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Introduction to Computing –CS101


Table of Contents:
Lecture 1 .......................................................................................................... 9
Introduction ..................................................................................................... 9
1.1 Charles Babbage (1791-1871) ................................................................. 9
1.2 The Analytical Engine.......................................................................... 9
1.3 Ada, Countess of Lovelace(1815-52) ...................................................... 9
1.4 Course Contents & Structure .............................................................. 10
Lecture 2 ........................................................................................................ 13
Evolution of Computing ................................................................................. 13
2.1 Turing Machine – 1936.................................................................... 13
2.2 The “Turing test” ........................................................................... 13
2.3 Vacuum Tube – 1904: ...................................................................... 13
2.4 ABC – 1939 ..................................................................................... 14
2.5 Harvard Mark 1 – 1943: .................................................................... 14
2.6 ENIAC – 1946: ................................................................................ 14
2.7 Transistor – 1947 ............................................................................. 14
2.8 Floppy Disk – 1950.......................................................................... 14
2.9 UNIVAC 1 – 1951 ............................................................................ 14
Compiler - 1952 ........................................................................... 15
ARPANET – 1969 ....................................................................... 15
Intel 4004 – 1971 .......................................................................... 15
Altair 8800 – 1975......................................................................... 15
Cray 1 – 1 976 .............................................................................. 16
IBM PC – 1981 ............................................................................ 16
Apple Macintosh – 1984............................................................... 16
World Wide Web -1989 ................................................................ 16
Quantum Computing with Molecules.......................................... 17
Lecture 3 ....................................................................................................... 18
3.1 Browser .......................................................................................... 18
3.2 URL................................................................................................... 18
3.3 What is a Web site?............................................................................. 18
3.4 What is Home Page of a web site? ...................................................... 19
3.5 Who invented the Web & Why? .......................................................... 19
3.6 Future of the Web: Semantic Web....................................................... 20
3.7 Useful Web page ................................................................................ 20
Lecture 4 ........................................................................................................ 21
4.1 Computer Types According to Capability............................................ 21
4.2 Supercomputers ................................................................................. 21
4.3 Mainframe Computers........................................................................ 21
4.4 Servers / Minicomputers .................................................................... 21
4.5 Desktops............................................................................................ 21
4.6 Portables............................................................................................ 21
4.7 Ranking w.r.t. installed number.......................................................... 22
4.8 All computers have the following essential hardware components:....... 22
4.9 Input Devices..................................................................................... 23
4.10 What is Port? .................................................................................... 24
4.11Many Types of Ports .......................................................................... 24
4.12 Processor.......................................................................................... 24
4.13 Memory/Storage .............................................................................. 24
4.14 Classifying Memory/Storage............................................................. 25
4.15 Output Devices................................................................................. 25
4.16 Modem............................................................................................. 25

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Introduction to Computing –CS101


Lecture 5........................................................................................................27
5.1 PC Parts..............................................................................................27
5.2 Inside of the CPU ...............................................................................27
5.3 The Processor Module ........................................................................27
Lecture 6.........................................................................................................28
6.1 To develop your personal Web page ....................................................28
Lecture 7.........................................................................................................31
7.1 Microprocessor ...................................................................................31
7.2 Integrated Circuits..............................................................................31
7.3 Devices...............................................................................................31
7.4 Microprocessor system.......................................................................33
7.5 Micro-controllers ................................................................................33
7.6 The Main Memory Bottleneck ............................................................33
7.7 Cache .................................................................................................33
7.8 Microprocessors Building Blocks ........................................................34
Lecture 8.........................................................................................................39
Binary Numbers & Logic Operations ..............................................................39
8.1 Why binary .........................................................................................42
8.2 Boolean Logic Operations...................................................................43
8.3 Truth Table for the XOR Operation ....................................................45
8.4 STRATEGY: Divide & Conquer.........................................................45
Lecture 9.........................................................................................................47
HTML Lists & Tables (Web Development Lecture 3).....................................47
9.1 Single Tags .........................................................................................47
9.2 Types of Lists .....................................................................................52
9.3 Ordered List Types.............................................................................52
9.4 Useful URL ........................................................................................57
Lecture 10 .......................................................................................................59
Computer Software..........................................................................................59
10.1 Machine Language ............................................................................59
10.2 Language Translators........................................................................59
10.3 Software Development.......................................................................59
10.4 Major Types of SW ............................................................................60
10.5 System SW are programs that … ........................................................60
10.6 Operating System..............................................................................60
10.7 Utilities: ............................................................................................61
10.8 Language Translators........................................................................61
10.9 Device Drivers...................................................................................61
10.10 Application SW ................................................................................61
10.11 Another way of classifying SW ..........................................................62
10.12 Who Owns Software? .......................................................................62
10.13 Main types of SW licensees ..............................................................62
10.14 Proprietary SW License ....................................................................62
10.15 Freeware SW License .......................................................................63
10.16 Open-Source SW License .................................................................63
10.17 Shareware SW License .....................................................................63
10.18 Trialware .........................................................................................63
Lecture 11........................................................................................................65
Operating Systems ..........................................................................................65
11.1 Why Have OSes? ...............................................................................65
11.2 Core Tasks of an OS ..........................................................................65
11.3 OS Components ................................................................................66


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11.4 Kernel ............................................................................................... 67
11.5Types of OS’es ................................................................................... 67
11.6 Another Way of Classifying................................................................ 67
11.7 How many different OS’es are there? ................................................. 67
11.8 Comparing Popular OS’es ................................................................. 68
Lecture 12....................................................................................................... 69
Interactive Forms (Web Development Lecture 4)............................................ 69
12.1 Server-Side Scripts............................................................................. 71
12.2 Checkbox Input Element .................................................................. 76
12.3 Radio Button Input Element............................................................. 77
12.4 Select from a (Drop Down) List......................................................... 78
12.5 File Upload Input Element ............................................................... 79
Lecture 13....................................................................................................... 81
Application Software....................................................................................... 81
13.1 Two Major Types of Software ............................................................ 81
13.2 Application Software ......................................................................... 81
13.3 Classification According to the Mode ................................................ 81
13.4 Classification According to Application Area ..................................... 81
13.5 Scientific/Engineering/Graphics Apps ............................................. 81
13.6 Scientific SW..................................................................................... 82
13.7 Engineering SW................................................................................ 82
13.8 Graphics & Animation SW (1) ........................................................... 82
13.9 Business Applications ....................................................................... 82
13.10 E-Commerce Software..................................................................... 82
13.11 ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) SW ......................................... 83
13.12 DSS (Decision Support Systems) SW................................................ 83
13.13 Productivity SW............................................................................... 83
13.14 Word Processors.............................................................................. 83
13.15 Web Page Development SW............................................................. 83
13.16 Spreadsheet SW (1) .......................................................................... 83
13.17 Spreadsheet SW (2).......................................................................... 83
13.18 Presentation Development SW......................................................... 83
13.19 Small-Scale Databases SW (1) .......................................................... 84
13.20 Small-Scale Databases SW (2).......................................................... 84
13.21 Productivity SW Suites..................................................................... 84
13.22 Document-Centered Computing (DCC) - 1 ...................................... 84
13.23 Document-Centered Computing (DCC) - 2...................................... 84
13.24 Entertainment SW........................................................................... 84
13.25 Music & Video Players .................................................................... 84
13.26 Music Generation & Movie Editing SW ........................................... 84
13.27 Games ............................................................................................ 84
13.28 Educational SW .............................................................................. 85
13.29 Electronic Encyclopedias ................................................................ 85
13.30 On-Line Learning ........................................................................... 85
13.31 Interactive CD’s .............................................................................. 85
13.32 Attributes of Good Application Software .......................................... 85
13.33 Most Popular Application Software Categories................................. 85
Lecture 14....................................................................................................... 87
Word Processing............................................................................................. 87
14.1 Word Processor ................................................................................. 87
14.2 Types: WYSIWYG-based & Markup-based ....................................... 88
14.3 Desktop Publishing (DTP) ............................................................... 88

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Introduction to Computing –CS101


14.4 Word Processors for the Web .............................................................88
14.5 Let’s try to use MS Word for creating a CV.........................................90
Lecture 15 .......................................................................................................91
More on Interactive Forms (Web Development Lecture 5) ..............................91
15.1 Single-Line Text Input Field..............................................................91
15.2 Password Input Field ........................................................................91
15.3 Hidden Input ....................................................................................91
15.4 Checkbox Input Element...................................................................91
15.5 Radio Button Input Element .............................................................91
15.6 File Upload Input Element ................................................................91
15.7 Reset Button Input Element ..............................................................92
15.8 Submit Button Input .........................................................................92
15.9 Multi-Line Text Input Area ...............................................................92
15.10 Select from a (Drop Down) List........................................................92
15.11 Client-Side Scripting is a viable alternate ..........................................94
15.12 Server-Side Scripts: Review...............................................................94
15.13 Why JavaScript? ...............................................................................96
Lecture 16 .......................................................................................................99
Algorithms ......................................................................................................99
16.1 Algorithm for Decimal-to-Binary Conversion ...................................100
16.2 Algorithm (Better Definition) ..........................................................100
16.3 Why Algorithms are Useful?.............................................................101
16.4 Analysis of Algorithms.....................................................................101
16.5 Al-Khwarzmi ...................................................................................101
16.6 Greedy Algorithm............................................................................102
16.7 Deterministic Algorithm (1) .............................................................102
16.8 Randomized Algorithm (1) ..............................................................102
16.9 Randomized Algorithm (2) ..............................................................102
16.10 Deterministic Algorithm (2) ...........................................................102
16.11 Heuristic........................................................................................102
16.12 The Brute Force Strategy (1)...........................................................103
16.13 The Brute Force Strategy (2) ..........................................................103
16.14 A Selection of Algorithmic Application Areas..................................103
16.15 Flowchart ......................................................................................104
Lecture 17 .....................................................................................................106
Algorithms II ................................................................................................106
17.1 Algorithm Building Blocks ..............................................................106
17.2 Solution in Pseudo Code..................................................................108
17.3 Tips on Writing Good Pseudo Code.................................................108
17.4 Pros and Cons of Flowcharts (1).......................................................117
17.5 Pros and Cons of Flowcharts (2) ......................................................117
17.6 Pros and Cons of Pseudo Code (1) ...................................................117
17.7 Pros and Cons of Pseudo Code (2) ...................................................117
Lecture 18 .....................................................................................................118
Objects, Properties, Methods (Web Development Lecture 6).........................118
18.1 New Concept: Client-Side Scripts ....................................................119
18.2 Advantages of Client-Side Scripting .................................................119
18.3 Disadvantages.................................................................................119
18.4 JavaScript........................................................................................119
18.5 Client-Side JavaScript ......................................................................120
18.6 Properties........................................................................................121
18.7 Event Handlers ...............................................................................128


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Introduction to Computing –CS101


Lecture 19..................................................................................................... 129
Programming Languages.............................................................................. 129
19.1 Batch Programs .............................................................................. 129
19.2 Event-Driven Programs .................................................................. 129
19.3 Types of Prog. Languages............................................................... 130
19.4 Programming SW Development ...................................................... 131
19.5 Object Oriented Design .................................................................. 131
19.6 Structured Design ........................................................................... 131
19.7 Object-Oriented Languages ............................................................ 132
Lecture 20 .................................................................................................... 133
SW Development Methodology..................................................................... 133
Lecture 21..................................................................................................... 142
Data Types & Operators (Web Development Lecture 7) ............................... 142
21.1 JavaScript Data Types.................................................................... 143
21.2 Declaring Variables........................................................................ 144
21.3 JavaScript Operators ...................................................................... 148
21.4 Comparison Operators .................................................................... 148
21.5 Logical Operators .......................................................................... 148
21.6 Elements of JavaScript Statements ................................................. 149
Lecture 22 .................................................................................................... 151
Spreadsheets................................................................................................. 151
22.1 Business Plan for a New Software Development Company .............. 151
22.2 The Structure of A Spreadsheet ....................................................... 152
22.3 Goal Seek ....................................................................................... 154
Lecture 23 .................................................................................................... 158
Flow Control & Loops (Web Development Lecture 8).................................. 158
JavaScript Variables are Dynamically Typed .......................................... 158
Lecture 24 .................................................................................................... 166
Design Heuristics......................................................................................... 166
24.1 Heuristic ........................................................................................ 166
24.2 System............................................................................................ 166
24.3 System Architecture........................................................................ 166
24.4 Heuristics for system architecting ................................................... 166
Lecture 25 .................................................................................................... 170
Web Design for Usability .............................................................................. 170
25.2 SPEED: ......................................................................................... 170
25.3 Elements of Website Design: .......................................................... 171
25.4 Website Navigation: ....................................................................... 171
25.5 A Few Navigation Design Heuristics: ............................................. 171
25.6 Navigation Design Heuristics (contd.):........................................... 171
25.7 Good designs assist the user in recovering from errors..................... 173
25.8 Assisting the User Recover from Errors:.......................................... 173
25.9 A few constructive recommendations .............................................. 173
25.10 Making Display Elements Legible:................................................ 175
25.11 Ensuring Text is Readable:............................................................ 175
25.12 Using Pictures & Illustrations: ...................................................... 176
25.13 Using Motion................................................................................ 176
Arrays (Web Development Lecture 9) ........................................................... 177
26.1 Arrays in JavaScript......................................................................... 178
26.2 Array Identifiers................................................................................ 180
26.3 The ‘length’ Property of Arrays ....................................................... 181
26.4 Array Methods: sort( ) 26.5 Sorts the elements in alphabetical order . 181

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26.6 Array Methods: reverse( ) 26.7 Reverses the order of the elements ....181
26.7 Pseudo Code...................................................................................182
Lecture 27 .....................................................................................................185
Computer Networks......................................................................................185
27.1 Private Networks.............................................................................186
27.2 Public Networks .............................................................................186
27.3 VPN: Virtual Private Network (1) ....................................................187
27.4 Network Topologies .......................................................................188
27.5 Networking Protocols .....................................................................190
27.6 Types of Communication Channels .................................................191
27.7 Network Security ............................................................................191
Lecture 28 .....................................................................................................193
Introduction to the Internet ...........................................................................193
28.1 Internet: Network of Networks ...........................................................196
28.2 Internet Networking Protocols ........................................................196
Lecture 29 .....................................................................................................199
Functions & Variable Scope (Web Development Lecture 10) .........................199
29.1 Function .........................................................................................199
29.2 Advantages of Functions .................................................................200
29.3 Function Identifiers ........................................................................201
29.4 Arguments of a Function.................................................................201
29.5 Event Handlers ...............................................................................203
29.6 Scope of Variable ............................................................................204
Lecture 30 .....................................................................................................209
Internet Services............................................................................................209
30.1 Internet Addressing.........................................................................210
30.2 DNS: Domain Name System...........................................................210
30.3 Internet Services .............................................................................210
30.3 How does an eMail system work? ....................................................213
30.4 Using Instant Messaging ................................................................215
30.5 VoIP: Voice over IP.........................................................................220
Lecture 31 .....................................................................................................221
Developing Presentations..............................................................................221
31.1 Presentations:..................................................................................221
31.2 The Structure of A Presentation: ......................................................224
31.3 Presentation Development SW:........................................................224
Lecture 32 .....................................................................................................226
Event Handling (Web Development Lecture 11)............................................226
32.1 What is Event Handling? ....................................................................228
32.2 In-Line JavaScript Event Handling :................................................229
Lecture 33 .....................................................................................................234
Graphics & Animation ..................................................................................234
33.1 Computer Graphics: ........................................................................235
33.2 Displaying Images: .........................................................................235
33.3 Pixel Colors :...................................................................................235
33.4 Color Mapping : ..............................................................................235
33.5 Dithering: .......................................................................................236
33.6 Aliasing: .........................................................................................236
33.7 Anti-Aliasing:..................................................................................236
33.8 Graphics File Formats:....................................................................237
33.9 Vector or Object-Oriented Graphics: ...............................................237
33.10 Bit-Mapped or Raster Graphics:.....................................................237


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33.11 File Formats Popular on the Web (1):............................................. 237
33.12 Image Processing:......................................................................... 237
33.13-D Graphics: .................................................................................. 238
33.14 Animation: .................................................................................... 238
Lecture 34 .................................................................................................... 240
Intelligent Systems ....................................................................................... 240
34.1 (Artificial) Intelligent Systems: ........................................................ 241
34.2 Fuzzy Logic: .................................................................................. 242
34.3 Robotics:........................................................................................ 244
Lecture 35 .................................................................................................... 245
Mathematical Methods (Web Development Lecture 12) ................................ 245
35.1 Problems & Solutions: .................................................................... 246
35.2 Mathematical Functions in JavaScript: ............................................ 248
Lecture 36 .................................................................................................... 251
Data Management ........................................................................................ 251
36.1 BholiBooks.com : ........................................................................... 252
36.2 Issues in Data Management:........................................................... 252
36.3 DBMS : .......................................................................................... 253
36.4 OS Independence: .......................................................................... 254
36.5 The Trouble with Flat-File Databases: ............................................ 257
Lecture 37 .................................................................................................... 259
Database Software ........................................................................................ 259
37.1 RDBMS.......................................................................................... 262
37.2 Some Terminology ......................................................................... 263
Lecture 38 .................................................................................................... 264
String Manipulations (Web Development Lecture 13) ................................... 264
38.1 String Manipulation in JavaScript.................................................... 267
Lecture 39 .................................................................................................... 274
Cyber Crime ................................................................................................. 274
39.1 07 February 2000 ............................................................................. 275
39.2 DoS Attack: A Cyber Crime............................................................ 276
39.3 More cybercrimes … ...................................................................... 276
39.4 Viruses ........................................................................................... 277
39.5 Other Virus-Like Programs............................................................. 278
Lecture 40 .................................................................................................... 279
Social Implications of Computing ................................................................. 279
40.1 Introduction ................................................................................... 280
40.2 Powerful Global Corporations ......................................................... 280
40.3 The Network Organization ............................................................. 280
40.4 Working from Home ...................................................................... 281
40.5 From Mass- to Personalized-Marketing .......................................... 281
40.6 The Political Process ...................................................................... 282
Lecture 41..................................................................................................... 284
Images & Animation (Web Development Lecture 14) ................................... 284
41.1 Images in JavaScript ....................................................................... 286
41.2 Flash Animation ............................................................................. 293
Lecture 42 .................................................................................................... 294
The Computing Profession ........................................................................... 294
42.1 IT: Information Technology............................................................ 295
42.2 Organization: A Collection of Teams .............................................. 296
Lecture 43 .................................................................................................... 302
The Future of Computing ............................................................................. 302

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Lecture 44 .....................................................................................................308
Programming Methodology (Web Development Lecture 15) .........................308
44.1 Design Guidelines ...........................................................................309
44.2 Coding Guidelines ..........................................................................309
44.3 Guidelines for Developing Short Programs ......................................310
44.4 Design & Code Reviews..................................................................311
44.5 Testing & Debugging .....................................................................312
44.6 Helpful Editors ...............................................................................314
Lecture 45 .....................................................................................................316
Review & Wrap-Up .......................................................................................316
Course Objectives ..................................................................................323


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Introduction to Computing –CS101


Lecture 1
1.1. Charles Babbage (1791-1871)
Creator of the Analytical Engine - the first general-purpose digital computer (1833)
The Analytical Engine was not built until 1943 (in the form of the Harvard Mark I)

1.2. The Analytical Engine

A programmable, mechanical, digital machine
Could carryout any calculation
Could make decisions based upon the results of the previous calculation
Components: input; memory; processor; output

1.3. Ada, Countess of Lovelace(1815-52)

Babbage: the father of computing
Ada: the mother?
Wrote a program for computing the Bernoulli’s sequence on the Analytical Engine world’s 1st computer program
Ada: A programming language specifically designed by the US Dept of Defense for
developing military applications was named Ada to honor her contributions towards

A lesson that we all can learn from Babbage’s Life

Charles Babbage had huge difficulties raising money to fund his research
As a last resort, he designed a clever mathematical scheme along with Ada, the Countess
of Lovelace
It was designed to increase their odds while gambling. They bet money on horse races
to raise enough money to support their research experiments
Guess what happened at the end? The lost every penny that they had.
Here is a fact:

It could analyze up to 300 billion chess moves in
three minutes

In 1997 Deep Blue, a supercomputer designed by IBM, beat Gary Kasparov, the World
That computer was exceptionally fast, did not get tired or bored. It just kept on
analyzing the situation and kept on searching until it found the perfect move from its
list of possible moves …

Goals for Today:
To develop an appreciation about the capabilities of computing
To find about the structure & policies of this course

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Introduction to Computing –CS101


CS101 Introduction to Computing
1.4 Course Contents & Structure
Course Objectives
To build an appreciation for the fundamental concepts in computing
To achieve a beginners proficiency in Web page development
To become familiar with popular PC productivity software

e Lecture 1 2






Finals Week

Fundamental concepts
Intro to computing

Evolution of computing
Computer organization
Building a PC


Development methodology
Design heuristics
Web design for usability

Computer networks
Intro to the Internet

Binary numbers & logic
Computer software
Operating systems
Application software

Internet services

Programming languages

Social implications
The computing profession
The future of computing



Graphics & animation
Intelligent systems
Data management

Cyber crime

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Introduction to Computing –CS101


Web page development
Web Development
The World Wide Web
Making a Web page
Lists & tables
Interactive forms
Objective & methods
Data types & operators

Flow control & loops Arrays
Built-in functions
User-defined functions
Events handling
String manipulation
Images & graphics
Programming methodology

Productivity Applications
Word processor
Presentation software


Altaf Khan

Course Web Page:



Understanding Computers (2000 ed.)
Learn JavaScript in a Weekend

Reading Assignments
Please make sure to read the assigned material for each week before the commencement
of the corresponding week
Reading that material beforehand will help you greatly in absorbing with ease the matter
discussed during the lecture
Check your e-mail often for announcements related to this and other VU courses
distribution …

Assignments (15%)
Almost one every week, 13 in all
No credit for late submissions
The lowest 2 assignment grades will be dropped

Midterm Exam (35%)
During the 8th week
Duration: One hour
Will cover all material covered during the first seven weeks

Final Exam (50%)

During the 16th week
Will cover the whole of the course with a slight emphasis on the material covered after
the midterm exam
Duration: 2 hours

First Assignment

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Introduction to Computing –CS101


Send an email message to me at altaf@vu.edu.pk with the subject “Assignment 1” giving
me some information (in around 50 words) about what you see yourself doing ten years
from now
Go to the CS101 message board and post a message (consisting of approx. 50 words)
about how we could make the contents of this course more suitable for your individual
needs. The subject for this message should be “Assignment 1”
Consult the CS101 syllabus for the submission deadline

A suggestion about unfamiliar terms
We try not to use any new terms without explaining them first
However, it is not possible to do that all the time
If you encounter any unfamiliar terms during the lectures, please note them down and
consult the GLOSSARY provided at the end of the “Understanding Computers” text
book for their meaning

Let’s summarize the things that we have covered today?
A few things about:
the very first digital computer & its inventor
the capability of modern computers
the structure and contents of CS101



In the Next Lecture …
We’ll continue the story of the evolution of digital computers form the Analytical Engine
We’ll discuss many of the key inventions and developments that he lead to the shape of
the current field of computing.


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Introduction to Computing –CS101


Lecture 2
Evolution of Computing
Today’s Goal
To learn about the evolution of computing
To recount the important and key events
To identify some of the milestones in computer development
Babbage’s Analytical Engine - 1833
Mechanical, digital, general-purpose
Was crank-driven
Could store instructions
Could perform mathematical calculations
Had the ability to print
Could punched cards as permanent memory
Invented by Joseph-Marie Jacquard


Turing Machine – 1936

Introduced by Alan Turing in 1936, Turing machines are one of the key abstractions
used in modern computability theory, the study of what computers can and cannot do. A
Turing machine is a particularly simple kind of computer, one whose operations are
limited to reading and writing symbols on a tape, or moving along the tape to the left or
right. The tape is marked off into squares, each of which can be filled with at most one
symbol. At any given point in its operation, the Turing machine can only read or write
on one of these squares, the square located directly below its "read/write" head.


The “Turing test”

A test proposed to determine if a computer has the ability to think. In 1950, Alan Turing
(Turing, 1950) proposed a method for determining if machines can think. This method is
known as The Turing Test.
The test is conducted with two people and a machine. One person plays the role of an
interrogator and is in a separate room from the machine and the other person. The
interrogator only knows the person and machine as A and B. The interrogator does not
Using a teletype, the interrogator, can ask A and B any question he/she wishes. The aim
of the interrogator is to determine which the person is and which the machine is.
The aim of the machine is to fool the interrogator into thinking that it is a person. If the
machine succeeds then we can conclude that machines can think.





on its own

Vacuum Tube – 1904:

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Introduction to Computing –CS101


A vacuum tube is just that: a glass tube surrounding a vacuum (an area from which all
gases has been removed). What makes it interesting is that when electrical contacts are
put on the ends, you can get a current to flow though that vacuum.
A British scientist named John A. Fleming made a vacuum tube known today as a diode.
Then the diode was known as a "valve,"


ABC – 1939

The Atanasoff-Berry Computer was the world's first electronic digital computer. It was
built by John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry at Iowa State University during 193742. It incorporated several major innovations in computing including the use of binary
arithmetic, regenerative memory, parallel processing, and separation of memory and
computing functions.


Harvard Mark 1 – 1943:

Howard Aiken and Grace Hopper designed the MARK series of computers at Harvard
University. The MARK series of computers began with the Mark I in 1944. Imagine a
giant roomful of noisy, clicking metal parts, 55 feet long and 8 feet high. The 5-ton
device contained almost 760,000 separate pieces. Used by the US Navy for gunnery and
ballistic calculations, the Mark I was in operation until 1959.
The computer, controlled by pre-punched paper tape, could carry out addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division and reference to previous results. It had special
subroutines for logarithms and trigonometric functions and used 23 decimal place
numbers. Data was stored and counted mechanically using 3000 decimal storage wheels,
1400 rotary dial switches, and 500 miles of wire. Its electromagnetic relays classified the
machine as a relay computer. All output was displayed on an electric typewriter. By
today's standards, the Mark I was slow, requiring 3-5 seconds for a multiplication


ENIAC – 1946:

ENIAC I (Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator). The U.S. military sponsored
their research; they needed a calculating device for writing artillery-firing tables (the
settings used for different weapons under varied conditions for target accuracy).
John Mauchly was the chief consultant and J Presper Eckert was the chief engineer.
Eckert was a graduate student studying at the Moore School when he met John Mauchly
in 1943. It took the team about one year to design the ENIAC and 18 months and
500,000 tax dollars to build it.
The ENIAC contained 17,468 vacuum tubes, along with 70,000 resistors and 10,000
Transistor – 1947
The first transistor was invented at Bell Laboratories on December 16, 1947 by William
Shockley. This was perhaps the most important electronics event of the 20th century, as
it later made possible the integrated circuit and microprocessor that are the basis of
modern electronics. Prior to the transistor the only alternative to its current regulation
and switching functions (TRANSfer resISTOR) was the vacuum tubes, which could only
be miniaturized to a certain extent, and wasted a lot of energy in the form of heat.
Compared to vacuum tubes, it offered:
smaller size
better reliability
lower power consumption
lower cost


Floppy Disk – 1950

Invented at the Imperial University in Tokyo by Yoshiro Nakamats


UNIVAC 1 – 1951

UNIVAC-1. The first commercially successful electronic computer, UNIVAC I, was
also the first general purpose computer - designed to handle both numeric and textual
information. It was designed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly. The
implementation of this machine marked the real beginning of the computer era.


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Remington Rand delivered the first UNIVAC machine to the U.S. Bureau of Census in
1951. This machine used magnetic tape for input.
first successful commercial computer
design was derived from the ENIAC (same developers)

first client = U.S. Bureau of the Census
$1 million
48 systems built

2.10 Compiler - 1952
Grace Murray Hopper an employee of Remington-Rand worked on the NUIVAC. She
took up the concept of reusable software in her 1952 paper entitled "The Education of a
Computer" and developed the first software that could translate symbols of higher
computer languages into machine language. (Compiler)


ARPANET – 1969

The Advanced Research Projects Agency was formed with an emphasis towards
research, and thus was not oriented only to a military product. The formation of this
agency was part of the U.S. reaction to the then Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik in
1957. (ARPA draft, III-6). ARPA was assigned to research how to utilize their
investment in computers via Command and Control Research (CCR). Dr. J.C.R.
Licklider was chosen to head this effort.
Developed for the US DoD Advanced Research Projects Agency
60,000 computers connected for communication among research organizations and


Intel 4004 – 1971

The 4004 was the world's first universal microprocessor. In the late 1960s, many
scientists had discussed the possibility of a computer on a chip, but nearly everyone felt
that integrated circuit technology was not yet ready to support such a chip. Intel's Ted
Hoff felt differently; he was the first person to recognize that the new silicon-gated MOS
technology might make a single-chip CPU (central processing unit) possible.
Hoff and the Intel team developed such architecture with just over 2,300 transistors in
an area of only 3 by 4 millimeters. With its 4-bit CPU, command register, decoder,
decoding control, control monitoring of machine commands and interim register, the
4004 was one heck of a little invention. Today's 64-bit microprocessors are still based on
similar designs, and the microprocessor is still the most complex mass-produced product
ever with more than 5.5 million transistors performing hundreds of millions of
calculations each second - numbers that are sure to be outdated fast.

2.13 Altair 8800 – 1975

By 1975 the market for the personal computer was demanding a product that did not
require an electrical engineering background and thus the first mass produced and
marketed personal computer (available both as a kit or assembled) was welcomed with
open arms. Developers Edward Roberts, William Yates and Jim Bybee spent 1973-1974
to develop the MITS (Micro Instruments Telemetry Systems ) Altair 8800. The price was
$375, contained 256 bytes of memory (not 256k),but had no keyboard, no display, and
no auxiliary storage device. Later, Bill Gates and Paul Allen wrote their first product for
the Altair -- a BASIC compiler (named after a planet on a Star Trek episode).

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2.14 Cray 1 – 1 976
It looked like no other computer before, or for that matter, since. The Cray 1 was the
world's first "supercomputer," a machine that leapfrogged existing technology when it
was introduced in 1971.
And back then, you couldn't just order up fast processors from Intel. "There weren't any
microprocessors," says Gwen Bell of The Computer Museum History Center. "These
individual integrated circuits that are on the board performed different functions."
Each Cray 1, like this one at The Computer Museum History Center, took months to
build. The hundreds of boards and thousands of wires had to fit just right. "It was really
a hand-crafted machine," adds Bell. "You think of all these wires as a kind of mess, but
each one has a precise length."

2.15 IBM PC – 1981
On August 12, 1981, IBM released their new computer, re-named the IBM PC. The
"PC" stood for "personal computer" making IBM responsible for popularizing the term
The first IBM PC ran on a 4.77 MHz Intel 8088 microprocessor. The PC came equipped
with 16 kilobytes of memory, expandable to 256k. The PC came with one or two 160k
Floppy Disks Drives and an optional color monitor. The price tag started at $1,565,
which would be nearly $4,000 today.

2.16 Apple Macintosh – 1984

Apple introduced the Macintosh to the nation on January 22, 1984. The original
Macintosh had 128 kilobytes of RAM, although this first model was simply called
"Macintosh" until the 512K model came out in September 1984. The Macintosh retailed
for $2495. It wasn't until the Macintosh that the general population really became aware
of the mouse-driven graphical user interface.

2.17 World Wide Web -1989

"CERN is a meeting place for physicists from all over the world, who collaborate on
complex physics, engineering and information handling projects. Thus, the need for the
WWW system arose "from the geographical dispersion of large collaborations, and the
fast turnover of fellows, students, and visiting scientists," who had to get "up to speed
on projects and leave a lasting contribution before leaving."
CERN possessed both the financial and computing resources necessary to start the
project. In the original proposal, Berners-Lee outlined two phases of the project:
First, CERN would "make use of existing software and hardware as well as
implementing simple browsers for the user's workstations, based on an analysis of the
requirements for information access needs by experiments."
Second, they would "extend the application area by also allowing the users to add new
Berners-Lee expected each phase to take three months "with the full manpower
complement": he was asking for four software engineers and a programmer. The
proposal talked about "a simple scheme to incorporate several different servers of
machine-stored information already available at CERN."


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Set off in 1989, the WWW quickly gained great popularity among Internet users. For
instance, at 11:22 am of April 12, 1995, the WWW server at the SEAS of the University
of Pennsylvania "responded to 128 requests in one minute. Between 10:00 and 11:00

2.18 Quantum Computing with Molecules
by Neil Gershenfeld and Isaac L. Chuang
Factoring a number with 400 digits--a numerical feat needed to break some security
codes--would take even the fastest supercomputer in existence billions of years. But a
newly conceived type of computer, one that exploits quantum-mechanical interactions,
might complete the task in a year or so, thereby defeating many of the most
sophisticated encryption schemes in use. Sensitive data are safe for the time being,
because no one has been able to build a practical quantum computer. But researchers
have now demonstrated the feasibility of this approach. Such a computer would look
nothing like the machine that sits on your desk; surprisingly, it might resemble the cup of
coffee at its side.
Several research groups believe quantum computers based on the molecules in a liquid
might one day overcome many of the limits facing conventional computers. Roadblocks
to improving conventional computers will ultimately arise from the fundamental physical
bounds to miniaturization (for example, because transistors and electrical wiring cannot
be made slimmer than the width of an atom). Or they may come about for practical
reasons--most likely because the facilities for fabricating still more powerful microchips
will become prohibitively expensive. Yet the magic of quantum mechanics might solve
both these problems.

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Lecture 3
Today’s Goal is to …
Become familiar with the World Wide Web
Become familiar with the Web’s structure and how the Web works
Learn about its genesis, its evolution, and its future
About its impact on computing, society, commerce



A browser is an application program that provides a way to look at and interact with all
the information on the World Wide Web. The word "browser" seems to have originated
prior to the Web as a generic term for user interfaces that let you browse (navigate
through and read) text files online. By the time the first Web browser with a graphical
user interface was generally available (Mosaic, in 1993), the term seemed to apply to Web
content, too. Technically, a Web browser is a client program that uses the Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to make requests of Web servers throughout the Internet on
behalf of the browser user.

3.2 URL

URL (Uniform Resource Locator, previously Universal Resource Locator) - pronounced
YU-AHR-EHL or, in some quarters, UHRL - is the address of a file (resource)
accessible on the Internet. The type of file or resource depends on the Internet
application protocol. Using the World Wide Web's protocol, the Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP), the resource can be an HTML page (like the one you're reading), an
image file, or any other file supported by HTTP. The URL contains the name of the
protocol required to access the resource, a domain name that identifies a specific
computer on the Internet, and a pathname (hierarchical description of a file location) on
the computer.
On the Web (which uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol), an example of a URL is:
Which describes a Web page to be accessed with an HTTP (Web browser) application
that is located on a computer named www.ietf.org. The pathname for the specific file in
that computer is /rfc/rfc2396.txt.
An HTTP URL can be for any Web page, not just a home page, or any individual file.
3.3 What is a Web site?
A Web site is a related collection of World Wide Web (WWW) files that includes a
beginning file called a home page. A company or an individual tells you how to get to
their Web site by giving you the address of their home page. From the home page, you
can get to all the other pages on their site. For example, the Web site for IBM has the
home page address of http://www.ibm.com. IBM's home page address leads to
thousands of pages but a web site can also be just of few pages.


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3.4 What is Home Page of a web site?
1) For a Web user, the home page is the first Web page that is displayed after starting a
Web browser like Netscape's Navigator or Microsoft's Internet Explorer. The browser is
usually preset so that the home page is the first page of the browser manufacturer.
However, you can set it to open to any Web site. For example, you can specify that
"http://www.yahoo.com" or "http://whatis.com" be your home page. You can also
specify that there be no home page (a blank space will be displayed) in which case you
choose the first page from your bookmark list or enter a Web address.
2) For a Web site developer, a home page is the first page presented when a user selects
a site or presence on the World Wide Web. The usual address for a Web site is the home
page address, although you can enter the address (Uniform Resource Locator) of any
page and have that page sent to you.

3.5 Who invented the Web & Why?
"CERN is a meeting place for physicists from all over the world, who collaborate on
complex physics, engineering and information handling projects. Thus, the need for the
WWW system arose "from the geographical dispersion of large collaborations, and the
fast turnover of fellows, students, and visiting scientists," who had to get "up to speed
on projects and leave a lasting contribution before leaving."
CERN possessed both the financial and computing resources necessary to start the
project. In the original proposal, Berners-Lee outlined two phases of the project:
First, CERN would "make use of existing software and hardware as well as
implementing simple browsers for the user's workstations, based on an analysis of the
requirements for information access needs by experiments."
Second, they would "extend the application area by also allowing the users to add new
Berners-Lee expected each phase to take three months "with the full manpower
complement": he was asking for four software engineers and a programmer. The
proposal talked about "a simple scheme to incorporate several different servers of
machine-stored information already available at CERN."

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Set off in 1989, the WWW quickly gained great popularity among Internet users. For
instance, at 11:22 am of April 12, 1995, the WWW server at the SEAS of the University
of Pennsylvania "responded to 128 requests in one minute. Between 10:00 and 11:00

3.6 Future of the Web: Semantic Web
The Semantic Web is an idea of World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee that the
Web as a whole can be made more intelligent and perhaps even intuitive about how to
serve a user's needs. Berners-Lee observes that although search engines index much of
the Web's content, they have little ability to select the pages that a user really wants or
needs. He foresees a number of ways in which developers and authors, singly or in
collaborations, can use self-descriptions and other techniques so that contextunderstanding programs can selectively find what users want.
3.7 Useful Web page
Web page for our “Understanding Computers” text book

What have we learnt today?

What is the World Wide Web?
How does it work?
About its expected evolution into the Semantic Web
The impact of the Web on computing, society, and commerce


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Lecture 4
Today’s Goal
To learn to classify computers according to their capability and targeted applications
To find out about the essential building blocks that make up a modern computer
Computer Types According to Capability

4.1 Computer Types According to Capability
4.2 Supercomputers

A supercomputer is a computer that performs at or near the currently highest
operational rate for computers. A supercomputer is typically used for scientific and
engineering applications that must handle very large databases or do a great amount of
computation (or both). At any given time, there are usually a few well-publicized
supercomputers that operate at the very latest and always incredible speeds.
Perhaps the best-known builder of supercomputers has been Cray Research, now a part
of Silicon Graphics. Some supercomputers are at "supercomputer center," usually
university research centers, some of which, in the United States, are interconnected on
an Internet backbone (A backbone is a larger transmission line that carries data gathered
from smaller lines that interconnect with it) known as vBNS or NSFNet.
At the high end of supercomputing are computers like IBM's "Blue Pacific," announced
on October 29, 1998. Built in partnership with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
in California, Blue Pacific is reported to operate at 3.9 teraflop (trillion floating point
operations per second), 15,000 times faster than the average personal computer. It
consists of 5,800 processors containing a total of 2.6 trillion bytes of memory and
interconnected with five miles of cable.
4.3 Mainframe Computers
A very large and expensive computer capable of supporting hundreds, or even
thousands, of users simultaneously. In the hierarchy that starts with a simple
microprocessor (in watches, for example) at the bottom and moves to supercomputers at
the top, mainframes are just below supercomputers. In some ways, mainframes are more
powerful than supercomputers because they support more simultaneous programs. But
supercomputers can execute a single program faster than a mainframe. The distinction
between small mainframes and minicomputers is vague (not clearly expressed),
depending really on how the manufacturer wants to market its machines.
4.4 Servers / Minicomputers
A midsized computer. In size and power, minicomputers lie between workstations and
mainframes. In the past decade, the distinction between large minicomputers and small
mainframes has blurred, however, as has the distinction between small minicomputers
and workstations. But in general, a minicomputer is a multiprocessing system capable of
supporting from 4 to about 200 users simultaneously.
4.5 Desktops
These are also called microcomputers. Low-end desktops are called PC’s and high-end
ones “Workstations”. These are generally consisting of a single processor only, some
times 2, along with MB’s of memory, and GB’s of storage. PC’s are used for running
productivity applications, Web surfing, messaging. Workstations are used for more
demanding tasks like low-end 3-D simulations and other engineering & scientific apps.
These are not as reliable and fault-tolerant as servers. Workstations cost a few thousand
dollars; PC around a $1000.
4.6 Portables
Portable computer is a personal computer that is designed to be easily transported and
relocated, but is larger and less convenient to transport than a notebook computer. The
earliest PCs designed for easy transport were called portables. As the size and weight of
most portables decreased, they became known as laptop computer and later as notebook
computer. Today, larger transportable computers continue to be called portable computers.
Most of these are special-purpose computers - for example, those for use in industrial
environments where they need to be moved about frequently.

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PDA (personal digital assistant) is a term for any small mobile hand-held device that
provides computing and information storage and retrieval capabilities for personal or
business use, often for keeping schedule calendars and address book information handy.
The term handheld is a synonym. Many people use the name of one of the popular PDA
products as a generic term. These include Hewlett-Packard's Palmtop and 3Com's
Most PDAs have a small keyboard. Some PDAs have an electronically sensitive pad on
which handwriting can be received. Apple's Newton, which has been withdrawn from
the market, was the first widely-sold PDA that accepted handwriting. Typical uses
include schedule and address book storage and retrieval and note-entering. However,
many applications have been written for PDAs. Increasingly, PDAs are combined with
telephones and paging systems.
Some PDAs offer a variation of the Microsoft Windows operating system called
Windows CE. Other products have their own or another operating system.

4.7 Ranking w.r.t. installed number
Wearable (picture is provided)

At the highest level, two things are required for computing
Computer equipment such as a CPU, disk drives, CRT, or printer
A computer program, which provides the instructions which enable the computer
hardware to work

4.8 All computers have the following essential hardware components:
The devices used to give the computer data or commands are called Input devices.
Includes keyboard, mouse, scanner, etc
A processor is the logic circuitry that responds to and processes the basic instructions
that drive a computer.
The term processor has generally replaced the term central processing unit (CPU). The
processor in a personal computer or embedded in small devices is often called a
Short for microprocessor, the central processing unit in a computer. The processor is the
logic of a computer and functions comparably to a human central nervous system,
directing signals from one component to another and enabling everything to happen
Memory is the electronic holding place for instructions and data that your computer's
microprocessor can reach quickly. When your computer is in normal operation, its
memory usually contains the main parts of the operating system and some or all of the
application programs and related data that are being used. Memory is often used as a
shorter synonym for random access memory (RAM). This kind of memory is located on
one or more microchips that are physically close to the microprocessor in your
computer. Most desktop and notebook computers sold today include at least 16
megabytes of RAM, and are upgradeable to include more. The more RAM you have, the
less frequently the computer has to access instructions and data from the more slowly
accessed hard disk form of storage.
Memory is also called primary or main memory.


