Enable Te X User Guide
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EnableTeX User Guide Andrew H. Norton norton.ah@gmail.com 25 April 2019 Abstract EnableTeX is a Mathematica package that turns a Mathematica notebook into a LATEX editor. TEX-enabled notebooks retain full notebook functionality, allowing LATEX text to be interleaved with any Mathematica computation. If desired, LATEX source for equations can be automatically generated, with automatic equation alignment, punctuation, and line-breaking. Any required editing of automatically generated LATEX source can be done within the notebook. The generated source file is human-readable standard LATEX. Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Examples 3 3 Installation 3.1 Download and extract the EnableTeX software . . . . . . . . 3.2 Move the software to your applications directory . . . . . . . . 3.3 Copy the EnableTeX stylesheets to your StyleSheets directory 3.4 Edit your init.m file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 4 4 5 4 Configuring a PDF viewer 4.1 Additional information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 5 Using EnableTeX 5.1 The new cell styles, TeX:name . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Keyboard shortcuts via Mathematica [Esc]-aliases 5.3 Automatic LATEX generation: Eqn[ label ] = expr . 5.4 Greek characters in label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5.1 List of functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6 Preamble files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 6 Miscellaneous 6.1 Notebook font size . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Hardware screen resolution . . . . . . 6.3 CodeFont for Input cells . . . . . . . . 6.4 Line breaks in MiKTeX error messages 6.5 Importing a LaTeX document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 10 10 10 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Introduction EnableTeX is a Mathematica package that enables LATEX documents to be written in Mathematica notebooks. This is nice to do for many reasons: • Mathematica notebooks have sections, subsections, etc., that can be collapsed/expanded and are easily rearranged by cut-and-paste. This makes writing LATEX in a notebook convenient even for non-mathematical documents. • A PDF viewer can be synchronized with the document. As each fragment of LATEX code is generated, whether it be typed by hand or automatically generated from Mathematica Output, it is compiled by pdflatex. An external PDF viewer can display either the fragment or the updated document. Any errors in written LATEX are caught immediately. • LATEX code for equations can be generated without user intervention. While a paper is in its draft state one can concentrate on writing and doing calculations, without having to typeset any equations at all. In the final version of the paper, any automatically generated LATEX that gives poorly typeset results can be easily edited from within the same notebook. • The hidden working and published results of a mathematical paper can be kept together in one place. If the calculations are done entirely by Mathematica, then the results can be reproduced by evaluating the same notebook that generates the PDF for the paper. • LATEX preambles can be copied, edited, and saved using any TEX-enabled notebook. Preambles can load any package in your LATEX installation, including journal style files. • Any Mathematica notebook can easily generate a PDF document. Simply choose the headings, comments, and Output cells that should be sent to the PDF. For headings and comments, change the cell style: Title → TeX:Title, Text → TeX:Text, etc. For algebraic Output, add the command //texit to the end of the corresponding Input command. • More generally, EnableTeX includes methods for labeling, referencing, and manipulating equations. An assignment of the form Eqn[ label ] = lefteqn == righteqn will automatically generate LATEX for the equation lefteqn == righteqn, and will allow \ref{label } to be used to reference this equation in LATEX. Equations that have Eqn[ label ] identifiers can be manipulated in obvious ways using the EqnLabel package, which is included as part of the EnableTeX download. • The label argument in Eqn[ label ], and in any \ref{label } or \label{label }, can contain characters from Mathematica’s Greek font. For LATEX purists, all such extensions can be avoided by writing their LATEX in TeX:Pure cells rather than TeX:Text cells. In either