E220GEM Manual Ver 9.1
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1.0 Introduction E220/E500 HP, EHP, & EHPi MEDUIM CURRENT ION IMPLANTER GEM MANUAL Revision 9.1 Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates, Inc. 35 Dory Road Gloucester, MA 01930-2297 WARNING General Equipment Warning Only persons trained in the operation and maintenance of Varian ion implanters should attempt to perform these procedures. Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates Ion Implanters are complex systems that contain high current, high voltage power supplies, gases under high pressure, hot surfaces, toxic materials, ionizing and non- ionizing radiation and mechanical assemblies that are in motion or which can move rapidly and powerfully in response to a command, a component failure, or noise on a command line which is interpreted as a command. These can represent significant hazards with the potential to cause the death of or serious injury to any personnel not specifically trained in the operation and maintenance of these machines. It is the “machine specific” knowledge gained in this training, which makes the personnel aware of the nature and locations of the potential hazards and how to avoid exposure to them while servicing the machines. ------------------------------------------------------------------This information in this document is proprietary to Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates and is intended solely for application to Varian equipment by Varian trained personnel. It is not to be copied or disclosed to others without written permission from Varian. 1.0 General Information This document contains the following documentation, arranged in three parts, in accordance with SEMI GEM standard E30-95, section 8: General Information . Manufacturer and product number General description of equipment function Function of the GEM interface Software revision code Changes from previous versions Message Summary . The message summary contains two lists of all messages understood and all messages sent by the equipment in terms of their stream and function codes. All messages not listed on the received side are implied to cause an error message to the host. All messages not listed on the sent side are assumed never to be sent from the equipment. Message Detail The message detail contains the details for every message listed in the message summary. Messages that appear on both the sent and received sides shall be detailed separately. 1.1 Manufacturer And Product Number The purpose of this manual is to describe the GEM implementation for the E220HP / E500HP Ion Implanters. 1.2 General Description Of Equipment Function The Varian E220HP / E500HP is a Medium Current Ion Implanter which processes one or two cassettes of wafers as a batch, a single wafer at a time. A LOT ID (Material ID) can be specified for each cassette. 1.2.1 GEM Messages Defined The following sections define the messages that are required for the GEM sub-system. Information in these sections follow the SEMI documentation standard as defined in SEMI E5-95 section 8. 1.2.2 Messages From The E220 The following GEM SECS II transactions shall be implemented in GEM: H --> E H <--E S1F0 S1F1 S1F2 S1F13 S1F14 S2F17 S2F18 S5F1 S5F2 S6F1 S6F2 S6F5 S6F6 S6F11 S6F12 S7F1 S7F2 S7F3 S7F4 S7F5 S7F6 S7F23 S7F24 S7F25 S7F26 S7F27 S7F28 S7F29 S7F30 S9F1 S9F3 S9F5 S9F7 S9F9 S9F11 S10F1 S10F2 S10F7 1.2.3 ABORT TRANSACTION S1 ARE YOU THERE REQUEST ON-LINE DATA ESTABLISH COMMUNICATIONS REQUEST ESTABLISH COMMUNICATIONS ACKNOWLEDGE DATE AND TIME REQUEST DATE AND TIME DATA ALARM REPORT SEND ALARM REPORT ACKNOWLEDGE TRACE DATA SEND TRACE DATA ACKNOWLEDGE MULTI-BLOCK DATA SEND INQUIRE MULTI-BLOCK GRANT EVENT REPORT SEND EVENT REPORT ACKNOWLEDGE PROCESS PROGRAM LOAD INQUIRE PROCESS PROGRAM LOAD GRANT PROCESS PROGRAM SEND PROCESS PROGRAM ACKNOWLEDGE PROCESS PROGRAM REQUEST PROCESS PROGRAM DATA FORMATTED PROCESS PROGRAM SEND FORMATTED PROCESS PROGRAM ACKNOWLEDGE FORMATTED PROCESS PROGRAM REQUEST FORMATTED PROCESS PROGRAM DATA PROCESS PROGRAM VERIFICATION SEND PROCESS PROGRAM VERIFICATION ACKNOWLEDGE PROCESS PROGRAM VERIFICATION INQUIRE PROCESS PROGRAM VERIFICATION GRANT UNRECOGNIZED DEVICE ID UNRECOGNIZED STREAM TYPE UNRECOGNIZED FUNCTION TYPE ILLEGAL DATA TRANSACTION TIMER TIMEOUT DATA TOO LONG TERMINAL REQUEST TERMINAL REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE MULTI-BLOCK NOT ALLOWED Messages To The E220 The following GEM SECS II transactions shall be implemented in GEM: H --> E S1F0 S1F1 H <--E S1F2 S1F3 S1F4 S1F11 S1F12 S1F13 S1F14 S2F13 S2F14 S2F15 S2F16 S2F17 S2F18 S2F23 S2F24 S2F29 S2F30 S2F31 S2F32 S2F33 S2F34 S2F35 S2F36 S2F37 S2F38 S2F39 S2F40 S2F41 S2F42 S2F43 S2F44 S2F45 S2F46 S2F47 S2F48 S2F49 S2F50 S2F71 S2F72 S5F3 S5F4 S5F5 S5F6 S615 S6F16 S6F19 S6F20 S6F23 S6F24 S7F1 S7F2 S7F3 S7F4 S7F5 S7F6 S7F17 S7F18 S7F19 S7F20 S7F23 S7F24 S7F25 S7F26 A BORT TRA NSA CTION S1 A RE Y OU THERE ON-LINE DA TA SELECTED EQUIPMENT STA TUS REQUEST SELECTED EQUIPMENT STA TUS DA TA STA TUS V A RIA BLE NA MELIST REQUEST STA TUS V A RIA BLE NA MELIST REPLY ESTA BLISH COMMUNICA TIONS REQUEST ESTA BLISH COMMUNICA TIONS REQUEST A CKNOWLEDGE EQUIPMENT CONSTA NT REQUEST EQUIPMENT CONSTA NT DA TA NEW EQUIPMENT CONSTA NT SEND NEW EQUIPMENT CONSTA NT A CKNOWLEDGE DA TE A ND TIME REQUEST DA TE A ND TIME DA TA TRA CE INITIA LIZE SEND TRA CE INITIA LIZE A CKNOWLEDGE EQUIPMENT CONSTA NT NA MELIST REQUEST EQUIPMENT CONSTA NT NA MELIST DA TE A ND TIME SET REQUEST DA TE A ND TIME SET A CKNOWLEDGE DEFINE REPORT A CKNOWLEDGE LINK EV ENT REPORT A CKNOWLEDGE ENA BLE/DISA BLE EV ENT REPORT A CKNOWLEDGE MULTI-BLOCK INQUIRE MULTI-BLOCK GRA NT HOST COMMA ND SEND HOST COMMA ND A CKNOWLEDGE RESET SPOOLING STREA MS A ND FUNCTIONS RESET SPOOLING A CKNOWLEDGE DEFINE V A RIA BLE LIMIT A TTRIBUTES V A RIA BLE LIMIT A TTRIBUTE A CKNOWLEDGE V A RIA BLE LIMIT A TTRIBUTE REQUEST V A RIA BLE LIMIT A TTRIBUTE SEND ENHA NCED REMOTE COMMA ND ENHA NCED REMOTE COMMA ND A CKNOWLEDGE Initiate Processing Request ( Factory A utomation Only) Initiate Processing A cknow ledge ENA BLE/DISA BLE A LA RM SEND A CKNOWLEDGE LIST A LA RMS A CKNOWLEDGE EV ENT REPORT REQUEST EV ENT REPORT DA TA INDIV IDUA L REPORT REQUEST INDIV IDUA L REPORT DA TA REQUEST SPOOLED DA TA REQUEST SPOOLED DA TA A CKNOWLEDGE PROCESS PROGRA M LOA D INQUIRE PROCESS PROGRA M LOA D GRA NT PROCESS PROGRA M SEND PROCESS PROGRA M A CKNOWLEDGE PROCESS PROGRA M REQUEST PROCESS PROGRA M DA TA DELETE PROCESS PROGRA M SEND DELETE PROCESS PROGRA M A CKNOWLEDGE CURRENT EPPD REQUEST CURRENT EPPD DA TA FORMA TTED PROCESS PROGRA M SEND FORMA TTED PROCESS PROGRA M A CKNOWLEDGE FORMA TTED PROCESS PROGRA M REQUEST FORMA TTED PROCESS PROGRA M DA TA 1.3 Function Of The GEM Interface The GEM sub-system is composed of hardware and software. The hardware component is a SECS interface board, SIB311. The software has five components: FORTH based GEM interface software which is integrated into the E220HP / E500HP control program. A multi-tasking operating system to provide data sharing and intertask communication for the E220HP / E500HP application and the GEM functions. The GEM task, ‘C’ code to initialize the link between the E220HP / E500HP application and integrate the GWGEM function library. GWGEM, a ‘C’ function library, a product from GW Associates. SDR, driver interfacing the SIB-311 to DOS and the E220HP / E500HP application Protocol Parameter Parameter Description T1 Inter Character Timeout T2 Protocol Timeout T3 Reply Timeout T4 Inter Block Timeout Connect Separation T5 Timeout (HSMS only) Control Transaction T6 Timeout (HSMS only) NOT SELECTED T7 TIMEOUT (HSMS only) Netw ork Intercharacter T8 Timeout (HSMS only) Baud Baud Rate Retry Retry Limit Units Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Standard Default Value 0.5 10 45 45 Sec. 10 Sec. 5 Sec. 10 Sec. Bits/Sec. No. of 5 9600 3 Figure 1 – SCREEN 1, HOST INTERFACE The Host Mode section has two button icons that contain the present control state of the communications: ON-LINE or OFF-LINE, REMOTE or LOCAL. Touching the icon causes the control state to switch to the alternative state i.e.: REMOTE -> LOCAL, LOCAL -> REMOTE; ON-LINE -> OFF-LINE, OFF-LINE -> ON-LINE. The MODE MENU screen, shown below in Screen 2, displays the HOST CONTROL button when the GEM option is active. Entry into the HOST CONTROL screen will be allowed if the equipment and Host have established communications. Upon entry into the HOST CONTROL screen the GEM control state will be set to on-line and remote. VERSION INTRODUCED: 12.20 Figure 2 - SCREEN 2, MODE MENU 1.3.1 Hardware Component The hardware is a SECS interface board, SIB-311. The SIB-311 is a single printed circuit board occupying one expansion slot on the ISA bus of the PC. The SIB-311 provides the following hardware: on-board CPU, RAM, I/O ports, interrupt request signal, RS 232C interface with a DB37F connector. The SECS interface board contains its own microprocessor, memory, and performs the entire SECS I, independently of the Intel 486. The SIB-311 interface includes addressing of the memory and I/O port. The customer host must be connected to port #1 of the SIB board connector located at the back of the PC. Ports #2 and #3 are serial connections to the SMIF interface box. Port #2 provides the left SMIF serial connection while port #3 provides serial communication to the right SMIF. When option 125 (HSMS Host) is selected, the hardware used is 3COM ethernet card PCI-bus type. This configuration requires the faster AMD 400 type control computer. 1.3.2 Software Component The software components of GEM are a sub-system within the E220HP / E500HP application, see figure below. Figure 3 – SMIF Level 1 System Architecture In E220/E500 software versions previous to Version 10, the main control computer was based on the IBM DOS (MSDOS) operating system and the FORTH programming language. The SECS software was written completely in FORTH. This software handled the SECS I, SECS II and high level communications. Since it was interleaved with the other FORTH control software, the SECS I communications program and the control program of the implanter interfered with each other. In Version 10, DOS has been replaced by a DOS compatible, preemtive multitasking operating system called TSX-32. This operating system was selected because of its ability to run 32 bit protected mode DOS programs (polyFORTH and the GEM tasks), its preemptive multitasking, intertask communications, shared memory support and built in realtime operating system features. With this new architecture, the SIB board handles all of the SECS I protocol and timing. the GEM task (task 2 above) is a separate program written in the ‘C’ programming language which handles most of the SECS II message interpretation and creation. This allows the FORTH software (task 1) to independently control the implanter. In Version 11.00.22, a multi-threader with an interface similar to PSOS, the VSECS component, and the Asyst SMIF LPT 2200 VSECS application was added to the TSX GEM task (task 2 above). This provides support for two Asyst SMIF LPT 2200 VSECS. Acronym Control Program in FORTH SECS Multi-task OS GEMTASK GWGEM Host Control Application SDR LIMITS VSECS SMIF VSECS Application Description This is a modification of the most recent release of the E220HP / E500HP system softw are. It controls the implanter. The FORTH SECS softw are has been modified to use the SECS and GEM functions provided by GWGEM and SDR. All FORTH calls to the SECS softw are by other E220HP / E500HP softw are modules (objects) w ill remain, but their processing has been moved to functions w ithin GWGEM, SDR or the SIB-311 A third party task schedule, intertask communications, and resource sharing program. The functions provided by the operating system allow the tw o tasks to interact through shared memory and intertask message passing A task w ritten in 'C' code to manage the link betw een the E220HP/E500HP application and GWGEM and SDR functions. This includes function location, variables, alarms, and process programs. A 'C' function library w ritten by GW Associates, providing GEM compatibility. A GWGEM application that provides host control for the E220 An application interfacing the SIB-311 to the E220HP / E500HP application by a set of ‘C’ library functions. This is a separate C program w hich executes the limits monitoring functions required by GEM. A "C" function component utilizing a PSOS style multi-threading component that provides similar GWGEM functionality for addition SDR ports An application that provides support for tw o Asyst SMIF LPT 2200 cassette handling robots. These components linked together with the E220HP / E500HP application and additional hardware comprise the entire E220HP / E500HP Ion Implanter system with GEM compatibility as specified within this document. 