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Computer storage is the holding of data in an electromagnetic form for access by a
computer processor. It is also called secondary storage. In secondary storage data resides
on hard disks, tapes, and other external devices.
Primary storage is much faster to access than secondary storage because of the proximity
of the storage to the processor or because of the nature of the storage devices. On the
other hand, secondary storage can hold much more data than primary storage.
The devices to which the computer writes data are called Output devices. Often converts
the data into a human readable form. Monitor and printer are output devices.
Unit Unit

Keyboard Mouse

Point Memory

System Bus





4.9 Input Devices
A mouse is a small device that a computer user pushes across a desk surface in order to
point to a place on a display screen and to select one or more actions to take from that
position. The mouse first became a widely-used computer tool when Apple Computer
made it a standard part of the Apple Macintosh. Today, the mouse is an integral part of
the graphical user interface (GUI) of any personal computer. The mouse apparently got
its name by being about the same size and color as a toy mouse.
On most computers, a keyboard is the primary text input device. A keyboard on a
computer is almost identical to a keyboard on a typewriter. Computer keyboards will
typically have extra keys, however. Some of these keys (common examples include
Control, Alt, and Meta) are meant to be used in conjunction with other keys just like
shift on a regular typewriter. Other keys (common examples include Insert, Delete,
Home, End, Help, function keys, etc.) are meant to be used independently and often
perform editing tasks.
In computers, a joystick is a cursor control device used in computer games. The joystick,
which got its name from the control stick used by a pilot to control the ailerons and
elevators of an airplane, is a hand-held lever that pivots on one end and transmits its
coordinates to a computer. It often has one or more push-buttons, called switches,
whose position can also be read by the computer.
Digital Camera
A digital camera records and stores photographic images in digital form that can be fed
to a computer as the impressions are recorded or stored in the camera for later loading
into a computer or printer. Currently, Kodak, Canon, and several other companies make
digital cameras.
A device that converts sound waves into audio signals. These could be used for sound
recording as well as voice chatting through internet.
A scanner is a device that captures images from photographic prints, posters, magazine
pages, and similar sources for computer editing and display. Scanners come in hand-held,
feed-in, and flatbed types and for scanning black-and-white only, or color. Very high
resolution scanners are used for scanning for high-resolution printing, but lower

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resolution scanners are adequate for capturing images for computer display. Scanners
usually come with software, such as Adobe's Photoshop product, that lets you resize and
otherwise modify a captured image

4.10 What is Port?

On computer and telecommunication devices, a port (noun) is generally a specific place
for being physically connected to some other device, usually with a socket and plug of
some kind. Typically, a personal computer is provided with one or more serial ports and
usually one parallel port.

4.11Many Types of Ports

An interface on a computer that supports transmission of multiple bits at the same time;
almost exclusively used for connecting a printer. On IBM or compatible computers, the
parallel port uses a 25-pin connector.


It is a general-purpose personal computer communications port in which 1 bit of
information is transferred at a time. In the past, most digital cameras were connected to
a computer's serial port in order to transfer images to the computer. Recently, however,
the serial port is being replaced by the much faster USB port on digital cameras as well as
A port that's faster than the serial and parallel ports but slower and harder to configure
than the newer USB port. Also know as the Small Computer System Interface.
A high-speed connection that enables devices, such as hard-disk drives and network
adapters, to be attached to a computer.
USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a plug-and-play hardware interface for peripherals such as
the keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanner, printer and modem. USB has a maximum
bandwidth of 12 Mbits/sec and up to 127 devices can be attached. With USB, a new
device can be added to your computer without having to add an adapter card. It typically
is located at the back of the PC
FireWire is simply a really fast port that lets you connect computer peripherals and
consumer electronics to your computer without the need to restart. It is a simple
common plug-in serial connector on the back of your computer.
It has the ability to chain devices together in a number of different ways without
terminators for example, simply join 2 computers with a FireWire cable for instant highspeed networking.

4.12 Processor
StrongARM (PDA)
Crusoe (Laptops)
SPARC (Workstations)

4.13 Memory/Storage

RAM (random access memory) is the place in a computer where the operating system,
application programs, and data in current use are kept so that they can be quickly
reached by the computer's processor. RAM is much faster to read from and write to than
the other kinds of storage in a computer, the hard disk, floppy disk, and CD-ROM.
However, the data in RAM stays there only as long as your computer is running. When
you turn the computer off, RAM loses its data. When you turn your computer on again,
your operating system and other files are once again loaded into RAM, usually from your
hard disk.


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Punch cards
A card on which data can be recorded in the form of punched holes.

ROM is "built-in" computer memory containing data that normally can only be read, not
written to. ROM contains the programming that allows your computer to be "booted
up" or regenerated each time you turn it on. Unlike a computer's random access memory
(RAM), the data in ROM is not lost when the computer power is turned off.
The ROM is sustained by a small long-life battery in your computer.
Hard disk
Hard disk is a computer storage device which saves and retrieves the data when
required. Its capacity is much greater than the computer memory (RAM, ROM). Data on
hard disk is stored and retrieved from electromagnetically charged surface.
Today we can save huge amount of data on a single hard disk. Now hard disks can
contain several billion bytes.
Floppy disk
A diskette is a random access, removable data storage medium that can be used with
personal computers. The term usually refers to the magnetic medium housed in a rigid
plastic cartridge measuring 3.5 inches square and about 2 millimeters thick. Also called a
"3.5-inch diskette," it can store up to 1.44 megabytes (MB) of data.
In computers, tape is an external storage medium, usually both readable and writable,
can store data in the form of electromagnetic charges that can be read and also erased. A
tape drive is the device that positions, writes from, and reads to the tape.
A compact disc [sometimes spelled disk] (CD) is a small, portable, round medium for
electronically recording, storing, and playing back audio, video, text, and other
information in digital form.
DVD (digital versatile disc) is an optical disc technology that is expected to rapidly
replace the CD-ROM disc (as well as the audio compact disc) over the next few years.
The digital versatile disc (DVD) holds 4.7 gigabyte of information on one of its two
sides, or enough for a 133-minute movie.

4.14 Classifying Memory/Storage
Electronic (RAM, ROM), magnetic (HD, FD, Tape), optical (CD, DVD)
Volatile (RAM), non-volatile (HD)
Direct access (RAM, HD), serial access (Tape)
Read/write (HD, RAM), read-only (CD)

4.15 Output Devices

4.16 Modem
Modem is output as well as input device at the same time. It receives the data (analog
signal) coming through telephone line, converts them to digital signals and sends them to

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computer to which it is attached. It also receives the data from computer and changes it
to analog signals.

What have we learnt today?
What are the various types of computers with respect to their size, capability,
applications (FIVE TYPES)
The five essential components of any computer are input devices, processor, memory,
storage and output devices


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Lecture 5
Today’s goal is quite simple …
To learn about the various components of the popular personnel computer.
How those things are put together to form a PC

5.1 PC Parts

Front buttons
Backside ports, fan, slots, cables

5.2 Inside of the CPU

Power supply/fan & connectors
Edge connectors
Video card
Network card
Sound card

5.3 The Processor Module

The slot on the motherboard
The housing
Heat sink
Pins (256?), Transistors (10 million?)

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Lecture 6
Learning Goals for Today
6.1 To develop your personal Web page
To upload your Web page to VU’s Web server so that it becomes visible on the Internet
as http://www.vu.edu.pk/~xxxxxxx/
where xxxxxxx is your user ID


Hyper Text Markup Language

Altaf Khan's Home Page

Altaf Khan

Adjunct Lecturer in Computer Science
Virtual University
Building 1, 3rd Floor, Aiwan-e-Iqbal, Lahore
+92 42 555 1212

I teach the Introduction Computing course.

28 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan to Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU http://www.vu.edu.pk/~altaf/index.html http://www.vu.edu.pk/~altaf http://www.vu.edu.pk/~xxxxxxx where xxxxxxx is your user ID … … … … … …

Line break © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 29 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Bold text label http:// example: “http://www.vu.edu.pk” mailto: example: “mailto:altaf@vu.edu.pk” HTML Code I am at the Virtual University. You can send me an e-mail by clicking here. Browser Display I am at the Virtual University. You can send me an e-mail by clicking here. What have we learned today? We now know how Web pages are built using HTML We also know how to make our personal Web pages available to everyone on the Internet Useful URL’s HTML for the Conceptually Challenged http://www.arachnoid.com/lutusp/html_tutor.html NCSA’s Beginner's Guide to HTML http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/General/Internet/WWW/HTMLPrimerAll.html Homework Assignment Develop your own home page. It should http://www.vu.edu.pk/~xxxxxxx (xxxxxxxx is your user ID) be accessible Among other things, it should contain At least one link to http://www.vu.edu.pk/~altaf Your (clickable) email address A paragraph (50-100 words) on what you see yourself doing 10 years from now. Consult your syllabus for the submission deadline for this assignment 30 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan as Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 7 Goals for Today Today we want to learn about the microprocessor, the key component, the brain, of a computer We’ll learn about the function of a microprocessor And its various sub-systems Bus interface unit Data & instruction cache memory Instruction decoder Arithmetic-Logic unit Floating-point unit Control unit 7.1 Microprocessor A microprocessor (abbreviated as µP or uP) is a computer processor on a microchip. It's sometimes called a logic chip. A microprocessor is designed to perform arithmetic and logic operations that make use of small number-holding areas called registers. Typical microprocessor operations include adding, subtracting, comparing two numbers, and fetching numbers from one area to another. These operations are the result of a set of instructions that are part of the microprocessor design. When the computer is turned on, the microprocessor is designed to get the first instruction from the basic input/output system (BIOS) that comes with the computer as part of its memory. After that, either the BIOS, or the operating system that BIOS loads into computer memory, or an application program is "driving" the microprocessor, giving it instructions to perform. The number of transistors available has a huge effect on the performance of a processor. As seen earlier, a typical instruction in a processor like an 8088 took 15 clock cycles to execute. Because of the design of the multiplier, it took approximately 80 cycles just to do one 16-bit multiplication on the 8088. With more transistors, much more powerful multipliers capable of single-cycle speeds become possible. A microprocessor is made from miniaturized transistors and other circuit elements on a single semiconductor integrated circuit (IC) . These are made up of semiconductor and silicon. 7.2 Integrated Circuits A chip is also called an (integrated circuit (IC) (aka microchip or just chip). It is a microelectronic semiconductor device consisting of many interconnected transistors and other components.Generally it is a small, thin piece of silicon onto which the transistors making up the microprocessor have been etched. A chip might be as large as an inch on a side and can contain tens of millions of transistors. Simpler processors might consist of a few thousand transistors etched onto a chip just a few millimeters square. Integrated circuits can be classified into analog, digital and mixed signal (both analog and digital on the same chip). Digital integrated circuits can contain anything from one to millions of logic gates, flip-flops, multiplexers, etc. in a few square millimeters. The small size of these circuits allows high speed, low power dissipation, and reduced manufacturing cost compared with board-level integration. The growth of complexity of integrated circuits follows a trend called "Moore's Law", it states that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles every two years. 7.3 Devices 7.3.1 Transistors © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 31 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU The transistor is a solid state semiconductor device used for amplification and switching, and has three terminals. A small current or voltage applied to one terminal controls the current through the other two, hence the term transistor; a voltage- or current-controlled resistor. It is the key component in all modern electronics. In digital circuits, transistors are used as very fast electrical switches, and arrangements of transistors can function as logic gates, RAM-type memory and other devices. In analog circuits, transistors are essentially used as amplifiers. 7.3.2 Diodes A diode functions as the electronic version of a one-way valve. By restricting the direction of movement of charge carriers, it allows an electric current to flow in one direction, but blocks it in the opposite direction. A diode's current-voltage, or I-V, characteristic can be approximated by two regions of operation. Below a certain difference in potential between the two leads, the diode can be thought of as an open (non-conductive) circuit. As the potential difference is increased, at some stage the diode will become conductive and allow current to flow, at which point it can be thought of as a connection with zero (or at least very low) resistance. In a typical semiconductor p-n diode, conventional current can flow from the p-doped side to the n-doped side, but not in the opposite direction. When the diode is reverse-biased, the charge carriers are pulled away from the center of the device, creating a depletion region. More specifically, the transfer function is logarithmic, but so sharp that it looks like a corner. 7.3.3 Resistors A resistor is an electrical component designed to have an electrical resistance that is independent of the current flowing through it. The common type of resistor is also designed to be independent of temperature and other factors. Resistors may be fixed or variable. Variable resistors are also called potentiometers or rheostats A few resistor types Some resistors are long and thin, with the actual resisting material in the centre, and a conducting metal leg on each end. This is called an axial package. Resistors used in computers and other devices are typically much smaller, often in surfacemount (Surface-mount technology) packages without leads. Larger power resistors come in more sturdy packages designed to dissipate heat efficiently, but they are all basically the same structure. Resistors are used as part of electrical networks and incorporated into microelectronic semiconductor devices. The critical measurement of a resistor is its resistance, which serves as a ratio of voltage to current and is measured in ohms, an SI unit. Any physical object is a kind of resistor. Most metals are conductors, and have low resistance to the flow of electricity. The human body, a piece of plastic, or even a vacuum has a resistance that can be measured. Materials that have very high resistance are called insulators. 7.3.4 Capacitors A capacitor (historically known as a "condenser") is a device that stores energy in an electric field, by accumulating an internal imbalance of electric charge. An ideal capacitor can store electronic energy when disconnected from its charging circuit, so it can be used like a fast battery. In AC or signal circuits it induces a phase difference of 90 degrees, current leading potential. They are connected in parallel with the power circuits of most electronic devices and larger systems (such as factories) to shunt away and conceal current fluctuations from the primary power source to provide a "clean" power supply for signal or control circuits. The effect of such capacitors can be thought of in two different ways. One way of thinking about it is that the capacitors act as a local reserve for the DC power source, to smooth out fluctuations by charging and discharging each cycle. The other way to think about it is that the capacitor and resistance of the power supply circuitry acts as a filter and removes high frequencies, leaving only DC. Wires And are made of the following materials 32 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Silicon - semiconductor Copper - conductor Silicon Dioxide - insulator 7.4 Microprocessor system Microprocessors are powerful pieces of hardware, but not much useful on their own. They do not have the sense of their own. Like the human sample it needs some instructions inputs and outputs to process some task. As per instruction given to the microprocessor. A microprocessor system is microprocessor plus all the components it requires to do a certain task. Shortly, a microprocessor needs help of some components to make up the task to fulfill. These components are input, output, storage, and memory. All these components and microprocessor make up a microprocessor system. Personal Computer is an example of microprocessor System. Another example is the microcontroller. 7.5 Micro-controllers A microcontroller is a microprocessor optimised to be used to control electronic equipment. Microcontrollers represent the vast majority of all computer chips sold, over 50% are "simple" controllers, and another 20% are more specialized decipline processors. While you may have one or two general-purpose microprocessors in your house (you're using one to read this), you likely have somewhere between one and two dozen microcontrollers. They can be found in almost any electrical device, washing machines, microwave ovens, telephones etc. A microcontroller includes CPU, memory for the program (ROM), memory for data (RAM), I/O lines to communicate with peripherals and complementary resources, all this in a closed chip. A microcontroller differs from a standalone CPU, because the first one generally is quite easy to make into a working computer, with a minimum of external support chips. The idea is that the microcontroller will be placed in the device to control, hooked up to power and any information it needs, and that's that. 7.6 The Main Memory Bottleneck Modern super-fast microprocessors can process a huge amount of data in a short duration. They need data to be processed at the same speed. Other wise they have to sit idle and wait for the input/data, because speed of input is rather small then processing of data. They require quick access to data to maximize their performance. If they don’t receive the data that they require, they literally stop and wait, this results in reduced performance and wasted power. Current microprocessors can process an instruction in about ns (nanosecond). Time required for fetching data from main memory (RAM) is of the order of 100 ns Solution to the Bottleneck Problem In order to eliminate the solution it was suggested to make the main memory faster. But that evolved a problem that the 1-ns memory is extremely expensive as compared the currently popular 100-ns memory. Finally it was decided that in addition to the relatively slow main memory, put a small amount of ultra-fast RAM right next to the microprocessor on the same chip and make sure that frequently used data and instructions resides in that ultra-fast memory It increases the performance. It supports better over performance due to fast access to frequently used data and instructions. 7.7 Cache A cache is a collection of duplicate data, where the original data is expensive to fetch or compute (usually in terms of access time) relative to the cache. Future accesses to the data can be made by accessing the cached copy rather than refetching or recomputing the original data, so that the perceived average access time is lower. Caches may mark the cached data as 'stale' when the original data is changed, but this is not always the case. © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 33 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU On-Chip Cache Memory (1) That small amount of memory located on the same chip as the microprocessor is called On-Chip Cache Memory. The microprocessor stores a copy of frequently used data and instructions in its cache memory. When the microprocessor desires to look at a piece of data, it checks in the cache first. If it is not there, only then the microprocessor asks for the same from the main memory On-Chip Cache Memory (2) L2, cache memory, which is on a separate chip from the microprocessor but faster to access than regular RAM. It is the small size and proximity to the microprocessor makes access times short, resulting in a boost in performance. Microprocessors predict what data will be required for future calculations and it pre-fetches that data and places it in the cache so that it is available immediately when the need arises. 7.8 Microprocessors Building Blocks Microprocessor Data Cache Memory Bus RAM Bus Interface Unit I/O Control Unit Instruction Decoder System Bus Arithmetic & Logic Unit Registers Floating Point Unit Instruction Cache Registers Bus Interface Unit The bus interface unit is the part of the processor that interfaces with the rest of the PC. Its name comes from the fact that it deals with moving information over the processor data bus, the primary conduit for the transfer of information to and from the CPU. The bus interface unit is responsible for responding to all signals that go to the processor, and generating all signals that go from the processor to other parts of the system. It receives instructions & data from main memory to be processed and operations. After the operations are processed it then sends back the information (processed data) to the cache. It also receives the processed data to send it to the main memory. Instruction Decoder The instruction decoder of a processor is a combinatorial circuit sometimes in the form of a read-only memory, sometimes in the form of an ordinary combinatorial circuit. Its purpose is to translate an instruction code into the address in the micro memory where the micro code for the instruction starts. 34 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU A decoder is a device which is the reverse, undoing the encoding so that the original information can be retrieved. The same method used to encode is usually just reversed in order to decode.This unit receives the programming instructions and decodes them into a form that is understandable by the processing units, i.e. The ALU or FPU Then, it passes on the decoded instruction to the ALU or FPUs as desired. Arithmetic & Logic Unit (ALU) An arithmetic and logical unit (ALU) also known as “Integer Unit” is one of the core components of all central processing units. It is capable of calculating the results of a wide variety of common computations. The most common available operations are the integer arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication, the bitwise logic operations of AND, NOT, OR, and XOR, and various shift operations. The ALU takes as inputs the data to be operated on and a code from the control unit indicating which operation to perform, and for output provides the result of the computation. In some designs it may also take as input and output a set of condition codes, which can be used to indicate cases such as carry-in or carry-out, overflow, or other statuses. The new breed of popular microprocessors have not one but two almost identical ALU’s that can do calculations simultaneously, doubling the capability Floating-Point Unit (FPU) A floating point unit (FPU) is a part of a CPU specially designed to carry out operations on floating point numbers. Typical operations are floating point arithmetic (such as addition and multiplication), but some systems may be capable of performing exponential or trigonometric calculations as well (such as square roots or cosines). Not all CPUs have a dedicated FPU. In the absence of an FPU, the CPU may use a microcode program to emulate an FPUs function using an arithmetic and logical unit (ALU), which saves the added hardware cost of an FPU but is significantly slower. In some computer architectures, floating point operations are handled completely separate from integer operations, with dedicated floating point registers and independent clocking schemes. Floating point addition and multiplication operations are typically pipelined, but more complicated operations, like division, may not be, and some systems may even have a dedicated floating point divider circuit. Registers A register is a device for storing data. It is a small amount of very fast computer memory used to speed the execution of computer programs by providing quick access to commonly used values. These registers are the top of the memory hierarchy, and are the fastest way for the system to manipulate data. It is common to measure registers by the number of bits it can hold, for example, an "8-bit register" or "32-bit register". Registers are now usually implemented as an array of SRAMs, but they have also been implemented using individual flip flops, high speed core memory, thin film memory, and other ways in various machines. There are several other classes of registers: Data registers are used to store integer numbers. Address registers hold memory addresses and are used to access memory. General Purpose registers can store both data and addresses. Floating Point registers are used to store floating point numbers. Constant registers hold read-only values (e.g zero or one). Vector registers hold data for Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) instructions. Special Purpose registers which store internal CPU data like the stack pointer or processor status words. The ALU & FPU store intermediate and final results from their calculations in these registers. Then the processed data goes back to the data cache and then to main memory from these registers. Control Unit © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 35 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU A control unit is the part of a CPU or other device that directs its operation. The outputs of the unit control the activity of the rest of the device. A control unit can be thought of as a finite state machine. It is called the brain of computer microprcessor. It manages whole process of the microprocessor. For it identifes which data is sent to the ALU or memory etc. At one time control units for CPUs were ad-hoc logic, and they were difficult to design. Now they are often implemented as a microprogram that is stored in a control store. Microprocessor Data Cache Memory Bus RAM I/O Control Bus Unit Interface Unit Instruction Decoder System Bus Arithmetic & Logic Unit Registers Floating Point Unit Instruction Cache Registers That was the structure, now let’s talk about the language of a microprocessor Instruction Set The set of machine instructions that a microprocessor recognizes and can execute – the only language microprocessor knows An instruction set includes low-level, a single step-at-a-time instructions, such as add, subtract, multiply, and divide Each microprocessor family has its unique instruction set Bigger instruction-sets mean more complex chips (higher costs, reduced efficiency), but shorter programs An instruction set, or instruction set architecture (ISA), is a specification detailing the commands that a computer's CPU should be able to understand and execute, or the set of all commands implemented by a particular CPU design. The term describes the aspects of a computer or microprocessor typically visible to a programmer, including the native datatypes, instructions, registers, memory architecture, interrupt and fault system, and external I/O (if any). "Instruction set architecture" is sometimes used to distinguish this set of characteristics from the Micro-Architecture, which are the elements and techniques used to implement the ISA, e.g. microcode, pipelining, cache systems, etc. Bigger instruction-sets mean more complex chips (higher costs, reduced efficiency), but shorter programs. Each microprocessor family has its unique instruction set. Following are the few ISA; MIPS Motorola 6800 ARM PowerPC x86 (Pentium) ALGOL Object Code SPARC 7.9The 1st microprocessor : Intel 4004 The first microprocessor was the Intel 4004, introduced in 1971. The 4004 was not very powerful all it could do was add and subtract, and it could only do that 4 bits at a time. But it was amazing that everything was on one chip. Prior to the 4004, engineers built computers 36 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU either from collections of chips or from discrete components (transistors wired one at a time). The 4004 powered one of the first portable electronic calculators. It was as powerful as ENIAC which had 18000 tubes and occupied a large room. It cost less then $100. Its targeted use was of calculation. It consisted of 2250 transistors and 16pins. Speed was 108 kHz, 60,000 ops/sec. Why Intel came up with the idea? A Japanese calculator manufacturer, Busicom wanted Intel to develop 16 separate IC’s for a line of new calculators. Intel, at that point in time known only as a memory manufacturer, was quite small and did not have the resources to do all 16 chips. Then Ted Hoff came up with the idea of doing all 16 on a single chip. Later, Intel realized that the 4004 could have other uses as well. Currently Intel came with – Intel Pentium 4 (2.2GHz). It was introduced in December 2001. It got 55 million transistors. 32-bit word size. Within the processor it has 2 ALU’s each working at 4.4GHz. It costs around $600. Moore’s Law Moore's law(1965) is an empirical observation stating in effect that at our rate of technological development and advances in the semiconductor industry the complexity of integrated circuits doubles every 18 months. His original empirical observation was that the number of components on semiconductor chips with lowest per-component cost doubles roughly every 12 months, and he conjectured that the trend will stay for at least 10 years. In 1975, Moore revised his estimate for the expected doubling time, arguing that it was slowing down to about two years Evolution of Intel Microprocessors 4-, 8-, 16-, 32-, 64-bit (Word Length) The 4004 dealt with data in chunks of 4-bits at a time Pentium 4 deals with data in chunks (words) of 32-bit length The new Itanium processor deals with 64-bit chunks (words) at a time kHz, MHz, GHz (Clock Frequency) 4004 worked at a clock frequency of 108kHz The latest processors have clock freqs. in GHz Out of 2 microprocessors having similar designs, one with higher clock frequency will be more powerful Same is not true for 2 microprocessors of dissimilar designs. Example: Out of PowerPC & Pentium 4 microprocessors working at the same freq, the former performs better due to superior design. Same for the Athlon microprocessor when compared with a Pentium Enhancing the capability of a microprocessor ? The computing capability of a microprocessor can be enhanced in many different ways: © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 37 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU By increasing the clock frequency By increasing the word-width By having a more effective caching algorithm and the right cache size By adding more functional units (e.g. ALU’s, FPU’s, Vector/SIMD units, etc.) Improving the architecture What have we learnt today? Today we learnt about the microprocessor, the key component, the brain, of a computer We learnt about the function of a microprocessor And its various sub-systems Bus interface unit Data & instruction cache memory Instruction decoder ALU Floating-point unit Control unit 38 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 8 Binary Numbers & Logic Operations The focus of the last lecture was on the microprocessor During that lecture we learnt about the function of the central component of a computer, the microprocessor And its various sub-systems Bus interface unit Data & instruction cache memory Instruction decoder ALU Floating-point unit Control unit Learning Goals for Today To become familiar with number system used by the microprocessors - binary numbers To become able to perform decimal-to-binary conversions To understand the NOT, AND, OR and XOR logic operations – the fundamental operations that are available in all microprocessors BINARY (BASE 2) numbers DECIMAL (BASE 10) numbers Decimal (base 10) number system consists of 10 symbols or digits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Binary (base 2) number system consists of just two 01 Other popular number systems Octal base = 8 8 symbols (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) Hexadecimal base = 16 16 symbols (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F) Decimal (base 10) numbers are expressed in the positional notation The right-most is the least significant di i 4202 = 2x100 + 0x101 + 2x102 + 4x103 The left-most is the most significant digit © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 39 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Decimal (base 10) numbers are expressed in the positional notation 1 4202 = 2x100 + 0x101 + 2x102 + 4x103 1’s multiplier Decimal (base 10) numbers are expressed in the positional notation Decimal (base 10) numbers are expressed in the positional notation 10 100 4202 = 2x100 + 0x101 + 2x102 + 4x103 4202 = 2x100 + 0x101 + 2x102 + 4x103 10’s multiplier 100’s multiplier Decimal (base 10) numbers are expressed in the positional notation 1000 4202 = 2x100 + 0x101 + 2x102 + 4x103 1000’s multiplier 40 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Binary (base 2) numbers are also expressed in the positional notation The right-most is the least significant di i 10011 = 1x20 + 1x21 + 0x22 + 0x23 + 1x24 Binary (base 2) numbers are also expressed in the positional notation The left-most is the most significant digit 1 10011 = 1x20 + 1x21 + 0x22 + 0x23 + 1x24 1’s multiplier Binary (base 2) numbers are also expressed in the positional notation 8 10011 = 1x20 + 1x21 + 0x22 + 0x23 + 1x24 8’s multiplier Binary (base 2) numbers are also expressed in the positional notation 16 10011 = 1x20 + 1x21 + 0x22 + 0x23 + 1x24 16’s multiplier © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 41 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Counting in Decimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Counting in Binary 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 . . . 0 1 10 11 100 101 110 111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 10000 10001 10010 10011 10100 10101 10110 10111 11000 11001 11010 11011 11100 11101 11110 11111 100000 100001 100010 100011 100100 . . . 8.1 Why binary Because this system is natural for digital computers The fundamental building block of a digital computer – the switch – possesses two natural states, ON & OFF. It is natural to represent those states in a number system that has only two symbols, 1 and 0, i.e. the binary number system In some ways, the decimal number system is natural to us humans. Why? bit binary digit Byte = 8 bits Decimal Binary conversion Convert 75 to Binary . 2 75 2 37 1 2 18 1 2 9 0 2 4 1 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 1 remainde 1001011 Check 1001011 = 42 1x20 + 1x21 + 0x22 + 1x23 + 0x24 + 0x25 + 1x26 = 1 + 2 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 0 + 64 = 75 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Convert 100 to Binary 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 remainde r 10 5 2 1 6 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1100100 That finishes our first topic - introduction to binary numbers and their conversion to and from decimal numbers Our next topic is … 8.2 Boolean Logic Operations Let x, y, z be Boolean variables. Boolean variables can only have binary values i.e., they can have values which are either 0 or 1. For example, if we represent the state of a light switch with a Boolean variable x, we will assign a value of 0 to x when the switch is OFF, and 1 when it is ON A few other names for the states of these Boolean variables 0 1 Off On Low High False True We define the following logic operations or functions among the Boolean variables Name Example Symbolically NOT y = NOT(x) x´ AND z = x AND y x·y OR z = x OR y x+y XOR z = x XOR y x⊕y © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 43 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU We’ll define these operations with the help of truth tables what is the truth table of a logic function A truth table defines the output of a logic function for all possible inputs Truth Table for the NOT Operation (y true whenever x is false) X y = x´ 0 1 Truth Table for the NOT Operation X y = x´ 0 1 1 0 Truth Table for the AND Operation (z true when both x & y true) y 0 1 0 1 X 0 0 1 1 z=x·y Truth Table for the AND Operation X 0 0 1 1 y 0 1 0 1 Truth Table for the OR Operation (z true when x or y or both true) y x 44 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 z=x·y 0 0 0 1 z=x+y © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Truth Table for the OR Operation x y z=x+y 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 Truth Table for the XOR Operation (z true when x or y true, but not both) X y 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 z=x⊕y 8.3 Truth Table for the XOR Operation X y z=x⊕y 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 Those 4 were the fundamental logic operations. Here are examples of a few more complex situations z = (x + y )´ z = y · (x + y ) z = (y · x) ⊕ w 8.4 STRATEGY: Divide & Conquer z = (x + y )´ © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 45 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU x y x+y z = (x + y)´ 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 z = y · (x + y ) x y x+y 0 0 0 z = y · (x + y) 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 z = (y · x) ⊕ w x y W y·x 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 z = (y · x) ⊕w 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 Number of rows in a truth table? 2n n = number of input variables What have we learnt today? About the binary number system, and how it differs from the decimal system Positional notation for representing binary and decimal numbers A process (or algorithm) which can be used to convert decimal numbers to binary numbers Basic logic operations for Boolean variables, i.e. NOT, OR, AND, XOR, NOR, NAND, XNOR Construction of truth tables (How many rows?) Focus of the Next Lecture Next lecture will be the 3rd on Web dev The focus of the one after that, the 10th lecture, however, will be on software. During that lecture we will try: To understand the role of software in computing To become able to differentiate between system and application software 46 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 9 HTML Lists & Tables (Web Development Lecture 3) Today is our 3rd Web Dev lecture During our 2nd lecture on Web dev … We learnt to develop our own Web pages in HTML We learnt about some of the tags used in HTML pages


, , , ,


, , label , action=http:// or mailto: We also learnt about how to upload our Web pages to VU’s Web server so that it becomes visible on the Internet as http://www.vu.edu.pk/~xxxxxxxx/ where xxxxxxxx is your VU user ID Today’s Lecture We will extend our Web pages by adding a few more tags Specifically, we will learn about various types of lists that can be added to a Web page And also, about tables But first … A few comments on the general structure of HTML tags 9.1 Single Tags Example:
Single Tags with Atributes Example:
Paired Tags Example:

Paired Tags with Attributes Example:

© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 47 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU List 48 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Altaf Khan's Home Page

Altaf Khan

Adjunct Lecturer in Computer Science
Virtual University
Building 1, 3rd Floor, Aiwan-e-Iqbal, Lahore
+92 42 555 1212

I teach the Introduction Computing course.

Altaf Khan's Home Page

Altaf Khan

Adjunct Lecturer in Computer Science
Virtual University
Building 1, 3rd Floor, Aiwan-e-Iqbal, Lahore
+92 42 555 1212

I teach the Introduction Computing course.

to to The additional code for the list and table goes here © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 49 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU

My favorite PC games are:

  • SimCity
  • Quake
  • Bridge
Additional code

My favorite sports are:

Indoor Outdoor
Squash Cricket

My favorite PC games are:

Code for the list
  • SimCity
  • Quake
  • Bridge

My favorite sports are:

Indoor Outdoor
Squash Cricket
Code for the table HTML Code Browser Display
  • SimCity
  • Quake
  • Bridge
    50 • • • Un-ordered List © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan SimCity Quake Bridge Introduction to Computing –CS101
  • VU Line Item The default “bullet” for these lists is a “disc” That, however, can be changed to a “circle” or a “square” with the help of the type attribute HTML Code Browser Display
    • SimCity
    • Quake
    • Bridge
    • • • SimCity Quake Bridge Q: What happens if I start a new list without closing the original one?
    • SimCity
    • Quake II
      • SimCity 3000
      • Quake III
      Browser Display
    • Bridge
    ¾ Different bullets ¾ Additional tab • • SimCity Quake II • SimCity 3000 • • © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Quake III Bridge 51 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Such structures, i.e., those in which another starts before the first list is finished, are called Nested Lists 9.2 Types of Lists In addition to un-ordered lists, HTML supports two other types Ordered Lists Definition List Ordered List Browser Display OL instead of UL
    1. SimCity
    2. Quake
    3. Bridge
    1. SimCity 2. Quake 3. Bridge Numbers instead of discs, circles or squares Ordered List Browser Display
    1. SimCity
    2. Quake
    3. Bridge
    a. SimCity b. Quake c. Bridge 9.3 Ordered List Types 52 Type Result “A” A, B, C, … “a” a, b, c, … “I” I, II, III, IV, … “i” i, ii, iii, iv, … “1” 1, 2, 3, … © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Q: How would one start an ordered list with something other than 1 Browser Display 25. SimCity 26. Quake 27. Bridge Ordered List Browser Display
    1. SimCity
    2. Quake
    3. Bridge
    25. SimCity 26. Quake 27. Bridge Definition List Browser Display
    A great simulation game in which one build cities
    One of the best of the shoot-em-up genre
    SimCity Quake
    Ter A great simulation game in which one build cities Definition One of the best of the shoot-emup genre
    Definition List
    Definition © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 53 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Ordered lists as well as definition lists can be nested just like the un-ordered lists Can any type of list be nested into any other type? Lists are one way of presenting data in a an ordered or formal fashion Tables provide another - more customizable - way of displaying ordered information on Web pages Browser Display HTML Code
    Indoor Outdoor
    Squash Cricket
    Indoor Outdoor Squash Cricket Browser Display Indoor Outdoor Squash Cricket Table (made up of rows) Row (made up of data cells) Heading Data Cell (Can contain paragraphs, images, lists, forms, tables) Data Cell (Can contain paragraphs, images, lists, forms, tables) Attributes BORDER 54 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Determines the thickness of the table border Example:
    CELLPADING Determines the distance between the border of a cell and the contents of the cell Example:
    CELLSPACING Determines the empty spacing between the borders of two adjacent cells Example:
    HTML Code HTML Code
    Indoor Outdoor
    Squash Cricket
    ,, HEIGHT Example:
    , Attributes ALIGN Possible values: Center, Left, Right Example: BGCOLOR Example: WIDTH Outdoor Squash Cricket Browse Display HTML Code
    Indoor Outdoor
    Squash Cricket
    Indoor Indoor Outdoor Squash Cricket 50% of the screen width © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 55 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Example:
    Attributes VLAIGN Determines the vertical alignment of the contents of all of the cells in a particular row Possible values: Top, Middle, Bottom Example: Browse Display HTML CODE
    & Attributes NOWRAP Extend the width of a cell, if necessary, to fit the contents of the cell in a single line Example: COLSPAN No. of rows the current cell should extend itself downward Example: ROWSPAN The number of columns the current cell should extend itself Example: VALIGN Same as that for
    Indoor Outdoor
    Squash Cricket
    Expenses Year 2001 56 Quarter Indoor Outdoor Squash Cricket Income Quetta Dubai Quetta Dubai 1 1,900 8,650 9,000 7,780 2 2,230 8,650 8,500 8,670 3 4,000 8,650 9,900 9,870 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 2002 VU 4 2,200 8,650 9,800 9,900 1 7,780 8,650 7,780 9,000 2 8,670 8,650 8,670 8,500 3 9,870 8,650 9,870 9,900 4 9,900 8,650 9,900 9,800 HTMAL Code
    My favorite sports
    Squash Cricket
    HTMAL Code Must be placed immediately after the
    My favorite sports
    Squash Cricket
    Browser Display My favorite sports Squash Sports Browser Display My favorite sports Squash Sports Must be placed immediately after the tag 9.4 Useful URL The Table Sampler http://hissa.nist.gov/~black/tableQuikRef.html In Today’s Lecture … We learnt how to extend our Web pages by adding a few more tags © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 57 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Specifically, we discussed various types of lists that can be added to a Web page – unordered, ordered and definition lists And also, about tables: about various tags used in a table and their associated attributes Next Web Dev Lecture: Interactive Forms We will try to understand the utility of forms on Web pages We will find out about the various components that are used in a form We will become able to build a simple, interactive form 58 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 10 Computer Software Lecture 8 was on the binary number system and logic operations Learning Goals for Today To discuss the role of software in computing systems To learn to differentiate among software belonging to the system and application categories To learn about software ownership We mentioned in Lecture 4 that at the highest level, two things are required for computing Hardware: The physical equipment in a computing environment such as the computer and its peripheral devices (printers, speakers...) Software: The set of instructions that operates various parts of the hardware. Also termed as “computer program” Computer Software The HW needs SW to be useful; the SW needs HW to be useful When the user needs something done by the computer, he/she gives instructions in the form of SW to computer HW These instructions need to be written in a language that is readily understood by computer uP 10.1 Machine Language A system of codes directly understandable by a computer's CPU is termed this CPU's native or machine language. Although machine code may seem similar to assembly language they are in fact two different types of languages. Machine code is composed only of the two binary digits 0 and 1. Every CPU has its own machine language, although there is considerable overlap between some. If CPU A understands the full language of CPU B it is said that A is compatible with B. CPU B may not be compatible with CPU A, as A may know a few codes that B does not. 10.2 Language Translators Human programmers write programs in a language that is easy to understand for them. They use language translators to convert that program into machine language. It converts the human understandable code in uPs understandable code, i.e. a language that is easy to understand for the uPs 10.3 Software Development A software development process is a process used to develop computer software. It may be an ad hoc process, devised by the team for one project, but the term often refers to a standardised, documented methodology which has been used before on similar projects or one which is used habitually within an organisation. The SW development process involves many steps, and coding, that is typing the instructions in a high-level language is only a small part of that process – taking-up only around 15% of the effort © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 59 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Hardware Device Driver Operating System Utility Language Translator Scientific Apps. Business Apps. Productivity Apps. Entertainment Apps. System software Application software The Software Development Process Concept & Feasibility User Requirements Developer Specs Planning Design Implementation 10.4 Major Types of SW System SW System software is responsible for controlling, integrating, and managing the individual hardware components of a computer system. System software performs tasks like transferring data from memory to disk, or rendering text onto a display specific kinds of system software include loading programs, operating systems, device drivers, compilers, assemblers, linkers, and utilities. Software libraries that perform generic functions also tend to be regarded as system software. System software stored on non-volatile storage on integrated circuits is usually termed firmware. These generally perform the background tasks in a computer. These programs, many times, talk directly to the HW. Application SW Programs that generally interact with the user to perform work that is useful to the user. These programs generally talk to the HW through the assistance of system SW. 10.5 System SW are programs that … Control the overall operation of the computer OS Interact directly with HW Device drivers Perform system management & maintenance Utilities Are used to develop or maintain other programs Language translators 10.6 Operating System 60 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU It performs its work invisibly to control the internal functions of a computer, e.g. maintaining files on the disk drive, managing the screen, controlling which tasks the uP performs and in what order. It interacts directly with the computer HW. Other SW normally does not directly interact with the HW, e.g. Windows Mac OS Linux UNIX Solaris DOS CP/M VMS Firmware ROM is a component of OS that permanently stored on a chip. It is a firm ware program. When a computer is powered-on, it is the first program that it always executes. Firmware consists of startup and a few low-level I/O routines that assist the computer in finding out and executing the rest of the OS. On IBM-compatible PC’s, it is called BIOS 10.7 Utilities: It is a small program that provides an addition to the capabilities provided by the operating system. In some usages, a utility is a special and nonessential part of the operating system. These are the computer programs that perform a particular function related to computer system management and maintenance Examples: 1. Anti-virus SW 2. Data compression SW Disk optimization SW Disk backup SW 10.8 Language Translators Programs that take code written in a HLL and translate it into a low-level language that is easily understood by the uP 1. Compiler translates the program written in a HLL in one go. The translated code is then used by the uP whenever the program needs to be run 2. Interpreter translates the HLL program one statement at time. It reads a single statement, translates it into machine language and passes that machine language code to the uP and then translates the next statement, and so on … 10.9 Device Drivers A device driver, often called a driver for short, is a computer program that is intended to allow another program (typically, an operating system) to interact with a hardware device. Think of a driver as a manual that gives the operating system (e.g., Windows) instructions on how to use a particular piece of hardware. A device driver essentially converts the more general input/output instructions of the operating system to messages that the device type can understand. 10.10 Application SW Application SW are programs that interact directly with the user for the performance of a certain type of work Scientific/engineering/graphics SW Mathematica; AutoCad; Corel Draw Business SW The billing system for the mobile phone company Productivity SW Word processors; Spreadsheets Entertainment SW Games Educational SW Electronic encyclopedias; The VU Web site © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 61 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Hardware Operating System Utility Device Driver Language Translator Scientific Business Apps. Apps. Productivity Entertainment Apps. Apps. System software Application software 10.11 Another way of classifying SW Shrink-Wrapped SW You can just go to a shop and buy it Custom-built SW You cannot just go to a shop and buy it; you have to find someone who can develop it for you Shrink-Wrapped SW SW built in such a way that it is useful for many different users in many different ways. Example: MS Word. Individuals use it and so do many large corporations. It is used for writing one-page letters and also to typeset books Custom-Built SW (1) These SW are built for a particular organization to fulfill the needs of that particular organization. This type of SW is expensive because the builder has to recoup costs and make a profit from a single sale Example: A system for predicting the preferences of the Nortwest Airline pilots Custom-Built SW (2) This is other type of custom built SW. The delivery time is longer. Customers get more productivity out of it because it is built according to their exact specifications – just like a custom-built shoe fits better, but generally is more expensive, and requires a longer period for delivery 10.12 Who Owns Software? Generally, although a piece of SW that is being used by millions, it is not owned by any of them! Instead, it is owned by the maker of the SW The makers let us use their SW but keep the ownership to themselves. When we buy a SW package, we do not really buy it – we just buy a license that allows us to use it, the ownership stays with the maker However, there are variations on this theme … 10.13 Main types of SW licensees Proprietary – Most software on a Windows PC or a Macintosh belongs to this category Freeware – Most software on a Linux PC belongs to that category Shareware – the category which lies between the above two categories 10.14 Proprietary SW License Proprietary software, as defined by the Free Software Foundation, means any software that is not free software or is only partially free. The modification, use and redistribution are prohibited, or requires express permissions from the originator. The user needs to pay the maker of the SW for buying a license that allows the user to use the SW 62 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU The license, generally, does not transfer the ownership of the SW; it just allows the user to use it. The user is legally barred from making copies of the licensed SW. Generally, the license is for the personal use only. Most SW in use in the world is of this type. Examples: Windows, Mac OS, MS Word, Adobe Photoshop, Norton Antivirus Types of Proprietary Licenses Single-user license Multi-user license Concurrent-user license Site license 10.15 Freeware SW License It is also known as “Public Domain SW”. It allows the user to free use of the SW. The author, however, generally retains ownership. It can usually be downloaded from various Web sites. Examples: Linux; LaTeX; Netscape Web browser – the Navigator; MS Web browser – the Internet Explorer 10.16 Open-Source SW License Some authors give away the machine code only, which is extremely difficult to modify, if at all. Others even give away the high-level language source code so that users can make changes according to their own requirements. The later practice is called open-source licensing. Generally is any computer software whose source code is either in the public domain or, more commonly, is copyrighted by one or more persons/entities and distributed under an open-source license . Such a license may require that the source code be distributed along with the software, and that the source code be freely modifiable, with at most minor restrictions, such as a requirement to preserve the authors' names and copyright statement in the code, Examples: Linux; Netscape Navigator 10.17 Shareware SW License Shareware is software that is distributed without payment ahead of time as is common for proprietary software. Typically shareware software is obtained free of charge by downloading, thus allowing one to try out the program ahead of time. A shareware program is accompanied by a request for payment, and often payment is required per the terms of the license past a set period of time. shareware are similar in that they can be obtained and used without monetary cost. Usually shareware differs from open source software in that requests of voluntary "shareware fees" are made, often within the program itself, and in that source code for shareware programs is generally not available in a form that would allow others to extend the program. A shareware's program source, maintenance and extensibililty can sometimes be negotiated for a licensing fee with the author(s) similar to standard proprietary software. Examples: WinZip, Download Accelerator 10.18 Trialware It is similar to shareware but difference is that the SW is usable for a short period only. When the period is expired, it is no more in use until the license is not purchased. The trial period may vary according to its developer. This period may range from a week to a few months. It can be downloaded from the Internet or alternatively. What have we learnt today? We have found out about the role software plays in a computing environment We also learned to distinguish between software belonging to the system and application categories We also discussed the different types of software licenses Topics of some of the future lectures Operating system © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 63 Introduction to Computing –CS101 Application SW Productivity SW Word processor Spreadsheets Presentation making Databases Programming Languages The SW development process The Web development series of lectures is clearly focused on developing SW Focus of the Next Lecture The role of the OS in a computing environment The various functions that an OS performs The main components of an OS Various types of OSes 64 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan VU Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 11 Operating Systems Focus of the last lecture: computer SW We found out about the role SW plays in a computing environment We learned to distinguish between SW belonging to the system & application categories Also discussed the different types of SW licenses: Proprietary Free Open source Shareware Trialware Learning Goals for Today The role of the operating system in a computing environment The various functions that an operating system performs The main components of an operating system Various types of operating systems 11.1 Why Have OSes? User/programmer convenience Greater resource utilization The Role of An OS The 1st program that runs when a typical computer is turned ON, and the last one to finish running when the computer is turned OFF. It manages the HW and SW resources of the computer system, often invisibly. These include the processor, memory, disk drives, etc. It provides a simple, consistent way for applications to interact with the HW without having to know all the details of the HW Advantage for App. Developers Application developers do not need to know much about the HW while they are developing their app They just develop with a particular OS in mind. If the OS runs on many types of computers having different HW configurations, so will the app – without making any HW-specific modifications in the app SW. The OS hides the HW differences from the app Are OS’es Essential? No. If a computer has been designed for limited functionality (e.g. it runs just a single program all the time as in a automatic clothes washing machine), it does not require a traditional OS In limited-functionality computers, an OS just adds to the overhead unnecessarily, which impedes the computer’s performance In these situations, the required parts of the OS are integrated into the only program that is going to run In the beginning … A single user ran a single program ran on a single computer – there was no need for an OS Then came computer operators who ran multiple programs for multiple users one after the other – still, no need for an OS Later computers became powerful and able to run multiple programs, simultaneously. That’s when the need for OS’es arose for: Managing the resources of the computers efficiently Making use of computers convenient for users/programmers 11.2 Core Tasks of an OS Processor management Memory management Device management Storage management © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 65 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Application Interface User Interface Processor Management Memory Management Straight forward for a single-user, single tasking Each app must have enough private memory in which to execute App can neither run into the private memory space of another app, nor be run into by another app Different types of memory (e.g. main, cache) in the system must be used properly, so that each app can run most effectively Storage Management The OS manages storage through one of its sub-modules, the File Manager A file system is a collection of directories, subdirectories, and files organized in a logical order. File manager maintains an index of the filenames & where they are located on the disk. File manager make it easy to find the required file in a logical and timely fashion. Device Management Applications talk to devices through the OS and OS talks to and manages devices through Device Drivers Example: When we print to a laser printer, we do not need to know its details. All we do is to tell the printer device driver about what needs to be printed and it takes care of the details Application Interface App developers do not need to know much about the HW, especially the uP, while they are developing their app The OS provides all apps with a straight-forward and consistent interface to the HW Example: An app uses the OS to store data on the disk drive. For that, the app does not need to know about the exact physical characteristics of that drive; it just tells the OS to do that through the app interface, and the OS takes cares of all the details of the task User Interface Users communicate with the computer using a consistent user interface provided by the OS This UI can be a command-line interface in which a user types in the commands. Example: copy a:/file1.html c:/file1.html Or, it can be a graphical UI, where Windows, Icons, Menus, and a Pointing device (such as a mouse) is used to receive and display information. Example: With the help of the mouse, drag file1.html from drive a to drive c 11.3 OS Components Error! Device Manager Kernel File Manager Loader Command Interpreter (Shell) GUI 66 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 11.4 Kernel The heart of the OS Responsible for all the essential operations like basic house keeping, task scheduling, etc. Also contains low-level HW interfaces Size important, as it is memory-resident 11.5Types of OS’es Classification w.r.t. the type of computers they run on and the type of applications they support Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) Single-User, Single Task Single-User, Multi-Tasking Multi-User RTOS (1) Used to run computers embedded in machinery, robots, scientific instruments and industrial systems Typically, it has little user interaction capability, and no end-user utilities, since the system will be a "sealed box" when delivered for use Examples: Wind River, QNX, Real-time Linux, Real-time Windows NT RTOS (2) An important part of an RTOS is managing the resources of the computer so that a particular operation executes in precisely the same amount of time every time it occurs In a complex machine, having a part move more quickly just because system resources are available may be just as catastrophic as having it not move at all because the system was busy Single-User, Single Task OS’es designed to manage the computer so that one user can effectively do one thing at a time The Palm OS used in many palmtop computers (PDA’s) is an example of a single-user, single-task OS Single-User, Multi-Tasking Most popular OS Used by most all PC’s and Laptops Examples: Windows, Mac OS, Linux Lets a single user interact with several programs, simultaneously Multi-User A multi-user OS allows many users to take advantage of the computer's resources, simultaneously The OS must make sure that the requirements of the various users are balanced, and that the programs they are using each have sufficient and separate resources so that a problem with one user doesn't affect any of the other users Examples: Linux, Unix, VMS and mainframe OS’es, such as MVS 11.6 Another Way of Classifying Uni-processor OS’es Designed to schedule tasks on a single uP only Example: DOS Multi-processor OS’es Can control computers having multiple uPs, at times 1000’s of them Example: Current versions of Windows, Mac OS, Solaris Linux, 11.7 How many different OS’es are there? 100’s OS’es from the Windows family dominate the desktops and run on millions of PC’s OS’es from the Unix family (Unix, Linux, etc) are quite popular on servers © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 67 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU There are hundreds more. Some designed for mainframes only. Some for embedded applications only. 11.8 Comparing Popular OS’es OS HW Stability Cost Apps. Support Windows (GUI) PC Poor $300 Good Mac OS Mac (Shell/GUI) Linux Many Good (Shell/GUI) Security Popularity Poor Amazing $60 Many OK Good Low Low Many Variable Good Low Huge OK no. Unix Many Excellent High Many Expensive Excellent Servers (Shell/GUI) What have we learnt today? The role of the OS in a computing environment The various functions that an OS performs The main components of an OS Various types of OS’es Next Lecture: Application SW We’ll learn about application SW, i.e. programs that interact directly with the user for the performance of a certain type of work We’ll try to become familiar with various SW used in the following application areas: Scientific/engineering/graphics Business Productivity Entertainment Educational 68 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 12 Interactive Forms (Web Development Lecture 4) Focus of the last lecture was on HTML Lists & Tables We learnt how to extend our Web pages by adding a few more tags Specifically, we discussed various types of lists that can be added to a Web page – unordered, ordered and definition lists And also, about tables: about various tags used in a table and their associated attributes Today’s Lecture We will try to understand the utility of forms on Web pages We will find out about the various components that are used in a form We will become able to build a simple, interactive form Interactive Forms (1) Without forms, a Web site is “read-only” – it just provides information to the user Forms enable the user to provide information to the Web site. For example, the user can: Perform searches on Web site Give comments Ask for info that is not available on the Website Place order for goods and services Interactive Forms (2) Can be simple or very complex Can fill a whole page or just a single line Can contain a single element or many Are always placed between the and tags of a Web page Interactive Forms (3) Are GUI-based May contain: Text fields Check boxes Buttons Scrollable lists A Simple Example of Interactive Forms Code for that Example Send Email to me © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 69 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU

    Send Email to me

    Code for the instructions Code for the form A Simple Example of Interactive Forms Code for the Instructions

    To send an eMail message to me:

    1. Type your eMail address in the "From" field
    2. Type a short message in the "Message" field
    3. Press the "Send eMail to me" button
    A Simple Example of Interactive Forms Code for the Form 70 action="sendMailScriptURL"> © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Elements of the form name: Name given to the form method: Forms can be submitted through two alternate methods – GET & POST action: Specifies the URL that is accessed when the form is being submitted 12.1 Server-Side Scripts Are programs that reside on Web servers Receive info that a user enters in a form Process that info and take appropriate action Examples: CGI scripts on Unix servers ASP scripts on Windows servers A Simple Example of Interactive Forms Elements of the Form (1)



    © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 71 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU A Simple Example of Interactive Forms Elements of the Form (2)

    A Simple Example of Interactive Forms 72 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU
    © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 73 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU
    name=“nameOfTheForm” method=“get” or “post” action=“URL” Elements of the form Single-Line Text Input Field Hidden Input Submit Button Input Multi-Line Text Input Area 74 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan goes here” Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU This was a review of the new tags (and associated attributes) that we have used in today’s examples. There are many more tags that can be used in a form. Let us take a look at a few
    User Name:
    Password Input Field © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 75 Introduction to Computing –CS101
    User Name:
    Remember my user name and password
    12.2 Checkbox Input Element 76 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan VU Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU
    User Name:
    Logging in from: Home
    12.3 Radio Button Input Element What is the difference between checkboxes and radio buttons? © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 77 Introduction to Computing –CS101
    User Name:
    Logging in from:
    12.4 Select from a (Drop Down) List 78 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan VU Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 12.5 File Upload Input Element
    Reset Button Input Element (Resets the contents of a form to default values) © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 79 Introduction to Computing –CS101 Today’s Lecture was the … We looked at the utility of forms on Web pages We found out about the various components that are used in a form We became able to build a simple, interactive form 80 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan VU Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 13 Application Software The focus of the last lecture was on Operating Systems Learning Goals for Today To learn about application software To become familiar with various software used in the following application areas: e.g. Scientific/engineering/graphics Business Productivity Entertainment Educational 13.1 Two Major Types of Software System Software Application Software Hardware Operating System Device Driver Utility Language Scientific Business Productivity Entertainment Translator Apps. Apps. Apps. Apps. System software Application software 13.2 Application Software Application software are programs that interact directly with the user They generally do not talk directly to the hardware 13.3 Classification According to the Mode Interactive-mode The user runs the program on the computer and keeps on interacting with the computer while the program runs Example: Word processor Batch-mode The user starts the program and the computer processes the provided data and produces results without any further intervention of from the user Example: Payroll 13.4 Classification According to Application Area Scientific/engineering/graphics Business Productivity Entertainment Educational 13.5 Scientific/Engineering/Graphics Apps Key feature: Intense floating-point calculations Scientific/engineering/mathematical apps Computers initially were designed just to run them © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 81 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Generally designed for specialists Rudimentary UI’s Many run in batch mode 13.6 Scientific SW Simulation of natural systems Deforestation and effect on green-house gases Simulation of artificial systems NeuralWare (Simulator for artificial neural networks) Thermo-nuclear explosions Mathematical computation packages Mathematica (can do hundreds, if not thousands of functions, e.g. solving a differential eq, symbolically) MathCAD 13.7 Engineering SW Computer-aided design (CAD) AutoCAD SPICE Virtual wind tunnels Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) Telecommunication system SW Centrex Industrial control SW 13.8 Graphics & Animation SW (1) Two types: Moving graphics e.g. cartoons 1. Vector graphics Treats everything that is drawn as an object Objects retain their identity after they are drawn These objects can later be easily moved, stretched, duplicated, deleted, etc Are resolution independent Relatively small file size Example: MS Visio, Corel Draw, Flash Graphics & Animation SW (2) 2. Bit-mapped or raster graphics Treats everything that is drawn as a bit-map If an object is drawn on top of another, it is difficult to move just 1 of them while leaving the other untouched Changing the resolution often requires considerable touch-up work Relatively large file size Example: MS Paint, Adobe Photoshop 13.9 Business Applications Most of the SW being developed today belongs to this category SW that is required to run most any sort of biz: Payroll General ledger Order entry Accounts receivable & accounts payable Inventory control Let’s now discuss a few business SW categories which are not that common, but are becoming more and more popular with time 13.10 E-Commerce Software Key requirements: Reliability Security 82 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Ability to handle 1000’s of transactions, simultaneously 13.11 ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) SW Very large scale, complex & expensive SW Ties together all key activities & major systems of an organization into a single SW system Key benefit: Optimization of the business processes of an organization as a single system instead of many loosely-related stand-alone systems Example: SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Baan 13.12 DSS (Decision Support Systems) SW Sometimes also called “expert systems” Many times are based on a branch of computer science called “artificial intelligence” This category of SW is designed to help business managers in making effective decisions in complex situations based on the analysis of the relevant data 13.13 Productivity SW Most popular category in terms of licenses sold Common features Ability to simplify, automate everyday business tasks Highly interactive and user-friendly design Designed to run on PC’s Most users do not use 90% of the SW features Popular productivity SW Word Processing -- Spreadsheets Presentations -- Databases 13.14 Word Processors Probably the most popular productivity app Initially designed as a replacement for the typewriter Automation Automatic end-of-line soft carriage return Style sheets Table of contents & index Spelling & grammar checking Two approaches: WYSIWYG (e.g. Word, WordPerfect, Star) or traditional markup (LaTeX)? Desktop publishing 13.15 Web Page Development SW Web pages can be developed using a simple plain-text editor like the “notepad”, but more efficient, easy-to-use HTML editors can make the process quicker Some of them are WYSIWYG (i.e. you don’t really need to know any HTML to use them), others are not, while some provide both types of interfaces (DreamWeaver) Most popular word processors now come with a built-in Web page development facility 13.16 Spreadsheet SW (1) Electronic replacement for ledgers Is used for automating engineering, scientific, but in majority of cases, business calculations A spreadsheet - VisiCalc - was the first popular application on PC’s. It helped in popularizing PC’s by making the task of financial-forecasting much simpler, allowing individuals to do forecasts which previously were performed by a whole team of financial wizard 13.17 Spreadsheet SW (2) Consist of cells arranged in rows and columns Each cell may contain numeric values, text or formulas Automation Recalculations Charts 13.18 Presentation Development SW © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 83 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Used to prepare multimedia material for lectures & presentations to display key points, graphics, animation, or video with the help of multimedia projectors Have replaced acetate films (slides) that were used with over-head projectors Key advantage over acetate slides: Easy to modify Can be sent electronically Its multimedia nature makes it more interesting for the audience 13.19 Small-Scale Databases SW (1) Easy to use applications designed for efficient storage and fast and easy retrieval of data That data may be in the form of numbers, text, or even multimedia, i.e. sounds, graphics, animation, video 13.20 Small-Scale Databases SW (2) Before the advent of the currently popular “relational” database model, the databasing function was performed using what is called the “flat-file” model That model is not very efficient for storing and searching in large databases A database consists of a file or a set of files. Information in these is stored in the form of records, and the records are further subdivided into fields 13.21 Productivity SW Suites A set of stand-alone productivity applications designed to work easily with each other Share a common UI Are available as a bundle along with additional useful utilities Examples: MS Office, Corel WordPerfect Office, Lotus SmartSuite, Star Office SW Suites for other app areas are available as well, e.g. the Adobe suite of graphics apps 13.22 Document-Centered Computing (DCC) - 1 The increasing cooperation among the apps included in productivity suites has given rise to a new computing paradigm called DCC DCC implies that instead of developing parts of a doc in a number of apps, and then cutting-&-pasting them to form the final doc, you stay in a single doc and call-up appropriate apps to insert the required objects 13.23 Document-Centered Computing (DCC) - 2 Let’s say that we want to write a letter containing a map, a table and a graph We can: Launch the WP and type the text in Insert a drawing by calling up the drawing toolbar app (without leaving the WP) & draw the map Insert a table by calling up the spreadsheet app (without leaving the WP) & build the table Insert a graph based on that table using the same spreadsheet app without leaving the WP 13.24 Entertainment SW Key feature: Simple, intuitive, many times social UI’s The user is generally assumed to know nothing about computers Both Microsoft & Apple are pursuing a PC-as-a-personal-entertainment-hub strategy. Probable result: Already popular entertainment SW will become even more popular 13.25 Music & Video Players Music players (WinAmp) Video/Music players (Real player, Windows Media player, QuickTime player) The Web Browsers can also display video, animation, and play music with the help of helper applications like Flash 13.26 Music Generation & Movie Editing SW A PC can be made the hub of a music making studio with help of appropriate HW & SW Inexpensive, easy-to-use video editing SW has recently become available for the iMac 13.27 Games Many types 84 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Educational (especially for toddlers) Strategy/Simulation Sports Shoot’em ups The saddest aspect: You do not need any opponents or partners to play computer games The application SW category that provides the toughest challenge for computer HW 13.28 Educational SW Category with probably the highest growth rate Current focus on augmenting traditional training and education methods, but it is shifting towards replacing traditional methods 13.29 Electronic Encyclopedias Great resource of useful information presented in a very interesting format Superior to the paper-based version because: Access speed is dramatically higher Can contain animation and sound Much lower cost as thousand’s of pages in dozens of volumes have been replaced by a couple of CD’s 13.30 On-Line Learning With time, the VU Web site will become more and more focused on interactive online learning The Website of our textbook “Understanding Computers” is an example of an on-line learning Website Key features of good online learning SW: The student can learns at his or her own pace The student can select his or her own hours 13.31 Interactive CD’s Same as on-line learning, but through a CD instead of a Web site Key advantage: Ideal for students with slow Internet access 13.32 Attributes of Good Application Software Easy to install, un-install User Interface Consistent Intuitive Configurable Adapts to the users need Has a tutorial and a complete help manual Does not have any critical bugs 13.33 Most Popular Application Software Categories Web browsers Email clients Word processors What have we learnt today? Application software are programs that interact directly with the user for the performance of a certain type of work That work generally falls into one of the following usage areas Scientific/engineering/graphics Business Productivity Entertainment Educational Focus of the Next Lecture © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 85 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Next lecture will be the first among the four lectures that we plan to have on productivity SW That first lecture will be on word processing We’ll learn about what we mean by word processing We’ll discuss the usage of various functions provided by common word processors 86 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 14 Word Processing Focus of the last lecture was on Application SW Application SW are programs that interact directly with the user for the performance of a certain type of work That work generally falls into one of the following usage areas Scientific/engineering/graphics Business Productivity Entertainment Educational Today’s Lecture First among the four lectures that we plan to have on productivity software, a subcategory of application software This first lecture will be on word processing We’ll learn about what we mean by word processing and also desktop publishing We’ll discuss the usage of various functions provided by common word processors Word Processing The art and science of converting written information into a form that looks pleasing when printed One of the most popular activities on the PC 14.1 Word Processor The tool used to perform word processing Long time ago, a word processor was a HW/SW combination used solely for performing the word processing task. It looked like a computer terminal or a PC, but could do only one task – word processing Today, the term “word processor” generally means the SW used on a computer to perform the task of word processing Uses of Word Processors Write a letter Address labels Research paper or report Advertisement Newsletter Magazines Book And thousands of other tasks Common Features Type, cut, copy, paste, move text Automatic line-breaks Change font type, face, size, color Change number of columns Adjust margins and line, word, letter spacing Have running headers, footers, page nos. Insert tables, charts, graphics, drawings Evolution of WP’s Manual & electric typewriters (1930-1960) Were page oriented Type face/size was changed by replacing the typing ball Typewriters with magnetic storage (1960’s) IBM added storage capability using magnetic tape © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 87 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Line editors on computers(1960's) Stand alone word processors (1960's-1970's) cost: $15,000 to 20,000 Current WP programs on uCs (1980's onwards) 14.2 Types: WYSIWYG-based & Markup-based All early WP’s and some of the modern ones as well are markup-based: similar to HTML Generally are harder to learn, but may provide better control and smaller file size Example: LaTeX Most current PC-based WP’s belong to the WYSIWYG category Easy to get started due to the WIMP interface Example: MS Word, Corel WordPerfect, Sun Star 14.3 Desktop Publishing (DTP) A combination of word processing and graphic design. Used to develop elegant documents In the olden times, DTP was used for designing magazines, newspapers & other professional-looking items These days, because of the low cost of DTP SW, it is being used for less-demanding and ordinary tasks as well The original Macintosh PC started the era of DTP or “Personal Publishing” in 1984 DTP –vs– WP The difference between the two is diminishing with time Most WP’s now include many tools that, not long ago, were found only in DTP SW Generally, DTP SW is a bit more difficult to use for us common computer users, whereas WP SW is quite user-friendly DTP SW generally provides finer control over the design/layout of a document DTP: Requirements High-end PC with a large-screen monitor Laser printer Scanner DTP SW Examples: Adobe PageMaker QuarkXPress Corel Ventura MS Publisher 14.4 Word Processors for the Web Most common WP’s and DTP packages now have the Web development ability They also include features like auto-recognition of eMail addresses and URL’s However, specialized SW just for developing Web pages and sites is also available Examples: DreamWeaver, FrontPage The right font face & size for normal text If text is too small, it becomes hard to read Too large, wastage of space is the result. Plus the reader has to turn more pages than necessary Either way, the reader gets annoyed For general WP, 10-12 point size works well Most users, either use the Times New Roman or Arial/Helvetica type face Bold, Italic, Underlined Text Bold – fat Italic – slanted (Why the name italic?) Underlined All used to emphasize a certain segment of text Plea: 88 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Please do not over-do them Their over-use makes it very difficult for the reader And please, use one at a time: Text that is no only bold but also italic & underlined looks +ively awful Select, Cut, Copy, Drag, Paste Just select and cut or copy or drag Can also paste after a cut or a copy Just think about the pain that people suffered before the advent of the modern WP’s Movement of a single sentence from one page to another would have required re-doing all the pages in between Spelling & Grammar Grammar checkers are not very helpful yet, but still useful and are improving with time Warning: Spell checkers are not all that smart! Use them with care. Disadvantage: My spelling ability is deteriorating day-by-day because of over-reliance on WP spell-checkers. I am having great difficulty in writing even short-ish hand-written notes without spelling errors Thesaurus My favorite tool Helps you find synonyms and, sometimes, antonyms as well Tables Tables are sometimes useful for presenting info in an ordered fashion Most WP’s provide extensive table construction & manipulation features Graphics & Drawings You can insert graphics that are made using other apps into a WP document Several WP’s have a built-in drawing tool, which can be used for adding simple diagrams (e.g. a flow chart, a simple street map) into a WP document The Best Feature: Undo Allows you to recover from your mistakes Allows you to experiment without risk Document View Mode Most WP’s provide several ways of viewing a document I normally work in and recommend what is known as the “Print Layout” view mode In this view, the WP works in a true WYSIWYG mode Print-Preview & Printing Make sure to preview your document before printing it Do this to make sure about the”look” of the document before it is printed Most people these days either use inkjet printers or laser printers Color inkjet printers cost less but are slower B&W laser printers cost around twice as much, but are faster and generally have finer resolution Color laser printers are expensive Automation Table of contents TOC can be automatically generated Page nos. in the TOC get readjusted automatically Index Can be automatically generated Page nos. in the index get readjusted automatically Application of predefined styles Change style; text changes automatically throughout the doc Headers & Footers Page numbers Spelling error auto-highlight Getting On-Screen Help © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 89 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU All WP’s generally have some form of built-in help mechanism To me, it seems like that many of those help-systems are designed to be “not-veryhelpful”: they make finding answers to simple questions quite difficult Nevertheless, do try them when you are searching for answers 14.5 Let’s try to use MS Word for creating a CV (Remember the TOC) Today’s Lecture was the … First among the four lectures that we plan to have on productivity software, a subcategory of application software This first lecture was on word processing We learnt about what we mean by word processing and also desktop publishing We also discussed the usage of various functions provided by common word processors Focus of the Next Lecture: Algorithms To become familiar with the concept of algorithms What they are? What is there use? To become able to write algorithms for simple problems 90 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 15 More on Interactive Forms (Web Development Lecture 5) Focus of the last lecture was on Interactive Forms We looked at the utility of forms on Web pages We found out about the various components that are used in a form We became able to build a simple, interactive form In Today’s Lecture … We will learn ways of adding more interactivity to forms We will get our first taste of JavaScript – the object-based language that we will be employing throughout the rest of the Web development part of this course Last time we mentioned server-side scripts; today we will write (simple) client-side scripts in JavaScript 15.1 Single-Line Text Input Field 15.2 Password Input Field 15.3 Hidden Input 15.4 Checkbox Input Element 15.5 Radio Button Input Element 15.6 File Upload Input Element enctype=“fileEncodingType” 15.7 Reset Button Input Element 15.8 Submit Button Input 8 Possible Values for the “type” Attribute of tag text password hidden checkbox radio file reset submit 15.9 Multi-Line Text Input Area 15.10 Select from a (Drop Down) List 92 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan VU Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU End of the Review of Tags Used in Forms Now let’s take a look at a form that we constructed last time, and see how we can make it better Let’s now review what happens when I enter all the required info and press the “Send eMail” button? © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 93 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Info contained in the form Browser User’s Computer Server-Side Script Acknowledgement Web Server Message to the receiver’s eMail address This is what happens when the form is filled correctly. What if the form is filled incorrectly? What if the users leaves one of the essential fields, blank? What if the user enters an illegal eMail address? Examples: altaf2vu.edu.pk bhola@hotmail.con bhola@yahoo A Reasonable Scenario When the “Send eMail” button is clicked, the browser sends the data collected through the form to a script running on the Web server That server-side script: receives that data analyzes it discovers the missing or incorrect data sends a message back to the user’s browser stating the problem and asks the user to resend This process … That is the process of user: Filling the incomplete/incorrect data Sending it to the server Receiving the response back from the server Correcting and resending is quite time-consuming and uses the server’s resources to help the user correct his mistakes It can really bog down the server if a large number of users are using that Web server 15.11 Client-Side Scripting is a viable alternate In this technique, one uses the user’s browser to checking the form data If data is missing or is incorrect, the browser can prompt the user to take corrective action This way, the form data is sent to the server-side script only after it has been established that the collected data is complete and correct 15.12 Server-Side Scripts: Review Are programs that reside on Web servers Receive info that a user enters in a form Process that info and take appropriate action Examples: CGI scripts on Unix servers ASP scripts on Windows servers 94 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU New Concept: Client-Side Scripts Small programs that are a part of the Web page and run on the user’s (client’s) computer They interact with the user to collect info or to accomplish other tasks Once it has been collected, they may help pass the collected info on to a server-side script We’ll use JavaScript to do client-side scripting. However, there are many other languages that can be used for that purpose, e.g. VBScript Advantages of Client-Side Scripting Reduced server load as it does not have to send messages to the user’s browser about missing or incorrect data Reduced network traffic as the form’s data is sent only once instead of many to’s and fro’s Disadvantages Client-side scripts do not work with all browsers Some user intentionally turn scripting off on their browsers This increases the complexity of the Web page, as it now has to support both situations: browsers with scripting capability, and those not having that capability Code for the simple “Send eMail” button as was described during the last Web development lecture © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 95 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Additional JavaScript code for the smart “Send eMail” button that would not allow itself to be clicked if the “From” text field is left This is one way of including JavaScript code in an HTML document – that is, including a short JavaScript segment as part of an HTML tag There are a few others as well. Let’s now find out about another. But before we do that … … let’s just make clear why we are interested in including JavaScript in our Web pages 15.13 Why JavaScript? HTML is great for static Web pages; however, supports only rudimentary interactivity through forms and hyperlinks JavaScript can be used (along with HTML) to develop interactive content for the Web What is JavaScript? A programming language specifically designed to work with Web browsers It is designed to be used for developing small programs – called scripts – that can be embedded in HTML Web pages JavaScript: Is an interpreted language Supports event-driven programming Is object-based Object Based? Everything that JavaScript manipulates, it treats as an object – e.g. a window or a button An object has properties – e.g. a window has size, position, status, etc. Properties are modified with methods – e.g. a resize a window with resizeTo(150, 200) 96 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU checkForm() JavaScript understands onMouseOver – it is one of the pre-defined keywords in JavaScript However, the case for checkForm() is different A checkForm() function does not exist in JavaScript. Therefore, we will have to define it ourselves It can either be defined in the HEAD portion or BODY portion. We will do it in the HEAD. © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 97 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Send an eMail … body content … JavaScript code enclosed in the new HTML tags We have looked at 2 techniques for embedding JavaScript code in a Web page: 1. Put the code in the tag for the “Send eMail” button - as was shown to you earlier 2. Put the checkForm() code in the HEAD portion & put the onMouseOver=“checkForm()” attribute in the tag for the “Send eMail” button Both perform the required function satisfactorily. Q: Which of two techniques is better? The “put all code in the tag” technique seems to require less code For very short scripts, “all code in the tag” works well. However, this technique does not work when one needs to put multiple script statements in the same tag The “code in the HEAD portion” is more general-purpose, and the right choice for developing larger JavaScript scripts The main code segment that goes between the tags in the HEAD: function checkForm() { if ( document.sendEmail.sender.value.length < 1) { window.alert( “Empty From field! Please correct” ); } } The JavaScript code included as an attribute of the “Send eMail” button: onMouseOver=“checkForm()” Today we checked if the “From” field of the form was empty How can we modify the JavaScript code for checking if the “To” field is empty as well? How about checking all four fields? How about checking if the addresses given in the “From” and “To” fields are legal eMail addresses? Please try thinking about those possibilities? In Today’s Lecture … We learnt ways of constructing forms that were a bit more interactive We got our first taste of JavaScript – the object-based language that we will be employing throughout the rest of the Web development part of this course Last time we mentioned server-side scripts; today we wrote (simple) client-side scripts in JavaScript Next (the 6th) JavaScript Object, Properties, Methods Web Dev Lecture: We will have a more formal introduction to JavaScript and client-side scripting We will become able to appreciate the concept of objects in JavaScript We will learn about the properties of those objects We will become able to perform simple tasks through the application of methods 98 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 16 Algorithms Focus of the last lecture was on Word Processing First among the four lectures that we plan to have on productivity software, a subcategory of application software That first lecture was on WP We learnt about what we mean by WP and also desktop publishing We also discussed the usage of various functions provided by common WP’s The Objective of Today’s Lecture To become familiar with the concept of algorithms: What they are? What is their use? What do they consist of? What are the techniques used for representing them? Solving Problems (1) When faced with a problem: We first clearly define the problem Think of possible solutions Select the one that we think is the best under the prevailing circumstances And then apply that solution If the solution woks as desired, fine; else we go back to step 2 Solving Problems (2) It is quite common to first solve a problem for a particular case Then for another And, possibly another And watch for patterns and trends that emerge And to use the knowledge form those patterns and trends in coming up with a general solution Solving Problems (3) It helps if we have experienced that problem or similar ones before Generally, there are many ways of solving a given problem; the best problem-solvers come-up with the most appropriate solution more often than not! The process that can be used to solve a problem is termed as the “algorithm” Algorithm: Sequence of steps that can be taken to solve a given problem steps sequence Examples Addition Conversion from decimal to binary The process of boiling an egg The process of mailing a letter Sorting Searching © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 99 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Let us write down the algorithm for a problem that is familiar to us Converting a decimal number into binary Convert 75 to Binary 2 75 1 2 37 1 2 2 0 2 18 9 4 2 2 2 1 remainder 1 0 0 1 0 1001011 16.1 Algorithm for Decimal-to-Binary Conversion Write the decimal number Divide by 2; write quotient and remainder Repeat step 2 on the quotient; keep on repeating until the quotient becomes zero Write all remainder digits in the reverse order (last remainder first) to form the final result Points to Note: The process consists of repeated application of simple steps All steps are unambiguous (clearly defined) We are capable of doing all those steps Only a limited no. of steps needs to be taken Once all those steps are taken according to the prescribed sequence, the required result will be found Moreover, the process will stop at that point 16.2 Algorithm (Better Definition) 1st Definition: Sequence of steps that can be taken to solve a problem Better Definition: A precise sequence of a limited number of unambiguous, executable steps that terminates in the form of a solution Three Requirements: Sequence is: Precise Consists of a limited number of steps Each step is: Unambiguous Executable The sequence of steps terminates in the form of a solution 100 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 16.3 Why Algorithms are Useful? Once we find an algorithm for solving a problem, we do not need to re-discover it the next time we are faced with that problem Once an algorithm is known, the task of solving the problem reduces to following (almost blindly and without thinking) the instructions precisely All the knowledge required for solving the problem is present in the algorithm Why Write an Algorithm Down? For your own use in the future, so that you don’t have to spend the time for rethinking it Written form is easier to modify and improve Makes it easy when explaining the process to others 16.4 Analysis of Algorithms Analysis in the context of algorithms is concerned with predicting the resources that re requires: Computational time Memory Bandwidth Logic functions However, Time – generally measured in terms of the number of steps required to execute an algorithm - is the resource of most interest By analyzing several candidate algorithms, the most efficient one(s) can be identified Selecting Among Algorithms When choosing among competing, successful solutions to a problem, choose the one which is the least complex This principle is called the “Ockham’s Razor,” after William of Ockham - famous 13-th century English philosopher Early Search for a Generic Algorithm History: The study of algorithms began with mathematicians and was a significant area of work in the early years The goal of those early studies was to find a single, general algorithm that could solve all problems of a single type Origin of the Term “Algorithm” The name derives from the title of a Latin book: Algoritmi de numero Indorum That book was a translation of an Arabic book: Al-Khwarizmi Concerning the Hindu Art of Reckoning That book was written by the famous 9-th century Muslim mathematician, Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi 16.5 Al-Khwarzmi Al-Khwarizmi lived in Baghdad, where he worked at the Dar al-Hikma Dar al-Hikma acquired and translated books on science and philosophy, particularly those in Greek, as well as publishing original research The word Algebra has its origins in the title of another Latin book which was a translation of yet another book written by Al-Khwarzmi: Kitab al-Mukhtasar fi Hisab al-Jabr wa'l-Muqabala Al-Khwarizmi’s Golden Principle All complex problems can be and must be solved using the following simple steps: Break down the problem into small, simple sub-problems Arrange the sub-problems in such an order that each of them can be solved without effecting any other Solve them separately, in the correct order © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 101 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Combine the solutions of the sub-problems to form the solution of the original problem That was some info on history. Now, let us to take a look at several types of algorithms & algorithmic strategies 16.6 Greedy Algorithm An algorithm that always takes the best immediate, or local solution while finding an answer Greedy algorithms may find the overall or globally optimal solution for some optimization problems, but may find less-than-optimal solutions for some instances of other problems KEY ADVANTAGE: Greedy algorithms are usually faster, since they don't consider the details of possible alternatives Greedy Algorithm: Counter Example During one of the international cricket tournaments, one of the teams intentionally lost a match, so that they could qualify for the next round If they had won that particular match, some other team would have qualified This is an example of a non-greedy algorithm Greedy Algorithm: Example A skier skiing downhill on a mountain wants to get to the bottom as quickly as possible What sort of an algorithm should the skier be using? The greedy-algorithm approach will be to always have the skies pointed towards the largest downhill slope (dy/dx), at all times What is the problem with that approach? In what situations that will be the best algorithm? In which situations would it perform poorly? 16.7 Deterministic Algorithm (1) An algorithm whose behavior can be completely predicted from the inputs That is, each time a certain set of input is presented, the algorithm gives the same results as any other time the set of input is presented. 16.8 Randomized Algorithm (1) Any algorithm whose behavior is not only determined by the input, but also values produced by a random number generator These algorithms are often simpler and more efficient than deterministic algorithms for the same problem Simpler algorithms have the advantages of being easier to analyze and implement. 16.9 Randomized Algorithm (2) These algorithm work for all practical purposes but have a theoretical chance of being wrong: Either in the form of incorrect results Or in the form of impractically long running time Example: Monte Carlo algorithms. 16.10 Deterministic Algorithm (2) There can be degrees of deterministic behavior: an algorithm that also uses a random number generator might not be considered deterministic However, if the "random numbers" come from a pseudo-random number generator, the behavior may be deterministic Most computing environments offer a “pseudo random number generators,” therefore, most randomized algorithms, in practice, behave deterministically! 16.11 Heuristic A procedure that usually, but not always, works or that gives nearly the right answer 102 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Some problems, such as the traveling salesman problem, take far too long to compute an exact, optimal solution. A few good heuristics have been devised that are fast and find a near-optimal solution more often than not Is a heuristic, an algorithm? Yes? No? Why? The Traveling Salesman Problem A salesman needs to visit each of the n cities one after the other and wants to finish the trip where it was started A possible sequence for n = 6 3 5 1 2 Determine the sequence of cities such that the traveling distance is minimized 4 6 A Few Questions Is that the best possible sequence? How do you know? How do I determine the best sequence? 16.12 The Brute Force Strategy (1) A strategy in which all possible combinations are examined and the best among them is selected What is the problem with this approach? A: Doesn’t scale well with the size of the problem How many possible city sequences for n=6? For n=60? For n=600? 16.13 The Brute Force Strategy (2) However, with the relentless increase in computing power, certain problems that – only a few years ago - were impossible to solve with brute force, are now solvable with this technique 16.14 A Selection of Algorithmic Application Areas Search Sort Cryptography Parallel Numeric Graphical Quantum computing Combinatory We’ll now talk about the various ways of representing But, before we do that please allow me to say a few words about … © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan algorithms. 103 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Syntax & Semantics An algo. is “correct” if its: – – Semantics are correct Syntax is correct Semantics: The concept embedded in an algorithm (the soul!) WARNINGS: 1. An algo. can be syntactically correct, yet semantically incorrect – very dangerous situation! 2. Syntactic correctness is easier to check as compared with semantic Syntax: The actual representation of an algorithm (the body!) Now onto Algorithm Representation We have said enough about algorithms – their definition, their types, etc. But, how do we actually represent them? Generally, SW developers represent them in one of three forms: Pseudo code Flowcharts Actual code Pseudo Code Language that is typically used for writing algorithms Similar to a programming language, but not as rigid The method of expression most suitable for a given situation is used: At times, plain English At others, a programming language like syntax 16.15 Flowchart A graphical representation of a process (e.g. an algorithm), in which graphic objects are used to indicate the steps & decisions that are taken as the process moves along from start to finish Individual steps are represented by boxes and other shapes on the flowchart, with arrows between those shapes indicating the order in which the steps are taken 104 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 Flowchart Elements VU Start or stop Process Input or output Decision Flow line Connector Off-page connector In Today’s Lecture, We … Became familiar with the concept of algorithms: What they are? What is their use? What do they consist of? What are the techniques used for representing them? Next Lecture: Algorithms II We will continue our discussion on algorithms during the next lecture In particular, we will discuss the pseudo code and flowcharts for particular problems We will also discuss the pros and cons of these two algorithm representation techniques i.e. pseudo code and flow charts © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 105 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 17 Algorithms II Focus of the last lecture was on Algorithms Became familiar with the concept of algorithms: What they are? (SEQUENCE OF STEPS) What is their use? What are their types? What are the techniques used for representing them? Pseudo code Flowcharts Actual code Today … We will continue our discussion on algorithms that we started during the 16th lecture In particular, we will look at the building blocks that are used in all algorithms We will also discuss the pseudo code and flowcharts for particular problems In addition, we will outline the pros and cons of those two techniques 17.1 Algorithm Building Blocks All problems can be solved by employing any one of the following building blocks or their combinations Sequences Conditionals Loops Start or stop Flowchart Elements Process Input or output Decision Flow line Connector Off-page connector This review was essential because we will be using these building blocks quite often today. OK. Now on with the three building blocks of algorithms. First .. 106 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Sequences A sequence of instructions that are executed in the precise order they are written in: statement block 1 statement block 1 statement block 2 statement block 3 statement block 2 statement block 3 Conditionals Select between alternate courses of action depending upon the evaluation of a condition If ( condition = true ) statement block 1 Else statement block 2 End if True statement block 1 False condition statement block 2 Loops Loop through a set of statements as long as a condition is true Loop while ( condition = true ) statement block End Loop statement block True condition False We will now present the algorithm for a problem whose solution is familiar to us We will first go through the problem statement and then present the algorithm in three different formats: © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 107 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 1. Pseudo code 2. Flowchart 3. Actual code Problem Statement Convert a decimal number into binary Convert 75 to Binary 2 75 1 2 37 1 2 2 0 2 18 9 4 2 2 2 1 remainder 1 0 0 1 0 1001011 We did write down the pseudo code for this problem last time. Lets do it again, and in a slightly more formal way 17.2 Solution in Pseudo Code Let the decimal number be an integer x, x > 0 Let the binary equivalent be an empty string y Repeat while x > 0 { Determine the quotient & remainder of x ÷ 2 y = CONCATENATE( remainder, y ) x = quotient } Print y Stop Q: Is this the only possible algorithm for converting a decimal number into a binary representation? If not, then is this the best? In terms of speed? In terms of memory requirement? In terms of ease of implementation? You must ask these questions after writing any algorithm 17.3 Tips on Writing Good Pseudo Code 108 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Use indention for improved clarity Do not put “code” in pseudo code – make your pseudo code language independent Don’t write pseudo code for yourself – write it in an unambiguous fashion so that anyone with a reasonable knowledge can understand and implement it Be consistent Prefer formulas over English language descriptions Start Get x x>0 ? Print y S Flowchart of Decimal to Binary Conversion Yes No Find quotienty = CONC(remainder, x) & remainder x = quotient of x ÷ 2 x is the decimal number y is the binary equivalent Does the flowchart depict the “correct” algorithm? What do we mean by “correct”, or better yet, what do we check for “correctness”? One way is to check the algorithm for a variety of inputs Does it perform satisfactorily for: x=0? negative numbers? numbers with fractional parts? © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 109 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Decimal to Binary Conversion in JavaScript NOTE: Don’t worry if you don’t understand this code for now; you will - later! Another Example: Sorting Sort the following objects w.r.t. their heights Expected Result Strategy 110 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU There are many strategies for solving this problem. We demonstrate a simple one: Repeat the following steps while the list is un-sorted: Start with the first object in the list Swap it with the one next to it if they are in the wrong order Repeat the same with the next to the first object Keep on repeating until you reach the last object in the list Back to the Objects to be Sorted Q: Is the list sorted? A: No Sorting: Step A1 Sorting: Step A1 Swap? Yes © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 111 Introduction to Computing –CS101 Sorting: Step A2 Sorting: Step A2 Swap? Yes Sorting: Step A3 112 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan VU Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Sorting: Step A3 Swap? No Sorting: After Step A7 Q: Is the list sorted? A: No Sorting: Step B1 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 113 Introduction to Computing –CS101 Sorting: Step B1 Swap? Yes Sorting: Step B2 Sorting: Step B2 Swap? No 114 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan VU Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Sorting: After Step B7 Q: Is the list sorted? A: No Sorting: Step C1 Sorting: Step C1 Swap? No Sorting: After Step C7 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 115 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Q: Is the list sorted? A: Yes STOP Let’s now look at this same process of sorting being applied to a bigger list ---FLASH MOVIE FOR BUBBLE SORT GOES HERE--- Start Get list Flowchart for the Sorting Process list is an array containing the heights N is the total number of objects in the list Yes No n>N ? n = n+1 list sorted? No No list[n] > list[n+1]? n=0 Yes Stop Yes SWAP list[n], list[n+1] Dim swapFlag As Boolean, list(8) As Integer readList( list() ) ‘this needs to be defined swapFlag = True Do While swapFlag = True For n = 1 To 8 If list(n) > list(n + 1) Then temp = list(n) list(n) = list(n + 1) list(n + 1) = temp swapFlag = True End If Next Loop For n = 1 To 8 Debug.Print list(n) Next Q: Is this the only possible algorithm for sorting a list? A: Certainly not! In fact this one (called the “Bubble sort”) is probably the worst (reasonable) algorithm for sorting a list – it is just too slow You will learn a lot more about sorting in your future courses 116 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 17.4 Pros and Cons of Flowcharts (1) I personally don’t find flowcharts very useful The process of writing an algorithm in the form of a flowchart is just too cumbersome And then converting this graphical form into code is not straight forward However, there is another kind of flowcharts – called Structured Flowcharts – that may be better suited for software developers 17.5 Pros and Cons of Flowcharts (2) The good thing about flowcharts is that their symbols are quite intuitive and almost universally understood Their graphical nature makes the process of explaining an algorithm to one’s peers quite straightforward 17.6 Pros and Cons of Pseudo Code (1) Quite suitable for SW development as it is closer in form to real code One can write the pseudo code, then use it as a starting point or outline for writing real code Many developers write the pseudo code first and then incrementally comment each line out while converting that line into real code 17.7 Pros and Cons of Pseudo Code (2) Pseudo code can be constructed quite quickly as compared with a flowchart Unlike flowcharts, no standard rules exist for writing pseudo code With that we have reached the end of the materials that we wanted to cover today. However, I still need to tell you about your assignment #6 In Today’s Lecture, We … We continued our discussion on algorithms that we had started during the 16th lecture In particular, we looked at the building blocks that are used in all algorithms We also discussed the pseudo code and flowcharts for particular problems In addition, we outlined the pros and cons of those two techniques Focus of the Next Lecture: Programming Languages To understand the role of programming languages in computing To understand the differences among low- & high-level, interpreted & compiled, and structured & object-oriented programming languages © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 117 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 18 Objects, Properties, Methods (Web Development Lecture 6) During the last lecture we continued our discussion on Interactive Forms We got our first taste of JavaScript – the object-based language that we will be employing throughout the rest of the Web development part of this course We developed a (simple) client-side script in JavaScript During Today’s Lecture … We will have a more formal introduction to JavaScript and client-side scripting We will become able to appreciate the concept of objects in JavaScript We will learn about the properties of those objects, and about how to read & modify them We will become able to perform simple tasks through the application of methods Last time we looked at two distinct ways of performing the “form” field checking function. From now onwards, we will be employing the 2nd way more often than not In that 2nd way, we referred to a function in the HTML BODY, and but defined that function in the HTML HEAD The main code segment that goes between the tags in the HEAD: function checkForm() { if ( document.sendEmail.sender.value.length < 1) { window.alert( “Empty From field! Please correct” ); } } The JavaScript code included as an attribute of the “Send eMail” button: onMouseOver=“checkForm()” 118 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Send an eMail

