GD32F1x0 User Manual
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GigaDevice Semiconductor Inc. GD32F1x0 ARM® Cortex™-M3 32-bit MCU User Manual Revision 3.0 ( Jun. 2016 ) GD32F1x0 User Manual Table of Contents Table of Contents ........................................................................................................... 1 List of Figures .............................................................................................................. 15 List of Tables ................................................................................................................ 23 1. System and memory architecture .......................................................................... 1 1.1. ARM Cortex-M3 processor ...................................................................................................... 1 1.2. System architecture ................................................................................................................ 2 1.3. Memory map .......................................................................................................................... 5 1.3.1. Bit-banding ............................................................................................................................................ 8 1.3.2. On-chip SRAM memory ......................................................................................................................... 8 1.3.3. On-chip Flash memory .......................................................................................................................... 9 1.4. Boot configuration ................................................................................................................ 10 1.5. System configuration registers (SYSCFG) ............................................................................... 11 1.5.1. System configuration register 0 (SYSCFG_CFG0) ................................................................................. 11 1.5.2. System configuration register 1 (SYSCFG_CFG1) ................................................................................. 12 1.5.3. EXTI sources selection register 0 (SYSCFG_EXTISS0) ........................................................................... 12 1.5.4. EXTI sources selection register 1 (SYSCFG_EXTISS1) ........................................................................... 14 1.5.5. EXTI sources selection register 2 (SYSCFG_EXTISS2) ........................................................................... 15 1.5.6. EXTI sources selection register 3 (SYSCFG_EXTISS3) ........................................................................... 16 1.5.7. System configuration register 2 (SYSCFG_CFG2) ................................................................................. 17 1.6. Device electronic signature ................................................................................................... 18 1.6.1. Memory density information .............................................................................................................. 19 1.6.2. Unique device ID (96 bits) ................................................................................................................... 19 2. Power management unit (PMU) ............................................................................ 21 2.1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 21 2.2. Main features ....................................................................................................................... 21 2.3. Function description ............................................................................................................. 21 2.3.1. Battery backup domain ....................................................................................................................... 23 2.3.2. VDD/VDDA power domain....................................................................................................................... 24 2.3.3. 1.2V power domain for GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices.......................................................... 26 2.3.4. 1.8V power domain for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices.......................................................... 26 2.3.5. Power saving modes ............................................................................................................................ 26 2.4. PMU registers ....................................................................................................................... 28 2.4.1. Control register (PMU_CTL) ................................................................................................................. 28 2.4.2. Power control/status register (PMU_CS) ............................................................................................. 31 1 GD32F1x0 User Manual 3. Flash memory controller (FMC) ............................................................................ 33 3.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 33 3.2. Main features ....................................................................................................................... 33 3.3. Function description ............................................................................................................. 33 3.3.1. Flash memory architecture.................................................................................................................. 33 3.3.2. Read operations................................................................................................................................... 34 3.3.3. Unlock the FMC_CTL register .............................................................................................................. 35 3.3.4. Page erase ........................................................................................................................................... 35 3.3.5. Mass erase ........................................................................................................................................... 36 3.3.6. Main flash programming ..................................................................................................................... 37 3.3.7. Option byte erase ................................................................................................................................ 38 3.3.8. Option byte programming ................................................................................................................... 39 3.3.9. Option byte description ....................................................................................................................... 39 3.3.10. Page erase/Program protection........................................................................................................... 40 3.3.11. Security protection .............................................................................................................................. 41 3.4. FMC registers ........................................................................................................................ 42 3.4.1. Wait state register (FMC_WS) ............................................................................................................. 42 3.4.2. Unlock key register (FMC_KEY) ............................................................................................................ 42 3.4.3. Option byte unlock key register (FMC_OBKEY) ................................................................................... 43 3.4.4. Status register (FMC_STAT) .................................................................................................................. 43 3.4.5. Control register (FMC_CTL) ................................................................................................................. 44 3.4.6. Address register (FMC_ADDR) ............................................................................................................. 46 3.4.7. Option byte status register (FMC_OBSTAT) ......................................................................................... 46 3.4.8. Write protection register (FMC_WP) ................................................................................................... 47 3.4.9. Wait state enable register (FMC_WSEN) ............................................................................................. 47 3.4.10. Product ID register (FMC_PID)............................................................................................................. 48 4. Reset and clock unit (RCU) ................................................................................... 50 4.1. Reset control unit (RCTL)....................................................................................................... 50 4.1.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 50 4.1.2. Function description ............................................................................................................................ 50 4.2. Clock control unit (CCTL) ....................................................................................................... 51 4.2.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 51 4.2.2. Main features ...................................................................................................................................... 54 4.2.3. Function description ............................................................................................................................ 54 4.3. RCU registers ........................................................................................................................ 59 4.3.1. Control register 0 (RCU_CTL0) ............................................................................................................. 59 4.3.2. Configuration register 0 (RCU_CFG0) .................................................................................................. 60 4.3.3. Interrupt register (RCU_INT)................................................................................................................ 67 4.3.4. APB2 reset register (RCU_APB2RST) .................................................................................................... 73 4.3.5. APB1 reset register (RCU_APB1RST) .................................................................................................... 74 4.3.6. AHB enable register (RCU_AHBEN) ..................................................................................................... 79 2 GD32F1x0 User Manual 4.3.7. APB2 enable register (RCU_APB2EN) .................................................................................................. 81 4.3.8. APB1 enable register (RCU_APB1EN) .................................................................................................. 82 4.3.9. Backup domain control register (RCU_BDCTL) .................................................................................... 87 4.3.10. Reset source /clock register (RCU_RSTSCK) ......................................................................................... 89 4.3.11. AHB reset register (RCU_AHBRST) ....................................................................................................... 91 4.3.12. Configuration register 1 (RCU_CFG1) .................................................................................................. 92 4.3.13. Configuration register 2 (RCU_CFG2) .................................................................................................. 93 4.3.14. Control register 1 (RCU_CTL1) ............................................................................................................. 95 4.3.15. Configuration register 3 (RCU_CFG3) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices ................................ 97 4.3.16. Additional enable register (RCU_ADDEN) ........................................................................................... 97 4.3.17. Additional reset register (RCU_ADDRST) ............................................................................................. 98 4.3.18. Voltage key register (RCU_VKEY) ......................................................................................................... 98 4.3.19. Deep-sleep mode voltage register (RCU_DSV) .................................................................................... 99 4.3.20. Power down voltage select register (RCU_PDVSEL) of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices ........ 100 5. General-purpose and alternate-function I/Os (GPIO and AFIOs) ..................... 101 5.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 101 5.2. Main features ..................................................................................................................... 101 5.3. Function description ........................................................................................................... 101 5.3.1. GPIO pin configuration ...................................................................................................................... 103 5.3.2. Alternate functions (AF) .................................................................................................................... 103 5.3.3. Additional functions .......................................................................................................................... 103 5.3.4. Input configuration ............................................................................................................................ 103 5.3.5. Output configuration ......................................................................................................................... 104 5.3.6. Analog configuration ......................................................................................................................... 105 5.3.7. Alternate function (AF) configuration................................................................................................ 105 5.3.8. GPIO locking function ........................................................................................................................ 106 5.4. GPIO registers ..................................................................................................................... 106 5.4.1. Port control register (GPIOx_CTL) (x=A..D,F) ..................................................................................... 106 5.4.2. Port output mode register (GPIOx_OMODE) (x=A..D,F) .................................................................... 108 5.4.3. Port output speed register (GPIOx_OSPD) (x=A..D,F) ........................................................................ 110 5.4.4. Port pull-up/down register (GPIOx_PUD) (x=A..D,F) ......................................................................... 111 5.4.5. Port input status register (GPIOx_ISTAT) (x=A..D,F) ........................................................................... 113 5.4.6. Port output control register (GPIOx_OCTL) (x=A..D,F) ....................................................................... 113 5.4.7. Port bit operate register (GPIOx_BOP) (x=A..D,F) .............................................................................. 114 5.4.8. Port configuration lock register (GPIOx_LOCK) (x=A, B) .................................................................... 114 5.4.9. Alternate function selected register0 (GPIOx_AFSEL0) (x=A, B, C) .................................................... 115 5.4.10. Alternate function selected register1 (GPIOx_AFSEL1) (x=A,B,C) ...................................................... 116 5.4.11. Bit clear register (GPIOx_BC) (x=A..D,F)............................................................................................. 118 5.4.12. Port bit toggle register (GPIOx_TGx) (x=A..D,F) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices ............... 118 6. CRC calculation unit ............................................................................................ 119 6.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 119 3 GD32F1x0 User Manual 6.2. Main features ..................................................................................................................... 119 6.3. Function description ........................................................................................................... 120 6.4. CRC Registers ...................................................................................................................... 121 6.4.1. Data Register (CRC_DATA) ................................................................................................................. 121 6.4.2. Free Data Register (CRC_FDATA) ........................................................................................................ 121 6.4.3. Control Register (CRC_CTL)................................................................................................................ 122 6.4.4. Initialization Data Register (CRC_IDATA) ............................................................................................ 123 7. Interrupts and events .......................................................................................... 124 7.1. Introduction........................................................................................................................ 124 7.2. Main features ..................................................................................................................... 124 7.3. Function description ........................................................................................................... 124 7.3.1. NVIC and exception/interrupt processing ......................................................................................... 124 7.3.2. External Interrupt and Event (EXTI) ................................................................................................... 128 7.4. Interrupts and EXTI registers ............................................................................................... 131 7.4.1. Interrupt Enable register (EXTI_INTEN) ............................................................................................. 131 7.4.2. Event enable register (EXTI_EVEN) .................................................................................................... 132 7.4.3. Rising edge trigger enable register (EXTI_RTEN) ............................................................................... 132 7.4.4. Falling edge trigger enable register (EXTI_FTEN) ............................................................................... 133 7.4.5. Software interrupt event register (EXTI_SWIEV) ............................................................................... 134 7.4.6. Pending register (EXTI_PD) ................................................................................................................ 135 8. Direct memory access controller (DMA) ............................................................ 136 8.1. Introduction........................................................................................................................ 136 8.2. Main features ..................................................................................................................... 136 8.3. Function description ........................................................................................................... 136 8.3.1. DMA transfers .................................................................................................................................... 136 8.3.2. Arbitration among channels .............................................................................................................. 137 8.3.3. Next address generation algorithm ................................................................................................... 138 8.3.4. Circulation mode ............................................................................................................................... 138 8.3.5. Memory to memory mode ................................................................................................................ 138 8.3.6. Interrupt requests ............................................................................................................................. 138 8.3.7. DMA channel configuration procedure ............................................................................................. 139 8.3.8. DMA request mapping ...................................................................................................................... 139 8.4. DMA registers ..................................................................................................................... 141 8.4.1. Interrupt flag register (DMA_INTF).................................................................................................... 141 8.4.2. Interrupt flag clear register (DMA_INTC)........................................................................................... 142 8.4.3. Channel x control registers (DMA_CHxCTL0)..................................................................................... 143 8.4.4. Channel x counter registers (DMA_CHxCNT)..................................................................................... 144 8.4.5. Channel x peripheral base address registers (DMA_CHxPADDR) ...................................................... 145 8.4.6. Channel x memory base address registers (DMA_CHxMADDR) ........................................................ 145 4 GD32F1x0 User Manual 9. Timer (TIMERx)..................................................................................................... 147 9.1. Advanced timer (TIMER0) ................................................................................................... 148 9.1.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 148 9.1.2. Main features .................................................................................................................................... 148 9.1.3. Function description .......................................................................................................................... 148 9.1.4. TIMER0 registers ................................................................................................................................ 180 9.2. General timers (TIMER1/TIMER2) ....................................................................................... 204 9.2.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 204 9.2.2. Main features .................................................................................................................................... 204 9.2.3. Function description .......................................................................................................................... 204 9.2.4. TIMER1/TIMER2 registers .................................................................................................................. 228 9.3. Basic timer (TIMER5) ........................................................................................................... 250 9.3.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 250 9.3.2. Main features .................................................................................................................................... 250 9.3.3. Function description .......................................................................................................................... 250 9.3.4. TIMER5 registers ................................................................................................................................ 253 9.4. General timer (TIMER13) .................................................................................................... 258 9.4.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 258 9.4.2. Main features .................................................................................................................................... 258 9.4.3. Function description .......................................................................................................................... 258 9.4.4. TIMER13 registers .............................................................................................................................. 270 9.5. General timer (TIMER14) .................................................................................................... 279 9.5.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 279 9.5.2. Main features .................................................................................................................................... 279 9.5.3. Function description .......................................................................................................................... 279 9.5.4. TIMER14 registers .............................................................................................................................. 302 9.6. 10. General timer (TIMER15/TIMER16) ..................................................................................... 321 9.6.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 321 9.6.2. Main features .................................................................................................................................... 321 9.6.3. Function description .......................................................................................................................... 321 9.6.4. TIMER15/TIMER16 registers .............................................................................................................. 337 Infrared ray port (IFRR) .................................................................................... 352 10.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 352 10.2. Main features .................................................................................................................. 352 10.3. Function description ........................................................................................................ 352 11. Watchdog timer (WDGT) .................................................................................. 354 11.1. Free watchdog timer (FWDGT) ........................................................................................ 354 11.1.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 354 11.1.2. Main features .................................................................................................................................... 354 5 GD32F1x0 User Manual 11.1.3. Function description .......................................................................................................................... 354 11.1.4. FWDGT registers ................................................................................................................................ 356 11.2. 12. Window watchdog timer (WWDGT) ................................................................................ 360 11.2.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 360 11.2.2. Main features .................................................................................................................................... 360 11.2.3. Function description .......................................................................................................................... 360 11.2.4. WWDGT registers .............................................................................................................................. 362 Analog to digital converter (ADC) ................................................................... 364 12.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 364 12.2. Main features .................................................................................................................. 364 12.3. Function description ........................................................................................................ 366 12.3.1. Calibration (ADC_CLB) ....................................................................................................................... 368 12.3.2. Dual clock domain architecture ......................................................................................................... 368 12.3.3. Regular and inserted channel groups ................................................................................................ 368 12.3.4. Conversion modes ............................................................................................................................. 369 12.3.5. Analog watchdog ............................................................................................................................... 372 12.3.6. Inserted channel management.......................................................................................................... 372 12.3.7. Data alignment .................................................................................................................................. 373 12.3.8. Programmable sample time .............................................................................................................. 373 12.3.9. External trigger .................................................................................................................................. 373 12.3.10. DMA request ................................................................................................................................. 374 12.3.11. Temperature sensor and internal reference voltage VREF .............................................................. 374 12.3.12. Battery voltage monitoring ........................................................................................................... 375 12.3.13. ADC interrupts ............................................................................................................................... 375 12.3.14. Programmable resolution (RES) - fast conversion mode for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices 375 12.3.15. 12.4. Oversampling for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices ............................................................. 376 ADC registers................................................................................................................... 379 12.4.1. Status register (ADC_STAT) ................................................................................................................ 379 12.4.2. Control register 0 (ADC_CTL0) ........................................................................................................... 380 12.4.3. Control register 1 (ADC_CTL1) ........................................................................................................... 383 12.4.4. Sampling time register 0 (ADC_SAMPT0) .......................................................................................... 385 12.4.5. Sampling time register 1 (ADC_SAMPT1) .......................................................................................... 386 12.4.6. Inserted channel data offset registers (ADC_IOFFx) (x=0..3) ............................................................. 387 12.4.7. Watchdog high threshold register (ADC_WDHT)............................................................................... 387 12.4.8. Watchdog low threshold register (ADC_WLT) ................................................................................... 388 12.4.9. Regular sequence register 0 (ADC_RSQ0) ......................................................................................... 388 12.4.10. Regular sequence register 1 (ADC_RSQ1) ..................................................................................... 389 12.4.11. Regular sequence register 2 (ADC_RSQ2) ..................................................................................... 389 12.4.12. Inserted sequence register (ADC_ISQ) .......................................................................................... 389 12.4.13. Inserted data registers (ADC_IDATAx) (x= 0..3).............................................................................. 390 6 GD32F1x0 User Manual 13. 12.4.14. Regular data register (ADC_RDATA) ............................................................................................... 391 12.4.15. Oversampling control register (ADC_OVSAMPCTL) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices .... 391 Digital-to-analog converter (DAC) ................................................................... 393 13.1. DAC Introduction............................................................................................................. 393 13.2. DAC Main features .......................................................................................................... 393 13.3. DAC Function description ................................................................................................ 394 13.3.1. DAC enable ........................................................................................................................................ 394 13.3.2. DAC output buffer enable.................................................................................................................. 394 13.3.3. DAC data format ................................................................................................................................ 395 13.3.4. DAC conversion .................................................................................................................................. 395 13.3.5. DAC output voltage ........................................................................................................................... 396 13.3.6. DMA request ..................................................................................................................................... 396 13.3.7. DAC trigger ........................................................................................................................................ 396 13.3.8. DAC concurrent conversion for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices............................................ 397 13.4. DAC registers................................................................................................................... 398 13.4.1. Control register (DAC_CTL) ................................................................................................................ 398 13.4.2. Software trigger register (DAC_SWT) ................................................................................................ 401 13.4.3. DAC0 12-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC0_R12DH) ....................................................... 402 13.4.4. DAC0 12-bit left-aligned data holding register (DAC0_L12DH).......................................................... 403 13.4.5. DAC0 8-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC0_R8DH) ........................................................... 403 13.4.6. DAC1 12-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC1_R12DH) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices 404 13.4.7. DAC1 12-bit left-aligned data holding register (DAC1_L12DH) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices 404 13.4.8. DAC1 8-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC1_R8DH) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices 405 13.4.9. DAC concurrent mode 12-bit right-aligned data holding register (DACC_R12DH) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices .......................................................................................................................................... 405 13.4.10. DAC concurrent mode 12-bit left-aligned data holding register (DACC_L12DH) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices .......................................................................................................................................... 406 13.4.11. DAC concurrent mode 8-bit right-aligned data holding register (DACC_R8DH) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices .......................................................................................................................................... 406 14. 13.4.12. DAC0 data output register (DAC0_DO) .......................................................................................... 407 13.4.13. DAC1 data output register (DAC1_DO) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices ....................... 407 13.4.14. Status register (DAC_STAT) ............................................................................................................ 408 Inter-integrated circuit (I2C) interface ............................................................. 410 14.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 410 14.2. Main features .................................................................................................................. 410 14.3. Function description ........................................................................................................ 410 14.3.1. SDA and SCL lines .............................................................................................................................. 411 7 GD32F1x0 User Manual 14.3.2. Data validation................................................................................................................................... 412 14.3.3. START and STOP condition ................................................................................................................. 412 14.3.4. Clock synchronization ........................................................................................................................ 412 14.3.5. Arbitration ......................................................................................................................................... 413 14.3.6. I2C communication flow .................................................................................................................... 413 14.3.7. Programming model .......................................................................................................................... 414 14.3.8. Packet error checking ........................................................................................................................ 424 14.3.9. SMBus support .................................................................................................................................. 424 14.3.10. 14.4. I2C registers..................................................................................................................... 426 14.4.1. Control register 0 (I2C_CTL0) ............................................................................................................. 426 14.4.2. Control register 1 (I2C_CTL1) ............................................................................................................. 428 14.4.3. Slave address register 0 (I2C_SADDR0).............................................................................................. 429 14.4.4. Slave address register 1 (I2C_SADDR1).............................................................................................. 429 14.4.5. Transfer buffer register (I2C_DATA) ................................................................................................... 430 14.4.6. Transfer status register 0 (I2C_STAT0)................................................................................................ 430 14.4.7. Transfer status register 1 (I2C_STAT1)................................................................................................ 432 14.4.8. Clock configure register (I2C_CKCFG) ................................................................................................ 434 14.4.9. Rise time register (I2C_RT) ................................................................................................................ 434 14.4.10. 15. Status, errors and interrupts ......................................................................................................... 425 SAM control and status register (I2C_SAMCS) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices ............ 435 Serial peripheral interface/Inter-IC sound(SPI/I2S) ........................................ 437 15.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 437 15.2. Main features .................................................................................................................. 437 15.2.1. SPI features ........................................................................................................................................ 437 15.2.2. I2S features ........................................................................................................................................ 438 15.3. SPI function description................................................................................................... 439 15.3.1. Pin configuration (Single wire, default) ............................................................................................. 439 15.3.2. Pin configuration (Quad wire) for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices ........................................ 441 15.3.3. SPI slave mode ................................................................................................................................... 442 15.3.4. SPI master mode................................................................................................................................ 443 15.3.5. SPI quad wire operation in master mode for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices ...................... 444 15.3.6. SPI simplex communication ............................................................................................................... 446 15.3.7. Data Rx and Tx procedures ................................................................................................................ 447 15.3.8. CRC calculation .................................................................................................................................. 447 15.3.9. Status flags and error flags ................................................................................................................ 448 15.3.10. Disabling the SPI ............................................................................................................................ 450 15.3.11. DMA requests ................................................................................................................................ 450 15.3.12. SPI interrupts ................................................................................................................................. 451 15.4. I2S function description ................................................................................................... 452 15.4.1. General description ........................................................................................................................... 452 15.4.2. Supported audio standards ............................................................................................................... 453 8 GD32F1x0 User Manual 15.4.3. Clock generator ................................................................................................................................. 460 15.4.4. Operation........................................................................................................................................... 463 15.4.5. DMA features..................................................................................................................................... 467 15.5. SPI registers ..................................................................................................................... 467 15.5.1. Control register 0 (SPI_CTL0) ............................................................................................................. 467 15.5.2. Control register 1 (SPI_CTL1) ............................................................................................................. 469 15.5.3. Status register (SPI_STAT) .................................................................................................................. 470 15.5.4. Data register (SPI_DATA) .................................................................................................................... 471 15.5.5. CRC polynomial register (SPI_CRCPOLY) ............................................................................................ 471 15.5.6. Receive CRC register (SPI_RCRC) ....................................................................................................... 472 15.5.7. Transmit CRC register (SPI_TCRC) ...................................................................................................... 472 15.5.8. I2S control register (SPI_I2SCTL) ........................................................................................................ 473 15.5.9. I2S prescaler register (SPI_I2SPSC) .................................................................................................... 474 15.5.10. 16. Quad wire control register (SPI_QCTL) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices........................ 475 Comparator (CMP) ............................................................................................ 476 16.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 476 16.2. Main features .................................................................................................................. 476 16.3. Function description ........................................................................................................ 476 16.3.1. CMP clock and reset .......................................................................................................................... 478 16.3.2. CMP inputs and outputs .................................................................................................................... 478 16.3.3. CMP power mode .............................................................................................................................. 478 16.3.4. CMP hysteresis .................................................................................................................................. 478 16.3.5. CMP register write protection ........................................................................................................... 479 16.4. CMP registers .................................................................................................................. 479 16.4.1. 17. Control/status register (CMP_CS) ...................................................................................................... 479 Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter (USART) ......... 486 17.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 486 17.2. Main features .................................................................................................................. 486 17.3. Function description ........................................................................................................ 488 17.3.1. USART transmitter ............................................................................................................................. 489 17.3.2. USART receiver .................................................................................................................................. 490 17.3.3. Reception errors ................................................................................................................................ 491 17.3.4. Baud rate generation ......................................................................................................................... 491 17.3.5. Auto baudrate detection ................................................................................................................... 492 17.3.6. Multi-processor communication ....................................................................................................... 492 17.3.7. ModBus communication ................................................................................................................... 492 17.3.8. LIN mode ........................................................................................................................................... 493 17.3.9. Half-duplex communication mode .................................................................................................... 493 17.3.10. Synchronous mode ........................................................................................................................ 494 17.3.11. Smartcard (ISO7816) mode ........................................................................................................... 494 9 GD32F1x0 User Manual 17.3.12. IrDA SIR ENDEC mode.................................................................................................................... 496 17.3.13. Hardware flow control................................................................................................................... 498 17.3.14. DMA requests ................................................................................................................................ 499 17.3.15. Wakeup from Deep-sleep mode.................................................................................................... 500 17.3.16. USART interrupts ........................................................................................................................... 500 17.4. 18. USART registers ............................................................................................................... 501 17.4.1. Control register 0 (USART_CTL0) ....................................................................................................... 501 17.4.2. Control register 1 (USART_CTL1) ....................................................................................................... 504 17.4.3. Control register 2 (USART_CTL2) ....................................................................................................... 506 17.4.4. Baud rate generator register (USART_BAUD) .................................................................................... 509 17.4.5. Prescaler and guard time configuration register (USART_GP) ........................................................... 510 17.4.6. Receiver timeout register (USART_RT) .............................................................................................. 511 17.4.7. Command register (USART_CMD) ..................................................................................................... 512 17.4.8. Status register (USART_STAT) ............................................................................................................ 512 17.4.9. Interrupt status clear register (USART_INTC) .................................................................................... 516 17.4.10. Receive data register (USART_RDATA) ........................................................................................... 518 17.4.11. Transmit data register (USART_TDATA) ......................................................................................... 518 Debug (DBG) ..................................................................................................... 520 18.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 520 18.2. Function description ........................................................................................................ 520 18.2.1. Debug support for power saving mode ............................................................................................. 520 18.2.2. Debug support for TIMER, I2C, RTC, WWDGT, FWDGT and CAN ....................................................... 520 18.3. 19. DBG registers .................................................................................................................. 521 18.3.1. ID code register (DBG_ID) .................................................................................................................. 521 18.3.2. Control register 0(DBG_CTL0)............................................................................................................ 521 18.3.3. Control register 1 (DBG_CTL1) ........................................................................................................... 525 Universal serial bus full-speed device interface (USBD)............................... 527 19.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 527 19.2. Main features .................................................................................................................. 528 19.2.1. Implementation ................................................................................................................................. 528 19.2.2. Clock .................................................................................................................................................. 528 19.2.3. Pin description ................................................................................................................................... 529 19.3. Function description ........................................................................................................ 529 19.3.1. Basic functional block ........................................................................................................................ 529 19.3.2. Buffer ................................................................................................................................................. 532 19.3.3. Endpoint ............................................................................................................................................ 533 19.3.4. Interrupt handling ............................................................................................................................. 535 19.3.5. Reset events ...................................................................................................................................... 536 19.3.6. Transfer procedure ............................................................................................................................ 537 19.3.7. Power management .......................................................................................................................... 540 10 GD32F1x0 User Manual 19.4. 20. USB registers ................................................................................................................... 542 19.4.1. Control register (USBD_CTL) .............................................................................................................. 542 19.4.2. Interrupt flag register (USBD_INTF) ................................................................................................... 543 19.4.3. Status register (USBD_STAT) .............................................................................................................. 544 19.4.4. Device address register (USBD_DADDR)............................................................................................ 545 19.4.5. Buffer address register (USBD_BADDR) ............................................................................................. 545 19.4.6. Endpoint n control/status register (USBD_EPxCS), n=[0..7] .............................................................. 546 19.4.7. Transmission buffer address register x (USBD_TADDRx) ................................................................... 547 19.4.8. Transmission byte count register x (USBD_TCNTx) ............................................................................ 548 19.4.9. Reception buffer address register x (USBD_RADDRx) ....................................................................... 548 19.4.10. Reception byte count register x (USBD_RCNTx) ............................................................................ 548 19.4.11. Sub-endpoint x registers (USBD_SEPx), n=[0..7] ........................................................................... 549 19.4.12. LPM control register (USBD_LPMCTL) ........................................................................................... 550 19.4.13. LPM interrupt flag register (USBD_LPMINTF)................................................................................ 550 Real-time clock(RTC) ........................................................................................ 551 20.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 551 20.2. Main features .................................................................................................................. 551 20.3. Function description ........................................................................................................ 552 20.3.1. Block diagram .................................................................................................................................... 552 20.3.2. RTC pin ............................................................................................................................................... 553 20.3.3. Clock and prescalers .......................................................................................................................... 554 20.3.4. Real-time clock and calendar............................................................................................................. 554 20.3.5. Configurable and field maskable alarm ............................................................................................. 555 20.3.6. RTC initialization and configuration ................................................................................................... 555 20.3.7. Calendar reading ............................................................................................................................... 557 20.3.8. Resetting the RTC .............................................................................................................................. 558 20.3.9. RTC synchronization .......................................................................................................................... 558 20.3.10. RTC reference clock detection ....................................................................................................... 559 20.3.11. RTC smooth digital calibration....................................................................................................... 560 20.3.12. Time-stamp function ..................................................................................................................... 562 20.3.13. Tamper detection .......................................................................................................................... 562 20.3.14. Calibration clock output ................................................................................................................ 563 20.3.15. Alarm output ................................................................................................................................. 564 20.3.16. RTC power saving mode management .......................................................................................... 564 20.3.17. RTC interrupts................................................................................................................................ 564 20.4. RTC registers.................................................................................................................... 564 20.4.1. Time of day register (RTC_TIME) ....................................................................................................... 564 20.4.2. Date register (RTC_DATE) .................................................................................................................. 565 20.4.3. Control register (RTC_CTL)................................................................................................................. 566 20.4.4. Status register (RTC_STAT) ................................................................................................................. 568 20.4.5. Time prescaler register (RTC_PSC) ..................................................................................................... 570 20.4.6. Alarm 0 Time and date register (RTC_ALRM0TD) .............................................................................. 570 11 GD32F1x0 User Manual 21. 20.4.7. Write protection key register (RTC_WPK).......................................................................................... 572 20.4.8. Sub second register (RTC_SS) ............................................................................................................ 572 20.4.9. Shift function control register (RTC_SHIFTCTL) ................................................................................. 572 20.4.10. Time of time stamp register (RTC_TTS) ......................................................................................... 573 20.4.11. Date of time stamp register (RTC_DTS) ......................................................................................... 574 20.4.12. Sub second of time stamp register (RTC_SSTS) ............................................................................. 575 20.4.13. High resolution frequency compensation registor (RTC_HRFC) .................................................... 575 20.4.14. Tamper register (RTC_TAMP)......................................................................................................... 576 20.4.15. Alarm 0 sub second register (RTC_ALRM0SS) ............................................................................... 579 20.4.16. Backup register (RTC_BKPx)(x=0,1,2,3,4) ...................................................................................... 580 Touch sensing interface(TSI) ........................................................................... 581 21.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 581 21.2. Main features .................................................................................................................. 581 21.3. Function description ........................................................................................................ 581 21.3.1. TSI block diagram............................................................................................................................... 581 21.3.2. Touch sensing technique overview .................................................................................................... 581 21.3.3. Charge transfer sequence .................................................................................................................. 582 21.3.4. Charge transfer sequence FSM .......................................................................................................... 585 21.3.5. Clock and duration time of states ...................................................................................................... 586 21.3.6. PIN mode control of TSI ..................................................................................................................... 587 21.3.7. ASW and hysteresis mode ................................................................................................................. 587 21.3.8. TSI operation flow ............................................................................................................................. 587 21.3.9. TSI flags and interrupts ...................................................................................................................... 587 21.3.10. 21.4. TSI registers..................................................................................................................... 588 21.4.1. Control register (TSI_CTL) .................................................................................................................. 588 21.4.2. Interrupt enable register (TSI_INTEN) ............................................................................................... 591 21.4.3. Interrupt flag clear register (TSI_INTC) .............................................................................................. 591 21.4.4. Interrupt flag register (TSI_INTF) ....................................................................................................... 592 21.4.5. Pin hysteresis mode register (TSI_PHM) ............................................................................................ 592 21.4.6. Analog switch register (TSI_ASW) ...................................................................................................... 593 21.4.7. Sample configuration register (TSI_SAMPCFG) ................................................................................. 593 21.4.8. Channel configuration register (TSI_CHCFG) ..................................................................................... 594 21.4.9. Group control register (TSI_GCTL) ..................................................................................................... 594 21.4.10. 22. TSI GPIOs ....................................................................................................................................... 588 Group x cycle number registers (TSI_GxCYCN) (x= 0..5) ................................................................ 595 HDMI-CEC controller(HDMI-CEC) .................................................................... 596 22.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 596 22.2. Main features .................................................................................................................. 596 22.3. Function description ........................................................................................................ 596 22.3.1. CEC bus pin ........................................................................................................................................ 596 12 GD32F1x0 User Manual 22.3.2. Message description.......................................................................................................................... 597 22.3.3. Bit timing description ........................................................................................................................ 598 22.3.4. Arbitration ......................................................................................................................................... 599 22.3.5. SFT option bit description.................................................................................................................. 600 22.3.6. Error definition .................................................................................................................................. 600 22.3.7. HDMI-CEC interrupt ........................................................................................................................... 603 22.4. 23. HDMI-CEC registers ......................................................................................................... 604 22.4.1. Control register (CEC_CTL)................................................................................................................. 604 22.4.2. Configuration register (CEC_CFG) ...................................................................................................... 605 22.4.3. Transmit data register (CEC_TDATA) .................................................................................................. 607 22.4.4. Receive data register (CEC_RDATA) ................................................................................................... 607 22.4.5. Interrupt Flag Register (CEC_INTF) .................................................................................................... 608 22.4.6. Interrupt enable register (CEC_INTEN) .............................................................................................. 609 Segment LCD controller (SLCD) ...................................................................... 612 23.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 612 23.2. Main features .................................................................................................................. 612 23.3. Function description ........................................................................................................ 612 23.3.1. SLCD Architecture .............................................................................................................................. 612 23.3.2. Clock generator ................................................................................................................................. 613 23.3.3. Blink control....................................................................................................................................... 614 23.3.4. SEG/COM Driver ................................................................................................................................ 614 23.3.5. Double buffer memory ...................................................................................................................... 617 23.3.6. ANALOG matrix.................................................................................................................................. 617 23.4. SLCD registers .................................................................................................................. 618 23.4.1. Control register (SLCD_CTL) ............................................................................................................... 618 23.4.2. Configuration register (SLCD_CFG) .................................................................................................... 619 23.4.3. Status flag register (SLCD_STAT) ........................................................................................................ 621 23.4.4. Status flag clear register (SLCD_STATC).............................................................................................. 622 23.4.5. Display data registers (SLCD_DATAx, x=0~7) ...................................................................................... 623 24. Operational amplifiers (OPA)/ Programmable current and voltage reference (IVREF) ........................................................................................................................ 624 24.1. Operational amplifiers (OPA) ........................................................................................... 624 24.1.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 624 24.1.2. Main features .................................................................................................................................... 624 24.1.3. Function description .......................................................................................................................... 624 24.1.4. OPA register ....................................................................................................................................... 627 24.2. Programmable Current and Voltage Reference (IVREF) .................................................... 631 24.2.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 631 24.2.2. Main features .................................................................................................................................... 631 24.2.3. Function description .......................................................................................................................... 632 13 GD32F1x0 User Manual 24.2.4. 25. IVREF registers ................................................................................................................................... 632 Controller area network (CAN) ........................................................................ 634 25.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 634 25.2. Main features .................................................................................................................. 634 25.3. Function description ........................................................................................................ 635 25.3.1. Working mode ................................................................................................................................... 635 25.3.2. Communication modes ..................................................................................................................... 636 25.3.3. Data transmission .............................................................................................................................. 637 25.3.4. Data reception ................................................................................................................................... 639 25.3.5. Filtering Function ............................................................................................................................... 640 25.3.6. Time-triggered communication ......................................................................................................... 643 25.3.7. Communication parameters .............................................................................................................. 643 25.3.8. Error flags .......................................................................................................................................... 645 25.3.9. CAN interrupts ................................................................................................................................... 646 25.3.10. 25.4. 26. CAN PHY mode .............................................................................................................................. 647 CAN registers ................................................................................................................... 647 25.4.1. Control register (CAN_CTL) ................................................................................................................ 647 25.4.2. Status register (CAN_STAT) ................................................................................................................ 649 25.4.3. Transmit status register (CAN_TSTAT) ................................................................................................ 650 25.4.4. Receive message FIFO0 register (CAN_RFIFO0)................................................................................. 652 25.4.5. Receive message FIFO1 register (CAN_RFIFO1)................................................................................. 653 25.4.6. Interrupt enable register (CAN_INTEN) ............................................................................................. 653 25.4.7. Error register (CAN_ERR) ................................................................................................................... 655 25.4.8. Bit timing register (CAN_BT) .............................................................................................................. 656 25.4.9. Transmit mailbox identifier register (CAN_TMIx) (x=0..2) ................................................................. 657 25.4.10. Transmit mailbox property register (CAN_TMPx) (x=0..2)............................................................. 658 25.4.11. Transmit mailbox data0 register (CAN_TMDATA0x) (x=0..2) ......................................................... 658 25.4.12. Transmit mailbox data1 register (CAN_TMDATA1x) (x=0..2) ......................................................... 659 25.4.13. Receive FIFO mailbox identifier register (CAN_RFIFOMIx) (x=0..1) ............................................... 659 25.4.14. Receive FIFO mailbox property register (CAN_RFIFOMPx) (x=0..1)............................................... 660 25.4.15. Receive FIFO mailbox data0 register (CAN_RFIFOMDATA0x) (x=0..1) ........................................... 661 25.4.16. Receive FIFO mailbox data1 register (CAN_RFIFOMDATA1x) (x=0..1) ........................................... 661 25.4.17. Filter control register (CAN_FCTL) ................................................................................................. 662 25.4.18. Filter mode configuration register (CAN_FMCFG) ......................................................................... 662 25.4.19. Filter scale configuration register (CAN_FSCFG) ............................................................................ 663 25.4.20. Filter associated FIFO register (CAN_FAFIFO) ................................................................................ 663 25.4.21. Filter working register (CAN_FW) .................................................................................................. 664 25.4.22. Filter x data y register (CAN_FxDATAy) (x=0..27, y=0..1) ............................................................... 664 25.4.23. PHY control register (CAN_PHYCTL) .............................................................................................. 665 Revision history ................................................................................................ 666 14 GD32F1x0 User Manual List of Figures Figure 1-1. Cortex™-M3 block diagram .............................................................................................. 2 Figure 1-2. Series system architecture of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices ................ 3 Figure 1-3. Series system architecture of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices ................ 4 Figure 1-4. Memory map of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices........................................... 6 Figure 1-5. Memory map of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices........................................... 7 Figure 2-1. Power supply overview of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices ..................... 22 Figure 2-2. Power supply overview of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices ..................... 23 Figure 2-3. Waveform of the power reset ......................................................................................... 25 Figure 2-4. Waveform of LVD threshold ............................................................................................ 26 Figure 3-1. Proccess of page erase operation ................................................................................ 36 Figure 3-2. Process of the mass erase operation .......................................................................... 37 Figure 3-3. Process of the word programming operation ............................................................ 38 Figure 4-1. The system reset circuit .................................................................................................. 51 Figure 4-2. Clock tree of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices .............................................. 52 Figure 4-3. Clock tree of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices .............................................. 53 Figure 5-1. Basic structure of a standard I/O port bit ................................................................. 102 Figure 5-2. Input floating/pull up/pull down configurations ...................................................... 104 Figure 5-3. Output configuration ...................................................................................................... 104 Figure 5-4. High impedance-analog configuration ...................................................................... 105 Figure 5-5. Alternate function configuration ................................................................................. 106 Figure 6-1.Block Diagram of CRC Calculation Unit ..................................................................... 120 Figure 7-1. Block diagram of EXTI. .................................................................................................. 129 Figure 8-1. DMA interrupt generation logic.................................................................................... 139 Figure 8-2. DMA request mapping .................................................................................................... 140 Figure 9-1. Advanced timer block diagram .................................................................................... 149 Figure 9-2. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2 ................ 150 Figure 9-3. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 4 ................ 150 Figure 9-4. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 1 ............................................. 151 Figure 9-5. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 2 ............................................. 152 Figure 9-6. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 4 ............................................. 152 Figure 9-7. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by N ............................................ 153 Figure 9-8. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=0 .......................................... 153 Figure 9-9. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=1 .......................................... 154 Figure 9-10. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 1 ........................................... 155 Figure 9-11. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 2 ........................................... 156 Figure 9-12. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 4 ........................................... 156 Figure 9-13. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by N .......................................... 157 Figure 9-14. Counter timing diagram, update event when repetition counter is not used 157 Figure 9-15. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 1, TIMERx_CAR = 0x5 .... 158 Figure 9-16. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 2 ........................................... 159 15 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-17. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 4, TIMERx_CAR=0x63 .... 159 Figure 9-18. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by N .......................................... 160 Figure 9-19. Counter timing diagram, update event with ARSE=1(counter underflow) ..... 160 Figure 9-20. Counter timing diagram, Update event with ARSE=1 (counter overflow) ...... 161 Figure 9-21. Update rate examples depending on mode and TIMERx_CREP ...................... 162 Figure 9-22. Control circuit in normal mode, internal clock divided by 1 .............................. 162 Figure 9-23. Capture/compare channel (example: channel 0 input stage) ............................ 164 Figure 9-24. Capture/compare channel 0 main circuit ................................................................ 165 Figure 9-25. Output stage of capture/compare channel (channel 0 to 2)............................... 165 Figure 9-26. Output stage of capture/compare channel (channel 3) ....................................... 166 Figure 9-27. Output compare toggle mode, toggle on CH0_O.................................................. 167 Figure 9-28. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, upcounting mode ........................... 168 Figure 9-29. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, center-aligned counting mode .... 168 Figure 9-30. Complementary output with dead-time insertion. ................................................ 169 Figure 9-31. Dead-time waveforms with delay greater than the negative pulse .................. 169 Figure 9-32. Dead-time waveforms with delay greater than the positive pulse ................... 170 Figure 9-33. Output behavior in response to a break(The break input is acting on high level) ........................................................................................................................................................... 170 Figure 9-34. Single pulse mode ........................................................................................................ 172 Figure 9-35. Example of counter operation in encoder interface mode ................................. 173 Figure 9-36. Example of encoder interface mode with CI0FE0 polarity inverted ................. 173 Figure 9-37. Control circuit in restart mode................................................................................... 174 Figure 9-38. Control circuit in pause mode ................................................................................... 174 Figure 9-39. Control circuit in event mode..................................................................................... 175 Figure 9-40. TIMER0 Master/Slave mode timer example ............................................................ 175 Figure 9-41. Triggering TIMER0 with Enable of TIMER1 ............................................................. 177 Figure 9-42. Triggering TIMER0 with update of TIMER1 ............................................................. 177 Figure 9-43. Gating TIMER0 with enable of TIMER1 .................................................................... 178 Figure 9-44. Gating TIMER0 with O0CPREof TIMER1 ................................................................. 178 Figure 9-45. Triggering TIMER0 and TIMER1 with TIMER1’s CI0 input .................................. 179 Figure 9-46. General timer block diagram (TIMER1 and TIMER2) ............................................ 205 Figure 9-47. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2 .............. 206 Figure 9-48. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 4 .............. 206 Figure 9-49. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 1 ........................................... 207 Figure 9-50. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 2 ........................................... 208 Figure 9-51. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 4 ........................................... 208 Figure 9-52. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by N .......................................... 209 Figure 9-53. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=0 ........................................ 209 Figure 9-54. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=1 ........................................ 210 Figure 9-55. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 1 ........................................... 211 Figure 9-56. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 2 ........................................... 211 Figure 9-57. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 4 ........................................... 212 Figure 9-58. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by N .......................................... 212 Figure 9-59. Counter timing diagram, update event when counter is not used ................... 213 16 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-60. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 1, TIMERx_CAR = 0x5 .... 214 Figure 9-61. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 2 ........................................... 214 Figure 9-62. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 4, TIMERx_CAR=0x63 .... 215 Figure 9-63. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by N .......................................... 215 Figure 9-64. Counter timing diagram, update event with ARSE=1(counter underflow) ..... 216 Figure 9-65. Counter timing diagram, Update event with ARSE=1 (counter overflow) ...... 216 Figure 9-66. Control circuit in normal mode, internal clock divided by 1 .............................. 217 Figure 9-67. Capture/compare channel (example: channel 0 input stage) ............................ 219 Figure 9-68. Capture/compare channel 0 main circuit ................................................................ 220 Figure 9-69. Output stage of capture/compare channel (channel 0) ....................................... 220 Figure 9-70. Output compare toggle mode, toggle on CH0_O.................................................. 222 Figure 9-71. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, upcounting mode ........................... 222 Figure 9-72. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, center-aligned counting mode .... 223 Figure 9-73. Single pulse mode ........................................................................................................ 224 Figure 9-74. Example of counter operation in encoder interface mode ................................. 225 Figure 9-75. Example of encoder interface mode with CI0FE0 polarity inverted ................. 226 Figure 9-76. Control circuit in restart mode................................................................................... 226 Figure 9-77. Control circuit in pause mode ................................................................................... 227 Figure 9-78. Control circuit in event mode..................................................................................... 227 Figure 9-79. Master/Slave mode timer example ............................................................................ 228 Figure 9-80. General timer block diagram (TIMER5) ................................................................... 250 Figure 9-81. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2 .............. 251 Figure 9-82. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 4 .............. 251 Figure 9-83. Control circuit in normal mode, internal clock divided by 1 .............................. 252 Figure 9-84. General timer block diagram (TIMER13) ................................................................. 258 Figure 9-85. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2 .............. 259 Figure 9-86. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 4 .............. 259 Figure 9-87. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 1 ........................................... 260 Figure 9-88. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 2 ........................................... 261 Figure 9-89. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 4 ........................................... 261 Figure 9-90. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by N .......................................... 262 Figure 9-91. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=0 ........................................ 262 Figure 9-92. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=1 ........................................ 263 Figure 9-93. Control circuit in normal mode, internal clock divided by 1 .............................. 264 Figure 9-94. Capture/compare channel (example: input stage) ............................................... 265 Figure 9-95. Capture/compare channel 0 main circuit ................................................................ 266 Figure 9-96. Output stage of capture/compare channel ............................................................. 266 Figure 9-97. Output compare toggle mode, toggle on CH0_O.................................................. 268 Figure 9-98. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, upcounting mode ........................... 268 Figure 9-99. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, center-aligned counting mode .... 269 Figure 9-100. Gereral timer block diagram (TIMER14) ................................................................ 280 Figure 9-101. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2 ............ 281 Figure 9-102. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 4 ............ 281 Figure 9-103. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 1 ........................................ 282 17 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-104. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 2 ........................................ 283 Figure 9-105. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 4 ........................................ 283 Figure 9-106. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by N ........................................ 284 Figure 9-107. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=0 ...................................... 284 Figure 9-108. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=1 ...................................... 285 Figure 9-109. Update rate examples depending on mode and TIMERx_CREP .................... 285 Figure 9-110. Control circuit in normal mode, internal clock divided by 1 ............................ 286 Figure 9-111. Capture/compare channel (example: channel 0 input stage) .......................... 287 Figure 9-112. Capture/compare channel 0 main circuit .............................................................. 288 Figure 9-113. Output stage of capture/compare channel (channel 0) ..................................... 288 Figure 9-114. Output stage of capture/compare channel (channel 1) ..................................... 289 Figure 9-115. Output compare toggle mode, toggle onCH0_O ................................................. 291 Figure 9-116. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, upcounting mode ......................... 291 Figure 9-117. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, center-aligned counting mode .. 292 Figure 9-118. Complementary output with dead-time insertion. .............................................. 293 Figure 9-119. Dead-time waveforms with delay greater than the negative pulse ................ 293 Figure 9-120. Dead-time waveforms with delay greater than the positive pulse ................. 293 Figure 9-121. Output behavior in response to a break(The break input is acting on high level) .............................................................................................................................................. 294 Figure 9-122. Single pulse mode ...................................................................................................... 295 Figure 9-123. Control circuit in restart mode ................................................................................ 296 Figure 9-124. Control circuit in pause mode ................................................................................. 296 Figure 9-125. Control circuit in event mode .................................................................................. 297 Figure 9-126. TIMER14 Master/Slave mode timer example........................................................ 298 Figure 9-127. Triggering TIMER14 with Enable of TIMER1 ........................................................ 299 Figure 9-128. Triggering TIMER14 with update of TIMER1 ........................................................ 299 Figure 9-129. Gating TIMER14 with enable of TIMER1 ............................................................... 300 Figure 9-130. Gating TIMER14 with O0CPREof TIMER1 ............................................................. 300 Figure 9-131. Triggering TIMER14 and TIMER1 with TIMER1’s CI0 input .............................. 301 Figure 9-132. Gereral timer block diagram (TIMER15/16) .......................................................... 322 Figure 9-133. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2 ............ 322 Figure 9-134. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 4 ............ 323 Figure 9-135. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 1 ........................................ 324 Figure 9-136. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 2 ........................................ 324 Figure 9-137. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 4 ........................................ 325 Figure 9-138. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by N ........................................ 325 Figure 9-139. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=0 ...................................... 326 Figure 9-140. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=1 ...................................... 326 Figure 9-141. Update rate examples depending on mode and TIMERx_CREP .................... 327 Figure 9-142. Control circuit in normal mode, internal clock divided by 1 ........................... 328 Figure 9-143. Capture/compare channel (example: channel 0 input stage) .......................... 329 Figure 9-144. Capture/compare channel 0 main circuit .............................................................. 329 Figure 9-145. Output stage of capture/compare channel (channel 0)..................................... 330 Figure 9-146. Output compare toggle mode, toggle on CH0_O ............................................... 331 18 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-147. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, upcounting mode ......................... 332 Figure 9-148. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, center-aligned counting mode . 332 Figure 9-149. Complementary output with dead-time insertion. .............................................. 333 Figure 9-150. Dead-time waveforms with delay greater than the negative pulse ................ 333 Figure 9-151. Dead-time waveforms with delay greater than the positive pulse ................. 334 Figure 9-152. Output behavior in response to a break(The break input is acting on high level) .............................................................................................................................................. 335 Figure 9-153. Single pulse mode ...................................................................................................... 336 Figure 10-1. IFRR output timechart 1 .............................................................................................. 352 Figure 10-2. IFRR output timechart 2 .............................................................................................. 353 Figure 10-3. IFRR output timechart 3 .............................................................................................. 353 Figure 11-1. Free watchdog timer block diagram ......................................................................... 355 Figure 11-2. Window watchdog timer block diagram .................................................................. 360 Figure 11-3. Window watchdog timer timing diagram ................................................................ 361 Figure 12-1. ADC module block diagram of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices ......... 366 Figure 12-2. ADC module block diagram of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices ......... 367 Figure 12-3. Single conversion mode.............................................................................................. 369 Figure 12-4. Continuous conversion mode, scan disable ......................................................... 370 Figure 12-5. Continuous conversion mode, scan enable .......................................................... 370 Figure 12-6. Scan conversion mode ................................................................................................ 371 Figure 12-7. Discontinuous conversion mode .............................................................................. 