Efficient R Programming: A Practical Guide To Smarter Programming


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Efficient R Programming
A Practical Guide to Smarter Programming

Colin Gillespie and Robin Lovelace

Efficient R Programming
by Colin Gillespie and Robin Lovelace
Copyright © 2017 Colin Gillespie, Robin Lovelace. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472.
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Illustrator: Rebecca Demarest
December 2016: First Edition

Revision History for the First Edition
2016-11-29: First Release
See http://oreilly.com/catalog/errata.csp?isbn=9781491950784 for release details.
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Efficient R Programming is about increasing the amount of work you can do with R in a given
amount of time. It’s about both computational and programmer efficiency. There are many
excellent R resources about topics such as visualization (e.g., Chang 2012), data science (e.g.,
Grolemund and Wickham 2016), and package development (e.g., Wickham 2015). There are
even more resources on how to use R in particular domains, including Bayesian statistics,
machine learning, and geographic information systems. However, there are very few unified
resources on how to simply make R work effectively. Hints, tips, and decades of community
knowledge on the subject are scattered across hundreds of internet pages, email threads, and
discussion forums, making it challenging for R users to understand how to write efficient
In our teaching we have found that this issue applies to beginners and experienced users alike.
Whether it’s a question of understanding how to use R’s vector objects to avoid for loops,
knowing how to set up your .Rprofile and .Renviron files, or the ability to harness R’s
excellent C++ interface to do the heavy lifting, the concept of efficiency is key. The book aims
to distill tips, warnings, and tricks of the trade into a single, cohesive whole that provides a
useful resource to R programmers of all stripes for years to come.
The content of the book reflects the questions that our students from a range of disciplines,
skill levels, and industries have asked over the years to make their R work faster. How to set
up my system optimally for R programming work? How can one apply general principles
from computer science (such as do not repeat yourself, aka DRY) to the specifics of an R
script? How can R code be incorporated into an efficient workflow, including project
inception, collaboration, and write-up? And how can one quickly learn how to use new
packages and functions?
The book answers these questions and more in 10 self-contained chapters. Each chapter starts
with the basics and gets progressively more advanced, so there is something for everyone in
each one. While more advanced topics such as parallel programming and C++ may not be
immediately relevant to R beginners, the book helps to navigate R’s infamously steep learning
curve with a commitment to starting slow and building on strong foundations. Thus even
experienced R users are likely to find previously hidden gems of advice. While teaching this
material, we commonly hear “Why didn’t anyone tell me that before?”
Efficient programming should not be seen as an optional extra, and the importance of
efficiency grows with the size of projects and datasets. In fact, this book was devised while
teaching a course called R for Big Data, when it quickly became apparent that if you want to
work with large datasets, your code must work efficiently. Even with small datasets, efficient
code that is both fast to write and fast to run is a vital component of successful R projects. We

found that the concept of efficient programming is important in all branches of the R
community. Whether you are a sporadic user of R (e.g., for its unbeatable range of statistical
packages), looking to develop a package, or working on a large collaborative project in
which efficiency is mission-critical, code efficiency will have a major impact on your
Ultimately, efficiency is about getting more output for less work input. To take the analogy of
a car, would you rather drive 1,000 km on a single tank (or a single charge of batteries) or
refuel a heavy, clunky, ugly car every 50 km? Or would you prefer to choose an altogether
more efficient vehicle and cycle? In the same way, efficient R code is better than inefficient R
code in almost every way: it is easier to read, write, run, share, and maintain. This book
cannot provide all the answers about how to produce such code, but it certainly can provide
ideas, example code, and tips to make a start in the right direction of travel.

Conventions Used in This Book
The following typographical conventions are used in this book:
Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, and file extensions.
Indicates the names of R packages.
Constant width

Used for program listings, as well as within paragraphs to refer to program elements
such as variable or function names, databases, data types, environment variables,
statements, and keywords.
Constant width bold

Shows commands or other text that should be typed literally by the user.
Constant width italic

Shows text that should be replaced with user-supplied values or by values determined by

This element signifies a tip or suggestion.

This element signifies a general note.

This element indicates a warning or caution.

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This book was written in the open, and many people contributed pull requests to fix minor
problems. Special thanks goes to O’Reilly who allowed this process and everyone who
contributed via GitHub: @Delvis, @richelbilderbeek, @adamryczkowski, @CSJCampbell,
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@HenrikBengtsson, @giocomai, and @daattali.
Many thanks also to the detailed feedback from the technical reviewers, Richard Cotton and
Garrett Grolemund.

To Esther, Nathan, and Niamh. Thanks for your patience.

Thanks to my housemates in Cornerstone Housing Cooperative for putting up with me being
antisocial while in book mode. To everyone at the University of Leeds for encouraging me to
pursue projects outside the usual academic pursuits of journal articles and conferences. And
thanks to everyone involved in the community of open source developers, users, and
communicators who made all this possible.

Chapter 1. Introduction
This chapter describes the wide range of people this book was written for, in terms of R and
programming experience, and how you can get the most out of it. Anyone setting out to
improve efficiency should have an understanding of precisely what they mean by the term,
and this is discussed with reference to algorithmic and programmer efficiency in “What Is
Efficiency?”, and with reference to R in particular in “What Is Efficient R Programming?” on
the same page. It may seem obvious, but it’s also worth thinking about why anyone would
bother with efficient code now that powerful computers are cheap and accessible. This is
covered in “Why Efficiency?”.
This book happily is not completely R-specific. Non R–programming skills that are needed
for efficient R programming, which you will develop during the course of following this
book, are covered in “Cross-Transferable Skills for Efficiency”. Atypically for a book about
programming, this section introduces touch typing and consistency, cross-transferable skills
that should improve your efficiency beyond programming. However, this is first and
foremost a book about programming and it wouldn’t be so without code examples in every
chapter. Despite being more conceptual and discursive, this opening chapter is no exception:
its penultimate section (“Benchmarking and Profiling”) describes two essential tools in the
efficient R programmer ’s toolbox and how to use them with a couple of illustrative examples.
The final thing to say at the outset is how to use this book in conjunction with the book’s
associated package and its source code. This is covered in “Book Resources”.

As emphasized in the next section, it’s useful to run code and experiment as you read. This
section, found at the beginning of each chapter, ensures that you have the necessary packages
for each chapter. The prerequisites for this chapter are:
A working installation of R on your computer (see “Installing and Updating RStudio”).
Install and load the microbenchmark, profvis, and ggplot2 packages (see “Installing R
Packages” for tips on installing packages and keeping them up-to-date). You can ensure
that these packages are installed by loading them as follows:

The prerequisites needed to run the code contained in the entire book are covered in “Book
Resources” at the end of this chapter.

Who This Book Is for and How to Use It
This book is for anyone who wants to make their R code faster to type, faster to run, and
more scalable. These considerations generally come after learning the very basics of R for
data analysis; we assume you are either accustomed to R or proficient at programming in
other languages, although this book could still be of use for beginners. Thus the book should
be useful to people with a range of skill levels, who can broadly be divided into three groups:
For programmers with little experience with R
This book will help you navigate the quirks of R to make it work efficiently: it is easy to
write slow R code if you treat it as if it were another language.
For R users with little experience in programming
This book will show you many concepts and tricks of the trade, some of which are
borrowed from computer science, that will make your work more time effective.
For R beginners with little experience in programming
This book can steer you to get things right (or at least less wrong) at the outset. Bad
habits are easy to gain but hard to lose. Reading this book at the outset of your
programming career could save you many hours in the future searching the web for
issues covered in this book.
Identifying which group you best fit into will help you get the most out of it. For everyone, we
recommend reading Efficient R Programming while you have an active R project on the go,
whether it’s a collaborative task at work or simply a personal project at home. Why? The
scope of this book is wider than most programming textbooks (Chapter 4 covers project
management, for example) and working on a project outside the confines of it will help put
the concepts, recommendations, and code into practice. Going directly from words into action
in this way will help ensure that the information is consolidated: learn by doing.
If you’re an R novice and fit into the final category, we recommend that this active R project
not be an important deliverable, but another R resource. Though this book is generic, it is
likely that your usage of R will be largely domain-specific. For this reason, we recommend
reading it alongside teaching material in your chosen area. Furthermore, we advocate that all
readers use this book alongside other R resources such as the numerous vignettes, tutorials,
and online articles that the R community has produced (described in the following tip). At a
bare minimum, you should be familiar with data frames, looping, and simple plots, which you
will learn from these resources.

There are many places to find generic and domain-specific R teaching materials. For complete beginners, there are a
number of introductory resources, such as the excellent Student’s Guide to R and the more technical IcebreakeR tutorial.
R also comes preinstalled with guidance, revealed by entering help.start() into the R console, including the classic
official guide An Introduction to R, which is excellent, but daunting to many. Entering vignette() will display a list of
guides packaged within your R installation (and hence do not require an internet connection). To see the vignette for a
specific topic, just enter the vignette’s name into the same command (e.g., vignette(package = "dplyr",
"introduction")) to see the introductory vignette for the dplyr package.
Another early port of call should be the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) website. The Contributed
Documentation page contains a list of contributed resources, mainly tutorials, on subjects ranging from map making to
econometrics. The new bookdown website contains a list of complete (or near complete) books that cover domains such
as R for Data Science and Authoring Books with R Markdown. We recommend keeping your eye on the R-o-sphere via
the R-Bloggers website, popular Twitter feeds, and CRAN-affiliated email lists for up-to-date materials that can be used
in conjunction with this book.

What Is Efficiency?
In everyday life, efficiency roughly means working well. An efficient vehicle goes far without
guzzling gas. An efficient worker gets the job done fast without stress. And an efficient light
shines brightly with a minimum of energy consumption. In this final sense, efficiency (η) has
a formal definition as the ratio of work done (W, light output) per unit effort (Q, energy
consumption in this case):

How does this translate into programming? Efficient code can be defined narrowly or
broadly. The first, more narrow definition is algorithmic efficiency: how fast the computer
can undertake a piece of work given a particular piece of code. This concept dates back to the
very origins of computing, as illustrated by the following quote by Ada Lovelace (1842) in
her notes on the work of Charles Babbage:
In almost every computation a great variety of arrangements for the succession of the
processes is possible, and various considerations must influence the selections amongst
them for the purposes of a calculating engine. One essential object is to choose that
arrangement which shall tend to reduce to a minimum the time necessary for completing
the calculation.
The second, broader definition of efficient computing is programmer productivity. This is the
amount of useful work a person (not a computer) can do per unit time. It may be possible to
rewrite your code base in C to make it 100 times faster. But if this takes 100 human hours, it
may not be worth it. Computers can chug away day and night. People cannot. Human
productivity is the subject of Chapter 4.
By the end of this book, you should know how to write code that is efficient from both
algorithmic and productivity perspectives. Efficient code is also concise, elegant, and easy to
maintain, which is vital when working on large projects. But this raises the wider question:
what is different about efficient R code compared with efficient code in any other language?

What Is Efficient R Programming?
The issue flagged by Ada of having a great variety of ways to solve a problem is key to
understanding how efficient R programming differs from efficient programming in other
languages. R is notorious for allowing users to solve problems in many ways. This is due to
R’s inherent flexibility, in which almost “anything can be modified after it is created”
(Wickham 2014). R’s inventors, Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman, designed it to be this way:
a cell in a data frame can be selected in multiple ways in base R alone (three of which are
illustrated later in this chapter, in “Benchmarking Example”). This is useful because it allows
programmers to use the language as best suits their needs, but it can be confusing for people
looking for the right way of doing things and can cause inefficiencies if you don’t fully
understand the language.
R’s notoriety for being able to solve a problem in multiple ways has grown with the
proliferation of community-contributed packages. In this book, we focus on the best way of
solving problems from an efficiency perspective. Often it is instructive to discover why a
certain way of doing things is faster than other ways. However, if your aim is simply to get
stuff done, you only need to know what is likely to be the most efficient way. In this way, R’s
flexibility can be inefficient: although it may be easier to find a way of solving any given
problem in R than other languages, solving the problem with R may make it harder to find the
best way to solve that problem, as there are so many. This book tackles this issue head on by
recommending what we believe are the most efficient approaches. We hope you trust our
views, based on years of using and teaching R, but we also hope that you challenge them at
times and test them with benchmarks if you suspect there’s a better way of doing things
(thanks to R’s flexibility and ability to interface with other languages, there may well be).
It is well known that R code can lack algorithmic efficiency compared with low-level
languages for certain tasks, especially if it was written by someone who doesn’t fully
understand the language. But it is worth highlighting the numerous ways that R encourages
and guides efficiency, especially programmer efficiency:
R is not compiled, but it calls compiled code. This means that you get the best of both
worlds: thankfully, R removes the laborious stage of compiling your code before being
able to run it, but provides impressive speed gains by calling compiled C, FORTRAN,
and other language behind the scenes.
R is a functional and object-orientated language (Wickham 2014). This means that it is
possible to write complex and flexible functions in R that get a huge amount of work
done with a single line of code.
R uses RAM for memory. This may seem obvious, but it’s worth saying: RAM is much
faster than any hard disk system. Compared with databases, R is therefore very fast at
common data manipulation, processing, and modeling operations. RAM is now cheaper
than ever, meaning the potential downsides of this feature are further away than ever.

R is supported by excellent integrated development environments (IDEs). The
environment in which you program can have a huge impact on programmer efficiency
as it can provide help quickly, allow for interactive plotting, and allow your R projects to
be tightly integrated with other aspects of your project such as file management, version
management, and interactive visualization systems, as discussed in “RStudio”.
R has a strong user community. This boosts efficiency because if you encounter a
problem that has not yet been solved, you can simply ask the community. If it is a new,
clearly stated, and reproducible question asked on a popular forum such as Stack
Overflow or an appropriate R list, you are likely to get a response from an accomplished
R programmer within minutes. The obvious benefit of this crowd-sourced support
system is that the efficiency benefits of the answer will, from that moment on, be
available to everyone.
Efficient R programming is the implementation of efficient programming practices in R. All
languages are different, so efficient R code does not look like efficient code in another
language. Many packages have been optimized for performance so, for some operations,
achieving maximum computational efficiency may simply be a case of selecting the
appropriate package and using it correctly. There are many ways to get the same result in R,
and some are very slow. Therefore, not writing slow code should be prioritized over writing
fast code.
Returning to the analogy of the two cars sketched in the preface, efficient R programming for
some use cases can simply mean trading in your old, heavy, gas-guzzling SUV function for a
lightweight velomobile. The search for optimal performance often has diminishing returns,
so it is important to find bottlenecks in your code to prioritize work for maximum increases
in computational efficiency. Linking back to R’s notoriety as a flexible language, efficient R
programming can be interpreted as finding a solution that is fast enough in terms of
computational efficiency but as fast as possible in terms of programmer efficiency. After all,
you and your coworkers probably have better and more valuable things to do outside work,
so it is important that you get the job done quickly and take time off for other interesting

Why Efficiency?
Computers are always getting more powerful. Does this not reduce the need for efficient
computing? The answer is simple: no. In an age of Big Data and stagnating computer clock
speeds (see Chapter 8), computational bottlenecks are more likely than ever before to hamper
your work. An efficient programmer can “solve more complex tasks, ask more ambitious
questions, and include more sophisticated analyses in their research” (Visser et al. 2015).
A concrete example illustrates the importance of efficiency in mission-critical situations.
Robin was working on a tight contract for the UK’s Department for Transport to build the
Propensity to Cycle Tool, an online application that had to be ready for national deployment
in less than four months. For this work, he developed the function line2route() in the
stplanr package to generate routes via the (CycleStreets) API. Hundreds of thousands of
routes were needed, but, to his dismay, code slowed to a standstill after only a few thousand
routes. This endangered the contract. After eliminating other issues and via code profiling
(covered in “Code Profiling”), it was found that the slowdown was due to a bug in
line2route(): it suffered from the vector growing problem, discussed in “Memory
The solution was simple. A single commit made line2route() more than ten times faster and
substantially shorter. This potentially saved the project from failure. The moral of this story is
that efficient programming is not merely a desirable skill — it can be essential.
There are many concepts and skills that are language-agnostic. Much of the knowledge
imparted in this book should be relevant to programming in other languages (and other
technical activities beyond programming). There are strong reasons for focusing on
efficiency in one language, however. In R, simply using replacement functions from a
different package can greatly improve efficiency, as discussed in relation to reading text files
in Chapter 5. This level of detail, with reproducible examples, would not be possible in a
general-purpose efficient programming book. Skills for efficient working, which apply
beyond R programming, are covered in the next section.

Cross-Transferable Skills for Efficiency
The meaning of efficient R code, as opposed to generic efficient code, should be clear from
reading the preceding two sections. However, that does not mean that the skills and concepts
covered in this book are not transferable to other languages and non-programming tasks.
Likewise, working on these cross-transferable skills will improve your R programming (as
well as other aspects of your working life). Two of these skills are especially important: touch
typing and use of a consistent style.

Touch Typing
The other side of the efficiency coin is programmer efficiency. There are many things that
will help increase the productivity of you and your collaborators, not least following the
advice of Philipp Janert to “think more, work less” (Janert 2010). The evidence suggests that
good diet, physical activity, plenty of sleep, and a healthy work-life balance can all boost your
speed and effectiveness at work (Jensen 2011; Pereira et al. 2015; Grant, Spurgeon, and
Wallace 2013).
While we recommend that the reader reflect on this evidence and their own well-being, this is
not a self-help book. It is a book about programming. However, there is one
nonprogramming skill that can have a huge impact on productivity: touch typing. This skill
can be relatively painless to learn, and can have a huge impact on your ability to write,
modify, and test R code quickly. Learning to touch type properly will pay off in small
increments throughout the rest of your programming life (of course, the benefits are not
constrained to R programming).
The key difference between a touch typist and someone who constantly looks down at the
keyboard, or who uses only two or three fingers for typing, is hand placement. Touch typing
involves positioning your hands on the keyboard with each finger of both hands touching or
hovering over a specific letter (Figure 1-1). This takes time and some discipline to learn.
Fortunately there are many resources that will help you get in the habit early, including the
open source software projects Klavaro and TypeFaster.

Figure 1-1. The starting position for touch typing, with the fingers over the home keys. Source: Wikipedia under the
Creative Commons license.

Consistent Style and Code Conventions
Getting into the habit of clear and consistent style when writing anything, be it code or poetry,
will have benefits in many other projects, programming or non-programming. As outlined in
“Coding Style”, style is to some extent a personal preference. However, it is worth noting the
conventions we use at the outset of this book, to maximize its readability. Throughout this
book we use a consistent set of conventions to refer to code.
Package names are in bold, e.g., dplyr.
Functions are in a code font, followed by parentheses, like plot() or


Other R objects, such as data or function arguments, are in a code font without
parentheses, like x and name.
Occasionally, we’ll highlight the package of the function using two colons, like
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(). Note that this notation can be efficient if you only
need to use a package’s function once, as it avoids attaching the package.
The concepts of benchmarking and profiling are not R-specific. However, they are done in a
particular way in R, as outlined in the next section.

Benchmarking and Profiling
Benchmarking and profiling are key to efficient programming, especially in R.
Benchmarking is the process of testing the performance of specific operations repeatedly.
Profiling involves running many lines of code to find bottlenecks. Both are vital for
understanding efficiency, and we use them throughout the book. Their centrality to efficient
programming practice means they must be covered in this introductory chapter, despite being
seen by many as an intermediate or advanced R programming topic.
In some ways, benchmarks can be seen as the building blocks of profiles. Profiling can be
understood as automatically running many benchmarks for every line in a script and
comparing the results line by line. Because benchmarks are smaller, easier, and more
modular, we cover them first.

Modifying elements from one benchmark to the next and recording the results after the
modification enables us to determine the fastest piece of code. Benchmarking is important in
the efficient programmer ’s toolkit: you may think that your code is faster than mine, but
benchmarking allows you to prove it. The easiest way to benchmark a function is to use
system.time(). However, it is important to remember that we are taking a sample. We
wouldn’t expect a single person in London to be representative of the entire UK population;
similarly, a single benchmark provides us with a single observation on our function’s
behavior. Therefore, we’ll need to repeat the timing many times with a loop.
An alternative way of benchmarking is via the flexible microbenchmark package. This allows
us to easily run each function multiple times (by default, 100) in order to detect microsecond
differences in code performance. We then get a convenient summary of the results: the
minimum/maximum and lower/upper quartiles, and the mean/median times. We suggest
focusing on the median time to get a feel for the standard time and the quartiles to understand
the variability.

Benchmarking Example
A good example is testing different methods to look up a single value in a data frame. Note
that each argument in the following benchmark is a term to be evaluated (for multi-line
benchmarks, the term to be evaluated can be surrounded by curly brackets, {}).
df = data.frame(v = 1:4, name = letters[1:4])
microbenchmark(df[3, 2], df[3, "name"], df$name[3])
# Unit: microseconds
lq mean median
max neval cld
df[3, 2]
17.99 18.96 20.16 19.38 19.77 35.14
# df[3, "name"]
17.97 19.13 21.45 19.64 20.15 74.00
12.48 13.81 15.81 14.48 15.14 67.24

The results summarize how long each query took: the minimum (min); lower and upper
quartiles (lq and uq, respectively); and the mean, median, and maximum (max) for each of the
number of evaluations (neval, with the default value of 100 used in this case). cld reports the
relative rank of each row in the form of compact letter display: in this case, df$name[3]
performs best, with a rank of a and a mean time of around 25% lower than the other two
When using microbenchmark(), you should pay careful attention to the units. In the previous
example, each function call takes approximately 20 microseconds, implying around 50,000
function calls could be done in a second. When comparing quick functions, the standard units
milliseconds (ms)
One thousand functions takes a second;
microseconds (µs)
one million function calls takes a second;
nanoseconds (ns)
one billion calls takes a second.
We can set the units we want to use with the unit argument (e.g., the results are reported in
seconds if we set unit = "s").
When thinking about computational efficiency, there are (at least) two in measures:
Relative time
df$name[3] is

25% faster than df[3,


Absolute time
df$name[3] is

five microseconds faster than df[3,


Both measures are useful, but it is important not to forget the underlying time scale. It makes

little sense to optimize a function that takes microseconds if there are operations that take
seconds to complete in your code.

Benchmarking generally tests the execution time of one function against another. Profiling,
on the other hand, is about testing large chunks of code.
It is difficult to overemphasize the importance of profiling for efficient R programming.
Without a profile of what took longest, you will have only a vague idea of why your code is
taking so long to run. The following example (which generates Figure 1-2, an image of icesheet retreat from 1985 to 2015) shows how profiling can be used to identify bottlenecks in
your R scripts:
profvis(expr = {
# Stage 1: load packages
# library("rnoaa") # not necessary as data pre-saved
# Stage 2: load and process data
out = readRDS("extdata/out-ice.Rds")
df = dplyr::rbind_all(out, id = "Year")
# Stage 3: visualize output
ggplot(df, aes(long, lat, group = paste(group, Year))) +
geom_path(aes(colour = Year))
}, interval = 0.01, prof_output = "ice-prof")

The results of this profiling exercise are displayed in Figure 1-3.
For more information about profiling and benchmarking, please refer to the Optimising code
chapter in Advanced R by Hadley Wickham (CRC Press), and “Code Profiling” in this book.
We recommend reading these additional resources while performing benchmarks and
profiles on your own code, perhaps based on the following exercises.

Figure 1-2. Visualization of North Pole ice-sheet decline, generated using the code profiled using the profvis package

Figure 1-3. Profiling results of loading and plotting NASA data on ice-sheet retreat

Consider the following benchmark to evaluate different functions for calculating the
cumulative sum of all the whole numbers from 1 to 100:

x = 1:100 # initiate vector to cumulatively sum
# Method 1: with a for loop (10 lines)
cs_for = function(x){
for(i in x){
if(i == 1){
xc = x[i]
} else {
xc = c(xc, sum(x[1:i]))
# Method 2: with apply (3 lines)
cs_apply = function(x){
sapply(x, function(x) sum(1:x))
# Method 3: cumsum (1 line, not shown)
microbenchmark(cs_for(x), cs_apply(x), cumsum(x))
#> Unit: nanoseconds
mean median
max neval
cs_for(x) 248145 316292 386893 370505 436382 697258
#> cs_apply(x) 157610 198157 255241 233324 306013 478394
2075 18284

1. Which method is fastest and how many times faster is it?
2. Run the same benchmark, but with the results reported in seconds, on a vector of all
the whole numbers from 1 to 50,000. Hint: also use the argument neval = 1 so that
each command is only run once to ensure that the results complete (even with a single
evaluation, the benchmark may take up to or more than a minute to complete,
depending on your system). Does the relative time difference increase or decrease?
By how much?
3. Test how long the different methods for subsetting the data frame df, presented in
“Benchmarking Example”, take on your computer. Is it faster or slower at subsetting
than the computer on which this book was compiled?
4. Use system.time() and a for() loop to test how long it takes to perform the
subsetting operation 50,000 times. Before testing this, do you think it will be more or
less than one second for each subsetting method? Hint: the test for the first method is
shown in the following code:
# Test how long it takes to subset the data frame 50,000 times:
for(i in 1:50000) {
df[3, 2]

5. Bonus exercise: try profiling a section of code you have written using profvis.
Where are the bottlenecks? Were they where you expected?

Book Resources

R Package
This book has an associated R package that contains datasets and functions referenced in the
book. The package is hosted on GitHub and can be installed using the devtools package:

The package also contains solutions (as vignettes) to the exercises found in this book. They
can be browsed with the following command:
browseVignettes(package = "efficient")

The following command will install all packages used to generate this book:

Online Version
We are grateful to O’Reilly for allowing us to develop this book online. The online version
constitutes a substantial additional resource to supplement this book, and will continue to
evolve in between reprints of the physical book. The book’s code also represents a substantial
learning opportunity in itself as it was written using R Markdown and the bookdown package,
allowing us to run the R code each time we compile the book to ensure that it works, and
allowing others to contribute to its longevity. To edit this chapter, for example, simply
navigate to https://github.com/csgillespie/efficientR/edit/master/01-introduction.Rmd while
logged into a GitHub account. The full source of the book is available at
https://github.com/csgillespie/efficientR where we welcome comments/questions on the Issue
Tracker and Pull Requests.

Wickham, Hadley. 2014a. Advanced R. CRC Press.
Visser, Marco D., Sean M. McMahon, Cory Merow, Philip M. Dixon, Sydne Record, and Eelke
Jongejans. 2015. “Speeding Up Ecological and Evolutionary Computations in R; Essentials of
High Performance Computing for Biologists.” Edited by Francis Ouellette. PLOS
Computational Biology 11 (3): e1004140. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004140.
Janert, Philipp K. 2010. Data Analysis with Open Source Tools. O’Reilly Media.
Jensen, Jørgen Dejgård. 2011. “Can Worksite Nutritional Interventions Improve Productivity
and Firm Profitability? A Literature Review.” Perspectives in Public Health 131 (4). SAGE
Publications: 184–92.
Pereira, Michelle Jessica, Brooke Kaye Coombes, Tracy Anne Comans, and Venerina
Johnston. 2015. “The Impact of Onsite Workplace Health-Enhancing Physical Activity
Interventions on Worker Productivity: A Systematic Review.” Occupational and
Environmental Medicine 72 (6). BMJ Publishing Group Ltd: 401–12.
Grant, Christine A, Louise M Wallace, and Peter C Spurgeon. 2013. “An Exploration of the
Psychological Factors Affecting Remote E-Worker ’s Job Effectiveness, Well- Being and
Work-Life Balance.” Employee Relations 35 (5). Emerald Group Publishing Limited: 527–46.

Chapter 2. Efficient Setup
An efficient computer setup is analogous to a well-tuned vehicle. Its components work in
harmony. It is well serviced. It’s fast!
This chapter describes the setup that will enable a productive workflow. It explores how the
operating system, R version, startup files, and IDE can make your R work faster.
Understanding and at times changing these setup options can have many additional benefits.
That’s why we cover them at this early stage (hardware is covered in Chapter 3). By the end of
this chapter, you should understand how to set up your computer and R installation for
optimal efficiency. It covers the following topics:
R and the operating systems
System monitoring on Linux, Mac, and Windows
R version
How to keep your base R installation and packages up-to-date
R start-up
How and why to adjust your .Rprofile and .Renviron files
An IDE to boost your programming productivity
BLAS and alternative R interpreters
Looks at ways to make R faster
Efficient programming is more than a series of tips: there is no substitute for in-depth
understanding. However, to help remember the key messages buried among the details, each
chapter from now on contains a Top Five Tips section after the pre-requisites.

Only one package needs to be installed to run the code in this chapter:

Top Five Tips for an Efficient R Setup
1. Use system monitoring to identify bottlenecks in your hardware/code.
2. Keep your R installation and packages up-to-date.
3. Make use of RStudio’s powerful autocompletion capabilities and shortcuts.
4. Store API keys in the .Renviron file.
5. Consider changing your BLAS library.

Operating System
R supports all three major operating system (OS) types: Linux, Mac, and Windows.1 R is
platform-independent, although there are some OS-specific quirks, such as in relation to filepath notation (see “The Location of Startup Files”).
Basic OS-specific information can be queried from within R using
#> sysname
#> "Linux"





Translated into English, the preceding output means that R is running on a 64-bit (x86_64)
Linux distribution (4.2.0-35-generic is the Linux version) and that the current user is robin.
Four other pieces of information (not shown) are also produced by the command, the
meaning of which is well documented in a help file revealed by entering ?Sys.info in the R

The assertive.reflection package can be used to report additional information about your computer’s operating
system and R setup with functions for asserting operating system and other system characteristics. The assert_*()
functions work by testing the truth of the statement and erroring if the statement is untrue. On a Linux system
assert_is_linux() will run silently, whereas assert_is_windows() will cause an error. The package can also
test for the IDE you are using (e.g., assert_is_rstudio()), the capabilities of R
(assert_r_has_libcurl_capability(), etc.), and what OS tools are available (e.g.,
assert_r_can_compile_code()). These functions can be useful for running code that is designed only to run on
one type of setup.

Operating System and Resource Monitoring
Minor differences aside, R’s computational efficiency is broadly the same across different
operating systems.2 Beyond the 32-bit versus 64-bit issue (covered in Chapter 3) and process
forking (covered in Chapter 7) another OS-related issue to consider is external dependencies:
programs that R packages depend on. Sometimes external package dependencies must be
installed manually (i.e., not using install.packages()). This is especially common on Unixbased systems (Linux and Mac). On Debian-based operating systems such as Ubuntu, many R
packages can be installed at the OS level to ensure that external dependencies are also
installed (see “Installing R Packages with Dependencies”).
Resource monitoring is the process of checking the status of key OS variables. For
computationally intensive work, it is sensible to monitor system resources in this way.
Resource monitoring can help identify computational bottlenecks. Alongside R profiling
functions such as profvis (see “Code Profiling”), system monitoring provides a useful tool
for understanding how R is performing in relation to variables reporting the OS state, such as
how much RAM is in use, which relates to the wider question of whether more is needed
(covered in Chapter 3).
CPU resources allocated over time is another common OS variable that is worth monitoring.
A basic use case is to check whether your code is running in parallel (see Figure 2-1), and
whether there is spare CPU capacity on the OS that could be harnessed by parallel code.

Figure 2-1. Output from a system monitor (gnome-system-monitor running on Ubuntu) showing the resources consumed by
running the code presented in the second of the Exercises at the end of this section. The first increases RAM use, the second
is single-threaded, and the third is multithreaded.

System monitoring is a complex topic that spills over into system administration and server
management. Fortunately, there are many tools designed to ease monitoring on all major
operating systems.
On Linux, the shell command top displays key resource use figures for most
distributions. htop and Gnome’s System Monitor (gnome-system-monitor; see Figure 21) are more refined alternatives, which use command-line and graphical user interfaces,

respectively. A number of options, such as nethogs, monitor internet usage.
On Mac, the Activity Monitor provides similar functionality. This can be initiated from
the Utilities folder in Launchpad.
On Windows, the Task Manager provides key information on RAM and CPU use by
process. This can be started in modern Windows versions by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del or by
clicking the taskbar and Start Task Manager.
1. What is the exact version of your computer ’s operating system?
2. Start an activity monitor, then execute the following code chunk. In it, lapply() (or
its parallel version, mclapply()) is used to apply the function median() over every
column in the data frame object X (see “The Apply Family” for more on the apply
family of functions). The reason this works is that a data frame is really a list of
vectors, with each vector forming a column. How do the system output log results on
your system compare to those presented in Figure 2-1?
# Note: uses 2+ GB RAM and takes several seconds depending on hardware
# 1: Create large dataset
X = as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(1e8), nrow = 1e7))
# 2: Find the median of each column using a single core
r1 = lapply(X, median)
# 3: Find the median of each column using many cores
r2 = parallel::mclapply(X, median)

only works in parallel on Mac and Linux. In Chapter 7 you’ll learn about the equivalent
function parLapply() that works in parallel on Windows.

3. What do you notice regarding CPU usage, RAM, and system time during and after
each of the three operations?
4. Bonus question: how would the results change depending on operating system?

R Version
It is important to be aware that R is an evolving software project, whose behavior changes
over time. In general, base R is very conservative about making changes that break backwards
compatibility. However, packages occasionally change substantially from one release to the
next; typically it depends on the age of the package. For most use cases, we recommend
always using the most up-to-date version of R and packages so you have the latest code. In
some circumstances (e.g., on a production server or working in a team), you may
alternatively want to use specific versions that have been tested to ensure stability. Keeping
packages up-to-date is desirable because new code tends to be more efficient, intuitive, robust,
and feature-rich. This section explains how.

Previous R versions can be installed from CRAN’s archive or previous R releases. The binary versions for all
OSes can be found at cran.r-project.org/bin/. To download binary versions for Ubuntu Wily, for example, see
https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/wily/. To pin specific versions of R packages you can use the packrat
package. For more on pinning R versions and R packages, see the following articles on RStudio’s website: UsingDifferent-Versions-of-R and rstudio.github.io/packrat/.

Installing R
The method of installing R varies for Windows, Linux, and Mac.
On Windows, a single .exe file (hosted at cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/) will install
the base R package.
On a Mac, the latest version should be installed by downloading the .pkg files hosted at
On Linux, the installation method depends on the distribution of Linux installed, though the
principles are the same. We’ll cover how to install R on Debian-based systems, with links at
the end for details on other Linux distributions. The first stage is to add the CRAN repository
to ensure that the latest version is installed. If you are running Ubuntu 16.04, for example,
append the following line to the file /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://cran.rstudio.com/bin/linux/ubuntu xenial/

http://cran.rstudio.com is

the mirror (which can be replaced by any of those listed at
https://cran.r-project.org/mirrors.html) and xenial is the release. See the Debian and Ubuntu
installation pages on CRAN for further details.
Once the appropriate repository has been added and the system updated (e.g., with sudo aptget update), r-base and other r- packages can be installed using the apt system. The
following two commands, for example, would install the base R package (a barebones install)
and the package RCurl, which has an external dependency:
sudo apt-get install r-cran-base # install base R
sudo apt-get install r-cran-rcurl # install the rcurl package

apt-cache search "^r-.*" | sort will

display all R packages that can be installed from apt
in Debian-based systems. In Fedora-based systems, the equivalent command is yum list R\*.
Typical output from the second command is illustrated in the following example:
The following extra packages will be installed:
The following NEW packages will be installed
libcurl3-nss r-cran-rcurl
0 to upgrade, 2 to newly install, 0 to remove and 16 not to upgrade.
Need to get 699 kB of archives.
After this operation, 2,132 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]

Further details are provided at https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ for Debian, Redhat, and
Suse OSs. R also works on FreeBSD and other Unix-based systems.3
Once R is installed, it should be kept up-to-date.

Updating R
R is a mature and stable language, so well-written code in base R should work on most
versions. However, it is important to keep your R version relatively up-to-date for the
following reasons:
Bug fixes are introduced in each version, making errors less likely.
Performance enhancements are made from one version to the next, meaning your code
may run faster in later versions.
Many R packages only work on recent versions on R.
Release notes with details on each of these issues are hosted at https://cran.rproject.org/src/base/NEWS. R release versions have three components corresponding to
major.minor.patch changes. Generally, two or three patches are released before the next
minor increment, each patch is released roughly every three months. R 3.2, for example, has
consisted of three versions: 3.2.0, 3.2.1, and 3.2.2.
On Ubuntu-based systems, new versions of R should be automatically detected through
the software management system, and can be installed with apt-get upgrade.
On Mac, the latest version should be installed by the user from the .pkg files mentioned
On Windows, the installr package makes updating easy:
# check and install the latest R version

For information about changes to expect in the next version, you can subscribe to R’s NEWS
RSS feed. It’s a good way of keeping up-to-date.

Installing R Packages
Large projects may need several packages to be installed. In this case, the required packages
can be installed at once. Using the example of packages for handling spatial data, this can be
done quickly and concisely with the following code:
pkgs = c("raster", "leaflet", "rgeos") # package names

In the previous code, all the required packages are installed with two — not three — lines,
which reduces typing. Note that we can now reuse the pkgs object to load them all:
inst = lapply(pkgs, library, character.only = TRUE) # load them

In the previous code, library(pkg[i]) is executed for every package stored in the text string
vector. We use library() here instead of require() because the former produces an error if
the package is not available.
Loading all packages at the beginning of a script is good practice as it ensures that all
dependencies have been installed before time is spent executing code. Storing package names
in a character vector object such as pkgs is also useful because it allows us to refer back to
them again and again.