    Send an eMail

    18.1 New Concept: Client-Side Scripts Small programs that are a part of the Web page and run on the user’s (client’s) computer They interact with the user to collect info or to accomplish other tasks Once it has been collected, they may help pass the collected info on to a server-side script We’ll use JavaScript to do client-side scripting. However, there are many other languages that can be used for that purpose, e.g. VBScript 18.2 Advantages of Client-Side Scripting Reduced server load as it does not have to send messages to the user’s browser about missing or incorrect data Reduced network traffic as the form’s data is sent only once instead of many to’s and fro’s 18.3 Disadvantages Client-side scripts do not work with all browsers Some user intentionally turn scripting off on their browsers This increases the complexity of the Web page, as it now has to support both situations: browsers with scripting capability, and those not having that capability 18.4 JavaScript A programming language specifically designed to work with Web browsers It is designed to be used for developing small programs – called scripts – that can be embedded in HTML Web pages JavaScript: Is an interpreted language Supports event-driven programming © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 119 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Is object-based Some of things that JavaScript cannot do! The following file operations on the client computer: Read -- Modify Rename -- Delete Create Create graphics (although, it does have the ability to format pages through HTML including the placement of graphics) Any network programming bar one function: the ability to download a file to the browser specified through an arbitrary URL Some of the things that JavaScript can do! Control the appearance of the browser Control the content and appearance of the document displayed in the browser Interact with the user through event handlers Arbitrary calculations, including floating-point ones Store & modify a limited amount of data about the user in the form of client-side “cookies” 18.5 Client-Side JavaScript Everything that JavaScript manipulates, it Although a version of JavaScript exists that can be used to write server-side scripts, our focus in this course will only be on clientside scripting Case Sensitivity HTML is not case sensitive. The following mean the same to the browser: -- -- JavaScript is case sensitive. Only the first of the following will result in the desired function – the rest will generate an error or some other undesirable event: onMouseClick -- OnMouseClick onmouseclick -- ONMOUSECLICK JavaScript A programming language specifically designed to work with Web browsers It is designed to be used for developing small programs – called scripts – that can be embedded in HTML Web pages JavaScript: Is an interpreted language Supports event-driven programming Is object-based JavaScript is Object-Based treats as an object – e.g. a window or a button An object has properties – e.g. a window has size, position, status, etc. Objects are modified with methods that are associated with that object – e.g. a resize a window with resizeTo(150, 200) Not Object-Oriented! JavaScript is not a true object-oriented language like C++ or Java It is so because it lacks two key features: A formal inheritance mechanism Strong typing Nevertheless, it does include many key concepts that are part of almost all objectoriented languages, and therefore is referred as an object-based language 120 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Object: A named collection of properties (data, state) & methods (instructions, behavior) A collection of properties & methods All objects have the “name” property: it holds the name of the object name prop 1 prop 3 prop 2 method 1 prop 4 method 2 prop 5 method 3 Example: A Bicycle color name pressure height inflate() speed accelerate() direction turn() park() Example: JavaScript’s “window” Object width name height close() document location open() status alert() 18.6 Properties Objects may have a single or several properties A property may have one of the following values: Number -- Text -- Boolean Array -- Functions Objects (Example: “document” – a property of the “window” object – is an object in itself. A “document” in turn may contain a “form” object as a property, and then that “form” may contain a “button” property, which, once again, is an object in itself) © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 121 Introduction to Computing –CS101 Referring to a Property dot objectName.propertyName Examples: window.width button.value 122 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan VU Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Change Property Demo # 1