1.3.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations Acronym ACH C EPPD Equipment function GEM GWGEM Host operator FORTH SECS SECS I SECS II SECSIM SEMI SIB SMIF stream VILL VDLL 1.3.4 Definition Automatic Cassette Handler - Support for the Daihen buffer (ACH). Compiled computer language used in the E220HP / E500HP control system Equipment Process Program Directory intelligent system that communicates w ith the host, in this document it is synonymous w ith the E220HP / E500HP specific message of a stream (see stream in this section) Generic Model for Communications and Control of SEMI Equipment (GEM) SEMI standard E30-95 ‘C’ language library of functions producing GEM compatibility the intelligent system that communicates w ith the Equipment individual using the user interface of the Equipment threaded interpretative programming language, used in the E220 HP / E500HP control system. Semiconductor Equipment Communications Standard the description of the physical connector, signal levels, data rate, and logical protocols required to exchange messages betw een the host and Equipment over a serial point to point data path the description that gives form and meaning to messages exchanged betw een Equipment and host using a message transfer protocol SECS simulator w ith language that can produce SECS formatted messages, product of GW Associates Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturers International, standards organization SECS Interface Board, product of GW Associates Standard Mechanical Interface - Asyst, Ergospeed II, and Jenoptic, and fixed Jenoptic SMIF units are supported w ith the E220 application. category of activity defined by SECS II Vacuum Independent Loadlocks (ECO 90). An ECO that enables the equipment to load/unload a loadlock w hile the opposite loadlock’s w afers are being implanted. (Feature available in V11.01) Vacuum Dependent Loadlocks. Wafers cannot be implanted w hile any loadlocks are loading or unloading. This operation is only operation available for V10.00.00 through V11.00.XX References Name E30-95: Generic Model for Communications and Control of SEMI Equipment (GEM) E4-91: SEMI Equipment Communications Standard; Message Transfer (SECS-I) E5-95: SEMI Equipment Communications Standard 2 Message Content (SECS-II) EXTRION 220/500 Medium Current Ion Implanter SECS Communication Manual 1.4 Software Revision Code Date Vers / Rev Originator 1995 E30-95 SEMI 1991 E4-91 SEMI 1995 E5-95 SEMI Feb-93 Rev. 2 Varian All major threads of the E220/E500 operating system incorporate added features to the GEM interface. This manual documents which revision certain features were added. To assist with a proper migration path, both a table and migration flowchart have been provided for reference. The table established the software version where major features which significantly impact the GEM interface were added. The flowchart provides a migration path to version 12 (and later) features. Name V ersion Introduced GEM V 10.00.00 A dded the GEM interf ace. Description SMIF1 V 11.22.00 MID1 V 11.00.37 A dded support f or A syst SMIF LPT 2200 A dded controller to coordinate f actory automation, Material Identif ication (MID) readers, and E220 basic implanter. This sof tw are component is also ref erred to as MID Module. V ILL V 11.01.00 V acuum Independent Load Locks. Y 2K V 11.00.37 MID Update V 11.05.08 Y 2K support. Updated GW A ssociates library introduced dif f erent buf f ers f or host messages and complex variables linked to events. HSMS V 12.12.00 Support f or HSMS. ERGOSMIF V 11.07.06 Support f or Ergospeed SMIF BCR V 12.12.00 LINEUP JOB QUEUE Productivity Plus V 12.23 revA V 12.50 Support f or Bar Code Reader User Interf ace f or the Lineup Job Queue w as introduced in V 12.20 revA , and the host interf ace w as introduced in V 12.23 revA . Support f or the Dual-A rm Hardw are Upgrade. 1.5 Changes from Previous Versions Revision 1 Date 1/16/1995 Reason for Change Original, created from Requirements Document Rev 7 Author Nick Parisi 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4/3/1995 5/20/1996 8/30/1997 4/2/1998 11/16/1999 3/1/2001 2/1/2002 Jim Hamilton Q. Wei R. Naugle R. Naugle R. Cruz K. Zeh R. Cruz 8.1 9 9.1 3/26/2002 10/12/2004 2/15/2005 Moved events 55 thru 55 to 66 thru 69 to avoid conflicts with SECS2. Update the change from Requirement Document Rev 9 Added Asyst Automation Added flouroTrak Cassete ID reader Finalized Revision Updated manual and converted to on-line help format Updated manual for V12.15 Rev B,C and D Updates for V12.15 RevD Custom Software. Deleted unimplemented or obsolete DVIDs Updated manual for V12.20 up to V13.10 Added General Equipment Warning Section R. Cruz R. Cruz R. Cruz 2.0 Data Item Directory 2.0 Data Item Directory This section defines the data items used in the SECS II messages described in the Message Detail section. Each data item is defined by the following: 1. an unique mnemonic name 2. allowable item format code as complying to SEMI SECS-II E5-95 Section 6.2, Item Format Codes 3. a description of the specific values, and 4. the messages in which the data item is used. An item is an information packet which has a length and format defined by the first 2, 3, or 4 bytes of the item. These first bytes are called the item header (IH). The item header consists of the format byte and the length byte(s) as shown in Figure 2. Bits one and two of the item header tell how many of the following bytes refer to the length of the item. This feature allows for long items without requiring the byte overhead for shorter items. The item length refers to the number of bytes following the item header, called the item body (IB), which is the actual data of the item. The item length refers only to the item body not including the item header, so the actual number of bytes in the message for one item is the item length plus 2, 3, or 4 bytes for the item header. All bytes in the item body are in the format specified in the format byte. Item and List Header A zero length in the format byte is illegal and produces an error. A zero length in the item length bytes has a special meaning as defined in the detailed message definitions. Bits 3 through 8 of the format byte of the item header define the format of the data which follows. Of the 64 possible formats, fifteen are defined as shown in Table 1. Format code 0 is called a list and is defined in E5 6.3. The remaining 14 item formats define unspecified binary, code 10 (octal); Boolean, code 11 (octal); ASCII character strings, code 20 (octal); JIS-8 character strings, code 21 (octal) signed integer, codes 30, 31, 32, 34 (octal); floating point, codes 40, 44 (octal); and unsigned integer, codes 50, 51, 52, 54 (octal). These formats are used for groups of data which have the same representation in order to save repeated item headers. Signed integers will be two's complement values. Floating point numbers will conform to the IEEE standard 754. Boolean values will be byte quantities, with zero being equivalent to false, and non-zero being equivalent to true. 2.0.1 Item Format Codes Binary 765432 000000 001000 001001 010000 010001 100000 100100 101000 101001 101010 101100 Octal 00 10 11 20 21 40 44 50 51 52 54 0-LB Symbol L B1 BOOL A1 J1 F8 F4 U8 U1 U2 U4 0-LB Hex 0 20 24 40 44 80 90 A0 A4 A8 B0 FORMAT n-LB Symbol L+n B8+n B2+n A1+n J1+n F8+n F4+n U8+n U1+n U2+n U4+n 1-LB Hex 1 21 25 41 45 81 91 A1 A5 A9 B1 2-LB Hex 2 22 26 42 46 82 92 A2 A6 AA B2 3-LB Hex 3 23 27 43 47 83 93 A3 A7 AB B3 MEANING The data af ter the heading has the f ollow ing f orm LIST (length in elements) Binary Boolean ASCII 1 JIS-8 8-byte f loating point 3 4-byte f loating point 3 8-byte integer (unsigned) 2 1-byte integer (unsigned) 2-byte integer (unsigned) 2 4-byte integer (unsigned) 2 1 Non-printing characters are equipment specific. 2 Most significant byte sent first. 3 IEEE 754. The byte containing the sign bit is sent first. ABS -- Any binary string Format: 10 Where Used: S2F25, S2F26 ACHA -- ACH Acknowledge code Format: 10 0 = acknowledge, ok 1 = can not perform now 2 = requested recipe(PPID) not found 7 = Port is not enabled 10 = bad parameter in S2F71 left side list 11 = bad parameter in S2F71 right side list 12 = error in S2F71 message 13 = process parameter error 14 = cassette not loaded 15 = enqueue failed 16 = FA option or S2F71 queue disabled Where Used: S2F72 ACKC5 -- Acknowledge code Format: 10 0 = accepted >0 = error, not accepted 1-63 = reserved Where Used: S5F2, S5F4 ACKC6 -- Acknowledge code 0 = accepted Format: 10 >0 = error, not accepted 1-63 = reserved 64 = Bad PPID Where Used: S6F12, S6F14 ACKC7 -- Acknowledge code Format: 10 0 = Accepted 1 = Permission not granted 2 = Length error 3 = Matrix overflow 4 = PPID not found 6 = Recipe with same name exists and can not overwrite (S7F4). 6-63 = reserved Where Used: S7F4, S7F18 ACKC7A Format: 31, 51 0 = Accepted 1 = MDLN is inconsistent 2 = SOFTREV is inconsistent 3 = Invalid CCODE 4 = Invalid PPARM value 5 = Other error (described by ERRW7) 6-63 = reserved Where Used: S7F27 ACKC10 -- Acknowledge Code Format: 10 0 = Accepted for display 1 = Message will not be displayed 2 = Terminal not available 3-63 reserved 64 Where Used: S10F2 , S10F4 , S10F6 ALCD -- Alarm code byte bit 7 = 1 means alarm set bit 7 = 0 means alarm cleared bit 6-0 = alarm category 0 = not used 1 = Personal safety 2 = Equipment safety 3 = Parameter control warning 4 = Parameter control error 5 = Irrecoverable error Format: 10 6 = Equipment status warning 7 = Attention flags 8 = Data integrity >8 = other categories 9-63 = reserved Where Used: S5F2, S5F6 ALED-- Alarm enable/disable code, 1 byte Format: 10 bit 7 = 1 means enable alarm bit 7 = 0 means disable alarm Where Used: S5F3 ALID – Alarm identification Format: 5( ) All alarm identifications can be found in Appendix B of this document. Note: The format of ALID is 54 in S5F1 Where Used: S5F1, S5F3, S5F5, S5F6 ALTX -- Alarm text limited to 40 characters Format: 20 All alarm text can be found in Appendix B of this document. Only the first 40 characters of the text is sent to the Host. Where Used: S5F1 CCODE -- Command Code Format: 32, 52 Each command code corresponds to a unique process operation the machine is capable of performing. Process OperationCommand DOPANT PARAMETRIC MODE MULTIPLE MASS CHARGE SOURCE MODE ENERGY EXT_V ACL/DCL # SCANS X SIGMA ES VAC CHECK PURITY W TYPE eFLOOD COOLING MIRROR V FLOOD MA ROTATIONS TILT TWIST DOSE MANTISSA DOSE EXPONENT Command Code (CCODE) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Description Ion Name Parametrics Operation Number of Doses (Max. 12) Ion Weight Charge Gas/Vaporizer Energy Extraction Volts Accel/Decel Minimum Scans Xsigma Es Vacuum Check Interval Purity (E500 only) Waf er Type Electron Flood Gas Cooling Mirror Volts eFlood Current Rotate 1 Tilt 1 Tw ist 1 Mantissa Exponent Recipe Name Sof tw are Revision Recipe Version Edit Date Edit Time Operator ID Learn Date EHP Option Vaporizer Option Recipe Status Beam Slit Interval Units Dose Calibration Arc Voltage Arc Current Filament Voltage Filament Current Extraction Current Suppression Voltage Suppression Current Source Magnet Current Source Magnet Voltage Gas Pressure Source Pressure Pvaporizer Temperature Vaporizer Temperature X-Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Setup Beam Current Setup Bias Analyzer Current Amu Tune Speed Analyzer Pressure Mirror Current Mirror shunt Current Quad1 Current Quad1 Voltage Quad2 Current Quad2 Voltage Def lector Voltage Lens Current 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 BeamLine Pressure FocusBeam Current Source Type Target Cup Bias E Filament Voltage E Filament Current E Ripple Voltage E