Discrete Choice Experiments: A Guide To Specification, Estimation And Software Experiments Specification

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DOI 10.1007/s40273-017-0506-4


Discrete Choice Experiments: A Guide to Model Specification,
Estimation and Software
Emily Lancsar1 • Denzil G. Fiebig2 • Arne Risa Hole3

 Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017

Abstract We provide a user guide on the analysis of data
(including best–worst and best–best data) generated from
discrete-choice experiments (DCEs), comprising a theoretical review of the main choice models followed by
practical advice on estimation and post-estimation. We also
provide a review of standard software. In providing this
guide, we endeavour to not only provide guidance on
choice modelling but to do so in a way that provides a ‘way
in’ for researchers to the practicalities of data analysis. We
argue that choice of modelling approach depends on the
research questions, study design and constraints in terms of
quality/quantity of data and that decisions made in relation
to analysis of choice data are often interdependent rather
than sequential. Given the core theory and estimation of
choice models is common across settings, we expect the
theoretical and practical content of this paper to be useful
to researchers not only within but also beyond health

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s40273-017-0506-4) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
& Emily Lancsar

Centre for Health Economics, Monash Business School,
Monash University, 75 Innovation Walk, Clayton, VIC 3800,


School of Economics, University of New South Wales,
Sydney, NSW, Australia


Department of Economics, University of Sheffield, Sheffield,

Key Points for Decision Makers
We provide a user guide on the analysis of data,
including best–worst and best–best data, generated
from discrete-choice experiments (DCEs),
addressing the questions of ‘what can be done in the
analysis of DCE data’ and ‘how to do it’.
We provide a theoretical overview of the main
choice models and review three standard statistical
software packages: Stata, Nlogit and Biogeme.
Choice of modelling approach depends on the
research questions, study design and constraints in
terms of quality/quantity of data, and decisions made
in relation to analysis of choice data are often
interdependent rather than sequential.
A health-based DCE example for which we provide
the data and estimation code is used throughout to
demonstrate the data set-up, variable coding and
various model estimation and post-estimation

1 Introduction
Despite researchers having access to ever-expanding
sources and amounts of data, gaps remain in what existing
data can provide to answer important questions in health
economics. Discrete-choice experiments (DCEs) [1] are in
demand because they provide opportunities to answer a
range of research questions, some of which cannot otherwise be satisfactorily answered. In particular, they can
provide insight into preferences (e.g. to inform clinical and

E. Lancsar et al.

policy decisions and improve adherence with clinical/
public health programmes or to understand the behaviour
of key agents in the health sector, such as the health
workforce, patients, policy makers, etc.), quantification of
the trade-offs individuals are prepared to make between
different aspects of healthcare (e.g. benefit–risk trade-offs),
monetary and non-monetary valuation (e.g. valuing
healthcare and/or health outcomes for use in both costbenefit and cost-utility analysis and priority setting more
generally) and demand forecasts (e.g. forecasting uptake of
new treatments to assist in planning appropriate levels of
DCEs are a stated-preference method that involve the
generation and analysis of choice data. They are usually
implemented in surveys; respondents are presented with
several choice sets, each containing a number of alternatives between which respondents are asked to choose. Each
alternative is described by its attributes and each attribute
takes one of several levels that describe ranges over which
the attributes vary.
Some reviews [2, 3] document the popularity and
growth of such methods in health economics; others [4–6]
provide guidance on how to use such methods in general.
Unsurprisingly, given the detailed research investment
needed to generate stated-preference data via DCEs, more
detailed user guides on specific components of undertaking a DCE have also been developed, including the use
of qualitative methods in DCEs [7], experimental design
[8] and external validity [9]. A natural next large component of undertaking and interpreting DCEs to be
addressed is guidance on the analysis of DCE data. This
topic has recently received some attention: Hauber et al.
[10] provide a useful review of a number of statistical
models for use with DCE data. We go beyond that work in
both scope and depth in this paper, covering not only
model specification, which is the focus of the paper by
Hauber et al. [10] (and within model specification we
cover more ground), but also estimation, post-estimation
and software.
We provide an overview of the key considerations
that are common to data collected in DCEs, and the
implications these have in determining the appropriate
modelling approach, before presenting an overview of
the various models applicable to data generated from
standard first-best DCEs as well as for models applicable
to data generated via best–worst and best–best DCEs.
We discuss the fact that the parameter estimates from
choice models are typically not of intrinsic interest (and
why that is) and instead encourage researchers to
undertake post-estimation analysis derived from the
estimation results to both improve interpretation and
produce measures relevant to policy and practice. Such
additional analysis includes predicted uptake or demand,

marginal rates of substitution, elasticities and welfare
analysis. Coupled with this theoretical overview, we
discuss how such models can be estimated and provide
an overview of statistical software packages that can be
used in such estimation. In doing so, we cover important
practical considerations such as how to set up the data
for analysis, coding and other estimation issues. We also
provide information on cutting-edge approaches and
references for further detail.
Many steps are involved in generating discrete-choice
data prior to their analysis, including reviews of the
relevant literature and qualitative work to generate the
appropriate choice context and attributes and levels,
survey design and, importantly, experimental design
used to generate the alternatives between which
respondents are asked to choose, and—of course—piloting and data collection. As noted, many of these
‘front-end’ steps have received attention in the literature
and we do not discuss those topics here. Instead, we take
as the starting point the question of how best to analyse
the data generated from DCEs. Having said that, it is
important to note that model specification and experimental design are intimately linked, not least because the
types of models that can be estimated are determined by
the experimental design. That means the analysis of
DCE data is undertaken within the constraints of the
identification and statistical properties embedded in the
experimental design used to generate the choice data.
For that reason, consideration of the types of models one
is interested in estimating (and the content of this current
paper) is important prior to creating the experimental
design for a given DCE.
In providing this guide, we endeavour to not only provide guidance on choice modelling but to do so in a way
that provides a ‘way in’ for researchers to the practicalities
of data analysis. To this end, we refer throughout to and
demonstrate the data set-up, variable coding, various model
estimation and post-estimation approaches using a healthbased DCE example by Ghijben et al. [11], for which we
provide the data and Stata estimation code in the Electronic
Supplementary Material (ESM). This resource adds an
additional dimension that complements the guidance provided in this paper by providing a practical example to help
elucidate the points made, and it can also be used as a
general template for researchers when they come to estimate models from their own DCEs.
As such, the two main components of the paper are
‘what can be done in the analysis of DCE data’ and ‘how to
do it’. Given many (but not all) considerations in the
analysis of DCE data are common across contexts in which
choice data may be collected, we envisage the content of
this paper being relevant to DCE researchers within and
outside of health economics.

Discrete Choice Experiments: A Guide to Model Specification, Estimation and Software

2 Choice Models
2.1 Introduction
Continual reference to the case study provided by Ghijben
et al. [11] enables us to provide insights into some of the
modelling decisions made in that paper as well as to make
the associated data available as supplementary material to
enable replication of all results produced in the current
paper; some but not all of which appear in Ghijben et al.
[11]. This carefully chosen example is broadly representative of the type of studies found in health economics and
enables us to illustrate a relatively wide range of features of
DCEs. Naturally, one example cannot provide an exhaustive coverage of issues likely to be faced by practitioners
and, when appropriate, reference will be made to other
applied work that supply templates for aspects that fall
outside the scope of our case study.
Ghijben et al. [11] were motivated by the growing
public health problem associated with atrial fibrillation and
concerns of under-treatment. The study aimed to examine
patient preferences for warfarin and new anticoagulants
and motivated a decision problem where individuals faced
with atrial fibrillation and an elevated risk of stroke needed
to decide upon alternative treatments. These considerations
motivated the development of the final choice task, an
example of which is presented in Fig. 1. Sequences of such
tasks were presented to respondents and form an integral
part of the data collection. Again, we emphasize that getting to the stage of having a dataset amenable to analysis is
a significant part of conducting a DCE and should not be
underestimated. But this is not our focus, and interested
readers should consult Johnson et al. [8], Dillman [12] and
Tourangeau et al. [13] for details on the important topics of
experimental and survey design.
It is useful to first introduce some terminology and to
discuss a number of key features common to data collected
in DCEs. In broad terms, the features are as follows:

