing is more important than transaction processing functionality. The XP and Hinitower target small sites which need more terminal connectivity than the four-terminal Tower 32/200 but do not want to incur the costs of the larger models. The Tower line is marketed as a supplier of UNIX, industry-standard, microprocessor-based, multi-user computer systems for the small to midsized business, workgroup, corporate department, or branch office. Despite its open system architecture, selling Tower systems against proprietary systems is difficult. Towers sell to NCR's traditional strongholds where the company has high credibility and expertise. These markets include discrete manufacturing, banking and finance, retail, wholesale, distribution, and government. The systems are positioned in the following ways: Standalone or distributed departmental processor in large corporations, government agencies, and institutions Departmental, distributed branch, and central processing for smaller organizations PC server through the deployment of the Tower's PC Connect/PC Server and Hultitex software The Tower systems are most often used for routine data processing and information system tasks, office automation and Ethernet-based local area networking. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 20 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS Based on an analysis of 102 sites which installed the XP and MiniTower between January 1988 and the present, the largest customer groups are: Industry Manufacturing Vholesale Federal Banking Data Services % XP & MiniTower Sites 19.6% 17.7% 15.7% 8.8% 7.8% In addition, these sites tend to be either very small -(1-49 employees) or mid-sized (100-499 employees). Approximately 60% of these sites have revenue of less than one million. Please refer to Tables 5 and 6. Bull BN DPS 6 Series Since the introduction of the DPS 6 Plus Series in 1986 and 1987, the DPS 6 Series lost its importance in the company's approach to entry-level and mid-range workgroup, departmental and enterprise-wide computing. Similar to the Tower-XP and MiniTower systems, U.S. sales of DPS 6 are small, with increasingly declining sales outside the U.S. Based on an analysis of 63 sites in the CI database that have installed DPS 6 systems since 1988, customers fall into the following industries: Industry Federal State-Local Govt. Manufacturing Vholesale Insurance % DPS 6 Sites 15.9% 14.3% 12.8% 12.'7% 11.1% Additionally, the sites tend to be medium-sized (100-499 employees) with revenue of less than $10 million or $10 million to $49 million. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only 21 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS - BP 1000 Although HP continues to market its HP 1000 Series, the series surrendered its strategic importance to HP's approach to technical and real-time computing upon the introduction of the HP 9000 Series. The market appeal of the series is limited, despite shipments of approximately 6,000 systems in 1988. However, with an . installed base of over 90,000, HP will continue to support the 1000. The HP 1000 Series is targeted to the scientific/engineering market, not to the general office environment. Based on 343 sites which have installed HP 1000 between 1988 and now, the the most concentrated industries are: Industry % of HPIOOO Sites Manufacturing Federal Business Services Chemical Engineering 28.6% 7.5% 6.7% 6.5% 6.3% In addition, the sites tend to be medium sized (100-400 employees) with a revenue more disperse than many of the other 16-bit systems selected. About 56% of the sites have revenues less than $10 million or $10 million to $49 million. Altos 1086/2086/3086 The 16-bit Altos systems 1086, 2086, and 3086 were replaced by the 32-bit 386 Series introduced in the last half of 1987 and 1988. The 16-bit systems, as are its replacements, are marketed as premier UNIX, industry standard, microprocessor-based, multi-user computer systems for the small business, workgroup, corporate department, or branch office. 100% of sales are through indirect channels. Based on 54 sites which installed the 16-bit systems since 1988, the largest concentration of customers is in: Yholesale Businesses Services 29.6% 16.7% 50% of the sites have 1-49 employees and 70% have revenue of less than $10 million. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 22 *** THE l6-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS PC/AT, PS/2 Model 30-286, 50, 60 The PC/AT has not been marketed since the introduction of the PS/2 in 1987. The PS/2 Model 30-286, 50, and 60 are AT-compatible. Markets for the PS/2 are small businesses, as well as large corporations that need to supplement powerful desktop systems with low-end machines. IBM targets vertical markets with its SolutionPacs aimed at the tradi-tional office automation market, desktop publishing, health care, legal, construction, and small businesses. The profile of AT and PS/2 installations in 1988 are as follow: Industries % AT Sites %PS/2 Sites 18.4% 10.3 4.8 1.6 7.9 6.4 11.1 12.4% 8.3 7.8 7.4 2.9 6.8 6.0 Manufacturing Vholesale Insurance Education Data Services Business Svcs. Banking In terms of business size, AT sites tend to be small (1-49 employees) or mid-sized (100-499 employees) and have revenues of less than $10 million. PS/2 sites are similar in size and revenue. PDP-ll/53,73,83,84 . Digital continues to market its PDP-11 family, although the MicroVAX has replaced the PDP-11 as the company's strategic low-end system.' Based on 156 sites which installed PDP systems in the last year and a half, the profile reveals that these sites tend to be: Concentrated in the health care industry Industry Health Care Manufacturing Data Services Federal Business SVcs. % PDP Businesses 34.0% 12.5% 9.8 7.8 6.5 Medium-size sites with 100-499 employees and revenues of less than $10 million. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE For Internal Use Only - 23 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS B. APPLICATION PROFILE BY MAJOR SYSTEMS The major sources for application information on the following systems include: DataPro, which provides a brief summary of the types of vendor applications targeted for these systems Analysis of the installed software on these systems from sites in the CI database Interviews with a small sample of industry analysts and customers who have recently installed these systems. Please refer to Appendix E for a chart of specific software solutions by selected systems. SYSTEM/36 Over half of the applications running on the S/36 are general business applications consisting of accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger, inventory management, payroll, purchasing, personnel, order processing, accounting, sales and financial analysis. Most of these applications were developed in-house. Vendors' packages in this area include IBM, Edwards, Para-Research, Prentice-Hall, On-Line Solutions, and Concord-Management. Positioned as an office automation system, 17% of the systems installed since 1988 are running OIA and microlink applications. The most cited software in this area is IBM's Office Systems family which provides a complement of office and microlink applications -DisplayVrite/36 , Personal Services/36, Query/36 , and PC Support/36. Report generation is the third-most cited application running on the S/36. IBM's Query/36 and Retrieval/36 are the most cited software. Another popular application running on 10% of these systems is MAPICS, IBM's manufacturing planning and control system, integrating production control and costing, payroll, AlP, AIR, inventory management, product data management, GIL, sales analysis, order entry and invoicing, data collection system support, MRP, capacity requirements planning, financial analysis, purchasing, forecasting, and cross application system support. Many of the manufacturing programs such as recertification for manufacturing operations were in-house developed. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE * - - For Internal Use Only - 24 ** THE t6-BIT COMPUTER MARICET: AN ANALYSIS Industry-specific applications are in the broadcasting, wholesale, medical, aviation, insurance, and hotel industries. Columbine's BIS is cited for broadcasting and VitaServe for medical billing and A/R, while the others were in-house developed. SERIES/t. The Series/1 is marketed as an intelligent communications processing system. Communicating with host systems as well as personal computers, the 5/1 handles general-purpose, commercial, and sensor-based applications in multiprogramming environments. Applications areas include retail, financial, industrial, transportation, government, insurance, and telephone management. Positioned as a data communications and network server in B5C and SNA environments, as well as a programmable controller on factory shop floor, very few vendor solutions are identified. Applications outside of the aforementioned included general business and accounting, manufacturing and industry specific (construction). The majority of applications were in-house developed. The vendor application most cited is IBH's O/A package DisplayVrite. HP3000 SERIES 52, 58, 10, HICR0300OGX, LX, XE The major marketing efforts for these systems are in office automation, manufacturing, distribution, financial, and administration. The HP3000 office automation efforts are centered around the HP Personal Productivity Center which merges word processing, data processing, graphics packages, and communications facilities for a total office system. Based on a Datapro Computer Users Survey, general business (including accounting, payroll/personnel, order processing, inventory, purchasing) is the principal application among a majority of users. Sales, distribution, and manufacturing are the second leading set of applications for these systems. Engineering/scientific, math/statistics, and health care applications represent the smallest set of HP3000 users. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 25 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS Among CI sites which have installed 16-bit HP systems recently, applications installed included: % Systems Applications In-Bouse or Vendor-Developed General Business . 28% - 63% In-house developed - Uptime,Collier,ASK,MCBA, Comm-Associates DBMS 24% HP Image,Rego ADAGER Report Generator 17% HP, Cognos Application Dev. 11% HP, Cognos Office Automation 9% HP Specialized applications include Time and Attendance (A. Andersen TVOS) and library system (VTLS). Other applications include distribution, machine control, transportation system, uniform system, and special education system, all of which are in-house developed. TOVER-XP, MINITOVER Because of the very small number of sites which have installed the Tower-XP and MiniTower recently, we looked at the entire base of Tower sites in order to determine the types of applications running on these systems. The applications installed include: % Systems Applications In-Bouse Developed or Vendor-Developed General Business 31% - 91% in-house developed - Realworld DBMS 17% Unify, Hlcrorim R-base, Informix-SQL,HicroSoft File MicroLink 15% Smartcom,Crosstalk, Rossdata VDrive Office Automation 14% VordPerfect,Softest Fin/Sales Analysis/SS 19% Lotus, Microsoft LEX The only industry-specific application identified is manufacture of machinery, which was in-house developed. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 26 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS Part of Tower'S marketing is to users who desire an 'open systems' architecture. However, users in a DataPro Computer Users Survey identified some drawbacks of this feature: Host sophisticated software for manufacturing applications has been written for Digital and IBH platforms. Availability of UNIX software is limited. UNIX-based communications utilities tend to lack user-friendliness. BP 1000 SERIES The HP 1000 Series is oriented toward engineering, scientific, and industrial automation applications and various forms of real-time computing. The systems also accommodate a full-scale database management system. Very few vendor applications are identified in the CI database. Those that are installed include HP's general business solutions such as General-Ledger, HP's DBMS solution Image, HP's Graphics' 125, and Tominy Database+ for application development. ALTOS 1086, 2086, 3086 Again, Altos no longer markets these 16-bit systems. However, we did look at these UNIX-based systems to identify some of the applications running on them: Applications Solution Accounting Spreadsheet Database Unify Open System SCL PROF, Lotus, Excel - In-house developed - Informix,DatabaseIV Uniplex,YordPerfect Yord Processing Chemical analysis of Manufacturing Products In-house developed PCIAT and PS/2 Model 30-286, 50, 60 The overwhelming majority of these systems are used in office automation, spreadsheet/financial analysis, and DBMS applications. Hore specialized applications include: ** * CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE * *- * - - For Internal Use Only - 21 THE 16-BIT COMPUTER HARDT: AN ANALYSIS Application Solution CAD/CAM Desktop Publishing Graphics Autocad Pagemaker,Ventura Free-lance, Harvard-PG,Graphwriter, PCPaintbrush,Chartmaker Harvard-TPM,Superproject, Timeline,Yorkbench Crosstalk,Handshake,Procomm, Reflection,PCTalk Project Mgmt. MicroLink Other specialized applications such as engineering analysis, sales system, client manager are cited and were developed in-house. IBM offers SolutionPacs which target vertical markets. SolutionPacs designed for vertical markets include: Some of the The IBM SolutionPac Personal Typing which focuses on IBM's traditional office automation market. The IBM SolutionPac Personal Publishing System represents IBM's entry into the low-end desktop publishing market. The system includes IBM's PostScript-compatible laser printer, MicroSoft Yindows, and Aldus PageMaker. Other SolutionPacs designed for specific industry segments include Doctor's Office Management, Legal Profession Series, Construction Industry Series, and Business Adviser Financial Accounting. The Models 50 and 60 are also capable of multitasking and network applications. According to IBM, applications with timing dependencies will not work on the PS/2 systems. PDP-11/53,11/73,11/83,11/84 Approximately one-third of the PDP-11 sites analyzed from the CI database are running general business applications; in 85% of these the application was developed in-house. Beyond this, the set of applications is broad and includes microlink, office automation, DBMS, report generation, manufacturing, industry specific (medical,lab, education, business, insurance, manufacturing, etc.). Process control applications identified are in-house developed (e.g., control switching of railroad cars). *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - Por Internal Use Only - 28 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS Vendor solutions outside of include: Digit~l SOl11tions that are identified Application Solution General Business DBMS Resource Mgmt Manufacture Insurance CAD/CAM Data Analysis Compu-Share , MCBA, Timberline Cincom Total,POISE, Exec-Soft Diskeeper ASK MANMAN-MMS IDX Billing Vango Minitab,IM5L,Commercial Lab 5ys. BULL UN DPS 6 SERIES The DPS 6 position is used for departmental processing of applications in database and on-line transaction processing, networking, PC integration, and office automation. There are currenly only a small number of sites with the DPS 6 installed. However, we did look at those sites that had installed DPS 6 systems over the last year and a half. The majority (59%) of these systems are running general business applications of which 88% were in-house developed. DBMS are running on 17% of these systems and office automation on 10%. Vendor solutions that are cited include: Application Solution General Business DBMS Data Entry Application Dev. MSA Cincom TOTAL, HN OM-IV HN DEF-11 Applic. Dev.