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0000NENT RESONN. i ED 172 501 EC 114. 907 . ,,. 4A.0 T lib R Tt Ti4 INSTITUTION . S.P9NS AGENCY , .Kaufsaan, Felice Your Gifted Child and You. Revised Edition. Council*/ for Exceptional Children; -Reston, Va. inforsation. Services and Publications. Diational'qnst. of EdUcation (DfiEW) , Washington, D.C. PUB. DATE morE . . 76. 56p.; A Product of the ERIC Clearinghvuse on 13a.r.dicappeld and Gifted Children; This abstract sdpersedei ED 133 933 a.n 1 EC 092 719 AVAILABLE FROM ... 1 ? . The Council for Exceptional Children, Publication Sales Unit, 1920 Association Drive, Reston, Virginia 22091 (Publication No. 143, $4.25) f ZORS PRICE DESCRIPTORS ..M.F01/PC03 Plus Postage Gifted; *Parent AssociationS; Creative: Development; Parent Rols; *Resource Guides; *Stud.ent Charecterisatics; *Talented Stu-dents; *Talent . , IDENTIFIERS . Identification *Parent Resources .' _. AB3TRACT 1, ...) Intended for parents and 'tted-Ehe.rs" of gifted) and . *alented children, the book discugses identification -criteria -and (-ducat ional .strategies for developing_ their potential. Case studies ,of gifted and talented children are cited. and a checklist of common charactetistics is provided. Suggestions are given for fostering creativity In' th:e home; end special problss .of the gifted ate explained to include untherachievement, cultural differences, and laeart.ing difficulties., Answers are. 'Ores.ented to .pa.re.nts, questions about raising A gifted child and guidelines .art given for developing :a Taar44t,- org-tnization. _Aard,ng appendixes. ate a bibliography, resource. liFrtinga, and directory of° statr., parent ibrganiza.tions for the g'kfed. (CL) c 4 S gib e **4,11141#####*# , * *. **11c#1,1****1111#11c*######## #4111c#30414c#1,1**********f**####*#*###### Rprp" au *ions supplin I by EDT;S AT. ? the best t hit can b.:, made frou th- otigina.i iocum_:nt. ... -10**X**********,**************************************************** * * **11,* i., %.**** ) HEALT HEALTH. U'S DEPARTAAE NT 'Yana EDUCATIONS. flea tIONAL INSTITUTE OP EDUCATION, ,, 4.,s DOCumM ..AS SEEN REPRO. DuCED ExAciL AS RECEIVED FROM a 7.4E PERSON OR ORVNIZAT/ON ORIGINATING IT POINTS OF ikke *4 OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECE$14kRiLv REPRE0 ..SENT OFFICIAL NATIOPIA4.11STITUTE OR EOUCATIOlo POSITION OR 84'04..4CY -4 '44 YOUR GIFTED ,oHILO AND YOU A O RE VISED ,EDITION 4( 4 Felice Kaufmann 'PERMISIS"?0N TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY ea . 1; CECT 4 TO THE EDUCATIONACRESOURCES ...INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) - he,Coun,cil for Exceptional Children J o) . 0 97 .4/ e 2 .4 , f a a aq 4s ,J Publish atrIM by The Council I% Exceptional Children . 1920 Association . Reston, Virginia 2204' 'n0 O J A product of the Er ,Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 76-21990 7 o nal in this POlication was prepared pursuant to a contract with the National Ins tute of Education, US Depaft.ment of Healtb. Education and Welfare, and a gient fro the OtVe of Gifted and Talented, Bureau, of Education for the Handicapped, t US Tice of Edueation. Contractor undertaking such projects under government ip are encouraged to. ex ess freely their judgmeht in professional and sponso technical matters. Prior to publicat p, the manuscript was submitted to The Coundil for Exceptioaat Children for cri al review. and determination of professional com'petence. This publication ha 'et lucli standards. Point,d, of view' r opinions, however, do not necessarily represnt the official vie or opinions Of either The Councit for Exceptional Children, the Natibnal tristitute f Education, or the US , Office of Education. Th a f Felice.Kaufmann is .curren/ly Working on her d rge at the .University of, Georgia, !Athens. ,9.he has served as i.teadher of gifted children, a Consultant typarent groups; an as an intern in the VSOE'.Office of- Gifted and Talented. author wishes to thank Dr. E. Paul T trance and. Dr..' Catherine Bruch for their assist Ce ,preparing this Manuscript. I- GI Contents . 1, 0 9. o -Lac; youlk now a gifted child? a How can parentsttell? 9 O Cre4tivity in the tiome Special problems of the gifted . 2 o Parents view their childiep 27 Parent power Happy ern 45 Appendix A: Additional readings of special interest to parents _L_ Appendi B: Parent involved organizations fOr the gifted . r- 0 4-7 47 41. JY al 0 9 1 Bo you know a gifted child? 4 Dear Folks, Jtistt a quick note to tell you that we are all fine and thinking of you during the holiday season.r , . . Since you asked about Danny, -I have tO report ab t his terrific, year in school he amazes even me sometimes! is teacher has told us that she t nks *nay be a gifted child! I ave to admit his school' work h been .nothing short of tensati nal. Not only does he get all his homework done (with A's in all s 'ects), but he has also been doing some really creative projects with his after school club. I just wish that Mt talents could be applied. to 'cleaning his room! His teacher suggested that we think about giving him extra challenges,at home because he finishes I his work so fast, but I'm really not ore what to do. I wish there WVre some kind of special prOgram forhim in our school system there must be other kids like him who need special opportunities. week I'm going to talk to the principal to get her advice but urftil we- can' get something going, I'm hoping that Sctuts and his club will do the trick. s. >e. That's about it ft4 nor>"We hope that you'll come #sit soon. We all send our love. Jape Why read this book? . Everyone has.met a child Whom he would Considef gifted, a child who really stands out in a crowd. "Ths Old might be the one who is the best report card,..Writes original' poetry, has.the leadiriffole in the school play, invents a new, mame, or multiplies oomplicated problems correctly. As in the case of Danny, this child would be one Agri parents would immediately spot as ppecial. They would probably tell friends and relatives a multitude of anecdotestbo\ut their one in a million "gifted" child. - ' A gifted child, however, may also be the one who faits spelling tests, falls asleep in class, doei not turn in homework, is the playground bully, or sings off key. These are tliMted children that parents, not perceiving their child's true abilitie wound not always want to discuss because they areSimply not sure.wbat to say! That the behaviors of these children do not fit into theukial image of a gifted child sloes not make them any less gifted. it just means that their giftedness will be harder for parents td. recognize without help. It means that the looking will have *4 deeper and perhaps directed to areas Other than school 4e achievement.. The purpose of this book is to help parents and teeelers-better identify andinterpret outstandin§ potential in their childre%,If Is designed it inform them of various Ways they might help their child develop. his/her* potential and to present strOgies they might use to assist the schools in iipviding for this process. The intent ifipt to deliver to parehts the ultimate fOrMula for raising a gitteb Mild. Rather'', it is to offer suggestions which may help if . '440 they think they have one. L.,/ Enter the gifted and talented In the field of education, the terrrt "gifted and talented" refers to those childrich who have been identified by professionally qualified persons aWcapable of outstanding performance. This definition differs in tylio ways from a parent's eye view 'of gifted children. First "identified by ppfeasionally qualified persons" does not 'restrict other people frbm claiming that they have or know a gifted child. It just means that the child has not been formally tested, observed, or otherwise designated as such. Second, "capable Of outstanding performances" implies that even a child who is not doing well in school might be identified as gifted if the conditions for achievement were improved. 'From here on, the term "his" will trsed, for the sake of convenience, to refer to bot% male and female children. 2 a.. NM all gifted children are gifted in the same way, nor is there only one 14;in which a 0414 may be gifted. Basically, the many indicationrOrgifiedness mWibe broken down into six categories: (a) general intellectual aptitude, (b) ustteCifi-academic aptitude, (e) creativity, (d) leadership, (e) vis I and -rierforrning arts, and (f) psychomotor dexterity. A gifted. child May be especially skilled in one.of these areas or may demonstrate high ability in a few- or all,of them. Each of the categories has specific behaviors associated with it. Parents and teachers will surely recognize children they know in the'following examples. Anita Anita, age 11, is in a special class for gifted children. She kndws a great deiel about many things, ranging from animal care to literatureto folk.music to rocketry' She is curious about almost any new idea with which she-comes in contact and pursues them bytioingfextra reading, asking questions, or finding"other resources to support her, interest. . Arita is vtlick to-perceiye relationships between people, ideas, and facts and has an equally 'sharp power of reasoning. She puts her many skills to prattical use, inipating projects, writingpapers, Dr designing aperitnents. Anita also tends to be selective about (the iriterests she pursues'in depth,as shown by her year long study of an underwater city of the future, a science project that took a great deal of diligent researcil in many subjects other than science. Anita enjoys discussing topics that mest children her ,,age never thing about intelligence testing 'for minority children, the long term effects of drugs on the,human body, and Renaissance music, to name ,a few4, Allan Allan, age 11, is also in a special class fskr gifted children. While he is a generally bright boy, he really excels at and has a passionate interestinscience. Allan has designed and carried out many ` experiments, some of them dealing in detail with very advaed subject matter. He has acquired a great nififilther of practicel skills in the sciences. His intuitive thought is almost always accurate. ian also has an excellent memory for facts related to his interests. He is able to apply these facts systematically in many innovative s, ways. His view of the world tends to be primarily through' science: colored glasses, as he is able to relate all 'subjects to somf science C. V 8 3 . , topicueven when the relationship is not easily apparent to others. Allan also can anticipate putcomes and effects in science but is not overly anxious about wha't these outcomes will be. Even when he makes a mistake after a long period of trial and error, he calmly goes back to his work to find out how he made his mistake, learning as much frOrn this prpcess as frcirfrfindingthe right answer. Michael Michael is 10 years old anq has been identified as a gifted child, althOugh he is rrol yet in a special program. While he is generally of above average intelligence' , his true strong.point is hisreativitY. Fpr any one situation Or problem Michael isablekto come up with many ideas or sOlutions. He gets.involved in many projects writing .books of short stories or peetry, composing music, drawing comic books. He frequently attacks ideas from all angles at once, even/hough his approaches may be in contrast to each other. Often, he does not finish all he sets out to do. Michael is quick to attach his own ideas and interpretation to other persons' 'work in order to produce something which isnew or more interesting to him. His ability to work amidst noise and disorder is a nuisance for his teacher, but his production in that kind of . atmosphere is good enough to justify the chaos. Especially in hiS art and music, he pays careful attention to'cletail. Michael is a spontaneous chit and frequently,reacts to things without thinking about them. His attention span varies greatly, depending on the task he is doing, though the,nUmber and originality of ideas he produces is consistently above average.., Beverly Beverlyis 12 ears.ftld and alreagy recognized by her peers and teachersas a leader in the sche She has been elected to several offices in clubs and is criairperson of teeschool committees. "Her" style of Leadershiri is almost adult. She is able td identify both personal and group goals and knows how to systematically get, where she wants to go. She brings relevant informagn, sequence, and, order to':meetngs by 'synthesizing ideas from many group members. Beverly piiirsues her goals with great 'persistence but remains sensitive to ttie feelings and needs of others' in the group'. Her gift for vieing her fangual0 has been a valuable-asset in speaking to different groups. This ability enables her to get support for her ideas from people of all ages. For example, her campaign for changing the school grading policy won almost\ unanimousIagor from students and faculty alike because shwas able to explain the 4 goals, of her proposal in ways that were mitaningfullo every" audience from the principal on down to the firstorade. Elizabeth Elizabeth is 13 years old and has attended a summer camp for Musically and artistically tafented atirdten for three years. Although she originally, enrolled in the