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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 220 916 TITLE INSTITUTION PUB DATE NOTE AVAILABLE FROM EDRS PRICE DESCRIPTORS -EA 014 833 Technology and Education: Policy, Implementation, Evaluation. Proceedings of the National Conference on Technology and Education (January 26-28, 1981). Institute for Educational Leadership, Washington, D.C. 81 328p.; For individual papers, see EA.014 834-843, EA 014 845, EA 014 848, EA 014 850-855, EA 014 857-864, EA 014 866-872, ED 201 312, ED 205 197, ED 205 212, ED 206 270-271, and ED 208 871. Institute for Educational Leadership, Inc., 1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20036 ($20.00, hardcover). MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. Change Strategies; Computer Assisted Instruction; *Computer Oriented Programs; Consortia; *Educational Change; Educational Cooperation; Educational Radio; *Educational Technology; *Educational Television; Elementary Secondary Education; Government Role; Instructional. Materials; *Material/DeVelopment; Nontraditional Education; Postsecondary Education; Teacher Attitudes; *Technological AdVancement; Telecourses 1)- ABSTRACT . ° . Thirty-nine papers on the place of technology in education are'collected in this volume of conference proceedings. Several themes run through the collection, appearing in different combinations in different papers. Among the major topics discussed are the applications of computer technology to different aspects of instruction and school administration; the uses of broadcast and cable television and radio and of videostechnology in on-campus and off-campus instruction; And the formation of,consortia of educational institutions to share the costs and benefits4ssociated withcourseware development and disseminAtion. Other major issues considered include the nature of the changes that technology will bring about in,traditional and nontraditional education; the role of the government-in developing educational technology; the concepts Affecting the develoOment of effective courseware) and the effects of educators' attitudes on the adoption of new equipment and methods. The .1% ajority of the papers consist of informed opinions or gaper' ized analyses of the status of educational technology, while others Iscribe specific programs or suggest techniques for implementing and applying technology. (PGD) ************** ******************************************************** Reproducta s supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * from the original document. ** ************** *************************************************** . -kit:awartsour OF IDUCATION NATIONAL INSTRUTE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER !MCI KThis ,doournent hes been retwoduced as received from tt person or organization. *rimming it. "PERMISSION TO.REPRODUCE-THIS---... MATERIAL IN MICROFICHE ONLY HAS !MENA:PANTED BY Do Sti4 NCI" C) Meux changes have been made to improve reproduction mow, Points of view or nioirions sailed in this document do not nocesserily represtnt Officio! NE :weapon or policy. , TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." mnisism A1113 (Proceedings olthe National Conference -on Technology and Education' January, 26.28, 1981) $ponsored by:Institute for Educational Leadership, Inc. In cooperation ISitk American Associatice of-Junior and Community Coiloges; American Aiiciciation kr Higher Education; Association for Educational-Communications and Teclmoloey; American Association of State Colleges and Universities; American Association of School Admini- strators; Corporation kr Public Broadcasthw Emerson College; Joint Council on EducationaaelecoMmuricitions; National AssocifitiOnof State Universities and Land Grant Colleges; National School Boards Association; National Science Foundatiom-National Public Radio; PUblic Broadcasting Service; and National TelecomMunicatiorm aed Information AdministratiOn. Library of Congress-Catalog Card No. 81-81832 CopyrigM ° 1981 by. Inttittite for- EdUcational Leadership, Inc. :All rights reserved. For Information: Institute for Educational Leadership, Ine 1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Manufacturedin the United Slates of America 'Edited desiMed, and produiced by Information Dynamic:a, Ine. Contents Congressional Perspectives on Information Technology George.g. Brown, Jr. Developing Technology to Enhance the Educational Process Allan E. Hershfield Educational TechnologyThe Congressional Perspective Fred-W. Weingarten . Technology and the Changing Ec8nomics of Education Robert H. McCabe Changing Organizational Structures to Capitalize on Technology Joseph I. Lipson Public Telecommunications Policies and Education's Options Frank W. Norwood Investing in Computer Technology: Criteria and Procedures fa System Selection Fred T. Hofstetter New Public Broadcasting Programs and Services Dee Brock Computers/SoftwareMore for Less Dorothy K. Deringer Matching Educatibnal Neale with Available Technology: What is HapPening in the Rest of the World Clifford H. Block Securing Teacher Acceptance of Technology Doris K. Lidtke Effeetiveness of Technology in the Schools Public and Taxpayers Response Catherine E. Morgan The South Carolina Telecommunications System Thomas L Stepp Higher Education Uses of TV and Ridio Peter J. Dirr vii 1 , , 16 22 29 35 45 54 63 71 80 90 97 103 Making the Cue for Changing Public Policy Norman E. Watson Faculty, Response to the Use of Technology Dello K. Beal 108 115 Evaluating the Use of' TeChnology in Education Kuala Anandam 126 Managing Technological Change in the Dallas Public Schools Nolan Estes 139 Managing Technological Change fit Montgomery County, Maryland Homer Elseroad Managing Technology Change "MECO A Management History" John E. Haugo Managing the Development of the Public Telecommunications Center, Spokane, Washington Walter Schiar The Consortium Approach. Preserving College Decision-Making Philip C. Dolce j Accreditation and Technology Issues Jerry W..Miller-4 Deploying Educational Technology at an Independent, Urban Institution . S. A. Guralnick The Central Educational Network's Postsecondary Service Carol A. Koffarnus Evaluating an Instructional System in Mathematics Steven M. F*ankel A Description of the DAVID Interactive Instructional Television System and Its Application to Post High School Education of Deaf James R. vonFeldt Saninole Community College Working.with Twenty-Seven Other Institutions Thomas W. Hobbs Bridging the ChasM Between Telecommunications and Higher Education C. Gregory Van Camp 145 15 9 171 179 184 196 203 210 225 233 Cuniculum's Technology Lag (Curricula and Television Literacy) Robert L. -Hilliard 241 "The American Open UniversityOne Answer to the Technology and Curriculum Lae' Don McNeil 248 Using TV to Teach High Order Thinking Sldlls M. Virginia Riggy 251 Computers and CurriculumPromises and Problems Robert-M. Caldwell How Can We Best Produce Courseware? Howard Hitchent How Can We_ Best-Produce Courseware? (The Process of Courseware Development) Pete!' J. Rizza, Jr. TechnolOgy and'HumanismAre they ompatible? Edward A. Fdedman- 257 271 275 290 New Directidns for Training Technology J. D. Fletcher 297 The Influence of Instructional Technology on Education: Certainties and Possibilities Christopher.Dede Looking to the Future: What Business Are We In? Elizabeth L. Young t3 306 313 r17-1 Congressional Perspectives on cIN Information Technology (N1 Congressman George E. Drown, Jr. Committee on Science and Technology Washington, D.C. cp r\J L.L.1 I am pleased to discuss a subject of considerable interest to me, both personally and as a seniof member of the Committee on Science and Technology of The House of Representatives. There has been a long-standing involvement of the' Science _and Technology Committee in efforts to improve the flow of scientific and technical information and in the application of information technology to education. I will spare you the ancient history and only summarize the more recent activity for you. In 1977 we held extensive hearings on Computers and the Learning Society. These hearings served an iMportant educational function fOr both the Congress and the public, raising in a liigh -visibility forum some fundaniental question about the deVelopment and use of computer-aided instmction. Partly as a result of these hearings, Congressmen Scheuer, a senior member of the Committee, intzoduced a bill, H.R. 4326, calling for the creation of a National Comthission to study the scientific and technical implications of information technology in education. The Science, Research, Technology Subcommittee held hearings in October of 1979, to gather testimony on H.R. 4326 and more generally on the Z,.. educational implications of such "new" information 'technologies as An videodiscs, teletext, and cable and satellite broadcast television, as well 00 as computers. These hearings made it clear to us that much had changed in the two Min years Mowing our 1977 hearings. Not only had technology development S: And application progressed rapidly, but there had also been an important institutional changethe establishment ofa cabinet-level Department of Education and the resulting reorganization of much of the federal educational bureaucrady. (Of course, it now appears that this new department may succumb to infant mortalitybut that's another story.) As a result of our October 1979 hearings, we saw a need to bring 3 vii viii Congressional Perspectives together educators, developers of infonnition technology and the associated courseware, and policymakers, in a forum to share ideas and to begin charting a course for what seems certain to be an increasing use of information technology in the educational tuture. In April of 1980, the SRT Subcommittee joined with the Subcommittee on Select Education in two days of hearings, a workshop for 150 participants, aixf atechnology demonstration. The testimony of those two days left little doubt that rapid technological advance will continue, creating exciting possibilities in education and elsewhere. The witnesses and participants also made it clear that public planning in this area will need to take a broad view of what constitutes "information technology," and that this technology will have educational impacts going well beyond our traditional educational settings. The April hearings helped to catalyze a number of activities. The Subcommittees forwatded a copy of the recommendations of the discussion groups to the Secretary of Education, with the request that the Department identify initiatives falling within its preview and indicate proposed actions in these areas. Partly in response to this request, the Secretary appointed a task force on educational technology charged with analyzing the Department's current efforts in support of educational technology and identifying promising areas for future efforts, including any additional legislative authority that might be needeil. I prefer not to venture any predictions of the uses the incoming Administration may make of the task force report. On another front, the Subcommittees requested that the Office of Technology Assessment undertake a study of information technology in education, including an assessment of current levels of activity and projections of future use and its impacts on educational and social institutions. This study, an 18-month effort, was approved by the Technology Assessment Board and is now under way. The Subcommittees responsible for the April program are in the fm stages of preparing conclusions and recommendations to the ConeI s and the Executive Branch. I cannot yet share these w!th you, but I ould like to share some of my personal views and concerns regr6ing the future of information technology, in education and elsew re. I don't think anyone needs convincing that the Inform tion Revolution is upon us. By one estimate, approximately. half of otVwork force is now engaged in information-related occupations, r6adIy defmed. It is already clear that the productivity and innova e capacity of American industry, which is an important concern of e SRT Subcommittee and a focus of much of our activity, depends ip 4 critical way on the generation, processing, and transmission of intr.) ation. In the home or workplace of 1990 and 2000, information te,hnologies will have uses ranging from routine services such as eleytronic mail and banking to sophisticated industrial applications ofAmputer-aided design and robotics. Congressipnal Peispectives We cannot allow developments of this importance to take place willyfilly, without addressing some careful thought to what kind of society we seek to build and what tools are appropriate in building it. Information is an important national resource, and its impact on our lives has become so great that we need to begin some serious planning of how best to use this resource to advance our national goals. Some of you are aware that I introduced a bill in the last Congress, H.R. 8395, -aimed at stimulating this kind of planning. The bill establishes an independent Institute for Information Policy and Reseal& in the Executive Branch. I believe that the independence of the Institute would allow it a broads and integrated perspective on such issues as institutional structure and regulatory policy, a perspective rarely attainable within the btireaucratic constraints of the dispersed agencies, now dealing with information issues. I view the Institute as a transitional mechanism to facilitate our nation's evolution into an Information Society. It would serve as a focal point for informationpolicy research and analysis and would provide a forum for consideration of the information interests of government, business, and education. The ways in which information technology is usedor not usedin our educational processes will have a great deal to do with how well we as a society are able to cope with the Information Explosion. 'I" , issue of compatibility of technology and humanism, and I -use the term to encompass all systems of moral values, is significant. That issue should be of concern to all of us, since inforznation technology raises some particularly disturbing questions about these values. When technological innovations are widely addpted, it is usually because.they offer a demonstrated, or at least anticipated, enhancement of productivity. InfOrmation technology is 'no exception to this rule. By offering students both conceptual ind practical preparation in information technology, we can help them to function more effectively in the technology-rich environment of ten or twenty years hence. But in so preparing them, we need to keep in mind the end goal of increasing productivitya more humane, just, and equitable society for all. We need to make a special effort to see that the benefits of these new technologies are shared by all in our society, and that we do not end up reinforcing current patterns of inequality. We need to develop in our citizens the cognitive and social abilities that will enable them to adjust to and thrive in an environment characterized by rapid change. And, not least, we need to enhance the intrinsic value and sheer creative pleasure of learning. I doubt that any two would agree on the precise characteristics of an educational- system that could accomplish all that I have just described, let alone how to create it. It is very likely, however, that most or even all of you will accord an important role to information technology in your respective educational utopias. x Congressional Perspective^ Butit is an inescapable fact that, as of today, information technology is less pervasive in formal education than in virteally any other social arena. To get to Utopia from here, we need to understand why this is true. In my view the main reason is that teachers, administrators, and parents have not been convinced that information technology can increase learner productivity or enhance educational quality at an acceptable cost. In our April hearings, this failure was consistently attributed mainly to the lack of good courseware. It is true that the application of information technology to education has largely been a technology-driven process, in the sense that educational needs have not been a major impetus in hardware or software development. I think there is reason to believe that equipment vendors and publishers are starting to take edncational needs seriously and are on the verge of major initiatives in courseware development and promotion. The hature and quality of these initiatives will have considerable bearing on the future of information technology in education, and it is of the greatest importance that educators have early and continued involvement in these efforts. The development of technology must be guided, and its applications shaped, to make it work toward that end goal of a more humane and equitable soc iety. If education is ever to take full advantage of informatkin technology, I think it's important to understand that fundamental technological advances, almost by definition, have the capability to change the way we think about the world. Taking advantage of the magic of information technology forces us to think about new ways to organize and transmit knowledge.-Real improvements in educational quality are not likely to result from using shiny new technology to do the same old things just a little better. The power of videodiscs, fer example, will be wasted ifwe simply use them as surrogates for printed textbooks. I see great educational potential in imaginative uses of telecommunications networks to "wire" together schools, libraries, and governmental and industrial centers and to make distant data bases, as well as distant new and important environments, accessible to home users. With the construction of sophisticated "knowledge bases," computers will be able to query a studentperhaps in natural languageto ascertain his level of knowledge and to guide his explorations, complete with advanced graphics, at an appropriate level. There are challenges aplenty in this vision of the futurefor researchers in cognitive sciences, for courseware developers and educational administrators, and for policymakers in local, state, and national government. I applaud your dedication to this important task and urge you to keep up the fight. As for the federal government, one of the witnesses at our April hearings suggested that the federal government should either help in the appli'ation of information technology to education, or else get out of the way. It is not yet clear to me whether the Lcj Congressional Perspectives xi ? new Ad Ministration makes a distinction between thise alternatives but, as for the Contress, I continue to believe that we.can help. ' A .\ nt.'s 4 Developing Technology to Enhance the Educational Process 'Allan E. Hershfield Notional University Consortium College Parit, Maryland Several thousand years ago, there was an island in the Mediterranean on whiCh the people hactresched a very high !evel of civilization. One of the unusual characeiristics of this society was that it had no formal system of education. Parents "educated' their childreis;in an informal way, passing ilong the wisdom and history of their society in the course of day-to-day activitiei. Lace many other city states of that time, this island state had a large central market that was both a commercial and social gathering place. One day, a number of the adults who came to the market. regularly noticed a fairly large iroup of children had assembled around a young man named "Thok," and Were listening Avidly to everything Thok had to say. They witnessed the children ask Thok questions and were most impressed by the wisdom of Thok's answers to these questions, and by the question he, in turn, posed to the-Children. Attic talking among themselves, these adults agreed Thok was so smart, and Potsessed so much wisdom, all the childfen in their country should be eiposed to his brilliance. They approached Tholc,_and told him they would all chip in to pay him a daily fee if he would share his wisdom with all the children in the societythe children to be assembled in the market place Monday through Friday from 9 Lm. to 5 p.m. Thok agreed and began to meet with the children daily. As the adults continued to ao about their business in pie market place, some of them listened with some enre to Tholes discussion with the yoanpiers, and they diacovered- that Thok lied a great many thins; to say that would benefit adults. So, they went to him and asked him if he would meet with the adults in tha same way he was meeting with the children. Thok agreed, ind the adults began to meet with Thok in the_ market place froin 7 p.m. to 9:30 p m._ fives nights a week. (The market was, afterall, of children t tie the daytime hours.) This arrangement was successful; and went on undisturbed for many years. As Thok got older, his voice began to weaken, and one night, as he was speaking to the adults, a voice from the rear of the 1 2 Enhance the EducationalProcess market place shouted, "Speak louder, we can'thear you back here." Thok's voice was weak and he couldn't sPeak louder, but he was quitk witted. He walked over to a nearby palm tree, took off a long flat leaf, rolled it up to form a mejaphone-Iike amplifir, and continued his Presentation using the leaf. This -innovation worked very well. The rolled leaf amplified Thok's voice and he was able to continue has teaahing. This-innovation, the use of the rolled leaf as an amplifier,hecame \, routine and no one thought anything about it until one day, the island received a visitora teacher from a neighboring city State. This visiting scholar watched Thok speaking with the children in the daytime and the adults at night, and noted the leaf: In his society, no one used a leaf to teach, and so he began to ask the question, "Can tbe leaf teach." Being an inqnisitive soul, and:after gaining the full cooperation of the adults and the children of-the society, he submitted a grant propaal to one ,of the country's largest, and wealthiest olive merchants. The proposal laid out an ambitious research project intended to answer the question, "Can the leaf teach?" The merchant was taken with the question and funded the research project. the visiting scholar theh divided the children, who assembled in the market dyring the day, into two groups. He did the same thing with the adults who, assembled in the market place at night to hear Thok. Then, Thok Addressd each group separately. During the day, and one group hear him through the leaf and the other listened to him without the leaf, and the experiment was repeated at night. After using an abacus, and conducting a lengthr- inulti-factoraj analysia, the visiting scholar - _conchsded_there_ were no significant diflferences betweeh Thók and the leaf: 4., The moral of this story is that most . of the- people interested in instructional technology have focused their attention on the leaf; and not on Tbok and the students. If we are going to make effective-use of teZhablogY for educational purposesAT must move away with this simPlistic faith in technology, and understand how to help Thok learn to 'use technology to imprOve tfie education delivered to studenti. To do this, we must dome to understand the past and make iealistic plans for the , future. , Vnderstanding Past-.Realistic Future Plans Breathless 'technologists andfutUrists have been predicting a technological revolution in education, at, all levels, ever since Motion pictures appearea more than eighty years. ago. When radio broadcasting developed in thel 920s, it too was supposed to bring about basic changes in our educational systems. Then,leaching machines, television and computers were seen by many as technological innovations that would bting aboUt fundamental changes in the teaching-learning process. Having received Ty own formal elementary, secondary and college education from the 1930s through the 1960sr in a number of different Is And, systems, ,l_can_state categolically. ihat,..apart_fronLan 1 Enhance-the Educational Process 3 occasional Encyclopaedia Brittanica film, my contemporaries and I saw no evidence of this so-called revolution. The educational process through which we went was very much like the process most young people experience, today. Although, I daresay, it may have been somewhat more rigorous. Undaunted by the gross inaccuracy of previous predictions of technologically diiven change in elementary, secondary, and higher education, contemporary oracles are now forecasting video cassettes, video-discs, lasers, communications satellites and two-way cable systems will, at last, bring us to the educational millenium. In spite of the extraordinary impact all of these technological innovations have had (and are likely to have in the future) on American societY in general, they have had little influence on what happens in the average American classroombe it in an elementary or secondary school or on a university campus. If we looked in on the average American classroom, today, we would find one teacher of professor standing in front of a group of students, presenting materials. At the elementary and secondary school levelS, we might also find the teacher 'posing questions, and accepting responses from students with up-raised hands. Thus, the educational process in the average classroom has changed little since before the invention of m6vable type in 1448. Until books could be reproduced speedily and inexpensively, the only way a teacher could cojrnunicate knowledge to large numbers of students rather quickly was to sttnd in front of them and read his or her own hand- written notes. The students could then make their own notes foi later study. When Johann Gutenberg began printing books, more than 400 years ago, he made this type of instniction obsolete. ?et, this approach to education is Still the dominant mode of,classroom instruction, and the classroom is the place in which most formal education takes place in the United States'. Thus, we have a single model of the way formal education takes place, and the administration of cur schools and universities, with. a few minor exceptions, is based on this model, as are state and federal policies related to education. Educational approaches that depart from this model have little chance of success because they don't fit the preconceived notions of faculty, administrators, students, legislators, and staff personnel in departments of education, statewide educational coordinating bodies, and the-federallovernrnent. Current Model Before describing some of the impediments, systemic and otherwise, that block of effective use, of instnictional technology in American eduCation, it might be useful to sketch 'out some of the assumptions implicit in our current model of education about what a professor or teacher does in preparing to teach a class and in actually teaching it. t. to 14 4 Enhance the Educational Pmcess Generally, educators do essentially the same thing no matter the level at which they teach: They plan the course; present the material and make outside work assignments; stimulate and motivate the students; assess bow much the students have learned, report the information on how much the students have learned to a central record keeper and to the students, and most important, they provide an example to the students of the way authority figures behave towards .stndents and towards one another. Most of the_ teacher's time for a given course is deVoted to planning and preparing the course and presenting material to students. It is, therefore, imponant to think about whit we really expect of a good teacher who performs these tasks extremely well. Firct of all, the teacher should have mastery ofthe subject matter he or she is supposed to teach. While the levelsef required mastery will vary according to the level Of instruction, there is no doubt ourmodel teacher should be able to select from all the information he or she knows, that material which is most appropriate for the type of students he or she will be teaching. Since knowledge changes rapidly in so many fields, this means the teacher must keep up witk the latest discoveries in his or her subject area, and must revise his or her course to take into account these changes, every time the course is taught. 4 Secant-the superb teacher must- determine now best to structure and deliver the course so Ihe students will learn not only the material, but alsna., learn -how to solve: pmblems and how to be creative and use thee, iMaiinatic td. Effective teaching, then is a coinplex series of activities involving many very different skills. Our traditional model ot education assumes all teachers have all these sldlls and use them to near perfection. Yet, if each of us were to reflect back on our own experiences in elementary and secondary school and in colleges and universities, I suspect most of us would be hard put to remember more than one teacher who stimulated and motivated us, as well as helping us learn the latest knowledge in his or her subject area. From personal experience, r can say when a student has the great good foMme to come in contact with one such teacher during the course of his or her education, that teacher usually mikes a permanent, positive impact on a studenes life. In twenty years of schooling, I have been lucky enough to have two such teachersboth of whom taught at the university level. While I am extraordinarily grateful for having had the opportunity to sit at the feet, so to speak, of two such great teachers, I ask myself what about the other approximately 113 teachers who instructed me from grammar school through two master's degrees and a Ph.D." Very few of them possessed all the skills our traditional model of education assumes each teacher to have. Enhance the Educational Process 5 The Promise of Instructional Technology The great promise of instructional technology is that it, at last, offers an opportunity to develop models of education far different from the current dominant one, and in so doing, make major improvements in the quality and effectiveness of education. We may also be able to use technology to improve educational efficiency. There is, however, nothing inherent in thenature ofinstructional technology that guarantees these outcomes. Instructional television, for example, is used frequently to do nothing more than transmit What happens in the classroom. When that is done, the televised lesson usually combines the worst 'aspects of the classroom experience with the worst aspects of television, without the benefits of either form of instruction. The perplexing issue with which all of us interested in improving education must deal is, given the existence of new communication and instructional technology, why haven't we been able to use these technologies to make major improvements in our traditional educational processes? Why hasn't the mere existence of innovations in communication and instructional technology brought about the same kinds , of sweeping changes in the educational process that the invention of the steam engine and its precursor inventions wrought when the Industrial Revolution swept across England and then, much of the rest of the world? Critics, searching for the answer to this question, frequently point their fingers at teachers and faculty members, charging them with unwarranted conservatism, doworight recalcitrance, and being the major obstacle to technolOgical innovation in education. While no description ofimpediments to the use of technology would be complete without an explanation of the fundamental basis for general faculty conservatism, let me sketch out some of the systemic characteris, tics and other types of barriers that make it most impossible for even those few faculty members who might wish to use instructional technology to do so effectively. Comparing the Course Developmeit Processes A good way to begin is to compare the course development process in the traditional institution of higher education with the procedures used to create courses (instructional software) that make full use of instructional technology. The course development prdCess in a traditional college or university is basically labor intensive, involving a single faculty member in the development of a particular course. Usually, no major capital investment is requiredexcept that originally needed for buildings, laboratories, libraries, etc. Apart from an occasional sumnier grant to support a faculty member while he or she develops a new course, there are no major costs Enhance the EducatiOnal Process associated with such-an activity. Most new courses are developed as they are taughtwhile the faculty member is teaching other courses, engaged in research, advising students, participating in committee work and carrying on whatever public service activities can be fitted into a busy schedule. Faculty are, in effect, being paid a single sum of money to develop and to deliver a course. Unlike the traditional course creation process just described, courses developed to use technology effectively often involve recording an entire course of much of the material in advance, in one or more formsfilms, videOs pes, computer programs, programmed texts, audio-taPes, slides, carefiilly-structured printed materials; etc. The development process for thisAype of course is different from the one just described, and is not corsistent with common institutional practice, state policy, faculty and administrative values and behavior, and the traditional model of education. Imagine the reception a group of foreign language faculty members from three different universities in one state would receive from their department chairpersons, their deans, or vice chancellors, or the head of the state's postsecondary commission or chair of the legislature's finance cpmmittee, if they mtde the following request Atter careful study and thought, we believe we can make a major improvernent in the teaching of French by developing a technologically- based pagan% to be used at our universities, and other universities in, the state which might wish to buy or rent our materials for on-campus use, or for off-campus, adult education. We plan to begin by developing an introductory French course for first-year students. Here L what we need to create this course. We (ill three of us) need afull year of released time at- learning theorist; and instnwtional technologist, two graduate assistants and a full-time secretary, all at a total coit of $124,000. OW group, functioning as a course developnieht team, will develop and test an introductory French course. When we have completed this development work, we will need another $150,000 to produce color video cassettes, audio_ cassettes, computer-based programmed texts and examinations, controlled vocabulary reading materials and adiagnostic entry examination to be administered to all entering students. We will also need $10,000 to hire as consultants the three senior experts in this field in the United States, as well as several of our colleagues from other universities in this state. When the course had been completed and is ready for delivery, our three universities will each have to spend $50,000 to deliver this course. Moreover, because the students will be spending a great deal of time working independently with the materialS produced for this course, and less tithe listening M us live in the classrootn, our nwnber of student contact hours will be reduced substantially, but because this course will be used to teach many more students than we could have taught in the traditional mode, we should havemduced course loads. If these materials are sold or used outiide of Enhance the Educational Process 7 our universities, we should receive residual payments similar to those paid to film and television performers. Finally, we'll need to provide $15,000 per year for possible annual rvision of a portion of the materials. Although this approach to course development may seem over blown, it is very similar (although not identical) to the development process used by the British Open University to develop superb, internationally acclaimed courses that are used by adults who cannot attend a college or univeriity, on campus as full-time students. The development of one of these British Open University courses costs more than $500,000. The example just presented demonstrates only one of many ways of creating course materials to Make effective use of instmctional technology. Other somewhat less complex and expensive approaches can be used with good results. This example is pirticularly useful, however, because it provides such a stark contrast to the traditional model of course development. Nrriers Now, let me describe some of the barriers that make it ll but impossible to use a sophisticated course development process similar to the one just described to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of higher education. Current administrative practice makes it impossible to consider fiffiding eourse development in the high technology mode. Funds are allocated to departments, and the largest proportion of the budget, 70 to 86 percent, is used to pay salaries. Ideas which do not fit this "bits and pieces" resource allocation system areexcluded from consideration. The full-scale, technologically-based course development process is heavily capital intensivewith very large amSunts of resources being required to develop a single course or unit. Capital is needed to produce Ind.test the software: to set up and operate* system to deliver the course, and to provide funds to update the twenty-percent of the soffirare °Ivan annual basis. Few, if 'any, American states, C011eges or universities have any regular mechanism for funding course development activities of this nature on a large scale. Development of this type, to the .extent that it does occur, almost always takes place Is anunusualuception to existing practice. The only way such heavy capital investments can be justified is for the course or its various components to be used by very large numbers of studentsmany more than a single faculty member would normally teach during one academic term. Let us pursue this point further by analyzing the situation of one of the three faculty members mentioned in our earlier example. Assume a faculty member normally teaches three different three- credit courses per term, and the average enrollment in each course is 30 students. Using current adminlitrative terminology, the faculty member would have "generated 270 student credit-hi:Airsninety for each course (3 credit hours X 30 students @ 90 student credft hours 3 courses @ 270)." If the faculty member's salary were S26,000 per year, for a ninemonth contract, and the academic year had two semesters, the direct cost 8 Enhance the Educational Process of instruction in the traditionatmode is almost $39 per student credit hour ($26,000 V 2.semesters$13,000 per semester V 270 student credit hours$48.15). Looking at the high technology model, the costs mentioned above come tq: Capital Recurring annual costs $344,000 for software development and equipment $ 15,000 updating and deliVery, of software , This does not include the -facultY member's salary that is-treated below. Since the average faculty member would seldom teach three sections of the same con:* driring one sernester, let us assume two of the three sections he or she teaches are of the same course, and this is the one which will be produced using the technological approach to development In two sections of this course, Lwith 30 students each, the faculty will generate 180 student credit hours. The cost for his or hermember salary, . apportioned by student credit hours, is still $48.15.1f thetechnoloecallybased course were to be used only once to teach two sections of the class, the additional costs per student credit hour generated would be $1,855.55. The faculty member's salary added to that would bring overall cost to $1,903.70 per student credit hour generated. Uwe assume the course will be used five years, without major modifications, (the $15,000 budget for recurring costs is for minor modifications) to teach two sections per semester,or four sections per academic year, the faculty member would generate 1,800 student credit hours, and the annual capital cost would be $78,800 derived as follows: One Time Capital Cost $334,000 Four-Year*AevisiOn Cost at $15,000 peryr. + $60,000 = 394,000 . Total Annual Capital Cost 5 yr. 5 yrs. @ $78,800 * No reyision required during the first year: The cost of course development would be $218.88 per student credit hour. Adding the cost of the faculty member's salary, we arrive at a cost of ahnost $267.03 per student credit-hour generated, if the developed is used only to teach those students the individual course faculty member would have taught anyway. The cost for this form of delivery would be mcire than 5.5 times that of instruction in the traditional mode. The course would have to be used to teach 3,416 students over a fiveyear period, rather than the 600 who would normally be taught, to get the cost per student credit hour down to $38.44, not counting the added cost of the faculty member's salary. This analysis makes it clear that the full scale use of technology cannot result in the more efficient delivery of educational services within a few univeisities and colleges unless technology unless technology is used to displacefacully membvs. This paes 4.M.ciaTental dilemma. Enhance the Educational Process 9 The Dilemma of Development If One were the president of a large manufacturing firm, interested in increasing .the Productivity of the manufacturing operation, he or she could- call upOn the research and development section to develop or aiquire new, and More efficient machines or processes. Once these were available, management would make the decision to install them in the factory (assuming there westno legal obstacles such as union contracts); the workers would be instrult.W on how to operate the new machines; they wbuld begin- tci operate IfferN and the coinpany *mid benefit from increased produCtivity, and in most instances, so would the workers. Unlike the fact*, it is the University's "workers," the faculty, who mtist develop the software to be used on the computer, the television set, the teaching- machine, etc. Thus, even those -few -individual faculty members who might be willing to tryto develop new, More _effective and efficient-approaches to delivering educational services, would stop very quickly once they perceived they were being asked to invent the means by which to put themselves and many of their colleagues out of a job. Many individuals who push for the wider use of inatructional technology seldom-Aake into account student attitudes .toward auch developments. In an Urban-industrial society, increasingly depersonalized by the use of technology in alrnott every -phase of life, university students are not.likely to be pleased with an approach to instn4ction they perceive will qlford -them less face-to-face contact with their professors. Indeed, there is some anecdotal evidence ,to suggest substantial numbers of older adults may enroll in exterision courses primarily to be with other peopleand to have an opportunity to interact with the professor. Faculty, too, generally react negatively to what they perceive to be the depersonalization of the educational process that may result from- the increased use of instructional technology. There- are those both within and outside of our institutions of higher -education who appear to be.breathless_enthusiasts for mediated instruction as an end in itself. Such individuals take on a variety of formsallof which with good reason, tend to alienate the faculty. Absence oj Technology Objectivity Itiadifficult to find, within most Amerkan universities and colleges, trained instructional technologigis whOein deal with a -wide- variety -of technological and non-technological approaches to education with equal competence, -professionalism and ease. One tends to fmd exPetts in instructional television, computer-basedinstruction, And audio-visual equipment such as film and overhead projectors, etc. Each of these individuag is a devotee of his or her particular form of technology, andrectimmends -it- vigorously to resolve every pedagogical problem. "Experts" such as these often lose sight of studenta as the beneficiaries of the educational process. Moreover, faculty, administrators and students have all-t000ften been frustrated by the failure or inadequacy of both the equipment and the 10 Enhance the Educational Process software provided by these "experts," and this too eontributes to the reinforcement of negative attitudes towards the use of technology. A second, but no less vexing, aspect of the instructional technology. panacea is frequently demonstrated by a politician, state agency official, or self-styled-expert who sometimes exhibits a bid case of "mediaitis." This illness takes at least two forms. A symptom of Type A Mediaitis is a suggestion that gobs of money could be saved if only "we would putone faculty member on television, somewhere in the state, and broadcast that faculty member's sterling lectures to thousands of exPectant and eager --students." Typt-BsMediaitis is-someWhat-different InthisfOrth of the illness, an expert spends a great deal of time expoimding upon the need for a particular type of technologically-based delivery system, e.g., broadcast, closed circuit TV, satellite, videodisc, etc. Faculty Conservatism -Having described many of the systemic barriers to the use of technology to improve educational effectiveness and efficieridY, if nav seems wise to attempt to understand the basis for the university and college facultY's general conservatism towards new approaches to instructionboth-technological Mid non-technological. Because the selection of instructional techniques iS almost always a matter of free choice by each individual faculty menilier, new approachei to instruction will onlY be adopted widely if each faculty member is made aware of a particular innovation, becomes interested in it, tries it, evaluates the results of this trial, and if pleased with the results, adopts the approach 'More or less permanently. Very few university and college faculty Members go through this proceSs of adopting newapproaches to instruction because their training and experience do not move them in this direetion. This is the case because there is a single more or less pervasive model of excellence in higher educationthe prestigious research university: Faculty members. who are successfid in such institutior..; emphasize certain activities and patterns of behavior which are antithetical to seeking out and using-Information on new approaches to instruction. These Patterni of ficUltY behavior are also not- consistent-with- the requirement that the development of high technology education software is, of necessity, a team effort requiring the close, collegial cooperation of a variety of professionals. As graduate students, most doctoral candidates focus their attention on becoming competent in one or more sub-fields of an academic discipline and on acquiring the skills needed to do research within that sub-field. They, also learn, from their faculty mentors, that the primazy function of university faculty members is to push forward the boundarita of knowledge in their choSen speciality by doing original researchthe results of which will contribute to the development of a body of theory and will be publishable in the most respected scholarly journals in their discipline. A closely related function is that of communicating the knowledge they acquire to graduate and undergraduate students. The emphasis, then, is on highly individualistic, creative, intellectual Enhance the Educational Process II work focused on problems defined by an academic discipline. Judgments of the quality and quantity of a faculty member's published work are made largely on the basis of evaluations made by specialists in his or her disciplinary sub-fields, many of whom are at other institutions of higher educatipli. These judgments and those of his or her departmental colleagues are of primary importance in decisions on promotion and tenure, and to a lesser extent, annual salary increases based on merit. A faculty member's performance will bejudged by the extent to which he or she conforms successfully to the behavior pattern described above. Departures form that, pattern will be punished by negative evaluations. The reward structure in prestigious,research universities reinforca the highly individualistic, creative intellectual behavior patterns learned in graduate school. The pattern of faculty behavior just described is dominant in most research universities. It is, indeed, one of the primary reasons for the preeminent status of our mt5st prestigious universities. Faculty at these institutions have made extraordinary contributions, to the gowth and development of human knowledge, and these contributions have been stimulated by the system just described. Another major aspect of individualistic faculty behavior and institutional practice is that a single faculty member usually teaches a single course. This is neither the most efficient nor most effective way to develop packages of mediated materials which will be used widely. With respect to the use of mediated materials, it usually leads to "the notinvented-here syndrome" often expressed by an individual faculty member not involved in the development of the mediated materials as "those materials are not of sufficiently high 'quality to meet the educational needs of my students." (Translation: 'That isn't the way I would do-it, therefore, it doesn't meet my quality standards.") Hone cannot expect a technological revolution in higher education to begin at prestigious universities, is it then possible that other, different types of American institutions of higher education will make the changes necessary to move in new directionST-With the possible exception of some community colleges, the prospects for this sort of change are not good. The reason for this is that even though there are relatively few prestigious research universities, *there is a single model of excellence, in the minds of most faculty members and administrators, and many of them exhibit all the patterns offaculty behavior found-in die research institutionswithout producing the quantity, or quality ofpublications produced by their counterparts at Harvar4 YaleStanfor4 Berkeley, Wisconsin, Michigan, etc. These less prestigious American institutions are, the ones which might be expected to adopt more effective and efficient approaches to instruction and learning. Most of them have not done so, however, and All facuk9 members, regardless of the type of institution in which they teach, must be actively engaged in the pursuit of knowledge. This is the only way they can be sure they are providing current, accurate information to their students. This does not, however, mean they must be involved in "state of the art" research in their discipline. Enhance the Educational Process 12 will not do so Until alternative models of excellence emerge and are awarded sOcietal recognition. Unless and until that happens Most of these colleges and universities will continde to emulate the research institutions in behavior and values. if not in high quality scholarly output. The suggestions which folio* are intended to help these colleges and uniYersities wishing to use the high technology mode of instructionovercome many of the foregeing barriers. Policies and Practices Intended to Facilitate the Use of Instructional Technology A number of changes -in institutional policies and procedures can activate faculty to become= involved in the development and use of instructional technology_ and at the same time, protect their jobs, and reward them for their efforts. Here are some general stateMents which might be included in a policy designed to attain the goal: 1. The faculty, students and administration of University commit themselves to develop and use instructional technology whenever there is sound reason to believe such technology can improve the effectiveness and the efficiency of education. Since the -centetif and-the pedagogical_objectives of all courses do not necessarily lend, thems&es- to a technOfogicalSteatment-major-development efforts will:be undertaken only after.discussion by the -parties involved and general agreement that such efforis-should be 2. No faculty member currently employed will be displaced by instructional technology. 3. Within the frameWork of #2 above, technological approaches to education will be used to: - a. Extend- the capaeity of faculty to ser7 larger numbers of students More effectively; and 13: Where jiossible and appropriate, to substitute for facultymembers who are planning on leaving the instinition voluntarily; to fill-vacancies created by death; and to begin new programs or courses for which new faculty would normally be employed. 4. Productivity gains derived ftom the development and use of f -instnictional_technology, if any, will be shared with: a. The faculty members who jiittieipate-in-coursadevelopment and delivery; b. The-academic departMent of schools to Which the faculty mentioned in "a" are assigned; tInd c. The main funding source for'the instituton (e.g., the state, for public colleges or universities, and the trustees of independent institutions). 6 5. The faculty and the administration will, together, develop an 2a Enhance the Educational Process 13 institutional policy on ownership and use of mediated materials, the development of which have been completed .With substantial institutional resources. This policy will define and protect both the institutioni's and the faculty member's rights and obligations. Among these are: a. The institution's right to recoup funds committed to development, in the event there is a substantial external market for the material produced; b. The faculty member's right to additional remuneration from external distribution, after the institution's capital investment is recouped; c. The conditions under which the materials may be used bY the institution in the event the faculty member terminates his or her employMent; d. The faculty thember's right to ensure the continued accuracy and utility of the materials by the regular provision of institutional resources for annual revision of a specified percentage of the material (ten to twenty percent); 6. The extent, character and quality of a faculty member's contributions to- the development of mediated materials will be given substantial weight in the tenure, promotion and merit review process; and 7. New means will be developed for assessing the efficiency of instructional techniques making heavy use of instructional technology. While any one who has ever taught in a classrciOm-w6uld have grave doubts about the utility of the number of student contact hours* as a valid measure of anything, it is clear such commonly-used measures can be major impediments to faculty members who might wish to develop and use high quality instructional software. To do so could reduce markedly their number of student contact hours. Obtaining Development Capital and Measuring Efficiency State and nitional goveinment officials and individuals in the private sector, interested in stimulating the use of instructional technology, must create some regular funding mechanism to provide the capital necessary to develop and deliver instructional software, and they must be willing to re-examine and discard those measures of efficiency that prevent faculty- and administrators from developing and using technologically-based approaches to instruction. Many American public universities are reouired to reoort the number of student contact 1%ours (the measure of students X the number of credits for each course) to state \ governments. This statistic is used as a measure of efficiency. \. Enhance the-Educational Process Encouraging =Wider Use of Instructional technology and Avoiding "The Not-Invented-Here Syndrome" . Individual faculty members generally have different areas of expertise within the same discipline, and one is likely to get a mediated course or unitin which the content is accurate and current if different faculty members handle that part of a codrse in whiCh they five the greatest expertise. _A second reason for actively- involving as many faculty as possible in the development of-a single course is that by doing so, one greatly increases the probabilitY each of the facultY members will approve the use of the course: This should increase markedly thenumber of students who will use the course. Another way to expand even further the numbers of students and institutions using a course, is to leave out certain segments or sections of the course, but to suggest some ways that faculty in other institutions and departments might prepare materials for a these segmentstluis personaliiing the course and, increasing the probability these faculty and dePartments will use it Using this "blank spam" technique is one way of mitigating "the not-invented-here syndrome," and encouraging creative and individualistic faculty to give their own personal touch to software developed elsewhere. To get ab individualistic faculty member to become a full participant in a group of professionals Working on a common Project, one probably has to make it possible for that faculty member to work with the group on a full-time basis, long enough to complete work on the group project Poing this shout& remove the faculty member from his or her workday university world and the system which reinforces individualistic behavior. An explicit orientation may also help the faculty member understand the difference& between the normal pattern of faculty behavior and-that required to develop packages of mediated -materials successfully. Such an orientation might explain that the effective development and useof instructional-technology is basically a_ team effort which requires careful planning and the close cooperatian of highly skilled professionals in several fields. First and foremost among these is, of course;the faculty member. The faculty member is, the content expert responsible for ensuring that the course goals are realistic in terms of the entry level =knowledge of the Students; that the content is appropriate to both die students' entry knowledge level and the goals of the course, and that the content is both current and aecurate. While the faculty member mustbe treated as the first among equals, someone must be put in charge who hit a firm understandingof the entire process, and can activate Cboperative effort and who can resolve disputes in a creative abd non-destructive manner. Whichever member of the 'team can best carry out this sophisticated leadership function, stiould be put in charge of the project In any event, the faculty member must have the find word on content 25 Enhance the Educational Process 15 An orientation program during which the points just stated lire made would help the faculty member adjust quickly to the new circumstances. This adjustment would be facilitated further if sooperative efforts were reinforced by group processes and financial rewards. Both students and faculty must come to understand the advantages they can derive froni the effective use of instructional technology; what the limits uf this technology are; and when it should not be used. The high technology4 capital intensive, mode of couise development described earlier can best be used for those courses and parts of courses in which the content is relatively stable, and the teaching-learning objectives -are fairly clew'. Basic, introductory courses in almost any discipline other than performance courses in theater arts, music and art are genirally appropriate for this type of development work. In these types of courses, the professor's role should be changed, by use of the high technology mode, to that of a tutor in comparatively small group, face-to-face interaction, rather than a presenter of material to hundreds of students assembled in Massive lecture sections.. The advantages of this type of faculty and graduate assistant role change should be obvious tO both students and faculty. The high 4echnology mode probaply should not be used for.those . courses or parts of courses in which the content is changing rapidly, or in which students and faculty are studying-or doing research on problems for which there are no known answers. These would include someiunior and senior courses and a- good many graduate seminars. One could, however, probably make a very good case for the high technology development of introductory research methods and statistics dourses normally required in many graduate programs in the physical, biological, and social sciences, and the full range of courses in Many professional masters programs. CONCLUSION Akhough sOme univelsity-level instruction may not be suited- to the development of sophisticated packages of mediated materials, American educators are maids% little effort to use instructional technology effectively, in their regular programs, in those areas that show great promise. The problems I've described are not insurmountable. They can and will be overcome, given initiative, imagination, commitment- and cooperation on the part of the faculty, administration, students and those governmental institutions that supervise and provide ftmding for education. The 'technology to improve both educational effectiveness and efficiency is now available. If educators do uot reorient themselves quickly to take advantage of this technology, private industry and new types of non-profit educational organizations will do so. F Educational Technologr- . The Congressional Perspective Fred W. Weingarten Office of Technology Auessment Washington, D.C. 4 INTRODUCTION Even in the Most stable political times, a person would be pletumptuous, indeed, to attempt to present a Congressional perspective on any topic. :Who Could speak for more , thin five hundred highly, independent men and women? And theie- are anything but-stable times on the HU The Federal role in many, areas of donsestic life is likely to be reasseued, and, in the view of many observers, education will receive its share of attention. Sensing that use of-information teChnology in edema:on:is going to -present new oppatunities and problems for Federal pahoy makers, -Congress -has reqUested that the Office of TechnologY Assessment (OTA)Prepare for it a report on information tecinriogy and education. This assessment has just started. A report on its initial directionsmight t\9 Ic% U% givesenne sense of how Cengress may choose to look at education policy in light Of new information technologies, and that task is -the one I will undestakelhis morning. The Office of TechnologY Assessment The Office Of Technology Assessment is an agency of the Congress. It is -responsible to both houses of Congress and is dirented by a N, Technology- Asiessment Bowl connoting of three members fiun each party, Atom each chamber. Its role is to examine the long term effects of % -*they dui** regarding technological issues. Stk `44 OTA' studio,- generally last from severalmonths to:a few years, in contrast to the generally shorter,' mote tightly focussed studiet conducted by -the Congressional Researth Service -cc the General Amounting Office. The agency does not make policy recommendations to Congress, bht rate; trim to ptoject -as objectively as possible the available 2/ The Congressional Perspective 17 decisions afict their social, etonomic- and political effects. Each study Must be requested by at least on6 fiat- committee and approved by the Technology-Assessment-Board. Rear. The StudyPwpose what has heen said so far: The Federal Governinent has nothing to de with education.,,it's. The Defense Department- spends an estimated twelve billion -dollars on manpewer training. -The Federal GoVernment has never done anything with the express intent of aidingeducation per sebut to achieve other social goals. The Federal Government pays over ten percent orthe budgets of local- schixit disocts. These are just a few, of the eminent: I have colleded in the first few months of the study, iiictthey illustrate the paradoxes in U.S. attitudes toward-a Federal educaVon policy that mikes a study such as this so complex and undertaking It is clearly possible _that_tbe_new information teehnology_ holds great prom* kir' traditional edueation. This same technology, coupled with our evolution into an "Information Society," is also changihg the very _meaning of educatien, the mechanins for providing it, and the nature of societal demands for it. The purPose of this study is to examine these technological trends, assessmhat they have to offer the educational process, determine how their are likely to be used, and explore how the Federal Government might respond'HoPefully, the study will answer the follov4ing questions. Are there policies that will encourage the use of infonnatidi technology, are Ihere legislative or regulatory barriers, and est there potential problems stemming from educational use of infornition technology that may call for legislative-remedy? Comniunicating this aisessment to Congress it complicated by the problem that educational policy is not made solely_ hy,Committees with the word "Education" in their titles. The Armed Services Committees must wotrY about manpower, the Civil Service Committees- about the competence .of Government workers, the= Commerce Committees are concerned with copyright and the Science and Technology Committees are concerned with communication policy and R&D. This type of crosstutting issue isi-theoretically, a particular specialty of OTA. in reality, it is hird to focus ind communicate such a study. Study G.Oals The study has four major goals: Assess Existing Federal Interest and Roles: The Federal GovernMent, 18 The Congressional Perspective even-though not directly responsible for the -schools of this nation, has many programs that affect them and many interests_ in_ the quality of education in the United States. What are reasonable objectives for the Federal GoVernment that may shape policy strategies? Determine Opportunities and Barriers for Use inthe Schoolr-Many experts think that the new developments in information technology hold great promise fertile schools. Tileprcblems ;acing the schools have been_ cataloged in many places. Theyinchide the following: A declining support, from taxpayers as the percentage Of the taxpaying population with children in school drops and as the support- of the middle class for public "education declines. Increasing pressure -from the Government and the Courts 'to provide equal access to education for all types of students, racial minorities, non-Eng,fish,speaking groups, the handicapped, and other 'such groups. In addition pressures to -sery, more varied student groups in the traditional sectors oeducation, new demands for education by women, by the elderly, and by those, trying to adapt to a changingjob Market, are also creating new demands on the education establishment. The increase in labor costs as experienced in all service sectors. Productivity inereases often depend upon the substitution of capital for labor. Those activities that haVe not traditionally been subject- to productivity improvements are squeezed by the inflationary prestures of labor costs increasing faster than the . overall inflation, rate. The need to train more proactive and technologically sophisti- cated citizens, to help the U.S. economy and to Provide more effective citizens in an informatiOn society. Faced with these pressures, it is only natural that education decision_ makers woukl ask whether the neW advances in information technology cotild contribute to solving their problems. Can inforMation technology improve the quality of education? Can it improve access to education on the parts of those for whom it is difficult because of physical restrictions or geographical separation? Can it provide better productivity offering an improved product at lower cost'? At the least, this report should be able to summarize for The Congress what is known about the potential benefits and costs of information technology: Assuming that a set of policy options might be intended to encourage the use of information technology, it is also important to describe the barriers that exist to such use. Many have been proposed in the literature -and ta me in preliminary conversations with exper's. Among them, the need for teacher training might be pointed out, along with the lack of sufficient support in the way -of training and service, the existence of overly restrictive purchasing policies, and ignorance at the higher Nwdministrative levels of the school bureaucracy. Cis The Congressional Perspective 19 A number _of problems that could be characterized as societal, or Constitutional, in nature need to .be examined. _Many experts have expressed concern about the long term effects on learners, particirlarlY children, of rePlacing the classrOom experience by television or cornptiters. As another example, the use of infonnation iechnology may greatly increase the amount of record-keeping on students. More records .of traditional types of information -such as-test scores or other types of claisroom performance will be stored in machine readable form for !Ong periods of time. In addition, new ,types of information conderning thinking processes, psychological diagnoses, and so on inay be collected and retained. What will be the privacy rights of students under these circumstances, and what will be the-responsibilities of the schools in handling this.data. An analogy may be seen in the area of medical recordkeeping, in which hospitals and doctors have been deluged with a plethora of new legislation and regtilation at both the state and Federal levels. Anotherissue will be equity. As information services become a major industry, information is becoming a significant marketable commodity. An important question Will concern the degree to which access to some basic threshold of information literacy is a basic right of U.S. citizenry. One scenario would hold that the benefits (if they exist) stemming from the use of information technology in education may accrue only to the private providers and, perhaps, to the well-off public school districts. This trend would leave the poorer schools, those serving the poor of society, in the lurch. Should such a scenario come to pass, the schools could serve to increase rather than_to narrow the bridge between groups irr this society,-to provide barriers rather than bridges. A final-example is the-problem of Federalism. The schools, as the quote at the start of this paper suggests, have traditionally been regarded as the preserve of local government. One of the general observations that have been made about high technology it that it tends to centralize, to Place a value on thelarge operations, as opposed to the small. True, this tendency is the subject of endless argument about whether this iinperative is necessary, but one can observe that most automated systems to date seem to centralize control. Any Federal policy toward use of information technology must take into, consideration the possibility that more national conticol and less local choice over the content and style of education will result. This centralization may not be only on the part of the Govenuirent, but reflect the influence oflarge publishers, broadcasters, program_ produCers, and the like. Choice of curricular material may simply be restricted. The-Changing Role of Education , Evidence mounts that in the firture information society edudation will be provided by a much wirkr spectrum of agents. Historians of education V 30 20 The Congressional Perspective such its Lawrence Cremin have point out that education has, for a long time, been provided in a number Of environments other than sehools. These -other providers may be in-a position to exploit the technology, more quickly and effectively than can traditional schools. The following examples come to mind: The investment by industry in training and employee education is not well-known, but estimates range from $40 billion to $100 billion. We do know that the number is large and growing rapidly, Surely faster than the budget of the schools. More important than size, the type of eduCation offered by employers is also changing, moving toward topics, such as writing skills, that have traditionally been considered the preserve of the education establishment The recent White HOUseConference on the Library spent much time discussing _the importanCe of the library in an informationsotiety is a purveyor of knowledge rather than an archive, a role that, again, borders closely on that of the schools. Many museums, partieularly the relatively new science and technology museums and the even newer children's musetuns,_ are developing -public setvices that are clearly educational in nature._ Public broadcasting, radio and television, whose recent emphasis on cultural programming may be under strong challenge in light of new cable and broadcast satellite technologies, may return more closely to their original interest in education. Several proposals have been floating around that show revived interest in a- nationwide, broadcast-based educational service. In the microcornputer market, manufacturers are starting tO attack the home consumer market directly with educational devices such as "Speak and Spell" and software packages for personal computers such as.the Apple and the TRS 80 that are starting to appear in the home. Videodisks, if a large constimer market develops, could stimulate a similar trend. These trends affect Federal policy in a number of wayi. In the first place, they may- offer opportunities, provided the markets can be guided or encouraged to develop. However, these developments may also cause difficult poliCy problems for The Congress. The public schools may be under even greater streises than they are today, if an economic, more effective, and more convenient ilternative source of education is available to the middle class. To the extent that the alternative is available to those who can afford it, the role of the public schools as the educational system of the last resort becomes vital. And the Federal Government may be called upon to provide the funds to support that role. 3 -Thai CohgressionalPerspective 21 Federal Policy The principal aim of this part of the study will be to determine whatt Congress may wish to achieve, and to decide what policy levers exist to accomplish those goals. -The assessment will develop a limited number of policy scenarios that appear to befessible and responsive to the various probteiris discussed above. Among them, expanded in detail, with substantial fme structure to be added, might be the followinx A laissez-faire policy that keeps a strict distance between the Federal Government and developments in education, save for a few efforts to remove unintended barriers to the developing educational use of information technology. Some form of a VoucherAystem-may be adopted that removes Federal support of the schools directly, but that recognizes the developing choices of educational style and provider. The Federal Government could direcdy subsidize the schools in order to sustain a free public education system and to enable schools to obtain the new technology they used. The Government could directly fund the creation of educational materials, curriculum, television programs, and soon, thitWould be available to all users. Agencies such as NSF could greatly expand support for research and development on information technology for education. These efforts could include dissemination programs to help schools get access to the knowledge developed by the projects. Approach The Assessment will consist of three stages. The first, nearly complete,' is a study planning phase. Second, there will be data collection and analysis, and, finally, apolicy assessment will be done. An advisory panel of distinguished experts in the field ot education is being assafibled and will meet shortly to kick-off the data collection and analysis effort: This work will be conducted by in-house research staff and outside contractors and consultants,. SUMMARY I will close by saying that the success of an assessment such as this will depend greatly on the quality of help that is provided by die interested communities,. From experience with other projects at OTA, I can state with certainty that the report will probably not fully satisfy anyone. It must present the full possible spectrum of actions for Congress, and represent the interests of all stakeholders. However, it is the active involvement of those stakehoklers that assures that their interests are fairly and completely represented. .t. 32 CJ Technology and the Changing Economics of Education Robert H. McCabe President Miami-Dade Community College Miami, Florida INTRODUCTION After years of faltering progress, it is_ now reasonable to forecast lf) stio Ct( 444 substantial growth in the use of technology in-postsecondary education. Colleges and universities will change dramatically in the decade ahead. A series of factors, incuding operational econoMics, will stimulate greater use of communications technology. As a basis foç discussing changes in the'Use of technology, it is important to take a brief look at the changing clientele and services, Public attitudes towards higher education, and some considerations in financing By the end of this decade, the successful postsecondary institutions will be very different from the present: For one thing there will be more' older students. For a number Of years state "legislatures have been awaiting the widely forecastdecines in highereducation enrollment. All were aware that there are 20 percent fewer eight-year olds than eighteenyear olds in America today, and that high school enrollments were already declining Yet, the decline has not materialized. The reason is that growing numbers of older Americans are beginning college careers, or returning for continued educational servies on a lifelong basis. For the first time in _the fall of 1980, there were fewer first-time-1n college students who came directly froni high school than those who did nota considerable and important-change. More individuals are coming back on a continuing basis to upgrade _their skills often simply to, keep their anfields continued education is being required to 'present jobs. In my maintain certification or licensure. The paramedical fields are a very good example. The average American has three careers during th worklife, and many students_ return to college to facilitate c career:Many others return for personal development. This is part* 22 arly Chinging Economics 23 important to the substantial number of Americans who have jobs that are not personally fidfdling. Another major change will be the continued diversification in every attribute. The older students have more life-experience and:necessarily more varied, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes. There are more part-time students; more from previously under-served Minorities; and, most importantly, more with less academic skill. We are now in _the thirteenth conseeutive year of decline in -academic skill for American "-high school graduates as measured by standardized tests. If one uses 1975 norms on standardized academic-tests -with 1980 high _school graduates, the median score is tenth gildeeixth month. This decline in skills has profpund impact on colleges, especially cOmifilinitycalleges. It has brought public concern for the quality of our work, and with it growing dentand for standardized testing competency-based programs, and increesed use of assessment and standardized measurement This in turn is requiring a more directive approach to the educational program, and the-need for increased information concerning progress for students and staff'. Less Academic Skills Students are coming with less academic skill, and colleges are being asked to upgrade expectations and raise standards. Thus, colleges are faced with a critical dilemma which will be very difficult to resolve, but some tliings are clear. For one, the application of a standard amount of educational services will not bring a student who is considerably behind academically to the expected standards. Further, the tremendous diversity among students will require time variable and individualized programs. The programs must be more directive, with considerable control of student flow. Only through the use of communications technology will these necessary changes take place. I seeno prospect that appropriations to colleges will be increased sufficient!), to achieve these ends through the use of additional personnel. Even if funds were provided, it is doubtful that the-necessary changes in program could be achieved without utilization of the capabilities of the improved communications technOlogy. Cable There are so many important changes in communications technology, that for this presentation I will select only a few on which to comment. There will be many new ways to deliver television to the home, but most imisattant for education are the growing cable networks. Unlile open circuit broadcasts,lcable delivery can present specialized fare for low volume listenership. Even the public television open circuit broadcasters worry about the impact on programs before and after educational programs which draw small audiences. Audiences that are practical for 31 24 Changing EcOnontics delivery from the standpoint of the educational institution are often viewed negatively by open circult broadcasters. Cable operators have an entirely different view. Thus, the spread of cable systems may resolve the serious broadcast access problems of the colleges. Vida; The growth in videotape recorders and the adient of videodisc plaxers, of course, have important implications for education. At this time -in Miami there are seven videotape purchase and exchange-operationi -within a ten minute drive of my home, and prices for exchange are dropping rapidly. Already more than 4,500,000 homes have videotape recorders. With the beginning of sales of videodisc players, some educational discs are being offered for as little as $5.95, and disc players have fascinating flexibility, particularly for information, storage, and random access. With regard .to equipment, it is important to us in education to follow the home market development, as the volume sales will reduce prices to the minimum, and in the long run it would be well to think of the equipment in individuals' homes as part of our educational delivery system. Computers -011 the computer front there are two developments that arecf special interest One is the tremendous gain in power of microcomputers. The impact is well illustrated with the .Miami-Dade Community College RSVP system, a combination of CMI/CAI systems which is operated on a $2 millionmain frame configuration. We are currently worldni with other institutions to redevelop this system with limited compromiies on scale, and added capabilities. The new system will requie an $8,000 microcomputer configuration. This will not only make the system more available in Miami-Dade, but will make it practical for the smallest institutiOn. This is a major economic breakthrough, not only because of the reduction in the cost of the hardware, but, even more importantly, the potential-for reduction of per-student cost for software. The number of students who will benefit from a software package (course) both dictates the financial feasibility of the development of the software and the level of that development If many institutions have similar equipment, the number of potential users imreases, and more dollars can be allocated 'for the software deyelopmentand quality software is costly. The very large institutions have always been able to develop some course software, while small institutions have had limited capability. Now small institutions -*ill be able to afford to acquire quality computer-based courses for their students from the large institutions, and the large institutions can have software for a larger spread of their curriculum, as they can draw from so many sources. Tliis should result in a boom in development of high quality computer-supported learnink programs. When we reach the . rr Changing Economics 25. point of volume utilization thatwill permit modest charges per student to amortize development costs, institutions with very few students and small facilities will be able to access broadly diversified learning programs. From the standpoint of economics, what is created in effect is a situation similar to a very large lecture section with supporting faculty services. The other development in computers that interests me is what I call "Christman games" computersthe very small processers that utilize the television receiver as a screen, operate interactive games, and sell for lets than $200.. I an intrigued by the possibility that such a microprocesser, particularly the type that utilize cassettes, could be in typical homes by the end of the decade. The possibilities of combining such a processer, a videodisc player, and a television receiver are fascinating. With this configuration, colleges could easily deliver quite sophisticated branching programming with interactive learning arrangements, particu- larly where drill is essential; From the standpoint of economics, it is important that the eqnipment is in the home. Not only because of the cost of acquisition, but also from the standpoint of maintenance of equipment. The discs themselves are very inexpensive to reproduce, although high volume is necessaiy. If this part of the work occurred at home, there would be no investment in plant or equipment for that part of the individual's educational program. There is investment only in software development and/or purchase. The discs, which are quite durable, and the cassettes, which are very inexpensive, .could be checked out to students. Another important application of the use.of videodiscs, cassettes, or telecasts relates to the growing need for recertification and the learning of neviskills and information to maintain current positions. While in urban areas it might be practical to configure sufficient individuals to operate standard classes, these services must be delivered on a location variable basis. Many individuals live in areas where there are not enough persons with the same need to operate a standard class arrangement; thus, only methods using video appear to be practical. Further, the developments in many fields today are so rapid, and in some occupations the number of specialists so few, that it will be necessary to develop such programs for use throughout the country, or at least throughout a state. It would be impactical for each institution to attempt such programs independently. Impact of Student Financial Aid One change which has taken place during the past five years and has important future impact is in the area of student financial aid. Begkining with the post World War II G.I. Bill, the federal government has used financial aid to student& as a principal vehicle for expanding access to 36 26 Changing-Economics postsecondary education. It has left the fmancing of operations to state and private sources. In recent years the expansion of the Basic Educational -OpPortunity -Grants (noW -the Pell Grants) -and other fmancial-aid increases in many institutions -resulted-in-a-majorityof the fulkinieStirdents receiving financial aid. Thus, most of the students are being paid to go to college. This has brought with it a growing concern the the -people -who-receive- this aid-benefit- demonstrably frofir-the services, and-make progress toward achieving,the objectives for which the grants are given.