Ex STra CS V.2.0.2 Users Guide
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User’s Guide Version 2.0.2 Beta Ryan J Urbanowicz1 , and Jason H Moore2 October 15, 2014 1 2 ryan.j.urbanowicz@dartmouth.edu - ExSTraCS Design and Development jason.h.moore@dartmouth.edu - Post-Doctoral Mentor Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 What is ExSTraCS? . . . . . . 1.2 Algorithm Overview . . . . . . 1.3 Further Reading . . . . . . . . 1.4 Obtaining the Software . . . . . 1.5 Minimum System Requirements 1.6 ExSTraCS Versions . . . . . . . 1.7 Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 2 Using ExSTraCS 2.1 Running ExSTraCS . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Configuration File and Run Parameters 2.2.1 Dataset Parameters . . . . . . . 2.2.2 General Run Parameters . . . . . 2.2.3 Supervised Learning Parameters 2.2.4 Mechanism Parameters . . . . . 2.3 Overview of ExSTraCS Code . . . . . . 2.4 Output Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.1 Rule Population . . . . . . . . . 2.4.2 Population Statistics . . . . . . . 2.4.3 Co-occurrence . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.4 Attribute Tracking Scores . . . . 2.4.5 Predictions . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.6 Learning Tracking . . . . . . . . 2.4.7 Expert Knowledge . . . . . . . . 2.5 Making Predictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7 8 9 13 15 17 24 27 27 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 3 Future ExSTraCS Expansions 3.1 Continuous Attribute Improvements 3.2 Continuous Phenotypes . . . . . . . 3.3 Fitness and Deletion Schemes . . . . 3.4 ExSTraCS GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 36 37 37 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Version Fixes/Updates 39 4.1 ExSTraCS 2.0.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 4.2 ExSTraCS 2.0.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 4.3 ExSTraCS 2.0 . . . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 What is ExSTraCS? Extended Supervised Tracking and Classifying System (ExSTraCS) is a MichiganStyle learning classifier system (LCS) algorithm developed to specialize in classification, prediction, data mining, and knowledge discovery tasks. Michiganstyle LCS algorithms constitute a unique class of algorithms that distribute learned patterns over a collaborative population of individually interpretable (IF:THEN) rules/classifiers (NOTE: that the terms ‘rule’ and ‘classifier’ are used interchangeably in this context), allowing them to flexibly and effectively describe complex and diverse problem spaces. These rule-based algorithms combine the global search of evolutionary computing (i.e. a genetic algorithm) with the local optimization of supervised machine learning. They apply iterative, rather than batch-wise learning, meaning that classifiers are evaluated and evolved one data instance at a time. This makes them naturally well-suited to learning different problem niches found in multi-class, latent-class, or heterogeneous problem domains. They are also naturally multi-objective, evolving classifiers toward maximal accuracy and generality (i.e. classifier simplicity) to improve predictive performance. ExSTraCS is limited to supervised learning problems, involving any number of potentially predictive attributes, a finite number of training instances, and a single discrete class(where class is also referred to as phenotype, endpoint, or the dependent variable). The size datasets that ExSTraCS can handle may be limited by memory requirements. ExSTraCS was primarily developed to address a need in epidemiological data mining, to identify predictive attribute in noisy datasets, where the relationship(s) between predictive attributes and disease phenotype is believed to be complex, multi-locus, and potentially epistatic and/or heterogeneous. These are all characteristics that make the identification of disease risk factors much more challenging. ExSTraCS is also designed to be as flexible as possible in handling the characteristics of different datasets taking into account the following; (1) discrete or continuous attributes, (2) missing data, (3) scalability in large-scale 2 datasets (large numbers of attributes and/or training instances), (4) balanced or imbalanced datasets, and (5) binary or many classes. While we do not claim that ExSTraCS is optimized to all these characteristics, we have extended functionality in each of these areas, and offer ExSTraCS as a platform for further development/improvements. This current implementation of ExSTraCS is not set up to handle extremely large-scale analyses. We roughly recommend using ExSTraCS on datasets of up to 5,000 attributes, and up to 10,000 instances. ExSTraCS still may function beyond these dataset dimensions, but it has not yet been explored. Expect both ExSTraCS and the expert knowledge algorithms to take longer to run as dataset dimensions increase. ExSTraCS, and LCS algorithms in general, constitute a unique alternative to other well known machine learning/modeling/classification/data mining strategies that follow the classic paradigm of seeking to identify a ‘best’ model of disease that can individual be applied to the entire dataset. Examples include logistic regression, neural networks, decision trees, artificial immune systems, genetic algorithms, multifactor dimmensionality reduction, and support vector machines. ExSTraCS relies on a genetic algorithm to evolve it’s classifier population, making it a stochastic algorithm. This means that while ExSTraCS is not guaranteed to find the optimal solution, it may be reasonably applied to complex, or larger-scale analyses, to intelligently search the problem space where deterministic algorithms become intractable options. ExSTraCS is currently implemented in Python 2.7 and can be run from a command line or within an editor such as Eclipse with PyDev. 1.2 Algorithm Overview ExSTraCS is descended from a lineage of Michigan-style LCS algorithms, founded on the architecture of Wilson’s Extended Classifier System (XCS) [22], the most successful and best-studied LCS algorithm to date. The Supervised Classifier System (UCS) [2] replaced XCS’s reinforcement learning scheme with a supervised learning strategy to deal explicitly with single-step problems such as classification and data mining. Comparing select Michigan and Pittsburghstyle LCS algorithms, UCS showed particular promise when applied to complex biomedical data mining problems with patterns of epistasis and heterogeneity [17, 15]. UCS inspired two algorithmic expansions named Attribute Tracking and Feedback UCS (AF-UCS) and Expert Knowledge UCS (UCS-EK). AFUCS introduced mechanisms that improved learning and uniquely allowed for the explicit characterization of heterogeneous patterns and the identification of candidate disease subgroups [18, 21]. UCS-EK incorporated expert knowledge into UCS learning for smart population initialization, directed classifier discovery, and reduced run time [20]. Additionally, novel rapid rule compaction strategies were recently developed and evaluated for post-processing classifier populations to enhance interpretability and improve predictive performance [13]. ExSTraCS merges successful components of this algorithmic lineage with other valuable LCS research, and a redesigned UCS-like framework with a few novel 3 features. In addition to integrating attribute tracking/feedback, expert knowledge covering, and rapid rule compaction, ExSTraCS (1) adopts a flexible and efficient classifier representation similar to the one described in [1], to accommodate data with both discrete and continuous attributes, (2) outputs attribute tracking scores and global statistics (in addition to a classifier population) for significance testing, and visualization-guided knowledge discovery as described in [19], (3) includes an adaptive data detection scheme to adjust the algorithm to the characteristics of the dataset, (4) includes a rule specificity limit and an expert knowledge driven mutation operator to dramatically improve algorithm scalability (5) includes a built-in selection of four attribute weighting algorithms (ReliefF, SURF, SURF*, and MultiSURF) to discover potentially useful expert knowledge as a pre-processing step, and (6) includes an expert knowledge wrapper algorithm that improves the performance of the aforementioned four attribute weighting algorithms on noisy datasets with a greater number of attributes. Additionally, ExSTraCS 2.0 includes new features geared towards algorithm scalability such as a rule specificity limit, and the optional TuRF expansion to all four attribute weighting algorithms. TuRF improves the performance of each respective attribute weighting algorithm when the dataset includes larger number of attributes, and noisy data is an issue. 1.3 Further Reading • For a complete description and performance evaluation of the ExSTraCS 2.0 algorithm see [16]. • For a complete description and performance evaluation of the ExSTraCS 1.0 algorithm see [14]. • For a detailed explanation of attribute tracking and feedback see [18]. Please note that [14] corrects a subtile miss-statement in [18] about how the attribute feedback mechanism works. • For a detailed description of expert knowledge covering see [20]. • For a detailed description of ReliefF (one of the expert knowledge discovery algorithms), see [9]. • For a detailed description of SURF (one of the expert knowledge discovery algorithms), see [7]. • For a detailed description of SURF* (one of the expert knowledge discovery algorithms), see [6]. • For a detailed description of MultiSURF (one of the expert knowledge discovery algorithms), see [5]. • For a detailed description of the 6 rule compaction/filtering strategies that have been implemented in ExSTraCS, see [13]. 4 • For a detailed description of the knowledge representation scheme upon which ExSTraCS’s scheme is based, see [1]. • For a detailed description of TuRF (an expert knowledge discovery wrapper algorithm), see [11]. 1.4 Obtaining the Software ExSTraCS 2.0.2 is available as open-source (GPL) code. It is a cross-platform program written entirely in Python 2.7. It is freely available for download from http://sourceforge.net. You may also contact Dr. Ryan Urbanowicz or Dr. Jason Moore for a copy of the code if you experience difficulties downloading it from the web site. 1.5 Minimum System Requirements • Python 2.7 (http://www.python.org). • 1 GHz processor • 256 MB Ram • 800x600 screen resolution 1.6 ExSTraCS Versions • Version 2.0.2: Made available on 10/14/2014. Fixed functionality of outputTestPredictions run parameter, and fixed InstanceID’s values output in the Predictions files. • Version 2.0.1: Made available on 10/13/2014. Fixed a zero division error involving balanced accuracy calculation that appeared with very small or highly class imbalanced datasets. Also added updated balanced accuracy calculation to rule compaction. • Version 2.0: Made available on 10/7/2014. This version focused on improving algorithm scalability, adding a data-driven rule specificity limit (RSL), an expert knowledge guided mutation operator, and the addition of the TuRF wrapper for improving expert knowledge generation in noisy data with a greater number of attributes. • Version 1.0: Made available on 6/20/2014. This is the initial beta version of the algorithm/code. 5 1.7 Contact If you (1) have a question not answered by this user’s guide, (2) would like to report any potential bugs or issues related to the ExSTraCS 2.0.2 Beta code, (3) have any suggestions for further improvements or expansions, or (4) have an interest in collaborating; please contact Dr. Ryan Urbanowicz at the following email: ryan.j.urbanowicz@dartmouth.edu. 6 Chapter 2 Using ExSTraCS 2.1 Running ExSTraCS This section describes the bare minimum steps required to get ExSTraCS running on your dataset of interest. First, make sure that Python 2.7 is installed on your computer. ExSTraCS is run from the command line, and requires a properly formatted configuration file. Included with ExSTraCS is an example configuration file named ExSTraCS Configuration File Minimum.txt. To get ExSTraCS running on the included training and testing datasets, leave this configuration file as is. This ‘minimum’ configuration file relies on all available built-in default ExSTraCS run parameters. Next, from the command line, navigate to the folder where ExSTraCS has been saved and type the following: python ./ExSTraCS Main.py ExSTraCS Configuration File Minimum.txt This is the standard command for running ExSTraCS. Notice that the only argument required by ExSTraCS is the file path/name for a properly formatted configuration file. In order to run ExSTraCS on different datasets using the same default parameters, users should edit this configuration file to specify respective file paths/names for the desired training and testing datasets (i.e. edit trainFile and testFile. Keep in mind that both training and testing datasets should be tab-delimited .txt format, and columns including attributes, instance identifiers, and class, should be in the same order for both the training and the testing dataset (if a testing dataset is provided). Additionally ExSTraCS identifies the class phenotype column using the default specified label ‘Class’, and an optional column for instance identifiers using the default label ‘InstanceID’. These labels may be edited in the configuration file to match the labels in the users dataset. The location of ‘Class’ and ‘instanceID’ columns relative to attribute columns is not important as ExSTraCS will automatically detect their location using these unique labels. Note that the only run parameter in ExSTraCS without some kind of default value is trainFile. 