Discrete choices On each choice occasion, respondents face a choice set containing two or more discrete
and mutually exclusive alternatives. Respondents are
then required to answer one or more questions
reflecting their evaluation of these alternatives. In
Fig. 1, respondents are required to first choose their
most preferred alternative amongst the choice set of
three options. They are then asked a follow-up
question requiring them to choose the better of the
two options remaining after their initial choice, which
delivers a complete ranking of the three alternatives.
Including just the first question is possibly the most
common way to generate choice outcomes, and our
discussion focuses on this case. However, the second

type of question is an example that falls under the
rubric of best–worst scaling (BWS) that is becoming
increasingly popular because of the extra preference
information provided at low marginal cost [14, 15].
B. Choice sets Choice sets contain two or more alternatives.1 The choice set in our case study contains three
alternatives, two referring to hypothetical drugs and
one being a no-treatment option. Variants of such a
structure include a status quo option so the investigator is determining which hypothetical alternatives
would be attractive enough to make respondents
switch from what they currently use; see Bartels
et al. [16] and King et al. [17] for examples.2 Where
no-choice is a realistic alternative but is not provided
as part of the choice set, the situation is referred to as a
forced-choice problem. Including no-choice or status
quo options usually adds realism to the choice task and
is especially relevant in forecasting exercises and
welfare analysis. The two hypothetical alternatives in
Fig. 1 are fully described by their attributes, and the
drugs are denoted by generic titles, ‘drug A’ and ‘drug
B’. They are said to be unlabelled alternatives.
Sometimes it is more appropriate to provide a
descriptive name for the hypothetical alternatives.
For example, the choice set could include warfarin and
a new oral anticoagulant such as dabigatran; the
alternatives are now said to be labelled.
C. Alternatives defined by attributes Alternatives are
defined by a set of attributes that are individually
assessed by consumers in coming to an evaluation of
the product as a whole [17]. The levels of the
attributes are varied over choice occasions as part of
the experimental design. Thus, the structure of these
variables that figure prominently in subsequent analysis are under the control of the analyst. A good
experimental design is one that ensures they deliver
the best possible estimates and so problems prominent
with revealed preference data, such as limited variation in key variables and multicollinearity, can be
avoided in DCEs. It is true though that this comes with
added responsibility on the part of analysts. For
example, if there are interaction effects between
attributes that are theoretically relevant, then it is
necessary for the design to ensure that such effects are
in fact identified.
D. Repeated measures The data have a panel structure
with the same respondent providing multiple outcomes for a sequence of different choice occasions or

This can include presenting a single profile and asking respondents
to accept or reject it.
In our case study, the status quo is no treatment; however, more
generally, status quo and no treatment need not coincide.

E. Lancsar et al.

Fig. 1 Example of a discrete-choice experiment choice set. Ghijben et al. [11]


scenarios. While asking respondents to answer more
than one choice task is an economical way of
gathering more information, it is clear that extra
observations from the same respondent do not represent independent information. As in our case study,
there are also examples where multiple outcomes are
available for each scenario.
Respondent characteristics In a section of the survey
instrument separate from the choice scenarios, personal characteristics of respondents are routinely
collected. Different respondents may value different
alternatives and attributes in different ways and so
trying to capture these sources of preference heterogeneity with observable characteristics will typically
form part of the analysis plan. In our case study, the
medical history of respondents including any history
of atrial fibrillation is potentially very relevant. While
personal characteristics and relevant health history are
natural inclusions, there is scope to collect and use less


standard characteristics such as attitudinal variables
Context Choices depend on the environment or context
in which they are made [21]. In designing a DCE, the
choice context plays a major role in making the
hypothetical choice realistic. Context can also be
manipulated as part of the experimental design by
defining different contexts in which the choice is to be
made and then allocating respondents to these context
treatments and by including context variables as
attributes. For example, our case study could be
extended by allocating respondents to treatments that
differed in the form or amount of information they
were provided on atrial fibrillation or by including
attributes of the cardiologist that respondents visited.

As well as providing an overview of typical DCE data
and introducing some terminology, this initial discussion is
important because several features of these data will
eventually impact model specification.

Discrete Choice Experiments: A Guide to Model Specification, Estimation and Software

2.2 Standard Discrete-Choice Models
It is natural to start with the classical multinomial logit
(MNL) and its link to the random-utility model established
by McFadden [22, 23]. This provides an opportunity to
introduce most of the key specification and estimation
issues and represents the baseline for most extensions to
more sophisticated models and for research on the theoretical underpinnings of decision making in choice
Assume the utility that respondent i derives from
choosing alternative j in choice scenario s is given by
Uisj ¼ Visj þ eisj ;
j ¼ 1;    ; J;

i ¼ 1;    ; N;

s ¼ 1;    ; S;


For modelling purposes, there is no compelling reason to
prefer this specification for the disturbance distribution in
preference to, say, normality that leads to a multinomial
probit model. Historically, the preference for MNL arose
because of the availability of a closed form solution for the
probabilities as in Eq. 3, which leads to considerable
computational advantages over multinomial probit where
such representations of probabilities are not available.
While computational considerations are today less of an
issue, as we will see later, more complicated estimation
problems can still benefit from having an MNL model as its
Turning to the specification of Visj as an initial starting
point, one might consider a linear specification:

where there are N decision makers choosing amongst J
alternatives across S scenarios. Visj represents the
systematic or predictable component of the overall utility
of choosing alternative j, and eisj is the stochastic
disturbance term representing characteristics unobservable
by the analyst. We have data on the discrete choice yis ¼ j,
which are then linked to the associated utilities by
assuming the individual decision maker chooses
alternative j if it delivers the highest utility in
comparison with the utility associated with all other
alternatives in the choice set. Thus, we model the
probability of choosing alternative j as follows:
Pisj ¼ Probðyis ¼ jÞ ¼ ProbðUisj  Uisl [ 0Þ

8l 6¼ j:


Equations 1 and 2 imply that the overall scale of utility
is irrelevant in that multiplying both Visj and eisj by a
positive constant yields a different utility level but does not
change the resultant choice. Consequently, the scale of
utility needs to be normalized, which is equivalent to
normalizing the variance of eisj .
Econometric analysis proceeds within this framework
by making a number of assumptions and specification
decisions. First, consider the distribution of the stochastic
disturbance terms. Under the assumption that these are
independently and identically distributed type-I extreme
values, the probability of choosing j takes the familiar
MNL form:

exp kVisj
Pisj ¼ PJ
l¼1 expðkVisl Þ
where k is the scale parameter (inverse of the standard
deviation of the disturbance). We will return to a further
discussion of scale, but in a standard MNL model k cannot
be separately identified and by convention is set to unity.
Such normalizations should be familiar to anyone with
knowledge of basic binary choice models such as logit and


Visj ¼ aj þ Aisj d þ Zi cj


where Aisj is a vector of attributes describing alternative j,
Zi is a vector of characteristics of the individual decision
maker and aj ; d; cj are parameters to be estimated. Note the
different sources of variation in the covariates. The attributes by design will typically vary over individuals, scenarios and alternatives while personal characteristics will
only vary over individuals and will be constant over scenarios and alternatives. According to Eq. 2, only differences in utilities matter and so another generic specification
issue is that characteristics of the individual have an impact
on choice only to the extent that their associated parameters vary over alternatives, specified here as cj : Similarly,
the alternative specific constants, aj ; are specified to vary
over alternatives. As there are J  1 differences in utilities,
it is also necessary to apply at least one normalization to
the alternative specific constants and the parameters for the
individual characteristics. This can be accommodated in a
number of ways, but typically one alternative is set as the
base and the associated parameters are normalized to zero.
Because attributes do vary over alternatives, it is possible
to estimate associated effects or preference weights that are
not alternative specific. One could allow d to vary over
alternatives, but it is not necessary for the purposes of
Some discussions make a distinction between models of
multinomial outcomes based on the structure of the
regressors, calling a model with alternative-specific
regressors a conditional logit model, one with case-specific
regressors an MNL model and where there is a mixture of
alternative-specific and case-specific regressors, as we have
specified in Eq. 4, some authors call this a mixed model.
They are essentially the same model, so such distinctions
can lead to confusion. Thus, we simply call the model
given by Eqs. 1–4 an MNL specification [24].
One way to interpret Eq. 4 is that the alternative specific
constants vary by respondent characteristics. Faced with a

E. Lancsar et al.

choice between the same alternatives, different individuals
make different choices that can be predicted by differences
in their observable characteristics. A natural extension to
Eq. 4 also allows attribute weights to vary with respondent
characteristics. Such heterogeneity can be captured by
including interactions between attributes and individual
characteristics. Decisions about these specification choices
will depend on the subject matter of the particular problem
and the research questions being considered.
As various models are introduced, we will supply
associated estimation results produced using Stata and
collect these in Table 1. Section 3 provides a comparison
of estimates using alternative packages and more detail on
estimation issues. The first column of results are for MNL,
where we have used the first-best data and model B of
Table 5 in Ghijben et al. [11] as the particular specification.
There are three alternatives, j ¼ N; A; B; corresponding
to no treatment and drugs A and B. The no treatment choice
parameters are normalized to zero; aN ¼ 0; cN ¼ 0. These
constraints are necessary for identification. Ghijben et al.
[11] impose two further constraints, neither of which is
necessary for the purposes of identification, but both are
sensible in this case. The first constraint, aA ¼ aB ; implies a
single ‘treatment’ alternative-specific constant. Because the
hypothetical alternatives are unlabelled, we would expect
any preference for one drug over the other to be attributed
solely to differences in attributes. In other words, if A and
B were described by the same attribute levels, respondents
would be expected to be indifferent between them.