-Without question this further contributes to the need for more measurement and more inforritation about student progress for -the institutions, the government, and the student. The institution's approach to students must be more directive. This type of feedback and control cannot be achieved without the use of communications technology, and there is clear evidence that much headway is being made. There are at least five national guidancer-sytemS utilizing interactive computer applications, and many institutions are developing other applications to take greater control-of the student-flow process. -Monitoring Student Progress Progress based on the concepts that students can-take any courses that they want at any time, have a right to fail; should get credit for any coursesdevelcipmental or not, are dead. At Miami-Dade Community College-the student's progress through the institution is now monitored from point of entry to exit:There is assessment, placement, competency requirements to move into collegelevel courses, restrictions on load as early as seven credits attempted, required intervention courses as earlyas fifteen credits, individualized letters to all 45,000 students after six weeks of each term concerning their progress in each course, and computerized information at the end of every term concerning progress toward graduation and towards meeting the requirements of the institution to which they are planning to transfer. All of this is at increased cost to the institution, but is an absolutely necessary part of the cost Of a student's education, and only affordable because of the use of communications technology. The key in the econoinics of education is massing. Simpli put, if large numbers of people want to do the same thing (take the same course), it is easy to develop traditional classroom delivery methods that meet economic expectations. A well run student scheduling and registration procedure should tie able to handle class siie for large enrollment courses almost like an assembly line filling milk bottles to the proper level. But, where the numbers of perions taking a single course is small, class size ccntrol is lost and costs rise. Where the number of persons with the same goal begin with considerably varied skills traditional methods break down, and individualization through the use of personnel, is clearly beyond our fmancial capability. Changing Economics 27 There are a number of things that can and should be done that involve technology, and that are economically feasible. However, one should never forget most students, especially Older students, are anxious to have a personal interactive experience, and the number of students who work well completely without such interaction is relatively small. One of the purposes of the controlled student flow system at Miami-Dade Community College is to reduce the student diversity in the broad spectrum of courses, so that there is reduced diversity in academic skills in the classes. In that way, faculty can deal more effectively using traditional methods. In this case, technology, is utilized to make traditional practices more economically feasible and more effective. Individualiz a tion , When a learning program utilizes technology so that a faculty member does not deal with students in a class group, individualization, rather than being more expensive, becomes less expensive. A result is produce4that economically is similar to large group instruction. The new technologils provide tremendous capability for individualization that seem not only desirable, but absolutely essential if we are to deal with our much more diverse student body, and preserve the opportunities for students to interact with faculty and staff. Sharing-Deyelopmental Costs One important key, and perhaps the most difficult hurdle for academic institutions, is cooperation. Technically, the improved capability of microcomputers and the new developments in video -have made: the sharing of materials among institutions very feasible. TO reducethe cost .per student for development, it is absolutely essential to share the development cost, and good software is expensive. None of us, regardless of size, can expect to develop all of our ownit is, simply not economically possible. The teohnical developments that have made sharing practical, and the experience of the cooperation of a number of institutions over the past decade have provided important steps- in the right direction. In terms'of academic attitudes,- there is still kway to go. Faculty-like to do their own thing in their own wayit is part of the academic tradition. While progtess is being made toward necessary collaboration, it is also important to provide for manipulation of softiVare so that faculty in each institution, and, if pasible, each faculty member in an institution, have some way to make the materials their own. Yet, there is no escaping the need for faculty to workin collaboration if educational services are to be delivered in the most efficient and effective way for the future. SUMMARY ;. One advantage in the introduction of technology into the institutions in- 38 .o 21, Changing Economics am& is that it appears certain that the reeistance among faculty Will der** for use of techcoloiy is no linger unusual The gosvth in the use of Computers and video in- every lield, and -the daily interaction with tsclaricigy in the lives ofstudents airclfircuky will =keit seem/gra* in _the Mars if the- initihkions do not 'Use communciatiOns The Mire growth _in the use of technology in higher' edwationis cat*. It holds great hope far us in corninunily collegetto finally match our keg heidaspiration to help each student succeed through realistic, affordable, and effective educational programs. , I 1 erg - ' NI cr. Changing Organizational Structures to Capitalize on Technology mi ibseph I. Upson Notion& Sdence Foundation t c%) i::) Watthington, D.C.. Most observers ogee that educational teclmology has na lived up to its promise. Many &mons for thii havi been paposecL I would hIce to explortjte possiblity that an important reason is the following We have tried to bnplement new technologies with a school organization that evolved in taconite to an older teclmologythe technology of the clissroom, the blackboard and the textbook. The effective use of educadonel- technology wil'iequie the Mrolution or design of new orpnizational sbuctures. If this is tnie, it *lies thit 'schools should be re-organized to help people to be productive with the new inforaation technologies such IS the coaputer, the videafisc, and the ccamunications netwak. By orgadizational structure I mean simple, rraxlsne things such as who roports to whom, how the budget is Allocated, hovi .the budnet is organized, who must sign-off before various decisions or purcksAl are Made, the names given to organizational units, unit descriptione goali, job desotiptions; how people are hired, who can ask whom to any out a task, and who must apprOve requests fir Fork by a given unit or Persori Ratted ideas are that as educational technology "becomes more )' co.iplex and chimps more rapidly, I); our organizational structure must -become more adaptable, less rigid, and 2). we must invest more of our effort in the design ind maintenance of the orianization,that helps us to use this technology.3. 4 The Challenge of Innovation . . is, it that established organizations such. u the hotels, the railroads, the steel Wish'', the auto induitry; and sobools have so much Why (Li difficulty raponding to the opportunities of new technologiel? Why is it that innovations are so difficult to institutionalize? Perhaps the stay is something hie this: Laup.established organiations tart a life of their Z. 1 0 10 Organisational &roams own. They do stable and suecessful. Presumably they are successful because their organizatibnal structure was, during their time of growth, well-suited to the tools of their operaticin. Their organizational structure was appropriate. They were well-organized to enable people to be productive ,with the technology them available. Their very suet:els and stabilityis what getsiong-lived organizations MtOdiMCuk.Wbánaballilatthebofabow1Orá&jj.hekljfl . place by a set of, eprinp, a small disturbance bringi forces into play that return the ball tO the bottom of the bowl or return the spring-held object to its original position. Similarly, when& stable organization is disturbed by an innOvation, forces come into plpy to resist the innovation and to return the siMation to normal. The status quo is the condition of stable equilibrium. All departures from the statio ,quo are resisted., In a personal conVersaticii, Rob Spaulding used the analogy of residence to infectibn. If we think of the school or School systern as an organism, an innovation is analogoug to an infection. The school systein immediately:responds to maintain its character Ind its integrity, to resist the infection of change. Etch individual in the system thinks that s/he is acting autonothOusly and intelligently, not realizing the myriad ways that the organizational structure Ind procedures are encouraging hini/her to act so as to reject the innovation. There is some evidence that awareness of the forces ope4ting on us helps us to resist thern, to -be more discriminating in our actions and decisions; and if our consciousness is raised with regard to the subtle ways our organizations, influence us, we may-learn to modify our traditional reactions. I have seep the following haPpen several times: An individual Proibuor will become intereated in using sonie form of educational technology.Tor a while s/he it able to resist the fbrees that encourage a rettirn tothe status, quo. If energy in the form ofresources (e.g., money, . released dine) is allocated to the innovation, then for a while a tenuous stability cab be breated.bf all the innovations that are tried, a few may even be coMPitible with the existing structure and such innovations may survive and be institutionalized (e.g., the research institute, the use &the Xerox mabhine). However, the more common courie of events is that evendially the professor gets tired, lives or is simply forced to Ore up the innovation and the system. The schoOl returns to the status quo. At the microscopic level of detailed human interiCtions, many causes am Observed and offered as reasons for the failure of an innovation: The faculty member feels that his/her efforts are MX adequately considered in the promotion/tenure process. /slot enough help is provided. &federal'. grant runs out and there are 'no replacement resources made Available, and so on.6 HoWeVer, after observing the process of attempted and failed or limited institMiOnalization several times, I have come to the hypothesis that the prob)im lies deeper than the surface events imply and that the solution must dealwith the deeper relationships betweeirbrganizational 40. e. Organizational Structuies 31 structure and the way -we- use the tools available to us. Put another way, we need social- and organizational- inventions to enable us to effectiVely use new hardware-and software inventions. As Dobrov3, 4 states, without technology, society is disarmed; without technical knowledge and people ivho can manipulate it, technology is stillborn; without social organization enabling- tedmological systems to be rationally used and developed, those systems are oflittle Use and can even 1* The Existing Technology If cine looks at mod schools and colleges, one sees that our curriculum and the activities that we assign to students are -largely limited and controlled by our reliance and commitzneat to word and symbol oriented technologies. These technologies are the classroom, pencil and paper, the blackboard; and the textbookin contrast to the held trip or laboratory, and the TV/computer screen or direct observation. The existing technologies are used because a.) words and symbols are to important to the educational -process tind.b.) tlfeY ire reliliiieffehetii The result is that studen(activities with objects, photographic images, and equipment are not well represented in the curricullith. As a further result we have the recUrrincomplaint that students can repeat word and symbol strings' but:that *.:ty do not have the skill needed foractually doing things. This distinetfon is characterized as the difference between knowing what and knowing hOw, the difference between declarative sus; procedural knowledge. Examples of the differetice are a.) being ?Ile to describe the operation of an auto engine vs: being able to design, build, or repair an engine and b.) being able to state mathematical rules or theorems vs. being able to solve problems with those rule*. (Note. Another technolOgy that hat seriously influenced education is the nidtiple choke test. There is evidence that students who are preparing for a multiple choke test engage in different kinds of study activities than those who are preparing for essay or problem tests. In general, the anticipated form of aisessment [e.g., having to make an oral presentation, having to teach a class while , being obseived, having to carry out an experiment or construct a work dart] modifies the activities students use to prepare. The cOnclUsion is that a technology that allows a wider range of assessment procedures to be carried out economicak and reliably will modify the -learning experiences of students. The computer is such a technOlogy.) Departments and Clastroom Teachers The organizational siructure that has evolved to effectively use the existing technologies is a realtively flat one (i.e., a group of peers repotting to a department chairperson) that tends to focus on the teacher :in the classroom as the basic operational unit with the subject-based 42 32 Organistuional Structures department as the basic-organizational unit. Services, administration, budgeting practices, promotion and tenure, etc., all tend to sipport the classrOom teachers in their standard role of developing knowledge using words and symbols. I know that many teachers would disagree with this and exiress dissatisfaetion with the degree of support- they get. I would propose that their divatisfactica with anything except direct support of their role in front ofthe class is one ofthe forces that tends to maintain the current structure. Teachers resist anr.new organizational arrangement that drains resourdee from traditional classroom activity. In my view, this is correct is lceg as the principal sources ofproductive woric in the school is the teacher-led class. The question is, can we invent new technology- based arrangements .ffiat, with different combinations of roles, tasks, reporting lines, schedules, etc. an more productive and more satisfying to both faculty and students? There are interesting examples in medical education and in the case of the British Open University that suggest but do not prove or conclusively demonitrate that this may be possible. The Failed Technologies The motion picture, television, radio, the LP record, the electric typeivritir, the audio-cusette player, the video-cassette player, and kits of laboratory materialihave not had a signifiCant knpact upon the nature of the currAculum and the qUality of foaml school education. In order for them to hair had a greater effect many inter-related steps to modify the organizational system would have had to be taken: -new purchasing_ regulations, new federal, state, and local arrangements to support curriculum development, new organizational support units, _new inservice and pre-service training programs, new budget formulation Procedures, etc. would have had to-be developed. For example, hecaustof its new organizational structure, the British Open University has the largest publishing operation in the United Kingdom and the docnments they print are widely used throughout the higher iducation aystem. In this case an organization modification was required to enable higher education to serve the distant, isolated learner, and a resuk has been the creation of a hUge organizational subsystem to exploit the existing print technology. A similar story holds for their TV production. However, Oen the British O.U. has difficulties in using new media because of the fact that they have, a matrix organization of course teams combined with academic departments of the Open University. The academic departmeats seem to_ be the culprits that create a reeistance to innovation and may eVen be a force for reversion to a campus' system with classes, etc. The New Technologies The compuer, telecommunications networks, and image devices such as the videodisc offer a wide range of instructional options.1, 2,5 Even on 4 3, Organizotional Structures 33 a Straight economic basis the continuing reduction in the cost of computing combined with the increasing cost of printed materials suguests that electronic publishing will compete directly with printing within the decade of the 80's (Evans, 1979). The question is, can we reorganize otir educational systemat all levelsto make effectiie use of these new information teehnologies? At the national level; can we coOrdinate the resourde allocation and decision procedures to have needed equipment standards, inforination and dissemination networks, and courseware development? At the local and state levels, can we create support units such as the science teacher suppott centers that Doug Lapp has designed and implemented in Virginia? Can We develop -nevt training provims for teachers to use the new technologies and for authors who are needed to create the new materilli? At the achool level, can we create new organizational arrangements that move away from the cottage industry format of the classroom and that allocate resources to the purchase, maintenance, and improvement of educational technology systems? And can we do these things in a cost effective way ,that makes the schooling experience more interesting for both faculty and. students? The Likely Scenario If the above questions are to have a pesitive response, their urgency needs to be recognized si every level of the system. Decisions are drilien by emotions, and until the problem of educational technology has emotiOnal and political Rome, little is 'tidy to happen. One of our tasks is to find the arguments, images, anecdotes and demonstrations that give the issue tbe needed-force. Some of our best arguments will be Oen during this conference and also are listed in existing documents?, a My expectationis that the new technologies will begin fo take root outside of the formal systeth through home learning, through industrial training programs, through medical training programs, and through militaty 'training programs. When they are sufficiently established outside of the colleges and public schools, smite schools and colleges will respond to the thallenge and try new organizational schemes to use the technologies and some new schools,and colleges willhesres4_! d scifically to make use of the new technologies. Oral Roberts University is a .posSible example of the latter case. The use oftechnology is built into the structure of Oral Roberts; and the contracts of all faculty require that they learn about educational technologies, contribute as authors, and use the technologies. Knowledge and skill are so critical to a modern society that eventually 'inter-national pressure will require the organizational changes needed. Forethought and planning can make the transition easier, can minimize the pain of change; but the change is inevitable. Failure to make the 44 34 Organizational Structures investment of human talent and ingenuity will cause much greater misery and dislocation at some future time. To paraphrase Ann Landers:Unless we take the steps to renew the quality of our schools, we will become a fourth-rate nation without a shot being fired. I propose that the intelligent and 'humane use of educational technology is, a necessary part of any program of improvement. REFERENCES: 1. Atkinson, Richard C. and Joseph I. Lipeon,Instructional Technologies qf the Future paper delivered at the APA 886 Annual Convention, Montreal, Canada, 3, 1980. (Copies available from Lipson, National Science Feundation, W=Z D.C. M550.) 2. Brown, Gone E., Jr., Chairman, Information Technology in Education, Joint Hearmps bekre the Subcommittee on Science, Research and Technology if the Committee on Science and Technology and the Subcommitteeon Select Education of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Rewesentatives, 96th Congress, Apr98il 2, 3, 1980, No. 134, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 10. 3. Dobrov, Geimady M., Technolog, as a Form qf Organization, inint. Soc. Sci. Journal, Vol. =CI, Nri. 4, 1979: pp. 585-605. 4. Dobrov, Gennady, M., The Strategy*. Organized Technology in the Lightqfl ad: Se-, and Org-ware Intenwtion, in Long Range Planning, Vol. 12, August, 1979: _pp.-70-90. S. Evans, Christopher, The Micro Millenium, The Vildng press: New York, 1979. 6. Hershfield, Alan F., Education's Technological Revolution: An Event in Search qf Leaders, m Change, Vol 12, No. 8. November-Decemixr, 1980: pp, 48-52. 7. Uspon, 3.1., Instructional Technology and Organizational Structure in Higher Education, in Fraley, LE. & Vargas, B.A. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Behavior Research and Technology in Higher Education; Society for Behavioral Technology and Engineerjog. 1976: pp. 215-220. 8. Lipson, J.L, Technology in Science E n: The Nat 10 Years, in Con;puter, Vol. 13, No. 7, July, 1980: pp. 23-30. , 9. National Science Foundation, Science and Engineering Education for the 1980's and Beyond Report to the President q fthe Unued States, subm;tted by Hufirtedler, S.H. and Langenberg, D.N., 1980. 10. Molnar, Andrew R., Understanding How to Use Machina to Work Smarter in an IrOrmatian Society, in T.H.E. Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, January, 1980: pp. 42-46. (Note: Dr. Molnar has written a large number of important articles that represent advanced thinking and planning for educational technology. A list ofthese articles may be obtained from Dr. Molnar, National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. 20550.) Public Telecommunications Policies and Education's Options Frank W. Norwood Joint Coundl on Educational Telecommunications Washington, D.C- INTRODUCTION Of the numberless public policy decisions which impact on schools and coileges, few are farther from the educator's focus of attention than those Which shape communications policy. The school superintendent or the university chancellor may know that the Federal Communications Commission grants licenses to cothmercial and noncommercial radio and television stations, but it is not likely to occur to either that that has much to do with education or with education's use of technology. What may happen in Geneva, Switzerland, at the International Telecommunications Union's World Administrative Radio Conferegce, cc how the work of CCIR Study Gmup 10/11B or a Joint Government/Industry Committee might open or close education's doors to a future full of satellites, computerized data bases, interactive cable television systems and the like are questions not even formulated. With or without the participation of educatms, decisions are made. With or without their knowledege of the war, the battles for canununications policy advantage go on. And their results impact schools and colleges-- and the options for ofkampus learners as surely and as 1\n- seerely as if the superintendent and the chancellor understood the demonstrable fact that other parties lire deciding their future for them. Historical Perspective N., 4.1 The JCET is concerned with this interaction of communieations policy and educationid policy because it was born in response to a policy making crisis. In 1950, the Federal Communications Commission struggled with a dilemma. The post-war public successs of the infant television medium had demonstrated that the demand by potential broadcasters and eager viewers for the new medium would require more stations than could be accommodated in the twelve Very High Frequency (VHF) channels that 35 46 36 Public Polic4s nad been allocated to television broadcasting before World War IL Rather than a rich man's toy, limited to well-to-do urban areas, television -promised to be a medium of news and entertainment for all. The Commission's pioblem was that of finding a way to create enough new channels_ for television broadcasting to make possible a variety of services for substantially all of the American public. Adding additional channels in the VHF spectrum was not possible. Other services already occupied those frequencies. The next available spectrum was in the untested Ultra High Frequencies (UHF) for which no television hardware had yet been developed, or even tested. To seek out the technical solution§ to the problem, the FCC in 1948 called a halt to the construction of allnew TV stations for what was to be a period of six months. But difficult technical problems sometimes refuse to conform to bureaucratic schedules. The six month "freeze" lasted four years. For the oneLhundred-nine "pre-freeze" stations which had television all to themselves from 1948-1952, it was a period of financial bonanza beyond the wildest dreams of avarice. For the educational community it was a fortuitous opportunity. The very speed at which television was making a central place for itself in American life convinced a handful of alert educational leaders that something must be done to exploit TV's power for more than Mass entertainment and the sale of consuMer products, or the opportunity would be lost forever. After the passage of the 1934 Commimications Act, the Congress had held an inquiry to determine whether 25 percent of the frequencies for AM radio broadcasting should be reserved for education, but the- educational interests failed to press the case, and private sector broadcasters assured all concerned that school and college interests would always find-a warm welcome and plenty of free air time from the commercial stations. The following decade saw the number of noncommercial radio stations shrink from more than 300 to about thirty, and leaders like Arthur Adams, then president of the American Council on Education, we're determined that the promise of television would not be lost The Joint Committee on Educational Television included the ACE, the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, the Association of State Universities, the National Education Association, the American Association of School Administrators, the Council of Chief Pate School Officers, and the National Association of Educational broadcasters. Its mission was simple ahd direct to persuade the Federal Communications Commission that when the freexe was ended, some of the channels should be set aside for education. When the Commission issued its Sixth Report and Order in 1952, the Table of Allocations which matched channels with cities and towns across the nation marked reserved for noncommercial TV, some 242 assignmentssome in the VHF band, the rest in the new UHF41. Gt, learning concepts, delivered by programmed instruction, radio, teleyisiokirafteacher=led exercises, while thousands of Korean adults will highlchool degree through Korea's High School of the Air. erlater, in Thailand, students will be studying primary -school milhentratios provided by radio to their classrooms, and they will be learrinyift well. In the Ivory Coati of Africa tomorrow morning 580,000 students throughout the mtenor of that country will be Studying through 41ssrbonkelevision in almost eVery subject In England, of course, tht; litatiorlalsiiiiit university will be operating using the postal system ant :the ficilifiei Of the BBC to bring higher education of estimable quality to 65,000litudentsoneinwhile, in our own hemisphere a similar system is Pnividingrefief to Venezuela's bulging university classrooms, While even in SkIfilfed El Salvador education is being provided for niost of that cciii#5,4 junior-high school stUdents through classroom television. '-we in 'this country are part of a fabric of experimentation and commitment- to. new -ways to provide the best educational opportunity 72 iwatching Needs that can, be' afforded to pur children and to ourselves, no matter the material; political and cultural differences among Os. 'Fiero issome merit to the thought that we can learn together from somEof these experiencesas well as_ pro!ide a boost our collective morale, as- innovation wends its-rocky way through the very testing trials of reality. World Trends would- like to give you= some sense of the trends -in educational technOlogy throughout the world, at least at I see them from my vantage uoint, where mY job is to _select promising, approaches and concepts Worldwide and to work with spec& developing countries to -generate applications to their Problems. It is tettiPtingvery tempting .-7-to speculate abbtit the new world that we see coming into reality in the next few years: Whole libraries available on a handful ofyideodisOc students of all ages learning at home through microcomputers linked by phone with vast edudational data bases; instant access -by satellite to an unlimited variety of televised information. But4, like many of the other contactors believe we have learned that those fundamental changes will- come to realization, An most cases, only in a gradual and often evolutionary *ayrather than by soine instantaneous sea change. Educational institutions, and those within them who learn, and teach, and adminiiter; need time and experience to incotporate these new ways of leaning into their individual, social and economic._ patterns of behavior. The organizational changes to which Many of this book's papets have referred will take some time, -some fits and starts, and many adaptive processes ip order to become viable. So instead of speculating about what could come to pass, I would like to examine cunently existing trends in the rest Of the wórld; it is these existing trends which are most likely to condition the educational alternatives of the near future. I see four basiotrends that now have a firm basis. The best established is that embodied by the concept of the open universitythat is, "teaching at a distanec," for motivated adults. The second is an increasing use of broadCasting to Meet basic -edutitidial nee& within primary and secondary schools,-particularly the emerging rediscovery of/Indio as a Rawer* in-school educational Medium, When appropriately programmed. The third is the now familiar world-wide use of televisionfor early 'Ackildhoodeducation as pioneered by the Children's Television WorkihoP in -its Sesanie Street and Electrie Company efforts. And finally, serving as die intellectual underpinning of many of educational tech- Woe's sisecess stories in the world's educational marketplade is the slow but steady growth offastructional systems delign, used as a formal methodology for developing the content of instruction. 7EACHINGAT 4.4 DISTANCE: 77IE OPEN UNIVERSITy :Elierivhere_itt the world, as-in our own country, innovations succeed when--theY are able to combine effective instnictional methods- with Matching Needs 73 delivery systems that are cheap, reliable and simple for the users to operate. Even then, they persist only when such innovations become incorporated into institutions that themselves are stronginstitutions which are viable because they serve important social needs. The Open University The Open University movement fits all these criteria. The British Government of the late 1960'S and '70's was deeply, politiCally committed to expanded higher educational opportunity beyond the selective and indeed elitist university system extant in the United Kingdom.By using television; radio, and the post, the production skill of the BBC, the instructional, design skill of its superb educational technology group, and the content expertise of a first-rate faculty, the British Open University has grown to more than 65,000 students, by all odds the largest universityin- Britain and one of the larger ones-in the World. Its graduates have acquitted themselves so well, and their intellectual standards are So high, that an Open University degree means a good deal oven in status-conscious Britain. The model has quickly become transplanted to other nations where university entance is difficult to achieve. The Bavarian Open University now enrolls thousands of German students; the model has been extended to Venezuela, to Pakistan, to at least a dozen other-countries including, of course, the ,United States. We can expect some of the particulars to change from place to place and to evolvein Britain, for example, the use of the audio emends creasingly viewed as having advantages for some purposes over both te1èison 'and radio, and is rapidly becoming a Major element in the media knix. In _the South Pacificwhere Mailing cassettes or documents mejns in manyinstances takingthem over dangerous reefs by longboatitb adcist _techniques are predominate, and there is now serious experimentation willi slow-scan teleVision. But the basic elements__ of the Open UniversitS, model remain the sarneworking adults 4udy in their own homes, or in some countries in Community centers, using some form of audio or visual instrudtion; their performance is: Monitored and guided ihrough correspondence, telephone or sony .other means; and in most cases, instructional- systems design techniqües frame thedevelopment of anstruction content. These systems generally wOrk well. They are econothically attractive be-Causestadents ,can -still-be_ employed, and they fill a tremendons need for servical& new populations. In some develoPing countries, theselsystems,are being used,also to eitend the societal usefigness of the university. In the South Pacific, for emnPle, with -cantle help through AID., university faculty in such fields Is agronokvi pUb1c health,!and economic policy am providing ' spedialyzed in-service courses to_ development Wórkersttl'tinughout the regionto nurse-inidwives, to r,grieultural_ extension agents, -to :plannersthrough Satellite radio. In the pmcess,incidentally, these faculty 84 74 Matching Needs are being profoundly influenced in their regular academic teaching by their two-way comrnunicatiOn- with those who are facing real-world problems, on the job. So I expect these open universities to continue to function, to giow, and to become even more sophisticated educationally. Because the); are now permanent and important institutions in their countries or regions, they can take on that task of continued, steady, instructional improvement, through new instructional techniques and better testingone of the great promises of educational technology that has so rarely been fulfilled. InstrUctional Broadcasting: The Re-Discovery of Radio Let Ine turn now to basic education and the expanding role of instvictional broadcasting, increasingly by radio in the developing world. By basic education I mean the fundamental language and numeracy skills one is supposed to acquire in primary and junior secondary school. Here the developing nations are facing even greater burdens then we are, because of their rapid population growth. Although school enrollments have risep dramatically in the last two decades, in many African countries fewer than half the children are in school; in India a majority of school-age children fail to complete the fifth grade; and in Brazil just a few years ago fully half the school children in the country were in first grade classrooms, many of them repeating the first giade because of failure, or simply the absence of schools with higher grade levels available. In India last month, a noted Indian educator observed to me that-if India were to keep up educationally with its entirely predictable, indeed quite certain, population growth over the next twenty years, a new school would have to be built every ten minutes. In addition, of course, trained teachers would need to be recruited to live in the difficult conditions of village India, and to be paid by a very poor nation. 'With conditions like these, some countries have been working seriously at using the educational technologies to carry a major part of the instructional-burden. To planners in some countries it seems almost inevitable, and the-only practical hope of coping with the population explosion, let alone improving educational quality and capitalizing on the vast human potential in Third World narions. We at A.I.D. have had the privilege of working with several such countries as they seek out basic educational alternatives. In at least a few of these countries there has been the, recognition that fairly fimdamental organizational change will be a requisite to meeting their needs. Starting a dozen years ago, television was the chosen medium, and it is those systems which are now the most mature. When they were developed, the use of instructional design methods was rarely used in educational broadcasting; Seseme Street and the Open University had yet to emerge as successful hybrids of these two approaches to educational technology. Thus, the quality of these systems might have been limited, to some degree, by their early 85 Matching Needs 75 birth. But they have had considerable achievements: in El Salvador, for example, a doubling ofjunior high school enrollment without diminishing quality (in fact, with significant learning gains) was made possible through double sessions supported-by classroom television, television closely integrated with daily teachers' guided and intensive teacher retraining. At the same time, the curriculum was entirely overhauled. The system continues. In the Ivory Coast, something of an educational miracle has taken place. From I WO to 1977, primary school enrollment expanded from under 80,000 (almost entirely in the cities) to 560,000; again daily television lessons in every key classroom subject have made this expansion possible, while teachers have-been giadually trained, in part by television progiams for that purpose. But television=based systems are perceived as too costly -by many. Therefore, we at A.I.D. and later others, such as UNESC6 and the World Bank, began some years ago to work with selected developing countries to develop radio as a key medium for distributing much of the core of instruction. Because radio ha: been around a long time, it was initially very difficult to interest educational planners in using it in a significant way. Our strategy has been to try to make it so effective educationally that people would have to sit up and take notice. In this enterprise we have had the great advantage of having the leadership of Professor Patrick Suppes of Stanford and his very able colleagues, Barbara Searle, Jamesine Friend, and-Klaus Galda, to carry out the initial efforts. The first result of this new commitment to radio education has been the, creation ,of a complete, daily, radio7based curriculum for all of primary school mathematics, widely usable in schools where teachers themselves are inadequate in mathematics teaching. This curriculum, tested in daily broadcasting over several years, has shown learning gains over traditional rural schools ranging from 20 percent to 35 percent per year. The method was first developed and tested in Nicaragua; it is now showing equal success in the very different culture of Thailand, and is being examined for possible adoption by several other nations throughout the world. Its power -derives, incidentally, from adapting many of the instructional principles associated with computer-assisted instruction to the mass medium of radio. The progiams, for example, are filled with ' elicktations of active responses by the childrenworking out sums with bottle caps on their desks, shouting out answers, singing mathematical songs. The schedule of repetition of drills in particular skills, such as twodigit multiplication or three-digit subtraction, is deternined by fine-tuned principles of distributed practice, based in part on students' performance. And feedback on performance is rapid, frequent and non:perjorative. All this, plus some creative radio formats that are culturally sensitive and warm-hearted, has created a system that is a delight, welcomed in the classroom as a lively guest each day, and that succeeds educationally. 00 76 Matching Needr When one sees this system operating in otherwise dreary and sleepy rural classroOms, it is a jorto see the electric aliveness it can bringmuch of it deriving from the delight that is inherent in active learning. If one ever wanted to puncture the mYth of passivity associated with instructional broadcasting, these-are the classes to see. Many of these same' techniques are now being used by A.LD. to develop a curriculum in the language arts by radio, initially in Kenya. We soon will be testing elsewhere a complete primary school system for rethote rural schools, where family members of community volunteers can play many of the roles of the teacherthe classroom organizer, the nurturer, the interest-stimulator, while the radio lessons provide a core of instruction. So, while just out of its infancyor perhaps its second childhoodinstructional radio is being rediscovered throughout the world, with significant new uses now emerging in such countries as the Philippines, India, Korea,- and several Latin American countries. I must also ,rnention some of the-extraordinary uses to which radio is being Put to reach adults with both basic edueation and practical inforntation. In almost every Latin American country, radio schools daily_ teach tens of thousands of largely illiterate or semi-illiterate farmers the basics of education, as WelLas a wealth of practical information on health, agriculture and family economics. There are now 34 such systems, most of them initiated by the Catholic Church; One of thenvinColombia,' has a regular newSpaper for new literates, the "Campesino," with a circu litiorrof-6430;000- The U.S. has-assisted a number of these effort:s -throughA.I.D., is helping develop new techniques for making-eadio_a full-scale information and educational service- for rural people.: We areAssisting projects which are teaching basic nutritiOnal skills to families by radio, providing daily detailed agricultural information, and teaching mothers themselves to deal -.:ven with severe health problems being faced by their infant children. Fci radio is increasingly educating, informing, training and even savir g ',lives in the developing world, using techniques entertaining enc ugh to attract listeners and useful enough to retainThem. Television for Pre-School Education The third trend I alluded to earlier, the= adoption of Seiathe Streettypes of television programs for the pre-school instruction, is so well known I need not dwell upon it. More than thirty countries are using Sesame Street Or the Electric Company._-Even more importantly, the Children's Television Workahop has dene a i7eat service by engaging in co-productions with cOuntries as diverse is Mexico, Germany, and Saudi Arabia (a total of 6) and so has left these nations with basic skills on which to build future activities themselves. Since pre-school education is generating increased interest in many nations,as it way to ilnprove school' -success and to overcome intellectually deadening Matching Needs 77 environments in many of the poorest householdsthe use of this model will, I am confident, continue to thrive, especially as television becomes more widespread. Instructional Systems Design Now, a word on the fourth trend, the one that underlies, I think the success of most of the othersthe growing acceptance of instructional systems design as the framework for developing instructional content, no matter what the medium. Here, I think, we can take pride in this peculiarly American intellectual export that is beginningto take root and flower, and that is of enormous importance to the future of education. The systems design approach to empirically based instruction, which grew out of programmed instruction, basic psychological research on learning, and the use of computers, is in a way the essence of American pragmatism, as at Avery point in developing a lessonor a systemit says, "Go see what is really being learned; if it doesn't work, try it again until it does work." I cannot emphasize enough how radically different that underlying attitude is from the methods still extant in so many places"copyrreeite, repeat the knowledge exactly as it is in my head, or fail;" an approach, incidentally, that seems to work reasonable well for the few, and seldom works well for the many. As we have begun to combine these methods of instructional systems desigg with the wide access provided by the mass media, substantial movement has begun to occur. One of the most impressive achievements in this area, incidentally, has been in the Republic of Korea. Eight years ago, with the help of U.S. A.I.D. and experts from the Florida State University, led by Professor Rpbert Morgan, Korea set in motion a -complete-overhaul of its school system, a reform based on instructional design concepts, esiiialYr-bil mastery-learning,_an on the use of radio, television and programmed texts. Here, gieat attention has en p-aid also to chancing clasSroom and school system organization. It_is an extraordinarily ambitious effort, and one of the few where the instruc-tional technologists have been put in charge of the reform of an entire school system. Last year a near-fmal test of the system in 200 schools showed major learning gains; the model systern now has begun its national scale adoption. Satellite Communications Finally, I must briefly mention the revolution that satellite communications promises and that is at its beginning overseas, as it is in this country. After years of worldwide speculation about the possible use of satellites to enhance education in the developing world, India in 1975-76 used a NASA experimental satellite, ATS-6, to bring community educational television to almost 2,400 remote villages throughout India. It broadcast science lessons: it reaches hundreds of thousands of adults 88 78 Matching Need.s . with health .and agricultural information, news, and cultural programming; and it provided in7Service training to 48,000 rural school teachers. This was the same satellite that in the U.S. spa*ned that nowblossoming Appalachian Community Service Network and a variety of educational and health uses in Alaska, and that also served the Rocky Mountain states. In India, too, the experience encouraged the nation to develop an operational system; in 1982 India will have its own satellite (U.S.-made and launched, by the way, and fully paid for by,India) which among other things will bring educational broadcasts in ten languages into schools throughont rural India. China has declared its intention to do the same (although just recently delayed by budgetary constraints), in an effort to Tapidly overcome the deficits in basic and technical education produced by .the Cultural Revolution. The power of newly available satellite communication systems derives fnihr two factorstheir ability to reach rural people economically, and their capacity to aggregate learners in any specialized field, without regard to distant. These capacities will find many applications. The United States is associated with developing these new opportunities through the new AID. Rural Satellite Program, which -will provide both radio broadcasting and community telephones to rural freas in several countries, in an effort to show that educational and twoway communications can, in fact,ebe a catalyst to social and ecmomic development in the rural areas of the worldwhere, after all, majority of the people on this planet live. We are working in developing this program with Peru, Senegal, several Caribbean nations, and soon, we expect, with the Philippines and several additional countries. Among other things, we expect, to making some dramatic new uses of another "old" technology, the telephone, a "feedback" medium of great flexibility, as well as a means of access to many sources of information. Briefly, these projects will use small earth stations to bring radio and telephone communications to rural towns. We will be assisting local agencies such as agricultural extension and health provider systems to fio-47-so"utilize-these-media-to.improve their effectivenessi and we will be evaluating very carefully their cost, revenues, andeffeels: So, in this panorama I hope you've gathered that some important seeds of productive change are sprouting in education around the world. New, more educationally powerful, uses of old media such as radio and telephones are emergin& and instructional methods based On learning effectiveness are beginning to make difference. Some new institutions, such as Britain's Open University and Korea's Educational Develop- ment Institute, have arisen to give some permanence to these new systems. SUMMARY There is still a very, very long way to go, however, to. effect 89 -- Matching Needs 79 fundamental improvements in the basic educational opportunities available to most of the world's people. In attempting to go that long way, I look to a lively interchange with the many in the United States who are ?aiming at some of the same objectives, and I also hope that the people oC this nation will continue to support this effort through the AID. program. We in this country have a special,professional contribution to make to this effort because of our well-rooted pragmatism and our leadership in the new learning technologies. In turn we can perhaps be inspired by the efforts of other countries to ourselves take bolder and more rapid steps to overcome our own difficulties. We are now realistic enough about our own educational constraints that we can have the very genuine satisfaction of learning together during this next decade, a decade which should be exciting and which, together, we can make satisfying. Securing Teacher Acceptance of Technology Doris-K. Lidthe Towson State Unlversity Baltimore, Maryland INTRODUCTION When addressing the topic of securing teacher acceptance of technology in schools, a great number of educators today are talking about bringing computers and computing into the ichools and this means .change. Bringing computers into schools some years ago might have been considered a minor change and could have affected only 'a few teachers, particularly the mathematics teachers, some business teachers, and those few teachers using Computer Aided Instruction (CIA), since CIA was too expensive for most schools. Today, however, there is a new problem. Computers pervade all aspects of our lives. Everyone in our society needs to know about computers in order to function in the society. Joseph Lipson in a 1979 report for the National Science Foundation (NSF) said, "Failure of the Federal Government to move swiftly to facilitate educational uses of the new technologies will endanger the economic-and, eventually,-the military security of the country. If our democratic institutions are to remah stable, we must welcome, rather than fear or ignore, the imperatives of technological change. It is unlikely that we can do this without firmly weaving advanced information technologies into the fabric of our educational system."1 He continued by saying we need a major program to train specialists in this areacomputer specialists and people with artistic arld instructional design talent. And herein lies one of our major problems, there are not and will not in the foreseeable future be sufficient trained personnel for the-schools-unless-some near miracle occurs.2 Further Lipson said,-"We evr dice-that-only-with-an-inforrned, public, can the nation hope to move into a computer age with the speed and sense of purpose required. The adoption of a new technology is incredibly complex. At almost every stage there is strong intereaction-I 80 91 Teacher Acceptance 81 with public attitudes and public understanding. Investments, markets, legislative positions, enrollment in courses, and selection of careers will all vary with public awareness and knowledge."3 -Beyond consideration of these problems,_the acquisition ofhardware, software and courseware for use in the schools must be addressed:"The dramatic change in capability, and the cost of inr.wmation and image machines will touch every aspect of our personal lives and health as a society. And science education . . will face a unique challenge in responding to the opportunity. Newinowledge and skills can be taught through new forms of learning experience. Concepts and procedures can be more, effectively taught to a wide range of students."4 The returns are great if a real commitment is made. The teachers' commitment is important, but is only one part. For "the acceptance by teachers of an educational program is a necessary precondition for its success."5 However, "a school district must have a strong commitment from the Board of Education add the administration in order to provide the policies and resources needed to establish goals and implement systematic_ curriculum change."6 Does this commitment exist to allow teachers to incorporate the needed technological change? Aspects. to Consider There are several aspects that must be examined with regard to teacher acceptance of technology in the schools. It seems appropriate to consider the reasons that teachers may not accept technology, the reasons that will persuade teachers to use technology, and fmally to look at the methods and means that may minimize those factors which inhibit the use of technology and those that maximize the acceptance of such technology. Before examining these factors a brief look at history seems appropriate. Historically there has been only minimal acceptance of technology and innovation in schools. There has actually been only incremental change when the long term is considered. Today there is still a great deal of teacher explanation [lecture presentation], student listening, students doing assignments and reading from textbooks, and students writing examinations about the material presented to them.7 That is, there is great reliance on lecture, text, and test. This is not to say that there has not been considerable emphasis at times on the use of media other than blackboard, chalk, and textbooks, but these older materials -irmain dominant in the majority of classrooms. Dr. Andrew Molnar cites a 1975 National Science Board report stating, "that over half of all science and social studies and two-thirds of all mathematics classes use a single textbook and many teachers use no supplementary aids other than the chalkboard."8 The question' is why is this so? Why are television -teaching, programmed learning materials, films, direct-dial access systems, and language laboratories- not more dominant? There is no single answer. Some of the explanations for the failure to use these 92 82 Teacher A cceptance technologies in schools include: little concrete evidence of the effective- ness of the use of these..media, teacher resistance to change, lack of training in the use of eqiiiphient, the lack of adequate hardware, software and courseware, the deed to change teaching style to use the technology, and thaact that extra time_ ahd preparation are required to use these technologies. Acceptance, the other hand, occurs when the teacher feels 'that the technology is effective with students, the teacher has adequate training to effectively and efficiently use the technology, there is adequate hardware, softWare and courseware, and the technology fits the teaching stYl-e.Of the teacher. Almost parenthetically it seems appropriate to mention that one of the technologies that has succeeded is the language laboratory. Here the special feature seems to be the active rather than passive involvement of the learner.9 This and the experienceof most teachers seems to agree that active involvement of the learner in the learning process is more effective than passive involvement.. Classroom Effectiveness The primary factor most teachers consider in relation to the use of technology in the classroom is its effectiveness in the teaching.learning environment. Nearly all technology will requite an investment of time and effort on the part of the teacher, if they are to use it in their classroom. Unless the teacher is thorougly convinced that this is Worthwhile for students, the teacher will not be motivated to expend time and/or effort in preparing for the use of the technology. Today, the technology that seems Paramount in the minds of educators is computers, more particularly microcomputers, and most microcomputers with videodisks. In terms of schools this is a very recent development. Computers were unheard of in the schools in 1950. Indeed, there were only 15 computers in the United States in 195010 in 1951 the first commercial computer, a UNIVAC, was delivered and to the Census Bureau.11 It was 1954 before a commercial computer was delivered to other than a governmental agency. But computer technology developed rapidlY and by the late fifties there were alitady many "second generation" computers.12 These comPuters were more reliable, faster and less expensive. At that time many schools acquired their first computers, business and induStry recognized the need for computer specialists, and the general interest in this new technolou spurred the development of courses in programming and the useofthe computer. A .few experimental programs were developed in the late fifties and a scattering of credit and non-credit courses appeared at various educational levels. The problems of the emerging new discipline apparent from the beginningequipment, teaching staff, texts andwere curricula.13 On the secondary level a pilot program in Livermore, California in 1957-9 was one of the _earliest reportethcourses.14 This_successful 93 Teacher Acceptance 83 program led- to the introduction of a regular course in computer programming in 1958. Designed for mathematics and science students, the purpose was enlightenment and,enrichrnent of their programs. Local business and industry provided computer facilities, materials, and instructors. It should be noted that this was one of the few areas of the country where firms hal computers at this early date and where they were willing to donate so generously of their time, facilities and personnel. This cooperation between sehool and industry was present in the early states of many programs.15 Until the mid-sixties progress was slow. In 1963 the PIP Newsletter listed all the courses and programs known to the Project on Information Processing, a committee of the National Science Teachers Associatidn. The report showed that only a scatteringof courses were being offered: There was evidence of a lack of equipment and of trained personnelfor teaching. The lists of available texts and visual aids revealed a dearth of suitable materials. Many non-credit courses were offered by business and professional associations16 for the enrichment of the regular Ihigh school program. Significantly, two distinct varieties of programs were reported, the one with a mathematical scientific orientation and the other with a business orientation. Hard facts as to the number of secondary schools teaching data processing are not available, but one estimte is that in 1966 one-fifth of all high schools had access to data processing equipment for instructional purposes, though most of the equipment was \ unit record equipment.17 Another report at that time indicated that nationwide about 400 secondary schools were psing computers for programming scientific problems.18 Throughout the sixties the problems were still:cquipment, teachers, texts, and curricula. But.some schools were finding solutions.19 Time-Sharing services provided the equipment at a price many could afford. Some teachers obtained training at local colleges or attended summer institutes sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Some texts were appearing, though not always of good quality, and the results of experimental and early course offerings of a few schools provided the basis for curriculum development. The situation ai the seventies began is well summarized by Warren Stenberg of the University of Minnesota: Computer science courses have not as yet played a major role in computer use at the secondary scene but they now seem to be coming up fast ... [Even tough no standard curriculum has yet been developed ...(and] textbooks are not generally used.20 Courses in data processing"are still in the category of pipe dreams since the teaching personnel just does not exist."21 Computer Acceptance But events in the seventies changedlthis picture. Today there is a sudden increase in the numt er of schools across the nation which are 94 84 Teacher Acceptance beginning to use computers or are considering the use of computers in the claisroom. There are two major forces behind this movement. First, computers are, with the advent of the microcomputer, relatively inexpensive. Second, the computer has become such a pervaiive factor._ in our daily lives that nearly every citizen must have some knowledge of computers to function in the society. This means that schools must educate students to function in a society where they will interact, airectly or indirectly, with comptfters. Surveys of teachers indicate that most teachers believeta ar all students should learn about the computer. Not all teachers are cOnvinced that they should use computers in their own classrooms, and §ome of those who are not interested in using computers indicate that they are unaware of the possible uses of the computer in the classrook22 Other factors which cause teachers to be reluctant to use computers include earlier claims that the computer will replace the teacher, their own lack of knowledge about computers, the feeling that computers will deliver a less personalized education for the student, a lack of under- standing of the adVantages and modes of use of computers in the classroom, being ill-at-ease when ,using computers, and having, seen examples of problems with the uie of computers in various school administration applications. For those teachers who are convinced that computers are an important part of the classroom, there May remain some reluctance computers. This reluctance comes from anxiety in dealing with to use equipment, .a feeling of loss of control of the teaching-learning situation, inadequate hardware, software, courseware, and support, or because of the considerable time and effort required to obtain adequate training, to remain current in the field and to use computers in appropriate ways in the classroom. Training Needed What will persuade teachers to use computers? First appropriate training is essential. Through pre-service, and professional development the leaders in education need in-service to see that teachers understand that the computer is to be viewed not as a replacement of the teacher, but rather as a sophisticated tool to be-used by the teacher to allow the teacher to do a better job in the classroom. This means that teachers must realizeThe potential of the computer in the, classroom, that the computer can be used in many modes, as a tutor to provide information- and-drill and practice, as a tool in courses that require a calculator or information retrieval device, and as a machine to be instructed. Teachers should be given ample, opportunity to see computers used in all these ways and to see how they may effectively be . used in their own classroom. Seeing examples of quality uses of computers should allay misgivings and motivate teachers-to consider 93 Teacher Acceptance - 85 using computers in their own classrooms. Support support must be assured. At Second, adequate hardware, software and schools face tight budgets and this naturally means the present time many and support. There are strict limitations on funds for hardware, sOftware for the use of computers areas Which are trying innovatiVe programs using the microcomputer for a through sharing of facilities, one school school. This is certainly few weeks and then passing it on to another far from adequate. In fact for preferable to no computer at all, but.it is research for a classroom is inadequate. While !..t most usesone computer by a pair of students supports the use of one rnicrocompuer or terminalstudents, one computer twenty toihirty one- time,23 in a classroom` of the students using the computer and teacher cannot help means that the in the room. Ideally, a computer negleet the vast majority of the students single laboratory in the school, for every four students is suggested. A might be a good solution. where students may go to use the computer, various classes could be The teacher could accompany the students and might'function in much scheduled to use the loboratory, or the laboratory it is being suggested at Carnegie the same wr, as thelibrary. Even now have his/her own microMellon University that each student should public secondary schools, for computer.24 This is certainly a long way off professional educators about of the thinking of some but gives sortie idea students. the importance of computers for in schools. At the present Software is beginning to be developed for use used hasibeen developed by the time much of the software that is being them by friends and teachers who are using it, or has been givin to A current projeci of through user's groups. acquaintances, or swapped Portland, Oregon, headedby Dr. the North West Regional Laboratory in is evaluating and cataloging Judith Edwards and funded by NSF, primarily for use in higher software for use in schools. Other materials, through"CONDUIT at the UniversiV of Iowa. education, are available in the vendors are also active in assisting Several microcomputer there is not at the present exchange of software among their users. WI,"e are being taken in the time an abundance of software,_positive ..,eps software. This is an area development and dessimination of quality which needs continued attention. realization that the classroom There must, at least for the present, bb a in the use of computer. or computers in "the. teacher requires support especially in the initial stages, are unfamiliar classroom. Many teachers, problems as hooking up and with computers and fmd such smalltightening up a connection, and adjusting the _color monitor or TV, functioning to be overwhelming. checking out the machine' for proper into the classroom the teaCher For some time after the initial introduction of a malfunction, someone to be a needs someone to whoin to turn in case 96 '86 Teacher Acceptance resource when questions arise in the use of software and for lesson planning.This seems essential if the transition into the classroom is to be smooth. One "expert" in the schooi blinding who has the time, expertise', and assignment fo assist other teachers seems to alleviate many problems. Third, teachers must be given time for training to use a cornputer with ease in the classroom, time is also needed to remain current in this rapidly changing field. The amount and type of traMing that an individual teacher needS will vary considerably. depending on the previous training of the teacher and the mode and extent to which the computer is to be used in the classroom. For those teachers who will use only prewritten software, 'the training need not be extensive. However, for teachers who are teaching computer literacy and computer programming much more training will be necessary and frequent updating will be necessary since the field is so dynamic. Encouraging Usage What can administrators and educational leaders do to encourage the use of computers in classrooms? There are no simple answers to bringing computers into the classroom. Indeed it has been a long process and it will not occur imMediately. However, it is crucial that the process of bringing computers into the classroom be addressed in this decade. Dr. Andrew Molnar of NSF sees this as a critical issue for schools. Change .cannot be -mandated, but leaders can persuade. This is an appropriate time because the public is aware of-the importance of compiners,-Nrents are-seeking; in-many cases, for computers to be introduced-into schools. News magazines, such as TIME, indicate that the USA is falling behind Japan in technology, particularly in computerized robots. Many leadars point to the need for better science training, which means training in the use of cOmputers. With this stimulus, it is time to aevelop a plan of action which should include: 1. Provide teachers with an opportunity to learn about appropriate uses of computers in the classroom. 2. Provide pre-service and in-service training for teachers. 3. Provide adequate, not token, equipment for the classroom. 4. Provide software packages for use in classrooms. 5. Provide auxiliary teaching resourceifilms, texts, lesson plans, and curriculum guides. 6. Provide a specialLt tO consult with classroom teachers concerning hardware, software and classroom usage of the computer. 7. Reward good teaching with cOmputers. 8. Provide examples of teachers doing superior teaching with computers. 97 Teacher Acceptance 87 Though this lists seems long, and some items involve considerable expense, we must consider the cost of not providing these items for our teachers and students. Because "the computer has, today had an impact on the lives of each and every one of us; already, most-of our financial affairs and many of our social affairs are subtly controlled or structured by the computer, and the future promises only more of the same,"25 we must see that every student has a "basic understanding of the computer . . a critical component of the knowledge of any educated man or woman., ,26 We must realize that the status of computer literacy among the students in our schools today is woefully low, Dr. Ronald E. Andersonof the Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium (MECC) reported in December 1980 at the National Computer Literacy Goals for 1985 Conference in Reston, Virginia that In brief; the best data we have suggest that few students in either senior or junior high school have opportunities for computer eperience; few have algorithmic problem-solving skills;and many lack an awareness of the role and value of computers, Since these findings are true for 17 year old students, most of whom were in 1 1th grade, we would speculate. that many students are graduating from high school and perhaps from college without a minimal level of computer literacy. What is equally disturbing is the evidence in the data that what little literacy exists in the nation's students is unequally distributed .across social groups. Computer experience is much less common among minorities, womenoind those living in the Southeastern U.S. or ruF1 areas. Not only is computer experience lw common among these groups but there is good evidence that computer knowledge and skills are lowerarwell:26 All students must become computer literate. We must see to-it-thatcomputer education is equitable and that we do not develop a gronp that is information and computation rich and a group that is information and computation poor. For information and computational ability are power and these belong to all. Learning from the Successes Finally, it is instructive to look at some examples of computers in schools and to try to determine how they came about and why they succeeded. There are many examples that should be considered and here only a few are mentioned. One of the earliest known programs in a pulic schOol was in Livermore, California in 1957. Here parents wanted their children to learn about computers and programming. Some ofthe parents and local professionals taught the course and the programs were taken to local facilities to be run. There are many similar examples of parents teaching a course or courses, providing adcess to equipment and giving excellent support to the classroom teacher. A program of this type can work in the initial phases, but eventually it must become a regular part of 98 88 Teacher Acceptance the curriculum and be handled bya regular teacher. One of the important examples of an entire state taking the initiative in bringing computing into the schools is in Minnesota. nit Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium has been very successful in this respect They began by using a system of time-shared computers terminals in the schools and now are also using microcomputers. with They provide- teacher training, software, group purchase of hardware, curriculum guidelines and support. State and local school in other areas can gain considerable expertise from publicationssystems ofMECC. You will be able to learn more about this in the next session John Haugo, Director -of MECC, talks in the session when Dr. "Managing Technological Change in the Schools." The, impressive work in the Philadelphia Public Schools under the direction of Ms. Sylvia Charp is an excellent example on a local level. People from around the world visit this project and emulate many of the fine parts of this program Many, of the secondary schools in New England owe much of their succesi to Dartmouth College which not onlY made computer resources available to these schools, through their time-sharing system, but -Dartmouth also trained teachers and encouraged-the development and exchange cf software. The early and successful programs in computing in Oregon to Dr. David Moursund who obtained NSF grants to fundowe much summer training sessions for secondary school teachers at the University of Oregon. ArL outgrowth of this was the establishment of the Oregon Council on Computer Education and the Publication The Oregon Computing Teacher which has recently become The Computing Teacher and is distributed nationally. SUMMARYThese are but a few of the projects that have had an effect on the local or state schools, but they are important and we can learn much them. In every case there was at least one very dedicated individual from gave guidance to the project, there was training of teachers, there who involvement in acquiring of hardware, there was development was and dissemination of software, and there was ongoing support for the teacher in the classroom. These are the essential ingredients to teachers to use computers effectively in their classrooms. encourage REFERENCES: 1. Josephl. Lipton, "Technology Program Recomthendisticins," Technology in Science Education: The Next 10 Years (Report for NSF , July 1979, ISE-79-57)), p. 32. 2. Peter J. " U.S. Productivity in Crisis," Communications ofACM (November, 1980), pp. 617-619. 3. Lipeon, p. 33. 4. Lipson, pp. 36-36, ' Teacher Acceptance 89 5. Mar lo Leyton Soto, "Teachers, Parents and Community Data Sources," Handbook of Curriculum Evaluation. Aneh Lewy, ed. (New York: Longman, Inc., 1977), p. 252. Literacy Into the K8 6. Beverly Hunter, An Approach to Integrating Computer Curriculum (Alexandria, Virginia: HurnRRO, 1980), p. 8. 7. A.E. Conord, "How the Computer Can Bring Teacher andStudent Closer Together," AEDS JournaL (Fall, 1973), pp.11. 8. Andrew Molnar, "The Next Great Crisis in American Education: Computer Literacy," AEDS Journal, (Fall, 1978), p. 12. 9. A. Kent Morton, "Provoking Educational Change Within Existing Academic Structures," AEDS Journal, (Spring, 1975), pp. 19-81. 10. Eric A. Weiss (ed.), Computer Usage/Fundamentals (New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1969), p. 10. 11. Richard N. Schmidt and William E. Meyers,Introduction to Computer Science and .Data Processing, (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. 1965), p. 25. 12. Carl F eingold,Introduct ion to Data Processi g , (Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown Company Publishers, 1971), pp. 26:27. in Computers, (eds.) 13. Howard E. Topmkins, "Computer Education," in Advances Franz L. Alt and Morns Rubinoff (New York: Academic Press, 1963), Vol. 4, pp. 135-168. 14. Darrel G. Littlefield, "Computer Programming for High Sctools and Junior Colleges," in The Mathematics Teacher, LIV (April, 1961), pp. 220-223. 15. Reports of experimental programs appear in several sources. See particularly PIP Newsletter, 1963-1965. Curricula for programs at all levels exist in fakabundance in several ,volumes of AFIPS Conference Proceedings and SIGCSE Bulktin. Many articles from these sources were compared to formulate the statements of this paper. 16. George C. Heller, "KCiimputer Curriculum for the High School,"Dataniation,VIII (May, 1962), pp. 23-26. 17. C.B.S. Grant, "Data Processing Instruction Predicted for Most High Schools Within 5 Years," Business Automation, XIV (Septimber, 1967);- pp: 36-37. 18. Charles H. McCoach, "Computers in the Classroom," Software Age, III (April, 1969), p. 44. 19. Ibid., pp. 46, 48. 20. Warren Stenberg, "Computing in the High Schools-Past, Present and Future-and Its Unreasonable Effectiveness in the Teachingof Mathematics,"AFIPS Conference Proceedbrgs, XL (Montvale, New Jersey: AFIPS Press, 1972), p. 1052. 21. Dorothy Jo Stevens, "How, Educators Perceive Computers in the Classroom," AEDS Journal (Spring, 1980) jip. 221-232. 22. Doris K..Lidtke, "Paired and Individual Learning in Computer Programmins An Evaluation of Student Achievement and Cost Effectiveness," Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Oregon, 1979. is Urged for College 23. Jack Magarrell, "Universal Access to Personal Computers Students, Professors," Chronicle of Higher EduCation, (January, 1981) pp. 1, 14. 24. William S. Davis and Allison McCormacic, The Information Age (Rea&g, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing 'Company, 1979) p. 15. 25. Ronald E. Anderson, "National Computer Literaq, 1985." A paper presented at the "National Computer Literacy Grials for 1985," Reston, Virginia, December18-20, 1980. 100 r\1 CT% -CD _EN.1 r\.1 Effectiveness of Technology in the Schools Public and, Taxpayers Response Catherine E. Morgan Edikational Consultant Kensington; Maryland CI INTRODUCTION ,-1 Tradition is defmed as "the passing aownof elements of a culture from generation to generation" of" a mode of thought or behavior followed by a people continuously froni generation to generation" or "a set of such customs viewed as a coherent body of precedents influencing the present" These defmitions provide justifications for what is taught and how it is taught. Any field or method which has the aura oftradition needs no justification for inclusion in the school program. As an example of tradition, consider that although metric measurements and decimal 11 notations are almost universally used, we continue to spend an inordinate amount of time on common fractions and English measurements iu the elementary schools. These traditional emphases appear to need little or no justification and are, in fact, difficult to drop from the curriculum. On the othei hand, innovation means "something new or different." Where does non-traditional technology fit into the schools? Television and r:ompuers represent innovative instructional subjects and tools which are nbt accepted readily by educators or the public. Interestingli eneugh, these twg media are of recent vintage but are well accepted as media for entertainment and business. Television has been part of most of our entertainment lives since the late 1940s. Computers have infringed on our business and economic lives since the late 50s and now are making their way into our homes. However, in education, the use,of computers and television requires that it be "sold" to a variety ofconstituencies. These groups include: (1) the decision-makers the guperintendents, members of Boards of Education, curriculum specialists; (2) the implementorsprincipals teachers; (3) the publicparent and non-parent taxpayers; and (4) and the clientelethe students. ol 90 Effectiveness in the Schools 91 Uses of Computers in Education Let's l;egin by examining where computers are used in education and how they got into the schools. For Administration In almost every public school, as well as the college and university, a computer was leased or purchased for business applicationsouch as payroll and accounting. In that capacity, the computer is firmly entrenched in our educational institutions. As a Subject of Instruction A second area is that in which the computer is The actual subject of instruction. Vocational data processing in high schools began in the 1960s and was justified as job preparation. Most of the equipment was called unit record equipment and young men and women learned such skills as key punching and sorting. At the same time, colleges and universities began teaching computer science and their graduates had no difficulty setting employment in a rapidly growing field. During and since that period of time, certian public schools and particularly certain teachers began to recognize the need for all students to acquire a new literacycomputer literacy. The subject teachers, who were most likely to be interested, were mathematics teachers. Here is where the idea that improved problem solving skills results when students are taught to program the computer. I recall believing this to be u fact and stating it unequivocally at a board of education meeting in 1973. My gut feel still is that it is true but we couldn t prove it and no one else to date has proved it, despite many past and on-going studies. I'm grateful that we no longer need to prove it. Universal computer-knowledge is a legitimate goal in itself. School systems should develop policies under which they support computer experience fotall students. The computer is here to stay; our children will use computers in their work and in their homes. They need to know how to access information from a variety of data bases; how to read documentation and run computer programs; and how to make judgments and decisions about computer uses. Many of our students will need to know how to program a computer. All will need to know how to exploit and control their uses. Fortunately, technology has changed the ermomics of acquiring -computer equipment for literacy and programming. The microcomputers available for several hundred dollars can be used by many students to learn a, programming language and Acquire the necessary degree of computer literacy to function in the modem world. The languages are part of the machines and the students write their own programs in the available language to solve problems. Their programs can be stored on inexpensive reusable cassette tapes. If a school system now is doing little or nothing with computers, this area should be its fust thrust. 102 92 Effectiveness in the Schools As a Source of Instruction The most controversial area for the student use of computers is when it is the source of the instruction. Since the early 1960s, educators have been experimenting with the use of the computer as a direct aid to instruction: computer-assisted instruction. In this mode, the computer takes on all or part of the teacher's role. Instructional programs may provide the actual teaching dialogue. The student interacts with the machine in a primitive tutor/student relationship. More commonly, the machine supports the normal classroom instruction by providing drill and practice, remedial instiuction or a simulation. This latter mode may be used when a classroom laboratory experience may be too lengthy, too expensive or too dangerous.° Adyocates of computer-assisted instructionstress that the need exists to individualize instruction and make student and teacher time more productive. A student who only needs ten practice problems before progressing to a new level will get only ten while a classmate may need 50 or more before,attaining the same proficiency. A student who cannot factor a polynomial would not progress to solving quadratic equations which require factoring Nationally known experts made statements assessing that computer instruction for remediation would go far toward overcoming educational deficiencies and inequalities. Computer equipment and supporting instructional materials were purchased with monies for disadvantaged students. The city of Chicago bought hundreds of computer terminals to be used by deprived students using Title I funds. Now let's look at the economics of this type of instruction. In the past and, even today with large computers and teleprocessing, the equipment and supports-needed for computer-assisted instruction represented addon cost of $108 per year per student for drill and practice in arithmetic. school system decision-makers were familiar. Justifiably, these people want io know: Does this new type of instruction make a difference in achievement? Is the difference worth the cost?-Are we able to do some things the- an not be done without computers? Are there any side- effects? Are the niachines dehumanizing? All of these legitimate questions need to be answered. The costs have decreased` at a startling rate. For example, in 1974, in Montgamery County, we provided the Board of Education with an addon,cost of $108 per year per student for drill and practive in arithmetic. This $10.8 figure gave each student one-half hour ofCA I per week during the regular school year. A major portion of that cost was for computer and communciations equipment. The $108 figures was predicated on involving approximately 4,000 children in the program. Today using the same parameters and assuming that the costs of a fairly elaborate microcomputer at $3,000 plus maintenance over a fouryear period, the cost of providing the same half-hour per week over a 1 03 1. Effectiveness in the Schools 93 school year.would be less than $18 for equipment. The equipment cost would be constant if there were one or 50 computers. Obviously, if a large number of micros were purchased at the same time, the cost would . be reduced. A more important question to ask about computer-assisted instruction . is that ofeffectiveness. Are there differences in achievement when CAI is employed? Many research reports describing the use of drill and practice CAI programs have shown that student achievement increases sigpificandy. Favorable results were shown in Chicago, Illinois, with Title I children, in Los Nietos, California, with Mexican-American students and in Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland, with mostly middle class students. Other examples can be cited, such as those reported by the Pennsylvania State Univeisity, an early leader in the field of computerrassisted instruction. The two Professors Cartwright developed a series of courses called CARE, which provided classroom teachers with information on how to accommodate blind, deaf and other handicapped children into the regular classroom. At registration, students were placed randomly into the conventional college lecture course or into the CAI laboratory to work at a computer terminal with an individuSlized program. The content of the ,course, Introduction to the Education of Exceptional Children, was identical. Only the mode of instruction differed. The course time under conventional methods was 37.5 hours while the mean time for completion of the CAI program was 25.2 hours. The fmal examination contained 75 items with the conventional class having a mean of 52.78 with a standard deviation of 4.68 while the CAI group had a mean of 65.89 with a-standard deviation of 5.89the difference was significant at the .001 level. These results represent a 24 percent higher mean grade on the final examination and 35 percent less time required for course completion. Similar studies in the military and in industry show significant differences in training time when all trainees are required to meet a standard level of competency. In the area of special education, the use of the computer has been particularly intriguing. Students in special education, unique in many respects, require remediation and attention unlike that needed by other students. For exampie, maintenance of skills by mentally retarded high schooi age students is difficult and an actual increase in achievement is highly unusual. Yet, for selected students, the computer has been a remarkable motivational and teaching tool. In a Montgomery County, Maryland, study 10 mentally retarded adolescents, with an average IQ of 74, participated in a CAI arithmetic program once a week from January to June, 1972, and made an average gain score of 7.6 months in arithmetic achievement with a standard deviation of .4. In spite of their low mean IQ, their gains which ranged from 3 months to 1.7 years, were analyzed as though ihey were normal. 