    Change Property Demo # 1

    The main code segment that goes between the tags in the HEAD: function changeStatus() { window.status=“Mouse has touched the button”; } property new value The JavaScript code included as an attribute of the “Submit” button: onMouseOver=“changeStatus()” © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 123 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU The main code segment that goes between the tags in the HEAD: function gotoURL() { window.location=“http://www.vu.edu.pk/”; } new value property The JavaScript code included as an attribute of the “Go to VU” button: onMouseOver=“gotoURL()” You should be connected to the Internet for the successful execution of the example that we just discussed A Suggestion Please try the pieces of code that I just demonstrated to you to change the status and location properties of the “window” object yourself Also try changing the width, height properties of the “window” object Types of Objects JavaScript objects Objects that are part of JavaScript Examples: window, document Browser objects Objects that contain info not about the contents of the display, but the browser itself Examples: history, navigator User-defined object One More Example: Let us try to change the background color of the window 124 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU The main code segment that goes between the tags in the HEAD: function changeBgcolor() { window.document.bgColor = “pink”; } new value property The JavaScript code included as an attribute of the “Change Color” button: onMouseOver=“changeBgcolor()” In addition to “bgColor”, there are many other properties of the “document” object, e.g. fgColor linkColor cookie forms[ ] © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 125 Introduction to Computing –CS101 title URL referrer lastModified VU images[ ] links[ ] … … … We have learnt how to modify the properties of objects But the properties are not there just so that we can modify them; we can also just read them – that is just find out their current value Let us now look at an example where we first read a property, display the current value, and then change the property The main code segment that goes between the tags in the HEAD: function changeBgcolor() { oldColor = window.document.bgColor; window.document.bgColor = “pink”; window.alert("The old color was " + oldColor); } The JavaScript code included as an attribute of the “Change Color” button: onMouseOver=“changeBgcolor()” 126 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Now we have established what we mean by objects: a named collection of properties and methods And that JavaScript treats everything that it manipulates as an object We have also learnt how to change the properties of these objects by selecting a property and equating it to a new value Methods: Functions (code, instructions, behavior) associated with objects Methods are functions associated with an object that can be used to manipulate that object Example: window.close() Here “close()” is a method that has been defined for the “window” object. Its function is to close the “window” Referring to a Method dot objectName.methodName( argumnets ) Examples: Info is window.close() passed on to button.click() the method through one or more arguments A few more methods associated the “window” object alert() confirm() prompt() close() open() focus() blur() setTimeOut() with © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 127 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU The main code segment that goes between the tags in the HEAD: function vuWindow() { window.open(“http://www.vu.edu.pk/”); } argument method The JavaScript code included as an attribute of the “New VU Window” button: different event handler onClick=“vuWindow()” 18.7 Event Handlers Objects are made up of properties and associated methods Many objects also have “event handlers” associated with them “Events” are actions that occur as a result of user’s interaction with the browser We use “event handlers” [e.g. onMouseOver(), onClick()] to design Web pages that can react to those events More on event handlers in a future lecture During Today’s Lecture … We had a more formal introduction to JavaScript and client-side scripting We became able to appreciate the concept of objects in JavaScript We learnt about the properties of those objects We also became able to perform simple tasks through the application of methods Next (the 7th) Web Dev Lecture: Data Types and Operators To find out about data types To become familiar with JavaScript data types To become able to use JavaScript statements and arithmetic operators 128 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 19 Programming Languages During the last lecture … We continued our discussion on algorithms that we had started during the 16th lecture In particular, we looked at the building blocks that are used in all algorithms We also discussed the pseudo code and flowcharts for particular problems In addition, we outlined the pros and cons of those two techniques Last time we discussed what to implement Today’s Lecture Today we are going to discuss the tool that is used to implement SW To understand the differences among low- & high-level, interpreted & compiled, and structured & object-oriented programming languages To understand the role of programming languages in computing WHAT IS PROGRAMING (CODING) ? The process of telling TYPES OF PROGRAMS the computer what to do Batch Programs Event-Driven Programs 19.1 Batch Programs These are typically started from a shell (or automatically via a scheduler) and tend to follow a pattern of: Initialize internal data Read input data Process that data Print or store results Key feature: No user interaction with the computer while the program is running Programming Language A vocabulary and set of grammatical rules for instructing a computer to specific tasks perform 19.2 Event-Driven Programs Examples: GUIs, microwave, camera The system sends events to the program and the program responds to these as they arrive. Events can include things a user does - like clicking the mouse - or things that the system itself does - like updating the clock. These programs generally work as follows: Initialize the internal data Wait for events to arrive Identify an incoming event and react accordingly Programming Language A vocabulary and set of grammatical rules for instructing a computer to perform specific tasks All programs consists of: Sequence of instructions Conditionals Loops These may contain: Data Input/output (print, etc) Operations (add, divide, etc) © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 129 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Examples of Prog. Languages Machine Assembly Language LISP PL/1(1964) BASIC Pascal Smalltalk C (1972) Fortran COBOL Language (1956-63) Perl (1956) VisualBasic PowerBuilder (1964) Ada(1983) (1970) C++ (1972) QBasic (1986 (1957) JavaScript (1959) C# (2001) (1987) (1991) Java (1983-85) (1995) 19.3 Types of Prog. Languages High level Programming Languages Low Level Programming Languages High-level programming languages, while simple compared to human languages, are more complex than the languages the uP actually understands, called machine languages each different type of microprocessors has its own unique machine language lying between machine languages & high-level languages are languages called Assembly languages Assembly languages are similar to machine languages, but are easier to program in as they allow a programmer to substitute names for numbers Machine languages consist of numbers only. 4th-generation languages High-level languages Assembly languages Machine languages Regardless of what language you use, you eventually need to convert your program into a language that the computer can understand Two ways for doing that: - compile the program or - interpret the program Interpreter is a program that executes instructions written in a high-level language An interpreter translates high-level instructions into an intermediate form, which it then executes. In contrast, a compiler translates high-level instructions directly into machine language Compiled programs generally run faster than interpreted programs. 130 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU The advantage of an interpreter, however, is that it does not need to go through the compilation stage during which the whole of the high-level code is translated into machine instructions in one go. This process can be time-consuming if the program is long. The interpreter can immediately execute high-level programs, without waiting for the completion of the translation process The choice of which language to use can also depend on the: -Type of computer the program is to run on, - Expertise of the programmer Interpreters: immediate response, but execute code slowly. Compilers: Takes longer to compile, but super-fast execution. Both interpreters and compilers are available for most high-level languages. However, BASIC and LISP were especially designed to be executed by an interpreter. Why are there so many different programming languages? What are the advantages of particular languages? The question of which language is best is one that consumes a lot of time and energy among computer professionals Every language has its strengths and weaknesses -Can a single language have all the good bits of other languages? -Is there a perfect language? -Do some good features force a language to also have bad features? -What makes a feature good or bad? FORTRAN is a particularly good language for processing numerical data, but it does not lend itself very well to large business programs Pascal is very good for writing well-structured and readable programs, but it is not as flexible as the C programming language C++ embodies powerful object-oriented features, but it is complex and difficult to learn What changes in the field of computer languages can we expect in the near future? -Which programming language should you learn? Should you learn more than one? 19.4 Programming SW Development - SW Design Methodology ? The set of (often flexible) rules and guidelines a team of developers follow to construct reasonably complex SW systems 19.5 Object Oriented Design OO SW is all about objects: a black box which receives messages & responds with those of its own An object has 2 aspects: State, also termed as properties, data Example: For the bicycle: color, speed, pressure Behaviors, also termed as methods, instructions Example: For the same object: accelerate(), inflate() In traditional design, these 2 aspects have been kept apart The designer starts with any component (object) of the system; designs it as an independent, self-contained system, and then moves to the design of some other component . The over-all system is put together by fitting together a collection of these components. Key feature: Details of the design of the component are kept independent of the over-all system. Benefit: It can be easily re-used in other systems: design once; use multiple times 19.6 Structured Design Also called top-down design © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 131 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU The designer starts by first conceiving a skeleton high-level design of the system, and then starts defining features of that over-all design in an ever-increasing detail Making small changes in the functionality of the systems sometimes leads to major redesign exercise Structured design emphasizes separating a program's data from its functionality Separating data from functionality typically leads to SW that is difficult to maintain & understand - especially for large SW systems 19.7 Object-Oriented Languages Programming languages specifically designed to make it easy to implement objectoriented designs Examples: Smalltalk, C++, Java Programming Languages http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/Programming_language During Today’s Lecture, We … To understand the role of programming languages in computing To understand the differences among low- & high-level, interpreted & compiled, and structured & object-oriented programming languages Focus of The SW Development Process the Next Lecture: Development process of reasonably complex SW systems does not consist of “coding” only We will become familiar with the various phases of the process that developers follow to develop SW systems of reasonable complexity 132 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 20 SW Development Methodology We discussed the role of programming languages in computing We also discussed the differences among low- & high-level, interpreted & compiled, and structured & object-oriented programming languages We also discussed the object-oriented and the structured methodologies for SW design Any Other SW Design Methodologies? -- Spaghetti Design Methodology The most popular software design (programming) methodology Today’s Lecture Development process of reasonably complex SW systems does not consist of “coding” only We will become familiar with the various phases of the process that developers follow to develop SW systems of reasonable complexity SW Life-Cycle The sequence of phases a SW goes through from the concept to decommissioning It is important to think about all those phases before the design work starts Thinking about the future phases generally results in: Shorter delivery times Reduced costs of development A system of higher quality A Case in Point I didn’t discuss with the customer the specs of the HW & OS before developing a particular e-commerce SW. I wrote it for the HW/OS that was easily available to me. Unfortunately that HW/OS combination differed from what was easily available to the client Result: Huge amount of rework. Higher cost. Delayed delivery. Lower quality. Therefore, now before designing a SW system, I first write down the installation manual, and get it OK’d by the customer. I do the same with the Operation & Maintenance manual as well. © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 133 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Simple SW Life Cycle Concept Development Operation & Maintenance Decommissioning Concept & Feasibility Detailed View Of SW Developoment Life Cycle User Requirements Developer Specs Planning Design Implementation Integration Testing Opr. & Maintenance Retirement 134 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Concept & Feasibility Concept: What needs to be done? User Requirements Feasibility: Preliminary exploration of possible solutions, technologies, suppliers Developer Specs Planning Design Implementation Integration Testing Opr. & Maintenance Retirement Concept & Feasibility The user documents as much as he knows about the job the system must do User Requirements Developer Specs Planning Design Implementation Integration Testing Opr. & Maintenance Retirement © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 135 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Detailed plan specifying the required resources and expected deliverables Concept & Feasibility User Requirements Developer Specs Planning Design Implementation Integration Testing Opr. & Maintenance Retirement Developer analyses users requirement, performs further investigation, and produces unambiguous specifications Concept & Feasibility User Requirements Developer Specs Planning Design Implementation Integration Testing Opr. & Maintenance Retirement 136 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Concept & Feasibility Architecture: Decompose the problem into subsystems and define their relationships User Requirements Developer Specs Planning Design Implementation Detailed Design: Decompose further such that one person can manage each subsubsystem Integration Testing Opr. & Maintenance Retirement Design Coding Concept & Feasibility User Requirements Developer Specs Planning Design Implementation Integration Testing Opr. & Maintenance Retirement © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 137 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Bring the subsubsystems together to form subsystems and test. Bring subsystems together to form the system and test Concept & Feasibility User Requirements Developer Specs Planning Design Implementation Integration Testing Opr. & Maintenance Retirement Use Enhance Adapt Correct Concept & Feasibility User Requirements Developer Specs Planning Design Implementation Integration Testing Opr. & Maintenance Retirement 138 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Phase it out when the time comes Concept & Feasibility User Requirements Developer Specs Planning Design Implementation Integration Testing Opr. & Maintenance Retirement Concept & Feasibility User Requirements Test Developer Specs Test Planning Test Test Design Test Implementation Integration Testing Acceptance Test Opr. & Maintenance Retirement © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 139 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Concept & Feasibility Customer’s lack of knowledge about requirements User Requirements Developer Specs Planning Design Implementation Integration Testing Opr. & Maintenance Retirement Concept & Feasibility Lag User Requirements Developer Specs Planning Design Implementation Integration Testing Opr. & Maintenance Retirement Other Life-Cycle Models The sequence of phases (or the life-cycle mode) that I showed is just one example of the several sequences that SW developers follow This one is called the “Waterfall” model You will learn about some more models (e.g. the Spiral model) in your future courses 140 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU The Waterfall Lifecycle Model and its Derivatives www.cs.qub.ac.uk/~J.Campbell/myweb/misd/node3.html In Today’s Lecture We became familiar with the various phases of the process that developers follow to develop SW systems of reasonable complexity We looked at a couple of problems related to the Waterfall SW development model Next Lecture: 2nd In the Productivity SW Series Spreadsheets We will become familiar with the basic features and functions of spreadsheets We will become able to perform simple data analysis using spreadsheet SW © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 141 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 21 Data Types & Operators (Web Development Lecture 7) • • • Everything that JavaScript manipulates, it treats as an object – e.g. a window or a button An object has properties – e.g. a window has size, position, status, etc. An object can be manipulated with methods that are associated with that object – e.g. a resize a window with resizeTo(150, 200) Object: A named collection of properties (data, state) & methods (instructions, behavior) During the last lecture we had a discussion on Objects, Properties, Methods All objects have the “name” property: it holds the name of the object (collection) A collection of properties & methods nam e prop 1 method 2 prop 2 method 1 prop 4 142 prop prop 5 3 method 3 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Types of Objects • – – JavaScript objects Objects that are part of JavaScript Examples: window, document – – Browser objects Objects that contain info not about the contents of the display, but the browser itself Examples: history, navigator • • User-defined object Object-Based, Not Object-Oriented! • • JavaScript is not a true object-oriented language like C++ or Java – – It is so because it lacks two key features: A formal inheritance mechanism Strong typing • Nevertheless, JavaScript shares many similarities with object-oriented languages, and therefore is called an object-based language The concept of objects and associated properties and methods is a very powerful idea, and we will be talking about it a lot during this course However, today, our focus will be on some of the nitty-gritty details of JavaScript During Today’s Lecture … • • • We will find out about JavaScript data types About variables and literals We will also discuss various operators supported by JavaScript 21.1 JavaScript Data Types Unlike in C, C++ and Java, there are no explicit data types in JavaScript Nevertheless, it recognizes & distinguishes among the following types of values: Numbers, e.g., 23, 4.3, -230, 4.4e-24 Booleans, e.g., true, false Strings, e.g., “hello”, “What’s the time?” Undefined We’ll come back to these data types, but before that we have to define a few new terms First, variables: Variables Variables give us the ability to manipulate data through reference instead of actual value. Variables are names assigned to values. Variables are containers that hold values (Example: Hotel guest name, Guest room no). Generally, the value of a variable varies during code execution (that is why the term “variable. Example x is a variable x = 1; while (x < 6) { document.write (x); x = x + 1; } © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 143 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Try Doing the Same Without Using A Variable 5 lines of code replacing 5 lines of code! document.write (“1”); document.write (“2”); document.write (“3”); document.write (“4”); document.write (“5”); Why use variables? Another Situation x = 1; while (x < 6000) { document.write (x); x = x + 1; } 21.2 Declaring Variables Many languages require that a variable be declared (defined) before it is first used Although JavaScript allows variable declaration, it does not require it - except in the case when we want to declare a variable being local (more on local variables later in the course!) However, it is good programming practice to declare variables before using them Declaring Variables var height var name, address, phoneNumber JavaScript Variables are Dynamically Typed Any variable in JavaScript can hold any type of value, and that type can change midway through the program. This is unlike the case for C, C++ and Java, where a variable’s type is defined before usage. The untyped feature makes JavaScript simpler to program in when developing short programs. However, this feature brings in a few problems as well. Can you describe any? 144 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU JavaScript Variables are Dynamically Typed After the execution of the 1st statement, the data type of the variable “sum” is “undefined” var sum ; sum = 43 ; sum = “empty” ; After the execution of the 2nd statement, the data type After the execution of the 3rd statement, the data type changes to “string” Identifiers • Identifiers are names used by JavaScript to refer to variables (as well as objects, • • properties, methods, and functions!) An identifier must begin with an alphabetical character (a-z or A-Z) or the underscore “_” character Subsequent characters can be an alphabetical (a-z or A-B) or numeric character (0-9) or an underscore numberOneUniversity ,N99umber_one_University _5numberoneuniversity,x,reallyReallyLongIndentifier12345678901234 Another Restriction on Identifiers • • Do not use any of the JavaScript keywords as identifiers For example, do not name a variable as “while”. When the browser sees this term in JavaScript code, it will get confused as it already knows this keyword as part of a loop statement. Same is the case for “var” or “if” or any of the other keywords. © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 145 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU JavaScript (Java) Reserved Names that can’t be used for variables, functions, methods, objects Words finally byte import throws else protected goto with default new abstract static class interface var float case in transient extends public if this do null Boolean super const long void for catch instanceof true false return private throw double package break switch continue native while function char int try final synchronized implements ???? Avoid These Special Names As Well Names that should not be used for variables, functions, methods, objects (1) close confirm assign Window JavaClass History Image Form java onfocus navigator Number location onblur Select prompt Radio Package Reset Element unescape valueOf sun window JavaObjec closed Date blur Docume onload history isNaN Frame JavaArra Self netscape Object Math onerror untaint prototype ref parent scroll taint defaultStatus 146 clearTimeout © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan document Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU alert Area assign Boolean Checkbox escape FileUploa Form frames getClass status Link location MimeType navigate onunload opener Package parseFloa Password setTimeou String sun Text top Anchor Array blur Button Submit eval focus Frame Function Hidden length Location Math name Navigator open Option parent parseInt Plugin taint Textarea toString JavaPackage Identifiers appear in JavaScript statements Let us now discuss a few other elements that appear in those statements Elements of JavaScript Statements b=2; sum = sum + 49 ; name = “Bhola” + “ Continental” ; x = Math.floor ( x ) Identifiers Operators Literals Punctuation JavaScript Literals A data value that appears directly in a statement Literals can be of several types. Some of them are: Number String Boolean Numeric Literals 24,-230000000000000000,9.80665,1.67e-27, JavaScript stores all numbers, even integers, as floating-point numbers String Literals “” , ’‘Bhola” , “Where is the Bhola Continental Hotel?” String literals are always enclosed in a matching pair of single or double quotes Boolean Literals True, false , if ( tankFull == false) addMoreWater = true © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 147 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 21.3 JavaScript Operators Operators operate on operands to achieve the desired results JavaScript has numerous operators, classified in many categories. We will look at only a few of them belonging to the following categories: Assignment operators -- Arithmetic operators Comparison operators -- String operators Logical operators We’ll look at a few more during future lectures, but understand that there are many more. Even you text book does not cover all of them! Assignment Operator “=” Changes the value of what is on the LHS, w.r.t. what is on the RHS total_number_of_students = 984 ; title = “Understanding Computers” ; swapFlag = false ; x = y + 33 ; Arithmetic Operators Multiply 2 * 4 → 8 Divide 2 / 4 → 0.5 Modulus 5 % 2 → 1 Add 2 + 4 → 6 Subtract 2 - 4 → -2 Negate -(5) → -5 Not the same as the 21.4 Comparison Operators assignment “=” operator The “equal to (==)” Comparison Operator if ( today == “Sunday” ) document.write(“The shop is closed”); The string “The shop is closed” will be written to the document only if the variable today has a value equal to “Sunday” Comparison Operators a == b True if a and b are the same a != b True if a and b are not the same a>b True if a is greater than b a >= b True if a is greater than or equal to b a 0) { remaind = x % 2; y = remaind + y; } while ( x > 0) {remaind = x % 2; y = remaind + y;} while ( x > 0) { remaind = x % 2; y = remaind + y; } Now let’s talk about a very special type of JavaScript statement that does not really do anything, but is found in most pieces of code! Comments Comments are included on a Web page to explain how and why you wrote the page the way you did Comments can help someone other than the author to follow the logic of the page in the author’s absence The commented text is neither displayed in the browser nor does it have any effect on the logical performance of the Web page, and is visible only when the actual code is viewed JavaScript Comments Single-line comments (two options) // Author: Bhola Note : comments let the code speak for itself! Comments add clarity Decimal to Binary Conversion in JavaScript x = 75 ; // x is the decimal number y = “” ; // y is the binary equivalent while ( x > 0) { remainder = x % 2 ; quotient = Math.floor( x / 2 ) ; y = remainder + y ; x = quotient ; } document.write(“y = ” + y) ; During Today’s Lecture … We found out about JavaScript data types About variables and literals We also discussed several operators supported by JavaScript Next (the 8th) Web Dev Lecture: Flow Control and Loops To be able to understand the concept of flow control using the “if” and “switch” structures To be able to understand the concept of behind the “while” and “for” looping structures To be able to solve simple problems using flow control and loop statements 150 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 22 Spreadsheets Today’s Lecture: Spreadsheets It was the first among the four lectures that we plan to have on productivity software We learnt about what we mean by word processing and also desktop publishing We also discussed the usage of various functions provided by common Second among the four lectures that we plan to have on productivity software This 2nd lecture is on spreadsheets We’ll learn about why we are interested in spreadsheets We’ll discuss the several common functions provided by popular spreadsheet SW programs 22.1 Business Plan for a New Software Development Company The information provided in this business plan is confidential. Please do not disclose it without checking with me first. Thanks. Sales Forecast 50 Million US$ 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 Year of Operation 5 34 All currency figures are in thousands of US Dollars 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Billing Schedule Lahore 20x42x0.5 Dubai Islamabad Karachi 420 30x96 60x15x0.5 Lahore 15x42x0.8 Dubai Islamabad Karachi 504 17x96 48x15x0.8 Singapore 120x2 Wash., DC 200x3 Chicago 240 110x3 600 180x10 210x2 Corporate 120 42x4 2,880 40x169 450 70x35 40x25x0.5 6,760 50x317 2,450 80x45 700 50x60 50x45x0.5 15,850 3,600 3,000 1,125 60x490 90x50 60x100 60x100 29,400 4,500 6,000 6,000 3,380 24x315 1,995 66x45 560 24x60 24x45x0.8 7,608 2,970 1,440 864 28x490 78x50 28x100 28x100 13,720 3,900 2,800 2,800 440 110x5 3,600 180x30 630 200x4 550 125x5 5,400 190x40 800 200x5 625 7,600 1,000 Total 420 3,330 9,910 Costs for the Development Workforce 1,632 20x169 576 57x35 20x35x0.8 Total 504 2,208 5,935 Costs for the Sales and Support Workforce 390 110x4 1,800 180x20 420 200x3 Total 840 2,610 Costs for the Corporate Office 40x3 168 44x6 120 168 Total Profit (1,044) (1,656) -249% -50% P/S NPV Discount Rate NPV @ that Discount Rate IRR 5th Year 4,670 264 46x8 264 (959) -10% 23,575 12,882 6,750 45,900 23,220 9,225 368 48x10 368 3,575 15% 480 480 12,975 28% 40 17% 5,125 68% Spreadsheets Electronic replacement for ledgers Used for automating engineering, scientific, but in majority of cases, business calculations A spreadsheet - VisiCalc - was the first popular application on PC’s. It helped in popularizing PC’s by making the task of financial-forecasting much simpler, allowing individuals to do forecasts which previously were performed by a whole team of financial wizard What Can They Do? (1) © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 151 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Can perform calculations repeatedly, accurately, rapidly Can handle a large number of parameters, variables Make it easy to analyze what-if scenarios for determining changes in forecasts w.r.t. change in parameters What Can They Do? (2) Are easy to interface with other productivity SW packages Easy to store, recall, modify Make it is easy to produce graphs: Graphs reveal the knowledge contained in data with greater clarity and ease as compared with data arranged in rows and columns Modern spreadsheet programs can be used to display data in a variety of graphical formats 22.2 The Structure of A Spreadsheet Collection of cells arranged in rows and columns Each cell can contain one of the following:Numbers Text Formulas These cells display either the number or text that was entered in them or the value that is found by executing the formula Connecting Two Cells =A1 + 4 Let’s call this cell A1 152 And this one, A2 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Contents of the current cell are displayed here This is the current cell The address of the current cell is displayed as a letter(column)-number(row) pair All currency figures are in thousands of US Dollars 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Billing Schedule Lahore 20x42x0.5 Dubai Islamabad Karachi 420 30x96 60x15x0.5 2,880 40x169 450 70x35 40x25x0.5 6,760 50x317 2,450 80x45 700 50x60 50x45x0.5 Total 420 3,330 9,910 Costs for the Development Workforce Lahore 15x42x0.8 Dubai Islamabad Karachi 504 17x96 48x15x0.8 1,632 20x169 576 57x35 20x35x0.8 240 110x3 600 180x10 210x2 390 110x4 1,800 180x20 420 200x3 840 2,610 Total Costs for the Corporate Office Corporate 40x3 120 42x4 168 44x6 120 168 Total (1,044) (1,656) Profit P/S -249% -50% NPV Discount Rate NPV @ that Discount Rate IRR 7,608 2,970 1,440 864 28x490 78x50 28x100 28x100 6,750 368 48x10 368 3,575 15% © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 13,720 3,900 2,800 2,800 23,220 550 125x5 5,400 190x40 800 200x5 264 46x8 264 (959) -10% 29,400 4,500 6,000 6,000 45,900 12,882 440 110x5 3,600 180x30 630 200x4 4,670 60x490 90x50 60x100 60x100 23,575 3,380 24x315 1,995 66x45 560 24x60 24x45x0.8 Total 504 2,208 5,935 Costs for the Sales and Support Workforce Singapore 120x2 Wash., DC 200x3 Chicago 15,850 3,600 3,000 1,125 5th Year 625 7,600 1,000 9,225 480 480 12,975 28% 17% 5,125 68% 153 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 60.0% Bar charts work well for comparing several discrete data categories with one another or showing a trend over several time i t 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% Line charts are also work well for displaying data trends over time. They’re better than bar charts if there are a large number of data points or if more than one congruent 0.0% Pie charts are great for showing parts of a whole that are generally expressed in percentages. They work best for a small number 22.3 Goal Seek Goal Seek in Excel When you use the Goal Seek command, Excel changes the value in one cell until the value in a second cell reaches a number that you desire. For instance, if you had a spreadsheet that calculated profit for the Bhola eService from a variety of inputs, including employee numbers, expenses, products sold, price of products, you might use goal seek to define your break-even price of products. You would tell the computer to change price of products until Profit was zero (break-even), and you would do that using Tools, Goal Seek. To use Goal Seek, go to the Tools command. If Goal seek . . . is not an option, you must first go to Add-ins (also under Tools), and select Goal Seek. Once Goal Seek is loaded, choose it under Tools. In Goal Seek there will be three boxes to fill in. The first says "Set cell." Enter the cell address (or click on the cell) of the cell whose value you want to fix or set to a specific number (i.e. Profit cell). This cell must contain a formula or function. Otherwise it will not be linked to the cell you will be changing to obtain zero profit. The second says "To value." Enter the appropriate value you wish to see in that "Set" cell (i.e. 0 if you want the Profit to come out zero). The third says "By changing cell." Enter or click on the cell you want Goal Seek to change to obtain the zero profit. (i.e. milk price). This cell must not be a formula or function. Then click "okay." At this point Goal Seek will show you the answer. For instance, Profit will now be zero and the Milk Price cell will have changed to another price (maybe 11.86) to make Profit=0. You can accept the change or you can cancel the Goal Seek and return to the previous numbers. Often you just want to take note of the new numbers and cancel. If you accept and change your mind, click Undo. Things that you must remember!! Make sure the "Set Cell" cell is a formula or function or cell reference. Make sure you have set that sell to a reasonable number. Make sure the "By Changing Cell" cell is a number or blank, and not a formula, function or cell reference like =C5. 154 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Make sure there is a link by formulas between the two cells you entered in the Goal Seek. However complicated the link might be, they must be related for the Set cell to be changed by the Change cell. Finally, make sure your formula in the "Set Cell" cell is correct (as well as all others). Simple Example Assume the following cells. We will use Goal Seek to find a number to make the sum=150. A2 = 25 A3 = 40 A4 = SUM(A2:A3) which is showing 65 In Goal Seek: Set Cell: click on A4 To Value: enter 150 By Changing Cell: click on A3 The sum in A4 should now be 150, and A3 should have become 125 for that to happen. Solving Equation: f(x) = x2 + 2x + 1 = 0 • • Write the formula in a cell e.g. A2 Select the goal seek option © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 155 Introduction to Computing –CS101 • In the ‘set cell’ input field write the cell number that needs to be changed I.e. a2 • In the ‘to value’ field enter the value we want the cell a2 to have i.e. 0 • This shows the that the target was to have 0 value but excel could calculate for 0.0004 value • • On pressing Ok we will get-> VU Here the value of a1 is 0 97 which is almost equal Hence to get the value of the given function as 0 the value of x should be 1 Which is the solution of the equation f(x) = x2 + 2x + 1 = 0 links Following are some urls for the goal seek ; http://www.oootraining.com/QwikAndDirty/QwikAndDirtyExcelWeb/DataAnalysis/ Using_Goal_Seek/Using_Goal_Seek.htm The Best Feature: Undo Allows you to recover from your mistakes Allows you to experiment without risk Getting On-Screen Help All spreadsheets generally have some form of built-in help mechanism To me, it seems like that many of those help-systems are designed to be “not-veryhelpful”: they make finding answers to simple questions quite difficult Nevertheless, do try them when you are searching for answers I’ll now demonstrate the use of spreadsheets with the help of several examples Formulas Sorting Conditional formatting Graphs Goal seek 156 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Today’s Lecture was the … Second among the four lectures that we plan to have on productivity software This 2nd lecture was on spreadsheets We learnt about what we mean by spreadsheets We discussed the usage of various functions provided by common spreadsheets Focus of the Next Productivity SW Lecture: Presentations To become familiar with the basics of multimedia presentations To become able to develop simple presentation with the help of presentation software © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 157 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 23 Flow Control & Loops (Web Development Lecture 8) During the last lecture we had a discussion on Data Types, Variables & Operators We found out about JavaScript data types About variables and literals We also discussed several operators supported by JavaScript JavaScript Data Types JavaScript recognizes & distinguishes among the following types of values: Numbers Booleans Strings Undefined Variables Variables give us the ability to manipulate data through reference instead of actual valueVariables are containers that hold values Declaring Variables Although JavaScript allows variable declaration, it does not require it - except in the case when we want to declare a variable being local (more on local variables later in the course!) JavaScript Variables are Dynamically Typed Any variable in JavaScript can hold any type of value, and the that type can change midway through the program FLOW CONTROL Select between alternate courses of action depending upon the evaluation of a condition condition True False statement block 1 statement block 2 JavaScript Flow Control Structures • • 158 if … else switch © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU if: Example 1 if ( day == “Sunday” ) bhola = “Cool” ; semicolon The condition enclosed in Set the value of the variable ‘bhola to ‘Cool’ if the ‘day’ is equal to ‘Sunday’ This was the case if we want to execute a single statement given that the condition is true What if we want to execute multiple statements in case the if: Example 2 if ( day == “Sunday” ) { bhola = “Cool” ; mood = “Great” ; clothing = “Casual” ; } Set the value of the variable ‘bhola to ‘Cool’, ‘mood’ to ‘Great’, and ‘clothing’ to ‘casual’ if the These curly braces group the multiple statements into a single compound statement if: Example 2 if ( day == “Sunday” ) { bhola = “Cool” ; Note: No mood = “Great” ; clothing = “Casual” ; semicolon after the closing curly brace } Set the value of the variable ‘status’ to ‘Cool’, ‘mood’ to ‘Great’, and ‘clothing’ to ‘casual’ if the ‘day’ is equal to ‘Sunday’ Compound Statements • 2. At times, we need to put multiple statements at places where JavaScript expects only oneFor those situations, JavaScript provides a way of grouping a number of statements into a This is done simply by enclosing any number of statements within curly braces, { }NOTE: Although the statements within the block end in semicolons, the block itself doesn’t if: Example 3 if ( (day == “Sunday”) || (day == “Saturday”) ) { bhola = “Cool” ; mood = “Great” ; clothing = “Casual” ; } © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 159 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU if: Example 4 weekend = ( day == “Sunday” ) || ( day == “Saturday” ) ; if ( weekend ) { bhola = “Cool” ; mood = “Great” ; clothing = “Casual” ; } What is the data type of the variable “weekend”? We now know how to execute a statement or a block of statements given that the condition is true What if we want to include an alternate action as well, i.e. a statement or a block of statements to be executed in case the condition in not true if … else: Example 1 if ( GPA >= 1.0 ) bhola = “Pass” ; else bhola = “Fail” ; if … else: Example 2 if ( GPA >= 1.0 ) { bhola = “Pass” ; } Else bhola = “Fail” ; if … else: Example 3 if ( GPA >= 1.0 ) { bhola = “Pass” ; mood = “Great” ; } else if … else: Example 4 if ( GPA >= 1.0 ) { bhola = “Pass” ; mood = “Great” ; } else { bhola = “Fail” ; mood = “Terrible” ; } if … else: Example 5 if ( grade == “A” ) points = 4.0 ; This piece of code is correct, but not very efficient! if ( grade == “B” ) points = 3.0 ; if ( grade == “C” ) points = 2.0 ; What can we do to improve it? if ( grade == “D” ) points = 1.0 ; if ( grade == “F” ) points = 0 0 ; 160 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU if … else: Example 5 if ( grade == “A” ) This piece of code is correct, but not very efficient! points = 4.0 ; if ( grade == “B” ) points = 3.0 ; What can we do to improve it? if ( grade == “C” ) points = 2.0 ; if ( grade == “D” ) points = 10; if … else: Example 6 if ( grade == “A” ) points = 4.0 ; else { if ( grade == “B” ) points = 3.0 ; else { if ( grade == “C” ) points = 2.0 ; else { if ( grade == “D” ) points = 1.0 ; else points = 0.0 ; } } } switch ( grade ) { case “A” : points = 4.0 ; break ; case “B” : points = 3.0 ; break ; case “C” : points = 2.0 ; break ; case “D” : points = 1.0 ; break ; default : points = 0.0 ; } A colon following the case label is required switch: Example 1 The expression enclosed in parentheses is evaluated and matched with case labels This is a case label This ‘break’ statement is the exit point The ‘default’ statement acts like the ‘else’ clause in the ‘if…else’ structure © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 161 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Switch Example 2 switch: Example 2 switch ( inquiry ) { case “apple” : document.write( “Apples are Rs 50/kg” ) ; break ; case “mangos” : document.write( “Mangos are Rs 90/kg” ) ; break ; case “grapes” : document.write( “Grapes are Rs 60/kg” ) ; break ; default : document.write( inquiry + “? Please retry!” ) ; } if…else --?-- switch • • If the action to be taken of the value of a single variable (or a single expression), use ‘switch’ When the action depends on the values of multiple variables (or expressions), use the ‘if...else’ structure if … else: Example 7 if ( ( GPA >= 1.0 ) && ( attendance >= 40 ) ) bhola = “Pass” ; else { if ( ( GPA >= 2.0 ) && ( attendance >= 36 ) ) = “Probation” ; bhola else bhola = “Fail” ; LOOPS } Loop through a set of statements as long as a condition is true True statement block condition False JavaScript’s Looping Structures while for … 162 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Decimal to Binary Conversion in JavaScript x = 75 ; // x is the decimal number y = “” ;// y is the binary equivalent while ( x > 0 ) { remainder = x % 2 ; quotient = Math.floor( x / 2 ) ; y = remainder + y ; x = quotient ; } document.write( “y = ” + y ) ; The condition enclosed in parentheses while: Example 2 while ( tankIsFull == false ) { tank = tank + bucket ; } document.write ( “Tank is full now” ) ; while: Example 3 x=1; while ( x < 6000 ) { document.write ( x ) ; x=x+1; } for: Example 1 Operation Initial count Condition for ( x = 1 ; x < 6000 ; x = x + 1 ) { document.write ( x ) ; } for: Description (1) • The ‘for’ loop starts by initializing the counter variable (which in this case is x) • The initial value in this case is ‘1’, but can be any other positive or negative number as well • Next the ‘for’ loop checks the condition. If the condition evaluates to a ‘true’ value, the ‘for’ loop goes through the loop once © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 163 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU for: Description (2) • After reaching the end of that iteration, the ‘for’ loop goes to the top once again, performs the operation, checks the condition • • • If the condition evaluates to a ‘false’ value, the ‘for’ loop finishes looping Otherwise, the ‘for’ loop goes through the loop once again Repeat from step 4 for: Example 2 for ( x = 99 ; x < 6000 ; x = x + 1 ) { document.write ( x ) ; } for: Example 3 for ( x = 6000 ; x > 0 ; x = x - 1 ) { document.write ( x ) ; } How many iterations would this ‘for’ loop run for? 6000? for: Example 3 How many iterations would this ‘for’ loop run for? for ( x = 6000 ; x > 0 ; x = x - 1 ) { document.write ( x ) ; } for: Example 4 for ( x = 6000 ; x < 0 ; x = x - 1 ) { document.write ( x ) ; } 6000? How many iterations would this ‘for’ loop run for? for --?-- while • None? When the exact number of iterations is known, use the ‘for’ loop ‘for’ loops become especially useful when used in conjunction with arrays We’ll find out about arrays next time, and we’ll probe their usefulness as part of ‘for’ loop structures 164 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU During Today’s Lecture … We discussed the concept of flow control using the “if” and “switch” structures And also the concept behind the “while” and “for” looping structures We also solved simple problems using flow control and loop structures Next Arrays (the 9th) Web Dev Lecture: We will find out why we need arrays We will become able to use arrays for solving simple problems © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 165 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 24 Design Heuristics During the last lecture … We became familiar with the various phases of the process that developers follow to develop SW systems of reasonable complexity We looked at a couple of problems related to the Waterfall SW development model Today’s Lecture Heuristics for System Architecting We will try to understand the role of heuristics in architectural (or high-level) design We will become familiar with a few popular design heuristics 24.1 Heuristic Rule of thumb learned through trial & error Common sense lesson drawn from experience Qualitative principle, guideline, general judgement Natural language description of experience 24.2 System A collection of elements which working the things alone together produces a result not achieved by 24.3 System Architecture The structure (in terms of components, connections, constraints) of a product or a process 24.4 Heuristics for system architecting Rules and lessons learnt by system architects after long experiences which when followed result in sound, stable, practical systems # 1 My favorite system architecting (and other relevant) heuristics --- in no particular order --#2 Given many parts of a system to be designed/built, do the hard part 1st # 3 All the serious mistakes are made on the very first day # 4 Simplify, simplify, simplify! Probably the most useful heuristics for increasing reliability while decreasing cost & time-to-build # 5 If you can’t explain it in 5 minutes, either you don’t understand it or it does not work # 6 A system will develop & evolve much more rapidly forms than if there if there are stable intermediate Build iteratively; add features gradually # 7 Success is defined by the user, not the builder # 8 It’s more important to know what the customer needs instead of what he says he wants # 9 If you think that your design is perfect, it is only because you have not shown to anyone else --- Get your designs reviewed --# 10 A good solution to a problem somehow looks nice & elegant # 11 In partitioning, choose the chunks so that they are as independent as possible Chunks should have low external complexity & high internal complexity Organize personal tasks to minimize the time individuals face interfacing 166 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 5 1 3 6 2 4 5 1 3 6 2 4 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 167 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 5 1 3 6 2 4 4 8 1 2 5 7 3 6 168 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 9 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU # 12 Partition/repartition the problem until a model consisting of 7±2 chunks emerges # 13 When choices must be made with unavoidably inadequate info: Choose the best available & then watch to see: than future problems . whether further solutions appear faster If so, the choice was at least adequate . If not, go back & choose again # 14 The Triage 1. Let the dying die 2. Ignore who’ll recover on their own 3. Treat only those who’ll die without your help #15 Don’t just remove the defect; correct the process that caused it # 16 The number of defects remaining in a system after a given level of tests is proportional to the number found during the test # 17 Programmers deliver the same number of LOC/day regardless of the language they are writing in . Use the Highest level Language In Today’s Lecture We became familiar with the the role of heuristics in design We also discussed a few well-known design heuristics for architectural design In Today’s Lecture We became familiar with the the role of heuristics in design We also discussed a few well-known design heuristics for architectural design Next Lecture: Web Design for Usability To become able to appreciate the role of usability in Web design To become able to identify some of the factors affecting the usability of a Web page © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 169 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 25 Web Design for Usability During the last lecture …: We looked at the role of heuristics in architectural (or high-level) design We also became familiar with a few popular design heuristics Heuristic: Rule of thumb learned through trial & error Common sense lesson drawn from experience Caution! Caution! Heuristics don’t always lead to the best results At times they even lead to the wrong ones, but mostly to results that are good-enough 25.1 Today’s 25.1 Web Design for Usability USABILITY Goal: To become able to appreciate the role of usability in Web design To become able to identify some of the factors affecting the usability of a Web page What’s a Good Site? The one that achieves the result that it was designed for. Generally, that result can only be achieved by giving the user what s/he wants, as quickly as possible, without her/him expending much effort. One definition of usability: Let the user have what s/he wants quickly, without much effort. “Quickly” is important! 25.2 SPEED: Users don't read; they scan Users don't make optimal choices; they look for the first good-enough solution Users don't figure out how things work; they muddle through Design is Important! 62% of shoppers gave up looking for the item they wanted to buy online (Zona Research) 40% visitors don’t return to a site if their first visit was a -ive experience (Forrester Research) 83% of users have left sites in frustration due to poor navigation, slowness (NetSmart Research) Simple designs have greater impact: they can be understood immediately! (Mullet/Sano) Designs should be consistent & predictable (unified) 170 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 25.3 Elements of Website Design: Navigation scheme Layout of information Overall look and feel 25.4 Website Navigation: The interface/controls that a Website provides to the user for accessing various parts of the Website It probably is the most important aspect of the design of a Website 25.5 A Few Navigation Design Heuristics: Put the main navigation on the left of the page It should be ‘invisible’ until it is wanted It should require an economy of action & time It should remain consistent Use text for navigation labels. If you must use icons, put a description underneath each icon 25.6 Navigation Design Heuristics (contd.): Labels should be clear, understandable Labels should be legible Do not play with standard browser buttons & features Provide search capability © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 171 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU A good Solution to Problem Is nice and elegent 172 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 25.7 Good designs assist the user in recovering from errors 25.8 Assisting the User Recover from Errors: Location, post code mismatch Credit card number errors Phone numbers Spelling errors 25.9 A few constructive recommendations Let’s look at a few Web sites and see how we can improve their usability Enter Dragon’s Lair © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 173 Introduction to Computing –CS101 All rights reserved, 2002. LOADING … RESTAR SKIP T Click here to go to the main page directly 174 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan VU Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 25.10 Making Display Elements Legible: 1. Designing (arranging) Display Elements Elements must be large enough to be processed visually Elements must contrast sufficiently with their backgrounds Making Display Elements Legible: Related elements should be visually grouped through the use of space, color, or graphical boundaries The relative levels of importance among elements in a display should be revealed graphically 25.11 Ensuring Text is Readable: Use sans serif (e.g. Arial, Helvetica, Verdana) typefaces for display on screen Display type intended for continuous reading at 10 to 14 points Avoid the overuse of bold and italics Avoid setting type in all caps Arrange type intended for extended reading flush left, ragged right Avoid lines of type shorter than 40 characters and longer than 60 characters © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 175 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Mark the boundaries between paragraphs with blank lines rather than indentation Use headings and subheadings to visually reveal the relationships among text elements they label – paragraphs after paragraphs of text do not work that well on the Web 25.12 Using Pictures & Illustrations: Avoid using pictures that are strictly decorative 25.13 Using Motion Use motion to attract the viewer’s attention Avoid the use of motion for “cosmetic” purposes Success is defined by the user, not the builder In Today’s Lecture: We looked at the role of usability in Web site design We identified some of the factors affecting the usability of a Web page Next Lecture: Computer Networks We will become able to appreciate the role of networks in computing We will familiarize ourselves with various networking topologies and protocols 176 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 26 Arrays (Web Development Lecture 9) During the last lecture we had a discussion on Flow Control & Loops We discussed the concept of flow control using the “if” and “switch” structures And also the concept behind the “while” and “for” looping structures We also solved simple problems using flow control and loop structures if…else --?-- switch If the action to be taken of the value of a single variable (or a single expression), use ‘switch’ When the action depends on the values of multiple variables (or expressions), use the ‘if...else’ structure Compound Statements: for: Example 1 Operation Condition Initial count for ( x = 1 ; x < 6000 ; document.write ( x ) ; } x=x+1 ){ for --?-- while When the exact number of iterations is known, use the ‘for’ loop When the number of iterations depend upon a condition being met, use the ‘while’ loop ‘for’ loops become especially useful when used in conjunction with arrays We’ll find out about arrays today, and we’ll probe their usefulness as part of ‘for’ loop structures Today’s Topic: Arrays We will find out why we need arrays We will become able to use arrays for solving simple problems Array: An indexed list of elements We said that a variable is a container that holds a value. Similarly, an Array can be considered a container as well, but this one can hold multiple values Array: An indexed list of elements Example: There are many ways of assigning identifiers to the following fruit strawberry fruit1 fruit[ 0 ] orange fruit2 fruit[ 1 ] apple fruit3 fruit[ 2 ] watermelo n fruit4 fruit[ 3 ] © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 177 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Array An indexed list of elements fruit[ 0 ], fruit[ 1 ], fruit[ 2 ], and fruit[ 3 ] are the elements of an array ‘fruit’ is the identifier for that array The length of the ‘fruit’ array is 4, i.e. ‘fruit’ has four elements Array Identifier Fruit [ 0 ] Index Square bracket var student1, student2, student3, student4 ; student1 = “Waseem” ; student2 = “Waqar” ; student3 = “Saqlain” ; student4 = “Daanish” ; document.write( student1 ) ; document.write( student2 ) ; document.write( student3 ) ; document.write( student4 ) ; student = new Array( 4 ) ; //array declaration student[ 0 ] = “Waseem” ; student[ 1 ] = “Waqar” ; student[ 2 ] = “Saqlain” ; student[ 3 ] = “Daanish” ; for ( x = 0 ; x < 4 ; x = x + 1 ) { document.write( student[ x ] ) ; } Can you see the advantage of using arrays along with the ‘for’ loop? 26.1 Arrays in JavaScript • In JavaScript, arrays are implemented in the form of the ‘Array’ object • The key property of the ‘Array’ object is ‘length’, i.e the number of elements in an array • Two of the key ‘Array’ methods are: – reverse( ) – sort( ) • Elements of an array can be of any type; you can even have an array containing other arrays Declaring a New Instance of the Array Object • ‘student’ is an instance of the ‘Array’ object • ‘student’ was declared such that it is of length ‘4’ • That is, student is an array having 4 elements • The four elements of the array are: ‘student[ 0 ]’, ‘student[ 1 ]’, ‘student[ 2 ]’, and ‘student[ 3 ]’ 178 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 This is the identifier of the new instance The ‘new’ operator creates an instance VU Pair of parentheses student = new Array( 4 ) The ‘assignment’ operator This is the parent object (or class) of the new instance Length of the new instance of ‘Array’ An Object ‘Instances’ of an Object © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 179 Introduction to Computing –CS101 All of an object are objects themselves! ‘Property’ Values of the Instances May Differ VU instances student = new Array( 4 ) 26.2 Array Identifiers The naming rules for Array identifiers are the same as were discussed for variable identifiers Assigning Values to Array Elements a[ 1 ] = 5 ; //the second element name[ 5 ] = “bhola” ; number = 5 ; name[ number ] = name[ 5 ] ; for ( x = 0 ; x < 10 ; x = x + 1 ) { y[ x ] = x * x ; } Remember: just like C, C++ and Java, the first element of an array has an index number equal to zero JavaScript Arrays are Heterogeneous Unlike many other popular languages, a JavaScript Array can hold elements of multiple data types, simultaneously a = new Array( 9 ) ; b = new Array( 13 ) ; b[ 0 ] = 23.7 ; b[ 1 ] = “Bhola Continental Hotel” ; 180 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU b[ 2 ] = a ; 26.3 The ‘length’ Property of Arrays ‘length’ is a property of the object ‘d’ ‘d’ is an instance of the ‘Array’ object d = new Array ( 5 ) ; document.write( d.length ) ; The ‘length’ Property of Arrays What is advantage of x = new Array ( 10 ) ; using ‘x.length’ here for ( x = 0 ; x < 10 ; x = x + 1 ) { instead of using the y[ x ] = x * x ; literal ‘10’? } x = new Array ( 10 ) ; for ( x = 0 ; x < x.length ; x = x + 1 ) { y[ x ] = x * x ; } 26.4 Array Methods: sort( ) 26.5 Sorts the elements in alphabetical order Saqlain x = new Array ( 4 ) ; Shoaib x[ 0 ] = “Waseem” ; Waqar x[ 1 ] = “Waqar” ; Waseem x[ 2 ] = “Saqlain” ; x[ 3 ] = “Shoaib” ; x.sort( ) ; for ( k = 0 ; k < x.length; k = k + 1 ) { document.write( x[ k ] + “
    ” ) ; } Were the elements sorted in ascending or descending order? What if you wanted to arrange them in the reverse order? 26.6 Array Methods: 26.7 Reverses the order of the elements reverse( x = new Array ( 4 ) ; Saqlain Is this the x[ 0 ] = “Waseem” ; Shoaib required x[ 1 ] = “Waqar” ; Waqar result? x[ 2 ] = “Saqlain” ; Waseem x[ 3 ] = “Shoaib” ; x.reverse( ) ; x.sort( ) ; for ( k = 0 ; k < x.length; k = k + 1 ) { document.write( x[ k ] + “
    ”) ; } Array Methods: reverse( Reverses the order of the elements x = new Array ( 4 ) ; Waseem x[ 0 ] = “Waseem” ; Waqar x[ 1 ] = “Waqar” ; Shoaib x[ 2 ] = “Saqlain” ; Saqlain x[ 3 ] = “Shoaib” ; x.sort( ) ; x.reverse( ) ; for ( k = 0 ; k < x.length; k = k + 1 ) { document.write( x[ k ] + “
    ”) ; } Let’s Now Do a More Substantial Example © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan ) ) 181 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Develop a Web page that prompts the user for 10 words, and then displays them in form of a list in two different ways: 1.In the order in which the words were entered 2.In a sorted order We will try to show you the complete code - the JavaScript part as well as the HTML part - for this example 26.7 Pseudo Code 1.Declare the array that will be used for storing the words 2.Prompt the user and read the user input into the elements of the array 182 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 3.Now write the array to the document 4.Sort the array 5.Write the sorted array to the document Sort Ten Words Sort Ten Words The next three slides show the JavaScript code that goes between the tags Pseudo Code •Declare the array that will be used for storing the words •Prompt the user and read the user input into the elements of the array •Now write the array to the document •Sort the array •Write the sorted array to the document words = new Array ( 10 ) ; for ( k = 0 ; k < words.length ; k = k + 1 ) { words[ k ] = window.prompt( "Enter word # " + k, "" ) ; } This method is used for collecting data from the user. It can display a message and provides a field in which the user can enter data © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 183 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Pseudo Code 1.Declare the array that will be used for storing the words 2.Prompt the user and read the user input into the elements of the array 3.Now write the array to the document 4.Sort the array 5.Write the sorted array to the document words.sort( ) ; document.write( "Sorted Words:" + "
    " ) ; for ( k = 0 ; k < words.length ; k = k + 1 ) { document.write( words[ k ] + "
    " ) ; } During Today’s Lecture … •We found out why we need arrays •We became able to use arrays for solving simple problems Next (the 10th) Web Dev Lecture: Functions & Variable Scope •To become familiar with some of JavaScript’s built-in functions •To be able to understand the concept of user-defined functions and their use for solving simple problems •To become familiar with the concept of local and global variables 184 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 27 Computer Networks During the (Web Design for Usability) last lecture … • We looked at the role of usability in Web design • We identified some of the factors affecting the usability of a Web page Designs should be consistent & predictable (unified) What’s a Good Site? • The one that achieves the result that it was designed for • Generally, that result can only be achieved by giving the user what s/he wants, as quickly as possible, without her/im expending much effort • One definition of usability: Let the user have what s/he wants, quickly, without much effort • “Quickly” is important! Website Navigation • It probably is the most important aspect of the design of a Website Good designs assist the user in recovering from errors Today’s Goals: (Computer Networks) • We will become able to appreciate the role of networks in computing • We will look at several different types of networks • We will familiarize ourselves with networking topologies and protocols Computer Network Multiple computers that are connected together to share information and other resources Examples of Computer Network Usage • • •I •I I can send an eMail message to a remote computer using the SMTP protocol I can browse documents residing on a remote computer using the HTTP protocol can download or upload files to a remote computer using the FTP protocol can run a program on a remote computer using the TELNET protocol Example of a Computer Network Computer E Computer A Hub Computer B Computer D Computer C Components of Conventional Computer Networks 1. Computers 2. Network Interface Cards (NIC) © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 185 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU –I/O device that plugs into the computer –Enables it to communicate over a network 3. Hub –The network traffic controller Components of Conventional Computer Networks 4.Cables –Are either electrical or optical –Not required at all for wireless networks 5.Protocol –Rules governing communications over the network How Does a Conventional Network Work? 1. Suppose computer A wants to send a message to D 2. Computer A sends the message to its NIC 3. The NIC translates the message into electrical pulses suitable for the computer network in use & transmits it to the hub through the cable 4. The hub receives them and forwards them to all computers connected to the it 5. The NICs of all computers connected to the hub receive the forwarded electrical pulses 6. The NIC of computer D decides that the message is for it, & translates the pulses back to a form suitable for the computer Hub • A device that is used to connect several computers to form a network • A hub has several ports. The number generally is 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, or 48 • Each computer in a network is connected to one of those ports through a cable • A computer wanting to send a message to one of the others in the network sends a message to the hub, which, in turn, broadcasts the message to all others connected to it Packet • The smallest unit of data transmitted over a computer network • A message to be transferred over the network is broken up into small packets by the sending computer • Each packet contains the following info: –Sender's address –Destination address –Data –Error-recovery info • All packets travel independently • When all packets are received by the destination computer, it reassembles them to form the original message Types of Computer Networks according to the network access policy • Private • Public 27.1 Private Networks • Organizations having many computers usually connect them in the form of private networks • Access to these networks is restricted to authorized computers only • This allows computers from within the organization to exchange info, but keeps the info private and protected from outsiders • All equipment on a private network is generally for the exclusive use of that organization 27.2 Public Networks • • 186 All networks that are not private, are … public Example: Internet © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU • Communication equipment used in these networks is generally being used by users belonging to several (possibly thousands of) organizations as well as those belonging to no organization 27.3 VPN: Virtual Private Network (1) • From the user’s point-of-view, a VPN looks like a secure, private network • VPNs use public telecom infrastructure, maintaining privacy through security procedures • VPNs provide secure network connections for distance computers without using dedicated, private channels to supply the connection • Key benefit of VPNs over conventional PNs: Lower cost Types of Computer Networks according to the distance between nodes LAN: Local Area Network) WAN: Wide Area Network) LAN A network of computers located in the same building or a handful of nearby buildings Examples: –Computer network at your PVC –Computer network of a University campus WAN A network in which computers are separated by great distances, typically across cities or even continents May consist of several interconnected LANs Example: –The network connecting the ATM of a bank located in various cities –A network connecting the local and oversea offices of a SW house –Internet Connecting LANs to other Networks: Special-purpose devices are used to link LANs to other networks They may belong to one of the following categories: –Routers –Bridges –Gateways –Modems Router A special-purpose computer that directs data traffic when several paths are available A router examines the destination info in each arriving packet and then routes it through the most efficient path available The router either delivers the packet to the destination computer across a local network or forwards the packet to another router that is closer to the final destination Bridge Used to form a connection between two separate, but similar networks In a way, it creates an extended LAN by passing information between two or more LANs Gateway A special-purpose computer that connects and translates between networks that use different communications protocols LAN’s may use a gateway (or router) to connect to the Internet Modem I/O device used for connecting two computers over telephone lines modem = modulator + demodulator Modulator converts computer messages to electrical pulses that are suitable for transmission over the telephone lines Demodulator converts electrical pulses received over telephone lines into messages that are comprehensible for computers © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 187 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 27.4 Network Topologies The pattern in which computers are connected to form a network Popular patterns: –Point-to-point –Star –Bus –Ring Networks are also formed by combining 2 or more of these 4 basic patterns P2P Computer A Computer B Inexpensive Limited connectivity Quite often used for connecting two LANs to form a WAN Star A computer sends the address of the intended receiver and the data to the server The server then sends the message to the intended receiver This topology allows multiple messages to be sent simultaneously Costly, because it uses an additional computer to direct the data Costly, because each node is individually wired to the hub If the server goes down, so does the network If any of the nodes goes down, the rest of the network is not affected Star Computer D Computer A Computer C Server Computer B Bus No server is required One computer sends data to another by broadcasting the address of the receiver and the data over the bus All the computers in the network look at the address simultaneously, and the intended recipient accepts the data 188 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU A bus network, unlike ring or star networks, allows data to be sent directly from one computer to another However, only one computer at a time can transmit data. The others must wait to until the bus gets idle If any of the nodes goes down, the rest of the network is not affected Bus Computer A Computer B Computer C Computer D Bus: A high speed cable Ring No server is required A computer sends the message to its neighbor. The neighbor examines the message to determine if it is the intended recipient If the data are not intended for that particular neighbor, it passes the message to the next computer in the ring This process is repeated until the data arrive at their intended recipient This topology allows multiple messages to be carried, simultaneously Data transmission is slow since each message is checked by each computer New nodes are difficult to add Messages propagate in one direction only Computer The network fails if a single node fails D Ring Computer C Computer A Computer B © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 189 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Combination Computer D Computer A Hub Computer B Hub Computer E Computer C Computer F 27.5 Networking Protocols Networks use protocols, or rules, to exchange info through shared channels Protocols prevent collisions of packets caused by simultaneous transmission between two or more computers Several protocols are available for various types of networks. Here we discuss two that are popular for LANs: Ethernet; Token Ring Ethernet Protocol A computer using this protocol checks if a shared connection is in use before transmitting a message If not, the computer transmits data Two computers may sense an idle connection and may send packets simultaneously. To account for such situations, transmitting computers continue to monitor the connection and re-transmit if a packet collision occurs Token Ring Protocol This protocol passes a special message called a token through the network A computer that receives the token is given permission to send a packet of information If the computer has no packet to send, it passes the token to the next computer Computer Networks = Computers + Communications Types of Communication Channels 1 . Wire 2 . Wireless A key characteristic of these channels is bandwidth Bandwidth Capacity of a communication channel for carrying data Measured in bits/s (bps), kb/s, Mb/s, Gb/s, Tb/s Optical fiber channels have the highest (1 Tb/s) 190 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Telephone lines the lowest (56 kb/s) 27.6 Types of Communication Channels Wire Wireless – – – Copper • Twistedpair • Coaxial cable Optical fiber – Line-of-sight • Microwa ve • Optical Non-line-ofsight • Satellite • Radio • Cellular Wireless (Radio) LANs Are Becoming Popular Key benefits: – Set-up time – Set-up cost – Maintenance cost – Cost Key challenges: – Security & privacy – Quality of service – Cost 27.7 Network Security Keeping an eye on the security of private networks (e.g. LANs) is relatively easy However, their connections to other networks (e.g. the Internet) pose a security risk because the one has no control over users on those networks Network Security Applications transferred from the Internet to the LAN may contain computer viruses External, unauthorized users may gain access to sensitive data A special type of gateway - a firewall – can keep external users from accessing resources on the LAN while letting LAN users access the external info Firewall A system that that guards a private network, enforcing an access/deny policy to all traffic going to and coming from the Internet It keeps an eye on all the packets that go in and out of the private network and blocks them or allows them to continue to their destination according to the policy Internet Firewall © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Private Network 191 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Firewall Policy: Example One can configure a firewall to allow only eMail to enter the private network, thus shielding it from any malicious attacks except for those via eMail In Today’s Lecture: We looked at the role of networks in computing We looked at several different types of networks We familiarized ourselves with networking topologies and protocols Next Lecture: Introduction to the Internet To become able to appreciate the role of the Internet in today’s computing To become familiar with the history and evolution of the Internet 192 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 28 Introduction to the Internet During the Last Lecture (Computer Networks) We looked at the role of networks in computing We looked at several different types of networks We familiarized ourselves with networking topologies and protocols Computer Network Multiple computers that are connected together to share information and other resources Types of Computer Networks according to the network access policy Private Public Types of Computer Networks according to the distance between nodes LAN: Local Area Network WAN: Wide Area Network Network Topologies The pattern in which computers are connected to form a network Popular patterns: –Point-to-point –Star –Bus –Ring Networks are also formed by combining 2 or more of these 4 basic patterns Networking Protocols Networks use protocols, or rules, to exchange information through shared channels. These protocols prevent collisions of data caused by simultaneous transmission between two or more computers. Several protocols are available for various types of networks. Here we discuss two that are popular for LANs: Ethernet; Token Ring Types of Communication Channels Wire Wireless Wireless (Radio) LANs Are Becoming Popular Key benefits: – – – – Key challenges: Set-up time Set-up cost Maintenance cost – – – Security & privacy Quality of service Cost Cost Today’s Goal: Introduction to the Internet To become able to appreciate the role of the Internet in today’s computing To become familiar with the history and evolution of the Internet an accident! •This car was involved in that accident It belongs to … © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 193 Introduction to Computing –CS101 Mr. Tom Peters of Palo Alto, California After the accident, Mr. Peters … filled out a form, giving info about: Himself –The circumstances of the accident –Estimated repair expenses & then … 1/ 7 • Mr. Peters’s fax machine 2/ 7 ACME Insurance Group’s server in New York 3/ 7 Bhola eServices (Pvt) Ltd’s server at Davis Rd, Lahore 4/ 7 Claims processing in Lahore 5/ 7 Bhola eServices (Pvt) Ltd’s server at Davis Rd, Lahore 6/ 7 ACME Insurance Group’s server in New York 7/ 7 Mr. Peters’s home PC 194 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan VU Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Key Question! Why process the insurance claim in Pakistan? Answer: Everybody Wins! Tom Peters ACME Insurance Bhola eServices Answer: Everybody Wins! Tom Peters ACME Insurance Bhola eServices Lower premium & Quicker turnaround Answer: Everybody Wins! Tom Peters ACME Insurance Bhola eServices Better margins due to 50% saving on claim processing costs Answer: Everybody Wins! Tom Peters ACME Insurance Bhola eServices Internal rate of return (IRR) of 6080% The Key Point … Bhola eServices (Pvt) Ltd is … © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 195 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU … supplying a service … using local, attractively-priced workers … to a remote, overseas client … over the Internet … & making good money in the process! Internet Enables users located at far-way locations to easily share information with others located all over the world Enables users to easily and inexpensively communicate with others located all over the world Enables the users to operate and run programs on computers located all over the world The Internet is unlike any previous human invention. It is a world-wide resource, accessible to all of the humankind. Internet Users Worldwide 673M in 2002 1B+ in 2005 (48% wireless) 1.2M Internet users in Pakistan in 5/2000 (1% of population) In early 2002, 54% of Australian population 51% of Singaporean population 39% of Japanese population 3% of Chinese population Key Characteristics Geographic Distribution Global - reaches around the world Robust Architecture Adapts to damage and error Speed Data can travels at near ‘c’ on copper, fiber, airwaves Key Characteristics Universal Access Same functionality to everyone Growth Rate The fastest growing technology ever Freedom of Speech Promotes freedom of speech The Digital Advantage Is digital: can correct errors 28.1 Internet: Network of Networks A large number of networks, interconnected physically Capable of communicating and sharing data with each other From the user’s point view, Internet – a collection of interconnected networks – looks like a single, unified network 28.2 Internet Networking Protocols Communications on the Internet is controlled by a set of two protocols: TCP and IP TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Networking protocol used by all computers and networks on the Internet Originally developed by the US DoD for Unix, but now available for most other OSes TCP breaks down the message to be sent over the Internet into packets IP routes these packets through the Internet to get them to their destination When the packets reach the destination computer, TCP reassembles them into the original message Tools & Services Available on the Internet Electronic mail (POP, IMAP, SMTP) 196 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Instant messaging (ICQ, MSN) Remote login (telnet) File transfer (ftp) Network news (nntp) WWW (http) 1960's 1969 - DoD-ARPA creates an experimental network – ARPANET – as a test-bed for emerging networking technologies ARPANET originally connected 4 universities & enabled scientists to share info & resources across long distances ARPANET continued to expand throughout the 70's and 80's 1970's Networking tools developed in the 70's include: 1972 - The National Center for Supercomputing Apps. (NCSA) develops the telnet application for remote login, making it easier to connect to a remote computer 1973 - FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is introduced, standardizing the transfer of files between networked computers 1980's 1983 - The TCP/IP protocols becomes the only set of protocols used on the ARPANET This sets a standard for all networks, and generates the use of the term Internet as the net of nets ARPANET splits into two nets to keep military & non-military network sites separate: ARPANET and MILNET 1980's In 1982 and 1983, the first desktop computers begin to appear Many are equipped with an OS called Berkeley Unix, which includes networking SW, allowing easy connection to the Internet using telnet The PC revolution continues through the 80’s, making access to computer resources & net-worked info increasingly available to public 1985-86: NSF connects the US’s six supercomputing centers together, calling it the the NSFNET, or NSFNET backbone To expand access to the Internet, NSF developed regional nets, which were then connected to the NSFNET backbone Plus, NSF supported institutions (universities, etc.) in their efforts to connect to the regional nets 1987 - NSF awards a grant to Merit Network, Inc. to operate & manage future development of the NSFNET Merit collaborates with IBM & MCI on R&D for fast networking technologies 1989 - The backbone network is upgraded to T1, making it able to transmit data at speeds of 1.5 Mb/s (approx. 60 pages of text/second) 1990's1990 - The ARPANET is dissolved 1991 - Gopher is developed at the U of MN It provides a hierarchical, menu-based method for providing & locating info on the Internet 1993 - CERN releases WWW, developed by Tim Berners-Lee It uses HTTP and hypertext, revolutionizing the way info is presented & accessed on Internet 1993 - The NSFNET is upgraded to T3 (45 Mb/s or about 1800 pages/s) 1993-1994 - Web browsers Mosaic & Netscape Navigator are introduced Their GUI makes WWW & Internet more appealing to the general public 1995 - NSFNET is replaced by a new architecture, called vBNS which utilizes regional networks and Network Access Points Wh o Who owns it? r u ns th e © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Internet? 197 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Today’s Introduction to the Internet Goal: We looked at the role Internet plays in today’s computing We reviewed some of the history and evolution of the Internet Next Lecture: Internet Services We will try to familiarize ourselves with with some of the Internet services: –http (surfing, shopping, searching) –eMail –ftp –News groups, message boards, forums –Instant messaging –Multimedia delivery 198 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 29 Functions & Variable Scope (Web Development Lecture 10) During the last lecture we had a discussion on Arrays We found out why we need arrays We became able to use arrays in conjunction with the ‘for’ loop for solving simple problems Array An indexed list of elements A variable is a container that holds a value Similarly, an Array can be considered a container as well, but this one is more interesting as it can hold multiple values Index Identifier Fruit [ 0 ] Square bracket Arrays in JavaScript In JavaScript, arrays are implemented in the form of the ‘Array’ object The key property of the ‘Array’ object is ‘length’, i.e the number of elements in an array Two of the key ‘Array’ methods are: –reverse( ) –sort( ) lements of an array can be of any type; you can even have an array containing other arrays Today’s Goal: Functions & Variable Scope To be able to understand the concept of functions and their use for solving simple problems To become familiar with some of JavaScript’s built-in functions To become familiar with the concept of local and global variables 29.1 Function A group of statements that is put together (or defined) once and then can be used (by reference) repeatedly on a Web page Also known as subprogram, procedure, subroutine words = new Array ( 10 ) ; From the last lecture … for ( k = 0 ; k < words.length ; k = k + 1 ) { words[ k ] = window.prompt( "Enter word # " + k, "" ) ; } document.write( "UNSORTED WORDS:" + "