prOgram on the strength of her abilities in art, she became involved in the music section after she presented a multimedia show of photographs based on Beefhoven's "Pastorale" for her final project. She has shown over the past three years a tremendous growth in her already acute eye for detail and subtlety's shown by her cityscape in which even thelindividual brioks of the buildings had texture. Her ability to comAnicate unusual visual perspectives is also sharp, as demonstrated by her painting of a still life in which she showed *overhead view of the flowers. - . She shows remarkable sensitivity in music and can discriminate . Inanydiffeeerit sounds and tones. She,enjoyi acid is quiteadept improvisations on several instruments. Elizabeth prefers creating her owo compositionS to pPacticing skills. Her persistence and absorption are remarkable in any task related to herbriginal work. Peter Peterie9 years old and enrolled in-a sp'ecial:class for thegifted. While his academic abilities are above average, his real strong point appears to-be in the area of psychomotor performance. This talent was first recognized in a creative dance session presented in his class by,a-trained instructor. During this session Peter showed remarkable dexterity in his movement, excellent improvisational skills, and the ability to, put abstract ideas like "darkness," "solid," and "green" into dance. He becomes intensely animated with the challenge of creating ways to express emotions with different parts of his body. He islablts to take a simple movement and work out elaborate routines; likewise, he can fake complex patterns and break them down to basic movements. Peter's motor abilities are also applied tosports, mechanical design, yoga, woodworking, and exercise. He frequently uses his motor abilities toexperience something for another area. For a language arts assignment, for example, he "became" a p6hcil by _moving around like one so he could better write about it. . A Identifying giftedness From these and other examples from the Mei of classrooM teachers around the, country, it is obvious that gifted children express their special talents in many different ways. Some of these ways become evident on formal tests and, in -grades; others are beady seen only in situations where a sensitive observer is looking for a particular skill.. J _ 0 . Some qualities that generally.describe the gifted-population are _listed below. All of these characteristics, however, are not necessarily apparent in every case. Parents might wish to check this list to find some characteristics that might possibly relate to their child. Reads above-grade level. Has a large vocabulary. Has a good memory for things he hears or reads. FIE4-a long attention span. Has complex thoughts and ideas. , Learrfs quickly and easily. . Is curious &lb asks probing questions, Is an independent workermith lots of initiative. Produce,-original or unusual products or ideas. Shows goodegment and logic. Is widely inf rmed about many topic Understands relationships and co emir reffends tunings. It is important to note that while thi and other checklists can be applied 4o a wide variety of individuals, they are incompleteuch lists of traits should not be used as the only meals of identifying giftedness in children. Not only do other factors enter Into each case, but also the signs may become apparent in many. unique ways. It is almost impossible to predict how giftedness will show up in every child. This is why parents rnmst stay open to all kinds of behaviort. In other words, *hat may appear to be an endless round of question asking might really be the beginning of a major breakthrough in scientific research! For better underitanding of how gifted children are identified bytests and formal identification procedures, parents might familiarize themselves with appropriate references cited in Appendix A. There are, however, other ways in which parents can and should become involved in recognizing their child's potential. Knoifirig hovi special abilities are displayed in a non- school environment is one gdod means of doing this; observing the child in school is another. Both types of evidence are.needed if the abilities of gifted children are to be fostered to their upper limits. The A information and suggestions that follow include specific ideas for parentsfo think about in mating for themselves a meaningful roler s. in that develophtental pr rl ,s i How can parents tell? . . In school districts where the identificatiOn of gifted children is carried.qut as a ulartprocedur there are generally a multitude of form , interviewS,'and r preliminary tasks to be done before the actual testing and pia ment can be coMpleted. Somewhere along the l' e, a child's teac r is usually asked to present evidence of s Odor performance or other information that could suppo recommendation for inclusion in a special program. Occasionally, after the child; has been nominated by someone in the schp.01 system, parents are requested to round, out the picture by dekribing the child's behavior at home. Why parents must be aware It is sometimes frustrating for parents to)laye to give an on-thespot account of their child's giftedness, especially if they havec, previously been una*are of his special abilities. Likewise, it is difficult for parents who know that their child's behavior is above average to indicate the signs of piftednessas they appear at home if the school personnel have not yet noticed them. One reason for this difficulty,is that parents, like most people, tend to think of giftedness mainly as it relates to school and academic performance. However, this assumption is untrue, as giftedness shows up in a child's behavior in many ways that have nothing to _ don with the -3 R's unless rollertkating, restlessness, and remembering happen to be indluded in the list! ;,-- 7 - The six children who have already been discussed were all identified by their respective schools as having Above average :abilities because of their excep nal class performance. TO obtain a more complete descri 9, however; it is important to look it them as they might ha been seen by their parents. In each case, it is obvious that giftedness was not just a 0 a.m. to 3 p.m. effort to be taken out and put away with the school books. In fact, had the schools not identified these children on the basis7 7 12 c. 4 10< I I ltheis achievement in schbol, they 'might have been picked up b. - the reportpffered by their famHies. Anita Anifit is seen by her mother as very bright an un tiring question qsker and Observant almost to a fault (glVdtPing gets by Anita!" her mother says). She is sometimes seen as sassy by her fathet because she knows a lot about many, ihings-and'uses her knowledge easily ih conversation with adults tCri occasion, to correct them, much to the embarrassment of tier parentslopita has good common sense in household matters, anything from figuring out which buys are the most economical to reasoning which would be the best way to spend her allowance. Her mother claims that their arguments overdbores areespecially troublesothe cause Anita almost s or does riot want to always has a logical rewn for what-she do. Allan al abilities in Allan's parents have long been aware of his s ever since he singlehandedly repaired the toaster at age science 7. AHanIsks many unusual questions, mostlPrelated to how things work; and enjoys experimenting with all kinds of things around the house, His mother says that She has to watch him carefully because many of his `'What would happen if ..." questions lead to unsafe explorations. Allan watches a great deal of television and is quick to perceive the scientific implications of all his favorite shows, even the cartoons. His concentration and absorption while doing an experiment are total, much to the dismay of his mother calling hir to the dinner table. Allan's scout leader reports that he is an invaluable aifi on camping trips because hs is S good planner and is almost always accurate in his predictions forsuppilies and activities. . Michael Michael's parents first noticed, his creativity when'he was 3 years old. At that age he would stand for hours in front of a mirror, looking at himself from all angleS, making as many different faces as could. While very young, he was alalk to think of many unusual uses for his playthings ("Tinker Toys were never just Tinker Toys!" says his mother) and was always sensitive to detail ("No! Not that color. Mommy. That color green!"). His room is usually a mess, but he claims to like it that way and, in fact, seems stimulated by seeing all his things out at once. Michael tends not to listen well and says things without thinking, causing him unknowingly to hurt the feelings of others. His father says that this does not seem to be out of 6tairafousnesS, but rather because Michael "hears a different drummer." Michael's father also reports that he sometimes seems to be playing a game of one - upmanship because Michael so often hi 8 /3 interrupts diScussionewithis own ideas, even if his thoughtsido not appear to be relatedor practical.' 1 . ( Beverly Beverly, according to her bitfthers and gisters, has alwiys been a leader in the neighborhood. She is the one the other children ask to settle an argument or decide on fair game rules. While still in kindergart&i. she showed an uncanny ability to participate in adult conversation and was able to remember and relate ideas from other conversations she heard. When a city council decision to pave a vacant lot affected the children's Winfield, Beverly mapped out strategies kir convincing the council to change its vote. Her mother worries that her involvement with so many school club' and extracurricular activities may'become a problem, but Beverly, approaches this possibility realistically, saying that she only gets herseli into things after she has considered all the consequences and that she will know when she has takerfon too much. sr/ '5, Elizabeth . I - Elizabeth has shown outstanding bilities in art ever since she was first able to hold a crayon. She was able to make fine discrimination between colors and forms while she was practically in hpr playpen and.was fascinated by all the-complex patterns she Gould build with her blocks. Her parents claiM that she is easily distracted and that the slightest change in a room a sudden noise, a familiar object out of place, a change in temperature can make her Uneasy. Her brothers say that she tloes "weird" things in music and art because she "fools around .a lot" with strange sounding and loaking objects. Elizabeth detests practicing and performing, preferring to work on her own compositions to rehearsing skills. This worries hik parents, who say that they cannot ifiderstand how she can continue for hours at a time with her own work andthen say that she hateslo play thepiano. Elizabeth also may often be fourid imunexpected places in the haiiise, listening to the radiator to hear all the sounds -inside or crawling on top of the refrigerator just to "see what the kitchen looks like from up here:' . 1 _ _ Peter r Peter's parents only recently became more of his unusual abilities in movement, bUt ikretrospepet mention several instances of outstanding skill. His mother remembers that ma toddler he was never able to sit still while.Tusic was on the radio. He also became _f_ascinated by.machines.and frequently would pretend to be one. At 9 14 I. A N family gatherings he is ofte The ife the party bectuse he does great imitations of all his relatives, occasionally picking up on the subtlest detail of their movement or expression. He can also perceive others' moods by the way they carfy themselves an ability which sometimks gets him into-trouldle when he Is feeling mischievous. Around tt*house,Peter Ilk's to hide in tiny places and enjoys twisting his body to fit himself into unexplored space. He likes to take small objects apart to see how they work, sometimes using the same object several times in new combinations. Peteroften wears himself out by engaginb in too many sports, but he regains'his energyquickly. Even when he resting, his father says, he amuses himself by working with mechanical toys and-byjmagining himself to be all sorts of animals and machines. What parents can do 5). It is understandable that the,, parents of the Anitas, Aliens, Michaels, Beverlys, Elizabeths, and Peters of the world might allow the behavior of their children to go by without much attention. Thinking of one's child as different ocexceptional is not.easy, especiallywtiqp the signs arehot known. But when it comes right down to it, parent's are the ones who know their children best, since they see them in so manydifferent situations and overlong periods of time and development. Parents would, because of this closeness, be the first to observe rapid giowth or sudden changes in behavior, if they knew what to look for. They would understand how their children react and are reacted to by others long before the school ever sees them. It is obvious that tests do not tell everything about chilcI4n and that there are many other sides to them than, show up in school. One way that parents can assist the schools is by learning early the cues that speak of giftedness so ttiey