372 Figure 12-8. Data alignment of 12-bit resolution .......................................................................... 373 Figure 12-9. 20-bit to 16-bit result truncation ................................................................................ 377 Figure 12-10. Numerical example with 5-bits shift and rounding ............................................ 377 Figure 13-1. DAC block diagram ....................................................................................................... 394 Figure 14-1. I2C module block diagram .......................................................................................... 411 Figure 14-2. Data validation ............................................................................................................... 412 Figure 14-3. START and STOP condition........................................................................................ 412 Figure 14-4. Clock synchronization ................................................................................................. 413 Figure 14-5. SDA Line arbitration ..................................................................................................... 413 Figure 14-6. I2C communication flow with 7-bit address. .......................................................... 414 Figure 14-7. I2C communication flow with 10-bit address......................................................... 414 Figure 14-8. Programming model for slave transmitting ........................................................... 416 Figure 14-9. Programming model for slave receiving ................................................................. 417 Figure 14-10. Programming model for master transmitting ...................................................... 419 Figure 14-11. Programming model for master receiving using Solution A ........................... 421 Figure 14-12. Programming model for master receiving using Solution B ........................... 423 Figure 15-1. Single master/ single slave application................................................................... 439 Figure 15-2. SPI data clock timing diagram ................................................................................... 441 Figure 15-3. SPI data clock timing diagram in quad wire mode (CKPL=1, CKPH=1) .......... 442 Figure 15-4. Transmission using DMA ............................................................................................ 451 Figure 15-5. Reception using DMA .................................................................................................. 451 Figure 15-6. I2S block diagram ......................................................................................................... 452 Figure 15-7. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=0) ......... 453 19 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 15-8. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=1) ......... 453 Figure 15-9. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ......... 454 Figure 15-10. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ....... 454 Figure 15-11. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ....... 454 Figure 15-12. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ....... 454 Figure 15-13. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ....... 454 Figure 15-14. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ....... 455 Figure 15-15. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=0) ... 455 Figure 15-16. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=1) ... 455 Figure 15-17. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ... 455 Figure 15-18. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ... 455 Figure 15-19. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ... 456 Figure 15-20. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ... 456 Figure 15-21. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ... 456 Figure 15-22. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ... 456 Figure 15-23. LSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) .... 456 Figure 15-24. LSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) .... 456 Figure 15-25. LSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) .... 457 Figure 15-26. LSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) .... 457 Figure 15-27. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=0) ...................................................................................................................... 457 Figure 15-28. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=1) ...................................................................................................................... 457 Figure 15-29. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ...................................................................................................................... 458 Figure 15-30. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ...................................................................................................................... 458 Figure 15-31. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ...................................................................................................................... 458 Figure 15-32. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ...................................................................................................................... 458 Figure 15-33. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ...................................................................................................................... 458 Figure 15-34. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ...................................................................................................................... 458 Figure 15-35. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=0) ...................................................................................................................... 459 Figure 15-36. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=1) ...................................................................................................................... 459 Figure 15-37. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ...................................................................................................................... 459 Figure 15-38. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ...................................................................................................................... 459 Figure 15-39. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=01, 20 GD32F1x0 User Manual CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ...................................................................................................................... 459 Figure 15-40. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ...................................................................................................................... 459 Figure 15-41. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ...................................................................................................................... 460 Figure 15-42. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ...................................................................................................................... 460 Figure 15-43. Block diagram of I2S clock generator ................................................................... 460 Figure 16-1. CMP block diagram of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices ........................ 477 Figure 16-2. CMP block diagram of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices ........................ 477 Figure 17-1. USART module block diagram................................................................................... 489 Figure 17-2. USART character frame (9 bits data and 1 stop bit) ............................................ 490 Figure 17-3. Frame error detection and break frame detection in LIN mode ........................ 493 Figure 17-4. Example of USART in synchronous mode ............................................................. 494 Figure 17-5. 8-bit format USART synchronous waveform (CLEN=1) ...................................... 494 Figure 17-6. ISO7816-3 frame format ............................................................................................... 495 Figure 17-7. IrDA SIR ENDEC module ............................................................................................. 497 Figure 17-8. IrDA data modulation ................................................................................................... 498 Figure 17-9. Hardware flow control between two USARTs ........................................................ 498 Figure 17-10. Hardware flow control................................................................................................ 499 Figure 17-11. USART interrupt mapping diagram ........................................................................ 501 Figure 19-1. USB peripheral block diagram ................................................................................... 530 Figure 19-2. An example with buffer descriptor table usage (USBD_BADDR = 0) .............. 533 Figure 19-3 .USB transaction and the interrupt event ................................................................ 538 Figure 20-1.Block diagram of RTC ................................................................................................... 552 Figure 21-1. Block diagram of TSI module ..................................................................................... 581 Figure 21-2. Block diagram of Sample pin and Channel Pin ..................................................... 582 Figure 21-3. Voltage of a sample pin during charge-transfer sequence ................................ 584 Figure 21-4. FSM flow of a charge-transfer sequence ................................................................ 585 Figure 22-1. HDMI-CEC Controller Block Diagram....................................................................... 597 Figure 23-1. SLCD Block Diagram .................................................................................................... 613 Figure 24-1. OPA0 Signal Route........................................................................................................ 625 Figure 24-2. OPA1 Signal Route........................................................................................................ 625 Figure 24-3. OPA2 Signal Route........................................................................................................ 625 Figure 25-1. CAN module block diagram........................................................................................ 635 Figure 25-2. Transmission register .................................................................................................. 637 Figure 25-3. State of transmission mailbox ................................................................................... 638 Figure 25-4. Reception register......................................................................................................... 639 Figure 25-5. 32-bit filter ....................................................................................................................... 640 Figure 25-6. 16-bit filter ....................................................................................................................... 641 Figure 25-7. 32-bit mask mode filter ................................................................................................ 641 Figure 25-8. 32-bit list mode filter ..................................................................................................... 641 Figure 25-9. 32-bit filter number ....................................................................................................... 641 Figure 25-10. Filtering index .............................................................................................................. 642 21 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 25-11. The bit time ................................................................................................................... 644 Figure 25-12. CAN PHY connection ................................................................................................. 647 22 GD32F1x0 User Manual List of Tables Table 1-1. Flash module organization ................................................................................................. 9 Table 1-2. Flash module organization ................................................................................................. 9 Table 1-3. Boot modes........................................................................................................................... 10 Table 2-1. Power saving mode summary .......................................................................................... 28 Table 3-1. Base address and size for flash memory ...................................................................... 34 Table 3-2 Base address and size for flash memory ....................................................................... 34 Table 3-3. Option byte ............................................................................................................................ 40 Table 3-4. OB_WP bit for pages protected ....................................................................................... 41 Table 4-1. Clock source select ............................................................................................................ 57 Table 4-2. Clock source select ............................................................................................................ 57 Table 4-3. Core domain voltage selected in Deep-sleep mode - ................................................ 58 Table 4-4. Core domain voltage selected in Deep-sleep mode - ................................................ 58 Table 5-1. GPIO configuration table ................................................................................................. 102 Table 7-1. NVIC exception types in Cotrex-M3 .............................................................................. 125 Table 7-2. Interrupt vector table of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices ......................... 125 Table 7-3. Interrupt vector table of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices ......................... 126 Table 7-4. EXTI source of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices .......................................... 130 Table 7-5. EXTI source of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices .......................................... 131 Table 8-1. DMA transfer operations.................................................................................................. 137 Table 8-2. DMA interrupt event .......................................................................................................... 138 Table 8-3. Summary of DMA requests for each channel ............................................................ 141 Table 9-1. Counting direction versus encoder signals ............................................................... 172 Table 9-2. Counting direction versus encoder signals ............................................................... 225 Table 11-1. Min/max FWDGT timeout period at 40 kHz (IRC40K) ............................................. 356 Table 11-2. Min-max timeout value at 36 MHz (fPCLK1) ............................................................. 362 Table 12-1. ADC internal signals ....................................................................................................... 367 Table 12-2. ADC pins definition of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices .......................... 367 Table 12-3. ADC pins definition of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices .......................... 367 Table 12-4. External trigger for regular channels of ADC .......................................................... 373 Table 12-5. External trigger for inserted channels of ADC ........................................................ 374 Table 12-6. tSAR timings depending on resolution ........................................................................ 376 Table 12-7. Maximum output results vs N and M. Grayed values indicates truncation ..... 378 Table 13-1. DAC pin .............................................................................................................................. 394 Table 13-2. External triggers of DAC ............................................................................................... 397 Table 14-1. Definition of I2C-bus terminology ............................................................................... 411 Table 14-2. Event status flags............................................................................................................ 426 Table 14-3. I2C error flags................................................................................................................... 426 Table 15-1. SPI interrupt requests .................................................................................................... 451 Table 15-2. I2S bitrate calculation formulas................................................................................... 460 Table 15-3. Audio sampling frequency calculation formulas .................................................... 461 23 GD32F1x0 User Manual Table 15-4. Audio sampling frequency configuration and precision ...................................... 461 Table 15-5. Direction of I2S interface signals for each operation mode ................................ 463 Table 15-6. I2S interrupt ...................................................................................................................... 464 Table 17-1. USART important pins description ............................................................................. 488 Table 17-2. Stop bits configuration .................................................................................................. 490 Table 17-3. USART interrupt requests ............................................................................................. 500 Table 19-1. GD32F150xx USB implementation ............................................................................. 528 Table 19-2. GD32F150xx USB signal pinouts ................................................................................ 529 Table 19-3. Double-buffering buffer flag definition ...................................................................... 534 Table 19-4. Double buffer usage ....................................................................................................... 534 Table 19-5. Reception status encoding .......................................................................................... 547 Table 19-6. Endpoint type encoding ................................................................................................ 547 Table 19-7. Endpoint kind meaning ................................................................................................. 547 Table 19-8. Transmission status encoding .................................................................................... 547 Table 19-9. Sub-endpoints status ..................................................................................................... 549 Table 21-1. Pin and analog switch state in a charge-transfer sequence ................................ 583 Table 21-2. Duration time of Extend Charge state in each cycle .............................................. 586 Table 21-3. TSI errors and flags ........................................................................................................ 587 Table 21-4. TSI pins .............................................................................................................................. 588 Table 22-1. Data Bit Timing Parameter Table ................................................................................ 598 Table 22-2. Error Handling Timing Parameter Table ................................................................... 602 Table 22-3. TERR Timing Parameter Table .................................................................................... 603 Table 23-1. The odd frame voltage ................................................................................................... 614 Table 23-2. The even frame voltage ................................................................................................. 615 Table 23-3. The all common signal driver....................................................................................... 615 Table 24-1. Operating mode and calibration .................................................................................. 626 Table 26-1. Revision history............................................................................................................... 666 24 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1. System and memory architecture The system architecture of the devices of GD32F1x0 series that includes the ARM® Cortex™M3 processor, bus architecture and memory organization will be described in the following sections. The Cortex™-M3 processor is a next generation processor core which offers many new features. Integrated and advanced features make the Cortex™-M3 processor suitable for market products that require microcontrollers with high performance and low power consumption. In brief, the Cortex™-M3 processor includes three AHB buses known as I-Code, D-Code and System buses. All memory accesses of the Cortex™-M3 processor are executed on the three buses according to the different purposes and the target memory spaces. The memory organization uses a Harvard architecture, pre-defined memory map and up to 4 GB of memory space, making the system flexible and extendable. 1.1. ARM Cortex-M3 processor The Cortex™-M3 processor is a general-purpose 32-bit processor core especially suitable for products requiring high performance and low power consumption microcontrollers. It offers many new features such as a Thumb-2 instruction sets, hardware divider, low latency of interruption respond time, atomic bit-banding access and multiple buses for simultaneous accesses. The Cortex™-M3 processor is based on the ARMv7 architecture and supports both Thumb and Thumb-2 instruction sets. Some system peripherals listed below are also provided by Cortex™-M3: Internal Bus Matrix connected with I-Code bus, D-Code bus, System bus, Private Peripheral Bus (PPB) and debug accesses (AHB-AP) Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) Flash Patch and Breakpoint (FPB) Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT) Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) Serial Wire JTAG Debug Port (SWJ-DP) Trace Port Interface Unit (TPIU) The following figure shows the Cortex™-M3 processor block diagram. For more information, refer to the ARM® Cortex™-M3 Technical Reference Manual. 1 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 1-1. Cortex™-M3 block diagram 1.2. System architecture The system architecture of the GD32F1x0 series is shown in the following figure. The AHB matrix based on AMBA 3.0 AHB-LITE is a multi-layer AHB, which enables parallel access paths between multiple masters and slaves in the system. There are four masters on the AHB matrix, including I-Code, D-Code, system bus of the Cortex™-M3 core and DMA. The I-Code bus is the instruction bus and also used for vector fetches from the Code region (0x0000 0000 ~ 0x1FFF FFFF) to the Cortex™-M3 core. The D-Code bus is used for loading/storing data and also for debugging access of the Code region. Similarly, the System bus is used for instruction/vector fetches, data loading/storing and debugging access of the system regions. The System regions include the internal SRAM region and the Peripheral region. The AHB matrix consists of five slaves, including I-Code and D-Code interfaces of the flash memory controller, internal SRAM, AHB1 and AHB2. The AHB2 connects with the GPIO ports. The AHB1 connects with the AHB peripherals including two AHB-to-APB bridges which provide full synchronous connections between the AHB1 and the two APB buses. The two APB buses connect with all the APB peripherals. Both of the two APB buses are able to operate at full speed up to 72 MHz. 2 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 1-2. Series system architecture of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices LDO 1.2V TPIU SW AHB Matrix NVIC ICode DCode System ARM Cortex-M3 Processor Fmax: 72MHz AHB2: Fma x = 72MHz IBus GPIO Ports A, B, C, D, F SRAM Controller SRAM Flash Memory Controller Flash Memory POR/PDR LVD PLL Touch Sensing Interface DBus GP DMA 7chs AHB1: Fma x = 72MHz AHB to APB Bridge 2 CRC AHB to APB Bridge 1 Fmax: 72MHz HXTAL 4-32MHz IRC8M 8MHz RST/CLK Controller IRC14M 14MHz IRC40K 40KHz Powered by LDO (1.2V) Powered by V DD/VDDA PMU EXTI FWDGT 12-bit SAR ADC ADC WWDGT RTC USART0 USBD SRAM SPI0/I2S0 TIMER0 TIMER14 APB1: Fmax = 72MHz CMP1 CMP APB2: Fmax = 72MHz SYS Config CMP0 USBD HDMI-CEC I2C0 I2C1 DAC TIMER15 12-bit DAC USART1 TIMER16 SPI1 TIMER5 TIMER1 TIMER2 TIMER13 3 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 1-3. Series system architecture of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices LDO 1.8V TPIU SW System NVIC AHB Matrix ICode DCode ARM Cortex-M3 Processor Fmax: 72MHz AHB2: Fma x = 72MHz IBus GPIO Ports A, B, C, D, F SRAM Controller SRAM Flash Memory Controller Flash Memory POR/PDR LVD PLL Touch Sensing Interface DBus GP DMA 7chs AHB1: Fma x = 72MHz AHB to APB Bridge 2 CRC AHB to APB Bridge 1 Fmax: 72MHz HXTAL 4-32MHz IRC8M 8MHz RST/CLK Controller IRC28M 28MHz IRC40K 40KHz Powered by LDO (1.8V) Powered by V DD/VDDA PMU EXTI FWDGT 12-bit SAR ADC ADC WWDGT RTC USART0 CAN0 SPI0/I2S0 CMP TIMER0 TIMER14 TIMER15 TIMER16 APB1: Fmax = 72MHz CMP1 APB2: Fmax = 72MHz SYS Config CMP0 CAN SRAM CAN1 HDMI-CEC I2C0~2 DAC0~1 12-bit DAC USART1 SPI1 SPI2/I2S2 TIMER5 TIMER1 TIMER2 TIMER13 SLCD OPA IVREF 4 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1.3. Memory map The ARM® Cortex™-M3 processor is structured in Harvard architecture which can use separate buses to fetch instructions and load/store data. The instruction code and data are both located in the same memory address space but in different address ranges. Program memory, data memory, registers and I/O ports are organized within the same linear 4-Gbyte address space which is the maximum address range of the Cortex™-M3 since it has a 32-bit bus address width. Additionally, a pre-defined memory map is provided by the Cortex™-M3 processor to reduce the software complexity of repeated implementation of different device vendors. However, some regions are used by the ARM® Cortex™-M3 system peripherals. The following figure shows the memory map of the GD32F1x0 series of devices, including Code, SRAM, peripheral, and other pre-defined regions. Each peripheral of either type is allocated 1KB of space. This allows simplifying the address decoding for each peripheral. The APB1 peripherals are located at the address region from 0x4000 0000 to 0x4000 FFFF, while the APB2 peripherals are located from 0x4001 0000 to 0x4001 7FFF. The address region from 0x4002 0000 to 0x4002 FFFF is used for AHB1 peripherals, and the address region from 0x4800 0000 to 0x4800 FFFF is used for AHB2 peripherals. 5 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 1-4. Memory map of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices 0x5000 0000 0x4800 1800 0x4800 1400 0x4800 1000 0x4800 0C00 0x4800 0800 0x4800 0400 0x4800 0000 0x4002 4400 0x4002 4000 0x4002 3400 0x4002 3000 0x4002 2400 0x4002 2000 0x4002 1400 0x4002 1000 0x4002 0400 0x4002 0000 0x4001 4C00 0x4001 4800 0x4001 4400 0x4001 4000 0x4001 3C00 0x4001 3800 0x4001 3400 0x4001 3000 0x4001 2C00 0xFFFF FFFF 7 0xE010 0000 0x1FFF FFFF 0x1FFF F80F reserved Option Bytes reserved 0xE000 0000 Cortex-M3 Internal Peripherals 6 reserved 0x1FFF F800 0x4001 2800 0x4001 2400 0x4001 0800 0x4001 0400 0x4001 0000 0x4000 C400 0x4000 C000 0xC000 0000 System memory 0x4000 7C00 0x4000 7800 5 reserved 0x4000 7400 0x4000 7000 0x1FFF EC00 0xA000 0000 0x4000 6400 0x4000 6000 4 reserved 0x4000 5C00 0x4000 5800 reserved 0x8000 0000 0x4000 5400 0x4000 4800 3 reserved 0x4000 4400 0x4000 4000 0x6000 0000 2 0x5000 0000 0x4000 3C00 reserved Peripherals 0x4000 0000 0x0801 FFFF 1 Flash memory 0x0800 0000 Aliased to Flash or system memory according to BOOT 0x0000 0000 pins configuration 0x2000 0000 0x4000 3800 0x4000 3400 0x4000 3000 0x4000 2C00 reserved SRAM 0x4000 2800 0x4000 2400 0x4000 2000 0x4000 1400 0x4000 1000 0 reserved 0x4000 0800 0x4000 0400 0x0000 0000 0x4000 0000 reserved Port F reserved Port D Port C Port B Port A reserved TSI reserved CRC reserved FMC reserved RCU reserved DMA reserved TIMER16 TIMER15 TIMER14 reserved USART0 reserved SPI0/I2S0 TIMER0 reserved ADC reserved EXTI SYSCFG + CMP reserved reserved reserved CEC DAC PMU reserved USB SRAM (512B) USB registers I2C1 I2C0 reserved USART1 reserved reserved SPI1 reserved FWDGT WWDGT RTC reserved TIMER13 reserved TIMER5 reserved TIMER2 TIMER1 6 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 1-5. Memory map of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices 0x5000 0000 0x4800 1800 0x4800 1400 0x4800 1000 0x4800 0C00 0x4800 0800 0x4800 0400 0x4800 0000 0x4002 4400 0x4002 4000 0x4002 3400 0x4002 3000 0x4002 2400 0x4002 2000 0x4002 1400 0x4002 1000 0x4002 0400 0x4002 0000 0x4001 4C00 0x4001 4800 0x4001 4400 0x4001 4000 0x4001 3C00 0x4001 3800 0x4001 3400 0x4001 3000 0x4001 2C00 0x4001 2800 0x4001 2400 0x4001 0800 0xFFFF FFFF 7 0xE010 0000 0x1FFF FFFF 0x1FFF F80F reserved Option Bytes reserved 0xE000 0000 Cortex-M3 Internal Peripherals 6 reserved 0x1FFF F800 0x4001 0400 0x4001 0000 0x4000 C400 0x4000 C000 0x4000 8000 0x4000 7C00 0x4000 7800 0xC000 0000 System memory 0x4000 7400 0x4000 7000 5 reserved 0x4000 6C00 0x4000 6800 0x1FFF EC00 0xA000 0000 0x4000 6400 0x4000 6000 4 reserved 0x4000 5C00 0x4000 5800 reserved 0x8000 0000 0x4000 5400 0x4000 4800 3 reserved 0x4000 4400 0x4000 4000 0x6000 0000 2 0x5000 0000 0x4000 3C00 reserved Peripherals 0x4000 0000 0x0801 FFFF 1 Flash memory 0x0800 0000 Aliased to Flash or system memory according to BOOT 0x0000 0000 pins configuration 0x2000 0000 0x4000 3800 0x4000 3400 0x4000 3000 0x4000 2C00 reserved SRAM 0x4000 2800 0x4000 2400 0x4000 2000 0x4000 1400 0x4000 1000 0 reserved 0x4000 0800 0x4000 0400 0x0000 0000 0x4000 0000 reserved Port F reserved Port D Port C Port B Port A reserved TSI reserved CRC reserved FMC reserved RCU reserved DMA reserved TIMER16 TIMER15 TIMER14 reserved USART0 reserved SPI0/I2S0 TIMER0 reserved ADC reserved EXTI SYSCFG + CMP reserved I2C2 reserved OPA+IVREF CEC DAC0~1 PMU reserved CAN1 CAN0 CAN SRAM (256B) reserved I2C1 I2C0 reserved USART1 reserved SPI2/I2S2 SPI1 reserved FWDGT WWDGT RTC SLCD TIMER13 reserved TIMER5 reserved TIMER2 TIMER1 7 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1.3.1. Bit-banding In order to reduce the time of read-modify-write operations, the Cortex™-M3 processor provides a bit-banding function to perform a single atomic bit operation. The memory map includes two bit-band regions. These occupy the SRAM and Peripherals respectively. These bit-band regions map each word in an alias region of memory to a bit in a bit-band region of memory. A mapping formula shows how to reference each word in the alias region to a corresponding bit, or target bit, in the bit-band region. The mapping formula is: bit_word_addr = bit_band_base + (byte_offset x 32) + (bit_number × 4) where: Bit_word_addr is the address of the word in the alias memory region that maps to the targeted bit. Bit_band_base is the starting address of the alias region. Byte_offset is the number of the byte in the bit-band region that contains the targeted bit. Bit_number is the bit position (0-7) of the targeted bit. For example, to access bit 7 of address 0x2000 0200, the bit-band alias is: bit_word_addr = 0x2200 0000 + (0x200 * 32) + (7 * 4) = 0x2200 401C Writing to address 0x2200 401C will cause bit 7 of address 0x2000 0200 change while a read to address 0x2200 401C will return 0x01 or 0x00 according to the value of bit 7 at the SRAM address 0x2000 0200. 1.3.2. On-chip SRAM memory The devices of GD32F1x0 series contain up to 8 KB of on-chip SRAM which starts at the address 0x2000 0000. It supports byte, half-word (16 bits), and word (32 bits) accesses. In order to increase memory robustness, parity check is supported. The user can enable the parity check function using the bit OB_SRAM_PARITY_CHECK in the user option byte (refer to Chapter 3.3.9 Option bytes). When enabled, an NMI is generated if the parity check fails. The SRAM parity check error flag is implemented in the system configuration register 2 (SYSCFG_CFG2). The error flag can be connected to the break input of TIMER 0/ TIMER 14/ TIMER 15/ TIMER 16, if the SRAM_PARITY_ERROR_LOCK control bit in the the system configuration register 2 (SYSCFG_CFG2) is set to 1. The real data width of the SRAM is 36 bits, including 32 bits for data and 4 bits for parity (1 bit per byte). When writing, the parity bits are computed and stored into the SRAM. When reading, the parity bits are also computed using the stored data in SRAM. The computed parity bits are compared with the stored parity bits which are computed during the writing access. If they are different, the parity check fails. Note: When enabling the SRAM parity check, it is recommended to initialize the whole SRAM memory by software at the beginning of the code, in order to avoid getting parity check errors 8 GD32F1x0 User Manual when reading non-initialized locations. 1.3.3. On-chip Flash memory For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices The devices provide up to 64 KB of on-chip flash memory. The flash memory consists of up to 64 KB main flash organized into 64 pages with 1 KB capacity per page and a 3 KB information block for the boot loader. The following table shows details. Table 1-1. Flash module organization Block Main Flash Block Name Address Size Page 0 0x0800 0000 - 0x0800 03FF 1 Kbytes Page 1 0x0800 0400 - 0x0800 07FF 1 Kbytes Page 2 0x0800 0800 - 0x0800 0BFF 1 Kbytes · · · · · · Page 63 0x0800 FC00 - 0x0800 1 Kbytes FFFF System memory Information Block 0x1FFF EC00 - 0x1FFF 3 Kbytes F7FF Option Bytes 0x1FFF F800 - 0x1FFF 16 bytes F80F Read accesses to the preceding 32 pages can be performed 32 bits per cycle without any wait state. All of byte, half-word (16 bits) and word (32 bits) read accesses are supported. The flash memory can be programmed half-word (16 bits) or word (32 bits) at a time. Each page of the flash memory can be erased individually. The whole flash memory space except information blocks can be erased at a time. For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices The devices provide up to 128 KB of on-chip flash memory. The flash memory consists of up to 128 KB main flash organized into 128 pages with 1 KB capacity per page and a 3 KB information block for the boot loader. The following table shows details. Table 1-2. Flash module organization Block Main Flash Block Name Address Size Page 0 0x0800 0000 - 0x0800 03FF 1 Kbytes Page 1 0x0800 0400 - 0x0800 07FF 1 Kbytes Page 2 0x0800 0800 - 0x0800 0BFF 1 Kbytes · · · · · · Page 127 0x0801 FC00 - 0x0801 1 Kbytes FFFF Information Block System memory 0x1FFF EC00 - 0x1FFF 3 Kbytes 9 GD32F1x0 User Manual F7FF Option Bytes 0x1FFF F800 - 0x1FFF 16 bytes F80F Read accesses to the preceding 32 pages can be performed 32 bits per cycle without any wait state. All of byte, half-word (16 bits) and word (32 bits) read accesses are supported. The flash memory can be programmed half-word (16 bits) or word (32 bits) at a time. Each page of the flash memory can be erased individually. The whole flash memory space except information blocks can be erased at a time. 1.4. Boot configuration The devices of GD32F1x0 series provides three kinds of boot sources which can be selected using the bit OB_BOOT1_n in the user option byte (refer to Chapter 3.3.9 Option bytes) and the BOOT0 pins. The value on the BOOT0 pin is latched on the 4th rising edge of SYSCLK after a reset. It is up to the user to set the OB_BOOT1_n and BOOT0 after a power-on reset or a system reset to select the required boot source. The details are shown in the following table. Table 1-3. Boot modes Selected boot source Boot mode selection pins Boot1 Boot0 Main Flash Memory x 0 System Memory 0 1 On-chip SRAM 1 1 1. The BOOT1 value is the opposite of the OB_BOOT1_n value. After power-on sequence or a system reset, the ARM® Cortex™-M3 processor fetches the top-of-stack value from address 0x0000 0000 and the base address of boot code from 0x0000 0004 in sequence. Then, it starts executing code from the base address of boot code. According to the selected boot source, either the main flash memory (original memory space beginning at 0x0800 0000) or the system memory (original memory space beginning at 0x1FFF EC00) is aliased in the boot memory space which begins at the address 0x0000 0000. When the on-chip SRAM whose memory space is beginning at 0x2000 0000 is selected as the boot source, in the application initialization code, you have to relocate the vector table in SRAM using the NVIC exception table and offset register. The embedded boot loader is located in the System memory, which is used to reprogram the Flash memory. In GD32F1x0 devices, the boot loader can be activated through one of the following serial interfaces: USART0 or USART1. 10 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1.5. System configuration registers (SYSCFG) 1.5.1. System configuration register 0 (SYSCFG_CFG0) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 000X (X indicates BOOT_MODE[1:0] may be any value according to the BOOT0 pin and the OB_BOOT1_n option bit after reset) This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 Reserved 19 18 PB9_HCCE 17 16 Reserved rw 15 14 13 Reserved 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 USART0 USART0 TIMER16_ TIMER15_ ADC_ _RX_ _TX_ DMA_RMP DMA_RMP DMA_RMP DMA_RMP DMA_RMP rw rw rw rw 5 4 Reserved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 19 PB9_HCCE PB9 pin high current capability enable 3 2 1 0 BOOT_MODE[1:0] r When it is set, the PB9 pin can be used to control an infrared LED directly. 0: High current capability on the PB9 pin is disabled. 1: High current capability on the PB9 pin is enabled, and the speed control of the pin is bypassed. 18:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 12 TIMER16_DMA_RMP Timer 16 DMA request remapping enable 0: Not remap (TIMER16_CH0 and TIMER16_UP DMA requests are mapped on DMA channel 0) 1: Remap (TIMER16_CH0 and TIMER16_UP DMA requests are mapped on DMA channel 1) 11 TIMER15_DMA_RMP Timer 15 DMA request remapping enable 0: Not remap (TIMER15_CH0 and TIMER15_UP DMA requests are mapped on DMA channel 2) 1: Remap (TIMER15_CH0 and TIMER15_UP DMA requests are mapped on DMA channel 3) 10 USART0_RX_DMA_RMP USART0_RX DMA request remapping enable 0: Not remap (USART0_RX DMA requests are mapped on DMA channel 2) 1: Remap (USART0_RX DMA requests are mapped on DMA channel 4) 9 USART0_TX_DMA_RMP USART0_TX DMA request remapping enable 11 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: Not remap (USART0_TX DMA requests are mapped on DMA channel 1) 1: Remap (USART0_TX DMA requests are mapped on DMA channel 3) 8 ADC_DMA_RMP ADC DMA request remapping enable 0: Not remap (ADC DMA requests are mapped on DMA channel 0) 1: Remap (ADC DMA requests are mapped on DMA channel 1) 7:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1:0 BOOT_MODE Boot mode (Refer to Chapter 1.4 Boot configuration for details) [1:0] Bit0 is mapping to the BOOT0 pin; the value of bit1 is the opposite of the OB_BOOT1_n option bit value. x0: Boot from the Main Flash 01: Boot from the system memory 11: Boot from the embedded SRAM 1.5.2. System configuration register 1 (SYSCFG_CFG1) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Reserved 2 1 SLCD_DECA 0 Reserved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 3:1 SLCD_DECA Decoupling capacitance connection for SLCD Bit1: Decoupling capacitance connection to PB2 or not Bit2: Decoupling capacitance connection to PB12 or not Bit3: Decoupling capacitance connection to PB0 or not 0 Reserved 1.5.3. Must be kept at reset value EXTI sources selection register 0 (SYSCFG_EXTISS0) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 12 GD32F1x0 User Manual Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 EXTI3_SS [3:0] EXTI2_SS [3:0] EXTI1_SS [3:0] EXTI0_SS [3:0] rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:12 EXTI3_SS[3:0] EXTI 3 sources selection 0 X000: PA3 pin X001: PB3 pin X010: PC3 pin X011: Reserved X100: Reserved X101: Reserved X110: Reserved X111: Reserved 11:8 EXTI2_SS[3:0] EXTI 2 sources selection X000: PA2 pin X001: PB2 pin X010: PC2 pin X011: PD2 pin X100: Reserved X101: Reserved X110: Reserved X111: Reserved 7:4 EXTI1_SS[3:0] EXTI 1 sources selection X000: PA1 pin X001: PB1 pin X010: PC1 pin X011: Reserved X100: Reserved X101: PF1 pin X110: Reserved X111: Reserved 3:0 EXTI0_SS[3:0] EXTI 0 sources selection X000: PA0 pin X001: PB0 pin X010: PC0 pin X011: Reserved X100: Reserved 13 GD32F1x0 User Manual X101: PF0 pin X110: Reserved X111: Reserved 1.5.4. EXTI sources selection register 1 (SYSCFG_EXTISS1) Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 EXTI7_SS [3:0] EXTI6_SS [3:0] EXTI5_SS [3:0] EXTI4_SS [3:0] rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:12 EXTI7_SS[3:0] EXTI 7 sources selection X000: PA7 pin X001: PB7 pin X010: PC7 pin X011: Reserved X100: Reserved X101: PF7 pin X110: Reserved X111: Reserved 11:8 EXTI6_SS[3:0] EXTI 6 sources selection X000: PA6 pin X001: PB6 pin X010: PC6 pin X011: Reserved X100: Reserved X101: PF6 pin X110: Reserved X111: Reserved 7:4 EXTI5_SS[3:0] EXTI 5 sources selection X000: PA5 pin X001: PB5 pin X010: PC5 pin X011: Reserved 14 GD32F1x0 User Manual X100: Reserved X101: PF5 pin X110: Reserved X111: Reserved 3:0 EXTI4_SS[3:0] EXTI 4 sources selection X000: PA4 pin X001: PB4 pin X010: PC4 pin X011: Reserved X100: Reserved X101: PF4 pin X110: Reserved X111: Reserved 1.5.5. EXTI sources selection register 2 (SYSCFG_EXTISS2) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 EXTI11_SS [3:0] EXTI10_SS [3:0] EXTI9_SS [3:0] EXTI8_SS [3:0] rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:12 EXTI11_SS[3:0] EXTI 11 sources selection X000: PA11 pin X001: PB11 pin X010: PC11 pin X011: Reserved X100: Reserved X101: Reserved X110: Reserved X111: Reserved 11:8 EXTI10_SS[3:0] EXTI 10 sources selection X000: PA10 pin X001: PB10 pin X010: PC10 pin 15 GD32F1x0 User Manual X011: Reserved X100: Reserved X101: Reserved X110: Reserved X111: Reserved 7:4 EXTI9_SS[3:0] EXTI 9 sources selection X000: PA9 pin X001: PB9 pin X010: PC9 pin X011: Reserved X100: Reserved X101: Reserved X110: Reserved X111: Reserved 3:0 EXTI8_SS[3:0] EXTI 8 sources selection X000: PA8 pin X001: PB8 pin X010: PC8 pin X011: Reserved X100: Reserved X101: Reserved X110: Reserved X111: Reserved 1.5.6. EXTI sources selection register 3 (SYSCFG_EXTISS3) Address offset: 0x14 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 EXTI15_SS [3:0] EXTI14_SS [3:0] EXTI13_SS [3:0] EXTI12_SS [3:0] rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:12 EXTI15_SS[3:0] EXTI 15 sources selection X000: PA15 pin X001: PB15 pin 16 GD32F1x0 User Manual X010: PC15 pin X011: Reserved X100: Reserved X101: Reserved X110: Reserved X111: Reserved 11:8 EXTI14_SS[3:0] EXTI 14 sources selection X000: PA14 pin X001: PB14 pin X010: PC14 pin X011: Reserved X100: Reserved X101: Reserved X110: Reserved X111: Reserved 7:4 EXTI13_SS[3:0] EXTI 13 sources selection X000: PA13 pin X001: PB13 pin X010: PC13 pin X011: Reserved X100: Reserved X101: Reserved X110: Reserved X111: Reserved 3:0 EXTI12_SS[3:0] EXTI 12 sources selection X000: PA12 pin X001: PB12 pin X010: PC12 pin X011: Reserved X100: Reserved X101: Reserved X110: Reserved X111: Reserved 1.5.7. System configuration register 2 (SYSCFG_CFG2) Address offset: 0x18 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reserved 17 GD32F1x0 User Manual 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LVD_ PARITY_ LOCK ERROR_ SRAM_ Reserved SRAM_PCEF Reserved LOCK rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 8 SRAM_PCEF SRAM parity check error flag rw rw 0 LOCK UP_ LOCK rw This bit is set by hardware when an SRAM parity check error occurs. It is cleared by software by writing 1. 0: No SRAM parity check error detected 1: SRAM parity check error detected 7:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 2 LVD_LOCK LVD lock This bit is set by software and cleared by a system reset. 0: The LVD interrupt is disconnected from the break input of TIMER0/14/15/16. LVDEN and LVDT[2:0] in the PMU_CTL register can be programmed. 1: The LVD interrupt is connected from the break input of TIMER0/14/15/16. LVDEN and LVDT[2:0] in the PMU_CTL register are read only. 1 SRAM_PARITY_ SRAM parity check error lock ERROR_LOCK This bit is set by software and cleared by a system reset. 0: The SRAM parity check error is disconnected from the break input of TIMER0/14/15/16 1: The SRAM parity check error is connected from the break input of TIMER0/14/15/16 0 LOCKUP_LOCK Cortex-M3 LOCKUP output lock This bit is set by software and cleared by a system reset. 0: The Cortex-M3 LOCKUP output is disconnected from the break input of TIMER0/14/15/16 1: The Cortex-M3 LOCKUP output is connected from the break input of TIMER0/14/15/16 1.6. Device electronic signature The device electronic signature contains memory density information and the 96-bit unique device ID. It is stored in the information block of the Flash memory. The 96-bit unique device ID is unique for any device. It can be used as serial numbers, or part of security keys, etc. 18 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1.6.1. Memory density information Base address: 0x1FFF F7E0 The value is factory programmed and can never be altered by user. This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 2 1 0 SRAM_DENSITY[15:0] r 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 FLASH_DENSITY[15:0] r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 SRAM_DENSITY SRAM density [15:0] The value indicates the on-chip SRAM density of the device in Kbytes. Example: 0x0008 indicates 8 Kbytes. 15:0 FLASH_DENSITY Flash memory density [15:0] The value indicates the Flash memory density of the device in Kbytes. Example: 0x0020 indicates 32 Kbytes. 1.6.2. Unique device ID (96 bits) Base address: 0x1FFF F7AC The value is factory programmed and can never be altered by user. This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 2 1 0 UNIQUE_ID[31:16] r 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 UNIQUE_ID[15:0] r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:0 UNIQUE_ID[31:0] Unique device ID Base address: 0x1FFF F7B0 The value is factory programmed and can never be altered by user. This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 19 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 2 1 0 18 17 16 2 1 0 UNIQUE_ID[63:48] r 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 UNIQUE_ID[47:32] r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:0 UNIQUE_ID[63:32] Unique device ID Base address: 0x1FFF F7B4 The value is factory programmed and can never be altered by user. This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 UNIQUE_ID[95:80] r 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 UNIQUE_ID[79:64] r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:0 UNIQUE_ID[95:64] Unique device ID 20 GD32F1x0 User Manual 2. Power management unit (PMU) 2.1. Introduction The power consumption is regarded as one of the most important issues for the devices of GD32F1x0 series. Accordingly the Power management unit (PMU), provide three types of power saving modes, including Sleep, Deep-sleep and Standby mode. These modes reduce the power consumption and allow the application to achieve the best tradeoff among the conflicting demands of CPU operating time, speed and power consumption. For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices, there are three power domains, including VDD domain, 1.2V domain, and Backup domain, as is shown in the following figure. For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices, there are three power domains, including VDD domain, 1.8V domain, and Backup domain, as is shown in the following figure. The power of the VDD domain is supplied directly by VDD. An embedded LDO in the VDD domain is used to supply the 1.2V/1.8V domain power. A power switch is implemented for the Backup domain. It can be powered from the VBAT voltage when the main VDD supply is shut down. 2.2. Main features Three power domains: VBAT, VDD and 1.2V power domains for GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices or 1.8V power domains for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Three power saving modes: Sleep, Deep-sleep and Standby modes Internal Voltage regulator supplies 1.2V voltage source for GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices or 1.8 V voltage source for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices 20 bytes of backup register powered by VBAK for data protection of user application data when in the Standby mode Low Voltage Detector can issue an interrupt or event when the power is lower than a programmed threshold 2.3. Battery power (VBAT) for Backup domain when VDD is shut down Calibration register for storing the RTC calibration value Function description Figure below provides details on the internal configuration of the PMU and the relevant power domains. 21 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 2-1. Power supply overview of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices VBAT VDD VBAK Power Switch 3.3V WKUP0 PA0 WKUP4 Backup Domain LXTAL BPOR RTC BREG APB INTF2 APB INTF1 WKUP1 PC13 WKUP2 NRST PMU CTRL WKUP3 FWDGT SLEEPING SLEEPDEEP HXTAL POR/PDR LDO 1.2V VDD Domain Cortex-M3 AHB IPs APB IPs 1.2V Domain VDDA Domain VDDA IRC8M IRC40K ADC LVD IRC14M PLL DAC CMP 3.3V LVD: Low Voltage Detector LDO: Voltage Regulator BREG: Backup Registers POR: Power On Reset PDR: Power Down Reset BPOR: VBAK Power On Reset 22 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 2-2. Power supply overview of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices VBAT VDD VBAK Power Switch 5V WKUP0 PA0 WKUP4 Backup Domain LXTAL BPOR RTC BREG APB INTF2 APB INTF1 WKUP1 PC13 WKUP2 NRST PMU CTRL WKUP3 FWDGT SLEEPING Cortex-M3 SLEEPDEEP HXTAL POR/PDR LDO 1.8V AHB IPs VDD Domain APB IPs 1.8V Domain VDDA Domain VDDA 2.3.1. IRC8M IRC40K ADC LVD IRC28M PLL DAC CMP 5V LVD: Low Voltage Detector LDO: Voltage Regulator BREG: Backup Registers POR: Power On Reset PDR: Power Down Reset BPOR: VBAK Power On Reset Battery backup domain The Backup Domain contains BPOR (Backup Domain Power on Reset), BREG (Backup Registers), RTC (Real Time Clock), LXTAL (Low Speed Crystal Oscillator), and three pads, including PC13, PC14, and PC15. It is powered by the VDD or the battery power source (VBAT) selected by the internal power switch. To retain the content of the Backup registers and supply the RTC function, when VDD is turned off, VBAT pin can be connected to an optional standby voltage supplied by a battery or by another source. The switch is controlled by the Power Down Reset circuit in the VDD domain. If no external battery is used in the application, it is recommended to connect VBAT externally to VDD with a 100nF external ceramic decoupling capacitor. The Backup Domain reset sources include BPOR and the Backup Domain software reset. The BPOR signal forces the device to stay in the reset mode until VBAK is completely powered up. Also the application software can trigger the Backup domain software reset by setting the BKPRST bit in the RCU_BDCTL register to reset the Backup domain. The clock source of RTC circuit can be derived from the Internal 40KHz RC oscillator (IRC40K), the Low Speed Crystal oscillator (LXTAL) or HXTAL clock divided by 32. When VDD is shut down, only LXTAL is valid for RTC. Before entering the power saving mode by 23 GD32F1x0 User Manual executing the WFI/WFE instruction, the Cortex™-M3 needs to setup the RTC register with an expected wakeup time and enable the wakeup function to achieve the RTC timer wakeup event. After entering the power saving mode for a certain amount of time, the RTC alarm will be asserted to wake up the device when the time match event occurs. The details of the RTC configuration and operation will be described in the RTC chapter. Five 32-bit registers, up to 20 bytes, are provided located in the Backup Domain for user application data storage. These registers are powered by VBAK which constantly supplies power when the VDD power is switched off. The Backup Registers are only reset by the Backup Domain power-on-reset or the Backup Domain software reset. When the Backup domain is supplied by VDD (VBAK pin is connected to VDD), the following functions are available: PC13 can be used as GPIO, TAMPER pin, RTC Calibration, RTC Alarm or second output. (refer to Chapter 20: Real-time Clock (RTC)) PC14 and PC15 can be used as either GPIO or LXTAL Crystal oscillator pins. When the Backup domain is supplied by VBAT (VBAK pin is connected to VBAT), the following functions are available: PC13 can be used as TAMPER pin, RTC Alarm or second output. (refer to Chapter 20: Real-time Clock (RTC)) PC14 and PC15 can be used as LXTAL Crystal oscillator pins only. Note: Since PC13, PC14 and PC15 are supplied through the Power Switch, which can only be obtained by a small current, the speed of GPIOs PC13 to PC15 should not exceed 2MHz when they are in output mode. 2.3.2. VDD/VDDA power domain Most of analog modules are located in the VDDA domain, including IRC8M (Internal 8MHz RC oscillator), IRC14M (Internal 14MHz RC oscillator) for GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices or IRC28M (Internal 28MHz RC oscillator) for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices, IRC40K (Internal 40KHz RC oscillator), PLL (Phase Locking Loop), ADC (Analog to Digital Converter), DAC (Digital to Analog Converter), LVD (Low Voltage Detector), and Comparator. Besides, LDO (Voltage Regulator), POR/PDR (Power On/Down Reset), HXTAL (High Speed Crystal oscillator), FWDGT (Free Watchdog Timer), the power control logic, and pads (except PC13, PC14, and PC15) are implemented in the VDD domain. The LDO is implemented to supply power for the 1.2V domain in GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices or 1.8V domain in GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices. Generally, digital circuits are powered by VDD, while most of analog circuits are powered by VDDA. The independent power supply VDDA is implemented to achieve better performance of analog circuits, especially to improve the ADC and the DAC conversion accuracy. The voltage of VDDA can be equal or higher than that of VDD. VDDA can be externally connected to VDD through the external filtering circuit that avoids noise on VDDA. Or, if VDDA is different from VDD, VDDA must always be higher. In this case, an external Shottky diode may be implemented between VDD and VDDA for safety. 24 GD32F1x0 User Manual The LVD is used to detect whether the VDD or VDDA supply voltage is lower than the low voltage detector threshold. The function is configured by the Control Register (PMU_CTL). The LVDEN bit controls whether LVD is enabled or not, while the LVDT[2:0] bits select the low voltage detector threshold from 2.2V to 2.9V for GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices or 2.4V to 4.5V for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices. The low power detector status flag (LVDF) is located in the Power Control/Status Register (PMU_CS). Besides, the low voltage detected event is also connected to the EXTI line 16. Users can generate a corresponding interrupt through configuring the EXTI line 16. The POR/PDR circuit is implemented to detect VDD/VDDA and generate the power reset signal which resets the whole chip except the Backup domain when the supply voltage is lower than the specified threshold. The following figure shows the relationship between the supply voltage and the power reset signal. VPOR indicates the threshold of power on reset, while VPDR means the threshold of power down reset. For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices, VPDR is configurable. There are two VPDR values which can be selected by the PDVSEL bit in the RCU_PDVSEL registers (Refer to Chapter4 RCU registers). When the lower one is selected, it is strongly recommended that neither programming nor erasing is performed to the flash memory since it may fail when the voltage is low enough nearly the threshold. Figure 2-3. Waveform of the power reset VDD/VDDA VPOR Vhyst 50mv VPDR tRSTTEMPO 2ms t Power Reset (Active Low) 25 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 2-4. Waveform of LVD threshold VDD/VDDA LVD threshold 100mV Vhyst t LVD output 2.3.3. 1.2V power domain for GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices The main functions that include Cortex™-M3 logic, AHB/APB peripherals, the APB interfaces for the Backup domain and the VDD domain, etc., are located in the 1.2V power domain. Once the 1.2V is powered up, the POR will generate a reset sequence on the 1.2V power domain. 2.3.4. 1.8V power domain for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices The main functions that include Cortex™-M3 logic, AHB/APB peripherals, the APB interfaces for the Backup domain and the VDD domain, etc., are located in the 1.8V power domain. Once the 1.8V is powered up, the POR will generate a reset sequence on the 1.8V power domain. 2.3.5. Power saving modes After a system reset or a power reset, the GD32F1x0 MCU operates at full function and all power domains are active. Users can achieve lower power consumption through slowing down the system clocks (HCLK, PCLK1, PCLK2) or gating the clocks of the unused peripherals. Besides, three power saving modes are provided to achieve even lower power consumption. They are Sleep mode, Deep-sleep mode, and Standby mode. Sleep Mode The Sleep mode is corresponding to the SLEEPING mode of the Cortex™-M3. In Sleep mode, only clock of Cortex™-M3 is off. To enter the Sleep mode, it is only necessary to clear the SLEEPDEEP bit in the Cortex™-M3 System Control Register, and execute a WFI or WFE instruction. If the Sleep mode is entered by executing a WFI instruction, any interrupt can wake up the system. If it is entered by executing a WFE instruction, any wakeup event can 26 GD32F1x0 User Manual wake up the system. The mode offers the lowest wakeup time as no time is wasted in interrupt entry or exit. According to the SLEEPONEXIT bit in the Cortex™-M3 System Control Register, there are two options to select the Sleep mode entry mechanism. Sleep-now: if the SLEEPONEXIT bit is cleared, the MCU enters Sleep mode as soon as WFI or WFE instruction is executed. Sleep-on-exit: if the SLEEPONEXIT bit is set, the MCU enters Sleep mode as soon as it exits from the lowest priority ISR. Deep-sleep Mode The Deep-sleep mode is based on the SLEEPDEEP mode of the Cortex™-M3. In Deep-sleep mode, all clocks in the 1.2V domain for GD32F130/150xx devices or 1.8V domain for GD32F170/190xx devices are off, and all of IRC8M, IRC14M for GD32F130/150xx devices or IRC28M for GD32F170/190xx devices, HXTAL and PLL are disabled. The LDO can operate normally or in low power mode depending on the LDOLP bit in the PMU_CTL register. Before entering the Deep-sleep mode, it is necessary to set the SLEEPDEEP bit in the Cortex™-M3 System Control Register, and clear the STBMOD bit in the PMU_CTL register. Then, the device enters the Deep-sleep mode after a WFI or WFE instruction is executed. Any interrupt or wakeup event from EXTI lines can wake up the system from the Deep-sleep mode. When exiting the Deep-sleep mode, the IRC8M is selected as the system clock. Notice that an additional wakeup delay will be incurred if the LDO operates in low power mode. Note: In order to enter Deep-sleep mode smoothly, all EXTI line pending status (in the EXTI_PD register) and RTC Alarm must be reset. If not, the program will skip the entry process of Deep-sleep mode to continue to executive the following procedure. Standby Mode The Standby mode is based on the SLEEPDEEP mode of the Cortex™-M3, too. In Standby mode, the whole 1.2V domain for GD32F130/150xx devices or 1.8V domain for GD32F170/190xx devices is power off, the LDO is shut down, and all of IRC8M, IRC14M for GD32F130/150xx devices or IRC28M for GD32F170/190xx devices, HXTAL and PLL are disabled. Before entering the Standby mode, it is necessary to set the SLEEPDEEP bit in the Cortex™-M3 System Control Register, and set the STBMOD bit in the PMU_CTL register, and clear the WUF bit in the PMU_CS register. Then, the device enters the Standby mode after a WFI or WFE instruction is executed. There are five wakeup sources for the Standby mode, including the external reset from NRST pin, the RTC alarm, the FWDGT reset, and the rising edge on WKUP0 or WKUP1 pin. The Standby mode achieves the lowest power consumption, but spends longest time to wake up. Besides, the contents of SRAM and registers (except Backup Registers) are lost in Standby mode. When exiting from the Standby mode, a power-on reset occurs and the Cortex™-M3 will execute instruction code from the 0x0000 0000 address. 27 GD32F1x0 User Manual Table 2-1. Power saving mode summary Mode Sleep Deep-sleep 1. Standby 1. All clocks in the 1.2V 1.2V domain for GD32F130/150xx domain for devices or 1.8V GD32F130/150xx domain for devices or 1.8V domain GD32F170/190xx for GD32F170/190xx Description Only CPU clock devices is power off devices are off is off 2. 2. Disable IRC8M, IRC14M Disable IRC8M, IRC14M for for GD32F130/150xx GD32F130/150xx devices or IRC28M for devices or IRC28M GD32F170/190xx for GD32F170/190xx devices, HXTAL and devices, HXTAL and PLL LDO Status On Configuration SLEEPDEEP = 0 Entry WFI or WFE PLL On or in low power mode Off SLEEPDEEP = 1 SLEEPDEEP = 1 STBMOD = 0 STBMOD = 1, WURST = 1 WFI or WFE WFI or WFE Any interrupt for Wakeup WFI Any interrupt or event from Any event for EXTI lines 1. NRST pin 2. RTC alarm 3. WFE FWDGT reset 4. WKUP0 pin 5. WKUP1 pin IRC8M wakeup time Wakeup None Latency LDO wakeup time if LDO is in Power on sequence low power mode 2.4. PMU registers 2.4.1. Control register (PMU_CTL) For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 (reset by wakeup from Standby mode) This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LVDEN STBRST WURST STBMOD LDOLP Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 11 10 9 8 BKPWEN 7 LVDT[2:0] 28 GD32F1x0 User Manual rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 8 BKPWEN Backup Domain Write Enable rw rw rc_w1 rc_w1 rw rw 0: Disable write access to the registers in Backup domain 1: Enable write access to the registers in Backup domain After reset, any write access to the registers in Backup domain is ignored. This bit has to be set to enable write access to these registers. 7:5 LVDT[2:0] Low Voltage Detector Threshold 000: 2.2V 001: 2.3V 010: 2.4V 011: 2.5V 100: 2.6V 101: 2.7V 110: 2.8V 111: 2.9V 4 LVDEN Low Voltage Detector Enable 0: Disable Low Voltage Detector 1: Enable Low Voltage Detector Note: When LVD_LOCK bit is set to 1 in the SYSCFG_CFG2 register, LVDEN and LVDT[2:0] are read only. 3 STBRST Standby Flag Reset 0: No effect 1: Reset the standby flag This bit is always read as 0. 2 WURST Wakeup Flag Reset 0: No effect 1: Reset the wakeup flag This bit is always read as 0. 1 STBMOD Standby Mode 0: Enter the Deep-sleep mode when the Cortex™-M3 enters SLEEPDEEP mode 1: Enter the Standby mode when the Cortex™-M3 enters SLEEPDEEP mode 0 LDOLP LDO Low Power Mode 0: The LDO operates normally during the Deep-sleep mode 1: The LDO is in low power mode during the Deep-sleep mode Note: Some peripherals may work with the IRC8M clock in the Deep-sleep mode. In this case, the LDO automatically switches from the low power mode to the normal mode and remains in this mode until the peripheral stop working. 29 GD32F1x0 User Manual For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 (reset by wakeup from Standby mode) This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Reserved 8 7 BKPWEN LVDT[2:0] LVDEN STBRST WURST STBMOD LDOLP rw rw rw rc_w1 rc_w1 rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 8 BKPWEN Backup Domain Write Enable 0: Disable write access to the registers in Backup domain 1: Enable write access to the registers in Backup domain After reset, any write access to the registers in Backup domain is ignored. This bit has to be set to enable write access to these registers. 7:5 LVDT[2:0] Low Voltage Detector Threshold 000: 2.4V 001: 2.7V 010: 3.0V 011: 3.3V 100: 3.6V 101: 3.9V 110: 4.2V 111: 4.5V 4 LVDEN Low Voltage Detector Enable 0: Disable Low Voltage Detector 1: Enable Low Voltage Detector Note: When LVD_LOCK bit is set to 1 in the SYSCFG_CFG2 register, LVDEN and LVDT[2:0] are read only. 3 STBRST Standby Flag Reset 0: No effect 1: Reset the standby flag This bit is always read as 0. 2 WURST Wakeup Flag Reset 0: No effect 1: Reset the wakeup flag 30 GD32F1x0 User Manual This bit is always read as 0. 1 STBMOD Standby Mode 0: Enter the Deep-sleep mode when the Cortex™-M3 enters SLEEPDEEP mode 1: Enter the Standby mode when the Cortex™-M3 enters SLEEPDEEP mode 0 LDOLP LDO Low Power Mode 0: the LDO operates normally during the Deep-sleep mode 1: the LDO is in low power mode during the Deep-sleep mode Note: Some peripherals may work with the IRC8M clock in the Deep-sleep mode. In this case, the LDO automatically switches from the low power mode to the normal mode and remains in this mode until the peripheral stop working. 2.4.2. Power control/status register (PMU_CS) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 (not reset by wakeup from Standby mode) This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LVDF STBF WUF r r r Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 11 10 9 WUPEN1 8 WUPEN0 rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9 WUPEN1 WKUP1 Pin Enable Reserved 0: Disable WKUP1 pin function 1: Enable WKEP1 pin function If WUPEN1 is set before entering the power saving mode, a rising edge on the WKUP1 pin wakes up the system from the power saving mode. As the WKUP1 pin is active high, this bit will setup an input pull down mode when the bit is high. 8 WUPEN0 WKUP0 Pin Enable 0: Disenable WKUP0 pin function 1: Enable WKUP0 pin function If WUPEN0 is set before entering the power saving mode, a rising edge on the WKUP0 pin wakes up the system from the power saving mode. As the WKUP0 pin is active high, this bit will setup an input pull down mode when the bit is high. 7:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 2 LVDF Low Voltage Detector Status Flag 31 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: Low Voltage event has not occurred (VDD is higher than the specified LVD threshold) 1: Low Voltage event occurred (VDD is equal to or lower than the specified LVD threshold) Note: The LVD function is stopped in Standby mode. 1 STBF Standby Flag 0: The device has not been in Standby mode 1: The device has been in Standby mode This bit is cleared only by a POR/PDR or by setting the STBRST bit in the PMU_CTL register. 0 WUF Wakeup Flag 0: No wakeup event has been received 1: A wakeup event has been received from the WKUP pin or the RTC alarm This bit is cleared only by a POR/PDR or by setting the WURST bit in the PMU_CTL register. 32 GD32F1x0 User Manual 3. Flash memory controller (FMC) 3.1. Introduction The Flash Memory Controller, FMC, provides all the necessary functions for the on-chip flash memory. There is no waiting time within 32K bytes while CPU executes instruction. It also provides page erase, mass erase, and word/half word program for flash memory. 3.2. Main features For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices: Up to 64 KB of on-chip flash memory for storing instruction/data No waiting time within 32K bytes when CPU executes instruction A long delay when fetch 32K ~ 64K bytes date from flash 3K bytes information block for boot loader 16 bytes option bytes block for user application requirements 1K bytes page size Word or half word programming, page erase and mass erase capability Flash read protection to prevent illegal code/data access Page erase/program protection to prevent unexpected operation For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices: Up to 128 KB of on-chip flash memory for storing instruction/data No waiting time within 32K bytes when CPU executes instruction A long delay when fetch 32K ~ 128K bytes date from flash 3K bytes information block for boot loader 16 bytes option bytes block for user application requirements 1K bytes page size Word or half word programming, page erase and mass erase capability Flash read protection to prevent illegal code/data access Page erase/program protection to prevent unexpected operation 3.3. Function description 3.3.1. Flash memory architecture For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices The flash memory consists of up to 64 KB main flash organized into 64 pages with 1 KB capacity per page and a 3 KB Information Block for the Boot Loader. The main flash memory contains a total of up to 64 pages which can be erased individually. The following table shows 33 GD32F1x0 User Manual the base address, size. Table 3-1. Base address and size for flash memory Block Name Address size(bytes) Page 0 0x0800 0000 - 0x0800 03FF 1KB Page 1 0x0800 0400 - 0x0800 07FF 1KB Page 2 0x0800 0800 - 0x0800 0BFF 1KB . . . . . . . . . Page 63 0x0800 FC00 - 0x0800 FFFF 1KB Information Block Boot Loader 0x1FFF EC00- 0x1FFF F7FF 3KB Option byte Block Option byte 0x1FFF F800 - 0x1FFF F80F 16B Main Flash Block Note: The Information Block stores the bootloader - this block cannot be programmed or erased by user. For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices The flash memory consists of up to 128 KB main flash organized into 128 pages with 1 KB capacity per page and a 3 KB Information Block for the Boot Loader. The main flash memory contains a total of up to 128 pages which can be erased individually. The following table shows the base address, size. Table 3-2 Base address and size for flash memory Block Name Address size(bytes) Page 0 0x0800 0000 - 0x0800 03FF 1KB Page 1 0x0800 0400 - 0x0800 07FF 1KB Page 2 0x0800 0800 - 0x0800 0BFF 1KB . . . . . . . . . Page 127 0x0801 FC00 - 0x0801 FFFF 1KB Information Block Boot Loader 0x1FFF EC00- 0x1FFF F7FF 3KB Option byte Block Option byte 0x1FFF F800 - 0x1FFF F80F 16B Main Flash Block Note: The Information Block stores the bootloader - this block cannot be programmed or erased by user. 3.3.2. Read operations The flash can be addressed directly as a common memory space. Any instruction fetch and the data access from the flash are through the IBUS or DBUS from the CPU. 34 GD32F1x0 User Manual 3.3.3. Unlock the FMC_CTL register After reset, the FMC_CTL register is not accessible in write mode, except for the OBRLD bit, which is used for reloading the option byte, and the LK bit in FMC_CTL register is 1. An unlocking sequence consists of two write operations to the FMC_KEY register can open the access to the FMC_CTL register. The two write operations are writing 0x45670123 and 0xCDEF89AB to the FMC_KEY register. After the two write operations, the LK bit in FMC_CTL register is set to 0 by hardware. The software can lock the FMC_CTL again by setting the LK bit in FMC_CTL register to 1. If there is any wrong operations on the FMC_KEY register, the LK bit in FMC_CTL register will be set, and the FMC_CTL register will be locked, then it will generate a bus error. The OBPG bit and OBER bit in FMC_CTL are also protected by FMC_OBKEY register. The unlocking sequence includes two write operations, which are writing 0x45670123 and 0xCDEF89AB to FMC_OBKEY register. And then set the OBWE bit in FMC_CTL register to 1. The software can set OBWE bit to 0 to protect the OBPG bit and OBER bit in FMC_CTL register again. 3.3.4. Page erase The FMC provides a page erase function which is used for initializing the contents of a Main Flash memory page to a high state. Each page can be erased independently without affecting the contents of other pages. The following steps show the access sequence of the register for a page erase operation. Unlock the FMC_CTL register if necessary. Check the BUSY bit in FMC_STAT register to confirm that no Flash memory operation is in progress (BUSY equal to 0). Otherwise, wait until the operation has been finished. Write the page address into the FMC_ADDR register. Write the page erase command into PER bit in FMC_CTL register. Send the page erase command to the FMC by setting the START bit in FMC_CTL register. Wait until all the operations have been completed by checking the value of the BUSY bit in FMC_STAT register. Read and verify the page if required using a DBUS access. When the operation is executed successfully, an interrupt will be triggered by FMC if the ENDIE bit in the FMC_CTL register is set, and the END in FMC_STAT register is set. Note that a correct target page address must be confirmed. The software may run out of control if the target erase page is being used for fetching codes or accessing data. The FMC will not provide any notification when this occurs. Additionally, the page erase operation will be ignored on protected pages. A Flash Operation Error interrupt will be triggered by the FMC if the ERRIE bit in the FMC_CTL register is set. The software can check the PGERR bit in the FMC_STAT register to detect this condition in the interrupt handler. The end of this operation is indicated by the END bit in the FMC_STAT register. The following figure shows the page erase operation flow. 35 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 3-1. Proccess of page erase operation Start Is the LK bit 0 No Unlock the FMC_CTL Yes No Is the BUSY bit 0 Yes Set the FMC_ADDR, PER bit Send the command to FMC by setting START bit No Is the BUSY bit 0 Yes Finish 3.3.5. Mass erase The FMC provides a complete erase function which is used for initializing the Main Flash Block contents. The following steps show the mass erase register access sequence. Unlock the FMC_CTL register if necessary. Check the BUSY bit in FMC_STAT register to confirm that no Flash memory operation is in progress (BUSY equal to 0). Otherwise, wait until the operation has been finished. Write the mass erase command into MER bit in FMC_CTL register. Send the mass erase command to the FMC by setting the START bit in FMC_CTL register. Wait until all the operations have been completed by checking the value of the BUSY bit in FMC_STAT register. Read and verify the Flash memory if required using a DBUS access. When the operation is executed successfully, an interrupt will be triggered by FMC if the ENDIE bit in the FMC_CTL register is set, and the END in FMC_STAT register is set. Since 36 GD32F1x0 User Manual all flash data will be reset to a value of 0xFFFF_FFFF, the mass erase operation can be implemented using a program that runs in SRAM or by using the debugging tool to access the FMC registers directly. The end of this operation is indicated by the END bit in the FMC_STAT register. (The starting address of programming operation should be 0x08000000) The following figure indicates the mass erase operation flow. Figure 3-2. Process of the mass erase operation Start Is the LK bit 0 No Unlock the FMC_CTL Yes No Is the BUSY bit 0 Yes Set the MER bit Send the command to FMC by setting START bit No Is the BUSY bit 0 Yes Finish 3.3.6. Main flash programming The FMC provides a 32-bit word/16-bit half word programming function which is used to modify the Main Flash memory contents. The following steps show the word programming operation register access sequence. Unlock the FMC_CTL register if necessary. Check the BUSY bit in FMC_STAT register to confirm that no Flash memory operation is in progress (BUSY equal to 0). Otherwise, wait until the operation has been finished. Write the word program command into the PG bit in FMC_CTL register. 37 GD32F1x0 User Manual A 32-bit word/16-bit half word write at desired address by DBUS. Wait until all the operations have been completed by checking the value of the BUSY bit in FMC_STAT register. Read and verify the Flash memory if required using a DBUS access. When the operation is executed successfully, an interrupt will be triggered by FMC if the ENDIE bit in the FMC_CTL register is set, and the END in FMC_STAT register is set. Note that before the word/half word programming operation you should check the address that it has been erased. If the address has not been erased, PGERR bit will set when programming the address except programming 0x0. Additionally, the program operation will be ignored on protected pages. A Flash operation error interrupt will be triggered by the FMC if the ERRIE bit in the FMC_CTL register is set. The software can check the PGERR bit in the FMC_STAT register to detect this condition in the interrupt handler. The end of this operation is indicated by the END bit in the FMC_STAT register. The following figure displays the word programming operation flow. Figure 3-3. Process of the word programming operation Start Is the LK bit 0 No Unlock the FMC_CTL Yes No Is the BUSY bit 0 Yes Set the PG bit Perform word/half word write by DBUS No Is the BUSY bit 0 Yes Finish 3.3.7. Option byte erase The FMC provides an erase function which is used for initializing the option byte block in flash. The following steps show the erase sequence. 38 GD32F1x0 User Manual Unlock the FMC_CTL register if necessary. Unlock the OBWE bit in FMC_CTL register if necessary. Check the BUSY bit in FMC_STAT register to confirm that no Flash memory operation is in progress (BUSY equal to 0). Otherwise, wait until the operation has been finished. Write the option byte erase command into OBER bit in FMC_CTL register. Send the option byte erase command to the FMC by setting the START bit in FMC_CTL register. Wait until all the operations have been completed by checking the value of the BUSY bit in FMC_STAT register. Read and verify the Flash memory if required using a DBUS access. When the operation is executed successfully, an interrupt will be triggered by FMC if the ENDIE bit in the FMC_CTL register is set, and the END in FMC_STAT register is set. The end of this operation is indicated by the END bit in the FMC_STAT register. 3.3.8. Option byte programming The FMC provides a 32-bit word/16-bit half word programming function which is used for modifying the option byte block contents. The following steps show the programming operation sequence. Unlock the FMC_CTL register if necessary. Unlock the OBWE bit in FMC_CTL register if necessary. Check the BUSY bit in FMC_STAT register to confirm that no Flash memory operation is in progress (BUSY equal to 0). Otherwise, wait until the operation has been finished. Write the program command into the OBPG bit in FMC_CTL register. A 32-bit word/16-bit half word write at desired address by DBUS. Wait until all the operations have been completed by checking the value of the BUSY bit in FMC_STAT register. Read and verify the Flash memory if required using a DBUS access. When the operation is executed successfully, an interrupt will be triggered by FMC if the ENDIE bit in the FMC_CTL register is set, and the END in FMC_STAT register is set. Note that before the word/half word programming operation you should check the address that it has been erased. If the address has not been erased, PGERR bit will set when programming the address except programming 0x0. The end of this operation is indicated by the END bit in the FMC_STAT register. 3.3.9. Option byte description The option bytes block of flash memory reloaded to FMC_OBSTAT and FMC_WP registers after each system reset or OBRLD bit set in FMC_CTL register, and the option bytes work. The option complement bytes are the opposite of option bytes. When option bytes reload, if the option complement bytes and option bytes does not match, the OBER bit in FMC_OBSTAT register is set, and the option byte is set to 0xFF. The following table is the detail of option bytes. 39 GD32F1x0 User Manual Table 3-3. Option byte Address Name Description option byte Security Protection Code 0x1fff f800 OB_SPC 0xA5: No protection any value except 0xA5 or 0xCC: Protection level low 0xCC: Protection level high 0x1fff f801 OB_SPC_N OB_SPC complement value option byte which user defined [7]: Reserved [6]: OB_SRAM_PARITY_CHECK 0: Enable sram parity check 1: Disable sram parity check [5]: OB_VDDA_VISOR 0: Disable VDDA monitor 1: Enable VDDA monitor [4]: OB_BOOT1_n 0: BOOT1 bit is 1 0x1fff f802 OB_USER 1: BOOT1 bit is 0 [3]: Reserved [2]: OB_STDBY_RSTn 0: Generate a reset instead of entering standby mode 1: No reset when entering standby mode [1]: OB_DSLP_RSTn 0: Generate a reset instead of entering Deep-sleep mode 1: No reset when entering Deep-sleep mode [0]: OB_WDG_SW 0: Hardware free watchdog timer 1: Software free watchdog timer 3.3.10. 0x1fff f803 OB_USER_N OB_USER complement value 0x1fff f804 OB_DATA[7:0] user defined data bit 7 to 0 0x1fff f805 OB_DATA_N[7:0] 0x1fff f806 OB_DATA[15:8] 0x1fff f807 OB_DATA_N[15:8] OB_DATA complement value bit 15 to 8 0x1fff f808 OB_WP[7:0] Page Erase/Program Protection bit 7 to 0 0x1fff f809 OB_WP_N[7:0] 0x1fff f80a OB_WP[15:8] 0x1fff f80b OB_WP_N[15:8] OB_DATA complement value bit 7 to 0 user defined data bit 15 to 8 OB_WP complement value bit 7 to 0 Page Erase/Program Protection bit 15 to 8 OB_WP complement value bit 15 to 8 Page erase/Program protection The FMC provides page erase/program protection functions to prevent inadvertent operations 40 GD32F1x0 User Manual on the Flash memory. The page erase or program will not be accepted by the FMC on protected pages. If the page erase or program command is sent to the FMC on a protected page, the WPERR bit in the FMC_STAT register will then be set by the FMC. If the WPERR bit is set and the ERRIE bit is also set to 1 to enable the corresponding interrupt, then the Flash operation error interrupt will be triggered by the FMC to get the attention of the CPU. The page protection function can be individually enabled by configuring the OB_WP [15:0] bit field to 0 in the option byte. If a page erase operation is executed on the Option Byte region, all the Flash Memory page protection functions will be disabled. When setting or resetting OB_WP in the option byte, the software need to set OBRLD in FMC_CTL register or a system reset to reload the OB_WP bits. The following table shows which pages are protected by set OB_WP [15:0]. Table 3-4. OB_WP bit for pages protected OB_WP bit pages protected OB_WP[0] page0 ~ page 3 OB_WP[1] page4 ~ page 7 OB_WP[2] page8 ~ page 11 . . . . . . OB_WP[14] page56 ~ page59 OB_WP[15] for GD32F130xx page60 ~ page63 and GD32F150xx devices OB_WP[15] for GD32F170xx page60 ~ page127 and GD32F190xx devices 3.3.11. Security protection The FMC provides a security protection function to prevent illegal code/data access on the Flash memory. This function is useful for protecting the software/firmware from illegal users. There are 3 levels for protecting: No protection: when setting OB_SPC byte and its complement value to 0xA55A, no protection performed. The main flash and option bytes block are accessible by all operations. Protection level low: when setting OB_SPC byte and its complement value to any value except 0xA55A or 0xCC33, protection level low performed. The main flash can only be accessed by user code. In debug mode, boot from SRAM or boot from boot loader mode, all operations to main flash is forbidden. If a read operation is executed to main flash in debug mode, boot from SRAM or boot from boot loader mode, a bus error will be generated. If a program/erase operation is executed to main flash in debug mode, boot from SRAM or boot from boot loader mode, the PGERR bit in FMC_STAT register will be set. At protection level low, option bytes block are accessible by all operations. If program back to no protection level by setting OB_SPC byte and its complement value to 0xA55A, a mass erase for main flash will be performed. 41 GD32F1x0 User Manual Protection level high: when set OB_SPC byte and its complement value to 0xCC33, protection level high performed. When this level is programmed in debug mode, boot from SRAM or boot from boot loader mode is disabled. All operations are from user code. The main flash block is accessible by all operations. The option byte cannot be erased, and the OB_SPC byte and its complement value cannot be reprogrammed. So, if protection level high is programmed, it cannot move back to protection level low or no protection level. 3.4. FMC registers 3.4.1. Wait state register (FMC_WS) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved WSCNT[2:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 2:0 WSCNT[2:0] Wait state counter register These bits set and reset by software. The WSCNT valid when WSEN bit is set 000: 0 wait state added 001: 1 wait state added 010: 2 wait state added 011 ~ 111: Reserved 3.4.2. Unlock key register (FMC_KEY) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 KEY[31:16] w 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 42 GD32F1x0 User Manual KEY[15:0] w Bits Fields Descriptions 31:0 KEY[31:0] FMC_CTL unlock registers These bits are only be written by software Write KEY[31:0] with key to unlock FMC_CTL register. 3.4.3. Option byte unlock key register (FMC_OBKEY) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OBKEY[31:16] w 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 OBKEY[15:0] w Bits Fields Descriptions 31:0 OBKEY[31:0] FMC_CTL option byte operation unlock registers These bits are only be written by software Write OBKEY[31:0] with key to unlock option byte command in FMC_CTL register. 3.4.4. Status register (FMC_STAT) Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 WPER Reserved PGER Reserve R . R d Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 6 END rw Bits Fields BUSY rw rw r Descriptions 43 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 5 END End of operation flag bit When the operation executed successfully, this bit is set by hardware. The software can clear it by writing 1. 4 WPERR Erase/Program protection error flag bit When erasing/programming on protected pages, this bit is set by hardware. The software can clear it by writing 1. 3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 2 PGERR Program error flag bit When programming to the flash while it is not 0xFFFF, this bit is set by hardware. The software can clear it by writing 1. 1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 0 BUSY The flash busy bit When the operation is in progress, this bit is set to 1. When the operation is end or an error generated, this bit is clear to 0. 3.4.5. Control register (FMC_CTL) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000 0080 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 2 1 0 MER PER PG rw rw rw Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 OBR ENDI Rese ERRI OBW Rese Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 STA OBE OBP Rese RT R G rved rw rw rw LK LD E rw rw rved E E rw rw rved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 13 OBRLD Option byte reload bit This bit is set by software. 0: No effect 1: Force option byte reload, and generate a system reset 12 ENDIE End of operation interrupt enable bit This bit is set or cleared by software. 0: No interrupt generated by hardware 44 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: End of operation interrupt enable 11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 10 ERRIE Error interrupt enable bit This bit is set or cleared by software. 0: No interrupt generated by hardware 1: Error interrupt enable 9 OBWE Option byte erase/program enable bit This bit is set by hardware when right sequence written to FMC_OBKEY register. This bit can be cleared by software. 8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7 LK FMC_CTL lock bit This bit is cleared by hardware when right sequent written to FMC_KEY register. This bit can be set by software. 6 START Send erase command to FMC bit This bit is set by software to send erase command to FMC. This bit is cleared by hardware when the BUSY bit is cleared. 5 OBER Option byte erase command bit This bit is set or cleared by software. 0: No effect 1: Option byte erase command 4 OBPG Option byte program command bit This bit is set or cleared by software. 0: No effect 1: Option byte program command 3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 2 MER Main flash mass erase command bit This bit is set or cleared by software. 0: No effect 1: Main flash mass erase command 1 PER Main flash page erase command bit This bit is set or cleared by software. 0: No effect 1: Main flash page erase command 0 PG Main flash page program command bit This bit is set or cleared by software. 0: No effect 1: Main flash page program command 45 GD32F1x0 User Manual 3.4.6. Address register (FMC_ADDR) Address offset: 0x14 Reset value: 0x0000 0080 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 1 0 17 16 1 0 ADDR[31:16] rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ADDR[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:0 ADDR[31:0] Flash command address bits These bits are set by software. ADDR bits are the address of flash erase command 3.4.7. Option byte status register (FMC_OBSTAT) Address offset: 0x1C Reset value: 0xXXXX XX0X This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 OB_DATA[15:0] r 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 OB_USER[7:0] 6 5 4 Reserved r 3 2 PLEVEL[1:0] OBER r r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 OB_DATA[15:0] Store OB_DATA[15:0] of option byte block after system reset 15:8 OB_USER[7:0] Store OB_USER byte of option byte block after system reset 2:1 PLEVEL[1:0] Security Protection level 00: No protection level 01: Protect level low 11: Protect level high 0 OBER Option byte read error bit. This bit is set by hardware when the option byte and its complement byte do not match, and the option byte set 0xFF. 46 GD32F1x0 User Manual 3.4.8. Write protection register (FMC_WP) Address offset: 0x20 Reset value: 0x0000 XXXX This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 1 0 17 16 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 OB_WP[15:0] r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:0 OB_WP[15:0] Store OB_WP[15:0] of option byte block after system reset 0: Protection active 1: Unprotected 3.4.9. Wait state enable register (FMC_WSEN) For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices Address offset: 0xFC Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 Resrved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Reserved WSEN rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 0 WSEN FMC wait state enable register This bit set and reset by software. This bit also protected by the FMC_KEY register. There need writing 0x45670123 and 0xCDEF89AB to the FMC_KEY register. 0: No wait state added when fetching flash 1: Wait state added when fetching flash 47 GD32F1x0 User Manual For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0xFC Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 1 0 BPE WSE N N rw rw Resrved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 BPEN FMC bit program enable register This bit set and reset by software. 0: No effect, write page must check if flash is “FF” 1: Write page donot check the flash is FF. The FMC can program each bit. 0 WSEN FMC wait state enable register This bit set and reset by software. This bit is also protected by the FMC_KEY register. The software need writing 0x45670123 and 0xCDEF89AB to the FMC_KEY register. 0: No wait state added when fetching flash 1: Wait state added when fetching flash 3.4.10. Product ID register (FMC_PID) Address offset: 0x100 Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 1 0 PID[31:16] r 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 PID[15:0] r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:0 PID[31:0] Product reserved ID code register1 48 GD32F1x0 User Manual These bits are read only by software. These bits are unchanged constantly after power on. These bits are one time programmed when the chip product. 49 GD32F1x0 User Manual 4. Reset and clock unit (RCU) 4.1. Reset control unit (RCTL) 4.1.1. Introduction GD32F1x0 Reset Control includes the control of three kinds of reset: power reset, system reset and backup domain reset. The power on reset, known as a cold reset, resets the full system except the Backup domain during a power up. A system reset resets the processor core and peripheral IP components with the exception of the SW-DP controller and the Backup domain. A backup domain reset resets the Backup domain. The resets can be triggered by an external signal, internal events and the reset generators. More information about these resets will be described in the following sections. 4.1.2. Function description Power Reset The Power reset is generated by either an external reset as Power On and Power Down reset (POR/PDR reset), or by the internal reset generator when exiting Standby mode. The power reset sets all registers to their reset values except the Backup domain. The Power reset which active signal is low will be de-asserted when the internal LDO voltage regulator is ready to provide 1.2V power for GD32F130/150xx devices or 1.8V power for GD32F170/190xx devices power. The RESET service routine vector is fixed at address 0x0000_0004 in the memory map. System Reset A system reset is generated by the following events: A power on reset (PORRESETn) A external pin reset (NRST) A window watchdog timer reset (WWDGT_RSTn) A free watchdog timer reset (FWDGT_RSTn) The SYSRESETREQ bit in Cortex™-M3 Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register is set (SW_RSTn) Option byte loader reset (OBL_RSTn) Reset generated when entering Standby mode when resetting OB_STDBY_RSTn bit in User Option Bytes (OB_STDBY_RSTn) Reset generated when entering Deep-sleep mode when resetting OB_DSLP_RSTn bit in User Option Bytes (OB_DSLP_RSTn) A system reset pulse generator guarantees low level pulse duration of 20 μs for each reset source (external or internal reset). 50 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 4-1. The system reset circuit NRST Filter PORRESETn WWDGT_RSTn FWDGT_RSTn min 20 us pulse generator Sys tem Res et SW_RSTn OB_STDBY_RSTn OB_DEEPSLEEP_RSTn OBL_RSTn Backup domain reset A backup domain reset is generated by setting the BKPRST bit in the Backup domain control register or Backup domain power on reset (VDD or VBAT power on, if both supplies have previously been powered off). 4.2. Clock control unit (CCTL) 4.2.1. Introduction The Clock Control unit provides a range of frequencies and clock functions. These include a Internal 8 MHz RC oscillator (IRC8M), a Internal 14 MHz RC oscillator (IRC14M) for GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices or a Internal 28 MHz RC oscillator (IRC28M) for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices, a High speed crystal oscillator (HXTAL), Internal 40KHz RC oscillator (IRC40K), a Low speed crystal oscillator (LXTAL), a Phase Lock Loop (PLL), a HXTAL clock monitor, clock prescalers, clock multiplexers and clock gating circuitry. The clocks of the AHB, APB and Cortex™-M3 are derived from the system clock (CK_SYS) which can source from the IRC8M, HXTAL or PLL. The maximum operating frequency of the system clock (CK_SYS) can be up to 72 MHz. The Free Watchdog Timer has independent clock source (IRC40K), and Real Time Clock (RTC) use the IRC40K, LXTAL or HXTAL/32 as its clock source. 51 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 4-2. Clock tree of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices CK_ LXTAL 1 ÷24 4 0 CK_CEC (to CEC) CECSEL USBD Prescaler ÷1,1.5,2 CK_USB (to USB) CK_I2S (to I2S) CK_FMC SCS[1:0 ] FMC enable (by hardware) (to FMC) HCLK CK_IRC8M 00 8 MHz IRC8M / 2 0 PLL 1 CK_PLL 1 0 AHB enable CK_SYS 72 MHz max AHB Prescaler ÷1,2...512 (to AHB bus,Cortex-M3,SRAM,DMA) CK_CST CK_AHB ÷8 72 MHz max (to Cortex-M3 SysTick) FCLK HXTALPRE DV 4-32 MHz HXTAL PLLSEL PLLEN 01 Clock Monitor ÷1,2. ..16 (free running clock) TIMER1,2,5,1 3 ÷[apb1 prescaler/2] CK_TIMERx TIMERx enable to TIMER1,2,5,13 CK_HXTAL /32 APB1 Prescaler ÷1,2,4,8,16 11 CK_APB1 PCLK1 72 MHz max to APB1 peripherals Peripheral enable 32.768 KHz LXTAL 0 1 CK_RTC (to RTC) 10 40 KHz IRC40K RTCSRC[1:0] CK_FWDGT (to FWDGT) TIMER0,14,1 5,16 ÷[apb2 prescaler/2] APB2 Prescaler ÷1,2,4,8,16 CK_TIMERx TIMERx enable to TIMER0,14,15,16 CK_APB2 PCLK2 to APB2 peripherals 72 MHz max Peripheral enable CK_OUT ÷1,2,4...128 CKOUTDIV 0 CK_IRC14M CK_IRC40K CK_ LXTAL CK_SYS CK_IRC8M CK_HXTAL *1,2 CK_PLL ADC Prescaler ÷2,4,6,8 1 CK_ADC to ADC 0 14 MHz max ADCSEL 14 MHz IRC14M CK_IRC8M 11 CK_LXTAL 10 CK_SYS 01 CK_USART0 to USART0 00 52 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 4-3. Clock tree of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices CK_LXTAL 1 ÷24 4 0 CK_CEC (to CEC) CECSEL CK_I2S (to I2S) CK_FMC SCS[1:0 ] FMC enable (by hardware) (to FMC) HCLK CK_IRC8M 00 8 MHz IRC8M / 2 0 PLL 1 CK_PLL 1 0 AHB enable CK_SYS 72 MHz max AHB Prescaler ÷1,2...512 (to AHB bus,Cortex-M3,SRAM,DMA) CK_CST CK_AHB ÷8 72 MHz max (to Cortex-M3 SysTick) FCLK HXTALPRE DV 4-32 MHz HXTAL PLLSEL 01 PLLEN Clock Monitor ÷1,2. ..16 (free running clock) TIMER1,2,5,1 3 ÷[apb1 prescaler/2] CK_TIMERx to TIMER1,2,5,13 TIMERx enable CK_HXTAL /32 APB1 Prescaler ÷1,2,4,8,16 11 CK_APB1 PCLK1 to APB1 peripherals 72 MHz max Peripheral enable 32.768 KHz LXTAL CK_RTC(CK_SLCD) 0 1 (to RTC or SLCD) 10 40 KHz IRC40K RTCSRC[1:0] CK_FWDGT (to FWDGT) TIMER0,14,1 5,16 ÷[apb2 prescaler/2] APB2 Prescaler ÷1,2,4,8,16 CK_TIMERx to TIMER0,14,15, 16 TIMERx enable CK_APB2 PCLK2 to APB2 peripherals 72 MHz max Peripheral enable 0 CK_OUT0 ÷1,2,4...128 CKOUT0DIV CK_OUT1 ÷1,2,3...64 CKOUT1DIV CK_IRC28M CK_IRC40K CK_LXTAL CK_SYS CK_IRC8M CK_HXTAL *1,2 CK_PLL 0 CK_IRC28M CK_IRC40K CK_LXTAL CK_SYS CK_IRC8M CK_HXTAL *1,2 CK_PLL ADC Prescaler ÷2,4,6,8 1 CK_ADC to ADC 0 28 MHz max ADCSEL 28 MHz IRC28M ÷1,2 CK_IRC8M 11 CK_LXTAL 10 0 1 00 CK_SYS CK_USART0 to USART0 The frequency of AHB, APB2 and the APB1 domains can be configured by each prescaler. The maximum frequency of the AHB and the APB2/APB1 domains is 72 MHz. When using I2Cx peripherals, APB1 clock need to ensure that no more than 36MHz.The Cortex System Timer (SysTick) external clock is clocked with the AHB clock (HCLK) divided by 8. The SysTick can work either with this clock or with the Cortex clock (HCLK), configurable in the SysTick Control and Status Register. The ADC is clocked by the clock of APB2 divided by 2, 4, 6, 8 or IRC14M clock selected for GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices or 2, 4, 6, 8 or IRC28M or IRC28M/2 clock for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices selected by ADCSEL bit in Configuration register 2 (RCU_CFG2). The USART0 is clocked by IRC8M clock or LXTAL clock or system clock or APB2 clock, which selected by USART0SEL bits in Configuration register 2 (RCU_CFG2). The CEC clock is clocked by IRC8M divided 244 or LXTAL clock which selected by CECSEL bit in Configuration register 2 (RCU_CFG2). The RTC or SLCD (for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices only) is clocked by LXTAL 53 GD32F1x0 User Manual clock or IRC40K clock or HXTAL clock divided by 32 which select by RTCSRC bit in Backup Domain Control Register (RCU_BDCTL). The FWDGT is clocked by IRC40K clock, which is forced on when FWDGT started. If the APB prescaler is 1, the timer clock frequencies are set to AHB frequency divide by 1. Otherwise, they are set to the AHB frequency divide by half of APB prescaler. 