Extraction Voltage E Extraction Current E Target Current E Bias Voltage E Bias Current E Suppression Voltage E Secondary Current A Line Beam Width Target Beam Mantissa Target Beam Exponent Range Arc X-Tune Speed Y-Tune Speed Noise Ripple Q1 Tune Speed Q2 Tune Speed Def lector Tune Speed Beam Line Tune Speed Calculated Scans Gas String Source Magnet Type Num Pass Num Fail Last SetupDate Last Setup Time Spare 1 Spare 2 Spare 3 Spare 4 Spare 5 Spare 6 Where Used: S7F23, S7F26 CEED -- Collection event enable/disable code, 1 byte Format: 11 FALSE = Disable TRUE = Enable Where Used: S2F37 CEID -- Collected event ID Format: : 5( ) Identifies the event and report that is being sent. The format of CEID is 54 in S6F11. Supported Event ID's are: CEID Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Start up started Start up complete Shut down started Shut down complete Source setup started Source setup complete Beamline setup started Beamline setup complete Beamscan setup or check started Beamscan setup or check complete Batch started (GEM Compliant Process Started Started) Batch complete (GEM Compliant Process Started completed) Wafer started Wafer complete Alarm generated (GEM Compliant Alarmn Detected) Alarm silence button pressed (GEM Compliant Alarmn Cleared) Implant Held (GEM Compliant Processing Stopped) Implant Continued Abort started Abort complete Elevator vent started Elevator vent complete Door open started Door open complete Door close started Door close complete Elevator pump started Elevator pump completed Entering host control mode Entering host monitor mode (SECS-II only) High voltage enabled High voltage disabled Entering host ignore mode (SECS-II only) Unload Sequence Started Version available 12.20 Pivot Retract Started Version available 12.20 Pivot Retract Complete Version available 12.20 Setup Only Complete Wafer mapping started Wafer mapping completed Processing started Cassette(s) removed Ready to Process Ready to Implant Port Availability change at ACH or Eqpt Cassette status change at ACH Cassette status change at equipment port Entering Factory Automation Off mode Entering Factory Automation Manual mode Entering Factory Automation Semi Auto mode Entering Factory Automation Full Auto mode Load/Unload ACH port Request Load/Unload ACH port Request Complete System Backup Started System Backup Complete Unused Unused Uniformity Precheck 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 Unused Move Into ACH Port Request Move Out of ACH Port Request Move Into ACH Port Request Complete Move Out of ACH Port Request Complete Go Displayed Go or Cont Button Pressed or remote command START received from host Pivot Extend Complete Control State OFF-LINE Control State ON-LINE, Local Control State ON-LINE, Remote Unused Spool Activated Spool Deactivated Spool Transmit Failure Operator Command Issued Operator Command Complete Processing State Change Operator Changed Equipment Constant Upper Trace Limit Exceeded Lower Trace Limit Exceeded Process Program Change Process Program Selected Message Recognition Operator Log On Operator Log Off Ready to Receive Material Material Sensed at Port Host Command (Remote) Issued Host Command (Remote) Complete Job Created (Applicable to Process Job Queue) Version available 12.20 Job Deleted (Applicable to Process Job Queue) Job Completed (Applicable to Process Job Queue) Queue Availability Changed (Applicable to Process Job Queue) Job Processing Started (Applicable to Process Job Queue) Job Processing Complete (Applicable to Process Job Queue) Job Chain Modified (Applicable to Process Job Queue) Timed Beam Run Started (Applicable to Process Job Queue) Timed Beam Run Complete (Applicable to Process Job Queue) Job Promoted (Applicable to Process Job Queue) Job Preempt Successful (Applicable to Process Job Queue) Job Preempt Unsuccessful (Applicable to Process Job Queue) SMIF LPT Manual Control Mode SMIF LPT Semi-Auto Control Mode SMIF LPT Full-Auto Control Mode SMIF LPT POD Placed SMIF LPT POD Removed SMIF LPT Load Ready SMIF LPT Load Start SMIF LPT Load Complete SMIF LPT Unload Ready SMIF LPT Unload Start SMIF LPT Unload Complete SMIF LPT Port Locked SMIF LPT Port Unlocked SMIF LPT Switched to Manual 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 160 161 162 200 2000 SMIF LPT Switched to Auto SMIF LPT Powered Up SMIF LPT Load Aborted SMIF LPT Unload Aborted SMIF LPT init Started SMIF LPT init Complete SMIF LPT init aborted SMIF LPT Cassette Placed on Equipment SMIF LPT Port lock/unlock failed Actual Smif Slot Map Available EMID Actual Cassette ID Available Version available 12.15 EMID Actual Cassette ID Update Aborted Version available 12.15 Discard Job Version available 12.15 Actual SMIF Slot Map Validation Failed Actual Cassette ID Validation Failed Version available 12.15 Actual Wafer ID Available Actual Wafer ID Update Abort Actual Wafer ID Validation Failed Actual Equipment Slot Map Validation Failed Actual Equipment Slot Map Update Aborted Reject Pod Actual Equipment Slot Map Validation Passed Actual Smif Slot Map Validation Passed EMID Validation Passed Version available 12.15 Actual Wafer ID Validation Passed Actual Equipment Slot Map Validation Passed Job Done Version available 11.05.04 Job Started Version available 11.05.04 Equipment Count Validation Failed Version available 11.05.04 Equipment Count Validation Passed Version available 11.05.04 SMIF Count Available Version available 11.05.04 SMIF Count Abort Version available 11.05.04 Smif Count Validation Failed Version available 11.05.04 SMIF Count Validation Passed Version available 11.05.04 SMART Tag Data Lot-id Available SMART Tag File Data Available SMART Tag Status Available 200+ Used for Limits Zone Transition for Analogs 2000+ Used for Alarm On / Off In addition, each alarm ID, ALID , has two CEIDs associated with it, one for alarm clear and one for alarm set. The alarm IDs are calculated at initialization time based on the contents of the MESSAGES.USA file. The formulas for calculating the alarm IDs are as follow: Alarm Off CEID = (Alarm ID *2) + 300 Alarm On CEID = Alarm Off CEID + 1 VARIAN RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADD ADDITIONAL EVENT CEIDs The Varian GEM uses the CEID number for the SFCD and accesses the reports associated with the CEID. Where Used: S2F35, S2F37, S6F11, S6F13 CEPACK -- Command Enhanced Parameter Acknowledge, 1 byte 0 = no error 1 = Parameter Name (CPNAME) does not exist 2 = Illegal Value specified for CEPVAL 3 = Illegal Format specified for CEPVAL 4 = Parameter name (CPNAME) not valid as used 5-63 = reserved Format: 10, 51 Where Used: S2F49 CEPVAL -- Command Enhanced Parameter Value Format: 0, 10, 11, 20, 21, 3( ), 4( ), 5( ) A specific application of CEPVAL shall always be identified with a specific value of CPNAME. A CEPVAL has the following forms: a single (non-list) value (eg. CPVAL), a list of single items of identical format and type, or a list of items of the form: L,2 1. CPNAME 2. CEPVAL Where Used: S2F49 COMMACK -- Establish Communications Acknowledge Code, 1 byte Format: 10 0 = Accepted 1 = Denied, Try Again 2-63 = Reserved Where Used: S1F13, S1F14 CPACK -- Command Parameter Acknowledge Code, 1 byte Format: 10 1 = Parameter Name (CPNAME) does not exist 2 = Illegal Value specified for CPVAL 3 = Illegal Format specified for CPVAL >3 = Other equipment=specific error 4-63 = reserved 64 = Discrepancy detected between WaferID and SlotMap parameters Where Used: S2F42 CPNAME -- Command Parameter Name Format: 20 These are used in the remote command to designate the parameter being sent with the command. See the RCMD section for CPNAME applicable to each remote command. Where Used: S2F41 CPVAL -- Command Parameter Value Format: 10, 11, 20, 21, 3( ), 5( ) These are used in the remote command to set parameter values. See the RCMD section for CPVAL applicable to each remote command. Where Used: S2F41 DATAID -- Data ID Format: 5() The data id is used to connect a multi- block request/grant message transaction with the actual multi- block message transaction. In messages which originate from the Equipment, which include DATAID but are not multi- block, the DATAID is undefined. In messages which originate from the Host and which are not multi- block but do contain DATAID, DATAID will be ignored. Note: The format of DATAID is 54 in S6F11 Where Used: S2F33, S235, S239, S6F5, S6F11, S6F13 DATALENGTH -- Total bytes to be sent Format: 3( ),5( ) Where Used: S2F39, S6F5 DRACK -- Define Report Acknowledge Code, 1 byte Format: 10 0 = Accept 1 = Denied. Insufficient space 2 = Denied. Invalid format 3 = Denied. At least one RPTID already defined 4 = Denied, At least VID does not exist >4 = Other errors 5-63 = reserved Where Used: S2F34 DSPER -- Data sample period Format: 20 hhmmss, 6 bytes Where Used: S2F23 DVID Format: 5( ) The data variables may also be access with a VID of equivalent value using the functions appropriate for VID. See VID for table showing relationship between data variables identifcation (DVID), equipment constant identifications(ECID), and status variable identifications( SVID) . The data variable IDs are as follows: DVID 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 DVNAME Implant And Machine Status Variables A(LLOT) A(RLOT) LWAF# RWAF# OP- NAME OPERATOR- ID WAFER- NUMBER WAFER- START- TIME WAFER- END- TIME BATCH- START- TIME BATCH- END- TIME aXSIGMA cSCANS aDOSE DVID 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 DVNAME Recipe Data Process Program Variables PPID ION- NAME ION- AMU DOSE- MANTISSA DOSE- EXPONENT ENERGY SCANS COOLING FLOOD3 = Other equipment-specific error 4-63 = reserved Where Used: S2F16 ECDEF -- Equipment constant default value Where Used: S2F30E5_S2F30_Equipment_Constant_Namelist Format: 20, 5( ) ECID -- Equipment Constant ID Format: 5( ) The equipment constants may also be access with a VID of equivalent value using the functions appropriate for VID. See VID for table showing relationship between data variables identification (DVID), equipment constant identifications(ECID), and status variable identifications(SVID). The Equipment constant IDs are as follows: ECID 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 ECNAME T1 T2 T3 RTY T4 Obsolete (always set to 0) FORMAT MODES Mirror-mode Accel-mode Extraction-volts TYPE-RCP Establish-Comm-Timeout FACTAUTO PPTF GemInitCommState GemInitControlState Baud-Rate Equipment-ID DEVICENAME RPTYPE CONFIGALARMS CONFIGCONNECT CONFIGEVENTS WBITS5 WBITS6 WBITS10 HEARTBEAT EQPORT_ENABLE ACHPORT_ENABLE GemConfigSpool GemMaxSpoolFileSize GemMaxSpoolTransmit GemOverWriteSpool GemSpoolFileName GemMsgInterLv MID-MODE SMIF-MODE GEMTASK LOG SIZE EC TIMEFORMAT ECID 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 ECNAME Not Used EQUIPMENT IP ADR CONNECT MODE PASSIVE IP ADDRESS PASSIVE TCP PORT T5 T6 T7 T8 BCR Mode Connection Establishment Circuit Assurance TimeoutGrace MemoryStall WriteStall Submask Router MidVersion (Not Supported) Constants 258, 259 and 260 are used for recipe conversion and should be treated as a set. They are only used when PPBODY1 recipes are used on version 9 software. These conversion numbers are ignored when using PPBODY2. VARIAN RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADD MORE EQUIPMENT CONSTANTS Where Used: S1F3, S1F11, S1F12, S2F23, S2F13, S2F15, S2F29, S2F30, S2F33, S2F45, S2F46, S2F47, S2F48; S6F13, S6F18, S6F22 ECMAX -- Equipment constant maximum value Format: 5( ) Where Used: S2F30 ECMIN -- Equipment constant minimum value Format: 5( ) Where Used: S2F30 ECNAME -- Equipment constant name Format: 20 See ECID for list of equipment constant names. Where Used: S2F30 ECV -- Equipment Constant Value Format: 20, 5( ) See variable dictionary for a list for individual ECV format. Where Used: S2F15 EDID -- Expected data Identification Format: 10, 20, 3( ), 5( ) Three possible responses. MEXP EDID EDID S02F03, A[6] S03Fl3, B[1] S07F03, A[16], B[16] Where Used: S9F13 ERACK -- Enable/Disable Event Report Format: 10 Acknowledge Code, 1 byte 0 = Accepted 1 = Denied. At least one CEID does not exist <1 = Other Errors 2-63 = reserved Where Used: S2F38 ERRW7 Format: 20 Text string describing error found in process program Where Used: S7F27 ESID - Equipment Port Number Format: 10 ESID designates the stage location of the Equipment Port