Conversely, in the case of labelled alternatives, it would
not be prudent to impose such constraints. In such applications, alternative-specific constants would be capturing
effects attributable to the label or brand over and above
those captured by the attributes and hence these would be
expected to differ across alternatives. Ghijben et al. [11]
also imposed the constraint cA ¼ cB . Once cN ¼ 0 has been
imposed, this second constraint is not necessary. It would
be possible to specify alternative-specific attribute effects,
for example, preferences over risk could differ depending
on the treatment option, but specifying generic attribute
effects is appropriate with these data.
In Table 1, the block effect, which is a dummy variable
to control for the version of the survey to which the
respondent answered, is written as an interaction with the
treatment alternative-specific constant as are the personal
characteristics in model C of Table 3 in Ghijben et al. [11]
(an exception is age, which is interacted with the risk
attribute). This is operationally equivalent to allowing the
associated parameters to vary between treatment and no
treatment; depending on the options available in the software, this may be how the data need to be constructed for
estimation to be undertaken (These and other estimation
issues are addressed in Sect. 3).
While the specification has been shaped somewhat by
the generic features of DCE data, a number of features
have been overlooked in this basic MNL model. Simplicity
of estimation and interpretation are among the main
advantages of MNL, but these come at the cost of some

Table 1 Estimates of standard discrete-choice models using data from Ghijben et al. [11]







Stroke risk

0.698 (0.080)

0.774 (0.088)

0.886 (0.165)

0.867 (0.117)

0.503 (0.058)

0.705 (0.076)

Bleed risk

0.684 (0.080)

0.742 (0.094)

0.790 (0.135)

0.816 (0.120)

0.572 (0.066)

0.767 (0.088)


0.066 (0.116)

0.137 (0.133)

0.108 (0.192)

0.137 (0.147)

0.149 (0.121)

0.228 (0.146)

Blood test

-0.079 (0.075)

-0.088 (0.081)

-0.107 (0.099)

-0.120 (0.092)

-0.052 (0.059)

-0.038 (0.079)

Dose frequency
Drug/food interactions

-0.064 (0.061)
-0.267 (0.083)

-0.079 (0.065)
-0.314 (0.091)

-0.132 (0.096)
-0.319 (0.097)

-0.107 (0.078)
-0.338 (0.090)

-0.014 (0.051)
-0.280 (0.078)

-0.019 (0.067)
-0.385 (0.099)


-0.010 (0.001)

-0.011 (0.002)

-0.009 (0.002)

-0.011 (0.002)

-0.011 (0.001)

-0.014 (0.002)

Bleed riska antidote

-0.337 (0.081)

-0.321 (0.094)

-0.320 (0.105)

-0.327 (0.100)

-0.213 (0.060)

-0.273 (0.077)

ASCa block

-0.589 (0.518)

-0.655 (1.533)

-0.810 (0.825)

-1.513 (0.575)

-0.216 (0.335)

-0.327 (0.656)

ASC (mean)

0.926 (0.404)

2.767 (0.966)

1.824 (0.738)

3.201 (0.538)

1.043 (0.233)

ASC (standard deviation)

3.052 (0.948)




3.178 (0.332)
0.961 (0.240)

-0.388 (0.109)



1.514 (0.431)
2.438 (0.246)



Data are presented as estimate (standard error)
ROL/MROL estimates use the complete ranking data coming from the best–best choices of respondents, whereas all other columns of estimates
only use the first best choices. All standard errors are cluster-robust, which allows for arbitrary correlation between the disturbance terms at the
individual level. Estimation was undertaken in Stata 14.2
ASC alternative specific constant, GMNL generalised multinomial logit, MNL multinomial logit, MROL mixed rank ordered logit, MXL mixed
logit, ROL rank ordered logit, SH scale heterogeneity model

Discrete Choice Experiments: A Guide to Model Specification, Estimation and Software

restrictive assumptions that are clearly unrealistic in the
context of DCEs.
The assumption of iid disturbances is especially problematic. We have already noted that the panel structure of
the data is likely to induce correlation across choice
occasions. A respondent in the case study with a preference
for no treatment that is not captured by observable characteristics will carry that preference across choice occasions, inducing persistence in their choices. Such effects
cannot be explicitly captured by any aspect of the current
specification, but it is possible to adjust the standard errors
to allow for clustering at the respondent level and this we
have done in Table 1.
It has long been recognized that the independence of
irrelevant alternatives (IIA) is a problematic aspect of the
MNL. Proportional substitution across alternatives is a
consequence of this model, irrespective of the actual data.
Empirically, it may be a reasonable approximation in some
settings, such as when all alternatives are generic. But in
many DCE settings, especially those involving labelled
alternatives, this is unlikely to be the situation. In the case
study, it is highly likely that the impact of changing the
cost of drug B is going to have a very different impact on
the demand for drug A relative to the impact on the choice
of the no treatment option. However, for MNL, we know
beforehand that the predicted relative market shares would
not change in response to a change in the cost of one drug.
Thus, in situations where differential substitution patterns
are likely, it is advisable to move to a more flexible
It has already been suggested that attribute weights may
vary with respondent characteristics. However, in modelling individual behaviour, unobserved heterogeneity is
pervasive, implying a need to allow some or all of the
parameters in Eqs. 3 and 4 to vary over individuals, even
after controlling for variation explained by observable
Rather than building up the model with extensions targeting separate issues, we will move to a very general
model specification provided by the generalized MNL (GMNL) developed in Fiebig et al. [25]. This is not the only
model that could be chosen, and it is not without its critics
[26], although these criticisms are more about interpretation than the model itself. It is a convenient choice in our
discussion because it has the potential to capture all of the
issues just raised. Moreover, it is a very flexible specification nesting several models often used in empirical
applications and therefore provides a convenient framework for choosing between competing models. G-MNL is
based on a utility specification that explicitly includes both
individual-specific scale and preference heterogeneity. In
other words, we allow k; the scale parameter in Eq. 3, to
vary by respondent: a form of heteroscedasticity. This

allows for differential choice variability in that the errors
are more important relative to the observed attributes for
some respondents compared with others. Differences in
scale are often interpreted as differences in choice consistency. In addition, the utility weights in Eq. 4 are assumed
to be random coefficients that vary over respondents. GMNL is written as follows:

Uisj ¼ Xisj bi þ eisj


bi ¼ ki b þ cgi þ ð1  cÞki gi :


For notational convenience, all variables and parameters
have been collapsed into single vectors X and b.
If ki ¼ k, implying no scale heterogeneity (SH), G-MNL
reduces to the mixed logit (MXL) specification, which has
long been the most popular model used in DCE work; for
examples, see Revelt and Train [27], Brownstone and Train
[28], Hall et al. [29] and Hole [30]. After normalizing scale
to unity, Eq. 6 becomes bi ¼ b þ gi so that MXL is a
random coefficient specification designed to capture preference heterogeneity, where gi represents random variation
around the parameter means. There are error component
versions of MXL [25] where the motivation comes from
the need to induce correlation and heteroscedasticity across
alternatives rather than from preference heterogeneity.
Suppose only the alternative-specific constants are specified to be random. Assuming they are correlated provides a
convenient way to avoid IIA and allow more flexible
substitution between choices. It also provides a means to
capture dependence due to the panel structure because gi
varies over individuals but it is assumed to be fixed over
choice occasions. This then induces a positive correlation
across choice occasions and represents a typical baseline
specification common in panel analyses. Importantly, it
will provide estimated standard errors that better reflect the
nature of the data. Such a specification has been estimated,
and the results are denoted by MXL in Table 1.
If gi ¼ 0 so that there is no preference heterogeneity, GMNL reduces to a model where bi ¼ ki b: Allowing only
for SH indicates how this specification is observationally
equivalent to a particular type of preference heterogeneity
in the utility weights, an observation that led Louviere et al.
[31] to be critical of the standard MXL model. The estimation results for this model are denoted by SH in Table 1.
While conceptually there is a difference between SH and
preference heterogeneity, they are intrinsically linked and,
hence, in practice it is difficult to disentangle the two
empirically [26]. In particular, rather than making this
distinction, one could simply motivate the G-MNL as a
flexible parametric specification for the distribution of
Restricting c to zero implies bi ¼ ki ðb þ gi Þ, whereas c
equal to one implies bi ¼ ki b þ gi . In these two variants of

E. Lancsar et al.

G-MNL, it is either the random coefficients or just their
means that are scaled. Both of these are sensible alternatives,
although the choice between them may not be a priori
obvious. Freely estimating c allows more flexibility in how
the variance of residual taste heterogeneity varies with scale.
The estimation results denoted by G-MNL in Table 1 are for
a specification that simply combines the features of the current MXL and SH specifications with c ¼ 0: The full G-MNL
model provides flexibility in how SH and taste heterogeneity
are combined but can involve a large number of parameters,
especially when there is a large number of alternatives and
their random coefficients are assumed to be correlated. Given
the relatively small sample size in the case study, this parsimonious specification is a sensible choice here.
The specification is completed by choosing distributions
that capture the individual heterogeneity. Preference
heterogeneity is often specified to follow a multivariate
normal distribution. This is what has been assumed in the
results used to generate MXL and G-MNL in Table 1. In
principle, the choice of distribution is flexible, but—in
practice—normality is by far the most common choice.
Lognormality is another popular option used when
restricting coefficient signs. SH in the SH and G-MNL
models is assumed to be as follows:

ki ¼ exp k þ sti
where ti  N ð0; 1Þ and k is a normalizing constant required
to ensure identification of ki . Note, the GMNL results in
Table 1 include scaling the alternative specific constant
(ASC); in other situations, it may be problematic to do so;
see Fiebig et al. [25] for further discussion. The additional
parameter s provides a measure of SH. If s ¼ 0; the G-MNL
model reduces to a standard MXL specification. The work of
Fiebig et al. [25] highlights the empirical importance of
accommodating this extra dimension of heterogeneity. One
attraction of this specification of SH is a considerable
amount of flexibility with the addition of only one parameter. In principle, researchers have considerable flexibility in
choosing these distributions, but in practice most are confined to what options are offered in available software
(Again these are issues are addressed in Sect. 3).
We stress that there are different approaches to model
specification. An alternative to specifying random coefficient models that is quite popular in applications is to
assume that there are a finite number of types where
parameters vary within but not across types. So, modelling
heterogeneity is again the motivation but finite mixture or
latent class models result; see Hole [30] for an example.
Keane and Wasi [32] provide a comparison of the two
approaches in terms of fit and, while they do not proclaim a
clear winner, they do suggest that G-MNL performs well in
comparison with finite mixture models in part because the
former tends to be more parsimonious.