7 The user can also specify a unique file path/name for outFileName, which gives the location and an optional prefix for the file-name for all standard ExSTraCS output text files. Note that ExSTraCS will overwrite any output files with the same name. By default, (or when the user specifies ’None’ for outFileName), ExSTraCS will use the name of the training dataset alone as the root of the output file names, and save these files locally in the working directory if no path is provided in outFileName. Also, whenever expert knowledge is active (as it is by default), the user can specify a unique file path/name for outEKFileName, which gives the location and optional prefix for the file-name for the expert knowledge weights generated by the selected attribute weight algorithm. Similar to with outFileName, by default,(or when the user specifies ’None’ for outEKFileName), ExSTraCS will use the name of the training dataset alone as the root of the expert knowledge output file, and save this file locally in the working directory if no path is provided in outEKFileName. Since the expert knowledge generation strategies are deterministic, they need only ever be run once on a given training dataset, and the weights output to outEKFileName can simply be loaded in future runs/analyses of the given training dataset. If a outEKFileName already exists it will not be overwritten, and ExSTraCS will instead automatically attempt to load the weights from the existing text file. 2.2 Configuration File and Run Parameters In this section we take a look at two other example configuration files included with the code and get into all of the editable run parameters available in ExSTraCS. First, we refer the reader to... ExSTraCS Configuration File Complete.txt This is an example configuration file including all available run paramters in ExSTraCS. Some may find it convenient to use/edit this configuration file format so that they have greater control over algorithm parameters, and/or to have a record of parameters used in an analysis via a copy of a complete configuration file. Second, we refer the reader to... ExSTraCS Configuration File Recommended.txt This is a configuration file example that includes parameters that (1) may dramatically impact performance given different dataset characteristics (2) are convenient for data formatting, or (3) give users access to useful optional features. We expect that most users would find it convenient to use/edit this configuration file format, as it leaves out parameters that we have found to have limited positive impact to shift from the default values included within the ExSTraCS algorithm. Now we examine each run parameter in as much detail as possible. The order in which parameters are discussed is the same order as they are listed in the ‘complete’ configuration file example. We suggest that readers review 8 parameters as needed. Most default parameter values are somewhat arbitrarily based on what has been typically used in other LCS algorithms. Default run parameters do not reflect an optimal set of run parameters for any given dataset. However, we expect ExSTraCS to function well on most small or modestly sized datasets using these default parameters. 2.2.1 Dataset Parameters trainFile This is the only parameter that must be specified in the configuration file. This parameter specifies the file path/name for the training dataset. If a path is not given, it is assumed that the training data is located in the same folder as the ExSTraCS algorithm (as is the case for the example training dataset). The training data constitutes the ‘environment’ within which ExSTraCS is seeking to learn. The training data file should be a tab-delimited .txt file, where the first row includes column headers (i.e. identifiers for attributes, the class variable, and optionally instance identifiers). Missing values in the dataset should have a standard designation (we suggest NA by default). testFile This parameter specifies the file path/name for the testing dataset. If a path is not given, it is assumed that the testing data is located in the same folder as the ExSTraCS algorithm (as is the case for the example testing dataset). Columns in the testing data should have all attributes, InstanceID (optional), and Class in the same order as found in the training dataset. The testing dataset is optional. If no testing dataset is available (or desired) give the value None instead of a file path/name. This is the default value for this parameter, therefore if not specified, ExSTraCS will assume that not testing dataset is available. If a testing dataset is specified it will be used during complete classifier population evaluations to determine testing accuracy, a particularly important performance metric in noisy data where overfitting is a critical concern. Testing accuracy assesses ExSTraCS’s ability to make predictions on data instances that it has not yet seen, or in other words, it’s ability to learn patterns that are generalizable to other instances or situations. Note that ExSTraCS learning is put on hold whenever evaluations are being completed such that the algorithm does not get any chance to unfairly learn from testing instances. outFileName This parameter specifies the file path/prefix-name for for most standard ExSTraCS output files, including (1) the rule population, (2) the population statistics, (3) the co-occurrence values, (4) attribute tracking scores, and (5) learning tracking. ExSTraCS outputs up to four unique text files every time it completes a classifier population evaluation, and outputs learning tracking once for the entire learning process. By default, this parameter is set to None. When set to 9 None, ExSTraCS will use the name of the training dataset alone as the root of the output file names, and save these files locally in the working directory if no path is provided in outFileName. While the training dataset name will always be included into the output file names, this parameter allows users to specify not only a path, but a prefix to the filename. For instance if the training data was called ‘MyTrain.txt’, and the user set this parameter to C: Results Study1 one output file would be C: Results Study1 MyTrain ExSTraCS 5000 PopStats.txt. Do not include a file extension (such as .txt) in this parameter, as this is done automatically. The following text will automatically be added to this parameter for each respective output file (where [Iteration] indicates the current iteration integer value): (1) ‘ ExSTraCS [Iteration] PopStats.txt’, (2) ‘ ExSTraCS [Iteration] RulePop.txt’, (3) ‘ ExSTraCS [Iteration] CO.txt’, (4) ‘ ExSTraCS [Iteration] AttTrack.txt’, (5) ‘ ExSTraCS [Iteration] Predictions.txt’, and (6) ‘ ExSTraCS LearnTrack.txt’. We recommend that users use this parameter to only specify the desired path for where output files will be saved, or leave it at None if output files are to be saved in the working directory. When specifying a file path, end with ‘ ’. offlineData This parameter specifies whether ExSTraCS will acquire data online or offline. While ExSTraCS learns iteratively (i.e. one training instance at a time), instances can be made available to ExSTraCS as a complete dataset (i.e. ‘offline’) or only when they become available, one instance at a time (i.e. ‘online’) By default, ExSTraCS is specifically designed for ‘offline’ iterative learning, where a dataset is initially loaded by ExSTraCS in its entirety. However we have included the option to learn on data instances that are obtained one instance at a time each iteration. This option has not yet been fully tested, and is not meant to be the focus of ExSTraCS. We included this option for development purposes, in an effort to make ExSTraCS as flexible as possible to the needs of different users. Currently the only ‘online’ learning data available is accessed using the included module (Problem Multiplexer.py) that provides a method to randomly generate and return a single multiplexer training instance for ‘online’ data acquisition. Of further note, when offlineData is set to 0 (i.e. ’onlineData’) the following mechanisms should not function (and must be deactivatetd); expert knowledge covering, attribute tracking, attribute feedback, and rule compaction. Additionally complete classifier population evaluations will not function properly, since they rely on finite, loaded training and testing datasets. By default, a value of 1 should be used for this parameter whenever the user is training on a finite data file. We expect this will be the case for almost all users. 10 internalCrossValidation This parameter allows the user to perform cross validation analysis internally, in a serial set of ExSTraCS algorithm runs. A value of 0 or 1 indicates that no internal cross validation is to be completed, while any other positive integer value, indicates that internal cross validation is to be completed, and gives the number of divisions of the data to be included in the cross validation. Specifically a value of 10 will break the original dataset into 10 random (class balanced) groups. 