Number 1 = Left 2 = Right Note: Factory Automation Only Where Used: S2F71 FCNID -- Function Identification Format: 51 Where Used: S2F43, S2F44 GRANT -- Grant code, 1 byte Format: 10 0 = Permission Granted 1 = Busy, Try Again 2 = No Space Available 3 = Duplicate DATAID >3 = Equipment Specific Error Code 4-63 = reserved Where Used: S2F40 GRANT6 -- Permission to send, 1 byte Format: 10 0 = Permission granted 1 = Busy, try again 2 = Not interested >2 = Other errors 3-63 = reserved Where Used: S6F6 HCACK -- Host Command Parameter Acknowledge Code, 1 byte 0 = Acknowledge, command has been performed 1 = Command does not exist 2 = Cannot perform now 3 = At least one parameter is invalid 4 = Acknowledge, command will be performed with completion signaled later by an event Format: 10 5 = Rejected, Already in Desired Condition 6 = Object does not exist 7-63 = reserved 64= Double Implant not allowed 65-127 = Left and right SMIF LPT (LPT must be present to occur) 7 0 MSB Bit 6 bits 5-3 bits 2-0 6 1 5 LPT1 4 LPT1 3 LPT1 2 LPT2 1 LPT2 LSB 0 LPT2 1 LPT HCACK code for the left LPT1 LPT HCACK code for the right LPT2 LPT HCACK code 0h: LPT Completed command 1h: LPT in manual mode 2h: No Pod in place 3h: Host not ready 4h: Limit not reached 5h: LPT already in desired state 6h: LPT does not understand command 7h: LPT cannot perform command or E220 cannot send command to LPT Where Used: S2F42 LENGTH Format: 5( ) Length of the service program or process program in bytes Where Used: S7F1 LIMITACK Format: 10 Acknowledgment code for variable limit attribute set, 1 byte. 1 = LIMITID does not exist 2 = UPPERDB > LIMITMAX 3 = LOWERDB < LIMITMIN 4 = UPPERDB < LOWERDB 5 = Illegal format specified for UPPERDB or LOWERDB 6 = ASCII value cannot be translated to numeric 7 = Duplicate limit definition for this variable >7 = Other equipment-specific error 8-63 = reserved Where Used: S2F46 LIMITID Format: 10 The identifier of a specific limit in the set of limits (as defined by UPPERDB and LOWERDB) for a variable to which the corresponding limit attributes refer, 1 byte. The range of allowable Ids is 0 - 6. Where used: S2F45, S2F46, S2F48 LIMITMAX Format: 20 Presently the highest possible value for the SV’s value (99.9, 9, 9.99999) Where used: S2F48 LIMITMIN Format: 20 Presently the lowest possible value for the SV’s value (0 or 0.0000099) Where used: S2F48 LOTID - Material ID 16 bytes maximum Format: 20 This is the lot number for 1 cassette of wafers to be processed. Note: Factory Automation only Where used: S2F71 LOWERDB Format: 20 A variable limit attribute which defines the lower boundary of the deadband of a limit. The value applies to a single limit (LIMITID) for a specified VID. Thus, UPPERDB and LOWERDB as a pair define a limit. Where used: S2F45, S2F48 LRACK - Link Report Acknowledge Code, 1 byte Format: 10 0 = Accepted 1 = Denied. Insufficient space 2 = Denied. Invalid format 3 = Denied. At least one CEID link already defined 4 = Denied. At least one CEID does not exist 5 = Denied. At least one RPTID does not exist >5 = Other errors 6-63 = reserved Where Used: S2F36 LVACK Format: 10 Variable limit definition acknowledge code, 1 byte. Defines the error with the limit attributes for the referenced VID. 1 = Variable does not exist 2 = Variable has no limits capability 3 = Variable repeated in message 4 = Limit value error as described in LIMITACK 5-63 = reserved Where Used: S2F46 MDLN -- Equipment Model Type, 6 bytes max Format: 20 The Equipment model type of the E220 is a 4 character string and will be "E220" Where Used: S1F2; S1F13 , S1F14 MEXP Format: 20 Message expected in the form SxxFyy where x is stream and y is function. Where Used: S9F13 MHEAD Format: 10 SECS message block header associated with message block in error Where Used: S9F1, S9F3, S9F5, S9F7, S9F11 MID 16 Characters maximum Format: 20 This is the lot name for one cassette of wafers to be processed. Where Used: S2F41, S2F71 OFLACK Format: 10 Acknowledge code for OFF-LINE request. 0 = OFF-LINE Acknowledge 1-63 Reserved Where Used: S1F16 ONLACK -- Acknowledge code for ON-LINE request. Format: 10 0 = ON-LINE Accepted 1 = ON-LINE Not Allowed 2 = Equipment Already ON-LINE 3-63 = Reserved Where Used: S1F18 PPARM -- Process Parameter Format: 11, 20, 3( ), 4( ), 5( ) Numeric or Boolean SECS data item, single or multiple value, or text string which provides information required to complete the process command to which the parameter refers. PPID used by the PPselect remote command. Where Used: S7F23, S7F26 PPBODY -- Process program body Format: 10 The process program describes to the equipment, in its own language, the actions to be taken in processing the material it receives. . Four process program formats are supported. They are supported for the sake of compatibility with former models and software revisions of the equipment. The equipment can receive any format and convert it to the most recent format for operator editing and equipment use. Parameters not available in older formats are set to default values. The equipment will transmit the format set by the TYPE-RCP equipment constant. Where Used: S7F3, S7F6, S7F18 PPBODY1 -- Process program body (Version 8) Format: 10 This process program is made up of 24 fields for each pass. All fields are two bytes long. If a field should not change from one pass to the next, it must be given a value of 32768. All items in the body are 2 byte integers (format: 32) except for Ion Name which consists of 2 ASCII characters. Each 2 byte field should be given in reverse order, that is, LSB first, MSB second. In the case of the Ion Name, the two letters should be in reverse order. The Fields are: Ion Name Ion Weight Dose Mantissa Dose Exponent Energy Minimum Scans Gas Cooling Flood Tilt Twist Charge ES Vacuum X-Sigma Y-Sigma if value = 0 then Accel Mode; if -1 the Decel Mode Check Interval Quality if value > 5 it will be stored as Mirror. Wafer type Unused1 Unused2 Unused3 Unused4 Unused5 Unused6 Unused7 The Unused space is reserved for future additions and should be space filled. Each process will be a multiple of 48 bytes long. Where Used: S7F3, S7F6, S7F18 PPBODY2 Format: 10 All quantities are 16 bit format. Byte 1 2 3 4 5 Field name Ion Name Learned #multilines Ion Weight Charge 6 7 Gas/Vapor Energy 8 Extraction Volts 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Accel/Decel Minimum scans Xsigma Es Vacuum Check interval Purity Waf er Type 16 Electron Flood 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Gas Cooling Mirror volts Ef lood Current Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Rotate 1 Tilt 1 Tw ist 1 Mantissa Exponent Unused Unused Unused Description ASCII 2 characters 0 or 1 (Reset (0) af ter a Dow nload) 1-12 If equipped w ith rotating platen 1, 2, or 3 0 - Gas 1 - Vaporizer 1 - 750 Unit 0.1 0 - 400 E220 0 - 700 E500 0 - Accel 1 - Decel Unit 0.01 Unit 10-7 torr Unit 1 minute E500 only 0-5 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled Units 0.1 0 - 300 Unit 0.1 mA 0, 1 no rotation 0 - 30 0 - 90 0 - 359 3 digits Machine Specif ic Range Where Used: S7F3, S7F6, S7F18 PPBODY2 LONG Contains the data from a PPBODY2 SHORT in addition to the following: Format: 10 Byte 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 Name Rotate 2 Tilt 2 Tw ist 2 Mantissa Exponent Unused Unused Unused Rotate 5 Tilt 5 Tw ist 5 Mantissa Exponent Unused Unused Unused Rotate 8 Tilt 8 Tw ist 8 Mantissa Exponent Unused Unused Unused Rotate 11 Tilt 11 Tw ist 11 Mantissa Exponent Unused Unused Unused Byte 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Name Rotate 3 Tilt 3 Tw ist 3 Mantissa Exponent Unused Unused Unused Rotate 6 Tilt 6 Tw ist 6 Mantissa Exponent Unused Unused Unused Rotate 9 Tilt 9 Tw ist 9 Mantissa Exponent Unused Unused Unused Rotate 12 Tilt 12 Tw ist 12 Mantissa Exponent Unused Unused Unused Byte 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 Name Rotate 4 Tilt 4 Tw ist 4 Mantissa Exponent Unused Unused Unused Rotate 7 Tilt 7 Tw ist 7 Mantissa Exponent Unused Unused Unused Rotate 10 Tilt 10 Tw ist 10 Mantissa Exponent Unused Unused Unused Where Used: S7F3, S7F6, S7F18 PPBODY3 - High Performance Recipe Format: 10 PPBODY2 formatting contains all data from the PPBODY2 LONG format with the addition of learned parameters, maximum/minimum ranges for each parameter, and the type of interlock when a processing parameter exceeds the specified range. PPBODY3 is the recommended formatting for the E220/E500 medium current ion implanter PPBODY3 has a total length of 1518 bytes. This lays out the length and possible values of each data item as it appears in SECS messages downloaded from or uploaded to the host. The possible data types used are: Type ASCII Short Ushort Tgt_lim Description Plain text Signed 2-byte integer Unsigned 2-byte integer 8-byte structure consisting of : 2 bytes ushort Low Limit 2 bytes ushort Target 2 bytes ushort HiLimit 2 bytes ushort Interlock The possible values for Interlock are: 0 = Ignore 1 = Warning 2 = Critical Scaler is also included in the Remarks column. This number is applied to the raw value to get the final value as displayed in the E220/500 recipe screen. For example, a raw value of 2000 with a scaler of 2 will be displayed as 20.00. For data items with the Tgt_lim type, scalar is only applied to the LowLimit, Target and HiLimit. Data items with format marked as "(learned)" are filled in by the E220/500 after the recipe has been learned in parametric setup. Header Parameters Parameter PPID Name Sof tw are Rev Ccode 25 26 Bytes 16 8 Type ASCII ASCII Of f set 0 16 Recipe Version 27 2 Ushort 24 Edit Date Edit Time Operator ID 28 29 30 10 10 8 ASCII ASCII ASCII 26 36 46 Learn Status 2 2 Ushort 54 Learn Date 31 10 ASCII 56 Setup Dif f iculty 32 2 Ushort 66 Vaporizer Option 33 2 Ushort 68 Recipe Status #Multilines Last Setup Date Last Setup time Dopant Gas String 34 3 100 101 1 96 2 2 10 10 2 6 Ushort Ushort ASCII ASCII ASCII ASCII 70 72 74 84 94 96 Charge Accel/Decel 5 9 2 2 Ushort Short 102 104 Raw Values Remarks xx.xx.xx Incremented af ter each edit mm/dd/yy hh:mm 2 Trailing blanks 5 Trailing blanks 1=Learned 0=NotLearned mm/dd/yy 99=Ehp 0= Not Ehp 1=standard 59=dual vaporizer 0 - 300 12-Jan mm/dd/yy hh:mm (learned) 1 if DECEL 1,2,3 if ACCEL #NAME? Gas/Vapo Flag 6 2 Short 106 #NAME? EFlood 16 2 Short 108 Cooling 17 2 Short 110 Beam Slit 35 2 Ushort 112 Interval Units Check Interval 36 13 2 2 Ushort Ushort 114 116 #NAME? -1 = On/ 0 or any other value = Of f If option 75 is set, 0,1,2 else, 0,1 0 = w af ers 1 = minutes 0 - 60 Beam Purity 14 2 Ushort 118 0 - 2000 Dose Calibration Waf er Type XSigma 37 15 11 2 2 2 Ushort Ushort Ushort 120 122 124 0 - 20000 0 - 20 0 - 1000 2 Trailing blanks Units 16 Char 8 Char #NAME? mm/dd/yy 10 Char hh:mm, 10 Char 8 Char Y/N Short mm/dd/yy 10 Char Short 59 valid only if option 59 is enabled 2 Trailing blanks 5 Trailing blanks Gas Identif ier Short ro/rw /appr Short Short 10 Char 10 Char 2 Char 6 Char 1+/2+/3+, Short A/D, Short If option 1 or option 59 is set, vaporizer can be on or of f , else must be vaporizer Must match Ef lood option Waf er cooling 0 = of f 1 = narrow 2 = w ide G/V, Short ON/OFF, Short ON/OFF, Short OUT/NAR/WIDE, Short min/w af , Short Short Unit = % scaler = 2 Unit = % scaler = 2 Scaler = 2 %, Short %, Short #, Short #, Short Source Parameters Parameter Arc V Arc I Arc Range Filament V Filament I Extraction V Extraction I Suppression V Suppression I Src Magnet I Src Magnet V Gas Press Source Pressure Vap Temp Heater Temp X Axis Y Axis Z Axis X Tune Speed Y Tune Speed Set Up Beam I Set Up Bias Spare 1 Spare 2 Spare 3 Noise Ripple Def ault Min / Max 5% Spec. Min / Max 0/300 Def ault Interlock w arning 5% 0/999 w arning V V kV mA kV mA A V PSI TORR *C *C mm mm mm 20% 20% 1% 1% 1% 1% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 0/7.5 0/200 0/40.0 0/25.0 0/2.00 0/50.0 0/50.0 0/20.0 0/9.99 0 0/999 0/999 0/999. 0/999. 