2.3 Best–Worst and Best–Best Discrete-Choice
The term BWS has been used somewhat loosely in the
literature. It is in fact a generic term that covers three
specific cases: (1) best–worst object scaling, (2) best–
worst attribute scaling and (3) best–worst DCEs
(BWDCE). All three involve asking respondents to
choose the best and worst (most and least preferred) from
a set of three or more items. In reverse order, respondents
choose best and worst between alternatives in (3);
between attribute levels within a single alternative or
profile in (2) and between whole objects (or sometimes
statements, principles, etc.) that are not decomposed into
attributes in (1). See Lancsar et al. [14] and Louviere et al.
[15] for further description and comparison of the three
cases. Here, we focus on BWDCEs for two reasons. First,
they are the form of BWS closest to traditional DCEs, or
can be thought of as a specific type of DCE. Second, the
models we discuss here for BWDCE data can readily be
applied to the other two types of BWS.
Like standard DCEs, respondents make repeated choices
between alternatives offered in choice sets, each described
by a number of attributes. However, BWDCEs are
designed to elicit extra preference information per choice
set by asking respondents not only to choose the best
option but also to sequentially choose the worst option,
potentially followed by choice of best of the remaining
options and so on until an implied preference ordering is
obtained over all alternatives in a set. For a choice set
containing J alternatives, respondents can be asked to make
(and the analyst build models based on) up to J - 1
sequential best and worst choices. At a minimum, a
BWDCE doubles the number of observations for analysis
(or more if more alternatives are included per set and
additional best and worst questions are answered), which in
turn can be used to increase the statistical efficiency of the
choice models or reduce sample sizes for a given target
number of observations [14]. By providing a higher number of degrees of freedom for analysis, the extra preference
data obtained via BWDCEs also opens up new research
avenues such as the estimation of individual-level models
[35], something generally not possible with the amount of
data collected per person in a standard DCE.
More recently, Ghijben et al. [11] introduced a variation of BWDCE, namely a best–best DCE in which best
is chosen from the full choice set followed by repeated
choice of best (instead of worst) from the remaining
alternatives until a preference order is obtained over all
alternatives, and used this elicitation process in their
study. Like a BWDCE, this increases the number of
observations collected per choice set but does so without

Discrete Choice Experiments: A Guide to Model Specification, Estimation and Software

asking respondents to swap to a new mental task of
choice of worst.
We discuss three ways to analyse best–worst data that
account for varying amounts and composition of preference information. The first is to simply harness the first
(best) choice in each choice set, ignoring the additional
choice data using models outlined in Sect. 2.2 (as done by
Lancsar et al. [33] and Fiebig et al. [34]). Alternatively, the
additional preference information obtained from a
BWDCE can be used to estimate discrete-choice models by
noting that the best and worst choice questions produce an
implied rank order over alternatives, which can be modelled with rank ordered logit (ROL) (e.g. Lancsar and
Louviere [35] and Scarpa et al. [36]). ROL [37–39] models
the probability of a particular ranking of alternatives as the
product of MNL models for choice of best. For example,
the ranking of three alternatives A [ B [ C is modelled as
the product of the (MNL) probability of choosing A as best
from the set (A B C) times the probability of choosing B as
best from the remaining alternatives (B C).
Prðranking A; B; C Þ ¼ PrðA is1st bestÞ  PrðB is 2nd bestÞ
expðVA Þ
expðVB Þ
j¼B;C expðVj Þ
j¼A;B;C exp Vj

of choosing an alternative as worst is modelled as the negative
of the deterministic utility of choosing that alternative as best.
SBWMNL models the choice data in the way they were
generated so that the worst choice is modelled in the second
MNL model in Eq. 8 and the composition of the denominator
reflects the actual choice sets considered by respondents
associated with each choice set in the sequence.
Equations 7 and 8 can both be generalized to account for
the types of heterogeneity discussed in Sect. 2.2. For example,
Lancsar et al. [14] demonstrated how mixed logit,
heteroscedastic logit and G-MNL versions of ROL and
SBWMNL could be estimated. The mechanics of doing so is
made very straightforward because (as we discuss in Sect. 3)
both ROL and the SBWMNL models can be estimated by
‘exploding’ the data into the implied choice sets and then
estimating MNL on the exploded data. As such, it is
straightforward to estimate any of the models discussed earlier
on rank or best–worst data. In the final column of Table 1, we
present the estimates for the mixed ROL (MROL) that
reproduces the specification B results from Table 3 in Ghijben
et al. [11]. Thus, these results are directly comparable to the
MXL estimates in Table 1 that just uses the first best choice.
2.4 Post-Estimation

Subscripts are omitted for notational brevity. In using
ROL to estimate the implied preference order from a
BWDCE, the best–worst structure used to generate that
order is ignored since ROL assumes best (not worst) is
chosen from successively smaller choice sets. In contrast, the
ROL matches exactly the data-generation process of a best–
best DCE in which best is chosen from successively smaller
choice sets. The data are modelled using ROL in Table 1.
The sequential best–worst MNL (SBWMNL) model
developed in Lancsar and Louviere [14, 35] directly models
the series of sequential best and worst choices made in each
choice set as the product of MNL models. Using the
aforementioned example of a choice set containing three
alternatives (A B C), the probability of observing the preference order A [ B [ C is modelled as the (MNL) probability of choosing A as best from the set (A B C) times
probability of choosing C as worst from the remaining
alternatives (B C), which can be expressed as follows:
Prðbest worst ordering A, B, CÞ
¼ PrðA is bestÞ  PrðC is worstÞ

expðVA Þ
expðVC Þ

j¼A;B;C exp Vj
j¼B;C exp Vj


Here, the best–worst ordering of the three alternatives is
represented as the two choices made by respondents per
choice set in the BWDCE and the deterministic part of utility

Good econometric practice suggests one should conduct
various robustness checks to ensure the internal validity of
the estimated model. When dealing with revealed preference data, a constant threat is omitted variable biases,
meaning that effects of interest may be very sensitive to the
variables not included in the model. This is much less of a
concern with stated-preference data where the effects of
interest are typically associated with the attributes that are
created as part of the experimental design, meaning there is
typically no correlation between attributes and no reason to
believe they will be correlated with respondent characteristics. For omitted variable biases to arise in stated preferences, attributes would need to be omitted from the
design that lead respondents to change their evaluation of
included attributes because of expectations about the
relationship between omitted and included attributes. This
would lead to biased estimates of coefficients of included
attributes, and these biases could depend on respondent
characteristics. But such problems can readily be minimized at the design stage and is an argument for avoiding
simple designs with minimal numbers of attributes.
What is a potential threat are features of the design such
as when respondents are assigned to different versions of
the survey. In the case study, the authors included a dummy
variable to control for block effects. From Table 1, we see
that these effects are never statistically significant at any
conventional level and so, at least in this dimension, one
should be confident about the results.

E. Lancsar et al.

Often issues of model choice can be resolved by testing
restrictions associated with nested versions of more general
models. Because maximum likelihood is the basis for
estimation, likelihood ratio tests can easily be conducted
for this purpose. For example, in Table 1, MNL, MXL and
SH are nested within G-MNL. It is wise to remember that,
except for MNL, the log-likelihood function is simulated
rather than known exactly and so is subject to simulation
noise. In the case of non-nested models, such as a comparison between MXL and SH or between MROL and
MXL, information criteria such as Akaike information
criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC)
may be used to discriminate between alternative models.
While model fit may provide some guidance in choice of
models, often what is more important is the specific
research question being considered and the specific features of the data being used and how they map into the
model being considered. For example, if data are being
pooled across very different subsamples of respondents, SH
would be an obvious concern; see, for example, Hall et al.
[29]. If one is simulating the impact of the introduction of a
new product or treatment as in Fiebig et al. [34], then it
would be prudent to avoid MNL and allow for flexible
substitution patterns.
Section 3.4 discusses other post-estimation issues, such
as how the estimated model can be used to generate measures of marginal willingness to pay (mWTP) and carry out
predictive analyses.