- Cincom *** CUSTOMIZED RRSF.ARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 29 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS VII. OPPORTUNITIES In an attempt to gain insight into how and if competitive vendors will be able to keep their 16-bit systems marketable with any degree of success, we took the following approach: Interviewed a small sample of customers who have purchased or installed one of the selected 16-bit systems between January 1988 and April 1989. Interviewed industry analysts with IDC, Gartner Group, InfoCorp, DataPro, and CI who either specialized in this class of system or in one of the vendors under consideration. The information from these sources is qualitative, but there is some consensus on several points. The trend of a declining 16-bit computer market will accelerate over the next 2 to 3 years, so that by the mid-1990s very few of these systems will be sold. IBH with its 5/36 and, potentially, with its 5/1, is able to maintain a modest degree of success in positioning these systems in specific applications to targeted customers. However, the 5/36 Hodel 5363 is the only model that is selling currently. The 5/36 is expected to decline significantly as the A5/400 takes over the 5136 market. According to Infocorp, the S/36-PC and S/1-PC are basically dead products. It isn't clear that this is the case - CI indicates that about 25% of the 5/36 and 5/1 installations over the past year have been the PC models. Datapro and Infocorp agree that the Tower-XP, the low-.end of the HP3000, and the HP1000 will disappear within the next several years. 286-based PS/2 systems are overwhelmingly standalone workstations for DOS or 05/2. A very small percentage are used in multiple user situations. There is no strong evidence that 286~based P5/2s are being used to any significant degree on factory shop floors or for process control in other environments. Analysts held different points of view on this issue: o Some indicated that PS/2 systems are not fast enough for real-time processing and with the price of 32-bit microprocessors coming down, the price advantage is going away. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 30 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MAR1CET: AN ANALYSIS o Some analysts believe that f~ctory and lab environments for automation and process control are moving in volume to 32-bit processors. o One analyst did support the claim that the 286-based PS/2 is being used in labs for process control as a data collection device. New applications are apt to use 32-bit rather than l6-bit technology. CUSTOMER PERSPECTIVES 5/36, HP3000, Tower, PDP-ll, 286-based PS/2, Altos, and PC/AT customers who have recently installed some of the selected' l6-bit systems provided the following insights on the selection and current and potential uses of these systems. Reasons given for selecting l6-bit as opposed to 32-bit systems: o Government procurement specification or headquarters made the decision o 32-bit (Altos) was not available at the time o Price advantage or significant discounting o Software compatibility, application driven o Sufficient for the customer's needs and application (e.g., HP3000 Series met requirements for OAS and front-end box for RJE; PDP-ll was better for particular real-time application than 32-bit system) o Remote manufacturing facilities (e.g. Philippines) that did not need the latest technology for applications such as general business. Vith the exception of one customer, all were satisfied or very satisfied with the l6-bit system. The reasons were similar to those for selecting the system. CUSTOMER APPLICAITONS The type of applications currently running on the systems are very similar to the profile for the individual systems in the previous section. Departmental or niche markets/applications include: o Customized control program for tracking policy numbers in an insurance company *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE * - - For Internal Use Only - 31 ** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS o Accounting and general business for construction and property management. o Integrated 386 accelerator board for data crunching and 16-bit processor for I/O. CUSTOMER PLANS Plans for current and future systems include: o Trade-in and/or upgrade to 32-bit for CAD applications or as program gets larger. o Recycle to a branch office, remote facility in third-world country, or another department. o Off-load data analysis or some other application from system and put on 32-bit systems. There were few advantages for future purchase of 16-bit system other than software compatibility, software availability on 16-bit, and cost. INNOVATIVE CUSTOMERS USES AND IMPROVEMENTS Innovative uses of 16-bit systems are very few. Examples: o Horgan Financial Client Services provides customized software that links its tax programs with the client's database. o Teledyne CAE indicated its 16-bit solution for data acquisition off the shop floor is innovative in this field. Ideas for vendors to improve their 16-bit offerings include better service, price, and improved speed and capacity of 16-bit systems in order to protect the customer's investment. Asked whether they would use 16-bit for other applications, users responded as follows: o One out of three interviewees could envision using a I6-bit system as a host or server to a cluster of PC systems. Some were already doing this or had plans to do so. o Two out of five interviewees could see using their system for network control and communications. Several were already doing this (Series/I). * * * CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - - 32 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS o A little over one-third of the interviewees were currently using their system for application development. o PS/2, Altos, and AT users were asked if they planned to or currently used their 286-based systems for process control, continuous process control or transaction monitoring applications. None did or planned to do so. Potential opportunities for 16-bit technology/systems include: o Applications that do not need the power and speed of 32-bit systems such as embedded processors in copy machines and fuel injection devices, as opposed to a full system configuration. o Laptops using 16-bit microprocessors, a market expected to experience significant