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Dgeopqr-,2; 1.1 0011-:1011._ Meteorite_ auroral AV-guide --to.7the :Organization '.of Library :Collection*: Inovianct,-Mlitiat4, $1,2 :St.:Eite.=.thitei-, -Muncie; 72 1710; t(2111-4efficenceer , Mali :Statir-_,Meek- .Store; ;Mall -State. ; Indinni :117300,-. Saks- macs pirsciapions kw= .soi .Muncie; wi:-;4144.441. 0IW4 Ix!! _ :0040***ticii; its Iimprilmas -4r1: =.1 941innn te ;earl U.S. OEPARTMENT Of HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIG, DOCUMENT HAS SEEN REPRO. OUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS COPY. RIGHTED MATERIAL BY MICROFICHE ONLY HAS BEEN GRANTED BY THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG.; Rc9SaltIond 13, Wetmore MATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OM.; IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY TO ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONS OPERATING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE US. OFFICE OF EDUCATION FURTHER REPRODUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRES PER- REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU. CATION POSITION OR POUCY. MISSION! OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER' A GUIDE TO THE ORGANTIATICX OF LIBRARY coucums For the use of students of library science at BALL STATE iminasrry by Rosamond B. Wetmore REVISED 1972 BALL STATE UNIVERSITY MUNCIE, INDIANA 1972 V.0.1..... 1 J 1: A i , gc TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 2 The Catalog card 3 Selection of Main entry 10 Making the Catalog card Body bf the card 30 33 40 IAprint Collation . 44 Notes on catalog cards 47 Added entries 57 Tracing 74 Shelf list card 76 Subject cross references 77 Anonymous classics and sacred writings 81 Aralytics 85 "Bound with" works 91 Supplements 94 Uniform titles 96 Serial. 98 Sets of books 108 Photographic reproductions 110 Microformq 112 Non-print materials Disc recordings Tape recordings Filmstrips Films Slides Transparencies Maps 115 116 125 128 137 141 11th 115 Glebes Pictures Models Games Kits 247 '149 .152 153 154 Authority files 155 Appendices: Abbreviations Filing guide Cataloging sources and aids Suggested priicessing procedure 158 160 . 163' . 165 2 INTRODUCTION This manual for Library Science students at Ball State University represents an.evolutionary process beginning with a work produced by the Library Staff in 1945. A major revision was made in 1958, which this author revised and rewrote in 1966. The publication of the Anial-American Rulee necessitated a revision the following year. Meanwhile,7t-He scope ortg Library Science program at Ball State has enlarged from its initial purpose of preparing school librarians to its present graduate program in the areas of school, public, and acadenic librarianship, making a revision necessary in 1969. The 1972 edition has undergone extensive rewriting throughout, and in response to current developments in library collection's, has greater coverage of multi-media materials. The purpose of this manual is to present concisely methods and card forme used in establishing bibliographic controls over a library collection. Generous use is made of examples to aid the rtudent in understanding and practicing the Anglo- American Catalo ging Rules. It is expected that this manual be used in conjunction with a wide eelection of writings on cataloging.. Although the sample cards used as illustrations of cataloging practice make use of classification numbers from the abridged edition of the Dewy Decimal Classification, the manual makes nc effort to ;Aesent any particular system of claZITIMMTSimilarly, no effort Is mide to set forth the principles of subject cataloging. Sample cards, however, use subjects from the ninth edition of Sears List of Sdbect Rosamond B. Wetmore Associate Professor of Library Science November 30, 1973 c,0 3 THE CATALOG CARD The card catalog, as we know it, evolved from the earliest printed book catalogs through the experimental use of paper slips. and various sized cards to the standardized form, we know today. Since the card catalog is made up of an orderly arrangement of catalog cards, Our purpose will be to equip the user of this manual with the techniques for preparing the various kinds of entries appearing in the catalog. The standard size of cards used for building the catalog is 7.5 x 12.5 cm., or approXimately 3 x 5 inches. To contribute to ease of interpretation, standard items of information are expressed in a specified way and placed-on the card in a definite pattern. If the cards are typed, a definite set of rules is necessary to achieve a consistent form. Although there is likely to be variation in the practices of different libraries,' there should be adherence to a single-fork in a given library. It follows then'that the card style offered in this manual may differ from practice in some libraries, but it is believed that accepting the suggestions offered-here will result in a neat, readily understood form. Economy of effort and ease of production have been guideposts in determining the style. The entry, personal or otherwise, is placed at first indention. The title begins on the next line at second indention. The remainder of the body of the card follows the title with each new line returning to the first indention thus producing a paragraph-like appearance. The collation begins on the next line following the body of the card, at second indention. If there is a series note, it follows three typewriter spaces after the collation. Other notes begin at second indention, doublespaced below the collation. 14 SAMPLE SET OF CATALOG CARDS 025.3 Akers, Susan Grey, 1889Simple library cataloging. 4th ed. American Library Association, 1954. 250p. illus. 25cm. Includes bibliographies. "Definitions of technical terms": 025.3 Simple library cataloging. Akers, Susan Grey, 1889 Simple library cataloging. 4th ed. American Library Association, 1954. 250p. illus. 25cm. Includes bibliographies. "Definitions of technical terms ": Chicago, p.233-239. Main entry card Chicago, p.233-239. Title added entry card 0 025.3 CATALOGING Akers, Susan Grey, 1889 Simple library cataloging. 4th ed. American Library Association, 1954. 250p. illus. 25cm. Includes bibli')graphies. "Definitions of technical terms": 0 Chicago, p.233-239. Subject added entry card 5 0 CATALC1IN0 Title. Tracing on back' of main entry 1 025.3 Akers, Susan Grey, 1889 Simple library cataloging. 4th ed. American Library-Association, 1954. 250p. illus. 25cm. Includes bibliographies. "Definitions of technical termes Chicago, P.233-239. Front of shelflist card 0 6/12/58 McClurg 1.30 Back of shelflist card shows date purchased, dealer and price 6 INDENTIONS Start the catalog card on the fourth line from the top. 1 2 3 12345678First indention is 8 spaces from the left edge of card. Second indention is 11 spaces. Third indention is 13 spaces. ::pacing for indentions and entry placement R Class Author's surname, Forename, Birth date and death date. Title as on title page; explanatory subtitle. Edition. Place, Publisher, Date. Collation. .(Series note Note Indentions on a sample card Oiler notes. Contents note.- 750.3 A Dictionary of modern painting. Published under the direction of Fernand Hazen. General editors: Carlton Lake and Robert }laniard. New York, Tudor Pub. Co. £1956?, 328p. illus. 22cm. Hanging indention SPACING General rules* 3 typewriter spaces used: before the imprint between collation and the series not. 2 typewriter spaces used: after periods closing statements after colons after exclamation points closing statements after question marks closing interrogations between paging', illustration, and size statements in the collation between componJnts of a corporate entry between components of an anonymous classic entry 1 typewriter space used: after commas after semi-colons after dashes (not hyphens) after abbreviations before and after parentheses before and after brickets Leave one line between the collation, or series note, if any, and the first note. Additional notes follow immediately below. *Exceptions will be explained as they occur. PUNCTUATION AND CAPITAIIZATION In general, standard rules of Englith punctuation and capitalization are follwed. Exception is made In the title first word, proper nouns and proper adjebtives transoaption where only the are capitalized. in transcribing works in other languages the practice of tha language being copied is Observed. ABBREVIATIONS For convenience end brevity, it is frequently advisable to use abbreviations on catalog cards. A list of acceptable abbreviations is found on rages 150-159 in this voltme. MAE NUMULS Arabic figures are 3ed in preference to Roman numcrals, except in tit2e tranInriptionns and in the collating. Aln a book hat3 hotti "man nnd Arabic paps. 9 PARTS CF A CATALOG CARD The information given on a catalog card interprets the material it represents to the user. The call number in the upper left corner of the card enables the -user to locate the material of his_ choice. The officially acceptable-entry for the work appears on the top line of the audit-entry card. Below :appears the title of the work as_ it if- given on the work itself, including the author -,statement if it-differs_from the -nave as it appears in the-entry for Next there nay =he=r103,11,14-11.*P100447--.-10,44 the work 06---tAtle- Page this This, in turn will belt:1340d- by the aditi*stiteriit-,: if one is The last ite iritorpinnited- in the. =,body of the:, Card' is :the :11014i caiço.èd of . the'plAce of pnblieatiOn, the pablithee ii the---date BeloV this the user finds the description of the materiel in terms of the of illustratiOns, and size. This description is called the length, type collation. In addition to these required elements, notes may appropriately be added describe the work more fully, or to list special features included in the work. to SELECTION OF MAIN ENTRr An entry on a catalog card is the word or phrase at the head of the card under which tne card is filed. There maybe author entries, title entries, subject entries, series entries, illustrator entries, editor entries, and so on. The main entry foi any item is the name indicating primary responsibility for the content of the olrk, and the catalog card headed with this entry is called the main entry card. All other entries for a given item are known as added entries end they head added entry cards. The selection of the main entry, for any library material is the first work of the cataloger. The basis for the Cataloging of any book is its title psge. Most frequently the nein entry will be the -name of a person and would be spoken of as a PERSONAL AUTHOR. Because of the volume of materials being processed and the difficulty of locating information about the authors, it has become increasingly conmon to use the author's name as it appears on the title page as the entry form. The cataloger will, however, attenpt to determine the accepted form of the author's name, if it has already been established. On the occasions when authorship cannot be ascribed to a single individual, it is the responsibility of the cataloger to determine the form of the main entry, using the rules set forth in the Anglo-AmeriCan-Cataloging Roles. Works resulting from the collaboration of tiro or three individuals are usually enterei under the first person named on the title page. Works adapted from earlier works either by alteration of vocabulary or abridgment of text may be entered finder the original author or the adapter, depending on the extent of original work done by the adapter. If there is a change of literary form the entry is under the person or persons responsible for the new work. Works of a variety of authors assembled and issued under editorial supervision are commonly entered under the name of the editor, or editors, if there are three or fewer. If the work is the publication of a group of individuals acting as a unit, the entry becomes the name of the group, and is known as a CORPORATE AUTHOR. 21. In some instances, such as the Bible and anonymous classics, the authorship of the material has been obscured by time and circumstances. For these a It standardized form of the title has been generally accepted as the entry. is called a UNIFORM TITLE. A/work having so many contributors that responsibility cannot be assigned to anlindividual:'is entered under TITLE if no editor is named on the title page. Works' having many contributors, and having an editor named on the title page It' the may ,also be entered under title, if the publisher is named in the title. title of the work is to be the entry, the main entry card is prepared using hanging indention form. PERSONAL ENTRIES The entry for a person usually consists of his full name followed by his 'Art", end death dates, if available.' If the author's full name is not given on the title page of the book, the cataloger establishes the accepted form by searching in bibliographical or biographical sources such as the NsAonal Union .(221112g, Who's Who, or a stsnlard encyclopedia. A personal name used for ar-7.7Tdedtry ITTOi1710 in the same way as if it were being used for * main er.!Ty. To maintain consistency in the card catalog, all entries should be checked nainst those alreat filed to assure accuracy and the same degree of fullness. I 12 MAIN ENTR/6S-PERSONAL AUTHORS The author's name, surname first, is placed at the head of the main entry card, beginning at first/indention. If the entry extends beyond the first line, it continues on the net line beginning atthird.indention. Follow the surname and the forename with commas before, adding the author's birth and death dates. Close a completed author entry with a period. For authoritative treatment of rules for' determining the form of a person's name see Agas-AmeimulICAle5 p. 73-105. 1. Completed author entry with birth and death date For living authors the birth date is followed by a hyphen. Lewis, Sinclair, 1885-1951. Schlein, Miriam, 1926- 2. Living author with birth date only Use the designation -'!d." if only the death date is available and close the heading with a period. Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400. 3. Author with only a death date known Close the author's name with a period if no dates are to be included. Benet, Laura. 4. Personal author with no dates available 13 If the author's name extends beyond one line start the. second line at third indention. Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th baron, 1878-1957. 5. Long name continuing to second line at third indention It is sometimes not possible to be certain about a date. Use a question mark after the uncertain date to show its doubtfulness. Do this only if you find the date so expressed in a standard bibliographic tool. Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731. 6. thcartain birth date Incomplete entries provide space for completion later. If ohly an initial is given for a forename, leave eight spaces after the initial, omit the period and comma precEsding birth date. 7. Name with -initial Travers, Pamela L 1906- representing second forename If only initials are available leave eight spaces between them. Liverhant, S 8. Name with initials only If the initial stands alone and does not represent a name, follow it with a period and comma before the date. Truman, Harry S., Pres. U.S., 1884- 9. Name with initial when no second name exists 1); MARRIED tiatex Generally the entry for a married woman is under her latest name, that is, her husband's surname, her cwn forename, ar names, and her maiden name. In the past the maiden name was inciceed in parentheses. Many of these entries will be found in library catalogs., The designation Mrs. is'not used. Cross references should be made from any other forms of name Erwhich the author is known. Women authors, who after marriage write under their maiden names, may continue to be entered under their maiden names. Wilder, Laura (Ingalls) 186?-1957. 10. Married woman's name with birth and death date (old form) Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 1867-1957. 11. Married woman's name with birth and death date (current practice) Thane, Elswyth, 1900- 12. Married woman entered under maiden name Beebe, Elewyth. Thane see Thane, Elswyth, 1900- 13. Reference from married name to accepted entry for a woman using her own name for authorship purpoises 15 NOBILITY_ A member of the nobility is usually entered under his title unless he is better known by his family name. Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Maier, marquis dai 1757-1834. Armstrong-Jones, Antony, 1930- 14. Member of nobility entered under his title 15. Member of nobility entered under family name " Snowden, Antony Charles Robert ArmstrongJones, 1st earl of, see 16. Cross reference from his title Armstrong-Jones, Antony, 1930- ---.1Barrie, Sir James Matthew, bart., 1860-1937. 17. BarOnet Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, 1st earl of, 1804-1881. 18. Earl entered under title Disraeli, Benjamin see Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, let earl of-, 1804-1881. 19. Cross reference from family name to title COMPOUND NAMES; Family names made up of more than one eleMent are known as compound names. Compound surnames are ordinarily entered under the first part_of the name. Cross references are made as necessary from the other parts of the name to the accepted form. Compton-Burnett, Ivy, 1892- 20. Hrphenated 'compound name Burnett, Ivy Compton see 21. Cross reference from 'last part Compton-Burnett, Ivy, 1892- Sarasate y Navascues, Pablo Martin Meliton de, 1844-1908. of compound name 22. Compound name of Spanish origin Navascues, Pablo Martin Meliton de Sarasate y see Sarasate y Navaticues, Pablo Martin Meliton de, 1844-1908. 23. Cross reference from last part of compound name 17 Lloyd George, David Lloyd George, 1st earl, 1863-1945. 214. Compound title without hyphen George; David Lloyd see Lloyd George, David Lloyd George, let earl, 1863-19145. 25. Cross reference from last element of compound familY . name. Also shows entry under, title instead of feiily name NAMES WITH PREFIXES In many parts of the world the surname may be preceded by a prefix. In general, in non-English speaking countries entry is under the surnameitself. In English speaking countries the prefix is considered as integral part of the surname. Thus, Anglicized surnames beginning with d', de, von, or van are au wan other parts entered under the prefix, with cross references be of the name to the form accepted as the entry. De La Mare, Walter John, 1873-1956. 26. Anglicized surname with prefix Mare, Walter John de la see De La Mare, Walter John, 1873-1956. 27. Cross reference establishing accepted form of Anglicized surname with prefix 38 Von Braun, Wernher, 1912- 28. Anglicized surname with prefix Braun, Wernher von see 29. Cross'reference to Anglicized form Von Braun, Wernher, 2912- Enter_ the body of prefix from or the name non-Anglicized surnames which contain the prefix d', de, or von under the name, and place the prefix after the forenames. "'separate date of birth by a comma. Make cross references from other forms to the form used as the accepted entry. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616. 30. Non-Anglicized compound name, prefix de De Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel see Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616. 31. Cross reference 19 Saavedra, Miguel de Cervantes see 32. Cross reference . Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616. 33. Non - Anglicised name having prefix do Aulaire, Ingri Mortenson d!, 1904- DoAulaire, Ingri Mortenson 34. Cross reference See Aulaire, Ingri Mortenson d', 1904- Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-3827. .09 35. Non-Anglicized name With prefix van Van Beethoven, Ludwig see Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. 36. Cross reference 20 ORMITAL NAMES Although it is common for the surnames of Oriental authors to precede the forenames in print and in speech, separate them in the entry position by a comm. Make a cross reference from the name appearing last to the official form of entry. It the author has become a citizen of an Englishspeaking country his name then appears in the usual order with the surname preceding the given names and separatedby a coma. 37. Chinese name, with surname preceding given name Lin, Yutang, 1895- Yutang, Lin 38. Cross reference see Lin, Yutang, 1895- PSEUDONYMS Authors sometimes write under assumed names known as pseudonyms. When the real name is known, it is usually used for the entry on the catalog card, even though the pseudonymous name is used on the title page of the book. If the real name cannot be found, use the pseudonym as the entry. Occasionally an author's identity is not known until a great amount of material has been published under a pseudonym. In such a case, the assumed name may continue to be used as the accepted entry. Twain, Mark 306 39 Cross reference from pseudonym to real name Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, le:5-1910. West, Rebecca. JO). Pseudonym used as main entry Fairfield, Cicely Isabel see 41. Cross reference from real name to pseudonym West, Rebecca.' Works of two or more individuals writing together under a single pseudonym are entered under the pseudonym. References must then be made from each author tr) the pseudonfm they have adopted. Coe, Douglas. 1i2. Pseudonym of two authors working together used as main entry 22 Epstein, Beryl Williams, 1910 For works written in collaboration with Samuel Epstein under the none Douglas Coe 43. Cross reference from real name to paeudoW used by two authors Co., Douglas. Epstein, Samuel, 1909- For works written in collaboration with Beryl Williams Epstein under the name Douglas Coe sea Coe, Douglas. 44. Cross reference from real name to pseudonym used by two authors 23 TITLES OF HONOR Titles of honor, such as the indication a person is a head of state, or has been given a title of rank, are sometimes used as a part of the author's entry. Such titles are inserted after the author's given name, and are fonowed by a comma and the author's dates. Eisenhower, Dwight David, Pres. U.S., 1890-1969. Byron, George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th baron, 1&S. President of the U.S. - 1i6. Baron ir3-1924. Elizabeth II, Queen of Great r4-ttain, 1926- Queen 2b MAIN ENTRIES WRNS ISSUED UNDER EDITORIAL DIRECTICW Collections of writings by various authors may be assembled and issued as a single work by an editor or compiler. Since this person is chiefly responsible for the finished work, his name is used as the main entry on the catalog card. The editor in this primary relationship to the book should not be confused with the function of editor who criticizes or explains the work of a single author. In the latter case the editor's relationship to the book is of secondary importance, and his name becomes an added entry, while the name of the original author is retained as the main entry. When the name of the ,editor is to be used as the main- entry, the form of name to be-used is established in the same way as if he were the author. Follow the editor's name and dates, if they are known, with a comma before adding the abbreviated designation ed. or cm.,as the case may be. Bennett, Josephine Waters, ed. Studies in the English Renaissance drama. 