D2064 1 13 152 SERIES (1978 THRU 1985) Cessna_152_1978 1985_MM_D2064 Cessna 1978 1985 MM
User Manual: Cessna_152_1978-1985_MM_D2064-1-13
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Cessna ATextron Company SERVICE MANUAL 1978 thru 1985 MODEL 152 SERIES Member of GAMA FAA APPROVAL HAS BEEN OBTAINED ON TECHNICAL DATA IN THIS PUBLICATION THAT AFFECTS AIRPLANE DESIGN. REVISION 1 INCORPORATES TEMPORARY REVISION 1. DATED 3 OCTOBER 1994. COPYRIGHT 1995 7 WICHITA. KANSAS. USA (RGI-100-4/02) REVISION 1 FEBRUARY 1985 2 OCTOBER 1995 Cessna A Textron Company TEMPORARY REVISION NUMBER 3 DATE 10 March 2003 MANUAL TITLE Model 152 Series 1978 Thru 1985 Service Manual MANUAL NUMBER - PAPER COPY D2064-1-13 MANUAL NUMBER - AEROFICHE D2064-1-13AF TEMPORARY REVISION NUMBER D2064-1 TR3 REVISION NUMBER MANUAL DATE 7 February 1985 1 DATE 2 October 1995 This Temporary Revision consists of the following pages, which affect and replace existing pages in the paper copy manual and supersede aerofiche information. SECTION 12 PAGE 12-7 AEROFICHE FICHE/FRAME SECTION PAGE AEROFICHE FICHE/FRAME 2/A08 REASON FOR TEMPORARY REVISION 1. To add a note to Figure 12-3, Detail A that provides a description of the vent valve tube position in the fuel tank. FILING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THIS TEMPORARY REVISION 1. For Paper Publications, file this cover sheet behind the publication's title page to identify the inclusion of the Temporary Revision into the manual. Insert the new pages into the publication at the appropriate locations and remove and discard the superseded pages. 2. For Aerofiche Publications, draw a line with permanent red ink marker, through any aerofiche frame (page) affected by the Temporary Revision. This will be a visual identifier that the information on the frame (page) is no longer valid and the Temporary Revision should be referenced. For "added" pages in a Temporary Revision, draw a vertical line between the applicable frames. Line should be wide enough to show on the edges of the pages. Temporary Revisions should be collected and maintained in a notebook or binder near the aerofiche library for quick reference. COPYRIGHT 0 2003 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY WICHITA, KANSAS, USA TEMPORARY REVISION NUMBER 2 DATED 7 January 2000 MODEL 152 SERIES 1978 THRU 1985 SERVICE MANUAL MANUAL TITLE MANUAL NUMBER - PAPER COPY D2064-1-13 TEMPORARY REVISION NUMBER PAPER COPY D2064-1TR2 MANUAL DATE D2064-1-13AF AEROFICHE 7 FEBRUARY 1985 REVISION NUMBER 1 AEROFICHE N/A DATE 2 OCTOBER 1995 This Temporary Revision consists of the following pages, which affect existing pages in the paper copy manual and supersede aerofiche information. SECTION 2 2 17 17 PAGE 38A 42A 4A 6A AEROFICHE FICHE/FRAME SECTION PAGE AEROFICHE FICHE/FRAME Added Added Added Added REASON FOR TEMPORARY REVISION To include the inspection requirements of Cessna Service Bulletin SEB99-18. To provide additional information for the stop drilling of cracks that originate at the trailing edge of control surfaces with corrugated skins. FILING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THIS TEMPORARY REVISION For Paper Publications: File this cover sheet behind the publication's title page to identify the inclusion of the Temporary Revision into the manual. Insert the new pages into the publication at the appropriate locations. Draw a line, with a permanent red ink marker, through any superceded information. For Aerofiche Publications: Draw a line through any aerofiche frame (page) affected by the Temporary Revision with a permanent red ink marker. This will be a visual identifier that the information on the frame (page) is no longer valid and the Temporary Revision should be referenced. For "added" pages in a Temporary Revision, draw a vertical line between the applicable frames which is wide enough to show on the edges of the pages. Temporary Revisions should be collected and maintained in a notebook or binder near the aerofiche library for quick reference. COPYRIGHT 2000 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY WICHITA, KANSAS, USA MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES INSERT LATEST CHANGED PAGES. DESTROY SUPERSEDED PAGES. NOTE: The portion of the text affected by the changes is indicated by a vertical line in the outer margins of the page. Changes to illustrations are indicated by miniature pointing hands. . . . 0 . .. 1 February 1985 . . . 1 . . . 2 October 1995 Original Revision *The asterisk indicates pages changed, added, or deleted by the current change. TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES IN THIS PUBLICATION IS 504, CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING: Revision No. Page No. Revision No. Page No. 1 * T itle ............................ 1 * 4-1 ............................. * A thru B ........................ C Blank ........................ * i thruiv ......................... 1 0 1 4-2 thru 4-6 .................... * 4-6A thru 4-6B .................. 4-7thru 4-8 ..................... . 0 1 0 * 4-8A ............................ 1 1-2thru 1-5 ..................... 1-6 B lank ....................... * 2-1 ............................. 0 0 1 * 4-8B Blank ...................... * 4-9 ............................. 4-10thru 4-12 ................... 1 1 0 2-2 thru 2-5 .................... 2-6 ............................. * 2-6A ............................ * 2-6B Blank ..................... 0 1 1 1 * 5-1 ............................. 5-2thru 5-4 ..................... * 5-5 ............................. 5-6 thru 5-14 .................... 1 0 1 0 * 2-7thru 2-10 .................... 1 * 5-15thru 5-16 ................... 2-11 ............................ 0 5-17 ............................ * 2-12 ............................ 1 * 5-18thru 5-19 ................... * 2-12A thru 2-12B ................ 1 *1-1 .......................... 1 0 5-20 thru 5-34 ................... 1 0 1 * 5-35 thru 5-37 ................... 1 0 5-38 ............................ 0 * 2-16 ............................ 1 * 5-39thru 5-41 ................... 1 2-17thru2-18 ................... * 2-18A .......................... 2-18B ........................... 0 1 0 5-42 ............................ * 5-43 ............................ 5-44 Blank ...................... 0 1 0 2-19 ............................ * 2-20 ............................ * 2-21 ............................ 0 1 1 * 6-1 ........................ 6-2 thru 6-9 ..................... * 6-10thru 6-11 ................... 1 0 1 6-12 B lank ...................... 0 * 2-13 thru 2-14 ............ ...... 2-15 ............................ 2-22 ............................ * 2-23 thru 2-27 ................... 2-28 thru 2-35 ................... 0 1 1 * 7-1 ............................. 0 7-2 thru 7-5 ..................... ...................... 0 1 1 7-6 ....... 0 7-7thru 7-11 .................... 0 * 2-41 thru 2-42 ................... 1 * 7-12 thru 7-14 ................... 1 .......... * 3 -1 .................. 3-2 thru 3-4 ..................... 1 0 * 8 -1 ............................. 8-2 thru 8-6 ..................... 1 0 * 3-5 thru 3-7 ..................... 1 * 8-7 .................. * 2-36 thru 2-38 ................... 2-39 thru 2-40 ................... 3-8 ............................. 3 -9 ............................. 3-10 thru 3-25 ................... 3-26 Blank ...................... A Revision 1 0 1 0 0 .......... .............. ... .... 8-8 .... 8-8 A ............................ ........ 8-8B Blank ....... 8-9 thru 8-10 .................... 1 0 0 0 0 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Page No. Revision No. * 9 1 ............................. 9-2 ............................. * 9-3 ............................. 9-4 thru 9-7 ..................... * 9-8 thru 9-9 0 9-10 thru 9-11 ................... * 9-12 ............................ * 10-1 ............................ 10-2 thru 10-10 ................. * 11-1 thru 11-2 ................... 11-3 thru 11-4 ................... ...... * 11-5 ...................... 11-6 ............................ * 11-6A thru 11-6B ................ * 1-7 thru 11-8 ................... 11-9 thru 11-10 ................. * 11-10A ......................... * 11-10B Blank ................... * 11-11 .......................... 11-12thru 11-15 ................ * 11-16 .......................... * 11-16A ......................... * 11-16B Blank ................... 11-17 thru 11-19 ................ * 11-20 .......................... 11-21 thru 11-24 ................ 11-24A ......................... * 11-24B ......................... 11-25 ............... * 11-26 .......................... 11-27 thru 11-29 ................ * 1i-30 .......................... * 11-30A ......................... * 11-30B Blank ................... 11-31 thru 11-41 ................ 11-42 Blank ................... 12- thru 12-4 .................. * 12-5 thru 12-7 ................... 12-8 thru 12-15 ................. 12-16 Blank .................... * 13-1 ............................ 13-2 thru 13-3 ......... 134 Blank ..................... 14-1 thru 14-5 ................... 14-6 Blank ..................... : 15-1 ............................ 15-2 ............................ 15-2A .......................... 15-2B Blank .................... 15-3 thru 15-11 ................. 15-12 .......................... * 15-12A ......................... * 15-12B Blank ................... * 15-13 .......................... 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.......... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Revision No. 0 15-14 thru 15-18 ................. 1 * 15-19 thru 15-20 ................. 0 15-20A thru 15-20B .............. 1 * 15-20C thru 15-20D .............. 1 * 15-21 ........................... 0 15-22 thru 15-24 ................. 1 * 15-25 thru 15-26 ................. 1 * 15-26A ......................... 1 * 15-26B Blank ................... 0 15-27 thru 15-30 ................. 1 * 16-1 thru 16-2 ................... 0 16-3 thru 16-6 ................... 1 * 16-7 thru 16-8 ................... 1 * 16-8A .......................... 1 * 16-8B Blank .................... 1 * 16-9 ............................ 0 16-10 thru 16-18 ................. 1 * 16-19 ........................... 0 16-20 thru 16-22 ................. 1 ...... * 16-23 ................... 0 16-24thru 16-25 ................. 1 * 16-26thru 16-27 ................. 0 16-28 thru 16-29 ................. 11.... .. * 16-30 ................... 0 16-31thru 16-32 ................. 1 * 16-33 thru 16-34 ................. 1 * 16-34A ....................... 1 * 16-34B Blank ................... 0 16-35 thru 16-36 ................. 0 16-36A thru 16-36B .............. 0 16-37 thru 16-38 ................. 0 16-38A ......................... 0 16-38B Blank ................... 0 16-39 thru 16-46 ................. 16-46A thru 16-46B .............. 0 0 16-47 thru 16-48 ................ 0 16-48A ......................... 0 16-48B Blank ................... 0 16-49 thru 16-51 ................. 1 * 16-52 .......................... 0 16-53 thru 16-55 ................. 1 * 16-56 ........................... 0 16-57 thru 16-59 ................. 0 16-60 Blank ..................... 0 17-1 thru 17-51 .................. 0 17-52 Blank ..................... 1 * 1 8-1 ............................ 0 18-2 thru 18-8 ................... 1 * 19-1 ............................ 0 19-2 thru 19-38 .................. 0 19-38A ......................... 0 19-38B Blank ................... 0 19-39 thru 19-43 ................. 0 19-44 Blank ..................... Page No. Revision 1 B/(C blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE NO. Aerofiche/Manual 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION .......................................... 1A9/1-1 2. GROUND HANDLING, SERVICING, CLEANING, LUBRICATION, AND INSPECTION ............................... 1A15/2-1 3. FUSELAGE 1C18/3-1 ....................................................... 4. WINGS AND EMPENNAGE ........................................ 1D22,4-1 5. LANDING GEAR AND BRAKES .................................... 6. AILERON CONTROL SYSTEM E16/5-1 ..................................... 1G14/6-1 7. WING FLAP CONTROL SYSTEM ................................... 1H4/7-1 8. ELEVATOR CONTROL SYSTEM 1H22/8-1 ................................... 9. ELEVATOR TRIM TAB CONTROL SYSTEM .................. 10. RUDDER CONTROL SYSTEM ......... 11. ENGINE .......... 11139-1 ............................. .......................................................... 12. FUEL SYSTEM . ................ ............................. J7/10-1 1J19/11-1 2A2/12-1 13. PROPELLER ...................................................... 2A20/13-1 14. UTILITY SYSTEMS ................................................ 2B5/14-1 15. INSTRUMENTS AND INSTRUMENT SYSTEMS ..................... 2B15/15-1 16. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS ........................................... 2D9/16-1 17. STRUCTURAL REPAIR ............................................ 2G11/17-1 18. PAINTING ........................................................ 19. WIRING DIAGRAMS ............................................... 212118-1 2J11/19-1 WARNING When performing any inspection or maintenance that requires turning on the master switch, installing a battery, or pulling the propeller through by hand, treat the propeller as if the ignition switch were ON. Do not stand. nor allow anyone else to stand within the arc of the propeller, since a loose or broken wire, or a component malfunction, could cause the propeller to rotate. Revision I MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CROSS REFERENCE LISTING OF POPULAR NAME VS. MODEL NUMBERS AND SERIALS All aircraft, regardless of manufacturer, are certified under model number degnations. However, popular names are often used for marketing purposes. To provide a consistent method of referring to these aircraft, the model number will be used in this pblication unless the popular name is necessary to differentiate between versions of the same basic model. The following table provide a listing of popular name, model number, and serial number. MODEL POPULAR NAME 152 15211 REIMS/CESSNA F152 REIMS/CESSNA F15211 152AEROBAT REIMS/CESSNA F152 AEROBAT ii Revision 1 YEAR SERIAL MODEL BEGINNING ENDING 1978 1979 1980 1981 152 152 152 152 15279406 15282032 15283592 15284542 15282031 15283591 15284541 15285161 1982 152 15285162 15285594 1983 1984 1985 152 152 152 15285595 15285834 15285940 15285833 15285939 15286033 1978 1979 1980 1981 F152 F152 F152 F152 F15201449 F15201529 F15201674 F15201809 F15201528 F15201673 F15201808 F15201893 1982 F152 F15201894 F15201928 1983 1984 F152 F152 F15201929 F15201944 F15201943 F15201952 1985 F152 F15201953 F15201965 1986 F152 F15201966 F15201980 1978 A152 A1500433, A1520735 A1520808 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 A152 A152 A152 A152 A152 A152 A152 681, A1520809 A1520879 A1520949 A1520984 A1521015 A1521026 A1521028 A1520878 A1520948 A1520983 A1521014 A1521025 A1521027 A1521049 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 FA152 FA152 FA152 FA152 FA152 FA152 FA152 FA152 FA152 FA1520337 FA1520348 FA1520358 FA1520373 FA1520378 FA1520383 NONE FA1520388 FA1520416 FA1520347 FA1520357 FA1520372 FA1520377 FA1520382 FA1520387 - FA1520415 FA1520425 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL INTRODUCTION This manual contains factory-recommended procedures and instructions for ground handling, servicing, and maintaining Cessna 152 Series Models. Besides serving as a reference for the experienced mechanic, this manual also covers step-by-step procedures for the less experienced. This service manual is designed for aerofiche presentation. To facilitate the use of the aerofiche, refer to the aerofiche header for basic information. KEEPING CESSNA PUBLICATIONS CURRENT The information in this publication is based on data available at the time of publication and is updated, supplemented, and automatically amended by all information issued in Service News Letters, Service Bulletins, Supplier Service Notices, Publication Changes, Revisions, Reissues and Temporary Revisions. All such amendments become part of and are specifically incorporated within this publication. Users are urged to keep abreast of the latest amendments to this publication through the Cessna Product Support subscription services. Cessna Service Stations have also been supplied with a group of supplier publications which provide disassembly, overhaul, and parts breakdowns for some of the various supplier equipment items. Suppliers publications are updated, supplemented, and specifically amended by supplier issued revisions and service information which may be reissued by Cessna; thereby automatically amending this publication and is communicated to the field through Cessna's Authorized Service Stations and/or through Cessna's subscription services. WARNING ALL INSPECTION INTERVALS, REPLACEMENT TIME LIMITS, OVERHAUL TIME LIMITS, THE METHOD OF INSPECTION, LIFE LIMITS, CYCLE LIMITS, ETC., RECOMMENDED BY CESSNA ARE SOLELY BASED ON THE USE OF NEW, REMANUFACTURED, OR OVERHAULED CESSNA APPROVED PARTS. IF PARTS ARE DESIGNED, MANUFACTURED, REMANUFACTURED, OVERHAULED, PURCHASED, AND/OR APPROVED BY ENTITIES OTHER THAN CESSNA, THEN THE DATA IN CESSNA'S MAINTENANCE/SERVICE MANUALS AND PARTS CATALOGS ARE NO LONGER APPLICABLE AND THE PURCHASER IS WARNED NOT TO RELY ON SUCH DATA FOR NON-CESSNA PARTS. ALL INSPECTION INTERVALS, REPLACEMENT TIME LIMITS, OVERHAUL TIME LIMITS, THE METHOD OF INSPECTION, LIFE LIMITS, CYCLE LIMITS, ETC., FOR SUCH NON-CESSNA PARTS MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE MANUFACTURER AND/OR SELLER OF SUCH NON-CESSNA PARTS. 1. REVISIONS/CHANGES. These are issued to the dealers by Cessna Aircraft Company for this publications required, and include only pages that require updating. 2. REISSUE. Manual is reissued to dealers as required, and is a complete manual incorporating all the latest information and outstanding revisions/changes. It supersedes and replaces previous issue(s). REVISIONS/CHANGES and REISSUES can be purchased from a Cessna Service Station or directly from Cessna Parts Distribution (CPD 2), Dept. 701, Cessna Aircraft Company, P. O. Box 949, Wichita, Kansas 67201. All supplemental service information concerning this manual is supplied to all appropriate Cessna Service Stations so that they have the latest authoritative recommendations for servicing these Cessna aircraft. Therefore, it is recommended that Cessna owners utilize the knowledge and experience of the factory-trained Service Station Organization. Revision 1 iii MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CUSTOMER CARE SUPPLIES AND PUBLICATIONS CATALOG A Customer Care Supplies and Publications Catalog is available from a Cessna Service Station or I directly from Cessna Parts Distribution, Dept. 701, Cessna Aircraft Company, 5800 East Pawnee, Wichita, Kansas 67201. This catalog lists all publications and Customer Care Supplies available from Cessna for prior year models as well as new products. To maintain this catalog in a current status, it is revised quarterly and issued on Aerofiche with the quarterly Service Information Summaries. A listing of all available publications is issued periodically by the Cessna Propeller Product Support Department. SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE INSTALLATIONS Inspection, maintenance, and parts requirements for supplemental type certificate (STC) installations are not included in this manual. When an STC installation is incorporated on the airplane, those portions of the airplane affected by the installation must be inspected in accordance with the inspection program published by the owner of the STC. Since STC installations may change systems interface, operating characteristics, and component loads or stresses on adjacent structures, Cessna provided inspection criteria may not be valid for airplanes with STC installations. CUSTOMER COMMENTS ON MANUAL Cessna Aircraft Company has endeavored to furnish you with an accurate, useful, up-to-date manual. This manual can be improved with your help. Please use the return card, provided with your manual, to report any errors, discrepancies, and omissions in this manual as well as any general comments you wish to make. iv Revsion 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Page No. TABLE OF CONTENTS Aerofiche/ Manual GENERAL DESCRIPTION ..... Model 152 and F152 ......... Description ................ Model A152 and FA152 ...... Description ................ A9/1-1 IA9/1-1 1A9/1-1 1A9/1-1 Aircraft Specification ....... 1A9/1-1 Stations ................... Bolt Torques ............... 1A9/1-1 1A12/1-4 1A9/1-1 1-1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. 1-2. MODEL 152 AND F152 SERIES. 1-3. DESCRIPTION. Cessna Model 152 and F152 Series aircraft described in this manuaL are high-wing monoplanes of all-metal semimonocoque construction They are equipped with fixed tubular spring-steel main gear struts and a steerable nose gear. The nose gear has an air/hydraulic fluid shook strut. Two-place seating is standard, and a double-width, fold-up auxiliary rear seat is optional. Also featured is a "wrap-around" rear window and a sweptback fin and rudder. Powering these aircraft is a four-cylinder. horizontally-opposed. air- cooled Lycoming "Blue Streak" engine, driving an all-metal fixed-pitch propeller. 1-4. MODEL A152 AND FA52 SERIES. 1-5. DESCRIPTION. Aerobat Model A152 and FA152 Series aircraft are a modified version of the current production Model 152. The strucure has been beefed-up" in some areas to meet requirements set forth in Acrobatic Category, CAR, Part 3. In addition, quick-relese cabin doors. two-strap shoulder harnesses, and aerbatic paint design are standard Removable seat and back cushions are provided to allow occupants to use either seat-pack or back-pack type parachutes for arobatic maneuvers. The FA152 is powered by a Rolls Royce built, four-cylinder, horizontally-opposed, air-cooled Lycoming engine. 1-6. AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATIONS. Leading particulars of these aircraft. with dimensions based on gross weight, are given in figure 1-1. If these dimensions are used for constructing a hangar or computing clearances, remember that such factors as nose gear strut inflation. tire pressures, tire sizes and load distribution may result in some dimensions that are considerably different from those listed. 1-7. STATIONS. Station diagrams are shown in figures 1-2 and 1-3 to assist in locating equipment when a written description is inadequate or impractical. Revision 1 1-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL GROSS WEIGHT (Takeoff or Landing) ............................... FUEL CAPACITY Standard Wing (Total) ................... Standard Wing (Usable) ............................................ Long Range Wing (Total) ........................................... .. Long Range Wing (Usable) .................................... OIL CAPACITY Without External Filter ............................................. With External Filter ................................................ ENGINE MODEL ................................................... ..... PROPELLER (Fixed Pitch) ..................................... ..................................... (Optional) WHEEL TIRES MAIN Pressure ......................................................... MAIN WHEEL TIRES (Standard) ............................. ...... .................................... Pressure ......... NOSE WHEEL Tire (Standard) ....................................... Pressure ..................................................... NOSE GEAR STRUT PRESSURE (Strut Extended) .................. WHEEL ALIGNMENT (Measured With Airplane Empty) 1670 Lbs. 2......................... 26 GaL 245 Gal. 39 GaL 37.5 Gal 6 Qt. 7 Qt. Lycoming 0-235 Series 69" McCauley 6.00 x 6, 4-Ply Rating 21 Psi 15 x 600 x 6, 4-Ply Rating 29 Psi 5.00 x 5, 4-Ply Rating 30 Psi 20 Psi 3 to +5 ° ....................................... Camber ..................... 0" to + .16" ...................... Toe-in ................................. AILERON TRAVEL (Prior Serials Thru 15279473, A1520736, F15201428 and FA1520336) Up ............................................................... 20° + 2°.- 0 ... Down ........................................................ .. 14. + 20 -0 AILERON TRAVEL (Beginning Serial 15279474, A1520737, F15201429 and FA1520337) Up .................................................................... : .................................... Down .......................... Droop ..... Right ................................................................ Left .................................................... ...... .20 30° 2 ° Down Up ................................................................ Down .............................................................. ELEVATOR TRIM TAB TRAVEL ...................................... Up........................... Down ............................................................... PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS .......................................... Wing Span ........... ........................ Length ..................................... Fin Height (Maximum With Nose Gear Depressed And Flashing Beacon Installed on Fin) ................................. Track Width ......................................................... Tail Span ........................................................... BATTERY LOCATION ............................................... Figure 1-1. Aircraft Specifications 20° 30' +0 -2° 30' +0° -2 ° 23, +00 -20' 23°, .+0 -2 ......... ELEVATOR TRAVEL 1-2 1° 10 + 1° 1/2 ° Down from Streamlined ......................................................... WING FLAP TRAVEL ................................................ RUDDER TRAVEL (Parallel to Water Line) Right ............................................................... Left ....... ........................................... RUDDER TRAVEL (Perpendicular to Hinge Line) 200e 150° .. 25 ° . 18° + 10 ° 20° 1° 1° 1 1° 400.00" 284.84" 102.00" 91.28" 120.00" FIREWALL Right Side MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 0.00 18.50 56.69 70.69 49.69 Figure 1-2. Fuselage Stations 22.12 31.75 44.12 69.878 1-3. Wing Stations Figure 95.0~120.00~1-3 138.00 156.00 Figure 1-3. Wing Stations MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1-8. BOLT TORQUES. The importance of correct application cannot be overemphasisd. Undertorque can result in unnecesary wear of nuts and bolt. as wall as parts they are holding together. When insuficient pressures are applied, uneven loads will be transmitted throughout assembly, which may result in excesive wear or premature failure due to fatique. Overtorque can be equally damging beause of failure of a bolt or nut from overstrssing threded areas. There are a few simple, but very important, procedure that should be followed to assure that correct torque is applied a. Calibrate torque wrench periodically to asure accuracy and recheck frequently. b. o. Be sur that bolt and nut threads are lean and dry unless othrwise specified. Run nut down to near contact with washer or bearing surface and check "fiction drag torque required to turn nut. Add friction drag torque to desired torque recommended or obtain desired torque as shown in figure 1-4. This is referred to a final torque which should register d. on Indicator or setting for a snapover-type wrench. e. f. Apply a smooth even pull when applying torque pressure. If chattering or a jerking motion occurs during final torque, back off and re-torque. When instlling a castle nut, start alignment with cotter pin hole at minimum recommended torque, plus friction drag torque, and do not exceed maimum or plus friction drag. If hole and nut castellation do not align, change washers or nut and try again Exceeding aximum recommnded torque is not reommended unless specifically allowed or recommended for that particulr instllation 1-4 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL BOLT TORQUE VALUES BOLTS Steel Tension Steel Tension NUTS AN310 AN315 AN363 AN365 NAS1021 MS17825 MS21045 MS20365 MS20500 NAS679 Nut-bolt size NUTS Steel Tension Steel Shear AN320 AN364 NAS1022 MS 17826 MS20364 AN310 AN315 AN363 AN365 MS17825 MS20365 MS21045 NAS1021 NAS679 NAS1291 FINE THREAD SERIES Torque Limits Torque Limits in.-lbs. in.-lbs. Nut-bolt size Steel Shear NAS44 MS20004 thruMS20024 NAS144 thru NAS148 NAS333 thru NAS340 NAS585 thru NAS644 NAS624 thru NAS644 NAS1303 tru NAS1320 NAS172 NAS174 NAS517 AN3 thruAN20 AN42 thru AN49 AN73 thru AN81 AN173 thru AN186 MS20033 thru MS20046 MS20073 MS20074 AN509NK9 MS24694 AN525NK525 MS27039 Steel Tension BOLTS Steel Shear AN320 AN364 NAS1022 MS 17826 MS20364 FINE THREAD SERIES Torque Limits Torque Limits in.-lbs. in.-lbs. . 8-36 10-32 1/4-28 5/16-24 3/8-24 7/16-20 1/2-20 9/16-18 5/8-18 3/4-16 7/8-14 1-14 1-1/8-12 1-1/4-12 Nut-bolt size 8-32 10-24 1/4-20 5/16-18 3/8-16 7/16-14 1/2-13 9/16-12 5/8-11 3/4-10 7/8-9 1-8 1-1/8-8 11/4-8 12 20 50 100 160 450 480 800 1100 2300 2500 3700 5000 9000 15 25 70 140 190 500 690 1000 1300 2500 3000 4500 7000 11000 7 9 15 40 85 110 300 410 600 780 1500 1800 3300 4200 6600 . 12 30 60 95 270 290 480 660 1300 1500 2200 3000 5400 COARSE THREAD SERIES Torque Limits Torque Limits in.-lbs. in.-lbs. 12 20 40 80 160 235 400 500 700 1150 2200 3700 5500 6500 15 25 50 90 185 255 480 700 900 1600 3000 5000 6500 8000 7 12 25 48 95 140 240 300 420 700 1300 2200 3300 4000 . 10-32 /4-28 5/16-24 3/8-24 7/16-20 1/2-20 9/16-18 5/8-18 3/4-16 7/8-14 1-14 1-1/8-12 1-1/4-12 25 80 120 200 520 770 1100 1250 2650 3550 4500 6000 11000 30 100 145 250 630 950 1300 1550 3200 4350 5500 7300 13400 15 50 70 120 300 450 650 750 1600 2100 2700 3600 6600 20 60 90 150 400 550 800 950 1900 2600 3300 4400 8000 COARSE THREAD SERIES NOT USED 9 15 30 55 110 155 290 420 540 950 1800 3000 4000 5000 Figure 1-4. Torque Values 1-5/(1-6 blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 2 GROUND HANDLING, SERVICING, CLEANING LUBRICATION AND INSPECTION WARNING When performing any inspection or maintenacne that requires turning on the master switch, installing a battery, or pulling the propeller through by hand, treat the prop- eller as if the ignition switch were ON. Do not stand,nor allow anyone else to stand, within the arc of the propeller, since a loose or broken wire, or a component malfunction, could cause the propeller to rotate. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Aerofiche/ Manual GROUND HANDLING ........ 1A16/2-2 Towing ..................... 1A16/2-2 Hoisting .................... 1A18/2-4 Jacking .................... 1A19/2-5 Leveling . .................. 1A1912-5 Parking .................... 1A19/2-5 Tie-Down . .............. 1A19/2-5 Weighing Aircraft ........... 1A19/2-5 Flyable Storage . .......... A19/2-5 ReturningAircraft to Service . 1A20/2-6 Temporary Storage .......... 1A20/2-6 Inspection During Storage .. 1A22/2-7 Returning Aircraft to Service . ................. A23,'2-8 Indefinite Storage ......... 1A23/2-8 Inspection During Storage .. 1A24/2-9 Returning Aircraft to Service .................. 1B1/2-10 SERVICING . ................. 1B1/2-10 Fuel .............B1/2-10 Use of Fuel Additives for Cold Weather Operations ... 1B1/2-10 Use of Fuel Additives to Inhibit LeadFouling ....... 1B3/2-12 Fuel Drains ................. 1B42-12A Carburetor Drian Plug Inspection . ..... 5/2-12B Carburetor Heat Butterfly Screw Inspection .......... 1B6/2-13 Engine Oil ....... ........... 1B6/2-13 Engine Induction Air Filter 1B7/2-14 Engine Induction Air Filter .. 1B7/2-14 Vacuum System Filter ...... 1B9/2-16 Battery .................... 1B92-16 Tires ..................... 1B9/2-16 Nose Gear Shock Strut ...... 1B9/2-16 Nose Gear Shimmy Dampener 1B10/2-17 Hydraulic Brake System .... 1B10/2-17 CLEANING ................. 1B10/2-17 Windshield and Windows .... B11/2-18 Plastic Trim ................ 1B13/2-18B Painted Surfaces ........... 1B13/2-18B Aluminum Surfaces ......... 1B13/2-18B Engine and Engine Compartment ............. 1B14/2-19 Valves and Valve Guides .... 1B15/2-20 Upholstery andInterior ..... B18/2-21 Propeller .................. 1B18/2-21 W heels .................... 1B18/2-21 LUBRICATION ............. B182-21 Tachometer Drive Shaft ..... 1B19/2-22 Wheel Bearings ............ 1B19/2-22 Nose Gear Torque Links ..... B19/2-22 Wing Flap Actuator ......... 1B19/2-22 Rod End Bearings .......... 1B19/2-22 INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS 1C6/2-33 100 Hour/Annual ........... 1C6/2-33 Special ................... 1C6/2-33 Progressive ................ 1C6/2-33 Guide-lines .......... C62-33 Charts ..................... C92-36 Revision 1 2-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 2-1. GROUND HANDLING. 2-2. TOWING. Moving the aircraft by hand is accomplished by using the wing struts and landing gear struts as push points. A tow bar attached to the nose gear should be used for steering and maneuvering the aircraft on the ground. When no tow bar is available, press down at the horizontal stabilizer front spar adjacent to the fuselage to raise the nose wheel off the ground. With the nose wheel clear of the ground, the aircraft can be turned by pivoting it about the main wheels. Beinning with serials 15285162, A1520984, F1521894 and FA1520378, an optional tow bar stowage installation is available. In the baggage area a bracket located at FS 91.75 and a strap located at FS 70.31 are used to secure and store the tow bar assembly when not in use. Use tow bar carefully to avoid scarring finish on speed fairing. Figure 2-1. Tow Bar CAUTION When towing the aircraft, never turn the nose wheel more than 30 degrees either side of center or the nose gear will be damaged. Do not push on control surfaces or outboard empennage surfaces. When pushing on the tailcone. always apply pressure at a bulkhead to avoid buckling the skin. 2-2 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL REFER TO SHEET 2 FOR ITEM NUMBERS NOTE Corresponding points on both upper door sills may be used to level the aircraft laterally. Reference points for longitudinal leveling of aircraft are two screws on left side of tailcone. These are indicated in illustration by A. (Also refer to paragraph 2-5) Figure 2-2. Jacking and Leveling (Sheet 1 of 2) 2-3 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL JACKING INFORMATION REMARS TYPE AND NUMBER ITEM 1 Block 14'4 padded with 1/4" rubber 2 Cessna No. 2-168 Tail TieDown Stand 3 Built-in Jack pad Part of step bracket (SEE CAUTION) 4 No. 2-170 Basic jack (includes Min. closed height: 34" No. 2-71 Slide tube: Liftstroke 22-1/2") Max extension heght: 56-1/2" No. 2-70 Slide tube: Liftstroke 22-1/2" in. closed height: 57-1/2" Max. extension height: 80" No. 2-591 Extension cap AddA 4" No. 2-109 Leg extension Add 12" 1. Wing jacks (4) are placed under front spar of wing just outboard of wing strut, and must extend far enough to raise wheels off ground, and must be of adequate strength. 2. 3. Attach a Cessna 2-168 stand to the tie-down ring. Be sure tail tie-down stand (2) weighs enough to keep tail down under all conditions and that it is strong enough to support any weight that might be placed on it (place shot bags or sand bags on tail stand). In addition, the base of adjustable tail stand is to be filled with concrete for additional weight as a safety factor. Operate jacks evenly until desired height is reached. CAUTION When using built-in jack pad (3), flexibility of the gear 4. strut will cause the main wheel to slide inboard as the wheel is raised, tilting the jack. The jack must be lowered for a second operation. Jacking both wheels simultaneously at built-in jack pads is not recommended. Jack pad may be used to raise only one main wheel. DO NOT USE brake casting as a jack point. Items (2) and (4) are available from the Cessna Supply Division. Figure 2-2. Jacking and Leveling (Sheet 2 of 2) 2-3. 2-4 HOISTING. The aircraft may be lifted with a hoist of two-ton capacity by using hoisting rings. which are optional equipment. or by means of suitable slings. The front sling should be hooked to each upper engine mount at the firewall, and the aft sling should be positioned around the fuselage at the first bulkhead forward of the leading edge of the stabilizer. If the MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL optional hoisting rings are used, a minimum cable length of 60 inches for each cable is required to prevent bending of the eyebolt-type hoisting rings. If desired, a spreader jig may be fabricated to apply vertical force to the eyebolts. 2-4. JACKING. See figure 2-2 for jacking procedures. 2-5. LEVELING. Corresponding points on both upper door sills may be used to level the aircraft laterally. The reference points for longitudinal leveling of the aircraft are the two screws on the left side of the tailcone. 2-6. PARKING. Parking precautions depend principally on local conditions. As a general precaution, set parking brake or chock the wheels and install the controls lock. In severe weather and high wind conditions, tie down the aircraft as outlined in paragraph 2-7 if a hangar is not available. 2-7. TIE-DOWN. When mooring the aircraft in the open, head into the wind if possible. Secure control surfaces with the internal control lock and set brakes. CAUTION Do not set parking brakes when they are overheated or during cold weather when accumulated moisture may freeze them After completing the preceding, proceed to moor the aircraft as follows: a. Tie ropes, cables, or chains (700 lbs tensile strength) to the wing tie-down fittings located at the upper end of each wing strut. Secure the opposite ends of ropes, cables, or chain to ground anchors. b. Secure a tie-down rope (no chains or cables) to the exposed portion of the engine mount and secure opposite end of rope to a ground anchor. c. Secure the middle of a rope to the tail tie-down ring. Pull each end of rope away at a 45 degree angle and secure to ground anchors at each side of tail d. Secure control lock on pilot control column. If control lock is not available, tie pilot control wheel back with front seat belt. e. These aircraft are equipped with a spring-loaded steering bungee system which affords protection against normal wind gusts. However, if extremely high wind gusts are anticipated, additional external locks may be installed. 2-7A. WEIGHING AIRCRAFT. Refer to Pilot's Operating Handbook. 2-8. FLYABLE STORAGE. Flyable storage is defined as a maximum of 30 days nonoperational storage and/or the first 25 hours of intermittent engine operation. NOTE The aircraft is delivered from Cessna with straight mineral oi, conforming to Mr-L-6082. This oil should be used for the first 25 hours of engine operation. In the event it is necessary to add oil during the first 25 hours of operation, use only aviation grade straight mineral oil of the recommended viscosity conforming to MIL-6082. 2-5 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL During the 30 day nonoperational storage or the first 25 hours of intermittent engine operation. every seventh day the propeller shall be rotated through six revolutions, without running the engine. WARNING When rotating engine by hand, always take proper precautions to make sure the engine cannot fire or start when the propeller is moved. If the aircraft is stored outside, tie it down in accordance with paragraph 2-7. In addition. the pitot tube. static air vents, air vents, openings in the enine cowling, and other similar openings shall have protective covers installed to prevent entry of foreign material. After 30 days, aircraft should be flown for 30 minutes or ground run-up until oil has reached operating temperature. (lower green arc range) CAUTION Excessive ground operation shall be avoided. 2-9. RETURNING AIRCRAFT TO SERVICE. After flyable storage, returning the aircraft to service is accomplished by performing a thorough preflight inspection. At the end of the first 25 hours of engine operation drain engine oil and clean oil pressure screen (or change external oil filter element). Service engine with correct grade and quantity of engine oil See figure 2-4 and paragraph 2-21 for correct grade of engine oil 2-10. TEMPORARY STORAGE. Temporary storage is defined as aircraft in a nonoperational status for a maximum of 90 days. The aircraft is constructed of corrosion resistant alclad aluminum, which will last indefinitely under normal conditions if kept clean however. these alloys are subject to oxidation. The first indication of corrosion on unpainted surfaces is in the form of white deposits or spots. On painted surfaces. the paint is discolored or blistered. Storage in a dry hangar is essential to good preservation and should be procured if possible. Varying conditions will alter the measures of preservation, but under normal conditions in a dry hangar, and for storage periods not to exceed 90 days. the following methods of treatment are suggested. NOTE In order to maintain stored airplanes in "new" condition, it is important they be inspected, cleaned, and serviced regularly. Routine inspections for overall condition such as cleanliness, damage, corrosion, and water leaks are imperative to assure the airplane is being properly maintained. Moisture damage, corrosion, or other damage resulting from neglect while in storage is not covered under the airplane, engine, or other equipment warranties. a. Fill fuel tanks with correct grade of aviation fuel b. Clean and wax aircraft thoroughly. c. Clean any oil or grease from tires and coat tires with a tire preservative. Cover tires to protect against grease and oil. d. Either block up fuselage to relieve pressure on tires or rotate wheels every 30 days to change supporting points and prevent flat spotting the tires. e. Lubricate all airframe items and seal or cover all openings which could allow moisture and/or dust to enter. 2-6 Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE The aircraft battery serial number is recorded in the aircraft equipment list. To assure accurate warranty records, the battery should be reinstalled in the same aircraft from which it was removed. If the battery is returned to service in a different aircraft, appropriate record changes must be made and notification sent to Cessna Warranty Administration. Revision I 2-6Ai(2-6B blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL f. Remove battery and store in a cool. dry place: service battery periodically and charge as required. NOTE An engine treated in accordance with the following may be considered protected against normal atmospheric corrosion for a period not to exceed 90 days. g. Disconnect spark plug leads and remove upper and lower spark plugs from each cylinder. NOTE The corrosion preservative oil mixture should conform to MIL-L-6529C Type I heated to 200°F to 220°F spray nozzle temperature. h. i. j. k. 1. m. n. o. 2-11. Using a portable pressure sprayer. atomize spray preservative oil through the upper spark plug hole in each cylinder with the piston in. a down position. Rotate crankshaft about five revolutions as each cylinder is sprayed. After completing step "h." rotate crankshaft so that no piston is at a top position. If the aircraft is to be stored outside. stop two-bladed propeller so that blades are as near horizontal as possible to provide maximum clearance with passing aircraft Again spray each cylinder without moving the crankshaft, to thoroughly cover all interior surfaces of the cylinder above the piston. Install spark plugs and connect spark plug leads. Apply preservative oil to the engine interior by spraying approximately two ounces of the preservative oil through the oil filler tube. Seal all engine openings exposed to the atmosphere. using suitable plugs or nonhygroscopic tape. Attach a red streamer at each point that a plug or tape is installed. If the aircraft is to be stored outside, perform the procedures outlined in paragraph 2-7. In addition, the pitot tube, static source vents, air vents, openings in the engine cowling, and other similar openings should have protective covers installed to prevent entry of foreign material Attach a warning placard to the propeller with the fullowing notation, "DO NOT TURN PROPELLER--ENGINE PRESERVED--preservation date." INSPECTION DURING STORAGE. a. Inspect airframe for corrosion at least once a month and remove dust collections as frequently as possible. Clean and wax aircraft as required. b. Inspect the interior of at least one cylinder through the spark plug hole for corrosion at least once a month. NOTE Do not move crankshaft when inspecting interior of cylinder for corrosion. c. If at the end of the 90 day period, the aircraft is to be continued in non-operational storage, repeat the procedural steps "g" thru "o" of paragraph 2-10. Revision 1 2-7 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 2-12. RETURNING AIRCRAFT TO SERVICE. After temporary storage. use the following procedures to return the aircraft to service. a. Remove aircraft from blocks and check tires for proper inflation. Check for proper nose gear strut inflation. b. Check battery and install. c. Check that oil sump has proper grade and quantity of engine oil d. Service induction air filter and remove warning placard from propeller. e. Remove materials used to cover openings. f. Remove, clean and gap spark plugs. g. While spark plugs are removed. rotate propeller several revolutions to clear excess rust preventive oil from cylinders. h. Install spark plugs and torque to value specified in Section 11 and connect spark plug leads. i. Check fuel strainer. Remove and clean filter screen if necessary. Check fuel tanks and fuel lines for moisture and sediment, drain enough fuel to eliminate moisture and sediment. j. Perform a thorough preflight inspection, then start and warm-up engine. 2-13. INDEFINITE STORAGE. Indefinite storage is defined as aircraft in a nonoperational status for an indefinite period of time. Engines treated in accordance with the following may be considered protected against normal atmosphere corrosion, provided the procedures outlined in paragraph 2-14 are performed at the intervals specified. NOTE In order to maintain stored airplanes in "new" condition, it is important they be inspected, cleaned, and serviced regularly. Routine inspections for overall condition such as cleanliness, damage, corrosion, and water leaks are imperative to assure the airplane is being properly maintained. Moisture damage, corrosion, or other damage resulting from neglect while in storage is not covered under the airplane, engine, or other equipment warranties. a. Operate engine until oil temperature reaches normal operating range. Drain engine oil sump and reinstall drain plug and safety. b. Fill oil sump to normal operating capacity with corrosion-preventive mixture which has been thoroughly mixed. NOTE Corrosion-preventive mixture consists of one part by volume MIL-C-6529C, type I. added to three parts by volume of MILL-6082C mineral aircraft engine oil. c. Immediately after filling the oil sump with a corrosion-preventive mixture, fly the aircraft for a period of time not to exceed a maximum of 30 minutes. d. With engine operating at 1200 to 1500 RPM and induction air filter removed, spray corrosion-preventive mixture into induction airbox, at the rate of one-half gallon per minute, until heavy smoke comes from exhaust stack, then increase the spray until engine is stopped. CAUTION Injecting corrosion-preventive mixture too fast can cause hydrostatic lock. 2-8 Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL e. Do not rotate propeller after completing step "d." f. Remove all spark plugs and spray corrosion-preventive mixture, which has been preheated to 220°F to 250°F, into all spark plug holes to thoroughly cover interior surfaces of cylinders. g. Install lower spark plug or install solid plugs, and install dehydrator plugs in the upper spark plug holes. Be sure that dehydrator plugs are blue in color when installed. h. Cover spark plug lead terminals with shipping plugs (AN4060-1), or other suitable covers. i. With throttle in full open position, place a bag of desiccant in the carburetor intake and seal opening with moisture resistant paper and tape. j. Place a bag of desiccant in the exhaust tailpipe(s) and seal openings with moisture resistant tape. k. Seal cold air inlet to the heater muff with moisture resistant tape. 1. Seal engine breather hose by inserting a protex plug in the breather hose and clamping in place. m. Seal all other engine openings exposed to atmosphere, using suitable plugs or nonhygroscopic tape. n. If the aircraft is to be stored outside, perform the procedures outlined in paragraph 2-7. In addition, the pitot tube, static source vents, air vents, openings in the engine cowling and other similar openings should have protective covers installed to prevent entry of foreign material. NOTE Attach a red streamer to each place plugs or bags of desiccant is placed or moisture resistant tape is installed. Either attach red streamers outside of the sealed area with tape or to the inside of the sealed area with safety wire to prevent wicking of moisture into the sealed area. o. Drain corrosion-preventive mixture from engine sump and reinstall drain plug. NOTE The corrosion-preventive mixture is harmful to paint and should be wiped from painted surfaces immediately. p. Attach a warning placard on the throttle control knob, to the effect that the engine contains no lubricating oil. Attach a warning placard to the propeller with the following notation, "DO NOT TURN PROPELLER--ENGINE PRESERVED--preservation date." q. Prepare airframe for storage as outlined in paragraph 2-1Oa. thru step "f." NOTE As an alternate method of indefinite storage, the aircraft may be serviced in accordance with paragraph 2-10, providing the aircraft is run-up at maximum intervals of 90 days and then reserviced per paragraph 2-10. 2-14. INSPECTION DURING STORAGE. Aircraft in indefinite storage shall be inspected as follows: a. Inspect cylinder protex plugs each seven days. b. Change protex plugs if their color indicates an unsafe condition. c. If the dehydrator plugs have changed color in one-half of the cylinders, all desiccant material in the engine should be replaced with new material. d. Every six months, respray the cylinder interiors with corrosion-preventive mixture. Revision 1 2-9 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE Before spraying, inspect the interior of one cylinder for corrosion through the spark plug hole and remove at least one rocker box cover and insect the valve mechanism. 2-15. RETURNING AIRCRAFT TO SERVICE. After indefinite storage, use the following procedure to return the aircraft to service. a. Remove aircraft from blocks and check tires for correct inflation. Check for correct nose gear strut inflation. b. Check battery and install. c. Remove all paper, tape, desiccant bags, and streamers used to seal and cover openings. d. Remove warning placards posted at throttle and propeller. e. Remove and clean engine oil screen, then reinstall and safety. On aircraft that are equipped with an external oil filter, install new filter element. f. Remove oil sump drain plug (or open quick drain valve) and drain oil sump. Install and safety drain plug (or close quick drain valve) and service engine with correct amount and grade of oil per figure 2-4. NOTE The corrosion-preventive mixture will mix with the engine lubricating oil, so flushing the oil system is not necessary. Draining the oil sump wilt remove enough of the corrosionpreventive mixture. NOTE The corrosion-preventive mixture is harmful to paint and should be wiped from painted surfaces immediately. g. Service and install the induction air filter. h. Remove dehydrator plugs and spark plugs or plugs installed in spark plug holes and rotate propeller several revolutions to clear corrosion-preventive mixture from cylinders. i. Clean, gap, and install spark plugs. Torque spark plugs to value listed in Section 11. j. Check fuel strainer. Remove and clean filter screen. Check fuel tanks and fuel lines for moisture and sediment, and drain enough fuel to eliminate moisture and sediment. k. Perform a thorough preflight inspection, then start and warm-up engine. 1. Thoroughly clean and visually inspect aircraft and flight test aircraft. | | 2-16. SERVICING. 2-17. Servicing requirements are shown in figure 2-4. The following paragraphs supplement this figure by adding details not included in the figure. 2-18. FUEL. Fuel tanks should be filled immediately after flight to lessen moisture condensation. Tank capacities are listed in Section 1. The recommended fuel grade to be used is given in figure 2-4. WARNING Do not fly with contaminated or unapproved fuel. 2-18A. 2-10 USE OF FUEL ADDITIVES FOR COLD WEATHER OPERATION. Strict adherence to recommended preflight draining instructions will eliminate any free water accumulations from the tank sumps. While small amounts of water may still remain in solution in the gasoline, it will normally be consumed and go unnoticed in the operation of the engine. Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL One exception to this can be encountered when operating under the combined effect of: (1) use of certain fuels, with (2) high humidity conditions on the ground (3) followed by flight at high altitude and low temperature. Under these unusual conditions small amounts of water in solution can precipitate from the fuel stream and freeze in sufficient quantities to induce partial icing of the engine fuel system. While these conditions are quite rare and will not normally pose a problem to owners and operators, they do exist in certain areas of the world and consequently must be dealt with, when encountered. Therefore, to alleviate the possibility of fuel icing occurring under these unusual conditions it is permissible to add isopropyl alcohol or ethylene glycol monomethyl ether (EGME) compound to the fuel supply. See Figure 2-2A for fuel additive mixing ratio. The introduction of alcohol orEGME compound into the fuel provides two distinct effects: (1) it absorbs the dissolved water from the gasoline and (2) alcohol has a freezing temperature depressant effect. Alcohol, if used, is to be blended with the fuel in a concentration of 1% by volume. Concentrations greater than 1% are not recommended since they can be detrimental to fuel tank materials. The manner in which the alcohol is added to the fuel is significant because alcohol is most effective when it is completely dissolved in the fuel. To insure proper mixing the following is recommended: 1. 2. For best results the alcohol should be added during the fueling operation by pouring the alcohol directly on the fuel stream issuing from the fueling nozzle. An alternate method that may be used is to premix the complete alcohol dosage with some fuel in a.separate clean container (approximately 2-3 gallon capacity) and then transfer this mixture to the tank prior to the fuel operation. Any high quality isopropyl alcohol may be used, such as: Anti-icing fluid (MILF-5566) or Isopropyl alcohol (Federal Specification TT-I-735a). Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether (EGME) compound in compliance with MIL-I-27686 or Phillips PFA-55MB, if used, must be carefully mixed with the fuel in concentrations not to exceed 0.15% by volume. CAUTION Mixing of the EGME compound with the fuel is extremely important because concentration in excess of that recommended (0.15 percent by volume maximum) will result in detrimental affects to the fuel tanks, such as deterioration of protective primer and sealants and damage to O-rings and seals in the fuel system and engine components. Use only blending equipment that is recommended by the manufacturer to obtain proper proportioning. Do not allow the concentrated EGME compound to come in contact with the airplane finish or fuel cell as damage can result. 2-11 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Prolonged storage of the airplane will result in a water build-up in the fuel which "leeches out" the additive. An indication of this is when an excessive amount of water accumulates in the fuel tank sumps. The concentration can be checked using a differential refractometer. It is imperative that the technical manual for the differential refractometer be followed explicitly when checking the additive concentration. 18 4.5 140 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 characteristics of the Lycoming 0-235 engine indicate that use of 100 Low Lead fuel significantly improves spark plug life and reduces spark plug cleaning requirements due to lead fouling. Alcor, Inc. markets TCP (Tri-cresyl-phosphate) as a fuel additive used as a lead inhibitor fornon-turbocharged Lycoming engines. Fuel system components in Cessna aircraft exhibit no detrimental effects from use of TCP when mixed with aviation fuel in accordance with blending table shown in Figure 2-2B. 2-12 Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL GASOLINE QUANTITY TO BE TREATED TREATED U.S. GALLONS 5 10 15 20 25 CORRECT AMOUNT OF ALCOR TCP CONCENTRATE 2ML/TEL/GAL 4ML/TEL/GAL 100 LL GRADE 100/130 GRADE LIQUID CC OR LIQUID CC IR OUNCES ML OUNCES ML 0.5 15 1.1 31 1.0 31 2.1 63 1.6 45 3.2 94 2.1 61 4.2 126 2.6 76 5.3 157 30 35 40 45 50 3.1 3.6 4.1 4.7 5.2 92 107 122 138 153 6.4 7.4 8.5 9.6 10.6 188 220 251 282 314 100 155 310 500 10.5 1 PT. 1 QT. 3.2 PTS. 306 473 946 1530 21.2 1 QT. 2 QTS. 3.3 QTS 628 975 1950 3140 1 GAL. 3785 600 1200 1240 1 GAL. 3785 -- Figure 2-2B. TCP Blending Table For Aviation Gasoline 2-19. FUEL DRAINS. Fuel drains are located in the fuel tanks, fuel line drain tee, fuel strainer and carburetor. The fuel tanks and fuel strainer have drain valves. To activate the tank drain valve and fuel line drain tee for fuel sampling, place cup up to valve and depress valve with rod protruding from cup. See Section 12 for illustration of fuel tank drain valve. The strainer valve is an integral part of the fuel strainer assembly. The strainer drain is equipped with a control which is located adjacent to the oil dipstick. Access to the control is through the oil dipstick access door. Open drains and remove drain cap at intervals specified in figure 2-4. Also, during daily inspection of the fuel strainer, fuel line drain tee and tanks, if water is found in the system, all fuel drains should be temporarily opened and all water drained from the system. If the aircraft has been serviced with improper fuel grade, defuel completely, and refuel with correct grade. Provided weight and balance considerations will permit, fuel tanks should be kept full between flights. Revision 12-12A MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE If fuel tank quick-drains are not installed, at least one quart of fuel should be drained from the fuel strainer with the selector valve in a position to assure each tank is draining fuel. 2-20. 2-128 CARBURETOR DRAIN PLUG INSPECTION. In order to prevent the possibility of thread sealant contamination in the carburetor float chamber. cleaning and inspection of the carburetor should be accomplished at each 100-hour inspection and anytime water in the fuel is suspected. a. With the fuel valve OFF. remove carburetor drain plug and clean off any sealant present on the end of the plug or in the threads on the plug. b. Inspect drain plug hole in the carburetor and remove any sealant remaining in the hole. c. Turn fuel valve to ON to flush float chamber and drain plug chamber while probing drain plug hole to ascertain that all residue of sealant material is dislodged and washed out of the chamber. Flushing operation should last 15 to 30 seconds. d. A second flushing should then be accomplished and the drained fuel retained for inspection to ensure that no sealant particles are present e. Install drain plug as follows: 1. Install drain plug in carburetor 1-1/2 to 2 turns. 2. Apply sealant to drain plug threads (use NS-40 (RAS-4) or equivalent). 3. Tighten and safety drain plug. f. Turn fuel valve ON and inspect for evidence of fuel leakage. Revision I MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 2-20A. CARBURETOR HEAT BUTTERFLY SCREW INSPECTION. The two screws attaching the carburetor heat to its shaft on the aircraft listed below must be checked for (and tightened, if loose) as a part of every 100-hour or annual inspection. a. Affected aircraft serials numbers: 15279406 thru 15282096, A1520735 thru A1520810, F15201429 thru F15201638, and FA1520337 thru FA1520351. 2-21. ENGINE OIL. Check engine lubricating oil with the dipstick five to ten minutes after the engine has been stopped. The aircraft should be in as near a level position as possible when checking the engine oil, that a true reading is obtained. Engine oil should be drained while the engine is still hot, and the nose of the aircraft should be raised slightly for more positive draining of any sludge which may have collected in the engine oil sump. Engine oil should be changed as specified in servicing intervals figure 2-4. Reduce these intervals for prolonged operations in dusty areas, in cold climates where sludging conditions exist, or where short flights and long idle periods are encountered. Always change oil and oil filter (or clean pressure screen) whenever oil appears dirty on dipstick. Aviation grade oil conforming to AVCO Lycoming Service Instruction No. 1014, and any revisions or supplements thereto, shall be used in the "Blue Streak" (Lycoming) engine. NOTE New or newly-overhauled engines should be operated on aviation grade straight mineral oil until the first oil change. If an ashless dispersant oil is used in a new or newly-overhauled engine, high oil consumption may be experienced. The anti-friction additives in detergent and dispersant oils will retard "break-in" of the pistons, rings and cylinder walls. This condition can be avoided by the use of straight mineral oil. If oil must be added during the first 25 hours, us only aviation grade straight mineral oil (nondetergent) conforming to MIL-L-6082. After the first 25 hours of operation, drain engine oil sump and clean the oil pressure screen. If an external oil filter is installed, change the oil filter. Refill sump with straight mineral oil and use until a total of 50 hours have accumulated or oil consumption has stabilized, then change to ashless dispersant oil. NOTE Engine oil contamination increases possibility of sticking and/or stuck valves. More frequent oil and filter changes (5l0-houri will minimize accumulation of harmful contaminants. When the aircraft cannot be flown frequently, the oil and filter should be changed souner than 50-hour interval. Change oil and filter every 25 hours to eliminate moisture and acids that collect in oil of an inactive engine. NOTE Phillips X/C II-Aviation Multi-viscosity oil has not been approved for use by AVCO Lycoming and should not be used in Cessna airplanes. Revision 12-13 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Valve shown open. To close, twist screwdriver until valve unlocks and snaps down to closed position. Figure 2-3. Quick-Drain Valve An oil quick-drain valve may be installed. This valve provides a quicker and cleaner method of draining the engine oil This valve is installed in the oil drain port of the oil sump and allows oil to be drained by attaching a hose over the fitting end and pushing up. causing the oil to drain through the hose into a container. To drain the engine oil proceed as follow a. Operate engine until oil temperature is at normal operating temperature. b. (With Quick-Drain Valve.) Attach a hose to the quick-drain valve in the oil sump. Push up on quick-drain valve until it locks open. and allow oil to drain through hose into container. c. (Without Quick-Drain Valve.) Remove oil drain plug from engine sump and allow oil to drain into a container. d. After engine oil has drained. close quick-drain valve as shown in figure 2-3 and remove hose, or install and safety drain plug. e. Service engine with correct quantity and grade of engine oil in accordance with figure 2-4. 2-22. ENGINE INDUCTION AIR FILTER. The induction air filter keeps dust and dirt from entering the induction system. The value of maintaining the air filter in a good clean condition can never be overstressed. More engine wear is caused through the use of a dirty or damaged air filter than is generally believed. Engine oil contamination increases possibility of sticking valves, and operating engine with a clean air filter also keeps dirt from accumulating in oil supply. The frequency with which the filter should be removed, inspected, and cleaned will be determined primarily by aircraft operating conditions. A good general rule, however, is to remove, inspect, and clean the filter at least every 100 hours of engine operating time and more frequently if warranted by operating conditions. Some operators prefer to hold spare induction air filters at their home base of operation so that a clean filer is always readily available for use. Under extremely dusty conditions, daily servicing of the filter is recommended. To service the filter, proceed as follows: a. Remove filter from aircraft. 2-14 Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE Use care to prevent damage to filter element when cleaning filter with compressed air. b. Clean filter by blowing with compressed air (not over 100 psi) from direction opposite of normal air flow. Arrows on filter case indicate direction of normal air flow. CAUTION Do not use solvent or cleaning fluids to wash filter. Use only a water and household detergent solution when washing the filter. c. After cleaning as outlined in step "b", the filter may be washed, if necessary, in a solution of warm water and a mild household detergent. A cold water solution may be used. NOTE The filter assembly may be cleaned with compressed air a maximum of 30 times or it may be washed a maximum of 20 times. A new filter should be installed after 500 hours of engine operating time or one year, whichever should occur first. However, a new filter should be installed at anytime the existing filter is damaged. A damaged filter may have sharp or broken edges in the filtering panels which would allow unfiltered air to enter the induction system. Any filter that appears doubtful, shall have a new filter installed in its place. d. After washing, rinse filter with clear water until rinse water draining from filter is clear. Allow water to drain from filter and dry with compressed air (not over 100 psi). NOTE The filtering panels of the filter may become distorted when wet, but they will return to their original shape when dry. e. f. Be sure that the air box is clean, inspect filter. If filter is damaged, install a new filter. Install filter at entrance to air box with gasket on aft face of filter frame and pointed in the correct direction. 2-15 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 2-23. VACUUM SYSTEM FILTER. The vacuum system central air filter keeps dirt and dust from entering the vacuum operated instruments. Inspect filter element every 200 hours of operating time for damage. Change central air filter element every 500 hours of operating time and whenever it becomes sufficiently clogged to cause suction gage readings to drop below 4.6 inches of mercury. Also, do not operate the vacuum system with the filter removed, or a of dust or other foreign matter may enter the system vacuum line disconnected as particles and damage the vacuum operated instruments. CAUTION Excessive smoking will cause premature filter clogging. 2-24. BATTERY. Servicing the 24-volt battery involves adding distilled water to maintain the electrolyte level no higher than bottom of split ring indicator and no lower than top of separators (approximately 1/8-inch below split ring) within filler holes, checking the battery cable connections, and neutralizing and cleaning spilled electrolyte or corrosion. Use bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) and water to neutralize electrolyte or corrosion. Follow with a thorough flushing with water. Brighten cables and terminals with a wire brush, then coat with petroleum jelly before connecting. The battery box also should be checked and cleaned if any corrosion is noted. Distilled water, not acid or "rejuvenators," should be used to maintain electrolyte level. Check the battery every 100 hours (or at least every 30 days), more often in hot weather. See Section 16 for detailed battery removal, installation, and testing instructions. 2-25. TIRES. Maintain tire pressure at the airpressures specified in figure 1-1. When checking tire pressure, examine tires for wear. cuts. bruises, and slippage. Remove oil grease. and mud from tires with soap and water. NOTE Recommended tire pressures should be maintained. Especially in cold weather. remember that any drop in temperature of the air inside a tire causes a corresponding drop in air pressure. 2-26. 2-16 NOSE GEAR SHOCK STRUT. The nose gear shock strut requires periodic checking to ensure that the strut is filled with hydraulic fluid and is inflated to the correct air pressure. To service the nose gear shock strut, proceed as follows: a. Remove valve cap and release all air. b. Remove valve housing assembly. c. Compress strut completely (stops in contact with outer barrel hub). d. Oil level. (1) Fluid used should comply with specification MIL-H-5606. (2) Fill strut to bottom of valve installation hole. (3) Maintain oil level at bottom of valve installation hole. e. Fully extend strut. f. Replace valve housing assembly. g. With strut fully extended and nose wheel clear of ground, inflate strut to 20 PSI. Revision I MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE The nose landing gear shock strut will normally require only a minimum amount of service. Maintain the strut extension pressure, as shown in figure 1-1. Lubricate landing gear as shown in figure 2-5. Check landing gear daily for general cleanliness, security of mounting, and for hydraulic fluid leakage. Keep machined surfaces wiped free of dirt and dust, using a clean lint-free cloth saturated with MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid or kerosene. All surfaces should be wiped free of excessive hydraulic fluid. 2-27. NOSE GEAR SHIMMY DAMPENER. The shimmy dampener should be serviced at least every 50 hours. The shimmy dampener must be filled completely with fluid, free of entrapped air, to serve its purpose. To service the shimmy dampener, proceed as follows: a. Remove shimmy dampener from aircraft. b. While holding the dampener in a vertical position with fitting end pointed downward. pull fitting end of the dampener shaft to its limit of travel. c. While holding dampener in this position, fill dampener through open end of cylinder with hydraulic fluid. d. Push the shaft upward slowly to seal off the filler hole. e. Clean dampener with solvent. Be sure to keep the shaft protruding through the filler hole until dampener is installed on the aircraft. f. Install dampener on aircraft. NOTE Keep shimmy dampener, especially the exposed portions of the dampener piston shaft, clean to prevent collection of dust and grit which could cut the seals in the dampener barrel. Keep machined surfaces wiped free of dirt and dust, using a clean lint-free cloth saturated with MIT-H5606 hydraulic fluid or kerosene. All surfaces should be wiped free of excessive hydraulic fluid. 2-28. HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEM. Check brake master cylinders and refill with hydraulic fluid as specified in the inspection charts. Bleed the brake system of entrapped airwhenever there is a spongy response to the brake pedals. Refer to Section 5 for filling and bleeding of the brakes. 2-29. CLEANING. 2-30. Keeping the aircraft clean is important. Besides maintaining the trim appearance of the aircraft, cleaning lessens the possiblity of corrosion and makes inspection and maintenance easier. 2-17 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 2-31. CLEANING AND CARE OF THE WINDSHEILD AND WINDOW. a. General Maintnanoe Procedures. The following procedures provide information regarding cleaning and servicing windshields and windows. Improper cleaning, or use of unapproved cleaning agents can cause damage to windshield and windows. b. Materials Required: NAME MANUFACTURER USE Mild soap or detergent (hand dishwashing type) Commercially available Cleaning windshields and windows. Aliphatic Naphtha Type II conforming to Federal Specification TT-N-95 Commercially available Removing deposits which cannot be removed with mild soap solution. Polishing wax: S.C. Johnson and Son, Inc. Waxing acrylic wind- shields and windows. (Refer to Note 1) Turtle Wax (paste) Turtle Wax, Inc. Chicago, IL 60638 Great Reflections El. duPont deNemours Paste Wax and Co. (Inc) Wilmington, DE 19898 Slip-stream Wax (paste) Classic Chemical Grand Prairie, TX 75050 Acrylic polish conforming to Federal Specification P-P-560 such as: Permatex plastic cleaner Number 403D Permatex Company, Inc. Kansas City, KS 66115 Cleaning and polishing acrylic windshields and windows. Soft cloth, such as: Cotton flannel or old tee shirt material Commercially available Applying and removing wax and polish. c. Cleaning Instructions. CAUTION Windshields and windows (Acrylic Faced) are easily damaged by improper handling and cleaning techniques. 1. 2. 3. 2-18 Place airplane inside hangar or in shaded area and allow to cool from heat of sun's direct rays. Using clean (preferably running) water, flood the surface. Use bare hands with no jewelry to feel and dislodge any dirt or abrasive materials. Using a mild soap or detergent (such as a dishwashing liquid) in water, wash the surface. Again use only the bare hand to provide rubbing force. (A clean cloth may be used to transfer the soap solution to the surface, but extreme care must be exercised to prevent scratching the surface.) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 4. 5. On acrylic windshields and windows only, if soils which cannot be removed by a mild detergent remain, Type II aliphatic naphtha applied with a soft clean cloth may be used as a cleaning solvent. Be sure to frequently refold cloth to avoid redepositing soil and/or scratching windshield with any abrasive particles. Rinse surface thoroughly with clean fresh water and dry with a clean cloth. Do not rub plastic with a dry cloth as this builds up an electrostatic charge which attracts dust. CAUTION Do not use any of the following on or for cleaning windshields and windows: methanol, denatured alcohol, gasoline, benzene, xylene, MEK, acetone, carbon tetrachloride, fire extinguisher fluid, de-icer fluid, lacquer thinners, commercial or household glass window cleaning sprays. 6. 7. Hard polishing wax should be applied to acrylic surfaces. (The wax has an index of refractionnearly the same as transparent acrylic and will tend to mask any shallow scratches on the windshield surface). Acrylic surfaces may be polished using a polish meeting Federal Specification PP-560 applied per the manufacturer's instructions. NOTE When applying and removing wax and polish, use a clean soft cloth such as well worn tee shirt material or cotton flannel d. 8. DO NOT USE rain repellent on acrylic surfaces. Windshield and Window Preventive Maintenance. NOTE Utilization of the following techniques will help minimize windshield and window crazing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Keep all surfaces of windshields and windows clean. If desired, wax acrylic surfaces. Do not park or store airplane where it might be subjected to direct contact with or vapors from: methanol, denatured alcohol, gasoline, benzene, xylene, MEK. acetone, carbon tetrachloride, lacquer thinners, commercial or household window cleaning sprays, paint strippers, or other types of solvents. Do not use solar screens or shields installed on inside of airplane or leave sun visors up against windshield. The reflected heat from these items causes elevated temperatures which accelerate crazing and may cause formation of bubbles in the inner ply of multiple ply windshields. Do not use a canvas cover on the windshield or windows unless freezing rain or sleet is anticipated since the cover may scratch the plastic surface. Revision I 2-18A MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 2-32. PLASTIC TRIM. The instrument panel, plastic trim, and control knobs need only.be wiped with a damp cloth. Oil and grease on the control wheel and control knobs can be removed with a cloth moistened with Stoddard solvent. Volatile solvents, such as mentioned in paragraph 2-32, must never be used since they soften and craze the plastic. 2-33. PAINTED SURFACES.The painted exterior surfaces of your new Cessna have a durable, long lasting finish Approximately 10 days are required for the paint to cure completely; in most cases, the curing period will have been completed prior to delivery of the airplane. In the event that polishing or buying is required within the curing period, it is recommended that the work be done by someone experienced in handling uncured paint. Any Cessna Dealer can accomplish this work. Generally, the painted surfaces can be kept bright by washing with water and mild soap, followed by a rinse with water and drying with cloths or a chamois. Harsh or abrasive soaps or detergents which cause corrosion or scratches should never be used. Remove stubborn oil and grease with a cloth moistened with Stoddard solvent. To seal any minor surface chips or scratches and protect against corrosion, the airplane should be waxed regularly with a good automotive wax applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. If the airplane is operated in a seacoast or other salt water environment, it must be washed and waxed more frequently to assure adequate protection Special care should be taken to seal around rivet heads and skin laps, which are the areas most susceptible to corrosion. A heavier coating of wax on the leading edges of the wings and tail and on the cowl nose cap and propeller spinner will help reduce the abrasion encountered in these areas. Reapplication of wax will generally be necessary after cleaning with soap solutions or after chemical de-icing operations. 2-34. 2-18B ALUMINUM SURFACES. The aluminum surfaces require a minimum of care, but should never be neglected. The aircraft may be washed with clean water to remove dirt and may be washed with nonalkaline grease solvents to remove oil and/or grease. Household type detergent soap powders are effective cleaners, but should be used cautiously since some of them are strongly alkaline. Many good aluminum cleaners, polishes and waxes are available from commercial suppliers of aircraft products. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 2-35 ENGINE AND ENGINE CO ARTMENT. An engine and accessories wash-down should be accomplished during each 100-hour inspection to remove oil, grease, salt corrosion or other residue that might conceal component defects during inspction. Also, periodic cleaning can be very effective in preventive mantenance. Precautions should be taken when working with cleaning agents such as wearing of rubber gloves, an apron or coveralls and a face shield or goggles. Use the least toxic of available cleaning agents that will satisfactorily accomplish the work. These cleaning agents include: (1) Stoddard Solvent (Specification P-D-680 type II (2) A water alkaline detergent cleaner (MILC-25769J) mixed, 1 part cleaner, 2 to 3 parts water and 8 to 12 parts Stoddard solvent or (3) A solvent base emulsion cleaner (MIL-C-4361B) mixed 1 part cleaner and 3 parts Stoddard solvent. CAUTION Do not use gasoline or other highly flammable substances for wash down. Perform all cleaning operations in well ventilated work areas and ensure that adequate firefighting and safety equipment is available. Do not smoke or expose a flame, within 100 feet of the cleaning area Compressed air, used for cleanig agent, application or drying , should be regulated to the lowest practical pressure. Use of a stiff bristle brush rather than a steel brush is recommended if cleaningagents do not remove excess grease and grime during spraying. A recommended procedure for cleaning an engine and accessories is as follows: CAUTION Do not attempt to wash an engine which is still hot or running. Allow the engine to cool before cleaning a b. c. d. e. Remove engine cowling. Carefully cover the coupling area between the vacuum pump and the engine drive shaft so that no cleaning solvent can reach the coupling or seal Cover the open end of the vacuum discharge tube. Cover the vacuum relief valve filter, if installed in the engine compartment. Use fresh water for wash-down when the engine is contaminated with salt or corrosive chemicals. A cleaning agent such as described previously may then be used to remove oil and grime. CAUTION Care should be exercised to not direct cleaning agents or water streams at openings on the starter, magnetos, alternator or vacuum pump. f. Thoroughly rinse with clean warm water to remove all traces of cleaning agents. 2-19 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CAUTION Cleaning agents should never be left on engine componants for an extended period of time. Failure to remove them may causedamage to components such as neoprene seals and siliconefire sleeves, and could cause additional corrosion. g. h. i. Completely dry engine and accessories using clean dry compressed air. Remove the coverover the coupling area. Remove the cover from the vacuum discharge tube. j. Remove the cover from the vacuum relief valve filter, if installed. k. If desired, engine cowling may be washed with the same cleaning agents, then L rinsed thoroughly and wiped dry. After cleaning engine, relubricateall control arms and moving parts as required. Reinstallengine cowling. WARNING For maximum safety, check that the magneto switches are OFF, the throttle is closed. the mixture control is in the idle cut-off position and the airplane is secured be fore rotating the propeller by hand. Do not stand within the arc of the propeller blades while turning the propellar. m. Before startingengine, rotate the propeller by hand no less thanfour complete revolution. CAUTION Particular care should be given to electrical equipment before cleaning. Solvent should not be allowed to enter magnetos, starter, alternator, voltage regulator, and the like. Hence, these components should be protected before saturating the en gine with solvent. Any fuel, oil, and air openings should be covered before washing the e ngine with solvent. Caustic cleaning solutions should not be used. After cleaning engine, relubricate all control arms and moving parts. 2-35A. VALVES AND VALVE GUIDES. Operating with any of the following conditions present can promote deposit build-up reducing valve guide clearance and resulting in valve sticking: a. b. c. d. Contaminated, dirty engine oil supply. High ambient temperatures. Slow flight with reduced cooling. High lead content of fuel. If any of the above is present or valve hesitation or engine missing is observed, then inspection and cleaning is recommended. Field experience has shown that valve guide cleaning is beneficial for reducing valve sticking when accomplished every 500 to 1000 hours, depending on individual engine operating conditions. (Refer to Lycoming Service Instruction 1425 for suggested maintenance procedures). 2-20 Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 2-36. UPHOLSTERY AND INTERIOR. Keeping the upholstery and interior trim clean prolongs upholstery fabric and interior trim life. To clean the interior, proceed as follows a. Empty all ash trays and refuse containers. b. Brush or vacuum clean the upholstery and carpet to remove dust and dirt. c. Wipe leather and plastic trim with a damp cloth. d. Soiled upholstery fabrics and carpet may be cleaned with a foam-type detergent used according to manufacturer's instructions. e. Oil spots and stains may be cleaned with household spot removers, used sparingly. Before using any solvent, read the instructions on the container and test it on an obscure place in the fabric to be cleaned. Never saturate the fabric with volatile solvent: it may damage the padding and backing material. NOTE Repair kits are available for the repair of cracks in ABS, PBC, PVCP, graphite and fiberglass material. (Contact a Cessna Service Station for information or to order. 2-37. PROPELLER. Wash hub and blade with a soft cloth and Stoddard cleaning solvent or equivalent, then dry thoroughly with compressed air. The propeller should be wiped occasionally with an oily cloth, then wiped with a dry cloth. In salt water areas this will assist in corrosion proofing the propeller. 2-38. WHEELS. The wheels should be washed periodically and examined for corrosion, chipped paint, and cracks or dents in the wheel halves or in the flanges or hubs. If defects are found. remove and repair in accordance with Section 5. Discard cracked wheel halves, flanges or hubs and install new parts. 2-39. LUBRICATION. 2-40. Lubrication requirements are shown in figure 2-5. Before adding grease to grease fittings. wipe dirt from fitting. Lubricate until grease appears around parts being lubricated. and wipe excess grease from parts. The following paragraphs supplement figure 2-5 by adding details. Revision 1 2-21 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 2-41. TACHOMETER DRIVE SHAFT. Refer to Section 15. 2-42. WHEEL BEARINGS. Clean and repack the wheel bearings at the first 100-hour inspection and at each 500-hour inspection thereafter. If more than the usual number of takeoffs and landings are made, extensive taxiing is required, or the aircraft is operated in dusty areas or under seacoast conditions, cleaning and lubrication of the wheel bearings shall be accomplished at each 100-hour inspection. 2-43. NOSE GEAR TORQUE LINKS. Lubricate nose gear torque links every 50 hours. When operating in dusty conditions, more frequent lubrication is required. 2-44. WING FLAP ACTUATOR. Clean and lubricate wing flap actuator jack screw each 100 hours as follows: a. Expose jack screw by operating flaps to full down position. b. Clean jack screw threads with solvent rag and dry with compressed air. NOTE It is not necessary to remove actuator from aircraft to clean or lubricate threads. c. 2-45. 2-22 With oil can, apply light coat of No. 10 weight nondetergent oil-to threads of jack screw. ROD END BEARINGS. Periodic inspection and lubrication is required to prevent corrosion of the bearing in the rod end. At each 100-hour inspection, disconnect the control rods at the aileron flap and nose gear steering tubes. and inspect each rod end for corrosion. If no corrosion is found, wipe the surface of the rod end balls with general purpose oil and rotate ball freely to distribute the oil over its entire surface and connect the control rods to their respective units. If corrosion is detected during the inspection, install new rod ends. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL HYDRAULIC FLUID: SPEC. NO. MIL-H-5606 SPECIFIED AVIATION GRADE FUELS: WARNING ONLY AVIATION GRADE FUELS ARE APPROVED FOR USE. ENGINE MODEL APPROVED FUEL GRADES NOTES LYCOMING 0-235-L2C 100LL (blue) or 100 (green) (formerly 100/130) 1, 2, 3 LYCOMING 0-235-N2C 100LL (blue) or 100 (green) (formerly 100/130) 1, 2,3 Figure 2-4. Servicing (Sheet 1 of 5) Revision 1 2-23 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTES 1. Compliance with Avco Lycoming Instructions No. 1070, and all revision thereto, must be accomplished. 2. While both 100LL or 100 grade fuels are approved, tests conducted for lead fouling characteristics of the Lycoming 0-235 engine indicate that use of 100 Low Lead fuel significantly improves spark plug life and reduces spark plug cleaning requirements. It is recommended that 100LL fuel be used in lieu of 100 grade fuel whenever possible. 3. TCP (Tri-cresyl-phosphate) is a fuel additive used as a "lead fouling inhibitor" for nonturbocharged Lycoming engines. Fuel system components in Cessna aircraft exhibit no detrimental effects from use of TCP when mixed with aviation fuels in accordance with blending table shown in figure 2-2B. SPECIFIED AVIATION GRADE OIL: MAXIMUM OIL AVERAGE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°F)/OIL GRADE 0° SAE 30 or 10° 20° 30° 40° SAE 30. SAE 40o SAE 50° 60 ° 70° 80 ° TEMPERATURE 90° 145 SAE 60 SAE 40 or SAE 50 SAE 40 W-40 245 245 15-50 or SAI 20W-50 . 245 Refer to paragraph 2-21. NOTE The overlap of oil grades is based on a mid-range of ambient ground temperatures vs. maximum oil inlet temperature. Aviation Grade ashless dispersant oil conforming to Avco Lycoming Service Instruction No. 1014. and all revisions and supplements thereto. MUST BE USED except as noted in paragraph 2-21 herein. Oil capacities for the aircraft are given in the following chart. To minimi e loss of oil through the breather. fill to specified oil level on dipstick for normal operation (flight of less than three hours duration). For extended flight, fill to FULL mark on dipstick. Do not operate with less than MINIMUM FOR FLIGHT quantities listed. If an external oil filter is installed, one additional quart of oil is required when filter is changed. CAPACITY (TOTAL) CAPACITY (TOTAL WITH FILTER) NORMAL OPERATION 6 7 5 5 Figure 2-4. Servicing (Sheet 2 of 5) 2-24 Revision I MINIMUM FOR FLIGHT 4 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 0 DAILY 3 FUEL TANK FILLER Service after each flight. Keep full to retard condensation. Refer to paragraph 2-18 for details. 4 FUEL TANK SUMP DRAINS Drain off any water and sediment before first flight of the day. 6 PITOT AND STATIC PORTS Check for obstructions before first flight of the day. 10 FUEL STRAINER Drain off any water and sediment before first flight of the day. Refer to paragraph 2-19 for details. 13 INDUCTION AIR FILTER Inspect and service under dusty conditions. Refer to paragraph 2-23 for details. 16 OIL DIPSTICK Check on preflight. Add oil as necessary. Refer to paragraph 2-21 for details. Check that filler cap is tight and oil filler is secure. 18 OIL FILLER CAP Whenever oil is added, check that filler cap is tight and oil filler door is secure. 5 FUEL LINE DRAIN TEE Drain off any water or sediment. Refer to paragraph 2-19. FIRST 25 HOURS 15 ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Drain engine oil sump, clean oil pressure screen, or if equipped. replace oil filter. Refill with straight mineral oil Refer to paragraph 2-21. IRST50 HOURS 15 ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Drain engine oil sump, clean oil pressure screen, or if equipped, replace oil filter. Refill with ashles disperant oil. Refer to paragraph 2-21. 50 HOURS 15 ENGINE OIL SYSTEM (WHEN NOT EQUIPPED WITH EXTERNAL OIL FILTER) Drain engine sump, clean oil pressure screen, and refill with ashless dispersant oil. NOTE Refer to 100-hour servicing interval when equipped with an external oil filter. Figure 2-4. Servicing (Sheet 3 of 5) Revision 1 2-25 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE Engine oil contamination increases possibility of sticking and/or stuck valves. More frequent oil and filter changes (50hour) will minimize accumulation of harmful contaminants. When the aircraft cannot be flown frequently, the oil and filter should be changed sooner than 50 hour interval. Change oil and filter every 25 hours to eliminate moisture and acids that collect in oil of an inactive engine. 12 NOSE GEAR SHIMMY DAMPENER Check fluid level and refill as required with hydraulic fluid. Refer to paragraph 2-28 for details. 100 HOURS 11 NOSE GEAR SHOCK STRUT Keep strut filled and inflate to correct pressure. Refer to paragraph 2-27 for details. 13 INDUCTION AIR FILTER Clean filter per paragraph 2-23. Replace as required. 14 BATTERY Check electrolyte level each 100 hours or each 30 days. whichever comes first. 7 TIRES Maintain correct tire inflation as listed in figure 1-1. Refer to paragraph 2-26 for details. 5 FUEL LINE DRAIN TEE Drain off any water or sediment. Refer to paragraph 2-19. 10 FUEL STRAINER Disassemble and clean strainer bowl and screen. 15 ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Drain engine oil sump, clean oil pressure screen. change oil filter, or if equipped replace oil filter. Refill with ashless dispersant oil. Change engine oil at least every 6 months, even though the recommended hours have not accumulated. NOTE Refer to 50 hour servicing interval when not equipped with an external oil filter. NOTE Engine oil contamination increases possibility of sticking and/or stuck valves. More frequent oil and filter changes (50hour) will minimize accumulation of harmful contaminants. When the aircraft cannot be flown frequently, the oil and filter should be changed sooner than 50 hour interval. Change oil and filter every 25 hours to eliminate moisture and acids that collect in oil of an inactive engine. Figure 2-4. Servicing (Sheet 4 of 5) 2-26 Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 200 HOURS VACUUM RELIEF VALVE FILTER Remove, discard and replacenew filter every 200 hours. 2 VACUUM SYSTEM CENTRAL AIR FILTER Inspect for damage. 9 BRAKE MASTER CYLINDERS Check fluid level and refill as required with hydraulic fluid. Refer to paragraph 2-28 for details. Landing gear brake master cylinders used prior to 1979 still require overhaul every five years to replace rubber components. Refer to Section 5. 500 HOURS 2 VACUUM SYSTEM CENTRAL AIR FILTER Replace every 500 hours. AS REQUIRED GROUND SERVICE RECEPTACLE Connect to 24-volt DC. negative-ground power unit. Refer to Section 11 for details. Figure 2-4. Servicing (Sheet 5 of 5) Revision 1 2-27 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL METHOD OF APPLICATION FREQUENCY (HOURS) HAND GREASE GUN OIL SYRINGE CAN (FOR POWDERED GRAPHITE) WHERE NO INTERVAL IS SPECIFIED, LUBRICATE AS REQUIRED AND WHEN ASSEMBLED OR INSTALLED. NOTE The military specifications listed are not mandatory. but are intended as guides in choosing satisfactory materials. Products of most reputable manufacturers meet or exceed these specifications. LUBRICANTS PGGRGHGLOGPLGPOL- SS-G-659 ....................... MIL-G-81322A ................. MIL-G-23827A ................. MIL-G-21164C .................. MIL-L-7870A ................... VV-P-236 ....................... ............................... VV-L-800A ..................... POWDERED GRAPHITE GENERAL PURPOSE GREASE AIRCRAFT AND INSTRUMENT GREASE HIGH AND LOW TEMPERATURE GREASE GENERAL PURPOSE OIL PETROLATUM NO. 10-WEIGHT. NON-DETERGENT OIL LIGHT OIL Figure 2-5. Lubrication (Sheet 1 of 5) 2-28 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL \ ENGINE CONTROLS * USE NO LUBRICANT UNDER EXTREME DUSTY CONDITIONS STEERING SYSTEM NEEDLE BEARINGS O RE FER T O DAMPENEtR ALS PIVOTS PARAGRAPH 2-44 STEERING ARM TORQUE LINKS BEARING ALSO REFER TO PARAGRAPH 2-43 WHEEL BEARINGS MAIN GEAR NOSE GEAR WHEEL BEARINGS Figure 2-5. Lubrication (Sheet 2 of 5) 2-29 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CONTROL WHEEL SHAFT BUSHINGS AND OILITE BEARINGS UNIVERSALS BUSHINGS AND OILITE BEARINGS BUSHINGS AND OILITE BEARINGS 4 BATTERY NEEDLE BEARINGS CONTROL "Y" ELEVATOR. TRIM TAB ACTUATOR ALSO REFER TO INSPECTION CHART IN THIS SECTION AND TO SECTION 9 OF THIS MANUAL Figure 2-5. Lubrication (Sheet 3 of 5) 2-30 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL PG ALL PIANO HINGES AILERON BELLCRANK NEEDLE BEARINGS GL GL TYPICAL CABIN DOOR WINDOW LATCH WING FLAP INDICATOR ROD END BEARINGS PARAGRAPH 2-45 ELECTRIC FLAP DRIVE MECHANISM Figure 2-5. Lubrication (Sheet 4 of 5) 2-31 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL OILITE BEARINGS (RUDDER BAR ENDS) RUDDER BARS AND PEDALS NOTES Sealed bearings require no lubrication. Do not lubricate roller chains or cables except under seacoast conditions. Wipe with a clean. dry cloth. Lubricate unsealed pulley bearings. rod ends. Oilite bearings. pivot and hinge points. and any other friction point obviously needing lubrication, with general purpose oil every 1000 hours or more often if required. Paraffin wax rubbed on seat rails will ease sliding the seats fore and aft. Lubricate door latching mechanism with MIL-G-81322A general purpose grease, applied sparingly to friction points. every 1000 hours or more often, if binding occurs. No lubrication is recommended on the rotary clutch. Figure 2-5. Lubrication (Sheet 5 of 5) 2-32 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 2-46. INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS: As required by Federal Aviation Regulations. all aircraft must undergo a 100 hour and/or annual inspection or may be inspected in accordance with FAA approved Progressive Inspection. 2-47. 100 HOUR AND/OR ANNUAL INSPECTIONS: (Refer to the Inspection Charts. Column 1.) This inspection requires each item marked with a symbol * to be inspected at each 100 hours of flight time and/ or each 12th month following the last inspection recorded for the aircraft. 2-48. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: (Refer to the Inspection Charts, Column 2.) This inspection requires each item that has a numeral inserted in the column be inspected in accordance with the corresponding numeral listed in the back of the Inspection Charts. 2-49. PROGRESSIVE INSPECTIONS: (Refer to the Inspection Charts. Column 3.) In lieu of the conventional 100 hour/annual inspection as covered in Part 91.169 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, an aircraft may be inspected in accordance with a progressive inspection. Progressive inspection allows the inspection work load to be divided into smaller operations that can be accomplished in a shorter time period and offers increased safety reliability, and utility while decreasing downtime. Aircraft on this program do not require the 100 hour/annual inspection. "Cessna Progressive Care" has been designed for this purpose. It is highly recommended for aircraft being flown 200 hours or more per year NOTE The inspection intervals shown in Column 3 are presented for comparitive purposes only and SHALL NOT BE USED AS THE PROGRESSIVE CARE INSPECTION SCHEDULE. A complete program and operations manual are available for this purpose. Cessna Progressive Care has been designed for use Worldwide. While the development of the Cessna Progressive Care Program has been coordinated primarily with the Federal Aviation Administration in the United States, program information has been forwarded to and discussed with the Governmental Aviation Agencies in many countries throughout the World. These Governments are in basic agreement with Progressive Care. Therefore. Export Agencies and Dealers are directed to contact the Governmental Aviation Agency in their areas prior to placing the first aircraft on Progressive Care. to make certain they are in basic accord with the program. 2-50. INSPECTION GUIDE-LINES. The guide-lines shown. preceeding the Inspection Charts. are suggested for your use when making the detailed inspections listed in the Inspection Charts. INSPECTION GUIDE LINES. (a) MOVABLE PARTS for: lubrication, servicing. security of attachment. binding. excessive wear. safetying. proper operation, proper adjustment, correct travel. cracked fittings. security of hinges. defective bearings, cleanliness. corrosion. deformation, sealing and tension. (b) FLUID LINES AND HOSES for leaks. cracks, dents. kinks. chafing. proper radius. security. corrosion, deterioration, obstruction and foreign matter. (c) METAL PARTS for security of attachment, cracks. metal distortion. broken spotwelds, corrosion, condition of paint and any other apparent damage. 2-33 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL (d) WIRING for security. chafing, burning, defective insulation. loose or broken terminals, heat deterioration and corroded terminals. (e) BOLTS IN CRITICAL AREAS for: correct torque in accordance with torque values given in the chart in Section 1. when installed or when visual inspection indicates the need for a torque check. (f) FILTERS. SCREENS & FLUIDS for cleanlines, contamination and/or replacement at specified intervals. (g) AIRCRAFT FILE. Miscellaneous data, information and licenses are a part of the aircraft file. Check that the following documents are up-to-date and in accordance with current Federal Aviation Regulations. Most of the items listed are required by the United States Federal Aviation Regulations. Since the regulations of other nations may require other documents and data, owners of exported aircraft should check with their own aviation officials to determine their individual requirements. To 1. 2. 3. be displayed in the aircraft at all times: Aircraft Airworthiness Certificate (FAA Form 8100-2). Aircraft Registration Certificate (FAA Form 8050-3). Aircraft Radio Station License. if transmitter is installed (FCC Form 556). To be carried in the aircraft at all times: 1. Weight and Balance, and associated papers (Latest copy of the Repair and Alteration Form. FAA Form 337. if applicable). 2. Aircraft Equipment List. 3. Pilot's Operating Handbook. To be made available upon request: 1. Aircraft Log Book and Engine Log Book. 2-34 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL (h) ENGINE RUN-UP. Before beginning the step-by-step inspection, start, runup and shut down the engine in accordance with instructions in the Pilot's Operating Handbook During the run- up observe the following, making note of any discrepancies or abnormalities: 1. Engine temperatures and pressures 2. Static RPM. (Alo referto Section 11 of this manual.) 3. 4. Magneto drop. Also refr to Section 11 of this manual.) Engine responseto changes in power. 5. . Any unusual engine noises. Fuel shutoff valve; oprate engine long enough to ensure shutoff valve functions properly. 7. Idling speed and mixture proper idle cut-off. 8. Alternator and ammeter. 9. Suction gage. After the inspection has been completed. an engine run-up should again be performed to determine that any discrepancie or abnormalities have been corrected. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL INSPECTION CHARTS IMPORTANT READ ALL PRECEEDING PARAGRAPHS FOR INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO USING THESE CHARTS. TYPE OF INSPECTION (Refer to Para. 2-50) 3. PROGRESSIVE/INTERVAL HRS. (Refer to Para. 2-49) 2. SPECIAL (Refer to Para. 2-48) 1. 100 HR/ANNUAL PROPELLER 1. 2. 3. 4. Spinner .............................................. Spinner bulkhead .................................... Blades................................................ Bolts and/or nuts .................................... 100 200 100 200 5. Hub .................................................. 200 ENGINE COMPARTMENT Check for evidence of oil and fuel leaks, then clean entire engine compartment, if needed, prior to inspection. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Engine oil, filler cap, dipstick, drain plug and external filter element .............................. .......................... Oil cooler .......... Induction air filter ................................... Induction airbox, air valves, doors and controls.... Cold and hot air hoses ............................... Engine baffles ....................................... Cylinders, rocker box covers and push rod housings Crankcase, oil sump, accessory section and front crankshaft seal ...................................... Hoses, metal lines and fittings ....................... Intake and exhaust systems ......................... 10A. Exhaust valves and guides ...................................... 2-36 11. Ignitionharness ............................................... 12. Spark plugs ................................................... Figure 2-6. Inspections (Sheet 1 of 5) Revision 1 1 100 100 100 100 200 100 100 * * 2 3 100 100 100 24 400 00 100 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL TYPE OF INSPECTION (Refer to Para. 2-50) 3. PROGRESSIVE/INTERVAL HRS. (Refer to Para. 2-49) 2. SPECIAL (Refer to Para. 2-48) 1. 100 HR/ANNUAL 13. 14. 15. Compression check .................................. Crankcase and vacuum system breather lines ....... Electrical wiring ..................................... 200 200 100 16. Vacuum pump .................................................. 100 17. 18. 19. Vacuum relief valve filter ........................... Engine controls and linkage ......................... Engine shock mounts, mount structure and ground straps .................................. .............. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Cabin heat valves, doors and controls ............... Starter, solenoid and electrical connections ......... Starter brushes, brush leads and commutator ....... Alternator mounting bracket ....................... Alternator, belt and electrical connections .......... Alternator brushes, brush leads, commutator or slip ring ......................................... Voltage regulator mounting and electrical leads .... Magnetos (externally) and electrical connections ... 30. Carburetor and drain plug ..................................... 31. Firew all ........... ..................................... 32. Engine cowling ............................................... 33. Tappet clearance 34. Vacuum system central air filter ............................... ......................... 5 100 6 15 200 100 500 100 10C 6 * * * Magneto timing .............................................. 100 200 Magnetos (internally) ......................................... 29. 20 18 100 100 23 200 7 100 100 200 .... 100 14 .................... * 21 200 FUEL SYSTEM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . Fuel strainer, drain valve and control .............. Fuel strainer screen and bowl ....................... . ..... Fuel tank vents, caps and placards .............. Fuel tanks, sump drains and fuel line drains ........ Drain fuel and check tank interior, attachment and . outlet screens ..................................... 100 100 100 100 * 4 Figure 2-6. Inspections (Sheet 2 of 5) Revision 1 2-37 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (Refer to Para. 2-50) TYPE OF INSPECTION 3. PROGRESSIVE/INTERVAL HRS. (Refer to Para. 2-49) 2. SPECIAL (Refer to Para. 2-48) 1. 100 HR/ANNUAL Fuel vent valves ..................................... Fuel vent line drain .................................. Fuel shutoff valve and placards ..................... Fuel valve drain plug ............................ Engine prim er ....................................... * 200 200 100 200 100 LANDING GEAR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Main gear wheel and fairings ........................ Nose gear wheel, torque links, steering rods, 13 100 boots and fairing ..................................... 13 100 8 100 100 100 17 200 Wheel bearings ...................................... Nose gear strut and shimmy dampener.............. Tires ........... ...................................... Brake fluid, lines and hoses, linings, discs, brake assemblies and master cylinders .................... Parking brake system ............................... Main gear springs .................................. * · 200 200 * 100 200 100 100 AIRFRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Aircraft exterior ..................................... Aircraft structure .................................... Windows, windshield, doors and seals ............... Seat belts and shoulder harnesses ................... Seat stops, seat rails, upholstery, structure and m ounting ............................................ Control 'Y' bearings, sprockets, pulleys, cables, chains and turnbuckles .............................. Control lock, control wheel and control 'Y' m echanism ........................................... Figure 2-6. Inspections (Sheet 3 of 5) 2-38 Revision 1 22 0 0 19 200 200 200 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL FUEL SYSTEM (Continued from page 2-38) (Refer to Para. 2-50) (Refer to Para. 2-49) (Refer to Para. 2-48) TYPE OF INSPECTION 3. PROGRESSIVE/INTERVAL HRS. 2. SPECIAL 1. 100 HR/ANNUAL 11. For airplanes equipped with a Stewart Warner manufactured fuel quantity indicating system, perform a fuel indicating system accuracy test. Refer to Cessna Service Bulletin SEB99-18, Fuel Quantity Indicating System Inspection (or latest revision) for detailed accom plishment instructions. ......................................................................................... Temporary Revision Number 2 7 January 2000 25 2-38A MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL TYPE OF INSPECTION 8. (Refer to Para. 2-50) 3. PROGRESSIVE/INTERVAL HRS. (Refer to Para. 2-49) 2. SPECIAL (Refer to Para. 2-48) 1. 100 HR/ANNUAL 9. 10. Instruments and markings. ................... Gyros central air filter ............................... Magnetic compass compensation .................... 11. Instrument wiring and plumbing .................... 12. Instrument panel, shockmounts, ground straps, cover, decals and labeling ........................... 13. ....... 9 * 200 200 Defrosting, heating and ventilating systems and controls .............................................. 100 14. Cabin upholstery, trim, sunvisors and ash trays .... 15. Area beneath floor, lines, hose, wires and control cables ............................................... 16. 100 200 200 * 200 200 Lights, switches, circuit breakers, fuses and spare fuses ............................................. * 10 17. Exterior lights .................... 18. Pitot and static systems ............................ 19. Stall warning system ................................ 200 20. Radios, radio controls, avionics and flight instrum ents .......................................... Antennas and cables................................. Battery, battery box and battery cables .............. Emergency locator transmitter ....................... 100 200 100 100 21. 22. 23. .................. 100 * 200 10 CONTROL SYSTEMS In addition to the items listed below, always check for correct direction of movement, correct travel and correct cable tension. 1. Cables, terminals, pulleys, pulley brackets, cable 2. guards, turnbuckles and fairleads ................... Chains, terminals, sprockets and chain guards...... 3. Trim control wheels, indicators, actuator and bungee 4. Travel stops ......................................... * 200 200 10 200 Figure 2-6. Inspections (Sheet 4 of 5) 2-39 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL TYPE OF INSPECTION 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. (Refer to Para. 2-50) 3. PROGRESSIVE/INTERVAL HRS. (Refer to Para. 2-49) 2. SPECIAL (Refer to Para. 2-48) 1. 100 HR/ANNUAL Decals and labeling .................................. Flap control switch, flap rollers and tracks, flap indicator ............................................. Flap motor, transmission, limit switches, structure, linkage, bellcranks, etc ............................... Elevator and trim tab hinges, tips and control rods . Elevator trim tab actuator lubrication ............... Elevator trim tab free-play inspection ............... Rudder pedal assemblies and linkage ............... Skins (external) of control surfaces and tabs ........ Internal structure of control surfaces ................ Balance weight attachment .......................... Ailerons, hinges and push-pull rods ................. Vertical fin attach brackets........................... Figure 2-6. Inspections (Sheet 5 of 5) 2-40 200 0 100 200 100 * 11 12 · * * 16 100 200 100 200 200 200 200 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SPECIAL INSPECTION ITEMS 1 Clean filter per paragraph 2-22. Replace as required. 2 Replace engine compartment rubber hoses (Cessna installed only) every 5 years or at engine overhaul, whichever occurs first. This does not include drain hoses. IIuses which are beyond these limits and are in a serviceable condition, must be placed on order immediately and then be replaced within 120 days after receiving the new hose(s) from Cessna. Replace drain hoses on condition. Engine flexible hoses (Avco Lycoming installed) (Refer to Avco Lycoming Engine Maintenance Manual and Avco Lycoming Engine Service Bulletins). 3 Refer to Section 11 for 100 hour inspection procedures. 4 Each 1000 hours, or to coincide with engine overhauls. 5 Each 100 hours for general conditions and freedom of movement. These controls are not repairable. Replace every 1500 hours or whenever maximum linear movement exceeds .050 inch 6 Inspect each 500 hours. 7 MAGNETO-TO-ENGINE TIMING: Serials Thru 15284027 & A1520914. first 25 hours, first 50 hours, first 100 hours, and thereafter at each 100 hours: Beginning with Serials 15284028 & A1520915. first 100 hours and each 100 hours thereafter. the magneto-to-engine timing should be checked. Refer to Section 11. 8 First 100 hours and each 500 hours thereafter. More often if operated under prvailing wet or dusty conditions. 9 Replace each 500 hours. 10 Refer to Section 16 of this Manual for inspection procedure. 11 Lubrication of the actuator is required each 1000 hours or 3 years. whichever comes first. 12 Refer to Section 9 of this Manual for free-play limits. inspection. replacement and/or repair. 13 If aircraft is flown from surfaces with mud. snow or ice. the speed fairings should be checked that there is no accumulation which could prevent normal wheel rotation. 14 Refer to Avco Lycoming Service Overhaul Manual and Avco Lycoming Service Instruction No. 1068. and any applicable Service Bulletins or Service Letters. for further recommendations. 15 Refer to Section 16. 16 Compliance with Service Letter No. SE78-62. SE79-49. and all Supplements thereto is required. 17 Each 5 years. replace all hoses. packings and back-up rings in the brake system. Revision 1 2-41 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 18 Following 800 hour replacement of original magnetos, refer to Section II of this Manual and Slick 4200/6200 Series Aircraft Magnetos Maintenance and Overhaul Instructions Bulletin, and all revisions and supplements thereto, for 500 hour inspection requirements. 19 Inspect seat rails for cracks every 50 hours. Refer to figure 3-10. 20 Remove and replace with new filter every 200 hours. 21 Inspect for damage every 200 hours; replace every 500 hours. 22 Vertical fin attachment each annual or 100 hour inspection. However, it is recommended nutplates used to attach vertical fin be inspected after each 100 operational hours. Refer to paragraph 4-14A for detailed instructions. 23 Each 500 hours. Inspect contact points. Inspect carbon brush, high tension lead, and distributor block. Inspect impulse, coupling, and pawls. Replace as required. Inspect and lubricate bearings and contact point cam. Refer to Slick 4300/6300 Series Aircraft Maintenance and Overhaul Instructions Bulletin and all revisions and supplements thereto. 24 Each 400 hours. Refer to Textron Lycoming Mandatory Service Bulletin No. 388B, Procedure to Determine Exhaust Valve and Guide Condition, and all revisions and supplements thereto, for 400-hour inspection requirements. 2-42 Revision I MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SPECIAL INSPECTION ITEMS (Continued from page 2-42) 25. Fuel quantity indicating system accuracy test is required every 12 months. Refer to Cessna Service Bulletin SEB99-18, Fuel Quantity Indicating System Inspection (or latest revision) for detailed accomplishment instructions. Temporary Revision Number 2 7 January 2000 2-42A MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 3 FUSELAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Aerofiche/ Manual FUSELAGE ................... Windshield/Windows........ Description ................ Cleaning .................. Waxing .............. Repair .................... Scratches ................. Cracks ................... Windshield. Removal ............... Installation. Windows ................... Movable .................. Removal/Installation ..... Wrap-Around Rear ......... Removal/Installation ..... Overhead ................. Removal/Installation ..... Cabin Doors ................ Removal/Installation ....... Adjustment ............... Weatherstrip .............. 1C18/3-1 1C18/3-1 1C18/3-1 1C18/3-1 1C18/3-1 1C18/3-1 1C19/3-2 1C22/3-5 1C22/3-5 1C22/3-5 1C22/3-5 1D2/3-9 1D2/3-9 1D2/3-9 1D2/3-9 1D2/3-9 1D2/3-9 1D2/3-9 1D2/3-9 1D2/3-9 1D5/3-12 1D5/3-12 Adjustment ............. Lock ..................... Seats ...................... Pilot and Copilot .......... Description ............. Removal/Installation ..... Auxiliary ................. Description .............. Removal/Installation ..... Repair ................... Cabin Uphosltery ........... Materials and Tools ......... Soundproofing .............. Cabin Headliner ............ Removal/Installation ...... Upholstery Side Panels ...... Carpeting .................. Baggage Compartment Upholstery ............... Safety Provisions ........... Cargo Tie-Downs .......... Safety Belts ............... 1D5/3-12 1D5/3-12 1D5/3-12 1D5/3-12 1D11/3-18 1D11/3-18 1D11/3-18 1D11/3-18 1D11/3-18 1D11/3-18 1D11/3-18 1D1/3-18 1D11/3-18 1D11/3-18 1D13/3-20 1D13/3-20 1D13/3-20 Latche ................... Description .............. 1D5/3-12 1D5/3-12 Inertia Reel Mirror ........ Rear View Mirror ........... Seat Rail Inspection ......... 1D13/3-20 1D13/3-20 1D17/3-24 Wedge Adjustment ......... 1D5/3-12 Shoulder Harness ......... 1D13/3-20 1D13/3-20 1D13/3-20 1D13/3-20 1D13/3-20 3-1. FUSELAGE. 3-2. WINDSHIELD AND WINDOWS. 3-3. DESCRIPTION. The windshield and windows are single-piece, acrylic panels set in sealing strips and held by formed retaining strips, secured to the fuselage with screws and rivets. Isocryl 5603 sealant (TMK01 Kit; contact a Cessna Service Station) used in conjunction with a felt seal is applied to all edges of windshield and windows with exception of the wing root area. The wing root fairing has a heavy felt strip which completes the windshield sealing. 3-4. CLEANING. (Refer to Section 2.) 3-5. WAXING. Waxing will fill in minor scratches in clear plastic and help protect the surface from further abrasion. Use a good grade of commercial wax applied in a thin. even coat. Bring wax to a high polish by rubbing lightly with a clean, dry flannel cloth. 3-6. REPAIR. Replace extensively damaged transparent plastic rather than repair whenever possible. since even a carefully patched part is not the equal of a new section. either optically or structurally. At the first sign of crack development. drill a small hole at the extreme end of the crack as shown in figure 3-1. This serves to localize the cracks and to prevent further splitting by distributing the strain over a large area. If the cracks are small. stopping them Revision 1 3-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL with drilled holes will usually suffice until replacement or more permanent repair can be made. The following repairs are permissible; however, they are not to be located in the pilot' s line of vision during landing or normal flight. a. SURFACE PATCH. If a surface patch is to be installed, trim away the damaged area and round all corners. Cut a piece of plastic of sufficient size to cover the damaged area and extend at least 3/4-inch on each side of the crack or hole. Bevel the edges as shown in figure 3-1. If the section to be repaired is curved, shape the patch to the same contour by heating it in an oil bath at a temperature of 248 ° to 302°F.. or it may be heated on a hot plate until soft. Boiling water should not be used for heating. Coat the patch evenly with plastic solvent adhesive and place immediately over the hole. Maintain a uniform pressure of from 5 to 10 psi on the patch for a minimum of 3 hours. Allow the patch to dry 24 to 36 hours before sanding or polishing is attempted. b. PLUG PATCH. In using inserted patches to repair holes in plastic structures, trim the holes to a perfect circle or oval and bevel the edges slightly. Make the patch slightly thicker than the material being repaired, and similarly bevel the edges. Install patches in accordance with procedure illustrated in figure 3-1. Heat the plug until soft and press into the hole without cement and allow to cool to MAKE a perfect fit. Remove the plug, coat the edges with adhesive, and then reinsert in the hole. Maintain a firm light pressure until the cement has set, then sand or file the edges level with the surface; buff and polish. 3-7. SCRATCES. Scratches on clear plastic surfaces can be removed by hand-sanding operations, followed by buffing and polishing as shown in Sanding epair, figure 3-1, if steps below are followed carefully. a. Wrap a piece of No. 320 (or finer) sandpaper or abrasive cloth around a rubber pad or wood block. Rub surface around scratch with a circular motion, keeping abrasive constantly wet with clean water to prevent scratching surface further. Use minimum pressure and cover an area large enough to prevent formation of bull's-eye or other optical distortions. CAUTION Do not use coarse grade abrasive. Number 320 grit or finer is recommended. b. Continue sanding operation, using progressively finer grade abrasives until scratches disappear. c. When scratches have been removed, wash area thoroughly with clean water to remove all gritty particles. The entire sanded area will be clouded with minute scratches which must be removed to restore transparency. d. Apply fresh tallow or buffing compound to a motor-driven buffing wheel. Hold wheel against plastic surface, moving it constantly over damaged area until cloudy appearance disappears. A 2000-foot-per-minute surface speed is recommended to prevent overheating and distortion. (Example: 750 rpm polishing machine with a 10 inch buffing bonnet.) NOTE Polishing can be accomplished by hand but will require a considerably longer period of time to attain the same result as produced by a buffing wheel. e. 3-2 When buffing is finished, wash area thoroughly and dry with a soft flannel cloth. Allow surface to cool and inspect area to determine if full transparency has been MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL STOP DRILLED SOFT WIRE LACING I i CRACK' SURFACE PATCH SURFACE PATCH FOR ROUND HOLES WOOD REINFORCEMEN AVOID SHARP CORNERS TRIM DAMAGED AREA AND ROUND ALL BEVELED EDGE SURFACE PATCH FOR IRREULAR SHAPED DAMAGE Figure 3-1. Repair of Windshield and Windows (Sheet 1 of 2) 3-3 3-3 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CORRECT'- INCORRECT SANDING REPAIR PATCHES PATCH SHOULD BE THICKER PATCH AND HOLE SHOULD BE TRIMMED WITH TAPERED EDGES. PATCH TAPERED ON SHARPER ANGLE THAN MATERIAL. HEAT EDGES OF PATCH UNTIL SOFT AND FORCE IT INTO HOLE. HOLD IT IN PLACE UNTIL COOL AND HARD TO ASSURE PERFECT FIT. THEN REMOVE PATCH FOR CEMENTING BATH. DURING CEMENTING. PRESSURE NEED BE APPLIED ONLY ON TOP SURFACE. TAPER ASSURES EQUAL PRESSURE ON ALL SIDES. AFTER CEMENT HAS HARDENED. SAND OR FILE EDGES LEVEL WITH SURFACE. Figure 3-1. Repair of Windshield and Windows (Sheet 2 of 2) 3-4 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL restored. Apply a thin coat of hard wax and polish surface lightly with a clean flannel cloth NOTE Rubbing plastic surface with a dry cloth will build up an electrostatic charge which attracts dirt particles and may eventually cause scratching of surface. After wax has hardened, dissipate this charge by rubbing surface with a slightly damp chamois. This will also remove dust particles which have collected while wax is hardening. f. Minute hairline scratches can often be removed by rubbing with commercial automobile body cleaner or fine-grade rubbing compound. Apply with a soft. clean. dry cloth or imitation chamois. 3-8. CRACKS. (Refer to figure 3-1.) a. When a crack appears. drill a hole at end of crack to prevent further spreading. Hole should be approximtely 1/8 inch in diameter, depending on length of crack and thickness of material. b. Temporary repairs to flat surfaces can be accomplished by placing a thin strip of wood over each side of surface and inserting small bolts through the wood and plastic. A cushion of sheet rubber or aircraft fabric should be placed between wood and plastic on both sides. c. A temporary repair can be made by drilling small holes along both sides-of crack 1/ 4 to 1/8 inch apart and lacing edges together with soft wire. Small-stranded antenna wire makes a good temporary lacing material. This type of repair is used as a temporary measure ONLY, and as soon as facilities are available, panel should be replaced. 3-9. WINDSHIELD. (Refer to figure 3-2.) 3-10. REMOVAL. a. Remove wing fairings. b. Remove air vent tubes. CAUTION If windshield is to be reinstalled, be sure to protect windshield during removal. 3-11. c. With two people sitting in the airplane placing their feet against the windshield, just d. above the centerline, press upward on windshield forcing it out of lower retainers. Clean sealer from inner sidewalls and bottom of retainers. INSTALLATION. a. If windshield is to be reinstalled, clean off old sealer and felt, then install new felt around edges of windshield. b. If new windshield is to be installed, remove protective cover and clean, take care not to scratch windshield. c. Apply new felt to edges of windshield. d. Apply a strip of sealer (Ilocryl 5603) along the sides and bottom of felt. e. Position the bottom edge of windshield into lower retainer. f. Using a piece of bent sheetmetal (8 in. wide x length of top edge of windshield) placed under top edge of upper retainer, bow windshield and guide top edge of windshield into upper retainer using bent sheet metal in a shoe horn effect. g. Install air vent tubes. h. Install wing fairings. Revision 1 3-5 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL -NOTE Apply Isocryl 5603 to all edges of | windshield and windows under B A outer retainer (5). NOTE Screws and self-locking nuts may be used instead of rivets which fasten front retaining strip to cowl deck. If at least No. 6 screws are used. no loss of strength will result. 1. Lower Window Skin 2. 3. Felt Pad Inner Window Retainer 4. Windshield 5. Outer Window Retainer Detail A Figure 3-2. Windshield and Rear Window (Sheet 1 of 3) 3-6 Revision I MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 12 6 Detail 2 7 B 2 10 8 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. Lower Windshield Skin Felt Pad Inner Window Retainer Outer Window Retainer Cabin Top Skin Skylight Window 8. Rear Window 9. Rear Window Retainer 10. Doubler * 12. Sealer 5 NOTE Detail C * Apply Isocryl 5603 to all edges uf windshield and windows under outer retainer (5). Figure 3-2. Windshield and Rear Window (Sheet 2 of 3) Revision 1 3-7 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 5 Detail D 4 2 2 3 2 5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 11. Felt Pad Inner Window Retainer Windshield Outer Window Retainer Cabin Top Skin Upper Window Edge Cover Detail F Figure 3-2. Windshield and Rear Window (Sheet 3 of 3) 3-8 Detail E MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 3-12. WINDOWS. 3-13. MOVABLE. (See figure 3-3.) Movable windows, hinged at the top are installed in the cabin doors. 3-14. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Disconnect arm assembly (5). b. Remove pins from window hinges (9). c. Reverse preceding steps for reinstallation. To remove frame from plastic panel, drill out blind rivets at frame splice. When replacing plastic panel in frame, ensure Isocryl 5603 sealing strip and an adequate coating of Presstite No. 579.6 sealing compound is used around all edges of panel. Refer to Section 18 before painting the inside of the window frame. 3-15. WRAP-AROUND REAR. (See figure 3-2.) The rear window is a one-piece, acrylic plastic panel set in sealing strips and held in place by retaining strips. 3-16. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove upholstery as necessary to expose retainer strips inside cabin. b. Removal rear window retainer (9). c. Drill out rivets to remove outer window retainer (5). D. Remove window by lifting aft edge and pulling window aft. If difficulty is encountered, rivets securing innerwindow retainers (3) may also be drilled out and retainers loosened or removed as necessary. e. Reverse preceding steps for reinstallation. Apply sealing strips and an adequate coating of sealing compound to prevent leaks. When installing a new window, check fit, use care not to crack panel, and file or grind away excess plastic. 3-17. OVERHEAD. (See figure 3-2.) Overhead cabin windows, located in the cabin top, may be installed These windows are one-piece. acrylic plastic panels set in sealing strips and held in place by retaining strips. 3-18. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove headliner and trim panels. b. Drill out rivets as necessary to remove retainer strips. c. Reverse preceding steps for reinstallation. Apply sealing strips and an adequate coating of sealing compound to prevent leaks. When installing a new window, use care not to crack panel and file or grind away excess plastic. 3-19. CABIN DOORS. (See figure 33.) 3-20. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. On models except A152-Series. removal of cabin doors is accomplished by removing the screws which attach the hinges. or by removing the hinge pins. If permanent hinge pins are removed from the door hinges, they may be replaced with clevis pins. secured with cotter pins, or new hinge pins may be installed by inserting pin through both hinge halves, and chucking a rivet set in a hand drill hold one end of pin and form head on opposite end. Reverse pin and repeat process. On A152-Series aircraft, hinge pins are of the jettisonable type, which may be removed by pulling the emergency door release. On all Model 152-Series aircraft, when fitting a new door. some trimming and reforming of the door skin and door edges may be necessary to achieve a good fit. NOTE Cabin door release handle pull should be a maximum of 45 lbs. Revision 1 3-9 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 8 9 7 4 1. Assist Handle 2. Ash Receiver Wedge 14.6 Cabin SpringDoor 12. Insert Figure 3-3. Cabin Door and Movable Window (Sheet 1 of 2) 3-10 3-10 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 13 14 17 18 DetailA 16 Detail C ROTATED 180 ° Detail 27 B 19 20 7. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 21 Striker Plate Door Pan Weatherstrip Extruded Rubber Seal Nylon Decorative Seal Cam Lock Assembly Handle Assembly Grommet Removable Hinge Pin Cable Guard Cable Clip Screw Movable Window Latch Spring Latch Handle 25 25 24 26 22 A152-SERIES ONLY 13 25 15 View E-E Detail D Figure 3-3. Cabin Door and Movable Window (Sheet 2 of 2) 3-11 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 3-21. ADJUSTMENT. At the time of installation. the door is fitted so that positive latch engagement is assured. There is no adjustment on the door latch. but the rotary clutch can be moved away from the door latch. This is not necessary unless some components parts have been improperly installed. 3-22. WEATHERSTRIP. A weatherstrip is cemented around all edges of door. New weatherstrip may be applied after mating surfaces of weatherstrip and door are clean, dry and free from oil or grease. Apply a thin, even coat of adhesive to each surface and allow to dry until tacky before pressing strip in place. Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. No. EC1300L cement is recommended. Cut small notch in hollow-type weatherstrip for drainage and position splice at door low point. Be careful not to stretch weatherstrip around door corners. Apply 5423 U.H.M.W. Polyethylene Film Tape (Industrial Tape Division/3M, 220 E. 3M Center, St. Paul, MN 55144) (1.00 width x 96.00 length) on cowl flange at Sta. 0.00. Provide slots through tape for cowl fasteners. 3-23. WEDGE ADJUSTMENT. Wedges at upper forward edge of doors aid in preventing air leaks at this point. They engage as door is closed. Several attaching holes are located in wedges and holes which gives best results should be selected. 3-24. LATCHES. (Refer to figure 3-4.) 3-25. DESCRIPTION. The cabin door latch utilizes a rotary clutch for positive bolt engagement. As door is closed, teeth on underside of bolt engage gear teeth on clutch. The clutch gear rotates in one direction only and holds door closed. Flush-mounted outside and inside door handles are used to actuate door latches. 3-26. ADJUSTMENT. Adjustment pf latch or clutch cover is afforded by oversize and/or slotted holes. This adjustment ensures sufficient gear-to-bolt engagement and proper alignment. NOTE Lubricate door latch per Section 2. No lubrication is recommended on rotary clutch. 3-27. LOCK. In addition to an interior lock used on the right hand door only. a cylinder and key type lock is installed on left door. If lock is to be replaced. the new one may be modified to accept the original key. This is desirable. as the same key is used for ignition switch and cabin door lock. After removing old lock from door. proceed as follows a. Remove lock cylinder from new housing. b. Insert original key into new cylinder and file off any protruding tumblers flush with cylinder. Without removing key, check that cylinder rotates freely in housing. c. Install lock assembly in door and check lock operation with door open. d. Destroy new key and disregard code number on cylinder. 3-28. SEATS. (Refer to figures 3-5 and 3-6.) 3-29. PILOT AND COPILOT. a. RECLINING BACK/FORE-AND-AFT ADJUSTABLE BOTTOM. b. RECLINING BACK/FORE-AND-AFT AND VERTICALLY ADJUSTABLE BOTTOM. 3-12 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15279406 thru 15284729 F17201429 thru F17201888 A1520735 thru A1520960 FA1520337 thru FA1520377 5 * Beginning with 15284730. F15201889. A1520961 and FA1520378 4 9 4. Spacer 7. Roll Pin 11. 13. Outside Handle 18. Ball Spring Washer 20. Detent 14Spring. Outside 21. Handle Spacer Figure 3-4. Cabin Door Latch 3-13 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL RECLINING BACK/FORE-AND-AFT ADJUSTABLE SEAT COPILOT'S SEAT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Seat Bottom Seat Back Bottom Frame Brace Roller Bushing Recline Knob Seat Stop Outboard Seat Rail Stiffener Fore/Aft Adjust Handle Latch Pin Inboard Seat Rail Figure 3-5. Pilot and Copilot Seat Installation (Sheet 1 of 3) 3-14 10 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Seat Bottom RECLINING BACK: FORE-AND-AFT AND VERTICALLY ADJUSTABLE SEAT Seat Back Recline Handle Bottom Frame Spacer Vertical Adjust Spring Spring Locking Pin - Fore/Aft Adjust Fore/Aft Adjust Handle Inboard Seat Rail Vertical Adjust Handle Roller Seat Stop Outboard Seat Rail 2 Floorboard Stiffener Link Pin Locking Pin - Vertical Adjust Bellcrank Spacer 4 PILOTS SEAT Detail A Figure 3-5. Pilot and Copilot Seat Installation (Sheet 2 of 3) 3-15 3-15 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 23 ~19 11 12 9. 11. Fore/Aft Adjust Handle Vertical Adjust Handle 12. 19. Roller Bellcrank 21. 22. 23. Vertical Adjustment Nut Bearing Block Assembly Fore/Aft Adjust Locking Pin 21 Figure 3-5. Pilot and Copilot Seat Installation (Sheet 3 of 3) 3-16 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL *..- 1. Bottom Frame 2. Seat Bottom 3. Safety Belt 4. Seat Back 5. Seat Back Support 6. Belt Anchor 7. Frame Bracket 8. Spacer 7 8 6 Detail A Figure 3-6. Auxiliary Seat Installation 3-17 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 3-30. DESCRIPTION. The standard seats consist of individual chairunits for the pilot and copilot positions with fore-and-aft adjustment on seat rails and two position adjustable backs. Optional pilot and copilot seats feature a fore-and-aft adjustment plus a 3 position vertical adjustment. Standard and optional seats feature removable seat bottom cushions on A152 and FA152 ONLY. 3-31. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove seat stops from rails. b. Slide seat fore-and-aft to disengage seat rollers from rails and lift seat out. c. Reverse preceding steps for installation. Ensure all seat stops are reinstalled. WARNING Be sure seat stops are installed. because acceleration and deceleration can cause seat to disengage from rails creating a safety of flight condition. This is especially dangerous during takeoff and landing attitudes. 3-32. AUXILIARY. 3-33. DESCRIPTION. The double width auxiliary seat is permanently bolted to the cabin structure and has no adjustment provisions. The seat structure is mounted on hinge brackets with pivot bolts. thus allowing seat to be pivoted upward for more baggage area. 3-34. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove bolts securing seat structure to hinge brackets. b. Unsnap seat back from aft cabin wall. c. Lift seat out. d. Reverse preceding steps for installation. 3-35. REPAIR. Replacement of defective parts is recommended in repair of seats. 3-36. CABIN UPHOLSTERY. Due to the wide selection of fabrics, styles and colors. it is impossible to depict each particular type of upholstery. The following paragraphs describe general procedures which will serve as a guide in removal and replacement of upholstery. Major work if possible. should be done by an experienced mechanic. If the work must be done by a mechanic unfamiliar with upholstery practices. the mechanic should make careful notes during removal of each item to facilitate replacement later. 3-37 MATERIALS AND TOOLS. Materials and tools will vary with the job. Scissors for trimming upholstery to size and a dull-bladed putty knife for wedging material beneath retainer strips are the only tools required for most trim work. Use industrial rubber cement to hold soundproofing mats and fabric edges in place. 3-38. SOUNDPROOFING. The aircraft is insulated with spun glass mat-type insulation and a sound deadener compound applied to inner surfaces of skin in most areas of cabin and baggage compartment. All soundproofing material should be replaced in its original position any time it is removed. A soundproofing panel is placed in gap between wing and fuselage and held in place by wing root fairings. 3-39. CABIN HEADLINER. (Refer to figure 3-7.) 3-18 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL A THRU 1979 MODELS BEGINNING WITH 1980 MODELS REFER TO SECTION 16 FOR CONSOLE INSTALLATION Detail A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Retainer Strip Moulded Headliner Window Retainer Brackets Trim Strip Figure 3-7. Cabin Headliner Installation 3-19 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 3-40. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove sun visors, all inside finish strips and plates, overhead console. upper doorpost shields and any other visible retainers securing headliner. b. Remove molding from fixed windows. c. Remove screws securing headliner and carefully take down headliner. d. Remove spun glass soundproofing panels above headliner. NOTE The lightweight soundproofing panels are held in place with industrial rubber cement. e. Reverse preceding steps for installation. Before installation, check all items concealed by headliner for security. Use wide cloth tape to secure loose wires to fuselage and to seal openings in wing roots. 3-41. UPHOLSTERY SIDE PANELS. Removal of upholstery side panels is accomplished by removing seats for access, then removing parts attaching panels. Remove screws, retaining strips, arm rests and ash trays as required to free the various panels. Automotive type spring clips attach most door panels. A dull putty knife makes an excellent tool for prying clips loose. When installing upholstery side panels. do not over-tighten sheet metal screws. Larger screws may be used in enlarged holes as long as area behind hole is checked for electrical wiring, fuel lines and other components which might be damaged by using a longer screw. 3-42 CARPETING. Cabin area and baggage compartment carpeting is held in place by rubber cement, sheet metal screws and retaining stips. When fitting a new carpet. use old one as a pattern for trimming and marking screw holes. 3-43. BAGGAGE COMPARTMENT UPHOLSTERY. A washable plastic held in place by screws and retainers is used in the baggage compartment. Cargo tie-down and/ or seat belt brackets must be removed as necessary to facilitate upholstery removal. 3-44. SAFETY PROVISIONS. 3-45. CARGO TIE-DOWNS. Cargo tie-downs are used to retain baggage. A net designed to be secured to the aft wall and cabin floor is available to hold baggage in the aft cabin area. 3-46. SAFETY BELTS. Safety belts, bolted to the cabin structure are provided for each seat Belts should be replaced if frayed or cut, latches are defective or stitching is broken. Attaching parts should be replaced if worn excessively or defective. Refer to figure 3-8. 3-47 SHOULDER HARNESS. Shoulder harnesses may be installed in the aircraft. The latches require no lubrication. Component parts should be replaced as outlined in preceding paragraph. Refer to figure 3-8. 3-48. INERTIA REEL SHOULDER HARNESS. An inertia reel shoulder harness may be installed. The inertia reel allows free movement for the seat occupant but will lock when subjected to a sudden load. Proper operation of the reel can be checked by applying a quick jerk to the belt. inertia reel should lock and hold. Figure 3-8 may be used as a guide for removal and installation. 3-49. REAR VIEW MIRROR. Thru seral 15282031 a rear view mirror may be installed in the instrument panel glareshield. Refer to figure 3-9 for removal and installation. 3-20 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL B *AND 152F152 SERIES ONLY Figure 3-8. Seat Belt and Shoulder Harness Installation (Sheet 1 of 2) 3-21 *** *f *A152 AND FA152 SERIES ONLY 1. Bracket Assembly 3. Bottom Cover 4. Inertia Reel Assembly * \ . .. Detail A * MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 12 * Detail C 14 12 16 Detail F 6 2 6. 7 1 Bracket Assembly Spacer Washer Shoulder Harness 2 8 8. Cover 9. Bolt 10. Cable Assembly 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Eyebolt Seat Belt Bulkhead Floorboard Structure Nutplate Grommet Detail Detal B 9 Figure 3-8. Seat Belt and Shoulder Harness Installation (Sheet 2 of 2) 3-22 Detail E MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 2 THRU 15282031 Detail A Figure 3-9. Rear View Mirror Installation 1. 2. 3. 4. Glareshield Mirror Assembly Deck Skin Washer 5. Nut 3-23 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 3-50. 3-24 SEAT RAIL INSPECTION. A special inspectionof seat rails should be conducted each 50 hours. See figure 3-10 for inspection procedures. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1 Counts as one crack. Usable if not closer than one inch. 2 Unusable REPLACE SEAT RAIL WHEN: a b. c. Any portion of web or lower flange is cracked (index 2). Any crack in crown of rail is in any direction other than right angle to length of rail. Number of cracks on any one rail exceeds four, or any two cracks (index 1) are closer than one inch. NOTE Use of set rail cargo tie-downs is not permissible on seat rails with cracks. Figure 3-10. Seat Rail Inspection 3-25/(3-26 blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 4 WINGS AND EMPENNAGE Page No. Aerofiche/ TABLE OF CONTENTS Manual Fin ........................ Description ............... Removal/Installation ...... WINGS AND EMPENNAGE ... 1D22/4-1 lD22/4-1 Attachment Inspection and Wings ...................... Nutplate Replacement .... Description ................ 1D22/4-1 Repair . ........... ....... D22/4-1 Removal ........... Repair .................... Installation ............... Adjustment ............... Wing Struts ................ Description ................ Removal/Installation ....... Repair .................... Horizontal Stabilizer ........ 1D23/4-2 Description ............... Removal/Installation ...... . Repair .................. Stabilizer Abrasion Boots .... Description ............... Removal .................. Installation ............... 1D23/4-2 E1/4-4 1E3/4-6 1E3/4-6 1E3/4-6 1E3/4-6 E4/4-6A 1E4/4-6A 1E44-6A 1E4/4-6A E 104-9 E10/4-9 1E10/4-9 1E10/4-9 1E10/4-9 E 10/4-9 1E13/4-12 1E13/4-12 1E13/4-12 4-1. WINGS AND EMPENNAGE. 4-2. WINGS. (See figure 4-L) 4-3. DESCRPTION. Each all-metal wing is a semicantilever. semimonocoque type, with two main spars and suitable ribs for the attachment of the skin Skin panels are riveted to ribs. spars and stringers to complete the structure. An all-metal. piano-hinged aileron. flaps and a detachablewing tip are mounted on each wing assembly. A single metal fuel tank is mounted between the wing spars at the inboard end of each wing. Colored navigation lights are mounted at each wing tip. 4-4. REMOVAL Wing panel removal is most easily accomplished if four men are available to handle th wing. Otherwise, the wing should be supported with a sling or maintenance stand when the fastenings are loosened a. Remove wing root fairings and fairing plates. b. Remove all wing inspection plates. c. Drain fuel from tank of wing being removed. d. Disconnect: 1. Electrical wires at wing root disconnects. 2. Fuel lines at wing root. (Observe precautions outlined in Section 12.) 3. Pitot line (left wing only) t wing root. 4. Cabin ventilator hose t wing root e. Reduce aileron cable tension by loosening turnbuckles and disconnect cables at aileron bellcranks. Disconnect flap cables at turnbuckles above headliner. and pull cables into wing root area. NOTE To ease rerouting the cables, a guide wire may be attached to each cable before it is pulled free of the wing. Cable may then be disconnected from the wire. Leave the guide wire routed through the wing. it may be attached again to the cable during reinstallation and used to pull the cable into place. Revision 1 4-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL f. Remove screws from strut fairings and slide toward center of strut. g. Support wing at outboard end and remove strut-to-wing attach bolt. h. Lower strut carefully to avoid damage to lower strut-to-fuselage fitting. NOTE Tape flaps in the streamlined position during wing removal. This will prevent flap damage due to the unsecured free swinging action when handling wing. i. Mark position of wing attachment eccentric bushings (See figure 4-1.); these bushings are used to rig out "wing heaviness". j. Remove nuts, washers, bushings and bolts attaching wing spars to fuselage. NOTE It may be necessary to rock the wings slightly while pulling attaching bolts, or to use a long drift punch to drive out attaching bolts. k. Remove wing and lay on padded stand. 4-5. REPAIR. A damaged wing panel may be repaired in accordance with instructions outlined in Section 17. Extensive repairs of wing skin or structure are best accomplished using the wing repair jig, which may be obtained from Cessna. The wing jig serves not only as a holding fixture, making work on the wing easier, but also assures the absolute alignmentof the repaired wing. 4-6. INSTALLATION. (See figure 4-1.) NOTE There are 2 sizes of forward wing-attach bolts in the field. Some aircraft are equipped with AN8-24 bolts, and some are equipped with AN8-23 bolts, each type of bolt must be installed with its own washer and nut configuration. Figure 4-1 illustrates both configurations. The torque value is the same for both configurations since they are both 1/2-inch bolts. Minimum torque is 300 lb-in, and the maximum torque is 690 lb-in. The aft wing-attach fittings are fastened with AN7-24 bolts. These bolts have a minimum torque of 300 lb-in and a maximum torque of 500 lb-in. a. Hold wing in position and install bolts, bushings, washers and nuts attaching wing spars to fuselage fittings. Ensure eccentric bushings are positioned as marked. Torque nuts to values stipulated in note preceding this step. 4-2 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 7 TORQUE: 300 LB IN (MIN) 500 LB IN (MAX) 23 DetailB 2 A LB IN (MIN) 24 300 lN 24 22 AN8-23A BOLT 22 AN8-24A BOLT CONFIGURATION 1. Fairing 2. Lower Rear Fairng 3. Inspection Plate 4. Fuel Tank Cover 5. Fuel Gage Access Cover 6. Wing-To-Fuselage Fairing 7. AN7-24A Bolt 8. Eccentric Bushings 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. AN960-716 Washer MS20365-720C Nut Wing Flap Aileron Wing Tip Position Light Deleted Wing Assembly 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Cover Plate Stall Warning Opening Courtsey Light Fuel Tank AN960-816L Washer MS20365-820C Nut AN960-816 Washer AN8-23A Bolt Figure 4-1. Wing Installation 4-3 4-3 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Install bolts. spacers and nuts to secure upper and lower ends of wing strut to wing and fuselage fittings. c. Route flap and aileron cables. using guide wires. (Refer to note in following step "e" in paragraph 4-4.) d. Connect the following. 1. Electrical wires at wing root disconnects. 2. Fuel lines at wing root. (Observe precautions outlined in Section 12.) 3. Pitot line. if left wing is being installed. e. Rig aileron system as outlined in Section 6. f. Rig flap system as outlined in Section 7. g. Fill tank with fuel and check for leaks. observing precautions outlined in Section 12. h. Check operation of fuel quantity gage. i. Install wing root fairings. b. NOTE Apply fillet-type sealant (Permagum 576.1. Inmont Corp.. St. Louis. Missouri) or equivalent to area between cabin top and wing skin, and also to area across top of lower strut fitting at skin cutout. Gap between windshield and wing leading edge with cloth-backed, waterproof tape (Polyken 230 or 231. Kendall-Polyken Division. Chicago. Illinois) or equivalent. NOTE Be sure to insert soundproofing panel in wing gap. if such a panel was installed originally, before replacing wing root fairings. j. 4-7 Install all wing inspection plates. interior panels and upholstery. ADJUSTMENT (CORRECTING "WING-HEAVY" CONDITION). (Refer to figure 4-1.) If considerable control wheel pressure is required to keep the wings level in normal flight. a "wing-heavy" condition exists. To remedy this condition, proceed as follows: a. Remove wing root fairing strip on "wing-heavy" side of aircraft. b. Loosen nut (10) and rotate eccentric bushings (8) simultaneously until the bushings are positioned with the thick sides of the eccentrics up. This will lower the trailing edge of the wing. and decrease "wing-heaviness" by increasing the angle-ofincidence of the wing. CAUTION Be sure to rotate the eccentric bushings simultaneously. Rotating them separately will destroy the alignment between the off-center bolt holes in the bushings, thus exerting a shearing force on the bolt. with possible damage to the hole in the wing spar fitting. 4-4 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Detail A 4 6 * NOTE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mooring Ring Upper Fairing Screw Washer Nut Bolt Wing Attachment LUBRICATE BOLT AND HOLE PER SECTION 2. A Fitting 8. 9. 10. Spacer Fuselage Attachment Fitting Lower Fairing 6 B 5 4 3 Detail B 10 Figure 4-2. Wing Strut 4-5 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL c. Torque nuts (10). and reinstall fairing strip. d. Test-fly the aircraft. If the wing-heavy condition still exists. remove fairing strip on the "lighter" wing, loosen nut and rotate bushings simultaneously until the bushings are positioned with the thick side of the eccentrics down. This will raise the trailing edge of the wing, thus increasing wing-heaviness to balance heaviness in the opposite wing. e. Torque nut (10). install fairing strip. and repeat test flight. 4-8. WING STRUTS. (See figure 4-2.) 4-9. DESCRIPTION. Each wing has a single lift strut which transmits a part of the wing load to the lower portion of the fuselage. The strut consists of a streamlined tube with fittings for attachment at the fuselage and wing. 4-10. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove screws from strut fairings and slide fairings along strut. b. Remove fuselage and wing inspection plates at strut junction points. c. Support wing securely, then remove nut and bolt securing strut to fuselage. d. Remove nut. bolt and spacer used to attach strut to wing. then remove strut from aircraft e. Reverse preceding steps to install strut. NOTE Seal across top of lower strut fitting at skin cutout with 576.1 Permagum. 4-11. REPAIR. a. For grooves in wing strut caused by strut fairings. the following applie: 1. 2. 3. 4-6 If groove exceeds .010 inch in depth and is lessthan .75 inch from a rivet center the strut should be replaced. If groove exceeds .030 inch in depth and is more than .75 inch from a rivet center, the strut should be replaced. If groove depth is less than .030 inch and is more than .75 inch from a rivet center, strut should be repaired by tapering gradually to the original surface and burnishing out to a smooth finish. The local area should be checked with dye penetrant to ensure that no crack has developed. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL b. The following applies to wing struts with grooves worn in the lower trailing edge. This type damage can occur after extensive cabin door usage with a misaing or improperly adjusted door stop which allows the door to bang against the aft edge of the strut at the lower end. NOTE Struts with a groove deeper than 50% of the original material thickness should be replaced. Lesser dammage y be repaired as follows: 1. 2. 3. Without making the damage deeper, remove strut material on each side of groove to reduce notch effect of damage. Smooth and blend the surface to provide a gradual transition of strut tube material thicknesr in damaged area. The local area should be checked with dye penetrant to insure that no crack has developed. Apply brush alodine or nonzinc chromate primer and repaint area. Re-rig the door stop and/or re-form the lower portion of the door pan and skin inboard to prevent the door from rubbing the strut tube. If these actions prove to be ineffective, install some form of protective bumper, either on strut or lower portian of door, to prevent further damage. A short, hard rubber strip bonded to the trailing edge of the strut where the door comes close to strut is a possibility. c. Tie-downs and attachibng parts may be replaced. If the strut is badly dented, cracked or deformed, it should be replaced. 4-12. FIN. (See figure 4-3.) 4-13. DESCRIPTION. The fin is primarily of metal construction, consisting of ribs and spars covered with skin. Fin tips are of ABS or glass fiber construction. Hinge brackets at the fin rear spar attach the rudder. 4-14. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. The fin may be removed without first removing the rudder. However, for access and ease of handling, the rudder may be removed in accordance with procedures outlined in Section 10. Remove fin as follows: a. Remove fairings (3) and (4) from sides of fin. b. Disconnect flashing beacon lead, tail navigation light lead, antennas and antenna leads, and rudder cables, if rudder has not been removed. c. Thru 1979 Models, remove bolts attaching rear fin brackets to horizontal stabilizer. d. Beginning with 1980 Models, remove screws attaching rear fin to tailcone bulkhead. e. Remove bolts attaching front fin brackets to fuselage and remove fin. f. Install fin by reversing preceding steps. Be sure to check and reset rudder and elevator travel if any stop bolts wee removed or their settings disturbed. (Refer to Sections 2,9 and 10). NOTE Torque screws (16) to a value of 100-120 lb-in. 4-14A. ATTACHMENT INSPECTION AND NUTPLATE REPLACEMENT. (See figure 4-3A.) Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) rules call for inspection of key and primary structural 'attachments, including the vertical fin attachment, on either an annual or 100 hour basis. However, for airplanes through 1980 models, it is recommended that the nutplates used to attach the fin be inspected after each 100 hours of operation. Revision 1 4-6A MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL a. Position rudder to one side as far as possible. Through access holes in end of vertical fin attach bracket, use an inspection light and small mirror to inspect fin attach bracket and nutplates on upper and lower flange of attach bracket. Inspect for cracks in fittings. b. Position rudder to opposite side, and repeat same inspection for opposite end of attach bracket. c. If nutplates show no indication of cracking, they are correct. d. If nutplates are cracked in threaded area, they require replacement. e. Replace nutplates. 1. Remove rudder, elevators, and vertical fin per sections 10, 8, and paragraph 4-14. 2. Remove bolts securing stabilizer rear spar to fuselage tailcone. 3. Remove bolts securing forward stabilizer attach points. Remove stabilizer. 4. Drill out existing rivets that secure the attach bracket to the stabilizer spar and remove bracket assembly. 5. Remove damaged nutplates by drilling out securing rivets. 6. Using rivets, install replacement nutplates to attach bracket. 7. Remove access cover from top of stabilizer skin for use of bucking bar below skin. 8. Reinstall attach bracket to stabilizer spar. 9. Reinstall stabilizer, vertical fin, rudder, and elevators per paragraph 4-14 and sections 10 and 8. NOTE Torque bolts to 70 to 100 lb-in. 4-6B Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 7 8 DetailA Detail 6 B Detail C A 1. Fairing 2. Dorsal 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Tail Fairing (RH) Tail Fairing (LH) Vertical Fin Fin Tip Upper Rudder Hinge Center Rudder Hinge Lower Rudder Hinge Horizontal Stabilizer 11. Bolt 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Nutplate Nut Fuselage Washer Screw Washer B 4 / E Figure 4-3. Vertical Fin Installation (Sheet 1 of 2) 4-7 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL TORQUE 11 5 THRU 1980 MODELS BOLT TO 70-100 LB-IN. 13 DetailD 15 14 BEGINNING WITH 1981 MODELS Detail D Figure 4-3. Vertical Fin Installation (Sheet 2 of 2) 4-8 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL *. DETAIL A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Fin Stabilizer Skin Access Cover Stabilizer Spar Attach Bracket Stabiizer Rear Spar Attach Bolt Nutplate DETAIL A Alternate Replacement 8. Rivet 9. Vertical Fin Attach Bolt 10. Nut Figure 4-3A. Fin Attachment Inspection and Nutplate Replacement (Thru 1980 Model Airplanes) Revision 1 4-8A/(4-8B blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL e. f. Remove bolts attaching front fin brackets to fuselage and remove fin. Install fin by reversing preceding steps. Be sure to check and reset rudder and elevator travel if any stop bolts were removed or their settings disturbed. (Refer to Sections 2. 