104 94 Electiveness in the Schools Currently, computers are being used with deaf, blind, handicapped, learning disabled, mentally retarded andorthopedically disturbed children. Enhancements for computers include emotionally audio, color, graphics, touch panels, light pens and other devices. These special additions to an already motivational tool increase its versatility, both for teaching special student groups and for the presentation of subjects like music, art and foreign languages. Is the difference worth the cost? This question is a valid one and should be asked of all programs. For example, in the same year that the $108 add-on figures was cited for CAL\ the cost of providing prescriptive tutoring for a single chikkwas approximately diagnostic$500 yearly. No proof existed that this program made any difference but the timehonored tradition of one-to-one tutoring comes down from the Greeks, and as such needs no justification. A cost/benefit analysis can be made for industry where the less time required for training places the employee into production earlier. If the training normally occurs at another city, travel and per diem expenses are actual cash savings'. However, in public education, the cost/benefits of saving student time is not of immediate value to the school system. IF fact, it may raise pew complications. What happens is 5 students finish Algebral in March, 8 in April, 10 in May and 4 the following October? Similar difficulties exist in public education for costing out effectiveness. What does a month's gain in achievement normally cost? If a student makes a half-year grain during a school year, is his education twice as expensive as that of the child who makes a year's growth? effects of poor school achievement are well-known The long range and may cost taxpayers millions of dollars for maintaining people on welfare and in prisons. Are there some things that cannot be done without a computer? Management of instruction may be one. This type of the classroom teacher with profiles of the students inprogram provided concepts and keeps these records uP to date. Thesemany skills and individual and group needs and strengths assisting thereports reflect planning If records were kept in 25 areas of two subjects, teacher with mathematics and reading, the teacher would have 1,250 pieces of information on each child! And when a parent wants to know can Johnny add; measure and solve problems, the teacher has information supported by data. Another area in which schools can prcivide new services may be when insufficient enrollment in a course causes it to be cancelled. Latin IV for two students? Could students in different What about schools study Statistics at computer terminals three days a week and teacher once a week to discuss problems and go over difficult meet with a assignments? Will, in the future, students work on most skill areas at computer terminals in their own homes and attend schools much currently? Alvin Tofler suggests this possibility in his less time than latest book. 105 Effectiveness in the Schools 95 Are 'the machines dehumanizing? Not in my experience, In fact, students say, "The computer says the same thing to me that it says to everyone else." Students in Montgomery County wrote personal and endearing notes to "Dear Computer." Studies in Los Nietos, California showed that Mexican-American students made significant gains in selfconcept after using computer mathematics programs. Children are not only engrossed in their interactive computer work but they are loath to give the terminals up when their turns are over. There is an old English proverb which states that "when kids stand quiet, they have done some 'harm." Computer kids don't stand quiet. The computer situation in public schools has changed radically during the past year or two. Prior to 1978, educational technologists in public schools were begging to retain whatever equipment they had in place. Today large numbers of microcomputers are being purchased and installed in schools; many times into situations in which no one in the systems knows what to do with them. Monies from general funds, yearend surpluses and PTA's are being expended and no planning for their use has been made. Current gational Situation A recent report published by the Task Force on Computer Assisted Learning Subcommittee in the Secondary/Elementary Schools Association for Computing Machinery (July 1980), stated that they had surveyed 974 school districts and had a 62.3 percent return. The association determined that the response was balanced as to geographic and urban/rural districts. Analysis indicated that 74 percent of the districts used the computer for instruction with projections to 87 percent by 1985, and 54 percent reported usage in the form of computer-assisted, instruction with projections to 74 percent by 1985. Further the report stated that major impediments to increased use were fmancial, lack of knowledge about computers and their use in instruction, attitudes of faculty and the need for more and better instructional materials. Recommendations If your school system is a novice in the computer field or would like to increase its usage but presently has no plan as to how to proceed, I would recommend the following steps: I. Key school personnel and board members should become A knowledgeable about computers and their uses in instruction. This can be accomplished by attending workshops or seminars which are given by national organizations or by planning for inhouse presentations. 2. A careful I.Jeds assessment should be undertaken. An analysis of what equipment and expertise exists within the district. This 106 96 Rffectiveness in the Schools * needs assessmen,. should begin to delineate where the district would like to be to, 1985. At the same time, an examination of academic areis id which students are having difficulty should be undertaken. The literature in the computer field should be researched to learn if any areas of deficiency can be addressed by computer-assisted instruction. 3. The school system should formulate a policy *ting to instructional uses of computers. 4. The school system should designate an instructional leader to develop short and long-range plans for the implementation of the policy. Care should be given to acquisition of equipment, guidelines for selecting or developing instructional materials, staff development needs and the process for implementation. One goal of each school system '.tiould be Computer literacy for. all graduating students by 198$. Let' s prepare kids to function in an information rich world remembering the words of Elbert Hubbard when he said, "The object of teaching a child is to enable hini to get along without a teacher." 1o7 The South Caroling TelecommUnications System Thomas L Stepp Deputy ManagPr South Carolina Educational Television Networic tolumbia, South Carolina INTRODUCTION I would like to address the topic of technology in schools, not from a broad, superficial point of view, but rather from the point of view of local impact in local schools. The reason that this perspective is important (from my experience) is that all of the applications of educational technology which exist are completely moot if individual students and teacheis in schools and other educationalinstitutiors are not motivated to use the product which those of us who are program distributors provide. We can engage in a lot of planning. We can engage in a lot of sophisticated instructional design. We can spend vast sums of money producing highly attractive radio and television courses. We can provide tape recorders in classrooms to improve the smooth integration of our product into overall instructional plans. But if our products do net suit the educational needs of individual students and teachers they are valueless. The grandest scheme for production and distribution is worthless if it is not utilized. South Carolina System In South Carolina we transmit signals hundreds of miles. Our national programs travel 22,300 miles to a satellite half-way point, returning to earth over wide geographic terrain. None of that is of any merit if a onequarter inch, off-on button on a tel visioa screen or radio receiver students for whom they are negates the use of our s Orvices by ology in schools without intended. It is impossible to consider t contiidering the impact of an individual program on an individual student .inii splxific classroom under the supervision of a dedicated teacher in a school system devoted to principles of improving instruction for all of its students. . 1 1 97 1.08 98 The South Carolina System I don't want to bore you bydescribing the South Carolini Educational Telecommunications System. I think perhaps many of you 'know something about what we do. For those of you who do not, let me briefly state that within South Carolina weAhe South Carolina ETV Network operate 10 television transmitting stations, 6 FM radio stations and an extremely Complicated closed circuit, statewide network made --u-p of leased cable, ITF S, state-owned microwave, and the physical delivery of tape. In South Carolina,.Ave apply this technologir to all of the --educational-needs-oftheState-.-Weprodutetriddittiginte prograMs for preschoolers, for the elenientary grades, for secondary schools, for college credit (in fact, offering more courses for college credit than any other institution in the world, more than 60 last year), for post-graduate education (including two dynamically unique programs through which a student can achieve a Masters Degree in either Business Administration or Engineering during evening hours from any geographic location in the State). We extend our college credit to home viewers, in an "open university concept." And, of course, we provide the entire array of public television and radio programming for, all of South Carolina. In .cooperation with NOAA, we operate the State's comprehensive twenty-four hour weather and emergency weather services. And I an very, Very proud of the efforts we make in providing 12 hows per day of special programming for the visually handicapped broadcast on the 4subcerriers of our FM radio stations. ImpactMany times, when discussing my trade in public, I speak from three rhijor points bf reference and they -generally deal with, fitit, the inipact of electronic telecommunciations 'on the lives of each of us. The second point is the information explosion and the usefulness of telecommunica- tions delivery in meeting the- demands for increased educational opportunities and needs. And, third, both at home and out of the state, I like to talk about die economy of telecommunications as an important and significanf new means of providing educational opportunity to all citizens no matter how remote they might be in socioeconomic status or geography from the traditional centers of learning. I think .that you will probably join me in understanding the now traditiceal concept that the application of man's most powerful communications tooltelevision--to our daily lives his changed the way we live. -My late friend and colleague, Marshall Mciiihan, was the proponent of "probes" dating from the early '50s about the flow of electronit communications into our daily lives and the resultant impact on us. We're lila fish who are not aware of the water hi which they live, in that we live in an'electronic ecology and are not always, I think, aware of the impact of that ecology on us day by day. Parents often tell me they are :startled to learn that, according to recent Nelson data, children under the South Carolina System 99 five watch television 2314 hours a week. I don't know why they're surprised. The same data reflects that they watch television 44 hours a week. Arthur Clark, creator of 2001 said, "The single greatest industry of the future is going to be education. For every person, education will have tocontinue throughout life. That will be essential in a world where half the things a man knows at 40 hadn't even been discovered when he was 20; and half the things he knows at 20 are no longer true by the time heis 40." Ninety percent of the scientists who have ever lived are alive today. Our task in educational communications is to try to make just coping with the information explosion even possible. Teleconferencing To put our efforts in perspective, I would like to make a few points about the impact of the South Carolina System in areas other than the public schools before turning directly to the specifics that you have asked me to present today. A major arid most exciting development in our operation is that we have moved actively into a significant degree of statewide teleconferencing. We are pioneering in this area, which is going to become increasingly important as state agencies are forced by the pressures of inflation to become more cost conscious. Teleconferencing is a way forwoups to meet and receive essential training without expensive travel to a central location. The very best experts on any subject can be brought in to provide information and to conduct meetings. Their audience can be at any of SouthCarolina's technical education __centers University of South Carolina regional campuses, health care centers, hospitals and many high scholls. Through teleconferences, state agencies have been conducting training, making surveys and meeting other management communciations needs. Viewers in the field talk to experts at the ETV Center in Columbia by way of telephone talkback circuits. Economics The State of South Carolina saves per diem, mileage, lodging costs, training costs, lost time from the job, and wear and tear on vehicles by meeting through teleconferences. ETV saves money for the State by moving information to peopleelectmnicallyrather than by transporting peopleat great cost--to the traditional information centers. This is a nut* basis ofjustification of our System to policy makers and decision makers. I do not mean just teleconferencing; I mean the presentation of the advantages of economy and efficiency of telecommunications services. When a comprehensive telecommunciations center exists, the economics of scale of its operation are the most dynamic and forceful reasons by which to explain its importance. It is certainly-a mainstay of how we justify our institution to the State of South Carolina. 10 100 The South Carolina System Now, quickly, I must insert that, yes, it is most importaThtat we speak to the quality of product which we deliver and to the quality of educatigtal opportunities that we provide to students of all ages, in all areas oreducation. However, in these harsh economic times it is crucial that we also justify ourselves on the scale of economic efficiency. And that is what we do. Take teleconferencing, fOr example. In the last three years ETV has conducted 319..teleconferences-forour fellovrstateageitief, specialized training for 74,000 people. The use of our closed circuit network for teleconferences during that period of time has provided services that could have cost the State eight to nine million dollars by traditional methods. That figure is equal to the total three-year leasing cost for the entire closed circuit system, with only a small percentage of the time of the closed circuit being required for the teleconferencing activities which achieve these savings. The remainder of the time is available for, and heavily used for, in-school instruction, higher education, medical education, and many other services. Le me give you just one spe/1fic example of the economic inipact of teleconferencing. Prior to each general election the State of SoUth Carolina has some .8,000 poll workers who must undergo mandatory training by the State Election Commission. Prior to the last three elections, these 8,000 workers have received their two days Of training through ETV at a savings to the State and to the individuals involved (who are volunteers) in lost time from the job, mileage, lodging per diem and instructor costs of over $1,300,000 per statewide election. That is a total savings of nearly $4 million during a six-year period. That is language that legislative leaders, school boards, college trustees, governors and citizens understand, There is no longer any question that it is much more economical to take education to people than .to take people to education. Marshall McLuhan, to whom I referred earlier, once said that ". . . when two seemingly disparate situations are placed in opposition, often startling results occur." So it is with the energy crisis and increased telecommunications capacity. A central argument for the existence of the South Carolina Educational Telecommunications System fellows art economic theme. In 1961, shortly after we began serving schools in South Carolina, we taught 3,300 students at a cost per student of $19485. By. 1919, Ave-were serving 1,691,069 course enmllees-at a Coit of $5.83 per course -deliveredld it student. Let me repeat the dollar numbers : 1961$195, 1979S5.83. Let's look at that in a slightly different way. Ten years ago the delivery of a television course to a school in South Carolina cost roughtly $10 per course per student. In those ten years, the cost of that delivery of The South Carolina System liej television instruction has dropped to $5.83, a drop of 47.3 percent. At the same time, the average cost of a school textbook in South Carolina increased approximately 300 percent A $2.59 textbook in 1975 now costs $7.38. Justify telecommunciations education? Why not use a dollars and cents approach? The entire South Carolina Educational Telecommunications System, which_has one out of every seven South Carolinians enrolled in at least one of the 346 courses of instruction offered through oursystern;-costr only-1-1-percenrofthe-State'swduatit5frbudthlt is the cost of th z. entire delivery system and progams for public television and radio viewers and listeners, progams for children in school, programs for college credit, for continuing professional education, for technical education, for doctors, lawyers, ,nurses, the visually handicapped and others. - Scope For 1.2 percent of the South Carolina *edlication budget, we deliver lessons in a typical school day. Yes, on our multi-channel system that amounts to over 80 hours per day of instructional television delivery. And, don't forget radio in addition. Thus, I have no trouble in looking toward the future to predict that telecommuilications will play an increasingly major role in education particularly as adapted, specialized and particularized for local educa-: tional needs. Telecommunications improves the quality of instruction. It . imparts knowledge skillfully and permits one to learn wherever he is in the-educational process. And it permits him to learn equally with others no matter where he is in a geographic sense. Educational telecommunications is like a beam oflight It provides illumination to help us cut through 176 television the fog of change that could otherwise obscure the world ahead. Telecommunications allows us to more quickly and ably move from one point to another as we strive to generate creative worth from our intellectual enterprise. Communications technology is an integral part of the process transforining our lives and shaping our destiny. But in a more overriding sense, it is economics which will compel the use of telecommunciations in education. Our system in South Carolina has shown this clearly. There are many other justifications. But rather - 014n_ki9k arcAndfor means to justify our existence; I am proud of the fact thif, in iouth C irolina, we have taken a strong stand on the usefulness of television and radio in education and have proceeded to put those dynamic-tools-to-work. In putting them-to-work-we have found that one service stacks naturally on top of another service and additional services compound the efficiency of delivery geometrically: -Herein lie vast economies of scale which make use of the system compelling. '1 112 ',1 102 The South Carolina System Significant Enrollment No user has to use any program which we provide. Therefore, the statistics concerning the enrollment in our courses are very significant to us in that enrollment is voluntary and engaged in solely at the discretion of the user. Increases in in-school utilization alone are indicative of a great dear of success in what we have accomplished. Innovations in providing new services are equally impressive andjuideed,hambeguato-become part of our basic justification of the System. I think we need to be careful, however, that we do not let the need to justify the system control its purpose, direction, or the motivations for its use. The South Carolina System was created to enhance the educational opportunities for every citizen in the State. We are beginning, after 22 years of hard effort, to work our way toward doing that. The capacity required for delivery of our services was virtually unpredictable. Each new service generates another. The number of users we serve is startling, compared to two decades ago. SUMMARY Serving these people is the reaso:. we are in existence. Edward R. Murrow once said that "The trouble with television is that it is like a sword rusting in the scabbard during a battle for survival." Frequently, however, I confess that the more pragmatic way to explain the impact of what we do must include both economies as well as philosophy and educaticial accomplishment. In South Carolina I sincerely believe that with the support of teachers, superintendents, State education officials, boards of education, colleges, universities, legislatures and goyernors, we havethrough the years proved that there is a major place and a major role for a significant educational broadcasting system to impact on the educational progress of in entire state. 11 3 Higher Education Uses of TV andikadio_ Peteri. Dirr Corporation For Public Broadcasting Washington, D.C. INTRODUCTION For years, colleges and universities have used television and radii.) for instruction but until recently we had little systematic data on the nature or extent of those uses. Since 1978, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting has been working with the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) andthe national higher education associations to document the extent of use and to explore factors which were thought to affect use. The information which I will discuss is drawn from two studies conducted by the Corporation in eonjunction with NCES and the following education associations: American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, American Association of State Colleges and Universities, Association of American Colleges, Association of American Universities, National Association of State Universitiesand Land Grant Colleges, National Institute of Independent Colleges and Universities. The information was gathered in two phases: the first, conducted in 1979, was a universe study of all 3,000 colleges and universities in the countrybut looked only at television and involved only one administrator at each institution; the second, conducted in 1980, included radio/audio as well as television and involved a 'sample of 120 institutions, 960 faculty members, and 1,920 students. Together, these two studies provide a wealth of information about current uses of television and radio as well as a wide variety of opinion about the factors that most affect those_uses Institution al Level More than 70 percent of all institutions of higher education (IHEs) make some use of television: 10 percent use it only for non-instructional purposes such as promotion/recruitment or staff development; 61 percent use it for instruction, including 25 percent which offer courses 103 1:1 4 104 Higher Education Uses over television and 36 percent which use it to supplement existing courses. Looking only at the instructional uses, the greatest portion of the effort is spent for on-campus credit offerings (66 percent), followed by offcampus credit offerings (17 percent), then on-campus non-credit offerings (12 percent). So, while many contend that television is a way to reach o ge o campus, we fmd that 78 percent of the instructional television effort at colleges is devoted to on-campus uses of the medium. -' Tracking the exact number or students enrolled in courses using television is complicated by problems of defmition and unavailability of adequate data. However, from the data we have obtained, we are confident in estimating that in 1979, about 1/2 million students were enrolled in more than 6,000 courses offered over television. While some colleges and universities make extensive instructional use of television, the most common experience is for a college to offer one course per year over television and to enroll 20 students in that course. Technology for delivering television progremming seems to fall into four categories by the extent wo which they are used: more than 90 percent of the institutions reported using self-contained video tape units; approximately 75 percent reported using public and commercial tele- vision stations; about 50 percent reported cable and closed circuit systems; and 10Ipercent reported using satellite ,distribution and Instructional Television Fixed Service (ITFS). More than one in four IHEs (28 percent) is a member of a formal consortium offering or producing televised courses. Another 17 percent are members of informal consortia. The services most often provided by the formal consortia include: program previews (77 percent), progam exchanges (74 percent), and goup buys and/or acquisition of program rights (63 percent). Three out of four members of formal consortia expressed satisfaction with the services provided by the consortia and 86 percent planned to remain members of those consortia for at least the next three years'. The television equipment resources of colleges and universities vary greatly: 94 percent of those that use television have TV cameras but only 58 percent have control rooms or studio facilities. (This seems to indicate that mobile production is more prevalent than fixed studio equipment.) 7.4..percent,of TV-userspro_duce their-own programs. Abouttallhave closed circuit or master antenna lefilEriildrandblack--and-white-TV sets are about ,equally available. Institutional expenditures for television seems to be increasing or level but not decreasing: funds for equipment and staff have increased over the past 3 years (in 55 percent of the cases) or remained the same (30 percent) and will continue to grow (45 percent) or remain the same (35 percent) over the next 3 years. Projected increases are geater for 115 Higher Education Uses 105 ' equipment than for staff. These studies have identified the major barriers to the use of television for instruction at IHEs as the following: 70% Lack of institutional funds and support % .1 ment 55 50 Cost and availability "of courses 45 Lack of trained support personnel 40 Lack of record rights 35 Poor broadcast times 30 " Insufficient advance notice Data on the use of radio tie just beginning to be available. ThOse data indicate that 53 percent of all IHEs used radio/audio for instructional purposes in 1979. Those colleges and universities offered a total of almost 10,000 courses involving substantial use of radio/audio and enrolled almost 1/2 million students in those courses. Eighty-four percent of IHEs which used radio/audio for instruction had on-campus production facilities. Seventy-six percent used available facilities to produce original programming for instruction. The barriers to the use of radio/audio for instruction are exactly the same as those for televisionlack ofinstitutional funds and support, lack of faculty commitment, cost and availability of courses, lack of trained support personnel, lack of record rights, poor broadcast times and insufficient notice. These findings, as well as the use patterns, suggest that radio/audio's use is more like than unlike television's use. Faculty Level More than half of all faculty members reported using television for educational purposes either in 1979 (43 percent) or prior to the 1978-79 academic year (22 percent). Those who had used the medium for educational purposes averaged 6 years of Use. Most reported having videotape playback units available (85 percent), as well as TV cameras (84 percent), TV receivers (73 percent with color receivers and 71 percent with black-and-white receivers), and control room and studio facilities (62 percent). Most reported using videotape playback units (82 percent) and TV receivers (58 percent color and 48 percent black-andwhite). The delivery system most often iffedW facultY- wife: Self-CO-ntated videotape playback units (73 percent), public television stations (57 percent), commercial television stations (37 percent) and campus closed mr(-3-3-pereent)____ circui Funds for the acquisition of television equipmc--ilre come from non-departmental accounts whereas Kinds for the acquisition of instructional programs is likely to come from departmental accounts. Eight-five percent of faculty members who used television for educational purposes repotted that production facilities were available 116 106 Higher Education Uses for their use. Fifty-six percent reported having participated in a production at their institutions. Twenty-nine percent of those using television for educational purposes haft had formal training for such use. Fitly-seven percent reported that they had taken_a_college_course-in which-teleon-played-mbstariti-W role. When those faculty members used television in their own courses, the dominant production modes were lecture/monologue and demonstration techniques. Even in courses where television was reported to have played a substantial role, only 12 percent of the course hours were televised. Faculty members reported the folloc.ving factors as major hindrances to their use of television for instruction: Lack of adequate departmental funds 56% Programs do not meet adademic needs and/or standards 49 Cost of available courses 39 Poor broadcast times 35 Insufficient advance notice 34 It was the opinion of many faculty member respondents, the use of television for educational purposes is not readily accepted by the profession or the institution. They view their course framework as unadaptable.to television, maintain that the-use of television adds to their work, and feel that the institutional and professional reward structures do not recognize efforts spent in developing and using television course materials. Interestingly, faculty members see none of their major barriers coming from the students. More than one out of four faculty members (28 percent) reported that they used or assigned radio/audio for educational purposes in 1979; 7 percent of all faculty members reported tLit they used radio/audio in an average of 2 courses each, enrolling an average of 27 students in each. course. Ninety-two percent of all faculty members reported that radio/audio production facilities were available to them. The barriers to the use of radio/audio for instruction are exactly the same as those for television: lack of departmental funds, unsuitability of available courses, cost of available courses, poor broadcast timesr.and_ insufficient-advance-notice: Student Level Almost all students have used or expect to use television for educational purposes during their college careers; 47 percent, or 5.5 million students used TV as part of their college programs in 1979; an6thTF3:51MIkiii hId used TV prior föl 979-add1:5-ttilliotrap-etta to use it within the next three years. Slightly more than one in four students (28 perent) who used 11 7 television .44611igher Education Uses 107 in 079 used college-owned equipment, especially videocassette playback units (88 percent) and color TV sets (44 percent) and black-andwhite TV sets (39 percent). Most of the use was in traditional college classrooms (70 percent) asopposed to non-college housing (29 percent). e evision in I 979Teported that such use was voluntary (63 percent), did not.constitute a substantial portion of the course (76 percent):and that the courses which used television cost the same as courses which did not (82 percent). The major barriers to the use of television for instruction as reported by the students were: . Poor broadcast times 33% Inadequate equipment 26 Insufficient advance notice 23 Inadequate courses 20 Students did not view the use of television in courses as too burdensome, depersonalizing, or an easy way to get credit. Neither did they see courses with television as being particularly more relevant and informative than other courses. In general, they viewed courses with television as worthwhile and appropriate for their areas of study. More than one out of three students (35 percent) reported that they had used radio/audio for some of their courses in 1979; 13 percent of all students reported that radio/audio was used for a substantial portion of one or more of their courses. The major barriers to the use of radio/audio reported by the student respondents were: Lack of appropriate radio/aUdio courses Inadequate courses available 41% 20 Poor radio/audio reception 16 Poor broadcast times 13 Insufficient advance notice 14 In all other opinions about the suitability ot radio/audio for college instruction, the student resrionses closely paralleled their opinions on television's suitability. SUMMARY -- These data-and-the limhed-analyses-alreadyperfonnedorithenibtginto provide use with an appreciation for the roles of television and radio/audio in college and university instruction. Analyses will continue and the implications of these findings will be carefully examined over the next 12 months. For instance, we already know that differences exist in the ways in which different types of colleges use television for instruction. Further analyses might disclose some of the reasOns for those differences. At least they should help to further describe the nature and magnitude of -the differences. 118 CO c\J " Making the Case for Changing Public Policy Normr E. Watson Coast Communky Colleges Costa Mesa, C3l1fornia INTRODUCTION The community college today, as an institution, is entering a period of extremely rapid and sudden change. During the decade of the 70's, the community college was an institution in transition. It was learning to become a "matUre" institution, one which had experienced significant growth in numbers, in facilities, and in students served. During the decade of the SO's, the community college will be an institution in transformation, moving from the traditionally accepted goals of its early years to a heightened and expanded mission to, provide lifelong education. Some of the critical problems that will face community colleges as they move into a new era will be public policy, state laws, and administrative regulations. In times of rapid change,,the old rules and social arrangements can become rigid barriers standing in the way of adaptations and modifications.to new environmental conditions. Teclmological developments in delivery systems that are laking place today have immense potential for the community colleges in connection with their ability to fulfill the mission of lifelong education. Already, hundreds of community Colleges throughout the United States are utilizing broadcasting to offer additional opportunities for learning to the adults they serve. An mcreasing number are using cable to make learning opportunities more available. And, as the technology develops, tape cassettes, discs, teletext, the satellite, and the computer will see greater use. In order to fully utilize much of the new technology, traditional ways of dealing with personnel, with reporting procedures, and with funding mechanisms will require close study and scrutiny in order to ascertain the extent to which they assist or obstruct an institution's ability to meet neiv needs. 11.9 108 Changing Public Policy 109 Without entering into a long and dusty discourse on the origin and listorical development of the community colleges in California, I would of like to select by means of chronological timelines, a few examples which have had to be policy, and administrative difficulties addressed in allowing institutions to cha-lirWeilthihrtimeb. Public Education Regulations public To betem, community colleges in California evolved from the 13th education. They started, in fact, as a school, or K-12 segments of and 14th grade appendage to the K-12 segment and for many years were that tied administratively, legally, and by funding mechanisms to Of the With such a heritage, many sesment of public education. regulations that the community college was required to enforce were regulations that were developed over a period of time as appropriate for the K-12 segment but that had little relev,ance or worth for community colleges. One such definition which existed in administrativc: regulations was the definition of "immediate supervision." For attendance accounting certificated purposes, "immediate supervision" was defined as having a with students when learning was taking instructor physically present supervision" attendance where "immediate place. Only those hours of regulation, could be certified were eligible for state support. Such a keePing unruly adolescent boys and obviously, was admirably suited to classroom, but girls under reasonable control in a standard size box-like it came to the use of learning centers, had serious deficiencies when tutorial labs, television, etc. terin The first movement away from the strict construction of the in spearheaded by vocational educators "immediate supervision" was allocations. allowing cooperative work experience to be funded by state Including Technology which Riding on the coattails of the success of the vocational educators administrative in state law as well as had necessitated both changes regulations,a number of us in the community colleges set out to broaden further the meaning of "immediate supervision" by permitting the use of modem technology. A task force was formed, a research committee was all in an put in motion, and in advisory- coinmittee was activated-- activity, crack for modern technology. This attempt to open the door a signed off by the years of research and study, resulted in a report, California Junior College Association, which became a position paper to support legislation modifying one provision of Education Code Section 11251. We created a new temi called "Coordinated Jnstmction SyStems" call to describe the process being advocated. The paper's purpose was to coordinated for development of new attention to the critical need instrudion systems which combine classroom lecture with modem technoiogy to improve the effectiveness and ef&iency of instructional colleges; and to identify a problem area in the programs in community 12 110 Changing Public Policy _California Education Code which serves as a deterrent to progress toward that goal." The paper went on to point out that 'coordinated instruction systems, combining the resources of modern technology with traditional proce.1. I I i 44 I iAstruction. Television instruction, computer-assisted instruction, automated slide-sound tapes, single-concept film loops, and other technical resources serve to strengthen the teaching process." Ever aware of the watchful eyes of the professional teachers' gyoups, the paper painstakingly pointed out that "the role of the community college instructor is expanded with coordinated instruction systems to encompass more instructional development, learning management, and evaluation of student progress. Instruction is more flexible with greater opportunity for student success. Educational progress and competenty of students are coordinated and evaluated by professional community college instructors." The paper documented research on the effectiveness of such instruction, pointed out that there would be no increase in cost, and concluded that "legislation is needed to provide the same Average Daily Attendance (ADA) apportionment for, students earning credit through community college coordinated instruCtion systems techniques as though traditional programs limited toClassroom lecture techniques. The paper was comprehensive in thes.overage of the problems that existing legislation posed, and the necessity for modification of code requirements,"Developinent of adequate coordinated instruction systems in California community colleges will not occur until changes,are made in the procedure of ADA apportionment for students enrolled in these kinds of classes. Programs must have an adequate base of fmancial support within the school budget if they are to exist." Legislation Next came the immense task of mobilizing the support of the many diverse educational and professional Organizations for the new legislation, finding an author for the bill, presenting testimony at various.hearings, and making nIcessary changes in the legislation in order to obtain the support needed for its passage. Years of effort, and many work hours of input later, the two following miniscule changes made it possible for the community.colleges to move into the Twentieth Century. I will remid you that "Ws oecurred as recently as 1970. ' 1. "One student contact hour is to be counted for each unit ofCoordinated Instruction Systems credit in which a community college student is enrolled during any census period." 2. "For purposes of community college Coordinated Instruction System, 'immediate supervision' of instruction should be defmed as student participation in approved Coordinated Instruction Systems programs of instruction using such modem technology as television, 1.21 _ Changing Public Policy 111 computer-assisted instruction, automated slide-tape systems. and programmed learning materials under the coordination and evaluation of certified college instruction." All was well thus far. However, it then became necessary, in order to om.abuses,to.develop_aionglistpfsaveats and guarantees which were to be elaborated in Title V, Administrative Regulations. These, in themselves, barely escaped throttling the new code provision with rigid requirements which colleges were compelled to meet. Rather than treating Coordinated Instruction Systems on the same level as lecture courses, the regulations required such things as: prior state approval course by course, a proof of credentialed supervision, a rigid interpretation as to what could be considered as current costs, a restrictive limitation on the amount of state support (only 50 percent of current cost), the elimination of anrcapital expenditure, and the requirement of detailed evaluation reports to the state for each cerse offered at the-close of each semester. Is it any wonder, then, that television instniction was extremely slow in taking off in California, even after the new legislation allowed it to be offered'in the early 70's. For many districts, and for many administrators, the added paper work and bureaucratic requirements were just too much, added to the Already heavy burden of acquiring hardware and software, and of attempting.to fend off the attacks of a considerable body of professionals. But the door was ajar,,ever so slightly, and with great-effort. Modification-of Regulations The next hurdle that had to be overcome was the interpretation by the state office that a specified number of hours of television broadcast material would have to equate with each upit of credit offered: Such an interpretation, of course, overlooked all elements of the coordinated instructional system except those which actually went over the air, and did-not, address, in any-fashion at all, eie rigor of the materials or the learning objectives, At this stage of the game, the state office was willing to "buy" fifteen one-half hourlelevision programs for one hour of credit, but no less that that, accepting the principle that there was a certain amount of compression in television-courses, and that other le4rning activities took place in some, fashion. The Modification of that regulation set the stage for an entire reexamination of Coordinated Instructional Systems., A task force ws set up by llie state office in 1976. With the goal that "The Board of Governors shall encourage the development of instructional technologies, varied learning modes, and resources to-more adequately meet the diversity of student characteristics and learning styies," the task force was charged with identifying problems, recommending revisions in Atatutes and/or regulations, and developng a prospectus report. 122 112 Changhig Public-Pcilicy The task force considered whether the defmition should be broadened :to-includeodietbistmctional Method514*i than hardware and software whether developmental costs should be reimbursed, whether the 50 percent cost factor should be eliminated, and whether only current costs should be reimbursed. As a result of the report of the task force, the definition broadened. As a Matter- Of hict; Coordinated Instruction System, with all its good points and bad points,- was eliminated from statutes and replaced with a neW piece of legislatien entitled "independent study." With the amendment of -the law in 1978 setting up ".independent studif," it was necessary -to formulate and adopt a new set of Title 5 regulations for its administration. Once again the battle heated up between those who were attempting to move community colleges into an innovative and changing direction, and those who would hope to prevent the community colleges from doing anything that was not traditional. The following proposali were Made to the Board of Governors as needing to be included in the new regulations:: 1. State apportionment would be based on passing grades at the end of the -ternia completely -different standard from that imposed on any otheetype-brinstruttkin! 2. The number of students assigned to any one instructor should not exceed ten perceig more than -the average number-Of students per instructor at the college unless exempted -by waiver from the State Chancellor. The number of independent-Study courses at a college shall not exceed 4.en percent of ,the credit couries. certified for transfer unless exempted by waiver from the State Chancellor. Obvionsly,,the adoption of suchregriations, in the face of the fact that television courses- were accepted4Or transfer by all state and private colleges in California 'for full tredit, would have been a giant step backward Then followed the long series of hearings, the testimony, the written arguments, the counter proposals at the state level in an attempt to prevent the loss of all the ground that had been gained since the original legislation in 1970. A new task force was formed and issued the following statement: In general, these regulations would discourage the offering of independent study, specifically CIS courses, in community colleges. They assume that students all learn the same way, in avlassrooti with a lecture and texts. They would freeze community colleges into one form of instruction and an "average faculty-student ratio. Btit, in a time of financial limitations, there is a need to encourage fleXibility and innovation as well as continur the standards of quility instruction which have distinguished community colleges in this state up to now. Under the proponed regulation community colleges will,- for all practical purposes, find it impossible to continiie to offer alternative 1 23 Changing Public Policy 113 modes of education. The nontraditional student, many of whom-are unable to attend a regular academic program, will not be able to earn academic credit.This.ineani that a direct and foreseeabk.resuliof the regulation will be discrimination against the nontraditional and often disadvantage student including homebound, seniors, and handicapped student. It is ironic and unfortunate thatthe Board of Governors would consider cutting back on such programs at the very-time that society has recognized the need for such programs." The Edlication Policy Committee of the Board of Governors, in turn, requested that proposed regulations be "tightened up" to reduce the potential for abuse and/or misunderstanding. The staff was also requested to put a ceiling on the student-teacher ratio for independent study courses, although no ceiling exists for any other type of course. The new regulations were adopted, willi some softening of the language. The college must certify to a number of requireMents with regard to independent study courses. The restrictions on the number of students in the course and the number of courses which may be offered remaAn in the regulations and we have been forced to request a waiver, as permitted by the regulations, from the State ,Chancellor. Conclusions What conclusions can we draw from the California case studies beyond the obvioils one that "it ain't easy to get from here to there"? We can probably come up with three rather important conclusions: 1. Our laws and regulations are beset by countless archaic provisions which now thwart and will continue to impede progress toward meeting new environmental demands. 2. Public policy can be changed and must continue to be modified if the community colleges _are ta continue --to -be the innovati-ve, flexibie institutions of postsemiaafy education. 3: External vigilance is essential in order that simple-minded solutions to complex. questions do not become'part and parcel of our bureicratic inheritance, Our community colleges, in our fifty states, function in highly differentiated environments. Although we share many common goals and are -influenced by broad and pervasive changes in society and by developments in technology, we exist in different structures with varying legislative frameworks. It is essential that we exercise our influence, to the strongest extent possible, in interpreting the traneormation which must take place in the xommunity college during the coming decades. Local boards, state boards, accrediting commissions, state commissions on higher education, departments of finance, and state legislators must be brought to See what it is the community colleges are attempting to achieve and what must be done in order that they can fulfill their function. In this connection, the Coast Community Colleges are currently attempting through membership on the Telecommunications Advisory Committee 124 114 Changing Public-Policy and the California Postsecondary Education Commission, to influence the direction of future public policy. Included as a special category of society'5on:going needs for education identified by the Commission are the needs- of significant portions of the populations that have special problems or barriers. These include the imprisoned, the physically handicapped, the homebound with dependents, displaced homemakers, and mid-career people pressed to change careers. The Commission states, "Providing reasonable access to education for these groups of adults mast be seen as another dimension of publici.e. societal needs."_California possesso vast resources in the area of telecOmmunnications to meet the changintsocietal needs of the state. The community colleges are equipped by inclination and experience to coordinate such activities. It is vital that we give close and continuing attention to evolving public policy. Faculty Response to the Use of Technology Dallas K. Deal President State Univershy College Fredonia, New York INTRODUCTION I will begin this paper with a qualification diat requires expression, one whichis_4_re.statement of_the obvicusitis-asimpossible-to-reference "a!_facultyresponse to the use of technology as itis to characterizea" faculty on almost any matter or issue you may care to mention. For example, on my own faculty, a recently retired political science professor reliably cast a single opposing vote on any occasion where unaMmity prevailed on the principle of retaining the "purity" of a persitent minority viewpoint as a benchmark characteristic of true faculty loyalty to the. academy. Of course, there are faculty responses to the use of technology for instructional purposes as you might well expect; clearly, the liters:tare on the subject documents a range of views not unlike the response io the use of anything else except perhaps the book, or the library. But keep in mindLineberry is quoted in Willett's Modernizing the Little Red .School House as saying, "the antitechnologists of antiquity were convinced that even the book, by downgrading memory, could produce only a race of imbeciles." The safer and more creditable reference to Make about faculty response is that it is best seen by the current instructional Methodologies they emtiloy. Our planners should be pleased to know that the evidence in surveys and studies by Stern, Evans, Kozma, Cogan, and others clearly warrants the convening of a National Conference on Technology and Education. But for a pitifully few college and university exceptions, the collegiate response to technology fits the discomforting view expressed by C.P. Snow almost twenty years ago (Evans): "In a society like ours, academic patterns change more slowly than any others. In my lifetime, in England, they have crystallized rather than loosened. I used to think that it would be about as hard to change say, 115 126 116 Faculty Response :- the Oxford and Cambridge scholarship examinations as to conduct a major revolution. I now believe that I was over optimistic." My own belief is that progress is being madehowever slowly and there is reason'to-believe that the-pace-of progress will accelerate in the years ahead if the academy wills that it be given high priority. I would like to touch upon a few of the available research studies which deal with faculty response to innovation; the 'technology currently available to colleget and universities in the public sector; a set of assumptions which to me set in place the principal guideposts for charting the course of progress; and, I shall conclude with a brief description of a Major proposal to spur progress jointly sponsored by AASCU and NASULGC. Selected Studies Although the study is along in years (1967), the comprehensive study by Evans and Lippman reported in their book, Resistance to Innovation in Higher Education is classic and is really quite relevant and topical. The a-uthui exaniffled an academic czmmunity's response to Instruc- onal-Televisiosing-a-mmther-of-variablEs=and-obtained data on the general beliefs and the personality orientation of the faculty of nine colleges- and universities which they visited. Among their observations and findings are the following which are pertinent to our discussion at this conference: To put our work in perspective we are reminded: "As early as 1965, the textbook committee of a state legislatUre holding hearings on high school biology texts was confronted by an impressive group of literate citizens who bitterly opposed the teaching of evolution in the public schools. When we consider furthermore, that in our own research case historyone of the respondents, a college professor, remarked that television is the 'invention of the devil,' we might indeed predict that Copernicus would have had a hard time introducing some innovations to our generation as he did in his own time." (Evans) Evans and Lippman go on the declare, and in my view, quite accurately, "The greatest resistance to change will be found in those institutions whose traditional primary function has been the perpetuation of a society's folkways, mores, and values, such as religious and educational institutions." r-Indeed, beyond being no surprise to the student of higher education, there is in this resistance to change a needed sense of dependabi lity which society in general must feel and appreciate and which is referred to by the authors when they state: "Educational institutions would be derelict in their &ligation to society if they were totally responsive to fads and fashions of the surrounding community." 127 Faculty Response 117 What was learned about faculty response to the use of technology? Evans and LipPman report: "There is little empirical evidence to support the assumption that faculty and administratorseven though they carry the responsibility of imparting both old and new knowledge and are viewed as experts-in evaluating new developmentswill choose methodological innovations which seem to provide the greatest potential for learning." They go onto say: "It is undoubtedly clear by now that the present study proceeded from the assumption that the attitudes which most of our faculty members held toward ITV did not exist in isolation but were often inter-connected in varying degrees with other attitudes, such as those -toward teaching machines and teaching methods versus content. They were even interconnected with the respondent's attitude toward himself and his general philosophy- of -life." In the above connection andfurther from the analysis of attitudes and beliefs of profesw "Forty perceulofthevgessors believedthaledge-efeontent-is a sUfficient prerequisite for university teaching, thirty-five percent felt that method is of some importance, and only ten percent felt they were of equal importance." (Evans) And a very significant and humbling clue to any of us who dares 'believe he or she is destined to be a significant agent of instructional change, is the discovery that "In effect Professors were saying, 'The machine cannot provide those ingredients which I, myself, can provide. I am personal and provide discussion; I Inotivate students, and I am creative.' Therefore: "The college professor sees himself in the traditional role of standing before a class, delivering a lecture on which his students take notes notes he expects them to commit to memory, supplemented by readings in their textbooks and some additional work in the library." Even the more negative responses in this study (Evans) take on at times humorous incongruities such as: "ITV is a fine instructional medium and should be encouraged for all to improve instruction, but not for my subject area," and "ITV is the best means of teaching in the long run, but/ would leave college teaching if / had to use it." However, it is interesting to note that there also surfaces in the survey literature, professional types who are pro-IV and they can be described and I presume identified on our faculties. The study by Evans pictures them as being "more adventuresome, flexible, and mobile in thinking and teaching ... who see the university as asocial as well as academic community ... mbre free to experiment with new methods and techniques." And although such categorical typing may be useful early in the 1.28 118 Faculty Response development of strategy for innovation and implementation, it is important to teep in mind that: "Although we have given evidence to show that some professors have consistent attitudes toward innovation in general, we think it quite likely that other professors are very selective about the kind of innovation they are willing to accept." (Evans) The research findings do not altogether present a bleak picture about the current readiness of faculty to climb aboard technological vehicles which may hold promise for the improvement in and the satisfaction faculty seek to gain from teaching. What seems clear iS the evidence that approaches to faculty have not been well designed, showed a lack of concem for readiness, and have too frequently not given sufficient attention to the importance of self-motivation toward tangible rewards provided by the "system." For example: "To utilize ITV many professors stemed to think that much training, aching goals and activities Avould-be-requiredevidence-seemed-to-intliaTe-thirif a complex innovation can be broken down into palatable bitsat least partial acceptance will be more rapidly affected." And, further: " ... evidence suggests that the degree of acceptance of an innovation by professors may partly depend on whether they viewed the innovation as being instituted by the university administration or.... within their own dcademic departments as a result of their own planning." " ... evidence suggests also a reversion effect occurs most often where reinforcers are not programmed beyond certain minimum limits reinforcers include salary increments, promotions, and overt administra- tive approval" and it is: " . . . highly plausible that an individual's position in the university (rankjob security) bears some relation to receptivity to innovation." (Evans) A point so often overlooked in the context of effecting change is mentioned by Cogan: "Any plan that seeks to rationalize the process of innovation in our schools will perforce be slowed down by the imperative necessity to train the men affd-women who will be centrally involved. And that delay will be a blessing if it serves to educate us to understand that the phases of education are long, longer than the phases of a fad, style and local and national politics." Telling it more stridently, Stem and Keislar in reporting their survey of five thousand references on teacher attitudes conclude: "The success of any broad-based educational innovation is not simply a result of whether the proper procedures have been technically carried out; rather, if innovation is imposed authoritatively on the teacher, with no attempt to understand and enlist support, it yill not succeed." 12.9 Eaculty_Response 119 The above surveyors suggest six categories of guidelines for considerstiorrin the development- ofra, strategy for-innovation: 1. Accepting environmentlargely an administrative responsibility. 2. Assurance of personal involvement. 3. Acceptance of personal responsibility. 4. Role models. 5. Incentives for change. 6. Preparation. A more recent experiment dealing withFaculty Development and the AdoptiOn and Diplision of Classroom Innovations by Kozma and funded by FIPSE is reported in- the Journal of Higher Education. In a faculty fellowship project at the University of Michigan the findings showed that the incentive of fellowship_grants. increased significantly the fellows use of innovations as compared to a random &LIU fellowships had relatively little success in influencing fellow faculty members to adopt instructional innovations as a result of discussions. I suppose any examination of research fmdings should end on a note of caution and in this instance, a bit more pithy than the typical dissertation conclusion which concludes the need for more study. Willett, Swanson and Nelson say in Modernizing the Little Red School House bring into view a rather fascinating comparison between thefeaSibility and the logic of change as itapplies to the introduction of educational hardware. "The feasibility of change to man-machine systems of education is clearly seen in the dollar savings . . . the logic for change is another matter . . . the educational establishment represents an intrenced moving to man-machine systems of education will receive quick moving to man-machine systems of education will receive quick acceptance should be viewed with reservations." Availability of Technology Until recently those of us concerned with expanding the use of instructional technology in the public sector of higher education had available as evidence of its availability only isolated reports of commitments by campuses across the country. In the late 70's, AASCU and NASULGC cpnducted the first national survey of existing technology available to the faculties in over four hundred member colleges and universities. The results of this survey may be known to some of you; however, its highlights should serve an important documentary purpose of this conference. The survey covered three major areas: availability and description of present communications technology facilities, the instructional use served by this technology, and the plans for expansion. Responses to the national survey indicate that member institutions of both associations 1,3 120- -Faculty-Reiponse- exhibit a strong commitment to the use of cornmunications technology in their educational programs. Many institutions in the study operate television and radio broadcasting stations whicfi are used for educational programming. In fact AASCU and NASULGC institutions constitute approximately one,third_ of -the station membership of the Public Broadcasting System. Seventy-nine percent of the NASULGC institutions in the survey operated non-commercial broadcasting and fifty-four percent of the AASCU members carried-non-commercial radio programming. FM frequencies were licensed by seventy-five percent of the NASULGC and fifty-tWo percent of the AASCU institutions. Closed cirduit television systems were found to bequite coMmon and in addition,"the public colleges and universities in the two associations produced educational programs for the broadcasting stati . percent). They utilized Cable TV to distribute even more progrants. NASULGC cable utilizers totalled fifty-two percent and AASCU responders totalled forty percent in "the Cable TV category. The survey covered also the provision for faculty utilization of telecommunication facilities for instructional purposes. In excess of ninety percent of the member institutions stated media services were available to faculty and staff and over eighty percent reported the availability of telecommunications facilities to the adult public. Instructional programs include credit and non-credit courses, continuing education units and open learning and external e.tgree programs. . With a view toward expansion, member institutions who operate telecommunications systems in both associations, as well as those who do not, indicated expansion plans especially in the areas of instructional media facilities, radio broadcasting and cable television. It seems reasonable to conclude from this nationwide survey of public colleges and universities that a surprising array of educational technology is presently available to faculty for their 11S4, and the awareness of the emerging significance of this technology as a means of enhancing-and extending outward the teaching boundaries of the campus is of concern and importance.to these public institutions. With this advantage clearly in view, there is reason to hope that with proper trainingand inducement, faculty in increasing numbers will rise to form the critical linkage between the communication., technology found to be in place with the needs of students in a variety of educational settings. Some Working Assumptions(Six, in Fact) From the standpoint of a working administrator who has spent some time immersed in the process of learning and thinimg about the current state of instructional technology, and who also has endeavored to bring into being a small amount of change, I have drawn assumptions, some. 13.1 FOeul0 Response 121 of which I hope you will fmd worthy of consideration and perhaps even helpful. Assumption Number I There rentains ab-road in the land a legacy of unfilled promises promulgated by hardware advocates who, during the sixties, in particular, convincingly influenced the purchase of vast amaunts of instrUctional equipment with the promise of relieving the then shortage of faculty and at the-aame rime reducing the cost of instruction. State budget analysts and, indeed, many, legislators make painful reference to the millions "wasted" in purchasing educational hardware to equip new buildings during the sixties. The space utilization studies which yearly demonstrate our failure to make sufficient use of large !whirr halls and inventoreis of dial access equipment. TV studios and the like are too often silent and also_unfortunatelestimony against proposed new initiatives at a time when higher education is strapped for funds. It is my view that any progress we hope to make toward the goal of more effective use of new technology in teaching, even with faculty motivation at a high peak, must be calculated within the existing constraints of continuing inflation, unfriendly budget examiners and public policies which reflect an attitude on the part of decision makers that higher education has had its =tient on the stage and now must make way for other pressing societal needs. Our requirements for new equipment, if met at all, will be drawn from a convincing demonstration of yearly savings through more efficient management and the never ending search for dollars which must flow from gifts and grants. We can, I believe, overcome the unfortunate legacy of our past stewardship of instructional technology. It is not unrealistic to suggest that the necessity of such a struggle is after all our best insurance that progress will be more sustainable because it will have been so hard won. Assumption Number 2 Most college faculty have insufficient experience as learners via technology for us to expect them to be advocates of Vie implementation of available communications technology eller as a teaching tool or a mom comprehensive teaching methodology. There is little or no evidence to suggest that graduate students preparing for careers in teaching have been taught other than the lessons of scholarship and research. Whatever teaching methods they adopted came as a result of imitation of their mentors or by trial and error, rather than studied examination of the teaching process. From this direction as, a starting point -is where we must begin as we introduce also into the current equation faculties which are unionized and who are forced to pereeiv depreiging immobility as a carrer reality. 132 0 122 Faculty Response An exaggeration, perhaps, but our overly sanguine assumptions in the pastwhich overlooked the critical necessity to begin where faculty areresulted frequently in the wrongheaded purchase of "hardware _methodology" -far ahead:of-any attention-to- the needs, expeditions, abilities and realities of our faculties. Faculty development initiatives generated largely by faculty themselves, and primed and sustained by administrators whd understand the role of "facilitator" hold the plonnse of bringing about a gradual, ierhaps even an assuredly sustainable involvement of faculty in the array of new and more available educational technology. use of a vast Assumption Number 3 The pervasive and fewful spectre of broad exposure to the risk of failure, before de eyes of watc4ful colleagues is intimidating and 'a retaniant obstacle in the oath uf the mosrsecure ofinstructionalfaculty. Itis-the-rare-faculty-meMberwho-would spearniolEeTthin fearless tones about the educational value of an occasional failure. Usually in this context of failure our reference point is the students whom we instruct The .carryover of this belief into the very diferent and personal risk context of teaching methodology demonstrates clearly a considerably different and largely hesitant faculty responseat the us interested in building a strategy for change shouldvery least those of The intramurals of peer evaluation for reappointment,assume so. promotion, and retrenchinent mechanisms engaged as a result of shortages of funds and reduCtion in generated student hours in the latter instance surface resistance factors even from faculty who have traditionallrbelieved themselves to be secure in their positions. The perceived exposure to criticism felt by even the best professors sometimes_ easily sets in . motion subtle and curiously rather than acts of courage. department-wide episodes of resistance Overcoming the anxieties married to potential failure fully accoinplished in a general sense by the recognitionis most successof its presence. Steps which follow are largely situation specific and are better locally planned and constructed, . except for the all-impiitant confidence building that comes from early if only modest necessity of success and followed by deserved recognition. As'sumption Number 4 The sanguine declaration that excellence through resource enrichment is hardly creditable during the current and prolonged era of the equivalent.ofzero-based budgets, faculty retrenchmcn4 and long-term fiscal ex4enctes. The sooner we engage the operational assumption enrichment belongs to a bygone era of educational finance, that resource the better will be the operational design of instructional schemes which make use of instructional innovation. 133. __Eaculty_Response 123- Priorities will of necessity require reordering. Programs and earlier mibsions may be called into question and consequently', be repleced by current plans for instructional improvement which require the shifting of resources. Indeed, there may emerge a new "art" ofcreative management that allows, for a process ofsubStitUtion rather than addition. We should not fail to recognize that higher education management requires the similar challenge of rethinking and reassessment of attitudes and methodologies as does the instructional process; indeed, it is not presumptuous to recommend such a process as a beginning expectation of any plan designed to change substantially instructional modes of owation. Assumption NuMber 5 Promotion workload considerations, financial, and success inre high on the list of reward factors which spur faculty onsimeness. If we dream of a world of change absent of thesecompelling factors we dream of a time that will never be. They are, indeed, stituational and often personal, but they persist as perceived and real expectations. They are for the faculty, the tangible outcomes that make the effort worthy. They are for the faculty, outcomes related to ego fillfillment which outdistance institutional goals atid expectations. They can bf.1 silent killers of change or the very real difference between the success and failure of a strategy. At the very least; faculty must perceive an administration involved in and willing to articulate with conviction and to document with creditability, positive action that the university reward system is responsive to faculty willing to make substantive commitments to instructional change. Assumption Numter 6 There is no foreseeable technological substitute for the creative, learner oriented andhighly knowledgeable "director" of the learning enterpriserather, there exists a mounting array of workable instructional tools aroundwhich to surround and assist those prepared and motivated to use them. In eariier times evea some thoughtfill educationists took the highly questionable leap from the knowledge base directly to the learner via. available handware. Witness, for example,- the dismal failure and regression that accompanied the wholesale distribution of the "teaching machine.", One is reminded of the earlier experiments in man's fascination with flight, and the do-it-yourself contraptions which were fastened to arms and legseach in its own way destined to fail because of a lack of knowledgeable application of correct theory and creatively directed into practice. It is my view that effective utilization and progress in the use of 134 124 Faculty Responsi \, technology will succeed to the extent that the process remains directly in the hands of the teacher with prior knowledge of le subject and compassidnately aware of the needs of the learners. A -model- of =the.director- of- learnintset forth 'by -tonic media pto- fessionals places the professor within a centerpiece similar to the role of a nightly newscaster. He or she directs the conduct of the enterprise, selects the content, chooses from an array of sources and resources and is responsible for a format design which is appropriate to the viewing audience orlearners as the case may be. Portions may be altogether precast. Other segments are flexibly utilized to meet the changing deltoids of the situation. The point to keep in mind is the requirement of a, learner-oriented knowledgeable manager of the process to_ have resources of his choosing available on demand, and appropriatelymatched to the broadly based needs of students. The achievement of a systeni-that responds to these demands complerand demanding challenge and cannOt be viewed as anyeconomy-measurerorrwoffible subst'ildlIedWessionals. However, the degree to which it may be more expensive over the longer run than present instruction requires much more study and experience. The Response of Two As-Sociations (AASCUNASULGC) The American Association of State Colleges and Universities and the Nztional Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges have given increasing concern to proposals which may result, in the establishment of an gn-going system with the potential .of dealing . effectively with the potential of faculties to exploit instructional enhancement through technology., It is their belief that progress has been retarded and can be pttributable to: (.1) the lack of understanding among most faculty of appropriate and pedagogical applications of technology, and (2) the fear of losing creatiVe control of their classes and course work by using the materials developed by others. The proposal set forth through the combined efforts of the associations has the potential of involving some seventeen member institutions and over one hundred sixty instructional fpOulty, academic deans, and -instructional supportstaff. Essential to the success of the proPosal is the requirement that institutions as well as faculty commit themselves to a continuing involvement in the project throughout its duration through the allocation of a portion of the support c&ts of the proposal, the remaining cosisqo be covered by an outside agency. Following* each orientation Conference, faculty will be required to "formulate their own ideas for applications 4 technology to aCademic ,subjects which they teach. irti their own. institutions. Delegations from institutions chbsen to participate also will be *encouraged to work as a "team" ddring the training institutes. 135 FacultrItTponsi-125 As an ultimate outcome and beyond the hoped-for advantages to Partici Paling faculty will be the dissemination of what has been learned ind achieved to Other colleges and universities. SUMMARY I chose to end on a bright note of hope. for reasons which go well beyond dmy own involvement ia the advancement of instructional improvement Indeed, the fact of our generally low morele, the doomsayer piedictions of.the future and our failures in the past can, I believe, be tailed to productive use. We have perhaps come of age. We are hard headed, more So than in tile put, not so easily led and curiously demanding more accoUntability of ourselves. It niay very well come to piss that the 80's will bring forth a faculty "iespOnse" to technology that surpasses our imagination in part because ---wearepoorer-,-yerwiser; butdue in part also ta the- understanding and conference. etous-througlrreunionsmedepossible bTthisT BIBLIOGRAMY I. Evans, Richa:d I., Resistance to Innovation in Higher Edueatian Jasey-Bass, Inc. ' , 2. Journal of kesearch and Development in Education, Vol. 10, Number 2, Winter '77: "1"eachr Attitudes arid Attitudes Change: A Research Review by Stern and Keislar. 3. Thozny Into Practice; Vol. XV, Number 3, June '76.' "Educational Innovation: Educational Workload" by Cog,an. 4. Willett, Swanson and Nein:in, Modemiring the Little Red Sehaol House, Educational Teclmology Publications, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 1979. ' 4 d 136 Evaluati Difector, Corn the Use of Technology in Education Kamaka Anandom Dosed Instructional Development and Research * and J. Terence Kelly President for Education mi-Dode Cwnmunity College MlgmL Florida INTR DUCTION There are probably few, if any, assignments more difficult or evasive than esiiluating the use of technology, in education. The impondefables could fill up pages. Therefore, one must immediately ask: "What do we mean by technology?" "Whit is a logical classification system for the various technologies that cunently exist?" The same types of questions must be asked about the meaning of evaluation. Bufeven beyond the definition stage, one must consider other elements associated with evaluation, such as the philosophy of an institution and the goals of particular instrUctional programs, in order to determine what is to be evaluated and how it is to be evaluated Frustration and aggravation mount when legislators and others who are-outside-the bducational-arena-ask the question: "Is technology cost effective?" Frankly, we have never understood those terms, and are not sole whether those who ask the question fiilly comprehend the complexities associated with-what appears to be a rather simple and straightforward question. Overall, one might even make an argument that perhaps education by itself is not cost effective, whatever that might mean. However, if a price tag can be computed for ignorance and its impact on society, one might have a different perspective regarding education's cost effectiveness at all levels throughout the, country. This preamble is not intended in any way to suggest that one cannot 126 13 7 Evaluating the Use 127 discuss the topic of evaluating technology or to simply say that there are no answers. Answers I can be found, but one must be cautious and understand precisely what it is we are trying to evaluate. Often we think of how educational television was nearly doomed' by its uses in the fifties and the sixties. Part of the reason for those early failures centered around some of the misunderstandings of what its capabilities were and what it was attempting to,do. In certain instructional settings, it simply mas an instrument to increase productivity in terms of ficulty-teaCher ratios, nr$ necessarily to improve learning. It is not surprising, therefore that we found huge auditoriums with thousands of students listening ;to a TV lecture given by one faculty member. If one were evaluating the prOductivity of its use, it would he rated as a rousing success. However, if Students' satisfaction and learning were_ considered, thosetarly educational TV days might well deserve tcy be classified as a dismal failure. This, for the purPose of this paper at least, let us defme the framework within which the present topic will be discussed. Technology that is used in education can:be divided into five major Categories: 1) Print technology is the most widely used technology , thotigh it is not always thought of as one. 2) Telecommunications include telephones, radios, and twomay communication systems which are just barely beginning to make their mark in variout instructional applications. 3)-M-6tion piettire.altd vide?, technology reptegents-a-combinatitin-of visual, 'motkit, animation, and audio components. 4) Computer technology is exploding with unbelievable dimensions into every phase of our lives. 5) Biological mamPulation, perhaps the most frightening of ali, links all the other technologies to modify human behavior. , 'The single most decisive observation that' one can make about technology todey as it relates to educatiOnal use is that the hardware developments far out-distance the -human and software developments, < thus making it impoisible to capitalize on the hardware capabilities. If one agrees with this preinise, which we think can be demonstrated thout much difficulty, one can better understand the results of the ,evaluation of technology in education. Fot example, the studies on two popular computer interactive syttems, PLATO- and 77CCIr, did not bear out the .high expectatiOns for their effect on student learning therefore, theiruse-inithe-community-colleges-failed-taexpane-These results occurred because the most imp( eant facetsthe human and software developmentswere not attended to in a manner that would have permitted the entire technological innovation to be fully implemented and fairly evaluated.. Benjamin Bltiom2 discusses two roles of evaluationformative and summative. Fonnative evaluation pertains to the process of developing a program, while summation evaluetion focuses bn the completed program. The former is "the Use of systematic evaluation in the process of curriculum construction, teaching and learning for the purpose of 138 128 Evaluating the Use improving any of these three processes" (p. 117). Most evaluations with respect to technological innovations failed to include formative evaluation and are thus beset with mixed fmdings. Rather than be discouraged by this situation, we should relentlessly explore the numerous ways to exploit the capabilities of the technological innovations in order to momplish our educational goals. Evaluative studies_ focus_on different objectiveseconomics, faculty acceptance, number of students reached, their motivation and performance. All of them are valid objectives worthy., of independent evaluation, but they wit.provide meaningful information of practical significance only if they are considered together. In reviewing the research literature on the use of technology in education, we would like to introduce the concept of the three E'sExtensiveness, Effectiveness, and Endurance. Extensiveness refers to how widespread is the use of technology in education; effectiveness refers to improvement in human (faculty and student) satisfaction, student motivation, retention, and learning and endurance refers to the long-lasting continuation of an innovation. Extensiveness What has become of the ,1Q.1.1.gas5aillt ortilighpreducation bvnedia.and- technology enthusiasts? Do traditional systems of teaching prevail against all odds? Based on approximately 1,000 in-depth interviews with state commissioners, administrators, faculty, students, and alumni in six states, the question is raised: "Does Education Want What Technology Can Delivell"3 This study concluded that what is generally in. use (meaningwhat more than three-quarters'of the educational institutions of a particular type are using) is not very much different from what was generally in use'in the 50'schalkboard, a piece of chalk, some books, filmstrips, audio cassettes, projector of some sort, or an occasional computer terminal. 