can relate specific information. abouttheir child's growth. By being aware of these signs they can also help their child find the many ways he can use his talents. A family effort from early identification in the home to particicannot be overemphasized. It is vital pation in formal education to the child, to the school, and to society, and besides, it can be a lot of fun. I in 15 Or )0_ - Cr ativity in the home, is Creativity is a word that ismSed widely by persons both in and out of educational circles. We speak of a creative child, creative writing, creative drama, and the like. Too often, however, this term is applied only to an end product an artistic work or musical , composition, for example without much thoLight being given to, 'what the creative proCws is really all about. iJiy changing demands and challenges existing in the wqrfd almost necessarily been accompanied by an upswing, st in and a broadening of the concept of creitikrity.Conseque t nOw able to look to a variety of activities and behaviots.to lo e-bur creative children, rather than the usual means of lootring a academic performance alohe. Some of these Th = tod behaviors ca be espally well observed in A home environment where the ch d is retailed and relating to people and things with 'which he is f iliar a d Safe. It is here, then; that parents can be most instrumental in d lo ing the kind of situation in Which creativity, can truly flourish. What is creativity? Torrarlice's (1970) definition of creativity has wide currency in educational circles. He defines creativity as . becoming sensitive to or aware of problems, deficiencies, gaps in knowledgermissingelements, disharmonies and so of bringing together available information; defining the difficulty or identifyir;g the missing element; searching for solutions, making guekse,s or formulating hypotheses about the deficiencies, tettinglndsf etesting these hypotheses and modifying arid restating them; perfecting them and finally communicating the results. (p.22) HeriNie see limitless situations in which parents might recoghize and encourage their children's creativity. Anything from solving pioblems with brothers and sisters to finding unique methods of 11 16 fq 4f- r ... / .. , , . s\ ? . . ° cleaning out comic book dollectionsmight be considered good , , indicatcfrs. ,.. \....... .-- ( , . .. . . . ,..., . The realization that creativity is a natural, healthy process and a . ..strong human -need is one good reason for parent's to want to 4 , . ; provide for creative experiences in the home, fiuch ashey would . .provide for.their children's.phyeical or.psychOlogical needs: Creativity should be viewed as alai/that has dal Ate relevance aft application. Any opportunity that a child.has to sense problems and / create-solutions can be helpful to his growth as a creative person. Haw parenb can recognize creative behavior r - to devote close attention to their child's creativity when sa anypither are of development need either obviotis or immediat attention. At ti es parents may even feel that working,on the creative aspect of.their child's personality may interfere with other types of learning. But there are, as Torrance points out;certain types of things a parent can do without extensiveor exhaustive effart. It is importantlhat parents become familiar with certain signalS of creativity so thrill they will be able to recognize and encourage creative behavior when it appears. rraiice (1969, p.36) suggests the following indications: it is, of course, no easy task for Intense absorption in listening, observing or doing ( "Burl didift hear you call me for dinned") 4 4 Intense animatioi and physical involvement ("BUt tocan'f sit stillI'm thinking.") Ug of analogies in speech ("I feel like a caterpillar.Waiting to rcome a butterfly.") Tendency to challenge ideas of authorities ("Why do go to school until I'm /1t?") ave to Habit.of checking many sources ("Mom, I looked at al e books and watched a TV special and asked my teacher a d I .still can't figure out, where God lives.") Taking a close look at things ("Hey, this centipede only has 99 Eagernesi to tell others about discoveries ("Giress what, guess what, guess what!") Continuing in creative activities after the sc eduled time for quitting ( "l did my art work right through re ss todayr) 12 Showing relationships among apiiarehtlY"Lintelated ideas, ("Hey, Mom, your new hat loolss4ustlae a flying saucer.") ,P4 'Follovig through on ideas seein, ration ("Torhorrow I'm goirYg to dig for gold in our bapk yard.") _ Various manifestations of curiosity and wanting to know ("I r justwanted to seewhatitha yard looked like from on top of the rof) Spontaneous Use of discovery or dteNlinehtal approach (" -4h0Qgtrt flour and water would make bread, but all I got was white goo. )* Excitement in voice about distoveries ("Flour and water make paste! ") Habit of guessing and testing 'outcomes ("I put deteWt.in the birdbath but no birds came to clean.Op. Can I try some bubble bath today?") . t. Honesty and intense search for truth ("Mom, I hope this doesn'txpset you, but I've come to the conclusion that there is perooth Fairy. ",) 144. . Independent action, ("There a no good books on racing., ars, 'Mom, I'm going,to write my own.") , - Boldness of-ideas ("But I thins that children should be 0 0 allowed to vote.") . Lovi distractability (,"I can't come out to play my chemical to dissolve.") . I'm waiting for Manipulation o ideas and objects to obtain new combinations (I'm going to take this string and this pencil and make a s."). co g observations and questions ("When the snow where does the white go?") Penetra Tendency to seek alternatives and explore new possibilities ("This old shoe would titmice a great flower pot.") Self initiated learningJ"Yesterday I went tope library and checked out all the book ''on diftbsaurs.") Willingness to consider or toy with strange ideas ("What if dogs were masters and people were pets?") f 13 J rS , knowingillItse beha ors, it is imp°. nt that patents waf,oh their children for their:fiat al tendencies in.this direction. Behavior's 'such as those mentioned may show up in unexpected *des drat unexpected limes I-- at the dinner table, at bedtime, in the pla dial wound. But *herever or.wheqever they surface, it 'becones for parents tai appreciate that creative thinking. haMitev;44eee. Using creative potential that the dhildrenhave end demOnstrate*is always easier and mote eroguctiye than teaching these behaviors . from scratch later on. 4 How **, parent can help There are some positive steps a paient can'take toward setting the stage for creativity to glow. Thefoilowing list is adapte.d from some suggestions provided by Torrance (1969. pp 40 - 43): Provide materials that develop imagination, such as open-ended stories or drawings. Provide Materials that enrich imagery, such as fairy tales, folk .. . tales, myths, fables, nature books.' , 4 . zi .. . ..... . . a;use Permit time/or thinking and daydreaming. Just a Oh/ ild doesn't look like he's busy doesn't mean that his mind it not Oft l Encourage children to record their ideas in binders,,,notebloks, and the like.. Even playing secretary for your child by having him dictate his stories to you,canbe a special way of showing that hi ideas are valuable arid that you care ab at he is thinking. p. Accept and use the tendency to take a different look. There are really many things onecan.leary about tfre world by standing o one's head. 4 Prize rather than punish true individuality. It is always possible to find little details-about a child's work or behavior t at might --Kmake him feel as though you noticed film as a speci person. . Be cautious in editing children's products. Sometimes a word ,corrected in the wrong place or too many times can stifle a child's creative energy and feeling of worth as a cr ator. 4 Encourage children to play with'wbrds. Even in s ch common settings as a car ride or shopping trip, word games like rhyming, opposites, and puns can be used to their full 'advantage. t14 ; o. . 4 Teachin4 restive thinking In the home . In addition to the general setting of tone and opportunity for .creativity.t&deVelop-, it is also a challenge for par Wear() and . reinforce some of the specific thinking processeXttgo into a-'Creative act. Thiekndwledge is helpful not only in its direct effect on children, but alsp in the parent's understanding of creativity as it applies to toys; materials, experiences, and problems in the home. tour main thought processes of creative thaing are flue'ncy, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. Each of these plays a spesifiC role in the development of creativity; all are vital to its 4, prOduttion. Fluent thinking is the ability to produce a quantity of possibilities, ideas, consequences, or objects. The importance of this proceis is that it builds a large store of information or materials fora person to select from or yse at a latertime. It is fun and exciting to be challenged to think of new ideas, and little or no materials are (required to create games for this purpose. Asking a child "I wonder h many different ways we can figure outt"d" to use these old plastic bags hat shoebox? those extra milk . cartons?" is a gopd way *to stimulate fluent thinking and also produces some interesting and helpful solutions for everyday problerris. Questions like "How many wordscan ydu remember that( begin with tI'?" or "What would happen if animals could talk?" have keet many a child occupied on long car trips. And the benefits of "How many different ways can you think of to remind yoUtself to 41) take out The garbage?" should go without saying. The point is quantity of ideas, not wOlether a child comes up with realistic or practical solutions,,After his thoughts flow, the may, Want to go back and work on his ideas, evaluate them, and develop one or two. But even,if hatioeenot get to this stage immediately, the process will have begun. Practicing fluency in a variety of situations leads to greater ease with creativity. . Flexible thi ing is the ability'to use many different approaches or strategies in solvjng a problem. It allows for changes in thinking to include alternatives, contrasting ideas, vPil3us points of view, and so forth, Some examples of questions that foster flexible thinking would be "How Many sentences can you think of that begin with the word )4i/ow and end with the word forest?" or "In how many different patterns can you arrange this triangle acid circle?" As with fluent thinking, the deVeloprnent of this process helps children produce many approaChes to a problem so that their final solution comes only after the.considergtion of many possible ideas. This 15 '7 j 40, .Process can, of course; be useful in solving all kinds 4:problems from academic to social and thus is an especially important tool for ,. learnineand growth. Original thinking is the ability to prbdpce unusual, unique, or' unanticipated responses. This, too, is a process that requires feW materials. Asking a child to think up new nametTor common tiv "."`P objects, comic strip characters:or animals, or having_lierrimake up * titles for books or movies ara§ood ways of encouraging originality. . Some parents have been able to use lists of children'stexcuses for not doing chores as a take off point for some original thinking by manipulating the humor of the situation to reduce conflict. If children feel that Oftlir excUsesare being appreciated for their originality, the chore itself may seem less awesome. Good natured omments like, "Well, last week it was that you were-coming down with the plague...What is it this time?" can be just as effective as "Don't tell me that you're too sickto clean this room!" If the hoUsehold schedule can stand it, it might even_be possible to use a vacation from a particular chore as a reward for the most original excuse, provided that the children know this procedure is just a game. Elaborative thinking is the ability to expand, develop, and embellish' one's ideas, plans, stories, or products. It is important in the development of creativity because it promotes communication, in which is vital to the-process. Asking children to discuss jects from various their stories or having them create inventions are two good ways of provoking elaborative thinking. Children might help in making elaborate and detailed plans for their birthday parties or catalogue things in their rooms. It is also possible to encourage elaboration by playing memory games at bedtime. Opportunities to discuss the events,of the day become a challenge to active young minds, especially when they are pressed for details concerning their senses and feelings. - 4./ Besides specific training in eachbf these four areas, there are other creativity tools that can be easily used in the home. One of these is creative problem solving. This technique, originated by Alex Osborn and developed by Sidney Parnes and other members of the Creative Education Foundation, follows the aspect of Torrance's definition of creativity that relates to the sensing of problems and gaps. The five main steps of problem solving can be applied to almost any kind of problem and are fun and productive at the same time. As outlined by Torrance and Myers (1970, pp. ,79:82), these steps include: t Sensing the problem or challenge. This first step is usually brought out by a specific incident or situation such as "How 16 k 21 - .. '":: .1, Vr4. . P.; ;114,,N 4. A shO,Fliperid My, ance?:' OF"How can I make sure Irget up onlImifor slh -,. '''. 