48. Editor as main entry. No dates known Schweikert, Harry Christian, 1877-1937, ed. Early English plays. 49. Editor as main entry with dates available If the birth date is known and the compiler or editor is living, follow the birth date with a hyphen, six spaces and the appropriate abbreviation. Fenner, Phyllis Reid, 1899comp. Brother against brother; stories of the War Between the States. 50. Compiler as main entry with birth date 25 MAIN ENTRIES CORPORATE AUTHORS A group of individuals acting together as a unit is known as a corporate body. The publications of such a body are entered under the name of the In addition organization. Entries of this type are called corporate authors. cultural to societies, religious groups, foundations, privately operated establishments and business corporations, this type of entry also applies to all levels of governments and thus by extension to institutions of various sorts which are government-affiliated. The form of the entry is most often based on the actual name of the organization as determined it its charter, Cross references should be made constitution, or legislative authorization. whenever necessary to aid the catalog user in finding the.official entry. Some typical entries are: American Society for Microbiology. Sub-Committee on Numerical Taxonow. Methodist Church (United States) Dept. of Research and Survey. Rockefeller Foundation. Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. Conference on Chemical and Biological Warfare, London, 1968. Conference on American Culture, 2d, Purdue University, 1967. Washington County, Md. Washington, D.C. Washington (State) Dept. of Education. Waecinecn (State) State University, Pullman. For comylete treatment of headings for corporate bodies see Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, p. 106-144. National Council of Teachers of English. Perspectives on English. 51. Society as main entry Columbia University. Introduction to contemporary civilization in the West. 52. Private institution as main entry 26 New Jersey. State Dept. of Education. Music for the classroom teacher. New Jersey. Dept. of Education see New Jersey. 54. Cross reference to official form of entry State Dept. of Education. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Economic forces in the United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics see U.S. 53. Agency of state government as main entry 55. Agency of Federal government as main entry 56. Cross reference to official form of entry Bureau of Labor Statistics. } American Library Association. Editorial Committee. Subject and title index to short stories for children. 51. Name of committee of an organization as main entry 27 MIN ENTRIES TITLE AS ENTRY The title of a work may be used as its entry when too many individuals are responsible for its content to warrant ascribing authorship to an individual, and when no editor is named on the title page. If the publisher's name appears in the title, enter under title. Encyclopedias and many dictionaries may be examples of this type of publication. Repeated changes of editors and compilers in different editions of works normally enured under editor or compiler make it advisable to enter such publications under title. Occasionally a work is issued with no indication of the author's identity; it most be entered under its title. Serial publications, which include periodicals, directories, biographical dictionaries, and almanacs, are also entered under title unless the title includes the name of the corporate body responsible for the publication. Serials having titl's that require the name of the sponsoring body for identification are entered under their corporate author. If the title is selected as the main entry a special card form is used. It is known as hanging indention. The title °tarts at first indention and continues on subsequent lines at se -'14 indention to the close of the body of the card. The collation and remainder of the card receive the usual treatment. No title added entry is made since the work is entered under its title. An explanation of circumstances warranting entry under title may be found in Ask-American Catalo am Rules, p. 1718. R 031 Caepton's pictured encyclopedia and fact-index. 1964 ed. Chicago, F.E. Campton 21964, 15v. illus. (part col.), ports., maps (part col.) 27cm. 58. Title as entry for encyclopedia The Reader's companion to world literature. Editor: Lillian Herlands Hornstein; co-editor: G.D. Percy rand othora3 General editor: Calvin S. Brown. New York, Dryden Press c1956 493p. 22cm. 59. Title as entry for a work for which editor is not clearly responsible R 803 28 423 Webster's seventh new collegiate dictionary. A Merriam-Webster. Based on Webster's third new international dictionary. Springfield, Mast., G. & C. Merriam Co. c19653 22a, 1223p. illus. 26cm. 811.08 The Oxford book of American verse; chosen and with an introd. by F.O. Mitthiessen. New York, Word University Press, 1950. lvi, 1132p. 19cm. 60. Title as main entry for a work having no editor mentioned on title page 61. Title as entry for a work with publisher's name in the title 62. Serial entered under title Canadian historical readings. No.1 1967Toronto, University of Toronto Press. 1 Canadian Historical Association. 1953Booklets. 1Ottawa. 63. Serial requiring name of sponsoring body for identification 29 SERIAI TITLES AS MAIN ENTRIES A book made up of a collection of articles from a single periodical is entered under the name of the periodical, if the individual parts are by various writers, or have been produced by the periodical's editors working conectively. O 641.5 6I.. Sev.trteer.. 65. Name of periodical as main entry Stories from Seventeen, se).ected by Bryna Ivens. Philadelphia, Tippincott 039553 21hp. 21,:o. 593.3 Name of periodical as main entry Better homes and gardens. New York, Meredith Press 09653 Nmbecne book. 157p. illus. (part col.). 29cm. Life (Chicago) The wonders of life on earth, by the editors of Life and Lincoln Barrett. LRev. ed.3 New York, Time-Life Books L19683 illnr. (part col.) 36cm. 238p. 66. Name of periodical as main entry 30 MAKING THE CATALOG CARD THE BODY OF THE CARD After the main entry for a work has been determined, the cataloger proceeds with setting down the body of the card. The title page serves as the basis in supplying the information. Essential items to be transcribed are the full title, and the imprint. Other items may be included depending on the nature of the book and the text of the title page. These may include (1) the author's name, if the title page form differs from the form selected for the main entry (2) the names of joint authors (3) the names of editors, compilers, or illustrators and (4) the edition statement. Additional, but irrelevant, information on the title page is emitted. In general, the punctuation of the title page is used unless the cataloger decides different or additional punctuation will increase clarity of meaning. The wording and spelling of the title page are followed exactly. Initial articles are not omitted. If an error of omission occurs on the title page, correction may be made by supplying a missing letter or letters within brackets if only,a single set of brackets is needed. To correct inaccuracies the title rage form nay be copied and followed by "sic" or "i.e." in brackets with the corrected form. If the first vord of the title is the possessive form of tYe author's name as it appears in the entry, it is omitted. Books written in foreign languages receive the same treatment as works in English, with the title page being transcribed in the language in which it is written and following the form of that language. For example, in German all nouns are capitalized. No translation is made on the card. If the title page is in more than one language, including English, the title is transcribed in the language appearing first, followed by the title in English. The inclusion of the title transcription in other languages will depend on the judgment of the cataloger. Non-serial works appearing in several volumes are ordinarily cataloged using the title page of the first volume as the source of information for the catalog card. Works having more than one title page are cataloged from the most appropriate page. Suitability for cataloging purposes ii determined by such considerations as (1) amount of necessary information offered (2) location of the title page, the one in the traditional position being preferred (3) recency of date on the title , page, etc. 31 Information not appearing on the title page, but needed to complete the body of the card, maybe obtained from elsewhere in the volume. It then is enclosed in brackets. Reference should be made to Auhlo-American GatalogingRules, p. 191.211, for the full treatment of descriPti*4-46nriractices. The examples that follow show the transcription of typical title pages as they would appear is the bot7 of the card. 920.073 Beers, Henry Augustin, 1847-1926. Four Americans: Roosevelt, Hawthorne, Emerson, Whitman. 67. Series of appositive modifiers 833 Hesse, Herman: 1877-1962. Self& ist die Jugend. 68. Title in German 143 Verne, Julas, 1128-1905. L tour du monde on quatre-vinsts fours. 69. Title In French 863 Alegria, Ciro, 1909E1 mundo es ancho y ajeno. 70. Title in Spanish 821 Milton, John, 1608-1674. Complete poems. With introd. and notes. New York, Collier c1961, 01937 3 71. Title transcription omitting possessive form of author's name 32 978 White, William Allen, 1868-1944. The changing West; an economic theory abbut our golden age. 72. Explanatory subtitle set oft by semicolon Masefield, John, 1878-1967. Bird of dawning; or, The fortune of the sea. 73. Alternative title set off by semi- colon, coma after or and first word capitalized 10? 33 B(VT OF THE CARD DESCRIPTIVE CCHHENTS Additional descriptive comments that indicate by whom a book is edited, compiled, translated, or illustrated follow immediately after the title or explanatory subtitle if the author's name is not required to appear in the body of the card. For complicated expressions, close the title with a period and start a new statement copying the descriptive comments. Some of these descriptive comments may be abbreviated even though they are written out in the book. A variety of terms may be used to show that there are illustrations, as: pictures tyj drawl s lb lithography tip or drawn j. These are copied in the form nn iihich they appear. Likewise, transiMM maybe indicated by various wordings, such as, rendered tzar done into English. Copy such information in the words of the title page, changing it only to make use of standard abbreviated forms, such as illus. for illustrated, ed. for edited, introd. for introduction, and so on. Kimbrough, Emily, 1899 - 714. Drawings Water, water everywhere; drawings by Marcos Vasiliu. 385 Hamilton, Russell. The first book of trains; pictures by Jeanne Bendick. 75. Pictures 822 ShakespearevWilliam, 15661616. Shakespeare's tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark; ed. with notes, an introd. and outline 76. Editor, with secondary relationship to the book questions by L.A. Sherman. e. 314 891.51 Buckley, Helen Elizabeth. The little boy and the birthdays, by Helen E. Buckley. Illus. by Paul Galdone. 77. Descriptive statement follows the author statement name when it must be in the body of card Omar, Khayyam. Rlibatyat; rendered into English verse by Edward Fitzgerald. 78. Translator Turgenev, Ivan Sergesvich, 1818-1883. Fathers and children; tr. from the Russian by Constance Garnett. 79 Translation 35 BCOY OF THE CARD ADAPTATIONS Materials appearing in form or text different from their original publication may indicate this relationship on the title page. Typical situations are abridgement of the text, use of a vocabulary more familiar to the reader, or a complete change in form, such as the dramatisation of a work. The choice of main entry for such a work depends on the amount of original work done by the person making the adaptation. Such a statement should be transcribed in the body of the card, using the language of the title page. Melville, Herman, 1819-1891. 80. Simplified classic 1/...oby Dick; adapted for young readers by Felix Sutton; illus. by H.B. Vestal. 821 Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400, The Canterbury tales; translated into modern English by Nevill Coghill. 81. Classic rendered into more familiar vocabulary 398.22 GGldston, Robert C The Song of Roland, retold by Robert and Marguerite Go1dston. 82. Main entry of a retold classic --I . 36 Enter a dramatisation based on a poem, legend, novel, or any other literary form undtir the name of the playwright. 822 Jerome, Helen Bruton, 1883 Jane Eyre; a drama of passion in three sets; 83. Dramatisation of a novel dramatized from Charlotte Bronte's mvel. Lamb, Charles, 1775-1834. Tales from Shakespeare, by (lharles and Mary Lob. 84. Prose narrative adapted from drank -.........4040.00(14Tr 37 BODY OF THE CARD JOINT AUTHORS When two or more persons are responsible for a work, the one whose name appears first on the title page is used as the main entry and all others are called joint authors. If there are only two authors their names are set down as they appear on the title page immediately following the title or subtitle. Credit is usually given to all authors if there are three or fewer. If there are more, use only the first one listed and substitute 'and others3 in brackets for the additional ones listed. Joint editor and joint compilers ,;.-_art authors. are transcribed in the same manner The body-_of the card fellows the wording of the title page in expressing joint authorship. NaMes are transcribed exactly as they appear whether the given name is in ft11 cr only Initials are used. Should the words It or and be omitted on the title page, they are added and enclosed in brackets to -sriw that, they have been added by the catalozer. 913.47 Quennell; Majcrie Covrtney. Everyday life In Anglo-Saxon, Viking and Norman times; written and Illus. by Marjorie and C.H.B Quennell. 85. Joint authors 612 Biddle, Dorothy, 1887 Table setting for everyone Elva Dorothy Biddle and Dorothea Blom. 86. Joint authors Lbya in brackets 530 Carlton, Robert Howard, 1909 Physics for the new age thy Robert H. Carleton, Harry H. Williams cards Mahlon H. Buell, in consultation with w.e. Teeters. 87. Three joint authors 38 500 Brandwein, Paul Franz, 1912 Exploring the sciences (by 3Paul F. Brandwein Editorial collaborators: Jerome J. and others Notkin, Paul E. Blackwood cand 3Herbert Drapkin. New York, Harcourt, Brace & World (196143 672p. illus. 25cm. (Harcourt, Brace & World science program) 88. Main entry for work having more than three joint authors Includes bibliographies . SC Cavanah, Frances, 1899comp. Treasury of dog stories, collected by Frances Cavanah and Ruth Croner Weir. 89. Joint compilers SC Canby, Henry Seidel, 1878-1961, ed. Book of the short $tory, edited by Henry Seidel Canby and Robeson Bailey . 90. Joint editors . BODY OF THE CARD PSEUDONYMS If the author's name on the title page is a pseudonym, and the real name is used as the entry on the catalog card, the pseudonymous name is transcribed in the body of the card. A "see" reference should be made from the pseudonym to the real name used as the entry. Masters, Kelley Ray, 1897 Bristle face c by 3 Zachary Ball. Holiday House c 1962 3 206p. illus. 22cm. Ball, Zachary see Masters, Kelley Ray, 1897- New York, 91. Pseudonym transcribed in the body of the card 92. See reference from the pseudonym 39 BODY OF T} CARD EDITIONS When authors change, enlarge, or revise books but retait the original title, the edition is usually indicated on the title page. Each revision or edition is cataloged as a separate book. The position of the edition statement on the title page may vary, but on the catalog card it is always placed It is a new statement and forms a unit. immediately preceding the imprint. Some examples of abbreviations approved for use on The wording may vary. New ed.; Completely rev.; Rev. and eni.; 2d ed.; 3d ed.; catalog cards are: 5th ed.; etc. If the edition statement is secured from elsewhere than the title page it is enclosed in brackets. 651.5 613 Weeks, Bertha M. How to file and index. Ronald Press E19513 93. Rev. ed. Rev. ed. Diehl, Harold Sheely, 1393Heelthfv1 living. 2d ed. Hill, 1950. New York, 94. Numbered el. New York, McGraw- 780.973 Howard, John Tasker, 1890 Our American music, three hundred years of it. 3d ed., rev. and reset. New York, T.Y. Crowell E19463 385 Lee, Norman E Travel and transport through the ages. E2d ed. rev.3 Cambridge cEng.3 University Press, 1956. 95. Numbered ed., rev. 96. Edition statement from source other than title page (40 BCD1.7 OF THE CARD IMPRINT - PLACE AND PUBLISHER The term imprint as used by catalogers includes the place of publication, the name of the publisher and the date of publication. The imprint begins a new statement and is preceded by three spaces. If more than one place of publication appears, record in the imprint the first place mentioned, unless another is indicated by typography as the actual place of issue. The place is followed by the name of the publisher. All important words in the name of a publisher are capitalized. If the name of more than one domestic publisher is given on the title page, use only the first one and the corresponding place. If both a foreign and Otherdomestic publisher are given, use only the American one if it appears first. wise, use both the foreign and the domestic imprints, separated by a semicolon. If the name of a pullishinz firm and a division of the firm are both given, omit the firm's name if the divIt,ion is well known. For example, if Whittlesey House of the McGraw-Hill Pullishing Co. appears on the title page, use only Whittlesey House. The name of the publisher is shortened and abbreviated as much as possible without confusing its identification. Omit such phrases as, published lob Omit the initial article The, tEi words Published for, And the word publisher. and sons, ana colvany, incoriTiiaTand limited, including the atSeviations for TEKTe. Represent the given names of FrillTers by initials mly. If the name is given in the possessive form, it is transcribed without the ending, 's. No indication is made if a publisher is lacking. If the publisher statement on material issued by a corporate author should be identical with the form used for the main entry, omit the publisher from the imprint. For complete instructions concerning imprint transcription on catalog cards reference should be made to Anglo-Ames rictan Cataloging Rules, p. 200-205. 41 Cayenne, Betty, 1909Angel an skis; illus. by Isabel Dawson. New York, W. Morrow, 1957. 652 Lloyd, Alan C Gregg typewriting for colleges Eby3 Alan C. Lloyd, Jan L. Rowe tand3 Flied E. winger. Complete oourse. New York, Gregg Pub. Division, 97 Initials used to represent publisher's given name 98. Use of division name 1957. 027.8 Wisconsin Cooperative Educational Planning Program. Handbook of suggestions for school library activities. Madison, Wis.3 1955. 99. Publisher identical in torn with main entry is omitted from imprint Chrimes, Stanley Bertram, 1907Lancastrians, Yorkist. and Henry VII, by S.B. Chrimes. London, Macmillan; New York, St. Martin's Press, 1964. 100. Imprint using both foreign and domestic publishers 1 942.04 42 BODY OF THE CARD EVRINT - DATE Standard practice dictates that the imprint date on the title page of a work i3 always used on the catalog card. This date indicates the year the work was issued, whereas the copyright date (usually found on the verso of the title page) shows the date the copyright for the material was granted by the Library of Congress. Since works having the same copyright date may have been printed at different times) the printing date is not a reliable source for determining the age of the material. If printing date and copyright date are identical, use only the printing date. If no copyright date is available and there are several printing dates, use the latest printing date. Enclose in brackets any date not found on the title page. Thus the imprint will probably consist of the printing date and the copyright date, for example: 196h V9573 If more than one copyright date is offered, select only the latest for use on the catalog card. The fact of copyright is shown by placing the letter c preceding the date. If the copyright date is not given on the title page, enc',.,,=e I.t in brackets, using the form F95P:i Scylle ways uncertainty concerning printing date :nay be expressed are as follows! :914% probable date 095-2 decade certain 095-?3 decade uncertain If nc date is given, the letters 0.d., meaning no date are enclosed in brackets. The 1Nprint date of a set e.books in its simplest form is represented by giving the date span from the earliest to the latest issued. Some libraries, in an effort at simplification, adopt a policy of using the copyright date whenever it is available and using the printing date only if it is the same as the copyright date, or, if no copyright date appears on the work. For libraries with many duplicate copies this is sound practice. For complete explanation of imprint date on catalog cards see An*lo-American Cataloging Rules, p. 203-205. 143 B Coch Rittenhouse, Mignon. The amazing Nellie Bly. 1956. New York, Dutton, 371.335 Dale, Edgar, 1900Audio- visual methods in teaching. New York, Drydenil958 1195/0 759.4 973 Rev. ed. 101. Imprint and copyright date the same 102. Imprint and copyright dates different Hughes, Thomas, 18R2-1896. Tom Brown's school days; illus. by Percy Tarrant. Philadelphia, Macrae, Smith cn.d.3 103. No date given Duty, Raoul, 1877-1953. Dufy. cText by Sam Hunter. H.N. Abrams, 195141 1%. Imprint not on New York, Adams, James Truslow, 1878-19119, ed. The march of democracy. New York, Scribner, 1932-33. 2v. illus., maps, ports. 