Elasticsearch: A Guide Elasticsearch Bharvi Dixit
User Manual:
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- Elasticsearch: A Complete Guide
- Elasticsearch: A Complete Guide
- Credits
- Preface
- What this learning path covers
- What you need for this learning path
- Who this learning path is for
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Module 1
- 1. Getting Started with Elasticsearch
- Introducing Elasticsearch
- The primary features of Elasticsearch
- Understanding REST and JSON
- What is REST?
- What is JSON?
- Elasticsearch common terms
- Understanding Elasticsearch structure with respect to relational databases
- Installing and configuring Elasticsearch
- Installing Elasticsearch on Ubuntu through Debian package
- Installing Elasticsearch on Centos through the RPM package
- Understanding the Elasticsearch installation directory layout
- Configuring basic parameters
- Adding another node to the cluster
- Installing Elasticsearch plugins
- Checking for installed plugins
- Installing the Head plugin for Elasticsearch
- Installing Sense for Elasticsearch
- Basic operations with Elasticsearch
- Creating an Index
- Indexing a document in Elasticsearch
- Fetching documents
- Get a complete document
- Getting part of a document
- Updating documents
- Updating a whole document
- Updating documents partially
- Deleting documents
- Checking documents' existence
- Summary
- 2. Understanding Document Analysis and Creating Mappings
- Text search
- Inverted indexes
- Document analysis
- Introducing Lucene analyzers
- Creating custom analyzers
- Changing a default analyzer
- Putting custom analyzers into action
- Elasticsearch mapping
- Document metadata fields
- Data types and index analysis options
- Configuring data types
- String
- Number
- Date
- Boolean
- Arrays
- Objects
- Indexing the same field in different ways
- Putting mappings in an index
- Viewing mappings
- Updating mappings
- Summary
- 3. Putting Elasticsearch into Action
- CRUD operations using elasticsearch-py
- Setting up the environment
- Installing Pip
- Installing virtualenv
- Installing elasticsearch-py
- Performing CRUD operations
- Request timeouts
- Creating indexes with settings and mappings
- Indexing documents
- Retrieving documents
- Updating documents
- Replacing the value of a field completely
- Appending a value in an array
- Updates using doc
- Checking document existence
- Deleting a document
- CRUD operations using Java
- Connecting with Elasticsearch
- Indexing a document
- Fetching a document
- Updating a document
- Updating a document using doc
- Updating a document using script
- Deleting documents
- Creating a search database
- Elasticsearch Query-DSL
- Understanding Query-DSL parameters
- Query types
- Full-text search queries
- match_all
- match query
- Phrase search
- multi match
- query_string
- Term-based search queries
- Term query
- Terms query
- Range queries
- Exists queries
- Missing queries
- Compound queries
- Bool queries
- Not queries
- Search requests using Python
- Search requests using Java
- Parsing search responses
- Sorting your data
- Sorting documents by field values
- Sorting on more than one field
- Sorting multivalued fields
- Sorting on string fields
- Document routing
- Summary
- 4. Aggregations for Analytics
- Introducing the aggregation framework
- Aggregation syntax
- Extracting values
- Returning only aggregation results
- Metric aggregations
- Computing basic stats
- Combined stats
- Computing stats separately
- Computing extended stats
- Finding distinct counts
- Bucket aggregations
- Terms aggregation
- Range aggregation
- Date range aggregation
- Histogram aggregation
- Date histogram aggregation
- Filter-based aggregation
- Combining search, buckets, and metrics
- Memory pressure and implications
- Summary
- 5. Data Looks Better on Maps: Master Geo-Spatiality
- Introducing geo-spatial data
- Working with geo-point data
- Mapping geo-point fields
- Indexing geo-point data
- Querying geo-point data
- Geo distance query
- Geo distance range query
- Geo bounding box query
- Understanding bounding boxes
- Sorting by distance
- Geo-aggregations
- Geo distance aggregation
- Using bounding boxes with geo distance aggregation
- Geo-shapes
- Point
- Linestring
- Circles
- Polygons
- Envelops
- Mappings geo-shape fields
- Indexing geo-shape data
- Querying geo-shape data
- Summary
- 6. Document Relationships in NoSQL World
- Relational data in the document-oriented NoSQL world
- Managing relational data in Elasticsearch
- Working with nested objects
- Creating nested mappings
- Indexing nested data
- Querying nested type data
- Nested aggregations
- Nested aggregation
- Understanding nested aggregation syntax:
- Reverse nested aggregation
- Parent-child relationships
- Creating parent-child mappings
- Indexing parent-child documents
- Querying parent-child documents
- has_child query
- has_parent query
- Considerations for using document relationships
- Summary