0/999. ignore ignore critical ignore critical ignore w arning ignore w arning ignore w arning w arning w arning w arning w arning amps (range dependent) V --5% 0/999 not monitored w arning Units V amps (range dependent) Parameter Arc V Ccode 38 Bytes 8 Type Tgt_lim Of f set 126 Raw Values 0 – 300 Arc I 39 8 Tgt_lim 134 0 – 9999 f or Non-EHP 0 – 15000 f or EHP Arc Range Filament V Filament I Extraction V Extraction I Suppression V Suppression I Src Magnet I Src Magnet V Gas Press Source Pressure 86 40 41 8 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Ushort Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim 142 144 152 160 168 176 184 192 200 208 216 0-4 0 - 750 0 - 200 0 - 720 0 - 250 0 - 200 0 - 5000 0 - 500 0 -200 0 - 999 0 - 4000 PVap Temp Vap Temp X Axis Y Axis Z Axis X Tune Speed Y Tune Speed 49 50 51 52 53 87 88 8 8 8 8 8 2 2 Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Ushort Ushort 224 232 240 248 256 264 266 0 - 999 0 - 999 0 - 999 0 - 999 0 - 999 (learned) (learned) Set Up Beam I Set Up Bias Spare 1 Spare 2 Spare 3 Noise Ripple 54 55 102 103 104 89 90 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Ushort Ushort Ushort Ushort Ushort Ushort Ushort 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 (learned) (learned) Beamline Parameters (learned) (learned) Remarks Unit = V, scaler = 0 Unit = Arc Range dependent (see item below ), scaler = 0 0 = A, 4 = uA, other value = mA Unit = V, scaler = 2 Unit = A, scaler = 0 Unit = kV, scaler = 1 Unit = mA, scaler = 1 Unit = KV, scaler = 2 Unit = mA, scaler = 2 Unit = A, scaler = 1 Unit = V, scaler = 1 Unit = PSI, scaler = 2 Unit = uT, scaler = 2 Unit = (prog lamp temperature) Unit = Unit = mm, scaler = 0 Unit = mm, scaler = 0 Unit = mm, scaler = 0 Unit = A (range dependent) Unit = V Unused Unused Unused Parameter Analyzer I Analyzer AMU AMU tune speed Analyzer Pressure Mirror V 0/60.0 Mirror I Mirror Shunt I Q1 I Q1 V Q2 I Q2 V Def lector V Spare 4 Spare 5 Spare 6 Q1 Tune Speed Q2 Tune Speed Def lector Tune Speed Bmln Y Tune Speed Lens I Lens V Bmln Pressure Scans Units A AMU # Def ault Min / Max 0.20% 0.5 AMU --- Spec. Min / Max 0/150 0/200 --- Def ault Interlock w arning critical not monitored TORR kV critical mA mA A V A V kV 5% 5% 0 0/30.0 ignore 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 0/2.50 0/2.50 0/50.0 0/20.0 0/50.0 0/20.0 0/20.0 ignore ignore w arning ignore w arning ignore w arning mA V 5% 5% 0/150.0 0/40.0 w arning ignore # 10% 4000 w arning Calculated Scans # Focus Cup Beam amps I (range dependent) Src Type Src Mag Type --- 0/4000 not monitored --- 0/999 not monitored Calculated Scans # Num Pass Num Fail Target Cup Beam amps I (range dependent) Target Beam I Exponent --- 0/4000 not monitored --- 0/999 not monitored Parameter Ccode Bytes Type Of f set Raw Values Analyzer I 56 8 Tgt_lim 282 0 – 1500 f or non-EHP 0 – 1200 f or EHP Analyzer AMU AMU tune speed Analyzer Pressure 4 57 8 2 Tgt_lim Ushort 290 298 0 – 1500 f or non-EHP 0 – 1200 f or EHP (learned) 58 8 Tgt_lim 300 0 - 4000 Mirror V Mirror I Mirror Shunt I Q1 I Q1 V Q2 I Q2 V Def lector V Spare 4 Spare 5 Spare 6 Q1 Tune Speed Q2 Tune Speed Def lector Tune Speed Bmln Y Tune Speed Lens I Lens V Bmln Pressure Scans 18 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 105 106 107 91 92 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Ushort Ushort Ushort Ushort Ushort Ushort 308 316 324 332 340 348 356 364 366 368 370 372 374 0 – 600 0 - 120 0 - 250 0 - 500 0 - 200 0 - 500 0 - 200 (learned) (learned) (learned) 93 2 Ushort 376 (learned) 94 66 67 68 10 2 8 8 8 8 Ushort Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim 378 380 388 396 404 (learned) 0 - 1500 0 - 4000 0 - 4000 1-4000 Calculated Scans Focus Cup Beam I Src Type Src Mag Type Num Pass Num Fail TargetCup Beam I Target Beam I Exponent 95 2 Ushort 412 (learned) 69 70 97 98 99 2 2 2 2 2 Ushort Ushort Ushort Ushort Ushort 414 416 418 420 422 (learned) (learned) (learned) (learned) (learned) 84 2 Ushort 424 (learned) 85 2 Short 426 (learned) End Station Parameters Remarks Unit = A Scaler = 1 f or non-EHP Scaler = 2 f or EHP Unit = AMU scaler = 1 f or non-EHP Unit = Gauss scaler = 2 f or EHP Unit = uT, scaler = 2, option = Analyzer CCIG Unit = kV, scaler = 1 Option = 60kV Mirror Unit = mA, scaler = 2 Unit = mA, scaler = 2 Unit = A, scaler = 1 Unit = V, scaler = 1 Unit = A, scaler = 1 Unit = V, scaler = 1 Unit = kV, scaler = 1 Unused Unused Unused Unit = mA, scaler = 1 Unit = V, scaler = 2 Unit = uT, scaler = 2 Unit = #, scaler = 0 Unit = # Unit = A (range dependent) Unit = A (range dependent) Parameter ES Vac Pressure Target Cup Bias V Beam Width eFilament V eFilament I eRipple Volts eExtraction V eExtraction I eTarget I eBias V eBias I eSuppression V eSecondary I Parameter Ccode ES Vac Pressure 12 Units TORR V Def ault Min / Max 1% 5% Spec. Min / Max 0 0/250 Def ault Interlock w arning w arning Volts Amps Volts Volts Amps mA Volts mA Volts mA 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 0/20.0 0/13.0 0/50.0 0/350 0/99.9 0/99.9 0/25.0 0/10.0 0/999 0/10.0 ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore Bytes 8 Type Tgt_lim Of f set 428 Target Cup Bias V Beam Width 71 83 8 2 Tgt_lim Ushort 436 444 Raw Values 0 -5000 0 – 250 f or non-f lood gun 0 – 999 f or f lood gun (learned) eFilament V 72 8 Tgt_lim 446 0 - 200 eFilament I 73 8 Tgt_lim 454 0 - 130 eRipple Volts 74 8 Tgt_lim 462 0 - 500 eExtraction V 75 8 Tgt_lim 470 0 - 350 eExtraction I 76 8 Tgt_lim 478 0 - 999 eTarget I 77 8 Tgt_lim 486 0 - 999 eBias V 78 8 Tgt_lim 494 0 - 250 eBias I 79 8 Tgt_lim 502 0 - 100 eSuppression V 80 8 Tgt_lim 510 0 - 999 eSecondary I AnalyzerG Spares 81 109 8 8 192 Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Uchar 518 526 534 0 - 100 0 - 1200 Remarks Unit = uT, scaler = 2 Unit = V, scaler = 0 Unit = V, scaler= 1,option= ef lood Unit = A, scaler= 1,option= ef lood Unit = V, scaler= 1,option= ef lood Unit = V, scaler= 0,option= ef lood Unit = A, scaler= 1,option= ef lood Unit = mA, scaler= 1,option= ef lood Unit = V, scaler= 1, option= ef lood Unit= mA, scaler= 1, option= ef lood Unit = V, scaler = 0, option = ef lood Unit= mA, scaler= 1,option = ef lood Unit= G, scaler= 2 Multi-line Parameters Note: There are 12 recipe lines, each consisting of data with the structure shown below. CCODE 82 is the whole multi-line section, consisting of the parameters below. CCODE 108 is one line. Parameter Dose (mant+expo) Dose Exponent Rotations Tilt Tw ist Energy Accel V Accel I Decel V Decel I Accel Suppression V Accel Suppression I Parameter Ccode Dose Mantissa Dose Exponent Rotations Tilt Tw ist Energy Accel V Accel I Decel V Decel I Accel Suppr V Accel Suppr I Units ions/cm² Def ault Min / Max ---- Spec. Min / Max 1.00E+20 Def ault Interlock ---- # DEG DEG keV kV mA V mA V mA ---------1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 5% 5% 0 /16 0/90 0/359 1/400 /200. 5 30 2.5 5 5 critical critical critical w arning ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore ignore Bytes Type Of f set Raw Values 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Ushort Ushort Ushort Ushort Ushort Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim Tgt_lim 726 728 730 732 734 736 744 752 760 768 776 784 1000 - 9999 17-Sep 0 - 30 0 -90 0 - 359 0 - 750 0 - 1950 0 - 8000 0 - 300 0 - 250 0 - 500 0 - 500 Remarks Unit= ions/cm², scaler =3 Unit = # Unit = DEG Unit = DEG Unit = keV, scaler = 0 Unit = kV, scaler = 1 Unit = mA, scaler = 3 Unit = V, scaler = 1 Unit = mA, scaler = 2 Unit = V, scaler = 2 Unit = mA, scaler = 2 Multiline 2 offset = 792 Multiline 3 offset = 858 Multiline 4 offset = 924 Multiline 5 offset = 990 Multiline 6 offset = 1056 Multiline 7 offset = 1122 Multiline 8 offset = 1188 Multiline 9 offset = 1254 Multiline 10 offset = 1320 Multiline 11 offset = 1386 Multiline 12 offset = 1452 End of recipe offset = 1518 Where Used: S7F3, S7F6, S7F18 PPGNT -- Process program grant status, 1 byte 0 = OK 1 = already have 2 = no space 3 = invalid PPID 4 = busy, try later 5 = will not accept >5 = other error 6-63 = reserved Where Used: S7F2 Format: 10 PPID -- Process program ID. Format: 20 The recipe name as it appears in the process screens of the E220. Maximum of 16 characters. Trailing spaces are ignored Where Used: S7F1, S7F3, S7F5, S7F6, S7F17, S7F20 RCMD Format: 20 Code Name 1 START-UP Pump vacuum system, initialize handler 2 SHUT-DOWN Turn off ion source, idle vacuum system 3 STOP Cease setting up or processing wafers 4 START Start processing wafers or continue setting up 5 ABORT Action commanded Abort current operation and return wafers if aborting during implant 6 VENT-ONLY Vent elevators (Doors not opened) 7 PUMP-ONLY Pump elevators 8 OPEN-ONLY Open elevator doors 9 CLOSE-ONLY Close elevator doors 10 CLOSE&PUMP Close elevator doors, pump elevators and maps wafers 11 VENT&OPEN Vent elevators and open elevator doors 12 CYCLE-TEST 13 RR-PROCEED 14 RR-NOT- Map and cycle all wafers present Not available in V11.01 and newer software Proceed, Response to E220 Operator Message Do Not Proceed, Response to E220 Screens (See note on screens below) Host Control Batch Status Host Control Batch Status Host Control Batch Status Implant Auto Source Auto Scan Manual Beam Host Control Batch Status Implant Auto Source Auto Scan Manual Beam Host Control Batch Status Implant Auto Source Auto Scan Manual Beam Host Control Batch Status Host Control Batch Status Host Control Batch Status Host Control Batch Status Host Control Batch Status Host Control Batch Status Host Control Batch Status Any Screen after message appears 15 16 PROCEED FACTORYAUTO PPSELECT Operator Message Factory Automation Equipment lot scheduling start Choose Process Program for Batch Parameter Name CPNAME = PPID Parameter Value CPVAL (Format A) = 16character PPID name CPNAME = LOC CPVAL (Format B) = 1 - Left 2 – Right 3 - Both CPNAME = MID1 CPVAL (Format A) = 16- character Left Lot Name CPNAME = MID2 CPVAL (Format A) = 16-character Right Lot Name CPNAME = START-WAF1 CPVAL (Format B) = starting slot to process on the left CPNAME = WAF-COUNT1 CPVAL (Format B) = number of wafers to process on the left CPNAME = START-WAF2 CPVAL (Format B) = starting slot to process on the right CPNAME = WAF-COUNT2 CPVAL (Format B) = number of wafers to process on the left CPNAME = JOB-TIME CPVAL (Format U2) = number of minutes to wait after a SETUP-ONLY job. 0 to 120 minutes. Applicable only if Process Job Queue is enabled. CPNAME = WAFER-RANGE-CHECK CPVAL (Format BOOLEAN) If true, the number of wafers to be processed as specified by START-WAF and WAF-COUNT are checked against the number of wafers mapped. If there is a conflict, an error message is displayed. CPNAME = SHUFFLE-MODE CPVAL (Format BOOLEAN) Any Screen after message appears Host Control Batch Status If true, a shuffle mode will be performed. Note: This command will be rejected if ECO 37 (Wafer Shuffle Mode) is not selected. CPNAME = JOB-ID CPVAL (Format A) = 16-character Hostassigned job-id. If the host specifies a JOBID that has a duplicate, the equipment replies with S2F42, HCACK=3, invalid JOBID. CPNAME = PPID-LIST CPVAL (Format L) = list of 16-character PPID names that the job’s materials will be process with. (chained implant). S2F49 message should be used with this parameter. CPNAME = WaferID1 CPVAL (Format L) = list of 48-character WaferIDs on the left side that will be used to identify the wafer being processed. If the slot is empty, a blank WaferID should be used. Applicable only if MID Module is enabled. CPNAME = SlotMap1 CPVAL (Format L) = list of Format- B flags to specify that the wafer in a slot exists on the left. 0x00 – no wafer in the slot 0x01 – wafer exists in the slot Applicable only if MID Module is enabled. CPNAME = WaferID2 CPVAL (Format L) = list of 48-character WaferIDs on the right side that will be used to identify the wafer being processed. If the slot is empty, a blank WaferID should be used. Applicable only if MID Module is enabled. CPNAME = SlotMap2 17 PPCLEAR-LEFT 18 PPCLEARRIGHT 19 SETUP-ONLY 20 STARTPROCESS CPVAL (Format L) = list of Format- B flags to specify that the wafer in a slot exists on the right. 