case, the generated source file is always standard LATEX. • The LATEX that is generated for consecutive equations (with no intervening text in the PDF) is automatically combined into an aligned LATEX environment. Consecutive equations with the same left side are formatted so that only the left side of the first equation is shown. Equations are automatically punctuated in accordance with the surrounding document content. • By default, EnableTeX uses the LATEX breqn package to break long equations and expressions over multiple lines. If breqn is incompatible with a LATEX package that you need to use, then it need not be loaded. • If manual line breaking or other reformatting of equations is required then the generated LATEX can be easily edited. The function InsertTeX[eqn] will generate a TeX:Text cell that is pre-filled with the LATEX code for eqn, without any need for copy-and-paste. • LATEX source can be imported using InsertTeX[file] to generate a TeX:Text cell that is pre-filled with the contents of file. 2 • The LATEX source and PDF for the document, together with any other required files (graphics, etc.) can be exported for journal submission using the Checkpoint[ ] function. Using a TEX-enabled notebook does not restrict anything that can be done in either Mathematica or LATEX. It just means that both can be used at once in a nice editing environment, with a synchronised PDF viewer, and with the option of automatic generation of LATEX code for equations. 2 Examples Example notebooks for EnableTeX, together with the PDF documents they generate, can be found in the download directory ahn/EnableTeX/Examples This User Guide is also generated by a TEX-enabled notebook, and is included with the download, ahn/EnableTeX/Guides/EnableTeX-UserGuide.nb This too can be consulted as an example notebook. Some of the example notebooks (e.g., HelloWorld.nb) contain significantly more information by way of explanatory comments than the PDFs that they generate. So if you are wanting to try EnableTeX then you should definitely read the notebooks. However: The example notebooks will only display properly after installing an EnableTeX stylesheet. To evaluate any of the example notebooks you will also need to install the EnableTeX software. 3 Installation Installation of EnableTeX involves the following 3 steps (to be explained below): • move the downloaded software into your Applications directory, • copy the EnableTeX style files into your StyleSheets directory, • add a line of code to your init.m file to update your Mathematica $Path variable. To completely remove/uninstall EnableTeX, simply undo the above changes. EnableTeX will run on Linux and Windows, and should also run on OS X/macOS. It was written using Mathematica 11.3 on Linux. It has had minimal testing on Windows and (as yet) none on OS X. If you encounter problems, please get in touch. 3.1 Download and extract the EnableTeX software EnableTeX is available from the home page: https://ahnorton.github.io/EnableTeX/. To extract the software from the downloaded file, one can use the following command (edit the date as appropriate for your download), unzip EnableTeX-2019-04-25.zip The above will create a directory ./ahn that contains the Mathematica package EnableTeX, as well as a number of stand-alone Mathematica packages, most of which EnableTeX depends on:1 1 The exceptions are: PackageTemplate, which is included for use with About; ShortWindowTitles which does nothing unless EnableTeX is running on Linux; and Backup which is recommended for routine use, but it is not actually loaded by EnableTeX. 3 About Backup EditValue EqnLabel EnableTeX FileFunctions PackageTemplate ShortWindowTitles Timer UsageTable 3.2 Generate copyright/license notices for Mathematica packages. Automatic scheduled backups for Mathematica notebooks. Edit string values and file contents in evaluatable notebook cells. Encourage an equation-focused calculation style using labeled equations. Write LaTeX documents in Mathematica notebooks (main package). Utility functions for reading, writing, and viewing files (for PDFViewer). An empty package template, set up for use with About. Declutter Mathematica window titles on Linux desktops (especially KDE). Timers with stopwatch-like control (for triggering pdflatex compilation). Display usage documentation for a collection of Mathematica functions. Move the software to your applications directory The extracted directory ahn needs to be moved to your Mathematica applications