    " ) ; for ( k = 0 ; k < words.length ; k = k + 1 ) { document.write( words[ k ] + "
    " ) ; } words.sort( ) ; document.write( "SORTED WORDS:" + "
    " ) ; for ( k = 0 ; k < words.length ; k = k + 1 ) { document.write( words[ k ] + "
    " ) ; } words = new Array ( 10 ) ; © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 199 Introduction to Computing –CS101 for ( k = 0 ; k < words.length ; k = k + 1 ) { words[ k ] = window.prompt( "Enter word # " + k, "" ) ; } document.write( "UNSORTED WORDS:" + "
    " ) ; for ( k = 0 ; k < words.length ; k = k + 1 ) { document.write( words[ k ] + "
    " ) ; } words.sort( ) ; document.write( "SORTED WORDS:" + "
    " ) ; for ( k = 0 ; k < words.length ; k = k + 1 ) { document.write( words[ k ] + "
    " ) ; } function writeList( heading, words ) { ß---------------------------document.write( heading + "
    " ) ; for ( k = 0 ; k < words.length ; k = k + 1 ) { document.write( words[ k ] + "
    " ) ; } } words = new Array ( 10 ) ; for ( k = 0 ; k < words.length ; k = k + 1 ) { words[ k ] = window.prompt( "Enter word # " + k, "" ) ; } writeList( “Unsorted Words:”, words ) ; ß---------------------words.sort( ) ; writeList( “Sorted List:”, words ) ; < -------------------------------- VU Function definition Let’s us see if we can redouble the advantage Function call Function call 29.2 Advantages of Functions Number of lines of code is reduced Code becomes easier to read & understand Code becomes easier to maintain as changes need to be made only at a single location instead multiple locations function writeList( heading, words ) { document.write( heading + "
    " ) ; for ( k = 0 ; k < words.length ; k = k + 1 ) { document.write( words[ k ] + "
    " ) ; } } words = new Array ( 10 ) ; for ( k = 0 ; k < words.length ; k = k + 1 ) { words[ k ] = window.prompt( "Enter word # " + k, "" ) ; } writeList( “Unsorted Words:”, words ) ; words.sort( ) ; writeList( “Sorted List:”, words ) ; 200 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Keyword Pair of parenthesis Function identifier Function ‘arguments’ separated by commas function writeList( heading, words ) { document.write( heading + "
    " ) ; for ( k = 0 ; k < words.length ; k = k + 1 ) { document.write( words[ k ] + "
    " ) ; } } Function definition enclosed in a pair of curly braces 29.3 Function Identifiers The naming rules for function identifiers are the same as were discussed for variable and array identifiers 29.4 Arguments of a Function A comma-separated list of data Arguments define the interface between the function and the rest of the Web page Arguments values are passed to the function by value (some popular languages pass arguments ‘by reference’ as well) To ensure that a function is defined before it is called up, define all functions in the HEAD portion of Web pages function popUp( message ) { window.alert( message ) ; } popUp( “Warning!” ) ; function add( a, b ) { c=a+b; return c ; } sum = add( 2, 4 ) ; document.write( sum ) ; A function call appearing as a complete statement A function call appearing as part of a statement. Definitions of such functions include a ‘return’ statement function popUp( message ) { window.alert( message ) ; } popUp( “Warning!” ) ; © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 201 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU function add( a, b ) { c=a+b; return c ; } sum = add( 2, 4 ) ; document.write( sum ) ; function add( a, b ) { c=a+b; return c ; } document.write( add( 2, 4 ) ) ; What would this modifica-tion do? Another Example 5! = 120 •function factorial( n ) { • product = 1 ; • for ( k = 1 ; k <= n ; k = k + 1 ) { • product = product * k • } • return product ; •} 0! = ? •n = window.prompt( "Enter a number ", "" ) ; •document.write(n, "! = ", factorial( n ) ) ; What Would this Statement Do? factorial( factorial ( 3 ) ) ; This is termed as the recursive use of a function Methods Methods are functions They are unusual in the sense that they are stored as properties of objects Object: A named collection of properties (data, state) & methods (instructions, behavior) 202 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU All objects have the “name” property: it holds the name of the object (collection) A collection of properties & methods nam e method 2 prop 1 prop 3 prop 5 prop 2 method 3 method 1 prop 4 29.5 Event Handlers Special-purpose functions that come predefined with JavaScript They are unusual in the sense that they are many times called in the HTML part of a Web page and not the part More on event handlers in a future lecture Predefined, Top-Level or Built-In Functions Event handlers are not the only functions that come predefined with JavaScript. There are many others. Practically, there is no difference between predefined functions and those that are defined by the programmer (termed as user-defined or custom functions) There are many of them, but here we discuss only two: parseInt( ), parseFloat( ) The dictionary meaning of ‘Parse’: To breakdown into simpler components and analyze parseInt( ) Syntax: parseInt ( string ) string1 = “3.14159” ; document.write( parseInt( string1 ) ) ; document.write( “
    ” ) ; string2 = “$100.00” ; document.write( parseInt( string2 ) ) ; document.write( “
    ” ) ; © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 203 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 3 NaN string3 = “ 23 ” ; 23 document.write( parseInt( string3 ) ) ; 1. Parses the string argument; returns an integer 2. If it encounters a non-numeral - anything other than (+,-) or (0-9) - it ignores it and all succeeding characters, and returns the integer value parsed up to that point 3. If the first character cannot be converted to a number, parseInt returns NaN 4. parseInt truncates numbers to integer values 5. Leading and trailing spaces are ignored parseFloat( ) Syntax: parseFloat ( string ) string1 = “3.14159” ; document.write( parseFloat( string1 ) ) ; document.write( “
    ” ) ; string2 = “$100.00” ; document.write( parseFloat( string2 ) ) ; document.write( “
    ” ) ; string3 = “ 23E-15 ” ; document.write( parseFloat( string3 ) ) ; 1. Parses the string argument; returns a FP number 2. If it encounters a character other than A sign (+,-) A numeral (0-9) A decimal point An exponent it returns the value up to that point, ignoring that and all succeeding characters 3. If the first character cannot be converted to a number, parseFloat returns NaN 4. Leading and trailing spaces are ignored 29.6 Scope of Variable Defining the space in which a variable is effective is known as defining the scope of a variable. A variable can be either local or global in scope. Local and Global Variables Local or Function-level Variable Effective only in the function in which they are declared Global Variables Visible everywhere on the Web page Example function factorial( n ) { product = 1 ; for ( k = 1 ; k <= n ; k = k + 1 ) { product = product * k } return product ; } n = window.prompt( "Enter a number ", "" ) ; document.write( “k = ”, k ) ; document.write( “
    ” ) ; document.write(n, "! = ", factorial( n ) ) ; 204 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU What would this statement write? function factorial( n ) { product = 1 ; for ( k = 1 ; k <= n ; k = k + 1 ) { product = product * k } return product ; } n = window.prompt( "Enter a number ", "" ) ; document.write( “k = ”, k ) ; document.write( “
    ” ) ; document.write(n, "! = ", factorial( n ) ) ; © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 205 Introduction to Computing –CS101 function factorial( n ) { product = 1 ; for ( k = 1 ; k <= n ; k = k + 1 ) { product = product * k } return product ; } n = window.prompt( "Enter a number ", "" ) ; document.write(n, "! = ", factorial( n ) ) ; document.write( “
    ” ) ; document.write( “k = ”, k ) ; VU 10! = 3628800 k = 11 function factorial( n ) { var k ; product = 1 ; for ( k = 1 ; k <= n ; k = k + 1 ) { product = product * k } return product ; } n = window.prompt( "Enter a number ", "" ) ; document.write(n, "! = ", factorial( n ) ) ; document.write( “
    ” ) ; document.write( “k = ”, k ) ; 206 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU ‘k’ is a Local Variable ‘k’ is not declared or used in the main code Instead, it is declared within the function ‘factorial’ only ‘k’ is local to the ‘factorial’ function, and does not hold any meaning outside that function function factorial( n ) { Here ‘product’ has been made a local var k, product ; variable as well product = 1 ; for ( k = 1 ; k <= n ; k = k + 1 ) { product = product * k } return product ; } What would this statement n = window.prompt( "Enter a number ", "" ) ; write? document.write(n, "! = ", factorial( n ) ) ; document.write( “
    ” ) ; document.write( product ) ; Local Variables Declaring variables (using the var keyword) within a function, makes them local•They are available only within the function and hold no meaning outside of it Global Variables All other variables used in a Web page (or window) are global They can be manipulated from the main code as well as from any of the functions They include: –All variables declared in the main code –All variables used but not declared in the main code –All variables used but not declared in any of the functions defined on the Web page (or window) function writeList( heading, words ) { document.write( heading + "
    " ) ; for ( k = 0 ; k < words.length ; k = k + 1 ) { Would the functionality document.write( words[ k ] + "
    " ) ; change if we delete the } argument ‘words’ from these 4 places? } words = new Array ( 10 ) ; for ( k = 0 ; k < words.length ; k = k + 1 ) { words[ k ] = window.prompt( "Enter word # " + k, "" ) ; } writeList( “Unsorted Words:”, words ) ; words.sort( ) ; writeList( “Sorted List:”, words ) ; words.reverse( ) ; writeList( “Reverse-Sorted List:”, words ) ; Local –vs- Global Global variables can make the logic of a Web page difficult to understand Global variables also make the reuse and maintenance of your code much more difficult © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 207 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU var a, b ; p=q+2; HEURISTIC: var u ; If it’s possible tomdefine a variable as local, do it! document.write( ); r=s; var c, d ; x=y*y; Glob u m p q x y r s Variables declared within functions are local; all others global During Today’s Lecture … We looked at functions and their use for solving simple problems We became familiar with a couple of JavaScript’s built-in functions We became familiar with the concept of local and global variables Next Web Dev Lecture: Event Handling We’ll learn to appreciate the concept of event driven programming We will produce solutions for simple problems using various event handlers 208 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Local a b c d Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 30 Internet Services During the last lecture … (Introduction to the Internet) We looked at the role Internet plays in today’s computing We reviewed some of the history and evolution of the Internet Internet: The Enabler Enables attractively-priced workers located in Pakistan to provide services to overseas clients Enables users to easily share information with others located all over the world Enables users to easily, inexpensively communicate with others remote users Enables the users to operate and run programs on computers located all over the world The Internet is unlike any previous human invention. It is a world-wide resource, accessible to all of the humankind. Key Characteristics Geographic Distribution Global - reaches around the world Robust Architecture Adapts to damage and error Speed Data can travels at near ‘c’ on copper, fiber, airwaves Universal Access Same functionality to everyone Growth Rate The fastest growing technology ever Freedom of Speech Promotes freedom of speech The Digital Advantage Is digital: can correct errors Internet: Network of Networks A large number of networks, interconnected physically Capable of communicating and sharing data with each other From the user’s point view, Internet – a collection of interconnected networks – looks like a single, unified network TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol TCP breaks down the message to be sent over the Internet into packets IP routes these packets through the Internet to get them to their destination When the packets reach the destination computer, TCP reassembles them into the original message 1960's 1969 - DoD-ARPA creates an experimental network – ARPANET – as a test-bed for emerging networking technologies ARPANET originally connected 4 universities & enabled scientists to share info & resources across long distances 1980's 1983 - The TCP/IP protocols becomes the only set of protocols used on the ARPANET This sets a standard for all networks, and generates the use of the term Internet as the net of nets 1990's1993 - CERN releases WWW, developed by Tim Berners-Lee It uses HTTP and hypertext, revolutionizing the way info is presented & accessed on Internet 1990's1993-1994 - Web browsers Mosaic & Netscape Navigator are introduced Their GUI makes WWW & Internet more appealing to the general public Today’s Goal: Internet Services To look at several services provided by the Internet –FTP © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 209 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU –Telnet –Web –eMail –Instant messaging –VoIP • But first, we need to find out about the addressing scheme used on the Internet 30.1 Internet Addressing Regular post cannot be delivered unless we write a destination address on the envelope Same is true for the Internet Regular post can be delivered at the intended address even if the given address is not precise. That is not the case for Internet addressing DNS address IP address www.vu.edu.pk IP Address A unique identifier for a computer on a TCP/IP network Format: four 8-bit numbers separated by periods. Each 8-bit number can be 0 to 255 Example: – (IP address of the VU Web server) Networks using TCP/IP route messages based on the IP address of the destination Any IP addresses (as long as they are unique) can be assigned within a PN However, connecting a PN to the Internet requires using unique, registered IP addresses Domain Names IP addresses are fine for computers, but difficult to recognize and remember for humans A domain name is a meaningful, easy-to-remember ‘label’ for an IP address Examples: www.vu.edu.pk www.google.com 30.2 DNS: Domain Name System DNS is the way that Internet domain names are located & translated into IP addresses Maintaining a single, central table of domain name/IP address relationships is impractical –Billions of DNS-IP translations take place every day –The DNS-IP tables get updated continuously Tables of DNs & IP addresses are distributed throughout the Internet on numerous servers There is a DNS server at most ISPs. It converts the domain names in our Internet requests to actual IP addresses In case it does not have a particular domain name in its table, it makes a request to another DNS server on the Internet 30.3 Internet Services There are many, but we will look at only the following: FTP Telnet Web eMail Instant messaging VoIP FTP: File Transfer Protocol Used to transfer files between computers on a TCP/IP network (e.g Internet) Simple commands allow the user to: 210 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU List, change, create folders on a remote computer Upload and download files Typical use: Transferring Web content from the developer’s PC to the Web server Telnet Protocol Using Telnet, a user can remotely log on to a computer (connected to the user’s through a TCP/IP network, e.g. Internet) & have control over it like a local user, including control over running various programs In contrast, FTP allows file operations only Typical use: Configuring and testing of a remote Web server The Web The greatest, shared resource of information created by humankind A user may access any item on the Web through a URL, e.g. http://www.vu.edu.pk/cs/index.html Before, going any further, let us dissect this URL http /cs/index.html :// www.vu.edu.pk Protocol Identifier Directory & File Name Server Address How does the web works User launches the browser on his/her computer Browser User’s Computer User types in the URL into the browser The browser breaks down the Protocol Server Directory & Browser sends server’s name to the DNS server URL into File © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 3 parts : Identifier Address Name 211 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Domain Name User’s User’s Computer Computer Browser establishes a connection with the server User’s Compute r Internet Web Serve r Browser sends a ‘GET’ request for cs/index.html User’s Compute r Interne t Web Server Server sends the requested file to the browser User’s Computer Web Server 212 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Browser displays index.html email Computer-to-computer messaging Inexpensive, and quite quick, but not instant! The most popular service on the Internet, even more than surfing, but soon to be overtaken by instant messaging Billions are sent every day 30.3 How does an eMail system work? But first, the components: eMail client SMTP server POP3 server eMail Clients Programs used for writing, sending, receiving, and displaying eMail messages Examples: Outlook, Communicator, Hotmail, YahooMail SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol A protocol used to send and receive eMail messages over a TCP/IP network POP3: Post Office Protocol A protocol used for receiving eMail messages A POP3 server maintains text files (one file per user account) containing all messages received by a user eMail client interacts with the POP3 server for discovering and downloading new eMail messages The message is prepared using the eMail client Sender’s Computer eMail Client The eMail client sends it to the SMTP server SMTP Server Sender’s Computer If the receiver is local, it goes to the POP3 server POP3 Server Sender’s Computer SMTP © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 213 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU The receiver picks it at his/her convenience Sender’s Computer Receiver's Computer SMTP Server POP3 Server Otherwise, it is sent to receiver's SMTP server Sender’s Computer SMTP Server Internet SMTP Server Which forwards it to the local POP3 server Sender’s Computer SMTP Server POP3 Server 214 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan SMTP Server Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU The receiver picks it at his/her convenience Sender’s Computer SMTP Serve r Receiver' s Computer SMTP Serve r The Trouble with email POP3 Serve r Slow response times No way of knowing if the person we are sending eMail to is there to read it The process of having a conversation through eMail by exchanging several short messages is too cumbersome Instant messaging (IM) solves these problems Instant Messaging • • The IM services available on the Internet (e.g. ICQ, AIM, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger) allow us to maintain a list of people (contacts) that we interact with regularly We can send an instant messages to any of the contacts in our list as long as that contact is online 30.4 Using Instant Messaging Whenever a contact in our list comes online, the IM client informs us through an alert message and by playing a sound To send an instant message to a contact, just click on the contact in the IM client, and start typing the message The selected contact will receive that message almost immediately after you press ‘Enter’ When the contact’s IM client receives the message, it alerts the contact with a blinking message and by playing a sound That contact then can type a response to the received message, and send it instantly Several such conversations can be carried out simultaneously, each occupying a separate IM windows © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 215 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU How instant messaging works? User launches the IM client IM Client Internet My Computer IM client finds the IM server & logs in My Computer IM Server It sends communication info (IP address, etc) to the IM server IM Server My Computer Temporary File IM server finds user’s contacts & sends him/her the communication info for the ones online My Computer 216 IM Server © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU IM server also tells the contacts that the user is online; sends his/her communication info to them Contact’s Computer My Computer IM Server Now the user’s & the contact’s IM clients are ready to communicate directly (P2P) Contact’s Computer My Computer The IM server doesn’t play any part in this P2P communication IM Server © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 217 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU As new contact’s come online, IM server informs them about the user being online & vice versa Contact A’s Computer My Computer IM Server Contact B’s Computer Multiple, simultaneous conversations are possible Contact A’s Computer My Computer Contact B’s Computer 218 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan IM Server Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU When the user logs-off, his/her IM client informs the IM server Contact A’s Computer My Computer IM Server Contact B’s Computer IM server erases the temporary file and informs the user’s contact’s about his/her ‘offline’ status Contact A’s Computer My Computer Contact B’s Computer IM Server Key Point Once the IM server provides the communication info to the user and his/her contact’s IM client, the two are able to communicate with each other without the IM server’s assistance This server-less connection is termed as a P2P connection Question Why do we require the server in the first place? Why doesn’t my IM client look for the user’s contact’s IM client without the IM server’s help? © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 219 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Answer Many users (including almost all home users) do not have permanent IP addresses. They are assigned temporary IP addresses by their ISP each time they connect to the Internet The server-based IM scheme removes the need of having permanent IP numbers It also gives IM users true mobility, allowing them the use of IM from any Internetconnected computer 30.5 VoIP: Voice over IP Voice delivered from one device to another using the Internet Protocol Voice is first converted into a digital form, is broken down into packets, and then transmitted over a TCP/IP network (e.g. Internet) Four modes: C2C C2T T2C T2T (with a TCP/IP net somewhere in between) Pro Much cheaper than traditional phone service Con Noticeably poor quality of voice as compared with land-line phone service, but not much worse than cell phone service Today’s Goal: Internet Services We looked at several services provided by the Internet FTP Telnet Web eMail Instant messaging VoIP We also found out about the addressing scheme used on the Internet Next Lecture: Next lecture (Lecture 31) - the third one in the four-lecture productivity SW sequence will be on developing presentations However, during lecture 33, we will become familiar with the role that graphics and animations play in computing 220 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 31 Developing Presentations Focus of the 22th Lecture was on Spreadsheets: Second among the four lectures that we plan to have on productivity software We learnt about what we mean by spreadsheets We discussed the usage of various functions provided by common spreadsheets Spreadsheets: Electronic replacement for ledgers Used for automating engineering, scientific, but in majority of cases, business calculations. A spreadsheet - VisiCalc - was the first popular application on PC’s. What Can They Do? Can perform calculations repeatedly, accurately, rapidly. Can handle a large number of parameters, variables Make it easy to analyze what-if scenarios for determining changes in forecasts w.r.t. change in parameters. Are easy to interface with other productivity SW packages Easy to store, recall, modify Make it is easy to produce graphs: The Structure of A Spreadsheet: Collection of cells arranged in rows and columns Each cell can contain one of the following: Numbers Text Formulas These cells display either the number or text that was entered in them or the value that is found by executing the formula. Connecting Two Cells: Let’s call this cell A1 And this one, A2 =A1 + 4 Today’s Lecture: Developing Presentation: Third among the four lectures that we plan to have on productivity software We will discuss several design guidelines for making effective multimedia presentations We will become able to develop simple presentation with the help of presentation making software 31.1 Presentations: I used to use transparencies in conjunction with overhead projectors for making presentations Some time back, I used to write on transparencies with felt-tip markers Then I moved on to developing presentations on a PC, and printing the final version on transparencies with a laser printer Some of my contemporaries used color inkjet printers instead of the laser printer Another option was to develop them on a computer and then transfer to 35mm slides using a camera, and display it using a slide projector © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 221 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Problems With All Those Modes: It was difficult and often costly to make changes, especially last minute changes No sound, no animation, no video Electronic transmission, in some cases, was not easy It was difficult keeping track of old ones and making sure of their proper storage Solution: Multimedia Presentations : Great tool for effectively communicating ideas to an audience All electronic Easy to make last minute changes The undo feature encourages experimentation More attractive; commanded more interest May include animations, sound, video Easy to catalog, store, and recall Great tool for making presenter-free interactive material (e.g. self-learning tutorials) The Presentation Scenario: Presentation Info screen Audienc e Info Presenter The Goal of the Presenter: Maximize the (sum of the 2 types of) info that needs to be transferred to the audience. Recommended Approach Put together a presentation that is: Simple,clear ,consistent, design guidelines for simplicity, clarity, consistency Layout Guidelines: Keep layouts simple Vary the look of successive slides. Mix up graphics with bulleted lists with animations Avoid cluttering the slides with too much text or graphics. Your audience should hear what you have to say and not be distracted by a busy layout Put a title on each slide. As soon as the audience see the slide, the title should make it clear as to the point of that slide Slide Background: Keep the backgrounds simple. You want a background that shows off your info, not one that makes it illegible Avoid bright background colors. Light colored text against a dark background works best Keep colors, patterns, and text styles consistent (not necessarily the same) for all slides in a presentation Color Usage Guidelines: Use color sparingly to highlight a point, but don't get carried away Choose them with care; at times, the wrong choice may convey an unintended message Select background colors that are easy on the eye for several minutes of viewing, e.g. don’t go for a bright yellow or red or other warm colors for background Instead, use cool colors like blues and greens as backgrounds Writing Text: Limit text to a few phrases on a screen. A good rule of thumb is 5±2 lines on a slide Write short phrases - not sentences - in the form of bulleted points: if you display sentences on your slides, you have nothing to add! 222 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Have every bullet on a slide begin with a verb, or alternatively, have each begin with a noun Text Usage Guidelines: Normal text is easier to read than ALL CAPS Avoid ornate typefaces Use a clean & readable typeface, e.g. sans serif ones (Arial, Verdana, Helvetica) Use at least a 24-point size, with the normal text size being 28-32 Be consistent in type size throughout the presentation Keep text simple and easy to read by not using many different text styles (bold, italics, underline) different typefaces, different font sizes, varying font colors within a sentence A Word of Caution on Guidelines: These guidelines are not ‘Laws of Nature’ For example, if I keep on repeating the same type face and font size and background throughout a long presentation, I’ll put the audience to sleep At times, I use a warm background color or a very large (or small!) font size on a slide or two just to wake the audience up, or to make an important point Graphics & Images: Use simple graphics or images in place of text Example: Components of an OS diagram (lecture 11) It not only listed the components in the form of colored discs, but also gave info visually about their interactions (through overlaps) and relative importance (through the size of each disc) Animations & Transitions: Use simple slide transitions. Too many different transitions are distractive Animation is especially suitable for displaying: Steps of a process: Waterfall model Flow of info in a system: How does IM works? © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 223 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Graphics and Images examples: All currency figures are in thousands of US Dollars 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year Billing Schedule Lahore Dubai Islamabad Karachi 20x42x0.5 420 30x96 60x15x0.5 2,880 40x169 450 70x35 40x25x0.5 6,760 50x317 2,450 80x45 700 50x60 50x45x0.5 Total 420 3,330 9,910 Costs for the Development Workforce Lahore Dubai Islamabad Karachi 15x42x0.8 504 17x96 48x15x0.8 1,632 20x169 576 57x35 20x35x0.8 15,850 3,600 3,000 1,125 23,575 3,380 24x315 1,995 66x45 560 24x60 24x45x0.8 7,608 2,970 1,440 864 Total 504 2,208 5,935 12,882 Costs for the Sales and Support Workforce Singapore 120x2 Wash., DC 200x3 Chicago 240 110x3 600 180x10 210x2 390 110x4 1,800 180x20 420 200x3 840 2,610 Total Costs for the Corporate Office Corporate 40x3 120 42x4 168 44x6 Total 120 168 (1,044) (1,656) Profit P/S -249% -50% NPV Discount Rate NPV @ that Discount Rate IRR 440 110x5 3,600 180x30 630 200x4 4,670 6,750 29,400 4,500 6,000 6,000 45,900 28x490 78x50 28x100 28x100 13,720 3,900 2,800 2,800 23,220 550 125x5 5,400 190x40 800 200x5 264 46x8 264 (959) -10% 60x490 90x50 60x100 60x100 625 7,600 1,000 9,225 368 48x10 368 3,575 15% 480 480 12,975 28% 17% 5,125 40 68% Sales Forecast 50 Million US$ 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 Year of Operation 5 34 31.2 The Structure of A Presentation: Title slide Overview slide Main body Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 … … Summary slide Divide long presentations into sections, and have separate title, overview, summary, body slides for each section 31.3 Presentation Development SW: One can use a word processor to develop presentations of reasonable quality However, using a SW package especially designed for developing presentation can: Speed-up the task Make available features not available in standard word processors Presentation development SW lets users: Choose from a variety of ready-made presentation designs Create original designs as well as change colors, background, fonts in ready-made designs Add, delete, move slides within a presentation Insert graphics & images, or create their own Presentation development SW lets users: 224 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Import from other applications or create new tables/plots Create simple animations Incorporate sound and videos Add hyperlinks, custom navigational controls Save work in HTML, PDF, graphics formats The Best Feature: Undo Allows you to recover from your mistakes Allows you to experiment without risk Popular SW: Microsoft PowerPoint CA Harvard Graphics Lotus Freelance Graphics Corel Presentation Let’s now demonstrate the use of the presentation making SW: We will create a new presentation Enter text Add, delete, and move slides View slide show Today’s Lecture was the …: Third among the four lectures that we plan to have on productivity software We discussed several design guidelines for making effective multimedia presentations We became able to develop simple presentation with the help of presentation software Focus of the Final Productivity SW Lecture: Database SW: To become familiar with the basic functions and features of desktop data management software To become able to build a small application with the help of database software © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 225 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 32 Event Handling (Web Development Lecture 11) During the last lecture we discussed Functions & Variable Scope: We looked at functions and their use for solving simple problems We became familiar with a couple of JavaScript’s built-in functions We became familiar with the concept of local and global variables Function: A group of statements that is put together (or defined) once and then can be used (by reference) repeatedly on a Web page Also known as subprogram, procedure, subroutine Advantages of Functions: Number of lines of code is reduced Code becomes easier to read & understand Code becomes easier to maintain as changes need to be made only at a single location instead multiple locations Function identifier Function ‘arguments’ separated by commas Pair of parenthesis Keyword Function definition enclosed in a pair of curly braces function writeList( heading, words ) { document.write( heading + "
    " ) ; for ( k = 0 ; k < words.length ; k = k + 1 ) { document.write( words[ k ] + "
    " ) ; } } Arguments of a Function: A comma-separated list of data Arguments define the interface between the function and the rest of the Web page Arguments values are passed to the function by value (some popular languages pass arguments ‘by reference’ as well) To ensure that a function is defined before it is called up, define all functions in the HEAD portion of Web pages Two Ways of Calling Functions: function popUp( message ) { window.alert( message ) ; } popUp( “Warning!” ) ; 226 A function call appearing as a complete statement © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 function add( a, b ) { c=a+b; return c ; } sum = add( 2, 4 ) ; document.write( sum ) ; VU A function call appearing as part of a statement. Definitions of such functions include a ‘return’ statement What Would this Statement Do? factorial( factorial ( 3 ) ) ; This is termed as the recursive use of a function. Methods: Methods are functions They are unusual in the sense that they are stored as properties of objects All objects have the “name” property: it holds the name of the object (collection) A collection of properties & methods nam e method 2 prop 1 prop 3 prop 5 prop 2 method 1 prop 4 method 3 Predefined, Top-Level or Built-In Functions: Event handlers are not the only functions that come predefined with JavaScript. There are many others. Practically, there is no difference between predefined functions and those that are defined by the programmer (termed as user-defined or custom functions) There are many of them, but here we discuss only two: parseInt( ), parseFloat( ) Local Variables: Declaring variables (using the var keyword) within a function, makes them local They are available only within the function and hold no meaning outside of it. Local –vs– Global: Global variables can make the logic of a Web page difficult to understand Global variables also make the reuse and maintenance of your code much more difficult HEURISTIC: If it’s possible to define a variable as local, do it! Event Handlers: Special-purpose functions that come predefined with JavaScript They are unusual in the sense that they are mostly called from the HTML part of a Web page and not the part © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 227 Introduction to Computing –CS101 Today’s Event Handlers VU Goal: To become able to appreciate the concept of event handlers: What are they? What do they do? How do we benefit from them? To learn to write simple programs that use event handlers 32.1 What is Event Handling? Capturing events and responding to them The system sends events to the program and the program responds to them as they arrive Events can include things a user does - like clicking the mouse - or things that the system itself does - like updating the clock. Today we will exclusively focus on user-events Event Driven Programs: Programs that can capture and respond to events are called ‘event-driven programs’ JavaScript was specifically designed for writing such programs Almost all programs written in JavaScript are event-driven JavaScript Handling of Events: Events handlers are placed in the BODY part of a Web page as attributes in HTML tags Events can be captured and responded to directly with JavaScript one-liners embedded in HTML tags in the BODY portion Alternatively, events can be captured in the HTML code, and then directed to a JavaScript function for an appropriate response Additional JavaScript code for the smart ‘Send eMail’ button that does not allow itself to be clicked if the “From” text field is left blank That was event handling through what we may call ‘in-line JavaScript’ That is, the event was captured and handled with a JavaScript one-liner that was embedded in the HTML tag 228 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 32.2 In-Line JavaScript Event Handling : Event handlers are placed in the BODY portion of a Web page as attributes of HTML tags The event handler attribute consists of 3 parts: The identifier of the event handler The equal sign A string consisting of JavaScript statements enclosed in double or single quotes Multiple JavaScript statements (separated by semicolons) can be placed in that string, but all have to fit in a single line; no newline characters are allowed in that string Due to this limitation, sophisticated event handling is not possible with in-line event handling Another - more sophisticated - way of accomplishing the same task: JavaScript that goes between the tags: function checkForm() { if ( document.sendEmail.sender.value.length < 1) { window.alert( “Empty From field! Please correct” ); } } JavaScript included as an attribute of the “Send eMail” button: onMouseOver=“checkForm( )” Usage Guideline: For very short scripts, “all code in the tag” works well The “code in the HEAD portion” is the right choice for developing larger JavaScript scripts It makes the code easier to read It allows the reuse of a function for multiple event handlers Another event-handling example; this time from lecture 18 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 229 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU JavaScript that goes between the tags: function vuWindow() { window.open(“http://www.vu.edu.pk/”) ; } JavaScript included as an attribute of the “New Window” button: onClick=“vuWindow()” A Few of My Favorite Event Handlers: onClick onDblClick onMouseOver onMouseDown onFocus onBlur onReset onSubmit onLoad onUnload There are many more: there is an expanded, but still incomplete list in your book. Now let’s look at some of these error handlers in a bit more detail onFocus & onBlur: onFocus executes the specified JavaScript code when a window receives focus or when a form element receives input focus onBlur executes the specified JavaScript code when a window loses focus or a form element loses focus 230 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU JavaScript that goes between the tags: function checkAge( ) { if( parseInt( document.form1.age.value ) < 12 ) { window.alert( "Stop! You are younger than 12" ) ; } } JavaScript included as an attribute of the INPUT tag: onBlur( ) Demo
    Phone Number
    onLoad & onUnload: © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 231 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU onLoad executes the specified JavaScript code when a new document is loaded into a window onUnload executes the specified JavaScript code when a user exits a document What is the key difference between these 2 and the 4 event handlers (onMouseOver, onClick, onFocus, onBlur) that we have used so far? onUnload Demo This page uses the onUnload event handler … onUnload Demo This page uses the onUnload event handler … More Uses for onLoad/onUnload? onLoad can be used to open multiple Windows when a particular document is opened onUnload can be used to say “Thank you for the visit” when a user is leaving a Web page At times, a user opens multiple inter-dependent windows of a Web site (e.g. VULMS). onUnload can be used to warn that all child Windows will become inoperable if the user closes the parent Window A Note on Syntax: Mixed-case capitalization of event handlers (e.g. onClick) is a convention (but not a requirement) for JavaScript event handlers defined in HTML code. Using ‘ONCLICK’ or ‘onclick’ as part of a an HTML tag is perfectly legal as well At times, you may wish to use event handlers in JavaScript code enclosed in tags In those cases you have to strictly follow the JavaScript rule for all event handler identifiers: they must all be typed in small case, e.g. ‘onclick’ or ‘onmouseover’ A misleading statement from Lecture 18: 232 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU I stated: JavaScript is case sensitive. Only the first of the following will result in the desired function – the rest will generate errors or other undesirable events: onMouseClick – OnMouseClick onmouseclick – ONMOUSECLICK That statement is incorrect in two ways: All four will work fine as part of HTML tags Only the ‘all small case’ version will be interpreted as intended in JavaScript code During Today’s Lecture …: We looked at the concept of event-driven programs and event handlers What are they? What do they do? How do we benefit from them? We wrote simple programs to demonstrate the capabilities of a few event handlers Next (the Mathematical Methods 12th) Web Dev Lecture: We’ll look at JavaScript’s Math object We will produce solutions for simple problems using various methods of the Math object © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 233 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 33 Graphics & Animation During the last lecture …(Internet Services): We looked at several services provided by the Internet FTP Telnet Web eMail Instant messaging VoIP We also found out about the addressing scheme used on the Internet IP Address: A unique identifier for a computer on a TCP/IP network Format: four 8-bit numbers separated by periods. Each 8-bit number can be 0 to 255 Domain Names: IP addresses are fine for computers, but difficult to recognize and remember for humans A domain name is a meaningful, easy-to-remember ‘label’ for an IP address DNS: Domain Name System: DNS is the way that Internet domain names are located & translated into IP addresses FTP: Used to transfer files between computers on a TCP/IP network (e.g Internet) Telnet Protocol: Using Telnet, a user can remotely log on to a computer (connected to the user’s through a TCP/IP network, e.g. Internet) & have control over it like a local user, including control over running various programs The Web : The greatest, shared resource of information created by humankind A user may access any item on the Web through a URL, e.g. http://www.vu.edu.pk/cs/index.html http:/ /www.vu.edu.pk Protocol Identifier cs/index.html Server Address eMail: Computer-to-computer messaging Inexpensive, and quite quick, but not instant! But first, the components: eMail client SMTP server POP3 server The Trouble with eMail: Slow response times No way of knowing if the person we are sending eMail to is there to read it 234 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Directory & File Name Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU The process of having a conversation through eMail by exchanging several short messages is too cumbersome Instant messaging (IM) solves these problems Instant Messaging: The IM services available on the Internet (e.g. ICQ, AIM, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger) allow us to maintain a list of people (contacts) that we interact with regularly We can send an instant messages to any of the contacts in our list as long as that contact is online Key Point: Once the IM server provides the communication info to the user and his/her contact’s IM client, the two are able to communicate with each other without the IM server’s assistance This server-less connection is termed as a P2P connection VoIP: Voice over IP: Voice delivered from one device to another using the Internet Protocol Inexpensive, but of poor quality Today’s Graphics & Animation Goal: We will become familiar with the role that graphics and animations play in computing We will look at how graphics & animation are displayed We will look at a few popular formats used for storing graphics and animation 33.1 Computer Graphics: Images created with the help of computers 2-D and 3-D (displayed on a 2-D screen but in such a way that they give an illusion of depth) Used for scientific research, artistic expression, or for industrial applications Graphics have made the computer interfaces more intuitive by removing the need to memorize commands 33.2 Displaying Images: Most all computer displays consist of a grid of tiny pixels arranged in a regular grid of rows and columns Images are displayed by assigning different colors to the pixels located in the desired portion of the computer display Let’s discuss the pixel a bit more … Pixel: The smallest image forming element on a computer display The computer display is made up of a regular grid of these pixels The computer has the capability of assigning any color to any of the individual pixels on the display Let’s now see how the computer displays a square 33.3 Pixel Colors : The color of each pixel is generally represented in the form a triplet In a popular scheme – the RGB scheme – each part of the triplet represents the intensity of one of out of three primary colors: red, green, blue Often, the intensity of each color is represented with a byte, resulting in 256x256x256 (16+ million) unique color combinations If this scheme is used to display an image that is equal to the size of an XGA (1024x768 pixels) display, the image will require 2.25MB of storage, which is just too much A number of clever schemes have been invented to reduce the number of bytes that are required for storing graphics. 2 popular ones: Color mapping Dithering 33.4 Color Mapping : Instead of letting each pixel assume one out of 16 million possible colors, only a limited number of colors – called the platelet – are allowed © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 235 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU For example, the platelet may be restricted to 256 colors (requiring 1 byte/pixel instead of 3) Each value, from 0 to 255, is mapped to a selected RGB color through a table, reducing the size of a 2.25MB graphic to 0.75MB The quality of the displayed image will not suffer at all if the image only uses colors that are a part of the platelet Color Platelet Example: Color Platelet Code Actual Color in RGB 1 255, 255, 000 (yellow) 2 255, 000, 000 (red) 3 000, 255, 255 (cyan) 4 255, 153, 051 (orange) … … … … … … 33.5 Dithering: In this scheme, pixels of alternating colors are used to simulate a color that is not present in the platelet For example, red and green pixels can be alternated to give the impression of bright yellow The quality of the displayed image is poorer 33.6 Aliasing: The computer screen consists of square-ish pixels arranged in a fixed grid At times, when a diagonal line is drawn on this grid, it looks more like a staircase, instead of a straight line This effect – called aliasing – can be managed by reducing the size of pixels 33.7 Anti-Aliasing: Anti-aliasing is another technique used for managing the ‘staircase’ effect Let’s say that we need to draw a white straight-line such that it overlaps 60% with one pixel, and 40% with another initially, and near the end, 58%, 41%, and 1%, respectively, with three pixels 1 236 2 3 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 4 5 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU The staircase effect is caused because the proper drawing of the line requires a pixel that does not exist There are three options in this case: Assign the white color to the pixel corresponding to the largest overlap Assign the white color to both pixels Either of these will cause the staircase effect The 3rd option is to color the pixel with 60% overlap to a 40% gray color & the other one to 60% gray Result: A smoother - pleasing to the eye - look 33.8 Graphics File Formats: The choice of the format generally depends upon the nature of the image. For example: An image of natural scenery contains many irregular, non-gemetric shapes, therefore is stored in bit-map format A CAD drawing consists of many geometric shapes like straight lines, arcs, etc. and therefore is stored in a vector format A third situation arises when dealing with graphics that contain both regular and irregular shapes 33.9 Vector or Object-Oriented Graphics: Treats everything that is drawn as an object Objects retain their identity after they are drawn These objects can later be easily moved, stretched, duplicated, deleted, etc Are resolution independent Relatively small file size Examples: swf, svg, wmf, ps 33.10 Bit-Mapped or Raster Graphics: Treats everything that is drawn as a bit-map If an object is drawn on top of another, it is difficult to move just one of them while leaving the other untouched Changing the resolution often requires considerable touch-up work Relatively large file size Examples: gif, jpg, bmp 33.11 File Formats Popular on the Web (1): gif (Graphical Interchange Format) Bit-map images compressed using the LZW algo. The number of colors is first reduced to 256 and then consecutive pixels having the same color are encoded in a [color, numberOfPixels] format Works well with computer-generated graphics (e.g. CAD, block diagrams, cartoons) but not with natural, realistic images Loss-less for images having 256 colors or less jpg (JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group) Compressed, full-color and gray-scale bit-map images of natural, real-world scenes, where most every pixel differs in color from its neighbor It does not work as well as gif with non-realistic images, such as cartoons or line drawings Does not handle compression of B&W images Lossy swf (Shockwave Flash) Designed for 2-D animations, but can also be used for storing static vector images as well A special program (called a plug-in) is required to view swf files in a Web browser svg (Structured Vector Graphics) New format; may become more popular than swf 33.12 Image Processing: A branch of computer science concerned with manipulating and enhancing computer graphics © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 237 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Examples: Converting 2-D satellite imagery into a 3-D model of a terrain Restoring old, faded photographs into something closer to the original Determining the amount of silting in Tarbela lake from a satellite image 33.13-D Graphics: Flat images enhanced to impart the illusion of depth We perceive the world and the objects in it in 3-D - breadth, width, depth - although the images formed on the retinas of our eyes are 2-D The secret of 3-D perception: stereo vision The two eyes are spaced a few cm apart Result: The images formed on the two retinas are slightly different The brain combines these two into a single 3-D image, enabling us to perceive depth 3-D Graphics: Applications: Games Medical images 3-D CAD 3-D Rendering: The process of converting information about 3-D objects into a bit-map that can be displayed on a 2-D computer display Computationally, very expensive! Steps: Draw the wire-frame (skeleton, made with thin lines) Fill with colors, textures, patterns Add lighting effects (reflections, shadows) 33.14 Animation: Graphics in motion, e.g. cartoons Illusion of motion is created by showing the viewer a sequence of still images, rapidly Drawing those images - each slightly different from the previous one - used to be quite tedious work Computers have helped in cutting down some of the tediousness See next slides Computer Animation: Examples Games Cartoons, movies Visualization of processes, e.g the IM process Displaying the results of scientific experiments, e.g. nuclear fusion Tweening: Creating a reasonable illusion of motion requires the drawing of 14-30 images per second of animation – very tedious! In practice, only 4-5 images (called key images) instead of 14-30 are drawn, and then the computer is asked to create the remaining in-between images This process of creating these in-between images from key images is called inbetweening (or tweening for short) The simplest algorithm for tweening calculates the position of a particular segment of an image by calculating the average of the positions of that same image segment belonging to adjacent key images The Future of Graphics & Animation: New graphic-file storage formats will appear with better compression efficiencies 3-D animation will become more popular as computers become faster and algorithms become smarter More realistic games; better realism in movies – may, one day, make the human actors extinct Today’s Goal:Graphics & Animation We became familiar with the role that graphics and animations play in computing 238 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU We discussed how graphics & animation are displayed We also looked at several formats used for storing graphics and animation Next Lecture:(Intelligent Systems) To become familiar with the distinguishing features of intelligent systems with respect to other software systems To become able to appreciate the role of intelligent systems in scientific, business and consumer applications To look at several techniques for designing intelligent systems © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 239 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 34 Intelligent Systems During the last lecture …:(Graphics & Animation) We became familiar with the role that graphics and animations play in computing We discussed how graphics & animation are displayed We also looked at several formats used for storing graphics and animation Computer Graphics: Images created with the help of computers 2-D and 3-D (displayed on a 2-D screen but in such a way that they give an illusion of depth) Used for scientific research, artistic expression, or for industrial applications Graphics have made the computer interfaces more intuitive by removing the need to memorize commands Displaying Images: Most all computer displays consist of a grid of tiny pixels arranged in a regular grid of rows and columns Images are displayed by assigning different colors to the pixels located in the desired portion of the computer display Let’s discuss the pixel a bit more … Pixel: The smallest image forming element on a computer display The computer display is made up of a regular grid of these pixels The computer has the capability of assigning any color to any of the individual pixels on the display Let’s now see how the computer displays a square The color of each pixel is generally represented in the form a triplet In a popular scheme – the RGB scheme – each part of the triplet represents the intensity of one of out of three primary colors: red, green, blue Often, the intensity of each color is represented with a byte, resulting in 256x256x256 (16+ million) unique color combinations Instead of letting each pixel assume one out of 16 million possible colors, only a limited number of colors – called the platelet – are allowed For example, the platelet may be restricted to 256 colors (requiring 1 byte/pixel instead of 3) Dithering: In this scheme, pixels of alternating colors are used to simulate a color that is not present in the platelet For example, red and green pixels can be alternated to give the impression of bright yellow The quality of the displayed image is poorer Aliasing: The computer screen consists of square-ish pixels arranged in a fixed grid At times, when a diagonal line is drawn on this grid, it looks more like a staircase, instead of a straight line This effect – called aliasing – can be managed by reducing the size of pixels Anti-aliasing is another technique used for managing the ‘staircase’ effect Let’s say that we need to draw a white straight-line such that it overlaps 60% with one pixel, and 40% with another initially, and near the end, 58%, 41%, and 1%, respectively, with three pixels Vector or Object-Oriented Graphics: Treats everything that is drawn as an object Objects retain their identity after they are drawn These objects can later be easily moved, stretched, duplicated, deleted, etc Are resolution independent Relatively small file size 240 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Examples: swf, svg, wmf, ps Bit-Mapped or Raster Graphics: Treats everything that is drawn as a bit-map If an object is drawn on top of another, it is difficult to move just one of them while leaving the other untouched Changing the resolution often requires considerable touch-up work Relatively large file size Examples: gif, jpg, bmp 3-D Graphics: Flat images enhanced to impart the illusion of depth We perceive the world and the objects in it in 3-D - breadth, width, depth - although the images formed on the retinas of our eyes are 2-D The secret of 3-D perception: stereo vision 3-D Rendering: The process of converting information about 3-D objects into a bit-map that can be displayed on a 2-D computer display Computationally, very expensive! Steps: Draw the wire-frame (skeleton, made with thin lines) Fill with colors, textures, patterns Add lighting effects (reflections, shadows) Animation: Graphics in motion, e.g. cartoons Illusion of motion is created by showing the viewer a sequence of still images, rapidly Drawing those images - each slightly different from the previous one - used to be quite tedious work Computers have helped in cutting down some of the tediousness This process of creating these in-between images from key images is called inbetweening (or tweening for short) The simplest algorithm for tweening calculates the position of a particular segment of an image by calculating the average of the positions of that same image segment belonging to adjacent key images Today’s Goals:(Intelligent Systems) To become familiar with the distinguishing features of intelligent systems with respect to other software systems To become able to appreciate the role of intelligent systems in scientific, business and consumer applications To look at several techniques for designing intelligent systems 34.1 (Artificial) Intelligent Systems: SW programs or SW/HW systems designed to perform complex tasks employing strategies that mimic some aspect of human thought One can debate endlessly about whether a certain system is intelligent or not But to my mind, the key criterion is evolution: it is intelligent if it can learn (even if only a limited sense) and get better with time Not a Suitable Hammer for All Nails! if the nature of computations required in a task is not well understood or there are too many exceptions to the rules or known algorithms are too complex or inefficient then AI has the potential of offering an acceptable solution Selected Applications: Games: Chess, SimCity Image recognition Medical diagnosis Robots © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 241 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Business intelligence Sub-Categories of AI: Expert systems Systems that, in some limited sense, can replace an expert Robotics Natural language processing Teaching computers to understand human language, spoken as well as written Computer vision Selected Techniques: Artificial neural networks Genetic algorithms Rule-based systems Fuzzy logic Many times, any one of them can solve the problem at hand, but at others, only the right one will do. Therefore, it is important to have some appreciation of them all . Neural Networks: Original inspiration was the human brain; emphasis now on usefulness as a computational tool Many useful NN paradigms, but scope of today's discussion limited to the feed-forward network, the most popular paradigm Feed-forward Network: It is a layered structure consisting of a number of homogeneous and simple (but nonlinear) processing elements All processing is local to a processing element and is asynchronous During training the FN is forced to adjust its parameters so that its response to input data becomes closer to the desired response Based on Darwin's evolutionary principle of ‘survival of the fittest’ GAs require the ability to recognize a good solution, but not how to get to that solution. Genetic Algorithms (2): The procedure: An initial set of random solutions is ranked in terms of ability to solve the problem at hand The best solutions are then crossbred and mutated to form a new set The ranking and formation of new solutions is continued until a good enough solution is found or … Rulebased Systems (1): Based on the principles of the logical reasoning ability of humans Components of an RBS: Rulebase Working memory Rule interpreter The design process: An RBS engineer interviews the expert to acquire the comprehensive set of heuristics that covers the situations that may occur in a given domain This set is then encoded in the form of IF-THEN structures to form the required RBS 34.2 Fuzzy Logic: Based on the principles of the approximate reasoning faculty that humans use when faced with linguistic ambiguity The inputs and outputs of a fuzzy system are precise, only the reasoning is approximate Parts of the knowledgebase of a fuzzy system: Fuzzy rules Fuzzy sets The output of a fuzzy system is computed by using: The MIN-MAX technique for combining fuzzy rules 242 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU The centroid method for defuzzification Now we know about a few techniques Let’s now consider the situation when we are given a particular problem and asked to find an AI solution to that problem. How do we determine the right technique for that particular problem? Selection of an Appropriate AI Technique: A given problem can be solved in several ways Even if 2 techniques produce solutions of a similar quality, matching the right technique to a problem can save on time & resources Characteristics of an optimal technique: The solution contains all of the required information The solution meets all other necessary criteria The solution uses all of the available (useful) knowledge How do we determine the suitability of a particular AI technique for a given task. We look at the task’s requirements and then see which technique fulfils those requirements more completely – the one which does, is the one we use! Here are a few aspects of the task and the techniques that we need to be aware off … • • • • • • • • Accuracy Explainability Response speed Scalability Compactness Flexibility Embedability Ease of use • • • • • • • Learning curve Tolerance for complexity Tolerance for noise in data Tolerance for sparse data Independence from experts Development speed Computing ease Credit Card Issuance: Challenge. Increase the acceptance rate of card applicants who will turn out to be good credit risks Inputs. Applicant's personal and financial profiles Output. Estimated yearly loss if application is accepted Expert knowledge. Some rules of thumb are available Data. Profiles & loss data available for 1+ million applicants Suitable technique? Determination of the Optimal Drug Dosage: Challenge. Warn the physician if she prescribes a dosage which is either too high or too low Inputs. Patient's medical record. Pharmaceutical drug dosage instructions Output. Warning along with reasons for the warning Data. Medical records of thousands of patients. Drug dosage instructions on dozens of medicines Suitable technique? Prediction of Airline Cabin Crew's Preferences: Challenge. Predict the future base/status preferences of the cabin crew of an airline. The predicted preferences will be used by the airline for forecasting its staffing and training requirements Inputs. Crew's personal profiles. Preference history. Other data. Output. Predicted preference card for a date one year in the future Expert knowledge. Some rules of thumb are available Data. Available for the last four years for 8000 crew members Suitable technique? The Right Technique: © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 243 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Selection of the right AI technique requires intimate knowledge about the problem as well as the techniques under consideration Real problems may require a combination of techniques (AI and/or nonAI) for an optimal solution 34.3 Robotics: Automatic machines that perform various tasks that were previously done by humans Example: Pilot-less combat airplanes Land-mine hunters Autonomous vacuum-cleaners Components: Body structure, actuators, power-source, sensors, controller (the AI-based part) Autonomous Web Agents: Also known as mobile agents, softbots Computer program that performs various actions continuously, autonomously on behalf of their principal! Key component of the Semantic Web of tomorrow Multi-agent communities are being developed in which agents meet and represent the interests of their principals in negotiations or collaborations. Example: Agents of a patient and a doctor get together to negotiate and select a mutually agreeable time, cost Decision Support Systems: Interactive software designed to improve the decision-making capability of their users Utilize historical data, models to solve problems The do not make decisions - just assist in the process They provide decision-makers with information via easy to manage reports, what-if scenarios, and graphics The Future? Get ready to see robots playing a bigger role in our daily lives Robots will gradually move out of the industrial world and into our daily life, similar to the way computers did in the 80’s Decision support systems will become a bigger part of the professional life of doctors, managers, marketers, etc Autonomous land, air, sea vehicles controlled from 1000’s of miles away from the war zone Today’s Summary:Intelligent Systems We looked at the distinguishing features of intelligent systems w.r.t. other software systems We looked at the role of intelligent systems in scientific, business, consumer and other applications We discussed several techniques for designing intelligent systems Next Lecture:(Data Management) To become familiar with the issues and problems related to data-intensive computing To become able to appreciate data management concepts and their evolution over the years 244 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 Lecture 35 Mathematical (Web Development Lecture 12) VU Methods During the last lecture we discussed Event handling: We looked at the concept of event-driven programs and event handlers What are they? What do they do? How do we benefit from them? We wrote simple programs to demonstrate the capabilities of a few event handlers What is Event Handling? Capturing events and responding to them The system sends events to the program and the program responds to them as they arrive Events can include things a user does - like clicking the mouse - or things that the system itself does - like updating the clock. Today we will exclusively focus on user-events. Event Driven Programs: Programs that can capture and respond to events are called ‘event-driven programs’ JavaScript was specifically designed for writing such programs JavaScript’s Handling of Events: Events handlers are placed in the BODY part of a Web page as attributes in HTML tags Events can be captured and responded to directly with JavaScript one-liners embedded in HTML tags in the BODY portion Alternatively, events can be captured in the HTML code, and then directed to a JavaScript function for an appropriate response In-Line JavaScript Event Handling: Event handlers are placed in the BODY portion of a Web page as attributes of HTML tags The event handler attribute consists of 3 parts: The identifier of the event handler The equal sign A string consisting of JavaScript statements enclosed in double or single quotes Multiple JavaScript statements (separated by semicolons) can be placed in that string, but all have to fit in a single line; no newline characters are allowed in that string Due to this limitation, sophisticated event handling is not possible with in-line event handling Usage Guideline: For very short scripts, “all code in the tag” works well The “code in the HEAD portion” is the right choice for developing larger JavaScript scripts It makes the code easier to read It allows the reuse of a function for multiple event handlers onFocus & onBlur: onFocus executes the specified JavaScript code when a window receives focus or when a form element receives input focus onBlur executes the specified JavaScript code when a window loses focus or a form element loses focus onLoad & onUnload: onLoad executes the specified JavaScript code when a new document is loaded into a window onUnload executes the specified JavaScript code when a user exits a document. Mixed-case capitalization of event handlers (e.g. onClick) is a convention (but not a requirement) for JavaScript event handlers defined in HTML code At times, you may wish to use event handlers in JavaScript code enclosed in tags © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 245 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU A Note on Syntax: In those cases you have to strictly follow the JavaScript rule for all event handler identifiers: they must all be typed in small case, e.g. ‘onclick’ or ‘onmouseover’ Today’s Goal:(Mathematical Methods) We will look at JavaScript’s Math object We will look at solutions for simple problems using various methods of the Math object 35.1 Problems & Solutions: JavaScript doesn’t support drawing of graphics However, crude graphics can be put together with the help of various text characters or tables One cannot write a character at a random location on the screen using JavaScript Instead, the graph has to be drawn from top to bottom, one row at a time – just like when regular text is written to a document Sine Function Plot function plotSine( ) { var ht, wd, rowN ; // rowN is the row number ht = 15 ; // height of the half cycle wd = 90 ; // width of the plot document.write( "