10 training and 10 testing datasets will be generated and saved as text files where in each 9 out of 10 groups make up the training data, and the remaining 1/10 makes up the testing dataset, where the 1/10 constituting the testing data is a different 1/10 for each cross validation set. Activating internal cross validation will automatically result in these datasets being generated, and ExSTraCS serially performing a complete run and evaluation on each training and testing dataset pair. The user can still perform cross validation by generating their own training and testing datasets outside of ExSTraCS and specifying these file locations as previously described above. By default we suggest setting internalCrossValidation to 0, deactivating this option. randomSeed This parameter allows the user to set a constant random seed, such that if the same random seed is used, ExSTraCS will yield the same results in a subsequent run on the same dataset with the same run parameters. To specify a random seed value, simply provide any integer value for this parameter. To use a psuedorandom number that won’t replicate run to run, set this parameter ‘False’ By default, this parameter is set to ‘False’. However, this parameter should not meaningfully impact the performance of ExSTraCS, other than any random chance advantage or disadvantage. labelInstanceID This parameter specifies the column header which ExSTraCS uses to identify the column in dataset files that includes unique identifiers for each attribute in the respective dataset. This feature serves two purposes. Most simply, if the dataset includes a column for instance identifiers, the user does not have to delete or edit this column for formatting reasons. Instead, simply edit this parameter to match the header label for instance identifiers in the dataset, and ExSTraCS will know not to treat this column as an attribute upon which to try and learn. Additionally, the attribute tracking mechanism stores weights uniquely for every instance in the training dataset. When attribute tracking scores are output, the instance labels included in the dataset are used to pair attribute tracking scores to a given instances. If instance identifiers are not provided in the original dataset, they are generated based on the order of instances in the original dataset, and attribute tracking scores are paired with these internally generated identifiers in the attribute tracking output file. This way, users have some way of figuring out which attribute tracking score goes 11 with what instance in the data. This is particularly important, because the dataset is randomly, internally shuffled at the end of loading/formatting, to try and remove any potential order bias from the training dataset. labelPhenotype This parameter specifies the column header which ExSTraCS uses to identify the column in the dataset files that includes phenotype values for all instances. Phenotype is our preferred terminology for ‘class’, ‘endpoint’, or ‘action’ (as it is often referred to in classic LCS algorithms applied to reinforcement learning problems). In other words, phenotype refers to the dependent variable. The phenotype column may be the first, last or any middle column. The value of this parameter must match the label for phenotype column included in the dataset. We suggest using ‘Class’ by default. discreteAttributeLimit This parameter specifies the number of unique attribute states that may exist for a given attribute before it is considered to be a continuous attribute instead. When dealing with datasets that include both discrete and continuous attributes, the user should take some care to ensure that this limit is set correctly. This parameter has been included as part of the adaptive data management scheme to automatically detect and discriminate discrete from continuous attributes. By default, this value is set to 10, which means that if any attribute has more than 10 possible states, ExSTraCS will treat it as a continuous variable instead. The included example training dataset has 20 attributes, each with only 3 possible states (0,1, or 2). Based on the default setting of this parameter, ExSTraCS will treat all 20 attributes as discrete. To ensure that attributes intended to be considered to be discrete, are treated as such, we recommend that the user identify (or estimate) the discrete variable in their dataset with the largest number of states, and set this parameter to that value. labelMissingData This parameter specifies the unique designation for a missing data point in a given training or testing dataset. This allows the user to conveniently change this parameter instead of changing the identifier for all missing data points in the dataset. Additionally, this allows ExSTraCS to run on data (without imputation bias) despite missing data points within instances. Note, the value specified for this parameter must universally identify missing data points in the loaded training or testing datsets. We suggest using ‘NA’ by default. 12 2.2.2 General Run Parameters trackingFrequency This parameter specifies the frequency with which ExSTraCS performs minor learning performance tracking estimates (and subsequently outputs these statistics to an output file ending in ‘ ExSTraCS LearnTrack.txt’. This value is set to zero by default which means that tracking will occur every epoch (i.e. every complete cycle through the training dataset). Alternatively, ExSTraCS will output tracking performance every n iterations, where n is the integer value specified for this parameter. Keep in mind that tracking performance estimates are based on the last n learning iterations. More frequent performance evaluations will be less accurate, more variable, and increase overall algorithm run time. We suggest leaving this parameter at the default, unless the dataset has a particularly large number of training instances (e.g. greater than 5000), or the user simply wants more frequent performance estimates. learningIterations This parameter is used to specify two things. (1) The last integer value in the string specifies the maximum number of learning iterations that should be performed using ExSTraCS, and (2) each integer specifies an iteration ‘checkpoint’ at which a complete evaluation of the ExSTraCS classifier population across the entire training (and testing) datasets is completed and output files are generated. The user can specify any number of learning checkpoints, however the iteration numbers should be increasing up to some maximum number of iterations, and individual values should be separated by a period. Alternatively, the user can specify a single integer value which indicates that ExSTraCS should run without interim evaluations and file outputs, until that specified iteration is reached. For larger datasets, or more complex problems, the user may wish to increase the number of learning iterations. To help estimate the maximum number of iterations ExSTraCS should be run, consider that XCS [8] can solve the 20-bit Multiplexer problem in about 50,000 iterations. Some additional examples of how to properly specify this run parameter include; ’1000.5500’, ’200000’, and ’5000.50000.500000’. Note, do not use commas when specifying learning iterations. The default setting for this parameter is ‘5000.10000.50000.100000’. This is a largely arbitrary default, and we encourage users to adjust this parameter to suit their specific needs. outputSummary This parameter directs ExSTraCS to output a population statistics summary file each time a classifier population evaluation is completed (i.e. at each iteration specified in learningIterations). This file includes a number of summary statistics including training accuracy, testing accuracy, training coverage, testing coverage, macro-population size, micro-population size, global classifier generality, three variations of attribute specificity sums (which can be used to 13 identify which attributes ExSTraCS relies on the most to make accurate predictions), and a break down of ExSTraCS run times. To output this file, set this parameter to 1. To keep it from being generated, set this parameter to 0. outputPopulation This parameter directs ExSTraCS to output a text file that specifies the current classifier population in it’s entirety. This file allows the user to manually inspect or visualize the classifier population output by ExSTraCS for knowledge extraction purposes. This file includes all information required reconstitute the classifier population from the learning iteration it was output (e.g. condition, phenotype, fitness, accuracy, numerosity, initial time stamp, etc.). In other words, ExSTraCS can be ‘reboot’ to continue learning from where a previous ExSTraCS run left off, by loading this output file (Note that the PopStats.txt file is also required for a population reboot). To output this file, set this parameter to 1. To keep it from being generated, set this parameter to 0. outputAttCoOccur This parameter directs ExSTraCS to output a text file that ranks top pairs of attributes that are co-specified in classifiers across the classifier population. If the loaded training dataset include <= 50 attributes, all attribute pair cooccurrence scores will be output to this file. If there are more than 50 attributes, the only top specified 50 attribute will be used to determine the top co-specified attribute pairs. This is due to the fact that that as the number of attributes in the dataset increases, the number of attribute pair combinations goes up exponentially. This co-occurrence metric can be used to better characterize the relationships between attributes in classifiers across the population. This can be used, for instance, to help differentiate epistatic interactions from heterogeneous relationships. To output this file, set this parameter to 1. To keep it from being generated, set this parameter to 0. outputTestPredictions This parameter directs ExSTraCS to output a text file that gives the algorithm’s predictions for all instances in the loaded testing dataset. For each instance, this includes the class prediction made, and the respective votes calculated in the prediction array for each possible class endpoint. These votes may be used as a fuzzy prediction, Bayesian probabilities, or estimates of prediction confidence. To output this file, set this parameter to 1. To keep it from being generated, set this parameter to 0. 14 2.2.3 Supervised Learning Parameters N This parameter specifies the maximum population size (i.e. the micro-population size) that ExSTraCS is allowed to reach before the deletion mechanism turns on and maintains this maximum number. For reference, the macro-population size refers to the number of ‘unique’ classifiers in the classifier population, while micro-population size (N) takes into account the numerosity of unique classifiers. Numerosity refers to the number of ‘copies’ of a given classifier that currently exist in the classifier population. Numerosity provides robustness to classifiers, making it unlikely for for good classifiers to be completely eliminated by chance. Numerosity also improves performance by not requiring ExSTraCS to maintain multiple separate copies of the same classifier. The value of the maximum population size parameter can have a dramatic influence on ExSTraCS performance. If N is too small, an LCS algorithm can’t properly explore a given search space, or maintain ‘good’ classifiers. If N is too large, an LCS algorithm will take longer to run, and the resulting classifier population will likely be much bigger than necessary. Properly setting this parameter my require some initial trial and error or a more formal parameter sweep. By default, ExSTraCS uses a maximum population size of 1000, which (in our analyses) has yielded reliable performance on datasets with up to at least 20 attributes. We commonly also set this parameter to 2000 for more complex, noisy problems, and on datasets with as many as 2000 attributes. For particularly small datasets, a maximum population size as low as 500, or even smaller may still function well. nu This parameter (ν) specifies the power to which accuracy is raised in calculating classifier fitness. Tim Kovaks explores this parameter in [10]. In our work, where we focus on noisy problems/data, it is impossible to achieve a testing acccuracy of 100%. This these noisy problem domains we have observed that keeping ν low yields better performance. Essentially, this places less pressure on the algorithm to evolve classifiers that have a perfect accuracy, which in noisy problem domains would only occur when a classifier is overfitting. We suggest a default value of 1, since we assume that we are dealing with noisy problem domains. For ‘clean’ problem domains such as the multiplexer toy problems, it might be advantageous to return this parameter value back to the value of 10 used in the original UCS algorithm [2], or the value of 5 used in XCS [4]. chi This parameter (χ) specifies the probability that the crossover operator will be applied when the genetic algorithm is activated to discover new offspring classifiers. This value is typically set within the range of 0.5 to 1.0. We suggest a default value of 0.8 which has been traditionally used by the XCS and UCS algorithms [4, 2]. 