directory. The correct location can be determined by evaluating the Mathematica expression, FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications"}] On Linux, this location is typically /home//.Mathematica/Applications, so one can do mv ahn ~/.Mathematica/Applications 3.3 Copy the EnableTeX stylesheets to your StyleSheets directory It is essential that an EnableTeX stylesheet be used for any TEX-enabled notebook. Why? Because the stylesheets define several new cell styles (such as TeX:Text) for cells that generate LATEX code from their contents when the cell is evaluated. If a notebook that uses the Default stylesheet is changed to use an EnableTeX stylesheet, then you will notice little to no change in its appearance because the default cell styles are still defined. However, the converse does not hold. Cells with style names of the form TeX: ... will not display correctly with the Default stylesheet. Moreover, they will not generate LATEX code until their cell evaluation functions are defined, and that wont happen until EnableTeX is loaded (even if an EnableTeX stylesheet is already in use). The EnableTeX stylesheets are in the download directory ahn/EnableTeX/Source/StyleSheets and have names of the form EnableTeX-version.nb. The stylesheets are installed by copying them to the directory returned by the Mathematica expression FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "SystemFiles", "FrontEnd", "StyleSheets"}] On Linux, this is typically /home/ /.Mathematica/SystemFiles/FrontEnd/StyleSheets, in which case, cd ~/.Mathematica/Applications/ahn/EnableTeX/Source/StyleSheets cp EnableTeX-*.nb ~/.Mathematica/SystemFiles/FrontEnd/StyleSheets The stylesheet that is used for a notebook is selected from the menu: Format → Stylesheet. After installing (or deleting) a stylesheet, this menu will be automatically updated when the notebook is next opened. B.T.W., it is perfectly OK to use an EnableTeX stylesheet on a notebook that is not TEX-enabled (one that does not load EnableTeX). For example, you may prefer to have group-opener arrows on section headers, whereas the Default stylesheet (for Mathematica 11.3) does not have them. 4 3.4 Edit your init.m file The Mathematica command Needs["EnableTeX`"] will try to load EnableTeX by searching the directories listed in your $Path variable. This will include your Applications directory, but its subdirectories are not searched. For later upgrade, the packages in the download are best kept together in the directory Applications/ahn, so this directory needs to be appended to your $Path. To do so, edit the file returned by the expression FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory,"Kernel","init.m"}] On Linux, this file is typically /home/ /.Mathematica/Kernel/init.m . Add the following line to the end of your init.m, AppendTo[$Path, FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory,"Applications","ahn"}]] If you have a Linux system, then it is likely that EnableTeX is now ready for use. If your system is Windows or Mac, then you may have to download and configure a suitable PDF viewer. 4 Configuring a PDF viewer The PDF viewer that EnableTeX uses can be any viewer that will auto-reload when its .pdf file changes. Only some PDF viewers will do this, so you may need to download one that does. The default viewers are: • Linux: okular for the KDE Desktop, evince for the GNOME Desktop, • Windows: SumatraPDF from https://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/free-pdf-reader.html, • OS X: Skim from https://skim-app.sourceforge.io/. The above viewers for Linux and Windows auto-reload by default, so they require no configuring. If running OS X, you will need to configure Skim to auto-reload. According to the Skim manual: Choose Skim → Preferences, click Sync, and select “Check for file changes”. There may also be a useful hidden option for Skim, https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/43057/macosx-pdf-viewer-automatic-reload-on-file-modification To use a non-default PDF viewer, see Section 4.1. 