4.2.2. Main features 4 to 32 MHz High speed crystal oscillator (HXTAL) Internal 8 MHz RC oscillator (IRC8M) Internal 14 MHz RC oscillator (IRC14M) for GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices or Internal 28 MHz RC oscillator (IRC28M) for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices 4.2.3. 32,768 Hz Low speed crystal oscillator (LXTAL) Internal 40KHz RC oscillator (IRC40K) PLL clock source can be HXTAL or IRC8M HXTAL clock monitor Function description High Speed Crystal Oscillator (HXTAL) The high speed crystal oscillator (HXTAL), which has a frequency from 4 to 32 MHz, produces a highly accurate clock source for use as the system clock. A crystal with a specific frequency must be connected and located close to the two HXTAL pins. The external resistor and capacitor components connected to the crystal are necessary for proper oscillation. OSCIN OSCOUT Crystal C1 C2 The HXTAL crystal oscillator can be switched on or off using the HXTALEN bit in the Control register 0, RCU_CTL0. The HXTALSTB flag in Control register 0, RCU_CTL0 indicates if the high-speed external crystal oscillator is stable. When the HXTAL is powered up, it will not be released for use until this HXTALSTB bit is set by the hardware. This specific delay period is known as the oscillator “Start-up time”. As the HXTAL becomes stable, an interrupt will be generated if the related interrupt enable bit HXTALSTBIE in the Interrupt register RCU_INT is set. At this point the HXTAL clock can be used directly as the system clock source or the PLL input clock. 54 GD32F1x0 User Manual Select external clock bypass mode by setting the HXTALBPS and HXTALEN bits in the Control register 0, RCU_CTL0. The CK_HXTAL is equal to the external clock which drives the OSCIN pin. Internal 8 MHz RC Oscillator (IRC8M) The Internal 8 MHz RC oscillator, IRC8M, has a fixed frequency of 8 MHz and is the default clock source selection for the CPU when the device is powered up. The IRC8M oscillator provides a lower cost type clock source as no external components are required. The IRC8M RC oscillator can be switched on or off using the IRC8MEN bit in the Control register 0, RCU_CTL0. The IRC8MSTB flag in the Control register 0, RCU_CTL0 is used to indicate if the internal RC oscillator is stable. The start-up time of the IRC8M oscillator is shorter than the HXTAL crystal oscillator. An interrupt can be generated if the related interrupt enable bit, IRC8MSTBIE, in the Interrupt register, RCU_INT, is set when the IRC8M becomes stable. The IRC8M clock can also be used as the PLL input clock. The frequency accuracy of the IRC8M can be calibrated by the manufacturer, but its operating frequency is still less accurate than HXTAL. The application requirements, environment and cost will determine which oscillator type is selected. If the HXTAL or PLL is the system clock source, to minimize the time required for the system to recover from the Deep-sleep Mode, the hardware forces the IRC8M clock to be the system clock when the system initially wakes-up. Phase Locked Loop (PLL) The internal Phase Locked Loop, PLL, can provide 16~72 MHz clock output which is 2 ~32 multiples of a fundamental reference frequency of 4 ~ 32 MHz. The PLL can be switched on or off by using the PLLEN bit in the Control register 0, RCU_CTL0. The PLLSTB flag in the Control register 0, RCU_CTL0 will indicate if the PLL clock is stable. An interrupt can be generated if the related interrupt enable bit, PLLSTBIE, in the Interrupt register, RCU_INT, is set as the PLL becomes stable. Internal 14 MHz RC Oscillator (IRC14M) for GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices The Internal 14 MHz RC Oscillator, IRC14M, has a fixed frequency of 14 MHz and dedicated as ADC clock. The IRC14M RC oscillator can be switched on or off using the IRC14MEN bit in the Control register 1 (RCU_CTL1). The IRC14MSTB flag in the Control register 1 (RCU_CTL1) is used to indicate if the internal 14M RC oscillator is stable. An interrupt can be generated if the related interrupt enable bit, IRC14MSTBIE, in the Interrupt register, RCU_INT, is set when the IRC14M becomes stable. Internal 28 MHz RC Oscillator (IRC28M) for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices The Internal 28 MHz RC Oscillator, IRC28M, has a fixed frequency of 28 MHz and dedicated as ADC clock. The IRC28M RC oscillator can be switched on or off using the IRC28MEN bit in the Control register 1 (RCU_CTL1). The IRC28MSTB flag in the Control register 1 (RCU_CTL1) is used to indicate if the internal 28M RC oscillator is stable. An interrupt can 55 GD32F1x0 User Manual be generated if the related interrupt enable bit, IRC28MSTBIE, in the Interrupt register, RCU_INT, is set when the IRC28M becomes stable. Low Speed Crystal Oscillator (LXTAL) The low speed crystal or ceramic resonator oscillator, which has a frequency of 32,768 Hz, produces a low power but highly accurate clock source for the Real Time Clock circuit. The LXTAL oscillator can be switched on or off using the LXTALEN bit in the Backup Domain Control Register (RCU_BDCTL). The LXTALSTB flag in the Backup Domain Control Register (RCU_BDCTL) will indicate if the LXTAL clock is stable. An interrupt can be generated if the related interrupt enable bit, LXTALSTBIE, in the Interrupt register RCU_INT is set when the LXTAL becomes stable. Select external clock bypass mode by setting the LXTALBPS and LXTALEN bits in the Backup Domain Control Register (RCU_BDCTL). The CK_LXTAL is equal to the external clock which drives the OSC32IN pin. Internal 40KHz RC Oscillator (IRC40K) The Internal 40KHz RC Oscillator has a frequency of about 40 kHz and is a low power clock source for the Real Time Clock circuit or the Free Watchdog Timer. The IRC40K offers a low cost clock source as no external components are required. The IRC40K RC oscillator can be switched on or off by using the IRC40KEN bit in the Reset Source/Clock Register, RCU_RSTSCK. The IRC40KSTB flag in the Reset Source/Clock Register RCU_RSTSCK will indicate if the IRC40K clock is stable. An interrupt can be generated if the related interrupt enable bit IRC40KSTBIE in the Interrupt register RCU_INT is set when the IRC40K becomes stable. System Clock (CK_SYS) Selection After the system reset, the default CK_SYS source will be IRC8M and can be switched to HXTAL or PLL by changing the System Clock Switch bits, SCS, in the Configuration register 0, RCU_CFG0. When the SCS value is changed, the CK_SYS will continue to operate using the original clock source until the target clock source is stable. When a clock source is used directly by the CK_SYS or the PLL, it is not possible to stop it. HXTAL Clock Monitor (CKM) The HXTAL clock monitor function is enabled by the HXTAL Clock Monitor Enable bit, CKMEN, in the Control register 0, RCU_CTL0. This function should be enabled after the HXTAL start-up delay and disabled when the HXTAL is stopped. Once the HXTAL failure is detected, the HXTAL will be automatically disabled. The HXTAL Clock Stuck Flag, CKMIF, in the Interrupt register, RCU_INT, will be set and the HXTAL failure event will be generated. This failure interrupt is connected to the Non-Maskable Interrupt, NMI, of the Cortex-M3. If the HXTAL is selected as the clock source of CK_SYS or PLL, the HXTAL failure will force the CK_SYS source to IRC8M and the PLL will be disabled automatically Clock Output Capability 56 GD32F1x0 User Manual For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices The clock output capability is ranging from 32 kHz to 54 MHz. There are several clock signals can be selected via the CK_OUT Clock Source Selection bits, CKOUTSEL, in the Configuration register 0 (RCU_CFG0). The corresponding GPIO pin should be configured in the properly Alternate Function I/O (AFIO) mode to output the selected clock signal. Table 4-1. Clock source select Clock Source Selection bits Clock Source 000 No Clock 001 CK_IRC14M 010 CK_IRC40K 011 CK_LXTAL 100 CK_SYS 101 CK_IRC8M 110 CK_HXTAL 111 CK_PLL or CK_PLL/2 The CK_OUT frequency can be reduced by a configurable binary divider, controlled by the CKOUTDIV[2:0] bits , in the Configuration register 0 (RCU_CFG0). For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices The clock output capability is ranging from 32 kHz to 54 MHz. There are several clock signals can be selected via the CK_OUT0 Clock Source Selection bits, CKOUT0SEL, in the Configuration register 0 (RCU_CFG0) and CKOUT1SRC in the Configuration register 3 (RCU_CFG3). The corresponding GPIO pin should be configured in the properly Alternate Function I/O (AFIO) mode to output the selected clock signal. Table 4-2. Clock source select Clock Source Selection bits Clock Source 000 No Clock 001 CK_IRC28M 010 CK_IRC40K 011 CK_LXTAL 100 CK_SYS 101 CK_IRC8M 110 CK_HXTAL 111 CK_PLL or CK_PLL/2 The CK_OUT0 frequency can be reduced by a configurable binary divider, controlled by the CKOUT0DIV[2:0] bits , in the Configuration register 0 (RCU_CFG0). The CK_OUT1 is seleced by CKOUT1SRC, in the Configuration register 3 (RCU_CFG3). The CK_OUT1 frequency can be reduced by a configurable binary divider, controlled by the CKOUT1DIV[2:0] bits , in the Configuration register 3 (RCU_CFG3). Deep-sleep mode clock control 57 GD32F1x0 User Manual When the MCU is in Deep-sleep mode, the HDMI CEC or USART0 can wake up the MCU, when their clock is provided by LXTAL clock and LXTAL clock is enable. If the HDMI CEC or USART0 clock is selected IRC8M clock in Deep-sleep mode, they have capable of open IRC8M clock or close IRC8M clock, which used to the HDMI CEC or USART0 to wake up the Deep-sleep mode. Voltage control For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices The power down reset can be controlled by PDR_S bit in the Power down voltage select register (RCU_PDVSEL). If the PDR_S bit is 0, the power down reset assert when the VDD is below 2.6V. If the PDR_S bit is 1, the power down reset assert when the VDD is below 1.8V. When the PDR_S bit is 1 and VDD is below 2.6V, the flash program/erase cannot be used. The core domain voltage in Deep-sleep mode can be controlled by DSLPVS[2:0] bit in the Deep-sleep mode voltage register (RCU_DSV). Table 4-3. Core domain voltage selected in Deep-sleep mode DSLPVS[2:0] Deep-sleep mode voltage(V) 000 1.2 001 1.1 010 1.0 011 0.9 100 ~ 111 reserved The RCU_PDVSEL and RCU_DSV register are protected by Voltage Key register (RCU_VKEY). Only after write 0x1A2B3C4D to the RCU_VKEY register, the RCU_PDVSEL and RCU_DSV register can be write. For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices The core domain voltage in Deep-sleep mode can be controlled by DSLPVS[2:0] bit in the Deep-sleep mode voltage register (RCU_DSV). Table 4-4. Core domain voltage selected in Deep-sleep mode DSLPVS[2:0] Deep-sleep mode voltage(V) 000 1.8 001 1.6 010 1.4 011 1.2 100 ~ 111 reserved The RCU_PDVSEL and RCU_DSV register are protected by Voltage Key register (RCU_VKEY). Only after write 0x1A2B3C4D to the RCU_VKEY register, the RCU_PDVSEL and RCU_DSV register can be write. 58 GD32F1x0 User Manual 4.3. RCU registers 4.3.1. Control register 0 (RCU_CTL0) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 XX83 where X is undefined. This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 CKMEN HXTALBPS HXTALSTB HXTALEN rw rw r rw 3 2 1 0 Reserved. IRC8MSTB IRC8MEN r rw PLL Reserved PLLSTB Reserved EN 15 14 13 12 11 10 r rw 9 8 7 6 5 4 IRC8MCALIB[7:0] IRC8MADJ[4:0] r rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:26 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 25 PLLSTB PLL Clock Stabilization Flag Set by hardware to indicate if the PLL output clock is stable and ready for use. 0: PLL is not stable 1: PLL is stable 24 PLLEN PLL enable Set and reset by software. This bit cannot be reset if the PLL clock is used as the system clock. Reset by hardware when entering Deep-sleep or Standby mode. 0: PLL is switched off 1: PLL is switched on 23:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 19 CKMEN HXTAL Clock Monitor Enable 0: Disable the External 4 ~ 32 MHz crystal oscillator (HXTAL) clock monitor 1: Enable the External 4 ~ 32 MHz crystal oscillator (HXTAL) clock monitor When the hardware detects that the HXTAL clock is stuck at a low or high state, the internal hardware will switch the system clock to be the internal high speed IRC8M RC clock. The way to recover the original system clock is by either an external reset, power on reset or clearing CKMIF by software. Note: When the HXTAL clock monitor is enabled, the hardware will automatically enable the IRC8M internal RC oscillator regardless of the control bit, IRC8MEN, state. 18 HXTALBPS External crystal oscillator (HXTAL) clock bypass mode enable The HXTALBPS bit can be written only if the HXTALEN is 0. 59 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: Disable the HXTAL Bypass mode 1: Enable the HXTAL Bypass mode in which the HXTAL output clock is equal to the input clock. 17 HXTALSTB External crystal oscillator (HXTAL) clock stabilization flag Set by hardware to indicate if the HXTAL oscillator is stable and ready for use. 0: HXTAL oscillator is not stable 1: HXTAL oscillator is stable 16 HXTALEN External High Speed oscillator Enable Set and reset by software. This bit cannot be reset if the HXTAL clock is used as the system clock or the PLL input clock. Reset by hardware when entering Deepsleep or Standby mode. 0: External 4 ~ 32 MHz crystal oscillator disabled 1: External 4 ~ 32 MHz crystal oscillator enabled 15:8 IRC8MCALIB[7:0] High Speed Internal Oscillator calibration value register These bits are load automatically at power on. 7:3 IRC8MADJ[4:0] High Speed Internal Oscillator clock trim adjust value These bits are set by software. The trimming value is there bits (IRC8MADJ) added to the IRC8MCALIB[7:0] bits. The trimming value should trim the IRC8M to 8 MHz ± 1%. 2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 1 IRC8MSTB IRC8M High Speed Internal Oscillator stabilization Flag Set by hardware to indicate if the IRC8M oscillator is stable and ready for use. 0: IRC8M oscillator is not stable 1: IRC8M oscillator is stable 0 IRC8MEN Internal High Speed oscillator Enable Set and reset by software. This bit cannot be reset if the IRC8M clock is used as the system clock. Set by hardware when leaving Deep-sleep or Standby mode or the HXTAL clock is stuck at a low or high state when HXTALCKM is set. 0: Internal 8 MHz RC oscillator disabled 1: Internal 8 MHz RC oscillator enabled 4.3.2. Configuration register 0 (RCU_CFG0) For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 60 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31 30 PLLDV 29 28 27 CKOUTDIV[2:0] rw 14 13 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 PLLMF[4] CKOUTSEL[2:0] USBDPSC[1:0] PLLMF[3:0] PLLPREDV PLLSEL rw rw rw rw rw rw 1 0 rw 15 26 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ADCPSC[1:0] APB2PSC[2:0] APB1PSC[2:0] AHBPSC[3:0] SCSS[1:0] SCS[1:0] rw rw rw rw r rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31 PLLDV The CK_PLL divide by 1 or 2 for CK_OUT 0: CK_PLL divide by 2 for CK_OUT 1: CK_PLL divide by 1 for CK_OUT 30:28 CKOUTDIV[2:0] The CK_OUT divider which the CK_OUT frequency can be reduced see bits 26:24 of RCU_CFG0 for CK_OUT. 000: The CK_OUT is divided by 1 001: The CK_OUT is divided by 2 010: The CK_OUT is divided by 4 011: The CK_OUT is divided by 8 100: The CK_OUT is divided by 16 101: The CK_OUT is divided by 32 110: The CK_OUT is divided by 64 111: The CK_OUT is divided by 128 27 PLLMF[4] Bit 4 of PLLMF register see bits 21:18 of RCU_CFG0. 26:24 CKOUTSEL[2:0] CK_OUT Clock Source Selection Set and reset by software. 000: No clock selected 001: Internal 14M RC oscillator clock selected 010: Internal 40K RC oscillator clock selected 011: External Low Speed oscillator clock selected 100: System clock selected 101: Internal 8MHz RC Oscillator clock selected 110: External High Speed oscillator clock selected 111: (CK_PLL / 2) or CK_PLL selected depend on PLLDV 23:22 USBDPSC[1:0] USBD clock prescaler selection Set and reset by software to control the USBD clock prescaler value. The USBD clock must be 48MHz. These bits can’t be reset if the USBD clock is enabled. 00: (CK_PLL / 1.5) selected 01: CK_PLL selected 10: (CK_PLL / 2.5) selected 11: (CK_PLL / 2) selected 61 GD32F1x0 User Manual 21:18 PLLMF[3:0] PLL multiply factor These bits and bit 27 of RCU_CFG0 are written by software to define the PLL multiplication factor. 00000: (PLL source clock x 2) 00001: (PLL source clock x 3) 00010: (PLL source clock x 4) 00011: (PLL source clock x 5) 00100: (PLL source clock x 6) 00101: (PLL source clock x 7) 00110: (PLL source clock x 8) 00111: (PLL source clock x 9) 01000: (PLL source clock x 10) 01001: (PLL source clock x 11) 01010: (PLL source clock x 12) 01011: (PLL source clock x 13) 01100: (PLL source clock x 14) 01101: (PLL source clock x 15) 01110: (PLL source clock x 16) 01111: (PLL source clock x 16) 10000: (PLL source clock x 17) 10001: (PLL source clock x 18) 10010: (PLL source clock x 19) 10011: (PLL source clock x 20) 10100: (PLL source clock x 21) 10101: (PLL source clock x 22) 10110: (PLL source clock x 23) 10111: (PLL source clock x 24) 11000: (PLL source clock x 25) 11001: (PLL source clock x 26) 11010: (PLL source clock x 27) 11011: (PLL source clock x 28) 11100: (PLL source clock x 29) 11101: (PLL source clock x 30) 11110: (PLL source clock x 31) 11111: (PLL source clock x 32) Note: The PLL output frequency must not exceed 72 MHz. 17 PLLPREDV HXTAL divider for PLL source clock selection. This bit is the same bit as bit HXTALPREDV[0] from RCU_CFG1. Refer to RCU_CFG1 HXTALPREDV bits description. Set and cleared by software to divide HXTAL or not which is selected to PLL. 0: HXTAL clock selected 62 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: (CK_HXTAL / 2) clock selected 16 PLLSEL PLL Clock Source Selection Set and reset by software to control the PLL clock source. 0: (CK_IRC8M / 2) selected as PLL source clock 1: HXTAL selected as PLL source clock 15:14 ADCPSC[1:0] ADC clock prescaler selection Set and cleared by software. 00: (CK_APB2 / 2) selected 01: (CK_ APB2 / 4) selected 10: (CK_ APB2 / 6) selected 11: (CK_ APB2 / 8) selected 13:11 APB2PSC[2:0] APB2 prescaler selection Set and reset by software to control the APB2 clock division ratio. 0xx: CK_AHB selected 100: (CK_AHB / 2) selected 101: (CK_AHB / 4) selected 110: (CK_AHB / 8) selected 111: (CK_AHB / 16) selected 10:8 APB1PSC[2:0] APB1 prescaler selection Set and reset by software to control the APB1 clock division ratio. 0xx: CK_AHB selected 100: (CK_AHB / 2) selected 101: (CK_AHB / 4) selected 110: (CK_AHB / 8) selected 111: (CK_AHB / 16) selected 7:4 AHBPSC[3:0] AHB prescaler selection Set and reset by software to control the AHB clock division ratio 0xxx: CK_SYS selected 1000: (CK_SYS / 2) selected 1001: (CK_SYS / 4) selected 1010: (CK_SYS / 8) selected 1011: (CK_SYS / 16) selected 1100: (CK_SYS / 64) selected 1101: (CK_SYS / 128) selected 1110: (CK_SYS / 256) selected 1111: (CK_SYS / 512) selected 3:2 SCSS[1:0] System clock switch status Set and reset by hardware to indicate the clock source of system clock. 00: select CK_IRC8M as the CK_SYS source 01: select CK_HXTAL as the CK_SYS source 10: select CK_PLL as the CK_SYS source 63 GD32F1x0 User Manual 11: reserved 1:0 SCS[1:0] System clock switch Set by software to select the CK_SYS source. Because the change of CK_SYS has inherent latency, software should read SCSS to confirm whether the switching is complete or not. The switch will be forced to IRC8M when leaving Deep-sleep and Standby mode or by HXTAL clock monitor when the HXTAL failure is detected and the HXTAL is selected as the clock source of CK_SYS or PLL. 00: select CK_IRC8M as the CK_SYS source 01: select CK_HXTAL as the CK_SYS source 10: select CK_PLL as the CK_SYS source 11: reserved For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 PLLDV 29 28 27 CKOUT0DIV[2:0] rw rw 15 14 13 12 26 25 24 PLLMF[4] CKOUT0SEL [2:0] rw rw 11 10 9 8 23 22 21 Reserved 7 6 5 20 17 16 PLLMF[3:0] PLLPREDV PLLSEL rw rw rw 1 0 4 19 18 3 2 ADCPSC[1:0] APB2PSC[2:0] APB1PSC[2:0] AHBPSC[3:0] SCSS[1:0] SCS[1:0] rw rw rw rw r rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31 PLLDV The CK_PLL divide by 1 or 2 for CK_OUT0 0: CK_PLL divide by 2 for CK_OUT0 1: CK_PLL divide by 1 for CK_OUT0 30:28 CKOUT0DIV[2:0] The CK_OUT0 divider which the CK_OUT0 frequency can be reduced see bits 26:24 of RCU_CFG0 for CK_OUT0 000: The CK_OUT0 is divided by 1 001: The CK_OUT0 is divided by 2 010: The CK_OUT0 is divided by 4 011: The CK_OUT0 is divided by 8 100: The CK_OUT0 is divided by 16 101: The CK_OUT0 is divided by 32 110: The CK_OUT0 is divided by 64 111: The CK_OUT0 is divided by 128 27 PLLMF[4] Bit 4 of PLLMF register see bits 21:18 of RCU_CFG0. 64 GD32F1x0 User Manual 26:24 CKOUT0SEL[2:0] CKOUT0 Clock Source Selection Set and reset by software. 000: No clock selected 001: Internal 28MHz RC oscillator clock selected 010: Internal 40K RC oscillator clock selected 011: External Low Speed oscillator clock selected 100: System clock selected 101: Internal 8MHz RC Oscillator clock selected 110: External High Speed oscillator clock selected 111: (CK_PLL / 2) or CK_PLL selected depend on PLLDV 23:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 21:18 PLLMF[3:0] PLL multiply factor These bits and bit 27 of RCU_CFG0 are written by software to define the PLL multiplication factor. 00000: (PLL source clock x 2) 00001: (PLL source clock x 3) 00010: (PLL source clock x 4) 00011: (PLL source clock x 5) 00100: (PLL source clock x 6) 00101: (PLL source clock x 7) 00110: (PLL source clock x 8) 00111: (PLL source clock x 9) 01000: (PLL source clock x 10) 01001: (PLL source clock x 11) 01010: (PLL source clock x 12) 01011: (PLL source clock x 13) 01100: (PLL source clock x 14) 01101: (PLL source clock x 15) 01110: (PLL source clock x 16) 01111: (PLL source clock x 16) 10000: (PLL source clock x 17) 10001: (PLL source clock x 18) 10010: (PLL source clock x 19) 10011: (PLL source clock x 20) 10100: (PLL source clock x 21) 10101: (PLL source clock x 22) 10110: (PLL source clock x 23) 10111: (PLL source clock x 24) 11000: (PLL source clock x 25) 11001: (PLL source clock x 26) 11010: (PLL source clock x 27) 11011: (PLL source clock x 28) 11100: (PLL source clock x 29) 65 GD32F1x0 User Manual 11101: (PLL source clock x 30) 11110: (PLL source clock x 31) 11111: (PLL source clock x 32) Note: The PLL output frequency must not exceed 72 MHz. 17 PLLPREDV HXTAL divider for PLL source clock selection. This bit is the same bit as bit HXTALPREDV[0] from RCU_CFG1. Refer to RCU_CFG1 HXTALPREDV bits description. Set and cleared by software to divide HXTAL or not which is selected to PLL. 0: HXTAL clock selected 1: (CK_HXTAL / 2) clock selected 16 PLLSEL PLL Clock Source Selection Set and reset by software to control the PLL clock source. 0: (CK_IRC8M / 2) selected as PLL source clock 1: HXTAL selected as PLL source clock 15:14 ADCPSC[1:0] ADC clock prescaler selection Set and cleared by software. 00: (CK_APB2 / 2) selected 01: (CK_APB2 / 4) selected 10: (CK_APB2 / 6) selected 11: (CK_APB2 / 8) selected 13:11 APB2PSC[2:0] APB2 prescaler selection Set and reset by software to control the APB2 clock division ratio. 0xx: CK_AHB selected 100: (CK_AHB / 2) selected 101: (CK_AHB / 4) selected 110: (CK_AHB / 8) selected 111: (CK_AHB / 16) selected 10:8 APB1PSC[2:0] APB1 prescaler selection Set and reset by software to control the APB1 clock division ratio. 0xx: CK_AHB selected 100: (CK_AHB / 2) selected 101: (CK_AHB / 4) selected 110: (CK_AHB / 8) selected 111: (CK_AHB / 16) selected 7:4 AHBPSC[3:0] AHB prescaler selection Set and reset by software to control the AHB clock division ratio 0xxx: CK_SYS selected 1000: (CK_SYS / 2) selected 1001: (CK_SYS / 4) selected 1010: (CK_SYS / 8) selected 1011: (CK_SYS / 16) selected 66 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1100: (CK_SYS / 64) selected 1101: (CK_SYS / 128) selected 1110: (CK_SYS / 256) selected 1111: (CK_SYS / 512) selected 3:2 SCSS[1:0] System clock switch status Set and reset by hardware to indicate the clock source of system clock. 00: select CK_IRC8M as the CK_SYS source 01: select CK_HXTAL as the CK_SYS source 10: select CK_PLL as the CK_SYS source 11: reserved 1:0 SCS[1:0] System clock switch Set by software to select the CK_SYS source. Because the change of CK_SYS has inherent latency, software should read SCSS to confirm whether the switching is complete or not. The switch will be forced to IRC8M when leaving Deep-sleep and Standby mode or by HXTAL clock monitor when the HXTAL failure is detected and the HXTAL is selected as the clock source of CK_SYS or PLL. 00: select CK_IRC8M as the CK_SYS source 01: select CK_HXTAL as the CK_SYS source 10: select CK_PLL as the CK_SYS source 11: reserved 4.3.3. Interrupt register (RCU_INT) For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 18 14 13 12 IRC14M PLL 11 10 9 8 IRC14M PLL HXTAL IRC8M LXTAL IRC40K STBIC STBIC STBIC STBIC STBIC STBIC w 7 6 HXTAL IRC8M LXTAL IRC40K Reserved CKMIF rw rw rw rw rw w 5 w 4 w 3 w w 2 1 0 IRC14M PLL HXTAL IRC8M LXTAL IRC40K STBIF STBIF STBIF STBIF STBIF STBIF r r r r r r Reserved STBIE STBIE STBIE STBIE STBIE STBIE rw 16 CKMIC Reserved w 15 17 r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 23 CKMIC HXTAL Clock Stuck Interrupt Clear 67 GD32F1x0 User Manual Write 1 by software to reset the CKMIF flag. 0: Not reset CKMIF flag 1: Reset CKMIF flag 22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 21 IRC14MSTBIC IRC14M stabilization Interrupt Clear Write 1 by software to reset the IRC14MSTBIF flag. 0: Not reset IRC14MSTBIF flag 1: Reset IRC14MSTBIF flag 20 PLLSTBIC PLL stabilization Interrupt Clear Write 1 by software to reset the PLLSTBIF flag. 0: Not reset PLLSTBIF flag 1: Reset PLLSTBIF flag 19 HXTALSTBIC HXTAL Stabilization Interrupt Clear Write 1 by software to reset the HXTALSTBIF flag. 0: Not reset HXTALSTBIF flag 1: Reset HXTALSTBIF flag 18 IRC8MSTBIC IRC8M Stabilization Interrupt Clear Write 1 by software to reset the IRC8MSTBIF flag. 0: Not reset IRC8MSTBIF flag 1: Reset IRC8MSTBIF flag 17 LXTALSTBIC LXTAL Stabilization Interrupt Clear Write 1 by software to reset the LXTALSTBIF flag. 0: Not reset LXTALSTBIF flag 1: Reset LXTALRDYF flag 16 IRC40KSTBIC IRC40K Stabilization Interrupt Clear Write 1 by software to reset the IRC40KRDYF flag. 0: Not reset IRC40KSTBIF flag 1: Reset IRC40KRDYF flag 15:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 13 IRC14MSTBIE IRC14M Stabilization Interrupt Enable Set and reset by software to enable/disable the IRC14M stabilization interrupt. 0: Disable the IRC14M stabilization interrupt 1: Enable the IRC14M stabilization interrupt 12 PLLSTBIE PLL Stabilization Interrupt Enable Set and reset by software to enable/disable the PLL stabilization interrupt. 0: Disable the PLL stabilization interrupt 1: Enable the PLL stabilization interrupt 11 HXTALSTBIE HXTAL Stabilization Interrupt Enable 68 GD32F1x0 User Manual Set and reset by software to enable/disable the HXTAL stabilization interrupt 0: Disable the HXTAL stabilization interrupt 1: Enable the HXTAL stabilization interrupt 10 IRC8MSTBIE IRC8M Stabilization Interrupt Enable Set and reset by software to enable/disable the IRC8M stabilization interrupt 0: Disable the IRC8M stabilization interrupt 1: Enable the IRC8M stabilization interrupt 9 LXTALSTBIE LXTAL Stabilization Interrupt Enable LXTAL stabilization interrupt enable/disable control 0: Disable the LXTAL stabilization interrupt 1: Enable the LXTAL stabilization interrupt 8 IRC40KSTBIE IRC40K Stabilization interrupt enable IRC40K stabilization interrupt enable/disable control 0: Disable the IRC40K stabilization interrupt 1: Enable the IRC40K stabilization interrupt 7 CKMIF HXTAL Clock Stuck Interrupt Flag Set by hardware when the HXTAL clock is stuck. Reset by software when setting the CKMIC bit. 0: Clock operating normally 1: HXTAL clock stuck 6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 5 IRC14MSTBIF IRC14M stabilization interrupt flag Set by hardware when the IRC14M is stable and the IRC14MSTBIE bit is set. Reset by software when setting the IRC14MSTBIC bit. 0: No IRC14M stabilization interrupt generated 1: IRC14M stabilization interrupt generated 4 PLLSTBIF PLL stabilization interrupt flag Set by hardware when the PLL is stable and the PLLSTBIE bit is set. Reset by software when setting the PLLSTBIC bit. 0: No PLL stabilization interrupt generated 1: PLL stabilization interrupt generated 3 HXTALSTBIF HXTAL stabilization interrupt flag Set by hardware when the External 4 ~ 32 MHz crystal oscillator clock is stable and the HXTALSTBIE bit is set. Reset by software when setting the HXTALSTBIC bit. 0: No HXTAL stabilization interrupt generated 1: HXTAL stabilization interrupt generated 2 IRC8MSTBIF IRC8M stabilization interrupt flag Set by hardware when the Internal 8 MHz RC oscillator clock is stable and the 69 GD32F1x0 User Manual IRC8MSTBIE bit is set. Reset by software when setting the IRC8MSTBIC bit. 0: No IRC8M stabilization interrupt generated 1: IRC8M stabilization interrupt generated 1 LXTALSTBIF LXTAL stabilization interrupt flag Set by hardware when the External 32,768 Hz crystal oscillator clock is stable and the LXTALSTBIE bit is set. Reset by software when setting the LXTALSTBIC bit. 0: No LXTAL stabilization interrupt generated 1: LXTAL stabilization interrupt generated 0 IRC40KSTBIF IRC40K stabilization interrupt flag Set by hardware when the Internal 32kHz RC oscillator clock is stable and the IRC40KSTBIE bit is set. Reset by software when setting the IRC40KSTBIC bit. 0: No IRC40K stabilization clock ready interrupt generated 1: IRC40K stabilization interrupt generated For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 18 14 13 12 IRC28M PLL 11 10 9 8 IRC28M PLL HXTAL IRC8M LXTAL IRC40K STBIC STBIC STBIC STBIC STBIC STBIC w 7 6 HXTAL IRC8M LXTAL IRC40K Reserved CKMIF rw rw rw rw rw w 5 w 4 w 3 w w 2 1 0 IRC28M PLL HXTAL IRC8M LXTAL IRC40K STBIF STBIF STBIF STBIF STBIF STBIF r r r r r r Reserved STBIE STBIE STBIE STBIE STBIE STBIE rw 16 CKMIC Reserved w 15 17 r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 23 CKMIC HXTAL Clock Stuck Interrupt Clear Write 1 by software to reset the CKMIF flag. 0: Not reset CKMIF flag 1: Reset CKMIF flag 22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 21 IRC28MSTBIC IRC28M stabilization Interrupt Clear Write 1 by software to reset the IRC28MSTBIF flag. 70 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: Not reset IRC28MSTBIF flag 1: Reset IRC28MSTBIF flag 20 PLLSTBIC PLL stabilization Interrupt Clear Write 1 by software to reset the PLLSTBIF flag. 0: Not reset PLLSTBIF flag 1: Reset PLLSTBIF flag 19 HXTALSTBIC HXTAL Stabilization Interrupt Clear Write 1 by software to reset the HXTALSTBIF flag. 0: Not reset HXTALSTBIF flag 1: Reset HXTALSTBIF flag 18 IRC8MSTBIC IRC8M Stabilization Interrupt Clear Write 1 by software to reset the IRC8MSTBIF flag. 0: Not reset IRC8MSTBIF flag 1: Reset IRC8MSTBIF flag 17 LXTALSTBIC LXTAL Stabilization Interrupt Clear Write 1 by software to reset the LXTALSTBIF flag. 0: Not reset LXTALSTBIF flag 1: Reset LXTALRDYF flag 16 IRC40KSTBIC IRC40K Stabilization Interrupt Clear Write 1 by software to reset the IRC40KRDYF flag. 0: Not reset IRC40KSTBIF flag 1: Reset IRC40KRDYF flag 15:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 13 IRC28MSTBIE IRC28M Stabilization Interrupt Enable Set and reset by software to enable/disable the IRC28M stabilization interrupt. 0: Disable the IRC28M stabilization interrupt 1: Enable the IRC28M stabilization interrupt 12 PLLSTBIE PLL Stabilization Interrupt Enable Set and reset by software to enable/disable the PLL stabilization interrupt. 0: Disable the PLL stabilization interrupt 1: Enable the PLL stabilization interrupt 11 HXTALSTBIE HXTAL Stabilization Interrupt Enable Set and reset by software to enable/disable the HXTAL stabilization interrupt 0: Disable the HXTAL stabilization interrupt 1: Enable the HXTAL stabilization interrupt 10 IRC8MSTBIE IRC8M Stabilization Interrupt Enable Set and reset by software to enable/disable the IRC8M stabilization interrupt 0: Disable the IRC8M stabilization interrupt 71 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: Enable the IRC8M stabilization interrupt 9 LXTALSTBIE LXTAL Stabilization Interrupt Enable LXTAL stabilization interrupt enable/disable control 0: Disable the LXTAL stabilization interrupt 1: Enable the LXTAL stabilization interrupt 8 IRC40KSTBIE IRC40K Stabilization interrupt enable IRC40K stabilization interrupt enable/disable control 0: Disable the IRC40K stabilization interrupt 1: Enable the IRC40K stabilization interrupt 7 CKMIF HXTAL Clock Stuck Interrupt Flag Set by hardware when the HXTAL clock is stuck. Reset by software when setting the CKMIC bit. 0: Clock operating normally 1: HXTAL clock stuck 6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 5 IRC28MSTBIF IRC28M stabilization interrupt flag Set by hardware when the IRC28M is stable and the IRC28MSTBIE bit is set. Reset by software when setting the IRC28MSTBIC bit. 0: No IRC28M stabilization interrupt generated 1: IRC28M stabilization interrupt generated 4 PLLSTBIF PLL stabilization interrupt flag Set by hardware when the PLL is stable and the PLLSTBIE bit is set. Reset by software when setting the PLLSTBIC bit. 0: No PLL stabilization interrupt generated 1: PLL stabilization interrupt generated 3 HXTALSTBIF HXTAL stabilization interrupt flag Set by hardware when the External 4 ~ 32 MHz crystal oscillator clock is stable and the HXTALSTBIE bit is set. Reset by software when setting the HXTALSTBIC bit. 0: No HXTAL stabilization interrupt generated 1: HXTAL stabilization interrupt generated 2 IRC8MSTBIF IRC8M stabilization interrupt flag Set by hardware when the Internal 8 MHz RC oscillator clock is stable and the IRC8MSTBIE bit is set. Reset by software when setting the IRC8MSTBIC bit. 0: No IRC8M stabilization interrupt generated 1: IRC8M stabilization interrupt generated 1 LXTALSTBIF LXTAL stabilization interrupt flag Set by hardware when the External 32.768KHz crystal oscillator clock is stable and 72 GD32F1x0 User Manual the LXTALSTBIE bit is set. Reset by software when setting the LXTALSTBIC bit. 0: No LXTAL stabilization interrupt generated 1: LXTAL stabilization interrupt generated 0 IRC40KSTBIF IRC40K stabilization interrupt flag Set by hardware when the Internal 40kHz RC oscillator clock is stable and the IRC40KSTBIE bit is set. Reset by software when setting the IRC40KSTBIC bit. 0: No IRC40K stabilization clock ready interrupt generated 1: IRC40K stabilization interrupt generated 4.3.4. APB2 reset register (RCU_APB2RST) Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 TIMER16 TIMER15 TIMER14 RST RST RST rw rw rw 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 USART0 Reserved 12 11 SPI0 TIMER0 Res. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 ADC Res. CFG Reserved RST RST RST RST RST rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:19 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 18 TIMER16RST TIMER16 reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset the TIMER16 17 TIMER15RST TIMER15 reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset the TIMER15 16 TIMER14RST TIMER14 reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset the TIMER14 73 GD32F1x0 User Manual 14 USART0RST USART0 Reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset the USART0 13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 12 SPI0RST SPI0 Reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset the SPI0 11 TIMER0RST TIMER0 reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset the TIMER0 10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9 ADCRST ADC reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset the ADC 8:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 0 CFGRST System configuration reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset System configuration 4.3.5. APB1 reset register (RCU_APB1RST) For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 CEC DAC PMU 27 Reserved 26 25 24 23 22 21 USBD I2C1 I2C0 20 19 18 17 USART Reserved Reserved Res. RST RST RST RST RST RST 1RST rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 15 14 13 12 7 6 5 SPI2 SPI1 Reserved 11 WWDGT 10 9 Reserved 8 TIMER13 Reserved 16 4 TIMER5 3 2 Reserved 1 0 TIMER2 TIMER1 74 GD32F1x0 User Manual RST RST RST RST RST rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 30 CECRST HDMI CEC reset RST RST rw rw This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset hdmi cec unit 29 DACRST DAC reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset DAC unit 28 PMURST Power control reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset power control unit 27:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 23 USBDRST USBD reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset USBD 22 I2C1RST I2C1 reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset I2C1 21 I2C0RST I2C0 reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset I2C0 20:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 17 USART1RST USART1 reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset USART1 16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15 SPI2RST SPI2 reset This bit is set and reset by software. 75 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: No reset 1: Reset SPI2 14 SPI1RST SPI1 reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset SPI1 13:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 11 WWDGTRST Window watchdog timer reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset window watchdog timer 10:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 8 TIMER13RST TIMER13 timer reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset TIMER13 Timer 7:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4 TIMER5RST TIMER5 timer reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset TIMER5 Timer 3:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 TIMER2RST TIMER2 timer reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset TIMER2 timer 0 TIMER1RST TIMER1 timer reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset TIMER1 timer For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 OPAIVREF 30 CEC 29 DAC 28 PMU 27 Reserved 26 CAN1 25 CAN0 24 23 Reserved 22 21 I2C1 I2C0 20 19 Reserved 18 17 USART 16 Reserved 76 GD32F1x0 User Manual RST RST RST RST rw rw rw rw 15 14 13 12 SPI2 SPI1 RST 11 RST RST RST 1RST rw rw rw rw rw 10 9 6 5 WWDGT Reserved RST RST rw rw rw 7 TIMER13 Reserved. RST 8 SLCDRST Bits Fields Descriptions 31 OPAIVREFRST OPA and IVREF reset rw 3 2 TIMER5 Reserved RST rw 4 1 0 TIMER2 TIMER1 RST RST rw rw Reserved RST rw This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset OPA unit 30 CECRST HDMI CEC reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset hdmi cec unit 29 DACRST DAC reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset DAC unit 28 PMURST Power control reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset power control unit 27 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 26 CAN1RST CAN1 reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset CAN1 25 CAN0RST CAN0 reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset CAN0 24:23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 22 I2C1RST I2C1 reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset I2C1 77 GD32F1x0 User Manual 21 I2C0RST I2C0 reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset I2C0 20:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 17 USART1RST USART1 reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset USART1 16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15 SPI2RST SPI2 reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset SPI2 14 SPI1RST SPI1 reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset SPI1 13:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 11 WWDGTRST Window watchdog timer reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset window watchdog timer 10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9 SLCDRST SLCD reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset SLCD Timer 8 TIMER13RST TIMER13 timer reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset TIMER13 timer 7:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4 TIMER5RST TIMER5 timer reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset TIMER5 Timer 78 GD32F1x0 User Manual 3:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 TIMER2RST TIMER2 timer reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset TIMER2 timer 0 TIMER1RST TIMER1 timer reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Reset TIMER1 timer 4.3.6. AHB enable register (RCU_AHBEN) Address offset: 0x14 Reset value: 0x0000 0014 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 Reserved 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 TSIEN Res. PFEN Res. PDEN PCEN PBEN PAEN Res. rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 rw 7 Reserved. rw rw rw rw 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CRCEN Res. FMCEN Res. SRAMEN Res. DMAEN rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:25 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 24 TSIEN TSI clock enable rw rw rw This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled TSI clock 1: Enabled TSI clock 23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 22 PFEN GPIO port F clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled GPIO port F clock 1: Enabled GPIO port F clock 21 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 20 PDEN GPIO port D clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled GPIO port D clock 79 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: Enabled GPIO port D clock 19 PCEN GPIO port C clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled GPIO port C clock 1: Enabled GPIO port C clock 18 PBEN GPIO port B clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled GPIO port B clock 1: Enabled GPIO port B clock 17 PAEN GPIO port A clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled GPIO port A clock 1: Enabled GPIO port A clock 16:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 6 CRCEN CRC clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled CRC clock 1: Enabled CRC clock 5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4 FMCEN FMC clock enable This bit is set and reset by software to enable/disable FMC clock during Sleep mode. 0: Disabled FMC clock during Sleep mode 1: Enabled FMC clock during Sleep mode 3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 2 SRAMEN SRAM interface clock enable This bit is set and reset by software to enable/disable SRAM interface clock during Sleep mode. 0: Disabled SRAM interface clock during Sleep mode. 1: Enabled SRAM interface clock during Sleep mode 1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 0 DMAEN DMA clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled DMA clock 1: Enabled DMA clock 80 GD32F1x0 User Manual 4.3.7. APB2 enable register (RCU_APB2EN) Address offset: 0x18 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 18 17 16 TIMER16EN TIMER15EN TIMER14EN 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 rw rw rw 2 1 0 CFGCMP Reserved USART0EN Reserved SPI0EN TIMER0EN Reserved ADCEN Reserved EN rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:19 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 18 TIMER16EN TIMER16 timer clock enable rw This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled TIMER16 timer clock 1: Enabled TIMER16 timer clock 17 TIMER15EN TIMER15 timer clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled TIMER15 timer clock 1: Enabled TIMER15 timer clock 16 TIMER14EN TIMER14 timer clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled TIMER14 timer clock 1: Enabled TIMER14 timer clock 15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 14 USART0EN USART0 clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled USART0 clock 1: Enabled USART0 clock 13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 12 SPI0EN SPI0 clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled SPI0 clock 1: Enabled SPI0 clock 11 TIMER0EN TIMER0 timer clock enable 81 GD32F1x0 User Manual This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled TIMER0 timer clock 1: Enabled TIMER0 timer clock 10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9 ADCEN ADC interface clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled ADC interface clock 1: Enabled ADC interface clock 8:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 0 CFGCMPEN System configuration and comparator clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled System configuration and comparator clock 1: Enabled System configuration and comparator clock 4.3.8. APB1 enable register (RCU_APB1EN) For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices Address offset: 0x1C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 Reserved CECEN DACEN PMUEN 15 rw rw rw 14 13 12 SPI2EN SPI1EN rw Reserved rw 25 24 Reserved 11 10 WWDGTEN 9 Reserved rw 23 22 21 20 USBDEN I2C1EN I2C0EN 8 TIMER13EN rw rw rw 7 6 5 Reserved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 30 CECEN Hdmi cec interface clock enable 19 18 Reserved 17 16 USART1EN Reserved rw 4 TIMER5EN rw 3 2 Reserved 1 0 TIMER2EN TIMER1EN rw rw This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled Hdmi cec interface clock 1: Enabled Hdmi cec interface clock 29 DACEN DAC interface clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled DAC interface clock 1: Enabled DAC interface clock 82 GD32F1x0 User Manual 28 PMUEN Power interface clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled Power interface clock 1: Enabled Power interface clock 27:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 23 USBDEN USBD clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled USBD clock 1: Enabled USBD clock 22 I2C1EN I2C1 clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled I2C1 clock 1: Enabled I2C1 clock 21 I2C0EN I2C0 clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled I2C0 clock 1: Enabled I2C0 clock 20:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 17 USART1EN USART1 clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled USART1 clock 1: Enabled USART1 clock 16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15 SPI2EN SPI2 clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled SPI2 clock 1: Enabled SPI2 clock 14 SPI1EN SPI1 clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled SPI1 clock 1: Enabled SPI1 clock 13:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 11 WWDGTEN Window watchdog timer clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled Window watchdog timer clock 1: Enabled Window watchdog timer clock 10:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 83 GD32F1x0 User Manual 8 TIMER13EN TIMER13 timer clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled TIMER13 timer clock 1: Enabled TIMER13 timer clock 7:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4 TIMER5EN TIMER5 timer clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled TIMER5 timer clock 1: Enabled TIMER5 timer clock 3:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 TIMER2EN TIMER2 timer clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled TIMER2 timer clock 1: Enabled TIMER2 timer clock 0 TIMER1EN TIMER1 timer clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled TIMER1 timer clock 1: Enabled TIMER1 timer clock For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x1C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 OPAIVREFEN CECEN DACEN PMUEN Reserved CAN1EN CAN0EN rw rw rw rw 15 14 13 12 SPI2EN SPI1EN 11 rw rw 10 9 24 23 Reserved 8 22 21 20 I2C1EN I2C0EN 7 rw rw 6 5 19 18 Reserved 17 16 USART1EN Reserved rw 4 3 2 1 0 WWDGTE Reserved Res. SLCDEN TIMER13EN Reserved TIMER5EN Reserved TIMER2EN TIMER1EN N rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31 OPAIVREFEN OPA and IVREF clock enable rw rw rw This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled OPA and IVREF interface clock 1: Enabled OPA and IVREF interface clock 30 CECEN Hdmi cec interface clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 84 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: Disabled Hdmi cec interface clock 1: Enabled Hdmi cec interface clock 29 DACEN DAC interface clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled DAC interface clock 1: Enabled DAC interface clock 28 PMUEN Power interface clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled Power interface clock 1: Enabled Power interface clock 27 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 26 CAN1EN CAN1 clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled CAN1 clock 1: Enabled CAN1 clock 25 CAN0EN CAN0 clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled CAN0 clock 1: Enabled CAN0 clock 24:23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 22 I2C1EN I2C1 clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled I2C1 clock 1: Enabled I2C1 clock 21 I2C0EN I2C0 clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled I2C0 clock 1: Enabled I2C0 clock 20:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 17 USART1EN USART1 clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled USART1 clock 1: Enabled USART1 clock 16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15 SPI2EN SPI2 clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled SPI2 clock 85 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: Enabled SPI2 clock 14 SPI1EN SPI1 clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled SPI1 clock 1: Enabled SPI1 clock 13:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 11 WWDGTEN Window watchdog timer clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled Window watchdog timer clock 1: Enabled Window watchdog timer clock 10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9 SLCDEN SLCD clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled SLCD clock 1: Enabled SLCD clock 8 TIMER13EN TIMER13 timer clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled TIMER13 timer clock 1: Enabled TIMER13 timer clock 7:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4 TIMER5EN TIMER5 timer clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled TIMER5 timer clock 1: Enabled TIMER5 timer clock 3:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 TIMER2EN TIMER2 timer clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled TIMER2 timer clock 1: Enabled TIMER2 timer clock 0 TIMER1EN TIMER1 timer clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled TIMER1 timer clock 1: Enabled TIMER1 timer clock 86 GD32F1x0 User Manual 4.3.9. Backup domain control register (RCU_BDCTL) For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices Address offset: 0x20 Reset value: 0x0000 0018, reset by Backup domain Reset. This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) Note: The LXTALEN, LXTALBPS, RTCSRC and RTCEN bits of the Backup domain control register (BDCTL) are only reset after a Backup domain Reset. These bits can be modified only when the BKPWEN bit in the Power control register (PMU_CTL) has to be set. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Reserved 16 BKPRST rw 15 RTCEN 14 13 12 Reserved 11 10 9 8 7 RTCSRC[1:0] rw 6 Reserved 5 4 Fields Descriptions 31:17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 16 BKPRST Backup domain reset 2 1 0 LXTALDRI[1:0] LXTALBPS LXTALSTB LXTALEN rw Bits 3 rw rw r rw This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Resets Backup domain 15 RTCEN RTC clock enable This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled RTC clock 1: Enabled RTC clock 14:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9:8 RTCSRC[1:0] RTC clock entry selection Set and reset by software to control the RTC clock source. 00: No clock selected 01: CK_LXTAL selected as RTC source clock 10: CK_IRC40K selected as RTC source clock 11: (CK_HXTAL / 32) selected as RTC source clock 7:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4:3 LXTALDRI[1:0] LXTAL drive capability Set and reset by software. Backup domain reset reset this value. 00: lower driving capability 87 GD32F1x0 User Manual 01: medium low driving capability 10: medium high driving capability 11: higher driving capability (reset value) Note: The LXTALDRI is not in bypass mode. 2 LXTALBPS LXTAL bypass mode enable Set and reset by software. 0: Disable the LXTAL Bypass mode 1: Enable the LXTAL Bypass mode 1 LXTALSTB External low-speed oscillator stabilization Set by hardware to indicate if the LXTAL output clock is stable and ready for use. 0: LXTAL is not stable 1: LXTAL is stable 0 LXTALEN LXTAL enable Set and reset by software. 0: Disable LXTAL 1: Enable LXTAL For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x20 Reset value: 0x0000 0018, reset by Backup domain Reset. This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) Note: The LXTALEN, LXTALBPS, RTCSRC and RTCEN bits of the Backup domain control register (BDCTL) are only reset after a Backup domain Reset. These bits can be modified only when the BKPWEN bit in the Power control register (PMU_CTL) has to be set. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Reserved 16 BKPRST rw 15 RTCEN 14 13 12 Reserved 11 10 9 8 7 RTCSRC[1:0] rw 6 Reserved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 16 BKPRST Backup domain reset 5 4 3 2 1 0 LXTALDRI[1:0] LXTALBPS LXTALSTB LXTALEN rw rw r rw This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset 1: Resets Backup domain 15 RTCEN RTC clock enable 88 GD32F1x0 User Manual This bit is set and reset by software. 0: Disabled RTC clock 1: Enabled RTC clock 14:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9:8 RTCSRC[1:0] RTC and SLCD clock entry selection Set and reset by software to control the RTC and SLCD clock source. Once the RTC and SLCD clock source has been selected, it cannot be changed anymore unless the Backup domain is reset. 00: No clock selected 01: CK_LXTAL selected as RTC/SLCD source clock 10: CK_IRC40K selected as RTC/SLCD source clock 11: (CK_HXTAL / 32) selected as RTC/SLCD source clock 7:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4:3 LXTALDRI[1:0] LXTAL drive capability Set and reset by software. Backup domain reset reset this value. 00: lower driving capability 01: medium low driving capability 10: medium high driving capability 11: higher driving capability (reset value) Note: The LXTALDRI is not in bypass mode. 2 LXTALBPS LXTAL bypass mode enable Set and reset by software. 0: Disable the LXTAL Bypass mode 1: Enable the LXTAL Bypass mode 1 LXTALSTB External low-speed oscillator stabilization Set by hardware to indicate if the LXTAL output clock is stable and ready for use. 0: LXTAL is not stable 1: LXTAL is stable 0 LXTALEN LXTAL enable Set and reset by software. 0: Disable LXTAL 1: Enable LXTAL 4.3.10. Reset source /clock register (RCU_RSTSCK) Address offset: 0x24 Reset value: 0x0C00 0000, reset flags reset by power Reset only, other reset by system reset. This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 89 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 LP WWDGT FWDGT SW POR EP OBL 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 V12 RSTFC Reserved RSTF RSTF RSTF RSTF RSTF RSTF RSTF RSTF rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 rw 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IRC40K IRC40K STB EN r rw Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 31 LPRSTF Low-power reset flag Set by hardware when Deep-sleep /standby reset generated. Reset by writing 1 to the RSTFC bit. 0: No Low-power management reset generated 1: Low-power management reset generated 30 WWDGTRSTF Window watchdog timer reset flag Set by hardware when a window watchdog timer reset generated. Reset by writing 1 to the RSTFC bit. 0: No window watchdog reset generated 1: Window watchdog reset generated 29 FWDGTRSTF Free Watchdog timer reset flag Set by hardware when a Free Watchdog timer generated. Reset by writing 1 to the RSTFC bit. 0: No Free Watchdog timer reset generated 1: Free Watchdog timer reset generated 28 SWRSTF Software reset flag Set by hardware when a software reset generated. Reset by writing 1 to the RSTFC bit. 0: No software reset generated 1: Software reset generated 27 PORRSTF Power reset flag Set by hardware when a Power reset generated. Reset by writing 1 to the RSTFC bit. 0: No Power reset generated 1: Power reset generated 26 EPRSTF External PIN reset flag Set by hardware when an External PIN generated. Reset by writing 1 to the RSTFC bit. 0: No External PIN reset generated 1: External PIN reset generated 90 GD32F1x0 User Manual 25 OBLRSTF Option byte loader reset flag Set by hardware when an option byte loader generated. Reset by writing 1 to the RSTFC bit. 0: No Option byte loader reset generated 1: Option byte loader reset generated 24 RSTFC Reset flag clear This bit is set by software to clear all reset flags. 0: Not clear reset flags 1: Clear reset flags 23 V12RSTF V12 domain Power reset flag Set by hardware when a V12 domain Power reset generated. Reset by writing 1 to the RSTFC bit. 0: No V12 domain Power reset generated 1: V12 domain Power reset generated 22:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 IRC40KSTB IRC40K stabilization Set by hardware to indicate if the IRC40K output clock is stable and ready for use. 0: IRC40K is not stable 1: IRC40K is stable 0 IRC40KEN IRC40K enable Set and reset by software. 0: Disable IRC40K 1: Enable IRC40K 4.3.11. AHB reset register (RCU_AHBRST) Address offset: 0x28 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 Reserved 24 23 14 13 12 21 20 19 18 17 16 TSIRST Reserved PFRST Reserved PDRST PCRST PBRST PARST Reserved rw 15 22 11 10 9 rw 8 7 6 5 rw rw rw rw 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved. Bits Fields Descriptions 31:25 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 24 TSIRST TSI unit reset 91 GD32F1x0 User Manual This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset TSI unit 1: Reset TSI unit 23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 22 PFRST GPIO port F reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset GPIO port F 1: Reset GPIO port F 21 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 20 PDRST GPIO port D reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset GPIO port D 1: Reset GPIO port D 19 PCRST GPIO port C reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset GPIO port C 1: Reset GPIO port C 18 PBRST GPIO port B reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset GPIO port B 1: Reset GPIO port B 17 PARST GPIO port A reset This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No reset GPIO port A 1: Reset GPIO port A 16:0 Reserved 4.3.12. Must be kept at reset value Configuration register 1 (RCU_CFG1) Address offset: 0x2c Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Reserved 8 7 HXTALPREDV[3:0] rw 92 GD32F1x0 User Manual Bits Fields Descriptions 31:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 3:0 HXTALPREDV[3:0] CK_HXTAL divider previous PLL This bit is set and reset by software. These bits can be written when PLL is disable Note: The bit 0 of HXTALPREDV is same as bit 17 of RCU_CFG0, so modifying bit 17 of RCU_CFG0 aslo modifies bit 0 of RCU_CFG2. The CK_HXTAL is divided by (HXTALPREDV + 1). 0000: HXTAL input to PLL not divided 0001: HXTAL input to PLL divided by 2 0010: HXTAL input to PLL divided by 3 0011: HXTAL input to PLL divided by 4 0100: HXTAL input to PLL divided by 5 0101: HXTAL input to PLL divided by 6 0110: HXTAL input to PLL divided by 7 0111: HXTAL input to PLL divided by 8 1000: HXTAL input to PLL divided by 9 1001: HXTAL input to PLL divided by 10 1010: HXTAL input to PLL divided by 11 1011: HXTAL input to PLL divided by 12 1100: HXTAL input to PLL divided by 13 1101: HXTAL input to PLL divided by 14 1110: HXTAL input to PLL divided by 15 1111: HXTAL input to PLL divided by 16 4.3.13. Configuration register 2 (RCU_CFG2) For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices Address offset: 0x30 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Reserved 8 Fields 6 ADCSEL Reserved CECSEL rw Bits 7 rw 5 4 3 Reserved 2 USART0SEL[1:0] rw Descriptions 93 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 8 ADCSEL CK_ADC clock source selection This bit is set and reset by software. 0: CK_ADC select CK_IRC14M 1: CK_ADC select CK_APB2 which is divided by 2/4/6/8. 7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 6 CECSEL CK_CEC clock source selection This bit is set and reset by software. 0: CK_CEC select CK_IRC8M divided by 244 1: CK_CEC select CK_LXTAL 5:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1:0 USART0SEL[1:0] CK_USART0 clock source selection This bit is set and reset by software. 00: CK_USART0 select CK_APB2 01: CK_USART0 select CK_SYS 10: CK_USART0 select CK_LXTAL 11: CK_USART0 select CK_IRC8M For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x30 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Reserved 16 IRC28MDIV rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Reserved 8 7 6 ADCSEL Reserved CECSEL rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 16 IRC28MDIV CK_IRC28M divider 2 or not rw 5 4 3 Reserved 2 1 0 USART0SEL[1:0] rw This bit is set and reset by software. 0: IRC28M/2 select to ADC clock 1: IRC28M select to ADC clock. 15:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 8 ADCSEL CK_ADC clock source selection This bit is set and reset by software. 94 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: CK_ADC select CK_IRC28M or CK_IRC28M/2 set by IRC28MDIV 1: CK_ADC select CK_APB2 which is divided by 2/4/6/8. 7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 6 CECSEL CK_CEC clock source selection This bit is set and reset by software. 0: CK_CEC select CK_IRC8M divided by 244 1: CK_CEC select CK_LXTAL 5:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1:0 USART0SEL[1:0] CK_USART0 clock source selection This bit is set and reset by software. 00: CK_USART0 select CK_APB2 01: CK_USART0 select CK_SYS 10: CK_USART0 select CK_LXTAL 11: CK_USART0 select CK_IRC8M 4.3.14. Control register 1 (RCU_CTL1) For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices Address offset: 0x34 Reset value: 0x0000 XX80 where X is undefined. This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 IRC14MCALIB[7:0] IRC14MADJ[4:0] r rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:8 IRC14MCALIB[7:0] Internal 14M RC Oscillator calibration value register Reserved IRC14MSTB IRC14MEN r rw These bits are load automatically at power on. 7:3 IRC14MADJ[4:0] Internal 14M RC Oscillator clock trim adjust value These bits are set by software. The trimming value is there bits (IRC14MADJ) added to the IRC14MCALIB[7:0] bits. The trimming value should trim the IRC14M to 14 MHz ± 1%. 2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 95 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1 IRC14MSTB IRC14M Internal 14M RC Oscillator stabilization Flag Set by hardware to indicate if the IRC14M oscillator is stable and ready for use. 0: IRC14M oscillator is not stable 1: IRC14M oscillator is stable 0 IRC14MEN IRC14M Internal 14M RC oscillator Enable Set and reset by software. 0: Internal 14 MHz RC oscillator disabled 1: Internal 14 MHz RC oscillator enabled For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x34 Reset value: 0x0000 XX80 where X is undefined. This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 IRC28MCALIB[7:0] IRC28MADJ[4:0] r rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:8 IRC28MCALIB[7:0] Internal 28MHz RC Oscillator calibration value register Reserved IRC28MSTB IRC28MEN r rw These bits are load automatically at power on. 7:3 IRC28MADJ[4:0] Internal 28MHz RC Oscillator clock trim adjust value These bits are set by software. The trimming value is there bits (IRC28MADJ) added to the IRC28MCALIB[7:0] bits. The trimming value should trim the IRC28M to 28 MHz ± 1%. 2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 1 IRC28MSTB IRC28M Internal 28M RC Oscillator stabilization Flag Set by hardware to indicate if the IRC28M oscillator is stable and ready for use. 0: IRC28M oscillator is not stable 1: IRC28M oscillator is stable 0 IRC28MEN IRC28M Internal 28M RC oscillator Enable Set and reset by software. 0: Internal 28MHz RC oscillator disabled 1: Internal 28 MHz RC oscillator enabled 96 GD32F1x0 User Manual 4.3.15. Configuration register 3 (RCU_CFG3) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x80 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 11 10 9 8 7 CKOUT1DIV[5:0] Reserved CKOUT1SRC[2:0] rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 13:8 CKOUT1DIV[5:0] The CK_OUT1 divider which the CK_OUT1 frequency can be reduced see bits 2:0 of RCU_CFG3 for CK_OUT1 0: The CK_OUT1 is divided by 1 1: The CK_OUT1 is divided by 2 2: The CK_OUT1 is divided by 3 … 63: The CK_OUT1 is divided by 64 7:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 2:0 CKOUT1SRC[2:0] CKOUT1 Clock Source Selection Set and reset by software. 000: No clock selected 001: Internal 28 MHz RC Oscillator clock selected 010: Internal 40KHz RC Oscillator clock selected 011: Low Speed Crystal Oscillator clock selected 100: System clock selected 101: Internal 8 MHz RC Oscillator clock selected 110: High Speed Crystal Oscillator clock selected 111: (CK_PLL / 2) 4.3.16. or CK_PLL selected depend on PLLDV Additional enable register (RCU_ADDEN) Address offset: 0xF8 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 97 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved I2C2EN rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 0 I2C2EN I2C2 unit clock enable This bit is set and reset by software 0: Disable I2C2 unit clock 1: Enable I2C2 unit clock 4.3.17. Additional reset register (RCU_ADDRST) Address offset: 0xFC Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved I2C2RST rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 0 I2C2RST I2C2 unit reset This bit is set and reset by software 0: Not reset I2C2 unit 1: Reset I2C2 unit 4.3.18. Voltage key register (RCU_VKEY) Address offset: 0x100 Reset value: 0x0000 0000. This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 KEY[31:16] 98 GD32F1x0 User Manual w 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 KEY[15:0] w Bits Fields Descriptions 31:0 KEY[31:0] The key of RCU_PDVSEL and RCU_DSV register These bits are written only by software and read as 0. Only after write 0x1A2B3C4D to the RCU_VKEY, the RCU_PDVSEL and RCU_DSV register can be written. 4.3.19. Deep-sleep mode voltage register (RCU_DSV) For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices Offset: 0x134 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved DSLPVS[2:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 2:0 DSLPVS[2:0] Deep-sleep mode voltage select These bits is set and reset by software 000 : The core voltage is 1.2V in Deep-sleep mode 001 : The core voltage is 1.1V in Deep-sleep mode 010 : The core voltage is 1.0V in Deep-sleep mode 011 : The core voltage is 0.9V in Deep-sleep mode 100~111 : Reserved For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x134 Reset value: 0x0000 0000. This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 99 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved DSLPVS[2:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 2:0 DSLPVS[2:0] Deep-sleep mode voltage select These bits is set and reset by software 000 : The core voltage is 1.8V in Deep-sleep mode 001 : The core voltage is 1.6V in Deep-sleep mode 010 : The core voltage is 1.4V in Deep-sleep mode 011 : The core voltage is 1.2V in Deep-sleep mode 100~111 : Reserved 4.3.20. Power down voltage select register (RCU_PDVSEL) of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices Address offset: 0x138 Reset value: 0x0000 0000. This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved PDRVS rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 0 PDRVS Power down voltage select This bit is set and reset by software 0: The Power down voltage is 2.6V 1: The Power down voltage is 1.8V 100 GD32F1x0 User Manual 5. General-purpose and alternate-function I/Os (GPIO and AFIOs) 5.1. Introduction There are up to 55 general purpose I/O pins, (GPIO), named PA0 ~ PA15 and PB0 ~ PB15, PC0 ~ PC15, PD2, PF0/PF1, PF4 ~ PF7 for the device to implement logic input/output functions. Each GPIO port has related control and configuration registers to satisfy the requirements of specific applications. The GPIO ports are pin-shared with other alternative functions (AFs) to obtain maximum flexibility on the package pins. The GPIO pins can be used as alternative functional pins by configuring the corresponding registers regardless of the AF input or output pins. Each of the GPIO pins can be configured by software as output (push-pull or open-drain), as input, as peripheral alternate function or as analog mode. Each GPIO pin can be configured as pull-up, pull-down or no pull-up/pull-down. All GPIOs are high-current capable except for analog mode. 5.2. Main features Input/output direction control Schmitt Trigger Input function enable control Each pin weak pull-up/pull-down function Output push-pull/open drain enable control Output set/reset control Output drive speed selection Analog input/output configurations Alternate function input/output configurations Port configuration lock For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices, additional features are shown below. 5.3. Single cycle toggle output capability Function description Each of the general-purpose I/O ports can be configured as GPIO inputs, GPIO outputs, AF function or analog mode by GPIO 32-bit configuration registers (GPIOx_CTL). AFIO input or output is selected by AFIO output enable. When the port is output (GPIO output or AFIO output), it can be configured as push-pull or open drain mode by GPIO output mode registers (GPIOx_OMODE). And the port max speed can be configured by GPIO output speed 101 GD32F1x0 User Manual registers (GPIOx_OSPD). Each port can be configured as floating (no pull-up and pull-down) , pull-up or pull-down function by GPIO pull-up/pull-down registers (GPIOx_PUD). Table 5-1. GPIO configuration table PAD TYPE X GPIO Push-pull GPIO Open-drain X AFIO Push-pull AFIO Open-drain ANALOG PUDn 00 X 00 Pull-up 01 Pull-down 10 Floating 01 0 00 Pull-up 01 Pull-down 10 Floating 1 00 Pull-up 01 Pull-down 10 Floating INPUT OUTPUT OMn Floating INPUT OUTPUT CTLn 10 X 00 Pull-up 01 Pull-down 10 Floating 10 0 00 Pull-up 01 Pull-down 10 Floating 1 00 Pull-up 01 Pull-down 10 X X 11 X XX Figure below shows the basic structure of an I/O Port bit. Figure 5-1. Basic structure of a standard I/O port bit Write Bit Set/Clear Registers Output Data Registe r Read/Write Vdd Output Control Alternate Function Output Vdd Vdd Output driver Vss I/O pin Alternate Function Input Read Vss Vss Input Data Register Schmitt trigger Analog Input Input driver 102 GD32F1x0 User Manual 5.3.1. GPIO pin configuration During or just after the reset period, the alternative functions are all inactive and the GPIO ports are configured into the input floating mode that input disabled without Pull-Up(PU)/PullDown(PD) resistors. But the Serial-Wired Debug pins are in input PU/PD mode after reset: PA14: SWCLK in input pull-down mode PA13: SWDIO in input pull-up mode The GPIO pins can be configured as inputs or outputs. And all GPIO pins have an internal weak pull-up and weak pull-down which can be chosen. When the GPIO pins are configured as input pins, the data on the external pads can be captured at every AHB2 clock cycle to the port input status register (GPIO_ISTAT). When the GPIO pins are configured as output pins, user can configure the speed of the ports. And chooses the output driver mode: Push-Pull or Open-Drain mode. The value of the port output control register (GPIO_OCTL) is output on the I/O pin. When programming the GPIO_OCTL at bit level no need to disable interrupts, user can modify only one or several bits in a single atomic AHB2 write access by programming ‘1’ to the Bit Operate Register (GPIO_BOP, or for clearing only GPIO_BC , or for toggle only GPIO_TG). The other bits will not be affected. 5.3.2. Alternate functions (AF) When the port is configured as AFIO (set CTLn to “10” bits, which is in GPIOx_CTL registers), the port is used as peripheral alternate functions. Each port has sixteen alternate functions can be configured by GPIO alternate functions select registers (GPIOx_AFSEL[1:0]). The detail alternate function assignments for each port are in the device datasheet. 5.3.3. Additional functions Some pins have additional functions, which have priority over the configuration in the standard GPIO registers. When for ADC or DAC additional functions, the port must be configured as analog mode. When for RTC, WKUPx and oscillators additional functions, the port type is set automatically by related RTC, PMU and RCU registers. These ports can be used as normal GPIO when the additional functions disabled. 5.3.4. Input configuration When GPIO pin is configured as Input: The Schmitt Trigger Input is activated The weak pull-up and pull-down resistors could be chosen Every AHB2 clock cycle the data present on the I/O pad is got to the Data Input Register The Output Buffer is disabled 103 GD32F1x0 User Manual The figure below shows the Configuration of the I/O Port bit. Figure 5-2. Input floating/pull up/pull down configurations Vdd Vdd Input Data Register Read I/O pin Schmitt trigger Vss Input driver 5.3.5. Vss Output configuration When GPIO pin is configured as output: The Schmitt Trigger Input is activated. The weak pull-up and pull-down resistors could be chosen. The Output Buffer is enabled: – Open Drain Mode: A “0” in the Output register activates the N-MOS while a “1” in the Output register leaves the port in Hi-Z. – Push-Pull Mode: A “0” in the Output register activates the N-MOS while a “1” in theOutput register activates the P-MOS. A read access to the Data Output register gets the last written value in Push-Pull mode A read access to the Data Input Register gets the I/O state in open drain mode The figure below shows the Output configuration of the I/O port bit. Figure 5-3. Output configuration Vdd Write Bit Set/Clear Registers Read/Write Output Data Registe r Output Control Vdd Vdd Output driver Vss I/O pin Read Vss Vss Input Data Regist er Schmitt trigger Input driver 104 GD32F1x0 User Manual 5.3.6. Analog configuration When GPIO pin is used as analog configuration: The weak pull-up and pull-down resistors are disabled. The Output Buffer is disabled. The Schmitt Trigger Input is de-activated. Read access to the Data Input Register gets the value “0”. The figure below shows the high impedance-analog configuration Figure 5-4. High impedance-analog configuration Vdd Vdd / Vdd_FT Input Data Register Read off I/O pin Schmitt trigger Analog Input Vss Input driver 5.3.7. Vss Alternate function (AF) configuration To suit for different device packages, the GPIO supports some alternate functions to some other pins by software. When be configured as Alternate Function: The Output Buffer is turned on in Open Drain or Push-Pull configuration The Output Buffer is driven by the peripheral The Schmitt Trigger Input is activated The weak pull-up and pull-down resistors could be chosen. The data present on the I/O pin is sampled into the Data Input Register every AHB2 clock cycle A read access to the Data Input Register gets the I/O state in open drain mode A read access to the Data Output register gets the last written value in Push-Pull mode The figure below shows the Alternate Function Configuration of the I/O Port bit. 105 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 5-5. Alternate function configuration Vdd Alternate Function Output Output Control Vdd Vdd Output driver Vss I/O pin Alternate Function Input Vss Input Data Regist er Read Vss Schmitt trigger Input driver 5.3.8. GPIO locking function The locking mechanism allows the IO configuration to be protected. The protected registers are GPIOx_CTL, GPIOx_OMODE, GPIOx_OSPD, GPIOx_PUD, GPIOx_AFSEL[1:0]. It allows the I/O configuration to be frozen by the 32-bit locking register (GPIOx_LOCK). When the LOCK sequence has been applied on a port bit, it is no longer able to modify the value of the port bit until the next reset. It should be recommended to be used in the configuration of driving a power module. 5.4. GPIO registers 5.4.1. Port control register (GPIOx_CTL) (x=A..D,F) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x2800 0000 for port A; 0x0000 0000 for others. This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 CTL15[1:0] CTL14[1:0] CTL13[1:0] CTL12[1:0] CTL11[1:0] CTL10[1:0] CTL9[1:0] CTL8[1:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CTL7[1:0] CTL6[1:0] CTL5[1:0] CTL4[1:0] CTL3[1:0] CTL2[1:0] CTL1[1:0] CTL0[1:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:30 CTL15[1:0] Pin 15 configuration bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to CTL0[1:0] description 106 GD32F1x0 User Manual 29:28 CTL14[1:0] Pin 14 configuration bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to CTL0[1:0] description 27:26 CTL13[1:0] Pin 13 configuration bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to CTL0[1:0] description 25:24 CTL12[1:0] Pin 12 configuration bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to CTL0[1:0] description 23:22 CTL11[1:0] Pin 11 configuration bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to CTL0[1:0] description 21:20 CTL10[1:0] Pin 10 configuration bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to CTL0[1:0] description 19:18 CTL9[1:0] Pin 9 configuration bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to CTL0[1:0] description 17:16 CTL8[1:0] Pin 8 configuration bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to CTL0[1:0] description 15:14 CTL7[1:0] Pin 7 configuration bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to CTL0[1:0] description 13:12 CTL6[1:0] Pin 6 configuration bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to CTL0[1:0] description 11:10 CTL5[1:0] Pin 5 configuration bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to CTL0[1:0] description 9:8 CTL4[1:0] Pin 4 configuration bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to CTL0[1:0] description 7:6 CTL3[1:0] Pin 3 configuration bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to CTL0[1:0] description 5:4 CTL2[1:0] Pin 2 configuration bits These bits are set and cleared by software. 107 GD32F1x0 User Manual Refer to CTL0[1:0] description 3:2 CTL1[1:0] Pin 1 configuration bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to CTL0[1:0] description 1:0 CTL0[1:0] Pin 0 configuration bits These bits are set and cleared by software. 00: Input mode (reset state) 01: GPIO output mode 10: Alternate function mode. 11: Analog mode 5.4.2. Port output mode register (GPIOx_OMODE) (x=A..D,F) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OM2 OM1 rw rw Reserved 15 OM15 rw 14 13 OM14 OM13 OM12 OM11 OM10 rw rw rw rw rw 12 11 10 9 OM9 rw 8 OM8 rw 7 OM7 rw OM6 rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15 OM15 Pin 15 output mode bit OM5 rw OM4 rw OM3 rw OM0 rw These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OM0 description 14 OM14 Pin 14 output mode bit These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OM0 description 13 OM13 Pin 13 output mode bit These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OM0 description 12 OM12 Pin 12 output mode bit These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OM0 description 11 OM11 Pin 11 output mode bit These bits are set and cleared by software. 108 GD32F1x0 User Manual Refer to OM0 description 10 OM10 Pin 10 output mode bit These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OM0 description 9 OM9 Pin 9 output mode bit These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OM0 description 8 OM8 Pin 8 output mode bit These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OM0 description 7 OM7 Pin 7 output mode bit These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OM0 description 6 OM6 Pin 6 output mode bit These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OM0 description 5 OM5 Pin 5 output mode bit These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OM0 description 4 OM4 Pin 4 output mode bit These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OM0 description 3 OM3 Pin 3 output mode bit These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OM0 description 2 OM2 Pin 2 output mode bit These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OM0 description 1 OM1 Pin 1 output mode bit These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OM0 description 0 OM0 Pin 0 output mode bit These bits are set and cleared by software. 0: Output push-pull mode (reset) 1: Output open-drain mode 109 GD32F1x0 User Manual 5.4.3. Port output speed register (GPIOx_OSPD) (x=A..D,F) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0C00 0000 for port A; 0x0000 0000 for others. This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 OSPD15[1:0] OSPD14[1:0] OSPD13[1:0] OSPD12[1:0] OSPD11[1:0] OSPD10[1:0] OSPD9[1:0] OSPD8[1:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OSPD7[1:0] OSPD6[1:0] OSPD5[1:0] OSPD4[1:0] OSPD3[1:0] OSPD2[1:0] OSPD1[1:0] OSPD0[1:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:30 OSPD15[1:0] Pin 15 output max speed bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OSPD0[1:0] description 29:28 OSPD14[1:0] Pin 14 output max speed bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OSPD0[1:0] description 27:26 OSPD13[1:0] Pin 13 output max speed bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OSPD0[1:0 ]description 25:24 OSPD12[1:0] Pin 12 output max speed bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OSPD0[1:0] description 23:22 OSPD11[1:0] Pin 11 output max speed bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OSPD0[1:0] description 21:20 OSPD10[1:0] Pin 10 output max speed bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OSPD0[1:0] description 19:18 OSPD9[1:0] Pin 9 output max speed bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OSPD0[1:0] description 17:16 OSPD8[1:0] Pin 8 output max speed bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OSPD0[1:0] description 15:14 OSPD7[1:0] Pin 7 output max speed bits These bits are set and cleared by software. 110 GD32F1x0 User Manual Refer to OSPD0[1:0] description 13:12 OSPD6[1:0] Pin 6 output max speed bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OSPD0[1:0] description 11:10 OSPD5[1:0] Pin 5 output max speed bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OSPD0[1:0] description 9:8 OSPD4[1:0] Pin 4 output max speed bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OSPD0[1:0] description 7:6 OSPD3[1:0] Pin 3 output max speed bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OSPD0[1:0] description 5:4 OSPD2[1:0] Pin 2 output max speed bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OSPD0[1:0] description 3:2 OSPD1[1:0] Pin 1 output max speed bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to OSPD0[1:0] description 1:0 OSPD0[1:0] Pin 0 output max speed bits These bits are set and cleared by software. x0: Output max speed 2M (reset state) 01: Output max speed 10M 11: Output max speed 50M 5.4.4. Port pull-up/down register (GPIOx_PUD) (x=A..D,F) Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x2400 0000 for port A; 0x0000 0000 for others. This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 PUD15[1:0] PUD14[1:0] PUD13[1:0] PUD12[1:0] PUD11[1:0] PUD10[1:0] PUD9[1:0] PUD8[1:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PUD7[1:0] PUD6[1:0] PUD5[1:0] PUD4[1:0] PUD3[1:0] PUD2[1:0] PUD1[1:0] PUD0[1:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:30 PUD15[1:0] Pin 15 pull-up or pull-down bits 111 GD32F1x0 User Manual These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to PUD0[1:0] description 29:28 PUD14[1:0] Pin 14 pull-up or pull-down bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to PUD0[1:0] description 27:26 PUD13[1:0] Pin 13 pull-up or pull-down bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to PUD0[1:0] description 25:24 PUD12[1:0] Pin 12 pull-up or pull-down bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to PUD0[1:0] description 23:22 PUD11[1:0] Pin 11 pull-up or pull-down bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to PUD0[1:0] description 21:20 PUD10[1:0] Pin 10 pull-up or pull-down bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to PUD0[1:0] description 19:18 PUD9[1:0] Pin 9 pull-up or pull-down bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to PUD0[1:0] description 17:16 PUD8[1:0] Pin 8 pull-up or pull-down bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to PUD0[1:0] description 15:14 PUD7[1:0] Pin 7 pull-up or pull-down bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to PUD0[1:0] description 13:12 PUD6[1:0] Pin 6 pull-up or pull-down bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to PUD0[1:0] description 11:10 PUD5[1:0] Pin 5 pull-up or pull-down bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to PUD0[1:0] description 9:8 PUD4[1:0] Pin 4 pull-up or pull-down bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to PUD0[1:0] description 7:6 PUD3[1:0] Pin 3 pull-up or pull-down bits These bits are set and cleared by software. 112 GD32F1x0 User Manual Refer to PUD0[1:0] description 5:4 PUD2[1:0] Pin 2 pull-up or pull-down bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to PUD0[1:0] description 3:2 PUD1[1:0] Pin 1 pull-up or pull-down bits These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to PUD0[1:0] description 1:0 PUD0[1:0] Pin 0 pull-up or pull-down bits These bits are set and cleared by software. 00: Floating mode, no pull-up and pull-down (reset state) 01: With pull-up mode 10: With pull-down mode 11: Reserved 5.4.5. Port input status register (GPIOx_ISTAT) (x=A..D,F) Address offset: 0x10 eset value: 0x0000 XXXX. This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 ISTA ISTA ISTA ISTA ISTA ISTA ISTA ISTA ISTA ISTA ISTA ISTA ISTA ISTA ISTA ISTA T15 T14 T13 T12 T11 T10 T9 T8 T7 T6 T5 T4 T3 T2 T1 T0 r r r r r r r r r 12 r r 11 10 r r 9 r r r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:0 ISTAT[15:0] Port input data These bits are set and cleared by hardware. 0: Input signal low 1: Input signal high 5.4.6. Port output control register (GPIOx_OCTL) (x=A..D,F) Address offset: 0x14 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 113 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 OCTL15 OCTL14 OCTL13 OCTL12 OCTL11 OCTL10 OCTL9 OCTL8 OCTL7 OCTL6 OCTL5 OCTL4 OCTL3 OCTL2 OCTL1 OCTL0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:0 OCTL[15:0] Port output data rw rw rw rw rw rw rw These bits are set and cleared by software. 0: Pin output low 1: Pin output high 5.4.7. Port bit operate register (GPIOx_BOP) (x=A..D,F) Address offset: 0x18 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 CR15 CR14 CR13 CR12 CR11 CR10 CR9 CR8 CR7 CR6 CR5 CR4 CR3 CR2 CR1 CR0 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BOP15 BOP14 BOP13 BOP12 BOP11 BOP10 BOP9 BOP8 BOP7 BOP6 BOP5 BOP4 BOP3 BOP2 BOP1 BOP0 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 CRx Port Clear bit These bits are set and cleared by software. 0: No action on the corresponding OCTLx bit 1: Clear the corresponding OCTLx bit 15:0 BOPx[15:0] Port Set bit These bits are set and cleared by software. 0: No action on the corresponding OCTLx bit 1: Set the corresponding OCTLx bit 5.4.8. Port configuration lock register (GPIOx_LOCK) (x=A, B) Address offset: 0x1C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 114 GD32F1x0 User Manual This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Reserved 16 LKK rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LK15 LK14 LK13 LK12 LK11 LK10 LK9 LK8 LK7 LK6 LK5 LK4 LK3 LK2 LK1 LK0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 16 LKK Lock key It can only be setted using the Lock Key Writing Sequence.And can always be read. 0: Port configuration lock key not active 1: Port configuration lock key active. GPIO_LOCK register is locked until an MCU reset.. LOCK key writing sequence Write 1→Write 0→Write 1→ Read 0→ Read 1 Note: The value of LKx[15:0] must hold during the LOCK Key Writing sequence. 15:0 LKx[15:0] Port Lock bit 0 ~ 15 These bits are set and cleared by software 0: Port configuration not locked 1: Port configuration locked 5.4.9. Alternate function selected register0 (GPIOx_AFSEL0) (x=A, B, C) Address offset: 0x20 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 15 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 SEL7[3:0] SEL6[3:0] SEL5[3:0] SEL4[3:0] rw rw rw rw 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SEL3[3:0] SEL2[3:0] SEL1[3:0] SEL0[3:0] rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:28 SEL7[3:0] Pin 7 alternate function selected 16 0 These bits are set and cleared by software. 115 GD32F1x0 User Manual Refer to SEL0[3:0] description 27:24 SEL6[3:0] Pin 6 alternate function selected These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to SEL0[3:0] description 23:20 SEL5[3:0] Pin 5 alternate function selected These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to SEL0[3:0] description 19:16 SEL4[3:0] Pin 4 alternate function selected These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to SEL0[3:0] description 15:12 SEL3[3:0] Pin 3 alternate function selected These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to SEL0[3:0] description 11:8 SEL2[3:0] Pin 2 alternate function selected These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to SEL0[3:0] description 7:4 SEL1[3:0] Pin 1 alternate function selected These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to SEL0[3:0] description 3:0 SEL0[3:0] Pin 0 alternate function selected These bits are set and cleared by software. 0000: AF0 selected (reset value) 0001: AF1 selected 0010: AF2 selected 0011: AF3 selected 0100: AF4 selected (Port A,B only) 0101: AF5 selected (Port A,B only) 0110: AF6 selected (Port A,B only) 0111: AF7 selected (Port A,B only) 1000 ~ 1111: Reserved 5.4.10. Alternate function selected register1 (GPIOx_AFSEL1) (x=A,B,C) Address offset: 0x24 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 SEL15[3:0] 28 27 26 25 SEL14[3:0] 24 23 22 21 SEL13[3:0] 20 19 18 17 16 SEL12[3:0] 116 GD32F1x0 User Manual rw 15 14 rw 13 12 11 10 rw 9 8 7 6 rw 5 4 3 2 1 SEL11[3:0] SEL10[3:0] SEL9[3:0] SEL8[3:0] rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:28 SEL15[3:0] Pin 15 alternate function selected 0 These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to SEL8[3:0] description 27:24 SEL14[3:0] Pin 14 alternate function selected These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to SEL8[3:0] description 23:20 SEL13[3:0] Pin 13 alternate function selected These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to SEL8[3:0] description 19:16 SEL12[3:0] Pin 12 alternate function selected These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to SEL8[3:0] description 15:12 SEL11[3:0] Pin 1 alternate function selected These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to SEL8[3:0] description 11:8 SEL10[3:0] Pin 10 alternate function selected These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to SEL8[3:0] description 7:4 SEL9[3:0] Pin 9 alternate function selected These bits are set and cleared by software. Refer to SEL8[3:0] description 3:0 SEL8[3:0] Pin 8 alternate function selected These bits are set and cleared by software. 0000: AF0 selected (reset value) 0001: AF1 selected 0010: AF2 selected 0011: AF3 selected 0100: AF4 selected (Port A,B only) 0101: AF5 selected (Port A,B only) 0110: AF6 selected (Port A,B only) 0111: AF7 selected (Port A,B only) 1000 ~ 1111: Reserved 117 GD32F1x0 User Manual 5.4.11. Bit clear register (GPIOx_BC) (x=A..D,F) Address offset: 0x28 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CR15 CR14 CR13 CR12 CR11 CR10 CR9 CR8 CR7 CR6 CR5 CR4 CR3 CR2 CR1 CR0 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:0 CRx[15:0] Port Clear bit These bits are set and cleared by software. 0: No action on the corresponding OCTLx bit 1: Clear the corresponding OCTLx bit 5.4.12. Port bit toggle register (GPIOx_TGx) (x=A..D,F) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x2C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TG15 TG14 TG13 TG12 TG11 TG10 TG9 TG8 TG7 TG6 TG5 TG4 TG3 TG2 TG1 TG0 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:0 TGx[15:0] Port Toggle bit These bits are set and cleared by software. 0: No action on the corresponding OCTLx bit 1: Toggle the corresponding OCTLx bit 118 GD32F1x0 User Manual 6. CRC calculation unit 6.1. Introduction A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is an error-detecting code commonly used in digital networks and storage devices to detect accidental changes to raw data. This CRC calculation unit can be used to calculate 32/16/8 bit CRC code within fixed polynomial. 6.2. Main features 32/16/8 bit data input and 32-bit data output. Calculation period is 4/2/1 AHB Clock cycles for 32/16/8 bit input data size from data entered to the calculation result vailable. Free 8-bit register is unrelated for calculation and can be used for any other goals by any other peripheral devices. Fixed polynomial: 0x4C11DB7 X32 + X26 + X23 + X22 + X16 + X12 + X11 + X10 +X8 + X7 + X5 + X4 + X2+ X + 1 This 32-bit CRC polynomial is a common polynomial used in Ethernet. One 32-bit Input buffer for higher bus efficiency Reversible option for input and output data User setting initial value for flexible calculation 119 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 6-1.Block Diagram of CRC Calculation Unit Data Input Reversible Option Input Data Register Reversible Option CRC Calculation Unit Fixed polynomial 0x4C11DB7 AHB BUS Interface Data Output Reversible Option Output Data Register (32 bit) Reversible Option Data Access Free Purpose 8 bit Register 6.3. Function description There are five functions in this unit: CRC calculation unit is used to calculate the 32-bit raw data, and CRC_DATA register will receive the raw data and store the calculation result. If do not clear the CRC_DATA register by software setting CRC_CTL register, the new input raw data will calculate based on the result of previous value of CRC_DATA. CRC calculation will spend 4/2/1 AHB clock cycles for 32/16/8 bit data size, during this period AHB will not be hanged because the existence of the 32-bit input buffer. This module supplies an 8-bit free register CRC_FDATA. CRC_FDATA is unrelated to the CRC calculation, any value you write in will be read out at anytime. Reversible function can reverse the input data and output data. For input data, 3 reverse types can be selected. Original data is 0x1A2B3C4D: 1) byte reverse: 32-bit data is divided into 4 groups and reverse implement in group inside. Reversed data: 0x58D43CB2. 2) half-word reverse: 120 GD32F1x0 User Manual 32-bit data is divided in to 2 groups and reverse implement in group inside. Reversed data: 0xD458B23C. 3) word reverse: 32-bit data is divided in to 1 group and reverse implement in group inside. Reversed data: 0xB23CD458 For output data, reverse type is word reverse. For example: when REV_O=1, calculation result 0x22CC4488 will be converted to 0x11223344. Multiple input data size support function will make users have the flexibility to adjust the combination of the calculation data. For example: 6 bytes input data can be combined by 1 word and 1 half-word, also it can be combined by 3 half-word. User configurable initial calculation data function will support user calculate CRC data value under any initial value. 6.4. CRC Registers 6.4.1. Data Register (CRC_DATA) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0xFFFF FFFF This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DATA[31:16] rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 DATA[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:0 DATA[31:0] CRC calculation result bits Software writes and reads. This register is used to calculate new data, and the register can be written the new data directly.Write value cannot be read because the read value is the CRC calculation result. If the input calculation data is less than 4 byte, the actual valid byte is the corresponding least significant byte. 6.4.2. Free Data Register (CRC_FDATA) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 121 GD32F1x0 User Manual This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved FDATA[7:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7:0 FDATA[7:0] Free Data Register Bits Software write and read. These bits are unrelated with CRC calculation. This byte can be used for any goals by any other peripheral. The CRC_CTL register will generate no effect to the byte. 6.4.3. Control Register (CRC_CTL) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 REV_O REV_I[1:0] rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7 REV_O Output Data Reverse Function Reserved RST rs 0: Output data not reverse 1: Output data reversed by 32-bit 6:5 REV_I[1:0] Input Data Reverse Function 0x0: Input data not reverse 0x1: Input data reversed by byte type 0x2: Input data reversed by half-word type 0x3: Input data reversed by word type 4:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 0 RST This bit can reset the CRC_DATA register to the value of 0xFFFFFFFF then 122 GD32F1x0 User Manual automatically cleared itself to 0 by hardware. This bit will generate no effect to CRC_FDATA. Software writes and reads. 6.4.4. Initialization Data Register (CRC_IDATA) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0xFFFF FFFF This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IDATA [31:16] rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 IDATA [15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:0 IDATA[31:0] Configurable initial CRC data value When RST bit in CRC_CTL asserted, CRC_DATA will be programmed to this value . 123 GD32F1x0 User Manual 7. Interrupts and events 7.1. Introduction Cortex-M3 integrates the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) for efficient exception and interrupts processing. NVIC facilitates low-latency exception and interrupt handling and controls power management. It’s tightly coupled to the processor core. You can read the Technical Reference Manual of Cortex-M3 for more details about NVIC. An external interrupt/event controller (EXTI) is provided in chip which contains 23 independent edge detectors and generates interrupt requests or events to the processor. The EXTI has three trigger types: rising edge, falling edge and both edges. Each edge detector in the EXTI can be configured and masked independently. 