- 7. Different Methods of Search and Bulk Operations
- Introducing search types in Elasticsearch
- Cheaper bulk operations
- Bulk create
- Bulk indexing
- Bulk updating
- Bulk deleting
- Multi get and multi search APIs
- Multi get
- Multi searches
- Data pagination
- Pagination with scoring
- Pagination without scoring
- Scrolling and re-indexing documents using scan-scroll
- Practical considerations for bulk processing
- Summary
- 8. Controlling Relevancy
- Introducing relevant searches
- The Elasticsearch out-of-the-box tools
- An example: why defaults are not enough
- Controlling relevancy with custom scoring
- The function_score query
- weight
- field_value_factor
- script_score
- Decay functions - linear, exp, and gauss
- Summary
- 9. Cluster Scaling in Production Deployments
- Node types in Elasticsearch
- Client node
- Data node
- Master node
- Introducing Zen-Discovery
- Multicasting discovery
- Unicasting discovery
- Configuring unicasting discovery
- Minimum number of master nodes: preventing split-brain
- An initial list of hosts to ping
- Ping timeout
- Node upgrades without downtime
- Upgrading Elasticsearch version
- Best Elasticsearch practices in production
- Creating a cluster
- Scaling your clusters
- When to scale
- Metrics to watch
- CPU utilization
- Memory utilization
- Disk I/O utilization
- Disk low watermark
- How to scale
- Summary
- 10. Backups and Security
- Introducing backup and restore mechanisms
- Backup using snapshot API
- Creating an NFS drive
- Configuring the NFS host server
- Configuring client machines
- Creating a snapshot
- Registering the repository path
- Registering the shared file system repository in Elasticsearch
- Create your first snapshot
- Getting snapshot information
- Deleting snapshots
- Restoring snapshots
- Restoring multiple indices
- Renaming indices
- Partial restore
- Changing index settings during restore
- Restoring to a different cluster
- Manual backups
- Manual restoration
- Securing Elasticsearch
- Setting up basic HTTP authentication
- Setting up Nginx
- Securing critical access
- Restricting DELETE requests
- Restricting endpoints
- Load balancing using Nginx
- Summary
- II. Module 2
- 1. Introduction to Elasticsearch
- Introducing Apache Lucene
- Getting familiar with Lucene
- Overall architecture
- Getting deeper into Lucene index
- Norms
- Term vectors
- Posting formats
- Doc values
- Analyzing your data
- Indexing and querying
- Lucene query language
- Understanding the basics
- Querying fields
- Term modifiers
- Handling special characters
- Introducing Elasticsearch
- Basic concepts
- Index
- Document
- Type
- Mapping
- Node
- Cluster
- Shard
- Replica
- Key concepts behind Elasticsearch architecture
- Workings of Elasticsearch
- The startup process
- Failure detection
- Communicating with Elasticsearch
- Indexing data
- Querying data
- The story
- Summary
- 2. Power User Query DSL
- Default Apache Lucene scoring explained
- When a document is matched
- TF/IDF scoring formula
- Lucene conceptual scoring formula
- Lucene practical scoring formula
- Elasticsearch point of view
- An example
- Query rewrite explained
- Prefix query as an example
- Getting back to Apache Lucene
- Query rewrite properties
- Query templates
- Introducing query templates
- Templates as strings
- The Mustache template engine
- Conditional expressions
- Loops
- Default values
- Storing templates in files
- Handling filters and why it matters
- Filters and query relevance
- How filters work
- Bool or and/or/not filters
- Performance considerations
- Post filtering and filtered query
- Choosing the right filtering method
- Choosing the right query for the job
- Query categorization
- Basic queries
- Compound queries
- Not analyzed queries
- Full text search queries
- Pattern queries
- Similarity supporting queries
- Score altering queries
- Position aware queries
- Structure aware queries
- The use cases
- Example data
- Basic queries use cases
- Searching for values in range
- Simplified query for multiple terms
- Compound queries use cases
- Boosting some of the matched documents
- Ignoring lower scoring partial queries
- Not analyzed queries use cases
- Limiting results to given tags
- Efficient query time stopwords handling
- Full text search queries use cases
- Using Lucene query syntax in queries
- Handling user queries without errors
- Pattern queries use cases
- Autocomplete using prefixes
- Pattern matching
- Similarity supporting queries use cases
- Finding terms similar to a given one
- Finding documents with similar field values
- Score altering queries use cases
- Favoring newer books
- Decreasing importance of books with certain value
- Pattern queries use cases
- Matching phrases
- Spans, spans everywhere
- Structure aware queries use cases
- Returning parent documents having a certain nested document
- Affecting parent document score with the score of nested documents
- Summary
- 3. Not Only Full Text Search
- Query rescoring
- What is query rescoring?