growth. o Third world and Soviet bloc countries, where importing older technology is permitted (as oppos~d to import restrictions on 32-bit), and where 16-bit may be adequate. o According to IDC, markets with low growth which do not take advantage of new software or customers and are only now addressing automation offer some opportunity. IBM is the only vendor that appears to be penetrating outside its customer base with non-PC class machines. The type of customer is generally unsophisticated, small businesses or professional offices in the medical, dental, legal arenas. Construction and property management are other areas that potentially will continue to use 16-bit systems because a small percentage of this group are automated, users are relatively unsophisticated, and they do not need much speed or power. o Some vendors offer 386 accelerator boards for 16-bit systems. This allows users to off-load some of the applications and extend the life of the processor. o Other potential implementations of 16-bit systems include PC hosts or servers, network controllers and communications systems, remote network management and administration (an RSH-like product that supports RSX), and terminal servers. In all of the above, cost and software will be driving factors for selecting a 16-bit versus a 32-bit system. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 33 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER M.ARKET: AN ANALYSIS LIST OF SOURCES 1. Minicomputer Systems, Datapro, 1987. 2. Computer Intelligence Corporation database runs, June 1989. 3. Informal survey of 16-bit computer users, conducted by CRS consultants, June 1989. 4. Infocorp database runs, June 1989. 5. 1989 Multi-user Processor Data Book, IDC, May 1989. 6. Preliminary 1988 PC numbers, IDC, June 1989. 7. 1988 Multi-user Processor Data Book, IDC, March 1988. 8. 1987 Processor Data Book, IDC, Feb. 1987. 9. PC Market Review and Forecast, IDC, June 1988. 10. Interview with Bruce Stephen of IDC, June 26, 1989. 11. Interview with Jeanette Sil-Holeman of Infocorp, June 26, 1989. 12. Interview with Bill Kirwin of Gartner Group, June 27, 1989. 13. Interview with Donald Bellomy of IDC, June 27, 1989. 14. Interview with Myron Kerstetter of Gartner Group, June 27, 1989. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 34 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS APPENDIX A: Altos ** UNIT SRIPM'RNT BY SEl..ECTED SYSTEMS 1986-88 1986 1987 1988 CAGR Vorldwide US International 4135 2445 1690 3300 1600 1700 AM-1200H Vorldwide US International 925 650 275 1670 1000 670 BTl 6000 Vorldwide US International 30 20 10 15 15 17 12 5 -24.7% 3045 1800 1245 3082 487 2595 1882 122 1760 -21.4% 900 850 50 -53.3% 80.5% DPS6 Vorldwide US International DG 500 Vorldwide US International 800 400 400 PDP Vorldwide US International 2480 1600 880 30050 20900 9150 11800 6500 5300 118.1% BP1000 Vorldwide US International 6625 3980 2645 5442 1765 3177 5805 3255 2550 -6.4% BP3000 Vorldwide US International 2040 1210 830 5900 3300 2600 4200 2750 1400 43.5% 850000 595000 255000 1870000 1215000 645000 120.0% PS/2-30,50,60 Vorldwide US International *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 35 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS PC/AT Vorldwide US International 555000 367000 188000 710000 450000 260000 20000 System/36 Vorldwide US International 35000 16000 19000 35000 16000 19000 67000 27000 40000 38.4% Series/1 Vorldwide US International 6500 3500 3000 4500 2300 2200 11000 7000 4000 30.0% ICL System 25 Vorldwide US International 190 190 150 150 200 200 2.6% HAl 2000 Vorldwide US International 1700 815 885 1215 625 590 423 218 205 -50.1% HOD Classic Vorldwide US International 63 45 18 44 35 9 31 25 6 -29.9% Nixdorf 8850,8870 Vorldwide US International 250 250 150 150 75 75 -45.2% Tower-XP,Hini Vorldwide US International 5965 3265 2700 2020 725 1195 -41.8% 4390 1767 2630 TI 1000, 1100, 1200,SP1000 Vorldwide US International Unisys S80,B27,28,38,39 Vorldwide 13143 US 8340 International 4803 Source: -81.0% 20000 5900 4000 1900 34500 17000 17500 8698 3449 5249 -18.6% IDC *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 36 *** THE 16-BIT COMPtr1'ER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS APPENDIX B: Altos ** Vorldwide US International INSTAI.lLED BASP. BY SF.LECTF.D SYSTEMS 1986 1987 1988 5955 3750 2205 9500 5500 4000 10400 6350 4050 925 650 275 3055 1970 1085 30 20 10 45 35 10 62 47 15 6170 3500 2670 12066 3936 8130 13938 4048 9890 AH-1200H Vorldwide US International BTl 6000 Vorldwide US International DPS6 Vorldwide US International DG 500 800 400 400 Vorldwide US International PDP Vorldwide US International 4285 2705 1580 53950 39605 19430 26535 16905 9630 HP1000 Vorldwide US International 94842 52873 41969 99994 55008 44986 92530 50462 41068 HP3000 Vorldwide US International 2214 1367 933 4694 5517 3014 12114 7267 4935 850000 595000 255000 2243000 1835000 911000 PS/2-30,50,60 Vorldwide US International *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE * - - For Internal Use Only - 37 ** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS PC/AT Vorldwide US International 901000 649000 257000 1616000 1099000 517000 1636000 1099000 537000 System/36 Vorldwide US International 105000 54000 51000 145500 70000 75500 212500 97000 115500 Series/1 Vorldwide US International 49000 28700 20300 53500 31000 22500 95890 57940 37950 ICL System 25 Vorldwide US International 600 600 900 900 1128 1128 MAl 2000 Vorldwide US International 4200 2200 2000 5415 2825 2590 5699 2972 2727 MOD Classic Vorldwide US International 868 588 280 950 623 327 976 643 333 Nixdorf 8850,8870 Vorldwide US International 1840 1840 1990 1990 2085 2085 Tower-XP,Mini Vorldwide US International 16665 9515 7150 19055 9275 9780 23075 12000 11075 TI 1000,1100, 1200,SPIOOO Vorldwide US International Unisys S80,B27,28,38,39 Vorldwide 13925 US 8762 International 5163 Source: 7900 5600 2300 47600 25300 22300 16330 7590 8740 IDC *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE * - - For Internal Use Only - 38 ** THE 16-BIT COMPtrl'ER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS APPENDIX Cl: Industries System/36 AEROSPACE 0.4% 0.1% AIR-AUTO SVC APPAREL 3.0% AUTOMOTIVE 2.5% BANKING 2.7% BROADCAST 1.6% BUILD-MATER. 