2. -, 4.,;.. ` s'.- V .4 ..; . :, , p A 4halyzing toind the teal prbblem: This step involves finding facts aboOt the problem, restating it in broader terms, changing the wording, and finally breaking the proOlem down .f6lzma .; inkiemallersubproblems. For the second question alpee,.this :might mean askirig questions like' Why am I not geftite OA time?," 'What don't') like about getting up?," or "By what 'means . do I getmypelf up?" 3. ' Producing alternative solutions. The next step requires brainstorming all the possible solutions to the problem, no matter how off the track the suggestions might appear. Criticism at this stage is absolutely forbidden. Alterlliktives for this problem might beanything froM "Use three alarm cldcks" to "Buy a rooster" to "Drink lots of water so I'll have fo get up to go to the bathroom" or "don't sleep at all." s 4. . Evaluating ideas. At this stage comes the selection of criteria for the most promising ideas generated in the previous steps. The criteria for the sample problem might be expense, annoyance to the family, physical space, or health. Preparing to put the ideas into use. This stage requires the refinement of the selected solution. Questions such as "How cant make the'salution attractive or appealing to other people ?" or"VVhat will be the consequences of the solution?" now become appropriate. In this case it might be "How can I .convince my father that a rooster is better than an alarm clock?" (Different aspects of this model may be adapted to fit the age of the participants, making it usable for people. Otall ages and abilities. It is exciting to see the process in action in any. variation. It is also an excellent way to train creative thinking. Anotbeeinteresting type of creative training is the SCAMPER technique developed by Robert Eberle (1971, p, 14). The letters SCAM PE R represent seven types of cues for fluspt, flexible, original, and elaborative thought. They are: . 22 17 V c S Substitute To have a perion or thing act or serve in the .lace of another: Who else instead? What else? Other place? Other time? C Combine To bring together, unite: How about iblend, an assortment? Combine purposes? Comtiine * ideas? A. Adapt To adjustior the purpOse of suiting .a condition or purpose: What else is like this? What other'ideas does this suggest? . M Modify To alter, to change the form or quality: Change meaning, color, motion, sound, odor, taste, form. 1/4 Magnify To enlarge, make greater in form or quility: What to add?'Greater frequency? Stronger? Larger? Minify To make smaller, lighter, slower, less frequent: What to subtract? Smaller? Lighter? Slower? Split up? Legs frequent? Put to other uses New ways to use it? Other uses if modified? Eliminate To remove, omit, or get rid of a part, quality, or whole: What parts can be taken out? To keep the same function? To change the function? R Reverse To placeopposite or contrary, to turn it around: Opposites? Turn it backwards? Turn it upside down? Turn it inside out? Rearrange To change order or adjust, different plan, layout, OF scheme: Other sequence? Change pace? The advantage of the SCAMPER method is that it can be applied -to many situations with a minimum of materials. For example, as simple an item as a toothbrush may become the object of a SCAMPER adventure: If you needed a toothbrush and did not have one, what else could could you use? (05stitute) 18 23 What could you make with six totithbruities and six feet of '''string? (Combine) 4 : _ How wdtld you change a to hands/ (Adapt) , s tbrush for someone who had no ) --4%..4.What would the Jolly Green Giant use for a toothbrush? . I (,,,,ate .,,, ; . . . . t -What else could you use a toothbrush for? (Put icy other uses) What would happen if you relived the-bristles on a toothbrush? (Eliminate) How would a toothbrush functionsif the t2ristiGs were at the bottom? (Reverse) SCAMPER has been known to fascinate children for many hours and is highly recommended for the rainy Saturday afternoon blues. It is also a helpful'technique because of the many exciting and functional innovations that cant* produced in the name of fun.' What about far out IdeaS? In order to develop creative skills, children, must feel that they are psychologically safe. This means thaethey must know they can indulge in fantasy and take rikkAith their thinking and not be judged harshly or punished. Statements like "Don't.be silly" or "You should know better" should tie avoided at all costs because they squelch imagination and playfulness. Comments like "Ydu have so many ideas" or "What else can you think of?" or "Thai's really different!" take about as much energy to say and are much more conducive to a climate that breeds creativity. If children's ideas seem potentially dangerous, a:gentle "How would that work?" or "Can you explain that again?" or "Maybe you'd better get some more facts" would encourage them to come to their own conclusions. Statements like "That's terrible" or "What a ridiculous idea" only kill the effort. What about creative toys? With so many "creative" toys and games on the market today, it is no wonder parents get confused. Half of this probleal: is not so much knowing which of the items to select as understanding how to make the selection. The best way a parent can judge produdts on their creative value is to look at open-endedness. For example, a'set of blocks with parts ttit interlock with only a few specific parts 19 24 ,s would be less open-ended than a set with Ii itless possibilities fpr Nrrangement. It is also possible to turn a stalpard product into a . more creative one by applying the techniques th'at have been discussed here. Forexample, questions such as "How would you change that game so younger children could use it?" di' "What would.happen if that doll were five feet tall:?" or "How many uses can you think of for dice?" or "Can you invent new rules for that game?' provide-Many opportunities for creative thinking and prove that a parent does not have to buy new toys to get the job done well. Most important, parents must know childien, their interests, how they think and learn, the kindi of creative thinking they enjoy,and the kinds they need to develop. ThiS may be accomplished by observing children,' but it is even more effectiveif parents themselves begin to practic= eative thinking. As parents become familiar with many poin of view and themselves experience more enjoyment of Words, ages, colors, and senses, children will naturally follow. Cr tivity training can be hard work, but it can also bring happiness and productivity. It literally depends on how you look at things. r F 6 2 4 r., 4 . . , .. . .. . . .SiDeqi0.p. Opieilis7of !tie:gifted J a ./- . . %. ,,,, ,.. .. 6, f, .. There is a poromon notion that gifted children ha'e feWer problems than otheri because their intelligence and talents somehow exempt them from the hasslei of daily life. According to this belief, children with t greater number of abilities ace assuried to have a greater number of coping mechanisms and therefor.e they can "make it on their own." As parents ofgifted children know, however, this theory is simply not true. Research has shown that gifted children are usceptible to many everyday problems, ranging in'Compleity from ,..... not being able fo find clean socks to dealinb with tKe rising cost Of living and that like other groupswith special needs they have some problems tharare uniquely their own. levement Underachievement -that ismerformance below one's potential is perhaps one of the mosttridely.discussed problems of the-gifted. There are many signiand symptoms of underachievement and 'many different causes. It wouldpe an impossible task to attempt one statement that would apply alt cases. There a however, some findings about the. problem that can be present for general consideration. , *4.1 It is known thkt underachievemept is relatedto what a child thinks about himself is a leai-ner, as a child,.as a,person. Self concept is developed in many ways bk..it is usually directly linked to a child's reactions to his parents and °thew significantldults in his life. When a child has a positive sejf concept, it means that he feels good about himself and the way he believes other people see him. A poor self concept, on the other hand. means that a child feels poorly about himself and that he does not like the way he thinks other people see him. Usually a child reacts tb the lattertituation with some hostility, which can, and often does, show up in his school work, especially.if his family sets overly rigid expectations and rules about high test scores and good grades: This is not to say that a child actualjy plans not to achieve, but that his poor performanceis a sign of resistance 26 21 I. S . . stemming from his anger at the situation. In these cases, finding out and trying to remedy the causes of his poor self concept would be one of the best methods for treating the problem. it, is not always easy to discover an underachieving child's real feelings about himself because there ustoilly is a gap between what ahe says and what he feels. An underachiever may adopt a "What's the use?" attitude to avoid unpleasant confrontations with his problems. Gallagher (1975) has-listed some typical excuses that underachievers use and some of the real meanings that Why be implied frcirn these statements. While the words may vary from case to case, the general outlook is common, as shown in Figure 1. Since there is no one cause for e problem of underachievemeArt, neither is there any one treatment. It is important to remember that an underachiever is a child who has lost faith in himself. Any opportunity for him to learn new skills or improve his abilities should be encouraged. This does not mean simply praising a child, because peaise is not enough. If Johnny feels that he cannot draw well, a vague compliment like "Oh, yoii draw so wer.will not make 13im feel better about his drawing ability because the gap in opinions seems too wide. Recognition of a small piece of his work "I like the way you drew the house" or "You are really improving" would seem to Johnny a much more realiitic passibility. In other areas, such as helping around the house, a step by step plan for recognition is also useful. Little successes, like setting the table nicely or keeping a neat room for a day, are much more meaningful to the underachiever than sweeping compliments and have a greater and longer lasting effect. The culturally different Another category of problems of gifted children is that of cultural difference. Culturally djfferent children are those'whose family backgrounds are removed from the American White middle class stereotype. This category carvinclude various ethnicitiessuchas Black, Appalachian rural'. Spanish speaking, American Indian, or groups which have little access to resources because of financial or geographic limitations. Children of culturally different families generally have a different set of life experiences from those of the culturally dominant majority and have different opportunities for the expression of their talents. It is important for parents to recognize the values and abilities that are prized by their culture and to identify their children's potential accordingly. For example, in cultures where children do not play with many mechanical toys, there still may bean opportunity for, 22 27 re ;* figUre Protecting the Bruised Self Image of the. Chronic Underachiever Wpat He Sayi What He May Mean School is terrible. Teactiers are against me and_they aren't any good anyhow. . . I think I would like to be a jet pilot or amovie star or a. politician. OP If the system is bad, no real blame can come to me if I don't succeed in it. I want to do thrilling and glamorous things but cannot stand a position with a long period of training preceding it or where sustained hard work is needed (rarely choosing surgeon, electronibs engineer, or 4 president). i really am ndt gifted and those lestsf. j are crazy anyhow. The label "gifted" puts pressurkcin me to succeed. One way to take the pressure off is to lose the label. Some people are lucky and some aren't. 1 wish I could hit it lucky for once. I dream about breaking the bartk at Las Vegas. If life is a game of chance, I am less personally responsible for my ultimate success or failure. My old man is a grouch. He is from My father and I don't understand each other aniftannot communicate. 