Installing R Packages with Dependencies
Some packages have external dependencies (i.e., they call libraries outside R). On Unix-like
systems, these are best installed onto the operating system, bypassing install.packages. This
will ensure that the necessary dependencies are installed and set up correctly alongside the R
package. On Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu, for example, packages with names
starting with r-cran- can be searched for and installed as follows (see https://cran.rproject.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/ for a list of these):
apt-cache search r-cran- # search for available cran Debian packages
sudo apt-get-install r-cran-rgdal # install the rgdal package (with dependencies)

On Windows, the installr package helps manage and update R packages with system-level
dependencies. For example, the Rtools package for compiling C/C++ code on Windows can
be installed with the following command:

Updating R Packages
An efficient R setup will contain up-to-date packages. This can be done for all packages by

The default for this function is for the ask argument to be set to TRUE, giving control over
what is downloaded onto your system. This is generally desirable because updating dozens of
large packages can consume a large proportion of available system resources.

To update packages automatically, you can add the line utils::update.packages(ask = FALSE) to the .Last
function in the .Rprofile startup file (see the next section for more on .Rprofile). Thanks to Richard Cotton for this

An even more interactive method for updating packages in R is provided by RStudio via
Tools → Check for Package Updates. Many such time-saving tricks are enabled by RStudio,
as described in “Installing and Updating RStudio”. Next (after the exercises), we take a look at
how to configure R using startup files.
1. What version of R are you using? Is it the most up-to-date?
2. Do any of your packages need updating?

R Startup
Every time R starts, a couple of file scripts are run by default, as documented in ?Startup.
This section explains how to customize these files, allowing you to save API keys or load
frequently used functions. Before learning how to modify these files, we’ll take a look at how
to ignore them, with R’s startup arguments. If you want to turn custom setup on, it’s useful to
be able to turn it off (e.g., for debugging).

Some of R’s startup arguments can be controlled interactively in RStudio. See the online help file Customizing
RStudio for more on this.

R Startup Arguments
A number of arguments that relate to startup can be appended to the R startup command (R in a
shell environment). The following are particularly important:
and --no-init
Tell R to only look for startup files (described in the next section) in the current working



Tells R not to load a file called .RData (the default name for R session files) that may be
present in the current working directory.

Tells R not to ask the user if they want to save objects saved in RAM when the session is
ended with q().
Adding each of these will make R load slightly faster, meaning that slightly less user input is
needed when you quit. R’s default setting of loading data from the last session automatically is
potentially problematic in this context. See Appendix B of An Introduction to R for more
startup arguments.

A concise way to load a vanilla version of R with all of the preceding options enabled is with an option of the
same name:
R --vanilla

An Overview of R’s Startup Files
Two files are read each time R starts (unless one of the command-line options outlined
previously is used):
The primary purpose of which is to set environment variables. These tell R where to find
external programs, and can hold user-specific information that needs to be kept secret,
typically API keys.
A plain text file (which is always called .Rprofile, hence its name) that simply runs lines
of R code every time R starts. If you want R to check for package updates each time it
starts (as explained in the previous section), you simply add the relevant line somewhere
in this file.
When R starts (unless it was launched with --no-environ), it first searches for .Renviron and
then .Rprofile, in that order. Although .Renviron is searched for first, we will look at .Rprofile
first as it is simpler and, for many setup tasks, more frequently useful. Both files can exist in
three directories on your computer.

Modification of R’s startup files should not be taken lightly. This is an advanced topic. If you modify your startup
files in the wrong way, it can cause problems: a seemingly innocent call to setwd() in .Rprofile, for example, will
break devtools build and check functions.
Proceed with caution and, if you mess things up, just delete the offending files!

The Location of Startup Files
Confusingly, multiple versions of startup files can exist on the same computer, only one of
which will be used per session. Note also that these files should only be changed with caution
and if you know what you are doing. This is because they can make your R version behave
differently than other R installations, potentially reducing the reproducibility of your code.
Files in three folders are important in this process:

The directory in which R is installed. The etc subdirectory can contain startup files read
early on in the startup process. Find out where your R_HOME is with the R.home()

The user ’s home directory. Typically, this is /home/username on Unix machines or
C:\Users\username on Windows (since Windows 7). Ask R where your home directory is
with Sys.getenv("HOME").
R’s current working directory
This is reported by getwd().
It is important to know the location of the .Rprofile and .Renviron setup files that are being
used out of these three options. R only uses one .Rprofile and one .Renviron in any session; if
you have an .Rprofile file in your current project, R will ignore .Rprofile in R_HOME and HOME.
Likewise, .Rprofile in HOME overrides .Rprofile in R_HOME. The same applies to .Renviron: you
should remember that adding project-specific environment variables with .Renviron will
deactivate other .Renviron files.
To create a project-specific startup script, simply create an .Rprofile file in the project’s root
directory and start adding R code (e.g., via file.edit(".Rprofile")). Remember that this
will make .Rprofile in the home directory be ignored. The following commands will open
your .Rprofile from within an R editor:
file.edit("~/.Rprofile") # edit .Rprofile in HOME
file.edit(".Rprofile") # edit project-specific .Rprofile

File paths provided by Windows operating systems will not always work in R. Specifically, if you use a path that
contains single backslashes, such as C:\\DATA\\data.csv, as provided by Windows, this will generate the error:
Error: unexpected input in "C:\\" . To overcome this issue, R provides two functions, file.path() and
normalizePath(). The former can be used to specify file locations without having to use symbols to represent
relative file paths, as follows: file.path("C:", "DATA", "data.csv"). The latter takes any input string for a
filename and outputs a text string that is standard (canonical) for the operating system.
normalizePath("C:/DATA/data.csv"), for example, outputs C:\\DATA\\data.csv on a Windows machine but
C:/DATA/data.csv on Unix-based platforms. Note that only the latter would work on both platforms, so standard
Unix file path notation is safe for all operating systems.

Editing the .Renviron file in the same locations will have the same effect. The following code
will create a user-specific .Renviron file (where API keys and other cross-project environment
variables can be stored) without overwriting any existing file.
user_renviron = path.expand(file.path("~", ".Renviron"))
file.edit(user_renviron) # open with another text editor if this fails

The patholog ical package can help find where .Rprofile and .Renviron files are located on your system, thanks
to the os_path() function. The output of example(Startup) is also instructive.

The location, contents, and uses of each is outlined in more detail in the next section.

The .Rprofile File
By default, R looks for and runs .Rprofile files in the three locations described previously, in
a specific order. .Rprofile files are simply R scripts that run each time R runs. They can be
found within R_HOME, HOME, and the project’s home directory by using getwd(). To check if
you have a sitewide .Rprofile, which will run for all users on startup, run:
site_path = R.home(component = "home")
fname = file.path(site_path, "etc", "Rprofile.site")

The preceding code code checks for the presence of Rprofile.site in that directory. As outlined
previously, the .Rprofile located in your home directory is user-specific. Again, we can test
whether this file exists using:

We can use R to create and edit .Rprofile (warning: do not overwrite your previous .Rprofile
— we suggest you try project-specific .Rprofile first):

Example .Rprofile File
Example 2-1 provides a taste of what goes into .Rprofile. Note that this is simply a usual R
script, but with an unusual name. The best way to understand what is going on is to create this
same script, save it as .Rprofile in your current working directory, and then restart your R
session to observe what changes. To restart your R session from within RStudio, you can
click Session → Restart R or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-F10.
Example 2-1. Example contents of .Rprofile
# A fun welcome message
message("Hi Robin, welcome to R")
# Customize the R prompt that prefixes every command
# (use " " for a blank prompt)
options(prompt = "R4geo> ")

Let’s quickly explain each line of code. The first simply prints a message in the console each
time a new R session is started. The latter modifies the console prompt in the console (set to >
by default). Note that simply adding more lines to the .Rprofile will set more features. An
important aspect of .Rprofile (and .Renviron) is that each line is run once and only once for
each R session. That means that the options set within .Rprofile can easily be changed during
the session. The following command run midsession, for example, will return the default
options(prompt = "> ")

More details on these and other potentially useful .Rprofile options are described
subsequently. For more suggestions of useful startup settings, see examples in
help("Startup") and online resources such as those at statmethods.net. The help pages for R
options (accessible with ?options) are also worth a read before writing your own .Rprofile.
Ever been frustrated by unwanted + symbols that prevent copied and pasted multiline functions
from working? These potentially annoying +s can be eradicated by adding options(continue
= " ") to your .Rprofile.
Setting options
The function options used previously contains a number of default settings. Executing
options() provides a good indication of what can be configured. The settings that can be
configured with options() are often related to personal preference (with few implications for
reproducibility) so the .Rprofile in your home directory is a sensible places to set them if you
want them to be set for all your projects that have no project-specific .Rprofile file. Other
illustrative options are shown here:
# With a customized prompt
options(prompt = "R> ", digits = 4, show.signif.stars = FALSE, continue = "
# With a longer prompt and empty 'continue' indent (default is "+ ")
options(prompt = "R4Geo> ", digits = 3, continue = " ")


The first option changes four default options in a single line:
The R prompt, from the boring


to the exciting


The number of digits displayed
Removing the stars after significant p-values
Removing the + in multiline functions
Try to avoid adding options that make your code nonportable to the startup file. For example,
adding options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) to your startup script has additional effects for
read.table() and related functions, including read.csv(), making them convert text strings
into characters rather than into factors, as is the default. This may be useful for you, but it can
also make your code less portable, so be warned.
Setting the CRAN mirror
To avoid setting the CRAN mirror each time you run install.packages(), you can
permanently set the mirror in your .Rprofile.
# `local` creates a new, empty environment
# This avoids polluting .GlobalEnv with the object r
r = getOption("repos")
r["CRAN"] = "https://cran.rstudio.com/"
options(repos = r)

The RStudio mirror is a virtual machine run by Amazon’s EC2 service, and it syncs with the
main CRAN mirror in Austria once per day. Since RStudio is using Amazon’s CloudFront,
the repository is automatically distributed around the world, so no matter where you are in the
world, the data doesn’t need to travel very far, and is therefore fast to download.
The fortunes package
This section illustrates the power of .Rprofile customization with reference to a package that
was developed for fun. The following code could easily be altered to automatically connect to
a database, or to ensure that the latest packages have been downloaded.
The fortunes package contains a number of memorable quotes, called R fortunes, that the
community has collected over many years. Each fortune has a number. To get fortune number
50, for example, enter:
#> To paraphrase provocatively, 'machine learning is statistics minus any
#> checking of models and assumptions'.
-- Brian D. Ripley (about the difference between machine learning and
useR! 2004, Vienna (May 2004)

It is easy to make R print out one of these nuggets of truth each time you start a session by
adding the following to .Rprofile:
try(fortunes::fortune(), silent = TRUE)

The interactive() function tests whether R is being used interactively in a terminal. The
fortune() function is called within try(). If the fortunes package is not available, we avoid
raising an error and move on. By using ::, we avoid adding the fortunes package to our list
of attached packages.

Typing search() gives the list of attached packages. By using fortunes::fortune(), we avoid adding the
fortunes package to that list. The function .Last(), if it exists in the .Rprofile, is always run at the end of the
session. We can use it to install the fortunes package if needed. To load the package, we use require(), because
if the package isn’t installed, the require() function returns FALSE and raises a warning.

.Last = function() {
cond = suppressWarnings(!require(fortunes, quietly = TRUE))
try(install.packages("fortunes"), silent = TRUE)
message("Goodbye at ", date(), "\n")

Useful functions
You can use .Rprofile to define new helper functions or redefine existing ones so that they’re
faster to type. For example, we could load the following two functions for examining data
# ht == headtail
ht = function(d, n = 6) rbind(head(d, n), tail(d, n))
# Show the first 5 rows & first 5 columns of a data frame
hh = function(d) d[1:5, 1:5]

and a function for setting a nice plotting window:
nice_par = function(mar = c(3, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 0.4, 0), tck = -0.01,
cex.axis = 0.9, las = 1, mfrow = c(1, 1), ...) {
par(mar = mar, mgp = mgp, tck = tck, cex.axis = cex.axis, las = las,
mfrow = mfrow, ...)

Note that these functions are for personal use and are unlikely to interfere with code from
other people. For this reason, even if you use a certain package every day, we don’t
recommend loading it in your .Rprofile. Shortening long function names for interactive (but
not reproducible code writing) is another option for using .Rprofile to increase efficiency. If

you frequently use View(), for example, you may be able to save time by referring to it in
abbreviated form. This is illustrated in the following line of code, which makes it faster to
view datasets (although with IDE-driven autocompletion, outlined in the next section, the time
savings is less).
v = utils::View

Also beware of the dangers of loading many functions by default as it may make your code
less portable. Another potentially useful setting to change in .Rprofile is R’s current working
directory. If you want R to automatically set the working directory to the R folder of your
project, for example, you would add the following line of code to the project-specific

Creating hidden environments with .Rprofile
Beyond making your code less portable, another downside of putting functions in your
.Rprofile is that it can clutter up your workspace: when you run the ls() command, your
.Rprofile functions will appear. Also, if you run rm(list = ls()), your functions will be
deleted. One neat trick to overcome this issue is to use hidden objects and environments.
When an object name starts with ., by default it doesn’t appear in the output of the ls()
.obj = 1
".obj" %in% ls()
#> [1] FALSE

This concept also works with environments. In the .Rprofile file, we can create a hidden
.env = new.env()

And then add functions to this environment:
.env$ht = function(d, n = 6) rbind(head(d, n), tail(d, n))

At the end of the .Rprofile file, we use attach, which makes it possible to refer to objects in
the environment by their names alone:

The .Renviron File
The .Renviron file is used to store system variables. It follows a similar startup routine to the
.Rprofile file: R first looks for a global .Renviron file, then for local versions. A typical use of
the .Renviron file is to specify the R_LIBS path, which determines where new packages are
# Linux
# Windows

After setting this, install.packages() saves packages in the directory specified by R_LIBS.
The location of this directory can be referred back to subsequently as follows:

All currently stored environment variables can be seen by calling Sys.getenv() with no
arguments. Note that many environment variables are already preset and do not need to be
specified in .Renviron. HOME, for example, which can be seen with Sys.getenv("HOME"), is
taken from the operating system’s list of environment variables. A list of the most important
environment variables that can affect R’s behavior is documented in the little-known help
page help("environment variables").
To set or unset an environment variable for the duration of a session, use the following
Sys.setenv("TEST" = "test-string") # set an environment variable for the session
Sys.unsetenv("TEST") # unset it

Another common use of .Renviron is to store API keys and authentication tokens that will be
available from one session to another.4 A common use case is setting the environment
variable GITHUB_PAT, which will be detected by the devtools package via the function
github_pat(). To take another example, the following line in .Renviron sets the ZEIT_KEY
environment variable, which is used in the diezeit package:

You will need to sign in and start a new R session for the environment variable (accessed by
Sys.getenv()) to be visible. To test if the example API key has been successfully added as an
environment variable, run the following:

Using the .Renviron file for storing settings such as library paths and API keys is efficient

because it reduces the need to update your settings for every R session. Furthermore, the same
.Renviron file will work across different platforms, so keep it stored safely.
Example .Renviron file
My .Renviron file has grown over the years. I often switch between my desktop and laptop
computers, so to maintain a consistent working environment, I have the same .Renviron file
on all of my machines. As well as containing an R_LIBS entry and some API keys, my
.Renviron has a few other lines:

When R is running, it creates temporary copies. On my work machine, the default
directory is a network drive.

Byte compile all packages (covered in Chapter 3).

I explicitly state where to look for packages. My university has a sitewide directory that
contains outdated packages. I want to avoiding using this directory.

Explicitly state the packages to load. Note that I don’t load the datasets package, but I
ensure that methods is always loaded. Due to historical reasons, the methods package
isn’t loaded by default in certain applications (e.g., Rscript).
1. What are the three locations where the startup files are stored? Where are these
locations on your computer?
2. For each location, does a .Rprofile or .Renviron file exist?
3. Create a .Rprofile file in your current working directory that prints the message
Happy efficient R programming each time you start R at this location.
4. What happens to the startup files in R_HOME if you create them in HOME or local project

RStudio is an IDE for R. It makes life easy for R users and developers with its intuitive and
flexible interface. RStudio encourages good programming practice. Through its wide range
of features, RStudio can help make you a more efficient and productive R programmer.
RStudio can, for example, greatly reduce the amount of time spent remembering and typing
function names thanks to intelligent autocompletion. Some of the most important features of
RStudio include:
Flexible window pane layouts to optimize use of screen space and enable fast interactive
visual feedback
Intelligent autocompletion of function names, packages, and R objects
A wide range of keyboard shortcuts
Visual display of objects, including a searchable data display table
Real-time code checking, debugging, and error detection
Menus to install and update packages
Project management and integration with version control
Quick display of function source code and help documents
The preceding list of features should make it clear that a well set-up IDE can be as important
as a well set-up R installation for becoming an efficient R programmer.5 As with R itself, the
best way to learn about RStudio is by using it. It is therefore worth reading through this
section in parallel with using RStudio to boost your productivity.

Installing and Updating RStudio
RStudio is a mature, feature-rich, and powerful IDE optimized for R programming, which has
become popular among R developers. The Open Source Edition is completely open source
(as can be seen from the project’s GitHub rep). It can be installed on all major OSs from the
RStudio website.
If you already have RStudio and would like to update it, simply click Help → Check for
Updates in the menu. For fast and efficient work, keyboard shortcuts should be used wherever
possible, reducing the reliance on the mouse. RStudio has many keyboard shortcuts that will
help with this. To get into good habits early, try accessing the RStudio Update interface
without touching the mouse. On Linux and Windows, drop-down menus are activated with the
Alt key, so the menu item can be found with: Alt-H-U.
On Mac, it works differently. Cmd-? should activate a search across menu items, allowing the
same operation to be achieved with Cmd-? update.

In RStudio, the keyboard shortcuts differ between Linux and Windows versions on one hand and Mac on the
other. In this section, we generally only use the Windows/Linux shortcut keys for brevity. The Mac equivalent is
usually found by simply replacing Ctrl and Alt with the Mac-specific Cmd button.

Window Pane Layout
RStudio has four main window panes (see Figure 2-2), each of which serves a range of
The Source pane
For editing, saving, and dispatching R code to the console (top left). Note that this pane
does not exist by default when you start RStudio: it appears when you open an R script
(e.g., via File → New File → R Script). A common task in this pane is to send code on the
current line to the console, via Ctrl/Cmd-Enter.
The Console pane
Any code entered here is processed by R, line by line. This pane is ideal for interactively
testing ideas before saving the final results in the Source pane above.
The Environment pane (top right)
Contains information about the current objects loaded in the workspace, including their
class, dimension (if they are a data frame), and name. This pane also contains tabbed
subpanes with a searchable history that was dispatched to the console and (if applicable to
the project) Build and Git options.
The Files pane (bottom right)
Contains a simple file browser, a Plots tab, Help and Package tabs, and a Viewer for
visualizing interactive R output such as those produced by the leaflet package and HTML

Figure 2-2. RStudio panels

Using each of the panels effectively and navigating between them quickly is a skill that will
develop over time, and will only improve with practice.
You are developing a project to visualize data. Test out the multipanel RStudio workflow by
following these steps:
1. Create a new folder for the input data using the Files pane.
2. Type downl in the Source pane and hit Enter to make the function download.file()
autocomplete. Then type ", which will autocomplete to "", paste the URL of a file to
download (e.g., https://www.census.gov/2010census/csv/pop_change.csv) and a
filename (e.g., pop_change.csv).
3. Execute the full command with Ctrl-Enter:

4. Write and execute a command to read the data, such as
pop_change = read.csv("extdata/pop_change.csv", skip = 2)

5. Use the Environment pane to click on the data object pop_change. Note that this runs

the command View(pop_change), which launches a data viewing tab in the top left
panel, for interactively exploring data frames (see Figure 2-3).

Figure 2-3. The data viewing tab in RStudio

6. Use the console to test different plot commands to visualize the data, saving the code
you want to keep back into the Source pane as pop_change.R.
7. Use the Plots tab in the Files pane to scroll through past plots. Save the best using the
Export drop-down button.
The previous example shows how understanding of these panes and how to use them
interactively can help with the speed and productivity of your R programming. Further, there
are a number of RStudio settings that can help ensure that it works for your needs.

RStudio Options
A range of project options and global options are available in RStudio from the Tools menu
(accessible in Linux and Windows from the keyboard via Alt-T). Most of these are selfexplanatory, but it is worth mentioning a few that can boost your programming efficiency:
GIT/SVN project settings allow RStudio to provide a graphical interface to your
version-control system, described in Chapter 9.
R version settings allow RStudio to point to different R versions/interpreters, which may
be faster for some projects.
Restore .RData: untick

this default to prevent loading previously created R objects. This
will make R start more quickly and also reduce the chance of bugs due to previously
created objects. For this reason, we recommend you untick this box.
Code-editing options can make RStudio adapt to your coding style, for example, by
preventing the autocompletion of braces, which some experienced programmers may
find annoying. Enabling Vim mode makes RStudio act as a (partial) Vim emulator.
Diagnostic settings can make RStudio more efficient by adding additional diagnostics or
by removing diagnostics if they are slowing down your work. This may be an issue for
people using RStudio to analyze large datasets on older low-spec computers.
Appearance: if you are struggling to see the source code, changing the default font size
may make you a more efficient programmer by reducing the time overhead associated
with squinting at the screen. Other options in this area relate more to aesthetics. Settings
such as font type and background color are also important because feeling comfortable
in your programming environment can boost productivity. Go to Tools → Global
Options to modify these.

R provides some basic autocompletion functionality. Typing the beginning of a function
name, such as rn (short for rnorm()), and pressing the Tab key twice will result in the full
function names associated with this text string being printed. In this case, two options would
be displayed: rnbinom and rnorm, providing a useful reminder to the user about what is
available. The same applies to filenames enclosed in quotation marks: typing te in the console
in a project that contains a file called test.R should result in the full name "test.R" being
autocompleted. RStudio builds on this functionality and takes it to a new level.

The default settings for autocompletion in RStudio work well. They are intuitive and are likely to work for many
users, especially beginners. However, RStudio’s autocompletion options can be modified by navigating to Tools
→ Global Options → Code → Completion in RStudio’s top-level menu.

Instead of only autocompleting options when Tab is pressed, RStudio autocompletes them at
any point. Building on the previous example, RStudio’s autocompletion triggers when the
first three characters are typed: rno. The same functionality works when only the first
characters are typed, followed by Tab: automatic autocompletion does not replace Tab
autocompletion but supplements it. Note that in RStudio, two more options are provided to the
user after entering rn and pressing the Tab key compared with entering the same text into base
R’s console described in the previous paragraph: RNGkind and RNGversion. This illustrates
that RStudio’s autocompletion functionality is not case-sensitive in the same way that R is.
This is a good thing because R has no consistent function name style!
RStudio also has more intelligent autocompletion of objects and filenames than R’s built-in
command line. To test this functionality, try typing US, followed by the Tab key. After pressing
down until USArrests is selected, press Enter so it autocompletes. Finally, typing $ should
leave the following text on the screen and the four columns should be shown in a dropdown
box, ready for you to select the variable of interest with the down arrow.
USArrests$ # a drop-down menu of columns should appear in RStudio

To take a more complex example, variable names stored in the data slot of the class
SpatialPolygonsDataFrame (a class defined by the foundational spatial package sp) are
referred to in the long form spdf@data$varname.6 In this case, spdf is the object name, data is
the slot, and varname is the variable name. RStudio makes such S4 objects easier to use by
enabling autocompletion of the short form spdf$varname. Another example is RStudio’s
ability to find files hidden away in subfolders. Typing "te will find test.R even if it is located

in a subfolder such as R/test.R. There are a number of other clever autocompletion tricks that
can boost R’s productivity when using RStudio, which are best found by experimenting and
pressing the Tab key frequently during your R programming work.

Keyboard Shortcuts
RStudio has many useful shortcuts that can help make your programming more efficient by
reducing the need to reach for the mouse and point and click your way around code and
RStudio. These can be viewed by using a little known but extremely useful keyboard shortcut
(this can also be accessed via the Tools menu): Alt-Shift-K.
This will display the default shortcuts in RStudio. It is worth spending time identifying which
of these could be useful in your work and practicing interacting with RStudio rapidly with
minimal reliance on the mouse. The power of these autocompletion capabilities can be further
enhanced by setting your own keyboard shortcuts. However, as with setting .Rprofile and
.Renviron settings, this risks reducing the portability of your workflow.
Some more useful shortcuts are listed here. There are many more gems to find that could
boost your R writing productivity:
Execute the current line or code selection in the Source pane
Execute all the R code in the currently open file in the Source pane
Navigate code quickly, word by word
Navigate to the beginning/end of the current line
Duplicate the current line up or down
Delete the current line
To set your own RStudio keyboard shortcuts, navigate to Tools → Modify Keyboard

Object Display and Output Table
It is useful to know what is in your current R environment. This information can be revealed
with ls(), but this function only provides object names. RStudio provides an efficient
mechanism to show currently loaded objects and their details in real-time: the Environment
tab in the top-right corner. It makes sense to keep an eye on which objects are loaded and to
delete objects that are no longer useful. Doing so will minimize the probability of confusion
in your workflow (e.g., by using the wrong version of an object) and reduce the amount of
RAM R needs. The details provided in the Environment tab include the object’s dimension and
some additional details depending on the object’s class (e.g., size in MB for large datasets).
A very useful feature of RStudio is its advanced viewing functionality. This is triggered either
by executing View(object) or by double-clicking on the object name in the Environment tab.
Although you cannot edit data in the Viewer (this should be considered a good thing from a
data integrity perspective), recent versions of RStudio provide an efficient search mechanism
to rapidly filter and view the records that are of most interest (see Figure 2-3).

Project Management
In the far top-right of RStudio there is a diminutive drop-down menu illustrated with R inside
a transparent box. This menu may be small and simple, but it is hugely efficient in terms of
organizing large, complex, and long-term projects.
The idea of RStudio projects is that the bulk of R programming work is part of a wider task,
which will likely consist of input data, R code, graphical and numerical outputs, and
documents describing the work. It is possible to scatter each of these elements at random
across your hard disks, but this is not recommended. Instead, the concept of projects
encourages reproducible working, such that anyone who opens the particular project folder
that you are working from should be able to repeat your analyses and replicate your results.
It is therefore highly recommended that you use projects to organize your work. It could save
hours in the long run. Organizing data, code, and outputs also makes sense from a portability
perspective: if you copy the folder (e.g., via GitHub), you can work on it from any computer
without worrying about having the right files on your current machine. These tasks are
implemented using RStudio’s simple project system, in which the following things happen
every time you open an existing project:
The working directory automatically switches to the project’s folder. This enables data
and script files to be referred to using relative file paths, which are much shorter than
absolute file paths. This means that switching directories using setwd(), a common
source of error for R users, is rarely, if ever, needed.
The last previously open file is loaded into the Source pane. The history of R commands
executed in previous sessions is also loaded into the History tab. This assists with
continuity between one session and the next.
The File tab displays the associated files and folders in the project, allowing you to
quickly find your previous work.
Any settings associated with the project, such as Git settings, are loaded. This assists with
collaboration and project-specific setup.
Each project is different, but most contain input data, R code, and outputs. To keep things tidy,
we recommend a subdirectory structure resembling the following:
- README.Rmd # Project description
- set-up.R # Required packages
- R/ # For R code
- input # Data files
- graphics/
- output/ # Results

Proper use of projects ensures that all R source files are neatly stashed in one folder with a
meaningful structure. This way, data and documentation can be found where one would expect

them. Under this system, figures and project outputs are first-class citizens within the project’s
design, each with their own folder.
Another approach to project management is to treat projects as R packages. This is not
recommended for most use cases, as it places restrictions on where you can put files.
However, if the aim is code development and sharing, creating a small R package may be the
way forward, even if you never intend to submit it on CRAN. Creating R packages is easier
than ever before, as documented in Learning R by Richard Cotton (O’Reilly) and, more
recently, in R Packages by Hadley Wickham (O’Reilly). The devtools package helps manage
R’s quirks, making the process much less painful. If you use GitHub, the advantage of this
approach is that anyone should be able to reproduce your work using
devtools::install_github("username/projectname"), although the administrative overhead
of creating an entire package for each small project will outweigh the benefits for many.
Note that a set-up.R or even a .Rprofile file in the project’s root directory enables projectspecific settings to be loaded each time people work on the project. As described in the
previous section, .Rprofile can be used to tweak how R works at startup. It is also a portable
way to manage R’s configuration on a project-by-project basis.
Another capability that RStudio has is excellent debugging support. Rather than re-invent the
wheel, I would like to direct interested readers to the RStudio website.
1. Try modifying the look and appearance of your RStudio setup.
2. What is the keyboard shortcut to show the other shortcut? (Hint: it begins with AltShift on Linux and Windows.)
3. Try as many of the shortcuts revealed by the previous step as you like. Write down
the ones that you think will save you time, perhaps on a Post-it note to go on your

BLAS and Alternative R Interpreters
In this section, we cover a few system-level options available to speed up R’s performance.
Note that for many applications, stability rather than speed is a priority, so these should only
be considered if a) you have exhausted options for writing your R code more efficiently and
b) you are confident tweaking system-level settings. This should therefore be seen as an
advanced section: if you are not interested in speeding up base R, feel free to skip to the next
Many statistical algorithms manipulate matrices. R uses the Basic Linear Algebra System
(BLAS) framework for linear algebra operations. Whenever we carry out a matrix operation,
such as transpose or finding the inverse, we use the underlying BLAS library. By switching to
a different BLAS library, it may be possible to speed up your R code. Changing your BLAS
library is straightforward if you are using Linux, but can be tricky for Windows users.
The two open source alternative BLAS libraries are ATLAS and OpenBLAS. The Intel MKL
is another implementation, designed for Intel processors by Intel and used in Revolution R
(described in the next section), but it requires licensing fees. The MKL library is provided
with the Revolution analytics system. Depending on your application, by switching your
BLAS library, linear algebra operations can run several times faster than with the base BLAS
If you use Linux, you can find whether you have a BLAS library setting with the following
function, from benchmarkme:

Testing Performance Gains from BLAS
As an illustrative test of the performance gains offered by BLAS, the following test was run
on a new laptop running Ubuntu 15.10 on a sixth-generation Core i7 processor, before and
after OpenBLAS was installed.7
res = benchmark_std() # run a suite of tests to test R's performance

It was found that the installation of OpenBLAS led to a two-fold speed-up (from around 150
to 70 seconds). The majority of the speed gain was from the matrix algebra tests, as can be
seen in Figure 2-4. Note that the results of such tests are highly dependent on the
particularities of each computer. However, it clearly shows that programming benchmarks
(e.g., the calculation of 3,500,000 Fibonacci numbers) are now much faster, whereas matrix
calculations and functions receive a substantial speed boost. This demonstrates that the speedup you can expect from BLAS depends heavily on the type of computations you are

Figure 2-4. Performance gains obtained by changing the underlying BLAS library (tests from benchmark_std())

Other Interpreters
The R language can be separated from the R interpreter. The former refers to the meaning of
R commands, and the latter refers to how the computer executes the commands. Alternative
interpreters have been developed to try to make R faster and, while promising, none of the
following options has fully taken off.
Microsoft R Open, formerly known as Revolution R Open (RRO), is the enhanced
distribution of R from Microsoft. The key enhancement is that it uses multithreaded
mathematics libraries, which can improve performance.
Rho (previously called CXXR, short for C++), a reimplementation of the R interpreter
for speed and efficiency. Of the new interpreters, this is the one that has the most recent
development activity (as of April 2016).
pqrR (pretty quick R) is a new version of the R interpreter. One major downside is that it
is based on R-2.15.0. The developer (Radford Neal) has made many improvements, some
of which have now been incorporated into base R. pqR is an open source project
licensed under the GPL. One notable improvement in pqR is that it is able to do some
numeric computations in parallel with each other, and with other operations of the
interpreter, on systems with multiple processors or processor cores.
Renjin reimplements the R interpreter in Java, so it can run on the Java Virtual Machine
(JVM). Since R will be pure Java, it can run anywhere.
Tibco created a C++ based interpreter called TERR.
Oracle also offers an R interpreter that uses Intel’s mathematics library and therefore
achieves higher performance without changing R’s core.
At the time of writing, switching interpreters is something to consider carefully. But in the
future, it may become more routine.

Useful BLAS/Benchmarking Resources
The gcbd package benchmarks performance of a few standard linear algebra operations
across a number of different BLAS libraries as well as a GPU implementation. It has an
excellent vignette summarizing the results.
Brett Klamer provides a nice comparison of ATLAS, OpenBLAS, and Intel MKL BLAS
libraries. He also gives a description of how to install the different libraries.
The official R manual section on BLAS.
1. What BLAS system is your version of R using?

Cotton, Richard. 2013. Learning R. O’Reilly Media.
Wickham, Hadley. 2015c. R Packages. O’Reilly Media.
1 All CRAN packages are automatically tested on these systems, in addition to Solaris. R has also been reported to run on
more exotic operating systems, including those used in smartphones and game consoles (Peng 2014).
2 Benchmarking conducted for the presentation “R on Different Platforms” at useR! 2006 found that R was marginally faster
on Windows than on Linux setups. Similar results were reported in an academic paper, with R completing statistical analyses
faster on a Linux than on a Mac (Sekhon 2006). In 2015 Revolution R supported these results with slightly faster run times
for certain benchmarks on Ubuntu than Mac systems. The data from the benchmarkme package also suggests that running
code under the Linux OS is marginally faster.
3 See Jason French’s “Installing R in Linux” for more information on installing R on a variety of Linux distributions.
4 See vignette("api-packages") from the httr package for more on this.
5 Other open source R IDEs exist, including RKWard, Tinn-R, and JGR. emacs is another popular software environment.
However, it has a very steep learning curve.
6 Slots are elements of an object (specifically, S4 objects) analogous to a column in a data.frame but referred to with @ not
7 OpenBLAS was installed on the computer via sudo
and used by R.

apt-get install libopenblas-base,

which is automatically detected

Chapter 3. Efficient Programming
Many people who use R would not describe themselves as programmers. Instead, they tend to
have advanced domain-level knowledge and understand standard R data structures such as
vectors and data frames, but have little formal training in computing. Sound familiar? In that
case, this chapter is for you.
In this chapter, we will discuss “big picture” programming techniques. We cover general
concepts and R programming techniques about code optimization, before describing
idiomatic programming structures. We conclude the chapter by examining relatively easy
ways of speeding up code using the compiler package and parallel processing using multiple

In this chapter, we introduce two new packages, compiler and memoise. The compiler package
comes with R, so it will already be installed.

We also use the pryr and microbenchmark packages in the exercises.

Top Five Tips for Efficient Programming
1. Be careful never to grow vectors.
2. Vectorize code whenever possible.
3. Use factors when appropriate.
4. Avoid unnecessary computation by caching variables.
5. Byte compile packages for an easy performance boost.

General Advice
Low-level languages like C and Fortran demand more from the programmer. They force you
to declare the type of every variable used, give you the burdensome responsibility of memory
management, and have to be compiled. The advantage of such languages, compared with R, is
that they are faster to run. The disadvantage is that they take longer to learn and cannot be run

The Wikipedia page on compiler optimizations gives a nice overview of standard optimization techniques.

R users don’t tend to worry about data types. This is advantageous in terms of creating
concise code, but can result in R programs that are slow. While optimizations such as going
parallel can double speed, poor code can easily run hundreds of times slower, so it’s
important to understand the causes of slow code. These are covered in The R Inferno by
Patrick Burns (Lulu.com), which should be considered essential reading for any aspiring R
Ultimately, calling an R function always ends up calling some underlying C/Fortran code. For
example, the base R function runif() only contains a single line that consists of a call to
function (n, min = 0, max = 1)
.Call(C_runif, n, min, max)

A golden rule in R programming is to access the underlying C/Fortran routines as quickly as
possible; the fewer function calls required to achieve this, the better. For example, suppose x
is a standard vector of length n. Then
x = x + 1

involves a single function call to the + function. Whereas the for loop
for(i in seq_len(n))
x[i] = x[i] + 1


function calls to


function calls to the [ function


function calls to the [<- function (used in the assignment operation)


A function call to


and to the : operator

It isn’t that the for loop is slow; rather it is because we have many more function calls. Each
individual function call is quick, but the total combination is slow.

Everything in R is a function call. When we execute 1 + 1, we are actually executing

+(1, 1).

1. Use the microbenchmark package to compare the vectorized construct x
the for loop version. Try varying the size of the input vector.

= x + 1


Memory Allocation
Another general technique is to be careful with memory allocation. If possible, pre-allocate
your vector and then fill in the values.

You should also consider preallocating memory for data frames and lists. Never grow an object. A good rule of
thumb is to compare your objects before and after a for loop; have they increased in length?

Let’s consider three methods of creating a sequence of numbers. Method 1 creates an empty
vector and gradually increases (or grows) the length of the vector:
vec =

= function(n) {
NULL # Or vec = c()
in seq_len(n))
= c(vec, i)

Method 2 creates an object of the final length and then changes the values in the object by
method2 = function(n) {
vec = numeric(n)
for(i in seq_len(n))
vec[i] = i

Method 3 directly creates the final object:
method3 = function(n) seq_len(n)

To compare the three methods, we use the microbenchmark() function from the previous
microbenchmark(times = 100, unit = "s",
method1(n), method2(n), method3(n))

Table 3-1 shows the timing in seconds on my machine for these three methods for a selection
of values of n. The relationships for varying n are all roughly linear on a log-log scale, but
the timings between methods are drastically different. Notice that the timings are no longer
trivial. When n = 107, method 1 takes around an hour whereas method 2 takes two seconds and
method 3 is almost instantaneous. Remember the golden rule: access the underlying C/Fortran
code as quickly as possible.
Table 3-1. Time in seconds to

Table 3-1. Time in seconds to
create sequences. When n =
107, method 1 takes around an
hour while the other methods
take less than three seconds.