24em. title page of the book and no copyright date available 105. Dates of set of two or more volumes 44 COLIATION Since the user of any library material may be concerned with the length In of the publication, such information is included on the catalog card. many cases the inclusion of illustrations may be of importance. The height of the book may affect its location in specially adapted shelving. The term collation is used to mean the physical description of a work in terms of length, illustrations, and size. The collation will consist of informai;ion concerning number of pages, or volumes,. in a work, the illustration statement and the height of the book in centimeters. The paging is indicated by recording the number on the last numbered If the work contains more than Pe numbered section, the last numbered page of each important section will be ecorded as the collation. If there are many separately paged sections record lv.(various pagings). If the pages are unnumbered, count the pages, beginning with the first page having to do with the text and continuing to the end of the text. If the work contains fewer than 100 pages, record this number enclosed in brackets as the paging of the book. For longer unpaged works record lv.(unpaged) as the collation. For works containing more than one Ylune, use the number of volumes as the collation. If the work is continuously paged, the total number of pages, inclosed in parentheses, follows the volume statement. page. The illustration statement nay use the abbreviation illus. to include all types of illustrations. When certain types of illusta7gis seem particularly important they may be mentioned in alphabetical order after the term illus., using the following terms: charts, facsimiles, forms, genealogical TNUTE, maps, music, plates, portraits. Illustrations qualifying as plates might be so described if {hey were of assorted types. To be counted as plates an illustration must two of the following three requirements: (1) not be included in the paging of the volume (2) be printed on only one side of the paper (3) be on a different kind of paper from that used for printing the text part The qualifying abbreviations col. and col. may be used to indicate the presence of colored inustratirririaterlia7 typewriter spaces are used to separate the illustration statement from the paging statement, and the size from the illustration statement. S3 Full treatment of the collation may be found in Arglo-American Cataloging Rules, p. 205-211. B Marsh Marshall, Catherine Wood, 1911; To live again. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co. 0957 1 335p. illus. 106. One volume paged continuously 22cm. 822 Gaisworthy, John, 1867-1933. Plays; fifth series: A family man; Loyalties; Windows. New York, Scribner P19233 108, 110, 91p. illus. 19cm. 107. More than one numbered section within one volume 812 Anderson, Maxwell, 1.888 - 108. Work having many separately numbered sections Eleven verse plays, 1929-1939. Harcourt, Brace t19393 lv.(various pagings) 22cm. New York Leaf, Munro, 1905 - Wee Gillis; illus. by Robert Lawson. Viking Press, 1938. L691p. illus. 26am. 820.9 New York, Ward, Alfred Charles, 189) Illustrated history of English literature. London, New York, Longmans, Green a953-553 3v. illus. 23cm. 109. Unnumbered paging 110. More than one volume 46 973 Beard, Charles Austin, 1874-1948. The rise of American civilization, by'Cbarles A. Beard and Mary R. Beard; decorations by Wilfred New York, Jones. New ed., rev. and enl. Macmillan, 1933. 2v. in 1(903p.) illus. 22cm. 111. Different nuriber of bibliographical from physical volumes 782 Kobbel Gustav, 1857-1918. Complete opera book; ed. and rev. by the Earl of New York, Putnam, 1954. Harewood. 1262p. illus., music. 22cm. 112. Illustrations and music 978 Riegel, Robert Edgar) 1897 America moves west Ory3 Robert E. Riegel Land3 Robert G. Athearn. 4th ed. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston F19643 651p. illus., maps. 24cm. 113. Illustrations and maps Gipson, 14,-,rrell, 192n- 214. Colored illustrations and width of book exceeds height Hello Peter; pictures by Clement Hurd. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday P7948; E313p. col. illus. 20m22m. (Junior books) Garrett, Helen, 1895 - Mr. Flip Flop; illus. by Gary MacKenzie. New York, Viking Press, 7948. !41p. illus. (part col.) 26cm. 115. Illustrations partly colored 41 NOTES ON CATALOG CARDS Additional information describing the item being cataloged, but not appropriately included in the body of the card, may be added in notes. Such notes may show that the work belongs to a series of similar works, that bibliographies on the subject of the book are included, and that related documents or other special features are present. The contents note listing the items contained in a collection of plays or short stories is of great aid in locating a work too slight to be published alone. Notes appear on catalog cards in a specified order: (1) (2) (3) (h) series note, immediately following the size statement in the collation notes relating to bibliographic description notes relating to bibliographic history notes relating to content of the work SERIES NOTES A series is composed of a number of works having same relationship to each other and issued by the same publisher usually in similar format. The series usually has a short title, such as Landmark books, Portrait of the nation series, Chronicles of America, or Rivers of America, to mention a few. The word series need not be a part of the series title. A series may have an aPthor, ass gTT as a title, as in the case of serial publications of corporate bodies. The name of the series may appear on the title page, half-title pate, or on cover of the book. Books belonging to a pliblisherls series such as the Beacon Hill bookshelf or Macmillan ocket classics have in common only their appearance. This is 14;77171Fan. 7erliseaving a subject relationship. The series title is recorded on the catalog card folloWing the collation. The cataloger leaves three spaces and copies the series title and volume number, enclosing it in parentheses. If the note extends beyond one line, the succeeding line continues at first. indentioq. The name of the editor of the serier: is not included as a part of the series no4o. Capitalization of the series title follows the rules for recording other titles. 355 Walmsley, Harold, 1907 Your future in the Army. New York, Richards Poser. Press, 1960. 159p. 20cm. (Cereers in depth) 116. Series note 148 X325 Tyler, Poyntz, ed. Immigration and the United States. New York, H.W. Wilson Co., 1956. 201p. 20cm. (The Reference shelf, v.28, no.1) 371.911 MackievRomaine Prior, 1899Education of visually handicapped children, the blind, the partially seeing, ty Romaine Mackie, with collaboration of Edith ichce tend others. Washincton3 Federal Sem-'.iy Agency, Office of Education L1951; /16p. illus. 23cm. (7.S. Office of Education. Bulletin 1951. No.20) ".S. 117. Series note with volume and numer 118. Series note OM series having author and Office of Edl:nattnr. 131)110-A r. 1951. Nn.20. 173.911 Mackie, lomnine Prior, 1199 Education of visually handi.:arped children, the blind, t'h.1 portion:. seetre, Romaine Mackie, with collaboration Qf Edith Coheir Land others. Washington3 Federal Secur-Ii: Agency, Office of Eduea+icn cl9513 illus. 23cm. 146r. (7.S. Office of Education. nulletin 1957. No.20) Harvard Middle Eastern studies, 2. 330.956 Meyer, Albert Julius. Middle Eastern capitalism, nine essays. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard 7hiversity Press, 1959. 161p. map. 22cm. (Harvard Middle Eastern studies, 2) Includes bibliography. 119. Series added entry for having author and title 120. Series added entry for series entered under title 149 NOTES RELAT/NG TO BIBLIOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OR BIBLIOGRAPHIC HISTORY The cataloger is responsible for deciding what information in addition to that in the body of the card needs to be recorded in notes. Judgment as to what is important will be guided by the type of material, the size of the library, and the needs of the library's users. Such items as the inclusion of the U.S. Constitution in a history of the United States, or an important glossary of terms in a scientific work might be brought out in a note. Variations in the publisher of the volumes in a set would certainly be indicated in a note. 611 Kiss, Ferenc, )889 Atlas of human anatomy, by ierenc Kiss cand3 Janos 3zent.agothai. 17th ed. New York, Macmillan, 1964. 3v. illus. (part col.) 30cm. 121. Note concerning physical description Added title pages in Latin; legends and tables in Latin and English. 977.2 Esarey, Logan, 1874-1942. A history of Indiana. Stewart, 1915-18. 2v. maps. 25cm. Indianapoli Vol.2 published by B.F. Bowen. 122. Note concerning bibliographic history 50 821 Lindsay, Sir David, fl. 1490-1555. Squyer Meldrum. Ed. by James Kinsley. London, T. Nelson 0593 v,121p. facsim. 19cm. and Renaissance library) (Nelson's medieval Imprint on label: New York, Barnes & Noble. Includes bibliography. 123. Notes relating to physical description, bibliographic history, and contents 51 NOTES RELATING TO CONTEITS BIBLIOGRAPHIES Except for the first or only series note on a catalog card, other notes begin at second indention, that is, one double spaced line below tha close of the collation, or the series note. If it extends to the succeeding line, continue at first indention. Each successive note begins on the line immediately below the last, starting at second indention. One of the most frequently used notes indicates the presence of bibliographies. The form Includes bibliography is generally used to indicate that there is one bibliography, or that there may be several bibliographies scattered through the book. It is unnecessary to show the exact paging or the exact title of the bibliography unless the length of the bibliography is impressive, or its title denotes coverage tco distinctive to ignore. 960 Hall-Quest, Olga Wilbourne. With Stanley in Africa. New York, Dutton 10613 157p. it map. 21cm. Includes bibliograplly. 124. Note showing work contains several bibliographies 52 NOTES ON CATALOG CARDS CONTENTS NOTES When books and other materials contain a variety of parts it is sometimes useful to make a note giving the contents. Appropriate materials for using contents notes are volumes containing short stories, plays and essays. In a set of books the title page of each volume may indicate that it covers a definite phase of a sUb;:ect or a span of time. Contents notes are not made for volumes of poetry or wc,ks on a single broad subject by one author. The contents note is always the last note on a catalog card. Listing is done in paragraph form to save space. The word Contents begins at second indention and the succeeding lines begin at first. indention. The source of information recorded in a contents note may be the title page, table of contents, or headings introduning the various components to be recrded. Initials are used to represent the authors' given names. Items are separated by a period, followed by a dash and one space, before recording the next item. If the wort 12z must be supplied to complete the authorship statement in a contents note, it is not necessary to enclose it in brackets. If the note is too long to be concluded on one card the listing is stopped abme the hole, leaving space tc type (Continued on next card) and a second (or eersnsion) card carrier; o' vith the transcription. The heading of the second card consists of the call -limber, the author, title, and imprint date, followed by the designation (Card 2). After leaving a blank line below this heading, the cataloger continnes typing t'ne material to appear on the card. To save time, when the ecntents note is long, the cataloger may prefer tc Give the canplete contents on only the main entry and shelf card and to use a shorter form for the added entry cards. In that case the contents note is replaced with the directive Fr.r contents, see main entry. 53 822 Barrie, Sir James Matthew, bart., 1860-1937. Half hours, by J.14. Barrie. New York, Scribner, c]9114. 207p. 125. Contents of a book of plays by one author 20cm. Contents.- Pantaloon.- The twelve-pound look. Rosalind.- The will. 1* 914.2 Sharman, M An African in EnglArd. London Press, 1961. 4v. illus. 23cm. London, University of Contents.- v.]. Peter does to London.- v.2. Peter loses his scarf.- v.3. Peter goes into the country.- v.L. Peter goes to the seaside. 126. Contents note showing the titles of volumes in a set 514 SC ed. Haycraft, Howard, 1905Fourteen great detective stories. Rev. ed.. New YorY., Modern Library (19493 (The Modern library of the 464p. 19cm. world's best books) 127. Main entry for work with contents by various authors Contents.- The purloined letter, by E.A. Poe.The red-headed league, by A.C. Doyle.- The problem of cell 13, by J. Futrelle.- The case of Oscar Brodski, by R.A. Freeman.- The blue cross, by O.K. Chesterton.- The age of miracles, by M.D. Post. (Continued on next card) SC Haycraft, Howard, 1905 - Fourteen great detective stories. (191493 (Card 2) The little mystery, by E.C. Bentley.- The thirdfloor flat, by A. Christie.- The yellow slugs, by B.C. Bailey.- The bone of contention, by D.L. Sayers.- The adventure of the African traveler, by E. Queen.- Instead of evidence, by R. Stout. The house in Gnblin Wood, by C. Dickson.- The dancing detective, by C. Woolrich. 128. Main entry extension card 55 SC Fourteen great detective stories. Haycraft, Howard, 1905ed. Fourteen great detective stories. Rev. ed. New York, Modern Library L19493 (The Modern library of the 464p. 19cm. world's best books) 129. Title added entry card Contents.- The purloined letter, by E.A. Poe. The red-headed league, by A.C. Doyle.- The problem of cell 13, by J. Futrell.- The case of Oscar Brodski, by R.A. Freeman.- The blue cross, by G.K. Chesterton.- The age of miracles, by M.D. Post.(Continued on next card) (:) SC Fourteen great detective stories. ed. Hayeraft, Howard, 1905Fourteen great detective stories. (Card 2) (19493 130. Title added entry extension card The little mystery, by E.C. Bentley.- The thirdfloor flat, by A. Christie.- The yellow slugs, by H.C. Bailey.- The bone of contention, by D.L. Sayers.- The adventure of the African traveler, by E. Queen.- Instead of evidence, by R. Stout.- The house in Goblin Wood, by C. Dickson.- The dancing detective, by C. Woolrich. 0 SC Fourteen great detective stories. Hayeraft, Howard, 1905ed. Fourteen. great detective stories. Rev. ed. New York, Modern Library L19493 (The Modern library of the 19cm. 464p. world's best books) For contents, see main entry. 0 131. Shortened form for title added entry 56 SC MYSTERY AND DETECTIVE STORIES ed. Haycraft, Howard, 1905Fourteen great detective stories. Rev. ed. New York, Modern Library c19493 (The Modern library of the 464p. 19cm. world's best books) 132. Subject added entry card Contents.- The purloined letter, by E.A. Poe. The red-headed league, by A.C. Doyle.- The problem of cell 13, by J. Futrelle.- The case of Oscar l!rodski, by R.A. Freeman.- The blue cross, by O.K. Chesterton.- The age of miracleb, by M.D. Post. (2)(Continuer on next card) SC MYSTERY AND DETECTIVE STORIES Haycraft, Howard, 1905ed. Fourteen great detective stories. (Card 2) 019143 133. Subject added entry extension card The little mystery, by E.C. Bentley.- The third floor flat, by A. Christie.- The yellow slugs, by H.C. Bailey.- The bone of contention, by D.L. Sayers. 4., The adventure of the African traveler, by E. Queen.- Instead of evidence, by R. Stout.- The house in Goblin Wood, by C. Dickson.- The dancing detective, by C. Woolrich. SC MYSTERY AND DETECTIVE STORIES Haycraft, Howard, 1905ed. Fourteen great detective stories. Rev. ed. New York, Modern Library E19103 (The Modern library of the 464p. 19cm. world's best books) For contents, see main entry. 1314. Shortened form omitting contents note for subject added entry card 57 Aram ENTRIES The catalog card headed with the entry denoting chief responsibility for the content of the work is called the main entry card. All other entries for the work made by putting additional headings above the material on the main entry card are called added entries. The purpose of making added entries is to aid the user of the catalog imfinding the material for which he may be searching by providing additional points of access. To achieve this end, therefore, added entries may be made for the titles of the materials; the subjects with which materials deal; and for the names of illustrators, translators, joint authors, joint compilers and editors that have a secondary relationship with the work. The added entry heading is placed in the space above the main entry, beginning at second indention. If more than one line is needed for the entry, continue it on the next line at third indention. The usual practice is to make title cards for all books of fiction and non-fiction books which have distinctive titles. When alternative titles exist, added entries are made for both. Title added entries are not usually made for titles beginning with such common phrases as The life of, The history of, or An introduction to. Subject added entries airrhOriFtTo repreiier=u75 works ade771757Trtle added entries are not usually made for biographies beginning with the biographee's first name. Subject added entries are always made for the person under consideration: in a biography. However, some libraries have a divided catalog with subject cards in a separate alphabetical arrangerient. In such a case each work should have a card made for i ± and riled in the author/title alphabet. 58 642 Setting your table. Sprackling, Helen, 1896 Setting your table, a complete guide to china, glass, silver, linens, flower arrangements, and New York, M. Barrows, 1951. etiquette. 223p. illus. 24cm. Johnny Tremain. Forbes, Esther, 1894-1967. Johnny Tremain; a novel for old and young; with Boston, Houghton Mifflin, tilts. by Lynd Ward. 190. 296p. illus. 21cm. 135. Title card for non-fiction 136. Title card for work of fiction 59 B Stra Tales from the Vienna Woods. Ewen, David, 1907Tales from the Vienna Woods; the story of Johann Strauss; illus. Ly Edgard Ctrlin. New York, H. Holt, 1944. 216p. illus. 22cm. '137. Explanatory subtitle omitted in title heading Moldy Dick. Hernan, 1819-1891. May Dicle; or, The white whale; illus. by Head Sohaef:er. New York, Dodd, .11,1d, 1942. r! Op. illus. 138. Title card 24c,,:. The whi!..e whale. Melvrle, Herman, 1R19-1893. Moly Dicl:.; or, The white whale; illus. by Mead Schaeffer. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1942. 540p. illus. 24cm. 139. Title card for an alternative title 60 For such classics as Shakespeare's Macbeth, the title page may read The tragedy of Macbeth or some variant such as Shakespeare's Tragedy, of Macberr In orderThiriTrof the editions of such a work may file togetner, a common practice is to make the title card for a standardized form of the title, and not for the varying titles. The same principle may be applied to any standard work that is published under many slightly varying titles. Such a title entry should be traced using the word Title followed by a colon and the actual wording of the chosen title. 822 Macbeth. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. The tragedy of Macbeth; ed, by E.K. Chambers. Rost,on, D.C. Heath, 1906. 17cm. 1J38p. 140. Title added entry using distinctive part within a title 0 Title: Macbeth. 241. Tracing for a title added entry not identical with the title on the face of the card 61 ADDED ENTRIES SUBJECT HEADINGS From the standpoint of many users of the library, the subjsct added entry for a work is possibly the most important added entry. Sears List of Subject Headings for Small Libraries is the prime source for deaRSIEEEhrform o the subject halWinFICTiool libraries. For new subjects too recent to appear in the Sears list the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature is helpful. A comprehensive source fOrTilie7iniariee is StiEject Headings Used in the Dictionary Catalogues of the Library of comes!. After a subject heading is selected for a work, it is typed in the space above the main entry beginning at second indention. It may be typed in black capital lette s, or in red using upper and lower case letters. In a new library the cataloger has an opportunity to make a choice as to form. In an established library it is probably advisable to continue the form already in use. If the form using upper and lower ca,: red letters is chosen, capitals should be used for the first word of the heading, the first word of a subeivision of the rabject, a qualifying word in parentheses, and proper nouns and adje:tives. Use no mark of punctuation at the end of a subject heading. Within the heading use a comma to separate the parts of an inverted heading. Separate the subdivisions of a subject heading by a space, a dash, and a space, as AMER/CAN POETRY - COLLECTIONS. Form of subject headings vary. They may be a single word as BASEBALL or CHRISTMAS; A compound heading as NURSES AND NURSING, or 11.1MIGRATION'AND EMIGRATION; a phrase, as BIBLE AS LITEPATURE; an adjective followed by a noun, as PUBLIC 'HEALTH, or NATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS; an inverted heading as POETS, AMERICAN; or EDUCATION, ELEMENTARY; a subject followed by a qualifying phrase in parentheses, as DISCOVERIES (IN GEOGRAPHY); or a subdivided heading as U,S. - HISTORY - CIVIL WAR - FICTION; BOOKS AND READING - BEST BOOKS. BASEhALL 796.357 Di Maggio, Joseph Paul, 1914 Baseball for everyone; a treasury of baseball lore and instruction for fans and players. New York, Whittiesey House, McGraw-Hill, 1948. 224p. 21cm. 142. Single word subject heading 62 NURSES AND NURS/NO 610.73 Deming, Dorothy, 1893 Careers for nurses. 2d ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1952. 351p. 24cm. (McGraw -Hill aeries in nursing) 143. Compound subject heading Includes bibliography. 591 821 ANIMALS - HABITS AND BEHAVIOR Heinold, George, 19127Burglar in the treetops. New York, Holt, 1952. 242p. illus. 22cm. BIBLE IN LITERATURE Sims, James H The Bible in Milton's epics, by James H. Sims. Gainesville, Univ. of Florida Press, 1962. 283p. 24cm. 144. Subdivided subject heading 145. Phrase subject heading 63 614 927.8 910 PITBIX HEALTH Grant, Madeleine Parker, 1895 Biology and world health; drawings by Bunji New York, Abelard-Schuman, 1955. Tagawa. 21cm. 202p. illus., maps. COMPOSERS, AMERICAN comp. Ewen, David, 1907American composerE, today, a biographical and critical guide. New York, H.W. Wilson, 1949. 265p. illus. 26cm. DISCOVERIES (IN GEOGRAPHY) Lucas, Mary Seymour. Vast horizons; illus. and maps by O.B. Falls. New York, Viking, 1 9143. 291p. illus., maps. 24cm. 146. Adjective followed by a noun 147. Inverted heading 148. Subject followed by qualifying phrase 614 U.S. - HISTORY - CIVIL WAR - FICTION Allen, Merritt Parmelee, 1892-1954. Blow, bugles, blow; decorations by Alan Meyler. New York, Longmana, Green, 1956. 