7.2. Main features Cortex-M3 system exception Up to 52 maskable peripheral interrupts for GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices or 74 maskable peripheral interrupts for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices 4 bits interrupt priority configuration-16 priority levels Efficient interrupt processing Support exception pre-emption and tail-chaining Wake up system from power saving mode Up to 23 independent edge detectors in EXTI 3 trigger types: rising, falling and both edges Software interrupt or event trigger Trigger sources configurable 7.3. Function description 7.3.1. NVIC and exception/interrupt processing The ARM Cortex-M3 processor and the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) prioritize and handle all exceptions in Handler Mode. The processor state is automatically stored to the stack on an exception and automatically restored from the stack at the end of the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR). The vector is fetched in parallel to the state saving, enabling efficient interrupt entry. The processor supports tail-chaining, which enables back-to-back interrupts to be performed without the overhead of state saving and restoration. 124 GD32F1x0 User Manual Table 7-1. NVIC exception types in Cotrex-M3 Exception Vector Type Number - Priority (a) Vector Address Description 0 - 0x0000_0000 Reserved Reset 1 -3 0x0000_0004 Reset NMI 2 -2 0x0000_0008 Non maskable interrupt. HardFault 3 -1 0x0000_000C All class of fault MemManage 4 Programmable 0x0000_0010 Memory management BusFault 5 Programmable 0x0000_0014 UsageFault 6 Programmable 0x0000_0018 - 7-10 - SVCall 11 Programmable 0x0000_002C 12 Programmable 0x0000_0030 Debug Monitor - 13 - 0x0000_0034 Reserved PendSV 14 Programmable 0x0000_0038 SysTick 15 Programmable 0x0000_003C System tick timer(b) Interrupts 16-89 Programmable 0x0000_0040 - Peripheral Interrupts 0x0000_0164 (See below table for detail) Debug Monitor Prefetch fault, memory access fault Undefined instruction or illegal state 0x0000_001C - Reserved 0x0000_002B System service call via SWI instruction Pendable request for system service Table 7-2. Interrupt vector table of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices Interrupt Vector Number Number IRQ 0 Peripheral Interrupt Description Vector Address 16 Window watchdog interrupt 0x0000_0040 IRQ 1 17 LVD through EXTI Line detection interrupt 0x0000_0044 IRQ 2 18 RTC global interrupt 0x0000_0048 IRQ 3 19 Flash global interrupt 0x0000_004C IRQ 4 20 RCU global interrupt 0x0000_0050 IRQ 5 21 EXTI Line0-1 interrupt 0x0000_0054 IRQ 6 22 EXTI Line2-3 interrupt 0x0000_0058 IRQ 7 23 EXTI Line4-15 interrupt 0x0000_005C IRQ 8 24 TSI global interrupt 0x0000_0060 IRQ 9 25 DMA Channel0 global interrupt 0x0000_0064 IRQ 10 26 DMA Channel1-2 global interrupt 0x0000_0068 IRQ 11 27 DMA Channel3-4 global interrupt 0x0000_006C IRQ 12 28 ADC and CMP0-1 interrupt 0x0000_0070 IRQ 13 29 TIMER0 Break, update, trigger and commutation interrupt 0x0000_0074 125 GD32F1x0 User Manual Interrupt Vector Number Number IRQ 14 Peripheral Interrupt Description Vector Address 30 TIMER0 Capture Compare interrupt 0x0000_0078 IRQ 15 31 TIMER1 global interrupt 0x0000_007C IRQ 16 32 TIMER2 global interrupt 0x0000_0080 IRQ 17 33 TIMER5 and DAC global interrupt 0x0000_0084 IRQ 18 34 Reserved 0x0000_0088 IRQ 19 35 TIMER13 global interrupt 0x0000_008C IRQ 20 36 TIMER14 global interrupt 0x0000_0090 IRQ 21 37 TIMER15 global interrupt 0x0000_0094 IRQ 22 38 TIMER16 global interrupt 0x0000_0098 IRQ 23 39 I2C0 event interrupt 0x0000_009C IRQ 24 40 I2C1 event interrupt 0x0000_00A0 IRQ 25 41 SPI0 global interrupt 0x0000_00A4 IRQ 26 42 SPI1 global interrupt 0x0000_00A8 IRQ 27 43 USART0 global interrupt 0x0000_00AC IRQ 28 44 USART1 global interrupt 0x0000_00B0 IRQ 29 45 Reserved 0x0000_00B4 IRQ 30 46 CEC global interrupt 0x0000_00B8 IRQ 31 47 Reserved 0x0000_00BC IRQ 32 48 I2C0 error interrupt 0x0000_00C0 IRQ 33 49 Reserved 0x0000_00C4 IRQ 34 50 I2C1 error interrupt 0x0000_00C8 IRQ 35 51 I2C2 event interrupt 0x0000_00CC IRQ 36 52 I2C2 error interrupt 0x0000_00D0 IRQ 37 53 USBD Low Priority interrupts 0x0000_00D4 IRQ 38 54 USBD High Priority interrupts 0x0000_00D8 IRQ 39-41 55-57 Reserved IRQ 42 58 USBD Wake Up through EXTI Line18 interrupt IRQ 43-47 59-63 Reserved IRQ 48 64 DMA Channel5-6 global interrupt IRQ 49-50 65-66 Reserved IRQ 51 67 SPI2 global interrupt 0x0000_00DC0x0000_00E4 0x0000_00E8 0x0000_00EC0x0000_00FC 0x0000_0100 0x0000_01040x0000_0108 0x0000_010C Table 7-3. Interrupt vector table of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Interrupt Vector Number Number IRQ 0 Peripheral Interrupt Description Vector Address 16 Window watchdog timer interrupt 0x0000_0040 IRQ 1 17 LVD through EXTI Line detection interrupt 0x0000_0044 IRQ 2 18 RTC global interrupt 0x0000_0048 126 GD32F1x0 User Manual Interrupt Vector Number Number IRQ 3 Peripheral Interrupt Description Vector Address 19 Flash global interrupt 0x0000_004C IRQ 4 20 RCU global interrupt 0x0000_0050 IRQ 5 21 EXTI Line0-1 interrupt 0x0000_0054 IRQ 6 22 EXTI Line2-3 interrupt 0x0000_0058 IRQ 7 23 EXTI Line4-15 interrupt 0x0000_005C IRQ 8 24 TSI global interrupt 0x0000_0060 IRQ 9 25 DMA Channel0 global interrupt 0x0000_0064 IRQ 10 26 DMA Channel1-2 global interrupt 0x0000_0068 IRQ 11 27 DMA Channel3-4 global interrupt 0x0000_006C IRQ 12 28 ADC and CMP0-1 interrupt 0x0000_0070 IRQ 13 29 IRQ 14 30 TIMER0 Capture Compare interrupt 0x0000_0078 IRQ 15 31 TIMER1 global interrupt 0x0000_007C IRQ 16 32 TIMER2 global interrupt 0x0000_0080 IRQ 17 33 TIMER5 and DAC global interrupt 0x0000_0084 IRQ 18 34 Reserved 0x0000_0088 IRQ 19 35 TIMER13 global interrupt 0x0000_008C IRQ 20 36 TIMER14 global interrupt 0x0000_0090 IRQ 21 37 TIMER15 global interrupt 0x0000_0094 IRQ 22 38 TIMER16 global interrupt 0x0000_0098 IRQ 23 39 I2C0 event interrupt 0x0000_009C IRQ 24 40 I2C1 event interrupt 0x0000_00A0 IRQ 25 41 SPI0 global interrupt 0x0000_00A4 IRQ 26 42 SPI1 global interrupt 0x0000_00A8 IRQ 27 43 USART0 global interrupt 0x0000_00AC IRQ 28 44 USART1 global interrupt 0x0000_00B0 IRQ 29 45 Reserved 0x0000_00B4 IRQ 30 46 CEC global interrupt 0x0000_00B8 IRQ 31 47 Reserved 0x0000_00BC IRQ 32 48 I2C0 error interrupt 0x0000_00C0 IRQ 33 49 Reserved 0x0000_00C4 IRQ 34 50 I2C1 error interrupt 0x0000_00C8 IRQ 35 51 I2C2 event interrupt 0x0000_00CC IRQ 36 52 I2C2 error interrupt 0x0000_00D0 IRQ 37-42 53-58 Reserved IRQ43 59 CAN0_TX 0x0000_00EC IRQ44 60 CAN0_RX0 0x0000_00F0 IRQ45 61 CAN0_RX1 0x0000_00F4 TIMER0 Break, update, trigger and commutation interrupt 0x0000_0074 0x0000_00D40x0000_00E8 127 GD32F1x0 User Manual 7.3.2. Interrupt Vector Number Number IRQ46 Peripheral Interrupt Description Vector Address 62 CAN0_SCE 0x0000_00F8 IRQ 47 63 SLCD 0x0000_00FC IRQ 48 64 DMA Channe5-6 global interrupt 0x0000_0100 IRQ 49-50 65-66 Reserved IRQ 51 67 SPI2 global interrupt IRQ52-69 68-85 Reserved IRQ70 86 CAN1_TX 0x0000_0158 IRQ71 87 CAN1_RX0 0x0000_015C IRQ72 88 CAN1_RX1 0x0000_0160 IRQ73 89 CAN1_SCE 0x0000_0164 0x0000_01040x0000_0108 0x0000_010C 0x0000_01100x0000_0154 External Interrupt and Event (EXTI) The EXTI contains 23 independent edge detectors and generates 28 interrupt requests or events to the processor. The EXTI has three trigger types for the 23 edge detectors: rising edge, falling edge and both edges. Each edge detector in the EXTI can be configured and masked independently. The figure below is the block diagram of EXTI. 128 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 7-1. Block diagram of EXTI. Polarity Control EXTI Line0~22 Software Trigger Edge detector Interrupt Mask Control Event Generate Event Mask Control To NVIC To Wakeup Unit The EXTI trigger source includes 16 lines from I/O pins and 8 lines for GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices (including LVD, RTC, USBD, USART, CEC and CMP, please refer to Table 7-4 for detail) or 7 lines for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices (including LVD, RTC, USART, CEC and CMP, please refer to Table 7-5 for detail) from the internal modules. All GPIO pins can be selected as an EXTI trigger source by configuring SYSCFG_EXTISSx registers in SYSCFG module (please refer to System section for detail). EXTI can provide not only interrupts but also event signals to the processor. The Cortex-M3 processor fully implements the Wait-For-Interrupt (WFI), Wait-For-Event (WFE) and the Send Event (SEV) instructions. There is a Wake-up Interrupt Controller (WIC) in chip, which enables the processor and NVIC to be put into a very low-power sleep mode leaving the WIC to identify and prioritize interrupts and events. EXTI can be used to wake up the processor and the whole system when some expected events occur, such as a special I/O pin toggling or RTC alarm. The internal trigger sources from CEC and USART are able to generate event for waking up the system. However, the two modules are also requested to generate a synchronous interrupt for the processor to wake up the CPU from Deep-sleep mode. Both internal trigger lines can be masked by setting corresponding INTEN and EVEN registers in EXTI module. Hardware Trigger 129 GD32F1x0 User Manual Hardware trigger may be used to detect the voltage change of external or internal signals. The software should follow these steps to use this function: 1. Configure EXTI sources in SYSCFG module based on application requirement. 2. Configure EXTI_RTEN and EXTI_FTEN to enable the rising or falling detection on related pins. (Software may set both RTENx and FTENx for a pin at the same time to detect both rising and falling changes on this pin). 3. Enable interrupts or events by setting related EXTI_INTEN or EXTI_EVEN bits. 4. EXTI starts to detect changes on the configured pins. The related PDx bits in EXTI_PD will be set when desired change is detected on these pins and thus, trigger interrupt or event for software. The software should response to the interrupts or events and clear these PDx bits. Software Trigger Software may also trigger EXTI interrupts or events following these steps: 1. Enable interrupts or events by setting related EXTI_INTEN or EXTI_EVEN bits. 2. Set SWIENx bits in EXTI_SWIEN register. The related PD bits will be set immediately and thus, trigger interrupts or events. Software should response to these interrupts, and clear related PDx bits. Table 7-4. EXTI source of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices EXTI Line Number Source Attrubute 0 PA0 / PB0 / PC0 / PF0 External 1 PA1 / PB1 / PC1 / PF1 External 2 PA2 / PB2 / PC2 / PD2 External 3 PA3 / PB3 / PC3 External 4 PA4 / PB4 / PC4 / PF4 External 5 PA5 / PB5 / PC5 / PF5 External 6 PA6 / PB6 / PC6 / PF6 External 7 PA7 / PB7 / PC7 / PF7 External 8 PA8 / PB8 / PC8 External 9 PA9 / PB9 / PC9 External 10 PA10 / PB10 / PC10 External 11 PA11 / PB11 / PC11 External 12 PA12 / PB12/ PC12 External 13 PA13 / PB13 / PC13 External 14 PA14 / PB14 / PC14 External 15 PA15 / PB15 / PC15 External 16 LVD External 17 RTC Alarm External 18 USBD Wakeup External 19 RTC tamper and Timestamp External 20 Reserved Reserved 21 CMP0 output External 22 CMP1 output External 130 GD32F1x0 User Manual EXTI Line Number Source Attrubute 23 Reserved Reserved 24 Reserved Reserved 25 USART0 Wakeup Internal 26 Reserved Reserved 27 CEC Wakeup Internal Table 7-5. EXTI source of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices EXTI Line Number Source Attrubute 0 PA0 / PB0 / PC0 / PF0 External 1 PA1 / PB1 / PC1 / PF1 External 2 PA2 / PB2 / PC2 / PD2 External 3 PA3 / PB3 / PC3 External 4 PA4 / PB4 / PC4 / PF4 External 5 PA5 / PB5 / PC5 / PF5 External 6 PA6 / PB6 / PC6 / PF6 External 7 PA7 / PB7 / PC7 / PF7 External 8 PA8 / PB8 / PC8 External 9 PA9 / PB9 / PC9 External 10 PA10 / PB10 / PC10 External 11 PA11 / PB11 / PC11 External 12 PA12 / PB12/ PC12 External 13 PA13 / PB13 / PC13 External 14 PA14 / PB14 / PC14 External 15 PA15 / PB15 / PC15 External 16 LVD External 17 RTC Alarm External 18 Reserved Reserved 19 RTC tamper and Timestamp External 20 Reserved Reserved 21 CMP0 output External 22 CMP1 output External 23 Reserved Reserved 24 Reserved Reserved 25 USART0 Wakeup Internal 26 Reserved Reserved 27 CEC Wakeup Internal 7.4. Interrupts and EXTI registers 7.4.1. Interrupt Enable register (EXTI_INTEN) Address offset: 0x00 131 GD32F1x0 User Manual Reset value: 0x0F90 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 INTEN2 INTEN2 INTEN2 INTEN2 INTEN2 INTEN2 INTEN2 INTEN2 INTEN1 INTEN1 INTEN1 INTEN1 Reserved 15 14 13 12 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INTEN1 INTEN1 INTEN1 INTEN1 INTEN1 INTEN1 INTEN9 INTEN8 INTEN7 INTEN6 INTEN5 INTEN4 INTEN3 INTEN2 INTEN1 INTEN0 5 4 3 2 1 0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 27: 0 INTENx Interrupt mask bit rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 21 20 19 18 17 16 0: Interrupt from Linex is disabled 1: Interrupt from Linex is enabled 7.4.2. Event enable register (EXTI_EVEN) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 EVEN2 EVEN2 EVEN2 EVEN2 EVEN2 EVEN2 EVEN2 EVEN2 EVEN1 EVEN1 EVEN1 EVEN1 Reserved 15 14 13 12 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EVEN1 EVEN1 EVEN1 EVEN1 EVEN1 EVEN1 EVEN9 EVEN8 EVEN7 EVEN6 EVEN5 EVEN4 EVEN3 EVEN2 EVEN1 EVEN0 5 4 3 2 1 0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 27: 0 EVENx Event enable bit rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 0: Event from Linex is disabled 1: Event from Linex is enabled 7.4.3. Rising edge trigger enable register (EXTI_RTEN) Address offset: 0x08 132 GD32F1x0 User Manual Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Reserved 15 14 13 12 21 rw rw rw 19 18 17 16 RTEN22 RTEN21 Reserved RTEN19 RTEN18 RTEN17 RTEN16 11 10 9 8 rw rw 6 5 7 RTEN15 RTEN14 RTEN13 RTEN12 RTEN11 RTEN10 RTEN9 RTEN8 RTEN7 RTEN6 RTEN5 rw 20 rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 22:21 RTENx Rising edge trigger enable rw rw rw rw 4 RTEN4 3 2 rw rw 1 0 RTEN3 RTEN2 RTEN1 RTEN0 rw rw rw rw rw 19 18 17 16 0: Rising edge of Linex is not valid 1: Rising edge of Linex is valid as an interrupt/event request 20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 19 RTEN19 Rising edge trigger enable 0: Rising edge of Line19 is not valid 1: Rising edge of Line19 is valid as an interrupt/event request 18 RTEN18 Rising edge trigger enable This bit is valid only for GD32F150xx device. 0: Rising edge of Line18 is invalid 1: Rising edge of Line18 is valid as an interrupt/event request 17: 0 Rising edge trigger enable RTENx 0: Rising edge of Linex is invalid 1: Rising edge of Linex is valid as an interrupt/event request 7.4.4. Falling edge trigger enable register (EXTI_FTEN) Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 22 21 FTEN22 FTEN21 10 9 8 7 rw rw 6 5 FTEN15 FTEN14 FTEN13 FTEN12 FTEN11 FTEN10 FTEN9 FTEN8 FTEN7 FTEN6 FTEN5 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 20 Reserved FTEN19 FTEN18 FTEN17 FTEN16 rw rw rw rw 4 3 2 1 0 FTEN4 FTEN3 FTEN2 rw rw rw FTEN1 FTEN0 rw rw 133 GD32F1x0 User Manual Bits Fields Descriptions 31: 23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 22: 21 FTENx Falling edge trigger enable 0: Falling edge of Linex is invalid 1: Falling edge of Linex is valid as an interrupt/event request 20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 19 FTEN19 Falling edge trigger enable 0: Falling edge of Line19 is invalid 1: Falling edge of Line19 is valid as an interrupt/event request 18 FTEN18 Falling edge trigger enable This bit is valid only for GD32F150xx device. 0: Falling edge of Line18 is invalid 1: Falling edge of Line18 is valid as an interrupt/event request 17: 0 Falling edge trigger enable FTENx 0: Falling edge of Linex is invalid 1: Falling edge of Linex is valid as an interrupt/event request 7.4.5. Software interrupt event register (EXTI_SWIEV) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 SWIEV2 SWIEV2 Reserve SWIEV1 SWIEV1 SWIEV1 SWIEV1 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 2 1 rw rw 6 5 d 4 9 8 7 6 rw rw rw rw 3 2 1 0 SWIEV1 SWIEV1 SWIEV1 SWIEV1 SWIEV1 SWIEV1 SWIEV SWIEV SWIEV SWIEV6 SWIEV5 SWIEV4 SWIEV3 SWIEV2 SWIEV1 SWIEV0 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 22: 21 SWIEVx Interrupt/Event software trigger rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 0: Deactivate the EXTIx software interrupt/event request 1: Activate the EXTIx software interrupt/event request 20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 134 GD32F1x0 User Manual 19: 0 Interrupt/Event software trigger SWIEVx 0: Deactivate the EXTIx software interrupt/event request 1: Activate the EXTIx software interrupt/event request 7.4.6. Pending register (EXTI_PD) Address offset: 0x14 Reset value: undefined This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Reserved 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 PD22 PD21 Reserved PD19 PD18 PD17 PD16 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PD15 PD14 PD13 PD12 PD11 PD10 PD9 PD8 PD7 PD6 PD5 PD4 PD3 PD2 PD1 PD0 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 Bits Fields Descriptions 31: 23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 22: 21 PDx Interrupt pending status 0: EXIT Linex is not triggered 1: EXIT Linex is triggered This bit is cleared to 0 by writing 1 to it. 20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 19: 0 PDx Interrupt pending status 0: EXIT Linex is not triggered 1: EXIT Linex is triggered This bit is cleared to 0 by writing 1 to it. 135 GD32F1x0 User Manual 8. Direct memory access controller (DMA) 8.1. Introduction The direct memory access (DMA) controller provides a hardware method of transferring data between peripherals and memory or between memory and memory without intervention from the CPU, thereby freeing up bandwidth for other system functions. Data can be quickly moved by DMA between peripherals and memory as well as memory and memory without any CPU actions. There are 7 channels in the DMA controller. Each channel is assigned a specific or multiple target peripheral devices for memory access request management. An arbiter is implemented inside to handle the priority among DMA requests. Both the DMA controller and the CortexTM-M3 core implement data access through the system bus. An arbitration mechanisim is implemented to solve the competition between these two masters. When the same peripheral is targeted, the CPU access will be suspended for some specific bus cycles. A round-robin scheduling algorithm is utilized in the bus matrix to guaranty at least half the bandwidth to the CPU. 8.2. Main features Programmable length of data to be transferred, max to 65536 7 channels and each channel is configurable AHB and APB peripherals, FLASH, SRAM can be accessed as source and destination Each channel is connected to fixed hardware DMA request The priorities of DMA channel requests are determined by software configuration and hardware channel number Support peripheral to memory, memory to peripheral, and memory to memory transfers Three types of event flags and one single interrupt request for each channel Configurable transfer size of source and destination in a channel 8.3. Function description 8.3.1. DMA transfers The handshake mechanism between the DMA controller and peripherals is based on the request signal and the acknowledge signal. The request singal indicates the peripheral is requesting for DMA access, while the acknowledge signal indicates the DMA controller has accessed the peripheral. When the DMA controller receives two or more requests at a time, the requests are served depending on the channel priorities. Each DMA transfer consists of two operations, including the loading of data from the source and the storage of the loaded data to the destination. The source and destination addresses are computed by the DMA 136 GD32F1x0 User Manual controller based on the programmed values in the DMA_CHxPADDR, DMA_CHxMADDR, and DMA_CHxCTL0 registers. For details, see Chapter 8.3.3. The DMA_CHxCNT register controls how many transfers to be transmitted on the channel. The PWIDTH and MWIDTH bits in the DMA_CHxCTL0 register determine how many bytes to be transmitted in a transfer. Suppose DMA_CHxCNT is 4, and both PNAGA and MNAGA are set. The DMA transfer operations for each combination of PWIDTH and MWIDTH are shown in the following table. Table 8-1. DMA transfer operations Transfer size Source 8.3.2. Destination 32 bits 32 bits 32 bits 16 bits 32 bits 8 bits 16 bits 32 bits 16 bits 16 bits 16 bits 8 bits 8 bits 32 bits 8 bits 16 bits 8 bits 8 bits Transfer operations Source 1: Read B3B2B1B0[31:0] @0x0 2: Read B7B6B5B4[31:0] @0x4 3: Read BBBAB9B8[31:0] @0x8 4: Read BFBEBDBC[31:0] @0xC 1: Read B3B2B1B0[31:0] @0x0 2: Read B7B6B5B4[31:0] @0x4 3: Read BBBAB9B8[31:0] @0x8 4: Read BFBEBDBC[31:0] @0xC 1: Read B3B2B1B0[31:0] @0x0 2: Read B7B6B5B4[31:0] @0x4 3: Read BBBAB9B8[31:0] @0x8 4: Read BFBEBDBC[31:0] @0xC 1: Read B1B0[15:0] @0x0 2: Read B3B2[15:0] @0x2 3: Read B5B4[15:0] @0x4 4: Read B7B6[15:0] @0x6 1: Read B1B0[15:0] @0x0 2: Read B3B2[15:0] @0x2 3: Read B5B4[15:0] @0x4 4: Read B7B6[15:0] @0x6 1: Read B1B0[15:0] @0x0 2: Read B3B2[15:0] @0x2 3: Read B5B4[15:0] @0x4 4: Read B7B6[15:0] @0x6 1: Read B0[7:0] @0x0 2: Read B1[7:0] @0x1 3: Read B2[7:0] @0x2 4: Read B3[7:0] @0x3 1: Read B0[7:0] @0x0 2: Read B1[7:0] @0x1 3: Read B2[7:0] @0x2 4: Read B3[7:0] @0x3 1: Read B0[7:0] @0x0 2: Read B1[7:0] @0x1 3: Read B2[7:0] @0x2 4: Read B3[7:0] @0x3 Destination 1: Write B3B2B1B0[31:0] @0x0 2: Write B7B6B5B4[31:0] @0x4 3: Write BBBAB9B8[31:0] @0x8 4: Write BFBEBDBC[31:0] @0xC 1: Write B1B0[15:0] @0x0 2: Write B5B4[15:0] @0x2 3: Write B9B8[15:0] @0x4 4: Write BDBC[15:0] @0x6 1: Write B0[7:0] @0x0 2: Write B4[7:0] @0x1 3: Write B8[7:0] @0x2 4: Write BC[7:0] @0x3 1: Write 0000B1B0[31:0] @0x0 2: Write 0000B3B2[31:0] @0x4 3: Write 0000B5B4[31:0] @0x8 4: Write 0000B7B6[31:0] @0xC 1: Write B1B0[15:0] @0x0 2: Write B3B2[15:0] @0x2 3: Write B5B4[15:0] @0x4 4: Write B7B6[15:0] @0x6 1: Write B0[7:0] @0x0 2: Write B2[7:0] @0x1 3: Write B4[7:0] @0x2 4: Write B6[7:0] @0x3 1: Write 000000B0[31:0] @0x0 2: Write 000000B1[31:0] @0x4 3: Write 000000B2[31:0] @0x8 4: Write 000000B3[31:0] @0xC 1, Write 00B0[15:0] @0x0 2, Write 00B1[15:0] @0x2 3, Write 00B2[15:0] @0x4 4, Write 00B3[15:0] @0x6 1, Write B0[7:0] @0x0 2, Write B1[7:0] @0x1 3, Write B2[7:0] @0x2 4, Write B3[7:0] @0x3 Arbitration among channels When two or more requests are received at a time, the arbiter determines which request is served based on the priorities of channels. There are two-stage priorities, including the software priority and the hardware priority. The software priority is configured by the PRIO[1:0] bits in the DMA_CHxCTL0 register. There are four levels, including low, medium, high, and ultra high. And the hardware priority is fixed. The lower the channel number is, the higher the channel priority is. For instance, channel 0 has the higher priority over channel 2. The software priority is more significant than the hardware priority. If two channels are configured in different software priorities, the channel with higher software priority is served. If two channels are configured in the same software priority, the channel with higher hardware priority is served. 137 GD32F1x0 User Manual 8.3.3. Next address generation algorithm PWIDTH and MWIDTH bits in the DMA_CHxCTL0 register are used for configuring the transfer data size of peripheral and memory. PNAGA and MNAGA bits in the DMA_CHxCTL0 register are used to configure the next address generation algorithm of peripheral and memory. There are two algorithms including the fixed address mode and the increasing address mode. In the fixed address mode, the next address is equal to the current address. In the increasing address mode, the next address is the current address plus 1 or 2 or 4, depending on the transfer data size. 8.3.4. Circulation mode Circulation mode is implemented for circular data flows (for example, ADC scan mode). The feature can be enabled by configuring the CMEN bit in the DMA_CHxCTL0 register. If enabled, the remain counter of the channel is automatically reloaded with the initial programmed value when it reaches zero. So the DMA requests are always served. 8.3.5. Memory to memory mode The memory to memory mode is enabled by setting the M2M bit in the DMA_CHxCTL0 register. In this mode, the DMA channel can also work without being triggered by a request from a peripheral. The DMA channel starts transferring as soon as it is enabled by setting the CHEN bit in the DMA_CHxCTL0 register, and stops when the DMA_CHxCNT register reaches zero. 8.3.6. Interrupt requests Each DMA channel has a dedicated interrupt. There are three types of interrupt event, including transfer complete, half transfer complete, and transfer error. An interrupt may be produced when any type of interrupt event occurs on the channel. Each interrupt event has a dedicated flag bit in the DMA_INTF register, a dedicated clear bit in the DMA_INTC register, and a dedicated enable bit in the DMA_CHxCTL0 register. The relationship is described in the following table. Table 8-2. DMA interrupt event Interrupt event Flag bit Clear bit Enable bit Transfer complete FTFIF FTFIFC FTFIE Half transfer complete HTFIF HTFIFC HTFIE Transfer error TAEIF TAEIFC TAEIE 138 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 8-1. DMA interrupt generation logic FTFIFx FTFIEN HTFIFx INTERRUPTx HTFIEN TAEIFx TAEIEN Note: “x” indicates channel number (x=0…6). The transfer error event occurs when the DMA controller accesses a reserved address space. At the moment, the channel is automatically shut down through hardware clear of the CHEN bit in the DMA_CHxCTL0 register. 8.3.7. DMA channel configuration procedure The following sequence should be followed to configure a DMA channel. 1. Configure the DMA_CHxPADDR register for setting the peripheral address. 2. Configure the DMA_CHxMADDR register for setting the memory address. 3. Configure the DMA_CHxCNT register for setting the total transfer data number. 4. Configure the DMA_CHxCTL0 register for channel software priority, transfer direction, mode type, data size and interrupt type. 5. 8.3.8. Configure the DMA_CHxCTL0 register for setting the CHEN bit. DMA request mapping Several requests from peripherals may be mapped to one DMA channel. They are logically ORed before entering the DMA. For details, see the following figure. The request of each peripheral can be independently enabled or disabled by programming the registers of the corresponding peripheral. The user has to ensure that only one request is enabled at a time on one channel. 139 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 8-2. DMA request mapping Hardware priority ADC(1) TIMER1_CH2 TIMER16_CH0(1) TIMER16_UP(1) Channel 0 MEMTOMEM0 high Channel 1 MEMTOMEM1 Channel 2 MEMTOMEM2 Channel 3 MEMTOMEM3 Channel 4 MEMTOMEM4 ADC(2) SPI0_RX USART0_TX(1) I2C0_TX TIMER0_CH0 TIMER1_UP TIMER2_CH2 TIMER16_CH0(2) TIMER16_UP(2) SPI0_TX USART0_RX(1) I2C0_RX TIMER0_CH1 TIMER1_CH1 TIMER2_CH3 TIMER2_UP TIMER5_UP DAC0 TIMER15_CH0(1) TIMER15_UP(1) SPI1_RX USART0_TX(2) USART1_TX I2C1_TX TIMER0_CH3 TIMER0_TRIG TIMER0_COM TIMER1_CH3 TIMER2_CH0 TIMER2_TRIG TIMER15_CH0(2) TIMER15_UP(2) SPI1_TX USART0_RX(2) USART1_RX I2C1_RX TIMER0_CH2 TIMER0_UP TIMER1_CH0 TIMER14_CH0 TIMER14_UP TIMER14_TRIG TIMER14_CH1 SPI2_RX I2C2_TX DAC1(For Channel 5 MEMTOMEM5 GD32F170/190d evices) low SPI2_TX I2C2_RX Channel 6 MEMTOMEM6 1. When the corresponding remapping bit in the SYSCFG_CFG0 register is cleared, the 140 GD32F1x0 User Manual request is mapped on the channel. 2. When the corresponding remapping bit in the SYSCFG_CFG0 register is set, the request is mapped on the channel. The following table lists the support request from peripheral of each channel. Table 8-3. Summary of DMA requests for each channel Peripheral Channel 0 Channel 1 Channel 2 ADC ADC(1) ADC(2) ● SPI/I2S ● SPI0_RX SPI0_TX Channel 4 ● Channel 6 ● ● ● SPI1_RX SPI1_TX SPI2_RX SPI2_TX USART0_RX(2 ) USART1_RX ● ● ● USART0_TX(1 ) USART0_RX(1 ) ● I2C0_TX I2C0_RX I2C1_TX I2C1_RX I2C2_TX I2C2_RX ● TIMER0_CH0 TIMER0_CH1 TIMER0_CH3 TIMER0_TRIG TIMER0_COM TIMER0_CH2 TIMER0_UP ● ● TIMER1_CH2 TIMER1_UP TIMER1_CH1 TIMER1_CH3 TIMER1_CH0 ● ● ● TIMER2_CH2 TIMER2_CH3 TIMER2_UP TIMER2_CH0 TIMER2_TRIG ● ● ● ● ● TIMER5_UP DAC0 ● ● DAC1 (For GD32F170/19 0devices) ● ● ● I2 C TIMER0 TIMER2 TIMER5/DA C ● ● ● ● TIMER14_CH0 TIMER14_UP TIMER14_TRI G TIMER14_CO M ● ● TIMER15_CH0 (1) TIMER15_UP( 1) TIMER15_CH0 (2) TIMER15_UP( 2) ● ● ● TIMER16_CH0 (1) TIMER16_UP( 1) TIMER16_CH0 (2) TIMER16_UP( 2) ● ● ● ● ● TIMER14 TIMER15 TIMER16 Channel 5 USART0_TX(2 ) USART1_TX USART TIMER1 Channel 3 8.4. DMA registers 8.4.1. Interrupt flag register (DMA_INTF) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) . 31 30 29 28 Reserved 15 14 TAEIF3 HTFIF3 r Bits r 27 26 TAEIF6 HTFIF6 13 12 FTFIF3 GIF3 r r Fields 25 24 FTFIF6 GIF6 23 22 TAEIF5 HTFIF5 21 20 FTFIF5 GIF5 19 18 TAEIF4 HTFIF4 17 16 FTFIF4 GIF4 r r r r r r r r r r r r 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FTFIF2 GIF2 FTFIF1 GIF1 FTFIF0 GIF0 r r r r r r TAEIF2 HTFIF2 r r TAEIF1 HTFIF1 r r TAEIF0 HTFIF0 r r Descriptions 141 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 27/23/19/ TAEIFx Transfer access error flag of channel x (x=0…6) 15/11/7/3 Hardware set and software cleared by configuring DMA_INTC register. 0: Error has not occurred on channel x 1: Error has occurred on channel x 26/22/18/ HTFIFx Half transfer finish flag of channel x (x=0…6) 14/10/6/2 Hardware set and software cleared by configuring DMA_INTC register. 0: Half number of transfer has not completed on channel x 1: Half number of transfer has completed on channel x 25/21/17/ FTFIFx Full transfer finish flag of channel x (x=0…6) 13/9/5/1 Hardware set and software cleared by configuring DMA_INTC register. 0: Transfer has not completed on channel x 1: Transfer has completed on channel x 24/20/16/ GIFx Global interrupt flag of channel x (x=0…6) 12/8/4/0 Hardware set and software cleared by configuring DMA_INTC register. 0: None of TAEIF, HTFIF or FTFIF occurs on channel x 1: At least one of TAEIF, HTFIF or FTFIF occurs on channel x 8.4.2. Interrupt flag clear register (DMA_INTC) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) . 31 30 29 28 Reserved 15 14 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 TAEIFC6 HTFIFC6 FTFIFC6 GIC6 TAEIFC5 HTFIFC5 FTFIFC5 GIC5 TAEIFC4 HTFIFC4 FTFIFC4 GIC4 13 12 w w w w w w w w w w w w 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TAEIFC3 HTFIFC3 FTFIFC3 GIC3 TAEIFC2 HTFIFC2 FTFIFC2 GIC2 TAEIFC1 HTFIFC1 FTFIFC1 GIC1 TAEIFC0 HTFIFC0 FTFIFC0 GIC0 w w w w w w w w w w w w w Bits Fields Descriptions 31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 27/23/19/ TAEIFCx Clear bit for transfer access error flag of channel x (x=0…6) 15/11/7/3 w w w 0: No effect 1: Clear TAEIFx bit in the DMA_INTF register 26/22/18/ HTFIFCx 14/10/6/2 Clear bit for half transfer finish flag of channel x (x=0…6) 0: No effect 1: Clear HTFIFx bit in the DMA_INTF register 25/21/17/ FTFIFCx Clear bit for Full transfer finish flag of channel x (x=0…6) 142 GD32F1x0 User Manual 13/9/5/1 0: No effect 1: Clear FTFIFx bit in the DMA_INTF register 24/20/16/ GICx Clear global interrupt flag of channel x (x=0…6) 12/8/4/0 0: No effect 1: Clear GIFx, TAEIFx, HTFIFx and FTFIFx bits in the DMA_INTF register 8.4.3. Channel x control registers (DMA_CHxCTL0) x = 0..6, where x is channel number Address offset: 0x08 + 0d20 × (x) Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) . 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Res. M2M PRIO[1:0] MWIDTH[1:0] PWIDTH[1:0] MNAGA PNAGA CMEN TM TAEIE HTFIE FTFIE CHEN rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 14 M2M Memory to Memory Mode 0: Disable Memory to Memory Mode 1: Enable Memory to Memory Mode 13:12 PRIO[1:0] Priority Level of this channel 00: Low 01: Medium 10: High 11: Ultra high 11:10 MWIDTH[1:0] Transfer data size of memory 00: 8-bit 01: 16-bit 10: 32-bit 11: Reserved 9:8 PWIDTH[1:0] Transfer data size of peripheral 00: 8-bit 01: 16-bit 10: 32-bit 11: Reserved 7 MNAGA Next address generation algorithm of memory 143 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: Fixed address mode 1: Increasing address mode 6 PNAGA Next address generation algorithm of peripheral 0: Fixed address mode 1: Increasing address mode 5 CMEN Circulation mode enable 0: Disable circulation mode. 1: Enable circulation mode 4 TM Transfer mode 0: Read from peripheral and write to memory 1: Read from memory and write to peripheral 3 TAEIE Enable bit for tranfer access error interrupt 0: Disable the channel error interrupt 1: Enable the channel error interrupt 2 HTFIE Enable bit for half transfer finish interrupt 0: Disable HT interrupt 1: Enable HT interrupt 1 FTFIE Enable bit for full transfer finish interrupt 0: Disable TC interrupt 1: Enable TC interrupt 0 CHEN Channel enable 0: Disable channel 1: Enable channel 8.4.4. Channel x counter registers (DMA_CHxCNT) x = 0..6, where x is channel number Address offset: 0x0C + 0d20 × (x) Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) . 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 CNT[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 144 GD32F1x0 User Manual 15:0 CNT[15:0] Transfer counter This register signifies the number of remaining data to be transferred by the DMA. It can be modified only when the channel is disabled. Once the data transfer is started, this register is read-only. After each DMA transfer, CNT is decreamented by 1. When CNT = 0, no DMA transfer can be issued whether the corresponding channel is enabled or not. CNT can be reloaded automatically to the original value after the overall DMA transfer operation depending on the channel reload configuration previously specified. 8.4.5. Channel x peripheral base address registers (DMA_CHxPADDR) x = 0..6, where x is channel number Address offset: 0x10 + 0d20 × (x) Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) . Note: Do not configure this register when channel is enabled. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PADDR[31:16] rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 PADDR[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:0 PADDR[31:0] Peripheral base address When PWIDTH is 01 (16-bit), PADDR[0] is ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a half word address. When PWIDTH is 10 (32-bit), PADDR[1:0] is ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a word address. 8.4.6. Channel x memory base address registers (DMA_CHxMADDR) x = 0..6, where x is channel number Address offset: 0x14 + 0d20 × (x) Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit) . Note: Do not configure this register when channel is enabled. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 145 GD32F1x0 User Manual MADDR[31:16] rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MADDR[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:0 MADDR[31:0] Memory base address When MWIDTH is 01 (16-bit), MADDR[0] is ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a half word address. When MWIDTH is 10 (32-bit), MADDR[1:0] is ignored. Access is automatically aligned to a word address. 146 GD32F1x0 User Manual 9. Timer (TIMERx) Timers (TIMERx) are devided into six sorts. TIMER15/1 TIMER TIMER0 TIMER1/2 TIMER5 TIMER13 TIMER14 TYPE Advanced General(1) Basic General(2) General(3) General(4) Prescaler 16-bit 16-bit 16-bit 16-bit 16-bit 16-bit UP,DOWN, UP,DOWN, Center- Center- UP ONLY UP ONLY UP ONLY aligned aligned ● × × × ● ● 4 4 0 1 2 1 ● × × × ● ● Break ● × × × ● ● Single Pulse ● ● × × ● ● ● ● × × × × ● ● × × ● × ●(1) ●(2) × ●(3) × Debug Mode ● ● ● ● ● ● DMA ● ● ● × ● ● Counte mode Repetition Capture/ compare CH UP ONLY 6 Output Complementar y & Deadtime Quadrature Decoder Slave Controller Inter connection TRGO TO DAC (1) TIMER0: tm14_trgo->it0; tm1_trgo->it1; tm2_trgo->it2; 0->it3 (2) TIMER1: tm0_trgo->it0; tm14_trgo->it1; tm2_trgo->it2; 0->it3; TIMER2: tm0_trgo->it0; tm1_trgo->it1; tm14_trgo->it2; 0->it3; (3) TIMER14:tm1_trgo->it0; tm2_trgo->it1; 0->it2; 0->it3 147 GD32F1x0 User Manual 9.1. Advanced timer (TIMER0) 9.1.1. Introduction The Advanced Timer, known as TIMER0, may be used for a variety of purposes of advanced control. It consists of one 16-bit up/down-counter; four 16-bit capture/compare registers (TIMER0_CHxCV), one 16-bit counter auto reload register (TIMER0_CAR) and several control registers. They can be used for a variety of purposes including general timer, input signal pulse width measurement or output waveform generation such as single pulse generation or PWM output. The TIMER0 supports an Encoder Interface using a decoder with two inputs. The advanced (TIMER0) and general (TIMERx) timers are completely independent. They do not share any resources but can be synchronized together. 9.1.2. Main features 16-bit down, up, down/up auto-reload counter. 16-bit programmable prescaler that allows division of the counter clock frequency by any factor between 1 and 65536. Up to 4 independent channels support functions including input capture, compare match output, generation of PWM waveform (edge and center-aligned Mode), and single pulse mode output. Counter repetition to update the timer registers only after a given number of cycles of the counter. Break input to trigger the timer’s output signals to a known state. Interrupt/DMA generation by update, trigger event, input capture event, output compare match event or break input Programmable dead-time for output match. Synchronization circuit to control TIMER0 with external signals or to interconnect several timers together. 9.1.3. Encoder interface controller with two inputs using quadrature decoder TIMER0 Master/Slave mode controller Function description Figure below provides details on the internal configuration of the advanced timer. 148 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-1. Advanced timer block diagram Polarity Selection ETI Edge Detector Prescaler Input Filter Trigger Controller TRGO ITI0 ITI1 Reset, Enable, Up/Down, Count ITI2 Mode Slave Controller ITI3 Prescaler AutoReload Register CI0F_ED Encoder Interface Repeat Register Counter CI0FE0 CI1FE0 CH0 Repetition counter CH0 XOR CH0_N CH1 CH1 Capture Register Input Filt er CH2 Edge Detector Prescaler DTG Compare Register Output Control CH1_N CH2 CH2_N CH3 CH3 BRKIN Polarity Selection Prescaler counter The prescaler can divide the timer clock (TIMER_CK) to the counter clock (CNT_CLK) by any factor between 1 and 65536. It is controlled through prescaler register (TIMER0_PSC) which can be changed on the fly but be taken into account at the next update event. 149 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-2. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 01 02 03 04 Reload Pulse modify scaler Vaule Prescaler CR 0 1 Prescaler BUF 0 1 Prescaler CNT 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Figure 9-3. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 4 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 00 01 Reload Pulse modify PSC Vaule Prescaler CR 0 3 Prescaler BUF 0 3 Prescaler CNT 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Upcounting mode In this mode the counter counts continuously from 0 to the counter-reload value, which is 150 GD32F1x0 User Manual defined in the TIMER0_CAR register, in a count-up direction. Once the counter reaches the counter reload value, the counter restarts to count once again from 0. If the repetition counter is set, the update events generated after the number (TIMERx_CREP+1) of overflow. Else the update event is generated at each counter overflow.The counting direction bit DIR in the TIMER0_CTL0 register should be set to 0 for the upcounting mode. When the update event is set by the UPG bit in the TIMER0_SWEVG register, the counter value will be initialized to 0 and generates an update event. If set the UPDIS bit in TIMER0_CTL0 register, the update event is disabled. When an update event occurs, all the registers (repetition counter, autoreload register, prescaler register) are updated. The following figures show some examples of the counter behavior for different clock frequencies when TIMERx_CAR=0x63. Figure 9-4. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 1 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) 151 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-5. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 2 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Figure 9-6. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 4 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 62 63 00 01 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) 152 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-7. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by N TIMER_CK CNT_CLK CNT_REG 32 31 00 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Figure 9-8. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=0 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Auto-reload register 65 63 modify CAR Vaule 153 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-9. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=1 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 60 61 62 63 64 65 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Auto-reload register 65 63 modify CAR Vaule Auto-reload shadow register 65 63 Downcounting mode In this mode the counter counts continuously from the counter-reload value, which is defined in the TIMER0_CAR register, to 0 in a count-down direction. Once the counter reaches 0, the counter restarts to count once again from the counter-reload value. If the repetition counter is set, the update event generated after the number (TIMERx_CREP+1) of underflow. Else the update event is generated at each counter underflow. The counting direction bit DIR in the TIMER0_CTL0 register should be set to 1 for the down-counting mode. When the update event is set by the UPG bit in the TIMER0_SWEVG register, the counter value will be initialized to the counter-reload value and generates an update event. If set the UPDIS bit in TIMER0_CTL0 register, the update event is disabled. When an update event occurs, all the registers (repetition counter, autoreload register, prescaler register) are updated. The following figures show some examples of the counter behavior for different clock frequencies when TIMERx_CAR=0x63. 154 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-10. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 1 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 05 04 03 02 01 00 63 62 61 60 5F 5E 5D 5C overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) 155 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-11. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 2 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 002 001 000 063 062 061 060 05F overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Figure 9-12. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 4 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 001 000 063 062 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) 156 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-13. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by N TIMER_CK CNT_CLK CNT_REG 02F 030 063 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Figure 9-14. Counter timing diagram, update event when repetition counter is not used TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 05 04 03 02 01 00 63 62 61 60 5F 5E 5D 5C overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Auto-reload register 65 63 modify CAR Vaule Center-aligned counting mode In the center-aligned counting mode, the counter counts up from 0 to the counter-reload value and then counts down to 0 alternatively. The Timer module generates an overflow event when the counter counts to the counter-reload value subtract 1 in the up-counting mode and generates an underflow event when the counter counts to 1 in the down-counting mode. The counting direction bit DIR in the TIMER0_CTL0 register is read-only and indicates the counting direction when in the center-aligned mode. The counting direction is updated by hardware automatically. 157 GD32F1x0 User Manual Setting the UPG bit in the TIMER0_SWEVG register will initialize the counter value to 0 irrespective of whether the counter is counting up or down in the center-align counting mode and generates an update event. The UPIF bit in the TIMERx_INTF register can be set to 1 when an underflow event at countdown (CAM in TIMER0_CTL0 is “01”), an overflow event at count-up (CAM in TIMER0_CTL0 is “10”) or both of them occur (CAM in TIMER0_CTL0 is “11”). If set the UPDIS bit in the TIMER0_CTL0 register, the update event is disabled. When an update event occurs, all the registers (repetition counter, autoreload register, prescaler register) are updated. The following figures show some examples of the counter behavior for different clock frequencies when TIMERx_CAR=0x5. Figure 9-15. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 1, TIMERx_CAR = 0x5 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 04 03 02 01 00 01 02 03 04 05 04 03 02 01 underflow overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) 158 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-16. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 2 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 003 002 001 000 001 002 003 004 underflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Figure 9-17. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 4, TIMERx_CAR=0x63 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 061 062 063 062 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) 159 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-18. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by N TIMER_CK CNT_CLK CNT_REG 02F 030 001 000 underflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Figure 9-19. Counter timing diagram, update event with ARSE=1(counter underflow) TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Auto-reload register 65 63 modify CAR Vaule Auto-reload shadow register 65 63 160 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-20. Counter timing diagram, Update event with ARSE=1 (counter overflow) TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 63 62 61 60 5F 5E 5D 5C overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Auto-reload register 80 63 modify CAR Vaule Auto-reload shadow register 65 63 Counter Repetition Counter Repetition is used to generator update event or updates the timer registers only after a given number (N+1) of cycles of the counter, where N is CREP in TIMER0_CREP register. The repetition counter is decremented at each counter overflow in up-counting mode, at each counter underflow in down-counting mode or at each counter overflow and at each counter underflow in center-aligned mode. Setting the UPG bit in the TIMER0_SWEVG register will reload the content of CREP in TIMER0_CREP register and generator an update event. For odd values of CREP in center-aligned mode, the update event occurs either on the overflow or on the under depending on when the CREP register was written and when the counter was started. The update event generated at overflow when the CREP was written before starting the counter, and generated at underflow when the CREP was written after starting the counter. 161 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-21. Update rate examples depending on mode and TIMERx_CREP Downcounting Edge-aligned mode Upcounting Edge-aligned mode Center-aligned mode CREP = 0 CREP = 1 Clock selection The following describes the Timer Module clock controller which determines the clock source of the internal prescaler counter. Internal timer clock TIMER_CK The default internal clock source is the APB2 clock CK_APB2 used to drive the counter prescaler when the slave mode is disabled. If the slave mode controller is enabled by setting SMC field in the TIMER0_SMCFG register to an available value including 0x1, 0x2, 0x3 and 0x7, the prescaler is clocked by other clock sources selected by the TRGS field in the TIMER0_SMCFG register and described as follows. When the slave mode selection bits SMC are set to 0x4, 0x5 or 0x6, the internal clock TIMER_CK is the counter prescaler driving clock source. Figure 9-22. Control circuit in normal mode, internal clock divided by 1 TIMER_CK CEN UPG Reload Pulse CNT_CLK CNT_REG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 162 GD32F1x0 User Manual Quadrature decoder To select Quadrature Decoder mode the SMC field should be set to 0x1, 0x2 or 0x3 in the TIMER0_SMCFG register. The Quadrature Decoder function uses two input states of the TIMER0_CH0 and TIMER0_CH1 pins to generate the clock pulse to drive the counter prescaler. The counting direction bit DIR is modified by hardware automatically at each transition on the input source signal. The input source signal can be derived from the TIMER0_CH0 pin only, the TIMER0_CH1 pin only or both TIMER0_CH0 and TIMER0_CH1 pins. Internal trigger inputs (ITI) The counter prescaler can count during each rising or falling edge of the ITI signal. This mode can be selected by setting the SMC field to 0x6 in the TIMER0_SMCFG register, here the counter will act as an event counter. The input event, known as ITI here, can be selected by setting the TRGS field. When the ITI signal is selected as the clock source, the internal edge detection circuitry will generate a clock pulse during each ITI signal rising or falling edge to drive the counter prescaler. Channel input pin (CI) The counter prescaler can be driven to count during each rising or falling edge on the external pin TIMER0_CIx. This mode can be selected by setting SMC field to 0x7 and the TRGS field to 0x4, 0x5 or 0x6. Note that the CIx is derived from the TIMER0_CHx sampled by a digital filter. External trigger input (ETIF) The counter prescaler can be driven to count during each rising or falling edge on the external pin TIMER0_ETI. This mode can be selected by setting the SMC1 bit in the TIMER0_SMCFG register to 1. The other way to select the ETIF signal as the clock source is to set the SMC field to 0x6 and the TRGS field to 0x7 respectively. Note that the ETIF signal is derived from the TIMER0_ETI pin sampled by a digital filter. When the clock source is selected to come from the ETIF signal, the Trigger Controller including the edge detection circuitry will generate a clock pulse during each ETIF signal rising edge to clock the counter prescaler. Capture/compare channels The TIMER0 has four independent channels which can be used as capture inputs or compare match outputs. Each channel is built around a channel capture/compare value register including an input stage, channel controller and an output stage. Input capture stage The input stage consists of a digital filter, a channel polarity selection, edge detection and a channel prescaler. The channel 0 input signal (CI0) can be chosen to come from the TIMER0_CH0 signal or the Excusive-OR function of the TIMER0_CH0, TIMER0_CH1 and TIMER0_CH2 signals. The channel input signal (CIx) is sampled by a digital filter to generate a filtered input signal CIxF. Then the channel polarity and the edge detection block can 163 GD32F1x0 User Manual generate a CIxFEx signal for the input capture function. The effective input event number can be set by the channel input prescaler (CHxCAPPSC). Figure 9-23. Capture/compare channel (example: channel 0 input stage) CI0 fDTS CI0F_Rising filter downcounter Edge Detector CI0F_Falling 0 CI0FE0 01 1 CI1FE0 IC0 10 ITS CH0CAPFLT [3:0] CHCTL0 divider /1, /2, /4, /8 11 CH0P/ CH0NP CHCTL2 CH0CAPPS C[1:0] CH0MS[ 1:0 ] CH0EN CHCTL2 CHCTL0 CHCTL0 Channel controller The GPTM has four independent channels which can be used as capture inputs or compare match outputs. When used in the input capture mode, the counter value is captured into the TIMER0_CHxCV shadow register first and then transferred into the TIMER0_CHxCV preload register when the capture event occurs. When used in the compare match output mode, the contents of the TIMER0_CHxCV preload register is copied into the associated shadow register; the counter value is then compared with the register value. 164 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-24. Capture/compare channel 0 main circuit APB BUS MCU-peripheral interface CH0VAL Capture/compare preload register CH0VAL CH0MS[0] CH0MS[1] CH0MS[0] CH0COMSEN Capture/compare shadow register CH0MS[1] UPE CNT>CH0VAL CH0CAPPSC CNT=CH0VAL CH0EN Counter CH0G TIMER_SWEVG Output stage The TIMER0 has four channels for compare match, single pulse or PWM output function. Figure 9-25. Output stage of capture/compare channel (channel 0 to 2) CHCTL2 CH0EN CHCTL0 CH0MS[ 1:0 ] ETI x0 CHCTL2 CH0P 0 10 11 CNT>CH0VAL CNT=CH0VAL Output mode controller 1 0 10 CHCTL0 CHx_O Output enable circuit CHx_ON Dead-time generator 11 CH0COM CH0COMCTL CEN [2:0] Output enable circuit x0 1 DTCFG [7:0] CCHP CH0MS[ 1:0 ] CH0NP CHCTL0 CHCTL2 CHCTL2 CH0NEN CCHP POEN ROS IOS 165 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-26. Output stage of capture/compare channel (channel 3) ETI CNT>CH3VAL CNT=CH3VAL 0 Output mode controller Output enable circuit 1 CHCTL2 CH3P CHCTL2 CH3COM CH3COMCTL[ CEN 2:0] CCHP CHx_O CHxEN POE ROS CHCTL0 Input Capture Mode When the channel is used as a capture input, the counter value is captured into the Channel Capture/Compare Register (TIMER0_CHxCV) when an effective input signal transition occurs. Once the capture event occurs, the CHxIF flag in the TIMER0_INTF register is set. If the CHxIF bit is already set, i.e., the flag has not yet been cleared by software, and another capture event on this channel occurs, the corresponding channel Over-Capture flag, named CHxOF, will be set.Once the capture event occurs, a DMA request is generated depending on the CHxDEN bit and an interrupt is generated depending on the CHxIE bit. The fllowing step maybe used to implement input capture mode: Select input signal by set CHxMS bits in the channel control register (TIMER0_CHCTLx). Add input filter to input signal by set CHxCAPFLT bitst in the the channel control register (TIMER0_CHCTLx). Select input capture edge (rising or falling) by set CHxP/CHxNP bit in the channel control register 2 (TIMER0_CHCTL2). If input signal need prescaler, set CHxCAPPSC bits in the the channel control register (TIMER0_CHCTLx). If need interrupt, set CHxIE bit in DMA and interrupt enable register (TIMER0_DMAINTEN) to 1. If need DMA request, set CHxDEN bit in DMA and interrupt enable register (TIMER0_DMAINTEN) to 1. Enable the channel by set CHxEN bit in the channel control register 2 (TIMER0_CHCTL2) to 1. After configure this registers, the input capture event on this channel may occurs at the corresponding edge. And the counter value is captured into the Channel Capture/Compare Register (TIMER0_CHxCV). An interrupt generated if CHxIE bit set. A DMA request generated if CHxDEN set. The input capture mode can be also used for pulse width measurement from signals on the TIMER0_CHx pins (CIx). For example, PWM signal connect to CI0 input. Select channel 0 capture signal to CI0 by setting CH0MS to 01 in the channel control register (TIMER0_CHCTL0) and set capture on rising edge. Select channel 1 capture signal to CI0 by setting CH1MS to 10 in the channel control register (TIMER0_CHCTL0) and set capture on falling edge. The counter set to restart mode and restart on channel 0 rising edge. Then 166 GD32F1x0 User Manual the TIMER0_CH0CV can measure the PWM period and the TIMER0_CH1CV can measure the PWM duty. Output Compare Mode/PWM Mode When the channel is used as an output mode by setting the CHxMS in the the channel control register (TIMER0_CHCTLx) to 00, the channel outputs waveform according to the CHxCOMCTL bits in the the the channel control register (TIMER0_CHCTLx), and the comparision between the counter and TIMER0_CHxCV registers. When the comparision equals, the CHxIF flag in the Interrupt flag registers (TIMER0_INTF) set to 1. A DMA request is generated depending on the CHxDEN bit and an interrupt is generated depending on the CHxIE bit. In output mode, the channel can outputs active level by set the CHxCOMCTL to 101, and outputs inactive level by set the CHxCOMCTL bits to 100. In ouput mode, the channel output set to active level when the comparision between the counter and TIMER0_CHxCV registers match, by set the CHxCOMCTL to 001. The channel output set to inactive level when the comparision between the counter and TIMER0_CHxCV registers match, by set the CHxCOMCTL to 010. In output compare toggle mode (by set the CHxCOMCTL to 011), the channel output toggles when the comparision between the counter and TIMER0_CHxCV registers match. Figure 9-27. Output compare toggle mode, toggle on CH0_O CNT_REG CH0VAL 0039 003A 003B 003A B200 B201 B201 Write B201h in the CH0VAL register O0CPRE=CH0_O Match detected on CH0VAL Interrupt generated if enabled In the output PWM mode (by setting the CHxCOMCTL bits to 110 (PWM mode 0) or to 111 (PWM mode 1)), the channel can outputs PWM waveform according to the TIMER0_CAR registers and TIMER0_CHxCV registers. 167 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-28. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, upcounting mode CNT_REG 0039 003A 003B CH0VAL 100 0 003A O0CPRE=CH0_O Match detected on CH0VAL Interrupt generated if enabled Figure 9-29. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, center-aligned counting mode CNT_REG 0039 003A 003B CH0VAL 0100 00FF 00FE 003B 003A 0039 003A O0CPRE=CH0_O Match detected on CH0VAL Interrupt generated if enabled Channel Output Reference Signal When the TIMER0 is used in the compare match output mode, the OxCPRE signal (Channel x Output Reference signal) is defined by setting the CHxCOMCTL bits. The OxCPRE signal has several types of output function. These include, keeping the original level by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x00, set to 1 by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x01, set to 0 by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x02 or signal toggle by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x03 when the counter value matches the content of the TIMER0_CHxCV register. The PWM mode 0 and PWM mode 1 outputs are also another kind of OxCPRE output which is setup by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x06/0x07. In these modes, the OxCPRE signal level is changed according to the counting direction and the relationship between the counter value and the TIMER0_CHxCV content. With regard to a more detailed description refer to the relative bit definition. 168 GD32F1x0 User Manual Another special function of the OxCPRE signal is a forced output which can be achieved by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x04/0x05. Here the output can be forced to an inactive/active level irrespective of the comparison condition between the counter and the TIMER0_CHxCV values. The OxCPRE signal can be forced to 0 when the ETIF signal is derived from the external TIMER0_ ETI pin and when it is set to a high level by setting the CHxCOMCEN bit to 1 in the TIMER0_CHCTL0 register. The OxCPRE signal will not return to its active level until the next update event occurs. Outputs Complementary and Dead-time The TIMER0 can output two complementary signals. The complementary signals CHx_O and CHx_ON are activated by a combination of several control bits: the CHxEN and CHxNEN bits in the TIMER0_CHCTL2 register and the POEN, ISOx, ISOxN, IOS and ROS bits in the TIMER0_CCHP and TIMER0_CTL1 registers.The outputs polarity are determined by CHxP and CHxNP bits in the TIMER0_CHCTL2 register. If CHxEN, CHxNEN and POEN bits are 1, dead-time should insertion. The rising edge of CHx_O output is delayed relative to the rising edge of OxCPRE and the rising edge of CHx_ON output is delayed relative to the falling edge of OxCPRE.The delay value is a 8-bit dead-time counter determined by DTCFG field in TIMER0_CCHP register.If the delay value is greater than the width of the active output (CHx_O or CHx_ON) then the corresponding pulse is not generated. Figure 9-30. Complementary output with dead-time insertion. OxCPRE CHx_O Dead_time CHx_ON Dead_time Figure 9-31. Dead-time waveforms with delay greater than the negative pulse OxCPRE CHx_O Dead_time CHx_ON 169 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-32. Dead-time waveforms with delay greater than the positive pulse OxCPRE CHx_O CHx_ON Dead_time Break function In this function, the output CHx_O and CHx_ON are controlled by the POEN, IOS and ROS bits in the TIMER0_CCHP register, ISOx and ISOxN bits in the TIMER0_CTL1 register and cannot be set both to active level when break occurs. The break sources are input break pin or HXTAL stack event by Clock Monitor (CKM) in RCU. The break function enabled by setting the BRKEN bit in the TIMER0_CCHP register. The break input polarity is setting by the BRKP bit in TIMER0_CCHP. When a break occurs, the POEN bit is cleared asynchronously, the output CHx_O and CHx_ON are driven with the level programmed in the ISOx bit in the TIMER0_CTL1 register as soon as POEN is 0. If IOS is 0 then the timer releases the enable output else the enable output remains high. The complementary outputs are first put in reset state, and then the dead-time generator is reactivated in order to drive the outputs with the level programmed in the ISOx and ISOxN bits after a dead-time. When a break occurs, the BRKIF bit in the TIMER0_INTF register is set. If BRKIE is 1, an interrupt generated. Figure 9-33. Output behavior in response to a break(The break input is acting on high 170 GD32F1x0 User Manual level) Break_In OxCPRE CHx_O CHx_ON not implemented CHxP=0,ISOx=1 CHx_O CHx_ON not implemented CHxP=0,ISOx=0 CHx_O CHx_ON not implemented CHxP=1,ISOx=1 CHx_O CHx_ON not implemented CHxP=0,ISOx=1 CHx_O CHx_ON delay delay delay CHxEN=1, CHxP=0,ISOx=0,CHxNEN=1,CHxNP=0,ISOxN=1 CHx_O CHx_ON delay delay delay CHxEN=1, CHxP=0,ISOx=1,CHxNEN=1,CHxNP=1,ISOxN=1 CHx_O CHx_ON CHxEN=1, CHxP=0,ISOx=0,CHxNEN=0,CHxNP=0,ISOxN=1 CHx_O CHx_ON CHxEN=1, CHxP=0,ISOx=1,CHxNEN=0,CHxNP=0,ISOxN=0 CHx_O CHx_ON CHxEN=1, CHxP=0,CHxNEN=0,CHxNP=0,ISOx=0,ISOxN=0 or ISOx=0,ISOxN=1 Single Pulse Mode Once the timer is set to operate in the single pulse mode, it is not necessary to set the timer enable bit CEN in the TIMER0_CTL0 register to 1 to enable the counter. The trigger to generate a pulse can be sourced from the trigger signals edge or by setting the CEN bit to 1 using software. Setting the CEN bit to 1 or a trigger from the trigger signals edge can generate a pulse and then keep the CEN bit at a high state until the update event occurs or the CEN bit is written to 0 by software. If the CEN bit is cleared to 0 using software, the counter will be stopped and its value held. If the CEN bit is automatically cleared to 0 by a hardware update event, the counter will be reinitialized. 171 GD32F1x0 User Manual In the Single Pulse mode, the trigger active edge which sets the CEN bit to 1 will enable the counter. However, there exist several clock delays to perform the comparison result between the counter value and the TIMER0_CHxCV value. In order to reduce the delay to a minimum value, the user can set the CHxOFE bit in each TIMER0_CHCTL0 register. After a trigger rising occurs in the single pulse mode, the OxCPRE signal will immediately be forced to the state which the OxCPRE signal will change to, as the compare match event occurs without taking the comparison result into account. The CHxOFE bit is available only when the output channel is configured to operate in the PWM0 or PWM1 output mode and the trigger source is derived from the trigger signal. Figure 9-34. Single pulse mode CI1 O0CPRE CH0_O TIMER_CNT CARL CH0VAL T Quadrature Decoder The Quadrature Decoder function uses two quadrature inputs CI0 and CI1 derived from the TIMER0_CH0 and TIMER0_CH1 pins respectively to interact to generate the counter value. The DIR bit is modified by hardware automatically during each input source transition. The input source can be either CI0 only, CI1 only or both CI0 and CI1, the selection made by setting the SMC field to 0x01, 0x02 or 0x03. The mechanism for changing the counter direction is shown in the following table. The Quadrature decoder can be regarded as an external clock with a directional selection. This means that the counter counts continuously in the interval between 0 and the counter-reload value. Therefore, users must configure the TIMER0_CAR register before the counter starts to count. Table 9-1. Counting direction versus encoder signals CI0FE0 Counting mode CI1FE1 Level Rising Falling Rising Falling 172 GD32F1x0 User Manual CI0 only CI1FE=High Down Up - - counting CI1FE=Low Up Down - - CI1 only CI0FE=High - - Up Down counting CI0FE=Low - - Down Up CI1FE=High Down Up X X CI0 and CI1 CI1FE=Low Up Down X X counting CI0FE=High X X Up Down CI0FE=Low X X Down Up Note: "-" means "no counting"; "X" means impossible. Figure 9-35. Example of counter operation in encoder interface mode CI0 CI1 Count UP down Figure 9-36. Example of encoder interface mode with CI0FE0 polarity inverted CI0 CI1 Count down UP Slave Controller The TIMER0 can be synchronized with an external trigger in several modes including the Restart mode, the Pause mode and the event mode which is selected by the SMC field in the TIMER0_SMCFG register. The trigger input of these modes can be selected by the TRGS field in the TIMERx_SMCFG register, below to CI0 signal as an example. The operation 173 GD32F1x0 User Manual modes in the Slave Controller are described in the accompanying sections. Restart mode The counter and its prescaler can be reinitialized in response to a rising edge of the CI0 signal. When a CI0 rising edge occurs, the update event software generation bit named UPG will automatically be asserted by hardware and the trigger event flag will also be set. Then the counter and prescaler will be reinitialized. Although the UPG bit is set to 1 by hardware, the update event does not really occur. It depends upon whether the update event disable control bit UPDIS is set to 1 or not. If UPDIS is set to 1 to disable the update event to occur, there will no update event will be generated, however the counter and prescaler are still reinitialized when the CI0 rising edge occurs. If the UPDIS bit in the TIMER0_CTL0 register is cleared to enable the update event to occur, an update event will be generated together with the CI0 rising edge, then all the preloaded registers will be updated. Figure 9-37. Control circuit in restart mode CNT_CLK CNT_REG 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 00 01 02 03 04 CI0 UPG TRGIF Pause mode In the Pause Mode, the selected CI0 input signal level is used to control the counter start/stop operation. The counter starts to count when the selected CI0 signal is at a high level and stops counting when the CI0 signal is changed to a low level, here the counter will maintain its present value and will not be reset. Figure 9-38. Control circuit in pause mode CNT_CLK CNT_REG 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 CI0 CEN TRGIF Event mode 174 GD32F1x0 User Manual After the counter is disabled to count, the counter can resume counting when a CI0 rising edge signal occurs. When a CI0 rising edge occurs, the counter will start to count from the current value in the counter. Note that the CI0 signal is only used to enable the counter to resume counting and has no effect on controlling the counter to stop counting. Figure 9-39. Control circuit in event mode CNT_CLK CNT_REG 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F CI0 CEN TRGIF Timer Interconnection The timers can be internally connected together for timer chaining or synchronization. This can be implemented by configuring one timer to operate in the Master mode while configuring another timer to be in the Slave mode. The following figures present several examples of trigger selection for the master and slave modes. Figure below shows the TIMER0 trigger selection when it is configured in slave mode. Figure 9-40. TIMER0 Master/Slave mode timer example 175 GD32F1x0 User Manual TIMER0 TIMER 14 Pre scaler Master mode control TRG O ITI0 Counter Counter Master mode control TRG O ITI1 TRG O ITI2 Counter Master mode control TRGS TIMER 1 Pre scaler TIMER 2 Pre scaler Trigger selection Slave mode control Pre scaler Counter CI0F_ED CI0FE0 CI1FE1 ETIF trigger selection Other interconnection examples: TIMER1 as prescaler for TIMER0 We configure TIMER1 as a prescaler for TIMER0. Refer to Figure below for connections. Do as follow: 1. Configure TIMER1 in master mode and select its Update Event (UPE) as trigger output (MMC=010 in the TIMER1_CTL1 register). Then TIMER1 drives a periodic signal on each counter overflow. 2. Configure the TIMER1 period (TIMER1_CAR registers). 3. Select the TIMER0 input trigger source from TIMER1 (TRGS=001 in the TIMER0_SMCFG register). 4. Configure TIMER0 in external clock mode 1 (SMC=111 in TIMER0_SMCFG register). 5. Start TIMER0 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER0_CTL0 register). 6. Start TIMER1 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER1_CTL0 register). Start TIMER0 with TIMER1’s Enable/Update signal First, we enable TIMER0 with the enable out of TIMER1. Refer to Figure below. TIMER0 starts counting from its current value on the divided internal clock after trigger by TIMER1 enable output. When TIMER0 receives the trigger signal its CEN bit is automatically set and the counter counts until we disable TIMER0. Both counter clock frequencies are divided by 3 by the prescaler compared to TIMER_CK (fCNT_CLK = fTIMER_CK /3). Do as follow: 1. Configure TIMER1 master mode to send its enable signal as trigger output(MMC=001 in 176 GD32F1x0 User Manual the TIMER1_CTL1 register) 2. Configure TIMER0 to select the input trigger from TIMER1 (TRGS=001 in the TIMER0_SMCFG register). 3. Configure TIMER0 in event mode (SMC=110 in TIMER0_SMCFG register). 4. Start TIMER1 by writing 1 in the CEN bit (TIMER1_CTL0 register). Figure 9-41. Triggering TIMER0 with Enable of TIMER1 TIMER_CK TIMER1_CEN 61 TIMER1_CNT_REG 62 63 12 13 TIMER0_TRGIF 11 TIMER0_CNT_REG 14 In this example, we also can use update Event as trigger source instead of enable signal. Refer to figure below. Do as follow: 1. Configure TIMER1 in master mode and send its Update Event (UPE) as trigger output (MMC=010 in the TIMER1_CTL1 register). 2. Configure the TIMER1 period (TIMER1_CAR registers). 3. Configure TIMER0 to get the input trigger from TIMER1 (TRGS=001 in the TIMER0_SMCFG register). 4. Configure TIMER0 in event mode (SMC=110 in TIMER0_SMCFG register). 5. Start TIMER1 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER1_CTL0 register). Figure 9-42. Triggering TIMER0 with update of TIMER1 TIMER_CK TIMER1_UPE TIMER1_CNT_REG 62 63 00 01 02 TIMER0_TRGIF TIMER0_CEN TIMER0_CNT_REG 11 12 13 14 Enable TIMER0 count with TIMER1’s enable/O0CPRE signal In this example, we control the enable of TIMER0 with the enable output of TIMER1 .Refer to figure below. TIMER0 counts on the divided internal clock only when TIMER1 is enable. Both counter clock frequencies are divided by 3 by the prescaler compared to TIMER_CK (fCNT_CLK 177 GD32F1x0 User Manual = fTIMER_CK /3). Do as follow: 1. Configure TIMER1 input master mode and Output enable signal as trigger output (MMC=001 in the TIMER1_CTL1 register). 2. Configure TIMER0 to get the input trigger from TIMER1 (TRGS=001 in the TIMER0_SMCFG register). 3. Configure TIMER0 in pause mode (SMC=101 in TIMER0_SMCFG register). 4. Enable TIMER0 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER0_CTL0 register) 5. Start TIMER1 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER1_CTL0 register). 6. Stop TIMER1 by writing ‘0 in the CEN bit (TIMER1_CTL0 register). Figure 9-43. Gating TIMER0 with enable of TIMER1 TIMER_CK TIMER1_CEN 61 TIMER1_CNT_REG 62 63 12 13 TIMER0_TRGIF 11 TIMER0_CNT_REG In this example, we also can use OxCPRE as trigger source instead of enable signal output. Do as follow: 1. Configure TIMER1 in master mode and Output Compare 1 Reference (O0CPRE) signal as trigger output (MMS=100 in the TIMER1_CTL1 register). 2. Configure the TIMER1 O0CPRE waveform (TIMER1_ CHCTL0 register). 3. Configure TIMER0 to get the input trigger from TIMER1 (TRGS=001 in the TIMER0_SMCFG register). 4. Configure TIMER0 in pause mode (SMC=101 in TIMER0_SMCFG register). 5. Enable TIMER0 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER0_CTL0 register). 6. Start TIMER1 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER1_CTL0 register). Figure 9-44. Gating TIMER0 with O0CPREof TIMER1 TIMER_CK TIMER1_CNT_REG 62 61 60 63 00 01 TIMER1_O0CPRE TIMER0_TRGIF TIMER0_CNT_REG 11 12 13 14 Using an external trigger to start 2 timers synchronously 178 GD32F1x0 User Manual We configure the start of TIMER0 is triggered by the enable of TIMER1, and TIMER1 is triggered by its CI0 input rises edge. To ensure 2 timers start synchronously, TIMER1 must be configured in Master/Slave mode. Do as follow: 1. Configure TIMER1 slave mode to get the input trigger from CI0 (TRGS=100 in the TIMER1_SMCFG register). 2. Configure TIMER1 in event mode (SMC=110 in the TIMER1_SMCFG register). 3. Configure the TIMER1 in Master/Slave mode by writing MSM=1 (TIMER1_SMCFG register). 4. Configure TIMER0 to get the input trigger from TIMER1 (TRGS=001 in the TIMER0_SMCFG register). 5. Configure TIMER0 in event mode (SMC=110 in the TIMER1_SMCFG register). When a rising edge occurs on TIMER1’s CI0, two timer counters starts counting synchronously on the internal clock and both TRGIF flags are set. Figure 9-45. Triggering TIMER0 and TIMER1 with TIMER1’s CI0 input TIMER_CK TIMER1_CI0 TIMER1_TRGIF TIMER1_CEN TIMER1_CK TIMER1_CNT_REG 00 01 02 03 00 01 02 03 TIMER0_TRGIF TIMER0_CEN TIMER0_CK TIMER0_CNT_REG Timer debug mode When the Cortex™-M3 halted, and the DBG_TIMERx_STOP configuration bit in DBG module set to 1, the TIMERx counter stops. 179 GD32F1x0 User Manual 9.1.4. TIMER0 registers Control register 0 (TIMERx_CTL0) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 Reserved 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CKDIV[1:0] ARSE CAM[1:0] DIR SPM UPS UPDIS CEN rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9:8 CKDIV[1:0] Clock division The CKDIV bits can be configured by software to specify division ratio between the timer clock (TIMER_CK) and the dead-time and sampling clock (DTS), which is used by the dead-time generators and the digital filters. 00: fDTS= fTIMER_CK 01: fDTS= fTIMER_CK /2 10: fDTS= fTIMER_CK /4 11: Reserved 7 ARSE Auto-reload shadow enable 0: The shadow register for TIMERx_CAR register is disabled 1: The shadow register TIMERx_CAR register is enabled 6:5 CAM[1:0] Counter aligns mode selection 00: No center-aligned mode (edge-aligned mode). The direction of the counter is specified by the DIR bit. 01: Center-aligned and counting down assert mode. The counter counts up and down alternatively. Output compare interrupt flags of channels, which are configured in output mode (CHxMS=00 in TIMERx_CHCTLx register), are set only when the counter is counting down. 10: Center-aligned and counting up assert mode. The counter counts up and down alternatively. Output compare interrupt flags of channels, which are configured in output mode (CHxMS=00 in TIMERx_CHCTLx register), are set only when the counter is counting up. 11: Center-aligned and counting up/down assert mode. The counter counts up and down alternatively. Output compare interrupt flags of channels, which are configured in output mode (CHxMS=00 in TIMERx_CHCTLx register), are set only when the counter is counting both up and down. After the counter is enabled, cannot be switched from 0x00 to non 0x00. 180 GD32F1x0 User Manual 4 DIR Direction 0: Count up 1: Count down This bit is read only when the timer is configured in Center-aligned mode or Encoder mode. 3 SPM Single pulse mode. 0: Counter continues after update event. 1: The CEN is cleared by hardware and the counter stops at next update event. 2 UPS Update source This bit is used to select the update event sources by software. 0: Any of the following events generate an update interrupt or DMA request: – The UPG bit is set – The counter generates an overflow or underflow event – The slave mode controller generates an update event. 1: Only counter overflow/underflow generates an update interrupt or DMA request. 1 UPDIS Update disable. This bit is used to enable or disable the update event generation. 0: update event enable. The update event is generate and the buffered registers are loaded with their preloaded values when one of the following events occurs: – The UPG bit is set – The counter generates an overflow or underflow event – The slave mode controller generates an update event. 1: update event disable. The buffered registers keep their value, while the counter and the prescaler are reinitialized if the UPG bit is set or if the slave mode controller generates a hardware reset event. 0 CEN Counter enable 0: Counter disable 1: Counter enable The CEN bit must be set by software when timer works in external clock, pause mode and encoder mode. While in event mode, the hardware can set the CEN bit automatically. Control register 1 (TIMERx_CTL1) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Res. ISO3 ISO2N ISO2 ISO1N ISO1 ISO0N ISO0 TI0S rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MMC[2:0] DMAS CCUC Res. CCSE rw rw rw rw 181 GD32F1x0 User Manual Bits Fields Descriptions 15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 14 ISO3 Idle state of channel 3 output Refer to ISO0 bit 13 ISO2N Idle state of channel 2 complementary output Refer to ISO0N bit 12 ISO2 Idle state of channel 2 output Refer to ISO0 bit 11 ISO1N Idle state of channel 1 complementary output Refer to ISO0N bit 10 ISO1 Idle state of channel 1 output Refer to ISO0 bit 9 ISO0N Idle state of channel 0 complementary output 0: When POEN bit is reset, CH0_ON is set low. 1: When POEN bit is reset, CH0_ON is set high This bit can be modified only when PROT[1:0] bits in TIMERx_CCHP register is 00. 8 ISO0 Idle state of channel 0 output 0: When POEN bit is reset, CH0_O is set low. 1: When POEN bit is reset, CH0_O is set high The CH0_O output changes after a dead-time if CH0_ON is implemented. This bit can be modified only when PROT[1:0] bits in TIMERx_CCHP register is 00. 7 TI0S Channel 0 trigger input selection 0: The TIMERx_CH0 pin input is selected as channel 0 trigger input. 1: The result of combinational XOR of TIMERx_CH0, CH1 and CH2 pins is selected as channel 0 trigger input. 6:4 MMC[2:0] Master mode control These bits control the selection of TRGO signal, which is sent in master mode to slave timers for synchronization function. 000: Reset. When the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register is set or a reset is generated by the slave mode controller, a TRGO pulse occurs. And in the latter case, the signal on TRGO is delayed compared to the actual reset. 001: Enable. This mode is useful to start several timers at the same time or to control a window in which a slave timer is enabled. In this mode the master mode controller selects the counter enable signal as TRGO. The counter enable signal is set when CEN control bit is set or the trigger input in pause mode is high. There is a delay between the trigger input in pause mode and the TRGO output, except if the master-slave mode is selected. 010: Update. In this mode the master mode controller selects the update event as TRGO. 182 GD32F1x0 User Manual 011: Capture/compare pulse.In this mode the master mode controller generates a TRGO pulse when a capture or a compare match occurred. 100: Compare.In this mode the master mode controller selects the O0CPRE signal is used as TRGO 101: Compare.In this mode the master mode controller selects the O1CPRE signal is used as TRGO 110: Compare.In this mode the master mode controller selects the O2CPRE signal is used as TRGO 111: Compare.In this mode the master mode controller selects the O3CPRE signal is used as TRGO 3 DMAS DMA request source selection 0: DMA request of channel x is sent when capture/compare event occurs. 1: DMA request of channel x is sent when update event occurs. 2 CCUC Commutation control shadow register update control When the commutation control shadow registers (for CHxEN, CHxNEN and CHxCOMCTL bits) are enabled (CCSE=1), this bit control when these shadow registers update. 0: The shadow registers update by when CMTG bit is set. 1: The shadow registers update by when CMTG bit is set or a rising edge of TRGI occurs. When a channel does not have a complementary output, this bit has no effect. 1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 0 CCSE Commutation control shadow register enable 0: The shadow registers for CHxEN, CHxNEN and CHxCOMCTL bits are disabled. 1: The shadow registers for CHxEN, CHxNEN and CHxCOMCTL bits are enabled. After these bits have been written, they are updated based when commutation event coming. When a channel does not have a complementary output, this bit has no effect. Slave mode configuration register (TIMERx_SMCFG) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 ETP SMC1 ETPSC[1:0] ETFC[3:0] MSM TRGS[2:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15 ETP External trigger polarity 8 7 6 5 4 3 OCRC rw 2 1 0 SMC[2:0] rw This bit specifies the polarity of ETI signal 183 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: ETI is active at high level or rising edge. 1: ETI is active at low level or falling edge. 14 SMC1 Part of SMC for enable External clock mode1 In external clock mode 1, the counter is clocked by any active edge on the ETIF signal. 0: External clock mode 1 disabled 1: External clock mode 1 enabled. Setting the SMC1 bit has the same effect as selecting external clock mode 0 with TRGI connected to ETIF (SMC=111 and TRGS =111). It is possible to simultaneously use external clock mode 1 with the reset mode, pause mode or event mode. But the TRGS bits must not be 111 in this case. The external clock input will be ETIF if external clock mode 1 and external clock mode 1 are enabled at the same time. 13:12 ETPSC[1:0] External trigger prescaler The frequency of external trigger signal ETI must not be at higher than 1/4 of TIMERx_CK frequency. When the external trigger signal is a fast clocks, the prescaler can be enabled to reduce ETI frequency. 00: Prescaler disable 01: ETI frequency will be divided by 2 10: ETI frequency will be divided by 4 11: ETI frequency will be divided by 8 11:8 ETFC[3:0] External trigger filter control An event counter is used in the digital filter, in which a transition on the output occurs after N input events. This bit-field specifies the frequency used to sample ETI signal and the length of the digital filter applied to ETI. 0000: Filter disalble. fSAMP= fDTS, N=1. 0001: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=2. 0010: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=4. 0011: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=8. 0100: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=6. 0101: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=8. 0110: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=6. 0111: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=8. 1000: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=6. 1001: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=8. 1010: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=5. 1011: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=6. 1100: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=8. 1101: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=5. 1110: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=6. 1111: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=8. 7 MSM Master-slave mode 184 GD32F1x0 User Manual The effect of an event on the trigger input is delayed in this mode to allow a perfect synchronization between the current timer and its slaves through TRGO. If we want to synchronize several timers on a single external event, this mode can be used. 0: Master-slave mode disable 1: Master-slave mode enable 6:4 TRGS[2:0] Trigger selection This bit-field specifies which signal is selected as the trigger input, which is used to synchronize the counter. 000: Internal trigger input 0 (ITI0) TIMER14 001: Internal trigger input 1 (ITI1) TIMER1 010: Internal trigger input 2 (ITI2) TIMER2 011: Internal trigger input 3 (ITI3) Res. 100: CI0 edge flag (CI0F_ED) 101: channel 0 input Filtered output (CI0FE0) 110: channel 1 input Filtered output (CI1FE1) 111: External trigger input filter output (ETIF) These bits must not be changed when slave mode is enabled. 3 OCRC OCPRE clear source selection 0: OCPRE_CLR_INT is connected to the OCPRE_CLR input 1: OCPRE_CLR_INT is connected to ETIF 2:0 SMC[2:0] Slave mode control 000: Disable mode.The prescaler is clocked directly by the internal clock when CEN bit is set high. 001: Quadrature decoder mode 0.The counter counts on CI1FE1 edge, while the direction depends on CI0FE0 level. 010: Quadrature decoder mode 1.The counter counts on CI0FE0 edge, while the direction depends on CI1FE1 level. 011: Quadrature decoder mode 2.The counter counts on both CI0FE0 and CI1FE1 edge, while the direction depends on each other. 100: Restart Mode. The counter is reinitialized and the shadow registers are updated on the rising edge of the selected trigger input. 101: Pause Mode. The trigger input enables the counter clock when it is high and disables the counter when it is low. 110: Event Mode. A rising edge of the trigger input enables the counter. The counter cannot be disabled by the slave mode controller. 111: External Clock Mode 0. The counter counts on the rising edges of the selected trigger. Because CI0F_ED outputs 1 pulse for each transition on CI0F, and the pause mode checks the level of the trigger signal, when CI0F_ED is selected as the trigger input, the pause mode must not be used. 185 GD32F1x0 User Manual DMA and interrupt enable register (TIMERx_DMAINTEN) Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Res TRGDEN CMTDEN CH3DEN CH2DEN CH1DEN CH0DEN UPDEN BRKIE TRGIE CMTIE CH3IE CH2IE CH1IE CH0IE UPIE rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 14 TRGDEN Trigger DMA request enable 2 1 0 0: Trigger DMA request disabled 1: Trigger DMA request enabled 13 CMTDEN CMT DMA request enable 0: CMT DMA request disabled 1: CMT DMA request enabled 12 CH3DEN Channel 3 Capture/Compare DMA request enable 0: Channel 3 Capture/Compare DMA request disabled 1: Channel 3 Capture/Compare DMA request enabled 11 CH2DEN Channel 2 Capture/Compare DMA request enable 0: Channel 2 Capture/Compare DMA request disabled 1: Channel 2 Capture/Compare DMA request enabled 10 CH1DEN Channel 1 Capture/Compare DMA request enable 0: Channel 1 Capture/Compare DMA request disabled 1: Channel 1 Capture/Compare DMA request enabled 9 CH0DEN Channel 0 Capture/Compare DMA request enable 0: Channel 0 Capture/Compare DMA request disabled 1: Channel 0 Capture/Compare DMA request enabled 8 UPDEN Update DMA request enable 0: Update DMA request disabled 1: Update DMA request enabled 7 BRKIE Break interrupt enable 0: Break interrupt disabled 1: Break interrupt enabled 6 TRGIE Trigger interrupt enable 0: Trigger interrupt disabled 1: Trigger interrupt enabled 186 GD32F1x0 User Manual 5 CMTIE CMT interrupt enable 0: CMT interrupt disabled 1: CMT interrupt enabled 4 CH3IE Channel 3 Capture/Compare interrupt enable 0: Channel 3 Capture/Compare interrupt disabled 1: Channel 3 Capture/Compare interrupt enabled 3 CH2IE Channel 2 Capture/Compare interrupt enable 0: Channel 2 Capture/Compare interrupt disabled 1: Channel 2 Capture/Compare interrupt enabled 2 CH1IE Channel 1 Capture/Compare interrupt enable 0: Channel 1 Capture/Compare interrupt disabled 1: Channel 1 Capture/Compare interrupt enabled 1 CH0IE Channel 0 Capture/Compare interrupt enable 0: Channel 0 Capture/Compare interrupt disabled 1: Channel 0 Capture/Compare interrupt enabled 0 UPIE Update interrupt enable 0: Update interrupt disabled 1: Update interrupt enabled Interrupt flag register (TIMERx_INTF) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 Reserved 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH3OF CH2OF CH1OF CH0OF Res. BRKIF TRGIF CMTIF CH3IF CH2IF CH1IF CH0IF UPIF rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 . rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 Bits Fields Descriptions 15:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 12 CH3OF Channel 3 Capture overflow flag Refer to CH0OF description 11 CH2OF Channel 2 Capture overflow flag Refer to CH0OF description 10 CH1OF Channel 1 Capture overflow flag Refer to CH0OF description 9 CH0OF Channel 0 Capture overflow flag When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this flag is set by hardware when a 187 GD32F1x0 User Manual capture event occurs while CH0IF flag has already been set. This flag is cleared by software. 0: No Capture overflow interrupt occurred 1: Capture overflow interrupt occurred 8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 7 BRKIF Break interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware when the break input goes active, and cleared by software if the break input is not active. 0: No active level break has been detected. 1: An active level has been detected. 6 TRGIF Trigger interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware on trigger event and cleared by software. When the slave mode controller is enabled in all modes but pause mode, an active edge on TRGI input generates a trigger event. When the slave mode controller is enabled in pause mode both edges on TRGI input generates a trigger event. 0: No trigger event occurred. 1: Trigger interrupt occurred. 5 CMTIF Channel commutation interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware when channel’s commutation event occurs, and cleared by software 0: No channel commutation interrupt occurred 1: Channel commutation interrupt occurred 4 CH3IF Channel 3‘s Capture/Compare interrupt enable Refer to CH0IF description 3 CH2IF Channel 2‘s Capture/Compare interrupt enable Refer to CH0IF description 2 CH1IF Channel 1‘s Capture/Compare interrupt enable Refer to CH0IF description 1 CH0IF Channel 0‘s Capture/Compare interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software. When channel 0 is in input mode, this flag is set when a capture event occurs. When channel 0 is in output mode, this flag is set when a compare event occurs. 0: No Channel 0 interrupt occurred 1: Channel 0 interrupt occurred 0 UPIF Update interrupt flag This bit is set by hardware on an update event and cleared by software. 0: No update interrupt occurred 1: Update interrupt occurred 188 GD32F1x0 User Manual Software event generation register (TIMERx_SWEVG) Address offset: 0x14 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BRKG TRGG CMTG CH3G CH2G CH1G CH0G UPG w w w w w w w w Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 7 BRKG Break event generation This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is set, the POEN bit is cleared and BRKIF flag is set, related interrupt or DMA transfer can occur if enabled. 0: No generate a break event 1: Generate a break event 6 TRGG Trigger event generation This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is set, the TRGIF flag in TIMERx_INTF register is set, related interrupt or DMA transfer can occur if enabled. 0: No generate a trigger event 1: Generate a trigger event 5 CMTG Channel commutation event generation This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is set the channel control registers (CHxEN, CHxNEN and CHxCOMCTL bits) of the channels having a complementary output are updated. 0: no affect 1: generate channel’s capture/compare control update event 4 CH3G Channel 3’s capture or compare event generation Refer to CH0G description 3 CH2G Channel 2’s capture or compare event generation Refer to CH0G description 2 CH1G Channel 1’s capture or compare event generation Refer to CH0G description 1 CH0G Channel 0’s capture or compare event generation This bit is set by software in order to generate a capture or compare event in channel 0, it is automatically cleared by hardware. When this bit is set, the CH0IF flag is set, the corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. In 189 GD32F1x0 User Manual addition, if channel 0 is configured in input mode, the current value of the counter is captured in TIMER0_CH0CV register, and the CH0OF flag is set if the CH0IF flag was already high. 0: No generate a channel 0 capture or compare event 1: Generate a channel 0 capture or compare event 0 UPG This bit can be set by software, and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is set, the counter is cleared if the center-aligned or upcounting mode is selected, else (downcounting) it takes the auto-reload value. The prescaler counter is cleared at the same time. 0: No generate an update event 1: Generate an update event Channel control register 0 (TIMERx_CHCTL0) Address offset: 0x18 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 11 10 CH1COM 15 14 CH1COMCTL[ 13 12 CH1COM CH1COM CEN 2:0] SEN FEN CH1CAPFLT[3:0] CH1CAPPSC[1:0] rw rw 9 8 CH1MS[1 :0] 3 2 CH0COM 7 CH0COMCTL[ 6 5 4 CH0COM CH0COM CEN 2:0] SEN FEN CH0CAPFLT[3:0] CH0CAPPSC[1:0] rw rw rw 1 0 CH0MS[1 :0] rw Output compare mode: Bits Fields Descriptions 15 CH1COMCEN Channel 1 output compare clear enable Refer to CH0COMCEN description 14:12 CH1COMCTL[2:0] Channel 1 output compare mode Refer to CH0COMCTL description 11 CH1COMSEN Channel 1 output compare shadow enable Refer to CH0COMSEN description 10 CH1COMFEN Channel 1 output compare fast enable Refer to CH0COMFEN description 9:8 CH1MS[1:0] Channel 1 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH1EN bit in TIMER0_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: channel 1 is configured as output 01: channel 1 is configured as input, IC1 is connected to CI1FE1 10: channel 1 is configured as input, IC1 is connected to CI0FE1 11: channel 1 is configured as input, IC1 is connected to ITS. This mode is 190 GD32F1x0 User Manual working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. 7 CH0COMCEN Channel 0 output compare clear enable. When this bit is set, the O0CPRE signal is cleared when High level is detected on ETIF input. 0: Channel 0 output compare clear disable 1: Channel 0 output compare clear enable 6:4 CH0COMCTL[2:0] Channel 0 compare output control This bit-field specifies the behavior of the output reference signal O0CPRE which drives CH0_O and CH0_ON. O0CPRE is active high, while CH0_O and CH0_ON active level depends on CH0P and CH0NP bits. 000: Frozen.The O0CPRE signal keeps stable, independent of the comparison between the register TIMER0_CH0CV and the counter. 001: Set the channel output. O0CPRE signal is forced high when the counter matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV. 010: Clear the channel output. O0CPRE signal is forced low when the counter matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV. 011: Toggle on match. O0CPRE toggles when the counter matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV. 100: Force low. O0CPRE is forced low level. 101: Force high. O0CPRE is forced high level. 110: PWM mode 0. When counting up, O0CPRE is high as long as the counter is smaller than TIMER0_CH0CV else low. When counting down, O0CPRE is low as long as the counter is larger than TIMER0_CH0CV else high. 111: PWM mode 1. When counting up, O0CPRE is low as long as the counter is smaller than TIMER0_CH0CV else high. When counting down, O0CPRE is high as long as the counter is larger than TIMER0_CH0CV else low. When configured in PWM mode, the O0CPRE level changes only when the output compare mode switches from “frozen” mode to “PWM” mode or when the result of the comparison changes. This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00. 3 CH0COMSEN Channel 0 output compare shadow enable When this bit is set, the shadow register of TIMER0_CH0CV register, which updates at each update event will be enabled. 0: Channel 0 output compare shadow disable 1: Channel 0 output compare shadow enable The PWM mode can be used without validating the shadow register only in one pulse mode (SPM bit set in TIMER0_CTL0 register is set). This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00. 2 CH0COMFEN Channel 0 output compare fast enable 191 GD32F1x0 User Manual When this bit is set, the effect of an event on the trigger in input on the capture/compare output will be accelerated if the channel is configured in PWM0 or PWM1 mode. The output channel will treat an active edge on the trigger input as a compare match, and CH0_O is set to the compare level independently from the result of the comparison. 0: Channel 0 output compare fast disable. The minimum delay from an edge on the trigger input to activate CH0_O output is 5 clock cycles. 1: Channel 0 output compare fast enable. The minimum delay from an edge on the trigger input to activate CH0_O output is 3 clock cycles. 1:0 CH0MS[1:0] Channel 0 I/O mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH0EN bit in TIMER0_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 0 is configured as output 01: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI0FE0 10: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI1FE0 11: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. Input capture mode: Bits Fields Descriptions 15:12 CH1CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 1 input capture filter control Refer to CH0CAPFLT description 11:10 CH1CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 1 input capture prescaler Refer to CH0CAPPSC description 9:8 CH1MS[1:0] Channel 1 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH1EN bit in TIMER0_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 1 is configured as output 01: Channel 1 is configured as input, IC1 is connected to CI1FE1 10: Cchannel 1 is configured as input, IC1 is connected to CI0FE1 11: Channel 1 is configured as input, IC1 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. 7:4 CH0CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 0 input capture filter control An event counter is used in the digital filter, in which a transition on the output occurs after N input events. This bit-field specifies the frequency used to sample CI0 input signal and the length of the digital filter applied to CI0. 0000: Filter disable, fSAMP=fDTS, N=1 192 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0001: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=2 0010: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=4 0011: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=8 0100: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=6 0101: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=8 0110: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=6 0111: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=8 1000: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=6 1001: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=8 1010: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=5 1011: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=6 1100: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=8 1101: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=5 1110: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=6 1111: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=8 3:2 CH0CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 0 input capture prescaler This bit-field specifies the ratio of the prescaler on channel 0 input.The prescaler is reset when CH0EN bit in TIMER0_CHCTL2 register is reset. 