9 and 10.) NOTE Torque screws (16) to a value of 100-120 lb-in. 4-15. REPAIR. Fin repair should be accomplished in accordance with applicable instructions outlined in Section 17. 4-16. HORIZONTAL STABITIZER. (See figure 4-4.) 4-17. DESCRIPTION. The horizontal stabilizer is primarily of all-metal construction. consisting of ribs and spars covered with skin. Stabilizer tips are of ABS construction. A formed metal leading edge is riveted to the assembly to complete the structure. The elevator trim tab actuator is contained within the horizontal stabilizer. The underside of the stabilizer contains a covered opening which provides access to the actuator. Hinges are located on the rear spar assembly to support the elevators. 4-18. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove elevators and rudder in accordance with procedures outlined in Sections 8 and 10. b. Remove vertical fin in accordance with procedures outlined in paragraph 4-14. c. Disconnect elevator trim control cables at clevis and turnbuckle inside tailcone. remove pulleys which route the aft cables into horizontal stabilizer and pull cables out of tailcone. d. Remove bolts securing horizontal stabilizer to fuselage. e. Remove horizontal stabilizer. f. Install horizontal stabilizer by reversing preceding steps. Rig control systems as necessary. Check operation of tail navigation light and flashing beacon. NOTE When installing horizontal stabilizer to fuselage attach bolts, torque bolts 100-120 lb-in. 4-19. REPAIR. Horizontal stabilizer repair should be accomplished in accordance with applicable instructions outlined in Section 17. 4-20. STABILIZER ABRASION BOOTS. (See figure 4-4.) NOTE An Accessory Kit (AK182-217) is available from Cessna Parts Distribution (CPD 2) through Cessna Service Stations for installation of abrasion boots on aircraft not so equipped. Revision 1 4-9 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1. 2. 3. 4. Stabilizer Tip Stabilizer Stop Bolt Fitting 5. Nut 2 6. 4 Washer 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Fuselage Screw Bolt Elevator Outboard Hinge Bushing Abrasion Boot 13. Forging 12 7 Detail A Detail THRU 1980 MODELS Figure 4-4. Horizontal Stabilizer Installation (Sheet 1 of 2) 4-10 B MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 2 Detail A BEGINNING WITH 1981 MODELS Figure 4-4. Horizontal Stabilizer Installation (Sheet 2 of 2) 4-11 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 4-21. DESCRIPTION. The aircraft may be equipped with two extruded rubber abrasion boots, one on the leading edge of each horizontal stabilizer. These boots are installed to protect the stabilizer leading edge from damage caused by rocks thrown back by the propeller. 4-22. REMOVAL. The abrasion boots can be removed by loosening one end of the boot and pulling it off the stabilizer with an even pressure. Excess adhesive or rubber can be removed with Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone. 4-23. INSTALLATION. Install abrasion boots as outlined in the following procedures. a. Trim boots to desired length. b. Mask off boot area on leading edge of stabilizer with 1-inch masking tape. allowing 1/ 4-inch margin. c. Clean metal surfaces of stabilizer, where boot is to be installed with Methyl-EthylKetone. d. Clean inside surface of abrasion boot with Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone and a Scotch brite pad to ensure complete removal of paraffin/talc. Then. a normal wipe down with MEK on a cloth will leave surface suitable for bonding to the aluminum. NOTE Boots may be applied over epoxy primer, but if the surface has been painted, the paint shall be removed from the bond area. This shall be done by wiping the surfaces with a clean. lint-free rag, soaked with solvent, and then wiping the surfaces dry, before the solvent has time to evaporate, with a clean, dry lint-free rag. e. f. g. h. Stir cement (EC-1300 Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co.) thoroughly. Apply one even brush coat to the metal and the inner surface of the boot. Allow cement to air-dry for a minimum of 30 minutes, and then apply a second coat to each surface. Allow at least 30 minutes (preferably one-hour) for drying. After the cement has thoroughly dried. reactivate the surface of the cement on the stabilizer and boot, using a clean, lint-free cloth. heavily moistened with toluol. Avoid excess rubbing which would remove the cement from the surfaces. Position boot against leading edge. exercising care not to trap air between boot and stabilizer. NOTE Should boot be attached "off-course", pull it up immediately with a quick motion, and reposition properly. i. Press or roll entire surface of boot to assure positive contact between the two surfaces. j. Apply a coat of GACO N700A sealer or equivalent (conforming to MIL-C-21067) along the trailing edges of the boot to the surface of the skin to form a neat straight fillet. k. Remove masking tape and clean stabilizer of excess material. 1. Mask to the edge of boot for painting stabilizer. 4-12 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 5 LANDING GEAR. BRAKES AND HYDRAULIC SYSTEM TABLE OF CONTENTS LANDING GEAR .............. Description ................. Trouble Shooting ............ Main Landing Gear ......... Description ................ Strut Removal ............... Strut Installation .......... Step Bracket Installation ... Fairings. ............. Description ........... Removal/Installation ..... Speed Fairing Removal ..... Speed Fairing Installation .. Wheel Removal ............ Disassembly (McCauley) ... Inspection and Repair (McCauley) .............. Reassembly (McCauley) .... Disassembly (Cleveland) Inspection and Repair (Cleveland) . .......... Reassembly (Cleveland) .... Wheel Installation .......... Wheel Axle Removal ....... Wheel Axle Installation .... Wheel Alignment Check .... Wheel Balancing .......... Nose Gear .................. Description ................ Trouble Shooting .......... Removal .................. Installation ............... Fairing Removal ........... FairingInstallation ........ Wheel Removal ............ Disassembly (McCauley) ... Inspection and Repair (McCauley) .............. Reassembly (McCauley) .... Disassembly (Cleveland) ... Inspection and Repair (Cleveland) ............. Reassembly (Cleveland) .... Installation ............... Wheel Balancing .......... Strut Disassembly ......... Strut Inspection and Repair . Strut Reassembly .......... Page No. Aerofiche/ Manual E17/5-2 1E17/5-2 1E17/5-2 1E17/5-2 1E17/5-2 E18/5-3 1E18/5-3 1E19/5-4 1E19/5-4 1E19/5-4 1E19/5-4 1E22/5-7 1E22/5-7 E23/5-8 1E23/5-8 E23/5-8 1F4/5-13 1F4/5-13 1F5/5-14 1F5/5-14 1F5/5-14 1F6/5-15 1F7/5-16 1F9/5-18 1F9/5-18 1F10/5-19 1F10/5-19 1F10/5-19 1F10/5-19 1F12/5-21 F13/5-22 1F13/5-22 1F13/5-22 1F13/5-22 1F16/5-25 1F16/5-25 1F17/5-26 1F17/5-26 1F17/5-26 F18/5-27 1F18/5-27 1F18/5-27 1F21/5-30 1F21/5-30 Torque Links ............. 1F22/5-31 Description .............. 1F22/5-31 Removal ................ 1F22/5-31 Inspection ............... 1F22/5-31 Installation ............. 1F22/5-31 Shimmy Dampener ........ 1F23/5-32 Description .............. 1F23/5-32 Removal ................ 1F23/5-32 Disassembly and Reassembly ............ F23/5-32 Installation ............. 1F24/5-33 Steering System ........... 1F24/5-33 Description ............. 1F24/5-33 Steering Rod Assembly .... 1F24/5-33 Description .............. IF24/5-33 Steering Adjustment ...... G1/5-34 Brake System .............. 1G1/5-34 Description .............. 1G1/5-34 Trouble Shooting .......... 1G1/5-34 Master Cylinders .......... 1G2/5-35 Description .............. 1G2/5-35 Removal ................ 1G2/5-35 Disassembly (Thru 1978) 1G2/5-35 Inspection, Repair, and Overhaul (Thru 1978) ... 1G2/5-35 Reassembly (Thru 1978) 1G2/5-35 Disassembly (Beginning with 1979) ............. G6/5-39 Inspection and Repair (Beginning with 1979) 1G615-39 Reassembly (Beginning with 1979) ............. 1G6/5-39 Installation ............. 1G6/5-39 Hydraulic Brake Lines ..... 1G6/5-39 Description .............. 1G7/5-40 Brake Assemblies ......... 1G7/5-40 Description .............. 1G7/5-40 Removal ................ 1G7/5-40 Inspection and Repair .... 1G7/5-40 Reassembly ............. 1G7/5-40 Installation ............. 1G7/5-40 Checking Lining Wear ... 1G8/5-41 Lining Installation ....... 1G8/5-41 System Bleeding ......... 1G8/5-41 LiningConditioning ...... 1G10/5-43 Parking Brake System ..... 1G10/5-43 Description .............. 1G10/5-43 Removal/Installation ..... 1G10/5-43 Inspection and Repair .... 1G10/5-43 Revision 1 5-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 5-1. LANDING GEAR 5-2. DESCRIPTION. The aircraft is equipped with a fixed tricycle landing gear, consisting of tubular spring-steel main gear struts, and an air/oil steerable nose gear shock strut. Twopiece, die-cast aluminum wheels are installed on the main and nose landing gear. The wheels are equipped with tubes and disc-type brakes. The nose wheel is steerable with the rudder pedals up to a maximum pedal deflection, after which it becomes free-swiveling. up to a maximum of 30 degrees, each side of center. Nose and main wheel fairings are available for installation. 5-3. TROUBLE SHOOTING. TROUBLE AIRCRAFT LEANS TO ONE SIDE. PROBABLE CAUSE Incorrect tire inflation. Inflate to pressure specified in figure 1-1. Landing gear attaching parts too tight. Tighten loose parts: replace defective parts with new parts. Landing gear spring excessively sprung. Remove and install new part(s). Bent axles. Install new part(s). TIRES WEAR EXCESSIVELY. Incorrect tire inflation. WHEEL BOUNCE EVIDENT ON SMOOTH SURFACE. REMEDY Inflate to pressure specified in figure 1-1. Main wheels out of alignment. Remove and install new part(s). Landing gear spring excessively sprung. Remove and install new part(s). Bent axles. Install new part(s). Dragging brakes. Refer to paragraph 5-62. Wheel bearings excessively tight. Adjust properly. Wheels out of balance. Correct in accordance with paragraph 5-25. Loose torque links. Add shims or install new parts as required. Out of balance condition. Refer to paragraph 5-25. 5-4. MAIN LANDING GEAR. 5-5. DESCRIPTION. The tubular, spring-steel main landing gear struts are attached to the 5-2 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL aircraft at inboard and outboard forgings, located in the belly of the aircraft. A bracket is bonded to each strut for attachment of a step. Hydraulic brake lines are routed down and clamped to each main gear strut. The axles. main wheels and brake assemblies are installed at the lower end of each strut. 5-6. MAIN GEAR STRUT REMOVAL. (See figure 5-1.) NOTE The following procedure removes the landing gear as a complete assembly. Refer to applicable paragraphs for removal of individual components. a. Remove floorboard access covers over inboard and outboard landing gear forgings (2) and (3). b. Hoist or jack aircraft in accordance with procedures outlined in Section 2. c. Remove screws attaching fuselage fairing (19). and allow fairing to slide down over spring-strut fairing (18). d. Drain hydraulic fluid from brake line (6) on strut being removed. e. Disconnect hydraulic brake line (6) at fitting where brake line emerges from fuselage skin. Cap or plug disconnected fittings. f. Remove nut. washer and bolt attaching inboard end of tubular strut to the inboard landing gear bulkhead fitting. g. Pull tubular strut from fitting and bushing. Use care when removing strut to prevent damage to hydraulic brake line. NOTE The tubular strut is a compression fit in the bushing in the outboard landing gear forging (3). 5-7. MAIN GEAR STRUT INSTALLATION. (See figure 5-1.) NOTE The following procedure installs the landing gear as a complete assembly. Refer to applicable paragraphs for installation of individual components. a. b. Install all parts removed from strut. Apply Dow Corning Compound DC-7 to approximately 11 inches on upper end of tubular strut. NOTE Avoid use of Dow Corning DC-7 on surfaces to be painted. DC-7 contains silicone which is harmful to painted surfaces. c. d. e. Slide tubular strut into place through bushing in board strut fitting. Align tubular strut in inboard fitting and install stall washer and nut on bolt and tighten to torque Connect hydraulic brake line to fitting. Fill and outboard strut fitting and into inbolt through fitting and strut. Invalue listed in Section 1. bleed brake system in accordance 5-3 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL with applicable paragraph in this section. f. Install fairing. g. Lower aircraft and install floorboard access covers. 5-8. STEP BRACKET INSTALLATION. NOTE The step bracket is secured to the tubular gear strut with EA9309, EC2216. EC2214. EC3445. or a similar epoxy base adhesive. be installed in Mark position of the bracket so that the new step bracket approximately the same position on the strut. b. Remove all traces of the original bracket and adhesive as well as any rust paint or scale with a wire brush and coarse sandpaper. c. Leave surfaces slightly roughened or abraded, but deep scratches or nicks should be avoided. d. Clean surfaces to be bonded together thoroughly. If a solvent is used. remove all traces of the solvent with a clean, dry cloth. It is important that the bonding surfaces be clean and dry. e. Check fit of step bracket on the tubular strut. f. Mix adhesive (any of those listed in note preceding step "a") in accordance with manufacturer's directions. g. Spread a coat of adhesive on bonding surfaces, and place step bracket in position on the tubular strut. Clamp bracket to strut to ensure a good tight fit. h. Form a small fillet of the adhesive at all edges of the bonded surfaces. Remove excess adhesive with lacquer thinner. i. Allow adhesive to cure thoroughly according to manufacturer's recommendations before flexing the tubular gear strut or applying loads to the strut j. Paint tubular strut and step bracket after curing is completed. a. 5-1 and 5-S.) 5-9. MAIN LANDING GEAR FAIRINGS. (See figures 5-10. DESCRIPTION. Some aircraft are equipped with fuselage fairings, attached to the fuselage and the tubular strut fairings with screws. The tubular strut fairings cover the tubular landing gear struts, and attach to the fuselage fairings at the upper end and to fairing cape at the lower end. The fairing caps attach to the tubular strut fairings at the upper end and clamped to the tubular struts at the lower end. Brake fairings are installed at the lower end of the tubular strut fairings and are attached to the wheel speed fairings by screws around their outer perimeters. The speed fairings are installed over the wheels and are attached to mounting plates, attached to the axles. The wheel fairings are equipped with adjustable scrapers, installed In the lower aft part of the fairings, directly behind the wheels. 5-11 REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF MAIN LANDING GEAR FAIRINGS. (See figure 5-1.) To 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. b. To 1. a. 5-4 remove brake fairings (15), proceed as follows: Remove screws from perimeter of fairings. Remove screws from nutplates holding fairings together. Spring fairings open to slide over spring strut fairings. Remove brake fairings. Reverse preceding steps to install brake fairings. remove fairing caps (17). proceed as follows: Remove brake fairings (15). as outlined in step "a". MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1 2 19 .SECTION A-A 18 NOTE Jack pad is provide in bottom of step bracket (9). 1. Bolt 17 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Inboard Forging Outboard Forging Bushing\ Bushing Retainer\ Brake Line Tubular Strut Step Step Bracket Axle Brake Torque Plate Wheel Assembly Hub Cap Brake Assembly Brake Fairing Clamp Fairing Cap 18. Tubular Strut Fairing 19. Fuselage Fairing 1 1 A / 15 10 / 11 . 14 13 Fuselage fairings (19) are split thru 1978 production models. Beginning with 1979 production models, one-piece fairings are installed. However, service replacement fairings, ordered through Cessna Service Station, will be split, and can be installed without disassembling the main landing gear. Figure 5-1. Main Landing Gear Installation Revision 1 5-5 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL * 15279406 thru 15282762 F15201429 thru F15201578 A1520735 thru A1520839 FA1520337 thru FA1520356 * 15282763 thru 15283958 F15201579 thru F15201783 A1520840 thru A1520909 FA1520357 thru FA1520372 2 . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Scraper Axle Nut Door, Access Latch Plug Figure 5-2. Main Wheel Speed Fairing 5-6 *15283959 & On F15201784 & On A1520910 & On FA1520373 & On MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 2. Remove screws attaching fairing caps to spring strut fairings (18). 3. Remove bolt and nut attaching clamps (16) to spring struts (7). 4. Slide clamps (16) down tubular struts (7): remove fairing caps (17). NOTE Clamps may be sprung over tubular struts for removal. c. 5. To 1. 2. 3. d. To 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 5-12. 5-13. Reverse preceding steps to install fairing caps. remove fuselage fairings (19). proceed as follows: Remove screws attaching fairings to fuselage. Slide fairings down tubular strut fairings and. thru 1978 Models. remove screws from nutplates holding fairings together. and spring fairings open to slide over strut fairings. Beginning with 1979 Models, fairings are one-piece and cannot be sprung apart. Reverse preceding steps to install fuselage fairings. remove tubular strut fairings (18). proceed as follows: Remove brake fairings (15) as outlined in step "a". Remove fairing caps (17) as outlined in step "b". Remove fuselage fairings (19) as outlined in step "c". Remove steps (8). Remove screws from nutplates along strut fairings. Spring fairing over tubular struts. using care not to damage brake lines (6). Reverse the preceding steps to install fairings. MAIN WHEEL SPEED FAIRING REMOVAL. (See figure 5-2.) a. Remove brake fairing as outlined in paragraph 5-11. step "a". b. Remove screws attaching stiffener (1) and inboard side of wheel speed fairnng (4) to mounting plate (2). which is attached to the axle. c. Remove bolt securing outboard side of fairing to axle nut (6). d. Loosen scraper (5), if necessary, and work speed fairing from wheel. MAIN a. b. c. d. e. WEEL SPEED FAIRING INSTALLATION. (See figure 5-2.) Work speed fairing down over wheel. Install bolt securing outboard side of speed fairing to axle nut. Install screws attaching stiffener (1) and inboard side of wheel speed fairing (4) to mounting plate (2), which is bolted to the axle. Install brake fairing by reversing procedures outlined in step "a" of paragraph 5-11. After installation, check scraper-to-tire clearance for a minimum of 0.25-inch to a maximum of 0.50-inch. Elongated holes are provided in the scraper for clearance adjustments. CAUTION Always check scraper clearance after installing speed fairing, whenever a tire has been changed, and whenever scraper adjustment has been disturbed. Set clearance between tire and scraper for a minimum of 0.25-inch to a mn-imum of 0.50-inch. Elongated holes in the scraper are provided for adjustment. If the aircraft is flown from surfaces with mud, snow. or ice, the speed fairings should be checked to make sure there is no accumulation which could prevent normal wheel rotation. Wipe fuel and oil from speed fairing to prevent staining and deterioration of the fairing. 5-7 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 5-14. MAIN WHEEL REMOVAL. (See figure 5-1.) NOTE It is not necessary to remove the main wheel to reline brakes or to remove brake parts, other than the brake disc on the torque plate. a. b. c. d. e. 5-15. Hoist or jack aircraft in accordance with procedures outlined in Section 2. Remove speed fairing, if installed, as outlined in paragraph 5-12. Remove hub caps, if installed. cotter pin and axle nut. Remove bolts and washers attaching brake back plate to brake cylinder, and remove back plate. Pull wheel from axle. MAIN WHEEL DISASSEMBLY. (McCauley) (See figure 5-3.) a. Completely deflate tire and tube and break loose tire beads. Extreme care must be exercised to prevent tire tool damage when removing tire from wheel halves (6). WARNING Serious injury can result from attempting to separate wheel halves with tire and tube inflated. b. c. d. e. Remove nuts (10) and washers (9). Remove thru-bolts (24) and washers (25). Separate and remove wheel halves (6) from tire and tube. Remove retaining rings (1), grease seal retaining rings (2), grease seal felts (3). grease seal retainers (4) and bearing cones (5) from both wheel halves (6). NOTE Bearing cups (races) (27) are a press fit in wheel halves (6). and should not be removed unless a new part is to be Installed. To remove bearing cups. heat wheel half in boiling water for 30 minutes. or in an oven, not to exceed 121°C (250°F). Using an arbor press, if available, press out bearing cup and press in a new bearing cup while wheel half is still hot. 5-16 MAIN WHEEL INSPECTION AND REPAIR. (McCauley) (See figure 5-3.)' NOTE A soft bristle brush may be used to remove hardened grease. dust or dirt. . b c. d. 5-8 Inspect wheel halves (6) for cracks or damage. Inspect bearing cones (5). cups (27). retaining rings (1). grease seal retainers (2). Grease seal felts (3) and grease seal retainers (4) for wear or damage. Inspect brakes per paragraph 5-78. Inspect thru-bolts (24) and nuts (10) for cracks in threads or cracks in radius under bolt head. Replace cracked or damaged wheel half (6). MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 10 2 McCAULEY WHEEL Cont on sheet 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 27 Retaining Ring Grease Seal Retainer Grease Seal Felt Grease Seal Retainer Bearing Cone Wheel Half Tire Tube Washer Nut Bearing Cup Figure 5-3. Main Landing Gear Wheel and Brake (Sheet 1 of 4) 5-9 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE Maximum torque on elbow (15) to be 80 lb. in. Lube Seal elbow (15) Liquid-O-Ring No. 404 (Oil Center Research. P.O. Box 51871, Lafayette, Louisiana 70501). Torque bolts (17) to 100-110 lb. in. and safety-wire. Beginning with 1982 Models 27 Cont. from sheet 1 23 28 29. 1 / 12 29 13 14 15 16 26 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Brake Disc Torque Plate Pressure Plate Anchor Bolt Elbow Brake Cylinder Bolt Bleeder Screw Dust Cover Bleeder Fitting Piston 0-Ring Brake Piston Lining Thru-Bolt Washer Back Plate Elbow Nut 0-Ring 25 24 23 17 22 21 1 19 1978 thru 1981 Models. McCAULEY BRAKE Figure 5-3. Main Landing Gear Wheel and Brake (Sheet 2 of 4) 5-10 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CLEVELAND WHEEL 2 21 20 19 3. Grease Seal Ring 4. Bearing Cone 5. Tire 6. Tube 7. Male Wheel Half 8. Bearing Cone 9. Grease Seal Ring 10. Snap Ring 11. Grease Seal Felt 16. Bearing Cup 19. Female Wheel Half 20. Nut 21. Grease Seal Felt Cont. on Sheet 4 11 10 Figure 5-3. Main Landing Gear Wheel and Brake (Sheet 3 of 4) 5-11 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE Torque back plate mounting bolts (28) to 80-90 lb. in. CLEVELAND BRAKE 18 Cont. from Sheet 3 17 15 12 22 23 22 12. Brake Cylinder 13. Anchor Plate 14.Pressure Plate 15. Torque Plate 17 Bushing 18. Brake Disc 23. Back Plate 25. 26. 27. 28. Piston O-Ring Bleeder Screw Bolt 27 28 Figure 5-3. Main Landing Gear Wheel and Brake (Sheet 4 of 4) 5-12 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL e. Replace damaged retainer rings (1) and seals (2), (3) and (4). f. Replace worn or damaged bearing cups (27) and cones (5). g. Replace any worn or cracked thru-bolts (24) or nuts (10). h. Remove any corrosion or small nicks. i. Repair reworked areas of wheel by cleaning thoroughly, then applying one coat of clear lacquer paint. j. Pack bearings with grease specified in Section 2 of this manual. 5-17. MAIN WHEEL REASSEMBLY. (McCauley) (See figure 5-3.) a. Assemble bearing cone (5). grease seal retainer (4). grease seal felt (3). grease seal retainer (2) and retaining ring (1) into each wheel half (6). b. Insert tube in tire. aligning index marks on tire and tube. c. Place wheel half (6) into tire and tube (side opposite valve stem). aligning base of valve stem in valve slot. With washer (25) under head of thru-bolt (24). insert bolt through wheel half (6). d. Place wheel half (6) into other side of tire and tube. aligning valve stem in valve slot. e. Insert washers (9) and nuts (10) on thru-bolts (24). and pre-torque to 10 to 50 lb. in. CAUTION Uneven or improper torque of the nuts can cause failure of the bolts with resultant wheel failure. f. Prior to torquing nuts (10). inflate tube with approximately 15-20 psi air pressure to seat tire. CAUTION Do not use impact wrenches on thru-bolts or nuts. g. Dry torque all nuts (10) evenly to a torque value of 140-150 lb. in. h. Inflate tire to correct pressure specified in figure 1-1 of this manual. 5-18. DISASSEMBLY. (Cleveland.) (See figure 5-3.) WARNING Injury can result from attempting to separate wheel halves with tire inflated. Avoid damaging wheel flanges when breaking tire beads loose. a. b. c. d. e. Deflate tire and break tire beads loose. Tire irons should not be used Remove thru-bolts and separate wheel halves. Remove tire and tube. From brake side of wheel, remove brake disc and inner wheel half. If disc sticks. pry out. using non-metallic instrument. To disassemble inner and outer wheel half. remove snap rings. grease seal. felts and bearing cone 5-13 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE Bearing cups are press-fit in the wheel halves and should not be removed unless replacement is necessary. To remove cups, insert wheel half in boiling water for 15 minutes, or place in an oven not to exceed 250°F for 15 minutes. Remove from source of heat and invert wheel half. If cup does not drop out. tap cup evenly from axle bore with fiber drift pin or suitable arbor press. To replace a new cup, press in new cup while wheel half is still hot. 5-19. INSPECTION AND REPAIR. (Cleveland.) a. Degrease all parts and dry thoroughly. b. Visually inspect bearing cups and cones for nicks, heat discoloration. roller wear. cracks or distortion. Replace all worn parts. c. Inspect wheel halves for cracks. corrosion. nicks and other damage. Cracked or badly damaged wheel halves will be replaced. Small nicks. scratches or pits can be blended out. using fine 400 grit sandpaper. d. Inspect snap rings and grease seal distortion or wear. Replace grease seal felts if they are hard or contaminated. Lightly saturate grease seal felts with SAE 10 oil (do not soak.) e Inspect brakes per paragraph 5-78. f Inspect wheel bolts for cracks and corrosion. Replace cracked bolts. Inspect metallic self- locking nuts. Replace if nut can be turned onto bolt past nut's locking section. by hand. g. Wheels may be repainted if parts have been repaired and thoroughly cleaned. Paint exposed area with one coat of zinc primer and one coat of aluminum lacquer. NOTE Never paint working surfaces of bearng cups. 5-20 REASSEMBLY (Cleveland.) a. Reassemble bearing cones, grease seals. felts and snap rings into the proper wheel halves. b. Inflate tube sufficiently to round it out. Insert tube into tire so that balance mark (yellow or white band) is radially aligned with tire balance mark (red dot). c. Place outer wheel half into tire and pull tube valve stem through valve hole. d. Turn tire and outer wheel half over, and place inner wheel half into tire and align bolts holes with outer wheel half. Place brake disc into inner wheel half and align bolt holes. Install bolts through inner wheel half and washers and nuts on outer wheel half. Torque wheel nuts to torque value of 90 lb-in. e. Inflate tire to pressure stipulated in Section 1 of this manual. 5-21. MAIN WHEEL INSTALLATION. a. Place wheel assembly on axle. b. Install axle nut and tighten axle nut until a slight bearing drag is obvious when the wheel is rotated. Back off nut to nearest castellation and install cotter pin. c Place brake back plate in position and secure the bolts and washers. d. Install hub cap. Install speed fairing (if used) as outlined in paragraph 5-13. 5-14 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CAUTION Due to aging of the aluminum axle. caused by the heating tape..a new axle will have to be installed. Do not place tape in direct contact with tubular gear spring. 4 2 1. 2. 3. 4. Axle Tubular Gear Strut Electrical Heating Tape Plug Figure 5-4. Main Wheel Axle Removal CAUTION Always check scraper-to-tire clearance after installing speed fairing, whenever a tire has been changed. and whenever scraper adjustment has been disturbed. If the aircraft is flown from surfaces with mud, snow, or ice. the speed fairing should be checked to make sure there is no accumulation which could prevent normal wheel rotation. Refer to paragraph 5-13 for correct scraper-to-tire clearance. 5-22. MAIN WHEEL AXLE REMOVAL. a. Remove speed fairings. if installed. according to procedures outlined in applicable paragraph in this section. b. Remove wheels in accordance with procedures outlined in applicable paragraph in this section. c. Disconnect. drain and cap or plug hydraulic brake line at the wheel brake cylinder. d. Remove cotter pin. nut and bolt attaching axle to spring strut. e. Remove brake components and speed fairing plate from axle. NOTE Axles are bonded to the struts of tubular gear aircraft with EA9309-25GR adhesive, which is available from Cessna Parts Distribution (CPD 2) through Cessna Service Stations. The bond is too strong to allow the axle to be removed without first weakening the bond strength. The only methods of weakening the bond are with heat or cryogenic cold; heat being the most practical. A temperature of approximately 500°F (260°C) is sufficient to weaken the bond so the axle can be removed. This is still a low enough temperature to prevent damage to the tubular strut. Revision 1 5-15 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL f. Remove axles as follows: NOTE Axles should be removed from strut, using electric heating tape. Heating tape, P/N 135-459, can be obtained from Cessna Parts Distribution (CPD 2) through Cessna Service Stations. g. Wrap heating tape around axle from base head to outer end of axle and tie it on with string provided with the tape, as shown in the figure. CAUTION Do not place tape in direct contact with tubular gear spring. h. Plug electric tape into 110 volt wall socket and heat for 20 to 30 minutes. i. Unplug tape and remove from axle. Remove axle by striking axle base head with a few sharp blows. j. Clean any old adhesive off landing gear spring with a wire brush. Brush strokes should run lengthwise along the spring. After old adhesive has been removed, wipe with clean rag saturated with acetone or alcohol. Immediately wipe dry with a clean lint free cloth. WARNING Due to aging of the aluminum axle. caused by the heating tape. a new axle will have to be installed. 5-23. I 5-16 MAIN WHEEL AXLE INSTALLATION. a. Prior to installing new axle, wipe outer surface of tubular gear and inside of axle with solvent, drying immediately with a clean. lint free cloth. b. Mix EA9309-25GR adhesive, available from Cessna Parts Distribution (CPD 2) through Cessna Service Stations, in accordance with instruction in the package. Spread adhesive thinly and evenly on outer surface of landing gear spring in area that will be covered by axle. c. Place axle on gear spring and rotate axle to assure even coverage between inner surface of axle and outer surface of spring. d. Install retaining bolt, washers, nut and cotter pin. Tighten nut securely. e. Allow 24 hours at 75°F (24°C) for adhesive to cure, or 30 minutes at 250°F (121°C), if heating equipment is available. f. Install brake components and speed fairing mounting plate to axle. g. Install wheel on axle in accordance with procedures outlined in applicable paragraph of this section. h. Connect hydraulic brake line to wheel brake cylinder. i. Fill and bleed hydraulic brake system in accordance with applicable paragraph in this section. Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Figure 5-5. Main Wheel Alignment (Sheet 1 of 2) 5-17 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL FRONT VIEW OF CAMBER CHECK TOP VIEW OF TOE-IN CHECK Measure toe-in at edges of wheel flange. Difference in measurements is toe-in for 1 wheel. Measure camber by reading protractor level held vertically against outboard flanges of wheel. CAMBER CAMBER CARPENTER'S SQUARE FORWARD INBOARD STRAIGHTEDGE NOTE These procedures are specifically for checking wheel alignment. No provisions are made for aligning the nose wheel. Refer to paragraph 5-24 or the chart in figure 1-1 of this manual for camber and toe-in limitations. Figure 5-5. Main Wheel Alignment (Sheet 2 of 2) j. Install speed fairings. if used. in accordance with applicable paragraph in this section. 5-24. ALIGNMENT CHECK. Figure 5-5 contains procedures for checking toe-in MAIN WHEEL and camber. Toe-in limitations are .00" to +.16". Camber limitations are 3 ° to 5 . If wheel alignment is out of these limitations, a new tubular spring strut will have to be installed. 5-25. WIEEL BALANCING. Since uneven tire wear is usually the cause of wheel unbalance, replacing the tire will probably correct this condition. Tire and tube manufacturing tolerances permit a specified amount of static unbalance. The light-weight point of the tire is marked with a red dot on the tire sidewall and the heavy-weight point of the tube is marked with a cuntrasting Color line (usually near the inflation valve stem). When installing a new tire, place these marks adjacent to each other, if a wheel shows evidence of unbalance during service, it may be statically balanced. Wheel balancing equipment is available from Cessna Parts Distribution (CPD 2) through Cessna Service Stations. 5-18 Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 5-26. NOSE GEAR. 5-27. DESCRIPTION. A steerable nose wheel, mounted in a fork. attached to an air/oil (oleo) shock strut. make up the nose gear. The shock strut is secured to the tubular engine mount. Nose wheel steering is accomplished by two spring-loaded push-pull tubes linking the nose gear steering collar to the rudder pedal bars. A hydraulic fluid-filled shimmy dampener is provided to minimize nose wheel shimmy. A nose wheel speed fairing may be installed on some aircraft. 5-28. TROUBLE SHOOTING. TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE NOSE WHEEL SHIMMY. (Also refer to Service Letter SE84-21.) REMEDY Nose strut attaching bolts loose. Tighten nose strut attaching bolts. Loose or worn nose wheel steering linkage. Tighten. Replace defective parts with new parts. Nose wheel out of balance. Refer to paragraph 5-41. Wheel bearings too loose. Adjust properly. Defective shimmy dampener. Repair, or install new dampener. NOSE STRUT DOES NOT HOLD AIR PRESSURE. HYDRAULIC FLUID LEAKAGE FROM NOSE STRUT. 5-29. NOSE a. b. c. d. e. Shimmy dampener fluid low. Service in accordance with Section 2. Loose torque links. Add shims, or install new parts as required. Worn steering arm assembly shims. Replace or add shims as required. Defective or loose air filler valve.. Check gasket and tighten loose valve. Install new valve if defective. Defective strut seals. Install new seals. Defective strut seals. Install new seals. GEAR REMOVAL. (See figure 5-6.) Remove engine cowling for access. Weight or tie down tail of aircraft to raise nose wheel off the floor. Disconnect nose wheel steering tubes from nose gear steering collar. Remove screws attaching hose clamps to strut. Remove air filler valve core and deflate strut completely. and telescope strut to its shortest length. WARNING Be sure strut is deflated completely before removing bolt or roll pin at top of strut. Revision I 5-19 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE 3 Minimum shock strut extension is 3.69-inches; maximum extension is 4.17-inches. Strut pressure capacity is listed in figure 1-1 or can be found on the placard on the nose 2 gear strut. 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Wheel and Tire Assembly Strut-to-Engine Mounting Bolt Shock Strut Assembly Engine Mount Roll Pin Steering Tube Shimmy Dampener Torque Link Figure 5-6. Nose Gear Installation 5-20 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL * 15279406 thru 15282762 F15201429 thru F15201578 A1520735 thru A1520839 FA1520337 thru FA1520356 * 15282763 thru 15283958 F15201579 thru F15201783 A1520840 thru A1520909 FA1520357 thru FA1520372 * 15283959 & On F15201784 & On A1520910 & On FA1520373 & On **9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Speed Fairing Cover Plate Fork Bolt Scraper Axle Stud Ferrule Door, Access Latch Plug *7 Figure 5-7 8 6* Nose Wheel Speed Fairing f. Remove roll pin at top of strut. and remove bolt which clamps strut to lower part of engine mount. g. Pull the strut assembly down out of engine mount fitting. 5-30. NOSE GEAR INSTALLATION. (See figure 5-6.) a. Reverse steps in paragraph 5-29 to install nose gear. NOTE Always install roll pin before clamping strut into lower portion of engine mount to prevent misalignment. Torque clamp bolt in lower portion of engine mount fitting to 120 20 lb-in. 5-21 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 5-31. NOSE a. b. c. WHEEL SPEED FAIRING REMOVAL. Weight or tie down tail of aircraft to raise nose wheel off floor. Remove nose wheel axle stud. Remove bolt securing cover plate and fairing to strut: remove cover plate. WARNING Do not remove bolt attaching tow bar spacers. unless strut has been completely deflated. d. e. 5-32. Slide speed fairing up and remove nose wheel. Loosen scraper if necessary. Rotate speed fairing 90 degrees and work fairing down over the fork to remove. NOSE WHEEL SPEED FAIRING INSTALLATION. a. Rotate speed fairing 90 degrees and work fairing up over the fork: rotate fairing to correct position. b. Slide fairing to correct position. c. Tighten axle stud until a slight bearing drag is obvious when the wheel is rotated. Back off nut to the nearest castellation. and install cotter pins. d. If shock strut was deflated. service after installation has been completed. Refer to servicing instructions in Section 2. e. Adjust wheel scraper clearance in accordance with the following caution. CAUTION Always check scraper clearance after installing speed fairing, whenever a tire has been changed, and whenever scraper adjustment has been disturbed. Set clearance between tire and scraper for a minimum of 0.25-inch to a maximum of 0.50-inch. Elongated holes in the scraper are provided for adjustment. If the aircraft is flown from surfaces with mud, snow, or ice, the speed fairings should be checked to make sure there is no accumulation which could prevent normal wheel rotation. Wipe fuel and oil from speed fairing to prevent staining and deterioration of the fairing. 5-33 NOSE a. b. c. 5-34. DISASSEMBLY (McCauley) (See figure 5-8, sheet 1.) a. Completely deflate tire and tube and break loose tire beads. Extreme care must be exercised to prevent tire tool damage when removing tire from wheel halves (6). WHEEL REMOVAL. Weight or tie down tall of aircraft to raise the nose wheel off the floor. Remove nose wheel axle stud. Pull nose wheel assembly from fork and remove axle tube from nose wheel. Loosen wheel scraper if necessary, if wheel is equipped with a speed fairing. WARNING Serious injury can result from attempting to separate wheel halves with tire and tube inflated. b. c. 5-22 Remove nuts (4) and washers (5). Remove thru-bolts (8) and washers (5) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 10. 4. 5. 6 6. 7. 8. 8 9 10 11. Tube Nut Washer Wheel Half Half Wheel Bearing Cup Cup Bearing Thru Bolt Bearing Cone Tube Tire 5-23 Figure 5-8. Nose Wheel and Tire (Sheet 1 of 2) 5-23 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CLEVELAND WHEEL 1 2. 3. 4. 5 6 7 3 9 10. Snap Ring Grease Seal Ring Grease Seal Felt Bearing Cone Outer Wheel Half Tire Tube Inner Wheel Half Bearing Cone Thru-Bolt Figure 5-8. 5-24 Nose Wheel and Tire (Sheet 2 of 2) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL d. e. Separate and remove wheel halves (6) from tire and tube. Remove retaining rings (1). grease seal retainer (2). felt grease seal (3). grease retainer (2) and bearing cone (9) from both wheel halves (6). NOTE Bearing cups (races) (7) are a press fit in wheel half (6) and should not be removed unless a new part is to be installed. To remove bearing cups, heat wheel half in boiling water for 30 minutes, or in an oven. not to exceed 121°C (250°F). Using an arbor press. if available, press out bearing cup and press in new bearing cup while wheel half is still hot. 5-35. INSPECTION AND REPAIR. (McCauley) (See figure 5-8, sheet 1.) a. Clean all metal parts and felt grease seals in Stoddard solvent or equivalent, and dry thoroughly. NOTE A soft bristle brush may be used to remove hardened grease. dust or dirt. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 5-36. Inspect wheel halves (6) for cracks or damage. Inspect bearing cones (9). cups (7), retaining rings (1) and seals (2) and (3). for wear or damage. Inspect thru-bolts (8) and nuts (4) for cracks in threads or cracks in radius under bolt head. Replace cracked or damaged wheel half (6). Replace damaged retaining rings (1) and seals (2) and (3). Replace worn or damaged bearing cups (7) and cones (9). Replace any worn or cracked thru-bolts (8) or nuts (4). Remove any corrosion or small nicks. Repair reworked areas of wheel by cleaning thoroughly, then applying one coat of clear lacquer paint. Pack bearings with grease specified in Section 2. REASSEMBLY. (McCauley) (See figure 5-8. sheet 1.) a. Assemble bearing cone (9). grease seal retainer (2). felt grease seal (3). grease seal retainer (2) and retaining ring (1) into both wheel halves (6). b. Insert tube in tire, aligning index marks on tire and tube. c. Place wheel half (6) into tire and tube (side opposite valve stem). aligning base of valve stem in valve slot. With washer (5) under head of thru-bolt (8). insert bolt through wheel half (6). d. Place wheel half (6) into other side of tire and tube, aligning valve stem in valve slot. e. Install washers (5) and nuts (4) on thru-bolts (8) and pre-torque to 10-50 lb. in. CAUTION Uneven or improper torque of the nuts can cause failure of the bolts with resultant wheel failure. f. Prior to torquing nuts (4). inflate tube with approximately 10-15 psi air pressure to seat tire. 5-25 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CAUTION Do not use impact wrenches on thru-bolts or nuts. g. Dry torque all nuts (4) evenly to a torque value of 140-150 lb. in. h. Inflate tire to correct pressure specified in figure 1-1.) 5-37. DISASSEMBLY. (Cleveland) (See figure 5-8. sheet 2.) WARNING Injury can result from attempting to separate wheel halves with tire inflated. Avoid damaging wheel flanges when breaking tire beads loose. a. Deflate tire and break tire beads loose. b. Remove thru-bolts and separate wheel halves. c. Remove tire and tube. d. Remove snap ring, grease seal felt. grease seal rings and bearing cones from both wheel halves. NOTE Bearing cups are a press-fit in the wheel halves and should not be removed unless replacement is necessary. To remove bearing cups. heat wheel half in boiling water for 15 minutes. Using an arbor press. if available, press out bearing cup and press in new cup while wheel is still hot. 5-38. INSPECTION AND REPAIR. (Cleveland) (See figure 5-8. sheet 2.) a. Clean all metal parts and grease seal felts in solvent and dry thoroughly. b. Inspect wheel halves for cracks. Cracked wheel halves must be replaced. Sand out nicks, gouges and corroded areas. Where protective coating has been removed. area should be cleaned thoroughly, primed with zinc chromate primer and painted with aluminum lacquer. c. Bearig cups and cones must be inspected carefully for damage and discoloration. After cleaning, repack cones with clean aircraft wheel bearing grease (Section 2) before installation in the wheel. To replace bearing cups, refer to note in paragraph 537. 5-39. REASSEMBLY. (Cleveland) (See figure 5-8. sheet 2.) a. Insert tire in tube, aligning index marks on tire and tube. b. Place tire and tube on wheel half and position valve stem through hole in wheel half. c. Insert thru-bolts, position other wheel half. and secure with nuts and washers. Take care to avoid pinching tube between wheel halves. Torque bolts to 90 lb-in. CAUTION Uneven or improper torque on thru-bolt nuts may cause bolt failure with resultant wheel failure. d. e. 5-26 Clean and repack bearing cones with clean aircraft wheel bearing grease (Section 2.) Assemble bearing cones. seals and retainers into wheel halves. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL f. Inflate tire to seat tire beads, then adjust to correct pressure. g. Install wheel in accordance with paragraph 5-40. 5-40. NOSE a. b. c. WHEEL INSTALLATION. Install axle tube in nose wheel. Install nose wheel assembly in fork and install nose wheel axle stud. Tighten axle stud until a slight bearing drag is obvious when wheel is rotated. Back the nut off to the nearest castellation and insert cotter pin. CAUTION On aircraft thru serials 15285834 and A1521034. equipped with speed fairings, always check scraper-totire clearance after instaling speed fairing, whenever a tire has been changed, or whenever scraper adjustment hasbeen disturbed. Set scraper clearance in accordance with procedures outlined in the Caution following paragraph 5-32. 5-41. WHEEL BALANCING. Refer to paragraph 5-25 for procedures. 5-42. NOSE GEAR SHOCK STRUT DISASSEMBLY. (See figure 5-9.) NOTE The following procedures apply to the nose gear shock strut after it has been removed from the aircraft. and the speed fairing and nose wheel have been removed. In many cases, separation of the upper and lower strut will permit inspection and parts installation without removal or complete disassembly of the strut. WARNING Be sure strut is completely deflated before removing lock ring in lower end of upper strut, or disconnecting torque links. a. Remove shimmy dampener. b. Remove torque links. Note position of washers. shims and spacers. c. Remove lock ring from groove inside lower end of upper strut. A small hole is provided at the lock ring groove to facilitate removal of the lock ring (refer to view C-C.) NOTE Hydraulic fluid will drain from strut halves as lower strut is pulled from upper strut. d. Using a straight. sharp pull. separate upper and lower strut. Invert lower strut and drain hydraulic fluid. e. Remove lock ring and bearing at upper end of lower strut assembly. Note top side of bearing. f. Slide packing support ring. scraper ring. retaining ring and lock ring from lower 5-27 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 21 11 1. 2. 4. . 6. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 12 13 Steering Arm (Collar) Rod End Packing Support Ring Retaining Ring Lock Ring Scraper Ring Upper Strut Filler Valve O-Ring Orifice Piston Support Decal Retaining Ring Shim (As Required) Washer 23 B 4 9 18. Fork 19. 20. 21. 22. Toe-Bar Spacer Torque Link Fitting Lock Ring Bearing 23. 24. Lower Strut Metering Pin 25. 26. 27. O-Ring O-Ring 6 19 20 Base Plug 14 16 5 - 17 24 26 27 Figure 5-9. Nose Gear Shock Strut (Sheet 1 of 2) 5-28 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 4 3 7 1.25-inch 77 9 2 5 6 sEcTION B-B SECTION A-A 10 No. 40 (.098) HOLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Steering Arm (Collar) Rod End O-Ring Packing Support Ring Retaning Ring Lock Ring Back-Up Ring O-Ring Scraper Ring Upper Strut Detail Detail C - C Figure 5-9. Nose Gear Shock Strut (Sheet 2 of 2) 5-29 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL g. h. strut, noting relative position and top side of each ring wire or tape together, if desired. Remove O-rings and back-up rings from packing support ring. Remove bolt securing tow bar spacers. NOTE Bolt attaching tow bar spacers also hold base plug in place. i. j. Remove bolt attaching fork to strut barrel, and remove bas plug and metering pin from lower strut. Remove O-rings and metering pin from base plug. Pull orifice piston support from upper strut. Remove 0-ring and fillervalve. k. Remove retaining ring securing steerng collar to upper strut. Slid steering collar. shims and washer from upper strut. Noee number of shims between washer and steering collar. 5-43. NOSE GEAR SHOCK STRUT INSPECTION AND REPAIR. Seefigure 5-9.) a Thoroughly clean all parts in cleaning solvent and inspect them carefully. b. All worn or defective parts and all O-rings and back-up rings must be replaced with new parts. c. Sharp metal edges should be smoothed with No. 400 emery paper, then cleaned with solvent. 5-4. NOSE GEAR SHOCK STRUT REASSEMBLY. (See figure 5-9.) NOTE Asemble these parts, lubricated with a film of Petrolatum VV-P-236, Hydraulic Fluid MIL-H-5606, or DowCorning DC-7. Do not use DC-7 on surfaces to be painted. a. b. c. Install washer (17) and shim(s) (16), if installed. Lubricate needle bearings in steering collar (1), as shown in Section 2, and install collar and retaining ring (15). Check steering collar for snug fit against waher. Shims of variable thicknes are available from the Cessna Supply Diviion to provide a snug fit for collar against washer. NOTE If shims a required, remove retaining ring and steering collar and add shims as necessary to provide a snug fit with steering collar retaining ring installed. Shims are available in the following part numbers and thickness: 1243030-5 (.006 inch), 1243030-6 (.012 inch), and 1243030-7 (.020 inch). d. e. 5-30 Install rod ends (2) in steering collar (1), and adjust rod ends to dimension specified in Section view A-A. Install O-ring (12) and filler valve (11) in orifice piston support (13), and install orifice piston support in upper strut (10). MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL f. Install O-ring (26) and metering pin assembly in lower strut (23); install bolt attaching fork (18) to lower strut. g. Align base plug (27) holes with holes in lower strut/fork (23) and (18) assembly: install bolt and tow bar spacers (19). Install and tighten nut. NOTE If base plug (27) is to be replaced. new part will need to be line-drilled to accept AN5 bolt. h. i. j. k. l m. n. o. p. Install lock ring (6), retaining ring (5) and scraper ring (9) on lower strut, making sure they are installed in same positions as they were removed. Install O-rings (8) and (3) and back-up rings in packing support ring (4); slide packing support ring over lower strut (23). Install bearing (22) and lock ring (21) at upper end of lower strut assembly. Note top side of bearing. Install upper strut assembly over lower strut assembly. Install lock ring (6) in groove in lower end of upper strut. Position lock ring so that one of its ends covers the small access hole in the lock ring groove at the bottom of the upper strut. (Refer to Detail C-C.) Install torque links, positioning washers, shims and spacers exactly as removed. Install shimmy dampener. After shock strut assembly is complete. install strut on aircraft as outlined in paragraph 5-30. After strut is installed in aircraft, fill and inflate shock strut in accordance with procedures outlined in Section 2. See figure 5-6 for minimum and maximum extension. 5-45. TORQUE LINKS. (See figure 5-10.) 5-46. DESCRIPTION. Torque links keep the lower strut aligned with the nose gear steering system, but permit shock strut action. 5-47. REMOVAL. WARNING Completely deflate strut before removing torque links. a. b. Completely deflate shock strut. Disconnect upper and lower attaching bolts, spacers. shims and nuts. and remove torque links. 5-48. INSPECTION. Torque link bushings should not be removed except for replacement of parts: replace if excessively worn. 5-49. INSTALLATION. (See figure 5-10.) NOTE If bolts (8). safety lug (10) and stop lug (5) were removed. upon installation, torque bolts (8) to 20-25 lb-in. then safety the bolts by bending tips of safety lug (10). a. With shock strut completely deflated, install upper and lower torque link assemblies. 5-31 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1 2 3 4 1. Spacer 2. Grease Fitting 3. Shim 4. Bushing 7 4 5. Stop Lug 6. Upper Torque Link 7. Nut 8. Bolt 9. Lower Torque Link 10. Safety Lug 9 2 3 Figure 5-10. Torque Links b. Install bolt attaching upper and lower assemblies. c. Tighten nuts (7) snugly, then tighten to align next castellation with cotter pin hole in bolt. d. Check upper torque link (6) and lower torque link (9) for looseness. If looseness is apparent, remove nuts (7) and bolts and install shims (3) as necessary to take up any looseness. This will assist in preventing nose wheel shimmy. e. Retighten nuts (7) snugly. then tighten to align next castellation with cotter pin hole in bolt: install cotter pin. f. Fill and inflate shock strut in accordance with procedures outlined in Section 2. .5-50 SHIMMY DAMPENER. 5-51. DESCRIPTION. The shimmy dampener provided for the nose gear offers resistance to shimmy by forcing hydraulic fluid through small orifices in a piston. The dampener piston shaft is secured to a stationary part and the housing is secured to the nose wheel steering collar which moves as the nose wheel is turned rght or left, causing relative motion between the dampener shaft and housing. 5-52. REMOVAL. a. Remove cotter pin. nut. washers and bolt attaching piston rod clevis. b. Remove cotter pin. nut. spacer and bolt attaching housing to steering collar. 5-53. DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMLY. (See figure 5-11.) a. b. 5-32 Refer to the phantom view of the internal parts of the dampener for disassembly and assembly. When reassembling dampener, install all new O-rings. Lubricate all parts with clean hydraulic fluid. Petrolatum VV-P-236, or Dow-Corning DC-7. Keep DC-7 away from MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 3 4 3. Roll Pin 5. Retaining Ring 6. Bearing Head 7. Piston Rod Figure 5-11. Nose Gear Shimmy Dampener c. painted surfaces. When dampener is completely assembled, service in accordance with procedures outlined in Section 2. 5-54. INSTALLATION. a. Attach dampener piston rod clevis to structure with bolt. washers (as required). nut and cotter pin. b. Attach body of shimmy dampener to steering collar with bolt. spacer. washers. nut and cotter pin. 5-55. NOSE WHEEL STEERING SYSTEM. 5-56. DESCRIPTION. Nose wheel steering is accomplished through use of the rudder pedals. Spring-loaded steering rod assemblies connect the nose gear steering collar to arms on the rudder bars. Steering is afforded up to approximately 10 degrees each side of neutral. after which brakes may be used to gain a maximum deflection of 30 degrees right or left of center. A flexible boot seals the fuselage entrance of the steering rod assembly. 5-57 NOSE WHEEL STEERING ROD ASSEMBLY. 5-58. DESCRIPTION. The steering rods are connected by a clevis to the rod ends extending from 5-33 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL the nose gear steering collar. and to an arm on the rudder pedal crossbars. 5-59. NOSE WHEEL STEERING ADJUSTMENT. Since the nose wheel steering system and the rudder system are interconnected. adjustment to one system might affect the other system. Refer to Section 10 of this manual for instructions for rigging the nose wheel steering and the rudder system. 5-60. BRAKE SYSTEM. 5-61. DESCRIPTION. The hydraulic brake system is comprised of two master cylinders. located immediately forward of the pilot's rudder pedals. brake lines and hose connecting each master cylinder to its wheel brake cylinder. and the single-disc. floating cylinder-type brake assembly. located at each main landing gear wheel. 5-62. TROUBLE SHOOTING. TROUBLE DRAGGING BRAKES. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Brake pedal binding. Check and adjust properly. Parking brake linkage holding brake pedal down. Check and adjust properly. Worn or broken piston return spring (in master cylinder.) Repair. or install new cylinder. Insufficient clearance at Lock-O-Seal or incorrect adjustment of cylinder overall length (Thru 1978 Models.) Adjust as outlined in paragraph 5-68. Restriction in hydraulic lines or restrictions in compensating port in brake master cylinder. Drain brake line and clear the inside of the brake line with filtered compressed air. If cleaning the lines fails to give satisfactory results. the master cylinder may be faulty and should be repaired. 5-34 Worn. scored or warped brake disc. Install new disc and brake linings. Damaged or accumulated dirt restricting free movement of wheel brake parts. Clean and repair or install new parts as necessary. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 5-62. TROUBLE SHOOTING (Cont). TROUBLE BRAKES FAIL TO OPERATE. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Leak in system. If brake master cylinders or wheel cylinder assemblies are leaking, repair. or install new parts. Air in system. Lack of fluid in master cylinders. Bleed system. Fill and bleed system. Defective master cylinder. Repair. or install new parts. 5-63. BRAKE MASTER CYLINDERS. 5-64. DESCRIPTION. The brake master cylinders, located immediately forward of the pilot's rudder pedals. are actuated by applying pressure at the top of the rudder pedals. A small reservoir is incorporated into each master cylinder for the fluid supply. When dual brakes are installed. mechanical linkage permits the copilot pedals to operate the master cylinders. 5-65. BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER REMOVAL. a. Remove bleeder screw at wheel brake assembly and drain hydraulic fluid from brake cylinders. b. Remove front seats and rudder bar shield for access to the brake master cylinders. c. Disconnect parking brake linkage and disconnect brake master cylinders from rudder pedals. d. Disconnect brake master cylinders at lower attach points. e. Disconnect hydraulic hose from master cylinders and remove cylinders. f. Plug or cap hydraulic fittings. hose and lines to prevent entry of foreign matter. 5-66. DISASSEMBLY. (Thru 1978 Models.) (See figure 5-12. sheet 1 of 3.) a. Unscrew clevis (1) and jamnut (2). b. Remove screw (18). spring (21). lock plate (22), washer (19) and spacer (20). c. Remove filler plug (17). d. Remove setscrew (5). e. Unscrew cover (4) and remove up over piston rod (3). f. Remove piston rod (3) and compensating sleeve (16). g. Slide sleeve (16) up over rod (3). h. Unscrew nut (12) from threads of piston rod (3). i. Remove Lock-O-Seal (15). 5-67. INSPECTION, REPAIR, AND OVERHAUL. (Thru 1978 Models.) (See figure 5-12, sheet 1 of 3). Repair and overhaul are limited to installation of new parts, cleaning, and adjusting. (Refer to reassembly paragraph for adjustment.) Use clean hydraulic fluid (MIL-H-5606) as a lubricant during reassembly of the cylinders. a. Inspect Lock-O-Seal (Parker Seal Co. p/n 800-001-6) and replace if damaged. Replace all O-rings. Filler plug (17) must be vented so pressure cannot build up in the reservoir during brake operation. Remove plug and drill 1/16-inch hole, 30 ° from vertical, if plug is not vented. 5-68. REASSEMBLY. (Thru 1978 Models.) (See figure 5-12, sheet 1 of 3.) a. Install Lock-O-Seal (12) at bottom of piston rod (3). Revision 1 5-35 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL . 18 19 9 13 20 22 11 17 3 THRU 1978 MODELS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Clevis Jamnut Piston Rod Cover Setscrew Cover Boss Body 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Reservoir O-Ring Cylinder Piston Return Spring Nut Piston Spring Piston Lock-O-Seal 16. Compensating Sleeve 17. Filler Plug 18. Screw 19. Washer 20. Spacer 21. Spring 22. Lock Plate Figure 5-12. Brake Master Cylinder (Sheet 1 of 3) 5-36 Revision I MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL THRU 1978 MODELS 2 CENTERLINE O UTLE T POR T Cover 4. 5. 15Setscrew 10. 11. 17. 18. cylinder Piston Return Spring Filler Screw Plug 4 14 Figure 5-12. Brake Master Cylinder (Sheet 2 of 3) viewA-A 1 11 14 0.040±0.0005-INCH 12 DO NOT DAMAGE LOCK-O-SEAL 13. 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Clevis Jamnut Rod Piston Rod Piston Cover Setscrew Cover Boss 22. Piston Spring 16 7. Body 8. Reservoir O-Ring 9. O-Ring 10. cylinder 11. Piston Return Spring 12. Nut 13. Piston Spring Lock Plate 15 14. Piston 15. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. Lock-O-Seal Lock-O-Seal Compensating Sleeve Filler Plug Screw Spring Lock Plate Figure 5-12. Brake Master Cylinder (Sheet 2 of 3) Revision 1 5-37 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CENTERLINE OUTLET PORT 300 B 7 2 viewA-A 5 14 15 ViewB -B BEGINNING WITH 1979 MODELS 3. Screw 6. 7. Spacer Lock Plate 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 3 10 9 11 15 Cap Piston Ring Packing Spring Setscrew Cylinder Body Figure 5-12. Brake Master Cylinder (Sheet 3 of 3) 5-38 12 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL b. c. d. e. f. g. Install O-ring (9) in groove in piston (14); insert piston spring (13) into piston. and slide assembly up on bottom threaded portion of piston rod (3). Run nut (12) up threads to spring (13). Tighten nut (12) enough to obtain 0.040 ±0.005inch clearance between top of piston and bottom of Lock-O-Seal. as shown in the figure. Install piston return spring (11) into cylinder (10) portion of body (7). Install piston rod (3) end through spring (11). Slide compensating sleeve (16) over rod (3). Install cover (4), lock plate (22). spacer (20). washer (19). spring (21) and screw (18). NOTE Installation of spring (21) must not contact rod (3). h. Install jamnut (2) and clevis (1). i. Install filler plug (17). making sure vent hole is open. j. Install setscrew (5). 5-69. DISASSEMBLY. (Beginning with 1979 Models.) (See figure 5-12, sheet 3 of 3.) a. Unscrew clevis (1) and nut (2). b. Remove screw (3). washer (4) spring (5). spacer (6) and lock plate (7). c. Remove filler plug (8). d. Remove setscrew (14). e. Unscrew cover (9) and remove up over piston (10). f. Remove piston (10) and spring (13). g. Remove packing (12) and back-up ring (11) from piston (10). 5-70. INSPECTION AND REPAIR. (Beginning with 1979 Models.) (See figure 5-12. sheet 3 of 3.) Repair is limited to installation of new parts and cleaning. Use clean hydraulic fluid (MIL-H-5606) as a lubricant during reassembly of the cylinders. Replace packing and backup ring. Filler plug (8) must be vented so pressure cannot build up during brake operation. Remove plug and drill 1 / 16-inch hole. 30from vertical, if plug is not vented. Refer to view AA for location of vent hole. 5-71. REASSEMBLY. (Beginning with 1979 Models.) (See figure 5-12. sheet 3 of 3.) a. Install spring (13) in cylinder body (15). b. Install back-up ring (11) and packing (12) in groove of piston (10). c. Install piston (10) in cylinder body (15). d. Install cap (9) over piston (10) and screw cap into cylinder body (15). e. Install lock plate (7). spacer (6). spring (5), washer (4) and screw (3). f. Install nut (2) and clevis (1). g. Install setscrew (14). h. Install filler plug (8), making sure vent hole is open. 5-72. BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER INSTALLATION. a. Connect hydraulic hose to cylinder. b. Install cylinder at lower attach point. c. Connect master cylinder to rudder pedals. d. Connect parking brake linkage e. Install rudder bar shield and install front seats. f. Fill and bleed brake system in accordance with applicable paragraph in this section. 5-73. HYDRAULIC BRAKE LINES. Revision 1 5-39 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 5-74. DESCRIPTION. The brake lines are rigid tubing. except for flexible hose used at the brake master cylinders. A separate line is used to connect each brake master cylinder to its corresponding wheel brake cylinder. 5-75. WHEEL BRAKE ASSEMBLIES. 5-76. DESCRIPTION. (See figure 5-3.) The wheel brake assemblies use a disc which is attached to the main wheel. The assemblies also employ a floating brake assembly. 5-77. WHEEL BRAKE REMOVAL. (See figure 5-3.) Wheel brake assemblies can be removed by disconnecting the brake line (drain hydraulic brake fluid when disconnecting line) and removing the brake back plate. The brake disc is removed after the wheel is removed and disassembled. To remove the torque plate. remove wheel and axle. See figure 5-3 for brake disassembly. 5-78. WHEEL BRAKE INSPECTION AND REPAIR. a. Clean all parts except brake linings and O-rings in dry cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly. b. Install all new O-rings. If O-ring reuse is necessary, wipe with a clean cloth saturated in hydraulic fluid and inspect for damage. NOTE Thorough cleaning is important. Dirt and chips are the greatest single cause of malfunctions in the hydraulic brake system. c. Check brake lining for deterioration and maximum permissible wear. (Refer to applicable paragraph for maximum wear limit.) d. Inspect brake cylinder bore for scoring. A scored cylinder will leak or cause rapid 0ring wear. Install a new brake cylinder if the bore is scored. e. If the anchor bolts on the brake assembly are nicked or gouged. they shall be sanded smooth to prevent binding with the pressure plate or torque plate. When new anchor bolts are to be installed, press out old bolts and install new bolts with a soft mallet. f. Inspect wheel brakes disc for a minimum thickness of 0.190 (McCauley) or 0.190 (Cleveland). If brake disc is below minimum thickness. install a new part. 5-79. WHEEL BRAKE REASSEMBLY. (See figure 5-3.) NOTE Lubricate parts with clean hydraulic fluid during brake reassembly. a. See figure 5-3 for assembly procedures. 5-80. WHEEL BRAKE INSTALLATION. a. Place brake assembly in position with pressure plate in place. NOTE If torque plate was removed. install as the axle is installed or install on axle. If the brake disc was removed from the wheel. install as wheel is assembled. 5-40 Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 5-81. CHECKING BRAKE LINING WEAR. New brake lining should be installed when the existing lining has worn to a minimum thickness of 3/32-inch. A 3/32-inch thick strip of material held adjacent to each lining can be used to determine amount of wear. The shank end of a drill bit of the correct size can also be used to determine wear of brake linings. 5-82. BRAKE LINING INSTALLATION. (See figure 5-3.) a. Remove bolts securing back plate, and remove back plate. b. Pull brake cylinder out of torque plate and slide pressure plate off anchor bolts. c. Place back plate on a table with lining side down flat. Center a 9/64-inch (or slightly smaller) punch in the rolled rivet, and hit the punch sharply with a hammer. Punch out all rivets securing the linings to the back plate and pressure plate in the same manner. NOTE A rivet setting kit, Part No. 199-00100, is available from Cessna Parts Distribution (CPD 2) through Cessna Service Stations. d. e. Clamp the flat side of the anvil in a vise. Align new lining on back plate and place brake rivet in hole with rivet head in the lining. Place the head against the anvil. f. Center rivet setting punch on lips of rivet. While holding back plate down firmly against lining, hit punch with hammer to set rivet. Repeat blows on punch until lining is firmly against back plate. g. Realign the lining on the back plate and install and set rivets in the remaining holes. h. Install a new lining on pressure plate in the same manner. i. Position pressure plate on anchor bolts and place cylinder in position so that anchor bolts slide into the torque plate. j. Install back plate with bolts and washers. k. Complete brake lining conditioning. Refer to paragraph 5-83A. 5-83. BRAKE SYSTEM BLEEDING. NOTE Bleeding with a clean hydraulic pressure source connected to the wheel bleeder is recommended. Remove brake master cylinder filler plug and screw flexible hose with appropriate fitting into the filler hole at top of the master cylinder. b. Immerse opposite end of flexible hose in a container with enough hydraulic fluid to cover the end of the hose. c. Connect a clean hydraulic pressure source. such as a hydraulic hand pump or HydroFill unit, to the bleeder valve in the wheel cylinder. d. As fluid is pumped into the system. observe the immersed end of the hose at the master brake cylinder for evidence of air bubbles being forced from the brake system. When bubbling has ceased, remove bleeder source from wheel cylinder and tighten the bleeder valve. a. NOTE Ensure that the free end of the hose from the master cylinder remains immersed during the entire bleeding process. Revision 1 5-41 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 5 5 14 0 Detail A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Return Spring LH Chain Spring Plate Parking Brake Control Link RH Chain Brake Cylinder Fuselage-to-Brake Line Detail 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. C/ LH Brake Lines RH Brake Lines RH & LH Brake Hose Nipple Bracket Detail Figure 5-13. 5-42 Brake Systems B MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 5-83A. BRAKE LINING CONDITIONING. The brake lining pads used in this assembly are either non-asbestos organic composition or iron based metallic composition. Brake pads must be properly conditioned (glazed) before use in order to provide optimum service life. This is accomplished by a brake burn-in. Burn-in also wears off brake high spots prior to operational use. If brake use is required before burn-in, use brakes intermittently at LOW taxi speeds. CAUTION Brake burn-in must be performed by a qualified person familiar with acceleration and stop distances of the airplane. a. Non-asbestos Organic Composition Burn-in. 1. Taxi the airplane for 1500 feet, with engine at 1700 rpm, applying brake pedal forces as needed to maintain 5 to 10 M.P.H. (5 to 9 knots). 2. Allow brakes to cool for 10 to 15 minutes. 3. Apply brakes and check to see if a high throttle static engine run-up can be held with normal pedal force. If so, conditioning burn-in is complete. 4. If static run-up cannot be held, repeat Steps 1. thru 3. as needed. b. Metallic Composition Burn-in. 1. Taxi the airplane at 34 to 40 M.P.H. (30 to 35 knots) and perform full stop braking application. 2. Without allowing brake discs to cool substantially, repeat Step 1. for second full stop braking application. 3. Apply brakes and check to see if a high throttle static engine run-up can be held with normal pedal force. If so, conditioning burn-in is complete. 4. If static run-up cannot be held, repeat Steps 1. thru 3. as needed. NOTE Normal brake usage should generate enough heat to maintain the glaze throughout the life of the lining. Light brake usage can cause the glaze to wear off, resulting in reduced brake performance. In such cases, the lining may be conditioned again following the instructions set forth above. 5-84. PARKING BRAKE SYSTEM. (See figure 5-13.) 5-85. DESCRIPTION. The parking brake system consists of a control knob on the instrument panel which is connected to linkage at the brake master cylinders. At the brake master cylinders, the control operates locking plates which trap pressure in the system after the master cylinder piston rods have been depressed by toe operation of the rudder pedals. To release the parking brake, depress the pedals and push the control knob full in. 5-86. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 5-13.) See the figure for relative locations of system components. The illustration may be used as a guide during removal and installation of components. 5-87. INSPECTION AND REPAIR OF SYSTEM COMPONENTS. Inspect lines for leaks, cracks, dents, chafing, proper radius, security, corrosion, deterioration, obstruction and foreign matter. Check brake master cylinders, and repair as outlined in applicable paragraph in this section. Check parking brake control for operation and release. Replace worn or damaged parts. Revision 1 5-43/(5-44 blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 6 AILERON CONTROL SYSTEM TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Aerofiche/ Manual AILERON CONTROL SYSTEM Description ................. Trouble Shooting ............ Control "Y" ................. Description ................ Removal/Installation ....... Bellcrank .................. Removal .................. G114/6-1 G14/6-1 1G14/6-1 1G15/6-2 1G15/6-2 1G15/6-2 IG16/6-3 1G16/6-3 Installation ............... Cables and Pulleys .......... Remova/Installation ....... 1G16/6-3 1G16/6-3 1G16/6-3 Ailerons .................... Removal .................. Installation ............... Rigging (Thru 15279473, A1520736, F15201428, and FA1520336) ........... Rigging (Beginning with 15279474, A1520737, F15201429, and FA1520337) ............... 1G23/6-10 1G23/6-10 IG23/6-10 1G23/6-10 1G24/6-11 6-1. AILERON CONTROL SYSTEM. (See figure 6-1.) 6-2 DESCRIPTION. The aileron control system is comprised of push-pull rods. bellcranks. cables. pulleys, sprockets and roller chains, all of which link the control wheels to the ailerons. A control "Y" interconnects the control wheels to the aileron cables. 6-3. TROUBLE SHOOTING. NOTE Due to remedy procedures in the following trouble shooting chart, it may be necessary to rerig system. Refer to paragraph 6-15 or 6-16. TROUBLE LOST MOTION IN CONTROL WHEELS. PROBABLE CAUSE I REMEDY Loose control cables. Adjust cables to proper tension. Broken pulley or bracket. cable off pulley or worn rod end bearings. Replace worn or broken parts. install cables correctly. Sprung bellcrank. Replace bellcrank. Loose chains. Adjust chain tension. Revision 1 6-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 6-3. TROUBLE SHOOTING (Cont). TROUBLE RESISTANCE TO CONTROL WHEEL MOVEMENT. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Cables too tight. Adjust cables to proper tension. Pulleys binding or cable off. Replace defective pulleys. Install cables correctly. Bellcrank distorted or damaged. Replace bellcrank. Defective U-joints. Replace defective U-joints. Clevis bolts in system too tight Loosen, then tighten properly and safety. Rusty chain or chain binding with sprocket. Replace chain or defective parts. Improper adjustment of chains or cables. Adjust in accordance with paragraph 6-15 and 6-16. Improper adjustment of aileron push-pull rods. Adjust in accordance with paragraph 6-15 and 6-16. DUAL CONTROL WHEELS NOT COORDINATED. Chains improperly adjusted. Adjust in accordance with paragraph 6-15 and 6-16. INCORRECT AILERON TRAVEL. Push-pull rods not adjusted properly. Adjust in accordance with paragraph 6-15 and 6-16. Worn bellcrank stop bushings on bellcrank slots. Replace worn parts. CONTROL WHEELS NOT LEVEL WITH AILERONS NEUTRAL. 6-4. CONTROL "Y". (See figure 6-2.) 6-5. DESCRIPTION. The control "Y" transforms rotation of the control wheels into pulling motion on the aileron cables by means of sprockets and chains. The "Y" is pivoted at the lower end to operate the elevator control system. 6-6. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove control cover and carpeting as necessary to gain access to lower end of control "Y". b. Release cable tension by loosening turnbuckle (index 3, figure 6-1). c. Remove bolt (17) attaching control link (14). d. Remove bolts (8) securing control wheel tubes (9) to universal joints (7). e. Remove bolts securing cable ends to control arm (5). f. Remove pivot bolt (16) and remove control "Y". g. Reverse preceding steps for installation. h. Rig aileron system in accordance with applicable paragraph in this section. safety turnbuckle and reinstall all items removed in step "a". i. Check and/or rig elevator control system in accordance with applicable paragraph in Section 8. 6-2 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 6-7. AILERON BELLCRANK. (See figure 6-3.) 6-8. REMOVAL. a. Remove access plate inboard of each bellcrank on underside of wing. Remove headliner if required. b. Relieve control cable tension by loosening turnbuckle barrel (index 3. figure 6-1). c. Disconnect control cables from bellcrank. Retain all spacers (15). d. Disconnect aileron push-pull rod (7) at bellcrank. e. Remove nut. washer and bolt securing bellcrank stop bushing (17) and bellcrank (11) to wing structure. f. Remove bellcrank through access opening. using care that bushing (5) is not dropped from bellcrank. NOTE Brass washers (10) may be used as shims between lower end of bellcrank and wing channel (8). Retain these shims. Tape open ends of bellcrank to prevent dust and dirt from entering bellcrank needle bearings (6). 6-9. INSTALLATION. a. Place bushing (5) and stop bushing (17) in bellcrank and position bellcrank in wing. b. Install brass washers (10) between lower end of bellcrank and wing channel (8) to shim out excess clearance. c. Install bellcrank pivot bolt (4). washers and nut. d. Position bellcrank stop-bushing (17) and install attaching bolt (18). washers and nut. e. Connect aileron cables to bellcrank. f. Rig aileron system in accordance with applicable paragraph in this section. safety turnbuckle and install access plates. 6-10. CABLES AND PULLEYS. (See figure 6-1.) 6-11. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove access plates. wing root fairings and upholstery as required. b. Disconnect cables from aileron bellcranks and remove cable guards and pulleys as necessary to work cables free of aircraft. NOTE To ease routing of cables. a length of wire may be attached to end of cable before being withdrawn from aircraft. Leave wire in place. routed through structure: then attach to cable being installed and use to pull cable into position. Carry-thru cable turnbuckle (3) may be located at either the right or left aileron bellcrank. Direct cable turnbuckles are located at bellcranks. c. d. After cable is routed. install pulleys and cable guards. Ensure cable is positioned in pulley groove before installing guard. Rig aileron system in accordance with applicable paragraph in this section. safety turnbuckles and install access plates. fairings and upholstery removed in step "a" 6-3 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL * THRU 15281426 A 1520785 F1521538 FA1520352 BEGINNING WITH 15281427 A1520786 F1521539 FA1520353 3 1. Right Direct Cable 2. Direct Cable Turnbuckle 3. Carry-Thru Cable Turnbuckle 6. Cable Guard 7. 8. Pulley Clip 9. 10. 11. 12. Fairlead Carry-Thru Cable Left Direct Cable Spacer CAUTION CABLE TENSION Note Shaded pulleys are used in this system only. CABLE TENSION: 40 LBS - 10 LBS ON AILERON CARRYTHRU CABLE (AT AVERAGE TEMPERATURE FOR THE AREA.) SEE FIGURE 1-1 FOR TRAVEL. Figure 6-1. Aileron Control System (Sheet 1 of 2) 6-4 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 6 Detail A Detail 12 C 6 Detail D Detail E Detail G DetaFl FG Figure 6-1. 6- Aileron Control System (Sheet 2 of 2) 6-5 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL * BEGINNING WITH 15285271. A1520987. F15201929, AND FA1520388 3 10 19* 18 1. Sprocket 2 Bearing 2 14 3. Shaft 4. Spacer 5. Control Arm 6. Turnbuckle 7. Universal Joint 8. Bolt 9. Control Wheel Tube 10. Cover 11. Bolt 12. Bearing 13. Bellcrank 14. Control Link 15. Bushing 16. Pivot Bolt 17. Bolt 18. Chain Guard 19. Cap A NOTE When dual controls are installed. spacer (4) is replaced with a universal joint to which the right control wheel is attached. Chains are to have minimum amount of tension which will remove slack from chains. * Use as required for maximum .005 inch end play per side. * Left and nrght bolts are to be parallel. Figure 6-2. Control "Y" Installation 6-6 Detail 17 16 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL * * THRU 15281426 A1520785 F1521538 FA 1520352 BEGINNING WITH 15281427 A1520786 F1521539 FA1520353 18 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Aileron 12. 