'I can't model myself afterAjm. nowhere. likti to get into a hopped up jalopy and gd-go-go. Man, that really is living. Give me some bennie and watch me fly. I Future? What future? The "bomb" will :ta0 care of our future. If not, things will work out somehow. The only time I feel at home is with my buddies Atihen we ..go out searching for kicks, I feel like a person. The excitement of peed and risk makes me feel co petent. This is something I can o without sustained effort and it distracts me from my unpleasant self-image.' To'think of the future requires planning'and effort. These are'too painful since. I haye failed too'otten before. I prefer to ignore it andtrust to luck, etc., to make things come out alrright. The only time my self image is bolstered is when I am with other fellows who feel as I do and who help me explain, away my problems. Note:From Teaching the Gifted Child (2nd ed.), by James J. Gallagher, Boston: Allyn & Bacon, Inc..1975, p 390. Copyright 1975 by Allyn & Bacon.' Inc. Reprinted by permission 23 40. Ni them to demonstrate hie mechanical abilities in their use of the resources that are reiliily available to them. Parents may wish to encourage their children to use natural materials, scraps, or just" plain junk in &creative way because exploring novel approaches to familiar things is an ability that can iater be applied inadultroles. The child who finds unusual uses for twigs, tubes, or junked cars may someday utilize histalents in acareer in engineering or design. In addition to those cultures listed above, gifted girls should be mentioned as having somewhat different cultural experiences because of female role expectations. It is important for parents to provide gifted flirts the opportunity to test themselves in skills mainlY attributed to boys, such as mechanics, science, mathematics, or sports. Likewise, boys should be given support and encouragement for theirinterests in traditionally female pursuits. In either case, parents must be sensitive and open US-demonstrated potential that goes beyond sex barriers to make sure that unusual and unique talents do not go to waste. Another strategy that culturally different parents can employ is finding community resources to protide extra benefits for their n. As parents become awarb of the special needs and talents chil valued in their own culture, they can channel their that n's abilities to strengthen- their community. FroM this, they chil can extend service to the total school population and then ta the community as a whole. For example,a parent whose child is especially talented in social dancing may want to encourage him to find others of similar interests and abilities to form a dance troupe. The parents of the group might then locate a.teacher and find a storefront or basement in whiCh they could practice. With such organization from arents, the troupe could give performances in the communityperhaps raise enough money to become self sustaining. All it would take would be people who are.willing to stick by their children and persist in the search for opportunities s to sponsor special it is also possible to.find local organi prograrps for groups who have specif interests. Museums, local businesses, libraries, or civic organizations all have within their ranks people who have time or skills to donate. Somdmay offer rooms for meetings. Help may also be found within the schools, as guidance counselors and other school personnel frequently, know of occasions for scholarships, art lessons, and other opportunities. It is just a matter of making the right contacts in these organizations. Once the doors are open, however, it is important forparents to continue their support of their child's efforts as pressure from peers may'become a hindrance to the realization of his dream. It is never 24 29 easy to be outstanding, but in the case of cUltuially different groups, a chiles attempts to'follow special opportunities mast him even further outside his circle of friends. His differences may become more noticeable and therefore more difficult for,him to tolerate. In such instances, however, the end results can often be rewarding enough for the-child to overcome possible peer rejection, especiallyif encouragement from home is consistent and strong. Learning Afficidtlel A third problem that parents should understand is that of learning difficulties among gifted children. This situation is one that frustrates parents, teachers, and children alike because it is hard to comprehend-how a child can be so outstanding at some things but have such trouble with others. In schools this problem may be seen as a lowered perfermande in a specific subjecf such as reading or math, while at home it might be indicated by a short attention span; easy distractability, temper flare-ups, or overactivity. In-cases of specific learning difficulties, it may seem that the gifted child is controlling and choosing the things he will or will not do. At the same time, it may appear that he is.unwil ling to change bad habits. Learning difficulties, however, are not determined by the child himself but by a variety of circumstances ranging from poor teaching to the child's lack of interest in a subject to a real disability that needs educational or medical treatment. Especially in the latter situation, it is essential for parents and children to understand and accept that even the most gifted individual cannot excel in all areas of performance. If too much pr ssure is put on the child to do what he simply Cannot, emotional u sets might occur and make the problem more difficult. When unevenness of perfor ce sists either for a long time or with extreme difference in abill , t might be advisable to consult with thechild's teacher, a physician, or with a trained specialist in the school or in another educational setting. It is possible to plan special programs that would allow the child's learning patterns to become more steady or at least teach the child how to handle the learning problem when itarises. Whenever possible, thechild should be encouraged to accept his ups and downs and to apply the strategies he learns for coping with his varying abilities. There are, of course, other problems that arise with gifted children on a day to day basis, many of which should be handled by parents in the same way that they would handle the problems of any child. In some instances, counseling may be indicated for the child and for the whole family. In many cases, both comfort and practical. suggestions may be derived from taycing with other parents of 30 25 gifted children. Some of the particular problems of the gifted have been sdiecessfully managed by individual families who are eager to discuss their findings. Many of these strategies are presented in the following pages. Jr 31 26 1. 4, `Parents view their children t. was being prepared and variouJfamilies were As this publicati interviewed abo problems they face with their gifted children, certain themes dominated the responses. Problems such as tellingftha child that he is gifted, encountering unsympathetic teachers, dealing with sibling rivalry, and providing for many interests were commonly mentioned. Listed below are some comments that were obtained through questionnaires and interviews with parents of gifted children in different sections of the country. Although only certain problems are discussed, it is hoped that other parents of gifted children will find-these suggestions helpful and that they, will be able to use some of the ideas expressed in handling their own situation. What did you tell your child about 'being gifted? "No speCial emphasis was made. It was apparent to the child from comparing her performance with her classmates that she was a very good student." "God has given every person special and unique gifts to be developed, strengthened, and shared. Some people have gifts which make them athletes, artists, scholars, especially good with people, et cetera. One of the many gifts God gave you is the ability to reason, understand, and-learn rapidly.' "I told him that since he had a lot of experience and exposure that most children have not had, he could learn faster and better. I also told him that this fact had been verified by some tests at school." 4- "We told, him that his play is more complicated than most children's and that sometimes his brain works a little faster." "All children learn differently some faster than others. He must learn to accept his own special abilities, both the pleasures and ,y responsibilities, and appreciate others for theirs. We asked him how 27 hei felt about his talents and what he thought he might like to do with them." In addition to these responses, many parents answer g that they had told their child nothing about being gifted and tkaTthe child simply accepted his abilities and the gifted prOgram as part of the natural course of life. How have you handled situations in which your child's)rades were not an accurate reflection 'of his abilities? "Our son does well in stibjects in which he is interested or in which he is stimulated by the feacher. When he doesn't get enough individualization, he becomes introverted andlurned off. In these instances, we provide enrichment at home and try-to relate some of our activities to the subjects in which he's having trouble. For example, when he was not doing well in math, we let him work out the budget for his birthday party." . "In second grade, our daughter had a teacher who placed her in a low reading group. This was such a blow to her ego that she stopped performing in other subjects. During this very difficult period, we tried tabolster her egoAother ways,-by praising her for other little things she did well and nfoticingny improvement in her schoolwork. Her motivation !coincidentally' returned when she was later placed in a higher group!" . "Our son tends to work faster than most and sometimes doesn't listen to directions; conseq-uently his grades suffeY. He also occasionally reverses numbers or letters, which brings his marks. down. I try to explain to him why his wrong, explaining that I see his way, too. I emphasize that ther is more than one way to be right but that his teacher seems to be impatient with his reasons. I also try to help him understand that sometimes it is important to'work slothly and carefully when people want you to do something specific and that, at other times, you can do things the way you want them," "When my.son began receiving poor grades, I raised 'quiet hell' by getting involved in research on th gifted and then going to the school to advise his teacher of his eeds." "I try to be moderate in the limou t of pressure I use to encourage our daughter's work/study habits. We spent time this summer on math, her bottom subject last year and this year, it's one of her best!" 28 33 ' % How have you provided for your child's Many interests? We buy lots of books,-make frequent visits to the library, and ask lots of questions. For school, we review witb,rd assist her in her subjects and stress research and outlining.)Ne play games with her and constantly provide her with new stimuli." "Most important, weprovide a special space kir her to work in where she can be uninterrupted by othir members of the family. She pretty much takes her own interestelrorn-there." "We provide time for s aring our interests and he takes hitues from there. We all take gen ine interest in each others' special talents." "I never limited explor tory Opportunities, despite clutter, mess, and general inconVeni nce. The only rules were about certain things that he could no take apart." "As often as possible, w try to use the resources in our community. an interest in something, we all When our child expre brainstorm ideas a to * ere in the town we could get help or o use, ur family times to play games that relate information. We to all our intere s such a 'How many different musical instruments can you think f?' whenO r son was in orchestra." What have you done when your child had interests for which you could not provide? "We encouraged him to spend more time with his teachert to get their advice. When heswas very young, we worked it out with the librarians to allow him to check out adult books." "I encourage him to explain his interests to me and ask him honest questions. Even though I myself cannot be a resource for him, my .questions seem to give him some direction:" "When our daughter had a special interest in ballet and there was nothing in our town, I found parents of other gifted children who had similar interests and we carpooled to the city to attend performances. Later we organized a local chapter for parents of gifted children." "We snooped around in the community businesses, stores, school until we found someone who could help us. W6 always personnel did!" "In instances where her needs could not be met, we suggested the 29 34 library, writing letters and finally, that she d_ irect her energies to other topics related to her interests." How have you handled a teacher who was unsympathetic. to the particular needs of your gifted child? "I tried to increase my efforts at home by going over lessons and adding an elemenfof fun to schoolwork. I tried to get my daughter to treat the situation with a sense of humor kind of like she had,a secret, that the-teacher didn't know about that she could enjoy learnin even though The teacher made it rough!" "I tried t rig to the teacher to explain that my son was simply marching to the tune of a different drummer. Whhis didn't, work I made it a point to question the teacher andihe.school administration about my child's 'problem' (which was his giftedness) and stood up for him in alrhost every,instance. I also read books on creativity so I. could explain some of his behavior to his teacher who shOuld have been the o'ne to explain it to me." "When our son's teacher constantly compared hiM to his brother, I stepped up my efforts to remind him that he had his own talent6, abilities, and interests so the joke was really on the teacher. (We eventually reqUested a class change and got it.)" "We had to grin and bear it most of the year gave here couple of days off ('time out' we called itwhen she had an especially rough week. On those days we would do something like take a trip to the museum or just do walking in the woods. Those days proved to be the most educational §f the year." wledge that your child Is gifted affect other children How did the ily? in, your "When our younger son became jealous, we encouraged the older brother to help him study. We also encouraged the younger one to talk about his feelings directly to the older gifted sibling, This brought the two much closer." "Each of our children has special abilities and peculiar habits and quirks. 