Method 1 Method 2 Method 3

10 5 0.21



10 6 25.50



10 7 3827.00



Vectorized Code
Technically x = 1 creates a vector of length 1. In this section, we use vectorized to indicate that functions work
with vectors of all lengths.

Recall the golden rule in R programming: access the underlying C/Fortran routines as
quickly as possible — the fewer functions calls required to achieve this, the better. With this
mind, many R functions are vectorized; that is, the function’s inputs and/or outputs naturally
work with vectors, reducing the number of function calls required. For example, the code
x = runif(n) + 1

performs two vectorized operations. First, runif() returns n random numbers. Second, we
add 1 to each element of the vector. In general, it is a good idea to exploit vectorized
functions. Consider this piece of R code that calculates the sum of log (x):
log_sum = 0
for(i in 1:length(x))
log_sum = log_sum + log(x[i])


can lead to hard-to-find bugs when x has length zero. Instead, use seq_along(x) or

This code could easily be vectorized via
log_sum = sum(log(x))

Writing code this way has a number of benefits:
It’s faster. When n = 107 the R way is about 40 times faster.
It’s neater.
It doesn’t contain a bug when x is of length 0.
As with the general example in “General Advice”, the slowdown isn’t due to the for loop.
Instead, it’s because there are many more functions calls.

1. Time the two methods for calculating the log sum.
2. What happens when the length(x)

= 0

(i.e., we have an empty vector)?

Example: Monte Carlo integration
It’s also important to make full use of R functions that use vectors. For example, suppose we
wish to estimate the integral ∫ x2 dx using a Monte Carlo method. Essentially, we throw darts
at the curve and count the number of darts that fall below the curve (as in Figure 3-1).
Monte Carlo integration
1. Initialize: hits

= 0

2. for i in 1:N
a. Generate two random numbers, U1, U2, between 0 and 1
b. If U2 < U12, then hits

= hits + 1

3. end for
4. Area estimate = hits/N
Implementing this Monte Carlo algorithm in R would typically lead to something like:
monte_carlo = function(N) {
hits = 0
for (i in seq_len(N)) {
u1 = runif(1)
u2 = runif(1)
if (u1 ^ 2 > u2)
hits = hits + 1
return(hits / N)

In R, this takes a few seconds:
N = 500000
user system elapsed

In contrast, a more R-centric approach would be:
monte_carlo_vec = function(N) mean(runif(N)^2 > runif(N))

The monte_carlo_vec() function contains (at least) four aspects of vectorization:
The runif() function call is now fully vectorized.

We raise entire vectors to a power via ^.
Comparisons using



are vectorized.

is quicker than an equivalent for loop.

The function monte_carlo_vec() is around 30 times faster than monte_carlo().

Figure 3-1. Example of Monte Carlo integration. To estimate the area under the curve, throw random points at the graph
and count the number of points that lie under the curve.

1. Verify that monte_carlo_vec() is faster than monte_carlo(). How does this relate to
the number of darts (i.e., the size of N) that is used?

Communicating with the User
When we create a function, we often want the function to give efficient feedback on the
current state. For example, are there missing arguments or has a numerical calculation failed?
There are three main techniques for communicating with the user.

Fatal Errors: stop()
Fatal errors are raised by calling stop() (i.e., execution is terminated). When stop() is called,
there is no way for a function to continue. For instance, when we generate random numbers
using rnorm(), the first argument is the sample size, n. If the number of observations to return
is less than 1, an error is raised. When we need to raise an error, we should do so as quickly
as possible; otherwise, it’s a waste of resources. Hence, the first few lines of a function
typically perform argument checking.
Suppose we call a function that raises an error. What then? Efficient, robust code catches the
error and handles it appropriately. Errors can be caught using try() and tryCatch(). For
# Suppress the error message
good = try(1 + 1, silent = TRUE)
bad = try(1 + "1", silent = TRUE)

When we inspect the objects, the variable good just contains the number 2:
#> [1] 2

However, the bad object is a character string with class try-error and a condition attribute
that contains the error message:
#> [1] "Error in 1 + \"1\" : non-numeric argument to binary operator\n"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "try-error"
#> attr(,"condition")

We can use this information in a standard conditional statement:
if(class(bad) == "try-error")
# Do something

Further details on error handling, as well as some excellent advice on general debugging
techniques, are given in Advanced R by Hadley Wickham (CRC Press).

Warnings: warning()
Warnings are generated using the warning() function. When a warning is raised, it indicates
potential problems. For example, mean(NULL) returns NA and also raises a warning.
When we come across a warning in our code, it is important to solve the problem and not just
ignore the issue. While ignoring warnings saves time in the short term, warnings can often
mask deeper issues that have crept into our code.

Warnings can be hidden using


Informative Output: message() and cat()
To give informative output, use the message() function. For example, in the poweRlaw
package, the message() function is used to give the user an estimate of expected run time.
Providing a rough estimate of how long the function takes allows the user to optimize their
time. Similar to warnings, messages can be suppressed with suppressMessages().
Another function used for printing messages is cat(). In general, cat() should only be used
in print()/show() methods. For example, look at the function definition of the S3 print
method for difftime objects: getS3method("print", "difftime").
1. The stop() function has an argument call. that indicates if the function call should
be part of the error message. Create a function and experiment with this option.

Invisible Returns
The invisible() function allows you to return a temporarily invisible copy of an object.
This is particularly useful for functions that return values that can be assigned, but are not
printed when they are not assigned. For example, suppose we have a function that plots the
data and fits a straight line:
regression_plot = function(x, y, ...) {
# Plot and pass additional arguments to default plot method
plot(x, y, ...)
# Fit regression model
model = lm(y ~ x)
# Add line of best fit to the plot

When the function is called, a scattergraph is plotted with the line of best fit, but the output is
invisible. However, when we assign the function to an object (i.e., out = regression_plot(x,
y)), the variable out contains the output of the lm() call.
Another example is hist(). Typically, we don’t want anything displayed in the console when
we call the function:

However, if we assign the output to an object, out = hist(x), the object out is actually a list
containing, inter alia, information on the midpoints, breaks, and counts.

Factors are much maligned objects. While at times they are awkward, they do have their uses.
A factor is used to store categorical variables. This data type is unique to R (or at least not
common among programming languages). The difference between factors and strings is
important because R treats factors and strings differently. Although factors look similar to
character vectors, they are actually integers. This leads to initially surprising behavior:
x = 4:6
#> [1] 4 5 6
#> [1] 1 2 3

In this case, the c() function is using the underlying integer representation of the factor.
Dealing with the wrong case of behavior is a common source of inefficiency for R users.
Often, categorical variables get stored as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, with associated documentation
elsewhere that explains what each number means. This is clearly a pain. Alternatively, we
store the data as a character vector. While this is fine, the semantics are wrong because it
doesn’t convey that this is a categorical variable. It’s not sensible to say that you should
always or never use factors, since factors have both positive and negative features. Instead, we
need to examine each case individually.
As a general rule, if your variable has an inherent order (e.g., small versus large) or you have
a fixed set of categories, then you should consider using a factor.

Inherent Order
Factors can be used for ordering in graphics. For instance, suppose we have a dataset where
the variable type takes one of three values, small, medium, or large. Clearly, there is an
ordering. Using a standard boxplot() call,
boxplot(y ~ type)

would create a boxplot where the x-axis was alphabetically ordered. By converting
factor, we can easily specify the correct ordering.

type into

boxplot(y ~ factor(type, levels = c("Small", "Medium", "Large")))

Most users interact with factors via the read.csv() function, where character columns are automatically
converted to factors. This feature can be irritating if our data is messy and we want to clean and recode variables.
Typically when reading in data via read.csv(), we use the stringsAsFactors = FALSE argument. Although this
argument can be added to the global options() list and placed in the .Rprofile, this leads to nonportable code, so
should be avoided.


Fixed Set of Categories
Suppose our dataset relates to months of the year:
m = c("January", "December", "March")

If we sort m in the usual way, sort(m), we perform standard alphanumeric ordering; placing
December first. This is technically correct, but not that helpful. We can use factors to remedy
this problem by specifying the admissible levels:
# month.name contains the 12 months
fac_m = factor(m, levels = month.name)
#> [1] January March
#> 12 Levels: January February March April May June July August ... December

1. Factors are slightly more space-efficient than characters. Create a character vector
and corresponding factor, and use pryr::object_size() to calculate the space
needed for each object.

The Apply Family
The apply functions can be an alternative to writing for loops. The general idea is to apply (or
map) a function to each element of an object. For example, you can apply a function to each
row or column of a matrix. A list of available functions and their descriptions is given in
Table 3-2. In general, all apply functions have similar properties:
Each function takes at least two arguments: an object and another function. The function
is passed as an argument.
Every apply function has the dots (...) argument, which is used to pass on arguments to
the function provided to the FUN argument. sapply(list((1:3)^2, 2:7), mean, trim
= 0.4), for example, passes the trip argument to the mean function call for each vector
in the list.
Using apply functions when possible can lead to shorter, more succinct, idiomatic R code. In
this section, we will cover the three main functions, apply(), lapply(), and sapply(). Since
the apply functions are covered in most R textbooks, we just give a brief introduction to the
topic and provide pointers to other resources at the end of this section.

Most people rarely use the other apply functions. For example, I have only used eapply() once. Students in my
class uploaded R scripts. Using source(), I was able to read in the scripts to a separate environment. I then
applied a marking scheme to each environment using eapply(). Using separate environments, I avoided object
name clashes.

Table 3-2. The apply family of functions from
base R
Function Description

Apply functions over array margins


Apply a function to a data frame split by factors


Apply a function over values in an environment


Apply a function over a list or vector


Apply a function to multiple list or vector arguments


Recursively apply a function to a list


Apply a function over a ragged array

The apply() function is used to apply a function to each row or column of a matrix. In many
data science problems, this is a common task. For example, to calculate the standard deviation
of the row:
data("ex_mat", package = "efficient")
# MARGIN=1: corresponds to rows
row_sd = apply(ex_mat, 1, sd)

The first argument of apply() is the object of interest. The second argument is the MARGIN.
This is a vector giving the subscripts that the function (the third argument) will be applied
over. When the object is a matrix, a margin of 1 indicates rows, and 2 indicates columns. So
to calculate the column standard deviations, the second argument is changed to 2:
col_med = apply(ex_mat, 2, sd)

Additional arguments can be passed to the function that is to be applied to the data. For
example, to pass the na.rm argument to the sd() function, we have:
row_sd = apply(ex_mat, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)

The apply() function also works on higher dimensional arrays; a one-dimensional array is a
vector, a two-dimensional array is a matrix.
The lapply() function is similar to apply(). The main differences are that the input types are
vectors or lists and the return type is a list. Essentially, we apply a function to each element of
a list or vector. The functions sapply() and vapply() are similar to lapply(), but the return
type is not necessarily a list.

Example: Movies Dataset
The internet movie database is a website that collects movie data supplied by studios and fans.
It is one of the largest movie databases on the web and is maintained by Amazon. The
ggplot2movies package contains about 60,000 movies stored as a data frame:
data(movies, package = "ggplot2movies")

Movies are rated between 1 and 10 by fans. Columns 7 to 16 of the movies dataset gives the
percentage of voters for a particular rating.
ratings = movies[, 7:16]

For example, 4.5% of voters rated the first movie a 1:
ratings[1, ]
r1 r2 r3 r4
r8 r9 r10
#> 1 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 14.5 24.5 24.5 14.5 4.5 4.5

We can use the apply() function to investigate voting patterns. The function
nnet::which.is.max() finds the maximum position in a vector, but breaks ties at random;
which.max() just returns the first value. Using apply(), we can easily determine the most
popular rating for each movie and plot the results:
popular = apply(ratings, 1, nnet::which.is.max)

Figure 3-2 highlights the fact that voting patterns are clearly not uniform between 1 and 10.
The most popular vote is the highest rating, 10. Clearly if you went to the trouble of voting
for a movie, it was either very good or very bad (there is also a peak at 1). Rating a movie 7
is also a popular choice (search the web for “most popular number” and you will see that 7
dominates the rankings.)

Figure 3-2. Movie voting preferences

Type Consistency
When programming, it is helpful if the return value from a function always takes the same
form. Unfortunately, not all base R functions follow this idiom. For example, the functions
sapply() and [.data.frame() aren’t type-consistent:
two_cols = data.frame(x = 1:5, y = letters[1:5])
zero_cols = data.frame()
sapply(two_cols, class) # a character vector
sapply(zero_cols, class) # a list
two_cols[, 1:2]
# a data.frame
two_cols[, 1]
# an integer vector

This can cause unexpected problems. The functions lapply() and vapply() are typeconsistent, as are dplyr::select() and dplyr:filter(). The purrr package has some typeconsistent alternatives to base R functions. For example, you can use map_dbl() to replace
Map(), and flatten_df() to replace unlist().
Other resources
Almost every R book has a section on the apply function. Here are resources we feel are most
Each function has a number of examples in the associated help page. You can directly
access the examples using the example() function. For example, to run the apply()
examples, use example("apply").
There is a very detailed Stack Overflow answer description of when, where, and how to
use each of the functions.
In a similar vein, Neil Saunders has a nice blog post giving an overview of the functions.
The apply functions are an example of functional programming. Chapter 16 of R for
Data Science by Grolemund and Wickham (O’Reilly) describes the interplay between
loops and functional programming in more detail, whereas Advanced R by Hadley
Wickham (CRC Press) gives a more in-depth description of the topic.
1. Rewrite the sapply() preceding function calls using


to ensure type

2. How would you make subsetting data frames with [ type consistent? Hint: look at the
drop argument.

Caching Variables
A straightforward method for speeding up code is to calculate objects once and reuse the
value when necessary. This could be as simple as replacing sd(x) in multiple function calls
with the object sd_x, which is defined once and reused. For example, suppose we wish to
normalize each column of a matrix. However, instead of using the standard deviation of each
column, we will use the standard deviation of the entire dataset:
apply(x, 2, function(i) mean(i) / sd(x))

This is inefficient because the value of sd(x) is constant, so recalculating the standard
deviation for every column is unnecessary. Instead, we should evaluate once and store the
sd_x = sd(x)
apply(x, 2, function(i) mean(i) / sd_x)

If we compare the two methods on a 100 row by 1,000 column matrix, the cached version is
around 100 times faster (Figure 3-3).

Figure 3-3. Performance gains obtained from caching the standard deviation in a 100 by 1000 matrix

A more advanced form of caching is to use the memoise package. If a function is called
multiple times with the same input, it may be possible to speed things up by keeping a cache of
known answers that it can retrieve. The memoise package allows us to easily store the value of
a function call and returns the cached result when the function is called again with the same
arguments. This package trades off memory versus speed, since the memoised function stores
all previous inputs and outputs. To cache a function, we simply pass the function to the
memoise function.
The classic memoise example is the factorial function. Another example is to limit use to a
web resource. For example, suppose we are developing a Shiny (an interactive graphic)
application in which the user can fit the regression line to data. The user can remove points
and refit the line. An example function would be:
# Argument indicates row to remove
plot_mpg = function(row_to_remove) {
data(mpg, package = "ggplot2")
mpg = mpg[-row_to_remove, ]
plot(mpg$cty, mpg$hwy)
lines(lowess(mpg$cty, mpg$hwy), col = 2)

We can use memoise to speed up by caching results. A quick benchmark
m_plot_mpg = memoise(plot_mpg)
microbenchmark(times = 10, unit = "ms", m_plot_mpg(10), plot_mpg(10))
#> Unit: milliseconds
lq mean median
max neval cld
#> m_plot_mpg(10) 0.04 4e-02 0.07 8e-02 8e-02
10 a
plot_mpg(10) 40.20 1e+02 95.52 1e+02 1e+02 107.1

suggests that we can obtain a 100-fold speed-up.
1. Construct a box plot of timings for the standard plotting function and the memoised

Function Closures
The following section is meant to provide an introduction to function closures with example use cases. See
Advanced R by Hadley Wickham (CRC Press) for a detailed introduction.

More advanced caching is available using function closures. A closure in R is an object that
contains functions bound to the environment the closure was created in. Technically, all
functions in R have this property, but we use the term function closure to denote functions
where the environment is not in .GlobalEnv. One of the environments associated with a
function is known as the enclosing environment; that is, where the function was created. This
allows us to store values between function calls. Suppose we want to create a stopwatch type
function. This is easily achieved with a function closure:
# <<- assigns values to the parent environment
stop_watch = function() {
start_time = NULL
start = function() start_time <<- Sys.time()
stop = function() {
stop_time = Sys.time()
difftime(stop_time, start_time)
list(start = start, stop = stop)
watch = stop_watch()

The object watch is a list that contains two functions. One function for starting the timer:

and the other for stopping the timer:

Without using function closures, the stopwatch function would be longer, more complex, and
therefore more inefficient. When used properly, function closures are very useful
programming tools for writing concise code.
1. Write a stopwatch function without using function closures.
2. Many stopwatches have the ability to measure not only your overall time but also
your individual laps. Add a lap() function to the stop_watch() function that will
record individual times, while still keeping track of the overall time.

A related idea to function closures is nonstandard evaluation (NSE), or programming on the language. NSE crops
up all the time in R. For example, when we execute plot(height, weight), R automatically labels the x- and yaxis of the plot with height and weight. This is a powerful concept that enables us to simplify code. More detail is
given in the “Nonstandard evaluation” section of Advanced R by Hadley Wickham.

The Byte Compiler
The compiler package, written by R Core member Luke Tierney, has been part of R since
version 2.13.0. The compiler package allows R functions to be compiled, resulting in a byte
code version that may run faster.1 The compilation process eliminates a number of costly
operations the interpreter has to perform, such as variable lookup.
Since R 2.14.0, all of the standard functions and packages in base R are precompiled into byte
code. This is illustrated by the base function mean():
#> function (x, ...)
#> UseMethod("mean")

The third line contains the bytecode of the function. This means that the compiler package has
translated the R function into another language that can be interpreted by a very fast
interpreter. Amazingly, the compiler package is almost entirely pure R, with just a few C
support routines.

Example: The Mean Function
The compiler package comes with R, so we just need to load the package in the usual way:

Next, we create an inefficient function for calculating the mean. This function takes in a
vector, calculates the length, and then updates the m variable.
mean_r = function(x) {
m = 0
n = length(x)
for(i in seq_len(n))
m = m + x[i] / n

This is clearly a bad function and we should just use the mean() function, but it’s a useful
comparison. Compiling the function is straightforward:
cmp_mean_r = cmpfun(mean_r)

Then we use the microbenchmark() function to compare the three variants:
# Generate some data
x = rnorm(1000)
microbenchmark(times = 10, unit = "ms", # milliseconds
mean_r(x), cmp_mean_r(x), mean(x))
#> Unit: milliseconds
lq mean median
uq max neval cld
mean_r(x) 0.358 0.361 0.370 0.363 0.367 0.43
#> cmp_mean_r(x) 0.050 0.051 0.052 0.051 0.051 0.07
10 b
mean(x) 0.005 0.005 0.008 0.007 0.008 0.03
10 a

The compiled function is around seven times faster than the uncompiled function. Of course,
the native mean() function is faster, but compiling does make a significant difference
(Figure 3-4).

Figure 3-4. Comparsion of mean functions

Compiling Code
There are a number of ways to compile code. The easiest is to compile individual functions
using cmpfun(), but this obviously doesn’t scale. If you create a package, you can
automatically compile the package on installation by adding
ByteCompile: true

to the DESCRIPTION file. Most R packages installed using install.packages() are not
compiled. We can enable (or force) packages to be compiled by starting R with the
environment variable R_COMPILE_PKGS set to a positive integer value and specify that we
install the package from source:
## Windows users will need Rtools
install.packages("ggplot2", type = "source")

Or, if we want to avoid altering the .Renviron file, we can specify an additional argument:
install.packages("ggplot2", type = "source", INSTALL_opts = "--byte-compile")

A final option is to use just-in-time (JIT) compilation.2 The enableJIT() function disables
JIT compilation if the argument is 0. Arguments 1, 2, or 3 implement different levels of
optimization. JIT can also be enabled by setting the environment variable R_ENABLE_JIT to
one of these values.

We recommend setting the compile level to the maximum value of 3.

The impact of compiling on install will vary from package to package. For packages that
already have lots of precompiled code, speed gains will be small (R Core Team 2016).

Not all packages work when compiled on installation.

Burns, Patrick. 2011. The R Inferno. Lulu.com.
Wickham, Hadley. 2014a. Advanced R. CRC Press.
Grolemund, G., and H. Wickham. 2016. R for Data Science. O’Reilly Media.
R Core Team. 2016. “R Installation and Administration.” R Foundation for Statistical
Computing. https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-admin.html.
1 The authors have yet to find a situation where byte-compiled code runs significantly slower.
2 It appears that in R 3.4, this optimization will be enabled by default.

Chapter 4. Efficient Workflow
Efficient programming is an important skill for generating the correct result, on time. Yet
coding is only one part of a wider skillset needed for successful outcomes for projects
involving R programming. Unless your project is to write generic R code (i.e., unless you are
on the R Core Team), the project will probably transcend the confines of the R world; it must
engage with a whole range of other factors. In this context, we define workflow as the sum of
practices, habits, and systems that enable productivity.1 To some extent, workflow is about
personal preferences. Everyone’s mind works differently so the most appropriate workflow
varies from person to person and from one project to the next. Project management practices
will also vary depending on the scale and type of the project. It’s a big topic, but it can
usefully be condensed into five top tips.

This chapter focuses on workflow. For project planning and management, we’ll use the
DiagrammeR package. For project reporting, we’ll focus on R Markdown and knitr, which
are bundled with RStudio (but can be installed independently if needed). We’ll suggest other
packages that are worth investigating, but are not required for this particular chapter.

Top Five Tips for Efficient Workflow
1. Start without writing code but with a clear mind and perhaps a pen and paper. This
will ensure that you keep your objectives at the forefront of your mind without
getting lost in the technology.
2. Make a plan. The size and nature will depend on the project but timelines, resources,
and chunking the work will make you more effective when you start.
3. Select the packages you will use for implementing the plan early. Minutes spent
researching and selecting from the available options could save hours in the future.
4. Document your work at every stage: work can only be effective if it’s communicated
clearly and code can only be efficiently understood if it’s commented.
5. Make your entire workflow as reproducible as possible. knitr can help with this in
the phase of documentation.

A Project Planning Typology
Appropriate project management structures and workflow depend on the type of project you
are undertaking. The following typology demonstrates the links between project type and
project management requirements.2
Data analysis
Here, you are trying to explore datasets to discover something interesting/answer some
questions. The emphasis is on speed of manipulating your data to generate interesting
results. Formality is less important in this type of project. Sometimes this analysis
project may only be part of a larger project (the data may have to be created in a lab, for
example). How the data analysts interact with the rest of the team may be as important for
the project’s success as how they interact with each other.
Package creation
Here you want to create code that can be reused across projects, possibly by people
whose use cases you don’t know (if you make it publicly available). The emphasis in this
case will be on clarity of user interface and documentation, meaning style and code
review are important. Robustness and testing are important in this type of project, too.
Reporting and publishing
Here you are writing a report, journal paper, or book. The level of formality varies
depending upon the audience, but you have additional worries like how much code it
takes to arrive at the conclusions, and how much output the code creates.
Software applications
This could range from a simple Shiny app to R being embedded in the server of a much
larger piece of software. Either way, since there is limited opportunity for human
interaction, the emphasis is on robust code and gracefully dealing with failure.
Based on these observations, we recommend thinking about which type of workflow, file
structure, and project management system suits your project best. Sometimes it’s best not to
be prescriptive, so we recommend trying different working practices to discover which
works best, time permitting.3
There are, however, concrete steps that can be taken to improve workflow in most projects
that involve R programming. Learning them will, in the long run, improve productivity and
reproducibility. With these motivations in mind, the purpose of this chapter is simple: to
highlight some key ingredients of an efficient R workflow. It builds on the concept of an
R/RStudio project, introduced in Chapter 2, and is ordered chronologically throughout the
stages involved in a typical project’s lifespan, from inception to publication:
Project planning

This should happen before any code has been written, to avoid time wasted using a
mistaken analysis strategy. Project management is the art of making project plans
Package selection
After planning your project, you should identify which packages are most suitable to
getting the work done quickly and effectively. With rapid increases in the number and
performance of packages, it is more important than ever to consider the range of options
at the outset. For example, *_join() from dplyr is often more appropriate than merge(),
as we’ll see in Chapter 6.
This final stage is relevant if you want your R code to be useful for others in the long
term. To this end, “Publication” touches on documentation using knitr and the much
stricter approach to code publication of package development.

Project Planning and Management
Good programmers working on a complex project will rarely just start typing code. Instead,
they will plan the steps needed to complete the task as efficiently as possible: “smart
preparation minimizes work” (Berkun 2005). Although search engines are useful for
identifying the appropriate strategy, trial-and-error approaches (e.g., typing code at random
and Googling the inevitable error messages) are usually highly inefficient.
Strategic thinking is especially important during a project’s inception: if you make a bad
decision early on, it will have cascading negative impacts throughout the project’s entire
lifespan. So detrimental and ubiquitous is this phenomenon in software development that a
term has been coined to describe it: technical debt. This has been defined as “not quite right
code which we postpone making right” (Kruchten, Nord, and Ozkaya 2012). Dozens of
academic papers have been written on the subject, but from the perspective of beginning a
project (i.e., in the planning stage, where we are now), all you need to know is that it is
absolutely vital to make sensible decisions at the outset. If you do not, your project may be
doomed to failure of incessant rounds of refactoring.
To minimize technical debt at the outset, the best place to start may be with a pen and paper
and an open mind. Sketching out your ideas and deciding precisely what you want to do, free
from the constraints of a particular piece of technology, can be a rewarding exercise before
you begin. Project planning and visioning can be a creative process not always well-suited to
the linear logic of computing, despite recent advances in project management software, some
of which are outlined in the bullet points that follow.
Scale can loosely be defined as the number of people working on a project. It should be
considered at the outset because the importance of project management increases
exponentially with the number of people involved. Project management may be trivial for a
small project, but if you expect it to grow, implementing a structured workflow early on
could avoid problems later. On small projects consisting of a one-off script, project
management may be a distracting waste of time. Large projects involving dozens of people,
on the other hand, require much effort dedicated to project management: regular meetings,
division of labor, and a scalable project management system to track progress, issues, and
priorities will inevitably consume a large proportion of the project’s time. Fortunately, a
multitude of dedicated project management systems have been developed to cater to projects
across a range of scales. These include, in rough ascending order of scale and complexity, the
The interactive code-sharing site GitHub, which is described in more detail in Chapter 9
ZenHub, a browser plugin that is “the first and only project management suite that works
natively within GitHub”
Web-based and easy-to-use tools such as Trello

Dedicated desktop project management software such as ProjectLibre and GanttProject
Fully featured, enterprise scale, open source project management systems such as
OpenProject and redmine
Regardless of the software (or lack thereof) used for project management, it involves
considering the project’s aims in the context of available resources (e.g., computational and
programmer resources), project scope, time scales, and suitable software. And these things
should be considered together. To take one example, is it worth the investment of time needed
to learn a particular R package that is not essential to completing the project but which will
make the code run faster? Does it make more sense to hire another programmer or invest in
more computational resources to complete an urgent deadline?
Minutes spent thinking through such issues before writing a single line can save hours in the
future. This is emphasized in books such as The Art of Project Management by Scott Berkun
(O’Reilly) and the “Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge” by PMBoK and
useful online resources such those by teamgantt.com and lasa.org.uk, which focus exclusively
on project planning. This section condenses some of the most important lessons from this
literature in the context of typical R projects (i.e., those that involve data analysis, modeling,
and visualization).

Chunking Your Work
Once a project overview has been devised and stored, in mind (for small projects, if you trust
that as storage medium!) or written, a plan with a timeline can be drawn up. The up-to-date
visualization of this plan can be a powerful reminder to you and collaborators of the progress
on the project so far. More importantly, the timeline provides an overview of what needs to be
done next. Setting start dates and deadlines for each task will help prioritize the work and
ensure that you are on track. Breaking a large project into smaller chunks is highly
recommended, making huge, complex tasks more achievable and modular (PMBoK 2000).
Chunking the work will also make collaboration easier, as we shall see in Chapter 5.
The tasks that a project should be split into will depend on the nature of the work. The phases
illustrated in Figure 4-1 represent a rough starting point, not a template. The programming
phase will usually need to be split into at least data tidying, processing, and visualization.

Figure 4-1. Schematic illustrations of key project phases and levels of activity over time, based on the “Guide to the Project
Management Body of Knowledge” (PMBoK 2000)

Making Your Workflow SMART
A more rigorous (but potentially onerous) way to project plan is to divide the work into a
series of objectives and track their progress throughout the project’s duration. One way to
check if an objective is appropriate for action and review is by using the SMART criteria:
Specific: is the objective clearly defined and self-contained?
Measurable: is there a clear indication of its completion?
Attainable: can the target be achieved?
Realistic: have sufficient resources been allocated to the task?
Time-bound: is there an associated completion date or milestone?
If the answer to each of these questions is yes, the task is likely to be suitable to include in the
project’s plan. Note that this does not mean all project plans need to be uniform. A project
plan can take many forms, including a short document, a Gantt chart (see Figure 4-2), or
simply a clear vision of the project’s steps in mind.

Figure 4-2. A Gantt chart created using DiagrammeR illustrating the steps needed to complete this book at an early stage
of its development

Visualizing Plans with R
Various R packages can help visualize the project plan. Though these are useful, they cannot
compete with the dedicated project management software outlined at the outset of this section.
However, if you are working on a relatively simple project, it is useful to know that R can
help represent and keep track of your work. Packages for plotting project progress include:4
Provides basic tools to create burndown charts (which concisely show whether a project
is on time or not) and Gantt charts.
A general-purpose plotting package, provides basic Gantt chart-plotting functionality.
Enter example(gantt.chart) for details.
A new package for creating network graphs and other schematic diagrams in R. This
package provides an R interface to simple flowchart file formats such as mermaid and
The small example that follows (which provides the basis for creating charts like Figure 4-2)
illustrates how DiagrammeR can take simple text inputs to create informative up-to-date Gantt
charts. Such charts can greatly help with the planning and task management of long and
complex R projects, as long as they do not take away valuable programming time from core
project objectives.
# Define the Gantt chart and plot the result (not shown)
Section Initiation
:a1, 2016-01-01, 10d
Data processing
:after a1 , 30d")

In this example, gantt defines the subsequent data layout. Section refers to the project’s
section (useful for large projects, with milestones), and each new line refers to a discrete task.
Planning, for example, has the code a, begins on the first day of 2016, and lasts for 10 days.
See knsv.github.io/mermaid/gantt.html for more detailed documentation.
1. What are the three most important work chunks of your current R project?
2. What is the meaning of SMART objectives (see Making Your Workflow SMART)?
3. Run the code chunk at the end of this section to see the output.
4. Bonus exercise: modify this code to create a basic Gantt chart of an R project you are

working on.

Package Selection
A good example of the importance of prior planning to minimize effort and reduce technical
debt is package selection. An inefficient, poorly supported, or simply outdated package can
waste hours. When a more appropriate alternative is available, this waste can be prevented by
prior planning. There are many poor packages on CRAN and much duplication so it’s easy to
go wrong. Just because a certain package can solve a particular problem doesn’t mean that it
Used well, however, packages can greatly improve productivity: not reinventing the wheel is
part of the ethos of open source software. If someone has already solved a particular technical
problem, you don’t have to rewrite their code, which allows you to focus on solving the
applied problem. Furthermore, because R packages are generally (but not always) written by
competent programmers and subject to user feedback, they may work faster and more
effectively than the hastily prepared code you may have written. All R code is open source and
potentially subject to peer review. A prerequisite of publishing an R package is that developer
contact details must be provided, and many packages provide a site for issue tracking.
Furthermore, R packages can increase programmer productivity by dramatically reducing the
amount of code they need to write because all the code is packaged in functions behind the
Let’s look at an example. Imagine a project for which you would like to find the distance
between sets of points (origins, o, and destinations, d) on the Earth’s surface. Background
reading shows that a good approximation of great circle distance, which accounts for the
curvature of the Earth, can be made by using the Haversine formula, which you duly
implement, involving much trial and error:
# Function to convert degrees to radians
deg2rad = function(deg) deg * pi / 180
# Create origins and destinations
o = c(lon = -1.55, lat = 53.80)
d = c(lon = -1.61, lat = 54.98)
# Convert to radians
o_rad = deg2rad(o)
d_rad = deg2rad(d)
# Find difference in degrees
delta_lon = (o_rad[1] - d_rad[1])
delta_lat = (o_rad[2] - d_rad[2])
# Calculate distance with Haversine formula
a = sin(delta_lat / 2)^2 + cos(o_rad[2]) * cos(d_rad[2]) * sin(delta_lon / 2)^2
c = 2 * asin(min(1, sqrt(a)))
(d_hav1 = 6371 * c) # multiply by Earth's diameter
#> [1] 131

This method works but it takes time to write, test, and debug. It would be much better to
package it up into a function. Or even better, use a function that someone else has written and
put in a package:

# Find great circle distance with geosphere
(d_hav2 = geosphere::distHaversine(o, d))
#> [1] 131415

The difference between the hardcoded method and the package method is striking. One is
seven lines of tricky R code involving many subsetting stages and small, similar functions
(e.g., sin and asin), which are easy to confuse. The other is one line of simple code. The
package method using geosphere took perhaps 100th of the time and gave a more accurate
result (because it uses a more accurate estimate of the diameter of the Earth). This means that
a couple of minutes searching for a package to estimate great circle distances would have
been time well spent at the outset of this project. But how do you search for packages?

Searching for R Packages
Building on the preceding example, how can you find out if there is a package to solve your
particular problem? The first stage is to guess: if it is a common problem, someone has
probably tried to solve it. The second stage is to search. A simple Google query, haversine
formula R, returned a link to the geosphere package in the second result (a hardcoded
implementation was first).
Beyond Google, there are also several sites for searching for packages and functions.
rdocumentation.org provides a multifield search environment to pinpoint the function or
package you need. Amazingly, the search for haversine in the Description field yielded 10
results from eight packages: R has at least eight implementations of the Haversine formula!
This shows the importance of careful package selection as there are often many packages that
do the same job, as we will see in the next section. There is also a way to find the function
from within R, with RSiteSearch(), which opens a URL in your browser linking to a number
of functions (40) and vignettes (2) that mention the text string:
# Search CRAN for mentions of haversine

How to Select a Package
Due to the conservative nature of base R development, which rightly prioritizes stability over
innovation, much of the innovation and performance gains in the R ecosystem have occurred
in recent years in the packages. The increased ease of package development (Wickham 2015c)
and interfacing with other languages (Eddelbuettel et al. 2011) has accelerated their number,
quality, and efficiency. An additional factor has been the growth in collaboration and peer
review in package development, driven by code-sharing websites such as GitHub and online
communities such as ROpenSci for peer reviewing code.
Performance, stability, and ease of use should be high on the priority list when choosing
which package to use. Another more subtle factor is that some packages work better together
than others. The R package ecosystem is composed of interrelated packages. Knowing
something of these interdependencies can help you select a package suite when the project
demands a number of diverse yet interrelated programming tasks. The tidyverse, for example,
contains many interrelated packages that work well together, such as readr, tidyr, and dplyr.5
These may be used together to read, tidy, and then process the data, as outlined in the
subsequent sections.
There is no hard and fast rule about which package you should use and new packages are
emerging all the time. The ultimate test will be empirical evidence: does it get the job done on
your data? However, the following criteria should provide a good indication of whether a
package is worth an investment of your precious time, or even installing on your computer:
Is it mature?
The more time a package is available, the more time it will have for obvious bugs to be
ironed out. The age of a package on CRAN can be seen from its Archive page on CRAN.
We can see from the ggplot2 archive, for example, that ggplot2 was first released on the
June 10, 2007 and that it has had 29 releases. The most recent of these at the time of
writing was ggplot2 2.1.0; reaching 1 or 2 in the first digit of package versions is
usually an indication from the package author that the package has reached a high level
of stability.
Is it actively developed?
It is a good sign if packages are frequently updated. A frequently updated package will
have its latest version published recently on CRAN. The CRAN package page for
ggplot2, for example, said Published: 2016-03-01, which was less than six months old
at the time of writing.
Is it well documented?

This is not only an indication of how much thought, care, and attention has gone into the
package, it also has a direct impact on its ease of use. Using a poorly documented
package can be inefficient due to the hours spent trying to work out how to use it! To
check if the package is well documented, look at the help pages associated with its key
functions (e.g., ?ggplot), try the examples (e.g., example(ggplot)), and search for
package vignettes (e.g., vignette(package = "ggplot2")).
Is it well used?
This can be seen by searching for the package name online. Most packages that have a
strong user base will produce thousands of results when typed into a generic search
engine such as Google. More specific (and potentially useful) indications of use will
narrow down the search to particular users. A package widely used by the programming
community will likely be visible on GitHub. At the time of writing, a search for ggplot2
on GitHub yielded over 400 repositories and almost 200,000 matches in committed code!
Likewise, a package that has been adopted for use in academia will tend to be mentioned
in Google Scholar (again, ggplot2 scores extremely well in this measure, with over
5,000 hits).
An article in simplystats discusses this issue with reference to the proliferation of GitHub
packages (those that are not available on CRAN). In this context, well-regarded and
experienced package creators and indirect data such as the amount of GitHub activity are also
highlighted as reasons to trust a package.
The websites of MRAN and METACRAN can help the package-selection process by
providing further information on each package uploaded to CRAN. METACRAN, for
example, provides metadata about R packages via a simple API and the provision of badges to
show how many downloads a particular package has per month. Returning to the Haversine
example given previously, we could find out how many times two packages that implement
the formula are downloaded each month with the following URLs:


downloads of geosphere:

downloads of geoPlot:

It is clear from the results reported that geosphere is by far the more popular package, so is a

sensible and mature choice for dealing with distances on the Earth’s surface.