13. 14. Hinge Balance Weight Pivot Bolt Bushing Needle Bearing Push-Pull Rod Channel Lower Wing Skin Brass Washer Bellcrank Turnbuckle Direct Cable Bushing 15. 16. Spacer Carry-Thru Cable 17. 18. Stop Bushing Bolt 11. 5 . 14 *13 7 12 14 15 11 \15 1 15 9 Detail B Figure 6-3. Aileron and Bellcrank Installation (Sheet 1 of 3) 6-7 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 18A. 19. Hinge Balance Weight 20. 21. 22. Hinge Hinge Pin Hinge 23. Cotter Pin 23A. Hinge Pin 18A 1918A A Detail 21 20 23 23 AILERON HINGE (TYP) Used through serial 15285915 and A1521027 23A AILERON HINGE (TYP) Beginning Serials: 1525916 and A1521028 Detail B NOTE Install loop of hinge pin (23A) on outboard end of hinge. Figure 6-3. Aileron and Bellcrank Installation (Sheet 2 of 3) 6-8 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 18A 24 25 26 Detail C 18A. 24. 25. 26. Hinge Hinge Pin 0.89 Diameter Drill Rod MS24665 Cotter Pin NOTE The following method may be utilized to check for wear on aileron hinges used prior to Serial 15285915 and A1521027. Refer to Service Letters SE83-18 and SE84-22 for specific serial numbers affected: (1) Remove cotter pins (26) from both ends of hinges (18A). (2) Push drill rod (25) or number 43 drill bit into hinge pin hole past holes from cotter pins (26) were removed. Bend one leg of cotter pin (26) back and attempt to install the other leg into the cotter pin hole past drill rod (25). If leg of cotter pin (26) GOES, replace hinge (18A). If NO GO condition exists, hinges are not worn sufficiently to require re- (3) placment. (4) Remove drill rods (25) and replace new cotter pins (26) in hinges (18A). Figure 6-3. Aileron and Bellcrank Installation (Sheet 3 of 3) 6-9 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL AVAILABLE FROM CESSNA PARTS DISTRIBUTION (CPD 2) THROUGH A CESSNA SERVICE STATION (TOOL NO. SE716) Figure 6-4. Inclinometer for Measuring Control Surface Travel 6-12. AILERONS (See figure 6-3.) 6-13. REMOVAL. a. Disconnect push-pull rod (7) at aileron. b. Remove screws and nuts attaching aileron hinges (2) to trailing edge of wing. c. Using care. pull aileron out and down to slide hinges from under wing skin and auiliary spar reinforcements. 6-14. INSTALLATION. a. Position aileron hinges between skin and auxiliary spar reinforcements and install screws and nuts attaching hinges to trailing edge of wing. b. Attach push-pull rod to aileron. NOTE If rigging was correct and push-pull rod adjustment was not disturbed, it should not be necessary to rig system. c. 6-15. 6-10 Check aileron travel and alignment. rig if necessary. in accordance with applicable paragraph in this section. RIGGING. (THRU SERIALS 15279473. A1520736. F15201428 AND FA1520336.) a. (See figure 6-2.) Position arm (5) horizontal and install chain with an equal number of links extending from central drive sprocket on arm (5). b. Adjust turnbuckles (6) to remove slack from chain and synchronize control wheels (level). Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE Adjust chain turnbuckles (6) to minimum tension required to remove slack. c. Tape a bar across both control wheels to hold them in neutral position. d. (Refer to figure 6-3.) Adjust turnbuckles at bellcranks (11) so stop bushings (17) are centered in bellcrank slots (11) with 40 + 10 pounds tension on carry-thru cable (16). e. Adjust push-pull rod (7) at each aileron until ailerons are neutral with reference to trailing edge of wing flaps. Be sure wing flaps are fully up when making this adjustment. Tighten push-pull rod jamnuts. f. Safety all turnbuckles by the single-wrap method using 0.040-inch diameter monel safety wire. g. Remove bar from control wheels and install all parts removed for access. h. Using inclinometer, check ailerons for correct travel. An inclinometer is shown in figure 6-4. Refer to figure 1-1. for travel specifications. WARNING Be sure ailerons move in correct direction when operated by control wheel. 6-16. RIGGING (BEGINNING WITH SERIALS 15279474, A1520737, F15201429, AND FA1520337.) a. Complete steps a. thru d. of paragraph 6-15. b. Manually hold one aileron in streamline position so that trailing edge aligns with trailing edge of flap. Be sure flaps are fully UP. c. Mount an inclinometer on aileron trailing edge and set to 0 °. NOTE An inclinometer suitable for measuring control surface travel is available from Cessna Parts Distribution (CPD 2) through a Cessna Service Station. See figure 6-4. d. Adjust push-pull rod (7) so that aileron droops 1°± 1/2° DOWN from 0° position set in step c. Tighten push-pull rodjamnuls. e. Repeat steps b. thru d. for opposite aileron. f. Safety all turnbuckles using single wrap method and 0.040-inch diameter monel safety wire. g. Remove bar from control wheels and check aileron travel with values shown in Section 1. NOTE Measure aileron travel from "DROOP" position determined in step d. above. h. Reinstall all items removed for access. WARNING Ensure ailerons move in correct direction when operated by control wheel. 1 Revision 1 6-11/A6-12 blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 7 WING FLAP CONTROL SYSTEM TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Aerofiche/ Manual WING FLAP CONTROL SYSTEM Description ................ Operational Check .......... Trouble Shooting ........... Motor/Transmission Assembly Removal/Installation ....... Repair ..................... Flap Control Lever ......... Removal/Installation ...... Repair ................... 1H4/7-1 1H4/7-1 1H4/7-1 1H5/7-2 1H6/7-3 1H6/7-3 1H6/7-3 1H6/7-3 1H8/7-5 1H8/7-5 Flaps .... ............... Removal/Installation ...... Repair ................... Cable and Pulleys .......... Removal/Installation ...... Rigging .................... Follow-Up and Indicating System ................... Description ............... Removal/Installation ...... Rigging .................. 1H8/7-5 1H8/7-5 1H8/7-5 1H8/7-5 1H11/7-8 1H11/7-8 1H17/7-14 1H17/7-14 1H17/7-14 1H17/7-14 7-1. WING FLAP CONTROL SYSTEM. (See figure 7-1.) 7-2. DESCRIPTION. The wing flap control system is comprised of an electric motor and transmission assembly, drive pulleys, push-pull rods. cables and a follow-up control Power from the motor and transmission assembly is transmitted to the flaps by a system of drive pulleys. cables and push-pull rods. Electrical power to the motor is controlled by two microswitches mounted on a floating arm assembly, by a camming lever and follow-up control. As the flap control lever is moved to the desired flap setting. the attached cam trips one of the microswitches. activating the flap motor. As the flaps move to the position selected. the floating arm is rotated by the follow-up control until the active microswitch clears the cam breaking the circuit and stopping the motor. To reverse flap direction. the control lever is moved in the opposite direction causing the cam to trip the second microswitch which reverses the flap motor. The follow-up control moves the cam until it is clear of the second switch, shutting off the flap motor. Limit switches on flap actuator assembly prevent over-travel of the flaps in the full UP or DOWN positions. 7-3. OPERATIONAL CHECK. a. Operate flaps through their full range of travel observing for uneven travel or jumpy motion, binding or lost motion. Ensure flaps are moving together through their full range of travel. b. Check for positive shutoff of motor at flap travel extremes to prevent damage to actuator assembly. c. With flaps full UP. mount an inclinometer on one flap and set to 0 ° . Lower flaps to full DOWN position and check flap angle as specified in figure 1-1. Check approximate mid-range percentage setting against degrees as indicated on inclinometer. Repeat the same procedure for opposite flap. NOTE An inclinometer tor measuring control surface travel is available from Cessna Parts Distribution (CPD 2) throuh a Cessna Service Station. See figure 6-4. d. Remove access plates adjacent to flap drive pulleys and attempt to rock pulleys to check for bearing wear. e. Inspect flap rollers and tracks for evidence of binding or defective parts. Revision 1 7-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 7-4. TROUBLE SHOOTING. NOTE Due to remedy procedures in the following trouble shooting chart it may be necessary to rerig system, refer to paragraph 7-16 and 7-20. TROUBLE BOTH FLAPS FAIL TO MOVE. BINDING IN SYSTEM AS FLAPS ARE RAISED AND LOWERED. LEFT FLAPS FAILS TO MOVE. 7-2 PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Popped circuit breaker. Reset and check continuity. Defective switch. Check continuity of switch. Replace if defective. Defective motor. Remove and bench test motor. Replace if defective. Broken or disconnected wires. Run a continuity check. Connect or repair wiring. Defective or disconnected transmission. Connect or replace transmission. Defective limit switch. Check continuity of switches. Replace switches found defective. Cables not riding on pulleys. Check visually. Route cables correctly over pulleys. Bind in drive pulleys. Check drive pulleys in motion. Replace drive pulleys found defective. Broken or binding pulleys. Check pulleys for free rotation or breaks. Replace defective pulleys. Frayed cable. Check visually. Replace defective cable. Flaps binding on tracks. Observe flap tracks and rollers. Replace defective parts. Disconnected or broken cable. Check cable tension. nect or replace cable. Disconnected push-pull rod. Check visually. Attach push-pull rod. Con- MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 7-4. TROUBLE SHOOTING (CONT). TROUBLE INCORRECT FLAP TRAVEL. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Incorrect rigging. Refer to paragraph 7-16 and 7-20. Defective operating switch. Check continuity of switches. Replace switches found defective. FLAPS FAIL TO RETRACT. Defective or disconnected flaps UP operating switch. Check continuity of switch. Connect or replace limit switch. FLAPS FAIL TO EXTEND. Defective or disconnected flaps DOWN operating switch. Check continuity of switch. Connect or replace limit switch. 7-5. FLAP MOTOR AND TRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY. 7-6. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 7-2.) a. Run flaps to full DOWN position. b. Disconnect battery ground cable and insulate terminal as a safety precaution c. Remove access plates beneath flap motor and transmission assembly in right wing NOTE Flap motor (9). transmission (7). hinge assembly (10) and actuating tube (5) are removed from the aircraft as a unit. d. e. f. Remove bolt (20) securing actuating tube (5) to drive pulley (13). Screw actuating tube (5) in toward transmission (7) as far as possible by hand. Remove bolt (1) securing flap motor hinge (10) to wing. Retain brass washer between hinge and wing structure for use on reinstallation. g. Disconnect motor electrical leads at quick-disconnects. h. Disconnect wiring at limit switches (23 and 26). i. Carefully work assembly from wing through access opening. j. Reverse preceding steps for reinstallation. If hinge assembly (10) was removed from the transmission (7) for any reason. ensure that short end of hinge is reinstalled toward the top. k. Use Loctite grade CV adhesive on threads of setscrew (6) and collar (24) whenever actuating tube (5) is removed. Torque setscrew to 40 pound-inches. 1. Complete operational check as outlined in paragraph 7-3 and rerig system in accordance with paragraph 7-16. 7-7 REPAIR. Repair consists of replacement of motor, transmission. actuating tube and associated hardware. Bearings in hinge assembly may also be replaced. Lubricate as outlined in Section 2. 7-8. FLAP CONTROL LEVER. (See figure 7-2.) 7-3 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 3 A SEE FIGURE 7-5 SEE FIGURE SEE FIGURE 7-3 SEE FIGURE 7-5 Detail A C Detail 1. 2. 3. 4. Drive Pulley Direct Cable Retract Cable Turnbuckle 5. Bracket 6. 7. 8. 9. Bushing Cable Guard Pulley Follow-Up Control Detail B CAUTION MAINTAIN SPECIFIED CONTROL CABLE TENSION CABLE TENSION: 30 LBS 10 LBS (AT AVERAGE TEMPERATURE FOR THE AREA.) SEE FIGURE 1-1 FOR TRAVELS. Figure 7-1. Wing Flap Control System 7-4 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 7-9. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove access plate adjacent to drive pulley (13) in right wing. b. Unzip or remove headliner as necessary for access to tunbuckles (index 4, figure 7-1), remove safety wire and loosen turnbuckles. c. Remove bolt (19) securing flap push-pull rod (14) to drive pulley (13) and lower RIGHT flap gently. d. Remove bolt (20) securing actuating tube (5) to drive pulley (13) and lower LEFT flap gently. Retain bushing. e. Remove cable locks (12) securing control cables to drive pulley (13). Tag cables for reference on reinstallation. f. Remove bolt (11) attaching drive pulley (13) to wing structure. g. Using care, remove drive pulley through access opening, being careful not to drop bushing. Retain brass washer between drive pulley and wing structure for use on reinstallation. Tape open ends of drive pulley after removal to protect bearings. h. To remove left wing drive pulley, use this same procedure omitting step "d". i. Reverse the preceding steps for reinstallation. Rig system in accordance with paragraph 7-16, safety turnbuckles and reinstall all items removed for access. 7-10. REPAIR. Repair is limited to replacement of bearings. Cracked, bent or excessively worn drive pulleys must be replaced. Lubricate bearings as outlined in Section 2. 7-11. FLAPS. (See figure 7-3.) 7-12. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Run flaps to full DOWN position. b. Remove access plates (1) from top leading edge of flap. c. Disconnect push-pull rod (6) at flap bracket (7). d. Remove bolts (5) at each flap track. As flap is removed from wing, all washers, rollers and bushings will fall free. Retain these for reinstallation. e. Reverse the preceding steps for reinstallation. If push-pull rod (6) adjustment is not disturbed, rerigging of system should not be necessary. Check flap travel and rig in accordance with paragraph 7-16, if necessary. NOTE Bushings (4), rollers (3) and spacers (9) are first positioned through slots in flap tracks, then are secured to the flap roller supports (2) with attaching bolts, washers and nuts. Nylon plug buttons (11) prevent wing flap from chafing wing trailing edge. Position spacers (9) and direction of bolts (5) as required to provide adequate flap clearance at wing root, flap well skin and aileron. Some lateral movement of flap is inherent due to the width of rollers. This movement should be considered when positioning spacers and direction of bolts. 7-13. REPAIR. Flap repair may be accomplished in accordance with instructions outlined in Section 17. 7-14. CABLES AND PULLEYS. (See figure 7-1.) 7-5 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTES " y 2 7 7 A Use Loctite grade CV adhesive on threads of setscrew (6) and collar (30) whenever actuating tube (5) is removed. Torque setscrew to 40 inch-pounds. ** New mechanical stop which limits travel of flap actuator ballnut in case of flap motor overrun on airplanes 15279406 thru 15284080 A1520735 thru A15200919 F15201429 thru F15201798 FA1520337 thru FA15200372 incorporating SE79-57 and production aircraft thereafter. 9 1. Bolt 12. Lock 2. Cable Wing Structure Structure 13. 1. Jackscrew 18 9. Motor Assembly 7. Transmission Assembly 19 8. Electrical Wiring 4. 5. 11. 12. 13. 2. 14. 2. 15. 16. 25. 17. 26. 2. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Bolt Actuating Tube Moor Bolt Cable Lock Drive Pulley Set crew Push-Pull Rod Transmissitch Adjustment Block Attach Bracket Bolt Support Direct Cable Switch Down-Limit Retract Cable Bolt Bolt Set Screw Switch Adjustment Block Up-Limit Switch 24. Switch Actuating Collar 25. 26. 27. Support Down-Limit Switch Mechanical Stop Figure 7-2. Flap Motor and Transmission Installation 7-6 Revision I VIEW A-A 5 24 flaps in the FULL UP position 7 26 25 2 3 VIEw A-A a , d s MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL A Detail B 4 BEGINNING WITH 2. 15285561. F15201909 Flap 3. Roller Assembly 8. 9. 9A. 10. 11. Support Bolt Spacer Spacer Plug Button Nylon Plug Button Figure 7-3. Flap Installation 7-7 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 7-15. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove access plates. fairings. headliner and upholstery as necessary for access. b. If the direct cables (2) are to be removed. disconnect clamp (index 19. figure 7-5) from bellcrank (index 15. figure 7-5). c. Remove safety wire, relieve cable tension, disconnect turnbuckles (4) and carefully lower LEFT flap. d. Disconnect cables at drive pulleys. remove cable guards and pulleys as necessary to work cables free of aircraft. NOTE To ease routing of cables, a length of wire may be attached to the end of cable being withdrawn from aircraft. Leave wire in place. routed through structure; then attach the cable being installed and use wire to pull cable into position. e. f. Reverse the preceding steps for reinstallation. After cables are routed in position. install pulleys and cable guards. Ensure cables are positioned in pulley grooves before installing guards. g. Rerig flap system in accordance with paragraph 7-16 and safety turnbuckles. h. Rerig follow-up system in accordance with paragraph 7-19 and reinstall all items removed in step "a" 7-16. RIGGING. a. (See figure 7-1.) Unzip or remove headliner as necessary for access to turnbuckles (4). b. With flaps in the full UP position. disconnect follow-up cable (index 1. figure 7-5) by loosening clamp bolt (14). c. (See figure 7-1.) Remove safety wire. relieve cable tension, disconnect turnbuckles (4) and carefully lower LEFT flap. d. (See figure 7-2.) Disconnect push-pull rods (14) at drive pulleys (13) in both wings and lower RIGHT flap gently. e. Disconnect actuating tube (5) from drive pulley (13). NOTE If control cables are not connected to left and right drive pulleys, actuating tube (5) and push-pull rods (14) must be disconnected before installing cables. If drive pulleys (13) are not installed. attach control cables before installing drive pulleys in the wings as illustrated in figure 7-4. 7-8 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL FLAP MOTOR AND TRANSMISSION FWD DRIVE PULLEY DRIVE PULLEY SET SCREW FLAP MOTOR ACTUATING TUBE TURNBUCKLES LEFT PUSH PULL ROD RIGHT PUSHPULL ROD TO RIGHT WING FLAP TO LEFT WING FLAP VIEWED FROM ABOVE Figure 7-4. Flap System Schematic f. Adjust both push-pull rods (14) to 8.83 +.12 inches between centers of rod end bearings and tighten locknuts on both ends. Connect push-pull rods to flaps and drive pulleys. NOTE Temporarily connect cables at turnbuckles (index 4. figure 7-1) and test flaps by hand to ensure both flaps extend and retract together. If they will not. the cables are incorrectly attached to the drive pulleys. Ensure that the right drive pulley rotates clockwise. when viewed from below. as the flaps are extended. Tag cables for reference and disconnect turnbuckles again. g. (See figure 7-2.) Screw actuating tube (5) IN toward transmission (7) by hand to .12 .05 inches between switch actuating collar (24) and transmission as illustrated in VIEW A-A. h. Loosen setscrew (6) securing actuating tube (5) to switch actuating collar (24) and hold collar to maintain .12 -. 05 inch while holding RIGHT flap in the full UP position and adjust actuating tube (5) IN or OUT as necessary to align with attachment hole in drive pulley (13). i. Apply Loctitie grade CV sealant (or equivalent) to threads of setscrew (6) and torque to 40 pound-inches NOTE If actuating tube (5) is too long to allow attachment to drive pulley after completion of step "h". proceed to step 7-9 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Follow-Up Cable Mounting Bracket Knob Flap Lever Spacer Flaps DOWN Operating Switch Position Indicator Bushing Washer Switch Mounting Arm Flaps UP Operating Switch Return Spring Cam Clamp Bolt Bellcrank Flap Cable Guide Clamp Bolt Washers Clamp Insulator Figure 7-5. Flap Follow-Up and Indicating System (Sheet 1 of 3) 7-10 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 271, STA-LOK Catalog No. 800, or equivalent) and install knob (3). Allow Loctite to cure from five to 20 minutes before service use. THRU 15283354 A1520867 F15201673 FA1520357 16 Detail B NOTE * NOTE Position center cable of flap follow-up (1) between washers (18). Lubricate slots of guide (17) and bellcrank (15) with Lubri-Bond "A" or Lubri-Bond 220 (Electrofilm Inc.) North Hollywood. California or Perma-Silk (Everlube Corp,) North Hollywood, California. Figure 7-5. Flap Follow-Up and Indicating System (Sheet 2 of 3) 7-11 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL BEGINNING 15283355 9 1 F1520 1674s FA1520358 Detail B Detail B NOTES 19 Position center cable of flap follow-up (1) between washers (18). f** Lubricate slots of guide (17) and bellcrank (15) with Lubri-Bond "A" or Lubri-Bond 220 (Electrofilm Inc.), North Hollywood, California or Perma-Silk (Everlube Corp.), North Hollywood, California. *** Improved clamp installation on airplanes 15279406 thru 15283354 A1520735 thru A1520867 F15201429 thru F15201683 FA1520337 thru FA1520357 incorporating SK172-60A and production aircraft thereafter. 7-12 Figure 7-5. Flap Follow-Up and Indicating System (Sheet 3 of 3) Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL j. k. Disconnect push-pull rod (14) at drive pulley (13) to allow connecting actuating tube (5) to drive pulley. Manually hold RIGHT flap in full UP position and readjust push-pull rod (14) to align with attachment hole in drive pulley. Connect push-pull rod and tighten locknuts. NOTE The right flap and actuator must be correctly rigged before cables and left flap can be rigged. 1. With flaps in full UP position. loosen setscrews (21) and slide up limit switch adjustment block (22) on support (25) to just activate switch and shut off electrical power to motor at this position. Tighten setscrew. m. Manually hold LEFT flap. full UP and connect control cables at turnbuckles (index 4. figure 7-1). Remove reference tags previously installed in step "f". n. With flaps full UP. adjust turnbuckles to obtain 30± 10 pounds tension on cables. Adjust retract cable (18) first. NOTE Ensure cables are positioned in pulley grooves and cable ends are positioned correctly at drive pulleys before tightening turnbuckles. o. Disconnect push-pull rod at left drive pulley. Run motor to extend flaps approximately 20° and check tension on each flap cable. If necessary. readjust turnbuckles to maintain 30± 10 pounds tension on each cable and safety turnbuckles. p. Fully retract right flap. Manually hold left flap in full UP position and readjust pushpull rod to align with attaching hole in drive pulley. Connect push pull rod and tighten locknuts. NOTE An inclinometer for measuring control surface travel is available from Cessna Parts Distribution (CPD 2) through a Cessna Service Station. See figure 6-4. q. Mount an inclinometer on RIGHT flap and adjust to 0 ° . r. Run flaps to full DOWN position and adjust DOWN limit switch (26) to stop motor and flap at degree of travel specified in figure 1-1. Repeat check on LEFT flap. Recheck limit switch through several flap cycles. NOTE All flap rollers may not bottom in the flap tracks at the travel extremes. s. Reconnect and rerig the flap follow-up system in accordance with paragraph 7-20. Perform an operational check in accordance with paragraph 7-3. recheck all items for proper safetying and replace items removed for access. Revision 1 7-13 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 7-17. FLAP FOLLOW-UP AND INDICATING SYSTEM. (See figure 7-5.) 7-18. DESCRIPTION. The flap follow-up and indicating system consists of a sheathed cable assembly one end of which is attached to the flap operating switch mounting arm and the other end is clamped to the flap direct cable above the headliner in the rear cabin area. Motion of the flap cable is transmitted through the follow-up control to the pointer along a scale as the flaps are extended or retracted. 7-19. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. Figure 7-5 can be used as a guide to removal and installation of the flap follow-up and indicating system. 7-20. RIGGING. (See figure 7-5.) a. Flap control system must be rigged in accordance with paragraph 7-16 before flap follow-up control can be rigged. b. Disconnect spring (12) from switch mounting arm (10). c. With flaps in full UP position, pull center cable of flap follow-up control (1) detail B. figure 7-5) to remove slack. d. Ensure flap lever (4) is in full UP position while indicator (7) has a .03 - .06 inch clearance with top of instrument panel cut-out. Secure follow-up cable to bellcrank (15) with clamp bolt (14) while observing note in figure 7-5. e. Connect spring (12) to switch mounting arm (10). f. Adjust switches (6) and (11) in slotted holes on mounting arm (10) until cam (13) is centered between switch rollers. g. Mount an inclinometer on one flap and set to 0° (flaps full UP). Turn master switch ON and move flap lever (4) to 10 ° flap position. NOTE An inclinometer for measuring control surface travel is available from Cessna Parts Distribution (CPD 2) through a Cessna Service Station. See figure 6-4. h. Observe inclinometer reading when flaps stop. Adjust flaps DOWN operating switch (6) in slotted holes on mounting arm (10) as required to obtain flap travel of 10±2. i. Adjust flaps UP operating switch (11) in slotted holes to obtain positive clearance with cam (13) when flaps DOWN operating switch has just opened in the 10° position. j. Repeat steps "h" and "i" for 20 ° flap position. k. Run flaps to full DOWN position and check that flaps DOWN operating switch (6) remains closed as flap motor limit switch (index 26. figure 7-2) stops flaps at full DOWN position. 1. Check flaps through several cycles. recheck all items removed for security and replace items removed for access. 7-14 Revision I MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 8 ELEVATOR CONTROL SYSTEM Page No. TABLE OF CONTENTS Aerofiche/ Manual ELEVATOR CONTROL SYSTE . Description ............... Trouble Shooting ........... Elevators ................. Removal/lnstaliation ....... Repair ............. ..... Bellcranks ................ 1H22/8-1 1H22/8-1 1H22/8-1 1H23/8-2 1H23/8-2 lH24/8-3 1H24/8-3 Forward ................ Removal/lnstllation ..... Rear .................. Removal/Installtion ..... Cables and Pulleys ........ Removal/lnsallaon ..... Rigging ................ 1H24/8-3 1H24/8-3 1H24/8-3 1H24/8-3 1H24/8-7 1H24/8-7 1H24/8-7 8-1. ELEVATOR CONTROL SYSTEM. 8-2. DESCRIPTION. The elevators are operated by power transmitted from the control wheels through a series of cables. bellcranks and a push-pull tube. The rear bellcrank serves as an interconnect between the elevators and a bearing point for the travel stop bolts. An elevator trim tab is installed on the right elevator and is described in Section 9. 8-3. TROUBLE SHOOTING. NOTE Due to remedy procedures in the following trouble shooting chart, it may be necessary to rerig system. Refer to paragraph 8-14. TROUBLE NO RESPONSE TO CONTROL WHEEL FORE-ANDAFT MOVEMENT. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Forward or aft end of pushpull tube disconnected. Attach push-pull tube correctly. Cables disconnected. Attach cables and rig system in accordance with paragraph 8-14. Revision 1 8-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 8-3. TROUBLE SHOOTING (CONT). BINDING OR JUMPY MOTION FELT IN MOVEMENT OF ELEVATOR SYSTEM. REMEDY PROBABLE CAUSE TROUBLE Defective forward or rear bellcrank pivot bearing. Replace bellcrank Cables slack. Adjust to tension specified in figure 8-1. Cables not riding correctly on pulleys. Route cables correctly over pulleys. Nylon grommet on instrument panel binding. Replace grommet. Defective control "y" pivot bearing. Replace bearing. Defective elevator hinges or lubrication needed. Replace defective hinges. Lubricate per Section 2. Clevis bolts too tight. Readjust to eliminate bolt binding. Lubrication needed. Lubricate piano hinges. Defective pulleys or cable guards. Replace defective parts and install guards properly. Stops incorrectly set. ELEVATORS FAIL TO ATTAIN PRESCRIBED TRAVEL. Rig system in accordance with paragraph 8-14. Cables tightened unevenly. Rig system in accordance with paragraph 8-14. Interference at firewall or instrument panel. Rig system in accordance with paragraph 8-14. 8-4. ELEVATORS. (See figure 8-2.) 8-5. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. NOTE This procedure is written primarily for the right elevator since the trim tab is attached to this elevator. a. Disconnect trim tab push-pull tube (2) at tab actuator. b. Remove bolts (8) securing elevators to bellcrank (7). 8-2 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE If trim system is not moved and actuator screw is not turned, rigging of trim system should not be necessary after reinstallation of elevator. c. Remove bolts (10) from elevator hinges. d. Using care. remove elevator. e. To remove left elevator use same procedure, omitting step "a". f. Reverse the preceding steps for installation.Rig system in accordance with applicable paragraph in this section if necessary. 8-6. REPAIR. Repair may be accomplished as outlined in Section 17. Hinge bearings may be replaced as necessary. If repair has affected static balance. check and rebalance as required. 8-7. BELLCRANKS. 8-8. FORWARD. (See figure 8-1.) 8-9. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove seats, upholstery and access plates as necessary. b. Relieve tension at turnbuckles (9) and disconnect cables from bellcrank (16). c. Disconnect push-pull tube (12) from bellcrank. d. Remove pivot bolt (15) and remove bellcrank. *. Reverse preceding steps for installation. Rig system in accordance with applicable paragraph in this section, safety turnbuckles and reinstall all items removed in step 8-10. REAR. (See figure 8-2.) 8-11. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove rudder. (Refer to Section 10.) b. Remove seats, upholstery and access plates as necessary for access to turnbuckles (index 10. figure 8-1). c. Relieve cable tension at turnbuckles and disconnect cables from rear bellcrank (7). d. Remove bolts (8) securing elevators to bellcrank. e. Remove bellcrank pivot bolt and slide bellcrank from between tube assemblies (6). NOTE It may be necessary to remove one of the attaching bolts (10) for clearance when removing the bellcrank pivot bolt. f. Reverse preceding steps for installation. Rig system in accordance with applicable paragraph in this section, safety turnbuckles and reinstall all items removed in step "b". 8-3 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SEE FIGURE 6-2 D A1 (SEE SHEET2) C (SEE SHEET 2) Detail A Detall B Detail C * 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Fairlead Up Cable15281427 Down Cable Pulley Bracket Down Cable Travel-Stop Bolt Jam-Nut Rear Belicrank Turnbuckle The travel-stop bolts (6) are safetied. O BEGIqNG wT A1520786 F15201539 FA1520353 CAUTION MAINTAIN SPECIFIED CONTROL CABLE TENSION. CABLE TENSION: 30 LBS * 10 LBS (AT AVERAGE TEMPERATURE FOR THE AREA.) SEE FIGURE 1-1 FOR TRAVEL. Figure 8-1. Elevator Control System (Sheet 1 of 3) 8-4 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 10 10 Detail Al 10 11 3 Detail B1 Detail Dl 2. 3. 10. 11. D Detail D1 Up Cable Down Cable Pulley Cable Guard Figure 8-1. Elevator Control System (Sheet 2 of 3) 8-5 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 13 12 16 Detal E THRU 15281426, A1520785, F15201538, AND FA1520352 13 12 16 Detail E 15281427 THRU 15285396, A1520786 TE[RU A1521000 F15201539 THRU F15201936, FA1520353 THRU FA1520387 16. Forward Bellcrank Detail E BEGINNING WITH !5285397, A1521001, F15201937, AND FA1520388 Figure 8-1. Elevator Control System (Sheet 3 of 3) 8-6 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 8-12. CABLES AND PULLEYS. (See figure 8-1.) 8-13. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove seats, upholstery, and access plates as necessary. b. Relieve cable tenion at turnbuckles (9). c. Disconnect cables at forward bellcrank. d. Disoonnect cables at rear bellcrank (8). e. Remove fairleads, cable guards, and pulleys as necessary to work cables free of aircraft NOTE To ease routing of cables, a length of wire may be attached to end of cable before being withdrawn from aircraft. Leave we in place, routed through structure, attach cable being installed and pull cable into position. f. g. After cable is routed in position install pulleys and cable guards. Ensure cable is positioned in pulley groove before installing guards. Rig system in accordance with applicable paragraph in this section, safety turnbuckles and reinstll all items removed in step "a". 8-14. RIGGING. (See figure 8-1.) a Remove seats, upholstery and acces plates as required to gain access to turbuckles (9). b. Lock control column in neutral position by installing neutral position rigging tool (index 2. figure 8-3). c. Streamline elevators to neutral with horizontal stabilizer. d Holding elevators in neutral (strealined) position. adjust cable tension to 30=10 pounds by tightening turnbuckles. e. With elevators still in neutral position. mount an inclinometer on one elevator and set to 0° . NOTE An inclinometer for measuring control surface travel is available from Cessna Parts Distribution (CPD 2) through a Cessna Service Station. See figure 6-4. Remove control column neutral position rigging tool and adjust travel stop bolts (6) so elevators attain degree of.travel specified in figure 1-1. Ensure control "Y" does not contact firewall in full DOWN position or instrument panel in full UP position. g. Check all components for security. safety tunbuckles and reinstall all items removed for access. f. WARNING Make sure elevators move in correct direction when operated by control column. Revision 1 8-7 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL B 7 8 15284651 THRU 15285834, A1520956 THRU A1521025, 1894 THRU F15201943 AND 1892, F15201891, FA1520378 THRU FA1520387, TORQUE BOLT 100-140 LB-IN. EXCEPT WHEN THE BELLCRNK AND THE WASHERS HAVE BEEN REPLACED WITH 0432012-4 BELLCRANK AND 0432013-1 BUSHINGS (See sheet 2 of 3). 9. Spacer 10. Bolt 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Figure 8-2. Elevator Installation(Sheet 1 of 3) 8-8 Trim Tab Bearing Tube Assembly Bellcrank 8. Bolt Detail A * 4. 5. 6. 7. Bushing Cotter Pin Castellated Nut Channel Bolt Washers Bushings MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 7 8 Detail A * BEGINNING WITH 15285835. A1521025, F15201944 AND FA1520388. TORQUE BOLTS 20-25 LB-IN. AFTER BUSHINGS ARE INSTALLED AND BOLT TORQUED, APPLY LOCTITE 290 TO BUSHINGS AND FORGING JOINT. THIS ALSO APPLIES TO 15284651 THRU 15285834. A1520956 THRU A1521025, F15201891, 1892, 1894 THRU FI5201943, AND FA1520378 THRU FA1520387 WHEN THE 0432012-4 BELLCRANK AND 0432013-1 BUSHINGS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED. Figure 8-2. Elevator Installation (Sheet 2 of 3) 8-8A/(8-8B blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 12 Detail B * THRU 15284327 AND A1520938 * BEGINNING WITH 15284328 AND A1520939 1 4* 10 Detail C Figure 8-2. Elevator Installation (Sheet 3 of 3) 8-9 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL .46 inch .46 inch Press fit .62 inch 1.00 inch .19"R.(Typ) .35"R.(Typ) .30 inch Detail A Fabricate from .125 inch steel plate and .209 inch dia. drill rod according to dimensions shown. 1O2 1 Support 2. 3 4. Neutral Rigging Tool Instrument Panel Pilot's Control Column Figure 8-3. Control Column Neutral Position Rigging Tool 8-10 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 9 ELEVATOR TRIM TAB CONTROL SYSTEM TABLE OF CONTENTS ELEVATOR TRIM CONTROL SYSTEM .................... Description ................. Trouble Shooting ............ Trim Tab ................... Removal/Installation ....... Tab Actuator ............... Removal/Installation ....... Disassembly ............... Page No. Aerofiche/ Manual Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair ................... Reassembly ............... Operational Check ......... Trim Tab Free-Play Inspection ................. Trim Tab Control Wheel ..... Removal/Installation ....... Rigging .................... 1113/9-1 1I13/9-1 1I13/9-1 1I14/9-2 1I14/9-2 1I14/9-2 1I14/9-2 1I15/9-3 1I15/9-3 1I20/9-8 1I20/9-8 1I22/9-10 1I23/9-11 1I23/9-11 1I23/9-11 9-1. ELEVATOR TRIM CONTROL SYSTEM. 9-2. DESCRIPTION. The elevator trim tab, located on the right elevator. is controlled by a trim wheel mounted in the lower instrument panel. Power to operate the tab is transmitted from the trim control wheel by means of chains, cables and an actuator. A mechanical pointer. adjacent to the trim wheel indicates tab position. A "nose-up" setting results in a tab-down position. 9-3. TROUBLE SHOOTING. NOTE Due to remedy procedures in the following trouble shooting chart, it may be necessary to rerig system. Refer to paragraph 9-16. TROUBLE TRIM CONTROL WHEEL MOVES WITH EXCESSIVE RESISTANCE. PROBABLE CAUSE I REMEDY Cable tension too high. Adjust tension. Pulleys binding or rubbing. Repair or replace as necessary. Cables not in place on pulleys. Install cables correctly. Trim tab hinge binding. Lubricate or replace hinge as necessary. Defective trim tab actuator. Replace actuator. Rusty chain.- Replace rusty chain. Damaged sprocket. Replace damaged sprockets. Bent sprocket shaft. Replace bent sprocket shafts. Revision 1 9-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 9-3. TROUBLE SHOOTING (Cont). TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE LOST MOTION BETWEEN CONTROL WHEEL AND TRIM TAB. REMEDY Cable tension too low. Adjust tension. Broken pulley. Replace defective pulley. Cables not in place on pulleys. Install cables correctly. Worn trim tab actuator. Remove and replace worn actuator. Actuator attachment loose. Tighten. TRIM INDICATOR FAILS TO INDICATE CORRECT TRIM POSITION. Indicator incorrectly engaged on wheel track Reset indicator. INCORRECT TRIM TAB TRAVEL. Stop blocks loose or incorrectly adjusted. Adjust stop blocks on cables. 9-4. TRIM TAB. 9-5. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Disconnect push-pull tube from horn assembly. b. Drill out rivets attaching hinge to elevator. NOTE After tab has been removed and if hinge pin is to be removed, it is necessary to spread the crimped ends of the hinge before driving out pin. When a pin has been installed, crimp ends of hinge to prevent pin from working out. c. Reverse the preceding steps for installation. 9-6. TRIM TAB ACTUATOR. 9-7. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 9-1.) CAUTION Position a support stand under the tail tie-down ring to prevent tailcone from dropping while working inside. a. b. c. d. e. 9-2 Remove baggage compartment aft wall for access. Remove safety wire and relieve cable tension at turnbuckle (15). Disconnect push-pull tube (12) at actuator (9). Remove access plate from underside of right hand stabilizer beneath actuator. Remove chain guard (8) and disengage chain (8A) from actuator sprocket. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Remove screws (8B) and spacers (10) attaching clamps to stabilizer structure (11) and carefully work actuator out through access opening. g. Reverse the preceding steps for reinstallation. Rig system in accordance with paragraph 9-16. safety turnbuckle (15) and reinstall all items removed for access. f. 9-8. DISASSEMBLY. (See figure 9-2.) a. Remove actuator in accordance with paragraph 9-7. b. Disassemble actuator assembly (1) as illustrated in Detail A as follows: 1. Remove chain guard (3) if not previously removed in step "e." of paragraph 9-7. 2. Using suitable punch and hammer, remove groove-pins (8) securing sprocket (5) to screw (9) and remove sprocket from screw. Unscrew threaded rod end (15) and remove rod end from actuator. 3. 4. Remove groove-pins (10) securing bearings (6 and 14) at the housing ends. Lightly tap screw (9) toward the sprocket end of housing, remove bearing (6), and 5. collar (7). 6. Lightly tap screw (9) in the opposite direction from sprocket end, remove bearing (14), O-ring (13), and collar (7). It is not necessary to remove retaining rings (11). 7. 9-9. CLEANING. INSPECTION AND REPAIR. (See figure 9-2.) a. DO NOT remove bearing (16) from threaded rod end (15) unless replacement of bearing is necessary. b. Clean all component parts, except bearing (16), by washing in Stoddard solvent or equivalent. Do not clean sealed bearing (16Y. c. Inspect all component parts for obvious indications of damage such as stripped threads. cracks, deep nicks and dents. d. Check bearings (6 and 14), screw (9), and threaded rod end (15) for excessive wear and scoring. Dimensions of the parts are as follows: BEARING (6) INSIDE DIAMETER INSIDE DIAMETER BEARING (14) INSIDE DIAMETER SMALL HOLE. SMALL HOLE LARGE HOLE LARGE HOLE THREADED ROD END (15) OUTSIDE DIAMETER (SHANK) (SHANK) SCREW (9) OUTSIDE DIAMETER OUTSIDE DIAMETER 0.373" MIN. 0.380" MAX. u.248" 0.253" 0.373" 0.380" MIN. MAX. MIN. MAX. 0.242" MIN. u.246" MAX. .367" MIN. 0.370" MAX. NOTE Relative linear movement between internal threaded screw (9) and bearing (14) should be 0.004 to 0.010 inch at room temperature. Revision 1 9-3 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL B 9. Actuator 9-4 19. Channel SEE FIGURE Figure 9-1. Elevator Trim Control System (Sheet 1 1-1 of 4)FOR TRAVEL. 1. Bracket 10. Spacer 4 Chain 13. Pulley (Tab Up) Sprocket Roll Pin Indicator Chain Guard Chain Screw 13A.Pulley (Tab Down) 14. Clevis 15. Turnbuckle 16. Elevator Tab Stop Block 17. Cable Guard 18. Fairlead 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8A. 8B. Trim Wheel 12· Push-Pull Tube CAUTION MAINTAIN SPECIFIED CONTROL CABLE TENSION CABLE TENSION: 10 to 20 LBS (AT AVERAGE TEMPERATURE FOR THE · AREA.) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 8B SEE 9 10 11 12* DetailB FIGURE 9-2 8 ' 19* 8A * THRU 15282054. A1520809. F15201578 and FA1520357 Beginning with 15282055. A1520810 F15201579 and FA1520358 134 9 C1 Detail C 13 13A Detail C1 D1 Detail D * BEGINNING WITH 15284356. A1520941. F15201829 AND FA1520373 # THRU 15284355, A1520940. F15201828 AND FA1520372 Detail D 13 Figure 9-1. Elevator Trim Control System (Sheet 2 of 4) 9-5 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 13A El 13 Detail E Detail El 13A Detail Figure 9-1. Elevator Trim Control System (Sheet 3 of 4) 9-6 F1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 17 Detail G1 Figure 9-1. Elevator Trim Control System (Sheet 4 of 4) 9-7 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL e. Examine threaded rod end (15) and screw (9) for damaged threads or dirt particles that may impair smooth operation. f. Check sprocket (5) for broken, chipped, and/or worn teeth. g. Check bearing (16) for smoothness of operations. h. DO NOT attempt to repair damaged or worn parts of the actuator assembly. Discard all defective items and install new parts during reassembly. 9-10. REASSEMBLY. (See figure 9-2). a. Always discard the following items and install new parts during reassembly. 1. Bearings (6 and 14). 2. Groove-pins (8 and 10). 3. O-Ring(13). 4. Nuts (2). b. During reassembly, lubricate collars (7), screw (9), and threaded rod end (15) in accordance with Section 2,. c. Press sprocket (5) into the end of screw (9), align groove-pin holes, and install new groove-pins (8). d. Slip bearing (6) and collar (7) on screw (9) and slide them down against sprocket (5). e. Insert screw (9), with assembled parts, into housing (12) until bearing (6) until bearing (6) is flush with the end of housing. NOTE When inserting screw (9) into housing (12), locate the sprocket (5) at the end of housing which is farther away from the groove for retaining ring (11). The bearings (6 and 14) are not pre-drilled and must be drilled on assembly. The groove-pins (10) are 3/32 inch in diameter, therefore, requiring a 3/32 inch (0.0937) inch drill. f. With bearing (6) flush with end of housing (12), carefully drill bearing so the drill will emerge from the hole on the opposite side of housing (12). DO NOT ENLARGE HOLES IN HOUSING. g. Press new groove-pins (10) into pin holes. h. Insert collar (7), new O-ring (13), and bearing (14) into opposite end of housing (12). i. Complete steps "f." and "g." for bearing (14). j. If a new bearing (16) is required, a new bearing may be pressed into the boss. Be sure force bears against the outer race of bearing. k. Screw the threaded rod end (15) into screw (9). 1. Install retaining rings (11), if they were removed. 9-10A. 9-8 OPERATIONAL CHECK. (See Figure 9-2.) a. Test actuator assembly by rotating sprocket (5) with fingers while holding threaded rod end (15). The threaded rod end should travel in and out smoothly, with no indication of binding. b. Reinstall actuator assembly and rerig system in accordance with paragraphs 9-7, and 9-16. c. Replace access covers and any other items removed to gain access and rig system. d. Check trim tab free-play. Refer to paragraph 9-11. Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL A 8 15 Detail 9 8 7 6 5 3 4 A 1. Actuator Assembly 2. Nut 10. Groove-pin 9. Screw 3. 4. 5. Chain Guard Screw Sprocket 11. 12. 13. Retaining Ring Housing O-Ring 6. Bearing 14. Bearing 7. 8. Collar Groove-pin - 15. 16. Threaded Rod End Bearing Figure 9-2. Elevator Trim Tab Actuator Assembly A (3) FWD B 1. With elevators in neutral, set trim tab to neutral (streamlined). 2. Position stop block (3) against turnbuckle and secure to cable B. 3. Place inclinometer on trim tab and run tab to UP TRAVEL limit listed in Section 1. 4. Position stop block (2) against stop block (3) and secure to cable A. 5. Run trim tab to DOWN TRAVEL limit listed in Section 1, place stop block (1) against stop block (2) and secure to cable (B). Figure 9-3. Elevator Trim Tab Travel Adjustment Revision 1 9-9 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL HINGE POINT TRAILING EDGE TRIM TAB Detail A FREE-PLAY UP * NEUTRAL POSITION FREE-PLAY DOWN TOTAL FREE-PLAY 1. 2. 3. 4. Measure chord length at extreme inboard end of trim tab as shown in detail A. Multiply chord length by 0.025 to obtain maximum allowable free-play. Measure free-play at same point on trim tab that chord length was measured. Total free-play must not exceed maximum allowable. See detail B. Figure 9-4. Trim Tab Free-Play Inspection 9-11. TRIM a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 9-10 TAB FREE-PLAY INSPECTION. Place elevators and trim tab in the neutral position and secure from movement Determine maximum allowable free-play using formula shown in figure 9-4. Using moderate hand pressure (up and down), measure free-play at trailing edge of trim tab. If trim tab free-play is less than the maximum allowable, the system is within prescribed limits. If the trim tab free-play is more than the maximum allowable, check the following items for looseness while moving the trim tab up and down. 1. Check push-pull tube to trim tab horn assembly attachment for looseness. 2. Check push-pull tube to actuator assembly threaded rod end attachment for looseness. 3. Check actuator assembly threaded rod end for looseness in actuator assembly. If looseness is apparent while checking steps "e-1" and "e-2". repair by installing new parts. If looseness is apparent while checking step "e-3". refer to paragraphs 9-6 through 910. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 9-12. TRIM TAB CONTROL WHEEL. (See figure 9-1.) 9-13. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Relieve cable tension at turnbuckle (15). CAUTION Position a support stand under the tail tie-down ring to prevent tailcone from dropping while working inside. b. c. d. e. f. Disengage chain from sprocket (5). Remove cotter pin at each end of trim wheel shaft. Slide shaft assembly into either bearing (2) as far as possible. Carefully deform brackets (1) and slide shaft assembly free of bearings (2). Reverse the preceding steps for installation. Rig system in accordance with applicable paragraph in this section, safety turnbuckle and reinstall all items removed for access. 9-14. CABLES AND PULLEYS. (See figure 9-1.) 9-15. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove seats, upholstery and access plates as necessary. b. Disconnect cables at turnbuckle (15) and clevis (14). c. Remove fairlead, cable guards and pulleys as necessary to work cables free of aircraft. NOTE To ease routing of cables, a length of wire may be attached to end of the cable before being withdrawn from aircraft. Leave wire in place, routed through structure. attach cable being installed and pull cable into position. d. After cable is routed in position, install pulleys and cable guards. Make sure cable is positioned in pulley groove before installing guards. e. Rig system in accordance with applicable paragraph in this section. safety turnbuckle and reinstall all items removed in step "a". 9-16. RIGGING. (See figure 9-1.) CAUTION Position a support stand under the tail tie-down ring to prevent tailcone from dropping while working inside. a. b. c. d. Remove rear baggage compartment panel and access plates as necessary. Loosen travel stop blocks (16) on cables. Disconnect actuator (9) from push-pull tube (12). Check cable tension and readjust turnbuckle (15) if necessary. 9-11 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE If chains and/or cables are being installed. permit actuator screw to rotate freely as chains and cables are connected. Set cable tension. e. Rotate trim control wheel (3) full forward (nose down). Ensure that indicator (7) does not restrict wheel movement. If necessary, reposition indicator using a thin screwdriver to pry trailing leg of indicator out of groove. NOTE Full forward (nose down) position of trim wheel is where further movement is prevented by chain or cable ends contacting sprockets or pulleys. f. With elevator and trim tab both inneutral (streamlined), place an inclinometer on tab and set to zero. NOTE An inclinometer for measuring control surface travel is available from Cessna Parts Distribution (CPD 2) through a Cessna Service Station. See figure 6-4. g. Rotate actuator screw in or out as required to place tab up with a maximum of 2 ° overtravel. with actuator screw connected to Push-pull tube (12). h. Rotate trim wheel to position trim tab up and down. readjusting actuator screw as required to obtain overtravel in both directions. i. Position stop blocks (16) and adjust as illustrated in figure 9-3 to limit travel to the degree specified in Section 1. j. Check that trim wheel indicator is same distance from ends of slot in cover. Reposition trailing leg of indicator if necessary (refer to step "e."). k. Safety turnbuckle and reinstall all items removed in step "a". | WARNING Be sure trim tab moves in correct direction when operated by the trim wheel. Nose down trim corresponds to tab up position. 9-12 Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 10 RUDDER AND RUDDER TRIM CONTROL SYSTEMS Page No. Aerofiche/ Manual RUDDER CONTROL SYSTEM.......1J7/10-1 1J7/10-1 Description ........................ 1J7/10-1 Trouble Shooting .... ;............. 1J8/10-2 Rudder Pedal Assembly ........... 1J8/10-2 Removal/Installation ............ Rudder ............................. 1J/10-2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Removal/Installation ........ Repair ....................... Cables and Pulleys............. Removal/Installation ........ Rigging ........................ 1J8/10-2 1J8/10-2 1J8/10-2 1J9/10-3 1J9/10-3 10-1. RUDDER CONTROL SYSTEM. (See figure 10-1.) 10-2. DESCRIPTION. Rudder control is maintained through use of conventional rudder pedals which also control nose wheel steering. The system is comprised of the rudder pedals. cables and pulleys, all of which link the pedals to the rudder and nose wheel steering. 10-3. TROUBLE SHOOTING. NOTE Due to remedy procedures in the following trouble shooting chart, it may be necessary to rerig system. Refer to paragraph 10-11. TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Connect or replace cables. RUDDER DOES NOT RESPOND TO PEDAL MOVEMENT. Broken or disconnected cables. BINDING OR JUMPY MOVEMENT OF RUDDER PEDALS. Cables too tight. Adjust cable tension in accordance with paragraph 10-11. Cables not riding properly on pulleys. Route cables correctly over pulleys. Binding. broken or defective pulleys or cable guards. Replace defective pulleys and install guards properly. Pedal bars need lubrication. Refer to Section 2. Defective rudder bar bearings. Replace bearing blocks. Defective rudder hinge bushings or bellcrank bushings. Replace defective bushings. Clevis bolts too tight. Readjust to eliminate binding. Steering rods not adjusted properly. Rig system m accordance with paragraph 10-11. Revision 1 10-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 10-3. TROUBLE SHOOTING (Cont.) PROBABLE CAUSE TROUBLE REMEDY LOST MOTION BETWEEN RUDDER PEDALS AND RUDDER. Insufficient cable tension. Adjust cable tension in accordance with paragraph 10-11. INCORRECT RUDDER TRAVEL. Incorrect rigging. Rig system in accordance with paragraph 10-11. 10-4. RUDDER PEDAL ASSEMBLY. (See figure 10-2.) 10-5. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove carpeting, shields and soundproofing from pedal and tunnel areas as necessary. b. Disconnect master cylinders (11) at pilot rudder pedals. c. Disconnect parking brake cables at master cylinders. d. Remove rudder pedals (2) and brake links (12). e. Relieve cable tension at clevises (index 5, figure 10-1). f. Disconnect cables, return springs and steering tubes from rudder bars. g. Remove bolts securing bearing blocks (15) and work rudder bars out of tunnel area. NOTE Rudder bar assemblies should be checked for excessive wear before installation. The bearing blocks are nylon and require no lubrication unless binding occurs. A few drops of general purpose oil should eliminate such binding. h. Reverse the preceding steps for installation. Rig system in accordance with applicable paragraph in this section, safety cevises and reinstall all items removed in step "a". 10-6.. RUDDER. (See figure 10-3.) 10-7. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Disconnect tail navigation light quick-disconnect (10). b. Relieve cable tension at clevises (index 5. figure 10-1) and disconnect clevises from rudder bellcrank (8). c. With rudder supported, remove hinge bolts (4) and lift rudder free of vertical fin d. Reverse the preceding steps for installation. Rig system in accordance with applicable paragraph in this section and safety clevises. 10-8. REPAIR. Repair may be accomplished as outlined in Section 17. Hinge bushings may be replaced as necessary. 10-9. CABLES AND PULLEYS. (See figure 10-1.) 10-2 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 10-10. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove seats, upholstery and access plates as necessary. b. Disconnect cable at rudder bar (10) and bellcrank (7). c. Remove cable guards, pulleys and fairleads as necessary to work cables free of aircraft. NOTE To ease routing of cables, a length of wire may be attached to end of the cable before being withdrawn from aircraft. Leave wire in place, routed through structure, attach cable being installed, and pull cable into position. d. e. 10-11. After cable is routed in position, install pulleys, fairleads and cable guards. Ensure cable is positioned in pulley groove before installing guard. Rig system in accordance with applicable paragraph in this section. safety clevises and reinstall all items removed in step "a". RIGGING. (See figure 10-1). a. Adjust stop screws (8) to attain travel specified in Section 1. Figure 10-4 illustrates correct travel and one method of checking. b. Disconnect nose wheel steering tubes (index 6. figure 5-6) from nose strut. c. Adjust cables at cevises (5) to align rudder and pedals in neutral position. 6.00 inches from firewall and pedal pivot shafts (index 4. figure 10-2). This step automatically determines cable tension through use of return springs (14). NOTE * Due to thickness of insulation on firewall. it is recommended that a piece of 1/16 inch welding rod be ground to a sharp point and notched at the 6.00 inch dimension. Pierce insulation on firewall and use notch to measure proper dimension. d. Tie down or weight tail to raise nose wheel free of ground. e. Center nose gear against external stop. f. Extend steering tubes until free play is removed. DO NOT COMPRESS SPRINGS g. Adjust steering tube rod ends to 1.25 inch dimension between steering arm assembly and bolt hole as illustrated in figure 5-9 and tighten jam nuts. h. Adjust steering tube clevises to align with rod end bearings. NOTE Extend steering tubes to seat rods against internal springs but do not attempt to preload these springs by shortening rod end devises after alignment. Preload is built into steering tubes. i. Install clevises on rod ends. 10-3 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SEE FIGURE 10-3 SEE FIGURE 10-2 1. Pulley 2. 3. 4. 5. 2 Cable Guard Fairlead Rudder Cable 6. 7. Clevis Bushing Bellcrank 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Stop Screw Clip Rudder Bar Left Cable Right Cable Turnbuckle 11 2 CAUTION Maintain specified control cable tension. CABLE TENSION: REFER TO RIGGING PARAGRAPH IN THIS SECTION. SEE FIGURE l-1 FOR TRAVEL. Figure 10-1. Rudder Control System (Sheet 1 of 3) 10-4 Detail Al MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 7 5 4 Detail B C Detail C * Safety wire travel stop screws (8) D1 2 Detail D 2 12 11 Detail D1 Figure 10-1. Rudder Control System (Sheet 2 of 3) 10-5 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL u Detail G Detail F 2 Detail Detal G1 Figure 10-1. Rudder Control System (Sheet 3 of 3) 10-6 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 4* 17 6.00 INCHES 13 THRU 15285720, Al521020, * BEGINNING WITH 15285721, A1521021. F15201934 AND FA1520388 1. Brake Link Pin 2. Pedal 3. Anti-Rattle Spring 4. Pivot Shaft 5. Fuselage Structure REFER I TO 10 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Pedal Arm Brake Torque Tube Bearing Bellcrank Bracket Master Cylinder 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Brake Link Left Rudder Bar Return Spring Bearing Block Right Rudder Bar Rudder Pedal Extension Figure 10-2. Rudder Pedals Installation 10-7 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Detail A Detail B 10 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Bushing Bolt Balance Weight Navigation Light Trim Tab Bellcrank Stop Quick-Disconnect Rudder Tip Figure 10-3. Rudder Installation 10-8 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE DO NOT adjust rudder trim with steering tubes. Degree of steering travel cannot be adjusted. j. Safety cable clevises and install all parts removed for access. NOTE Flight test airplane to determine if ground adjustment of fixed trim tab is necessary. DO NOT rig rudder off-center" unless trim tab does not provide adequate correction. WARNING Be sure rudder moves in correct direction when operated by pedals. 10-9 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL VERTICAL FIN (2 X 4) RUDDER BLOCK BLOCK RUDDER HALF POINTER THE DISTANCE BEWIRE POINTER TWEEN STRAIGHTEDGES MEASURING RUDDER ESTABLISHING NEUTRAL TRAVEL POSITION OF RUDDER 1. Establish neutral position of rudder by clamping straightedge (such as wooden 2 x 4) on each side of fin and rudder and blocking trailing edge of rudder half the distance between straightedges as shown. 2. Tape a length of soft wire to one elevator in such a manner that it can be bent to index with a point on rudder trailing edge just above the lower rudder tip (rudder butt). 3. Using soft lead pencil. mark rudder at point corresponding to soft wire indexing point (neutral). 4. Remove straightedges. 5. Hold rudder against right. then left. rudder stop. Measure distance from pointer to pencil mark on rudder in each direction of travel. Distance should be between 6.04" and 6.60". Figure 10-4. Checking Rudder Travel 10-10 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 11 ENGINE WARNING When performing any inspection or maintenancethat requires turning on the master switch, installing a battery, or pulling the propeller through by hand, treat the propeller asif the ignition switch were ON. Do not standnor allow any one else to stand, within the are of the propellar, since a loose or broken wire, or a component malfunction, ould cause the propeller to rotate. Page No. Aerofiche/ Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS ENGINE COWLING ........... Description ................. Removal/Installation ........ Cleaning/Inspection ......... Repair ..................... ENGINE ...................... Description ................. Engine Data ................ Time Between Overhaul (TBO) Overspeed Limitations ....... Trouble Shooting ............. Locating Oil Leaks .......... Removal ................... Cleaning ................... Accessories Removal ........ Inspection .................. Overhaul ................... Buildup .................... Installation ................. Flexible Fluid Hoses ......... Leak Test ................. Replacement .............. 1J20/11-2 1J20/11-2 1J20/11-2 1J20/11-2 1J20/11-2 1J21/11-3 1J21/11-3 1J22/11-4 1J23/11-5 1J23/11-5 1J23/11-5 1K4/11-8 1K4/11-8 1K6/11-10 1K6/11-10 1K7/11-10A 1K7/11-10A K9/11-11 OIL SYSTEM ................ Description ............... Trouble Shooting ........... Full-Flow Oil Filter ......... Description ............... Removal/Installation ...... Filter Adapter .............. Removal .................. Disassembly, Inspection, and Reassembly ......... Installation ............... Oil Cooler .................. Description ............... ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM ...... Description ................ Carburetor ................. Removal/Installation ...... Idle Speed and Mixture Adjustments ............. 1K15/11-16A 1K15/11-16A IK17/11-17 1K19/11-19 1K19/11-19 1K20/11-20 1K20/11-20 1K20/11-20 1K9/11-11 INDUCTION AIR SYSTEM .... 1K23/11-23 1K11/11-13 K/11-13 K1111-13 Description ................ Removal/Installation ...... IGNITION SYSTEM .......... 1K23/11-23 1K241 1-24 1K24/11-24 1K22/11-22 1K24/11-24 ................ 1K11/11-13 Description Engine Baffles .............. 1K12/11-14 Trouble Shooting ........... 1L1/11-24A Description ................ 1K12/11-14 Magneto Removal (4052) .... 1L2/11-24B Internal Timing ............ ReplacementInterval ....... Magneto Installation and Timing to Engine .......... Magneto Check ............. Maintenance ............... Magnetos (4281) ............ Description ............... 1L2/11-24B 1L2/11-24B Static Run Up Procedures .... Cleaning/Inspection ........ 1K14/11-16 Removal/Installation ....... 1K14/11-16 Repair ........... ..... 1K14/11-16 1K14/11-16 EngineMount .............. 1K14/11-16 Description ................ Removal/Installation ....... 1K14/11-16 1K14/11-16 Repair .................... 1K14/11-16 Painting .................. * 1K20/11-20 1K20/11-20 1K20/11-20 1K20/11-20 1K20/11-20 1K22/11-22 1K22/11-22 1K22/11-22 Engine Shock-MountPads Reducing Valve Sticking .... ... 1K14/11-16 lK15/11-16A 1L2/11-24B 1L5/11-27 1L5/11-27 1L6/11-28 1L6/11-28 1L6/11-28 Maintenance .............. Timingto Engine .......... 1L6/11-28 Revision 1 11-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Removal ................... Disassembly ............... Checking Contact Assemblies ............... Points ..................... Carbon Brush .............. High Tension Lead .......... Impulse Coupling Shell & Hub .............. Cleaning/Inspection ........ Reassembly ................ Spark Plugs ................ ENGINE CONTROLS ......... Description ................ Rigging .................... Throttle Control ........... Mixture Control ........... 1L7/11-29 1L7/11-29 1L7/11-29 1L7/11-29 1L7/11-29 1L7/11-29 1L7/11-29 1L7/11-29 1L8/11-30 1L8/11-30 1L9/11-30A 1L9/11-30A IL11/11-31 1L12/11-32 1L13/11-33 Carburetor Heat Control ... STARTING SYSTEM ......... Description ................ Trouble Shooting ........... Removal/Installation ....... Primary Maintenance ....... EXAUST SYSTEM .......... Description ................ Removal ................... Inspection ................. Installation . ............... EXTREME WEATHER MAINTENANCE ........... Cold Weather . ............. Dusty Conditions .......... Seacoastand Humid Areas .. 1L13/11-33 1L14/11-34 1L14/11-34 1L14/11-34 1L15/11-35 1L15/11-35 lL16/11-36 1L16/11-36 1L16/11-36 1L16/11-36 L16/11-36 1L20/11-40 1L20/11-40 1L21/11-41 1L21/11-41 11-1. ENGINE COWLING. 11-2. DESCRIPTION. The engine cowling is comprised of upper and lower cowl segments and a nose cap. A large access door on the right side of the upper cowl provides access to fuel strainer drain oil filler cap and dipstick. A small access door on the left side of the upper cowl permits access to the ground service receptacle. Quick release fasteners are used to detach the upper cowl from the lower cowl. Screws and quick release fasteners secure the lower cowl to the aircraft structure. 11-3. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. Removal and installation of the engine cowl is accomplished by releasing the quick release fasteners securing the upper cowl to the lower cowl and firewalL The lower cowl removal is accomplished by releasing the quick release fasteners at the air box inlet and byremoving screws at the firewall and nose cap. Remove landinglight wires from brackets on the left side of the cowl. To remove the nose cap, upper and lower cowl should be removed and wires to the landing light disconnected Refer to Section 13 for removal of the propeller. When installing the cowling, be sure to connect any items disconnected during removal Make sure that baffle seals are turned in the correct direction to confine and direct airflow around the engine. The vertical installed seals fold forward and the side seals fold upward. 11-4. CLEANING AND INSPECTION. Wipe the inner surfaces of the cowling segments with a cloth saturated with cleaning solvent (Federal Specification PS-661 or equivalent). If the inside surface of the cowling is coated heavily with oil or dirt, allow solvent to soak until foreign material can be removed. Wash painted surfaces of the cowling with a solution of mild soap and water and rinse thoroughly. After washing, a coat of wax applied to the painted surfaces. is recommended to prolong paint life. After cleaning, inspect cowling for dents. cracks, loose rivets or spot welds. Repair all defects to prevent spread of damage. 11-5. REPAIR. If cowling skins are extensively damaged. new complete section of the cowling should be installed. Standard insert-type patches may be used for repair if repair parts are formed to fit contour of cowling. Small cracks may be stop-drilled and small dents straightened if they are reinforced on the inner surface with a doubler of the same material Damaged reinforcement angles should be replaced with new parts. Due to their small size. new reinforcement angles are easier to install than to repair the damaged part. 11-2 Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL A ..... NOTE Apply 5423U H M W Polyethylenefilm tape (Industrial Tape Diviion/3M. 220 E. 3M Center, St. Paul. 55144) to forward edge of fuselage in area of MN contact with cowling. Provide holes through tape for cowl quick-releases 2 3 1. Engine Cowling 2. 3. Quick-Release Fuselage 4. Firewall Detail A Figure 11-1. Engine Cowling 11-6. ENGINE. 11-7. DESCRIPTION. An air cooled, wet-sump, four-cylinder, horizontally-opposed, direct-drive, carbureted (Lycoming) 0-235-L or 0-235-N2C series engine is used to power the aircraft. The cylinders numbered from front to rear, are staggered to permit a separate throw on the crankshaft for each connecting rod. The right front cylinder is number 1 and cylinders on the right side are identified by odd numbers 1 and 3. The left front cylinder is number 2 and the cylinders on the left side are identified as number 2 and 4. For repair and overhaul of the engine accessories and propeller, refer to the appropriate publications issued by their manufacturers. These publications are available from Cessna Supply Division. 11-3 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-8. ENGINE DATA. AIRCRAFf Model 152 MODEL (Lycoming) 0-2385L2C Thru 15285094 0-235-N8C Beginning with 15285590 Rated Horsepower at RPM 110 at 2550 thr 15285894 108 at 2550 Begnning with 15280595 Number of Cylinders 4 Horintally-Opposed Displacement Bore Stroke 233.3 Cubic Inches 4.375 Inches 3.875 Inches Compression Ratio 8.5:1 Magnetos (Type 4050 & 4052) Thru 15282031 & A1520808 Right Magneto (fires all bottom plugs) Left Magneto (fires all top plugs) Slick (4050 RH. 4052 LH) Fires 20 ° BTC Fires 20° BTC Beginning With 15282032 & A1520809 Right Magneto (fires bottom RH & top LH Plugs) Left Magneto (fires top RH & bottom LH plugs) Magnetos (Type 4281) Beginning With 15284028 & A1520915 Right Magneto (fires bottom RH & top LH plugs) Left Magneto (fires top RH & bottom LH plugs) Slick (4052 RH & LH) Fires 20 ° BTC Fires 20 ° BTC Slick (4281 RH & LH) Fires 20 ° BTC Fires 20 ° BTC Firing Order 1-3-2-4 Spark Plugs 18mm (Refer to Avco Lycoming Service Instruction No. 1042 for factory approved spark plugs and required gap.) Torque 390 ±30 LB-IN. Carburetor (Marvel-Schebler) Thru 15283591 & A1520878 Beginning With 15283592 & A1520879 MA3A or MA3PA Alternator 28 Volt. 60-Ampere Starter Automatic Engagement Tachometer Mechanical Oil Sump Capacity With External Filter 6 U.S. Quarts 7. U.S. Quarts 11-4 MA3PA MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-8. ENGINE DATA (Cont). Oil Pressure (PSI) Normal Minimum Idling Maximum (Cold Oil Starting) 60-90 25 115 Oil Temperature Normal Operating Maximum Within Green Arc Red Line (245°F) Cylinder Head Temperature 500°F Maximum (Not Indicated) Dry Weight - With Accessories 257 LB (Weight is approximate and will vary with optional accessories installed.) 11-9. TIME BETWEEN OVERHAUL (TBO). Avco Lycoming recommends engine overhaul at 2000 hours operating time for the 0-235 Series engine (2400 operating hours for engines with serial numbers L-2423 1- 5 and up; remanufactured engines shipped after March 20, 1986 [except serial numbers RL-20600-15, RL-24190-15. RL-24191-15, and RL-24203-15]; factory overhauled engines shipped after April 1, 1986; and engines otherwise modified with TBOExtension Kits. Part Number 05K19613 [Chrome Cylinders] or Part Number 05K19614 [Nitrided Cylinders], each containing increased strength piston, Part Number LW-18729). Refer to Avco Lycoming Service Instruction No. 1009X and to any superseding bulletins, revisions, or supplements thereto for further recommendations. At the time of overhaul. engine accessories should be overhauled. 11-10. OVERSPEED LIMITATIONS. The engine must not be operated above specified maximum continuous RPM. However. should inadvertent overspeed occur. refer to Avco Lycoming Service Bulletin 369D. and to any superseding bulletins or supplements thereto. for further recommendations. 11-11. TROUBLE SHOOTING. 0·t TROUBLE ENGINE WILL NOT START. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Improper use of starting procedure. Refer to Pilot's Operating Handbook. Fuel tanks empty. Visually inspect tanks. Fill with proper grade and quantity of gasoline. Mixture control in the IDLE CUT-OFF position. Move control to the full RICH position. Fuel shutoff valve in OFF position. Turn shutoff valve ON and safety. Defective carburetor. Repair or replace carburetor. Carburetor screen or fuel strainer plugged. Remove carburetor and clean thoroughly. Refer to paragraph 11-47. Revision 1 11-5 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-11. TROUBLE SHOOTING (Cont). TROUBLE ENGINE WILL NOT START (Cont). ENGINE STARTS BUT DIES. OR WILL NOT IDLE. 11-6 PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Engine flooded. Refer to Pilot's Operating Handbook. Water in fuel system. Open fuel strainer drain and check for water. If water is present, drain fuel tank sumps. lines, strainer, carburetor and fuel line drain tee. Defective magneto switch or grounded magneto leads. Check continuity. Repair or replace switch or leads. Spark plugs fouled. Remove, clean and regap plugs. Test harness cables to persistently fouled plugs. Replace if defective. Idle stop screw or idle mixture incorrectly adjusted. Refer to paragraph 11-49. Carburetor idling jet plugged. Clean carburetor and fuel strainer. Spark plugs fouled or improperly gapped. Remove, clean and regap plugs. Replace if defective. Water in fuel system. Open fuel strainer drain and check for water. If water is present, drain fuel tank sumps. lines, strainer, carburetor and fuel line drain tee. Defective ignition system. Refer to paragraph 11-53. Induction air leaks. Check visually. Correct the cause of leaks. Manual primer leaking. Disconnect primer outlet line. If fuel leaks through primer, repair or replace primer. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-11. TROUBLE SHOOTING (Cont). TROUBLE ENGINE STARTS BUT DIES, OR WILL NOT IDLE. (Cont). PROBABLE CAUSE Leaking float valve or float level set too high. Defective carburetor. Defective engine. REMEDY Perform an idle mixture check. Attempt to remove any rich indication with the idle mixture adjustment. If the rich indication cannot be removed, the float valve is leaking or the float level is set too high. Replace defective parts; reset float level. If engine will start when primed but stops when priming is discontinued, with mixture control in full RICI position, the carburetor is defective. Repair or replace carburetor. Check compression. Listen for unusual engine noises. Engine UNEXPLAINED REDUCTION OF STATIC RPM OR UNEVEN ENGINE OPERATION. Restricted or clogged air induction system. repair is required. Check induction air system for restrictions. Clean or replace dirty;clugged air fi ter. Leaky alternate air induction (carburetor heat). Improperly positioned carburetor butterfly. Check alternate air induction system for leaks and correct as required. Adjust butterfly as required. Lack of full throttle and/or mixture control travel at carburetor. Adjust throttle and mixture controls as required for full control Excessive magneto drop-off. Check magneto at 2000 RPM. Erroneous magneto-toengine timing. Drop-off should not exceed 175 RPM (50 RPM between left and right magnetos). Retime as required. Check, clean or replace, regap, and reinstall spark plugs as necessary. Check magneto-to-engine timing; retime as necessary. Fouled or incorrectly gapped Remove, clean, check. regap, spark plugs. and reinstall spark plugs. Revision 1 11-6A MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-11. TROUBLE SHOOTING (Cont). TROUBLE UNEXPLAINED REDUCTION OF STATIC RPM OR UNEVEN ENGINE OPERATION. (Cont). PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Over-rich or over-lean carburetor. Check for over-rich carburetor. At maximum static RPM (full throttle), slowly pull mixture control toward idle cut-off and watch for RPM increase. A rise of 0 to 75 RPM is normal. A rise over 1000 RPM will result in power loss through overrichness. If no rise in RPM or a rapid fall-off of RPM is noted, apply full carburetor heat (to enrich mixture). If carburetor heat brings an RPM rise, the carburetor is OVER-LEAN. In either case, correct mixture control as required. Excessive wear or looseness of ball end of valve tappets. Check valve tappet clearances. Clearances should be 0.007 to 0.009 inch with cold engine and 0.006 to 0.012 inch with hot engine. Compare clearances with last 100 hour inspection. If clearances have increased 0.015 inches or more than the figures at 100 hour inspection, remove push rod and check for excessive wear or looseness of ball end of tappets. Push rods should be 119/16 inches. Replace push rods as required. NOTE Faulty cylinder compression. 11-6B Revision 1 Engines with no previous recorded 100 hour inspection of valve tappet clearance will use 0.019 inch for cold engine or 0.022 inch for hot engine to determine whether to inspect the push rod. Check cylinder compression and correct as required. Miscalibrated tachometer. Check tachometer and recalibrate as required. Propeller is too long, out-ofbalance, or has incorrect pitch. Check propeller and, if possible, correct pitch or balance as required. Replace propeller if necessary. S MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-11. TROUBLE SHOOTING (Cont). TROUBLE ENGINE RUNS ROUGHLY OR WILL NOT ACCELERATE PROPERLY. POOR IDLE CUT-OFF. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Restriction in aircraft fuel system. Refer to Section 12. Worn or improperly rigged throttle or mixture control. Check visually. Replace worn linkage. Rig properly. Spark plugs fouled or improperly gapped. Remove. clean and regap plugs. Replace if defective. Defective ignition system. Refer to paragraph 11-53. Defective or badly adjusted accelerator pump in carburetor. Check setting of accelerator pump linkage and adjust as necessary. Float level set too low. Check and reset float level. Defective carburetor. Repair or replace carburetor. Defective engine. Check compression. Listen for unusual engine noises. Engine repair is required. Restricted carburetor air filter. Check visually. Clean in accordance with Section 2. Cracked engine mount. Inspect and repair or replace mount as required. Defective mounting bushings. Inspect and install new bushings as required. Worn or improperly rigged mixture control. Check that idle cut-off stop on carburetor is contacted. Replace worn linkage. Rig properly. Manual primer leaking. Disconnect primer outlet line. If fuel leaks through primer. it is defective. Repair or replace primer. Defective carburetor. Repair or replace carburetor. Fuel contamination. Check all screens in fuel system. Drain all fuel and flush out system. Clean all screens. lines. strainer and carburetor. Revision 1 11-7 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-11A. LOCATING OIL LEAKS. Oil leaks, especially those in the engine compartment, can be elusive due to airflow patterns. One method to consider in pin-pointing these leaks is to a. Clean suspected leak areas thoroughly with solvent and dry. b. Spray the suspected area with dye penetrant developer. c. Reinstall the engine cowling and other removed equipment to normal configuration to ensure air flow for cooling and leak detection. d. Accomplish a short run-up, preferably to static RPM, in accordance with Pilot's Operating Handbook. e. Dye penetrant developer will enhance the presence of oil leaks. Most leaks are very apparent against the white background. f. After locating the leak and effecting repairs, thoroughly clean the area sprayed with the developer. It is highly corrosive. 