217p. illus. 21cm. 149. Subdivided heading PERSONAL NAMES USED AS S1TBJE6M HEADINGS Personal names are used 83 subject headings when the person is the subject of the work as in a biography, or in a critical estimate of an author's work. The form of the name is the same as for an author entry, except that the heading is capitalized or typed in red and is not closed with a punctuation mark. B 'Thor B Eise THOREAU, HENRY DAVID, 1817-1862 Norman, Charles, 1904To a different drum; the story of Henry David Thoreau; pictures by Margaret Bloy Graham. New York, Harper, 2954. 113p. illus. 22cm. EISENHOWER, DW11HT DAVID, PRES. U.S., 1890-1969 Gunther, John, 1901-1970. Eisenhower, the man and the symbol. New York, Harper, 1952. 180p. illus. 22cm. Includes bibliography. 150. Name of person as subject 151. President of the U.S. as subject 65 91a2 822 822 ELIZABETH II, QUERN OF GREAT BRITAIN, 1926 Bocca, Geoffrey. Elizabeth and Philip; profusely illus. with New York, Holt, 1953. photographs. 248p. illus. 22cm. 152. Royal personage as subject entry LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, PRES. 'U.S. 1809-1866 - DRAMA Drimkwater, John, 1882-1937. Abraham Lincoln; a play. New ed. with introduction and study helps. Boston, Houghton, 1927. 130p. 20cm. (Riverside literature series) 153. Personal name with subdivision SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM, 1564-1616 - CRITICISM, INTERPRETATION, ETC. Neilson: Allan, 1869-1946. Facts about Shakespeare, by William Allan Neilson and Ashley Horace Thornlike. Rev. ed. New York, Macmillan, 2931. 275p. illus. 17cm. 154. Personal name with subdivision ADM ENTRIES JOINT AUTHORS When a book has two or more authors, the one whose name appears first on the title-page is used as the main entry. All other authors are known as joint authors. To make a joint author added entry, type the name of the joint author in the space above the main entry beginning at second indention. The joint author's name is established in the same way as if he were a main entry.' If the r!oint author should already be entered in the catalog, the new entry is identical in form with that already in the catalog. The designation author is added to the name following a comma and one space. Close the joint author heading with a period. Translator, joint translator, uditor, joint editor, illustrator and(ther similar headings are made in the same way as joint author added entries, using abbreviated designations as tr., lt.tr. ed., jt.ed., illus., Ate. Krusch, Werner, jt. author. wohIrabe, Raymond A The land and peop7e of Austria, Ity Raymond A. W-Allrabe and Werner Krusch. Philadelphia, IlccIror.tt 119563 117p. -lilts. 22cri. 155. Added entry for joint author, :late:. not known Wtren onll the birth date is given for a person used as an added entry, six z7paco: Are left after the hyphen fllnwing the birth date before adding the a;:propriate designation and closing the heeding. Farje, Herbert, 1887- it. author. Farjeor, Fleanor, 188?-1.965. Sings and queens, by Eleanor and Herbert Farjeon; with 40 coloured plates by Rosaline Thornycroft. Rev. ed. London, Dent; Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1953. 86p. co. illus. 26cm. 156. Added entry for joint abthor, Lirth date or'y 67 Hall, James Norman, 1887-1951, jt. author. Nordhoff, Charles Bernard, 1887-1947. The Bounty trilogy, comprising the three volumes: Mutiny on the Bounty, Men against the sea, and Pitcairn's Island, by Charles Nordhoff & James Norman Hall. Illus. by N.C. Wyeth. Boston, Little, Brown, 1940: 903p. illus. 22cm. 157. Joint author with birth date and death date TRACING FOR JOINT AUTHORS The tracing for a joint author added entry is identical with the heading to be used on the joint author card. It is placed after the tracing for the subject headings and before the tracing for title entry. 0 Hall: James Uorman, 1987-Z952, jt. author 158. Tracing for joint author added entry AUSTRIA - DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL AUSTRIA - SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS Krusch, Werner, jt. author. Title. 159. Tracing for joint author added entry . 68 ADDED ENTRIES JOINT EDITORS MID counERs When more than one person as editor is responsible for a work, the first one is the main editor and the second one is the joint editor. Joint-editor and joint compiler added entry cards are made in the same fashion as joint author cards. SC SC jt. ed. Davis, Ruth, 1913ed. Shaw, Harry, 1905Americans one and all, ed. by Harry Shaw and New York, Harper, 1947. Ruth Davis. 31(V. 22cm. jt. comp. Weir, Ruth Cromer, 1912comp. Cavanah, Frances, 1889Treasury of dog stories, collected by Frances Cavanah and Ruth Cromer Weir; illus. by Wesley ChiPago, Rand McNally, 1947. Dennis. 256p. illus. 21cm. DOGS - STORIES Weir, Ruth Cromer, 1912 Title. jt. comp. 160. Joint editor added entry 161. Joint compiler added entry 162. Tracing for joint compiler added entry is placed after subject tracing 69 ADDED ENTRIES ILL1TSTRATORS Hader, Berta Hoerner, illus. Mason, Miriam Evangeline, 1899 Timothy has ideas; illus. by Berta and Elmer New York, Macmillan, 2943. Hader. illus. 21cm. 127p. 163. Illustrator added entry, no dates available jt. illus. Hader, Elmer, V199Mason, Miriam Evangeline, 1899 Timothy has ideas; illus. by Berta and Elmer Hader. New York, Macmillan, 1943 127p. illus. 21cm. 164. Joint illustrator added entry birth date available 70 Wyeth, Newell Conyers, 1882-1945, illus. Nordhoff, Charles Bernard, 1887-1947. 165. Illustrator The Bounty trilogy, comprising the three with birth volumes: Mutiny on the Bounty, Men against the and death sea, & Pitcairn's Island, by Charles Nordhoff & date James Norman Hall. Illus. by N.C. Wyeth. Boston, Little, Brown, 1940. 903p. illus. 22cm. ADDED ENTRY TRANSLATORS Wheen, Arthur Wesley, tr. Remarque, Erich Marie, 1898-1970. All quiet on the western front: tr. from the German by A.W. Wheen. Bnstcn, Little, Brown, 1929. 291p. 20cm. 166. Translator of a book 1 79 188. First card of see also subject SPORTS reference card see also AERONAUTICAL SPORTS AMUSEMENTS ATHLETICS COACHING (ATHLETICS) COLLEGE SPORTS GAMES GYMNASTICS OLYMPIC GAMES (Continued on next card) SPORTS see also OUTDOOR LIFE PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING RODEOS SCHOOL SPORTS WATER SPORTS WINTER SPORTS also names of sports, e.g. BASEBALL; etc. 189. Ebctension card of see also subject reference card 80 USING A SUBJECT HEADING LIST When the cataloger uses a subject for the first time in the catalog, the cross references should be made as indicated in the chosen list. For example, the following instruction is found in Sears List of Subject Headings: Food, Frozen See also Ice cream, ices, eta. x Frozen food xx: Food - Preservation The cataloger should respond by making the iollowing cross references: FOOD, FROZEN 190. See also cross reference see also ICE CREAN, ICES, ETC. FROZEN FOOD 191. See reference see FOOD, FROZEN FOOD - PRESERVATION see also ,FOOD, FROZEN 192. See also cross reference 04, P1 ANONYMOUS CLASSICS AND SACRED WRITINGS In almost every library are found anonymous classical, which are old writings of acknowledged excellence whose authors are unknown. ftemples of such writings are the epic Beowulf, national folk tales, and Arabian Nights. These have been published in many languages and versions by eiii756lishers under a variety of titles. For example, Arabianft*Lhas been published also with the English titles Tales fram the Arabic, The Thousand and One Nights, Arabian Nights Entertainments, and others, not to mention many viFirons in other languages with other titles. Books containing the sacred writings of any religion maybe classics but are not necessarily anonymoue, because the authorship of at least parts of them are known. They are, however, handled in the same way as other classics of unknown origin. In order that the main entries for all versions of an anonymous classic or a sacred writing, may be the sane, a short title, usually in the English language, has been established for use as the slain entry. This title brings the different versions and editions of a work together in the catalog under a uniform main entry, regardless of individual title. The following is a list of titles which have been established for use as certain well-known anonymous classics and sacred writings: Arabian nights; Beowulf; Bible; Mabinogion; Mother Goose; Nibelungenlied; Reynard the fox; Chanson de Roland. In libraries for children and young people it might be advisable to use Em of Roland instead of the French form of the name used in scholarly bibliographies. entries f- Enter an anonymous classic or sacred writing under the established uniform title, putting that title in the entry position on the carddend closing it with a period. Complete the unit card following the customary form. Trace for, and make the necessary added entry cards. Should the title of the book be the same as the established title, no title added entry card is needed. 0 398 398 Mother Goose. The real Mother Goose; illus. by Blanche Fisher Chicago, Rand McNally, 1916. Wright. 134p. illus. 30an. The real Mother Goose. Mother Goose. The real Mother Goose; illus. by Blanche Fisher Chicago, Rand McNally, 1916. 4right. 134p. illus. 30am. 398.22 Nibelungenlied. The Song of the Nibelungs. A verse translation from the Middle High German Nibelungenlied by Detroit, Wayne State University Frank G. Ryder. 193. Main entry for an anonymous classic 194. Title added entry card for an anonymous classic 195. Main entry for an anonymous classic Press, 1962. 421p. 21cm. 398.2 Arabian nights. Scheherezade; tales from The thousand and one nights. Translated by A.J.Arberry; with illus. London, Allen & Unwin :19533 Asgeir Scott. 221p. illus. 23cm. 196. Main entry for an al10/1577130118 classic 83 Enter the Bible, either complete or partial form under Bible with the language of the test indicated in the entry. For magpies ale. French. or Bible: Patin. In small collections the entry might be stigIfied by omitting the langnagiraeiignation for editions in English. The year of printing is used to distinguish the various issues in the same language. The different versions or translations of the Bible may have that feature indicated in the entry also. For incomplete editions or abridgments in English use the entry: Bible. English. Selections. For complete coverage of the rules for formulating Bairintries Rules, p. 156-163. see Anglo7American a..1... 220.5 Bible. English. 1952. Revised standard. The Holy Bible. Revised standard version containing the Old and New Testaments; tr. from the oricinal tongues, being the version set forth A.D. 1611, rev. A.D. 1881-1885 and A.D. 1901; compared with the most ancient authorities and rev. A.D. 1952. New York, Nelson, 1952. 997, 294p. 22cm. 197. Bible entry with year of publication and name of version 220.5 Bible. English. Selections. 1951. Authorised. The condensed Bible; all Bible gems; Genesis 198. Bible entry. Selected passages through Revelation. A guide for inspirational reading, selected with commentary by William A. Cocks. New York Eapositicn Press, 1951. '2ca. 517p. maps. 220.5 Bible. English (Basic English) 1950. The Basic Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments in Baia.: English. New York, Dutton: 1950. 910p. 21cm. 199. Bible entry with special vocabulary indicated 220.5 220.5 Bible. English. Selections. 193?. Authorized. Animals of the Bible; a picture book by P. Lathrop; with text selected by Helen Dean Fish from the King James Bible. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott 219373 66p. 26cm. Fish, Helen Dean, ed. Bible. English. Selections. 1937. Authorized. Animals of the Bible; a picture book by Dorothy P. Lathrop; with text selected by Helen Dean Fish from the King James Bible. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott p19373 66p. 26cm. 200. Bible entry indicating selected passages, publication date and version 201. Editor added entry for selections from the Bible Enter stories retold from the Bible and books about anonymous classics and sacred writings under the name of the author. Make added entry cards in the usual way. 220 220 Van Loon, Hendrik Willem, 3882-1944. The story of the Bible, written and drawn by Hendrik Van Loon. Garden City, N.Y., Garden City Pub. Co. 219363 452p. illus. 24cm. BIBLE - STORIES Van Loon, Hendrik Willem, 1882-1944. The story of the Bible, written and drawn by Hendrik Van Loon. Garden City, N.Y., Garden City Pub. Co. 11936 3 illus. 452p. 202. Author card for retold version of the Bible 203. Subject card for adaptation of the Bible 24cm. 220.93 Aharoni, Jochanan. The! Macmillan Bible atlas, by Yohanan Aharoni and Michael Avi-Yonah. cNew York 3 Macmillan. Co. 11968 184p. illus., col. maps. 30cm. 204. Author card for book about the Bible examples below, William Shakespeare and John Milton are responsible for the works originally. Therefore their names are used as the main entries while the editors' names are used as added entries. Works entered under title may also require editor added entries. 822 821 821 Boas, Frederick Samuel, 1862-1957, ed. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. The tempest; ed. by Frederick S. Boas. D.C. Heath, 1906. 127p. 17cm. (Heath English classics) Boston, Bullough, Geoffrey, 1901ed. Milton, John, 1608-1674. Dramatic poems; ed. by Geoffrey and Margaret Bullough. atAvbla Athlone Pres, 1958. 224p. 19cm. Bullough, Margaret, jt. ed. Milton, John, 1608-1674. Dramatic poems; ed. by Geoffrey and Margaret Bull ough. Elondon3 Athlone Press, 1958. 224p. 19cm. 167. Editor added entry 168. Editor added entry death date lacking 169. Joint editor added entry 9r, ANAIITICS Library materials frequently contain separate parts or sections that have previously been published independently. One author or publisher may be responsible for all of the parts, or different individuals may be responsible for the separate parts. Entries made for each of the separate sections, whether they be stories, plays, essays, reports, or biographical sketches are known as analytics. There may be author analytics, subject analytical or title analytics. Plays and short stories in collections seem to call for author and title analytics. Collected biographies and secions of factual books may need subject analytics. Since many libraries There is more than one accepted form for analytics. use printed cards, the unit card is commonly used. Those who type analytic cards may prefer to use the partial contents form, or another shortened form. Zxamples will follog, using the partial contents form. When a work needs to be analyzed, the cataloger should first catalog it as a whole, listing the parts in the contents note. When the parts of a book are all by one author, only title analyLies need to be made. The separate parts may be listed on the title page, or in t table of contents. Some libraries follow the practice of omitting the listing of titles of plays, etc., on the title page, if so given, but list them in a contents note. 811.08 "0? Matthiessen, Francis Otto, 1902-1950, comp. The Oxford book of American verse; chosen and with New York, an introd. by F.O.Mbtthiessen. xford rniversity Press, 3950. 1132p. 19cm. Hornstein, 1,113iAn lerlands, 1909The Reader's comp nion to world literature. Editor: lierlands Hornstein; co-editor: C.D. Pry Land other% General editor: Cnlvth S. Brown. 423p. 22c11. New York, Dryden Press L19563 170. Compiler added entry for work entered under title 171. Editor added entry fol- work entered under title P6 0 Title analytics for contents. 206. Tracing for title analytics I-- 822 The forest. Galsworthy, John, 1867-1933. Plays. Sixth series. New York, Scribner, 1926. 115, 112, 97p. 20cm. 207. Title analytic using unit card Contents.- The forest.- Old English.- The show. 822 The forest. Galsworthy, John, 1867-1933. Plays. Sixth series. New York, Scribner, 1926. 115, 112, 97p. 20cm. 208. Title analytic, using partial contents note Allen; Walter Ern,:st; 1911 - Square cg. 2"-. New York; W. Morrow 219503 21(m. 172. Main entry for a work issued under mere than one title virat publishtid in London in 195n under title Deni man ovel all. Sclare fe6. Allen; Walter Tree t, 1911Squaro pelz. New York; W. Morrow ?19503 271r. 2)cm. 173. Title added entry for changed title First published in London in 1950 under title Dead man over al]. Dead man over all. Allen, Walter Ernest; 1911Square peg. New York, W. Morrow El9501 271p. 21cm. 174. Title added entry for original title First published in London in 1950 under title Dead man over all. 0 Title. Title: Dead man over all. 175. Tracing on back of main entry for both titles It often happens in a collection of plays or stories by one author that the first play in the book is used as the title of the whole book. Even so, the tracing for all items can be indicated by the phrase Title analytics for contents. 822 Gregory, Isabella Augusta (Persse) Lady, 1859-1932. The image and other plays. New York, Putnam, 1922. 253p. 20cm. 210. Main entry for book with first play as title of book 221. Tracing for title analytics Title analytics for contents. tianrAhanIct nmih_ removed from the card catalog in Order to remove all records of the work. The listing of all the added entry cards made for any work is called the tracing. Printed cards have the tracing on the face of the card near the bottom. Since, often there is not room on the face of a typed card, it is placed on the back of the main entry. When more than one card is necessary to complete the main entry, the tracing is typed on the back of the first card. To place the tracing, turn the author card face down with the hole at the top and record the tracing in the upper left corner two lines below the hole and indented two spaces from the left edge. Arrange the tracing items in the following order: subject headings, other added entries, title, or titles, and series. Within any category of headings it is not necessary to adhere to any special order in listing them. The form of the traing is to match exactly the heading to be used on the added entry card as to cOitalization, and spacing. If a decision has been made to type subject headings in red, they will be typed in black in the tracing. B Fran Frank, Anne, 1929-1945. The diary of a young girl; tr. from the Dutch by B.M. Mooyart-Doubleday; with an introd. by Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Eleanor Roosevelt. 1952. 285p. illus. 20cm. 176. Main entry 0 NETHERLANDS - HISTORY WORLD WAR, 1939-1945 - JEWS M Mooyart-Doubleday, B Title. 177. Tracing on back of main entry tr. 88 When parts of books or materials are by different authors, entries are made for both authors and titles. For non-fiction, author and subject andlytics may be made. The judgment of the cataloger should determine the value and need for making such entries. 812.08 Clark, Barrett Harper, 1890-1953, ed. Nine modern American plays, by Barrett H. New York, Clark and William H. Davenport. Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1951. 43?p. 25cm. 213. Mein entry for book containing , plAtys by various authors Contents.- The hairy ape, by E.G. O'Neill. Street scene, by E.L. Rice.- Green grow the lilacs, by L. Riggs.- High Tor, by M. Anderson.- Stage door, by E. Ferber.- You can't take it with you, by (Continued on next card) 0 812.08 Clark, Barrett Harper, 1890-1953, ed. 214. Extension I B Fran Frank, Anne, 19291945. The diary of a young firl; tr. from the Dutch by B.M. Mooyart-Doubleday; with an introd. by Eleanor Roosevelt. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1952. 285p. B Fran B Fran illus. 179. Subject added entry 20cm. tr. M Mooyart-Doubleday, B Frank, Anne, 1929-1945. The diary of a young girl; tr. from the Dutch by B.M. Mooyart-Doubleday; with an introd. by Eleanor Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1952. Roosevelt. 285p. illus. 20cm. The diary of a young girl. Anne, 1929-1945. Frat diary of a young girl; tr. from the Dutch by Ti. 180. Translator added entry 181. Title added entry B.M.Mboyart-Doubleday; with an introd. by Eleanor Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1952. Roosevelt. 20cm. 285p. illus. 29 0 215. Tracing showing AMERICAN DRAMA - COLLECTIONS author and title jt. ed. Davenport, William Henry, 1908analytics for Title. contents The hairy ape. 1888-1953. O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, Street scene. 1892-1967. Rice, Elmer L Green grow the lilacs. Riggs, Lynn 1899High Tor. Anderson, Maxwell, 1888Stage door. Ferber, Edna, 1887-1968. You can't take it with you. Hart, Moss, 1904Sherwood, Robert Emmet, 1896-1955. Abe Lincoln in Illinois Glass menagerie. Williams, Tennessee, 1914Command decision. Haines, William Ulster, 1908Title analytics for content's. Hart, Moss, 1904 - 12.0R You can't Clark, Barrett Nine modern and William H. 1951. 432p. take it with you. Harper, 1890-1953, ed. American plays, by Barrett H. Clark New York, Appleton, Davenport. 25cm. Partial contents.- You can't take it with you, by M. Hart. 216. Card form for author-title analytic with partial contents note author. Books of biography are filed under the designation for biography, and alphabetically by the name of the biographee. Biographies about the same person are then sub-filed by the main entry. The number of copies of a given title owned by the library is indicated in pencil in the left margin near the collation. The number of copies also appears on the face of the main entry in the same position as on the shelf card. It is the custom in many libraries to record on the back of the shelf list card the source from which the material has been received, the date, and the price of each copy. If such a record is kept, an accession book and accession numbers for books are seldom necessary. If an accurate accession record has been kept and accession numbers have been used, the librarian may or may not continue with the practice as she sees fit. If accession numbers are used, they are entered on the title page of the book and on the shelf card. To type the order information, place the shelf list card, face down with the hole at the top, and record the order information two lines below the hole, beginning two spaces from the left edge of the card. Leave two spaces between the date and the dealer, and two between the dealer and the price. If additional copies are received, record them in the same way. The same form is used for all material cataloged. 0 1/5/54 McClurg 2.50 4/12/63 Baker 2.69 c.2 182. Order information on back of shelf card 90 920 Acker, Helen. Five sons of Italy; jacket by Richard Floethe. Nev York, Nelson, 1950. 191p. 21cm. 218. Main entry card for book needing subject analytics Contents.