The final stage in a typical project workflow is publication. Although it’s the final stage to be
worked on, that does not mean you should only document after the other stages are complete:
making documentation integral to your overall workflow will make this stage much easier
and more efficient.
Whether the final output is a report containing graphics produced by R, an online platform
for exploring results, or well-documented code that colleagues can use to improve their
workflow, starting it early is a good plan. In every case, the programming principles of
reproducibility, modularity, and DRY (don’t repeat yourself) will make your publications
faster to write, easier to maintain, and more useful to others.
Instead of attempting a comprehensive treatment of the topic, we will touch briefly on a
couple of ways of documenting your work in R: dynamic reports and R packages. There is a
wealth of material on each of these online. A wealth of online resources exists on each of
these; to avoid duplication of effort, the focus is on documentation from a workflowefficiency perspective.

Dynamic Documents with R Markdown
When writing a report using R outputs, a typical workflow has historically been to 1) do the
analysis, 2) save the resulting graphics and record the main results outside the R project, and
3) open a program unrelated to R such as LibreOffice to import and communicate the results
in prose. This is inefficient: it makes updating and maintaining the outputs difficult (when the
data changes, steps 1 to 3 will have to be done again) and there is overhead involved in
jumping between incompatible computing environments.
To overcome this inefficiency in the documentation of R outputs, the R Markdown framework
was developed. Used in conjunction with the knitr package, we have:
The ability to process code chunks (via knitr)
A notebook interface for R (via RStudio)
The ability to render output to multiple formats (via pandoc)
R Markdown documents are plain text and have the file extension .Rmd. This framework
allows for documents to be generated automatically. Furthermore, nothing is efficient unless
you can quickly redo it. Documenting your code inside dynamic documents in this way
ensures that analysis can be quickly rerun.

This note briefly explains R Markdown for the uninitiated. R markdown is a form of Markdown. Markdown is a
pure text document format that has become a standard for documentation for software. It is the default format for
displaying text on GitHub. R Markdown allows the user to embed R code in a Markdown document. This is a
powerful addition to Markdown, as it allows custom images, tables, and even interactive visualizations to be
included in your R documents. R Markdown is an efficient file format to write in because it is lightweight, human,
and computer-readable, and is much less verbose than HTML and LaTeX. The first draft of this book was written
in R Markdown.

In an R Markdown document, results are generated on the fly by including code chunks. Code
chunks are R code that are preceded by ```{r, options} on the line before the R code, and
``` at the end of the chunk. For example, suppose we have the code chunk
```{r eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE}

in an R Markdown document. The eval = TRUE in the code indicates that the code should be
evaluated, while echo = TRUE controls whether the R code is displayed. When we compile the
document, we get

#> [1] 1


9 16 25

R Markdown via knitr provides a wide range of options to customize what is displayed and
evaluated. When you adapt to this workflow, it is highly efficient, especially as RStudio
provides a number of shortcuts that make it easy to create and modify code chunks. To create
a chunk while editing an .Rmd file, for example, simply enter Ctrl/Cmd-Alt-I on Windows or
Linux or select the option from the Code drop-down menu.
Once your document has compiled, it should appear on your screen into the file format
requested. If an HTML file has been generated (as is the default), RStudio provides a feature
that allows you to put it up online rapidly. This is done using the rpubs website, a store of a
huge number of dynamic documents (which could be a good source of inspiration for your
publications). Assuming you have an RStudio account, clicking the Publish button at the top of
the HTML output window will instantly publish your work online, with a minimum of effort,
enabling fast and efficient communication with many collaborators and the public.
An important advantage of dynamically documenting work this way is that when the data or
analysis code changes, the results will be updated in the document automatically. This can
save hours of fiddly copying and pasting of R output between different programs. Also, if
your client wants pages and pages of documented output, knitr can provide them with a
minimum of typing (e.g., by creating slightly different versions of the same plot over and
over again). From a delivery of content perspective, that is certainly an efficiency gain
compared with hours of copying and pasting figures!
If your R Markdown documents include time-consuming processing stages, a speed boost can
be attained after the first build by setting opts_chunk$set(cache = TRUE) in the first chunk of
the document. This setting was used to reduce the build times of this book, as can be seen on
Furthermore, dynamic documents written in R Markdown can compile into a range of output
formats including HTML, PDF, and Microsoft’s docx. There is a wealth of information on the
details of dynamic report writing that is not worth replicating here. Key references are
RStudio’s excellent website on R Markdown hosted at rmarkdown.rstudio.com and, for a more
detailed account of dynamic documents with R, Dynamic Documents with R and Knitr by
Yihui Xie (CRC Press).

R Packages
A strict approach to project management and workflow is treating your projects as R
packages. This approach has advantages and limitations. The major risk with treating a
project as a package is that the package is quite a strict way of organizing work. Packages are
suited for code-intensive projects where code documentation is important. An intermediate
approach is to use a dummy package that includes a DESCRIPTION file in the root directory
telling project users which packages must be installed for the code to work. This book is
based on a dummy package so that we can easily keep the dependencies up-to-date (see the
book’s DESCRIPTION file online for insight into how this works).
Creating packages is good practice in terms of learning to correctly document your code,
store example data, and even (via vignettes) ensure reproducibility. But it can take a lot of
extra time so should not be taken lightly. This approach to R workflow is appropriate for
managing complex projects that repeatedly use the same routines that can be converted into
functions. Creating project packages can provide a foundation for generalizing your code for
use by others, e.g., via publication on GitHub or CRAN. And R package development has been
made much easier in recent years by the development of the devtools package, which is
highly recommended for anyone attempting to write an R package.
The number of essential elements of R packages differentiates them from other R projects.
Three of these are outlined here from an efficiency perspective:
The DESCRIPTION file contains key information about the package, including which
packages are required for the code contained in your package to work (e.g., using
Imports:). This is efficient because it means that anyone who installs your package will
automatically install the other packages it depends on.
The R/ folder contains all the R code that defines your package’s functions. Placing your
code in a single place and encouraging you to make your code modular in this way can
greatly reduce duplication of code on large projects. Furthermore, the documentation of
R packages through Roxygen tags such as #' This function does this... makes it
easy for others to use your work. This form of efficient documentation is facilitated by
the roxygen2 package.
The data/ folder contains example code for demonstrating to others how the functions
work and transporting datasets that will be frequently used in your workflow. Data can be
added automatically to your package project using the devtools package, with
devtools::use_data(). This can increase efficiency by providing a way of distributing
small-to-medium-sized datasets and making them available when the package is loaded
with the function data("data_set_name").
The package testthat makes it easier than ever to test your R code as you go, ensuring that
nothing breaks. This, combined with continuous integration services such as that provided by
Travis, makes updating your code base as efficient and robust as possible. This, and more, is

described in Testing R Code by Richard Cotton (CRC Press).
As with dynamic documents, package development is a large topic. For small one-off projects,
the time taken in learning how to set up a package may not be worth the savings. However,
packages provide a rigorous way of storing code, data, and documentation that can greatly
boost productivity in the long run. For more on R packages, see R Packages by Hadley
Wickham (O’Reilly); the online version provides all you need to know about writing R
packages for free.

Berkun, Scott. 2005. The Art of Project Management. O’Reilly Media.
Kruchten, Philippe, Robert L Nord, and Ipek Ozkaya. 2012. “Technical Debt: From Metaphor
to Theory and Practice.” IEEE Software, no. 6. IEEE: 18–21.
PMBoK, A. 2000. “Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge.” Project
Management Institute, Pennsylvania USA.
Wickham, Hadley. 2015c. R Packages. O’Reilly Media.
Eddelbuettel, Dirk, Romain François, J. Allaire, John Chambers, Douglas Bates, and Kevin
Ushey. 2011. “Rcpp: Seamless R and C++ Integration.” Journal of Statistical Software 40 (8):
Xie, Yihui. 2015. Dynamic Documents with R and Knitr. Vol. 29. CRC Press.
Cotton, Richard. 2016b. Testing R Code.
1 The Oxford Dictionary’s definition of workflow is similar, with a more industrial feel: “The sequence of industrial,
administrative, or other processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion.”
2 Thanks to Richard Cotton for suggesting this typology.
3 The importance of workflow has not gone unnoticed by the R community, and there are a number of different suggestions
to boost R productivity. Rob Hyndman, for example, advocates the strategy of using four self-contained scripts to break up
R work into manageable chunks: load.R , clean.R , func.R , and do.R .
4 For a more comprehensive discussion of Gantt charts in R, please refer to stackoverflow.com/questions/3550341.
5 An excellent overview of the tidyverse, formerly known as the hadleyverse, and its benefits is available from

Chapter 5. Efficient Input/Output
This chapter explains how to efficiently read and write data in R. Input/output (I/O) is the
technical term for reading and writing data: the process of getting information into a
particular computer system (in this case, R) and then exporting it to the outside world again
(in this case, as a file format that other software can read). Data I/O will be needed on projects
where data comes from, or goes to, external sources. However, the majority of R resources
and documentation start with the optimistic assumption that your data has already been loaded,
ignoring the fact that importing datasets into R and exporting them to the world outside the R
ecosystem can be a time-consuming and frustrating process. Tricky, slow, or ultimately
unsuccessful data I/O can cripple efficiency right at the outset of a project. Conversely,
reading and writing your data efficiently will make your R projects more likely to succeed in
the outside world.
The first section introduces rio, a meta package for efficiently reading and writing data in a
range of file formats. rio requires only two intuitive functions for data I/O, making it efficient
to learn and use. Next, we explore in more detail efficient functions for reading files stored in
common plain text file formats from the readr and data.table packages. Binary formats,
which can dramatically reduce file sizes and read/write times, are covered next.
With the accelerating digital revolution and growth in open data, an increasing proportion of
the world’s data can be downloaded from the internet. This trend is set to continue, making
“Getting Data from the Internet” on downloading and importing data from the web important
for future-proofing your I/O skills. The benchmarks in this chapter demonstrate that choice of
file format and packages for data I/O can have a huge impact on computational efficiency.
Before reading in a single line of data, it is worth considering a general principle for
reproducible data management: never modify raw data files. Raw data should be seen as readonly, and contain information about its provenance. Keeping the original file name and
commenting on its source are a couple of ways to improve reproducibility, even when the
data are not publicly available.

R can read data from a variety of sources. We begin by discussing the generic package rio
that handles a wide variety of data types. Special attention is paid to CSV files, which leads to
the readr and data.table packages. The relatively new package feather is introduced as a
binary file format that has cross-language support.

We also use the WDI package to illustrate accessing online datasets:

Top Five Tips for Efficient Data I/O
1. If possible, keep the names of local files downloaded from the internet or copied
onto your computer unchanged. This will help you trace the provenance of the data in
the future.
2. R’s native file format is .Rds. These files can be imported and exported using
readRDS() and saveRDS() for fast and space-efficient data storage.
3. Use import() from the rio package to efficiently import data from a wide range of
formats, avoiding the hassle of loading format-specific libraries.
4. Use readr or data.table equivalents of read.table() to efficiently import large text
5. Use file.size() and object.size() to keep track of the size of files and R objects
and take action if they get too big.

Versatile Data Import with rio
rio is a veritable multitool for data I/O. rio provides easy-to-use and computationally efficient
functions for importing and exporting tabular data in a range of file formats. As stated in the
package’s vignette, rio aims to “simplify the process of importing data into R and exporting
data from R.” The vignette goes on to to explain how many of the functions for data I/O
described in R’s Data Import/Export manual are outdated (e.g., referring to WriteXLS but not
the more recent readxl package) and difficult to learn.
This is why rio is covered at the outset of this chapter: if you just want to get data into R with a
minimum of time learning new functions, there is a fair chance that rio can help for many
common file formats. At the time of writing, these include .csv, .feather, .json, .dta, .xls, .xlsx,
and Google Sheets (see the package’s GitHub page for up-to-date information). In the
following example, we illustrate the key rio functions of import() and export():
# Specify a file
fname = system.file("extdata/voc_voyages.tsv", package = "efficient")
# Import the file (uses the fread function from data.table)
voyages = import(fname)
# Export the file as an Excel spreadsheet
export(voyages, "voc_voyages.xlsx")

There was no need to specify the optional format argument for data import and export
functions because this is inferred by the suffix, which, in the previous example, is .tsv and
.xlsx, respectively. You can override the inferred file format for both functions with the
format argument. You could, for example, create a comma-delimited file called
voc_voyages.xlsx with export(voyages, "voc_voyages.xlsx", format = "csv"). However,
this would not be a good idea because it is important to ensure that a file’s suffix matches its
To provide another example, the following code chunk downloads and imports as a data
frame information about the countries of the world stored in .json (downloading data from
the internet is covered in more detail in “Getting Data from the Internet”):
caps = import("https://github.com/mledoze/countries/raw/master/countries.json")

The ability to import and use .json data is becoming increasingly common as it is a standard output format for
many APIs. The jsonlite and g eojsonio packages have been developed to make this as easy as possible.

1. The final line in the preceding code chunk shows a neat feature of rio and some other
packages: the output format is determined by the suffix of the filename, which makes

for concise code. Try opening the voc_voyages.xlsx file with an editor such as
LibreOffice Calc or Microsoft Excel to ensure that the export worked, before
removing this rather inefficient file format from your system:

2. Try saving the the voyages data frames into three other file formats of your choosing
(see vignette("rio") for supported formats). Try opening these in external
programs. Which file formats are more portable?
3. As a bonus exercise, create a simple benchmark to compare the write times for the
different file formats used to complete the previous exercise. Which is fastest? Which
is the most space-efficient?

Plain-Text Formats
Plain-text data files are encoded in a format (typically UTF-8) that can be read by humans and
computers alike. The great thing about plain text is its simplicity and ease of use: any
programming language can read a plain-text file. The most common plain-text format is .csv,
comma-separated values, in which columns are separated by commas and rows are separated
by line breaks. This is illustrated in the simple example here:
Person, Nationality, Country of Birth
Robin, British, England
Colin, British, Scotland

There is often more than one way to read data into R, and .csv files are no exception. The
method you choose has implications for computational efficiency. This section investigates
methods for getting plain-text files into R, with a focus on three approaches: base R’s plaintext reading functions such as read.csv(); the data.table approach, which uses the function
fread(); and the newer readr package, which provides read_csv() and other read_*()
functions such as read_tsv(). Although these functions perform differently, they are largely
cross-compatible, as illustrated in the following code chunk, which loads data on the
concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere over time:

In general, you should never “hand-write” a CSV file. Instead, you should use write.csv() or an equivalent
function. The Internet Engineering Task Force has the CSV definition that facilitates sharing CSV files between
tools and operating systems.

df_co2 = read.csv("extdata/co2.csv")
df_co2_dt = readr::read_csv("extdata/co2.csv")
#> Warning: Missing column names filled in: 'X1' [1]
#> Parsed with column specification:
#> cols(
X1 = col_integer(),
time = col_double(),
co2 = col_double()
#> )
df_co2_readr = data.table::fread("extdata/co2.csv")

Note that a function derived from another in this context means that it calls another function. The functions such as
read.csv() and read.delim(), in fact, are wrappers around read.table(). This can be seen in the source code of
read.csv(), for example, which shows that the function is roughly the equivalent of read.table(file, header =
TRUE, sep = ",").

Although this section is focused on reading text files, it demonstrates the wider principle that

the speed and flexibility advantages of additional read functions can be offset by the
disadvantages of additional package dependency (in terms of complexity and maintaining the
code) for small datasets. The real benefits kick in on large datasets. Of course, there are some
data types that require a certain package to load in R: the readstata13 package, for example,
was developed solely to read in .dta files generated by versions of Stata 13 and above.
Figure 5-1 demonstrates that the relative performance gains of the data.table and readr
approaches increase with data size, especially for data with many rows. Below around 1 MB,
read.csv() is actually faster than read_csv(), while fread() is much faster than both,
although these savings are likely to be inconsequential for such smaller datasets.
For files above 100 MB in size, fread() and read_csv() can be expected to be around five
times faster than read.csv(). This efficiency gain may be inconsequential for a one-off file
of 100 MB running on a fast computer (which still takes less than a minute with read.csv()),
but could represent an important speed-up if you frequently load large text files.
When tested on a large (4 GB) .csv file, it was found that fread() and read_csv() were
almost identical in load times and that read.csv() took about five times longer. This
consumed more than 10 GB of RAM, making it unsuitable to run on many computers (see
“Random Access Memory” for more on memory). Note that both readr and base methods can
be made significantly faster by prespecifying the column types at the outset (see the following
code chunk). Further details are provided by the help in ?read.table.
read.csv(file_name, colClasses = c("numeric", "numeric"))

In some cases with R programming, there is a trade-off between speed and robustness. This is
illustrated here with reference to differences in how readr, data.table, and base R handle
unexpected values. Figure 5-1 highlights the benefit of switching to fread() and (eventually)
to read_csv() as the dataset size increases. For a small (1 MB) dataset, fread() is about five
times faster than base R.

Figure 5-1. Benchmarks of base, data.table, and readr approaches for reading CSV files, using the functions read.csv(),
fread(), and read_csv(), respectively. The facets ranging from 2 to 200 represent the number of columns in the CSV file.

Differences Between fread() and read_csv()
The file voc_voyages was taken from a dataset on Dutch naval expeditions and used with
permission from the CWI Database Architectures Group. The data is described more fully at
monetdb.org. From this dataset, we primarily use the voyages table, which lists Dutch
shipping expeditions by their date of departure.
fname = system.file("extdata/voc_voyages.tsv", package = "efficient")
voyages_base = read.delim(fname)

When we run the equivalent operation using readr,
voyages_readr = readr::read_tsv(fname)
#> Parsed with column specification:
#> cols(
.default = col_character(),
number = col_integer(),
trip = col_integer(),
tonnage = col_integer(),
departure_date = col_date(format = ""),
cape_arrival = col_date(format = ""),
cape_departure = col_date(format = ""),
arrival_date = col_date(format = ""),
next_voyage = col_integer()
#> )
#> See spec(...) for full column specifications.
#> Warning: 2 parsing failures.
#> row
expected actual
#> 4403 cape_arrival
date like 2-01-01
#> 4592 cape_departure date like 8-05-17

a warning is raised regarding row 2841 in the built variable. This is because read_*()
decides what class each variable is based on the first 1,000 rows, rather than all rows, as base
read.*() functions do. Printing the offending element:
voyages_base$built[2841] # a factor.
#> [1] 1721-01-01
#> 182 Levels: 1 784 1,86 1135 1594 1600 1612 1613 1614 1615 1619 ... taken 1672
voyages_readr$built[2841] # an NA: text cannot be converted to numeric
#> [1] "1721-01-01"

Reading the file using data.table:
# Verbose warnings not shown
voyages_dt = data.table::fread(fname)

generates five warning messages stating that columns 2, 4, 9, 10, and 11 were Bumped to type
character on data row ..., with the offending rows printed in place of .... Instead of
changing the offending values to NA, as readr does for the built column (9), fread()
automatically converts any columns it considers as numeric into characters. An additional
feature of fread() is that it can read-in a selection of the columns, either by their index or
name, using the select argument. This is illustrated in the following code by reading in only

half (the first 11) columns from the voyages dataset and comparing the result to using
fread() on all columns.
microbenchmark(times = 5,
with_select = data.table::fread(fname, select = 1:11),
without_select = data.table::fread(fname)
#> Unit: milliseconds
lq mean median
max neval
with_select 9.52 9.58 9.68
9.71 9.74 9.86
#> without_select 16.02 16.45 16.57 16.64 16.76 16.98

To summarize, the differences between base, readr, and data.table functions for reading in
data go beyond code execution times. The functions read_csv() and fread() boost speed
partially at the expense of robustness because they decide column classes based on a small
sample of available data. The similarities and differences between the approaches are
summarized for the Dutch shipping data in Table 5-1.
Table 5-1. Comparison of the classes created by
base, readr, and data.table for a selection of
variables in the voyages dataset
Packag es number boatname built










character date

data.table integer


character character

Table 5-1 shows four main similarities and differences between the three types of read
For uniform data such as the number variable in Table 5-1, all reading methods yield the
same result (integer, in this case).
For columns that are obviously characters such as boatname, the base method results in
factors (unless stringsAsFactors is set to TRUE), whereas fread() and read_csv()
functions return characters.
For columns in which the first 1,000 rows are of one type but which contain anomalies,
such as built and departure_data in the shipping example, fread() coerces the result to
characters. read_csv() and siblings, by contrast, keep the class that is correct for the first
1,000 rows and sets the anomalous records to NA. This is illustrated in Table 5-1, where
read_tsv() produces a numeric class for the built variable, ignoring the nonnumeric text
in row 2841.

functions generate objects of class tbl_df, an extension of the data.frame

class, as discussed in “Efficient Data Processing with dplyr”. fread() generates objects
of class data.table(). These can be used as standard data frames but differ subtly in
their behavior.
An additional difference is that read_csv() creates data frames of class tbl_df and the
data.frame. This makes no practical difference, unless the tibble package is loaded, as
described in “Efficient Data Frames with tibble” in the next chapter.
The wider point associated with these tests is that functions that save time can also lead to
additional considerations or complexities in your workflow. Taking a look at what is going
on under the hood of fast functions to increase speed, as we have done in this section, can help
you understand the additional consequences of choosing fast functions over slower functions
from base R.

Preprocessing Text Outside R
There are circumstances when datasets become too large to read directly into R. Reading in a
4 GB text file using the functions tested previously, for example, consumes all available RAM
on a 16 GB machine. To overcome this limitation, external stream processing tools can be
used to preprocess large text files. The following command, using the Linux command line
shell (or Windows-based Linux shell emulator Cygwin) command split, for example, will
break a large multi-GB file into many 1 GB chunks, each of which is more manageable for R:
split -b100m bigfile.csv

The result is a series of files, set to 100 MB each, with the -b100m argument in the previous
code. By default, these will be called xaa, xab and could be read in one chunk at a time (e.g.,
using read.csv(), fread(), or read_csv(), described in the previous section) without
crashing most modern computers.
Splitting a large file into individual chunks may allow it to be read into R. This is not an
efficient way to import large datasets, however, because it results in a nonrandom sample of
the data this way. A more efficient, robust, and scalable way to work with large datasets is via
databases, covered in “Working with Databases” in the next chapter.

Binary File Formats
There are limitations to plain-text files. Even the trusty CSV format is “restricted to tabular
data, lacks type-safety, and has limited precision for numeric values” (Eddelbuettel, Stokely,
and Ooms 2016). Once you have read in the raw data (e.g., from a plain-text file) and tidied it
(covered in the next chapter), it is common to want to save it for future use. Saving it after
tidying is recommended to reduce the chance of having to run all the data-cleaning code
again. We recommend saving tidied versions of large datasets in one of the binary formats
covered in this section as this will decrease read/write times and file sizes, making your data
more portable.1
Unlike plain-text files, data stored in binary formats cannot be read by humans. This allows
space-efficient data compression, but means that the files will be less language-agnostic. R’s
native file format, .Rds, for example, may be difficult to read and write using external
programs such as Python or LibreOffice Calc. This section provides an overview of binary
file formats in R, with benchmarks to show how they compare with the plain-text format .csv
covered in the previous section.

Native Binary Formats: Rdata or Rds?
.Rds and .RData are R’s native binary file formats. These formats are optimized for speed and
compression ratios. But what is the difference between them? The following code chunk
demonstrates the key difference between them:
save(df_co2, file = "extdata/co2.RData")
saveRDS(df_co2, "extdata/co2.Rds")
df_co2_rds = readRDS("extdata/co2.Rds")
identical(df_co2, df_co2_rds)
#> [1] TRUE

The first method is the most widely used. It uses the save() function, which takes any number
of R objects and writes them to a file, which must be specified by the file = argument.
save() is like save.image(), which saves all the objects currently loaded in R.
The second method is slightly less used, but we recommend it. Apart from being slightly
more concise for saving single R objects, the readRDS() function is more flexible; as shown
in the subsequent line, the resulting object can be assigned to any name. In this case, we called
it df_co2_rds (which we show to be identical to df_co2, loaded with the load() command),
but we could have called it anything or simply printed it to the console.

is good practice because it forces you to specify object names. If you use
save() without care, you could forget the names of the objects you saved and accidentally
overwrite objects that already exist.

The Feather File Format
Feather was developed as a collaboration between R and Python developers to create a fast,
light, and language-agnostic format for storing data frames. The following code chunk shows
how it can be used to save and then reload the df_co2 dataset loaded previously in both R and
write_feather(df_co2, "extdata/co2.feather")
df_co2_feather = read_feather("extdata/co2.feather")
import feather
import feather
path = 'data/co2.feather'
df_co2_feather = feather.read_dataframe(path)

Benchmarking Binary File Formats
We know that binary formats are advantageous from space and read/write time perspectives,
but how much so? The benchmarks in this section, based on large matrices containing
random numbers, are designed to help answer this question. Figure 5-2 shows that the relative
efficiency gains of feather and Rds formats, compared with base CSV. From left to right,
Figure 5-2 shows benefits in terms of file size, read times, and write times.
In terms of write times, Rds files perform the best, occupying just over a quarter of the hard
disk space compared with the equivalent CSV files. The equivalent feather format also
outperformed the CSV format, occupying around half the disk space.
The results of this simple disk usage benchmark show that saving data in a compressed binary
format can save space and, if your data will be shared online, data download time and
bandwidth usage perspectives. But how does each method compare from a computational
efficiency perceptive? The read and write times for each file format are illustrated in the
middle and right-hand panels of Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-2. Comparison of the performance of binary formats for reading and writing datasets with 20 columns with the
plain-text format CSV; the functions used to read the files were read.csv(), readRDS(), and feather::read_feather(),
respectively. The functions used to write the files were write.csv(), saveRDS(), and feather::write_feather().

The results show that file size is not a reliable predictor of data read and write times. This is
due to the computational overheads of compression. Although feather files occupied more
disk space, they were roughly equivalent in terms of read times: the functions read_feather()
and readRDS() were consistently around 10 times faster than read.csv(). In terms of write
times, feather excels: write_feather() was around 10 times faster than write.csv(), whereas
saveRDS() was only around 1.2 times faster.

Note that the performance of different file formats depends on the content of the data being saved. The
benchmarks here showed savings for matrices of random numbers. For real-life data, the results would be quite
different. The voyages dataset, saved as an Rds file, occupied less than a quarter the disk space as the original
TSV file, whereas the file size was larger than the original when saved as a feather file!

Protocol Buffers
Google’s Protocol Buffers offer a portable, efficient, and scalable solution to binary data
storage. A recent package, RProtoBuf, provides an R interface. This approach is not covered
in this book, as it is new, advanced, and not (at the time of writing) widely used in the R
community. The approach is discussed in detail in a paper on the subject, which also provides
an excellent overview of the issues associated with different file formats (Eddelbuettel,
Stokely, and Ooms 2016).

Getting Data from the Internet
The following code chunk shows how the functions download.file2 and unzip can be used to
download and unzip a dataset from the internet. R can automate processes that are often
performed manually (e.g., through the graphical user interface of a web browser) with
potential advantages for reproducibility and programmer efficiency. The result is data stored
neatly in the data directory ready to be imported. Note that we deliberately kept the filename
intact to help with documentation, enhancing understanding of the data’s provenance, so future
users can quickly find out where the data came from. Note also that part of the dataset is
stored in the efficient package. Using R for basic file management can help create a
reproducible workflow, as illustrated here:
url = "https://www.monetdb.org/sites/default/files/voc_tsvs.zip"
download.file(url, "voc_tsvs.zip") # download file
unzip("voc_tsvs.zip", exdir = "data") # unzip files
file.remove("voc_tsvs.zip") # tidy up by removing the zip file

This workflow equally applies to downloading and loading single files. Note that one could
make the code more concise by replacing the second line with df = read.csv(url).
However, we recommend downloading the file to disk so that if for some reason it fails (e.g.,
if you would like to skip the first few lines), you don’t have to keep downloading the file over
and over again. The following code downloads and loads data on atmospheric concentrations
of CO2. Note that this dataset is also available from the datasets package.
url = "https://vincentarelbundock.github.io/Rdatasets/csv/datasets/co2.csv"
download.file(url, "extdata/co2.csv")
df_co2 = read_csv("extdata/co2.csv")

There are now many R packages to assist with the download and import of data. The
organization rOpenSci supports a number of these. The following example illustrates this
using the WDI package (not supported by rOpenSci) to accesses World Bank data on CO2
emissions in the transport sector:
WDIsearch("CO2") # search for data on a topic
co2_transport = WDI(indicator = "EN.CO2.TRAN.ZS") # import data

There will be situations where you cannot download the data directly or when the data cannot
be made available. In this case, simply providing a comment relating to the data’s origin (e.g.,
# Downloaded from http://example.com) before referring to the dataset can greatly improve
the utility of the code to yourself and others.
There are a number of R packages that provide more advanced functionality than simply
downloading files. The CRAN task view on web technologies provides a comprehensive list.
The two packages for interacting with web pages are httr and RCurl. The former package

provides (a relatively) user-friendly interface for executing standard HTTP methods such as
GET and POST. It also provides support for web authentication protocols and returns HTTP
status codes that are essential for debugging. The RCurl package focuses on lower-level
support and is particularly useful for web-based XML support or FTP operations.

Accessing Data Stored in Packages
Most well-documented packages provide some example data for you to play with. This can
help demonstrate use cases in specific domains that use a particular data format. The
command data(package = "package_name") will show the datasets in a package. Datasets
provided by dplyr, for example, can be viewed with data(package = "dplyr").
Raw data (i.e., data that has not been converted into R’s native .Rds format) is usually located
within the subfolder extdata in R, which corresponds to inst/extdata when developing
packages. The function system.file() outputs file paths associated with specific packages. To
see all the external files within the readr package, for example, you could use the following
list.files(system.file("extdata", package = "readr"))
#> [1] "challenge.csv"
#> [4] "example.log"
#> [7] "mtcars.csv"

Further, to look around to see what files are stored in a particular package, you could type the
following, taking advantage of RStudio’s intellisense file completion capabilities (using copy
and paste to enter the file path):
system.file(package = "readr")
#> [1] "/home/robin/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.3/readr"

Hitting Tab after the second command should trigger RStudio to create a miniature pop-up
box listing the files within the folder, as illustrated in Figure 5-3.

Figure 5-3. Discovering files in R packages using RStudio’s intellisense

Eddelbuettel, Dirk, Murray Stokely, and Jeroen Ooms. 2016. “RProtoBuf: Efficient CrossLanguage Data Serialization in R.” Journal of Statistical Software 71 (1): 1–24.
1 Geographical data, for example, can be slow to read in external formats. A large .shp or .geojson file can take more than
100 times longer to load than an equivalent .Rds or .Rdata file.
2 Since R 3.2.3 the base function download.file() can be used to download from secure (https://) connections on any
operating system.

Chapter 6. Efficient Data Carpentry
There are many words for data processing. You can clean, hack, manipulate, munge, refine,
and tidy your dataset, ready for the next stage. Each word says something about perceptions
that people have about the process: data processing is often seen as dirty work, an unpleasant
necessity that must be endured before the real fun and important work begins. This perception
is wrong. Getting your data ship-shape is a respectable and in some cases vital skill. For this
reason, we use the more admirable term data carpentry.
This metaphor is not accidental. Carpentry is the process of taking rough pieces of wood and
working with care, diligence, and precision to create a finished product. A carpenter does not
hack at the wood at random. He or she will inspect the raw material and select the right tool
for the job. In the same way, data carpentry is the process of taking rough, raw, and to some
extent randomly arranged input data and creating neatly organized and tidy data. Learning the
skill of data carpentry early will yield benefits for years to come. “Give me six hours to chop
down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe,” as the saying goes.
Data processing is a critical stage in any project involving datasets from external sources (i.e.,
most real-world applications). In the same way that technical debt, discussed in Chapter 5, can
cripple your workflow, working with messy data can lead to project management hell.
Fortunately, done efficiently, at the outset of your project (rather than halfway through when it
may be too late) and using appropriate tools, this data processing stage can be highly
rewarding. More importantly, from an efficiency perspective, working with clean data will be
beneficial for every subsequent stage of your R project. So, for data-intensive applications,
this could be the most important chapter in this book. In it, we cover the following topics:
Tidying data with tidyr
Processing data with dplyr
Working with databases
Data processing with data.table

This chapter relies on a number of packages for data cleaning and processing. Check that they
are installed on your computer and load them with:

RSQLite and ggmap are also used in a couple of examples, though they are not central to the
chapter ’s content.

Top Five Tips for Efficient Data Carpentry
1. Time spent preparing your data at the beginning can save hours of frustration in the
long run.
2. Tidy data provides a concept for organizing data, and the package tidyr provides
some functions for this work.
3. The data_frame class defined by the tibble package makes datasets efficient to print
and easy to work with.
4. dplyr provides fast and intuitive data processing functions; data.table has unmatched
speed for some data processing applications.
5. The %>% pipe operator can help clarify complex data processing workflows.

Efficient Data Frames with tibble
tibble is a package that defines a new data frame class for R, the tbl_df. These tibble diffs (as
their inventor suggests they should be pronounced) are like the base class data.frame but with
more user-friendly printing, subsetting, and factor handling.

A tibble data frame is an S3 object with three classes, tbl_df, tbl, and data.frame. Since the object has the
data.frame tag, this means that if a tbl_df or tbl method isn’t available, the object will be passed on to the
appropriate data.frame function.

To create a tibble data frame, we use the tibble function:
tibble(x = 1:3, y = c("A", "B", "C"))
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#> 1
#> 2
#> 3

The previous example illustrates the main differences between the tibble and base R
approaches to data frames:
When printed, the tibble diff reports the class of each variable. data.frame objects do
Character vectors are not coerced into factors when they are incorporated into a tbl_df,
as can be seen by the  heading between the variable name and the second column.
By contrast, data.frame() coerces characters into factors, which can cause problems
further down the line.
When printing a tibble diff to screen, only the first 10 rows are displayed. The number
of columns printed depends on the window size.
Other differences can be found in the associated help page: help("tibble").

You can create a tibble data frame row by row using the tribble() function.


1. Create the following data frame:
df_base = data.frame(colA = "A")

Try and guess the output of the following commands:

Now create a tibble data frame and repeat the preceding commands.

Tidying Data with tidyr and Regular Expressions
A key skill in data analysis is understanding the structure of datasets and being able to reshape
them. This is important from a workflow efficiency perspective: more than half of a data
analyst’s time can be spent reformatting datasets (Wickham 2014b), so getting it into a suitable
form early could save hours in the future. Converting data into a tidy form is also
advantageous from a computational efficiency perspective because it is usually faster to run
analysis and plotting commands on tidy data.
Data tidying includes data cleaning and data reshaping. Data cleaning is the process of
reformatting and labeling messy data. Packages including stringi and stringr can help update
messy character strings using regular expressions; assertive and assertr packages can
perform diagnostic checks for data integrity at the outset of a data analysis project. A
common data-cleaning task is the conversion of nonstandard text strings into date formats as
described in the lubridate vignette (see vignette("lubridate")). Tidying is a broader
concept, however, and also includes reshaping data so that it is in a form more conducive to
data analysis and modeling. The process of reshaping is illustrated by Tables 6-1 and 6-2,
provided by Hadley Wickham and loaded using the following code:
data(pew) # see ?pew - dataset from the efficient package
pew[1:3, 1:4] # take a look at the data
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
religion `<$10k` `$10--20k` `$20--30k`

#> 1 Agnostic
#> 2 Atheist
#> 3 Buddhist

Tables 6-1 and 6-2 show a subset of the wide pew and long (tidy) pewt datasets, respectively.
They have different dimensions, but they contain precisely the same information. Column
names in the wide form in Table 6-1 became a new variable in the long form in Table 6-2.
According to the concept of tidy data, the long form is correct. Note that correct here is used
in the context of data analysis and graphical visualization. Because R is a vector-based
language, tidy data also has an efficiency advantage: it’s often faster to operate on a few long
columns than several short ones. Furthermore, the powerful and efficient packages dplyr and
ggplot2 were designed around tidy data. Wide data, however, can be space efficient, and is
common for presentation in summary tables, so it’s useful to be able to transfer between wide
(or otherwise untidy) and tidy formats.
Tidy data has the following characteristics (Wickham 2014b):
Each variable forms a column.
Each observation forms a row.
Each type of observational unit forms a table.

Because there is only one observational unit in the example (religions), it can be described in
a single table. Large and complex datasets are usually represented by multiple tables, with
unique identifiers or keys to join them together (Codd 1979).
Two common operations facilitated by tidyr are gathering and splitting columns.