11-12. REMOVAL. If the engine isto be placed in storage or returned to the manufacturer for overhaul, proper preparatory steps should be taken prior to beginning the removal procedure. Refer to Indefinite Storage in Section 2 for preparation of the engine for storage. The following engine removal procedure is based upon the engine being removed from the aircraft with the engine mount attached to the firewall and all engine hose and lines being disconnected at the firewall. The reason for engine removal will determine where components are to be disconnected. NOTE Tag each item when disconnected to aid in identifying wires, hose. lines and control linkages when engine is installed. Protect openings, exposed as a result of removing or disconnecting units, against entry of foreign material by installing covers or sealing with tape. a. Place all cabin switches rand the fuel shutoff valve in the OFF position. b. Remove engine cowling. (Refer to paragraph 11-3.) c. Open battery circuit by disconnecting battery cable(s) at the battery. Insulate cable terminal(s) as a safety precaution. d. Disconnect ignition switch primary ('P") leads at the magnetos. 11 -8 Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL WARNING The magneto is in a SWITCH ON condition when the switch wire is disconnected. Ground the magneto points or remove the high tension outlet plate from the magneto or disconnect spark plug lead wires at spark plugs to prevent accidental firing when the propeller is rotated. e. f. Drain engine oil from sump. Remove propeller and spinner. (Refer to Section 13.) NOTE During the following procedures, remove any clamps which secure controls, wires, hose or lines to the engine. engine mount, or attached brackets, so they will not interfere with removal of the engine. Omit any of the items which are not present on a particular engine installation. g. Disconnect throttle and mixture control at carburetor. Pull these controls free of engine and engine mount, using care not to damage them by bending too sharply. Note position, size and number attaching washers and spacers. h. Disconnect carburetor heat control from arm on carburetor air intake housing assembly. Remove clamps and pull control aft clear of the engine. i. Disconnect wires and cables as follows: CAUTION When disconnecting starter cable, do not permit starter terminal bolt to rotate. Rotation of the bolt could break the conductor between terminal and field coils causing the starter to be inoperative. j. 1. Starter electrical cable at starter. 2. Electrical wires and wire shielding ground at alternator. 3. Tachometer drive shaft at adapter on engine. 4. Remove all clamps attaching wires and cables to the engine or engine mount. Pull all wires and cables aft to clear the engine. Disconnect and cap or plug lines and hose as follows: 1. Vacuum hose at firewall. WARNING Residual fuel and oil draining from disconnected lines and hose is a fire hazard. Use care to prevent accumulation of such fuel and oil when lines or hose are disconnected. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Oil pressure hose at firewall. Oil temperature bulb at engine. Primer line to engine at firewall. Fuel hose to engine at fuel strainer on firewall. Remove all clamps attaching lines and hose to engine or engine mount which interferes with engine removal from engine mount. 11-9 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CAUTION Attach a tail stand to the tail tie-down fitting before removing the engine. The loss of engine weight will allow the tail to drop. Do not raise engine higher than necessary when removing engine-to-mount bolts. Raising the engine too high places a strain on the attach bolts and hinders their removal. k. Attach a hoist to the lifting lug on top of the engine and take up engine weight on hoist. 1. Remove bolts attaching engine-to-mount. Note direction of bolt installation and position and numbers of washers. Balance the engine by hand as the last of the bolts are removed. Remove ground straps at lower mount legs as bolts are removed. CAUTION Hoist engine slowly and ascertain that all items attaching engine and accessories to engine mount and airframe are disconnected. m. Carefully guide disconnected components out of engine assembly. 11-13. CLEANING. Refer to Setion 2 for cleaning procedure. 11-14. ACCESSORIES REMOVAL. Removal of engine accessories for overhaul or for engine replacement involves stripping the engine of parts, accessories, and components to reduce the engine asembly to the bare engine. During removal. carefully examine removed items and tag defective parts for repair or replacement with a new part. NOTE Items easily confused with similar items should be tagged to provide a means of identification when being installed on a new engine. All openings exposed by the removal of an item should be closed by installing a suitable cover or cap over the opening. This will prevent entry of foreign particles. If suitable covers are not available, tape may be used to cover the opening. 11-10 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-15. INSPECTION. For specific items to be inspected, refer to engine Manufacturer's Overhaul and Repair Manual. a. Visually inspect the engine for loose nuts, bolts, cracks, and fin damage. b. Inspect baffles, baffle seals, and brackets for cracks, deterioration, and breakage. c. Inspect all hoses for internal swelling, chafing through protective plies, cuts, breaks, stiffness, damaged threads, and loose connections. Excessive heat on hoses will cause them to become brittle and easily broken. Hoses and lines are most likely to crack or break near the end of fittings and support points. d. Inspect for color bleaching of the end fittings or severe discoloration of the hoses. NOTE Avoid excessive flexing and sharp bends when examining hoses for stiffness. e. Refer to Section 2 for replacement intervals for flexible fluid carrying hoses in the engine compartment. f. Textron Lycoming Mandatory Service Bulletin No. 388B, Procedures to Determine Exhaust Valve And Guide Condition, dated May 13, 1992, requires that all engine exhaust valves and guides be inspected every 400 hours of operation or earlier if valve sticking is suspected. Failure to comply could result in excessive carbon buildup, broken exhaust valves, excessive guide wear, or engine failure. Refer to Textron Lycoming Mandatory Service Bulletin No. 388B. g. For major engine repairs, refer to the manufacturer's overhaul and repair manual. 11-15A. OVERHAUL. During engine overhaul, it is mandatory that certain parts be replaced, regardless of their apparent condition. Refer to Textron Lycoming Mandatory Service Bulletin No. 240M (or later revision) (Cessna Single Engine Service Bulletin SEB92-11). Revision 1 11-l0A/11-10B blank MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-16. BUILDUP. Engine buildup consists of installation of parts, accessories, and components to the basic engine to build up an engine unit ready for installation in the aircraft. All safety wire, lock-washers, nuts, gaskets, and rubber connections should be new parts. 11-17. INSTALLATION. Before installing the engine on the aircraft, install any items which were removed from the engine or aircraft after the engine was removed. NOTE Remove all protective covers. plugs. caps and identification tags as each item is connected or installed. a. Hoist the engine to a point near the engine mount. b. Install engine shock-mount pads as illustrated in figure 11-2. c. Carefully lower engine slowly into place on the engine mount. Route controls. lines. hoses and wires in place as the engine is positioned on the engine mount. d. Install engine mount bolts in the following sequence: 1. Install the upper right hand (looking forward) bolt. washer and nut. and tighten until one thread of the bolt is visible past the nut. 2. Install the lower right hand bolt. washer and nut and torque bolt to 450-500 lb-in. 3. Next install the upper left hand bolt. washer and nut and tighten until one thread of the bolt is visible past the nut. 4. The lower left hand bolt. washer and nut are the last to be installed. CAUTION Care must be taken on installation of the engine mount bolts so as not to score the inside of the holes in the engine mount foot.' 5. Torque bolts mentioned in steps 1. 3 and 4 to 450-500 lb-in. e. Route throttle. mixture and carburetor heat controls to the carburetor and airbox and connect. Secure controls in position with clamps. Revision 1 11-11 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE Throughout the aircraft fuel system, from the tanks to the carburetor, use NS-40 (RAS-4) (Snap-On-Tools Corp., Kenosha, Wisconsin), MIL-T-5544 (Thread Compound Antiseize, Graphite Petrolatum), USP Petrolatum or engine oil as a thread lubricator or to seal a leaking connection. Apply sparingly to male threads, exercising extreme caution to avoid "stringing" sealer across the end of the fitting. Always ensure that a compound. the residue from a previously used compound, or any other foreign material cannot enter the system. f. Connect lines and hoses as follows: 1. Connect oil cooler-hoses at cooler. 2. Connect oil pressure line at firewall fitting. 3. Connect fuel supply hose at carburetor. 4. Connect primer line at firewall fitting. 5. Connect oil temperature bulb at adapter. 6. Connect engine breather hose at top of accessory case. 7. Connect vacuum hose at firewall fitting. 8. Install clamps and lacings attaching lines andhosesto engine, engine mount and brackets. NOTE All lines, flex ducts & hoses must have a minimum of .50" clearance with other lines, flex ducts & hoses or surrounding objects, or be butterfly clamped to the same, or be tied together with S-2209-3 Sta-Strap as required. g. Connect wires and cables as follows: 1. Connect electrical wires and wire shielding ground at alternator. CAUTION When connecting starter cable, do not permit starter terminal bolt to rotate. Rotation of the bolt could break the conductor between bolt and field coils causing the starter to be inoperative. 2. 3. Connect starter electrical cable at starter. Connect tachometer drive shaft at adpater. Be sure drive cable engages drive in adapter. Hand tighten housing attach nut then tighten 1/4 turn more. 4. Install clamps and lacings securing wires and cables to engine, engine mount and brackets. h. i. j. k. 11-12 Install flexible duct to heater valve and engine baffle and install clamps. Install flexible duct to engine baffle and oil cooler and install clamps. Install propeller and spinner in accordance with instructions outlined in Section 13. Complete a magneto switch ground-out and continuity check, then connect primary lead wires to the magnetos. Remove the temporary ground or connect spark plug leads, whichever procedure was used during removal. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1. Clean and install induction air filter. m. Service engine with proper grade and quantity of engine oil. Refer to Section 2 if engine is new, newly overhauled or has been in storage. n. Check all switches are in the OFF position, and connect battery cables. o. Rig engine controls in accordance with paragraphs 11-64, 11-65 and 11-66. p. Inspect engine installation for security, correct routing of controls, lines, hoses and electrical wiring, proper safetying and tightness of all components. q. Install engine cowling in accordance with paragraph 11-3. r. Perform an engine runup and make final adjustments on the engine controls. 11-18. FLEXIBLE FLUID HOSES. 11-19. LEAK TEST. a. After each 100 hours of engine operation, all flexible fluid hoses in the engine compartment should be checked for leaks as follows: 1. Examine the exterior of hoses for evidence of leakage of wetness. 2. Hoses found leaking should be replaced. 3. Refer to paragraph 11-15 for detailed inspection procedures for flexible hoses. 11-20. REPLACEMENT. a. b. c. d. e. 11-21. Hoses should not be twisted on installation Pressure applied to a twisted hose may cause failure or loosening of the nut. Provide as large a bend radius a possible. Hoses should have a minimum of one-half inch clearance from other lines, ducts, hoses or surrounding objects or be butterfly clamped to them. Rubber hoses will take a permanent set during extended use in service. Straightening a hose with a bend having a permanent set will result in hose cracking. Care should be taken during removal so that how is not bent excssively, and during reinstallation to assure hose is returned to its original position. Refer to Advisory Crcular 43.13-1, Chapter 10, for additional installation proedures for flexible fluid hose asemblies. STATIC RUN-UP PROCEDURES. In a cue of suspected low engine power, a static RPM runup should be conducted a follows: a. b. Run up engine, using full throttle (mixture leaned to obtain maximum RPM with the aircraft facing four different directions, each 90 ° to the other. Record the rpm obtained in each run-up position. NOTE Daily changes in atmospheric pressure and humidity will have a slight effect on static rpm. For changes in static rpm, see figure 11-lA. c. d. Average the results of the rpm obtained. It should be within ± 50 rpm of that shown in figure 11-1A. If the average results of the rpm obtained are lower than stated above, the following recommended chcks may be performed to determine a possible deficiency. 1. Check carburtor heat control for proper rigging. If partially open it would cause a slight power loss. 2. Check magneto timing, spark plugs and ignition harness for settings and conditions. 11-13 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL STATIC RPM FULL THROTTLE, MIXTURE LEANED FOR MAXIMUM RPM. ALLOWABLE TOLERANCE - + 50 2420 2400 2380 2340 2320 2300 2240 -40 -20 0 40 20 OAT ° 60 80 100 F Figure 11-1A. Static RPM 3. Check condition of induction air filter. Clean if necessary 4. Perform an engine compression check. (Refer to engine Manufactures Overhaul and Repair Manual). 11-22. BAFFLES. 11-23. DESCRIPTION. The sheet metal installed on the engine directs the cooling air flow around the cylinders and other engine components to provide optimum engine cooling. These baffles incorporate rubber-asbestos composition seals at points of contact with the engine cowling to help confine and direct cooling air to the desired area. The baffles. air blast tubes and air scoops are accurately positioned to maintain engine cooling efficiency and their removal will cause improper air circulation and engine overheating. 11-14 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL MOUNT-TO-FIREWALL (UPPER) 1. Nut 2. Washer ENGINE-TO-MOUNT 4. NOTE Washer 5. Firewall Locating pin (11) should be installed in the engine mounts, with equal length protruding from each side. This must be done prior to the installation of the shock mount pads (8) and (10). 6. Bolt 7. Engine Mount Foot 8. Shock Mount Pad 9. Shock Mount Dampener 10. Shock Mount Pad 11. Locating Pin Figure 11-2. Engine Mount Details 11-15 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-24. CLEANING AND INSPECTION. Engine baffles should be cleaned with a suitable solvent to remove dirt and oil. NOTE The rubber-asbestos seals are oil and grease resistant but should not be soaked in solvent for long periods. Inspect baffles for cracks in the metal and for loose and/or torn seals. Replace defective parts. 11-25. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. Removal and installation of the various baffle segments is possible with the cowling removed. Be sure that any replacement baffles and seals are installed correctly and that they seal to direct the cooling air in the correct direction. 11-26. REPAIR. Baffles ordinarily should be replaced if damaged or cracked. However. small plate reinforcements riveted to the baffle will often prove satisfactory both to the strength and cooling requirements of the unit. 11-27. ENGINE MOUNT. 11-28. DESCRIPTION. The engine mount is composed of sections of steel tubing welded together and reinforced with gussets. The mount is fastened to the fuselage at four points. The engine is attached to the engine mount with shock-mount assemblies which absorb engine vibrations. 11-29. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. Removal of the engine mount is aocomplshed by remov- ing the engine as outlined in paragaph 11-12, then removing the engine mount from the firewall On reinstallation torque the mount-to-firewll bolts to 160-190 lb-in Torque the engine-to-mount bolts to 450-500 lb-in. 11-30. REPAIR. Refer to Section 17 of this manual for repair procedures. 11-31. PAINTING. Refer to Section 18 of this manual for painting procedures. 11-32. ENGINE SHOCK-MOUNT PADS. (See figure 11-2.) The bonded rubber and metal shockmounts are designed to reduce transmission of engine vibrations to the airframe. The rubber pads should be wiped clean with a clean dry cloth. NOTE Do not clean the rubber pads and dampener assembly with any type of cleaning solvent. Inspect the metal parts for cracks and excessive wear due to aging and deterioration. Inspect the rubber pads for separation between the pad and metal backing. swelling. cracking or a pronounced set of the pad. Install new parts for all parts that show evidence of wear or damage. 11-16 Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-32A. REDUCING VALVE STICKING. Field experience has shown that engine oil contamination increases the possibility of sticking and/or stuck valves. This situation occurs when contaminants in engine lubrication oil become deposited on the valve stems, restricting valve movement, and resulting in intermittent engine hesitation or miss. Operating with any of the following conditions present can promote deposit buildup reducing valve guide clearance and resulting in valve sticking: a. Contaminated, dirty engine oil supply. b. High ambient temperature. c. Slow flight with reduced cooling. d. High lead content of fuel. More frequent oil and filter changes (50 hour) will minimize accumulation of harmful contaminants, the prime cause of valve sticking. When the aircraft cannot be flown frequently, the oil and filter should be changed even sooner. Changing oil and filter every 25 hours will eliminate moisture and acids that collect in oil of an inactive engine. Operating the engine with a clean air filter is all important for keeping dirt from accumulating in the oil supply. Therefore, the entire air induction system should be sealed to prevent the entry of unfiltered air. It is important that cooling air baffles and batile strips be in good condition to prevent localized overheating problems. In addition, exposing the engine to sudden cool down, as in a rapid descent with reduced power or shutting down the engine before it has sufficiently cooled down, can also induce valve sticking. The lead salts that accumulate in lubricating oil from the use of leaded fuels contribute to deposit buildup in valve guides. They are mostly eliminated each time the oil and filter are changed; however, regular use of low-leaded fuels will reduce deposit accumulation and valve sticking. Refer to Section 2 for valve and valve guide cleaning procedures. 11-33. ENGINE OIL SYSTEM. 11-34. DESCRIPTION. The lubricating system is of the full pressure wet sump type. Refer to applicable engine manufacturer's overhaul manual for specific details and descriptions. Revision 1 11-16A/(11-16B blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-35. TROUBLE SHOOTING. TROUBLE NO OIL PRESSURE. LOW OIL PRESSURE. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY No oil in sump. Check with dipstick. Fill sump with proper grade and quantity of oil. Refer to Section 2. Oil pressure line broken. disconnected or pinched. Inspect pressure lines. Replace or connect lines as required. Oil pump defective. Remove and inspect. Examine engine. Metal particles from damaged pump may have entered engine oil passages. Defective oil pressure gage. Check with a known good gage. If second reading is normal. replace gage. Oil congealed in gage line. Disconnect line at engine and gage: flush with kerosene. Pre-fill with kerosene and install Relief valve defective. Remove and check for dirty or defective parts. Clean and install; replace valve if defective. Low oil supply. Check with dipstick. Fill sump with proper grade and quantity of oil. Refer to Section 2. Low viscosity oil. Drain sump and refill with proper grade and quantity of oil. Oil pressure relief valve spring weak or broken. Remove and inspect spring. Replace weak or broken spring. Defective oil pump. Check oil temperature and oil level. If temperature is higher than normal and oil level is correct, internal failure is evident. Remove and inspect. Examine engine. Metal particles from damaged pump may have entered oil passages. 11-17 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-35. TROUBLE SHOOTING (Cont). TROUBLE LOW OIL PRESSURE (Cont). HIGH OIL PRESSURE. LOW OIL TEMPERATURE. HIGH OIL TEMPERATURE. 11-18 PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Secondary result of high oil temperature. Observe oil temperature gage for high indication. Determine and correct reason for high oil temperature. Leak in pressure or suction line. Inspect gasket between accessory housing and crankcase. Repair engine as required. Dirty oil screens. Remove and clean oil screens. High viscosity oil. Drain sump and refill with proper grade and quantity of oil Relief valve defective. Remove and check for dirty or defective parts. Clean and install: replace valve if defective. Defective oil pressure gage. Check with a known good gage. If second reading is normal, replace gage. Defective oil temperature gage or temperature bulb. Check with a known good gage. If second reading is normal, replace gage. If reading is similar, the temperature bulb is defective. Replace bulb. Oil cooler thermostatic valve/bypass valve defective or stuck. Remove valve and check for proper operation. Replace valve if defective. Oil cooler air passages clogged. Inspect cooler core. Clean air passages. Oil cooler oil passages clogged. Drain oil cooler. Inspect for sediment. Remove cooler and flush thoroughly. Thermostatic valve or bypass valve damaged or held open by solid matter. Feel front of cooler core with hand. If core is cold. oil is bypassing cooler. Remove and clean valve and seat. If still inoperative. replace. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-35. TROUBLE SHOOTING (Cont). TROUBLE HIGH OIL TEMPERATURE (Cont). PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Low oil supply. Check with dipstick. Fill sump with proper grade and quantity of oil. Refer to Section 2. Oil viscosity too high. Drain sump and refill with proper grade and quantity of oil. Prolonged high speed operation on the ground. Hold ground running above 1500 RPM to a minimum. Defective oil temperature gage. Check with a known good gage. If second reading is normal, replace gage. Defective oil temperature bulb. Check for correct oil pressure, oil level and cylinder head temperature. If they are correct, check oil temperature gage for being defective: if similar reading is observed, bulb is defective. Replace bulb. Oil congealed in cooler. This condition can occur only in extremely cold temperatures. If congealing is suspected, use an external heater or a heated hangar to warm the congealed oil. OIL LEAK AT FRONT OF ENGINE. Damaged crankshaft seal. Replace. OIL LEAK AT PUSH ROD HOUSING. Damaged push rod housing oil seal. Replace. 11-36. FULL-FLOW OIL FILTER. (See figure 11-3.) 11-37. DESCRIPTION. An external oil filter may be installed on the engine. The filter and filter adapter replace the regular engine oil pressure screen and cast chamber on the accessory housing. The filter adapter incorporates mounting provisions for the oil cooler bypass valve and the oil temperature sensing bulb. If the filter element should become clogged, the bypass valve allows engine oil to flow to the engine oil passages. Beginning with aircraft 15284592 & on, and A15200949 & on, the Full-Flow oil filter will be included as standard equipment. 11-19 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-38. REMOVAL AND INSTALATTION. (See figure 11-3.) NOTE Replacement filters are available from Cessna Parts Distribution (CPD 2) through a Cessna Service Station. a. b. c. d. e. Remove engine cowling in accordance with paragraph 11-3. Remove safety wire from filter. Unscrew filter from adapter. Lightly lubricate gasket with engine oil only prior to installations. Install spin-on filter on the stud and torque to 19-29 lb-ft or 3/4 to 1 full turn after gasket makes contact. f. Safety wire filter to adapter. g. After first engine run check for oil leaks. 11-39. FILTER ADAPTER. 11-40. REMOVAL. (See figure 11-3.) a. Remove filter assembly in accordance with paragraph 11-36. b. Remove oil temperature bulb (5) from adapter (3). c. Remove the three bolts and washers attaching adapter to accessory housing. d. Remove nut and washers attaching the lower left corner of adapter to accessory housing and remove adapter. e. Remove gasket (2) from adapter mounting pad and discard. 11-41. DISASSEMBLY, INSPECTION AND REASSEMBLY. After removal of the adapter (3), remove thermostatic bypass valve (8) for cleaiing. Do not disassemble the valve. Clean adapter and thermostatic valve in solvent and dry with compressed air. Ensure that all passages in adapter are open. Remove any gasket material that may have adhered to the adapter. Inspect adapter for cracks, damaged threads, scratches or gouges to gasket seats. If any of these are found, install a new adapter. Using a new gasket install thermostatic bypass valve in adapter. 11-42. INSTALLATION. a. Using a good grade gasket sealant, install a new gasket on accessory housing adapter mount pad Note that one side of the gasket is marked 'OIL FILTER SIDE". b. Install adpter on mounting pad and install bolts, washers and nut. Use lockwashers next to bolt heads and nut. c. Tighten bolts and nut to 75 lb-in. d. Install oil tmperature bulb in adapter. e. Install filter assembly in accordance with paragraph 11-38. f. Inatall any components removed for access. 11-43. OIL COOLER. 11-44. DESCRIPTION. The external oil cooler is mounted on the left forward baffle. Flexible hoses carry the oil to and from the cooler. Ram air passes through the coil cooler and is discharged into the engine compartment. A capped tee is provided for draining the oil cooler. 11-45. 11-20 ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM. Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 57 6 4 21 ENGINE (REF) NOTE One side of gasket (2) is marked OIL FILTER SIDE. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Plate Gasket Adapter Oil Temperature Bulb Adapter Oil Temperature Bulb Gasket Gasket Thermostatic Valve Oil Filter Gasket Spin-On Oil Filter Safety Wire Tab Figure 11-3. Full-Flow Oil Filter 11-21 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-4. DECRPTION. A single barrel float-type up-draft carburetor is installed on the engine. The carburetor is equipped with a manual mixtre controland an idle cut-off. Beginning with airraft 15283592 & on, and A15283592& on, carburetor incorporates an accelerator pump. The acceleratorpump rod must be attached to the lowest (shortest stroke) holo of the pump actuating lever. For repair and overhaul of the carburetor, refer to the manuufacturer'soverhaul and repair manuaL 11-47. CARBURETOR 11-48. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Place fuel shut-off valve in the OFF position. b. Remove engine cowling in accordance with paragraph 113. c. Drain fuel from strainer and lineswith strainer drain oontrol. d. Disconnect throttle and mixture controls at carburetor. Note the EXACT position, size and number of washers and spacers for reference on reinstallation. . Disconnect and cap or plug fuelline at carburetor. f. Remove induction airbox g. Remove nut and washer attaching carburetor to intake manifold and remove car- buretor. h. Reverse the preceding steps for reinstallion Use new gaket between carburetor and intake manifold Check carburetor throttle arm to idle stop arm attachment for security and proper safetying at each normal engine inspection in accordance with figure 11-4A. 11-49. IDLE SPEED AND MIXTURE ADJUSTMENTS. Since idle RPM may be affected by idle mixture adjustment, it may be necessary to readjust idle RPM after setting the idle mixture. a. Start and run engine until the oil temperature and oil pressure are in the normal operating range. b. Check the magnetos for proper operation in accordance with paragraph 11-53. c. Clear the engine by advancing the RPM to approximately 1000. then retard the throttle to the idle position. The engine RPM should stabilize at 600 * 25. If not. adjust the idle speed screw IN to increase and OUT to decrease RPM. NOTE An engine should idle smoothly. without excessive vibrations. The idle speed should be high enough to maintain idling oil pressure and to preclude any possibility of engine stoppage in night when the throttle is closed. d. e. f. g. 11-22 After the idle speed has stabilized (600 t 25 RPM). move the mixture control slowly toward the IDLE CUT-OFF position and observe the tachometer for any minute change during this manual leaning procedure. Quickly return the mixture control to the FULL RICH position before the engine stops. A momentary increase of approximately 25 RPM while slowly manually leaning the mixture is most desirable, an increase of more than 25 RPM indicates a rich idle mixture and an immediate decrease in RPM (if not preceded by a momentary increase) indicates a lean idle mixture. If the idle mixture is too rich, turn the idle mixture adjustment center screw one or two notches in a clockwise direction as viewed from the aft end of the unit. then repeat steps "d" through "f". MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE After each adjustment to the idle mixture, run engine up to approximately 2000 RPM to clear the engine of excess fuel and obtain a correct idle speed. h. If the idle mixture is too lean, turn the idle mixture adjustment center screw one or two notches in a counterclockwise direction as viewed from the aft end of the unit. then repeat steps "d" thru "f'. i. This method of adjustment will give the desired idle RPM. If the adjustments do not remain stable, check the throttle and mixture linkage for evidence of wear and improper rigging. Any looseness of the throttle and mixture linkage will cause erratic idling. In all cases, allowance should be made for the effect of weather condition upon idling adjustment. The relation of the aircraft to the prevailing wind direction will have an effect on the propeller load and engine RPM. It is advisable to make idle adjustments with the aircraft crosswind. 11-50. INDUCTION AIR SYSTEM. 11-51. DESCRIPTION. Ram air to the engine enters the induction airbox through an opening in the forward part of the lower engine cowling nose cap. The air is filtered through a filter which is located at the opening in the nose cap. From the induction airbox the filtered air is directed to the inlet of the carburetor, mounted on the lower side of the engine, and through the carburetor, where fuel is mixed with the air, to the intake manifold. From the intake manifold. the fuel-air mixture is distributed to each cylinder by separate intake pipes. The intake pipes are attached to the intake manifold with hose and clamps and to the cylinder with a two bolt flange which is sealed with a gasket. The induction airbox contains a valve. operated by the carburetor heat control in the cabin. which permits air from an exhaust heated source to be selected in the event carburetor icing or filter icing should be encountered. 11-23 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-52. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove airbox and carburetor as outlined in paragraph 11-48. b. Remove intake pipes by disconnecting hose and removing nuts and washers attaching pipes to cylinders. c. Installation of the system is the reverse of the preceding steps. Use new gaskets at installation. 11-53. IGNITION SYSTEM. 11-54. DESCRIPTION. Sealed. lightweight Slick magnetos are used on the engine. The 4052 magneto is equipped with an impulse coupling. The magnetos MUST NOT BE DISASSEMBLED. Internal timing is fixed and the breaker points are not adjustable. Timing marks are provided on the distributor gear and distributor block. visible through the air vent holes. for timing to the engine. A timing hole is provided in the bottom of the magneto adjacent to the magneto flange. A timing pin (or 0.093 inch 6-penny nail) can be inserted through this timing hole into the mating hole in the magneto rotor shaft to lock the magneto approximately in the proper firing position. Slick lightweight ignition harness is used with the lightweight magnetos. For ignition harness repair. refer to the manufacturer's Service Manual. WARNING During all magneto maintenance, always take proper precautions to make sure the engine can not fire or start when the propeller is moved. 11-24 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-54A. TROUBLE SHOOTING - IGNITION SYSTEM. TROUBLE ENGINE FAILS TO START. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Defective ignition switch. Check switch continuity. Replace if defective. Spark plugs defective, improperly gapped or fouled by moisture or deposits. Clean, regap and test plugs. Replace if defective. Defective ignition harness. If no defects are found by a visual inspection, check with a harness tester. Replace defective parts. Magneto "P" lead grounded. Check continuity. "P" lead should not be grounded in the ON position, but should be grounded in OFF position. Repair or replace "P" lead. Failure of impulse coupling. Impulse coupling pawls should engage at cranking speeds. Listen for loud clicks as impulse couplings operate. Remove magnetos and determine cause. Replace defective magneto(s). Defective magneto. Broken drive gear. Refer to paragraph 11-54. Remove magneto and check magneto and engine gears. Replace defective parts. Make sure no pieces of damaged parts remain in engine or engine disassembly will be required. 11-24A MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-54A. TROUBLE SHOOTING - IGNITION SYSTEM (Cont). ENGINE WILL NOT IDLE IDLE OR RUN PROPERLY. Spark plugs defective, improperly gapped or Clean. regap and test plugs. Replace if defective. fouled by moisture deposits. Defective ignition harness If no defects are found by a visual inspection check with a harness tester. Replace defective parts Defective magneto. Refer to paragraph 11-54. Impulse coupling pawls Listen for loud clicks as remain engaged. impulse coupling operates. Remove magneto and determine cause. Replace defective magneto. Spark plugs loose. Check and install properly. 11-55. MAGNETO REMOVAL. Remove high-tension outlet plate, disconnect primary "P" lead, and remove nuts and washers securing magneto to the engine. Note the approximate angular position at which the magneto is installed, then remove the magneto. 11-56. INTERNAL TIMING. Internal timing is accomplished during manufacture of the magneto. Since these magnetos areNOT TO BE DISASSEMBLED there is no internal timing involved. 11-57. REPLACEMENT INTERVALThese magnetos cannot be overhauled in the field. The coil. capacitor, and breaker assembly are non-replacable. As a good maintenance practice, and to have the benefitof good ignition at all times, it is recommended that the magnetos be removed at 900 hours of magneto time, and install new exchange magnetos. 11-58. MAGNETO INSTALLATION AND TIMING TO ENGINE. The magneto must be installed with its timing marks correctly aligned. with number one cylinder on its compression stroke. and with the number one piston at its advanced firing position. Refer to paragraph 11-8 for the advanced firing position of number one piston. To locate the compression stroke of the number one cylinder, remove the lower spark plug from number two. three, and four cylinders and remove the upper spark plug from number one cylinder. Place the thumb of one hand over the spark plug hole of number one cylinder and rotate crankshaft in the direction of normal rotation until the compression stroke is indicated by positive pressure inside the cylinder lifting the thumb off the spark plug hole. After the compression stroke is obtained. locate number one piston at its advanced firing position. Locating the advanced firing position of number one piston may be obtained by rotating the crankshaft in direction of normal rotation until No. 1 cylinder is on the compression stroke and approximately 35 ° BTC. Clamp the ignition timing pointer on the advance timing mark on the rear of the starter ring gear. The starter ring gear may be marked at 20 ° and 25° . Consult engine nameplate for correct advance timing mark to use. Continue rotating the crankshaft until the timing 11-24B Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL pointer and the parting flange of the crankcase align. Leave the crankshaft in this position until the magneto is installed. In the event that an ignition timing pointer is not available an alternate method may be used. Rotate the crankshaft in direction of normal rotation until No. 1 cylinder is on the compression stroke and continue rotating the crankshaft until the correct advance timing mark on the front of the starter ring gear is in exact alignment with the small drilled hole located at the two o'clock position on the front face of the starter housing. Leave the crankshaft in this position until the magneto is installed. NOTE In all cases, it must be definitely determined that No. 1 cylinder is at the correct firing position, on its compression stroke, when the crankshaft is rotated in its normal direction of rotation. After the engine has been placed in the correct firing position. install and time magneto to the engine in the following manner. a. Remove the timing (vent) plug from the bottom of the magneto. The vent plug in the top of the magneto need not be removed. b. Rotate magneto shaft until timing mark on rotor is visible through the vent plug hole. Impulse coupling pawls must be depressed to turn magneto shaft in normal direction of rotation. c. Establish that the magneto is at number one firing position. It is possible for the timing mark to be visible while firing position is 180 degrees from number one firing position. NO. 1 OUTLET TIMING MARK VIEW A-A VIEW LOOKING FORWARD MODEL NO. 4050 SLICK MAGNETO Figure 11-4. No. 1 Magneto Outlet 11-25 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE It is necessary to "spark" the magneto to establish the correct firing position. The outlet plate with spark plug leads must be installed on the magneto. Hold number one spark plug lead close to magneto case, or ground the magneto and hold the number one spark plug lead close to a good ground. Rotate impulse coupling in normal direction of rotation until a spark occurs at this lead. (Impulse coupling pawls must be depressed to turn magneto shaft in normal direction of rotation.) Turn impulse coupling backward a few degrees, until timing mark on rotor is centered in vent plug hole and install timing pin (or 0.093 inch 6-penny nail) through hole in bottom of magneto next to the flange and into the mating hole in the rotor shaft. This locks the magneto approximately in firing position while installing it on the engine. d. Keep timing mark centered in vent plug hole during installation. e. Be sure magneto gaskets are in place and that engine isin correct firing position, then install magneto(s) at the angle noted during removal, tighten mount nuts finger tight. CAUTION Remove timing pin from magneto, if installed. Be sure to remove this pin before rotating crankshaft. f. Connect one lead of timing light to the capacitor terminal at the rear of the magneto and ground lead of timing light to a good ground. g. Rotate propeller opposite to normal direction of rotation a few degrees (approximately 5 degrees) to close magneto contact points. NOTE Do not rotate propeller back far enough to engage impulse coupling, or propeller will have to be rotated in normal direction of rotation until impulse coupling releases, then backed up a few degrees before the firing position. h. Slowly advance propeller (tap forward with minute movements as firing position is approached) in normal direction of rotation until timing light indicates position at which contact points break. The contact points should break at the advanced firing position of number one cylinder. Loosen mounting nuts slightly and rotate magneto case to make contact points break at the correct position. Tighten mounting nuts. CAUTION To prevent possible condenser damage, do not exceed 13-15 lb-in torque when tightening "P" lead nut during installation of Slick magneto. i. 11-26 Revision After tightening magneto mounting nuts, recheck timing. Make sure both magnetos are set to fire at the same time. Remove timing equipment and connect spark plug leads and ignitio switch leads. I MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE Beginning with the number one outlet. the magneto fires at each successive outlet in a counterclockwise direction. looking at the outlets. Connect number one magneto outlet to number one cylinder spark plug lead, number two outlet to the next cylinder to fire, etc. Engine firing order is listed in paragraph 11-8. 11-59. MAGNETO CHECK. Advanced timing settings in some cases. is the result of the erroneous practice of bumping magnetos up in timing in order to reduce RPM drop on single ignition. NEVER ADVANCE TIMING BEYOND SPECIFICATIONS IN ORDER TO REDUCE RPM DROP. Too much importance is being attached to RPM drop in single ignition. RPM drop on single ignition is a natural characteristic of dual ignition design. The purpose of the following magneto check is to determine that all cylinders are firing. If all cylinders are not firing, the engine will run extremely rough and cause for investigation will be quite apparent. The amount of RPM drop is not necessarily significant and will be influenced by ambient air temperature, humidity, airport altitude, etc. In fact, absence of RPM drop should be cause for suspicion that the magneto timing has been bumped up and is set in advance of the setting specified. Magneto checks should be performed on a comparative basis between mdividual right and left magneto performance. a. Start and run engine until the oil and cylinder head temperatures are in normal operating ranges. b. Advance engine speed to 1700 RPM. c. Turn the ignition switch to the "R" position and note the RPM drop. then return the switch to the "BOTH" position to clear the opposite set of plugs. d. Turn the switch to the "L" position and note the RPM drop. then return the switch to the "BOTH" position. e. The RPM drop should not exceed 125 RPM on either magneto or show greater than 50 RPM differential between magnetos. A smooth RPM drop-off past normal is usually a sign of a too lean or too rich mixture. A sharp RPM drop-off past normal is usually a sign of a fouled plug, a defective harness lead or out of time. If there is doubt concerning operation of the ignition system. RPM checks at a leaner mixture setting or a higher engine speeds will usually confirm whether a deficiency exists. NOTE An absence of RPM drop may be an indication of faulty grounding of one side of the ignition system. a disconnected ground lead at magneto or possibly the magneto timing is set too far in advance. 11-60. MAINTENANCE. Magneto-to-engine timing should be checked at the first 50 hours, first 100 hours, and thereafter at each 200 hours. If timing to the engine is not within plus zero degrees and minus two degrees, the magneto should be timed to the engine. NOTE If ignition trouble should develop, spark plugs and ignition wiring should be checked first. If the trouble appears definitely to be associated with a magneto. the following may be used to help disclose the source of trouble. 11-27 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL a. Remove high-tension outlet plate and check distributor block for moisture. b. If any moisture is evident, lightly wipe with a soft, dry. lint-free cloth. Reinstall outlet plate. NOTE Since these magnetos MUST NOT BE DISASSEMBLED. new magnetos should be installed if the moisture check does not remedy the trouble. 11-60A. AIRCRAFT MAGNETOS (TYPE 4281). 11-60B. DESCRIPTION. Beginning with Serials 15284028 and A1520915, a lightweight Slick 4281 magneto is used on the engine. This magneto is designed for use with light aircraft engines and is a completely self-contained assembly. The rotor revolves on two ball bearings positioned on either side of the rotating magnet. The rotor and bearing assembly is contained within the drive end frame, with bearing preloading determined by a loading spring, eliminating the need for selective shimming. Other components contained within the drive end frame are a high tension coil. retained by wedge-shaped keys. and the contact breaker assembly, secured with two screws to the inboard bearing plate. A two-lobe replaceable cam is fitted to the anti-drive end of the rotor shaft and a two-pole magnet turns at crankshaft speed, producing four sparks through 720 degrees of engine crankshaft rotation. The distributor housing contains the distributor gear and electrode assembly, distributor block, bearing bar. and condenser. Spark retarding, to assist engine starting, is provided by an impulse coupling mounted on the drive shaft. At engine cranking speed. counterweighted spring-loaded pawls engage a stop pin located in the drive end frame mounting flange. Pawl engagement with the pin retards rotor rotation through 90 degrees, at which point the pawl is released by a cam on the impulse shell. Once the engine starts and accelerates beyond cranking speed, the pawl counterweights move outward, preventing any further engagement between the pin and pawls. The magnetos can be disassembled for inspection and maintenance in the field. 11 -60C. MAITENANCE PROCEDURES. NOTE For internal timing procedures, refer to Slick 4200/6200 Series Aircraft Magnetos Maintenance and Overhaul Instructions. 11-60D. MAGNETO-TO-ENGINE TIMING. After 100 hours of operation and every 100 hours thereafter, or at annual inspection, whichever comes first, the magneto-to-engine timing should be checked. This is accomplished in the following manner: WARNING Be sure switch is in "OFF" position and the "P" lead is grounded. 11-28 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL a. Turn the engine crankshaft in the normal direction of rotation until the No. 1 cylinder is in the full-advance firing position, following the engine manufacturer's procedure for timing of magnetos. b. Loosen the magneto mounting bolts, and connect a standard timing light between engine ground and the magneto condenser terminal. NOTE Switch must be "ON". c. Rotate the complete magneto opposite normal rotation of the magneto on the engine mounting, until the timing light indicates the contact breaker points are just opening. Secure the magneto in this position. WARNING During all magneto maintenance, always take proper precautions to make sure the engine can not fire or start when the propeller is moved. TURN SWITCH "OFF". 11-60E- MAGNETO REMOVAL. Remove high-tension outlet plate- disconnect primary lead, and remove nuts and washers securing magneto to the engine. Note the approximate angular position at which the magneto is installed, then remove the magneto. 11-60F. DISASSEMBLY. Refer to Slick 4200/6200 Series Aircraft Magnetos Maintenance and Overhaul Instructions Bulletin, and all revisions and supplements thereto, for disassembly instructions. 11-60G. CHECKING CONTACT ASSEMBLIES. At 500 hour intervals, the contact assemblies should be checked for burning or wear. 11-60H. POINTS. If the points are not discolored and have a white frosty surface around the edges, the points are functioning properly and should not be touched. Apply M-1827 cam grease sparingly to each lobe of the cam before reassembly. If the points are blue (indicating excessive arcing) or pitted, they should be discarded. Replace both condenser and damnged points. 11-60I. CARBON BRUSH. At 500 hour inspections, it is necessary to check the carbon brush in the distributor gear for wear, cracks and chipping. Measure carbon brush length from distributor gear shaft to end of brush. Minimum acceptable length is 1/32 inch. If worn, cracked or chipped, the distributor gear must be replaced. Put a drop of SAE #20 non-detergent machine oil in each oilite bearing in the distributor block and bearing bar. 11-60J. HIGH TENSION LEAD. Inspect the high tension lead from the coil to make sure it makes contact with the carbon brush on the distributor gear shaft. 11-60K. IMPULSE COUPLING SHELL & HUB. At 500 hour inspection, visually inspect the impulse coupling shell and hub for cracks. loose rivets or rounded pawls that may slip when latching up on the pin. If any of these conditions are evident, the coupling should be replaced. 11-60L. CLEANING AND INSPECTION. a. Inspect internal and external threads of all threaded hardware. Damaged or worn parts must be replaced. 11-29 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL b. Inspect the bearing plate for excessive wear and damage. (Maximum bearing bore I.D. to be 1.5752 inch.) c. Check the rotor for damaged or worn keyway. Check the rotor bearing surfaces for wear. (Minimum O.D; to be 0.6690 inch.) d. Inspect the magneto frame and distributor housing for cracks or other damage. Check the bearing bore in the drive end frame for wear. (Maximum I.D. to be 1.5741 inch.) e. Clean all parts thoroughly with a grease solvent before reassembly. NOTE No structural repairs are permissable. Replace all items showing wear or damage, or that are not within the tolerances specified. 11-60M. REASSEMBLY. Refer to Slick 4200/6200 Series Aircraft Magnetos Maintenance and Overhaul Instructions Bulletin. and all revisions and supplements thereto, for reassembly instructions. 11-61. SPARK PLUGS. Spark plugs should be rotated from top to bottom on a 25 hour basis and serviced on a 100 hour basis. Depending on the lead content of the fuel and the type of operation, more frequent cleaning of the spark plugs may be necessary. NOTE At each 100 hour inspection, remove, clean, inspect and regap all spark plugs. Install lower spark plugs in upper portion of cylinders and install upper spark plugs in lower portion of cylinders. Since deterioration of lower spark plugs is usually more rapid than that of the upper spark plugs, rotating helps prolong spark plug life. If excessive spark plug lead fouling occurs, the selection of a hotter plug, from the approved list in Avco Lycoming Service Instruction No. 1042 may be necessary; however, depending on the type of lead deposit formed, a colder plug from the approved list may better resolve the problem. Where the majority of operation is at lower power, such as patrol, a hotter plug would be advantageous. Where the majority of operation is at high cruise powers, a colder plug is recommended. The problem of lead fouling arises when low operating temperatures coupled with rich mixture prevent complete vaporization of tetraethyl lead (TEL) in aviation fuels. The following operating and maintenance recommendations are made to reduce spark plug lead fouling: a. Use 100 Low Lead (100LL) fuel in lieu of 100 grade fuel whenever possible. b. Swap top and bottom plugs every 25 hours at minimum. c. Use spark plug recommendation charts. Do not simply replace existing plugs. d. Do not accept over-rich carburetor mixture. Adjust as required. e. Keep engine operating in temperatures in normal, not lower operating range. f. Use oil cooler baffles to keep oil temperatures up in winter. g. After a flooded start, slowly advance engine to high power to burn off harmful lead deposits, then reduce to normal power. 11-30 Revision I MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-62. ENGINE CONTROLS. 11-63. DESCRIPTION. The throttle, mixture and carburetor heat controls are of the push-pull type. The mixture control is equipped to lock in any position desired. To move the control, the spring-loaded button, located in the end of the control knob, must be depressed. When the button is released, the control is locked. The mixture control also has a vernier adjustment. Turning the knob in either direction will change the control setting. The vernier is primarily for precision control setting. The throttle control has neither a locking button nor a vernier advancement, but contains a knurled friction knob which is rotated for more or less friction as desired, The friction knob prevents vibration induced "creeping" of the control. The carburetor heat control has no locking device. Beginning with serials 15282032 & On and A1520809 & On. the throttle, mixture, and propeller control cable ends that utilize a ball bearing-type rod end. are being secured to the engine with a pre-drilled AN bolt, washers. castellated nut, and a cotter pin. (See figure 11-4A.) Revision 1 11-30A/II11-30B blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE Larger washer (2) (7/8" x .890 ID.) is mounted between bolt head and rod end bearing. 4 5 1. Bolt 2. Washer 3. Nut 4. Lock Nut 5. Washer 6. Cotter Pin 7. Castellated Nut 8. Rod End Bearing 7 Figure 11-4A. Control Cable Ends NOTE Some controls have intricate parts that will fall out and possibly be lost if the control is pulled from housing while the control is disconnected. Steel AN bolts with an undrilled shank are identified with an "A" suffix (AN3-6A). A steel bolt of the same size, with the shank drilled for castellated nut and cotter pin. is identified as AN3-6. Aluminum AN bolts are not to be used in this application. 11-64. RIGGING. When adjusting any engine control. it is important to check that the control slides smoothly throughout its full range of travel. that it locks securely if equipped with a locking device, and the arm or lever which it operates moves through its full arc of travel. CAUTION Whenever engine controls are disconnected. note the exact quantity, position, size and direction of all attaching hardware and ensure that all attaching parts and hardware are reinstalled as noted. 11-31 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Safety Wire 3 3 10-24 Screw-Torque to 20-25 lb-in. 1. 2. 3. 4. Knob Rigid Conduit Flexible Conduit Staked Connection 5. 6. 7. Instrument Panel Friction Lock Jam Nut Figure 11-5. Throttle Control 11-65. THROTTLE CONTROL. NOTE Before rigging throttle control shown in figure 11-5. check that staked connection between rigid conduit and flexible conduit is secure. If any indication of looseness or breakage is apparent, install new throttle control before continuing rigging procedure. a. b. c. 11-32 Pull throttle control out (idle position) and remove throttle control knob. Screw jam nut all the way down (clockwise) and install throttle knob. Screw knob securely against the jam nut. Do not back jam nut out. This will prevent bottoming and possible damage to the staked connection. Disconnect throttle control at the carburetor throttle arm. push throttle control in until jam nut contacts friction lock. While the friction lock is loose. then pull control out approximately 1/8 inch for cushion. Note position of larger washer at carburetor end of control. Install washer in same position when connecting control to arm. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL d. e. f. g. Tighten friction lock, being careful not to change position of the throttle. Move throttle arm on the carburetor to full open, adjust rod end at end of throttle control to fit, and connect to arm on carburetor. Release friction lock and check full travel of arm on carburetor. If further adjustmer is required, make all adjustments at the carburetor end of control. DO NOT change jam nut setting. Tighten rod end locknuts at carburetor end of control. Be sure to maintain sufficient thread engagement between rod end and control. NOTE Refer to the Inspection Chart in Section 2 for inspection. lubrication and/or replacement interval for the throttle control. 11-66. MIXTURE CONTROL. a. Push mixture control full in (RICH), unlock then pull it out approximately 1/8 inch for cushion. b. Loosen clamp securing the control housing to the engine. c. Shift the control housing in the clamp so that the mixture arm on the carburetor is in full open (RICH). Tighten clamp in this position. d. Unlock and pull mixture control full out. Check that mixture arm on carburetor is full closed (IDLE CUT-OFF). e. Check that bolt and nut at the mixture arm on the carburetor secures the control wire and that the bolt will swivel in the arm. f. Bend control wire tip 90 degrees to prevent it from being withdrawn if the attaching nut should become loose. g. When installing a new control assembly, it may be necessary to shorten the wire and/or control housing. h. The mixture arm on the carburetor must contact the stops in each direction, and the control should have approximately 1/8 inch cushion when pushed full in (RICH). NOTE Refer to the Inspection Chart in Section 2 for inspection. lubrication and/or replacement interval for the mixture control. 11-67. CARBURETOR HEAT CONTROL. a. Loosen clamp securing the control to the bracket on the airbox. b. Push control full in. then pull it out approximately 1/8 inch from panel for cushion. c. Shift the control housing in its clamp so that the valve lever is full forward. with valve seating inside airbox. Tighten clamp in this position. d. Pull out on the control and check that the air valve inside the airbox seats in the opposite direction. e. Check that bolt and nut on the air throttle lever secures the control wire and that the bolt will swivel in the lever. f. Bend the wire tip 90 degrees to prevent it from becoming withdrawn if the attaching nut should become loose. NOTE Refer to the Inspection Chart in Section 2 for inspection. lubrication and/ or replacement interval for the carburetor heat control. 11-33 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-68. STARTING SYSTEM. 11-69. DESCRIPTION. The starting system employs an electrical starter motor mounted at the front (propeller end) lower left side of the engine. Beginning with Aircraft 15283092 & on. and A1520853 & on. a Prestolite Slower Turning starter is installed. A starter solenoid is activated by the ignition switch on the instrument panel When the solenoid is activated. its contacts close and electrical current energizes the starter motor. Initial rotation of the starter motor engages the starter through an overrunning clutch in the starter adapter. 11-70. TROUBLE SHOOTING. TROUBLE STARTER WILL NOT OPERATE. STARTER MOTOR RUNS. BUT DOES NOT TURN CRANKSHAFT. STARTER MOTOR DRAGS. 11-34 PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Defective master switch or circuit. Install new switch or wires. Defective starter switch or switch circuit. Install new switch or wires. Defective starter motor. Remove. repair or install new starter motor. Defective overrunning clutch or drive. Install new starter adapter. Starter motor shaft broken. Install new starter motor. Low battery. Charge or install new battery. Starter switch or relay contacts burned or dirty. Install servicable unit. Defective starter motor power cable. Install new cable. Loose or dirty connections. Remove. clean and tighten all terminal connections. Defective starter motor. Check starter motor brushes. brush spring tension. thrown solder on brush cover. Repair or install new starter motor. Dirty or worn commutator. Clean and turn commutator. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-71. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove cowling as required for access. CAUTION When disconnecting or connecting the starter cable. do not permit starter terminal bolt to rotate. Rotation of the terminal bolt could break the conductor between terminal and field coils causing the starter motor to be inoperative. b. Disconnect starter power cable at starter. Insulate terminal on power cable to prevent accidental shorting. c. Remove three nuts and washers and one bolt securing starter to crankcase. Work starter from engine. d. To install starter. position starter on mounting pad. aligning dowel pins in starter mounting pad with holes in mounting pad on engine. e. Secure starter with washer. lockwasher and nut in three places and install bolt and washers. f. Tighten nuts and bolt evenly to a torque value of 150 lb-in. g. Connect electrical cable to starter terminal and install engine cowling. 11-72. PRIMARY MAINTENANCE. The starting circuit should be inspected at regular intervals. the frequency of which should be determined by the amount of service and conditions under which the equipment is operated. Inspect the battery and wiring. Check battery for fully charged condition. proper electrolyte level with approved water and terminals for cleanliness. Inspect wiring to see that all connections are clean and tight and that the wiring insulation is sound. Check that the brushes slide freely in their holders and make full contact on the commutator. When brushes are worn to one-half of their original length. install new brushes (compare with new brushes). Check the commutator for uneven wear. excessive glazing or evidence of excessive arcing. If the commutator is only slightly dirty, glazed. or discolored. it may be cleaned with a strip of No. 00 or No. 000 sandpaper. If the commutator is rough or worn, it should be turned in a lathe and the mica undercut. Inspect the armature shaft for rough bearing surfaces. New brushes should be properly seated when installing by wrapping a strip of No. 00 sandpaper around the commutator (with sanding side out) 1-1 / 4 to 1-1/2 times maximum. Drop brushes on sandpaper covered commutator and turn armature slowly in the direction of normal rotation. Clean sanding dust from motor after sanding operations. 11-35 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-73. EXHAUST SYSTEM. 11-74. DESCRIPTION. The exhaust system consists of an exhaust pipe from each cylinder to the muffler located beneath the engine. The muffler assembly is enclosed in a shroud which captures ram air to be heated by the exhaust gases in the muffler. This heated air is used to heat the aircraft cabin. Through 1979 models, the muffler also furnishes heated air for carburetor heat at the engine intake system. Beginning with 1980 models, a shroud is fitted to the number 4 cylinder exhaust pipe to supply heated air for carburetor heat. A tail pipe from the muffler routes exhaust gases overboard through the lower cowling. 11-75. REMOVAL. 11-76. a. b. c. d. e. Remove engine cowling as required for access. Disconnect flexible ducts from shrouds on muffler assembly. Remove optional EGT probe (if installed) per Section 15. Disconnect braces from muffler and tail pipe assemblies. Remove nuts and washers securing the exhaust stack assemblies to the cylinders. f. Remove exhaust stack assembly. INSPECTION. Inspection of the exhaust system shall be thorough because the cabin heating system uses air heated by the heat exhangers of the exhaust system. Since exhaust systems of this type are subject to burning, cracking, and general deterioration from alternate thermal stresses and vibration, inspection is very important and should be accomplished every 100-hours of operation. In addition. an inspection of the exhaust system shall be performed anytime exhaust fumes are detected in the cabin area. a. Remove engine cowling, and loosen or remove shrouds so that ALL surfaces of the exhaust system can be visually inspected. Especially check areas adjacent to welds. Look for exhaust gas deposits in surrounding areas, indicating that exhaust gas is escaping through a crack or hole. b. For a more thorough inspection, or if fumes have been detected in the cabin. the following inspection is recommended: 1. Remove exhaust pipe and muffler. 2. Use rubber expansion plugs to seal openings. 3. Using a manometer or gage. apply approximately 1-1/2 psi (3 inches of mercury) air pressure while the muffler and each exhaust pipe is submerged in water. All leaks will appear as bubbles and can be readily detected. 4. It is recommended that any exhaust pipe or muffler found defective be replaced c. 11-77. 11-36 with a new part before the next flight. Install exhaust system. INSTALLATION. Reverse procedure outlined in paragraph 11-75 to install exhaust system. Be sure there is one new copper-asbestos gasket between each exhaust pipe and its mounting pad on the cylinder. Make sure clamps attaching muffler to exhaust pipes are tight and all air ducts are installed. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15279406 THRU 15283591 F15201429 THRU F15201673 A1520735 THRU A1520878 FA1520337 THRU FA1520357 CLAMP | MUFFLER- EXHAUST PIPE TAILPIPE STANDARD (1978-79) SHROUD SHROUD MUFFLER CLAMP EXHAUST PIPE TAILPIPE 15279406 THRU 15283591 F15201429 THRU F15201673 ALTERNATE (1978-79) A1520337 THRU A1520357 FA1520337 THRU FA1520357 Figure 11-6. Exhaust System (Sheet 1 of 3) 11-37 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15283592 THRU 15285091 F15201874 THRU F15201893 A1520879 THRU A1520975 FA1520358 THRU FA1520377 MUFFLER SHROUD TAILPIPE 4 EXHAUST PIPE Beginning with 15285092 F15201894. A1520976 and FA1520378 MUFFLER #4 EXHAUST PIPE SHROUD TAILPIPE Figure 11-6. Exhaust System (Sheet 2 of 3) 11-38 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Detail A CARBURETOR HEAT SHROUD INDUCTION AIRBOX Beginning with 15284899, F15201894, A1520971 and FA1520378 Figure 11-6. Exhaust System (Sheet 3 of 3) 11-39 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 11-78. EXTREME WEATHER MAINTENANCE. NOTE Refer to the appropriat Pilot's Operating Handbook for approd starting procedures. 11-79. COLD WkATHMR. Cold wather starting is made easier with the installation of the engine primer system and ground service receptacle. The primer system is a manually operated typ. Fuel is suppled by a line from the fuel trainer to the plunger type primer. Operating the primer plunger in the cabin forces fuel to the engine. With the ground service receptacle installed, external power source may be connected to assist in cold weather or low battery sarting. Refer to Section 16 for use of the ground service receptacle. The followng may also be used to assist engin starting in extreme cold weather. After the last flight of the day, drain the engine oil into a clean strainer so the oil can be preheated. Cover the engine to prevent Ice or snow from collecting inside the cowling. When preparing the aircraft for flight or engine run-up after theo the drained oil conditions have been followed, preheat WARNING Do not hat oil above 121°C (250F). A flash fire may result. Before pulling the propeller through, ascertain that magneto switch is in OFF position to prevent the engine frIm firing. After preheating the oil. gasoline may be mied with the heated oil in a ratio of 1 part gasoline to 1 part oil beore pouring into the engine oil sump. If the free air temperature is below -29C (-20'), the engine Compartment should be preheated with a ground heater. Preheating the engine ompartment is acomplaished by Inducing heated air up through the nose gear opening, thus hetig both the oil and cylinders. After the engine compartment has been preheated, inspect all engine drain and vent lines for presence of ice. After this procedure has been complied with, pull propeller through several revolutions by hand before starting the engine. CAUTION Due to the desludging effect of the diluted oil. engine operation should be observed closely during the initial warm up of the engine. Engines that have accumulated a considerable amount of operational hours since their last dilution period may be seriously affected by the dilution process. This is caused by the diluted oil dislodging sludge and carbon deposits within the engine. This residue wil collect in the oil sump and possibly clog the screened inlet to the oil pump. Small deposits may enter the oil pump and be trapped by the pressure oil filter screen. Partial or, in some cases, complete loss of engine 11-40 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL lubrication may result from either condition. If these conditions are anticipated after oil dilution. the engine should be operated for several minutes at normal operating temperatures and then stopped and inspected for evidence of sludge and carbon deposits in the oil sump and oil filter screen. Future occurrence of this condition can be prevented by diluting the oil prior to each oil change. This will prevent the build-up accumulation of the sludge and carbon deposits within the engine. 11-80. DUSTY CONDITIONS. Dust inducted into the intake system of the engine is probably the greatest single cause of early engine wear. When operating under high dust conditions, the induction air filter should be serviced daily as outlined in Section 2. 11-81. SEACOAST AND HUMID AREAS. In salt water areas, special care should be taken to keep the engine and accessories clean to prevent oxidation. In humid areas, fuel and oil should be checked frequently and drained of condensed moisture. 11-41/(11-42 blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 12 FUEL SYSTEM TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Aerofiche/ Manual 2A2/12-1 FUEL SYSTEM .............. Description ............... 2A212-1 Precautions ............... 2A2/12-1 Trouble Shooting ........... 2A3/12-2 Tanks ................. . 2A9/12-8 Description ............. 2A9/12-8 Removal/Installation ....... 2A9/12-8 Quantity Transmitters ....... 2A9/12-8 Vents ...... ........... 2A9/12-8 Description ............. 2A9/12-8 Checking ............... 2A9/12-8 Shutoff Valve ............. 2A12/12-11 Description ............ 2A12/12-11 Removal/Installation ....... 2A12/12-11 Strainer ................. Description ............. Disassembly/Assembly ..... Priming Sytem ........... Description ............ Removal ................ Inspection .............. Installaton ............. Vented Fuel Cap ........... Description ............. Inspection Cleaning, and Repair ................ 2A12/12-11 2A12/12-11 2A12/12-11 2A14/12-13 2A14/12-13 2A14/12-13 2A14/12-13 2A15/12-14 2A16/12-15 2A16/12-1 2A16/12-15 12-1. FUEL SYSTEM. 12-2. DESCRIPTION. Fuel is gravity fed from the metal wing tanks, through a shutoff valve and a fuel strainer, to the carburetor. Positive ventilation is provided by a vent line and a check valve assembly located in the left wing tank, a crossover line connecting the two tanks together, and a vented fuel cap on the right hand tank. The vent line from the check valve assembly extends overboard through the lower wing skin adjacent to the left wing strut. A fuel drain is located between the shutoff valve and the strainer. 12-3. PRECAUTIONS. Common sense as well as certain general precautions should be followed when working on or around fuel systems. Some of these precautions are: a. Always GROUND the aircraft to a suitable ground stake to prevent electrostatic build up. b. Use drip pans to prevent accumulation of drainage from lines, hoses, and fittings. because accumulation increases the fire hazard. c. Cap or cover all open lines or connections to prevent damage to threads and entrance of foreign materials. NOTE Use NS-40 (RAS-4) (Snap-On-Tools Corp.. Kenosha. Wisc.), MIL-T-5544 (Thread Compound Antiseize, Graphite Petrolatum). USP Petrolatum or engine oil as a thread lubricant, and to seal fittings. Apply sparingly to male threads, and avoid stringing across openings. Make sure no foreign material can enter the fuel system. 12-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 12-4. TROUBLE SHOOTING. TROUBLE NO FUEL TO CARBURETOR. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Fuel shutoff valve not Turn valve on. (Safety in turned on. ON position.) Fuel tanks empty. Service with proper grade and amount of fuel Plugged fuel strainer. Remove and clean strainer and screen. Fuel line plugged. Clean out or replace fuel line. Fuel tank outlet strainers plugged. Remove and clean strainers and flush out fuel tanks. Inlet elbow or inlet screen in carburetor plugged. Clean and/or replace. Fuel line disconnected or broken. Connect or repair fuel lines. Defective fuel shutoff valve. Replace shutoff valve. FUEL STARVATION AFTER Partial fuel flow from the Use the preceding remedies. STARTING. preceding caues. NO FUEL QUANTITY INDICATION. PRESSURIZED FUEL TANK. 12-2 Plugged fuel vent. See paragraph 12-11. Water in fuel. Drain fuel tank sumps. fuel lines and fuel strainer. Fuel tanks empty. Service with proper grade and amount of fuel. Blown fuse. Replace blown fuse. Loose connections or open circuit. Tighten connections: repair or replace wiring. Refer to Section 19. Defective fuel quantity indicator or transmitter. Refer to Section 15. Plugged bleed hole in fuel vent. Check per paragraph 12-11. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL FUEL QUANTITY INDICATORS FUEL QUANTITY TRANSMITTER FUEL QUANTIT TRANSMITTER VENTED FILLER CAP FILLER CAP VENT (WITH CHECK LEFT FUEL TANK DRAIN VALVE RIGHT FUEL TANK DRAIN VALVE DRAIN TEE VALVE FUEL STRAINER STRAINER '-*-CONTROL IN ON POSITION THROTTLE 'CONTROL CODE CARBURETOR FUEL SUPPLY I I VENT TO ENGINE MECHANICAL LINKAGE MIXTURE CONTROL PRELECTRICAL CONNECTION Figure 12-1. Fuel Sytem Schematic 12-3 12-3 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1 * Beginning with B * 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. FuelTank Tank Outlet (Screen) Vent Crossover Line Fuel Supply Line Vent Line (Overboard) Sleeve Primer Strainer Drain Control Primer Delivery Line Strainer to Engine Hose Strainer Drain Line Strainer Strainer Drain Control Bracket Shield 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 15279406 THRU 15282031 F15201429 THRU F15201528 A1520735 THRU A1520808 FA1520337 THRU FA1520347 Firewall Cap Fuel Line Drain Tee Handle Shutoff Valve Packing "B" Nut Elbow Figure 12-2. Fuel Systym (Sheet 1 of 2) 12-4 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL * 15279406 THRU 15285161 F15201429 THRU F15201893 A1520735 THRU A1520983 FA1520337 THRU F1520377 18 14 15 * 16 13 DetailB ®17 12 10 *18 Detail A Detail B Beginning with 15285162. F15201894. A1520984 and FA1520378 17* ** Quick drain valve installed on airplanes 1527940G thru 15285161 A 1520735 thru A 1520983 F15201429 thru F15201893 FA1520337 thru FA1520377 incorporating SK152-13 and production aircraft thereafter. 19 20 22 22 23 Detail C Figure 12-2. Fuel System (Sheet 2 of 2) Revision 1 12-5 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTES 1. Cap 2. Gasket 3. Chain Standard range tank shown. Long range tank is similar except for capacity. 4. Gasket * 5. FuelTank 6. Strap 9. Tank Drain 12. 13. ** Adapter When installing a fuel transmitter (11), install a new gasket (13)at the same time. Torque screws (14) to 20 in-lbs (once only) using a cross-pattern sequence. Gasket 14. Screw 14A. FA1520347. Beginning with serials 15279630, F15201529, A1520742, and FA1520348, the left hand cap is non-vented. The right hand cap is vented. 7.. Vent CrossoverConnection 8. Outlet 10. Ground Strap 11. Fuel Quantity Transmitter Thru serials 15279629, F15201528, A1520741, and * Upper Wing Skin C (SEE SE Additional drain valves installed on airplanes 15279406 thru 15286033 A1520735 thru A1521049 F15201429 thru F15201980 FA1520337 thru FA1520425 incorporating SK152-18 and production aircraft thereafter. Ensure that word "hinge" is located at top on vent valve (15) and is installed as shown. 2 6 . (SEE SHEET 2) SEE SHEET 2) 7 9** Figure 12-3. Fuel Tank. Cap, and Placards (Sheet 1 of 2) 12-6 Revision I MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL B1488 15. 16. 17. 18. Vent Valve 19. Nut Gasket-Inner Gasket-Outer Washer 16 ****15 17 18 Tube for vent valve extends into fuel tank, then forward and slightly upward. A NK ONLY) FUEL 100LL/100 MIN. GRADE AVIATION GASOLINE CAP. 13 US. GAL. Placard, Fuel Quantity - Standard Tanks FUEL 100LL/ 100 MIN. GRADE AVIATION GASOLINE CAP. 195 U.S. GAL. CAP 13.0 U.S. GAL. TO BOTTOM OF FILLER COLLAR Placard, Fuel Quantity - Long-Range Tanks Detail B AVGAS ONLY Placard - Fuel Type Detail C Temporary Revision Number 3 10 March 2003 © 2003 Cessna Aircraft Company 12-7 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 12-5. FUEL TANKS. 12-6. DESCRIPTION. A rigid metal tank is installed in the inboard panel of each wing. The standard range tank is shown (see figure 12-3). The long range tank is similar except in capacity. Sump drain plugs or valves, one in each tank, are provided for draining trapped water and sediment. 12-7. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Remove sump drain plug or valve and drain fuel from applicable tank. (Observe precautions outlined in paragraph 12-3.) b. Remove fuel tank cover by removing attaching screws. c. Remove wing root fairings. d. Disconnect and plug or cap all fuel and vent lines from tank. Remove fittings as necessary for clearance when removing tank. e. Disconnect electrical lead and ground strap from fuel quantity transmitter. f. Disconnect straps securing fuel tank and remove tank. Use care to avoid damage to protruding fittings and hose connections when removing the tank. g. To install tank, reverse the preceding steps. Be sure grounding is secure in accordance with figure 12-3. 12-8. FUEL QUANTITY TRANSMITTERS. Fuel quantity transmitters are installed in the top of fuel tanks. A complete description, along with procedures for removal, installation and adjustment are contained in Section 15. 12-9. FUEL VENTS. 12-10. DESCRIPTION. A vent line is installed in the outboard end of the left fuel cell and extends overboard down through the lower wing skin. The inboard end of the vent line extends into the fuel tank, then forward and slightly upward. A vent valve is installed on the inboard end of the vent line inside the fuel tank, and a crossover vent line connects the two tanks for positive ventilation. WARNING Upon installation of vent valve, ensure word "hinge" is at the top on vent valve (15). Shown in figure 12-3. Detail A. 12-11. CHECKING. Venting of the fuel system is necessary to allow normal fuel flow or pressure venting as fuel evaporates. Stoppage of any type can have disastrous results, therefore, the following procedures should be used to ensure operability of vent system. a. Slip a rubber tube over the vent line located beneath the left wing. Be certain it covers the .128" hole in the vent tube on the 152 and F152 Models. b. Blow into tube to slightly pressurize the tanks. If air can be blown into tanks, vent line is open. c. After tank is slightly pressurized, insert end of rubber tube into a container of water and watch for a continuous stream of bubbles, which indicates the bleed hole in valve assembly is open and relieving pressure. 