- An example query
- Structure of the rescore query
- Rescore parameters
- Choosing the scoring mode
- To sum up
- Controlling multimatching
- Multimatch types
- Best fields matching
- Cross fields matching
- Most fields matching
- Phrase matching
- Phrase with prefixes matching
- Significant terms aggregation
- An example
- Choosing significant terms
- Multiple values analysis
- Significant terms aggregation and full text search fields
- Additional configuration options
- Controlling the number of returned buckets
- Background set filtering
- Minimum document count
- Execution hint
- More options
- There are limits
- Memory consumption
- Shouldn't be used as top-level aggregation
- Counts are approximated
- Floating point fields are not allowed
- Documents grouping
- Top hits aggregation
- An example
- Additional parameters
- Relations between documents
- The object type
- The nested documents
- Parent–child relationship
- Parent–child relationship in the cluster
- A few words about alternatives
- Scripting changes between Elasticsearch versions
- Scripting changes
- Security issues
- Groovy – the new default scripting language
- Removal of MVEL language
- Short Groovy introduction
- Using Groovy as your scripting language
- Variable definition in scripts
- Conditionals
- Loops
- An example
- There is more
- Scripting in full text context
- Field-related information
- Shard level information
- Term level information
- More advanced term information
- Lucene expressions explained
- The basics
- An example
- There is more
- Summary
- 4. Improving the User Search Experience
- Correcting user spelling mistakes
- Testing data
- Getting into technical details
- Suggesters
- Using the _suggest REST endpoint
- Understanding the REST endpoint suggester response
- Including suggestion requests in query
- The term suggester
- Configuration
- Common term suggester options
- Additional term suggester options
- The phrase suggester
- Usage example
- Configuration
- Basic configuration
- Configuring smoothing models
- Configuring candidate generators
- Configuring direct generators
- The completion suggester
- The logic behind the completion suggester
- Using the completion suggester
- Indexing data
- Querying data
- Custom weights
- Additional parameters
- Improving the query relevance
- Data
- The quest for relevance improvement
- The standard query
- The multi match query
- Phrases comes into play
- Let's throw the garbage away
- Now, we boost
- Performing a misspelling-proof search
- Drill downs with faceting
- Summary
- 5. The Index Distribution Architecture
- Choosing the right amount of shards and replicas
- Sharding and overallocation
- A positive example of overallocation
- Multiple shards versus multiple indices
- Replicas
- Routing explained
- Shards and data
- Let's test routing
- Indexing with routing
- Routing in practice
- Querying
- Aliases
- Multiple routing values
- Altering the default shard allocation behavior
- Allocation awareness
- Forcing allocation awareness
- Filtering
- What include, exclude, and require mean
- Runtime allocation updating
- Index level updates
- Cluster level updates
- Defining total shards allowed per node
- Defining total shards allowed per physical server
- Inclusion
- Requirement
- Exclusion
- Disk-based allocation
- Query execution preference
- Introducing the preference parameter
- Summary
- 6. Low-level Index Control
- Altering Apache Lucene scoring
- Available similarity models
- Setting a per-field similarity
- Similarity model configuration
- Choosing the default similarity model
- Configuring the chosen similarity model
- Configuring the TF/IDF similarity
- Configuring the Okapi BM25 similarity
- Configuring the DFR similarity
- Configuring the IB similarity
- Configuring the LM Dirichlet similarity
- Configuring the LM Jelinek Mercer similarity
- Choosing the right directory implementation – the store module
- The store type
- The simple filesystem store
- The new I/O filesystem store
- The MMap filesystem store
- The hybrid filesystem store
- The memory store
- Additional properties
- The default store type
- The default store type for Elasticsearch 1.3.0 and higher
- The default store type for Elasticsearch versions older than 1.3.0
- NRT, flush, refresh, and transaction log
- Updating the index and committing changes
- Changing the default refresh time
- The transaction log
- The transaction log configuration
- Near real-time GET
- Segment merging under control
- Choosing the right merge policy
- The tiered merge policy
- The log byte size merge policy
- The log doc merge policy
- Merge policies' configuration
- The tiered merge policy
- The log byte size merge policy
- The log doc merge policy
- Scheduling