1.7% BUSINESS 6.6% CHEMICAL 2.0% CONSTRUCTION 3.1% CPU&BUSINESS 0.3% CREDIT AGENCY 0.8% DATA SERVICES 4.0% DRUGS-MED. 0.5% EDUCATION 3.0% 2.1% ELECT-MACH ELECTED 0.9% ELECTRONICS 0.6% ENGINEER 0.3% FEDERAL 0.3% FINANCE 0.1% FOOD-BEVERAGE 4.0% HEALTH CARE 6.2% HOTELS-ENTER. 2.2% INSURANCE 7.0% LEGAL SERVICE 0.9% MACHINERY 1.5% 3.6% METAL-GLASS MINING 0.4% MISC-MFG 2.4% NEVSPAPER 0.2% OIL-GAS-EXTRACT 0.9% PAPER 1.5% PRINTING 1.3% REAL-ESTATE 1.2% RUBBER-PLASTIC 1.2% SCI-TEST SEMI-CON SHIPPING STATE-LOCAL TELECOMM TRANS-EO UTILITIES VHO LE SALE SITES 0.6% 0.0% 2.1% 4.3% 0.6% 2.8% 1.1% 17.1% 2347 SYSTEM DISTRIBUTION BY INDUSTRY Series/1 HP3000 TOVER-XP MICR03000 MINITOYER 3.1% 1.9% 0.6% 0.6% 1.2% 0.6% 0.9% 2.8% 4.6% 5.3% 9.3% 1.9% 0.3% 5.3% 2.2% 4.3% 4.6% 0.6% 3.7% 0.6% 1.6% 0.3% 3.1% 2.8% 3.1% 3.1% 10.8% 6.2% 1.5% 3.1% 1.5% 3.1% 1.5% 3.1% 7.7% 7.7% 3.1% 1.5% 4.6% 1.5% 1.5% 3.1% 1.5% 3.1% 24.6% 65 8.8% 2.9% 5.9% 1.0% 2.9% 2.0% 1.0% 7.8% DPS6 1.6% 3.2% 4.8% 1.6% 3.2% 3.2% 1.6% 1.6% 4.8% 2.9% 1.0% 1.0% 15.7% 15.9% 3.9% 2.0% 6.4% 1.6% 1.9% 0.6% 3.7% 3.7% 0.3% 5.0% 1.9% 1.2% 4.0% 0.9% 0.3% 2.2% 1.0% 11.1% 3.9% 6.9% 4.8% 1.0% 1.0% 3.2% 1.2% 0.6% 0.6% 6.8% 1.6% 1.6% 1.2% 9.6% 323 1.0% 1.6% 1.0% 2.0% 2.0% 14.3% 3.9% 1.6% 1.6% 17.7% 102 Based on analysis of data from CI database. * * * CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE * - - For Internal Use Only - 39 ** 12.7% 63 THE 16-BIT COMPUTER APPENDIX C2: Industries AEROSPACE AIR-AUTO SVC APPAREL AUTOMOTIVE BANKING BROADCAST BUILD-MATER BUSINESS CHEMICAL CONSTRUCTION CPU&BUSINESS CREDIT AGENCY DATA SERVICES DRUGS-MED EDUCATION ELECT-MACH ELECTI-DI ELECTRONICS ENGINEER FEDERAL FINANCE FOOD-BEV HEALTH CARE HOTELS-ENTER INSURANCE LEGAL SERVICES MACHINERY METAL-GLASS MINING HISC-HFG NEVSPAPER OIL-GAS-EXTRA PAPER PRINTING REAL ESTATE RUBBER-PLASTIC SCI-TEST SEMI-CON SHIPPING STATE-LOCAL TELECOMH TRANS-EQUIP UTILITIES VHOLESALE SITES KARJ(ET: SYSTEM DISTRIBtrrION BY INDUSTRY ALTOS 1086, PC/ATPS/2-30,50,60 20863086 1.6% 0.8% 0.8% 2.4% 11.1% 1.9% 16.7% 1.9% 5.6% 1.9% 1.9% 4.0% 6.4% 4.8% 3.2% 0.8% 7.9% 1.6% 0.8% 1.9% 7.4% 1.9% 1.6% 2.4% 5.6% 0.8% 2.4% 4.8% 4.8% 3.7% 7.4% 1.9% 3.7% AN ANALYSIS 1.6% 3.2% 1.6% 2.4% 5.6% 3.7% 0.8% 1.9% 3.2% 29.6% 54 1.6% 2.4% 10.3% 126 0.8% 0.7% 2.7% 1.4% 1.4% 6.0% 1.4% 0.4% 6.8% 3.3% 2.5% 0.4% 0.6% 2.9% 0.8% 7.4% 1.2% 0.4% 0.2% 1.0% 4.1% 0.7% 2.0% 2.0% 1.5% 1.7% 0.6% 1.0% 1.7% 6.7% 6.5% 1.0% 1.5% 6.2% 3.3% 0.4% 7.8% 0.7% 34.0% 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 1.3% 3.9% 2.3% 3.3% 1.2% 0.8% 1.2% 2.9% 3.5% 2.5% 1.4% 1.4% 0.2% 0.2% .0082 3.5% 0.6% 1.0% 3.1% 8.2% 486 1.6% 3.2% 1.9% PDP11/53, HP1000 11/73/83/84 *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE * - - For Internal Use Only - 40 6.5% 1.3% 0.7% 0.7% 9.8% 3.3% 1.3% 0.7% 1.3% 1.3% 7.8% 1.3% 4.6% 1.3% 0.7% 1.3% 1.3% 2.0% 1.3% 0.7% 3.9% 156 ** 5.6% 0.4% 3.3% 5.0% 1.3% 3.8% 6.3% 7.5% " 0.6% 4.0% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 1.7% 6.3% 0.4% 2.3% 0.2% 3.3% 2.1% 0.8% 0.2% 1.7% 2.9% 1.0% 0.2% 4.0% 2.5% 0.6% 3.3% 3.3% 480 THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS APPENDIX D: Manufacturer and Model Digital PDP-ll/84 HARlCET/APPLICATION OVERVIEV BY SYSTEM Principal Target Market Industry Other Packages 32-bit Migration Bus/Technical Gen. Comm. Factory Auto. Graphics Datatrieve V/P,e-mail HP BPlOOO E/F/A Series Scientific/Manufacturing Technical engineering measurement mfg process control graphics HP9000 HP3000 Series 52/58/70 Business/Manufacturing Commercial Office auto. HP9000 materials mgmt production mgmt graphics distribution HP3000 Micro 3000 Business/Office Auto Commercial Financial Sales graphics manufacturing distribution Bull HN DPS 6/22 Technical/Office Business Data entry manufacturing Accounting program dev. DPS 6 Series 40/70 Technical/Manufacturing Business distribution pharmacy O/A Accounting Hospital IBM Series/l Business Industrial,retail financial transportation communications telephone mgmt insurance government System/36 Gen. Business Manufacturing O/A Distribution System/38 Business/Gen. Business Commercial * * * CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE DPS6 PLUS AS/400 Manufacturing Distribution Office/38 - - For Internal Use Only - 41 VAX, MicroVAX *** AS/400 THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS APPENDIX D: MARKET/APPI.TCATTON OVERVIEV BY SYSTRM Manufacturer and Model Principal Target Market Industry Other Packages McDonnell Douglas M6400/M6600 Business Gen. business manufacturing distribution government MRE O/A library mgmt Modular Computer Scientific/Tech Industrial Auto Factory/Process Control Query database Systems Classic CT/15 01-3000 graphics MAXPAC cont. process con t . Classic 11/15,25,75 Classic 11/45 Scientific/Tech Factory automation Factory/Process Control Nixdorf Business data entry, banks Law enforcement Co un ty gov t . 