12-8 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL A B 4 1 4 3. .128'' Hole 5 1. Wing Strut 2. Wing Skin 3. Bracket 4. Clamp 5. Grommet 6. Vent Tube 2 44 VENT LINE MUST BE PARALLEL TO WING CHORD LINE. TOLERANCE UP 5° . DOWN 0 ° . A 152 AND F152 (STD.) B A152 AND FA152 C 152 AND F152 (LONG RANGE) 6 1 2.90 1.19 .128 Hole Figure 12-4. Fuel Vent Location 12-9 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1. Screw 2. Cover 3. "0" Ring 4. Pin 5. Rotor 6. Seal 7. Body 6 33 1 Figure 12-5. Fuel Shutoff Valve 12-10 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL d. After completion of step "c", blow into tube again to slightly pressurize the tank. and loosen, but do not remove filler cap on opposite wing to check tank crossover line. If pressure escapes from filler cap, crossover line is open. NOTE A plugged vent line or bleed hole can cause fuel starvation or fuel tank collapse as fuel is drawn out of tank. Pressurization of tank (possible rupturing) is possible due to fuel expansion. e. Any fuel vent found plugged or restricted must be corrected prior to returning aircraft to service. WARNING The fuel vent line protruding beneath the wing near the wing strut must be correctly aligned to avoid possible icing of the vent tube. Dimensions are shown in figure 124. 12-12. FUEL SHUTOFF VALVE. (See figure 12-5.) 12-13. DESCRIPTION. The fuel shutoff valve is a two-position ON-OFF valve, located in the floor area between the pilot and copilot seats. The handle is safety wired in the "ON" position with .018" diameter mild steel wire (tag wire), which will break easily if the handle must be turned "OFF" in an emergency. The manufacturer recommends replacement instead of repair or damaged, worn. or inoperative valves. 12-14. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. a. Completely drain all fuel from wing tanks, fuel lines, strainer, and shutoff valve. (Observe the precautions in paragraph 12-3.) b. Remove shutoff valve handle. c. Remove copilot's seat and access plate under seat. d. Disconnect and cap all fuel lines at shutoff valve. e. Remove bolts attaching shutoff valve and remove valve. f. Reverse the preceding steps for installation. Safety wire valve handle in "ON" position. 12-15 FUEL STRAINER. (See figure 12-6.) 12-16. DESCRIPTION. The fuel strainer is mounted at the firewall in the lower engine compartment. The strainer is equipped with a quick-drain valve which provides a means of draining trapped water and sediment from the fuel system. The quick-drain control is located adjacent to the oil dipstick and is accessible through the oil dipstick door. NOTE The fuel strainer can be disassembled, cleaned and reassembled without removing the assembly from the aircraft. 12-17. DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY. (See figure 12-6.) 12-1 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 17 5 SAFETY WIRE HOLE 12 SAFETY WIRE HOLE 15 16 NOTE After inserting drain control (5) wire through clamp (17) bend wire tip 90o (degrees) to prevent it from being with drawn if the attaching clamp (17) should come loose. Figure 12-6. Fuel Strainer 12-12 ' Spring 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Washer Plunger Top Drain Control Plate 7. O-Ring 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Gasket Filter Collar Standpipe O-Ring Bowl O-Ring Nut Drain Line Clamp MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Remove drain tube, safety wire, nut and washer at bottom of filter bowl. and remove bowl. Carefully unscrew standpipe and remove. Remove filter screen and gasket. Wash filter screen and bowl with solvent (Federal Specification P-S-661, or equivalent) and dry with compressed air. Using a new gasket between filter screen and top assembly, install screen and standpipe. Tighten standpipe only finger tight. Using all new O-rings, install bowl. Note that step-washer at bottom of bowl is installed so that step seats against O-ring. Turn shutoff valve to "ON" position. check for leaks and proper operation. and safety wire. Torque bottom nut (15) to 25-30 lb-in., and safety wire to top assembly of strainer. Wire must have right-hand wrap. at least 45 degrees. Connect drain tube. 12-18. PRIMING SYSTEM. (See figure 12-2.) 12-19. DESCRIPTION. The priming system is comprised of a manually-operated pump located on the instrument panel. and lines to all engine cylinders. Operation of the pump plunger forces fuel directly into the engine cylinders. 12-20. REMOVAL. (See figure 12-7.) NOTE Removal of primer from instrument panel entails disassembly of primer. a. Place fuel shutoff valve in the OFF position. b. Spread drip cloth under left-hand instrument panel. c. Disconnect and cap or plug primer lines at primer. d. Unlock primer knob and pull aft to clear packing nut (5). e. Unscrew packing nut (5). f. Withdraw primer knob and piston rod from instrument panel. g. The primer barrel can now be worked free from the instrument panel on the firewall side of the panel. 12-21. INSPECTION. Visually inspect primer lines for crushed, kinked or broken condition. Ensure proper clamping to prevent fatigue due to vibration or chafing. Ensure barrel's (9) cylinder wall is free of signs of pitting, corrosion. or scoring and that O-rings (3) are in good condition. NOTE To remove O-rings (3) from piston rod (8). squeeze Orings in grooves of piston rod with thumb and index finger. Work O-rings over end of piston rod. O-rings can be refitted to their grooves on piston rod (8) in a like manner. CAUTION Do not damage O-rings (3). 12-13 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1 4. Washer 9 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Packing Nut Lock Knob Piston Rod Barrel Figure 12-7. Primer Assembly 12-22. INSTALLATION. (See figure 12-7.) a. From the firewall side of the instrument panel. insert barrel assembly (9) through hole in panel Ensure that washer (4) is installed on barrel between locknut (2) and the firewall side of the paneL CAUTION Do not damage O-rings (3) during step "b". b. While holding barrel assembly (9) firmly in place, insert piston rod assembly (8) into barrel. c. The distance the barrel protrudes through hole in panel can be adjusted by turning locknut (2). d. Tighten packing nut (5) against panel. e. Unplug or uncap fittings on primer lines and attach to primer fittings (1). f. Turn fuel shutoff valve to the ON position and safety wire in place. g. Check primer for proper pumping action and positive fuel shutoff in the locked position. 12-14 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 12-23. VENTED FUEL FILLER CAP. (See figure 12-8.) 12-24. DESCRIPTION. The RIGHT-HAND fuel filler cap incorporates a vent and safety valve that provides both vacuum and positive pressure relief. 12-25. INSPECTION. CLEANING AND REPAIR. a. Remove RIGHT-HAND fuel filler cap from the adapter assembly. b. Disconnect the safety chain from the cap and cover or plug the tank opening to keep out foreign matter. c. Check condition of gasket and frictionless washer, replace as required. d. Using cotton swabs and Stoddard solvent or equivalent, gently lift edges of rubber umbrella and clean seat and umbrella removing all contaminates. Using a second swab wipe seat and umbrella thoroughly, removing all cotton fibers. Repeat until swabs show no discoloration. e. If the umbrella continues to leak or is deteriorated, remove and replace. To remove the umbrella, lubricate the umbrella stem with (MIL-H-5606) hydraulic fluid to prevent tearing the stem. When installing the new umbrella, lubricate the stem with (MIL-H-5606) hydraulic fluid and use a small blunt tool to insert the retaining knob on the umbrella. into the check valve body. f. Connect fuel cap to safety chain and reinstall cap in the adapter assembly. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Umbrella Rubber Check Valve (Vent) Gasket Frictionless Washer Fuel Cap Body 1 NOTE Check valve (2) shall open at or before 4.0 inches of water vacuum pressure, and be able to hold .5 PSI positive pressure without leakage. Figure 12-8. Vented Fuel Filler Cap 12-15/(12-16 blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 13 PROPELLER WARNING When performing any inspection or maintenance that requires turning on the master switch. installing a battery, or pulling the propeller through by hand. treat the propeller as if the ignition switch were ON. Do not stand. nor allow anyone else to stand, within the arc of the propeller. since a loose or broken wire. or a component malfunction. could cause the propeller to rotate. TABLE OF CONTENTS PROPELLER ..................... Description .................... Repair ......................... Page No. Aerofiche/ Manual 2A20/13-1 2A20/ 13-1 2A20/13-1 Removal ....................... Installation .................... 2A20/13-1 2A21/13-2 13-1. PROPELLER. 13-2. DESCRIPTION. An all-metal. fixed-pitch propeller, equipped with a spinner, is used on the aircraft. 13-3. REPAIR. Repair of metal propeller first involves evaluating the damage and determining whether the repair is to be a major or minor one. Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 43 (FAR 43), and Federal Aviation Agency Advisory Circular No. 43.13 (FAA AC No. 43.13), define major and minor repairs, alterations, and who may accomplish them. When making repairs or alterations to a propeller, FAR 43, FAR AC No. 43.13, and the propeller manufacturer's instructions must be observed. The propeller manufacturer's Service Manual may be obtained from Cessna Parts Distribution (CPD 2) through a Cessna Service Station. 13-4. REMOVAL. (See figure 13-1.) WARNING Be sure that magneto is grounded before turning propeller. or connecting external power. a. b. c. Remove spinner (1). Remove safety wire from mounting bolt heads (3). Remove bolts and washers and remove forward bulkhead (5). NOTE The aft spinner bulkhead (7) is installed between propeller (6) and crankshaft flange (8). and is removed as the propeller is removed. Revision 1 13-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 13-5. INSTALLATION. a. Clean mating surfaces of propeller. crankshaft flange and spinner bulkheads. WARNING Be sure that magneto is grounded before turning propeller, or connecting external power. NOTE Ensure that nose cap is installed prior to completing following steps. b. Position aft spinner bulkhead between propeller and crankshaft flange. c. Align propeller blade with t.c. mark on aft side of ring gear, and rotate propeller clockwise, as viewed from the front, to first bolt hole. d. Install forward spinner bulkhead and propeller bolts. e. Tighten bolts evenly, then torque to 300-320 lb.-in. or 25-26 lb-ft. f. Safety wire propeller mount bolts, ensuring that safety wire is around bolt heads not over top. g. Install spinner. 13-2 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Spinner Screw Bolt Washer Forward Spinner Bulkhead Propeller Rear Spinner Bulkhead Crankshaft (With Ring Gear) 8 Figure 13-1. Propeller and Spinner Installation 13-3/(13-4 blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 14 UTILITY SYSTEMS Page No. Aerotiche/ Manual UTILITY SYSTEMS ................ 2B5/14-1 2B5/14-1 Heating System ................... Description ..................... 2B5/14-1 Operation ....................... 2B5/14-1 Trouble Shooting ............... 2B5/14-1 Removal. Repair and Installation .................... 2B5/14-1 Defroster System ................. 2B6/14-2 Description ..................... 2B6/14-2 Operation .............. 2B6/14-2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 14-1. Trouble Shooting ............... Removal, Repair and Installation .................... Ventilating System ............... Description ..................... Operation ....................... Trouble Shooting ............... Removal. Repair and Installation .................... 2B6/14-2 2B6/14-2 2B6/14-2 2B6/14-2 2B6/14-2 2B6/14-2 2B6/14-2 UTILITY SYSTEMS. HEATING SYSTEM. 14-3. DESCRIPTION. The heating system is comprised of the heat exchange section of the exhaust muffler. a shut-off valve mounted on the right forward side of the firewall. a pushpull control on the instrument panel. outlets and flexible ducting connecting the system. 14-4. OPERATION. Ram air is ducted through an engine baffle inlet and heat exchange section of the exhaust muffler, to the shut-off valve at the firewall. The heated air flows from the shutoff valve into a duct across the aft side of the firewall, where it is distributed into the cabin. The shut-off valve, operated by a push-pull control marked "CABIN HT". located on the instrument panel, regulates the volume of heated air entering the system. Pulling the control full out, supplies maximum flow and pushing control in. gradually decreases flow. shutting off flow completely when the control is pushed full in. 14-5. TROUBLE SHOOTING. Most of the operational troubles in the heating. defrosting and ventilating systems are caused by sticking or binding air valves and their controls. damaged air ducting or defects in the exhaust muffler. In most cases, valves or controls can be freed by proper lubrication. (Refer to Section 2 of this manual for lubrication information.) Damaged or broken parts must be repaired or replaced. When checking controls. ensure valves respond freely to control movement, that they move in the correct direction. that they move through their full range of travel and seal properly. Check that hoses are properly secured and replace hoses that are burned. frayed or crushed. If fumes are detected in the cabin, a thorough inspection of the exhaust system should be accomplished. Refer to applicable paragraph in Section 11 for this inspection. Since any holes or cracks may permit exhaust fumes to enter the cabin. replacement of defective parts is imperative because fumes constitute an extreme danger. Seal any gaps in the shutoff valves at the firewall with Pro-Seal #700 (Coast Pro-Seal Co.. Los Angeles. California) compound. or equivalent compound. 14-6. REMOVAL. REPAIR AND INSTALLATION. Figure 14-1 illustrates the heating. defrosting ventilating systems. and may be used as a guide during removal. repair and installation of system components. Burned, frayed or crushed hose must be replaced with new hose. cut to 14-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL length and installed in the original routing. Trim hose winding shorter than the hose to allow clamps to be fitted. Defective air valves must be repaired or replaced. Check for proper operation of valves and their controls after repair or replacement. 14-7. DEFROSTER SYSTEM. 14-8. DESCRIPTION. The defrosting system is comprised of the duct across the aft side of the firewall, a defroster outlet mounted on the left side of the cowl deck. immediately aft of the windshield, and flexible ducting connecting the system. 14-9. OPERATION. Air from the duct across the aft side of the firewall flows through a flexible duct to the defroster outlet. The temperature and volume of this air is controlled by the settings of the heater system control. 14-10. TROUBLE SHOOTING. Since the defrosting system depends on proper operation of the heating system, refer to paragraph 14-5 for trouble shooting the heating and defrosting systems. 14-11. REMOVAL, REPAIR AND INSTALLATION. Figure 14-1 may be used as a guide during removal repair and installation of defrosting system components. Cut hoses to length and install in the original routing. Trim hose winding shorter than the hose to allow clamps to be fitted. A defective defroster outlet must be repaired or replaced. 14-12. VENTILATING SYSTEM. 14-13. DESCRIPTION. The ventilating system is comprised of an airscoop mounted in the inboard leading edge of each wing, an adjustable ventilator mounted on each side of the cabin near the upper corners of the windshield, a fresh air scoop door mounted on the right side of the fuselage, a control knob on the instrument panel. and flexible ducting connecting the system. 14-14. OPERATION. Air received from scoops mounted in the inboard leading edges of the wings is ducted to the adjustable ventilators mounted on each side of the cabin near the upper corners of the windshield. Forward cabin ventilation is provided by a fresh air scoop door. mounted on the right side of the fuselage, just forward of the copilot seat. The scoop door is operated by a control in the instrument panel marked "CABIN AIR." Fresh air from the scoop door is routed to the duct across the aft side of the firewall, where it is distributed into the cabin. As long as the "CABIN HEAT' control is pushed in. no heated air can enter the firewall duct; therefore. when the "CABIN AIR" control is pulled out. only fresh air from the scoop will flow through the duct into the cabin. As the "CABIN HT' control is gradually pulled out. more and more heated air will blend with the fresh air from the scoop and be distributed into the cabin. Either one, or both of the controls may be set at any position from full open to full closed. 14-15. TROUBLE SHOOTING. Most of the operational troubles in the ventilating system are caused by sticking or binding of the inlet scoop door or its controL Check filter element in the inlet scoop door. The element may be removed and cleaned or replaced. Since air passing through the filter is emitted into the cabin, do not use a cleaning solution which would contaminate cabin air. The filter may be removed to increase air flow. However. the removal will cause a slight increase in noise level. 14-16. REMOVAL. REPAIR AND INSTALLATION. Figure 14-1 may be used as a guide for removal. repair and installation of ventilating system components. A defective ventilator or scoop door must be repaired or replaced. Check for proper operation of ventilating controls after installation or repair. 14-2 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL *1527940 thru 15284923 F15201429 thru F15201893 A1520735 thru A1580971 FA1520337 thru FA1520377 15284924 & On 15201894 & On A1520972 & On FA1520378 On NOTE Insert (38) is cemented to knob (1) with EC1300L (3M Co., St. Paul, Minn. 55101). Beginningwith 15285751 and A15201022, insert (42) isretained by screw (43). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Knob Washer Cap Seal Spacer Outlet Assembly Seal 8. Bullet Catch 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Spring Arm Assembly Roll Pin Clamp Cup Pin Clamp Bolt 34. Nut Screw 35. Felt Washer 36. Seal 37. Tube Assembly 38. Elbow Assembly 39. Tinnerman Nut 40. Cabin Heat Control 41. Cabin Air Control 42. Heater Valve-to43. Shroud Hose Defroster Nozzle Clamp Defroster Hose Defroster Spout Spout Insert Distributor Assembly Deflector Firewall Heater Valve Assembly *40 . 15 16 ..... Cold Air Inlet Door Fuselage Skin Air Valve Duct Insert O-Ring Outer Tube Inner Tube Insert Screw 17 .. 8 14 *41 12 .10 *39 *38 Detail 2 43 A NOTE Refer to Section 15 for Outside Air Temperature Gage Installation. Figure 14-1. Heating Defrosting and Ventilating Systems (Sheet 1 of 2) 14-3 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE Detail Figure 14-1. Heating Defrosting and Ventilating Systems (Sheet 2 of 2) 14-4 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1585381 & On * 15283592 thru15285380 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. F15201674 thru F15201908 F15201909 & On A1520879 thru A1520995 FA1520358 thruFA1520387 & On A15S2089 FA1520388 & On Nozzle Tee Clamp Elbow Adaptor Door Fuselage Skin Seal Cabin Air Control Lever 4 5 13 11. Cup 12. 13. 14. Valve Duct Distributor Deflector 15. Firewall 16. Valve Seat 17. Shim 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Spring Valve Plate Valve Body Roll Pin Arm 23. Heat Control 14 23 16 15 9 22 11 19 22 20 6 7 8 10 12 *20 *15 *16 *19 Figure 14-2. Dual Defrosting System 14-5/(14-6 blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 15 AND INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENTS Page No. Aerofiche/ Manual SYSTEMS Standby Vacuum System .... Description ............... Trouble Shooting .......... Removal .................. INSTRUMENTS/INSTRUMENT Installation ............... SYSTEMS ................... 2B16/15-2 Engine Indicators ........... 2B16/15-2 General .................... Tachometer ............... Instrument Panel ........... 2B16/15-2 Description .............. Description ................ 2B16/15-2 Oil Pressure Gage ......... Removal/Installation ....... 2B16/15-2 Description .............. Shock-Mounts ............. 2B16/15-2 Trouble Shooting ........ Instruments ............... 2B16/15-2 Oil Temperature Gage ..... Removal ................. 2B16/15-2 Description .............. Installation .............. 2B20/15-4 Economy Mixture Pitot and Static Systems ..... 2B20/15-4 Indicator (EGT) .......... Description ................ 2B20/15-4 Description.............. Maintenance .............. 2B20/15-4 Calibration .............. Static System Inspection Removal/Installation ..... and Leakage Test ......... 2B20/15-4 Trouble Shooting ........ Pitot System Inspection Fuel Quantity Indicating and Leakage Test ......... 2B21/15-5 System .................. Blowing Out Lines ......... 2B21/15-5 Description .............. Removal/Installation ....... 2B22/15-6 Removal/Installation ..... Trouble Shooting .......... 2B22/15-6 Trouble Shooting ........ True Airspeed Indicator .... 2B22/15-6 TransmitterAdjustment .. 2C1/15-9 ......... Shooting Trouble Stewart Warner Gage Shooting Trouble Calibration ........... 2C1/15-9 ................ Altimeter Rochester Gage Trouble Shooting - Vertical Calibration ........... Speed Indicator ........... 2C3/15-11 ............... Hourmeter Trouble Shooting - Pitot Description .............. Tube Heater ............. 2C4/15-12 Magnetic Compass .......... Vacuum System ............. 2C4/15-12 Description ............... Description ................ 2C4/15-12 Accelerometer .............. Trouble Shooting ............ 2C4/15-12 Description ............... Trouble Shooting- Gyros ... 2C7/15-13 Stall Warning System ....... Trouble Shooting- Pump ... 2C1I/15-17 Description ............... Maintenance Practices ..... 2C11/15-17 Indicator ..... Turn-and-Slip Removal of Vacuum Pump .. 2C12/15-18 ............... Description 2C12/15-18 Mounting Pad Inspection ... .......... Shooting Trouble Installation of Vacuum Turn Coordinator ........... Pump ................... 2C12/15-18 Description ............... Cleaning .................. 2C13/15-19 Trouble Shooting .......... Low-Vacuum Warning Light 2C13/15-19 Outside Air Temperature Vacuum Relief Valve Gage ..................... Adjustment .............. 2C13/15-19 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2C13/15-19 2C13/15-19 2C14/15-20 2C14/15-20 2C14/15-20 2C18/15-20D 2C18/15-20D 2C18/15-20D 2C18/15-20D 2C18/15-20D 2C18/15-20D 2C19/15-21 2C19/15-21 2C19/15-21 2C19/15-21 2C19/15-21 2C20/15-22 2C20/15-22 2C20/15-22 2C20/15-22 2C20/15-22 2C22/15-24 2C23/15-25 2C23/15-25 2C23/15-25 2C24/15-26 2C24/15-26 2C24/15-26 2C24/15-26 2C24/15-26 2C24/15-26 2D3/15-27 2D3/15-27 2D3/15-27 2D3/15-27 2D3/15-27 2D5/15-29 2D5/15-29 2D5/15-29 2D6/15-30 Revision 1 15-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-1. INSTRUMENTS AND INSTRUMENT SYSTEMS. 15-2. GENERAL. This section describes typical instrument installations and their respective operating systems. Emphasis is placed on trouble shooting and corrective measures only. It does NOT deal with specific instrument repairs since this usually requires special equipment and data and should be handled by instrument specialists Federal Aviation Regulations require malfunctioning instruments be sent to an approved instrument overhaul and repair station or returned to manufacturer for servicing. Our concern here is with preventive maintenance on various instrument systems and correction of system faults which result in instrument malfunctions. The descriptive material, maintenance and trouble shooting information in this section is intended to help the mechanic determine malfunctions and correct them, up to the defective instrument itself at which point an instrument technician should be called in. Some instruments, such as fuel quantity and oil pressure gages are so simple and inexpensive, repairs usually will be more costly than a new instrument. On the other hand, aneroid and gyro instruments usually are well worth repairing The words "replace instrument" in the text, therefore, should be taken only in the sense of physical replacement in aircrat. Whether replacement is to be with a new instrument, an exchange one. or original instrument is to be repaired must be decided on basis of individual circumstances. 15-3. INSTRUMENT PANEL. 15-4. DESCRIPTION. The instrument panel assembly consists of a stationary panel and shockmounted panel. The stationary panel contains fuel and engine instruments which are NOT sensitive to vibration. The shock-mounted panel contains major flight instruments such as horizontal and directional gyros which ARE affected by vibration. Most of the instruments are screw-mounted on the panel backs. 15-5. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 15-1.) The stationary panel is secured to engine stringes and a forward fuselage bulkhead and ordinarily is not considered removable. The shock-mounted panel is secured to stationary panel with rubber shock-mounted assemblies. To remove shock-mounted panel proceed as follows: a. Unscrew threaded buttons securing decorative cover to panela nd remove cover. b. Remove nuts from shock-mounts, tag and disconnect instrument wiring and plumbing and pull panel straight back. c. Reverse preceding steps for installation. Ensure ground strap is properly installed. 15-6. SHOCK-MOUNTS. Service life of instruments is directly related to adequate shockmounting of the panel. If removal of panel is necessary, check mounts for deterioration. 15-7. INSTRUMENTS. 15-8. REMOVAL. (See figure 15-1.) Most instruments are secured to the panel with screws inserted through panel face. To remove an instrument, remove decorative cover, disconnect wiring or plumbing to instrument, remove mounting screws and take instruments out from behind, or in some cases, from front of panel. Instrument clusters are installed as units and are secured by a screw at each end. A cluster must be removed from panel to replace an individual gage. In all cases when an instrument is removed, disconnected lines or wires should be protected. Cap open lines and cover pressure connections on instrument to prevent thread damage and entrance of foreign matter. Wire terminals should be insulated or tied up so accidental grounding or short-circuiting. 15-2 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL THRU 1978 MODELS 2 3 A 7 6 10 12 13 Detail A 11 Detail B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Shock Mounted Panel 6. Rear View Mirror 7. Radio Switch Panel 8. Heating and Ventilation Controls 9. Circuit Breaker Panel 10. Engine Controls Switch Panel Decorative Cover Stud Instrument Panel 11. 12. 13. 14. Nut Washer Shock Mount Ground Strap Figure 15-1. Typical Instrument Panel (Sheet 1 of 2) 15-2A/(15-2B blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1979 THRU 1984 MODELS B 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. Shock Mounted Panel Heating and Ventilation Controls Circuit Breaker Panel Engine Controls Switch Panel Figure 15-1. Typical Instrument Panel (Sheet 2 of 2) 15-3 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-9. INSTALLATION. Generally. Installation procedure is the reverse of removal procedure. Ensure mounting screw nuts are tightened firmly, but do not over-tighten, particularly on instruments having plastic cases. The same rule applies to connecting plumbing and wiring. NOTE All instruments (gages and indicators requiring a thread seal or lubricant shall be installed using teflon tape on male fittings only. This tape available through the Cessna Supply Division When replacing an electrical gage in an instrument cluster assembly. avoid bending pointer or dial plate. Distortion of dial or back plate could change calibration of gages. 15-10. PITOT AND STATIC SYSTEMS. 15-11. DESCRIPTION. (See figure 15-2 The pitot system conveys ram air pressure to the airspeed indicator. The static system ven vertical speed indicator, altimeter and airspeed indicator to atmospheric pressurethrough plastic tubing connected to a static port.A static line sump is installed at source button to collect condensation in static system. A pitot tube heater may be installed. The heating element is controlled by a switch at the instrument panel and powered by the electrial system. 15-12. MAINTENANCE. Proper maintenance of pitot and static system is essential for proper operation of altimeter. vertical speed and airspeed indicators. Leaks, moisture and obstructions in pitot system will result in false airspeed indications, while static system malfunctions will affect readings of all three instruments. Under instrument flight conditions, these instrument errors could be hazardous. Cleanlines and security are the principal rules for system maintenance The pitot tube and static ports MUST be kept clean and unobstructed. 15-13. STATIC PRESSURE SYSTEM INSPECTION AND LEAKAGE TEST. The following procedure outlines inspection and testing of static pressure system. assuming altimeter has been tested and inspected in accordance with current Federal Aviation Regulations. a. Ensure static system is free from entrapped moisture and restrictions. b. Ensure no alterations or deformations of airframe surface have been made which would affect the relationship between air pressure in static pressure system and true ambient static air pressure for any flight configuration. c. Attach a source of suction to static pressure source opening. Figure 15-3 shows one method of obtaining suction. d. Slowly apply suction until altimeter indicates a 1000-foot increase in altitude. CAUTION When applying or releasing suction, do not exceed range of vertical speed indicator or airspeed indicator. e. Cut off suction source to maintain a "closed" system for one minute. Leakage shall not exceed 100 feet of altitude loss as indicated on altimeter. f. If leakage rate is within tolerance, slowly release suction source. 15-4 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE If leakage rate exceeds the maximum allowable, first tighten all connections, then repeat leakage test. If leakage rate still exceeds maximum allowable, use fol- lowing procedure. g. Disconnect static pressure lines from airspeed indicator and vertical speed indicator. Use suitable fittings to connect lines together so altimeter is the only instrument still connected into static pressure system. h. Repeat leakage test to check whether static pressure system or the bypassed instruments are cause of leakage. If instruments are at fault, they must be repaired by an "appropriately rated rapair station" or replaced. If static pressure system is at fault, use following procedure to locate leakage. i. Attach a source of positive pressure to static source opening. Figure 15-3 shows one method of obtaining positive pressure. CAUTION Do not apply positive pressure with airspeed indicator or vertical speed indicator connected to static pressure system. j. Slowly apply positive pressure until altimeter indicates a 500-foot decrease in altitude and maintain this altimeter indication while checking for leaks. Coat line connections and static source flange with solution of mild soap and water. watching for bubbles to locate leaks. k. Tighten leaking connections. Repair or replace parts found defective. 1. Reconnect airspeed. and vertical speed indicators into static pressure system and repeat leakage test per steps "c" thru "f". NOTE Air bulb with check valves may be obtained locally from a surgical supply company. This is the type used in measuring blood pressure. 15-14. PITOT SYSTEM INSPECTION AND LEAKAGE TEST. To check pitot system for leaks. place a piece of tape over small hole in lower aft end of pitot tube, fasten a piece of rubber or plastic tubing over pitot tube. close opposite end of tubing and slowly roll up tube until airspeed indicator registers in cruise range. Secure tube and after a few minutes recheck airspeed indicator. Any leakage will have reduced the pressure in system. resulting in a lower airspeed indication. Slowly unroll tubing before removing it. so pressure is reduced gradually. Otherwise instrument may be damaged. If test reveals a leak in system. check all connections for tightness. 15-15. BLOWING OUT LINES. Although the pitot system is designed to drain down to pitot tube opening. condensation may collect at other points in system and produce a partial obstruction. To clear the line. disconnect it at airspeed indicator. Using low pressure air. blow from indicator end of line toward the pitot tube. CAUTION Never blow through pitot or static lines toward the instruments. 15-5 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Like the pitot lines, static pressure lines must be kept clear and connections tight All models have a static source sump which collects moisture and keeps system clear. However, when necessary, disconnect static line at first instrument to which it is connected, then blow line clear with low-pressure air. Check all static pressure line connections for tightness. If hose or hose connctions re used. check for general condition and clamps for security. Replace hose which have cracked, hardened or show other signs of deterioration 15-16. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF COMPONENTS. (See figure 15-2.) To remove pitot mast. remove four mounting screws on side of connector (17) and pull mast out of connector far enough to disconnect pitot line (14). Electrical connections to heater assembly (if installed) may be disconnected through wing access opening just inboard of mast. Pitot and static lines an removed in the usual manner, after removing wing access plates. lower wing fairing strip and upholstry as required. Installation of tubing will be simpler if a guide wire is drawn in as tubing is removed from wing. The tubing may be removed intact by drawing it out through cabin and right door. When replacing fittings of pitot and static pressure lines. use anti-seise compound sparingly on male threads of both metal and plastic connections. Avoid excess compound which might enter lines. Tighten connections firmly. but avoid overtightening and distorting fittings. If twisting of plastic tubing is encountered when tightening fittings, VV-P236 (USP Petrolatum). may be applied sparingly between tubing and fittings. NOTE Do not overtighten screws (6) and do not lubricate any part Use spacers (10) as required for adequate friction on ring Assembly (8). 15-17. TROUBLE SHOOTING-PITOT STATIC SYSTEM. TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY LOW OR SLUGGISH AIRSPEED INDICATION. (Normal altimeter and vertical speed.) Pitot tube obstructed, leak or obstruction in pitot line. Test pitot tube and line for leaks or obstructions. Blow out tube and line. repair or replace damaged line. INCORRECT OR SLUGGISH RESPONSE. (All three instruments.) Leaks or obstruction in static line. Test line for leaks and obstructions. Repair or replace line. blow out obstructed line. 15-18. 15-6 TRUE AIRSPEED INDICATOR. A true airspeed indicator may be installed. This indicator. equipped with a conversion ring. may be rotated until pressure altitude is aligned with outside air temperature, then airspeed indicated on the instrument is read as true airspeed on the adjustable ring. Refer to figure 15-2 for removal and installation. Upon installation. before tightening mounting screws (6). calibrate instrument as follows: Rotate ring (8) until 105K on the adjustable ring aligns with 105K on indicator. Holding this setting, move retainer (7) until 60F aligns with zero pressure altitude, then tighten mounting screws (6) and replace decorative cover (5). MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL B 3 B 11 4 Detail A C 10 8 TRUE AIRSPEED INSTALLATION * THRU 15286058, A1521031, F15201952, AND FA1520387 BEGINNING WITH 15286059, A1521032, F15201953 AND FA1520288 1. Static Line 2. Static Sump 3. Flange 4. Static Port Washer 5. Cover 6. Mounting Screw 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Retainer True Airspeed Ring Instrument Panel Spacer Airspeed Indicator Altimeter 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Vertical Speed Indicator Pitot Line Heater Element Mast Body Connector Static Sump (Metal) Figure 15-2. Pitot-Static Systems (Sheet 1 of 2) 15-7 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 14 Detail B 17 14 16 15 HEATED PITOT Detail C Figure 15-2. Pitot-Static Systems (Sheet 2 of 2) 15-8 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-19. TROUBLE SHOOTING--AIRSPEED INDICATOR. TROUBLE HAND FAILS TO RESPOND. INCORRECT INDICATION OR HAND OSCILLATES. HAND VIBRATES. 15-20. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Pitot pressure connection not properly connected to pressure line from pitot tube. Test line and connection for leaks. Repair or replace damaged line, tighten connections. Pitot or static lines clogged. Check line for obstructions. Blow out lines. -Leak in pitot or static lines. Test lines and connections for leaks. Repair or replace damaged lines, tighten connections. Defective mechanism or leaking diaphragm. Substitute known good indicator and check reading. Replace instrument. Excessive vibration. Check panel shock mounts. Replace defective shock mounts. Excessive tubing vibration. Check clamps and line connections for security. Tighten clamps and connections, replace tubing with flexible hose. TROUBLE SHOOTING--ALTIMETER. TROUBLE INSTRUMENT FAILS TO OPERATE. INCORRECT INDICATION. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Static line plugged. Check line for obstructions. Blow out lines. Defective mechanism. Substitute known-good altimeter and check reading. Replace instrument. Hands not carefully set. Reset hands with knob. Leaking diaphragm. Substitute known-good altimeter and check reading. Replace instrument. Pointers out of calibration. Compare reading with knowngood altimeter. Replace instrument. 15-9 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL PRESSURE THICK-WALLED SURGICAL HOSE PRESSURE BLEED-OFF - .' SCREW (CLOSED) AIR BULB WITH CHECK VALVS CLAMP CLAMP CHECK VALVE THICK-WALLED SURGICAL HOSE XCHECK VALVE SUCTION TO APPLY SUCTION: 1. Squees air bulb to expel a much air as possible. 2 Hold auction hoes firmly against static pressure source opening. 3. Slowly release air bulb to obtain desired suction, then pinch hose shut tightly to trap suction in system. 4. After leak test, release suction slowly by intermittently allowing a small amount of air to enter static system. To do this, tilt end of suction hose away from opening, then immediately tilt it back against opening. Wait until vertical speed indicator approaches zero, then repeat. Continue to admit this small amount of air intermittently until all suction is released, then remove test equipment. TO APPLY PRESSURE: CAUTION Do not apply positive pressure with airspeed indicator or vertical speed indicator connected into static systein. 1. Hold pressure hose firmly against static pressure source opening. 2. Slowly squeeze air bulb to apply desired pressure to static system. Desired pressure may be maintained by repeatedly squeezing bulb to replace any air escaping through leaks. 3. Release pressure by slowly opening pressure bleed-off screw, then remove test equipment. Figure 15-3. Static Test Equipment 15-10 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-20. TROUBLE SHOOTING -- ALTIMETER. TROUBLE HAND OSCILLATES. 15-21. REMEDY PROBABLE CAUSE Static pressure irregular. Check lines for obstruction or leaks. Blow out lines, tighten connections. Leak in airspeed or vertical speed indicator installations. Check other instruments and system plumbing for leaks. Blow out lines, tighten connections. TROUBLE SHOOTING--VERTICAL SPEED INDICATOR. TROUBLE INSTRUMENT FAILS TO OPERATE. INCORRECT INDICATION. POINTER OSCILLATES. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Static line plugged. Check line for obstructions. Blow out lines. Static line broken. Check line for damage, connections for security. Repair or replace damaged line, tighten connections. Partially plugged static line. Check line for obstructions. Blow out lines. Ruptured diaphragm. Substitute known-good indicator and check reading. Replace instrument Pointer off zero. Reset pointer to zero. Partially plugged static line. Check line for obstructions. Blow out lines. Test lines and connections for leaks. Repair or replace damaged lines, tighten connections. Leak in instrument case. Substitute know-good indicator and check reading. Replace instrument. 15-11 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-21. TROUBLE SHOOTING--VERTICAL SPEED INDICATOR (Cont). TROUBLE HAND VIBRATES. 15-22. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Excessive vibration. Check shock mounts. Replace defective shock mounts. Defective diaphragm. Substitute known-good indicator and check for vibration. Replace instrument. TROUBLE SHOOTING--PITOT TUBE HEATER. TROUBLE TUBE DOES NOT HEAT OR CLEAR ICE. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Switch turned "OFF." Turn switch "ON." Open circuit breaker. Reset circuit breaker. Break in wiring. Test for open circuit. Repair wiring. Heating element burned out. Check resistance of heating element. Replace element. 15-23. VACUUM SYSTEM. 15-24. DESCRIPTION. Suction to operate the gyros is provided by a dry-type engine-driven vacuum pump, gear-driven through a spline-type coupling. A suction relief valve, to control system pressure, is connected between the pump inlet and the instruments. In the cabin, the vacuum line is routed from gyro instruments to the relief valve at the firewall. A throw away type central air filter is utilized. The unit is installed with one bolt for quick change capability. The reading of the suction gage indicates net difference in suction before and after air passes through a gyro. This differential pressure will gradually decrease as the central air filter becomes dirty, causing a lower reading on the suction gage. NOTE The Airborne Vacuum System Test Kit, Part No. 343, is available from Cessna Parts Distribution (CPD 2) through a Cessna Service Station. The kit comes with regulators, ejectors, gages, fittings, and instructions to help field maintenance personnel pinpoint vacuum system malfunctions. 15-12 Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-25. TROUBLE SHOOTING- - VACUUM SYSTEM (Cont). TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY HIGH SUCTION GAGE READINGS. Gyros function normally-relief valve screen clogged, relief valve malfunction. Check screen, then valve. Compare gage readings with new gage. Clean screen; reset valve. Replace gage. NORMAL SUCTION GAGE READING, SLUGGISH OR ERRATIC GYRO RESPONSE. Instrument air filters clogged. Check filter. Replace if required. ONE OR MORE GYROS WILL NOT OPERATE. Defective gyro or clogged air filters or hoses. Replace gyro, air filter, or hoses. Clear plugged substances from air filter or hose. FREQUENT VACUUM PUMP REPLACEMENT. Incorrect pump for application. Kinked or plugged line, hose, or filter. Vacuum pressure misset. Deice control malfunction. Defective gyro or clogged air filters or hoses. Replace with correct pump. Remove line, hose, or filter obstruction. Reset vacuum pressure or deice control valve. NO VACUUM. Defective pump or suction gage. Stuck relief valve. Plugged hose or line. Replace pump or suction gage. Adjust or replace relief valve. Locate and remove plugged substance from hose or line. LOW SUCTION GAGE READINGS. Leaks or restriction between instruments and relief valve, relief valve out of adjustment, defective pump. Check lines for leaks, disconnect, and test pump. Repair or replace lines, adjust or replace lines, adjust or replace relief valve, repair or replace pump. Central air filter dirty. Check filter. Replace if required. Check suction with test gage. Replace gage. Clean sticking valve with Stoddard solvent. Blow dry and test. If valve sticks after cleaning, replace valve. Eliminate vibration. SUCTION GAGE FLUCTUATES. Defective gage or sticking relief valve. Panel or plumbing vibration. GYRO GAGE FOLLOWS ENGINE RPM. Blocked relief valve seat area. Defective relief valve. Remove adjustment screw on relief valve and use clean shop air to blow seat area off. Readjust and/or replace relief valve. Revision 1 15-12A/(15-12B MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-25. TROUBLE SHOOTING -- VACUUM SYSTEM. (CONT.) TROUBLE LOW SUCTION GAGE READINGS. SUCTION GAGE FLUCTUATES. 15-26. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Leaks or restriction between instruments and relief valve, relief valve out of adjustment. defective pump. Check lines for leaks, disconnect and test pump. Repair or replace lines. adjust or replace relief valve. repair or replace pump. Central air filter dirty. Check filter. Replace if required. Defective gage or sticking relief valve. Check suction with test gage. Replace gage. Clean sticking valve with Stoddard solvent. Blow dry and test If valve sticks after cleaning, replace valve. TROUBLE SHOOTING--GYROS. TROUBLE HORIZON BAR FAILS TO RESPOND. HORIZON BAR DOES NOT SETTLE. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Central filter dirty. Check filter. Replace if required. Suction relief valve improperly adjusted Adjust or replace relief valve. Faulty suction gage. Substitute known-good suction gage and check gyro response. Replace suction gage. Vacuum pump failure. Check pump. Replace pump. Vacuum line kinked or leaking. Check lines for damage and leaks. Repair or replace damaged lines. tighten connections. Defective mechanism. Substitute known-good gyro and check indication. Replace instrument. Insufficient vacuum or leaking gyro. Adjust or replace relief valve. Tape seal horizon gyro case. Excessive vibration. Check panel shock-mounts. Replace defective shockmounts. Revision 1 15-13 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-26. TROUBLE SHOOTING--GYROS. (Cont). TROUBLE HORIZON BAR OSCILLATES OR VIBRATES EXCESSIVELY. EXCESSIVE DRIFT IN EITHER DIRECTION. DIAL SPINS IN ONE DIRECTION CONTINUOUSLY. 15-14 PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Central filter dirty. Check filter. Replace if required. Suction relief valve improperly adjusted, Adjust or replace relief valve. Faulty suction gage. Substitute known-good suction gage and check gyro indication. Replace suction gage. Defective mechanism. Substitute known-good gyro and check indication. Replace instrument Excessive vibration. Check panel shock-mounts. Replace defective shockmounts. Central air filter dirty. Check filter. Replace if required Low vacuum, relief valve improperly adjusted. Adjust or replace relief valve. Faulty suction gage. Substitute known-good suction gage and check gyro indication. Replace suction gage. Vacuum pump failure. Check pump. Replace pump. Vacuum line kinked or leaking. Check lines for damage and leaks. Repair or replace damaged lines, tighten connections. Operating limits have been exceeded. Replace instrument. Defective mechanism. Substitute known-good gyro and check indication. Replace instrument. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Detail 12 11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. THRU 1980 MODELS Screw Filter Bracket Filter Bolt Gyro Horizon 6. Directional Gyro 7. Suction Gage 8. Relief Valve 9. Adjustment Screw 10. Firewall Detail 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. B Washer Nut Hose (To Pump) Overboard Line Vacuum Pump Figure 15-4. Vacuum System (Sheet 1 of 2) 15-15 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL * BEGINNING WIrTH 15285835, A1521027. F15201952 AND FA1520380 10 14 16 16 18, 15 19 13 6 1. screw 2. Filter Bracket 3. Filter 10. 4. Bolt 5. Gyro Horizon 6. Directional Gyro 7. Suction Gage 13. Hose (to Pump) 14. Overboard Line 15. Vacuum Pump 16. Vacuum Switch Washer 12. Nut Relief Valve 17. Low-Vacuum Lights 9. Adjustment Screw 18. 19. 20. Tube Hose Cover * 15285659, A1521021, F15201929, AND FA1520383 & ON. Figure 15-4. Vacuum System (Sheet 2 of 2) 15-16 Firewall 11. 8. *THRU 15285658, A1521020, F15201928. AND FA1520382. BEGINNING WITH 1981 MODELS BEGINNING WITH 1983 MODELS MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-27. TROUBLE SHOOTING--VACUUM PUMP. PROBABLE CAUSE TROUBLE REMEDY OIL IN DISCHARGE. Damaged engine drive seal. Replace gasket. HIGH SUCTION. Suction relief valve filter clogged. Check filter for obstructions. Clean or replace filter. LOW SUCTION. Relief valve leaking. Replace relief valve. Vacuum pump failure. Substitute known-good pump and check pump suction. Replace vacuum pump. LOW PRESSURE. 15-28. Safety valve leaking. Vacuum pump failure. Replace safety valve. Substitute known-good pump and check pump pressure. Replace vacuum pump. MAINTENANCE PRACTICES. NOTE When replacing a vacuum system component, ensure all connections are made corretly to avoid damage to gyro system When a component is removed, cap off and identiy all open lines hoses and fittings to prevent dirt from entering system, and to ensure proper reinstallation Upon component replacement check all hoses carefully to be sure they are clean and free of debris, oil solvent collapsed inner liners, ad external damage. Replaceold, hard, cracked, or brittle hoses particularly on pump inlet, to avoid possible pump damage. On vacuum pump, where hose clearance i tight, making it difficultto hosesa light film of petrolatum to the fitreinstallapply ting. Install hoses by pushing them straight on, and do not wiggle hoses from side to side as this could cause particles to be out from inside of hose, allowing particles to enter systm. CAUTION Do not use teflon tape, pipe dope, or thread lubricants of any type on fitting threads, and avoid over-tightening of connections. All filters in vacuum system must be changed when installing a new pump. Failure to do so will void pump warranty. DO NOT CONNECT A PUMP BACKWARDS. Since the manifold check valve provides no pressure relief, the pump will be destroyed within a matter of seconds after starting the engine. 15-17 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 13-28A. REMOVAL OF VACUUM PUMP. a. Remov upper engine Cowllng in accordance with procedure in Section 11. b. Disconnect, cap off and identify hose on inlet side of vacuum pump. c. Identify and disconnect hose on oulet side of vacuum pump. d. Remove nut, lock washers and flat washers scouring vacuum pump to engine. I. Remove vacuum pump fom mounttng studs on engine. f. Remove elbow from pump and retain if it is reusable. NOTE Disard any twisted fitting or nuts with rounded oornua 1-288. MOUNTING PAD INSPECTION. a. Check Condition of the AND 20000 pad seal If the seal shows any signs of oil leakage, replace the seal Replace seal if there is any doubt - to its servicability. 15-28C. INTALLATION OF VACUUM PUMP. a. Before installing a new vacuum pump, purge all linesin system to remove carbon particles or other pump components that may have been deposited in lines by previous pump. NOTE Before installing vacuum pump on engine, ensure that mating surfaces are clean and free of any old gasket material. b. c. Conult the applicable Part Catalog, the pump vendor's appliation list, or the PMA label onthe pump box to veriy that the pump is the correct model for the engine and/or aystem. Position vacuum pump in a jaw-proteoted vise, with drive coupling downward. CAUTION Pump housing should never be placed directly in a vise, since clamping acrose center housing will cause an internal failure of carbon rotor. Protect pump mounting flange with soft metal or wood. NEVER install a vacuum pump that has been dropped. NOTE Do not use teflon tape, pipe dope, or thread lubricants of any type, and avoid over-tightening of connections. d. Install elbow in pump; hand-tghten only. NOTE Use only a box wrench to tighten fittings to desired position. Do not make more than one and one half (1-1/2) turns beyond hand-tighten position. 15-18 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL e. Position new mounting pad gasket on mounting studs on engine. f. Position vacuum pump on mounting studs. g. Secure pump to engine with flat washers, new lockwashers, and nuts. CAUTION Always replace all lockwashers with new one when installing a new vacuum pump. Tighten all four mounting nuts (4) to 50 to 70 pound-inches. h. Connect hose to inlet side of vacuum pump. NOTE When installing hoses, do not wiggle from side to side. This practice can cause particles to be cut from inside hose that could damage pump. i. Install upper engine cowling in accordance with procedures in Section 11. 15-28D. CLEANING. In general, low pressure, dry compressed air should be usd in cleaning aum system components. Suction reef valve should be washed with Stoddard solvent, then dried with low-pressre air blast. CAUTION Never apply compresed air to lines or components installed in airraft The excessive pressures will damage gyros. If an obstructed line Is to be blown out, disconnect at both ends and blow from instrument panel out. 15-28E. LOW-VACUUM WARNING LIGHT. A red low-vacuum warning light is installed on the instrument panel The light is controlled by a vacum switch mounted on the back of the gyro horizon. The switch contacts are normally closed. The light may be checked by turning ON the master switch. With the engine running the light should illminate when the vacuum drops below 3 = .5 Inches Hg. 15-29. VACUUM RELIEF VALVE ADJUSTMNT. A suction gage reading of 5.3 inches of mercuryl is desirable for gyro instruments. However, a range of 4.6 to 5.4 inches of merury is acceptable. To adjust relief valve, remove central air filter, run engine to 1900 RPM on ground and adjust relief valve to 5.3 .1 inches of mercury. CAUTION Do not exceed maimnum engine temperature. Be sure filter element is clean before installing. If reading drops noticeably, install new filter element. 15-30. STANDBY VACUUM SYSTEM 15-30A. DESCRIPTION. A standby vacuum system may be installed in the airplane. The system consists of a vacuum pump, driven by an electric motor, mounted on the aft side of the firewall and associated hoses. One hose is the vacuum pump vent hose and the other connects to a manifold with the engine driven vacuum pump, just prior to the system relief valve. A two position circuit breaker switch, mounted adjacent to the cabin air control on the instrument panel, controls and protect the system. Revision 1 15-19 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-30B. TROUBLE SHOOTING - - STANDBY VACUUM SYSTEM. TROUBLE NO SUCTION GAGE READING. PROBABLE CAUSE REwEDY Circuit breaker switch has opened. Reset circuit breaker switch. If switch reopens, check wire from switch to bus bar for short. Repair or replace wire. Defective motor. Check voltage input wire and ground wire. Repair or replace wires. Defective pump. LOW SUCTION GAGE READING. Leak or restriction between pump and suction gage. Check pump operation. Replace pump. Check hoses and connections for leaks and obstructions. Install new clamps at connection, clear or replace hoses Relief valve not properly adjusted. Adjust relief valve. Defective pump. Check pump. Replace pump. Central air filter dirty. Replace central air filter. 15-30C. REMOVAL. (See figure 15-4A.) a. Release claps securing hoes (12) and (13) to pump (15). b. Cap hoses (12), (13) and pump fittings (14) so dirt cannot enter system. c. Make sure circuit breaker switch (1) and battery switch are off. d. Disconnect motor voltage input wire 919) and ground wire (21). e. Remove safety from bolts (9). f. Support pump and motor assembly and remove bolts (9). g. If pump is to be removed from motor, remove nuts (16) and washers (17). 15-30D. INSTALLATION. (See figure 15-4A.) a. If removed, install pump (15) on motor (18) drive studs and install washers (17) and nuts (16). b. Position pump and motor assembly up against bracket (22) and install bolts (9). c. Safety-wire bolts (9). d. Connect motor voltage input wire (19) and ground wire (21). e. (See figure 15-4B.) For improved wire security, install ties (4) (6) around motor (5), nipples (8), and motor wires (3), pull red motor lead tight, and seal grommet (7) with RTV sealer. f. Remove caps from hoses (12), (13), and fittings (14) then install hoses and clamps. g. Turn on battery switch and close circuit breaker (1), then check suction gage to see that system is operating properly. Then turn off switches. 15-20 Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL . Detail A 2 Circuit Breaker 1. Instrument Panel Switch 2. Figure 15-4A Standby Vacuum System Installation(Sheet 1 of 2) 15-20A MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 6 7 10 25 24 1 23 21 22 4. Firewall 5 Hose 6. Relief Valve 7. How (to Gyro Horion) 8. Hose (to Directional Gyro) 9. Bolt 10. Washer 11. Nut 18 12. Hose 13. Vent Hose 14. Fittings 15. 16. 17. 18. Vacuum Pump Nut Washer Motor 19. 20. 21. 22. Voltage Input Wire Fitting Ground Wire Bracket DetailB 1 16 15 23. Hose 24. Manifold 23. Vacuum Pump (Standard) Figure 15-4A. Standby Vacuum System Installation (Sheet 2 of 2) 15-20B 12 13 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1 2 8 6\ 4 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Filter Gearlox Red Motor Wire S-2209-3 Tie Motor S-2209-1 Tie Grommet Nipple Figure 15-4B. Standby Vacuum Pump Motor Wire Security Revision 1 15-20C MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-31. ENGINE INDICATORS. 15-32. TACHOMETER. 15-33. DESCRIPTION. The tachometer is a mechanical indicator driven at half crankshaft speed by a flexible shaft Most tachometer difficulties will be found in the drive-shaft To function properly, the shaft housing must be free of kinks, dents and sharp bends. There should be no bend on a radius shorter than si inches and no bend within three inches of either terminal If a tachometer is noisy or pointer oscillates, check cable housing for kinks, sharp bends and damage. Disconnect cable at tachometer and pull it out of housing. Check cable for worn spots. breaks and kinks. NOTE Before replacing a tachometer cable in housing. coat lower two thirds with AC Type ST-640 speedometer cable grease or Lubriplate No. 110. Insert cable in housing as far as possible, than slowly rotate to make sure it is seated in the engine fitting. Insert cable in tachometer. makng sure it is seated in drive shaft, then hand tighten shaft nut, then torque 1/4 turn. 15-34. OIL PRESSURE GAGE. 15-35. DESCRIPTION. On some airplanes, a Bourbon tube-type oil pressure gage is installed. This is a direct-reading instrument, operated by a pressure pickup line connected to the engine main oil gallery. The oil pressure line from the instrument to the engine should be filled with kerosene, especially during cold weather operation, to obtain immediate oil indication. Electrically actuated gages are installed on some airplanes which utilize a pressure sending bulb. 15-36. TROUBLE SIIOOTING - - OIL PRESSURE GAGE (DIRECT READING TROUBLE GAGE DOES NOT REGISTER. GAGE POINTER FAILS TO RETURN TO ZERO. 15-20D Revision 1 PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Pressure line clogged. Check line for obstructions. Clean line. Pressure line broken. Check line for leaks and damage. Repair or replace damaged line. Fractured Bourdon tube. Replace instrument. Gage pointer loose on staff. Replace instrument. Damaged gage movement. Replace instrument. Foreign matter in line. Check line for obstructions. Clean line. Foreign matter in Bourdon tube. Replace instrument. Bourdon tube stretched. Replace instrument. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-36. TROUBLE SHOOTING (CONT.) PROBABLE CAUSE TROUBLE REMEDY GAGE DOES NOT REGISTER PROPERLY. Faulty mechanism. Replace instrument. GAGE HAS ERRATIC OPERATION. Worn or bent movement. Replace instrument Foreign matter in Bourdon tube. Replace instrument. Dirty or corroded movement. Replace instrument. Pointer bent and rubbing on dial, dial screw or glass. Replace instrument. Leak in pressure line. Check line for leaks and damage. Repair or replace damaged line. 15-37. OIL TEMPERATURE GAGE. 15-38. DESCRIPTION.The oil temperature gage is an electrically operated indicator mounted in the instrument cluster with the oil pressure gage. One electrical lead is routed from the indicator to the sending unit installed in the engine. The other lead supplies power from the bus bar to the indicator. Refer to Table I on page 15-25 when trouble shooting the oil temperature gage. 15-38A. ECONOMY MIXTURE INDICATOR (EGT) (BEGINNING WITH 1979 MODELS.) 15-38B. DESCRIPTION. The economy mixture indicator is an exhaust gas temperature (EGT) sensing device which is used to aid the pilot in selecting the most desirable fuel-air mixture for cruising flight at less than 75% power. Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) varies with ratio of fuel-to-air mixture entering the engine cylinders. Refer to the Pilot's Operating Handbook for operating procedure of the system. 15-38C. CALIBRATION. A potentiometer adjustment screw is provided behind the plastic cap at the back of the instrument for calibration. This adjustment is used to position the pointer over the reference increment line (4/5 of scale) at peak EGT. Establish level flight below 10000 ft. altitude with the throttle control advanced to 75% of full throttle, then carefully lean the mixture to peak EGT. After the pointer has peaked. using the adjustment screw. position pointer over reference increment line (4/5 scale). NOTE This setting will provide selective temperature indications for normal cruise power settings within range of the instrument. Turning the screw clockwise increases the meter reading and counterclockwise decreases the meter reading. There is a stop in each direction and damage can occur if too much torque is applied against stops. Approximately 600°F total adjustment is provided. The adjustable pointer on the face of the instrument is a reference pointer only. Revision 1 15-21 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-38D. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 15-4A.) a. Indicator. 1. Remove instrument panel decorative cover. 2. Disconnect EGT indicator leads. 3. Remove screws, nuts and washers securing indicator and remove indicator. 4. To install reverse the preceding steps. b. Probe. 1. Disconnect probe leads. 2. Remove clamp and probe assembly. 3. When installing probe, tighten clamp to 30-35 lb-in. 4. Coil or fold excess lead and tie in a covenient out of the way location. 15-38E. TROUBLE SHOOTING. REMEDY PROBABLE CAUSE TROUBLE GAGE INOPERATIVE Defective gage, probe or circuit Repair or replace defective part. INCORRECT READING Indicator needs calibrating Calibrate indicator in accordance with paragraph 15-38C. FLUCTUATING READING Loose, frayed or broken lead, permitting alternate make and break of circuit. Tighten connection and repair or replace defective leads. 15-39. FUEL QUANTITY INDICATING SYSTEM.. 15-40. DESCRIPTION. The magnetic type fuel quantity indicators are used in conjunction with a float-operated variable-resistance transmitter in each fuel tank The full position of float produces a minimum resistance through transmitter, permitting maximum current flow through the fuel quantity indicator and maximum pointer deflection As fuel level is lowered, resistance in the transmitter is increased, producing a decreased current flow through fuel quantity indicator and a smaller pointer deflection. 15-41. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF FUEL QUANTITY TRANSMITTER. a. Drain fuel from tank. (Observe precautions in Section 12) b. Remove access plate above fuel tank for access to transmitter. c. Disconnect electrical lead and ground strap from transmitter. d. Remove screws attaching transmitter and carefully work transmitter from tank. DO NOT BEND FLOAT ARM. e. Install transmitter by reversing preceding steps, using new gaskets around opening in fuel tank and under screw heads. Be sure to righten screws evenly. f. Service fuel tanks. Check for leaks and correct quantity indication. NOTE Ensure transmitter is properly grounded in accordance with Section 12. 15-22 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL A Detail A 5 6 7 3 1. Probe 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2. Panel Cover Screw Instrument Panel Indicator Lockwasher Nut 15-4A. Economy Mixture Indicating System E.G.T 15-23 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-42. TROUBLE SHOOTING. TROUBLE FAILURE TO INDICATE. OFF CALIBRATION. STICKY OR SLUGGISH INDICATOR OPERATION. ERRATIC READINGS. 15-24 PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY No power to indicator or transmitter. (Pointer stays below E.) Check fuse and inspect for open circuit. Replace fuse. repair or replace defective wire. Grounded wire. (Pointer stays above F.) Check for partial ground between transmitter and gage. Repair or replace defective wire. Low voltage. Check voltage at indicator. Correct voltage. Defective indicator. Substitute known-good indicator. Replace indicator. Defective indicator. Substitute known-good transmitter. Recalibrate or replace. Low or high voltage. Check voltage at indicator. Correct voltage. Defective indicator. Substitute known-good indicator. Replace indicator. Low voltage. Check voltage at indicator. Correct voltage. Loose or broken wiring on indicator or transmitter. Inspect circuit wiring. Repair or replace defective wire. Defective indicator or transmitter. Substitute known-good component. Replace indicator or transmitter. Defective master switch. Replace switch. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-43. TRANSMITTER ADJUSTMENT. WARNING Using the following fuel transmitter calibration procedure on components other than the originally installed (Stewart Warner) components will result in a faulty fuel quantity reading. 15-43A. STEWART WARNER GAGE TRANSMITTER CALIBRATION. Chances of transmitter calibration changing in normal service is remote; however, it is possible that float arm or float arm stops may become bent if transmitter is removed from cell. Transmitter calibration is obtained by adjusting float travel. Float travel is limited by float arm stops. WARNING Use extreme caution while working with electrical components of the fuel system. The possibility of electrical sparks around an "empty" fuel cell creates a hazardous situation and could potentially cause an explosion. Before installing transmitter, attach electrical wires and place master switch in "ON" position. Allow float arm to rest against lower float arm stop and read indicator. The pointer should be on E (empty) position. Adjust the float arm against lower stop so pointer indicator is on E. Raise float until arm is against upper stop and adjust upper stop to permit indicator pointer to be on F (full). Install transmitter in accordance with paragraph 15-41. 15-43B. ROCHESTER GAGE TRANSMITTER. Do not attempt to adjust float arm or stop. No adjustment is allowed. Table 1 NOTE Select the oil temperature sending unit part number that is used in your aircraft from the left column and the temperature from the column headings. Read the ohms value under the appropriate temperature column. Part Number Type 72F 120F 165F 220F 250 F S1630-1 Oil Temp 1630-3 Oil Temp 620.0 52.4 S1630-4 Oil Temp 620.0 52.4 S1630-5 Oil Temp S2335-1 Oil Temp 46.4 192.0 990.0 34.0 Revision 1 15-25 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-44. HOURMETER. 15-45. DESCRIPTION. The hourmeter is electrically operated instrument and is actuated by a pressure switch in the oil pressure gage line. Electrical power is supplied through a oneamp fuse from the electrical clock circuit and therefore, will operate independent of the master switch. NOTE When installing the hourmeter, the positive (red) wire must be connected to the white + terminal Connecting wires incorrectly will damage the meter. 15-46. MAGNETIC COMPASS. (See figure 15-5A.) 15-47. DESCRIPTION. The magnetic compass is liquid-filled with expansion provisionsto compen- sate for temperature changes. It is equipped with compensating mont of case. The compass is internally lighted controlledby the panel lights rheostat No maintenance is required on the compassexcept for a check on a compass rose each 200 hours for adjustment 15-48. ACCELEROMETER. 15-49. DESCRIPTION. The Aerobat offers an accelerometer to assist pilot in performing precision aerobatics. -The accelerometer continuously indicates G forces being imposed on aircraft The dial display utilizes three pointers: one pointer indicates instanteous acceleration. another records maximum positive acceleration and the third records maximum negative acceleration. Maximum instrument markings range from 10G to 5G. A "PUSH TO SET" knob, located on lower left corner of instrument, is used to reset "Maximum Positive" and "Maximum Negative" pointers. If dual Nav/Coms are installed. the accelerometer is installed in an upper radio compartment housing above instrument panel on pilot's side. When aircraft is equipped with single Nav/Com. accelerometer is installed in the vacant Omni indicator instrument space. 15-26 Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Torque compass mount screw 10-15 lb inches to prevent rotation in flight. 5 Detail A 10. Ground Wire 6. 3. 4. Windsheld Compass Mount Card Correction 5. Compass Hourmeter 7 Adapter re 9. Positive Wire 10. Ground Wire 11. 6.Wire from Clock Figure 15-5A. Magnetic Compass andHourmeter Installation Revision 1 15-26A/(15-26B blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-50. STALL WARNING SYSTEM. (See figure 15-6 15-51. DESCRIPTION The system is composed of an ad plate on left ing leading edge. connected to a reed type horn by means of plastic tubing. The horn Is actuated approximately 5 to 10 knots above stalling speed as a negative air pressure area at wing leading edge causes a reverse flow of air through horn. By moving adjustable plate (6) up, actuation of horn will occur at a higher speed and moving plate down causes actuation to occur at a slower speed Center adjustable plate opening in wing leading edge upon installation, then fight test aircraft, observing horn actuation during stall- Readjust plate to obtain desired results if necessary. Approximatly 3/32 inch adjustment of plate will change speed at which horn actuation occurs by 5 knots To test horn operation, over with a clean cloth, such opening in plate (6) a handkerchief and apply a slight suctionby mouth to draw air through horn 15-52. TURN-AND-SLIP INDICATOR. 15-53. DESCRIPTION. The turn-and-slip indicator is an electrically operated instrument powered by the aircraft electrical system. therefore, operating only when the master switch is ON. 15-54. TROUBLE SHOOTING. TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE INDICATOR POINTER FAILS Internal fuse blown. TO RESPOND. REMEDY Check wiring for continuity. check voltage at indicator. Replace fuse. if fuse still blows, replace instrument. Master switch "OFF" or switch defective. Check switch "ON." Replace defective switch. Broken or grounded lead to indicator. Check circuit wiring. Repair or replace defective wiring. Indicator not grounded. Check ground wire. Repair or replace defective wire. Defective mechanism. Replace instrument. Defective mechanism. Replace instrument Low voltage. Check voltage at indicator. Correct voltage. POINTER DOES NOT INDICATE PROPER TURN. Defective mechanism. Replace instrument. HAND DOES NOT SIT ON ZERO. Gimbal and rotor out of balance. Replace instrument. Hand incorrectly sits on rod. Sensitivity spring adjustment pulls hand off zero. Replace instrument Replace instrument HAND SLUGGISH IN IN RETURNING TO ZERO. 15-27 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1 3 Bug screen (7) should be inspected and cleaned periodically. 6 12 Detail 10 B 12 1. Doorpost Cover 2. Horn Assembly 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Scoop Adapter Felt Seal Adjustable Plate Screen Nut 9. Plastic Washer 10. 11. / 14 Detail A Washer Air Vent 12. Rubber Washer 13 13. O.A.T. Gage 14. Cap Figure 15-6. Stall Warning System and O.A.T. Gage Installation 15-28 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-54. TROUBLE SHOOTING (CONT.) TROUBLE IN COLD TEMPERATURES. HAND FAILS TO RESPOND OR IS SLUGGISH. NOISY GYRO. . PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Oil in indicator becomes too thick. Replace instrument Insufficient bearing end play. Replace instrument Low voltage. Check voltage at indicator. Correct voltage. High voltage. Check voltage at indicator. Correct voltage. Loose or defective rotor bearings. Replace instrument 15-55. TURN COORDINATOR. 15-56. DESCRIPTION. The turn coordinator is an electrically operated, gyroscopic, roll-rate turn indicator. Its gyro simultaneously senses rate of motion roll and yaw axis which is projected on a single indicator. The gyro is a non-tumbling type requiring no caging mechanism and incorporates an a.c. brushless spin motor with a solid state inverter. 15-57. TROUBLE SHOOTING. TROUBLE INDICATOR DOES NOT RETURN TO CENTER. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Friction cause by contamination in the indicator dampening. Replace instrument Friction in gimbal assembly. Replace instrument. DOES NOT INDICATE A STANDARD RATE TURN (TOO SLOW). Low voltage. Correct voltage. Inverter frequency changed. Replace instrument NOISY MOTOR. Faulty bearings. Replace instrument ROTOR DOES NOT START. Faulty electrical connection. Correct voltage or replace faulty wire. Inverter malfunctioning. Replace instrument Motor shorted. Replace instrument Bearings frozen. Replace instrument 15-29 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 15-57. TROUBLE SHOOTING (CONT.) TROUBLE IN COLD TEMPERATURES. HAND PAILS TO RESPOND OR IS SLUGGISH. NOISY GYRO. 15-58. 15-30 PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Oil indicator becomes too thick. Replace instrument Insufficient bearing end play. Replace instrument. Low voltage. Correct voltage. High voltage. Check voltage to instrument. Correct voltage. Loose or defective rotor bearings. Replace instrument. OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE GAGE. (Refer to figure 15-6.) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM WARNING When performing any inspectionor maintenance that requires turning on the master switch, installinga battery, or pulling the propellerthrough byhand, treat the propeller as if the ignition switch were ON. Do not stand, nor allow anyone else to stand within the arc of the propeller since a loose or broken wire, or a component malfunction could cause the propeller to rotate. TABLE OF CONTENTS ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS ...... General .................... Electrical Power Supply System ................... Description ................ Bus Bar ................... Description .............. Removal/Installation ..... Master Switch ............. Description .............. Ammeter ................. Description .............. Battery Power System ....... Trouble Shooting .......... Battery ................... Description ................ Removal/Installation ....... Cleaning .................. Adding Electrolyte or Water ................... Testing ................... Charging ................. Battery Box ................ Description ................ Removal/Installation ....... Maintenance .............. Battery Contactor ........... Description ................ Removal/Installation ....... Battery Contactor Closing Circuit ................. Ground Service Receptacle ... Description ................ Removal/Installation ....... Alternator Power System .... Description ................ Alternator ................ Description .............. Page No. Aerofiche/ Manual 2D10/16-2 2D10/16-2 2D10/16-2 2D10/16-2 2D10/16-2 2D10/16-2 2D10/16-2 2D10/16-2 2D10/16-2 2D13/16-5 2D13/16-5 2D13/16-5 2D13/16-5 2D14Y16-6 2D14/16-6 2D14/16-6 2D15/16-7 2D15/16-7 2D16/16-8 2D16/16-8 2D19/16-9 2D19/16-9 2D19/16-9 2D19/16-9 2D19/16-9 2D19/16-9 2D19116-9 2D24/16-14 2D24/16-14 2D24/16-14 2D24/16-14 2D24/16-14 2D24/16-14 2E216-16 2E2/16-16 Removal/Installation .... Alternator Field Protection ............ Description ........... Alternator Reverse VoltageDamage ....... Over-Voltage Warning System ................. Description ............. Trouble Shooting ......... Voltage Regulator ......... Description .............. Alternator Control Unit ... Description ....... ..... Removal/Installation AircraftLightingSystem ... Description .............. Trouble Shooting ......... Landing and Taxi Light ... Description ............. Removal/Installation .... Dual Landing and Taxi Lights ................. Description ............. Removal/Installation .... Landing and Taxi Lights .. Wing-Mounted ......... Description ............. Removal/Installation .... Navigation Lights ........ Description ............. Removal/Installation .... Anti-Collision Strobe Lights ................. Description ............ Removal/Installation .... Flashing Beacon Light .... Description ............. Removal/Installation .... Instrument/Dome Lights .. Description ............. Removal/Installation .... 2E2/16-16 2E2/16-16 2E2/16-16 2E2/16-16 2E2/1 16 2E2/16-16 2E6/16-20 2E16/16-30 2E16/16-30 2E16/16-30 2E16/16-30 2E16/16-30 2E16/16-30 2E16/16-30 2E16/16-30 2E23/16-35 2E23/16-35 2E23/16-35 2E23/16-35 2E23/16-35 2E23/16-35 2E24/16-36 2E24/16-36 2E24/16-36 2E24/16-36 2E24/16-36 2E24/16-36 2F5/16-38A 2F516-38A 2F5/16-38A 2F5/16-38A 2F5/16-38A 2F5/16-38A 2F5/16-38A 2F5/16-38A 2F5/16-38A 2F5/16-38A Revision 1 16-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Post Lighting ............. Description .............. Removal/Installation ..... Trouble Shooting - Post Lighting ............... Trouble Shooting Transistor Heat Sink .... Transistorized Light Dimming ................ Description .............. RemovalInstallation ..... Compass and Radio Dial Lighting ................ Description .............. Control Wheel Map Light .. Description .............. Removal/Installation ..... Map Light ................ Description .............. Removal/Installation ..... 2F5/16-38A 2F5/16-38A 2F14/16-46 2F14/16-46 2F15/16-46A 2F15/16-46A 2F15/16-46A 2F15/16*46A 2F15/16-46A 2F15/16-46A 2F15/16-46A 2F15/16-46A 2F16/16-46B 2F16/16-46B 2F16/16-46B 2F16/16-46B Pitot Heater .............. Description .............. Removal/Installation ..... Cigar Lighter ............. Description .............. Clock .................... Description .............. Emergency Locator Transmitter .............. Description ............... Operation ................ Checkout Interval ......... Removal/Installation of Antenna .............. Removal/Installation of Transmitter ........... Removal/Installation of Battery Pack .......... Trouble Shooting .......... Electrical Load Analysis Chart .................... 2F22/16-50 2F22/16-50 2F22/16-50 2F22/16-50 2F22/16-50 2F23,16-51 2F23,16-51 2F23/16-51 2F23/16-51 2F23/16-51 2F24/16-52 2F24/16-52 2F24/16-52 2G4/16-56 2G6/16-58 2G7/16-59 16-1. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. 16-2 GENERAL. This section contains service information necessary to maintain the Aircraft Electrical Power Supply System. Battery and External Power Supply System. Alternator Power System Aircraft Lighting System Pitot Heater. Stall Warning, Cigar Lighter and Electrical Load Analysis 16-3. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY-SYSTEM. 16-4. DESCRIPTION. Electrical energy for the aircraft is supplied by a 28-volt, direct-current. single wire. negative ground electrical system. A 24-volt battery supplies power for starting and furnishes a reserve source of power in the event of alternator failure. An engine-driven alternator is the normal source of power during flight and maintains a battery charge controlled by a voltage regulator/alternator control unit. An external power source receptacle is offered as optional equipment to supplement the battery alternator system for starting and ground operation. 16-5. BUS BAR. 16-6. DESCRIPTION. Electrical power for electrical equipment and electronic installations is supplied through the split bus bar. The bus bar is interconnected by a jumper wire and attached to the circuit breaker on the lower, center of the instrument panel. 16-7. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 16-1.) 16-8. MASTER SWITCH. 16-9. DESCRIPTION. The master switch controls the operation of the battery and alternator systems. The switch is an interlocking split rocker with the battery mode on the right hand side and the alternator mode on the left hand side. This arrangement allows the battery to be on the line without the alternator, however. operation of the alternator without the battery on the line is not possible. The switch is labeled "BAT" and "ALT" below the switch and is located on the left-hand side of the switch panel 16-2 Revision I MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL . A Detail A THRU 1978 MODELS 1. 2. 3. Bus Bar Circuit Breaker Instrument Panel 4. 5. 6. Decorative Panel Lockwasher Nut 7. Lockwasher 8. Screw 9. Jumper Wire Figure 16-1. Bus Bar Installation (Sheet 1 of 2) 16-3 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1978 - 1980 MODELS BEGINNING WITH 1981 MODELS 2 1 Detail A Figure 16-1. Bus Bar Installation (Sheet 2 of 2) 16-4 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-10. AMMETER. 16-11. DESCRIPTION. The ammeter is connected between the battery contactor and the bus bar. The meter indicates the amount of current flowing either to or from the battery. With a low battery and the engine operating at cruise speed the ammeter will show the full alternator output when all electrical equipment is off. When the battery is fully charged and cruise RPM is maintained with all electrical equipment off. the ammeter will show a minimum charging rate. The ammeter is located on the right hand side of the instrument panel. 16-12. BATTERY POWER SYSTEM. 16-13. TROUBLE SHOOTING THE BATTERY POWER SYSTEM. TROUBLE BATTERY WILL NOT SUPPLY POWER TO BUS OR IS INCAPABLE OF CRANKING ENGINE. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Battery discharged. 1. Measure voltage at "BAT" terminal of battery contactor with master switch and a suitable load such as a taxi light turned on. Normal battery will indicate 23 volts or more. If voltage is low, proceed to step 2. If voltage is normal, proceed to step 3. Battery faulty. 2. Check fluid level in cells and charge battery at 28-volts for approximately 30 minutes or until the battery voltage rises to 28-volts Check bat- tery with a load type tester. If tester indicates a good battery, the malfunction may be assumed to be a discharged battery. If the tester indicates a faulty battery. replace the battery. Faulty contactor or wiring between contactor or master switch. 3. Measure voltage at master switch terminal (smallest) on contactor with master switch closed. Normal indication is zero volts. If voltage reads zero. proceed to step 4. If a voltage reading is obtained check wiring between contactor and master switch. Also check master switch. 16-5 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-13. TROUBLE SHOOTING THE BATTERY POWER SYSTEM. (CONT). TROUBLE BATTERY WILL NOT SUPPLY POWER TO BUS OR IS INCAPABLE OF CRANKING ENGINE. (CONT). PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Open coil on contactor. 4. Check continuity between "BAT" terminal and master switch terminal of contactor. Normal indication is 50 to 70 ohms (Master switch open). If ohmmeter indicates an open coil replace contactor. If ohmmeter indicates a good coil, proceed to step 5. Faulty contactor contacts. 5. Check voltage on "BUS" side of contactor with master switch closed. Meter normally indicates battery voltage. If voltage is zero or intermittant. replace contactor. If voltage is normal. proceed to step 6. Faulty wiring between contactor and bus. 6. Inspect wiring between contactor and bus. Repair or replace wiring. 16-14. BATTERY. 16-15. DESCRIPTION. The battery is 24 volts and thru 15280459. A1522759 and FA1520346 a 14 ampere-hour capacity battery is installed as standard, a 17 ampere-hour capacity battery is optional Beginning with 15280460. A1522760 and FA1520347 the battery is 24 volts with a 12.75 ampere-hour capacity as standard and a 15.5 ampere-hour capacity battery as optional. The battery is mounted on the forward side of the firewall and is equipped with non-spill caps. 16-16. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF. (See figure 16-2.) CAUTION When installing or removing battery always observe the proper polarity with the aircraft electrical system (negative to ground). Reversing the polarity, even momentarily. may result in failure of semiconductor devices (alternator diodes, radio protection diodes and radio transistors). Always remove the battery ground cable first and replace it last to prevent accidental short circuits. 16-6 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL a. Thru 1979 Models. 1. Remove top half of cowl. 2. Remove the battery box cover and side panel. 3. Disconnect the ground cable from the negative battery terminal. 4. Disconnect the cable from the positive terminal of the battery. 5. Lift the battery out of the battery box. 6. To replace the battery, reverse this procedure. b. Beginning with 1980 Models. 1. Remove engine cowl. 2. Cut sta-straps and remove terminal cover. 3. Disconnect drain tube. 4. Disconnect negative and positive cables. 5. Remove battery mounting bolts and remove battery. 6. To install reverse the preceding steps using new sta-straps to install terminal covers. 16-17. CLEANING THE BATTERY. For maximum efficiency the battery and connections should be kept clean at all times. a. Remove the battery and connections in accordance with the preceding paragraph. b. Remove battery vent plugs and check electrolyte levels in each cell. It is important that electrolyte level be no lower than top of separator plates but not higher than bottom of split ring. c. Replace vent plugs and secure tightly in place, making sure a rubber gasket is used between each vent plug and battery. NOTE A good seal is necessary so electrolyte levels cannot leak out of seals and create an acid path which can lead to selfdischarge. The application of a silicone grease will improve seal effectiveness. d. Tighten battery cell filler caps to prevent the cleaning solution from entering the cells. e. Wipe battery cable ends, battery terminals, and entire surface of the battery with a clean cloth moistened with a solution of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) and water. f. Rinse with clear water, wipe off excess water, and thoroughly dry. g. Brighten up cable ends and battery terminals with emery cloth or a wire brush. h. Install the battery according to the preceding paragraphs. i. Coat the battery terminals with petroleum jelly or an ignition spray product to reduce corrosion. 16-18. ADDING ELECTROLYTE OR WATER TO THE BATTERY. A battery being charged and discharged with use will decompose the water from the electrolyte by electrolysis. When the water is decomposed, hydrogen and oxygen gases are formed which escape into the atmosphere through the battery vent system. The acid in the solution chemically combines with the plates of the battery during discharge or is suspended in the electrolyte solution during charge. Unless the electrolyte has been spilled from a battery, acid should not be added to the solution. The water, however will decompose into gases and should be replaced regularly. Add distilled water as necessary to maintain the electrolyte level with the horizontal baffle plate or the split ring on the filler neck inside the battery. When "dry charged" batteries are put into service. fill as directed with electrolyte. When the electrolyte level falls below normal with use. add only distilled water to maintain the proper level On Aircraft Serials 15279406 thru 15280459, A15200735 thru A15200759. F1521429 thru F1521538 and FA1520337 thru FA1520346 refer to Cessna Single-engine Service Letter. SE78-6 Dated February 13. 1978 when filling the battery. The battery electrolyte contains approximately 25% sulphuric acid by volume. Any change in this volume will hamper the proper operation of the battery. Revision 1 16-7 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CAUTION Do not add any type of "battery rejuvenator" to the electrolyte. When acid has been spilled from a battery. the acid balance may be adjusted by following instructions published by the Association of American Battery Manufacturers. 16-19. TESTING THE BATTERY. The specific gravity of the battery may be measured with a hydrometer to determine the state of battery charge. If the hydrometer reading is low, slowcharge the battery and retest. Hydrometer readings of the electrolyte must be compensated for the temperature of the electrolyte. Some hydrometers have a built-in thermometer and conversion chart. The following chart shows the battery condition for various hydrometer readings with an electrolyte temperature of 80 ° Fahrenheit. BATTERY HYDROMETER READINGS 1.280 1.250 1.220 1.190 1.160 Specific Specific Specific Specific Specific Gravity Gravity Gravity Gravity Gravity 100% Charged 75% Charged 50% Charged 25% Charged Practically Dead NOTE All readings shown are for an electrolyte temperature of 80 ° Fahrenheit. For higher temperatures the readings will be slightly lower. For cooler temperatures the read- ings will be slightly higher. Some hydrometers will have a built-in temperature compensation chart and a thermometer. If this type tester is used. disregard this chart. If the specific gravity reading indicates the battery is not fully charged, the battery should be charged at approximately 28 volts for 30 minutes, or until the battery voltage rises to 28 volts. Refer to paragraph 16-20 for battery charging instructions for a completely discharged battery. After charging, a load type tester will give more meaningful results. A specific gravity check can be used after charging but the check cannot spot cells which short under load, broken connectors between plates of a cell, etc. 16-20. CHARGING THE BATTERY. When the battery is to be charged. the level of electrolyte should be checked and adjusted by adding distilled water to cover the tops of the internal battery plates. Remove the battery from the aircraft and place in a well ventilated area for charging. WARNING When a battery is being charged, hydrogen and oxygen gases are generated. Accumulation of these gases can create a hazardous explosive condition. Always keep sparks and open flame away from the battery. Allow unrestricted ventilation of the battery area during charging. 16-8 Revision I MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Because the battery is 24 volts, there are 12 cells connected in series as opposed to only 6 cells in 12 volt units. There is a greater chance for cell damage to occur if the battery is completely discharged by leaving some electrical system on. If this should occur, the battery must be removed from the aircraft, placed in a well ventilated area during charging, and given a supplemental charge. Charge at a constant current rate of 1.5 amps until the terminal charge voltage remains constant for at least three consecutive hours. If a constant current charger is not available, a constant potential charger with voltage adjustment capabilities can be used. With an ammeter in series, manually adjust voltage of charger so that approximately 1.5 amps are flowing at all times. Frequent adjustment may be necessary for the first part of charge. A second alternative of a constant potential charge of 28.8 volts could be used; however, the charging time under this system must be 48 to 72 hours. This long, slow charge will tend to equalize all cells and bring the battery back to a useful state. Failure to utilize this charge can leave the battery with one or more weak cells which will drastically reduce service life. WARNING The main points of consideration during a battery charge are excessive battery temperature and violent gassing. Cell temperature should not rise over 115°F. Reduce charging rate if this occurs. Under a reasonable rate of charge gassing should not be so violent that acid is blown from vents. When activating new dry charged batteries, ensure that the proper strength of electrolyte is used. The specific gravity of this electrolyte must be 1.285 +0.005 when measured at 80°F + 5°F. The battery should then be charged as stated on the installation instructions supplied with the battery. When installing the new battery into the aircraft, the cleaning procedure outlined below should be followed. While Cessna aircraft batteries are manufactured with lower percentage antimony grids than that used in the past, the phenomenon of "local action" or self-discharge still occurs in these newer batteries. This is normal and should be expected in any wet lead acid battery. To maintain a battery if it is left unused in or out of the aircraft for a period of 30 days, the maintenance charge should be equivalent to that charge defined above for a discharged battery. If an aircraft is to be setting for periods of time exceeding 30 days, the battery should be removed, stored in a cool, dry place, and given the maintenance charge at intervals not exceeding 30 days. Revision 1 16-8A.(16-8B blank MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-21. BATTERY BOX. (THRU 1979 MODELS.) 16-22. DESCRIPTION. The battery box is constructed of metal and painted inside and out with acid-proof paint. The box is attached to the right hand side of the firewall. A vent tube is attached to the bottom of the box and extends below the firewall to allow gases and spilled acid to be vented overboard. 16-23. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 16-2) The battery box is not considered as a removable item except for replacement purposes. The box is riveted to mounting brackets on the firewall. Should the battery box be removed, on installation of the box or a new box, all rivets and scratches should be painted with acid-proof lacquer, available from Pratt andI Lambert United - Performance Coatings Division, P. 0. Box 2153, Wichita, KS 67201. 16-24. MAINTENANCE. The battery box should be inspected and cleaned periodically. The box and cover should be cleaned with a strong solution ofbicarbonate of soda (baking soda) and water. Hard deposits may be removed with a wire brush. When all corrosive deposits have been removed from the box, flush it thoroughly with clean water. WARNING Do not allow acid deposits to come in contact with skin or clothing. Serious acid burs may result unless the affected area is washed immediately with soap and water. Clothing will be ruined upon contact with battery acid. Inspect the cleaned box and cover for physical damage and for areas lacking proper acid proofing. A badly damaged or corroded box should be replaced. If the box or lid require acid proofing, paint the area with acid proof lacquer, available from Pratt and Lambert United -I Performance Coatings Division, P. 0. Box 2153, Wichita, KS 67201. 16-25. BATTERY CONTACTOR. 16-26. DESCRIPTION. The battery contactor is a plunger type and is actuated by turning on the master switch. The contactor is bolted to the left hand side of the firewalL A silicon diode is installed to eliminate spiking of transistorized radio equipment when the contactor is closed. Nylon covers are installed on the terminals to prevent accidental short circuits. 16-27. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 16-2.) a. Place master switch in the OFF position. b. Thru 1979 Models. open battery box and disconnect ground cable from negative battery terminal. Pull cable clear of battery box. c. Beginning with 1980 Models. disconnect negative battery cable. d. Cut sta-straps and remove nylon covers from terminals on contactor. e. Remove nuts, lockwashers and plain washers securing the battery cables to the contactor. f. Remove nut, lockwasher and plain washers securing master switch wire to contactor. g. Remove nuts. washers. and bolts securing the contactor to the firewall and remove contactor. h. To install battery contactor. reverse the preceding steps. Revision 1 16-9 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL % THRU 15283591, A1520878, F15201673 AND FA1520357 * BEGINNING WITH 15283592, A1520879, F15201674 AND FA1520358 11 Detail A 1. Battery Contactor 2. Cover 3. Diode Assembly 4. Cable (To Battery 5. Firewall 6. 7. 8. 9. Starter Contactor Sta-Strap Nut Washer 10. Wire (To Amnmeter) 11. Jumper Cable 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 7 2 THRU 15283591 A1520878, F15201828 AND FA1520372 13 Detail C Wire (To Ignition Switch) Bolt Cable (To Starter) Wire (To Master Switch Cable (To Ground Service) Figure 16-2. Battery, Battery Box and Battery Contactor Installation (Sheet 1 of 4) 16-10 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Used on 15283592. And on 15283592. 2 2 starter contactor beginning with A1520879, F15201674 and FA1520358. Battery contactor beginning with A1520879. F15201829 and FA1520373. 20 14 18 15 9 19. Jumper Wire 27. 20. 28. 25. 24. 25. 26. 26. Clamp Wire (To Diode) SidePan Battery Ground Strap Battery Battery Box Clamp Pan Drain Tube Elbow 27. 28. 29. 30. AND AI12099 9 13 9 F15201829 AND FA1520373 BEGINNING WITH 15283592, 15283592. A1520879, A1520879. BEGINNING WITH 31. 32. 33. Terminal Cover Battery Cover Washer F15201829 AND FA1520373 Figure 16-2. Battery. Battery Box and Battery Contactor Installation (Sheet 2 of 4) 16-11 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 2* 23 22 24 * BEGINNING 15285368 ANDWITH A1520996 THRU 15280607. A1522764. F15201538 AND FA1520346 * 15280608 THRU 15283591 A1522764 THRU A1520878 F15201539 THRU F15201683 FA1520347 THRU FA1520357 Detail B Figure 16-2. Battery, Battery Box and Battery Contactor Installation (Sheet 3 of 4) 16-12 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 13 32 30 27 24 Detail A * THRU 15284541. F15201808, A1520943 AND FA1520372 BEGINNING WITH 15284542, F15201809. A1520944 AND FA 1520373 Detail B29 l27 BEGINNING WITH 15283592. A1520879. F15201684 AND FA1520358 Figure 16-2. Battery, Battery Box and Battery Contactor Installation (Sheet 4 of 4) 16-13 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-28. BATTERY CONTACTOR CLOSING CIRCUIT. The battery contactor closing circuit consists of a 5-amp fuse. a resistor and a diode installed across the battery contactor. This serves to shunt a small charge around the battery contactor when the battery is too dead to energize the contactor by itself 16-29. GROUND SERVICE RECEPTACLE. 16-30. DESCRIPTION. A ground service receptacle may be installed to permit the use of external power for cold weather starting or when performing lengthy electrical maintenance. The receptacle is mounted on the left hand side of the firewal with an access door in the engine cowl. NOTE Before connecting an external power source, it is important that the master switch be turned "ON". This will close the battery contactor and enable the battery to absorb transient voltages which otherwise might damage the electronic equipment. It will also provide excitation of the alternator field in the event that the battery is completely dead. NOTE On Aircraft Serials 15279406 thru 15280898 and A1520001 thru A1520771 refer to Cessna Single-engine Service Letter SE78-19. dated March 27. 1978. 16-31. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 16-3.) a Remove engine cowl in accordance with Section 11. b. Thru 1979 Models, open the battery box and disconnect the ground cable from the negative terminal of the battery and pull cable from the battery box. c. Beginning with 1980 Models. disconnect negative battery cable. d. Remove the nuts. washers and ground strap from the terminals of the receptacle and remove the battery cable. e. Remove the screws and nuts securing the receptacle to the mounting bracket. Remove receptacle. f. To install ground service receptacle, reverse the preceding steps. Be sure to place the ground strap on the negative stud of the receptacle. 16-32. ALTERNATOR POWER SYSTEM. 16-33. DESCRIPTION. The alternator system consists of a belt-driven alternator, a voltage regulator/ alternator control unit mounted on the left hand side of the firewall and circuit breaker located on the instrument panel. The system is controlled by the left hand portion of the split rocker, master switch labeled "ALT." Thru 1978 models an over-voltage sensor switch and red warning light labeled "HIGH VOLTAGE" are incorporated to protect the system. Beginning with 1979 models, over-voltage and under-voltage switches are contained within the alternator control unit and a red warning light labeled "LOW VOLTAGE" is installed on the instrument panel (refer to paragraph 16-40). The aircraft battery supplies the source of power for excitation of the alternator. 16-14 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1 11 4 6 2. Washer 3. Ground Strap 5. 6. 7. 9. Firewall Doubler Access Screw Door . / / A1520897. F15201755 Cable 10. Fuse-Crackt 11. Power 17. Solder Terminal Contactor Fuse-Battery 12. Diode Cir. Closing Fuse-Clock 11 Receptacle 8. · BEGINNING WITH 15283828; 9. Screw Resistor 14. Insulating Washer WiretoClocklock 21. Spacer 15. Terminal 17. Solder 12. Fuse-Battery Contactor Circuit 13. Closing Lockwasher 14. Insulating Washer 15. Spacer 18. 19. 20. 21. Diode Wire to Battery Contactor Resistor Wire to Clock 16. Wire to Battery Contactor (Bat. Side) 22. Nipple Figure 16-3. Ground Service Receptacle and Battery Contactor Closing Circuit Installation 16-15 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-34. ALTERNATOR. 16-35. DESCRIPTION. The alternator is three phase. delta connected with integal silicon diode rectifiers. The alternator is rated at 28 volts at 60 amperes continuous output. The moving center part of the alternator (rotor) consists of an axial winding with radial interlocking poles which surround the winding. With excitation applied to the winding through slip rings the pole pieces assume magnetic polarity. The rotor is mounted in bearings and rotates inside the statorwhich contains the windings in which ac is generated The stator windings are three-phase each of which contains three silicon diodes. The diode plates are connected to accomplish full-wave, rectification of ac. The resulting do output is applied to the aircraft bus and sensed by the voltage regulator. The regualtor controls the excitation applied to the alternator field thus controlling the output of the alternator. 16-36. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 16-4.) a. Ensure that master switch is off and the negative lead is disconnected from the battery. b. Remove propeller in accordance with Section 13. c. Remove nose cap in accordance with Section 11. d. Remove wiring from alternator and lable. e. Remove safety wire from lower adjustment bolt and remove bolt. f. Remove the locknut from the alternator mounting bolt. g. Remove the alternator drive belt and the alternator mounting bolt. the alternator will then be free for removal. h. To replace the alternator, reverse this procedure. i. Apply a torque wrench to the nut on alternator pully and adjust the belt tension so the belt slips when torque is applid, see figure 16-4. 16-37. ALTERNATOR FIELD PROTECTION. 16-38. DESCRIPTION. A 5-amp automatic resetting circuit breaker located on the left hand. stationary instrument panel stiffner. is provided to protect the alternator field circuit. 16-39. ALTERNATOR REVERSE VOLTAGE DAMAGE. The alternator is very susceptible to reverse polarity current because of the silicon diodes. The diodes. having a very high resistance to reverse current flow, are used without any cutout relay such as used on a generator system. The alternator diodes are arranged with their cathodes connected to the aircraft bus bar which is positive and no back current will flow. If the polarity of the battery is reversed, the diodes will offer no resistance to the current flow. The current rating of the diodes is exceeded and diode failure may result. 16-40. OVER-VOLTAGE WARNING SYSTEM. 16-41. DESCRIPTION. Thru 1978 Models the over-voltage system consists of an over-voltage sensor switch and red warning light labeled "HIGH VOLTAGE". The over-voltage sensor is attached to the wire bundle behind the instrument panel and the light is located on the right hand side of the instrument panel. When an over-voltage tripoff occurs the over-voltage sensor turns off the alternator system and the red warning light comes on. The ammeter will show a discharge. Turn off both sections of the master switch to recycle the over-voltage sensor. If the over-voltage condition was transient. the normal alternator charging will resume and no further. action is necessary. If the over-voltage tripoff recurs. then a generating system malfunction has occurred such that the electrical accessories must be 16-16 MODEL- 52 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1 * ',= Detail A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ground Wire Panel Bracket Over-Voltage Sensor Adjustment Arm Safety Wire Washer 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Bolt Bracket Assembly Nut Bracket Drive Belt Alternator Figure 16-4. Alternator Installation (Sheet 1 of 2 16-17 MODEL 162 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL TORQUE VALUES FOR CHECKING ALTERNATOR BELT TENSION New Belt Used Belt 7 Slips At Slips At 11 to 13 Ft. Lbs. 7 to 9 Ft Lbs. 55 NOTE On new aircraft or whenever a new belt is 5 installed. belt tension should be checked within 10 to 25 hours of operation. 12 9* * A1520808. F15201579 AND 15282234. A1520807 F15201578 AND FA1520361 * BEGINNING WITH 15282235, A 1520808. F15201579 AND FA 1520362 THRU 6 Detail B Figure 16-4. Alternator Installation (Sheet 2 of 2) 16-18 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL operated from the aircraft battery only. Conservation of electrical energy must be practiced until the flight can be terminated. The over-voltage light filament may be tested at any time by turning off the "Alternator" portion of the master switch and leaving the battery portion on. This test does not induce an over-voltage condition on the electrical system. NOTE The over-voltage sensor switch contains solid state devices. Observe proper polarity before supplying power. Grounding the orange lead or interconnecting orange and black leads will destroy the device. When removal is required for replacement, identify (tag) wiring and follow the wiring diagram in Section 19 for rewiring. Beginning with 1979 Models the over-voltage sensor is contained within the alternator control unit. The unit also contains a low-voltage sensor. A red warning light labeled "LOW VOLTAGE" is installed on the instrument panel. When an over-voltage condition occurs the over-voltage sensor turns off the alternator and the voltage in the system drops. When system voltage drops below 24.5 volts the low-voltage sensor turns on the low-voltage light indicating a drain on the battery and the ammeter will show a discharge. Turn off both sections of the master switch to recycle the over-voltage sensor. If the over-voltage condition was transient the normal alternatorcharging will resume and no further action is necessary. If the over-voltage tripoff recurs, then a generating system malfunction has occurred such that the electrical accessories must be operated from the aircraftbattery only. Conservation of electrical energy must be practiced until the flight can be terminated The over-voltage light filament may be tested at any time by turning off the "Alternator" portion of the master switch and leaving the battery portion on. This test does not induce an overvoltage condition on the electrical system. NOTE To support the newer alternator control unit (ACU), Cessna has designed an Alternator Charging System Test Box Assembly, Part No. 9870005-1, that provides capability to perform all on-aircraft checks of malfunctioning alternator/ACU systems. This new test box, available from Cessna Parts Distribution (CPI) 2) through a Cessna Service Station, is complete and features: a. Isolation of six separate malfunctions: 1. No aircraft battery power to the ACU. 2. Shorted regulator (over-voltage condition) in the ACU. 3. Open regulator (no alternator output) in the ACU. 4. Shorted alternator field winding or wiring. 5. Open alternator field winding or wiring. 6. Inoperative low voltage circuit in the ACU. b. Quick and simple set-up. c. System checks without running the engine. Revision 1 16-19 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-42. TROUBLE SHOOTING THE ALTERNATOR SYSTEM. (THRU 1978 MODELS) a. ENGINE NOT RUNNING. TROUBLE REMEDY PROBABLE CAUSE AMMETER INDICATES HEAVY DISCHARGE OR ALTERNATOR CIRCUIT BREAKER OPENS. (Battery Switch ON, Alternator Switch OFF, all other electrical switches OFF.) Shorted diode in alternator. Turn off Battery Switch and remove "B" Lead from alternator. Check resistance from "B" Terminal of alternator case. Reverse leads and check again. Resistance reading may show continuity in one direction but should show an infinite reading in the other direction. If an infinite reading is not obtained in at least one direction, repair or replace alternator. ALTERNATOR REGULATOR CIRCUIT BREAKER OPENS WHEN BATTERY AND ALTERNATOR SWITCHES ARE TURNED ON. Short in Over-Voltage sensor. Disconnect Over-Voltage Sensor plug and recheck. If circuit breaker stays in replace Over-Voltage Sensor. Short in alternator voltage regulator. Disconnect regulator plug and recheck. If circuit breaker stays in, replace regulator. Short in alternator field. Disconnect "F" terminal wire and recheck. If circuit breaker stays in, replace alternator. b. ENGINE RUNNING. ALTERNATOR CIRCUIT BREAKER OPENS WHEN BATTERY AND ALTERNATOR SWITCHES ARE TURNED ON, OVERVOLTAGE LIGHT DOES NOT COME ON. Defective circuit breaker. Replace circuit breaker. ALTERNATOR REGULATOR CIRCUIT BREAKER OPENS WHEN BATTERY AND ALTERNATOR SWITCHES ARE TURNED ON, OVERVOLTAGE LIGHT DOES NOT COME ON. Shorted field in alternator. Check resistance from "F" terminal of alternator to alternator case, if resistance is less than 5 ohms repair/ replace. 16-20 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-42. TROUBLE SHOOTING THE ALTERNATOR SYSTEM. (CONT). b. ENGINE RUNNING (Cont). TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY CAUTION This malfunction frequently causes a shorted regulator which will result in an over-voltage condition when system is again operated. ALTERNATOR MAKES ABNORMAL WHINING NOISE. Shorted diode in alternator. Turn off Battery Switch and remove "B" Lead from alternator. Check resistance from "B" Terminal of alternator to alternator case. Reverse leads and check again. Resistance reading may show continuity in one direction but should show an infinite reading in the other direction. If an infinite reading is not obtained in at least one direction, repair or replace alternator. OVER-VOLTAGE LIGHT DOES NOT GO OUT WHEN ALTERNATOR AND BATTERY SWITCHES ARE TURNED ON. Shorted regulator. Replace regulator. Defective over-voltage sensor. Replace sensor. Regulator faulty or high resistance in field circuit. With engine not running turn off all electrical loads and turn on battery and alternator switches. Measure bus voltage to ground. then measure voltage from terminal of alternator to ground. If there is more than 2 volts difference check field circuit wiring shown on alternator system wiring diagram in Section 19. Clean all contacts. Replace components until there is less than 2 volts difference between bus voltage and field voltage. AFTER ENGINE START WITH ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT TURNED OFF CHARGE RATE DOES NOT TAPER OFF IN 1-3 MINUTES. 16-21 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-42. TROUBLE SHOOTING THE ALTERNATOR SYSTEM (CONT). b. ENGINE RUNNING (Cont). TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY NOTE Also refer to battery power system trouble shooting chart ALTERNATOR SYSTEM WILL NOT KEEP BATTERY CHARGED. Alternator belt slipping. 1. Check belt tension per chart in figure. 16-4. Alternator output voltage insufficient. 2. Connect voltmeter between D.C. Bus and ground. Turn off all electrical loads. Turn on Battery Switch, start engine and adjust for 1500 RPM, voltage should read approximately 24 volts. Turn on alternator switch, voltage should read between 27.4 and 28.0 volts. Ammeter should indicate a heavy charge rate which should taper off in 1-3 minutes. If charge rate tapers off very quickly and voltage is normal check battery for malfunction If ammeter show a low charge rate or any discharge rate. and voltage does not rise when alternator switch is turned on proceed to Step 2. 3. Stop engine, turn off all switches. Connect voltmeter between "F" terminal of alternator and ground. Do NOT start engine. Turn on battery switch and alternator switch. Battery voltage should be present at "F" terminal, less 1 volt drop thru regulator, if not refer to Step 3. 16-22 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-42. TROUBLE SHOOTING -- ALTERNATOR SYSTEM (CONT). TROUBLE ALTERNATOR SYSTEM WILL NOT KEEP BATTERY CHARGED. (Cont). PROBABLE Alternator output voltage insufficient (cont). REMEDY 4. Starting at "F" terminal of alternator trace circuit to voltage regulator, at "B" terminal of regulator trace circuit to over-voltage sen- sor. to master switch. to Bus Bar. Replace component which does not have voltage present at output. Refer to alternator system wiring diagram in Section 19. Alternator field winding open. 1. If voltage is present turn off alternator and battery switches. Check resistance from "F" terminal of alternator to alternator case. trning alternator shaft during measurement. Normal indication is 12-20 ohms. If resit- ance is high or low. repair or replace alternator. If ok refer to step 2. 2 Check resistance from case of alternator to airframe ground. Normal indication is very low resistance. If reading indicates no. or poor continuity, repair or replace alternator ground wiring. FLUCTUATING ALTERNATOR OUTPUT (NERVOUS OR FLICKERING AMMETER) Decrease in incoming voltage to regulator causing output voltage increase. Loose or bad connection in regulator or field circuit. Excessive resistance across alternator contacts of "alternator/ master" switch or alternator field circuit breaker. 1. Check and tighten alternator, regulator, and/or circuit breaker connections as required. 2. Check resistance across alternator contacts. If a new voltage regulator, over-voltage sensor, and/or alternator does not eliminate excessive resistance, try replacing the "alternator/master" switch and/or alternator field circuit breaker. Revision 1 16-23 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-42. TROUBLE SHOOTING -- ALTERNATOR SYSTEM (BEGINNING 1979 MODELS). a. ENGINE NOT RUNNING. TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY AMMETER INDICATES HEAVY DISCHARGE OR ALTERNATOR CIRCUIT BREAKER OPENS. (Battery Switch ON, Alternator Switch OFF, all other electrical switches OFF.) Shorted diode in alternator. Turn off Battery Switch and remove "B" Lead from alternator. Check resistance from "B" Terminal of alternator to alternator case. Reverse leads and check again. Resistance reading may show continuity in one direction but should show an infinite reading in the other direction. If an infinite reading is not obtained in at least one direction, repair or replace alternator. ALTERNATOR REGULATOR CIRCUIT BREAKER OPENS WHEN BATTERY AND ALTERNATOR SWITCHES ARE TURNED ON. Short in alternator control unit. Disconnect Over-Voltage Sensor plug and recheck. If circuit breaker stays in replace Over-Voltage Sensor. Disconnect control unit plug and recheck. If circuit breaker stays in. replace alternator control unit. Short in alternator field. Disconnect "F" terminal wire and recheck If circuit breaker stays in. replace alternator. ALTERNATOR CIRCUIT BREAKER OPENS WHEN BATTERY AND ALTERNATOR SWITCHES ARE TURNED ON, LOW-VOLTAGE LIGHT DOES NOT COME ON. Defective circuit breaker. Replace circuit breaker. ALTERNATOR REGULATOR CIRCUIT BREAKER OPENS WHEN BATTERY AND ALTERNATOR SWITCHES ARE TURNED ON, LOW-VOLTAGE LIGHT MAY OR MAY NOT COME ON. Shorted field in alternator. Check resistance from "F" terminal of alternator to alternator case, if resistance is less than 5 ohms repair/replace. b. ENGINE RUNNING. 16-24 0 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-42. TROUBLE SHOOTING -- ALTERNATOR SYSTEM (Cont). b. ENGINE RUNNING (Cont). TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY CAUTION This malfunction may cause a shorted alternator control unit which will result in an over-voltage condition when system is again operated. ALTERNATOR MAKES ABNORMAL WHINING NOISE. Shorted diode in alternator. Turn off Battery Switch and remove "B" Lead from alternator. Check resistance from "B" Terminal of alternator to alternator case. Reverse leads and check again. Resistance reading may show continuity in one direction but should show an infinite reading in the other direction. If an infinite reading is not obtained in one direction, repair or replace alternator. LOW-VOLTAGE LIGHT DOES NOT GO OUT WHEN ALTERNATOR AND BATTERY SWITCHES ARE TURNED ON. Shorted alternator control unit Replace alternator control unit. Defective low-voltage sensor. Replace alternator control unit. Alternator control unit faulty or high resistance in field circuit. With engine not running turn off all electrical loads and turn on battery and alternator switches. Measure bus voltage to ground, then measure voltage from terminal of alternator to ground. If there is more than 2 volts difference check field circuit wiring shown on alternator system wiring diagram in Section 19. Clean all contacts. Replace components until there is less than 2 volts difference between bus voltage and field voltage. AFTER ENGINE START WITH ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT TURNED OFF CHARGE RATE DOES NOT TAPER OFF IN 1-3 MINUTES. 16-25 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-42. TROUBLE SHOOTING - - ALTERNATOR SYSTEM (Cont.). TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY LOW VOLTAGE LIGHT COMES ON WHEN A COM-RADIO TRANSMITTER IS KEYED (Generally limited to 1979 1982 aircraft) Voltage induced by the COM coax cable may activate protective circuit when COM radio is keyed. 1. Inspect COM coax connectors at radios and antennas for security and proper installation. Replace as required. 2. Ensure COM coax shielding is properly grounded. 3. Inspect COM coax routing. Reroute as required to provide separation from alternator winding. 4. Inspect alternator control unit (ACU) for loose or improperly installed contacts. Replace or repair as required. 5. Inspect COM coax cables for damage where tie wraps used. Replace deformed or crushed coax cables. NOTE Also refer to battery power system trouble shooting chart. ALTERNATOR SYSTEM WILL NOT KEEP BATTERY CHARGED. 16-26 Revision I Alternator output voltage insufficient. 1. Connect voltmeter between D.C. Bus and ground. Turn off all electrical loads. Turn on Battery Switch. start engine and adjust for 1500 RPM, voltage should read approximately 24 volts. Turn on alternator switch. voltage should read between 28.4 and 28.9 volts. Ammeter should indicate a heavy charge rate which should taper off in 1-3 minutes. If charge rate tapers off very quickly and voltage is normal. check battery for malfunction. If ammeter shows a low charge rate or any discharge rate. and voltage does not rise when alternator switch is turned on proceed to Step 2. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-42. TROUBLE SHOOTING -- ALTERNATOR SYSTEM (Cont). b. ENGINE RUNNING (Cont). TROUBLE ALTERNATOR SYSTEM WILL NOT KEEP BATTERY CHARGED. (Cont.) PROBABLE CAUSE Alternator output voltage insufficient (cont). REMEDY 2. Stop engine. turn off all switches. Connect voltmeter between "F" terminal of alternator and ground. Do NOT start engine. Turn on battery switch and alternator switch. Battery voltage should be present at "F" terminal. less 1 volt drop thru regulator. if not refer to Step 3. 3. Starting at "F" terminal of alternator. trace circuit to alternator control unit at Pin 1 (Blue Wire). Trace circuit from Pin 3 (Red Wire) to master switch. to Bus Bar. Trace circuit from alternator control unit Pin 2 (Orange Wire) to alternator "BAT" terminaL Check connections and replace component which does not have voltage present at output. Refer to alternator system. wiring diagram in Section 19. Alternator field winding open. 1. If voltage is present turn off alternator and battery switches. Check resistance from "F" terminal of alternator to alternator case. turning alternator shaft during measurement. Normal indication is 12-20 ohms. If resistance is high or low, repair or replace alternator. If ok refer to Step 2. 2. Check resistance from case of alternator to airframe ground. Normal indication is very low resistance. If reading indicates no, or poor continuity, repair or replace alternator ground wiring. Revision 1 16-27 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL A 2 1 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Voltage Regulator Ground Wire Electrical Leads Housing Cap Housing Plug Firewall Detail A THRU 1978 MODELS 7. Screw 8. Alternator Control Unit 9. Washer Figure 16-5. Voltage Regulator Installation (Sheet 1 of 2) 16-28 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL * BEGINNING WITH 1979 MODELS 8 7 Detail A BEGINNING WITH 1979 MODELS BEGINNING WITH 15285853, A1521027, F15201952 AND 2. 3. Ground Wire Electrical Leads 4. 5. Housing Cap Housing Plug 6. Firewall 7. Bolt 8. Alternator Control Unit 9. Washer 10. FA1520388 Spacer Figure 16-5. Voltage Regulator Installation (Sheet 2 of 2) 16-29 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-43. VOLTAGE REGULATOR. 16-44. DESCRIPTION. The voltage regulator is a solid state regulator. The regulator is a remove 16-45. and replace item and not repairable in the field. For adjustment. refer to the Cessna Alternator Charging Service/Parts Manual. ALTERNATOR CONTROL UNIT. 16-46. DESCRIPTION. The alternator control unit is a solid state voltage regulator with an overvoltage sensor and low-voltage sensor incorporated in the unit. The control unit is not adjustable and is a remove-and-replace item. A Cessna Alternator Charging System Test Box assembly (PA9870005-1) is available from Cessna Parts Distribution (CPD 2) through a Cessna Service Station for use in isolating failures in the 28-volt alternator control units (C611005-0101 and C611005-0102) and the 28-volt alternator. NOTE On 1979 thru 1982 models, if the alternator low voltage light comes on when a COM radio transmitter is keyed, refer to Cessna Single Engine Customer Care Services Information Letter SE82-17 dated April 30, 1982. Refer also to Trouble Shooting, paragraph 16-42. 6-47. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 16-5). a. Remove upper half of engine cowl. b. Make sure the master switch is in the "OFF" position. c. d. e. f. Disconnect the negative lead from the battery and pull lead free of the battery box. Disconnect housing plug from the regulator/ alternator control unit. Remove screws securing the regulator/alternator control unit to the firewall To install regulator/alternator control unit. reverse the preceding steps. Be sure the connections for gounding are clean and bright before assembly. Otherwise faulty voltage regulation and/or excessive radio noise may result 16-48. AIRCRAFT LIGHTING SYSTEM. 16-49. DESCRIPTION. The aircraft lighting systems consists of landing and taxi lights. navigation lights. anti-collision strobe lights, flashing beacon light, dome and instrument lights. control wheel map light, compass and radio dial lights. 16-50. TROUBLE SHOOTING. TROUBLE LANDING AND TAXI LIGHT(S) OUT. 16-30 Revision I PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Short circuit in wiring. 1. Inspect circuit breaker. If open. proceed to Step 2. If ok. proceed to Step 3. Defective wiring. 2. Test each circuit separately until short is located. Repair or replace wiring. Defective switch. 3. Check voltage at lights with master and landing and taxi light switches ON. Should read battery voltage. Replace switch. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-50. TROUBLE SHOOTING (CONT). TROUBLE LANDING AND/OR TAXI LIGHT OUT. PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Lamp burned out. 1. Test lamp with ohmeter or new lamp. Replace lamp. Open circuit in wiring. 2. Test wiring for continuity. Repair or replace wiring. Short circuit in wiring. 1. Inspect circuit breaker. If open, proceed to Step 2. If ok. proceed to Step 3. Defective wiring. 2. Test circuit until short is located. Repair or replace wiring. Lamp burned out. 3. Test lamp with ohmmeter or a new lamp. Replace lamp. If lamp is good. proceed to Step 4. Open circuit in wiring. 4. Test circuit from lamp to flasher for continuity. If no continuity is present. repair or replace wiring. If continuity is present, proceed to Step 5. Defective switch. 5. Check voltage at flasher with master and beacon switch on. Should read battery voltage. Replace switch. If voltage is present, proceed to Step 6. Defective flasher. 6. Install new flasher. FLASHING BEACON CONSTANTLY LIT. Defective flasher. 1. Install new flasher. ALL NAV LIGHTS OUT. Short circuit in wiring. 1. Inspect circuit breaker. If open, proceed to Step 2. If ok. proceed to Step 3. Defective wiring. 2. Isolate and test each nav light circuit until short is located. Repair or replace wiring. Defective switch. 3. Check voltage at nav light with master and nav light switches on. Should read battery voltage. Replace switch. FLASHING BEACON DOES NOT LIGHT. 16-31 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-50. TROUBLE SHOOTING (CONT). PROBABLE CAUSE TROUBLE ONE NAV LIGHT OUT. REMEDY Lamp burned out. 1. Inspect lamp. Replace lamp. Open circuit in wiring. 2. Test wiring for continuity. Repair or replace wiring. WARNING The anti-collision system is a high voltage device. Do not remove or touch tube assembly while in operation. Wait at least 5 minutes after turning off power before starting work. BOTH ANTI-COLLISION STROBE LIGHTS WILL NOT LIGHT. Open circuit breaker. 1. Check, if open reset. If circuit breaker continues to open proceed to Step 2. 2. Disconnect red wire between aircraft power supply (battery/external power) and strobe power supplies. one at a time. If circuit breaker opens on one strobe power supply. If circuit breaker opens on both strobe power supplies proceed to Step 3. If circuit breaker does not open proceed to Step 4. 3. Check aircraft wiring. Repair or replace as necessary. 4. Inspect strobe power supply ground wire for contact with wing structure. CAUTION Extreme care should be taken when exchanging flash tube. The tube is fragile and can easily be cracked in a place where it will not be obvious visually. Make sure the tube is seated properly on the base of the nav light assembly and is centered in the dome. 16-32 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-50. TROUBLE SHOOTING (CONT). TROUBLE REMEDY PROBABLE CAUSE NOTE When checking defective power supply and flash tube. units from opposite wing may be used. Be sure power leads are protected properly when unit is removed to prevent short circuit. ONE ANTI-COLLISION STROBE LIGHT WILL NOT LIGHT. 1. Connect voltmeter to red lead between aircraft power supply (battery/external power) and strobe power supply, connecting negative lead to wing structure. Check for 24 volts. If ok proceed to Step 2. If not. check aircraft power supply (battery/external power). Defective Strobe Power Supply, or flash tube. 2. Replace flash tube with known good flash tube. If system still does not work. replace strobe power-supply. DOME LIGHT TROUBLE. Short circuit in wiring. Defective wiring. 1. Inspect circuit breaker. If circuit breaker is open. proceed to Step 2. If circuit breaker is ok. proceed to Step 3. 2. Test circuit until short is located. Repair or replace wiring. 3. Test for open circuit. Repair or replace wring. If no short or open circuit is found. proceed to Step 4. INSTRUMENT LIGHTS WILL NOT LIGIT OR DIM CORRECTLY. Lamp burned out. 4. Test lamp with ohmmeter or new lamp. Replace lamp. Defective switch. 5. Check for voltage at dome light with master and dome light switch on. Should read battery voltage. Replace switch. Short circuit in wiring. 1. Inspect circuit breaker. If open. proceed to Step 2. If ok. proceed to Step 3. Revision 1 16-33 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-50. TROUBLE SHOOTING (CONT.) TROUBLE INSTRUMENT LIGHTS WILL NOT LIGHT (Cont.) PROBABLE CAUSE Defective wiring. REMEDY 2. Test circuit until short is located. Repair or replace wiring. 3. Test for open circuit. Repair or replace wiring. If no short or open circuit is found, proceed to Step 4. 16-34 Revision 1 Defective rheostat. 4. Check voltage at instrument light with master switch on. Should read battery voltage with rheostat turned full clockwise and voltage should decrease as rheostat is turned counterclockwise. If no voltage is present or voltage has a sudden drop before rheostat has been turned full counterclockwise. replace rheostat. Lamp burned out. 5. Test lamp with ohmmeter or new lamp. Replace lamp. Defective transistor or open short circuits between transistor and heat sink. 6. Check for opens or shorts at transistor sockets or between transistor and its heat sink. Heat sink should not ground transistor. If light will not dim, check transistor. Defective or partially shorted transistor can burn out rheostat. Replacement rheostats will continue to burn out until transistor problem is corrected. Replace transistor or insulator as required. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CONTROL WHEEL MAP LIGHT WILL NOT LIGHT. Nav light switch turned off. 1. Nav light switch has to be ON before map light will light. Short circuit in wiring. 2. Check lamp fuse on terminal board located on back of stationary panel with ohmmeter. If fuse is open. proceed to Step 3. If fuse is ok. proceed to Step 4. Defective wiring. 3. Test circuit until short is located. Repair or replace wiring. 4. Test for open circuit. Repair or replace wiring. If a short or open circuit is not found, proceed to Step 5. Defective map light assembly. 5. Check voltage at map light assembly with master and nav switches on. If battery voltage is present. replace map light assembly. Revision 1 16-34./(16-34B blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL . 16-51 LANDING AND TAXI LIGHT (THRU 1528584. A1521024, Fl5201943, and FA1520387). 16-52. DESCRIPTION. The landing and taxi light is mounted in the lower half of the engine cowl. This position facilitates the use of one lamp or both a landing and taxi light. A light cover provides weather protection for the lamp. The landing and taxi light is controlled by a rocker type switch located on the instrument panel A circuit breaker is used to protect the landing and taxi light circuit. NOTE With the aircraft parked 3 feet from a wall or any suitable light reflecting surface (3 feet as measured between landing light and wall), and with nose gear shock strut extended 2 inches, the center of the landing light beam on the wall should be 30-7/8 inches above the floor. Adjustment screws (7) are used for this adjustment. be sure screws (8) are tight after adjustment is made. 16-53. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 16-6). a. Remove screws (8) and remove bracket (1). b. Pull lamp (2) forward and disconnect electrical leads, the remove lamp and gasket (3). c. To install, place gasket (3) in position. d. Connect electrical leads to lamp (2) and place in position securing with bracket (1) and screws (8). AND TAXI LIGHTS (THRU 15285834, A1521024, F15201943, and 16-54. DUAL LANDING FA1520387). 16-55. DESCRIPTION. The landing and taxi lights are mounted in the nose cap of the lower half of the engine cowl. The left lamp is used for taxiing and the right for landing. The lamps are controlled by a dual switch assembly with individual operating rocker type switches located on the instrument panel. NOTE With the aircraft parked 3 feet from a wall or any suitable light reflecting surface (3 feet as measured between landing light and wall), and with nose gear shock strut extended 2 inches, the center of the landing light beam. (right hand) on the wall should be 29-5/8 inches above the floor. The center of the taxi light beam. (left hand) on the wall should be 31-3/8 inches above the floor. Adjustment screws (7) are used for this adjustment, be sure screws (8) are tight after adjustment is made. 16-56. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 16-6). Either lamp may be removed by using procedure outlined in paragraph 16-51. 16-35 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-56A. LANDING AND TAXILIGHTS (WING MOUNTED). (BEGINNING WITH 15283835. A1521025. F15201944 AND FA1520388.) 16-56B. DESCRIPTION This landing and taxi lights are mounted in the leading edge of the left wing. A clear plastic lens and retainer, formedto the curvature of the wing leading edge, provides weather protectionfor the lamps. The outboard lamp is used for taxi and the inboard lamp for landing. A shield is installd on the inboard side of the taxi light to prevent glare. A dual rocket switch assembly on the instrument panel controlsthe lamps. One switch is for landing and the other for taxi. Power for the lights provide from the main busbar through a 20-amp circuit breaker. 16-56C. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION See Figure16-6). a. b. Remove screws securing lens retainer (2) and remove lensand retainer assembly. Remove screws(3) securing brackets(4). o. Pull lamp (5) forward and disconnect electrial leads (8) and remove lamps. NOTE If plates(7) are not removed it is not necessary to adjust lights after installation d. Plates (7) may be removed by removing screws (6) and springs (9). e. Install springs (9) and plates (7) using screws (6). . Connect electrical leads (8) to lamps (5). then position lamps (5) in plates (7) and install brackets (4) using screws (3). g. If plates(7) were removed, adjust light in accordance with figure 16-6A. h. Install lensand retainer assembly 16-57. NAVIGATION LIGHTS. 16-58. DESCRIPTION. The navigation lights are attached to the wing tips and the aft end of the vertical fin tip. The lamps are controlled by a rocker type switch located on the instrument panel. A circuit breaker is installed to protect the circuit. 16-36 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL \ 8 2. Lamp 3. Gasket 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Plate Nosecap Support Bracket Assy Adjustment Screw Screw F15201943, AND FA1520387. Figure 16-6. Landing and Taxi Light Installation (Sheet 1 of 3) MODEL 162 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 5 A Detail A THRU 15285834, A1521024, F15201943, AND FA1520387. 8 (Sheet 2 of 3) Figure 16-6 Landing and Taxi Light Installation 16-36B MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 10 A Detail BEGINNING WITH 15285835, A1521025, F15201944. AND FA1520388. Figure 16-6. 2. Lens Retainer 3. Screw 4.5 Bracket Lamp 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Screw Plate Leads Electrical Spring Shield Landing and Taxi Light Installaton (Sheet 3 of 3) 16-37 A\ viEW A-A 16-38 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-59. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. For removal and installation of the navigation lights, see figure 16-7. 16-60. ANTI-COLLISION STROBE LIGHTS. 16-61. DESCRIPTION. A white strobe light may be installed on each wing tip with the navigation lights. Strobe lights are vibration resistant and operate on the principle of a capacitor discharge into a xenon tube, producing an extremely high intensity flash. Energy is supplied to the lights from individual power suppliesmounted on each wing tip rib. 16-62. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. For removal and installation of strobe light and power supply, see figure 16-7. WARNING The anti-collision system is a high voltage device. Do not remove or touch tube assembly while n operation. Wait at least 5 minutes after turning off power before starting work. 16-63. FLASHING BEACON. 16-64. DESCRIPTION. The flashing beacon light is attached to the vertical fin tip. The lamp is iodine-vapor electrically switched by a solid-state flasher assembly The flasher assembly is mounted in the aft section of the tailcone. The switching frequency of the flasher assembly operates the lamp at approximately 45 flashes per minute. A 1.5 ohm, 75 watt resistor is installed to eliminate a pulsing effect on the cabin lighting and ammeter 16-63. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 16-8 CAUTION When inserting lamp into socket always use handkerchief or tissue to prevent getting fingerprints on the lamp. Fingerprints on the lamp may shorten life of the lamp. 16-66. INSTRUMENT AND DOME LIGHTS. 16-67. DESCRIPTION. The instrument flood light and dome light are installed in the overhead console. The dome light consists of a frosted lens and a single bulb controlled by a rocker switch on the instrument panel. The instrument flood light consists of a red lens and a single bulb controlled by a rheostat switch located on the instrument panel below the pilots control wheel. 16-68. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 16-9). 16-69. INSTRUMENT 16-70. DESCRIPTION. Individual post lighting may be installed to provide non-glare instrument lighting. The post light consists of a cap and a clear lamp assembly with a tinted lens which fits into a socket bonded to the decorative panel covers. The intensity of the post lights is controlled by the instrument light-dimming rheostat on the instrument panel. POST LIGHTING. 16-38A/(16-38B blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL A B 12 1. Electrical Leads 2. 17 8 Mount Bracket 5. Lamp 6. Lens 7. Lens Retainer 8. Screw 9. Cap 10. Washer 11. Insulated Washer 12. Spring 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Insulator Wing Tip Socket Flash Tube Assembly Gasket Seal 8 7 Figure 16-7. Navigation and Anti-Collision Strobe Lights Installation (Sheet 1 of 2) 16-39 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL x 19. Wing Tip Rib 20. 21. 22. 23. Power Supply Screw Electrical Leads Ground Wire 22 21 Detail C Figure 16-7. Navigation and Anti-Collision Strobe Lights Installation (Sheet 2 of 2) 16-40 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL A 10 14 11. 5. 6. 4 2. 3. Screw Plate - Mounting Socket Assembly Gasket Lamp Clamp Assembly 15. Ground Wire 16. Resistor 17. Flasher Assembly 12. HousingPlug- Fin 13. 14. Housing-Cap Grommet Plate - Mounting Socket Assembly Shield Plate Assy - Mounting Nutplate 16. Resistor 17. Flasher Assembly 18. Bulkhead - Tailcone 19. Nut 20. Inspection Plate 4. Detail A 15 - 1. Dome 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Tip AssemBbly - Fin Figure 16-8. Flashing Beacon Light Installation (Sheet 1 of 3) 16-41 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 18 Detail 19 B 16 20 Detal C Figure 164. Flashing Beacon Light Installation (Sheet 2 of 3) 16-42 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 3 7 NOTE When installing lamp be sure socket assembly is installed in mounting plate so lamp may be installed with filament perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft. Figure 16-8. Flashing Beacon Light Installation (Sheet 3 of 3) 16-43 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 8. 5 3 4 Screw 1 10 * BEGINNING WITH 1979 MODELS 9. 10. 11. Socket (Instrument Light) Plate Reflector 12. Socket (Dome Light) 13. Lamp (Dome Light) 1. Spacer 17 15. 16. 17. 18. Cover Plug Button Adjustment Shield Switch Figure 16-9. Instrument and Dome Light Console Installation 16-44 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1. 2. 5 Mounting Mounting Bracket Screw 4 Detail 5.A 6. Washer Screw 1. Mounting Bracket 2. Mounting Screw 3. Heat Sink 5. 6. 7. Washer Screw Transistor 4. 8. Insulator Connector 16-45 Figure 16-10. Transistorized Light Dimming Installation 16-45 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTE When Installing postlight assemblies shall be coated with RTV-102 General Electric, Waterford, New York, on forward side of panel where postlight could come in contact with sheet metal subpanel This coating shall insulate postlight assembly from contact with airplane structure. Maximum coating thickness to be .03. 16-71. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. For removal and installation of post lamp. slide the cap and lens assembly from the soket. Slide the lamp from the cap assembly. 16-71A. TROUBLE SHOOTING - TROUBLE LAMP WILL NOT LIGHT. POSTLIGHTING PROBABLE CAUSE Defective lamp. REMEDY 1. Test lamp with ohmmeter or replace with a new lamp. If lamp is OK, proceed to step 2. ONE SECTION OF LAMPS WILL NOT LIGHT. Defective socket or open circuit. 2. Witch switch on, test socket. If Replace socket or wiring. Defective connector. 1. Test for voltage on lamp side of connector. If voltage is not present, check opposite side of connector. If voltage is present, replace pins and sockets necessary. If voltage is not present check connections at terminal block. Defective circuit in dimming 2. Refer to paragraph 16-71B. assembly. Defective rheostat. 3. Check voltage at output side of rheostat with battery switch on. Should read battery voltage with rheostat turned full clockwise. Voltage should decrease as rheostat is turned counterclockwise. If no voltage is present or voltage has a sudden drop before rheostat has been turned full counterclockwise replace rheostat. 16-46 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-71A. TROUBLE SHOOTING - POSTLGHTING. (Cont). TROUBLE ALL LAMPS OUT. PROBABLE CAUSE Open circuit breaker. REMEDY 1. With battery switch on, check circuit breaker. Reset if open. If circuit breaker is set, check voltage at output side of breaker. If no voltage is present replace circuit breaker. LAMPS WILL NOT DIM. Defective resistor or rheosat. 1. Check resistor and rheostat for continuity and resistance value. Also, check transistors for partial short Refer to paragraph 16-71B. Replace rheostat and transistor. 16-71B. TROUBLE SHOOTING - TRANSISTOR HEAT SINK. Remove heat sink from airplane. Check transistors for opens and shorts, check transistor sockets for evidence of shorting out against heat sink, especially on the bottom side. Check that legs of transistor socket have not been bent up against heat sink. If this has happened, you may see burned spot on the socket leg. If the transistor sockets and wiring appear to be in good condition, install transistor back in heat sink and make a continuity check. Attach one lead of an ohmeter to the heat sink then check every pin of the pigtail plug with the other lead for continuity. (These should not be continuity). If continuity is found, this will burn out transistors immediately. 16-72. TRANSISTORIZED LIGHT DIMMING 16-73. DESCRIPTION. A remotely located, two-circuit transistorized dimming assembly is installed to control instrument lighting. One circuit controls the compass light, map light and instrument flood lights. The other circuit controls radio lighting. A concentric knob arrangement on a dual rheostat assembly mounted on the instrument panel. 16-74. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 16-10.) 16-74A. TROUBLE SHOOTING - SEAT SINK. Refer to paragraph 16-71A. 16-75. COMPASS AND RADIO DIAL LIGHTING. 16-76. DESCRIPTION. The compass and radio dial lighting are contained within the individual units. The lighting intensity is controlled by a concentric knob arrangement on a dual rheostat assembly mounted on the instrument panel. 16-77. CONTROL WHEEL MAP LIGHT. 16-78. DESCRIPTION. The control wheel map light is mounted on the lower side of the control wheel. Light intensity is controlled by a thumb operated rheostat. For dimming the rheostat should be turned clockwise. 16-46A MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-79. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 16-11.) (THRU 15285634 AND A1521019.) a. For easy access to the map light assembly, rotate the control wheel 90°. b. Remove screw (9). spacers(8) and shield (10). c. Remove screws (7), inserts (11) and shield (12). d. Label the map light wires at the terminal block, then remove screws securing wires to terminal blok. e. For reasembly reverse the preceding steps. 16-79A. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (ee figure 16-11.) (BEGINNING WITH 13285635 AND A1521020.) a. For easy access to the map light assembly, rotate the control wheel 90 ° . b. To remove lamp press in and rotate counterclockwise o. Loosen setscrewz(12) and remove knob (11). d. To remove rheostat remove screws securing bracket (9). e. Disconnect electrical leads from rheostat (7). f. For reassembly reverse this procedure. 16-80. MAP LIGHT. 16-81. DESCRIPTION White map lightng and red non-glare instrument lighting are provided by an adjustable light mounted on the upper forward part of the left door post. The switch is a three position type with red, white and off positions. The map light contains a white bulb for general purpose lighting and a red bulb for adjustable instrument lghting. The intensity of the red bulb is controlled by the dimming rheostat on the lower left side of the instrument panel 16-82. 16-46B REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 16-12.) For replacement of defective lamp slide the hood and lens from the map light assembly. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL ITEMS 5. 6. AND 7 ARE USED ONLY WHEN MAP LIGHT IS NOT INSTALLED. 2 15 13 Detail 16 18 3 7 17 A 1. 2. 3. 13. 4. 5. 6. Stationary Panel Assembly Control Wheel Assembly Spacer Clamp Map Light Assembly Terminal Block Cover 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Screw Spacer Screw Shield Insert Cover Clamp Cable Assembly Grommet Nut Fuse Lock Washer Lamp Rheostat 19 4 20 THRU 15285634 AND A1521019. Figure 16-11. Control Wheel Map Light Installation (Sheet 1 of 2) 16-47 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 6 11 3. BEGINNING WITH 15285635 AND A1521020. Insert 4. Map Light Assembly 5. Screw 6. Pad 7. Rheostat 8. Insert 9. Bracket 10. Screw 11. Knob 12. Setscrew 13. Screw 14. Washer 15. Cable Assembly 16. Grommet 17. Clamp 18. Fuse 19. Spacer 20. Washer 21. Nut Figure 16-11. Control Wheel Map Light Installation (Sheet 2 of 2) 1648 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL * BEGINNING WITH 1980 MODELS 013 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Nut Washer Switch Doorpost Shield Grommet Screw Housing Socket Lamp Expander Tube 11. Lens 12. 13. Hood Insulator 1 6 11 12 BEGINNING WITH 1979 MODELS Figure 16-11A. Map Light Intallation 16-48A/(16-48B blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Detail A 1. Electrical Leads 2. Pitot Tube 3. Heating Element 16-12. Heated Pitot Installation 16-49 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL b. c. d. e. f. Remove lamp from socket and install new lamp. For removal of the map light assembly, remove screws securing door post shield. Detach leads at the quick disconnect fasteners. Disconnect ground wire. Remove nut and washer securing map light assembly to door post shield. 16-83. PITOT HEATER. 16-84. DESCRIPTION. An electrical heater unit may be installed in the pitot tube. The heater offsets the possibility of ice formation on the pitot tube. The heater is integrally mounted in the pitot tube and is operated by a rocker switch on the instrument panel. 16-85. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION. (See figure 16.12.) 18-86. CIGAR LIGHTER. 16-87. DESCRIPTION. Thru 15285162 F15201894. A1520984. and FA1520378. the cigar lighter is mounted on the instrument panel below the pilots control wheel A 7.5 amp inline fuse is installed to protect the wire from the cigar lighter to the ammeter. 4 1. 2. 3. 4. Decorative Cover Screw Instrument Panel Clock Figure 16-12A. Digital Clock Installation 16-50 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-88. CLOCK. 16-89. DESCRIPTION. Thru 1978 Models an electric clock may be installed in the aircraft. During the 1979 Models a digital clock may be installed. The digital clock has the capability of date and second readout as well as time Both clocks are installed in the instrument panel in the same manner. Refer to Pilot's Operating Handbook for operating instructions. Refer to figure 16-12A. 16-90. 16-91. EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER. DESCRIPTION. The ELT is a self-contained, solid-state unit, having its own power supply, with an externally mounted antenna. The unit is mounted in the tailconeaft of the baggage curtain on the right-hand side. The transmitters are designed to provide a broadcast tone that is audio-modulted in a swept manner over the range of 1600 to 300 Hz in a distinct, easily ognizable distress sigal for reception by search and rescue personnel and others monitoring the emergency frequencies. The ELT exhibits line-of-sight transmission characteristics which correspond approximately to 100 miles at a search altitude of 10,000 feet. The C589511-0103 transmitter, and the C589511-0104 transmitter on aircraft with Canadian registry, are used thru 15282031, A1520808, P15201528, and FA1520347. The C589511-0117 transmitter, and the C589511-0113 transmitter on aircraft with Canadian registry, are used 15282032 thru 15285696, A1520809 thru A1521019, F15201529 thru F15201928, and FA1520348 thru FA120382. Beginning with 15285397, A1521020, F15201929, and FA1520383, the C589512-0103 transmitter is used on all aircraft. The C589511-0104 transmits on 121.5 MHz at 25 mw rated power output for 100 continuous hours in the temperaturerange of -40' to + 131"F -40 C to + 55°). The C589511-0113 transmits on 121.5 MHz at 25 mw rated power output for 100 continuous hours in the temperature range of -4F to + 131 F (-20°C to + 55C). The C589511-0103 transmits on 121.5 and 243.0 MHz simultaneously at 5 mw rated power output for 48 continuous hours in the temperature range of -40F to + 131F (40°C to + 55°C).The C589511-0117 and C5895120103 transmits on 121.5 and 343.0 MHz at 75 mw rated power output for 48 continuous hours in the temperature range of -4F to + 131F (-20C to + 55C). Power is supplied to the transmitter by a battery-pack.The C589511-0104 and C5895110103 ELT's equipped with a lithium battery-pack must be modified by SK185-20 as outlined batteryin Avionics Service Letter AV78-31, dated 20 November 1981, to incorporate alkaline packs. The C589511-0114 alkaline battery-packs have the service life of the battery-pck stamped on the battery-pack, on the end of the transmitter below the switch and on top of the trasmitter. The C589512-0107 alkaline battery-packs have the replacement date and date of Installatin on the battery-pack and the replacement date on the top of the transmitter. 16-92. OPERATION. A three position switch on the forward end of the unit controls operation. Placing the switch in the ON position will energize the unit to start transmitting emergency signals. In the OFF position, the unit is inoperative. Placing the switch in the ARM position will set the unit to start transmitting emergency signals only after the unit has received a 5g (tolerances are +2g and -Og) impact force, for a duration of 11-16 milliseconds. CAUTION Do not leave the emergency locator transmitter in the ON position longer than 1 second (3 sweeps of the warble tone) or you may activate downed aircraft procedures by C.A.P., D.O.T. or F.A.A. personnel. 16-51 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 16-93. CHECKOUT INTERVAL. 100 HOURS OR THREE MONTHS, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. a. Turn aircraft master switch ON. b. c. Turn aircraft transeiver ON and set frequency on receiver to 121.5 Mhz. Remove the ELTs antenna cable from the ELT unit. d. Place the ELs function selector switch in the ON position for 5 seconds or less. Immediately replace the ELT function selector switch in the ARM position after testing ELT. Test should be conducted only within the time period made up of the first five min- e. utes after any hour. CAUTION Tests with the antenna connected should be approved and confirmed by the nearest control tower. The FAA/DOT allows free space trasmission tests from the aircraft any time within five minutes after each hour. The test time alloweds generally three sweps of the warble tone, or approximately a one-seond test. The control tower should be notified that a test is about to be performed NOTE Without its antenna connected the ELT will produce sufficient signal to reach your receiver, yet it will not disturb other communications or damage output circui- try. CAUTION Ensure that the direction of flight arrows (placarded on the transmitter) are pointing towards the nose of the aircraft. 16-94. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF ANTENNA. (See figure 16-13.) a. Disconnect co-axial cable from base of antenna. b. Remove the nut and lockwasher attaching the antenna base to the fuselage and the antenna will be free for removal c. To reinstall the antenna, reverse the preceding steps. NOTE After accumulated test or operation time equals 1 hour. battery-pack replacement is required. f. 16-95. 16-52 Check calendar date for replacement of battery-pack. This date is supplied on a sticker attached to the outside of the ELT case and to each battery. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF TRANSMITTER. (See figure 16-13.) a. Remove baggage curtain to gain access to the transmitter and antenna. b. Disconnect co-axial cable from end of transmitter. c. Remove the two #10 screws from the baseplate of the ELT and remove ELT. d. To reinstall transmitter. reverse preceding steps. Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL PLACARD LOCATED ON UPPER R.H. CORNER OF BAGGAGE CURTAIN DetailD THRU 15282031, A1520808, F15201528 AND FA1720347 1. Cabin Skin 2. Bracket 3. Transmitter 4. Cover 5. Screw 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Arm Switch Co-axial Cable Rubber Washer Rubber Boot Antenna 6. Battery Pack 12. Doubler 6 Detail C ROTATED 180° Figure 16-13 Emergency Locator TransmitterInstallation (Sheet 1 of 3) 16-53 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL .. CORNER OF BAGGAGE CURTAIN .. * *1THRU 2- 15283833 15288032 THRU 15285696 A1520809 THRU A1521019 F15201529 THRU F15201928 2* AND FA1520348 THRU FA1520382. * BEGINNING WTH 15283834. A1520898, F15201784 Detail ROTATED 180° Figure 16-13. Emergency Locator Transmitter Installation (Sheet 2 of 3) 16-54 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL PLACARD LOCATED ON-UPPER CORNER OF BAGGAGE CURTAIN A Detail A BEGINNING WITH 15285697, A1721020, F15201929 AND FA1520383 ELT IS LOCATED BEHIND THIS SURFACE PLACARD LOCATED ON RIGHT HAND SIDE OF TAILCONE ADJACENT TO ELT. ON CANADIAN AIRCRAFT. Detail C ROTATED 180 ° Figure 16-13. Emergency Locator Transmitter Installation (Sheet 3 of 3) 16-55 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CAUTION The C589511-0111 and C589511-0119 co-axial cable must be installed as indicated on the cable sleeve. Cable end marked "TO ANT" must be connected to the ELT antenna, and the end marked "TO ELT' must be connected to the C589511-0113/-0117 and C589511-0103/-0104 transmitters. NOTE Upon reinstallation of antenna, cement rubber boot (10) using RTV102, General Electric Co. or equivalent adhesive, to antenna whip only; do not apply adhesive to fuselage skin or damage to paint may result. 16-96. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF BATTERY PACK. (See figure 16-14). NOTE Transmitters equipped with the C589511-0105 or C589511-0106 battery packs can only be replaced with C589511-0114 after modification by SK185-20 has been completed. CAUTION Lithium battery pack must be replaced with alkaline battery pack per SK185-20. WARNING Only Dome and Margolin (D&M) ELT battery packs should be used as replacements in D&M ELTs. Use of inferior substitute battery packs could jeopardize crash victim's lives. a. After transmitter has been removed from aircraft in accordance with paragraph 16-95, place transmitter switch in the OFF position. b. Remove four screws attaching cover to case and then remove cover to gain access to battery pack. c. Disconnect battery pack electrical connector and remove battery pack. d. Place new battery pack in transmitter with four batteries in case as shown in figure 16-14. e. Connect electrical connector as shown in figure 16-14. NOTE Before installing the battery pack, check to ensure that its voltage is 7.5 volts or greater. f. Replace the transmitter baseplate on the unit and pressing the baseplate and unit together attach baseplate with four Nylok patch screws. g. Stamp the new replacement date on outside of the ELT. The date should be noted on the switching nameplate on the side of unit as well as on instruction nameplate on top of unit. WARNING The battery pack has pressurized contents. Do not recharge, short circuit, compact, or dispose of in fire. 16-56 Revision 1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL C589511-0103 TRANSMIITER C589511-0104 TRANSMITTER (CANADIAN) C589511-0105 BATTERY PACK C589511-0106 BATTERY PACK (CANADIAN) C589511-0117 TRANSMITTER C589511-0113 TRANSMITTER (CANADIAN) /-C589511-0114 DOMESTIC & CANADIAN Figure 16-14. Battery Pack Installation 16-57 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CAUTION Be sure to enter the new battery-pack expiration date in the aircraft records. It is also recommended this date be placed in your ELT Owner's Manual for quick reference. 16-97. TROUBLE SHOOTING. Should your Emergency Locating Transmitter fail the 100 Hours performance checks, it is possible to a limited degree to isolate the fault to a particular area of the equipment. In performing the following trouble shooting procedures to test peak effective radiated power, you will be able to determine if battery replacement is necessary or if your unit should be returned to your dealer for repair. TROUBLE *POWER LOW PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Low battery voltage. 1. Set toggle switch to off. 2. Disconnect the batterypack from the transmitter and connect a Simpson 260 model voltmeter and measure voltage. If the batterypack transmitters is 7.5 volts or less. the batterypack is below specification. Faulty transmitter. 