- The concurrent merge scheduler
- The serial merge scheduler
- Setting the desired merge scheduler
- When it is too much for I/O – throttling explained
- Controlling I/O throttling
- Configuration
- The throttling type
- Maximum throughput per second
- Node throttling defaults
- Performance considerations
- The configuration example
- Understanding Elasticsearch caching
- The filter cache
- Filter cache types
- Node-level filter cache configuration
- Index-level filter cache configuration
- The field data cache
- Field data or doc values
- Node-level field data cache configuration
- Index-level field data cache configuration
- The field data cache filtering
- Adding field data filtering information
- Filtering by term frequency
- Filtering by regex
- Filtering by regex and term frequency
- The filtering example
- Field data formats
- String-based fields
- Numeric fields
- Geographical-based fields
- Field data loading
- The shard query cache
- Setting up the shard query cache
- Using circuit breakers
- The field data circuit breaker
- The request circuit breaker
- The total circuit breaker
- Clearing the caches
- Index, indices, and all caches clearing
- Clearing specific caches
- Summary
- 7. Elasticsearch Administration
- Discovery and recovery modules
- Discovery configuration
- Zen discovery
- Multicast Zen discovery configuration
- The unicast Zen discovery configuration
- Master node
- Configuring master and data nodes
- Configuring data-only nodes
- Configuring master-only nodes
- Configuring the query processing-only nodes
- The master election configuration
- Zen discovery fault detection and configuration
- The Amazon EC2 discovery
- The EC2 plugin installation
- The EC2 plugin's generic configuration
- Optional EC2 discovery configuration options
- The EC2 nodes scanning configuration
- Other discovery implementations
- The gateway and recovery configuration
- The gateway recovery process
- Configuration properties
- Expectations on nodes
- The local gateway
- Low-level recovery configuration
- Cluster-level recovery configuration
- Index-level recovery settings
- The indices recovery API
- The human-friendly status API – using the Cat API
- The basics
- Using the Cat API
- Common arguments
- The examples
- Getting information about the master node
- Getting information about the nodes
- Backing up
- Saving backups in the cloud
- The S3 repository
- The HDFS repository
- The Azure repository
- Federated search
- The test clusters
- Creating the tribe node
- Using the unicast discovery for tribes
- Reading data with the tribe node
- Master-level read operations
- Writing data with the tribe node
- Master-level write operations
- Handling indices conflicts
- Blocking write operations
- Summary
- 8. Improving Performance
- Using doc values to optimize your queries
- The problem with field data cache
- The example of doc values usage
- Knowing about garbage collector
- Java memory
- The life cycle of Java objects and garbage collections
- Dealing with garbage collection problems
- Turning on logging of garbage collection work
- Using JStat
- Creating memory dumps
- More information on the garbage collector work
- Adjusting the garbage collector work in Elasticsearch
- Using a standard start up script
- Service wrapper
- Avoid swapping on Unix-like systems
- Benchmarking queries
- Preparing your cluster configuration for benchmarking
- Running benchmarks
- Controlling currently run benchmarks
- Very hot threads
- Usage clarification for the Hot Threads API
- The Hot Threads API response
- Scaling Elasticsearch
- Vertical scaling
- Horizontal scaling
- Automatically creating replicas
- Redundancy and high availability
- Cost and performance flexibility
- Continuous upgrades
- Multiple Elasticsearch instances on a single physical machine
- Preventing the shard and its replicas from being on the same node
- Designated nodes' roles for larger clusters
- Query aggregator nodes
- Data nodes
- Master eligible nodes
- Using Elasticsearch for high load scenarios
- General Elasticsearch-tuning advices
- Choosing the right store
- The index refresh rate
- Thread pools tuning
- Adjusting the merge process
- Data distribution
- Advices for high query rate scenarios
- Filter caches and shard query caches
- Think about the queries
- Using routing
- Parallelize your queries
- Field data cache and breaking the circuit
- Keeping size and shard_size under control
- High indexing throughput scenarios and Elasticsearch
- Bulk indexing
- Doc values versus indexing speed
- Keep your document fields under control
- The index architecture and replication
- Tuning write-ahead log
- Think about storage
- RAM buffer for indexing
- Summary
- 9. Developing Elasticsearch Plugins