00: Prescaler disable, capture is done on each channel input edge 01: Capture is done every 2 channel input edges 10: Capture is done every 4 channel input edges 11: Capture is done every 8 channel input edges 1:0 CH0MS[1:0] Channel 0 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH0EN bit in TIMER0_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 0 is configured as output 01: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI0FE0 10: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI1FE0 11: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. Channel control register 1 (TIMERx_CHCTL1) Address offset: 0x1C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 11 10 CH3COM 15 14 CH3COMCTL[ 13 12 CH3COM CH3COM CEN 2:0] SEN FEN CH3CAPFLT[3:0] CH3CAPPSC[1:0] rw rw 9 8 CH3MS[1 :0] rw 3 2 CH2COM 7 CH2COMCTL[ 6 5 4 CH2COM CH2COM CEN 2:0] SEN FEN CH2CAPFLT[3:0] CH2CAPPSC[1:0] rw rw 1 0 CH2MS[1 :0] rw 193 GD32F1x0 User Manual Output compare mode Bits Fields Descriptions 15 CH3COMCEN Channel 3 output compare clear enable Refer to CH0COMCEN description 14:12 CH3COMCTL[2:0] Channel 3 compare output control Refer to CH0COMCTL description 11 CH3COMSEN Channel 3 output compare shadow enable Refer to CH0COMSEN description 10 CH3COMFEN Channel 3 output compare fast enable Refer to CH0COMFEN description 9:8 CH3MS[1:0] Channel 3 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH3EN bit in TIMER0_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 3 is configured as output 01: Channel 3 is configured as input, IC3 is connected to CI3FE3 10: Channel 3 is configured as input, IC3 is connected to CI2FE3 11: Channel 3 is configured as input, IC3 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. 7 CH2COMCEN Channel 2 output compare clear enable Refer to CH0COMCEN description 6:4 CH2COMCTL[2:0] Channel 2 compare output control Refer to CH0COMCTL description 3 CH2COMSEN Channel 2 output compare shadow enable Refer to CH0COMSEN description 2 CH2COMFEN Channel 2 output compare fast enable Refer to CH0COMFEN description 1:0 CH2MS[1:0] Channel 2 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH2EN bit in TIMER0_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 2 is configured as output 01: Channel 2 is configured as input, IC2 is connected to CI2FE2 10: Channel 2 is configured as input, IC2 is connected to CI3FE2 11: Channel 2 is configured as input, IC2 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. 194 GD32F1x0 User Manual Input capture mode: Bits Fields Descriptions 15:12 CH3CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 3 input capture filter control Refer to CH0CAPFLT description 11:10 CH3CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 3 input capture prescaler Refer to CH0CAPPSC description 9:8 CH3MS[1:0] Channel 3 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH3EN bit in TIMER0_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: channel 3 is configured as output 01: channel 3 is configured as input, IC3 is connected to CI3FE3 10: channel 3 is configured as input, IC3 is connected to CI2FE3 11: channel 3 is configured as input, IC3 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. 7:4 CH2CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 2 input capture filter control Refer to CH0CAPFLT description 3:2 CH2CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 2 input capture prescaler Refer to CH0CAPPSC description 1:0 CH2MS[1:0] Channel 2 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH2EN bit in TIMER0_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: channel 2 is configured as output 01: channel 2 is configured as input, IC2 is connected to CI2FE2 10: channel 2 is configured as input, IC2 is connected to CI3FE2 11: channel 2 is configured as input, IC2 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. Channel control register 2 (TIMERx_CHCTL2) Address offset: 0x20 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 Reserved 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH3P CH3EN CH2NP CH2NEN CH2P CH2EN CH1NP CH1NEN CH1P CH1EN CH0NP CH0NEN CH0P CHt0EN rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 195 GD32F1x0 User Manual Bits Fields Descriptions 15:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 13 CH3P Channel 3 polarity Refer to CH0P description 12 CH3EN Channel 3 enable Refer to CH0EN description 11 CH2NP Channel 2 complementary output polarity Refer to CH0NP description 10 CH2NEN Channel 2 complementary output enable Refer to CH0NEN description 9 CH2P Channel 2 polarity Refer to CH0P description 8 CH2EN Channel 2 enable Refer to CH0EN description 7 CH1NP Channel 1 complementary output polarity Refer to CH0NP description 6 CH1NEN Channel 1 complementary output enable Refer to CH0NEN description 5 CH1P Channel 1 polarity Refer to CH0P description 4 CH1EN Channel 1 enable Refer to CH0EN description 3 CH0NP Channel 0 complementary output polarity When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit specifies the complementary output signal polarity. 0: Channel 0 active high 1: Channel 0 active low When channel 0 is configured in input mode, In conjunction with CH0P, this bit is used to define the polarity of CI0. This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 11 or 10. 2 CH0NEN Channel 0 complementary output enable When channel 0 is configured in output mode, setting this bit enables the complementary output in channel 0. 0: Channel 0 complementary output disabled 1: Channel 0 complementary output enabled 1 CH0P Channel 0 polarity 196 GD32F1x0 User Manual When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit specifies the output signal polarity. 0: Channel 0 active high 1: Channel 0 active low When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit specifies the CI0 signal polarity. [CH0NP, CH0P] will selete the active trigger or capture polarity for CI0FE0 or CI1FE0. [CH0NP==0, CH0P==0]: CIxFE0’s rising edge is the active signal for capture or trigger operation in slave mode. And CIxFE0 will not be inverted. [CH0NP==0, CH0P==1]: CIxFE0’s falling edge is the active signal for capture or trigger operation in slave mode. And CIxFE0 will be inverted. [CH0NP==1, CH0P==0]: Reserved. [CH0NP==1, CH0P==1]: CIxFE0’s falling and rising edge are both the active signal for capture or trigger operation in slave mode. And CIxFE0 will be not inverted. This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 11 or 10. 0 CH0EN Channel 0 enable When channel 0 is configured in input mode, setting this bit enables CH0_O signal in active state. When channel 0 is configured in output mode, setting this bit enables the capture event in channel 0. 0: Channel 0 disabled 1: Channel 0 enabled Counter register (TIMERx_CNT) Address offset: 0x24 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CNT[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CNT[15:0] This bit-filed indicates the current counter value. Writing to this bit-filed can change the value of the counter. Prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC) Address offset: 0x28 Reset value: 0x0000 197 GD32F1x0 User Manual This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PSC[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 PSC[15:0] Prescaler value of the counter clock The PSC clock is divided by (PSC+1) to generate the counter clock. The value of this bit-filed will be loaded to the corresponding shadow register at every update event. Counter auto reload register (TIMERx_CAR) Address offset: 0x2C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 CAR[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CAR[15:0] Counter auto reload value This bit-filed specifies the auto reload value of the counter. Counter repetition register (TIMERx_CREP) Address offset: 0x30 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 6 5 4 CREP[7:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 7:0 CREP[7:0] Counter repetition value This bit-filed specifies the update event generation rate. Each time the repetition counter counting down to zero, an update event is generated. The update rate of the shadow registers is also affected by this bit-filed when these shadow registers are enabled. 198 GD32F1x0 User Manual Channel 0 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH0CV) Address offset: 0x34 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH0VAL[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CH0VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel 0 When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only. When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled, the shadow register updates every update event. Channel 1 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH1CV) Address offset: 0x38 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH1VAL[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CH1VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel 1 When channel 1 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only. When channel 1 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled, the shadow register updates every update event. Channel 2 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH2CV) Address offset: 0x3C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 199 GD32F1x0 User Manual CH2VAL[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CH2VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel 2 When channel 2 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only. When channel 2 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled, the shadow register updates every update event. Channel 3 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH3CV) Address offset: 0x40 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH3VAL[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CH3VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel 3 When channel 3 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only. When channel 3 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled, the shadow register updates every update event. Channel Complementary Protection register (TIMERx_CCHP) Address offset: 0x44 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 POEN OAEN BRKP BRKEN ROS IOS PROT[1:0] DTCFG[7:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15 POEN Primary output enable 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 This bit s set by software or automatically by hardware depending on the OAEN bit. It is cleared asynchronously by hardware assoon as the break input is active. When 200 GD32F1x0 User Manual a channel is configured in output mode, setting this bit enables the channel outputs (CHx_O and CHx_ON) if the corresponding enable bits (CHxEN, CHxNEN in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register) have been set. 0: Channel outputs are disabled or forced to idle state. 1: Channel outputs are enabled. 14 OAEN Output automatic enable This bit specifies whether the POEN bit can be set automatically by hardware. 0: POEN can be not set by hardware. 1: POEN can be set by hardware automatically at the next update event,if the break input is notactive. This bit can be modified only when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 00. 13 BRKP Break polarity This bit specifies the polarity of the BRK input signal. 0: BRK input active low 1; BRK input active high 12 BRKEN Break enable This bit can be set to enable the BRK and CCS clock failure event inputs. 0: Break inputs disabled 1; Break inputs enabled This bit can be modified onlywhen PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 00. 11 ROS Run mode off-state configure When POEN bit is set, this bit specifies the output state for the channels which has a complementary output and has been configured in output mode. 0: When POEN bit is set, the channel output signals (CHx_O/CHx_ON) are disabled. 1: When POEN bit is set, the channel output signals (CHx_O/CHx_ON) are enabled, with relationship to CHxEN/CHxNEN bits in TIMER0_CHCTL2 register. This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 10 or 11. 10 IOS Idle mode off-state configure When POEN bit is reset, this bit specifies the output state for the channels which has been configured in output mode. 0: When POEN bit is reset, the channel output signals (CHx_O/CHx_ON) are disabled. 1: When POEN bit is reset, he channel output signals (CHx_O/CHx_ON) are enabled, with relationship to CHxEN/CHxNEN bits in TIMER0_CHCTL2 register. This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 10 or 11. 9:8 PROT[1:0] Complementary register protect control 201 GD32F1x0 User Manual This bit-filed specifies the write protection property of registers. 00: protect disable. No write protection. 01: PROT mode 0.The ISOx/ISOxN bits in TIMER0_CTL1 register and the BRKEN/BRKP/OAEN/DTCFG bits in TIMER0_CCHP register are writing protected. 10: PROT mode 1. In addition of the registers in PROT mode 0, the CHxP/CHxNP bits in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register (if related channel is configured in output mode) and the ROS/IOS bits in TIMER0_CCHP register are writing protected. 11: PROT mode 2. In addition of the registers in PROT mode 1, the CHxCOMCTL/CHxCOMSEN bits in TIMER0_CHCTLx registers (if the related channel is configured in output) are writing protected. This bit-field can be written only once after the reset. Once the TIMERx_CCHP register has been written, this bit-field will be writing protected. 7:0 DTCFG[7:0] Dead time configure This bit-field specifies the duration of the dead-time, which is inserted before the output transitions. The relationship between DTCFG value and the duration of deadtime is as follow: DTCFG[7:5]=0xx: duration =DTCFG[7:0]x tDT, tDT=tDTS. DTCFG[7:5]=10x:duration =(64+DTCFG[5:0])xtDT,tDT=tDTS*2. DTCFG[7:5]=110: duration =(32+DTCFG[4:0])xtDT, tDT=tDTS*8. DTCFG[7:5]=111:duration =(32+DTCFG[4:0])xtDT,tDT=tDTS*16. This bit can be modified only when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 00. DMA configuration register (TIMERx_DMACFG) Address offset: 0x48 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 Reserved 11 10 9 8 7 DMATC[4:0] 6 Reserved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 12:8 DMATC[4:0] DMA transfer count 5 4 3 2 1 0 DMATA[4:0] rw When register access are done through the TIMERx_DMATB address, this 5-bit bitfield specifies the number of transfers. 7:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 4:0 DMATA[4:0] DMA transfer access start address When register access are done through the TIMERx_DMATB address, this bit-field 202 GD32F1x0 User Manual specifies the offset of the starting address from the TIMER0_CTL0 register. DMA Transfer buffer register (TIMERx_DMATB) Address offset: 0x4C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DMATB[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 DMATB[15:0] DMA transfer When a read or write operation is assigned to this register, the register located at the address range (DMATA + burst counter) x 4 from TIMERx_CTL0 will be accessed. The burst counter is calculated by hardware, and ranges from 0 to DMATC. Configuration register (TIMERx_CFG) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0xFC Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 15:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 CCSEL Write Capture/Compare register selection 4 3 2 1 0 CCSEL OUTSEL rw rw This bit-field set and reset by software. 1: If write the Capture/Compare register, the write value is same as the Capture/Compare value, the write access ignored 0: No effect 0 OUTSEL The output value selection This bit-field set and reset by software 1: If POEN and IOS is 0, the output disabled 0: No effect 203 GD32F1x0 User Manual 9.2. General timers (TIMER1/TIMER2) 9.2.1. Introduction The general timers (TIMER1 and TIMER2) consist of one 16-bit or 32-bit up/down-counter; four capture/compare registers (TIMERx_CHxCV), one counter auto reload register (TIMERx_CAR) and several control registers. They can be used for a variety of purposes including general timer, input signal pulse width measurement or output waveform generation such as single pulse generation or PWM output. The TIMERx supports an Encoder Interface using a decoder with two inputs. 9.2.2. Main features 16-bit (TIMER2) or 32-bit (TIMER1) down, up, down/up auto-reload counter. 16-bit programmable prescaler that allows division of the counter clock frequency by any factor between 1 and 65536. Up to 4 independent channels support functions including input capture, compare match output, generation of PWM waveform (edge and center-aligned Mode), and single pulse mode output. Interrupt/DMA generation by update, trigger event, input capture event, output compare match event Synchronization circuit to control TIMERx with external signals or to interconnect several timers together. 9.2.3. Encoder interface controller with two inputs using quadrature decoder TIMERx Master/Slave mode controller Function description Figure below provides details on the internal configuration of the general timer. 204 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-46. General timer block diagram (TIMER1 and TIMER2) Polarity Selection ETI Edge Detector Prescaler Input Filter Trigger Controller TIMERx_TRGO ITI0 ITI1 Reset, Enable, Up/Down, Count ITI2 Mode Slave Controller ITI3 Prescaler AutoReload Register CI0F_ED Encoder Interface Counter CI0FE0 CI1FE0 CH0 CH0 XOR CH1 Input Filt er CH2 CH1 Capture Register Edge Detector Prescaler Compare Register Output Control CH3 CH2 CH3 Prescaler counter The prescaler can divide the timer clock (TIMER_CK) to the counter clock (CNT_CLK) by any factor between 1 and 65536. It is controlled through prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC) which can be changed on the fly but be taken into account at the next update event. 205 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-47. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 01 02 03 04 Reload Pulse modify scaler Vaule Prescaler CR 0 1 Prescaler BUF 0 1 Prescaler CNT 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Figure 9-48. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 4 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 00 01 Reload Pulse modify PSC Vaule Prescaler CR 0 3 Prescaler BUF 0 3 Prescaler CNT 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Upcounting mode In this mode the counter counts continuously from 0 to the counter-reload value, which is 206 GD32F1x0 User Manual defined in the TIMERx_CAR register, in a count-up direction. Once the counter reaches the counter reload value, the counter restarts to count once again from 0. The update event is generated at each counter overflow.The counting direction bit DIR in the TIMERx_CTL0 register should be set to 0 for the upcounting mode. When the update event is set by the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register, the counter value will be initialized to 0 and generates an update event. If set the UPDIS bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register, the update event is disabled. When an update event occurs, all the registers (autoreload register, prescaler register) are updated. The following figures show some examples of the counter behavior for different clock frequencies when TIMERx_CAR=0x63. Figure 9-49. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 1 PCLK EN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) 207 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-50. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 2 PCLK EN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Figure 9-51. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 4 PCLK EN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 62 63 00 01 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) 208 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-52. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by N TIMER_CK CNT_CLK CNT_REG 32 31 00 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Figure 9-53. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=0 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Auto-reload register 65 63 modify CAR Vaule 209 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-54. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=1 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 60 61 62 63 64 65 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Auto-reload register 65 63 modify CAR Vaule Auto-reload shadow register 65 63 Downcounting mode In this mode the counter counts continuously from the counter reload value, which is defined in the TIMERx_CAR register, to 0 in a count-down direction. Once the counter reaches 0, the counter restarts to count once again from the counter-reload value. If the repetition counter is set, the update event generated after the number of underflow. Else the update event is generated at each counter underflow. The counting direction bit DIR in the TIMERx_CTL0 register should be set to 1 for the down counting mode. When the update event is set by the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register, the counter value will be initialized to the counter-reload value and generates an update event. If set the UPDIS bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register, the update event is disabled. When an update event occurs, all the registers (repeat counter, reload register, prescaler register) are updated. 210 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-55. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 1 PCLK EN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 05 04 03 02 01 00 63 62 61 60 5F 5E 5D 5C overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Figure 9-56. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 2 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 002 001 000 063 062 061 060 05F overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) 211 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-57. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 4 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 001 000 063 062 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Figure 9-58. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by N TIMER_CK CNT_CLK CNT_REG 030 02F 063 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) 212 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-59. Counter timing diagram, update event when counter is not used TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 05 04 03 02 01 00 63 62 61 60 5F 5E 5D 5C overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Auto-reload register 65 63 modify CAR Vaule Center-aligned counting mode In the center-aligned counting mode, the counter counts up from 0 to the counter-reload value and then counts down to 0 alternatively. The Timer module generates an overflow event when the counter counts to the counter-reload value subtract 1 in the up-counting mode and generates an underflow event when the counter counts to 1 in the down-counting mode. The counting direction bit DIR in the TIMERx_CTL0 register is read-only and indicates the counting direction when in the center-aligned mode. The counting direction is updated by hardware automatically. Setting the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register will initialize the counter value to 0 irrespective of whether the counter is counting up or down in the center-align counting mode and generates an update event. The UPIF bit in the TIMER0_INTF register can be set to 1 when an underflow event at countdown (CAM in TIMERx_CTL0 is “01”), an overflow event at count-up (CAM in TIMERx_CTL0 is “10”) or both of them occur (CAM in TIMERx_CTL0 is “11”). If set the UPDIS bit in the TIMERx_CTL0 register, the update event is disabled. When an update event occurs, all the registers (autoreload register, prescaler register) are updated. The following figures show some examples of the counter behavior for different clock frequencies when TIMERx_CAR=0x5. 213 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-60. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 1, TIMERx_CAR = 0x5 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 04 03 02 01 00 01 02 03 04 05 04 03 02 01 underflow overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Figure 9-61. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 2 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 003 002 001 000 001 002 003 004 underflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) 214 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-62. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 4, TIMERx_CAR=0x63 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 061 062 063 062 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Figure 9-63. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by N TIMER_CK CNT_CLK CNT_REG 030 02F 001 000 underflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) 215 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-64. Counter timing diagram, update event with ARSE=1(counter underflow) TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Auto-reload register 63 65 modify CAR Vaule Auto-reload shadow register 63 65 Figure 9-65. Counter timing diagram, Update event with ARSE=1 (counter overflow) TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 63 62 61 60 5F 5E 5D 5C overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Auto-reload register 80 63 modify CAR Vaule Auto-reload shadow register 65 63 216 GD32F1x0 User Manual Clock selection The following describes the Timer Module clock controller which determines the clock source of the internal prescaler counter. Internal timer clock TIMER_CK The default internal clock source is the APB2 clock CK_APB2 used to drive the counter prescaler when the slave mode is disabled. If the slave mode controller is enabled by setting SMC field in the TIMERx_SMCFG register to an available value including 0x1, 0x2, 0x3 and 0x7, the prescaler is clocked by other clock sources selected by the TRGS field in the TIMERx_SMCFG register and described as follows. When the slave mode selection bits SMC are set to 0x4 , 0x5 or 0x6, the internal clock TIMER_CK is the counter prescaler driving clock source. Figure 9-66. Control circuit in normal mode, internal clock divided by 1 TIMER_CK CEN UPG Reload Pulse CNT_CLK CNT_REG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 Quadrature decoder To select Quadrature Decoder mode the SMC field should be set to 0x1, 0x2 or 0x3 in the TIMERx_SMCFG register. The Quadrature Decoder function uses two input states of the TIMERx_CH0 and TIMERx_CH1 pins to generate the clock pulse to drive the counter prescaler. The counting direction bit DIR is modified by hardware automatically at each transition on the input source signal. The input source signal can be derived from the TIMERx_CH0 pin only, the TIMERx_CH1 pin only or both TIMERx_CH0 and TIMERx_CH1 pins. Internal trigger inputs (ITI) The counter prescaler can count during each rising or falling edge of the ITI signal. This mode can be selected by setting the SMC field to 0x6 in the TIMERx_SMCFG Rregister; here the counter will act as an event counter. The input event, known as ITI here, can be selected by 217 GD32F1x0 User Manual setting the TRGS field. When the ITI signal is selected as the clock source, the internal edge detection circuitry will generate a clock pulse during each ITI signal rising or falling edge to drive the counter prescaler. Channel input pin (CI) The counter prescaler can be driven to count during each rising or falling edge on the external pin TIMERx_CIx. This mode can be selected by setting SMC field to 0x7 and the TRGS field to 0x4, 0x5 or 0x6. Note that the CIx is derived from the TIMERx_CHx sampled by a digital filter. External trigger input (ETIF) The counter prescaler can be driven to count during each rising or falling edge on the external pin TIMERx_ETI. This mode can be selected by setting the SMC1 bit in the TIMERx_SMCFG register to 1. The other way to select the ETIF signal as the clock source is to set the SMC field to 0x6 and the TRGS field to 0x7 respectively. Note that the ETIF signal is derived from the TIMERx_ETI pin sampled by a digital filter. When the clock source is selected to come from the ETIF signal, the Trigger Controller including the edge detection circuitry will generate a clock pulse during each ETIF signal rising edge to clock the counter prescaler. Capture/compare channels The TIMER1/2 has four independent channels which can be used as capture inputs or compare match outputs. Each channel is built around a channel capture/compare value register including an input stage, channel controller and an output stage. Input capture stage The input stage consists of a digital filter, a channel polarity selection, edge detection and a channel prescaler. The channel 0 input signal (CI0) can be chosen to come from the TIMERx_CH0 signal or the Excusive-OR function of the TIMERx_CH0, TIMERx_CH1 and TIMERx_CH2 signals. The channel input signal (CIx) is sampled by a digital filter to generate a filtered input signal CIxF. Then the channel polarity and the edge detection block can generate a CIxFEx signal for the input capture function. The effective input event number can be set by the channel input prescaler (CHxCAPPSC). 218 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-67. Capture/compare channel (example: channel 0 input stage) CI0 fDTS CI0F_Rising filter downcounter Edge Detector CI0F_Falling 0 CI0FE0 01 1 CI1FE0 IC0 10 ITS CH0CAPFLT [3:0] CHCTL0 divider /1, /2, /4, /8 11 CH0P/ CH0NP CHCTL2 CH0CAPPS C[1:0] CH0MS[ 1:0 ] CH0EN CHCTL2 CHCTL0 CHCTL0 Channel controller The GPTM has four independent channels which can be used as capture inputs or compare match outputs. When used in the input capture mode, the counter value is captured into the TIMERx_CHxCV shadow register first and then transferred into the TIMERx_CHxCV preload register when the capture event occurs. When used in the compare match output mode, the contents of the TIMERx_CHxCV preload register is copied into the associated shadow register; the counter value is then compared with the register value. 219 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-68. Capture/compare channel 0 main circuit APB BUS MCU-peripheral interface CH0VAL Capture/compare preload register CH0VAL CH0MS[0] CH0MS[1] CH0MS[0] CH0COMSEN Capture/compare shadow register CH0MS[1] UPE CNT>CH0VAL CH0CAPPSC CNT=CH0VAL CH0EN Counter CH0G TIMER_SWEVG Output stage The TIMERx has four channels for compare match, single pulse or PWM output function. Figure 9-69. Output stage of capture/compare channel (channel 0) ETI CNT>CH0VAL CNT=CH0VAL 0 Output mode controller 1 CH0P CH0COMC CH0COMCTL[ 2:0] EN CHCTL0 Output enable circuit CHCTL2 CHx_O CHxEN CHCTL2 Input capture mode When the channel is used as a capture input, the counter value is captured into the Channel Capture/Compare Register (TIMERx_CHxCV) when an effective input signal transition occurs. Once the capture event occurs, the CHxIF flag in the TIMERx_INTF register is set. If the CHxIF bit is already set, i.e., the flag has not yet been cleared by software, and another capture event on this channel occurs, the corresponding channel Over-Capture flag, named CHxOF, will be set.Once the capture event occurs, a DMA request is generated depending on the CHxDEN bit and an interrupt is generated depending on the CHxIE bit. The fllowing step maybe used to implement input capture mode: Select input signal by set CHxMS bits in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTLx). Add input filter to input signal by set CHxCAPFLT bitst in the the channel control register 220 GD32F1x0 User Manual (TIMERx_CHCTLx). Select input capture edge (rising or falling) by set CHxP/CHxNP bit in the channel control register 2 (TIMERx_CHCTL2). If input signal need prescaler, set CHxCAPPSC bits in the the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTLx). If need interrupt, set CHxIE bit in DMA and interrupt enable register (TIMERx_DMAINTEN) to 1. If need DMA request, set CHxDEN bit in DMA and interrupt enable register (TIMERx_DMAINTEN) to 1. Enable the channel by set CHxEN bit in the channel control register 2 (TIMERx_CHCTL2) to 1. After configure this registers, the input capture event on this channel may occurs at the corresponding edge. And the counter value is captured into the Channel Capture/Compare Register (TIMERx_CHxCV). An interrupt generated if CHxIE bit set. A DMA request generated if CHxDEN set. The input capture mode can be also used for pulse width measurement from signals on the TIMERx_CHx pins (CIx). For example, PWM signal connect to CI0 input. Select channel 0 capture signal to CI0 by setting CH0MS to 01 in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTL0) and set capture on rising edge. Select channel 1 capture signal to CI0 by setting CH1MS to 10 in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTL0) and set capture on falling edge. The counter set to restart mode and restart on channel 0 rising edge. Then the TIMERx_CH0CV can measure the PWM period and the TIMERx_CH1CV can measure the PWM duty. Output compare mode/PWM mode When the channel is used as a output mode by setting the CHxMS in the the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTLx) to 00, the channel outputs waveform according to the CHxCOMCTL bits in the the the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTLx), and the comparision between the counter and TIMERx_CHxCV registers. When the comparision equals, the CHxIF flag in the Interrupt flag registers (TIMERx_INTF) set to 1. A DMA request is generated depending on the CHxDEN bit and an interrupt is generated depending on the CHxIE bit. In output mode, the channel can outputs active level by set the CHxCOMCTL to 101, and outputs inactive level by set the CHxCOMCTL bits to 100. In ouput mode, the channel output set to active level when the comparision between the counter and TIMERx_CHxCV registers match, by set the CHxCOMCTL to 001. The channel output set to inactive level when the comparision between the counter and TIMERx_CHxCV registers match, by set the CHxCOMCTL to 010. In output compare toggle mode (by set the CHxCOMCTL to 011), the channel output toggles when the comparision between the counter and TIMERx_CHxCV registers match. 221 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-70. Output compare toggle mode, toggle on CH0_O CNT_REG 0039 CH0VAL 003A 003B B200 003A B201 B201 Write B201h in the CH0VAL register O0CPRE=CH0_O Match detected on CH0VAL Interrupt generated if enabled In the output PWM mode (by setting the CHxCOMCTL bits to 110 (PWM mode 0) or to 111 (PWM mode 1)), the channel can outputs PWM waveform according to the TIMERx_CAR registers and TIMERx_CHxCV registers. Figure 9-71. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, upcounting mode CNT_REG CH0VAL 0039 003A 003B 100 0 003A O0CPRE=CH0_O Match detected on CH0VAL Interrupt generated if enabled 222 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-72. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, center-aligned counting mode CNT_REG 0039 003A 003B CH0VAL 0100 00FF 00FE 003B 003A 0039 003A O0CPRE=CH0_O Match detected on CH0VAL Interrupt generated if enabled Single pulse mode Once the timer is set to operate in the single pulse mode, it is not necessary to set the timer enable bit CEN in the TIMERx_CTL0 register to 1 to enable the counter. The trigger to generate a pulse can be sourced from the trigger signals edge or by setting the CEN bit to 1 using software. Setting the CEN bit to 1 or a trigger from the trigger signals edge can generate a pulse and then keep the CEN bit at a high state until the update event occurs or the CEN bit is written to 0 by software. If the CEN bit is cleared to 0 using software, the counter will be stopped and its value held. If the CEN bit is automatically cleared to 0 by a hardware update event, the counter will be reinitialized. In the Single Pulse mode, the trigger active edge which sets the CEN bit to 1 will enable the counter. However, there exist several clock delays to perform the comparison result between the counter value and the TIMERx_CHxCV value. In order to reduce the delay to a minimum value, the user can set the CHxOFE bit in each TIMERx_CHCTL0 register. After a trigger rising edge occurs in the single pulse mode, the OxCPRE signal will immediately be forced to the state which the OxCPRE signal will change to, as the compare match event occurs without taking the comparison result into account. The CHxOFE bit is available only when the output channel is configured to operate in the PWM0 or PWM1 output mode and the trigger source is derived from the trigger signal. 223 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-73. Single pulse mode CI1 O0CPRE CH0_O TIMER_CNT CARL CH0VAL T Channel output reference signal When the TIMERx is used in the compare match output mode, the OxCPRE signal (Channel x Output Reference signal) is defined by setting the CHxCOMCTL bits. The OxCPRE signal has several types of output function. These include, keeping the original level by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x00, set to 1 by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x01, set to 0 by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x02 or signal toggle by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x03 when the counter value matches the content of the TIMERx_CHxCV register. The PWM mode 0 and PWM mode 1 outputs are also another kind of OxCPRE output which is setup by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x06/0x07. In these modes, the OxCPRE signal level is changed according to the counting direction and the relationship between the counter value and the TIMERx_CHxCV content. With regard to a more detailed description refer to the relative bit definition. Another special function of the OxCPRE signal is a forced output which can be achieved by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x04/0x05. Here the output can be forced to an inactive/active level irrespective of the comparison condition between the counter and the TIMERx_CHxCV values. The OxCPRE signal can be forced to 0 when the ETIF signal is derived from the external TIMERx_ETI pin and when it is set to a high level by setting the CHxCOMCEN bit to 1 in the TIMERx_CHCTL0 register. The OxCPRE signal will not return to its active level until the next update event occurs. Quadrature decoder The Quadrature Decoder function uses two quadrature inputs CI0 and CI1 derived from the 224 GD32F1x0 User Manual TIMERx_CH0 and TIMERx_CH1 pins respectively to interact to generate the counter value. The DIR bit is modified by hardware automatically during each input source transition. The input source can be either CI0 only, CI1 only or both CI0 and CI1, the selection made by setting the SMC field to 0x01, 0x02 or 0x03. The mechanism for changing the counter direction is shown in the following table. The Quadrature decoder can be regarded as an external clock with a directional selection. This means that the counter counts continuously in the interval between 0 and the counter-reload value. Therefore, users must configure the TIMERx_CAR register before the counter starts to count. Table 9-2. Counting direction versus encoder signals CI0FE0 Counting mode Level CI0 only CI1FE1 Rising Falling Rising Falling CI1FE=High Down Up - - counting CI1FE=Low Up Down - - CI1 only CI0FE=High - - Up Down counting CI0FE=Low - - Down Up CI1FE=High Down Up X X CI0 and CI1 CI1FE=Low Up Down X X counting CI0FE=High X X Up Down CI0FE=Low X X Down Up Note: "-" means "no counting"; "X" means impossible. Figure 9-74. Example of counter operation in encoder interface mode CI0 CI1 Count UP down 225 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-75. Example of encoder interface mode with CI0FE0 polarity inverted CI0 CI1 Count down UP Slave controller The TIMERx can be synchronized with an external trigger in several modes including the Restart mode, the Pause mode and the event mode which is selected by the SMC field in the TIMERx_SMCFG register. The trigger input of these modes can be selected by the TRGS field in the TIMERx_SMCFG register, below to CI0 signal as an example.The operation modes in the Slave Controller are described in the accompanying sections. Restart mode The counter and its prescaler can be reinitialized in response to a rising edge of the CI0 signal. When a CI0 rising edge occurs, the update event software generation bit named UPG will automatically be asserted by hardware and the trigger event flag will also be set. Then the counter and prescaler will be reinitialized. Although the UPG bit is set to 1 by hardware, the update event does not really occur. It depends upon whether the update event disable control bit UPDIS is set to 1 or not. If UPDIS is set to 1 to disable the update event to occur, there will no update event will be generated, however the counter and prescaler are still reinitialized when the CI0 rising edge occurs. If the UPDIS bit in the TIMERx_CTL0 register is cleared to enable the update event to occur, an update event will be generated together with the CI0 rising edge, then all the preloaded registers will be updated. Figure 9-76. Control circuit in restart mode CNT_CLK CNT_REG 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 00 01 02 03 04 CI0 UPG TRGIF 226 GD32F1x0 User Manual Pause mode In the Pause Mode, the selected CI0 input signal level is used to control the counter start/stop operation. The counter starts to count when the selected CI0 signal is at a high level and stops counting when the CI0 signal is changed to a low level, here the counter will maintain its present value and will not be reset. Figure 9-77. Control circuit in pause mode CNT_CLK CNT_REG 52 53 54 55 57 56 58 59 CI0 CEN TRGIF Event mode After the counter is disabled to count, the counter can resume counting when a CI0 rising edge signal occurs. When an CI0 rising edge occurs, the counter will start to count from the current value in the counter. Note that the CI0 signal is only used to enable the counter to resume counting and has no effect on controlling the counter to stop counting. Figure 9-78. Control circuit in event mode CNT_CLK CNT_REG 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F CI0 CEN TRGIF Timer interconnection The timers can be internally connected together for timer chaining or synchronization. This can be implemented by configuring one timer to operate in the Master mode while configuring another timer to be in the Slave mode. The following figures present several examples of trigger selection for the master and slave modes. Figure below shows the timer x trigger selection when it is configured in slave mode. 227 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-79. Master/Slave mode timer example TIMER1 TIMER 0 Pre scaler Master mode control TRGO ITI0 Counter Counter Master mode control TRGO ITI1 TRGS TIMER 14 Pre scaler Trigger selection TIMER 2 Pre scaler Master mode control Counter TRGO Slave mode control ITI2 Pre scaler Counter CI0F_ED CI0EP0 CI1EP1 ETIF trigger selection Timer debug mode When the Cortex™-M3 halted, and the DBG_TIMERx_STOP configuration bit in DBG module set to 1, the TIMERx counter stops. 9.2.4. TIMER1/TIMER2 registers Control register 0 (TIMERx_CTL0) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 Reserved 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CKDIV[1:0] ARSE CAM[1:0] DIR SPM UPS UPDIS CEN rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9:8 CKDIV[1:0] Clock division The CKDIV bits can be configured by software to specify division ratio between the timer clock (TIMER_CK) and the dead-time and sampling clock (DTS), which is used by the dead-time generators and the digital filters. 228 GD32F1x0 User Manual 00: fDTS=fTIMER_CK 01: fDTS=fTIMER_CK /2 10: fDTS= fTIMER_CK /4 11: Reserved 7 ARSE Auto-reload shadow enable 0: The shadow register for TIMERx_CAR register is disabled 1: The shadow register for TIMERx_CAR register is enabled 6:5 CAM[1:0] Counter aligns mode selection 00: No center-aligned mode (edge-aligned mode). The direction of the counter is specified by the DIR bit. 01: Center-aligned and counting down assert mode. The counter counts up and down alternatively. Output compare interrupt flags of channels, which are configured in output mode (CHxMS=00 in TIMERx_CHCTLx register), are set only when the counter is counting down. 10: Center-aligned and counting up assert mode. The counter counts up and down alternatively. Output compare interrupt flags of channels, which are configured in output mode (CHxMS=00 in TIMERx_CHCTLx register), are set only when the counter is counting up. 11: Center-aligned and counting up/down assert mode. The counter counts up and down alternatively. Output compare interrupt flags of channels, which are configured in output mode (CHxMS=00 in TIMERx_CHCTLx register), are set only when the counter is counting both up and down. The counter should be disabled when switches from edge-aligned mode to centeraligned mode. 4 DIR Direction 0: Count up 1: Count down This bit is read only when the timer is configured in Center-aligned mode or Encoder mode. 3 SPM Single pulse mode. 0: Counter continues after update event. 1: The CEN is cleared by hardware and the counter stops at update event. 2 UPS Update source This bit is used to select the update event sources. 0: When enabled, any of the following events generate an update interrupt or DMA request: – The UPG bit is set – The counter generates an overflow or underflow event – The slave mode controller generates an update event. 1: When enabled, only counter overflow/underflow generates an update interrupt or DMA request. 229 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1 UPDIS Update disable. This bit is used to enable or disable the update event generation. 0: update event enable. The update event is generate and the buffered registers are loaded with their preloaded values when one of the following events occurs: – The UPG bit is set – The counter generates an overflow or underflow event – The slave mode controller generates an update event. 1: update event disable. The buffered registers keep their value, while the counter and the prescaler are reinitialized if the UPG bit is set or if the slave mode controller generates a hardware reset event. 0 CEN Counter enable 0: Counter disable 1: Counter enable The CEN bit must be set by software when timer works in external clock, pause mode and encoder mode. While in event mode, the hardware can set the CEN bit automatically. Control register 1 (TIMERx_CTL1) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Reserved TI0S MMC[2:0] DMAS Reserved rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7 TI0S Channel 0 trigger input selection 0 0: The TIMERx_CH0 pin input is selected as channel 0 trigger input. 1: The result of combinational XOR of TIMERx_CH0, CH1 and CH2 pins is selected as channel 0 trigger input. 6:4 MMC[2:0] Master mode control These bits control the selection of TRGO signal, which is sent in master mode to slave timers for synchronization function. 000: Reset. When the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register is set or a reset is generated by the slave mode controller, a TRGO pulse occurs. And in the latter case, the signal on TRGO is delayed compared to the actual reset. 001: Enable. This mode is useful to start several timers at the same time or to control a window in which a slave timer is enabled. In this mode the master mode controller selects the counter enable signal TIMERx_EN as TRGO. The counter 230 GD32F1x0 User Manual enable signal is set when CEN control bit is set or the trigger input in pause mode is high. There is a delay between the trigger input in pause mode and the TRGO output, except if the master-slave mode is selected. 010: Update. In this mode the master mode controller selects the update event as TRGO. 011: Capture/compare pulse.In this mode the master mode controller generates a TRGO pulse when a capture or a compare match occurred. 100: Compare.In this mode the master mode controller selects the O0CPRE signal is used as TRGO 101: Compare.In this mode the master mode controller selects the O1CPRE signal is used as TRGO 110: Compare.In this mode the master mode controller selects the O2CPRE signal is used as TRGO 111: Compare.In this mode the master mode controller selects the O3CPRE signal is used as TRGO 3 DMAS DMA request source selection 0: DMA request of channel x is sent when capture/compare event occurs. 1: DMA request of channel x is sent when update event occurs. 2:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. Slave mode configuration register (TIMERx_SMCFG) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 ETP SMC1 ETPSC[1:0] ETFC[3:0] MSM TRGS[2:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15 ETP External trigger polarity 8 7 6 5 4 3 OCRC rw 2 1 0 SMC[2:0] rw This bit specifies the polarity of ETI signal 0: ETI is active at high level or rising edge. 1: ETI is active at low level or falling edge. 14 SMC1 Part of SMC for enable External clock mode1 In external clock mode 1, the counter is clocked by any active edge on the ETIF signal. 0: External clock mode 1 disabled 1: External clock mode 1 enabled. Setting the SMC1 bit has the same effect as selecting external clock mode 0 with TRGI connected to ETIF (SMC=111 and TRGS =111). 231 GD32F1x0 User Manual It is possible to simultaneously use external clock mode 1 with the reset mode, pause mode or event mode. But the TRGS bits must not be 111 in this case. The external clock input will be ETIF if external clock mode 0 and external clock mode 1 are enabled at the same time. 13:12 ETPSC[1:0] External trigger prescaler The frequency of external trigger signal ETI must not be at higher than 1/4 of TIMERx_CK frequency. When the external trigger signal is a fast clocks, the prescaler can be enabled to reduce ETI frequency. 00: Prescaler disable 01: ETI frequency will be divided by 2 10: ETI frequency will be divided by 4 11: ETI frequency will be divided by 8 11:8 ETFC[3:0] External trigger filter control An event counter is used in the digital filter, in which a transition on the output occurs after N input events. This bit-field specifies the frequency used to sample ETI signal and the length of the digital filter applied to ETI. 0000: Filter disalble. fSAMP=fDTS, N=1. 0001: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=2. 0010: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=4. 0011: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=8. 0100: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=6. 0101: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=8. 0110: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=6. 0111: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=8. 1000: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=6. 1001: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=8. 1010: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=5. 1011: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=6. 1100: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=8. 1101: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=5. 1110: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=6. 1111: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=8. 7 MSM Master-slave mode The effect of an event on the trigger input is delayed in this mode to allow a perfect synchronization between the current timer and its slaves through TRGO. If we want to synchronize several timers on a single external event, this mode can be used. 0: Master-slave mode disable 1: Master-slave mode enable 6:4 TRGS[2:0] Trigger selection This bit-field specifies which signal is selected as the trigger input, which is used to synchronize the counter. 000: Internal trigger input 0 (ITI0) 232 GD32F1x0 User Manual 001: Internal trigger input 1 (ITI1) 010: Internal trigger input 2 (ITI2) 011: Internal trigger input 3 (ITI3) 100: CI0 edge flag (CI0F_ED) 101: Filtered channel 0 input (CI0FE0) 110: Filtered channel 1 Input (CI1FE1) 111: External trigger input (ETIF) These bits must not be changed when slave mode is enabled. ITI0 ITI1 ITI2 ITI3 (TRGS = (TRGS = (TRGS = (TRGS = 000) 001) 010) 011) TIMER1 TIMER0 TIMER14 TIMER2 Reserved TIMER2 TIMER0 TIMER1 TIMER14 Reserved Slave TIMER 3 OCRC OCPRE clear source selection 0: OCPRE_CLR_INT is connected to the OCPRE_CLR input 1: OCPRE_CLR_INT is connected to ETIF 2:0 SMC[2:0] Slave mode control 000: Disable mode.The prescaler is clocked directly by the internal clock when CEN bit is set high. 001: Quadrature decodermode 0.The counter counts on CI1FE1 edge, while the direction depends on CI0FE0 level. 010: Quadrature decoder mode 1.The counter counts on CI0FE0 edge, while the direction depends on CI1FE1 level. 011: Quadrature decoder mode 2.The counter counts on both CI0FE0 and CI1FE1 edge, while the direction depends on each other. 100: RestartMode.The counter is reinitialized and the shadow registers are updated on the rising edge of the selected trigger input. 101: Pause Mode.The trigger input enables the counter clock when it is high and disables the counter when it is low. 110: Event Mode.A rising edge of the trigger input enables the counter. The counter cannot be disabled by the slave mode controller. 111: External Clock Mode 0.The counter counts on the rising edges of the selected trigger. Because CI0F_ED outputs 1 pulse for each transition on CI0F, and the pause mode checks the level of the trigger signal, when CI0F_ED is selected as the trigger input, the pause mode must not be used. DMA and interrupt enable register (TIMERx_DMAINTEN) Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 233 GD32F1x0 User Manual 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Res TRGDEN Res CH3DEN CH2DEN CH1DEN CH0DEN UPDEN Res TRGIE Res CH3IE rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 14 TRGDEN Trigger DMA request enable rw 2 1 0 CH2IE CH1IE CH0IE UPIE rw rw rw rw 0: Trigger DMA request disabled 1: Trigger DMA request enabled 13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 12 CH3DEN Channel 3 Capture/Compare DMA request enable 0: Channel 3 Capture/Compare DMA request disabled 1: Channel 3 Capture/Compare DMA request enabled 11 CH2DEN Channel 2 Capture/Compare DMA request enable 0: Channel 2Capture/Compare DMA request disabled 1: Channel 2 Capture/Compare DMA request enabled 10 CH1DEN Channel 1 Capture/Compare DMA request enable 0: Channel 1Capture/Compare DMA request disabled 1: Channel 1 Capture/Compare DMA request enabled 9 CH0DEN Channel 0 Capture/Compare DMA request enable 0: Channel 0 Capture/Compare DMA request disabled 1: Channel 0 Capture/Compare DMA request enabled 8 UPDEN Update DMA request enable 0: Update DMA request disabled 1: Update DMA request enabled 7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 6 TRGIE Trigger interrupt enable 0: Trigger interrupt disabled 1: Trigger interrupt enabled 5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 4 CH3IE Channel 3 Capture/Compare interrupt enable 0: Channel 3 Capture/Compare interrupt disabled 1: Channel 3 Capture/Compare interrupt enabled 3 CH2IE Channel 2 Capture/Compare interrupt enable 0: Channel 2 Capture/Compare interrupt disabled 1: Channel 2 Capture/Compare interrupt enabled 2 CH1IE Channel 1 Capture/Compare interrupt enable 234 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: Channel 1 Capture/Compare interrupt disabled 1: Channel 1 Capture/Compare interrupt enabled 1 CH0IE Channel 0 Capture/Compare interrupt enable 0: Channel 0 Capture/Compare interrupt disabled 1: Channel 0 Capture/Compare interrupt enabled 0 UPIE Update Capture/Compare interrupt enable 0: Update Capture/Compare interrupt disabled 1: Update Capture/Compare interrupt enabled Interrupt flag register (TIMERx_INTF) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 Reserved 13 12 11 10 9 CH3OF CH2OF CH1OF CH0OF rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 8 7 Reserved. Bits Fields Descriptions 15:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 12 CH3OF Channel 3 Capture overflow flag 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TRGIF Res. CH3IF CH2IF CH1IF CH0IF UPIF rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 Refer to CH0OF description 11 CH2OF Channel 2 Capture overflow flag Refer to CH0OF description 10 CH1OF Channel 1 Capture overflow flag Refer to CH0OF description 9 CH0OF Channel 0 Capture overflow flag When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this flag is set by hardware when a capture event occurs while CH0IF flag has already been set. This flag is cleared by software. 0: No Capture overflow interrupt occurred 1: Capture overflow interrupt occurred 8:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 6 TRGIF Trigger interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware on trigger event and cleared by software. When the slave mode controller is enabled in all modes but pause mode, an active edge on TRGI input generates a trigger event. When the slave mode controller is enabled in pause mode both edges on TRGI input generates a trigger event. 0: No trigger event occurred 235 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: Trigger interrupt occurred 5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4 CH3IF Channel 3 Capture/Compare interrupt enable Refer to CH0IF description 3 CH2IF Channel 2 Capture/Compare interrupt enable Refer to CH0IF description 2 CH1IF Channel 1 Capture/Compare interrupt enable Refer to CH0IF description 1 CH0IF Channel 0 Capture/Compare interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software. When channel 0 is in input mode, this flag is set when a capture event occurs. When channel 0 is in output mode, this flag is set when a compare event occurs. 0: No Channel 0 interrupt occurred 1: Channel 0 interrupt occurred 0 UPIF Update interrupt flag This bit is set by hardware on an update event and cleared by software. 0: No update interrupt occurred 1: Update interrupt occurred Software event generation register (TIMERx_SWEVG) Address offset: 0x14 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BRKG TRGG Res. CH3G CH2G CH1G CH0G UPG w w w w w w w Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7 BRKG Break event generation This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is set, the POEN bit is cleared and BRKIF flag is set, related interrupt or DMA transfer can occur if enabled. 0: No generate a break event 1: Generate a break event 6 TRGG Trigger event generation This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is 236 GD32F1x0 User Manual set, the TRGIF flag in TIMERx_INTF register is set,related interrupt or DMA transfer can occur if enabled. 0: No generate a trigger event 1: Generate a trigger event 5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4 CH3G Channel 3’s capture or compare event generation Refer to CH0G description 3 Channel 2’s capture or compare event generation CH2G Refer to CH0G description 2 Channel 1’s capture or compare event generation CH1G Refer to CH0G description 1 Channel 0’s capture or compare event generation CH0G This bit is set by software in order to generate a capture or compare event in channel 0, it is automatically cleared by hardware. When this bit is set, the CH0IF flag is set, the corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. In addition, if channel 0 is configured in input mode, the current value of the counter is captured in TIMER0_CH0CV register, and the CH0OF flag is set if the CH0IF flag was already high. 0: No generate a channel 0 capture or compare event 1: Generate a channel 0 capture or compare event 0 UPG This bit can be set by software, and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is set, the counter is cleared if the center-aligned or upcounting mode is selected, else (downcounting)it takes the auto-reload value. The prescaler counter is cleared at the same time. 0: No generate an update event 1: Generate an update event Channel control register 0 (TIMERx_CHCTL0) Address offset: 0x18 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 CH1COM CH1COMCTL[ CH1COM CH1COM CEN 2:0] SEN FEN CH1CAPFLT[3:0] CH1CAPPSC[1:0] rw rw 9 8 CH1MS[1 :0] rw 7 6 5 4 3 2 CH0COM CH0COMCTL[ CH0COM CH0COM CEN 2:0] SEN FEN CH0CAPFLT[3:0] CH0CAPPSC[1:0] rw rw 1 0 CH0MS[1 :0] rw Output compare mode: Bits Fields Descriptions 237 GD32F1x0 User Manual 15 CH1COMCEN Channel 1 output compare clear enable. Refer to CH0COMCEN description. 14:12 CH1COMCTL[2:0] Channel 1 output compare mode Refer to CH0COMCTL description. 11 CH1COMSEN Channel 1 output compare shadow enable Refer to CH0COMSEN description. 10 CH1COMFEN Channel 1 output compare fast enable Refer to CH0COMFEN description. 9:8 CH1MS[1:0] Channel 1 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH1EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 1 is configured as output 01: Channel 1 is configured as input, IC1 is connected to CI1FE1 10: Channel 1 is configured as input, IC1 is connected to CI0FE1 11: Channel 1 is configured as input, IC1 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. 7 CH0COMCEN Channel 0 output compare clear enable. When this bit is set, the O0CPRE signal is cleared when High level is detected on ETIF input. 0: Channel 0 output compare clear disable 1: Channel 0 output compare clear enable 6:4 CH0COMCTL[2:0] Channel 0 compare output control This bit-field specifies the behavior of the output reference signal O0CPRE which drives CH0_O and CH0_ON. O0CPRE is active high, while CH0_O and CH0_ON active level depends on CH0P and CH0NP bits. 000: Frozen.The O0CPRE signal keep stable, independent of the comparison between the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV and the counter. 001: Set high on match.O0CPRE signal is forced high when the counter matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV. 010: Set low on match. O0CPRE signal is forced low when the counter matches the c output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV. 011: Toggle on match. O0CPRE toggles when the counter matches the c output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV. 100: Force low. O0CPRE is forced low level. 101: Force high. O0CPRE is forced high level. 110: PWM mode 0. When counting up, O0CPRE is high as long as the counter is smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else low. When counting down, O0CPRE is low as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else high. 111: PWM mode 1. When counting up, O0CPRE is low as long as the counter is 238 GD32F1x0 User Manual smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else high. When counting down, O0CPRE is high as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else low. When configured in PWM mode, the OCPRE level changes only when the output compare mode switches from “frozen” mode to “PWM” mode or when the result of the comparison changes. This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00. 3 CH0COMSEN Channel 0 output compare shadow enable When this bit is set, the shadow register of TIMERx_CH0CV register, which updates at each update event will be enabled. 0: Channel 0 output compare shadow disable 1: Channel 0 output compare shadow enable The PWM mode can be used without validating the shadow register only in one pulse mode (SPM bit set in TIMERx_CTL0 register is set). This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00. 2 CH0COMFEN Channel 0 output compare fast enable When this bit is set, the effect of an event on the trigger in input on the capture/compare output will be accelerated if the channel is configured in PWM0 or PWM1 mode. The output channel will treat an active edge on the trigger input as a compare match, and CH0_O is set to the compare level independently from the result of the comparison. 0: Channel 0 output compare fast disable. The minimum delay from an edge on the trigger input to activate CH0_O output is 5 clock cycles. 1: Channel 0 output compare fast enable. The minimum delay from an edge on the trigger input to activate CH0_O output is 3 clock cycles. 1:0 CH0MS[1:0] Channel 0 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH0EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 0 is configured as output 01: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI0FE0 10: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI1FE0 11: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. Input capture mode: Bits Fields Descriptions 15:12 CH1CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 1 input capture filter control Refer to CH0CAPFLT description 239 GD32F1x0 User Manual 11:10 CH1CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 1 input capture prescaler Refer to CH0CAPPSC description 9:8 CH1MS[1:0] Channel 1 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH1EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 1 is configured as output 01: Channel 1 is configured as input, IC1 is connected to CI1FE1 10: Channel 1 is configured as input, IC1 is connected to CI0FE1 11: Channel 1 is configured as input, IC1 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. 7:4 CH0CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 0 input capture filter control An event counter is used in the digital filter, in which a transition on the output occurs after N input events. This bit-field specifies the frequency used to sample CI0 input signal and the length of the digital filter applied to CI0. 0000: Filter disable, fSAMP=fDTS, N=1 0001: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=2 0010: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=4 0011: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=8 0100: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=6 0101: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=8 0110: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=6 0111: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=8 1000: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=6 1001: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=8 1010: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=5 1011: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=6 1100: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=8 1101: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=5 1110: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=6 1111: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=8 3:2 CH0CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 0 input capture prescaler This bit-field specifies the ratio of the prescaler on channel 0 input.The prescaler is reset when CH0EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset. 00: prescaler disable, capture is done on each channel input edge 01: Capture is done every 2 channel input edges 10: Capture is done every 4 channel input edges 11: Capture is done every 8 channel input edges 1:0 CH0MS[1:0] Channel 0 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH0EN bit in 240 GD32F1x0 User Manual TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 0 is configured as output 01: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI0FE0 10: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI1FE0 11: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. Channel control register 1 (TIMERx_CHCTL1) Address offset: 0x1C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 CH3COM CH3COMCTL[ CH3COM CH3COM CEN 2:0] SEN FEN CH3CAPFLT[3:0] CH3CAPPSC[1:0] rw rw 9 8 CH3MS[1 :0] 7 6 5 4 3 2 CH2COM CH2COMCTL[ CH2COM CH2COM CEN 2:0] SEN FEN CH2CAPFLT[3:0] CH2CAPPSC[1:0] rw rw rw 1 0 CH2MS[1 :0] rw Output compare mode: Bits Fields Descriptions 15 CH3COMCEN Channel 3 output compare clear enable Refer to CH0COMCEN description 14:12 CH3COMCTL[2:0] Channel 3 compare output control Refer to CH0COMCTL description 11 CH3COMSEN Channel 3 output compare shadow enable Refer to CH0COMSEN description 10 CH3COMFEN Channel 3 output compare fast enable Refer to CH0COMFEN description 9:8 CH3MS[1:0] Channel 3 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH3EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: channel 3 is configured as output 01: Channel 3 is configured as input, IC3 is connected to CI3FE3 10: Channel 3 is configured as input, IC3 is connected to CI2FE3 11: channel 3 is configured as input, IC3 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. 7 CH2COMCEN Channel 2 output compare clear enable Refer to CH0COMCEN description 241 GD32F1x0 User Manual 6:4 CH2COMCTL[2:0] Channel 2 compare output control Refer to CH0COMCTL description 3 CH2COMSEN Channel 2 output compare shadow enable Refer to CH0COMSEN description 2 CH2COMFEN Channel 2 output compare fast enable Refer to CH0COMFEN description 1:0 CH2MS[1:0] Channel 2 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH2EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 2 is configured as output 01: Channel 2 is configured as input, IC2 is connected to CI2FE2 10: Channel 2 is configured as input, IC2 is connected to CI3FE2 11: Channel 2 is configured as input, IC2 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. Input capture mode: Bits Fields Descriptions 15:12 CH3CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 3 input capture filter control Refer to CH0CAPFLT description 11:10 CH3CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 3 input capture prescaler Refer to CH0CAPPSC description 9:8 CH3MS[1:0] Channel 3 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH3EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 3 is configured as output 01: Channel 3 is configured as input, IC3 is connected to CI3FE3 10: Channel 3 is configured as input, IC3 is connected to CI2FE3 11: Channel 3 is configured as input, IC3 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. 7:4 CH2CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 2 input capture filter control Refer to CH0CAPFLT description 3:2 CH2CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 2 input capture prescaler Refer to CH0CAPPSC description 1:0 CH2MS[1:0] Channel 2 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. 242 GD32F1x0 User Manual This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH2EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 2 is configured as output 01: Channel 2 is configured as input, IC2 is connected to CI2FE2 10: Channel 2 is configured as input, IC2 is connected to CI3FE2 11: Channel 2 is configured as input, IC2 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. Channel control register 2 (TIMERx_CHCTL2) Address offset: 0x20 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 CH3NP rw 14 Res. 13 CH3P 12 CH3EN rw rw 11 CH2NP 10 Res. 9 CH2P rw rw 8 CH2EN rw 7 CH1NP 6 Res. rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15 CH3NP Channel 3 complementary output polarity 5 CH1P rw 4 CH1EN rw 3 CH0NP rw 2 Res. 1 CH0P rw 0 CH0EN rw Refer to CH0NP description 14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 13 CH3P Channel 3 polarity Refer to CH0P description 12 CH3EN Channel 3 enable Refer to CH0EN description 11 CH2NP Channel 2 complementary output polarity Refer to CH0NP description 10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9 CH2P Channel 2 polarity Refer to CH0P description 8 CH2EN Channel 2 enable Refer to CH0EN description 7 CH1NP Channel 1 complementary output polarity Refer to CH0NP description 6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 5 CH1P Channel 1 polarity 243 GD32F1x0 User Manual Refer to CH0P description 4 CH1EN Channel 1 enable Refer to CH0EN description 3 CH0NP Channel 0 complementary output polarity Channel 0 configured as output CH0NP need to be set to 0. Channel 0 configured as input In conjunction with CH0P, this bit is used to define the polarity of CI0. 2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 CH0P Channel 0 polarity When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit specifies the output signal polarity. 0: Channel 0 active high 1: Channel 0 active low When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit specifies the CI0 signal polarity. [CH0NP, CH0P] will selete the active trigger or capture polarity for CI0FE0 or CI1FE0. [CH0NP==0, CH0P==0]: CIxFE0’s rising edge is the active signal for capture or trigger operation in slave mode. And CIxFE1 will not be inverted. [CH0NP==0, CH0P==1]: CIxFE0’s falling edge is the active signal for capture or trigger operation in slave mode. And CIxFE1 will be inverted. [CH0NP==1, CH0P==0]: Reserved. [CH0NP==1, CH0P==1]: CIxFE0’s falling and rising edge are both the active signal for capture or trigger operation in slave mode. And CIxFE0 will be not inverted. This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 11 or 10. 0 CH0EN Channel 0 enable When channel 0 is configured in input mode, setting this bit enables CH0_O signal in active state. When channel 0 is configured in output mode, setting this bit enables the capture event in channel 0. 0: Channel 0 disabled. 1: Channel 0 enabled. Counter register (TIMERx_CNT) Address offset: 0x24 Reset value: 0x0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 244 GD32F1x0 User Manual CNT[31:16] TIMER1 ONLY rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CNT[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 CNT[31:16] This bit-filed indicates the current counter value. Writing to this bit-filed can change the value of the counter. Only TIMER1 has this high 16bit counter value. 15:0 CNT[15:0] This bit-filed indicates the current counter value. Writing to this bit-filed can change the value of the counter. Prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC) Address offset: 0x28 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PSC[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 PSC[15:0] Prescaler value of the counter clock The PSC clock is divided by (PSC+1) to generate the counter clock. The value of this bit-filed will be loaded to the corresponding shadow register at every update event. Counter auto reload register (TIMERx_CAR) Address offset: 0x2C Reset value: 0x0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CAR [31:16] TIMER1 ONLY rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 CAR [15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 CAR [31:16] Counter auto reload value. Only TIMER1 has this high 16bit counter value. 245 GD32F1x0 User Manual 15:0 CAR[15:0] Counter auto reload value This bit-filed specifies the auto reload value of the counter. Channel 0 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH0CV) Address offset: 0x34 Reset value: 0x0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH0VAL [31:16] TIMER1 ONLY rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 CH0VAL[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 CH0VAL Capture or compare value of channel 0. Only TIMER1 has this high 16bit counter [31:16] value. CH0VAL Capture or compare value of channel 0 [15:0] When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter 15:0 value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only. When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled, the shadow register updates every update event. Channel 1 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH1CV) Address offset: 0x38 Reset value: 0x0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH2VAL [31:16] TIMER1 ONLY rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 CH1VAL [15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 CH1VAL Capture or compare value of channel 1. Only TIMER1 has this high 16bit counter [31:16] value. CH1VAL Capture or compare value of channel 1 [15:0] When channel 1 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter 15:0 246 GD32F1x0 User Manual value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only. When channel 1 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled, the shadow register updates every update event. Channel 2 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH2CV) Address offset: 0x3C Reset value: 0x0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH2VAL [31:16] TIMER1 ONLY rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 CH2VAL [15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 CH2VAL[31:16] Capture or compare value of channel 2. Only TIMER1 has this high 16bit counter value. 15:0 CH2VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel 2 When channel 2 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only. When channel 2 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled, the shadow register updates every update event. Channel 3 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH3CV) Address offset: 0x40 Reset value: 0x0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH3VAL [31:16] TIMER1 ONLY rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 CH3VAL [15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 CH3VAL Capture or compare value of channel 3. Only TIMER1 has this high 16bit counter [31:16] value. 247 GD32F1x0 User Manual 15:0 CH3VAL Capture or compare value of channel 3 [15:0] When channel 3 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only. When channel 3 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled, the shadow register updates every update event. DMA configuration register (TIMERx_DMACFG) Address offset: 0x48 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 10 9 8 7 DMATC[4:0] 6 5 4 3 Reserved 2 1 0 DMATA[4:0] rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 12:8 DMATC[4:0] DMA transfer count When register access are done through the TIMERx_DMATB address, this 5-bit bitfield specifies the number of transfers. 7:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4:0 DMATA[4:0] DMA transfer access start address When register access are done through the TIMERx_DMATB address, this bit-field specifies the offset of the starting address from the TIMERx_CTL0 register. DMA Transfer buffer register (TIMERx_DMATB) Address offset: 0x4C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DMATB[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 DMATB[15:0] DMA transfer When a read or write operation is assigned to this register, the register located at the address range (DMATA + burst counter) x 4 from TIMERx_CTL0 will be accessed. 248 GD32F1x0 User Manual The burst counter is calculated by hardware, and ranges from 0 to DMATC. Configuration register (TIMERx_CFG) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0xFC Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Reserved 4 3 2 1 0 CCSEL Reserved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 CCSEL Write Capture/Compare register selection This bit-field set and reset by software. 1: If write the Capture/Compare register, the write value is same as the Capture/Compare value, the write access ignored 0: No effect 0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 249 GD32F1x0 User Manual 9.3. Basic timer (TIMER5) 9.3.1. Introduction The general timers (TIMER5) consist of one 16-bit counter auto reload register (TIMERx_CAR) and several control registers. It can be used for general timer, and it is also used by DAC(Digital to analog converter). TIMER5’s TRGO is connected to DAC which can be drived by this trigger. 9.3.2. Main features 16-bit up auto-reload counter. 16-bit programmable prescaler that allows division of the counter clock frequency by any factor between 1 and 65536. 9.3.3. Synchronization circuit to trigger the DAC. Interrupt/DMA generated by counter overflow. Function description Figure below provides details on the internal configuration of the Basic timer. Figure 9-80. General timer block diagram (TIMER5) TRIGO TIMER5_CK From RCU AutoReload Register Trigger Controller Reset, Enable, Up/Down, Count Prescaler Counter Prescaler counter The prescaler can divide the timer clock (TIMER_CK) to the counter clock (CNT_CLK) by any factor between 1 and 65536. It is controlled through prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC) which can be changed on the fly but be taken into account at the next update event. 250 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-81. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 01 02 03 04 Reload Pulse modify scaler Vaule Prescaler CR 0 1 Prescaler BUF 0 1 Prescaler CNT 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Figure 9-82. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 4 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 00 01 Reload Pulse modify PSC Vaule Prescaler CR 0 3 Prescaler BUF 0 3 Prescaler CNT 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Upcounting mode In this mode the counter counts continuously from 0 to the counter-reload value, which is 251 GD32F1x0 User Manual defined in the TIMERx_CAR register, in a count-up direction. Once the counter reaches the counter reload value, the counter restarts to count once again from 0. The update event is generated at each counter overflow. When the update event is set by the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register, the counter value will be initialized to 0 and generates an update event. If set the UPDIS bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register, the update event is disabled. When an update event occurs, all the registers (autoreload register, prescaler register) are updated. Clock selection Basic timer has the unique clock source which is controlled by RCU. Counter and prescaler counter are clocked by this internal clock TIMER_CK, except UPG is asserted. UPG’s assert will initial counter and prescaler counter. Figure 9-83. Control circuit in normal mode, internal clock divided by 1 TIMER_CK CEN UPG Reload Pulse CNT_CLK CNT_REG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 Timer debug mode When the Cortex™-M3 halted, and the DBG_TIMERx_STOP configuration bit in DBG module set to 1, the TIMERx counter stops. 252 GD32F1x0 User Manual 9.3.4. TIMER5 registers Control register 0 (TIMERx_CTL0) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 6 ARSE 5 4 Reserved 3 2 1 0 SPM UPS UPDIS CEN rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7 ARSE Auto-reload shadow enable 0: The shadow register for TIMERx_CAR register is disabled 1: The shadow register TIMERx_ CAR register is enabled 3 SPM Single pulse mode. 0: Counter continues after update event. 1: The CEN is cleared by hardware and the counter stops at next update event. 2 UPS Update source This bit is used to select the update event sources by software. 0: When enabled, any of the following events generate an update interrupt or DMA request: – The UPG bit is set – The counter generates an overflow or underflow event – The slave mode controller generates an update event. 1: When enabled, only counter overflow/underflow generates an update interrupt or DMA request. 1 UPDIS Update disable. This bit is used to enable or disable the update event generation. 0: update event enable. The update event is generate and the buffered registers are loaded with their preloaded values when one of the following events occurs: – The UPG bit is set – The counter generates an overflow or underflow event – The slave mode controller generates an update event. 1: update event disable. The buffered registers keep their value, while the counter and the prescaler are reinitialized if the UPG bit is set or if the slave mode controller generates a hardware reset event. 0 CEN Counter enable 253 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: Counter disable 1: Counter enable The CEN bit must be set by software when timer works in external clock, pause mode and encoder mode. While in event mode, the hardware can set the CEN bit automatically. Control register 1 (TIMERx_CTL1) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Reserved 5 4 3 MMC[2:0] 2 1 0 Reserved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 6:4 MMC[2:0] Master mode control These bits control the selection of TRGO signal, which is sent in master mode to slave timers for synchronization function. 000: Reset. When the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register is set or a reset is generated by the slave mode controller, a TRGO pulse occurs. And in the latter case, the signal on TRGO is delayed compared to the actual reset. 001: Enable. This mode is useful to start several timers at the same time or to control a window in which a slave timer is enabled. In this mode the master mode controller selects the counter enable signal TIMERx_EN as TRGO. The counter enable signal is set when CEN control bit is set or the trigger input in pause mode is high. There is a delay between the trigger input in pause mode and the TRGO output, except if the master-slave mode is selected. 010: Update. In this mode the master mode controller selects the update event as TRGO. 011: Capture/compare pulse.In this mode the master mode controller generates a TRGO pulse when a capture or a compare match occurred. 100: Compare.In this mode the master mode controller selects the O0CPRE signal is used as TRGO 101: Compare.In this mode the master mode controller selects the O1CPRE signal is used as TRGO 110: Compare.In this mode the master mode controller selects the O2CPRE signal is used as TRGO 111: Compare.In this mode the master mode controller selects the O3CPRE signal is used as TRGO 254 GD32F1x0 User Manual 3:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value DMA and interrupt enable register (TIMERx_DMAINTEN) Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Reserved UPDEN 0 UPIE rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 8 UPDEN Update DMA request enable 0: Update DMA request disabled 1: Update DMA request enabled 7:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 0 UPIE Update interrupt enable 0: Update interrupt disabled 1: Update interrupt enabled Interrupt flag register (TIMERx_INTF) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Reserved 1 0 UPIF rc_w0 Bits Fields Descriptions 15:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 0 UPIF Update interrupt flag This bit is set by hardware on an update event and cleared by software. 0: No update interrupt occurred 1: Update interrupt occurred Software event generation register (TIMERx_SWEVG) Address offset: 0x14 255 GD32F1x0 User Manual Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Reserved 0 UPG w Bits Fields Descriptions 15:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 0 UPG This bit can be set by software, and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is set, the counter is cleared if the center-aligned or upcounting mode is selected, else (downcounting) it takes the auto-reload value. The prescaler counter is cleared at the same time. 0: No generate an update event 1: Generate an update event Counter register (TIMERx_CNT) Address offset: 0x24 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CNT[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CNT[15:0] This bit-filed indicates the current counter value. Writing to this bit-filed can change the value of the counter. Prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC) Address offset: 0x28 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PSC[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 PSC[15:0] Prescaler value of the counter clock The PSC clock is divided by (PSC+1) to generate the counter clock. The value of this bit256 GD32F1x0 User Manual filed will be loaded to the corresponding shadow register at every update event. Counter auto reload register (TIMERx_CAR) Address offset: 0x2C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CAR[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CAR[15:0] Counter auto reload value This bit-filed specifies the auto reload value of the counter. 257 GD32F1x0 User Manual 9.4. General timer (TIMER13) 9.4.1. Introduction The general timer (TIMER13) consists of one 16-bit up -counter; one capture/compare register (TIMERx_CHxCV), one counter auto reload register (TIMERx_CAR) and several control registers. They can be used for a variety of purposes including general timer, input signal pulse width measurement or output waveform generation such as output compare or PWM output. 9.4.2. Main features 16-bit up auto-reload counter. 16-bit programmable prescaler that allows division of the counter clock frequency by any factor between 1 and 65536. One independent channel supports functions including input capture, compare match output, and generation of PWM waveform (edge and center-aligned Mode). 9.4.3. Interrupt/DMA generation by update, input capture event, or output compare match event. Function description Figure below provides details on the internal configuration of the generic timer. Figure 9-84. General timer block diagram (TIMER13) TIMER13_CK From RCU Enable Trigger Controller Prescaler AutoReload Register Counter CH0 Input Filter Edge Detector Prescaler Capture Register Compare Register Output Control CH0 Prescaler counter The prescaler can divide the timer clock (TIMER_CK) to the counter clock (CNT_CLK) by any factor between 1 and 65536. It is controlled through prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC) which 258 GD32F1x0 User Manual can be changed on the fly but be taken into account at the next update event. Figure 9-85. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 01 02 03 04 Reload Pulse modify scaler Vaule Prescaler CR 0 1 Prescaler BUF 0 1 Prescaler CNT 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Figure 9-86. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 4 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 00 01 Reload Pulse modify PSC Vaule Prescaler CR 0 3 Prescaler BUF 0 3 Prescaler CNT 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 259 GD32F1x0 User Manual Upcounting mode In this mode the counter counts continuously from 0 to the counter-reload value. Once the counter reaches the counter reload value, the counter restarts to count once again from 0. The update event is generated at each counter overflow. When the update event is set by the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register, the counter value will be initialized to 0 and generates an update event. If set the UPDIS bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register, the update event is disabled. When an update event occurs, all the registers (autoreload register, prescaler register) are updated. The following figures show some examples of the counter behavior for different clock frequencies when TIMERx_CAR=0x63. Figure 9-87. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 1 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) 260 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-88. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 2 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Figure 9-89. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 4 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 62 63 00 01 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) 261 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-90. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by N TIMER_CK CNT_CLK CNT_REG 32 31 00 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Figure 9-91. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=0 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Auto-reload register 65 63 modify CAR Vaule 262 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-92. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=1 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 60 61 62 63 64 65 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Auto-reload register 65 63 modify CAR Vaule Auto-reload shadow register 65 63 Clock selection Basic timer has the unique clock source which is controlled by RCU. Counter and prescaler counter are clocked by this internal clock, except UPG is asserted. UPG’s assert will initial counter and prescaler counter. 263 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-93. Control circuit in normal mode, internal clock divided by 1 TIMER_CK CEN UPG Reload Pulse CNT_CLK CNT_REG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 Capture/compare channels The TIMER13 has one independent channel which can be used as capture inputs or compare match outputs. Each channel is built around a channel capture/compare value register including an input stage, channel controller and an output stage. Input capture stage The input stage consists of a digital filter, a channel polarity selection, edge detection and a channel prescaler. The channel input signal (CIx) can be chosen to come from the TIMERx_CH0 signal. The channel input signal (CIx) is sampled by a digital filter to generate a filtered input signal CIxF. Then the channel polarity and the edge detection block can generate a CIxFEx signal for the input capture function. The effective input event number can be set by the channel input prescaler (CHxCAPPSC). 264 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-94. Capture/compare channel (example: input stage) CI0 fDTS CI0F_Rising filter downcounter Edge Detector CI0F_Falling 0 CI0FE0 01 1 CI1FE0 IC0 10 ITS CH0CAPFLT [3:0] CHCTL0 divider /1, /2, /4, /8 11 CH0P/ CH0NP CHCTL2 CH0CAPPS C[1:0] CH0MS[ 1:0 ] CH0EN CHCTL2 CHCTL0 CHCTL0 Channel controller The GPTM has one independent channels which can be used as capture inputs or compare match outputs. When used in the input capture mode, the counter value is captured into the TIMERx_CHxCV shadow register first and then transferred into the TIMERx_CHxCV preload register when the capture event occurs. When used in the compare match output mode, the contents of the TIMERx_CHxCV preload register is copied into the associated shadow register; the counter value is then compared with the register value. 265 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-95. Capture/compare channel 0 main circuit APB BUS MCU-peripheral interface CH0VAL Capture/compare preload register CH0VAL CH0MS[0] CH0MS[1] CH0MS[0] CH0COMSEN Capture/compare shadow register CH0MS[1] UPE CNT>CH0VAL CH0CAPPSC CNT=CH0VAL CH0EN Counter CH0G TIMER_SWEVG Output stage The TIMER13 has one channel for compare match or PWM output function. Figure 9-96. Output stage of capture/compare channel ETI CNT>CH0VAL CNT=CH0VAL 0 Output mode controller 1 CH3P CH0COMCTL[ 2:0] CHCTL0 Output enable circuit CHCTL2 CHx_O CHxEN CHCTL2 Input Capture Mode When the channel is used as a capture input, the counter value is captured into the Channel Capture/Compare Register (TIMERx_CHxCV) when an effective input signal transition occurs. Once the capture event occurs, the CHxIF flag in the TIMERx_INTF register is set. If the CHxIF bit is already set, i.e., the flag has not yet been cleared by software, and another capture event on this channel occurs, the corresponding channel Over-Capture flag, named CHxOF, will be set.Once the capture event occurs, an interrupt is generated depending on the CHxIE bit. The fllowing step maybe used to implement input capture mode: Select input signal by set CHxMS bits in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTLx). Add input filter to input signal by set CHxCAPFLT bitst in the the channel control register 266 GD32F1x0 User Manual (TIMERx_CHCTLx). Select input capture edge (rising or falling) by set CHxP/CHxNP bit in the channel control register 2 (TIMERx_CHCTL2). If input signal need prescaler, set CHxCAPPSC bits in the the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTLx). If need interrupt, set CHxIE bit in DMA and interrupt enable register (TIMERx_DMAINTEN) to 1. Enable the channel by set CHxEN bit in the channel control register 2 (TIMERx_CHCTL2) to 1. After configure this registers, the input capture event on this channel may occurs at the corresponding edge. And the counter value is captured into the Channel Capture/Compare Register (TIMERx_CHxCV). An interrupt generated if CHxIE bit set. The input capture mode can be also used for pulse width measurement from signals on the TIMERx_CHx pins (CIx). For example, PWM signal connect to CI0 input. Select channel 0 capture signal to CI0 by setting CH0MS to 01 in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTL0) and set capture on rising edge. Select channel 1 capture signal to CI0 by setting CH1MS to 10 in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTL0) and set capture on falling edge. The counter set to restart mode and restart on channel 0 rising edge. Then the TIMERx_CH0CV can measure the PWM period and the TIMERx_CH1CV can measure the PWM duty. Output Compare Mode/PWM Mode When the channel is used as an output mode by setting the CHxMS in the the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTLx) to 00, the channel outputs waveform according to the CHxCOMCTL bits in the the the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTLx), and the comparision between the counter and TIMERx_CHxCV registers. When the comparision equals, the CHxIF flag in the Interrupt flag registers (TIMERx_INTF) set to 1. An interrupt is generated depending on the CHxIE bit. In output mode, the channel can outputs active level by set the CHxCOMCTL to 101, and outputs inactive level by set the CHxCOMCTL bits to 100. In ouput mode, the channel output set to active level when the comparision between the counter and TIMERx_CHxCV registers match, by set the CHxCOMCTL to 001. The channel output set to inactive level when the comparision between the counter and TIMERx_CHxCV registers match, by set the CHxCOMCTL to 010. In output compare toggle mode (by set the CHxCOMCTL to 011), the channel output toggles when the comparision between the counter and TIMERx_CHxCV registers match. 267 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-97. Output compare toggle mode, toggle on CH0_O CNT_REG 0039 CH0VAL 003A 003B B200 003A B201 B201 Write B201h in the CH0VAL register O0CPRE=CH0_O Match detected on CH0VAL Interrupt generated if enabled In the output PWM mode (by setting the CHxCOMCTL bits to 110 (PWM mode 0) or to 111 (PWM mode 1)), the channel can outputs PWM waveform according to the TIMERx_CAR registers and TIMERx_CHxCV registers. Figure 9-98. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, upcounting mode CNT_REG CH0VAL 0039 003A 003B 100 0 003A O0CPRE=CH0_O Match detected on CH0VAL Interrupt generated if enabled 268 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-99. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, center-aligned counting mode CNT_REG 0039 003A 003B CH0VAL 0100 00FF 00FE 003B 003A 0039 003A O0CPRE=CH0_O Match detected on CH0VAL Interrupt generated if enabled Channel Output Reference Signal When the TIMER13 is used in the compare match output mode, the OxCPRE signal (Channel x Output Reference signal) is defined by setting the CHxCOMCTL bits. The OxCPRE signal has several types of output function. These include, keeping the original level by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x00, set to 1 by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x01, set to 0 by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x02 or signal toggle by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x03 when the counter value matches the content of the TIMERx_CHxCV register. The PWM mode 0 and PWM mode 1 outputs are also another kind of OxCPRE output which is setup by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x06/0x07. In these modes, the OxCPRE signal level is changed according to the counting direction and the relationship between the counter value and the TIMERx_CHxCV content. With regard to a more detailed description refer to the relative bit definition. Another special function of the OxCPRE signal is a forced output which can be achieved by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x04/0x05. Here the output can be forced to an inactive/active level irrespective of the comparison condition between the counter and the TIMERx_CHxCV values. The OxCPRE signal can be forced to 0 when the ETIF signal is derived from the external TIMERx_ETI pin and when it is set to a high level by setting the CHxCOMCEN bit to 1 in the TIMERx_CHCTL0 register. The OxCPRE signal will not return to its active level until the next update event occurs. Timer debug mode When the Cortex™-M3 halted, and the DBG_TIMERx_STOP configuration bit in DBG module set to 1, the TIMERx counter stops. 