'These are respected and recognized but have never been allowed to disrupt family unity. Each personality and talent is treated individually with emphasis on acbeptable behavior and respect and compassion and understanding for others." "We try to turn the jealousy into creative competitiori by having family contests and brainstorming sessions." 30 35 t "Throughfamily counseling we have made some progress in 6racticingour philosophy of recognizing that God gives gifts to all. We. donot allow the children to compare themselves to anyone but themselves.,Each is like a flower in a garden which must be nourished into its fullest blossom. Wouldn't it be dreadful if all we had were roses? Which is the most beautiful flower? There is none. and so it is with children." Each has its own special beauty "When competition and jealousy get to be too intense, we have a faintly meeting and do problem solving on how to handle the situation. Sometimes we simply have to encourage them to gel involved in separate activities away from each other." Most often,-parents responded to thisquestion by saying that there was no observable jealousy or problems with siblings of.the gifted child because the family had treated the giftedness as something for the whole family to enjoy. Taking pride in each others' achievements, no matter what the area, seemed to be the common theme. .4 11, How have you- enhanced your child's creativity at home? "We spend a liat of time with our son because we love to and have such fun doing it. When he was an infant, we provided a variety of sights, sounds, tactile stimuli and never talked down to him. We took him to a lot of different plases historical sights, field trips, libraries, museums, concerts 'and talked about everything we did as we were doing it and afterwards. We never forced him into injellectu acIiiiitV, but picked up with enthusiasm whenever he expresset an hest in something." "I encoura ecreative thinking, creative play, and problem solving. We frequently ask our childrerywhat they think we should do next or ask their-advice on hfreve should approach a particular task or problem, i.e., if it's raining ancrour picnic is cancelled, whatiphould we do? Or if' heir bedrooms need cleaning, what should we do first? For most problems we ask, 'Is there another solution?' By now, the girls can come up with three or four answers for most problems." "We read to-her, make up Storiesabout everything, ask a lot of questions and encourage her to do the same. We let her help us in our daily duties andiet her think up original ways to accomplish her chores. We provide her with materials that do not demand specific like paper, building toys, paints, et cetera, instead of kits that use are preplanned. We also play a lot of word gahies and puzzles and encourage her sense of humor making puns, rhymes, et cetera." 31 "I set up our home to allow for.exploration with as few 'don'ts' as possible. We also respect our children's emotions knowing that even though they don't think as we think, they feel as we feel: We try, whenever possible, to exposé our children to all tite arts through concerts, plays, exhibitions (some great things taking Place in the community for free yet!) and by inviting creative people to our home.' In manycases, parents iemarked that they had not gone out of their way to encour eir child's creativity and that they felt certain the stimulation finias receiving at school was sufficient. Many also felt that the impo-rtant factor was for parents just to be good listeners and support the ideas that their child initiates. Are there any areas in which you feel your child's giftedness is not being applied? "We have noticed that our son lacks awareness of his immediate surroundings andlime. We recently discussed this with him in an intellectual way (used Maslow's theories) and found that he could uoderstand the problem. Approaching him in this manner, he was giverrtime to think about things, and from this processhe figures out his own solutions." "Our son has developed a Riglakegree of autonomy, which makes it difficult for his teachers and for me. I try to emphasize to him thai little conformity at times will be to Os advantage." "Our daugliter lacks patience with herself and is supersensitive to that she failure. I try to point out the positive aspects of failure jearns from her mistakes. I have also made her aware of my own failures in an effort,to make her see that we all make mistakes and must be constructive in dealing with thefn. As for impatience, we have explained that this attitude breaks down friendships and that she should use her intelligence to help others whenever she can. We suggest that she be more selective in her involvements-so that # her expectatiohs will not always be let down (for thiS we have to import gifted children from other neighborhoods but it's worth it)." "When our son is sarcastic or when he doesn't take responsibility for his things, we point out the consequences of hisactions. We try to encourage him to do things for himself and respond with praist when he does this successfully. For example, when he left his roon Messy for two weeks, we suggested the possibility of bugs attacking the old'cookie crumbs. When this finally did happen (much to mother's agony), he had to spray his whole room and had twice the work he would have had if he'd cleaned when he was supposed to." 32 C. a "Our daughter has learned to hate reading and is bored by many , other subjects in school. For the time being, I am ignoring this behavior since she ig byno means behind her classmates. Whenever she does express interest, I reinforce her and try to make the experience fun in whatever way I can. Once the pain is over, however, and this phase passes like all the others, I intend to apply more strict standards (her teacher tends to accept half baked work). This will be a gradual process, though, so it will not come as too much of a shock." Other answers to this question covered a great deal of ground fir A forgetfulness to lick of common sense to table manners. Most parents, however, emphasized that giftedness is not the same as godliness and they did not expect perfection in all areas of behavior. Many suggested reading general parenting type books for ' specific suggestions for handling common problems. Do you hAve any advice for other parents of gifted children? "The most important consideration is to allow the gifted child considerable freedom to explore and to equip him for his chosen explorations. Limitations should be set only insofar as safety and damage to valuables or to the property of others is concerned. Letting him work through his situatii is learning for him and his selection of his own learning tasks is n indicator of his learning needs. Parental guidance is important to enhance this process. In some cases, structuring the task toward its successful completion is required. I do not teach my child what I want him to learn but instead I am his helper in his early years. I will help him to learn ivhat he wants to learn in the manner he seems to learn it best." 'Show and Tell' is an excellent way to generate curiosity, particularly if the child is the one doing the showing and telling. Constant references to how things relate to one another, i.e.,an' acorn is like a bean seed, facilitates this awareness. Also,accept. Don't take the goofs or the achievements too seriously. The person is more important than either. A parent must also not be afraid to let even if you thought go. Let a tulip be a tulip and a rose be a rose you were growing marigolds!" "There is no way to intercede in the educational system. Simply timdle positively all efforts as a parent from a 'Can I help?' perspective. Teach the child the realiim of the educational system and offer alternative approaches at home." :'Be a parent. Help your child discover and practice personal discipline, to love, understand, produce, create, express, think, 33 41. 38 reflect, desire, fulfill, imagine_ . _phild and for your gifted ch. his life." U are the m m with your gifted significant model in "Try to give them the areness of the people and world around them, and whil offer. Let them know that they have valuable thoughts andbOni sand that they have a right to standup for their beliefi. If t want to use their own methods, let them as long aslhey do t Kin anyone. You'd be surprised how often their.way of doing things opens your eyes." "Public education about giftednessshould be more widespread not just the often publicized 'genius type."We must also understand ourselves as parents. T gifted child is note possessidn or an ego - trip for aptrent. He is arson in his own right and should not be used or expjoited on account of parents who have feelings of inadequacy about themselves." . "Recognize that some of these children are supersensitive to other people and other people's attitudes toward them. They need a great deal of patience and encouragement in trying new things because . they are so accustomed to succeeding that even a little failure-can sometimes unglue them. I believe that schools are greatly respon6.ible for this because they do not adequately challenge the children. The children may become complacent and develop the feeling that they know everything, only to later find out harshly that this is not so." ",Gifted kids' needs are the saml as all other,children just more and sooner. They'relg sensitive so many things can hurt. The awareness is there long before the understanding, For those who have 'gbne undercover' look stithisir-Sense of humor. And foolk-toi. frustration." "Open up frank communications with the child. Dedicate a lot of time -- it's a rewarding investment. Oqn't let the schools steamroller you Stand up and fight back for youthild's specks! needs. Get invoived with or start a local gifted chapter. You will need all the help you can get. ". "Try not to blow the gifted aspect of your child's personality out of proportion. Treat the child as a person, talk to him, explain actions, describe things, provide lots of experiences, let him alone sometimes so he can just 'be.' Fight for their needs against strong opposition. Never let them become obnoxious to others." "Gifted kids never quit: They never stop thinking, don't sleep as much as others, operate in more curious ways than peers. Thii 34 3 9. often sets them apart and they can feeltonely. They need your hetp, friendship, and support. Give it to .them:' "My suggestion is to try to understand that your gifted child is one whosees things differently. Find out that those ways are. Accept him for what he is and refer often to khaki Gibran: 'Your children are not your thildresi but the -sons and daughtert of life's longing for itself. You may give them your love but not yobr thoughts. You may house theirbodies but not their souls fortheir souls dwell in the. house of tomorrow which you cannot visit, not evenin your dreams. And though they are with you, they belong nottoyou.' " There are as many means of coping, with the joys and troubles of dealing with gifted children as there are parents and children. While thereis no cookbook recipe for guaranteed success in this endeavor, it is certain that there are many people now trying various Approaches. They are, as these responses indicate, willing and wanting to share their methods. No one should feel that they have to accomplish their child rearing. alone. Wise parents should heed this and use the telephone, the doorbell the postal system, and the PTA to find other parents who are in the same gifted boat. The old saying about "united we stand" was never more true than in the raising of a gifted child. 