Make Wide Tables Long with gather()
Gathering means making wide tables long by converting column names to a new variable.
This is done with the function gather() (the inverse of which is spread()). The process is
illustrated in Tables 6-1 and 6-2. The code that performs this operation is provided in the
following code block. This converts a table with 18 rows and 10 columns into a tidy dataset
with 162 rows and 3 columns (compare the output with the output of pew, shown previously):
#> [1] 18 10
pewt = gather(data = pew, key = Income, value = Count, -religion)
#> [1] 162
pewt[c(1:3, 50),]
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
Income Count

#> 1 Agnostic
#> 2 Atheist
#> 3 Buddhist
#> 4 Orthodox $20--30k

The previous code demonstrates the three arguments that gather() requires:


a data frame in which column names will become row values.





the name of the categorical variable into which the column names in the original
datasets are converted.
the name of cell value columns.

As with other functions in the tidyverse, all arguments are given using bare names, rather than
character strings. Arguments 2 and 3 can be specified by the user, and have no relation to the
existing data. Furthermore, an additional argument, set as -religion, was used to remove the
religion variable from the gathering, ensuring that the values in these columns are the first
column in the output. If no -religion argument is specified, all column names are used in the
key, meaning the results simply report all 180 column/value pairs resulting from the input
dataset with 10 columns by 18 rows:
#> # A tibble: 180 × 2

#> 1 religion Agnostic
#> 2 religion Atheist
#> 3 religion Buddhist
#> 4 religion Catholic
#> # ... with 176 more rows

Table 6-1. First six rows of the
aggregated Pew dataset from
Wickham (2014a) in an untidy

Relig ion <$ 10k $ 10–20k $ 20–30k
Agnostic 27







Buddhist 27



Table 6-2. Long form
of the Pew dataset
represented in the
previous table
showing the minimum
values for annual
incomes (includes
part-time work)
Relig ion Income


Agnostic <$10k





Buddhist <$10k


Agnostic $10–20k 34

$10–20k 27

Buddhist $10–20k 21
Agnostic $20–30k 60

$20–30k 37

Buddhist $20–30k 30

Split Joint Variables with separate()
Splitting means taking a variable that is really two variables combined and creating two
separate columns from it. A classic example is age-sex variables (e.g., m0-10 and f0-10 to
represent males and females in the 0 to 10 age band). Splitting such variables can be done with
the separate() function, as illustrated in Tables 6-3 and 6-4 and in the following code chunk.
See ?separate for more information on this function.
agesex = c("m0-10", "f0-10") # create compound variable
n = c(3, 5) # create a value for each observation
agesex_df = tibble(agesex, n) # create a data frame
separate(agesex_df, col = agesex, into = c("age", "sex"))
#> # A tibble: 2 × 3
#> *   
#> 1
#> 2

Table 63. Joined
age and
in one
ag esex n




Table 6-4.
Age and
by the
sex ag e



0-10 3


0-10 5

Other tidyr Functions
There are other tidying operations that tidyr can perform, as described in the package’s
vignette (vignette("tidy-data")). The wider issue of manipulation is a large topic with
major potential implications for efficiency (Spector 2008) and this section only covers some
of the key operations. More important is understanding the principles behind converting
messy data into standard output forms.
These same principles can also be applied to the representation of model results. The broom
package provides a standard output format for model results, easing interpretation (see the
broom vignette). The function broom::tidy() can be applied to a wide range of model objects
and return the model’s output in a standardized data frame output.
Usually, it is more efficient to use the nonstandard evaluation version of variable names, as
these can be autocompleted by RStudio. In some cases, you may want to use standard
evaluation and refer to variable names using quotation marks. To do this, _ can be added to
dplyr and tidyr function names to allow the use of standard evaluation. Thus the standard
evaluation version of separate(agesex_df, agesex, c("sex", "age"), 1) is
separate_(agesex_df, "agesex", c("sex", "age"), 1).

Regular Expressions
Regular expressions (commonly known as regex) is a language for describing and
manipulating text strings. There are books on the subject, and several good tutorials on regex
in R, such as Handling and Processing Strings in R by Gaston Sanchez (Trowchez Editions),
so we’ll just scratch the surface of the topic, and provide a taste of what is possible. Regex is a
deep topic. However, knowing the basics can save a huge amount of time from a data-tidying
perspective, by automating the cleaning of messy strings.
In this section, we teach both stringr and base R ways of doing pattern matching. The former
provides easy-to-remember function names and consistency. The latter is useful to know as
you’ll find lots of base R regex code in other people’s code because stringr is relatively new
and not installed by default. The foundational regex operation is to detect whether a particular
text string exists in an element, which is done with grepl() and str_detect() in base R and
stringr, respectively:
x = c("Hi I'm Robin.", "DoB 1985")
grepl(pattern = "9", x = x)
str_detect(string = x, pattern = "9")

string r does not include a direct replacement for grep(). You can use which(str_detect()) instead.

Notice that str_detect() begins with str_. This is a common feature of all stringr functions.
This can be efficient because if you want to do some regex work, you just need to type str_
and then press the Tab key to see a list of all the options. The various base R regex function
names, by contrast, are hard to remember, including regmatches(), strsplit(), and gsub().
The stringr equivalents have more intuitive names that relate to the intention of the functions:
str_match_all(), str_split(), and str_replace_all(), respectively.
There is more to say on the topic, but rather than repeat what has been said elsewhere, we feel
it is more efficient to direct the interested reader toward existing excellent resources for
learning regex in R. We recommend reading, in order:
The Strings chapter of R for Data Science by Grolemund and Wickham (O’Reilly)
The stringr vignette (vignette("stringr"))
The detailed tutorial on regex in base R (Sanchez 2013)
For more advanced topics, reading the documentation and online articles about the

stringi package, on which stringr depends
1. What are the three criteria of tidy data?
2. Load and look at subsets of these datasets. The first is the Pew datasets we’ve been
using already. The second reports the points that define, roughly, the geographical
boundaries of different London boroughs. What is untidy about each?
head(pew, 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 10
religion <$10k $10-20k $20-30k $30-40k $40-50k $50-75

#> 1 Agnostic
#> 2 Atheist
#> 3 Buddhist
#> 4 Catholic
#> # ... with 6 more rows, and 3 more variables: `$75--100k` ,
#> #
`$100--150k` , `>150k` 
head(lnd_geo_df, 10)
name_date population
#> 1
295535 544362 172379
#> 2
295535 549546 169911
#> 3
295535 539596 160796
#> 4
295535 533693 170730
#> 5
295535 533718 170814
#> 6
295535 534004 171442
#> 7
295535 541105 173356
#> 8
295535 544362 172379
#> 9 Richmond upon Thames-2001
172330 523605 176321
#> 10 Richmond upon Thames-2001
172330 521455 172362

3. Convert each of the preceding datasets into tidy form.
4. Consider the following string of phone numbers and fruits from “Stringr: Modern,
Consistent String Processing” by Hadley Wickham (The R Journal):
strings = c("219 733 8965", "329-293-8753 ", "banana", "595 794 7569",
"387 287 6718", "apple", "233.398.9187 ",
"482 952 3315", "239 923 8115", "842 566 4692",
"Work: 579-499-7527", "$1000", "Home: 543.355.3679")

Write functions in stringr and base R that return:
A logical vector reporting whether or not each string contains a number
Complete words only, without extraneous nonletter characters
str_detect(string = strings, pattern = "[0-9]")
#> [12] TRUE TRUE
str_extract(strings, pattern = "[A-z]+")
#> [1] NA
"banana" NA
#> [8] NA






Efficient Data Processing with dplyr
After tidying your data, the next stage is typically data processing. This includes the creation
of new data, such as a new column that is some function of existing columns, or data analysis,
the process of asking directed questions of the data and exporting the results in a userreadable form.
Following the advice in “Package Selection”, we have carefully selected an appropriate
package for these tasks: dplyr, which roughly means data frame pliers. dplyr has a number of
advantages over base R and data.table approaches to data processing:
dplyr is fast to run (due to its C++ backend) and intuitive to type.
dplyr works well with tidy data, as described previously.
dplyr works well with databases, providing efficiency gains on large datasets.
Furthermore, dplyr is efficient to learn (see Chapter 10). It has a small number of intuitively
named functions, or verbs. These were partly inspired by SQL, one of the longest established
languages for data analysis, which combines multiple simple functions (such as SELECT and
WHERE, roughly analogous to dplyr::select() and dplyr::filter()) to create powerful
analysis workflows. Likewise, dplyr functions were designed to be used together to solve a
wide range of data processing challenges (see Table 6-5).
Table 6-5. dplyr verb functions
dplyr function(s) Description

Base R functions

filter(), slice()

Subset rows by attribute (filter) or position (slice)

subset(), [


Return data ordered by variable(s)



Subset columns

subset(), [ , [[


Rename columns



Return unique rows



Create new variables (transmute drops existing variables)

transform(), [[


Collapse data into a single row

aggregate(), tapply()


Return a sample of the data


Unlike the base R analogues, dplyr’s data processing functions work in a consistent way. Each
function takes a data frame object as its first argument and creates another data frame.
Variables can be called directly without using the $ operator. dplyr was designed to be used

with the pipe operator %>% provided by the magrittr package, allowing each data processing
stage to be represented as a new line. This is illustrated in the following code chunk, which
loads a tidy country-level dataset of greenhouse gas emissions from the efficient package,
and then identifies the countries with the greatest absolute growth in emissions from 1971 to
data("ghg_ems", package = "efficient")
top_table =
ghg_ems %>%
filter(!grepl("World|Europe", Country)) %>%
group_by(Country) %>%
summarize(Mean = mean(Transportation),
Growth = diff(range(Transportation))) %>%
top_n(3, Growth) %>%

The results, illustrated in Table 6-6, show that the US has the highest growth and average
emissions from the transport sector, followed closely by China. The aim of this code chunk is
not for you to somehow read it and understand it; it is to provide a taster of dplyr’s unique
syntax, which is described in more detail throughout the duration of this section.
Table 6-6. The top three
countries in terms of
average CO2 emissions
from transport since
1971, and growth in
transport emissions
over that period

Mean Growth

United States 1462








Building on the learning by doing ethic, the remainder of this section works through these
functions to process and begin to analyze a dataset on economic equality provided by the
World Bank. The input dataset can be loaded as follows:
# Load global inequality data

dplyr is a large package and can be seen as a language in its own right. Following the walk
before you run principle, we’ll start simply, by filtering and aggregating rows.

Renaming Columns
Renaming data columns is a common task that can make writing code faster by using short,
intuitive names. The dplyr function rename() makes this easy.
Note that in this code block the variable name is surrounded by back-quotes (`). This allows R
to refer to column names that are nonstandard. Note also the syntax: rename takes the data
frame as the first object and then creates new variables by specifying new_variable_name =
wb_ineq = rename(wb_ineq, code = `Country Code`)

To rename multiple columns, the variable names are simply separated by commas. The base
R and dplyr way of doing this is illustrated in an older version of the dataset (not run) to show
how long, clunky, and inefficient names can be converted into short and lean ones.
# The dplyr way (rename two variables)
wb_ineq = rename(wb_ineq,
top10 = `Income share held by highest 10% [SI.DST.10TH.10]`,
bot10 = `Income share held by lowest 10% [SI.DST.FRST.10]`)
# The base R way (rename five variables)
names(wb_ineq)[5:9] = c("top10", "bot10", "gini", "b40_cons", "gdp_percap")

Changing Column Classes
The class of R objects is critical to performance. If a class is incorrectly specified (e.g., if
numbers are treated as factors or characters), this will lead to incorrect results. The class of
all columns in a data frame can be queried using the function str() (short for display the
structure of an object), as illustrated in the following code, with the inequality data loaded
vapply(wb_ineq, class, character(1))
Year Code
#> "character" "character"
"integer" "character"
b40_cons gdp_percap



This shows that although we loaded the data correctly, all columns are seen by R as
characters. This means we cannot perform numerical calculations on the dataset:
mean(wb_ineq$gini) fails.
Visual inspection of the data (e.g., via View(wb_ineq)) clearly shows that all columns except
for 1 to 4 (Country, Country Code, Year, and Year Code) should be numeric. We can reassign
the classes of the numeric variables one by one:
wb_ineq$gini = as.numeric(wb_ineq$gini)
mean(wb_ineq$gini, na.rm = TRUE) # now the mean is calculated
#> [1] 40.5

However, the purpose of programming languages is to automate tasks and reduce typing. The
following code chunk reclassifies all of the numeric variables using data.matrix(), which
converts the data frame to a numeric matrix:
cols_to_change= 5:9 # column ids to change
wb_ineq[cols_to_change] = data.matrix(wb_ineq[cols_to_change])
vapply(wb_ineq, class, character(1))
Year Code
#> "character" "character"
"integer" "character"
b40_cons gdp_percap


As is so often the case with R, there are many ways to solve the problem. The following code
is a one-liner using unlist(), which converts list objects into vectors:
wb_ineq[cols_to_change] = as.numeric(unlist(wb_ineq[cols_to_change]))

Another one-liner to achieve the same result uses dplyr’s mutate_each function:
wb_ineq = mutate_each(wb_ineq, "as.numeric", cols_to_change)

As with other operations, there are other ways of achieving the same result in R, including the

use of loops via apply() and for(). These are shown in the chapter ’s source code.

Filtering Rows
dplyr offers an alternative way of filtering data, using


# Base R: wb_ineq[wb_ineq$Country == "Australia",]
aus2 = filter(wb_ineq, Country == "Australia")

is slightly more flexible than [: filter(wb_ineq, code == "AUS", Year ==
1974), works as well as filter(wb_ineq, code == "AUS" & Year == 1974), and takes any
number of conditions (see ?filter). filter() is slightly faster than base R.2 By avoiding the
$ symbol, dplyr makes subsetting code concise and consistent with other dplyr functions. The
first argument is a data frame and subsequent raw variable names can be treated as vector
objects, which are a defining feature of dplyr. In the next section, we’ll learn how this syntax
can be used alongside the %>% pipe command to write clear data manipulation commands.

There are dplyr equivalents of many base R functions, but these usually work slightly
different. The dplyr equivalent of aggregate, for example, is to use the grouping function
group_by in combination with the general-purpose function summarize (not to be confused
with summary in base R), as we shall see in “Data Aggregation”.

Chaining Operations
Another interesting feature of dplyr is its ability to chain operations together. This overcomes
one of the aesthetic issues with R code: you can end up with very long commands with many
functions nested inside one another to answer relatively simple questions. Combined with the
group_by() function, pipes can help condense thousands of lines of data into something
human-readable. Here’s how you could use the chains to summarize average Gini indexes per
decade, for example:
wb_ineq %>%
select(Year, gini) %>%
mutate(decade = floor(Year / 10) * 10) %>%
group_by(decade) %>%
summarize(mean(gini, na.rm = TRUE))
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
decade `mean(gini, na.rm = TRUE)`

#> 1
#> 2
#> 3
#> 4
#> # ... with 2 more rows

Often the best way to learn is to try and break something, so try running the preceding
commands with different dplyr verbs. By way of explanation, this is what happened:
1. Only the columns Year and gini were selected, using


2. A new variable, decade, was created (e.g., 1989 becomes 1980).
3. This new variable was used to group rows in the data frame with the same decade.
4. The mean value per decade was calculated, illustrating how average income
inequality was greatest in 1992 but has since decreased slightly.
Let’s ask another question to see how dplyr chaining workflow can be used to answer
questions interactively: what are the five most unequal years for countries containing the letter
g? Here’s how chains can help organize the analysis needed to answer this question step by
wb_ineq %>%
filter(grepl("g", Country)) %>%
group_by(Year) %>%
summarize(gini = mean(gini, na.rm
arrange(desc(gini)) %>%
top_n(n = 5)
#> Selecting by gini
#> # A tibble: 5 × 2
Year gini
#> 1 1980 46.9
#> 2 1993 46.0
#> 3 2013 44.5
#> 4 1981 43.6
#> # ... with 1 more rows

= TRUE)) %>%

The preceding function consists of six stages, each of which corresponds to a new line and
dplyr function:
1. Filter out the countries we’re interested in (any selection criteria could be used in
place of grepl("g", Country)).
2. Group the output by year.
3. Summarize, for each year, the mean Gini index.
4. Arrange the results by average Gini index.
5. Select only the top five most unequal years.
To see why this method is preferable to the nested function approach, take a look at the latter.
Even after indenting properly, it looks terrible and is almost impossible to understand!
filter(wb_ineq, grepl("g", Country)),
gini = mean(gini, na.rm = TRUE)),
n = 5)

This section has provided only a taste of what is possible with dplyr and why it makes sense
from code-writing and computational-efficiency perspectives. For a more detailed account of
data processing with R using this approach, we recommend R for Data Science by Grolemund
and Wickham (O’Reilly).
1. Try running each of the preceding chaining examples line by line, so the first two
entries for the first example look like this:
#> # A tibble: 6,925 × 9
Country code Year `Year Code` top10 bot10 gini b40_cons

#> 1 Afghanistan
AFG 1974
#> 2 Afghanistan
AFG 1975
#> 3 Afghanistan
AFG 1976
#> 4 Afghanistan
AFG 1977
#> # ... with 6,921 more rows, and 1 more variables: gdp_percap 

followed by:
wb_ineq %>%
select(Year, gini)
#> # A tibble: 6,925 × 2
Year gini


1 1974
2 1975
3 1976
4 1977
# ... with 6,921 more rows

Explain in your own words what changes each time.
2. Use chained dplyr functions to answer the following question: in which year did
countries without an a in their name have the lowest level of inequality?

Data Aggregation
Data aggregation involves creating summaries of data based on a grouping variable, in a
process that has been referred to as split-apply-combine. The end result usually has the same
number of rows as there are groups. Because aggregation is a way of condensing datasets, it
can be a very useful technique for making sense of large datasets. The following code finds
the number of unique countries (country being the grouping variable) from the ghg_ems
dataset stored in the efficient package:
# Package available from github.com/csgillespie/efficient
data(ghg_ems, package = "efficient")
#> [1] "Country"
#> [5] "Transportation" "Other"
#> [1] 7896
#> [1] 188

Note that while there are almost 8,000 rows, there are fewer than 200 countries. Thus factors
would have been a more space-efficient way of storing the country data.
To aggregate the dataset using dplyr, you divide the task in to two parts: group the dataset first
and then summarize, as illustrated next.3
group_by(ghg_ems, Country) %>%
summarize(mean_eco2 = mean(Electricity, na.rm
#> # A tibble: 188 × 2
Country mean_eco2

#> 1 Afghanistan
#> 2
#> 3
#> 4
#> # ... with 184 more rows

= TRUE))

The previous example relates to wider programming: how much work should one function do? The work could
have been done with a single aggregate() call. However, the Unix philosophy states that programs should “do
one thing well,” which is how dplyr’s functions were designed. Shorter functions are easier to understand and
debug. But having too many functions can also make your call stack confusing.

To reinforce the point, this operation is also performed in the following code on the wb_ineq
data(wb_ineq, package = "efficient")
countries = group_by(wb_ineq, Country)
summarize(countries, gini = mean(gini, na.rm
#> # A tibble: 176 × 2
Country gini

= TRUE))


1 Afghanistan
# ... with 172

more rows

Note that summarize is highly versatile, and can be used to return a customized range of
summary statistics:
# number of rows per country
obs = n(),
med_t10 = median(top10, na.rm = TRUE),
# standard deviation
sdev = sd(gini, na.rm = TRUE),
# number with gini > 30
n30 = sum(gini > 30, na.rm = TRUE),
sdn30 = sd(gini[ gini > 30 ], na.rm = TRUE),
# range
dif = max(gini, na.rm = TRUE) - min(gini, na.rm = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 176 × 7
obs med_t10 sdev
n30 sdn30
#> 1 Afghanistan
#> 2
24.4 1.25
3 0.364 2.78
#> 3
29.8 3.44
2 3.437 4.86
#> 4
38.6 11.30
2 11.300 15.98
#> # ... with 172 more rows

To showcase the power of summarize() used on a grouped_df, the previous code reports a
wide range of customized summary statistics per country:
The number of rows in each country group
Standard deviation of Gini indices
Median proportion of income earned by the top 10%
The number of years in which the Gini index was greater than 30
The standard deviation of Gini index values over 30
The range of Gini index values reported for each country
1. Refer back to the greenhouse gas emissions example at the outset of section
“Efficient Data Processing with dplyr”, in which we found the top three countries in
terms of emissions growth in the transport sector.
a. Explain in words what is going on in each line.
b. Try to find the top three countries in terms of emissions in 2012 — how is the
list different?

2. Explore dplyr’s documentation, starting with the introductory vignette, accessed by
entering vignette("introduction").
3. Test additional dplyr verbs on the wb_ineq dataset. (More vignette names can be
discovered by typing vignette(package = "dplyr").)

Nonstandard Evaluation
The final thing to say about dplyr does not relate to the data but to the syntax of the functions.
Note that many of the arguments in the code examples in this section are provided as raw
names; they are raw variable names not surrounded by quotation marks (e.g., Country rather
than "Country"). This is called nonstandard evaluation (NSE) (see vignette("nse")). NSE
was used deliberately, with the aim of making the functions more efficient for interactive use.
NSE reduces typing and allows autocompletion in RStudio.
This is fine when using R interactively. But when you’d like to use R noninteractively, code is
generally more robust using standard evaluation because it minimizes the chance of creating
obscure scope-related bugs. Using standing evaluation also avoids having to declare global
variables if you include the code in a package. For this reason, most functions in tidyr and
dplyr have two versions: one that uses NSE (the default) and another that uses standard
evaluation and requires the variable names to be provided in quotation marks. The standard
evaluation versions of functions are denoted with the affix _. This is illustrated in the
following code with the gather() function, used previously:
# 1: Default NSE function
group_by(cars, cut(speed, c(0, 10, 100))) %>% summarize(mean(dist))
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
`cut(speed, c(0, 10, 100))` `mean(dist)`

#> 1
#> 2
# 2: Standard evaluation using quote marks
group_by_(cars, "cut(speed, c(0, 10, 100))") %>% summarize_("mean(dist)")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
`cut(speed, c(0, 10, 100))` `mean(dist)`

#> 1
#> 2
# 3: Standard evaluation using formula, tilde notation
# (recommended standard evaluation method)
group_by_(cars, ~cut(speed, c(0, 10, 100))) %>% summarize_(~mean(dist))
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
`cut(speed, c(0, 10, 100))` `mean(dist)`

#> 1
#> 2

Combining Datasets
The usefulness of a dataset can sometimes be greatly enhanced by combining it with other
data. If we could merge the global ghg_ems dataset with geographic data, for example, we
could visualize the spatial distribution of climate pollution. For the purposes of this section,
we join ghg_ems to the world data provided by ggmap to illustrate the concepts and methods
of data joining (also referred to as merging).
world = map_data("world")
#> [1] "long"





Visually compare this new dataset of the world with ghg_ems (e.g., via View(world);
View(ghg_ems)). It is clear that the column region in the former contains the same
information as Country in the latter. This will be the joining variable; renaming it in world
will make the join more efficient.
world = rename(world, Country = region)
ghg_ems$All = rowSums(ghg_ems[3:7])

Ensure that both joining variables have the same class (combining




columns can cause

How large is the overlap between ghg_ems$Country and world$Country? We can find out
using the %in% operator, which finds out how many elements in one vector match those in
another vector. Specifically, we will find out how many unique country names from ghg_ems
are present in the world dataset:
unique_countries_ghg_ems = unique(ghg_ems$Country)
unique_countries_world = unique(world$Country)
matched = unique_countries_ghg_ems %in% unique_countries_world
#> matched

This comparison exercise has been fruitful: most of the countries in the co2 dataset exist in the
world dataset. But what about the 20 country names that do not match? We can identify these as
(unmatched_countries_ghg_ems = unique_countries_ghg_ems[!matched])
#> [1] "Antigua & Barbuda"
"Bahamas, The"
#> [3] "Bosnia & Herzegovina"
"Congo, Dem. Rep."



"Congo, Rep."
"European Union (15)"
"Gambia, The"
"Korea, Rep. (South)"
"Russian Federation"
"Saint Vincent & Grenadines"
"Trinidad & Tobago"
"United States"

"Cote d'Ivoire"
"European Union (28)"
"Korea, Dem. Rep. (North)"
"Macedonia, FYR"
"Saint Kitts & Nevis"
"Sao Tome & Principe"
"United Kingdom"

It is clear from the output that some of the nonmatches (e.g., the European Union) are not
countries at all. However, others such as Gambia and the United States clearly should have
matches. Fuzzy matching can help find which countries do match, as illustrated by the first
nonmatching country here:
(unmatched_country = unmatched_countries_ghg_ems[1])
#> [1] "Antigua & Barbuda"
unmatched_world_selection = agrep(pattern = unmatched_country,
unique_countries_world, max.distance = 10)
unmatched_world_countries = unique_countries_world[unmatched_world_selection]

What just happened? We verified that the first unmatching country in the ghg_ems dataset was
not in the world country names. So we used the more powerful agrep to search for fuzzy
matches (with the max.distance argument set to 10). The results show that the country
Antigua & Barbuda from the ghg_ems data matches two countries in the world dataset. We can
update the names in the dataset we are joining to accordingly:
world$Country[world$Country %in% unmatched_world_countries] =

This code reduces the number of country names in the world dataset by replacing both
“Antigua” and “Barbuda” with “Antigua & Barbuda”. This would not work the other way
around: how would one know whether to change “Antigua & Barbuda” to “Antigua” or to
Thus fuzzy matching is still a laborious process that must be complemented by human
judgment. It takes a human to know for sure that United States is represented as USA in the
world dataset, without risking false matches via agrep.

Working with Databases
Instead of loading all the data into RAM, as R does, databases query data from the hard disk.
This can allow a subset of a very large dataset to be defined and read into R quickly, without
having to load it first. R can connect to databases in a number of ways, which are briefly
touched on below. The subject of databases is a large area undergoing rapid evolution. Rather
than aiming at comprehensive coverage, we will provide pointers to developments that enable
efficient access to a wide range of database types. An up-to-date history of R’s interfaces to
databases can be found in the README of the DBI package, which provides a common
interface and set of classes for driver packages (such as RSQLite).
RODBC is a veteran package for querying external databases from within R, using the Open
Database Connectivity (ODBC) API. The functionality of RODBC is described in the
package’s vignette (see vignette("RODBC")), and today its main use is to provide an R
interface to SQL Server databases, which lack a DBI interface.
The DBI package is a unified framework for accessing databases that allows for other drivers
to be added as modular packages. Thus new packages that build on DBI can be seen partly as a
replacements of RODBC (RMySQL, RPostgreSQL, and RSQLite) (see
vignette("backend") for more on how DBI drivers work). Because the DBI syntax applies to
a wide range of database types, we use it here with a worked example.
Imagine you have access to a database that contains the ghg_ems dataset.
# Connect to a database driver
con = dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname = ghg_db) # Also username & password arguments
rs = dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM `ghg_ems` WHERE (`Country` != 'World')")
df_head = dbFetch(rs, n = 6) # extract first 6 row

The preceding code chunk shows how the function dbConnect connects to an external database
— in this case, a MySQL database. The username and password arguments are used to
establish the connection. Next, we query which tables are available with dbListTables, query
the database (without yet extracting the results to R) with dbSendQuery, and, finally, load the
results into R with dbFetch.

Be sure never to release your password by entering it directly into the command. Instead, we recommend saving
sensitive information such as database passwords and API keys in .Renviron, described in Chapter 2. Assuming
you had saved your password as the environment variable PSWRD , you could enter pwd = Sys.getenv("PSWRD")
to minimize the risk of exposing your password through accidentally releasing the code or your session history.

Recently there has been a shift to the noSQL approach to storing large datasets. This is

illustrated by the emergence and uptake of software such as MongoDB and Apache Cassandra
that have R interfaces via packages mongolite and RJDBC, which can connect to Apache
Cassandra data stores and any source compliant with the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
MonetDB is a recent alternative to relational and noSQL approaches that offers substantial
efficiency advantages for handling large datasets (Kersten et al. 2011). A tutorial on the
MonetDB website provides an excellent introduction to handling databases from within R.
There are many wider considerations in relation to databases that we will not cover here: who
will manage and maintain the database? How will it be backed up locally (local copies should
be stored to reduce reliance on the network)? What is the appropriate database for your
project? These issues can have major effects on efficiency, especially on large, data-intensive
projects. However, we will not cover them here because it is a fast-moving field. Instead, we
direct the interested reader toward resources on the subject, including:
The website for sparklyr, a recently created package for efficiently interfacing with the
Apache Spark stack.
db-engines.com/en/, a website comparing the relative merits of different databases.
The databases vignette from the dplyr package.
Getting started with MongoDB in R, an introductory vignette on nonrelational databases
and map reduce from the mongolite package.

Databases and dplyr
To access a database in R via dplyr, you must use one of the src_*() functions to create a
source. Continuing with the SQLite example previously given, you would create a tbl object
that can be queried by dplyr as follows:
ghg_db = src_sqlite(ghg_db)
ghg_tbl = tbl(ghg_db, "ghg_ems")

The ghg_tbl object can then be queried in a similar way as a standard data frame. For
example, suppose we wished to filter by Country. Then we use the filter() function as
rm_world = ghg_tbl %>%
filter(Country != "World")

In this code, dplyr has actually generated the necessary SQL command, which can be
examined using explain(rm_world). When working with databases, dplyr uses lazy
evaluation: the data is only fetched at the last moment when it’s needed. The SQL command
associated with rm_world hasn’t yet been executed; this is why tail(rm_world) doesn’t work.
By using lazy evaluation, dplyr is more efficient at handling large data structures because it
avoids unnecessary copying. When you want your SQL command to be executed, use
The final stage when working with databases in R is to disconnect:
dbDisconnect(conn = con)

Follow the worked example here to create and query a database on land prices in the UK
using dplyr as a frontend to an SQLite database. The first stage is to read in the data:
# See help("land_df", package="efficient") for details
data(land_df, package = "efficient")

The next stage is to create an SQLite database to hold the data:
# install.packages("RSQLite") # Requires RSQLite package
my_db = src_sqlite("land.sqlite3", create = TRUE)
land_sqlite = copy_to(my_db, land_df, indexes = list("postcode", "price"))

1. What class is the new object land_sqlite?
2. Why did we use the indexes argument?
From the preceding code, we can see that we have created a tbl. This can be accessed

using dplyr in the same way as any data frame can. Now we can query the data. You
can use SQL code to query the database directly or use standard dplyr verbs on the
# Method 1: using sql
tbl(my_db, sql('SELECT "price", "postcode", "old/new"
#> Source:
query [?? x 3]
#> Database: sqlite 3.8.6 [land.sqlite3]
price postcode `old/new`

#> 1 84000 CW9 5EU
#> 2 123500 TR13 8JH
#> 3 217950 PL33 9DL
#> 4 147000 EX39 5XT
#> # ... with more rows

FROM land_df'))

3. How would you perform the same query using select()? Try it to see if you get the
same result (hint: use backticks for the old/new variable name).

query [?? x 3]
Database: sqlite 3.8.6 [land.sqlite3]


price postcode `old/new`

84000 CW9 5EU
123500 TR13 8JH
217950 PL33 9DL
147000 EX39 5XT
... with more rows

Data Processing with data.table
data.table is a mature package for fast data processing that presents an alternative to dplyr.
There is some controversy about which is more appropriate for different tasks.4 Which is
more efficient to some extent depends on personal preferences and what you are used to. Both
are powerful and efficient packages that take time to learn, so it is best to learn one and stick
with it, rather than have the duality of using two for similar purposes. There are situations in
which one works better than another: dplyr provides a more consistent and flexible interface
(e.g., with its interface to databases, demonstrated in the previous section), so for most
purposes we recommend learning dplyr first if you are new to both packages. dplyr can also
be used to work with the data.table class used by the data.table package so you can get the
best of both worlds.
data.table is faster than dplyr for some operations and offers some functionality unavailable
in other packages, however, and has a mature and advanced user community. data.table
supports rolling joins, which allow rows in one table to be selected based on proximity
between shared variables (typically time) and non-equi joins where join criteria can be
inequalities rather than equal to.
This section provides a few examples to illustrate how data.table is unique and (at the risk of
inflaming the debate further) some benchmarks you can use to explore which is more
efficient. As emphasized throughout the book, efficient code writing is often more important
than efficient execution on many everyday tasks, so to some extent it’s a matter of preference.
The foundational object class of data.table is the data.table. Like dplyr’s tbl_df,
data.table’s data.table objects behave in the same way as the base data.frame class.
However, the data.table paradigm has some unique features that make it highly
computationally efficient for many common tasks in data analysis. Building on subsetting
methods using [ and filter(), mentioned previously, we’ll see data.tables’s unique
approach to subsetting. Like base R, data.table uses square brackets but (unlike base R but
like dplyr) uses nonstandard evaluation, so you need not refer to the object name inside the
data(wb_ineq_renamed) # from the efficient package
wb_ineq_dt = data.table(wb_ineq_renamed) # convert to data.table class
aus3a = wb_ineq_dt[Country == "Australia"]

Note that the square brackets do not need a comma to refer to rows with data.table objects; in base R, you
would write wb_ineq_renamed[wb_ineq_renamed$Country == "Australia",].

To boost performance, you can set keys, analogous to primary keys in databases. These are
supercharged rownames that order the table based on one or more variables. This allows a
binary search algorithm to subset the rows of interest, which is much, much faster than the
vector scan approach used in base R (see vignette("datatable-keys-fast-subset")).
data.table uses the key values for subsetting by default so the variable does not need to be
mentioned again. Instead, using keys, the search criteria is provided as a list (invoked in the
following code chunk with the concise .() syntax, which is synonymous with list()).
setkey(wb_ineq_dt, Country)
aus3b = wb_ineq_dt[.("Australia")]

The result is the same, so why add the extra stage of setting the key? The reason is that this
one-off sorting operation can lead to substantial performance gains in situations where
repeatedly subsetting rows on large datasets consumes a large proportion of computational
time in your workflow. This is illustrated in Figure 6-1, which compares four methods of
subsetting incrementally larger versions of the wb_ineq dataset.
Figure 6-1 demonstrates that data.table is much faster than base R and dplyr at subsetting. As
with using external packages used to read in data (see “Plain-Text Formats”), the relative
benefits of data.table improve with dataset size, approaching a ~70-fold improvement on
base R and a ~50-fold improvement on dplyr as the dataset size reaches half a gigabyte.
Interestingly, even the nonkey implementation of the data.table subset method is faster than
the alternatives. This is because data.table creates a key internally by default before
subsetting. The process of creating the key accounts for the ~10 fold speed-up in cases where
the key has been pregenerated.
This section has introduced data.table as a complimentary approach to base and dplyr
methods for data processing. It offers performance gains due to its implementation in C and
the use of keys for subsetting tables. data.table offers much more, however, including: highly
efficient data reshaping, dataset merging (also known as joining, as with left_join() in
dplyr), and grouping. For further information on data.table, we recommend reading the
package’s datatable-intro, datatable-reshape, and datatable-reference-semantics

Figure 6-1. Benchmark illustrating the performance gains to be expected for different dataset sizes

Wickham, Hadley. 2014b. “Tidy Data.” The Journal of Statistical Software 14 (5).
Codd, E. F. 1979. “Extending the database relational model to capture more meaning.” ACM
Transactions on Database Systems 4 (4): 397–434. doi:10.1145/320107.320109.
Spector, Phil. 2008. Data Manipulation with R. Springer Science & Business Media.
Sanchez, Gaston. 2013. “Handling and Processing Strings in R.” Trowchez Editions.
Grolemund, G., and H. Wickham. 2016. R for Data Science. O’Reilly Media.
Wickham, Hadley. 2010. “Stringr: Modern, Consistent String Processing.” The R Journal 2
(2): 38–40.
Kersten, Martin L, Stratos Idreos, Stefan Manegold, Erietta Liarou, and others. 2011. “The
Researcher ’s Guide to the Data Deluge: Querying a Scientific Database in Just a Few
Seconds.” PVLDB Challenges and Visions 3.


is another way to see the contents of an object, but produces more verbose output.

2 Note that filter is also the name of a function used in the base stats library. Typically, packages avoid using names
already taken in base R, but this is an exception.
3 The equivalent code in base R is e_ems

= aggregate(ghg_ems$Electricity, list(ghg_ems$Country), mean, na.rm =

TRUE, data = ghg_ems); nrow(ghg_ems).

4 One question on the Stack Overflow website titled “data.table vs dplyr” illustrates this controversy and delves into the
philosophy underlying each approach.

Chapter 7. Efficient Optimization
Donald Knuth is a legendary American computer scientist who developed a number of the key
algorithms that we use today (see, for example, ?Random). On the subject of optimization, he
gave this advice:
The real problem is that programmers have spent far too much time worrying about
efficiency in the wrong places and at the wrong times; premature optimization is the root of
all evil (or at least most of it) in programming.
Knuth’s point is that it is easy to undertake code optimization inefficiently. When developing
code, the causes of inefficiencies may shift so that what originally caused slowness at the
beginning of your work may not be relevant at a later stage. This means that time spent
optimizing code early in the developmental stage could be wasted. Even worse, there is a
trade-off between code speed and code readability; we’ve already made this trade-off once by
using readable (but slow) R compared with verbose C code!
For this reason, this chapter is part of the latter half of the book. The previous chapters
deliberately focused on concepts, packages, and functions to increase efficiency. These are
(relatively) easy ways of saving time that, once implemented, will work for future projects.
Code optimization, by contrast, is an advanced topic that should only be tackled once low
hanging fruit for efficiency gains have been taken.
In this chapter we assume that you already have well-developed code that is mature
conceptually and has been tried and tested. Now you want to optimize this code, but not
prematurely. The chapter is organized as follows. First, we begin with general hints and tips
about optimizing base R code. Code profiling can identify key bottlenecks in the code in need
of optimization, and this is covered in the next section. “Parallel Computing” discusses how
parallel code can overcome efficiency bottlenecks for some problems. The final section
explains how Rcpp can be used to efficiently incorporate C++ code into an R analysis.

