Experimenters Handbook 1966 Fall
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BUILD FROM COMPLETE PLANS Panic Alarm- CD Ignition System Smoke Detector-99c Speaker B TV Tube Tester Electronic St and dozens more - ELECTRONICS TRAINING Home Study vs Resident Schools UIJIta ; AIWIPLIFIER SCOTTICIT. MO r - Cc or rgaii + BETTER THAN EVER 1967 670 Mail the Card Today for Your FREE Catalog No Money Down Easy Pay Terms Live Belles Effect, ,C.I /' Wrth LAFAYET RADIO ELECTRONICS CATALOG NO. Over 500 Pages FIVE BETTER ELECTRONICALLY WITH LAFAYETTE 1967 OUI 45th ,at ERE E VIII SIS TV Tubes and Parts OT ' ...Kï ......, r:: S' ;:' \ U.., a,,, Electronic Parts Test Equipment C.B. 2 -Way Radio Tools Ham Gear Stereo Hi -Fi Tape Recorders Walkie- Talkies Auto Accessories ,... _ ,... . LAFAYETTE'S MAIL ORDER & LONG ISLAND SALES CENTER Featuring Everything in Electronics for HOME from the INDUSTRY LABORATORY "World's Hi -Fi & Electronics Center" LAFAYETTE Radio ELECTRONICS Dept. EHJ -6, P.O. Box 10 Syosset, L. , N.Y. 11791 ....... - - - - - - Send me the Free 1967 Lafayette Catalog 670 r = 111 Jericho Turnpike Syosset, L. I., New York 11791 r OTHER LOCATIONS Dept. EHJ -6 NEW YORK Bronx Brooklyn Jamaica Manhattan Scarsdale Syosset Name Address City Zip ________ ..... - ______________ State PENNSYLVANIA (Please Give Your Zip Code No.) 1 , Pittsburgh Newark Paramus MASSACHUSETTS Boston Natick Plainfield Saugus NEW JERSEY WASHINGTON, D.C. (Area) Falls Church, Va. Mt. Rainier, Md. CONNECTICUT Hamden W. Hartr ^r CIRCLE NO. 18 ON READER SERVICá CARD MN Introducing EICO's New "Cortina Series "! Today's electro-technology makes possible near-perfect stereo at moderate manufacturing cost: that's the design concept behind the new EICO "Cortina" all solid state stereo components. All are 100% professional, conveniently compact (31/2"H, 12 "W, 8 "D), in an esthetically striking "low silhouette." Yes, you can pay more for high quality stereo. But now there's no need to. The refinements will be marginal and probably inaudible. Each is $89.95 kit, $119.95 wired. Model 3070 All- Silicon Solid -State 70 -Watt Stereo Amplifier: Distortionless, natural sound with unrestricted bass and perfect transient response (no inter stage or output transformers); complete input, filter and control facilities; failure -proof rugged all-silicon transistor circuitry. Model 3200 Solid -State FM /MPX Automatic Stereo Tuner. Driftless, noiseless performance; 2.40 for 30db quieting; RF, IF, MX are pre -wired and pre -tuned on printed circuit boards you wire only non -critical power supply. - 7 New Ways to make Electronics more Fun! Save up to 50 % with EICO Kits and Wired Equipment. CRAFT New EICOCRAFT easy - to-build solidstate electronic TruRitsr. great for beginners and sophisticates alike. As professional as the - standard EICO line only the complexity Is reduced to make kit building faster, easier, You hear 4 -Band all the ar l P r t'., NEW ctOO 623 S oiic F- NEW Short Ware -State Engine Analyzer L ship-to-shore, aircraft, Coast Guard, and the full AM band. 550KC to 30MC in four bands. Selective, sensitive superhet, modern printed circuit board construction. Easy, -fast pinpoint tuning: illuminated slide rule dials, logging scale; "S" meter, electrical bandspread tuning, variable BF0 for CW and SSS reception, automatic noise limiter. 4" speaker. Headphone jack. Kit $49.95, Wired plus ham operators, Now you can tune -up, troubleshoot and test your own car or boat. Keep your car or boat engine in tip -top shape with this completely lower cost. Features: pre -drilled copper plated etched printed circuit boards; finest parts; step -by-step instructions; no technical experience needed just soldering iron and pliers. Choose from: Fire - Alarm; Intercom; Burglar Alarm; Light Flasher; "Mystifier "; Siren; Code Oscillator; Metronome; Tremolo; Audio Power Amplifier; AC Power Supply. From $2.50 per kit. portable, self- contained, self powered universal engine ana- $69.95. lyzer. Completely tests your total ignition /electrical system. The first time you use it just to tune for peak performance it'll have paid for itself- (No tune -up charges, better gas consumption, longer wear) 7 instruments in one, the EICO 888 does all these -- d, for 6V and 12V systems; 4, 6 & 8 cylinder engines. The EICO 888 comes complete with a comprehensive Tune -up and Trouble- shooting Manual including RPM and Dwell angle for over 40 models of American and Foreign cars. The Model 888 is an outstanding value at $44.95 kit, $59.95 wired. r "the best ham Radio TV Experiby for 196e" menter Magazine. 200 watts PEP on 80, 40 and built -in VOX, Receiver offset tuning, 20 meters. high level dynamic AEC, silicon solid -state YFO. Unequaled performance, features and appearance. Sensationally priced at $199.95 kit, $299.95 wired, - transceu"r 15. -r PUNCH ,r new EICO Pro" 23- channel Dual Conversion ' 5 Sentinel - -wait CB Transceiver. New advanced Big -Reach "Range Plus" circuitry lengthens "talk- power" reach. Automatic noise limiter super- sensitizes for weak signals. "Finger Tip" antenna loading and transmitter tuning controls. 23 crystal -controlled all crystals transmit and receive channels supplied. Rear -illuminated S /RF meter. Transistorized 12VDC and I17VAC dual power supply. Wired only, $169.95. Positive- Negative Ground/ Mobile Marine Modification kit (optional 55.95). - rFREE 1967 CATALOG EICO Electronic Instrument Co., Inc. 131 -01 39th Ave., Flushing. N. Y. 11352 Send me FREE catalog describing the. full EICO line of 200 best buys, and name of nearest dealer- I'm inter ested in: ham radio test equipment D Citizens Band radio C) stereo /hi -fi automotive electronics f._" Name Model 460 Wideband Direct -Coupled 5" Oscilloscope. DC-4.5mc for color and 85W TV service and lab use. Push pull DC vertical amp., bal. or unbal. input. Automatic sync limiter and amp, $99.95 kit, $139.50 wired. City L Zip State .1 CIRCLE NO. 1966 Fall Edition Model 232 Peak -to -Peak VTVM. A must for color or B &W TV and industrial use. 7 non -skip ranges on all 4 func. tions. With exclusive Unl- Probe.® $29.95 kit, $49.95 wired. Addre 7 ON READER SERVICE CARD 1 NO SPECIAL TOOLS REQUIRED LIGHT UP THE NIGHT With RCA's EXPERIMENTER'S KIT Build Your Own Light -Operated Switch for Dozens of Applications Around the House Just let your imagination soar-and you'll trigger your own application ideas for any of the 14 control circuits you can build with only three RCA Experimenter's Kits. For instance, you can build a light- operated switch for a garage light, a yard or path light, or even an advertising sign that can be activated with lights from an approaching automobile! You can also build a model race car speed control, an electronic heat control and other interesting circuits with hundreds of applications. All these circuits with easy -to- follow directions are described in the RCA Experimenter's Manual, KM -70, available from your RCA Semiconductor Distributor. HERE IS WHAT YOU NEED... Basic Experimenter's Kit (KD2105). Containing one silicon controlled- rectifier; two transistors; five RCA rectifiers. RCA Experimenter's Manual (KM -70). 80 pages profusely illustrated; 14 circuits -how they operate and how to build them. RCA Add -On Light Sensor Kit (KD2106). Containing one photocell for light- operated circuits. Heat Sensor Kit (KD2110). Containing three thermistors for different temperature ranges; special solder for heat control circuits. Readily available passive components and hardware. RCA Add -On HERE IS WHAT YOU CAN MAKE... Electronic Timer. 2. Electronic Time Delay Switch. 3. Electronic Flasher. 4. Battery Charger (12 Volts). 5. Battery Charger (6 Volts). 6. Model Race Car and Railroad Speed Control. 7. Light-Operated Switch (Turn -On). 8. Light- Operated Switch (Turn -Off). 9. Electronic Heat Control (Turn -On). 10. Electronic Heat Control (Turn -Off). 11. Overload Switch, 12. Electronic Synchronous Switch. 13. Universal Motor Speed Control, 14. Lamp Dimmer. 1. d.. ! tSflJS1N11kII easuu roi If you want to build one circuit or all 14, check with your RCA Distributor where kits and RCA Experimenter's Man ual are on display. He'll be glad to help you select the kit or kits for the solid -state circuit you have in mind. Do it today! AVAILABLE FROM YOUR RCA SEMICONDUCTOR DISTRIBUTOR RCA Electronic Components and Devices. Harrison, N.J. The Most Trusted Name in Electronics CIRCLE NO. 22 ON READER SERVICE CARD 2 ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK PHILLIP T. HEFFERNAN Publisher OLIVER P. FERRELL Editor l ROBERT CORNELL Managing Editor JOHN D. DRUMMOND Technical Editor WILLIAM GALBREATH FALL EDITION 19660 R6N6ELECTRONIC POPULAR EL EXPERIMENTER'S Art Editor MARGARET MAGNA Associate Editor ANDRE DUZANT Technical Illustrator NINA KALAWSKY Editorial Assistant PATTI MORGAN Editorial Assistant LAWRENCE SPORN Advertising Soles Manager ARDYS C. MORAN Advertising Service Manager ZIFF-DAVIS PUBLISHING COMPANY Editorial, Circulation, and Executive Offices One Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016 212 679 -7200 Eastern Advertising Manager, RICHARD J. HALPERN Midwestern Office 307 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60601 312 726 -0892 Midwestern Advertising Manager, JAMES WEAKLEY Western Office 9025 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, California 90211 213 CRestview 4 -0265; BRadshaw 2 -1161 Western Advertising Manager, BUD DEAN IN VIEW OF THE PRESSING DEMAND FOR TRAINED ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS, A SPECIAL TWO -PART STORY HAS BEEN ADDED TO THIS EDITION -THE TWELFTH -OF THE ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK. THE UNDISGUISED PURPOSE OF THIS PARTICULAR STORY IS TO ENCOURAGE MORE ELECTRONICS HOBBYISTS TO SERIOUSLY CONSIDER A FULL -FLEDGED CAREER IN THIS EXPANDING FIELD. THE STORY DISCUSSES HOME -STUDY TRAINING VS. ATTENDING A RESIDENT ELECTRONICS TRAINING INSTITUTE. URGE YOU TO READ THIS IMPORTANT STORY. FURTHERMORE, THERE IS A FOLLOW -UP STORY BY THE SAME AUTHOR IN THE OCTOBER, 1966, ISSUE OF POPULAR ELECTRONICS. THIS LATTER STORY IS AN ANALYSIS OF JOB OPPORTUNITIES FOR HOME -STUDY AND RESIDENT IF YOU ARE INSCHOOL GRADUATES. TERESTED IN ESTABLISHING A WELL PAYING TECHNICIAN'S CAREER IN ELECTRONICS, THESE ARTICLES WILL TELL YOU HOW MUCH TIME AND MONEY YOU CAN EXPECT TO SPEND AND WHAT YOUR EARNING POTENTIAL WILL BE AFTER GRADUATION. AS ALWAYS, THE EDITORIAL STAFF OF THE ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK WILL APPRECIATE YOUR COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THE NEXT EDITION. OLIVER P. FERRELL EDITOR I Japan: James Yogi c/o Sekihara 1, William B. Sakamachi, Shinluku -ku Tokyo, Japan Ziff, Chairman of the Board (1946-1953) William Ziff, President W. Bradford Briggs, Executive Vice President Hershel B. Sarbin, Vice President and General Manager Philip Sine, Financial Vice President Walter S. Mills, Jr., Vice President, Circulation Stanley R. Greenfield, Vice President, Marketing Phillip T. Heffernan, Vice President Frank Pomerantz, Vice President, Creative Services Arthur W. Butzow, Vice President, Production Edward D. Muhlfeld, Vice President Member Audit Bureau of Circulations 1966 ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK, Fall Edition, published by the Ziff -Davis Publishing Company, One Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016. Also publishers of Popular Electronics, Electronics World, HiFi /Stereo Review, Communications Handbook, Tape Recorder Annual, Stereo /Hi -Fi Directory, Electronics Installation and Servicing Handbook. 1966 Fall Edition 3 INTERNATIONAL CRYSTALS the first choice of the Radio Amateur THE AMATEUR WHO SELECTS INTERNATIONAL CRYSTALS FOR HIS COMMUNICATION GEAR PROBABLY KNOWS THESE IMPORTANT FACTS: International customers include broadcast stations, airlines, military services, Civil Air Patrol, taxicabs. Every amateur crystal is manufactured by the same skilled craftsmen who make International commercial crystals. International crystals are the product of a continuing research and development pro- International crystals and electronic components are used in the United States missile and space research program. gram. International crystals are designed and manufactured to operate under all types of field fixed or mobile. conditions . . All International crystals are guaranteed against defective materials and workmanship for an unlimited time when used in equipment for which they were specifically made. . International crystals are used in all major makes of commercial two -way radio equipment. Whether you're an amateur building your first transmitter or an engineer with special crystal requirements, you can look to International for precision frequency control. KEEPING YOU ON FREQUENCY IS OUR BUSINESS! INTERNATIONAL Write today for a FREE CATALOG of International precision made crystals and quality electronic equipment. International Crystal Mfg. Co., Inc. 18 North Lee Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102 NAME CRYSTAL MFG. CO., INC. 1E3 NO. LEE OKLA_ I ITV, OKLA 71'02 ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CIRCLE NO. 11 ON READER SERVICE CARD 4 ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK CHAPTER 1 USEFUL PROJECTS 2 AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS 7 - PICTURE TUBE TESTER AND REJUVENATOR LUMEMIN STEALS THE SHOW- FAIL -SAFE TRANSISTOR POWER SUPPLY -CHRISTMAS LIGHTS TWINKLE TO MUSIC -SMOKE ALARM FOR YOUR HOME- SUPERSENS-FREEZE MOTION WITH SOUND -LET THE SUN POWER YOUR PORTABLE- SUPER -X PULSE POWER PACK FOR HO RAILROADING -LI'L DUSKER: THE LIGHT WATCHMAN -SOLID -STATE SLOT CAR SPEED CONTROL -ELECTROLOCK -DON'T PANIC PUSH THE BUTTON TV ... 63 -PROTECT YOUR CAR'S ELECTRICAL SYSTEM -HEADLIGHTS -ON ALARM -AUTO VOLTMETER SHOWS YOU'LL GO A UNIVERSAL CD IGNITION SYSTEM 3 ELECTRONICS SCHOOLS 75 1- OPERATION ACTIVATE: PART GETTING YOUR TRAINING IN RESIDENT SCHOOLS; PART 2 -HOME -STUDY TRAINING 4 AUDIO STEREO HI -FI PROJECTS 93 - TOTEM POLES FOR STEREO -HI -FI A GO -GO LAMPS "CINDERELLA" -SOLID -STATE 6 -WATT AMPLIFIER FOR 10 BUCKS -UNIQUE 99¢ SPEAKER ENCLOSURE 5 COMMUNICATIONS SWL CB HAM 115 CAMPER'S SPECIAL -SUPER SELECTIVITY FOR YOUR RECEIVER -"WATCHDOG" MOBILE MONITOR -DUALSENSITIVITY FIELD STRENGTH /ABSORPTION METER TIPS AND TECHNIQUES 129 ELECTRONICS MARKETPLACE 151 Copyright i[ 1966 by Ziff-Davis Publishing Company. All rights reserved. 5 3 more features -all new Here is RCA's new WR -50B RF Signal Generator -wired or kit. It looks just like the old WR -50A, but the resemblanceends there. It has all the features you liked in the older model...plus 3 new ones you'll find in red below: Wide frequency range from 85kHz to 40MHz in 6 overlapping ranges plus harmonics for higher frequencies Built -in crystal calibrating oscillator circuit with front panel crystal socket Internal 400 Hz audio oscillator NEW -Sweep output at 10.7 MIL with return trace blanking for sweep alignment of FM receivers NEW -Sweep output at 455 kHz with return trace blanking for sweep alignment of new transistorized AM radios Individual inductance and capacitance adjustments for each range Modulation level control Two -step RF attenuator switch plus a continuously -variable attenuator control NE,1V- additional switch for further attenuation of crystal oscillator Output The Optional Distributor Resale Price is only $65.00. Kit Form, $45.00, includes pre -assembled range switch with pre aligned coils and trimmers. See the RCA WR-50B at your authorized RCA Test Equipment Distributor. RCA ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND DEVICES, HARRISON, N.J. The Most Trusted Name in Electronics CIRCLE NO. 23 ON READER SERVICE CARD K CHAPTER 1 USEFUL HOUSEHOLD PROJECTS It is not unlikely that the arbitrary definition of "Household" projects has been stretched out of shape in this edi- tion of the ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK. However, the common denominator in selecting these projects is still valid -they are all things that might be seen around the electronically -oriented household. The projects have been mixed so that there is something here for father or brother in his workshop, a couple of pre -teen projects, at least two that should delight your mother, and a couple that are just plain general -purpose units. Our cover photo shows the very popular version of the hi -fi color organ designed and constructed by Leon Wort man ( "Christmas Lights Twinkle to Music "). Unlike the lights for many other color organs, these are not something you buy extra -they're the lights on your Christmas tree. If you're looking for something novel and attractive, we urge you to give this particular project consideration. 8 Jeff H. Taylor TV PICTURE TUBE TESTER AND REJUVENATOR 14 LUMEMIN STEALS THE SHOW Louis Garner, Jr. E. 18 FAIL -SAFE TRANSISTOR POWER SUPPLY Edward Nawracaj and Fred Forman 21 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS TWINKLE TO MUSIC Leon A. Wortman 25 H. St. SMOKE ALARM FOR YOUR HOME Laurent 29 Louis SUPER -SENS Garner, Jr. E. 39 FREEZE MOTION WITH SOUND Roy E. Pafenberg 43 LET THE SUN POWER YOUR PORTABLE Homer Davidson L. 45 SUPER -X PULSE POWER PACK FOR HO RAILROADING Woodrow Pope 51 LI'L DUSKER -THE LIGHT WATCHMAN Don Lancaster 55 SOLID -STATE SLOT CAR SPEED CONTROL James Fishbeck 58 Murray ELECTROLOCK 60 DON'T PANIC 1966 Fall Edition ... PUSH THE BUTTON Bruno E. Coultes M. Larsen 7 BUILD A TV PICTURE TUBE DOES YOUR TV set "smear" when you try to turn up the brightness to a comfortable viewing level ? Do the whites seem to become silvery? Is your picture so dim that you have to pull the shades or wait for nightfall to watch a program? Does it take a long time for the brightness level to come up? Is it impossible to vary the brightness level? Does the picture tube seem to go on and off? If the answer is yes to any or all of these questions, you probably have a "sick" picture tube. While there are many different types of tests performed by the picture tube manufacturer, three types are usually made in the field: open -short, emission, and grid control tests. You can make all of these tests reliably and quickly, and also "rejuvenate" a "tired" picture tube with this easy -to -build TV Picture Tube Tester and Rejuvenator. The parts are inexpensive and readily available. HOW IT WORKS The open-short test is shown in the simplified diagram in Fig. 1. In this test a.c. voltage is applied to the cathode, and to each element in the tube, one at a time, through a neon lamp. Each of the elements acts like an anode with respect to the cathode, as in an ordinary diode. Since half the a.c. voltage waveform is passed by the diode so formed, only one half of the neon lamp will glow. Should the element be shorted to the cathode, current will flow in both direcOpens and Shorts. 8 tions and both halves of the lamp will glow. Should the element be open, no current will flow and the lamp will not glow. In the heater -cathode check, however, the lamp will not glow even on one side when conditions are normal. The inside of the cathode cylinder is not coated with the activated emitting material and very little current will flow. A shorted condition will be indicated as in the other tests both halves of the neon lamp will glow. ... Emission. The emission check is shown in the simplified diagram in Fig. 2. The control grid is tied to the cathode and an a.c. voltage is applied to G2 through a d.c. ammeter and series resistor. The amount of current that flows (during each positive half cycle) is a relative indication of the electron emission capability of the cathode. Grid Control. The grid control test is similar to the emission test except that instead of having a zero grid bias as used in the emission test, a negative voltage is applied to the control grid as shown in Fig. 3. As the control grid voltage is made more negative, less G2 current flows. When the control grid (G,) voltage is made sufficiently negative, no current will flow and the tube will be cut off. The amount of negative voltage required to achieve cutoff indicates the relative contrast range of the picture ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK 6 It's easier to plug in a tester than it is to change a picture tube By JEFF H. TAYLOR TESTER AND REJUVENATOR SIMPLIFIED CIRCUITS tube. A tube that will cut off with a small voltage will produce a more con trasty picture than one that requires a larger voltage. In a 3 -gun color tube, it is possible to determine if all the guns will cut off at the same potential, or the degree of imbalance, if any. Fig. 1. Neon lamp indicator shows leakage, shorts, and opens between each element and the cathode. Rejuvenation. The cathode of a picture tube is a small metal cylinder with an external coating of emitting material. The heater is essentially a coiled wire and is placed inside the cathode cylinder. As the picture tube is used, the outermost activated material on the cathode becomes deactivated and its ability to emit is reduced accordingly. The process of rejuvenating the picture tube removes some of the deactivated coating from the cathode and allows the unused material beneath this "scab" to once again emit a good electron beam. This is accomplished by causing a heavy current to flow from the cathode to G1-by placing a relatively high potential across the control grid and the cathode, for a very short period of time, as shown in Fig. 4. If the tube is very weak, sufficient current may not flow to rejuvenate the cathode. Increase the filament voltage one step and try again. When the REJUVENATE button is depressed, you may see sparks fly inside the picture tube in the vicinity of the cathode. This is caused by the "dead" material being "stripped" off the cathode. In a 3 -gun color CRT, each gun in G2 l Fig. 2. Meter reads relative emission. Tests made at 1- minute intervals show warm -up characteristics. Fig. 3. Grid control is determined by the amount of negative voltage needed on G1 to obtain cutoff. T Fig. 4. Momentary application of a high d.c. potential across the cathode and G1 can boost emission. 1966 Fall Edition 9 54 DI D2 mIN2071 R3 NIN2071 / SI I MEG. R2 6.8K NE48 S3A S3C a 10K MI 0- 5O0ya 117 VAC HTR GRIDI GRID2 S3 536 EMISSION 03 IN2071 S3D R4 68K CUT -OFF REJUVENATE , CI .I Vf -J T 7 C2 .5°f. Fig. 5. When testing tubes, follow the sequence shown on S3, starting with HTR. Do not rejuvenate unless you have to. The G2 6.3V first three positions help 12 "look" for opens, leakage, and B RS shorts, and should be used when the tube is cold and again when the tube is hot. Push -torejuvenate switch S4 is used only when S3 is in the rejuvenate position. Wiring of the filament circuit is shown in Fig 7. 1.2R R6 1.5f1 V PARTS LIST 1000 -volt paper capacitor (two 0?µf., 600 -volt capacitors in series or two 0.05µf., 1600 -volt capacitors in parallel) C2- 0.5-µf., 600 -volt paper capacitor D1, D2, D3-1N2071 silicon rectifier F1-11/2-ampere fuse 11- .VE -51 neon lamp 12-.VE -48 neon lamp -0 -500 microampere meter (Simpson 27 or equivalent) resistor RI- 10,000-ohm, % -wattresistor % -watt M1 R2- 6800 -ohm, R3- 1000 -ohm. V2-watt resistor R4- 68,000 -ohm, % -watt resistor R5-1? -ohm, 2 -watt resistor R6-1.5 -ohm, 2 -watt resistor R7- 100,000 -ohm potentiometer S1- S.p.s.t. toggle switch -4 -pole, 9- position rotary switch P.4 2013 or equivalent) S3-4 -pole. 6- position rotary switch P.1 2011 or equivalent) S2 ,Model (Centralab (Centralab S4- Normally -open push- button switch (Grayhill 23 -1 or equivalent) TI -Power transformer: primary, 117 volts; secondaries, 470 volts CT 3 40 ma.; 5 volts 2 amp.; and 6.3 volts CT n 2 amp. ( Stautor PC 8401 or equivalent) Cabinet (Bud WA 1540 or equivalent) 1- -2" x 5" x 7" chassis 1 Misc. -CRT sockets and adapters, fuse holder, line cord, knobs, etc. Fig. 6. Nothing is critical here, except for meter po- larity. Most of the components are panel- mounted. 10 ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK turn can be treated in this manner. Appropriate adapters and switching arrangements to accommodate multi -gun tubes, or any tube having a different base or basing arrangement, can be added to the tester. If you are careful, and if you don't have an appropriate socket, you can use clip leads or patch cords to make connections to the CRT pins. CONSTRUCTION Any convenient layout of parts can be used in building the tester /rejuvenator. The wiring is straightforward, except for the filament wiring. The phase of 6.3v the transformer's filament windings must be determined before the filament switch can be wired. To determine the phase, first tape the leads from the high -voltage secondary winding to avoid accidental contact, and do the following: (1) Connect one of the 6.3 -volt leads (not the C.T.) to one of the 5 -volt leads. (2) Connect the primary to 117 volts. (Be sure that the other transformer leads are not touching each other.) (3) If an a.c. voltmeter is available, measure the voltage between the two unconnected (not the C.T.) filament leads. If this voltage measures about 11 or 12 volts, label the 6.3 -volt lead to which the meter is attached "A "; label the 5volt lead to which the meter is attached "G"; label the other 6.3 -volt lead "C ", and the other 5 -volt lead "F ". If the meter voltage measures 1 or 2 volts, label the 6.3 -volt lead to which the meter is attached "A "; label the 5 -volt lead to which the meter is attached "F"; label the other 6.3 -volt lead "C ", and the other 5 -volt lead "G ". In the absence of a voltmeter, a 12volt panel lamp can be used as a voltage indicator. The bulb will glow brightly when the winding phase produces 11 volts, and will glow almost imperceptibly-if at all -when the winding phase produces 1 volt. Wiring is considerably easier if the switches are wired before installation. The neon lamp is supported by its terminals. POSITION VOLTAGE I 1.3 2 1.85 3 2.25(600mo.) 4 2.61(450mo.) 5 3.15 5 6 7 6.3 8 8.15 9 11.3 to aid or oppose each other to obtain six more filament voltage levels. Fig. 7. Windings are made 1966 Fall Edition Fig. 8. Observe polarity of D3 or you'll put a posiG1 and possibly ruin your meter. tive voltage on 11 one side of the neon bulb will glow. If it is shorted, both sides of the lamp will glow. If it is open, or if cathode emission is extremely low, the lamp will not glow. (6) Turn the selector switch to GRID 2. If grid 2 is normal, one side of the neon lamp will glow. If this grid is shorted to the cathode, both sides of the lamp will glow. If grid 2 is open, or if cathode emission is too low, the lamp will not glow. Emission Test Fig. 9. Test cable can be fed through the panel, or plugged into a front -mounted octal socket. Picture tube socket adapters can be added as needed. The on -off switch, panel lamp, and grid -bias potentiometer are mounted through the front panel and the chassis, and serve to hold the panel and chassis together. The filament and function switch are mounted on the front panel and are held securely in place with lock washers. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (7) Turn the selector switch to EMISSION. The meter should indicate approximately 300 microamperes or more for a good tube; however, a tube that conducts 100 microamperes or more will probably produce an acceptable picture. (Some of the newer type picture tubes designed to use higher G2 voltages may indicate "weak" when they actually are not.) Grid Control Test (8) Turn the selector to CUT -OFF. With the GRID CONTROL knob turned fully counterclockwise, the meter should indicate the same value as it did on the emission check. Now advance the control clockwise until the meter registers no current (or an extremely small current). If the potentiometer has not advanced beyond the vertical mark, the tube cutoff characteristic is acceptable. In most cases, the tube will cut off well below this mark. Open and Short Tests Rejuvenation (1) Select proper filament voltage. (2) Connect the socket to the CRT. (3) Turn the power switch to ON and allow approximately 30 seconds for the tube to warm up. Look at the neck of the tube to see if the heater is glowing. If it is not, the problem may be a loose connection in the picture tube base. Often this condition can be corrected by resoldering with solder containing noncorrosive flux. (4) Turn the selector switch to HTR. If the heater is not shorted to the cathode, the neon lamp (12) in the center of the tester will not glow. If it is shorted, both sides of the lamp will (9) If the emission check indicated a weak tube, turn the selector switch to REJ. Depress the REJUVENATE button for approximately 1/2 second and release, then turn the SELECTOR switch to EMISSION. If the tube now appears normal, remove the tester. If the tube still appears weak, increase the filament voltage to the next higher voltage and rejuvenate again. Reduce the filament voltage to its normal value, wait about a minute, and retest. If it does not now appear usable, increase the filament voltage one step higher and rejuvenate again. If this all -out try doesn't help, check emission with a higher than normal filament voltage. If this works, but rejuvenation doesn't, install a picture tube brightener. glow. 1. 12 (5) Turn the selector switch to GRID If grid 1 is not shorted to the cathode, - ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK TRAINS NOT ONLY YOU GET BUT HELPS YOU COST IN NO EXTRA AT STARTED OF DORY , . THE TECH HOME LABORATORY EQUIPMENT YOURS TO KEEP! - . PIG -MONEY FILL, ELECT©JJCSs VPREPARE AT HOME l. Whether you want to prepare for a good -paying new job or for advancement in Electronics with your present employer, DeVry Tech offers specialized educational programs designed to meet your needs. You set up your own HOME LABORATORY and work over 300 construction and test procedures to develop on- the -job type skills. You build a quality Transistorized Meter, a 5 -inch Oscilloscope and a special Design Console. DeVry also includes modern "programmed" texts, instructive motion pictures, Consultation Service. Effective? Yes! VRESIDENT SCHOOL If you prefer you may get all of your training in DeVry's U.S. or Canadian resident schools under the close guidance of friendly, experienced instructors. You work with a wide variety of commercial equipment similar to that actually used in industry as you prepare in our laboratories for a technician's job in Communications, Microwaves, Radio -Television, Automation, Radar, Computers, or other branch of Electronics. DeVry even provides part-time job placement service to those who wish to earn extra money while attending day or evening classes. VPLACEMENT SERVICE Meet W. E. Bartz, who has helped thousands of DeVry men toward exciting, profitable careers in Electronics. When YOU complete your program, he will help you too. As Placement Manager in touch with business and industry across the nation, Bartz knows the employer demand for DeVry- trained men. He has cooperated in placing our graduates with thousands of firms! Men 18 -45, start preparing NOW for this vast opportunity field. Soon you should be ready for DeVry's valuable employment help! vanced ducation or Previous Technical Experience Needed to Get Started ur ambition and desire to suc are more important! DeVry ides you every step of the way ward success. DeVRY TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Free Send coupon for these two factual booklets NOW! EVRY TECHNICA L INSTITU 141 Belmont Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60 4141 Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Ill., 60641 Dept. EEH -2 -W Please give me your two free booklets. "Pocket Guide to Real Earnings," and "Electronics in Space Travel "; also include details on how to prepare for a career in Electronics. am interested in the following opportunity fields (check one or more): Space 8 Missile Electronics Communications Television and Radio Computers Microwaves Broadcasting Radar Industrial Electronics Automation Electronics Electronic Control I Name- Age Address City 2103 Apt State Check here if you are under 16 years of age. Zip Code HOME STUDY AND RESIDENT SCHOOL TRAINING AVAILABLE IN CANADA CIRCLE NO. 6 ON READER SERVICE CARD 1966 Fall Edition 13 THE CURTAIN RISES and the spotlight falls on the slender girlish figure of the performer as she strolls gracefully towards the center of the stage. She stops behind a thin narrow box perched atop a microphone stand and turns to face the audience. Like a symphony conand on ductor, she raises her hands the downbeat rich musical tones, changing in pitch and intensity with each wave of the hand, fill the auditorium. She plays marches, polkas, and operatic themes without once ever touching the ... music box. Magic ? No. "Lumemin" is the word. Using a pair of sensitive photocell "eyes," the Lumemin "sees" our performer as she moves her hands up and down, causing varying amounts of light and shadows to fall on its "eyes." In operation, one photocell controls loudness while the other controls the musical tones which are rich in harmonics and sound somewhat like conventional brass, woodwind, and string instruments. 