269 GD32F1x0 User Manual 9.4.4. TIMER13 registers Control register 0 (TIMERx_CTL0) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 Reserved 9 8 7 CKDIV[1:0] ARSE rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9:8 CKDIV[1:0] Clock division 6 5 4 3 Reserved 2 1 0 UPS UPDIS CEN rw rw rw The CKDIV bits can be configured by software to specify division ratio between the timer clock (TIMER_CK) and the dead-time and sampling clock (DTS), which is used by the dead-time generators and the digital filters. 00: fDTS=fTIMER_CK 01: fDTS= fTIMER_CK /2 10: fDTS= fTIMER_CK /4 11: Reserved 7 ARSE Auto-reload shadow enable 0: The shadow register for TIMERx_CAR register is disabled 1: The shadow register for TIMERx_CAR register is enabled 6:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 2 UPS Update source This bit is used to select the update event sources by software. 0: When enabled, any of the following events generate an update interrupt: – The UPG bit is set – The counter generates an overflow or underflow event – The slave mode controller generates an update event. 1: When enabled, only counter overflow/underflow generates an update interrupt. 1 UPDIS Update disable. This bit is used to enable or disable the update event generation. 0: update event enable. The update event is generate and the buffered registers are loaded with their preloaded values when one of the following events occurs: – The UPG bit is set – The counter generates an overflow or underflow event – The slave mode controller generates an update event. 270 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: update event disable. The buffered registers keep their value, while the counter and the prescaler are reinitialized if the UPG bit is set or if the slave mode controller generates a hardware reset event. 0 CEN Counter enable 0: Counter disable 1: Counter enable The CEN bit must be set by software when timer works in external clock, pause mode and encoder mode. While in event mode, the hardware can set the CEN bit automatically. Interrupt enable register (TIMERx_DMAINTEN) Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 15:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 1 CH0IE Channel 0 interrupt enable 1 0 CH0IE UPIE rw rw 1 0 CH0IF UPIF rc_w0 rc_w0 0: Channel 0 interrupt disabled 1: Channel 0 interrupt enabled 0 UPIE Update interrupt enable 0: Update interrupt disabled 1: Update interrupt enabled Interrupt flag register (TIMERx_INTF) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 Reserved 11 10 9 8 7 CH0OF rc_w0 Bits Fields Descriptions 15:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 9 CH0OF Channel 0 Capture overflow flag 6 5 Reserved 4 3 2 271 GD32F1x0 User Manual When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this flag is set by hardware when a capture event occurs while CH0IF flag has already been set. This flag is cleared by software. 0: No Capture overflow interrupt occurred 1: Capture overflow interrupt occurred 8:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 1 CH0IF Channel 0 interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software. When channel 0 is in input mode, this flag is set when a capture event occurs. When channel 0 is in output mode, this flag is set when a compare event occurs. 0: No Channel 0 interrupt occurred 1: Channel 0 interrupt occurred 0 UPIF Update interrupt flag This bit is set by hardware on an update event and cleared by software. 0: No update interrupt occurred 1: Update interrupt occurred Software event generation register (TIMERx_SWEVG) Address offset: 0x14 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 15:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 1 CH0G Channel 0’s capture or compare event generation 3 2 1 0 CH0G UPG w w This bit is set by software in order to generate a capture or compare event in channel 0, it is automatically cleared by hardware. When this bit is set, the CH0IF flag is set, the corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. In addition, if channel 0 is configured in input mode, the current value of the counter is captured in TIMER0_CH0CV register, and the CH0OF flag is set if the CH0IF flag was already high. 0: No generate a channel 0 capture or compare event 1: Generate a channel 0 capture or compare event 0 UPG This bit can be set by software, and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is set, the counter is cleared if the center-aligned or upcounting mode is selected, else (downcounting) it takes the auto-reload value. The prescaler counter 272 GD32F1x0 User Manual is cleared at the same time. 0: No generate an update event 1: Generate an update event Channel control register 0 (TIMERx_CHCTL0) Address offset: 0x18 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 CH0COMCEN 5 4 CH0COMCTL[2:0] 3 2 CH0COMSEN CH0COMFEN Reserved 1 0 CH0MS[1:0] CH0CAPFLT[3:0] rw rw rw CH0CAPPSC[1:0] rw rw rw rw rw Output compare mode: Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 7 CH0COMCEN Channel 0 output compare clear enable. When this bit is set, the O0CPRE signal is cleared when High level is detected on ETIF input. 0: Channel 0 output compare clear disable 1: Channel 0 output compare clear enable 6:4 CH0COMCTL[2:0] Channel 0 compare output control This bit-field specifies the behavior of the output reference signal O0CPRE which drives CH0_O and CH0_ON. O0CPRE is active high, while CH0_O and CH0_ON active level depends on CH0P and CH0NP bits. 000: Frozen.The O0CPRE signal keep stable, independent of the comparison between the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV and the counter. 001: Set high on match.O0CPRE signal is forced high when the counter matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV. 010: Set low on match. O0CPRE signal is forced low when the counter matches the c output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV. 011: Toggle on match. O0CPRE toggles when the counter matches the c output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV. 100: Force low. O0CPRE is forced low level. 101: Force high. O0CPRE is forced high level. 110: PWM mode 0. When counting up, O0CPRE is high as long as the counter is smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else low. When counting down, O0CPRE is low as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else high. 111: PWM mode 1. When counting up, O0CPRE is low as long as the counter is smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else high. When counting down, O0CPRE is high as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else low. 273 GD32F1x0 User Manual When configured in PWM mode, the O0CPRE level changes only when the output compare mode switches from “frozen” mode to “PWM” mode or when the result of the comparison changes. 3 CH0COMSEN Channel 0 output compare shadow enable When this bit is set, the shadow register of TIMERx_CH0CV register, which updates at each update event will be enabled. 0: Channel 0 output compare shadow disable 1: Channel 0 output compare shadow enable The PWM mode can be used without validating the shadow register only in one pulse mode (SPM bit set in TIMERx_CTL0 register is set). 2 CH0COMFEN Channel 0 output compare fast enable When this bit is set, the effect of an event on the trigger in input on the Capture/Compare output will be accelerated if the channel is configured in PWM0 or PWM1 mode. The output channel will treat an active edge on the trigger input as a compare match, and CH0_O is set to the compare level independently from the result of the comparison. 0: Channel 0 output compare fast disable. The minimum delay from an edge on the trigger input to activate CH0_O output is 5 clock cycles. 1: Channel 0 output compare fast enable. The minimum delay from an edge on the trigger input to activate CH0_O output is 3 clock cycles. 1:0 CH0MS[1:0] Channel 0 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH0EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 0 is configured as output 01: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI0FE0 10: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI1FE0 11: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. Input capture mode: Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7:4 CH0CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 0 input capture filter control An event counter is used in the digital filter, in which a transition on the output occurs after N input events. This bit-field specifies the frequency used to sample CI0 input signal and the length of the digital filter applied to CI0. 0000: Filter disable, fSAMP=fDTS, N=1 0001: fSAMP=fTIMER_CK, N=2 0010: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=4 274 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0011: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=8 0100: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=6 0101: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=8 0110: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=6 0111: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=8 1000: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=6 1001: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=8 1010: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=5 1011: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=6 1100: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=8 1101: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=5 1110: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=6 1111: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=8 3:2 CH0CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 0 input capture prescaler This bit-field specifies the ratio of the prescaler on channel 0 input.The prescaler is reset when CH0EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset. 00: Prescaler disable, capture is done on each channel input edge 01: Capture is done every 2 channel input edges 10: Capture is done every 4channel input edges 11: Capture is done every 8 channel input edges 1:0 CH0MS[1:0] Channel 0 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH0EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 0 is configured as output 01: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI0FE0 10: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI1FE0 11: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. Channel control register 2 (TIMERx_CHCTL2) Address offset: 0x20 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Reserved 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH0NP Res. CH0P CH0EN rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 275 GD32F1x0 User Manual 15:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 3 CH0NP Channel 0 complementary output polarity When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit specifies the complementary output signal polarity. 0: Channel 0 active high 1: Channel 0 active low 2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 CH0P Channel 0 polarity When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit specifies the CI0 signal polarity. When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit specifies the output signal polarity. 0: Channel 0 active high 1: Channel 0 active low This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 11 or 10. 0 CH0EN Channel 0 enable When channel 0 is configured in input mode, setting this bit enables CH0_O signal in active state. When channel 0 is configured in output mode, setting this bit enables the capture event in channel 0. 0: Channel 0 disabled 1: Channel 0 enabled Counter register (TIMERx_CNT) Address offset: 0x24 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw CNT[15:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CNT[15:0] This bit-filed indicates the current counter value. Writing to this bit-filed can change the value of the counter. Prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC) Address offset: 0x28 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 276 GD32F1x0 User Manual 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw PSC[15:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 PSC[15:0] Prescaler value of the counter clock The PSC clock is divided by (PSC+1) to generate the counter clock. The value of this bit-filed will be loaded to the corresponding shadow register at every update event. Counter auto reload register (TIMERx_CAR) Address offset: 0x2C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw CAR[15:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CAR[15:0] Counter auto reload value This bit-filed specifies the auto reload value of the counter. Channel 0 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH0CV) Address offset: 0x34 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw CH0VAL[15:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CH0VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel 0 When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only. When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled, the shadow register updates every update event. 277 GD32F1x0 User Manual Channel input remap register(TIMERx_IRMP) Address offset: 0x50 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Reserved 0 CI0_RMP[1:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1:0 CI0_RMP[1:0] Channel 0 input remap 00: Channel 0 input is connected to GPIO(TIMER13_CH0) 01: Channel 0 input is connected to the RTCCLK 10: Channel 0 input is connected to HXTAL/32 clock 11: Channel 0 input is connected to CKOUTSEL(in GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices )/CKOUT0SEL(in GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices), which is controlled by RCU_CFG0. Configuration register (TIMERx_CFG) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0xFC Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Reserved 4 3 2 1 0 CCSEL Reserved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 CCSEL Write Capture/Compare register selection This bit-field set and reset by software. 1: If write the Capture/Compare register, the write value is same as the Capture/Compare value, the write access ignored 0: No effect 0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 278 GD32F1x0 User Manual 9.5. General timer (TIMER14) 9.5.1. Introduction The general timer, known as TIMER14, may be used for a variety of purposes. It consists of one 16-bit up-counter; two 16-bit capture/compare registers (TIMERx_CHxCV), one 16-bit counter auto reload register (TIMERx_CAR) and several control registers. They can be used for a variety of purposes including general timer, input signal pulse width measurement or output waveform generation such as single pulse generation or PWM output. The general (TIMER14) timers are completely independent. They do not share any resources but can be synchronized together. 9.5.2. Main features 16-bit up auto-reload counter. 16-bit programmable prescaler that allows division of the counter clock frequency by any factor between 1 and 65536. Up to 2 independent channels support functions including input capture, compare match output, generation of PWM waveform (edge and center-aligned Mode), and single pulse mode output. Counter repetition to update the timer registers only after a given number of cycles of the counter. Break input to trigger the timer’s output signals to a known state. Interrupt/DMA generation by update, trigger event, input capture event, output compare match event or break input Programmable dead-time for output match. Synchronization circuit to control TIMER14 with external signals or to interconnect several timers together. 9.5.3. TIMER14 Master/Slave mode controller Function description Figure below provides details on the internal configuration of the advanced timer. 279 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-100. Gereral timer block diagram (TIMER14) TMER14_CK Trigger Controller TRGO ITI0 ITI1 Reset, Enable, Up/Down, Count ITI2 Mode Slave Controller ITI3 Prescaler AutoReload Register CI0F_ED Repeat Register Counter CI0FE0 CI1FE0 Repetition counter CH0 CH0 Capture Register Input Filt er CH1 Edge Detector Prescaler CH0_N DTG Compare Register Output Control CH1 BRKIN Polarity Selection Prescaler counter The prescaler can divide the timer clock (TIMER_CK) to the counter clock (CNT_CLK) by any factor between 1 and 65536. It is controlled through prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC) which can be changed on the fly but be taken into account at the next update event. 280 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-101. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 01 02 03 04 Reload Pulse modify scaler Vaule Prescaler CR 0 1 Prescaler BUF 0 1 Prescaler CNT 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Figure 9-102. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 4 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 00 01 Reload Pulse modify PSC Vaule Prescaler CR 0 3 Prescaler BUF 0 3 Prescaler CNT 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Upcounting mode In this mode the counter counts continuously from 0 to the counter-reload value, which is 281 GD32F1x0 User Manual defined in the TIMERx_CAR register, in a count-up direction. Once the counter reaches the counter reload value, the counter restarts to count once again from 0. If the repetition counter is set, the update eventis generated after the number of overflow. Else the update event is generated at each counter overflow. When the update event is set by the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register, the counter value will be initialized to 0 and generates an update event. If set the UPDIS bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register, the update event is disabled. When an update event occurs, all the registers (repeatition counter, autoreload register, prescaler register) are updated. The following figures show some examples of the counter behavior for different clock frequencies when TIMERx_CAR=0x63. Figure 9-103. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 1 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) 282 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-104. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 2 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Figure 9-105. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 4 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 62 63 00 01 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) 283 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-106. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by N TIMER_CK CNT_CLK CNT_REG 32 31 00 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Figure 9-107. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=0 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Auto-reload register 65 63 modify CAR Vaule 284 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-108. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=1 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 60 61 62 63 64 65 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Auto-reload register 65 63 modify CAR Vaule Auto-reload shadow register 65 63 Counter Repetition Counter Repetition is used to generator update event or updates the timer registers only after a given number (N+1) of cycles of the counter, where N is CREP in TIMERx_CREP register. The repetition counter is decremented at each counter overflow in up-counting mode, at each counter underflow in down-counting mode or at each counter overflow and at each counter underflow in center-aligned mode. Setting the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register will reload the content of CREP in TIMERx_CREP register and generator an update event. Figure 9-109. Update rate examples depending on mode and TIMERx_CREP TIMER14 has only upcounting edge-aligned mode. 285 GD32F1x0 User Manual Downcounting Edge-aligned mode Upcounting Edge-aligned mode Center-aligned mode CREP = 0 CREP = 1 Clock selection The following describes the Timer Module clock controller which determines the clock source of the internal prescaler counter. Internal timer clock TIMER_CK The default internal clock source is the APB2 clock CK_APB2 used to drive the counter prescaler when the slave mode is disabled. If the slave mode controller is enabled by setting SMC field in the TIMERx_SMCFG register to an available value including 0x1, 0x2, 0x3 and 0x7, the prescaler is clocked by other clock sources selected by the TRGS field in the TIMERx_SMCFG register and described as follows. When the slave mode selection bits SMC are set to 0x4, 0x5 or 0x6, the internal clock TIMER_CK is the counter prescaler driving clock source. Figure 9-110. Control circuit in normal mode, internal clock divided by 1 TIMER_CK CEN UPG Reload Pulse CNT_CLK CNT_REG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 286 GD32F1x0 User Manual Internal trigger inputs (ITI) The counter prescaler can count during each rising or falling edge of the ITI signal. This mode can be selected by setting the SMC field to 0x6 in the TIMERx_SMCFG register;here the counter will act as an event counter. The input event, known as ITI here, can be selected by setting the TRGS field. When the ITI signal is selected as the clock source, the internal edge detection circuitry will generate a clock pulse during each ITI signal rising or falling edge to drive the counter prescaler. Channel input pin (CI) The counter prescaler can be driven to count during each rising or falling edge on the external pin TIMERx_CIx. This mode can be selected by setting SMC field to 0x7 and the TRGS field to 0x4, 0x5 or 0x6. Note that the CIx is derived from the TIMERx_CHx sampled by a digital filter. Capture/compare channels The TIMER14 has two independent channels which can be used as capture inputs or compare match outputs. Each channel is built around a channel capture/compare value register including an input stage, channel controller and an output stage. Input capture stage The input stage consists of a digital filter, a channel polarity selection, edge detection and a channel prescaler. The channel input signal (CIx) is sampled by a digital filter to generate a filtered input signal CIxF. Then the channel polarity and the edge detection block can generate a CIxFEx signal for the input capture function. The effective input event number can be set by the channel input prescaler (CHxCAPPSC). Figure 9-111. Capture/compare channel (example: channel 0 input stage) CI0 fDTS CI0F_Rising filter downcounter Edge Detector CI0F_Falling 0 CI0FE0 01 1 CI1FE0 IC0 10 ITS CH0CAPFLT [3:0] CHCTL0 divider /1, /2, /4, /8 11 CH0P/ CH0NP CHCTL2 CH0CAPPS C[1:0] CH0MS[ 1:0 ] CH0EN CHCTL2 CHCTL0 CHCTL0 287 GD32F1x0 User Manual Channel controller The GPTM has two independent channels which can be used as capture inputs or compare match outputs. When used in the input capture mode, the counter value is captured into the TIMERx_CHxCV shadow register first and then transferred into the TIMERx_CHxCV preload register when the capture event occurs. When used in the compare match output mode, the contents of the TIMERx_CHxCV preload register is copied into the associated shadow register; the counter value is then compared with the register value. Figure 9-112. Capture/compare channel 0 main circuit APB BUS MCU-peripheral interface CH0VAL Capture/compare preload register CH0VAL CH0MS[0] CH0MS[1] CH0MS[0] CH0MS[1] CH0COMSEN Capture/compare shadow register UPE CNT>CH0VAL CH0CAPPSC CNT=CH0VAL CH0EN Counter CH0G TIMER_SWEVG Output stage The TIMER14 has two channels for compare match, single pulse or PWM output function. Figure 9-113. Output stage of capture/compare channel (channel 0) 288 GD32F1x0 User Manual CHCTL2 CH0EN CHCTL0 CHCTL2 CH0MS[ 1:0 ] ETI CH0P x0 0 10 1 11 CNT>CH0VAL CNT=CH0VAL Output enable circuit CHx_O Output enable circuit CHx_ON Dead-time generator Output mode controller 11 0 10 CH0COM CH0COMCTL CEN [2:0] 1 x0 DTCFG [7:0] CHCTL0 CCHP CH0MS[ 1:0 ] CH0NP CHCTL0 CHCTL2 CHCTL2 CH0NEN CCHP POEN ROS IOS Figure 9-114. Output stage of capture/compare channel (channel 1) ETI CNT>CH1VAL CNT=CH1VAL 0 Output mode controller Output enable circuit 1 CHCTL2 CH3P CHCTL2 CH3COM CH3COMCTL[ CEN 2:0] CCHP CHx_O CHxEN POE ROS CHCTL0 Input Capture Mode When the channel is used as a capture input, the counter value is captured into the Channel Capture/Compare Register (TIMERx_CHxCV) when an effective input signal transition occurs. Once the capture event occurs, the CHxIF flag in the TIMERx_INTF register is set. If the CHxIF bit is already set, i.e., the flag has not yet been cleared by software, and another capture event on this channel occurs, the corresponding channel Over-Capture flag, named CHxOF, will be set.Once the capture event occurs, a DMA request is generated depending on the CHxDEN bit and an interrupt is generated depending on the CHxIE bit. The fllowing step maybe used to implement input capture mode: Select input signal by set CHxMS bits in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTLx). Add input filter to input signal by set CHxCAPFLT bitst in the the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTLx). Select input capture edge (rising or falling) by set CHxP/CHxNP bit in the channel control register 2 (TIMERx_CHCTL2). If input signal need prescaler, set CHxCAPPSC bits in the the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTLx). If need interrupt, set CHxIE bit in DMA and interrupt enable register (TIMERx_DMAINTEN) to 1. If need DMA request, set CHxDEN bit in DMA and interrupt enable register 289 GD32F1x0 User Manual (TIMERx_DMAINTEN) to 1. Enable the channel by set CHxEN bit in the channel control register 2 (TIMERx_CHCTL2) to 1. After configure this registers, the input capture event on this channel may occurs at the corresponding edge. And the counter value is captured into the Channel Capture/Compare Register (TIMERx_CHxCV). An interrupt generated if CHxIE bit set. A DMA request generated if CHxDEN set. The input capture mode can be also used for pulse width measurement from signals on the TIMERx_CHx pins (CIx). For example, PWM signal connect to CI0 input. Select channel 0 capture signal to CI0 by setting CH0MS to 01 in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTL0) and set capture on rising edge. Select channel 1 capture signal to CI0 by setting CH1MS to 10 in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTL0) and set capture on falling edge. The counter set to restart mode and restart on channel 0 rising edge. Then the TIMERx_CH0CV can measure the PWM period and the TIMERx_CH1CV can measure the PWM duty. Output Compare Mode/PWM Mode When the channel is used as an output mode by setting the CHxMS in the the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTLx) to 00, the channel outputs waveform according to the CHxCOMCTL bits in the the the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTLx), and the comparision between the counter and TIMERx_CHxCV registers. When the comparision equals, the CHxIF flag in the Interrupt flag registers (TIMERx_INTF) set to 1. A DMA request is generated depending on the CHxDEN bit and an interrupt is generated depending on the CHxIE bit. In output mode, the channel can outputs active level by set the CHxCOMCTL to 101, and outputs inactive level by set the CHxCOMCTL bits to 100. In ouput mode, the channel output set to active level when the comparision between the counter and TIMERx_CHxCV registers match, by set the CHxCOMCTL to 001. The channel output set to inactive level when the comparision between the counter and TIMERx_CHxCV registers match, by set the CHxCOMCTL to 010. In output compare toggle mode (by set the CHxCOMCTL to 011), the channel output toggles when the comparision between the counter and TIMERx_CHxCV registers match. 290 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-115. Output compare toggle mode, toggle onCH0_O CNT_REG 0039 CH0VAL 003A 003B B200 003A B201 B201 Write B201h in the CH0VAL register O0CPRE=CH0_O Match detected on CH0VAL Interrupt generated if enabled In the output PWM mode (by setting the CHxCOMCTL bits to 110 (PWM mode 0) or to 111 (PWM mode 1)), the channel can outputs PWM waveform according to the TIMERx_CAR registers and TIMERx_CHxCV registers. Figure 9-116. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, upcounting mode CNT_REG CH0VAL 0039 003A 003B 100 0 003A O0CPRE=CH0_O Match detected on CH0VAL Interrupt generated if enabled 291 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-117. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, center-aligned counting mode CNT_REG 0039 003A 003B CH0VAL 0100 00FF 00FE 003B 003A 0039 003A OxCPRE=CHx_O Match detected on CH0VAL Interrupt generated if enabled Channel Output Reference Signal When the TIMER14 is used in the compare match output mode, the OxCPRE signal (Channel x Output Reference signal) is defined by setting the CHxCOMCTL bits. The OxCPRE signal has several types of output function. These include, keeping the original level by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x00, set to 1 by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x01, set to 0 by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x02 or signal toggle by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x03 when the counter value matches the content of the TIMERx_CHxCV register. The PWM mode 0 and PWM mode 1 outputs are also another kind of OxCPRE output which is setup by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x06/0x07. In these modes, the OxCPRE signal level is changed according to the counting direction and the relationship between the counter value and the TIMERx_CHxCV content. With regard to a more detailed description refer to the relative bit definition. Another special function of the OxCPRE signal is a forced output which can be achieved by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x04/0x05. Here the output can be forced to an inactive/active level irrespective of the comparison condition between the counter and the TIMERx_CHxCV values. The OxCPRE signal can be forced to 0 when the ETIF signal is derived from the external TIMERx_ETI pin and when it is set to a high level by setting the CHxCOMCEN bit to 1 in the TIMERx_CHCTL0 register. The OxCPRE signal will not return to its active level until the next update event occurs. Outputs Complementary and Dead-time The TIMER14 can output two complementary signals. The complementary signals CHx_O and CHx_ON are activated by a combination of several control bits: the CHxEN and CHxNEN bits in the TIMERx_CHCTL2 register and the POEN, ISOx, ISOxN, IOS and ROS bits in the TIMERx_CCHP and TIMERx_CTL1 registers.The outputs polarity are determined by CHxP and CHxNP bits in the TIMERx_CHCTL2 register 292 GD32F1x0 User Manual If CHxEN, CHxNEN and POEN bits are 1, dead-time should insertion. The rising edge of CHx_O output is delayed relative to the rising edge of OxCPRE and the rising edge of CHx_ON output is delayed relative to the falling edge of OxCPRE.The delay value is a 8-bit dead-time counter determined by DTCFG field in TIMERx_CCHP register.If the delay value is greater than the width of the active output (CHx_O or CHx_ON) then the corresponding pulse is not generated. Figure 9-118. Complementary output with dead-time insertion. OxCPRE CHx_O Dead_time CHx_ON Dead_time Figure 9-119. Dead-time waveforms with delay greater than the negative pulse OxCPRE CHx_O Dead_time CHx_ON Figure 9-120. Dead-time waveforms with delay greater than the positive pulse OxCPRE CHx_O CHx_ON Dead_time Break function In this function, the output CHx_O and CHx_ON are controlled by the POEN, IOS and ROS bits in the TIMERx_CCHP register, ISOx and ISOxN bits in the TIMERx_CTL1 register and cannot be set both to active level when break occurs. The break sources are input break pin or HXTAL stack event by Clock Monitor (CKM) in RCU. The break function enabled by setting the BRKEN bit in the TIMERx_CCHP register. The break input polarity is setting by the BRKP bit in TIMERx_CCHP. 293 GD32F1x0 User Manual When a break occurs, the POEN bit is cleared asynchronously, the output CHx_O and CHx_ON are driven with the level programmed in the ISOx bit in the TIMERx_CTL1 register as soon as POEN is 0. If IOS is 0 then the timer releases the enable output else the enable output remains high. The complementary outputs are first put in reset state, and then the dead-time generator is reactivated in order to drive the outputs with the level programmed in the ISOx and ISOxN bits after a dead-time. When a break occurs, the BRKIF bit in the TIMERx_INTF register is set. Figure 9-121. Output behavior in response to a break(The break input is acting on high level) Break_In OxCPRE CHx_O CHx_ON not implemented CHxP=0,ISOx=1 CHx_O CHx_ON not implemented CHxP=0,ISOx=0 CHx_O CHx_ON not implemented CHxP=1,ISOx=1 CHx_O CHx_ON not implemented CHxP=0,ISOx=1 CHx_O CHx_ON delay delay delay CHxEN=1, CHxP=0,ISOx=0,CHxNEN=1,CHxNP=0,ISOxN=1 CHx_O CHx_ON delay delay delay CHxEN=1, CHxP=0,ISOx=1,CHxNEN=1,CHxNP=1,ISOxN=1 CHx_O CHx_ON CHxEN=1, CHxP=0,ISOx=0,CHxNEN=0,CHxNP=0,ISOxN=1 CHx_O CHx_ON CHxEN=1, CHxP=0,ISOx=1,CHxNEN=0,CHxNP=0,ISOxN=0 CHx_O CHx_ON CHxEN=1, CHxP=0,CHxNEN=0,CHxNP=0,ISOx=0,ISOxN=0 or ISOx=0,ISOxN=1 294 GD32F1x0 User Manual Single Pulse Mode Once the timer is set to operate in the single pulse mode, it is not necessary to set the timer enable bit CEN in the TIMERx_CTL0 register to 1 to enable the counter. The trigger to generate a pulse can be sourced from the trigger signals edge or by setting the CEN bit to 1 using software. Setting the CEN bit to 1 or a trigger from the trigger signals edge can generate a pulse and then keep the CEN bit at a high state until the update event occurs or the CEN bit is written to 0 by software. If the CEN bit is cleared to 0 using software, the counter will be stopped and its value held. If the CEN bit is automatically cleared to 0 by a hardware update event, the counter will be reinitialized. In the Single Pulse mode, the trigger active edge which sets the CEN bit to 1 will enable the counter. However, there exist several clock delays to perform the comparison result between the counter value and the TIMERx_CHxCV value. In order to reduce the delay to a minimum value, the user can set the CHxOFE bit in each TIMERx_CHCTL0 register. After a trigger rising edge occurs in the single pulse mode, the OxCPRE signal will immediately be forced to the state which the OxCPRE signal will change to, as the compare match event occurs without taking the comparison result into account. The CHxOFE bit is available only when the output channel is configured to operate in the PWM0 or PWM1 output mode and the trigger source is derived from the trigger signal. Figure 9-122. Single pulse mode CI1 O0CPRE CH0_O TIMER_CNT CARL CH0VAL T Slave Controller The TIMER14 can be synchronized with an external trigger in several modes including the Restart mode, the Pause mode and the event mode which is selected by the SMC field in the TIMERx_SMCFG register. The trigger input of these modes can be selected by the TRGS 295 GD32F1x0 User Manual field in the TIMERx_SMCFG register, below to CI0 signal as an example.The operation modes in the Slave Controller are described in the accompanying sections. Restart mode The counter and its prescaler can be reinitialized in response to a rising edge of the CI0 signal. When a CI0 rising edge occurs, the update event software generation bit named UPG will automatically be asserted by hardware and the trigger event flag will also be set. Then the counter and prescaler will be reinitialized. Although the UPG bit is set to 1 by hardware, the update event does not really occur. It depends upon whether the update event disable control bit UPDIS is set to 1 or not. If UPDIS is set to 1 to disable the update event to occur, there will no update event will be generated, however the counter and prescaler are still reinitialized when the CI0 rising edge occurs. If the UPDIS bit in the TIMERx_CTL0 register is cleared to enable the update event to occur, an update event will be generated together with the CI0 rising edge, then all the preloaded registers will be updated. Figure 9-123. Control circuit in restart mode CNT_CLK CNT_REG 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 00 01 02 03 04 CI0 UPG TRGIF Pause mode In the Pause Mode, the selected CI0 input signal level is used to control the counter start/stop operation. The counter starts to count when the selected CI0 signal is at a high level and stops counting when the CI0 signal is changed to a low level, here the counter will maintain its present value and will not be reset. Figure 9-124. Control circuit in pause mode CNT_CLK CNT_REG 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 CI0 CEN TRGIF 296 GD32F1x0 User Manual Event mode After the counter is disabled to count, the counter can resume counting when a CI0 rising edge signal occurs. When a CI0 rising edge occurs, the counter will start to count from the current value in the counter. Note that the CI0 signal is only used to enable the counter to resume counting and has no effect on controlling the counter to stop counting. Figure 9-125. Control circuit in event mode CNT_CLK CNT_REG 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F CI0 CEN TRGIF Timer Interconnection The timers can be internally connected together for timer chaining or synchronization. This can be implemented by configuring one timer to operate in the Master mode while configuring another timer to be in the Slave mode. The following figures present several examples of trigger selection for the master and slave modes. Figure below shows the TIMER14 trigger selection when it is configured in slave mode. 297 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-126. TIMER14 Master/Slave mode timer example TIMER14 TIMER 1 Pre scaler Master mode control TRG O ITI0 Counter Counter Master mode control TRG O ITI1 TRGS TIMER 2 Pre scaler Trigger selection Slave mode control Pre scaler Counter CI0F_ED CI0FE0 CI1FE1 ETIF trigger selection Other interconnection examples: TIMER1 as prescaler for TIMER14 We configure TIMER1 as a prescaler for TIMER14. Refer to Figure below for connections. Do as follow: 1. Configure TIMER1 in master mode and select its Update Event (UPE) as trigger output (MMC=010 in the TIMER1_CTL1 register). Then TIMER1 driver a periodic signal on each counter overflow. 2. Configure the TIMER1 period (TIMER1_CAR registers). 3. Select the TIMER14 input trigger source from TIMER1 (TRGS=001 in the TIMER14_SMCFG register). 4. Configure TIMER14 in external clock mode 1 (SMC=111 in TIMER14_SMCFG register). 5. Start TIMER14 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER14_CTL0 register). 6. Start TIMER1 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER1_CTL0 register). Start TIMER14 with TIMER1’s Enable/Update signal First, we enable TIMER14 with the enable out of TIMER1. Refer to Figure below. TIMER14 starts counting from its current value on the divided internal clock after trigger by TIMER1 enable output. When TIMER14 receives the trigger signal its CEN bit is automatically set and the counter counts until we disable TIMER14. Both counter clock frequencies are divided by 3 by the 298 GD32F1x0 User Manual prescaler compared to TIMER_CK (fCNT_CLK = fTIMER_CK /3). Do as follow: 1. Configure TIMER1 master mode to send its enable signal as trigger output(MMC=001 in the TIMER1_CTL1 register) 2. Configure TIMER14 to select the input trigger from TIMER1 (TRGS=000 in the TIMER14_SMCFG register). 3. Configure TIMER14 in event mode (SMC=110 in TIMER14_SMCFG register). 4. Start TIMER1 by writing 1 in the CEN bit (TIMER1_CTL0 register). Figure 9-127. Triggering TIMER14 with Enable of TIMER1 TIMER_CK TIMER1_CEN 61 TIMER1_CNT_REG 62 63 12 13 TIMER14_TRGIF 11 TIMER14_CNT_REG 14 In this example, we also can use update Event as trigger source instead of enable signal. Refer to figure below. Do as follow: 1. Configure TIMER1 in master mode and send its Update Event (UPE) as trigger output (MMC=010 in the TIMER1_CTL1 register). 2. Configure the TIMER1 period (TIMER1_CAR registers). 3. Configure TIMER14 to get the input trigger from TIMER1 (TRGS=001 in the TIMER14_SMCFG register). 4. Configure TIMER14 in event mode (SMC=110 in TIMER14_SMCFG register). 5. Start TIMER1 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER1_CTL0 register). Figure 9-128. Triggering TIMER14 with update of TIMER1 TIMER_CK TIMER1_UPE TIMER1_CNT_REG 62 63 00 01 02 TIMER14_TRGIF TIMER14_CEN TIMER14_CNT_REG 11 12 13 14 Enable TIMER14 count with TIMER1’s enable/O0CPRE signal In this example, we control the enable of TIMER14 with the enable output of TIMER1 .Refer 299 GD32F1x0 User Manual to figure below. TIMER14 counts on the divided internal clock only when TIMER1 is enable. Both counter clock frequencies are divided by 3 by the prescaler compared to TIMER_CK (fCNT_CLK = fTIMER_CK). Do as follow: 1. Configure TIMER1 in master mode and Output enable signal as trigger output (MMC=001 in the TIMER1_CTL1 register). 2. Configure TIMER14 to get the input trigger from TIMER1 (TRGS=001 in the TIMER14_SMCFG register). 3. Configure TIMER14 in pause mode (SMC=101 in TIMER14_SMCFG register). 4. Enable TIMER14 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER14_CTL0 register) 5. Start TIMER14 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER14_CTL0 register). 6. Stop TIMER1 by writing ‘0 in the CEN bit (TIMER1_CTL0 register). Figure 9-129. Gating TIMER14 with enable of TIMER1 TIMER_CK TIMER1_CEN 61 TIMER1_CNT_REG 62 63 12 13 TIMER14_TRGIF 11 TIMER14_CNT_REG In this example, we also can use OxCPRE as trigger source instead of enable signal output. Do as follow: 1. Configure TIMER1 in master mode and Output Compare 1 Reference (O0CPRE) signal as trigger output (MMC=100 in the TIMER1_CTL1 register). 2. Configure the TIMER1 O0CPRE waveform (TIMER1_CHCTL0 register). 3. Configure TIMER14 to get the input trigger from TIMER1 (TRGS=001 in the TIMER0_SMCFG register). 4. Configure TIMER14 in pause mode (SMC=101 in TIMER14_SMCFG register). 5. Enable TIMER14 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER14_CTL0 register). 6. Start TIMER1 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER1_CTL0 register). Figure 9-130. Gating TIMER14 with O0CPREof TIMER1 TIMER_CK TIMER1_CNT_REG 62 61 60 63 00 01 TIMER1_O1CPRE TIMER14_TRGIF TIMER14_CNT_REG 11 12 13 14 300 GD32F1x0 User Manual Using an external trigger to start 2 timers synchronously We configure the start of TIMER14 is triggered by the enable of TIMER1, and TIMER1 is triggered by its CI0 input rises edge. To ensure 2 timers start synchronously, TIMER1 must be configured in Master/Slave mode. Do as follow: 1. Configure TIMER1 slave mode to get the input trigger from CI0 (TRGS=100 in the TIMER1_SMCFG register). 2. Configure TIMER1 in event mode (SMC=110 in the TIMER1_SMCFG register). 3. Configure the TIMER1 in Master/Slave mode by writing MSC=1 (TIMER1_SMCFG register). 4. Configure TIMER14 to get the input trigger from TIMER1 (TRGS=001 in the TIMER14_SMCFG register). 5. Configure TIMER14 in event mode (SMC=110 in the TIMER14_SMCFG register). When a rising edge occurs on TIMER1’s CI0, two timer counters starts counting synchronously on the internal clock and both TRGIF flags are set. Figure 9-131. Triggering TIMER14 and TIMER1 with TIMER1’s CI0 input TIMER_CK TIMER1_CI0 TIMER1_TRGIF TIMER1_CEN TIMER1_CK TIMER1_CNT_REG 00 01 02 03 00 01 02 03 TIMER14_TRGIF TIMER14_CEN TIMER14_CK TIMER14_CNT_REG Timer debug mode When the Cortex™-M3 halted, and the DBG_TIMERx_STOP configuration bit in DBG module set to 1, the TIMERx counter stops. 301 GD32F1x0 User Manual 9.5.4. TIMER14 registers Control register 0 (TIMERx_CTL0) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 Reserved 9 8 7 CKDIV[1:0] ARSE rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9:8 CKDIV[1:0] Clock division 6 5 4 Reserved 3 2 1 0 SPM UPS UPDIS CEN rw rw rw rw The CKDIV bits can be configured by software to specify division ratio between the timer clock (TIMER_CK) and the dead-time and sampling clock (DTS), which is used by the dead-time generators and the digital filters. 00: fDTS=fTIMER_CK 01: fDTS= fTIMER_CK /2 10: fDTS= fTIMER_CK /4 11: Reserved 7 ARSE Auto-reload shadow enable 0: The shadow register for TIMERx_CAR register is disabled 1: The shadow register TIMERx_CAR register is enabled 6:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 3 SPM Single pulse mode. 0: Counter continues after update event. 1: The CEN is cleared by hardware and the counter stops at next update event. 2 UPS Update source This bit is used to select the update event sources by software. 0: When enabled, any of the following events generate an update interrupt or DMA request: – The UPG bit is set – The counter generates an overflow or underflow event – The slave mode controller generates an update event. 1: When enabled, only counter overflow/underflow generates an update interrupt or DMA request. 1 UPDIS Update disable This bit is used to enable or disable the update event generation. 302 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: update event enable. The update event is generate and the buffered registers are loaded with their preloaded values when one of the following events occurs: – The UPG bit is set – The counter generates an overflow or underflow event – The slave mode controller generates an update event. 1: update event disable. The buffered registers keep their value, while the counter and the prescaler are reinitialized if the UPG bit is set or if the slave mode controller generates a hardware reset event. 0 CEN Counter enable 0: Counter disable 1: Counter enable The CEN bit must be set by software when timer works in external clock, pause mode and encoder mode. While in event mode, the hardware can set the CEN bit automatically. Control register 1 (TIMERx_CTL1) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 Reserved 12 11 10 9 8 7 ISO1 ISO0N ISO0 Res. rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 10 ISO1 Idle state of channel 1 output 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MMC[2:0] DMAS CCUC Res. CCSE rw rw rw rw Refer to ISO0 bit 9 ISO0N Idle state of channel 0 complementary output 0: When POEN bit is reset, CH0_ON is set low 1: When POEN bit is reset, CH0_ON is set high This bit can be modified only when PROT[1:0] bits in TIMERx_CCHP register is 00. 8 ISO0 Idle state of channel 0 output 0: When POEN bit is reset, CH0_O is set low 1: When POEN bit is reset, CH0_O is set high The CH0_O output changes after a dead-time if CH0_ON is implemented. This bit can be modified only when PROT[1:0] bits in TIMERx_CCHP register is 00. 7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 6:4 MMC[2:0] Master mode control These bits control the selection of TRGO signal, which is sent in master mode to 303 GD32F1x0 User Manual slave timers for synchronization function. 000: Reset. When the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register is set or a reset is generated by the slave mode controller, a TRGO pulse occurs. And in the latter case, the signal on TRGO is delayed compared to the actual reset. 001: Enable. This mode is useful to start several timers at the same time or to control a window in which a slave timer is enabled. In this mode the master mode controller selects the counter enable signal TIMERx_EN as TRGO. The counter enable signal is set when CEN control bit is set or the trigger input in pause mode is high. There is a delay between the trigger input in pause mode and the TRGO output, except if the master-slave mode is selected. 010: Update. In this mode the master mode controller selects the update event as TRGO. 011: Capture/compare pulse.In this mode the master mode controller generates a TRGO pulse when a capture or a compare match occurred. 100: Compare.In this mode the master mode controller selects the O0CPRE signal is used as TRGO 101: Compare.In this mode the master mode controller selects the O1CPRE signal is used as TRGO 110: Compare.In this mode the master mode controller selects the O2CPRE signal is used as TRGO 111: Compare.In this mode the master mode controller selects the O3CPRE signal is used as TRGO 3 DMAS DMA request source selection 0: DMA request of channel x is sent when capture/compare event occurs 1: DMA request of channel x is sent when update event occurs 2 CCUC Commutation control shadow register update control When the Commutation control shadow registers (for CHxEN, CHxNEN and CHxCOMCTL bits) are enabled (CCSE=1), this bit control when these shadow registers update. 0: The shadow registers update by when CMTG bit is set 1: The shadow registers update by when CMTG bit is set or a rising edge of TRGI occurs When a channel does not have a complementary output, this bit has no effect. 1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 0 CCSE Commutation control shadow register enable 0: The shadow registers for CHxEN, CHxNEN and CHxCOMCTL bits are disabled 1: The shadow registers for CHxEN, CHxNEN and CHxCOMCTL bits are enabled.After these bits have been written, they are updated only when CMTG bit is set When a channel does not have a complementary output, this bit has no effect. 304 GD32F1x0 User Manual Slave mode configuration register (TIMERx_SMCFG) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7 MSM Master-slave mode 8 7 6 5 MSM TRGS[2:0] rw rw 4 3 Res. 2 1 0 SMC[2:0] rw The effect of an event on the trigger input is delayed in this mode to allow a perfect synchronization between the current timer and its slaves through TRGO. If we want to synchronize several timers on a single external event, this mode can be used. 0: Master-slave mode disable 1: Master-slave mode enable 6:4 TRGS[2:0] Trigger selection This bit-field specifies which signal is selected as the trigger input, which is used to synchronize the counter. 000: Internal trigger input 0 (ITI0) TIMER1 001: Internal trigger input 1 (ITI1) TIMER2 010: Internal trigger input 2 (ITI2) Res 011: Internal trigger input 3 (ITI3) Res 100: CI0 edge flag (CI0F_ED) 101: Filtered channel 0 input (CI0FE0) 110: Filtered channel 1 Input (CI1FE1) 111: External trigger input (ETIF) These bits must not be changed when slave mode is enabled. 3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 2:0 SMC[2:0] Slave mode control 000: Disable mode.The prescaler is clocked directly by the internal clock when CEN bit is set high 001: Reserved 010: Reserved 011: Reserved 100: Restart Mode. The counter is reinitialized and the shadow registers are updated on the rising edge of the selected trigger input. 101: Pause Mode. The trigger input enables the counter clock when it is high and disables the counter when it is low. 110: Event Mode. A rising edge of the trigger input enables the counter. The counter 305 GD32F1x0 User Manual cannot be disabled by the slave mode controller. 111: External Clock Mode 0.The counter counts on the rising edges of the selected trigger. Because CI0F_ED outputs 1 pulse for each transition on CI0F, and the pause mode checks the level of the trigger signal, when CI0F_ED is selected as the trigger input, the pause mode must not be used. DMA and interrupt enable register (TIMERx_DMAINTEN) Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 Res TRGDEN 13 12 Reserved rw 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 CH1DEN CH0DEN UPDEN BRKIE TRGIE CMTIE rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 14 TRGDEN Trigger DMA request enable 4 3 Reserved 2 1 0 CH1IE CH0IE UPIE rw rw rw 0: Trigger DMA request disabled 1: Trigger DMA request enabled 13:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 10 CH1DEN Channel 1 Capture/Compare DMA request enable 0: Channel 1 Capture/Compare DMA request disabled 1: Channel 1 Capture/Compare DMA request enabled 9 CH0DEN Channel 0 Capture/Compare DMA request enable 0: Channel 0 Capture/Compare DMA request disabled 1: Channel 0 Capture/Compare DMA request enabled 8 UPDEN Update DMA request enable 0: Update DMA request disabled 1: Update DMA request enabled 7 BRKIE Break interrupt enable 0: Break interrupt disabled 1: Break interrupt enabled 6 TRGIE Trigger interrupt enable 0: Trigger interrupt disabled 1: Trigger interrupt enabled 5 CMTIE CMT interrupt enable 0: CMT interrupt disabled 306 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: CMT interrupt enabled 4:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 2 CH1IE Channel 1 Capture/Compare interrupt enable 0: Channel 1 Capture/Compare interrupt disabled 1: Channel 1 Capture/Compare interrupt enabled 1 CH0IE Channel 0 Capture/Compare interrupt enable 0: Channel 0 Capture/Compare interrupt disabled 1: Channel 0 Capture/Compare interrupt enabled 0 UPIE Update interrupt enable 0: Update interrupt disabled 1: Update interrupt enabled Interrupt flag register (TIMERx_INTF) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 Reserved 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 CH1OF CH0OF Res. BRKIF TRGIF CMTIF rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 Bits Fields Descriptions 15:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 10 CH1OF Channel 1 Capture overflow flag 4 3 Res. 2 1 0 CH1IF CH0IF UPIF rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 Refer to CH0OF description 9 CH0OF Channel 0 Capture overflow flag When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this flag is set by hardware when a capture event occurs while CH0IF flag has already been set. This flag is cleared by software. 0: No Capture overflow interrupt occurred 1: Capture overflow interrupt occurred 8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7 BRKIF Break interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware when the break input goes active, and cleared by software if the break input is not active. 0: No active level break has been detected 1: An active level has been detected 6 TRGIF Trigger interrupt flag 307 GD32F1x0 User Manual This flag is set by hardware on trigger event and cleared by software. When the slave mode controller is enabled in all modes but pause mode, an active edge on TRGI input generates a trigger event. When the slave mode controller is enabled in pause mode both edges on TRGI input generates a trigger event. 0: No trigger event occurred 1: Trigger interrupt occurred 5 CMTIF Channel commutation interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware when CMT event occurs, and cleared by software 0: No CMT interrupt occurred 1: CMT interrupt occurred 4:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 2 CH1IF Channel 1 interrupt enable Refer to CH0IF description 1 CH0IF Channel 0 interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software. When channel 0 is in input mode, this flag is set when a capture event occurs. When channel 0 is in output mode, this flag is set when a compare event occurs. 0: No Channel 0 interrupt occurred 1: Channel 0 interrupt occurred 0 UPIF Update interrupt flag This bit is set by hardware on an update event and cleared by software. 0: No update interrupt occurred 1: Update interrupt occurred Software event generation register (TIMERx_SWEVG) Address offset: 0x14 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 6 5 BRKG TRGG CMTG w w w Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7 BRKG Break event generation 4 3 Reserved 2 1 0 CH1G CH0G UPG w w w This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is set, the POEN bit is cleared and BRKIF flag is set, related interrupt or DMA transfer can occur if enabled. 308 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: No generate a break event 1: Generate a break event 6 TRGG Trigger event generation This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is set, the TRGIF flag in TIMERx_INTF register is set, related interrupt or DMA transfer can occur if enabled. 0: No generate a trigger event 1: Generate a trigger event 5 CMTG Channel commutation event generation This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is set the channel control registers (CHxEN, CHxNEN and CHxCOMCTL bits) of the channels having a complementary output are updated. 0: no generate CMT event 1: generate CMT event 4:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 2 CH1G Channel 1’s capture or compare event generation Refer to CH0G description 1 Channel 0’s capture or compare event generation CH0G This bit is set by software in order to generate a capture or compare event in channel 0, it is automatically cleared by hardware. When this bit is set, the CH0IF flag is set, the corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. In addition, if channel 0 is configured in input mode, the current value of the counter is captured in TIMERx_CH0CV register, and the CH0OF flag is set if the CH0IF flag was already high. 0: No generate a channel 0 capture or compare event 1: Generate a channel 0 capture or compare event 0 UPG This bit can be set by software, and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is set, the counter is cleared if the center-aligned or upcounting mode is selected, else (downcounting) it takes the auto-reload value. The prescaler counter is cleared at the same time. 0: No generate an update event 1: Generate an update event Channel control register 0 (TIMERx_CHCTL0) Address offset: 0x18 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 309 GD32F1x0 User Manual CH1COM CH1COMCTL[ CH1COM CH1COM CEN 2:0] SEN FEN CH1CAPFLT[3:0] CH1CAPPSC[1:0] rw rw CH1MS[1 :0] CH0COM CH0COMCTL[ CH0COM CH0COM CEN 2:0] SEN FEN CH0CAPFLT[3:0] CH0CAPPSC[1:0] rw rw rw CH0MS[1 :0] rw Output compare mode: Bits Fields Descriptions 15 CH1COMCEN Channel 1 output compare clear enable Refer to CH0COMCEN description 14:12 CH1COMCTL[2:0] Channel 1 output compare mode Refer to CH0COMCTL description 11 CH1COMSEN Channel 1 output compare shadow enable Refer to CH0COMSEN description 10 CH1COMFEN Channel 1 output compare fast enable Refer to CH0COMFEN description 9:8 CH1MS[1:0] Channel 1 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH1EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 1 is configured as output 01: Channel 1 is configured as input, IC1 is connected to CI1FE1 10: Channel 1 is configured as input, IC1 is connected to CI0FE1 11: Channel 1 is configured as input, IC1 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. 7 CH0COMCEN Channel 0 output compare clear enable. When this bit is set, the O0CPRE signal is cleared when High level is detected on ETIF input. 0: Channel 0 output compare clear disable 1: Channel 0 output compare clear enable 6:4 CH0COMCTL[2:0] Channel 0 compare output control This bit-field specifies the behavior of the output reference signal O0CPRE which drives CH0_O and CH0_ON. O0CPRE is active high, while CH0_O and CH0_ON active level depends on CH0P and CH0NP bits. 000: Frozen.The O0CPRE signal keep stable, independent of the comparison between the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV and the counter. 001: Set high on match.O0CPRE signal is forced high when the counter matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV. 010: Set low on match. O0CPRE signal is forced low when the counter matches the c output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV. 011: Toggle on match. O0CPRE toggles when the counter matches the c output 310 GD32F1x0 User Manual compare register TIMERx_CH0CV. 100: Force low. O0CPRE is forced low level. 101: Force high. O0CPRE is forced high level. 110: PWM mode 0. When counting up, O0CPRE is high as long as the counter is smaller than TIMER0_CH0CV else low. When counting down, O0CPRE is low as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else high. 111: PWM mode 1. When counting up, O0CPRE is low as long as the counter is smaller than TIMER0_CH0CV else high. When counting down, O0CPRE is high as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else low. When configured in PWM mode, the O0CPRE level changes only when the output compare mode switches from “frozen” mode to “PWM” mode or when the result of the comparison changes. This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00. 3 CH0COMSEN Channel 0 output compare shadow enable When this bit is set, the shadow register of TIMER0_CH0CV register, which updates at each update event will be enabled. 0: Channel 0 output compare shadow disable 1: Channel 0 output compare shadow enable The PWM mode can be used without validating the shadow register only in one pulse mode (SPM bit set in TIMERx_CTL0 register is set). This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00. 2 CH0COMFEN Channel 0 output compare fast enable When this bit is set, the effect of an event on the trigger in input on the Capture/Compare output will be accelerated if the channel is configured in PWM0 or PWM1 mode. The output channel will treat an active edge on the trigger input as a compare match, and CH0_O is set to the compare level independently from the result of the comparison. 0: Channel 0 output compare fast disable. The minimum delay from an edge on the trigger input to activate CH0_O output is 5 clock cycles. 1: Channel 0 output compare fast enable. The minimum delay from an edge on the trigger input to activate CH0_O output is 3 clock cycles. 1:0 CH0MS[1:0] Channel 0 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH0EN bit in TIMER0_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 0 is configured as output. 01: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI0FE0. 10: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI1FE0. 11: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG 311 GD32F1x0 User Manual register. Input capture mode: Bits Fields Descriptions 15:12 CH1CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 1 input capture filter control Refer to CH0CAPFLT description 11:10 CH1CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 1 input capture prescaler Refer to CH0CAPPSC description 9:8 CH1MS[1:0] Channel 1 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH1EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 1 is configured as output 01: Channel 1 is configured as input, IC1 is connected to CI1FE1 10: Channel 1 is configured as input, IC1 is connected to CI0FE1 11: Channel 1 is configured as input, IC1 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. 7:4 CH0CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 0 input capture filter control An event counter is used in the digital filter, in which a transition on the output occurs after N input events. This bit-field specifies the frequency used to sample CI0 input signal and the length of the digital filter applied to CI0. 0000: Filter disable, fSAMP=fDTS, N=1 0001: fSAMP=fTIMER_CK, N=2 0010: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=4 0011: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=8 0100: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=6 0101: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=8 0110: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=6 0111: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=8 1000: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=6 1001: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=8 1010: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=5 1011: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=6 1100: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=8 1101: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=5 1110: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=6 1111: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=8 3:2 CH0CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 0 input capture prescaler This bit-field specifies the ratio of the prescaler on channel 0 input.The prescaler is reset when CH0EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset. 312 GD32F1x0 User Manual 00: Prescaler disable, capture is done on each channel input edge 01: Capture is done every 2 channel input edges 10: Capture is done every 4channel input edges 11: Capture is done every 8 channel input edges 1:0 CH0MS[1:0] Channel 0 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH0EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 0 is configured as output 01: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI0FE0 10: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI1FE0 11: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. Channel control register 2 (TIMERx_CHCTL2) Address offset: 0x20 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH1NP Res. CH1P CH1EN CH0NP CH0NEN CH0P CH0EN rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7 CH1NP Channel 1 complementary output polarity Refer to CH0NP description 6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 5 CH1P Channel 1 polarity Refer to CH0P description 4 CH1EN Channel 1 enable Refer to CH0EN description 3 CH0NP Channel 0 complementary output polarity When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit specifies the complementary output signal polarity. 0: Channel 0 active high 1: Channel 0 active low This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 313 GD32F1x0 User Manual 11 or 10. 2 CH0NEN Channel 0 complementary output enable When channel 0 is configured in output mode, setting this bit enables the complementary output in channel 0. 0: Channel 0 complementary output disabled 1: Channel 0 complementary output enabled 1 CH0P Channel 0 polarity When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit specifies the CI0 signal polarity. When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit specifies the output signal polarity. 0: Channel 0 active high 1: Channel 0 active low This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 11 or 10. 0 CH0EN Channel 0 enable When channel 0 is configured in input mode, setting this bit enables CH0_O signal in active state. When channel 0 is configured in output mode, setting this bit enables the capture event in channel 0. 0: Channel 0 disabled 1: Channel 0 enabled Counter register (TIMERx_CNT) Address offset: 0x24 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CNT[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CNT[15:0] This bit-filed indicates the current counter value. Writing to this bit-filed can change the value of the counter. Prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC) Address offset: 0x28 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 314 GD32F1x0 User Manual PSC[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 PSC[15:0] Prescaler value of the counter clock The PSC clock is divided by (PSC+1) to generate the counter clock. The value of this bit-filed will be loaded to the corresponding shadow register at every update event. Counter auto reload register (TIMERx_CAR) Address offset: 0x2C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 CAR[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CAR[15:0] Counter auto reload value This bit-filed specifies the auto reload value of the counter. Counter repetition register (TIMERx_CREP) Address offset: 0x30 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 6 5 4 CREP[7:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 7:0 CREP[7:0] Counter repetition value This bit-filed specifies the update event generation rate. Each time the repetition counter counting down to zero, an update event is generated. The update rate of the shadow registers is also affected by this bit-filed when these shadow registers are enabled. 315 GD32F1x0 User Manual Channel 0 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH0CV) Address offset: 0x34 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH0VAL[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CH0VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel 0 When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only. When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled, the shadow register updates every update event. Channel 1 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH1CV) Address offset: 0x38 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH1VAL[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CH1VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel 1 When channel 1 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only. When channel 1 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled, the shadow register updates every update event. Complementary Channel Protection register (TIMERx_CCHP) Address offset: 0x44 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 316 GD32F1x0 User Manual POEN OAEN BRKP BRKEN ROS IOS PROT[1:0] DTCFG[7:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15 POEN Primary output enable This bit s set by software or automatically by hardware depending on the OAEN bit. It is cleared asynchronously by hardware assoon as the break input is active. When a channel is configured in output mode, setting this bit enables the channel outputs (CHx_O and CHx_ON) if the corresponding enable bits (CHxEN, CHxNEN in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register) have been set. 0: Channel outputs are disabled or forced to idle state. 1: Channel outputs are enabled. 14 OAEN Output automatic enable This bit specifies whether the POEN bit can be set automatically by hardware. 0: POEN can be not set by hardware. 1: POEN can be set by hardware automatically at the next update event,if the break input is notactive. This bit can be modified only when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 00. 13 BRKP Break polarity This bit specifies the polarity of the BRK input signal. 0: BRK input active low 1: BRK input active high 12 BRKEN Break enable This bit can be set to enable the BRK and CCS clock failure event inputs. 0: Break inputs disabled 1: Break inputs enabled This bit can be modified onlywhen PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 00. 11 ROS Run mode off-state configure When POEN bit is set, this bit specifies the output state for the channels which has a complementary output and has been configured in output mode. 0: When POEN bit is set, the channel output signals (CHx_O/CHx_ON) are disabled. 1: When POEN bit is set, he channel output signals (CHx_O/CHx_ON)are enabled, with relationship to CHxEN/CHxNEN bits in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register. This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 10 or 11. 10 IOS Idle mode off-state configure When POEN bit is reset, this bit specifies the output state for the channels which has been configured in output mode. 317 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: When POEN bit is reset, the channel output signals (CHx_O/CHx_ON) are disabled. 1: When POEN bit is reset, the channel output signals (CHx_O/CHx_ON) are enabled, with relationship to CHxEN/CHxNEN bits in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register. This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 10 or 11. 9:8 PROT[1:0] Complementary register protect control This bit-filed specifies the write protection property of registers. 00: protect disable. No write protection. 01: PROT mode 0.The ISOx/ISOxN bits in TIMERx_CTL1 register and the BRKEN/BRKP/OAEN/DTCFG bits in TIMERx_CCHP register are writing protected. 10: PROT mode 1. In addition of the registers in PROT mode 0, the CHxP/CHxNP bits in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register (if related channel is configured in output mode) and the ROS/IOS bits in TIMERx_CCHP register are writing protected. 11: PROT mode 2. In addition of the registers in PROT mode 1, the CHxCOMCTL/CHxCOMSEN bits in TIMERx_CHCTLx registers (if the related channel is configured in output) are writing protected. This bit-field can be written only once after the reset. Once the TIMERx_CCHP register has been written, this bit-field will be writing protected. 7:0 DTCFG[7:0] Dead time configure This bit-field specifies the duration of the dead-time, which is inserted before the output transitions. The relationship between DTCFG value and the duration of deadtime is as follow: DTCFG [7:5]=0xx: duration =DTCFG[7:0]x tDT, tDT=tDTS. DTCFG [7:5]=10x:duration =(64+DTCFG[5:0])xtDT,tDT=tDTS*2. DTCFG [7:5]=110: duration =(32+DTCFG[4:0])xtDT, tDT=tDTS*8. DTCFG [7:5]=111:duration =(32+DTCFG[4:0])xtDT,tDT=tDTS*16. This bit can be modified only when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 00. DMA configuration register (TIMERx_DMACFG) Address offset: 0x48 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 Reserved 12 11 10 9 8 DMATC[4:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7 6 Reserved 5 4 3 2 1 0 DMATA[4:0] rw 318 GD32F1x0 User Manual 12:8 DMATC[4:0] DMA transfer count When register access are done through the TIMERx_DMATB address, this 5-bit bitfield specifies the number of transfers. 7:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4:0 DMATA[4:0] DMA transfer access start address When register access are done through the TIMERx_DMATB address, this bit-field specifies the offset of the starting address from the TIMERx_CTL0 register. DMA Transfer buffer register (TIMERx_DMATB) Address offset: 0x4C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DMATB[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 DMATB[15:0] DMA transfer When a read or write operation is assigned to this register, the register located at the address range (DMATA + burst counter) x 4 from TIMERx_CTL0 will be accessed. The burst counter is calculated by hardware, and ranges from 0 to DMATC. Configuration register (TIMERx_CFG) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0xFC Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 15:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 CCSEL Write Capture/Compare register selection 5 4 3 2 1 0 CCSEL OUTSEL rw rw This bit-field set and reset by software. 1: If write the Capture/Compare register, the write value is same as the 319 GD32F1x0 User Manual Capture/Compare value, the write access ignored 0: No effect 0 OUTSEL The output value selection. This bit-field set and reset by software. 1: If POEN and IOS is 0, the output disabled 0: No effect 320 GD32F1x0 User Manual 9.6. General timer (TIMER15/TIMER16) 9.6.1. Introduction The general timer, known as TIMER15/TIMER16, may be used for a variety of purposes. It consists of one 16-bit up-counter; one 16-bit capture/compare register (TIMERx_CH0CV), one 16-bit counter auto reload register (TIMERx_CAR) and several control registers. They can be used for a variety of purposes including general timer, input signal pulse width measurement or output waveform generation such as single pulse generation or PWM output. The general (TIMER15/TIMER16) timers are completely independent. They do not share any resources but can be synchronized together. 9.6.2. Main features 16-bit up auto-reload counter. 16-bit programmable prescaler that allows division of the counter clock frequency by any factor between 1 and 65536. 1 independent channel supports functions including input capture, compare match output, generation of PWM waveform (edge and center-aligned Mode), and single pulse mode output. Counter repetition to update the timer registers only after a given number of cycles of the counter. Break input to trigger the timer’s output signals to a known state. Interrupt/DMA generation by update, trigger event, input capture event, output compare match event or break input 9.6.3. Programmable dead-time for output match. Function description Figure below provides details on the internal configuration of the advanced timer. 321 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-132. Gereral timer block diagram (TIMER15/16) TIMER15_CK Counter Control Prescaler AutoReload Register Repeat Register Counter Repetition counter CH0 Capture Register CH0 Input Filter Edge Detector Output Control DTG Prescaler Compare Register CH0_N BRKIN Polarity Selection Prescaler counter The prescaler can divide the timer clock (TIMER_CK) to the counter clock (CNT_CLK) by any factor between 1 and 65536. It is controlled through prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC) which can be changed on the fly but be taken into account at the next update event. Figure 9-133. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 01 02 03 04 Reload Pulse modify scaler Vaule Prescaler CR 0 1 Prescaler BUF 0 1 Prescaler CNT 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 322 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-134. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 4 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 00 01 Reload Pulse modify PSC Vaule Prescaler CR 0 3 Prescaler BUF 0 3 Prescaler CNT 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Upcounting mode In this mode the counter counts continuously from 0 to the counter-reload value, which is defined in the TIMERx_CAR register, in a count-up direction. Once the counter reaches the counter reload value, the counter restarts to count once again from 0. If the repetition counter is set, the update eventis generated after the number of overflow. Else the update event is generated at each counter overflow. When the update event is set by the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register, the counter value will be initialized to 0 and generates an update event. If set the UPDIS bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register, the update event is disabled. When an update event occurs, all the registers (repetition counter, autoreload register, prescaler register) are updated. The following figures show some examples of the counter behavior for different clock frequencies when TIMERx_CAR=0x63. 323 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-135. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 1 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Figure 9-136. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 2 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) 324 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-137. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by 4 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 62 63 00 01 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Figure 9-138. Counter timing diagram, internal clock divided by N TIMER_CK CNT_CLK CNT_REG 31 32 00 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) 325 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-139. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=0 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 00 63 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Auto-reload register 63 65 modify CAR Vaule Figure 9-140. Counter timing diagram, update event when ARSE=1 TIMER_CK CEN CNT_CLK CNT_REG 60 61 62 63 64 65 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 overflow Update event (UPE) Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Auto-reload register 65 63 modify CAR Vaule Auto-reload shadow register 65 63 326 GD32F1x0 User Manual Counter Repetition Counter Repetition is used to generator update event or updates the timer registers only after a given number (N+1) of cycles of the counter, where N is CREP in TIMERx_CREP register. The repetition counter is decremented at each counter overflow in up-counting mode, at each counter underflow in down-counting mode or at each counter overflow and at each counter underflow in center-aligned mode. Setting the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register will reload the content of CREP in TIMERx_CREP register and generator an update event. Figure 9-141. Update rate examples depending on mode and TIMERx_CREP TIMER15/TIMER16 has only upcounting edge-aligned mode. Center-aligned mode Upcounting Edge-aligned mode Downcounting Edge-aligned mode CREP = 0 CREP = 1 Clock selection The following describes the Timer Module clock controller which determines the clock source of the internal prescaler counter. Internal timer clock TIMER_CK The only clock source is the TIMER_CK clock. 327 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-142. Control circuit in normal mode, internal clock divided by 1 TIMER_CK CEN UPG Reload Pulse CNT_CLK CNT_REG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 Capture/compare channels The TIMER15/TIMER16 has one independent channel which can be used as capture inputs or compare match outputs. Each channel is built around a channel capture/compare value register including an input stage, channel controller and an output stage. Input capture stage The input stage consists of a digital filter, a channel polarity selection, edge detection and a channel prescaler. The channel input signal (CIx) is sampled by a digital filter to generate a filtered input signal CIxF. Then the channel polarity and the edge detection block can generate a CIxFEx signal for the input capture function. The effective input event number can be set by the channel input prescaler (CHxCAPPSC). 328 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-143. Capture/compare channel (example: channel 0 input stage) CI0 fDTS CI0F_Rising filter downcounter Edge Detector CI0F_Falling 0 CI0FE0 01 1 CI1FE0 IC0 divider /1, /2, /4, /8 10 ITS CH0CAPFLT [3:0] CHCTL0 11 CH0P/ CH0NP CHCTL2 CH0CAPPS C[1:0] CH0MS[ 1:0 ] CH0EN CHCTL2 CHCTL0 CHCTL0 Channel controller The GPTM has one independent channels which can be used as capture inputs or compare match outputs. When used in the input capture mode, the counter value is captured into the TIMERx_CHxCV shadow register first and then transferred into the TIMERx_CHxCV preload register when the capture event occurs. When used in the compare match output mode, the contents of the TIMERx_CHxCV preload register is copied into the associated shadow register; the counter value is then compared with the register value. Figure 9-144. Capture/compare channel 0 main circuit APB BUS MCU-peripheral interface CH0VAL Capture/compare preload register CH0VAL CH0MS[0] CH0MS[1] CH0MS[0] CH0MS[1] CH0COMSEN Capture/compare shadow register UPE CNT>CH0VAL CH0CAPPSC CNT=CH0VAL CH0EN Counter CH0G TIMER_SWEVG 329 GD32F1x0 User Manual Output stage The TIMER15/TIMER16 has one channels for compare match, single pulse or PWM output function. Figure 9-145. Output stage of capture/compare channel (channel 0) CHCTL2 CH0EN CHCTL0 CH0MS[ 1:0 ] ETI x0 CHCTL2 CH0P 0 10 1 11 CNT>CH0VAL CNT=CH0VAL Output mode controller 0 10 CHCTL0 CHx_O Output enable circuit CHx_ON Dead-time generator 11 CH0COM CH0COMCTL CEN [2:0] Output enable circuit 1 x0 DTCFG [7:0] CCHP CH0MS[ 1:0 ] CH0NP CHCTL0 CHCTL2 CHCTL2 CH0NEN CCHP POEN ROS IOS Input Capture Mode When the channel is used as a capture input, the counter value is captured into the Channel Capture/Compare Register (TIMERx_CHxCV) when an effective input signal transition occurs. Once the capture event occurs, the CHxIF flag in the TIMERx_INTF register is set. If the CHxIF bit is already set, i.e., the flag has not yet been cleared by software, and another capture event on this channel occurs, the corresponding channel Over-Capture flag, named CHxOF, will be set.Once the capture event occurs, a DMA request is generated depending on the CHxDEN bit and an interrupt is generated depending on the CHxIE bit. The fllowing step maybe used to implement input capture mode: Select input signal by set CHxMS bits in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTLx). Add input filter to input signal by set CHxCAPFLT bitst in the the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTLx). Select input capture edge (rising or falling) by set CHxP/CHxNP bit in the channel control register 2 (TIMERx_CHCTL2). If input signal need prescaler, set CHxCAPPSC bits in the the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTLx). If need interrupt, set CHxIE bit in DMA and interrupt enable register (TIMERx_DMAINTEN) to 1. If need DMA request, set CHxDEN bit in DMA and interrupt enable register (TIMERx_DMAINTEN) to 1. Enable the channel by set CHxEN bit in the channel control register 2 (TIMERx_CHCTL2) to 1. After configure this registers, the input capture event on this channel may occurs at the corresponding edge. And the counter value is captured into the Channel Capture/Compare Register (TIMERx_CHxCV). An interrupt generated if CHxIE bit set. A DMA request 330 GD32F1x0 User Manual generated if CHxDEN set. The input capture mode can be also used for pulse width measurement from signals on the TIMERx_CHx pins (CIx). For example, PWM signal connect to CI0 input. Select channel 0 capture signal to CI0 by setting CH0MS to 01 in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTL0) and set capture on rising edge. Select channel 1 capture signal to CI0 by setting CH1MS to 10 in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTL0) and set capture on falling edge. The counter set to restart mode and restart on channel 0 rising edge. Then the TIMERx_CH0CV can measure the PWM period and the TIMERx_CH1CV can measure the PWM duty. Output Compare Mode/PWM Mode When the channel is used as an output mode by setting the CHxMS in the the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTLx) to 00, the channel outputs waveform according to the CHxCOMCTL bits in the the the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTLx), and the comparision between the counter and TIMERx_CHxCV registers. When the comparision equals, the CHxIF flag in the Interrupt flag registers (TIMERx_INTF) set to 1. A DMA request is generated depending on the CHxDEN bit and an interrupt is generated depending on the CHxIE bit. In output mode, the channel can outputs active level by set the CHxCOMCTL to 101, and outputs inactive level by set the CHxCOMCTL bits to 100. In ouput mode, the channel output set to active level when the comparision between the counter and TIMERx_CHxCV registers match, by set the CHxCOMCTL to 001. The channel output set to inactive level when the comparision between the counter and TIMERx_CHxCV registers match, by set the CHxCOMCTL to 010. In output compare toggle mode (by set the CHxCOMCTL to 011), the channel output toggles when the comparision between the counter and TIMERx_CHxCV registers match. Figure 9-146. Output compare toggle mode, toggle on CH0_O CNT_REG CH0VAL 0039 003A 003B 003A B200 B201 B201 Write B201h in the CH0VAL register O0CPRE=CH0_O Match detected on CH0VAL Interrupt generated if enabled In the output PWM mode (by setting the CHxCOMCTL bits to 110 (PWM mode 0) or to 111 (PWM mode 1)), the channel can outputs PWM waveform according to the TIMERx_CAR 331 GD32F1x0 User Manual registers and TIMERx_CHxCV registers. Figure 9-147. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, upcounting mode CNT_REG 0039 003A 003B CH0VAL 100 0 003A O0CPRE=CH0_O Match detected on CH0VAL Interrupt generated if enabled Figure 9-148. Output compare PWM mode 0 on CH0_O, center-aligned counting mode CNT_REG 0039 003A 003B CH0VAL 0100 00FF 00FE 003B 003A 0039 003A O0CPRE=CH0_O Match detected on CH0VAL Interrupt generated if enabled Channel Output Reference Signal When the TIMER15/TIMER16 is used in the compare match output mode, the OxCPRE signal (Channel x Output Reference signal) is defined by setting the CHxCOMCTL bits. The OxCPRE signal has several types of output function. These include, keeping the original level by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x00, set to 1 by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x01, set to 0 by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x02 or signal toggle by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x03 when the counter value matches the content of the TIMERx_CHxCV register. The PWM mode 0 and PWM mode 1 outputs are also another kind of OxCPRE output which is setup by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x06/0x07. In these modes, the OxCPRE signal level is changed according to the counting direction and the relationship between the counter value and the TIMERx_CHxCV content. With regard to a more detailed description refer to 332 GD32F1x0 User Manual the relative bit definition. Another special function of the OxCPRE signal is a forced output which can be achieved by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x04/0x05. Here the output can be forced to an inactive/active level irrespective of the comparison condition between the counter and the TIMERx_CHxCV values. The OxCPRE signal can be forced to 0 when the ETIF signal is derived from the external TIMERx_ ETI pin and when it is set to a high level by setting the CHxCOMCEN bit to 1 in the TIMERx_CHCTL0 register. The OxCPRE signal will not return to its active level until the next update event occurs. Outputs Complementary and Dead-time The TIMER15/TIMER16 can output two complementary signals can output by TIMER15/TIMER16. The complementary signals CHx_O and CHx_ON are activated by a combination of several control bits: the CHxEN and CHxNEN bits in the TIMERx_CHCTL2 register and the POEN, ISOx, ISOxN, IOS and ROS bits in the TIMERx_CCHP and TIMERx_CTL1 registers.The outputs polarity are determined by CHxP and CHxNP bits in the TIMERx_CHCTL2 register If CHxEN, CHxNEN and POEN bits are 1, dead-time should insertion. The rising edge of CHx_O output is delayed relative to the rising edge of OxCPRE and the rising edge of CHx_ON output is delayed relative to the falling edge of OxCPRE.The delay value is a 8-bit dead-time counter determined by DTCFG field in TIMERx_CCHP register.If the delay value is greater than the width of the active output (CHx_O or CHx_ON) then the corresponding pulse is not generated. Figure 9-149. Complementary output with dead-time insertion. OxCPRE CHx_O Dead_time CHx_ON Dead_time Figure 9-150. Dead-time waveforms with delay greater than the negative pulse OxCPRE CHx_O Dead_time CHx_ON 333 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-151. Dead-time waveforms with delay greater than the positive pulse OxCPRE CHx_O CHx_ON Dead_time Break function In this function, the output CHx_O and CHx_ON are controlled by the POEN, IOS and ROS bits in the TIMERx_CCHP register, ISOx and ISOxN bits in the TIMERx_CTL1 register and cannot be set both to active level when break occurs. The break sources are input break pin or HXTAL stack event by Clock Monitor (CKM) in RCU. The break function enabled by setting the BRKEN bit in the TIMERx_CCHP register. The break input polarity is setting by the BRKP bit in TIMERx_CCHP. When a break occurs, the POEN bit is cleared asynchronously, the output CHx_O and CHx_ON are driven with the level programmed in the ISOx bit in the TIMERx_CTL1 register as soon as POEN is 0. If IOS is 0 then the timer releases the enable output else the enable output remains high. The complementary outputs are first put in reset state, and then the dead-time generator is reactivated in order to drive the outputs with the level programmed in the ISOx and ISOxN bits after a dead-time. When a break occurs, the BRKIF bit in the TIMERx_INTF register is set. 334 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 9-152. Output behavior in response to a break(The break input is acting on high level) Break_In OxCPRE CHx_O CHx_ON not implemented CHxP=0,ISOx=1 CHx_O CHx_ON not implemented CHxP=0,ISOx=0 CHx_O CHx_ON not implemented CHxP=1,ISOx=1 CHx_O CHx_ON not implemented CHxP=0,ISOx=1 CHx_O CHx_ON delay delay delay CHxEN=1, CHxP=0,ISOx=0,CHxNEN=1,CHxNP=0,ISOxN=1 CHx_O CHx_ON delay delay delay CHxEN=1, CHxP=0,ISOx=1,CHxNEN=1,CHxNP=1,ISOxN=1 CHx_O CHx_ON CHxEN=1, CHxP=0,ISOx=0,CHxNEN=0,CHxNP=0,ISOxN=1 CHx_O CHx_ON CHxEN=1, CHxP=0,ISOx=1,CHxNEN=0,CHxNP=0,ISOxN=0 CHx_O CHx_ON CHxEN=1, CHxP=0,CHxNEN=0,CHxNP=0,ISOx=0,ISOxN=0 or ISOx=0,ISOxN=1 Single Pulse Mode Once the timer is set to operate in the single pulse mode, it is not necessary to set the timer enable bit CEN in the TIMERx_CTL0 register to 1 to enable the counter. The trigger to generate a pulse can be sourced from the trigger signals edge or by setting the CEN bit to 1 using software. Setting the CEN bit to 1 or a trigger from the trigger signals edge can generate a pulse and then keep the CEN bit at a high state until the update event occurs or the CEN bit is written to 0 by software. If the CEN bit is cleared to 0 using software, the counter will be stopped and its value held. If the CEN bit is automatically cleared to 0 by a hardware update 335 GD32F1x0 User Manual event, the counter will be reinitialized. In the Single Pulse mode, the trigger active edge which sets the CEN bit to 1 will enable the counter. However, there exist several clock delays to perform the comparison result between the counter value and the TIMERx_CHxCV value. In order to reduce the delay to a minimum value, the user can set the CHxOFE bit in each TIMERx_CHCTL0 register. After a trigger rising edge occurs in the single pulse mode, the OxCPRE signal will immediately be forced to the state which the OxCPRE signal will change to, as the compare match event occurs without taking the comparison result into account. The CHxOFE bit is available only when the output channel is configured to operate in the PWM0 or PWM1 output mode and the trigger source is derived from the trigger signal. Figure 9-153. Single pulse mode CI1 O0CPRE CH0_O TIMER_CNT CARL CH0VAL T Timer debug mode When the Cortex™-M3 halted, and the DBG_TIMERx_STOP configuration bit in DBG module set to 1, the TIMERx counter stops. 336 GD32F1x0 User Manual 9.6.4. TIMER15/TIMER16 registers Control register 0 (TIMERx_CTL0) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 Reserved 9 8 7 CKDIV[1:0] ARSE rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9:8 CKDIV[1:0] Clock division 6 5 4 Reserved 3 2 1 0 SPM UPS UPDIS CEN rw rw rw rw The CKDIV bits can be configured by software to specify division ratio between the timer clock (TIMER_CK) and the dead-time and sampling clock (DTS), which is used by the dead-time generators and the digital filters. 00: fDTS=fTIMER_CK 01: fDTS= fTIMER_CK /2 10: fDTS= fTIMER_CK /4 11: Reserved 7 ARSE Auto-reload shadow enable 0: The shadow register for TIMERx_CAR register is disabled 1: The shadow register TIMERx_CAR register is enabled 6:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 3 SPM Single pulse mode. 0: Counter continues after update event. 1: The CEN is cleared by hardware and the counter stops at next update event. 2 UPS Update source This bit is used to select the update event sources by software. 0: When enabled, any of the following events generate an update interrupt or DMA request: – The UPG bit is set – The counter generates an overflow or underflow event – The slave mode controller generates an update event. 1: When enabled, only counter overflow/underflow generates an update interrupt or DMA request. 1 UPDIS Update disable. This bit is used to enable or disable the update event generation. 337 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: Update event enable. The update event is generate and the buffered registers are loaded with their preloaded values when one of the following events occurs: – The UPG bit is set – The counter generates an overflow or underflow event – The slave mode controller generates an update event. 1: Update event disable. The buffered registers keep their value, while the counter and the prescaler are reinitialized if the UPG bit is set or if the slave mode controller generates a hardware reset event. 0 CEN Counter enable 0: Counter disable 1: Counter enable The CEN bit must be set by software when timer works in external clock, pause mode and encoder mode. While in event mode, the hardware can set the CEN bit automatically. Control register 1 (TIMERx_CTL1) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 Reserved 9 8 ISO0N ISO0 rw rw 7 6 5 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 15:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9 ISO0N Idle state of channel 0 complementary output 4 3 2 1 0 DMAS CCUC Res. CCSE rw rw rw 0: When POEN bit is reset, CH0_ON is set low 1: When POEN bit is reset, CH0_ON is set high This bit can be modified only when PROT[1:0] bits in TIMERx_CCHP register is 00. 8 ISO0 Idle state of channel 0 output 0: When POEN bit is reset, CH0_O is set low 1: When POEN bit is reset, CH0_O is set high The CH0_O output changes after a dead-time if CH0_ON is implemented. This bit can be modified only when PROT[1:0] bits in TIMERx_CCHP register is 00. 7:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 3 DMAS DMA request source selection 0: DMA request of channel x is sent when capture/compare event occurs 1: DMA request of channel x is sent when update event occurs 2 CCUC Commutation control shadow register update control 338 GD32F1x0 User Manual When the Commutation control shadow shadow registers (for CHxEN, CHxNEN and CHxCOMCTL bits) are enabled (CCSE=1), this bit control when these shadow registers update. 0: The shadow registers update by when CMTG bit is set 1: The shadow registers update by when CMTG bit is set or an rising edge of TRGI occurs When a channel does not have a complementary output, this bit has no effect. 1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 0 CCSE Commutation control shadow register enable 0: The shadow registers for CHxEN, CHxNEN and CHxCOMCTL bits are disabled 1: The shadow registers for CHxEN, CHxNEN and CHxCOMCTL bits are enabled.After these bits have been written, they are updated only when CMTG bit is set When a channel does not have a complementary output, this bit has no effect. DMA and interrupt enable register (TIMERx_DMAINTEN) Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 Reserved 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 CH0DEN UPDEN BRKIE Res. CMTIE rw rw rw 4 rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9 CH0DEN Channel 0 Capture/Compare DMA request enable 3 Res. 2 1 0 CH0IE UPIE rw rw 0: Channel 0 Capture/Compare DMA request disabled 1: Channel 0 Capture/Compare DMA request enabled 8 UPDEN Update DMA request enable 0: Update DMA request disabled 1: Update DMA request enabled 7 BRKIE Break interrupt enable 0: Break interrupt disabled 1: Break interrupt enabled 6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 5 CMTIE CMT interrupt enable 0: CMT interrupt disabled 1: CMT interrupt enabled 339 GD32F1x0 User Manual 4:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 CH0IE Channel 0 Capture/Compare interrupt enable 0: Channel 0 Capture/Compare interrupt disabled 1: Channel 0 Capture/Compare interrupt enabled 0 UPIE Update interrupt enable 0: Update interrupt disabled 1: Update interrupt enabled Interrupt flag register (TIMERx_INTF) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 Reserved 9 8 7 6 5 CH0OF Res. BRKIF Res. CMTIF rc_w0 rc_w0 Bits Fields Descriptions 15:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9 CH0OF Channel 0 Capture overflow flag rc_w0 4 3 Reserved 2 1 0 CH0IF UPIF rc_w0 rc_w0 When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this flag is set by hardware when a capture event occurs while CH0IF flag has already been set. This flag is cleared by software. 0: No Capture overflow interrupt occurred 1: Capture overflow interrupt occurred 8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7 BRKIF Break interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware when the break input goes active, and cleared by software if the break input is not active. 