15 upsilon This parameter (υ) specifies the probability that the mutation operator will specify or generalize a given attribute state within an offspring classifier any time the genetic algorithm is activated. This parameter value is typically set within the range of 0.01 to 0.05. We suggest a default value of 0.04 which has been traditionally used by the XCS and UCS algorithms [4, 2]. theta GA This parameter (θGA ) is a threshold applied to activating the genetic algorithm. Specifically, the genetic algorithm is activated when the average number of iterations since the genetic algorithm was last applied to classifiers in the correct set is greater than this threshold. In other words, if the correct set is filled with very young classifiers, the genetic algorithm is prevented from being applied. We suggest a default value of 25 which has been traditionally used by the XCS and UCS algorithms [4, 2]. theta del This parameter (θdel ) is a threshold applied to the deletion mechanism. Specifically, an alternative, more protective deletion vote is calculated for a given classifier if it’s experience (i.e. the number of instances it has matched so far) is less than this threshold. We suggest a default value of 20 which has been traditionally used by the XCS and UCS algorithms [4, 2]. theta sub This parameter (θsub ) is a threshold applied to the subsumption mechanism. Specifically, a given classifier can only be a potential subsumer if its experience (i.e. the number of instances it has matched so far) is greater than this threshold. We suggest a default value of 20 which has been traditionally used by the XCS and UCS algorithms [4, 2]. acc sub This parameter is an accuracy threshold applied to the subsumption mechanism. Specifically, a given classifier can only be a potential subsumer if its accuracy is greater than this threshold. We suggest a default value of 0.99 which was used by the UCS algorithm [2]. We suspect that in noisy problem domains it may be advantageous to lower this threshold, since the expectation that a subsumer have an accuracy > 0.99 is likely poor in noisy problem domains. beta This parameter (β) is a learning parameter used to update the average correct set size value maintained for each classifier. We suggest a default value of 0.2 which has been traditionally used by the XCS and UCS algorithms [4, 2]. 16 delta This parameter (δ) is a deletion parameter applied to the deletion vote calculation for each classifier. We suggest a default value of 0.1 which has been traditionally used by the XCS and UCS algorithms [4, 2]. init fit This parameter specifies the initial fitness given to a new classifier. We suggest a default value of 0.01 which is a fairly typical value for an LCS algorithm. We expect that any reasonably low-valued setting for this parameter would work. fitnessReduction This parameter specifies an initial fitness reduction applied to offspring classifiers generated using the crossover operator in the genetic algorithm. We suggest a default value of 0.1 which has been traditionally used by the XCS and UCS algorithms [4, 2]. theta sel This parameter specifies the fraction of the correct set that will be randomly included in tournament selection, whenever tournament selection is used to select parents for the genetic algorithm. We suggest a default value of 0.5 which is similar to the value of 0.4 utilized in [3]. RSL Override This parameter is a completely optional override to the rule specificity limit (RSL). When this parameter is set to 0 (default), ExSTraCS automatically calculates a reasonable RSL based on the number of instances, and the average number of attribute states in the training dataset. When set to an integer greater than 0, but less than or equal to the number of attributes in the dataset, ExSTraCS will apply the specified integer as the RSL. Setting this value equal to the number of attributes in the dataset, will allow rules to specify an attribute state for all attributes in the dataset. Generally, speaking, as the number of attributes in the dataset becomes large, the use of a large RSL may prevent ExSTraCS from learning useful generalizations. 2.2.4 Mechanism Parameters doSubsumption This parameter specifies whether subsumption (both action/correct set subsumption and genetic algorithm subsumption) is activated or not. A value of 1 activates subsumption and a value of 0 turns it off. Subsumption was introduced by Wilson [22] as a strategy to promote effective generalization in the classifier 17 population, and get avoid the specification of attributes that confer not accuracy advantage. One classifier subsumes (i.e. absorbs) another if the subsuming classifier is more general and has equal or greater accuracy than the classifier to be subsumed. The subsuming classifier has it’s numerosity increased by the current numerosity of the subsumed classifier, while the subsumed classifier is completely deleted. selectionMethod This parameter specifies the selection method that will be used by the ExSTraCS genetic algorithm to pick parent classifiers. Two methods are currently available in ExSTraCS including tournament and roulette selection (give a value . We suggest tournament selection by default based on the results described in [3]. Tournament selection chooses a specified fraction of the classifiers in the correct set randomly, and deterministically picks the most fit classifier to be a parent. Roulette wheel selection probabilistically picks a parent classifier based on the fitness values of all classifiers in the correct set (where a larger fitness equals a larger selection probability). doAttributeTracking This parameter specifies whether the attribute tracking (AT) mechanism is activated or not. A value of 1 activates AT and a value of 0 turns it off. AT is akin to long-term memory for supervised, iterative learning. For a finite training dataset, a vector of accuracy scores is maintained for each instance in the data. In other words, for every instance in the data we increase attribute weights based on which attributes are being specified in classifiers found in [C] every iteration. Post-training, these scores can be applied to characterize patterns of association in the dataset, in particular heterogeneous patterns which might suggest clinical patient subgroups that may be targeted for research, treatment, or preventative measures [18]. Note that using AT alone does not impact learning performance. Lastly, AT is only useful under the assumption that ExSTraCS will be repeatedly exposed to instances in the dataset, so that AT scores become more reliable through experience. In other words, if the training dataset has a large number of instances, AT scores may be based on few weight updates, depending on how many overall learning iterations were completed. An epoch is a complete cycle through all instances in the training dataset. The more epochs completed by ExSTraCS, the more useful/reliable we would expect AT scores to be. doAttributeFeedback This parameter specifies whether the attribute feedback (AF) mechanism is activated or not. A value of 1 activates AF and a value of 0 turns it off. AF can only be applied if AT is also activated. AF is applied to the GA mutation and crossover operators, probabilistically directing classifier generalization based on the AT scores from a randomly selected instance in the dataset. The 18 probability that AF will be used in the GA is proportional to the algorithm’s progress through the specified number of learning iterations (i.e. AF is applied infrequently early-on, but frequently towards the end). As with AT, we would expect AF to function better when a greater number of epochs are completed by ExSTraCS. It is possible that AF may not improve performance in datasets with a large number of training instances (i.e. where the number of training instances is of similar or greater magnitude than the number of training iterations to be completed. Note that in developing ExSTraCS we realized that AF-UCS was not using the AT scores from the current training instance (as mistakenly described in [18]), but rather the scores from a neighboring instance. This ‘error’ turned out to be essential to recapitulate attribute feedback performance. While AF using the current training instance is better than no AF at all, AF using a the AT scores from a random training instance worked even better. AF speeds up effective learning by gradually guiding the algorithm to more intelligently explore reliable attribute patterns. useExpertKnowledge This parameter specifies whether the expert knowledge (EK) covering mechanism is activated or not. A value of 1 activates EK covering and a value of 0 turns it off. EK is essentially an external bias introduced to better guide learning, such that attributes more likely to be important tend to be specified more often when covering. In other words, classifiers tend to be initialized in parts of the problem space deemed by the EK to be most useful for predicting class status. Notably, the utility of EK is only as good as the quality of the information behind the weights. EK covering is implemented in ExSTraCS as described in [20] including the calculation of EK probability weights from raw EK scores, and the application of these weights within the covering mechanism. In theory, the source of EK is up to the user (i.e. classifier population initialization can be biased towards whatever attributes desired). If this parameter is activated there are a number of associated run parameters described below, that the user may need to specify accordingly. These include; external EK Generation, outEKFileName, filterAlgorithm, turfPercent, reliefNeighbors, reliefSampleFraction, and onlyEKScores. The most important to consider include; external EK Generation, outEKFileName, filterAlgorithm, and onlyEKScores. external EK Generation This parameter specifies whether EK will be generated by one of the four attribute weight/filter algorithms built into ExSTraCS including; ReliefF, SURF, SURF*, and MultiSURF, or whether it will be loaded from some external source file. By default ExSTraCS sets this parameter to None, which indicates that EK will be generated internally (Note: Thus the user may need to consider the following parameter values; outEKFileName, filterAlgorithm, turfPercent, reliefNeighbors, reliefSampleFraction, and onlyEKScores). Alternatively this parameter can be set to the full path/name including the ‘.txt’ file extension 19 pointing to a properly formatted external EK weight file. This tells ExSTraCS that this file and the included EK weights should be loaded and utilized by the algorithm. This file should have the same formatting as the EK files output by ExSTraCS when internally generated. Specifically, there must be three initial rows in the text file that can be filled with any information, or left blank. The fourth row should begin the EK scores themselves. Every row from the fourth down to the last should include the following; (1) the first column should give an attribute ID as it appears in the training data, and (2) the second column should include some real-valued (positive or negative) numerical weight for that respective attribute. Additional columns are optional, and will not be read by ExSTraCS. For an example of this format, please observe an internally generated EK file output by ExSTraCS. This parameter only impacts ExSTraCS if useExpertKnowledge is set to 1. If EK is being internally generated, and higher dimensional datasets are being considered (with many attributes and/or many training instances), the python implementation of these attribute weighting algorithms may take a while to run. They have not yet been optimized for very large datasets. If you notice that EK generation is taking an unreasonable amount of time for a larger dataset, you might with to refrain from using ExSTraCS to generate EK. A faster version of these algorithms that only works on datasets with discrete, case/control (i.e. two class) datasets is currently available build into the Multifactor Dimmensionality Reduction (MDR) software [12]. We plan to make faster versions of these EK generation algorithms available that can handle discrete and continuous, attributes and endpoints. These currently implemented versions can indeed handle discrete and continuous, attributes and endpoints, they have just not yet been optimized for run efficiency. outEKFileName This parameter specifies the path/prefix-file root name for the EK score file that can be internally generated by ExSTraCS. This preserves EK scores for future reference or use. Similar to with outFileName, by default,(or when the user specifies ’None’ for outEKFileName), ExSTraCS will use the name of the training dataset alone as the root of the expert knowledge output file, and save this file locally in the working directory if no path is provided in outEKFileName. Also, for this