In this chapter, some of the examples require a working C++ compiler. The installation
method depends on your operating system:
A compiler should already be installed. Otherwise, install r-base and a compiler will be
installed as a dependency.
Install Xcode.
Install Rtools. Make sure you select the version that corresponds to your version of R.
The packages used in this chapter are:

Top Five Tips for Efficient Optimization
1. Before you start to optimize you code, ensure that you know where the bottleneck
lies; use a code profiler.
2. If the data in your data frame is all of the same type, consider converting it to a
matrix for a speed boost.
3. Use specialized row and column functions whenever possible.
4. The parallel package is ideal for Monte Carlo simulations.
5. For optimal performance, consider rewriting key parts of your code in C++.

Code Profiling
Often you will have working code, but simply want it to run faster. In some cases, it’s obvious
where the bottleneck lies. Sometimes you will guess, relying on intuition. A drawback of this
is that you could be wrong and waste time optimizing the wrong piece of code. To make slow
code run faster, it is important to first determine where the slow code lives. This is the
purpose of code profiling.
The Rprof() function is a built-in tool for profiling the execution of R expressions. At
regular time intervals, the profiler stops the R interpreter, records the current function call
stack, and saves the information to a file. The results from Rprof() are stochastic. Each time
we run a function R, the conditions have changed. Hence, each time you profile your code, the
result will be slightly different.
Unfortunately, Rprof() is not user-friendly. For this reason, we recommend using the profvis
package for profiling your R code. profvis provides an interactive graphical interface for
visualizing code-profiling data from Rprof().

Getting Started with profvis
After installing profvis (e.g., with install.packages("profvis")), it can be used to profile R
code. As a simple example, we will use the movies dataset, which contains information on
about 60,000 movies. First, we’ll select movies that are classed as comedies, then plot the year
the movie was made verus the movie rating and draw a local polynomial regression line to
pick out the trend. The main function from the profvis package is profvis(), which profiles
the code and creates an interactive HTML page of the results. The first argument of
profvis() is the R expression of interest. This can be many lines long:
data(movies, package = "ggplot2movies") # Load data
movies = movies[movies$Comedy == 1,]
plot(movies$year, movies$rating)
model = loess(rating ~ year, data = movies) # loess regression line
j = order(movies$year)
lines(movies$year[j], model$fitted[j]) # Add line to the plot

The previous code provides an interactive HTML page (the Figure 7-1). On the left side is the
code and on the right is a flame graph (the horizontal direction is time in milliseconds and the
vertical direction is the call stack).

Figure 7-1. Output from profvis

The left-hand panel gives the amount of time spent on each line of code. It shows that the
majority of time is spent calculating the loess() smoothing line. The bottom line of the right
panel also highlights that most of the execution time is spent on the loess() function.
Traveling up the function, we see that loess() calls simpleLoess(), which in turn calls the
.C() function.
The conclusion from this graph is that if optimization were required, it would make sense to
focus on the loess() and possibly the order() function calls.

Example: Monopoly Simulation
Monopoly is a board game that originated in the United States over 100 years ago. The
objective of the game is to go around the board and purchase squares (properties). If other
players land on your properties, they have to pay a tax. The player with the most money at the
end of the game wins. To make things more interesting, there are Chance and Community
Chest squares. If you land on one of these squares, you draw a card, which may send you to
other parts of the board. The other special square is Jail. One way of entering Jail is to roll
three successive doubles.
The efficient package contains a Monte Carlo function for simulating a simplified game of
monopoly. By keeping track of where a person lands when going around the board, we obtain
an estimate of the probability of landing on a certain square. The entire code is around 100
lines long. In order for profvis to fully profile the code, the efficient package needs to be
installed from source:
devtools::install_github("csgillespie/efficient", args = "--with-keep.source")

The function can then be profiled via the following code, which results in Figure 7-2.

Figure 7-2. Code profiling for simulating the game of Monopoly

The output from profvis shows that the vast majority of time (around 65%) is spent in the



In Monopoly, moving around the board is complicated by the fact that rolling a double (a pair
of 1s, 2s, …, 6s) is special:
Roll two dice (total1): total_score

= total1.

If you get a double, roll again (total2) and total_score

= total1 + total2.

If you get a double, roll again (total3) and total_score

= total1 + total2 + total3.

If roll three is a double, go to Jail; otherwise, move total_score.
The function move_square() captures this logic. Now that we know where the code is slow,
how can we speed up the computation? In the next section, we will discuss standard techniques
that can be used. We will then revisit this example.

Efficient Base R
In R, there is often more than one way to solve a problem. In this section, we highlight
standard tricks or alternative methods that may improve performance.

The if() Versus ifelse() Functions
is a vectorized version of the standard control-flow function if(test)
if_no that works as follows:



ifelse(test, if_yes, if_no)

In the preceding imaginary example, the return value is filled with elements from the if_yes
and if_no arguments that are determined by whether the element of test is TRUE or FALSE. For
example, suppose we have a vector of exam marks. ifelse() could be used to classify them
as pass or fail:
marks = c(25, 55, 75)
ifelse(marks >= 40, "pass", "fail")
#> [1] "fail" "pass" "pass"

If the length of the test condition is equal to 1 (i.e., length(test)
conditional statement

== 1),

then the standard

mark = 25
if(mark >= 40) {
} else {

is around five to ten times faster than ifelse(mark

>= 40, "pass", "fail").

An additional quirk of ifelse() is that although it is more programmer efficient, as it is more
concise and understandable than multiline alternatives, it is often less computationally
efficient than a more verbose alternative. This is illustrated with the following benchmark, in
which the second option runs about 20 times faster, despite the results being identical:
marks = runif(n = 10e6, min = 30, max = 99)
result1 = ifelse(marks >= 40, "pass", "fail")
user system elapsed
result2 = rep("fail", length(marks))
result2[marks >= 40] = "pass"
user system elapsed
identical(result1, result2)
#> [1] TRUE

There is talk on the R-devel email list of speeding up ifelse() in base R. A simple solution is
to use the if_else() function from dplyr, although, as discussed in the same thread, it cannot
replace ifelse() in all situations. For our exam result test example, if_else() works fine

and is much faster than base R’s implementation (although it is still around three times slower
than the hardcoded solution):
result3 = dplyr::if_else(marks >= 40, "pass", "fail")
user system elapsed
identical(result1, result3)
#> [1] TRUE

Sorting and Ordering
Sorting a vector is relatively quick; sorting a vector of length 107 takes around 0.01 seconds.
If you only sort a vector once at the top of a script, then don’t worry too much about this.
However, if you are sorting inside a loop or in a Shiny application, then it can be worthwhile
thinking about how to optimize this operation.
There are currently three sorting algorithms, c("shell", "quick", "radix"), that can be
specified in the sort() function, with radix being a new addition to R 3.3. Typically, the
radix (the nondefault option) is the most computationally efficient option for most situations
(it is around 20% faster when sorting a large vector of doubles).
Another useful trick is to partially order the results. For example, if you only want to display
the top 10 results, then use the partial argument (i.e., sort(x, partial = 1:10)). For very
large vectors, this can give a three-fold speed increase.

Reversing Elements
The rev() function provides a reversed version of its argument. If you wish to sort in
increasing order, sort(x, decreasing = TRUE) is marginally (around 10%) faster than

Which Indices are TRUE?
To determine which index of a vector or array is TRUE, we would typically use the which()
function. If we want to find the index of just the minimum or maximum value (i.e., which(x
== min(x))), then using the efficient which.min()/which.max() variants can be orders of
magnitude faster (see Figure 7-3).

Figure 7-3. Comparison of which.min() with which()

Converting Factors to Numerics
A factor is just a vector of integers with associated levels. Occasionally, we want to convert a
factor into its numerical equivalent. The most efficient way of doing this (especially for long
factors) is:

Logical AND and OR
The logical AND (&) and OR (|) operators are vectorized functions and are typically used
during multicriteria subsetting operations. The following code, for example, returns TRUE for
all elements of x greater than 0.4 or less than 0.6:
x < 0.4 | x > 0.6


When R executes this comparison, it will always calculate x > 0.6 regardless of the value of
x < 0.4. In contrast, the nonvectorized version, &&, only executes the second component if
needed. This is efficient and leads to neater code:
# We only calculate the mean if data doesn't contain NAs
if(!anyNA(x) && mean(x) > 0) {
# Do something

compared to
if(!anyNA(x)) {
if(mean(x) > 0) {
# do something

However, care must be taken not to use && or || on vectors because it only evaluates the first
element of the vector, giving the incorrect answer. This is illustrated here:
x < 0.4 || x > 0.6
#> [1] TRUE

Row and Column Operations
In data analysis, we often want to apply a function to each column or row of a dataset. For
example, we might want to calculate the column or row sums. The apply() function makes
this type of operation straightforward.
# Second argument: 1 -> rows. 2 -> columns
apply(data_set, 1, function_name)

There are optimized functions for calculating row and column sums/means (rowSums(),
colSums(), rowMeans(), and colMeans()) that should be used whenever possible. The package
matrixStats contains many optimized row/column functions.

is.na() and anyNA()
To test whether a vector (or other object) contains missing values, we use the is.na()
function. Often we are interested in whether a vector contains any missing values. In this case,
anyNA(x) is more efficient than any(is.na(x)).

A matrix is similar to a data frame: it is a two-dimensional object and subsetting, and other
functions work in the same way. However, all matrix elements must have the same type.
Matrices tend to be used during statistical calculations. The lm() function, for example,
internally converts the data to a matrix before calculating the results; any characters are thus
recoded as numeric dummy variables.
Matrices are generally faster than data frames. For example, the datasets ex_mat and ex_df
from the efficient package each have 1,000 rows and 100 columns and contain the same
random numbers. However, selecting rows from the data frame is about 150 times slower
than a matrix, as illustrated here:
data(ex_mat, ex_df, package = "efficient")
microbenchmark(times = 100, unit = "ms", ex_mat[1, ], ex_df[1, ])
#> Unit: milliseconds
mean median
uq max neval
#> ex_mat[1, ] 0.00252 0.00368 0.0565 0.00531 0.00593 5.08
ex_df[1, ] 0.77058 0.87406 1.0894 0.96771 1.10045 6.36

Use the data.matrix() function to efficiently convert a data frame into a matrix.

The integer data type
Numbers in R are usually stored in double-precision floating-point format, which is
described in detail in A First Course in Statistical Programming with R (Braun and Murdoch
2007) and “What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic”
(Goldberg). The term double refers to the fact that on 32-bit systems (for which the format
was developed) two memory locations are used to store a single number. Each doubleprecision number is accurate to about 17 decimal places.

When comparing floating-point numbers, we should be particularly careful because y = sqrt(2) * sqrt(2) is not
exactly 2 — it’s almost 2. Using sprintf("%.17f", y) will give you the true value of y (to 17 decimal places).

Integers are another numeric data type. Integers primarily exist to be passed to C or Fortran
code. You will not need to create integers for most applications. However, they are
occasionally used to optimize subsetting operations. When we subset a data frame or matrix,
we are interacting with C code and might be tempted to use integers with the purpose of
speeding up our code. For example, if we look at the arguments for the head function

#> function (x, n = 6L, ...)

Using the : operator automatically creates a vector of integers.

we see that the default argument for n is 6L rather than simply 6 (the L is short for literal and
is used to create an integer). This gives a tiny speed boost (around 0.1 microseconds!).
x = runif(10)
microbenchmark(head(x, 6.0), head(x, 6L), times = 1000000)
# Unit: microseconds
lq mean median
max neval cld
# head(x, 6) 7.067 8.309 9.058 8.686 9.098 105266 1e+06
# head(x, 6L) 6.947 8.219 8.933 8.594 9.007 106307 1e+06

Because this function is ubiquitous, this low-level optimization is useful. In general, if you are
worried about shaving microseconds off your R code run time, you should probably consider
switching to another language.
Integers are more space-efficient. The following code compares the size of an integer vector
to that of a standard numeric vector:
#> 40 kB
pryr::object_size(seq(1, 10000, by = 1.0))
#> 80 kB

The results show that the integer version is roughly half the size. However, most mathematical
operations will convert the integer vector into a standard numerical vector, as illustrated in
the following code chunk:
is.integer(1L + 1)
#> [1] FALSE

Further storage savings can be obtained using the bit package.
Sparse matrices
Another data structure that can be stored efficiently is a sparse matrix. This is simply a matrix
where most of the elements are zero. Conversely, if most elements are nonzero, the matrix is
considered dense. The proportion of nonzero elements is called the sparsity. Large, sparse
matrices often crop up when performing numerical calculations. Typically, our data isn’t
sparse, but the resulting data structures we create may be sparse. There are a number of
techniques/methods used to store sparse matrices. Methods for creating sparse matrices can
be found in the Matrix package.1

As an example, suppose we have a large matrix in which the diagonal elements are nonzero:
N = 10000
sp = sparseMatrix(1:N, 1:N, x = 1)
m = diag(1, N, N)

Both objects contain the same information, but the data is stored differently. Because we have
the same value multiple times in the matrix, we only need to store the value once and link it to
multiple matrix locations. The matrix object stores each individual element, whereas the
sparse matrix object only stores the location of the nonzero elements. This is much more
memory-efficient, as illustrated in the following code:
#> 161 kB
#> 800 MB

1. Create a vector, x. Benchmark any(is.na(x)) against anyNA(). Do the results vary
with the size of the vector?
2. Examine the following function definitions to give you an idea of how integers are

3. Construct a matrix of integers and a matrix of numerics. Using
pryr::object_size(), compare the objects.
4. How does the function seq.int(), which was used in the tail.matrix() function,
differ from the standard seq() function?

A related memory-saving idea is to replace logical vectors with vectors from the bit package, which take up just
over 1/30th of the space (but you can’t use NAs).

Example: Optimizing the move_square() Function
Figure 7-2 shows that our main bottleneck in simulating the game of Monopoly is the
move_square() function. Within this function, we spend around 50% of the time creating a
data frame, 20% calculating row sums, and the remainder on comparison operations. This
piece of code can be optimized fairly easily (while still retaining the same overall structure)
by incorporating the following improvements:2
Instead of using seq(1, 6) to generate the six possible values of rolling a die, use 1:6.
Also, instead of a data frame, use a matrix and perform a single call to the sample()
matrix(sample(1:6, 6, replace = TRUE), ncol = 2)

Overall, this revised line is around 25 times faster; most of the speed boost came from
switching to a matrix.
Use rowSums() instead of apply(). The apply() function call is already faster because
we switched from a data frame to a matrix (around three times). Using rowSums() with a
matrix gives a 10-fold speed boost.
Use && in the if condition; this is about twice as fast as &.
Impressively, the refactored code runs 20 times faster than the original code. Compare
Figures 7-2 and 7-4 with the main speed boost coming from using a matrix instead of a data

Figure 7-4. Code profiling of the optimized code

1. The move_square() function shown in Figure 7-4 uses a vectorized solution.
Whenever we move, we always roll six dice, then examine the outcome and
determine the number of doubles. However, this is potentially wasteful, since the
probability of getting one double is 1/6 and two doubles is 1/36. Another method is to
only roll additional dice if and when they are needed. Implement and time this

Parallel Computing
This section provides a brief foray into the word of parallel computing. It only looks at
methods for parallel computing on shared memory systems. This simply means computers in
which multiple CPU cores can access the same block (i.e., most laptops and desktops sold
worldwide). This section provides a flavor of what is possible; for a fuller account of parallel
processing in R, see Parallel R by McCallum and Weston (O’Reilly).
The foundational package for parallel computing in R is parallel. In recent R versions (since
R 2.14.0), this comes preinstalled with base R. The parallel package must still be loaded
before use, however, and you must manually determine the number of available cores
manually as illustrated in the following code:
no_of_cores = detectCores()

The value returned by

turns out to be operating-system and chip-maker dependent; see
help("detectCores") for full details. For most standard machines, detectCores() returns the number of
simultaneous threads.

Parallel Versions of Apply Functions
The most commonly used parallel applications are parallelized replacements of lapply(),
sapply(), and apply(). The parallel implementations and their arguments are shown in the
following code example:
parLapply(cl, x, FUN, ...)
parApply(cl = NULL, X, MARGIN, FUN, ...)
parSapply(cl = NULL, X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)

The key point is that there is very little difference in arguments between parLapply(), and
apply(), so the barrier to using (this form) of parallel computing is low, assuming you are
proficient with the apply family of functions. Each of these functions has an argument cl,
which is created by a makeCluster() call. This function, among other things, specifies the
number of processors to use.

Example: Snakes and Ladders
Parallel computing is ideal for Monte Carlo simulations. Each core independently simulates a
realization from the model. At the end, we gather up the results. In the efficient package, there
is a function that simulates a single game of Snakes and Ladders: snakes_ladders().3
The following code illustrates how to simulate N games using


N = 10^4
sapply(1:N, snakes_ladders)

Rewriting this code to make use of the parallel package is straightforward. Begin by making a
cluster object:
cl = makeCluster(4)

Then simply swap sapply() for


parSapply(cl, 1:N, snakes_ladders)

It is important to stop the created clusters, as this can lead to memory leaks,4 as illustrated in
the following code:

If we achieved perfect parallelization and used a four (or more) core, then we would obtain a
four-fold speed up (we set makeCluster(4)). However, we rarely get this.
On a multiprocessor computer, this can lead to a four-fold speed-up. However, it is rare to
achieve this optimal speed-up since there is always communication between threads.

Exit Functions with Care
Always call stopCluster() to free resources when you finish with the cluster object.
However, if the parallel code is within a function call that results in an error, the
StopCluster() command would be omitted.
The on.exit() function handles this problem with a minimum of fuss; regardless of how the
function ends, on.exit() is always called. In the context of parallel programming, we will
have something similar to:
simulate = function(cores) {
cl = makeCluster(cores)
# Do something

Another common use of on.exit() is with the par() function. If you use par() to change graphical parameters
within a function, on.exit() ensures that these parameters are reset to their previous value when the function ends.

Parallel Code under Linux and OS X
If you are using Linux or OS X, then another way of running code in parallel is to use the
mclapply() and mcmapply() functions:
# This will run on Windows, but will only use 1 core
mclapply(1:N, snakes_ladders)

These functions use forking; that is, creating a new copy of a process running on the CPU.
However, Windows does not support this low-level functionality in the way that Linux does.
The main advantage of mclapply() is that you don’t have to start and stop cluster objects. The
big disadvantage is that on Windows machines, you are limited to a single core.

Sometimes R is just slow. You’ve tried every trick you know, and your code is still crawling
along. At this point, you could consider rewriting key parts of your code in another, faster
language. R has interfaces to other languages via packages, such as Rcpp, rJava, rPython,
and recently V8. These provide R interfaces to C++, Java, Python, and JavaScript,
respectively. Rcpp is the most popular of these (Figure 7-5).

Figure 7-5. Downloads per day from the RStudio CRAN mirror of packages that provide R interfaces to other languages

C++ is a modern, fast, and very well-supported language with libraries for performing many
kinds of computational tasks. Rcpp makes incorporating C++ code into your R workflow
Although C/Fortran routines can be used using the .Call() function, this is not recommended
because using .Call() can be a painful experience. Rcpp provides a friendly API that lets you
write high-performance code, bypassing R’s tricky C API. Typical bottlenecks that C++
addresses are loops and recursive functions.
C++ is a powerful programming language about which entire books have been written. This
section therefore is focused on getting started and providing a flavor of what is possible. It is

structured as follows. After ensuring that your computer is set up for Rcpp, we proceed by =
creating a simple C++ function, to show how C++ compares with R (“A Simple C++
Function”). This is converted into an R function using cppFunction() in “The cppFunction()
The remainder of the chapter explains C++ data types (“C++ Data Types”), illustrates how to
source C++ code directly (“The sourceCpp() Function”), explains vectors (“Vectors and
Loops”) and Rcpp sugar (“C++ with Sugar on Top”), and finally provides guidance on
further resources on the subject (“Rcpp Resources”).

A Simple C++ Function
To write and compile C++ functions, you need a working C++ compiler (see “Prerequisites”).
The code in this chapter was generated using version 0.12.7 of Rcpp.
Rcpp is well documented, as illustrated by the number of vignettes on the package’s CRAN
page. In addition to its popularity, many other packages depend on Rcpp, which can be seen
by looking at the Reverse Imports section.
To check that you have everything needed for this chapter, run the following piece of code
from the course R package:

A C++ function is similar to an R function: you pass a set of inputs to a function, some code is
run, and a single object is returned. However, there are some key differences:
In the C++ function, each line must be terminated with ;. In R, we use ; only when we
have multiple statements on the same line.
We must declare object types in the C++ version. In particular, we need to declare the
types of the function arguments, the return values, and any intermediate objects we
The function must have an explicit return statement. Similar to R, there can be multiple
returns, but the function will terminate when it hits its first return statement.
You do not use assignment when creating a function.
Object assignment must use the = sign. The <- operator isn’t valid.
One-line comments can be created using

//. Multiline

comments are created using

Suppose we want to create a function that adds two numbers together. In R, this would be a
simple one-line affair:
add_r = function(x, y) x + y

In C++, it is a bit more long-winded:
/* Return type double
* Two arguments, also doubles
double add_cpp(double x, double y) {
double value = x + y;
return value;

If we were writing a C++ program, we would also need another function called main(). We
would then compile the code to obtain an executable. The executable is platform-dependent.
The beauty of using Rcpp is that it makes it very easy to call C++ functions from R and the
user doesn’t have to worry about the platform, compilers, or the R/C++ interface.

The cppFunction() Command
If we pass the C++ function created in the previous section as a text string argument to
double add_cpp(double x, double y) {
double value = x + y;
return value;

Rcpp will magically compile the C++ code and construct a function that bridges the gap
between R and C++. After running the code shown previously, we now have access to the
add_cpp() function
#> function (x, y)
#> .Primitive(".Call")(, x, y)

and can call the add_cpp() function in the usual way:
add_cpp(1, 2)
#> [1] 3

We don’t have to worry about compilers. Also, if you include this function in a package, users
don’t have to worry about any of the Rcpp magic. It just works.

C++ Data Types
The most basic type of variable is an integer, int. An int variable can store a value in the
range –32768 to +32767. To store floating-point numbers, there are single-precision numbers
(float) and double-precision numbers (double). A double takes twice as much memory as a
float (in general, we should always work with double-precision numbers unless we have a
compiling reason to switch to floats). For single characters, we use the char data type.

There is also something called an unsigned int, which goes from 0 to 65,535 and a long
2 31 − 1.


that ranges from 0 to

A pointer object is a variable that points to an area of memory that has been given a name.
Pointers are a very powerful — but primitive — facility contained in the C++ language. They
can be very efficient because since rather than passing large objects around, we pass a pointer
to the memory location; in other words, rather than pass the house, we just give the address.
We won’t use pointers in this chapter, but mention them for completeness. Table 7-1 gives an
Table 7-1. Overview of key C++
object types



A single character


An integer


A single-precision floating-point number

double A double-precision floating-point number

A valueless quantity

The sourceCpp() Function
The cppFunction() is great for getting small examples up and running. But it is better
practice to put your C++ code in a separate file (with file extension .cpp) and use the function
call sourceCpp("path/to/file.cpp") to compile them. However, we do need to include a few
headers at the top of the file. The first line we add gives us access to the Rcpp functions. The
file Rcpp.h contains a list of function and class definitions supplied by Rcpp. This file will be
located where Rcpp is installed. The include line

causes the compiler to replace that line with the contents of the named source file. This means
that we can access the functions defined by Rcpp. To access the Rcpp functions, we would
have to type Rcpp::function_1. To avoid typing Rcpp::, we use the namespace facility:
using namespace Rcpp;

Now we can just type function_1(); this is the same concept that R uses for managing
function name collisions when loading packages. Above each function we want to export/use
in R, we add the tag:
// [[Rcpp::export]]

Similar to packages and the library() function in R, we access additional functions via #include. A standard
header to include is #include  , which contains standard mathematics functions.

This would give the complete file:
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double add_cpp(double x, double y) {
double value = x + y;
return value;

There are two main benefits with putting your C++ functions in separate files. First, we have
the benefit of syntax highlighting (RStudio has great support for C++ editing). Second, it’s
easier to make syntax errors when the switching between R and C++ in the same file. To save
space, we’ll omit the headers for the remainder of the chapter.

Vectors and Loops
Let’s now consider a slightly more complicated example. Here we want to write our own
function that calculates the mean. This is just an illustrative example: R’s version is much
better and more robust to scale differences in our data. For comparison, let’s create a
corresponding R function — this is the same function we used in Chapter 3. The function
takes a single vector x as input and returns the mean value, m:
mean_r = function(x) {
m = 0
n = length(x)
for(i in 1:n)
m = m + x[i] / n

This is a very bad R function; we should just use the base function mean() for real-world
applications. However, the purpose of mean_r() is to provide a comparison for the C++
version, which we will write in a similar way.
In this example, we will let Rcpp smooth the interface between C++ and R by using the
NumericVector data type. This Rcpp data type mirrors the R vector object type. Other
common classes are IntegerVector, CharacterVector, and LogicalVector.
In the C++ version of the mean function, we specify the argument types: x (NumericVector)
and the return value (double). The C++ version of the mean() function is a few lines longer.
Almost always, the corresponding C++ version will be, possibly much, longer. In general, R
optimizes for reduced development time; C++ optimizes for fast execution time. The
corresponding C++ function for calculating the mean is:
double mean_cpp(NumericVector x) {
int i;
int n = x.size();
double mean = 0;
for(i=0; i
Murder Assault UrbanPop Rape
#> Alabama
58 21.2
#> Alaska
48 44.5
#> Arizona
80 31.0

If we want to group states that have similar crime statistics, a standard first step is to calculate
the distance or similarity matrix:
d = dist(USArrests)

When we inspect the object size of the original dataset and the distance object using the pryr
#> 5.23 kB
#> 14.3 kB

We have managed to create an object that is three times larger than the original dataset.

The distance object d is actually a vector that contains the distances in the upper triangular region.

In fact, the object d is a symmetric n × n matrix, where n is the number of rows in USAarrests.
Clearly, as n increases, the size of d increases at a rate of O(n2). So if our original dataset
contained 10,000 records, the associated distance matrix would contain almost 108 values. Of
course, since the matrix is symmetrical, this corresponds to around 50 million unique values.

A rough rule of thumb is that your RAM should be three times the size of your dataset.

Another benefit of having more onboard RAM is that the garbage collector, a process that
runs periodically to free up system memory occupied by R, is called less often. It is
straightforward to determine how much RAM you have using the benchmarkme package:
#> 16.3 GB

It is sometimes possible to increase your computer ’s RAM. On a computer motherboard,
there are typically two to four RAM or memory slots. If you have free slots, then you can add
more memory. RAM comes in the form of dual in-line memory modules (DIMMs) that can be
slotted into the motherboard spaces (see Figure 8-1 for an example).

Figure 8-1. Three DIMM slots on a computer motherboard used for increasing the amount of available RAM. Source:

However, it is common that all slots are already taken. This means that to upgrade your
computer ’s memory, some or all of the DIMMs will have to be removed. To go from 8 GB to
16 GB, for example, you may have to discard the two 4 GB RAM cards and replace them with
two 8 GB cards. Increasing your laptop/desktop from 4 GB to 16 GB or 32 GB is cheap and
should definitely be considered. As R Core member Uwe Ligges states:
#> RAM is cheap and thinking hurts.
-- Uwe Ligges (about memory requirements in R)
R-help (June 2007)

It is a testament to the design of R that it is still relevant and its popularity is growing. Ross
Ihaka, one of the originators of the R programming language, made a throw-away comment
in 2003:

#> I seem to recall that we were targeting 512k Macintoshes. In our dreams
#> we might have seen 16Mb Sun.
-- Ross Ihaka (in reply to the question whether R&R thought when they
started out that they would see R using 16G memory on a dual Opteron
R-help (November 2003)

Considering that a standard smartphone now contains 1 GB of RAM, the fact that R was
designed for “basic” computers but can scale across clusters is impressive. R’s origins on
computers with limited resources helps explain its efficiency at dealing with large datasets.
The following two exercises aim to help you determine if it is worthwhile to upgrade your
1. R loads everything into memory (i.e., your computer ’s RAM). How much RAM does
your computer have?
2. Using your preferred search engine, how much does it cost to double the amount of
available RAM on your system?

Hard Drives: HDD Versus SSD
You are using R because you want to analyze data. The data is typically stored on your hard
drive, but not all hard drives are equal. Unless you have a fairly expensive laptop, your
computer probably has a standard hard disk drive (HDD). HDDs were first introduced by IBM
in 1956. Data is stored using magnetism on a rotating platter, as shown in Figure 8-2. The
faster the platter spins, the faster the HDD can perform. Many laptop drives spin at either
5,400 or 7,200 RPM (revolutions per minute). The major advantage of HDDs is that they are
cheap, making a 1 TB laptop standard.

In the authors’ experience, having an SSD drive doesn’t make too much of a difference to R. However, the
reduction in boot time and general tasks makes an SSD drive a wonderful purchase.

Figure 8-2. A standard 2.5” hard drive, found in most laptops. Source: Wikimedia

Solid-state drives (SSDs) can be thought of as large but more sophisticated versions of USB
sticks. They have no moving parts, and information is stored in microchips. Since there are
no moving parts, reading/writing is much quicker. SSDs have other benefits: they are quieter,

allow faster boot time (no spin up time), and require less power (more battery life).
The read/write speed for a standard HDD is usually in the region of 50 to 100 MB/s (usually
closer to 50 MB). For SSDs, speeds are typically over 200 MB/s. For top-of-the-range models
this can approach 500 MB/s. If you’re wondering, read/write speeds for RAM are around 2 to
20 GB/s. So at best, SSDs are at least one order of magnitude slower than RAM, but still faster
than standard HDDs.

If you are unsure about what type of hard drive you have, then time how long your computer takes to reach the
login screen. If it is less than five seconds, you probably have an SSD.

Operating Systems: 32-Bit or 64-Bit
R comes in two versions: 32-bit and 64-bit. Your operating system also comes in two
versions, 32-bit and 64-bit. Ideally, you want 64-bit versions of both R and the operating
system. Using a 32-bit version of either has severe limitations on the amount of RAM R can
access. So when we suggest that you should just buy more RAM, this assumes that you are
using a 64-bit operating system, with a 64-bit version of R.

If you are using an OS version from the last five years, it is unlikely to be a 32-bit OS.

A 32-bit machine can access at most only 4 GB of RAM. Although some CPUs offer solutions
to this limitation, if you are running a 32-bit operating system, then R is limited to around 3
GB of RAM. If you are running a 64-bit operating system but only a 32-bit version of R, then
you have access to slightly more memory (but not much). Modern systems should run a 64-bit
operating system, with a 64-bit version of R. Your memory limit is now measured as 8 TB for
Windows machines and 128 TB for Unix-based OSes. An easy method for determining if you
are running a 64-bit version of R is to run

which will return 8 if you a running a 64-bit version of R.
To find precise details, consult the R help pages help("Memory-limits") and help("Memory").
These exercises aim to condense the previous section into the key points.
1. Are you using a 32-bit or 64-bit version of R?
2. If you are using Windows, what are the results of running the command

Central Processing Unit
The central processing unit (CPU), or the processor, is the brain of a computer. The CPU is
responsible for performing numerical calculations. The faster the processor, the faster R will
run. The clock speed (or clock rate, measured in hertz) is the frequency with which the CPU
executes instructions. The faster the clock speed, the more instructions a CPU can execute in a
section. CPU clock speed for a single CPU has been fairly static in the last couple of years,
hovering around 3.4 GHz (see Figure 8-3).

Figure 8-3. CPU clock speed. The data for this figure was collected from web-forum and Wikipedia. It is intended to
indicate general trends in CPU speed.

Unfortunately, we can’t simply use clock speeds to compare CPUs, since the internal
architecture of a CPU plays a crucial role in determining its performance. The R package
benchmarkme provides functions for benchmarking your system and contains data from
previous benchmarks. Figure 8-4 shows the relative performance for over 150 CPUs.

Figure 8-4. CPU benchmarks from the R package, benchmarkme. Each point represents an individual CPU result.

Running the benchmarks and comparing your CPU to others is straightforward using the
benchmarkme package. After loading the package, we can benchmark your CPU
res = benchmark_std()

and compare the results to other users:
# Upload your benchmarks for future users

You get the model specifications of the top CPUs using


Cloud Computing
Cloud computing uses networks of remote servers, instead of a local computer, to store and
analyze data. It is now becoming increasingly popular to rent cloud computing resources.

Amazon EC2
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is one of a number of providers of this service. EC2
makes it (relatively) easy to run R instances in the cloud. Users can configure the operating
system, CPU, hard drive type, the amount of RAM, and where the project is physically located.
If you want to run a server in the Amazon EC2 cloud, you have to select the system you are
going to boot up. There are a vast array of prepackaged system images. Some of these images
are just basic operating systems, such as Debian or Ubuntu, which require further
configuration. There is also an Amazon machine image that specifically targets R and
1. To assess whether you should consider cloud computing, find out how much it would
cost to rent a machine comparable to your laptop in the cloud for one year.

Chapter 9. Efficient Collaboration
Large projects inevitably involve many people. This poses risks but also creates opportunities
for improving computational efficiency and productivity, especially if project collaborators
are reading and committing code. This chapter provides guidance on how to minimize the
risks and maximize the benefits of collaborative R programming.
Collaborative working has a number of benefits. A team with a diverse skillset is usually
stronger than a team with a very narrow focus. It makes sense to specialize: clearly defining
roles such as statistician, frontend developer, system administrator, and project manager will
make your team stronger. Even if you are working alone, dividing the work into discrete
branches in this way can be useful, as discussed in Chapter 4.
Collaborative programming provides an opportunity for people to review each other ’s code.
This can be encouraged by using a uniform style with many comments, as described in
“Coding Style”. Like using a clear style in human language, following a style guide has the
additional advantage of making your code more understandable to others.
When working on complex programming projects with multiple interdependencies, version
control is essential. Even on small projects, tracking the progress of your project’s code base
has many advantages and makes collaboration much easier. Fortunately, it is now easier than
ever before to integrate version control into your project, using RStudio’s interface to the
version control software git and online code-sharing websites such as GitHub. This is the
subject of “Version Control”.
The final section, “Code Review”, addresses the question of working in a team and
performing code reviews.

This chapter deals with coding standards and techniques. The only packages required for this
chapter are lubridate and dplyr. These packages are used to illustrate good practices.

Top Five Tips for Efficient Collaboration
1. Maintain a consistent coding style.
2. Think carefully about your comments and keep them up to date.
3. Use version control whenever possible.
4. Use informative commit messages.
5. Don’t be afraid to elicit feedback from colleagues.

Coding Style
To be a successful programmer, you need to use a consistent programming style. There is no
single correct style, but using multiple styles in the same project is wrong (Baath 2012). To
some extent, good style is subjective and up to personal taste. There are, however, general
principles that most programmers agree on, such as:
Use modular code
Comment your code
Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)
Be concise, clear, and consistent
Good coding style will make you more efficient even if you are the only person who reads it.
When your code is read by multiple readers or you are developing code with coworkers,
having a consistent style is even more important. There are a number of R style guides online
that are broadly similar, including one by Google, Hadley Whickham, and Richie Cotton. The
style followed in this book is based on a combination of Hadley Wickham’s guide and our
own preferences (we follow Yihui Xie in preferring = to <- for assignment, for example).
In line with the principle of automation (automate any task that can save time by automating),
the easiest way to improve your code is to ask your computer to do it using RStudio.

Reformatting Code with RStudio
RStudio can automatically clean up poorly indented and formatted code. To do this, select the
lines that need to be formatted (e.g., via Ctrl-A to select the entire script), then automatically
indent it with Ctrl-I. The shortcut Ctrl-Shift-A will reformat the code, adding spaces for
maximum readability. An example is provided here:
# Poorly indented/formatted code

This code chunk works but is not pleasant to read. RStudio automatically indents the code
after the if statement as follows:
# Automatically indented code (Ctrl-I in RStudio)

This is a start, but it’s still not easy to read. This can be fixed in RStudio as illustrated in the
following code chunk (these options can be seen in the Code menu, accessed with Alt-C on
Windows/Linux computers):
# Automatically reformat the code (Ctrl-Shift-A in RStudio)
if(!exists("x")) {
x = c(3, 5)
y = x[2]

Note that some aspects of style are subjective; for example, we would not leave a space after
the if and ).

Filenames should use the .R extension and should be lowercase (e.g., load.R). Avoid spaces.
Use a dash or underscore to separate words.
# Good names
# Bad names
load data.R

Section 1.1 of Writing R Extensions provides more detailed guidance on filenames, such as
avoiding non-English alphabetic characters as they cannot be guaranteed to work across
locales. While the guidelines are strict, the guidance aids in making your scripts more

Loading Packages
Library function calls should be at the top of your script. When loading an essential package,
use library instead of require since a missing package will then raise an error. If a package
isn’t essential, use require and appropriately capture the warning raised. Package names
should be surrounded with quotation marks.
# Good
# Non-standard evaluation

Avoid listing every package you may need; instead just include the packages you actually use.
If you find that you are loading many packages, consider putting all packages in a file called
packages.R and using source appropriately.