3.1.1 Nlogit
Nlogit (www.limdep.com/products/nlogit) is an extension
of the Limdep statistical package. It has a very comprehensive set of built-in commands for estimating discretechoice models, and can be used to estimate all of the
models covered in Sect. 2. It has various post-estimation
routines for generating predicted probabilities, performing
simulations and calculating elasticities. Nlogit is relatively
easy to use and comes with a comprehensive manual as a
3.1.2 Stata
Stata (www.stata.com) is a general statistics package that
offers a broad range of tools for data analysis and data
management. While it has fewer built-in commands for
estimating discrete-choice models than Nlogit, there is a
range of user-written commands freely available that can
be used to implement the methods covered in Sect. 2
[40–43]. It has routines for generating predicted probabilities, and simulations can be performed and elasticities
calculated by using the generated probabilities. Like Nlogit, Stata is relatively easy to use and comes with a comprehensive manual as a PDF. User-written commands are
often documented in articles published in The Stata Journal (www.stata-journal.com).
3.1.3 Biogeme

3 Software and Estimation
3.1 Discrete Choice
This section provides an overview of software for estimating the models described in the previous section,
summarised in Table 2. The focus is on general statistics/
econometrics packages with built-in commands for estimating discrete-choice models,3 rather than programming
languages that require user-written code.4


Our overview is not exhaustive, as other software packages capable
of estimating some of the discrete-choice models in our review are
available. However, the three packages we have reviewed are among
the most commonly used for estimating these models.
This implies we will not cover software such as Gauss, Matlab and
R, despite there being excellent routines written in these packages for
estimating, for example, mixed logit models. A prominent example is
Kenneth Train’s codes for mixed logit estimation (http://eml.
berkeley.edu/*train/software.html), which served as inspiration for
many of the routines later introduced in other statistical packages.

Unlike Stata and Nlogit, which are general statistical
packages, Biogeme (biogeme.epfl.ch) is specifically created for estimating discrete-choice models.5 It also stands
out for being the only package of the three that is free; both
Stata and Nlogit require the user to pay a licence fee.
Biogeme is capable of estimating MNL models with both
linear and non-linear utility functions and with random
coefficients, which means that all of the models covered in
Sect. 2 can be implemented. It also has a routine for performing simulations (biosim). While, in our experience,
Biogeme is somewhat less easy for beginners to use than
Stata and Nlogit, the documentation is comprehensive and
has helpful examples. Since Biogeme requires a somewhat
higher initial time investment, it is recommended in particular for more advanced users who wish to go beyond
standard model specifications. As Biogeme has fewer builtin commands for data management than Stata and Nlogit, it
will often be necessary to use an alternative software
package to set up the data in the form required by Biogeme.

Two versions of Biogeme are available: BisonBiogeme and
PythonBiogeme. We focus on BisonBiogeme, which is designed to
estimate a range of commonly used discrete-choice models.

Discrete Choice Experiments: A Guide to Model Specification, Estimation and Software
Table 2 A summary of the
modelling capabilities of the
main software packages covered
in the review

Software package



Latent class













MXL Bayesian




This is not an exhaustive list; all of the packages have options for estimating other discrete-choice models
not covered in this review. The packages differ in terms of which distributions are supported for the random
coefficients in the mixed logit routines, with Nlogit having the widest selection of distributions. GMNL can
be fit in Biogeme by exploiting the option for specifying non-linear utility functions; however, it is less
straightforward to do than in the other two packages. Scaled ASCs are the default GMNL option in Stata
and Nlogit and can be done in Biogeme. However, this can be potentially problematic depending on the
context and model and we suggest testing with and without scaling the ASC (in our case, it made little
ASC alternative specific constant, GMNL generalised multinomial logit, MNL multinomial logit, MXL
mixed logit, UW user-written

To sum up, Nlogit, Stata and Biogeme are all good options
for estimating discrete-choice models. We would argue that
there is no ‘one size fits all’: no package strictly dominates the
others, and it will therefore be up to the individual user to
choose the package that best suits their needs. As mentioned,
Biogeme has the advantage of being free and very powerful,
but it requires a somewhat greater time investment on the part
of the user to learn how to use it effectively. Nlogit has a very
comprehensive set of built-in commands that cover most, if
not all, of the models that the majority of DCE analysts would
want to estimate. Stata has a less comprehensive set of builtin commands, but has user-written routines that cover the
most commonly used models. Both Nlogit and Stata have the
advantage that all data processing and cleaning can be done in
the same package that is used to run the analysis. All three
packages have active online user group discussion forums
where queries are typically answered quickly. The forum
archives are searchable and contain a wealth of useful
information in the form of past questions and answers, so it is
typically worth spending some time searching the archives
before posting a new question.
3.2 Estimation of Discrete-Choice Models
3.2.1 Data Setup
Before proceeding to the estimation stage, the analyst
needs to organise the data in the way required by the
estimation software. In general, the data can be organized
in two ways: ‘long form’ (see Supplementary Appendix 1)
and ‘wide form’ (see Supplementary Appendix 2):


Long form, which is the data structure required by Stata
and Nlogit,6 implies that the dataset has one row per

Nlogit also optionally allows the data to be organized in wide form,
although the manual suggests that long form is typically more


alternative for each choice scenario that the decision
makers face. Thus, with N decision makers choosing
amongst J alternatives across S scenarios, the dataset
will have N  J  S rows. The dependent variable is
coded 1 for the chosen alternative in each scenario and
0 for the non-chosen alternatives.
Wide form, which is the data structure required by
Biogeme, implies that the dataset has one row for each
choice scenario that the decision makers face. The
dataset will therefore have N  S rows. In this case, the
dependent variable is coded 1; . . .; J, indicating the
chosen alternative. Each design attribute will have J
associated variables, containing the level of the
attribute for the respective alternative. This contrasts
with the long form structure, where there is only one
variable per design attribute.

Both Stata and Nlogit have built-in commands for
transforming the dataset from long to wide form, and vice
versa. For convenience, the example dataset is available as
ESM in both long and wide form.
When the data are in long form, ASCs can be defined as
a dummy variable that is equal to one in the row corresponding to the relevant alternative and zero otherwise.
Alternative-specific coefficients can then be estimated by
interacting the ASCs with the desired attribute(s) and
including the interactions in the model. In Biogeme, such
effects are specified by explicitly defining the utility
function of the different alternatives, an option that is also
available in Nlogit. More generally, categorical attributes
and covariates can be coded as dummy variables or effects
coded, either being appropriate as long as interpreted
appropriately [44, 45]. Indeed, even for continuous variables (e.g. price), it can often prove useful to initially treat
the levels as categorical in exploratory testing in order to
plot the coefficients to help inform choice of functional
form for the continuous variable.

E. Lancsar et al.

3.2.2 Other Estimation Issues
Implementing the models presented in Sect. 2 in practice
requires the analyst to make a number of choices at the
estimation stage.7 As we show, these choices can impact on
the results, and it is therefore recommended to carry out a
sensitivity analysis to examine the robustness of the findings.
Starting values Estimating the parameters in the model
involves maximising a non-linear log-likelihood function,
and the maximisation process requires the user to provide
an initial guess of the parameter values.8 The software
package then searches for improvements in the log-likelihood iteratively by changing the values of the parameters
using an optimisation algorithm. In the case of the MNL
model, the choice of starting values typically does not
matter in practice, as the MNL log-likelihood function has
a single maximum. The algorithm will therefore find the
maximum even if the starting values are far from the values
that maximize the log-likelihood. However, in the case of
models such as MXL and G-MNL, matters are less simple.
For those models, the log-likelihood may have several
optima, of which only one is the overall (global) optimum
that we seek to identify. Starting from a set of parameter
values far away from the global optimum may lead the
algorithm to identify one of the inferior local optima, at
which point the algorithm will declare convergence as it
cannot distinguish between local and global optima. Only
the parameter values associated with the global optimum
have the desirable properties of maximum likelihood estimates, and it is therefore recommended to investigate the
sensitivity of the results to a different choice of starting
values. Hole and Yoo [46] discuss these issues in the
context of the G-MNL model. Czajkowski and Budziński
[47] find that increasing the number of simulation draws
improves the chance of the algorithm converging to the
global optimum.
Simulation draws Another issue that the analyst needs to
be aware of when estimating MXL and G-MNL models is
that the log-likelihood function must be approximated
using simulation methods, as it cannot be calculated analytically. Simulation methods involve taking a large number of random draws, which represent the distribution of
the coefficients at the current parameter values. As the
draws are generated by a computer, they are not truly
random but instead created using an algorithm designed for
the purpose of generating draws, which have similar
properties to random draws. The analyst needs to decide

Interested readers are referred to chapters 8–10 in Train [49] for
more information about the issues covered in this section.
Both Nlogit and Stata will use a default set of starting values unless
explicitly specified by the user, whereas Biogeme requires the user to
specify the starting values.

how many draws to use to approximate the log-likelihood
function and which method to use to generate the draws.
Regarding the number of draws, there is a trade-off
between accuracy and estimation time; a large number of
draws gives a better approximation of the true log-likelihood function but slows down the estimation process. It is
therefore common to start with a relatively small number of
draws at the exploratory stage, for example using the
default setting in the software.9 It is then strongly advisable
to check for the stability of the final solution to be reported
by increasing the draws. The number of draws required to
stabilize the results will depend on the model specification;
typically, a larger number of draws is needed if there are
more random coefficients in the model. The number of
draws required is also related to the method chosen to
generate the draws. For example, in the context of mixed
logit estimation, 100 Halton draws have been found to be
more accurate than 1000 pseudo-random draws [48, 49].
For this reason, Halton draws are often used when estimating MXL and G-MNL models.10
Table 3 presents the results from estimating a simplified
version of the MXL model described in Sect. 2 (model A
from Ghijben et al. [11]) in Nlogit, Stata and Biogeme. The
starting values are set at the default values in Nlogit and
Stata, and the Biogeme starting values are set to be identical to the Stata default values.11 While it can be seen that
there are no qualitative differences between the results—
the coefficients have the same sign and significance and the
point estimates are similar—they are not exactly identical.
This is in spite of using the same number of simulation
draws (500) and the same method for generating the simulation draws (Halton).12 However, as long as the results
do not differ to the extent that it has an impact on the
substantive implications of the findings, this should not
give much cause for concern.
3.3 Estimation of Best–Worst and Best–Best Models
Estimation of choice models harnessing just the first best
choice from best–worst or best–best data proceeds as

The default number of draws is 100 in Nlogit, 50 in Stata and 150 in
In models with several random coefficients, alternative approaches
such as shuffled or scrambled Halton draws [50] or Sobol draws
[51, 52] are sometimes used to minimize the correlation between the
draws, which can be substantial for standard Halton draws in higher
dimensions. See chapter 9 in Train [49] for a discussion.
Nlogit and Stata’s default starting values are the MNL parameters
for the means of the random coefficients and 0 (Nlogit)/0.1 (Stata) for
the standard deviations.
Differences can still arise, for example because the optimization
algorithms differ in the three packages, subtle differences in terms of
how the Halton draws are generated and different starting values (in
this case Stata/Biogeme vs Nlogit).