- Leonerdo da Vinci.- Michelangelo Buonarroti.- Galileo Galelei.- Nicol() Paganini.Giuseppe Verd'.. 0 ITALY - BIOGRAPHY Title. LEONARDO DA VINCI, 1452-1519 BUONARRCTI, MICHEL ANGELO, 1475-1564 ALILEI, GALILEO, 1564-1642 PAGANINI, NICCOLO, 1782-1840 VERDI, GIUSEPPE,.1813-1901 219. Tracing for book needing subject analytics LEONARDO DA VINCI, 1452-15)9 owl A^1,0,,,, ui..." 00^ owe,. ..-&Ay vaaw r VW. am.. WV raVVJOAG .3(21Vio. Wi been adopted for a given subject. Cards indicating such references are called cross reference cards. Since these cards do not represent books or materials, they do not bear a call number. There are two kinds of cross reference cards, namely, see references and see also references. The see reference card directs the inquirer from an entry under which material has not been listed to an entry under which it has been listed. See references are made for synonymous terms for subject headings, for the second part of a compound heading, for the direct form of an inverted heading, and for variations of spelling. On the fourth line of the card at second indention in capital letters, write the heading under which the material it not listed. On the sixth line at third indention write the word see in lower case letters. On the eighth line at first indention write the heading under which the material has been listed. Those who prefer subject readings in red, will follow the capitalization and form given in Sears List of Sdbiect Headings for Small Libraries. The words see and see also are always typed in small black letters. Cross references for personal names were treated in this guide under Personal. Authors. "See" IMEO Cards 183. Cross reference from synonym for the entry adopted MAGAZINES see PERIODICALS 184. Reference from the second part of a compound heading WATCHES see CLOCKS AND WATCHES. 91 "BOUND-WITH" WCRKS It happens occasionally that two or more books by the same or by different authors, each book with a separate title page and with separate paging, are bound together. Such a publication is known as a "bound-with." Each part is cataloged as an independent book in the usral way. Obviously the book can be assigned only one classification number even though the parts deal with entirely different subjects. The classification number for the first part determines the book's call number. Notes are made on the card showing the author and title of the other work or works with which it is bound. The note reads Bound with followed by the author's name in inverted order, using initials to represent given names; two spaces after this the title of the other work; then three spaces later, tie place and date of publication. 353 Thorpe, Francis Newton. The government of the nation; a course in civil government, based on The government of the people of the United States. Rev. ed. New York, Hinds, Noble and Eldridge q19003 221&p. illus., maps. 19cm. 221. Main entry V a "bound- with" 186. Reference from variant spelling AEROPLANES see AIRPLANES "See also" Cards A see also reference card directs the user from an entry under which material is listed to another entry under which related material is to be found. The card begins on the fourth line at first indention followed two spaces below by see also beginning at second indention. Two lines below this the additional subjects are listed in tabular form beginning at first indention and single-spaced. 187. See also reference CATALOGING see Elso BIBLIOGRAPHY CLASSIFICATION - BOOKS INDEXING SUBJECT HEADINGS 92 353 Rawles, William A 1863 The government of the people of the state of Indiana. New York, Hinds, Noble and Eldridge c1906 180p. illus., maps. 19cm. Boum: with Thorpe, P.N. nation. New York ?19003 223. Main entry for subsequent part in a "bound- with" The government of the The call number given on the set of cards for a subsequent part of a "bound - with" must be the same as the number that the book itself bearb. The call number of the whole volume is determined by the first work in the volume. 0 2214. Tracing on back of main entry for subsequent part of a INDIANA - POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Title. "bound -with" "BOUND-WITH" WORKS HAVING THE SAME AUTHOR The note indicating the presenco of other independent works in the same volume by the same author uses the form belows f o.--...,... 93 Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge, 1832-1898. Through the looking glass, by Lewis Carroll; with fifty illus. by John Tennis'. New York, Macmillan, 1929. 2214p.. illue. 23cm. 227. Main entry for a subsequent part of 'bound-with" Bound with the author's Alice in Wonderland. New York, 1929. O Title Tri ,back of iiin entry totthe itiii-Eibteie- 94 SUPPLEMENTS Supplements should not always be treated as independent ,entries because they Are too closely related. to the-original work to stand,alone. The entry for the supplement may be added-to the-card forthe original Work Using the form known-as.the Mashed-on-entry." ,Begin,--the-entry at .first. indention two lined.belor the entry for the _0,thdereCOrelairk0O:ei-that-tWauthor main,Itet on the card:: Use of-thipPlementia,thesitne4e-A*,410f-.0f:iii*4r- the-4444einent 40,7:eleo;*b0::ei*:',Se4hiit:, eiscareqnarks---to4eprireent, leave Leave one spatiCahiii continue anthe-4iialineAhe-traniariptibicofAhd=title=tOge interietion for the supplement according to the rules for making the body of title of one-sSiinCe-.0ai=then,7:three,-,-: the Card. 016 Winchell, Constance Mabel, 3896Guide to reference books. 7th ed. American Library Association, 1951. 645p. 28cm. Chicago, '229. Main entry for work having a supplement "Based on the Guide to reference books, sixth edition by Isadore Mudge." (Continued on next card) R 016 R 016 - Winchell, Constance Mabel, 1896Guide to reference books. 1951. 230.D/t8iled on (Card 2) Supplement, 1950-1952, by Constance M. Winchell and Olive A. Johnson. Chicago, American Library Association, 1954. 117p. 28cm. (Continued on next card) 1 entry for supplement 95 016 R Winchell, Constance Mabel, 1896. Guide to reference books. 1951. (Card i) 0 016 Second supplement, 1953-1955. American Library Association, 1956. 134p. 28cm. 031 The New international encyclopaedia. 2d ed. New York, Dodd Mead F1922-29, 24v. illus., plates, maps. 26cm. R 031 Chicago, Supplement. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1930. 2v. illus. 26cm. 231.-Dashed on entry for spoond supplement 232. Dashed on entry for work entered under title r UNIFORM TITLES ' Uniform titles are used to bring together all editions of a compoder's or writer's works and to estiblibh'an orderly arrangement-of a composer's or writer's works. A musical composition may be=known under variant titles in differentcountries. For eXeMple,lhe,MagieFltte by Mozart id called Die ZauberflOte.in Germany. To the mUi perforMer'or record lever this M4keZ very little differendei and the-eard-catalog must make provision for bringing together all forms s-of e-gi*On work.. Th4Z-itvdone*esSigning the.-work a uniform title, usual -ly the:titletinder-Which the-Work;Wietirit,tuhliihp4ind Making references,. from other-knotif-iitlbeto=theUniferi-titie.Compositions having titles bailed on-;thenaMite-of musical forms Such-as symphonies, sonatas, string quartets, and 4tude8,may alSo be-it:fated in varying degrees of completeness and in varying instrumental arrangements. ,Music publishers frequently issue a composer's works in collected forms for study and, individually for performance. To achieve bibliographic control of-the many possible publications the principle of uniform title entry has been established. Cataloging Rules, For full treatment of uniform titles see An p. 145-172. For the application of uniform tifleTto mitirral works see 7709-314 in the same source. The uniform title, enclosed in brackets, 'Ls typed on the line below the main entry beginning at second indention. On the next line at second indention, copy the title as it appears in the work in hand. Continue the card in the usual form. 97 782:1 Straus, Oscar, 1870-1954. cDer tapfere Soldat3 The chocolate soldier, an opera bouffe in three acts; libretto by Rudolf Bernauer & Leopold Jacobson. English version by Stanislaus Stange. New York, Witmark 219093 197p. 29cm. 233. Main entry for musical work with uniform title Make cross references from all titles under which the work has been issued to the Uniform title. It then becomes unnecessary ever to trace for or make a title added entry for a musical work. Der tapfere Soldat. Straus, Oscar, 1870-1954. Der tapfere Soldat. For editions of the above work 234. Cross reference from known title to uniform, title under which all editions of this work are entered see Straus, Oscar, 1870-1954. cDer tapfere Soldat3 The chocolate soldier. Straus, Oscar, 1870-1954. The chocolate soldier. For editions of the above work see Straus, Oscar, 1870-1954. cDer tapfere Soldat) 235. Cross reference from variant title to uniform title under which all editions of this work are entered 1 98 As has been stated, musical works having titles embodying names of musical forms such as concertos, sonatas, or symphonies, may have variant forms and popular titles.. Cross references are made froth-variant titles to the uniform title as set forth in bibliographic Sources and music reference works. The uniform title seeks to identify the composition aeto form, using such additional elements as medium, key and the composer's or musicologist's numbering to assign it a unique entry. As a rule cross references need notbe made for'uniform titles of compositions 'based on the name of a musical form unless the composition has cometo be well-known also by a popular title. 4tP Moonlight sonata. Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. Moonlight sonata. 236. Cross reference from popular to uniform title Foreditions of the above work see Beethoven, Ludwig van,'1770-1827.-----Sonata, piano, no.14, op.27, no.2, C# minor) A few examples of the means used to bring together the complete or partial' collections of an author's works under uniform titles follow: For For For For For 724.3 786.4 complete works: eNorks) miscellaneous selected works: cWorks. §elections) works in one medium: eWorks, piano). complete works in one form: LSymphonies) selections of the works in one forms cSymphonies. Selections) cSongs. Selections) Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. cSongs. Selections) Songs. Prepared for schools and general use, edited and arranged by Will Earhart and Edward B. Binge. 6Pittsburgh) University of Pittsburgh Press 11938) 110p. 26cm. 237. Main entry with uniform title showing partial collection of works in one form Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. cSonatas) 32 sonatas for the pianoforte. Edited by Arthur Schnabel. Memorial ed. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1935. 2v. (862p.) 31em. 238. Main entry with uniform title showing complete collection of works in one form r 99 SERIALS A, serial is a publication which is issued at:more or less regular intervals and in the same or similar format. Single issues of serials may be monographs, or they may be such pUblications as-newspapers, magazines, yearbooks, almanacs, annual or biennial reports, and directories. In most libraries magazines and newspapers will not be cataloged, but such serials as the World Almanac and Who's Who in America Will be cataloged. A serial composed of many monographs may have each unit treated individually, but non - monographic serials must be treated together as a Set. . In handling serials the small, popular library may-dispense With much of the detail that is necessary in a scholarly collection. SUggeitions offered here will be intended to serve only-as a brief introduction to the subject. A complete treatment of serial cataloging practice may be found in Anglo-American CELalora..... Rules, p. 231 -2).6. Briefly stated, principles governing the cataloging of serials are: 1. Entry is under title unless the title includes the name of the corporate body responsible for publication. A serial requiring the name of its sponsoring body for identifiCation is entered under its corporate author. 2. The source of information for the preparation of the catalog card is the latest volume. This policy contrasts with the practice of preparing the catalog entry for a monographic set from the first volume issued. 3. Since serials frequently change subtitles, a short title is usually used in order to avoid constant revision of the catalog entry. Libraries may have many incomplete serial sets in their collections. Cards for these sets are so made that the issues in the collection are clearly indicated and that an indefinite number of issues can be recorded as they are acquired. . A set composed of every issue of a serial which has ceased publication is a closed set. One that is still being published is obviously incomplete and is called an "open" set. It is cataloged using the "open" entry form in setting down, the holdings, the imprint and the collation, thus allowing for revision as new volumes are added.. 'or The library's holdings may be indicated in the body of the card. An acceptable alternate practice is to record in-a "Library has" note the number of volumes the library owns. Leave one line between the "Library has" note and whatever precedes it on' the card. If the volumes are numbered, use the abbreviation v. for the volUMe, followed by the number inAriOic numeralsva comma and the date of the volume. If the library has more than one copy of a volume, record in pencil following the date of the volume the number of copies using Arabic numerals for numbers, followed by the abbreviation c. for copies. Editors of Aerials change frequently and are not necessarily always recorded. Consequently added. entries may not be made for them. . Such items as dates in the imprint, the number of volumes in the collation, and the unber of copies if more than one, all of which are subject to change as new acqt_sitions are made are recorded in pencil on the card. Should the library not have acquired yearbooks for successive years, space is left in the "Library has" note so that the year and volume may-be filled in as the yearbooks are acquired. After making the main entry card, added entry cards may be made for serials in the usual way, except that the library's holdings are not given. on them and the catalog user is instructed to see the main entry. This eliminates the recurring necessity of altering the holdings statement or the 'library has" note on all cards except the main entry and shelf list card. 101 Some libraries use commercially printed cards and simply Check the volume numbers or years that the library.owns. The imprint and collation may be left open on both the main entry and shelf card. The printed holdings card is filed immediately behind the shelf list card and the instruction: For volumes in library see shelf lidt card. is put on the main entry. 5 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 6 16 26 33 34 35 36 7 8 17 27 37 47 18 9 19 28 29 30 38 3 49 0 48 49 5o 1 fr- 2 e" 3,* . 20 1961.0' 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 19570/ 1962 1963--- 1958./ 1959e' 1960 Re. 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 31 32 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 41 42 43 ,41.! 14 46 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 239. Printed card showing library's holdings indicated by checking volume nuMbers 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 240. Printed holdings card ,showing volumes in library indicated by checking years received 102 317 The World almanac and book of facts. New York, New York World Telegram, 19.f.9 n 20cm. 6.v. 241. Main entry for serial. Title entry Library has: v.68, v.69, v.70; v.71, v.72, v.73, 813.08 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 Best American short stories and the yearbook of the American short story. Boston, Houghton, 19.6-/-.1/: 9v. 20cm. 242. Main entry for serial. Title entry Library has: 1951 1953 1955 1956 920 Who's who in America; a biographical dictionaryof notable men and women. Chicago, A.N. Marquis, 19-42-.,17 3v. 21cm. Library has: v.27, 1952-53 v.28, 1954-55 v.29, 1956-57 O 243. Main entry for a serial published bienially. Title entry 103 U.S. Bureau of the Census. The statistical abstract of the United States. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 19.519-.40-Z Gr.. 317;1 244. Main entry for a serial entered under author --Library has: v.74, v.75, v.76, v.77, v.78, v.79: 912.73 . 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 Hammond Incorporated. Hammond American history atlas. Maplewood, N.J. /v. 1948- 44,3 245. Main entry for serial entered under corporate author, holdings indicated 1920 U.S. - BIOGRAPHY Who's who in America; a biographical dictionary of notable men and women. Chicago, A.N. Marquis, 19 v. 21cm. For volumes in library, see main entry. 246. Subject added entry for serial without holdings statement 1014 IMP AGRICULTURAL CREDIT - U.S. HG 2051 U.S. Farm Credit Administration. Annual report. U5 A57 Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1934- 217. Subject added entry for serial entered under author For vo3gmes in library, see main entry. CUPCRATIONS, AMERICAN - DIRECTCRIES HG 14538 Directory of American firms operating in foreign countries. D5 New York, World Trade Ac.adersy Press, 1966- For volumes in library, see main entry. 2148. Subject added entry for serial entered under title 105 ANALYZED SERIALS Occasionally the individual volumes of a serial would be more useful to the library if they were represented by subject and title cards as well as being represented as volumes in a serial. Ekamples are the individual volumes of the Reference shelf and the various volumes of the Yearbook of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. A serial card is made for the whole set following the pattern already set forth. A notation Analyzed is put on the back of the main ',Ientry and 'the shelf card. 30.61 U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. The yearbook of agriculture: Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1.3.1v-.1V Or. 26m. 249. Main entry for serial having each volume devoted to a single topic Library has: 1954 1955 1956 1957 250. Tracing for a Analyzed. serial set with each volume having also. its own set of cards A main entry and set of cards is made for each volume in an-analyzed aerial set, just as if it were being cataloged as a separate item. The call number of the volume will be determined by the classification of the whole set instead of the subject matter of the individual volume. The card for the volume being analyzed will carry as it:: series note the name and volume number of the set to which it belongs. The tracing will be made just as for any separate work, except that a series-added entry will never be made. The shelf card for the various volumes of an analyzed serial set will be filed in volume number order immediately following the shelf card for the complei... set. 106 630.61 U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Unit 1954 Marketing; the yearbook of agriculture. jiashington, D.0.3 U.S. Govt. Print. Off. 119542 (Its Yearbook, 506p. illus., maps. 24cm. 1954) 251. Main entry for an individual volume of an analyzed aerial 0 7ARM PRODUCE - MARKETDIG 252. Tracing for above volume of an analyzed serial FARM PRODUCE - MARKETING M0.61 U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Unit 1954 Marketing; the yearbook of agriculture. Orashington, D.0.3 U.S. Govt. Print. Off. t19543 506p. illus., maps. acm. (Its Yearbook, 1954) 253. Subject card for individual volume of a serial ......1,001.00%. 107 808.5 The Reference shelf. New York, H.W. Wilson, 19,4'7-.6'0 3v. 20cm. Library has: 254. Main entry for serial having volumes dealing with specific subjects v.29, no.5 v.29, no.6 v.30, no.1 808.5 Refev.29 no.5 McClellan, Grant S U.S. foreign aid, edited by Grant S. ..cuiellan. New York, H.W. Wilson, 1957. 216p.' 20cm. (Reference shelf, v.29, no.5) Includes bibliography. ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE, AMERICAN TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE, AMERICAN MILITARY ASSISTANCE, AMERICAN Title. 255. Main entry for an individual volume of analyzed serial entered under its editor 256. Tracing for individual volume of analyzed serial oe SETS,OF BOOKS A set of books is composed of two or more volumes which have a title in common and'are bound in uniform or similar binding. The volumes of a set may be published at the same time or at different times; they may be unified by sharing the same authorship or they may be written by different authors. They are usually issued by the same publisher. If a set has a distinctive title likely to be well known,, and a general index, the cataloger will catalog the set as a whole to keep. all of the voltmestogether on. he shelf. If each ,volume has-also a distinctive title, in addition to the common title, title analytics- may be made for each. Itprint,diteS, and=the,nuMber of volumes in the collation of a.set in the process -of publiostion:areltTeh in Penal so that it may be easily changed. When the set is Completed these items may be typed on the card. 808.8 Eberhart, Wilfred,,ed. Reading-literature, by Wilfred Eberhart, Irma Dick Swearingen cand3 Bernice E. Leary. Rev. Evanston, 111., Row, Peterson c19553 3v. illus. 26cm. 257. Main card for -a completed set of books Contents.- v.1. Your world.- v.2. Your country.- v.3. Your life. 800.8 Your world. Eberhart, Wilfred, ed. Reading-literature, by Wilfred Eberhart, lrma Dick Swearingen cand3 Bernice E. Leary. Rev. Evanston, 111., Row, Peterson c19553 3v. illus. 26cm. Contents.- v.l. Your world.- v.2. Your country.- v.3. Your life. 258. Title analytic for the title of single volume of a set of books 109 428.6 ed. Johnson, Eleanor Murdoch, 1892Treasury of literature: read-text Aeries; selected and ed. by Eleanor M. Johnson and Leland B. Jacobs. Columbus, Ohio, C.E. Merrill c1954+'v. illus. 24cm. 259. Main card for set of books not yet complete Contents.- cgrade 33 Treat shop.- grade 43 Magic carpet.- (grade 53 Enchanted isles.(grade 63 Adventure lands. (Continued on next card) 0 428.6 428.6 Johnson, Eleanor Murdoch, 1892 Treasury of literature. 