parameter, do not include a file extension such as ‘.txt’. The following text will automatically be added to the EK output filename based on the weight algorithm [alg] selected for EK generation; ‘ [alg] scores.txt’. [alg] can be ‘relieff’, ‘surf’, ‘surfstar’, ‘multisurf’, ‘relieff turf’,‘surf turf’,‘surfstar turf’, or ‘multisurf turf’. The value of outEKFileName only matters if useExpertKnowledge is set to 1 and external EK Generation is set to None. If an expert knowledge output file of the same name already exists it will not be overwritten, and ExSTraCS will instead automatically attempt to load the weights from the existing text file. We recommend that users use this parameter to only specify the desired path for where output EK files will be saved, or leave it at None if output EK files are to be saved in the working directory. When specifying a file path, end with ‘ 20 ’. filterAlgorithm This parameter specifies the weight/filter algorithm that will be used to generate EK internally within ExSTraCS. The first four valid values for this parameter include; ‘relieff’, ‘surf’, ‘surfstar’, or ‘multisurf’. These four rapid attribute weighting algorithms were designed to estimate attribute quality, in terms of predicting class status. For the specifics of a given weighting algorithm please refer to the corresponding reference; ReliefF [9], SURF [7], SURF* [6], and MultiSURF [5]. We recommend that MultiSURF be used by default, as it is the newest, and best performing of the four available options, however MultiSURF can take slightly more time to run compared to the other three options. New to ExSTraCS 2.0 is the ability to run any of these attribute weighting algorithms in concert with the TuRF wrapper algorithm. TuRF will run the specified attribute weight algorithm repeatedly, each time removing a percentage of the lowest scoring attributes. To run an attribute weight algorithm along with TuRF use one of the following valid values for this parameter; ‘relieff turf’,‘surf turf’,‘surfstar turf’, or ‘multisurf turf’. The value of filterAlgorithm only matters if useExpertKnowledge is set to 1 and external EK Generation is set to None. turfPercent This parameter specifies two things. First, it specifies the percent of attributes that are eliminated from consideration each iteration of the TuRF wrapper algorithm [11]. Second, this value is inversely proportional to the number of TuRF iterations that are completed. This way, despite the value chosen for this parameter, roughly the same number of attributes will remain in the final attribute weight calculation iteration. While [11] suggests a value of 0.05 for this parameter, we have adopted a default of 0.2, as requires less time, and performed well in our preliminary testing. reliefNeighbors This parameter is only applicable when using the ReliefF algorithm to generate EK weights. Specifically this parameter gives the number of ‘neighbors’ used in the calculation of ReliefF scores. Please see [9] for more details on ReliefF, and the neighbors parameter. We suggest using 10 by default. The value of reliefNeighbors only matters if useExpertKnowledge is set to 1, external EK Generation is set to None, and filterAlgorithm is ‘relieff’ or ‘relieff turf’. reliefSampleFraction This parameter is only applicable when using either the ReliefF, SURF, or SURF* algorithm to generate EK weights (i.e. not applicable to MultiSURF). 21 Specifically this parameter gives the number of iterations to be completed by the respective EK weight algorithm, given as a percent of the training dataset instances (i.e. between 0 and 1). We suggest using 1 by default, which means that the respective weight algorithm will iterate over all training instances in the dataset. The value of reliefNeighbors only matters if useExpertKnowledge, is set to 1, external EK Generation is set to None, and filterAlgorithm is either ‘relieff’, ‘surf’, ‘surfstar’, ‘relieff turf’, ‘surf turf’, or ‘surfstar turf’. Please see ReliefF [9], SURF [7], or SURF* [6] respectively for further discussion. onlyEKScores This parameter gives the user the option to use the ExSTraCS platform to only run one of the accompanied EK generating attribute weight/filter algorithms including; ReliefF, SURF, SURF*, and MultiSURF. In other words, EK will be generated, but the rest of the ExSTraCS algorithm will not run. This allows EK generation to be run as a separate pre-processing step. A value of 1 directs ExSTraCS to only perform EK generation, while a value of 0 indicates that ExSTraCS should both perform EK generation and run the core ExSTraCS LCS algorithm as well. The value of onlyEKScores only matters if useExpertKnowledge is set to 1. doRuleCompaction This parameter specifies whether rule compaction is activated or not. A value of 1 activates rule compaction and a value of 0 turns it off. ExSTraCS makes the six rule compaction strategies evaluated in [13] available to post-process the classifier population. Rule compaction utilizes the whole training dataset to consolidate the classifier population with the goal of improving interpretation and knowledge discovery. Comparisons in [13] suggested that simple Quick Rule Filtering (QRF) was both the fastest, and particularly was well suited to the theme of global knowledge discovery [19] where it is more important to preserve or improve performance than to minimize classifier population size(useful for knowledge discovery by manual rule inspection) [13]. onlyRC This parameter gives the user the option to use the ExSTraCS platform to only run one of the accompanied rule compaction strategies on an existing saved classifier population output file. Essentially this parameter gives the user the option to try out different rule compaction strategies on any saved classifier population file output by ExSTraCS. This allows for comparisons between rule compaction strategies, and the flexibility for a user to return to a previous ExSTraCS run in which rule compaction had not been utilized, and quickly compact this saved classifier population without having to run the entire ExSTraCS algorithm again from scratch. A value of 1 activates this parameter while of value of 0 indicates that ExSTraCS should be run normally. A value of 1 supersedes 22 most other run parameters, directing ExSTraCS to only run rule compaction on an existing classifier population, and not running the ExSTraCS core LCS algorithm at all. When onlyRC is set to 1, doPopulationReboot must also be set to 1, and popRebootPath must be provided with a valid path/file name for an existing saved ExSTraCS classifier population file. ruleCompactionMethod This parameter specifies the rule compaction or filter algorithm that will be applied by ExSTraCS after the last learning iteration completes, or when onlyRC is activated. Valid values for this argument include; ‘QRF’, ‘PDRC’, ‘QRC’, ‘CRA2’, ‘Fu2’ and ‘Fu1’, each which represent an available rule compaction/filter algorithm implemented in ExSTraCS. We suggest using QRF by default, as it is extremely fast, simple, and basically just eliminates clearly poor classifiers from the classifier population. doPopulationReboot This parameter gives the user the option to load a previously saved ExSTraCS classifier population output, and continue to run ExSTraCS from where it left off. Essentially this prevents the user from having to run the algorithm from scratch if they wanted to see if additional learning iterations would improve performance. This parameter must also be activated when onlyRC is set to 1, since rule compaction relies on an existing ExSTraCS classifier population. A value of 1 activates the population ‘reboot’ (as we refer to it) and a value of 0 turns it off. If this parameter is set to 1, the user must also specify an appropriate value for popRebootPath. By default, this option is turned off (i.e. 0) popRebootPath This parameter specifies the iteration number for the population file from which ExSTraCS will ‘reboot’ (i.e. load the saved classifier population, and continue learning, or run a rule compaction strategy). ExSTraCS will automatically take from outFileName and trainFile to construct the path/filename for previously saved output files (including the rule population file and the population statistics file). Together, these files included everything ExSTraCS needs to load a previous analyis and rule population and continue learning from where it left off. No default is available for this parameter, thus it must be specified if doPopulationReboot is set to 1. Since doPopulationReboot is set to 0 by default, generally a user does not need to worry about specifying this parameter. 2.3 Overview of ExSTraCS Code This section gives an overview of the ExSTraCS algorithm code itself, including the overall organization and function of each file. The ExSTraCS algorithm 23 is open source and coded in Python 2.7. Each following subsection describes a respective module file within ExSTraCS. We have left out the four EK attribute weight algorithm files (including ReliefF.py, SURF.py, SURFStar.py, and MultiSURF.py) as well as Problem Multiplexer.py, as they are not strictly part of the ExSTraCS algorithm code, but rather can optionally be used by the ExSTraCS algorithm. We have also left out TuRF Me.py below, which serves as a wrapper algorithm to the aforementioned attribute weighting algorithm. Problem Multiplexer.py has been included in the software download for users who may wish to generate multiplexer datasets, or users that might be interested in trying out the ExSTraCS online learning feature (which has not yet been fully tested). Before reviewing individual modules in the code, we begin by pointing out some of the most notable modules. First, ExSTraCS Main.py is the main run file for running ExSTraCS from the command line. Second, ExSTraCS Test.py is a convenient alternative to ExSTraCS Main.py, for running ExSTraCS locally within a coding environment such as Eclipse with PyDev. Throughout development, we used ExSTraCS Test.py to run and debug ExSTraCS in Eclipse with PyDev. Third, ExSTraCS Algorithm.py initializes the classifier population, runs the core learning cycle of the ExSTraCS algorithm, and completes local and global performance evaluations. Fourth, ExSTraCS ClassifierSet.py defines and manages all mechanisms operating at the level of classifier sets, where a classifier set can be the whole population, a match set, or a correct set. Lastly, ExSTraCS Classifier.py defines and manages individual classifiers making up the classifier population. ExSTraCS Main.py This module is called to run ExSTraCS from the command line. Initialization of the algorithm and key mechanisms takes place here. ExSTraCS Test.py This module is for developing and testing the ExSTraCS algorithm locally. This module will run ExSTraCS directly within an editor (e.g. Eclipse with PyDev). Initialization of the algorithm and key mechanisms takes place here. ExSTraCS Algorithm.py The major controlling module of ExSTraCS. Includes the major run loop which controls learning over a specified number of iterations. Also includes periodic tracking of estimated performance, and checkpoints where complete evaluations of the ExSTraCS classifier population is performed. ExSTraCS ClassifierSet.py This module handles all classifier sets (population, match set, correct set) along with mechanisms and heuristics that act on these sets. 24 ExSTraCS Classifier.py This module defines an individual classifier within the classifier population, along with all respective classifier parameters. Also included are classifier-level methods, including constructors(covering, copy, reboot) matching, subsumption, crossover, and mutation. Classifier parameter update methods are also included. Please note that classifier parameters are something different than ‘run parameters’ discussed above in this users guide. ExSTraCS Constants.py Stores and makes available all alogrithmic run parameters, and acts as a gateway for referencing the timer, environment, dataset properties, attribute tracking, and expert knowledge scores/weights. This is also where the generation expert knowledge and respective weights is controlled. ExSTraCS ConfigParser.py Manages the configuration file by loading, parsing, and passing it’s values to ExSTraCS Constants. Also includes a method for generating datasets for cross validation. ExSTraCS DataManagement.py Loads the dataset, characterizes and stores critical features of the datasets (including discrete vs. continuous attributes and phenotype), determines the rules specificity limit, handles missing data, and finally formats the data so that it may be conveniently utilized by ExSTraCS. This is the ‘adaptive data management’ component of ExSTraCS. ExSTraCS Offline Environment.py In the context of data mining and classification tasks, the ’environment’ for ExSTraCS is a data set with a limited number of instances with some number of attributes and a single endpoint (typically a discrete phenotype or class) of interest. This module manages ExSTraCS’s stepping through learning iterations, and data instances respectively. Special methods are included to jump from learning to evaluation of a training dataset. ExSTraCS Online Environment.py ExSTraCS is best suited to offline iterative learning, however this module has been implemented as an example of how ExSTraCS may be used to perform online learning as well. Here, this module has been written to perform online learning for a n-multiplexer problem, where training instances are generated in an online fashion. This module has not been fully tested. 