3. If the battery-pack voltage meets the specifications in Step 2. the battery-pack is ok. If the battery is ok. check the transmitter as follows: a. Reconnect battery pack to the transmitter. b. By means of E. F. Johnson 105-0303-001 jackplugs and 3 inch maximum long leads. connect a Simpson Model 1223 ammeter to the jack. c. Set the toggle switch to AUTO and observe the ammeter current drain. If the current drain is in the 15-25 ma range. the transmitter or the co-axial cable is faulty. Faulty co-axial antenna cable. 4. Check co-axial antenna cable for high resistance joints. If this is found to be the case, the cable should be replaced. 'This test should be carried out with the co-axial cable provided with your unit. 16-58 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL ELECTRICAL LOAD ANALYSIS CHART ALL MODELS STANDARD EQUIPMENT (Running Load) AMPS REQD 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Battery Contactor ............................................. Fuel Indicators .................................................. Flashing Beacon Light ...................................... 6.0 Instrument Lights ............................................ 6 Position Lights ................................................. 2.5 Turn Coordinator ............................................ 0.3 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT (Running Load) Post Lights .................................................... Heated Pitot ..................................................... Strobe Lights ................................................... Cessna 300 Nav/Com (RT-385A) ........................ Cessna 300 ADF (Type R-546E) ......................... Cessna 300 Transceiver (Type RT-385A) ............ Cessna 300 Transponder (Type RT-359A) .......... Cessna 300 N(C (ARC Type RT-328T) ................ Cessna 400 Glide Slope (Type R-443B) (40-Channel) ..................... Cessna 400 Marker Beacon (Type R-402A or R-402B) ......................... Cessna 400 Encoding Altimeter (Type EA-401A) ....................................... Cessna 400 Transponder (RT-459A) .................. Altitude Encoder (Blind) ................................... Turn & Bank Indicator ..................................... Interphone System ............................. ........... Avionics Fan .................................................... ITEMS NOT CONSIDERED PART OF RUNNING LOAD Cigar Lighter ................................................... Clock ............................................................... Dom e Light ...................................................... Flap Motor ........................................ Landing Lights (Cowl Mounted) ........................ Landing and Taxi Lights (Dual Cowl Mounted) .. Landing Light (Wing-Mounted) ........................ Taxi Light (Wing-Mounted) .............................. Map Light on Control Wheel ............................. Map Light on Door Post .................................... Standby Vacuum Pump .................................... 6.0 0. 2.5 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.1 6.0 6.0 0.6 0.6 2.5 2.5 0.3 0.3 2.9 3.0 2.9 3.0 2.9 3.0 0.6 2.9 3.0 1.0 1.0' 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0' 2.0 1.0 1.0' 2.0 1.0 1.0' 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 2.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 2.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 2.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 2.0 0.1 0.2 t 0.1 2.0 0.1 0.2 t 0.1 2.0 0.1 0.2 t 0.6 0.1 2.0 0.1 0.2 0.2 8.5 8.9 7.2 8.9 8.9 0.1 0.2 0.2 1.8 0.5 0.5 0.1 6.0 0.6 2.5 0.3 0.5 0. 1 6.0 0.6 2.5 0.3 0.5 0.1 6.0 0.6 2.5 0.3 0.5 0.1 7.0 0.6 2.5 0.3 0. 2.9 3.0 1.0* 1.0 0. 2.9 3.0 1.0 1.0 0.6 2.9 3.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 2.9 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7.0 t 0.2 8.5 8.9 7.2 0.1 7.0 t 0.2 8.5 8.9 7.2 0.1 0.2 7.0 t 0.2 8.5 8.9 7.2 0.1 0.2 7.0 t 0.2 8.5 8.9 7.2 0.1 0.2 t 0.2 8.5 8.9 7.2 0.1 0.2 t 0.2 8.5 8.9 7.2 0.1 0.2 1.0 8.9 8.9 0.1 0.2 13.0 t Negligible. * 2.3 AMPS for XMIT. 16-59/(16-60 blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 17 STRUCTURAL REPAIR Page No. Aerofiche/ Mannual TABLE OF CONTENTS STRUCTURAL REPAIR ........ Repair Criteria ............ Equipment and Tools ........ Support Stands ........... Fuselage Repair Jigs ...... Wing Jigs ............. Wing Twist and Stabilizer Angle-of-Incidence .......... Repair Materials ........... Wing ................... Description ............. Wing Skin .............. Negligible Damage ...... Repairable Damage ...... Damage Necessitating Replacement of Parts .... WingStringers .......... Negligible Damage ...... Repairable Damage ...... Damage Necessitating Replacement of Parts ..... Wing Auxiliary Spars ...... Negligible Damage ...... Repairable Damage ...... Damage Necessitating Replacement of Parts .... 2012/17-2 212/17-2 212/17-2 212/17-2 2G12/17-2 2012/17-2 Wing Leading Edge ....... Negligible Damage ...... Repairable Damage ...... Damage Necessitating Replacement of Parts .... Elevaors and Rudder ....... Negligible Damage ........ 2012/17-2 Repairable Damage ........ 212/17-2 Damage Necesitating 20117-3Replacement of Part ...... 2013/17-3 Elevator and Rudder 2013/17-3 Balancing ............. 2013/17-3 Fin and Stabilizer .......... 2G13/17-3 Negligible Damage ........ Repairable Damage ........ 2G13/17-3 2013/17-3 2013/17-3 2G13/17-3Description 2G14/174 2G14/17-4 214/174 2G14/174 214/17-4 Wing Ribs .............. Negligible Damage ...... Repairable Damage ...... Damage Necessitating 2G14/17-4 2G14/17-4 2G14/17-4 Replacement of Parts 2G14/17-4 .... Wing Spars ............. Negligible Damage ...... Repairable Damage ...... Damage Necessitating 2G14/17-4 2G14/17-4 2G14/17-4 Replacement of Parts Ailerons ................ 214/17-4 2G14/17-4 .... Negligible Damage ...... Repairable Damage ...... Damage Necessitating 2G15/17-5 2G15/17-5 2G15/17-5 2015/17-5 2015/17-5 2G15/17-5 2G16/17-6 2G16/17-6 2G16/17-6 Damage Necessitating Replacement of Parts ...... Fuselage .............. ............. Negligible Damage ........ Repairable Damage ........ Damage Necessitating Replacement of Parts ...... Bonded Doors ............. Repairable Damage ........ 2016/17-6 216/17-6 2G16/17-6 2016/17-6 217/17-7 217/17-7 217/17-7 2G17/17-7 Bulkheads ................ Landing ear Bulkheads Repair After Hard Landing .............. Firewall Damage ......... Fasteners 2G17/17-7 ... 2G17/17-7 2G17/17-7 2G17/17-7 ............... 2G17/17-7 Rivets ................. Replacement of High Shear Rivets ........ Substitution of Rivets ...... 2G18/17-8 Engine Mount ............. Description ............. 2G14/174 2014/174 General Considerations ..... Engine Mount Radial Support Damage ......... .... 2G14/17-4 Damage to Engine Mounting Aileron Balancing ....... Wing Flaps ............. Negligible Damage ...... Repairable Damage ...... Damage Necessitating Replacement of Parts .... 2G15/17-5 2G15/17-5 2015/17-5 2G15/17-5 Lugs and Mount to Fuselage Attach Fittings ... Baffles .................. Engine Cowling ............ Repair of Cowling Skins Replacement of Parts 2G15/17-5 2G1/172G15/17-5 2G18/17-8 2G18/17-8 2G22/17-12 222/17-12 2G22/17-12 2G22/17-12 2G22/17-12 2G22/17-12 2G22/17-12 2G22/17-12 2015/17-5 17-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Repair of Reinforcement Corrosion and Corrosion Angles ................ 222/17-12 Repair of Glass-Fiber Constructed Component Control ................. Balancing ... Procedure 2G22/17-12 ....... 2H1/17-15 2G22/17-12 17-1. STRUCTURAL REPAIR. 17-2. REPAIR CRITERIA. Although this section outlines repair permissible on structure of the aircraft, the decision of whether to repair or replace a major unit of structure will be influenced by such factors as time and labor available, and by a comparison of labor costs with the price of replacement assemblies. Past experience indicates that replacement. in many cases, is less costly than major repair. Certainly. when the aircraft must be restored to its airworthy condition in a limited length of time, replacement is preferable. Restoration of a damaged aircraft to its original design strength. shape, and alignment involves careful evaluation of the damage, followed by exacting workmanship in performing the repairs. This section suggests the extent of structural repair practicable on the aircraft, and supplements Federal Aviation Regulation. Part 43. Consult the factory when in doubt about a repair not specifically mentioned here. 17-3. EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS. 17-4. SUPPORT STANDS. Padded, reinforced sawhorse or tripod type support stands. sturdy enough to support any assembly placed upon them, must be used to store a removed wing or tailcone. Plans for local fabrication of support stands are contained in figure 17-1. The fuselage assembly, from the tailcone to the firewall, must NOT be supported from the underside, since the skin bulkheads are not designed for this purpose. Adapt support stands to fasten to the wing attach points or landing gear attach points when supporting a fuselage. 17-5. FUSELAGE REPAIR JIGS. Whenever a repair is to be made which could affect structural alignment, suitable jigs must be used to assure correct alignment of major attach points. such as fuselage, firewall, wing and landing gear. These fuselage repair jigs are obtainable from the factory. 17-6. WING JIGS. These jigs serve as a holding fixture during extensive repair of a damaged wing. and locates the root rib, leading edge and tip rib of the wing. These jigs are also obtainable from the factory. 17-7. WING TWIST AND STABILIZER ANGLE-OF-INCIDENCE. 17-8. Wing twist (washout) and horizontal stabilizer angle of incidence are shown below. Stabilizers do not have twist. Wings have no twist from the root to the lift strut station. All twist in the wing panel occurs between this station and the tip rib. Refer to figure 17-2 for wing twist measurement. WING Twist (Washout) 17-9. 17-2 1° STABILIZER Angle of Incidence -3 ° REPAIR MATERIALS. Thickness of a material on which a repair is to be made can easily be determined by measuring with a micrometer. In general, material used in Cessna aircraft covered in this manual is made from 2024 aluminum alloy, heat treated to a -T3. -T4. or -T42 condition. If the type of material cannot readily be determined, 2024-T3 may be used in making repairs. since the strength of -T3 is greater than -T4 or -T42 (-T4 and-T42 may be used interchangeably, but they may not be substituted for -TC). When necessary to form a part MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL with a smaller bend radius than the standard cold bending radius for 2024-T4. use 2024-0 and heat treat to 2024-T42 after forming. The repair material used in making a repair must equal the gauge of the material being replaced unless otherwise noted. It is often practical to cut repair pieces from service parts listed in the Parts Catalog. A few components (empennage tips. for example) are fabricated from thermo-formed plastic or glass-fiber constructed material. 17-10. WING. 17-11. DESCRIPTION. The wing assemblies are a semicantilever type employing semimoncoque type of structure. Basically, the internal structure consists of built-up front and rear spar assemblies, a formed auxiliary spar assembly and formed sheet metal nose. intermediate. and trailing edge ribs. Stressed skin, riveted to the rib and spar structures, completes the rigid structure. Access openings (hand holes with removable cover plates) are located in the underside of the wing between the wing root and tip section. These openings afford access to aileron bellcranks. flap bellcranks. electrical wiring, strut attach fittings, control cables and pulleys, and control disconnect points. 17-12. WING SKIN. 17-13. NEGLIGIBLE DAMAGE. Any smooth dents in the wing skin that are free from cracks. abrasions and sharp corners, which are not stress wrinkles and do not interfere with any internal structure or mechanism, may be considered as negligible damage. In areas of low stress intensity, cracks, deep scratches, or deep. sharp dents, which after trimming or stopdrilling can be enclosed by a two-inch circle, can be considered negligible if the damage area is at least one diameter of the enclosing circle away from all existing rivet lines and material edges. Stop drilling is considered a temporary repair and a permanent repair must be made as soon as practicable. 17-14. REPAIRABLE DAMAGE. Figure 17-4 outlines typical repair to be employed in patching skin. Before installing a patch, trim the damaged area to form a retangular pattern, leaving at least a one-half inch radius at each corner, and de-burr. The sides of the hole should lie span-wise or chord-wise. A circular patch may also be used. If the patch is in an area where flush rivets are used, make a flush patch type of repair: if in an area where flush rivets are not used. make an overlapping type of repair. Where optimum appearance and airflow are desired, the flush patch may be used. Careful workmanship will eliminate gaps at buttjoints; however. an epoxy type filler may be used at such joints. 17-15. DAMAGE NECESSITATING REPLACEMENT OF PARTS. If a skin is badly damaged. repair must be made by replacing an entire skin panel. from one structural member to the next. Repair seams must be made to lie along structural members and each seam must be made exactly the same in regard to rivet size, spacing and pattern as the manufactured seams at the edges of the original sheet. If the manufactured seams are different, the stronger must be copied. If the repair ends at a structural member where no seam is used. enough repair panel must be used to allow an extra row of staggered rivets, with sufficient edge margin, to be installed. 17-16. WING STRINGERS. 17-17. NEGLIGIBLE DAMAGE. (Refer to paragraph 17-13.) 17-18. REPAIRABLE DAMAGE. Figure 17-5 outlines a typical wing stringer repair. Two such repairs may be used to splice a new section of stringer material in position. without the filler material. 17-3 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 17-19. DAMAGE NECESSITATING REPLACEMENT OF PARTS. If a stringer is so badly damaged that more than one section must be spliced, replacement is recommended. 17-20. WING AUXILIARY SPARS. 17-21. NEGLIGIBLE DAMAGE. (Refer to paragraph 17-13.) 17-22. REPAIRABLE DAMAGE. Figure 17-8 illustrates a typical auxiliary spar repair. 17-23. DAMAGE NECESSITATING REPLACEMENT OF PARTS. If damage to an auxiliary spar would require a repair which could not be made between adjacent ribs. the auxiliary spar must be replaced. 17-24. WING RIBS. 17-25. NEGLIGIBLE DAMAGE. (Refer to paragraph 17-13.) 17-26. REPAIRABLE DAMAGE. Figure 17-6 illustrates a typical wing rib repair. 17-27. DAMAGE NECESSITATING REPLACEMENT OF PARTS. Leading and trailing edge ribs that are extensively damaged can be replaced. However, due to the necessity of unfastening an excessive amount of skin in order to replace the rib, they should be repaired if practicable. Center ribs, between the front and rear spar should always be repaired if practicable. 17-28. WING SPARS. 17-29. NEGLIGIBLE DAMAGE. Due to the stress which wing spars encounter. very little damage can be considered negligible. All cracks, stress wrinkles, deep scratches, and sharp dents must be repaired. Smooth dents, light scratches and abrasions may be considered negligible. 17-30. REPAIRABLE DAMAGE. Figure 17-7, illustrates typical spar repairs. It is often practical to cut repair pieces from service parts listed in the Parts Catalog. Service Kits are available for certain types of spar repairs. 17-31. DAMAGE NECESSITATING REPLACEMENT OF PARTS. Damage so extensive that repair is not practicable requires replacement of a complete wing spar. Also refer to paragraph 17-2. 17-32. AILERONS. 17-33. NEGLIGIBLE DAMAGE. (Refer to paragraph 17-13.) 17-34. REPAIRABLE DAMAGE. The repair shown in figure 17-9 may be used to repair damage to aileron leading edge skins. Figure 17-4 may be used to repair damage to flat surface between corrugations, when damaged area includes corrugations refer to figure 17-13A. It is recommended that material used for repair be cut from spare parts of the same gauge and corrugation spacing. Following repair the aileron must be balanced. Refer to paragraph 1736 and figure 17-3 for balancing the aileron. If damage would require a repair which could not be made between adjacent ribs, see the following paragraph. DAMAGE NECESSITATING REPLACEMENT OF PARTS. If the damage would require a repair which could not be made between adjacent ribs, complete skin panels must be replaced. Ribs and spars may be repaired, but replacement is generally preferable. Where extensive damage has occurred, replacement of the aileron assembly is recommended. After repair and/or replacement, balance aileron in accordance with paragraph 17-36 and figure 17-3. 17-35. 17-4 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 17-33A. CRACKS IN CORRUGATED AILERON SKINS (Continued from page 17-4) 1. It is permissible to stop drill crack(s) that originate at the trailing edge of the control surface provided the crack is not more than 2 inches in length. 2. Stop drill crack using a #30 (.128 inch) drill. 3. A crack may only be stop drilled once. NOTE: A crack that passes through a trailing edge rivet and does not extend to the trailing edge of the skin may be stop drilled at both ends of the crack. 4. Any control surface that has a crack that progresses past a stop drilled hole shall be repaired. Refer to paragraphs 17-33, -34, and -35 as applicable for repair information. 5. A control surface that has any of the following conditions shall have a repair made as soon as practicable: A. A crack that is longer than 2 inches. B. A crack that does not originate from the trailing edge or a trailing edge rivet. C. Cracks in more than six trailing edge rivet locations per skin. Refer to paragraphs 17-33, -34, and -35 as applicable for repair information. 6. Affected control surfaces with corrugated skins and having a stop drilled crack that does not extend past the stop drilled hole, may remain in service without additional repair. Temporary Revision Number 2 7 January 2000 17-4A MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL repair and/or replacement, balance aileron in accordance with paragraph 17-36 and figure 17-3. 17-36. AILERON BALANCING. Following repair, replacement or painting, the aileron must be balanced. A flight control surface balancing kit is available (P/N 5180002-1). See figure 17-3 for procedure pertaining to the use of this-kit. 17-37. WING FLAPS. 17-38. NEGLIGIBLE DAMAGE. (Refer to paragraph 17-13.) 17-39. REPAIRABLE DAMAGE. Flap repairs should be similar to aileron repairs discussed in paragraph 17-34. A flap leading edge repair is shown in figure 17-10. If an overlapping patch is to be used, be sure it will not interfere with the wing during flap operation. 17-40. DAMAGE NECESSITATING REPLACEMENT OF PARTS. Flap repairs which require replacment of parts should be similar to aileron repairs discussed in paragraph 17-35. Since the flap is not considered a movable control surface, no balancing is required. 17-41. WING LEADING EDGE. 17-42. NEGLIGIBLE DAMAGE. (Refer to paragraph 17-13.) 17-43. REPAIRABLE DAMAGE. A typical leading edge skin repair is shown in figure 17-9. An epoxy-type filler may be used to fill gaps at butt-joints. To facilitate repair, extra access holes may be installed in locations noted in fugure 17-11. If the damage would require a repair which could not be made between adjacent ribs, refer to the following paragraph. 17-44. DAMAGE NECESSITATING REPLACEMENT OF PARTS. For extensive damage, complete leading edge skin panels must be replaced. To faciliate replacement, extra access holes may be installed in the locations noted in figure 17-11. 17-45. ELEVATORS AND RUDDER. 17-46. NEGLIGIBLE DAMAGE. Refer to paragraph 17-13. The exception to negligible damage on the elevator surfaces is the front spar, where a crack appearing in the web at the hinge fittings or in the structure which supports the overhanging balance weight is not considered negligible. Cracks in the overhanging tip rib. in the area at the front spar intersection with the web of the rib. also cannot be considered negligible. 17-47. REPAIRABLE DAMAGE. Skin patches illustrated in figure 17-4 may be used to repair skin damage between corrugations. For skin damage which includes corrugations, refer to figure 17-4. Following repair. the elevator/rudder must be balanced. Refer to figure 17-3 for balancing. If damage would require a repair which could not be made between adjacent ribs. see the following paragraph. 17-48. DAMAGE NECESSITATING REPLACEMENT OF PARTS. If the damaged area would require a repair which could not be made between adjacent ribs, complete skin panels must be replaced. Ribs and spars may be repaired, but replacement is generally preferable. Where extensive damage has occurred, replacement of the entire assembly is recommended. After repair and/or replacement, balance elevators and rudder in accordance with paragraph 1749 and figure 17-3. 1749. ELEVATOR AND RUDDER BALANCING. Following repair, replacement or painting, the 17-5 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 17-38A. CRACKS IN CORRUGATED FLAP SKINS (Continued from page 17-5) 1. It is permissible to stop drill crack(s) that originate at the trailing edge of the control surface provided the crack is not more than 2 inches in length. 2. Stop drill crack using a #30 (.128 inch) drill. 3. A crack may only be stop drilled once. NOTE: A crack that passes through a trailing edge rivet and does not extend to the trailing edge of the skin may be stop drilled at both ends of the crack. 4. Any control surface that has a crack that progresses past a stop drilled hole shall be repaired. Refer to paragraphs 17-38, -39, and -40 as applicable for repair information. 5. A control surface that has any of the following conditions shall have a repair made as soon as practicable: A. A crack that is longer than 2 inches. B. A crack that does not originate from the trailing edge or a trailing edge rivet. C. Cracks in more than six trailing edge rivet locations per skin. Refer to paragraphs 17-38, -39, and -40 as applicable for repair information. 6. Affected control surfaces with corrugated skins and having a stop drilled crack that does not extend past the stop drilled hole, may remain in service without additional repair. Temporary Revision Number 2 7 January 2000 17-6A MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL elevators and rudder must be balanced. A fight control surface balancing kit is available (P/ N 5180002-1). See figure 17-3 for procedures pertaining to the use of this kit. 17-50. FIN AND STABILIZER. 17-51. NEGLIGIBLE DAMAGE. (Refer to paragraph 17-13.) 17-52. REPAIRABLE DAMAGE. Skin patches illustrated in figure 17-4 may be used to repair skin damage. Access to the dorsal area of the fin may be gained by removing the horizontal closing rib at the bottom of the fin. Access to the internal fin structure is best gained by removing skin attaching rivets on one side of the rear spar and ribs, and springing back the skin. Access to the stabilizer structure may be gained by removing skin attaching rivets on one side of the rear spar and ribs, and springing back the skin. If the damaged area would require a repair which could not be made between adjacent ribs. or a repair would be located in an area with compound curves, see the following paragraph. 17-53. DAMAGE NECESSITATING REPLACEMENT OF PARTS. If the damaged area would require a repair which could not be made between adjacent ribs, or the repair would be located in an area with compound curves, complete skin panels must be replaced. Ribs and spars may be repaired, but replacement is generally preferable. Where damage is extensive. replacement of the entire assembly is recommended. 17-54. FUSELAGE. 17-55. DESCRIPTION. The fuselage is of semimonocoque construction. consisting of formed bulkheads, longitudinal stringers, reinforcing channels. and skin panels. 17-56. NEGLIGIBLE DAMAGE. Refer to paragraph 17-13. Mild corrosion appearing upon alclad surfaces does not necessarily indicate incipient failure of the base metal. However. corrosion of all types must be carefully considered, and approved remedial action taken. Small cans appear in the skin structure of all metal aircraft. It is strongly recommended however, that wrinkles which appear to have originated from other sources. or which do not follow the general appearance of the remainder of the skin panels. be thoroughly investigated. Except in the landing gear bulkhead areas, wrinkles occurring over stringers which disappear when the rivet pattern is removed. may be considered negligible. However, the stringer rivet holes may not align perfectly with the skin holes because of a permanent 'set" in the stringer. If this is apparent. replacement of the stringer will usually restore the original strength characteristics of the area. NOTE Wrinkles occurring in the skin of the main landing gear bulkhead areas must not be considered negligible. The skin panel must be opened sufficiently to permit thorough examination of the lower portion of the landing gear bulkhead and its tie-in structure. Wrinkles occurring in open areas which disappear when the rivets at the edge of the sheet are removed. or a wrinkle which is hand removable. may often be repaired by the addition of a 1/2 1/ 2 · 060 inch 2024-T4 extruded angle. riveted over the wrinkle and extended to within 1/16 to 1/8 inch of the nearest structural members. Rivet pattern should be identical to existing manufactured seam at edge of sheet. Negligible damage to stringers. formed skin flanges. bulkhead channels, and like parts is similar to that for the wing skin. given in paragraph 17-13. 17-6 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL . 17-57. REPAIRABLE DAMAGE. Fuselage skin repairs may be accomplished in the same manner as wing akin repairs outlined n paragraph 17-14. Stringers, formed skin flanges, bulkhead channels and similar parts may be repaired as shown in figure 17-5. 17-58. DAMAGE NECSITATING REPLACEMET OF PARTS. Fuselage Sin major repairs may be acoomplshed in the same manner as the wing repairs outlined in paragraph 17-15. Damaged fittings must be replaced. Seat rails serve as sructural parts of the fuselage and must be replaced If damaged. 17-59. BONDED DOORS. 17-60. REPAIRABLE DAMAGE. Bonded doors may be repaired by the same methods used for riveted structure. Rivets are a atisfactory substitute for bonded seams on these assemblies. The strength of the bonded seams in doors may be replaced by a single 3/32, 2117-AD rivet per running inch of bond seam. The standard repair procedures outlined in AC43.13-1 are also applicable to bonded doors. t 17-41. BULKHEADS. 17-62. LANDING GEAR BULKEADS. Since these bulkheads are highly stressed members, irregularly formed to provide clearance for control cables, fuel lines, etc., the patch-type repairs will be, for the most part, impractical. Minor damage, consisting of small nicks or scratches, may be repaired by dressing out the damaged area, or by replacement of rivets. Any other damage must be repaired by replacing the landing gear support assembly as an aligned unit. 17-63. REPAIR AFTER HARD LANDING. Buckled skin or floorboards, and loose or sheared rivets in the area of the main gear support will give evidence of damage to the structure from an extremely hard landin. When such evidence is present, the entire support structure must be examined, and all support forgings must be checked for cracks, usin a dye penetrant and proper magnification. Bulkheads in the damaged area must be checked for alignment, and deformation of the bulkhead webs must be determined with the aid of a straightedge. Damaged support structure, buckled floorboards and skns, and damaged or questionable forgings must be replaced. 17-64. FIREWALL DAMAGE. Firewall sheets may be repaired by removing the damaged material (.018-inch Aluminized iron sheet or 301, 302, 321 or 347 stainless steel), and splicing in a new section. The new portion must be lapped over the old material, sealed with Pro-Seal No. 700 (Coast Pro-Seal Co., Chemical Division, 2235 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, California), compound or equivalent, and secured with steel (MS20450) rivets. The firewall is attached to the firewall with MS20470 rivets. Nutplates are attached to the firewall with MS20426 rivets. 17-65. FASTENERS. Fasteners used in the aircraft are generally solid aluminum rivets, blind rivets, and steel-threaded fasteners. Usage of each is primarily a function of the loads to be carried, accessibility, and frequency of removal. Rivets used in aircraft construction are uaually fabricated from aluminum alloys. In special cases, monel, corrosion-resistant steel and mild steel, copper, and iron rivets are used. 17-7 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 17-65A. RIVETS. Standard solid-shank MS rivets are those generally used in aircraft construction. They are fabricated in the following head type: roundhead, flathead, countersunk head, and brazier head. Flathead rivets are generally used in the aircraft interior where head clearance is required. MS20426 countersunk head rivets are used on the exterior surface of the aircraft to minimize turbulent airflow. MS20470 brazier head rivets are used on the exterior surfaces of the aircraft where strength requirements necessitate a stronger rivet head than that of the countersunk head rivet. Both the brazier head and the countersunk head rivets are used on the exteriorof the aircraft where head clearance is required. Hi-shearrivets are special, patented rivets having a hi-shear strength equivalent to that of standard AN bolts. They are used in special case in locations where hi-shear loads are present, such as in spars, wings, and in heavy bulkhead ribs. This rivet consists of a cadmium-plated pin of alloy steel. Some have a collar of aluminum alloy. Some of these rivets can be readily identified by the presence of the attached collar in place of the formed head on standard rivets. Blind rivets are used, where strength requirements permit, where one side of the structure is inaccessible, making itimpossible or impractial to drive standard solid-shank rivets. 17-65B. REPLACEMENT OF HI-SHEAR RIVETS. Replacement of hi-shear rivets with close-tolerance bolts or other commercial fasteners of equivalent strength properties is permissible. Holes must not be elongated and the hi-shear substitute must be a smooth, push-fit. Field replacement of main landing gear forgingson bulkheads may be accomplished by using the following fasteners a. b. NAS464P- bolt, MS21042 nut and AN960-* washer in place of Hi-shear rivets for forgings with machined flat surface around attachment holes. NAS464P-* bolt, ESNA2935- mating base washher and ESNA RM52LH2935- selfaligning nut for forgings (with draft angle of up to a maximum of 8°) without machined flat surfaces around attachment holes. *Dash numbers to be determind according to the side of the holes and the grip lengths required. Bolt grip length should be chosen so that no threads remain in the bearing area 17-65C. SUBSTITUTION OF RIVETS. a. Solid-shank rivets (MS20428AD and MS20470AD). When placing rivets in installtions which require raised head rivets, it is desirable to use rivets identical to the type of rivet removed. Countersunk-head rivets (MS20426) are to be replaced by rivets of the same type and degree of countersink. When rivet holes become enlarged. deformed, or otherwise damaged, use the next larger size rivet as a replacment. Replacement shal not be made with rivets of lower strength material. b. Hi-shear Rivets. When hi-shear rivets are not available. replacement of sizes 3/16inch or greater rivets shall be made with bolts of equal or greater strength than the rivet being replaced, and with self-locking nuts of the same diameter c. The following pages contain approved solid-shank and hi-shear rivet substitutions. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Replace In thickness (or thicker) With MS20470AD3 .025 .020 NAS1398B4, NAS1398D4 NAS1738B4, NAS1738D4, NAS176804, CR3213-4, CR3243-4 MS20470AD4 .050 .040 NAS1398B4, NAS1398D4 NAS1398B5, NAS1398D5, NAS1738B4, NAS1738E4, NAS1768D4, CR3213-4 NAS1738B5, NAS1738E5, NAS1768D5, CR3213-5, CR3243-4 CR3243-5 .032 .025 MS20470AD5 .063 .050 .040 .032 MS20470AD6 .080 .071 .063 NAS1398B5, NAS1398D5 NAS1398B6, NAS1398D6, NAS139885, NAS1738E5. CR3213-5 NAS1738B6, NAS1738E6, NAS1768D5, CR3213-6, CR3243-5 CR3243-6 .050 NAS1398B6 NAS1398D6 NAS1738B6, NAS1738D6, NAS1768D6. CR3213-6 CR3243-6 MS20426AD3 (Countersunk) .063 .040 NAS1399B4, NAS1399D4 NAS1769D4, CR3212-4 (See Note 1) .025 NAS1769B4, NAS1739E4, CR32424 MS20426AD4 (Countersunk) .080 .063 .050 .040 NAS1399B4, NAS1399D4 NAS1739B4. NAS1739D4, CR3212-4 NAS1769D4 CR3242-4 (See Note 1) .050 .040 .032 CR3212-5 NAS1739B5, NAS1739D5, NAS1769D4 CR3242-5 MS20426AD4 (Dimpled) .063 NAS1739B4, NAS1739D4 17-9 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Replace In thickness (or thicker) With MS20426AD5 (Countersunk) .090 .080 .071 .063 .050 NAS1399B5, NAS139905 CR3212-5 NAS173965, NAS1739E5 NAS176905 CR3242-5 (See Note 1) .063 .040 .032 NAS1739B6, NAS173906, NAS176906, CR3212-6 CR3242-6 AN509-10 Screw with MS20365 Nut MS20426A05 (Dimpled) .071 NAS1739B5, NAS173905 MS20426AD6 (Countersunk) .090 .071 .063 .032 NAS1739B6, NAS1739D6, CR3212-6 NAS176906 CR3242-6 AN509-10 Screw with MS20365 Nut MS20426AD6 (Dimpled) .090 .032 NAS1739B6, NAS1739D6 AN509-10 Screw with MS20365 Nut NOTE 1: Rework required. Countersink oversize to accommodate oversize rivet. NOTE 2: Do not use blind rivets in high-vibration areas or to pull heavy sheets or extrusions together. High vibration areas include the nacelle or engine compartment including the firewall. Heavy sheets or extrusions include spar caps.. 17-10 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL REPLACE Fastener Collar * NAS178 NAS179 * NAS1054 DIAMETER Fastener Collar (See Note 1) (See Note 1) * NAS1054 * NAS14XX (See (See (See (See * NAS529 * NAS1446 * NAS7034 NAS464 NAS1103 NAS1303 NAS6203 AN173 NAS179, NAS528 NAS1080C, NAS1080E, NAS 1080G NAS524A NAS1080C, NAS1080A6 NAS1080K AN364, MS20364, MS21042 Note 1) Notes 1 and 2) Note 1) Note 1) NAS179. NAS528 (See Note 2) * NAS14XX NAS1080C NAS1080E NAS1080G * NAS529 NAS524A WITH (See Note 3) AN305, MS20305, MS21044, MS21045 * NAS14XX * NAS529 * NAS1446 * NAS7034 NAS464 NAS1103 NAS1305 NAS6203 NAS1080C, NAS1080E NAS524A NAS1080C. NAS1080A6 NAS1080K AN364, MS20304, MS21042 * NAS529 * NAS1446 * NAS7034 NAS464 NAS1103 NAS1303 NAS6203 NAS524A NAS1080C, NAS1080A6 NAS1080K AN364, MS20364, MS21042 NAS1446 NAS1080C, NAS1080A6 NOTE 1: See appropriate tables for nominal diameters available. NOTE 2: Available in oversize for repair of elongated holes. Ream holes to provide a .001 inch interference fit. NOTE 3: NAS1446 oversize only permitted as a replacement for NAS529. * Steel shank fastener designed for drive-on collars. * Steel shank fastener designed for squeeze-on collars. Installation requires sufficient space for the tool and extended shank of the fastener. Threaded fastener. 17-11 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 17-66. ENGINE MOUNT. 17-67. DESCRIPTION. The "dynafocal" type engine mount is constructed of chrome-molybdenum steel tubing. The nose gear shock strut is secured to the tubular engine mount. Refer to Section 18 of this manual for engine mount painting procedures following repair. 17-68. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. All welding on the engine mount must be of the highest quality since the tendency of vibration is to accentuate any minor defect present and cause fatigue cracks. Engine mount members are preferably repaired by using a larger diameter replacement tube, telescoped over the stub of the original member using fishmouth and rosette-type welds. However. reinforced 30-degree scarf welds in place of the fishmouth welds are considered satisfactory for engine mount work. Refer to Section 18 for engine mount painting. 17-69. ENGINE MOUNT RADIAL SUPPORT DAMAGE. Minor damage such as a crack adjacent to an engine attaching lug may be repaired by rewelding the support tube and extending a gusset past the damaged area. Extensively damaged parts must be replaced. 17-70. DAMAGE INVOLVING ENGINE MOUNTING LUGS AND ENGINE MOUNT TO FUSELAGE ATTACHING FITTINGS. Engine mounting lugs and engine mount-to-fuselage attaching fittings should not be repaired but must be replaced. 17-71. BAFFLES. Baffles ordinarily require replacement if damaged or cracked. However. small plate reinforcements riveted to the baffle will often prove satisfactory both to the strength and cooling requirements of the unit. 17-72. ENGINE COWLING. 17-73. REPAIR OF COWLING SKINS. If extensively damaged, complete sections of cowling must be replaced. Standard insert-type skin patches, however, may be used if repair parts are formed to fit. Small cracks may be stop-drilled and dents straightened if they are reinforced on the inner side with a doubler of the same material. Bonded cowling may be repaired by the same methods used for riveted structure. Rivets are a satisfactory substitue for bonded seams on these assemblies. The strength of the bonded seams in cowling may be replaced by a single 3/32. 2117-AD rivet per running inch of bond seam. The standard repair procedures outlined in AC43.13-1 are also applicable to cowling. 17-74. REPAIR OF REINFORCEMENT ANGLES. Cowl reinforcement angles. if damaged. must be replaced. Due to their small size. they are easier to replace than to repair. 17-75. REPAIR OF GLASS-FIBER CONSTRUCTED COMPONENTS. Glass-fiber constructed components on the aircraft may be repaired as stipulated in instructions furnished in Service Kit SK182-12. Observe the resin manufacturer's recommendations concerning mixing and application of the resin. Epoxy resins are preferable for making repairs, since epoxy compounds are usually more stable and predictable than polyester and, in addition, give better adhesion. In addition, repair kits are also available for the repair of cracks in ABS, PBC, PVPC, graphite and fiberglass material. These kits P/N's 51543 thru 51548, are available from Cessna Supply Division. 17-76. CORROSION AND CORROSION CONTROL. NOTE For information on corrosion and corrosion control for aircraft, refer to FAA Advisory Circular AC43-4. 17-12 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 12 INCH WIDE HEAVY CANVAS -1 12 a 30-3/4 30-3/4 . - * 3/8 INCH DIAMETER 5 INCH COTTON WEBBING ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES Figure 17-l.Wing and Fuselage Support Stands A.T. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES 30 Figure 17-1.Wing and Fuselage Support Stand 17-13 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL A B GRIND MODEL A B C WING STATION 2.00 1.00 29.50 152 SERIES 2.00 1.00 29.50 1.38 1.00 24.00 39.00 84.00 191.00 ALL WING TWIST OCCURS BETWEEN STA. 84.00 AND STA. 191.00 (Refer to paragraph 17-7 for angle of incidence). MEASURING WING TWIST If damage has occurred to a wing. it is advisable to check the twist. The following method can be used with a minimum of equipment. which includes a straightedge (32" minimum length of angle. or equivalent). three modified bolts for a specific wing. and a protractor head with level. 1. Check chart for applicable dimension for bolt length (A or B). 2. Grind bolt shanks to a rounded point as illustrated. checking length periodically. 3. Tape two bolts to straightedge according to dimension C. 4. Locate inboard wing station to be checked and make a pencil mark approximately onehalf inch aft of the lateral row of rivets in the wing leading edge spar flange. 5. Holding straightedge parallel to wing station (staying as clear as possible from "cans"). place longer bolt on pencil mark and set protractor head against lower edge of straightedge. 6. Set bubble in level to center and lock protractor to hold this reading. 7. Omitting step 6. repeat procedure for each wing station, using dimensions specified in chart. Check to see that protractor bubble is still centered. 8. Proper twist is present in wing if protractor readings are the same (parallel). Forward or aft bolt may be lowered from wing .10 inch maximum to attain parallelism. Figure 17-2. Checking Wing Twist 17-14 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL FLIGHT CONTROL SURFACE BALANCING FIXTURE KIT (PART NUMBER 5180002-1) '5180002-12 WEIGHT ASSEMBLY WASHER AND BOLT 5180002-5 SLIDING WEIGHT *5180002-14 MANDRELS *180002-2 BEAM ASSEMBLY INCLUDED IN 5180002-1 FLIGHT CONTROL SURFACE BALANCING FIXTURE KIT. GENERAL NOTES 1. Balance control surfaces in a draft-free area. 2. Place hinge bolts through control surface hinges and position on knife edge balancing mandrels. Be sure hinge bolt shank rests on knife edge. 3. Make sure all control surfaces are in their approved flight configurations: painted (if applicable), trim tabs installed, all foreign matter removed from inside of control surface, elevator trim tab push-pull rod installed and all tips installed. 4. Place balancing mandrels on a table or other suitable flat surface. 5. Adjust trailing edge support to fit control surface being balanced while center of balancing beam is directly over hinge line. Remove balancing beam and balance the beam itself by moving the adjustable weight (fastened by bolt and washer). Fine balance may be accomplished by use of washers at long screw on end of beam. 6. When positioning balancing beam on control surface, avoid rivets to provide a smooth surface for the beam and keep the beam 90 ° to the hinge line of the control surface. Figure 17-3. Control Surface Balancing (Sheet 1 of 5) 17-15 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 7. Paint is a considerable weight factor. In order to keep balance weight to a minimum. it is recommended that existing paint be removed before adding paint to a control surface. Increase in balance weight will also be limited by the amount of space available and clearance with adjacent parts. Good workmanship and standard repair practices should not result in unreasonable balance weight. 8. The approximate amount of weight needed may be determined by taping loose weight at the balance weight area. 9. Lighten balance weight by drilling off part of weight. 10. Make balance weight heavier by fusing bar stock solder to weight after removal from control surface. The ailerons should have balance weight increased by ordering additional weight and gang channel. listed in applicable Parts Catalog and installing next to existing inboard weight the minimum length necesary for correct balance. except that a length which contains at least two attaching screws must be used. If necessary, lighten new weight or existing weights for correct balance. CENTERLINE ON BEAM MUST BE ALIGNED WITH CONTROL SURFACE BEAM ASEMBLY CHORD ADD WASHERS AS NECESSARY TO FINEBALANCE THE BEAM ASSEMBLY CENTERLINE CONTROL SURFACE ADJUSTABLE WEIGHT WEIGHT AT CENTER OF WEIGHT BEAM ASSEMBLY MANDREL FLAT SURFACE Figure 17-3. Control Surface Balancing (Sheet 2 of 5) 17-16 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL A balance in this range is "overbalance". is "underbalance". BALANCING MANDREL Detail F RUDDER 90° Detail G TRAILING EDGE SPIRIT-LEVEL PROTRACTOR SLIDING WEIGHT KNIFE EDGES . LINE BALANCING MANDREL Detail H LEVELED SURFACE--- HINGE POINT ELEVATOR Figure 17-3. Control Surface Balancing (Sheet 3 of 5) 17-17 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL AILERONS A A DETAIL A-A HINGE LINE HORIZONTAL Balance aileron inverted, with trailing edge at point opposite cut-out for middle hinge .85" below hinge line horizontal plane. Figure 17-3. Control Surface Balancing (Sheet 4 of 5) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CONTROL SURFACE BALANCE REQUIREMENTS NOTE Balance limits for control surfaces are expressed for "Approved Flight" configuration. "Approved Flight" configuration is that condition of the control surface as prepared for flight of the airplane whether it be painted or unpainted. "Approved Flight" limits must never be exceeded when the surface is in its final configuration for flight. DEFINITIONS: UNDERBALANCE is defined as the condition that exists when surface is trailing edge heavy and is defined by a symbol (+). If the balance beam sliding weight must be on the leading edge side of the hinge line (to balance the control surface), the control surface is considered to be underbalanced. OVERBALANCE is defined as the condition that exists when surface is leading edge heavy and is defined by a symbol (-). If the balance beam sliding weight must be on the trailing edge side of the hinge line (to balance the control surface), the control surface is considered to be overbalanced. APPROVED FLIGHT CONFIGURATION BALANCE LIMITS (Inch-Pounds) AILERON 0.0 to -11.31 RUDDER 0.0 to -10.68 RIGHT ELEVATOR 0.0 to -19.52 LEFT ELEVATOR 0.0 to -19.52 Figure 17-3. Control Surface Balancing (Sheet 5 of 5) 17-19 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1/4" MINIMUM EDGE MARGIN PATCH. USE EXISTING RIVET PATTERN AND RIVET SIZE PATCH MAY OVERLAP OR BE INSERTED UNDER EXISTING AILERON SKIN CUT OUT DAMAGED AREA AILERON ORIGINAL PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION Figure 17-3A. Corrugated Skin Repair 17-20 17-20 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL MS20470AD4 RIVETS 24 REQD PATCHES AND DOUBLERS2024-T3 ALCLAD PATCH REPAIR FOR 3 INCH DIAMETER HOLE PATCH ,.. ,, 4.00 .50 DIA. DOUBLER EXISTING SKIN 3.00 DIA. HOLE MS20470AD4 RIVETS 16 REQD PATCH REPAIR FOR 2 INCH DIAMETER HOLE \ MS20470AD4 RIVETS REQD PATCH REPAIR FOR 1 INCH DIAMETER HOLE EXISTING .00 DIA. HOLE ORIGINAL PARTS 2.50 DIA. PATCH (NO DOUBLER REPAIR PARTS OVERLAPPING REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION Figure 17-4. CIRCULAR PATCH Skin Repair (Sheet 1 of 6) 17-21 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL - PATCH 2024-T3 ALCLAD SKIN GAGE Figure 17-4. 17-22 Skin Repair (Sheet 2 of 6) RIVET DIA. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL PATCH 2024-T3 ALCLAD EDGE RV MARGIN 2" RIVET DIA. . CLEAN OUT DAMAGED AREA- ..... * EDGE MARGIN 2 RIVET DIA. 1/2" RADIUS EDGE MARGIN RIVET DIA. For optimum appearance and (CIRCULAR FLUSH PATCH IS airflow, use flush rivets, dim pled skin and patch, and counter-. sunk doubler. SIMILAR) SKIN RIVET PATCH . A A Figure 17-4. .040 1/8 Skin Repair (Sheet 3 of 6) 17-23 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL DOUBLER PATCH- A A EXISTING SKIN DOUBLER-- Countersink doublers, and dimple skin and patch. NOTE This procedure is not recommended in areas where stringers are riveted to bulkheads. EXISTING SKIN .50 R. MIN. TYPICAL EDGE DISTANCE 2D MIN. SKIN GAGE 020 025 032 040 051 RIVET DIA. 8 1/8 1/8 1/8 5/32 ARRY EXISTING RIVET PATTERN THRU PATCH PITCH 4-8D PATCH-ORIGINAL PARTS REPAIR PARTS FLUSH PATCH AT STRINGER/BULKHEAD REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION Figure 17-4. 17-24 INTERSECTION Skin Repair (Sheet 4 of 6) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL EXISTING SKIN DOUBLERS 1/4 B (BUT NOT LESS THAN 4D) A A RPATCH DOUBLER PITCH TYPICAL FOR EXISTING SKIN // 0.5" MIN. RADIUS TYPICAL EDGE DISTANCE 2D MIN. SKIN GAGE RIVET DIA. .020 1/8 .025 .032 .040 .051 1/872 1/8 1/8 5/32 CARRY EXISTING RIVET PATTERN THRU PATCH SPACER- PATCHal * ORIGINAL PARTS OVERLAPPING PATCH AT STRINGER/BULKHEAD REPAIR PARTS INTERSECTION REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION Figure 17-4.Skin Repair (Sheet 5 of 6) 17-25 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL PICK UP EXISTING SKIN RIVET PATTERN CLEAN OUT DAMAGED AREA / I h FUSELAGE SKIN ORIGINAL PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION Figure 17-4. Skin Repair (Sheet 6 of 6) 17-26 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL ORIGINAL PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION A A Figure 17-4. Skin Repair (Sheet 6 of 6 continued) 17-27 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1/4" EDGE MARGIN DOUBLER - 2024-T4 ALCLAD RIVET SPACING TO MATCH PATTERN IN SKIN 6 RIVETS EACH SIDE OF DAMAGED AREA STRINGER CLEAN OUT DAMAGED AREA A A FILLER - 2024-T4 ALCLAD MS20470AD4 RIVETS ORIGINAL PARTS REPAIR PARTS SKIN REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION Figure 17-5.Stringer and Channel Repair (Sheet 1 of 4) 17-28 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL STRIP - 2024-T3 ALCLAD FILLER - 2024-T4 ALCLAD 1/4" EDGE MARGIN ANGL.E - 2024-T4 ALCLAD 5 RIVETS EACH SIDE DAMAGED A RE A PICK UP EXISTING RIVETS RIVETS EACH SIDE ORIGINAL PARTS A REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION A A Figure 17-5. Stringer and Channel Repair (Sheet 2 of 4) 17-29 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL STOP DRILL CRACK -3/4" RIVET SPACING OUTBOARD OF LIGHTENING HOLE Figure 17-5. Stringer and Channel Repair (Sheet 3 of 4) 17-30 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL DOUBLER - 2024-T4 ALCLAD CLEAN OUT DAMAGED AREA 2 ROWS RIVETS OUTBOARD OF LIGHTENING HOLEt CHANNELA FILLER 2024-T4 ALCLAD 1/4" RADIUS- 3/4' RIVET SPACING DOUBLER - 2024-T4 ALCLAD ORIGINAL PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAII PARTS IN CROSS SECTION -1/4" MARGIN Figure 17-5.Stringer and Channel Repair (Sheet 4 of 4) 17-31 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL MS20470AD4 RIVETS ORIGINAL PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION A A Figure 17-5. Stringer and Channel Repair (Sheet 4 of 4 continued) 17-32 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SEXTEND STOPDRILL CRACK IF CRACK DOES NOT TO EDGE OF PART DOUBLER - 2024-T3 ALCLAD 1/4" EDGE MARGIN ORIGINAL PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION Figure 17-6. Rib Repair (Sheet 1 of 2) 17-33 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL A RIVETS ORIGINAL PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION Figure 17-6. Rib Repair (Sheet 1 of 2 continued) 17-34 A A MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL FILLER - 2024-T3 ALCLAD DOUBLER - 2024-T3 ALCLAD CLEAN OUT DAMAGED AREA 34" RIVET SPACING 1/4" EDGE MARGIN---- ANGLE- 2024-T3 ONE ROW RIVETS AROUND DAMAGED AREA ORIGINAL PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION Figure 17-6.Rib Repair (Sheet 2 of 2) 17-35 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL A MS20470AD4 RIVETS ORIGINAL PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION Figure 17-6. Rib Repair (Sheet 2 of 2 continued) 17-36 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL MS20470AD4 RIVETS--- A A ORIGINAL PARTS REPAIR PARTS A REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION Figure 17-7.Wing Spar Repair (Sheet 1 of 4) 17-37 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL FILLER - 2024-T4 ALCLAD REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION Figure 17-7. Wing Spar Repair (Sheet 1of 4 continued) 17-38 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL FILLER - 2024-T4 ALCLAD ORIGINAL PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION 1/ 4" EDGE MARGIN (TYP.) This repair applies to either front or rear spar if the spar is a single channel. DOUBLER DOUBLER 2024-T3 ALCLAD CLEAN OUT DAMAGED AREA WING SPAR ANGLE - 2024-T4 ALCLAD 7/8 7/8 .064 3 ROWS RIVETS EACH SIDE OF DAMAGED AREA 1/4" MINIMUM EDGE MARGIN 3/4" RIVET SPACING DOUBLER - 2024-T4 ALCLAD (TYPICAL ALL PARTS) 1/4" EDGE MARGIN (TYP.) Figure 17-7.Wing Spar Repair (Sheet 2 of 4) 17-39 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 0 MS20470AD4 RIVETS AAA ORIGINAL PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION Figure 17-7. Wing Spar Repair (Sheet 2 of 4 continued) 17-40 l7-*0 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL FILLER - 2024-T4 ALCLAD 3/4" RIVET SPACIN Figure 17-7.Wing Spar Repair Sheet 3 of 4) 17-41 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL ,MS20470AD4 RIVETS REPAIR PARTS S Figure 17-7. Wing Spar Repair (Sheet 3 of 4 continued) 17-42 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL ANGLE - 2024-0 ALCLAD HEAT TREAT TO 2024-T4 T-FILLER - 2024-0 ALCLAD HEAT TREAT TO 2024-T4 * 0 ANGLE - 2024-0 ALCLAD IHEAT TREAT TO 2024-T4 STRIP 2024-T3ALCLAD FILLER - 2024-T3 ALCLAD FILLER - 2024-T3 ALCLAD 2024-T3 ALCLAD 3/8' EDGE MARGIN (TYPICAL) REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION Figure 17-7.Wing Spar Repair (Sheet 4 of 4) 17-43 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL MS20470AD4 RIVETS MS20470AD4 RIVETS lORIGINAL PARTS A REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION Figure 17-7. Wing Spar Repair (Sheet 4 of 4 continued) 17-44 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL A A WING SKIN MS20470AD4 RIVETS ORIGINAL PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION Figure 17-8.Auxiliary Spar Repair 17-45 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL DOUBLER - 2024-T4 ALCLAD 3/4" RIVET SPACING 20 RIVETS EACH SIDE OF DAMAGED AREA OUT CLEAN DAMAGEDE -SPAR FILLER - 2024-T4 ALCLAD REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION Figure 17-8. Auxiliary Spar Repair (continued) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL NOTES: 1. Dimple leading edge skin and filler material; countersink the doubler. 2. Use MS20426AD4 rivets to install doubler. 3. Use MS20426AD4 rivets to install filler, except where bucking is impossible. Use CR162-4 Cherry (blind) rivets where regular rivets cannot be bucked. 4. Contour must be maintained; after repair has been completed. use epoxy filler as necessary and sand smooth before painting. 5. Vertical size is limited by ability to install doubler clear of front spar. 6. Lateral size is limited to seven inches across trimmed out area 7. Number of repairs is limited to one in each bay. 1" MAXIMUM RIVET SPACING (TYPICAL) TRIM OUT DAMAGED AREA DOUBLER NEED NOT BE CUT OUT IF ALL RIVETS ARE ACCESSIBLE FOR BUCKING 5/16" MINIMUM EDGE MARGIN (TYPICAL) REPAIR FILLER MATERIaL 2024-T3ALCLAD SAME THICKNESS AS SKIN DOUBLER 2024-T3 ALCLAD 040" THICKNESS LEADING EDGE SKIN Figure 17-9.Leading Edge Repair 17-47 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL REPAIR DOUBLER TO BUTT AGAINST CORRUGATED SKIN AT TOP AND BOTTOM OF FLAP ORIGINAL PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION Figure 17-10.Flap Leading Edge Repair 17-48 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 1" MAXIMUM RIVET SPACING 1/4" MINIMUM EDGE MARGIN TRIM DAMAGED OUT AREA ALCLAD .020 EDGE SKIN Figure 17-10. Flap Leading Edge Repair (continued) 17-49 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Establish exact location for inspection cover and inscribe centerlines. Determine position of doubler on wing skin S- 1443-1 Doubler and center over centerlines Mark the ten rivet hole locations and drill to size shown. Cut out access hole, using dimensions shown. Flex doubler and insert through acces hole. and rivet in place. (0.098-inch) Hole (10 required) -#40 Lower Wing Skin (reference) Position cover and secure. using screws as shown. 5. 062-inch Diameter S-225-4F Cover VIEWED FROM INSIDE WING LOOKING DOWN AT TOP OF MS20426AD3 Rivets LOWER WING SKIN. PARTS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE CESSNA SUPPLY DIVISION g-S-1022Z-8-6 Screws 1. Add the minimum number of access holes necessary. 2. Any circular or rectangular access hole which is used with approved optional equipment installations may be added in lieu of the access nole illustrated. 3. Use landing light installations instead of adding access holes where possible. Do not add access holes at outboard end of wing. remove wing tip instead. 4. Do not add an access hole in the same bay where one is already located. 5. Locate new access holes near the center of a bay (spanwise). 6. Locate new access holes forward of the front spars as close to the front spar as practicable. 7. Locate new access holes aft of the front spar between the first and second stringers aft of the spar. When installing the doubler, rotate it so the two straight edges are closest to the stringers. 8. Alternate bays. with new access holes staggered forward and aft of the front spar. are preferable. 9. A maximum of five new access holes in each wing is permissible: if more is required. contact the Cessna Service Department. 10. When a complete leading edge skin is being replaced. the wing should be supported in such a manner so that wing alignment is maintained. Figure 17-11. Access Hole Installation 17-50 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL ORIGINAL PARTS REPAIR PARTS 1/4"EDGE MARGIN REPAIR PARTS IN CROSS SECTION -CLEAN OUT DAMAGED AREA ANGLE - 2024-T4 ALCLAD 10 RIVETS EACH SIDE OF DAMAGED AREA FIREWALL ANGLE FUSELAGE . A A Figure 17-12. Firewall Angle Repair 17-51/(17-52 blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 18 PAINT TABLE OF CONTENTS MATERIALS ................ Painting ABS ... ......... Interior Parts ............ Exterior Parts ............. Engine Mounts ........... MATERIALS ............... Facility .................. Clean-Up ................. Page No. Aerofiche/ Manual 2I22/18-2 2122/18-2 2I22/18-2 2123/18-3 2I24/18-4 2I24/18/4 2J1/18/5 2J1/18-5 Prepriming.............. Priming ................. Prepainting ............... Painting ................. Masking ............. Touch Up ................ Repair of Dents ............ 2J2/18-6 2J2/18-6 2J3/18-7 2J3/18-7 2J3/18-7 24/18-8 2J4/18-8 NOTE This section contains a listing of standard factory materials and areas of application. For paint number and color, refer to Aircraft Trim Plate and Parts Catalog. In all cases determine the type of paint on the airplane, because some types of paint are not compatible. Contact Cessna Parts Distribution (CPD 2) or a Cessna Service Station for materials acquisition information. NOTE Do not paint pitot tube, fuel caps. aileron gap seals nor antenna covers that were not painted at the factory. NOTE Control surfaces. except for wing flaps. require balancing after painting. Refer to Section 17 for balancing procedures. Revision 1 18-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL MATERIAL NO/TYPE DOMESTIC PAINT ACRYLIC LACQUER X FRENCH LACQUER PRIMER NOTE 1 X CES-1054-215 Heat Resistant Enamel X X NOTE 6 P60G2 WITH R7K44 REDUCER X X NOTE 2 EX-ER-7 WITH T-ER-4 REDUCER X X T-8402A X T-6094A X X NOTE 3 X X NOTE 5 THINNER SOLVENT AREA OF APPLICATION Methyl Ethyl Ketone (1EK) NOTE 4 NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Used Used Used Used Used Used on aircraft exterior. with lacquer or acrylic lacquer on aircraft exterior. to thin lacquer and for burndown. to thin acrylic lacquer and for burndown. to clean aircraft exterior prior to priming. on Engine mount. * THRU SERIALS 15280431. 15280434. 15280438. 15280439, 15280447 and A1520759 NOTE When stripping paint from aircraft, do not allow stripper to contact ABS parts. Contact of stripper or thinners with ABS parts can cause damage. 18-1. PAINTING OF FORMED ABS PLASTIC PARTS. The following procedures outline some basic steps which are useful during touch up or painting of formed ABS plastic parts. 18-2. INTERIOR PARTS (Finish Coat of Lacquer). a. Painting of Spare Parts. 1. Ensure a clean surface by wiping with Naphtha to remove surface contamination. 18-2 0 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CAUTION Do not use strong solvents such as Xylol. Toluol or Lacquer Thinner since prolonged exposure can soften or embrittle ABS. 2. b. After the part is thoroughly dry it is ready for the lacquer topcoat Paint must be thinned with lacquer thinner and applied as a wet coat to ensure adhesion. Touch Up of Previously Painted Parts. 1. Light sanding is acceptable to remove scratches and repair the surface but care must be exercised to maintain the surface texture or grain. 2. Ensure a clean surface by wiping with Naptha to remove surface contamination. CAUTION Do not use strong solvents such as Xylol. Toluol or Lacquer Thinner since prolonged exposure can soften or embrittle ABS. 3. After the part is thoroughly dry it is ready for the lacquer topcoat. Paint must be thinned with lacquer thinner and applied as a wet coat to ensure adhesion. NOTE Lacquer paints can be successfully spotted in. 18-3- EXTERIOR PARTS (Acrylic Topcoat). a. Painting of Spare Parts. 1. Light scuff sand to remove scratches and improve adhesion. 2. Ensure a clean surface by wiping with Naphtha to remove surface contamination. CAUTION Do not use strong solvents such as Xylol. Toluol or Lacquer Thinner since prolonged exposure can soften or embrittle ABS. 3. b. After the part is thoroughly dry it is ready for the topcoat. Paint must be thinned with appropriate acrylic thinner and applied as a wet coat to ensure adhesion. Touch Up of Previously Painted Parts. 1. Lightly scuff sand to remove scratches and improve adhesion. 2. Ensure a clean surface by wiping with Naphtha to remove surface contamination. CAUTION Do not use strong solvents such as Xylol. Toluol or lacquer Thinner since prolonged exposure can soften or embrittle ABS. 3. Apply a compatible primer - surfacer and sealer. 18-3 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 4. After the part is thoroughly dry it is ready for the topcoat. Paint must be thinned and applied as a wet coat to ensure adhesion. NOTE Acrylic topcoats can be successfully spotted in. 18-4. REFINISHING ENGINE MOUNTS. After completing a repair as directed in Section 17. refinish with P/N CES 1054-215 Heat Resistant Enamel. Black. Degrease and scuff sand or grit blast entire area to bare metal. Spray enamel to a dry film thickness of 0.001" to 0.0013". and cure at 250OF for 15 minutes. Part can be handled as soon as cool to touch. NOTE BEGINNING SERIALS 15280432. 15280433. 15280435. 15280436. 15280437. 15280440 THRU 15280446, and A1520760. IMRON MODIFIED URETHANE MATERIAL PRIMER REDUCER PAINT THINNER NO/TYPE AREA OF APPLICATION WASH PRIMER P60G2 Used to prime aircraft for Imron Enamel Catalyst Reducer R7K44 Used to reduce P60G2 Imron Enamel Used as corrosion proof topcoat IMRON 192S Activator Catalyst for Imron Enamel IMRON Y8485S Reducer Used to thin Imron Enamel NOTE Do not paint pitot tube, gas caps. or aileron gap seals. Also do not paint antenna covers which were not painted at the factory. 18-4 18-4 0 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL REQUIRED MATERIALS NO/TYPE MATERIAL AREA OF APPLICATION STRIPPER Strypeeze Stripper Used to strip primer overspray CLEANER DX440 Wax and Grease Remover Used to clean aircraft exterior Imperial Cleaner Used to remove grease, bug stains. etc. Klad Polish Used to clean aluminum finish 808 Polishing Compound Used to rub out overspray (MEK) Methyl Ethyl Ketone Used to clean aircraft prior to topcoat HEX Wiping Cloth Used to clean aircraft exterior SOLVENT CLOTH FILLER White Streak MASKING Used to fill small dents Class A Solvent Proof Paper Used to mask areas not to be painted Tape Y218 Used for masking small areas Tape Y231 Used for masking small areas 18-5. FACILITY. Painting facilities must include the ability to maintain environmental control to a minimum temperature of 65°F.. and a positive pressure inside to preclude the possibility of foreign material damage. All paint equipment must be clean, and accurate measuring containers available for mixing protective coatings. Modified Urethane has a pot life of four to eight hours. depending on ambient temperature and relative humidity. Use of approved respirators while painting is a must, for personal safety. All solvent containers should be grounded to prevent static build-up. Catalyst materials are toxic, therefore. breathing fumes or allowing contact with skin can cause serious irritation. Material stock should be rotated to allow use of older materials first. because its useful life is limited. All supplies should be stored in an area where temperature is higher than 50°F., but lower than 90°F. Storage at 90° F. is allowable for no more than sixty days providing it is returned to room temperature for mixing and use. Modified urethane paint requires a minimum of seven days to cure under normal conditions. if humidity and temperature is lower. curing time will be extended to a maximum of 14 days. During the curing period, indiscriminate use of masking tape, abrasive polishes. or cleaners can cause damage to finish. Desirable curing temperature for modified urethane is 60°F. for a resulting satisfactory finish. 18-6. CLEAN UP. a. Inspect airplane for any surface defects. such as dents or unsatisfactory previous repairs. and correct according to Paragraph 18-13. 18-5 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL b. Wipe excess sealer from around windows and skin laps. Mask windows. ABS parts. and any other areas not to be primed, with 3M tape and Class A Solvent Proof Paper. Care must be exercised to avoid cuts, scratches or gouges by metal objects to all plexiglass surfaces, because cuts and scratches may contribute to craing and failure of plexiglass windows. c. Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) solvent should be used for final cleaning of airplanes prior to painting. The wiping cloths shall be contaminant and lint tree HEX. Saturate cloth in the solvent and wring out so it does not drip. Wipe the airplane surface with the solvent saturated cloth in one hand. and immediately dry with a clean cloth in the other hand. It is important to wipe dry solvent before it evaporates. When an airplane has paint or zinc chromate overspray on the exterior, stripper may be used to remove the overspray. The stripper may be applied by brush and will require a few minutes to soften the overspray. Heavy coatings may require more than one application of the stripper. Use extreme care to prevent stripper from running into faying surfaces on corrosion proofed airplanes. After removal of the overspray, clean the airplane with Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) solvent in the prescribed manner. NOTE It is imperative that clean solvent be used in cleaning airplanes. Dispose of contaminated solvent immediately. Fresh solvent should be used on each airplane. WARNING Use explosion proof containers for storing wash solvents and other flammable materials. 18-7. PRE-PRIMING. a. For all standard aircraft. P60G2 primer shall be mixed one part primer to one and one half parts R7K44 catalyst by volume, mix only in stainless steel or lined containers. After mixing, allow primer to set for thirty minutes before spraying. Pot life of the mixed primer is six hours. All mixed material should be discarded if not used within this time. Pot pressure during spray operation should be approximately 10t 1 psi. Air pressure should be 40 to 50 psi at the gun. Blow loose contaminant off the airplane with a jet of clean, dry air. Cover the flap tracks, nose gear strut tube, wheels, and shimmy dampener rod ends. ABS parts and other pre-primed parts do not receive wash primer. WARNING AIRCRAFT SHOULD BE GROUNDED PRIOR TO PAINTING TO PREVENT STATIC ELECTRICITY BUILD-UP AND DISCHARGE. 18-8. 18-6 PRIMING. a. Apply primer in one wet even coat. Dry film thickness to be .0003 to .0005 inches. Do not topcoat until sufficiently cured. When scratching with firm pressure of the fingernail does not penetrate the coating, the primer is cured. Primer should be topcoated within four hours after application. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 18-9. PREPAINTING. a. On standard aircraft mix the required amount of Imron with Imron 192S Activator in a 3 to 1 ratio. Mix thoroughly (no induction time required before spraying). Imron shall be thinned with Y8485S Imron Reducer to obtain a spraying viscosity of 18 to 22 seconds on a No. 2 Zahn Cup. Viscosity should be checked after 4 hours and adjusted if necessary. b. When applying modified urethane finishes, the painter should wear an approved respirator, which has a dust filter and organic vapor cartridge, or an air supplied respirator. All modified urethane finishes contain some isocyanate, which may cause irritation to the respiratory tract or an allergic reaction. Individuals may become sensitized to isocyanates. c. The pot life of the mixture is approximately 6-8 hours at 75°F. Pot pressure should be approximately 12 psi during application. Air pressure at the gun should be 40 to 50 psi. d. Scuff sand the primer only where runs or dirt particles are evident. Minor roughness or grit may be removed by rubbing the surface with brown Kraft paper which has been thoroughly wrinkled. Unmask ABS and other preprimed parts and check tapes. Clean surface with a jet of low pressure-dry air. 18-10. PAINTING ALL-OVER WHITE OR COLOR. a. Complete painting of the plane should be done with 2 or 3 wet, even coats. Dry coats will not reflow, and will leave a grainy appearance. b. Allow 5 minute period for the finish to flash off before moving aircraft to the oven. c. Move to the force dry oven and dry for approximately 1 1/2 hours at 120°F to 140°F. d. Dry film thickness of the overall color should be approximately 2.0 mils. Films in excess of 3.0 mils are not desirable. 18-11. MASKING FOR STRIPES. a. Remove airplane from the oven. Allow airplane to cool to room temperature before masking. b. Mask stripe area using 3M Tape Y231 or 3M Tape Y218 and Class A solvent proof paper. Double tape all skin laps to prevent blow by. c. Airplanes which will have a stripe only configuration shall be masked, cleaned, and primed, in stripe area only. d. If the base coat is not over 72 hours old, the stripe area does not require sanding. If sanding is necessary because of age or to remove surface defects, use #400 or #600 sandpaper. Course paper will leave sand marks which will decrease gloss and depth of gloss of the finish. The use of power sanders should be held to a minimum. if used. exercise care to preclude sanding through the white base coat. Wipe surface to be striped with a tack cloth and check all tapes. e. Stripe color will be the same as the base coat, mix as outlined in paragraph 18-9. f. Painting of the stripe should be done with 2 or 3 wet, even coats. Dry coats will not reflow. and will leave a grainy appearance. Stripes may be force dried or air dried. Film thickness of a stripe is approximtely 1.5 mil to 2.0 mils. g. Do not remove masking tape and paper until the paint has dried to a "dry to touch" condition. Care should be exercised in removal of the masking to prevent damage to the finish. h. Modified urethane finishes are sensitive to moisture and, therefore, should be stored out of rain until cured. 18-7 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 18-12. TOUCH-UP. When necessary to touch up or refinish an area, the defect should be sanded with #400 and followed by #600 sandpaper. Avoid, if possible, sanding through the primer. If the primer is penetrated over an area 1/2 inch square or larger. repriming is necessary. Avoid spraying primer on the adjacent paint as much as possible. Since urethane finishes cannot be "spotted in" repairs should be in sections extending to skin lap or stripe lines. a. Dry overspray and rough areas may be compounded out with DuPont #808 rubbing compound. b. Grease, bug stains, etc., may be removed from painted surfaces with DX440 Wax and Grease Remover or Imperial Cleaner. Klad Polish may be used on bare aluminum to remove stains, oxides, etc. c. Rework areas, where paint or primer removal is required, may be stripped with Strypeeze Paint Remover. All traces of stripper must be removed before refinishing. 18-13. REPAIR OF DENTS. a. To repair dents use White Streak Filler or equivalent. Mix White Streak in the correct proportion as recommended by the manufacturer. b. Do not apply White Streak Filler over paint. All paint shall be removed in the repair area and the aluminum surface sanded lightly to increase adhesion. Apply the White Streak to a level slightly above the surrounding skin. After drying for 10-15 minutes. sand the filler flush with the skin surface, using care to feather the edges. NOTE Application of a top coat thickness in excess of 5.0 mils. requires a control surface balance check. 18-8 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 19 WIRING DIAGRAMS TABLE OF CONTENTS Circuit Function/Specification Circuit Code Letters ......... Cross Referene Listing ...... D.C. POWER 60-Ampere Ammeter ................. 60-Ampere Alternator ....... Ground Service Receptacle .... Circuit Breaker, & Bus Bar ... 60-Ampere Alternator ....... 60-Ampere Ammeter ....... IGNITION Magnetos .............. ENGINE CONTROL Battery/Starter Contactors .... Starter 2I24/19-14 Battery/Starter Contactors .... Starter .................. Oil Temperature ........... Oil Temperature ........... ENGINE INSTUMENTS ... Fuel Indicator/Transmitter .. Hourmeter ............... Hourmeter ............... Fuel Indicator/Transmitter .... .... Fuel Indicator/Transmitter FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Turn and Bank Indicator/ Turn Coordinator .......... Page No. Aerofiche/ Manual 2J1219-2 2J1419-4 2J15/19 2J16/192J17/19-7 2J18/19-8 219/19-9 2J21/19-11 2J22/19-12 2J23/19-13 21/19-15 2K2/19-16 2K3/19-17 2K4/-18 2K5/19-19 2K6/19-20 2K7/19-21 2K8/19-22 2K9/19-23 MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUMENTS Clock ................... Digital Clok .............. LIGHTING Dome Light .............. Compass/Instrument Lights ... Landing and Taxi Lights ..... Navigation Lights .......... Flashing Beacon Light ....... Map Light, Control Wheel .... Strobe Light .............. Post Light ... Navigation Lights .......... Map/Aux Instrument Light ... Landing and Taxi Lights ..... HEATING, VENTILATION AND DE-ICING Cigar Lighter ............. Pitot Heater ............... CONTROL SURFACES Wing Flaps, Electric ........ Wing Fla, Eletric ........ Vacuum Out Warning System ................. Standby Vacuum Pump ...... 2K11/1-25 2K12/19-26 2K13/19-27 2K14/19-28 2K15/19-29 2K16/19-30 2K17/19-31 2K18/19-32 2K19/19-33 2K20/19-34 2K22/19-3 2K23/19-37 .2K24/19-38 2L1/19-38A 2L3/19-39 2L4/19-40 2L/1-41 2L6/1942 2L7119-43 210/19-24 Revision 1 19-1 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CIRCUIT FUNCTION AND SPECIFIC CIRCUIT CODE LETTERS A - Armament B - Photographic C - Control Surface CA - Automatic Pilot CC - Wing Flaps CD - Elevator Trim D - Instrument (Other Than Flight or Engine Instrument) DA - Ammeter DB - Flap Position Indicator DC - Clock DD - Voltmeter DE - Outside Air Temperature DF - Flight Hour Meter E - Engine Instrument EA - Carburetor Air Temperature EB - Fuel Quantity Gage and Transmitter EC - Cylinder Head Temperature ED - Oil Pressure EE - Oil Temperature EF - Fuel Pressure EG - Tachometer EH - Torque Indicator EJ - Instrument Cluster F - Flight Instrument FA - Bank and Turn FB - Pitot Static Tube Heater and Stall Warning Heater FC - Stall Warning FD - Speed Control System FE - Indicator Lights G - Landing Gear GA- Actuator GB - Retraction GC - Warning Device (Horn) GD - Light Switches GE - Indicator Lights H - Heating, Ventilating and De-Icing HA - Anti-icing HB - Cabin Heater HC - Cigar Lighter HD - De-ice HE - Air Conditioners HF - Cabin Ventilation J - Ignition JA - Magneto K - Engine Control KA - Starter Control KB - Propeller Synchronizer L - Lighting LA - Cabin 19-2 LB - Instrument LC - Landing LD - Navigation LE - Taxi LF - Rotating Beacon LG - Radio LH - De-ice LJ - Fuel Selector LK - Tail Floodlight M- Miscellaneous MA - Cowl Flaps MB - Electrically Operated Seats MC - Smoke Generator MD - Spray Equipment ME - Cabin Pressurization Equipment MF - Chem 02 - Indicator P - D.C. Power PA - Battery Circuit PB - Generator Circuits PC - External Power Source Q - Fuel and Oil QA - Auxiliary Fuel Pump QB - Oil Dilution QC - Engine Primer QD - Main Fuel Pumps QE - Fuel Valves R - Radio (Navigation and Communication) RA - Instrument Landing RB - Command RC - Radio Direction Finding RD - VHF RE - Homing RF - Marker Beacon RG - Navigation RH - High Frequency RJ. - Interphone RK - UHF RL - Low Frequency RM - Frequency Modulation RP - Audio System and Audio Amplifier RR - Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) RS - Airborne Public Address System S - Radar U - Miscellaneous Electronic UA - Identification - Friend or Foe W - Warning and Emergency WA - Flare Release WB - Chip Detector WC - Fire Detection System X - A.C. Power MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL FUNCTION CIRCUITS GAUGE BASE COLOR (or solid) 16 Red None 16 Red None 18 Red Black Red White 20 Red Green 22 Red Yellow 16 Black None 18 Black White Mike Ground 22 Black None Radio Lights Dim 18 Yellow None Mike Audio 22 Tan None Tan (Shielded) None A * Power A * Power Ground STRIPE COLOR Mike Key 22 White Black Radio Speaker 20 Green None Headphones 22 Blue None Dev+* 22 Gray Red Dev - 22 Gray Green * "Dev*" and "Dev-" circuits are for use in Nav-o-matic 300 autopilots and any associated omni indicator circuit to which it connects. NOTE All other color coded wires are for general use in multiconductor radio and autopilot harness assemblies. 19-3 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL CROSS REFERENCE LISTING OF SERIAL REQUEST NUMBERS LISTED ON DIAGRAMS VS. AIRCRAFT SERIAL NUMBERS. SR NO. AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO. SR8450 15279406 SR9101 15283592 SR8451 A1520735 SR9102 A152S79 SR8452 FA1520337 SR9103 FA1520356 SR8689 15280170, A1520754. F15201429 & FA1520337 SR9195 15282532 & A1520831 SR9270 SR8770 15282032 & F15201529 15283592. A1520879. F15201674 & FA1520358 SR8771 A1520809 SR9621 15284542 SR8772 FA1520347 SR9622 A1520944 SR8861 15280460. A1522760. FA1520347 & F15201539 SR9742 15284599, A1520948. F15201809 & FA1520373 SR8921 15281167. A1520778. F15201529 & FA1520347 SR10056 15285162. A1520984. F15201894 & FA1520378 SR9014 15283131. A1520805, F15201529 & FA1520347 SR10411 15285940. A1521027. F1521953 & FA120388 19-4 SR NO. AIRCRAFT SERIAL NO. MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 19-5 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL I 1 -* MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 19-7 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 19-9 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 19-14 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 19-15 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 19-17 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 19-23 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 19-26 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 19-27 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 19-29 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL ~ AsptD 19-30 ~ LDS RED MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 19-32 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 19-33 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Post Lights "(Sheet 2 of 2) 19-35 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 19-36 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 19-38 MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL 19-38A/(19-38B blank) MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL SWITCH U - -.o_ ,_ - i L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL
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