- Creating the Apache Maven project structure
- Understanding the basics
- The structure of the Maven Java project
- The idea of POM
- Running the build process
- Introducing the assembly Maven plugin
- Creating custom REST action
- The assumptions
- Implementation details
- Using the REST action class
- The constructor
- Handling requests
- Writing response
- The plugin class
- Informing Elasticsearch about our REST action
- Time for testing
- Building the REST action plugin
- Installing the REST action plugin
- Checking whether the REST action plugin works
- Creating the custom analysis plugin
- Implementation details
- Implementing TokenFilter
- Implementing the TokenFilter factory
- Implementing the class custom analyzer
- Implementing the analyzer provider
- Implementing the analysis binder
- Implementing the analyzer indices component
- Implementing the analyzer module
- Implementing the analyzer plugin
- Informing Elasticsearch about our custom analyzer
- Testing our custom analysis plugin
- Building our custom analysis plugin
- Installing the custom analysis plugin
- Checking whether our analysis plugin works
- Summary
- III. Module 3
- 1. Introduction to ELK Stack
- The need for log analysis
- Issue debugging
- Performance analysis
- Security analysis
- Predictive analysis
- Internet of things and logging
- Challenges in log analysis
- Non-consistent log format
- Tomcat logs
- Apache access logs – combined log format
- IIS logs
- Variety of time formats
- Decentralized logs
- Expert knowledge requirement
- The ELK Stack
- Elasticsearch
- Logstash
- Kibana
- ELK data pipeline
- ELK Stack installation
- Installing Elasticsearch
- Running Elasticsearch
- Elasticsearch configuration
- Network Address
- Paths
- The cluster name
- The node name
- Elasticsearch plugins
- Installing Logstash
- Running Logstash
- Logstash with file input
- Logstash with Elasticsearch output
- Configuring Logstash
- Installing Logstash forwarder
- Logstash plugins
- Input plugin
- Filters plugin
- Output plugin
- Installing Kibana
- Configuring Kibana
- Running Kibana
- Kibana interface
- Discover
- Visualize
- Dashboard
- Settings
- Summary
- 2. Building Your First Data Pipeline with ELK
- Input dataset
- Data format for input dataset
- Configuring Logstash input
- Filtering and processing input
- Putting data to Elasticsearch
- Visualizing with Kibana
- Running Kibana
- Kibana visualizations
- Building a line chart
- Building a bar chart
- Building a Metric
- Building a data table
- Summary
- 3. Collect, Parse and Transform Data with Logstash
- Configuring Logstash
- Logstash plugins
- Listing all plugins in Logstash
- Data types for plugin properties
- Array
- Boolean
- Codec
- Hash
- String
- Comments
- Field references
- Logstash conditionals
- Types of Logstash plugins
- Input plugins
- file
- Configuration options
- add_field
- codec
- delimiter
- exclude
- path
- sincedb_path
- sincedb_write_interval
- start_position
- tags
- type
- stdin
- Configuration options
- add_field
- codec
- tags
- type
- Configuration options
- add_field
- codec
- consumer_key
- consumer_secret
- full_tweet
- keywords
- oauth_token
- oauth_token_secret
- tags
- type
- lumberjack
- Configuration options
- add_field
- codec
- host
- port
- ssl_certificate
- ssl_key
- ssl_key_passphrase
- tags
- type
- redis
- Configuration options
- add_field
- codec
- data_type
- host
- key
- password
- port
- Output plugins
- csv
- Configuration options
- codec
- csv_options
- fields
- gzip
- path
- file
- Configuration options
- Configuration options
- attachments
- body
- cc
- from
- to
- htmlbody
- replyto
- subject
- elasticsearch
- Configuration options
- ganglia
- Configuration options
- metric
- unit
- value
- jira
- Configuration options
- kafka
- Configuration options
- topic_id
- lumberjack
- Configuration options
- hosts
- port
- ssl_certificate
- redis
- Configuration options
- rabbitmq
- stdout
- mongodb
- Configuration options
- collection
- database
- uri
- Filter plugins
- csv
- Configuration options
- date
- Configuration options
- drop
- Configuration options
- geoip
- Configuration options
- source
- grok
- Custom grok patterns
- mutate
- Configuration options
- sleep
- Codec plugins
- json
- line
- multiline
- plain
- rubydebug
- Summary
- 4. Creating Custom Logstash Plugins
- Logstash plugin management
- Plugin lifecycle management
- Installing a plugin
- Updating a plugin
- Uninstalling a plugin
- Structure of a Logstash plugin
- Required dependencies
- Class declaration
- Configuration name
- Configuration options setting
- Plugin methods
- Input plugin
- Filter plugin
- Output plugin
- Codec plugin
- Writing a Logstash filter plugin
- Building the plugin
- Summary
- 5. Why Do We Need Elasticsearch in ELK?