8850 Micro 5, 8850/85 8570 Business Manufacturing distribution banking Financial mgmt mortgage banking Northern Telecom Meridian DV-1 IVD Information Commercial workgroup <100 Unix-based applic Telemanagement Office auto V/P,E-mail OEM/Business Scientific general purpose Office auto Northern Telecom 585 Plessey Peripheral 6300/8300/Vixen SSCI SSCI-I00,-800 telemktg teleconferencing Scientific CAD/CAM Scientific ATE communications Texas Instruments 352A,373A,374A, 375A,362,673A, 675A,690A,691A, 874A,875A/B *** BUSINESS CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE For Internal Use Only - 42 VIP, Data Diet., Query, Screen Design *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS APPF.NDIX D: Manufacturer and Model Ultimate Corp. 1500 Series (LSI 11) 3000 Series (11/23) MARKET/APPLICATION OVERVIEV BY SYSTEM Principal Target Market Industry Other Packages Business Business Varied Small Business General Business 6000 Series (DPS 6) Business Commercial, Business Unisys Corp. B90 Series Business/comm General Business B1900 Series Commercial O/A Decision support System 80 Commercial O/A decision support Vang VS 5 Automation Office Automation Barrister Information Systems Corp. Model 145,150,160 Legal Industry Model 3100,3200 3300 UltiVord,Ultiplot, Ulticalc,UltiNet, UltiMation,Ultikit UltiVord,UltiPlot, UltiCalc,UltiNet Hfg,hospital, educ,word mgmt, reporter , Domain Accounting, wholesale/distrib. manufacturing accounting, wholesale/distrib. manufacturing VIP, legal, accounting, financial modeling info. mgmt. Legal applic. Legal O/A & Legal applic. Practice mgmt. V/P,law firm accounting, financial modeling, info. mgmt.,e-mail Bonar August Sys. Series 330 Industry control Process, critical Hodbus protocol, TRI-GUARD System Safety shutdown HVAC control, Database Builder, safety shutdown Ladder Logic Builder Series 330 TRI-DAC System Industrial control Process safety Critical Data Acq. shutdown, critical HVAC wI colograph *** CUSTOMIZED RESF.ARCR SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 43 Hodbus protocol, Ladder,database, & graphics bU1lder *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARICET: AN ANALYSIS APPRNDIX D: MARICET/APPI.TCATION OVRRVIEV RY -SYSTRM Manufacturer and Model Principal Target Market Industry BTl Computer Sys. BTl 6000 Business CalComp Corp. 85108600 (11/23,11/23/8086) Technical CAD/D-mech/tech S/S,Y/P Chrislin Industries CI-Micro-11 (11/73) Technical Manufacturing Business Accounting Business Industrial distribution medical credit union accounting medical credit union accounting Compulab Corp. Sentinel DS-140 Sentinel DS-175 Other Packages Ac~ounting Business Industrial distribuion laboratory Computer Designed Sys Adviser 100,600, Business Manufacturing 900 Manufacturing distribution Distribution medical construction fixed assets Display Data Corp. in*sight truck dealer GEAC Computers 6000, 8000 Business Auto dealer route distribution Business Banking Financial Library Library Financial, library , Banking transaction proc. Library Concept 9000 ICL Inc. System 25 Model 410,420,430 Model 440 Model 450, 490 Business/retail retail controller Business/retail retail controller, revenue data colI. business/retailer retail controller, government revenue data colI. Independent Business Systems 3075, 3175, 3300 Business Publishing Integrated Digital Products Corp. Ally *** Business Systems CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE For Internal Use Only - 44 Editor,linker *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS APPENDIX D: Manufacturer and Model MAl/Basic Four HAl 2000 HDS Qantel Business Computers System 45XP, 55, 587843 Norsk Data N>A. ND-100 MARKET/APPLICATION OVERVIEV BY SYSTRM Principal Target Market Industry Other Packages Business Gen. business manufacturing distribution government MRE,O/A, library mgmt. Business Mfg,retail,hotel, transportation S/S,v/P General purpose general purpose O/A General business accounting, insurance,trade, sys, medical, legal manufacturing rec.mgmt., O/A general acct. vert\cal market SUPERMICROS Alpha Microsystems AM-1200M (100% dealer) Data General 00/500 (vendor/indirect), manufacturing, bank/fin/invest trade,medical General Automation Zebra 1350 (100% VAR) (PICK O/S) Gen. business, Accounting manufacturing, gen. business sys. bank/finance, manufacturing trade,medical, trans. monitor construction,edu,rec. mgmt., O/A hospitality,govt. Texas Instruments System 1000, 1100,SP1000,1200 (95% VAR,distrib) Gen. business, Accounting, manufacturing, gen. business sys. medical, manufacturing transportation, trans. monitor, telecom/utilities rec. mgmt.,O/A *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE * - - For Internal Use Only - - 45 ** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS APPENDIX D: MARKET/APPI.ICATION OVERVIEV BY SYSTEM Principal Target Market Industry Manufacturer and Model Unisys Corp. B26,B27,B28,B38 Other Packages Gen. business, Accounting, manufac turing, gen. busine,ss sys. bank/fin/invest rec. mgmt.,O/A trade,medical, legal, construction, govt.,edu Altos Computer Sys. (32-bit systems) Manufacturing, accounting, 386 Series 500, bank/fin/invest,gen.bus.system, 1000, 2000 100% VAR,distrib, insurance,medical, manufacturing, legal,govt. rec.mgmt,O/A dealer OEM 386 Series 500 Pick Altos 3068 Pick (100% indirect) Manufacturing, accounting, bank/fin/invest, gen.bus.system insurance, trade, manufacturing medical, legal, construction,govt Micro PDP-11/53, 11/53+,11/73, 29159 (vendor & indir) Gen. business,,mfg, manufacturing, trans. monitor, bank/fin/invest, lab automation, medical,edu,legal, process control, transportation, accounting,O/A construction