0x00 – no wafer in the slot 0x01 – wafer exists in the slot Applicable only if MID Module is enabled. Clears the selected process program and lot id for the left loadlock. Not applicable in FA semi or full-auto mode. Clears the selected process program and lot id for the right loadlock. Not applicable in FA semi or full-auto mode. Starts source, beamline and beamscan setups even if the loadlocks are not closed and pumped. Start the job at the top of the Process Job queue (V12.20 Feature). Any screen Any screen Any screen 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 LEFT-VENT LEFT-PUMP LEFT-OPEN LEFT-CLOSE LEFT-CLOSEPUMP LEFT-VENTOPEN START-DUAL START-LEFT START-RIGHT STARTIMPLANT RIGHT-VENT RIGHT-PUMP RIGHT-OPEN RIGHT-CLOSE RIGHT-CLOSEPUMP RIGHT-VENTOPEN PPCLEARLINEUP-QUEUE 41 GO-LOCAL 42 GO-REMOTE 43 44 BUZZER-ON BUZZER-OFF 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 BLUE-OFF BLUE-FLASH BLUE-ON GREEN-OFF GREEN-FLASH GREEN-ON YELLOW-OFF YELLOW-FLASH YELLOW-ON RED-OFF RED-FLASH RED-ON (unnamed) Vent Left Loadlock Pump Left Loadlock Open Left Loadlock Close Left Loadlock Close and pump Left Loadlock, and map wafers Vent and Open Left Loadlock Host Control, Batch Status Host Control, Batch Status Host Control, Batch Status Host Control, Batch Status Host Control, Batch Status Applicable for both VILL and non-VILL processing. Starts set up on both sides if recipes are identical. If recipes are not identical, starts sequential processing Starts set up on left side Starts set up on right side Starts implanting wafers after setup Host Control, Batch Status Vent Right Loadlock Pump Right Loadlock Open Right Loadlock Close Right Loadlock Close and pump Right Loadlock, and map wafers Vent and Open Right Loadlock Removes all entries in the Process Job Queue except those that are already active. V12.20 Feature Switches host control mode to LOCAL in GEM or MONITOR in SECS. Switches host control mode to REMOTE in GEM or CONTROL in SECS. Turns audible alarm on Turns audible alarm off. Note that this remote command will be rejected if it is sent while an alarm is unacknowledged. The audible alarm will be turned off by alarm acknowledgement through an operator or host Signal tower BLUE light turns OFF Signal tower BLUE light FLASHES Signal tower BLUE light turns ON Signal tower GREEN light turns OFF Signal tower GREEN light FLASHES Signal tower GREEN light turns ON Signal tower YELLOW light turns OFF Signal tower YELLOW light FLASHES Signal tower YELLOW light turns ON Signal tower RED light turns OFF Signal tower RED light FLASHES Signal tower RED light turns ON Sets run parameters LCASSETTE, RCASSETTE, HOST-OPERATOR-ID and OPERATION CPNAME = LCASSETTE CPVAL (Format A) = 16-character Cassette name CPNAME = RCASSETTE CPVAL (Format A) = 16-character Cassette name Host Control, Batch Status Host Control, Batch Status Host Control, Batch Status Host Control, Batch Status Host Control, Batch Status Host Control, Batch Status Host Control, Batch Status Host Control, Batch Status Host Control, Batch Status Host Control, Batch Status Any screen Any screen Any screen Any screen Any screen Any screen Any screen Any screen Any screen Any screen Any screen Any screen Any screen Any screen Any screen Any screen Any screen CPNAME = HOST-OPERATOR-ID CPVAL (Format A) = operator id 58 SETLIGHTTOWER CPNAME = OPERATION CPVAL (Format A) = operation Set signal tower lights with one remote command. CPNAME = RED Any screen CPVAL (Format U1) = 0 – Off 1 – On 2 – Flashing CPNAME = YELLOW CPVAL same as parameter value for RED CPNAME = GREEN CPVAL same as parameter value for RED CPNAME = BLUE CPVAL same as parameter value for RED 60 PPQ NOTE: Setting for BLUE is ignored when a 3 light tower is used. Specifies parameters PTN, PPID, and MID CPNAME = PTN CPVAL (Format B) = CPNAME = PPID CPVAL (Format A) = 16-character PPID name 62 63 200 DELETE-JOB PROMOTE-JOB SMIF-ControlMode CPNAME = MID CPVAL (Format A) = 16-character Material ID name Deletes the specified job from the Process Job Queue. CPNAME = JOB-ID CPVAL (Format A) = 16-character Hostassigned job-id. Applicable only if Process Job Queue is enabled. Sets the specified job to be the next one to be processed in the Process Job Queue. CPNAME = JOB-ID CPVAL (Format A) = 16-character Hostassigned job-id. Applicable only if Process Job Queue is enabled. Perform a Load Cycle 201 202 CPNAME = MODE Any screen Any screen 203 204 CPVAL (Format U1) = 1 - Manual Mode 2 - Semi-auto Mode (Asyst smif only) 3 - Full-auto Mode Perform a Load Cycle Any screen SMIF-Unload CPNAME (Format A) = SMIF CPVAL (Format U1) = 1 - Left SMIF 1 2 - Right SMIF 2 3 - Both Perform a Unload Cycle Any screen SMIF-PortLock CPNAME (Format A) = SMIF CPVAL (Format U1) = 1 - Left SMIF 1 2 - Right SMIF 2 3 - Both Lock the POD Any screen CPNAME (Format A) = SMIF CPVAL (Format U1) = 1 - Left SMIF 1 2 - Right SMIF 2 3 - Both Unlock the POD Any screen CPNAME (Format A) = SMIF CPVAL (Format U1) = 1 - Left SMIF 1 2 - Right SMIF 2 3 - Both Blink LED labled POD IN PLACE Any screen Emergency-Stop CPNAME (Format A) = SMIF CPVAL (Format U1) = 1 - Left SMIF 1 2 - Right SMIF 2 3 - Both Unconditionally Stop Any screen SMIF-Home CPNAME (Format A) = SMIF CPVAL (Format U1) = 1 - Left SMIF 1 2 - Right SMIF 2 3 - Both Perform a Home Cycle Any screen SMIF-Home- CPNAME (Format A) = SMIF CPVAL (Format U1) = 1 - Left SMIF 1 2 - Right SMIF 2 3 - Both Perform a Level 2 Home Cycle Any screen SMIF-Load 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 SMIF-PortUNlock 213 214 215 Blink-POD-inLED 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 Level2 (Ergospeed 2 Only) 225 226 CPNAME (Format A) = SMIF 227 SMIF-HomeLevel3 CPVAL (Format U1) = 1 - Left SMIF 1 2 - Right SMIF 2 3 - Both Perform a Level 3 Home Cycle (Ergospeed 2 Only) Any screen 228 229 CPNAME (Format A) = SMIF 230 Stop-Blink CPVAL (Format U1) = 1 - Left SMIF 1 2 - Right SMIF 2 3 - Both Stop Blinking of LED labled POD IN PLACE (Ergospeed 2 Only) Any screen 231 232 CPNAME (Format A) = SMIF CPVAL (Format U1) = 1 - Left SMIF 1 2 - Right SMIF 2 3 - Both Notes: 1) The list of remote commands (RCMD) is supported by the E220 GEM application. The maximum length of the RCMD is 20 printable characters. No spaces are allowed. 2) All RCMD names are case-sensitive. 3) CPNAMEs have ‘A’ format. 3) Codes 200-220 were added in V11.00.22. They are used to command dual SMIF LPTs. The dual SMIF LPTs must be present, selected, and communications established between the E220 and the SMIF LPTs before the E220 will accept these commands. Codes 221-232 were added in V11.07.06. They are used to command Ergospeed SMIFs 4) In software versions before V11.01, remote commands are not always available for execution due to the state of the E220. This is most notable by the displayed screen. The column labeled Screens denotes when a command will be executed. Users must make sure the E220 is displaying the proper screen before leaving the machine. If a command cannot be executed the message will be NAKed. In software version V11.01 and later, remote commands can be executed independently from the screen. 5) Examples of PPSELECT Remote Command Messages: The structure for a dual sided PPSELECT will be as follows: S2F41 W > > > > > > The structure for a left single sided PPSELECT will be as follows: S2F41 W > > > > > > The structure for a dual sided PPSELECT with slotmap will be as follows (only wafers 1 and 2 have been specified): S2F41 W > > > > > > 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 > > The structure for a left sided PPSELECT with slotmap will be as follows (only wafers 1 and 2 have been specified): S2F41 W > > > > > > > The structure for a dual sided PPSELECT with wafer ID map will be as follows (only wafers 1 and 2 have been specified): S2F41 W > > > > > > > > > > The structure for a left sided PPSELECT with Wafer ID map will be as follows (only wafers 1 and 2 have been specified): S2F41 W > > > > > > > > The structure for a left single sided PPSELECT with cassette slot and wafer ID map will be as follows (MID-MODE ECID 286 WCC bit must be set. Slot and wafer map comparison is made at the SMIF and not tool): > > > > > > > > > > The structure for a dual sided PPSELECT with cassette slot and wafer ID map will be as follows (MID-MODE ECID 286 WCC bit must be set. Slot and wafer map comparison is made at the SMIF and not tool): > > > > > > > > > 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00> > > > > The structure for a dual-sided PPSELECT specifying a 3-recipe chained implant and wafer ranges will be as follows: S2F49 W > > > > > > > > > > >. Where Used: S2F41 REPGSZ -- Reporting group size Format: 5( ) Where Used: S2F23 RPTID -- Report ID Format: 5( ) Identifier of a defined report. Either a default report or a report defined with S2F33 /S2F34 . Where Used: S2F33, S2F35; S6F11, S6F13 RSACK -- Ready to Send Acknowledge code, 1 byte Format: 10 0 = acknowledge, OK (note that 'OK' differs from 'ready') 1 = invalid port number 2 = port is already occupied 3 = busy, unable to move material at this time. Try again 4 = receiver does not have permission to perform this operation 5-63 = reserved Where Used: RSDA -- Request Spool Data Acknowledge Format: 10 0 = OK 1 = Denied, busy try later 2 = Denied, spooled data does not exist 3-63 = Reserved Where Used: S6F24 RSDC -- Request Spool Data Code 0 = Transmit Spooled Messages 1 = Purge Spooled Messages 2-63 = Reserved Where Used: S6F23 Format: 51 SEQNUM -- Command Number Format: 52 Value which identifies a unique process program command by its position in the list of commands relative to the first. For the first command of the process program, SEQNUM is l. Where Used: S7F27 SFCD -- Status form code, 1 byte Format: 10 Where Used: SHEAD -- Stored header related to the transaction timer Format: 10 Where Used: S9F9 SMPLN -- Sample number Format: 5( ) Where Used: S6F1 SOFTREV -- Software revision code 8 bytes maximum Format: 20 The software revision code for the E220 is a 4 to 8 character string of the form "10.00.00". Where Used: S1F2, S1F13, S1F14 STIME -- Sample time, 12 bytes Format: 20 yymmddhhmmss Where Used: S6F1 STRACK -- Spool Stream Acknowledge Format: 10 1 = Spooling not allowed for stream (i.e., Stream 1) 2 = Stream unknown 3 = Unknown function specified for this stream 4 = Secondary function specified for this stream Where Used: S2F44 STRID -- Stream Identification Format: 51 Where Used: S2F43, S2F44 SV -- Status variable value Format: 20, 5( ) Where Used: S1F4, S6F1 SVID -- Status variable ID Format: 5( ) The status variables may also be access with a VID of equivalent value using the functions appropriate for VID. See VID for table showing relationship between data variables identifcation (DVID), equipment constant identifications(ECID), and status variable identifications( SVID) ). The status variable IDs are as follows: SVID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 SVNAME Analog Readback Variables TERMINAL- MEGOHMS GROUND- MEGOHMS TERMINAL- WATER- TEMP GROUND- WATER- TEMP CITY- WATER- TEMP SOURCE- PRESSURE SCANNER- PRESSURE CHAMBER- PRESSURE SOURCE- TURBO- SPEED SCANNER- TURBO- SPEED LEFT- CRYO- TEMP CHAMBER- CRYO- TEMP RIGHT- CRYO- TEMP LEFT- ELEVATOR- TC CHAMBER- CRYO- TC RIGHT- ELEVATOR- TC GAS G1- PRES G2- PRES G3- PRES G4- PRES FIL- I FIL- VOLTS ARC- I RANGE- ARC ARC- VOLTS MAG- I EXT- VOLTS EXT- I SUP- VOLTS SUP- I X- AXIS Y- AXIS Z- AXIS AMU- I AMU BIAS SVID 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 SVNAME Pump Analog Readback Variables a1ESTurboSpeed[0] a1ESTurboNormalizedSpeed[0] a1ESTurboCurrent[0] a1ESTurboVoltage[0] a1ESTurboTempC[0] a1ESTurboLifeHR[0] a1ESTurboCycles[0] a1ESTurboCycleTimeMIN[0] a1ESTurboSpeed[1] a1ESTurboNormalizedSpeed[1] a1ESTurboCurrent[1] a1ESTurboVoltage[1] a1ESTurboTempC[1] a1ESTurboLifeHR[1] a1ESTurboCycles[1] a1ESTurboCycleTimeMIN[1] a1OnBoardRegenStep[0] a1OnBoardFirstStageTemp[0] a1OnBoardSecondStageTemp[0] a1OnBoardTcGaugePress[0] a1OnBoardTotalOperatingTime[0] a1OnBoardTempSinceLastFullRegen[0] a1OnBoardTempSinceLastFastRegen[0] a1OnBoardBasePressure[0] a1OnBoardRegenStep[1] a1OnBoardFirstStageTemp[1] a1OnBoardSecondStageTemp[1] a1OnBoardTcGaugePress[1] a1OnBoardTotalOperatingTime[1] a1OnBoardTempSinceLastFullRegen[1] a1OnBoardTempSinceLastFastRegen[1] a1OnBoardBasePressure[1] a1OnBoardRegenStep[2] a1OnBoardFirstStageTemp[2] a1OnBoardSecondStageTemp[2] a1OnBoardTcGaugePress[2] a1OnBoardTotalOperatingTime[2] 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 BEAM BEAM- I- RANGE MIR- VOLTS MIR- I MIR- SHUNT- I Q1- I Q2- I DEFLECTOR LENS- I ACCEL- VOLTS ACCEL- I DEC- VOLTS DEC- I ENERGY-PROBE TARGET- BIAS VAP- TEMP COOLING eFIL- VOLTS eFIL- I eRPL- VOLTS eEXT- VOLTS eEXT- I eTARGET- I eBIAS- VOLTS eBIAS- I eSUP- VOLTS ANALYZER- PRESSURE DRY- PUMP- TC Not Used MAG-VOLTS Q1-VOLTS Q2-VOLTS LENS-VOLTS