1.0111100 o 40 35 J re . F Parent power In a small town in Connecticut a father notices that his bright daughter is not being challenged in her class. He contacts the parents of seyeral other bright children and together they talk to the superintendent about providing an enrichment program for gifted children in the public schools. The following year the schookboard approves a full time gifted program. In Wisconsin a group otparents of gifted children enroll in a parent training course and learriThe concepts and theories of gifted education. When they go to the district office to request funds for continuation of their children's special class, they give an articulate, well informed presentation. The program receives funds for another year. 1 , The mother of a gifted child in Okliihorila is having difficulty with 0 her son who will not do his homework because he finds It boring: She talks to her friends abdut it but thtity have no suggestion,s because their children are having trouble keeping up with even their regular assignments. At the request of the school counselor, she attends a meeting of the local gifted parent organization and learns that other mothers are hiiving similar problems with their children. She takes home valuable ideas for handling her situation and plans to attend future meetings. The success stories could go on and on. The number of 'organizations continues\ito grow as parents discoier that, for many reasons, parent groups are orfe of the strongest means vailable for stimulating action for the gifted and talented and allepne of thebest, sources of help for individual parents. What a parent group can do There are an endless number of ways in which parent groups can become involved in working for and with the gifted from fuild raising to volunteering in the schools to providing information to 4. 4 4 37 *lb the whole community. Some parent groups, after having their requests for help tabled by school boards for financial or other reasons, have developed their ownenrichment programs. Some have directed thek attention toward gettinqdfinancial aid for gifted 'education at the local, state, or national le*I. As in other aspects of gifted elltucation, different needs in a community mean different gOals and differenemeans of attaining thOm... The California Parents for the Gifted, The Connecticut Association for the Gifted, The Florida Association forthe Gifted, The Asiociation for the Gifted and Talented Students intouraiana, The Gifted Child. Society of New Jersey, Oklahomans for the Gifted and Talented, andThe Minnesota Council for the Gifted'are a few groups that represent a wide geographic, philosophical, and rgrogrammatic span of parent involved organizations for the gifted. Although each group began in its own way arid for its own purpose, althave maga significant contributions to the field. Parents who are thinking about starting an association would benefit from writing to these successful organizations for their materialsnewsletters, program descriptions, and the like. (Addresses for these organizations may be found. in Appendix B.) Locating community resources For many of these groups and others like them, an important beginning task was the identification of sympathetic persons within the community and school. One good method that has been suggested for discoverin the potential supporters of the gifted is the graPevine technique. This strategy isnitiated by a felk people, each contacting five friends about their cause. The contacts must in turn agree to Contact five of their friends with the information, and so' on. Records must be kept by all parties concerning:who was contacted and by what means.. Although some people may react negatively, it is important to continue the grapevine until each person has received Eit least five favorable responses. While time consuming, this method is a sure means of getting a diverse representation of people involved in activities for the gifted: The gripevine technique is best utilized for communicating a specific piece of information an association meeting, a special speaker, or a field event. However, it is also an effective tool f& publicizing the'fact that an effort is being made on behalf of the gifted. If groups or individuals are informed of this in the early ; stages of-the movement, they may consent to serve as resources for special programs after the organization is fully functioning. Contact persons at the library or museum may be able to lind rooms for ' research projects or the friend of a friend may volunteer to teach .38T.- 42- drafting to vi interested child: Retired persons may be especially receptive tcirsuch programs and should definitely be included in any grapevine endeavor. / How to structurthe organization As an association builds its membership and formalizes its organization (excellent documents on this phase of development are available from many of the organizations named previousID, it is crucial to select committees to perform the numerous tasks required to keep the association alive. Some possible committees could be: Publicity: To announce meetings and promote ongOing contact with the local media. Newsletter: To communicate to members events of local, state, or national releVance. Program: To plan and implement meaningful programs at associaton meetings or special events at other occasions. Community Resources: Ta identify community mernbers a agencies who are willing to become involved with the gifted . A Library: To gather books about the gifted and information from other parent associations. Legislation: To organize lobbying for,legislation for the gifted at all levels of government. Others: Membership, odd jobs, school liaison, and so. forth. In addition tocommittees, an advisory council of parents, influential school and businesspersons, community leaders, and university faculty is vital to the functioning of the organization. The purpose -of this coup it is to advise the organization on many issues and activities thatnescially need input from a variety of perspectives. Including many different participants on this council more or less ensures broad support for the organization and its purposes, especially if the demands made on the members are not, excessive, . How to get support for and from the schools The idea of working with a community becomes extremely important when it comes tlinoaching the schools. It is all too easy for a parent group to e nothing but a power group and a 39 43 r threat or burden to octiooladministration. Especially in the case of the gifted, "threat" and "burden"-are not helpful labels for an association to acquire. Even when the association must take on the full responsibility for gifted programing in a town, it is essential that the schools stay involved in and aware of theie efforts. All possible attempts must be made to win the trust and respect of school personnel so that the association remains a positive force. Some groups have offered their services to provide clerical help for teachers who need time to attend to the gifted; plan unique field trips, summer workshops, and special events; or volunteer to test children for gifted programs. Other groups have offered financial assistance for scholarships or other opportunities for needy gifted students. Irisdhools where so many pressures are being applied for many different causes, parents who ask how they can donate ttieir service and time can only be a welcome sight. In short, a parent association for the gifted and talented is truly necessary in any corrlMunity that is seriously, exploring alternatives for children with special needs. As mentioned previously, the best thihg interested parents can do is to contact some of the established organizations to find out how they began and then adapt that information to the needs of their own group. There are many people now actively engaged in finding Support for the gifted. Their help is therefor the asking--and the asking is well worth the time. Rh, 44. 40 Happi ending Dear Jane, We were so happy to receive your letter about Danny and were.even more excited abObtLyour phone call. I'm thrilled that you found those other parents to back you in your meeting with the principal. When will the program be starting? What will the children be slow doing? It sounds like you will have your hands full getting all the information, but I know how important this is to you and to Danny. I am sure you will enjoy the work even thoUgh it will take a lot of energy, time, and persistence. ease let me know if there is anything a proud g dmother'can do like write to our congressman about funds and 'talented education or find other sources of help for the cause. I wish that this kind of opportunity had been available when you were a child. Maybe this excitement will finally ease both our frustrations! lifted Keep us posted. Love, Mom 41 45 A final word The theme of this publication, as readers have no douNt understood, is that individual parents, school systemsAind communities must develop plans and programs to suif their children's particular needs. There is no way that any One book or ,strategy can apply to all. It is hoped that parents of gifted children will have learned, as a result of their reading, a variaiy of methods, facts and techniques to enhance the development of their young. If they have learned new-ways to enrich their own approach to life, theno much the better. C Watch for your child's interests and hobbies, his reading habits, his special talents, his relationships with peers and adults. Take note of his unusual accomplishrhents. Listen to his ideas. Observe him in play. There is a lot to be learned both from and abou gifted child, and you have a special opportunity for that experienC It may be said that the future is in their hands, but for now they are in yours. Let love, understanding, and nurturance be your greatest gift to them. 5 46 43 ti 4 References Eberle, R. Scamper: Games for imagination development. Buffalo D. O. K. Publishers, Inc., 1971. NY: Gallagher, J. J. Teaching the gifted child (2nd ed.) Boston: Allyn & c `z Bacon, Inc., 1975. Torrance, E. Creativity. Sioux Falls ND: Adapt Press, 1969. Torrance, E. P. & Myers, R. F. Creative learning and teaching. New York: Harper & Row, 1970. 45 Appendix-A Additional readings of special interest to parents Books Barbe, W., & Renzulli, J. Psychology and educatio of the gifted (2nd ed.). New York: Halsted Press, 1975. Research and commeptary on various aspects f giftedness, including philosophical and.theoretical issues and practical suggestions. Mainly for teachers, but helpful for parents who want to be well informed about educational practices for the gifted. BrUmbaugh, F., & Roscho, B. Your gifted child:A guide to parents. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1959. Emphasis is on identification and training in the early years. Includes guidelines for parent-school cooperation. Cutts, N., & Moseley, N. Bright Children:A guide for parents. New York: G. P. Putman's Sons, 1953. Suggestions for helping the sifted child at home. Delp, J., & Martinson, R. The gifted and talented: A handbook for parents. Ventura CA: Ventura County Superintendent of Schools, 1975. Written specifically for parenjs. Includes many practical suggestions for parent organizations, identification and training in the home, treatment of problems of the gifted, and interviews with parents. Eberle, R. Scamper: Games for imagination development. Buffalo NY: D. 0. K. Publishers, Inc., 1971. A ccillection of imagination experiences for your children. Fine, B. Stretching their minds. New York: E. P. Dutto! Co., Inc., 1964. The author's discussion of his, experiences at a noted school for thegifted. Gallagher, J. J. Teaching the gifted child (2nd ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon, Inc., 1975. A 'comprehensive treatment of gifted education with chapters on problem solving, creativity, underachievement, and cultural difference that will be especially relevant to parents. Ginsberg, G. Is your child gifted? New York: Simon & Schuster, 1976. A handbook for parents of gifted children. ° Gowan, J. C., & Bruch, C. The academically talented student and guidance. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1971. A treatment of the special needs and problems of the gifted. Written primaiily for educators but includes important suggestions for parents. Gowan, J., & Torrance, E. P. (Eds.). Educating the ablest. Itasca II: P. E. Peacock Publishers, Inc., 1971. A book of readings on the education of gifted children, with a special section directed to parents. 47 48 Groat, A. Genius in residence. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall, 1970. A mother's description of her experiences with her highly gifted child. Kaplan, S. Providing programs for the gifted and talented: A handbOok. Reston.VA: The Council for Exceptional Children, 1976. A guide for the design and imatementation of gifted programs in the schools, which action oriented parents and parent orginizations will find invaluable. Martinson; R. The identification of thegiftedand talented. Reston VA: The Council for Exceptional Children, 1976. A thorough presentation of many identification procedures, including parent nomination. .Maynard, F. Guiding your child to a more creative /ifearifir City NY: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1973. An ihvaluable Collection of suggestions for materials, toys, projects, etc. that can especially bused at home. Osborn, A. Applied imagination (3rd ed.). New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1963.. The original text on creative problem solving. Parnes, S. J. Creative behavior guidebook. New York: Charles Scribner's eons, 1967. A reference and teaching manual for classtoom and home-study development of creative behavior. Parnes, S. J. Creative behavior workbook. New York: Charles Scribner's . Sons, 1967. A workbook to accompariy Creative Behavior Guidebook. Renzulli, J. New directions in creativity. New York: Harper & Row, 1973: A collection of creative thinking exercises for school and home. Sharp, E. Thinking is child's play. New York: E. P. Dutton 4 Co., Inc., 1969. Information on how young children learn to reason. Includes a collection of mind sharpening gamei. Strang, R. Helping your gifted child. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1960. Information and practical advice for parents of gifted children. Torrance, E. P. Creativity. Sioux Falls ND: Adapt Press, 1969.. An extremely helpful mondgraph on creativity, with many valuable hints and directions for parents. Torrance, E. P.,.& Myers, R. F. Creativeearning and teaching. New York: Harper & Row, 1970. Extensive treatment of classroom teaching strategies that can be employed in the home. Weinlander, A. Your child in a scientific world. Gorden City NY: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1959. Information on books, science clubs' experiments, and other science . related materials that, though,dated, are especially successful for home Williams; F. Classroom ideas for encouraging thinking and feeling. Buffalo NY: D. 0. K. Publishers, 1970. A collection of classroom ideas that can also be used by parents. 48 49 Journals The Gifted Child Quarterly R. R. 5 Box 630-A Hot Springs, Arkansas 71901 k The official journal of the National' Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), the only journal published in its area. Includes current research, as well as many practical suggestions for parents.. The Journal of Creatiyerehayior State University College at Buffalo 1300 Elmwood Avenue Buffalo, New York 14222 A quarterly journal that presents a variety of articles on creativity in education, industry, and psychology. Talents and Gifts c/o The Department of Special Education University of South Alabama 307 University Boulevard Mobile, Alabama 36688 The quarterly newsletter of The Association of the Gifted (TAG) contains information about many different aspects of and current trendi in gifted 'education. Also includes regional conference listings which parents may wish to consider. Other resources fn addition to these references, parents might fiqd that many of the avaglible math and logic puzzles, creative art, music, dance and d books, and simulation games are excellent resources for the train i of. productive thinking. Readers may wish to refer to the previous discussion on selectiqn of enrichment activities and materials for more information on, choosing these. 49 Appendix B Parent involved organizations for the gifted Alabama Alabama Association for Gifted and Talented (ALATAG) Dr. Marvin Gold Department of Special Education University -of South Alabama Mobile, Alabama 36688 Arizona Arizona Association for Gifted and Talented Kathy Kolbe 4131 North 51 Place Phoenix, ArizonEy85018 California California Association for the Gifted Clare Harper, 120 Via Lerida -Greenbrae, California 94904 Gifted Children's Association of San Fernando Valley, Inc. Adele Cavanagh 6228 Jackie Avenue Woodland Hills, California 91364 1 San Diego Association for Gifted Children Deborah Olstad 3033 Governor Drive San Diego, California 92122 Gifted Children's Association of Orange CountyMickey Korba 6962 Moonbeam Drive Huntington Beach, California 92647 Sacramento Area Gifted Association Robert E. Swain 3738 Walnut Avenue Carmichael, California 95608 San Francisco Association for Gifted Children Anne Wallach 345 Gonzalez Drive San Francisco, California 94123 Interested Parents of MGM Student)___ Victor H. Steppan 126 Latham Street Piedmont, California 94611 Parents for High Academic Potential Barbara Elam 23926 Carland Drive Newhall, California 91321 Association for Educational Excellence of Albany Sue Thomson 915 Key Route Boulevard Albany, California, 94706 Northern California Council for the Development of Programs for the Gift* (NORCAL) Paul Srieckler Carmel High School P. 0. Box 600 Carmel, California 93921 Pasadena Association for the Gifted 998 Altapine Drive Altadena, California 0001 Gifted Students Association Arcadia Mrs. Illene Mittman 1801 Highland Oaks Drive Arcadia, California 91006 of Berkeleyans for Academic Excellence 1135 Fresno Avenue Berkeley, Califomia 94707 Lyceum of Santa Cruz County 0. Box 696 Capitola, California 95010 Lyceum of the Monterey Peninsula 24945 Valley Way Carmel, California 93921 Source: National Network Directory/ Newsletter of Statewide and Smaller Parent and Advocate Groups for Gifted and Talented Children. Oakland NJ: The Gifted Child Society, Inc., 1976. 51 Chula Vista Association for Gifted Children P.O. Box 155 Chula Vista, California 92012 Coronado Association for Gifted Children 555 D Avenue Coronado, California 92118 Central California Associt'clin for the Gifted Peter G. Fast Fresno State College Fresno, California 9374 Hacienda-LaPuente Association for Gifted 1621 So. Orchard Hill Lane Hacienda Heights, California 91745 Centinela Valley Association for Gifted Children 13530 Aviation Boulevard Hawthorne, California 90250 College for Kids Jessie L. Harsham, Coordinator College of Marin Kentfield, California 94904 Gifted Children's Association of Los Angeles, Inc. Los Angeles City College 855 N. Vermont Los Angeles, California 90029 K. E. Y., Inc. c/o Zaas 325 Bonhill Road Los Angeles, California 90049 Mind. Rangers Barbara Sacks 1440 Warner Avenue Los Angeles, California 90024 I 41) Parent Enrichment Project 3504 Cazador Street Los Angeles, California 90065 The Learning Circle P. O. Box 34791 Los Angeles, California 90034 Westside Gifted Children's . Association 12121 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 112 Los Angeles, California 90025 Malibu Association for Gifted P.O. Box 191 Malibu, California 90265 A. C. E. P.O. Box 831 Manhattan Beach, California 90266 Manhattan Beach Association for Gifted Children Mrs. Betty Scott 1509 Wendy Way Manhattan Beach, California 90266 Palos Verdes Peninsula Association for Gifted 4108 Via Lep Vista Palos Verdes Estates California 90274 P. E. P. P. 0. Box 913 Palos Verdes Estates California 90274 Pomona Valley Association for Gifted P. 0. Box 2055 Pomona, California 91766 Shasta County Association for Gifted 6185 Highland Circle Redding, California 96001 Redland Gifted Children's Association 1615 Helena Lane Redlands, California 92373 Cost_ ociation for West bontra Gifted Children 2639 Bush Avenue Richmond, California 94806 Parents Association for Gifted Educatibn 1820 Santa Ysabela Rowland Heights, California 91745 Gifted Children's Association of San Mateo 155 Montgomery Street San Francieco, California 94104 52 52 Florida Florida Association for the Gifted Dr. Dorothy Sisk College of Education University of South Florida Tampa, Fldrida 33620, Parents Association for Gifted* Box 567 San Juan Capistrano California 92675 Harbor Association for Gifted and Talented ChHdren Mrs. V. F. Christensen 2109 Amelia Avenue San Pedro, California 90731 41 . Richmond` County Expansion of Interested Parents Association _ Diane Griffin. 212 Avondale Drive Augusta, Georgia 30907 Marin Association for Gifted Children P.O. Box 3334 San Rafael, Califorpia 94902 Conflict Valley Gifted "Children's Assoolatibn, 1979 Maribwe Thousand 'iOakS, California 91360 Georgia. a Foothill Association for Gifted Children Mrs. Fredric Kutner .528 So. Charvers West Covina, California 91791 Hawaii Serteens Club of Hawaii GeOrge Carter 98-1240 Kulawai Street Aiea, Hawaii 96701 Idaho Post Falls Chapter of NAGC Nancy Carlson 0 Bbr82 Past Falls, Idaho 83854. , , Colorado Colorado Association for- Gifted and Talented Rita M. Diakinson Route 7; Box 553 Evergreen; Colorado 80439 ti Conectilcut Connecticut Association -for the ,Thomas A. Jokubaiiis '286 North Maih Street . Naugatuck, Connecticut 0677 ELA (Extraordinary Learning Ability) Parent!' Association Lynne Niro 785 Park Avenue Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002 Delaware Gitted.Child Association Ms. Muriel Miller 1107 Linda Road Wilmington, Delaware .19803 Illinois 4_ Illinois Association for the Education of Gifted and Talented Lois Fitter 2916' Grand. Avenue Granite City, Illinois 62040 Indlanar Central Indiana Association Gifted,Children Ms. Diane Dincold 3224 Albright Court loaianipolis, Indiana 46268 s lows loia Association for the Gifted Ralph Lynn I. 3408 Woodland Avenue West Des Moines, Iowa 50265 Cedar Palls - Waterloo TAG Joy Coming 516 West 8th Street Cedar Falls, Iowa 5061'3- for. 0. ' TAG' Gifted and Talented EncourageMent Delyorce Rebouche 3500 Carlton Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613 Maryland Prince George's County Association of Parents for. Talented and Gifted Students (PG, TAG)' Heinz E. Blum 13020 Ingleside Drive . Beltsville, Maryland 20705 . Kansas Gifted Child Committee Montgomery County PTA Programs for Gifted/Talented/ Creative. Regina Greenspan . 6407 Dahlonega Road. Bethesda, Maryland 20016 Clifford Curl State Education Department Topeka, Kansas 66612 i. Hays Aisociation for Gifted/ Talented/Crettive . Massachusetts Franklin County Council for Gifted 'and Talented Children Cheri Parks w 2603 Fort Hays, Kansas 6760/ 1 , Richard P. Renaud Newhall Road Conway, Massachusetts 01341 Manhattan Association for five Keith Wood . ---Talent , . 1509 Universi rive Manhattan, .KansD 66604 Topeka Association for Gifted/ Talented/ Creative William Brady 1022 aileans Topeka, Kanias.66504 Wichita Association for Gifted/ Talented/Creative Robert Davis 1022 Union Center Michigan Michigan Association for the --AeademicaHy-Talentecrinc. Nancy Skinner 29976 Hennepin Garden City, Michigan 48135, Minnesota Minnesota Council for the Gifted and Talented Mrs. Ruth Clifton 411 Rehhberg Place West St. PSI, Minnesota 55118 . Wichita,, Kansas, e.7202 Louisiana Association for Gifted and Talented, .Students in Louisiana Kay. Coffey , 1627 Frankfort Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70122 Salmon,' Fails School, Parents Organization Elaine Crosby . Salmoh falls School ' Hollis, Maine 640f$2 54 Missouri Gifted Association,pf -Missouri ,Dr. Russ Johnson 1641 Westwood Drive Cape GirardeaU, Miisouri 63701 Nebraska Nebraska Association for Gifted Diane Ayers Lincoln Public Schools Administration Building Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 Nevada Parents of Gifted and Talented K. Sylvester 255 Skyline Drive Elko, Nevada 89801 - 54 New *they Ohio Ohio Association fog Gifted Children Ruth` B. Olson' 18960 CoffinbiOry BOulevard Cleveland, Ohio 44126 Gifted Child Society, Inc. Gina Ginsberg 59 Glen Gray Road Qakland, New Jersey 07436 Central Ohio Chapter of the Ohio , Assbciation for' Gifted Children Janice Williams 4282 Colerain Avenue .1 Colurnbus, Ohio 43214 New Mexico Albuquerque AssocifrtiOn for Gifted and Talented Students Elizabeth Pa'ak APS, P.O. Box 25714 Albuquerque, New MOxico 87125 Warren - Trumbull County Association for Gifted Children ', Helen Venetta 275 WainWood, S. E. Warren, Ohio 44400 New York for the New York State A.ssoci Gifted and Talen Bernice Ellis -628 Golf Drive North Woodmere, New York 11181 Oklahoma Oklahomans for Gifted-Talented Zela Arnett 1302 East Was 'Guthrie, Oklahoma 73044 Westchester Association for the Gifted and Talented Dr. James H. Boyd 18 Walworth Terrace White Plains, New York 10606 Rockland Chapter, National Association for Gifted Children Jeanette Newman Rosenfeld 78 Hall Avenue New City, New York 10956 American Association for. Gifted Children, 41Iexandra Zimmer Gramercy Place ,1+;;,/,,, New York, New York 19003 North Carolina Parents for the Adipncement of Gifted Education Leroy Martin 5015 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 North.Dakcita The Association for High Potential Children Ellen Fiedler 1334 Second Street North ' Fargo, North Cfakola 58102 le, f . Oklahomans for Gifted-Talented. Ann M. Kerr 829 Nancy Lynn Ter?ace Norman, Oklahoma 73069 tit Oregon Oregon'Association for Educational Enrichment Ray Lauderdalp Vista Post Office 3104 Salern, Oregon 97302 I. PennsyNania Pennsylvania Association for the Study and Education Of Mentally Gifted (PASEMG) Ted Davis 236 Green-Street ,e Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18,01 Rhode islopnd NatioriEifFounglation for Gifted and Creative Children Marie:Friedel 395 Di8M011.HilNiotid Warwick, Rhode Island 02886 South Dakota. Patricia O'Keefe Easton 1201 Crestview Drive Vermillion, titith Dakttt 57069 CS 55 X es, 2 4 t 411 Mimosa * 5 . Associationlifor Education of *Gifted Stuckant *Harry Krieger V:r. 139 tynnfield Street Memphis,,Tennessee 381b8 =tr- .41 Tessa . Association for Gifted.education Carrol Lockhart -dr 41- 1300 Spyglass #161 Austin, Texas278700 . Utah Fortuna Parent Organization for the Gifted and Talented Colleen T. Morris 35200toger..Drive Salt-Lake City, Utah 84117 .44 4 41 4 it's. 4 (.4 Washington Supervisor of Gifted Programs Donna Tahir Gifted Task Force Old Capitol Building Olympia, Washington .8504 Wisconsin Wisconsin council for. Gifted and Talented Jane Nolte 6833 West Wells Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53213 4 Job Virginia Programs for Enrichment of the Gifted, Inc. Viann Powers 4514 Kingsley Road Woodbridge, Virginia 22193
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