4.1 Additional information EnableTeX makes use of a function called PDFViewer provided by the FileFunctions package. To learn more about the code the FileFunctions package can be loaded as a stand-alone package, Needs["FileFunctions`"] ?FileFunctions`* Click on the displayed function names to see their documentation. Also try these commands, $PDFViewer PDFViewer[] PDFViewer["name.pdf"] where “name.pdf” is a .pdf file you would like to view. The string variable $PDFViewer is the system command that is used to start the PDF viewer. If you have a preferred (non-default) viewer then a value for $PDFViewer can be set in your init.m file. 5 5 Using EnableTeX To use EnableTeX in a notebook: • Set the notebook Stylesheet using the main menu: Format → Stylesheet → EnableTeX-Courier11.3 (or similar). • Load EnableTeX with Needs["EnableTeX`"]. The license notice that is output can be suppressed by terminating this command with a semicolon (;). • Create a LATEX preamble for the document. To try out EnableTeX it suffices to evaluate CopyPreamble[] (no argument) to copy the default preamble into the $TeXDirectory for your document. For starting a new document, you may find it convenient to start with a template notebook that includes the above commands and some other useful content. For example, see file: ahn/EnableTeX/Examples/NewDocument.nb Depending on your desktop environment, it may be possible to add a “Create New” item for such a file to the context menu of your file browser. 5.1 The new cell styles, TeX:name Text that is typed into a cell with a style name of the form TeX:name is processed as LATEX code and “sent to the PDF” when the cell is evaluated.2 Cells with style TeX:name can be inserted like any other notebook cell. For example, when the cursor is a horizontal bar (at the end of your notebook, or between cells) click the right mouse button and choose the menu item: Insert New Cell → TeX:name. In practice, it is best if each paragraph of written LATEX appears in its own TeX:Text cell, because then any LATEX errors that you make are caught as soon as the cell is evaluated. If there are LATEX errors, then a pop-up message window will show the relevant output from the attempted compilation by pdflatex. TeX:Pure cells are similar to TeX:Text cells but they lack several conveniences that typing in a Mathematica notebook permits. Typing in a TeX:Pure cell is the same as typing in a plain text editor. The contents of a TeX:Pure cell must be a complete fragment of valid LATEX code and is processed by pdflatex as is. On the other hand, the contents of a TeX:Text cell is allowed to (but need not) contain Mathematica’s special characters (β, ∂, ⊗, etc.), so it might look very different to the same code in a TeX:Pure cell, but that is where the difference ends. The required syntax is the same (after replacing character β by string \beta, etc.). In addition to the completely general TeX:Text and TeX:Pure cells, the EnableTeX stylesheet provides special cell styles TeX:Title, TeX:Section, TeX:Subsection, TeX:Subsubsection, and TeX:Verbatim. When a cell in one of these styles is evaluated its contents are wrapped within a corresponding LATEX command before being processed. For example, typing abc into a TeX:Section cell and then evaluating this cell results in \section{abc} being appended to the .tex file that is processed to generate the PDF. The purpose of the special styles is not to save on key strokes (by typing abc rather than \section{abc}), but to allow nice formatting of the notebook. In particular, the special styles (with the exception of TeX:Verbatim) are based on the Default Mathematica stylesheet. Cells in these styles can therefore double as headings in the notebook as well as headings in the PDF. Moreover, the EnableTeX stylesheet specifies that heading cells have group opener arrows so that if cells are appropriately grouped then sections, subsections, etc., can be easily collapsed and expanded. More about cell grouping can be found in Examples/HelloWorld-fancy.nb. 2 Mathematica cells are evaluated by typing Shift+Enter while the cursor is in the cell, or while the cell is selected. Selections are indicated by highlighted cell brackets at the right edge of the notebook. 6 5.2 Keyboard shortcuts via Mathematica [Esc]-aliases Mathematica notebooks provide [Esc]-aliases for Greek characters and mathematical symbols. When typing in a TeX:name cell these aliases are defined as keyboard shortcuts for typing the equivalent LATEX command. For example, if one types [Esc]b[Esc] within a TeX:Pure cell then this character sequence is replaced by \beta. In a TeX:Text cell, the same LATEX command (\beta) will be generated, but it is displayed in the cell as the character β. The main difference between a TeX:Pure and a TeX:Text cell is how cell contents are able to display in the notebook. Whereas in a TeX:Pure cell you might have an inline formula $\tensor{X}{^\alpha_,_\beta} = \partial X^\alpha /\partial x^\beta$, in a TeX:TeX cell the same formula could (but need not) be written as $\tensor{X}{^α_,_β} = ∂X^α/∂x^β$, where [Esc]a[Esc], [Esc]b[Esc] and [Esc]pd[Esc] are used to insert α, β and ∂. Both inputs generate exactly the same LATEX, and in either case one gets X α ,β = ∂X α /∂xβ in the PDF. The other difference between TeX:Pure and TeX:Text is that quotes and double quotes are automatically curly in TeX:Text, whereas in TeX:Pure they must be typed as proper LATEX (e.g., two backticks for an opening double quote). The [Esc]-aliases for TeX:name header cells are defined as they are for TeX:Text. For TeX:Verbatim, no [Esc]-aliases are defined. 