eSECOND-I HTR-TEMP DECEL-VOLTS DECEL-I AMU-G HELIUM-PRESSURE TERM-DI-RETURN-TEMP ES-DIFFER-TC DI-WATER-DELTA-TEMP ANALYZER-TC BEAMLINE-TC DECEL-SUPPRESSION-VOLTS Low Analog Readback On Last Wafer lwTERMINAL- MEGOHMS lwGROUND- MEGOHMS lwTERMINAL- WATER- TEMP lwGROUND- WATER- TEMP lwCITY- WATER- TEMP lwSOURCE- PRESSURE lwSCANNER- PRESSURE lwCHAMBER- PRESSURE lwSOURCE- TURBO- SPEED lwSCANNER- TURBO- SPEED lwLEFT- CRYO- TEMP 437 438 439 a1OnBoardTempSinceLastFullRegen[2] a1OnBoardTempSinceLastFastRegen[2] a1OnBoardBasePressure[2] 506 507 508 517 GEM System Data Variables TIME MDLN SOFTREV ALARMSTATE 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Highest Analog Readback On Last Wafer hwTERMINAL- MEGOHMS hwGROUND- MEGOHMS hwTERMINAL- WATER- TEMP hwGROUND- WATER- TEMP hwCITY- WATER- TEMP hwSOURCE- PRESSURE hwSCANNER- PRESSURE hwCHAMBER- PRESSURE hwSOURCE- TURBO- SPEED hwSCANNER- TURBO- SPEED hwLEFT- CRYO- TEMP 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 lwCHAMBER- CRYO- TEMP lwRIGHT- CRYO- TEMP lwLEFT- ELEVATOR- TC lwCHAMBER- CRYO- TC lwRIGHT- ELEVATOR- TC lwGAS lwG1- PRES lwG2- PRES lwG3- PRES lwG4- PRES lwFIL- I lwFIL- VOLTS lwARC- I lwRANGE- ARC lwARC- VOLTS lwMAG- I lwEXT- VOLTS lwEXT- I lwSUP- VOLTS lwSUP- I lwX- AXIS lwY- AXIS lwZ- AXIS lwAMU- I lwAMU lwBIAS lwBEAM lwBEAM- I- RANGE lwMIR- VOLTS lwMIR- I lwMIR- SHUNT- I lwQ1- I lwQ2- I lwDEFLECTOR lwLENS- I lwACCEL- VOLTS lwACCEL- I lwDEC- VOLTS lwDEC- I lwENERGY-PROBE lwTARGET- BIAS lwVAP- TEMP lwCOOLING lweFIL- VOLTS lweFIL- I lweRPL- VOLTS lweEXT- VOLTS lweEXT- I lweTARGET- I lweBIAS- VOLTS lweBIAS- I lweSUP- VOLTS lwANALYZER- PRESSURE lwDRY- PUMP- TC Not Used lwMAG-VOLTS lwQ1-VOLTS 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 hwCHAMBER- CRYO- TEMP hwRIGHT- CRYO- TEMP hwLEFT- ELEVATOR- TC hwCHAMBER- CRYO- TC hwRIGHT- ELEVATOR- TC hwGAS hwG1- PRES hwG2- PRES hwG3- PRES hwG4- PRES hwFIL- I hwFIL- VOLTS hwARC- I hwRANGE- ARC hwARC- VOLTS hwMAG- I hwEXT- VOLTS hwEXT- I hwSUP- VOLTS hwSUP- I hwX- AXIS hwY- AXIS hwZ- AXIS hwAMU- I hwAMU hwBIAS hwBEAM hwBEAM- I- RANGE hwMIR- VOLTS hwMIR- I hwMIR- SHUNT- I hwQ1- I hwQ2- I hwDEFLECTOR hwLENS- I hwACCEL- VOLTS hwACCEL- I hwDEC- VOLTS hwDEC- I hwENERGY-PROBE hwTARGET- BIAS hwVAP- TEMP hwCOOLING hweFIL- VOLTS hweFIL- I hweRPL- VOLTS hweEXT- VOLTS hweEXT- I hweTARGET- I hweBIAS- VOLTS hweBIAS- I hweSUP- VOLTS hwANALYZER- PRESSURE hwDRY- PUMP- TC Not Used hwMAG-VOLTS hwQ1-VOLTS 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 lwQ2-VOLTS lwLENS-VOLTS lweSECOND-I lwHTR-TEMP lwDECEL-VOLTS lwDECEL-I lwAMU-G lwHELIUM-PRESSURE lwTERM-DI-RETURN-TEMP lwES-DIFFER-TC lwDI-WATER-DELTA-TEMP lwANALYZER-TC lwBEMLINE-TC Ave. Analog Readback On Last Wafer awTERMINAL- MEGOHMS awGROUND- MEGOHMS awTERMINAL- WATER- TEMP awGROUND- WATER- TEMP awCITY- WATER- TEMP awSOURCE- PRESSURE awSCANNER- PRESSURE awCHAMBER- PRESSURE awSOURCE- TURBO- SPEED awSCANNER- TURBO- SPEED awLEFT- CRYO- TEMP awCHAMBER- CRYO- TEMP awRIGHT- CRYO- TEMP awLEFT- ELEVATOR- TC awCHAMBER- CRYO- TC awRIGHT- ELEVATOR- TC awGAS awG1- PRES awG2- PRES awG3- PRES awG4- PRES awFIL- I awFIL- VOLTS awARC- I awRANGE- ARC awARC- VOLTS awMAG- I awEXT- VOLTS awEXT- I awSUP- VOLTS awSUP- I awX- AXIS awY- AXIS awZ- AXIS awAMU- I awAMU awBIAS awBEAM awBEAM- I- RANGE awMIR- VOLTS awMIR- I awMIR- SHUNT- I awQ1- I 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 4010 4011 4012 4013 4014 4015 4016 4017 4018 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 4037 4038 4039 4040 4041 4042 4043 hwQ2-VOLTS hwLENS-VOLTS hweSECOND-I hwHTR-TEMP hwDECEL-VOLTS hwDECEL-I hwAMU-G hwHELIUM-PRESSURE hwTERM-DI-RETURN-TEMP hwES-DIFFER-TC hwDI-WATER-DELTA-TEMP hwANALYZER-TC hwBEMLINE-TC Lowest Analog Readback On Last Batch lbTERMINAL- MEGOHMS lbGROUND- MEGOHMS lbTERMINAL- WATER- TEMP lbGROUND- WATER- TEMP lbCITY- WATER- TEMP lbSOURCE- PRESSURE lbSCANNER- PRESSURE lbCHAMBER- PRESSURE lbSOURCE- TURBO- SPEED lbSCANNER- TURBO- SPEED lbLEFT- CRYO- TEMP lbCHAMBER- CRYO- TEMP lbRIGHT- CRYO- TEMP lbLEFT- ELEVATOR- TC lbCHAMBER- CRYO- TC lbRIGHT- ELEVATOR- TC lbGAS lbG1- PRES lbG2- PRES lbG3- PRES lbG4- PRES lbFIL- I lbFIL- VOLTS lbARC- I lbRANGE- ARC lbARC- VOLTS lbMAG- I lbEXT- VOLTS lbEXT- I lbSUP- VOLTS lbSUP- I lbX- AXIS lbY- AXIS lbZ- AXIS lbAMU- I lbAMU lbBIAS lbBEAM lbBEAM- I- RANGE lbMIR- VOLTS lbMIR- I lbMIR- SHUNT- I lbQ1- I 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 awQ2- I awDEFLECTOR awLENS- I awACCEL- VOLTS awACCEL- I awDEC- VOLTS awDEC- I awENERGY-PROBE awTARGET- BIAS awVAP- TEMP awCOOLING aweFIL- VOLTS aweFIL- I aweRPL- VOLTS aweEXT- VOLTS aweEXT- I aweTARGET- I aweBIAS- VOLTS aweBIAS- I aweSUP- VOLTS awANALYZER- PRESSURE awDRY- PUMP- TC Not Used awMAG-VOLTS awQ1-VOLTS awQ2-VOLTS awLENS-VOLTS aweSECOND-I awHTR-TEMP awDECEL-VOLTS awDECEL-I awAMU-G awHELIUM-PRESSURE awTERM-DI-RETURN-TEMP awES-DIFFER-TC awDI-WATER-DELTA-TEMP awANALYZER-TC awBEMLINE-TC High Analog Readback On Last Batch hbTERMINAL- MEGOHMS hbGROUND- MEGOHMS hbTERMINAL- WATER- TEMP hbGROUND- WATER- TEMP hbCITY- WATER- TEMP hbSOURCE- PRESSURE hbSCANNER- PRESSURE hbCHAMBER- PRESSURE hbSOURCE- TURBO- SPEED hbSCANNER- TURBO- SPEED hbLEFT- CRYO- TEMP hbCHAMBER- CRYO- TEMP hbRIGHT- CRYO- TEMP hbLEFT- ELEVATOR- TC hbCHAMBER- CRYO- TC hbRIGHT- ELEVATOR- TC hbGAS hbG1- PRES 4044 4045 4046 4047 4048 4049 4050 4051 4052 4053 4054 4055 4056 4057 4058 4059 4060 4061 4062 4063 4064 4065 4066 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 4075 4076 4077 4078 4079 4080 4081 6001 6002 6003 6004 6005 6006 6007 6008 6009 6010 6011 6012 6013 6014 6015 6016 6017 6018 lbQ2- I lbDEFLECTOR lbLENS- I lbACCEL- VOLTS lbACCEL- I lbDEC- VOLTS lbDEC- I lbENERGY-PROBE lbTARGET- BIAS lbVAP- TEMP lbCOOLING lbeFIL- VOLTS lbeFIL- I lbeRPL- VOLTS lbeEXT- VOLTS lbeEXT- I lbeTARGET- I lbeBIAS- VOLTS lbeBIAS- I lbeSUP- VOLTS lbANALYZER- PRESSURE lbDRY- PUMP- TC Not Used lbMAG-VOLTS lbQ1-VOLTS lbQ2-VOLTS lbLENS-VOLTS lbeSECOND-I lbHTR-TEMP lbDECEL-VOLTS lbDECEL-I lbAMU-G lbHELIUM-PRESSURE lbTERM-DI-RETURN-TEMP lbES-DIFFER-TC lbDI-WATER-DELTA-TEMP lbANALYZER-TC lbBEMLINE-TC Average Analog Readback On Last Batch abTERMINAL- MEGOHMS abGROUND- MEGOHMS abTERMINAL- WATER- TEMP abGROUND- WATER- TEMP abCITY- WATER- TEMP abSOURCE- PRESSURE abSCANNER- PRESSURE abCHAMBER- PRESSURE abSOURCE- TURBO- SPEED abSCANNER- TURBO- SPEED abLEFT- CRYO- TEMP abCHAMBER- CRYO- TEMP abRIGHT- CRYO- TEMP abLEFT- ELEVATOR- TC abCHAMBER- CRYO- TC abRIGHT- ELEVATOR- TC abGAS abG1- PRES 5019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5025 5026 5027 5028 5029 5030 5031 5032 5033 5034 5035 5036 5037 5038 5039 5040 5041 5042 5043 5044 5045 5046 5047 5048 5049 5050 5051 5052 5053 5054 5055 5056 5057 5058 5059 5060 5061 5062 5063 5064 5065 5066 5067 5068 5069 5070 5071 5072 5073 5074 5075 hbG2- PRES hbG3- PRES hbG4- PRES hbFIL- I hbFIL- VOLTS hbARC- I hbRANGE- ARC hbARC- VOLTS hbMAG- I hbEXT- VOLTS hbEXT- I hbSUP- VOLTS hbSUP- I hbX- AXIS hbY- AXIS hbZ- AXIS hbAMU- I hbAMU hbBIAS hbBEAM hbBEAM- I- RANGE hbMIR- VOLTS hbMIR- I hbMIR- SHUNT- I hbQ1- I hbQ2- I hbDEFLECTOR hbLENS- I hbACCEL- VOLTS hbACCEL- I hbDEC- VOLTS hbDEC- I hbENERGY-PROBE hbTARGET- BIAS hbVAP- TEMP hbCOOLING hbeFIL- VOLTS hbeFIL- I hbeRPL- VOLTS hbeEXT- VOLTS hbeEXT- I hbeTARGET- I hbeBIAS- VOLTS hbeBIAS- I hbeSUP- VOLTS hbANALYZER- PRESSURE hbDRY- PUMP- TC Not Used hbMAG-VOLTS hbQ1-VOLTS hbQ2-VOLTS hbLENS-VOLTS hbeSECOND-I hbHTR-TEMP hbDECEL-VOLTS hbDECEL-I hbAMU-G 6019 6020 6021 6022 6023 6024 6025 6026 6027 6028 6029 6030 6031 6032 6033 6034 6035 6036 6037 6038 6039 6040 6041 6042 6043 6044 6045 6046 6047 6048 6049 6050 6051 6052 6053 6054 6055 6056 6057 6058 6059 6060 6061 6062 6063 6064 6065 6066 6067 6068 6069 6070 6071 6072 6073 6074 6075 abG2- PRES abG3- PRES abG4- PRES abFIL- I abFIL- VOLTS abARC- I abRANGE- ARC abARC- VOLTS abMAG- I abEXT- VOLTS abEXT- I abSUP- VOLTS abSUP- I abX- AXIS abY- AXIS abZ- AXIS abAMU- I abAMU abBIAS abBEAM abBEAM- I- RANGE abMIR- VOLTS abMIR- I abMIR- SHUNT- I abQ1- I abQ2- I abDEFLECTOR abLENS- I abACCEL- VOLTS abACCEL- I abDEC- VOLTS abDEC- I abENERGY-PROBE abTARGET- BIAS abVAP- TEMP abCOOLING abeFIL- VOLTS abeFIL- I abeRPL- VOLTS abeEXT- VOLTS abeEXT- I abeTARGET- I abeBIAS- VOLTS abeBIAS- I abeSUP- VOLTS abANALYZER- PRESSURE abDRY- PUMP- TC Not Used abMAG-VOLTS abQ1-VOLTS abQ2-VOLTS abLENS-VOLTS abeSECOND-I abHTR-TEMP abDECEL-VOLTS abDECEL-I abAMU-G 5076 5077 5078 5079 5080 5081 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 7006 7007 7008 7009 7010 7011 7012 7013 7014 7015 7016 7017 7018 7019 7020 7021 7022 7023 7024 7025 7026 7027 7028 7029 7030 7031 7032 7033 7034 7035 7036 7037 7038 7039 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044 7045 7046 7047 7048 7049 7050 hbHELIUM-PRESSURE hbTERM-DI-RETURN-TEMP hbES-DIFFER-TC hbDI-WATER-DELTA-TEMP hbANALYZER-TC hbBEMLINE-TC Analog Readback Non-ACSII Format TERMINAL- MEGOHMS GROUND- MEGOHMS TERMINAL- WATER- TEMP GROUND- WATER- TEMP CITY- WATER- TEMP SOURCE- PRESSURE SCANNER- PRESSURE CHAMBER- PRESSURE SOURCE- TURBO- SPEED SCANNER- TURBO- SPEED LEFT- CRYO- TEMP CHAMBER- CRYO- TEMP RIGHT- CRYO- TEMP LEFT- ELEVATOR- TC CHAMBER- CRYO- TC RIGHT- ELEVATOR- TC GAS G1- PRES G2- PRES G3- PRES G4- PRES FIL- I FIL- VOLTS ARC- I RANGE- ARC ARC- VOLTS MAG- I EXT- VOLTS EXT- I SUP- VOLTS SUP- I X- AXIS Y- AXIS Z- AXIS AMU- I AMU BIAS BEAM BEAM- I- RANGE MIR- VOLTS MIR- I MIR- SHUNT- I Q1- I Q2- I DEFLECTOR LENS- I ACCEL- VOLTS ACCEL- I DEC- VOLTS DEC- I 6076 6077 6078 6079 6080 6081 8000 8001 8002 abHELIUM-PRESSURE abTERM-DI-RETURN-TEMP abES-DIFFER-TC abDI-WATER-DELTA-TEMP abANALYZER-TC abBEMLINE-TC Asyst and Ergospeed II SMIF Common Variables SMIF Port Id SMIF1 Controls SMIF Tool 7051 7052 7053 7054 7055 7056 7057 7058 7059 7060 7061 7062 7063 7064 7065 7066 7067 7068 7069 7070 7071 7072 7073 7074 7075 7076 7077 7078 7079 7080 7081 8100 8101 8102 8103 8104 8105 8106 8107 8108 8109 8110 8111 8112 8113 8114 8115 8116 8117 8118 8119 8120 8121 8122 8123 8124 ENERGY-PROBE TARGET- BIAS VAP- TEMP COOLING eFIL- VOLTS eFIL- I eRPL- VOLTS eEXT- VOLTS eEXT- I eTARGET- I eBIAS- VOLTS eBIAS- I eSUP- VOLTS ANALYZER- PRESSURE DRY- PUMP- TC Not Used MAG-VOLTS Q1-VOLTS Q2-VOLTS LENS-VOLTS eSECOND-I HTR-TEMP DECEL-VOLTS DECEL-I AMU-G HELIUM-PRESSURE TERM-DI-RETURN-TEMP ES-DIFFER-TC DI-WATER-DELTA-TEMP ANALYZER-TC BEMLINE-TC Left Asyst SMIF Variables Left SMIF1 Full Status Left SMIF1 Ctl Status Left SMIF1 ARMTYPE Left SMIF1 ARM_SW Left SMIF1 COLST Left SMIF1 COUNT Left SMIF1 DIPSW Left SMIF1 ELDN Left SMIF1 ELPOS Left SMIF1 ELUP Left SMIF1 FUNC Left SMIF1 GPST Left SMIF1 HOMEST Left SMIF1 LFUNC Left SMIF1 MARMDN Left SMIF1 MARMPOS Left SMIF1 MARMUP Left SMIF1 SWITCH MODE Left SMIF1 MOT Left SMIF1 MVSTAT Left SMIF1 PIO_LOCK Left SMIF1 PIO_LRDY Left SMIF1 PIO_LU Left SMIF1 PIO_URDY Left SMIF1 PIP 8200 8201 8202 8203 8204 8205 8206 8207 8208 8209 8210 8211 8212 8213 8214 8215 8216 8217 8218 8219 8220 8221 8222 8223 8224 Right Asyst SMIF Variables Right SMIF2 Full Status Right SMIF2 Ctl Status Right SMIF2 ARMTYPE Right SMIF2 ARM_SW Right SMIF2 COLST Right SMIF2 COUNT Right SMIF2 DIPSW Right SMIF2 ELDN Right SMIF2 ELPOS Right SMIF2 ELUP Right SMIF2 FUNC Right SMIF2 GPST Right SMIF2 HOMEST Right SMIF2 LFUNC Right SMIF2 MARMDN Right SMIF2 MARMPOS Right SMIF2 MARMUP Right SMIF2 SWITCH MODE Right SMIF2 MOT Right SMIF2 MVSTAT Right SMIF2 PIO_LOCK Right SMIF2 PIO_LRDY Right SMIF2 PIO_LU Right SMIF2 PIO_URDY Right SMIF2 PIP 8125 8126 8127 8128 8129 8130 8131 8132 8133 8134 8135 8136 8137 8138 8139 8140 8141 8314 8315 8316 8317 8318 Left SMIF1 PLDN Left SMIF1 PLPOS Left SMIF1 PRTST Left SMIF1 RDYST Left SMIF1 SWPOS Left SMIF1 TLTDN Left SMIF1 TLTPOS Left SMIF1 TLTUP Left SMIF1 XPOS Left SMIF1 YPOS Left SMIF1 Position Left SMIF1 PIO Status Left SMIF1 Wafer Map Left SMIF1 Wafer Count Left SMIF1 PLUP Left SMIF1 ECV Left SMIF1 ALED Left Ergospeed II SMIF Variables Left ErgoSMIF MDLN Left ErgoSMIF SoftRev Left ErgoSMIF Control State Left ErgoSMIF Process State Left ErgoSMIF PIO State 8225 8226 8227 8228 8229 8230 8231 8232 8233 8234 8235 8236 8237 8238 8239 8240 8241 8414 8415 8416 8417 8418 Right SMIF2 PLDN Right SMIF2 PLPOS Right SMIF2 PRTST Right SMIF2 RDYST Right SMIF2 SWPOS Right SMIF2 TLTDN Right SMIF2 TLTPOS Right SMIF2 TLTUP Right SMIF2 XPOS Right SMIF2 YPOS Right SMIF2 Position Right SMIF2 PIO Status