14 The UJTO Circuit. The heart of the Lumemin is a versatile UJTO (Unijunction Transistor Oscillator) module (Fig. 1), driven by a power supply and its photoconducting circuit. The UJTO pro- r a F L J Fig. 1. Modified sawtooth signal across points B and E is fed to an external amplifier and speaker. ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK LUMEMIN STEALS THE SHOW This easy -to-build musical instrument reads your hands like a Gypsy By LOUIS E. GARNER, JR. duces square -wave pulses as well as a modified sawtooth signal rich in harmonics. The latter is fed to an external audio amplifier and speaker. Referring to Fig. 1, an a.c. input applied across D and E is rectified by diode Da and smoothed out by Ra and a 500 pf. capacitor (Ca) in the power supply circuit. Zener diode Db limits any voltage surges from the power supply to maintain a constant potential at the unijunction transistor (UJT) base electrodes through Rc and Rd. Without emitter bias, the UJT is in a nonconducting (high- resistance) state. Capacitor Ca charges up through Rb and a resistor in the power supply circuit that appears effectively across A and B. As Ca begins to charge, the emitter voltage increases gradually until its point of conduction is reached. At this time, the UJT is triggered and switches from its nonconducting to a conducting state. As the UJT conducts, Ca discharges rapidly through the UJT and Rd, developing a positive -going pulse at B1 across Rd, and a negative -going pulse at B2 across Rc. At the same time, a modified sawtooth waveform appears between terminals B and E. With Ca discharged, the UJT reverts to its high- resistance (nonconducting) state and the entire cycle is repeated. The frequency (or repetition rate) of the circuit is dependent on the RC time constant of the components in the UJT emitter circuit. Basically, this boils down to the values of Ca, Rb, and the external resistance between A and B, as mentioned earlier. The output appears across points B and E. The Other Components. Now, let's look at the rest of the Lumemin's circuit (Fig. 2) . The major components are an isolating transformer (T1) and photocells PC1 and PC2. Photocell PC1 is part of the UJTO's timing network. It is shunted by R1, and this shunt combination is in series with R2. Therefore, PC1 serves as the external frequency control resistor. As PC1's resistance changes with different light intensities, corresponding changes take place in the UJTO's frequency. Thus, the instrument's tone is controlled essentially by AC Fig. 2. Diagram of power supply and timing network shows wiring connections to UJTO plug-in module. 1966 fall Edition PC1. Recall from Fig. 1 that a modified 15 Fig. 3. Rear view of box used by author shows attractive slide cover design finished in gray aluminum. However, the builder can select practically any size or shape enclosure consistent with good appearance. TOP Fig. 4. If you use the enclosure specified, lay out the chassis and drill holes as shown. 17" I-1/4" 5 /e" DIA DIA 3/32" DI4 I-I/2" +-IJ8" I I-1/2' 7/16" 3/16 "DIA 13/32" T 3/4" TOP 5 1/2" 3/4" ~ 2 -1/2" }O -4 _ 3/IG' 1/2" I DIA DIA 13DÌÁ' \1/6 "014(4) I-1/2" 3/4" MOUNTING HOLES 7/16" cf 3/4 T I I I/2, I 2 -1/2' I o 1/2" -1.13/4"1-.1 sawtooth signal appears between terminals B and E. It can be seen from Fig. 2 that this signal appears across R3 and PC2 which are in series. The signal across PC2 is coupled through C2 to output jack JI which feeds an audio amplifier. Operation of PC2 is such that its resistance decreases with the intensity of the light shining on it. Therefore, the amplitude of the output signal is directly proportional to PC2's instantaneous resistance, and thus inversely proportional to the light falling on the device. Accordingly, maximum volume is obtained with reduced lighting, while a strong light produces little or no output. Although the UJTO can be powered PCI C2 CI PC2 directly by the a.c. line, isolation transformer Ti is used to insure greater safety and shock -free operation. Terminals C and F on the UJTO's circuit board (Fig. 1) are not used in this application. Construction. Although the model shown in Fig. 3 has been designed around an attractive slide cover gray aluminum box, and all layout and construction details are centered around this design, the instrument can be housed in practically any type of enclosure, including a wooden cabinet or plastic box. Remove the cover and drill the holes in the box following the layout and hole dimensions given in Fig. 4. Mount J1, Si, T1, PC1 and PC2 on the chassis as STANDOFFS (4) Fig. 5. Electrical components are first mounted on the perforated phenolic mounted standoff must be RUBBER FEET 16 JI UJTO PLUG -IN MODULE SI board which is then on the chassis with four Orientation spacers. as shown in diagram. TI ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK t TOP -0 TO PCI PCI 2.v6 501 6 TO PC2 TO Ti -3/1. SOT TOM TO PCI SOI Fig. 6. Phenolic board showing components mounted on one side (top) and wiring details on other side. PARTS LIST C1- 500 -12f., -2- 15 -volt electrolytic capacitor C2 o/., 200 -volt paper capacitor 11 -Open circuit phone jack PC1, PC2 -CdS photocell (GE Type X6) R1- 10,000 -ohm, % -watt resistor -see text R2- 1000 -ohm, A -watt resistor-see text R3- 470,000 -ohm, % -watt resistor-see text S1- S.p.s.t. toggle switch S01- Cinch -lanes bifurcated -contact edge connector, Series 250, Type 50 -6A -20 (Newark Electronics Stock No. 29F952 or Allied Electronics Stock No. 40 H 319) T1 -115 -volt isolation transformer (Lafayette Stock No. 33 G 7502) CITO- Unijnnnction transistor oscillator module (MS Type 5100 -4A- available for $5 from Midland Standard, 161 E. Chicago St., Elgin, Ill. 60120) 1 -3%" x 2%" x 17" slide cover utility box 1 (LD1B No. 19) x 2 'A" perforated phenolic board -6%" Mise.-Line cord and plug, rubber feet (4), standoff spacers (4), push -in terminals, rubber grommets (3), machine screws, nuts, wire, solder, etc. Fig. 7. When installing the UJTO module in the Cinch -Jones connector (SO1), make sure it is positioned with foil side of the board facing the chassis rim as shown in Fig. 5, or circuit will not work. 1966 Fall Edition shown in Fig. 5. The photocells are mounted in tight- fitting rubber grommets, and the rubber feet can be put on at this time. Use No. 6 self- tapping screws, or if you prefer, machine screws with nuts and flat washers. Transformer T1 can be mounted with the same size hardware. Then put the chassis aside, temporarily. You can now begin to assemble the electronic components on the phenolic board as shown in Fig. 6. On one side of the board, mount the Cinch -Jones socket (201) , and capacitors Cl and C2, as shown in the top view. Wire the other side of the board as shown in the lower view. Refer to Fig. 2 for detailed wiring information. The only thing left for you to do is to plug the UJTO module (Fig. 7) into socket SO1 (Fig. 6) , and mount the electronic component board on the chassis using four standoff spacers ( Fig. 5) . Be sure to insert the module with the foil side facing the chassis rim. Then complete the interconnection wiring. As a final touch, you can use decals to label the controls and thus give the instrument a commercially built appearance. After the decals are put on, they should be protected with two or three coats of clear lacquer or acrylic plastic. Using the Instrument. For personal use or individual practice, a pair of high- impedance magnetic or crystal headphones can be plugged into J1. For parties, or audience entertainment, you will need a suitable audio amplifier/ loudspeaker system such as a guitar amplifier, a public address system, or a standard hi -fi system. Simply connect a suitable cable between J1 and the amplifier's high- impedance microphone jack. The Lumemin should be placed in an area where a moderately strong light will fall on its photocells. The light source can be an overhead lamp or a sharply focused spotlight, as you prefer. Since no warm -up is required (except for the reproduction equipment used), the moment you turn the instrument on you can play individual notes by using your hands to cast appropriate shadows on the photocells. The lowest frequency note is obtained when the tone photocell (PC1) is in complete darkness, and the (Continued on page 138) 17 BUILD A FAIL-SAFE TRANSISTOR POWER SUPPLY By EDWARD NAWRACAJ and FRED FORMAN It halts runaway transistors restores itself instantly COMBINING a transistorized series BYregulated power supply with a light dependent resistor (LDR1) it is possible to obtain a fail -safe power supply that is regulated, short -proof, and self-restor, ing. There are no fuses to replace or circuit breakers to reset. Even a dead short across the load line cannot damage this power supply. keep Before you say, "So what ?" -reguseries -circuited, short that in mind lated power supplies generally cause the base -emitter junction of the series transistor to rupture, and end further use of the supply until the transistor is replaced. This does not happen with the fail -safe supply. The components selected enable this ... 18 ... eliminates batteries .. . ... and dead shorts can't kill it supply to provide you with a 9 -volt output at 0 to 100 milliamperes. It is ideal for transistor projects, radios and other 9 -volt battery- operated devices whose current requirements do not exceed 100 ma. In addition to the fail -safe feature, the supply tends to protect the devices being powered. Suppose you had a defect which could cause a runaway condition in one of your transistor projects . . . chances are that with a battery supply your transistors would draw destructive currents. With the fail -safe supply, maximum current is 100 ma. And, of course, a big advantage is that the power supply serves as a battery eliminator: it works off the 117 -volt line. ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK DI 1N4001 An overload brightens 11 and darkens 12. You see I1 and LDR1 "sees" 12. If you TI don't remove the overload, the LDR biases Ql to cut down the output current. Removal of overload darkens 12 and output voltage jumps back to normal. 12V 11 RI I loon I7 VAC R2 SR 02 IN3020A An overload indicator quickly alerts you to operating conditions. Here's what happens. Under normal load conditions the indicator light Il, protruding through the top of the cabinet, is off and the output voltage is correct. Under excessive load conditions, IZ glows and the output voltage is down sharply. When you remove the excess load, 11 will stop glowing and the output voltage will come up to normal almost instantly. How It Works. Diode D1 rectifies, and Cl filters the 12 -volt a.c. output from Ti. The main current path can be traced from the bottom of the secondary winding of T1 through the parallel path of and the load, through the emitter collector circuit of Q1 through R2, through the parallel paths of Il and LDR1, through DI, and finally back to 12 T1. A small secondary current path through R1 and zener diode D2, which is dependent upon the total effective resistance of all the other components and the load, establishes and varies QI's base bias, which in turn varies Q1's dynamic resistance, the main current flow, the respective voltage drops across the various components in the circuit, and the load. Output voltage variations due to larger or smaller loads are compensated for by these changes in bias, so long as TO NEGATIVE POWER OUTPUT LEAD RI 02 FROM SECONDARY CI AO TI DI PARTS LIST elcetrelrlir capacit,u C1- 1000 -11f., 25 -volt D1-50 -PlV, 300 -ma. diode 1.A 2482, 13`40!)1, or 1.V2610) D2-10 -volt, 1 -watt, 10% :c,er diode (1N3020A) -18 -volt miniature equivalent) 12 -10 -volt miniature 11 equivalent) lamp (Sylvania 18ES or lamp (Sylvania 10ES or LDR1- Light- dependent resistor, 100 footca,dle- 100 ohms, (Sigma 4116 or equivalent, 1 -watt, 300 -volt r.m.s. rating) QI-2,697, 2.V1420, or 23'1613 transistor R1- 100 -ohm, % -watt resistor R2- 15-ohm, 2 -watt resistor S.p.s.t. slide switch T1- Filament transformer: primary, 117 volts; secondary, 12 volts, 1 amp. or greater ( Stancor P8130 or equivalent) 1 -4" x 23" x 2" aluminum box 1 %" x 2%" perforated circuit board 11isc.- Transistor heat sink for TO -5 transistor housing (Thermalloy 2211 or equivalent), grommets (3), right-angle brackets (2), color cap for 11, line cord, output leads, wire, screws, SlTO POSITIVE POWER R2 OUTPUT LEAD I2 LORI OI INSIDE HEATSINK Press-fit 12 into a grommet and position the assembly close to and "facing" LDR1. A wire loop holds the grommet in place. Observe polarity of diodes. 1966 Fall Edition -1 etc. 19 the load does not demand more than the maximum 100 ma. of current. Excessive loads reduce Q1's forward bias to a very low value and sharply limit the amount of main current flow. The resulting drop in voltage across the load extinguishes 12. The loss of light on LDR1 increases its resistance and further limits the main current flow. The voltage drop across LDR1 is now sufficient to light Il and alert you to the overloaded condition. When the excessive load is removed, current flow through 12 will increase sufficiently to once again illuminate LDR1, reduce LDR1's resistance, and increase Q1's forward bias. This servo-like action has a regenerative characteristic and quickly responds to almost instantaneous load variations. 3/d'01A 2-3i4" 7/8" 1/2" 3/8 "DIA 1/8" DIA o - --7/e " 7/8 Construction. Prepare a 2" x 2 3'i" x 4" aluminum box as shown and install the three grommets, switch, transformer and 11. Preassemble all the other components on a 134" x 21/2" perforated phenolic or other suitable circuit board. Transistor QI should be enclosed in its heat sink before you mount it on the board. Pressure -fit 12 into a grommet and position it close to and "facing" the sensitive side of LDR1. Stand the grommet upright on the board and tie it into place with a small length of bare wire. Now attach two small right -angle brackets to the edge of the board as shown. Because some of the negative leads are connected to one bracket and some to the other, this circuit is corn- I-v2" 1/2 "DIA 2 -3/" Drill holes in the outer portion of the aluminum box as shown. The size of the rectangular opening can be modified to accommodate any s.p.s.t. switch. pleted when the board is fastened to the box. Therefore, you should avoid contact between the box and the positive lead or the load. Install the subassembly in the box, and hook up the transformer, line cord, and output leads. Double-check to see that all wire and components are properly arranged so that there are no un- Preassemble the circuit board and install after Sl, Il, and Tl (in that order) are mounted. Connect all leads and check the circuit before closing box. 20 wanted short circuits. You can now plug in the unit and check its operation. Touch the output leads together and watch the action. Do the same with the leads apart. If you followed instructions, the action will be -Cas described. ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK COVER STORY Add a new dimension to your holiday lighting -just use any radio or record player and the "Rhythmicon" HERE'S a little project we have dubbed the "Rhythmicon," for with it you can make your Christmas lights twinkle in time to the music from your radio, phonograph, hi -fi or p.a. amplifier. The possibilities the Rhythmicon offers are endless Use it to control tree lights, floodlights, spotlights, or conventional electric bulbs-indoors or out. Simply connect the two clip leads from the Rhythmicon to the loudspeaker leads of the sound source, and play carols or other seasonal material through it. The lights plugged into the socket on the box will automatically fol111. : 1966 Fall Edition ICnristmas fights bu inhk to Ilitusic By LEON A. WORTMAN 21 Christmas !Tgbts twinkle to Music ers. A solder lug is placed under the mounting nut of D2 to connect the cathodes of D2 and D3 directly to the lamp socket, S01. Diodes D4 and D5 (as well as SCR1) must be electrically insulated from the heat sink with mica washers on on, full to from off going low the sounds, getting instantly brighter and dimmer either side. Between the mica washers as the music gets louder and softer; go- and the bodies of these three semiconing off completely when the music stops. ductors, use solder lugs as shown in the The music plays, and the lights dance upper photo on page 23. Use heavy metal washers between the outer mica washers automatically. and the mounting nuts. When SCR1 and Construction. Basically, the Rhythmicon makes use of the ability of a silicon D4 and D5 are mounted, check with an controlled rectifier to act as a "rheo- ohmmeter to insure that their cases are stat," controlling large amounts of cur- not shorted to the heat sink. The heat sink must be electrically isorent in a circuit in response to pulses from the Minibox. In the author's lated Uniapplied to its "gate" electrode. junction transistor Q2, in combination unit, 6 -32 holes for machine screws were with Q1, acts as a pulse generator to drilled and tapped into opposite sides turn SCR1 on. The pulse frequency of a 3' +" x 1/2" x 1/2" bar of Bakelite. The (and, consequently, the brightness of heat sink was mounted on the Bakelite the lamps controlled by SCR1) depends through holes in the 1/1" flange made preon the amplitude of the audio signal ap- viously, and the Bakelite was then seplied to TI (see "How It Works," page cured to the inside of the Minibox in the same way. Polystyrene or any simi24). A 3" x 4" x 5" Minibox holds all of lar insulating material can also be used the circuitry and components for the for this, or the heat sink can be mounted Rhythmicon. The SCR and the four sili- with machine screws using extruded con rectifier diodes must be mounted on shoulder washers to insulate it. As shown in the top photo, most of a heat sink. First, fabricate the heat remaining components are mounted the cutaluminum, 1,46" sink from a piece of ting it to 212" x 334 ". A 'I" flange is to a 21/4" x 32" piece of perforated cirbent along the 331" dimension for mount- cuit board (with the exception of S01, ing the heat sink, and five holes are Fl, Tl, S1, and Rl, which are mounted drilled in it for mounting SCR1 and at the ends of the box) . "Flea clips" D2 -D5. The holes must be large enough are inserted into the perforated board for complete clearance of the mounting at suitable points to provide rigid termi- studs. Referring to the photos on page 23, mount D2 and D3 directly in the two center holes without insulating wash22 nals for connecting the transistors and other components. The perforated circuit board is mounted to the box with several machine screws and 1/" standELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK %x5Xsg5SxZ1s:5AWAIiislZVZx5XWME3t;3x3t5Slagxagxfi.4x*A5a5A5:43WA SOI SCRI R6 03 D2 D5 5,-sSx:4stgxZ;Astgx::FAVS D4 Aluminum heat sink is mounted to one side of box on a Bakelite strip; PC board is mounted on /2" spacers. Only rear of S01-the socket for lights -is 1 seen. Heat sink and components should not contact metal box. CI DI C2 R2 R3 QI C3 offs to provide clearance for the tips of the "flea clips" which protrude through the board. Before mounting the circuit board and heat sink, drill holes in the Minibox for the remaining components. At one end of the box, mount SOI, F1, and Tl; at this same end, drill holes for the a.c. line cord and audio clip leads (these can also be made with a.c. lamp cord) , and line them with rubber grommets. Drill holes for Si and R1 in the opposite end of the box. Final Wiring. Because some of the components of the Rhythmicon are at the potential of the a.c. line, it is essential that no part of the circuit makes electrical contact with the Minibox. The one exception to this is the audio lead which is connected to the bottom end of R1; connect this lug of RI to the box by placing a solder lug on the control shaft. Also, connect the ground terminal of Cl directly to the box (rather than to the lower terminal of R1) using a lug under one of the nuts holding the perforated circuit board. Transformer Ti, a universal push -pullplates-to- voice -coil audio output type, is used to couple the audio source to the Rhythmicon. It is connected so the secondary or voice coil side becomes the input. Connect the center lug of R1 1966 Fall Edition Q2 Studs at left (below) are D4D5. Mount with mica washers on both sides of heat sink; use same method for SCR1 seen at right. At center are D2 -D3; no washers are needed for them. and the positive terminal of Cl to the transformer terminals that give the highest impedance -with the unit used by the author, terminals 1 and 6. Connect the push -pull plate side as shown in the schematic; the center tap is not used and can be cut short. Since transistors QI and Q2 are soldered into the circuit, be sure to use alligator clips or other heat sinks to avoid heat damage. Observe similar precautions with the diodes and SCR1. Component values are not critical, and may vary plus or minus 10(, it is desirable to select a resistor for R6 that is within 5% of 3000 ohms, however. Operation. It takes less than half a watt of audio at 4 ohms impedance to operate the Rhythmicon, and even a transistor radio can be used to demon; 23 i5?.'i^'C>.: `.9.FSFA^.a5*c5^'9.45a9.%X547Z:eti9Eix..:M.45:55 .S'53T.e..`9.4SZ:Fíae}t"9.4FvF65.. .7"gMU9Fr.^ (pm 4.7K R6 3K R4 R3 3.3K R2 33011 01 14 02 T1 VAC 2N2160 I FI D61 SI G Z4XL20 BI CLIPS TO SOUND' C3 .0475f. SOURCEI RS 390 (SCR1) Rhythmicon consists of bridge rectifier, audio pulsing circuit (Q1 -Q2), and power control PARTS LIST -100 µf., 50 -volt electrolytic capacitor C2 -20 µf., 25 -volt electrolytic capacitor C3 -.047 µf., 200 -volt paper capacitor D1 -1N34A germanium diode D2-D5- Silicon diode rectifier (GE -X4 or Lafayette C1 Stock No. 19G4208 or equivalent) D6-20 -volt, 1 -watt zener diode (GEZ4XL20 or equivalent) F1- 5-ampere, 125 -volt "slow- blow" fuse and fuse holder (Littlefuse Type 3AG or equivalent) Ql-GE-X9 pup transistor Q2- 2N2160 unijunctioz transistor (GE) R1 -10 -ohm, 5 -watt wire -wound potentiometer R2 -4700 -ohm, Y,-watt resistor R3-3300 -ohm, % -watt resistor R4-330 -ohm, V2-watt resistor strate its functioning. No modification is required at the audio source simply ; connect the clip leads to the amplifier speaker terminals, or to the voice coil leads of a speaker. Any impedance between 4 and 16 ohms will do, with 8 ohms as optimum. Potentiometer RI is the sensitivity or light amplitude control for the Rhythmicon. After setting the audio amplifier for the best listening level, adjust R1 to the point where the lights follow variations in sound volume; turn it too high and the lights will stay on with little variation, going off when the sound stops. Lovely lighting effects can be created by connecting up to four 100 -watt Par 38 lamps (available in red, blue, and green) at the base of the Christmas tree, or as part of an outdoor display. Plugging in strings of conventional tree lights further enhances the effect. The 24 RS-39 -olum, % -watt resistor 5 -watt wire -wound resistor R6- 3000 -o/zm, or better S1- S.p.s.t. toggle switch SCR1- Silicon controlled rectifier (GE -X1 equivalent) 10% or S01-Panel-mounting Universal push -pull output transformer (Lafayette 33G7503 or equivalent-see text) I -3" x 4" x 5" Minibox Misc.-Sheet of 1/26" aluminum for heat sink; perforated circuit board; flea clips; Bakelite bar for mounting heat sink; mica washers for mounting SCR1, D4 and D5; solder lugs; 6 -32 hardware; %" spacers; alligator clips; line cord; grommets; wire; a.c. socket TI- solder. etc. rating of SCR1 gives a total of 450 watts of power handling capability-that's a lot of dancing, twinkling, 4.7- ampere decorative light! -®- HOW IT WORKS Audio is applied to Tl, and rectified and filtered by Dl -C2; the resulting polarized voltage appearing across R2 biases Ql, following audio amplitude variations. Unijunction Q2, C3, R4, and R5 comprise a pulse generator. The frequency of the pulses depends on the d.c. potential applied to Q2's emitter by Ql. The greater the audio amplitude, the higher the pulse rate. Resistor R6 and zener diode D6 form a voltage divider across the output of the bridge rectifier (D2 -D5), and provide stable, low potentials for Q1 -Q2. The SCR begins conducting when a pulse is applied to its gate: current flows until the pulsating d.c. delivered by D2 -D5 reaches zero. At that point, another pulse from Q2 is required to again start conduction. The greater the pulse rate, the higher the average current through SCR1 and the lights connected to S01. ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK Where there's smoke, there's fire ; where there's fire, it may be too late; this detector "sees" the smoke and warns you A S KE LA F R OLTIt E SMOKE can cause as much as, or more, loss of life and property damage than fire. In many instances, smoke is present long before a fire is actually detected. Homes and business establishments are often equipped with either simple or elaborate fire alarms, but relatively few 1966 Foil Edition By H. ST. LAURENT of them have any provision for smoke detection. Early warning of the presence of smoke can give you enough time to either put out a fire and minimize damage, escape. Fortunately, most smoke is lighter than air, and rises. It will accumulate cr- 25 the presence of smoke, light reflectlamp 11 ed from reaches the photocell (PC1). Action of PC1 fires VI., energizes the relay, and sounds the alarm. Sensitivity can be adjusted to allow for heavy cigar In PCI R4 R2 47K LENS 39011 and pipe smokers. C2 KI 5yf. HORN EXTERNAL ALARM TI 37 CI 00Ipf. R3 IO MEG. on the ceiling and build down. A room almost filled with smoke may have an area close to the floor that will allow a safe crawl space for escape. By the same token, if a smoke alarm were located near the ceiling, it would sound an alert long before a dangerous concentration of smoke accumulated. Here's a smoke detector you can construct complete with a built -in alarm for about $10.00. How It Works. A light source consisting of a lamp, lens, and shield aims a narrow beam of light about 1 inch in front of, and at a right angle to, the "line -of- 2 1/8 "- 13/16 W16" conditions. When smoke enters the chamber, it interferes with the light beam and causes the light to be reflected in many directions. Some of these reflections strike the photocell. Under the influence of light, the resistance of the photocell decreases and causes a higher voltage to appear across R3 and on the starter electrode (pin 4 of V 1) When the starter . STOCK 'PIA. 3/8 - " d 'BTOCK. 9/16" I 3/16 "DIA sight" of a cadmium sulphide photocell. The cell is recessed in a lighttight cylinder and does not "see" enough of the light to trigger the alarm under normal DIA 1/2" I IJ2° { --.I 5/8" f- -, BOTTOM r REAR SIDE 1/2 3f y /2 "DIA 1 ---1_ T/I6 LENS Light- source barrel is made from a block of wood. Size of lens opening can be varied to accommodate your lens. Use a cardboard tube as an extension. 26 "AROM"TOP Photocell is mounted at right angles to the sharply focused light. Paint inside of the wooden smoke chamber flat black to minimize light reflections. ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK a. electrode voltage reaches the firing point (approximately 50 volts) , the tube conducts, energizes the relay, and activates the alarm. The alarm will shut off when the smoke has cleared the chamber in the smoke detector. Potentiometer R3 serves as a sensitivity control and is usually adjusted to require a fairly large volume of smoke to trip the alarm in order to prevent a false alarm, which could be caused by a number of people smoking in a confined area. Transformer Ti provides 6.3 volts to the lamp (11) and to the horn; RI is a current limiter, and tends to protect and increase the life of II; R2 serves as a makeup resistor and prevents the resistance divider network across the 117 volt line from drawing too much current in the event that R3 is inadvertently adjusted too close to minimum resistance ; capacitors Cl, C2 and resistor R4 are R3 R2 VL To KI¡aLINE the lens block to allow the lens and photocell to fit properly. The distance between the lens and the lamp will vary in accordance with the focal length of the lens, and should be adjusted to give the sharpest beam of light possible. Attach the lamp socket to the lens block with a small 1" wood screw. A green or red plastic window can be placed over the front opening of the lens block to cut down some of the glare from the lamp. This light from the front opening only serves as a pilot to let you know that the lamp and power are on. Cover the smoke chamber and other internal surfaces with a flat black paint to minimize stray reflections. The cabinet is made of standard 21/2" x %" pine panel stock. A slot cut about 1/2" from the edge of the panel stock, and about ',is" deep holds a metal grille in place when the sides are assembled, CI PARTS LIST C1- 0.001 -14, ceramic capacitor C2 -4- or 5 -nf., 50 -volt electrolytic capacitor 11 -Pilot lamp (GE 12 or equivalent) /- K1-3500-ohm, s.p.s.t., N.O., miniature relay (Guardian E -3772 or equivalent) sulphide cell (Clairex Cl -504 or equivalent) R1 -10 -ohm, % -watt resistor R2- 47,000-ohm, 1,A-watt resistor R3- 10- megohnz potentiometer, linear taper R4-390 -ohm, Y2-watt resistor T1-117 -volt to 6.3 -volt, 1- ampere filament transformer V1 -5823 glow tube 1 -Horn (imported type used on bicycles) 1 -14 -nun. x 34 -mm. focal- length lens (any double convex lens that fits is suitable) 1 -Lamp socket (Dialco 19 -07 or equivalent) Misc. -Tube pin sockets (3) removed from miniature socket, wood, 4" x 8" ¡octal grid, quick setting glue, wood screws, etc. PC1- Cadmium R4 C2 To UNE To K1 II Remove unused tube pins and use a drop of cement to hold the tube in place. Lamp 11 is inside the barrel. A cardboard tube holds the photocell (PC1). uncritical circuit stabilizing components. Construction. The smoke chamber is made of wood stock lattice strips or other suitable 1/}" x 13/4" lçlmber and 1/8" Masonite or other tempered board. The lens and photocell holders are made of a heavy manila paper and glued in place. If necessary, you can modify the diameter of the holders and the openings in 1966 Fall Edition The electronic components including the smoke chamber complete (not wired), machined cabinet parts, grille, base and cover, hardware, line cord, wire, etc., are available for $15 postpaid in the U.S.A. from Lectromek Co., 166 Wendell Rd., Warwick, Rhode Island 02888. No C.O.D. Price list for individual parts available, and dresses up the appearance of the cabinet. An alternate method is to rabbet the top edge of the four sides so that the grille can be set flush, then topped off with 1/2" half-round molding. All cabinet and smoke chamber parts are glued in place, with the exception of the back cover which has a %" hole near the top, center, to accommodate a hook 27 The smoke chamber should be as lighttight as possible to keep the detector immune to outside light. The plastic window lets you see if the lamp and power supply are in working order. or other wall hanger for holding the finished smoke alarm. Complete all wiring and mounting of parts before you screw down the back cover. When the back cover is secured, slip the unit into the cabinet. It should fit snugly. Two 6 x 3/4" half -round head wood screws on each side of the cabinet will hold the alarm in the cabinet. Installation and Adjustment. Installation is simple -you just hang the unit in an upright position, as high as you can on a wall of the area to be protected, and plug the line cord into the nearest 117 -volt a.c. outlet. Be sure smoke chamber inside cabinet is pointing up. Before adjusting the unit, set the Completed unit is mounted vertically, as close to the ceiling as possible. Rising smoke enters smoke chamber through metal grille to set off the alarm. 28 sensitivity control in the minimum position (counterclockwise) to keep the alarm off, and allow about five minutes of warm -up time for the detector to stabilize itself. Then all you have to do is rotate the sensitivity control until the alarm sounds, and back off slowly until the alarm stops. That's all there is to it. You can check this setting by blowing some smoke through the lower half of the metal grid and waiting for the smoke to reach the chamber if all is well, the alarm will go on. Sometimes line voltage variations will modify the sensitivity characteristic after you have set the sensitivity control. So, from time to time, blow some smoke into the unit to see that it is working. If the unit tends to "false alarm" because of a normally smoky room condition, or because of upward line voltage variations, densensitize the detector a bit by a slight counterclockwise adjustment of the control. Another way to adjust the detector is to use a Variac and step up the line voltage to 125 volts, then slowly rotate the control until the alarm just sounds off. With the control in this position, the alarm should function properly over a line voltage range of 105 to 120 volts. If, for some reason, line voltages in excess of 125 volts are regularly encountered, the Variac voltage should be -® adjusted accordingly. : ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK By LOUIS E. GARNER, JR. SUPER -SENS Versatile electronic relay provides unlimited control functions need a burglar alarm, a fire alarm, an automatic fan control, an automatic light switch, a liquid level control, an automatic dehumidifier control, a photoelectric counter, a radio remote control, a lawn sprinkler control, an automatic door opener, a time delay relay, an electronic latching relay, or a sound -actuated relay ? Would you like to amaze your friends and neighbors, gain the respect of your teachers or co- workers, assemble a Science Fair project that is different, or build a basic control that can be used in hundreds of applications ? If you can answer yes to any of these questions, you'll enjoy building and using ' Super -Sens, an easy -to -wire, inexpensive electronic relay so sensitive that it can be tripped by a pencil line drawn on a piece of paper. Electronic relays are not new. They have been designed and manufactured for years. You can purchase a variety of types at prices ranging from $20 to $50 or more, or you can build Super Sens for less than $10.00. One popular "supersensitive" electronic relay offered by a leading laboratory supply house requires a signal current DO YOU - 1966 Fall Edition of 50 microamperes at a little under 10 volts. Super -Sens, in contrast, will trip with a miniscule control current of about 0.2 µa. at approximately 1 volt. Using its built -in bias circuitry, the device can trip with as much as 50 megohms between its input terminals. Super -Sens can be actuated by many input devices: photocells, humidity detectors, microswitches, thermostats, magnetic contacts, pressure switches, thermistors, and almost any high or low resistance type of sensor or probe, as well as the comparatively low level signals obtained from a carbon microphone or a simple radio receiver. Super -Sens, in turn, can be used to actuate almost any type of electrically operated equipment: lamps, solenoid valves, buzzers, bells, power relays, fan motors, pumps, door openers, heating systems, etc. HOW IT WORKS is essentially a two -transistor, high -gain, direct -coupled d.c. amplifier driving a standard sensitive type electromagnetic relay. See Fig. 1. Transistors Q1 and Q2 are connected in a modified Darlington circuit. (A Dar- Super -Sens 29 N ARM f-r---®N.O. R2 B 10K little as 0.2 µa. at 1 volt is enough to trigger relay; up to 50 megohms can be sensed. Fig. 1. As lington circuit is a circuit having two or more transistors connected in such a manner as to have a single input, a common load and a current gain which is the product of the current gain of each transistor.) Series resistor RI tends to limit base current to prevent accidental damage to the transistors by excessively strong in- SENSOR D.C. G VOLTAGE OUTPUT put signals. Unbypassed emitter resistor R3 stabilizes circuit operation, and provides a degree of temperature compensation. Sensitivity control R4 and current limiting resistor R2 are parts of a bias and control circuit to permit the use of external resistive -type and switch type sensors. Circuit power is supplied by BI and is turned on and off with s.p.s.t. switch S1. When a signal or bias voltage of proper polarity (base positive with respect to emitter) is applied to the base emitter circuits of QI and Q2, the transistors conduct and energize Kl. Bias voltage can be taken from the internal R2, R4, B1 circuit (B terminal) or it can be derived from an external circuit. There are essentially three basic types of input circuit control devices that Super -Sens will cater to: those that look like a voltage source, those that look like a resistor, and those that look like a switch. The voltage source devices are hooked up to I and G. The resistor control types are given special consideration: high-resistance devices are connected across terminals I and B (in series with the internal SENSOR HIGH RESISTANCE SUPERSENS G RESISTANCE SUPER- SUPER SENS ® B SENSOR LOW G SENS B B that look like a voltage such as a photovoltaic cell, etc.; those that look like high or low resistors; and those that act like a switch. Fig. 2. Any one of three basic types of sensors can be used: those LOAD A LOAD N. N.C.® C SUPERSENS ARM ARM ARM N. O. N N.O. N.O. SUPER SENS SUPERSENS 111111i EXT. POWER SOURCE LOAD B TO EXT. POWER SOURCE -D EXT. POWER SOURCE Fig. 3. Controlled external load circuit can utilize almost any source of power. If power requirements exceed the relay contact's rating, a power relay can be added. One or two loads can be switched. 30 ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK Fig. 4. Etched circuit board construction provides a mounting base for all the components, including the relay. Conventional chassis -type con- struction is also quite suitable. If you want to make your own printed circuit board, you can use these actual size photos as guides. All components are mounted on one side of the board (top). The foil side (bottom) must be clean to prevent leakage between conductors. bias circuit) and low- resistance types are placed between terminals I and G PARTS LIST with a jumper from terminals I and B, BI -6 -12 volt battery as shown in Fig. 2. Actually, the reKI -Relay (1AICO GS -100 or equivalent) Q1, Q2-T1416 transistor sistive devices are made to function like R1- 1000 -ohm, % -watt resistor a voltage source, since terminal B has R2- 10,000 -ohm, % -watt resistor R3 -47 -ohm, % -watt resistor sufficient voltage of proper polarity to R4- 1- megohm potentiometer, linear-taper forward -bias the transistors. SI- S.p.s.t. toggle or slide switch 1circuit board* Switch -type devices can be connected 1- Etched Cabinet (Minibox 2102) between points I and B, and R4 adjusted Misc.-Small knob, screws, nuts, hardware, wire, solder, etc. to provide just enough voltage to pull in the circuit when the switch is closed. *A pre- etched circuit board on an epoxy -glass base is available from DE\ICO, Box 16041, San Conversely, these switches can also be Antonio, Texas 78216 for $2.00. This firm can made to drop out the circuit. A jumper also supply: a "basic" kit (board, relay, tranbetween I and B, and R4 adjusted to pull sistors) for $7.50; a complete kit for $9.50; and a pre -etched moisture sensor for $1.50. in the circuit, will keep the circuit on until a switch across I and G causes the circuit to drop out when it is closed. The relay can be hooked up to provide If you your own board, follow either a normally open, or normally the actualetch size layout shown in Fig. 4. closed control circuit, or both, as shown Wiring is not critical, but special prein Fig. 3. cautions should be taken. First, be sure there is ample separation between the CONSTRUCTION I, B, and G terminals. Second, use an Since the basic unit is the same for epoxy -glass rather than a paper -base all applications, let's put the thing to- phenolic copper -clad base board, (moisgether, and then we'll consider some of ture absorption in the latter material the many applications. All components may cause erratic operation) Third, be are standard and readily available sure to remove all of the unused copper through most electronics supply houses. during the etching process, for an al. 1966 Fall Edition 31 N.C. SUPER - SENS ARM CII BATT + N.O. &® i L 1 C13 FOIL I Ti, T2. Door and Fig. 5. Fire alarm circuit has fusible links Fl to F4, and thermostatic contacts locations. window contacts C1 to C3 and foil patterns make up burglar alarm. Place sensors in strategic most invisible, microscopically thin layer of copper can provide sufficient conduction to actuate the relay. To avoid accidental mechanical damage, mount the relay last. Heat sink the transistor leads with a pair of long -nose pliers to prevent heat damage when soldering. The Sensitivity control can be mounted on either side of board. The completed board can be mounted in a small Minibox as a self- contained instrument, or in another piece of equipment, depending on the device's ultimate use. Mount the board on spacers to provide air space between the board and the cabinet. Power supply B1 can be built in or externally connected. A number of component changes can be made to meet individual needs. General Electric GE -10 transistors will serve as direct replacements for the specified TI units. A Sigma 4F-1000 /SSIL relay can be used in place of the JAICO type, although a new layout and larger circuit board would be required. If maximum sensitivity is needed at all times, omit R.ç and connect R2 directly to the Si, K1 junction. A variety of power supplies can be employed. The total current drain when the relay is closed is only a few milliamperes, permitting the use of small transistor -type batteries. As might be expected, the instrument's ultimate sensitivity depends on supply voltage, component tolerance, and the gain of the transistors. With the components specified in the Parts List, the current sensitivity (for relay closure) will vary between 0.15 and 0.45 pa., using a 9 -volt power supply. (Continued on page 36) (A) and (B) stay on for a Fig. 6. An RC network can be added to make a time-delay relay. Circuits switch is closed. desired time after the switch is opened. "Turn on" is delayed in circuit (C) when the 32 ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK to tes. ling. ARD )K. SEND CARD FOR RCA'S NEW 1966 HOME STUDY CAREER BOOK TODAY YOUR CAREER IN A WORLD OF ELECTRONICS ig with Q,BA INSTITUTES HOME STUDY TRAINING CUT THE TIME BETWEEN NOW AND SUCCESS Find out about RCA Institutes Career Programs. Learn about the amazing "Autotext" programmed instruction method the easier way to learn. Get the facts about the prime quality kits you get at no extra cost. Read about RCA Institutes' Liberal Tuition Plan -the most economical way for you to learn electronics now. Discover how RCA Institutes Home Training has helped its students enter profitable electronic careers. Lots more helpful and interesting facts too! Send postage -paid card for your FREE copy now. No obligation. No salesman will call. - RCA INSTITUTES, Inc. Dep't. EE -96 350 West 4th Street, New York, N. Y. 10014 Institutes also offers Classroom Training. RCA Catalog free on request. The Most Trusted Name in Electronics (Courses also available in Spanish) CIRCLE NO. 24 ON READER SERVICE CARD 1966 Fall Edition 35 If higher gain transistors are used, the overall sensitivity may be as great as 0.1 (or less) µa., while lower gain units may provide a sensitivity of 0.75 µa. APPLICATIONS Burglar and Fire Alarm. An easily in- stalled alarm system, suitable for a home or place of business, is shown in Fig. 5. It offers fire alarm protection during the day, and both fire and bur- glar alarm protection at night. A break in any part of the external series circuit will trigger the alarm. A "push -to- test" switch (S3) , when depressed, will sound the alarm if the relay circuit is in working order. Fire protection is afforded by fusible links Fl to F¢ and by thermostatic contacts T1 and T2 placed on ceilings in strategic locations. Door and window contacts Cl to CS, together with the foil patterns, provide burglar protection. Any combination of switches, contacts, or links can be used, so long as the circuit forms a closed loop and the total resistance of the loop isn't great enough to prevent an adequate amount of voltage from terminal B to be applied to terminal I. The sensitivity control can be adjusted to compensate for loop resistance and battery conditions. Switch S2 skips the door and window detectors during the day, and Si, which can be lock -protected, serves as a master on /off control. If switching S2 from night to day or day to night causes a momentary but undesirable alarm, connect the Night side of the switch to the switch's center arm. In this mode of operation, Super-Sens is on all the time, the relay is energized, and the normally closed contacts are held open. Occasionally, a latch or alarm-hold type of operation is desirable . . . that is, once the alarm is triggered, it sounds continuously even after a break in the loop is restored. In this type of operation, the alarm can be reset only at the main panel, which could be located inside a locked cabinet. To build in the latch feature, connect a 1- megohm, 1/2 -watt resistor in series with terminal I and S2. Adjust the Sensitivity control until the relay just pulls in (silencing the alarm), then back off slightly. Use the test switch and control alternately, and adjust until the desired action is achieved. 36 Time Delay Relays. Controls which can switch a circuit "ON" or "OFF" for preset or adjustable periods of time are used extensively in experimental work, photography, laboratory tests, chemical processing and manufacturing. Super Sens can be used in such applications by adding a relatively simple "time delay" accessory. Typical circuit arrangements are shown in Fig. 6. A 20-megohm resistor connected in series with a 0.25 -4 capacitor in Fig. 6 (A) sets up a time delay on the order of 3 to 9 seconds, depending on the setting of the Sensitivity control. A momentary normally open contact switch connected across the capacitor allows the circuit to conduct when the switch is pressed and released. The relay closes and remains closed until Cl is charged up and stops drawing current. The circuit in Fig. 6 (B) permits a wider range of control. When SI is de- SHORT LENGTH OF CO -AX CLAMP (A) TANK INSULATED BUSHING \ SUPER SENS - (B) 77 METAL TANK Fig. 7. Levels of low- and high -conductive liquids can be monitored by easily made probes. ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK -®I ®G _J __J SUPER -SENS SUPER -SENS B MOISTURE SENSOR MOISTURE (A) SENSOR (B) Fig. 8. These circuits can be used to control humidifiers and lawn sprinklers. Just a drop of rain on the sensor will release the relay in circuit (A). Circuit (B) can detect slightest trace of moisture. pressed and released, Cl is charged by the bias supply and then discharges slowly through the instrument's input circuit, holding the relay closed until Cl loses most of its charge. The time delay varies with R1's setting, and ranges from about 25 seconds with RI set at 0 resistance to as much as 1 minute and 45 seconds when RI is set at 1 megohm. The timing range can be changed if you use different values for Cl and R1. The larger the time constant (R1 x Cl) the longer the time delay. In Fig. 6 (C) , a delay in "turn on" time takes place after the slide switch is thrown. When S1 is switched to the "ON" position, the relay does not close until the current through R1 and Cl falls off enough to reduce the voltage drop across R1. Liquid Level Control. Farmers, chemical engineers, food processors, electroplaters, beverage manufacturers, industrial plant operators and others need to check or maintain liquid levels in large tanks or vats from time to time. Super -Sens can do an excellent job in such applications when used with suitable sensor probes. Typical techniques are shown in Fig. 7. A short length of rigid coaxial cable can be used as a simple liquid sensor probe if clamped to the side of a tank. If the cable's shield is connected to the instrument's B terminal and the center conductor to the I terminal, the relay will close when the liquid reaches the exposed lower end of the cable. Connections are as shown in Fig. 7 (A) . If a metal tank is used, the sensor probe may be a short length of conductor mounted in an insulated, liquid -tight bushing at an appropriate point on the side of the tank, as illustrated in Fig. , 1966 Fall Edition (B) If the liquid is highly conductive, connections can be made to the I and G terminals, with a jumper between the I and B terminals. With these connections, the Sensitivity control is adjusted until the relay just closes. The relay will open when the liquid level reaches the probe. Other types of probes can be used, of course, including insulated metal strips cemented inside the tank or short parallel metal rods mounted on an insulating block and attached to the tank. Regardless of the probe used or the type of liquid handled, Super -Sens can control pumps or solenoid valves, or activate remote signaling devices. Rain Alarm. A standard moisture sensor plate will make Super -Sens serve as a rain alarm. The sensor plate leads are connected as shown in Fig. 8 (A) and operate in the same way as the level control in Fig. 7 (B). Just a drop or two of rain on the sensor plate is enough to cause the relay to open. Humidity Control. A modification of the "rain alarm" circuit is shown in Fig. 8 (B) Here, the moisture sensor plate is connected and operated in the same manner as the circuit shown in Fig. 7 (A). With this arrangement, Super Sens' high sensitivity will respond to the slightest trace of moisture and close the relay. It can detect the small amount of moisture condensed from a person's breath and can be used, among other applications, for controlling a dehumidifier. Lawn Sprinkler Control. If the moisture sensor plate used in the "rain alarm" and "humidity control" circuits is replaced by a pair of semi -insulated spiketype probes driven into the ground, Super -Sens will serve as an automatic lawn sprinkler control. Its output terminals (ARM and either N.O. or N.C. contacts) 7 . . 37 are connected to switch an appropriate solenoid valve in the automatic sprinkler system. Either the low- resistance connections or high-resistance connections can be used, depending on soil conductivity, electrode (probe) spacing, and desired soil moisture content. In any case, the instrument's Sensitivity control can be finely adjusted to achieve the desired operating characteristics. Acoustic Relays. Add an easily -built, low -cost accessory, and Super -Sens becomes a sound -operated relay. Three types of circuits are shown in Fig. 9. In Fig. 9 (A), a low- impedance single - button carbon microphone (Shure R10), a 6 -volt battery, an 8 -ohm to 500 -ohm output transformer (Argonne AR-164), a 1N34A general -purpose diode, and a 2 -4, 15 -volt electrolytic capacitor apply a positive -going signal to energize the relay. A single-transistor amplifier, in Fig. 9 (B) enables the use of a high- impedance (Philmore M-55) , or a low- impedance carbon microphone. A 1- megohm resistor (R1) is used with high- impedance microphones and a 47,000 -ohm resistor for low impedance types. The Sensitivity control is adjusted until the relay closes and is then backed off slightly. Thereafter, a sudden sharp sound will cause the relay to "latch" open. A crystal microphone cartridge, or a magnetic headphone element can be used as a microphone with the circuit shown , LI I Fig. 10. Radio control can be achieved with simple detector. Tune Cl, Li to desired frequency. in Fig. 9 (C) The diode and transistor are the same as in the previous circuits. The Sensitivity control is set in the same manner as in the circuit in Fig. . 9 (B). The acoustic relay circuits shown here are moderately sensitive, requiring a fairly loud signal for operation. Where extreme sensitivity is needed, Super Sens can be coupled to a 3- or 4- transistor audio amplifier. The hookup would be the same as in Fig. 9 (A) . Radio Control. Super -Sens can be operated by remote radio signals provided that a suitable control circuit is connected to its input terminals, as shown in Fig. 10. The values of tuned circuit LZ and Cl are chosen to resonate at the desired control frequency. A general-purpose (Continued on page 141) Sound -actuated relays can be made. If microphone is low- impedance type, use circuit (A); high- impedance pickups work well in circuit (C); a low- or high -impedance unit can be used in circuit (B). Fig. 9. 38 ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK FREEZE MOTION WITH SOUND Like to try your hand at the fascinating field of high -speed photography? All it takes a Sound -actuated unit (lower right) flashes strobe as first balloon, hit with dart. bursts. Insert shows drop of milk hitting black background; mike was 10" away, sensitivity of trip unit reduced to just half. is simple trip unit and a strobe By ROY E. PAFENBERG F HAVE YOU ever wondered just exactly how glass breaks, liquids splash, balloons burst, or a ball bounces? The electronic flash trip unit featured here will answer these and a host of other intriguing questions that can only be explored through the use of high -speed photographic techniques. Adaptable to almost any camera and electronic flash, this simple sound -actuated unit provides a means of obtaining 1966 Fall Edition unusual and striking photographs. The experimenter, research worker, or technician will find it a valuable low -cost laboratory accessory, and the student can use it as the ideal basis for a science project and /or science fair exhibit. Although the fact is not widely known, the 1 /1000 to 1/2000 second flash duration of the conventional hobby or professional electronic flash unit is fast 39 Trip unit fits neatly in 2%" x 21/4" x 5" box; since layout is compact, it's best to copy author's model. Strobe light is the inexpensive unit described in text. PARTS LIST enough to capture all but the highest speed events on film. The problem is one of timing. With the method described here, sound produced by, or associated with, the event to be photographed is used to trigger the electronic flash. Since the camera shutter must be open, photography is done in subdued lighting or in a darkened room. After the flash captures the high -speed event on film, the shutter is manually closed. The exact instant the flash occurs relative to the noise that actuates it can be controlled by the way in which the microphone is positioned. Since sound travels relatively slowly, placing the microphone close to, or away from, the object will introduce an adjustable time delay. Construction. In essence, the flash trip unit incorporates two stages of audio amplification (a single 12AT7) that triggers the 2D21 thyratron in response to sounds picked up by the microphone see "How It Works," page 42 ) Since a thyratron acts like a switch or short circuit when it conducts, it fires a flash unit connected to J2. Although the sound -actuated trip unit may take any form that gives due consideration to layout, wiring, and the shielding requirements of high -gain am( 40 . Cl, C2, C4- 0.005 -14., 500 -volt ceramic disc capacitor C5- 10 -µf., 25 -volt electrolytic capacitor C6-20 /20 -µf., 150 -volt dual electrolytic capacitor D1- 500 -ma., 400 -P1V silicon diode 11, 12 -Phono jack, single -hole mounting type R1- 2.2-megohrn, % -watt resistor R2, R5- 220,000 -ohm, ;4-watt resistor C3, 500,000 -ohm potentiometer, audio taper, with s.p.s.t. switch S1 1000 -ohm, Y2-watt resistor R4, R6- 470.000 -ohm, % -watt resistor R8-47,000 -ohm, ;-watt resistor R9 -27 -ohm, V2-watt resistor R3 ñ7- R10-2200-ohm, ;4-watt resistor SI-S.p.d.t. switch; part of R3 TI -Power transformer: primary, 117 volts; secondaries, 125 volts a 15 ma., and 6.3 volts (rig 0.6 amp. (Staneor PS -8415 or equivalent) V1 -12AT7 vacuum tube V2-21)21 thvratron tube 1 x 2',-.i" x 5" Minibox 1 -pin miniature tube socket with shield 1 -pin miniature tube socket with shield Crystal lapel microphone (or similar) Misc. -Knob, terminal strips, solder lugs, hardware, grormnets, a.c. line cord, wirr, solder, etc. -2W -7 -9 1- plifier circuits, the prototype unit is neat, compact, and rugged. The two tubes (V1 and V2) and tab -mounting filter capacitor C6 are mounted on top of the 21/4" x 21/4" x 5" Minibox used as a chassis, while the power transformer fits inside and as close to the back as possible. Sensitivity control R3 and mike input jack J1 are at the front of the box; output jack J2 (for connection to the ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK { VIA V2 vlB 125T 716 2021 6 C2 .005yf. 7 5,7 y f. J2( TO STROBE SHUTTER CABLE R2 ¿5¿R1 SM G 220K C3 R4 R3 S00 220 25V R9 2711 R6 R5 105 í IK 470 C5 R7 IOUf. IK 25V RB 47K RIO DI 2.2K TI IW C6A C6B 150V 150V 20yf. 20yf. V2 VI 4 Two stages of audio (Vla and 9 4 5 Vlb) amplify mike input to trigger 2D21 thyratron (V2). RI TI RIO DI R9 R2 R4 VI C4 C2 JI C3 C5 V2 R5 R6 R7 SI R3 Locate T1 as close to the back of box as possible; note location of tube sockets, and mounting hole for C6. Jack J2 (for strobe connection) is hidden at rear of box. strobe shutter cable) and the a.c. line cord entry are at the rear. Two two -lug terminal strips are used one for mounting silicon diode DI and the other for terminating the a.c. line cord. Chassis ground connections are made to soldering lugs installed under the tube socket mounting screws. Use insulated hookup wire for connecting the a.c. switch and filament circuits; - 1966 Fall Edition the balance of the wiring can be done point -to -point using component leads. It's a good idea to use spaghetti on the leads as required to avoid possible shorts. With the components mounted and wired, carefully check your work before installing the tubes and applying power. Check to see that the tube filaments light, and measure the B -plus at the 41 +300V FLASH TUBE RI 4MEG. TRIGGER TRGNçç, 10001f. c. ; ; u C2 .020 TO 3 MEG? CAMERA SHUTTER CONTACTS -300V Flash shutter contacts are polarized. Check with a voltmeter, and connect positive side to V2's plate. R1O-C6b. It should be slightly in excess of 150 volts. Finally, check for a reading of approximately 3 volts at pin 2 of the 2D21. Secure a crystal microphone such as the Lafayette Radio 99 G 4510 and terminate its cord in a phono plug. The Flash Unit. The small schematic on this page is a simplified diagram of a typical electronic flash. Normally, the junction of camera shutter discharges capacitor C2 -charged through isolating resistors R1 Mike was one foot away for photo of golf ball falling into bowl of water. Fracture pattern of bulb is seen below; despite its looks, it exploded violently. 42 and R2- through the primary of trigger transformer Ti. The very high voltage pulse produced by TI's secondary is applied to the external starter anode of the flash tube, partially ionizing the gas inside it. The energy stored in Cl flows through the ionized gas, producing an intense flash of light. In this application, the shutter leads from the flash unit are connected to J2 of the trip adapter. The cord and connector are wired so that the positive terminal from the flash is connected to the 2D21 plate. Almost any electronic flash unit will work with the trip unit, so if you already own one or can borrow one, you're in business. If you must buy one, remember that a.c. power will be required HOW IT WORKS As shown in the schematic on page 41, the in- put signal from a high -impedance crystal microphone is amplified by a conventional 12ÁT7 (V1) twin- triode audio amplifier. A sensitivity control, R3, is provided between the first and second audio stages, and serves to determine the input signal level required to trigger V2, the 2D21 thyratron trigger stage. This stage serves as an electronic switch to close the contacts of the electronic flash unit. The firing circuit voltage developed in the flash is used as the plate supply voltage for the 2D21. Resistance network R7 -R8 biases the cathode of the 2D21 to a positive value of approximately 3 volts. When the positive peak of the audio signal applied to the control grid of the 2D21 appreciably exceeds the cathode bias, the tube conducts or fires, triggering the flash unit. The power supply is entirely conventional. The 6.3 -volt winding of Tl supplies filament voltage to V1 and V2, while the output of the 125 -volt winding is rectified by D1 and filtered by C6 -R10 to supply bias voltage and 150 volts of B -plus for the audio amplifier plate circuits. for the trip unit, so it would be foolish to pay extra for a battery -operated flash. Small but adequate a.c.- operated flash units are quite reasonable-the unit shown in the photo on page 40 is available from Spiratone, Inc., 135-06 Northern Blvd., Flushing 54, N.Y., for $12.95 plus postage. Take a close look at the camera shutter on your flash unit, and secure an extension cord to fit it. Cut the camera fitting off of the other end, strip the wires, and turn the flash unit on. Touch a voltmeter set to a high range to the bared leads, and observe the polarity. Connect the positive lead of the cord (Continued on page 142) ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK Why depend on batteries when you can get all the energy you need free of charge? How? LET THE SUN POWER YOUR PORTABLE By HOMER L. DAVIDSON YOU CAN USE the sun to power your small transistor radio -or, if it's raining, you can use a 100 -watt light bulb. The only other element you really need is International Rectifier Corporation's "Solar Pac," which can be hooked up to charge the radio's battery, or to operate the radio, or to do both. The "Solar Pac" comes in two models: SP5C26C (4.5 volts at 26 ma.) and SP9C13C (9 volts at 13 ma.) , and is available from electronic supply houses for $9.95. There are many ways you can connect the solar pack to your radio. You may 1966 Fall Edition 43 want to add a switch (see schematic) to provide a choice of either solar or battery power. Or you can simply connect the pack's 6" leads to the battery connections inside the radio. You can even use the solar pack as a plug-in supply by connecting an earphone jack and cord to the pack, removing the existing wires from the radio's earphone plug, and running a pair of wires from the plug to the battery connections. Mounting the pack is no problem as it is supplied with mounting pads which can be attached easily to any radio case Hook up a couple of alligator clips to the leads of the solar pack to make easy -to- connect power supply. SOLAR PAC TO RADIO SLIDE SWITCH Li! IET 9V Your portable can be switched to either battery or sun operation by adding a slide s.p.d.t. switch. or cover. But for a more permanent installation, place the pack against the plastic back of your radio, outline its shape with a scribe, carefully cut out the required area with a knife -tipped soldering iron or jeweler's saw, fit the pack into place, and seal around the edges with cement. If you plan to use the solar pack as a universal power supply for more than one radio or transistor project, add alligator clips to the pack's leads for easy handling. Should circumstances require lower voltages than that provided by the solar pack, insert an inexpensive 100 -ohm potentiometer in series with the output to reduce the voltage. Once you know how much resistance you need in a given circuit (by measuring the pot's resistance in the circuit), you can substitute a fixed resistor. Add a resistor only when no battery is in the circuit, and only when the unit is to be used out -of- doors. A resistor is not required indoors as you can move closer to or further away from the light source to obtain a desired voltage. -J- By connecting the solar pack in parallel with the battery, you can charge the battery while operating the radio, or run the radio without the battery. The earphone jack connections of your transistor radio can be modified to accommodate the solar pack. 44 The solar pack can be cemented to the radio case, and the leads can be slipped under the case flap. ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK BUILD... THE $UPERX PULSE POWER PACK FOR NO RAILROAOT G ...ail.' pet the feel ,)r the rezl thin j By KOODROW POFE Design Er,g'ne3r, Z_ollins Radio Canpcny ?ailroad Engineer, can atnrt your 10 o without jamping to 1.) _cole miles psr hour? You can, you know, without ecui ping your .oconDtive with eywtee.s Dr high gear ratios. How? Easy . . just build and use a new transistor tl-_rcttle power pack on your pike for the ulïimate in mo lei railroading With it ycu get pulse *Dower for smoother stall -free starts, and your loco S AY Mr. Mocel yoga . can crawl, or hi -ball, or couple -without crashing. You also get lots of power to operate signal lights, switch machines, or other accessories all with circuit overload protection. ... Just What is Pulse Power? To understand pulse power, you must first understand the nature and operation of the conventional d.c. power pack. Your loco is equipped with a tiny d.c. motor that operates off power supplied to the tracks by the power pack. When you man the throttle, which is nothing more than a rheostat, you are regulating the voltage across the track, and hence the motor speed. Assume your throttle is turned all the way down and your loco is sitting still. You now begin to turn up the throttle, gradually increasing the voltage applied across the tracks. But notice, your loco does not start immediately; it waits until the proper operating voltage is reached, and until all magnetic and mechanical locking has been overcome. By this time the voltage is too high for a slow, smooth start, so the loco lunges ahead. Figure 1 shows, graphically, how late a typical loco might start after you begin cranking up the throttle. You will note that a certain minimum voltage must be reached to overcome the inertial load on the motor before it will even begin to turn. Now let's assume you are using one of the latest power packs to hit the scene -you know, like the one we're telling you about right now -your loco will start to crawl, like real trains do, the moment you hit the throttle. How come? Fig. 1. The ordinary power pack is nothing more than a full -wave rectifier whose output is a pulsating d.c. voltage with peaks that look like the waveform above. For most locos, the average power required for starting is much too high for a smooth start, and the trains pull out with a sudden jerk, and at a speed not akin to real railroading. 46 Well, with pulse power you get maximum voltage in the form of narrow pulses the instant you flip the primary power switch. This is shown, graphically, in Fig. 2. Here the average power consumed by the motor is a direct func- PARTS LIST Cl-1000 -µf., capacitor 15 -volt electrolytic (Sprague TVL 1165 or equivalent) C2, C3- 0.47 -µf., 35 -volt capacitor (Kernet KR47C35K or equivalent) C4- 1 -µf., 35 -volt capacitor ( Kemet K1C35K, or equivalent) Dl, D2, D3, D4, D6, D7- 1N2069 silicon diode, or equivalent) D5-1N276 diode, or equivalent FI -1-ampere fuse 11 -#47 lamp, 6 -8 volts, 0.15 -amp. -12 -volt, 1.2 -amp. automobile dome lamp, 12, 13 or equivalent (two required) Q1, Q2, Q3, Q7 -2N404 transistors Q4, Q8- 2N1382 transistors Q5, Q6- 2N456A transistors -watt resistor RI, 2200 -ohm, R2, 22,000-ohm, % -watt resistor R4 -Not used 6800 -ohm, ,A-watt resistor / R6R3R5R7- 10,000 -ohm, 2 -watt carbon linear taper R8-390 -ohm, 1/z -watt resistor potentiometer, R9, R15, RIO- 1000 -ohm, % -watt resistor R10, R14- 10,000 -ohm, % -watt resistor R11-10 -ohm, 1/2-watt resistor R12- 1000 -ohm, 2 -watt carbon potentiometer, linear taper (with switch S3) R13- 330 -ohm, V2-watt resistor D.p.s.t. slide switch S2- S.p.s.t. slide switch S3- S.p.s.t. switch (mounted on R12) S4- D.p.d.t. slide switch TI -Power transformer: primary, 115 volts; secondary, 12.6 volts with center tap, (Stancor P -8130, or equivalent) Cabinet (Bud AC- 1613 -A or other suitable sized cabinet) Alisc- Fuse clip; pilot light holder; red lens (Dialco series 1006); binding posts (4 red, 2 black); throttle knob (Raytheon 175- 6 -2G); crawl adjust knob (Raytheon 90- 3 -2G); power transistor mounting kit (Motorola 31K -15) SI- I- -2 Fig. 2. The pulse power pack produces a train of narrow pulses in addition to variable d.c. power. The pulses are fully visible when the throttle is turned down, but disappear gradually as the throttle voltage builds up to full power. Instant rise of pulse from zero to maximum provides immediate power to operate train when crawl knob is turned up. ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK 05 251382 254564 - FM. NOTE AT I. 4LL 5E5J57055 ±10X1/25 2 N4 INTENTION4L.'.r OMITTED CONTROL << -oo6Ò66boo - PJN, MP Fig. 3. Crawl control R7 adjusts pulse width to give desired crawl speeds when S2 and S3 are turned on. Throttle R12 is part of a voltage divider that drives emitter followers Q7 and Q8 with varying d.c. tion of the pulse width which you adjust with a crawl control. This varies the circuit RC time constant. i2v A ov- i2v 1 B C 3V _L_ 3v Fig. 4. Pulses rise to maximum as soon as power is turned on (a), providing immediate train start. Crawl knob adjusts pulse width for varying train loads and desired crawl speeds. Throttle adjusts d.c. at emitter of Q8 (b) to run train at desired speeds. With throttle turned down (c), pulses appear prominently, then fade away as d.c. is turned up. 1966 Foll Edition How It Works. From Fig. 3 it is apparent that pulse power, which makes your trains run like a dream, calls for a rather sophisticated circuitry. Let's give the circuit a once -over and see what we mean. First, we have transformer T1 stepping down the 117 -volt a.c. primary power to approximately 12.6 volts. This 12.6 -volt supply branches off to jacks J1 and J2, where it is available to operate switch machines, signal lights, and other accessories. Some of this power is also tapped off and applied to the bridge rectifier circuit (D1 through D4), from where it will eventually operate your trains. The 6 -volt #47 pilot lamp (11), wired from the center tap to one side of the transformer secondary winding, is merely an indicator to tell you when the power is on. You can break down the rest of the power pack into its pulse forming and control circuits. the variable d.c. circuit, and the short -circuit protection circuit. If you care to, you 47 can throw in polarity switch 84 (forward and reverse) for good measure. The Pulse Circuits. These circuits begin with Q1 and Q2 which comprise a free -running multivibrator. The collector of Q2 puts out a 60 -cycle square wave which is fed through S2 and S3 to pulse generator Q3 for conversion to narrow pulses. These pulses are then amplified by Q4 and appear as shown in Fig. 4(a). CRAWL ADJ potentiometer R7 adjusts the pulse width to suit varying train loads and desired crawl speed. The CRAWL ON -OFF switch (S2) is used to disable the crawl feature, if desired. Switch S3 is ganged to the main throttle so that it cuts off the pulses when the throttle is turned all the way down to where you hear a "click." Variable D.C. Circuit. In the variable d.c. function generator circuit, R12 and R13 form a variable voltage divider, the output of which is fed to emitter followers Q7 and Q8. The emitter followers provide a low impedance source for the voltage. The output voltage at the emitter of Q8 is variable from about 3 volts to 12 volts, as shown in Fig. 4(b), depending on the setting of R12, the speed control potentiometer. Diodes D6 and D7 are used to mix the two functions (pulse and variable d.c.) together. The pulses and variable d.c. are fed to emitter followers Q5 and,.Q6 5/8" 3/8 "DIA 3/8" DIA 1/6" I-3/8" DIA " 1/4 DIA 3/8" I/4" DIA DIA 3/8 DÌÁ T s/e" 1 Fig. 5. This layout and accom- panying dimensions are valid only if the recommended Bud cabinet is used. Lay out, drill, and punch all holes as shown. If you use another cabinet, this layout can still serve as a guide. The transistor mounting holes remain the same, regardless of cabinet dimensions. 1/2'X I/4' 1 7/16 DIA 1/4" I-3/4' rn I-7/Ifi'-.i 3/8" 3/8" DIA DIA 3 -3/4' I 7/8" 2 7/8" Ú -a (k.1/8. z I/2'7(1/4' DIA 11/16" T 1/8 DIA DIA 48 ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK 1 Y11)¢3 .. 3 6 E ommomáv md.. Eoao dvoEtñ` U E da. N, U) 7 U > 3 `-'_ m+JE Oÿ y L O N Ñ G ILIm0aÚ ñ o o 3 ¿ 0+ °m3m;r,C U m t, A Y C 00 T 0E0ómt y°007 í>a $ o T E W ÿ m ` ,Y o d m .a C N U +' .K 7 °ÿoóE>. ä o ÿ O E o r m L U d m E d C oCN E m.0 2 o c ii.L,t3moo.°_' ampere of current from the power pack, the lamps begin to glow and their filament resistance goes up rather sharply to form a protective load for the power pack. Thus, even if the output leads at J3 and J4 were to be shorted together, no damage would result to the power pack. But because one of the lamps is mounted under the red jewel, you would know there was an overload when it lit up. The FWD -REV switch (Si) is an ordinary d.p.d.t. switch wired to reverse the polarity of the d.c. voltage as it is flipped from one direction to the other. 1 Rear view of transistor power pack showing location of power transistors Q5 and Q6. Be sure to use a rubber grommet to protect line cord from damage. which provide a high current output. Their output waveform is as shown in Fig. 4(c). Short Circuit Protection. Lamps 12 and 13 in the emitter circuit of Q6 pro- tect the entire unit against accidental short circuits or overloading. Together with a red jewel mounted on the front panel, they also double as a track short indicator. These lamps are of the ordinary 12 -volt auto dome light type, each rated at 1.2 amperes. Putting them in parallel, however, increases the circuit capacity to 2.4 amperes. When the filaments are cold, the lamps exhibit a very low resistance, and therefore act like a piece of wire. When your loco or other load begins to draw about Construction. Assuming you have obtained the Bud cabinet called for in the Parts List, you now proceed to lay out and drill the holes as shown in Fig. 5. After drilling all holes and deburring them, mount the power transistors on the back panel, making certain you use the mica strip and washers supplied with the mounting kit to insulate the transistors from the case. Figure 6 shows the general layout of the wiring and other circuit components. Electrolytic capacitor Cl should be wrapped with electrical tape to insulate it from the case. Notice that it is mounted with a plastic clamp. The circuit board is made from a piece of 23/4" x 63/4" Vectorbord. Observe the location and mounting position of 11 and 12. Bring out long leads to the panel mounted components, and use a (Continued on page 137) With bottom plate removed, laced wiring harness can be tucked away to one side during repair or maintenance of the unit. The component circuit board is supported with metallic or insulated standoffs. To install the line cord, thread free end through grommet at rear of cabinet. Separate ends of cord back 12 inches and tie into a knot to take up any strain on cord. STANDOFF 50 CIRCUIT BOARD ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK BUILD THE LI'L DUSKER This light sensor turns your lights on at dusk, and off at dawn, automatically- without a timer By DON LANCASTER HERE'S A CLEVER, useful, and economical photoelectric controller you will want to build. Li'l Dusker, the "light watchman," will earn its keep turning on lights for you in dark driveways, stairways, and halls at night, and then turning them off at dawn when they are no longer needed. And while you are away from home, Li'l Dusker will turn on that important "there's somebody home" light that will deter all but the most persistent intruder. But Li'l Dusker has many more talents. It can serve as an automatic door opener, or a light- operated relay. And if you want an automatic flasher with adjustable frequency, or a low -cost touch control for a desk or table lamp, call on Li'l Dusker. About the Circuit. Although Li'l Dusker acts like a magician, the circuit is really 1966 Fall Edition a simple one, as Fig. 1 shows. It is just a d.c. power supply (R1, Dl, and C1) and a limiting resistor (R2) , a cadmium sulfide photocell (PC1) and a d.c. relay (K1) all connected in series. The cadmium sulfide photocell has a low resistance in the presence of light and a high resistance in darkness. This , , , characteristic enables the Dusker to tell night from day. Therefore, as light increases with the break of dawn, the photocell resistance decreases, increasing the current in the relay coil, and causing the relay to pick up. The relay sensitivity -the light intensity that will cause the relay to pick up -is established by the value chosen for the current -limiting resistor (R2) . The circuit application determines which set of relay contacts is used. For dusk -todawn control, the NC ( normally closed ) 51 LINE SOI 100W FEET CORD MAX. LOAD WINDOW (A) 1. For dusk -to -dawn control, connect load circuit to the NC relay contacts; for photocell relay application, connect load to the NO contacts. SILL BX OR ROMEX Fig. PARTS LIST electrolytic capacitor CI-4 -µJ., 250 -volt-P1V rectifier (RCA 40265 D1- 130-ma., 400 equivalent) K1- Phillips -Advance or #1524-1C relay, 24 -volt, 1100-ohm coil, 1 amp contacts (Newark 60 F 1749 or equivalent) PC1- 200 -volt, % -watt radium sulfide photocell (RCA 4403- Allied Radio 7 Z 435 or Polaris Maj -1- Allied Radio 7 Z 565) PL1 -100 -volt, 2 -pole standard plug (Amphenol 61 -M or equivalent) R1 -15 -ohm, Y2-watt resistor R2- 10,000 -ohm, 2 -watt resistor S01 -110 -volt, 2 -pole universal receptacle (Amphenol 61 -F or equivalent) 1--Case made from Millen 74400 octal base and shield (Newark 40 F 734) Misc. -"Pop" rivets (4), 17 "-square piece of 1/16" single -sided PC board, funnel eyelets for PC board (24), %" x %" aluminum sheet (2), 2" x 11/2" plastic sheet or film, glue or sealant, wire, solder contacts are used; for door -opening operation, the NO (normally open) contacts are employed instead. Construction Pointers. Li'l Dusker can be encased for mounting on a windowsill or anywhere outdoors, and can be plugged into a standard wall receptacle or octal socket. In Fig. 2(A), the Dusker has its own line cord and is mounted on a windowsill where it can "look" outside. For general outdoor use, BX, ROMEX, or other approved wiring can be brought in through the top of the unit. To make the Dusker weatherproof, the outlet can be recessed and the entire unit mounted as shown in Fig. 2 (B) in a sheltered area. If Li'l Dusker is to serve as a door opener, the case is used as it comes, with only slight modification. You can then make a companion light source, perhaps with a 6.3 -volt filament transformer and an automobile 6 -volt lamp bulb and socket. You might want to add a low -cost 52 (B) RECESSED SOCKET OUTDOOR LIGHT SOURCE O _OCTAL (C) PLUG INTERRUPTED BEAM CONTROL (D) 0 PLUG IN Fig. 2. Select one of these four case configurations for the Dusker. For table or desk lamp touch control applications, the outer casing is not used. lens to focus the beam and thus provide for greater separation between the Dusker and the light source. For touch control applications, you can omit the case altogether and mount the circuit directly inside the base of a table or desk lamp. Construction Details. Using a Millen #74400 octal base and shield, cut the case for the plug -in configuration following the details given in Fig. 3. In addition, two mounting brackets will be required. These can be made out of a small strip of aluminum sheet cut as shown in Fig. 3 (D) . Drill the holes first, then ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK bend the bracket into shape using long- * /16" DRILL(4) MATCH TO BRACKETS nose pliers, or a vise, if one is available. DO NOT EYELET You will also need a piece of tough UNTIL ASSEMBLED plastic film to serve as a protective window for the photocell. Acetate, Mylar, I) or anything similar will do. Avoid using brittle material that will crack or break. *USE 5/64' The parts are mounted on a small DRILL (5) DO NOT -10. (1%- inch-square) printed circuit board EYELET * laid out, drilled, and cut as shown in Fig. 4. Eyelets are used in the holes where shown to give the circuit board some extra ruggedness. The aluminum brackets are riveted to the circuit board I /16 "DRILI(15)SET WITH UNNEL EYELETS I ` _ 1 -3/4" 3/4" Fig. 4. This is foil side of printed circuit board. Numbers in parentheses indicate holes required. SHIELD 3/4" ° 3/4" FOIL SIDE 3/4" 1/8° DRILL(2) MATCH DRILL TO ORIGINAL BASE HOLES PUNCH I /8' DRILL (2) ( L J PLASTIC ORIGINAL UNIT) I/4-*-1 I J BASE (IF NOT REQUIRED DISCARD OCTAL PLUG AND MTG. FROM WINDOW (B) A) I/8"DRILL .(21 I/2"-H 1-9/64" PUNCH KEYED 1-5/32" ROUND OR ALUMINUM BRACKET (2 REQUIRED) 8 1/16" DRILL (2) 1/4 7/8 (D) Fig. 3. The base and shield of case are cut and punched as shown. Then they are finished with lacquer or paint, or are anodized. The two brackets at bottom are made from 1/32 -inch aluminum sheet. Window is made from heavy plastic film such as Mylar; avoid using brittle material. 1966 Fall Edition Fig. 5. Here's the component layout. Photocell PC1 is mounted on the foil side of the circuit board as shown in (A). All of the other parts are mounted on the bare side of the board as shown in (B). in the locations indicated in Fig. 5, again using eyelets. The photocell is glued to the back of the printed circuit board with silicone 53 9lIImIUIIAIIImllllnm1u1lllRnw ollllnllmlllll luullu0l11111u1 immateliMMAMMINI ALUMINUM BRACKETS EYELETED TO IlIIlIIfiNU N S01 BOARD AND POP RIVETED TO CASE 7PO 1011, I I PLASTIC WINDOW GLUED AND THEN RIVETED PLACE IN C ducing the amount of light reaching the photocell. A filter made of colored cellophane, Polaroid material, or tinted acetate placed over the light window will work well. Once you have obtained just the right sensitivity for the particular application, complete the assembly by "pop " -riveting the circuit board and bottom plate to the case. Once pop- riveted, the Dusker becomes tamperproof and there's no way to take the case apart without using an electric drill. If it becomes necessary to open the case again, use a ', " high -speed bit to drill out the rivets. Once assembled, operation of the Dusker is a snap. Just plug it into a convenience outlet, plug the load or lamp into its receptacle, and away you go. Special Applications. For operation as a light flasher, the Dusker must be wired as a dusk -to -dawn control. This makes it essentially an oscillator with negative feedback. The Dusker must be positioned 25-100W BULB COM 117 VAC S0 -60C PS LINE CORD Fig. 6. After all the parts are preassembled on the circuit board, and the unit has been fully wired and tested, install the plastic window and pop -rivet the aluminum brackets to the case shield. DI R2 CI rubber sealant (Fig. 6) The plastic window is glued in place and allowed to dry before the aluminum brackets are riveted on. Before making connections to the relay, refer to the Special Applications section at the end of this article to determine the proper relay terminals to employ. In general, the NC contacts are used when decreasing light must energize the load, and the NO contacts are used when increasing light is to energize the load. Checkout and Final Assembly. Before final assembly, you will want to check out the circuit to make sure it works the way you want it to. For this you can use a flashlight or other suitable light source. If it becomes necessary to change the sensitivity of the unit, change the value of R2 as necessary. But you can decrease the sensitivity by merely re. 54 PCI Le, KI NOTE SI IS SPST MICROSWITCH Fig. 7. This low -cost touch control circuit can easily be wired to any desk or table lamp by adding a microswitch across PC1. To turn on lamp, touch Si gently. To turn off lamp, bring hand near PC1, shielding it from light. For proper operation, PC1 must be shielded from other strong light sources. in such a way that the light shines in its "eyes." Initially, when the light is off, the photocell turns it on: the Dusker "sees" it and turns it off again. This cycle can go on as long as the unit is plugged in. To adjust the on-off rate (frequency), adjust the amount of light that gets fed back. Changing the bulb size will usually do the trick. For "touch control" operation, mount the circuit board (less case) in the base of a lamp so that only the lamp light (Continued on page 139) - ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK BUILD SOLID -STATE SLOT CAR SPEED CONTROL Turn your slot racing car into a mighty fast cat, yet maintain absolute speed control every inch of the way S IMPLE TO BUILD, inexpensive to own, a dream to operate! We're talking about a transistorized slot racing speed controller that lets you run your model racing car almost like the pros do at Le Mans. From the instant you start, all the way through the sloping, winding, pretzel- shaped speedway, till your car zooms across the finish line, you'll enjoy the full pleasure of in- By JAMES FISHBECK stant and complete control over your racing car's speed and performance. Because the push- button type of speed controller controls the car's speed by applying a series of pulses, the acceleration is in steps, rather than through a smooth, linear variation from low speed to top speed. This new solid -state speed controller uses a carbon potentiometer wired to a d.c. amplifier to provide a smooth variation in resistance, which gives your car finger-tip speed control and all the power it needs to perform with style and class. How It Works. The speed controller consists of a dual amplifier and two separate potentiometer throttles -one for each amplifier (Fig. 1) . Each amplifier output drives a separate lane of the speedway. Potentiometer R1 is shown connected across the d.c. power pack supplied with the racing car set. Its center tap is wired to the base of emitter follower Qi, thereby controlling the output of this stage. The output of Q1 is directly coupled to the base of Q2, the power output stage, which supplies power to the track through Fi. The other amplifier operates in the same way. Since the power pack is nothing more than a step -down transformer feeding into a full-wave rectifier, it puts out an unfiltered d.c. which is quite suitable to run racing cars. Because the transistor amplifiers do not perform well with pulsating d.c., a filter capacitor (C1) is put across the power pack output to filter out the ripples before they get to the amplifier. If you operate a speedway with more Fig. L I n than two lanes, you can build a separate amplifier for each lane with no degradation in performance (as long as you don't exceed the wattage rating of the power pack) . Just be sure you use identical components in all the amplifiers and speed control potentiometers. Construction. Except for the two speed controller potentiometers, all parts, including the power pack supplied with the slot racing set, are mounted on a 2" x 5" x 7" aluminum chassis (Figs. 2 and 3 ) The two speed controller po. PARTS LIST 500 -µf., 25 -volt electrolytic capacitor (1 null Dubilier BBR 500 -25 or equivalent Fl, F2-1-ampere fuse (Littelfuse 3AG) (.1 -- Ql, Q3 -2N109 transistor Q2, Q4 -2N554 transistor RI. R3- 5000 -ohm carbon potentiometer, linear taper (IRC -CTS 011 -114 or equivalent) R4- 1000 -ohm, 1 -watt, 10% resistor screw -type terminal strip (Cinch -Jones 17 -4 or equivalent) s' 5" .c 7" aluminum chassis base (Bud 1 -2" AC-402) c 2 .e I ! s" aluminum Miniboxes Pod CU-3017A) Misc.- -Two miniature fuse posts (Littlefuse 342014), multiple-conductor intercom cable, power pack from existing racing set, two knobs, mounting hardware, transistor sockets. rubber grommets, hookup wire, etc. R2, TS1- 4- terminal this two -lane speed controller, each channel is a mirror image of the other. The speed control potentiometers are mounted on individual chassis, and are connected to the amplifier circuit by long cables. For compactness, mount the slot racer power pack on top of the amplifier chassis. 56 ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK Large chassis allows plenty of room for mounting the power pack. Use mounting kit for Q2 and Q4, and be sure to mount Ql and Q3 on sockets. Cables at sides of chassis go to speed controllers. Fig. 2. tentiometers are mounted on individual 31/4" x 21/s" x 11%" aluminum Miniboxes. After drilling, punching, and deburring the chassis, insert rubber grommets through all cable entrance holes. If your power pack is too large to fit on the size chassis recommended, get a bigger chassis. The size suggested happens to be convenient, but you have complete freedom to select the packaging that best suits your needs. Incidentally, the layout of components is not critical, either. Just use good practices to come up with a professional looking job. You must mount the two small transistors (Q1 and Q3) on sockets, however, and you must use mounting kits for the power transistors (Q2 and Q4). After you have mounted each potentiometer on its Minibox, wire it up as shown in Fig. 1 using the three -conductor flexible cable ( you can make the cable any length you wish) Connect the other end of the cable to the main chassis. don't, yet. You'd better go over all the wiring, very carefully, and check it out against the schematic. Above all, you'll want to make certain you haven't reversed any of the leads to the power pack, as this could play havoc with your transistors. If everything's okay so far, wire the output terminals to the track and plug the unit in. If either car runs in the wrong direction, reverse the track leads to that lane. Do not reverse the leads at the power pack to correct this condition. Should either controller potentiometer work backwards, that is, if the car increases speed when the knob is rotated counterclockwise, reverse the two cable leads across the potentiometer end terminals. If one car tends to run slowly when the potentiometer controlling that car is all the way off, one of the transistors in the amplifier associated with that lane is defective. To determine which transistor is at fault, remove the smaller transistor (Q1 or Q3) from its socket. (CAUTION: always turn the power off when removing or inserting any transistor.) If the car still runs slow with the transistor removed, replace the larger transistor. If the car doesn't run at all now, replace the smaller transistor. -MI- . Having completed all your wiring, you are now itching to fire up the unit and race away . but Check It Out First! . 1966 Fall Edition . Fig. 3. This underchassis view shows parts layout and wiring. Capacitor Cl is wired across the power pack output to provide filtered d.c. to the amplifiers. Use rubber grommet at all cable entrances. 57 BUILD THE ELECTROLOCK By MURRAY E. COULTES A keyless wonder - you just dial the secret combination to open it SAY daisies don't tell. Perhaps of the "Electrolock." Unlike conventional locks which give tell -tale sounds when the right combination registers or which can be easily jimmied, the Electrolock is electronic and can't be opened by anyone but yourself. It uses no key; instead, you dial the four opens. correct digits, and presto As seen in Fig. 1, the Electrolock is a series circuit consisting of a battery, a solenoid, a push- button switch, and four rotary switches. The plunger of the solenoid is connected to a small barrel bolt, and a small spring holds the bolt closed when the solenoid is not activated. But THEY the same can be said -it when you dial the right four numbers and depress the push button, you complete the circuit, current flows through the solenoid, and the plunger pulls back the barrel bolt. When the push button is released, the spring pulls the bolt into the closed position again. There are many ways in which you can construct the Electrolock. The combination that will open the lock depends on the switch connections you use. Usually, a 4.5 -volt battery suffices, but for more snap you could try a 6- or 9 -volt battery. Drill a hole through the barrel bolt the same size as the hole through the plunger of the solenoid, and fasten them together as shown in Fig. 2. Be sure to drill the hole parallel to the knob so that the bolt will not be turned down when the plunger is connected to the bolt. The spring is fastened between the screw connecting the solenoid plunger and barrel together to another screw mounted 58 External battery can be connected to the banana jacks to overcome a weak internal battery. However, the lock cannot be opened without the combination. on the barrel lock frame. If you can't find a suitable spring, use two or three smaller ones tied together. To operate the Electrolock, dial the correct combination and depress the push- button switch. The bolt should ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK S5 12 12 11 SOLENOID Si 100 SI 90 8 7 2 03 4 5 1 its /22-3 87 4 5 100 O S3 941 6 12 11 10 6 1 2 I 10 9QS2 53 87 54 90 J^2 81 6 l / II 12 I S4 S 7 2 3 4 55 4.5V Fig. 1. Any combination can be made by selecting different switch positions. As there are more than 20,000 possible combinations, chances of "picking" the lock are discouraging. Furthermore, if you add a fifth switch, you can get 248,832 combinations. PARTS LIST B1 -4.5-volt battery 11, Banana jack S1, S2, S3, S4-12- position rotary switch SS- Push -button switch, normally open 1 -volt d.c. type solenoid (Guardian Model 11 or equivalent) 12- -6 Misc.-Barrel bolt, aluminum strip battery mount, machine screws, hookup wire, solder 4 -40 BARREL BOLT MACHINE SCREW SOLENOID SI VI V2 Fig. 2. Spring holds barrel bolt in closed position. Solenoid retracts the bolt when the proper combination is dialed and the push button is depressed. Fig. 3. Align barrel bolt with solenoid to obtain smooth action without bolt rotation. Battery and switches can be mounted in any convenient position. snap open. If it doesn't, check your wiring, particularly the switches. You may have to adjust alignment and spring tension to get smooth, positive action. You've probably guessed the reason for putting the two banana jacks on the front panel. In case the battery inside the unit hasn't the energy left to open the lock, you just connect a fresh battery across the terminals and dial the combination. Remember, you can't open the lock if you forget the combination. -[3 1966 Fall Edition 59 DON'T PANIC... PUSH THE BUTTON! 7t venturous soul will be tempted to Don't you dare some throw that switch. And when he does, build this box you are sure to see a panic in the making. Once the main switch is thrown, and .... unless you want to after a one- or two -second delay, the create pandemonium box lets out a wailing sound akin to that By BRUNO M. LARSEN PANIC siren is guaranteed to set TS he most blasé individual or "stuffed unwit1 shirt" on his ear, and cause the ting "victim" who sets it off a moment or two of embarrassed concern. For it is a certainty that if this box is left alone 60 of a fire engine, ambulance, or police siren. Lights go on and, within a second or two, start to blink like mad. The "victim" will snap the switch back to OFF, only to find, to his chagrin, that the switch has no effect whatsoever on the rising siren wail, or on the lights. If the switch thrower can keep a cool head, he'll "push the panic button" -the one innocently labeled SQUELCH -and ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK sigh with relief as the siren starts on its downward wail. If he releases the button while the siren is dying down, as he probably will, the siren immediately starts up again, whereupon the "victim" quickly presses the panic (SQUELCH) button again. But this time he isn't taking any chances-he's going to keep his fingers on that button until the sound ceases completely. As it does, he smiles triumphantly. (All this time the lights are still blinking-the squelch button has no effect on the lights.) Once again he releases the button -and once again the siren starts. What the "victim" doesn't know is that the contraption will go off by itself once the main switch is thrown to OFF and a preset time has elapsed. Every time he throws the switch he recycles the panic box, and when he presses the button he only interrupts the sound, without affecting the cycle. How It Works. The secret of the panic box is a delay incorporated in the ON- OFF switch that causes the siren and light circuits to remain activated for from 60 to 90 seconds after the switch is turned off. Pressing the SQUELCH button is the only "known" action that can be taken to start the siren on its downward wail. The heart of the panic box is a siren module (Fig. 1) connected to a speaker and a battery. The module contains a relaxation oscillator (Q1) and a direct coupled output stage (Q2) . The oscillator creates a tone which rises from 5 to 3000 cycles within 30 seconds, and creates a downward wail after the delay switch shuts itself off. Switch S1 is a concealed slide switch that is normally left ON. It is used only SPKR GRN GRN RED SIREN MODULE BLK YEL YEL S3 SQUELCH PUSH BUTTON-El SI SLIDE SWITCH Fig. 2. Observe color -coded leads coming from the siren module, and connect as shown. The lamp circuit and its batteries are optional and can be omitted. r This circuit has been included only for psychological effect. Lights have built -in blinkers. L 52 ON-OFF BI + B2 + --' 83 +1-KD 11--1 Ba +FL2 -J NOTE:CIRCUIT WITHIN DOTTED LINES MAY BE OMITTED WITHOUT AFFECTING OPERATION OF SIREN MODULE by those in the know to shut the works down. You can have fun in another way -leave the switch off and your "victim" won't be able to victimize someone else. An 8 -ohm, 21, PM speaker serves as the siren horn, and the entire unit is powered by two or four 9 -volt batteries, as shown in Fig. 2. Two of these bat - teries-in parallel-provide power for the siren, and the other two-also in parallel -provide power for the lights. Construction. The box, a 61'16" x 5932" x 2 íI" plastic meter case, houses all the components, including the speaker and the batteries. The box also functions as a resonant cavity and greatly amplifies the siren sound. What's more, the same r Secret of continuous panic making noise output is the built -in delay in switch S2; outwardly it seems to be an ordinary on- and -off toggle switch. Switch S1 is concealed and normally left on. Only you know where to find it and shut the thing off in case of panic. Panic button S3 has no effect on the delay action of S2 and opens the siren circuit only as long as it is held down. If the victim's patience runs out before the delay cycle is completed, he is most likely to recycle the unit so that it will not cut out by itself. Fig. 1. 1966 Fall Edition - _ _ BL tl loudness is maintained during the upward and downward wails of the siren. Other types of enclosures can be used, provided care is taken to select a box that will resonate properly. Metal boxes are generally poor resonators, while wooden boxes make ideal resonators. The SLIDE SPEAKER SWITCH SI TIME DELAY SWITCH PANEL LAMPS SALCIA' PUSH BUTTON S3 S SIREN ODULE IDE SWITCH sl SPEAKER CLAM P BAI SERIFS 12 OR 4 (SEE TEXT) SPEAKER Parts layout and box dimensions are not critical. Paint the outside fireman's red and use large bold letters. Battery mounting brackets are optional. Speaker and "hidden switch" are mounted on back of box. Better chain the box in place lest your victim heave it out the window when the alarm sounds off. arrangement of the components is left to the discretion of the builder. The slide switch (Si) can be wired so that it opens only the siren cycle, or both the lights and the siren. To make this switch less conspicuous, the proPARTS LIST Bl, B2, B3, B4-9 -volt transistor radio battery (Eveready 216, or equivalent) 0.3 -amp. flasher bulb (GE -407 or equivalent) Li, L2-4.9 -volt, slide switch Sl- S.p.s.1. 60- second delayed action light switch (LafaS2yette Radio 34 R 3805, or equivalent) S3- Normally- closed momentary push -button switch SPKR -2;_ ", 8 -ohms speaker (Philmore TS -25, or equivalent -Siren module (Lafayette Radio 19 -0105, OlIii -iron Model IIS available at parts distributors) 1 15/16" x 5 -9/32" x 2- 5/16" plastic meter case (Allied Radio 87 P 886 or equivalent) Matching panel (cover) for above case (Allied Radio 87 1' 888 or equivalent) 2 -Bulb sockets with red-faceted jewel lenses (DIALCO 510M or equivalent) 4 -Type 5D battery clips (Cinch -Jones, or 1 son Radio TR 71, or Saxton -6- 1- 4-equivalent) Battery brackets (Keystone No. alent) 95, or equiv- Misc.-Rubber feet, wire, solder, hardware and terminal strips truding stem can be cut off flush with the plastic box. You can use 6 -32 hardware to mount the components, or you can fasten them permanently to the box cover with pop rivets. The small speaker has no mounting holes or flanges (actually, there are a number of speakers available with mounting holes) but you can use a couple of mounting clips with washers to secure the speaker to the back cover of the meter case. Before mounting the speaker, drill a number of holes in the mounting surface to vent the speaker cone to the outside of the enclosure. Size of the holes is not critical. Also, to make certain that the batteries clear the main ON -OFF switch and the light sockets, install battery mounting brackets near the edge of the box cover. There is nothing critical in the wiring. Nor is there anything functional about the blinking lights, which are included purely for psychological purposes -you can omit this circuit if you wish. The outside of the box can be finished and stenciled in any manner you wish. For example, the SQUELCH button can be labeled PRESS HERE, or PANIC , BUTTON. Or WARNING, DANGER, etc., can be substituted for CAUTION. Setting the Trap. Make sure that the concealed slide switch is in ON position, and the master ON -OFF switch Is set to OFF. Then lay the box in a conspicuous place, and be ready when the fun starts. -®Happy panic ! 62 ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK CHAPTER 2 AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS Only 21/2 years ago, when POPULAR ELECTRONICS published a product -by- product analysis of the transistorized ignition market, there were about 30 different manufacturers in business. And they were offering products based on 11 different designs. Thirty months later there appears to be only a half dozen active manufacturers selling three or four different designs. What happened? The answer to the above question is plain and simple the 1964 transistorized ignition systems were dropped like the proverbial hot potatoes. Some systems were so poorly designed as to be almost unbelievable. One or two apparently unscrupulous manufacturers turned in a "fast" buck and got out of business. The good products suffered because of class association and several manufacturers switched to the production of other goods. But possibly the one major contributing cause to the downfall of transistorized ignition was that many 1964 circuits weren't the very best. The Editors of EEH have had the opportunity to exhaustively test the only logical answer to the transistorized ignition problems -the capacitive discharge circuit. In the pages that follow are the plans for one of the best ignitions systems we have ever published. Although specialized components are called for, this is one system (among the two or three that survived from 1964) that we feel deserves your unqualified attention. - 64 NOW! A UNIVERSAL CD IGNITION SYSTEM Murray Gellman 69 PROTECT YOUR CAR'S ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Charles Erwin Cohn 70 HEADLIGHTS -ON ALARM Thomas R. Yocom 71 AUTO VOLTMETER SHOWS YOU'LL GO 1966 Fall Edition Joseph Tartas 63 NOW! A UNIVERSAL CD IGNITION SYSTEM By MURRAY GELLMAN Modified unit fits 12- or 6 -volt cars, including positive ground ignition Because of the excellent response to the article on a "Transistorized Capacitor Discharge Ignition System" by Murray Gellman (in the 1966 Spring Edition Of ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HAND- the author has provided construction details to modify the basic 12 -volt negative ground circuit for operation with 6- or 12 -volt positive, or 6 -volt negative ground ignition systems. On page 66 you'll find some representative excerpts from our reader mailbag, with the appropriate answers. THE EDITORS BOOK), 64 WHETHER YOU ARE the owner of a foreign car with a 6 -volt ignition system, or an American car with a 12 -volt positive or negative ground ignition, you can now enjoy the advantages of increased gas mileage, quicker starting even in cold weather, longer life for breaker points and spark plugs, and more power at high speeds with a tran- sistorized capacitor discharge ignition system. You can build the system from scratch for the car you presently own, and modify it later, if you wish, to fit any other car you might buy. The 12volt negative ground system (and how to build it) was described in the 1966 Spring Edition of the ELECTRONIC ExPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK. The following instructions tell you how to modify the basic design to fit your car. Six -Volt Negative Ground Ignition. The basic 12 -volt transistorized capacitor discharge ignition system can be modiELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK r 01 1N2615 H.V. 04 C2 TO DIST. Iyf. 03 MCR1605-6 A R3 660K D5 1N2615 G 2NI100 ICI 4yf. TO DI IN463 IGNITION SWITCH C4 226f. T 50y C3 2 5611 RESISTORS IN PARALLEL C6 132yf. RS 3 R7 100f1 TC5 OyI. 1.81< 2 TO POINTS .OND IN DISTRIBUTOR Fig. 1. In this positive ground ignition system, the d.c. resistance of pulse transformer T2 replaces resistor R6 in negative ground circuit. Also, positions of R1 and R2 are reversed, as is polarity of diode Dl. Positive Ground Ignition. To convert the 6- or 12 -volt negative ground system to positive ground (see Fig. 1) using the same printed circuit board, the collector center tap must be removed from ground. This can be done by cutting the copper strip above and below the letter G with a single-edge razor blade. Hold a clean soldering iron-one having no solder on the tip -on the copper strip next to the letter G. Remove the strip using the razor blade. Drill a hole (using a x$52 Component side of positive ground circuit board showing parts location and orientation. All components are color- coded, and the appropriate colors marked on the circuit board to facilitate assembly. fled to operate on six volts by making the following changes (1) add another 10-ohm resistor in parallel with R1; (2) add another 820 -ohm resistor in parallel with R2; (3) short out R6 (27 ohms) by connecting a heavy jumper wire across it; and (4) replace the SPC-4 transformer (T1) with six-volt transformer SPC -4A (available from SYDMUR, P. 0. Box 25A, Midwood Station, Brooklyn, N.Y. for $14.95). : 1966 Foil Edition TOROID CORE Fig. 2. Fabrication details of positive ground pulse transformer. Shown are a completely assembled unit, the ferrite toroid core, and coil assembly forms. 65 MORE ABOUT CAPACITOR DISCHARGE IGNITION SYSTEMS Q I substitute a new ignition coil with 250:1 turns ratio for my 100:1 coil now in the car? Yes, but you wouldn't gain enough to merit the extra cost. Your present coil used with a CD system will produce adequate voltage at all engine speeds. the ambient temperature under the hood, and, besides, the metal box acts as a heat sink. Can a A Q A Q A Q A Q A Must the "condenser" across the breaker points be removed? No. It does no harm -leave it there. want to wind my own toroid transformer. How about revealing the winding details? Sorry, but this transformer is something special and a patent has been "applied for" to cover its construction. A Q A I What temperatures will the CD system withstand? It has been tested at 60 degrees below zero (F) and 200 degrees -plus under the hood. Why no heat sinks on the transistors? The transistors are rated to operate above FERRITE TOROID CORE Fig. 3. Pulse transformer is wound on ferrite toroid with 300 turns of bifilar -wound #40 Polyurethane insulated wire. Wire terminals are soldered to the lugs on the coil form. core RED RED GRN 2CT TO TI CENTER TAP 01 BARRIER STRIP Fig. 4. Wiring details of transistors and barrier strip connections for positive ground ignition system. Terminal marked A- connects to ignition switch. 66 Q Must I replace the distributor cap and ignition wiring harness? You might find it advisable to clean out the cap and check the harness for breaks or worn spots. Replacement is not a prerequisite. Do I change the engine timing? No. Just be sure it meets the manufacturer's specs. The CD system will not up- set the timing. Q A Q Must I use a printed circuit board? Why not? What have you got against space -age engineering? used your transformer in another CD circuit that saw published this year. The transistors gave up the ghost. What hapI I A pened? The toroid in this CD system was designed to match the transistors. Substitution could lead to a lot of headaches. bit) in the copper strip ?!I -inch away from the end that was cut, and another hole near the letter Y in the ground strip. Then, using a #42 bit, drill a hole above the letter U on top of the printed circuit board; this hole is used to mount the pulse transformer (T2). The pulse transformer is made by winding 300 turns of bifilar -wound #40 Polyurethane insulated wire on a ?í, -inch ferrite toroid core. (See Fig. 2.) After the wire is wound, it should be placed in a form and the leads connected to the lugs (see Fig. 3) The wire leads can be wrapped around the lugs without removing the insulation (the heat melts away the insulation), and then soldered. After this is done, the form is placed in a small cup form and filled with epoxy cement. (SYDMUR will supply the toroid, form, and cup form for $2.50, or the completed pulse transformer for $4.50.) The pulse transformer reverses the polarity of the incoming negative pulse to the positive pulse that is required at the gate to make the SCR conduct. No attempt should be made to drop the B+ (Continued on page 74) . CIRCLE NO. 1 ON READER SERVICE CARD---31. By CHARLES ERWIN COHN PROTECT YOUR CAR'S ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Forty -five -cent 1111k pPov ides ¡ der-the-hood fire protection e M OST VEHICLE lighting and electrical accessory circuits are well protected by fuses or circuit breakers. However, the main feedline which connects the battery to the generator and to all circuits, except the starter, and the circuit wiring up to the fuse block or circuit breaker very often go unprotected. Should a short occur at a point ahead of the protective devices, the high currents would cause extensive wire damage, battery damage, and possible fire. At a cost of only 45 cents, it is now possible to minimize this hazard. A fusible link introduced by Chrysler Corporation on its 1965 autos can be adapted for use in any car equipped with a 12volt battery system. The part number is 2580389, and it can be obtained from any Chrysler dealer. The link is a short length of 16 -gauge wire which behaves like a fuse. Because the regular wiring in the car is much FEED LINE FUSIBLE LINK STARTER SOLENOID =12v TO STARTER Insert fusible link between battery and main electrical feedline. Should the link fail for any reason, you can reconnect the main feedline as before. 1966 Fall Edition i heavier, the link will burn out before the regular wiring has a chance to do extensive damage in the event of a short. At 30 or so amperes, the link runs hot ; and at about 40 amperes, it quickly melts. Normal total current requirements in a car rarely exceed 30 amperes. For the system to operate again, once the link fuses, it must be replaced. Special heat resistant insulation is used to safely contain the hot link. As shown in the diagram, the link is connected as close to the battery in the electrical system as possible. It should not be inserted in the starter circuit. Usually, the link can be attached to the "hot" terminal of the starter relay. As a safety precaution, disconnect the battery before you install it, and reconnect the battery after the job is done. Disconnect the feedline from the solenoid, and connect the end of the link with the larger terminal lug to the solenoid and the other end to the feedline. A small nut and bolt can be used to connect both wires. All connections should be firm. The junction of the link and the feedline should be taped, and positioned so that it will not accidentally cause a short circuit. In the event the link gives way when you are miles away from a service station, reconnect the feedline as it was originally -after you have cleared the short circuit. -C69 HEADLIGHTS -ON ALARM ) Alarm sounds if thé lights are left on after the ignition is switched off By THOMAS R. YOCOM HOW MANY TIMES have you jumped into your car, turned on the ignition switch, ready to go somewhere, only to -a dead battery! have nothing happen Why? Because the lights were left on after the car was parked; during the winter months the chance of this happening is greatly increased. You can put this annoying situation behind you for good by installing a "Headlights -On Alarm." It is small enough to be tucked under the dashboard, and it will sound an alarm if you leave your lights on when you turn off the ignition switch. How It Works. A warning bell or buzzer goes on when current runs through relay Should you forget to turn off your lights when you turn off the ignition switch, the alarm will sound -unless you install a disabling switch (S1). PARTS LIST DI, D2, D3, D4- 1Á'34A diode or equivalent K1 -5000 -ohm remote -control relay, s.p.s.t., pull out at 1.2 ma. (Lafayette in at 1.4 ma., drop 99 R 6091 or equivalent) R1, R2 -2400 -ohm, 1/2-watt resistor S1- S.p.s.t. switch (optional -see text) 1 -12 -volt buzzer 70 K1. When the ignition switch is turned on, a small current on the order of 5 ma. will flow through R2. No current can flow through K1 because D2 is reverse - biased at essentially full battery voltage. The ignition system and any other electrical devices connected through the ignition switch operate in a normal manner. When the parking or driving lights are turned on, current runs through the lights as usual, and also goes through R1. Current cannot go through K1 because of the reverse -biased condition of D2. However, if the ignition switch is turned off, the bias on D2 is removed, and if the headlight switch is still on, current will run through K1, D2, and R2, and energize the relay to turn on the alarm. Diodes D3 and D4 prevent interaction between the parking and driving lights ; otherwise both lights would go on when either light switch was closed. Installation. Parts can be mounted on a small chassis or clustered around the relay. The alarm circuit shown in the schematic is for cars having a negative ground electrical system. For positive ground systems, reverse the polarity of all the diodes. Should you want to operate the lights without having the alarm sound off and without having to turn on the ignition switch, break the line at point X in the diagram and add Si. Another innovation is to use the taillight circuit instead of the headlights and parking lights. Since the taillights go on when either the parking or driving lights are on, you only need to monitor the taillights. In this case, eliminate D4 and connect the anode of D3 to the taillight bus instead of to the driving lights circuit. ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK AUTO VOLTMETER SHOWS YOU'LL GO - Keep tabs on your charging system catch battery failures before they happen By JOSEPH TARTAS EVER stop to wonder what your automobile battery voltage is? "Why twelve volts, of course," you say (unless you have a 6 -volt system and answer "six ") . It seems like a silly question -until you examine it closely. The fact of the matter is that battery voltage varies over a range centered around 12 (or 6) volts: Exactly what it is, and when, are facts that can tell you a great deal about the health of your car's electrical system. If your car or boat is equipped with an ammeter or indicator light, you might automatically assume that you need only be concerned when the "Battery" light stays on, or if the meter shows discharge when the engine is running. While it is important to know, as these devices indicate, that your generator is supplying a charging current to the battery, it is equally important to know the battery voltage under load and no -load conditions, as well as the voltages actually available at the starter, ignition system, etc. Voltage drop across cables can be enough to cause trouble. The voltmeter can tell you where your trouble is without "cutting" into any of the circuits. It can also alert you to potential trouble. 1966 Fall Edition Storage Battery Theory. Let's review, for a moment, the typical characteristics of a lead -acid storage battery. It consists of several cells each having a potential of about 2 volts. The exact voltage of each cell will depend on the proportion of acid to water in the electrolyte, and the condition of charge or discharge of the cell. One standard method of checking a lead -acid cell is to measure the specific gravity of the electrolyte. This electrolyte is a mixture of sulphuric acid and distilled water with a specific gravity of 1.260 at 77° F for automotive service, and ranging from 1.275 for heavy industrial uses to 1.210 for batteries in standby or emergency service. The specific gravity is measured by means of a hydrometer. The open- circuit voltage of the cell is directly related to its specific gravity Voltage = specific gravity + .84 A voltmeter, therefore, can be used to continuously monitor the specific gravity of the battery as a whole. Because the proportion of water to acid is increasing as the cell discharges, the specific gravity is gradually reduced (water alone has a specific gravity of : 71 is an output from the generator. When it is lit, the generator output is nil or inadequate. When the light is out, the generator output exceeds some preset current level at the generator terminals. This illuminated voltmeter is one of several types for use in cars. Panel meters will also serve; in some cars, they can be mounted in dash. Meter above is sold by Lafayette Radio. 1.000) and the relative state of charge will be indicated by the hydrometer reading. For the sake of accuracy, the correct specific gravity is designated at 77° F, with a small correction factor of about 15 points for temperature variations over the usually encountered range of 32 to 110 °. Some hydrometers have a built -in thermometer with the necessary correction indicated. As a cell discharges, the terminal voltage begins to drop due to internal resistance. The heavier the current, the greater the internal voltage drop and the lower the terminal voltage due to the heating effect on the battery resistance. If there is excessive resistance in the battery cables due to broken strands in the conductors or poor terminal connections (due to loose or corroded joints), there is a further drop under high current drain conditions, and little voltage appears at the starter terminals or at other equipment such as the radio or lights. One voltage appears at the battery terminals under no -load conditions, a lower voltage under starting conditions (or with the lights, heater, or radio on) and a still lower voltage at the starter or equipment due to the normal cable drop. When an ammeter is used as the indicator, it will show at a glance whether or not there is a load on the battery by its discharge rate, but it does not give any indication of the battery voltage or its condition of charge, nor does it indicate excessive IR drops. The "idiot light" does not even give this amount of information, but usually tells no more than the fact that there 72 Neither the ammeter nor the light necessarily show battery condition. Enter the Voltmeter. A d.c. voltmeter connected directly to the battery terminals will tell you at a glance the charge condition of the battery, the condition of your voltage and current regulator, and if the generator is functioning properly. A typical 6 -volt battery will read 6.3 volts with no load when fully charged. If it reads below that, the percentage of charge left will depend upon current drain, the length of time the discharge occurs, and the final voltage acceptable (the point at which the battery is considered discharged but not damaged) The final voltage, below which the cells are considered exhausted, depends upon the time and discharge current rate. This final voltage may vary from 1.0 to 1.85 volts per cell, but the most used value is 1.75 volts for typical applications. Any of several voltmeters can be used in an automobile or boat. An 8- or 10volt d.c. voltmeter is suitable for a 6volt system, and a 15 -volt meter for a 12 -volt system. There are a number of special meters available from automotive supply and electronics parts houses, some types already mounted in brackets, with or without a panel light, and some types that include troubleshooting charts. These meters have expanded scales to make it easy to read battery voltage while driving. One type that includes both illumination and trouble- shooting information is the Lafayette Radio voltmeter (Stock No. 11 R 8002) another is the Stewart Warner "Volt- Guard." The latter is advertised as a voltmeter and electrical system analyzer, which, in effect, is what it really is. The Stewart -Warner meter has a meter bracket and light socket, but these are sold separately as accessories. Unlike the regular d.c. panel voltmeter, the automotive types draw about 50 ma. of current, but this small drain is insignificant compared to the current capacity of a car battery. The normal leakage across the top of the battery . ; ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK due to dirt and acid probably equals or exceeds this drain. The meter is wired directly to the battery terminals with small -gauge insulated wire ( #20 is more than adequate) ; alternatively, the ground lead can be connected to the engine block where the battery is connected. In either case, the meter leads should be soldered to solder -lugs and connections to the battery or block should be clean and tight. It is a good idea to check voltages at the various terminals (battery, engine block, voltmeter on panel) with a portable voltmeter or VOM to determine if there are any undesirable voltage drops in the cables or connections after the meter is installed. You may avert trouble later on. Each time you start your car you should check your indicator lights and watch the voltWhat the Readings Mean. Simple gadget for turning over engine consists of two clip leads connected to normally -open push -button switch. Leads are connected to starter control terminals of starter solenoid. meter for abnormal indication. Remember that the battery drain is heavier in winter and the battery voltage (if you keep your car outside) will be lower to start with. (Continued on page 147) BATTERY VOLTAGE TABLE BATTERY VOLTS! Below 5.0 Below 10 or no read. ing ENGINE STARTING ENGINE RUNNINGS IDLING2 (Battery Condition) (Generator Condition) Dead or disconnected Disconnected, defective, or improperly wired meter. If the engine will start, or run, the battery is not at fault battery, meter disconnected or not wired properly 9.12 Normal range for Undercharged battery; Generator not charging, engine might not start winter and summer regulator not working, or current drain from equipment (lights, radio, etc.) exceeds generator output 12 -12.8 6-6.4 ENGINE OFF OR Battery fully charged, but generator or regulator not working properly Fully charged battery. Generator and regulator operating properly Normal for short period after driving due to battery "surface charge," or meter reads Normal when battery, generator, and regulator are working properly. Meter reading varies with charge in battery, engine speed, temperature, and regulator setting high Above Above 7.6 15.2 1. The Voltage regulator contacts stuck together, or voltage regulator set too high. File and clean contacts and check battery fluid for level and specific gravity minimum voltage reading possible will depend upon the type of meter used. 2. Idling speed below that which causes the cut -out relay to pull in. 3. Normal driving speeds. All voltages are approximate, and will vary with temperature, condition of regulator contacts, accuracy of meter, and other conditions. 11111111 !IIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIII11111111 IIIII, í'.911I 1966 Fall Edition II 'll. III'.ìll . II üll Illlldll!IIIII "".. I. 9Jllilllll:'IIII it Illh 1111 ": °'I. SPECIAL IGNITION SYSTEM REVIEW1 FROM HIFI /STEREO (Continued from page 66) DELUXE DUST -PROOF RECORD AND TAPE CASES Plus FREE CATALOGING from the power supply in order to supply a positive pulse to the gate. This would result in regeneration of the SCR due to large current feedback. FORMS Wiring the .+ These decorative, cases are yet sturdily constructed just what you've been looking for to keep your records and tapes from getting tossed about and damaged, disappearing when you want them most and just generally getting the "worst of it" from constant handl Ewa with pressuresensitive backing for affixing to the side of each case. It enables you to list the record names and artists and will prove an invaluable aid in helping you locate your albums. The catalog form can be removed from the side of the case at any time without damaging the leatherette. Record Cases are available in three sizes: for 7 ", 10" and 12" records. Each case, with a center divider that separates your records for easy accessibility, holds an average of 20 records in their original jackets. The Recording Tape Case holds 6 tapes in their originál boxes. The Tape Cases or the 7" Record Cases (with catalog forms) are only $3.25 each; 3 for $9; 6 for $17. The 10" or 12" Record Cases (with catalog forms) are $3.50 each; 3 for $10; 6 for $19. Add an additional 75c per order (regardless of number of cases ordered) for shipping and handling. ZiffDavis Publishing Company, Dept. SD One Park Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10015 My remittance in the amount of $ is enclosed for the Cases indicated below. Quantity 3 for $9; 6 for $17 7" Record Case at $3.25 ea.; 3 for $9; 6 for $17 10" Record Case at $3.50 ea.; 3 for $10; 6 for $19 12" Record Case at $3.50 ea.; 3 for $10; 6 for $19 ADD 75c PER ORDER FOR SHIPPING AND HANDLING. Check color choice for back of case (sides in black only): Saddle Tan Red Midnight Blue Pine Green Grey Yellow Orange Spice Brown Name ti i 74 City Installation. The wired printed circuit board and capacitor C2 (1 ;cf.) are placed in the cabinet. Wires from G as well as from the emitters go to ground on the barrier strip. The wires coming from H and the collector center tap go to A- on the barrier strip, the A wire to coil plus ( +) and F wire to PTS on the barrier strip. The wires coming from B, C, D, E and the transistors are connected as shown in Fig. 4. Other items available from SYDMUR are a complete kit for negative ground ignition, including a specially made cabinet ($44.50) and a completely wired system ($60.00) A kit for positive ground ignition can be obtained for , EEH-66 Address I With the pulse replaces R2 and R2 replaces Rl. Capacitors Cl (4 µf.) and C3 (50 pf.) are reversed in polarity so that the plus (+ ) side of the capacitors are grounded. Diode D1 (1N463) is reversed so that the anode goes to the plus ( +) mark on the printed circuit board. The 27 -ohm gate current limiting resistor (R6) is not required since the d.c. resistance of T2 takes its place. Cut two 11/2" long pieces of heavy wire. Insert the end of one wire in the hole vacated by R6, and the end of the other wire in the remaining hole. Now, connect the free ends of the wires respectively to terminals 1 and 3 of transformer T2. The center lug ( white dot) on the pulse transformer goes to the hole in the ground strip (near the letter Y) . ing. They're ideal too for those valuable old "78's" that always seem to get thrown about with no place to go. Constructed of reinforced fiberboard and covered In rich leatherette in your choice of eight decorator colors, the HIFI /STEREO REVIEW Record and Tape Cases lend them selves handsomely to the decor of any room, whether it be your library, study, den, music room or pinepaneled garage. The leatherette back (in your color choice) is gold tooled in an exclusive design available only on HIFt /STEREO REVIEW Record and Tape Cases. The sides are in standard black leatherette to keep them looking new after constant use. With each Record and Tape Case you order you. will receive, free of charge, a specially designed record and tape cataloging form Tape Case at $3.25 ea.; P -C Board. transformer completed, proceed with the wiring of the printed circuit board. The only changes that are made to the negative ground circuit are as follows. In order for the transistors (QI and Q2) to be properly forward -biased, it is necessary for resistors RI (10 ohms) and R2 (820 ohms) to shift positions; R1 State lip i 1 Code PAYMENT MUST BE ENCLOSED WITH ORDER IN . $47.50. ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK CHAPTER 3 4 OPERATION ACTIVATE How to get moving toward a successful career in the field of electronics PART 1: GETTING YOUR TRAINING IN RESIDENT SCHOOLS (see page 83 for an analysis of home -study training) By KEN GILMORE 1966 Fall Edition .. IN Whippany, New Jersey, Richard J. Ewalt carefully checks out a complex piece of computer test gear he helped design. The equipment will become part of the Nike -Zeus anti -missile system developed by Bell Laboratories, Ewalt's company. In Edwards, California, Loren E. Hirman sets up a series of subcarrier oscillators in a telemetry system. The device is used to transmit data from planes being tested by Hirman's company, General Dynamics. In Albuquerque, New Mexico, Harry F. Chaney shoves a batch of tubes on a special test board into an oven, checks their performance at different heat levels to see how they'll operate under extreme temperatures. He works for the Electron Tube and Semiconductor Devices Division of Sandia Corporation, a leading company in atomic energy development. Photos taken at RCA Institutes by Christopher Sheridan 75 All three of these men -Ewalt, Hirman, and Chaney-are electronics technicians, vital members of today's electronics team. For men -and women interested in electronics, it's a good team to join. The industry is advancing rapidly; new people are needed badly. Pay is good, working conditions usually top - rate, and jobs are almost universally interesting. But there's a catch. If you're untrained, don't bother to apply. A few decades ago, a bright young man could pick up enough know -how working around the local radio repair shop to qualify for a job chasing electrons. Or he could work in a plant and with a little study on the side eventually learn enough to get promoted to an electronics job. But no more. Today, you've got to know what you're doing. That means a good technical school education. The first thing to decide is where you want to fit into the electronics picture. In general, today's technical school programs are designed on three different levels. Engineering Technology. To become an engineering technician, you'll spend two to three years at one of the top technical institutes, a junior college, or a division of a regular four -year college that provides an engineering technology program. In most cases, you'll end up with an A. S. (Associate in Science), an A. S. E. E. ( Associate in Science, Electrical Engineering) , an A. A. S. (Associate in Applied Science) , or some similar degree. The course will cover virtually the same areas in math, the sciences, and engineering that regular electronics engineers study. And as with engineers, you'll spend most of your time- 60 to 80 percent of it -in class. Lab courses account for the other 20 to 40 percent. 76 Toward the end of your training, you'll have the opportunity to specialize. At New York's RCA Institutes, for example, you can become an expert in communications or computers. At Capitol Institute of Technology in Washington, D. C., you might choose communications engineering, nuclear instrumentation, or control systems as your field of con- centration. The engineering technician's program, while at college level, is designed for the man who wants to work with hardware. "It depends on what he wants to do after graduation," says Edward Norman, Capitol's Dean. "Does he want to hold down a desk and let paper be the prime result of his effort? Then he'd probably be happier as an engineer. But if he wants the more practical type of employment where he can actually get his hands on a few parts now and then, he'd probably like being an engineering technician better." "There is heavy emphasis on math and physics in an engineering technology course," adds Mike Terzian, Dean of Administration at RCA Institutes. "Since it's a college level course, a student can get credit for most of the work he does if he should later decide to go to college for an engineering degree. "Meanwhile, after a little over two years, the man who finishes our T -3 course [RCA's program at the engineering technology level] is ready to go to work. The majority of our graduates get jobs in research and development. A project engineer will design something -say a piece of data processing equipment which is supposed to meet certain specifications. Now it's up to the engineering technician to build the prototype from scratch. He punches out the chassis, lays out the circuit, builds it and tests it to see if it meets specificaELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK "Just how far you're able to get depends on .. how hard you're willing to work" . tions. If not, he may recommend modifications." "Engineering technicians also do other types of jobs," says Richard Ungrodt, Dean of Engineering of the Milwaukee School of Engineering. "They might be part of a team that works out production techniques. And some of them work in sales and maintenance. You'll frequently find engineering technicians assigned to computers, for example. In the old days, you'd find an engineer doing this job, and sometimes you still do. But a lot of this work can be done by top -level engineering technicians. So they're really doing engineering level work." Industrial Technology. "This program is designed for the fellow who wants to do service type work," says C. L. Foster, president of Central Technical Institute of Kansas City, Missouri. "He may maintain two -way radios in a fleet of trucks, or enter the broadcast field. Or he may work for the same company as the engineering technician, doing work on a less complex level." "There's not so much math in his curriculum," says RCA's Terzian, "and there's more lab work. His training is aimed toward analysis and troubleshooting, rather than design. It's a good course for the guy who doesn't have college in the back of his mind, and there's a steady demand for people with this training." A man preparing for an industrial technician's job may spend a year to a year and a half in school. He'll get a diploma or certificate when he finishes, but if he ever decides to go to college, he'll have to start at the beginning; his credits won't be transferable. Service Technology. A service technician may work in a service shop, troubleshooting radio and TV sets and hi -fi gear. In industry, he might do routine 1966 Fall Edition production testing or wiring on a production line. But because his skills aren't up to those of the engineering or industrial technician, he's not able to compete for jobs as well as his more highly trained colleagues. "As the demands of industry have increased in the last ten or fifteen years," says Mike Terzian, "technicians have needed more training. The man with only a service technician's background isn't likely to be able to hold down more than a routine job. And demand isn't too strong; sometimes we have trouble placing them." "The only place we offer a radio and television servicing course per se is in our night school," says J. J. Gershon, Dean of Chicago's DeVry Technical Institute. "We feel that competition being what it is, our graduates need more than just a background in radio and TV." Of course, it's one way to get started in electronics. If you can't afford to take a longer course, you might become a service technician, then go on with further schooling on a part -time basis after you get a job. Generally, a service technician's training takes 6 to 12 months of full -time schooling, up to two and -a -half years in night school. prepare for a technician's job through home study? The answer to this controversial question depends on whom you ask. Generally, most schools agree that you Can I can't reach the engineering technician's level or get an associate degree through the mail. "There's no comparison between resident and home -study training," says DeVry's Gershon. "Resident training is certainly more desirable. But if a man has a family or can't leave a certain area, then he has no choice. He can 77 profit from home study, even though he can't attain the same level that he could in resident school." "Home study is more oriented toward radio -TV servicing and manufacturing assembly line work-than residence schools," says Harry Rice, Dean of RCA Institutes home study division. "But home study graduates also get jobs as broadcast engineers and technicians in industry, and they open their own businesses." A different view is taken by one resident school official who asked that his name not be used. "I don't recommend correspondence training to any young man who is seriously interested in a career in electronics," he says flatly. "If he's lucky, he might get a job on a production line doing routine wiring or testing. But it would be very difficult for him to get a real technician's job." Some schools take another view. "The main difference between residence and correspondence schools is that in residence school you learn the material in a much shorter time," says Norman of Capitol Institute. "And, of course, the lab work can't be the same." Capitol Radio, a home study school formerly - affiliated with Capitol Institute, requires that a home -study student be actively working in the electronics industry. Therefore, the reasoning goes, he doesn't need the same laboratory work as students fresh out of high school. But this is a unique requirement on the part of Capitol Radio. Foster of Central Tech also claims advanced standing for his home -study curriculum. "Our home -study program very closely approaches the engineering technician's program," he says. "We can't say it's absolutely equivalent, because we do not go into higher math and practical laboratory work is limited. But a home -study graduate is certainly prepared for a job at the industrial technician's level." How's the job outlook? If you're trained as an electronics technician, job finding won't be a problem. The Technical Institute Division of the American Society for Engineering Education estimates that some 16,000 engineering technicians are graduated each year. But the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U. S. Department of Labor places the demand at about 80,000 a year. That Training You'll Need For Various Jobs In Electronics TRANSFER CREDIT TO COLLEGE TRAINING LEVEL JOBS QUALIFIED FOR* DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE LENGTH OF Certificate 6 -12 months No Certificate 1.11/2 years No Certificate or Associate 2 -3 years Service Radio -TV service technician Communications troubleshooting, maintenance Broadcast engineer Sound system troubleshooter Assembly line wiring Routine production line testing Industrial technician Field service technician Engineering technician Field service technician TRAINING Computer technician Junior R &D engineering technician Communications installation, maintenance Broadcast engineer Production line testing supervisor Computer technician R &D Engineering technician Senior engineering technician Associate engineer of credits transferable depends on college) Degree There may be some overlap, but in general each level of technicia, 78 Yes (exact number s fitted for a certain range of duties. ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK "The engineering technician's program ... is designed for the man who wants to work with hardware." than five jobs available for each man trained. Milwaukee School of Engineering says it could easily place twice as many graduates if it had them. RCA reports that 90 percent of its industrial and engineering technicians have jobs lined up even before they graduate. The other ten percent aren't looking for jobs; they're foreign students returning home, young men going into the service, and so on. Other top schools report a similar means more situation. By the way, the door is open for girls. "They can work in electronics as well as men," says Terzian. "And in most places they have no trouble getting a job." How much can I make? Starting salaries vary, of course, in different parts of the country, at different companies, and for technicians with varying amounts of training. Generally, though, an engineering technician might start in the vicinity of $500 a month. Some, of course, don't make that much others make more. An industrial technician might earn $50 or $75 less to start with; a service technician could average about $325 a month. There's almost no limit to how far you can advance, and most technical graduates tend to do well. DeVry made a survey recently of 43 graduates picked at random. They had graduated from two to fifteen years earlier. About 35% were in military service or just out, or were in the process of attending other schools, or just didn't answer. Of the remainder of these 43 graduates, two had become vice presidents of companies, three held the title of chief engineer, one was a principal engineer (assigned to handle projects other engineers couldn't), six were engineers, and one was working toward his master's degree. Other titles: one senior design engineer, one supervisory engineer, one district engineering sales manager, one international marketing manager, one field service administrator, four engineering assistants, two technical staff ; 1966 Fall Edition assistants, and one senior technical writer. Sometimes technical school graduates even reach top management positions. Cyril J. Statt, who graduated from Central Technical Institute in 1940, is now manager of manufacturing at General Electric's computer plant in Phoenix, Arizona. And Richard Wainwright, a 1954 graduate of Capitol Institute of Technology, is president of his own company, I -TEL, Inc., of Wheaton, Md, which designs and manufactures microwave filters. Just how far you're able to get depends on your ability, your training, and how hard you're willing to work. What does it take to qualify for a technical school? While schools vary somewhat in their admission requirements, most of them that will train you to be a high -level engineering technician accept only high school graduates with at least a C average. They usually also require one or two years of algebra, one of geometry, and one of physics or chemistry. Requirements do vary, though. Milwaukee wants a background with four years of high school math through trigonometry; others have their own additional requirements. It's a good idea to check with schools you're interested in while you're still in high school, so your courses can be tailored to meet the requirements. If that's not practical, then get all the math and science you can. But don't neglect English, either. Most schools emphasize technical report writing. Many schools give entrance examinations. If you're not up to the minimum level in any subject, you may be required to take remedial courses before you can enroll in the regular technician's program. If you enter industrial or service technician's training, some or all of these requirements may be waived. Check with the schools you're considering for entrance requirements at the various levels. Incidentally, most physical handicaps won't stop you in electronics. One that HANDBOOK 79 "If you're trained ... finding a job won't be a problem." will keep you out of some jobs: color blindness. Many technicians must be able to read the color codes on resistors 4, % r,a, .. v, r ..,, r and other parts. And don't think you have to be fresh out of high school to qualify. Many schools have older students who worked for a while before deciding what to do. RCA had one graduate in 1960 who had been a locomotive engineer for 20 years when he quit his job to become a technician. He has recently been promoted by his company to the job of master technician, and was invited this year to read a technical paper describing some of his work at a conference of military electronics experts. How much will it cost? Generally, tuition for an engineering technology course, lasting two to three years, will cost anywhere from a little under $2000 to almost $3000. You can pay as you go along, by the week ($20$25) or by the month or semester. Twoyear courses, naturally, tend to cost less than three -year programs. Living expenses vary considerably, depending on the city. RCA Institutes, for example, estimates that it costs students $30 to $50 a week to live in New York. Central in Kansas City, on the other hand, says that students get along for $25 a week. All schools will help you find a place to room and board; some have school dormitories. Incidentally, the tuition at a given school is generally the same, no matter what level training you're taking. The difference comes in length ; you'll spend six months in some of the simpler service technician's courses, three years in the more rigorous engineering technology programs. If the total cost of going to school and living in a city away from home is too much for your budget, you might be able ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK to work part time. "At least 75 percent of our full-time students work," says Foster of Central. "If a student wants to work," adds Gershon of DeVry, "we'll help him find a part -time job. A student who works can usually earn enough to pay for either his tuition or his living expenses, but not both. On a normal day, he'll spend two hours in lab, four hours in class, and have two or three hours of homework. That's eight or nine hours on weekdays, and then we load him up with homework for the weekend. So anyone who wants to work in addition to this heavy load is going to be a busy fellow." Terzian of RCA agrees. "It's very difficult to work and complete the T-3 program. But some students do it." Ungrodt of Milwaukee is more pessimistic. "It's really practical only if a student is willing to take more than two years to get through a two -year course. If a student works half time -20 hours a week -and is a very good student, he might be able to carry a 14- credit load instead of the usual 18 -20 quarter hour credits. But he shouldn't plan to do it on a regular basis." If you do have to work, though, most schools have facilities for helping you find a part -time job that will interfere least with your studies. How about holding down costs by starting your training through the mail, then finishing up in residence? You'll have to check with the individual school here. Central has a regular program designed to let you learn as much as possible at home, some others will work out such a schedule on an individual basis, others discourage it. But if the school you want to attend does offer such a plan, you can cut down the total cost of your technician's training by taking advantage of it. 1966 Foil Edition How do I choose a technical school? It isn't easy. There are hundreds of schools across the country that teach electronics ; some are excellent, others barely passable. And it's not always easy to tell which is which. If you must stay at home, and if your town has only one school, then you have no problem. You'll take whatever is available, and hope it's a good school. But if you can pick and choose, here are some guidelines. First, if you're still in high school, go to the guidance department. Chances are they'll have detailed information about many schools both in your neighborhood and farther away. Second, if you're going to take an engineering technology course, find out whether the curriculum at the school you're considering is accredited, either nationally or regionally. Ask local educators -school or college officials-about regional accreditation. For national listings, see the Where To Write For More Information section of this article. Lack of accreditation doesn't necessarily mean it's not a good school, but you'll want to check more carefully if the school isn't an accredited one. Third, write the schools you're considering and ask for their catalogs. Compare the courses listed. You'll find that some schools offer a far broader program and courses on a much higher level -calculus, digital circuits, microwaves, telemetering and servomechanisms, for example -than others. Even among accredited schools, some obviously give far more than others. Incidentally, you'll generally find that those with broader courses take longer-and, of course, cost more. Finally, check the faculty listing. Faculty members of top rated schools have impressive qualifications, both in academic degrees and experience. 81 The man who finishes ... is ready to go to work." Have got what it takes for technical training? I WHERE TO WRITE FOR MORE INFORMATION National Directory of Schools and Vocations. Miller & Brown, State School Publications, N. Springfield, Pa. One of the most complete lists of technical schools. $12 in hard cover, or see at library or vocational counselor. List of Accredited Curricula Leading to First Degrees in Engineering Technology in the United States. Engineers' Council for Professional Development, 345 E. 47 St., New York, N.Y. 10017. 25 cents. Characteristics of Excellence in Engineering Technology Education. Professor W. Leighton Collins, Executive Secretary, American Society_ for Engineering Education, University of Illinois, Urbana, III. 61801. 25 cents. The Engineering Technician. Secretary, American Society for Engineering Education, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. 25 cents. How To Choose Your Technical Institute, by Hartung. Bellman Publishing Co., Cambridge 38, Mass. $1.00. The following can be ordered from National Council of Technical Schools, 1507 M St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C.: Directory of Approved Technical Institute Courses. Free. Admission Requirements for Approved Technical Institute Programs of Higher Education. A review of the high school background best suited for success in technical institute programs. 5 cents. Code of Minimum Standards. This code sets forth the requirements of the NCTS for approval of Technical Institutes. 3 cents. The Electronic Technician. Electronics has become a major field of employment with electronic technicians in great demand. This monograph details the work of these technicians and the industry which employs them. 5 cents. The Engineering Technician: His Education, Entrance Into Industry, and Place on the Engineering Team. A set of charts placing the technical institute program and the engineering technician in proper relations. 5 cents. The Technician and the Engineer. Reprint of an address by Dean C. J. Freund, University of Detroit. 3 cents. The Technical Institute: Its Relation to Engineering Education and Trade Training. Reprint of an address by the late Dean C. W. Beese of Purdue University. 9 cents. 82 Experienced teachers and administrators at the best technical institutes can tell almost at once whether an enrolling student is going to complete his technological training successfully. Certain characteristics show up in almost every successful student. Here are the signs some leaders in the industry look for: Norman of Capitol Institute of Technology: "Good math background or aptitude. Inclination toward practical work. And a great deal of motivation." R. E. Baird of the Oregon Technical Institute: "While in school, he will work. If he doesn't understand, he will let you know in no uncertain terms, and will hound you until he does understand. He really wants to learn." Terzian of RCA Institutes: "First, a sincere interest in the field. Second, self discipline; the ability to sit down and do the assignments, prepare the reports, do the homework. He doesn't have to be exceptionally brilliant, but it helps if he enjoys math and physics and is good at them." Gershon of DeVry Technical Institute: "Perseverance and desire are more important than high academic ability. I'd rather give the poorer student who wants to work a lot of help to bring him up to the proper level than have the gifted one who won't work or just isn't interested." Foster of Central Technical Institute: "We look for a man who is primarily interested in technical rather than research type employment. He'll have to like to work with his hands." Ungrodt of Milwaukee School of Engineering: "Ability to work and interest in the subject matter. He should be a good math and science student. But the ability to work is the most important thing. A man who wants to get something can really work. And he has something when he's through." What he has, of course, is the key to a career in electronics. Do you have the qualifications? If so, pick out a good school and prepare yourself for a lifetime of employment in one of the most -ice exciting fields on earth. ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK OPERATION IN ACTIVATE you can only study at home, you still can obtain excellent training to become an electronics technician If PART 2: HOME -STUDY TRAINING By KEN GILMORE electronics today, it's what you know no room for the half educated, the basement tinkerer, the guy who isn't serious enough to prepare himself with a first-rate education. And preparation is just the beginning; learning doesn't stop once you're on the job. One educational authority, borrowing the language of nuclear physics, estimates that the "half- life" of even the best technical education is just ten years. To put it another way, 50 percent of what you learn today will be as out -of -date as the crystal set ten years from now. All of this adds up to one thing: If you want to be a member of today's fast -moving electronics team, you'll have to get good basic electronics training, then keep re- educating yourself from there on out. that counts. There's . There are two ways you can get a technical education. One is to attend a regular electronics residence school trade school, technical institute, or college. It's a good way-especially for basic training. But suppose you can't. There's no school in your town, or you have a family to support and can't leave your job. Or you just don't have the cash to go to a full -time school or college. These days, you can get a first -rate electronics education at home. Scores of top -notch correspondence schools now offer an incredibly rich variety of courses, designed to make you anything from a radio repairman to an expert in space communications. And once you're on the job, education through the mails is one of the best ways to keep your knowledge up to date. Before you go rushing off to the nearest post office to get your application in, however, you'll have to make a couple of basic decisions: (1) Exactly what kind of job -among the many fascinating ones available in the field of electronics-do you want to land, and (2) Which school, which courses, will best prepare you to reach this goal? To make the right decision, you need information. And that's what you'll find in the following pages. The Editors have talked to scores of education authorities across the country; we've queried home -study school officials and talked to their students and graduates. Here are their answers to the questions you'll be asking: -a What can I learn at home? The answer is- almost anything. Vari- ous schools approach the subject of electronics in different ways, at different levels. Some concentrate in one area. Hollywood's Grantham School of Electronics home study division, for example, specializes in preparing you to get an FCC First Class Radiotelephone license-your ticket to a job in radio or TV broadcasting or as a communications technician. Massey Technical Institute of Jacksonville, Florida, and Chicago's Coyne Electronics Institute emphasize training that will help you go into the radio -TV service business on your own. International Correspondence Schools 84 (ICS) of Scranton, Pennsylvania, on the other hand, offers a wide variety of courses: electronics fundamentals, hi -fi and stereo servicing, radio -electronic telemetry, industrial electronics, and many more. At Chicago's DeVry Technical Institute, you can choose among all the standard courses and such up -tothe- minute fields as computer technology and space and missile instrumentation. Many schools offer courses on several levels. "We advise beginners to take courses in one of our career programs," says Jack W. Friedman, director of the RCA Institutes Home Study School. "These courses begin with basic electronics and lead through advanced material in television, communications, automation and industrial electronics, transistors, or electronics drafting. Our advanced courses, on the other hand, serve more specific needs, such as helping a technician update himself or move to a higher level." Some schools offer only advanced programs. "Many courses are keyed for the rank beginner," says G. O. Allen, president of the Cleveland Institute of Electronics (CIE) . "Courses of that type serve a much -needed purpose, but we prefer to leave the manual training to them. For the man who has progressed well beyond the intermediate level, we offer a college-level course in communications engineering." Courses at Philco's Technical Institute in Philadelphia and Capitol Radio Engineering Institute in Washington are also designed for the working electronics technician or graduate engineer who wants to upgrade his skills or keep up to date in this fast moving field. What jobs can prepare for? There's almost no limit. Home -study graduates of Central Technical Institute of Kansas City, for example, hold such positions as engineering technicians in aerospace research and manufacturing, TV cameramen, studio and recording technicians, maintenance and operating technicians with airlines, police departments, railroads, and public utilities. Some own their own radio -TV repair shops. Virtually every major electronics company in the country and many small ones have on their staffs men working in research and development, in manufacI ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK you put in. Here are some typical examples. Major programs at Capitol Radio Engineering Institute (CREI) in Washington, D. C., take about three years to complete for the average student studying two to three hours a day. Costs depending on the subject -hover in the vicinity of $500 to $550 for the entire course. DeVry estimates that the average student studying its $560 course seven to ten hours a week can finish in a year and a half. At CIE an FCC license course costs $325 and ordinarily takes nine to ten months. Coyne's TV servicing course costs $165, will occupy turing, in testing-men who got their the average student a year and a half. training or updated their skills through National Technical Schools in Los correspondence study. Angeles offers a 150 -lesson master course Take a few isolated examples from in radio, TV, and industrial electronics one school -National Radio Institute in for $367. Each lesson takes three to Washington, D. C. NRI graduate David four hours, and National Tech urges F. Conrad of Reseda, California, is a students to finish at least one a week. senior engineering aide for Litton Sys- Most, however, move faster and complete tems; he checks out magnetic recording the course in one to two years. devices for a living. Robert L. L'Heureux All times quoted above are average; of Southboro, Massachusetts, works for some students learn faster, some slower. the data -processing division of Minneap- Put in twice as much time, and you'll olis- Honeywell. Walter G. Higgins of finish twice as fast. Most schools have a Portland, Oregon, was a mailman when time limit on finishing, too, but will he studied electronics at home; after his grant an extension if you need it. course, he transferred to the Department One final point: Most schools give of the Interior as an electronics tech- substantial discounts for speeded -up paynician and now maintains UHF and VHF ment, even lower prices for cash in adcommunications links. Jim Davis of vance. All prices given here are for the Long Branch, New Jersey, troubleshoots most extended payment plans the schools transistorized chopper -stabilized d.c. offer on a so- much-down, so- much -aamplifiers at Electronics Associates, Inc. month basis. The list could go on endlessly. By the way, you don't have to hesitate Most schools claim that between 90% to pay in advance. All reputable schools and 100% of their graduates obtain em- have fair refund policies if something ployment in electronics. Says R. Parma happens to keep you from finishing. of National Technical Schools in Los AnOnce I've received my diploma, geles, "About 30% of our students are are jobs easy to get? currently employed in electronics. These Will the school help me land one? students feel that they lack the technical skills to achieve advancement in their If you don't already have a job in eleccompany. Another 60% of our students tronics (many home -study students do) , are employed outside of electronics, but most schools will help you find one. Many desire to change their jobs because of have formal placement bureaus (some the increasing opportunities in this invite you to use their services for the industry." rest of your life) ; others will simply forward your grades and a letter of recHow long does it take, and how much ommendation to prospective employers, will it cost? leaving the bulk of the job up to you. Time to completion depends on three No reputable school, of course, guarmain things the contents of the course, antees you a job on graduation, any how fast you learn, and how much time more than reputable universities do. - : 1966 Fall Edition 85 Just how hard-or how easy- you'll find it to land a job with good pay depends on several things. The training happy to say the closed -door attitudes exhibited by many employers in the past have been cast out by progressive companies," says D. A. Lockmiller, ExecuNatuyou select is one of the big ones. rally, you can't expect to get the same job tive Secretary, National Home Study Council. "Now we hear this question: -or the same pay-after finishingasa six you 'What does he know and can he use it month course in basic electronics could after a comprehensive three-year well ?' That's a far cry from the old incourse in industrial electronics or ad- sistence on pedigree -Where did you go to school ?'" vanced communications systems. Correspondence school graduates have One vital factor in job hunting is frehigh- ranking positions in busiachieved it puts quently overlooked. CIE's Allen this way : "For CIE and other well - ness and industry, too. The national trained students," he says, "job place- service manager of a large mail order they store is a veteran of home study, as are ment is not much of a problem but many radio and TV station chief engiobvious, will face realities. It seems many young men from rural areas or neers, manufacturers, and company exsmall towns expect to find suitable em- ecutives. In fact, some educators think ployment at home. They may find it, but that men and women with enough drive, they should be prepared to go to the job ambition, and self -discipline to complete correspondence courses are likely to be a -the job will seldom come to them. A notch above average. Recently, just on his in works seldom college graduate home town. The same is true of a high- a hunch, ICS sent questionaires to several thousand company presidents ly-skilled professional." Can home -study graduates compete for around the country, asking how many jobs with those who get their training in were former ICS students. About half resident schools? "What we're really answered. And of those, an astonishing talking about here," says John Sivatko seven percent were, indeed, ICS alumni. of ICS, "is what does the employer think. If all former correspondence students If an industry is unfamiliar with the had been counted, the number would quality of home -study training, there have been higher. may be some prejudice against it. The How about pay? competence of the students is not that It's impossible to give precise figures different; the attitude of the employer too much variation according to there's is the pertinent factor." W. A. Robinson of DeVry makes an- geographical area, amount of training, other point. "The resident student has branch of industry -even the state of the advantage of meeting recruiters from business. But here are some samples various industries who come to the that will give you an idea of the range. school to interview. The home -study The U. S. Department of Labor's Occustudent, however, must go to the em- pational Outlook Quarterly shows avployer for his interview. Where home - erage technicians' salaries in private instudy programs compare closely with dustry starting in the vicinity of $4900 resident programs, employment will a year. Also, ICS reports that its gradprobably depend on how effectively the uates average $80 -$110 a week. The range, however, can be far wider. student presents himself to a prospec"Some of our recent graduates are well tive employer." In the past, some employers who hired over the $10,000 -a -year level already," resident-school graduates regularly were says Allen of CIE. "At the other exhesitant about putting home-study grads treme we have men who, because they on the payroll. To some extent, the sit- are not willing to relocate or enjoy a uation still exists. "It is only fair to certain type of electronics work, are say that correspondence education does making as low as $2 per hour." Don't overlook the possibility of worknot yet receive the recognition it should as adequate preparation for initial em- ing for the federal government. Elecployment in the field," says CREI Execu- tronics technicians from GS3 to GS9 tive Vice President L. M. Upchurch. But earn from $4005 to $9425. You may want the situation is changing-rapidly. "I'm to apply for a civil service rating at the -if ; 86 ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK long ago and asked each one how much money any -he had made repairing radios and TV sets in his spare time before he finished his course. Among them, the 500 students had picked up more than $100,000 while studying. That's an average of better than $200 each-more than the total cost of the course. -if O0 ®om o Can I qualify for enrollment? You can for most home -study courses if you can read and write and really want to get into electronics. The only additional requirements come from schools that offer advanced courses. For example, CREI expects students to have a high -school diploma and a job or prior experience in electronics. The whole course, in fact, is designed for the working technician who wants to increase his skill and his pay check, not for the beginner. Several other schools have similar requirements, virtually all for advanced courses. It wouldn't do you much good to take a course in servomechanism theory if you weren't yet on speaking terms with Ohm's law. How can Illustrations by John Hanna end of your schooling to see if you can qualify. There's virtually no limit to what you can make. Start your own business and your ultimate earnings are determined only by the sweat you're willing to put into it and your ability as a businessman. You can advance rapidly working for others, too. Listen to Charles J. Roesle of Washington, D. C.: "Six years ago I was at the end of any advancement at $5500 per year. But after completing a National Radio Institute course I passed a Civil Service exam for an Electronics Production Engineer at $7000 per year. In May, 1961, I was promoted to Guided Missile Project Officer at $9000 per year. Recently, I was promoted to Guided Missile Supervisor, with a salary of $11,500 per year." Incidentally, while you're dreaming of future riches, you can begin making your home -study course pay its own way. Peter Cooke of Coyne surveyed the school's 500 most recent graduates not 1966 Fall Edition I pick the right school for me? It isn't easy. There are hundreds of schools across the country offering thousands of courses. Prices, estimated time to completion, and many other factors vary widely. But the job, while difficult, isn't impossible. Here's advice from the experts on how to proceed. Says William B. Callahan, president of Chicago's Commercial Trades Institute: "Look for the schools offering courses in the field you want to study. Compare tuition prices, look for accreditation, state licensing, and a good Better Business Bureau record." Adds J. F. Thompson of NRI: "Compare prices, faculty, and reputation. If you're still in doubt, Where can I get more information? For more information on who offers which course and on accreditation, write to the National Home Study Council, 1601 Eighteenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 20009, and ask for the Directory of Accredited Private Home Study Schools. It's free. 87 Should kits be included in a home -study course? can be made either construction in conjunction with corcase A good way. "At best," says M. E. Hough- respondence study, we know that ton of DeVry Technical Institute, "a many of our students would find the kit is a laboratory, a teaching device use of kits impractical because of that's carefully built into the rest of military restrictions, travel, space the course. Our students don't just limitations, and so on," says L. M. assemble a kit. Eventually they Upchurch, Jr. "Further, since our understand exactly why the kit is students are already employed in electronics, their daily work frebuilt as it is." Another point in favor: The kits quently gives them the advantages to be constructed in many courses they might otherwise get from workare multimeters, signal generators, ing with kits." One guideline, then, might be this: scopes, and other useful test instruments. If you're planning to go into If you're a beginner with no elecservicing, these instruments can tronics experience and no prospect of having a chance to work with form the basis of your equipment. Some schools, such as Coyne Elec- equipment during your course, you'll tronics Institute, feel that kits aren't probably do well to select a course necessary. A kit's primary purpose, with kits. If you will be working the school maintains, is to familiarize with equipment, or if you're already the student with actual electronic a practicing technician taking adhardware. "But most of our stu- vanced courses, then kits are far dents begin to repair radios and TV less important, and in many cases sets almost immediately," says Peter may not be needed at all. And, of course, there's one other Cooke of Coyne. "So they don't important aspect: Courses without need kits." Capitol Radio Engineering Insti- kits, all other things being equal, are tute offers another reason for the certainly far cheaper than those non -kit course. "While we recognize with kits. Some schools offer courses the value of properly integrated kit either way. write one or more graduates." Many schools will supply lists of graduates. David Lockmiller of the NHSC offers this thought: "First, the school should be accredited by a nationally-recognized accrediting agency. There may be one or two good schools that are not accredited, but it is difficult to evaluate these schools. Look for such things as proof of performance, price, length of the course. Examine a sample lesson, check the employment features. No one of these criteria is conclusive, but they will help you to reach a final decision." When you're making comparisons, don't overlook some of the special or bonus features a school might offer. Some of these "extras" may not be of value to you, but check to see what's being featured by the school in addition to the regular curriculum. Here are some examples -by no means complete: Consultation service. If you have a problem on the job -say in the design of 88 a circuit or repairing a particularly knotty trouble -some schools will have a whack at helping you solve it. Schematic service. One school maintains a file of more than a million schematics-from old Atwater-Kent radios of more than three decades ago to the latest color TV sets. For a small fee, the school will copy any schematic and send it to you -an invaluable aid in troubleshooting. Course tailoring. Some schools fit the course precisely to your needs. If you already have some background in math or electronics, you can get a series of tests from some schools to see where you stand. Then you start at the right place and don't waste time repeating material you are already familiar with. Special devices. A midwest school supplies a projector and training films. Another school sends a transistor trainer special board that allows you to rig experimental circuits rapidly. Some -a ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK courses often take from 18 months to two years. Despite this rather formidable assignment, we frequently have completion percentages for individual companies as high as 90 to 95 percent sometimes 100 percent. These men are highly motivated because the company provides funds and often company time for training, and is certainly in a position to influence the student's future employment. On the other hand, we sometimes encounter completion rates as low as 10 to 15 percent for students enrolling individually for these same courses. Self- discipline simply does not produce the same results as discipline administered by an employer. In some courses that run up to three years, we experience similar results from our group enrollments, but an even lower completion rate for individual students." Despite these gloomy statistics, you'll have a lot going for you. "Any reputable school will do all it can to help the student finish the training he has selected," says DeVry's W. A. Robinson. "Most schools keep a steady flow of inspirational and motivational material in the mail, particularly to students who lag. In fact, most schools bend 'Over backwards offering extra help to those they feel need it. In the final decision, however, it is the student himself who makes the decision to complete his training." "The difference between a completer and a non -completer," adds R. Parma of National Tech, "is the degree to which he allows himself to procrastinate. Procrastination is the student's worst enemy, but the fault does not always lie with the student. Home study competes with the family, sports, TV, etc. But whether or not a student completes his course depends on how he rationalizes the importance of his time and career." Just who can benefit from home study? "Anyone who is interested in improving himself," says Robinson of DeVry. "Anyone who will bend his mind and back to the task," adds Hal Kelly of the National Home Study Council. "The question should be," says John Sivatko of ICS, " `Who can benefit from study ?' Home study is just a technique. If you can benefit from any kind of learning, you can benefit from home study." - schools offer programmed lessons; others supply slide rules and other devices to help you learn. No one feature should determine which course you select, of course, but consider them along with all other factors. What does it take to complete home -study course successfully? No reputable school will tell you it's easy. But it can be challenging, interesta ing, rewarding. The completion average for home -study students is higher than the national college average. The dropout rate in colleges is high in some cases going up to a peak of 80cí' but one out of every three students completes his home -study course. Why do so many fall by the wayside? "The two most important reasons," says G. O. Allen of CIE. "are motivation of the student and length of the course involved. For example, we conduct many courses for industrial concerns. These 1966 Fall Edition 89 There's no doubt that the country needs more trained people. "Our economic progress today is being hampered by an increasing shortage of skilled men and women," says NRI's Thompson. "At a time when four million people are jobless, newspapers are crammed with ads for workers who can connect an electronic circuit, program a computer, service aircraft and missile equipment -or even qualify for training in hundreds of new skills that were unheard of 20 years ago. To put it another way, there would be virtually no unemployment if today's four million jobless obtained the skills to match business and industry's needs." Correspondence education could play an increasingly important role in training men and women for tomorrow's evermore- demanding jobs. In fact, the whole notion got some pretty high -level en- dorsement recently, as President JohnShould I son voiced this opinion: "Home -study courses are an important link in the ever-lengthening chain of educational services our nation provides for its citizens. They represent an important resource in our society's commitment to provide unlimited opportunities for every American to reach his highest potential." "We need correspondence education in this country now more than at any time in our past," says G. O. Allen of CIE, who is also the recently-elected president of the National Home Study Council. "We have a tremendous shortage of classroom facilities and qualified teachers, and this shortage is bound to get worse. Correspondence education can easily help fill the gap." Maybe it can fill a gap in your life, too, and start you on a rewarding career in the important and fascinating field of electronics. study at home or go to If you're looking for controversy, this is the question to ask. Of course, if you have a job and a family and can't simply take off and go to a residence school, your choice is easy. You'll study by mail. But what if you do have a choice? There's no doubt that home study has important advantages. Among them You can study in your spare time, at odd hours, or while traveling. You don't have to leave home or lose income. You can study at your own pace. You don't miss classes; they wait for you if you're sick or busy. You can move from one city to another without missing a beat. And home study is certainly far less expensive than residence training. You'll probably spend less for an entire electronics course lasting two years or more by mail than for one semester in college. But would you learn more in a regular classroom? Actually, the evidence shows it's the other way around. One study by the dean of the College of Education of the University of Michigan showed that correspondence students did slightly better on exams than others who : 90 40 a residence school? learned the same material in the classroom. Several other studies showed similar results. "You learn by doing, not by copying someone else," says Richard S. Frazer, president of Christy Trades School. "You learn more thoroughly because you do it all yourself." Then should you study by mail in preference to residence school? "If a home -study student is willing to put forth some effort toward self -improvement, we feel it is comparable to the best resident -school training to be found," says J. F. Thompson of National Radio Institute. "It depends on the individual," says John Sivatko of International Correspondence Schools. "Some people can get more out of a home -study course than they can in residence, and vice versa." G. O. Allen of Cleveland Institute of Electronics agrees. "Much depends on the person," he says, "his goals and motivation, his geographical location, his time availability, the nature of the subject to be learned, etc. I will state, however, that other things being equal, I do believe the student who learns through a good home -study ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK program not only learns better, but retains it longer." But C. L. Foster of Central Technical Institute says "We recommend resident school training if it is at all possible. If resident school is not practical, we recommend home -study courses because we believe that worthwhile education can be obtained through home study." And W. A. Robinson of DeVry Technical Institute brings up another point: "Some types of training are offered at a more advanced level in our resident school than through home -study programs. In such cases, we could not provide equivalent home -study training." Finally, L. M. Upchurch, Jr., of Capitol Radio Engineering Institute sums up his feeling. "We do not know of any authoritative comparative study of correspondence as opposed to classroom -learning that has indicated any significant superiority of class attendance. Several studies, on the other hand, have shown slightly better results from home study. "Comparing correspondence and classroom study of technical subjects is difficult in one respect: : - 1966 Fall Edition laboratory work. Because CREI students are, as a condition of enrollment, employed in the field of electronics, we know that to a considerable extent their practical experience gained on the job is a satisfactory substitute for supervised laboratory work. This is not invariably true, however. "In any case, we would not ordinarily recommend correspondence study to a prospective student with the qualifications, the means, and the opportunity to attend a good residence school in the same field. (Nevertheless, there are some students for whom home study would be the better choice.) Neither would we claim that the average correspondence student completing our course is as well prepared as the average graduate of a comparable program in residence. "The value of home study," Mr. Upchurch concludes, "is not as a competitor of residence school instruction, but as a valid educational method for individuals who want and need further education, but whose circumstances are such as to make class attendance undesirable or impossible." 91 NOW YOU CAN EASILY ADD SOUND TO YOUR SLIDE OR FILM SHOWS WITH POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY'S SOUND FOR LLA PIC.I'URE EVENING EXCITING NEW "SOUND FOR A PICTURE EVENING" RECORD ALBUM "Sound For A Picture Evening" Consists of selections from the music masters of the Capitol Record Hollywood Library High Fidelity l2.inch vinyl album -331 RPM Playing time 40 minutes AVAILABLE IN MONAURAL OR ELECTRONIC STEREO AT NO EXTRA COST EXPRESSLY CREATED FOR FILM AND SLIDE SHOWS No matter how good your film and slide shows are, sound will make them better... more entertaining and certainly more professional. But, it has to be the right kind of sound. Although any musical record can be used as a background for your film and slide shows, few, if any, can match the variety of actions, situations, and scenes inherent in most shows. That's why Popular Photography created this album. It's ideal for almost every mood captured by your camera. Whether your show i5 simple, elaborate or somewhere in-between- "SOUND FOR A a final, professional touch to PICTURE EVENING- provides make it a complete success. A POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY EXCLUSIVE The "Sound For A Picture Evening" album has been produced by the editors of Popular Photography exclusively for our readers and is prepared by the Custom Services Division of Capitol Records. This outstanding album cannot be purchased in any store and is available by mail only to the readers of Popular FOR SPECIAL SITUATIONS, THESE WONDERFULLY REALISTIC SOUND EFFECTS Ocean Waves In Stadium Train Traffic Jet Planes Dog Barking Baby Crying Crowd Thunder And Rain FREE! WITH YOUR ALBUM PURCHASE IF YOU ORDER NOW - Complete Instruction Booklet -Here, in one comprehensive booklet,is all the information you need to make your film or slide show a resounding success. You will find helpful tips on how to build an effective sound track, choosing the right background selections and sound effects, synchronization, taping, organizing your show, editing and much more. BAND POINTER -Fits on the top of your record and tells you where to find the exact band you want. Eliminates guesswork, fumbling and wasted time. Lights...Projector._Action! Photography and other Ziff -Davis magazines. ALBUM CONTENTS: 1 17 SPECIFIC MOOD MUSIC BACKGROUNDS 8 TRACKS FOR SPECIAL SOUND EFFECTS THEMES TO MATCH YOUR SUBJECTS... PERFECTLY! 3 FILM OPENINGS: Grandiose, Sweet and Gentle and Dramatic 3 FILM CLOSINGS: Epic Finale, Hollywood Style and Gentle 11 THEMES: Happy -Go -Lucky Gay . Happy Birthday Party Vacation Tempo Traveling Party Pomp of a Parade Sound of a Carousel Cn' Children's PlaySentimental Moments cus Time time Christmas Time This wonderful 12" long- playing album la must for every slide and film show impresario) can be yours for ONLY $3.98 POSTPAID MONAURAL OR ELECTRONIC STEREO ... a small price to pay for an album you will enjo and treasure for many years. ORDER NOW. Sound For A Picture Evening" POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY -Dept. SD One Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016 albums at $3 98 each. My is enclosed. I check (or money order) for $ understand that you will pay the postage. (Add 75g to partially defray postage costs outside U.S.A.) CHECK ONE: MONO STEREO Please send me . Name DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS OUTSTANDING OFFER. FILL IN AND MAIL TODAY 92 Address City State Sorry-No charges or Zip C.O.D. Orders Code_ EEH.66 ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK CHAPTER 4 AUDIO STEREO HI-FI PROJECTS Six months ago, when the introduction to this chapter in the Spring 1966 Edition of the ELECTRONICS EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK was being written, the Editors discovered that Dave Weems had had speaker enclosure projects in the six preceding issues. With one more project in the Spring Edition, and two different designs in this Fall Edition, Dave has certainly carved a niche for himself and ranks our estimation -as the number one designer and writer on build -it- yourself hi -fi speaker enclosures. A tip of our hat to Dave! Besides enclosures, the Editors selected for publication in this edition of EEH the "Hi -Fi à Go -Go" color organ circuit developed by Don Lancaster. At first glance, -in this circuit might appear to compete with our cover photo project, but the two construction projects are quite dissimilar. The "à Go -Go" lamps are high -wattage bulbs, as compared to the low- intensity but very attractive Christmas lights of the Wortman project on page 21. 94 TOTEM POLES FOR STEREO 99 HI -FI À GO -GO LAMPS 105 THE "CINDERELLA" David B. Weems Don Lancaster David B. Weems 109 SOLID -STATE 6 -WATT AMPLIFIER FOR 10 BUCKS Charles E. Fenoglio 112 UNIQUE 99¢ SPEAKER ENCLOSURE 1966 Fall Edition John N. Ayres 93 stereo speaker systems are simply two mono speakers connected to a stereo amplifier. Any good system, when duplicated, can be expected to perform well in stereo. But good stereo presents unique requirements. The first requirement is that the system be able to provide perspective, or give direction to the sound of individual voices or instruments. Some of the early stereo recordings seemed engineered for this purpose alone, with the result that we got a "ping -pong" effect. It was probably exaggerated effects such as this one that caused some audiophiles to condemn stereo hi-fi as inferior to mono hi -fi. Regardless of the misuse of directionality, however, without it there would be little reason for stereo recording and reproduction. There are a number of factors which influence the ability to locate sound sources, such as the difference between sound intensity, waveform, and arrival time at each ear. Another factor, and one which influences the others, is the ratio of arrival times of direct to reflected sound. If this ratio is made very high, the sound source can be easily located. In an extreme case, the pingpong effect is the result, with the music coming from two widely spaced "holes in the wall." A second important requirement for good stereo sound is an apparent enlargement of the source. One way to accomplish this is to simply enlarge the source itself, i.e., use a large multiple speaker system. Another way is to utilize reflected sound ( reverberation) to augment the direct sound from the speakers. Properly utilized, reverberation can give the effect of a sound source even larger than the room itself. Other requirements for stereo include the suitability of room acoustics, of course, as well as the usual high -fidelity characteristics of wide and smooth frequency response, low distortion, good transient response, and wide dynamic range. MOST TOTEM POLES FOR STEREO Sixteen" one better with a column speaker system and a separate bass speaker enclosure Go the "Sweet By DAVID B. WEEMS Control of Reflections. It would appear, in looking back over the above requirements, that there is a conflict. For directionality, we need a high ratio of direct sound to reflected sound, but for enlargement, we need a mixture of re94 ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK fleeted sound with the direct sound. The trick, then, is to control the reflections. One way of controlling reflections is to limit the dispersion of sound to one plane, either horizontal or vertical. The choice of which to use is an easy one since horizontal dispersion gives good distribution of sound over the listening area, whereas vertical distribution does little except bounce the sound waves off the floor and ceiling. If we can limit dispersion in the vertical plane and increase it in the horizontal plane, we can achieve two benefits; more efficient use of sound energy and an opportunity to control the ratio of direct sound to reflected sound simply by positioning the speakers properly. Excellent horizontal dispersion of sound can be obtained from a vertical line source. A single loudspeaker acts like a point source, radiating sound in the form of a spherical wave. which spreads out in all directions at once. The sound wave propagated from a line source, however, travels outward in a cylindrical pattern. If we use several speakers to produce the sound and mount them in a straight line, we can approximate a line source. By making the line a vertical one, we can concentrate the sound into horizontal dispersion and conserve some of the energy that a point source squirts out in the vertical direction. Reflections from ceilings and floors are minimized. A vertical column, of course, is not a new idea in sound reproduction; column speakers have been known and appreciated for years by the manufacturers of public address systems and by the sound engineers who install them. Perhaps one reason for the acceptance of column speakers by public address people was the fact that their p.a. systems had to be used in such impossible acoustic environments as half-empty gymnasiums with their hard reflective surfaces. "Sweet Sixteen" Concept. The benefits of using multiple small speakers for low distortion are well argued by the popularity of such systems as the "Sweet Sixteen" (POPULAR ELECTRONICS, January and April, 1961) Critics of these multiple speaker systems insist that they produce no measurable low frequency bass or extreme highs. However, pro. 1966 Fall Edition 95 as a square. This results in identical distances between identical speakers, which causes certain points in their frequency range to be boosted or cut, and peaks or valleys appear in the response curve. These variations are measurable and have contributed to the criticism of the whole idea of multiple speakers. An obvious answer to this deficiency is to use the Sweet Sixteen concept where it is strongest and to eliminate its weaknesses. The prescription for changing the Sweet Sixteen into something really great is to install a crossover network, add woofers and tweeters, and string the mid -range speakers to create a line source of sound. For awhile, when the "totem poles" were being developed, the workshop looked like a hi -fi supply house. The single woofer gave way to separate woofers. ponents go right on building Sweet Sixteens, indicating that there are benefits that can't be measured. One reason, perhaps, is the apparent enlargement of the sound source. Those who have heard a multiple system usually admit that the speaker arrangement does have something to offer. One deficiency multiple speaker systems have is that the speakers must be mounted in a concentrated pattern, such 20" 18 1/2" 16 2" - 0 I /2" i+3/4" PORT I Speaker Selection. If you already have a Sweet Sixteen system that you want to update, you can split the speakers into two groups of eight each. Ten speakers were used in the system shown here to obtain an 8 -ohm impedance, but omitting one pair would not appreciably affect performance. Either 4- or 5 -inch speakers can be used with the design shown. If you are buying new speakers, choose them by magnet weight rather than size. Avoid consideration of arbitrary phrases such as "heavy duty," "heavy magnet," etc. Magnet weight should be about 1 ounce or more. Actually, magnet weight by itself is not a foolproof way of determining magnet size. Look for the gauss rating -the larger it is, the better. 2 "P281 3- /2" i 3/4X3/4" CLEAT 6 -1/4' "X2' (3/4X1-1/2 ") 1 29' I" 23- CLEATS /2' 6-I/4" ID I-1/2" Electro -Voice speakThe author attached poles to his column speakers so the systems could be rotated and aimed at the audience. Sound radiation from column speakers is mostly horizontal with little ers. zz" D 3/4, These drawings show all the necessary woodworking details. A Bill of Materials is given on page 98. Width and depth of the ports in the combined bass speaker enclosure are somewhat critical as ports are cut for the 3/4'X3/4' DUCTS I.- CLEAT i I-1/2" 1 vertical dispersion. NI-I/2"F00T INSIDE VIEW RIGHT SIDE COVER REMOVED 96 ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK The small speakers can all be of a single brand and model, but a slight improvement will be gained by using two different brands. If you do, pair off the unlike speakers and connect them in parallel, then connect these pairs in series. Ten speakers, each having a 3.2ohm voice coil, provide a final impedance of 8 ohms when wired in this manner. There are small foreign -made speakers available with 8 -ohm voice coils. If you want to use some of these, you'll need a different wiring arrangement. To obtain an impedance of 8 ohms, you can parallel three speakers in one set, and wire three sets in series for a total of nine speakers to handle the mid -range instead of ten. For a 16 -ohm hookup, use eight 8 -ohm speakers-four parallel pairs in series. Don't try to use speakers of mixed impedance ratings in the same system unless you are sure you can design a circuit that will provide equal power to each speaker. You might end 7-I/2' 33 4" OR 5" SPKRS. 22" 27" up with one or two speakers doing all the work. While you can substitute other woofers with good results, the Electro -Voice SP8B specified in the Bill of Materials is highly recommended. It was the final choice over the other 8 -inch woofers that were tested for this particular application. Of course, you can use separate woofer systems, or other quality brands of woofers in the manufacturer's enclosures, if you don't mind having two woofer cabinets plus two columns in your living room. The compelling reason to put the two 8 -inch woofers in a single enclosure is to keep the cabinet population within acceptable limits. You also gain the advantage of mutual coupling between the two woofers with improved low- frequency performance. There is an alternative, though, particularly if you have an amplifier that will tolerate mixing of the two stereo channels (some transistor amplifiers won't) . The alternative is to use one woofer for both channels, but the woofer should have either a dual voice coil or an added mixer transformer to which the bass from each channel is fed. For the latter method, a possible choice is the Electro -Voice XT -1 transformer with an E -V SP12B either in the manufacturer's enclosure or in "Mr. Thuras' Magic Box" ( Spring, 1966, ELECTRONIC ExPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK) . 3/8" TWEETER CONTROL TWEETER t MIDRANGE CONTROL. 3/8" 60" 61 -1/2' IS 3-1/2" FOR 4' SPKRS. 4 "FOR 5' SPKRS. TWEETER HOLE IS 2- 15/16" DAMETER OF SPEAKER HOLES 1966 Fall Edition It is also possible to substitute other tweeters for the University T-202 specified, but you must check for similar wide -angle dispersion characteristics first. (Note that the totem pole control of dispersion angle is essentially for midrange sound.) The T -202 has its own built -in filter network and is hooked directly across the output of the amplifier. If you substitute a tweeter without a high -pass filter or with a filter operating at a different crossover frequency (other than 3000 cycles), then you'll have to change the wiring or the crossover network to obtain the required crossover frequency. Some of you may note that the wiring of the crossover network is unusual and somewhat different than any shown in University's instruction book. The changes were made necessary by the use of a 16-ohm woofer and a tweeter with a high -pass filter set at a frequency not 97 AMPLIFIER 16f10 TWEETER 8n0 CONTROL 2 -0- 3 0-0 4 I 6 7 2 3 4 >-O 0 0 0 MID RANGE CONTROL 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 5 L PAD N-28 N-2A 5 8 TWEETER 6 7 8 In wiring a "totem pole," this diagram must be followed. Be sure to phase the mid -range speakers so that all of the cones move in the same direction at the same time. 4 4 MID RANGE covered by the manual. As used here, the University N -2A acts as a frequencydividing network operating at 350 cycles, and the N -2B serves as a low -pass filter at 3000 cycles. BILL OF MATERIALS Speakers and Accessories Electro -Voice SP8B 8 -inch woofers 2T -202 tweeters 2- University 20-4" or 5" mid -range speakers crossover networks 2- University NN-2A -2B crossover networks 2- University AP-8 controls for mid -range 2- University liK WOOFER speakers Lumber for Two Columns x 60" pieces of 3" fir plywood (for 2 speaker panels) 4-4" x 60" pieces of 3" fir plywood (for sides) 4-4" x pieces of 34" fir plywood (for tops and bottoms) 2-71/2" x 611/2" pieces of %" fir plywood (for backs -optional) Lumber for Woofer Enclosure 1 -18 1/2" x 231/2" piece of 34" fir plywood (for speaker panel) 1 -181/2" x 271/2" piece of fir plywood (for -6" 7/" back) 2 -161/2" x 281/2" pieces of 34" fir plywood (for sides) 1 -161/2." x 181/2" piece of bottom) 1 2 fir plywood (for piece of Y4" fir plywood (for x 181/2" pieces of 34" fir plywood -161/2" x 20" -6" 3" top) (for duct panels) -1/" x 22" pieces of 3" pine (for cleats on speaker panel) 2 -1 /" x 26" pieces of 3" pine (for back cleats) -1 /" x 181/2" pieces of 3" pine (for back cleats) 2 2 4 -3/4" x 141/2" pieces of %" pine (for corner cleats) Miscellaneous screws (for small -#8 x /" sheet metal and crossover networks) 84-#8 x PA" wood screws (for woofer enclo104 speakers sure) -Tool or "gripper" clips (to fit lamp poles, if used) plastic veneer, glue, finishing nails, cloth, Grille fiberglass 2 98 inside of an unfinished bass reflex cabinet shows the two University N -2A crossovers attached to the front panel. See the wiring diagram above. A peek Construction. The speaker enclosures, both the woofer box and the columns, are constructed from 3/4 -inch plywood. The columns are quite simple in design, and should cause no difficulty, but you should wait until you decide whether you need a back or not before putting on the plastic veneer covering (see Speaker Placement section of this article) (Continued on page 145) . ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK 1114x À GO -GO LAMPS Add a new dimension to your hi-fi ... in color By DON LANCASTER WHY BE SATISFIED with just listen- ing to hi -fi programs when for a sawbuck you can have the added enjoyment of seeing what you're hearing, and intriguing all your friends. A pair of ten dollar bills will get you two sets of audio controlled lights to let your stereo system really brighten up the place. For those who want something different, it's quite a conversation piece. With the A Go -Go circuit, the brightness of one or more incandescent lamps is controlled by an audio signal. Its full -range proportional control is capable of bringing the lights from full darkness to full brilliance; the louder the sound, the brighter the lamps. You can use it to control up to 200 watts of light, and with modification and a few dollars more, up to 2000 watts. The unit is about the size of two ice cubes. How It Works. Sounds fed into J1 are stepped up by Tl, rectified by D1 and filtered by C2 only to become a control voltage for trigger diode D3. (See Fig. 1.) It takes 30 volts to make D3 conduct. The time required to build up 30 volts on C3 depends upon the amplitude of the sound and the values of C3 and R2. The louder the sound, the quicker the voltage buildup the larger the re; 1966 Fall Edition sistor or capacitor, the longer it takes to build up the voltage. When D3 fires, it triggers the SCR into conduction only if the SCR anode also has a positive voltage on it. Once the SCR fires, it continues to conduct until the anode voltage drops down to about 0. This happens each time the line voltage waveform goes through zero. The SCR will remain off until another pulse is applied to its gate. The sooner the gate pulse occurs when anode voltage is present determines the amount Fig. 1. Ratio of "on time' to "off time" of SCRI changes in step with music levels, and brightens or darkens different colored bulbs plugged into SOI. 99 11/4° ALL HOLES #60 DILL OR 3/64'DIA I-3/4 FOIL SIDE Fig. 2. Printed circuit board is shown actual size to help you make your own. However, almost any suitable chassis or breadboard arrangement can be used. PARTS LIST C1- 0.02 -s/., 200 -volt Mylar capacitor C2-0.05 -µf., 200 -volt Mylar capacitor C3- 0.1 -14., 200 -volt Mylar capacitor C4- 0.005-µf., 600 -volt disc capacitor DI, D2, D4- 1N4003 diode D3- Trigger diode (Texas Instruments TI -42 optimize the circuit to prevent premature turn -on of the SCR and allow more accurate proportional control by discharging C3 before a new "on" cycle begins. As the audio is used for bias only, little audio power is consumed. The A Go -Go has high sensitivity and very little volume is needed to drive it. Construction. Start construction by laying out and etching the printed circuit board shown in Fig. 2. Drill holes and mount components as shown in Fig. 3. Watch the polarity -one wrong connection can destroy the semiconductors. After you've finished the wiring, connect an a.c. socket and plug to the board and test the A Go -Go with a 25 -watt bulb. The bulb should glow slightly with no audio. A fairly low level audio signal should drive the lamp to full brilliance. If this test checks out okay, test the board using the lamps and audio source (Continued on page 104) or equivalent) jack 33,000 -ohm, /2-watt resistor R2-39,000 -ohm, ,4 -watt resistor R3-200,000 -ohm, % -watt resistor SCR1- 2N3528 silicon-controlled rectifier S01-Chassis-mounted a.c. socket (Amphenol 61 -F or equivalent) to T1- Output transformer, 4 ohms primary-203 10,000 ohms secondary (Thordarson TR or equivalent) Full -wave bridge rectifier module, 1.5 amp., 200 volts (Motorola MDA942 -3) /1 -Phono RI- 11-Chassis -mounting or equivalent) NOTE' FOIL PATTERN IS ON BACK SIDE C3 a.c. plug (Amphenol 61 -M C2 -Case (Millen 74400 or equivalent) 1 -2" square of 1/16" single -sided circuit board Misc.- Silicon potting compound, hookup wire, 1 solder, pop rivets or screws of time during each half -wave that current can flow through the lamps plugged into 201. Neither the eye nor the lamps can follow the 120 -cycle unfiltered pulsating voltage out of the rectifier module, but the lamps do respond in a proportional manner. The brilliance of the lamps is a function of the ratio of "on" time to "off" time; or the louder the music, the brighter the lights. Capacitor Cl serves as a filter to prevent the switching transients in the A Go -Go from getting back into the power line and causing AM -type radio interference. The other components 100 Mount the jack and socke s in the case before connecting them to the circuit. if space is not a factor you can add more features. See text. Fig. 3. ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK ;FREE! HEATHKIT 1967 I WORLD'S LARGEST ELECTRONIC KIT CATALOG! I mail this coupon to get your copy IHEATH COMPANY, Dept. 110 -9 Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022 Please send FREE Heathkit Catalog. I Name I Address I City Zip State I - Over 250 Kits For Every Interest easy to build ... save up to 50% New KITS For 1967 Wide Array of Portable and Table Model AM, FM and Shortwave Radios NEW 12" Transistor Portable TV Kit ... plays anywhere, assembles in $119.95 10 hours Color, Black & White, and Portable TV's Famous Heathkit /Thomas Transistor Electronic Organs Complete Selection of Home & Hobby Items ... Intercoms, Garage Door Opener, Automotive Kits, Tools Stereo /Hi-Fi Components ... Tape Recorders, Tuners, Amplifiers, Speakers, Turntables, Cartridges, Furniture Complete Line Of Citizen's Band Radio Kits ... Transceivers, Walkie- Talkies, Accessories World's Largest Line Of Amateur Radio NEW...2 -Watt Walkie -Talkie... Completely Assembled..... $99.95 NEW... 4 -Speed Transistor Portable Phonograph ... 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For Long, De- pendable Performance CIRCLE NO. 10 ON READER SERVICE CARD 1966 Fall Edition 103 you plan to have in the permanent installation. For best appearance and greatest sensitivity, the display lamps should barely light with no audio input. A different background level can be obtained by changing the value of R2; increasing its value will decrease the background light level. You might also experiment with C2 -use too small a value, and you'll have a choppy response; too large, and the response will become mushy. The components are mounted inside a modified Millen octal base and shield. Cut the shield to about 134 long (see Fig. 4), and drill or punch a 1`'f ;4" keyed or r;32" round hole in the top for the socket. Drill a '744" hole in one side of the shield for the audio jack. Screws or rivets can be used to fasten the two parts of the case. Once you've wired the board, socket, and audio jack, you can pot the circuit in silicon rubber. To do this, turn the A Go -Go upside down and place small bits of tape over the inside openings of J1 and 21. Then pour in about half an inch of rubber and let it set. The printed circuit board is then positioned in place and another half inch of rubber added. Complete the assembly by connecting the plug. Modifications. The A Go -Go operates on 117 -volt, 60 -cycle lines and utilizes incandescent lamps only. For the unmodified unit, you can use a total of 200 watts maximum, but for cooler operation and longer life, 100 watts or less is advisable. If you plan to use a bigger package than the modified Millen shield, you might adá a 250 -ohm potentiometer in the input circuit as a sensitivity control, and replace R2 with a 250,000 -ohm potentiometer to serve as a variable background control. A selector switch with several capacitors (0.02 µf., 0.05 µf. and 0.1 µf.) to replace C2 will give you control over lamp response. More power is a snap, but it will cost extra and you'll definitely need a bigger (Continued on page 114) Fig. 4. Octal base shield houses all components. If desired, silicon rubber can be poured into the case to keep the printed circuit board in place. 104 ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK Build The ßß A" D By DAVID B. WEEMS Half-cubic foot sealed enclosure costs under $10 IF YOU'RE thinking of putting down $30 or more for one of those depart- ment store "no name" speakers in a box, wait. Here is a little hi -fi speaker system that can save you money and will probably sound better. At least you will know what went into the box! And you won't find a similarly well- constructed enclosure with a good -quality small speaker system on the market for anything like this price. If your idea of what $10 will buy in speaker systems is based on what was available just a few years ago, the Cinderella system will amaze you. The secret of the Cinderella is in the design and construction of its XS -5052 woofer. This woofer's distinctive qualities are noticeable in two ways. The first is the obvious visual differences between it and a normal 6 -inch speaker. Second, and more important, there is a distinct aural difference, which can be made apparent by a frequency test run. 1966 Fall Edition Test Results. I set one of these woofers on my workbench and hooked it up for the usual bass resonance frequency test, starting downward from 200 cycles. Although most 6 -inch speakers resonate at about 120 to 150 cycles, a few "hi -fi" 6- inchers have a bass resonance of around 70 cycles, and, frankly, that is where I expected this woofer to fall. Low resonance is the crucial characteristic for woofers to be used in small sealed enclosures; the restricted air volume in such systems will raise the point of resonance. My eyes were glued to the oscilloscope screen as the audio generator dial passed 70 cycles, then 60. Not until 48 -49 cycles did the voltage across the speaker reach a peak, indicating resonance. A remarkably low frequency for a $4 speaker. The remainder of the system consists of a small cone tweeter with its selfcontained capacitor which acts as a high pass filter, and an enclosure that occupies 105 17 s 1/2" 18' 2 {"-1 10 -1/4' L 5 -3/8" ¡ 6-3/8_H 4 -1/4 H ALL MATERIAL 3/4' THICKNESS "A" SIZE ENCLOSURE FOR ONE WOOFER-TWEETER 19 I/2 PAIR IÌ" T 18" 1-9-1/2-.1 2 -1/2" .1 3-1/2" '1 3/4" CLEATS a'v2 2 -1/2' ALL MATERIAL 3/4'T HIC KNESS "B" SIZE ENCLOSURE FOR DUAL WOOFER TWEETER COMBINATION Six -inch woofer costs only $3.95 but has surprising low end response. Tweeter is not sold separately. Most builders may be satisfied with single woofer tweeter combination, but dual system sounds better. BILL OF MATERIALS -A" System-Total cost, $10 1- Woofer -tweeter combination (Stock No. XSTS-63, McGee Radio Co., 1901 lIeGee St.. Kansas City 8, Mo.; woofer available separately as XS -5052 for $3.95) 2 -91/2" x 16" pieces of %" fir plywood for front and back 1 -71/22" x 171/2" piece of 3/" clear pine for top (1 x 8) 1 x 16" piece of %" clear pine for bottom -7/)" (1x8) 2 -71/2" x 101/4" pieces of (1 x 8) -34" 2 x 91/22" pieces of for back) 2 %" clear pine for .sides 3" pine (side cleats -1" x 141/2" pieces of ." bottom cleats for back) pine (top and -#8 x 11/4" wood screws for back -#6 x 1/2" sheet metal screws for speakers 1--1" x 24" s 30" sheet of fiberglass [Misc. -#6 finishing nails (% lb.), caulking ma12 8 terial, glue, and grille cloth "B" System -Total cost, $18 Woofer- tweeter combinations (Stock No. XSTS-63, McGee Radio) 2-12" x 18" pieces of %" fir plywood for front and back 2- -11" x 191/2" pieces of 1" fir plywood for top and bottom 2-11" x 12" pieces of 3/4" fir plywood for sides 2 2 -1/4" x back) 2 -1/4 12" pieces of 1/4" pine (side cleats for x 161/2" pieces of 3.4" pine (top and bot- tom cleats for back) -#8 x 11/4" wood screws for back -#6 x %" sheet metal screws for mounting -1" x 24" s 60" skeet of fiberglass 14 16 The Cinderella enclosure is caulked and sealed, requiring use of sturdy front, top, back, and side panels. The author was satisfied with 3/4 -inch pine. 106 1 Misc.-#6 speaker finishing nails (1/2 lb.), caulking ma- terial, glue, and grille cloth ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK That leaves 37 cents to squander on grille cloth and trim. You can use screen molding for trim (as I did-15 cents for a cabinet) and decorator burlap will serve as grille cloth at 49 cents a yard (17 cents) . If anyone mentions finishing the wood, you will find that 5 cents is still available. and that is just about the amount of shoe polish I used to stain and "oil finish" the model shown. For very little more, you can use a veneer plastic, such as Contact. Or choose a hardwood if you want fine cabinetry. The sound can be improved by putting two sets of the woofer -tweeter combination ($12.95) in one "B" size cabinet (see page 52) at a cost of about $18. Used in multiples, these little speakers sound even better. There is more solidarity in the bass and somewhat smoother sound throughout the whole spectrum. Also, the impedance curve tends to flatten out when two woofers are hooked in parallel. Nail side to bottom and front of the enclosure. In buying material, note that the Good fit and a liberal use of glue are important. :'í" x 712" pine shown in the drawing is. only ''í sq. ft. of shelf space. The sys- of course, what lumber yards sell as tem is called the Cinderella because. "1 x 8 ". When you have cut all parts while it bears no apparent pedigree, it to the specifications shown, set them up does show inborn quality. For example, as in the finished enclosure. At this time even in the small enclosure, the system you can trim any'of them that do not fit resonance is a little over 70 cycles. The satisfactorily. One of the economies in transient response is surprisingly good this system, in time as well as money, is for a low -cost system. As in all small the avoidance of many cleats which sealed enclosure systems, efficiency is would require the use of extra screws. lower than in a large system, but a 7- nails, and glue. The nailing system watt amplifier supplied all the sound shown in the diagram is quite adequate you would want in a very large but very for such a small enclosure, but a good live room. The Cinderella is rated at fit is necessary. 12 watts. Construction. Begin construction by Budgeting Your Money. The enclosure nailing the bottom to the front, using is sturdy, contains sufficient damping plenty of glue between these two parts. material, and is thoroughly sealed. Any Next, nail one end to the bottom and one of these features may be missing front. Continue with the other end, and from a department store box. For the finally nail down the top to the sides skeptic, here is a rundown of how to and front. The cleats for the back can now be budget your money to build the Cinattached, using glue and nails as with derella "A" system for only $10. the exterior parts; but if you use the $6.90 Speakers same kind of nails, they must be cut .55 Plywood for front and back just short enough so they will not pene.75 Pine for top, bottom and sides the outer surface of the sides and trate .26 Screws A somewhat easier method is to top. .25 Glue use a different nail, such as sheet rock Fiberglass .66 nails which have a large head and are .20 Caulking material .06 Nails the correct length. The joints should be caulked even Total $9.63 1966 Foil Edition 107 Front view of an experimental "B" system built by the author to test front and side panel vibration. This enclosure was built using cleats and screws, unlike the plans on page 106. Fir plywood was also used and the enclosure covered with a plastic veneer. It was determined that gluing and nailing of the panels would be adequate if care was exercised in fitting the panels together. A grille cloth was later installed to protect the speakers. Wiring of the "B" speaker arrangement is shown below. Try the 8 -ohm tap instead of the 4-ohm output of your amplifier if the bass response seems a little thin. A SYSTEM TWEETER though they seem to be thoroughly sealed by glue. The caulking material can be purchased in a cylinder for use with a gun, or in a squeeze tube. Most building supply stores have guns to loan, but some rent them. Force the caulking material along the joint and wipe away excess with a rag so it won't flow onto the speakers. The speakers are mounted and wired as shown in the diagram. The back should be drilled to allow speaker connections to pass through. The wires can be brought out through a small hole which is later filled with caulking material or sawdust and glue, but a better method is to use small bolts as connectors through the back. Padding is extremely important in a small sealed enclosure. Tests indicated that the Cinderella's resonance could be lowered 10 cycles or more and the bass range greatly extended by the use of proper padding. The whole interior of the model shown is lined with a 1 -inch layer of fiberglass. You can get fiberglass from most electronics stores; a common size measures 1" x 24" x 60 ", enough for two cabinets. Cut the fiberglass to fit all interior surfaces, except the front baffle, and secure it in place with tacks or glue. Then fold the remainder of your sheet of fiberglass so that it will fit into the enclosure loosely. This should fill the enclosure. Now fasten the back in place with the screws specified, hook the Cinderella up to your amplifier, and try on the "glass slipper." That, naturally, is a suitable wide range program source. When you do, you'll be glad you didn't settle for a pig in a poke. - 30 RED DOT TO BA AMPLIFIER TAP rÌ SYSTEM TO an AMPLIFIER TAP Be sure to follow this wiring diagram to keep the speakers in phase. Once the enclosure is sealed, you may find it fairly difficult to change the wires. 108 After filling cavity behind speakers with padding, cleats should be caulked and back -nailed into place. The usual household caulk works out just right. ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTER'S HANDBOOK By CHARLES E. FENOGLIO SOLID -STATE 6 -WATT AMPLIFIER FOR 10 BUCKS All -purpose push -pull audio amplifier operates on wide range of input voltage and output impedance without bias adjustments I F YOU would like to have a quality, I low -cost amplifier for a hi -fi or public address system -one you can use at home or in your car, and can convert into a speech amplifier, modulator, or high -power intercom -then try your hand at this transistorized "Six -Watter." You can build it in less than two hours, at a cost of about $10.00. All components can be mounted on a printed circuit board, and construction is easy. Several novel circuit features make it possible to use few parts, eliminate transformers, and achieve high efficiency. A unique d.c. bias stabilizing network eliminates the bias adjustments normally found on this type of amplifier and permits operation with a wide range of supply voltages without modification. The excellent low- frequency response of the Six -Watter is due in part to the absence of transformers and the use of high -value coupling capacitors as well as direct coupling. High -efficiency Class B operation makes it ideal for use wherever battery life is an important consideration. Power consumption from a 12 -volt battery under no- signal conditions is less than ' 1966 Fall watt. While the amplifier can work on any Edition supply voltage ranging from 3 to 15 volts, the higher the voltage source, the greater the audio power output you can get. An input signal of less than 0.2 volt is sufficient to drive the Six -Watter to full output. This is more than adequate gain for most tuners, and crystal or ceramic phono cartridges. How It Works. Audio input is coupled to the base of transistor QI through capacitor Cl. The amplified signal at Qi's collector is direct-coupled to the base of Q2. Here again, the signal is amplified and directly coupled to Q3 and Q4. Transistors Q3 and Q4 work in opposite directions; while one is conducting more, the other is conducting less -their output signals are 180° out of phase with each other. This type of circuit makes it possible to drive a push -pull output stage without the aid of a transformer. The signals from Q3 and Q4 are directly coupled to Q5 and Q6 respectively. Transistors Q5 and Q6 operate as Class B power amplifiers. Balanced operation requires that the product of the current gain of Q3 and Q5 be equal to that of Q4 and Q6. The filter network, C2 and R4, prevents audio voltage variations at point 109 r FI + 2AMP 2 3 TO RI R3 39K IK 05 02 w_ 15V 1 2N554 2N 305 E 03 291304 w. OI C 3 O R7 INPUT CI R4 R5 IK IK 109f. 47(1 06 RB DI 47n IN2069 29554 C3 10009 f. 04 291305 C2 I009f. SPKR 3.2R R6 680(1 39K J L VOLUME CONTROL 100K TUNER gMPLIFIER INPUT (SEE TEXT) Fig. 1. The audio amplifier uses a novel six-transistor circuit requiring neither transformers nor bias adjustments. It operates with supply voltages of between 3 and 15 volts. An input signal of 0.2 volt is sufficient to drive it to full output. Volume control can be added if desired. PARTS LIST C1- 10 -µf., 10-volt electrolytic capacitor C2- 100 -sf., 10 -volt electrolytic capacitor C3- 1000 -µf., 15 -volt electrolytic capacitor D1- 1N2069 (or any 750 -ma. silicon diode) F1- 2-ampere fuse Q1-2N1694 transistor (or 2N167, or 2N2925) Q2, Q4 -2N 1305 transistor Q3-2N1304 transistor Q5, Q6 -2N554 or 2N2148 transistor R1, R2- 39,000 -ohrn, -watt resistor R3, R4, R5- 1000 -ohm, 1/2-watt resistor R6-680-ohm, -watt resistor R7, R8- 47-ohnz,' -watt resistor / fizz 1- Printed circuit board, available from Hazleton Scientific Co., Box 163, Hazel Park, Mich. 48030 for $2.85 postpaid with all holes drilled and for $1.95 postpaid uudrilled 2 -1%" x 21/2" x 1/16" heat sinks, copper or aluminum from reaching Q1's emitter. This results in a high degree of d.c. stability without affecting the a.c. gain of the amplifier. Any speaker impedance ranging from 1.6 to 16 ohms can be used. Because power output is a function of speaker impedance, and source voltage, stick to a 3.2-ohm speaker and a 12 -volt source, if possible. A in Fig. 1 Construction. You can make your own circuit board, or purchase one for $2.85 110 Y.:, 64R8)-0 0-(DI1)-0 0{R5)-0 `l -1 R4 o-{R7 C3 R I }-o f" 0-( R2 Ye . r
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