- Why Elasticsearch?
- Elasticsearch basic concepts
- Index
- Document
- Field
- Type
- Mapping
- Shard
- Primary shard and replica shard
- Cluster
- Node
- Exploring the Elasticsearch API
- Listing all available indices
- Listing all nodes in a cluster
- Checking the health of the cluster
- Health status of the cluster
- Creating an index
- Retrieving the document
- Deleting documents
- Deleting an index
- Elasticsearch Query DSL
- Elasticsearch plugins
- Bigdesk plugin
- Elastic-Hammer plugin
- Head plugin
- Summary
- 6. Finding Insights with Kibana
- Kibana 4 features
- Search highlights
- Elasticsearch aggregations
- Scripted fields
- Dynamic dashboards
- Kibana interface
- Discover page
- Time filter
- Quick time filter
- Relative time filter
- Absolute time filter
- Kibana Auto-refresh setting
- Querying and searching data
- Freetext search
- OR
- Groupings
- Wildcard searches
- Field searches
- Range searches
- Special characters escaping
- New search
- Saving the search
- Loading a search
- Field searches using field list
- Summary
- 7. Kibana – Visualization and Dashboard
- Visualize page
- Creating a visualization
- Visualization types
- Metrics and buckets aggregations
- Buckets
- Date Histogram
- Histogram
- Range
- Date Range
- Terms
- Metrics
- Count
- Average, Sum, Min, and Max
- Unique Count
- Advanced options
- Visualizations
- Area chart
- Data table
- Line chart
- Markdown widget
- Metric
- Pie chart
- Tile map
- Vertical bar chart
- Dashboard page
- Building a new dashboard
- Saving and loading a dashboard
- Sharing a dashboard
- Summary
- 8. Putting It All Together
- Input dataset
- Configuring Logstash input
- Grok pattern for access logs
- Visualizing with Kibana
- Running Kibana
- Searching on the Discover page
- Visualizations – charts
- Building a Line chart
- Building an Area chart
- Building a Bar chart
- Building a Markdown
- Dashboard page
- Summary
- 9. ELK Stack in Production
- Prevention of data loss
- Data protection
- System scalability
- Data retention
- ELK Stack implementations
- ELK Stack at LinkedIn
- Problem statement
- Criteria for solution
- Solution
- Kafka at LinkedIn
- Operational challenges
- Logging using Kafka at LinkedIn
- ELK at SCA
- How is ELK used in SCA?
- How is it helping in analytics?
- ELK for monitoring at SCA
- ELK at Cliffhanger Solutions
- Kibana demo – Packetbeat dashboard
- Summary
- 10. Expanding Horizons with ELK
- Elasticsearch plugins and utilities
- Curator for index management
- Curator commands
- Curator installation
- Shield for security
- Shield installation
- Adding users and roles
- Using Kibana4 on shield protected Elasticsearch
- Marvel to monitor
- Marvel installation
- Marvel dashboards
- ELK roadmap
- Elasticsearch roadmap
- Logstash roadmap
- Event persistence capability
- End-to-end message acknowledgement
- Logstash monitoring and management API
- Kibana roadmap
- Summary
- A. Bibliography
- Index