25 ExSTraCS Timer.py This module’s role is largely for development and evaluation purposes. Specifically it tracks not only global run time for ExSTraCS, but tracks the time utilized by different key mechanisms of the algorithm. This tracking likely wastes a bit of run time, so for optimal performance check that all ’cons.timer.startXXXX’, and ’cons.timer.stopXXXX’ commands are commented out within ExSTraCS Main, ExSTraCS Test, ExSTraCS Algorithm, and ExSTraCS ClassifierSet. ExSTraCS Prediction.py Based on a given match set, this module uses a voting scheme to select the phenotype prediction for ExSTraCS. ExSTraCS AttributeTracking.py Handles the storage, update, and application of the attribute tracking and feedback heuristics. ExSTraCS ExpertKnowledge.py A pre-processing step when activated in ExSTraCS. Converts numerical expert knowledge scores from any source into probabilities to guide the covering mechanism in determining which attributes will be specified and which will be generalized. ExSTraCS RuleCompaction.py Includes several rule compaction/rule filter strategies, which can be selected as a post-processing stage following ExSTraCS classifier population learning. Fu1, Fu2, and CRA2 were previously proposed/published strategies from other authors. QRC, PDRC, and QRF were proposed and published by Jie Tan, Jason Moore, and Ryan Urbanowicz. ExSTraCS ClassAccuracy.py Used for global evaluations of the LCS classifier population for problem domains with a discrete phenotype. Allows for the calculation of balanced accuracy when a discrete phenotype includes two or more possible classes. ExSTraCS OutputFileManager.py This module contains the methods for generating the different output files generated by ExSTraCS. These files are generated at each learning checkpoint, and the last iteration. These include... • writePopStats: Summary of the population statistics 26 • writePop: Outputs a snapshot of the entire classifier population including classifier conditions, classes, and parameters. • attCo Occurence: Calculates and outputs co-occurrence scores for each attribute pair in the dataset. • writePredictions: Outputs class predictions with corresponding class votes for each instance in an included testing dataset. 2.4 Output Files As discussed briefly in the previous section dealing with algorithm run parameters, ExSTraCS can output a number of files upon completion. In this section we review all text files that may be generated as a result of running ExSTraCS, and provide some direction for interpreting and utilizing these output files as they were intended. We will begin with files that are generated each time the classifier population is evaluated globally, and then we will discuss other files that would be output at most once per run of ExSTraCS. 2.4.1 Rule Population Likely the most important output file is the rule population file, a.k.a the classifier population file (the file extension is [Iteration] RulePop.txt). This file details the classifier population as it exists after [Iteration] learning iterations. This file can be used to ‘reboot’ ExSTraCS, i.e. to pick up learning from where it was stopped previously. Additionally this file can be used for knowledge discovery and extraction either by manual rule inspection (where the user can rank classifiers by numerosity, and examine individual classifiers in search for useful predictive classifiers), or employ global knowledge discovery strategies to look for patterns based on what attributes are specified within the classifier population as a whole (as described in [19]). Each column in the classifier population file includes a respective classifier parameter stored for each classifier. Each row gives the parameter values necessary to remake a respective classifier in the ExSTraCS classifier population. Below we briefly review each classifier parameter maintained by ExSTraCS, and saved in the classifier population output file. Note that these ‘classifier’ parameters, are different than ExSTraCS ‘run’ parameters. Specified This parameter gives a list of attribute position identifiers, that indicates which attributes in the dataset have been specified in a given classifier. For example the following entry [3,4,10] would indicate that this classifier specifies the fourth, fifth, and eleventh attributes in the dataset since zero based numbering is used, where the first attribute in the dataset would be at position zero. This parameter is never changed for a given classifier. 27 Condition This parameter gives a list of the state values for each attribute specified in a given classifier. Using the previous example where the attributes specified for a classifier included [3,4,10], a condition of [’0’,[0.43,0.78],’red’] indicates the the fourth attribute must have a state equal to ’0’, the fifth attribute must have a state value within the range of 0.43 and 0.78, and the eleventh classifier must have a state equal to ’red’. Note that by storing discrete states as string values and continuous states as a minimum to maximum value range, ExSTraCS can easily accommodate continuous attributes, and discrete attributes with numerical or discrete values. This parameter is never changed for a given classifier. Phenotype This parameter gives the phenotype (i.e. the endpoint or class) that a respective classifier predicts given the associated attribute states specified. This parameter is never changed for a given classifier. Fitness This parameter stores the fitness of a respective classifier. Currently, the fitness of a classifier is equal to classifier accuracy to the power of the run parameter ν. Since by default this parameter is set to 1, by default fitness is equal to accuracy. The fitness of a classifier determines (1) it’s likelihood of being selected by the genetic algorithm to be a parent classifier, (2) it’s likelihood of being selected for deletion, and (3) it’s vote, when ExSTraCS seeks to apply it’s current classifier population to make a class prediction. This parameter is updated for a given classifier any learning iteration that it is included in a match set. Accuracy This parameter stores the accuracy of a respective classifier. If you are not familiar with learning classifier system algorithms, it is important to realize that the accuracy of a classifier has nothing to do with it’s global accuracy across a dataset as a whole, rather the accuracy of a classifier is a more local calculation. Specifically the accuracy of a classifier in ExSTraCS is equal to the number of times a classifier has been in a correct set, divided by the number of times it has been in a match set. This parameter is updated for a given classifier any learning iteration that it is included in a match set. Numerosity This parameter stores the numerosity of a respective classifier. The numerosity of a classifier represents the number of virtual copies of a given classifier are being maintained within the classifier population. Typically, a high numerosity is an indicator that a classifier is particularly ‘good’. Traditionally, when seeking 28 to interpret a classifier population, classifiers are ranked by increasing numerosity, and researchers begin by manually inspecting classifiers with the highest numerosities. However this is not a completely reliable indicator, as numerosity can sometimes be high by random chance, or simply because a classifier has a reasonable fitness, but a low specificity (very few attributes specified). In this situation, the classifier would likely be involved in match sets very frequently, and thus have a greater opportunity to reproduce through the genetic algorithm, and thus a greater chance that the same or similar classifiers may be added to the population. Now we will review some important mechanisms that impact the numerosity of a classifier. It is useful to note that when a classifier is selected for deletion, it is only completely removed from the population if it has a numerosity of only one (only one copy of itself). If the classifier’s numerosity is larger, than deletion will decrement the numerosity of that classifier (i.e. if it’s numerosity was 5, deletion will reduce it to 4). Numerosity plays a role in many aspects of the ExSTraCS algorithm including, for example, the prediction scheme, where classifiers get a vote proportional to their numerosity. When calculating the micro population size of the classifier population, we sum the numerosities of all classifiers in the population. Before adding a new classifier to the population ExSTraCS checks to make sure that a classifier with the same ‘specified’, ‘condition’, and ‘phenotype’ doesn’t already exist. If it does, instead of adding an entirely new copy of the classifier, the numerosity of the existing classifier is increased by one. This parameter is updated for a given classifier whenever it is deleted, whenever a copy of itself is added to the population, or whenever it subsumes another classifier (in which this classifier’s numerosity would increase by the numerosity of the classifier it subsumed. AveMatchSetSize This parameter stores the estimated average match set size that is maintained for each classifier. In other words, this parameter is roughly tracking the average number of classifiers in match sets in which a given classifier is also included. This parameter is mainly utilized in the calculation of a classifier’s deletion probability, where a larger AveMatchSetSize yields a larger deletion probability. Essentially this applies a pressure on the classifier population as a whole to maintain a diversity of classifiers that apply to different niches of the problem space. In other words this pressure seeks to balance the number of classifiers adopting available phenotype/class states, and the number of classifiers that are specific to different parts of the solution space. This parameter is updated for a given classifier any learning iteration that it is included in a match set. TimeStampGA This parameter stores the last iteration which a given classifier was last in a correct set upon which the genetic algorithm was activated. This parameter is in-turn used to determine when the genetic algorithm should be activated. Generally speaking if the classifiers in a correct set are very young (i.e. the 29 average TimeStampGA of classifiers in the correct set is low, relative to the current iteration), than the genetic algorithm will not be activated. This parameter is updated for a given classifier any learning iteration that it is included in a correct set in which the genetic algorithm was also activated. InitTimeStamp This parameter stores the iteration in which a given classifier was first created. This parameter is never changed for a given classifier. However, note that if a classifier gets completely deleted, and then the same classifier appears during some later iteration, it will have a new InitTimeStamp value, since it will be treated as an entirely new