0: No active level break has been detected 1: An active level has been detected 6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 5 CMTIF Channel commutation interrupt flag This flag is set by hardware when CMT event occurs, and cleared by software 0: No CMT interrupt occurred 1: CMT interrupt occurred 4:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 1 CH0IF Channel 0 interrupt flag 340 GD32F1x0 User Manual This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software. When channel 0 is in input mode, this flag is set when a capture event occurs. When channel 0 is in output mode, this flag is set when a compare event occurs. 0: No Channel 0 interrupt occurred 1: Channel 0 interrupt occurred 0 UPIF Update interrupt flag This bit is set by hardware on an update event and cleared by software. 0: No update interrupt occurred 1: Update interrupt occurred Software event generation register (TIMERx_SWEVG) Address offset: 0x14 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 6 5 BRKG Reserved. CMTG w Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7 BRKG Break event generation 4 w 3 Reserved 2 1 0 CH0G UPG w w This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is set, the POEN bit is cleared and BRKIF flag is set, related interrupt or DMA transfer can occur if enabled. 0: No generate a break event 1: Generate a break event 6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 5 CMTG Channel commutation event generation This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is set the channel control registers (CHxEN, CHxNEN and CHxCOMCTL bits) of the channels having a complementary output are updated. 0: No generate CMT event 1: Generate CMT event 4:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 1 CH0G Channel 0’s capture or compare event generation This bit is set by software in order to generate a capture or compare event in channel 0, it is automatically cleared by hardware. When this bit is set, the CH0IF flag is set, the corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. In 341 GD32F1x0 User Manual addition, if channel 0 is configured in input mode, the current value of the counter is captured in TIMERx_CH0CV register, and the CH0OF flag is set if the CH0IF flag was already high. 0: No generate a channel 0 capture or compare event 1: Generate a channel 0 capture or compare event 0 UPG This bit can be set by software, and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is set, the counter is cleared if the center-aligned or upcounting mode is selected, else (downcounting) it takes the auto-reload value. The prescaler counter is cleared at the same time. 0: No generate an update event 1: Generate an update event Channel control register 0 (TIMERx_CHCTL0) Address offset: 0x18 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 CH0COMCEN 5 4 CH0COMCTL[2:0] 3 2 CH0COMSEN CH0COMFEN Reserved 1 0 CH0MS[1:0] CH0CAPFLT[3:0] rw CH0CAPPSC[1:0] rw Output compare mode: Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 7 CH0COMCEN Channel 0 output compare clear enable. When this bit is set, the O0CPRE signal is cleared when High level is detected on ETIF input. 0: Channel 0 output compare clear disable 1: Channel 0 output compare clear enable 6:4 CH0COMCTL[2:0] Channel 0 compare output control This bit-field specifies the behavior of the output reference signal O0CPRE which drives CH0_O and CH0_ON. O0CPRE is active high, while CH0_O and CH0_ON active level depends on CH0P and CH0NP bits. 000: Frozen.The O0CPRE signal keep stable, independent of the comparison between the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV and the counter. 001: Set high on match.O0CPRE signal is forced high when the counter matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV. 010: Set low on match. O0CPRE signal is forced low when the counter matches the c output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV. 011: Toggle on match. O0CPRE toggles when the counter matches the c output 342 GD32F1x0 User Manual compare register TIMERx_CH0CV. 100: Force low. O0CPRE is forced low level. 101: Force high. O0CPRE is forced high level. 110: PWM mode 0. When counting up, O0CPRE is high as long as the counter is smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else low. When counting down, O0CPRE is low as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else high. 111: PWM mode 1. When counting up, O0CPRE is low as long as the counter is smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else high. When counting down, O0CPRE is high as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else low. When configured in PWM mode, the O0CPRE level changes only when the output compare mode switches from “frozen” mode to “PWM” mode or when the result of the comparison changes. This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00. 3 CH0COMSEN Channel 0 output compare shadow enable When this bit is set, the shadow register of TIMERx_CH0CV register, which updates at each update event will be enabled. 0: Channel 0 output compare shadow disable 1: Channel 0 output compare shadow enable The PWM mode can be used without validating the shadow register only in one pulse mode (SPM bit set in TIMERx_CTL0 register is set). This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00. 2 CH0COMFEN Channel 0 output compare fast enable When this bit is set, the effect of an event on the trigger in input on the Capture/Compare output will be accelerated if the channel is configured in PWM0 or PWM1 mode. The output channel will treat an active edge on the trigger input as a compare match, and CH0_O is set to the compare level independently from the result of the comparison. 0: Channel 0 output compare fast disable. The minimum delay from an edge on the trigger input to activate CH0_O output is 5 clock cycles. 1: Channel 0 output compare fast enable. The minimum delay from an edge on the trigger input to activate CH0_O output is 3 clock cycles. 1:0 CH0MS[1:0] Channel 0 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH0EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: Channel 0 is configured as output 01: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI0FE0 10: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI1FE0 11: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG 343 GD32F1x0 User Manual register. Input capture mode: Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7:4 CH0CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 0 input capture filter control An event counter is used in the digital filter, in which a transition on the output occurs after N input events. This bit-field specifies the frequency used to sample CI0 input signal and the length of the digital filter applied to CI0. 0000: Filter disable, fSAMP=fDTS, N=1 0001: fSAMP=fTIMER_CK, N=2 0010: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=4 0011: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=8 0100: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=6 0101: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=8 0110: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=6 0111: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=8 1000: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=6 1001: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=8 1010: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=5 1011: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=6 1100: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=8 1101: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=5 1110: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=6 1111: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=8 3:2 CH0CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 0 input capture prescaler This bit-field specifies the ratio of the prescaler on channel 0 input.The prescaler is reset when CH0EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset. 00: prescaler disable, capture is done on each channel input edge 01: capture is done every 2 channel input edges 10: capture is done every 4 channel input edges 11: capture is done every 8 channel input edges 1:0 CH0MS[1:0] Channel 0 mode selection This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is OFF (CH0EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset). 00: channel 0 is configured as output 01: channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI0FE0 10: Channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to CI1FE0 11: channel 0 is configured as input, IC0 is connected to ITS. This mode is working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in TIMERx_SMCFG register. 344 GD32F1x0 User Manual Channel control register 2 (TIMERx_CHCTL2) Address offset: 0x20 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 15:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 3 CH0NP Channel 0 complementary output polarity 4 3 2 1 0 CH0NP CH0NEN CH0P CH0EN rw rw rw rw When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit specifies the complementary output signal polarity. 0: Channel 0 active high 1: Channel 0 active low This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 11 or 10. 2 CH0NEN Channel 0 complementary output enable When channel 0 is configured in output mode, setting this bit enables the complementary output in channel 0. 0: Channel 0 complementary output disabled 1: Channel 0 complementary output enabled 1 CH0P Channel 0 polarity When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit specifies the CI0 signal polarity. When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit specifies the output signal polarity. 0: Channel 0 active high 1: Channel 0 active low This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 11 or 10. 0 CH0EN Channel 0 enable When channel 0 is configured in input mode, setting this bit enables CH0_O signal in active state. When channel 0 is configured in output mode, setting this bit enables the capture event in channel 0. 0: Channel 0 disabled 1: Channel 0 enabled Counter register (TIMERx_CNT) Address offset: 0x24 345 GD32F1x0 User Manual Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CNT[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CNT[15:0] This bit-filed indicates the current counter value. Writing to this bit-filed can change the value of the counter. Prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC) Address offset: 0x28 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PSC[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 PSC[15:0] Prescaler value of the counter clock The PSC clock is divided by (PSC+1) to generate the counter clock. The value of this bit-filed will be loaded to the corresponding shadow register at every update event. Counter auto reload register (TIMERx_CAR) Address offset: 0x2C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CAR[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CAR[15:0] Counter auto reload value This bit-filed specifies the auto reload value of the counter. 346 GD32F1x0 User Manual Counter repetition register (TIMERx_CREP) Address offset: 0x30 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Reserved 4 3 2 1 0 CREP[7:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 7:0 CREP[7:0] Counter repetition value This bit-filed specifies the update event generation rate. Each time the repetition counter counting down to zero, an update event is generated. The update rate of the shadow registers is also affected by this bit-filed when these shadow registers are enabled. Channel 0 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH0CV) Address offset: 0x34 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CH0VAL[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CH0VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel 0 When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only. When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled, the shadow register updates every update event. Channel Complementary Protection register (TIMERx_CCHP) Address offset: 0x44 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 347 GD32F1x0 User Manual POEN OAEN BRKP BRKEN ROS IOS PROT[1:0] DTCFG[7:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15 POEN Primary output enable This bit s set by software or automatically by hardware depending on the OAEN bit. It is cleared asynchronously by hardware assoon as the break input is active. When a channel is configured in output mode, setting this bit enables the channel outputs (CHx_O and CHx_ON) if the corresponding enable bits (CHxEN, CHxNEN in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register) have been set. 0: Channel outputs are disabled or forced to idle state. 1: Channel outputs are enabled. 14 OAEN Output automatic enable This bit specifies whether the POEN bit can be set automatically by hardware. 0: POEN can be not set by hardware. 1: POEN can be set by hardware automatically at the next update event,if the break input is notactive. This bit can be modified only when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 00. 13 BRKP Break polarity This bit specifies the polarity of the BRK input signal. 0: BRK input active low 1: BRK input active high 12 BRKEN Break enable This bit can be set to enable the BRK and CCS clock failure event inputs. 0: Break inputs disabled 1: Break inputs enabled This bit can be modified onlywhen PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 00. 11 ROS Run mode off-state configure When POEN bit is set, this bit specifies the output state for the channels which has a complementary output and has been configured in output mode. 0: When POEN bit is set, the channel output signals (CHx_O/CHx_ON) are disabled 1: When POEN bit is set, he channel output signals (CHx_O/CHx_ON)are enabled, with relationship to CHxEN/CHxNEN bits in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 10 or 11. 10 IOS Idle mode off-state configure When POEN bit is reset, this bit specifies the output state for the channels which has been configured in output mode. 0: When POEN bit is reset, the channel output signals (CHx_O/CHx_ON) are 348 GD32F1x0 User Manual disabled. 1: When POEN bit is reset, he channel output signals (CHx_O/CHx_ON)are enabled, with relationship to CHxEN/CHxNEN bits in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register. This bit cannot be modified when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 10 or 11. 9:8 PROT[1:0] Complementary register protect control This bit-filed specifies the write protection property of registers. 00: protect disable. No write protection. 01: PROT mode 0.The ISOx/ISOxN bits in TIMERx_CTL1 register and the BRKEN/BRKP/OAEN/DTCFG bits in TIMERx_CCHP register are writing protected. 10: PROT mode 1. In addition of the registers in PROT mode 0, the CHxP/CHxNP bits in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register (if related channel is configured in output mode) and the ROS/IOS bits in TIMERx_CCHP register are writing protected. 11: PROT mode 2. In addition of the registers in PROT mode 1, the CHxCOMCTL/CHxCOMSEN bits in TIMERx_CHCTLx registers (if the related channel is configured in output) are writing protected. This bit-field can be written only once after the reset. Once the TIMERx_CCHP register has been written, this bit-field will be writing protected. 7:0 DTCFG[7:0] Dead time configure This bit-field specifies the duration of the dead-time, which is inserted before the output transitions. The relationship between DTCFG value and the duration of deadtime is as follow: DTCFG[7:5]=0xx: duration =DTCFG[7:0]x tDT, tDT=tDTS. DTCFG[7:5]=10x:duration =(64+DTCFG[5:0])xtDT,tDT=tDTS*2. DTCFG[7:5]=110: duration =(32+DTCFG[4:0])xtDT, tDT=tDTS*8. DTCFG[7:5]=111:duration =(32+DTCFG[4:0])xtDT,tDT=tDTS*16. This bit can be modified only when PROT[1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is 00. DMA configuration register (TIMERx_DMACFG) Address offset: 0x48 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 Reserved 11 10 9 8 DMATC[4:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 12:8 DMATC[4:0] DMA transfer count 7 6 Reserved 5 4 3 2 1 0 DMATA[4:0] rw 349 GD32F1x0 User Manual When register access are done through the TIMERx_DMATB address, this 5-bit bitfield specifies the number of transfers. 7:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4:0 DMATA[4:0] DMA transfer access start address When register access are done through the TIMERx_DMATB address, this bit-field specifies the offset of the starting address from the TIMERx_CTL0 register. DMA Transfer buffer register (TIMERx_DMATB) Address offset: 0x4C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DMATB[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 DMATB[15:0] DMA transfer When a read or write operation is assigned to this register, the register located at the address range (DMATA + burst counter) x 4 from TIMERx_CTL0 will be accessed. The burst counter is calculated by hardware, and ranges from 0 to DMATC. Configuration register (TIMERx_CFG) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0xFC Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 15:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 CCSEL Write Capture/Compare register selection 4 3 2 1 0 CCSEL OUTSEL rw rw This bit-field set and reset by software. 1: If write the Capture/Compare register, the write value is same as the Capture/Compare value, the write access ignored. 350 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: No effect 0 OUTSEL The output value selection. This bit-field set and reset by software. 1: If POEN and IOS is 0, the output disabled 0: No effect 351 GD32F1x0 User Manual 10. Infrared ray port (IFRR) 10.1. Introduction Infrared ray port (IFRR) is used to control infrared light LED, and send out infrared data to implement infrared ray remote control. There is no register in this module, which is controlled by TIMER15 and TIMER16. You can improve the module's output to high current capacity by set the GPIO pin to Fast Mode. 10.2. Main features The IFRR output is enabled by enabling PB9 pin high current capability(set PB9_HCCE) The IFRR output signal is decided by TIMER15_CH0 and TIMER16_CH0 To get correct infrared ray signal, TIMER15 should generate low frequence modulation envelope signal, and TIMER16 should generate high frequence carrier signal 10.3. PB9 should provide high current to control LED interface Function description IFRR is a module which could integrate the output of TIMER15 and TIMER16 to generate an infrared ray signal. 1. The TIMER15’s CH0 is programed to generate the low frequence PWM signal which is the modulation evalope signal. The TIMER16’s CH0 is programed to generate the high frquence PWM signal which is the carrier signal. And the channel is needed to enable before generating these signals. 2. Program the GPIO remap regisger and enable the pin. 3. If you want to get the high current capacity of output, remapping IFRR_OUT to PB9 and setting the PB9 to Fast Mode by the register in SYS_CFG module are required. Figure 10-1. IFRR output timechart 1 Note: IFRR_OUT has one APB clock delay from TIMER16_CH0. 352 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 10-2. IFRR output timechart 2 Note: Carrier(TIMER15_CH0)’s duty cycle can be changed, and IFRR_OUT has inverted relationship with TIMER16_CH0 when TIMER15_CH0 is high. Figure 10-3. IFRR output timechart 3 Note: IFRR_OUT will keep the integrity of TIMER16_CH0, even if evelope signal (TIMER15_CH0) is no active. 353 GD32F1x0 User Manual 11. Watchdog timer (WDGT) The Watchdog Timer (WDGT) is a hardware timing circuitry that can be used to detect system failures due to software malfunctions. The GD32F1x0 has two watchdog peripherals, Free watchdog timer and Window watchdog timer. They offer a combination of a high safety level, flexibility of use and timing accuracy. Both watchdog peripherals are offered to resolve malfunctions of software. The Watchdog will generate a reset (or an interrupt in Window watchdog timer) when the counter reaches a given value. The Watchdog Timer counter can be stopped while the processor is in the debug mode. The register write protection function in Free watchdog timer can be enabled to prevent it from changing the configuration unexpectedly. 11.1. Free watchdog timer (FWDGT) 11.1.1. Introduction The Free watchdog timer (FWDGT) has independent clock source (IRC40K). There upon the FWDGT can operate even if the main clock fails. It’s suitable for the situation that requires an independent environment and lower timing accuracy. The Window watchdog timer (WWDGT) is suitable for the situation that requires an accurate timing. In addition, the FWDGT has a configurable window value, if the software reloads the counter before the counter reaches the window value, a reset will be generated. 11.1.2. Main features Free-running 12-bit downcounter. Reset when the downcounter reaches 0, if the watchdog is enabled. Reset when the downcounter is reloaded outside the window, if watchdog activated. Independent clock source,FWDGT can operate even if the main clock fails such as in standby and Deep-sleep modes. Hardware free watchdog timer bit, automatically start the FWDGT at power on or not depending on this bit. FWDGT debug mode congfig bit, the FWDGT continus to work or stoped in debug mode depends on this bit. 11.1.3. Function description The free watchdog timer consists of an 8-stage prescaler and a 12-bit down-counter. Refer to the figure below for the functional blocks of the free watchdog timer module. 354 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 11-1. Free watchdog timer block diagram Status: PUD IRC40K Prescaler 12-Bit /4/8…256 Counter Down Reset Reload Control Reload register register Status: RUD The free watchdog timer is enabled by writing the value 0xCCCC in the control register (FWDGT_CTL), and the counter starts counting down. When the counter reaches the value 0x000, a reset is generated. Reload the counter by writing the value 0xAAAA in the control register anytime, the reload value is come from the FWDGT_RLD register. The software prevents the watchdog reset by reloading the counter before the counter reaches the value 0x000. By setting the appropriate window in the FWDGT_WND register, the FWDGT can also work as a Window watchdog timer. A reset will occur if the reload operation is performed while the counter is greater than the value stored in the window register (FWDGT_WND). The default value of the FWDGT_WND is 0x0000 0FFF, so if it is not updated, the window option is disabled. A reload operation is performed in order to reset the downcounter to the FWDGT_RLD value and the prescaler counter to generate the next reload, as soon as the window value is changed. The free watchdog timer can automatically start at power on when the hardware free watchdog timer bit in the device option bits is set. Then the software should reload the counter before the counter reaches 0x000. The FWDGT_PSC register, the FWDGT_RLD register and the FWDGT_WND register are write protected. Before writing these registers, the software should write the value 0x5555 in the control register. These registers will be protected again by writing any other value in the control register. When an update of the prescaler (FWDGT_PSC) or watchdog counter window value (FWDGT_WND) or the reload value (FWDGT_RLD) is on going, the status bit in FWDGT_STAT register is set. If the FWDGT_HOLD bit in DBG module is cleared, the FWDGT continues to work even the Cortex™-M3 core halted (Debug mode). While the FWDGT stops in Debug mode if the FWDGT_HOLD bit is set. 355 GD32F1x0 User Manual Table 11-1. Min/max FWDGT timeout period at 40 kHz (IRC40K) Min timeout (ms) Max timeout (ms) RL[11:0]= RL[11:0]= 0x000 0xFFF 000 0.1 409.6 1/8 001 0.2 819.2 1/16 010 0.4 1638.4 1/32 011 0.8 3276.8 1/64 100 1.6 6553.6 1/128 101 3.2 13107.2 1/256 110 or 111 6.4 26214.4 Prescaler PSC[2:0] divider bits 1/4 The FWDGT timeout can be more accurately by calibrating the IRC40K. 11.1.4. FWDGT registers Control register (FWDGT_CTL) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) access 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 CMD[15:0] wo Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:0 CMD[15:0] Write only. These bits have different fuctions when writing different values 0x5555: Disable the FWDGT_PSC, FWDGT_RLD and FWDGT_WND write protection 0xCCCC: Start the free watchdog timer counter. When the counter reduces to 0, the free watchdog timer generates a reset 0xAAAA: Reload the counter Prescaler register (FWDGT_PSC) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) access 356 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved PSC[2:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 2:0 PSC[2:0] Free watchdog timer prescaler selection. Write 0x5555 in the FWDGT_CTL register before writing these bits. When a write operation to this register ongoing, the PUD bit in the FWDGT_STAT register is set and the value read from this register is invalid. 000: 1/4 001: 1/8 010: 1/16 011: 1/32 100: 1/64 101: 1/128 110: 1/256 111: 1/256 If several prescaler values are used by the application, it is mandatory to wait until PUD bit is reset before changing the prescaler value. However, after updating the prescaler value it is not necessary to wait until PUD is reset before continuing code execution except in case of low-power mode entry. Reload register (FWDGT_RLD) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0000 0FFF This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) access 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 RLD [11:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 11:0 RLD[11:0] Free watchdog timer counter reload value. Write 0xAAAA in the FWDGT_CTL register will reload the FWDGT conter. These bits are write-protected. Write 0X5555 in the FWDGT_CTL register before writing these bits. When a write operation to this register ongoing, the RUD bit in the FWDGT_STAT register is set and the value read from this register is invalid. If several reload values are used by the application, it is mandatory to wait until RUD 357 GD32F1x0 User Manual bit is reset before changing the reload value. However, after updating the reload value it is not necessary to wait until RUD is reset before continuing code execution except in case of low-power mode entry. Status register (FWDGT_STAT) Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) access 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 WUD RUD PUD ro ro ro Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 2 WUD Watchdog counter window value update When a write operation to FWDGT_WND register ongoing, this bit is set and the value read from FWDGT_WND register is invalid. 1 RUD Free watchdog timer counter reload value update When a write operation to FWDGT_RLD register ongoing, this bit is set and the value read from FWDGT_RLD register is invalid. 0 PUD Free watchdog timer prescaler value update When a write operation to FWDGT_PSC register ongoing, this bit is set and the value read from FWDGT_PSC register is invalid. Window register (FWDGT_WND) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) access 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 Reserved 13 12 11 10 9 8 WND[11:0] r 358 GD32F1x0 User Manual Bits Fields Descriptions 31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 11:0 WND[11:0] Watchdog counter window value. These bits are used to contain the high limit of the window value to be compared to the downcounter. A reset will occur if the reload operation is performed while the counter is greater than the value stored in this register. The WUD bit in the FWDGT_STAT register must be reset in order to be able to change the reload value. These bits are write protected. Write 5555h in the FWDGT_CTL register before writing these bits. If several window values are used by the application, it is mandatory to wait until WUD bit is reset before changing the window value. However, after updating the window value it is not necessary to wait until WUD is reset before continuing code execution except in case of low-power mode entry. 359 GD32F1x0 User Manual 11.2. Window watchdog timer (WWDGT) 11.2.1. Introduction The Window watchdog timer (WWDGT) is used to detect system failures due to software malfunctions.After the Window watchdog timer start, the 7-bit downcounter reduce progressively. The watchdog causes a reset when the counter reached 0x3F (the CNT[6] bit becomes cleared). The watchdog also cause a reset if the counter is refreshed before the counter reached the window register value. So the software should refresh the counter in a limited window. The Window watchdog timer has an early wakeup status flag when the counter reaches 0x40. Interrupt occurs if it is enabled The Window watchdog timer (WWDGT) clock is prescaled from the APB1 clock. 11.2.2. Main features Programmable free-running 7-bit downcounter Conditional reset, when WWDGT is enabled : - Reset when the counter reached 0x3F - The counter is refreshed when the value of the counter is greater than the window register value Early wakeup interrupt (EWI): if the watchdog is started and the interrupt is enabled, the interrupt occurred when the counter reached 0x40 11.2.3. WWDGT debug mode, the WWDGT can stop or continue to work in debug mode. Function description If the Window watchdog timer is enable (set the WDGTEN bit in the WWDGT_CTL), the watchdog cause a reset when the counter reached 0x3F (the CNT[6] bit becomes cleared), or when the counter is refreshed before the counter reached the window register value. Figure 11-2. Window watchdog timer block diagram PCLK1/4096 Prescaler /1/2/4/8 WDGTEN 7-Bit Down Counter CNT[6]=0 Reset CNT CNT>WIN Reset Window WIN Write WWDGT_CTL 360 GD32F1x0 User Manual The watchdog is always disabled after power on reset. The software starts the watchdog by setting the WDGTEN bit in the WWDGT_CTL register. Whenever Window watchdog timer is enabled, the counter counts down all the time, the configured value of the counter should be greater than 0x3F, it implies that the CNT[6] bit should be set. The CNT[5:0] determine the maximum time interval of two reloading. The countdown speed depends on the APB1 clock and the prescaler (PSC[1:0] bits in the WWDGT_CFG register). The WIN[6:0] bits in the configuration register (WWDGT_CFG) specifies the window value. The software can prevent the reset event by reloading the downcounter when counter value is less than the window value and greater than 0x3F, otherwise the watchdog causes a reset. The Early Wakeup Interrupt (EWI) is enabled by setting the EWIE bit in the WWDGT_CFG register, and the interrupt will occur when the counter reaches 0x40. The software can do something such as communications or data logging in the interrupt service routine (ISR) in order to analyse the reason of software malfunctions or save the important data before resetting the device. Moreover the software can reload the counter in ISR to manage a software system check and so on. In this case, the WWDGT will never generate a WWDGT reset but used for other things. The EWI interrupt is cleared by writing '0' to the EWIF bit in the WWDGT_STAT register. Figure 11-3. Window watchdog timer timing diagram CNT[6:0] 0x7F Start Write CNT Start WIN 0x3F CNT[6]=0 cause a reset Write WWDGT_CTL when CNT>WIN cause reset cause a reset Calculate the WWDGT timeout by using the formula below. tWWDGT = tPCLK1 × 4096 × 2PSC × (CNT[5:0] + 1) (ms) where: tWWDGT: WWDGT timeout tPCLK1: APB1 clock period measured in ms Refer to the table below for the minimum and maximum values of the tWWDG. 361 GD32F1x0 User Manual Table 11-2. Min-max timeout value at 36 MHz (fPCLK1) Prescaler PSC[1:0] divider Min timeout value Max timeout value CNT[6:0] =0x40 CNT[6:0]=0x7F 1/1 00 113 μs 7.28 ms 1/2 01 227 μs 14.56 ms 1/4 10 455 μs 29.12 ms 1/8 11 910 μs 58.25 ms If the WWDGT_HOLD bit in DBG module is cleared, the WWDGT continues to work even the Cortex™-M3 core halted (Debug mode). While the WWDGT_HOLD bit is set, the WWDGT stops in Debug mode. 11.2.4. WWDGT registers Control register (WWDGT_CTL) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 007F This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 WDGTEN CNT[6:0] rs rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 7 WDGTEN Start the Window watchdog timer. Cleared by a hardware reset. Writing 0 has no effect. 0: Window watchdog timer disabled 1: Window watchdog timer enabled 6:0 CNT[6:0] The value of the watchdog timer counter. A reset will occur when the value of this counter decreases from 0x40 to 0x3F. Writing this counter when the value of this counter is greater than the window value also cause a reset. Configuration register (WWDGT_CFG) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 007F This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 362 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 Reserved 9 8 7 EWIE PSC [1:0] WIN[6:0] rs rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 9 EWIE Early wakeup interrupt enable. An interrupt will occur when the counter reaches 0x40 if the bit is set. It’s could be cleared by a hardware reset or software clock reset (refer to 4.3.5. APB1 reset register ) . A write of 0 has no effect. 8:7 PSC[1:0] Prescaler. The time base of the watchdog counter 00: PCLK1 / 4096 / 1 01: PCLK1 / 4096 / 2 10: PCLK1 / 4096 / 4 11: PCLK1 / 4096 / 8 6:0 WIN[6:0] The Window value. A reset will occur if the watchdog counter (CNT bits in WWDGT_CTL) is written when the value of the watchdog counter is greater than the Window value. Status register (WWDGT_STAT) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved EWIF rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 0 EWIF Early wakeup interrupt flag. When the counter has reached 0x40, this bit is set by hardware even the interrupt is not enabled (EWIE in WWDGT_CFG is cleared). This bit is cleared by writing 0 . There is no effect when writing 1 to it. 363 GD32F1x0 User Manual 12. Analog to digital converter (ADC) 12.1. Introduction The 12 bit ADC is an analog-to-digital converter using successive approximation approach. It has 19 multiplexed channels which are used to measure the signals from 16 external and 3 internal signal sources. Analog watchdog allows the application to detect whether the input voltage exceeds the user's set of high and low threshold. The A/D conversion of each channel can be performed in single, continuous, scan, or discontinuous mode. The result of the ADC will be stored in a 16 bit data register in left or right aligned manner. 12.2. Main features For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices: 12-bit resolution ADC conversion time: 1.0 us (1MS/s) Dual clock domain architecture (APB clock and ADC clock) Self-calibration time: 83 ADC clock periods Programmable sampling time Configurable data alignment in data registers DMA request for regular data transfer Analog input channels: 16 external analog inputs, 1 channel for internal temperature sensor (VSENSE), 1 channel for internal reference voltage (VREFINT), 1 channel for monitoring external VBAT power supply pin Conversion modes: single, scan, continuous and discontinuous Analog watchdog ADC supply requirements: 2.6V to 3.6V ADC input range: VSSA ≤VIN ≤VDDA Interrupt generation at the end of regular and inserted group conversions, and in case of analog watchdog External trigger on regular and inserted channels 364 GD32F1x0 User Manual For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices: High performance 12-bit, 10-bit, 8-bit, or 6-bit configurable resolution ADC conversion time: 0.5μs for 12-bit resolution (2MS/s), about 0.43μs conversion time for 10-bit resolution, about 0.286μs for 6-bit resolution. Faster conversion time can be obtained by lowering the resolution Self-calibration time: 84 ADC clock cycles Programmable sampling time Configurable data alignment in data registers DMA request for regular data transfer Dual clock domain architecture (APB clock and ADC clock) Analog input channels 16 external analog inputs 1 channel for internal temperature sensor (VSENSE) 1 channel for internal reference voltage (VREFINT) 1 channel for monitoring external VBAT power supply pin Start of the conversion can be initiated: By software By hardware triggers with configurable polarity (internal timer events from TIMER0,TIMER1, TIMER2 and TIMER14) External trigger on regular and inserted channels Conversion modes: Can convert a single channel or can scan a sequence of channels. Single mode converts selected inputs once per trigger Continuous mode converts selected inputs continuously Discontinuous mode Interrupt generation at the end of regular and inserted group conversions, and in case of analog watchdog events Analog watchdog ADC supply requirements: from 3V to 5.5V, and typical power supply voltage is 5V. Oversampling 365 GD32F1x0 User Manual 12.3. 16-bit data register Oversampling ratio adjustable from 2 to 256x Programmable data shift up to 8-bits ADC input range: VSSA ≤VIN ≤VDDA Function description Figure 12-1 and Figure 12-2 show the ADC block diagram. Figure 12-1. ADC module block diagram of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices EXTI_15 EXTI_11 TIMER0_TRGO TIMER0_CH3 TIMER1_TRGO TIMER1_CH0 TIMER2_CH3 TIMER14_TRGO SWICST TIMER0_CH0 TIMER0_CH1 TIMER0_CH2 TIMER1_CH1 TIMER2_TRGO TIMER14_CH0 SWRCST DMA request Trig select Trig select Regular channels Inserted channels EOC EOIC Channel Mangement ADC_CLB self calibration Analog watchdog Interrupt generator ADC Interrupt watchdog event ADC_IN0 ADC_IN1 Inserted data registers (16 bits x 4) GPIO ·· · ADC_IN15 SAR ADC Regular data registers (16 bits) VBAT/2 VSENSE VREF A P B B U S Analog block VDDA VSSA 366 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 12-2. ADC module block diagram of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices EXTI_15 EXTI_11 TIMER0_CH3 TIMER0_TRGO TIMER1_TRGO TIMER1_CH0 TIMER2_CH3 TIMER14_TRGO SWICST TIMER0_CH0 TIMER0_CH1 TIMER0_CH2 TIMER1_CH1 TIMER2_TRGO TIMER14_CH0 SWRCST Trig select Trig select Regular channels Inserted channels DMA request EOC EOIC Interrupt generator Channel Mangement Analog watchdog ADC Interrupt watchdog event ADC_IN1 ··· GPIO ADC_IN15 VBAT/2 VSENSE Channel selector ADC_IN0 SAR ADC Inserted data registers (16 bits x 4) 6~12bit Over sampler Regular data registers (16 bits) A P B B U S VREF TOVS ADC_CLB self calibration OVSS[3:0] ADC_DRES[1:0] 12, 10, 8, 6 bits OVSR[2:0] OVSE VDDA VSSA Table 12-2 and Table 12-3 give the ADC internal signals and pins description. Table 12-1. ADC internal signals Internal signal name Signal type Description VSENSE Input Internal temperature sensor output voltage VREFINT Input Internal voltage reference output voltage VBAT/2 Input VBAT pin input voltage divided by 2 Table 12-2. ADC pins definition of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices Name Signal type VDDA(1) Input, analog supply VSSA(1) ADCx_IN[15:0] Remarks Analog power supply equal to VDD and 2.6 V ≤VDDA≤ 3.6 V Input, analog supply Ground for analog power supply equal to ground VSS Analog signals Up to 16 analog channels Table 12-3. ADC pins definition of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Name VDDA (1) Signal type Remarks Input, analog supply Analog power supply equal to VDD and 3 V 367 GD32F1x0 User Manual ≤ VDDA ≤ 5.5 V VSSA(1) Input, analog supply Ground for analog power supply equal to ground VSS Analog signals Up to 16 analog channels ADCx_IN[15:0] 1. VDDA and VSSA have to be connected to VDD and VSS, respectively. 12.3.1. Calibration (ADC_CLB) The ADC has a calibration feature. The application must not use the ADC during calibration and must wait until it is completed. Calibration should be performed before starting A/D conversion. For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices, the calibration needs 83 clock periods to remove the comparator offset error and capacitor mismatch error which may vary from chip to chip due to process variation. But it needs 84 clock periods for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices. The calibration is initiated by software by setting bit ADC_CLB=1. ADC_CLB bit stays at 1 during all the calibration sequence. It is then cleared by hardware as soon as the calibration completes. When the ADC’s operating conditions change (VDDA changes are the main contributor to ADC offset variations and temperature changes are the secondary contributor), it is recommended to re-run a calibration cycle. The internal analog calibration can be reset by setting the RSTCLB bit in ADC_CTL1 register. Calibration software procedure: 12.3.2. 1. Ensure that ADCON=1 2. Set RSTCLB (optional) 3. Set CLB=1 4. Wait until CLB =0 Dual clock domain architecture The ADC sub-module, with exception of the APB interface block, is feed by an ADC clock, which can be asynchronous and independent from the APB clock. Application can reduce PLCK frequency for low power operation while still keeping optimum ADC performance. Refer to RCU Section 4.2.1 for more information on generating this clock source. 12.3.3. Regular and inserted channel groups The ADC supports 19 multiplexed channels and organizes the conversion results into two 368 GD32F1x0 User Manual groups: a regular channel group and an inserted channel group. In the regular group, a sequence of up to 16 conversions can be organized in a specific sequence. The ADC_RSQ0~ADC_RSQ2 registers specify the selected channels of the regular group. The RL[3:0] bits in the ADC_RSQ0 register specify the total conversion sequence length. In the inserted group, a sequence of up to 4 conversions can be organized in a specific sequence. The ADC_ISQ register specifies the selected channels of the inserted group. The IL[1:0] bits in the ADC_ISQ register specify the total conversion sequence length. 12.3.4. Conversion modes Single conversion mode In the single conversion mode, the ADC performs conversion on the channels with a specific sequence specified in the ADC_RSQ0~ADC_RSQ2 registers or ADC_ISQ register. Once the ADCON is set high, the ADC samples and converts a single channel in the regular or inserted group, when the corresponding software trigger or external trigger is active. After conversion of the single channel, the conversion data will be stored in the ADC_RDATA or ADC_IDATAx register. The EOC or EOIC will be set. An interrupt will be generated if the EOCIE or EOICIE bit is set. Figure 12-3. Single conversion mode CH2 CH1 CH5 CH7 CH11 CH16 CH9 CH10 CH2 CH1 ··· Regular trigger EOC One circle of regular group, RL=6 CH9 CH10 CH8 CH6 ··· Sample Inserted trigger Convert EOIC One circle of inserted group, IL=4 Continuous conversion mode The continuous conversion mode will be enabled when CTN bit in the ADC_CTL1 register is set. In this mode, the ADC performs conversion on the channels with a specific sequence specified in the ADC_RSQ0~ADC_RSQ2 registers or ADC_ISQ register. Once the ADCON is set high, the ADC samples and converts specified channels one by one in the regular or inserted group, when the corresponding software trigger or external trigger is active. The conversion data will be stored in the ADC_RDATA or ADC_IDATAx register. If scan mode is disabled, the EOC or EOIC will be set after conversion of every channel. If scan mode is 369 GD32F1x0 User Manual enabled, the EOC or EOIC will be set after every circle of the regular or inserted channel group. An interrupt will be generated if the EOCIE or EOICIE bit is set. Figure 12-4. Continuous conversion mode, scan disable CH2 CH1 CH5 CH7 CH11 CH16 CH12 CH10 ··· CH17 CH2 CH1 CH5 ··· Regular trigger EOC One circle of regular group, RL=8 CH9 CH10 CH8 CH6 CH9 Sample Inserted trigger Convert EOIC One circle of inserted group, IL=4 Figure 12-5. Continuous conversion mode, scan enable CH2 CH1 CH5 CH7 CH11 CH2 CH1 CH8 CH6 CH10 CH5 CH7 CH11 CH2 ··· Regular trigger EORC One circle of regular group, RL=5 CH10 CH8 CH6 CH10 ··· Sample Inserted trigger Convert EOIC One circle of inserted group, IL=3 Scan conversion mode The scan conversion mode will be enabled when SM bit in the ADC_CTL0 register is set. In this mode, the ADC performs conversion on the channels with a specific sequence specified in the ADC_RSQ0~ADC_RSQ2 registers or ADC_ISQ register. Once the ADCON is set high, the ADC samples and converts specified channels one by one in the regular or inserted group till the end of the regular or inserted group, when the corresponding software trigger or external trigger is active. The conversion data will be stored in the ADC_RDATA or ADC_IDATAx register. After conversion of the regular or inserted channel group, the EOC or EOIC will be set. An interrupt will be generated if the EOCIE or EOICIE bit is set. The DMA bit in ADC_CTL1 register must be set in scan mode. 370 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 12-6. Scan conversion mode CH2 CH1 CH5 CH7 CH11 CH16 CH12 CH17 CH2 CH1 ··· Regular trigger EOC One circle of regular group, RL=8 CH9 CH10 CH8 CH6 CH9 CH10 ··· Sample Inserted trigger Convert EOIC One circle of inserted group, IL=4 Discontinuous mode For regular channel group, the discontinuous conversion mode will be enabled when DISRC bit in the ADC_CTL0 register is set. In this mode, the ADC performs a short sequence of n conversions (n<=8) which is a part of the sequence of conversions selected in the ADC_RSQ0~ADC_RSQ2 registers. The value of n is defined by the DISNUM[2:0] bits in the ADC_CTL0 register. When the corresponding software trigger or external trigger is active, the ADC samples and coverts the next n channels selected in the ADC_RSQ0~ADC_RSQ2 registers until all the channels in the regular sequence are done. The EOC will be set after every circle of the regular channel group. An interrupt will be generated if the EOCIE bit is set. For inserted channel group, the discontinuous conversion mode will be enabled when DISIC bit in the ADC_CTL0 register is set. In this mode, the ADC performs one conversion which is a part of the sequence of conversions selected in the ADC_ISQ register. When the corresponding software trigger or external trigger is active, the ADC samples and coverts the next channel selected in the ADC_ISQ register until all the channels in the inserted sequence are done. The EOIC will be set after every circle of the inserted channel group. An interrupt will be generated if the EOICIE bit is set. The regular and inserted groups cannot both work in discontinuous conversion mode. Only for one group conversion can be set in discontinuous conversion mode. 371 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 12-7. Discontinuous conversion mode CH2 CH1 CH5 CH7 CH11 CH16 CH12 CH17 CH2 CH1 CH5 ··· Regular trigger EOC One circle of regular group, RL=8, DISNUM=3'b010 CH9 CH10 CH8 CH9 CH10 ··· Sample Inserted trigger Convert EOIC One circle of inserted group, IL=3 12.3.5. Analog watchdog The analog watchdog is enabled when the RWDEN and IWDEN bits in the ADC_CTL0 register are set for regular and inserted channel groups respectively. When the analog voltage converted by the ADC is below a low threshold or above a high threshold, the WDE bit in ADC_STAT register will be set. An interrupt will be generated if the WDEIE bit is set. The ADC_WDHT and ADC_WLT registers are used to specify the high and low threshold. The comparison is done before the alignment, so the threshold value is independent of the alignment, which is specified by the DAL bit in the ADC_CTL1 register. One or more channels to be monitored by the analog watchdog are selected by the RWDEN, IWDEN, WDSC and WDCHSEL[4:0] bits in ADC_CTL0 register. 12.3.6. Inserted channel management Auto-insertion The inserted group channels are automatically converted after the regular group channels when the ICA bit in ADC_CTL0 register is set. In this mode, external trigger on inserted channels cannot be enabled. A sequence of up to 20 conversions programmed in the ADC_RSQ0~ADC_RSQ2 and ADC_ISQ registers can be used to convert in this mode. In addition to the ICA bit, if the CTN bit is also set, regular channels followed by inserted channels are continuously converted. The auto insertion mode cannot be enabled when the discontinuous conversion mode is set. Triggered insertion If the ICA bit is cleared and SM bit is set, the triggered insertion occurs if a software or external trigger occurs during the regular group channel conversion. In this situation, the ADC abort from the current conversion and start the conversion of inserted channel sequence in scan mode. After the inserted channel group is done, the regular group channel conversion is 372 GD32F1x0 User Manual resumed from the last aborted conversion. 12.3.7. Data alignment The alignment of data stored after conversion can be specified by DAL bit in the ADC_CTL1 register. After decreased by the user-defined offset written in the ADC_IOFFx registers, the inserted group data value may be a negative value. The sign value is extended. Figure 12-8. Data alignment of 12-bit resolution Regular group data 0 0 0 0 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Sign D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Inserted group data Sign Sign Sign DAL=0 Regular group data D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 0 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 Inserted group data Sign D11 D10 DAL=1 12.3.8. Programmable sample time The number of ADC_CLK cycles which is used to sample the input voltage can be specified by the SPTn[2:0] bits in the ADC_SAMPT0 and ADC_SAMPT1 registers. A different sample time can be specified for each channel. Take the 12-bit resolution as an example, its total conversion time is “sampling time + 12.5” ADC_CLK cycles. 12.3.9. External trigger When the ETERC or ETEIC bit in ADC_CTL1 register is set, conversion of regular or inserted group can be triggered by a rising edge of external trigger input. The ETSRC[2:0] and ETSIC[2:0] control bits are used to specify which out of 8 possible events can trigger conversion for the regular and inserted groups. Table 12-4. External trigger for regular channels of ADC ETSRC[2:0] Trigger Source 000 TIMER0_CH0 001 TIMER0_CH1 010 TIMER0_CH2 011 TIMER1_CH1 100 TIMER2_TRGO Trigger Type Internal on-chip signal 373 GD32F1x0 User Manual ETSRC[2:0] Trigger Source Trigger Type 101 TIMER14_CH0 110 EXTI_11 External signal 111 SWRCST Software trigger Table 12-5. External trigger for inserted channels of ADC ETSIC[2:0] Trigger Source Trigger Type 000 TIMER0_TRGO 001 TIMER0_CH3 010 TIMER1_TRGO 011 TIMER1_CH0 100 TIMER2_CH3 101 TIMER14_TRGO 110 EXTI_15 External signal 111 SWICST Software trigger Internal on-chip signal 12.3.10. DMA request The DMA request is used to transfer data of regular group for conversion of more than one channel. The ADC generates a DMA request at the end of conversion of a regular channel. When this request is received, the DMA will transfer the converted data from the ADC_RDATA register to the destination location which is specified by the user. 12.3.11. Temperature sensor and internal reference voltage VREF When the TSVREN bit in ADC_CTL1 register is set, the temperature sensor channel (ADC_IN16) and VREF channel (ADC_IN17) is enabled. The temperature sensor can be used to measure the ambient temperature of the device. The sensor output voltage can be converted into a digital value by ADC. The sampling time for the temperature sensor is recommended to be set to 17.1µs. When this sensor is not in use, it can be put in power down mode by resetting the TSVREN bit. The output voltage of the temperature sensor changes linearly with temperature. Because there is an offset, which is up to 45°C and varies from chip to chip due to process variation, on this line, the internal temperature sensor is more suited for applications that detect temperature variations instead of absolute temperatures. When it is used to detect accurate temperature, an external temperature sensor part should be used. The internal voltage reference (VREF) provides a stable (bandgap) voltage output for the ADC and Comparators. VREF is internally connected to the ADC_IN17 input channel. To use the temperature sensor: 1. Configure the conversion sequence (ADC_IN16) and the sampling time (17.1μs) for the channel. 374 GD32F1x0 User Manual 2. Enable the temperature sensor by setting the TSVREN bit in the ADC control register 1 (ADC_CTL1). 3. Start the ADC conversion by setting the ADCON bit (or by external trigger). 4. Read the resulting temperature data (Vtemperature) in the ADC data register, and get the temperature using the following formula: Temperature (°C) = {(V30 – Vtemperature (digit)) / Avg_Slope} + 30. V30 : Vtemperature value at 30°C,the typical value is 1.43 V. Avg_Slope : Average Slope for curve between Temperature vs. Vtemperature, the typical value is 4.3 mV/°C. 12.3.12. Battery voltage monitoring The VBAT channel can be used to measure the backup battery voltage on the VBAT pin. When the VBATEN bit in ADC_CTL1 register is set, VBAT channel (ADC_IN18) is enabled and a bridge divider by 2 integrated on the VBAT pin is also enabled automatically with it. As VBAT may be higher than VDDA, this bridge is used to ensure the ADC correct operation. And it connect VBAT/2 to the ADC_IN18 input channel. So, the converted digital value is VBAT/2. In order to prevent unnecessary battery energy consumption, it is recommended that the bridge will be enabled only when it is required. 12.3.13. ADC interrupts An interrupt can be produced at the end of conversion for regular and inserted groups and when the analog watchdog status bit is set. The independent interrupt enable bits is used to set the ADC interrupt flexibly. 12.3.14. Programmable resolution (RES) - fast conversion mode for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices It is possible to obtain faster conversion time (tADC) by reducing the ADC resolution. The resolution can be configured to be either 12, 10, 8, or 6 bits by programming the DRES[1:0] bits in the ADC_CTL0 register. Lower resolution allows faster conversion time for applications where high data precision is not required. The DRES[1:0] bits must only be changed when the ADCON bit is reset. The result of the conversion is always 12 bits wide and any unused LSB bits are read as zeroes. Lower resolution reduces the conversion time needed for the successive approximation steps as shown in Table 12-6. 375 GD32F1x0 User Manual Table 12-6. tSAR timings depending on resolution DRES[1:0] bits 12.3.15. tSAR (ADC clock cycles) tSAR (ns) at fADC=28MHz tSMPL (ADC tADC (ADC clock clock cycles) cycles) tADC(ns) at fADC=28MHz 12 12.5 446ns 1.5 14 500ns 10 10.5 375ns 1.5 12 429ns 8 8.5 304ns 1.5 10 357ns 6 6.5 232ns 1.5 8 286ns Oversampling for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices The oversampling unit, which is enabled by OVSEN bit in the ADC_OVSAMPCTL register, provides higher data resolution at the cost of lower output data rate. The oversampling unit performs data preprocessing to offload the CPU. It can handle multiple conversions and average them into a single data with increased data width, up to 16-bit. It provides a result with the following form, where N and M can be adjusted: n=N−1 1 Result = ∗ ∑ Conversion(t n ) M n=0 It allows to perform by hardware the following functions: averaging, data rate reduction, SNR improvement, basic filtering. The oversampling ratio N is defined using the OVSR[2:0] bits in the ADC_OVSAMPCTL register. It can range from 2x to 256x. The division coefficient M consists of a right bit shift up to 8 bits. It is configured through the OVSS[3:0] bits in the ADC_OVSAMPCTL register. The summation unit can yield a result up to 20 bits (256 x 12-bit), which is first shifted right. The upper bits of the result are then truncated, keeping only the 16 least significant bits rounded to the nearest value using the least significant bits left apart by the shifting, before being finally transferred into the data register. 376 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 12-9. 20-bit to 16-bit result truncation 19 15 11 7 3 15 11 7 3 0 Raw 20-bit data Shifting 0 Truncation and rounding Note: If the intermediate result after the shifting exceeds 16 bits, the upper bits of the result are simply truncated. The Figure 12-10 shows a numerical example of the processing, from a raw 20-bit accumulated data to the final 16-bit result. Figure 12-10. Numerical example with 5-bits shift and rounding 19 Raw 20-bit data 15 2 11 A 15 Final result after 5-bit shift and rounding to nearest 7 C 11 1 3 D 7 5 0 6 3 6 0 6 377 GD32F1x0 User Manual The Table 12-7 below gives the data format for the various N and M combination, for a raw conversion data equal to 0xFFF. Table 12-7. Maximum output results vs N and M. Grayed values indicates truncation Over No- 1-bit 2-bit 3-bit 4-bit 5-bit 6-bit 7-bit 8-bit sa Max shift shift shift shift shift shift shift shift shift mplin Raw OVSS OVSS OVSS OVSS OVSS OVSS OVSS OVSS OVS g data = = = = = = = = S= 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 0x1FF 0x1F 0x0F 0x080 0x040 0x020 0x010 0x008 0x004 0x002 E FE FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x3FF 0x3F 0x1F 0x0F 0x080 0x040 0x020 0x010 0x008 0x004 C FC FE FF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x7FF 0x7F 0x3F 0x1F 0x0F 0x080 0x040 0x020 0x010 0x008 8 F8 FC FE FF 0 0 0 0 0 0xFFF 0xFF 0x7F 0x3F 0x1F 0x0F 0x080 0x040 0x020 0x010 0 F0 F8 FC FE FF 0 0 0 0 0x1FF 0xFF 0xFF 0x7F 0x3F 0x1F 0x0F 0x080 0x040 0x020 E0 E0 F0 F8 FC FE FF 0 0 0 0x3FF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x7F 0x3F 0x1F 0x0F 0x080 0x040 C0 C0 E0 F0 F8 FC FE FF 0 0 0x7FF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x7F 0x3F 0x1F 0x0F 0x080 80 80 C0 E0 F0 F8 FC FE FF 0 0xFFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x7F 0x3F 0x1F 0x0F 00 00 80 C0 E0 F0 F8 FC FE FF ratio 2x 4x 8x 16x 32x 64x 128x 256x The conversion time in oversampling mode do not change compared to standard conversion mode: the sampling time is maintained equal during the whole oversampling sequence. New data are provided every N conversion, with an equivalent delay equal to N x tADC = N x (tSMPL + tSAR). Oversampling work with ADC modes Most of the ADC work modes are available when oversampling is enabled. Regular or inserted channels ADC started by softeware or external triggers Single or scan, continuous or discontinuous conversion modes Programmable sample time Analog watchdog The oversampling configuration can only be changed when ADCON is reset. Make sure configuring the oversampling before seting ADCON to 1. 378 GD32F1x0 User Manual 12.4. ADC registers 12.4.1. Status register (ADC_STAT) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 STRC STIC EOIC EOC WDE rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 31:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4 STRC Start flag of regular channel group 0: No regular channel group started 1: Regular channel group started Set by hardware when regular channel conversion starts. Cleared by software writing 0 to it. 3 STIC Start flag of inserted channel group 0: No inserted channel group started 1: Inserted channel group started Set by hardware when inserted channel group conversion starts. Cleared by software writing 0 to it. 2 EOIC End of inserted group conversion flag 0: No end of inserted group conversion 1: End of inserted group conversion Set by hardware at the end of all inserted group channel conversion. Cleared by software writing 0 to it. 1 EOC End of group conversion flag 0: No end of group conversion 1: End of group conversion Set by hardware at the end of a regular or inserted group channel conversion. Cleared by software writing 0 to it or by reading the ADC_RDATA register. 0 WDE Analog watchdog event flag 0: No analog watchdog event 1: Analog watchdog event 379 GD32F1x0 User Manual Set by hardware when the converted voltage crosses the values programmed in the ADC_WLT and ADC_WDHT registers. Cleared by software writing 0 to it. 12.4.2. Control register 0 (ADC_CTL0) For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Reserved 23 22 21 RWDEN IWDEN 20 19 18 17 16 1 0 Reserved rw rw 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 DISNUM[2:0] DISIC DISRC ICA WDSC SM EOICIE WDEIE EOCIE WDCHSEL[4:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 15 14 13 Bits Fields Descriptions 31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 23 RWDEN Regular channel analog watchdog enable 4 3 2 0: Analog watchdog regular channel disable 1: Analog watchdog regular channel enable 22 IWDEN Inserted channel analog watchdog enable 0: Analog watchdog inserted channel disable 1: Analog watchdog inserted channel enable 21:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:13 DISNUM[2:0] Number of conversions in discontinuous mode The number of channels to be converted after a trigger will be DISNUM[2:0]+1 12 DISIC Discontinuous mode on inserted channels 0: Discontinuous mode on inserted channels disable 1: Discontinuous mode on inserted channels enable 11 DISRC Discontinuous mode on regular channels 0: Discontinuous mode on regular channels disable 1: Discontinuous mode on regular channels enable 10 ICA Inserted channel group convert automatically 0: Inserted channel group convert automatically disable 1: Inserted channel group convert automatically enable 380 GD32F1x0 User Manual 9 WDSC When in scan mode, analog watchdog is effective on a single channel 0: Analog watchdog is effective on all channels 1: Analog watchdog is effective on a single channel 8 SM Scan mode 0: scan mode enable 1: scan mode disable 7 EOICIE Interrupt enable for EOIC 0: EOIC interrupt disable 1: EOIC interrupt enable 6 WDEIE Interrupt enable for WDE 0: WDE interrupt disable 1: WDE interrupt enable 5 EOCIE Interrupt enable for EOC 0: EOC interrupt disable 1: EOC interrupt enable 4:0 WDCHSEL[4:0] Analog watchdog channel select 00000: ADC channel0 00001: ADC channel1 00010: ADC channel2 …… 01111: ADC channel15 1xx00: ADC channel16 1xx01: ADC channel17 1xx1x: ADC channel18 “x” means 0 or 1 For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 Reserved 15 Bits 14 13 25 24 23 22 DRES[1:0] RWDEN IWDEN rw rw rw 21 20 19 18 17 16 2 1 0 Reserved 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 DISNUM[2:0] DISIC DISRC ICA WDSC SM EOICIE WDEIE EOCIE WDCHSEL[4:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Fields 4 3 Descriptions 381 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31:26 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 25:24 DRES[1:0] ADC resolution 00: 12bit; 01: 10bit; 10: 8bit; 11: 6bit 23 RWDEN Regular channel analog watchdog enable 0: Analog watchdog regular channel disable 1: Analog watchdog regular channel enable 22 IWDEN Inserted channel analog watchdog enable 0: Analog watchdog inserted channel disable 1: Analog watchdog inserted channel enable 21:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:13 DISNUM[2:0] Number of conversions in discontinuous mode The number of channels to be converted after a trigger will be DISNUM[2:0]+1 12 DISIC Discontinuous mode on inserted channels 0: Discontinuous mode on inserted channels disable 1: Discontinuous mode on inserted channels enable 11 DISRC Discontinuous mode on regular channels 0: Discontinuous mode on regular channels disable 1: Discontinuous mode on regular channels enable 10 ICA Inserted channel group convert automatically 0: Inserted channel group convert automatically disable 1: Inserted channel group convert automatically enable 9 WDSC When in scan mode, analog watchdog is effective on a single channel 0: Analog watchdog is effective on all channels 1: Analog watchdog is effective on a single channel 8 SM Scan mode 0: Scan mode enable 1: Scan mode disable 7 EOICIE Interrupt enable for EOIC 0: EOIC interrupt disable 1: EOIC interrupt enable 6 WDEIE Interrupt enable for WDE 0: WDE interrupt disable 1: WDE interrupt enable 5 EOCIE Interrupt enable for EOC 382 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: EOC interrupt disable 1: EOC interrupt enable 4:0 WDCHSEL[4:0] Analog watchdog channel select 00000: ADC channel0 00001: ADC channel1 00010: ADC channel2 …… 01111: ADC channel15 1xx00: ADC channel16 1xx01: ADC channel17 1xx1x: ADC channel18 “x” means 0 or 1 12.4.3. Control register 1 (ADC_CTL1) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 ETEIC ETSIC[2:0] DAL rw rw rw 10 9 Reserved 24 23 22 21 20 VBA TSV SWR SWIC ETE TEN REN CST ST RC rw rw rw rw rw 8 7 6 5 4 DMA Reserved rw 19 18 17 ETSRC[2:0] 16 Reserved rw 3 2 1 0 RSTCLB CLB CTN ADCON rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:25 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 24 VBATEN This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the VBAT channel. 0: VBAT channel disabled 1: VBAT channel enabled 23 TSVREN Channel 16 and 17 enable of ADC. 0: Channel 16 and 17 of ADC disable 1: Channel 16 and 17 of ADC enable 22 SWRCST Start on regular channel. Set 1 on this bit starts a conversion of a group of regular channels if ETSRC is 111. It is set by software and cleared by software or by hardware after the conversion starts. 21 SWICST Start on inserted channel. Set 1 on this bit starts a conversion of a group of inserted channels if ETSIC is 111. 383 GD32F1x0 User Manual It is set by software and cleared by software or by hardware after the conversion starts. 20 ETERC External trigger enable for regular channel 0: External trigger for regular channel disable 1: External trigger for regular channel enable 19:17 ETSRC[2:0] External trigger select for regular channel 000: TIMER0 CH0 001: TIMER0 CH1 010: TIMER0 CH2 011: TIMER1 CH1 100: TIMER2 TRGO 101: TIMER14 CH1 110: EXTI line 11 111: SWRCST 16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15 ETEIC External trigger enable for inserted channel 0: External trigger for inserted channel disable 1: External trigger for inserted channel enable 14:12 ETSIC[2:0] External trigger select for inserted channel 000: TIMER0 TRGO 001: TIMER0 CH3 010: TIMER1 TRGO 011: TIMER1 CH0 100: TIMER2 CH3 101: TIMER14 TRGO 110: EXTI line15 111: SWICST 11 DAL Data alignment 0: LSB alignment 1: MSB alignment 10:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 8 DMA DMA request enable. 0: DMA request disable 1: DMA request enable 7:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 3 RSTCLB Reset calibration This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware after the calibration registers are initialized. 0: Calibration register initialize done. 384 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: Initialize calibration register start 2 CLB ADC calibration 0: Calibration done 1: Calibration start 1 CTN Continuous mode 0: Continuous mode disable 1: Continuous mode enable 0 ADCON ADC ON. The ADC will be wake up when this bit is changed from low to high. When this bit is high and “1” is written to it with other bits of this register unchanged, the conversion will start. 0: ADC disable and power down 1: ADC enable 12.4.4. Sampling time register 0 (ADC_SAMPT0) For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 SPT17[2:0] SPT16[2:0] SPT15[2:1] rw rw rw 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SPT15[0] SPT14[2:0] SPT13[2:0] SPT12[2:0] SPT11[2:0] SPT10[2:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 23:0 SPTn[2:0] Channel n sampling time 0 000: 1.5 cycles 001: 7.5 cycles 010: 13.5 cycles 011: 28.5 cycles 100: 41.5 cycles 101: 55.5 cycles 110: 71.5 cycles 111: 239.5 cycles Note: For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices, the channel 17 and channel 18 sampling time are specified by the SPT17[2:0] bits in the ADC_SAMPT0 385 GD32F1x0 User Manual For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 SPT18[2:0] SPT17[2:0] SPT16[2:0] SPT15[2:1] rw rw rw rw 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SPT15[0] SPT14[2:0] SPT13[2:0] SPT12[2:0] SPT11[2:0] SPT10[2:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:27 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 26:0 SPTn[2:0] Channel n sampling time 000: 1.5 cycles 001: 7.5 cycles 010: 13.5 cycles 011: 28.5 cycles 100: 41.5 cycles 101: 55.5 cycles 110: 71.5 cycles 111: 239.5 cycles 12.4.5. Sampling time register 1 (ADC_SAMPT1) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 Reserved 15 14 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 SPT9[2:0] SPT8[2:0] SPT7[2:0] SPT6[2:0] SPT5[2:1] rw rw rw rw rw 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SPT5[0] SPT4[2:0] SPT3[2:0] SPT2[2:0] SPT1[2:0] SPT0[2:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 29:0 SPTn[2:0] Channel sampling time 0 000: 1.5 cycles 386 GD32F1x0 User Manual 001: 7.5 cycles 010: 13.5 cycles 011: 28.5 cycles 100: 41.5 cycles 101: 55.5 cycles 110: 71.5 cycles 111: 239.5 cycles 12.4.6. Inserted channel data offset registers (ADC_IOFFx) (x=0..3) Address offset: 0x14-0x20 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved IOFF[11:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 11:0 IOFF[11:0] Data offset for inserted channel x These bits will be subtracted from the raw converted data when converting inserted channels. The conversion result can be read from the ADC_IDATAx registers. 12.4.7. Watchdog high threshold register (ADC_WDHT) Address offset: 0x24 Reset value: 0x0000 0FFF This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 Reserved 9 8 WDHT[11:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 387 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 11:0 WDHT[11:0] Analog watchdog high threshold These bits define the high threshold for the analog watchdog. 12.4.8. Watchdog low threshold register (ADC_WDLT) Address offset: 0x28 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 18 17 16 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved WDLT[11:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 11:0 WDLT[11:0] Analog watchdog low threshold These bits define the low threshold for the analog watchdog. 12.4.9. Regular sequence register 0 (ADC_RSQ0) Address offset: 0x2C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Reserved 21 20 19 RL[3:0] RSQ16[4:1] rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 rw 5 4 3 2 RSQ16[0] RSQ15[4:0] RSQ14[4:0] RSQ13[4:0] rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 23:20 RL[3:0] Regular channel group length. 1 0 The total number of conversion in regular group equals to RL[3:0]+1. 19:0 RSQn[4:0] The channel number (0..18) are written to these bits to select a channel at the nth 388 GD32F1x0 User Manual conversion in the regular channel group. 12.4.10. Regular sequence register 1 (ADC_RSQ1) Address offset: 0x30 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 Reserved 15 14 13 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 RSQ12[4:0] RSQ11[4:0] RSQ10[4:1] rw rw rw 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 16 1 RSQ10[0] RSQ9[4:0] RSQ8[4:0] RSQ7[4:0] rw rw rw rw 0 Bits Fields Descriptions 31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 29:0 RSQn[4:0] The channel number (0..18) are written to these bits to select a channel at the nth conversion in the regular channel group. 12.4.11. Regular sequence register 2 (ADC_RSQ2) Address offset: 0x34 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 Reserved 15 14 13 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 RSQ6[4:0] RSQ5[4:0] RSQ4[4:1] rw rw rw 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 RSQ4[0] RSQ3[4:0] RSQ2[4:0] RSQ1[4:0] rw rw rw rw 16 1 Bits Fields Descriptions 31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 29:0 RSQn[4:0] The channel number (0..18) are written to these bits to select a channel at the nth 0 conversion in the regular channel group. 12.4.12. Inserted sequence register (ADC_ISQ) Address offset: 0x38 389 GD32F1x0 User Manual Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 20 19 18 17 IL[1:0] ISQ4[4:1] rw rw 5 4 3 2 ISQ4[0] ISQ3[4:0] ISQ2[4:0] ISQ1[4:0] rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 21:20 IL[1:0] Inserted channel group length. 16 1 0 The total number of conversion in regular group equals to IL[1:0]+1. 19:0 ISQn[4:0] The channel number (0..18) are written to these bits to select a channel at the nth conversion in the inserted channel group. Unlike the regular conversion sequence, the inserted channels are converted starting from (4-IL[1:0]), if IL[1:0] length is less than 4. 12.4.13. IL Insert channel order 11 ISQ0 >> ISQ1 >> ISQ2 >> ISQ3 10 ISQ1 >> ISQ2 >> ISQ3 01 ISQ2 >> ISQ3 00 ISQ3 Inserted data registers (ADC_IDATAx) (x= 0..3) Address offset: 0x3C - 0x48 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 IDATAn[15:0] r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:0 IDATAn[15:0] Inserted number n conversion data These bits contain the number n conversion result, which is read only. 390 GD32F1x0 User Manual 12.4.14. Regular data register (ADC_RDATA) Address offset: 0x4C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RDATA[15:0] r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:0 RDATA[15:0] Regular channel data These bits contain the conversion result from regular channel, which is read only. 12.4.15. Oversampling control register (ADC_OVSAMPCTL) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x80 Reset value: 0x0000_0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved OVSEN Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 11 10 9 8 7 TOVS OVSS[3:0] OVSR[2:0] rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9 TOVS Triggered Oversampling rw This bit is set and cleared by software. 0: All oversampled conversions for a channel are done consecutively after a trigger 1: Each oversampled conversion for a channel needs a trigger Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADCON=0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing). 391 GD32F1x0 User Manual 8:5 OVSS[3:0] Oversampling shift This bit is set and cleared by software. 0000: No shift 0001: Shift 1-bit 0010: Shift 2-bits 0011: Shift 3-bits 0100: Shift 4-bits 0101: Shift 5-bits 0110: Shift 6-bits 0111: Shift 7-bits 1000: Shift 8-bits Other codes reserved Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADCON =0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing). 4:2 OVSR[2:0] Oversampling ratio This bit filed defines the number of oversampling ratio. 000: 2x 001: 4x 010: 8x 011: 16x 100: 32x 101: 64x 110: 128x 111: 256x Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADCON =0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing). 1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 0 OVSEN Oversampling Enable This bit is set and cleared by software. 0: Oversampling disabled 1: Oversampling enabled Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADCON =0 (which ensures that no conversion is ongoing). 392 GD32F1x0 User Manual 13. Digital-to-analog converter (DAC) 13.1. DAC Introduction The 12-bit DAC module is a voltage output digital-to-analog converter. The DAC can be configured in 8 or 12 bit mode and may be used in conjunction with the DMA controller. The input data of the DAC could be left-aligned or right-aligned. The output voltage can optionally be buffered for higher drive capability. For GD32F150xx devices,the DAC module only has one DAC. For GD32F190xx devices, the DAC module has two DACs, each with its own converter. In DAC concurrent mode, conversions could be done independently or concurrently when both DACs are grouped together for synchronous update operation. 13.2. DAC Main features DAC main features are the following: 12-bit resolution. Left or right data alignment DMA capability with underrun error detection Conversion update synchronously Conversion trigged by external triggers Configurable internal buffer Input voltage reference, VDDA For GD32F190xx devices, additional features are shown below. Two DAC converters: one output channel each DAC independently or concurrently conversions 393 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 13-1 shows the block diagram of DAC and Table 13-1 gives the pin description. Figure 13-1. DAC block diagram DAC control register DDMA ENx TIMER14_TRGO TIMER1_TRGO DBOFFx Buff MUX2X1 TIMER5_TRGO TIMER2_TRGO Trigger selectorx DTENx SWTRx DMA requestx DTSELx[2:0] EXTI_9 Control logic DHRx ODR 12-bit DAC_OUT DAC 12-bit 12-bit VDDA VSSA Table 13-1. DAC pin Name VDDA Description Analog power supply Signal type Input, analog supply VSSA Ground for analog power supply Input, analog supply ground DAC_OUTx DACx analog output Analog output signal Note: The corresponding GPIO pin is automatically connected to the analog converter output (DAC_OUTx), Once the DAC is enabled. The GPIO pin should first be configured to analog (AIN to avoid parasitic consumption). For GD32F150xx devices, corresponding GPIO pin is PA4. For GD32F190xx devices, corresponding GPIO pin is PA4 or PA5. 13.3. DAC Function description 13.3.1. DAC enable The DAC can be powered on by setting the DENx bit in the DAC_CTL register. The DAC is then enabled after a startup time tWAKEUP. 13.3.2. DAC output buffer enable The DAC integrates output buffer(For GD32F150xx devices, there is an output buffer; For 394 GD32F1x0 User Manual GD32F190xx devices, there are two output buffers ) which can be used to reduce the impedance of output, so DAC can be directly connected to external loads without operational amplifier. By the DBOFFx bit in the DAC_CTL register the DAC channel output buffer can be enabled and disabled. Users can enable the output buffer when the load of the DAC is heavy. 13.3.3. DAC data format Depending on the selected configuration mode, the data has to be written in the specified register as described below: Single DAC, there are three possibilities 1. right alignment 8-bit: DHx[11:4] bits are stored into DACx_R8DH [7:0] bits 2. right alignment 12-bit: DHx[11:0] bits are stored into DACx_R12DH [11:0] bits 3. left alignment 12-bit: DHx[11:0] bits are stored into DACx_L12DH [15:4] bits The data can be shifted and stored into the DHx(Data Holding Register x, that are internal non-memory-mapped registers) according to the value of the DACx_yyDH register. When a software trigger or an external event trigger occurs, the DH register will be loaded into DACx_DO register automatically. Two DACs, there are three possibilities ( only for GD32F190xx devices) 1. Right alignment 8-bit: data for DAC0, DH0 [11:4] bits are stored into DACC_R8DH [7:0] bits. Data for DAC1, DH1 [11:4] bits are stored into DACC_R8DH [15:8] bits. 2. Right alignment12-bit: data for DAC0 channel, DH0 [11:0] bits are stored into DACC_ R12DH [11:0] bits. Data for DAC1 channel, DH1 [11:0] bits are stored into DACC_ R12DH [27:16] bits. 3. Left alignment 12-bit: data for DAC0 channel, DH0 [11:0] bits are stored into DACC_ L12DH [15:4] bits. Data for DAC1 channel, DH1 [11:0] bits are stored into DACC_ L12DH [31:20] bits. The data can be shifted and stored into the DAC0_DH and DAC1_DH (Data Holding Register x, that are internal non-memory-mapped registers) according to the value of the DACx_yyDH register. When a software trigger or an external event trigger occurs, the DH register will be loaded into DAC0_DO and DAC1_DO register automatically. 13.3.4. DAC conversion Any data to be transferred by DAC should firstly be stored into the DH registers (DAC0_R8DH, DAC0_R12DH, DAC0_L12DH, DAC1_R8DH, DAC1_R12DH, DAC1_L12DH, DACC_R8DH, DACC_R12DH, DACC_L12DH). If no hardware trigger is selected (DTENx bit in DAC_CTL register is reset), data stored in the DACx_yyDH register are automatically transferred to the DACx_DO register. However, when 395 GD32F1x0 User Manual a hardware trigger is selected (DTENx bit in DAC_CTL register is set), the transfer is performed after the corresponding trigger occurs. When the data from the DACx_yyDH register is loaded into the DACx_DO register, after the time tSETTLING, the analog output is valid, and the value of tSETTLING is related to the power supply voltage and the analog output load. 13.3.5. DAC output voltage The analog output voltages on the DAC pin are determined by the following equation: DAC output = VDDA*DO/4095 The digital input is linearly converted to an analog output voltage, its range is 0 to VDDA. 13.3.6. DMA request Each DAC has a DMA function. For GD32F190xx devices, two DMA channel can be respectively used for DAC DMA requests. If the DDMAENx bit is set, a DAC DMA request will be generated when an external trigger (not a software trigger) occurs. Then the value in the DACx_yyDH register will be transferred to the DACx_DO register. If a second external trigger arrives before the acknowledgement of the last request, the new request will not be serviced, because the DAC DMA request is not queued. Than the DDUDRx bit (DACx DMA underrun flag) in the DAC_STAT register is set, error status is reported. DMA data transfer function is disable and no further processing DMA requests. DACx continues to convert old data. GD32F190xx devices: In concurrent mode, if both DDMAENx bits are set, two DMA requests will be generated. If you need one DMA request, only the corresponding DDMAENx bit should be set. In addition, the application can handle both DAC channel in concurrent mode using one DMA request and an independent DMA channel. 13.3.7. DAC trigger Conversion can then be triggered by an external event (timer counter, external interrupt line), when the DTENx control bit is set, The last data in the DACx_yyDH register is transferred into the DACx_DO register, when a DAC interface detects a selected timer TRGO output, or a rising edge on the selected external interrupt line 9. When the software trigger is selected and the SWTRx bit is set, the conversion will start. SWTRx is reset by hardware. 396 GD32F1x0 User Manual Table 13-2. External triggers of DAC 13.3.8. DTSELx[2:0] Trigger Source Trigger Type 000 TIMER5_TRGO 001 TIMER2_TRGO 010 reserved 011 TIMER14_TRGO 100 TIMER1_TRGO 101 reserved 110 EXTI_9 External signal 111 SWTRIG Software trigger Internal on-chip signal DAC concurrent conversion for GD32F190xx devices When the two DACs work at the same time, for more effective utilization of bus bandwidth in applications, three concurrent registers can be used: DACC_R8DH, DACC_R12DH, DACC_L12DH. You just need to access a unique register to realize driving both DAC channels at the same time. For the two DACs and these special registers, several possible conversion modes are possible. The conversion mode in the case of only use one DAC channel, still can operate through independent DHx registers. All modes are described in the paragraphs below. Independent trigger To configure the DAC in this conversion mode, the following sequence is required: Set the two DAC trigger enable bits DTEN0 and DTEN1 Set different values in the DTSEL0[2:0] and DTSEL1[2:0] bits to configure different trigger sources Load the DACs channel data into the required DACC_DH register (DACC_R8DH, DACC_R12DH, DACC_L12DH) When the DAC0 channel is triggered, the value of the DH0 register is transferred to DAC0_DO (three APB1 clock cycles later). When the DAC1 channel is triggered, the value of the DH1 register is transferred to DAC1_DO (three APB1 clock cycles later). Concurrent software start In this conversion mode, follow the steps below to set the DAC: Load the DACs channel data to the required DACC_DH register (DACC_R8DH, 397 GD32F1x0 User Manual DACC_R12DH, DACC_L12DH) In this mode, after one APB1 clock cycle, the value of the DH1 and DH2 registers is immediately transferred to DAC0_DO and DAC1_DO. Concurrent trigger In this conversion mode, follow the steps below to set the DAC: Set the two DAC trigger enable bits DTEN0 and DTEN1 Set the DTSEL0[2:0] and DTSEL1[2:0] bit to the same value, to configure the same trigger source for both DAC The data of two DACs conversion load to the required DACC_DH register (DACC_R8DH, DACC_R12DH, DACC_L12DH) If detects a rising edge of a trigger, the value of the DH1 and DH2 registers is immediately transferred to DAC0_DO and DAC1_DO (three APB1 clock cycles later). 13.4. DAC registers 13.4.1. Control register (DAC_CTL) For GD32F150xx devices Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DTSEL0[2:0] DTEN0 DBOFF0 DEN0 rw rw rw rw Reserved 15 14 Reserved 13 12 DDUDRIE0 DDMAEN0 rw rw 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 13 DDUDRIE0 DAC0 DMA Underrun Interrupt enable 0: DAC0 DMA Underrun Interrupt disabled 1: DAC0 DMA Underrun Interrupt enabled 12 DDMAEN0 DAC0 DMA enable 0: DAC0 DMA mode disabled 398 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: DAC0 DMA mode enabled 11:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 5:3 DTSEL0[2:0] DAC0 trigger selection These bits are only used if bit DTEN0 = 1 and select the external event used to trigger DAC0. 000: TIMER5 TRGO event 001: TIMER2 TRGO event 010: Reserved 011: TIMER14 TRGO event 100: TIMER1 TRGO event 101: Reserved 110: External line9 111: Software trigger 2 DTEN0 DAC0 trigger enable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable DAC0 trigger. 0: DAC0 trigger disabled 1: DAC0 trigger enabled 1 DBOFF0 DAC0 output buffer turn off This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable DAC0 output buffer. 0: DAC0 output buffer enabled 1: DAC0 output buffer turn off 0 DEN0 DAC0 enable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable DAC0. 0: DAC0 disabled 1: DAC0 enabled For GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 Reserved 15 14 Reserved 29 28 DDUDRIE1 DDMAEN1 rw rw 13 12 DDUDRIE0 DDMAEN0 rw rw 27 26 25 24 23 22 Reserved 11 10 9 8 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7 6 21 18 17 16 DTSEL1[2:0] DTEN1 DBOFF1 DEN1 rw rw rw rw 2 1 0 DTSEL0[2:0] DTEN0 DBOFF0 DEN0 rw rw rw rw 5 20 4 19 3 399 GD32F1x0 User Manual 29 DDUDRIE1 DAC1 DMA Underrun Interrupt enable 0: DAC1 DMA Underrun Interrupt disabled 1: DAC1 DMA Underrun Interrupt enabled 28 DDMAEN1 DAC1 DMA enable 0: DAC1 DMA mode disabled 1: DAC1 DMA mode enabled 27:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 21:19 DTSEL1[2:0] DAC1 trigger selection These bits are only used if bit DTEN1 = 1 and select the external event used to trigger DAC1. 000: TIMER5 TRGO event 001: TIMER2 TRGO event 010: Reserved 011: TIMER14 TRGO event 100: TIMER1 TRGO event 101: Reserved 110: External line9 111: Software trigger 18 DTEN1 DAC1 trigger enable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable DAC1 trigger. 0: DAC1 trigger disabled 1: DAC1 trigger enabled 17 DBOFF1 DAC1 output buffer turn off This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable DAC1 output buffer. 0: DAC1 output buffer enabled 1: DAC1 output buffer turn offd 16 DEN1 DAC1 enable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable DAC1. 0: DAC1 disabled 1: DAC1 enabled 15:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 13 DDUDRIE0 DAC0 DMA Underrun Interrupt enable 0: DAC0 DMA Underrun Interrupt disabled 1: DAC0 DMA Underrun Interrupt enabled 12 DDMAEN0 DAC0 DMA enable 0: DAC0 DMA mode disabled 1: DAC0 DMA mode enabled 11:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 400 GD32F1x0 User Manual 5:3 DTSEL0[2:0] DAC0 trigger selection These bits are only used if bit DTEN0 = 1 and select the external event used to trigger DAC0. 000: TIMER5 TRGO event 001: TIMER2 TRGO event 010: Reserved 011: TIMER14 TRGO event 100: TIMER1 TRGO event 101: Reserved 110: External line9 111: Software trigger 2 DTEN0 DAC0 trigger enable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable DAC0 trigger. 0: DAC0 trigger disabled 1: DAC0 trigger enabled 1 DBOFF0 DAC0 output buffer turn off This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable DAC0 output buffer. 0: DAC0 output buffer enabled 1: DAC0 output buffer turn off 0 DEN0 DAC0 enable This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable DAC0. 0: DAC0 disabled 1: DAC0 enabled 13.4.2. Software trigger register (DAC_SWT) For GD32F150xx devices Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved SWTR0 w Bits Fields Descriptions 31:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 401 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0 SWTR0 DAC0 software trigger, cleared by hardware 0: Software trigger disabled 1: Software trigger enabled For GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SWTR1 SWTR0 w w Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 SWTR1 DAC1 software trigger, cleared by hardware 0: Software trigger disabled 1: Software trigger enabled 0 SWTR0 DAC0 software trigger, cleared by hardware 0: Software trigger disabled 1: Software trigger enabled 13.4.3. DAC0 12-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC0_R12DH) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved DAC0_DH[11:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 11:0 DAC0_DH[11:0] DAC0 12-bit right-aligned data 402 GD32F1x0 User Manual These bits are written by software which specifies 12-bit data for DAC0. 13.4.4. DAC0 12-bit left-aligned data holding register (DAC0_L12DH) Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 DAC0_DH[11:0] Reserved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:4 DAC0_DH[11:0] DAC0 12-bit left-aligned data These bits are written by software which specifies 12-bit data for DAC0. 3:0 Reserved 13.4.5. Must be kept at reset value DAC0 8-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC0_R8DH) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved DAC0_DH[7:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7:0 DAC0_DH[7:0] DAC0 8-bit right-aligned data These bits are written by software which specifies 8-bit data for DAC0. 403 GD32F1x0 User Manual 13.4.6. DAC1 12-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC1_R12DH) of GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x14 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved DAC1_DH[11:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 11:0 DAC1_DH[11:0] DAC1 12-bit right-aligned data These bits are written by software which specifies 12-bit data for DAC1. 13.4.7. DAC1 12-bit left-aligned data holding register (DAC1_L12DH) of GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x18 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 DAC1_DH[11:0] Reserved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:4 DAC1_DH[11:0] DAC1 12-bit left-aligned data These bits are written by software which specifies 12-bit data for DAC1. 3:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 404 GD32F1x0 User Manual 13.4.8. DAC1 8-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC1_R8DH) of GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x1C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved DAC1_DH[7:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7:0 DAC1_DH[7:0] DAC1 8-bit right-aligned data These bits are written by software which specifies 8-bit data for DAC1. 13.4.9. DAC concurrent mode 12-bit right-aligned data holding register (DACC_R12DH) of GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x20 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Reserved 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 4 3 2 1 0 DAC1_DH[11:0] rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved 6 5 DAC0_DH[11:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 27:16 DAC1_DH[11:0] DAC1 12-bit right-aligned data These bits are written by software which specifies 12-bit data for DAC1. 15:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 11:0 DAC0_DH[11:0] DAC0 12-bit right-aligned data 405 GD32F1x0 User Manual These bits are written by software which specifies 12-bit data for DAC0. 13.4.10. DAC concurrent mode 12-bit left-aligned data holding register (DACC_L12DH) of GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x24 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 DAC1_DH[11:0] 18 17 16 Reserved rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 DAC0_DH[11:0] 2 1 0 Reserved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:20 DAC1_DH[11:0] DAC1 12-bit left-aligned data These bits are written by software which specifies 12-bit data for DAC1. 19:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:4 DAC0_DH[11:0] DAC0 12-bit left-aligned data These bits are written by software which specifies 12-bit data for DAC1. 3:0 Reserved 13.4.11. Must be kept at reset value DAC concurrent mode 8-bit right-aligned data holding register (DACC_R8DH) of GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x28 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 Bits 14 13 Fields 12 11 10 9 8 7 DAC1_DH[7:0] DAC0_DH[7:0] rw rw Descriptions 406 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:8 DAC1_DH[7:0] DAC1 8-bit right-aligned data These bits are written by software which specifies 8-bit data for DAC1. 7:0 DAC0_DH[7:0] DAC0 8-bit right-aligned data These bits are written by software which specifies 8-bit data for DAC0. 13.4.12. DAC0 data output register (DAC0_DO) Address offset: 0x2C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved DAC0_DO [11:0] r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 11:0 DAC0_DO [11:0] DAC0 output data These bits are read-only, they contain data output for DAC0. 13.4.13. DAC1 data output register (DAC1_DO) of GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x30 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved DAC1_DO [11:0] r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 407 GD32F1x0 User Manual 11:0 DAC1_DO [11:0] DAC1 output data These bits are read-only, they contain data output for DAC1. 13.4.14. Status register (DAC_STAT) For GD32F150xx devices Address offset: 0x34 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 Reserved 13 12 11 10 9 8 DDUDR0 Reserved rc_w1 Bits Fields Descriptions 31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 13 DDUDR0 DAC0 DMA underrun flag This bit is set by hardware and cleared by software (by writing it to 1). 0: No DMA underrun error condition occurred 1: DMA underrun error condition occurred (the frequency of the current selected trigger that is driving DAC conversion is higher than the DMA service capability rate) 12:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value For GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x34 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 Reserved 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 DDUDR1 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved rc_w1 15 14 Reserved 13 12 11 10 DDUDR0 9 8 7 6 Reserved rc_w1 Bits Fields Descriptions 408 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 29 DDUDR1 DAC1 DMA underrun flag This bit is set by hardware and cleared by software (by writing it to 1). 0: No DMA underrun error condition occurred 1: DMA underrun error condition occurred (the frequency of the current selected trigger that is driving DAC conversion is higher than the DMA service capability rate) 28:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 13 DDUDR0 DAC0 DMA underrun flag This bit is set by hardware and cleared by software (by writing it to 1). 0: No DMA underrun error condition occurred 1: DMA underrun error condition occurred (the frequency of the current selected trigger that drives DAC conversion is higher than the DMA service capability rate) 12:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 409 GD32F1x0 User Manual 14. Inter-integrated circuit (I2C) interface 14.1. Introduction The I2C (inter-integrated circuit) module provides an I2C interface which is an industry standard two-line serial interface for MCU to communicate with external I2C interface. I2C bus uses two serial lines: a serial data line, SDA, and a serial clock line, SCL. The I2C interface implements standard I2C protocol at standard or fast speed as well as CRC calculation and checking, SMBus (system management bus) and PMBus (power management bus). It also supports multi-master I2C bus. The I2C interface provides DMA mode for users to reduce CPU overload. 14.2. Main features Parallel-bus to I2C-bus protocol converter and interface Both master and slave functions with the same interface Bi-directional data transfer between master and slave Supports 7-bit and 10-bit addressing and general call addressing Multi-master capability Supports Standard Speed (up to 100 kHz) and Fast Speed (up to 400 kHz) Configurable SCL stretching in slave mode Supports DMA mode SMBus 2.0 and PMBus compatible 2 Interrupts: one for successful byte transmission and the other for error event Optional PEC (packet error checking) generation and check For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices, additional features are shown below. 14.3. Support SAM_V mode Function description Figure 14-1 below provides details on the internal configuration of the I2C interface. 410 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 14-1. I2C module block diagram PEC register CRC Calculation / Check SDA Controller SCL SCL Controller Shift Register Data Register APB Bus SDA Control Registers SMBA Timing and Control Logic Status Flags DMA/ Interrupts Table 14-1. Definition of I2C-bus terminology Term Transmitter Receiver Master Description the device which sends data to the bus the device which receives data from the bus the device which initiates a transfer, generates clock signals and terminates a transfer Slave Multi-master the device addressed by a master more than one master can attempt to control the bus at the same time without corrupting the message Synchronization Arbitration procedure to synchronize the clock signals of two or more devices procedure to ensure that, if more than one master simultaneously tries to control the bus, only one is allowed to do so and the winning message is not corrupted 14.3.1. SDA and SCL lines The I2C module has two external lines, the serial data SDA and serial clock SCL lines. The two wires carry information between the devices connected to the bus. Both SDA and SCL are bidirectional lines, connected to a positive supply voltage via ccurrentsource or pull-up resistor. When the bus is free, both lines are HIGH. The output stages of devices connected to the bus must have an open-drain or open-collect or to perform the wiredAND function. Data on the I2C-bus can be transferred at rates of up to 100 kbit/s in the 411 GD32F1x0 User Manual standard-mode and up to 400 kbit/s in the fast mode. Due to the variety of different technology devices (CMOS, NMOS, bipolar) that can be connected to the I2C-bus, the levels of the logical ‘0’ (LOW) and ‘1’ (HIGH) are not fixed and depend on the associated level of VDD. 14.3.2. Data validation The data on the SDA line must be stable during the HIGH period of the clock. The HIGH or LOW state of the data line can only change when the clock signal on the SCL line is LOW (see Figure 14-2). One clock pulse is generated for each data bit transferred. Figure 14-2. Data validation SDA SCL 14.3.3. START and STOP condition All transactions begin with a START (S) and are terminated by a STOP (P) (see Figure 14-3). A HIGH to LOW transition on the SDA line while SCL is HIGH defines a START condition. A LOW to HIGH transition on the SDA line while SCL is HIGH defines a STOP condition. Figure 14-3. START and STOP condition START SDA SCL STOP SDA SCL 14.3.4. Clock synchronization Two masters can begin transmitting on a free bus at the same time and there must be a method for deciding which takes control of the bus and complete its transmission. This is done by clock synchronization and arbitration. In single master systems, clock synchronization and arbitration are not needed. Clock synchronization is performed using the wired-AND connection of I2C interfaces to the SCL line. This means that a HIGH to LOW transition on the SCL line causes the masters concerned to start counting off their LOW period and, once a master clock has gone LOW, it holds the SCL line in that state until the clock HIGH state is reached (see Figure 14-4). However, if another clock is still within its LOW period, the LOW to HIGH transition of this clock may not change the state of the SCL line. The SCL line is therefore held LOW by the 412 GD32F1x0 User Manual master with the longest LOW period. Masters with shorter LOW periods enter a HIGH waitstate during this time. Figure0ns14-4. Clock synchronization 25ns 50ns 75ns CLK1 Wait Count CLK2 SCL 14.3.5. Arbitration Arbitration, like synchronization, refers to a portion of the protocol required only if more than one master is used in the system. Slaves are not involved in the arbitration procedure. A master may start a transfer only if the bus is free. Two masters may generate a START condition within the minimum hold time of the START condition which results in a valid START condition on the bus. Arbitration is then required to determine which master will complete its transmission. Arbitration proceeds bit by bit. During every bit, while SCL is HIGH, each master checks to see if the SDA level matches what it has sent. This process may take many bits. Two masters can actually complete an entire transaction without error, as long as the transmissions are identical. The first time a master tries to send a HIGH, but detects that the SDA level is LOW, the master knows that it has lost the arbitration and turns off its SDA output driver. The other master goes on to complete its transaction. Figure 14-5. SDA Line arbitration Arbitration Lost SDA from master1 1 SDA from master2 1 0 1 SDA 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 SCL 14.3.6. I2C communication flow Each I2C device is recognized by a unique address (whether it is a microcontroller, LCD driver, memory or keyboard interface) and can operate as either a transmitter or receiver, depending on the function of the device. An I2C slave will continue to detect addresses after a START condition on I2C bus and compare the detected address with its own address which is programmable by software. Once the two addresses match, the I2C slave will send an ACK to the I2C bus and responses 413 GD32F1x0 User Manual to the following command on I2C bus: transmitting or receiving desired data. Additionally, if General Call is enabled by software, an I2C slave always responses to a General Call Address (0x00). The I2C block support both 7-bit and 10-bit addresses. An I2C master always initiates or end a transfer using START or STOP condition and it’s also responsible for SCL clock generation. Figure 14-6. I2C communication flow with 7-bit address. Figure 14-7. I2C communication flow with 10-bit address. 