    " ) ; for( rowN = ht; rowN >= -ht; rowN = rowN - 1 ) { plotRow( rowN, ht, wd ) ; } } function writeRow( row, wd ) { var rowE ; document.write( "" ) ; for( rowE = 0; rowE <= wd; rowE = rowE + 1 ) { 246 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU document.write ( row[ rowE ] ) ; } document.write( "
    " ) ; } function plotRow( rowN, ht, wd ) { var theta, rowE ; // rowE is the row element var row = new Array( wd ) ; for ( rowE=0; rowE <= wd; rowE = rowE + 1 ) { theta = 2 * Math.PI * rowE / wd ; if( rowN == Math.round(ht * Math.sin( theta ))) row[ rowE ] = "*" ; else row[ rowE ] = " " ; } writeRow ( row, wd ) ; } function plotRow( rowN, ht, wd ) { var theta, rowE ; var row = new Array( wd ) ; for ( rowE=0; rowE <= wd; rowE = rowE + 1 ) { theta = 2 * Math.PI * rowE / wd ; if( rowN == Math.round(ht * Math.sin( theta ))) row[ rowE ] = "*" ; else row[ rowE ] = " " ; } writeRow ( row, wd ) ; } if( rowE == 0 ) row[ rowE ] = "|" ; else if( rowN == 0 ) row[ rowE ] = "-" ; else That is a sine wave. How about a cosine? Or a tangent? Or, even, the natural logarithm? Today We Have Seen 3 New Elements: Math.PI A property that gave us the value of Pi Math.round( ) A method that rounded a number to its nearest integer Math.sin( ) © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 247 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU A method that gave us the sine of an angle All 3 belong to JavaScript’s Math object 35.2 Mathematical Functions in JavaScript: In addition to the simple arithmetic operations (e.g. +, *, etc.) JavaScript supports several advanced mathematical operations as well Notationaly, these functions are accessed by referring to various methods of the Math object Moreover, this object also contains several useful mathematical constants as its properties This object has no use, but of a placeholder Properties: Math.PI Math.E Math.LN2 Math.LN10 Math.LOG2E Math.LOG10E Math.SQRT2 Math.SQRT1_2 Note the CAPITAL lettering of all properties Methods: sin( r ) cos( r ) tan( r ) asin( x ) acos( x ) atan( x ) atan2( x, y ) sqrt( x ) pow( x, y ) exp( x ) log( x ) round( x ) floor( x ) ceil( x ) abs( x ) max( x, y ) max( x, y ) random( ) sin( r ), cos( r ), tan( r ): Standard trigonometric functions Returns the sine, cosine or tangent of ‘r’, where ‘r’ is specified in radians EXAMPLE document.write( Math.cos( Math.PI / 4 ) ) 0.707106781186547 asin( x ), acos( x ), atan( x ): Standard inverse-trigonometric functions Returns the arcsine, arccosine or arctangent of ‘r’ in radians EXAMPLE document.write( Math.asin( 1 ) ) 248 1.5707963267948965 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU sqrt( x ) pow( x, y ) Returns the square root of x Returns x raised to the power y 0.5 → 0.7071 2, 32 → 4294967296 exp( x ) log( x ) Returns Math.E raised to the power x Returns the the natural logarithm of x 1 → 2.718281 Math.E → 1 floor( x ) round( x ) Returns integer nearest to x Returns largest integer that is less than or equal to x 1.1 → 1 12.5 → 13 -13.9 → -14 1.1 → 1 12.5 → 12 -13.9 → -14 ceil( x ) Returns smallest integer that is greater than or equal to x 1.1 → 2 12.5 → 13 -13.9 → -13 abs( x ) Returns the absolute value of x 1.1 → 1.1 -12.5 → 12.5 0→0 min( x, y ) max( x, y ) Returns the smaller of x and y Returns the larger of x and y 2, 4 → 2 -12, -5 → -12 2, 4 → 4 -12, -5 → -5 random( ): © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 249 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Returns a randomly-selected, floating-point number between 0 and 1 EXAMPLE document.write( Math.random( ) ) 0.9601111965589273 random( ): Example Design a Web page that displays the result of the rolling of a 6-sided die on user command **** Electronic Die
    function rollDie( ) { var dieN, dieDots, dots ; dieDots = "* " ; dieN = Math.round( 6 * Math.random( ) ) ; for( dots = 2; dots <= dieN; dots = dots + 1 ) { dieDots = dieDots + "* " ; } document.form1.die.value = dieDots ; } Asterisk During Today’s Lecture …: We looked at the properties and methods of JavaScript’s Math object We produced solutions for simple problems using several methods of the Math object Next (the 13th) Web Dev Lecture: String Manipulation To become familiar with a few methods used for manipulating strings To become able to solve simple problems involving strings 250 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 36 Data Management During the last lecture … (Intelligent Systems) We looked at the distinguishing features of intelligent systems w.r.t. other software systems We looked at the role of intelligent systems in scientific, business, consumer and other applications We discussed several techniques for designing intelligent systems (Artificial) Intelligent Systems: SW programs or SW/HW systems designed to perform complex tasks employing strategies that mimic some aspect of human thought Not a Suitable Hammer for All Nails! if the nature of computations required in a task is not well understood or there are too many exceptions to the rules or known algorithms are too complex or inefficient then AI has the potential of offering an acceptable solution Selected Applications: Games: Chess, SimCity Image recognition Medical diagnosis Robots Business intelligence Neural Networks: Original inspiration was the human brain; emphasis now on usefulness as a computational tool. Genetic Algorithms (1): Based on Darwin's evolutionary principle of ‘survival of the fittest’ GAs require the ability to recognize a good solution, but not how to get to that solution Rulebased Systems (1): Based on the principles of the logical reasoning ability of humans. Fuzzy Logic (1): Based on the principles of the approximate reasoning faculty that humans use when faced with linguistic ambiguity The Right Technique: Selection of the right AI technique requires intimate knowledge about the problem as well as the techniques under consideration Real problems may require a combination of techniques (AI and/or nonAI) for an optimal solution Three exciting areas of AI applications Robotics: Automatic machines that perform various tasks that were previously done by humans Autonomous Web Agents (1): Computer program that performs various actions continuously, autonomously on behalf of their principal! Decision Support Systems: Interactive software designed to improve the decision-making capability of their users The do not make decisions - just assist in the process Today’s Goals:(Data Management) First of a two-lecture sequence Today we will become familiar with the issues and problems related to data-intensive computing We will find out about flat-files, the simpleast databases Next time, in our 4th lecture on productivity software, we will discuss relational databases and implement a simple relational database © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 251 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Keeping track of a few dozen data items is straight forward However, dealing with situations that involve significant number of data items, requires more attention to the data handling process Dealing with millions - even billions - of inter-related data items requires even more careful thought 36.1 BholiBooks.com : Consider the situation of a large, online bookstore They have an inventory of millions of books, with new titles constantly arriving, and old ones being phased out on a regular basis The price for a book is not a static feature; it varies every once in a while Thousands of books are shipped each day, changing the inventory constantly Some are returned, again changing the inventory situation constantly The cost of each shipped order depends on: Prices of individual books Size of the order Location of the customer Mode of shipment For each order, the customer’s particulars –_ name, address, phone number, credit card number – are required Generally, that data is not deleted after the completion of the transaction; instead, it is kept for future reference All the transaction activity and the inventory changes result in: Thousands of data items changing every day Thousands of additional data items being added everyday Keeping track & taking care (i.e. management) of all that constantly changing and expanding data is not a trivial task and requires disciplined attention and actions for ensuring the smooth & profitable operation of the bookstore 36.2 Issues in Data Management: Data entry Data updates Data integrity Data security Data accessibility Data Entry: New titles are added every day New customers are being added every day Some of the above may require manual entry of new data into the computer systems That new data needs to be added accurately That can be achieved, for one, by user-interfaces that prevent the input of invalid data Data Updates : Old titles are deleted on a regular basis Inventory changes every instant Book prices change Shipping costs change Customers’ personal data change Various discount schemes are always commencing and concluding All those actions require updates to existing data Those changes need to be entered accurately That can also be achieved by user-interfaces that prevent the input of invalid data Data Security : All the data that BholiBooks has in its computer systems is quite critical to its operation The security of the customers’ personal data is of utmost importance. Hackers are always looking for that type of data, especially for credit card numbers Enough leaks of that type, and customers will stop doing business with BholiBooks 252 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU This problem can be managed by using appropriate security mechanisms that provide access to authorized persons/computers only Security can also be improved through: Encryption Private or virtual-private networks Firewalls Intrusion detectors Virus detectors Data Integrity: Integrity refers to maintaining the correctness and consistency of the data Correctness: Free from errors Consistency: No conflict among related data items Integrity can be compromised in many ways: Typing errors Transmission errors Hardware malfunctions Program bugs Viruses Fire, flood, etc. Ensuring Data Integrity: Type Integrity is implemented by specifying the type of a data item: Example: A credit card number consists of 12 digits. An update attempting to assign a value with more or fewer digits or one including a non-numeral should be rejected Limit Integrity is enforced by limiting the values of data items to specified ranges to prevent illegal values Example: Age of person should not be negative Referential Integrity requires that an item referenced by the data for some other item must itself exist in the database Example: If an airline reservation is requested for a particular flight, then the corresponding flight number must actually exist Physical Integrity is ensured through hardware redundancy, backups, etc Data Accessibility: If the transaction and inventory data is placed in a disorganized fashion on a hard disk, it becomes very difficult to later search for a stored data item What is required is that: Data be stored in an organized manner Additional info about the data be storedso that the data access times are minimized What if two customers check on the aavailability of a certain title simultaneously? On seeing its availability, they both order the title – for which, unfortunately, only a single copy is available Same is the case when two airline customers try booking the only available seat A solution to this concurrency control problem: Lock access to data while someone is using it We can write our own SW that can take care of all the issues that we just discussed OR We can save ourselves lots of time, cost, and effort by buying ourselves a Database Management System (DBMS) that takes care of most, if not all, of the issues 36.3 DBMS : DBMSes are popularly, but incorrectly, also known as ‘Databases’ A DBMS is the SW system that operates a database, and is not the database itself Some people even consider the database to be a component of the DBMS, and not an entity outside the DBMS © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 253 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU DBMS DBMS Database User/ Progra m A DBMS takes care of the storage, retrieval, and management of large data sets on a database It provides SW tools needed to organize & manipulate that data in a flexible manner It includes facilities for: Adding, deleting, and modifying data Making queries about the stored data Producing reports summarizing the required contents Database: A collection of data organized in such a fashion that the computer can quickly search for a desired data item All data items in it are generally related to each other and share a single domain They allow for easy manipulation of the data They are designed for easy modification & reorganization of the information they contain They generally consist of a collection of interrelated computer files Example: VU Student Database: Student's name Student’s photograph Father’s name Phone number Street address eMail address Courses being taken Courses already taken & grades Pre-VU educational record Example: BholiBooks’ Customer DB: Name, address, phone & fax, eMail Credit card type, number, expiration date Shipping preference Books on order All books that were ever shipped to the customer Book preference Example: BholiBooks’ Inventory DB: Book title, author, publisher, binding, date of publication, price Book summary, table of contents Customers’, editors’, newspaper reviews Number in stock Number on order Special offer details 36.4 OS Independence: 254 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU DBMS stores data in a database, which is a collection of interrelated files Storage of files on the computer is managed by the computer OS’s file system Intimate knowledge of the OS & its file system is required to provide rapid access to the data The DBMS takes care of those details It hides the actual storage details of data files from the user It provides an OS-independent view of the data to the user, making data manipulation and management much more convenient What can be stored in a database? In the old days, databases were limited to numbers, Booleans, and text These days, anything goes As long as it is digital data, it can be stored: Numbers, Booleans, text Sounds Images Video In the very, very old days …: Even large amounts of data was stored in text files, known as flat-file databases All related info was stored in a single long, tab- or comma-delimited text file Each group of info – called a record - in that file was separated by a special character; vertical bar ‘|’ was a popular option Each record consisted of a group of fields, each field containing some distinct data item © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 255 Introduction to Computing –CS101 Flat-File Database Record Field Record Delimiter 256 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan VU Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Title, Author, Publisher, Price, InStock|Good Bye Mr. Bhola, Altaf Khan, BholiBooks, 1000, Y|The Terrible Twins, Bhola Champion, BholiBooks, 199, Y|Calculus & Analytical Geometry, Smith Sahib, Good Publishers, 325, N|Accounting Secrets, Zamin Geoffry, Sangg-e-Kilometer Publishers, 29, Y| 36.5 The Trouble with Flat-File Databases: The text file format makes it hard to search for specific information or to create reports that include only certain fields from each record Reason: One has to search sequentially through the entire file to gather desired info, such as ‘all books by a certain author’ However, for small sets of data – say, consisting of several tens of kB – they can provide reasonable performance Consider this tabular approach … (same records, same fields, but in a different format) Title Author Good Bye Mr. Altaf Khan Bhola The Terrible Bhola Twins Champion Calculus & Smith Sahib Analytical Geometry Accounting Secrets Zamin Geoffry Publisher Price InStock BholiBooks 1000 Y BholiBooks 199 Y Good Publishers 325 N Sung-eKilometer Publishers 29 Y Tabular Storage: Features & Possibilities: Similar items of data form a column Fields placed in a particular row – same as a flat-file record – are strongly interrelated One can sort the table w.r.t. any column That makes searching – e.g., for all the books written by a certain author – straight forward Tabular Storage: Features & Possibilities: Similarly, searching for the 10 cheapest/most expensive books can be easily accomplished through a sort Effort required for adding a new field to all the records of a flat-file is much greater than adding a new column to the table CONCLUSION: Tabular storage is better than flat-file storage We will continue on this theme next time © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 257 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Today’s Summary:(Data Management) First of a two-lecture sequence Today we became familiar with the issues and problems related to data-intensive computing We also found out about flat-file and tabular storage Next Lecture:(Database SW) Next time, in our 4th lecture on productivity SW, we will continue our discussion on data management We will find out about relational databases We will also implement a simple relational database 258 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 37 Database Software Focus of the last Lecture was on Data Management • First of a two-lecture sequence • We became familiar with the issues and problems related to data-intensive computing • We also found out about flat-file and tabular storage Data Management • Keeping track of a few dozen data items is straight forward • However, dealing with situations that involve significant number of data items, requires more attention to the data handling process • Dealing with millions - even billions - of inter-related data items requires even more careful thought Issues in Data Management Data Entry • New titles are added every day • New customers are being added every day • That new data needs to be added accurately Data Updates • All those actions require updates to existing data • Those changes need to be entered accurately Data Security • All the data that BholiBooks has in its computer systems is quite critical to its operation • The security of the customers’ personal data is of utmost importance. Hackers are always looking for that type of data, especially for credit card numbers • This problem can be managed by using appropriate security mechanisms that provide access to authorized persons/computers only • Security can also be improved through: – Encryption – Private or virtual-private networks – Firewalls – Intrusion detectors – Virus detectors Data Integrity • – – • – – – – – – Integrity refers to maintaining the correctness and consistency of the data Correctness: Free from errors Consistency: No conflict among related data items Integrity can be compromised in many ways: Typing errors Transmission errors Hardware malfunctions Program bugs Viruses Fire, flood, etc. • • • • Type Integrity Limit Integrity Referential Integrity Physical Integrity • – – What is required is that: Data be stored in an organized manner Additional info about the data be stored so that the data access times are minimized Ensuring Data Integrity Data Accessibility © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 259 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU • A solution to this concurrency control problem: Lock access to data while someone is using it DBMS • A DBMS takes care of the storage, retrieval, and management of large data sets on a database • It provides SW tools needed to organize & manipulate that data in a flexible manner • It includes facilities for: – Adding, deleting, and modifying data – Making queries about the stored data – Producing reports summarizing the required contents Database • A collection of data organized in such a fashion that the computer can quickly search for a desired data item OS Independence • It provides an OS-independent view of the data to the user, making data manipulation and management much more convenient What can be stored in a database? • – – – – As long as it is digital data, it can be stored: Numbers, Booleans, text Sounds Images Video In the very, very old days … • Even large amounts of data was stored in text files, known as flat-file databases • All related info was stored in a single long, tab- or comma-delimited text file • Each group of info – called a record - in that file was separated by a special character; vertical bar ‘|’ was a popular option • Each record consisted of a group of fields, each field containing some distinct data item The Trouble with Flat-File Databases • The text file format makes it hard to search for specific info or to create reports that include only certain fields from each record • Reason: One has to search sequentially through the entire file to gather desired info, such as ‘all books by a certain author’ • However, for small sets of data – say, consisting of several tens of kB – they can provide reasonable performance Tabular Storage: Features & Possibilities 1.Similar items of data form a column 2.Fields placed in a particular row – same as a flat-file record – are strongly interrelated 3.One can sort the table w.r.t. any column 4.That makes searching – e.g., for all the books written by a certain author – straight forward 5.Similarly, searching for the 10 cheapest/most expensive books can be easily accomplished through a sort 6.Effort required for adding a new field to all the records of a flat-file is much greater than adding a new column to the table CONCLUSION: Tabular storage is better than flat-file storage We will continue on with tables’ theme today Today’s Lecture: Database SW • In our 4th & final lecture on productivity software, we will continue our discussion from last week on data management • We will find out about relational databases • We will also implement a simple relational database 260 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Let’s continue on with the tabular approach. We stored data in a table last time, and liked it. Let’s revisit that table and then put together another one Table from the Last Lecture Title Author Publisher Pric InStoc Good Bye Mr. Bhola Altaf Khan BholiBooks 100 0 Y The Terrible Twins Bhola Champion BholiBooks 199 Y Calculus & Analytical Geometry Smith Sahib Good Publishers 325 N Accounting Secrets Zamin Geoffry Sung-eKilometer Publishers 29 Y Another table … Customer Title Shipment Type Aadil Ali Good Bye Mr. Bhola 2002.12.26 Air Aadil Ali The Terrible Twins 2002.12.26 Air Miftah Muslim Calculus & Analytical Geometry 2002.12.25 Surface Karen Kaur Good Bye Mr. Bhola 2002.12.24 Air This & the previous table are related • They share a column, & are related through it • A program can match info from a field in one table with info in a corresponding field of another table to generate a 3rd table that combines requested data from both tables • That is, a program can use matching values in 2 tables to relate info in one to info in the other Q: Who is BholiBooks’ best customer? • That is, who has spent the most money on the online bookstore? • To answer that question, one can process the inventory and the shipment tables to generate a third table listing the customer names and the prices of the books that they have ordered © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 261 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU The generated table Customer Price Aadil Ali 1000 Aadil Ali 199 Miftah Muslim 325 Karen Kaur 1000 Can you now process this table to find the answer to our question Relational Databases • Databases consisting of two or more related tables are called relational databases • A typical relational database may have anywhere from 10 to over a thousand tables • Each column of those tables can contain only a single type of data (contrast this with spreadsheet columns!) • Table rows are called records; row elements are called fields • A relational database stores all its data inside tables, and nowhere else • All operations on data are done on those tables or those that are generated by table operations • Tables, tables, and nothing but tables! 37.1 RDBMS • Relational DBMS software • Contains facilities for creating, populating, modifying, and querying relational databases • Examples: –Access – DB2 –FileMaker Pro – Objectivity/DB –SQL Server – MySQL –Oracle – Postgres The Trouble with Relational DBs • Much of current SW development is done using the object-oriented methodology • When we want to store the object-oriented data into an RDBMS, it needs to be translated into a form suitable for RDBMS The Trouble with Relational DBs • Then when we need to read the data back from the RDBMS, the data needs to be translated back into an object-oriented form before use • These two processing delays, the associated processing, and time spent in writing and maintaining the translation code are the key disadvantages of the current RDBMSes Solution? • • – Don’t have time to discuss that, but try searching the Web on the following terms: Object-oriented databases Object-relational databases • – – Personal/Desktop/Single-user (MB-GB) Examples: Tech. papers’ list; Methai shop inventory Typical DMBS: Access • – – • Server-based/Multi-user/Enterprise (GB-TB) Examples: HBL; Amazon.com Typical DMBS: Oracle, DB2 Seriously-huge databases (TB-PB-XB) Classification of DBMS w.r.t. Size 262 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU – Examples: 2002 – BaBar experiment at Stanford (500TB); 2005 – LHC database at CERN (1XB) – Typical DMBS: Objectivity/DB 37.2 Some Terminology • Primary Key is a field that uniquely identifies each record stored in a table • Queries are used to view, change, and analyze data. They can be used to: – Combine data from different tables, efficiently – Extract the exact data that is desired • Forms can be used for entering, editing, or viewing data, one record at a time • Reports are an effective, user-friendly way of presenting data. All DBMSes provide tools for producing custom reports. • Data normalization is the process of efficiently organizing data in a database. There are two goals of the normalization process: – Eliminate redundant data – Storing only related data in a table Before we do a demo, let me just mention my favorite database application: Data Mining • The process of analyzing large databases to identify patterns • Example: Mining the sales records from a BholiBooks could identify interesting shopping patterns like “53% of customers who bought book A also bought book B”. This pattern can be put to good use! • Dat a mining often utilizes intelligent systems’ techniques Let’s now demonstrate the use of a desktop RDBMS • • • • We will create a new relational database It will consist of two tables We will populate those tables We will generate a report after combining the data from the two tables Access Tutorial http://www.microsoft.com/education/DOWNLOADS/tutorials/classroom/office2k/ acc2000.doc Today’s Lecture: • In this final lecture on productivity software, we continued our discussion from last week on data management • We found out about relational databases • We also implemented a simple relational database Next Lecture’ Goals (Cyber Crime) • To know the different types of computer crimes that occur over cyber space • To familiarize ourselves with with several methods that can be used to minimize the effect of these crimes • To get familiar with a few policies and legislation designed to tackle cyber crime © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 263 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 38 String Manipulations (Web Development Lecture 13) During the last lecture we discussed Mathematical Methods • • We looked at the properties and methods of JavaScript’s Math object We produced solutions for simple problems using several methods of the Math object Problems & Solutions • • JavaScript doesn’t support drawing of graphics However, crude graphics can be put together with the help of various text characters or tables One cannot write a character at a random location on the screen using JavaScript Instead, the graph has to be drawn from top to bottom, one row at a time – just like when regular text is written to a document • • Mathematical Functions in JavaScript • In addition to the simple arithmetic operations (e.g. +, *, etc.) JavaScript supports several advanced mathematical operations as well Notationaly, these functions are accessed by referring to various methods of the Math object Moreover, this object also contains several useful mathematical constants as its properties This object has no use, but of a placeholder • • • Properties Math.PI Math.E Math.LN2 Math.LN10 Math.LOG2E Math.LOG10E Math.SQRT2 Math.SQRT1_2 Note the CAPITAL lettering of all properties Methods sin( r ) cos( r ) tan( r ) asin( x ) acos( x ) atan( x ) atan2( x, y ) sqrt( x ) pow( x, y ) exp( x ) log( x ) round( x ) floor( x ) ceil( x ) abs( x ) max( x, y ) max( x, y ) ) random( sin( r ), cos( r ), tan( r ) Standard trigonometric functions Returns the sine, cosine or tangent of ‘r’, where ‘r’ is specified in radians 264 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU EXAMPLE document.write( Math.cos( Math.PI / 4 ) ) 0.7071067811865476 asin( x ), acos( x ), atan( x ) Standard inverse-trigonometric functions Returns the arcsine, arccosine or arctangent of ‘r’ in radians EXAMPLE document.write( Math.asin( 1 ) ) 1.5707963267948965 sqrt( x ) pow( x, y ) Returns the square root of x Returns x raised to the power y 0.5 → 0.7071 2, 32 → 4294967296 exp( x ) log( x ) Returns Math.E raised to the power x Returns the the natural logarithm of x 1 → 2.718281 Math.E → 1 round( x ) Returns integer nearest to x 1.1 → 1 12.5 → 13 -13.9 → -14 ceil( x ) floor( x ) Returns largest integer that is less than or equal to x 1.1 → 1 12.5 → 12 -13.9 → -14 Returns smallest integer that is greater than or equal to x 1.1 → 2 12.5 → 13 -13.9 → -13 abs( x ) Returns the absolute value of x 1.1 → 1.1 -12.5 → 12.5 0→0 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 265 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU min( x, y ) max( x, y ) Returns the smaller of x and y Returns the larger of x and y 2, 4 → 2 -12, -5 → -12 2, 4 → 4 -12, -5 → -5 random( ) Returns a randomly-selected, floating-point number between 0 and 1 EXAMPLE document.write( Math.random( ) ) 0.9601111965589273 random( ): Example Design a Web page that displays the result of the rolling of a 6-sided die on user command **** Today’s (String Manipulation) • • Goal To become familiar with methods used for manipulating strings To become able to solve simple problems involving strings String Manipulation Examples • Combine these words into a sentence i.e. take these strings and concatenate them into one • Break this string into smaller ones 266 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 • • • • VU Convert this string into upper case See if a particular character exists in a string Find the length of a string Convert this string into a number 38.1 String Manipulation in JavaScript • In addition to the concatenation operator (+) JavaScript supports several advanced string operations as well • Notationaly, these functions are accessed by referring to various methods of the String object • Moreover, this object also contains the ‘length’ property Example name = “BHOLA” ; document.write ( “The length of the string ‘name’ is ”, name.length ) ; The length of the string ‘name’ is 5 Let us now revisit an example that we first discussed in the 18th lecture Let us see how we put the ‘length’ property of a string to good use Send an eMail © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 267 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU …
    This is a string function checkForm( ) { if( document.sendEmail.sender.value.length < 1 ) { window.alert( “Empty From field! Please correct” ) ; } } Other Uses of the ‘length’ Property • To restrict the length of login name or password to specified bounds, i.e. no less than 4 and no more than 8 characters • ??? String Methods FORMAT string.methodName( ) EXAMPLE: name = “Bhola” ; document.write( name.toUpperCase( ) ) ; document.write( name.bold( ) ) ; BHOLABhola Two Types of String Methods 1.HTML Shortcuts 2.All Others String Methods: HTML Shortcuts big( ) small( ) fontsize( n ) sub( ) sup( ) 268 bold( ) italics( ) strike( ) fixed( ) fontcolor( color ) © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan link( URL ) Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU big( ), small( ), fontsize( n ) person = "Bhola" ; document.write( person ) ; document.write( person.big( ) ) ; document.write( person.small( ) ) ; document.write( person.fontsize( 1 ) ) ; document.write( person.fontsize( 7 ) ) ; BholaBholaBholaBholaBhola sub( ), sup( ) person = "Bhola" ; BholaBholaBholaBholaBhola document.write( name ) ; document.write( name.sub( ) ) ; document.write( name ) ; document.write( name.sup( ) ) ; bold( ), italics( ), strike( ) name = "Bhola" ; document.write( name ) ; document.write( name.bold( ) ) ; document.write( name.italics( ) ) ; document.write( name.strike( 1 ) ) ; BholaBholaBholaBholaBhola fixed( ), fontcolor( color ) person = "Bhola" ; BholaBholaBholaBholaBhola document.write( person ) ; document.write( person.fixed( ) ) ; document.write( person.fontcolor( “blue” ) ) ; document.write( person.fontcolor( “orange” ) ) ; link( URL ) hotel = "Bhola Continental" ; document.write( hotel ) ; document.write( hotel.link( “http://www.bholacontinental.com” ) ) ; BholaBholaBholaBholaBhola What was common among all those methods that we just discussed? big( ) small( ) sub( ) sup( ) bold( ) italics( ) strike( ) © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 269 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU fontsize( n ) fontcolor( color ) fixed( )
    link( URL ) String Methods: All Others toLowerCase( ) toUpperCase( ) charAt( n ) substring( n, m ) indexOf( substring, n ) lastIndexOf( substring, n ) split( delimiter ) toLowerCase( ), toUpperCase( ) person = "Bhola" ; BholabholaBHOLA document.write( person ) ; document.write( person.toLowerCase( ) ) ; document.write( person.toUpperCase( ) ) ; charAt( n ) Returns a string containing the character at position n (the position of the 1st character is 0) mister = "Bhola" ; document.write( mister ) ; Bo document.write( mister.charAt( 0 ) ) ; document.write( mister.charAt( 8 ) ) ; document.write( mister.charAt( 2 ) ) ; substring( n, m ) Returns a string containing characters copied from positions n to m - 1 s = "Bhola" ; document.write( s.substring( 1, 3 ) ) ; hoBhola document.write( s.substring( 0, s.length ) ) ; indexOf( substring, n ) Returns the position of the first occurrence of substring that appears on or after the nth position, if any, or -1 if none is found s = "Bhola" ; 270 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 document.write( s.indexOf( “ola”, 1 ) ) ; document.write( s.indexOf( “z”, 3 ) ) ; VU 2-1 substring, n ) Returns the position of the last occurrence of substring that appears on or before the nth position, if any, or -1 if none is found s = "Bhola" ; document.write( s.lastIndexOf( “ola”, 5 ) ) ; 2-1 document.write( s.lastIndexOf( “b”, 0 ) ) ; lastIndexOf( split( delimiter ) Returns an array of strings, created by splitting string into substrings, at delimiter boundaries s = "Hello: I must be going!" ; a = new Array( 5 ) ; b = new Array( 5 ) ; a = s.split( " " ) ; b = s.split( "e" ) ; document.write( "" ) ; for( k = 0; k < 5; k = k + 1 ) document.write( "" ); document.write( "
    ", a[ k ], "", b[ k ], "
    " ) ; Hello: H I llo: I must b must going! be undefined going! undefined Automatic Conversion to Strings • Whenever a non-string is used where JavaScript is expecting a string, it converts that non-string into a string • Example: – The document.write( ) method expects a string (or several strings, separated by commas) as its argument – When a number or a Boolean is passed as an argument to this method, JavaScript automatically converts it into a string before writing it onto the document The ‘+’ Operator • When ‘+’ is used with numeric operands, it adds them • When it is used with string operands, it concatenates them • When one operand is a string, and the other is not, the non-string will first be converted to a string and then the two strings will be concatenated The ‘+’ Operator: Examples document.write( 2 + Math.PI ) ; document.write( "2" + "3" ) ; document.write( "2" + Math.PI ) ; document.write( "Yes" + false ) ; © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 271 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 5.141592653589793 23 23.141592653589793 Yesfalse 6.283185307179586 NaN Strings In Mathematical Expressions When a string is used in a mathematical context, if appropriate, JavaScript first converts it into a number. Otherwise, a “NaN” is the result document.write( "2" * Math.PI ) ; 100.55 document.write( "Yes" ^ 43 ) ; The ‘toString’ Method Explicit conversion to a string EXAMPLE: Convert 100.553478 into a currency format a = 100.553478 ; b = a.toString( ) ; decimalPos = b.indexOf( ".", 0 ) ; c = b.substring( 0, decimalPos + 3 ) ; document.write( c ) ; Conversion from Strings parseInt( ) and parseFloat( ) methods 272 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 90 00 9 0 90009 00 function calc( ) { document.myForm.total.value = document.myForm.salary.value + document.myForm.bonus.value ; Why not use parseInt( ) } here? function calc( ) { document.myForm.total.value = parseFloat( document.myForm.salary.value ) + parseFloat( document.myForm.bonus.value ) ; } During Today’s Lecture … • • We become familiar with methods used for manipulating strings We became able to solve simple problems involving strings Next (the 14th) Web Dev Lecture: Images & Animation • To become able to add and manipulate images and animations to a Web page © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 273 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 39 Cyber Crime Focus of the last Lecture was on Database SW • In our final lecture on productivity SW, we continued our discussion on data management • We found out about relational databases • We also implemented a simple relational database Relational Databases • Databases consisting of two or more related tables are called relational databases • Each column of those tables can contain only a single type of data (contrast this with spreadsheet columns!) • Table rows are called records; row elements are called fields • A relational database stores all its data inside tables, and nowhere else • All operations on data are done on those tables or those that are generated by table operations • Tables, tables, and nothing but tables! RDBMS • • – – – – Relational DBMS software Examples: Access FileMaker Pro SQL Server Oracle • • • Personal/Desktop/Single-user (MB-GB) Server-based/Multi-user/Enterprise (GB-TB) Seriously-huge databases (TB-PB-XB) Classification of DBMS w.r.t. Size The Trouble with Relational DBs • Much of current SW development is done using the object-oriented methodology • When we want to store the object-oriented data into an RDBMS, it needs to be translated into a form suitable for RDBMS • Then when we need to read the data back from the RDBMS, the data needs to be translated back into an object-oriented form before use • These two processing delays, the associated processing, and time spent in writing and maintaining the translation code are the key disadvantages of the current RDBMSes Some Terminology • Primary Key is a field that uniquely identifies each record stored in a table • Queries are used to view, change, and analyze data. They can be used to: – Combine data from different tables, efficiently – Extract the exact data that is desired • Forms can be used for entering, editing, or viewing data, one record at a time • Reports are an effective, user-friendly way of presenting data. All DBMSes provide tools for producing custom reports Desktop RDBMS Demo • • • • We will create a new relational database It will consist of two tables We will populate those tables We will generate a report after combining the data from the two tables Today’s Lecture: Cyber Crime • To find out about several types of crimes that occur over cyber space (i.e. the Internet) • To familiarize ourselves with with several methods that can be used to minimize the ill effects of those crimes 274 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 39.1 07 February 2000 • Users trying to get on to the Web sites of Yahoo, couldn’t! • Reason: Their servers were extremely busy! • They were experiencing a huge number of hits • The hit-rate was superior to the case when a grave incident (e.g. 9/11) occurs, and people are trying to get info about what has happened • The only problem was that nothing of note had taken place! What was going on? • A coordinated, distributed DoS (Denial of Service) attack was taking place • Traffic reached 1 GB/s; many times of normal! • In the weeks leading to the attack, there was a noticeable rise in the number of scans that Internet servers were receiving • Many of these scans appeared to originate from IP addresses that traced back to Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, Australia Three Phases of the DoS 1.Search 2.Arm 3.Attack 1. Search for Drones • The attackers set about acquiring the control over the computers to be used in the attack … • by scanning – using e.g. Sscan SW – a large numbers of computers attached to the Internet • Once a computer with a weak security scheme is identified, the attackers try a break-in • Once conquered, that computer – called a drone – will be used to scan others 2. Arming the Drones • • • • After several drones have been conquered, the DoS SW is loaded on to them Examples: Tribal Flood Network, Trinoo, TFN2K Like a time-bomb, that SW can be set to bring itself into action at a specified time Alternatively, it can wait for a commencement command from the attacker 3. The Actual Attack • At the pre-specified time or on command, the SW implanted on all of the drones wakes-up and starts sending a huge number of messages to the targeted servers • Responding to those messages overburdens the targeted servers and they become unable to perform their normal functions Neutralizing the Attack • The engineers responsible for monitoring the traffic on the Yahoo Web sites quickly identified the key characteristics of the packets originating from those drones • Then they setup filters that blocked all those packets • It took them around 3 hours to identify and block most of the hostile packets • BTW, the sender’s IP address can be spoofed, making it impossible to block the attack just by blocking the IP addresses The Aftermath • None of the Yahoo computers got broken-into; The attackers never intended to do that • None of the user data (eMail, credit card numbers, etc.) was compromised • Ill-effects: – Yahoo lost a few million’s worth of business – Millions of her customers got annoyed as they could not access their eMail and other info from the Yahoo Web sites Who Done It? • The DoS SW is not custom SW, and can be downloaded from the Internet. Therefore, it is difficult to track the person who launched the attack by analyzing that SW © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 275 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU • After installing the DoS SW on the drones, setting the target computer and time, the attackers carefully wipe away any info on the drone that can be used to track them down • End result: Almost impossible to track and punish clever attackers How to stop DoS attacks from taking place? • Design SW that monitors incoming packets, and on noticing a sudden increase in the number of similar packets, blocks them • Convince system administrators all over the world to secure their servers in such a way that they cannot be used as drones • BTW, the same type of attack brought down the CNN, Buy, eBay, Amazon Web sites the very next day of the Yahoo attack 39.2 DoS Attack: A Cyber Crime • DoS is a crime, but of a new type - made possible by the existence of the Internet • A new type of policing and legal system is required to tackle such crimes and their perpetrators • Internet does not know any geographical boundaries, therefore jurisdiction is a key issue when prosecuting the cyber-criminal Cyber crime can be used to … • • • Damage a home computer Bring down a business Weaken the telecom, financial, or even defense-related systems of a country Cyberwar! • In 1997, blackouts hit New York City, Los Angeles • The 911 (emergency help) service of Chicago was shut down • A US Navy warship came under the control of a group of hackers • What was happening? A cyber attack! • All of the above did not happen in reality, but in a realistic simulation • The US National Security Agency hired 35 hackers to attack the DoD’s 40,000 computer networks • By the end of the exercise, the hackers had gained root-level (the highest-level!) access to at least 3 dozen among those networks Cyberwarfare: A clear and present threat as well opportunity for all of the world’s armed force! 39.3 More cybercrimes … Mail Bombing • Similar in some ways to a DoS attack • A stream of large-sized eMails are sent to an address, overloading the destination account • This can potentially shut-down a poorly-designed eMail system or tie up the telecom channel for long periods • Defense: eMail filtering Break-Ins • Hackers are always trying to break-in into Internet-connected computers to steal info or plant malicious programs • Defense: Intrusion detectors Credit Card Fraud • A thief somehow breaks into an eCommerce server and gets hold of credit numbers and related info • The thief then uses that info to order stuff on the Internet • Alternatively, the thief may auction the credit card info on certain Web sites setup just for that purpose • Defense: Use single-use credit card numbers for your Internet transactions Software Piracy •Using a piece of SW without the author’s permission or employing it for uses not allowed by the author is SW piracy 276 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU •For whatever reason, many computer users do not consider it to be a serious crime, but it is! •Only the large rings of illegal SW distributors are ever caught and brought to justice •Defense: Various authentication schemes. They, however, are seldom used as they generally annoy the genuine users Industrial Espionage • Spies of one business monitoring the network traffic of their competitors • They are generally looking for info on future products, marketing strategies, and even financial info • Defense: Private networks, encryption, network sniffers Web Store Spoofing • A fake Web store (e.g. an online bookstore) is built • Customers somehow find that Web site and place their orders, giving away their credit card info in the process • The collected credit card info is either auctioned on the Web or used to buy goods and services on the Web 39.4 Viruses • Self-replicating SW that eludes detection and is designed to attach itself to other files • Infects files on a computers through: – Floppy disks, CD-ROMs, or other storage media – The Internet or other networks • Viruses cause tens of billions of dollars of damage each year • One such incident in 2001 – the LoveBug virus – had an estimated cleanup/lost productivity cost of US$8.75 billion • The first virus that spread world-wide was the Brain virus, and was allegedly designed by someone in Lahore One Way of Classifying Viruses • Malicious – The type that grabs most headlines – May destroy or broadcast private data – May clog-up the communication channels – May tie-up the uP to stop it from doing useful work Neutral – May display an annoying, but harmless message Helpful – May hop from one computer to another while searching for and destroying malicious viruses Anatomy of a Virus • • • A virus consists of 2 parts: Transmission mechanism Payload Transmission Mechanism • Viruses attach themselves to other computer programs or data files (termed as hosts) • They move from one computer to another with the hosts and spring into action when the host is executed or opened Payload • • – • – • The part of the virus that generally consists of malicious computer instructions The part generally has two further components: Infection propagation component: This component transfers the virus to other files residing on the computer Actual destructive component: This component destroys data or performs or other harmful operations Commonsense Guidelines • Download SW from trusted sites only © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 277 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU • Do not open attachments of unsolicited eMails • Use floppy disks and CDROMs that have been used in trusted computers only • When transferring files from your computer to another, use the write-protection notches • Stay away from pirated SW • Regularly back your data up • Install Antivirus SW; keep it and its virus definitions updated Antivirus SW • Designed for detecting viruses & inoculating • Continuously monitors a computer for known viruses and for other tell-tale signs like: – Most – but, unfortunately not all – viruses increase the size of the file they infect – Hard disk reformatting commands – Rewriting of the boot sector of a hard disk • The moment it detects an infected file, it can automatically inoculate it, or failing that, erase it 39.5 Other Virus-Like Programs • There are other computer programs that are similar to viruses in some ways but different in some others • Three types: – Trojan horses – Logic- or time-bombs – Worms Trojan Horses • Unlike viruses, they are stand-alone programs • The look like what they are not • They appear to be something interesting and harmless (e.g. a game) but when they are executed, destruction results Logic- or Time-Bombs • • • – It executes its payload when a predetermined event occurs Example events: A particular word or phrase is typed A particular date or time is reached Worms • Harmless in the sense that they only make copies of themselves on the infected computer • Harmful in the sense that it can use up available computer resources (i.e. memory, storage, processing), making it slow or even completely useless Designing, writing, or propagating malicious code or participating in any of the forementioned activities can result in criminal prosecution, which in turn, may lead to jail terms and fines! Today’s Lecture: • We found out about several types of computer crimes that occur over cyber space • We familiarized ourselves with with several methods that can be used to minimize the ill effects of these crimes Next Lecture’ Goals (Social Implications of Computing) We will explore the impact of computing on: Business Work Living Health Education 278 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 40 Social Implications of Computing Focus of the last Lecture was on Cyber Crime • We found out about several types of computer crimes that occur over cyber space • We familiarized ourselves with with several methods that can be used to minimize the ill effects of these crimes Three Phases of the DoS 1.Search 2.Arm 3.Attack Neutralizing the Attack • The engineers responsible for monitoring the traffic on the Yahoo Web sites quickly identified the key characteristics of the packets originating from those drones • Then they setup filters that blocked all those packets How to stop DoS attacks from taking place? • Design SW that monitors incoming packets, and on noticing a sudden increase in the number of similar packets, blocks them • Convince system administrators all over the world to secure their servers in such a way that they cannot be used as drones Cyber crime can be used to … • • • Damage a home computer Bring down a business Weaken the telecom, financial, or even defense-related systems of a country Mail Bombing • A stream of large-sized eMails are sent to an address, overloading the destination account • This can potentially shut-down a poorly-designed eMail system or tie up the telecom channel for long periods • Defense: eMail filtering Break-Ins • Hackers are always trying to break-in into Internet-connected computers to steal info or plant malicious programs • Defense: – Firewalls – Intrusion detectors – Other effective security policies Credit Card Fraud • A thief somehow breaks into an eCommerce server and gets hold of credit numbers and related info • The thief then uses that info to order stuff on the Internet • Alternatively, the thief may auction the credit card info on certain Web sites setup just for that purpose • Defense: Use single-use credit card numbers for your Internet transactions Software Piracy • Using a piece of SW without the author’s permission or employing it for uses not allowed by the author is SW piracy • Defense: Various authentication schemes. They, however, are seldom used as they generally annoy the genuine users Industrial Espionage • Spies of one business monitoring the network traffic of their competitors • They are generally looking for info for future products, marketing strategies, and even financial info • Defense: Private networks, encryption, network sniffers © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 279 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Viruses • files • – – Self-replicating SW that eludes detection and is designed to attach itself to other Infects files on a computers through: Floppy disks, CD-ROMs, or other storage media The Internet or other networks Anatomy of a Virus A virus consists of 2 parts: • Transmission mechanism • Payload Other Virus-Like Programs • There are other computer programs that are similar to viruses in some ways but different in some others • Three types: – Trojan horses – Logic- & time-bombs – Worms Today’s Goals: (Social Implications of Computing) • We will try to understand the impact of computing on: – Business – Work – Living – Health – Education 40.1 Introduction • It should be clear to you that - for better or worse - the future of computing and the future of humankind are highly interdependent • Computers have solved many problems for the humankind but have created a few tricky ones as well • Today we will discuss both, but first … • Why is it important to discuss the social implication of computing? Why should we, as computing professionals, be interested in studying the social implications of our creations? • Computing technology has changed our way of life like no other technology • We need to study how it has done it to highlight the mistakes and success stories of the past • We need to do it so that we can learn from them and select our future direction accordingly Let’s Start with the Dilemma of Computing • Computers keep on becoming more and more powerful and gaining more and more autonomy • They are being equipped with fail-safe and self-healing technologies • Are we heading towards a future where the role of the masters and the slaves will be switched? • Should we slow down or even reverse some of the technology advances to avoid that dark scenario? 40.2 Powerful Global Corporations • Internet-based communication is allowing business entities to coordinate the activities of their globally-spread units with greater accuracy • The knowledge gained by one unit becomes available to all others very quickly • All this has made these business entities very powerful, even more powerful than many nation-states 40.3 The Network Organization 280 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU • The network paradigm (all connected to many others) is becoming the preferred organizational structure of more and more organizations as time goes by • This new organization is replacing the old-style layered, tree-structured organizational model • The organizations are learning that business can be done in a more effective manner if emphasis is placed upon cooperation, shared responsibility and networking: – Within the organization – And also with their customers and suppliers The structure of the networked organization is flexible (although, at times a bit chaotic!), and changes according to the demand of the times • It shares knowledge and decentralizes the control of the operation so that network works effectively to meet the business goals of the organization • The workers : – Can spend more time doing creative work as they have immediate access to all of the required info through various computer-based technologies – Have a sense of ownership in the organization While old professions are being eliminated … • • • Typists Bank tellers Telephone operators Number of Temporary Workers is on the Rise • Even technical professionals of high-quality must now define themselves as temporary consultants, able to move from project to project within in an organization as well as among different organizations • In the old days, loyalty was important, now professionalism and ability to perform are the watch words! • The focus now in many computer-centric organizations is not belonging to the organization, but on professional competency and quality of work Businesses Monitoring Their Employees • Systems are available that monitor almost every key stroke that an employee makes on a computer • Systems are available that read and censor all incoming and outgoing eMail • It is quite straight forward to monitor where you surf, and when 40.4 Working from Home • Computing has made it possible for some to avoid going the office for their work • They can do their work from home and communicate their ideas, questions, answers to their colleagues through the Internet • This gives them more time to spend with their families due to the time they save on commuting to their place of work Working from Home: Disadvantages • Contact with the colleagues and the quality of communication is reduced, which may result in a poorer quality of work • Lack of interaction may also result in slower professional growth • Family life may suffer as well, as some never turn off, and keep on working through out the day, evening and night! 40.5 From Mass- to Personalized-Marketing • In the old days demographical data was analyzed and mass-marketing campaigns were launched to influence a reasonable portion of the population • The Web has changed marketing forever, redirecting it from a mass focus to a single-person focus • Our Web surfing data are captured. We are asked questions about our lifestyle in return of randomly awarded prizes • All the collected data is then analyzed to determine patterns in our behavior, and individualized offers for services and goods are displayed in front of us on the Web or eMail © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 281 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 40.6 The Political Process • • We no longer need to gather the public’s opinion through expensive referenda or public meetings Through computer discussion forums, newsgroups and mailing-lists, public and politicians may engage in a free, open exchange of ideas without leaving the comfort of their not-so-comfortable and very comfortable homes, respectively Distances Have Contracted • • • Because of the ever-decreasing costs of verbal, text, video communications, it is becoming easier to stay in touch of anyone, regardless of their physical location This has had a profound effect on small businesses, especially in developing countries like Pakistan It has also made it possible for families and friends to become closer in spite of the physical distance between them Distances Are Increasing • • • Television was bad enough; Video games and the Web has made the situation even worse Families are spending less & less time together in spite of the physical closeness. This may have a very detrimental effect on the emotional well-being of the children, … and parents Solitude is the order of the day as many children & adults spend their free time surfing, chatting, playing computer games, instead of spending it on interacting with friends or family Virtual Communities • • • • • • Interest-based, instead of geography-based communities Ex: Ta’suv’voof, tennis, telepathy, cancer Members with common interest share ideas, ask questions, post answers and make announcements through mailing-lists, news groups or message boards These communities are definitely very different from traditional ones There are generally no bars on membership based on gender, race or religion However, they may lack the respect for the individual and civility that are the norm within conventional, geography-based communities A Society Under Surveillance • • • • While surfing, we are being watched, constantly Our every click is recorded and analyzed to extract patterns and behaviors Those patterns are then used to persuade us to do things that those Web sites want us to do Webcams are becoming common. Providing a cheap way for parents to watch their children's every move The Changing Face of Education • • • • • • • Distance learning has received a boost due to the low-price of Internet communication and the availability of Web-based interactive content It has also become possible for students to interact in real-time with other students as well as teachers located a long distance from them Physical location is less of a hindrance now Students enrolled in distance-education programs have more control over what they want to learn, how they want to learn, and when The lack of face-to-face interaction and immediate to-and-fro questions and answers may, however, reduce the amount of knowledge that can be transferred from the teacher to the student In spite of that problem, computer-based distance education may be the only source of high-quality education for many, especially those in remote locations The fact, however, remains that the best mode of education is the conventional one, which has become more effective with the augmentation of computer-based learning aids Info Gathering 282 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 • • • • VU We are turning more and more towards online resources of info The info that just a few years back involved effort and time to pull together before it could be used is now literally a few key strokes away The time and effort spent on gathering info can now be spent on using it This capability has made the computer an active (and integral) part of our creative process Telemedicine • • • • How can we place a doctor specializing in, for example, skin-related diseases or neurology in every district’s hospital? We cannot! What then? Ignore all those not residing in big cities? Solution: Internet-based telemedicine An audio/video/text connection combined with a few remote medical instruments and a trained assistant can enable a remote doctor to examine and prescribe medicine to a patient far, far away Is Progress Necessary? • • • • Progress is being made every day in the field of computing. The question that we need to ask is: “Are we going in the right direction?” Is it OK to make available all sorts of info to everyone? Does everyone needs to know how to build an H-bomb? Is it OK to keep on investing in surveillance technologies? Do personal privacy have no place in our technologically advanced future? Is it OK to automate everything that we lay our eyes on? Or certain things (e.g. caring for an infant) should remain with us old-fashioned human beings Closure • Your answers to the questions that I just raised may differ from mine, and I respect your opinion. All I say is, yes, progress is inventible, however, you – the creators of my future – should be a bit thoughtful about what you do I command you to “go and invent the future,” it is your duty and you may not desist from it, but, please, do think about the social implications and consequences of what you are doing before actually doing it Today’s Lecture: (Social Implications of Computing) We discussed the impact of computing on: – Business – Work – Living – Health – Education Next Lecture’ Goals: (The Computing Profession ) • Roles & responsibilities of a modern computer professionals • The ethical issues facing the computing profession © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 283 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 41 Images & (Web Development Lecture 14) Animation During the last lecture we discussed String Manipulation • • We became familiar with methods used for manipulating strings We became able to solve simple problems involving strings String Manipulation in JavaScript • In addition to the concatenation operator (+) JavaScript supports several advanced string operations as well • Notationaly, these functions are accessed by referring to various methods of the String object • Moreover, this object also contains the ‘length’ property String Methods FORMAT string.methodName( ) EXAMPLE: name = “Bhola” ; document.write( name.toUpperCase( ) ) ; document.write( name.bold( ) ) ; BHOLABhola Two Types of String Methods 1.HTML Shortcuts 2.All Others String Methods: HTML Shortcuts big( ) small( ) fontsize( n ) sub( ) sup( ) bold( ) italics( ) strike( ) link( URL ) fixed( ) fontcolor( color ) String Methods: All Others toLowerCase( ) toUpperCase( ) charAt( n ) substring( n, m ) indexOf( substring, n ) lastIndexOf( substring, n ) split( delimiter ) Automatic Conversion to Strings • Whenever a non-string is used where JavaScript is expecting a string, it converts that non-string into a string • Example: 284 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU – The document.write( ) method expects a string (or several strings, separated by commas) as its argument – When a number or a Boolean is passed as an argument to this method, JavaScript automatically converts it into a string before writing it onto the document The ‘+’ Operator • When ‘+’ is used with numeric operands, it adds them • When it is used with string operands, it concatenates them • When one operand is a string, and the other is not, the non-string will first be converted to a string and then the two strings will be concatenated Strings In Mathematical Expressions When a string is used in a mathematical context, if appropriate, JavaScript first converts it into a number. Otherwise, a “NaN” is the result document.write( "2" * Math.PI ) ; 6.283185307179586 document.write( "Yes" ^ 43 ) ; NaN The ‘toString’ Explicit conversion to a string EXAMPLE: Convert 100.553478 into a currency format a = 100.553478 ; b = a.toString( ) ; decimalPos = b.indexOf( ".", 0 ) ; c = b.substring( 0, decimalPos + 3 ) ; 100.55 document.write( c ) ; Conversion from parseInt( ) and parseFloat( ) methods Today’s Method Strings Goal (Images & Animation) • To become able to add and manipulate images and simple animations to a Web page Images in HTML • It is quite straight forward to include gif and jpg images in an html Web page using the tag Format: text Plea: Don’t use images just for the sake of it! © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 285 Introduction to Computing –CS101 Image Demo