classifier. As currently implemented, this parameter does not influence learning, but may be used to characterize the classifiers and the greater classifier population. This parameter is used to determine when a classifier has been around long enough to have had the opportunity to be exposed to every instance in the training data (i.e. EpochComplete) Specificity This parameter stores the proportion of attributes in the training dataset that have been specified within a given classifier. This parameter is never changed for a given classifier. As currently implemented, this parameter does not influence learning, but may be used to characterize the classifiers and the greater classifier population. DeletionProb This parameter stores the current deletion weight for a given classifier. This parameter is updated for a given classifier whenever deletion is activated. Other LCS algorithms calculated this value as needed and do not store it as a parameter. ExSTraCS stores classifier deletion weights to better characterize classifiers and the greater population after run completion. CorrectCount This parameter stores the number of times that a given classifier has been in a correct set. This parameter along with MatchCount are used to calculate/update classifier accuracy whenever needed. This parameter is updated any time a given classifier is in a correct set. MatchCount This parameter stores the number of times that a given classifier has been in a match set. This parameter along with CorrectCount are used to calculate/update classifier accuracy whenever needed. This parameter is updated any time a given classifier is in a match set. 30 CorrectCover This parameter stores the number of instances in the training data, for which this classifier made it into a correct set. This parameter value will be the same as CorrectCount for a given classifier until an epoch is complete (i.e. until this classifier has had the opportunity to be exposed to every instance in the training dataset). At this point CorrectCover becomes a fixed value that can no longer be updated. This parameter indicates the number of instances in the training data that are correctly covered by a given classifier. This parameter is currently used to characterize classifiers in the population and does not impact learning. MatchCover This parameter stores the number of instances in the training data, for which this classifier made it into a match set. This parameter value will be the same as MatchCount for a given classifier until an epoch is complete (i.e. until this classifier has had the opportunity to be exposed to every instance in the training dataset). At this point MatchCover becomes a fixed value that can no longer be updated. This parameter indicates the number of instances in the training data that are correctly or incorrectly covered by a given classifier. This parameter is currently used to characterize classifiers in the population and does not impact learning. EpochComplete This parameter has a boolean value (True/False) and indicates whether a given classifier has been around long enough to have the opportunity to be exposed to every instance in the training data. This occurs when the current iteration number minus InitTimeStamp is larger than the number of training instances in the dataset. Currently this parameter is used to characterize classifiers in the population and does not impact learning. However, we expect that in order to improve learning on datasets with a smaller number of training instances available, it will be useful to keep track of which classifiers have already seen all training instances. 2.4.2 Population Statistics The second file that is output by ExSTraCS each time the classifier population is evaluated globally, is the population statistics file (the file extension is ‘[Iteration] PopStats.txt’). This file is intended to summarize global performance of ExSTraCS over the entire training and testing datasets, as well as characterize global classifier population statistics. Key performance statistics include, training accuracy, testing accuracy, training coverage, and testing coverage (where coverage refers to the proportion of instances in either the training or testing datasets that are matched by at least one classifier in the classifier population). This file also outputs the macro population size, the micro population size, and the average generality of classifiers in the population (where 31 numerosity is taken into account). Next, this file includes three summary statistics introduced in [19] which can be used in knowledge discovery to identify attributes that were of particular importance in making class predictions. These statistics include the specificity sum, the accuracy sum, and the attribute tracking global sum. For each statistic a sum is calculated for every attribute in the training data. The specificity sum, sums the number of times a respective attribute was specified in classifiers across the population (numerosity taken into account). The accuracy sum is calculated similarly, but the sum is weighted by the accuracy of each respective classifier. Lastly, the attribute tracking global sum is only calculated when attribute tracking has been activated (otherwise all attribute sums will be zero in this output file). Here, instead of summing when attributes were specified in the classifier population, attribute tracking scores for all instances in the dataset are summed for each individual attribute. Attributes that consistently have the highest sums for these three metrics are likely to be most important for making accurate predictions. Next, this file outputs both the global run time (the time in minutes that ExSTraCS has been running up to the point where this evaluation was conducted), and a breakdown of how much time was required by individual ExSTraCS components. The last information included in this output file is the CorrectTrackerSave. This information has nothing to do with performance statistics, or a characterization of the classifier population. Rather, this information is exclusively used for ‘rebooting’ the classifier population. Specifically these values capture the prediction successes and failures for the trackingFrequency, which tracks estimated prediction performance of ExSTraCS during learning. Including this information in this output file allows it to be loaded back into ExSTraCS’s memory so that the Learning Tracking output file (see below) can pick up where it left off uninterrupted when the classifier population is reboot in ExSTraCS. As a result, this file is required along with the rule population file in order to successfully reboot a classifier population. 2.4.3 Co-occurrence The third file that is output by ExSTraCS each time the classifier population is evaluated globally, is the Co-ocurrence file (the file extension is ‘[Iteration] CO.txt’). This file ranks top pairs of attributes that are co-specified in classifiers across the classifier population. If the loaded training dataset include <= 50 attributes, all attribute pair co-occurrence scores will be output to this file. If there are more than 50 attributes, the only top specified 50 attribute will be used to determine the top co-specified attribute pairs. This is due to the fact that that as the number of attributes in the dataset increases, the number of attribute pair combinations goes up exponentially. This co-occurrence metric can be used to better characterize the relationships between attributes in classifiers across the population. This can be used, for instance, to help differentiate epistatic interactions from heterogeneous relationships. Uniquely, this output file includes no header labels for columns. The first two columns specify a pair of attributes. The third column gives the co-specification sum for that particular attribute 32 pair (i.e. the number of times both attributes were specified in a classifier together where numerosity is as usual taken into account). The fourth column is similar to the third, however the sum is weighted by the respective accuracy of each classifier in which both attributes were specified. Rows are ranked from largest co-specification sum to smallest (i.e. based on the values in the third column). 2.4.4 Attribute Tracking Scores The fourth file that is output by ExSTraCS each time the classifier population is evaluated globally (and attribute tracking is activated), is the attribute tracking score file (the file extension is ‘[Iteration] AttTrack.txt’). This output file should have the same dimmensionality (i.e. the same number of rows and columns) as the training data (assuming that the training data includes a column for instance ID labels). In this output file, the first row gives headers. The first column gives instance identifiers for all instances in the training dataset. Following columns give attribute tracking scores for each attribute in the dataset. The last column is the class/phenotype value for a respective instance in the data. As described in [18] and [21], hierarchical clustering can be performed on instances, and attributes within this file to identify groups of instances with similar patterns of attributes with high attribute tracking scores in order to identify potentially heterogeneous instance subgroups and better characterize relationships between attributes predictive of class/phenotype state. 2.4.5 Predictions The fifth file that is output by ExSTraCS each time the classifier population is evaluated globally is the Prediction file (the file extension is ‘[Iteration] Predictions.txt’). This output file will only be able to be generated if a testing dataset has made available to the algorithm. The first column gives instance identifiers for all instances in the training dataset. The second column gives the predicted class made by ExSTraCS for the current instance. The third column gives the true class value for the current instance. The remaining columns will give respective votes for each possible class in the dataset. These were the votes that were used to make the prediction for the given testing instance. 2.4.6 Learning Tracking Different from the previously described output files, the Learning Tracking file (the file extension is ‘LearnTrack.txt’) is only output once per run of ExSTraCS on a given dataset. The run parameter trackingFrequency, determines how often a learning tracking estimated performance evaluation is completed and output to this file. Each evaluation includes the following information: (1) the current learning iteration, (2) the macro population size, (3) the micro population size, (4) an accuracy estimate (calculated using the previous 33 trackingFrequency learning iterations, (5) average classifier population generality, (6) the proportion of experienced classifiers (i.e. classifiers that have completed at least one epoch), and (7) the amount of run time that has elapsed. Additionally if an ExSTraCS classifier population is ‘reboot’ to run longer, than the existing Learning Tracking file will be opened and further learning tracking statistics will be added to the original file, picking off from where learning tracking left off. This file can be used to graph estimated features of learning progress over time or learning iterations. 2.4.7 Expert Knowledge The last file that can be output by ExSTraCS is a text file giving the expert knowledge weights generated internally by ExSTraCS using one of the four included attribute filtering/weighting algorithms. This file will only be output if run parameter useExpertKnowledge is set to 1 and external EK Generation is set to None. The file extension will be based on the weight algorithm [alg] selected for EK generation; ‘ [alg] scores.txt’. ExSTraCS will format this expert knowledge weight file as a tab-delimited .txt file. Specifically, there will be three initial rows in the text file that serve as a header and give the weight algorithm run, and the time it took to generate the expert knowledge weights in seconds. The fourth row will begin the EK scores themselves. Every row from the fourth down to the last will include the following; (1) the first column will give an attribute ID as it appears in the training data, (2) the second column will include the numerical weight for that respective attribute, and (3) the third column will include the weight rank of an attribute relative to the others. A user may wish to generate and use these expert knowledge files for a purpose completely separate from the running the core ExSTraCS algorithm. For this reason, we included the run parameter onlyEKScores, so that this file could be produced without running the ExSTraCS algorithm itself. 