'Examined from a different perspective, in the late 70's, expenditure for technology constituted 0.3-0.5 percent of total expenditures at the elementary and secondary schools, 0.2-0.4 percent in vocational and 2-year colleges, and 0.5-1.1 percent in 4-year colleges and universities. In other words, the technological innovation that has skyrocketed in industry is rather limited and isolated in education. This is not surprising because technological innovation in education was mostly prompted by what technology could offer rather than what educators wanted. Even though media andlechnology enthusiasts oversell their products, the capabilities of technology will not in and of themselves create or even prompt changes in our educational activities. It is the people who are going to make a difference. In terms of extensiveness, printed materials have outscored every other technology. Although they have become second nature to use in education, they also had their day of being rejected and resisted. At the 139 -- Evaluating the Use 129 time.when the printing press was introduced, people's objections rallied around much the same themes as they do today against computersloss ot human factors, loss of jobs, necessity to learn new skills, discarding of traditionally cherished values, etc. Decades passed before the potentials of the printing press were acknowledged, utilized, and appreciated. The text and the printed word have endured in higher education for so long that no one cwill dream of questioning its effectiveness. Ironically, the computer technology that is resisted so much today will perhaps see the demise of the printing press, although new print technologies hold far- reaching promises. It has been estimated that by the end 'of the 80's, computer information transfer will be less expensive than print technology and will allow us to store whole libraries roughly the size of the Library of Congress in a computer.4 I.itoponents of video-disc claim that they can do the same or better with their discs. Telephone and radio, although widespread in their use for personal and commercial purposes, are rarely used in education. There are some isolated trials going on with this technology that require our consideration and exploration. These are the Satellite Tele Education Program ( STEP), Roche Laboratories, experiment on teleconferencing, the Cono Educational Network (CEN) in lows, and American Issues Radio Forum. Because the application of the telephone and radio in education is rather Ili-lilt-4ft is premature to discuss theiF effeetiveness and endurance. How extensive is the use of television in education? Next to the printing press, television perhaps enjoys an extensiveness of use that is worthy of being evaluated. With the initiation of distance learning (or open learning, as it is sometimes called), we can truly say that television has come of age. A 1980 report prepared for The Station College Executive Project in Adult Learning5 states that more than 1,800 of the nations' 2,993 colleges and universities use broadcast and nonbroadcast television for instruction. In 1978-79, 735 institutions offered more than 2,300 courses over television, enrolling 500,000 students in those courses. At the community college level, 789 out of 1,088 institutions (75 percent) make use of television for instruction. Of these, 349 colleges offered courses over broadcast television enrolling approximately 162,000 students in 1978-79.6 Intitast of colfiptirerre-elfirology,-the Unite-d-Statesis-the prime user and major exporter of computers. The report by the American Federation of Information Processing Societies7 mentioned that approximately 60 percent of the world's computers are used in this country. How does the use of computers in education measure up to this phenomegal growth of computers in industry? The Fourth Inventory of Computers in U.S. Higher Education and a servey conduced by CONDUII8 ( a national organization that evaluates and distributes computer-based instructional software) covering 3,595 departments and 4,489 faculty reveal the 140 130 Evaluating the yse following and we quote: The computer_ is an integral part of higher education only in the disciplines where it is a required skill for post-baccalaureate work. The computer Ls a teaching aid-is not widely used in higher education, but interest in applications such as tutorial materials in mathematics is growing A significant number of schools make little or no use of computing in the undergraduate institution. Computing equipment and software currently in place for instructional use is barely adequate for moderate use and inadequate for extensive use. Effective instructional soft.ware is increasingly the major factor in using the computeM in teaching Among those institutions not using the computer today, lack of faculty training is cited as the most important reason. Despite seridus baniers to the use of instructional computing an overwhelming number of department heads and instructors see their use of instructional computing increasing in the figure. Effectiveness of Instructionil Television ItiolFiNfill*-emnsiveness- of the use Cif technology in education is not exhilarating, the topic of effectiveness' is somewhat distressing. In the first place, research is available only in the areas 'of television and computers. The best results we can bring to your attention on instructional television (ITV) are by way of extensive review reports published periodically. One of these reviews9 published in 1967 summarizes the results of 421 comparisons between ITV andiraditional instruction (TI). NUMBER OF CASES Level Elementary Secondary College No $ignificant ITV More Difference gffective 50 82 24 16 22 , 7 28 152 24 TI More gffective 10 2 TOTAL 308 63 50 Another review10 examined 191 comparisons at the college level and reported that 102 of these comparisons favored ITV and 89 favored TI, although most of the differences were not significant When attitlides were considered, administratm were more likely to befavorable to ITV than teachers. At the college level, students seemed to prefer small discussion closes to television classes, and television classes to large lecture classes. In general, students were more favorable toward ITV 141 Evaluating' the Use 13 1 after they experienCed it than before. Unfortunately, liking ITV was not always correlated with learning from it. In the 70's, similar reviews were available. For instance, one review! I discussed approximately 862 studies that compared the effectiveness of ITV and TI and concluded that there was strong evidence that ITV which closely simulates TI was as effective as TI. Although there was very little evidence concerning the effectiveness of ITV used in ways that utilized -the unique capabilities of the medium, at least the uniqueness of the medium was recognized as an important factor. A number of students and teached had an unfavorable attitude to ITV, but the incidence of such attitude diminished as *institutions gained experience with the_ medium. ITV in distance learning programs seems to have yielded somewhat different results. Research conducted by the University of Mid America12 pointed but that ITV in distade learning perhaps acted as a pacer, motivating the students to keep up with their work. The completion rate was markedly improved for courses that included television broadcasts. Correspondence courses that did not use any television had an average completion rate of 25 percent, whereas those with broadcast television Jegistered an average completion rate of 65 percent. More spectacular was e cise in w -c 361 sufents-enrolleciln a diita-riceliaiiiiiig-Ebtide television .broadcasts were compared to 185 enrollees in a non-television course. The completion rates were 74 percent and 44 percent respectively. Effectiveness of Computer-Based Education There is-no simple uniform conclusion that can be drawn about the effectiveness of computer-based instruction. The instructional uses of the computer can be classified as: 1) learning about the computer, 2) learning through the computer, 3) learning with the computer, and 4) learning with oomputer support.13 Learning about the computer is the most rapidly growing aiea of instructional computing commonly known as data processing. Learning through the computer is more popularly called CAI (Computer Assisted /nstruction) and is represented by a student directly interacting with the computer for drill and practice. diaznostic 'testing, and tutorials. PLATO is a good example of this classification. gwiththecomputerrepresents-thecomputer-as-an-aid to learning and as an adjunct for the learner. Practical uses include simulation, gaming, problem solving, etc. Learning with computer support is probably the most expanding aspect of instructional computing within higher education. This is known as CMI (ComputerManaged/nstruction) and the expansion is taking place quietly and often without any notice of the computer's role. A significant percentage of colleges are using computer systems to aid in classroom management. In a summary of the studies conducted in the late 60!s and early 70's by institutions such as Florida State University, State University of New 142 132 Evaluating the We YOrk, University of Illinois, Univetsity of TeXas, and Stanford University, a conservative conclusion was that CAI is about as effective as traditional instruction when used as a replacement.14 The review concluded that the pattern of no significant difference depressing, to say the least. This is an uncomfortablein achievement is one hand, it is almost inevitable that the colleges will position. On the technology if they wish to increase productivity. On require the use of spite of considerable expenditures on educational the other hand, in technology, we have yet to find positive evidence of its impact on productivity. If cost . reduction (productivity) were the goal oftechnology rather than learning, there might be a greater chance of utilizing technology ana doing it well. In 1977,15 another reyiew article presented research of the 70's on CAI. Despite the large number of CAI projectsthe in existence, the number of methodologically sound evaluations was -quite meager, the results were conflicting, and what exists leads to the conclusion that CAI was at least as good as, if not better than, traditional ornon-traditional methods in terms of performance scores. However, nearly in all cases, there were time savings with CAL One can conclude, then, that research has shown CAI as a possible alternative to the, other methods but has notestablished--. ' teffoctivaless 'Vet another review of research On instructional computing published by the Florida Commissioner of Education Advisory Board on Instructional Computing16 examined the most recent studies-36 on CAI, half of which were experimental, 20 on CMI, and 12 on Computer Assisted Guidance (CAG). This report also included three major reviews published in 1974, 1975, and.1979. What the "In summary, results of research on CAI, report has to say is this: CMI, and CAG seem to indicate that computerized methods of all kinds are either better than or at least as effective as notl-computerized- methods in bringing about learning gains" (p. B-12). The report further stated that computermanaged learning seems to make a greater difference in productivity and lqprning and is more acceptable to teachers than computer-assisted learning, One of the problems with CAI is its simplistic approach to learning, Applications of CAI have not attemptediotonsider-studentvharattenstics-andliibjecfffiatter tiiiqueness. The frame-oriented approach in CAI develops a data base of lessons and expects the computer to transfer this, frame by frame, to the student. The student is This passive view of students is a legacy routed through the lesson. that CAI inheritedfrom the stimtilus-respOnse theory. The current trend is orientation towards the development of generative away from frame CAI systems in which algorithms are used to generate problems, questions, answers, and diagnostics. This approach is influenced by cognitive theories. In this area lies the challenge of the 80's for the use of computer technology in education. 143 . Evaluating the Use 133 a Individualization of learning is a necessity worthy of our attention and effort. Note that we have used the term "learning" instead of"instruction." We have done it deliberately to make our point that our attention and effort should focus OQ student learning. If the researsh of the"60's and 70's has a message for .us, 'it is that the capabilities of computer technology need to be exploited by the ingenuity of facility to create educationally sound environments for learning. Kearsley" describes four levels of individualization as follows: 1) arranging a predetermined instructional sequence conditional on different responses to pre-specified questions (the emphasis is on immediate feedback); 2) choosing subsequent instructiombased on a dynamic measure of performance on previous materials; 3) providing different presentation modes or instruc- tional sequences based on individual differences such as aptitudes, interests, or personality; 4) hypothesizing a 'Model of learning for each student consisting of procedures for presentation of instructional materials and assessment of performance (as learning occurs, the model is modified; this level enables the student to learn the material and gain "asightrintoJeaming,itse1f): - - What do these levels mean for us in education? Although a vast majority of the existing CAI programs belong in Level I , we have to raise the question: "Is it economically and educatiOnally sensible to computerize programmed texts?" We should also raise the question: "Is immediate feedback necessary and sufficient for all types of learning?" We think not. "Is there a need to promote reflective learning (selfcorrection learning) prior to providing feedback?" If your answer is "yes" (which of course is the case with us), then perhaps the effectiveness ofCMI at Levels 2 and 3 should be explored. This leaves us with Level 4 which, m our estimate, should be the subject for CAI programs. Miami-Dade's Experience For the pase 10 years, the faculty, advisors, and administrators at Miami-Dade CoMmunity College are using a multipurpose flexible CM1 system called RSVP (Response System with Variable Prescriptions). In the world of iiWP, you will not see stuaents sitting at the terminals interacting directly with the computer. In fact, there is nothing we can show you about the computer. Instead, we will show you faculty who are quitely redesigning their curriculum plans in order to provide individualized instruction for their students. The not-so-obyious changes that are taking place in this setup have led to collaborative work among educational technologists and content specialists, peer review and revision of curriculum design, learning activities and assessment tools, well thought out individualized and prescriptive feedback, and formative and summative evaluation. At the administrative level, the management of individualized learning the accuracy of record-keeping, the availability of research data for 134 Evaluating the Use evaluating and improving instruction, the, generation of statistics for federal and state reports, and the sharing of quality work among faculty are chief among the benefits mentioned for RSVP. At the faculty level, the possibilities for creating innovative RSVP coursewares, for providing necessary individual attention and response to snodents when they need reinforcement rather than when the faculty are reedy to give it, for making efficient and meaningful use of the time when f'aculty interact with their students, for being analytical about evaluating the RSVP coursewares, and for becoming expansive in their conceptualization of the teaching-learning pi ocess are frequently mentioned by the faculty who are using RSVP. At the student level, RSVP is a decisive winner. Whether RSVPois used in the lab or classroom or remote setting, the students endorse the RSVP system of instruction unequivocally. They cherish the privacy in becoming aware of their errors and the personalized feedback for correcting their errors, appreciate the "caring" shown by their faculty, and like the provision for self-paced learning. Tnational---and--international-recognition- earned-by=RS-VP-is-best--illustrated by the following two quotations. Particia Cross18 says: The Miami-Dade experience with the use of computers to manage individualization is pulling the rug out from under the defense of group instruction and semesters on grounds of fiscal and administrative necessitywhich is not necessarily to deny that group instruction may have its own contributions to Make to some forms of student learning. But the fact is that it is no longer necessary for economic or administrative reasons to organize education into semester-long courses taught to groups of students. We now have the freedom and the obligation to reassess the usefulness of our organization of education for its contribution to student learning (p. 17). Based on their study of the users of computer technology in higher education in the United States, Great Britain, and the European countries, McMahon and others19 state: We have chosen to include a short study of RSVP and its use at MiamiDade because it is probably the most extensive, and in many ways the most effective, compute rrmanaged open learning system now oeprating in the workL.. The RSVP System at Miami-Dade Community College is more effectively institutionalized than any date CML systems now operational in the United Kingdom (pp. 21, 25). Often people ask: "What is the payoff for Miami-Dade in using RSVP? Is retention improved? Are grades improved?" Although we cannot answer many of these questions in the affirmative with any degree of certainty, and clearly not with hard-core data, except in a few cases, we have found indications that RSVP improves student attitude and motivation and thereby their retention and performance. In one applica- tion in which RSVP is used to provide individualized prescriptive Evaluating the Use 135 feedback on students' writing, a significant difference between RSVP ahd non-RSVP groups was observed in the objective testComparative Guidance and Placement Program: Written English Expression. Since the completion of the experimental study in Winter, 1979, the RSVP writing program has continued to be used by more faculty for a greater number of students." & Summary of Effectiveness Most ofthe studies on educational technology engaged in sumrnative evaluation without proper formative evaluation. Consequently, the notso-positiVe results should not,be viewed with alarm but reflected upon carefully. It is common knowledge that a variety of technologies is available for communication. What is ignored, however, is that each of the technologies has developed a quality and character of its own. Flexibility and selectivity are the cornerstones for buildirg a technologyam.21 Flexibility provides various avenues for based instructional wpm learning The student population is as heterogeneous as the nation's pdople;thiffpriorleathing-arid-exPectationsvaryikdiitheit thaTitteris-- ' tics. What one can learn from an ITV, another might learn equally well, if not better, from print materials. Although.group-based delivery systems .generally do not cater to the individual student's needs, the potential to meet these learning preferences by virtue nf the use of multi-media adaptations exists. Each medium has its strengths and weaknesses. From the learners' perspectives, the medii can arouse their einOtionalinvolvement; pace their efforts, transmit information, highlight significant ideas, illustrate abstract concepts, clarify complex themes, stimulate thinking, foster problem-solving skills, and provide feedback. Selectivity means selecting a purpose for learning and selecting the medium that best matches the purpose for a particular student. Endurance Which of these techniques will endure in the future? In answering this question, we can present some speculations and forecasting. Christopher Dede,22 professor at the University of Houston, Texas, and President of the Education Section of the World Future Society, claims (in fact recommends) that the following avenues should be explored: 4) home TV, 2) portable _computers, 3) home terminals hooked to large computers, 4) videodiscs and personal compuers, 5) electronic communication and information processing. Future Survey, a publication of the World Future Society, provides us some forecasti that are also worthy of our consideration. For instance, in the November, 1980 issue,23 we fmd the following projections frail the .review of the most recent books: 1) Compiners will become dramatically smaller, the amount of information they can hold will continue to 146 136 Evalitating the Use increase, and costs will decline. In the early 1980's, computers will become the leading industry in the world. 2) Books will be compressed into chip form, with the new computerized version of a book available at something like 204, as raw material and distribution costs reduce sensationally with miniaturiz The long-term future will be dominated by the evolutio of machine intelligence to the UltraIntelligent Machine: a comp ter programmed to perform anyintellectual activity at least marginally better than man. 4) By the end of 1981, three incompatible videodisc systems will be battling for a U.S. consumer market that promises to outstrip the $65 billion annual color TV business. The array of incompatible players Will slow the market down at first But eventually, coupled with computer poOier, videodiscs promise to change the way that employees are trained, equipment is maintained, students are taught, and products are sold. 5) The convergence of the telephone, video, and print indsutries is now at hand, bringing changes, dismptions, threats, and opportunities to all of the major participants in these industries. Key.catalysts in this convergence include the develop- ment-vf-Viewdatrandother-tteliffolVeritiedgrovithin--eige-TV -services, and partial deregulation of the telephone and cable TV industries. With all these exuberadt projections, we need.to remember that the traditional classroom instruction and fixed time frame for assessment have prevailed in higher education. Beyond the chalkboard, the overhead projector is more often used in the classroom than all the other visual equipment A classic example of "old habits die hard': is the Dvorak vs. Qwerty typewriter keyboards. Despite the fact that the rearrangement of the keys in the Dvorak keyboard reduced training time by half and increased typing speed by 60 percent, the standard Qwerty keyboard has persisted because of tradition. , "CONCLUSION The major decision of new technology in education will be shaped by economic, social, and political factors. However, the benefits of changes tan be enhanced through careful attention to desirable faculty roles, student preparation, and more humane applications of technology. Technology is neVer independent of people. In fact, it is worthy of our concern only because it touches our lives Ls we create, understand, and use it. As we enter the 80's we are fortunate that the research Of the 60's and 70's has given us the realization thit the chip arid the transistor are no more than physical objects until their properties are realized by one or more human beings. Therefore, a true study of technology is the study of its relationship with those who create it and use. 124 As writers in this field note, the technology is moving ahead quickly with or without the planning of the educational community. Immediate action in planning f6r the future appears to be a general recommendation. 147 Evaluating the Use '137 If, in our preoccupation with itjqorclay responsiblities, we fail to reanhize the pervasive impact of technoligihl revolution and actively neglecting our plan for its-proper Utilization in education, we will be mission to shape the society whichdepends on quality outcomes from its educational system. It is a mind-boggling challenge. As we have stated have a vision beyond the learning elsewhere, "Those educators who environment of today, a receptive attitude toward change, and a shaping and pioneering spirit to persevere will have the privilege of inspirational controlling the technological inn6yations in education for and and imaginative forms of learning. Conversely, fear, insecurity choOse to dismiss the waves of the anxiety will prevail for those Who 5 (p: 80).fu REFERENCES: R.T. "PLATO AND TICCIT: AN I. Alderman. D.L, Appel, LR.,ina Murphy, April Evaluation of CAI in the Community College," Educational Technology, 1978, pp. 40-45. LT and Madams, G.F. Handbook on Formative and Summative EvaTuation-qrSlitarerit-Lidiftirtg;-Neve--York:ApicGraW=HillCompany, 1971, pp. 61-86. Technology Can Deliver?" in Computers 3. Ali, D.H. "Does Education Want What for Education (Eds) Seidel, R.J. and Rubin; and Communications-Implications M.L, New York: Academic Pmss Inc., 1977. Technology Efforts in Science 4. Molnar, A.R. "Viable Goals for New Educational September 1975, pp. 16-22. Education," Edicatiorial Technology, Corporation for 5. Munshi, KS. Telecourses: Reflections '80, Washington, D.C.: Public,Broadcasting, 1980. Washington, D.C.: 6. Kressel, M. (Ed) Adult Learning and Public Broadcasting, American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, 1980. Processing EquiPment, New Jersey:(the 7. World Markets for Electronic DataProcessing Societies, 1971. American Federation of Information Computing in 8. Johnson, J.W. "Getting from HeretoThere: The Status of Instructional December Horizons in Education Journal, Higher Edueation," Technobgical 1980, pp. 48-53, 57. from Television: What the Research Says. 9. Chu, G.C. and Schramm, W. Learning 1967. Stanfoni, California: Institute for Communications Rematch,the Message College 10. -Dubrm, R. and Hadley, RA. The Medium May Be Related to Instruction by TY. Eugene: University of Oregon Press,of1969. S. "The Effectiveness Alternative Instxuctional 11. Jamison, D., Suppea, P., aml Wells, Educational Research, 1974, 44: pp. 1-68. Media: A Survey," Review of A Report on the University of Mid12. Lipson, J. "Technology and Adult Education: September America Experiment," Technological Horizons in Education Journal, 1977, pp. 36-38. of Computers in Higher Education," in The Fourth 13. Zinn, K.L "Instructional Uses Princeton, Inventory qf Compufers in Higher:Education: An Intetpretive Report, New Jersey: EDUCDM, 1979. 0 14. Jamison, D. et aL, Op. cit. Instruction," Conceptual Issues In Computer-Assisted 15. Kearaley, G.P. "Sonic Instruction, August 1977, 4: pp.'8-16. Journal of Computer-Based Commissioner's Advisory 16. State of Florida. More Hands for Teachers, Report of the of Education, Tallahassee, - Committee on .Instructional Computing. Department February 1980. Insuuction." 17. Keasley, G.P. "Sane Conceptual Issues in Computer-Assisted August 1977, 4: pp. 8-16. Journal of Compiger-Based Instruction, 148 if 138 Evaluating the Use A . 18. Cross, P.K. "What Woulsd Happen if ...?" A paper presented at the the League fee Inrielation in the of Community College, Newport Beach,conference California, Match 1979. 19. McMahon, H.F., Anderson, LS.A., and Anderson, T.H. The Cornputer in the Management of Open Learning Systems, Report of the Council for Educational Technology, United Kingdom, 1979. 20. Anandam, K., Eisel, E., and Kotler, L "Effectiveness of a Computer-Based Feedback System for WritirVJournal ofComputer:Based Instructionp 1980,6: pp. 125-133, 21. Kelly., J.T. and Anandam, "Communicating with Distant Learners," in Using Mate Media for Learn*K.(Ed) Yarrington, IL Washington, D.C.: American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, 1979, pp. 71-80. 22. Dale, C.J. "Educational Technology: The Next Ten Years,"Instructional Innovator, March 1980, pp. 17-23. 23. Marien, M. (Ed) Future Suivey, Wa:ihington, D.C.: World Future Society, November 1980. 24. Meals, D.W. "Strategies for Human Resource Development Supporting Technology Transfer," Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 1980, 8: pp. 343-354. 25. Kelly, J.T. and Anandam, K. Op. cit. .149 tr\ c:14. c, Managing Technohnical Change in the Deis Public Schools_ . Nolan Estes The Universityof Texas at Austin Austin, Texas ihettle of this-paper strongly suggests that there may have been, something magic about the'teCiiniiiiigiCal Chiiiges .theDallas achools (hereafter, DISD) during the 1970's. Grantetthat many technological changes did occur is -indréated by at -least the following hard evidence, DISD, as much as- any urban school system: has more micro-computers in operation has produced more original computerized curricula courseware (Math, reading, bilingual) , has operationalized aflexible system for delivering state of the art instruetional television has integrate& large third generation computer information systems for administrative support with main frame instructional surort and with mini-computers, and has operationalized a total media instructioruil Stipoort systrA mom; others too r.umerous to mention here. 'This-paper focuses onaome of these suceesses with special mention regarding the processes which work...NI-is well as the failures whiCh sparked ideas for new technological change,thrusts. Of necessity, the order of presentation herein is somewhat atuned to the chronology of the 1975-80 period and the generalizations which are:thought to be useful in the 1980's maybe tempered with impending techkologice, educational and political changes which cannot be fully identified and assessed at this - iime. However, suffice it to say thatlechnological change in the schools was, and is, facilitated directly in proportion to which problems ire anticipated and solved efficiently and effectiyely. Problf4n areas which te&toz",,, impact technological change include but arnot 1. Political 139 .15a 140 Managing Change-Dallas 2. Fiscal 3. Technical 4. Instructional 5. Policy, Board and administrative 6. Managerial/administrative These will be .dealt with here in turn, with emphasis on the human relationships that are needed to facilitate the desired changes. Political Context first, consider the political context which is imperative. In 1915, DallAs was searching for a solution to its desegregation problems. .t "Quality Education" was the mission and taxpayers as well as educators were ready to "buy into" technology as one strategy to attain that desired quality. The organized education profession posed no major obstacles once it understood that technology would not replace teachers but rather would complement and extend their competencies. The student readiness for new technology was exceptionally high; they were searching for new avenues of expressionmagnet schools, computers and ETV were already among their expectations. DISD had a favorable political climate for technological change and this greatly facilitated the technological improvements enumerated earlier. No doubt, the poli6cal cliniate of the 1980's will be substantially different and should be assessed carefully and thoughtfully as new changes are planned. Among the things which will need to be addressed are: students will be, accustomed to computer chip applications through toys, games and the like. They should be'readier" for technology. many intelligent parents and citizens will be using microprocessors in home and work and demand this and other , technology in their schools. the organized education profession will have a larger and louaer voice in educational methodologysometimes for, sometimes against technological change.' Fiscal M atters And now to fiscal matters which affect technological change, let's review the DISD story. During 1973=79 particularly,, DISD had some limited local, state and federal resources above those needed to maintain i minimum education program. The local Board appointed funds to suppOrt a small cadre of technology development personnel programmers, analysts, systems planners end others. This local support, coupled with an aggressive search for outside funds (state and federal) enabledthe District to amass a technology development effort calculated 'to make a difference. It did, and the results are impressive! However, i5 I. Managing Change-Dallas 141 - those in the 1980's who expect to mount such an effort be aware of or atuned to: the taxpayer's dollar is buying less-and less, technology start-up costs ire escalating eve% though the technologies are improving by leaps and bounds,k labor intensive education's days or years may be numberedrand the watchword of the 1980's will be "productivity" and the asseisment guide will be student addevement All is not amiss here; it may very well be that the micro-computer and other new technologies will soon have their fmest day in court.. Technical . And now for the third area of problems in technological changes, the technical. Someone said that "the worse thing that can happen usually does." This is especially true when new technologies are introduced before they have been bebugged. DI SD had numerous Successes and failures here. Among the successes were the excellent technicians who were already aboard with several person-years of experience in working with educators. Another success was the technology development protocol and process already in place. Among the failures were several administrative and instructional support computer programs which were not cost-effective (they tied up the computer main frame so that no other users could obtain access). Altogether, a great deal was learned from these successes' and failures, notably: the Most valuable resource in technology change is trained technicians, , technicians need to have and/or develop ability to interact and communicate vith educators, parents and students, be absolutely certain that new technology hardware and software are restricted to pilot test settings until thoroughly debugged and evaluated, o specify the technology development protocol and adhere strictly to this plan, don't buy any technological "pig in a poke" just to be counted iniong the "in" group, and encourage staff technicians to assess continuously the state of the art technology .developments. Educational/Instructional 'No doubt, -there are other technical problems which will emerge; however, let's review some of the educational and instructional problem -areas. In DISD we were fortunate to have already developed a curriculum framework in 1975, a "Baseline Curriculuin," before we, entered substantially into technology curriculum applications develop, ment. this is highly essential. A great resource brought forward by this 152 142 Managing Change-Dadas activity was the corps of principals, teachers and parents who had participated. Also, a better defmition Of what the District expected of students in each grade and subject area emerged. Much later, as we 4., understood the sytemitic process for computerizing these curricula, we realized that the two development processes are complementarythe computer analysis of curriculum content tended to validate the efficacy of the prior curriculum decisions. Instructional problems do not end with curriculum decisions being made, rather they just begin. It is in the implementation of curriculum through technology applications that the knotty problems emerged. Again, it is highly essential that the new technology works without a glitch or hitch. Listed below are some of the strengths and/or problem areas to address: i. curriculum developers, especially curriculum writers, consultants and supervisors need to know and/or be thoroughly trained regarding the potential and limitations of-the new technology being utilized, retain new technology based instruction in tightly managed and controlled pilot test settings until it is sufficiently refmed to be reasonably successful with users throughout the district. Use two or more cycles of pilot testing and refining as necessary. at an early stage of the new technology development process begin to bring in the ultimate users (teachers, principals, parents and students) for orientation to the new technology and feedback to the initial developers. This helps train the users while keeping the developers honest and on-target, conduct continuous product evaluation and cost-effectiveness studies of the new techndlogy bgfore it is released for widespread dissemination. Remember, the goal should be to increase productivity while simultaneously reducing costs, and always specify Avhat is to be taught in the beginning, then, and only then, specify how technology may aid the teaching of that content. Later in the development process, the "how to" step mai, be .expected to cause changes in the original curriculum decisions. Policy/Administrative And now, let's examine the fifth area of concern affecting technological change, that of Board and Administrative policy. We could have discussed this area first, however, policies tend to focus on the four areas of concern already addressed and therefore, they were presented for background information. In DISD, we fortunately entered into major new technological changes by demonstrating to the Board that technology was the only way to supply information the Board needed for making informed decisions. This included a comprehensive computerized data 1 53 Managing Change:Dallas 143 base for each of school finance, teacher personnel, student personnel, school faciliteis and later purchasing. Once the Board was committed to its own information needs, the general policy framework was established and it was easy to extend these policies to instructional needs and to the schools. Some general administrative policies and regulations emerged as the administration saw the benefits which technology could bring; however, a few such administrator negotiations emerged only after various departments became convinced that hand processing was an artifact of the horse and buggy days.and that the computer's day had arrived. Some guidelines for developing Board and administrative policies which will facilitate technological changes include: focus Board policies on the broad arena ofwhat needs to`be done; administrative policies or regulations on the-how it is to be done, address the Board's needs in policies first, the administration's needs later,introduce the Board to new technology by demonstration (not telling about); provide hands-on experience wherever practicable, update Board policies periodically to encompass new technologies which may require such modifications, and cause the Board to reference each future action to a previously adopted.policy. Management Lastly, this presentation would be remiss without proper reference to the management and administration of technological change. If one accepts management as "causing desirable eyents and activities to happen," then the role of management, and therefore, the administration, is critical in the change process. In DISD, we established the administrative position that the management of technological change was one of the primary missions of administration. The administrative team concept of leadership, including all levels of administrators, was thoroughly indoctrinated with this administrative position. We literally "lived with" new technological applications as they emerged and made them an integral part of our daily lives. We lived and breathed computerized class scheduling, grade reporting, attendance accounting, fiscal accounting, student assessment, teacher personnel records and others too numerous to mention. Out of this effort grew a great deal of management expertise which can be couched in the following suggestions: administration at all levels must demonstrate reliance on and confidence in new technologies, each administrator must "get dirty with the data out with the troops," as technological changes Are implemented, complex technological changes require new management 15rocesses in order to coordinate the efforts of various departments and to monitor and assess continuously the effects of the 15 144 Managing Change-Dallas changes, and the management of technological change may very well be the most effective strategy available to administration for improving schooling and schools. v--I re (1 .C\1 Managing Technological Change in Montrmery County, Maryland Homer Elseroad Consultant ljamsville, Mar)land INTRODUCTION Over the past fifteen years several applications of computer technology to edueation have been implemented in the Montgothery County Public Schools. My task, for this meeting has been to review that experience to find what lessons we can glean from it that might guide our efforts at implementing technolog;cal change in education in the future. Fifteen years ago this selcocil system leased a small computer. It was operated by a staff of nineteen. This staff, organizationally placed in the finance department, supported certain fmancial functions. Their reportt were used by central office administrators and auditors. The rest of the several thousand staff menbers in the school system were unawake of and unaffected by these computer applications. Now the school system has outgrown its 371-58 computer operated full time 24 hours per day. There are 128 central office staff members working on computer applications. They collect data from and provide services anti reports to virtually every central office. The computer is also used in loccl school application such control of school funds, and reporting pupil as scheduling attendance, progress. Instructional uses of computers include computer assisted instruction (CAI), computer 'Managed instruction (CMI), teaching of computer literacy and computer operation, and terminals or small computers placed in individual schools for a range of scfiool administration and instruction uses. Thus, today I estimate that 3,000 staff members in the school system offices and 182 schools are using computers directly for part of their work. All 12,000 employees, state and federal officials and Montgomery County citizens are directly affected by computer applications because of the services and reports now provided with computer technology. < 156 145 146 Managing Change-Montgomery County Planning/Managing Change Change in eduation comes slowly and sometimes painfully. If real change is to occur it must be planned and managed with a keen awareness of the behavior of staff and the public, both affected by the contemplated changes. In preparing for my paper, I reviewed documents and interviewed people directly involved in developing and implementing applications of computer technology in education in Montgomery County over the past fifteen yews. Let me describe briefly four of the major events that influenced these developments. Task Force Appointed In 1965 a Board ofEducation appointed task application of computer technology. Fourteen force studied education County residents with professional experience and knowledge in computer technology studied what *as happening in other places, examined computer technology for administrative andcost effectivenestof using functions, identified new services that computer technology management could provide, evaluated the worth of those services, and studied the cost of different computer configurations, This task force met frequently with the Board of Education for public discussion. Interim reports were provided for staff fmal report of the task force laid out a master and public study. The plan for development of computer applications in the school system. Through this process staff, the Board and interested citizens became knoWledgeable about applications of computer technology to education. The long range plan provided a basis for implementation recommendations for Board action. R/D Project in Instruction A second major step in the evolving of computer technology in education in Montgomery County was a use six year research and development project in computer assisted instruction (CAI) managed instruction (CMI). This project, which began and computer in July 1968, responded to four concerns of the Board of Education and various citizen groups. Those concerns were: 1) Disappointing levels of pupil achievement in computation skills. With "new math" pupils were doing exceptionally well in math concepts, but drill had largely disappeared from books and teacher practice. Mastery of computational skills had declined 2) Special education. Special education was expanding. Handi-capped children and youth formerly not in public schools being enrolled A deeply felt unwillingness to were accept the low level of progress and achievement experienced by many special 157 'Managing Change-Montgomery County 147 education pupils prompted a search for better teaching methods for this population. 3) Greater individualization of instruction. Ten years of progress in reducing class size and emphasizing individualizing of instruction had not made much difference. The quest for better ways to individualize instruction and unlock pupils from progress by time blocks continued. 4) Search for economies. In a effort to off-set the high cost of reducing class size, various methods were sought to give teachers support and assistance. If non-teaching duties and routine tasks, that consumed teacher time and energy cduld be handled in another way, could teachers then successfully teach larger classes? During this same period of time certain other events were occurring which ultimately helped determine the strategy to be used by the school system in addressing the four concerns cited above. Those other events were: 1) Title III of ESEA enacted in 1965 provided money for research and innovation. 2) IBM was interested in field testing its newly developed 1500 series computer. 3) Following the 1965 Task Force Report there was a receptive climate for consideration of the use of computer technology in instruction. Given these circumstances, it's not surprising that the idea evolved that the four education concerns cited above might be addressed through CAI. A search of the literature revealed considerable evidence that such an approach held promise. Staff papers were prepared suggesting CAP programs that might bc implemented. These were discussed at Board meetings and given wide public distribution. As support developed and with Board approval, a proposal was submitted to the Title III office and negotiation begun with IBM. Program and funding approvals were received, detailed plans developed, and the research and development projeCt started. Its purposes were to: 1) Develop and test CAL instruction materials to be used in several aspects of the instructional program including: basic skills in math, math for retarded adolescents, individualizing instruction, and increased teacher efficiency. 2) Develop staff capability for effective use of CAI. 3) Identify and validate effective application of CAI. Actual instruction was conducted by teachers in the four CAI schools. A project staff of twelve prepared instructional materials, wrote computer programs, operated the computer, trained classroom teachers, helped with evaluation, proposed and developed additional CAI applications, 158 148 Managing Change-Montgomery County reported on the project, and maintained communications with board, staff and citizens. This staffdeveloped a high level of expertise, excellent morale, good rapport with school staff and earned the respect of school officials, board members and interested citizens. By the middle of the sixth year research and development phase, 16 modular instructional packages had been developed. Programs included elementary arithmetic-diagnostic and instructional, junior high arithmetic- diagnostic and drill, special education-arithmetic, and senior high algebra I and II, and geometry. In subsequent years a range of additional packages were developed from grade one phonics to elementary language arts to high school mechanical drawing, chemistry and French. During this same period computer literacy and vocational data processing were taught- in many high schools. Computer assisted counseling began. A Penn State University graduate course in early identification was used extensively in teacher training. Evaluating Researrh Results Research results were used to help guide program development. 41/2.chievernent gains for pupils and attitudes of pupils and teachers were very positive for most programs. Where this was not so, programs were modified or dropped. Generally, research results showed significantly greater achievement gains by CAI pupils over non-CAI pupils in elementary arithmetic. Special education results were the most dramatic. Teachers were able to provide more individualized instruction with computer support and CAI .geometry classes with 40 percent more pupils, did as well as smaller non-CAI classes. A CAI Project Advisory Council composed of representatives from the computer and instruction departments, CAI schools and interestid citizens played a significant role in coordinating this work among departments and school's. It also designed strategies for frequent Board and citizen reports and discussions throughout the life of the project. A reservoir of public and staff support resulted. Developing a Model MIS A third major event that influenced the development of computer technologyjn education in Montgomery County was ajoint MCPS-IBM Task Force to develop a model Comprehensive Educational Managerial Information System for a school district. This task force brought computer and education experts together for two years of work. Their model consisted of seven subsystems: Finance, Personnel, Pupil, Facilities, Material, CAI and CMI. With the benefit of this "model" a master plan for a total Information System for Montgomery County Schools was adopted by the Board. Organizational and equipment changes wyre made to facilitate implementation of the master plan. A Users Council composed of the five Associate Superintendents in the 5- 9 Managing Change-Montgomery County 149 school system met regularly to decide on priorities for subsystem applicition development and to assure good cooperation and coordination across departmentsa condition of utmost importance to success. Institutionalizing CAI and CMI The fourth major event was-the institutionalizing of the CAI and CMI applications which flowed from the six year (1968-1974) research and developthent project. This occurred in two phases. First, in 1974 the hard wire, limited capacity, 1500 computer was discontinued and all adMinistrative and instructional applications were brought together info a large computer operating with a common data base. At the same time, the Board adopted an implementation plan for moving CAI and CMI providing for moving programs into 13 elementary and 7 secondary schools in 1974-75. The second implementation phase adopted in 1975 called_for variations of CMr application for math instruction in all elementary schools, By 1979-80 this program, known as Instructional SysteM in Math (ISM), was in place in 77 schools. Recommendations Are there any lessons to be learned; generalizations to be made from this fifteen years of expereince that might help point the way for successful application of computer technology in the future? I think so. Of course the applications may be quite different, but the management strategies for accomplishing change may not be. Some of those strategies I think are: 1. Efforts to make changes In curriculum and instruction priorities . should grow out of real problems that have been identified through research, analysis, opinion polling and other, reliable techniques for collecting and evaluating data. Changes that produce visible relief to these well defmed problems are likely to maintain the kind of support necessary to sustain them. 2. Have written objectives to be achieved by proposed changes. These objectives should be simply stated so they are under- standable and meaningful to the average staff person and parent. They should be achievable. Nothh2gis more damaging to effecting long term change than making overly ambitious claims and then trying to explain away why they were not achieved; objective setting should be both long and short range. When short range objectives represent measurable increments of Progress and when evaluation data shows that those objectives are being 2chieved, confidence builds in both the managers of the process and the practices being implemented. 3. Research proposed changes to determine if they will in fact achieve the objectives. Search the literature for good data mi .6 0 1 150 Managing Change-Montgomery County relevant research and experience elsewhere. Change in educa- tion, especially change as complex as melding computer technology and education, is expensive and draining of staff energy "and time. It should not be undertaken unless there is powerful evidence to show that it is very likely to be successful. 4. Prepare a comprehensive plan for building understanding and for introduction and management of the change. It's best to have a broad base of participation in preparing this plan. This step is especially critical when applying computer technology to education. People are reluctant to give up their paper records. Teachers, who typically work alone, must learn to function as part of a team. All must acquire some degree of computer literacy. Training is required. Constant capacitytime, access, and prograMming must be built into the plan. Management procedures need to assure prompt resolution of disputes. 5. Too often efforts to change education have failed because they were sustained by one dynamic person and when that person left, or condifence in that individual eroded, the program collapsed. Applications of computer technology in education require major changes in staff behaviors and usually cost extra start-up money. They won't Succeed unless there is understanding and.commitment by staff and citizens. Take time to write up the plan. Meet with staff and interested citizens. Make sure the Board really believes in the undertaking. Involve staff and citizenslike Montgomery County's CAI Advisory Committeein guiding the new procedures. Keep a constant flow of information going to staff and citizens. Their Support will atrophy if it is not nurtured through the years of planning, introduction and institutionalization. 6. Project cost realistically and report regularly on actual expendi- tures. Distrust will develop if administrators are forever explaining why new programs cost more than was prpjected. Cost effectivéhess is an increasingly significant factor in education. Unless a proposed educational change has real longterm potential for saving money or increasing learning, it should not be undertaken. 7. Provide the management support system necessary to maintain the program. This is especially important in applying computer technology to education. In Montgomery County The Users Councils of the five associate superintendents which controlled allocation of computer time was critical. At one point, 90 percent of computer time during the work day was required to support CAI/CMI. Without this high level decision making authority, that would not have happened. Administrative tasks that have deadlines, like getting checks out, will pre-empt Managing Change-Monigomery Counly 151 computer time unless there is authority to control and allocate it. 8. Training, where computer applications are involved, requires special attention. 'For many the change will require an entirely new way of thinking and working. The technology is mysterious to most people. Giving up the security of old systems whether files of hard copy documents or the use of text book and paper and pencil learning activities comes hard. Thus, training must also help people cope with the personal behavior changes they face. 9. Staff the nes;qechnology application to education with a leader knowledgeabl8 in both fields, and who is also a good manager, teacher and motivator and has the respect of colleagues. Any change designed to be instittitionalized should not be staffed in start-up phases with only "super people." Such practice may lead to disappointment when the application is extended to the regular staff. 10. Begin any change in instruction or management procedures in a research mode. ewcumulate and evaluate data to determine how well tJplan is working. Make changes as necessary-Ito accompIijjanned activities. tdiscuss progress several times per year. Relate 11. Report progress to short and long term objectives established- in the master plan. Parents and staff are especially concerned where computer applications involve pupils and instruction. 12. Move through planned steps to full implementation. Each step should be manageable. Progress should move forward boldly with constant momentum, but never more in any one year than can be well staffed, supported and Managed. SUMMARY In summary, the most significant observation to be made in looking back over 15 years of applications of coMputer technology to education in one school system is that it evolved in a rather orderly, rational way with each new step building upon the expanded knowledge base and successes of earlier steps. The technology is ever changing. Specific applications to education therefore, will be different tomorrow than they were yesterday. The process, however, of effecting change for greater economy and/or effectiveness through deliberate steps that are attainable, well planned and well managed is still sound and still applicable. 162 reN M3naging Technology 'Change "MEcC: A Management History' cr% CD c\J John E. Haugo President, Edusystems Incorporated St. Paul, Minnesota (NJ L.L.1 INTRODUCTION The Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium (MECC). is an system: htMindesota to coordinate and provide compter services to students, teaehers and educational administrators throughout the state. MECC draws upon the resources of member systems and 75 professional staff in providing the overall review of computing plans and budgets; a statewide instnictional timesharing system; the support for microcomputers purchased through a state contract; the development of regionally:based management information systems; and support to a variety of special projects utilizing computers. MECC transcends the various organizational levels of education, serving elementary, secondozy, vocationakechnics4 and higher educational institutions. MECC is organized under the I 'statute which permits governmental units to form oint 'Powers Lay, a organization which cooperalively exercises the powers common taarteach of the entities forming th. organization: In the case of MECC, the entities who formed the consortium in 1973 are: the.Minnesota State University System (7 camputm), the Minnesota Community College System (18 campuses), the University of Minnesota (5 campuses), the State Department of Education (433 school districts), and the State Department ofMtninii: tration. The latter agency serves as a member because its statutoty authority relative to the State Univeraity and C unity College Systems. organization created by the four pcblic educational MECC has the dual 'roles of coordination and In its coordination role, it maintains a long range master planservice. and a biennial plan for educational computing in the state, and reviews and assists institutions in developing their annual computer plans. In its service role, 16 3 ,152 Managing Change-MECC 153 develops and im'MECC operates 'a Statewide timesharing network, systems, acts as a mantgement informatioe plements computer-based, supports the broker (or sirrilar SerViCCII from- member institutions, andcontracti for computer acquisition aed operation of Microcomputers, tqiiipment that can be used by its members. 4 Governance, of MECC MECC is goVerned by a sixteen-member Board of Direet;rs. The Board representing State Board of Education appoints six members tb the The three systems of and vocational education. "eleeientary, secondary, These members higher education each appoint two Board members. board members. The include high ivel administrators and governing appoints one member and the Governor Commissioner ofAdministation Tradilionally; one. of _the ippoints -three Meliiberi to the Baia college sector. The Governoes sPpointees has been from the private overall policy and governs the operation Boantef Directori establishes of the ivnsortium. structure consisting of a Planning The consortium also has an advisory and Services Review and Budgeting Committee and a Facilities, ieview of all proposals for is responsible for Committee. The latier group Additionally, there are a- number of standing user compute? services. forces. idvisory committees, and periodic ad,boc tatik . Funding (+- state sources. Almost all Funding for MECC his come pritearily from edecstional systems or appropriated to the four of the budget is either signs an annual agreement with comes from the school districts. MECC services-The leyel of servicbs fiinding reqUest snr1 amount of the contract are fixed prior to the system's provides around eighty percent., tO the legislature. This type of agreement MECC- Also provides instrub- of MECC's total budget requirements_ districts. , These Willa time-sharing services to the independent school per,teiminal annual user charge are billed to the school districts at a fixed the *cationsl systems to provide specific slightly less tllin twenty. access. This source of fielding represents for special projetts percent of MECC's total bpsiget:.Pther support comes from sources external to the State. Planning , is responsible for its own operational plan. Each membei of,MECC installation of computing For the seven regions this includes the staff works closely equipment uncler the master contract The mEcc plans. with the members'.ataffs in the vlevelopment of theseol the legislature, Beginning in Febtesry before each Iienniatsession interactively with ,theMECC the members assess their needs and work plan for the State. It is plani:hicli fall within the master staff to develop 164 154 Managing Change-MECC intended that die two staffs can igree on an operational plan for the next biennium before the members' staff takes takes its recommendations to its advisory committees. The members present their plans to their own advisory groups before they are officially transmitted to MECC. The MECC staff receives the plan as recommended by the members:. advisory grdup. They review .this verSion of the plan and make recominefidations -to-the Facilities and Services Review Committee. This standing-committee consists of a technically qualified peer group. After the review by the MECCstaff and the Facilities Committee, the plan is transmitted with recOmmendation to the mgcc Board of Directors for final approNial. S ervices MECC is divided into three operating divisions. The Instructional Services Division manages and operates the mgcc Timeshare System (MTS), a Control Data CYBER 73 with 425 user ports. At present, approximately 2,000 MTS computer terminals are located across the state in most public schools, all community colleges and pithlic uniirersities, and many of Minnesota's private schools. MECC also supports the acquisition, installation, an'd software support for approxi, mately 2000 Apple II microcomputers. User Services personnel serve the users at all levels by conducting workshops, producing curriculum materials, training teachers and teaching courses on instructional compuing. They also make available written materials ranging from periodic newsletters to curriculum .guides that can be used to help implement computer use in the classroom. A large multiplexing communications netCyork provides the means by which users access the, MTS computer. The computer has a progam library of over 950 timeshare and microcomputer programs that supplements curricula at the elementary, secondary and college levels. Progranlls in the library have been developed and/or contributed by MECC staff and -users. The Management Information Services Division performs tasks related td the development and imPlementation of management information or administrative data processing service; for elementary, secondary and vocational school districts. The services are provided through seven regionally-based service- centers located throughout the state. Comprehensive and flexible software haibeen developed and is being supported and maintained to scuPport the school district manager-nen:, data processing, and reporting needs in the areas of personnel, finance, student and instructional management. This Software operates on Burroughs B6800 series computers. The Special Projects Division initiates, implements, facilitates, and manages a wide range of activities related td the use of computers in education. In carrying out Its responsibility for project development, Special Projects staff become involved in activities ranging from the 165 Managing Change-MECC 155 initial exploration of a potential computer use to the implementation of ,major outside funded prcdects. iteseatch projects designed to explore a wide range of hypotheses related to computer use in education are conducted by the Division. Primary support for recent research lips come from the National Stience Foundation and- the National Institute of Education. Progress Towards Goals When MECC was established in 1973, a number of goals were identified for the Organization. The foremost goals and related MECC accomplishments are: 1. To achieve economy ofscale in computer hardware utilization and acquisition: There are a number of examples regarding the attainment of this goal. Perhaps the most significant economies have been gained in the acquisition of Management Information Services (MIS) host computers for the Elementary.Secondary Vocational (ESV) regional processing centers. To date, seven major host computer systems with total monthly costs of approximately $140,000 have been acquired at a 40 percent discount through a state master contract established by MECC. Additionally, various terminals and over 2,000 microcomputers have been acquired thmugh state contracts. In addition to price breaks associated with these acquisitions, the compatibility of equipment and time savings associated with procurement have Also benefited the state. In terms of the economy of use, the MIS systems as well as the MIS host computer all achieve high utilization and are permitting significant savings to users. 2. To achieve cost-effective.communications networking: MECO and its member systems currently provide instructional umesharing service to all the higher education institutions and 350 school districts throughout the state. The annual cost of this network is approximately a million afid a halfdollars. Because of the economies ofjoint use of the telecommunications systems as .well as the optimization of the configuration, it is estimated that this cost is Oproximately one-third of what it woukl have been had the network been established independent of the MECC planning,fictivity. Similar economies are also realized through the regionally-based MIS telecoMmunications networks. 3. To minimize system design-and development costs: There-are two major developments Which have helped minimize the costs associated with computers. The first is the statewide system development and support-of the elementary, secondary, voca- tional information system (ESV-IS). The software is being implemented at the regional ESV service, centers. The second major savings in software has been with the MIS system where 156 ,Managing Change-MEG-6 over 900 instructional cfmputer programs are part of timesharing and microcomputer libraries. They have been jointly developed and made accessible for all users throughout the state. 4. To share expertise and successful applications: Many computer programs, systems, triming materials, and usage models have been adapted .from Major service centers that existed prior to MECC. Most notable among these are the TIES regional center, the University of Minnegota MERITS5sYStem, and the Southern Minnesota School Computer Project based at Mankato University. It is difficult to quantify in terms of dollarsState the attainments related to this goal. Additionally, there has been a significant amount of"cross-fertilization" among various educational useis be,cause of participation in MECC services and advisory activities. 5. To assure uniformity and compatibility of data: The development and use of standard software utilized by all regional ESV centers is the most significant example of attainment of this goal. The information reported to, local school districts, regionalservice units, state and federal government are uniform in terms of definition and compatible terms of the mode in which the data tare transmitted. The higher education institutions have consolidated their administrative data processing or MIS services on major computers and as such have also achieved significant uniformity and compatibility of data. 6. To facilitate training of educators in regard to educational computing: In regard to instructional computing, over 500 workshops arid presentations are made annuallS, throughout the state. School and college users are typically visited basis to promote use of the computer as an effective on an annual tool. A significant amount of training related to the instructional MI'S system has also been conducted by MECCMECC staff' has worked closely with higher education faculty in deVelopingtheir cur'riculum course materials related to instructional and MIS computing services. Management and Governance Problems Inherent in the establishment of any organization are a number of economic, political, and technical problems. MECC, because of its unique nature as a statewide computer Service organization, has .encountered its share. The following include some of the have been encountered by the organization during its first problems that seven years of existence: 1. "Turf' concerns: At the time MECC was established, the larger educational entities had the most on-going computing activity. They had the least to gain from a statewide cooperative 167 Managing Change-MECC 157 computing activity. The maiority of the political probjems which MECC has had to deal with were because of the reluctance of the existing providers of computing services to participate in developments which were beneficial to the state as a whole. In addition, a number of newly created computer services groups have had difficulty identifying their role and, as such, have not always recognized the significance of the roles of MECC and the member systems. 2. Rejection oforiginal MTS host computer Because of a series of technical and political considerations, the original host computer used for the support of the statewide timesharing netWork did not meet acceptance requirements. This failure caused considerable concern among users, staff, and the legislature. Fortunately, the replacement system was installed with a minimal amount of problems and the network is nationally recognized for both the quality and quantity of services. 3. Overlapping governance structures: Along with the problems associated with role delineation is the fact that there currently are a number of governing boards with authority related to educational computing which include: the MECC Board, the member systems' governing Wards, regional governing boards, and local school district boards. Although there is rationale for the existence of each of these boards, the fact is that many governance issues are dealt with in a cumbersome, time consuming Manner because of the number and, in some cases, overlap of responsibility of these boards in regard to educational computing. 4. MECC review and services responsibilities: At times, concern has been raised about MECC's responsibility for coordination planning on one hand, and the.provision of services, on the other. Where MECC itself is one alternative as a provider of services, it has been felt that its review authority is somewhat inappropriate. The Board has chose to deal with this by having, separate advisory structures, namely, the Facilitiei and Services Review Committee and the Planning and Budgeting Council, to advise the Board on matters related to its regulatory and serVices roles. It is also felt that because of the composition of the Board (high level administrators and lay representatives), it is in a position to thake decisions regarding a potential area of conflict 5. Uniqueness of the orgaaization: Although it is true that there are regional and educational system cooperatives throughout the nation, there is no other state that has a statewide educational computing services cooperative for alr levels of education. As such, many of the problems that are encountered by MECC are unique and there are no other models to follow. This fact has 168 158 - Managing Change-MECC made the management tasks of the MECC Board and staff challenging. Hopefully, it will enable MECC to serve as a prototype statewide computing services cooperative. 6. Difficulty with administrative procedures: When MECC was initially established, they had adopted administrative personnel, accounting, payroll, etc. from the state and/or University of Minnesota. Legislation passed in the 1977 session required that IttECC become a part of State Civil Service. Because of the uniqueness of the organization, the high demand for data processing staff, and the need for_ flexibility because of changing annual goals, many frustrations in the administrative operations of MECC have been realized by staff Problems associated with cumbersome administrative procedures have impacted the timely completion of some of its annual objectives. .0MMARY It can be said that MECC has met primary goals and that it has been successful in terms of the overall purposes for which it was created. It should be pointed out, however, that this particular, approach to statewide coordination and delivery of services worked in Minnesota in a given point in time. It sould not be assumed that the WC C model would work for other states with different fmancial, political, and geographic considerations. Also, rapidly changing computer technology will require that the MECC services model, as well as other cooperative computing centers, be reevaluated periodically. Most of the problems that MECC has encountered have not been economic or technical, they have been political or human problems. As many individuals or organizations are involved in a cooperative decision process, it follows that conflicting interests sometimes affect decision making processes. Hopefully, MECC has achieved a balance of power, so to speak, in the manner in which decisions are made. If there is any one area in terms of governance that could be improved, it would be in the streamlining of the accountability to the rest of the state government. In summary, it slems that the need for cooperatively produced, specialized educational services is going to increase at the same time that enrollment and funds for education decrease. Hopefully, MECC will continue to provide the means by which one type of educational service, educational computing, can be eiTectively made available to educators in Minnesota. 1 63 re\ reN Managing thePevelopment of the Public C\J LU Telecommunications Center, Spokane, Washington Wolter Schoor General Manager, KSPS-TV Spokane, Washington INTRODUCTION The plain and simple fact is the Public Telecommunications Center began with two people struggling to- fmd a solution to an inherited problem. The two people were the Director of Engineering and myself, General Manager of KSPS-TV, a public television stationlicensed to the public schools of Spokane. The problem was to fmd a way to deliver instructional television programs to junior and senior high school classrooms. As manager of KS PS-TV and a school district employee, I was taking a great amount of criticism from teachers and administrators of junior and senior high schools over the station's "inability" to deliver any services to grades 7 through 12. In contrast, kindergarten through 6th grade classes were utilizing the over-the-air chiumel nicely. Responding to this problem, the KSPS-TV engineering department designed a closed-circuit cable system to interconnect all of the buildings in the Spokane schools. Just as the finishing estimates and design work were being completed, an announcement was made that the city council was going to consider an "emergency ordinance" to establish a cable franchise. One must keep in mind that in 1971 cable franchising was less competitive and less politically oriented..The city council realized that it 4, wu not going to be able to "give the franchise" away. Commercial television stations, local business leaders, and public broadcasters (KSPS7TV) requested that the cable issue be turned over to a committee of interested citizens. This committee would study the cable question and produce a reasonable set of specifications for potential cable bidders. Preparing for Cable I was appointed by the Superintendent of SchOols to represent School 159 .170 160 Spokane, Washington District 81 and KSPS-TV in those discussions. During 1972, meetings to develop cable specifications were regular and well publicized. It is interesting to note that only one of the institutions of higher. education attended any of these meetings or showed any particular interest in cable. It is important to focus briefly on this point because some of the higher educational institutions felt that Spokane Schools and KSPS-TV dominated educational channel capacitylater this attitude was a major management problem to overcome. After a year, the specifications were ready. The cable companies prepared proposals and the selection process began. (Having now lived on both sides ofthefranchising fence, I have seen some educational institutions shy away from the selection process apparently-because of its political nature. Other institutions openly and wholeheartedly embrace the process (not a particular company) and they will, in the long run, be the winner.) After Cox Cable was awarded the Spokane franchise, the higher educational institutions became fully aware of the progress that had been made in the educational arena by KSPS-TV and the public schools. These institutions began to get into the actsome through resentment and others through enthusiasm. The city council had already begun pressuring educational entities to cooperate, essentially saying, "Get your act together or forget it. We will not include you at all if you can't agree." At that time cable companies had to have letters of compliance fro'm the FCC before corstruction could be started. And, because Spokane was the first system to request five educational channels, it was necessary for all the educational parties to work together to show the FCC that five channels could be programmed effectively. Utilization Clause A portion of the Spokane cable ordinance deals with this issue of utilization; it was called the "use it or lose it clause." Excerpt from eity of Spokane cable ordinance: That a grantee shall reserve an initial five (5) channels, or such number as the F.C.C. shall allow, solely for education on a development basis. Upon completion of the basic trunk line, if it is found that 80% of the week days from September through May, both months inclusive, during any consecutive three (3) hour period for six (6) consecutive weeks, the number of these channels may be reduced to the extent necessary to meet this less than 80% level of usage. If it is also found that 80% of these channels are being used 80% of the week days from September through May, both months inclusive, during any consecutive three (3) hour period for six (6) weeks, additional channels may be requested to meet this more than 80% level of usage. These channels will all remain available to the schools without charge for a period of five (5) years beginning from the completion of the basic trunk line of the system, provided, however, that said channels shall be furnished without charge subsequent to-said five-year period if F.C.C. rules and regulations allow. 1 7i Spokane, Washington 161 With the utilization clause, the city council pressure for cooperation, and all of our- collective educational reputations on the line, it became evident that a cooperative venture was the proper way to proceed. The fortunate circumstances of having a strong public TV station licensed to a public school district with well over 10 years of television experience, carried the group along for the first few years while the cable system was being constructed. In addition, there was .considerable television interest at one of the community colleges and one private four-year institution. Inthe early stage of the Spokane system between 1973 and-1975; KSPSTV personnel abandoned the plans for a closed Circuit system since cable was imminent. Implementing Action Plan I unofficially assumed management of the Spokane consortium to begin to put into action what we had promised. The plan of action involved managing two distinct developing programs: One program involved designing a total public telecommunications center, including equipment acquisition. The other program involved the ifse of cable in the stcondary schools of Spokane. Let's discuss the secondary schools and cable first. The Spokane secondary school program had two beginning objectives: 1. Cite enthusiasm among secondary people (i.e., teachers and nts where there was little. 2. Develop a step-by-step construction program which included bot.'i hardware and software in eachjunior and senior high school. Spokane schools were fortunate to have educators and aeuninistrators who were interested and willing to saörifice time to start the program planning process. The pilot prOject, funded in part by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, began in the part of town where cable was first initiated. The project grew from four schools during the 1976-1977 school year, to eight schools during the 1977-1978 school year, and then eventually to all 13 secondary schools in 1978-1979. The management of the Spokane project meant balancing software acquisition and production with hardware acquisition and installation. Many l`chicken or egg" decisions threw the balance of progress one way or the other. Using any television in a school district requires making programming decisions, but using cable televiskin requires making programming, equipment and facility decisions. Almost every decision is going to cost money in both the short and long term. Television software and hardware both have very short lifetimes and are reoccurring expenses. Very few school administrators know that or want to admit it. The first step is to clearly identify how cable in the classroom will be used: 172 162 Spokane,' Washington _1. Transmitting prerecorded sequential TV programs for student use. 2. Nonzoqucntial Listractiov iv classroom. 3. Teacher training programs. 4. Locally produced outreach programs to dm community. .5. Additional training opportunities for students. The first two priorities were to deliver educational programs to the classroom. All the other uses together would not equal 10 percent of this. The second decision was a plan to equip classrooms and buildings properly so cable could be received in each classroom. We knew that was going to require a sizable capital expenditure. And, we knew that the school administration and the School Board were going to need some options. More importantly, we knew above all that nothing was going to happen all at once. Establishing Capital Expenditures In order to document a detailed capital expenditure program, we had to establish: 1. What the total package should be. 2. The timing of the project. 3. How many dollars would need to be spent to accomplish the task. 4. What would the acquisition of this type of equipment mean to the day to day operating expenses. 5. How would equipment be replaced as it wore out. 6. What were the'Sources of funds for the immediate expenditures. 7. What were the long run sources of funds for maintenance and replacement. There were several unique elements -ntend with in the cise of capital expenditures for cable and the c assroom: All students and teachers need to be treated similarly as fast as possible. Any long term (more than 3 years) proposal would never fly. Inflation being what it is, the quicker the better. If however all the hardware is installed and software is not ready there will be charges of misuse of dollars for "unused toys." We would have to proceed quickly on a broad basis to assure "something for everyone" or we would lack the support necessary to acquire administrative and board approval. A total plant design was worked out. The ultimate goal was to: Wire every full-time teaching station in the Spokane School , District Place a color, wall-mounted or otherwise permanent TV set at each teaching station. Provide each building with one channel "internal" closed circuit. system. 1 73 Spokane, Washington 163 Build a headend distribution cen r with: AFTD C ovhaekinvtord - 5 modulators - 7 time base correctors A routing switcher capable of simu eously: - Feeding all five channels Dubbing at least 2 separate progr - Recording at least 4 incoming sign s i.e., upstream from various studios throughout the syste , from Westar and Satcom satellites, from channel 7 mas r control, or studio production A computer capable of a: - Library function, including program right end dates, etc. - Machine control function - Programming function Once that plan was put in place, putting the sequen e together was a matter of finding possible sources of funding and defining a time schedule for the entire project. Planning Options What follows are planning options presented at regular intervals to the administration and board. These options provided both groups not only with close control of the progress dcthe system but also required them to become involved and interested in how the project was moving. Recommendations for the cable television program for 1980-el and 1981-82 include: Recommendation *1: Television Sets and Wiring of School Buildings Each of the following three proposals contain_ the recornmendatfons; however, the implementation schedule varies which affects the expenditure required. Proposal *1 (Spring 1980) Purchase TV sets to serve 65% of all secondary school $ 55,000 teaching stations-100 sets @ $550 = Purchase TV sets to serve 90% of all elementary school 265,650 teaching stations-483 @ $550 = 115,500 Wire all classrooms in all schools-462 @ $250 $435,150 AdvantagesTV set prices are now lower then any time before this, and lower than they will probably be next year.A bulk buy should save money. The television sets and wiring can be used now. The price to wire all schools at once, especially during the summer, will be better. 174 164 Spokane, Washington Disadvantages$436,150 is a large expenditure for one year. Pruposal *2. (Sprint,. _1980_ Purchase TV sets to Serve 60% of all secondary school _teaching stations-45 sets @ $550 = $ 24,750 purchase TV sets to serve 90% of all elementary school teaching stations-483 @ $550 = 265,650 $290,400 (Fall/Winter 1980) Wire classrooms at Adams, Franklin,'Hamblen, $115,000 Indian Trail,Logan, Madison, Pratt and 32,450 Linwood-172@ $250 $147,950 AdvantagesTV set prices are low now. The TV sets can used now. We have reduced out per-year expenditure requirement. DisadvantagesSome schools need wiring now. Wiring would have to be done during school time. Proposal *3 (1980-81) Purchase TV sets to serve 60% of all school classrooms-310 @ $550 $170,500 Wire classrooms at Adams, Franklin, Hamblen, Indian Trail, Logan, Madison, Pratt and Linwood-172 @ $250 =-43,000 $213,500 (1981-82) Purchase 218 TV sets to bring all elementary classrooms to 90% = $119,900 Wire remaining schools-290 rooms @ $250 = 72,500 $192,400 AdvantagesTV sets Would be improved at all levels. Schools with impaired reception would be helped. The expenditure is divided over a two-year period. DisadvantagesIt will cost more in the long run. Recommendation *2: Closed Circuit Television No decisions should be made regarding secondary school use of originating equipment and the intern program until the comprehensive study now under way is completed by the Basic Education Department, in cooperation with KSPS-TV, I.M.C., and Vocational Education. When this study is completed, May 1, 1980, consideration will have to be given to the recommendations. 175 Spokane, Washington 165 Recommendation *3: Maintenance icsps-!rv personnel continue to provide maintenance on district television equipment Recommendation #4: Play-Back Units at School 'In March of 1979, equipment was installed in all secondary schools to provide a basic one channel of local school playback capability This is working very well. Many requests have been received for additional pieces of equipment such as cameras and switchers to improve school production .of television programs. It is recommended that the single channel concept be continued for school playback capability. It is further recommended that no decision be made regarding purchases of additional cameras, tape recorders and other equipment until the Basic Education report (see Recommendation *2) is completed. The district purchased three portable color camera VTEcombinations for schools to be used on a check-out basis from KSPS-TV. The equipment has just arrived and is being checked out to schools. The results of this experiment will be reflected in the comprehensive report Seed Money The most obvious problem was an initial large amount of money would be necessary to put togetlblpet;,the headend origination center. This was not something that could done on a piecemeal basis. Cox Cable construction plans also had to be taken into consideration. We requested that Cox exceed their original channel capacity commitment and install seven-mile institutional cable from the Public Telecommunications Center to the Cox Master Terminal Center. Frankly, the Cox construction schedule gave us the necessary excuse to sequence our purchases and thus give the financing of the prqect breathing room. Fortunately a small demonstration program, the Telecommunication Demonstration Grant Program administered by Ann Erdman, was available through the Office of Education, Health, Education and Welfare. The maximum amount supposedly available for any particular demonstration was to be no more than $50,000. The timing of the grant requested, the grant maximum, and a more clearly defined cable construction schedule made it all the more necessary to get the total educational community better organized. Designing a Total Public Communications Center ihe loosely knit consortium hid been meeting only occasionally since the outset of the construction. No* that a significant portion of the system was built and cable connection penetration had reached a large 176 166 Spokane, Washington enough level, colleges were starting to think in terms of delivery of instructional materiallo subscriber's homes. The next stepthe most difficuk of the entire processwas convincing all of the colleges that a cohsortium was a much more effective and efficient way to operate a cable origilation center. With convincing the colleges accomplished, the consortium put collective strength and clout behind the' grant request to the Telecommunications Demonstration GrarkProgram. The grant request was for $169,000 rather dun $50,000, with 13 institutions co-signing the request. The result was a successful $169,000 grant to equip the origination center for use by all the institutions. The grant forced the issue of establishing long term goals ofthe consortium and devising a method qf financing the long term Operating costs. The consortium or C.A .B.LE: (Cable Advisory Board for Learning and Education) clearly defined these goals: 1. Work as the main organization representing all levels of public and private education and the public to establish guidelines for access to educational channels authorized by the City of Spokane and operated by the franshisee of the city-authorized CATV system; 2. Act as a "clearing house" for all educational constithencies to reduce Wasteful duplication of effort and resources in providing programming for the CATV system; 3. Encourage cooperation and sharing of resources among boardrepresented institutions and districts and other educational constituencies; 4. Help members impress their own administrations.with the many advantages inherent in thoroughly-planned, constructive use of CATV channels; and 5. Communicate to the community at Nrge the educitional and -- public affairs potential of CATV and to encourage their judicious use of available channels. 