Cloud Sigma Sentinel Repository How To Guide

User Manual:

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DownloadCloud Sigma Sentinel Repository - How-to Guide
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CloudSigma AG
Badenerstrasse 549
8048 Zürich, CH

Accessing the object storage is only possible within our Zurich, Frankfurt, Warsaw cloud
network. Therefore, a VM should be within those locations. The Earth observation data is
publicly available within a container on our object storage. It can be downloaded locally through
the HTTP protocol, using a special URL.
This is an example how the products can be reached:
The container name is ​S1-SAFE-ZIP​. The name of the product/file is:
The name of the product in our object storage is the same as the product names you can find in
the ​Copernicus Open Access Hub (SciHub). You can look up the desired products and replace
the name in the URL provided above.
You can use different tools to download and manage the files. One of the most common tools is
wget and can be used like that:


This will result in the file being downloaded into the current working directory. From then on, the
archive can be extracted and the image should be available.
Zip archives can be handled in Linux based operating systems using the unzip tool. Example

unzip -d destination_folder
If the tool is not available, it can be installed using a package manager like so:

# On Debian based Linux OS
sudo apt-get install unzip

# On Red Hat based Linux OS
sudo yum install unzip


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File Type                       : PDF
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MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.5
Linearized                      : Yes
Producer                        : Skia/PDF m71
Page Count                      : 2
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