Right SMIF2 Wafer Map Right SMIF2 Wafer Count Right SMIF2 PLUP Right SMIF2 ECV Right SMIF2 ALED Right Ergospeed II SMIF Variables Right ErgoSMIF MDLN Right ErgoSMIF SoftRev Right ErgoSMIF Control State Right ErgoSMIF Process State Right ErgoSMIF PIO State Where Used: S1F3, S1F11, S1F12, S2F23, S2F33, S2F45, S2F46, S2F47, S2F48; S6F13, S6F18, S6F22 SVNAME -- Status Variable Name Format: 20 Defined in the SVID table above. Where Used: S1F12 TEXT -- A single line of characters. Format: 20 Where Used: S10F1, S10F3, S10E5 TIAACK -- Equipment acknowledgement code, 1 byte Format: 10 0 = everything correct 1 = too many SVIDs 2 = no more traces allowed 3 = invalid period >3 = equipment specified error 4-63 reserved Where Used: S2F24 TIACK -- Time Acknowledge Code, 1 byte Format: 10 0 = OK 1 = Error, not done 2-63 = reserved Where Used: S2F32 TID -- Terminal number, 1 byte Format: 10 0 = single or main terminal >0 = additional terminals at the same equipment Where Used: S10F1, S10F3, S10F5, S10F7 TIME -- Time of day Format: 20 FOR the Y2K feature IF EC 289 (TIMEFORMAT ) = 0, TIME is 12 bytes: yymmddhhmmss ELSE IF EC 289 (TIMEFORMAT ) = 1, TIME is 16 bytes: yyyymmddhhmmsscc OTHERWISE: TIME is 12 bytes: yymmddhhmmss Where Used: S2F18 TOTSMP -- Total samples to be made Format: 20, 3( ), 5( ) Where Used: S2F23 TRID -- Trace Request ID Format: 20,.3( ), 5( ) Where Used: S2F23, S6F1 TSID - Material Port Number (ACH) Format: 20 It designates the stage location of the automatic cassette handler. The stage is numbered from left to right facing the equipment, 1 to 4. Note: For Factory Automation Only Where Used: S2F71 S2F71 UNITS -- Units Identifier Format: 20 As allowed by E5 Section 9 Where Used: S1F12, S2F30, S2F48 UPPERDB - Upper Dead Band Format: 20 A variable limit attribute which defines the upper boundary of the deadband of a limit. The value applies to a single limit (LIMITID) for a specified VID. Thus, UPPERDB and LOWERDB as a pair define a limit. Where used: S2F45, S2F48 V -- Variable data Format: 20 Where Used: S6F11, S6F13 VLAACK -- Variable Limit Attribute Acknowledge Code, 1 byte Format: 10 0 = Acknowledge, command will be performed 1 = Limit attribute definition error 2 = Cannot perform now >2 = Other equipment-specific error 3-63 = Reserved Where Used: S2F46 VID -- Variable ID Format: 20, 3( ), 5( ) The variable id will be the identification of one of the three classes of identifications: data variable identification (DVID), equipment constant identification (ECID), or status variable identification (SVID). VID Description Class 1 – 99 Analog readback variables SVID (available for tracing) 100 - 199 Data variables (Implant and Machine Status) DVID (not available for tracing) 200 - 249 Data process program variables (Recipe) DVID (not available for tracing) 250 - 299 Equipment Constants ECID 300 - 349 GEM compliant data variables DVID 350 - 399 Equipment Constants ECID 400 - 499 Status Variables (Pump Analog Readback) SVID 500 - 599 GEM System data variables DVID/ SVID 600 - 699 Data Variables (IQDP Status) lowest analog readback SV value on last wafer DVID 1001-1099 2001-2099 3001-3099 highest analog readback SV value on last wafer average analog readback SV value on last wafer SVID SVID SVID 4001-4099 5001-5099 6001-6099 7000-7099 lowest analog readback SV value on last batch highest analog readback SV value on last batch average analog readback SV value on last batch Analog readback variables in a non-ASCII format. SVID SVID SVID SVID (available for tracing) 8000-8099 Asyst and Ergospeed common SMIF Variables SVID 8100-8199 Left Asyst SMIF Variables SVID 8200-8299 Right Asyst SMIF Variables SVID 8300-8399 Left Ergospeed SMIF Variables SVID /DVID 8400-8499 Right Ergospeed SMIF Variables SVID /DVID Where Used: S1F3, S1F11, S1F12, S2F23, S2F33, S2F45, S2F46, S2F47, S2F48; S6F13, S6F18, S6F22 VNAME -- Variable Name Format: 20 Variable names are defined in the VID table above. The name will be the name of one of the three classes of variables: data variable name (DVNAME), equipment constant name (ECNAME), or status variable name (SVNAME). Where Used: S1F3, S1F11, S1F12, S2F23 3.0 Message Detail 3.0 Message Detail This section defines a number of specific functions in different streams to be used as the basis for the GEM communications between Equipment and Host. The functions are defined in the form of transaction message pairs. The transactions are described in a standard form, as defined by SEMI E5-95 section 7, which involves specification of the number, name, single or multiple block, direction of communication, nature of reply required, description, variable definition, and the detailed structure of the message in terms of lists and items. Double lines separate streams and single lines separate transactions to aid in readability. The functions are described in a standard form which involves specification of the number, name, single or multiple block, direction of communication, nature of reply required, description, variable definition, and the detailed structure of the message in terms of lists and items. Double lines separate streams, and single lines separate transactions to aid readability. The abbreviations used in each transaction are as follows: Description: A description of the action generated by the function. Structure: Detailed structure showing lists and defined items. Lists are denoted by a capital L followed by the length separated by a comma. The individual elements in the list are numbered on separate lines. Nested lists are indented to emphasize the structure. The detailed form of the items is given in the define section at the beginning of the transaction. The symbols "<" and ">" are used to enclose each item in the structure data and imply that there is an item header. A detailed description of each data item as well as a list of the allowable data formats can be found in the Data Item Dictionary. Exception: Special cases in the structure that have a different meaning. SnFm+1 Name of function (same structure as above (secondary) except never with reply) Stream 1 Equipment Status This stream provides a means for exchanging information about the status of the equipment, including its current mode, depletion of various consumable items, and the status of transfer operations. S1F0 Abort Transaction (S1F0) S,H<->E Description: Used in lieu of an expected reply to abort a transaction. Function 0 is defined in every stream and has the same meaning in every stream. Structure: Header Only. S1F1 Are You There Request (R) S,H<->E,reply Description: Establishes if the equipment is on-line. A function 0 response to this message means the communication is inoperative. In the equipment, a function 0 is equivalent to a timeout on the receive timer after issuing S1F1 to the host. Structure: Header only S1F2 On Line Data (D) S,H<->E Description: Data signifying that the equipment is alive. Structure: [1] [1][2] > Exception: This will not change the ON-LINE/OFF-LINE state of the Equipment. The Host sends a zero length list to the Equipment. S1F3 Selected Equipment Status Request (SSR) S,H->E,reply Description: A request to the equipment to report selected values of its status. Structure: The following structure is approved for all item formats and should be used by all new implementations: [1] [1][1] . . [1][n] . . > The following structure is included for compatibility with previous implementations and may only be used for items of format 3 ( ) and 5 ( ): [1] or Exception: A zero-length for list item [1] or item [1][x] means report all VIDs. S1F4 Selected Equipment Status Data (SSD) M,H<-E Description: The equipment reports the value of each SVID requested in the order requested. The host remembers the names of values requested. Structure: [1] [1][1] . . [1][n] . . > Exceptions: A zero length for item [1] means no response can be made. A zero-length for item [1][x], SVx, means that SVIDx does not exist. S1F11 Status Variable Namelist Request (SVNR) Description: A request to the equipment to identify certain status variables. S,H->E,reply Structure: [1] [1][1] . . [1][n] . . > Exception: A zero length for item [1] means report all VIDs. S1F12 Status Variable Namelist Reply (SVNRR) M,H<-E Description: The equipment reports to the host the name and units of the requested SV s. Structure: [1] [1][1] [1][1][1] [1][1][2] [1][1][3] > . . > . . [1][n] [1][n][1] [1][n][2] [1][n][3] > S1F13 Establish Communications Request (CR) S,H<->E,reply Description: The purpose of this message is to provide a formal means of initializing communications at a logical application level both on power-up and following a break in commuications. It should be the first message sent following any period where host and Equipment SECS applications are unable to communicate. An attempt to send an Establish Communications Request (S1F13) should be repeated at programmable intervals until an Establish Communications Acknowledge (S1F14) is received within the transaction timeout period with an acknowledgement code accepting the establishment. Structure: [1] [1][1] [1][2] > Exception: The host sends a zero-length list for item [1] to the equipment. S1F14 Establish Communications Request Acknowledge (CRA) S,H<->E Description: Accept or deny Establish Communications Request (S1F13). MDLN and SOFTREV are on-line data and are valid only if COMMACK = 0. Structure: [1] [1][1] [1][2] [1][2][1] [1][2][2] < L,2 > > Exception: The host sends a zero-length for list item [1][2] to the equipment S1F15 Request OFF-LINE (ROFL) S,H->E,reply Description: The host requests that the equipment transition to the OFF-LINE state. Structure: Header only. S1F16 OFF-LINE Acknowledge (OFLA) S,H<-E Description: Acknowledge or error. Structure: [1] S1F17 Request ON-LINE (RONL) S,H->E,reply Description: The host requests that the equipment transition to the ON-LINE state. Structure: Header only S1F18 ON-LINE Acknowledge (ONLA) Description: S,H<-E Acknowledge or error. Structure: [1] Stream 2 Equipment Control and Diagnostics Messages which deal with control of the equipment from the host. This includes all remote operations and equipment selfdiagnostics and calibration but specifically excludes the control operations which are associated with material transfer (see stream 4 ), loading of executive and boot programs (stream 8 ), and all file and operating system calls (stream 10 and stream 13 ). S2F0 Abort Transaction S,H<->E Description: Same form as S1F0 S2F13 Equipment Constant Request (ECR) S,H->E,reply Description: Constants such as for calibration, servo gain, alarm limits, data collection mode and other values that are changed infrequently can be obtained using this message. Structure: [1] [1][1] . . [1][n] < L,n . . > The following structure is included for compatibility with previous implementations and may only be used for items of format 3 ( ) and 5 ( ) : [1] or Exceptions: A zero-length for list item [1] or item [1][x] means report all ECV 's according to a predefined order. S2F14 Equipment Constant Data (ECD) Description: Data Response to S2F13 in the order requested. Structure: [1] [1][1] M,H<-E [1][2] . . [1][n] . . > Exceptions: A zero-length for list item [1] means no response exists. A zero-length for list item [1][x], ECVx , means that ECIDx does not exist. S2F15 New Equipment Constant Send (ECS) S,H->E,reply Description: Change one or more equipment constants. Structure: [1] [1][1] [1][1][1] [1][1][2] > [1][2] [1][2][1] [1][2][2] > . . . [1][n] [1][n][1] [1][n][2] . . . > > S2F16 New Equipment Constant Acknowledge (ECA) S,H<-E Description: Acknowledge or error. If EAC contains a non-zero error code, the equipment should not change any of the ECIDs specified in S2F15. Structure: [1] Note: Equipment constants cannot be changed if the E220 is displaying either the GEM SETUP or ECO & OPTION, and only can be changed when E220 is in the idle state. This is done to prevent conflict between operator and Host attempting to modify the same equipment constant and prevent a change during implanting. S2F17 Date and Time Request (DTR) S,H<->E,reply Description: Useful to check equipment time base or for equipment to synchronize with the host time base. Structure: Header only. S2F18 Data and Time Data (DTD) S,H<->E Description Actual time data. Structure: [1]