6. Develop specific programs, courses, workshops, seminars and/or other software to be presented on the CATV educational channels by Board-represented members, other educational/ instructional groups and organizations, and/or individuals, or any cooperative agreements among these constituencies; 7. Establish policy guidelines for priorities in the processing of all applications for access and use of the CATV channels set aside for educational development; 8. Develop specific recommendations, including suggested fees, when applicable, for the use of TV production facilities by Board representatives and the public; 9. Establish a procedure for considering all applications for access and to include in such procedure some mithod of appeal to 177 Spokane, Washington 167 ,thase applicants who think their material warrants higher priority or whose request has been rejected; A 10. Develop a "Procedural Guideline and TV Production and Preparation Recommendations" for all prospective users of the CATV educational channels; and 11. Through the medium of the Board established by this Agreement, seek cooperative agreements .with other institutions, consortia and public agencies in order to further the objectives of the Member institutions. In addition, the agreement established a managing institution to operate the center ahd maintain the equipment and provide administrative and paVroll structure. The agreement al,so outlined some general-policies that helped maintain a degree of professionalism and program continuity concerriing Use of all the channels fOr education. (Copies ofthe complete agreement can be obtained -by writing Walter Schaar, Director of Education and Information Services, Cox Cable Communications, Inc.) With the advent of the consortium agreement and the establishment of KSPS-TV/Schooi-District 81 as the managing institution, the major hurdles to organization were over. As of June, 1980, the managing institution is School District 81. The center einploys a manager, two full- , / time operatOra, one schedu1m, and uses at least one half perion for maintenance froM the KSPS-TV engineering stafr. The general manager of KSPS-TV is the chief executive officer of the operation. The director of telecommunications of KSPS-TV is sponsible f9r the maintenance acd equipment replacement procedures for the center. At this siage of the development, the center is just entoringinto itsfirst pure operational year. However, operations are running so smoothlythat organizations who are members of the consortium bvtAte.physically outside of the francliise- 'area are accessing funds to interconnect ffiernselves with microwave on a two-way basis. Figure 1-shoWS those interconnecting institutions with it dotted line interconnected. .° ':-.Cox Cable and the Ctmsortium have akso devslopedi.the upstream §apacity of Spokane's 35-channel systems so that 4. channels can be fed -siMultaneously up td the Public Telecommunications Center. This illoWs for two-way.use between institutions. 146i4o1ement of Center ' e management of the total center is now divided into two distinet ,elements. First, is the ongoing operations including ectimating yearly usagefand fees to be charged to cover thosefiours of use. Those estimates t ,mdst not only cover the hourly operating costs but also take into account ,.egilipment replacement: And secondly, encouraging all Consortium ;...,-members to develop original programs. 'The Consortium nOw operates much like a board of directors, electing 173 411, 168 Spoiane, Washingion 60114. Amosol 11 SalN&wawa171TAW 811 0.0 COX MASTER . 1111Num arest CnIloom TERMINAL SPOKANE PM:WC TELECOMMUNICATIONS CENTER C vTS Ilx0 n,`,,,, C .,. Otf.,,,, . ,Ct ,,,,,:/.. Z..,-Ct,, Coo.. ..... to...,.... .... 1to....cww aPH.1,* s,,, 11 t11 1 ,... V nrce No., ...tam,y, .....:44 , ' ':.,,',... ' 7' r "17 t";;;;" S ,et:::,..e. '''.......,, ,N,:'''.:, A *V'Z', " inA , ',<, s:',.. 1,,r7$,,,,,,, rr :, ter "' .,," ,n, I,, kers $% ...."./..% ''''*.'",I': 01, ^. ,..*.: , II Y=C; Cr...forro - , - , :s .ta - Crt r: Figure 1 a chairmen- who -is responsible for bringing the directors together to Conduct business. He or she also is the chief lialson with the manager of the Managing institution. The Consortium manager and the CEO of the managmg institution cooperate in the selection of personnel for the Cellar. The Consortium, tO this point, does not deal with either *grain production or acquisition as a group. Each institutiori is responsible to their own. The cable manager, howeyer does eupply each member institution with, pmgrain source liiforination and 41 _responsible for seeking new fundingsairces -for programs. At the present tithe -the Consortium Ihurds only the operation of the telecoMmunications center. ----; .1(9 o- Spokane, Washington 10 The cable Consortium has generated a high degree of cooperation. The two-year and foUr-year schools using telecouises have: Started to schedule in such a way to allow steady progress by a TV student. Hastened the establishment of credit transfers. Eliminated almost all duplication of programs. In addition, all members of the Consortium have started sharing equipment for special needs. When the final agreethent was signed in June, 1980; a survey was taken to see just what we had Managed to interconnect For a community of approximately 280,0001people, the resulti ót ihat survey were staggering: two 40' X 50' fully equipped studios four 30' X 40' fully equipped studios one 35' X 80' fully equipped. studio three instructional media centers at two 4-year institutions and one, two-year institution 10' Salor studio cameras $45,000 to $120,000 $43,000 . 14 ENG cameras $18,000 to -Over 200 .W VTR's twelve 2" Quad VTR's six post production studios And, the managers of this mass quantity of equipment and facilities meet once a month and willingly loan to other institutions. Several members of the Consortium are in the TV production and technician training business. Spokane Schools/KSPS-TV have an aotive high school intern program. Spokane Falls Community College his a well-established broadcast curriculum and GonzagaEastem Washingiqn University and Washington State University all have fourYear programs in broadcasting. One of the goals of the Consertium is to sequence these educational programs sp a young person could graduate from collegewith 6 to 8 years of both academic and hands-on experience. The management of the Consortium activities are really shared by the Consortium chairman,- the manager of the managing institutiOn, and the cable manager, who is hired by the first two. In contrast, the management of the use of cable by Spokane public schools is quite a different process and involves a geater number of people. The manager of the public TV station is responsible for the use of cable by Spokane public schools. The manager of KSPS-TV sets aSide all the' operational aspects of the center and is heavily involved in programming, production, acquisitiori, utilization, and maintenance, and operation of that equipment used .solely 13j, School District 81 personnel. Prc ;ram Content Program content is decided by the inatructional department. The instructional television coordinator reports to the superintendent of 180 170 . Spokane, Washi4ton instructiOn for coMent and to the general manager for logistic support i.e., production, proinotion, etc. Maintenance of the TV sets and interior wiring of the schools is under the direction of the TV station engineering department, with help from the school district physical plant department. This team of 21/2 people is responsible for 1,500 color TV sets, twenty 3/4" VTR's and all the building and construction equipment in 13 secondary schools and 38 elementary schools. This cost had to be projected in the original total plan as additional operation costs above and beyond the TV station maintenance. And,production of any kind whether it be in studio or done with remote truck on ENG including all post production editing is coordinated by the operational Each of these three department heads are responsible formanager. developing estimated budgets on a year-by-year basis. The total the use of the cable origination center by School operating budget of District 81 and the exclusive costs of school programming, production, and maintenance are combined by the general manager and shown as a separate accounting progam in the total KSPS-TV operating budget. SUMMARY The manager of KSPS-TV is the center of focus for the TV station and the entire telecommunications center. It is pethaps this that,has allowed the center to acquire its unique nature. Through the years of good faith in negotiating, all of the educational institutions in the area are convinced that the Public Telecommunication Center and an organization like C.A.B.L.E. is the most logical, effective, and efficient way to use multi-channel cable. 18i The Consortium Approach: Preserving Colle-ge-Decision=iMaking Pik Philip C. Dolce Director, Center for Public MediciProgromming Bergen Comihunity CoIlge --Paromus, New Jersey INTRODUCTION The subject of this book, technology and education, is most timely for it implies a partnerihip between a series of sophisticated methodologies and those established institutions charged with fulfilling the nation's formal instructional mission. The major question today is not the.. acceptance of technology, but rather its organized and systematized use in education.. Even the . most elementary textbook will reveal that organization and system (with the political and economic poWer which naturally flows from it) are as important as the machines in the actual application of any technology. A case in point is the use of media-based instruction in higher education. In an earlier era, advocates of this methodology were usually forced to deal -with such issues as the mere acceptance of the notion of media-based instruction; proving that this methodology was as valid as more traditional methods of instruction; and refuting the notion that tgt* teachers wouldIose their jobs or suffer a reduction in function or prestige if this technology were:accepted. While some of these questions linger on, there is no doubt that our major focus now must be concentrated not on acceptance but on .ck organized use. To be specific, what role will established institutions of higher education have in employing nrss media instruction and howyill these institutions assist in the future direction of the entire field. These questions are based on an assumption that colleges and universitiet should have a substantial role in determining any matter pertaining to higher education. However, this assumption is not shared universally. Robert L. Hilliard, who is presently on leave as chief of the Educational Broadcasting Branch of the Federal Communications Commission, is 171 182 172 The Consortium Approach one of a number of individuals who have advocated an Open University for America. However, he believes that the administration of an Open University "should not be in the hands of such traditional institutions as existing colleges and universities w,hich, on the whole, haye done little to show that they understand the relationship between media and education." Master Plans In general, institutions of higher education have suffered a loss-of power and prestige for the last ten or fifteen years. In the 1960's, master plans for higher education were rapidly put in place so that by 1970 virtually no state was without one. Under such master plans, decisionmaking power over such issues as admissions, budgets, tuition, and programs were removed from local control and placed in the hands of state officials. Reduced enrollments, combined with increased questions about the relationship between higher education and potential employment opportunities, contributed to a decline in prestige for institutions of higher learning. Ernest L. Boyer, Jr., President of the Carnegie Foundation, recently stated that "there is evidence abroad that the nation's colleges and universities are no longer the creative institutions they could be. They are tired, living on the intellectual legacy of the past." Media-Based Instruction Such attitudes and criticisms, no doubt, will affect organizational plans for media-based instruction. There is a tendencY to believe that established institutions cannot support the implementation of new concepts arid that an idea cannot be fostered unless it is nurtured in.an entirely different organizational structure. This has been reinforced by the fact that some of the most active opposition to media-based instruction in particular, and technology in general, was found on college campuses. It also is true that tradition and democratic participation usually slow down the centralized direction, efficiency, and speed under which new techniques can be deployed. While all of these statements have some basis in reality, they tend to ignore the remarkably adaptive nature of American higher education in general and the history of mediabased instruction in particular. Despite its technological base, media-based instruction in the United States is not a centralized movement. Instead, the strength of the movement was marked by voluntary local and regional efforts of institutions of higher education located in different parts of the country. One of the major reasons decision-inaking power was left tojndividual *colleges is that most state educational master plans ignored this field entirely. Similarly, those who controlled the nationwide radio and television network delivery systems were not overly concerned-about attemOing to organize what appeared to be such a marginal market. 18 3 .) The Consortium Approach 173 Therefore, unlike the British Open University or even elementary education in this country, media-based instruction struggled to find its own organizational base. In a number of areas around the country, media-based instruction was quitely fostered along naturarand rational lines of development. In many cases, institutions of higher education banded together to form constituency-based consortia which then utilized available technological delivery systems. Such an approach superseded local, county and in some cases state boundaries. Each region, therefore, was self-defined by the forces of geography, technology, and voluntary institutional alliance. These consortia served a number of functions. They allowed colleges to pool resources and expertise while deriving cost-sharing benefits for the leasing and administration of media-based instructional material. Consortia provided a forum for democratic participation in decisionmaking and an organization for mutual support. They served as a bridge between two-year and four-year public and private colleges, thus reducing competition and resolving issues of territoriality. Membership in such organizations gave colleges the flexibility of participating in some projects but not in others without the threat of total exclusion. In many cases, the voluntary and gradual development of media-based instruction reduced ,the fear of technology on college campuses. It allowed institutions of higher learning to adjust their programs and procedures to accommodate the new technology. Consortia Consortia also enabled colleges to rationalize technological delivery systems which not only cross traditional college boundaries_but political ones as weli. This, of course, encouraged local commercial, cable and public television stations to provide broadcast time which would not have been forthcoming otherwise. As Elton Rule, President of.ABC, noted: The consortiuM concept not only enables broadcasters to respond more effectively to the zducational needs of the communities, but helps us to allocate the fmite amount of time. we have to offer on a more equitable basis for all. Regional consortia, therefore, have successfidly demonstrated an ability to merge educational autonomy with a technological base which can serve all its members. Thomas W. Hobbs, of Seminole Community College, might have been describing most of these organizations when he stated that the Florida Consortium "was 'designed to meet the needs of the individual colleges and was not superimposed upon the system at the state level." The lack of imposed structure and uniformity allowed for wide experimentation to improve the learning experience of students who utilized media-based instruction. The absence of bureaucratic rules fostered innovation and imagination on local college campuses to recruit 1'8 4 174 The Consortium Approach and then service "nontraditional" students. These efforts were encouraged and enhanced by consortia activities. A series of recent seminars entitled "Working with Telecourses," sponsored by the National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB), found a consistent belief that consortium activities fostered better services to students. The importance of regional consortia cannot be overstated. They represent the grassroots movement that characterize media-based instruction in this country. Today, there are over a dozen major consortia in the United States. No two of these consortia are exactly alike. Examples of various types of regional consortia include: The Capital Area Higher Education Mass Media Council The Capitol Area Higher Education Mass Media Council is a newly formed organization which represents the interests of eleven two-year and four-year public and prii,ate instinitions of higher learning in Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. The Council seeks to act as a systematic liaison with public and commercial broadcasters, cable companies, and radio stations. WETA and WVET and the Consortiuth for Continuing Education of Northern Virginia already are working with CAHEMIK. The Tri-State College Consortium The Tri-State Consortium, (soon to be renamed the Eastern Educational Consortium), was founded in 1973 and consisted of twelve colleges working with one PBS station. Today the organization is the second largest media-based consortium in the United States with fiftyfive two-year and four-year public and private colleges in New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, and parts of Pennsylvania and Delaware. Its unique organizational configuration is due to long-standing historic trends in higher education and the overlap of technological delivery systems. The consortium has reached the limits of its geographic service area and currently works cooperatively with commercial television (ABC affiliates in New York and Philadelphia, and WOR), public television (New Jersey Public Television and members of the New York network of PBS stations), and cable television (over 20 companies' including UA Columbia, Cablevision, Suburban Cable, etc.). The Consortium offers four telecourses a year and provides video duplication and other support services to members. The Southern California Consortium The Southern California Consortium for Community College Television, a cooperative liaison of 34 Community colleges and six counties in the Los Angeles area, was formed in 1970 as an 185 The Consortium Approach 175 organization dedicated to the.production and distribution of collegecredit courses via broadcast television. Two hundred seventyLfive thousand students have enrolled in courses that the Consortium has offered. Currently ten broadcast television stations are involved in this effort: major network affiliates (ABC, CBS, NBC), independent broadcasters, and both community-based and college-licensed public television stations. At least 25 courses are offered for credit each year. Courses produced by the consortium are marketed nationally. The Florida State Consortium The Florida Community College Radio and Television Consortium was formed in 1973: to provide channels for users of media-based instructional programs; to share ideas, experiences, and costs; and to reduce the costs incurred by individual institutions in the use of television-based instruction. The state of Florida is broken up into six regions based on broadcast signal coverage areas. The courses offered vary within the legion. It is true that active opposition to media-based instruction was most vocal on college campuses. However, we should also recognize that whatever success this field has enjoyed has been due to the innovative role certain individual colleges (such as Coast, Dallas, Chicago, MiamiDade and the University of Maryland) have played. It is also due to the strong efforts of regional consortia including those previously mentioned plus others that come to mind, such as The University of Mid-America and the Appalachian regional consortium. Not surprisingly, many of the innovative colleges cited above also belong to regional consortia which service their geographic areas. Success in this field has been substantial since approximately 500,000 students annually enroll in organized instructional experiences designed for delivery by mass media. These results were achieved within an organizational plan which has been naturally emerging for almost a decade and is rooted in the full participation of existing institutions of higher .education. The AACJC Mass Media Task Force has strenuously encouraged national cooperation, but recognized that the strength of media-based instruction "lies in the optimal use of local distribution outlets and provision of services tailored to the needs of local learners." Organizational Alternatives Due to the current level of success of media-based instruction, new opportunities have emerged for massive funding and national distribution of material. There is a defmite feeling that we are on the brink of a tremendous breakthrough in the use of technology. This has naturally led to discussions about the organization or rather the reorganization of the field. Perhaps state or federal officials should be charged with the responsibilities of implementing mass-media instruction? Perhaps a s6 176 The Consortium Approach series of experimental colleges should be entrusted with responsibilities for serving student needs or a national university should be established? Perhaps the delivery of all Ostructional material should be funneled through one agency to maiiaie impact? Such ideas deserve careful consideration. Hopefully, we also will carefully consider the successful pattern of development which has emerged over the last decade. This pattern has united innovation with tradition by preserving the decision-making power of existing institutions of higher learning through constituency- based regional consortia. National programs, including technologicallybased ones, do not necessarily imply the need for a highly centralized decision-making apparatus, especially in America. Professional planners have long recognized that a regional approach to certain crucial public policy Matters is highly desirable, especially if they transcend political boundaries. For instance, housing, transportation, and open space utilization were all considered to be the responsibility of local and state officials. Yet these officials could not cope with such problems which extended beyond their jurisdiction because of natural geographic and technological factors. A frequently used alternative was to impose tiniform national solutions to offset local and state parochialism. However, many federal officials have come to recognize that highly centralized decision-making employs a strategy which completely disregards established practices and traditions. In addition, national decision-making also fails to recognize local and regional differences and imposes a uniformity of practice which cannot be sustained in certain geographic regions. Most importantly, such actions usually fail to build a consensus based on meaningful participation of representative institutions. Therefore, the federal government has tried to counteract these negative effects by establishing regional planning authorities which transcend local political boundaries, but recognize the natural and historic forces which helped to shape a geographic area. Interestingly, media-based consortia have acted in much the same way as regional planning agencies. A common sense solution is to build on the organization pattern which has already .emerged. The idea of preserving the college's decisionmaking power in media-based instruction should not be viewed as a gift to institutions of higher education. In fact, jt was their work and that of their voluntary organizations which gave life to this field. Regional consortia have already begun to cooperate on a number of issues and this effort should be encouraged. It is not too difficult to iniagine that this dialogue might lead to a national association of consortia. Such an' organization would help determine those issues which traverse the entire countiy. Thus local, regional and national concerns would be accounted for in an organizational pattern based on the real participation of -institutions of higher learning. In order to insure this organizational 54 7 7he Consortium Approach 177 pattern, regional consortia have and will continue to assume the following responsibilities: I ) To provide an administrative framework that permits democratic participation from its membership while also providing a strong regional voice for higher edw:dion: 2) To provide support services to member colleges. 3) To assure that all technological delivery systems (public and commercial broadcast, cable, radio, newspapers and self-paced home study) are open and available to its membership. 4) To pool fmancial resources to make media-based instruction cost efficient, 5) To pool expertise and experience to Continually improve the state of media-based instruction. 6) To work collectively with other regional consortia in order to effectively influence and develop national policy on telecommunications. 7) To encourage the development of similar regional groups in areas of the country where they do not presently exist, in order to insure that all geographic areas receive constituency-based direction and are fairly represented in national decision-making. SUMMARY Educational technology necessarily involves a concept of partnership. Those who control the means of mass distribution on a local or regional level such as cable companies, radio and television stations (both commercial and public), as well as newspapers always have been essential to the success of the field. These long-standing partnerihips between colleges and local stations are beginning to be formalized in consortia arrangements. Similarly, state educational authorities and regional planning agencies have an important role to play in the utilization of educational technology. T'..7.; diverse interests of so many groups can only be accommodated in a regional configuration in which all have a strong sense of responsibility. Mass media is only one aspect of the technological revolution whIch will impact on higher education. The home computer, the video disc, teletext, and other microelectronic methodobgies are rapidly gaining attention. We will soombe facing the same problems of their organized and systematized use. It is evident that the academic community must be heavily involvE0 in these activities. Individually, colleges are not strong enough to control or even influence this movement. On the other hand, a national organization which claims to represent the interests of all institutions of higher education cannot provide access for meaningful participation by its membership. However, the collective strength of regional consortia combines the power of a national organization with the full participation inherent in local assemblies. In addition, consortia could expand their role to include many different types of technologies. Thus, these., organizations should evolve into regional learning centgs within easy access of member colleges. 188 178 4, 0 The Cons() lium Approach Too often technology has been associated closely with efficiency and centralized direction in its brganized use. Older organizational concepts such as voluntarism, tradition, local control, and participation are approach confuses means with ends and gives technology a life of an its reality, technology should provide a service to help improve own. In condition. This service is enriched rather i.han limited the human by the full participation of those institutions thought to undermine the effectiveness of technology. Such destiny of the nation. 189 already entrusted with the educational Accreditation and Technology Issues JenvW.Miller Director, Division of Academic Affairs qnd lnsiNtional Relations American council on Education Washington, D.C. INTRODucTIoN . Accreditation issues raised by the use of educational technology are not substantially different from those raised during the decade of the seventies by the nontraditional education movement.* Simply put, with the coming of nontraditional pducation, of which instruction by technology is a part, judgmenta about quality now have to be made on the basii of considerations that go beyond educational and decision-making processes, educational resources, and qualifications of faculty to focus More on educational outcomes. The nontraditional educational movement pit accreditaticgtmto a role th at it has not historically savored. The accreditation frati ity through the years has preferred to emphasize the improvenient of quality fiinction of Accreditation over providing assurances about the validity of creden- tials awarded by colleges and universities. This latter function of accreditation embodies the consumer protection concern that4came to the fore in the early seventies and which now may be receding as the primary raison d'etre.of accreditation. In elaborating these points, it is necessary to review some key historical aspects of accreditation and some of its fundamental assptions: Only then can the accreditation issues raised by nontraditional education be understood. Meaning of Accreditation Acciedited status awarded by a recognized accrediting agency is a For Purpoees _of this presentation, instruction by technology is referred to Ls nontraditionarethcation. 179 19 0 180 Accreditation public expression of confidence in the expertise and integrity of the accredited institution 'in meetingthe-minimum standards of educational quality. But that status meant many thingt to many people. its most common meaning to the public at large, although rarely lever itated so _directly or franldy by an accrediting agency, hinges on the question of Whether the degree or course credits earned at the institution in question are any good. How does the degree compare in the marketplace with degrees conferred by other institutions? Will it be 4plued and rewarded by employers and other educational institutions? QUeStiOILS regarding the validity of recognition conferred for educational accomplishment by an educational institution stem from the uses of educational CredeAtials in our society. Credentials is a broadly used term, Often expressed in common parlance as he or she "has the credentials for the job." Ile speaker of such a phrase most often is referring to formal recognition of educational accomplishment conferred 'by an accredited institution, although successful work experience is sometimes a factor. The frequency with which the reference is made points up the central role of credentials in a complex, highly mobile, and technological society. Firms, clients, or patients in need of esoteric services, when left solely to their own devices, are often unable or unWilling to make judgments about the qualifications of a person to do a competent job: Formal Credeetialing, therefore; becomes ail important social service and is likely:to besomeeven more important as society and the economy becomes tnore complex and specialized. Thus, the validity of educational credentials, or educational standards as some might prefer, will likely .be a continuing public concern. Tq emphasize a point Made earlier, accreditation will likely remain important in assuring the validity of degiees and other recognition, such as course credits, conferred by educational institutions: Accreditation Considerations NM With particular reference to the validity of recognition for educational accomplishment, accreditation has sought to assure the following: ( I) that there is a faculty that is expert in the requisite fields of knowledge and skills, (2) that the facility has defined the requirements for the award of the degree, (3) thafthe faculty has determined how these requirements can be met by the student seeking to qualify, and (4) that reliable and valid processes are in place and used to test the knowledge and to measure the skills certified by the degree. if such stepsliave been taken, there should be a high correlation between the award and the competence of the holder. Before the days of nontraditional education life was much more simple for the accreditation community. The evidence it required in order to make a public expression of confidence in an institution was more straight- forward Azcrediting concerns were manifested differently by the 191 Accreditation 181 several agencies in the way they wrote,Their standards. Generally and somewhat over simplified here for purposes of brevity, the standards, however stated, dealt with the following concerns: qualifications of the faculty; resources available to the faculty and student body (classrooms, laboratories, lihpry); proper decision-making processes `and organizational consideration; essential to support the educational process; and qualifications of stUdents admitted to undertake study. Edudational outcomes that speak to the validity of the degrees awarded, while not ignored, were not the focus of the accreditation. To a very,great extent, accreditation twined satisfactory educational outcomes dell the othir considerations were met. And those easumptions hr.:i a great deal of validity. Accreditors lives bebame a great dee more complicated with the advent of nontraditional education. Interest in nontraditionaladnation . was accompained by a movement to accelerate the practices and to improve the piocedbres by .which educational-institutions could, with confidence and validity, award credit for learning that was achieved outaide the formal sponsorship of accredited colleges and universities. All the traditional benchmarks on which accreditation has relied for so long were not as sacrosanct now, if indeed they were valid considerations al all. It was in the seventies that the term "educational outcomes" came to the fore not onlY for curriculum designers but also for accreditors. Fducational proofs:, organizational structure, resourceile obviously still important to a quality educational experiencewere nonetheless becoming loss critical benchmarks to support the accreditation decision. Accreditation still tilts ia the direction ofits traditional considerations but it has made great strides philosophically aid technically in accommOdating the nontraditional educational movement. But with that desirable shift,* accreditation has fueled its critics, 'a substantial body of which has always been around to yelp at the heels of the accreditors but few of whom offer constructive suggestions.fO'r improvement Many critics say accreditation has gone too far 31 aCcomModating nootradOonal educa- tional approaches and as ai ,rult educational standards in the great majority of institutions are sliming. Many astute educational 'lenders agree the standards are slipping. But to blame it all on nontraditional'education goes fir beyond reasonThere is as much evidence of educadonal malpractice in the traditional classroom on the traditional camput using traditional faculty And traditional methods as there is in the nontraditional sector. Thvachool board which announced that it would administer a basic test to prospective teachers to assure they could handle the language atthe 10th "trade level said a greatdeal about standards in the traditional classroom. Those prospective teacher hireswere not likely to have been enrolled in a -nontraditional English composition, course or to have been taught 192 182 Accreditation Eng lig: composition by the school of education, to cite another whipping boy. Role of Faculty The gatekeeper of standards for student accomplishment is the testing and certification function of faculty, whether it be traditional or nontraditional education. Expert judgment, given the nature of the educational process and the limitations of education measurement, is essential. And the greatest critical mass of expert judgment resides in a qualified faculty. How a qualified faculty spends its time may shift substantially as it becomes more involved in nontraditional education. Faculty traditionally have performed these tasks: course and curriculum design, instnicting, testing and certifying counseling, and, in some cases, research. With nontraditional education approaches, faculty may need to spend more time testing and evaluating learning (including that attained outside institutional sponsorship), certifying, and counseling students on ways to achieve their educational objectives through nontraditional means. The major* of faculty, many believe, are uncomfortable with their teiting and certifying responsibilities. Although always a critically important responsibility in terms of the student interests and welfare, and the maintenance of academic standards, few faculty have been formally trained in this highly complex function. They are most comfortable in carrying out the testing and certifying responsibility when they also have first-hand knowledge of and aie in control of the subject mattes materials in which the student is being tested and accomplishments certified. In dealing with accreditation issues relevant to edutational technology, it is important to mention two Other forms of "accreditation" which are known by other terms so as not to confuse them with the activities of accrediting agencies. The two are course equivalency evaluations and standardized testing. The American Council on Education has since 1945 evaluated formal military training using teams of faculty from accredited institutions who teach comparable subject matter on their home campuses, to establish a formal military course's credit equivalency in the college curriculum. These judgments rendered by faculty under guidelines and procedures approved by the Council become ACE's credit recommendations. This process was extended in 1975 to courses .offered by business and industry. The recommendations, accepted by the majority &colleges and universities, are a useful and valid means of providing recognition for learning attained in such settings. In this manner, students can combine such learning with further study at colleges and universities to achieve their educational otjective, usually a degree. The Educational Testing Service and the College Entrance Examina- tion Board have for several years combined their resources to make 13 Accreditation 183 available the College Level Examination Program. A high percentage of institutions use the examinations to evaluate learning attained in a variety of ways and apply the satisfactomresults of such testing towards degree requirements. To return to an earlier point, a key consideration in both the ACE programs and the ETS-College Board effort is the use of faculty experts in making the evaluative judgments and in designing and reviewing the examinations. What is the significance of the above background for accredation issues in educational technology? What lessons can be learned by educational technology from the nontraditional education movement? Several are .suggested: I. Credentialing and accreditation issues are inseparable. The major concern of accrediting should address the question of whether the recognition conferreda degree, certificate, or course creditsactually are a proxy for validated learning. 2. If the educational outcomes of instruction by educational* technology are intended to be credit applicable towards a deree, testing and certification should go hand-in-hand with course and curriculum design. This involves qualified faculty. 3. Assuming not all instruction available through educational technology will be sponsored by colleges and universities, thought should be given to adapting the ACE credit equivalency recommendation process or the CLEP model to help the learners achieve recognition by accredited colleges and universities. Even in cases where it is sponsored by an institution but it is also open broadcast some may participate who later want to earn credit 4. The beneficial aspects of formal recognition for learning shoUld not be overlooked. Degiees, and even course credits, are a social accolade for learning which motivate people to learn. Testing and grading are also important because many learners want to be assured they. have accomplished something worthwhile. SUMMARY In summary, the use of qualified faculty in making educational policy for instructional technology ,and in testing and certifying learning outcomes is essential. Given proper attention to that concern, there Should be no other insurmountable accreditation issues. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Andrews, G.J.,A sussing Nontraditional Education,4 Volumes, Washington, D.C.: Council on Postsecondary Accreditation, 1979. 2. Miller, JW. and Mills, Olive,. Credentialing Educational Accomplishment, Washington, D.C.: American Council on Education, 1978. 194 r.4 Deploying Educational Technology at an Independent, Urban Institution S. A. Guralnick Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, Illinois C7N L.L1 INTRODUCTION As I'm sure you are all well aware, educational technology is, front a purely institutional point of view, a means to an end not an end in itself. It is, therefore crucially important to a successful deployment of a new technology to carefully define the institution's goals as well as to carefully investigate the merits of various strattgies and tactics to achieve these goals. In this paper I shall first outline some of the issues that must be faced and effectvely dealt with to successfully accomplish the rather large sof& changes thst are inevitably associated with the institute-wide deployment of educational technology. Second, I shall describe the deployment-of an interactive, instructional television system at Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago as a case study. Third, and last, I shall briefly touch upon some of the aspects of financing the interactive, instructional television network at Related Issues ke) Ch. p ,L1 or the purpose of this paper, I shall define educational technology as any hardware and/or software system delivering instructional material which is capable of general deployment throughout the entire institution. The forces that are driving most colleges and universities to at least consider the employment of new technologies are thoee which insistently demand greater effectiveness as well u greater efficiency. Educational technology does offer the promise that greater effectiveness and greater efficiencies can be achieved. The realization of this promise, however, requires careful attention to a series of issues that may be grouped under the rubrics: goals, strategies and tactics. The isxues that I believe are of greatest significance are treated as a list of questions in the next three segments of this paper. 184 1 9,0 Deploying at an Urban Institution 185 Goals I. What is the mission of your college or university? 2. What kinds of students do you now attract? 3. What lemds of students do you wisk to attract that you are not now attracting? 4. What kinds of programs and courses do you nOw offer? 5. What lemds of programs and courses do you wish to offer that you are not now offering? 6. What constituencies other than students do you now serve? 7. What constituencies other than your students do you wish to serve that you are not now serving? 8. What are your current sources of revenue? 9. Are there sources of revenue that you wish to tap that you do not now ha41 access to? 10: Do you wish to improve the, quality of the learning opportunities that you now providet 11. Ale there external constituencies of your institution (alumni, local residents, local businesses, local industrial corporations, etc.) that dernand new or expanded services? If so, what individuals and groups comprise these constituencies and whet new or expanded services do they require? Strategies Strategies are long-term courses of action designed to accomplish one or more goals. I. What is the best way or -ways- that your services can be improved and/or expanded? 2. Is educational technology to be used to expand your mission, to expand your constituency and/or to improve the quality of the learning opportunities offered to your current students? 3. What changes or innovations do you wish to introduce soon, in the next three to five years and in the uext five to.ten years? ,4. What opportunities exist that may lead .to success in a new venture that will require substantial outlays of capital and substantial institutional change? 5. What barriers exist that may 'impede or preclude success in deploying educational technology? 6. What innovations are required at your institution to successfully deploy educational technology? 7. What organizational, structural or process changes are required in your organization to successfully deploy educational technology? 8. What specific forces exist in the external environment of your Anstitution..that Are spurring_ you on to deploy educational technology? 1 9"6 186 Deploying at an-Urban Institution 9. What specific forces exist in the external environment of your institution that may lead to a successful deployment of educational technology? 10. What specific forces exist in the external environment of your institution that may seriously impede or even preclude the achievement of your goals in deploying educational technology? 11. In what ways does the type of external environment (i.e., urban, suburban or rural) in which your institution is located influence your programs and services? 12, Is-your institution committed to a mission to provide life-long learning opportunities for adult learners? 13. Are there demographic, economic, social and/or political trends developing in the external environment of your institution that will cause significant impacts upon the demand for its services? In what ways are demands for your institution's services likely to change in the years ahead? Tactics Tactics are specific action steps designed to support one or ,more strategies. 1. What is the.appropriate educational technology or technologies needed to accomplish your goals? 2. How will the benefits of deploying educational technology be measured? 3. Are the improvements that will result from deploying educational technology client-centered, producer-centered or both client- and producer-centered? 4. Who will actually benefit from the deployment of educational technology and who will pay for the actual costs incurred? 5. Who willpeiceive that benefits will accrue from the deployment of educational technology? 6. Who will actually be sUbstantially impacted because of the depleyment of educational technology? 7. Who will perceive the occurrence of substantial impacts because of the employment of educational technologies? 8. What opportunities exist for your institution to obtain the necessary capital funds? 9. Can your institution accommodate whatever increases in annual costs may be necessary to keep the educational technology in operation at a satisfactory level? 10. Are you seeking to reduce overall annual operating costs at your institution by means of the deployment of' educational technology? If so, what are the specific cost savings that you wish to achieve? 11. What individuals and/or groups ought to be consulted at your 197 Deploying at an _Urban Institution 187 institution to implement an orderly process to change? Are there any issues that 'will be raised by these -individuals or groups that will impede or prevent the changes that are necessary to achieve success? 12. How long is the consultation process likely to last before all of the necessary actions can be taken? 13. What educational technology products are available today? What products are likely to reach the market place in the next three to five years? What products are likely to reach the market place in the next five to ten years? 14. What criteria will be used to make a choice among various competitive eduational technology systems or products? What individual or group will make this choice? What individual or group will Nivel° live with this choice after it has been made? 15. Granted that it is quite likely that there is relatively little experience with the large-scale deployment of educational technology at your institution, how will you assess the risks involved in undertaking such a venture? 16. How will tile producers be motivated and trained to provide their services via the new technology? 17. How will the clients be motivated and trained to use or accept ohe new technology? 18. What is the timetable-to achieve-paybackof the-initial-capital . investment? How realistic is this timetable? INTERACTIVEIN UCTIONAL TELEVISION AT IIT Consideration of some o all of the issues raised in the previous section of this paper is, of course, an on-going process which probably occurs sporadically, if not continuously, at most universities. It would be far beyond the scope of this paper to describe in detail all of the considerations that led to the ultimate decision to install an interactive instructional television network at IIT. For the purposes of this paper, therefore, I shall summarize the background to the decision-making process and describe some of the features ofthe system actually installed. Mission Illinois Institute of Technology is a private, non-sectarian, coeducational, urban university dedicated to supporting nuional goals through education and research for leadership Lq programs that are problem-solving in character, decision-making in purpose, and socially and economically responsible. IIT's educational programs encompass the following pathways to professional leadership: Architecture, Business Administration, City and Regional Planning, Design, Engineering Law, Pre-medicine and Health-related Sciences, the Biological, Computer Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 193 188 Deploying at an Urban Institution Psychology, Public Administration and the Social Sciences. UT is a PhD: degree granting research university affiliated with two other powerful research organizations, the IIT Research Institute and the Institute of Gas Technology. The combined annual research volume in engineering and science of the entire IIT Center is very close to $100,000,000 per annum. It is the purpose of IIT to providethe educational and basic research activities which link and complement the activities of all three affiliated organizations. Beyond its commitment to providing education for full-time undergraduate and graduate students because of its-urban location, lIT is committed to providing significant educational opportunities for parttime students who are interested in working toward an undergraduate or graduate degree. Specifically, IIT is committed to providing continuing education programs for locally employed professionals in the principal fields represented at the university. Goals The current enrollment pattern at IIT is shown on Table 1. As may be observed from this Table, IIT is a relatively small school and it intends to stay that way even though some growth in the size of the student population is desirable. The long term enrollment goals Of the Institute are shown in Table 2 which indicateq a total enrollment of 6,000 FTE students. Were ye to achieve this goal, the current physical plant would, in our opinion, be utilized at an optimum level. IIT is, therefore, seeking an additional 600 FTE students consisting of widergraduates and graduate students. Table 1Current Enrollment ( E)* UNDERGRADUATES Full-Time Part-Time 3,037 461 All UG ,498 GRADUATES Full-Time Part-Time 506 528 All Grad 1,034 LAW Full-Time Part-Time All LaW All Students 606 185 791 5,323 * Fall 1980 199 Deploying at an Urban Institution 189 Table 2Overall Enrollment Goals (FTE) UNDERGRADUATES Full-Time 3,400 Part-Time 550 All UG 3,950 GRADUATES Full-Time Part-Time SS 600. 700 Ali Grad 1,300 IAW Full-Time Part-Time All Law All Students 550 200 750 6,000 Location. IIT is located in the heart of Chicago, three miles' south Citi's center. The significant vital statistics of the Chicago areaohm are: 1. Population There are approximately 2.9 million residents in the city, 5.2 million in Cook County and 7.049 million in the greater metropolitan (5 county) area. The estimated resident labor force is 3 A56 million and 3.8 million residents are classified as suburban. An estimated 19 percent of the U.S. population lives within a 300 mile radius of the city. 2. Industry . It is estimated that 53 million tons of manufactured goods are shipped from Chicago yearly. The metropolitan area is a leader in the production Of steel, metal plates, bars, sods and structural shapes, food products, metal furniture, mattresses, envelopes, boxes, inorganic chemicals sOap, paint, gaskets, cans, screws, bolts, saws, barrets. machine tools, blowers, switchgear, locomotives and other railroad equipment, heavy machinery, surgical appliances, fully assembled automobiles, electrical equipment, eleatronic components, consumer electronic goods and ldtchen appliances. It is the second largest center in the nation of consulting firms specializing in architecture and engineering:Moreover, it is among the three or four largest centers for the delivery of health care in the nation. There are two national research laboratories in Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory and Fermilab, the 200 190 Deploying at an Urban Institution National Accelerator Laboratory. Beyond these federal research centers, there are a number of significant independent research laboratories as well as industrial research centers. Chicago produces a gross metropolitan product of $97 billion, 4.6 percent of the GNP. Moreover, it contributes $1 billion annually to the nation's positive balance of trade. 3. Commerce' There are 14,400 manufacturers in Chicago the total of whose sales exceed $76 billion; 57,000 retaiierS the total of whose sales exceed $28 billion; 13,000 wholesalers the total of whose sales exceed $43 billion; and 56,000 service establishments do a $6.4 -billion in business. Average personal income per household is $28,700. 4. Construction There has been $7.1 billion in industrial construction since 1965; $17 billion in residential construction; and $8 billion in commercial construction. 5. Educational Institutions There are 39 institutions of higher education within a 50 mile radius of the city, 69 within a 100 mile radius and 164 within the State of Illinois. The senior institutions within a 50 mile radius of the city are the University of Chicago, Illinois Institute of Technology, Loyola University, Northwestern University and the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle. Opkortunity There are probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 60,000 to 70,000 persons in the greater Chicago urban area who are practitioners of one of te professions represented in the educational programs of ITT. Perhaps as many as half of the total number of such individuals are interested in taking advantage of opportunities for continuing professional development. That is, there are probably at least 30,000 to 35,000 individuals in the greater Chicago area who would be interested in continuing their own professional development provided that a suitable educational delivery system could be deployed. Such a systern would attract a substantial number of users if and only if it were convenient, of high quality and it minimized time away from the job or from normal leisure time activites. The interactive instructional television system is an educational delivery system which is capable of delivering normal university instructional material directly to the workplace without incurring long hours ot commuting between job site and campus. Moreover, interactive instructional television makes it possible for employed professionals to gain acces s. to university instructional material 2 Oi Deploying at an Urban Institution 191 offered at any time during the day rather than only during evening hours. The System IITIV. is an educational delivery system that uses four special frequency television channels combined with telephone audio links to bring regular university classroom instruction to the workplace. The special frequencies are assigned for Instructional Television Fixed Service (ITFS) in each city by the Federal Communications Commission. From studio clagsrooms on campus, video and voice signals are beamed fourteen hours each working day via microwave to the top of the 110-story Sears Building* three miles away wherej,Irs own transnlitters broadcast signals which cad be received anywhere within an area bounded by a circle of 50 mile radius centered at the Sears Building. -On a continuing b is, employed professiOnals (or their companies, if a tuition reimburs ment program exists) are charged the same tuition as on-campus students. An additional gliding scale service charge for courier service and other administrative costs is based on course enrollment, rang.mg downward from an amount equal to 100 percent of thettiitbn charge for a single student-course enrollment to a minimum of 20 percent of tuition when more than SO student-course enrollments at it single site occur. Talk-back system costs are paid by the company at whibh the receiving station is located. These consist of regular telephone line charges plus a monthly rental fee for the auto-dial telephone. There is a one-time capital investwnt to be made by each participating company for a microwave antenna and tower, signal o3nverter, television monitor and telephone talk-back connection that ranges between $5,000 and $10,000 depending on the distance of the receiving site from the Sears Building. In addition, each participating company is expecied to provide' the services of an official representative for several hours per month to serve as liaison between the firms and IIT. The IIT/V system went" on the air" in the fall semester of the 197677 academic year enrolling 105 students at twelve remote sites. This past fall 536 students were enrolled at nineteen remote sites...The current list of participating organizations is shown on Table 3. IIT/V students may enroll in one or more of approximately sixty regular IIT courses per semester broadcast live from the IIT campus. These courses are chosen from the regular Schedule of Courses to make it possible for employed enffmeers, computer scientists and business managers to obtain all the coursework necessary to fulfill the _ This 1,454 & high building is the world's tallest. 202 192 Deploying at an Urban Institution graduate course requirements for the master's degree in their respective fields entirely by means of courses delivered via IIT/V to the job site. Beyond normal university come material the IIT/V system is used to deliver short-course and special seminar material to nterested professionals- and to company management at the job site. Table 3IIT/V Participating Organizations American CaxiCompany Research CentCr 433 Northwest Highway Barrington, Illinois 60010 Andrei; Cotporation 10500 West 153rd Street Orland Park, Illinois 60462 Argonne Natio,lal Laboratory' 9700 South Cass Airenue Argonne, Illinois 60439 Bell LabOratories Naperville & Warrenville Rd. Naiierville, Illinois 60140 Caterpillar Tractor Company P.O. Box 348 Aurora, Illinois 60507 CPC International, Inc. Moffett Technical Center Box 345 Argo, Illinois 60501 A. Finkl & Sons 2011 North Southport Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60614 GTE Automatic Electric 400 North Wolf Road Northlake, Illinois 60164 Honeywell, Inc. 1500 Dundee Road = Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 Inemational Harvester Company Science .8c Technology 16 W. 260 83rd Street Hinsdale, Illinois 60521 203 .o MCC Powers 2942 MacArthur Boulevard NorthbroolkIllinois 60062 Midwest Industrial Management Association 9845 West Roosevelt Road Weitchester, Iljinois 60153 Motorola Communicationi '.. Group .1301 East Algonquin Road Schaumburg, Illinois 60172 New Trier Central 3013 Illinois 'Road Wilmette, Illinois 60093 North Central College 30 North Brainard Naperville, Illinois 60540 Northrop Corporation' 600 Hicks Road Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008 Teletype Corporation 5555 West Touhy Avenue Skokie, Illinois 60076 Western Electric Co., Inc. ao Bell Laboratories (Lisle) Naperville, Illinois 60439 Zer.ith Radio Corporation 1000 MilwaukeeAvenue Glenview, Illinois 60025 Deploying at an Urban Institution Table 4IIT/V Capital Equipment-Expenditures Summer '76Initial Installation 3/5/76* R F System $54,693.00 2/2/76 ITT Classroom Equipment 86,780.00 5/20/76 Remote Site Equipment 25,167.00 1/22/76 Videotaping Facility 10,668.00 3/1/76 Master Contiol Console 6,744.00 2/26176 Overflow Classrooms 3,477.00 7/7/76 Spare Equipment 11,783.00 6/7/76 R F SyMem 518.00 $199,830.00 Winter '77Spring '78-Retrofit and Additional Channels 12/12/77 Cqnsoles and Master Control for 2 Additional Channels $.120,500.00* 11/22/77 Auditoria Fittings 35,000 00* Dec. '77 Transmitters-2 34,000.00 1/5/78 Studio Transnkission Links 52,000.00 FAICEE Combiner 12/26/78 Electronic Equipment $241,500.00 $ 2,800.00 Public Access Sites Summer '77 North Central College Installation fall '79 North Central College Filter Network 'Fall '78 MIMA Installation Fall 10 New Trier East Installation Spring '81 New Trier West Installation $3,700.00 1,500.00* 4,060.00 1,800.00* 6,020.00* $ 17,080.00 Studio 6 &unmet-80 Cameras, Controllers and Cabling $ 28,000.00. TOTAL S489,210.000* * InCludes all associated labor coats of installation. 204 193 Deploying at an Urban Institution 194 FINANCING IIT's SYSTEM Capital-EquipMent Costs The costs of acquiring ind installing all f the capital equipment of _the IIT/V system is shown in Table 4. The funds needed to meet these costs were "borroweirliolif eadoViiierit fund (i.o., the fletible funds functioning as endowment) of the university on -the understanding that restoration of all such borrowings would be made from the tuition revenues generated by the system after a operating costs were deducted. It was of course, recognizedfrom the outset that tuition revenues during the first two or three years of operation of the system would fall short of covering the annual operating costs. Tabl,e,5 shows the enrollment in and the financing of IIT/V. Line 1 Table 5Enrollment in and Financing of IIT/Y Years from Start 3 2 1 4 5 6 Academic Year 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82* 1. Course Enrollments 2. Student Credit Hours 3. Hourly Tuition Rate, 201 255 488 743 1,141 1,369 603 765 1,464 2,229 3,423 4,107 100.00 110.00 110.00 123.00 143.00 157.00 60,300 84,150 161,040 274,167 489,489 644,799 4. Tuition Income, S. Admin. Expense, 100,000 100,180 172,540 203,840 240,400 269,248 6. Seed Funds film Operating Budget, 39,700 16,030 11,500 7. Funds Available for Payback of Capital Inveqtment, 70,337 249,089 375,551 kAccumulated Funds Available for Payback of Investment, * Estimates I ,* 41- f 694,997 Deploying at an Urban Ir.aitution 195 shows that a seven-fold growth in course enrollments occurred from the first year through the fifth year of operations. Line 6 indicates the amount of seed funds needed to cover the shortfall in tuition revenue below the cost of operations (line 5). This shortfall occurred only during the first three years of operation and totaled $67,230. If a 20 percent growth in enrollment occurs during the 1981-82 academic year, then line 7 shows the excess oftuition income over administrative expense (line 5) available to pay back to the endowment the costs of acquiring the capital equipment. In fact, line 8 shows that the total funds accumulated beyond admipistrative costs are expected to be approximately $695,000 at the close of the 1981-82 academic year. This sum considerably exceeds the sum of capital costs and seed money (i.e. $489,210+$67,230=$556,440) that have been expended on the system during its first five years of operation. Hence it may be concluded that on, purely fmancial grounds alone, the system is a sound investment of the. portion of the university's endowment resources. Moreover, it appears quite likely that this investment will continue to return handsome dividends in the years to come. CONCLUSIONS This paper has treated some of the general issues associated with the, institut.,-wide deployment of educational technology, it has described the essential features of IIT/V as well as the way in which it was fmanced in the hope that this case study would serve as an example that would stimulate analogous development elsewhere. I hasten to add, however, that each of the 3,000 institutions of higher education in the United States is in many ways unique. Hence, each must examine- its own unique environment, opportunities and constraints to determine whether and what kinds of educational technology should be deployed. It is the thesis of this paper that when educational technology is properly perceived as a powerful means to achieve well-defined educational goals then real-opportunities exist to improve services and to attain greater levels of effectiveness and efficiency. Experience at IIT suggests that this thesis may indeed be true at other urban universities. 2 0.6 , -; The Central Educational Network's PostsecOndary SeMce C:=) r\I Li./ Card A. koffamus Central Educational Network Chkago, Illinois INTRODUCTION No one Wfil deny that many colleges ire experiencing a declining enrollment of 18-22 year old students. No one paying their heating or gas bills wiN deny that energy costs are increasing and the end is not in sight The* energy costs are also having an effect on the -educational inatinitionit yo one will deny that tuition costs will continue to rise. In addition to tete events, We are also being tjld that financial support from govefidnent and private sources is decreasing. All of these events will have an affeet on the adult learner and the educational institutions, but there is another side of tbis coin, With our rapid technological advances AineriCa, our information systems will double every eight years'. Think about ft. These sane adults will need a continual updating of information arid upgrading of skills to keep Pace with this new technology. There are adults in and out of the work force. They will need to learn how this technology' Will affect their jobs and lifes4des and then meet those changes without fear. Edwation entities have a tremendous responsiblity to these learners, and must take the leadership in this life-long learning ProPets. They willhe teaching an older, adult learner rather than the traditional 18-22 year old and they will have to adapt to that fact People within a given community need education at basically five different levels: (1) Basic education (2) Occupational education (3) Occupational upgrading (4) Job changes (5) Leisure skills Within these levels therpore millions of adults who will need life-long learning programs that are meaningful to them and available at their 20 196 Central Educational Network 197 convenience. Looking at statistics we would have to concede that higher education needs to improve in this area. According to the American Association for Higher Education a majority of adult learners are getting their education outside college and university settings. Fifty-eight million, four hundred thousand adults each year are involved in some form of organized education, while only1 2.4 million of theni are colleges and universities. PrOgrams offered by business, government agencies, professional organizations, telecommunications field and other organizations are educating five times as many adults_ as are higher education institutions. The financial resources devoted to this enterprise are staggering. I! is estimated by the American Society for Training and Development (AS7D) that American business, alone, devotes $40 billion annually to employee educatipn exclusive of college programs. Clearly new fields, a wider array of resources, such .as television and radio, need to be employed by higher education in order to involve a new adult learning clientele into their program. Meeting Adult Learners' Needs The challenge to meet the needs of the adults who want and need to learn more is great but we have never shied away from a challenge. In fact;history has shown that when the challenges were greatest we exerted our best efforts and overcame the problems. Because the task is formidable, meeting the nee& oi adult learners in this decade cannot be done by colleges and universities alone. There must be a unifledefort where we can capitalize on all of the resources we have to meet the diversification of the learners' needs in our communities. It is here where I believe telecommunications can work with colleies and uniVersities in providing an educational alternative to meet some of those learners' needs. It not only can, but we have shown in our service that it does. The Central Educational Network's belief and commitment to this concept is what began the first postsecondary telecommunications service in the country. CEN's Postsecondary Education Council was formed iii October, 1979 to meet these needs. The Council consists of postsecondary institutions and broadcasting entities. It is important to remember this point. , During the past fifteen months, states interested in postsecondary telecommunications as an alternative to reaching the adult learner, were asked to form their own poetsecondary state councils. These state councils are composed of, but notlimited to, members from two and four year private ,and public colleges and universities, pu6lic broadcasters, and vocational/technical institutions. No two states are structured exactly alike. (We will be publishing a report later this year on these yarious state structure models.) Each state Set its own by-laws and nominataione member from its state council to represent Ion the CEN ,208 198 Central Educational Network Postsecondary Council'. You have one state one vote. The Council meets twice a year. At the present time the following ten states have organized themselves and are members in our Council: Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, West Virgihia and Wisconsin. Xou will be able to see the postsecondary and broadcasting representa- -don on the Council by each state's representative's professional title: IllinoisDirector of Educative Services for a public broadcasting university atation IndianaDean of Learning Resources for Media, Indiana University at Bloomington KansasDirector, Office of Instructional Media for a state university MichiganInstructional Television Coordinator for a public broadcasting university station . MississippiDirector of Educative Serviccs for tht Mississippi Educational Television Network (State System) MissouriDean of the College of Arts and Sciences for Continuing Education at University of MissouriSt. Louis NebraskaDirector of Instructional Services for the Nebraska Education TV Network (State System) OhioExecutive Director of the Ohio Educational Broadcasting Network Commission (State System) West VirginiaEducative Services Coordinator for a public broadcastng station WisconsinDirector of Educational Services for the Wisconsin 209 Central Edueationaldsletwork 199 Educational Television and Radio Networks (State System) Our Postsecondary Education C3uncil is a self-supporting, selfgoverning division of CEN and elects four of its members to the CEN Board. These four members comprise the Postsecondary Executive ----Cummitterand-work-closely with-CEMs-Postsecondary Coordinator_ The Council has set its goals and these include, but are not limited to: 1) Providing services to increase the availability of quality credit and non-credit materials to reduce costs in postsecondary educational telecommunications. 2) Identifying problems, issues and successfUl methods related to expanding postsecondary learning opportunities in the states through telecommunication and 3) Sharing expertise and resources to strengthen postsecondary education telecommunication in the states. Individual services that are offered to the membership include, but arenot limited to: 1) To serve as a professional resource organization and accessing postsecondary edupational telecommunication needs and intèrests of the states. 2) To identify postsecondary telecourse materials for their annual program screening. 3) To negotiate group rentals and buys of programs for the membership. 4) To provide scheduling and distribution of the program series. 5) To spansor an annual postsecondary professional development workihop for the exchange of information. This year we wily be producing an interactive teleconference from our satellite uplink in Lincoln, Nebraska on "Marketing Telecourses" with tDr. Roberta Clark from Boston University. 6) To provide a monthly memo informing them on local, state, regional and national postsecondary telecommunications a4tivities. 7) To provide a free videocassette library loan service for the .membership. 8) To seek grants for'assistance in facilitating the above grants. 9) To coordinate other services designated by the Postsecondary Education Council. Costs Costs to the membership are based on a flat fee of $3,000 assessed to each state equally plus a graduated fee based on a scale reflecting the state's total population. For example the state with a total population of 5.5 million people would pay $5,750 to belong to Postsecondary Educational Conn-CO-or ofieYelf arid-participate in the above services: 21 u 200 Central Educational Network -StAtc- Cam PEEa Coweas Cam 'PM. UNECToR 'MAMA RAUM*6 SATELLITE FEED STATE tousaus I- eras CEN OtREENIMS STATE Cou WILE ROEAID CTENTAT(VE) SECOND frois0 (FINAL 11149 STATE COO Ms C oterg ACTS IT;157/716 'Bun ON Each state council decides on how these dues are assessed and collected. To show you the diversity ofhow the membership dues are collected here are three examples: In Missouri, each membership category in their state council is assessed according to their FTE's and 100 percent participation. The membership categories in their stite organization are: 1) University of Missouri Systems 2.) Regional Universities 3) Missouri Association of Community and Junior Colleges 4) Independent Colleges and Universities of Missouri 5) Missouri Association of Private Career Schools In Illinoisythe state council-applied forand received a giluiffrem the 211 Central Educational Network 201 Illinois Board of Higher Education to cover the membership fees for all 154 postsecondary institutions in Illinois. In Mississippi, the membership dues are paid for by the Mississippi Educational Television Authority. We saw earlier how diversified the models of eich state council can be. Assessing of their membership fees are also diversified. Two rants during our first year of operation. assisted us in getting established. A rant from the Corporation of Public Broadcasting Education Services Department paid the membership base fee for each state that-joined. This year they had to generate their entire dues from their newly formed state councils. All of the ten states were able to do this. In addition to the CPB grant the Exxon Education Foundation gave us a grant to begin our service and our postsecondary videotape free loan library to the members. This year we were awarded another grant from the Exxon Education Foundation of $38,985 for membership expansion. Specifically, the funds are available as a 50 percent match for each new state interesred in joining the CEN Postsecondary Education Council. States joining us need to pay only half of their membership fees for the initial year. Membership is open to any state. CEN REPRESENTATIVE I BY-LAWS INSTITUTIONS (154) LOGISHCS -I RESOURCES TASK liARHEKS I LLO-OP - FUNDINS/GRANTS NARKET ING/RESEARCH 1 PROMOTION/AWARENESS DISTRIBUTORS -LONG RANGE PLANNING -FZIAL PROJECTS SUMMARY Although we have come a long way in the past fifteen months we realize we have a long way to go. Besides continuing to upgrade the existing services there are several other areas that we see in our future ,S 212 202 Central Educational Network growth of our postsecondary council: Delivering out most utilized telecourses via our satellite to the users and eliminating all the tape dubbing and shipping costs. Expanding our radio telecourse offerings to the members. On mutual course needs, form a program consortium to get those programs produced. Implement, whenever needed, the new technology such as videodisc, 1" inch videotape, direct broadcast satellites, the teletext systems, fiber optics, etc. into our service. On-going pr"ofessional development workshops at minimum costs to the members. These workshops will deal with the needs expressed by ihe members. Extend our telecourse programs to a broader base in the community through more inter-agency and inter-institutional cooperation. Expand our service to include more states. Work with other educational and broadcasting entities to promote the development of mare quality telecourse programming in radio and television. We realize that we are not the total answer to the solution of reaching and teaching the adult learner, but we are confident that we can be part of that answer. Kali the resources in our society take on part of that solution then we will succeeds Someone once said, "We are only one, but we are one." 4r; 21 3 Eva luating-aninstructional System in Matheniatics Steven M. Frankel* Dkector, Department of Educational Accountability Montgomery Coungy Public Schools Rockville, Maryland INTRODUCTION For the past three years, the Deparnnent of EducationalAccountability 0\ ko (DEA) of the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) has been evaluating the Instructional System in Mathematics (ISM), the first of four instructional systems planned for implementation in Montgomery Cairn), Public Schools. When the DEA evaluation started, ISM was already in place in 26 elementary, one middle, and six junior high schools. It is now functioning with roughly three times as many sthools . on the system. While ISM was developed within MCPS to specifically meet the needs of the system's students, it is similar in structure to many other in that it objectives-based, computer ,supported instructional nt. Where coniists of a curriculum component, and a reporting co it differs from many of its counterparts is that computer Support is,used primarily in the assessment and reporting components, with only a minimal portion of the actual instruction being delivered via the computer. Similarly, the capability ofprescribing instruction based upon the results of the assessments has not been programmed into the system. Thus, concePtually it is far closer to a computer managed instruction (CMI) system than to a computer assisted instruction (CAI) system. As is often the case in educational evaluations, the impetus for this fq, study visa largely political. ISM had come into being as the flagship of a M. Several years later, with the superintendent and his policies coming series ofinstructiOnal innovations introduced by a new school superintenclent. The opinions expressed in this papet are those of Di. Frankel and do na necessarily reflect the opinions of other members of the school system's staff or Board of Education. 203214. 204 System in Mathematics under increasing criticism from segments of the Board of Education, the public, arid the school system's staff, the study was perceived by the superintendent's supporters as a means of validating his efforts, and by the superintendent's critics as a means of repudiating them. The two, mods which were produced 1 2 satisfied neither soup entirely. The evaluations identified many positive outcomes which were --associstedwiththeuse-cif-tlie-tsttrthiuVthifacthere was a demand among teacheis whose schools were not on the system for the ISM curricular materials. However, they also identified severe flaws in the manner in which it was being, implemented; documented the fact that it 'was subitantially more expensive to operate; and reported that, possibly because of the implementation problems, no overall gains in student achievement could be linked to use of the system. Because studies such as this are becoming increasingly common as school administrators and Board members ask the question, "What will support for instructional system development and implementation really buy us?" it was felt that a paper describing a generic design for such an evaluation might be useful. If the paper can also forewarn system sponsors of some of the questions which will be posed in a comprehensive evaluation effort, then so much the better. Evaluating System Components In designing the ISM evaluation, it was decided to yeat each component of the system individually; and in each case, to attempt to answer the question, "Has the component delivered what was promised for it?" In addition, wherever possible, the evaluators attempted to contrut the outcomes of using the system component with outcomes in other scliools using non-systemitized counterparts; and to develop comparative cost data showing the additional resources or savings which resulted from using the component. The Curriculum Component The evaluation of the curriculum component examined the manner in which instruction was being delivered; the types of activities in which teachers had to engage to support instruction; and the outcomes of instruction for students. In the ISM study, it was fortunate that when the study began, only about 25 percent of the schools in MCPS were using ISM. In addition, the ISM schools had entered the system at different points in time; this permitted comparisoni to be made betwen ISM schools which had been using the system for one, two and three years, and between ISM and non-ISM schools. Among the key issues which were addressed in this component of the study, were the following: Does use of the instructional s9stem increase the amount of individualization in the classroom? Underlying this issue, we are interested in whether more smalLgroup_or-individualiz 213 System in Mathematics 205 instruction was occurring and whether the activities occurring in the classroom reflected the data on individual student progress produced by the system. Such information was gathered by having trained- observera sit in classrooms monitoring actual -instruction and comparing the assignments of individual students with:their- computer generated records. How does ise ofthe system affeit academically engaged time? Here, we were coneerned*th whether students using the system appeared to be spending more-time on task; or, conversely, if there were net losses in acidernieilly-engaged time due to students haviiig to wait for their turn to get a conipuerterminal or for their teacher to give them a new assignment, or to friVel back and forth between the instructional area and the area in which' terminals were located. Again, data such as these were gathered by means of observers located within ISM and non-ISM classrooms; and by means of questionnaires completed by teachers, aids, students, and administrators. Does use qf the instructional system affect achievement test scores? We approached this area with considerable caution, since this is the single issue which school boards most often focus upon and the media will play up. While we gathered and reported data such as these, we also cautioned that this information should not be riccorded inordinate weight because of factors such as imperfect Matches between curricular content and the nationally standardized tests; the impact of previous learning on the test scores; and ttle ease with which individual teachers can "prep" their studentifor a nationally standardized test which has been used hi the school district for several years. Ofparticular interest, however, were "longitudinal analyses of third vs. fifth grade achievement test scores for ISM vs. non-ISM cohorts. Does use of the instructional system affect achievement scores on locally developed criterion referenced tests? Largely because of the problems perceived with using norm referenced test scores as dependent variables, considerable weight was given in the evaluation to administering the ISM mastery examinations to groups of non-ISM students as well as to groups of ISM Students. The reasoning behind this activity was that if differences between students using and not using the system were occurring, they would be likely to show.up if these two groups were tested using the materials which were part of the system itself. Is the curriculum well organized and ',resented? Information of this type was gathered by querying school staff members about their satisfaction with the materials. An additional step, which we did not do but which would be advisable, would be to have disinterested-content-experts-examine-and-comment-upon-the 216 , 206 System in Mathematics materials. In addition, a rather innovative unobtrusive Measure was employed: having observers record the degree to which the system's curricular materials have been "bootlegged" into non-system schools. In our study, this was assumed to represent the highest degree of flattery and a highly effective means of determining,the repute in which the materials were held by the general population of teachers and principals. What resources are required to impleMent the system, orpermit it tofunction effectively? In an era of shrinking resources, this has become a paramount issue. We were interested in the costs which were being incurred for continued system/materials development and inservice training in attempting to determine whether instructional delivery costs had actually increased after the system was installed, due to increased numbers of aids being used and/or teachers having to expend additional time for individualized planning and/or recordkeeping in assessing the costs for computer hardware, software, and communications; in whether ISM was presently overtaxing the capacity of the computer mainframe; and whether implementation of the system in all schools could be accomplished without having to greatly expand the present computer's capacity. What happens to students after they have left the,grades in which the instructional system is implemented? Since the MCPS math program splits into different "branches" of varying difficulty levels starting in the junior high schools, it was possible to determine how many ISM vs. non-ISM students went.on to take the more difficult math courses and to compare grades for system and non-system students when they are enrolled in the same courses. , t The Assessment Component The key in many instructional systems, including ISM, is the process by which student progress is monitored on.a continuous basis. In ISM, monitoring meant that teachers and students were notified when a particular objective had been mastered. As mentioned earlier, many other instructional systems carry the concept still further by prescribing future assignments on the basis of performance on assessments. In studying the assessment component of ISM, the following types of questions were posed: Are the assessment instruments technically adequate? Given the 'importance of the assessment instruments to most instructional systems, it is reasonable for evaluators to expect that the skills measured are indeed those which are taught; that there is good agreement between performance on individual test items 21.7 System in Mathematic:. 