Comments can greatly improve the efficiency of collaborative projects by helping everyone
to understand what each line of code is doing. However, comments should be used carefully;
plastering your script with comments does not necessarily make it more efficient, and too
many comments can be inefficient. Updating heavily commented code can be a pain — not
only will you have to change all the R code, you’ll also have to rewrite or delete all the
Ensure that your comments are meaningful. Avoid using verbose English to explain standard
R code. The following comment, for example, adds no useful information because it is
obvious by reading the code that i is being set to 1:
# Setting x equal to 1
x = 1

Instead, comments should provide context. Imagine that x was being used as a counter (in
which case it should probably have a more meaningful name, like counter, but we’ll continue
to use x for illustrative purposes). In that case, the comment could explain your intention for
its future use:
# Initialize counter
x = 1

The previous example illustrates that comments are more useful if they provide context and
explain the programmer ’s intention (McConnell 2004). Each comment line should begin with
a single hash (#), followed by a space. Comments can be toggled (turned on and off) in this
way with Ctrl-Shift-C in RStudio. The double hash (##) can be reserved for R output. If you
follow your comment with four dashes (# ----) RStudio will enable code folding until the
next instance of this.

Object Names
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, “it means just what I
choose it to mean — neither more nor less.”
Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass, Chapter 6
It is important for objects and functions to be named consistently and sensibly. To take a silly
example, imagine if all objects in your projects were called x, xx, xxx, etc. The code would
run fine. However, it would be hard for other people, and a future you, to figure out what was
going on, especially when you got to the object xxxxxxxxxx!
For this reason, giving a clear and consistent name to your objects, especially if they are
going to be used many times in your script, can boost project efficiency (if an object is only
used once, its name is less important, a case where x could be acceptable). Following
discussion in “The State of Naming Conventions in R” by Rasmus Baath and elsewhere, we
suggest an underscore_separated style for function and object names.1 Unless you are
creating an S3 object, avoid using a . in the name (this will help avoid confusing Python
programmers!). Names should be concise yet meaningful.
In functions, the required arguments should always be first, followed by optional arguments.
The special ... argument should come last. If your argument has a boolean value, use
TRUE/FALSE instead of T/F for clarity.

It’s tempting to use T/F as shortcuts. But it is easy to accidentally redefine these variables (e.g., F
an error if you try to redefine TRUE/FALSE.

= 10). R


While it’s possible to write arguments that depend on other arguments, try to avoid using this
idiom as it makes understanding the default behavior harder to understand. Typically, it’s
easier to set an argument to have a default value of NULL and check its value using is.null()
than by using missing(). Where possible, avoid using names of existing functions.

Example Package
The lubridate package is a good example of a package that has a consistent naming system,
which makes it easy for users to guess its features and behavior. Dates are encoded in a
variety of ways, but the lubridate package has a neat set of functions consisting of the three
letters, year, month, and day. For example:

The two most common ways of assigning objects to values in R is with <- and =. In most (but
not all) contexts, they can be used interchangeably. Regardless of which operator you prefer,
consistency is key, particularly when working in a group. In this book we use the = operator
for assignment, as it’s faster to type and more consistent with other languages.
The one place where a difference occurs is during function calls. Consider the following
piece of code used for timing random number generation:
system.time(expr1 <- rnorm(10e5))
system.time(expr2 = rnorm(10e5)) # error

The first lines will run correctly and create a variable called expr1. The second line will raise
an error. When we use = in a function call, it changes from an assignment operator to an
argument passing operator. For further information about assignment, see ?assignOps.

Consistent spacing is an easy way of making your code more readable. Even a simple
command such as x = x + 1 takes a bit more time to understand when the spacing is
removed (i.e., x=x+1). You should add a space around the operators +, -, \, and *. Include a
space around the assignment operators, <- and =. Additionally, add a space around any
comparison operators such as == and <. The latter rule helps avoid bugs:
# Bug. x now equals 1
# Correct. Selecting values less than -1
x[x < -1]

The exceptions to the space rule are :, ::, and :::, as well as $ and @ symbols for selecting
subparts of objects. As with English, add a space after a comma:
z[z$colA > 1990, ]

Use two spaces to indent code. Never mix tabs and spaces. RStudio can automatically convert
the tab character to spaces (see Tools -> Global options -> Code).

Curly Braces
Consider the following code:
# Bad style, fails
if(x < 5)
else {

Typing this straight into R will result in an error. An opening curly brace, {, should not go on
its own line and should always be followed by a line break. A closing curly brace should
always go on its own line (unless it’s followed by an else, in which case the else should go
on its own line). The code inside curly braces should be indented (and RStudio will enforce
this rule), as shown in the following code chunk:
# Good style
if(x < 5){
} else {

1. Look at the difference between your style and RStudio’s based on a representative R
script that you have written (see “Coding Style”). What are the similarities? What are
the differences? Are you consistent? Write these down and think about how you can
use the results to improve your coding style.

Version Control
When a project gets large, complicated, or mission critical, it is important to keep track of
how it evolves. In the same way that Dropbox saves a backup of your files, version control
systems keep a backup of your code. The only difference is that version control systems back
up your code forever.
The version control system we recommend is Git, a command-line application created by
Linus Torvalds, who also invented Linux.2 The easiest way to integrate your R projects with
Git, if you’re not accustomed to using a shell (e.g., the Unix command line), is with RStudio’s
Git tab in the top right-hand window (see Figure 9-1). This shows that a number of files have
been modified (as illustrated with the blue M symbol) and that some are new (as illustrated
with the yellow ? symbol). Checking the tick-box will enable these files to be committed.

Commits are the basic units of version control. Keep your commits atomic: each one should
only do one thing. Document your work with clear and concise commit messages, and use the
present tense (e.g., add analysis functions).
Committing code only updates the files on your local branch. To update the files stored on a
remote server (e.g., on GitHub), you mush push the commit. This can be done using git push
from a shell or using the green up arrow in RStudio, as illustrated in Figure 9-1. The blue
down arrow will pull the latest version of the repository from the remote.3

Figure 9-1. The Git tab in RStudio

Git Integration in RStudio
How do you enable this functionality on your installation of RStudio? RStudio can be a GUI
Git only if Git has been installed and RStudio can find it. You need a working installation of
Git (e.g., installed through apt-get install git Ubuntu/Debian or via GitHub Desktop for
Mac and Windows). RStudio can be linked to your Git installation via Tools → Global
Options in the Git/SVN tab. This tab also provides a link to a help page on RStudio/Git.
Once Git has been linked to your RStudio installation, it can be used to track changes in a new
project by selecting Create a git repository when creating a new project. The tab
illustrated in Figure 9-1 will appear, allowing functionality for interacting with Git via
RStudio provides a useful GUI for navigating past commits. This allows you to see the entire
history of your project. To navigate and view the details of past commits, click on the Diff
button in the Git pane, as illustrated in Figure 9-2.

Figure 9-2. The Git history navigation interface

GitHub is an online platform that makes sharing your work and collaborating on code easy.
There are alternatives such as GitLab. The focus here is on GitHub as it’s by far the most
popular among R developers. Also, through the command devtools::install_github(),
preview versions of a package can be installed and updated in an instant. This makes GitHub
packages a great way to access the latest functionality. And GitHub makes it easy to get your
work out there to the world for efficiently collaborating with others, without the restraints
placed on CRAN packages.
To install the GitHub version of the benchmarkme package, for example, you would enter

Note that csgillespie is the GitHub user and benchmarkme is the package name. Replacing
csgillespie with robinlovelace in the previous code would install Robin’s version of the
package. This is useful for fast collaboration with many people, but you must remember that
GitHub packages will not update automatically with the command update.packages (see
“Updating R Packages”).

Although GitHub is fantastic for collaboration, it can end up creating more problems than it solves if your
collaborators are not Git-literate. In one project, Robin eventually abandoned using GitHub after his collaborator
found it impossible to work with. More time was being spent debugging Git/GitHub than actually working. Our
advice therefore is to never impose Git and always ensure that other lines of communication (e.g., phone calls,
emails) are open because different people prefer different ways of communicating.

Branches, Forks, Pulls, and Clones
Git is a large program that takes a long time to learn in-depth. However, getting to grips with
the basics of some of its more advanced functions can make you a more efficient
collaborator. Using and merging branches, for example, allows you to test new features in a
self-contained environment before they are used in production (e.g., when shifting to an
updated version of a package that is not backwards compatible). Instead of bogging you down
with a comprehensive discussion of what is possible, this section cuts to the most important
features for collaboration: branches, forks, pulls, and clones. For a more detailed description
of Git’s powerful functionality, we recommend the Jenny Bryan’s book, Happy Git and
GitHub for the useR.
Branches are distinct versions of your repository. Git allows you jump seamlessly between
different versions of your entire project. To create a new branch called test, you need to enter
the shell and use the Git command line:
git checkout -b test

This is equivalent to entering two commands: git branch test to create the branch and then
git checkout test to checkout that branch. Checkout means switch into that branch. Any
changes will not affect your previous branch. In RStudio, you can jump quickly between
branches using the drop-down menu in the top right of the Git pane. This is illustrated in
Figure 9-1: see the master text followed by a down arrow. Clicking on this will allow you to
select other branches.
Forks are like branches, but they exist on other people’s computers. You can fork a repository
on GitHub easily, as described on the site’s help pages. If you want an exact copy of this
repository (including the commit history), you can clone this fork to your computer using the
command git clone or by using a Git GUI such as GitHub Desktop. This is preferable from
a collaboration perspective than cloning the repository directly, because any changes can be
pushed back online easily if you are working from your own fork. You cannot push to forks
that you have not created, unless someone has granted you access. If you want your work to
be incorporated into the original fork, you can use a pull request. Note: if you don’t need the
project’s entire commit history, you can simply download a zip file containing the latest
version of the repository from GitHub (at the top right of any GitHub repository).
A pull request (PR) is a mechanism on GitHub by which your code can be added to an existing
project. One of the most useful features of a PR from a collaboration perspective is that it
provides an opportunity for others to comment on your code, line by line, before it gets
merged. This is all done online on GitHub, as discussed in GitHub’s online help. Following
feedback, you may want to refactor code written by you or others.

Code Review
What is a code review?4 Simply put, when we have finished working on a piece of code, a
colleague reviews our work and considers questions such as:
Is the code correct and properly documented?
Could the code be improved?
Does the code conform to existing style guidelines?
Are there any automated tests? If so, are they sufficient?
A good code review shares knowledge and best practices.
A lightweight code review can take a variety of forms. For example, it could be as simple as
emailing around some code for comments, or “over the shoulder,” where someone literally
looks over your shoulder while you code. More formal techniques include paired
programming where two developers work side by side on the same project.
Regardless of the review method being employed, there a number of points to remember.
First, as with all forms of feedback, be constructive. Rather than pointing out flaws, give
suggested improvements. Closely related is giving praise when appropriate. Second, if you
are reviewing a piece of code, set a timeframe or the number of lines of code you will review.
For example, you will spend one hour to review a piece of code, or review a maximum of
400 lines. Third, a code review should be performed before the code is merged into a larger
code base; fix mistakes as soon as possible.
Many R users don’t work on a team or in a group; instead, they work by themselves.
Practically, there isn’t usually anyone nearby to review their code. However, there is still the
option of an unoffical code review. For example, if you have hosted code on an online
repository such as GitHub, users will naturally give feedback on our code (especially if you
make it clear that you welcome feedback). Another good place is Stack Overflow (covered in
detail in Chapter 10). This site allows you to post answers to other users questions. When you
post an answer, if your code is unclear, this will be flagged in comments below your answer.

Bååth, Rasmus. 2012. “The State of Naming Conventions in R.” The R Journal 4 (2): 74–75.
McConnell, Steve. 2004. Code Complete. Pearson Education.
1 One notable exception are packages in Bioconductor, where variable names are camelCase. In this case, you should match
the existing style.
2 We recommend 10 Years of Git: An Interview with Git Creator Linus Torvalds from Linux.com for more information on
this topic.
3 For a more detailed account of this process, see GitHub’s help pages.
4 This section is being written with small teams in mind. Larger teams should consult a more detailed text on code review.

Chapter 10. Efficient Learning
As with any vibrant open source software community, R is fast moving. This can be
disorienting because it means that you can never finish learning R. On the other hand, it makes
R a fascinating subject because there is always more to learn. Even experienced R users keep
finding new functionality that helps solve problems more quickly and elegantly. Therefore,
learning how to learn is one of the most important skills to have if you want to learn R indepth. We emphasize depth of learning because it is more efficient to learn something
properly than to Google it repeatedly every time you forget how it works.
This chapter aims to equip you with concepts, guidance, and tips that will accelerate your
transition from an R hacker to an R programmer. This inevitably involves effective use of R’s
help, reading R source code, and use of online material.

The only package used in this section is swirl:

Top Five Tips for Efficient Learning
1. Use R’s internal help (e.g., with ?, ??, vignette(), and apropos()). Try swirl.
2. Read about the latest developments in established outlets such as the Journal for
Statistical Software, the R Journal, R lists, and the blogosphere.
3. If stuck, ask for help! A clear question posted in an appropriate place, using
reproducible code, should get a quick and enlightening answer.
4. For more in-depth learning, nothing can beat immersive R books and tutorials. Do
some research and decide which resources you should use.
5. One of the best ways to consolidate learning is to write it up and pass on the
knowledge; telling the story of what you’ve learned with also help others.

Using R’s Internal Help
Sometimes the best place to look for help is within R itself. Using R’s help has three main
advantages from an efficiency perspective:
It’s faster to query R from inside your IDE than to switch context and search for help on
a different platform (e.g., the internet, which has countless distractions).
It works offline.
Learning to read R’s documentation (and source code) is a powerful skill in itself that
will improve your R programming.
The main disadvantage of R’s internal help is that it is terse and in some cases sparse. Do not
expect to always be able to find the answer in R, so be prepared to look elsewhere for more
detailed help and context. From a learning perspective, becoming acquainted with R’s
documentation is often better than finding the solution from a different source because it was
written by developers, largely for developers. Therefore, with R documentation you learn
about functions from the horse’s mouth. R help also sometimes sheds light on a function’s
history through references to academic papers.
As you look to learn about a topic or function in R, it is likely that you will have a search
strategy of your own, ranging from broad to narrow:
1. Searching R and installed packages for help on a specific topic.
2. Reading up on packages vignettes.
3. Getting help on a specific function.
4. Looking into the source code.
In many cases, you may already have gone through stages 1 and 2. Often you can stop at stage
3 and simply use the function without worrying about exactly how it works. In every case, it is
useful to be aware of this hierarchical approach to learning from R’s internal help, so you can
start with the big picture (and avoid going down a misguided route early on) and then quickly
focus in on the functions that are most related to your task.
To illustrate this approach in action, imagine that you are interested in a specific topic:
optimization. The remainder of this section will work through stages 1 to 4 outlined
previously as if we wanted to find out more about this topic, with occasional diversions from
it to see how specific help functions work in more detail. The final method of learning from
R’s internal resources covered in this section is swirl, a package for interactive learning.

Searching R for Topics
A wide boundary search for a topic in R will often begin with a search for instances of a
keyword in the documentation and function names. Using the example of optimization, you
could start with a search for a text string related to the topic of interest:
# help.search("optim") # or, more concisely

Note that the ?? symbol is simply a useful shorthand version of the function help.search(). It
is sometimes useful to use the full function rather than the shorthand version, because it
allows you to specify a number of options. To search for all help pages that mention the more
specific term “optimization” in the title or alias of the help pages, for example, the following
command would be used:
help.search(pattern = "optimisation|optimization",
fields = c("title", "concept"))

This will return a short (and potentially more efficiently focused) list of help pages than the
wide-ranging ??optim call. To make the search even more specific, we can use the package
argument to constrain the search to a single package. This can be very useful when you know
that a function exists in a specific package but you cannot remember what it is called:
help.search(pattern = "optimisation|optimization",
fields = c("title", "concept"), package = "stats")

Another function for searching R is apropos(). It prints to the console any R objects
(including hidden functions, those beginning with ., and datasets) whose name matches a
given text string. Because it does not search R’s documentation, it tends to return fewer results
than help.search(). Its use and typical outputs can be seen in the following examples:
#> [1] "constrOptim" "optim"
apropos("lm")[1:6] # show only first six results
#> [1] ".__C__anova.glm"
".__C__anova.glm.null" ".__C__diagonalMatrix"
#> [4] ".__C__generalMatrix" ".__C__glm"

To search all R packages, including those you have not installed locally, for a specific topic,
there are a number of options. For obvious reasons, this requires internet access. The most
rudimentary way to see what packages are available from CRAN, if you are using RStudio, is
to use its autocompletion functionality for package names. To take an example, if you are
looking for a package for geospatial data analysis, you could do worse than enter the text
string geo as an argument into package installation function (e.g., install.packages(geo))
and pressing the Tab key when the cursor is between the o and the ) in the example. The
resulting options are shown in Figure 10-1. Selecting one from the drop-down menu will

result in it being completed with surrounding quotation marks, as necessary.

Figure 10-1. Package name autocompletion in action in RStudio for packages beginning with geo

Finding and Using Vignettes
Some packages contain vignettes. These are pieces of long-form documentation that allow
package authors to go into detail explaining how the package works (Wickham 2015c). In
general, they are high quality. Because they can be used to illustrate real-world use cases,
vignettes can be the best way to understand functions in the context of broader explanations
and longer examples than are provided in function help pages. Although many packages lack
vignettes, they deserve a subsection of their own because they can boost the efficiency with
which package functions are used in an integrated workflow.

If you are frustrated because a certain package lacks a vignette, you can create one. This can be a great way of
learning about and consolidating your knowledge of a package. To create a vignette, first download the source
code of a package and then use devtools::use_vignette(). To add a vignette to the efficient package used in
this book, for example, you could clone the repo (e.g., using the command git clone
git@github.com:csgillespie/efficient). Once you have opened the repo as a project (e.g., in RStudio), you
could create a vignette called “efficient-learning” with the command use_vignette("efficient-learning").

To browse any vignettes associated with a particular package, we can use the handy function
browseVignettes(package = "benchmarkme")

This is roughly equivalent to vignette(package = "benchmarkme") but opens a new page in a
browser and lets you navigate all the vignettes in that particular package. For an overview of
all vignettes available from R packages installed on your computer, try browsing all available
vignettes with browseVignettes(). You may be surprised at how many hidden gems there are
in there!
How best to use vignettes depends on the vignette in question and your aims. In general, you
should expect to spend longer reading vignettes than other types of R documentation. The
Introduction to dplyr vignette (opened with vignette("introduction", package =
"dplyr")), for example, contains almost 4,000 words of prose, example code, and outputs
that illustrate how its functions work. We recommend working through the examples and
typing the example code in order to learn by doing.
Another way to learn from package vignettes is to view their source code. You can find where
vignette source code lives by looking in the vignette/ folder of the package’s source code.
dplyr’s vignettes, for example, can be viewed (and edited) online. A quick way to view a
vignette’s R code is with the edit() function:
v = vignette("introduction", package = "dplyr")


Getting Help on Functions
All functions have help pages. These contain, at a minimum, a list of the input arguments and
the nature of the output that can be expected. Once a function has been identified (e.g., using
one of the methods outlined in “Searching R for Topics”), its help page can be displayed by
prefixing the function name with ?. Continuing with the previous example, the help page
associated with the command optim() (for general-purpose optimization) can be invoked as
# help("optim") # or, more concisely:

In general, help pages describe what functions do, not how they work. This is one of the
reasons that function help pages are thought (by some) to be difficult to understand. In
practice, this means that the help page does not describe the underlying mathematics or
algorithm in detail — its aim is to describe the interface.
A help page is divided into a number of sections. The help for optim() is typical in that it has
a title (general-purpose optimization) followed by short Description, Usage, and Arguments
sections. The Description is usually just a sentence or two explaining what it does. Usage
shows the arguments that the function needs to work. And Arguments describes what kind of
objects the function expects. Longer sections typically include Details and Examples, which
provide some context and provide (usually reproducible) examples of how the function can
be used, respectively. The typically short Value, References, and See Also sections facilitate
efficient learning by explaining what the output means, where you can find academic
literature on the subject, and related functions.
is a mature and heavily used function so it has a long help page; you’ll probably be
glad to know that not all help pages are this long! With so much potentially overwhelming
information in a single help page, the placement of the short, dense sections at the beginning
is efficient because it helps you to understand the fundamentals of a function in few words.
Learning how to read and quickly interpret such help pages will greatly help your ability to
learn R. Take some time to study the help for optim() in detail.

It is worth discussing the contents of the Usage section in particular, because this contains
information that may not be immediately obvious:
optim(par, fn, gr = NULL, ...,
method = c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN", "Brent"),
lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, control = list(), hessian = FALSE)

This contains two pieces of critical information:
1. The essential arguments that must be provided for the function to work (par and fn
in this case, as gr has a default value) before the ... symbol; and

2. optional arguments that control how the function works (method, lower, and hessian
in this case). ... are optional arguments whose values depend on the other arguments
(which will be passed to the function represented by fn in this case). Let’s see how
this works in practice by trying to run optim() to find the minimum value of the
function y = x4 - x2:
fn = function(x) {
x^4 - x^2
optim(par = 0, fn = fn)
#> Warning in optim(par = 0, fn = fn): one-dimensional optimization
#> by Nelder-Mead is unreliable: use "Brent" or optimize() directly
#> $par
#> [1] 0.707
#> $value
#> [1] -0.25
#> $counts
#> function gradient
#> $convergence
#> [1] 0
#> $message

The results show that the minimum value of fn(x) is found when x = 0.707.. (1 / √2), with a
minimum value of -0.25. It took 58 iterations of the function call for optim() to converge on
this value. Each of these output values is described in the Values section of the help pages.
From the help pages, we could guess that providing the function call without specifying par
(i.e., optim(fn = fn)) would fail, which indeed it does.
The most helpful section is often the Examples. These lie at the bottom of the help page and
show precisely how the function works. You can either copy and paste the code, or actually
run the example code using the example command (it is well worth running these examples
due to the graphics produced):

When a package is added to CRAN, the example part of the documentation is run on all major platforms. This
helps ensure that a package works on multiple systems.

Another useful section in the help file is See Also:. In the optim() help page, it links to
optimize(), which may be more appropriate for this use case.

Reading R Source Code
R is open source. This means that we view the underlying source code and examine any
function. Of course the code is complex, and diving straight into the source code won’t help
that much. However, watching the GitHub R source code mirror will allow you to monitor
small changes that occur. This gives a nice entry point into a complex code base. Likewise,
examining the source of small functions such as NCOL is informative (e.g.,

Subscribing to the R NEWS blog is an easy way of keeping track of future changes.

Many R packages are developed in the open on GitHub or r-forge. Select a few well-known
packages and examine their sources. A good package to start with is drat. This is a relatively
simple package developed by Dirk Eddelbuettel (author of Rcpp) that only contains a few
functions. It gives you an excellent pointer into software development by one of the key R
package writers.
A shortcut for browsing R’s source code is provided by the RStudio IDE: clicking on a
function and then pressing the F2 key will open its source code in the file editor. This works
both for functions that exist in R and its packages and functions that you created in another R
script (so long as it is within your project directory). Although reading source code can be
interesting in itself, it is probably best done in the context of a specific question, such as “how
can I use a function name as an argument in my own function?” (looking at the source code of
apply() may help here).

swirl is an interactive teaching platform for R. It offers a number of extensions and, for the
pioneering, the ability for others to create custom extensions. The learning curve and method
will not work for everyone, but this package is worth flagging as a potent self-teaching
resource. In some ways, swirl can be seen as the ultimate internal R help as it allows dedicated
learning sessions, based on multiple choice questions, all within a usual R session. To enter
the swirl world, just enter the following. The resultant instructions will explain the rest:

Online Resources
The R community has a strong online presence, providing many resources for learning. Over
time, there has fortunately been a tendency for R resources to become more user friendly and
up-to-date. Many resources that have been on CRAN for many years are dated by now so it’s
more efficient to navigate directly to the most up-to-date and efficient-to-use resources.
Cheat sheets are short documents summarizing how to do certain things. RStudio, for
example, provides excellent cheat sheets on dplyr, rmarkdown, and the RStudio IDE itself.
The R-project website contains six detailed official manuals, plus a giant PDF file containing
documentation for all recommended packages. These include An Introduction to R, The R
Language Definition, and R Installation and Administration, all of which are recommended
for people wanting to learn general R skills. If you are developing a package and want to
submit it to CRAN, the Writing R Extensions manual is recommended reading, although it has
to some extent been superseded by R Packages by Hadley Wickham (O’Reilly), the source
code of which is available online. While these manuals are long, they contain important
information written by experienced R programmers.
For more domain-specific and up-to-date information on developments in R, we recommend
checking out academic journals. The R Journal regularly publishes articles describing new R
packages, as well as general programming hints. Similarly, the articles in the Journal of
Statistical Software have a strong R bias. Publications in these journals are generally of very
high quality and have been rigorously peer reviewed. However, they may be rather technical
for R novices.
The wider community provides a much larger body of information, of more variable quality,
than the official R resources. The Contributed Documentation page on R’s home page
contains dozens of tutorials and other resources on a wide range of topics. Some of these are
excellent, although many are not kept up-to-date. An excellent resource for browsing R help
pages online is provided by rdocumentation.org.
Lower grade but more frequently released information can be found on the blogosphere.
Central to this is R-bloggers, a blog aggregator of content contributed by bloggers who write
about R (in English). It is a great way to get exposed to new and different packages. Similarly,
monitoring the #rstats Twitter tag keeps you up-to-date with the latest news.
There are also mailing lists, Google groups, and the Stack Exchange Q&A sites. Before
requesting help, read a few other questions to learn the format of the site. Make sure you
search previous questions so you are not duplicating work. Perhaps the most important point
is to remember that people aren’t under any obligation to answer your question. One of the
fantastic things about the open source community is that you can ask questions and one of
core developers may answer your question for free — but remember, everyone is busy!

Stack Overflow
The number one place on the internet for getting help on programming is Stack Overflow.
This website provides a platform for asking and answering questions. Through site
membership, questions and answers are voted up or down. Users of Stack Overflow earn
reputation points when their question or answer is up-voted. Anyone (with enough reputation)
can edit a question or answer. This helps the content remain relevant.
Questions are tagged. The R questions can be found under the R tag. The R page contains
links to official documentation, free resources, and various other links. Members of the Stack
Overflow R community have tagged, using r-faq, a few question that often crop up.

Mailing Lists and Groups
There are many mailing lists and Google groups focused on R and particular packages. The
main list for getting help is R-help. This is a high-volume mailing list, with around a dozen
messages per day. A more technical mailing list is R-devel. This list is intended for questions
and discussion about code development in R. The discussion on this list is very technical. It’s a
good place to be introduced to new ideas, but it’s not the place to ask about these ideas! There
are many other special-interest mailing lists covering topics such as high-performance
computing to ecology. Many popular packages also have their own mailing list or Google
group (e.g., ggplot2 and shiny). The key piece of advice is before mailing a list, read the
relevant mailing archive and check that your message is appropriate.

Asking a Question
A great way to get specific help on a difficult topic is to ask for help. However, asking a good
question is not easy. Three common mistakes, and ways to avoid them, are outlined here:
1. Asking a question that has already been asked; make sure that you’ve properly
searched for the answer before posting.
2. The answer to the question can be found in R’s help: make sure that you’ve properly
read the relevant help pages before asking.
3. The question does not contain a reproducible example; create a simple version of
your data, show the code you’ve tried, and display the result you are hoping for.
Your question should contain just enough information that your problem is clear and can be
reproducible, while at the same time avoids unnecessary details. Fortunately there is a Stack
Overflow question — How to make a great R reproducible example? — that provides
excellent guidance. Additional guides that explain how to create good programming questions
are provided by Stack Overflow and the R mailing list posting guide.

Minimal Dataset
What is the smallest dataset you can construct that will reproduce your issue? Your actual
dataset may contain 105 rows and 104 columns, but to get your idea across you might only
need four rows and three columns. Making small example datasets is easy. For example, to
create a data frame with two numeric columns and a column of characters, use the following:
example_df = data.frame(x = rnorm(4), y = rnorm(4), z = sample(LETTERS, 4))

Note that the call to set.seed ensures that anyone who runs the code will get the same random
number stream. Alternatively, you can use one of the many datasets that come with R library(help = "datasets").
If creating an example dataset isn’t possible, then use dput on your actual dataset. This will
create an ASCII text representation of the object that will enable anyone to recreate the object:
#> structure(list(
#> x = c(-0.626453810742332, 0.183643324222082, -0.835628612410047,
#> 1.59528080213779),
#> y = c(0.329507771815361, -0.820468384118015, 0.487429052428485,
#> 0.738324705129217),
#> z = structure(c(3L, 4L, 1L, 2L), .Label = c("J", "R", "S", "Y"),
#> class = "factor")),
#> .Names = c("x", "y", "z"), row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = "data.frame")

Minimal Example
What you should not do is simply copy and paste your entire function into your question. It’s
unlikely that your entire function doesn’t work, so just simplify it to the bare minimum. The
aim is to target your actual issue. Avoid copying and pasting large blocks of code; remove
superfluous lines that are not part of the problem. Before asking your question, can you run
your code in a clean R environment and reproduce your error?

Learning In Depth
In the age of the internet and social media, many people feel lucky if they have time to go for
a walk, let alone sit down to read a book. But it is undeniable that learning R in depth is a
time-consuming activity. Reading a book or a large tutorial (and completing the practical
examples contained within) may not be the most efficient way to solve a particular problem in
the short term, but it can be one of the best ways to learn R programming properly, especially
in the long run.
In-depth learning differs from shallow, incremental learning because rather than discovering
how a specific function works, you find out how systems of functions work together. To take
a metaphor from civil engineering, in-depth learning is about building strong foundations on
which a wide range of buildings can be constructed. In-depth learning can be highly efficient
in the long run because it will pay back over many years, regardless of the domain-specific
problem you want to use R to tackle. Shallow learning, to continue the metaphor, is more like
erecting many temporary structures: they can solve a specific problem in the short term, but
they will not be durable. Flimsy dwellings can be swept away. Shallow memories can be
Having established that time spent deep learning can, counterintuitively, be efficient, it is
worth thinking about how to deep learn. This varies from person to person. It does not
involve passively absorbing sacred information transmitted year after year by the R gods. It is
an active, participatory process. To ensure that memories are rapidly actionable you must
learn by doing. Learning from a cohesive, systematic, and relatively comprehensive resource
will help you to see the many interconnections between the different elements of R
programming and how they can be combined for efficient work.
There are a number of such resources, including this book. Although the understandable
tendency will be to use it incrementally, dipping in and out of different sections when different
problems arise, we also recommend reading it systematically to see how the different
elements of efficiency fit together. It is likely that as you work progressively through this
book, in parallel with solving real-world problems, you will realize that the solution is not to
have the right resource at hand but to be able to use the tools provided by R efficiently. Once
you hit this level of proficiency, you should have the confidence to address most problems
encountered from first principles. Over time, your first port of call should move away from
Google and even R’s internal help to simply giving it a try. Informed trial and error, and
intelligent experimentation, can be the best approach to both learning and solving problems
quickly, once you are equipped with the tools to do so. That’s why this is the last section in the
If you have already worked through all the examples in this book, or if you want to learn
areas not covered in it, there are many excellent resources for extending and deepening your
knowledge of R programming for fast and effective work, and to do new things with it.
Because R is a large and ever-evolving language, there is no definitive list of resources for

taking your R skills to new heights. However, the following list, in rough ascending order of
difficulty and depth, should provide plenty of material and motivation for in-depth learning of
1. Free webinars and online courses provided by RStudio and DataCamp. Both
organizations are well regarded and keep their content up-to-date, but there are likely
other sources of other online courses. We recommend that you test pushing your
abilities, rather than going over the same material covered in this book.
2. R for Data Science (Grolemund and Wickham 2016), a free book introducing many
concepts and tidy packages for working with data (a free online version is available
from r4ds.had.co.nz).
3. R Programming for Data Science (Peng 2014), which provides in-depth coverage of
analysis and visualization of datasets.
4. Advanced R Programming (Wickham 2014a), an advanced book that looks at the
internals of how R works (free from adv-r.had.co.nz).

Spread the Knowledge
The final thing to say on the topic of efficient learning relates to the old (~2000 years old!)
saying docendo discimus:
by teaching we learn
This means that passing on information is one of the best ways to consolidate your learning. It
was largely by helping others learn R that we became proficient R users.
Demand for R skills is growing, so there are many opportunities to teach R. Whether it’s
helping your colleague use apply() or writing a blog post on solving certain problems in R,
teaching others R can be a rewarding experience. Furthermore, spreading the knowledge can
be efficient: it will improve your own understanding of the language and benefit the entire
community, providing positive feedback to the movement toward open source software in
data-driven computing.
Assuming you have completed this book, the only remaining thing to say is “Well done! You
are now an efficient R programmer.” We hope you direct your newly found skills toward the
greater good and pass on the wisdom to others along the way.

Wickham, Hadley. 2015c. R Packages. O’Reilly Media.
Grolemund, G., and H. Wickham. 2016. R for Data Science. O’Reilly Media.
Peng, Roger. 2014. R Programming for Data Science. Leanpub.
Wickham, Hadley. 2014a. Advanced R. CRC Press.

Appendix A. Package Dependencies
The book uses datasets stored in the efficient GitHub package, which can be installed (after
devtools has been installed) as follows:
args = "--with-keep.source")

The book depends on the following CRAN packages:


assertive.reflection Assertions for Checking the State of R (Cotton 2016a)



Crowd Sourced System Benchmarks (Gillespie 2016)



Authoring Books with R Markdown (Xie 2016a)


cranlog s

Download Logs from the RStudio CRAN Mirror (Csardi 2015)



Extension of Data.frame (Dowle et al. 2015)



Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier (H. Wickham and Chang 2016a)


Diag rammeR

Create Graph Diagrams and Flowcharts Using R (Sveidqvist et al. 2016)



A Grammar of Data Manipulation (Wickham and Francois 2016)



Drat R Archive Template (Carl Boettiger et al. 2016)



Becoming an Efficient R Programmer (Gillespie and Lovelace 2016)



R Bindings to the Feather API (H. Wickham 2016a)



Format R Code Automatically (Xie 2016b)



R Fortunes (Zeileis and R community 2016)


g eosphere

Spherical Trigonometry (Hijmans 2016)


g g map

Spatial Visualization with ggplot2 (Kahle and Wickham 2016)


g g plot2

An Implementation of the Grammar of Graphics (H. Wickham and Chang 2016b) 2.1.0

g g plot2movies

Movies Data (H. Wickham 2015a)



A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R (Xie 2016c)



Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier (Grolemund, Spinu, and Wickham 2016) 1.5.6


Accurate Timing Functions (Mersmann 2015)


Interactive Visualizations for Profiling R Code (Chang and Luraschi 2016)



Tools for Computing on the Language (H. Wickham 2015b)



Seamless R and C++ Integration (Eddelbuettel et al. 2016)



Read Tabular Data (Wickham, Hester, and Francois 2016)



A Swiss-Army Knife for Data I/O (Chan and Leeper 2016)



SQLite Interface for R (Wickham, James, and Falcon 2014)



Simple Data Frames (Wickham, Francois, and Müller 2016)



Easily Tidy Data with spread() and



Functions (H. Wickham 2016b)

Appendix B. References
Bååth, Rasmus. 2012. “The State of Naming Conventions in R.” The R Journal 4 (2): 74–75.
Berkun, Scott. 2005. The Art of Project Management. O’Reilly Media.
Braun, John, and Duncan J Murdoch. 2007. A First Course in Statistical Programming with R.
Vol. 25. Cambridge University Press Cambridge.
Burns, Patrick. 2011. The R Inferno. Lulu.com.
Carl Boettiger, Dirk Eddelbuettel with contributions by, Sebastian Gibb, Colin Gillespie, Jan
Górecki, Matt Jones, Thomas Leeper, Steven Pav, and Jan Schulz. 2016. Drat: Drat R Archive
Template. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=drat.
Chan, Chung-hong, and Thomas J. Leeper. 2016. Rio: A Swiss-Army Knife for Data I/O.
Chang, Winston. 2012. R Graphics Cookbook. O’Reilly Media.
Chang, Winston, and Javier Luraschi. 2016. Profvis: Interactive Visualizations for Profiling R
Code. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=profvis.
Codd, E. F. 1979. “Extending the database relational model to capture more meaning.” ACM
Transactions on Database Systems 4 (4): 397–434. doi:10.1145/320107.320109.
Cotton, Richard. 2013. Learning R. O’Reilly Media.
— — — . 2016a. Assertive.reflection: Assertions for Checking the State of R. https://CRAN.Rproject.org/package=assertive.reflection.
— — — . 2016b. Testing R Code.
Csardi, Gabor. 2015. Cranlogs: Download Logs from the ’RStudio’ ’CRAN’ Mirror.
Dowle, M, A Srinivasan, T Short, S Lianoglou with contributions from R Saporta, and E
Antonyan. 2015. Data.table: Extension of Data.frame. https://CRAN.Rproject.org/package=data.table.
Eddelbuettel, Dirk. 2013. Seamless R and C++ Integration with Rcpp. Springer.
Eddelbuettel, Dirk, and Romain François. 2011. “Rcpp: Seamless R and C++ Integration.”
Journal of Statistical Software 40 (8): 1–18.
Eddelbuettel, Dirk, Romain Francois, JJ Allaire, Kevin Ushey, Qiang Kou, Douglas Bates, and
John Chambers. 2016. Rcpp: Seamless R and C++ Integration. https://CRAN.Rproject.org/package=Rcpp.