5.3 Automatic LATEX generation: Eqn[ label ] = expr EqnLabel is a stand-alone Mathematica package that encourages an equation-focused calculation style that closely resembles how calculations are done in mathematical publications. In Mathematica, an equation is an expression (with head Equal) of the form lefteqn == righteqn. To easily manipulate such expressions the EqnLabel package provides the Eqn[label ] function, which is little more than a container for label together with a few simplification rules that make Eqn[label ] suitable as an equation identifier. For example, if Eqn[a], Eqn[b] and Eqn[c] have been assigned expressions of the form Eqn[label ] = lefteqn == righteqn then evaluating the input Eqn[ans] = (Eqn[a] + 2Eqn[b])/Eqn[c] will assign the value ( LEqn[a] + 2LEqn[b] ) / LEqn[c] == ( REqn[a] + 2REqn[b] ) / REqn[c] , to Eqn[ans], where LEqn[label ] and REqn[label ] are the left and right sides of Eqn[label ]. The EqnLabel package includes various other functions for making substitutions and simplifications. Documentation for the package is available via help["EqnLabel"]. With a little practice, one soon finds that calculations that make use of an equation-focused style (rather than numerous assignments to intermediate variables) are usually cleaner and often simpler. EnableTeX makes use of the EqnLabel package as follows. Whenever an assignment Eqn[ label ] = expr is detected as having been made, EnableTeX automatically generates LATEX for the resulting expr. Typically, expr is an equation, but it could be any expression or relation. Moreover, the label argument in the assigned Eqn[ label ] is used to make a LATEX label for expr. In other words, (\ref{label }) and \eqref{label } can be used to reference this equation in your LATEX text. Returning to the above example, one could say that (\ref{ans}) was obtained by adding 2 times (\ref{b}) to (\ref{a}) and then dividing the result by (\ref{c}). Automatic LATEX generation can be suppressed by the //notex command, Eqn[label ] = lefteqn == righteqn // notex . Similarly, //nonumber can be used to suppress generation of an equation number. 7 5.4 Greek characters in label In section 5.2 it was said that if Mathematica’s special characters (α, β, ∂, etc.) are used in a TeX:Text cell, then they generate the corresponding LATEX code (\alpha, \beta, \partial, etc.). However, this rule has one exception, which is made so that Mathematica’s Greek characters can be used in labels. An assignment of the form Eqn[θ] = . . . , will automatically generate LATEX for an equation that can be referenced in a TeX:Text cell as \ref{θ}, where θ is typed as [Esc]q[Esc]. This feature would not work without some change to the generated code (since \ref{\theta} causes a compilation error). For this reason, if the character θ appears within \ref{}, \eqref{}, or \label{}, then it is replaced by the string [theta], not \theta as would normally be the case. Of course, the same applies for all of Mathematica’s special characters. It should be noted that using Greek characters in labels is not particularly convenient if one prefers to use TeX:Pure cells. For example, to reference Eqn[αβγ] from text in a TeX:Pure cell, one would have to type \ref{[alpha][beta][gamma]}. 5.5 Documentation A table of all symbols in context EnableTeX` is returned by the command, ? EnableTeX`* Clicking on a function’s name in the table will show the name::usage documentation for that function (also available via ?name and Information[name]). The UsageTable package provides a similar but more flexible alternative. UsageTable is automatically loaded when EnableTeX is loaded. This package is used to define the command help["EnableTeX"] which outputs the usage table shown in Figure 1. If EnableTeX was the last package loaded then this table is also available via help[] (with no argument). Figure 1: EnableTeX’s usage table, returned as the value of help["EnableTeX"]. Clicking on name prints the name::usage documentation. 