2.5 Making Predictions One of the major goals for ExSTraCS is to evolve a prediction model (made up of a population of classifiers) that can then be applied to the task of class prediction in data that the algorithm has not yet seen. Currently the simplest way to examine the predictive ability of the evolved ExSTraCS classifier population is to include a testing dataset along with the training dataset. While the core ExSTraCS algorithm is geared towards learning predictive patterns, ExSTraCS also tests it’s predictive ability on the current training instance each iteration (to provide a training accuracy estimate for the Learning Tracking output file. Class predictions are handled by the ExSTraCS Prediction.py module, which takes all classifiers in the current match set (i.e. all classifiers that match the current data instance), and sums up a vote score for each possible class state. The vote score for a given class state sums the fitness values for all classifiers that specify that given class state. This sum is weighted by classifier numerosity 34 (e.g. a classifier with a numerosity of 3 has it’s fitness value added 3 times to the vote score sum. New to ExSTraCS 2.0, the votes of individual rules are also weighted by the class imbalance, such that rules specifying an over-represented class get a smaller vote than rules from an under-represented class. In balanced data, this update will not alter algorithm predictive performance. The class state that is predicted by ExSTraCS is the class state with the largest vote score. If a tie occurs, than the class state with the largest number of classifiers (including numerosity) is chosen as the prediction. If a tie still occurs, than the class state with the youngest average classifiers is chosen as the prediction. If a tie still exists, than a random choice is made between the possible class states (this should be very unlikely to occur). This ‘extended’ prediction scheme is unique to ExSTraCS. Other LCS algorithms tend to use a prediction strictly based on the fitness vote (as described above), and a tie immediately leads to a random prediction of state class. 35 Chapter 3 Future ExSTraCS Expansions Currently, we have a number of expansions being developed for inclusion in upcoming versions of ExSTraCS. In the following sections we will briefly discuss these upcoming additions and the reason for their development. 3.1 Continuous Attribute Improvements While the knowledge representation scheme adopted by ExSTraCS gives it the flexibility to handle data with both discrete and continuous attributes, our preliminary analysis has indicated that it does not achieve the same levels of performance when running on discrete vs. continuous attribute datasets with the same underlying signal strength. This is likely due to the fact that in order to learn an effective classifier in the context of a continuous attribute, ExSTraCS has to learn not only ‘which’ attributes to specify, but the optimal range of continuous values to specify for a given attribute in a classifier. Intuitively this should be a more difficult, and time consuming task. Additionally, consider the case where a continuous valued range specified in a classifier covers all or the majority of the range observed in the training data. In this situation, this attribute would match for all or most classifiers, providing little or no useful information pertaining to class prediction. Currently there is no real pressure to prevent this from happening. Therefore we are exploring an explicit pressure that will directly encourage narrower continuous valued ranges to be specified in classifiers, so that such attributes do not become arbitrarily specified within classifiers, further slowing down matching, and clouding the task of knowledge discovery. 36 3.2 Continuous Phenotypes Currently, the adopted ExSTraCS knowledge representation gives this algorithm the flexibility to handle data with both discrete and continuous attributes. Notably, the included expert knowledge attribute weight algorithms have also been adapted to this end as well. We are interested in giving ExSTraCS the added flexibility to learn on problems/datasets involving a continuous-valued phenotype (where phenotype is also referred to as an endpoint, the dependent variable, class, or action). While a handful of LCS algorithms have been developed to handle continuous ‘actions’ (i.e. continuous phenotypes) these expansions have been primarily geared towards function approximation or behavior modeling problems. Learning on continuous phenotype data brings about a number of challenges not found in discrete phenotype learning. For instance, in order for a classifier to ever generalize to more than one training instance, the phenotype of a classifier must either be a function of the condition state values, which has been done previously in computed action research, or classifier phenotypes will need to be a continuous-valued interval. Additionally predictions will need to be evaluated based on their error, where error is no longer just a matter of whether the right or wrong class was predicted, but rather how far the phenotype prediction was from the true phenotype of the data instance. We are currently evaluating a couple promising implementations that allow for continuous phenotype learning. 3.3 Fitness and Deletion Schemes In the context of modern XCS-based Michigan-style LCS algorithms, it is extremely common for fitness to be directly based on a power function of classifier accuracy. The natural multi-objective nature of these algorithms relies on implicit generalization pressures to push classifiers towards a state of maximal accuracy and maximal generality (i.e. simplicity). However, our experience with noisy complex data mining problems has indicated some obvious problems with a fitness scheme based only on accuracy. Upon manual inspection of classifier populations generated in this way, it is clear that many classifiers that are actually very poor and over specific, despite the use of the subsumption mechanism and the implicit generalization pressure derived from the fact that more general classifiers will tend to appear in match and correct sets more often, and therefore more often reproduce to potentially yield similar, lower generality classifiers. Additionally we noted that deletion does not always target classifiers that a user could identify as clearly ‘bad’ (e.g. the classifier only covers one instance in the data). Presently we are working on a complete revision both of how fitness is calculated, as well as how the deletion weight of a classifier is calculated, that will more intelligently improve and speed up learning mainly geared towards supervised learning in complex, noisy problem domains (as commonly found in real world problems). 37 3.4 ExSTraCS GUI In order to make ExSTraCS even more hands-on, user-friendly, we have developed a GUI prototype for the software that we hope to finalize and release sometime early in 2015 (see above). This GUI includes an interface for setting run parameters, and live visualizations to track algorithm learning progress, and additional visualizations to guide knowledge discovery. 38 Chapter 4 Version Fixes/Updates 4.1 ExSTraCS 2.0.2 • Fixed the outputTestPredictions run parameter so that users can actually tell ExSTraCS whether or not to output the Predictions files. • Fixed the InstanceID values that were being outupt in the Predictions files. Previously the training data instance ID’s (which had been shuffled for learning) were being mistakenly output instead of the testing data instance ID’s. 4.2 ExSTraCS 2.0.1 • Fixed a zero division error involving balanced accuracy calculation that appeared with very small or highly class imbalanced datasets. • Added updated balanced accuracy calculation introduced in 2.0 to rule compaction where it also needed to be fixed. 4.3 ExSTraCS 2.0 • Fixed Mac-related bug: Algorithm crashed tying to load some .txt data files on the Mac platform. Updated the load file commands to allow for the different .txt format in dealing with newlines vs return characters. • Updated ExSTraCS to calculate and utilize a rule specificity limit. This required alteration to the code dealing with rule covering, mutation, and crossover, as well as modifications to how expert knowledge and attribute tracking values were applied in these respective mechanisms. Expert knowledge module also greatly simplified in how EK scores were transformed and utilized as weights in the algorithm. Eliminated the need 39 for slow, and more complex logistic transformation of weights into scaled probabilities. • Updated ExSTraCS to include the TuRF wrapper algorithm as a separate module. TuRF works in concert with any of the four included attribute weighting algorithms included in ExSTraCS. • Updated ExSTraCS Prediction module to more effectively make predictions on imbalanced datasets. Specifically, vote contributions of individual rules are weighted by class imbalance. In other words, rules that specify an over-represented class get a proportionally smaller vote, vs. rules that specify an under-represented class get a proportionally larger vote. This change has no impact on prediction on balanced datasets. • Fixed an error in balanced accuracy calculation that would primarily impact accuracy performance evaluations within imbalanced datasets and datasets with more than two classes. This fix, properly gives the prediction accuracy within each class an equal weight in determining overall balanced accuracy. This is applied to the calculation of both training and testing accuracy of the rule population as a whole. Notably, with this fix, the user should not expect standard accuracy and balanced accuracy to be equal even when the the datasets are balanced. This is because the calculation of balanced accuracy independently takes the number of correctly classified instances for each respective class into consideration. Thus after an evaluation, 70 out of 100 instances may have been correctly classified (i.e. 70% standard accuracy), but if 40 of the 70 were from class A, and 30 of the 70 were from class B, the balanced accuracy will have a slightly different value. If 35 instances were were correctly classified from either class, only then would standard accuracy equal balanced accuracy. • Updated ExSTraCS to simplify run parameters. Added default values for all parameters except trainFile. Also, to avoid confusion, ExSTraCS now automatically integrates the name of the training data into the name of the output files. The output file name parameter can now be left out or set to None, which will simply save the output files to the working directory, and name them based on the training dataset name. Additionally, users can not optionally leave out the ‘.txt’ when specifying the training or testing dataset names. Lastly, we combined two parameters related to the use of expert knowledge (i.e. internal EK Generation and EK source) into the single parameter external EK Generation. If this new parameter is set to None, ExSTraCS will internally generate EK scores. Otherwise this parameter should specify the file path/name of the EK source file giving properly formatted EK scores. • Fixed small bug involving rule compaction crash on datasets with a smaller number of attributes than the calculated or manually set rule specificity limit. 40 Bibliography [1] Jaume Bacardit and Natalio Krasnogor. A mixed discrete-continuous attribute list representation for large scale classification domains. In Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 1155–1162. ACM, 2009. [2] E. Bernadó-Mansilla and J.M. Garrell-Guiu. Accuracy-based learning classifier system: models, analysis and applications to classification tasks. Evolutionary Computation, 11(3):209–238, 2003. 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