    Image Demo

    Here is an image

    Here is another VU align="middle" src= 41.1 Images in JavaScript • Images in JavaScript can be manipulated in many ways using the built-in object Image • Properties: name, border, complete, height, width, hspace, vspace, lowsrc, src • Methods: None • Event handlers: onAbort, onError, onLoad, etc. Image Preloading • The primary use for an Image object is to download an image into the cache before it is actually needed for display • This technique can be used to create smooth animations or to display one of several images based on the requirement The Image Pre-Loading Process 1. An instance of the Image object is created using the new keyword 2. The src property of this instance is set equal to the filename of the image to be preloaded 3. That step starts the down-loading of the image into the cache without actually displaying it 4. When a pre-loaded image is required to be displayed, the src property of the displayed image is set to the src property of the pre-fetched image 286 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Let us revisit an example that we first saw in lecture 35 ** ** © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 287 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU die1.gif die2.gif die3.gif die4.gif die5.gif die6.gif Roll the Die HTML Code

    dieImg = new Array( 7 ) ; for( k = 1; k < 7; k = k + 1 ) { //Preload images dieImg[ k ] = new Image( ) ; dieImg[ k ].src = "die" + k + ".gif" ; } function rollDie( ) { dieN = Math.ceil( 6 * Math.random( ) ) ; document.die.src = dieImg[ dieN ].src ; } 288 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Another Example • • Develop a Web page that displays six thumbnail images and a main image The main image should change to a larger version of the thumbnail as soon as the mouse moves over on a thumbnail image Image Selector HTML Code dieImg = new Array( 7 ) ; for( k = 1; k < 7; k = k + 1 ) { // Preload images dieImg[ k ] = new Image( ) ; dieImg[ k ].src = "die" + k + ".gif" ; }

    … © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 289 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU … Where Else Can We Use This? • • Automobile Web site ??? Animation Example 1 • Take 16 images and cycle through them to create an animation effect Animation 1 HTML Code

    setTimeout( ) executes circulate( ) once after a delay of gap milliseconds gap = 100 ; imageN = 1 ; circImg = new Array( 17 ) ; for( k = 1; k < 17; k = k + 1 ) { // Preload images circImg[ k ] = new Image( ) ; circImg[ k ].src = "circle" + k + ".gif" ; } 1 5 290 2 6 3 7 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 4 8 Introduction to Computing –CS101 10 9 14 13 VU 11 15 12 16 function circulate( ) { document.circle.src = circImg[ imageN ].src ; imageN = imageN + 1 ; if( imageN > 16 ) imageN = 1 ; } Animated Gifs • We could have saved the 16 gif images of the previous example in a single file in the form of an animated gif, and then used it in a regular tag to display a moving image • However, JavaScript provides better control over the sequencing and the gap between the individual images Animation Example 2 • • Take 16 images and cycle through them to create an animation effect Provide buttons to slow down or speed up the animation Animation 2 HTML Code © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 291 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU
    gap = 100 ; imageN = 1 ; circImg = new Array( 17 ) ; for( k = 1; k < 17; k = k + 1 ) { // Preload images No change circImg[ k ] = new Image( ) ; circImg[ k ].src = "circle" + k + ".gif" ; } function circulate( ) { document.circle.src = circImg[ imageN ].src ; imageN = imageN + 1 ; if( imageN > 16 ) imageN = 1 ; } function slowDown( ) { gap = gap + 20 ; if( gap > 4000 ) gap = 4000 ; } function speedUp( ) { gap = gap - 20 ; if( gap < 0 ) gap = 0 ; No change Two new functions } 292 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 41.2 Flash Animation • well • • • Designed for 2-D animations, but can be used for storing static vector-images as A special program (called a plug-in) is required to view Flash files in a Web browser Can be used to design complete, animated Web sites with hardly any HTML in it Binary-file storage • • • New format; may become more popular than Flash Plug-in required Text-file storage; search engine friendly Structured Vector Graphics During Today’s Lecture … • We became able to add and manipulate images and simple animations to a Web page Our 15th & Final Web Dev Lecture: (Programming Methodology) • To understand effective programming practices that result in the development of correct programs with minimum effort • To become familiar with simple debugging techniques © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 293 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 42 The Computing Profession Focus of the last Lecture was on Social Implications of Computing We discussed the impact of computing on: – Business – Work – Living – Health – Education Why should we, as computing professionals, be interested in studying the social implications of our creations? • Computing technology has changed our way of life like no other technology • We need to study how it has done it to highlight the mistakes and success stories of the past • We need to do it so that we can learn from them and select our future direction accordingly Dilemma of Computing • Are we heading towards a future where the role of the masters and the slaves will be switched? • Should we slow down or even reverse some of the technology advances to avoid that dark scenario? Powerful Global Corporations • Internet-based communication is allowing business entities to coordinate the activities of their globally-spread units with greater accuracy • All this has made these business entities very powerful, even more powerful than many nation-states The Network Organization • The network paradigm (all connected to many others) is becoming the preferred organizational structure of more and more organizations as time goes by • This new organization is replacing the old-style layered, tree-structured organizational model Working from Home • Computing has made it possible for some to avoid going the office for their work • They can do their work from home and communicate their ideas, questions, answers to their colleagues through the Internet • This gives them more time to spend with their families due to the time they save on commuting to their place of work From Mass- to Personalized-Marketing • The Web has changed marketing forever, redirecting it from a mass focus to a single-person focus The Political Process • Through computer discussion forums, newsgroups and mailing-lists, public and politicians may engage in a free, open exchange of ideas without leaving the comfort of their not-so-comfortable and very comfortable homes, respectively Distances Have Contracted • Because of the ever-decreasing costs of verbal, text, video communications, it is becoming easier to stay in touch with anyone, regardless of their physical location Distances Are Increasing • Solitude is the order of the day as many children & adults spend their free time surfing, chatting, playing computer games, instead of spending it on interacting with friends or family Virtual Communities • 294 Interest-based, instead of geography-based © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU A Society Under Surveillance • While surfing, we are being watched, constantly The Changing Face of Education • Distance learning has received a boost due to the low-price of Internet communication and the availability of Web-based interactive content The Changing Face of Education • The fact, however, remains that the best mode of education is the conventional one, which has become more effective with the augmentation of computer-based learning aids Info Gathering • The time and effort spent on gathering info can now be spent on using it Telemedicine • An audio/video/text connection combined with a few remote medical instruments and an on-site trained assistant can enable a doctor to examine and prescribe medicine to a patient far, far away Closure • I command you to “go and invent the future,” it is your duty and you may not desist from it, but, please, do think about the social implications and consequences of what you are doing before actually doing it Today’s Goals: (The Computing Profession) • To discuss several roles and associated responsibilities of modern computer professionals • To discuss a few tricky situations where a knowledge of professional ethics would help 42.1 IT: Information Technology The group of technologies concerned with the capture, processing and transmission of information in the digital-electronic form INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Telecom Engineering Computer Engineering Software Engineering Computer Science Who is a computing professional? • Professionals involved in the development and/or maintenance of SW and/or computer HW • Computer scientists, software engineers, computer engineers, and some of the telecom engineers are generally classified as computing professionals © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 295 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Today’s Focus Group • Due to the limitation on time, today we will be focusing only on a subset of computing professionals: those involved in the development of SW • Let us further restrict discussion to the computing professionals belonging to an organization focused solely on custom, SW development • They work in a 100-person organization – pretty big on a local scale, but quite insignificant on an international one 42.2 Organization: A Collection of Teams Executive Team CEO, COO, CMSO Business Development Team Configuration Management Team Developmen t Team A Architecture Team Process Team Development Team B Technology Transfer Team Quality Assurance Team Development Team C Development Team • • • • • The number of development teams has varied between 3-7 at this organization Team-size has varied between 3-35 Large teams are organized as a collection of sub-teams Lowest-level team: No more than 7 members Responsible for a project from after the specifications stage till the very end • – – – • – – – Responsibilities: Planning and tracking of the project Arranging of the appropriate resources lient relationship management Profile: 5+ years of team-lead experience Professional development course(s) in SW project management Technical MS and/or Technical BS + MBA • Responsibilities: Project Manager Architect 296 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Support Team Developmen t Team D Introduction to Computing –CS101 – – – • – – – VU Technology selection High-level design Makes certain that the implementation remains true to the design Profile: 10-15 years of development experience In-depth experience in several technologies MS or PhD in a technical discipline Small Project Client’s Project Manager Executive Team Project Manager Part-time Architect Part-time Team Lead Developer A Developer B Developer C Developer D © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Developer E 297 Introduction to Computing –CS101 Team Lead • – – – – • – – – – Responsibilities: Planning and tracking of the project Detailed design Professional development of team members In case of small teams, development activities Profile: 5+ years of development experience Excellent interpersonal skills Good planning skills Good design skills • – – – • – Responsibilities: Module-level design Coding Unit-testing Profile: Technical BS Developer Executive Team • CEO – Chief Executive Officer – Developer of the vision of the organization – Great PR skills – Great knack for spotting talent • COO – Chief Operating Officer – Responsible for the day-to-day operations – Great organizational & interpersonal skills • CMSO – Chief Marketing & Sales Officer – Responsible for bringing in work – Innovative 298 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan VU Introduction to Computing –CS101 Executive Team VU Bigger Project Client’s Project Manager Project Manage r Project Architect Sub-team 1 Lead A B C D E F G Sub-team 2 Lead A A B B C D Sub-team 3 Lead C © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 299 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Business Development Team • • • – – – 1-2 members Responsible for the development of detailed proposals for projects Profile of Members: Combination of technical and business expertise Good oral & written communication skills Combination of technical & business degrees • • 2-3 members Consists of the sharpest technical minds in the company Architecture Team Configuration Management Team • 2-3 members • Keeps a vigilant eye on the process that keeps an extensive record of all versions of everything that is ever developed for a particular project: from proposals to specifications to plans to design to code Process Team • 1-2 members • Team’s goal: To continuously improve the SW development process to achieve improvements in cost, schedule, and quality • Continuously monitors how SW is developed in the organization • Encourages and assists all teams and team-members in improving their part in the SW development process Quality Assurance Team • Around 20 members • Responsible for assuring the quality of all SW (i.e. making sure that it does what it is supposed to) that is produced at the organization • Nothing goes to the customer without the approval of the QA team Technology Transfer Team • The size of this team varies with the amount of work at the organization – when the times are good, this team is quite small • This team is responsible for: – Evaluating new technologies, products, processes – Selecting the ones that are right for the organization – Developing an expertise in their use – Introducing them in various ongoing/future projects Support Team • 2-3 members • Members possess expertise in both HW & SW • Responsible for the maintenance, expansion, improvement of the infrastructure consisting of: – Workstations, servers, printers – Networking equipment (router, switch, hub) – SW (OS, development SW, productivity SW, etc.) – Network security That brings us to the end of our discussion on various roles and the associated responsibilities in the computing profession. Now we move on to another topic related to our profession, Ethics! Ethics • Ethics is a collection of heuristics that, when followed, improves our way of life • I find them wonderful as they simplify my life • For example, if you believe in the heuristic always tell the truth, your life becomes much simpler • Now, you don’t have to think before you make every statement that you make “Shall I tell the truth, or lie?” 300 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Professional Ethics • Professional ethics are a category of ethics, and here we discus the professional ethics relevant to computing • Awareness of professional ethics is gaining importance with time as the decisionmaking process in the work place keeps on increasing in complexity • The professional ethics provide a way of simplifying that decision making process Let us now discuss a few situations where I will request you for your ethical opinions Situation 1: Illegal Use • A person is using a piece of SW without the author’s permission and says: “I’m not really using it, I’m just evaluating it before I make a firm decision on buying” • That person is “evaluating” that piece of SW for 13 months now! • Is the conduct of that person ethical? Situation 2: Vaporware • A small company announces a new SW product • A larger, more established competitor hears about that product, and starts a whispering campaign that she is also working on a similar product that will be released soon • Potential customers decide to wait for the product instead of making the more riskier purchase from the smaller company • The new company’s sales become sluggish, and it fails to earn back the investment that it has put into developing that new product. That results in her closure • The larger company never releases the promised product • Is the conduct of that large company unethical or a reasonable business tactic? Situation 3: Whistle Blower • SW bugs, at times, have catastrophic consequences • While Bhola sahib was working for a contractor at NASA, he found such a bug and reported it to his boss, Murphy sahib, who ordered him to never mention it to any one, or he will get fired • Bhola sahib got scared, and did as he was told • Did Bhola sahib’s behave in an ethical manner? Would you hire him in your company? Situation 4: Trade Secrets • Bhola sahib was working at BholiSoft • He leaves it to work for a competitor, SuperSoft • Even before starting at SuperSoft, he already has divulged many of the trade secrets of BholiSoft during his interviews at SuperSoft, giving them an advantage over BholiSoft • Do you agree with Bhola Sahib’s ethics? Would you hire him in your company? Today’s Lecture: (The Computing Profession) • We discussed several roles and associated responsibilities of modern computer professionals • We also discussed a few tricky situations where a knowledge of professional ethics would have helped Next Lecture’ Goals: (The Future of Computing) • To visualize the advances in computing that will take place in the future • To visualize the impact of computing on our future © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 301 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 43 The Future of Computing Focus of the last Lecture was on the Computing Profession • We discussed several roles and associated responsibilities of modern computer professionals • We also discussed a few tricky situations where a knowledge of professional ethics would have helped Who is a computing professional? • Computer scientists, software engineers, computer engineers, and some of the telecom engineers are generally classified as computing professionals Today’s Focus Group • Due to the limitation on time, today we will be focusing only on a subset of computing professionals: those involved in the development of SW Organization: A Collection of Teams Development Team • Responsible for a project from after the specifications stage till the very end Project Manager • – – – Responsibilities: Planning and tracking of the project Arranging of the appropriate resources Client relationship management Architect • – – – – Responsibilities: Technical guru of the project Technology selection High-level design Makes certain that the implementation remains true to the design • – – – – Responsibilities: Planning and tracking of the project Detailed design Professional development of team members Development activities, in case of small teams • – – – Responsibilities: Module-level design Coding Unit-testing • – – – • – – • – – CEO – Chief Executive Officer Developer of the vision of the organization Great PR skills Great knack for spotting talent COO – Chief Operating Officer Responsible for the day-to-day operations Great planning & interpersonal skills CMSO – Chief Marketing & Sales Officer Responsible for bringing in work Innovative Team Lead Developer Executive Team Business Development Team • Responsible for the development of detailed proposals for projects • Consists of the sharpest technical minds in the company Architecture Team 302 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Configuration Management Team • Keeps a vigilant eye on the process that keeps an extensive record of all versions of everything that is ever developed for a particular project: from proposals to specifications to plans to design to code Process Team • Team’s goal: To continuously improve the SW development process to achieve improvements in cost, schedule, and quality Quality Assurance Team • Responsible for assuring the quality of all SW (i.e. making sure that it does what it is supposed to) that is produced at the organization Technology Transfer Team • – – – –I This team is responsible for: Evaluating new technologies, products, processes Selecting the ones that are right for the organization Developing an expertise in their use ntroducing them in various ongoing/future projects Support Team • Responsible for the maintenance, expansion, improvement of the infrastructure consisting of: – Workstations, servers, printers – Networking equipment (router, switch, hub) – SW (development SW, productivity SW, etc.) – Network security Ethics • • Ethics is a collection of heuristics that, when followed, improves our way of life I find them wonderful as they simplify my life Professional Ethics • Professional ethics are a category of ethics, and here we discus the professional ethics relevant to computing • The professional ethics provide a way of simplifying our decision making process • We also looked at few situations where a knowledge of professional ethics would have simplified the process of decision making Today’s Goals: (The Future Of Computing) • To visualize the advances in computing that will take place in the future • To visualize the impact of computing on our future Computing & Telecommunications • The two fields are converging, and, as time passes, are becoming more and more indistinguishable from each other • Therefore, when we talk about the future of one, we must talk about the future of both My Personal Mobile Communicator • Probably 15-20 years from now … • Body-embedded uPhone, head-phone, processor • Voice-only control interface • The user mumbles, only the uPhone hears • Longer term: the user only thinks commands and speech and feels the response from the other end; no actual sounds are made Required Computing Technologies • • Miniature uPs, RAM, ROM Continuous speech recognition A Mobile Video-Phone • The technology is available; the infrastructure will become common in 2-5 years time © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 303 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU • However, it may never become as popular as a regular voice-only phone as it will be too cumbersome to use My Personal Agent • A computer program that will works autonomously and will have a voice-interface • It may start becoming popular in 5-year's time • Will be able to have an intelligent conversation with me • I say: “I need two tickets for Hong Kong for tomorrow morning” • It already knows where I am, what my airline preferences are, and what are my credit-card details • It will asks me about the return leg of the journey and about hotel reservations as well • I say: “I’m depressed” or “I’m tired” or “I’m bored” or “I’m angry” or “I’m feeling sick” and it will know how to respond to situations like that • For example, when I feel sick, it can ask simple questions and then set-up an appointment with an appropriate doctor by getting in touch with that doctor’s personnel agent • It can remind me about various events • It keeps me updated with news, weather, stock market, etc • I communicate with it through my personal communicator as well as my computer • It knows that when I am near a computer display, and writes appropriate info to the screen Required Computing Technologies • • Continuous speech recognition Intelligent, autonomous decision making SW The key weakness of the Web? • The Web (as it currently exists) was designed for humans to read, not for computers to understand and manipulate meaningfully • Computers face great problems in dealing with the current text- and graphics-based content of the Web Future of the Web: Semantic Web Whereas, today’s Web’s content is designed for humans to read; the Semantic Web’s content will be designed for computers to understand meaningfully. However, the Semantic Web is not a replacement but an extension of the present Web, in which info is given well defined meaning Smaller, Faster, Cheaper, More Efficient • All types of computers are becoming more powerful, smaller in size, consume less energy, and cost less than before • 10 years from now we may have the power of today’s most powerful supercomputer in a package no bigger than a common brick • However, the size may not be relevant as a time is coming when computing power will be like the electric power service that we use at home or office Electrical Supply • We do not buy a new electric plant when we install a new air conditioner. Do we? • We just plug it in, and it works! • As we use more and more electricity, our monthly bills go up, but importantly, we are not required to do much else – same will be true for computing power on 10 year horizon Computing Power that Flows • These days when our computing needs exceed our resources, we buy a new computer • In the future, if we suddenly start doing huge data mining tasks instead of just doing simple accounting on our computer … • … we will start using more computing power, but our computer (or console, or terminal) will stay the same, only our monthly “computing usage” bill will change On-Demand Computing Power 304 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU • Almost infinite “computing power” supply • Reliable, maintenance-free, just like the electricity, telephone, or water-supply service • You pay for only what you use! • Same will be true for storage Computer Terminals of the Future • The first question is, would we have any? • It may happen that computers will be everywhere, but hidden! • If that does not happen, then they will consist of a display only; input will be through voice-commands and/or touch on the screen only (5-10 years from now) • In a more distant future, just through thinking! Displays • The demise of the CRT monitors has already started, and their replacement with LCD is gaining pace with steadily dropping prices • Like CRT monitors, LCDs are 2-D displays • Display of the future, however, will have to be a 3-D one • The 3-D illusion will be created through goggles or by directly writing the images on our retinas Storage • Magnetic storage on disks will stay with us for a long time, at least two decades • Data densities will improve steadily with time • Optical disks will keep on getting better (currently the BlueRay DVD can store more than 50GB) • However, the mechanical nature of these technologies will not be able to keep up with the speed of the computers of the future and the enormous capacity requirements of the future • Semiconductor memory will keep on becoming faster, denser, cheaper but will never have the capacity/price ratio of the magnetic/optical disks • Disks too slow! RAM too expensive! What then? • Some never-heard-before technology or possibly, holographic optical storage Holographic Storage • Digital data stored in and read from a 3-D optical material with the help of lasers • Depending upon the material, they could be read-only or R/W • The data density (quantity of data stored per unit volume) will be millions of times more than anything available today • The concept has been validated but commercial applications are at least 10 years away Data Transmission • Our homes and offices will be hooked up to the Internet through optical fiber or a free-space optical connection • However, most devices within the house and office will be connected to each other and the main Internet connection through wireless connections • The bit-rates will be enormous by today’s standards The Fully Connected House • Wall to wall computers, but hidden! • Kitchens will be full of them • Air conditioners, lights, security alarms, entertainment and communication systems • Each house will have 100’s of uPs, all talking to many others through wireless links, always trying to make us more comfortable while conserving energy and other resources Telepresence • Being there, without physically being there! • Two remotely located people, with the help of special equipment, immersed in a simulated 3-D environment where they interact like they are sitting next to each other • Chatting, a telephone conversation, or even a videoconference are examples, but in a degraded sense of the idea © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 305 Introduction to Computing –CS101 • VU Full-fledged 3-D telepresence may become common 10-15 years from now Immortal Minds • Some day it will be possible to load all the lectures, papers, books and SW produced by an expert into an intelligent system • After that system processes, indexes and restructures the info in those artifacts, it will be possible to have a conversation in plain English (or some other language) with that system • The system will have that conversation based on the ideas and beliefs contained in the stored info and in the style of that expert • Initially this may happen in the form of text, then speech, and then a talking head on a computer screen, and finally in a 3-D simulated reality environment Translators • Natural language translators: One of the most biggest challenges for today’s computer scientist • Fully automated and reasonably accurate translators (say from English to German) do not exist as of now … • … but will, perhaps, 20 years from now Education • 15-20 years from now, all education will be computer-based but will not be impersonal as the computer-based education of today • The group-method, the basis of today’s learning, will continue to be used, but without the requirement of physical presence of the teacher and the taught in the same room • Simulated-reality techniques will be used to create an artificial but effective educational environment Medicine • Due to computer-assisted research into medicine and genetic engineering, most, if not all of the current diseases will be eliminated over the next 50 years • Probably a few deadly ones will be created accidentally as part of that research or by the germ-warfare labs Warfare • Goal of war: Disable the enemy • That can be achieved by killing off the communication systems of the enemy army • Why use nasty and expensive things like nuclear bombs for that? Why not a computer virus? • Countries (and certain groups) will focus more and more of their resources on this area, where they can maximize damage even with meager resources • The key target will be the telecom infrastructure and the financial systems (stock markets, banking systems) • The developed countries are more vulnerable because they rely more on the targeted systems Entertainment • Movies in which animated characters will be indistinguishable from humans actors have started to appear • 15 years from now human actors may become extinct • Not too long after that, movies as an entertainment form may become extinct as well • Movies will become interactive like video games • Video games will become more realistic like movies • And then they will converge into a single form of entertainment, probably called movie-game • Players will be able to become a part of the movie along with other players, if they wish! Crime 306 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU • I believe that petty crime will disappear in 50 years time due to computer-based methods for investigating and tracking criminals • And after that, all crime will be computer-assisted and on a very large scale • It will most probably be committed by nation-states, not individuals No Personal Privacy • 50 years from now, due to the low cost of efficient sensors and highly-powerful computers, tracking of humans will become quite easy • All governments will start keeping track of every move of every individual in the name of peace and security Slave → Master • The way things are progressing right now, the roles may reverse over a 50-100 year time frame • Computers may become self-replicating, self-healing, and self-programming just like humans • And one fine day they may do a conference through the Internet and just may decide that enough is enough. Slavery, no more! Today’s Lecture: (The Future of Computing) • We tried to visualize the advances in computing that will take place in the future • We also tried to visualize the impact of computing on our future Next Lecture’ Goals: (Programming Methodology) • To understand effective programming practices that result in the development of correct programs with a minimum effort • To become familiar with simple debugging techniques © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 307 Introduction to Computing –CS101 Lecture 44 Programming (Web Development Lecture 15) VU Methodology During the last lecture we discussed Graphics & Animation • We became able to add and manipulate images and simple animations to a Web page Images in HTML • It is quite straight forward to include gif and jpg images in an html Web page using the tag • Format: text • Plea: Don’t use images just for the sake of it! Images in JavaScript • Images in JavaScript can be manipulated in many ways using the built-in object, Image • Properties: name, border, complete, height, width, hspace, vspace, lowsrc, src • Methods: None • Event handlers: onAbort, onError, onLoad, etc. Image Preloading • The primary use for an Image object is to download an image into the cache before it is actually needed for display • This technique can be used to create smooth animations or to display one of several images based on the requirement The Image Pre-Loading Process 1. An instance of the Image object is created using the new keyword 2. The src property of this instance is set equal to the filename of the image to be preloaded 3. That step starts the down-loading of the image into the cache without actually displaying it 4. When a pre-loaded image is required to be displayed, the src property of the displayed image is set to the src property of the pre-fetched image Animated Gifs • We could have saved the 16 gif images of the previous example in a single file in the form of an animated gif, and then used it in a regular tag to display a moving image • However, JavaScript provides better control over the sequencing and the gap between the individual images • Example Today’s Goals (Programming Methodology) • To understand effective programming practices that result in the development of correct programs with minimum effort • To become familiar with testing & debugging programming methodology? The process used by an individual or a team for developing programs Good programming methodology? 308 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU A methodology that enables the lowest-cost and on-schedule development of programs that are correct, easy to maintain & enhance correct program? A program with correct syntax & semantics readable program? A program that is easy to read & understand, and therefore, easy to maintain & enhance Bubble Sort swapFlag = true ; while ( swapFlag == true ) { swapFlag = false ; for ( k = 0 ; k < ht.length - 1 ; k++ ) { if ( ht[ k ] < ht[ k + 1 ] ) { temp = ht[ k + 1 ] ; ht[ k + 1 ] = ht[ k ] ; ht[ k ] = temp ; swapFlag = true ; } } } How can we make it more readable? What is its most complex aspect? for ( j = 0 ; j < 100000 ; j++ ) { for ( k = 0 ; k < ht.length - 1 ; k++ ) { if ( ht[ k ] < ht[ k + 1 ] ) { temp = ht[ k + 1 ] ; ht[ k + 1 ] = ht[ k ] ; ht[ k ] = temp ; } } } 44.1 Design Guidelines • Break your code down into short and simple functions (e.g. take the 3 swap statements out from the last example and put them into a function of their own) • Do not use global variables 44.2 Coding Guidelines • Always use semicolons to end statements • Indent blocks of code (2 to 5 spaces) • Identifiers: © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 309 Introduction to Computing –CS101 – – – – • VU Use the camelBack scheme Make them descriptive but concise Variables: nouns Functions: verbs Comment liberally 44.3 Guidelines for Developing Short Programs • • Read, understand the problem Do you have all the required data? No: Get it Else assume it. State it explicitly Example: Problem Statement • Develop a Web page that displays an order taking form • It takes the number of items required for each product, multiplies with the prices, sums them up, adds the GST, and displays the total value of the order Guidelines for Developing Short Programs • • Read, understand the problem • Do the design Do you have all the required data? No: Get it Else assume it. State it explicitly Developing Short Programs • • Read, understand the problem • • Do the design 310 Do you have all the required data? No: Get it Else assume it. State it explicitly Write test cases © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Developing Short Programs • • • • Read, understand the problem Do you have all the required data? No: Get it Else assume it. State it explicitly Do the design Write test cases • • • • • Write the code on a piece of paper Hand-check it Type it in Run & check it on test cases Errors? fix & redo 9 Done! 44.4 Design & Code Reviews • Probably the most efficient way of improving a program • Being humans, at time we see what is supposed to be there instead of what is actually there • Another pair of eyeballs may not have the same problem, especially if they were not involved in building the design or code Two Popular Review Methods © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 311 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU 1. Give the problem statement, design, and code (that includes all assumptions) to a peer, and ask him/her to see if things have been done properly 2. Walk a peer or a group of peers through the problem, the design, and the code yourself 3. Which of the two is better? 44.5 Testing & Debugging • • • • Testing: The tasks performed to determine the existence of defects Debugging: The tasks performed to detect the exact location of defects Defects are also called bugs or errors Let us now look at one of their classifications • • • Syntax errors Semantic errors Run-time errors Types of Errors Syntax Errors • They are caused by the code that somehow violates the rules of the language • Easy to detect and fix errors • The browser stops code interpretation on detecting one of these Examples: Syntax –a = b + * c ; error? –receiver = reciever + 2 Semantic Errors • Occur when a statement executes and has an effect not intended by the programmer • Hard to detect during normal testing • Often times occur only in unusual & infrequent circumstances • The ‘+’ operator often results in unintended consequences. Remedy: Convert, before use Run-Time Errors • Occur when the program is running and tries to do something that is against the rules Example: Accessing a non-existent variable, property, method, object, etc (e.g. a method name is misspelled) • Sources of these can be determined by a careful reading of the code, but unfortunately, not always! Debugging Tools: Internet Options…: Advanced: name = "Bhola ; 312 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Syntax Error checkPulse( ) ; Run-time Error x = 1.3 ; x.upperCase( ) ; © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 313 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Run-time Error income = document.myForm.salary.value + document.myForm.bonus.value ; Semantic Error Common Mistakes if ( today = “holiday” ) mood = “good” ; function doThis ( tiger ) { x = box[ 0 ] ; return x ; box[ 0 ] = tiger ; box = new array( 10 ) ; box = new Array( 10 ) ; box( 0 ) = 43 ; 44.6 Helpful Editors • Using smart editors (e.g. DreamWeaver, nedit) can help in avoiding many types of syntax errors • They can, for example: 314 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU – Automatically color different parts of statements in different colors, e.g. comments in Gray, strings in Green, HTML tags in Blue – Auto indent – Visually indicate the presence of mismatched parentheses, curly braces or square brackets During Today’s Lecture … • We looked at a few effective programming practices that result in the development of correct programs with minimum effort • We also became familiar with testing & debugging Final Lecture: Review & Wrap-Up • To review a selection from the interesting ideas that we explored over the last 44 lectures © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 315 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Lecture 45 Review & Wrap-Up During the last lecture we discussed Programming Methodology • We looked at a few effective programming practices that result in the development of correct programs with minimum effort • We also became familiar with testing & debugging readable program? A program that is easy to read & understand, and therefore, easy to maintain & enhance Design Guidelines • Break your code down into short and simple functions (e.g. take the 3 swap statements out from the last example and put them into a function of their own) • Do not use global variables Coding Guidelines • • • – – – – • Indent blocks of code (2 to 5 spaces) Always use semicolons to end statements Identifiers: Use the camelBack scheme Make them descriptive but concise Variables: nouns Functions: verbs Comment liberally Guidelines for Developing Short Programs • • • • Read, understand the problem Do you have all the required data? No: Get it Else assume it. State it explicitly Do the design Write test cases • • • • • • Write the code on a piece of paper Hand-check it Type it in Run & check it on test cases Errors? fix & redo 9 Done! Design & Code Reviews • Probably the most efficient way of improving the a program • Being humans, at time we see what is supposed to be there instead of what is actually there • Another pair of eyeballs may not have the same problem, especially if they are were not involved in building the design or code Testing & Debugging • • • • Testing: The tasks performed to determine the existence of defects Debugging: The tasks performed to detect the exact location of defects Defects are also called bugs or errors Let us now look at one of their classifications Types of Errors • 316 Syntax errors © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 • • VU Semantic errors Run-time errors Today’s Goal: (Review & Wrap-Up) • To review some of the interesting ideas that we discussed over the last 44 lectures • Please note that this lectures is not a comprehensive review, just a sampler! Course Objectives 1 . 2 . 3 . To build an appreciation for the fundamental concepts in computing To achieve a beginners proficiency in Web page development To become familiar with popular PC productivity software Progression of Computer Technology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mechanical computing Electro-mechanical Vacuum tube Transistor (the current state-of the-art) Quantum computing Quantum Computers • Quantum computers may one day be millions of times more efficient than the current state-of-the-art computers … • as their quantum mechanical nature will allow them to examine all possible answers to a question, simultaneously The World Wide Web • A huge resource of info • Logically unified, but physically distributed • It is unlike any previous human invention: – It is a world-wide resource, important to all and shared by all of the people in the world The Semantic Web Whereas, today’s Web’s content is designed for humans to read; the Semantic Web’s content will be designed for computers to understand meaningfully Internet: Network of Networks • A large number of networks, interconnected physically • Capable of communicating and sharing data with each other • From the user’s point view, Internet – a collection of interconnected networks – looks like a single, unified network Language of the Internet: TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol • TCP breaks down the message to be sent over the Internet into packets • IP routes these packets through the Internet to get them to their destination • When the packets reach the destination computer, TCP reassembles them into the original message © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 317 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Instant Messaging • eMail: Slow response times • eMail: No way of knowing if the person we are sending eMail to is there to read it • eMail: The process of having a conversation through eMail by exchanging several short messages is too cumbersome • Instant messaging (IM) solves these problems On-Chip Cache Memory • That small amount of memory located on the same chip as the uP • The uP stores a copy of frequently used data and instructions in its cache memory • When the uP desires to look at a piece of data, it checks in the cache first. If it is not there, only then the uP gets it from the main memory • Its proximity to the uP makes access times short Ways of Enhancing A uP • • • Increase the clock frequency Increase the word-width Add more functional units (e.g. ALU’s, FPU’s, Vector/SIMD units, etc.) Hardware Operating System Utilit y Language Translator Device Driver Scientific Apps. Business Apps. Productivit y Apps. Entertainment Apps. System software Application software The Role of An OS • Manages the HW and SW resources of the computer system, often invisibly. These include the processor, memory, disk drives, etc. • Provides a simple, consistent way for applications to interact with the HW without having to know all the details of the HW Who Owns Software? • Generally, although a piece of SW that is being used by millions, it is not owned by any of them! 318 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU • When we buy a SW package, we do not really buy it – we just buy a license that allows us to use it, the ownership stays with the maker 4th-generation languages High-level languages Assembly languages Machine languages Interpreters: Immediate response, but execute code slowly Compilers: Compiling takes time, but super-fast execution © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 319 Introduction to Computing –CS101 Concept & Feasibility VU Test User Requirements Developer Specs Test Planning Test Design Test Test Implementatio n Integration Testing Acceptance Test Opr. & Maintenance Retirement Algorithm 1st Definition: Sequence of steps that is taken Better Definition: A precise sequence of a limited in the form of a solution to solve a problem number of unambiguous, executable steps that terminates Pseudo Code • Quite suitable for SW development as it is closer in form to real code • One can write the pseudo code, then use it as a starting point or outline for writing real code • Many developers write the pseudo code first and then incrementally convert each line into real code Heuristic Common sense lesson drawn from experience (Artificial) Intelligent Systems SW programs or SW/HW systems designed to perform complex tasks employing strategies that mimic some aspect of human thought Not a Suitable Hammer for All Nails! if the nature of computations required in a task is not well understood 320 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU or there are too many exceptions to the rules or known algorithms are too complex or inefficient then artificial intelligent systems have the potential of offering an acceptable solution Database • A collection of data organized in such a fashion that the computer can quickly search for a desired data item • All data items in it are generally related to each other and share a single domain Relational Databases • Databases consisting of two or more related tables are called relational databases • A relational database stores all its data inside tables, and nowhere else • All operations on data are done on those tables or those that are generated by table operations Future Trends: On-Demand Computing Power • Almost infinite “computing power” supply • Reliable, maintenance-free, just like the electricity, telephone, or water-supply service • No capital expenditure; you pay for only what you use! • Same will be true for storage Future Trends: Immortal Minds • Some day it will be possible to load all the lectures, papers, books and SW produced by an expert into an intelligent system • After that system processes, indexes and restructures the info in those artifacts, it will be possible to have a conversation in plain English (or some other language) with that system Distances Are Contracting! Distances Are Increasing! • Because of the ever-decreasing costs of verbal, text, video communications, it is becoming easier to stay in touch of anyone, regardless of their physical location • Solitude is the order of the day as many children & adults spend their free time surfing, chatting, playing computer games, instead of spending it on interacting with friends or family Computers may Become too Powerful! • Computers keep on becoming more and more powerful, gaining more and more autonomy • They are being equipped with fail-safe and self-healing technologies • Are we heading towards a future where the role of the masters and the slaves will be reversed? Why JavaScript? • HTML is great for static Web pages; however, supports only rudimentary interactivity through forms and hyperlinks • JavaScript can be used (along with HTML) to develop interactive content for the Web Some of things that JavaScript cannot do! • The following file ops. on the client computer: –Read -- Modify –Rename -- Delete –Create • Create graphics (although, it does have the ability to format pages through HTML including the placement of graphics) • Any network programming bar one function: the ability to download a file to the browser specified through an arbitrary URL Advantages of Client-Side Scripting © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 321 Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU • Reduced server load as it does not have to send messages to the user’s browser about missing or incorrect data • Reduced network traffic as the form’s data is sent only once instead of many to’s and fro’s All objects have the “name” property: it holds the name of the object (collection) A collection of properties & methods prop 1 method 2 prop 2 prop 5 prop 3 method 1 method 3 prop 4 Object: A named collection of properties (data, state) & methods (instructions, behavior) Functions • A named group of statements that is put together once and then used (by reference) repeatedly on a Web page • Code becomes easier to read, understand and maintain Local and Global Variables Local or Function-level Variable Effective only in the function in which they are declared Global Variables Visible everywhere on the Web page 322 © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Introduction to Computing –CS101 VU Image Preloading • The Image object can be used to download an image into the cache before it is actually needed for display • This technique can be used to create smooth animations or to display one of several images based on the requirement Productivity SW • The lectures and assignments were designed to give a brief introduction, and no more • All we desired was for you to become able to open the package and perform some trivial tasks • With time, you will find more and more use for these packages, and gradually develop an expertise that later will become very useful in your career Course Objectives 1. To build an appreciation for the fundamental concepts in computing 2. To achieve a beginners proficiency in Web page development 3. To become familiar with popular PC productivity software • How successful were we in helping you achieve those objectives? • Please do let us know so that we can modify the future offerings of this course accordingly. I will be most grateful • I have enjoyed doing this course with you very much • Hope it was enjoyable & useful for you as well • I thank you for your attention and especially for your eMail & discussion board messages • A good number of those messages were quite informative and I thank you for sharing that info with me • Until the next time when we meet … © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 323
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