5.5.1 List of functions For full descriptions of EnableTeX’s functions, see the documentation available via help[]. The following list is only a brief overview of the available functions: ShowPDF[ ] Open, re-open, or raise the PDF viewer window. With argument “body” or “fragment”, set the PDF viewer mode. DefaultCellStyle[style ] Set the cell style for any cells that are automatically created while typing. The default for a Mathematica notebook is "Input", but a default of "TeX: Text" or "TeX: Pure" can sometimes be more convenient. The value set applies only to the current notebook, and is saved with the notebook. 8 ClearTeX[ ] Clear any previous LATEX output. The PDF viewer will display an empty document. Checkpoint[ ] Create a time-stamped checkpoint directory containing copies of all files required to generate the document (e.g., for journal submission). eqn // notex Suppress automatic generation of LATEX for an eqn of the form Eqn[ label ] = left == right. Typical use: in a final draft, directly followed by InsertTeX[eqn, label ], to replace the generated LATEX for eqn by hand-coded LATEX. eqn // nonumber Do not number the LATEX equation that is automatically generated for an eqn of the form Eqn[ label ] = left == right. In this case, label is used only to identify the Mathematica expression Eqn[ label ], and can not (of course) be used in \ref{}. expr // texit Send expression expr to the PDF. The preferred way is Eqn[ label ] = expr // nonumber, especially if expr is an equation, because functionality of the EqnLabel package may then be used. expr // texit[ label ] As above, but expr is numbered and can be referred to with \ref{label }. TeXOn[ ] Restore EnableTeX to its normal state after TeXOff[]. TeXOff[ ] Disable all LATEX generation and processing. Useful for “commenting out” large sections of a document (with a closing TeXOn[]). Also useful for not having to specify //notex throughout a long calculation that makes use of Eqn[ label ] identifiers but should not appear in the PDF. TeXNow[ ] Compile the document using pdflatex and update the PDF. This is useful for forcing an additional compilation when evaluating an entire notebook as one selection. It’s effect is otherwise equivalent to evaluating an empty TeX:Text cell (but without adding a blank line to the .tex file). InsertTeX[ x ] Insert a TeX:Text cell that is pre-filled with the LATEX code for expression x. CustomTeX[ symbol, string ] Define a custom translation for Mathematica symbol to LATEX string. RemoveCustomTeX[ symol ] Remove any custom LATEX for the Mathematica symbol. Preambles[ ] Return a list of available preamble files. CopyPreamble[ f ] Copy a preamble file f into the document’s ./name_tex directory, for use as the preamble for the document. If no argument f is given, copy EnableTeX’s default preamble. EditPreamble[ f ] Edit preamble file f in an editable cell (the edited cell contents are saved back to file f by evaluating the cell). If no argument is given, edit the document’s preamble file. SavePreamble[ f ] Save the document’s preamble file to file f (for later re-use in other documents). 5.6 Preamble files A preamble file contains the first part of the .tex source file for a LaTeX document, up to and including the command \begin{document}. In order to save and re-use preamble files the variable $PreambleDirectories will first need to be defined in the user’s init.m file. The example notebooks (cf., section 2) can be run without setting a value for $PreambleDirectories because they either use EnableTeX’s default preamble, or the example notebook defines its own preamble using the function EditPreamble[]. For how to set a value for $PreambleDirectories, please read the documentation available via help["EnableTeX"]. 