207 and overall test performance; that alternative versions of assessments are of the same difficulty level; that placement and mastery test items are similar in difficulty for individual objectives; and that if the system is hierarchical, there is a consistent increase in difficulty level as students move through assessments. The techniques by which issues such as these are addressed are well known and generally involve administering samples of items to a set of students, and analyzing the records of students using the system. Is feedback,provided to teachers and students in an efficient manner? When students are not immediately informed of their perfonnance on an assessment measure, or where such information is not routinely available to teachers shortly after the student completes an assessment, much of the potential value of an instructional system is lost. A detailed examination of the logistics involved in the assessment process will reveal these types of problems. Similarly, such an examinationif supple- mented by first hand observationwill also reveal related problems such as delays in being able to take an assessment due * to insufficient hardware being available or lengthy Iterminai response time: lack of flexibility in the software which does not permit students to attempt assessments "out-of-sequence;" and gaps in time between when instruction in an objective end and the assessment measure is administered. Is the assessmeht system worth the cost involved? An issue which should have received greater emphasis in the study was whether the Value received from use of automated assessments, which permitted the system to 'accept constructed responses (as opposed to having to use a fixed multiple choice format), was worth the additional costs involved. Delving into this issue fully would require an analysis of capital:inVestment, startup, and operational costs; a comparison of the reFurces required to administer assessments with and without the computer, an examination of the impact which the assessment process had on available time-on-task and Aeacher preparation time; and an assessnient of less costly alternatives for assessing students that fell somewhere between what the system offered and was available in non-system schools. An interesting result of these studies was that issues such as these are now being explored by the system developers. The Reporting Component The evaluation of the reporting component of an instructional system was closely linked to the evaluation orthe assessment component. Whereas the latter addressed how effectively the student's progress was 21 8 208 System in Mathematics monitored, the former addressed What was done with the monitoring data after they were collected. In evaluating this component, the following issues were considered: Who ILMS the Wormation which isprovided? A msjor activity' in this evaluation was to assemble a set of all reports generated by the system and attempt to determine, using open-ended interviews, the degree to which each was actually used for decisiot, Making purposes. We were interested in determiningwhether any reports were : a) being used for archival purposes only ("I keep it in ease anyone asks for it");b) directed at the wrong party (principals being provided with student level data); or c) much too detailed/ giobal for use in making instructional decisions. The olteetive, in concktcting these activitiet, was to determine if the entire flow of piper producectbyitheryitemwas truly necessary and/or being used-properly. Is the qualuy and timeliness of the data superior to that available in non-system schools? Give the emphasis on the availability of relevant data which had been used to sell the concept of the instructional system, it was not unreasonable to make comparisons betwearthe quality and timeliness of data in system and non-system schools. This was done by interviewing staff and adniinistrators as to how certain standard types of instructional decisions were being made; The issue of timeliness was particularly critical since the best dadt in the world are absolutely useless if they are received alter the relevant decisions have had to he made. Are the capabilities ofthe reporting zystem being fully exploited? While it is essy for system desiiners to err by providing pracdtioners with gluts of the wrong types of data, it is equally easy for them to not sUpply certain typs of useft4 data which are well within the system's potential to provide.-Information on this topic wits gathered by interviewing teachers and administrators. CONCLUSION This paper has attempted to provide an overview of the breadth of blues which a sound evaluation of an instructional system should encompass. To keep the paper concise, the list of issues addreised in the study was representative, and by no means inclusive. If there is one message to leave, it is to distrust any evaluation of an instruetional system which is single faceted and does not go beyond reporting differenceo in achievement test scores, or describing the manner in which instruction is delivered. REFERENCES: 1. Frechtling, Joy et al. An Evaluation qf the Instructional System in Mathematics: 1977-1971, Montommy County Public &boob, Department of Educational 21 9 System in Mathematics 209 Am ;notability, November, 1978. 2. Gnus, Sums et &Um/ma/fon cif the Instructional System in 79: Mathematia4 1978- Comparisons down ISM and Non-ISM School, and Analyses Inelnanants, Duartment of Educational Accountability, Montgomery Public Schools, 1980. .4, 1 0 .. .6 . - ,rj f") n 4 il V ci:le.:4 Co c\I L.1.1 A Description of the DAVID Interactive insiructional Television System and. Its Applkation to fost High School Education of-Deaf James kvonFeldt Instructional Television/Computer Department Nationcilledinical-Instftutelor-the-Deat---Rochester, New York INTRODUCTION The human rights movement in the United States has stimulated much sensitivity pertaining to the special needs of handicapped. Laws have been passed, institutes have beed created and muéh has already begun to happen in our Society to implement access to the mainstream of work as well as the larger social arena of life for handicapped persons. The National Technical Institute for the Deaf on the camPus of 40 k`.. Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, New York is one such institute. If I were asked to state NTID's goal I would put it this way: To pmvide post high school deaf students with the skills, experiences and education, to fonnulate a successfid career in a technical society? One &the eight mission statinients which assist NT1D in meeting its goals consists of exploring and Creating innovative teaching/learning technologies. The DAVID (Digital And Video Interactive Device) interactive system is a product of that mission. However, before we begin, let me state that this technology, lfice many before it and many more which are in the figure, are meant f- supplement the instructional iind training experience. It was not desiiited to, nor coidd it, replace an informed, caring teacher. Lie other technologies irr education (overhead, video tape, blackboard, book progrnmmed instruction, etc.) the teache?: power is enhanced and the teaching/learning process is more efficient when it is applied appropriately. '2 21 210 DAVID 211 Instructional Needs Deaf students require special instructional techniques and technologies - because of the cumulative effect of hearing deprivation in the process of education. "The nature of deafness limits instructional stimuli to a visual primary input mode. Put another way, the absence of significant audio input (resulting from severe, hearing impairment) forces the-individual to depend upon seeing or visual stimuli almost entirely. Blind people rely upon audio stimuli. Those who are not handicapped utilize both audio and visual stimuli. The significance of audio deprivation can be shown by the generally poor language and speech characterized by the deaf population. Unfortunately,language is basic to communication and communication basic to learning (and socialization) and learning to career success. Prior to the development of the DAVID system, the NTID Communication Department had developed auditory training processes utilizing drill and practice with an audio tape system. Speech reading also requires- much drill and practice; Iiiivevir, that firdeels requitedinstructionat television. Both auditory and speech training demand much individual practice by each student as well as regular classes and teacher interaction. Lest it appear obtuse, auditory training (training in the discriminatory use of residual hearing with the aid of amplification) has demonstrated significant overall instructional gains through drill and practice. Most legally deaf people have some residual hearing and can benefit from training to use what they have. In addition to the above stated practices, both auditory and speech training require media overlap. Auditory training, which used audio tape only, indicated the ideal situation would allow audio or audio with video stimuli. Skech therapy was already utilizing video stimuli in the form of instructional televlsion tapes, some with, and some without audio reinforcement. Both curricula indicated strong need to control the audio and the videckstimuli, to provide interactive learning with feedback and reinforcement, and to provide individualized instruction. Computer-assisted instruction at NTID (beginning in 1968 with the IBM 1130-1500 system) hail demonstrated effectiveness in providing individualizea instruction through drill and practice and tutorial strategies in many diaciplines. Also, Jean McKernan Smith and Dr. vonFeldt's preliminary research study indicated that CAI interaction could improve the instructional gains found with the use of instrtietional television.2 The hypotheses posed were: 1. a combination of student interaction provided by CAI when merged with motion And/or audio would provide significant instructional gains in Audiology and Speech Pathology, 2. instruction which was not then possible could be explored, and 3. that students may be able to receive additional individualized practice 222 212 DAVID without requiring additional speech or audiology staff. The comparison study was the first step in exploring these hypotheses.2 Development of the NTID-DAVID prototype was the second step. System Specification A team from NTID including teachers, researchers, system specialists, engineers, CAI specialists, TV engineers, and media specialiits assisted in the process of defming the system specifications. The result included feamres which addressed instruction, evaluation, lesson management and research. The elements specified for the proposed system were: control of audio and visual stimuli (mOtion), color, fast accessibility of specific TV segments, quick rewind, ability to individualize, capacity for student interaction, and data gathering capacity with ability to summarize and print. It was also requested that the proposed system be portable, low cost and modularly expandable. The first question addressed was "Is such a system feasible?" A search showed that no system was then in existence that wouldsatisfy all of the demands. A review of the TICCIT system revealed Many elements but it did not proyide contml over the television-segments, wets not low cost for a single stand alone system, and was not considered modular in design (Hazeltine Corporation markets the TICCIT CAI sysiom). Extensive exploration of television, minicomputers, microcomputers, interface systems and the instructional demands indicated that the state of the art was such that the system could be built (1975): The task began in Januiry 1976 to build the prototype system. t A general summary of the instructional elements were as follows: Audio Control of the audio stimuli was designated as a primary need for auditory training Use of the audio track on video tape provided the capacity required. Speech training specified control of audio as desirable also. Motion-color Speech training indicated that motion and color were primary needs in order for the student to visualize articulatory movements. Video tape was identified as the required media. Color enhanced reality and provided extended motivation. Accessibility Drill and practice and tutorial strategies had proven effective for both Auditory and Speech therapy at NTID. The prototype system would be required to repeatedly play and replay segments of audio and visual stimuli. The,stimuli were generally very short.(7 to 10 seconds long). A 22:3' e, DAVID 2 13 video tape replay (VTR) SYstem would meet this need though extensive modification to enable control of the tape would have to bemacre. Fast Rewind Data from CAI and otherinstructional research indicates that waiting for reinforcement beiond 4 seconds results in deterioration of the reinforcement For this reason it was specified that a seven to ten second stimuli must be replayable in four seconds or less. Short drill And practice stimuli are common at NTID, particularly in Auditory training Individualization The system must be capable of individualizing instruction to meet specific needs of each student. For many years deaf students coming to NTID., have shown a wide spectra of need for remediation as well as instruction, both of which- must be met. Computer-assisted instruction was appropriate as one component of the sysem because of its capacity of meeting specific student instructional needs within defmed limits. Active Learning bats suggests a strOng correlation between active learning and instructional gains. Interaction can occur with lesson materials and in classes in many ways. Computer-assisted instruction provides capacity for student participation through interrogation, quizzing, simulation, etc., allowing the student to communicate by way of keyboard or other device. Data Gathering . To individualize a student's lesson, student data must be gathered. Based on this data, a specific program of instruction is provided. Periodically, data is gathered to determine that the initial prescriPtion was correct Lesson modifications are made as needed. Researchneeds require data gathering at a different level. The capacity to identify each stimuli and when it occurred may be important Each student's response, time tip respond, etc., may be critical. These data must be collectable. A combined ihstructional/research need was defined as maintaining performance status for individual students as well as for classes. For research purpoies, the ability to group students by various criteria of handicap wax desirable. These research needs required a minicomputer, disks, clock and printei. Portability NTID's Commitment to dissemination of curricula as well as technology affurned the need for portability-. Also, it was envisioned that ff a single stand alone system could be made small and portable, it would be feasible to extend speech and auditory training into the deaf student's school and-come environnient prior to attendance at NTID. 224 214 DAVID Low Cost The final criteria was that a low cost production model be feasible based on the prototype system. The low cost model would be for instructional use only. It would utilize existing lessons. No research or lesson development capacities would be required. Low cost was defined as a one year salary plus benefits of a professional Speech Therapist (approximately $15,000.00). This system levels were defined: 1. The instructional model (low cost). 2. The lesson development model. 3. The research model. The system was to be designed in a modular form which would support upgading as desired. Special attention was paid to rentability, reliability and availability of service for the coniponents of the system. Video Disk Video disk technology was explored as an alternative to video tape. Rejection of video disk at the time of the development of this project (1965-66) occurred for the following reasons: 1. Unavailability of the video disk. 2. Very high cost of the disk prototype. 3. Very high "Cost of creating disk from existing tape or film 4. Unknown reliability. 5. Poor picture resolution (at demonstration). 6. Lesson development processes indicated that the tape system would be critical in the lesson revision stages based on student performance. This process also had strong economic implications which favored tape over disk. The conclusion therefore, was to proceed utilizing state of the art 3/4" video tape equipment for the prototype. It was also pointed out that if the price, reliability, disk cost and serviceability of the disk system approached that of tape then it would be feasible to interchange the tape media for the disk. Furthermore, it was established that conversion of the video disk system controller would be relatively simple and inexpensive. As of this writing it appears that the feasibility of video disk (both MCA-Phillips and Thompson CSF) is closer to reality. MCA-Phillips provided a limited number of consumer players for sale to the general public in the spring of 1979. These players cannot provide the random access. The cost or these players was quoted as $700.00 each (with rumors that they were underpriced). The March 1979 issue of Educational and Industrial Television announced that MCA-Phillips and General Motors Corporation had ageed on an order for 7,000 industrial model Disco vision players. The price per unit was placed at $2,000 to $3,000 per unit in large quantities. `,5 DAVID The conference on "Interactive Videodisk Technology In Education and Training" supported by the Society For Applied Learning Technology (February 1979) displayed several Thompson-CSF videodisk systems. These systems were built into prototype training systems by various companies and demonstrated in the vendor area. MCA-Phillips systems were noticeably absent. The Thompson CSF representative suggested that their interactive disk systems would be available late 1979 and that the price per unit would be approximately $3,000. The cost for videotape replay units (Sony and Panasonic) capable of random. access is approximately $1,500. The tape systems, of course, move slower to access a given TV segment but, as you will see later in this paper, the speed is adequate for drill and practice and tutorial applications particularly on the 1/2" systems. Another problem that the disk systems will have to overcome is the cot of creating disks. At this point a disk conversion from your existing 16mm film costs approximately $1,200 for a master (both vendors are vague on this topic). The cost of copies from the master vary from $10 to $15 per 1/2 hour disk depending on she volume ordered. In contrast, the labor for copying a 1/2 hour video tape is approximately $6.00 (several tape& can be copied at the same time) plus the cost of the raw tape which is about $10 for a 1/2" tape up to $25.00 for 3/4" tape. Delivery is usually within a week depending on the number of copies to be made. Table 1 shows the estimated cost per tape or disk at 10, 100, 1,000, and 10,000 copies. Ten 1/2 hour disks would cost $135.00 each. Ten 1/2" tapes would cost $11.50 each. Table Estimated Cost of Duplicate Disk or Tape Including Initial Set Up and Raw Tape or Disk Number of Units 10 100 1,000 10,000 Tape Total Cost Cost Per Unit $ 115.00 $1140 $ 1,150.00 $ 11,5400 $115,000.00 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 Video.Disk Number of Units 10 100 POO 10,000 Total Cost $ $ Cost Per Units 1,350.00 $135.00 2,700:00 $ 27.00 $ 16,200.00 $ 16.20 $151,200.00 $ 15.12 Delivery of video disk copies are reported to be 4 to 6 months. The manufacturers claim 1 month. Delivery for video tape copies is within the week unless unusually large quantities are required. The important fact to retain is that there are two disk systems: the home player (S400-700) that cannot be used for interactive instruction and the industrial system ($3,000-$5,000) which can provide interaction. 226 216 DAVID Prototype System The prototype computer-assisted instnuctional television system was fully functional November 1977. Figure 1 shows the component parts. Extensive testing. and modifications were made from July through October 1977. The WANG minicomputer (2200 vp, 32K) 10 mb disk, printer, clock and keyboard were used without modification. An Intel 8080 microcomputer (4K) was built to control the Sony 2850A video tape player and to communicate with the WANG by way ofRS232 protocol. A time code reader (CMX) was added to the Sony 2850A player. Electronic integration of the Sony 2850A allowed microcomputer control by software. Time code was placed on the 2nd audio track of the TV tape. Each frame of television had a unique address which was then read by the CMX reader and interpreted by the microcomputer software. The WANG minicomputer directed the 8080 microcomputer and thus the TV segments. The WANG System also provided the CAI lesson and gathered data for management and research. Disk Memory Videotape Recorder Keyboard Figure 1: DAVID TB/CAI Prototype System System Test Testing activity was scheduled to determine if the prototype would be able to function as designed with acceptable reliability and accuracy under instructional use. Serious research could not begin until the system had proved itself under use. 227 DAVID 217 Two lessons were developed specifically for the test. Two television e-made. Tape 1 consisted of three parts to match the three strategies used in that lesson. Part 1 was made up of episodes of Startrek taken from the air (with permission) to augment the Startrek (gaming) strategy. Part 2 adapted existing NT1D speech reading drill and practice instructional television lessons. Part 3 called for the creation of a totally new set of television stimuli in the form of over 100 ten second episodes. These eipsodes make up the dialogue of the Job Interview (dialogue strategy) and should be considered the first example of multi linear branching television (DAVID TV). Television tape 2 was developed by Dr. C. Csuri of Ohio State University and Dr. Margret Nithrow of Gallaudet College. The content of tape 2 consisted of 3 dimensional animated eipsodes designed to reinforce a single language concept; such as through,over, and into. The lesson using tape 2 allowed the student to command the frog to jump through, over or into a fence, a barn, or other objects. Approximately 500 people participated in testing the computerassisted instructional television system which became known as DAVID. From November 1977 to late September 1978 deaf and hearing students at all levels, housewives, teachers, professionals and non-professionals participated in testing the system. The design features of DAVID were tested using one or more of the following strategies: 1. gaming (Startrek), 2. drill and practice (Speech Reading), 3. dialogue (Joe Interview), and 4. student control (Frog/Language Concepts). The system demonstrated portability on two occasions. A floppy disk was used in place of the 10 mb disk. The DAVID system was taken to the National Institute of Health in Washington, D.C., for one demonstration and on another occasion was on display at H.E.W. during the 25th celebration (also in Washington, D.C.). The entire system fit easily into the back of a small automobile. The cost of the NTID prototype system was approximately $65,000.00. By January 1979 computer-assisted instructional television systems will be available commercially for approximately 815,000.00. A reasonable research level sysem will be available for 830,000.00. The *most common question asked about the DAVID system is concerned with tape transport speed and latency. Or in other words, how long does the student have to wait to see the TV reinforcement? There is no single answer to that question due to the variables involved. A partial answer lies in the instruction strategy used, the number of possible TV segment responses, the length (in seconds) of the TV response, the positioning of episodes on the tape and the functional speed of the access system. For example, drill and practice using existing television taped lessons, has had very short latency (wait time). This occurs because the TV stimuli and TV response segments are vex), predictable. The next logical stimuli is usually very close requiring very 228 DAVlb 218- little time to position the tape. Table 2 shows latencies taken from a student's Speech Reading drill and practice lesson. Also with drill and practice you can expect repiats of the TV segment to occur. The latency related to the repeat is directly proportional to the length of ,the TV segment and the rewind speed of the video replay system. Generally speaking, there would not be branching to a remote part of the TV tape for a "replay." Table 2 A Representative Sample of A Student's Latency Using An Adapted NTID Drill and Practice Speech Reading Lesson Sentence Next Stimuli Latency Repeat Latency 1. 7 5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 0 0 0 0 4 5 12 4 Number 4 0 0 0 0 4 18 4 0 0 0 0 4 5 4 5 4 17 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 0 0 0 0 4 4 9 5 0 0 6 0 0 5 6 01: 4 5 Note that after completing a group,of five sentences, the progyam randomly picks a block of five sentences. A long latency occurs at that point as the tape moves into position. A paragraph of text on the screen for the student tekead can mask the wait so that the student would not be aware of the laiency. Also notice that ii takes about four seconds to 22 9 DAVID 219 rewind the stimuli for a repeat. As you can see, average latency would be misleading. In several instances this student decided not to replay the TV segment (sentence numbers 7, 8, 22). The ,quiz for the same lesson (Table 3) Was designed to select seven sentences at random from the twenty-five that were practiced. The sentence is repeated one _time. After that no repeats are available. Table 3 . Quiz Section Of A Representative Sample Of A student's Latency Using An Adapted NTID Drill And Practice Speech Reading Lesson Repeat Next Stimuli Sentence Latency Latency Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 4 15 7 17 5 6 6 4 4 4 11 5 18 4 Latency,can be reduced in this section by reassembling the test items into single blocks. Tape design becomes More important for gaming, dialogue and student control strategies. The first step is to plan anticipated TV stimuli, Segments and groupings. We found that access is faster when we duplidate segments on a tape rather than jump back and forth to one specific TV sevnent Iftany event,,the TV flow is enhancedby putting a response segment next to the following TV stimuli 'Segment For example, if the TV stimult(in the Job Interview lesson) was "Are you willing to move to the corporate headquarters?" the TV response segment for an affinnative answer by the student would be: "That's fine, by the way, what hobbies are you interested in?" In this case a negative ould lead to I diaastrous effect and would tree out to a respor. termination of the interview unless Abe student reversed his position on moving. But thaes a different issuein itself. As you can imagiue, i6ility to gather data reflecting student paths becomes very important to the process of developing efficient television tapes for the DAVID lessons. In general, the Sony 2850A is fast enough for drill and practicc(6.5 sec. per sec. in fast forward and 14 sec:per sec. in rewind) but a faster transport system is needed for dialogue. Table 3 shows latincies typical of the gaming, drill and practice and dialogue. , 230 220 DAVID The data in Table1 reflects one studeni's path through the demonstra- tion lesson. Since there are many deciiions available,, the lesson represents a highly individualized map and would be quite different from another student's pefformance. Many of the students stayed in the SamilIz section rnuch longer. In many instances -lessons can be designed-to reduce latencies to 2 seconds or less by inter4cing text between TV segments. In this way the feedback and "further instruction" masks the tape access time. When the student hat finished reading, the,tape is in positionresdy to go. Table 4 A Representative Sample of A Student's Various Strategies From the NTID DAVID Letenfy Using Demonstration Lesson TV Next Segment Segment Latencyln seconds) Put 1 1 Startrek Game , 4. 5. 6. 7. .8. 9. 10. Part 2 Speech Reading Drill and Practice 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 24. 25. 26. 27. 231 \0 '''t i7 43 4 1 12 '9 32 (position to section 2) 4 5 6 9 4 7 6 5 -8 12 .7 6 4 7 6 5 DA VID 221 Table 4 ton't Part 3 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Job-Interview Dialogue 30 (position to section 3) 12 14 16 0 .33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. , d 13 40. - 41. 42. 43. 44. -\ k 19 0 , 7 18 45.. 6 6 C.. ' . , 12 46. , 5 12 6 19 7 5 13 14 48. 49. 50. 51. '52. 53. 54. . 0 19 8 - 13 7 ; , A eclmmercially avafiable system anticipated provides speech of 23 seconds of tape per second in both forward tape V;ansport and rewind. This wilt be a significant improvement over the 2850A forWird at 6 seconds per second and rewind at 14 which moves tape seconds per second. Exploratiod of hard video OP* will occw when economically feasible; however, it is *till coisidered imperative that lesson development be done by way of a tape system befixe a disk system can be effectively used. Also, the newer PCM *soft Nide° disk with its read/write capacity may allow 'elimination of the tape process. These processes will be explored when available. On October 1, 1978, the NTlD prototy9e systad.was meeting criteria. Soon,ifter, plans were in iction to begin accepted as exploring the system as a research tool. 232 222 'DAVID Current Experiments Dr. Dona Is Dims of the NTID Audiology Department is exploring the DAVID sYStem-and its ability to help him evaluate_the effectiveness of answer strategieg cueren-dy used to teach deaf students speech reading Current instruction of speech reading at NTID requires a video tape player and television set at each student station supported by answer sheets and a teacher in the room. Three activities take place: 1) class instruction, 2) indivilial instruction (during practice) and 3) independent study (lab): The following is a description of the deaf student's speech reading activity en the DAVID system which is desigped to be similar to the Lab instruction. Firit, the student is started at a multiple choice level. After he sees a sentence spoken tn the television he, is asked to type the correct answer from four choices. A simple, a, b, c or d task. The assignment of level is done by the teacher and is based on extensive diagnostic data as well as the stlident's performance in class. The sec,?nd level of answering requires the student to type the words of the sentence just seen into a forinat which has blanks as clues and the key vo6bulaty word in the correct place. For example, the TV speaker has said, "The report was filed in the top drawer." The, student is given the following fontat to type his answer: PLEASE TYPE THE SENTENCE: filed level The third level of answer difficulty is similar to level two except that the key word is placed to the right of the answer area; su4 as: PLEASE TYPE THE SENTENCE (filed). level 3 , The fourth and hardest answer foimat requires the student to type the answer into a blank area. No key wofd or clues as to the number of words or their length is given. A blank space is provided for the student response such as 40 PLEASE TYPE THE SENTENCE. , level 4 Exact spelling is required; however, words out of positicn are' 2 3 :3 DA VID 223 accepted. As students practice,* the correct words are shown in their proper position in the sentence Its feedback, such as: PLEASg TYPE THE SENTENCE. The report has filed on-the drawer top. (student) The report -- filed the top drawer. (feedback) This shows the student that he has six words correct. The feedback becomes a strong clue. The student is given several tries with as many repeats of the TV segment as he wants. Eventually the student gets the sentence correct or is given the sentence word by word to type in. At that ,time, the sentence is played again but this time the audio is on and the 4ords are captioned on the screen. A typical course consists of 150 to 175 sentences organized by curriculum such as Engineering or Business. Key words are identified as primary vocabulary words in the given curriculum. Dr. Sims' lessons are being field tested by deaf students as they are , being developed. When the lessons-are satisfactory, two strategies of control will be added for testing: L. studentperformance control; that is, a series of correct or wrong answers will automatically direct the student to die next level of difficulty allowing progreSs or regression through the fdur levels of answer formats based on the individual's performance, and 2. learner control; that iq.. the student chooses any of the four answer forms. SUMMARY The needs of the deaf community require special tails to optimize the teaching/learning process. Instructional television has had a positive effect for teaching deaf students speech reading skills at "the Nationil TeClmical Institute for the Deaf Auditory training has utilized programthed instruction techniques with audio repliy technologies to increase deaf studentS' ability to use residual hearing. Both audiology and speech. faculty have depended upon drill and practice to teach and iinpiove student performance. The DAVID system was designed to assiSf the teacher by providing audio, television (in color) and an interactive learning activity through keyboard. All of this was under computer control. In addition, a sophisticated data gatk.ering capacity for research at NTID was attached. Television tapes and CAI lessons were developed to test the prototype undeil instructional conditions. Instruaional strategies used on the tapes were:11. gaming, 2. drill and practice, 3. dialogue, and 4. student control. The system was accepted by NTID October 1978 after nearly one year of testing by over 500 people. Face validity of the system was achieVed. The speed of the tape transport was identified to be a problem for some -234 224 DAVID* of the strategies used thou-0 it was adequate for drill and practice. New techniques for developing television tapes have been developed that maximize the access speed of the tape transport and which capitalize upon the very promising strategy of dialogue. Existing instructional television tapes were successfully adapted. Innovations such .fis hard video disk and ,PCM disk with read/write capacity will be explored when feasible. Dr. Dinis of the NTID Audiology Department is exploring the DAVMI system as it applies to speech reading and auditory training. Acknowledgements I feel it is fitting to list those whose creative contributions have assisted in bringing the DAVID system to its current state: Dr. Barry Cronin, chairman of the Instructional Television Department, Dr. Donald Sims of the Audiology Department, Dr. Haiold Farneth of the Curriculum Development D.epartment, Mr. Steve Talley of Instructional Television and Mr. Tom Myers and Dr, Kirmitt Schroeder, consultants. REFERENCES: 1. Sims, Donald, vonFekk, James. IL, Dowaliby, Fred L, and Hutchinson, Kathy, "Speechreading Instniction Experimental Design Utilizing the Digital and Audio Interacti'Ve Device (DAVID)," Repon of Fall Quarter 1978 Activities at NTID, Interdepartmental paper, National Technical Institute for the Deaf; January, 1979. 2. Smith, Jean and vonFeldt, James R., "A Comparison of Two Media: An Examination of Computer-Assisted Instniction and Television Instniction in Teaching Diacritical Markings to Post Secondary Deaf Students," techniCal paper, National Institute for the Deaf, August 1, 1977. 3. vonFeldt, James R., "An Overview of Computers in Education," technical paper, NationsVechnical Institute for the Deaf; March 1977. 4. vonFeldt, James R., "A National Survey of the Useof Computer-Assisted Instructl In Schools for tfie Deaf;" technical paper, National Technical Institute for the Deaf; January 1978. Cir re\ Cr CD LU Seminole Community College Working with Aventy-Seven Other institutions Thomas W. Hobbs Seminole Community College Sanford, Florida INTRODUCTION The Florida Community College System has several times served as a model for other community college systems in the country. With the realization that television had become one-of the dominant mediums of mass communication -the Florida Community, College System agim served as a Model when kbegan the development in 1973 and 1974 of the Florida Community and Junior College Television and Radio Consortium. A major reason for the search for a cooperative method of organizing the presentaticin of televised college credit courses was that of cost. With the relatively fugh costs of acquisition and of leasing documentaries, producing written materials, purchasing television broadcast dine, adapting telecourses to local needs, and of assigning faculty time, it was appaient that television created special economic problems for a single institution. \ 44 414 44. The development of the Consortium began during the fall or1973 when Valencia Community College in cooperation with WMFE-TV, the public television station in Orlando, agreed to broadcast the "Man and EnvironMent" series. Approximately three hunched students enrolled for credit the first semeiter. With such an outstanding response Valencia Community College, began to explore bther possibilities 'of televised programming The signal of WMFE-TV covered the service area of five central Florida community colleges. Encouraged by the news that WMFE-T1 . was about toincrease its signal strength five times its present power, Brevard, Pollc, Lake-Sumter and Seminole Community Colleges joined 225 2(36 226 Seminole Community College Valencia Community College in a Consortium. Unfortunately, the new tower from which the greatly increased signal was to be broadcast, collapsed during a finarstate of constniction. This resulted in two of five colleges suffering from an almost total loss of signal in their college districts. It was found that both colleges, isolated by the loss of the signal from WMFE-TV in Orlando, could receive the signal -of-WEDU-TV in Tampa. The WED U-TV management ageed to brpadcast the "Man and Environment" series. The broadcast by WEDUIV not only made it possible for Polk and Lake-Sumter Community Co4eges to receive progam signals but it also allowed for four additiRialt community colleges to participate. Hillsborough, Manatee, Pa,sco;teernando and St. Petersburg Community Colleges could now receive the signal and were invited 'to join the Consortium. As .a result of these additional colleges entering the organization, it was decided during the summer of 1974 to form the Central Florida Television and Radio Consortium. When the 1974 fall term was completed, the Consortium's college credit television course enrollment was 3,294. By spring of 1975 the list of courses being offered by member community colleges included: "The Ascent of Man," "Dimensions In Culture," "Man and Environment, Part I and II," "As Man Behaves," and via radio, "Law I" and "Law II." Since September 1974, more than eighteen different courses have been offered by members ofthe Consortium (see Appendix B). The enrollment has increased from the original 3,294 in one term to over 11,000 in one year. The total enrollment since its inception has been more than 52,000 students. Consortium Organization The geat amount of interest expressed in a possible statewide consortiu,m by non-member community colleges was such that with the 'aid of the Florida Department of Education plans were developed and approved for a statewide Florida Community and Junior College Television and Radio Consortium. The plan assigned each of Florida's twenty-eight community colleges to one of six regions. Each of the regions was centered upon, and somewhat determined by, the local public television station's broadcast capability. Each college was to serve the student population of its own district and would share equally the decision making processes and in the funding of die region's operations. Each region would choose a volunteer coordinator. These six coordinators would, in turn, meet on a statewide basis and would choose a chairman. This organization has functioned in such a way that the coordinators have shared in the development of plans, progams and new funding solutions. The plan and resulting Floridd Community and Junior College Television and Radio Consortium was approved by the Florida State Community College Council of Academic Affairs, the Florida 237 6 Seminole Community .College 227 Community College President's Council, and by the Florida Division of Community Colleges of the State Department of Education during the fall of 1974. Subsequently, all twenty7eight colleges have expressed interest in the Consortium and have participated to some degree. The Florida Community and,Junior College Television and Radio Consortium at that time was unique in that it developed within the Florida Community College System. The Consortium was designed to meet the needs of the individual colleges and was not superimposed upon the system at the state level. Much credit must be given to Robert McCabe, President of Miami-Dade Community College and David Evans, Vice-President for Campus Affairs of Valencia Community College for providing much leadership and support. Additional encouragement, technical and financial aid came next from the Florida Department of Education. J. Warren Binns, Administrator of Educational Television and Radio, agreed to assist the Consortium. This aid came in many forms but two of the more important were the leasing by the Department ofEducation for the Consortium, the majoritY of its teleyised courses and secondly, that it served as a dubbing center for all series offered by the Consortium. Both of these actions greatly relieved the financial burden placed upon the Consortium's member colleges. Locating Materials A problem that has often arisen for the Consortium has been that of locating appropriate materials. Until the recent addition of such listings as those of AACJC much of the search for new material was on a hit or miss basis. Often first knowledge of the existence of a telecourse has been gained from the varied public relations efforts of the individual producing entities. Other sources have been the various educational television or audio visual workshops with their displays of equipment and materials. The difficulty of locating a wide variety of materials has been especially acute in the areas of high Student enrollment such as the widely found general education courses. These freshman an4 sophomore courses acrOss the state enroll thousands of students each college term yet there have been very few television based courses,produced to fill this need. It is true that a number of high quality course materials such as "As Man Behaves," "The Growing Years," "The Ascent of Man," "It's Everybody's Business" have been produced with many colleges now using them. Many other colleges and universities have tried to enter this instructional area but often their efforts have centered upon the recording of lectures and slide show presentations. While it can be said those presenting the materials were often talented professionals in their respective fields of academic endeavor they have often possessedlittle knowledge of the limitations and potentials of television based instruction. Due to often poor or limited production procedures many of these 238 228 Seminole Community College 1:program series are simply not being used by the majority of colleges now offering television based instruction. There are several reasons for this reluctance, one of which is that of low appeal to the student. The college student of today is accustomed to viewing and using high quality audio visual materials. Materials produced poorly will receive poor student usage and will have a resulting low student enrollment. A second problem linked to poor production, quality and style is that many television stations today are reluctant or will refuse to use poorly produced educational materials during prime hours due to the lack of viewer appeal. The local stations when reviewing telecourses must also consider the general viewing public of which the station does not with to lose its share due to extremely poor production of some television series. It is not that excellent instructional courses have not been produced. One only has to view such series as "The Ascent of Man," to have the enjoyment of factual materials being presented in an enlightening and entertaining style. The number and variety of these courses for use in general education has continued to be severely limited. Additional production work needs to be undertaken in this area. It is not that it cannot be done because such institutions as Miami-Dade Community College, Dallas Community College and Coastline Community College have been doing it for several years. The television based courses offered by the Florida Community Colleges are usually chosen on the basis of consortial agyeement. The Florida Consortium regional representatives meet regularly to conduct reviews of available materials and to discuss future needs. After initial viewing by the region representative the recommended tapes are then viewed by the faculties of the individual colleges in each region, then make their recommendations to the regional coordinator whowhich then in agreement with the other five coordinators recommends what the State should lease or buy. Adoption of Al a terials The adaptation of a television based course is very often as simple as it 'may at first seem. Quite often a lengthy periodnot of review by instructional faculties of the course objectives and content takes place. Occasionally questions arise as to advisability of totally adapting such a course with all of its content and components. In some instances only the reordering of the sequence of tapes has been necessary. In a majority of instances extensive modification of either state, regional or local consortium professionals has had to take place on at least one part and on several parts of the course package. Many of the changes have resulted when there arose differences between the television based course materials and the local curriculum. Other changes have occurred in efforts to modify the lessen faculty resistance to telecourse& In one instancecourse so as to changes were 33 Seminole Community College 229 6 made to reflect a more local focus. The very popular series produced by Miami-Dade Community College, Man and Environment I and II was an excellent example of the range of adaptive changes. The series consisted of thirty ono-half hour tapes which were equally divided between the series' two courses. North Florida Community College at Jacksonville believed that a more local focus to the course was needed and so produced its own series of tapes to be used with those of MiamiDade Community College. Other changes involved in adopting these two courses could be found in the Central Florida Region of the Consortium. Here, not only were tapes reordered as to sequence there were new study guides developed .and different textbooks chosen. Problems of Delivery The full potential of the Consortium proably has not been fully realized. Several colleges have tried alternative means of reaching their district populations. Gulf C oast Community College at Panama City has -had to make extensive use of local commercial television cable system. Their problem has been the lack of a strong station to servi their population. Another example of alternate means of serving television students is exemplified by Daytona Beach Community College which has worked with the Volusia County School Board in using its system. Each of these examples represents an alternative method of reaching student populations by means other than public and commercial television stations. One reason for the numerous searches for alternative means of reaching the student have been the all too often obstructive or uncooperative attitudes of several of thelstate's public and commercial stations to the very idea of working wittiany ofthe colleges in a constructive way. Often the rates for air time have been placed at too high a level. Other instances have occurred where the local stations would simply refuse or not make time available for the telecasting of the college courses. Perhaps one reason why the Central Florida Region 'has been so successful in its programming ,has been because of the attitudes and management policies of WMFE-TV toward the Coniortium. Over the years since 1973, WMFE-TV has been an active supporter of the Consortium's eprt. Rates for air time have been le,..pt at a reasonable level and times for broadcast have been easily attained. Consortium Benefits The resulting advantages to the Consortium's individual member colleges have been numerous. Each college has shared in the selection of courses and has had the flexiblity of participating or not participating in .`-any of the course arrangements. This system of cooperation has helped all colleges in that it provided a greater sharing of expertise in such activities as the selection of materials, the devel )pment of faculty 2 .1 u 230 Seminole Community College workshops, study guides and other printed materials. Another advantage of this Consortium was that no longer would any individual college have to pay all the costs, for by cooperating, they paid an equal share of costs. The outstanding qdality of the Florida Communty College Television and Radio Consortium seems to be the freedom of choice allowed each member in its participation in any activity of the Consortium. The only limitation being that once a region has decided to offer a course all must share in its broadcast costs. Associated with each of these decisions is the fact they are arrived at in the local-regional level and nOt at the state level. This has allowed each college greater latitude in controlling not only its instructional costs but also its curriculum. APPENDIX A Community College Instructiodal Television and Radio Coordinators Jack Carroll Paul E. Novak Director, Learning Media Specialist Resources Florida Keys 3865 N. Wickham Rd. Community College Melbourne, FL 32935 Key West, FL 33040 IsatiC Call Charles Bond* Director, Learning Dean, Learning Resources Resources Broward Community Gulf Coast College Commnunity College 3501 S.W. Davie Rd. 5230 W. Highway 98 Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33314 Panama, City, FL 32401 Sharon Mixson* Dr. John Bouseman* AV Coordinator Vice President Central Florida Hillsborough Community College Community College P.O. Box 1388 Plant City, FL 33566 Ocala, FL-32670 Mrs. Mary Thornton William'Stabler Manager, Media Services Director, Learning Indian River Resources Community College Chipola Junior College .3209 Virginia Ave.. Marianna, FL 32446 Fort Pierce, FL 33450 Semino Dr. Don Thigpen Dean, Learning Resources Daytona Beach Community College P.O. Box 1111 Daytona Beach, FL 32015 Dean Ritzman Director, Media Services Edison Community College College Parkway ,Fort Myers, FL 33901 Guy Kerby* Cablevision Coordinator Florida Junior College 940 N. Main Si. Jacksonville, FL 32202 Ned Glenn* Director of the Open College Miami-Dade Community College 11011 S.W. 104th St. Miami, FL 33167 Mrs. Lu Alice Sands Director, Library Services North Florida Junior College Turner Davis Drive Madison, FL 32340 Hosmer Roberson Coordinator, Media Services Okaloosa-Walton Junior College College Boulevard Niceville, FL 32578 Community College Media L 231 Briggs ecialist ommu ity College e City, FL 32055 alter Allan e-Sumter Community College re00 N.W. 441, South esburg, FL 32748 Mrs. Margaret J. Lyons AV C Department Manatee Junior College P.O. Box 1849 Bradenton, FL 33506 Thomas C. Rogero Dean, Academic Affairs St. Johns RiverJunior College 5001 St. Johns Ave. Palatka, FL 52077 Robert N..Kreager Director, Instructional Development St. Petersburg Junior College P.O. Box 13489 St. Petersburg, FL 33733 Dr. Robert Meyer Dean, Learning Resources Santa Fe Community College P.O. Box 1530 Gainesville,, FL 32602 Dr. Thomas'Hobbs** Chairman, Social Sciences Seminole Community College Sanford, FL 32771 242 232 Seminole Community College Milton U. Thomas Ay Coordinator Palm 'Beach Junior College 4200 Congress Ave. Lake Worth, FL 34603 Wellington Estey Dean, Learning Resources Pasco- Hernando Community College 2401 State Highway 41, North Dade City, FL 33525 ITV Director Pensacola Junior College 1000 College Boulevard Pensacola, FL 32504 %O. * Region Coordinator *1' Consortium Coordinator Mrs. Leila L Sebring Librarian South Florida Junior College 600 W. College Drive Avon Park, FL 33825 William Donaldson Tallahassee Community College 444 Appleyard Dr. Tallahassee, FL 32304 Dr. Paul Kinser* Community Resources Valencia Community College P.O. Box 3028 Orlando, FL 32802 Dr. Patricia S. Miller Director, Learning Resources Polk Community College 999 Avenue H, N.E. Winter Haven, FL 33880 APPENDIX B Television Courses That Have Been Offered By The Florida Television and Radio Consortium Man and Environment I Man and Environment IF::7" As Man Behaves Dimensions In Culture Ascent of Man Adams Chronicles It's Everybody's Business Writing For A Reason Earth, Sea and Sky. Making It Count The Long Search American Government 24 3 Home Gardener Classic Theatre Modem Math Law I Law II The Age of Uncertainty Music Appreciation The Growing Years Biology Shakespeare Personal Finance and Money Management The Living Environment The Art of Being Human . CD f\I L.; ,. . * Bridging the. Chasm Between Telecommunications and Higher Education C. Gregory Van Camp General Manager, Station WWVU-TV West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia INTRODUCTION Several years ago, when West Virginia University's public television , station was in its infancy, my administrator, the provost for academic affairs, made a statement that in many Ways characterized the 'age-old' chasm between education and technology. The situation was this: the television station was under a short deadline from the Federal Communications Commission to file a form wlifch Nuked the signature of the chancellor of the West Virginia Board of Regents, holder of the station's license. The university, which operates WWVU-TV for thehoard, had an extensive, tithe-consuming revieKprooechire for an'y and ill matters which required the chancellor's approvalcertainly too extensive and too complex to meet the station's deadlineAn appraising the situation, my provost said, "Greg the problem is ... in television you work by the sweeping red hand of the clock . . . but the university works by the" decade!" However humorous, or maybe sobering his assessment reflected .a significant reality. Although my illustration is a greatly exaggerated contrastthe fact is that a chasm does exist between education and technology, specifically communications techholOgy. The Width and depth of the chasm varies, perhaps based upon one's own perspective. Certainly from tlie technology side, the chasm is generally perceived as awesome. In Match, 1975, the Advisory Council of National Organizations published a report to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting it was entitled simply "Public Broadcasting and Education." The first of its 11 recommendations stated, "The CPB should intensify its efforts to bridge the triditional chasm between broadcasting and education, building a working partner- ship to serve their common purposes." Over the years, many similar 233 244 .234 Bridging the Chasm recommendations, challenges, and mandates have been voiced. But the reality is that generally each camp continues to walk along its own side of the chasm. It is my purpbse hire to explore some of the reasons why this is true butperhaps more importantly to show that the chasm does not need co be thereat least not to the clearly-evident level that exists too extensively throughout the United States today. Higher education and communica- tions technology can inter-relate; however, it is going to take a major effort, and significant changes, by leaders on both sides to make it happen. Basic IsSues Let's consider the basic issues in an effort to understand the scope and ' nature of the problem. My analysis shall be confined to the field of cornmunications technologyor telecommunications; it is Ty observation that the chasm is greater in this field than in most other areas of technology. Most technology can be fully Controlled or managed by the user; telecommunications, however, is different. Telecommunications is a threat to many educators. It is not easy to use. It requires a team of specialists to produce its software. Too generally, educators and telecommunications people don't understand each other. One of the reasons is that telecommunications is similar to the educational Community in that the important work of each is pchieved by professional peopleassuming that the telecommunicatiorls unit is one of quality, with high standards. Each field is composed of sophisticated, intelligent, motivated human beings. Each has pride ... and separate missions with sets of goals. However, for the educators to use the technolognand to use it properly, individuals from these two fields must work closelyegether. The split also becomes evident when faculty within the same icademic diseipline reject the work of others. Further; we see it when the academic leadershipofan institution does not support the use of the teehnology. The communications technology itself is not the problemthat is quite straightforviard. The technology is merely hardware: cameras, videotape machines, cable, satellite, casettes, fibre optics, videodiscfascinating tools, designed by people. Examples Consider three examples in an attempt to explore this nationwide chasm. First, a very simplistic situation: the use of a television-based course, produced by another university. The key work is 'another.' Here is a well-known pattern: time and time again, faculty pm University A reject the television materials produced by Universities B and C. Reasons range from valid explanatiOns to obvious excuses. The fact is the faculty from University A didn't have a role in contributing ideas into the content. Further, within the same department of a university, a 243 Bridging the Chasm 235 television course developed by 'Prof. Smith' is equally reje'eted by his peers. We all well know, however, that books on subjects within the same academic discipline are accepted and used. What ;s the difference? Ideas and concepts are expressed in both forms. On the one hand the book is an integral part of the traditional system. Education developed with the of higlier education for centuries. But, book; it has been part televisionthat's a wholly different matter. It is a non-traditional newcomer. It doesn't fit into I- og-standing, established academic patterns. But perhaps most sigtificant, it is very personal. The communi- cations process is one-to-e. As a result, for these and other reasons dozens of truly outstanding television courses receive low fo marginal acceptance forbroad useuse which could be beneficial to many students-Land to many colleges and universities. A second exampleproduction of a television-based credit course. In this situation, a professor, the teacher-host, enters into the new experience with the expectation that he will control the cireumstadces. But this won't necessarily'be the case. The reasonwaiting to work With the professor is a 'team pf television experts: an instructional specialist, an executive pnxiucer, a pnxiucer-director, graphic artists, v'lecgraphers, lighting people, sound specialists, .echnicianseach with a role to play, and each in his desire to produce the highest quality poisible, may modify, support (or even hinder) the educator. True, the professor is responsible for the contentbut to effectively adapt it for televisjon, he must rely upon the tetvision experts, who are also creative, irnovative, knowledgeablepeople with ideas of their own, and confident of their own capabilities. There will be planning meeting, discussions, and approvaF of major and minor matteys. The faculty member becomes caught up in differenkechniques: formats, art work, field production, ahd other non-traditional, new 'activities. The educator becomes a partner, howcvei willing or unwilling, in a cornplc: situation--one which requires time, energy, patience, and hard worle. It is my observation that the more complex and sophistiCated tne production activity, the lower the control by the educator. Based upon the above scenario, can you expect a rush ois faculty members? And I haven't even mentioned the negative reinforcement and criticism the professor typically receivps from his peers during his new, sometimes traumatic experience! Frequent Distrust To add tri the complexity, unfortunately there is another whole side to the problem . . . a side of some significant magnitude. Too generally, . television people question the motivation of some professors in their de4re to use television. Telecommunications professionals have been 'burned' numerous times in unsavory experiences. When faculty tme 24 . 236 . Bridging the Chasm telecommunciations for personal gainor some self-serving purpose, the project doesn't succeed, or the end product is Of lower quality than it . could have been. Three graphic illustrations come to mind. One deals with the use of television as a means of proViding release time to faculty for their own research and publishini_ . release tirne justified by the large number of student contact hours generated. by the use videotaped lessons, played-baa multiple times, and repeated in future semesters. A second illuStrationthe production of a television series as w means to piovide a summer job for the faculty membernot produCed to meet an institutional need. A third illustration is a common problem. A professor secures a grant for production-of teleyision materialsbut he dbesn't inform the telecommunicationi peoPle about the project until after he receives the funds. Typically there is then conflict because of prior commitments by the telecommunications unit, or the funds are inadequate to accomplish the professor's original project. It is situations like these .which-make the,television people rightfully suspicious of new faculty prOjects which are brought to them. There are literally dozens of illustrations like these from around the country. Let's continue to explore the chasm with example number three: the full-blown, sophisticated telecommunications center, including public television and radio stations, as a unique entity within the university's system. To put this unit into context, realize the relatively high level of independence of this unitindependence from 'traditional university patternscreated by the Feder-al Communications Commission and its licensihg process. Sprcifically, the broadcasting staff has a truly unique mandatea responsibility of some considerable magnitude requiring special considerations, which may have little todo with the university, to Which it is lif;enSed. In essence, to some major degree, the broadcasters must operate as an entity. Further, whatever it does, its product, is fully in the publid view. This in itself is a unique, major distinction. Therefore, the administrator of this telecommunications unit is also, manager of the licensed broadcast stations; he works under a split responsibility and, sets of guidelines. He must walk the line between his university's policies and rules ... and those of the FCC and other Federal agenceis. To this, add the .complexities and implications of-My two you can begin to realize the depth and width of the chasm. Positive Relationship!Posiibilities,, previous examplesplus a number of other pressuresand maybe Now, with that background, let's return to my theMe: in sp ite ot the problems, a positive, productive inter-relationship can exist between the educational community and the. one of telecommunications. True, I have painted a fairly grinypicture of the chasm. But, that chasm can be bridged, if the parties Want it to happen. It is like a marriage. It can workif botk partners want it. to. However, unlike a marriage, the 247 0 # Bridging the Chasm 237 relationship of education and telecommunications is quite one-sided. One of the parties musi try harder,'be more flexible, and make a genuine effort to accommodat4 the other. That party is the technology partner. WhY? *Obviously the educational institution is the majority partner by many fold. Its, mandate, its size, its depth, is much broader, much okler,.much stronger. The telecommunications unit is just one of =try units Within the universityperhaps the youngest, the smallest, the Most independent There are several major reasons why the educational community is imereated in utilizing the new communications technology: (1) financial and enrollnient pressures on the colleges and universities and the resultant.meed to achieve greater efficiencies and to develop new and different student enrollments; (2) an increasing awareness by faculty in the potential benefits of using telecommunications; (1) the development of new easy-to-use devioes (such as the videocassette and the videodisc); (4) a gowing sophistication of the telecommunications professionals; (5) an increasing appreciation and acceptance Of the talents and contributions of the telecommunications staff; and (6) a realization that the average American is greatly influenced and affected by telecommunications as an integral part of his or- her everyday life. American industry and the defense e,stablishment have embraced communications technology as a basic part of their educational and training programs. NK Crestingi a Successful Marriage Those are the reasons to build the bridge. But hoW do we go about it? Previously I stated that one of the partners had to wolic much harder to make the marriage workand so it is. The telecommUnications people must make the major oVerture ... create the opening .. L. provide the proper atmosphere. And if the circumstances are to the advantage of the educators, and their use is for truly legitimate, valid purpOses, the marriage can work. For benefit of the marriage, there are several specific suggestions which I offer to the varidUs.parties. To the telecommunications administrator and the members of his staff: Develop, and instill in your staff an understanding of, and a coMmitment to service on behalf of the academic community. Be genuinely responsive to the needs of the educator*: Create an internal system which will objectively evaluate the Merits of accepting, or rejecting, faculty requests for service prdiOct-§. Maintain a high level of communicationsinternal and externalon activities related to _academic needs and projeCts. Open positive relationships with the other administrators within the University: Work With people ins the, comptroller's office, 248 238. Bridging theChasm purchasing, budget, personnel, physical plant. Within our bureaucratic world, learn to work within the systems . . . and 'make the systems wolic for you. Build a confidence in those with avhom you work. Develop realistic, justifiable goals, budget requests, and policies. Establish and maintain high production, technical, and operational standards. Make it as easy as possible . . . in all ways . . . for educatort to utilize your services. To the university administrator, I offer the following suggestions: If telecommunications can play a role in your institution, openly endorse it and follow with tangible support. Implement mechanisms, policies, aM organizational- structures which will integrate telecommunications into the mainstream of institutional concerns and directions. .1 Hire a telecommunications administrator-who will lead a staff whICh is responsive to faculty needs. Insist that the telecommunications unit be truly high-quality, professional in nature; if it is not, the expenditure can become a liability insteatof an asset. Support the telecommunications unit with adequ'ate funds for personnel; equipment, and operations. And to the faculty I offer these guidelines: Enter into the telecommunications experience with a positive, open attitude. Be willing to learn from the team of specialists: new techniques, ideas, capabilities of the hardware. Look upon the telecommunications staff as professional people who will help you., Be flexible and take full advantage of the new opportunities. Be realistic about the outcome of the activity. Involve-the television professionals early in your planning. Use telecommunications only for projects which support institutional and departmental goals. Previously, I said that the maniage can work, ifthe 'Parties want it to. If the above specific guidelines were all implemented, we would have an educational/telecommunications utopia. But needless to say, I'm not expecting this to happen. Short of utopia, however, I encourage educators and telecommunications professionals to work together for the mutual benefit of the learner. There is much to be gained., SUMMARY In closing, I'll share an example of how one institution, West Virginia University, and its telecommunications unit have built their bridge. Its construction took many years and much hard work . . . on both sides. Then after the bridge was in use, a new governor proposed removal of Bridging the Chasm 239 Station WWVU-TV from the university. He suggested that. it be transferred to the state's Educational Broadcasting Authority. To the governor, the move seemed logical and practical. It would accomplish the consolidation of all public television facilities under one budget and one set of policies. However, what the governor didn't know was the deep inter-relationship of the siption within its university. In the months which followed, an outside consAltant was retained to assess the most desirable 'home' for WWVU-TV:In his final report, the consultant, Mr. James A. Fellows, President of the National Association of Educational Broadcasters, recommended that WWVU-TV remain with West Virginia University. His six observations painted a picture of a successful, effective, positive, on-going relationship. He identified such areas as the university administration's support ... the station's planning activity as part of the institution .. . successful programming . . . efficient financial reporting ... and involvement and support from the public. The governor agreed' with the rationale. In the years which followed, traffic increased over the bridge. Perhaps thejnost successful activities have related to progiamming on WWVI/TV, which serves 29 of West Virginia's 55 counties. Since 1975, more than 500 WVU faculty and administrators have actively participated in , production, or have worked with us in other projects. Many of the programs have been accepted for distribution by the Public Broadcasting Service, or have been used regionally. One instructional course is currently being used nationally via satellite. Another recent area of success has been faculty utilization of . television-based credit courses. This project is now in its fifth year. Student enrollment for the six institutions served by WWVU-TV, showed an increase of 23 percent for the fall semester, 1980-81, over the similar period a year ago. Virtually every area of West Virginia University works with ' WVUTelevision' in the development of programs or in the utilization of other services such as equipment maintenance. One of the most exciting activities is a mutually-beneficial student intern project. Recently, the bridge was strengthened 'further through a new relationship between the academic senate and WWVU-TV. Now in place, and communicating effectively, is a Faculty Television Committee ... a liaison link between the educators and communications technology. Within the University organization, the telecommunications unit is structured as an active part of Academic Affairs. On September 25, 1980, on the occasion of the dedication of West Virginia University's new Broadcast Center, President Gene A. Budig stated, "WWVU-ni is a vital, integral, important part of West Virginia University." Although there is still a great amount of work to be accomplished particularly in the area of direct support of instructionthere is a strong 250 240 Bridging the. Chasm foundation and the proper elements are in place to move ahead effecitvely. Yes, it can be accomplished. But make the bridges solid ... and wide . and lasting, the design must be created with great care, and the construction must be well supervised. Once the bridges are in place, benefits start flowing both Ways . . . but most importantly to the institution. As we move through the new decade, and as our nation . . . and higher education meet different, changing circumstances and challenges, telecommunciations can play a siglificant, vital role. I encourage you to build some bridges. . . Curriculum's Technology Lag (Curricula and Television Literacy) Robert L Hilliard Dean of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education Emerson College Boston, Massachusetts INTRODUCTION As much as I deplore the lag in the use of technology in implementing curricula, I find even more critical and dangerous to our future the lag in incorporating technology, particularly television, aspart of our curricula. American education is responsible not only for a technology lag, but for a cultural lag that threatens the very nature of our free and democratic society by not making television an integral part of our curricula, as it is of our everyday livescertainly as much a part of our existence as is English composition, Algebra I and II, or a foreign language. Let me illustrate: When American television was young, in the 1950s, Edward R. Murrow interviewed a teen-aged gang member indicted for the murder of another youth. Although the accused boy could neither read nor write, he )41: watched television a lot. He explained his act or aggression by t1/4 comparing himself with Ns favorite TV hero, the invincible "Mighty Mouse." He could not differentiate between the fact and the fancy of what he viewed on television. He saw, but he could not accurately interpret He was not only a print illiterate, he was also a television illiterate. In 1981 a woman goes to her physician with symptoms of breast 144 cancer and, despite recent alternative methods of treatment, she =elks without question the diagnosis and prescribed mastectomy. Her principal knowledge of medical doctors comes from television, where they are gentle, altruistic, infallible, and look like Robert Young. The television reinforcement of the image the medical professional projects for itself 252 241 242 Curriculum's Technology Lag influences her even against her own self-interest. She is a television illiterate. During any political campaign a man learns about the candidates principally horn television, where the need to get attention and make a point in a short space of time results in the capsulizingof significant issues into 30-second spots. He comes to conclusions and exercises his democratic right to vote on the basis of superficial judgments rather than careful evalu'ation. He, too, is a television illiterate. Most of us, in fact, are television illiterates. That is, we cannot analyze and evaluate and come to objective conclusions about what we see and hear on television, although many of us, because we are highly literate in print, think we are television literates as well. At the very least, we are sonfronted with an issue of moralitythe morality of our being controlled without our knowledge. We need to know what is being done to us, how it is being done, and how we can cope with it. Cultur,a1 Sophistication and. traditional learning are meager defenses against media brainwashing, a relatively highly educated society of pre-World War II Germany fo . Goebbels praised film as his most important and SuCcessful tool in solidifying national support for the Nazi program. Those who control a country's media control its political processes. Unless we become literate enough to understand and control the effects of television, it will control us. We are a society that is primarily communicated to and is learning to ,communicate by visual and aural means, rather than by print which, 'before the electronic revolution of this century, was the only mass medium. Before television and radio we relied, for hundreds of years, on larint as the medium through which we could communicate longdistances and with large groups of people simultaneously. Throughout history, totalitarian,countries, in whatever political form they existed, have usually attempted to maintain a high rate of print illiteracy. They have known that without the ability to communicate effectively and to evaivate critically communications received, people were at a continuing disadirantage in understanding their political alternatives or in organizing to do something about them. During the past several centuries, with the invention of movable type and the growth of the printing press, print literacy began to spread, resulting in a gradual series of political revolutions, not the least of which was the one in this country in 1776. As long as print was the principal inedium of sophisticated communi- cations, the rise in literacy providedbut did not guaranteethe bases for people-oriented governments. The development of non-print media as significant means of communications permitted, in some countries, a return to totalitarian control over minds and emotions, including countries where the people's high degree of print literacy lulled them 253 into Curriculum's Technology Lag 243 the false perception that they could not be controlled through communications. Again, Germany of the 1930's is a prime example of the dangers of such a fallacy. Howpany hours a day do you spend reading? One? Two? Six? The two hours a day the average American spends reading includes signs, packages and labels, with less than half-an-hour devoted to books, magazines and, newspapers. Compare thai with this statistic: the television set in the average A merican household is on 6 hours and 20 minutes each and every day or the year. And 98 percent of the households in the United States have at least one TV set. The average student, by the time he or she has graduated from high school, has spent some 10,800 hours in the classroom and over 12,000 hours in front of the-television set. Print Illiterates are vulnerable to control by television and radio because they cannot take advantage of the multiple-source information and ideas that are possible in even the most repressive societies through u underground newspapers, clandestine pamphlets and smuggled books. Television and radio are especially powerful in developing countries, where they are principal instruments of control of thought and feeling. The more developed countries, however, are not immune. Even with & or, perhaps, because ofour extensive and intensive exposure to television, we Americans are not literate enough to immunize ourselves objectively from its persuasive powers. Print literates also are vulnerable to control by television and radio because they have a false sense of secuiity about their ability to evaluate critically and to cope with the effects of the media on them. Authority has always recognized print as a medium requiring the active participation of the reader, making it easier for the individual to control, and therefore authority has tried to suppress it. On the other hand, recognizing TV as a medium of passive participation, less easy for the individual to control, authority has tried to encourage and then to dominate it. Even in a democratic society such as the United States, efforts by both public and private sources to control television politically have sometimes been less than subtle. Control of the purse-strings can affect media content indirectly, if not-directly. As Erik Barnouw's book, The Sponsor, shows, sponsors' beliefs and interests have frequently determined the political orientation of a program, so subtly in many cases that unless you are a television-literate you probably didn't realize how you were being proselytized. A decade ago a National Conference Board study of the anticipated most significant issueeof the 1980s revealed that one important concern of leaders in various professional areas was the possible domination of the political process through the control of television by government or private interests. Government documents released in 1979 confirmed 254 . 244 Curriculum's Technology Lag what many people in the communications field had known in the early 1970s: the Nixon White House had attempted to use television to forward its political purposes and to intimidate the television industry Into restricting materials it considered politically unfavorable. Although it did not succeed in the long run, it was not without some success in both commercial and public television. Communications Professor Dallas W. Smythe of Simon Frazier University in Canada has long been in the vanguard of those who have recognized both the potentials and the responsibilities of the mass media in the real world. Some 20 years ago, at the height of the cold current events make Dr. Smythe's comments as applicable today as they were thenhe wrote: "We know that the public is largely apathetic and alienated from concern with the vital issue of survival. What has been the contribution of the mass media to this apathy?. . . As Lazarsfeld and Merton argued... the escapist nature of most of the content of the mass media has for the citizen a 'narcotizing dysfunctional' effect." By demanding passive response, television can neutralize people's concerns with and participation in the social and political events of the world, as well as being able to persuade them to take a particular stand on something. If we do not formally educate our people, young and oldto at least as much competency with visual and aural media as with print media, we will be-- we aresetting the stage for eventual control of them, ofus, by those who control the media. :lust as a young person graduating from high school has had twelve years of required courses in print literacy, so should that student have had at least an equivalent education in visual and aursl literacy, in television and radio criticism, and in the analysis and preparation of visual and aural communications and materials. The same holds true for college and university learning. All students in all fields'of endeavorincluding those going into economics, engineering, medicine, history, sociology, business, law and other professions, and not only majors in journalism, film, television or radioshould have at least as much exposure to visual literacy courses as they haxe to print literacy coMposition and literature courses if they are to function in and contribtite effectively to their society. Today, relatively few colleges war encourage for, no less offer to non-media majors such courses as "Critical Analysis of Television and Radio," "Aesthetic§ of Mass Medic," "Television and Society," "Writing for Television," and "Psychology of Communications." There is a need for more basic courses oriented to specific fields, such as "Teleyision and the Teacher," "Health Communications," "Broadcasting and the First Amendment," "Television and Human Behavior," "Television and Politics," and "Corporate Uses of Media." History and current events have shown us unequivocally that with few exceptions those who control television and radio are likely to control the 253 Curriculum's Technology Lag 245 political processes of any given country or Society. When a political revolution occurs anyplace in the world today, what is first taken over? -Not the Treasury. Not the Post Office. Not the schools or colleges. Not the factories or department stores. Not even the printing press. But the television and radio stations! , The control of the political processes of a country through the control of televisionwhether by-a government in power or by media barons in the private sectoris already a reality in many countries. In only a handful of nationsours among themare television and radio insulated to a meaningful degree from the direct control of the government. In the United States the extent to which the people can determine the content of television programming depends on their influence on the advertisers who sponsor the programs and the stations that carry them (and the state and local governments, institutions and organizations that support and eperare public television). To what degree can we exercise such influence as citizenz in a democratic society? In only the rarest of 'situation, given the political systems in today's world, is there a practical possibility that individual citizens might gain direct Control of TV and radiothat is, for citizen groups, included minorities and the poor as well as the elite, to own and operate their_ stations. The only citizen alternative, therefore, is to gain control of the effects of the mediato be able to analyze objectively and evaluate critically the content of television and radio so that it does not influence our thinking, feelings and actions without our intelligent and informed consent. That is what we mean by TV literacy. Those who believe they are qualified to exercise such control must ask themselves whether the judgments they make are based on literate, critical, intelligent analysis and evaluation of what they see and hear, or on untrained, even prejudicial attitudes. Just as important is the effect on our thoughts and feelings of those things about which we make no judgments because we do not understand enough about the media's psychological and aesthetic impact. These materials may be, in fact, the same kinds of things we have little problem making judgments about when we see them in print because we have had enough education in reading, writing and literature to be print-literates. Many of us who are print-literates wrongly assume that we are television literates as well. Both the problem and the solution lie in our educational system. Traditionally, we require formal preparation of all of our citizenry in print literacy. Almost without exception, graduates of secondary schools in this country have had 12 years of courses in composition, literature and other subjects that generally come under the heading of English, to enable them to communicate in print and to have some critical facility in evaluating print communications. Almost every college graduate has had at least an additional two years of required courses in print-competency. Yet, few elementary and secondary schools of colleges and universities 256 246 Curriciihan's Technology Lag require even one course in visual and aural literacy despite the fact that for some years past and from today on almost every human being has spent and will spend most of his or her communicating hours with visual and aural rather than printpaterials. Although the titles may seem Speciplized, such a curriculum would riot be designed to produce media specialists. It would do for our understand-ing Of the mass media what requited basic courses in history, mathematics, the physical and social sciences and, of course, English, do for us in those fields: provide us with a general understanding of those subject make us less vulnerable to misinterpretation- and manipulation areas and when we encounter them in our everyday, if not professional, lives. We should not have to Wait, either, for the training of a new generation before we begin to On control over the effects of television and other mass media. Continuing education programs for adults should include opportunities for TV literacy proficiency. The concept of "lifelong reaming" has had strong national support. One of the recommendations that came out of both the Federal Interagency Committee on Education's conferences on education and technology in 1979 and 1980, and which was endorsed by all federal agencies with educational responsibilities stated: Etuny citizen should have access to the highest quality communications, iniormaiion and knowledge resources and should be provided with the opportunity tor developing competencies in print literacy, electronic' literacy, computer literacy, and telecommunications literacy. In this respect, at least, our frequengy foot-dragemg federal bureaucracy is far ahead of our educational establishment. Those who are concerned about our national TV illiteracy and want to do something about it will not have an easy road. It means changing education. It means convincing school boards and superintendents principals and teachers and trustees and professors and students and and citizens. It means more than talking about it. It is easy to get agreement when only words are at issue. It is exceedingly more difficult when action is required and political control of a people is the prize. As Bernard Shaw said of Savanarola: when the hitter told the ladies of Florence to destroy their jewels and finery as a step toward a better, moral life, him as a Saint; but when he actually induced them to do it, they hailed they burned him at the stake as a public nuisance. The same people who would make their educational institutions the best schools or colleges of the 19th century are likely to object strenuously to the introduction of mass media courses of the curriculum. But, just as the monks with the as an eSsential part mortarboards and gowns who railed against the intrusion of mass-produced books into their monopoly of all the world's knowledge had to adjust to people's desires for uncensored learning, so will those who now are fearM of the peOple's right to learn how to cope with perhaps a less obvious, but more insidious, kind of censorship and control. Curriculum's Technology Lag 247 If our educational institutions truly want- to educate people to participate as thinking, contributing, competent human beings in a free, democratic societyand that is what educational institutions tell us they want to dothen they must introduce curricula that will graduate people who arc visual and aural as well as print literates. I am aware that there is some question as to whether we now are turning, out even print literates. Perhaps part of the problem is that we have created a schizophrenia in learning we have been concentrating almost completely on print and have been unsuccessful in all media areas because the real world in which the student lives and operates is principally a visual and aural one. If we believe in the desirability of a society governed by the educated will of the people, we will have to take action, perhaps as saints perceived as public nuisances, that will make us all literate enough to evaluate critically and, therefore, better able to control the effects of television. If we do not, we can be certain that television eventually will control us. - a 'The American Open University One Answer to- the Technology and guniCulum Lag" Don Mdlell University of Nid-Americo Lincoln, Nebroslo INTRODUCTION Despite the broad reach of distance education programs, across the United States, there is still a need to reach millions of unserved or underserved learnersthe problem is one of scope. And despite the fact \ \No that existing institutions do serve some "distance" learners through their extension services, the very structure of the institutions keep them from embracing new, innovative methods of educating adult's. Demands for educating adults are increasingby women re-entering the work force,. by the military, by minorities, by industry and tabor. People are looking at their lives and seeking education that will aid them in a mid-career change, in upward mobility, in continuing education, or in simply learning for learning's sake. The key to educational opportunity for adult learners, most of whom are pakt-time students, is that the education be on their own terms. But these students face situational, psychologicil, and institutional barriers. The barriers generally include residency requirements, unavailability of programs at times and locations desired by the student, limited credit awarded for learning gained from experience, limited credit awarded for "testing out" or credit by examination, non-transferability of credits between institutions, lack of support services, bureaucracy of admissions and record-keeping systems, and a refusal by institutions to utilize technnioa in teaching- ik To overcome these barriers, the University of Mid-America proposes the creation of a nationwide American Open University (AOU), aimed at the part-time adult student. It will be an independent, accredited institution with its own Board, faculty and administration. And it will have regional centers across the country, which will monitor satellite study centers. 25' 248 The American Open University 249 Scope of AOU The American Open University will produce and acquire courses, and offer instruction via a, variety of delivery systems, ranging from independent study to technology-based instruction. It will grant unlimited credit, after testing, for learning gained through experience, and will accept transfer credit from accredited institutions. The AOU will provide a Variety of tests for competemies, and counseling services will be-available by telephone, by interactive computer, and in person at the study centers. In addition, it will create a credit registry where a gtudent anywhere in the country can "bank" or accumulate his or her credits, and will, on demand, provide training and continuing education progiams. It will also build in evaluation and research, which will relate to all phases of the operationcourses, curriculum, governance, operations, admissions, etc Since technology can improve and expand educatic -" levels and increase the cost-effectiveness of education, ttie Ma., will utilize technology wherever it is appropriatebroadcast and cable_television, audio (broadcast and cassettes), videocassettes, satellite transmission, the picture phone, the videodisc, the computn, and any other techno- logical innovations that will help reach the student with quality instruction. Of particular importance to the AOU is computer-based instruction. In today's society, one must be "computer literate" to survive. The AOU will use computers in administration; in tutoring, testing, and scoring in the credit registry; in evaluation and assessment; and in the delivery of courses, with the eventtial capability of offering an entire degree through computer-assisted instruction. Proposed Curriculum Finally, the AOU's curriculumthe curriculumplan is 6uilt now on assumptions that later may change after experience is gaitied, but rOr now we assume the following. The AOU will make available a full curriculum of instruction for each degree program. The first two degrees wil be Bachelor's Degyees in Arts and Sciences and in Business. Each bachelor's degree program will require 120 credit hours, with an area of concentration and with evidence of a broad education. Later degrees will include Communirtiom and Technology, masters programs and noncredit courses. AOU course offerings will be a mix of courses produced by the AOU and courses acquired elsewhere. After six years, the AOU intends to offer 312 credit hours of instruction, With 72 hours produced by the AOU and 240 hours acquired from other producers:. A typical Arts and Science course will be computer-managed, with a media component; and a typical 3 hour course will include 15 lessons of 260 , 250 .0-The American Open University - - independent study materials, with textbook and study guide; a set of 6 audiocassettes; and 2 optional computer-based or television-6ased programs available at a study center. The AOU later intends- to experiment with offering 6-credit-hour coutses. . The average cost of an AOU-developed course will be $45,000, while the average.cost of acquired course will be $40,000. Courses will require revision or replacement in 6-7 years, with revision costs to be half the -development cost. The key to the AOU's curriculum development will be its faculty. A team approach will be used, and the faculty will decide curriculum issues. SUMMARY Aitually, there is nothing new in the American Open University. Each of the concepts is found in place in various segments of the -higher education system. But the effort to reach adult students is fragmented and isolated. Our plan is to bring together all those concepts within the framework of a single institution. The goals and objectives are much the sathe as held by., other institutions of higher learning. Yet this institution will he responsive to adult part-tinie students; it will be learner based, rather than institution -based. It will; of course have high civality offerings, and it also will be cost-effective. The AOU will not lose human ihteraction, but it may not be in the traditional form -of lectures and face-to-face meetings. The telephone, the comp,titer, and the mail may become the substitutes. But it will have human involvement andit will be humane. We hope, as the AOU seeks to overcome the barriers of the part-time adult learner, that it can earn the respect of the existing institutions. The' AOU would like to become partners in the enterprise, to work together on contract, thrOugh articulation arrangements, etc., hOth with 4-year and 2-year institutions. We are not competing with them; we will Supplement their progams and eventually provide more students for the existing system, even as the American Open University grows to a projected student body of 50,000 in five years. The need and demand, are evident; the technology is available; experiments to datehave succeeded; we have the ability. Itislime to create the American Open University. 2 61 Using TV to Teach High Order Thinking Skills M. Virginia Diggy College of Education University of Lowell Lowell, Massachusetts INTRODUCTION The professiOnal literature of the last two years abounds with references to cognition, problem solving, concept development, associa- tive thinking, critical thinking, reasoning, productive thinking, and creative thinking. Those who know the theories of learning and cognition fields will recognize, however, that this attention to the higher cider of skills is a renewal of interest. James, Tfiorndike, Thurstone, "Gagne, Piaget, Russell, GetzelS, Covington, Bruner, Salomon and many others have devoted their professional lives to research and the development of hypotheses about the components of thinking and what skills are necessary to -solVe probleins creatively. What are the "higher order skills?" There is probably not much , disagreement that they include inquiry, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Theories of learning, in the majority, hold that knowledge that is organized and related is better learned and retained than knowledge that is specific and isolated. Curricula organized sround scope and sequence are designed to Provide the"organization" and the order that seem to be necessary for niost pir.,Pie to ase these learning tools critically and creatively. There are always hidden agenda in instructional materialsa master plan of what ought to be.introduced first, reviewed, and reapplied. Sometimes the sequence and the application are too subtle to be identified by the learner, he doesn't recognize that he is thelearner and that he does have command of the information. Sometimes the provisions for application are artificial and seem unreal, and the learner is reasonably sure that he will never have an opportunity to use this information and that no one else will use it either. What the student needs 251 252 High Order Think(ng Skills is evidence that he can do something with the knowledge that he can apply the information to new situations he has acquired. and problems. He expects to be able to select an appropriate technique for attacking a new problem and to use his information ffacts and concepts) to solve it. The capacity to do this is frequently called reasoning or critical thinking, but regardless of its name, it provides the learner with a solid feeling of being in control, Of having a handle on his world, of being able to solve a problem. Television as a Medium And why would we want to try to teach these components of thinking via television? First, it is necessary to look at television as a medium for instruction rather than entertainmentin other words, to indicate why television is for learning. Television is a powerful motivatorit provides the viewer with direct contact, it can span history, it can pick out a wee piece of history or theory or aand turn it around in the camera's eye much as a gemologist would turn a diamond as he searched for quality or for flaws, it the viewer the hustle and bustle of a city, the sights brings directly to and sounds or the tranquility of hundreds of acres of farmland in a country or the sight of tears, pain, Poverty or joy, warmth, friendship. It can pace the learner, it can challenge, it can comfort, it can capitalize on the receptivity of most young people to the "visual" and to the "aural," it can put the viewer/learner in the center of a problem and give him some analytical tools and suggestions ta solve the problem It can make review (often boring in other media but always necessary) interesting and stimulating because it can help to apply newly acquired skills in wholly different content and context yet help the "skill" to stick right out at the learner. An. instructional television program represents hundreds of hours of planning, of research, of organization and conversion of ideas to practical segments of instruction. It maintains a steady enthusiasm and efficiency unlike the human who may present a super lesson, wisely planned and executed once a day but whose energies are drained and whose capacity to sustain that quality level of "super" is eroded by interruption and other responsibilities. Cost Effective Television gives the best bargain -for one's investmentit is cast effectivebut though cost effectiveness and efficiency are not only buzz words but popular concepts, it is the quality of instruction which television can bring which quality jnstruction. is so vital. There simply is no substitute for In 1974-75 I had the rich professional experience of preparing a prospectus for an instructional television series dincerned with skills 263 High Order Milking Skills 253 essential for learning. In the course of thinking about the task and fmally writing about it, I spent hours researching and discussing with colleagues the critical components of essential skills for learninginquiring, analyzing, synthesizing, seeking alternatives, and creative problem solving, indeedreasoning and thinking. There were many professional colleagues who questioned my sanity, since those components are alleged to be handled best by a teacher face to face with a student. I was proposing that television could help in the task because it could prdifide a variety of strategies for introducing or reviewing, enhancing and extending the higher order of skills or reasoning and thinking, problem solving, synthesis, evaluation, "creative thinking." Television, I argued, could help kids to "see" these components being usedthey could, in fact, be a part of the solution of real problems because the thinking process related to the solution could be visualized and an assortment of more complex problems requiring increased reasoning talent could readily be provided. Instructional Design Froin that paper and subsequent years of inquiry into "thinking" an instructional design emeriod. I had thetremendous good fortune to work with two of the most intellectually capable people I knowDr. Jerry Brown and Dr. Priscilla Denby who served as the major instructional designers for the series, "ThinkAbout," prepared for the consortium of 41 State Departments of Education and instructional television agencies in the Unied States and Canada under the direction of the Agency for Instructional Television. The design of "ThinkAbout" had some tenets or "underpinning" statements by which we all "lived" as we worked on the development of the series. Two basic guidelines were: (1) skills, whatever they are, require constant use to keep them operative, and (2) the more practically and realistically and the more often a skill is properly applied in a variety of contexts by the student, the more likely it will actuallybelong to him 'and be his to use for a lifetime. We assumed this posture about "acquiring" skills. The term "acquire" means to "gain by any means, usually by one's own exertions . . . or, to get as one's own." As indicated earlier, one of the reasons why students fail to identify basic skills instruction as useful and necessary for them (and theret4e to profit from it) is that the instruction frequently conveys the idea that the skills have no real, everyday value. Students think that it is merely the teacher who has decided that these skills are necessary, so I continued to press the point"If the emphasis is on 'acquiring' skills, the total_design of the series will have to assume a posture of involving the student so that through his own participation he will acquire, as his own, -264 254 High Order Thinking Skills the skills essential to learning." And some "concomitant concerns" we hoped to address via the seriesa sort- of hidden agendawerethe concomitant !earnings which are avaLble to children whenInstruction is carefully planned and when full advantage is taken of the opPortunities to point out relationships are many. Accordingly, as the instructional design team for the project prepared materials, we were especially dware of additional purposes to: help students to recognize that "learning" is an appealing adventure attract and sustain the student's interest in learning assist the student to identify the learning style which seems to fit him best assist the student to realize how one learns and why some parts of the learning process have been assigned to the school help the student to appreciate why the skill is essential assist the student to become capable of self-diagnosis of his level of performance in the essential skills. Throughout the series, whenever possible, through the content selected to present the skills essential to learning, the design team made every effort to include reference to the following: learning to make good choices and good decisions and acting in ways commensurate with those decisions are persistent goals observation is an important learning tool expressing one's thoughts and feelings well is productive reading can produce personal enjoyment style and taste can be developed aesthetics and values are an integral part of learning clarity and precision in speaking and writing are a courtesy to one's reader or listener memorizing some items one needs regularly is a legitimate activity non-verbal communication skills are essential visual literacy, the ability to recognize and draw information from sources other than print, is an essential skill problem solving skins apply to almost everything one is called upon to do. As Dr. Brown and Dr. Denby worked on the design, the interdisciplinary character of the series was very evident because we were,using the same processes for attacking and solving a problem in a math context as in a discussion about energy conservation. Later, as scripts were written, the very skillful pattern of " layering" in all the disciplines and the components of problemsolving evolved by Dr. .Brown, became the interdisciplinary backbone of the series. 9 j High Order Thinking Skills 255 Clusters After months of study, it was necessary to" anchor" some components of reasoning and thinking which we hoped would be the core of the series. They were organized in Clusters: "Finding Alternatives" "Estimating and Approximating" "Giving and Getting Meaning" "Collecting Information" "ClassifYing" "Finding Patterns" "Generalizing" "Sequencing & Scheduling" "Using Criteria" "Reshaping Information" "Judging Information" "Communicating Effectively" "Solving Problems" The clusters were further developed to permit various strategies for achieving the purpose of the cluster. A sample of a cluster and its "parts" is: Solving Problems Solving one problem may create another The amount of time given to,thinking about a problem before acting should vary with the importance of the problem and the amount of time ravailable Solving a problern often involves a risk Solving problems requires persistence Let's take a quick look, at the "intro" information in the Teacher's Guideto this cluster. "Cluster Goal" To helf, students: Decide how much time So give to thinking about (or trying to solve) a problem. Realize that risk-taking is part of problem-solving, and that one must decide upon how much risk one wants to accept when preparinge plan to solve a problem. Accept failures in problem-solvinglearn from them, and persist. , "About Solving Problems" `ThinkAbout' programs have presented many different problems, and all of them have been approached in a thoughtful way by onscreen charicters. Repeatedly, real-life ten-to-twelve-year-olds have had opportunities to observe and discuss how their on-screen 266 256 High-Order Thinking Skills counterparts try to solve problems and how, in most cases, they succeed. By now students may agree that: A planned approach to solving problems is usually preferable to an unplanned approach. It is important to have alternatives. There seldom is "one best" way to solve-a problem. This cluster introduces four additional ideas about solving problems. In solving a problem one must be aware that other problems may be created. The amount of time devoted to thinking about a problem (or trying to solve it) must "fit" the problem and the situation. Risk-taking is-an inherent part of problem-solving and must be considered when weighing alternatives. Failures can be expected in problem-solving persistence and willingness to learn from past mistakes are crucial. These are important ideas. It is easy to assume that a carefully thought out plan cannot fail, to become discouraged if it does, to reject the value of a thoughtful approadh, and to ask, Why bother? A planned approach to problem-solving is not a guarantee for success on the first try, or ever. Rather, a planned approach offers people the best chance of eventually finding a solution. It is a way; it is not an end. By integrating the ideas in these four programs with the ideas of other programs, students will have powerful gdides to use in tackling problems, in school or out. They will be `ThinkAbouters: Each program of the sixty has its own story line which intrigues the students and virtually wraps around them so that they become involved in solving problems or finding patterns. SUMMARY After a year of use, the cumulative effect of working with the series seems to be that students are looking more carefully at the route to solutions for problems. After the second year, we'll know more, of course. Our goal has been to help the students get handles on their own worldsolving problems requires persistence! Reasoning, thinking, and all those other components seem, indeed, to be being taught via television. Solving problems requires a risk, too, and we took it! REFERENCE 1. Teacher's Guide to THINKABOUT, a video series for fifth and sixth grades in the Skills Essential to Learning, pp. 78 & 79, Bloomington, In. Agency for Instructional Television, 1979. Computers and Curriculum Promises and Problems Robert M. Caldwell School of Allied Health Science Untversky of TexasDallas Dallas, Texas The Need for Technology-Assisted Instruction A complex tangle of problems has led educators to seek new ways to improve learning, particularly in the basic skills. The causes for these problems are extensive and complicated and will require continued research and experimentatiod before we fmd the proper technologies and their application to solve them. Declining Test Scores While the exact causes remain unknown, there has been a step* decline in SAT scores, in achievement test scores, -and in numbers of students who perform at grade level or above. In urban recruitment areas, for example, the armed forces rejects over 40 percent of those seeking to \I enlist because of illiteracy.5 In an attempt to reverse this trend, thirtyseven states have adopted some form of competency testing while others have explored the use of various forms of technology to help insure mastery of basic skills. Declining Enrollments 10. N (44 Failure to master basic academic skills had led many students to drop out of school. In New York city alone over 40 percent of public school students drop out to seek manual labor or vocational training.1 Most end up unemployed or ivorking at menial jobs. In addition, schools are losing students at a stettcly rate. The percent of students between the ages of 15 and 19 will decline from 20.6 in te80 co 16.8 in 1990. This will result in many school facilities closing lind will create a need for fewer teachers. However, even with fewer students enrolling, the cost of educating them will continue to rise. As a result, 2-6-8 257 258 Compute's and Curriculum school officials will be IllAh'ing to find more efficient means to educate learners with fewer and fewer resources. Decline in Available Talent Pool A meaningful consequence of declining enrollments and a steady decline in achievement is a critical shortage of individuals trained in skills needed-for high technology industries. Not only will there be fewer college graduates by 1990 but few of them will be trained in the skills related to science and high technology. The number of college graduates in engineering has risen from 37.8 percent in 1960 to 54.6 percent in 1980. The number of graduates in the social sciences; however, has risen in the same period from 31.5 percent to 211.0 percent. This represents a percent increase of 669 percent in social science graduates opposed to only a 44 percent increase in engineering graduates. The impact of these statistics on the future of technology development in the United States is significant. UNESCO figures (Table 1) for 1980 show the United States far behind other countries. Table 1: B.S. Degrees in Engineering in Nine Countries Bulgaria Czechoslovakia East Germany Hungary Poland Romania West Germany Japan U.S. Total Engineering % 14,661 5,880 7,212 17,356 40.4 22,306 43,205 11,768, 26,578 30,839 60,436 315,122 949,000 5,535 ' 10,9", 12,2160 22,400 65,422 54,600 32.3 40.1 47.0 41.0 39.7 37.1 20.7 5.8 In short, our educational problems have reached critical proportions, particularly if the United States expects to maintain leadership in the high technology industries. As a result, industry, business and education have looked to the promise offered by the magnificent technology currently available for solutions to the urgent problems facing them. The Promise of Technology-Assisted Instruction The benefits of increased achievement and heightened student interest which can be derived from technology-assisted instruction, particularly instruction which is under direct computer control, have been well documented in the professional literature.2 There is little need to reiterate 269 Computers and Curriculum 259- the conclusions detailed there. However, some discussion is appropriate concerning the promise technology offers for improving instruction -and broadening our alternatives for instructional delivery. The Bitefits for Instruction I. Distributed and Distance Training: The cost of high quality training goes up each year. Large corporations which maintain offices in vide ly disparate areas of the country and the world are fmding it increasingly more difficult to maintain quality training programs, particularly in high technology industries where the technology changes rapidly and profoundly. Costs related to transportation, housing, per diem and lost work opportunities became significant over time. Training which can be distributed across many locations and delivered to remote job sites can contribute significantly to savings in training costs. 2. Individualization: Computer systems make individualized instruction possible in ways few other media can. Because of their highly adaptive and responsive natures, computer systems allow instmction take into account each learner response and adapt the amount and extent of instmction to the individual needs of each learner. The computer can employ self-pacing and individual branching to the extent that a learner can select his/her own pathway through course material. Also, computers can perform diagnostic inventories which can identify individual skill deficiencies. This information can then be used to place students exactly within the curriculum and to direct them to the instructional material - most appropriate to their needs. 3. Modularization: Curricula designed for delivery through computer systems can be easily modularized,into small, easily mastered units and structured in coherent hierarchies so that learners progress through learning expereinces in a sequential fashion or at least in a sequence determined by each individual response history. rn this way, curriculum materials can specifically address each necessary skill in a defmed content area in a manner that does not leave topics unattended or require extensive instruction in any skill that has been already mastered. Instruction presented in small, well defined units is less overwhelming than large blocks of material and promotes success. The steady "mastery" of each discrete unit,, then, reduces frustration and helps learners- gain confidence about their ability to learn. 4. Multisensory Format Computer systems have for some time offered a wide range of media integrated under computer control to produce a multisensory presentation of material. Many computer systems, including microcomputers, can present material through slides, audio, video tape and video dislc. Many of these media can be randomly accessed by the computer so that students can hear or see portions of a presentation several times in a remedial segment. In addition, some computers can display sophisticated graphics and animation on the CRT 270 260 Computers and Curriculum itself and offer touch sensitive response. This feature is particularly useful in training where instrumentation is being taught (e.g., pilot training, equipment operation). Touch sensitive screens allow learners to touch switches, buttons and levers in a manner which closely approximates a real situation. 5. Tireless Repetition and Reinforcement: Many skills requite repetition and reinforcement before they are fully mastered. Foreign language, complex vocabulary, terms and other content which can only be acquired by commitment to memory can be presented tirelessly and with infmite patience by a computer. Also, computers can structure repetitive tasks and patterned reinforcement into carefully planned sequences which adapt to the individual learner's responses and which take into account entry behavior. This is done automatically and efficiently in a way that would not only be imssible for a teacher to do but inefficient. 6. High Transportability and Flexibility: The introduction of microcomputer systems has added a new dimension to computer-based and technology-assisted learning. The highly transportable nature of microcomputers allows educators most of the benefits described above in almost any location where there is an electrical outlet. Microcomputers can be used as stand-alone systems or can be networked together to offer many of the same advantages of record keeping, diagnosis, and prescription offered by larger systems. Microcomputers can also be tied to main frame computers by using modems and used as terminals to access large data bases. The benefits cited hero are but a few of the many ways computers can be used to expand the educational alternatives currently available to schools at all levels of education and training. Obviously, the ultimate benefit is in increased achievement and greater efficiency in learning. Many studies are available which detail instructional gains derived from computer-based programs. A recent one serves as a good illustration of how achievement can be increased dramatically using computer-based instniction. Two projects which used the Basic Skills Learning System delivered on PLATO demonstrated significant gains in reading in Maryland and Minnesota.5 A summary of the results obtained at an adult learning center in Baltimore, Maryland, are summarized in Table 2. In summary, the potential for using various forms of technology, particularly computer-based media, offers excellent potential for improving instructional alternatives and opportunities. Cost Benefit In addition to substantial benefits which can be obtained instructionally, computers and computers interfaced with other technologies can have a number of advantages for reducing the cost of instruction. One example ;2 7 1. Computeri and Curriculum 261 Table 2: Achievement Gains, Adult Learning Center, Baltimore, Maryland, February-June, 1978 Expected School Average Time On Average Grade Time for Similar Number of Growth Level Gain System/Student Students 15 In. 24 0.8 grades 120. hrs. Two prcjects in Minnesota also compared the computer-based Basic Skills Learning System with traditional educational programs. Each site included approximately twenty students and utilized data collected between February and June, 1978. Table 3 reports the grade level gains for the two Minnesota sites. Table 3: Comparison of Basic Skills Learning System and Traditional Program at Two Minnesota Sites Site Average Time On Basic Skills System/Student Learning System Stillwater Prison Stillwater, Minnesota Fair Break (Adult Basic Education Center) St. Paul, Minnesota Traditional 15 hrs. 1.6 grade gain* 0.0 grade gain 11 hrs. 1.8 grade gain* 0.0 grade gain Statistically significant gain. Adult learners using the Basic Skills Learning System to improve reading skills averaged a 1.12 grade level gain in reading achievement after an average instructional time of 13.0 hours. Further analysis of the data reveals that an average learning time required to generate a 1.0 grade level gain would require 18.34 hours of computer-based reading instruction. A more detailed analysis of this data is offered in Rizza and WalkerHunter (1978). cited earlier is the tremendous cost savings which can be accrued using, technology in training. Other cost benefits are also possible: 1. Declining Cost of Hardware: Computer systems continue to become less expensive as new technologies emerge. As these systems get less expensive, their instructional potential seems to rise proportionally. 2 72 262 Computers and Curriculum One computer industry spokesman remarked recently that if the automobile industry had advanced at the same rate as the computer industry, a Rolls Royce Would currently cost $74! Recent developments in microcomputer technology have slashed the cost of delivering computer-based instruction. Highly sophisticated systems which teach using graphics, animation and speech output can be purchased for under $3,000 and some less flexible units can be purchased for under $500. Computers remain one of the few products which get increasingly better but continues to cost less. 2. Savings from Lower Attrition: Most urban schools have a severe problem with attrition. Unmotivated students do not attend classes or drop out at an early age. As mentioned earlier, the dropout rate in New York City alone is 40 Tercent. Use of computer-based education, however, has begun to alleviate a portion of the problem by introducing a novel, individualized approach to education which has resulted in dramatic reductions in attrition. In studies done in Ontario, Canada, and Baltimore, Maryland, for example, attrition went from 60 percent to 5 percent using computer-based programs. In a study done with 700 students in Washington, D.C. schools, lower attrition° resulted in a $30,790 saving in tax dollars. If this figure were projected across 24,000 students, it would result in a Cost Product Index savings equal to $9,600,000!1 Non-Traditional Education Advancing technology will produce many far-reaching benefits in the future, particularly with regard to non-traditional forms of education. Instruction will be available in the not too distant future in the work and remote locations, such as military installations, home, at marines, and at sites where traditional communications ships, suemedia are unavailable. Cable television, for example, will hot only bring innovative programs intp the home, but will also allow access to large data bases, many of which will allow interaction with the home television. Television and video disk linked with computer systenis will level of interaction never before possible. Hoine viewers will allow a be able to view many events from several different angles. Each viewing angle will be chosen by the viewer using a .control called a "joy stick." Instant replays from any angle of your choice will be common in the very near future. These innovations, along with satellite communication, fiber optics and a whole range of technological advances, will revolutionize learning as we know it today. There is little doubt, of course, that central to the operation and control of these technologies will be low cost,.powerful computer systems. 2 37 Computers and Cutriculum 263- Proolems Related to the Use of Computers in Education kack of Adequthe Courseware Even though educators have been exploring the uses of computers to deliver and manage instruction since the early sixties, the development of courseware (i.e., programs which interactively inslruct learners) remains *rather inexact science. Most attempts at delivering a lesson through a computeilystem to date endup looldng like someone's lecture notes, . printed on a cattxcie ray tube. The result for the learner is usually a rather dry presentation- of material which does not need a sophisticated computer system to merely present text and ask questions. Lessons of this type cheat the learner in two Ways:-.first, lectures are usually better delivered by their authors; the pacing, intonation, histrionics and gestures supplied by the human teaOher can add significantly to the effectiveness of-cOmmunicating ideas. By the same token, the computer.possesses many capabilities for certian kinds of instruction that make it a unique *livery system. If we fail to design lessons which ue the graphics, animation, color and interactive,- capabilities of the coMputer, we _are denyinglearneis learning experiences which miOt be of greaf, benefit to frctheM: Simulations and legons which call for testing -solutions to problems and reteiVillg-feiidback immediately come to mind as types of instrUction- which are better adapted to computer delivery than to ,Aeacher-led presentations. In summary, much of what is delivered on computer systems today fails to use the computer medium effectively, The 'computer is a new medium which requires careful study afid erperimentatioh. Before the printing press, novels, magazines, textbooks and many-Other forms of print media did not exist. In fact, one of fhe earliest novelts,lPamela jwas written and ,published by Samuel Richardson, a printer who became tamiliarwith the taste and thePemands of the readingpublic. Hensed th; medium of print to introduce what has become a piimary-k:urce of entertainment ana.learning. The computer stands today as our modern dityp#isting" press; it is a medium which challenges our imaginations to use44,OWer for improving our iiatterns ofthought .find for improving our problemsolving abilities. We inust seek imaginative ways to use this new'Meffitun so that we derive maximuth benefit from its capabilities. , 0,4041! pevelopment istinfoitinniely much of the interactive courseware called for above i:; lt presem expensive to develop and time consuming. to produce. Ingiyiduais)Who are part of the growing software cottage industry have -paidu.d.edAlolated lessons and courses for the more popular microconi*terS'such as TRS-80, Apple and Commbdore PET; but these ii4e4is are scattered, vary wildly in quality, and generally represent a xlis6rganized attempt at developing instructional materials. 264 Computers and Curriculum , * Many . publishers 'have -beffn reluctant to readership in courseware developtent because of the risk of assume extensive initial costs weighted against an uncertain markOplace with Medium they don't quite understana yet:Some publishers haye takena significant strides in this area, however, and have either produced materials or will-withinthe year, Control Data alretdy computer-based has extensive course and lesson offerings over their PLATO network. Mifflin and Computer Courseware CorporationHazeltine, Houghton Programs in reading mathematics, and language alsb offer extensive arts. Curriculum of various types for delivery oumicrocomputers is currently.or available from Miliken SRA, Milton Bradley, Randoni will soon be House, Scott, Foresinan and others.3 Major costs for producing courseware are tied to designing instruction to use the unique capabilities programming4and of particular comPuter ' systems. These cosia become significant because of differences which exist between'the te,hnology of various computer systems. Publishers wrio want to address the total education market are forced to develop materials for several computers simultaneously which can double and even triple development costs. For this reason, some publishers have dedicated themselves to developing One machine exclusively in the hope that the curriculum materials will become particulal. computer. It remains to be ieen Which an-incentive to buy a strategy will yield the highest paya . 4 R4id .Technological Chanfe P'ut very simply, technology changes sb quickly increasingly more difficult to design instruction for that itis becoming existing hardware. This has caused many publishers and 'software producers to hesitate in their plans to produce curriculum materials to be delivered through computers and, more specifically, In the end this could result in a never ending cycle ofmicrocomputers. delays waiting for thevery newest breakthrough in technologjr. Many publishers, for example, are now waiting for the most recent developments in video disks, a technology which is 2-5 years away from widespread practical usc. A partial solution to this dilemma is to develop good interactive instructional designs and apply them to new technologies as thcy develop. In this way, the new technologies will enhance the instruction -rather than completely reshaping it. Developing curriculum independent of specific technology should be a prime precept in instructional design if we.are to avoid the pitfalls of changing technology and incompatibility of hardware. We must decide what humans do best and what machines do best and begin to develop instructional systems which can be easily adapted as new technology emerges. Marshall McCluhan wrote, "We shape the media, and they in turn shape" us.'As we shape instructional programs.which employ interactive principles toward developing higher (4) It.1 f Compilers and Curriculum 265 level cognitive skills and higher order learning strategies, we will also begin to shape the technologies we will need to facilitate this instruction. The. Case Against Technology One of the biggeXt Obstacles to developing technology-based learning systems is overconiing the many "myths" which surround the use of technology hi the traditionally human enterprise of education. Clearly, the nature of the educational enterprise is changpand1n a world where computers are clearly more accurate "memoriz , st begin to help learners acquircl nev- skills and new ideas which will help dispell some of these myths. Myth *1. Computers will dehumanize the learning process: Opposition to tcchnologyhas always been with us. Antitechnologists such as JacqUes Ellul as early as 1954 depicted individuals as helpless slaves to technology, driven% hy necessity to perform repetitive and dull work which they detest These critics see technology as a force which cuts man off from the natural World and therefore spoils the quality of his life. This argument is a very old one hut will reach an inevitable resolution. In Culture and Commitment Margaret Mead points out that any new technology has the effect of.creating an irrevocable change in a farniliar 'environment.9 This Change, however, produces a self-awareness among the members of the affected society to the extent that they realize eventually that they Can make a contribution to that changed society in a new way. Educatorsare slowly gaining thin new self-awareness but need education and guidance. The result will be the development of a computer literacy which will in turn enable wide adoPtion of computers in many varied uses:. In The meantime; educators must be educated about technology and come to realize that a fear of technology, thus an avoidance ofit, can leave its develOpment to an elite class of technocrats who, by possessing specialized knowledge which is crucial to our survival prospects, can defranchise the Mules. It is important then to understand the control technological innovation so that it can be used for its maximum benefit A further point to be made here is that research on computer based instruction- shows nb evidence that instruction delivered through a computer systerns -dehumanizes instruction. In fact, most all studies show exactly the opposite. In a Study by Feldman and Sears students using computer based instruction claimed a distinct preference for the computer oyer their hUman teachers.' Their consensus opinion was that: (1) Computer histrtiction was "private," i.e., one could fail without fear of ridicule or embarrassment from other classmate's or the teacher. (2`j %Computers untiring and therefore infinitely Oben:: Learners min try as often as they must to immix skills or concePta. (3) Computers are Completely unbiased and nonjudgmental. 'They are incapable of puttingatudents through the untold "put downs," insults, 276 266 Computers and Curriculum and o her ego damaging biases which human teachers can and often ds inflict on children on a daily basis. Computers can also deliver persOnalized feedback, positive reinforcement and many other "warm fuzzies" which many burnt out teachers tend to forget or ignore. In several instances students have broken into schools after hours not to vandalize and destroy but to play math games and run programs of their own design.7 In cases where students have vandalized schools, they have left computer terminals and equipment virtually untouched and undamaged. These incidents are not mentioned here to imply that a machine can do more for a child than a sensitive, caring teacher, but these incidents are becoming less unusual as use of computers becomes more widespread and they do indicate the potential computers have for making learning meaningful and impostant to learners. Myth *2. Computers Will Replav Teachers:At the hearings before' the United States House of Representatives Subcommittee on Science and Technology held April 2-3, 1980, Maxine Rociroff, Vice President for .Planning and Research for the Corporation of Public Broadcasfing testified that the primary reason why teachers will not accept computers is that education is essentially a labor intensive endeavor, therefore, educators will not readily need or adopt a laborsaving device. Contrary to this point of view, there are at least five (5) reasons why teachers will accept computers and begin to legitimize their use: A. In some areas of instruction intensive labor-saving is badly needed. Much of what many teachers do now is repetitive and boring drill which requires learners to provide ritualistic responses to see how much information they can store. This is one of the least effective uses of a teacher's time, especially when computers can present drill with infmite patience and perfect redundance. Computers can implement precise reinforcement schedules which are generated from exact diagnosis of learner response rate and achievement. To some extent, then:computers, can replace teachers but only to the degree that they free teachers to do what teachers should be doing: developing in students learning strategies associated with high order thinking by creating real problems to solve. Computers can release teachers from drilling useless information into the heads of learners and concentrate their effbrts on helping students learn how to challenge what we accepras facts, to assemble data into theories, and test them in a process of real intellectual inquiry. B. There is a crucial shortage of teachers in mathematics and science. In the Dallas Independent School District, for example, over 200 positions are vacant in the areas of math and science. Well developed courseware for computers can help relieve this situation temporarily and provide good, interactive instruction in math skills on an individualized basis and continue to do so even when the shortage is rectified. On a more long-term basis, computer -skills in the mathematics and sciences are Computers and Curriculum 267 critical; computers are and will continue to get extensive use in these MSS. C. Computers can serve as diagnostic partners in classrooms that test learners and print out detailed programs of study which are keyed to existing materials and resources within the classroom or school district. They can continue to update these programs as students make progress through them. Management systems such as these will be essential in states where programs of competency testing are mandated and where Public Law 94-142 is implemented properly. The computer holds great potential for performing the complex diagnosis and generation of individual educational programs that will demanded in these situations. D. Education faces increasing costs in salaries, building costs, books, materials, equipment and so on:- Administrators and school board members are seeking help on how to reduce expenses. Many school officials are already looking to microcomputers as a means of increasing student-teacher ratios without a loss in achievement. They literally are trying to use computers to replace teachers,- but there are some fatal flaws in the logic they use to do it. Teachers should not be replaced by computers for the reasons mentioned, but computers can be used for a variety of functions which will help cut costs in the following ways: I. Computers can do many of the administrative duties now performed by many teacher aides. This could mean a considerable savings in the number of aides hired or retained by a school district. 2. Teacher's time can be used more efficiently thus eliminating the possibility of adding additional -acuity. E. The Society of the future will require a set of skills that are not, for the most part, being taught in schools today. Teachers as well as students will have to acquire new skills in order to cope with rapidly changing technolOgies and the impact they will have on our lives. In summary, then, it seems safe to say that computers will not replace teachers but will probably take away much of the drudgery now associated with drill, record keeping, grade reporting and free them to make the use of the teacher's time more efficient and therefore more productive: Myth *3. Technology Has Not Fulfilled Its Promise: Of all themyths surrounding thiuse of computers to deliver instruction, one of the most prominent is the belief that technology has failed to meet its promise. This belief is usually predicated upon a variety of bad experiences, especially with computer systems. These experience. can be grouped into the following categories: Cost: Since few educators have very much practical knowledge about computers, they rely huvily on manufacturer representatives for information. As a result, many computer systems are pUrchased which either far exceed user needs or which do not meet educational needs at . all. As the tourchasers become -more knowledgeable about the system 2 7.8 , 268 Compiaers and Curriculum they have purchased and discover what the machine can or cannot do, they become resentful or hostile. By the same token, many educators reject very effective systems because of their high cost. This is regrettable because the eeal losers in this situation are students who could potentially profit immensely from sophisticated computer equipment. This process is currently repeating itself as educators begin to consider microcomputers. ToO often these machines are purchased solely because oflow cost without any regard for function, available software or courseware, or how they will fit into an overall program of study. If this trend is to be reversed, educational institutions must begin to formulate institutional policies which defme how computers will be used and what problems they will solve. Unfair Comparisons with Other Media: Too often computers are compared unfairly with other delivery systems. For example, computers have been subjected to various studies which compare their effectiveness with lectures, programmed instruction, and a variety of other mediated instruction. The result is that the computer-assisted instruction is found to be less effective or, more often, less cost-effective. The fallacy in these comparisons is that the media are usually compared instead of the instructional programs which are being delivered. In a classic faux pas of this type, Educational Testing Service conducted a study which compared the use of the Control Data PLATO system and TICCIT in community colleges. One of the conclusions of this study was that PLATO had "no significant impact on achievement for community college students ... " while TICCIT resulted in improved student achievement.6 Themajor weakness in this study is the generalization made to.computer systems rather than to the courseware delivered through those systems. While the implied conclusion here is that TICCIT is a better teaching system than PLATO, the only valid conclusion that can be reached is that the TICCIT courseware was more effective than that offered on the PLATO systemfor that population. There was no mention made in the study regarding the curriculum objectives that were addressed, the subjects that were taught, or the instructional strategy employed in the instructional program. The only conclusion implied was that one computer system was better than another one. In short, the study attempted to compare delivery system, i.e., the computer systems but based the evaluation on the effectiveness of the curriculum being delivered. Such a conclusion is analogous to concluding that books are a poor teaching medium based on a study of dull, poorly written volumes which dealt with esoteric topics. Unfortunately, many educators are making decisions about computers as instructional delivery systems on just such specious information. Far too many of these "Horse race" studies exist (which system is better?). If researchers want to compare delivery systems, common criteria should be established as a basis of study; the same holds true for comparing Computers and Curriculum 269 curricula.-However, a comparison of curricula should never be used to draw conclusions about deliwery. In addition, caution must be exercised when comparing computer-based instruction with other technologybased systems such as educational television, programmed learning and self-paced learning. Each of these media possesses unique features and capabilities which make it appropriate for delivering instruction. It is critical that these features be taken into account when comparing instructional media.' Poorly Designed Courseware: This is the single greatest problem related to the disenchantment with computer-based education because of poorly designed courseware. To a large extent this criticism is warranted because many computer-delivered lessons fail to:4 I . Shape learner behavior toward specific learning outcomes. 2. Use the interactive capability of the computer system. 3; Use graphics, color, animation or sound to its best instructional advantage. 4. Make imaginative use of the capabilities of the computer system, e.g., branching, menus to solicit student choice and options, and reinforeement.schedules. 5. Employ a variety of teaching strategies such as drill, tutorial, simulation and games. Most computer-based lessons simply attempt to make the instruction a computer-delivered lecture and fill the monitor with text. This type of presentation is usually followed by some rather unchallenging multiple choice questions which, when taken together, have little more effect than a self-test at the end of a printed learning module or textbook chapter. Since this type of lesson has predominated computer-based curricula for so long, educators have tended to accept this inefficient use of computerbased instruction as the norm and therefore reject CBE as a whole as an ineffective, high-priced fad. In summary, if technolou has failed to fulfill its potential for delivering instruction, it is because few attempts have been made to use its full potential. Computers and other technology are tools which must be used creatively and imaginatively. They ere new media whose capabilities are not fully understood. We must, however, attempt to use them,in ways that will take full advantage of their potential and give us maximum cost benefit. Lack of Knowledge and Awareness About Computers and What They Can Do: The fmal problem related to the effective implementation of computers as instructicnal tools is a general lack of knowledge about what they can do and how they work. Until programs of computer awareness (knowing generally what makes computers work, what they can do and how they can be used) and computer literacy (learning to communicate with a computer using computer languages written in code) are made widely available to educators, they will resist 9 270 Computers and Curriculum t,he unknown. Few individuals are able to use tools of which they have little knowledge and even less use. Educators must be taught about computers with computer systems and shown the great potential these instruments have for helping solve the multitude of problems facing education today. SUMMARY In conclusion, it would be safe to say that technology, particularly the computer and computers interfaced with other media, will continue to have a significant impact on the way education will be conducted in the future. Its capacity for both delivering and managing instruction offers enormous potential for widening the possibilities for fasteirmore efficient course delivery in the years to come. As we better understand the problems which are currently retarding progress toward fulfilling this potential, we will be better able to design and deliver exciting, interactive learning to locations almost anywhere in the world. REFERENCES: I. Braun, L. "Computers in Learning Environments: An Imperative for the 1980's," BYTE, Ju1y,,1980. 2. Caldwell, R.M. "Evaluation of a Program of C omputer-Assisted Reading Instruction for Semi-literate Adolescents," Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association annual meeting, Chicago, March, 1974. 3. Caldwell, R.M."C omputers and Computer Courseware: New Directions for Helping Children Learn," Children in Contemporary Society, Spring, 1981, 14, I. 4. Caldwell, R.M. "Guidelines for Developing Basic Skills Instructional Materials for Use with Microcomputer Technology, Educational Technology, October, 1980, 20, 10. 5. Caldwell, R.M. and Rizza, P.J., Jr. "A Computer-Based System of Reading Instruction for Adult Non-Readers," AEDS Journal, Summer, 1979, 12, 4. 6. Educational Testing Service, "Computers ire Fun, but cin They Teach," ETS Developments, Princeton: Educational Testing Service, 25, 4, 1979. 7. Fanning, Patricia, "Stealing Knowkdge," The National Observer, May 8, 1918. 8. Feldman, D.H. and Sears, P.G. "Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction on Children's Behavior," Educational Technology, 10, 11-14, 1970. 9. Mead, M. Culture and Commitment: The New Relationship Between the Generations in the 1970's, New York: Anchor Books, 1978. 10. Rizza, P.J., Jr. and Walker-Hunter, P. The Basic Skills Learning System: An Evaluation Report on Field Testi Conducted from January I, 1978 toJuly I, 1978. Summary Report. Minneapolis: Control Data Corporation, 1978. 2 8i cza HoW Can We Best Produce Courseware? Howard Hitchens Association for Educational Communliations and Technology Washington, D.C. It is interesting that in the context of a publication on educational technology we should be discussing the production of"courseware." The concentration on sophisticated video and microcomputer apparatus and techniques for education is an appropriate focus for the use of such a term. Incidentally, a traditional audiovisual leader argued eloquently several years ago for the adoption of this term to apply to all instructional materials. In searching for a working defmition of the term "courseware," I found to defmitions in AECT's Educational Technology: A Glossary of Terms. 1. In computer assisted instruction (CAI), the actual instruction including both content and techniqueinstalled in a CAI system. Coursewarelis different from software in that the software is the actual machme language which directs the computer operation. 2. As a generic term, any instructional _materials, particularly items which must be used with equipment These defmitions, of course, fit neatly for our purposes today. We are concerned with video programs and the instructional content of micro- I\ computer and similar devices. I shall address myself to two major questions in these short remarks. First, what are the possible models of production of instructional materials for the sophisticated electronic systems with which we ae concerned? Second, how can we get the costs underwritten? Models of Production Independent Industry ki4 The history of the growth of instructional materials for the educational system indicates a long standing dependence on an audiovisual industry that grew wiih the advent of the motion picture, closely linked to the hardware industrythe developers of motion picture projectors. The more recent history has seen the growth of an independent film production industry for education, represented nationally by a trade 271 282 272 Courseware organization called The Association of Media Producers. The premise on which that small industry was built is that instructional filniszould be made and sold profitably to education. Throughout the history of that part of the industry, the producer and distributor of educational films has been laced with the paradoxical situation of desiring to make a film that will have the greatest instructional effectiveness on,the one hand; and on the other, keeping the instructional content and approach general enough tO insure that sales will .not be inhibited because it isn't applicable to enough of the thousands of school systems in the country, As a result of this situation, the industry has found some rough going in the past few years. Consortia As the cost of instructional materials have escalated and the scope of the materials increased to include entire courses of study; we have cast about for a better way to capitalize the high production costs and to develop an efficient distribution system. As I result, various consortia of educational institutions have been created. This is a reasonable solution that ia still being explored. Many examples are around us. I'm sure most of you are familiar with The Ascent ofMan and Man A Course of Study series. Another kind of consortium is the University, of Mid-America arrangement whereby the higher education institutions in seven states in the Mid-west pool their resources in order to produce and make available continuing education courses for the citizenry in those states. In addition, instructional television consortia have existed in northern and southern California for some years, and have enabled the production of comp'ete instructional, sequences on a more cost effective basis. These consortia have been cOmbinations of cooperative ventdres of not-for-profit educational agencies for the most part. Non:Profit Agencies There is a different kind of agency that has grown in the past few years. The most prominent one that produces materials uniquely for instruction and with a broad base of substance is the agency for instructional television. The secret to its success is the securing of cooperation and fmancial commitments from state education departments ancIprovinciii departments (in the case of Canada) for each production. The kodu ct ii each case is a complete series of programs which are arranged in whitt we generally are used to thinking of as courses. I submit that this is a very successful venture in that it is providing a generally recogniied service for the educational community and it is cost effective in its procedures. Computer Manufacturing Companies I mentioned earlier that for years we depended on the hardware 283 Courseware 273 manufacturers to generate a certain amount of courseware to go with their film projectors. This same dependence is &curing at present in the cast of microcomputer. For example, the Apple H provides an Apple II software directory of games, demonstrations and utility programs. However, we are seeing some programs and some courseware being developed independently of the hardware itself for use with any hardware. Creative Computing Press of Morristown, New Jersey, has two books entitled One Hundred Two Basic Games and More Basic Computer Games published for use with computers that employ the basic language. There is a book of programs for the TRS-80 and there is a book published by Adam Osborne Associates of Berkeley, California, entitled Some Common Basic Programs. Those programs are available also on cassette for the PET and the TRS-80 microcomputers. Other Production Schemes Two other production mechanisms are worthy of mention. A recent project entitled "Schoddisc" has been undertaken jointly by The National Education Association and the American Broadcasting Corporation. This is an extremely important development because it intends to place complete instructional sequences into the schools at a, very low cost and in a very highly usable form for the pioneer videodisc. The initial pilot sequences have been tested and the full production of eight hours of instructional programrriing on videodisc for the schools is under way. This is being underwritten by ABC and NEA and will be made available at a minimal cost, approximately $1500.00 per school, during the 1981-1982 school year. I want to bring it to your attention because it is a prime example in which the private sector (for whatever purposes of its own) and the major teachers' union in the country are cooperating to provide instructional materials for the schools. A second project which I would like to bring to your attention is the project by National Public Radio to market instructi..nal courses based on the radio programs which it has developed over extended periods of time. The project is moving to the point now that the public offerings will be announced in the ne'k few weeks. In this instance, public support for radio broadcasting will result in the accumulation of enough resources to make available courseware deveioped to meet a variety of curricular purposes. The programs have been paid for and are'being repackaged and made available as a venture which should be self-sustaining in the next few years. Underwrking Costs Let's turn to ways in which sufficient funds can be accumulated for the underwriting of the extremely high costs of developing courseware. Traditionally, we have looked to the federal government in its categorical programs to provide us with money for courseware. The Emergency 284 274 ft Courseware School Assistance Act has a specific title within it for the production of educational television programming to a:ssist the large urban school systems in dealing with the problems of inner city learners. The Department of Education has provided most of the funding for the Children's Television Workshop to develop the well-known Sesame Street and Electric Company sequences. The National lastitute of Education has funded the operation of the University of Mid-America in order to insure that the consortium could demonstrate its ability to service the needs of continuing education in tii,e Midwest. A second source of funds to meet the underwriting costs of courseware has traditionally been foundations of various Winds. The Ford Foundation has provided funds along with other agencies in several instances to develop the necessary capital. I'm sure many of you are familiar with some of the activities of the Markel Foundation and others in this area. As I mentioned above, however, the most interesting and resourceful accumulation of films recently has been the development of various consortia for co-productiop. The Agency for Instructional Television has a successful enterprise here, as does The University Consortium which has produced Man A Course of Study and The Ascent ofMan and many other instructional courses. I have not yet seen any consortia developed which has been able to capitalize on the development of courseware for microcomputers across the board. At the moment, we are largely dependent on the hardware industry in the microcomputing world to provide courseware for us. However, that is changing and there are several publications which could be perused for an update on what is available from the privat sector in the way of courseware for microcomputers.Creative Computing, Personal Computing and Microcomputing magazines.all review commercial programs as they are introduced. Most of those sources are listed in AECT's publication, Guide to Microcomputers, by Franz Frederick. CONCLUSION So, how can we best produce courseware for the video and microcomputing evolution? I suspect that my answer has to be that the consortium route is probably best for video-oriented materials in the form of coursewre and that for the moment we will probably have to depend on the hardware industry in microcomputing to assist us until we can get a courseware creation cadre built of such a size that the needs of edcuation can be served independently. a 23 How Can We Best Produce Courseware? (The Process of Courseware Development) Peter J. Rizzo, Jr. Senior Erational Consultant Contra Data Corporation Minneapolis, Minnesota INTRODUCTION The process of curricul development has had a history of slow evolution. Originally info ation was transmitted from highly-educated instructors to their students ia lectures and handwritten notes. Thiktype und the instructor and the success of the of education was centered learning process depended ntirely upon the talents of the instructor or the initiative of the learner. ith the invention of the printing press many formed into support materials for students. of the lecture notes were tr This allowed for wider-s read distribution of ideas and for more continuous learning. This type of learning was centered upon the instructor and the textbook the main sources of infortation and it was the student's responsibili to acquire the information by attending lectures and reading the xt. More recently with the introduction of multimedia materials as support to the learning process, the student has been allowed to experience a Wider range of stimulus. Many educationally-meariingful çxperiences were filmed, photographed, or diagrammed and used by he instructor during the lecture as support materials. Sometirrles the multimedia materials were presented to the student in an indivadualizqd mode as the actual learning activity. This was the firstostep toward naking the learning Axperience less teacher dependent and more stud nt centered. Now, with the introduction of computers into educations the concept of a stildent-centered learning environment has become reality. The computers can deliver instruction to the students indepen ently of the instructor and the student can progress at his or her ow pace commensurate with their abilities. This type of education constjtutes a drastic shift away from the passive 275 r) 276 'Courseware Development instructor-centered transmission, f the information to the more active process of the student interac 'On with a dynamic learning experience controlled by a computer: . Accompanying the evo/tution of education from a singular-source, lecture-centered envirorent to a multimedia, interactive, computerbased environment has been the tremendous increase in the need to have quality courseware un7(terials available. To produce a set of lecture notes was a relative ly-s le task for a well-educated professor, particularly in his field of expert*. To develop a textbook was far more extensive an effort, because iny different instructors with various learning strategies would be ex cted to use the same textbook to teach in different locations. Th9fefore, the textbook had to be comprehensive, informative, accurate, anf above all accepted by the teaching profession. To develop multimedi aterials involving slides, audiotapes, videotapes, filmstrips, graphs, c arts and a multitude of other embodiments, required a significanily-higher level of effort in the initial development stage than did the textbook. Multimedia development requires that many simulations be structured for photographing, professional actors be contracted for audiotape recording, and photographers be employed. To develop a computer-based education curriculum is possibly the most compre- hensive and sophisticated activity that curriculum developers have faced. This usually inVolves large scale activity in the form of comprehensive curriculum definition, computer programs at different levels for a variety of users, and sophisticated testing and routing routines to afford flexibility and individualization of instruction. iki an example of the amount of effort it takes to develop computer-based education materials, one only has to look at the small number of curriculum packages which are currently available using computer support folloWing 'massive financial investments on the part of the government, the computer and publishing vendors, and the educational users. To develop a quality computer-based education environment you r.eed to have well coordinated, comprehensive and systematic curricu!dM offerings. To assume that a teacher can develop a high quality computer-based education offering in his or her spare time is equivalent to asking teachers to write their own textbooks, script and record their own multimedia materials, stage and deliver their own television shows, and develop and analyze their own standardized tests. Perhaps with the introduction of the micro-computer into the classroom as a stand-alone deiivery system, one might be fooled into thinkiiig that with a little bit of effort you could write your own courseware for delivery on that systeth. i However, this is analogous to giving a teacher a blank book and a typewriter and expecting him to write his own text. In order to understand the complexities of courseware development for computer-based education delivery, it might help to examine the similarities and the differences between the traditional teacher/textbook , Courseware Developmept 277' orientation to instruction and the computer-based education delivery. In terms of content coverage of a course, both the teacher/text and CBE approaches must present the materils coinpletely and comprehensively, Objectives and goals must be stated and detailed background information must be developed. However, the CBE, approach requires additional effort in the number of test items developed, the extensiveness of,case studies delivered, the variety of alternative approaches presented and subsequent content expansion, and the amount of analysis given to the student upon demand. Specifically, the amount of pre-determined feedback is a major requirement. The instructional approach used in delivering educatipn with teacher/text as well as CBE approaches can be discovery, exposition, inquiry, etc. The major difference between the two deliverY systems is the amount of iMeeae,tion required in the CBE This necessitates *a flexible curriculuM, arid increases the variety of responses,in the material. The complexity of the development process increases as the interactive nature of the components increases. Both teacher/text and CBE approaches requite valid test items to be developed for examining achievement and attitudinal changes. The difference is in the number of test items which must be generated for CBE delivilry and the complex testing strategies which .are available under computer control (i.e., tailor testing, mastery testing, variable criteria testing). Finally, with respect to the pace and flow of the curriculum otTering, the major difference between the two approaches is that CBE instruction is generally self-paced. This requires that extensive branching schemas be well thought out in advance and that repetition ard review for remedial education be allowed. The difference between the teacher/text and the CBE deliveryrequire more comprehensive and extensive development efforts to be undertaken for quality CBE courseware. There seems to be a need, then, for a systematic approach for courseware develoPment because of the number of factors. Most of these factors directly influence the cost of development and subsequent cost of delivery. Because CBE courseware de elc,pment is quite time consuming, involves the use of and, therefore, the cost of terminals and computer technolog md requires a wider variety of people with different skills to be coorcuriated in a team in order to develop a comprehensive program, the cost of development is very high. Even though the coinputer terminal offers the capability of quick and instantaneous revision, the actual cost for making reVisions is-quite high. Most of these costs are a result of the amount of time it takes to gather accurate and appropriate data as to the type, scope and depth of the revisions necessary and the athount of time and effort required by development people to make the revisions which are recommended. Certainly specific criteria must.be established early on to identify the type of changes which will be tolerated and the type of performance which will be achieved. The cost of implementing a computer-based education 278 Courseware Development currictium involves the cost of support people and the cost of the computer terminals and technology itself. While these costs continue to come down on a year-by-year basis, certainly they are substantial enough to require that the paducts be of quality nature and reliable stature. Finally, the cost Of failure ofa CBE courseware offering is rather llrge. It may involve the changing from one entire CBE system to another system which is a large fmancial decision. In some cases there may be no alternative program to rely upon, in whichcase failure of the courseware to deliver the recommended achievement level means failure of education. It may mean wasted development-and revision dollars,as well as a tremendous waste in implementation costs to deliver a program which is ineffective. In many communities, businesses, and other educational institutions, computer-based education has only one chance to make a first and last impression and failure of the system to perform can mean failure of the community to avail itself of the new technology. In order to guarantee the favorable use of computer-based education technology in the learning process it is imperative that high-quality, comprehensive curriculum materials be developed. These materials can only be developed through a systematic approach to courseware development similar to the one that follows in the next section. SYSTEMS APPROACH TO COURSEWARE DEVELOPMENT The development of courseware materials js a complicated actiyity. The need for a systematic approach to the development of courseware material was presented in the first section of this paper. The systems approach model which follows in this section is one which separates out the six major phases of courseware development into specific wellrelated steps and identifies sequences of activities designed to, solve educational prOblems and achieve instructional goals. This system may be employed by an individual, a small team, or a large courseware development group. Regardless of the specific team structure for the courseware development effort, each step of this systematic model should be followed to increase the likelihood of a quality product. The systems approach for developing instructional materials consists of six phases: analysis, design, development, formative evaluation, implementation, and summative evaluation. (See Figure 1.) These six phases are designed to build upon one another to/generate instructional material which is integrated, efficient, and above all effective. In order to more fully illustrate this process, each of the phases will be expanded and illustrated by examples from the Basic Skills Learning System, a CBE curriculum designed to teach functional literacy. Phase I: Analysis The first step in any courseware development process must be to 28 9 . Courseware Development 279 FORMATIVE EVALUATION IMPLEMENTATION DESIGN SUMMATIVE DEVELOPMENT Figure 1: The development pnxess determine the scope and the nature of the initructional mateiials required to satisfy the given set of educational needs. The analysis phase consists of four tasks. The rust task is to define the learning requirements; the second is to define the instructional program; the third is to survey existing courses; and the fourth is to plan the design and development effort. Defining Learning Requirements Learning requirements are identified by: 1) analyzing learning needs; 2) defining needs and constraints; and 3) analyzing the target population. For example, consider the fact that 25 million Americans are designated as functionally illiterate. The impact of having this large a section of our population remain functionally illiterate is economically staggering. Most of these individuals do not participate in the production or the servicing of goods and are veiy often a drain upon, rather than a contributor to, the national wealth. To date many curriculum efforts have been made to train and retrain these individuals into productive members dthe society. Most of these efforts have failed due to the dependency on quality instructors which are not readily available, the inconsistency of materials which vaiy drastically depending on location and instructor, and the ability to motivate the target population to participate in arid, 290 280 Courseware Development, more importantly, remain in thiliaining program being offered. How can computer-based education be employed to address functional literacy at the national level? The first step is to analyze the educational needs. In this step, discrepancies between the desired performance and the actual capabilities are identified. For example, suppose the desired performance for these adults Li to read and compute at an eighth grade level so they can enter into vocational training programs which will allow them to enter the work force. However, most of these individuals do not possess these skills. An analysis of the requirements of the vocational programs and the population capabilities will identify the discrepancies. Another important result of analysis of the educational needs is the analysis of the consequences of the performance discrepancy. In other words, what will happen Wait people in-this pOpulation and the country in general if the problem-is allowed to continue? The second step_is. to defme needs and constraints. The needs analysis indicates which specific task must be learned in order to reach the desired performance. These tasks form the basis for instruction. The defmition of constraints indicates the restrictions that affect the delivery of the instruction. The availability of funds, time, qualified staff, and the delivery environments are some of the constraints. The third step in defming the educational requirements is to analyze the target population, the students for whom the instruction will be prepared. Student characteristics such as geographic focation, age, ability, need for motivation, present skill level, and the number of students are important considerations in the preparation of instructionai materials. t; Defining the educational requirements means determining a discrepancy between actual and desired performance, identifying the skills or information needed to resolve the discrepancy problem, and determining factors such as constraints or student characteristics that will affect the solution of the performance problem. In the case of the functional illiteracy problem, it was determined through the defming of educational requirements *that the majority of the population had literacy and computational skills well below the level needed to enter vocitional training programs, that the skills of reading and computation were essential to their succesS in vocational training, that many opportunities woutd be available for vocational training if these students could function atan eighth grade level in both reading and mathematics skills, and that this population consisted of a low-motivated group which had experienced many failures through the traditional method of education. It was also identified that many of the individuals in the targerpopulation possessed some, but not all, of the necessary skills and that a program which was able to place individuals into the proper learning sequence and give students credit for already-acquired skills would be most efficient and most acceptable to this population. 291 Courseware Development 281 Defining the Instructional Program In this step, curriculum and course goals that define the scope and the purpose of the instruction are documented. The major tasks and topics to be included in the instructional progam are defmed with specific requirements concerning media and expected performance levels. The overall curriculum structure and the inter-relationships of the course and sub-course components are specified. Furthermore, the specific requirements and constraints are documented and the type of routing placement and assessment strategy is determined in general terms for the overall curriculum. The do&imentation of this step results in a general course specification document which is intended to solve the instrwAional problem within the identified constraints. This document should include: overall course length, structure, and proportions presented by the allowable media; a description of the target population and its present level of performance; definition of file constraints plac51 on the instructional delivery system; and the goals and topics to be covered. This document preliminary basis from which the design phase proceeds. forms the In the case of the functional illiteracy problem, a document was generated which identified the need for a three-part curriculum called the Basic Skills Learning System. The first course is the Basic Skills reading course which addresses the main topics of vocabulary development, literal, interpreted and evaluated comprehension. The basic language skills curriculum addresses the topics of gyammar, writing mechanics, and syntax topics. The basil math skills curriculum covers the topics of - whole number operations, basic number ideas, fractions and decimals, geometry and measurement, and ratio and proportion. The target population. was described as being between the third grade and the seventh grade levels as measured by the Adult Basic Learning Exam (ABLE). The purpose of the curriculuni was identified as a CBE offering designed to enable functionally-illiterate adults, representing a wide range of abilities, goals and problems, to achieve an eighth gade equivalency education in the reading, language and mathematics skills. Survey Existing Courses Identifying existing courses and comparing them with needs are the wo steps in the survey of courses. Before time and money are expended to develop a new courSe, existing courses are identified and analyzed for applicability to the training need. If an existing the needs and fulfills required quality standards, course appears to meet it is considered for use in either its present or a modified form. In the case of Basic Skills Learning System, after an extensive survey of courseware materials used in basic education programs, two curriculum efforts were identified as having specific appropriateness. The first was 21 2 282 Courseware Development the Individual Learning for Adults (ILA) reading curriculum which was offered by Research for Better Schools in Philadelphia. This curriculum was in a paper-and-pencil, individualized, performance-based format and was being delivered with realtive success to the target population. The second curriculum identified was the Middle School Mathematics Learning System (MSMLS) under development by Dr. Ralph T. Helmer at the Pennsylvania State University. This was a computer- based basic mathematics skills curriculum which was being developed for children. These two curriculum efforts served as the fundamental cornerstones to the specification of the design for the Basic Skills Learning System. Indeed, entire sections of each,of the curricula were adopted, modified and implemented in the BasiceSkills Learning System._ Plan Design and Development Effort At this point there are three alternatives. The first is to proceed directly to the design of the instructional program. The second, given the availability of existing courses, is to go directly to the evaluation of those courses. Third, it may be desirable to discontinue the courseware' development effort if costs and other associated parameters become prohibitive. In the case ofB asic skills, a decision was made to acquire the rights to the two stated curricula and proceed in a total redesign and redevelop- ment of a new computer-based education product based on the fundamental structure and design of these two curricula. Phase II: Design The purpose of the design phase is to prepare a detailed plan for the course. The information gathered,in the analysis phase forms the basis for the designed plan. The basic tasks performed during this phase are: 1) perform instructional task analysis; 2) specify instructional objectives; 3) defme entry behaviors; 4) group and sequence objectives; 5) specify learning activities; 6) specify assessment system; and 7) specify evaluation system. Pelform Instructional Task Analysis In this step, the course goals are analyzed to determine the.skills and knowledge that are necessary for the performance of the tasks within each goal. Each individual task is then analysed to determine sub-tasks and how they fit together into the task. The result of this step is a hierarchically-arranged learning map, a visual representation of how the tasks and sub-tasks relate to each other within the overall goals. In the case of the Basic Skills Learning System, specific objectives were identified. These objectives were grouped together in clusters for Which specific learning activities were developed; these clusters were 293 Courseware Development 283 grouPed into bundles where retention testing and review was provided; and these bundles were grouped into strands which represented threads of common content. Speci0 Instructional Objectives The task and sub-tasks on a learning map form the basis from which instructional objectives are written. Each objective describes a desired performance or behavior, the conditions under which the performance or behavior will be observed, and the criteria for acceptable performance. An example of such an objective from the Basic Skills Math curriculum is: "Given a three-digit number and a two-digit number where regrouping only from tens to hundreds is necessary to find the difference, the learner will be able to find the difference. The criteria for mastery will be four out of five." An example from the Baskc Skills Reading curriculum is: "Given a selection and its main idea, the learner will be able to identify specific details in the selection and support of the main idea. Mastery criteria is three out of four." An objective from the Basic Skills.Language curriculum is: "Given a series of adjectives, each in the positive degree of comparison, the learner will be able to select the correct word used to form the comparative and superlative degrees. Mastery criteria is three out of four." Define Entry Behaviors After the instructional objectives have been completed, entry behaviors must be defined. In this step, entry behaviors are defined and thoroughly analyzed. In the development of courseware the specified entry behavior marks the minimal level of competence required for a student to enter the curriculum. These minimum entry behaviors must be examined and if students do not possess the minimum behaviors, they should not be allowed to enter the program without acquiring these skills. It is essential that the curriculum succeed or fail on its own merits rather than failing because the students entering the program were beneath the minimal level of competence for the curriculum. In the case of Basic Skills, if students tested lower than the third grade reading level on the ABLE test, they were referred to a low-level remedial program delivered by an instructor to raise their skills to a minimum level. Due to the very nature of the curriculum being delivered on-a-computertenninalithe-students had-to-be able to read at a third grade level in order to follow the directions and participate in the program. Group and Sequence Objectives In this step, objectives are arranged in groups that are logically related in terms of instructional purposes. The objectives are then sequenced so that the ordered relationships indicated in the learning map are 294 284 Courseware Development preserved. This step assures that learning will progress logically and efficiently throughout the hierarchy of the content domain. In the case of Basic Skills, the mastery learning model was employed and specific pre-requisite objectives were identified for tvery higher level objective and students were not allowed to proceed to the higher level skill until mastery was demonstrated on lower level pre-requisite skills. Retention was checked at periodic intervals to assure that lower level skills were, indeed, learned and retained. Specifi Learning Activities When each group of objectives has been identified, learning activities can be deterMined. Learning activities are small segnents of instructional materials that correspond to one or more objectives in a particular group. In the specification of learning activities, three tasks must be performed: 1) select media; 2) select instructional strategy; and 3) identify content. Media (text, audiotapes, videotapes, computer-based instruction, and so forth) are selected for each learning activity on the basis of appropriate- ness and instructional strategy. Instructional strategy determines the teaching approach for presenting concepts, soliciting interaction, providing feedback, and so on. The content specific to each learning activity is also identified. The Basic Skills program effectively addresses the problem of a diverse and discouraged student population through well-defined curriculum which is: individualized, diagnostic and prescriptive, objective- based, based on mastery learning models, modular in structure, and multisensory in format. Specific media was determined for different components of the curriculum. A series of motivational audiovisual products presents an overview Of the curriculum and describes the instructional activities in the curriculum. The purpose of the audiovisual activities is to act as an advanced organizer and motivator for the student. Each new skill is presented in the form of a tutorial lesson on the PLATO terminal, followed by a drill and practice activity on the PLATO terminal, accompanied by an "off-line" exercise application in a workbook and a mastery test delivered on the PLATO terminal. Speci67 Assessment System The means by which learning performance is measured and reported is specified in this step. The use ofpre-test, progress checks, and post-test is defmed. A plan may be presented for administering, scoring, and using test results. In the case of Basic Skills, and effort was made to allow the student freedom within a structured curriculum. Two kinds of controls were established. 