Hewlett Packard Micro3000GX, Gen. business, Accounting, manufacturing gen.bus.sys., bank/fin/invest, manufacturing, insurance,trade, trans.monitor, medical O/A -LX, -XE (Vendor & indir) NCR Hinitower, Tower XP (Vendor & indir) Source: Manufacuring, Accounting, bank/fin/invest, gen.bus.sys, trade manufacturing, trans. monitor, rec.mgmt.,O/A DataPro *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 46 *** Tower 32/600 Tower 32/650 THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS APPENDIX E: APPLICATTONS BY SELECTED SYSTEM (Based on Analysis of CI Data) GENERAL BUSINESS SYSTEH/36 * 85% IN-HOUSE OAS ACCOUNTING Para-Research Easy-Text IBH A/P,A/R, IBM DisplayYrite/36 Gen-Ledger, Inventory,Payroll IBM Personal Services 36 Edwards A/P,A/R,G/L, Sales Analysis Para-Research AP,AR,GL, Inventory Prentice-Hall AP,AR,FRS, Inventory Concord-Mgmt AP,AR,GL,PR IBM CMAS,DMAS HIS Backoffice HP3000 * 63% IN-HOUSE HP HPmail,Desk-Mgr Uptime A/P,A/R,G/E,O/E Collier A/P,G/E ASK Manman-AP, OMAR, GL, Payroll MCBA A/P,A/R,G/L, Payroll,I/M,COP COMM-ASSOC. Fixed Assets In-house Tower * 91% In-house Yordperfect?? Realworld AP,AR,GL,Payroll SOFTEST Lex * Inhouse HPIOOO HP Gen-Ledger DPS6 * * in-house 88% In-house * In-house HN DEF-11 (data-entry) MSA Gen-Ledger ?? *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only 47 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER 1fARKET: AN ANALYSIS APPENDIX E: APPLICATIONS BY SELECTED SYSTEM (Based on Analysis of CI Data) SYSTEM/36 HP3000 REPORT GENERATOR MANUFACTURE DBMS IBM Query/36 IBM MAPICS SOFT-PRO Open Access IBM Retrieval/36 A. Andersen MAC PAC MSA MRPII HP Ouery,Inform,View, HP MGMT/3000 Report HP Jobscope STATCOM Boss/3000 Cognos Quiz HP Image Rego ADAGER Tower Unify Microrim R-BASE Informix-SOL Microsoft File?? HPlOOO HP Image * . DPS6 *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 48 CINCOM total HN DBMS Ashton-Tate OB111+?? in-house *** THE 16-BIT COMPtrrER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS APPENDIX E: APPLICATIONS BY SELECTED SYSTEM (Based on Analysis of CI Data) FINANCE GRAPHICS SYSTEH/36 DEXEL Credit-Union IBM BGU HP3000 In-house APPLIC. DEVELOPMENT Microrim RBASE-Graph HP Graphics/l2S HP Graphics/l2S HPlOOO DPS6 IBM PRES HP Rapid/3000 HP Transact Cognos Powerhouse, Cognos Quick TOMINY Database+?? Cincom Applic. Dev. PROG. SUPPORT MICRO-LINK SYSTEM/36 IBM POP,IDU IBM PC Support HP3000 Cognos QTP YR&Q Reflection Tower *Majority Inhouse INDUSTRY SPECIFIC Columbine BIS (Broadcast) VitaServe (Medical) Smartcom,Crosstalk, ROSSOATA Vdrive DATA ANALYSIS HP3000 SPSS *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE For Internal Use Only - 49 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MARKET: AN ANALYSIS APPRNDIX F Customer Interview Script 16-bit Computer Project Name ----------------------------------Date-----------Company --------------------------Phone--------------Title ------------------------------System-------------Hello, this is from ----------------------. Ye're conducting a survey of 16-bit computer users. The purpose of this survey is to determine current and future use and selection of 16-bit systems. I'd appreciate your help in this. I'd like to ask you some questions which should take 15 minutes. Is this a good time? __Yes, BEGIN No. 1 __NO, Yhen is an appropriate time? Time/Date: ________ 1. Does your organization/site use any of the following systems? SYSTEM 36 ---HP3000 SERIES 52,58,70 OR HP'S MICR03000 -NCR'S MINITOYER OR TOYER-XP -IBM PC/AT OR PS/2 MODEL 30,50, 60 -ALTOS 1086,2086,3068, OR 3086 ===PDP-ll/84 OR MICROPDP-ll/53,11/73, 11/83 2. Vhen was the most rece~t purchase of (SYSTEM IN 3. Yhy did you select this system versus a l2-bit that the vendor offered? No.1)? system 4. Vhat applications are you running on this (these) 16-bit system(s)? APPLICATION(S) VENDOR/IN-HOUSE DEVELOPED NAME OF PKG 5. How satisfied are you with this system(s) for your particular applications? Satisfied Very Satisfied 5a. Not Very Satisfied Vhy? *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - Por Internal Use Only - 50 *** THE 16-BIT COMPUTER MAR1CBT: AN ANALYSIS 6. Are you or do you have plAns to llse this (these) 16-hit system(s) for different applications? YES, what are these new applications? APPLICATION(S) VENDOR/IN-BOUSE NAME OF PKG NO, Bow long do you plan to continue to use this system(s) in the same capacity? MOS/YRS Bow will you dispose of the system(s)? --------------------- 7. Do you see any advantages to purchasing this 16-bit system in the future? Vhat are they? 8. Vhat would be the disadvantages of selecting this 16-bit system for future purchases? 9. Are you aware of any innovative uses of this 16-bit system in your profession or industry? 10. Vhat innovative things has the vendor of these systems done to maintain and continue your investment in these systems? OR Vhat would you recommend that the vendor do to maintain and continue your investment in these systems? 11. IF THE FOLLOVING HAVE NOT BEEN MENTIONED, THEN ASK: Do you currently or plan to use your 16-bit system(s) in the following manner: - Bost or server to cluster of PC's Network control or communications Applications Development y y y N N N Vhat type? (IF THE FOLLOVING APPLIES GIVEN TBE CUSTOMER/INDUSTRY) Process Control Y N Continuous Process Control Y N - Transaction Monitoring Y N - Other ------------------------------------------------ 12. Do you have any other comments? Thank you for your help. *** CUSTOMIZED RESEARCH SERVICE - - For Internal Use Only - 51 ***
Source Exif Data:
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