0954- Teacher's manual. Trerifff ei994- yv. Cover title. Includes bibliographies. ed. 3 (Card 2) Columbus, Ohio, C.E. 260. Extension card. Dashed on entry for supplementary title 110 PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTIONS With increasing frequency works are being produced by photographic means, both in microform and microform. This is significant for the book cataloger when the chief purpose of the reproduction is to make the work available in its original appearance. Instructions for cataloging microforngrwill be offered in a Section dealing with non-book materials. Simple. reprints, with or without identical title pages, do not require special handling. However, .works issued by a new publisher for the purpose of producing a duplicate of an earlier edition are cataloged in such a way as to make thivrelationehip clear. If there is a new title page, it is used-to supply material for the body of the card; otherwise the reproduction of the original title page is used. In this case the original imprint id followed by the new imprint, inclosed in brackets, if it does not appear on the title page. No special_treatment is required in construction the collation. Information concerning the reproduction is given in a note. 92 _Cibb 398.8 Cibber, Colley, 1671-1757. An apology for the life of Mr. Colley Gibber, written by himself. A new ed., by Robert W. Lowe. London, J.C. Nimmo, 1889. New York, AMS Press, 1966. 2v. illus., ports. 22cm. 261. Main entry for photographic reprint having new imprint on title page Lovechild, Nurse. Tommy Thumb's song book, for all little masters and misses, to be sung to-them until they can sing themselves. 1st Worcester ed. Worcester, Mass. I. Thomas, 1788. cNew York, F.G. Melchor, 19463 59p. illus. 10cm. 262. Main entry for facsimile reproduction. New imprint not on title page 113 Macroform photographic reproductions not ptimarily_intended as facsimile editions are treated as if the cataloger were Working with the original. Since the size of the reproduction may vary significantly from the original, it is usually not included in the imprint. A note is added stating the form of reproduction, imprint of the reproduction, and its physical description. 828 Taylor, John, 100-1653. The great eater of Kent; or, Part of the admirable teeth and stomacks'exploits of Nicholas Wood. London, Printed Exy E. Aide for H. Gasion, 1630. c25zp. Reproduced by microfilm-xerography. Mich. , University' Microfilms t196-? 3 Ann Arbor, 19011. 263. Main entry for print-out _from microfilm of the original 112 PHOTOGRAPHIC tR.1PRODUCT IONS MICROFORM, - MICROFILMS, MICROCARDS, MICROFICHE Since microfilms, microcards, and microfiche are photoreproductions of previously issued printed material, they are entered and described in terms of the original appearance of the material. This means the entry is determined, the body of the card is compleded, and the collation is set down as if one were handling a book form publication. The type of reproduction is set for?) in a note giving also any relevant data concerning circumstances of reproduction, such as the lucatiOn of the copy from which the film was made and the imprint of the reproduction. A physical description of the reproduction follows. For microfilm this will be the number of reels and a size indication will be given in millimeters. For microcards the physical description consists of the number of cards followed their.dimensions in centimeters. For microfiche the form used indicates the number of sheet and their dimensions in centimeters. TIvt completion of the set or cards by making the shelf card and any nac.1s$17 added entries proceeds in accordance to the general principles for cataloging. A !-elillot deziignation should be used above the call number of each item. Classiricslion numbers can be assigned from Dewey. artnngir6 41 e materials in accession order. Some libraries prefer III cr ofilm 372.h25 Whites Alvin Merritt, 1923Vocational education needs of the people of Dent County, Missouri. 1958. 1121. illus. Thesis - University of Missouri. Microfilm copy of ivvescript. Ann Arbor, 7.4-,h., University MA,Ircrilms, 3958. ) reel. 35,,rn 264 Main entry for microfilm copy of previously unpublished material 113 Microfilm Lino Lincoln, Abraham, Pres. 'U.S., 1809-1865. Abraham Lincoln papers cseries 1-3. n.d.3 194v. Ilicrofilm copies of originals in the Library of Congress. Washington, D.C., Library of Congress, 1959. 97 reels. 35mm. (Presidential papers ricrofilm) 265. Main entry for microfilm showing location of original work, number of reels end series note Microcard 808.1 Beattie, James, 2735-1803. Essays: on poetry and music, ss they effect ttte l^ind; on laughter, and ludicrous composition; cn the usefulness of elaesca] learning. 3d ed., corr. London, 13. ant; C. 7779. rus 266. Main entry ;Or microcerd rerroduction of single Jultalt; Eicroopaque. Rochester, N.Y., University of Rochester Press, 1957. 30 cards. 7.5x12.5cm. :!icrof:ard 97( nYennly, Thorn:: IcTaine, 1785-1e59. Hisinr,y of the Indian tribes of North America wi4h biographical sketches end anecdotes of the chief:), by Thomas I. Maenney and James Hall. Philadelphia, D. Rice, 1842-44. 3v. ;11; ::3 1A1.8 . :!icro-o; q,e. Louisville, ';cause3 Pcress, 3956, 17 cards. Icost3 7.5x12.5cm. Nineteenth century American llte7sture on microcard?) 267. Main entry for microcard reproduction of severs) volume:: having partiAry supplied impr4.W. and serf es nc'.e 114 I Microfiche 373.1 3hling, William Philip, 1920 Development of a computer model of the factors which influence high school students to continue or discontinue their education. New Dok, 1966. iii, 102/. illus. 268. Main entry, , microfiche of typed material, having personal author "Research ... supported by the Cooperative Research Program of the U.S. Office of Education." "CRP4-242." Microfilm (negative) of typescript. c-Bethesda? Md., ERIC cDoeument Reproduction (Continued on next card) Microfiche 373.1 Ehling, William Philip, 1920, DeveloPment of a. computer model of the factors which influence high school students. 1966. (Card 2) Service, 19267. 2 shots. 269. Extension card of above example 10x5x150a. Microfiche 025.3 Genesee Valley School Development AssOciation. Design for cataloging non-book materials adaptable to computer use. Rochester, 114., 196. 28p. Microfilm (negative) gistbeeda, Md., ERIC Document Reproduction Service, 1971. 1 sheet. 10.5x15cm. (ED 045 153) 270. Main entry for microfiche having corporate author 115 NON-PRINT MATERIALS Since the present day library has developed from a book center to a media center, it is inevitable that the librarian will be responsible for organizing many forms of materials. The filmed materials may include motion pictures, filmstrips, microfilm, microfiche, transparencies, and slides. There may be recorded materials such as disc recordings, taps recordings, and cassettes. Printed materials, in addition to books, may include music, maps, charts, pictures, and microcarde. In addition to these, there may be globes, games, roans, and kits calbining so many items t407 sometime defy description. No one can predict with certainty and limits to thitinde or types of materials to be found in the libraries of the future. The principles gemming the organization of all materials remain the sae; the challenge is to make a satisfactory adaptation of conventional cataloging practices to satisfy the organization demands of the librarian while meeting the expanding and unforeseen needs of the library's clientele. Rules for cataloging non-print materials have.not kept WO' with the rapid growth in the variety of the materials themselves. Although the AngloAmerican Catalo.* .. Rules offer clear policies for the older forms of nii;book materials, no . CO is available for some types of media that are commonly found in today's media centers. For this reason some of the suggestions offered in this work have been drawn from other sources in the belief that they answer felt needs. The chief reference used has been Riddle's Non-Book Materials. 1 In addition to describing non-print materials on catalog cards, the librarian must decide on a plan for organizing and housing the collection. The method may be by order of aoquisition for each category of material, but increasingly for media centers, the trend is to classify the material following the same scheme as that chosen for the book collection. This organization facilitates the integration of the collection and allows library users to choose the most appropriate material for their purposes. If it is decided to classify materials using the Dewey Decimal Classification, a symbol representing the type of material should be placed above the call number such as the following: D Recording of an English drama 822 Fs Filmstrip about trees 582 An alternative procedure wild be to place the name of the type of material above the Dewey number on all cute in a set ass Filmstrip ; Disc recording 822 582 n6 DISC RECORDINGS The material presented here is, except for a minor variation in punctuation, a summary of the instructions for cataloging recordings as given in AshAmerican Catalot Rules, p. 321-328. Main entries for recorded materials are established in the same way as for printed materials. In other words, the recorded words of an author are entered under the author; recorded music of a composer, under the name of the composer; recorded works of two individuals without a collective title, under the name of the person responsible for the first work; recorded works from many sources and having a collective title, under the title. For disc recordings the source of information used on the catalog card is the disc label, although it is frequently necessary to take information from the album cover. The labels on both sides of a record are considered in the same way as the double spread of a title page. The card form is the same for recordings as for a book, except that following the complete title, the word Phonodisc is inserted, enclosed in parentheses. Recordings may also be in the "ir-"Tar-Fornsapes, cylinders or rolls. In these instances the terms Phonotam, Phonocylinder, and Ph_ onoroll are used in thersame way as the term PEonolisc. People having an author relationship with a recording are usually mentioned in the body of the card, while performers are cited in a note. The imprint for a record consists of the trade name of the record or the producer followed by the album number. If the records have also disc numbers, these are recorded in parentheses after the album number. The collation of a phonodisc consists of the number of aides, the size (diameter in inches) and the playing speed, represented by the number of revolutions per minute. Two typewriter spaces are left after the first and second components. If there is more than one album, this is indicated in addition to the number of sides in the following form: 3 albums (12s.). Stereophonic recordings may be so designated by adding stereo. after the playing speed if it appears on record label or album cover. As for books, the complete set of cards will consist of the main entry, shelf card and any added entry cards. Added entry cards are traced and made in the same way as for books:- - Records may be either classified by Dewey or arranged by order of accession depending on the kind of use to be made of them. Some collections have used broad categories by type of content, as dramas, symphonies, vocal music, children's stories, dance music, etc. -.--,....-- 117 Disc recording r Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Troilui and Cressida (Phonodiac) (X5440-5443) 2 albums (8s.) 12in. 33 1/3rpm. 822 London A4413 271. Recording of a play entered under author so rec 500 Teller, Edward, 190P. The size and nature of the universe. The theory of relativity (Phonodisc) Directed by Arthur Luce Klein. Spoken Arts 735 (10-01)78240- 272. Main entry. Title taken from both sides. HS-W-8241) 21. 12in. 33 1/3rpm "Presented in collaboration with General Dynamics Corporation." Disc recording 831 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. Jugendlyrik and Balladen (Phonodiso) Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft ISMS43008. 2s. 12in. 33 1/3rpm. (Literarisches Archly) 273. Main entry for recording in German Disc recording 371.33 Dale, Edgar, 1900 The improvement of teaching through audiovisual materials (Phonodisc) 3y Edgar Dale and James D. Educational Record ing Services. Finn. (Educational growth 2s. i2in. 33 1/3rpi. series) 274. Main entry for recording with joint authorship Disc recording 784.4 Anglo-American folk songs (Phonodisc) Records FP37. 2s. 10in. 33 1/3rpm. Folkways 275. Main entry under title Cover title: Anglo-American ballads. Hermes Nye, with guitar. Disc recording 283.3 Dukas, Paul Abraham, 1865-1935. iLlapp'renti sorcieri (Phonodisc) The sorcerer's apprentice, L'apprenti Bonier. Scherzo d'apres une ballade de Goethe. Victor LM1118. is. 12in. 33 1/3rpt. 276. Math entry for musical recording showing uniform title devisod from distinctive title 119 Disc recording 785.1 Sibelius, Jean, 1865-1957. LSymphony, no.2, op.43, D major3 (Phonodisc) Symphony no.2 in D major, op.43. Columbia ML5207. 2s. 12in. 33 1/3rpm. (Columbia masterworks) 277. Main entry for a musical recording, using uniform title devised from title based on a musical form Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Disc recording 782.6 278. Main entry for Loewe, Frederick, 1904EMY fair lady. Selections3 (Phonodisc) recording involving Hy fair lady. Book and lyrics; Alan Jay Lerner. words and music. Columbia OL5090. Entry under composer 2s. 12in. -33 1/3rpm. (Columbia masterworks) of music. Uniform title indicates Starring Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews. selections from "Adapted from Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion." complete work Disc recording Fiction Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900. The happy prince (Phonodisc) Adapted and directed by Orson Welles; musical score camposed by Bernard Hermann and directed by Victor Young. Decca DA-420 (DA40007-DA40008) (Specialty series) 4s. 10in. 78rpm. Sing Crosby and Orson Welles, narrators, with supporting cast. 279. Main entry showing authors in body of card; performers in a note 120 Disc recording Fiction Andersen, Hans Christian, 1805-1875. Stories (Phonodisc) Tr. and told by Paul Bluebird BC10 Leysaac with sound effects. (B515-B517) 6s. 10in. 78rpin. 280. Main entry showing translator in body of card Contents.- The emperor's new clothes.- The steadfast tin soldier. Disc recording 220 Bible stories for children (Phonodisc) Capitol DB-94 (25019-25020) (Children's series) 4s. 10in. 78rpm. Claude Rains, narrator. Contents.- Noah and the ark.- Moses in the bulrushes. 281. Title main entry for recording. Performer mentioned in note Disc recording 782.1 Webber, Andrew Lloyd. cJesus Christ superstars (Phonodisc) Jesus Christ superstar, a rock opera. Tim Rice. Decca DXA7206. 4s. 12in. 33 1/3rpm. stereo. Music by 282. Main entry, musical recording, stereophonic sound 121 Disc recording 785.3 Kodalx, Zoltan, 1882airy Suit") (Phonodisc) Suite from Hary Janos (and) Variations on a Hungarian folk song, The peacock. RCA Victor LSC2859. c1966) 2s. 12in. 33 1/3rpm. stereo. 283. Main entry, stereophonic musical recording, title from both sides Boston Symphony Orchestra; Erich Leinsdorfs conductor. Disc recording 811 Frost, Robert, 1874-1963. The runaway tend other poems) (Phonodisc) Library of Congress Recording Laboratory P29. gs. 12in. 33 1/3rpm. (Twentieth century poetry in English) 284. Series note on recording card Disc recording 973 Sing-a-song of presidents (Phonodisc) Written by Bob Well and Dick Morros; arrangements by Arnold Holop. Records of Knowledge 2001-2C04. 2 albums (89.) 10in. 78rpm. Contents.- v.l. George Washington. John Adams. Thomas Jefferson. James Madison.- James Monroe. John Quincy Adams.- Andrew Jackson. Martin Van Buren.- v.2. William H. Harrison. John Tyler. (Continued on next card) 285. Phonodisc card with contents note 122 Disc recording 973 Sing-a-song of presidents (Phonodisc) (Card 2) James Polk, Zachary Taylor.- Millard Fillmore. Franklin Pierce.- James Buchanan. Abe Lincoln. 286. Extension card for phonodisc card with contents note Disc recording 813 Welty, Eudora, 1909 - Eudora Welty reading from her works (Phonodisc) Caedmon TC1010. 2s. 12in. 33 1/3rpm. 287. Phonodisc contents note Contents.- Why I live at the P.O.- A worn path. A memory. Disc recording jt. author. Finn, James D 372.33 Dale, Edgar, 1900 The improvement of teaching through audiovisual materials (Phonodisc) By Edgar Dale and Educational Recording Services. James D. Finn. (Educational growth 2s. 12in. 33 1/3rpm. series) 288. Joint author added entry 123 Disc recording 822 The importance of being Earnest. Wilde, Oscar, 18511-1900. The importance of being Earnest (Phonodiso) Theatre Masterworks GRC-2566. he. 12in. 33 1/3rpm. .11 Disc recording 891.73 Doctor Zhivago. Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich, 3890-1960. Poems from Doctor Zhivago (Phonodisc) Arts 756. 2n. 289. Title added entry 12in. 'Spoken 33 V3rpm. 290. Title added entry for title different from label title Read in Russian by Tatiana Probers. C.) Title: Doctor Zhivago. 291. Tracing for title heading differing from title on record label Disc recording Leyssac, Paul. Fiction Andersen, Hens Christian, 1805-1875. Stories (Phonodisc) Tr. and told by Paul Leyssac. Bluebird BC10 (B515 -B517) Gs. 30in. 78rpm. 292. Added entry for translator and narrator 1214 Disc recording 220 BIBLE - STORIES Capitol Bible stories for children (Phonodiac) DB-94 (25019-25020) (Children's series) 10. 10in. 78rpm. 293. Subject added entry Claude Rains, narrator with orchestra. Disc recording 973 PRESIDENTS - U.S. Sing-a-song of presidents (Phonodisc) Written by Bob Well and Dick Morros; arrangeRecords of Knowledge ments by Arnold Holop. 2001-2004. 2 albums (8s.) ]Ain. 78rpm. 294. Subject added entry using short form of unit card For contents, see main entry. Disc recording 782.8 Lerner, Alan Jay, 1918 Loewe, Frederick, 1904cltr fair lady. Selections3 (Phonodisc) My fair lady. Book and lyrics: Alan Jay Columbia OL5090. Lerner. (Columbia masterworks 2s. 12in. 33 1/3rpm. Starring Rex Harrison and Julie Andr' I. "Adapted from Bernard Shaw's Pygmal ion." 295. Librettist added entry for recording of a musical comedy 125 TAPE RECORDINGS Tape recordings are handled in the same way as disc recordings with respect to entry. Since. there is no label, and frequently no permanent container; from which to transcribe the title, it is usually taken from the introduction heard on the tape. In some cases the cataloger must supply a title, which is then enclosed in brackets. The term Phonotlee in parentheses is added after the title. The imprint consists of the name of the producer, and serial number of the tape if the producer is known primarily as a producer of recordings. Otherwise the imprint includes the place of publication, publisher, date of issue, and the serial number or numbers of the recordings. Since tapes 'are often records of addresses, public occasions, and actual happenings, the.date may be specific as to month and day, in addition to the year. The collation is made up of the number of reels, followed by the size (diameter in inches) in parentheses and the playing speed, represented by the number of inches of tape played per second. A typical collation reads: 1 reel (5in.) 3 3 /gips. The collation for cassette tape recordings consists of the number of units and the designation stereo. if applicable. For example: 1 cassette. stereo. It is not necessary tringrcate speed since all cassettes are the same, but if the playing time is available it is given in a note having the following form: Duration: 18 min. Notes may be used following the pattern for disc recordings. Sets of cards will consist of the main entry, shelf card and the necessary entry cards. Call numbers for tape recordings may be assigned in the same way as for disc recordings. 126 Tape recording 80? Jacobs, Leland Blair, .1907- Expanding horizons through literature (PhonoMuncie, Ind., Bail State Teachers College, tape) Apr. 17, 1953. 1 reel (5in.) 3 3/hips. 296. Main entry for tape recording. Note indicates occasion Single track. Recorded at the-spring conference of the Indiana School Librarians.Aesociation. Tape recording 100 Frankel, Charles, 191?New York, What ic philosophy? (Phonotape) Academic Recording Institute, 01959 1 reel (5in.) 3 3/hips Dual track. Interview of Charles Frankel by John Fischer. 297 Main entry for tape recording. Notes indicate number of tracks and type of content Tape recording 371.623 What about planning new industrial arts facilities Washington, Panel presentation (Phonotapo) D.C., American Industrial Arts Association, Aug., 1968. 1 reel (7in.) 71stps. Single track. Recorded at the Washington Symposium, Aug. 17 -18, 1968. 298. Tape recording entered under title. Note indicates occasion 127 Cassette Cunningham, Luvern L The administrator and change (Phonotape) 212. Chicago, Instructional Dynamics 19707 1 cassette. (Educational research and policy 371.2 299. Main entry for cassette entered under author Dual track. Duration: 26 min. Cassette The Civil War as it happened (Phonotape) Holyoke, Mass., Tecnifax Education Division, c1970. 70019-219, 70019-229, 70019-239, 70019-249, 70019-259, 70019 -269. 6 cassettes. 973.7 300. Main'entry under title. Nonconsecutive serial numbers separated by commas Dual track. Duration: 10 to 20 min. each. Cassette 613.8 The Drug threat; your community's response (Phonotape) Pleasantville, N.Y., Guidance Associates, c1970. 100-915. 2 cassettes. Double track. Side 1, manual projector; -ide 2, automatic projector. Duration: 15 min. each. 301. Entry under title. Note indicates accompanying visual material 128 FILMSTRIPS Anglo-American CataloginK Rules call for both filmstrips and motion picturesto be entered under title since both are ordinarily made by production organizations and represent the work of many individuals working together. Cards are always in hanging indention form, with the title beginning at first indention and the second line and successive lines of the body of the card beginning at second indention. The term FiImstri in parentheses follows the title. Thg imprint of both films and filmstr ps usually consists of the producer and the date. Occasionally different firms may be responsible for editorial supervision, for production, or for distribution. In such a case both may appear on the catalog card. No information in the body of the card will be bracketed if it is secured from the container, or the accompanying text or user's manual. The collation of a single filmstrip will show the number of frames, followed by the abbreviation fr. The collation will also indicate the presence of color by the appropriate term, the abbrbviatnn b&w or color. For a set of filmstrips the collation will show the number of the set. The nuMber of frames in each strip of a set may be shown in the contents note Immediately following each title in the set. Filmstrips may be classified by Dewey or assigned accession numbers. A designation above the classification number on all cards is used to show the form of material as Filmstrip for a filmstrip about animals. An alternative is 591 FIlmstrip, Filmstrip, Filmstrip, etc. for accession Trubered filmstrips. 