1) Router Control: The system's router makes available to the student the most appropriate cluster within a given strand. After mastery of this cluster has been demonstrated, the next cluster in the 2 '9 Courseware Development 285 strand is made available to the student. Only one cluster per strand is available at one time; the student must demonstrate mastery of this cluster before continuing to the next. 2) Student Control: Within reason, the student is allowed to determine which strand to work on, and within the prescribed cluster for the strand, which type of instructional activity to work on. For example, a student may choose to work on the multiplication strand of the math curriculum. The router makes available to the student the most appropriate cluster within the multiplication strand. The student may then choose to work on the tutorial, the drill and practice, the off-line . workbook, or any other instructional activity within the prescribed cluster. The students are also allowed to access their individual profile which allows them to see their progress graphically in each of the three curriculum areas. . Specf& Evaluation System In this step, a plan is prepared to outline the strategy for validating the instructional materials in the evaluation phase. The plan details the arrangements that pertain to student groups, sample sizes of groups, and data analysis requirements. The nature of the evaluation will determine the time required to complete the course, the attitudes expressed by the students, and the student performance: This is an absolutely critical stage. In order for any CBE curriculum to be accepted on a large scale, a thorough evaluation of that curriculum must be performed. Specific criteria for success must be outlined and the development team must know what criteria will be used to evaluate their work. In the case of tne Basic Skills Laming System, the evaluation criteria was specified as achieveinent on a standardized exam such as the ABLE test, length of time in- the training program as measured by student contact time and length of time in the class, student attitude, and attrition rate of the students within the program. In most cases, the Basic Skills Learning System has demOnstrated a remarkable achievement rate in a very short period of time, and has been able to retain the students in the program with a high level of motivation. Phase HI: Development During the development phase, all initial drafts of instructional materials and tests specified by analysis and design phases are prepared. Test items, text materials, computer-based learning activities, and audiovisual scripts are developed in this phase. The documents prepared and the design specified how to: 1) prepare individual lesson designs; 2) construct test items and tests; 3) develop individual lessons; and 4) review and edit after this process is complete. Prepare Individual Lesson Designs Lesson designs are prepared for each learning activity. A lesson design I) 01 if., r, 0 286 Courseware Development . included identificatiOn of the activity and the objectives to which it corresponds; the general media strategy for that activity; a detaileu statement of the content and instructional approach; and flow charts of the lesson structure, as appropriate. The approval of the designer and subject matter expert is required before each lesson design is finalized. Construct Test Items and Tests Test item construction is based on the outcome of the assessment system and its specifications. After the individual items have been prepared and reviewed, they are assembled and entered into the testingmanagement system. Development of Individual Lessons Individual lessons are text, audiovisual, or compter-assisted learning 4 activities. Individual lesson designs are used to draft texts; to design, develop and program computer-based learning activities; and to draft audiovisual scripts. Reviews At this point the development process of all the materials are in the form of drafts. All draft materials are reviewed by the subject matter expert for content integrity and the designer for instructional adequacy. After the materials have been approved by both the subject matter expert and the designer, the editor assigned to the team reviews the materials for fmal draft. Documentation products of the development phase are the CBE learning lesson designs and the draft of materials for the entire course. In the case of the Basic Skills Learning System, the development phase produced over 1,000 lessons in the form of tutorials, drill and practice activities, mastery tests, and off-line exercises and applications. In addition, there were 14 videotapes and 12 student booldets containing over 293 sets of exercises. The development phase also produced a sophisticated student routing system which allows for pre-test, post-test and retention testing, generates a student profile, and allows for placement of the student within the curriculum. Phase IV: Formative Evaluation The purpose of the formative evaluation phase is to try out and revise the course materials based upon actual student use data. During this phase the following tasks are performed: 1) conduct one-on-one tryout of draft materials and revise materials; 2) cdbduct small group pilot tests and revise materials; and 3) edit and produce the course. Conduct One-on-One The one-on-one tryout of the draft of each learning activity, is Courseware Development 287 conducted by the team with at least one student who represents the target population. While this may appear to be a small saniple size, at least 50 percent of all errors are identified at this time through this very simple process. After the one-on-one tryout, the designer, developer, and editors Make-the necessary revisions and assemble the materials for the pilot class. Conduct Small Group Pilot During this step, a small group that represents the target population tries the course. In this pilot test, of course, the conditions of the environment in which the course will actually be used are simulated. ' Various evaluation instruments are used to gather data and the course is evaluated in terms of effectiveness based on the sepcific criteria identified in the design document. Problems identified in the imall group pilot tests are analyzed and appropriate corrections or modifications are made. Edit and Produce A technical and mechanical review is performed on all computerbased learning activities and fmal editing is performed on all text and audiovisual materials. The final edit ensures completeness and appropriateness of all materials and the course is ready for reproduction and distribution. The Basic Skills Learning System went though an extensive formative evaluation-phase. The_curriculumwas &livered at an adult learning center in a major urban area. Substantial data was collected if and analysis of that data was used to improve the curriculum materials and the curriculum structure. Phase V: Implementation During the implementation phase, all instructional materials are reproduced and distributed to a select number of sites. The course is actually used with the target population in the intended environment. While the course is being used withAhe intended population, data is collected on student performance and attitude. Information is also recorded about the students' performance after they coinplete the course. The Basic Skills-Learning System wasimplemented in several sites representing a cross-section of the target p*ulation. The curriculum was delivered at an adult learning center in a major urban area, at a correctional facility, at a military base, and at an urban city high school. As a result of the analysis of the data collected, several instructional materials were revised, some new materials were added, some were deleted, more instructor/teacher options were incorporated into the routing-system, and more flexibility was built into the entire system to allow for teacher involvement. 298 288 , Courseware Development hase-VI: Summative Evaluation Evaluation in this phase is of the summative nature. It is intended to measure the effectiveness of the course involving the educational problem identified in the analysis phase. In this phase, data gathered during field use of the course is analyzed and summarized. This data is .the basis for a report containing recommendations for course and delivery system modifications. Finally, a decision based on these recommendations is made. If minor modifications are to be made, corrections follow the course maintenance procedure. Usually these corrections do not interrupt, the operation of the course. However, if major problems are identified it may be necessary to go back to the analysis phase to identify the source of the problem and take corrective action!" ---SUmmative evaluation was conducted on the Basic Skills curriculum across a number of different sites. The results indicated that the Basic Skills Learning System achieved its objective of teaching functionallyilliterate adults to read and compute at the equivalency of an eighth grade level. In addition, a large number of the participants in these programs have successfully entered vocational training programs. Furthermore, the attrition rate for the Basic Skills offerings has, been significantly lower than tradition9Imethods, which indicates that the materials are meaning- ful-and motivational to the participants. CONCLUSION It Itas been demonstrated in this paper that curriculum development is evolving dramatically in complexity, particularly with the influx of the computer into the educational process. As Heimer and Rizza noted (2), "The construction of substantive, high-quality: computer-delivered courseware is a complicated and many-faceted task that can be done successfully only by employing sophisticated systems approaches." A particular system approach for courseware development has been represented in this paper and examples of each of tne phases have been specified. The dilemma for the 1980's is how to supped the necessary courseware development activities to produce high-quality, cost-effective curriculum offerings. The cost of courseware development is substantial; the number of resources both human apd technological are many; the time required for the development process is long: and the process which must be followed to produce a quality product is extremely complex and sophisticated. We know how curriculum development should be done; but,we haven't figured out how to fund it and staff for it. If the school systems and universities, the federal government, and private industry do not take an aggressive and cooperative stance on curriculum development, ihe country will be plagued by individuals writing bits and pieces of courseware which in most cases will not be quality and wili not be C'ourseware Development 289' used. The question of how to develop courseware can be answered. The question of who should do the deeloping -and how it should be funded remains to be answered. REFERENCES: -1. Courseware Development Process, Control Data Corporation, 1979. 2. R.T. Heimer and PJ. Rizz a, Jr., "Some Basic l'rinciples for the Design/ Development of Courses to be Delivered by Computers," paper submitted to the 3rd World Conference on Computers in Education, Lausanne,, Switzerland, July 1981. 3. JJ. Pirschbuhl, "The Design of Computer Programs for Use in Elementary and Secondary Schools," proceeding of the 3rd International Congress and Exposition, Volume I, Society of Applied LearningLearning Tedhnology, February 1980, Virginia. 4. P.J. Rizza, Jr., "Curriculum Development" (Workshop), annual conference of National Association of Users of Computers to Assist Learning (NAUCAL), Dearborn, Michigan, November 1977. 5. R.M: Caldwell, PJ. Rizza, Jr., "A Computer-Based System of Reading instruction for Adult Non-Readers," AEDS Journa4 Vol. 12, No. 4, Summer 1979, 155. 6. R.J. Seidel, "It's 1980: Do You Know Where Ygur Computer Is?PhiDeltapp. Kappa'', VoL 61, pp. 418-484, March 1980. 7. J.E. Searles, P.J. Rizz a, Jr., "Cultural Diffusion of- Educational Technology," Education Technology, November 1976, pp. 45-48. 8. J.H. Poore, J.E. Qualls, B.L. Brown, "FSU PLATO 7?rojectBasic Skills and Math for Florida High Schools" (Final Report), published by Florida State University Computing Center, Tallahassee, Flor;da, July 1979. 3 u ,rd Technology and Humanism= Are They Compatible? , Edward A. Friedman Dean of the College Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, New Jersey c\J mi INTRODUCTION LLI illiteracy as a banier to the acceptance of technology in education. I wish to address the concept of technological illiteracy as well as focus on a Many references have been made in this book to "technological r barrier that has received little attention:Illetechnological anxiety. I will proceed by first discussing some oServations of technology by humanists, followed by comments about the nature &technology. After providing a case study that illustrates technological anxiety and resistance to the introduction of technology in education, I will conclude with a discussion of some recent programs for the development of technological literacy. Those of us who participated in the conference were probably convinced ihat we are pursuing a humanistic goal. We believe educators we can apPly technology to education for the enhancement of individual growth and development. While we may sce a liberating . potential for technology there are many who view technology as limiting. Technology to them is associated with war, dissonance and constraints. It is seen as a 'force that thwarts humanistic aspirations of peace, _4s harmony Ind freedom. Visual StatementsTechnology and Humanism Sk. ConceptS of tichnology and humanism are difficult to :place in perspective, I will begin by sharing some visual statements withyou about technology -and humanism. Artists have distilled some impbrtant notions for Os. For example, "Bus Driver," by George Segal, presents a rather stark representation of man in his technological world. The painting, "Big Julie" by Fernand Leger shows the human form and a 301 290 Technology and Humanism 291 technol4cal forrri intertwined with each taking on some aspects of the other. Should we view this as a sign of hope that technology can enter into aesthetic expression or a dark portent that even the most sublime of human visions will be invaded and degraded by an unfeeling technology? In "Propellers," again by Leger, we see a clear glorification of technology through a brilliant aesthetic transformation. A Calder sculpture of bird "Le Coq de Sache," shows that in the hands of a genius, conceptions of nature, itself can be enhanced by adopting a technological point of view. A Calder stabile called "Portrait of a Young Man" reveals artistic grace andr-form through a construction that simultaneously. exudcs the essence of mechanical engineering. Calder was, in fact, a Mechanical Engineer who graduated from Stevens Institute of Technology in 1919. The relationship between his education as an engineer and his creativity as an artist has received only limited 'attention. While Calder demonstrates the role of technology in the creation of art, Joseph Stella's paintinptitled "Brooklyn Bridge," done in 1917, reveals the role of technology as a source of inspiration to the artist The Brooklyn Bridge as an aesthetic object and as a technological triumph that opened new vistas for man when it was completed in 1883 has sparked many creative fires in literature as well as art. A profound statement about technology was made by Allan Rubin, a young New York City painter whose work is titled "Canyons." Here the man-made technological world stands in juxtaposition to the Grand Canyon. Allan Rubin stated that contemporary man's enviromnent existsits origins whether in nature or in technology are somewhat irrelevantit all impinges upon the senses and there is grandeur everywhere. Some may want to run from such a conception, but our earth is small. Some may wish to reject various aspects of technology but no man can escape the physical presence of technology. Satellites are among the stars and electromagentic radiation is carrying information and images everywhere. The question is not whether we are for or against technology but how we adjust our lives to a world in which the heavens send us both acid rain and new knowledge. We can't return to caves; rather we must face the formidable task of trying to absorb the benefits of technology while protecting ourselves against its dangers. Editorial Attacks An incredible attack on technology in education took place this past Fall in the "New York Times." On October 21st an innocent news article described the use of computerized systems by the Library of Clarkson College in Potsdam, New York. The head of the Library, Dr. Grattidge, was quoted as saying that: "Education is basically an information transfer process." While the use of data bases, television and microfiche were described, 302 292 Technology and Humanism the President of Clarkson was also quoted in the article as stating that these innovations were intended to supplement the tools of learning not destroy them. Here "the tools of learning" meant books. The Times then launched a barrage of criticism upon the Clarkson project. An editorial5 on October 27th accused Clarkson ofbeing against humanistic qualities in education. President Robert Plane pointed out in an eloquent letter to the editor6 that the: 44. . . use 'Of The computer provides students With more of the, most precious commoditytime; time for the rest of their education, time to communicate with peers and faculty, time to think and contemplate, time to enjoy the physical world about them, and yes, time to read books. Even the most enthusiastic computer user doesn't want to read "Moby Dick" or the "Rubaiyat" on a video display terminal." Following President Plane's letter, on November 9th, two big league hitters of the Times both pounded Clarkson: Russell Baker and Ada Louise Huxtable. Russell Baker, in a sardonic column7 entitled "Terminal Education" tried to sound the death knell for technology in education. Referring to the librarian's quote he wrote: "Informationtransfer process incQed. Education is not like a decal to be slipped off a piece of stiff paper and pasted to the back of the skull. The point of education is to awaken innocent minds to a suspicion of inform ation." He went on to state learning to doubt is best done: "... in the grass, under the elm, where someone has gone to read a book, subject to the random events of nature." Since television sets cannot be plugged into tree trunks, educational technology would lead to sterile learning as viewers watched their screens in environments where in Mr. Baker's words"No trees grow and no apples fall." If meant as humor, it is caustic humor indeed. Technology is vulnerable to the myth of HAL that it will embrace an extreme form to limit, rather than to liberate, humanity. Those espousing technology in education must be wary of being transformed into caricatures in the mind's eye of their public. The attack of Ada Louise Hustable springs from deeper roots akin to those that motivated Faulkner. Ms. Huxtable usually writes about architecture. Her attack upon Clarkson was based upon the existence of the ominous educational pursuits in the library. Since the Gothic design of the Yale library is inspirational, Ms. Huxtable decided that she would compare Yale's Sterling Memorial Library with Clarkson's new Educational Resource Center. In her column8 of Architectural criticism she wrote: "Any similarity between the Sterling Library and the Clarkson beyond the fact that they are both educational buildings devoted to the storage and dissemination of knowledgewould be rejected even if it existed." She leaves no room for doubt about which building and style is 303 Technology and Humanism 293 preferablejet she goes on to admit that she has no knowledge of the Clarkson Center. She draws definitive conclusions (in reference to the 'Clarkson Center) propelled by pure reason as follows: "I have not seen this self-service library of tomorrow devoted to data retrieval rather than holistic humanity, but I asiume that stylistically it is also a model of the future that its designers envision." A poor concept then guarantees incompatibility with satisfactory Architecture. It is as if a Crusader denouricechhe-nesthetics- of -altMoeciffes because-they were founded upon a false premise! Ms. Huxtt NC damns modern forces of technology in both Architecture ind in Education because of the Technological Fallacy which she asserts: "... leads to unreal, naive or arrogant expectations... It is Clarkson's extension of the Technological Fallacy to defme education as information transfer that is so disturbing..." What gives rise to attacks such as these? In my view both Baker and Huxtable fear quantitative style overpowering and suppressing qualitative aspects of life. The tripwire that sets off apparent dissonance between technology and humanism is the fear that mathematical man will seek unconditional surrender from verbal man with the suppression of impressionistic, subjective and poetic sensibilities. Advocates of technology in education are not declaring war on the humanities and arts, but we should remember that in a world of limited rekurces, satellite communication systems and computer assisted instruction may in fact absorb funds that are needed for verdant campuses, art studios ind books with leather bindings. LiteratureTechnology and Humanism These various perspectives on technology and its relationship to man. and society have parallels in literature as well as in a vast outpouring of social commentary. One view of technology by a twentieth century Noble Laureate, author William Faulkner, is worth citing. In1954 anItalian airline on its fourth attempt at an instrument guided landing, at what is now Kennedy Airport, fell short of the runway in a fatal crash. Faulkner saw the pilot as a victim of the "Cult of the Machine." Conjecturing that the pilot's past experience slititild have led him to Mistrust the instruments, he wrote that the pilot: . was the victim not even of the failed instruments but victim of the mystical, unquestioning almost religious awe and veneration in which our culture-has-trained-us -to,hold gadgets. . . . He dared not so flout and affront, even with his own life too at stake, our cultural postulate or the Lifallibility of machines, instruments, gadgetsa Power more ruthless even than the old Hebrew concept of its God, sinCe ours is not even jealous and vengeful, caring nothing about individuals." 294 Technology and Humanism Somehow Faulkner was able to accept the technology of air travel but drew a line at automated landing. Technology that clearly expanded man's horizons and that was familiar could be accepted as good. New technology that was unfamiliar, that seemed to place man in a dependent, depersonalized position deserved only denunciation. Who would suggest today that astronauts reject computer control of their trajectories in space because it was in conflict with their "Seat of the Pants" instincts? What Faulkner overlooked is that technology is created by man and is intended for man. While science strives to understand the natural world, technology is part of a social process that strives to modi& the environment in response to human need. Technology might be defmed as both the systems and objects or artifacts that are citated using knowledge from the physical and social worlds. These systems and artifacts always have a purpose which is to affect the activities and organization of society. Technology's Role in Society In order to explore the role of technology in our society it is necessary to have some understanding of the essential features of technology.2 It is not simply applied science nor is it random gadget making. Technology seeks to solve problems using current methods and knowledge. The objects of technology do not exist in isolation. Often these complex systems must be evaluated and decisions made with incomplete information. Engineering and medicine are among the few professions that incorporate uncertainty and ambiguity into everyday practice. While science seeks to understand, technology is action-oriented. Such actions entail risks. These risks must be weighed against the possible benefits. The risk of all alternative solutions must be weighed. This process necessarily includes the alternative of not taking action. When technology is seen as part of a social process it is obvious that there can be both "good" and "bad", technology. Mindless gadget making reflects the social process not the intrinsic attributes of the technology. It is difficult for many humanists to see technology in perspectiveit is strange. Fears that technical creations will overwhelm their makers generates an underlying level of anxiety, if not hostility, that is difficult to dispel. How quick we are to accept the image of HAL, the master computer in the space vehicle of the film "2001 "3 as the archtypical technological monster of our age. HAL tries to assume control over the crew in an unparalleled display of technological arrogance. Let me extend the basic description of technology making note of a concept-of anthropology. Central to one anthropoligical view of man is the notion of man as creatorhomo faber, man the maker. Modern technology is an extension of the first chipping of stone tools or the casting of metal objects. Technology is as derivative from the crafts as are Technology and .Humanism 295 the fme arts. Painters and sculptors have carried forward the aesthetic aspects of the craftswhile technologists have carried forward the utilitarian. In the context of this book we must examine the tension between Humanism and the Technology that arises ineducation. Some critics of educational technology fear that weyill be carried'by our instrumentation along paths that we do not want. Perhaps the Mystique of a "cultural postulate of the infallibility of machines!' could-iodeed-trap.us into the cult ofthe machine. Another ominous possibility would be the creation of a HAL-like teaching computer that outwits OUP progamming skills-and begins to assert its authority as chiefpedagogue. Ifwe are practicing good technology, then we are using technology to solve problems that arise out of important social needs. Poor technology would tiave us force technology upon society simply because it exists. Such aimless use of technology for its own sake is the essence of the gadetry that Faulkner attacked. Another potential pitfall would be to employ technology for a useful purpose that was undermined by faulty impletnentation. These are some of the challenges presented by HAL and his Imborn descendents. In addition to these real pitfalls for technology ineducation, there are also unexpected pitfalls arising from a climate of opitlion that could block paths of potential progress. Technological backlash is always lurkingjust beneath the surface. A Competition for Resources 0 It is in these threats to the quality of life and leariiing that incompatibility of technological and humanism may lie. I do no t. believe that it is a conflict of fundamental values but rather a compefition for resources. Will the acquisition of computer assisted instru6tion, for example, preclude support for strong interpersonal learning? My hope is that technology in education will reduce costs in some iareas so that more intensive human contact can be encouraged elseWhere. Perhaps an expansion of computer assisted instruction, videodisc and the like will provide cost effective teaching for facts and techniques. The savings in time and in expense could be used to enhance arid promote the free exchange of ideas under trees, in gothic libraries, or even in Bauhausinspired learning centers. Part of the problem we have in evaluating these apparent conflicts between technology and humanism arise because of limited perspective and outright confusion regarding technology. Technology is distinct from science but thiS distinction is rarely perceived. While scientists abound in educational &dies, engineers, who promote technology, are generally isolated in professional schools dealing with professional pursuits. I wish to report that some promising changes.are.taking place. During the past eighteen months a new organization,-The Council for the Understanding of Technology in Human Affairs, or CUTHA for short, has recieved 296 Technology and Humanism strong national support and encouragement. It is a group that includes both engineers and humanists. It has grown out of an effort by about thirty engineering colleges to provide education in technology for liberal arts students. These educational initiatives have been well received8 and there seems to be a rapidly growing interest in expansion of such programs at liberal arts colleges that have had no previous connection with technology. I believe that a greater appreciation will be developing nationally concerning the content and nature of technology. As these and similar efforts develop, the apparent incompatibilities between technology and humanism will be somewhat dispelled. What is more important is that we will need all the wisdom that we can muster in order to deal ably with real conflicts over limited resources. Our society on this fmite earth must understand more about both technology and humanism than ever before. REFERENCES: 1. William Faulkner, Letter to Editor, New York Times, December 26, 1954, Section IV, page 6. 2. Edward A. Friedman, Engineering Education, December, 1980, pp. 211-216, "Technology as an Academic Discipline." 3. "2001; A Space Odyssey" by Arthur C. Clarke, New American Library, 1968, New York. Based on a Screenplay by Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke. 4. New York Times, October 21, 1980, Section "C", page 1. 5. Editorial, New York Times, October 27, 1980, Section "A", page 22. 6. Robert Plane, Letter to Editor,New York Times, November 5, 1980, Section "A", page 30. 7. Russell Baker, New York Times, November 9, 1980, Section VI, page 29. 8. Ada Louise Huxtable, New York Times, November 9, 1980, Section II, page 33. New Directions for Training Technology D:Retchers U.S. Army Research Institute Washington, D.C. INTRODUCTION z N NI 44 L4 Military triining basis:a:1i I-roes:1g tirr, Isirig attention recently, and -this trend is expected to corifinuelcir ...,tles2tiour reasons. First, the quality of entry level miatpowevlai ieen,4 _..,1-0...sing substantially. lathe last ten years, college entry SchOlnsth,.. Aptitude Test scores have declined about 5 percent in matheniatier4 achievement and 11 percent in verbal achievement. The decline is uniform across the country; it is unrelated to economic, race, or geogaphic background. Moreover, it has occurred during a time in which the proportion of our Gross National Product allocated to education has more than doubled. This increased investment has been almost entirely in traditional instructional technology. The lack of return may indicate, as Heuston has argued, that traditional instuctional technology has matured to a point of diminishing returns.4 The only way to increase the productivity of current education and training institutions may be to develop new technological tools and have them incorporated in these institutions. That the productivity of these, institutions must be increased seems self-evident In an era of increasing technological complexity, the proportion of individuals with high proficiency and basic skills needs to rise,_ not fall or remain level. Second, the quantity of manpower available for entry is severely -decreasing. Despite the well publicized problems the Services have been experiencing in manning their forces and maintaining their material, they have been drawing from the litrgest pool in history. At present about 4,250,000 people are entering the job market each year, by 1990 the number will drop to 3,150,000. These numbers argue poorly for both quantity and quality of people available for military service. As Tucker has suggested, it appears unlikely the our cturent difficultieS in attracting The opinions, views, and conclusions expressed in this paper are those of tbe aisthor and do not, represent official policies of the United States Department of Defense, 1- 291_ 298 New Directions sufficient numbers of lower ability personnel to the Services will worsenthe sjtuation is bad, but it is not likely to get worse.I0 However, the ability of the. Services to compete favorably with industry and universities for high ability personnel wili rapidly diminish, scarcity of these people as the need for them increases. increasing the Third, the density of equipment has been increasing dramatically in the last 10 years. To take an example from the Army, there one "system" per person. There is one wheeled vehicle is now almost for every four people in the Army, one tracked vehicle for every 20 people, one radio for every six people, etc. Supplying adequate numbers of people to operate and maintain these systems is, needless to say, a challenge for the Army, and the challenge is similar although not quite so severe for the Navy and the Air Force. Fourth, the costs of training are increasing steadily. The of Defense will expend over $8.7B on formal residential Department training in FY 1981, of which almost $3.8B will be spent on post-recruit specialized skill training. These figures do not include on-the-job training, factory training for new systems, "team" training, or field exercises. In. addition to increased expenditures for salaries and benefits, the major contributor to these increases is the cost of equipment to be used in "hands-on" training. These problems are viewed as harbingers of what is to come in industrial training. Industry may well be able to compete the military for high quality people, but this advantage favorably with is likely to be far outweighed by the probleths industry shares with Defense. The problems of manpower quality and quantity, the increasingly equipment-intensive character of entry-level jobs, and the costs of training and training equipment are just as problematical for industry as they are for the military. Further it should be noted that on almost any scale, industrial training is a major undertaking. Estimated expenditures for industrial training in the United States range from $25B to SI 00B extent, then, the problems of training and training a year. To some technology are genuinely national problems. Seeking New Solutions In any event, there is substantial reason for government and industry planners to seek new technological solutions for the demands and concomitant problems posed by current and projected trainiug requirements. Technological opportunities are abundant and include computer speech input and output, artificial intelligence, low-cost high-resolution computer graphics, videodiscs, micmdoniputers, and high density storage. These opportunities have yielded a variety of bilities for training and these are the focus of the new applications possiremainder of this paper. Most of the new training technologies listed here developments that have occurred independent of are based on systems training and education New Directions 299 requirements. It should be emphasized that the real opportunities for sustaining and improving human performance are the "functionalities," or capabilities based on these system- developments, not the developments, themselves. The appearance of any new functionality is unpredictable and dependent on breakthroughs inimagination and technological creativity.---This- process is neither trivial nor one that follows autolhatically from new technological opportunities. These functionalities most directly determine the new training technologies that must find their place within the full suite of opportunities available for improving system performance. On the basis of the problems listed earlier, it is possible to specify at least in part the kind of training technology the future and the present demand. This technology must be accessible, accessed, relevant and intelligent. 1. The technology must be delivered to and available at job sites. In military training, as in industry and elsewhere, there is a tendency to abrogate responsibility at the school4house door. Stated more directly, there is an assumption that when a student leaves residential mining, the job is done. This is not a productive point of view for at least the following reasons: ( 1) real expertise requires an amount of experience and practice that is completely impracticable in residential training; (2) much skill growth occurs at job sites, not just in residential schools; (3) current problems assure that less training will be accomplished in schools, and less well prepared people will appear at job sites; (4) declines in manpower. quantity will mean that fewer people will have to perform a wider variety of jobs. 2. In addition to being accessible, the technology must be accessed or, in short, :it must be used. Education and training are gradually shifting from a teacher-centered orientation to a student-centered orientation. This trend is particularly important in induStrial and military training where manpower shortages will permit less and less use of expert human instructors. Students are increasingly expected to be self-initiating, selfmotivating, self-pacing, self-assessing, and generally, self-reliant. The ptoductivity of students, rather than the productivity. of instructors, is becoming the focus, in evaluating the successbt and efficiency of instruction. As a consequence, technOlogy must be adapted and designed to help students meet goals of productivity rather than be grafted on instructor-centered systems poorly prepared and little motivated to use it. 3. The technology must be relevant This is certainly an obvious goal, but one difficult to attain in practice. Unlike accessibility (it is either there or absent) and usuage (it is either used or not) which are easy to measure,-relevance is difficultto establish in practice. If training is to be relevant, it must be like the job. This means that we must either provide practice on doing the job itself under precisely accurate job conditions 300 New Directions i.e., the student is doing the job and nothing elseor we must turn to some degree or another of simulation with its benefits of economy visibility, reproductibility, and safety. 4. Thetechnology must be intelligent This is- rcontroversial However, if the new training technology is going to be used successfully at job sites, isolated and distant from subject matter experts and qualified instructors, then it must incorporate in itself some of the qualities and capabilities of expert job performers and tutorsan Aristotle for every Alexander as Suppes and Morningstar intimated.8 In passing, it should be noted that no distinction is intended between "intelligently" designed and "unintelligently" designed training systcms. Intelligent training systems may be as unintelligently designed as any others. Rather, the development of these systems is Viewed as a specific effort to apply artificial intelligence techniques to CBI in the sense of informadon structure oriented (ISO) approaches discussed and advocated by Carbonell who contrasted ISO efforts with ad hoc frame oriented approaches based on techniques of programmed inStruction.2 New Training Technologies In searching for ideas, "technical approaches" to meet these goals of accessibility, use, relevance, and intelligence, we have pursued development of the following new training technologies: Interactive Movies One of the problems with training in which demonstrations of skilled performance play a large part is that essential components of .the demonstrations are, simply, invisible to viewers. This problem is solved to a major extent by interactive movies. These movies, which are based on microprocessor controlled videodisc technology, allow the viewer control over such aspects of viewing as perspective (front, side, above, below, etc.), speed (fast, slow, still frame, reverse), detail (panning and zooming), abstraction (photographs, video sequences, line drawing animations), plot (different actions at different choice points yiekling different results), and simultaneous action (gauge readings, actions by other team members). Surrogate Travel Surrogate travel forms a new approach to locale familiarization and low cost trainers. Under microprocessor control, the user accesses different sections_ of_ a videodisc, simulating movement over selected paths of travel. Unlike a travel movie, the user is able to both choose the path and control the speed of advance through one area using simple controls. When he-comes to an intersection, he can turn left, turn right, proceed ahead, or go back all under joystick control. He can travel along a path --looking either to theleft; to the right, or to the rear as well as straight 3 11 New Directions 301 ahead The videodisc frames the viewer sees originate as filmed views to what one wouldactually see in the area. To allow coverage of very large areas, the frames are taken at periodic intervals that may range from every foot inside a building, to efeiY ten feettlown a city street, to hundreds of feet in sk large open area (e.g., a harbor). The rate of frame playback, which is the number of times each video frame is displayed before the next frame is shown, determines the apparent Speed of travel. Free choice in what mutes may be taken is obtained by fihning all possible paths in the area as well as all possible tums through all intersections. Microtravel One promising aspect of combined surrogate travel and interactive movies is microtravel. This capability provides interactive surrogate travel in places where people cannot go. One example of this is microtravel throughout a jeep engine while it is running. Virtual Team Trainer Many tasks are performed in teams or crews where communications and timing of actons are of critical importance. However, training of this sort . is too rarely provided because of difficufties in bringing together all members of a crew at one location to use expensive equipment that is often required for more directly mission-oriented activity. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that frequently only 1-2 members of the mew are the focus of the training, other members are required only as support for the activity. Within the current state-of-the-art it is possible to assemble a computer-based team trainer that is vOice interactive for some class of -highly stereotyped messages using a vocabulary of not more than 2000 words and jut ir Capable of assuming the role of any or all but one member of the crew or team being trained. As the state-of-the-art continues to progress rapidly, less message stereotyphtg, larger vocabularies, and more complex\ roles will be possible. Automated Authonng Current estimates of the amount of time required to prepare one hour of computer program that: ( a) obtains information about a subject area limited amounts of computer-based instniction can be generated by a compuer- program that: ( a) obtains information about a subject area through computer-initiated inquiry of computer-naive subject matter experts and/or printed reference materials; (b) constructs an adequate knowledge representation of the stibject area despite coltradictory and/or missing information; (c).generite instructional items, sequences, and simulations for individualized training. Such -a system can now be built using non-exotic represeMation such as production systems, existing natural language capabilities, and emerging notions of meta-knowledge.3 34-2 302 New Directions Optimized Instruction Much training requires memorization of relatively discrete items of information. Substantial efficiencies in training are achieved when student time devoted to this activity is minimized and gaming aspects are maximized. The combination of quantitative models of learning, optimal control theory and computer-based instruction has substantially reduced student learning time over all other procedures evaluated.1 These results have occurred despite incorporation of quite imptecise parameter estimation and memory modeling techniques. Both of these have been dramatically improved in the last several years. Precision of parameter estimation alone has been improved by nuke than 60 percent through application of Tukey's one degree of freedom model.7 Electronic Libraries Electronic libraries in the form of Spatial Data Management Systems (SDMS) provide students and instructors access to an assortment of multi-source and multi-media information.5 Users literally "fly over" information and select what they want by simply pointing. Spatiality is used to cluster materials so that different information spaces represent different concepts, instructional topics, and asstssment procedures. For the instructor, the SDMS provides ready access to material which-might otherwise be unaccessible. Instructors can access the SDMS to create their own information spaces (i.e., courses or lectures) and subsequently present such materials to large audiences in single locations via large screen television projection or to multiple locations through cable or satellite distribution systems. Students can independently use the SDMS for self-paced instruction by either working through previously designed information spaces or by browsing on their own. When students and instructors are in remote locations, offsite instruction is facilitated by linking two or more SDMSs together using regular telephone lines. In this manner, a student or instructor can fly the other to a topic of interest, sharing at geographically remote sites a large library of information. Low-Cost Portable simulators Videodisc technology has been used to produce low-cost visual simulators. An example of this is the development of a tank gunnery trainer.' In this low-cost trainer, a gunner is taught to locate track, and fire at enemy tanks. Instructional sequences consisting of bOth the visuals seen by the gunner and the constantly changing problem information needed tO provide instructional feedback are accessed from a videodisc. The videodisc provides rapid access to a wide variety of problem sets as well as high fidelity display of what is normally seen by tank gunners. The trainers can be linked together to provide intra-tank training, for fank crews, or inter-tank training for tank platoons. Shoot-offs:and "quickfire" exercises are presented to increase motivation. All sighting devices 31 3 New Direcdons 303 and sight reticles are included in the trainer. Computer graphics overlaid on the:t video sequences are used to show trajectory and burst-on-target information. Daytime, nighttime, smoke, and dust sequences are all included The device captures the entertainment of arcade games in a jobrele7ant training activity. These new developements all meet to one degree or another the need for .training technology that is accessible, accessed, relevant, and intelligent.- The list is necessarily incomplete and the full set of possibilities should grow substantially over the next several years. As new training media, these developments add power and flexibility to our ability to bring people rapidly up to levels of performance and skill mastery required by jobs in the military and industry. 'However, the end goal of this activity is only indirectly the improvement of training, the principal benefit is, br should be enhanced systems performance. Specific training developments and training technology in general must be fitted into the full spectrum ofalternatives available for improving system performance. This consideration leads most directly to a mildly novel approach to training technology development. There are at least four aspects of this new approach Worth noting. 1. People are assumed to be part of the system. Especially in training where we tend to discuss systems such as airplanes, shipsjeeps, and rAdios, it is easy to assume that performance, effectiveness, and "readiness" begin and end with hardware reliability and Availability. This assumption is, of course, false. People design these systems, they maintain them, operate them, and deploy them. People are an integral patt of every system. Solutions to the problem of increasing Performance, effectiveness, and readiness so often sought by industry and the military in.improved hardviare, may in many cases, be more appropriately obtained from any cost/effective point of view by improvements in human performance directly sought through training. Training technology is being increasingly viewed as at least one engineering solution to system performance problems. 2. Coming from the othlr side of the issue, training technology is developed for a reason. It is properly viewed as a solution to a system problem. The goal of training research and development is not improved. 'training it is improved system, performance. The criteria for effectiveness in training technology should not concern end-of-course performance so much as skilled performance on thitijob whether or not the training has contributed in a positive fashipn to effecth ness, and system performance. Probably, we have lost sight of this perspective because it is difficult in practice to implementitlhas been easier to examine courses and end-of-course performance measuresbut times are now more difficult and these measures, which typically yield miniscule correlations with job performance measures, no longer suffice. They/are particularly inappropriate when we find ourselves outside of the residential "course" 314 304 New Directions paradigm and must evaluate, the efficacy of job site training. , 3. We are escaping the information theory metaphor for training. Contemporary advancas win psychology are reminding us that human cognition is an overwhelmingly active, constructive process. in training, as in all communication, we are snot simply -shipping chunks of ..,.k..infohnation across a channel to be gliled intact on a blank slate:Instead, what we seem to do is pass cues for sensory simulation that are built up by- the-receiver, Memory -itself appears to-be reconstructive, or recreative, rather than reproductive. We do not simply dredge up items for ricAll, we reconstruct. them. We do not teach in the sense of dumping whole chunks of information into students heads. Rather we are creating envikriments in WhiCh, to greater or lesser degrees, students learn. It is far ihore efficient for people to be doing something in a learning :w . - environment than simply'receiving information. This is particularly true oftithe febally unskilled Ropulations- from-which- we- must draw our electronics technicians,tydraulics.repaimien, and avignics technicians hence die emphasis on intelligent simulatiThis. that are accessible atjob sites: The further training is removed freavlob relevant activity, the less effective it is. This is noilsrignore the issue.o4ost. We need to.lmow. what amount of training effectiveness is purchased by a unit of cost in designing training technology. 7\-:' 4. We-must learn to.view-training as a subsystem., Inteltependency abounds in Ellis business. Manpower, persame1, and training Fequirements depend on lhardware requirements and vice veisa;, training simulator requirements depend on the ftill training systems designed and vice versa; training depends on selection and classification, selection and classification on training-job design on training, ft:lining on job design, job-design on supply, supply on job design, etc. An adequate analysis capability depends onan integrated apprcach to all these components. We need a "capping" technology so that vie can at last make thesileadeoffs explicit if not optimal. It goes without saying that such a technology is presently absent. SUMMARY It can be argued that little in this approach is truly novel. However, the tendency among developers of instruCtional technology to pursue technological opportunities with little regard for how their products fit within the hill spectrum of instructional possibilities has been long noted and frequently lamented. That instructional technologists are mit only 'considering the role their products should play among all instructional possibilities but also beginning to consider instruction itself as just one of several alternatives for increasing systems productivity may come as something of a shock to those long used to the foibles of instructional technologists. In retrospect, however, this trend seems not entirely odd. After all, in the broadest sense 'technology' refers to any systematic _ , . New Directions 305 treatment. It matt be that instructional technologists, despite their prior predilectiqns, are among those best equipped to deal with these larger issues of instruction. REFERENCES:Attineon, R.C. Ingredienti for a Theoiy ofInstruction.American Psychologist, 1972, 27, w.-921-931. . 2. Carbone11,1.1C Al in CAI: An artificial intelligenceapproach to computer-assisted instruction. IEEE Transactions on Man-Machine-Systems, 1970, II, pp. 190202. 3. Davis; R. Applications of Meta-knowledge to the Construction. Maintenance, and Use of Large Knowledge Bases. (Memo HPP-76-7). Stanford, CA: Stanford Computer Science Depaitment, Stanford University, 1976. 4. Houston, D.H. Testimony before the subcommittee on Science, Research,, and Technology, 2-3 April, 1980.1n,1trfirmation Technology in Edication . Washington, D.C.: U.S. Gpvernment Printing Office, 1980. 5. Levin, S. Video Disc Based Spatial Data Management In Proceedings of the AF1PS 1980 Office Automation Conference. Washington,D.C.: American Federation of Information Processing Societies, Inc. 1980. 6. Olsen, J.B.; Bunderson, C.V.; and Gibbons, A.S. Learners and Learning System Productivity (Technical Report DIS-3). Orem, U.T.: Learning Design Laboratories, WICAT, Inc., 1980, 7. Paulson, JA. A Transformation Yielding on Additive Representation of Data in A Two-Way Array (Technical Report 80-1). Portland, OR:Department of Psychology, Portland State University, 1980. 8. Suppes, P. and Morinptar, M. Computer-Assisted Instruction. Science, 1969, /66, pp. 343-350. 9. Thomas, J.0.; Madni, A.;.and Weltmani: G. Systems Requirements Analysis and Prototype Design of a Low-Cost Portable Simulator for Pedbrmance Training (Anaus1Tochnical Report PATR-1085-80-2). Wocdland Hills, CA: Perceptronics, Inc., 1980. 10. Tucker, A. Training and EducationPolicy, Issues, and Procurement Trends. In, Conference Proceedings for NewDirections in Training Systems and Technology. Los Angeles, CA: AIAA Conferences, 1980. 316, , The Influence of instructional Technology on Educaticin: Certainties and Possibilities CO Christopher Dede University of Houston/Clear Lake Houston, Texas Cr% c\I INTRODUCTION C=I When applied to education, the new information technologies (ships, fiber optics, direct satellite reception, artificial intelligence, videodisk, etc.) are blely to reshape both the delivery systems used to convey instruction and the subject matter of the traditional curriculum.-Potential consumers of new educational technologies include very young children, students at every level of formal education, recipients of industrial or professional training, the aged, adults engaged in non-formal learning activitiesin short, virtually everyone in the society. Thus, the size, method of operation, and content of education may alter dramatically. Such a major shift would create numerous educational, social, and ethical consequences: some intended, some not. Research in the field of technology assessments has indicated that theanintended, second-order effects of a technological innovation on society are frequently more . c influential, long-term, than its direct and deliberate effects. (For example, in many crowded metropolitan areas one can travel by car no faster thaaby horsethe greater speed of the automobile has been lost through congestionbut automotive pollution and petroleunisvailability remain as maior societal concerns.) Thus, attempting to anticipate all the hiely implications of a technological advance may be well worth doing, u seemingly minor changes in the method of implementing a technology may have major long-term. oSnsequenct ,, and some technologies may cause such high eventual coats to society that the short-term benefits they offer are not worth acquiring. Effects of technological innovation can be divided into two categories: outcomes likelY regardless of method of implementation, and outcomes highly contingent on the particular implementation strategy. This article 306 317 The Influence on Education 307 will provide brief illustrative lists of both types of effects. The former set of consequences can be used to calculate the overall costs/ benefits of using a given technology; the latter analysis can help to determine the best approach for introducing the technology into educational practice. Relatively Certain Effects of Instructional Technology (One cautionary note: future researchers tend to use "short-term" and "long-term" on a more sweeping scale than generally practiced. For the purposes of this discussion, "short-term" will refer to effects within a three to ten year time scale; "long-term" will indicate consequences which may take several decades to appear fully.) Short-Term Implications 1) a larger proportion of the society will have access to instruction, opening up new markets for schools and increasing the overall literacy of citizens. 2) high initial investments in development and delivery systems will be followed by an overall reduction in the daily operating costs of schooling. This will help to alleviate the funding problems of the labor-intensive education sector. 3), to realize these savings, large numbers of instructional devices must be sold and software for these will have to be centrally produced. This will increase curricular quality overall, but will erode local control, reduce individual teacher initiative, and necessitate rigorous quality control for error and bias. Revision of content or approach as better instructiOnal strategies are evolved will be difficult and expensive. 4) massive changes will be needed in both pre-service and in-service teacher training to enable instructors to do maintenance, programming, diagnosis, evaluation, and remediation using educational technology. The personality types attracted to teaching. the salaries needed to retain high quality personnel, and the intellectual demands of the profession all will change. M many (or more) educational jobs will exist as at present; but a considerable number of these positions will be supported by an expanded clientele for educational services and will be located outside the school system in industries, communities, ,and_the,rnedia. Long-TermImplications 1) "education" (multiple right answer subject matter) will be differentiated from "training" (limited range of right answer subject matter). Education will be done by people in schools (or their future equivalent); training will be delivered by instructional technology in extra-school settings. Most instruction will be a carefully orchestrated mixture with training initially dominating. then education added in ever increasing amounts. The present curriculum may be taught in a ^ 31 8 308 The Influence on Education third of the time it takes currently (especially where training is predominant, as in the early primary grades). 2) a new definition of "intelligence" (the cognitive skills we most value) will gradually emerge. Memory and lower order cognitive skills will be increasingly deemphasized; instruction will focus on building proficiency and analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. 3) a higher overall rate of societal change will develop, both in technological innovation and in social invention. A better understanding by citizens of the strengths and weaknesses of technology, continual adult resocialization, and an increasing homogenization of different nations and Cultures will be factors which instructional technology contributes to this trend. However, the values of Western Society msy remain relatively similar to todayfor better or for worseas educational technology may well be viewed more as a goalattaining mechanism than as a tool for evolving iew values. 4) a fundamentally different mode of teaching/learning will evolve. At minimum, this new paradigm will include: a centralization of curriculum development and financing approaches a decentralization of the learning environment into homes, communities, and industries a decentralization and infonnalization ofthe educational experience new types of government regulations to allow educators to interface with public utilities as communications channels a privatization of the educational enterprise, as information technology vendors get involved new types of diagnostic, assessment, and evaluation strategies in response to larger grading pools and altered definitions of learner effectiveness new "machine-coupled" teaching strategies new administrative networks, with the erosion of many middle management positions as increased information transfer becomes possible without intermediary functionaries new types of people attracted to the various educational professions, with different skills and salary requirements and a revolution in the process and content of teacher training/ certification In brief, sweeping changes in iioles and relationships will occur for parents, teachers, administrator:3, industries, publishers, media, and government Possible Effects Dependent on Implementation Strategy A variety of plausible alternative scenarios can be constructed for the emergence of information technology as a major educational tool. One metaphor used by future researchers is to view the finure as a "tree." 313 The Ireuence oirEdardlion-309We stand on the trunk of the tree ( the present) looking upward toward the branches (the major likely alternative futures). Each step we take up the trunk toward the branches (each decision we make in the present) chops off a branch (greatly reduces the probability of a cluster of alternative futures). By the time we reach the brancheswhen the future becomes the present all the branches are gone but one (the new trunk), and a new set Of alternative futures stretches upward. Who the major actors are in implementing information technologies in education and how these actors interrelate will be crucial determining factors in which alternative future emerges into reality. In the United States, some major potential "players" are the equipment vendors, the media, the textbook publishers, the federal government, the formal educational establishinent (teachers, administrators, state school officers), and the individuals knowledgeable in software production (i. e., 'artificial intelligence experts, television directors). Space does not permit v' explication of short-term plausible alternative implementation scenari6s, but a few illustrative generalizations can be made about potential effects highly contingent on the implementation strategy which emerges. Loss of Affect? One open issue will be the extent to which human interaction is reduced in the learning process. If machines are simply substituted for people without compensatory shifts in the human teaching that remains, personal contact and the affective skills learned through modeling others' behavior will be partially lost In a world daily growing more impersonal, the retention of large amounts of human interchange in learning seems important, both for socialization purposes and to enhance quality of life. Some degree of person-to-person interchange can be incorporated into instructional programming if new types of communications skills are developed that allow being person-oriented and- affective even when interacting via the computer or television. After all, this is what an adept media personality is able to accomplish; studying these figures- may reveal how sociability, social presence, and affect can be incorporated into machine-mediated communication. Certainly, people have adapted to using letters and telephones without completely losing the human touch; training via these new technologies could also become more personal if tome thought is given to development Even With- affectively-oriented programining, hOWOver, important amounta of human contact will be lost unless time spent with human instructors is more intensely person-centered in compensation. At present, as the number of students per classroom increases, the human element in teaching is b.ling eroded even without the intrusion of machines. Some of the financial savings derived from technological innovation could be used to reduce class sizes for human instructors. Revision of current teaching practice to take advantage of recent findings 3z0 310 The Alluence on Education in social and humanistic psychology would also allow intensification of personal contact. Such a thrust should be a major component of,any technological implementation policy. Inequities? A second" opeli isSue will be the equity (or inequity) with which the advantages of the instructional technologies lire distributed to learners across the nation. In the United States, several decades of work to equalize educational opportunity and (to some extent) educational achievement may be lost if a laissez faire approach is adopted to dissemination of these new devices. The aged, the handicapped, the poor, and minority groups all could benefit greatly from access to instructional technology, but do not have the finandial resources to compete with the affluent as potential client6le. Market forces,_ if the- sole criterion-forimplementation strategy, will dictate that the educational hardware and software produced be designed for the needs of the largest and richest body of consumers: the middle and upper class majority culture. Not only will less fortunate groups lack the capital to invest in purchasing equipment and programs, but also the materiali developed may well be directed toward a different cultural background and different educational needs. Two levels of schooling could easily emerge in a society: one geared to students who have instructional technologies available in the home and school, another relying solely on traditional methods of teaching. Given the potential these technologies have for improving the educational process, the latter group of students would-be plided in an intrinsically inferior-portion. Moreover, early childhood experience with instructional technology may Create an advantage that a deprived individual can never overcome as in adult Learning computer programming, for example, is somewhat similar to learning a second language: easy when young,-far more difficult when older. The disadvantages to society of having a two tier system- of educationwith its loss of available human potentialwould be profound. On the other hand, if equal access to high quality instructional technologies designed to meet the needs of diverse groups were guaranteed, educational discrimination and inequality in society might be reduced more quickly than at present As the economic situation of educatiorLworsens, _poor_ and minoritritudents - are-the-first-to -suffer, these technologies -could alleviate-that problem. -Some of-the causes of unequal achievement may be related to. a small range of teaching strategies hying to service a broad spectrum of learning styles; through indivichialization, technology could reverse that situation. By extending communication networks across cultures, classes, and generations, instructional technologies could improve the integration of the elderly, minorities, the poor, and the handicapped into Society. 32i The Influence on Education 311 A subsidized and organized process of technological implementation will be necessary if equity is to be helped, rather than hindered, by these new devices. Incentives must be provided to manufacturers to produce software for different need§ and cultural backgrounds; many schooling systems will require additional funds to purchase equipment and programs; parents will need training to help them maximize their children's benefit from exposure to these machines. For both ethical and economic reasons, society would be wise to invest some resources in improving the training of all its citizens, but the choice to proceed With this type of implementation must be made quickly before laissez faire marketing begins. A Knowledge Coordination Sector? A third open-ended issue will be whether a knowledge coordination sector is deliberately created as a method for national strategic planning. At present, knowledge is produced and disseminated in most societies in a relatively haphazard manner, with no overall perspective on what types of ideas and skills are needed or how these can best be created in the population. If information is to be the key economic resources of the fuSure, research and development its major means of production, and %human capital its ultimate source, then a society would be well advised to attempt maximizing all these factors through some form of central coordination. The information technologies, properly implemented, offer a powerful means for achieving this end. Such a knowledge coordination sector would have several functions: anticipating societal needs for knowledge developing in educational institutions the capacity for training appropriate levels of human resources assessing the capability of current institutional mechanisms to generate needed knowledge and augmenting this ability where necessary organizing the dissemination to citizens of vital knowledge so that it is fully utilized This type of systematic approach would represent a commitment to education in its broadest sense as a fundamental reconstructive force for society. _ The information technologies, once established in a nationwide instructional network, would make.sucka lcnowledge,coordination sector feasible. The economic advantagesand the general improvement in the quality of life made possible by a more literate citizenryseem to justify the effort involved in implementing this type of national stritegic planning. Should this be a goal of the society, the initial implementation ot instructional technology would have to be organized so as to facilitate the formation of this knowledge production and dissemination system. 322 312 The Influence on Education CONCLUSION Decisions made today, often without thinking about long-range implications, will be very powerful in shaping our future options. On balance, given the relatively certain effects of implementing instructional technology, how muCh do we wish to incorporate these devices into education? What changes in the rest of the social structure are needed to maximize the berefits and minimize the negative consequences of such a shift? Are we capable of avoiding the deleterious outcomes discussed above by choosing approPriate approaches to implementation? The world is facing a period in education comparable to the introduction of the printing press five hundred years ago. In converting to the use of books, people confronted problems similar to those discussed here: a potential loss of the human factor, the necessity for a new educational model; career shifts, massive needs for capitalinvestment, equity issues, etc. Although decades passed before books were used to their full instructional potential, the shift to the printed word for information dissemination ultimately did result in progress, increased learning, and exciting new frontiers for education. Given a comparable opportunity, will we successfully rise to the challenge? 323 0% CD (V.1 Looking to the Future: What Business Are We In? Elizabeth L Young Public Service Satellite Consortium Washington, D.C. IN7RODUCTION As we continue to share our experiences and look toward the future, I suspect that we are all a bit frustrated. Frustrated because we see so clearly how technology can be used to aid in the educational process and yet we also have experienced some barriers to its adoption. We may know what works, but how do we persuade administrators, indeed entire bureaucracies, that mediated instruction can be effective and economical. As we contemplate how to get from where we are today: blowing some of what can be done, to where we want to be: integration of media and technology into the learning process, we may want to step back a moment to focus not only on the specifics of the adoption process but on a prior question: What business are we in? Why should we ask this question? Let us look at the perceptions about the roles of various institutions in the educational process. Those roles are increasingly overlapping, and it is not easy today to say, " a college or university does this and only this, while a library does something entirely different" There is and will be competition in this "information society." More importantly, there is and will be competition in the arena of to imparting knowledge. Focusing on how best to use technology is starting with the wrong end of the telescope. We cannot ask about strategies until we have clearly in mind what goals those strategies support. And the question about specific goals must be preceded by the question I have _already...introduced: Whalbusinfts areAve.in? For example, it is probably not going to be enough in future years to say simply that we are in the business of educating people, because a great many other organizations and institutions are getting into that business, too.-Perhaps we want to say we are providing a certain type of 44 education to a certain clientele with specific intended outcomes. The more ptecise the definition, the better able we are to set precise goals and arrange strategies. . 313 324 314 The Future Need for Assessment At this point I must recall for you the classic business school story about the need to ask the right question. It seems there was a group of bright young scientists who had invented a superlative type of drill. They immediately captured a share of the market, and their drill sold well:But, after a time, their product sales hit a plateau, and they wanted to expand the product line. So, they began asking each other, "what other kinds of drills do people need?" Then, after awhile, they turned the question around and asked, "what kinds of holes do people want?".That was a. question that required research, and when their investigation was complete, they began a whole new product lineof tools other than drillsto thee the demand for holes. We need to assess 'our environment. We need to review who the "competition" is, what our resources are to accomplish our goals, what our organizational strengths and weaknesses are. Even when we fmd out what kind of "holes" people want, there are still questions about how to address that need. So, too, there are unanswered questions in the educational marketplace. And we should have no shame about using such terms as "business" and "marketplace." For it we do not run our educational organizations as businesses, asking strategic questions and doing strategib planning, we will surely fail, or at best, succeed by accident. Let me turn now to an overview of the changing roles of institutions and especially of mediated education. The Public Service Satellite Consortium, which has over 100 memhers representing many aspects of the public service community, has recently been concentrating on services to libraries. We have done so because some of our library members, like the American Library Association, have brought us to the understanding that libraries in the future are going to view themselves as broadly based centers for information exchange and mediated learning. Libraries are becoming centers for data exchange, for the production of programs on local cable systems, and they can act as repositories not only of books but of video tapes and cassettes and video discs. Of Ihe more than 4,000 cable systems operating today in this country, most have "local access" channels, and in an increasing number of commuaities, a local library may serve as the "head end" to program that_ channel. ,It..is..not unreasonable to suppose that within the next twenty years,- many libraries will have satellite receiving (and perhaps transmitting).facilities and will be part of an intricate network for the exchange of all kinds of information in all kinds of format, whether data, audio or video. Also, libraries N.riew themselves as community centers and will be encouraging broad use of their materials by a large cross-section of the public. Clearly, then, libraries can become centers for learning. 1) 0 .3 The Future 315 Museums, too, can serve some of these functions and while currently not as far along in their vision or their planning, they have the potential to interconnect with each other to become "nodes" on the learning network. Home media centers will also grow rapidily since the cost of technology will be reasonable and the availability of programming will increase. For example, by the year 2000, many homes will be wired for two-way, interactive cable that will deliver not only entertainment and educational programming but such serVices as hoine 'banking and shopping and fire alarm protection. Homes will be interconnected with libraries and other data banks, and the telephone coupled with a display screen will serve as the "computer." If a company called Satellite Television Corporation has its way, many homes will be able to receive progamming directly from communications satellites via small roof-top antennas. Several channels of programming will be available and educational programssome even designed for relatively small, discrete audienceswill be featured. Additionally, most homes will have a video cassette player. The home library of discs and cassettes will include programs borrowed from the library, perhaps from the educational institution, and programs owned by the family. They will be accessed for branched, interactive learning. All this will be in addition to conventional radio, television and print media in use in the home. Planning Expansion of "Markets" As educational institutions take stock of these future scenarios, they must begin to plan to expand their markets and offerings. While we should never-use technology for its own sake, it can become a tool to reach newlearners. Just to focus for a moment on some examples and to mention the technology with which the PSSC deals most regularly, communciation satellite§ can be accessed by colleges and universities for a number of purposes. First, by erecting a satellite earth station on your campus, you have access to new services. The PSSC has a number of members, including the American Dietetic Association, the American Library Association, and the American Hospital Msociation, that frequently arrange satellite transmissions of seminars.; teleconferences, continuing professional education and other types of programs. What is usually transmitted via the satellite is one-way television, with interaction made possible by returnaudio circuits. Such two-way transmissions become cost-effective when they not only replace travel but enable far more people to join in the session or meeting. Your own faculty and students can take advantage of such program offerings. Your administrators can use the ability of the satellite to establish "ad hoc" networks for teleconferencing on a regional or national or even international basis. But if you can use satellite transmissions on the campus for the benefit of the academic community, you can also begin to envision the satellite 326 316 The Future earth station as a community resource. Let's take a concrete example. PSSC has coordinated several satellite seminars for the American Dietetic Association in which their intent was to provide briefings for their members all over the country. Ifyour campus acted as the receiving site for the satellite-fed program, dieticians from various parts of your city could coine to campus to participate in the interactive telecast. You might want to offer this service in conjunction with your continuing education division. Regardless of how you open the dodor, the satellite earth station in your quadrangle would enable you to extend the campus to the --ctiinmunity-in-a_very tangible way. The third possibility is for your institution to become a provider ofservices and information. Whether it's legal seininars -from your -law school or coverage of your winning basketball team's home gathes, there is probably a market for what your institution has to offer. The best thing about the communications satellite is that it is "distance insensitive." In other words, a satellite has a national coverage area, and it does not cost any more in terms of time or money or -energy to send a signal from Minneapolis to Los Angeles than itdoes from Minneapolis to Madison. If you have a service or a program that can be marketed to a national constituency, you now have the necessary delivery system. - Guiding Prescriptibns Assuming that you have asked and answered the question about what busindis you would like to be in and that you have assessed the market for your services and the tools available, I would like to suggkt several guiding prescriptions for the activities you will undertake. First, we must speed up the process of media literacy. By this, I mean that we need to be concerned not only that our young people learn how to create with and speak the language of technology but that we learn also. Fear and bias among educators and administrators is chiefly responsible for the lack of innovation with media in education today. Secondly, we must change the decision-making environment to accommodate new technologies when appropriate. It will not do to reject technology "because we cannot afford it." In at least some instances, we cannot afford not to use it. Those who understand its potential must serve as the "change agents" to bring about adoption. Entrenchedbureaucratic decision makers will not take kindly to being told there is a new way to do thingseven if that way can ultimately be cost beneficial. Therefore, we must devise persuasive arguments and strategies to get mediated learning off to a good start. Thfrdly, we must become more entrepreneurial as educators. If we 'know there is an adult, non-traditional audience out there, interested in -certain kinds of credit and non-credit courses, it behooves us to find ways to reach that audience. Call it marketing, or service, or outreach, it involves expanding our horizons and our services in a way that will make 32.7 77se Future 317 them self-sustaining as well as useful. Finally, traditional educatiomil institutions, whether at the elementary/ secondary or other levels, must become more interactive with institations in the community that also offer Mediated information and instruction. If the local public library is seeldng to 'reach idult learners, also, find a way to cooPerate and enhance efforts. I am not suggesting an acquiescence to competition but zither a healthy attitude of"comboe forces" where and when practical. SUMMARY As we-view our future service and business options, we can only be certain that the faiure will be dynamic and that therewill likelY be more variables to consider than even our most coraprehensive scenarios suggest Each time we think we have'pushed development and innovation to the limits, we are wrong. BM even acknowledging uncertainty, we can take.the broad view that the edticational institution of today oan be mom than the nerve center of its own tightly-knit community. It can in the not too distant ftitUre be the nerve center (or one of many cooperativenodes on a nerve network) for the world, the world of information, of human, interaction, of knowledge transfer. In short, the custodian of the &true.
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