Eddelbuettel, Dirk, Romain François, J. Allaire, John Chambers, Douglas Bates, and Kevin
Ushey. 2011. “Rcpp: Seamless R and C++ Integration.” Journal of Statistical Software 40 (8):
Eddelbuettel, Dirk, Murray Stokely, and Jeroen Ooms. 2016. “RProtoBuf: Efficient CrossLanguage Data Serialization in R.” Journal of Statistical Software 71 (1): 1–24.
Gillespie, Colin. 2016. Benchmarkme: Crowd Sourced System Benchmarks. https://CRAN.Rproject.org/package=benchmarkme.
Gillespie, Colin, and Robin Lovelace. 2016. Efficient: Becoming an Efficient R Programmer.
Goldberg, David. 1991. “What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point
Arithmetic.” ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 23 (1). ACM: 5–48.
Grant, Christine A, Louise M Wallace, and Peter C Spurgeon. 2013. “An Exploration of the
Psychological Factors Affecting Remote E-Worker ’s Job Effectiveness, Well-Being and
Work-Life Balance.” Employee Relations 35 (5). Emerald Group Publishing Limited: 527–46.
Grolemund, G., and H. Wickham. 2016. R for Data Science. O’Reilly Media.
Grolemund, Garrett, Vitalie Spinu, and Hadley Wickham. 2016. Lubridate: Make Dealing with
Dates a Little Easier. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=lubridate.
Hijmans, Robert J. 2016. Geosphere: Spherical Trigonometry. https://CRAN.Rproject.org/package=geosphere.
Janert, Philipp K. 2010. Data Analysis with Open Source Tools. “O’Reilly Media”.
Jensen, Jørgen Dejgård. 2011. “Can Worksite Nutritional Interventions Improve Productivity
and Firm Profitability? A Literature Review.” Perspectives in Public Health 131 (4). SAGE
Publications: 184–92.
Kahle, David, and Hadley Wickham. 2016. Ggmap: Spatial Visualization with Ggplot2.
Kersten, Martin L, Stratos Idreos, Stefan Manegold, Erietta Liarou, and others. 2011. “The
Researcher ’s Guide to the Data Deluge: Querying a Scientific Database in Just a Few
Seconds.” PVLDB Challenges and Visions 3.
Kruchten, Philippe, Robert L Nord, and Ipek Ozkaya. 2012. “Technical Debt: From Metaphor
to Theory and Practice.” IEEE Software, no. 6. IEEE: 18–21.
Lovelace, Ada Countess. 1842. “Translators notes to an article on Babbages Analytical
Engine.” Scientific Memoirs 3. 691-731.
Lovelace, Robin, and Morgane Dumont. 2016. Spatial Microsimulation with R. CRC Press.
McCallum, Ethan, and Stephen Weston. 2011. Parallel R. O’Reilly Media.

McConnell, Steve. 2004. Code Complete. Pearson Education.
Mersmann, Olaf. 2015. Microbenchmark: Accurate Timing Functions. https://CRAN.Rproject.org/package=microbenchmark.
Peng, Roger. 2014. R Programming for Data Science. Leanpub.
Pereira, Michelle Jessica, Brooke Kaye Coombes, Tracy Anne Comans, and Venerina
Johnston. 2015. “The Impact of Onsite Workplace Health-Enhancing Physical Activity
Interventions on Worker Productivity: A Systematic Review.” Occupational and
Environmental Medicine 72 (6). BMJ Publishing Group Ltd: 401–12.
PMBoK, A. 2000. “Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge.” Project
Management Institute, Pennsylvania USA.
R Core Team. 2016. “R Installation and Administration.” R Foundation for Statistical
Computing. https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-admin.html.
Sanchez, Gaston. 2013. “Handling and Processing Strings in R.” Trowchez Editions.
Sekhon, Jasjeet S. 2006. “The Art of Benchmarking: Evaluating the Performance of R on
Linux and OS X.” The Political Methodologist 14 (1): 15–19.
Spector, Phil. 2008. Data Manipulation with R. Springer Science & Business Media.
Sveidqvist, Knut, Mike Bostock, Chris Pettitt, Mike Daines, Andrei Kashcha, and Richard
Iannone. 2016. DiagrammeR: Create Graph Diagrams and Flowcharts Using R.
Visser, Marco D., Sean M. McMahon, Cory Merow, Philip M. Dixon, Sydne Record, and Eelke
Jongejans. 2015. “Speeding Up Ecological and Evolutionary Computations in R; Essentials of
High Performance Computing for Biologists.” Edited by Francis Ouellette. PLOS
Computational Biology 11 (3): e1004140. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004140.
Wickham, Hadley. 2010. “Stringr: Modern, Consistent String Processing.” The R Journal 2
(2): 38–40.
— — — . 2014a. Advanced R. CRC Press.
— — — . 2014b. “Tidy Data.” The Journal of Statistical Software 14 (5).
— — — . 2015a. Ggplot2movies: Movies Data. https://CRAN.Rproject.org/package=ggplot2movies.
— — — . 2015b. Pryr: Tools for Computing on the Language. https://CRAN.Rproject.org/package=pryr.
— — — . 2015c. R Packages. O’Reilly Media.
— — — . 2016a. Feather: R Bindings to the Feather ’API’. https://CRAN.R-

— — — . 2016b. Tidyr: Easily Tidy Data with spread() and gather() Functions.
Wickham, Hadley, and Winston Chang. 2016a. Devtools: Tools to Make Developing R
Packages Easier. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=devtools.
— — — . 2016b. Ggplot2: An Implementation of the Grammar of Graphics. https://CRAN.Rproject.org/package=ggplot2.
Wickham, Hadley, and Romain Francois. 2016. Dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation.
Wickham, Hadley, Romain Francois, and Kirill Müller. 2016. Tibble: Simple Data Frames.
Wickham, Hadley, Jim Hester, and Romain Francois. 2016. Readr: Read Tabular Data.
Wickham, Hadley, David A. James, and Seth Falcon. 2014. RSQLite: SQLite Interface for R.
Xie, Yihui. 2015. Dynamic Documents with R and Knitr. Vol. 29. CRC Press.
— — — . 2016a. Bookdown: Authoring Books with R Markdown. https://CRAN.Rproject.org/package=bookdown.
— — — . 2016b. FormatR: Format R Code Automatically. https://CRAN.Rproject.org/package=formatR.
— — — . 2016c. Knitr: A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R.
Zeileis, Achim, and the R community. 2016. Fortunes: R Fortunes. https://CRAN.Rproject.org/package=fortunes.

&, && (AND operator), Logical AND and OR
.csv files, Plain-Text Formats
.Rdata, Native Binary Formats: Rdata or Rds?
.Rds, Native Binary Formats: Rdata or Rds?
.Renviron file, An Overview of R’s Startup Files, The .Renviron File-Example .Renviron
location of, The Location of Startup Files
storing passwords in, Working with Databases
.Rprofile, An Overview of R’s Startup Files, The .Rprofile File-Creating hidden
environments with .Rprofile, The fortunes package
hidden environments with, Creating hidden environments with .Rprofile
location of, The Location of Startup Files
setting CRAN mirror, Setting the CRAN mirror
setting options, Setting options
useful functions, Useful functions
? prefix, Getting Help on Functions
?? symbol, Searching R for Topics
|, || (OR operator), Logical AND and OR
aggregation (see data aggregation)

algorithmic efficiency, What Is Efficiency?
AND (&, &&) operator, Logical AND and OR
anyNA() function, is.na() and anyNA()
apply function family, The Apply Family-Other resources
movies dataset example, Example: Movies Dataset
parallel versions of, Parallel Versions of Apply Functions
resources for, Other resources
type consistency and, Type Consistency
apply() function, The Apply Family-Other resources, Row and Column Operations
apropos(), Searching R for Topics
argument passing, assignment vs., Assignment
ASCII character set, Background: What Is a Byte?
assertive.reflection package, Operating System
autocompletion, Autocompletion-Autocompletion
base R
converting factors to numerics, Converting Factors to Numerics
determining which indices are TRUE, Which Indices are TRUE?
if() vs. ifelse() functions, The if() Versus ifelse() Functions
integer data type, The integer data type
is.na() and anyNA(), is.na() and anyNA()
logical AND and OR, Logical AND and OR

matrices, Matrices-Sparse matrices
pattern matching with, Regular Expressions
reversing elements, Reversing Elements
row and column operations, Row and Column Operations
sorting and ordering, Sorting and Ordering
Basic Linear Algebra System (see BLAS)
binary file formats, Benchmarking Binary File Formats-Protocol Buffers
BLAS resources, Useful BLAS/Benchmarking Resources
for efficient programming, Benchmarking and Profiling-Benchmarking Example
benchmarkme package, Random Access Memory, Central Processing Unit
binary file formats
benchmarking, Benchmarking Binary File Formats-Protocol Buffers
feather, The Feather File Format
for IO, Binary File Formats-Protocol Buffers
Protocol Buffers for, Protocol Buffers
Rds vs. Rdata, Native Binary Formats: Rdata or Rds?
BLAS framework, BLAS and Alternative R Interpreters-Useful BLAS/Benchmarking
benchmarking resources, Useful BLAS/Benchmarking Resources
testing performance gains from, Testing Performance Gains from BLAS
braces, curly ({}), Curly Braces

branches, Branches, Forks, Pulls, and Clones
broom package, Other tidyr Functions
byte, Background: What Is a Byte?
cppFunction() command, The cppFunction() Command
data types, C++ Data Types
R functions vs., A Simple C++ Function
Rcpp and, A Simple C++ Function
Rcpp sugar and, C++ with Sugar on Top
sourceCpp() function, The sourceCpp() Function
function closures, Function Closures
variables, Caching Variables-Exercises
cat() function, Informative Output: message() and cat()
categorical variables, Factors
central processing unit (CPU), Central Processing Unit
chaining, Chaining Operations
cheat sheets, Online Resources
chunking, Chunking Your Work
class, of columns, Changing Column Classes
clones, Branches, Forks, Pulls, and Clones

closures, Function Closures
cloud computing, Cloud Computing
code profiling, Code Profiling-Example: Monopoly Simulation
efficiency and, Benchmarking and Profiling, Profiling-Exercises
profvis, Getting Started with profvis-Example: Monopoly Simulation
code review, Code Review
coding style
assigning objects to values, Assignment
commenting, Commenting
curly braces, Curly Braces
filenames, Filenames
for efficient collaboration, Coding Style-Exercise
importance of consistency, Consistent Style and Code Conventions
indentation, Indentation
loading packages, Loading Packages
lubridate package example, Example Package
object names, Object Names
reformatting code with RStudio, Reformatting Code with RStudio
spacing, Spacing
collaboration, Efficient Collaboration-Code Review
code review, Code Review
tips for, Top Five Tips for Efficient Collaboration

version control, Version Control-Branches, Forks, Pulls, and Clones
apply() function and, Row and Column Operations
changing class, Changing Column Classes
renaming, Renaming Columns
comments/commenting, Commenting
commits, Commits
compiler package, The Byte Compiler-Compiling Code, Example: The Mean Function
compiling code, Compiling Code
Comprehensive R Archive Network (see CRAN entries)
CPU (central processing unit), Central Processing Unit
CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network), Who This Book Is for and How to Use It
CRAN mirror, Setting the CRAN mirror
csv files, Plain-Text Formats
curly braces, Curly Braces
data aggregation, Data Aggregation-Data Aggregation
data carpentry, Efficient Data Carpentry-Data Processing with data.table
combining datasets, Combining Datasets-Combining Datasets
data frames with tibble, Efficient Data Frames with tibble
data processing with data.table, Data Processing with data.table-Data Processing with
databases and, Working with Databases-Databases and dplyr

dplyr for data processing, Efficient Data Processing with dplyr-Chaining Operations
tidyr for, Tidying Data with tidyr and Regular Expressions-Regular Expressions
tips for, Top Five Tips for Efficient Data Carpentry
data frames, Efficient Data Frames with tibble
data input/output (see input/output (IO))
data processing, Efficient Data Processing with dplyr
(see also data carpentry)
data aggregation, Data Aggregation-Data Aggregation
data.table for, Data Processing with data.table-Data Processing with data.table
dplyr, Efficient Data Processing with dplyr-Chaining Operations
nonstandard evaluation, Nonstandard Evaluation
data tidying, Tidying Data with tidyr and Regular Expressions-Other tidyr Functions
gather(), Make Wide Tables Long with gather()
regular expressions and, Regular Expressions
splitting joint variables with separate(), Split Joint Variables with separate()
tidyr for, Tidying Data with tidyr and Regular Expressions-Regular Expressions
data.table package, Data Processing with data.table-Data Processing with data.table
data carpentry and, Working with Databases-Databases and dplyr
dplyr and, Databases and dplyr
combining, Combining Datasets-Combining Datasets

for illustrating questions, Minimal Dataset
DBI, Working with Databases
deep learning, Learning In Depth
dependencies, R packages with, Installing R Packages with Dependencies
documentation, R Markdown for, Dynamic Documents with R Markdown
double-precision floating-point format, The integer data type
chaining operations with, Chaining Operations
changing column classes, Changing Column Classes
data aggregation, Data Aggregation-Data Aggregation
data processing with, Efficient Data Processing with dplyr-Chaining Operations
database access via, Databases and dplyr
filtering rows, Filtering Rows
nonstandard evaluation, Nonstandard Evaluation
renaming columns, Renaming Columns
verb functions, Efficient Data Processing with dplyr
drat package, Reading R Source Code
dual in-line memory modules (DIMMs), Random Access Memory
dynamic documentation, Dynamic Documents with R Markdown
EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), Amazon EC2

about, What Is Efficient R Programming?-What Is Efficient R Programming?
benchmarking, Benchmarking and Profiling-Benchmarking Example
consistent code style/conventions, Consistent Style and Code Conventions
cross-transferable skills for, Cross-Transferable Skills for Efficiency-Consistent Style
and Code Conventions
defined, What Is Efficiency?
importance of, Why Efficiency?
in R programming, What Is Efficient R Programming?-What Is Efficient R
of programmer, Touch Typing
profiling, Benchmarking and Profiling, Profiling-Exercises
touch typing, Touch Typing
ways in which R encourages/guides, What Is Efficient R Programming?
efficient package, Example: Monopoly Simulation, Finding and Using Vignettes
Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Amazon EC2
factors, Factors
converting to numerics, Converting Factors to Numerics
for fixed set of categories, Fixed Set of Categories
inherent order, Inherent Order
fatal errors, Fatal Errors: stop()
feather (file format), The Feather File Format
file paths, The Location of Startup Files

file.path() function, The Location of Startup Files
filenames, consistent style for, Filenames
filter() function, Filtering Rows
forks, Branches, Forks, Pulls, and Clones
fread() function
read_csv() vs., Differences Between fread() and read_csv()-Differences Between fread()
and read_csv()
speed of, Plain-Text Formats
function calls
assignment operator vs. argument passing operator, Assignment
library, Loading Packages
minimizing, General Advice
function closures, Function Closures
functions, help pages for, Getting Help on Functions-Getting Help on Functions
fuzzy matching, Combining Datasets
gather() function, Make Wide Tables Long with gather()
Gentleman, Robert, What Is Efficient R Programming?
about, Version Control
branches, Branches, Forks, Pulls, and Clones
clones, Branches, Forks, Pulls, and Clones
forks, Branches, Forks, Pulls, and Clones

pull requests, Branches, Forks, Pulls, and Clones
RStudio and, Git Integration in RStudio
GitHub, GitHub
graphics, factors for ordering in, Inherent Order
hard disc drive (HDD), Hard Drives: HDD Versus SSD
hardware, Efficient Hardware-Amazon EC2
bits and bytes, Background: What Is a Byte?
cloud computing, Cloud Computing
CPU, Central Processing Unit
hard drives, Hard Drives: HDD Versus SSD
operating systems, Operating Systems: 32-Bit or 64-Bit
RAM, Random Access Memory-Random Access Memory
tips for, Top Five Tips for Efficient Hardware
HDD (hard disc drive), Hard Drives: HDD Versus SSD
help, R
functions, Getting Help on Functions-Getting Help on Functions
Rs internal help, Using R’s Internal Help-swirl
searching for topics in, Searching R for Topics
source code, Reading R Source Code
swirl, swirl
vignettes, Finding and Using Vignettes

help.start() function, Who This Book Is for and How to Use It
helper functions, Useful functions
hidden environments, Creating hidden environments with .Rprofile
IDE (integrated development environment) (see RStudio)
if() function, ifelse() function vs., The if() Versus ifelse() Functions
Ihaka, Ross, What Is Efficient R Programming?, Random Access Memory
indentation, Indentation
indices, determining which are TRUE, Which Indices are TRUE?
input/output (IO), Efficient Input/Output-Accessing Data Stored in Packages
accessing data stored in packages, Accessing Data Stored in Packages
binary file formats, Binary File Formats-Protocol Buffers
data from internet, Getting Data from the Internet
plain-text formats, Plain-Text Formats-Preprocessing Text Outside R
rio, Versatile Data Import with rio-Versatile Data Import with rio
tips for, Top Five Tips for Efficient Data I/O
R, Installing R
R packages, R Package, Installing R Packages
R packages with dependencies, Installing R Packages with Dependencies
integer data type, The integer data type
integrated development environment (IDE) (see RStudio)

internal help, R, Using R’s Internal Help-swirl
International System of Units (SI) prefixes, Background: What Is a Byte?
internet, data from, Getting Data from the Internet
interpreters, Other Interpreters
invisible() function, Invisible Returns
IO (see input/output)
is.na() function, is.na() and anyNA()
joining, Combining Datasets-Combining Datasets
joining variable, Combining Datasets
keyboard shortcuts, Installing and Updating RStudio, Keyboard Shortcuts
Knuth, Donald, Efficient Optimization
lapply() function, The Apply Family
learning, Efficient Learning-Spread the Knowledge
asking questions efficiently, Asking a Question
in depth, Learning In Depth
online resources, Who This Book Is for and How to Use It, Online Resources-Mailing
Lists and Groups
Rs internal help for, Who This Book Is for and How to Use It, Using R’s Internal Helpswirl
Stack Overflow site, Stack Overflow

teaching, Spread the Knowledge
tips for, Top Five Tips for Efficient Learning
library function calls, Loading Packages
C++ compiler, Prerequisites
parallel code under, Parallel Code under Linux and OS X
R installation, Installing R
system monitoring on, Operating System and Resource Monitoring
loops, Rcpp and, Vectors and Loops-Matrices
lubridate package, Example Package
Mac OS
C++ compiler installation, Prerequisites
R installation, Installing R
R updates, Updating R
system monitoring on, Operating System and Resource Monitoring
mailing lists, Mailing Lists and Groups
matrices, Matrices-Sparse matrices
integer data type, The integer data type
sparse, Sparse matrices
memoise package, Caching Variables
memory allocation, Memory Allocation

merging, Combining Datasets-Combining Datasets
message() function, Informative Output: message() and cat()
METACRAN, How to Select a Package
microbenchmark package, Benchmarking
Microsoft R Open, Other Interpreters
missing values, is.na() and anyNA()
MonetDB, Working with Databases
Monopoly (game), Example: Optimizing the move_square() Function
Monte Carlo simulation
code profiling, Example: Monopoly Simulation
parallel computing for, Example: Snakes and Ladders
vectorized code, Example: Monte Carlo integration
MRAN, How to Select a Package
non-standard evaluation (NSE), Exercises, Nonstandard Evaluation
normalizePath() function, The Location of Startup Files
noSQL, Working with Databases
object display, Object Display and Output Table
assigning to values, Assignment
naming of, Object Names

online learning resources, Online Resources-Mailing Lists and Groups, Mailing Lists and
mailing lists, Mailing Lists and Groups
R-bloggers, Online Resources
Stack Overflow, Stack Overflow
operating system (OS)
32-bit vs. 64-bit, Operating Systems: 32-Bit or 64-Bit
R setup, Operating System-Exercises
resource monitoring and, Operating System and Resource Monitoring-Exercises
optim() function, Getting Help on Functions-Getting Help on Functions
optimization, Efficient Optimization-Rcpp Resources
code profiling, Code Profiling-Example: Monopoly Simulation
efficient base R, Efficient Base R-Exercises
movie_square() function, Example: Optimizing the move_square() Function
parallel computing, Parallel Computing-Parallel Code under Linux and OS X
Rcpp, Rcpp-Rcpp Resources
tips for, Top Five Tips for Efficient Optimization
options() function, Setting options
OR (|, ||) operator, Logical AND and OR
Oracle, R-interpreter, Other Interpreters
ordering, Inherent Order, Sorting and Ordering
OS (see operating system)

OS X, parallel code under, Parallel Code under Linux and OS X
loading, Loading Packages
(see also .Renviron file)
R (see R packages)
panes, RStudio layout, Window Pane Layout-Exercises
parallel computing, Parallel Computing-Parallel Code under Linux and OS X
apply functions, Parallel Versions of Apply Functions
exit functions, Exit Functions with Care
Snakes and Ladders simulation, Example: Snakes and Ladders
under Linux or OS X, Parallel Code under Linux and OS X
parallel package, Parallel Computing, Example: Snakes and Ladders
passwords, storing in .Renviron, Working with Databases
pathological package, The Location of Startup Files
plain-text data files
fread() vs. read_csv(), Differences Between fread() and read_csv()-Differences Between
fread() and read_csv()
I/O with, Plain-Text Formats-Preprocessing Text Outside R
limitations to, Binary File Formats
preprocessing text outside R, Preprocessing Text Outside R
pointer object, C++ Data Types
pqrR, Other Interpreters

profiling (see code profiling)
profvis, Getting Started with profvis-Example: Monopoly Simulation
basics, Getting Started with profvis
Monopoly simulation example, Example: Monopoly Simulation
programmer productivity/efficiency, What Is Efficiency?
(see also workflow)
programming, Efficient Programming-Compiling Code
apply function family, The Apply Family-Other resources
byte compiler, The Byte Compiler-Compiling Code
caching variables, Caching Variables-Exercises
communicating with user, Communicating with the User-Invisible Returns
factors, Factors
general advice, General Advice-Exercise
memory allocation, Memory Allocation
tips for, Prerequisites
vectorized code, Vectorized Code-Exercise
project management
chunking, Chunking Your Work
RStudio, Project Management
SMART criteria for objectives, Making Your Workflow SMART
visualizing plans with R, Visualizing Plans with R
project planning
package selection, Package Selection-How to Select a Package

project management and, Project Planning and Management-Visualizing Plans with R
typology, A Project Planning Typology-A Project Planning Typology
visualizing plans with R, Visualizing Plans with R
Protocol Buffers
binary data storage with, Protocol Buffers
pryr package, Random Access Memory
publication, Publication-R Packages
R Markdown framework for documentation, Dynamic Documents with R Markdown
treating projects as R packages, R Packages
pull request (PR), Branches, Forks, Pulls, and Clones
asking efficiently, Asking a Question
avoiding redundant, Online Resources
minimal dataset for illustrating, Minimal Dataset
minimal example for illustrating, Minimal Example
C++ functions vs., A Simple C++ Function
installing, Installing R
updating, Updating R
R Markdown, Dynamic Documents with R Markdown
R package ecosystem, How to Select a Package

R packages
accessing data stored in, Accessing Data Stored in Packages
installation, R Package, Installing R Packages
installation with dependencies, Installing R Packages with Dependencies
searching for, Searching for R Packages
selection as part of planning process, Package Selection-How to Select a Package
selection criteria, How to Select a Package
treating projects as, Project Management, R Packages
updating, Updating R Packages
R startup, R Startup-Exercises
arguments, R Startup Arguments
location of startup files, The Location of Startup Files-The Location of Startup Files
R-bloggers, Online Resources
R-project website, Online Resources
random access memory (RAM), Random Access Memory-Random Access Memory
Rcpp, Rcpp-Rcpp Resources
C++ data types, C++ Data Types
C++ functions, A Simple C++ Function
cppFunction() command, The cppFunction() Command
matrices, Matrices
resources/documentation, Rcpp Resources
sourceCpp() function, The sourceCpp() Function

sugar, C++ with Sugar on Top
vectors and loops, Vectors and Loops-Matrices
Rdata, Native Binary Formats: Rdata or Rds?
Rds, Native Binary Formats: Rdata or Rds?
read.csv() function, Plain-Text Formats
readr package, Prerequisites, Plain-Text Formats-Differences Between fread() and
read_csv() function
factors and, Inherent Order
fread() vs., Differences Between fread() and read_csv()-Differences Between fread()
and read_csv()
speed of, Plain-Text Formats
reformatting, Reformatting Code with RStudio
regular expressions, Regular Expressions
rename() function, Renaming Columns
Renjin, Other Interpreters
Renviron file, An Overview of R’s Startup Files, The .Renviron File-Example .Renviron
location of, The Location of Startup Files
storing passwords in, Working with Databases
resource monitoring, Operating System and Resource Monitoring-Exercises
rev() function, Reversing Elements
Rho, Other Interpreters

rio package, Versatile Data Import with rio-Versatile Data Import with rio
RODBC, Working with Databases
rows, filtering with dplyr, Filtering Rows
Rprof() function, Code Profiling
Rprofile, An Overview of R’s Startup Files, The .Rprofile File-Creating hidden
environments with .Rprofile, The fortunes package
hidden environments with, Creating hidden environments with .Rprofile
location of, The Location of Startup Files
setting CRAN mirror, Setting the CRAN mirror
setting options, Setting options
useful functions, Useful functions
autocompletion, Autocompletion-Autocompletion
Git integration in, Git Integration in RStudio
installing and updating, Installing and Updating RStudio
keyboard shortcuts, Installing and Updating RStudio, Keyboard Shortcuts
object display and output table, Object Display and Output Table
options, RStudio Options
project management, Project Management
R package updates, Updating R Packages
reformatting code with, Reformatting Code with RStudio
setup, RStudio-Project Management

window pane layout, Window Pane Layout-Exercises
RStudio mirror, Setting the CRAN mirror
separate() function, Split Joint Variables with separate()
setup, Efficient Setup-Exercise
alternative R interpreters, Other Interpreters
BLAS framework, BLAS and Alternative R Interpreters-Useful BLAS/Benchmarking
installing R, Installing R
operating system, Operating System-Exercises
R package installation, Installing R Packages
R startup, R Startup-Exercises
R version, R Version-Exercises
RStudio, RStudio-Project Management
tips for, Top Five Tips for an Efficient R Setup
updating R, Updating R
updating R packages, Updating R Packages
shared memory systems (see parallel computing)
shortcuts, keyboard, Installing and Updating RStudio, Keyboard Shortcuts
SI (International System of Units) prefixes, Background: What Is a Byte?
SMART criteria, Making Your Workflow SMART
solid state drive (SSD), Hard Drives: HDD Versus SSD

sorting, Sorting and Ordering
source code, reading, Reading R Source Code
sourceCpp() function, The sourceCpp() Function
spacing, Spacing
sparse matrices, Sparse matrices
SSD (solid state drive), Hard Drives: HDD Versus SSD
Stack Overflow (programming help site), Stack Overflow
startup files, R, An Overview of R’s Startup Files-Example .Renviron file
.Renviron, The .Renviron File-Example .Renviron file
.Rprofile, The .Rprofile File-Creating hidden environments with .Rprofile
location of, The Location of Startup Files-The Location of Startup Files
startup, R, R Startup-Exercises
stop() function, Fatal Errors: stop()
stream processing, Preprocessing Text Outside R
stringr, pattern matching with, Regular Expressions
style (see coding style)
subsetting, Data Processing with data.table, The integer data type
sugar, C++ with Sugar on Top
swirl, swirl
Sys.getenv() function, The .Renviron File
system variables (see .Renviron file)

tables, gather() function and, Make Wide Tables Long with gather()
tbl_df data frame class, Efficient Data Frames with tibble
teaching, as form of learning, Spread the Knowledge
technical debt, Project Planning and Management
TERR, Other Interpreters
tibble, Efficient Data Frames with tibble
Tibco, Other Interpreters
tidy data, Tidying Data with tidyr and Regular Expressions
tidyr package, Tidying Data with tidyr and Regular Expressions-Other tidyr Functions
data tidying with, Tidying Data with tidyr and Regular Expressions-Other tidyr
splitting joint variables with separate(), Split Joint Variables with separate()
various functions, Other tidyr Functions
touch typing, Touch Typing
R packages with dependencies, Installing R Packages with Dependencies
R updates, Updating R
R, Updating R
R packages, Updating R Packages
user, communicating with, Communicating with the User-Invisible Returns
fatal errors, Fatal Errors: stop()

informative output, Informative Output: message() and cat()
invisible returns, Invisible Returns
warnings, Warnings: warning()
values, assigning objects to, Assignment
variables, caching, Caching Variables-Exercises
determining which indices are TRUE, Which Indices are TRUE?
matrices and, Matrices
pre-allocating, Memory Allocation
Rcpp and, Vectors and Loops-Matrices
sorting, Sorting and Ordering
vectorized code
efficient programming and, Vectorized Code-Exercise
Monte Carlo integration, Example: Monte Carlo integration
version control, Version Control-Branches, Forks, Pulls, and Clones
branches, Branches, Forks, Pulls, and Clones
clones, Branches, Forks, Pulls, and Clones
commits, Commits
forks, Branches, Forks, Pulls, and Clones
Git integration in RStudio, Git Integration in RStudio
GitHub, GitHub

pull requests, Branches, Forks, Pulls, and Clones
vignette() function, Who This Book Is for and How to Use It
vignettes, finding/using, Who This Book Is for and How to Use It, Finding and Using
warning() function, Warnings: warning()
wide boundary search, Searching R for Topics
wide data, Tidying Data with tidyr and Regular Expressions
window panes, in RStudio layout, Window Pane Layout-Exercises
C++ compiler installation, Prerequisites
file paths in R, The Location of Startup Files
R installation, Installing R
R packages with dependencies, Installing R Packages with Dependencies
R updates, Updating R
system monitoring on, Operating System and Resource Monitoring
workflow, Efficient Workflow-R Packages
chunking, Chunking Your Work
defined, Efficient Workflow
package selection, Package Selection-How to Select a Package
project management and, Project Planning and Management-Visualizing Plans with R
project planning typology, A Project Planning Typology-A Project Planning Typology
publication, Publication-R Packages

RStudio, Project Management
SMART criteria for objectives, Making Your Workflow SMART
tips for, Top Five Tips for Efficient Workflow
typology, A Project Planning Typology-A Project Planning Typology
visualizing plans with R, Visualizing Plans with R

About the Authors
Colin Gillespie is senior lecturer (associate professor) at Newcastle University, UK. His
research interests are high-performance statistical computing and Bayesian statistics. He is
regularly employed as a consultant by Jumping Rivers and has been teaching R since 2005 at
a variety of levels, ranging from beginners to advanced programming.
Robin Lovelace is a researcher at the Leeds Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) and the
Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA). Robin has many years using R for academic
research and has taught numerous R courses at all levels. He has developed a number of
popular R resources, including Introduction to Visualising Spatial Data in R and Spatial
Microsimulation with R (Lovelace and Dumont 2016). These skills have been applied on a
number of projects with real-world applications, including the Propensity to Cycle Tool, a
nationally scalable interactive online mapping application, and the stplanr package.

The animal on the cover of Efficient R Programming is the grey heron (Ardea cinerea). Grey
herons are large wading birds, measuring up to 100 cm in height with a nearly 200 cm
wingspan. They are long-legged, which lets them easily wade in the shallows of their native
wetland habitat. They hunt fish, amphibians, small mammals, and insects by standing
motionless in shallow water throughout the day, then striking unsuspecting prey with their
long bill. At night, they roost in trees or on cliffs, where they also lay eggs and raise their
Grey herons can be found throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa. Most gray herons live in the
same region year round, but those living in colder northern regions migrate south for the
winter. They are mostly grey in color, with a white neck and black streaks on the head and
Grey herons have been a part of several ancient mythological systems. During the New
Kingdom period in Egypt, the deity Bennu, god of the sun, creation, and rebirth, was
represented as a grey heron. In pre-Christian Rome, the gray heron was a symbol of
divinination used by priests to predict the future.
Many of the animals on O’Reilly covers are endangered; all of them are important to the
world. To learn more about how you can help, go to animals.oreilly.com.
The cover image is from Meyers Kleines Lexicon. The cover fonts are URW Typewriter and
Guardian Sans. The text font is Adobe Minion Pro; the heading font is Adobe Myriad
Condensed; and the code font is Dalton Maag’s Ubuntu Mono.

Conventions Used in This Book
Using Code Examples
O’Reilly Safari
How to Contact Us
1. Introduction
Who This Book Is for and How to Use It
What Is Efficiency?
What Is Efficient R Programming?
Why Efficiency?
Cross-Transferable Skills for Efficiency
Touch Typing
Consistent Style and Code Conventions
Benchmarking and Profiling
Benchmarking Example
Book Resources
R Package
Online Version

2. Efficient Setup
Top Five Tips for an Efficient R Setup
Operating System
Operating System and Resource Monitoring
R Version
Installing R
Updating R
Installing R Packages
Installing R Packages with Dependencies
Updating R Packages
R Startup
R Startup Arguments
An Overview of R’s Startup Files
The Location of Startup Files
The .Rprofile File
Example .Rprofile File
The .Renviron File
Installing and Updating RStudio
Window Pane Layout
RStudio Options
Keyboard Shortcuts
Object Display and Output Table

Project Management
BLAS and Alternative R Interpreters
Testing Performance Gains from BLAS
Other Interpreters
Useful BLAS/Benchmarking Resources
3. Efficient Programming
Top Five Tips for Efficient Programming
General Advice
Memory Allocation
Vectorized Code
Communicating with the User
Fatal Errors: stop()
Warnings: warning()
Informative Output: message() and cat()
Invisible Returns
Inherent Order
Fixed Set of Categories
The Apply Family
Example: Movies Dataset
Type Consistency
Caching Variables
Function Closures
The Byte Compiler

Example: The Mean Function
Compiling Code
4. Efficient Workflow
Top Five Tips for Efficient Workflow
A Project Planning Typology
Project Planning and Management
Chunking Your Work
Making Your Workflow SMART
Visualizing Plans with R
Package Selection
Searching for R Packages
How to Select a Package
Dynamic Documents with R Markdown
R Packages
5. Efficient Input/Output
Top Five Tips for Efficient Data I/O
Versatile Data Import with rio
Plain-Text Formats
Differences Between fread() and read_csv()
Preprocessing Text Outside R

Binary File Formats
Native Binary Formats: Rdata or Rds?
The Feather File Format
Benchmarking Binary File Formats
Protocol Buffers
Getting Data from the Internet
Accessing Data Stored in Packages
6. Efficient Data Carpentry
Top Five Tips for Efficient Data Carpentry
Efficient Data Frames with tibble
Tidying Data with tidyr and Regular Expressions
Make Wide Tables Long with gather()
Split Joint Variables with separate()
Other tidyr Functions
Regular Expressions
Efficient Data Processing with dplyr
Renaming Columns
Changing Column Classes
Filtering Rows
Chaining Operations
Data Aggregation
Nonstandard Evaluation
Combining Datasets

Working with Databases
Databases and dplyr
Data Processing with data.table
7. Efficient Optimization
Top Five Tips for Efficient Optimization
Code Profiling
Getting Started with profvis
Example: Monopoly Simulation
Efficient Base R
The if() Versus ifelse() Functions
Sorting and Ordering
Reversing Elements
Which Indices are TRUE?
Converting Factors to Numerics
Logical AND and OR
Row and Column Operations
is.na() and anyNA()
Example: Optimizing the move_square() Function
Parallel Computing
Parallel Versions of Apply Functions
Example: Snakes and Ladders
Exit Functions with Care

Parallel Code under Linux and OS X
A Simple C++ Function
The cppFunction() Command
C++ Data Types
The sourceCpp() Function
Vectors and Loops
C++ with Sugar on Top
Rcpp Resources
8. Efficient Hardware
Top Five Tips for Efficient Hardware
Background: What Is a Byte?
Random Access Memory
Hard Drives: HDD Versus SSD
Operating Systems: 32-Bit or 64-Bit
Central Processing Unit
Cloud Computing
Amazon EC2
9. Efficient Collaboration
Top Five Tips for Efficient Collaboration
Coding Style

Reformatting Code with RStudio
Loading Packages
Object Names
Example Package
Curly Braces
Version Control
Git Integration in RStudio
Branches, Forks, Pulls, and Clones
Code Review
10. Efficient Learning
Top Five Tips for Efficient Learning
Using R’s Internal Help
Searching R for Topics
Finding and Using Vignettes
Getting Help on Functions
Reading R Source Code

Online Resources
Stack Overflow
Mailing Lists and Groups
Asking a Question
Minimal Dataset
Minimal Example
Learning In Depth
Spread the Knowledge
A. Package Dependencies
B. References


Source Exif Data:
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Author                          : Colin Gillespie & Robin Lovelace
Modify Date                     : 2017:06:19 20:41:39+08:00
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XMP Toolkit                     : XMP Core 4.1.1
Title                           : Efficient R Programming: A Practical Guide to Smarter Programming
Description                     : There are many excellent R resources for visualization, data science, and package development. Hundreds of scattered vignettes, web pages, and forums explain how to use R in particular domains. But little has been written on how to simply make R work effectively—until now. This hands-on book teaches novices and experienced R users how to write efficient R code. Drawing on years of experience teaching R courses, authors Colin Gillespie and Robin Lovelace provide practical advice on a range of topics—from optimizing the set-up of RStudio to leveraging C++—that make this book a useful addition to any R user’s bookshelf.
Publisher                       : O'Reilly Media
Subject                         : 
Creator                         : Colin Gillespie, Robin Lovelace
Date                            : 2016:12:08 01:00:00+01:00
Language                        : en
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