1 2 3 Guides and other material accompanying filmstrips may be assigned the call number of.the strip and, if it is not possible to package all related items together, stored by classification =fiber in a standard legal size filing cabinet.. Added entries are made as necessary in the usual pattern. 129 ilmstrip X21.11. Eye The Wonder of the steam engine (Filmstrip) Gate House, 1952. (The wonderland of science, 1) 25fr. color. 302. Color filmstrip main entry Filmstrip 425 Young America Nouns and their uses (Filmstrip) Films, 1952. (Fundamentals of English 58fr. color. series, no. 1) 303. Color filMstrip main entry with series note ;13nstr it 738 Encyclov!edia We wvrk with clay (Filmstrip) Sritannica Films, c1953. Made by W.F. Oottlieb Cc. h7fr. 796 color. (Art in our classroom) Yale The story of American sport (Filmstrip) University Press Film Service, 1956. (Pageant of America filmitrips 40fr. b&w. (11.22) dtth :chers guide. Correlated with the Pageant of America. 304. Filmstrip produced and distributed by different firms 305. Main entry black and white filmstrip showing notes indicating accompanying guide and related publication 130 Filmstrip 724.9 The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright (Filmstrip) Museum of MOdernArt. Released by H.E. Dudek Co., 1954. 5 filmstrips. blow. 306. Main entry for filmstrip Showing both producer and distributor in body of the card Filmstrip 551.5 Earth science series; weather and climate (Filmstrip) Ward's Natural Science Establishment, 1964. 6 filmstrips. 307. Main entry for set of filmstrips color. Contents.- 1. Atmosphere and its interpretation. 64fr.- 2. Our air conditioned earth. 60rr.- 3. our changing weather. 66fr.- 4. Our stormy planet. 62fr.- 5. Castles in the air. 61fr.- 6. Climates of the world, 58fr. (Continued on next card) Filmstrip 553.5 Earth science series; weather and climate (Filmstrip) 1964. (Card 2) Container title for pt.5: Ath teaching guide. Castles in the sky. 308. Extension card for main entry showing note indicating variant title 131 SOUND FILIISTRIPS Sound filmstrips are cataloged from the standpoint of the filmstrip, with the disc appearing as part of the.collation, for example: 60fr. blew. and phonodisc: ls. 12in. 33 1/3rpm. For a color filmstrip use the following forma 52fr. color and phonodisc: ls. 12in. 33 1/3rpm. The location of the recording is indicated in a note, if it is not possible to store the strip and recording together. In this case, a complete set of cards is made for the filmstrip. A shelf card only is made for the disc or tape supplying the sound. The preferable practice in media centers is to catalog and store interdependent media together. Sound Filmstrip 595.7 Introduction to the insects (Filmstrip) U.S. Public Health Saryice c19533 67fr. color and phonodisc: ls. 16in. 33 1/3rpm. 309. Main entry of sound filmstrip showing collation of strip and diet Accompanying disc. Disc recording 595.7 Introduction to the insects (Phonodisc) Allied Record Manufacturing Co. Lfor U.S. Public Health Service P17348. (Public health records) is. 16in. 33 1/3rpm. Call number of accompanying filmstrip: 595.7 310. Shelf card for'disc accompanying filmstrip if strip and disc are not stored together 332 3°1130 Mlstrip 949.61 Exploring Turkey (Filmstrip) International Communications Foundation 019593 7 filmstrips. color and 4 phonodiscs: 7s. 32in. 33 1/3rpm. Contents.- pt.1-2. History of Asia Mawr. 72, (Arr.- 0..3-4. City life. 56,51fr.- pt.5-6. Village life. 53,58fr.- pt.?. Art of Asia Manor. 85fr. 311. Main entry for sound filmstrip with more than one disc. All are stored together 1 -gma Filmstrip 371.2 A New look at the superintendency of education (Filmstrip) Made by Center cfor3 Improving Group Procedures, Teachers College, Columbia University. Released by Council for Administration Leadership, 01955. color and phonotape: I reel (5in.) 53fr. 312. Main entry for sound filmstrip with tape Tape recoraing 37-,.2 An Analysis of the role of the (tie school administrator (Phonotape) Council for Administrative Leadership j9617, I me) (51n.) 7?ps. Call number of accompanying filmstrip: 37) .2 313. Shelf card for tape accompanyidt above filmstrip. To be used If they cannot be stored together 133 ADDED ENTRIES FOR FILMSTRIPS Filmstrip .83 ODYSSEUS Ulysses and Circe (Filmstrip) Society for Visual Education C19563 44fr. color. (Hero legends of many lands) 314. Subject added entry for filmstrip zfilmstrip Bradfield, Margaret, illus. Fiction Cinderella (Filmstrip) Story adapted and illustrated by Margaret Bradfield. Young America Films, cl947. Ofr. color. 315. Illustrator added entry for filmstrip Filmstrip Cooper, Robert Holiday, 1901- M.72 Bringing Indiana lac the classroaa (Filmstrip) Produced by Robert H. Cooper and Earl A. Johnson. Released by Science Education Film Service 09563 6 filmstrips. color. 316. Added entry for person as producer _of filmstrip 134 Filmstrip Atkinson, Eleanor Stackhouse, 1863-1942. Greyfriar's Bobby. Fiction Greyfriar's Bobby finds a home (Filmstrip) Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, c1961. 55fr. color. (Walt Disney dog stories) Based on E.S. Atkinson's Greyfriar's Bobby. DOGS - STORIES Atkinson, Eleanor Stackhouse, 1863-1942. Greyfriar's Bobby. 317. Author-title added entry for literary work on which filmstrip is based 318. Tracing on back of main entry for above filmstrip Filmstrip Bible. 221 Bible. Noah and the ark (Filmstrip) Story adapted by Edith Thacher Hurd; illus. by Clement Hurd. Young America Films, c1947. 45fr. color.' 319. Anonymous classic added entry,for work on which a filmstrip is based 320. Tracing on back of main entry for above filmstrip 135 Filmstrip Filmstrip on current affairs, Jan., 1961. New York China: communism in Asia (Filmstrip) Times, Office of Educational Activities, c1961. (Filmstrip on current affairs, January, 59fr. 1961) 951 321. Series added entry for filmstrip If the word Filmstrip is not a part of the name of a filmstrip series, it is added in parentheses after the name of the series. It is followed by the number of the filmstrip in the series. Filmstrip Fundamentals of English series (Filmstrip) no.1. Young America Nouns and their uses (Filmstrip) Films, c1952 (Fundamentals of English series, 58fr. color no.1) 425 . 322. Series added entry for series not having the word filmstrip in its title Analytic subject and title entries may be made for individual strips within a set. Filmstrip 425 Using good English (Filmstrip) Visual Education, 1956. 4 filmstrips. color. Society for 323. Main entry for set of filmstrips Contents.- pt.l. Building good sentences. 40fr.pt.2. Using plurals correctly. 39fr.- pt.3. Possessives, contractions and abbreviations. 40fr.- pt.4. Using capital letters and abbreviations. h3fr. 0 ENGLISH LANGUAGE - GRAMMAR Title analytics for contents. 324. Tracing for set of filmstrips needing title analytics 136 Filmstrip 425 pt.1 Building good sentences. Using good English (Filmstrip) Visual Education, 1956. 4 filmstrips. color. 325. Title analytic for single part of set showing partial contents note Society for Partial contents.- pt.l. Building good sentences. 40fr. Filmstrip 523 The Story of the universe, unit 2: The solar system (Filmstrip) Films for Education, c1959 6 filmstrips. color. 326. Main entry for set of filmstrips Contents.- 1. Introduction to the solar system. 6lfr.- 2. Mercury and Venus. 44fr.- 3. Mars. 49fr.4. The giant planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. 80fr.- 5. Between the planets. 63fr.- 6. Our sun. 48fr. Filmstrip '523 pt.6 SUN The story of the universe, unit 2: The solar system (Filmstrip) Films for Education, c1959. 6 filmstrips. color. Partial contents.- 6. Our sun. 48fr. 327. Subject analytic for single strip in set using partial contents note Filmstrip 523 pt.4 The giant planets. The story of the universe, unit 2: The solar system (Filmstrip) Films for Education, °1959. 6 filmstrips. color. Partial contents.- 4. The giant planets: ter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. 80fr. Jupi- 328. Title analytic for single strip in set using partial contents note 137 Fnms The cataloging of films and filmstrips is similar with respect to determination of entry and the content of the body of the card. The term Motion picture in parentheses follows the title. The imprint consists of the producer and the date. The collation consists of the running time in minutes, followed by the sound indication, the color indication, and the width of the film in millimeters. Black and white films are indicated by using the abbreviation b&w; others are designated as color. Sample collations follow: 14min. 13min. sd. sd. color. 16mm. b&w. 16mm. Films may be organized by Dewey classification or in accession order: The same principles and possibilities hold for films as for filmstrips as far as making sets of cards, tracings and added entries. ilm 7142 Discovering perspective (Motion picture) Associates of California, e1962. 16mm. sd. color. 14min. Film 329. Main entry for a sound color motion picture Film 655.7, BritPrinting through the ages (Motion picture) ish Ministry of Education. Released in U.S. by Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, c1950. sd. b&w. 16mm. 13min. 330. Main entry for black and white sound film Film 808.3 FICTION - HISTORY AND CRITICISM The Novel: What it is, what it's about, what it Encyclopaedia &'itandoes (Motion picture) nica Films, °1962. (The humanities, 35min. sd. color. 16mm. series 2) 331. Subject added entry for film 138 Film 822 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM, 1564-1616 HAMLET EncycloWhat happens in Hamlet (Motion picture) paedia Britannic* Films, °1559. (The humanities: 29min. color. 16mm. Hamlet) 332. Subject added entry for literary work Film 420.9 New York. State University, Buffalo. History of the English language (Motion picture) University of Buffalo 0_9573 (Language and 30min. sd. bdcw. 16mm. linguistics, no.10) 333. Added entry for institution responsible for the film In making a series added entry the term (Motion picture) follows the name of the series in the heading. The number of the individual film within the series follows the media designation. oop 3 The humanities, series 2 (Motion picture) The novel: Early Victorian England and Charles Dickens (Motion picture) Encyclopaedia Britanniea Films, c1962. (The humanities, 34min. sd. color. 16mm. series 2) 334. Series added entry for film File 1120.9 language and linguistics (Motion picture) no.10 4Istory of the English language (Motion picture) Thiversity of Buffalo c19573 30min. sd. lAw. 16mm. (Language and Unguistics, no.10) 335. Series added entry 139 CARTRIDGE FILMS As cartridge loop films are increasingly used in independent study, the rules for cataloging given in the Anglo-American Cataloging Rulesdo not seem adequate for their organization iniidia centers. Riddle's suggestion of a special medium category (Motion icturelom) and the use of the term cartridge ihti manual, however, the AACR directives in the corlation have their merits. are followed except for the width designation of the film. In this case the description, super 8mm. is used if it is appropriate. Entry is made and cataloging done in the same way as other items with the medium designation (Motion picture) following the title. The collation consists of the running time, designation indicating silent, si., Bound, sd., b&w. or color, and the width in millimeters. A super 8 film is so indicated:17r examples SW. si. color. super 8mm. J For a set of caAridge films use the number of cartridges before completing the collation in the standard form. For example; 3 cartridges (4min. each) si. color. super 8mm. Fill loops may be classified by Dewey or arranged in accession order but it is suggested they hsve their own storage category separate from longer films. Added entries may be male in the same way as for films and filmstrips. 140 Film cartridge 746.1 Weaving: box loan (Motion picture) Hester and Associates c1966?3 4min. si. color. super 8mni. (Arts concepts series) 336. Main entry, cartridge film With film guide. Film cartridge 7p6.32 Power volleyball (Motion picture) Athletic Institute, cl968. 5 cartridges (3-4min. each) si. color. super 8mm. (Educational sports techniques) Contents.- 2. The serve.- 2. The underhand pass.- 3. The set.- h. The spike.- 5. The Japanese roll. The 1,--)ck. 1 337. Main entry, set of loop films in cartridges SLIDES Slides may be cataloged by applying the principles for organizing other filmed materials. As a rule, slides are produced in sets and will serve the purposes of the user if they are cataloged as sets unless the set is so large and diverse that breaking it into subsets covering detailed topics would be more advisable. In a few cases it might even be useful to catalog slides individually. Entry is usually under title except that slides of an artist's work will be entered under the artist's name. If no getieral title for the set is on the slides, it may be taken from a dealer's catalog, or supplied by the cataloger. The imprint consists of the prodimer'and date. The collation consists of the number of slides in the set, the color indication, and the dimensions of the slides. Indication that a set is partly colored may be made thus: 12 slides (part col.) The complettcn of the main entry and making of the set of cards follow the usual cataloging principles. Persona] added entries are seldom made, but subject added entries are of great importance. Slides can be classified by the Dewey Decimal Classification scheme or Added in accession order. Slide rq, Insect homes (Slide) n.d. f2 slides. color. West Coast Visual Service 2x2in. Contents.- 1. Potter wasp.- 2. Almost mature wasp.- 3. Como:, dauber wasr.- h. Open ce11a._ 5. Related mud dauber wasps.- 6. Butterfly home. 7. Butterfly home, split home.- 8. Case bearer worms,- 9. Plant lice.- 10. Aphid reproduction. 11. Aphid shells.- 12. Thread waisted wasp. 338. Main entry for set of slides, date unknown 1142 Slide 591 Animal kingdom (Slide) House c1957 3 8 slides. color. General Biological Supply 2x2in. 339. Main entry for set of slides with guide With guide. Contents.- 1. Protozoa.- 2. Porifera.3. Coelenterata.- 4. Worms.- 5. Arthropods.Molluscs.- 7. Echtnodermata.- 8. Chordate. . Slide 751.1414 DECORATION AND ORNAMENT, YVOOSLAV/AN Yugoslavia: mediaeval frescoes (Slide) c1959. 30 slides. series no.2) rJ color. 2x2in. With guide. For contents, see main entry. UNESCO, (uNrsco art slides, 3140. Subject added entry for slide 1143 Slide 759.6 Picasso, Pablo, 1881 McGraw-Hill c1969?3 Picasso (Slide) 20 slides. color. 2x2in. (McGraw-Hill great masters series) 3141. Slides of artist's work entered under artist's name With guide. Contents.- 1. Portrait of A woman.- 2. The blind man.- 3. La vie.- 14. Acrobat's family with an ape. 5. Three Dutch girls.- 6. Gertrude Stein.- 7. Still life.- 8. Woman in green.- 9. The accordiantst.10. Bottle, glasc, and violin.- 11. Glass of absinthe.- 12. Guitarist.- 13. Mother and child by (Continued on next card) tide 759.6 Picasso, Pablo, 1881Picasso (Slide) t1969?) 3142. Card 2 of above (Card 2) the sea.- 1l1. Three musicians.- 15. Mandolin and guitar.- 36. Bather playing with a ball.- 17. Seated woman with v book.- 18. L'Aubade.- 19. The woman of Algiers.- 20. Woman's profile on red background. main entry TRANSPARENCIES TFansparencies may be handled similarly to slides. They are entered under title unless an author or artist is clearly indicated. Occasionally the cataloger may need to supply a title. If so, it is enclosed in brackets and follomed by the medium designaticn (Transparency). The producer and date comprise the imprint. Fnr collation use the number of pieces, color designation and the dimensions of the piece in inches. For example: 1 piece. colnr. HX12in. Transparencies having attached overlays eve considered as 3 piece. Notes may indicate the presence of overlays. The making of a complete set of Cards and determination of the necessary added entries foncus the usuel cataloging principles. Personal entries are seldom needed, 'cut Tlbjcct entries are of primar5, importance. Transparencies may he classified by Dewey or stored in accession order. '"rem:; nr,-.!wy 591. Animal eel) strw:ture (Transparency) C. Beseler 343. Main entry for transparency with overlay Scott 344. Main entry for set of transparencies c 1963? 3 1 piece. eQlor. Ax10In. overltv Tray :pare: 001 .5 visual cor mnication:; (Transparency) Educati on Division. E1966? 3 8x3Oin. 13 pieces. ccl cr With teacher's guide. 1145 MAPS Because of their form and function maps require epecial consideration in applying cataloging principles. The complete map is considered is a title page and any available information on it may be used. Only informat!on taken frorl witside sources must be bracketed. Maps are entered under the person or body responsible for them. The title the cataloger if none appears on the face of the map. The may be supplied imprint consists of the place, publisher end date, in the usual form. 'he collation for a single map will consist of the word mu followed by Ithe set will it:. dimensions in centimeters. For a set of maps the lumber preoeee the term mars. For colered maps the abbreviated qua?ification col. is L*,;(1 ;receding the word am. Typical collations are: ,;(-1 .map 2)0:30Cin 7 .:0'.maps 25x3Scm. Large mars may need to be folded for storage. Typical collations for them would 1,e: map alx67cm. fold. to 33cm. ? ma,;s 75x90cm. fold. to 25x28cm. (For item wi,h folded width exceeding height) If it is available the soale of the map should be given as the first note, Scale: 1:1,000,000. 1:::irc; the form: 71w designation gap above the classification number will readily identify the tn,. of nnt.zrial i indicate its location to the user. 917.72 Indiana Council of Teachers of English. A literary map of Indiana, prepared by Indiana Council of Teachers of English cand3 the Indiana cIndianapolis?3 College English Association. c1956. col.map 17x28cm. 345. Main entry for single colored map 146 Added entries may be traced and made to represent maps in the same way as for books. AMICAN LITERATURE - INDIANA - HAFS Indiana College English Association. Title. 346. Tracing on bet* of main entry The subdivision MAPS may be added to a subject heading. AMMAN LITERATURE - ]DIANA - MAPS 917.72 2;37.72 Indiana Council of Teachers of English. A literary map of Indiana, prepared by Indiana Council of Teachers of English cand3 the Indiana College English Association. c/nlianapoliO3 01955. crl.map 17x2&:m. Indiana College English Association. Indiana Council of Teachers of English. A ?itctrAry mar of Indiana) prepared by Indiana Cflutoil of Teachers of English cand3 the Indiana College End1ish AssociOlon. indianapolis? c1256. 347. Subject added entry for map AS. Added entry for assisting organization col.map 17yVoN. 557.69 Maarlan, Arthur Crane, 1897 Geologic map of Lincoln County, Kentucky. Frankfort, Kentucky Geological Survey, 1929. map 81x67cm. foll. to'31cm. (Kentucky Geoloejoal Survey. Series 6, 1925) 349. Nein entry for map, personal entry with series note 147 GLOBES Globes, which are merely maps mounted-on a sphere, should be entered imprint under the author, usually a corporate body, responsible for them. consists of place, publisher and date, unless the entry and publisher are the same. In such a case use only place and date. Necessary cataloging data may be taken from the container or accompanying material without indicating source and following the rules for handling maps as given in the La2-American Cataloging Rules, p. 272-281. Typical collations would then be: globe 24cm. in diameter. col. globe 30am. in diameter. col. celestial globe 26em. in diameter. A globe in hemispheres would then be so indicated: co'. globe (2 pieces) 30cm. in diameter. Classification or accession nulihers can be used for organizing globes, making certain all accompanying material are labeled to correspond with the globe. Added entries can be made and set of cards comp7eted according to usual cataloging ::racti.ces. 148 Globe 525 Hubbard (Tag.) Scientific Company. Physiographic relief globe. eNorthbrook, 111., 19643 globe (2 pieces) 26cm. in diameter. 350. Main entry for globe Free globe in plastic cradle. Globe 523.8 Huboard (T.N.) Scientific Company. Transparent celestial globe. cNorthbrook, 111., 19663 col. celestial globe 31cm. in diameter. 351. Main entry celestial globe Edmund Scientific Company. Edmund mini-moon. Barrington, !1.J., c1970. globe 30cm. in diameter. 352. Main entry for lunar globe Globe 523.3 Free globe in wooden cradle with measurement 149 PICTURES - STUDY PRINTS, ART PRINTS, PHOTOGRAPHS, CHARTS It will often be possible to organize pictorial materials according to a subject scheme such as is used for pamphlets and other materials not of sufficient importance to justify cataloging. There are times, however, when the subject scheme is not adequate; or, when the importance of the artist, or designer, make separate cataloging desirable. These materials are covered in the Anglo- American Cataloginu Rules, p. 329-342, and in Riddle's Non-Book Materials. The pictorial representation should be entered under the name of the individual or body responsible for it if such information can be determined. Works of individual artists are entered under the artist; works of a corporate body, under the name of the body, and works resulting from efforts of many individuals, under title. Reproductions of originals are entered in the same way as originals. If no title appears on the wick, the cataloger may supply an appropriate title. The imprint consists of the place and publisher, if it appears on the work, and a date. Me date may be the date of execution, or publication. In the absence of a dcte on the l'iece the cataloger may supply an approximate date or use the abbreviation n.d. The supplied date will he enclosed in brackets. The examrles in this manual use Riddle's practice of placing medium desig- notion (Std print), (Art =Lao, (Chart), or (Picture) following the title tr, indicate specific categories of mare-Ras. The conaqon nonsist9 of the term describinc the item, preceded by the one, and the dimensions in centimeters, height given numb :r of items if rocr Color will be first, exce;'t for photographs, which are measured in inches. deiznated b;,, col. preceding the descriptive term applied to the material. Media collections cmtaining few original works will not need an extended list of terms d,.:ncribi,7, the proch1cti2n medium. 