6 6.1 Miscellaneous Notebook font size If you are using a high resolution monitor then you may find that Mathematica’s default font sizes are too small. Check the font screen resolution using 9 CurrentValue[ $FrontEnd, {FontProperties, "ScreenResolution"}] The default setting of 72 gives fonts that are too small for my liking. You can find out your monitor resolution by SystemInformation["Devices", "ScreenInformation"] For a 27 inch monitor at a resolution of 2560 × 1440, I find that a more suitable value for font screen resolution is about 84. This can be set globally in the Option Inspector under Formatting Options → Font Options → FontProperties → ScreenResolution, or more easily by CurrentValue[ $FrontEnd, {FontProperties, "ScreenResolution"}] = 84 This command will save the value in ~/.Mathematica/FrontEnd/init.m. The advantages of this approach are that notebook magnification can be left at 100% (which is sometimes better for cursor positioning in text), graphics are left at correct physical sizes on the screen, and all fonts scale the same, including those in Mathematica’s help pages (which is not the case if you play with font sizes in notebook style files because help pages have their own style). To choose an appropriate value for font screen resolution one should proceed by viewing help pages at 100% magnification. Further information can be found in the notebook EnableTeX/Source/StyleSheets/ScreenResolutionAndFontSize.nb 6.2 Hardware screen resolution It is worth noting that SreenResolution is also used in Mathematica to refer to hardware screen resolution. This is determined by the monitor and graphics card and is returned by either of the commands, "Resolution" /. SystemInformation["Devices","ScreenInformation"] CurrentValue["ScreenResolution"] The returned value refers to the number pixels/inch that the monitor is displaying at. For the monitor that was mentioned in section 6.1, the above two commands both returned 108 pixels/inch. 6.3 CodeFont for Input cells The font for Input cells is specified by the CodeFont sub-option in StyleHints. It is returned by, StyleHints /. Options[$FrontEnd] Selection of the FontFamily for InputForm is implemented in the Core.nb stylesheet in the section Format Type Styles → InputForm, using the cell option, FontFamily -> Dynamic[CurrentValue[{StyleHints, "CodeFont"}]] This overrides any direct setting for FontFamily as an option for an Input cell in a stylesheet. Therefore, to change the font for Input cells using a stylesheet, one must set a value for the StyleHints cell option. The EnableTeX-Default stylesheet(s) uses default Mathematica fonts for Input, Code, and Output cells. The EnableTeX-Courier stylesheet(s) uses the StyleHints cell option to set “Courier” as the font for Input, Code, and Output cells. To see the cell style definitions in a stylesheet, use Ctrl+Shift+Enter to toggle visibility, or use the menu item Cell → Show Expression. 6.4 Line breaks in MiKTeX error messages The message that EnableTeX displays if your LATEX code has compilation errors is extracted from the last part of the standard output from the pdflatex command, saved to file name_tex/stdout.txt, 10 where name.nb is your notebook. The line length for MiKTeX standard output is unnecessarily short and makes reading some error messages difficult. Changing the value of max_print_line in file MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\config\texmfapp.ini to about 250 fixes this problem. For further information, https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/52988/avoid-linebreaks-in-latex-console-log-output-or-increasecolumns-in-terminal 6.5 Importing a LaTeX document A complete LATEX document can be imported into an EnableTeX notebook as follows: 1. Read the file into a TeX:Text (or TeX:Pure) cell using InsertTeX[ file ]. 2. Cut-and-paste the preamble, up to and including \begin{document}, into a cell generated by EditPreamble[], then evaluate this cell to create the preamble file for the document. 3. Delete the \end{document} command, as this is automatically added by EnableTeX. 4. Divide the TeX:Text cell that contains the document body into multiple TeX:Text cells (e.g., for section headings and section contents). Cells can be divided by typing Ctrl+Shift+D with the cursor positioned at the desired division point. Cells can be merged by selecting them and then typing Ctrl+Shift+M. 5. For the various section headings, change the cell style from TeX:Text to TeX:Section, etc. This can done by right-clicking on the cell bracket and choosing Style from the menu. To export a LATEX file from EnableTeX, see the documentation for Checkpoint[]. 11
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 11 Page Mode : UseOutlines Author : Title : Subject : Creator : LaTeX with hyperref package Producer : pdfTeX-1.40.17 Create Date : 2019:04:25 00:48:31+10:00 Modify Date : 2019:04:25 00:48:31+10:00 Trapped : False PTEX Fullbanner : This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.17 (TeX Live 2016/Debian) kpathsea version 6.2.2EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools