FTC2018 Registration Guide
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Registration Guide
THINGS TO KNOW ........................................................................................................... 2
WAITLIST POLICY ............................................................................................................. 3
REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS ..................................................................................... 4-8
RESOURCES ..................................................................................................................... 8
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS .................................................................................... 9
CHECKLIST ..................................................................................................................... 10
DRIVER REMINDERS ....................................................................................................... 10
FTC CONTACTS ............................................................................................................. 11
Early Registration: Register online by Thursday, October 11, 2018 at $150 per
Late Registration: Register online after October 11, 2018 but before Thursday,
October 18, 2018 at $175 per person
Note: Payment (check), a copy of your FTC email confirmation page, and a
completed waiver and code of conduct form for each member must be
RECEIVED in the District office (NOT sent/postmarked) by the early or late
registration deadline.
Cal-Nev-Ha Kiwanis District Office
8360 Red Oak Street, Suite 201
Rancho Cucamonga, CA, 91730

1. The club president or an assigned board member should be the ONLY person
to register for the entire club.
2. Please gather all of the necessary information of all of your FTC attendees
and fill out the provided Excel spreadsheet before registering online. There is
a set limit of 30 minutes for the usage of the website. The necessary
information includes:
• Name, email address, gender
• Current club office held
• Food allergies
• Vegetarian or gluten-free meal (Y/N)
• New member (Y/N)
• T-Shirt size
3. You will be required to submit a separate SAA volunteer form (can be found
on the website; priority registration due Wednesday, October 11, 2018, final
registration due Thursday, October 18, 2018), and this Google form for your
club’s ride arrangements (https://goo.gl/forms/01JG7odFKDMKKfWo2; due
Sunday, October 21, 2018).
4. We only accept a check as payment for registration fees. No credit card
payment will be accepted. Please submit only ONE check to the District
Office, made payable to Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K.
5. Waiver and Code of Conduct forms must be turned in with the payment!!
6. Members who are attending Fall Training Conference must be DUES-PAID. Be
sure all attending members are officially registered by the start of the
7. Each club is automatically allocated space for 20 individuals (not including
members serving on the FTC committee or the District Board). Please refer to
the waitlist policy if you have more than 20 members interested.
8. No changes may be made to your registration once you complete the online
registration process. If you need to make any changes, such as name
changes, please email changes to Bruce Hennings at bruce@cnhkiwanis.org
by Thursday, October 18, 2018. No additional attendees may be added after
Thursday, October 18, 2018.
9. The conference registration price is per person and includes conference
souvenirs, a conference t-shirt and the following meals: breakfast, lunch and
dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday.

• Every club should register and submit payment for ALL members who are
committed to attend FTC.
• The first 20 names submitted per club will be allocated a spot at FTC. This
number does NOT include any District Board members, the Subregion B
Trustee, any International representative from outside the CNH District,
recognized members of the FTC Committee, or advisors (Faculty and
• Any number beyond the allocated 20 spots will be placed on a waitlist.
• Members must register with their home club (e.g., members of UCLA Circle K
may not be registered under USC Circle K.)
• All registered members, waitlist or not, must be dues-paid members of Circle
K International.
• After the registration deadline passes, we can then determine how many
people on the waitlist we can accommodate and contact the clubs
• In the case that we are unable to accommodate anyone on the waitlist, full
refunds will be issued.
• Clubs CANNOT register additional attendees after registration closes, even if
the general capacity is not reached.
Cancellation must be submitted in writing by emailing Bruce Hennings at
bruce@cnhkiwanis.org by Thursday, October 18, 2018. There will be a $10
process fee per cancelled registration.
To Swap Members WITHIN the Same Club:
A club may exchange members by emailing Bruce at bruce@cnhkiwanis.org.
Please list and specify the names of both the member dropping out and the
member that will be replacing him/her. Name exchanges must be submitted
before Thursday, October 18th, 2018. Last-minute exchanges thereafter may
only be made due to emergencies and may only be made with the same
gender from the same club because the camp requires each cabin to be
limited by gender, and the housing assignments will have already been

If you are ready to begin, please click on the registration website:
Read the Governor’s welcome by Manuel Santiago, then press “Next >>”.!
Read the things to know and download the Excel template!!

Within the Excel Sheet:
1. Read the instructions.
2. Fill out the gathered information for each member in the cells.
3. Save the Excel file as “2018 CKI FTC_Club Name”
• For example: 2018 CKI FTC_UC BERKELEY
Once you fill out the Excel spreadsheet and close it, read through the listed
things that you should know one more time. They should be similar to the
information included in this guide. When you are done, click “Next >>”.

Read through this reminder regarding fees and deadlines and press “Next >>”.
PART 5: You are now on the registration page!
1. For step 1, enter the information for your club’s primary contact.

2. For step 2, indicate the number of members that are committed to
attending FTC under either early registration or late registration.
3. Scroll down to step 3 and upload the Excel spreadsheet with all the
member’s information. Make sure the # of members on the Excel
spreadsheet match the # you put for early or late registration.

Review the information you inputted on the page, and then press “Submit
Form”. You should receive an email confirmation shortly after. Be sure to print out
the confirmation page that is sent to the email as you will need to mail it in.
This concludes the ONLINE portion of registration!
**NOTE** If after you've submitted your club's registration you determine
additional members would like to attend, please do NOT add to this list. Instead,
complete a second list with only the names of the additional student(s).
1. Fall Training Conference website: http://ftc.cnhcirclek.org
• Applications and forms for Campfire Skits & Talent Acts, DJ, Workshop Hosts,
Team Captain, Media Committee, Program Ads, Opening Slideshow
• Driving directions to the campsite
• Waiver and Code of Conduct form
• SAA form
• Financial Assistance Guide
• Packing List
2. If you have any questions regarding the website or any questions regarding
logistics of registration, you may email the following:
• Fall Training Conference Chair, Cecilia Nguyen | ftc@cnhcirclek.org
• Registration Chair, Numfon Vilay | ftc.register@gmail.com
• Kiwanis SLP Director, Bruce Hennings | bruce@cnhkiwanis.org

What is a new member?
A new member is anyone who is attending Fall Training Conference for the very
first time! Registered new members will be able to participate in the New
Member Induction Ceremony on Saturday night. If you will be a first-time FTC
attendee, make sure to let your president/treasurer know so they can register
you to participate in the ceremony.
Are meals included in the price?
Yes, attendees will be provided 3 meals on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday.
What happens if I arrive late to FTC?
Registration closes at 12AM on Friday, but will reopen the next day at 6AM. You
will be able to find housing locations posted on the door to the lobby.
How should I pack for FTC?
Keep in mind that the weather in Sonora will be cold! The packing list can be
found on the website.
How many SAAs does my club need?
Each club will be expected to register a minimum of 2 SAAs, plus an additional
SAA for every 4 members that attend. Review the SAA form for more detailed
When can my club sell our spirit items / t-shirts?
Each club can sign up to sell merchandise during Saturday Night Activities!
Contact __ for more information.
Do faculty/Kiwanis advisors need to register? If yes, how?
Yes! Both advisors need to turn in waivers and code of conduct forms. They can
either register with their Circle K club (preferred) or register on their own.

What to send in to the district office:
1. Confirmation page of online registration
2. Written check payable to Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K
3. Waiver form and Code of Conduct form for each attending member
What to fill out before Fall Training Conference:
1. SAA form (October 11 for priority registration, October 18 for final registration)
2. Ride arrangements Google Form/Sheet:
a. Google Form: https://goo.gl/forms/l20suY3sbWR2EPzn2
b. Google Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iLuFL-
c. This will be due Sunday, October 21, 2018. Please have one person
from your club fill this out!
Arrival at Fall Training Conference:
1. Head to the registration tables according to last name and check in. You will
also receive a t-shirt and souvenirs at a separate table.
2. There will be a separate table for drivers to check in and receive their parking
Please pass this information along to your club’s driver(s)!
1. Make sure all the drivers from your club are listed on the Google form. Once
on site, the drivers will be able to check in at the drivers’ table and get a
parking permit for their dashboards. They will receive it after registering.
2. Drivers should get proper rest both before and during the convention in order
to drive to the site and back home safely.
3. Please park only where directed! Directions are posted on the FTC website to
help guide drivers to the campsite.
4. The GPS is not a reliable source so please make sure to use the posted
directions along with a set of printed directions from Google maps if needed.

There will be posters to help guide you up the mountain.
5. Drivers who have arrived safely will have their names put into a raffle for a
gas gift card.
6. Make sure at least one passenger (preferably front seat) is awake during the
car ride!
7. DRIVE SAFELY!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU for using this resource to help register your club for Fall Training
If you need to contact the Fall Training Conference chair or any one of the FTC
committee members, please feel free to email us using the contact information
provided below.
Fall Training Conference Chair, Cecilia Nguyen | ftc@cnhcirclek.org
Executive Assistant, Josephine Molina| ftc.execassistant@gmail.com
Executive Assistant, Tiffany Nguyen| ftc.execassistant@gmail.com
Campfire, Aaron Lee | ftc.campfireskits@gmail.com
Decorations (Backdrop), Scott Le| ftc.decorations@gmail.com
Decorations (Centerpieces), Jonash Poyaoan| ftc.decorations@gmail.com
Entertainment & Dining, Aaron Tse| ftc.entertainments@gmail.com
Graphics, Olivia Chang| ftc.graphics@gmail.com
Media, Andy Nguyen | ftc.mediachair@gmail.com
Program, Katherine Hoang| ftc.programs@gmail.com
Registration, Numfon Vilay | ftc.register@gmail.com
SAA, Alex Kwong | ftc.saachair@gmail.com
Team Activities, Kevin Ngo | ftc.teamactivities@gmail.com
Team Activities, Ethan Wynne | ftc.teamactivities@gmail.com
Workshops, Calvin Ly | ftc.workshops@gmail.com
Workshops, Khoa Vinh | ftc.workshops@gmail.com