Discrete Choice Experiments: A Guide to Model Specification, Estimation and Software
Table 3 Results from
estimating a MXL model in the
different software packages





Stroke risk

0.706 (0.060)

0.706 (0.060)

0.706 (0.060)

Bleed risk

0.578 (0.049)

0.578 (0.049)

0.578 (0.049)


0.600 (0.081)

0.600 (0.081)

0.600 (0.081)

Blood test

-0.082 (0.077)

-0.082 (0.077)

-0.082 (0.077)

Dose frequency

-0.089 (0.077)

-0.089 (0.077)

-0.089 (0.077)

Drug/food interactions

-0.340 (0.079)

-0.340 (0.079)

-0.340 (0.079)


-0.012 (0.001)

-0.012 (0.001)

-0.012 (0.001)

ASC x block

-1.051 (0.862)

-1.003 (0.856)

-1.000 (0.854)

ASC (mean)

3.108 (0.759)

3.086 (0.750)

3.090 (0.742)


3.102 (0.492)

3.069 (0.477)

3.050 (0.478)





Data are presented as coefficient (standard error) unless otherwise indicated
The following versions were used for estimation: Stata 14.2, NLOGIT 5 and Biogeme 2.0
ASC alternative specific logit, SD standard deviation

outlined in Sect. 3.1. Estimation of ROL in Stata involves
the rologit command. In Nlogit, ROL models can be estimated using the rank as the dependent variable and adding
‘ranks’ to the usual model syntax. In Biogeme, the data
need to be exploded manually (see Supplementary
Appendix 3 in the ESM). Indeed, an attractive property of
both ROL and SBWMNL is that they can be estimated
using standard MNL (or extensions such as MIXL,
G-MNL, etc.) after the data have been set up appropriately.
In fact, ROL is also known as ‘exploded logit’ because,
drawing on the IIA property of MNL models, it can be
estimated by exploding the data from each choice set into
statistically independent choice subsets. For a choice set
with J alternatives, the data can be expanded into J - 1
sub choice sets. For example, for a ranking over J = 3
alternatives, the data can be exploded into two sub choice
sets. The first contains three rows of data representing the
three alternatives contained in the original choice set with
the dependent variable equal to 1 for the alternative ranked
first (chosen as best) and 0 for the remaining alternatives,
which is identical to data set-up for standard first best
choice model. The second sub choice set identifies best
from the remaining two alternatives and contains two rows
of data pertaining to the two alternatives not ranked first
with the dependent variable equal to 1 for the alternative
ranked second (chosen as best from the two on offer) and 0
for the remaining alternative. So, for each original choice
set containing three alternatives, there are five rows of
data.13 Once the rankings are exploded in the dataset to the
implied choices made in each of the subsets, the ROL
parameters can be estimated using a traditional MNL
model (or extensions of the MNL model) from the

Applying this procedure modifies the data from the standard set-up
in Supplementary Appendix 1 to the exploded set-up in Supplementary Appendix 3.

expanded choice data. Indeed, prior to ROL routines being
programmed in software packages, this was the standard
way to estimate a ROL. A good check that the data have
been exploded correctly before moving on to more
sophisticated models accounting for unobserved heterogeneity, etc. is to run an MNL (e.g. via the clogit or
asclogit command in Stata) on the exploded data and then
run an ROL on the un-exploded data (e.g. using rologit in
Stata). The results should be identical in all decimal places.
In all three software packages (Stata, Nlogit and Biogeme), the data need to be exploded to estimate SBWMNL
models. Like the ROL model, estimation of the SBWMNL
model draws on the IIA property and exploits the additional preference information obtained in each choice set in
a BWDCE, expanding the data in a similar but slightly
different way. Again, for a choice set with J alternatives,
the data can be exploded into J - 1 sub choice sets. So
data from a choice set containing three alternatives from
which best and worst are chosen are expanded into two sub
choice sets. The first contains three rows of data corresponding to the three alternatives presented in the original
choice set with the dependent variable equal to 1 for the
alternative chosen as best, and 0 for the remaining alternatives. The second sub choice set contains two rows of
data representing the two alternatives not chosen as best in
the full choice set with the dependent variable equal to 1
for the alternative chosen as worst and 0 for the remaining
alternative. Thus, again for each original choice set containing three alternatives, there are five rows of data. In
addition, for the sub choice set in which worst is chosen,
the utility of worst is scaled to be the negative of the utility
of best, which in practice means multiplying the data for
the alternatives in the second sub choice set by -1.
Parameters can then be estimated using MNL (or its
extensions) on the exploded choice data. Code for all

E. Lancsar et al.

estimation contained in this paper is provided in Supplementary Appendix 4 (ESM).
3.4 Post-Estimation
As discussed in Sect. 2.4, issues of model choice can be
resolved by testing restrictions associated with nested
versions of more general models. Such tests can easily be
carried out using the tools available in Nlogit and Stata for
performing Wald tests. In all packages, an alternative
approach is to carry out a likelihood ratio test using the
reported simulated log likelihood values for the restricted
and unrestricted models.
Information criteria such as AIC and BIC may be used
to discriminate between alternative models that are not
nested. Apart from the examples mentioned in Sect. 2.4,
this can be useful when assessing the goodness of fit of
MXL models with different distributions for the random
coefficients, for example. The information criteria can be
readily calculated in all packages using the reported simulated log likelihood values, along with the relevant
information regarding the number of parameters in the
competing models and (in the case of BIC) the sample size.
It is worth re-iterating that while model fit may provide
some guidance in choice of models, often what is more
important is the specific research question being considered
and the specific features of the data being used. Rather than
choosing one preferred specification, it is typically better to
report the output of interest (such as mWTP measures,
predictive analyses) for a range of model specifications and
compare and contrast the results, as demonstrated below.
3.4.1 Marginal Willingness to Pay Measures
Calculating mWTP measures is a convenient and useful
way to compare attribute estimates. mWTP can be derived
as the marginal rate of substitution between attribute Xk and
cost (C):
mWTPX k ¼ 



where MUX k and MUC are the marginal utilities of attribute
Xk and cost, respectively. When the utility function is
Table 4 Selected estimates of
marginal willingness to pay for
a subset of attributes using data
from Ghijben et al. [11]


specified to be linear in parameters, the marginal utility of
an attribute is equal to its coefficient, which means that
mWTP is given by the negative of the ratio of the coefficients for attribute Xk and cost. In Table 4, we use the
MNL, MXL and MROL results from Table 1 to produce
mWTP estimates for the most important attributes, stroke
risk and bleed risk. The latter replicate the results in
Table 4 in Ghijben et al. [11].
The MNL results indicate that, for example, the WTP
for a 1%-point reduction in the stroke risk is about 69
Australian dollars (AUD) per month. The remaining estimates can be interpreted in an analogous way. The estimates are reasonably stable across models, with the MNL
and MXL estimates being especially close, whereas the
MROL stroke risk mWTP is somewhat of an exception. If
we refer back to the actual parameter estimates used in
these calculations, those for MNL are systematically
smaller in magnitude, a scaling effect, but those for MXL
and MROL are very similar, as we would expect.
While mWTP measures are straightforward to calculate
when the utility function is linear in parameters, routines
for obtaining confidence intervals using either the delta
method or parametric (Krinsky–Robb) or non-parametric
bootstrapping [53] are useful since a measure of the precision of the estimates should always be reported. Such
routines are available in both Nlogit and Stata. In some
cases, the assumption of linearity is inappropriate, as a
researcher may want to allow the marginal utility of a
change in an attribute to depend on the level of the attributes (e.g. due to interactions or non-linear functional
form; for an example, see Lancsar et al. [33]). In such
cases, the calculation of mWTP is slightly more involved,
but we can still use general routines for calculating nonlinear combinations of parameters in Stata and Nlogit to
obtain point estimates and measures of precision.
Calculating mWTP measures following the estimation
of a model with random coefficients, such as MXL or
G-MNL, can be more complicated depending on the model
specification. If both the attribute coefficient and the cost
coefficient are fixed, as in our examples, the calculation is
the same as for the MNL model. If the attribute coefficient
is normally distributed and the cost coefficient is fixed,
which is a common specification, the mean mWTP is



Stroke risk

68.37 (44.24–92.51)

70.53 (44.31–96.75)

50.48 (33.68–67.28)

Bleed risk (without antidote)

67.02 (42.29–91.75)

67.66 (41.09–94.23)

54.87 (35.70–74.05)

Bleed risk (with antidote)

34.02 (18.55–49.50)

38.36 (21.93–54.79)

35.70 (21.70–48.99)

Data are presented as estimate (95% confidence interval)
Marginal willingness to pay per month in Australian dollars for a 1 percentage point reduction in absolute
MNL multinomial logit, MROL mixed rank ordered logit, MXL mixed logit

Discrete Choice Experiments: A Guide to Model Specification, Estimation and Software
Table 5 Comparison of predictions for each alternative in response to changes in selected attributes using data from Ghijben et al. [11]
Model and scenario

No treatment

Drug A

Drug B


0.165 (0.079–0.317)

0.417 (0.341–0.461)

0.417 (0.341–0.461)

Increase cost of $50 for drug B

0.198 (0.098–0.363)

0.501 (0.394–0.567)

0.301 (0.238–0.348)

Reduction of 1% in stroke risk for drug B

0.116 (0.054–0.234)

0.294 (0.244–0.331)

0.590 (0.515–0.640)


0.177 (0.020–0.389)

0.412 (0.306–0.490)

0.412 (0.306–0.490)

Increase cost of $50 for drug B

0.193 (0.025–0.408)

0.511 (0.377–0.620)

0.295 (0.215–0.366)

Reduction of 1% in stroke risk for drug B

0.148 (0.013–0.348)

0.269 (0.199–0.327)

0.583 (0.445–0.682)


0.243 (0.174–0.336)

0.379 (0.332–0.413)

0.379 (0.332–0.413)

Increase cost of $50 for drug B
Reduction of 1% in stroke risk for drug B

0.273 (0.200–0.372)
0.204 (0.142–0.289)

0.486 (0.415–0.542)
0.263 (0.226–0.298)

0.242 (0.203–0.279)
0.533 (0.474–0.581)




Data are presented as probability (95% confidence interval)
These are the probabilities that each alternative is chosen as best. Baseline refers to the case when all of the attributes for drug A and drug B are
set to zero. Each variation in attribute level is simulated one at a time, and only selected variations have been reported
MNL multinomial logit, MROL mixed rank ordered logit, MXL mixed logit

simply given by the ratio of the mean attribute coefficient
to the negative of the estimated cost coefficient. Relaxing
the assumption that the cost coefficient is fixed can lead to
complications: a normally distributed cost coefficient, for
example, leads to a distribution for mWTP that has no
defined mean since the cost coefficient can now be equal to
zero. Researchers therefore often choose a distribution for
the cost coefficient that is constrained to be negative to
avoid this problem, such as the negative of a log-normal
distribution.14 While this solves the problem of the mWTP
distribution not having a defined mean, it can lead to a nonstandard distribution whose mean may not be straightforward to calculate.15 One solution is to approximate the
mean using simulation by taking many draws from the
distribution of the attribute coefficient and the price coefficient, calculating the ratio for each draw and taking the
average of the calculated ratios. If we take a large number
of draws, the resulting average should be close to the true
mean of the mWTP distribution.
An alternative to estimating the model in the usual way
and calculating mWTP as the ratio of parameters is to
reformulate the model so that mWTP is estimated directly.
This approach, called estimation in WTP space [54], is
appealing as it avoids the complications just described. The

Log-normal parameter distributions are supported by all of the
packages. The negative of the log-normal can easily be implemented
by multiplying the price attribute by -1 before entering the model.
This is equivalent to specifying the negative of the price coefficient to
be log-normally distributed. The sign of the coefficient can easily be
reversed post-estimation.
One exception is when both the attribute coefficient and the
negative of the price coefficient are log-normally distributed, in which
case the distribution of mWTP is also log-normal.

recent paper by Ben-Akiva et al. [55] covers this estimation
approach in detail with illustrative examples. Estimation in
WTP space is supported in both Nlogit and Stata, and is
possible to implement in Biogeme by exploiting the option
for specifying non-linear utility functions.
The mWTP measures can be conditioned on observed
choices to obtain individual-level estimates of mWTP; see,
for example, Hole [30] and Greene and Hensher [56]. The
individual-level mWTP measures can be useful for policy
analysis, for example to identify respondents who are likely
to benefit particularly highly from a policy improvement.
3.4.2 Predictive Analysis
A predictive analysis is an extremely flexible post-estimation tool. It is a convenient way to characterize how
predicted probabilities change in response to changes in
attributes as well as providing a means to simulate interesting scenarios. We illustrate the former here and refer
interested readers to Johar et al. [57] for an application
involving policy changes; for applications where the
impact of the introduction of a new product is investigated,
see Fiebig et al. [34] and Ghijben et al. [11], who operationalize procedures outlined in Train [49].
Again using the MNL, MXL and MROL results from
Table 1, consider a base case where all attributes have been
set to zero. This produces predicted probabilities for each
of the estimation methods given in the rows labelled
‘baseline’ of Table 5. Subsequent rows then show how
these predicted probabilities would change in response to
two particular changes in the attributes of drug B. The first
is a $AUD50 increase making drug B less attractive; the

E. Lancsar et al.

second, that makes drug B more attractive is a 1% point
reduction in stroke risk. Each of these changes in drug B is
simulated separately and so the appropriate comparison in
each case is with reference to the baseline probabilities.
Nlogit, Stata and Biogeme all have built-in routines for
conducting predictive analyses. Confidence intervals for
the predictions can be generated by taking many draws
from the attribute coefficients, generating the predicted
probabilities of interest for each draw and calculating the
desired percentiles of the generated distributions.
The implications of IIA are clear from the changes in
MNL predicted probabilities in comparison with those for
MXL and MROL. For example, the response to the cost
change implies a dramatic predicted shift away from drug
B but, in the case of MNL, the change in predicted probabilities is such that relativities between, say, drug A and
no treatment are maintained at the baseline level: (0.501/
0.198) = (0.417/0.165) = 2.55. In contrast, the increase in
the predicted share of drug A is proportionally larger in the
case of MXL and MROL, implying a more realistic substitution pattern. We note that the above analysis differs
from the predicted probability analysis presented in Ghijben et al. [11], where more complex policy scenarios are
explored, including the introduction of new medications as
well as recalibration to market data.
Marginal effects are essentially a simple form of predictive analysis, in which the probabilities in a baseline
scenario are compared with the probabilities in an alternative scenario following a marginal increase in a single
attribute of one of the alternatives in the model. When
viewed this way, marginal effects can be calculated using
the same tools as those used to carry out predictive analyses. Elasticities can be calculated in an analogous way,
only that in this case we are looking at the percentage
change in the probabilities resulting from a 1% increase in
an alternative attribute.
It is worth bearing in mind that a potential issue with
using DCE data for predictive analysis is that the data do
not embody the market equilibrium. Calibrating the ASCs
using market data is therefore strongly advisable where
such data are available.
3.4.3 Welfare Analysis
A key behavioural outcome of interest to economists is
individual and aggregate WTP and willingness to accept
monetary amounts in response to policy changes such as a
change in single attributes, multiple attributes or the
introduction or removal of entire options from the choice
set. Indeed, such values are essential in cost-benefit analysis. Such values can be calculated in post-estimation
welfare analysis using the compensating variation (CV). In

the case of the MNL model, the CV can be expressed as
CV ¼
eVj  ln
where Vj0 and Vj1 are the values of the utility function, V,
estimated in the choice model for each choice option j before and after the quality change, respectively, and J is the
number of options in the choice set. The log sum terms in
Eq. 11 weight the utility associated with each alternative
by the probability of selecting that alternative and as such
can be interpreted as the expected utility. The CV therefore
calculates the change in expected utility before and after
the policy change and scales this utility difference by the
marginal utility of income, l, to provide a monetary and
therefore cardinal measure of the change in welfare. Often
information on income is unavailable, in which case the
coefficient on the price attribute (which represents the
marginal disutility of price) can be used as the negative of
the marginal utility of income. In fact any quantitative
numeraire would work—see for example Lancsar et al.
[58], who use the marginal utility of a quality-adjusted lifeyear (QALY) as the numeraire. Calculation of the CV
involves harnessing the coefficients estimated in the choice
model along with the values of the attributes of interest and
can easily be undertaken by hand or in standard software
packages (e.g. using nlcom in Stata, which also produces
confidence intervals). The interested reader is referred to
Lancsar and Savage [58] for further discussion of the
theory and methods for such calculations.

4 Discussion
Choice modelling is a critical component of undertaking a
DCE but to date has received less attention in terms of
guidance than other components. As we highlight in
Sect. 2, researchers face a number of decisions when
analysing DCE data and arriving at a final model. Some
decisions are resolved by the choice problem and design
(e.g. binary vs. multinomial choice, which variables are
independently identified in the experimental design, whether the choice is labelled therefore allowing for the possibility of alternative specific utility functions, or generic,
etc.) and others are specification decisions that need to be
made on a case-by-case basis (e.g. functional form of
specific variables, which could be linear, quadratic, logarithmic, etc., forms of heterogeneity to be explored, etc.).
Such decisions are not necessarily linear and sequential;
instead, many are simultaneous and interdependent.
There is no single model that we would recommend in
all cases. Each have a number of advantages and possible

Discrete Choice Experiments: A Guide to Model Specification, Estimation and Software

disadvantages depending on the research question being
addressed. In selecting a modelling approach, we would
recommend finding a model that addresses the researcher’s
questions of interest and provides a reasonable device with
which to represent the choice at hand. Ultimately, it is still
a model and all models involve assumptions. The question
to address is which assumptions are most appropriate (or
have minimum detriment) to the research questions being
explored. It is important to note that the choice of model to
be estimated is not only dependent on the research objectives, study design, etc. but is also constrained by what can
be estimated given the data a researcher has (including
such issues as quantity and quality) and so is based on
considerations from both Sects. 2 and 3.
MNL was for decades the workhorse of choice modelling and we recommend it as a natural first model to
estimate. Where to go next after MNL is not always clear
and depends on the research objectives, but a basic first
step would be the estimation of a mixed logit model to
account for the panel structure of the data, providing more
reliable standard errors and move away from proportional
substitution (by relaxing IIA). It also allows for unobserved
preference heterogeneity by allowing coefficients to vary
randomly across individuals. Whether one takes a Frequentist or Bayesian approach to the estimation of mixed
logit in part comes down to preferences of the researcher,
but, with the use of simulation methods, the distinction
between the two approaches is becoming less pronounced,
and recent evidence suggests little difference in estimates
[59]. Focus on mixed logit in the health economics literature has often been motivated by interest in unobserved
heterogeneity. To our minds, the other two reasons for
exploring mixed logit are at least as important.
Having said that, exploration of heterogeneity can be
important and has received much attention. If one views
the distribution of preference heterogeneity to be discrete
rather than continuous, a latent class model would be
appropriate. By allowing for different preference parameters between classes, an advantage of latent class modelling
is that it allows heterogeneity to be interpreted in terms of
class type and class membership. Another form of heterogeneity gaining attention is SH. A modification to the MNL
leads to the heteroscedastic logit, which allows for
between-person differences in scale to be modelled as a
function of covariates. Alternatively, interest in unobserved
SH could lead to the SH model. G-MNL offers a very
flexible approach that nests several of the standard models
discussed in Sect. 2 including mixed logit, heteroscedastic
logit and SH models.
When exploring heterogeneity, key decisions to make
include which form(s) of heterogeneity are most of interest
to the researcher (e.g. preferences or scale, unobserved or
observed; noting that these need not be mutually

exclusive). While both observed and unobserved heterogeneity can be important, and indeed can be explored
within the same model, a distinction between the two is
that the latter often improves model fit but is not always
readily interpretable. In contrast, observed heterogeneity is
interpretable in relation to known covariates (e.g. age,
gender, past experience, etc.), thereby potentially generating useful implications for policy and practice. Ultimately,
the source(s) of heterogeneity to be explored depends on
the research questions, the assumptions researchers are
prepared to make and what is revealed by the data.
Whichever model is estimated, it is important to be cognizant of the implications of the model (and associated
assumptions) chosen for the conclusions that can be drawn.
We also provided model and estimation procedures for
best–worst and best–best DCEs, including ROL and
SBWMNL. The fact that both models can be estimated by
expanding the data as described in Sect. 3 and then applying
MNL has a particularly advantageous feature in that it is
straightforward to estimate more sophisticated versions of
these base models, allowing for non IIA, correlated errors
and various forms of heterogeneity. For example, all of the
models discussed in Sect. 2 for estimation with first bestdata (mixed logit, G-MNL, etc.) can be estimated simply by
running such commands on the expanded best–worst or
best–best data. Correct data set-up is therefore crucial, and
we offer advice on a useful way to check this.
More generally, the advantages and limitations of best–
worst data collection have been outlined elsewhere. As
Lancsar et al. [14] note, a key advantage is the generation
of more data relative to a standard DCE, which can prove
particularly useful when sample size constraints exist (due
to budget considerations or when the population from
which the sample is being drawn is itself small); even when
sample size is not a constraint, it can prove an efficient way
to generate a given quantity of data or simply provide more
data. The additional data can also prove particularly useful
for the estimation of models for single individuals [31, 35].
We presented several standard software options in
Sect. 3. An advantage of Stata and Nlogit beyond estimation is that they provide comprehensive data management.
In contrast, Biogeme requires external data management
but is very flexible in estimation; it is also free. Which a
researcher selects will in part depend on personal preferences, particularly if they have already invested time and
resources in a particular software package. We also offered
advice on data set-up and best practice in terms of estimation, including issues such as choice of starting values,
number of draws in estimation, etc.
When it comes to interpretation of results, the parameter
estimates from choice models are typically not of intrinsic
interest and indeed parameters often cannot meaningfully
be compared because of the different scales on which they

E. Lancsar et al.

are measured, some of which may be quantitative (e.g.
time, cost, risk, etc.) and others of which may be qualitative
(provider type, location, etc.) [33]. It is therefore surprising
that many researchers stop after generating attribute coefficients without undertaking post-estimation, particularly
given post-estimation is not difficult and provides useful
insights. We strongly encourage researchers to harness
model parameters in post-estimation analysis to both
improve interpretation and to produce measures that are
relevant to policy and practice. At a minimum, we suggest
the calculation of marginal rates of substitution, but—depending on the goals of the research—additional analysis
could include predicted uptake or demand, elasticities and
welfare analysis.
As with all methods, validity is crucial. Internal validity
has received considerable attention in the health economics
literature, including checking signs of estimated parameters
accord with a priori expectations and the testing of axioms
of consumer theory (e.g. Ryan and Bate [60] and Ryan and
San Miguel [61]). Lancsar and Louviere [62] caution
against deleting data on the basis of such tests. Lancsar and
Swait [9] provide a new and more comprehensive conceptualization of external validity, which advocates that its
investigation should be broader than the comparison of
final outcomes and predictive performance and indeed
encompasses process validity. They suggest innovative
ways in which the broader definition can be pursued in
practice, starting from the initial conception and design of
a DCE through to model and post-estimation. Most relevant to the modelling stage of DCE research is the possible
extension of the basic random-utility choice modelling
framework in an attempt to more closely replicate reality,
for example to account for decision rule selection and
choice set formation.
We did not set out to be exhaustive in our coverage of
either choice models or software, instead focusing on standard models that can be estimated in standard commonly
used software. There are, of course, interesting extensions to
these core models that warrant attention for particular
research questions, often requiring bespoke coding and
estimation. One interesting stream of choice modelling is to
account for different underlying decision rules and processing strategies. Two examples of this are choice set formation, championed by Swait and colleagues in the general
choice modelling literature (e.g. Swait and Erdem [20]) and
starting to be used in health (e.g. Fiebig et al. [63]), and
attribute non-attendance (e.g. Hensher and Greene [64],
Lagarde [65] and Hole et al. [66]), where the latter can also
arise from the broader issue of excessive cognitive burden
[67]. Another useful stream of choice modelling is data
fusion. We discussed the need to calibrate ASCs for market
data where such data are available, particularly for welfare
and forecasting analysis. A natural extension is more

complete data fusion, where stated-preference data collected
in a DCE can be combined with revealed-preference data
either from observed choices [68, 69] or indeed from linking
or embedding experiments in other data collection (cross
sectional, panel, experimental, randomised controlled trials)
more generally to harness the advantages of the various data
sources [70]. There are, of course, other interesting choice
modelling extensions, and we refer the interested reader to
the Handbook of Choice Modelling [71] for a recent survey
of cutting-edge choice models and estimation issues on the
research frontier.

5 Conclusion
As the use of DCEs and DCE results by researchers, policy
makers and practitioners in the health sector continues to
increase, so too will the importance placed on the theory
and methods underpinning the approach in general and the
analysis and interpretation of the generated choice data in
particular. As this guide has highlighted, choice of modelling approach depends on a number of factors (research
questions, study design and constraints such as quality/
quantity of data), and decisions regarding analysis of
choice data are often simultaneous and interdependent.
When faced with such decisions, we hope the theoretical
and practical content of this paper proves useful to
researchers not only within but also beyond health
Acknowledgements The authors thank Peter Ghijben, Emily Lancsar
and Silva Zavarsek for making available the data used in Ghijben
et al. [11]. All authors jointly conceived the intent of the paper,
drafted the manuscript and approved the final version.
Compliance with Ethical Standards
Funding No funding was received for the preparation of this paper.
Conflicts of interest Emily Lancsar is funded by an ARC Fellowship
(DE1411260). Emily Lancsar, Denzil Fiebig and Arne Risa Hole have
no conflicts of interest.
Data Availability Statement The data and estimation code used in
this paper are available in the ESM. Supplementary Appendix 1
contains the data in ‘long form’, Supplementary Appendix 2 contains
the data in ‘wide form’, Supplementary Appendix 3 contains the data
in ‘exploded form’ and Supplementary Appendix 4 contains the Stata,
Nlogit and Biogeme estimation code.

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