0,/1aiinn ro.atelfmts are: phrsto. l0x8in. 6 co] . 2ho.4.,os. 10xclin. chart 401x60cm. col. prints 27x33cm. Added entries may be made for the names of persons or corporate bodies connected with the work, for subjects, and for titles as necessary. Items can be asegned by Dewey in the various categories. 150 Picture 917.755 VicOnia. Dedf. of Conservation and Economic Devel opment 1.4out 'lemon (riot-arr.) cilichmond? 1962?3 353. Photo having corporate author entry photo. Px101n. Chart rr"..0 41 rniversity. 13ueau of Economic Itel e:-^r. section of Permian and Pennsylvsnip.t, Nrrth-Central. Texas (Chart) nrristiens '711xas. cAtstirt, 19153 chor". '.' 01,x 30e n . t "No. 360." cnr1 entered under .orporate author Two. lAS1:1.e (Art 1:1 :') Pub. no. cn.l. print /45x60cm. cca "Pri'' .714. Main entry 51witzerland." 355. Main entry rtw Ycrl.:, Artistic for art print. No date avail rbl e 'Si Art. /Tint Ren,,ir, Al..sast?., 'P41-1979. l'aitters (Art print) Deux bPigneesee. Pariuj F. Hazan.) :4.56. Art print. Tit1P in Um 7anguages friqt 211.7.22em. 1179,c. It Stuey (Ftldy 411 o--19 ttual Enterpri.seq., o.; P cS1 . F.52 (11c.,stway.(1 ,.r..1 r 357. Main entr.1, rcr eet r.r pelts vith contents note vr7, bvar CkLe).- can %Aeon . dAAr.- 5. - 7 6. North Arierir..FIZI )(I . "ri enf ^.0If!...r,rin P ANDIAIS - U.S. Tit:e Anal . .- 2. A Alrericarl r. 358. Tracing for set of study hints MOMS Models are entered under title as given on the model itself, container, or accompanying rmterio? unless responsibility for it is clearly assigned to a person. The cataloger supplies a title if none has been given by the producer. The term (Model) follows the title. The imprint will consist of place, producer and date. 77ecollation indicates the number of pieces, dimensions in inches wh,n.e significant, and a color indiention. If there are more than ten pieces, the term "various pieces" is used. Notes may be used to supply any relevant information not appropriately placed in the body of the card or in the collation. The set of cards can be completed following the usual cataloging principles. Moeels '.my be assigned Dewey numbers or accession numbers. !odel 57h.P. Generalized animal cell (Model) Rochester, Na., Ward's Natural Science Establtshment, c1949. 2 pieces. color. 359. Main entry for model having parts of differing sizes Pt.l. A tetrakaidecahedron or 14-bedron. in diameter.- pt.2. A generalized cell. 13in. With guide. Model 523.3 Lunar terrain model (.Model) Northbrook, Ill., 'lubhard Scientific lo. F19673 1 piece. 18x24in. With guide. 360. Main entry for model 15.3 GAZES Games of many sorts are now finding their way into the library collection as instruments for teaching and learning. Since traditional and well-known games may be issued in varying forms, and new games are likely to be the creation of many individuals working together, they are entered under title, as found on the box or accompanying material, followed by the designation (Game). The imprint consists of the place, producer and date. For collation use the number of pieces, enumerating various types of pieces when significant. For a game with many kinds of different pieces use "various pieces." The cataloger should devise any notes necessary to offer relevant information not appropriately included elsewhere on the card. Games may be classified and stored by Dewey classification number. AdW cririt<3 0,ade to of cards in sccord with usual calmlr:ging procedures. Ga,ne 97 Springfield, Mass., Tinited States lotto (Game) 'a? ton Bradley, c1558. 60 loon cards 2h buttons, 48 cover cards. (Lotto series, 63) 361. Main entry for game Smog, the air pollution game (Game) Mass., Urban Systems, c3970. playing board, various pieces. 362. Main entry for game Game 614.7 Cambridge, 154 KITS A kit is a collection of materials intended to be used as a unit. The items have been brought together or processed to contribute to the realisation of a specific objective. It is not necessary that the items in a kit be used simultaneously; same components may be suitable for independent use. It is usually advisable to catalog as a unit those materials so issued and marketed. If no author, either personal or corporate, is indicated, the kit is entered under title and followed by the medium designation (Kit). Imprint consists of place, producer and date. Information for making the catalog card may be taken from any source in the kit without being bracketed on the card. The collation enumerates the kind and number of items included. Descriptions of individual items in the kit are not necessary. Notes may be added to convey any relevant information not appropriately included in the body of the card, or collation. The set of cards will be made in accordance with the accepted principles of cataloging. Kits may be classified and stored by Dewey number or by accession number. Kit 372.1 Developing understanding of self aid others (Kit) gimlet Pines, Minn American Guidance Service, 1970. 2 storybooks, manual, 69 role cards, 33 posters 6 rules cards, 21 records, 10 props (in envelope), 8 puppets. (Duso kit, D-1) 363. Main entry for kit History as culture chem.: an overview (Kit) New York, Macmillan, '1968. 2 filmstrips, 2 transparencies, record, manual, 4 work sheets, student materials (in 36h. Main entry for kit Kit 901 envelope), 14 artifacts. AUTHORITY FILES AUTHOR FILE Libraries may set up and maintain authority files to record the latest acceptable forms for author entries. They may also have authority files for subject headings appearing in the catalogs and the reference cards made to aid the library's public in using the subject headings. Small libraries may consider their card catalog to be the authority for the form of an author's name, but they will wish, in any case, to keep a record of the cross references they have made. This record becomes, then, an authority file for entries needing cross references. The file will include duplicates of the cross references made for the public catalog, as well as a card clearly indicating the references made. For example: 365. Cross reference made for both catalog and authority file De Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel see Cervantes Saavedra, Mieuel de, 1547-1616. ,ns,11 Saavedra, Miguel de Cervantes see 366. Cross reference made for both catalog and authority file Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616. x: x: De Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel Saavedra, Miguel de Cervantes 367. Author authority file card showing cross references made 156 AUTHORITY FILES STTRJECT FLT .E Some libraries keep a record of the subjects used in the catalog by puttth pencil checl.yarks by the subject in the published list of hea"ngs. The advantage of irch simplicity is questioned, however, whon n new edition of the sul)ject heading list demands complete compaeson with the earlier list efnre 4.4. car be used. Very mnall libraries may be able to use their catalog withol_t maintairing an authority file, but most libraries 1,111 Irish to record subject m a cti47 'O'er it first occurs. Duplicates of "see" and "SOP tiSn" ra4e for the public catalog, Pt well .t1S cards showing the rni.,rerces'thal 107e l_een qsde, all go together to retake up the subject authority file. This in especially helpfl in keeping "see also" references ?gip 4n lni.e4 since the cA0,:)1vger h,ould refer ,sers at any ono time only to those w;1,,;,.7t o wl'ich the libcv -n!er'al. Al the library grows the new subjects ulli tr. Added to the "see also" cards already in the catalog. crldttinns are evay.3 made In conformity 4ith directions in the subject heading 'ist being u,,e0 the library. 3M. Saject cross STC(T.DARY EDT:ATM! reference made for catalog and authority see EDTICAtnter.$ SW:MARY file EDUCATION, sro(imAny x SECONDARY EDUCATION x SECONDARY SC! OOTS xx MU SCHOOLS 369. Card for subject authority file showing see references and see also references MaeTOthe same subject 157 ATJT4O1?,ITY FILES UNIFORM TITLE FILE As musical works are added to the library the cataloger will find need for a record of cros:; references already made. The composer and the uniform title appear at the top of the card. On the second line belnw this list, the various titles under which the composition has been published. The form below would serve AS an authority card for the cross references shown on p. 97. 4=1". Straus, Oscar, 1870-19n. cAer taprere Solda',3 x: Per iapfere Soldat. t: The choonlal.,e scldier. 370. Card for uniform title authority file showing variant titles from which cross references have been made 158 APPENDICES STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations may be used on catalog cards except in transcribing a title or in quoted notes. An abbreviation consisting of a single letter is not used to represent the first word of a note. For a comprehensive list of acceptable abbreviations reference should be made to Angle-American Cataloging Rules, Appendix III, p. 358. Term accompaniment - - - acc. arr arranged augur. augmented Before Christ - - - B.C. Bros. Brothers bull. bulletin centimeter - - - - cm. ca. circa col. colored Co. Company cf. compare c. copyright Corporation - - - - Corp. corr. corrected Co. County department - - - - dept. ed. edited ed. edition enl. enlarged fold. folded frontispiece, -s - - front., fronts. government - - - - govt. Government Printing Office - - - - - Govt. Print. Off. i.e. IA est illustrationl-s - - illus. including incl. . Abbreviation Term Abbreviation incorporated - - - introduction - - - Junior leaf, leaves - - - limited manuscript, -s - - miscellaneous - - no date (of publication) - - - inc. introd. Jr. 1. ltd. ms., mss. misc. number, -s no. numbered nuMb. page, -s p. parts-a photograph, -s - - plate number - - - portrait, -s - - - preface printing pseudonym publishing revised Senior series supplement title page pt., pts. photo., photos. pl. no. port., ports. pref. print. pseud. pub. rev. volume, -s v., vol., vols. . n.d. Sr. ser. suppl. t.p. 159 Abbreviations of the names of states of the United States and names not abbreviated Ala. Alaska Ariz. Ark. Calif. Colo. Conn. Del. Fla. Ga. Hawaii Idaho Ill. Ind. Iowa Kan. Ky. La. Me. Md. Mess. Mich. Minn. Miss. Mo. Mont. Neb. Nev. N.H. N.J. N.M. N.Y. N.C. N.D. Ohio Okla. Or. Pa. R.I. S.C. S.D. Tenn. Tex. Utah Vt. Va. Wash. W.Va. Wis. Wyo. FILING GUIDE I. II. Basic rule. 1. Arrange all entries, English and foreign, alphabetically according to the English alphabet. 2. Arrange word by word, alphabeting letter by letter to the end of the word. (This is the rule "nothing precedes something." Example: New York precedes Newark.) Items which are disregarded in filing. he artagi a, an and t Ernt.ntial positions are disregarded, but when they appear elsewhere, they are given the same treatment accorded any other word. Articles in all languages are treated in the same manner. 2. Designations such as compi, ed., illus., fit. author, yeeud., and tr. 'I. when they appear in entr es, areMiNgaFaid. 3. Designations such as Sir and Gen., when they appear in inverted 4. personal names are disregarda7 Camas, periods, parentheses, apostrophes and other marks of punctuation. Abbreviations. Arrange abbreviations as if spelled in full. Examples: Mc or M' as if Mac St. as if Saint Dr. as if Doctor Mlle. as if Mademoiselle Mr. as if Mister Mfrs. as if Mistress IV. V. Elisions. Arrange elisions in English as they are printed and not as if spelled in full. Example: O'mine not of mine. Treat as one word the contraction of two words resultIKE from an elision. Examples Who's is filed Whos, not Who is. Numerals. Arrange numerals in the titles of books as if spelled out in the language of the title. Spell numerals and dates as they are spoken, omitting the "and" except at a decimal paint between two digits and in mixed numbers. Examples: 101 as one hundred one 1812 as eighteen twelve, if a date;,otherwise as eighteen hundred twelve 61 as six and one-half 161 VI. Signs and symbols. Alphabet the ampersand (&) as "and", "et", "und", etc. according to the language used in the title. VII. Hyphened and compound words. Arrange hyphened words as separate words if each word is a word in itself. If the first part is a prefix such as anti-, co-, etc., arrange as one word. VIII. Compound names. Arrange names consisting of two or more words, with or without a hyphen, as separate words, after the simple surname, interfiled in alphabetical order with titles and other headings beginning with the same word. Examples: Hall, William Hall & Patterson HALL FAMILY HALL OF FAME Hall-Quest, Alfred Hall -Wood, Mary Hallam, Arthur IX. X. XI. Names with a prefix. Arrange a name with a prefix as one -,cord. This includes such names as D'Arcy, Du Challu, Van Dyke, Van Loon, etc. Forename entries. Arrange a forename entry after the surname entries of the same name, interfiling with titles and other headings beginning with the same word. Include compound forename entries. Alphabet with regard to al] words, articles and prepositions included. Examples: Charles, David Charles, William Charles. a title Charles Alexander, duke of Lorraine Charles, archduke of Austria Charles City, Iowa Charles-Roux, Francois Author entries. 1. Under an author's name, personal or corporate, arrange the items in two categories. a. Hain entries for works by the author, subarranged by title. Literary works may then be subarranged by publisher alphabetically. b. Secondary entries for the author, subarranged by the main entry of the work. c. Works about the author (subject entries), subarranged by the main entry of the work. 2. The entries for two or more persons who have identical names are arranged chronologically by birth date. 162 XII. Subject entries. 1. Arrange a subject, its subdivisions, etc. in the following order: a. Subject without subdivision. b. Form, subject and geographical subdivisions, inverted subject headings, subject followed by a parenthetical term, and phrase subject headings interfiled in one alphabet, disregarding punctuation. c. Period divisions under such subheads as History, Politics and Eovernment, and Foreio relations arranged chrono3ogically. XIII. Order of entries. When the same word, or combination of words is used as the heading of different kinds cf entries, arrange the entries alphabetically by the word following the entry word. Disregard kind of entry and form of heading, except as follows: a. Arrange personal surnames before the other entries beginning with the same word. b. Subject entries under a personal or corporate name are to be filed immediately after the author entries for the same name. Examples: Love, John L LOVE, JOEN L Love. Smith, John.. Love. Taylor, Rcbert. LOVE Williams, Thaws. Love and beauty. LOVE (Ili THEOLOGY) Love-letters. L love match. LOVE POETRY LOVE - QUOTATIOUS, HAMS, ETC. Love songs, old and new. XIV. Editions. Cards which are the same except for an edition number, i.e., 2d ed., 2d ed., or a notation such as rev. are filed in chronological order by publication date, with the ntest first. XV. The Bible. 1. Arrange all editions of tae whole Bible (language, form, and subject) in one alphabet. Under each language, sdbarrange'texts by date and then by version or editor. 2. Bible. Old Testament. Arrange all divisions including the parts, in one alphabet; subarranging texts as above. 3. Bible. New Testament. Arrange like Old Testament. 1,. Bible. Titles, etc. 163 CATALWING SOPPCTES AND AIDS Akers, S.C. Simp3e Library Cataloging. As,zoniaion, 4th ed. Chicago, American Library for Filing Anerivni T.-P.racy Asscnialion. Subcommittee on the A.L.A. 2d ed. Chicagp, Ca',alog Cards. A.L.A. Rules fn Filing Catalog Cards. Ameri:n! CaWloging Rules. C;D. An introdu.:tion tr, the Dewei Decimal Classification. 7..E. ? Mioago, Amer :can Library Association, 1967. Typewritten Catalog lard:3. 7070. jol!0 T. Tair,-.11. 2d ed. London, Ann Arbcr, lamrns 1970. 46 CatF."-giug. School cf Library Servi-.e. Sample Catalog Cards for ;:ith Course3 in Technical Service in Libraries an.i Orfini.:atic-: -X Haterials for 7se. 14th e:3. New York, 1967. Universitz:. 7.C. Cataloging Sampler: A Comparative and Interpretive Snide. Har.len, Conn., Archon 1963. Dewqy, Harry. A'Aitsun, An Introft-:tion to Library Cataloging and Classification. Cap t:411 Presa, 157. Dewey Decime Classification and Relative Index. ?-"rest Press., 1977 ed. Cateoging U.S 10th abridged Chicago, American Library Association, 1969. Eaten, F."... Cataloging and Classification. Eciwirds 717-co., 1967. Imroth, J.P. Ed. 18. 3v. De:imal Classification and Relative Index. Albany, r.Y., Forest Press, 1.971. r.s. hth Library Catal oging. 4th ed. Ann Arbor, ich., !Yew York, Scarecrow Press, 1971. Lehnus, D.J. A hanual of Form and Procedure for Typewritten Catalog Cards. KalaNazoo, :doh., 1969. 164 Mann, Margaret. Introduction to Cataloging and the Classification of Books. Chicago, American Library Association, 1943. 2d ed. 2d ed. Merrill, W.S. Code for Classifiers. Association, 1939. Miller, L.C. Chicago, American Library Program Learning, Library Science. Cleveland, 1964. Norris, D.M. A History of Cataloguing and Cataloguing Methods. Grafton, 1969. Olding, R.K. Readings in Library Cataloguing. New York, H.W. Wilson, 1965. Commonsense Cataloging. Problems in Library Classification. Iescoe, A.S. Cataloging Made Easy. Riddle, Jean. Non-book. Materials. Hamden, Conn., Archcn Books, 1966. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh, 1963. Osborn, A.D. Descriptive Cataloging. Piercy, E.J. London, New York, Bowker, 3968. New York, Scarecrow Press, 1962. Ottawa, Canadian Library Association, 1970. Rue, Eloise. Subject Headings for Children's Materials. Library Association, 3952. Chicago, American Rufsvold, M.I. Audio-Visual School Library Service; a Handbook for Librarians. Chicago, American Library Association, 1949. Sample Catalogue Cards Exemplifying the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules. 3d ed. Toronto, Univ. of Toronto Press, 1968. Scholz, D.D. A Manual for the Cataloging of Recordings in Public Libraries. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State Library, 1964. Sears, M.E. -List of Subject Headings. 9th ed. Tauber, M.F. Technical Services in Libraries. Press, 3954. New York, H.W. Wilson, 1965. New York, Columbia University U.S. Library of Congress. Subject Headings for Children's Literature. Washington, D.C., Library of Congress, 1969. U.S. Library'of Congress. Subject Cataloging Division. List of Subject 7th ed. Headings Used in the Dictionary Catalogs of the Library of Congress. Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1966. Wynar, B.S. Introduction to Cataloging and Classification. N.Y., Libraries Unlimited, 1967. 3d ed. Rochester, 165 SUGGESTED PROCESSING PROCEDURE 1. 2. J. 4. 5. Arrange order cards alphabetically behind guide card, Outstanding Orders. Arrange printed cards (if available) by sets alphabetically by entry behind guide card, Printed Cards. On arrival of books, add date received, and price to the order card. Shelve books alphabetically by entry. Cataloging procedure: Remove order card from file. Put in front of book. a. b. Remove printed cards from file. Put in front of book. Compare description of book on printed card with book. If cards c. Are not available, make a unit card using standard cataloging rules. Correct any differences on printed cards by changing such items (1) as ds%es, editions, publishers, pages, etc. d. Select tlic. classification nuMber. Scan the preface of the book and the table of contents. Confirm your selection by rlecldng the shelf-list for type of book to which the sams number has previously been assigned. Check other classifying aids when necessary. (3) (4) Write it in the book in pencil on the page after the title page. C11-20. from of subjec headings with Sears, List of Subject Headinv. Prepare cards. (l) Type the call ntuler, subject headings, and any other added entry headings on the printed cards. Type source, date, al:d price, from order slip on the back of the (2) (1) (2) f. (3) (4) 7Ype boo card amp .1-_ocket. .14' anp1L-tics are to be typed, trace on bawl of main entry, and ra=ce the analytios. Revise '.yping on all cards. Rem9ft cataloz cards and order 3li,1 from the book. g. h. Arrange stir cards by number in one pile. Place catalr,g cards in'enother pile to be arranged alphabetically. c. File order slips by department requesting book in tray used for budget apportionment. Place ownership markings on book and paste in pocket. Inspect number to insure accuracy. Pn+ call nuiiber on spine of book. Recorls. Use shelf cards for basis in compiling stattstics. a. Record the number of new titles. b: Record the number cf volumes (other than the first volume). c. Record the number of duplicates. d. Record the number of replacements. If needed, count and record the number of new catalog cards and the e. number of new shelf cards. a. b. 7. 8. 9. 166 (Arrange alphabetically Make a list of the new books from the shelf cards. or by classification number) 11. Shelve books on the new-book shelf. 12. Arrange shelf cards by classification number. File above rod in shelflist. Revise. Drop cards said replace rod. 13. Arrange catalog cards alphabetically according to your accepted rules. File above rod. Revise. Drop cards and replace rod. 10. fl DEX rage Ahbvevi.ations ILC.j.60: 153-.6> 51-13 71-72 IllUbtra1.ur Vii -'1'U Added entries tiuillt. au...116r 7dric.; 43, .t) Subject Translator Analytics Author Zu.-;ject, Tit3a r fit: dly IllUll0 classics and sacred writ i2: Authnr on'riel ;:atilority Inez tetncz Lubjecc Uniiorm title nio.dography note:. zody a card hound -w1 Lh capitalizat1cA Cassettes 0st-slog card L.cilmtug card sets uilaugeti 6.1.610 dollation vurpucaue anincs Ldition SuGries, Author Corporate .;di tor ii.uastrips (*autos uloues joint ed1;,or niter Maps :Aicrocards riicrofiche kludels 69 90 b6-j; 31-34 10-23 155-1,1 155 15o 157 71 30-43 91-33 8 1252 127 3 4-5 73 44-4v , .. 5%).-.>2 25-26 39 10-23 25-2o 24 27-2y i2J-1)6 153 :147 imprint joint autno: ilicrofiLA 70 35-;LA : .uLt.e1166 Holdc . , 61-65 69-70 40-43 66-67 71 154 145 112-113 112-113 112 -1114 152 133 Notes Bibliographic history Bibliography 47-56 49 51 52-56 47-48 Contents Series Numerals, Roman Periodicals see Serials Photographic reprints pictures Pseudonyms Punctuation Recordings, Disc Recordings, Tape "See" references "See also" references Serials Series notes Seta of books Shelf list card Slides Spacing Subject analytics Supplements Title added eaury Title analytiCs Title main entry Tracing rausparem:iez Translator added entrT Uniform titles 8 110-114 149 20-22, 38 8 116-124 125-127 77-78, OU 78-80 29, 99 -107 47-48 108-105 76 141443 _, 7 90 94-95 56-60 b6-89 27-25 74-75 11414 7U 96-90
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