14.3.7. Programming model An I2C device such as LCD driver may be only a receiver, whereas a memory can both receive and transmit data. In addition to transmitters and receivers, devices can also be considered as masters or slaves when performing data transfers. A master is the device which initiates a data transfer on the bus and generates the clock signals to permit that transfer. At that time, any device addressed is considered a slave. An I2C device is able to transmit or receive data whether it’s a master or a slave, thus, there’re 4 operation modes for an I2C device: Master Transmitter Master Receiver Slave Transmitter Slave Receiver I2C block supports all of the four I2C modes. After system reset, it works in slave mode. If it’s programmed by software and finished sending a START condition on I2C bus, it changes into master mode. The I2C changes back to slave mode after it’s programmed by software and 414 GD32F1x0 User Manual finished sending a STOP condition on I2C bus. Programming model in slave transmitting mode As it shows in figure below, software should follow these steps to operate I2C block in slave mode for transmitting some data to the I2C bus: 1. First of all, software should enable I2C peripheral clock as well as configure clock related registers in I2C_CTL1 to make sure correct I2C timing. After enabled and configured, I2C operates in its default slave state and waits for START condition followed by address on I2C bus. 2. After receiving a START condition followed by a matched address, either in 7-bit format or in 10-bit format, the I2C hardware sets the ADDSEND bit in I2C_STAT0 register, which should be monitored by software either by polling or interrupt. Now software should read I2C_STAT0 and then I2C_STAT1 to clear ADDSEND bit. If the address is in 10-bit format, the I2C master should then generate a repeated START (Sr) condition and send a header to the I2C bus. The slave sets ADDSEND bit again after it detects the repeated START (Sr) condition and the following header. Software also clears the ADDSEND bit again by reading I2C_STAT0 and then I2C_STAT1. 3. Now I2C enters data transmission stage and hardware sets TBE bit because both the shift register and data register I2C_DATA are empty. Software now write the first byte data to I2C_DATA register, but the TBE is not cleared because the written byte in I2C_DATA is moved to internal shift register immediately. The I2C begins to transmit data to I2C bus as soon as shift register is not empty. 4. During the first byte’s transmission, software can write the second byte to I2C_DATA, and this time TBE is cleared because neither I2C_DATA nor shift register is empty. 5. Any time TBE is set, software can write a byte to I2C_DATA as long as there are still data to be transmitted. 6. During the second last byte’s transmission, software writes the last data to I2C_DATA to clear the TBE flag and doesn’t care TBE anymore. So TBE will be seted after the byte’s transmission and not cleared until a STOP condition. 7. I2C master doesn’t acknowledge to the last byte according to the I2C protocol, so after sending the last byte, I2C slave will wait for the STOP condition on I2C bus and sets AERR (Acknowledge Error) bit to notify software that transmission completes. Software clears AERR bit by writing 0 to it. 415 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 14-8. Programming model for slave transmitting I2C Line State Hardware Action IDLE Software Flow 1) Software initialization Master generates START condition Master sends Header Slave sends Acknowledge Master sends Address Slave sends Acknowledge Master generates repeated START condition Master sends header Slave sends Acknowledge Set ADDSEND 2) Clear ADDSEND Set ADDSEND 2) Clear ADDSEND SCL stretched by slave Set TBE Slave sends DATA(1) Master sends Acknowledge 3) Write DATA(1) to I2C_DATA 4) Write DATA(2) to I2C_DATA Set TBE ……(Data transmission) 5) Write DATA(3) to I2C_DATA Set TBE Write DATA(x) to I2C_DATA Slave sends DATA(N-2) Master sends Acknowledge Set TBE Slave sends DATA(N-1) Master sends Acknowledge 6)Write DATA(N) to I2C_DATA Set TBE Slave sends DATA(N) Master DON'T send Ack Master generates STOP condition Set AE 7) Clear AE Clear TBE Programming model in slave receiving mode As it shows in figure below, software should follow these steps to operate I2C block in slave mode for receiving some data from the I2C bus: 1. First of all, software should enable I2C peripheral clock as well as configure clock related registers in I2C_CTL1 to make sure correct I2C timing. After enabled and configured, I2C operates in its default slave state and waits for START condition followed by address on I2C bus. 416 GD32F1x0 User Manual 2. After receiving a START condition followed by a matched 7-bit or 10-bit address, the I2C hardware sets the ADDSEND bit in I2C status register, which should be monitored by software either by polling or interrupt. Now software should read I2C_STAT0 and then I2C_STAT1 to clear ADDSEND bit. The I2C begins to receive data to I2C bus as soon as ADDSEND bit is cleared. 3. As soon as the first byte is received, RBNE is set by hardware. Software now can read the first byte from I2C_DATA and RBNE is cleared as well. 4. Any time RBNE is set, software can read a byte from I2C_DATA. 5. After last byte is received, RBNE is set. Software reads the last byte. 6. STPDET bit is set when I2C detects a STOP condition on I2C bus and software reads I2C_STAT0 and then writes I2C_CTL0 to clear the STPDET bit. Figure 14-9. Programming model for slave receiving I2C Line State Hardware Action Software Flow IDLE Master generates START condition 1) Software initialization Master sends Header Slave sends Acknowledge Master sends Address Slave sends Acknowledge Set ADDSEND 2) Clear ADDSEND SCL stretched by slave Master sends DATA(1) Slave sends Acknowledge Set RBNE 3) Read DATA(1) ……(Data transmission) Set RBNE 4) Read DATA(x) Master sends DATA(N) Slave sends Acknowledge Master generates STOP condition Set RBNE 5) Read DATA(N) Set STPDET 6) Clear STPDET Programming model in master transmitting mode As it shows in figure below, software should follow these steps to operate I2C block in master mode for transmitting some data to the I2C bus: 1. First of all, software should enable I2C peripheral clock as well as configure clock related 417 GD32F1x0 User Manual registers in I2C_CTL1 to make sure correct I2C timing. After enabled and configured, I2C operates in its default slave state and waits for START condition followed by address on I2C bus. 2. Software set START bit requesting I2C to generate a START condition to I2C bus. 3. After sending a START condition, the I2C hardware sets the SBSEND bit in I2C status register and enters master mode. Now software should clear the SBSEND bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and then writing a 7-bit address or header of a 10-bit address to I2C_DATA. I2C begins to send address or header to I2C bus as soon as SBSEND bit is cleared. If the address sent is a header of 10-bit address, the hardware sets ADD10SEND bit after sending header and software should clear the ADD10SEND bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and writing 10-bit lower address to I2C_DATA. 4. After the 7-bit or 10-bit address is sent, the I2C hardware sets the ADDSEND bit and software should clear the ADDSEND bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and then I2C_STAT1. 5. Now I2C enters data transmission stage and hardware sets TBE bit because both the shift register and data register I2C_DATA are empty. Software now write the first byte data to I2C_DATA register, but the TBE is not cleared because the written byte in I2C_DATA is moved to internal shift register immediately. The I2C begins to transmit data to I2C bus as soon as shift register is not empty. 6. During the first byte’s transmission, software can write the second byte to I2C_DATA, and this time TBE is cleared because neither I2C_DATA nor shift register is empty. 7. Any time TBE is set, software can write a byte to I2C_DATA as long as there are still data to be transmitted. 8. During the second last byte’s transmission, software writes the last data to I2C_DATA to clear the TBE flag and doesn’t care TBE anymore. So TBE will be asserted after the byte’s transmission and not cleared until a STOP condition. 9. After sending the last byte, I2C master sets BTC bit because both shift register and I2C_DATA are empty. Software should program a STOP request now, and the I2C clears both TBE and BTC flags after sending a STOP condition. 418 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 14-10. Programming model for master transmitting I2C Line State Hardware Action Software Flow 1) Software initialization IDLE Master generates START condition SCL stretched by master 2) Set GENSTA Set SBSEND 3) Clear SBSEND Master sends Header Slave sends Acknowledge SCL stretched by master Set ADD10SEND 4) Clear ADD10SEND Master sends Address Slave sends Acknowledge Set ADDSEND 4) Clear ADDSEND Set TBE 5) Write DATA(1) to I2C_DATA SCL stretched by master Master sends DATA(1) Slave sends Acknowledge 6) Write DATA(2) to I2C_DATA Set TBE ……(Data transmission) 7) Write DATA(3) to I2C_DATA Set TBE Write DATA(x) to I2C_DATA Master sends DATA(N-2) Slave sends Acknowledge Set TBE Master sends DATA(N-1) Slave sends Acknowledge 8)Write DATA(N) to I2C_DATA Set TBE Master sends DATA(N) Slave sends Acknowledge Set BTC SCL stretched by master 9) Set GENSTP Master generates STOP condition Programming model in master receiving mode In master receiving mode, a master is responsible for generating NACK for the last byte reception and then sending STOP condition on I2C bus. So, special attention should be paid to ensure the correct ending of data receiving. Two solutions for master receiving is provided here for your application: Solution A and B. Solution A requires the software’s quick response to I2C events, while Solution B doesn’t. Solution A 1. First of all, software should enable I2C peripheral clock as well as configure clock related registers in I2C_CTL1 to make sure correct I2C timing. After enabled and configured, 419 GD32F1x0 User Manual I2C operates in its default slave state and waits for START condition followed by address on I2C bus. 2. Software set START bit requesting I2C to generate a START condition to I2C bus. 3. After sending a START condition, the I2C hardware sets the SBSEND bit in I2C status register and enters master mode. Now software should clear the SBSEND bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and then writing a 7-bit address or header of a 10-bit address to I2C_DATA. I2C begins to send address or header to I2C bus as soon as SBSEND bit is cleared. If the address sent is a header of 10-bit address, the hardware sets ADD10SEND bit after sending header and software should clear the ADD10SEND bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and writing 10-bit lower address to I2C_DATA. 4. After the 7-bit or 10-bit address is sent, the I2C hardware sets the ADDSEND bit and software should clear the ADDSEND bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and then I2C_STAT1. If the address is in 10-bit format, software should then set START bit again to generate a repeated START condition on I2C bus and SBSEND is set after the repeated START is sent out. Software should clear the SBSEND bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and writing header to I2C_DATA. Then the header is sent out to I2C bus, and ADDSEND is set again. Software should again clear ADDSEND by reading I2C_STAT0 and then I2C_STAT1. 5. As soon as the first byte is received, RBNE is set by hardware. Software now can read the first byte from I2C_DATA and RBNE is cleared as well. 6. Any time RBNE is set, software can read a byte from I2C_DATA. 7. After the second last byte is received, the software should clear ACKEN bit and set STOP bit. These actions should complete before the end of the last byte’s receiving to ensure that NACK is sent for the last byte. 8. After last byte is received, RBNE is set. Software reads the last byte. I2C doesn’t send ACK to the last byte and generate a STOP condition after the transmission of the last byte. Above steps require byte number N>1. If N=1, Step 7 should be performed after Step 4 and completed before the end of the single byte’s receiving. 420 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 14-11. Programming model for master receiving using Solution A I2C Line State Hardware Action Software Flow 1) Software initialization IDLE 2) Set GENSTA START Condition SCL Strechd Set SBSEND 3) Clear SBSEND Master sends Header Slave sends Acknowledge SCL stretched by master Set ADD10SEND 4) Clear ADD10SEND Master sends Address Slave sends Acknowledge Set ADDSEND 4) Clear ADDSEND SCL stretched by master Master generates repeated START condition SCL stretched by master 4) Set GENSTA Set SBSEND 4) Clear SBSEND Master sends Header Slave sends Acknowledge Set ADDSEND 4) Clear ADDSEND SCL stretched by master Slave sends DATA(1) Master sends Acknowledge Set RBNE 5) Read DATA(1) ……(Data transmission) Set RBNE Read DATA(x) Slave sends DATA(N-1) Master sends Acknowledge Set RBNE Slave sends DATA(N) Master DON'T send Ack Master generates STOP condition 6) Read DATA(N-1) 7) Clear ACKEN,Set GENSTP Set RBNE 8) Read DATA(N) Solution B 1. First of all, software should enable I2C peripheral clock as well as configure clock related registers in I2C_CTL1 to make sure correct I2C timing. After enabled and configured, I2C operates in its default slave state and waits for START condition followed by address on I2C bus. 2. Software set START bit requesting I2C to generate a START condition to I2C bus. 3. After sending a START condition, the I2C hardware sets the SBSEND bit in I2C status 421 GD32F1x0 User Manual register and enters master mode. Now software should clear the SBSEND bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and then writing a 7-bit address or header of a 10-bit address to I2C_DATA. I2C begins to send address or header to I2C bus as soon as SBSEND bit is cleared. If the address sent is a header of 10-bit address, the hardware sets ADD10SEND bit after sending header and software should clear the ADD10SEND bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and writing 10-bit lower address to I2C_DATA. 4. After the 7-bit or 10-bit address is sent, the I2C hardware sets the ADDSEND bit and software should clear the ADDSEND bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and then I2C_STAT1. If the address is in 10-bit format, software should then set START bit again to generate a repeated START condition on I2C bus and SBSEND is set after the repeated START is sent out. Software should clear the SBSEND bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and writing header to I2C_DATA. Then the header is sent out to I2C bus, and ADDSEND is set again. Software should again clear ADDSEND by reading I2C_STAT0 and then I2C_STAT1. 5. As soon as the first byte is received, RBNE is set by hardware. Software now can read the first byte from I2C_DATA and RBNE is cleared as well. 6. Any time RBNE is set, software can read a byte from I2C_DATA until the master receives N-3 bytes. 7. As shown in Figure 14-12, the N-2 byte is not read out by software, so after the N-1 byte is received, both BTC and RBNE are asserted. The bus is stretched by master to prevent the reception of the last byte. Then software should clear ACKEN bit. 8. Software reads out N-2 byte, clearing BTC. After this the N-1 byte is moved from shift register to I2C_DATA and bus is released and begins to receive the last byte. 9. After last byte is received, both BTC and RBNE is set again. Software sets STOP bit and master sends out a STOP condition on bus. 10. Software reads the N-1 byte, clearing BTC. After this the last byte is moved from shift register to I2C_DATA. 11. Software reads the last byte, clearing RBNE. Above steps require that byte number N>2. N=1 or N=2 are similar: N=1 In Step4, software should reset ACK bit before clearing ADDSEND bit and set STOP bit after clearing ADDSEND bit. Step 5 is the last step when N=1. N=2 In Step 2, software should set POAP bit before set START bit. In Step 4, software should reset ACKEN bit before clearing ADDSEND bit. In Step 5, software should wait until BTC is set and then set STOP bit and reads I2C_DATA twice. 422 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 14-12. Programming model for master receiving using Solution B I2C Line State Hardware Action Software Flow 1) Software initialization IDLE Master generates START condition SCL stretched by master 2) Set GENSTA Set SBSEND 3) Clear SBSEND Master sends Header Slave sends Acknowledge SCL stretched by master Set ADD10SEND 4) Clear ADD10SEND Master sends Address Slave sends Acknowledge Set ADDSEND 4) Clear ADDSEND SCL stretched by master Master generates repeated START condition SCL stretched by master 4) Set GENSTA Set SBSEND 4) Clear SBSEND Master sends Header Slave sends Acknowledge Set ADDSEND 4) Clear ADDSEND SCL stretched by master Slave sends DATA(1) Master sends Acknowledge ……(Data transmission) Slave sends DATA(N-2) Master sends Acknowledge Set RBNE 5) Read DATA(1) Set RBNE 6) Read DATA(N-3) Set RBNE Slave sends DATA(N-1) Master sends Acknowledge Set RBNE and BTC 7) Clear ACKEN SCL stretched by master 8) Read DATA(N-2) Slave sends DATA(N) Master DON'T send Ack Set RBNE and BTC 7) Set GENSTP SCL stretched by master Master generates STOP condition 8) Read DATA(N-1) 9) Read DATA(N) 423 GD32F1x0 User Manual Programming model for DMA mode As is shown in Programming Model, each time TBE or RBNE is asserted, software should write or read a byte, this may cause CPU’s high overload. DMA can be used to process TBE and RBNE flag: each time TBE or RBNE is asserted. DMA does a read or write operation automatically. 14.3.8. Packet error checking There is a CRC-8 calculator in I2C block to perform Packet Error Checking for I2C data. The polynomial of the CRC is x8 + x2 + x + 1 which is compatible with the SMBus protocol. If enabled by setting PECEN bit, the PEC will calculate all the data transmitted through I2C including address. I2C is able to send out the PEC value after the last data byte or check the received PEC value with its calculated PEC using the PECTRANS bit. In DMA mode, the I2C will send or check PEC value automatically if PECEN bit is set. 14.3.9. SMBus support The System Management Bus (abbreviated to SMBus or SMB) is a single-ended simple twowire bus for the purpose of lightweight communication. Most commonly it is found in computer motherboards for communication with the power source for ON/OFF instructions.It is derived from I2C for communication with low-bandwidth devices on a motherboard, especially power related chips such as a laptop's rechargeable battery subsystem (see Smart Battery Data). SMBus protocol Each message transaction on SMBus follows the format of one of the defined SMBus protocols. The SMBus protocols are a subset of the data transfer formats defined in the I2C specifications. I2C devices that can be accessed through one of the SMBus protocols are compatible with the SMBus specifications. I2C devices that do not adhere to these protocols cannot be accessed by standard methods as defined in the SMBus and Advanced Configuration and Power Management Interface (abbreviated to ACPI) specifications. Address resolution protocol The SMBus uses I2C hardware and I2C hardware addressing, but adds second-level software for building special systems. Additionally, its specifications include an Address Resolution Protocol that can make dynamic address allocations. Dynamic reconfiguration of the hardware and software allow bus devices to be ‘hot-plugged’ and used immediately, without restarting the system. The devices are recognized automatically and assigned unique addresses. This advantage results in a plug-and-play user interface. In both those protocols there is a very useful distinction made between a System Host and all the other devices in the system that can have the names and functions of masters or slaves. 424 GD32F1x0 User Manual Time-out feature SMBus has a time-out feature which resets devices if a communication takes too long. This explains the minimum clock frequency of 10 kHz to prevent locking up the bus. I2C can be a ‘DC’ bus, meaning that a slave device stretches the master clock when performing some routine while the master is accessing it. This will notify to the master that the slave is busy but does not want to lose the communication. The slave device will allow continuation after its task is completed. There is no limit in the I2C bus protocol as to how long this delay can be, whereas for a SMBus system, it would be limited to 35ms. SMBus protocol just assumes that if something takes too long, then it means that there is a problem on the bus and that all devices must reset in order to clear this mode. Slave devices are not allowed to hold the clock low too long. Packet error checking SMBus 2.0 and 1.1 allow enabling Packet Error Checking (PEC). In that mode, a PEC (packet error code) byte is appended at the end of each transaction. The byte is calculated as CRC8 checksum, calculated over the entire message including the address and read/write bit. The polynomial used is x8+x2+x+1 (the CRC-8-ATM HEC algorithm, initialized to zero). SMBus alert The SMBus has an extra optional shared interrupt signal called SMBALERT# which can be used by slaves to tell the host to ask its slaves about events of interest. SMBus also defines a less common "Host Notify Protocol", providing similar notifications but passing more data and building on the I2C multi-master mode. SMBus programming flow The programming flow for SMBus is similar to normal I2C. In order to use SMBus mode, the application should configure several SMBus specific registers, response to some SMBus specific flags and implement the upper protocols described in SMBus specification. 1. Before communication, SMBEN bit in I2C_CTL0 should be set and SMBSEL and ARPEN bits should be configured to desired value. 2. In order to support ARP protocol (ARPEN=1), the software should response to HSTSMB flag in SMBus Host Mode (SMBTYPE =1) or DEFSMB flag in SMBus Device Mode, and implement the function of ARP protocol. 3. In order to support SMBus Alert Mode, the software should response to SMBALTS flag and implement the related function. 14.3.10. Status, errors and interrupts There are several status and error flags in I2C, and interrupt may be asserted from these flags by setting some register bits (refer to I2C register for detail). 425 GD32F1x0 User Manual Table 14-2. Event status flags Event Flag Name Description SBSEND START condition sent (master) ADDSEND Address sent or received ADD10SEND Header of 10-bit address sent STPDET STOP condition detected BTC Byte transmission completed TBE I2C_DATA is empty when transmitting RBNE I2C_DATA is not empty when receiving Table 14-3. I2C error flags I2C Error Name Description BE Bus error LOSTARB Arbitration lost Over-run or under-run when SCL stretch is OUERR disabled. AERR No acknowledge received PECERR CRC value doesn’t match SMBTO Bus timeout in SMBus mode SMBALTS SMBus Alert 14.4. I2C registers 14.4.1. Control register 0 (I2C_CTL0) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 SRESET Reserved SALT PECTRANS POAP ACKEN STOP START rw rw rw rw rw rw 7 DISSTRC rw rw 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GCEN PECEN ARPEN SMBSEL Reserved SMBEN I2CEN rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15 SRESET Software reset I2C, software should wait until the I2C lines are released to reset rw the I2C 0: I2C is not under reset 1: I2C is under reset 14 Reserved Must be kept the reset value 13 SALT Software can set and clear this bit and hardware can clear this bit. 0: Don’t issue alert through SMBA 426 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: Issue alert through SMBA pin 12 PECTRANS PEC Transfer Software sets and clears this bit while hardware clears this bit when PEC is transferred or START/STOP condition detectedor I2CEN=0 0: Don’t transfer PEC value 1: Transfer PEC 11 POAP Position of ACK/PEC’s meaning This bit is set and cleared by software and cleared by hardware when I2CEN=0 0: ACKEN bit decides whether to send ACK or not for the current byte that is being received. PEC bit indicates that PECTRANS is in shift register 1: ACKEN bit decides whether to send ACK or not for the next byte, PECTRANS bit indicates that the next byte to be received is PEC 10 ACKEN Whether or not to send an ACK This bit is set and cleared by software and cleared by hardware when I2CEN=0 0: ACK will not be sent 1: ACK will be sent 9 STOP Generate a STOP condition on I2C bus This bit is set and cleared by software and set by hardware when SMBUs timeout and cleared by hardware when STOP condition detected. 0: STOP will not be sent 1: STOP will be sent 8 START Generate a START condition on I2C bus This bit is set and cleared by software and and cleared by hardware when START condition detected or I2CEN=0 0: START will not be sent 1: START will be sent 7 DISSTRC Whether to stretch SCL low when data is not ready in slave mode. This bit is set and cleared by software. 0: SCL Stretching is enabled 1: SCL Stretching is disabled 6 GCEN Whether or not to response to a General Call (0x00) 0: Slave won’t response to a General Call 1: Slave will response to a General Call 5 PECEN PEC Calculation Switch 0: PEC Calculation off 1: PEC Calculation on 4 ARPEN ARP protocol in SMBus switch 0: ARP is disabled 427 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: ARP is enabled 3 SMBSEL SMBusType Selection 0: Device 1: Host 2 Reserved Must keep the reset value 1 SMBEN SMBus/I2C mode switch 0: I2C mode 1: SMBus mode 0 I2CEN I2C peripheral enable 0: I2C is disabled 1: I2C is enabled 14.4.2. Control register 1 (I2C_CTL1) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 13 Reserved 12 11 10 9 8 DMALST DMAON BUFIE EVIE ERRIE rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:13 Reserved Must be kept the reset value 12 DMALST Flag indicating DMA last transfer 7 6 5 Reserved 4 3 2 1 0 I2CCLK[5:0] rw 0: Next DMA EOT is not the last transfer 1: Next DMA EOT is the last transfer 11 DMAON DMA mode switch 0: DMA mode disabled 1: DMA mode enabled 10 BUFIE Buffer interrupt enable 0: No interrupt asserted when TBE = 1 or RBNE = 1 1: Interrupt asserted when TBE = 1 or RBNE = 1 if ITEVTEN=1 9 EVIE Event interrupt enable 0: Event interrupt disabled 1: Event interrupt enabled, means that interrupt will be generated when SBSEND, ADDSEND, ADD10SEND, STPDET or BTC flag asserted or TBE=1 or RBNE=1 if BUFIE=1. 428 GD32F1x0 User Manual 8 ERRIE Error interrupt enable 0: Error interrupt disabled 1: Error interrupt enabled, means that interrupt will be generated when BE, LOSTARB, AERR, OUERR, PECERR, SMBTO or SMBALTS flag asserted. 7:6 Reserved Must be kept the reset value 5:0 I2CCLK[5:0] I2C Peripheral clock frequency I2CCLK[5:0] should be the frequency of input APB clock in MHz which is at least 2. 0h - 1h: Not allowed 2h - 36h: 2 MHz~36MHz 37h - 63h: Not allowed due to the limitation of APB clock 14.4.3. Slave address register 0 (I2C_SADDR0) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 13 ADDFORMAT 12 11 10 9 Reserved 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ADDRESS[9:8] ADDRESS[7:1] ADDRESS0 rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15 ADDFORMAT Address mode for the I2C slave 0: 7-bit Address 1: 10-bit Address 14:10 Reserved Must be kept the reset value 9:8 ADDRESS[9:8] Highest two bits of a 10-bit address 7:1 ADDRESS[7:1] 7-bit address or bits 7:1 of a 10-bit address 0 ADDRESS0 Bit 0 of a 10-bit address 14.4.4. Slave address register 1 (I2C_SADDR1) Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ADDRESS2[7:1] DUADEN rw rw 429 GD32F1x0 User Manual Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept the reset value 7:1 ADDRESS2[7:1] Second I2C address for the slave in Dual-Address mode 0 DUADEN Dual-Address mode switch 0: Dual-Address mode disabled 1: Aual-Address mode enabled 14.4.5. Transfer buffer register (I2C_DATA) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Reserved 3 2 1 0 TRB[7:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept the reset value 7:0 TRB[7:0] Transmission or reception data buffer register 14.4.6. Transfer status register 0 (I2C_STAT0) Address offset: 0x14 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 SMBALTS SMBTO Reserved PECERR OUERR AERR LOSTARB rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 Bits Fields Descriptions 15 SMBALTS SMBus Alert status 8 BE rc_w0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TBE RBNE Reserved STPDET ADD10SEND BTC ADDSEND SBSEND r r r r r r r This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 0. 0: SMBA pin not pulled down (device mode) or no Alert detected (host mode) 1: SMBA pin pulled down (device mode) or Alert detected (host mode) 14 SMBTO Timeout signal in SMBus mode This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 0. 0: No timeout error 430 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: Timeout event occurs (SCL is low for 25 ms) 13 Reserved Must keep the reset value 12 PECERR PEC error when receiving data This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 0. 0: Received PEC and calculated PEC match 1: Received PEC and calculated PEC don’t match, I2C will send NACK careless of ACKEN bit. 11 OUERR Over-run or under-run situation occurs in slave mode, when SCL stretching is disabled. In slave receiving mode, if the last byte in I2C_DATA is not read out while the following byte is already received, over-run occurs. In slave transmitting mode, if the current byte is already sent out, while the I2C_DATA is still empty, under-run occurs. This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 0. 0: No over-run or under-run occurs 1: Over-run or under-run occurs 10 AERR Acknowledge Error This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 0. 0: No Acknowledge Error 1: Acknowledge Error 9 LOSTARB Arbitration Lost in master mode This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 0. 0: No Arbitration Lost 1: Arbitration Lost occurs and the I2C block changes back to slave mode. 8 BE A bus error occurs indication an unexpected START or STOP condition on I2C bus This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 0. 0: No bus error 1: A bus error detected 7 TBE I2C_DATA is Empty during transmitting This bit is set by hardware after it moves a byte from I2C_DATA to shift register and cleared by writing a byte to I2C_DATA. If both the shift register and I2C_DATA are empty, writing I2C_DATA won’t clear TBE (refer to Programming Model for detail). 0: I2C_DATA is not empty 1: I2C_DATA is empty, software can write 6 RBNE TRBR is not Empty during receiving This bit is set by hardware after it moves a byte from shift register to I2C_DATA and cleared by reading it. If both BTC and RBNE are asserted, reading I2C_DATA won’t clear RBNE because the shift register’s byte is moved to I2C_DATA immediately. 0: TRBR is empty 431 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: TRBR is not empty, software can read 5 Reserved Must be kept the reset value 4 STPDET STOP condition detected in slave mode This bit is set by hardware and cleared by reading I2C_STAT0 and then writing I2C_CTL0 0: STOP condition not detected in slave mode 1: STOP condition detected in slave mode 3 ADD10SEND Header of 10-bit address is sent in master mode This bit is set by hardware and cleared by reading I2C_STAT0 and writing I2C_DATA. 0: No header of 10-bit address sent in master mode 1: Header of 10-bit address is sent in master mode 2 BTC Byte transmission completed. If a byte is already received in shift register but I2C_DATA is still full in receiving mode or a byte is already sent out from shift register but I2C_DATA is still empty in transmitting mode, the BTC flag is asserted if SCL stretching enabled. This bit is set by hardware and cleared by reading I2C_STAT0 and reading or writing I2C_DATA. 0: BTC not asserted 1: BTC asserted 1 ADDSEND Address is sent in master mode or received and matches in slave mode. This bit is set by hardware and cleared by reading I2C_STAT0 and reading I2C_STAT1. 0: No address sent or received 1: Address sent out in master mode or a matched address is received in salve mode 0 SBSEND START condition sent out in master mode This bit is set by hardware and cleared by reading I2C_STAT0 and writing I2C_DATA 0: No START condition sent 1: START condition sent 14.4.7. Transfer status register 1 (I2C_STAT1) Address offset: 0x18 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 ECV[7:0] 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DUMODF HSTSMB DEFSMB RXGC Reserved TRS I2CBSY MASTER 432 GD32F1x0 User Manual r r r r r r r r Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 ECV[7:0] Packet Error Checking Value that calculated by hardware when PEC is enabled. 7 DUMODF Dual Flag in slave mode indicating which address is matched in Dual-Address mode This bit is cleared by hardware after a STOP or a START condition or I2CEN=0 0: SADDR0 address matches 1: SADDR1 address matches 6 HSTSMB SMBus Host Header detected in slave mode This bit is cleared by hardware after a STOP or a START condition or I2CEN=0 0: No SMBus Host Header detected 1: SMBus Host Header detected 5 DEFSMB SMBus host header in slave mode This bit is cleared by hardware after a STOP or a START condition or I2CEN=0. 0: SMBus Device has no default address 1: Received a default address for SMBus Device 4 RXGC General call address (00h) received. This bit is cleared by hardware after a STOP or a START condition or I2CEN=0. 0: No general call address (00h) received 1: General call address (00h) received 3 Reserved Must be kept the reset value 2 TRS Whether the I2C is a transmitter or a receiver This bit is cleared by hardware after a STOP or a START condition or I2CEN=0 or LOSTARB. 0: Receiver 1: Transmitter 1 I2CBSY Busy flag This bit is cleared by hardware after a STOP condition 0: No I2C communication. 1: I2C communication active. 0 MASTER A flag indicating whether I2C block is in master or slave mode. This bit is cleared by hardware after a STOP or a START condition or I2CEN=0 or LOSTARB. 0: Slave mode 1: Master mode 433 GD32F1x0 User Manual 14.4.8. Clock configure register (I2C_CKCFG) Address offset: 0x1C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 FAST DTCY rw rw 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 CLKC[11:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15 FAST I2C speed selection in master mode 0: Standard speed 1: Fast speed 14 DTCY Duty cycle in fast mode 0: Tlow /Thigh = 2 1: Tlow /Thigh = 16/9 13:12 Reserved Must be kept the reset value 11:0 CLKC[11:0] I2C Clock control in master mode In standard speed mode: Thigh = Tlow = CLKC ∗ TPCLK1 In fast speed mode if DTCY=0: Thigh = CLKC ∗ TPCLK1 , Tlow = 2 ∗ CLKC ∗ TPCLK1 In fast speed mode if DTCY=1: Thigh = 9 ∗ CLKC ∗ TPCLK1 , Tlow = 16 ∗ CLKC ∗ TPCLK1 14.4.9. Rise time register (I2C_RT) Address offset: 0x20 Reset value: 0x0002 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved 6 5 4 RISETIME[5:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:6 Reserved Must be kept the reset value 5:0 RISETIME[5:0] Maximum rise time in master mode The RISETIME value should be the maximum SCL rise time incremented by 1. 434 GD32F1x0 User Manual 14.4.10. SAM control and status register (I2C_SAMCS) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x80 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 13 12 RFR RFF TFR TFF r_w0 r_w0 r_w0 11 10 Reserved 9 8 7 6 5 4 RXF TXF RFRIE RFFIE TFRIE TFFIE r_w0 r r rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15 RFR Rxframe rise flag, cleared by software write 0 14 RFF Rxframe fall flag, cleared by software write 0 13 TFR Txframe rise flag, cleared by software write 0 12 TFF Txframe fall flag, cleared by software write 0 11:10 Reserved Must be kept the reset value 9 RXF Level of Rxframe signal 8 TXF Level of Txframe signal 7 RFRIE Rxframe rise interrupt enable rw rw 3 2 1 0 STOE SAME N N rw rw Reserved 0: Disable 1: Enable 6 RFFIE Rxframe fall interrupt enable 0: Disable 1: Enable 5 TFRIE Txframe rise interrupt enable 0: Disable 1: Enable 4 TFFIE Txframe fall interrupt enable 0: Disable 1: Enable 3:2 Reserved Must be kept the reset value 1 STOEN SAM_V interface timeout detect enable 0: Disable 1: Enable 435 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0 SAMEN SAM_V interface enable 0: Disable 1: Enable 436 GD32F1x0 User Manual 15. Serial peripheral interface/Inter-IC sound(SPI/I2S) 15.1. Introduction The SPI/I2S module can communicate with external devices using the SPI protocol or the I2S audio protocol. The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) provides a SPI protocol data transmit and receive function in both master and slave mode. For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices, the SPI Interface supports single wire configuration in both master and slave mode. But for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices, the SPI Interface also supports quad wire configuration in master mode except supporting single wire configuration. In single wire configuration, the SPI interface uses 4 pins, among which are the serial data input and output lines MISO and MOSI, the clock line (SCK), and the slave select line (NSS). In quad wire configuration, SPI uses 6 pins: MOSI, MISO, IO2, IO3, SCK and NSS. One SPI device acts as a master which controls the data flow using the NSS and SCK signals to indicate the start of the data communication and the data sampling rate. To receive a data byte, the streamed data bits are latched on a specific clock edge and stored in the Data transfer register. Data transmission is carried in a similar way but with a reverse sequence. The configuration fault detection provides a capability for multi-master applications. The SPI interface may be used for a variety of purposes, including simplex synchronous transfers on two lines with a possible bidirectional data line or reliable communication using CRC checking. The inter-IC sound function supports four audio standards, including I2S Phillips standard, MSB justified standard, LSB justified standard, and PCM standard. It can operate in four modes, including master transmission mode, master reception mode, slave transmission mode, and slave reception mode. 15.2. Main features 15.2.1. SPI features Master or slave operation Programmable clock bit rate Programmable clock polarity and phase Separate transmit and receive buffer, 16 bits wide Programmable data frame size, 8 or 16 bits Programmable data order, transmit MSB-first or LSB-first Hardware CRC calculation and transmit automatic CRC error checking 437 GD32F1x0 User Manual Full-duplex synchronous transfers on three lines Simplex synchronous transfers on two lines NSS work in software mode or hardware mode for both master and slave SPI bus busy status flag Transmission and reception flags with interrupt capability Master configuration fault, overrun and CRC error flags with interrupt capability Transmission and reception by DMA capability For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices, additional features are shown below. 15.2.2. Quad wire configuration available in master mode(SPI1) I2S features Supported I2S standards: I2S Phillips standard MSB justified standard LSB justified standard PCM standard (both short and long frame synchronization mode) Supported operation modes: Master transmission Master reception Slave transmission Slave reception The data length can be 16 bits, 24 bits or 32 bits The channel length can be 16 bits or 32 bits 16-bit shift register for transmission and reception Data direction is always MSB first 8-bit programmable linear prescaler to reach accurate audio sample frequencies from 8 kHz to 192 kHz Programmable idle state clock polarity Master clock can be output to drive an external audio component Error flags including the transmission underrun error flag (TXURERR) and the reception 438 GD32F1x0 User Manual overrun error flag (RXORERR) DMA capability for both transmission and reception 15.3. SPI function description 15.3.1. Pin configuration (Single wire, default) The SPI is connected to external devices through 2-4 pins in different modes: MISO: This pin is used to receive data in master mode (Master In) or transmit data in slave mode (Slave Out). MOSI: This pin is used to transmit data in master mode (Master Out) or receive data in slave mode (Slave In). SCK: This pin is used to output clock in master mode or receive clock in slave mode. NSS: In hardware mode (SWNSSEN bit is cleared), the NSS pin can be used as an input. The NSS pin should be driven high in master mode or driven low in slave mode. It was a fault if the NSS pin is driven low in master mode, CONFERR bit will be set and MSTMOD will be cleared by hardware. The NSS pin is driven high in slave mode which means the chip is not selected, the SPI would not work until the NSS pin is driven low. In software mode (SWNSSEN bit is set), the SWNSS bit replaces the function of the NSS pin, the NSS pin can be used as a standard IO ports. In addition, the NSS pin can be used as an output in master mode when NSSDRV is set, the NSS pin will be driven low when SPI starts. Typical interconnections between a single master and a single slave: Figure 15-1. Single master/ single slave application Master Slaver Receive buffer 8/16-bit shift register Receive buffer MOSI MOSI MISO MISO Transmit buffer PCLK PSC 8/16-bit shift register Transmit buffer SCK SCK NSS NSS VDD The MOSI pins are connected, the MISO pins are connected and the SCK pins are connected. 439 GD32F1x0 User Manual Data is transferred from master to slave by MOSI line and transferred from slave to master by MISO line. The clock is created in master and transferred to slave by SCK. In hardware mode (SWNSSEN bit is cleared), the NSS is driven high in master mode or driven low in slave mode; in software mode (SWNSSEN bit is set), the NSS pin is not used. The master device controls the communication by the clock. When the master device transmits data to the slave device via MOSI pin, it sends clock to the slave device at same time via SCK pin, the slave receives data via MOSI pin and transmits data via MISO pin according to the clock. The NSS pin can be used in software mode or hardware mode by the SWNSSEN bit in the SPI_CTL0 register. Hardware NSS mode (SWNSSEN = 0) Depending on the NSSDRV bit in SPI_CTL1 register, the NSS pin can be used as input or output (only in master mode). – NSS output enabled (SWNSSEN = 0, NSSDRV = 1) This configuration is used only in master mode. The NSS signal is driven low when the master starts the communication (start to transmit clock) and is kept low until the SPI is disabled. – NSS output disabled (SWNSSEN = 0, NSSDRV = 0) The NSS pin is used as input. In master mode, the NSS pin should be driven high. In slave mode, the NSS pin acts as a chip select, the slave is selected when NSS is low and deselected when NSS high. Software NSS mode (SWNSSEN = 1) The SWNSS bit in SPI_CTL0 replace the function of the NSS pin, in master mode, the SWNSS bit should be set. In slave mode, the slave is selected when SWNSS is cleared and deselected when SWNSS is set. The NSS pin is not used in SPI communication. Clock phase and clock polarity Using the CKPL and CKPH bits in SPI_CTL0 register, four types of the timing relationship can be configured. The CKPL bit controls the steady state value of the clock. If the CKPL is cleared, the SCK pin is low when idle. If the CKPL is set, the SCK pin is high when idle. The CKPH determines the timing of capturing the data. If the CKPH is cleared, capturing the first data at the first edge on the SCK pin. If the CKPH is set, capturing the first data at the second edge on the SCK pin. The following figure shows an SPI transfer with the four types of timing relationship: 440 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 15-2. SPI data clock timing diagram CKPH=0 CKPL= 1 CKPL= 0 MISO MOSI NSS (SLAVE) Capture CKPH=1 CKPL= 1 CKPL= 0 MISO MOSI NSS (SLAVE) Capture Data frame format Data can be shifted out either MSB-first or LSB-first depending on the value of the LF bit in the SPI_CTL0 Register. Depending on the LF bit in SPI_CTL0 register, the MSB (LF=0) or the LSB (LF=1) will be sent out at first. And the length of data is 8 bits or 16 bits depending on the FF16 bit in the SPI_CTL0 register. 15.3.2. Pin configuration (Quad wire) for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices SPI is in single wire configuration by default and enters into quad wire mode after QMOD bit in SPI_QCTL register is set (only available in SPI1). The SPI is connected to external devices through 6 pins in quad wire configuration: MOSI: This pin is used to transmit data in quad write mode and receive data in quad read mode. 441 GD32F1x0 User Manual MISO: This pin is used to transmit data in quad write mode and receive data in quad read mode. IO2: This pin is used to transmit data in quad write mode and receive data in quad read mode. IO3: This pin is used to transmit data in quad write mode and receive data in quad read mode. SCK: The configuration and behavior of SCK pin is the same as single wire mode except that there are only 2 clock cycles per data frame in quad wire configuration. Data frame format: The frame length is fixed to 8 bits in quad wire mode, as shown below. Figure 15-3. SPI data clock timing diagram in quad wire mode (CKPL=1, CKPH=1) SCK MOSI D[4] D[0] D[4] D[0] MISO D[5] D[1] D[5] D[1] IO2 D[6] D[2] D[6] D[2] IO3 D[7] D[3] D[7] D[3] NSS(slave) Capture 15.3.3. SPI slave mode In slave mode, the serial clock is received from master device, the PSC[2:0] bits in the SPI_CTL0 register are useless. The communication is controlled by the master device and the slave should be enabled before the master sends the clock. SPI slave mode configuration steps: 1. Program data format (FF16 bit in the SPI_CTL0 register). 2. Program the timing relationships (CKPL and CKPH bits in the SPI_CTL0 register). They must be configured in the same way as the master device. 3. Program the frame format (LF bit in the SPI_CTL0 register), it must be same as the master device. 442 GD32F1x0 User Manual 4. Program the NSS mode (SWNSSEN bit in the SPI_CTL0 register). In hardware mode (SWNSSEN=0), the NSS pin must be connected to a low level signal during transmit sequence. In software mode (SWNSSEN=1), the SWNSS bit in the SPI_CTL0 register must be cleared during transmit sequence. 5. Set the slave mode (Clear the MSTMOD bit). Enable the SPI (set the SPIEN bit). Transmit sequence The slave transmit begins when the slave receives the clock via the SCK pin, the LSB or MSB transmit on its MOSI pin, the other bits are loaded from transmit buffer to shift-register. The TBE bit is set and the software writes the second data to the transmit buffer if it is necessary. The hardware transmits the bits in the shift-register according the clock received. Receive sequence After the last sampling clock edge, data transfer is complete, the data in shift register is copied to receive buffer and the RBNE bit in SPI_STAT register is set. Reading SPI_DATA returns the data in receive buffer and the RBNE bit is cleared by reading the SPI_DATA register. 15.3.4. SPI master mode In the master configuration, the serial clock is generated on the SCK pin. In master mode, the serial clock is generated by the PCLK (PCLK2 for SPI0 or PCLK1 for SPI1), the PSC[2:0] is the baud rate. SPI master mode configuration steps: 1. Program the PSC[2:0] bits to define the baud rate. 2. Program data format (FF16 bit in the SPI_CTL0 register). 3. Program the timing relationships (CKPL and CKPH bits in the SPI_CTL0 register). They must be configured in the same way as the slave device. 4. Program the frame format (LF bit in the SPI_CTL0 register), it must be same as the slave device. 5. Program the NSS mode (SWNSSEN bit in the SPI_CTL0 register). If the NSS pin is used as input, in hardware mode (SWNSSEN=0), the NSS pin must be connected to a high level signal. In software mode (SWNSSEN=1), the SWNSS bit in the SPI_CTL0 register must be set. If the NSS pin is used as output, the NSSDRV bit should be set, and the NSS pin will be driven low when the transfer begins. 6. Set the master mode (Set the MSTMOD bit). Enable the SPI (set the SPIEN bit). Transmit sequence The master transmit begins when a data is written in the transmit buffer, the LSB or MSB 443 GD32F1x0 User Manual transmit on its MOSI pin, the other bits are loaded from transmit buffer to shift-register. The TBE bit is set after the data is loaded from transmit buffer to shift-register. A continuous data can be transmitted if the data is put in the transmit buffer. Write SPI_DATA register when the TBE bit is set. Receive sequence After the last sampling clock edge, data transfer is complete, the data in shift register is copied to receive buffer and the RBNE bit in SPI_STAT register is set. Reading SPI_DATA returns the data in receive buffer and the RBNE bit is cleared by reading the SPI_DATA register. 15.3.5. SPI quad wire operation in master mode for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices The SPI quad wire mode is designed to control quad SPI flash, including but not limited to GD25QXX serials flash chip. In order to enter quad wire mode, the software should first verify that the TBE bit is set and TRANS bit is cleared, and then set QMOD bit in SPI_QCTL register. In quad wire mode, BDEN, BDOEN, CRCERRN, CRCNT, FF16, RO and LF in SPI_CTL0 register should be kept cleared and MSTMOD should be set to ensure that SPI is in master mode. SPIEN, PSC, CKPL and CKPH should be configured as desired. There are 2 operation modes in quad wire configuration: quad write and quad read, decided by QRD bit in SPI_QCTL register. Quad write operation SPI works in quad write mode when QMOD is set and QRD is cleared in SPI_QCTL register. In this mode, MOSI, MISO, IO2 and IO3 are all used as output pins. SPI begins to generate clock on SCK line and transmit data on MOSI, MISO, IO2 and IO3 as soon as TBE is cleared (SPI_DATA not empty) and SPIEN is set. Once SPI starts transmission, it always checks SPIEN and TBE status at the end of a frame and stops when condition not met. The operation flow for transmitting in quad mode: 1. Configure clock presales, clock polarity, phase, etc in SPI_CTL0 and SPI_CTL1 based on your application requirements. 2. Set QMOD bit in SPI_QCTL register and then enable SPI by setting SPIEN in SPI_CTL0. 3. Write the byte to SPI_DATA register and the TBE will be cleared. 4. Wait until TBE be set by hardware again before writing the next byte. 444 GD32F1x0 User Manual Software Write SPI_DATA Hadware Set TBE again TBE SCK MOSI D1[4] D1[0] D2[4] D2[0] MISO D1[5] D1[1] D2[5] D2[1] IO2 D1[6] D1[2] D2[6] D2[2] IO3 D1[7] D1[3] D2[7] D2[3] Quad read operation SPI works in quad read mode when QMOD and QRD both set in SPI_QCTL register. In this mode, MOSI, MISO, IO2 and IO3 are all used as input pins. SPI begins to generate clock on SCK line as soon as TBE is cleared (SPI_DATA not empty) and SPIEN is set. Once SPI starts transmission, it always checks SPIEN and TBE status at the end of a frame and stops when condition not met. So, software should always write dummy data into SPI_DATA to make SPI generate SCK and receive data. The operation flow for receiving in quad mode: 1. Configure clock presales, clock polarity, phase, etc in SPI_CTL0 and SPI_CTL1 based on your application requirements. 2. Set QMOD and QRD bits in SPI_QCTL register and then enable SPI by setting SPIEN in SPI_CTL0. 3. Write an arbitrary byte (for example, 0xFF) to SPI_DATA register. 4. Wait the RBNE flag set and read SPI_DATA to get the received byte. 5. Write an arbitrary byte (for example, 0xFF) to SPI_DATA to receive the next byte. 445 GD32F1x0 User Manual Hadware Set TBE Software Write SPI_DATA Software Write SPI_DATA Software Read SPI_DATA TBE SCK RBNE MOSI D1[4] D1[0] D2[4] D2[0] MISO D1[5] D1[1] D2[5] D2[1] IO2 D1[6] D1[2] D2[6] D2[2] IO3 D1[7] D1[3] D2[7] D2[3] Leave quad wire mode or disable SPI Before leaving quad wire mode or disabling SPI, software should first check that TBE bit is set and TRANS bit is cleared, then clear the QMOD bit in SPI_QCTL register or SPIEN bit in SPI_CTL0 register. 15.3.6. SPI simplex communication The SPI is able to work in simplex mode in 2 configurations. 1. Set the BDEN bit in the SPI_CTL0 register. The clock is transmitted from the SCK pin of master to the SCK pin of slave. The data is transmitted between the MOSI pin of the master and the MISO pin of the slave. The transfer direction is defined by the BDOEN bit in the SPI_CTL0 register, the BDOEN bit in master and slave must be different. If the BDOEN is set in master and cleared in slave, the data is transmitted from master to slave. If the BDOEN is cleared in master and set in slave, the data is transmitted from slave to master. 2. BDEN is cleared, the RO bit in master and in slave should be different in simplex communication. If the RO bit is cleared in master and set in slave, the data is transmitted 446 GD32F1x0 User Manual from master to slave, the MOSI pin of master outputs the data and the MOSI pin of slave receives the data, the MISO pins are not used. If the RO bit is set in master and cleared in slave, the data is transmitted from slave to master, the MISO pin of slave outputs the data and the MISO pin of master receives the data, the MOSI pins are not used. Anyway the clock is generated in master and transmitted to slave by SCK pins. In simplex communication, if the master is configured in receive-only mode and the slave is configured in transmit-only mode, the master starts receiving data immediately when the SPI is enable. The slave should get ready before the master enables the SPI, and write data in transmit buffer in a limited time. The master should disable the SPI (clear the SPIEN bit) after the last second data is received; the last data is being transmitted at that time, and the SPI will be disabled by hardware after the last data received. 15.3.7. Data Rx and Tx procedures There are two buffers for each SPI module, transmit buffer and receive buffer, a write access to the SPI_DATA stores the data into the transmit buffer and a read access to the SPI_DATA returns the data in the receive buffer. When the previous data is transmitted over, the data in the transmit buffer is copied to the shift register, and the TBE bit is set by hardware, then the software can write the next data to the transmit buffer by writing it to the SPI_DATA register if it is necessary, an interrupt is generated when the TBE is set if the TBEIE bit in the SPI_CTL1 register is set. Writing the SPI_DATA register can clear the TBE bit. Writing the SPI_DATA register when the TBE bit is cleared will cover the data stored in the transmit buffer. When the last bit of one data is captured on the sampling clock edge, the data is received and stored in shift register, then the hardware copies the data in shift register to the receive buffer and sets the RBNE bit. It’s ready to be read by software. An interrupt is generated when the RBNE is set if the RBNEIE bit in the SPI_CTL1 register is set. Reading the SPI_DATA register can clear the RBNE bit. If one data is received when the RBNE is set (the last data have not be read), the RXORERR bit is set to indicate that was fault. 15.3.8. CRC calculation CRC calculation increases communication reliability. Two CRC calculators are implemented for transmitted data and received data. The calculators calculate the CRC value serially on each bit. The polynomial used in calculation is programmable and stored in SPI_CRCPOLY register. CRC calculation is enabled by setting the CRCEN bit in the SPI_CTL0 register. In full-duplex or transmit-only mode, the software should set the CRCNT bit immediately after the last data is written to the SPI_DATA, last the SPI_TCRC value will be transmitted after the last data. If the data is transmitted by DMA, the SPI_TCRC value is transmitted by hardware and the CRCNT is not used. When the SPI_TCRC value is being transmitted, the data received is considered to be the CRC value of the received data, the calculator is switched off and the 447 GD32F1x0 User Manual data is compared with the SPI_RCRC, the CRCERR is set if they are different. In receive-only mode, the software should write the CRCNT bit after the second last data has been received (The last data is being received at that time). The CRC value of the received data is received after the last data and is compared with the SPI_RCRC, the CRCERR is set if they are different. The CRC value is transmitted only when the transmit buffer is empty. During CRC transmission, the CRC calculator is switched off. SPI communication using the CRC: 1. Program the CKPL, CKPH, LF, PSC, SWNSSEN, SWNSS and MSTMOD values. 2. Program the polynomial in the SPI_CRCPOLY register. 3. Enable the CRC calculation by setting the CRCEN bit in the SPI_CTL0 register. 4. Enable the SPI by setting the SPIEN bit in the SPI_CTL0 register. 5. Start the communication. 6. In full-duplex or transmit-only mode, set the CRCNT bit immediately after the last data is written to the SPI_DATA. In receive-only mode, set the bit CRCNT after the reception of the second to last data. CRC calculation is switched off during the CRC transfer. 7. The SPI transfers the CRC value after the last data. The received CRC value is compared with the SPI_RCRC, the CRCERR is set if they are different. If the CRCEN is set in slave mode, CRC calculator is still work even if the NSS pin is pulled high. The CRC value should be cleared on both master and slave sides in order to resynchronize the master and slave for their respective CRC calculation. The CRC value (SPI_RCRC and SPI_TCRC) is cleared when the SPIEN bit or the CRCEN is cleared. 15.3.9. Status flags and error flags Status flags Transmit buffer empty flag (TBE) This bit is set when the transmit buffer is empty, the software can write the next data to the transmit buffer by writing it to the SPI_DATA register. If the TBEIE bit is set, an interrupt is generated when TBE is set. The TBE bit is cleared by writing it to the SPI_DATA register. Receive buffer not empty flag (RBNE) This bit is set when receive buffer is not empty, one data is received and stored in the receive buffer, and software can read the data by reading the SPI_DATA register. If the RBNEIE bit is set, an interrupt is generated when RBNE is set. The RBNE bit is cleared by reading the SPI_DATA register. 448 GD32F1x0 User Manual SPI Transmitting On-Going flag (TRANS) This TRANS flag is set and cleared by hardware. It indicates the state of the communication layer of the SPI. The TRANS flag is useful to detect the end of a transfer if the software wants to disable the SPI. This avoids corrupting the last transfer. For this, the procedure described below must be strictly respected. The TRANS bit is set when a transfer starts, except in bidirectional receive-only mode of master device (MSTMOD=1 and BDEN=1 and BDOEN=0). It is cleared when the SPI is disabled or a configuration fault (CONFERR=1) occurs. When communication is not continuous, TRANS flag is low between each communication. When communication is continuous, TRANS flag is low between each communication in slave mode and kept high during all the transfers in master mode. Error flags Configuration Fault Error (CONFERR) In NSS hardware mode and the NSSDRV is not enable, the CONFERR is set when the NSS pin is pulled low. In NSS software mode, the CONFERR is set when the SWNSS bit is low. When the CONFERR is set, an interrupt is generated if the ERRIE bit is set; the SPIEN bit and the MSTMOD bit are cleared by hardware, the SPI is disabled and the device is forced into slave mode. The CONFERR bit is cleared by the following software sequence: 1. Read from or write to the SPI_STAT register. 2. Write to the SPI_CTL0 register. The SPIEN and MSTMOD bits are in write protection until the CONFERR is cleared. The CONFERR bit of the slave cannot be set. In a multi-master configuration, the device can be in slave mode with CONFERR bit set, which means there might have been a multi-master conflict for system control. Rx Overrun Error (RXORERR) The RXORERR bit is set if a data is received when the RBNE is set. That means, the last data has not be read out and the new data is received. The receive buffer contents will be cover with the newly received data, and the last data is lost. An interrupt is generated when the RXORERR bit is set if the ERRIE bit is set. The RXORERR bit is cleared by the following software sequence: a read access to SPI_DATA register, then a read access to SPI_STAT register. CRC error (CRCERR) When the CRCEN bit is set, the CRC calculation result of the received data in the SPI_RCRC register is compared with the received CRC value after the last data, the CRCERR is set when they are different. Clear the CRCERR bit by writing 0 to this bit, write 1 to this bit has 449 GD32F1x0 User Manual no effect. 15.3.10. Disabling the SPI When a transfer is finished, the software stops the SPI by clearing the SPIEN bit. In some configurations, the last transfer is ongoing after the SPIEN is cleared. To avoid corrupting the last transfer, follow the steps below: Full-duplex mode 1. Wait until RBNE=1 to receive the last data 2. Wait until TBE=1 3. Wait until TRANS=0 4. Disable the SPI (SPIEN=0), enter the Halt mode or disable the peripheral clock Transmit-only mode 1. The last data is written into the SPI_DATA register 2. Wait until TBE=1 3. Wait until TRANS=0 4. Disable the SPI (SPIEN=0), enter the Halt mode or disable the peripheral clock Receive-only mode of master 1. Wait for the second last RBNE=1 2. Wait for one SPI clock cycle (using a software loop) before disabling the SPI (SPIEN=0) 3. Wait for the last RBNE=1 before entering the Halt mode or disabling the peripheral clock Receive-only mode of slave 1. The SPI can be disabled (write SPIEN=0) at any time, the SPI is effectively disabled after the current transfer complete 2. 15.3.11. Wait until TRANS = 0 then entering the Halt mode or disabling the peripheral clock. DMA requests Using DMA to transmit or receive data will let the SPI operate at its maximum speed. Read and write SPI_DATA is fast enough and it’s no interstice between data that will be transmitted. A DMA access is enabled if the DMATEN bit or the DMAREN bit in the SPI_CTL1 register is set. When the TBE is set, a DMA request is issued in transmit channel of DMA, the TBE bit is cleared after the DMA writes a data to SPI_DATA register. When the RBNE is set, a DMA request is issued in receive channel of DMA, the RBNE bit is cleared after the DMA reads a data from SPI_DATA register. When the SPI is only used for transmitting data, it is possible to enable the SPI Tx DMA channel only. In this case, because the data received are not read, the RXORERR flag is set. When the SPI is only used for receiving data, it is possible to enable the SPI Rx DMA channel 450 GD32F1x0 User Manual only. In transmission mode, when all the data to be transmitted has been written by the DMA (flag FTFIF is set in the DMA_INTF register), the TRANS flag can be monitored to ensure that the SPI communication is complete. Before disabling the SPI or entering the halt mode, it is required to avoid corrupting the last transmission. The software must first wait until TBE=1 and then until TRANS=0. Figure 15-4. Transmission using DMA Clock Transmit TBE DMA request DMA write TX buffer D1 D2 D3 DMA TCIF TRANS Figure 15-5. Reception using DMA Clock Receive RBNE DMA request DMA read RX buffer D1 D2 D3 DMA TCIF If the CRCEN bit is set when using DMA in SPI communication, the CRC value transmitted and received after the last data are automatic. The CRCNT is no useful. The CRC value in receive buffer should be read to clear the RBNE bit. 15.3.12. SPI interrupts Table 15-1. SPI interrupt requests Interrupt event Transmit buffer empty Event flag TBE Enable Control bit TBEIE 451 GD32F1x0 User Manual Interrupt event Event flag Receive buffer not empty RBNE Configuration Fault Error CONFERR Rx Overrun Error RXORERR CRC error CRCERR 15.4. I2S function description 15.4.1. General description Enable Control bit RBNEIE ERRIE The block diagram of I2S is shown in the following figure. Figure 15-6. I2S block diagram SYSCLK O Control Registers Clock Generator PAD SPI_MISO / I2S_MCK PAD SPI_SCK / I2S_CK PAD SPI_NSS / I2S_WS PAD SPI_MOSI / I2S_SD I O I Master Control Logic APB O Slave Control Logic TX Buffer I 16 bits O MSB RX Buffer Shift Register LSB I 16 bits The I2S shares the same pins, flags, interrupts, data buffers, and shift register with SPI. When the I2SSEL bit in the SPI_I2SCTL register is set, the resources are occupied by I2S. Or, they are used by SPI. There are four pins on the I2S interface, including I2S_CK, I2S_WS, I2S_SD, and I2S_MCK. I2S_CK is the serial clock signal, which shares the same pin with SPI_SCK. I2S_WS is the data control signal, which shares the same pin with SPI_NSS. I2S_SD is the serial data signal, which shares the same pin with SPI_MOSI. I2S_MCK is the master clock signal, which shares the same pin with SPI_MISO. I2S_MCK is an optional signal for I2S interface. It produces a frequency rate equal to 256 x Fs, where Fs is the audio sampling frequency. There are five sub modules to support I2S function, including control registers, clock generator, master control logic, slave control logic and shift register. All the user configuration registers are implemented in the control registers module, including the TX buffer and RX buffer. The clock generator is used to produce I2S communication clock in master mode. The master control logic is implemented to generate the I2S_WS signal and control the communication 452 GD32F1x0 User Manual in master mode. The slave control logic is implemented to control the communication in slave mode according to the received I2SCK and I2S_WS. The shift register handles the serial data transmission and reception on I2S_SD. 15.4.2. Supported audio standards The I2S audio standard is selected by the I2SSTD bits in the SPI_I2SCTL register. Four audio standards are supported, including I2S Phillips standard, MSB justified standard, LSB justified standard, and PCM standard. All standards except PCM handle audio data time-multiplexed on two channels (the left channel and the right channel). For these standards, the I2S_WS signal indicates the channel side. For PCM standard, the I2S_WS signal indicates frame synchronization information. The data length and the channel length are configured by the DTLEN bits and CHLEN bit in the SPI_I2SCTL register. Since the channel length must be greater than or equal to the data length, four packet types are available. They are 16-bit data packed in 16-bit frame, 16-bit data packed in 32-bit frame, 24-bit data packed in 32-bit frame, and 32-bit data packed in 32bit frame. The data buffer for transmission and reception is 16-bit wide. In the case that the data length is 24 bits or 32 bits, two write or read operations to or from the SPI_DATA register are needed to complete a frame. In the case that the data length is 16 bits, only one write or read operation to or from the SPI_DATA register is needed to complete a frame. When using 16-bit data packed in 32-bit frame, 16-bit 0 is inserted by hardware automatically to extend the data to 32-bit format. For all standards and packet types, the most significant bit is always sent first. For all standards based on two channels time-multiplexed, the channel left is always sent first followed by the channel right. I2S Phillips standard For I2S Phillips standard, I2S_WS and I2S_SD are updated on the falling edge of I2S_CK. The timing diagrams for each configuration are shown below. Figure 15-7. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=0) Figure 15-8. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=1) When the packet type is 16-bit data packed in 16-bit frame, only one write or read operation 453 GD32F1x0 User Manual to or from the SPI_DATA register is needed to complete a frame. Figure 15-9. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) Figure 15-10. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) When the packet type is 32-bit data packed in 32-bit frame, two write or read operations to or from the SPI_DATA register are needed to complete a frame. In transmission mode, if 0x8899AABB is going to be sent, the first data written to the SPI_DATA register should be 0x8899, and the second one should be 0xAABB. In reception mode, if 0x8899AABB is received, the first data read from the SPI_DATA register should be 0x8899, and the second one should be 0xAABB. Figure 15-11. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) Figure 15-12. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) When the packet type is 24-bit data packed in 32-bit frame, two write or read operations to or from the SPI_DATA register are needed to complete a frame. In transmission mode, if 0x8899AA is going to be sent, the first data written to the SPI_DATA register should be 0x8899, and the second one should be 0xAAXX (the 8 LSB could be any value, but forced to 0x00 instead by hardware). In reception mode, if 0x8899AA is received, the first data read from the SPI_DATA register should be 0x8899, and the second one should be 0xAA00. Figure 15-13. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) 454 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 15-14. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) When the packet type is 16-bit data packed in 32-bit frame, only one write or read operation to or from the SPI_DATA register is needed to complete a frame. The 16 remaining bits are forced by hardware to 0x0000 to extend the data to 32-bit format. MSB justified standard For MSB justified standard, I2S_WS and I2S_SD are updated on the falling edge of I2S_CK. The SPI_DATA register is handled in the exactly same way as that for I2S Phillips standard. The timing diagrams for each configuration are shown below. Figure 15-15. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=0) Figure 15-16. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=1) Figure 15-17. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) Figure 15-18. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) 455 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 15-19. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) Figure 15-20. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) Figure 15-21. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) Figure 15-22. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) LSB justified standard For LSB justified standard, I2S_WS and I2S_SD are updated on the falling edge of I2S_CK. In the case that the channel length is equal to the data length, LSB justified standard and MSB justified standard are exactly the same. In the case that the channel length is greater than the data length, the valid data is aligned to LSB for LSB justified standard while the valid data is aligned to MSB for MSB justified standard. The timing diagrams for the cases that the channel length is greater than the data length are shown below. Figure 15-23. LSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) Figure 15-24. LSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) 456 GD32F1x0 User Manual When the packet type is 24-bit data packed in 32-bit frame, two write or read operations to or from the SPI_DATA register are needed to complete a frame. In transmission mode, if 0x8899AA is going to be sent, the first data written to the SPI_DATA register should be 0xXX88 (the 8 MSB could be any value, but forced to 0x00 instead by hardware), and the second one should be 0x99AA. In reception mode, if 0x8899AA is received, the first data read from the SPI_DATA register should be 0x0088, and the second one should be 0x99AA. Figure 15-25. LSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) Figure 15-26. LSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) When the packet type is 16-bit data packed in 32-bit frame, only one write or read operation to or from the SPI_DATA register is needed to complete a frame. The 16 remaining bits are forced by hardware to 0x0000 to extend the data to 32-bit format. PCM standard For PCM standard, I2S_WS and I2S_SD are updated on the rising edge of I2S_CK, and the I2S_WS signal indicates frame synchronization information. Both the short frame synchronization mode and the long frame synchronization mode are available and configurable using the PCMSMOD bit in the SPI_I2SCTL register. The SPI_DATA register is handled in the exactly same way as that for I2S Phillips standard. The timing diagrams for each configuration of the short frame synchronization mode are shown below. Figure 15-27. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=0) Figure 15-28. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=1) 457 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 15-29. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) Figure 15-30. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) Figure 15-31. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) Figure 15-32. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) Figure 15-33. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) Figure 15-34. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) The timing diagrams for each configuration of the long frame synchronization mode are shown 458 GD32F1x0 User Manual below. Figure 15-35. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=0) Figure 15-36. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=1) Figure 15-37. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) Figure 15-38. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) Figure 15-39. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) Figure 15-40. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) 459 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 15-41. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) Figure 15-42. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) 15.4.3. Clock generator Figure 15-43. Block diagram of I2S clock generator I2SCLK 8-bit Configurable Divider frequency dividing ratio = DIV * 2 + OF I2S_MCK DIV4 MCKOE CHLEN 0 1 I2S_CK 1 0 DIV2 The block diagram of I2S clock generator is shown above. The I2S interface clocks are configured by the DIV bits, the OF bit, the MCKOEN bit in the SPI_I2SPSC register and the CHLEN bit in the SPI_I2SCTL register. The source clock is SYSCLK. The I2S bitrate can be calculated by the formulas shown in the following table. Table 15-2. I2S bitrate calculation formulas MCKOEN CHLEN Formula 0 0 I2SCLK / (DIV * 2 + OF) 0 1 I2SCLK / (DIV * 2 + OF) 1 0 I2SCLK / (8 * (DIV * 2 + OF)) 1 1 I2SCLK / (4 * (DIV * 2 + OF)) The relationship between audio sampling frequency (Fs) and I2S bitrate is defined by the following formula. Fs = I2S bitrate / (number of bits per channel * number of channels) So, in order to get the desired audio sampling frequency, the clock generator needs to be 460 GD32F1x0 User Manual configured according to the formulas listed in the following table. Table 15-3. Audio sampling frequency calculation formulas MCKOEN CHLEN Formula 0 0 I2SCLK / (32 * (DIV * 2 + OF)) 0 1 I2SCLK / (64 * (DIV * 2 + OF)) 1 0 I2SCLK / (256 * (DIV * 2 + OF)) 1 1 I2SCLK / (256 * (DIV * 2 + OF)) The configuration and precision of audio sampling frequencies in common use are listed in the following table. The precision is calculated in the case when using standard 8 MHz HXTAL. Table 15-4. Audio sampling frequency configuration and precision Targe t Fs(Hz ) SYSCL K (MHz) CHLEN = 0 MCKOE N DI O Real V F Fs(Hz) CHLEN = 1 Error 97826.0 1.90 9 % 96000 72 No 11 1 96000 72 Yes 1 1 93750 96000 48 No 8 0 93750 96000 48 Yes 1 0 93750 48000 72 No 23 1 48000 72 Yes 3 0 46875 48000 48 No 15 1 48387.1 48000 48 Yes 2 0 46875 44100 72 No 25 1 44100 72 Yes 3 0 44100 48 No 17 0 44100 48 Yes 2 0 32000 72 No 35 0 2.34 % 2.34 % 2.34 % 47872.3 0.27 4 % 2.34 % 0.81 % 2.34 % 44117.6 0.04 5 % 46875 6.29 % 44117.6 0.04 5 % 46875 6.29 % 32142.8 0.44 6 % DI O Real V F Fs(Hz) 6 0 93750 1 1 93750 4 0 93750 1 0 93750 11 1 3 0 46875 8 0 46875 2 0 46875 13 0 3 0 8 1 2 0 17 1 Error 2.34 % 2.34 % 2.34 % 2.34 % 48913.0 1.90 4 % 2.34 % 2.34 % 2.34 % 43269.2 1.88 3 % 46875 6.29 % 44117.6 0.04 5 % 46875 6.29 % 32142.8 0.44 6 % 461 GD32F1x0 User Manual Targe t Fs(Hz ) SYSCL K (MHz) CHLEN = 0 MCKOE N DI O Real V F Fs(Hz) 31250 32000 72 Yes 4 1 32000 48 No 23 1 32000 48 Yes 3 0 22050 72 No 51 0 22050 72 Yes 6 1 22050 48 No 34 0 22050 48 Yes 4 1 16000 72 No 70 1 16000 72 Yes 9 0 16000 48 No 47 0 16000 48 Yes 6 0 11025 72 No 11025 72 Yes 13 0 11025 48 No 68 0 11025 48 Yes 8 1 8000 72 No 8000 72 Yes 8000 48 8000 48 10 2 14 0 Error 2.34 % 31914.8 0.27 9 % 31250 2.34 % 22058.8 0.04 2 % 21634.6 1.88 1 % 22058.8 0.04 2 % 20833.3 5.52 3 % 15675.7 0.27 5 % 15625 2.34 % 15957.4 0.27 5 % 15625 2.34 % 11029.4 0.04 1 % 10817.3 1.88 % 11029.4 0.04 1 % 11029.4 0.04 1 % 1 8007.11 17 1 8035.71 No 94 0 7978.72 Yes 11 1 8152.17 0 CHLEN = 1 0.09 % 0.45 % 0.27 % 1.90 % DI O Real V F Fs(Hz) 4 1 31250 11 1 32608.7 3 0 31250 25 1 6 1 17 0 4 1 35 0 9 0 23 1 6 0 51 0 13 0 34 0 8 1 70 1 7978.72 17 1 8035.71 47 0 7978.72 11 1 8152.17 Error 2.34 % 1.90 % 2.34 % 22058.8 0.04 2 % 21634.6 1.88 1 % 22058.8 0.04 2 % 20833.3 5.52 3 % 16071.4 0.45 3 % 15625 2.34 % 15957.4 0.27 5 % 15625 2.34 % 11029.4 0.04 1 % 10817.3 1.88 % 11029.4 0.04 1 % 11029.4 0.04 1 % 0.27 % 0.45 % 0.27 % 1.90 % 462 GD32F1x0 User Manual 15.4.4. Operation Operation modes The operation mode is selected by the I2SOPMOD bits in the SPI_I2SCTL register. There are four available operation modes, including master transmission mode, master reception mode, slave transmission mode, and slave reception mode. The direction of I2S interface signals for each operation mode is shown in the following table. Table 15-5. Direction of I2S interface signals for each operation mode 1. Operation mode I2S_MCK I2S_CK I2S_WS I2S_SD Master transmission output or NU(1) output output output Master reception output or NU(1) output output input Slave transmission input or NU(1) input input output Slave reception input or NU(1) input input input NU means the pin is not used by I2S and can be used by other functions. Status flags and interrupts There are six status flags implemented in the SPI_STAT register, including TBE, RBNE, TRANS, I2SCH, TXURERR, and RXORERR. The user can use them to fully monitor the state of the I2S bus. Transmit buffer empty flag (TBE) This bit is set when the transmit buffer is empty. An interrupt may be generated if the TBEIE bit in the SPI_CTL1 register is set. The software can write the next data to the transmit buffer by writing it to the SPI_DATA register. The TBE bit is cleared by a write operation to the SPI_DATA register. Receive buffer not empty flag (RBNE) This bit is set when receive buffer is not empty. An interrupt may be generated if the RBNEIE bit in the SPI_CTL1 register is set. It indicates valid data has been received and stored in the receive buffer. The software can read the data by reading the SPI_DATA register. The RBNE bit is cleared by a read operation to the SPI_DATA register. Transmitting On-Going flag (TRANS) This TRANS flag is set and cleared by hardware. It indicates the state of the communication layer of the I2S. The TRANS flag is useful to detect the end of a transfer if the software wants to disable the I2S. This avoids corrupting the last transfer. For this, the procedure described below must be strictly respected. The TRANS flag is set when a transfer starts, except in master reception mode where the flag is kept low during reception. It is cleared when the I2S is disenabled or a transfer complete. When communication is not continuous, the TRANS flag is low between each communication. When communication is continuous, the TRANS flag is kept high during all the transfers 463 GD32F1x0 User Manual in master transmission mode, and goes low for one I2S clock cycle between each transfer in slave mode. I2S channel side flag (I2SCH) In transmission mode, this flag is refreshed at the moment when the TBE flag goes high, indicating the channel side to which the data to transfer belongs. In reception mode, this flag is refreshed at the moment when the RBNE flag goes high, indicating the channel side to which the received data belongs. Notice that in case of error (TXURERR or RXORERR) this flag becomes not reliable and I2S needs to be switched off and switched on before resuming the communication. Besides, this flag has no meaning in the PCM standard. Transmission underrun error flag (TXURERR) This flag is set when the first clock for data transmission appears while the transmit buffer is still empty in slave transmission mode. An interrupt may be generated if the ERRIE bit in the SPI_CTL1 register is set. This flag is cleared by a read operation to the SPI_STAT register. Reception overrun error flag (RXORERR) This flag is set when data are received and the previous data has not been read from the SPI_DATA register yet in reception mode. An interrupt may be generated if the ERRIE bit in the SPI_CTL1 register is set. In the case, the contents in receive buffer are not updated with the newly received data. A read operation to the SPI_DATA register returns the previous correctly received data. All other subsequently received half-words are lost. This flag is cleared by a read access to the SPI_DATA register followed by a read access to the SPI_STAT register. I2S interrupt events and corresponding enable bits are summed up in the following table. Table 15-6. I2S interrupt Interrupt event Flag Enable bit Transmit buffer empty TBE TBEIE Receive buffer not empty RBNE RBNEIE Transmission underrun error TXURERR ERRIE Reception overrun error RXORERR ERRIE Initialization sequence I2S initialization sequence contains the five steps shown below. In order to initialize I2S working in master mode, all the five steps should be done. In order to initialize I2S working in slave mode, only step 2, step 3, step 4 and step 5 should be done. Step 1: Configure the DIV[7:0] bits, the OF bit, and the MCKOEN bit in the SPI_I2SPSC register, in order to define the I2S bitrate and whether I2S_MCK needs to be provided or not. 464 GD32F1x0 User Manual Step 2: Configure the CKPL in the SPI_I2SCTL register, in order to define the idle state clock polarity. Step 3: Configure the I2SSEL bit, the I2SSTD[1:0] bits, the PCMSMOD bit, the I2SOPMOD[1:0] bits, the DTLEN[1:0] bits, and the CHLEN bit in the SPI_I2SCTL register, in order to define the I2S feature. Step 4: Configure the TBEIE bit, the RBNEIE bit, the ERRIE bit, the DMATEN bit, and the DMAREN bit in the SPI_CTL1 register, in order to select the potential interrupt sources and the DMA capabilities. This step is optional. Step 5: Set the I2SEN bit in the SPI_I2SCTL register to enable I2S. Master transmission sequence The TBE flag is used to control the transmission sequence. As is mentioned before, the TBE flag indicates the transmit buffer is empty, and may generate an interrupt if the TBEIE bit in the SPI_CTL1 register is set. At the beginning, the transmit buffer is empty (TBE is high) and no transmission sequence is processing in the shift register. When a half word is written to the SPI_DATA register (TBE goes low), the data is transferred from the transmit buffer to the shift register (TBE goes high) immediately. At the moment, the transmission sequence begins. The data is parallel loaded into the 16-bit shift register, and shifted out serially to the I2S_SD pin, MSB first. The next data should be written to the SPI_DATA register, when the TBE flag is high. After a write operation to the SPI_DATA register, the TBE flag goes low. When the current transmission finishes, the data in the transmit buffer is loaded into the shift register, and the TBE flag goes back high. To ensure a continuous audio data transmission, it is mandatory to write the SPI_DATA register with the next data to transmit before the end of the current transmission. For all standards except PCM, the I2SCH flag is used to distinguish the channel side to which the data to transfer belongs. The I2SCH flag is refreshed at the moment when the TBE flag goes high. At the beginning, the I2SCH flag is low, indicating the left channel data should be written to the SPI_DATA register. In order to switch off I2S, it is mandatory to clear the I2SEN bit after the TBE flag is high and the TRANS flag is low. Master reception sequence The RBNE flag is used to control the reception sequence. As is mentioned before, the RBNE flag indicates the receive buffer is not empty, and may generate an interrupt if the RBNEIE bit in the SPI_CTL1 register is set. The reception sequence begins immediately when the I2SEN bit in the SPI_I2SCTL register is set. At the beginning, the receive buffer is empty (RBNE is low). When a reception sequence finishes, the received data in the shift register is loaded into the receive buffer (RBNE goes high). The data should be read from the SPI_DATA register, when the RBNE flag is high. After a read operation to the SPI_DATA register, the RBNE flag goes low. It is mandatory to read the SPI_DATA register before the end of the next reception. 465 GD32F1x0 User Manual Or, reception overrun error occurs. The RXORERR flag is set and an interrupt may be generated if the ERRIE bit in the SPI_CTL1 register is set. In this case, it is mandatory to switch off and switch on I2S before resuming the communication. For all standards except PCM, the I2SCH flag is used to distinguish the channel side to which the received data belongs. The I2SCH flag is refreshed at the moment when the RBNE flag goes high. In order to switch off I2S, specific actions are required to ensure that I2S completes the transfer cycle properly without initiating a new data transfer. The actions depend on the audio standard selected, and on the configuration of the data length and the channel length. The actions for each case are described below. 16-bit data packed in 32-bit frame in the LSB justified standard (DTLEN = 00, CHLEN = 1, and I2SSTD = 10) 1. Wait for the second to last RBNE 2. Then wait 17 I2S clock cycles 3. Clear the I2SEN bit 16-bit data packed in 32-bit frame in the audio standards except the LSB justified standard (DTLEN = 00, CHLEN = 1, and I2SSTD is not equal to 10) 1. Wait for the last RBNE 2. Then wait one I2S clock cycle 3. Clear the I2SEN bit For all other cases 1. Wait for the second to last RBNE 2. Then wait one I2S clock cycle 3. Clear the I2SEN bit Slave transmission sequence The transmission sequence in slave mode is similar to that in master mode. The difference between them is described below. In slave mode, the slave has to be enabled before the external master starts the communication. The transmission sequence begins when the external master sends the clock and when the I2S_WS signal requests the transfer of data. The data has to be written to the SPI_DATA register before the master initiates the communication. To ensure a continuous audio data transmission, it is mandatory to write the SPI_DATA register with the next data to transmit before the end of the current transmission. Or, transmission underrun error occurs. The TXURERR flag is set and an interrupt may be generated if the ERRIE bit in the SPI_CTL1 register is set. In this case, it is mandatory to switch off and switch on I2S before resuming 466 GD32F1x0 User Manual the communication. In slave mode, I2SCH is sensitive to the I2S_WS signal coming from the external master. In order to switch off I2S, it is mandatory to clear the I2SEN bit after the TBE flag is high and the TRANS flag is low. Slave reception sequence The reception sequence in slave mode is similar to that in master mode. The difference between them is described below. In slave mode, the slave has to be enabled before the external master starts the communication. The reception sequence begins when the external master sends the clock and when the I2S_WS signal requests the transfer of data. In slave mode, I2SCH is sensitive to the I2S_WS signal coming from the external master. In order to switch off I2S, it is mandatory to clear the I2SEN bit immediately after receiving the last RBNE. 15.4.5. DMA features DMA is working in exactly the same way as for the SPI mode. The only difference is that the CRC feature is not available in I2S mode. 15.5. SPI registers 15.5.1. Control register 0 (SPI_CTL0) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 BDE BDOE N N rw rw 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 CRCEN CRCNT FF16 RO SWNSSEN SWNSS LF SPIEN rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15 BDEN Bidirectional Enable 5 4 3 2 1 0 PSC [2:0] MSTMOD CKPL CKPH rw rw rw rw 0: 2 line unidirectional transmit mode 1: 1 line bidirectional transmit mode. The information transfer between the MOSI pin in master and the MISO pin in slave. 467 GD32F1x0 User Manual 14 BDOEN Bidirectional Transmit Output Enable When BDEN is set, this bit determines the direction of transfer. 0: Work in receive-only mode 1: Work in transmit-only mode 13 CRCEN CRC Calculation Enable 0: CRC calculation is disabled 1: CRC calculation is enabled. 12 CRCNT CRC Transfer Next 0: Next transfer is Data 1: Next transfer is CRC value (TCR) When the transfers are managed by DMA, CRC value is transferred by hardware. This bit should be cleared. In full-duplex or transmit-only mode, set this bit after the last data is written to SPI_DATA register. In receive only mode, set this bit after the second last data is received. 11 FF16 Data frame format 0: 8-bit data frame format 1: 16-bit data frame format 10 RO Receive only When BDEN is cleared, this bit determines the direction of transfer. 0: Full-duplex 1: Receive-only 9 SWNSSEN NSS Software Mode Selection 0: NSS hardware mode. The NSS pin input depends on IO. 1: NSS software mode. The NSS pin input depends on SWNSS bit. 8 SWNSS NSS Pin Selection In NSS Software Mode 0: NSS pin is pull low 1: NSS pin is pull high This bit has an effect only when the SWNSSEN bit is set. 7 LF LSB First Mode 0: Transmit MSB first 1: Transmit LSB first 6 SPIEN SPI Enable 0: SPI peripheral is disabled 1: SPI peripheral is enabled 5:3 PSC[2:0] Master Clock Prescaler Selection 000: PCLK/2 100: PCLK/32 001: PCLK/4 101: PCLK/64 010: PCLK/8 110: PCLK/128 011: PCLK/16 111: PCLK/256 468 GD32F1x0 User Manual PCLK means PCLK2 when using SPI0 or PCLK1 when using SPI1 2 MSTMOD Master Selection 0: Slave mode 1: Master mode 1 CKPL Clock Polarity Selection 0: CLK pin is pulled low when SPI is idle 1: CLK pin is pulled high when SPI is idle 0 CKPH Clock Phase Selection 0: Capture the first data at the first clock transition. 1: Capture the first data at the second clock transition 15.5.2. Control register 1 (SPI_CTL1) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 6 5 TBEIE RBNEIE ERRIE rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 7 TBEIE Transmit Buffer Empty Interrupt Enable 4 3 Reserved. 2 1 0 NSSDRV DMATEN DMAREN rw rw rw 0: TBE interrupt is disenabled. 1: TBE interrupt is enabled. An interrupt is generated when the TBE bit is set 6 RBNEIE Receive Buffer Not Empty Interrupt Enable 0: RBNE interrupt is disenabled. 1: RBNE interrupt is enabled. An interrupt is generated when the RBNE bit is set 5 ERRIE Errors Interrupt Enable. 0: Error interrupt is disabled. 1: Error interrupt is enabled. An interrupt is generated when the CRCERR bit or the CONFERR bit or the RXORERR bit or the TXURERR bit is set. 4:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 2 NSSDRV Drive NSS Output 0: NSS output is disabled. 1: NSS output is enabled. If the NSS pin is configured as output, the NSS pin is pulled low in master mode when SPI is enabled. If the NSS pin is configured as input, the NSS pin should be pulled high in master mode, and 469 GD32F1x0 User Manual this bit has on effect. 1 DMATEN Transmit Buffer DMA Enable 0: Transmit buffer DMA is disabled 1: Transmit buffer DMA is enabled, when the TBE bit in SPI_STAT is set, it will be a DMA request at corresponding DMA channel. 0 DMAREN Receive Buffer DMA Enable 0: Receive buffer DMA is disabled 1: Receive buffer DMA is enabled, when the RBNE bit in SPI_STAT is set, it will be a DMA request at corresponding DMA channel. 15.5.3. Status register (SPI_STAT) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0002 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TRANS RXORERR CONFERR CRCERR TXURERR I2SCH TBE RBNE r r r rc_w0 r r r r Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value. 7 TRANS Transmitting On-going Bit 0: SPI or I2S is idle. 1: SPI or I2S is currently transmitting and/or receiving a frame, or the transmit buffer is not empty. This bit is set and cleared by hardware. 6 RXORER Reception Overrun Error Bit R 0: No reception overrun error occurred. 1: Reception overrun error occurred. This bit is set by hardware and cleared by a read operation on the SPI_DATA register followed by a read access to the SPI_STAT register. 5 CONFERR SPI Configuration error 0: No configuration fault occurred 1: Configuration fault occurred. (In master mode, the NSS pin is pulled low in NSS hardware mode or SWNSS bit is low in NSS software mode.) This bit is set by hardware and cleared by a read or write operation on the SPI_STAT register followed by a write access to the SPI_CTL0 register. This bit is not used in I2S mode. 4 CRCERR SPI CRC Error Bit 0: The SPI_RCR value is equals to the received CRC data at last. 1: The SPI_RCR value is not equals to the received CRC data at last. This bit is set by hardware and cleared by software writing 0. 470 GD32F1x0 User Manual This bit is not used in I2S mode. 3 TXURERR Transmission underrun error bit 0: No transmission underrun error occurred. 1: Transmission underrun error occurred. This bit is set by hardware and cleared by a read operation on the SPI_STAT register. This bit is not used in SPI mode. 2 I2SCH I2S channel side 0: Channel Left has to be transmitted or has been received. 1: Channel Right has to be transmitted or has been received. This bit is set and cleared by hardware. This bit is not used in SPI mode, and has no meaning in the I2S PCM mode. 1 TBE Transmit Buffer Empty 0: Transmit buffer is not empty 1: Transmit buffer is empty 0 RBNE Receive Buffer Not Empty 0: Receive buffer is empty 1: Receive buffer is not empty 15.5.4. Data register (SPI_DATA) Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SPI_DATA[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 SPI_DATA[15:0] Data transfer register. The hardware has two buffers, including transmit buffer and receive buffer. Write data to SPI_DATA will save the data to transmit buffer and read data from SPI_DATA will get the data from receive buffer. When the data frame format is set to 8-bit data, the SPI_DATA[15:8] is forced to 0 and the SPI_DATA[7:0] is used for transmission and reception, transmit buffer and receive buffer are 8-bits. If the Data frame format is set to 16-bit data, the SPI_DATA[15:0] is used for transmission and reception, transmit buffer and receive buffer are 16-bit. 15.5.5. CRC polynomial register (SPI_CRCPOLY) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0007 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 471 GD32F1x0 User Manual CPR [15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 CPR[15:0] This register contains the CRC polynomial and used for CRC calculation. The default value is 0007h. 15.5.6. Receive CRC register (SPI_RCRC) Address offset: 0x14 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RCR[15:0] r Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 RCR[15:0] When the CRCEN bit of SPI_CTL0 is set, the hardware computes the CRC value of the received bytes and save them in RCR register. If the Data frame format is set to 8-bit data, CRC calculation is done based on CRC8 standard, and save the value in RCR[7:0], when the Data frame format is set to 16-bit data, CRC calculation is done based on CRC16 standard, and save the value in RCR[15:0]. The hardware computes the CRC value after each received bit, when the TRANS is set, a read to this register could return an intermediate value. This register is reset when the CRCEN bit or the SPIEN bit of SPI_CTL0 is cleared. 15.5.7. Transmit CRC register (SPI_TCRC) Address offset: 0x18 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TCR[15:0] r Bits Fields Descriptions 15:0 TCR[15:0] When the CRCEN bit of SPI_CTL0 is set, the hardware computes the CRC value of the transmitted bytes and save them in TCR register. If the Data frame format is set to 8-bit data, CRC calculation is done based on CRC8 standard, and save the value in TCR[7:0], when the Data frame format is set to 16-bit data, CRC calculation is done based on CRC16 standard, and save the value in TCR[15:0]. The hardware computes the CRC value after each transmitted bit, when the TRANS is set, a read to this register could return an intermediate value. The different frame format (LF bit of 472 GD32F1x0 User Manual the SPI_CTL0) will get different CRC value. This register is reset when the CRCEN bit or the SPIEN bit of SPI_CTL0 is cleared. 15.5.8. I2S control register (SPI_I2SCTL) Address offset: 0x1C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 I2SS I2SE 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PCM I2SOPMOD[1: Reserved Rese SMO EL N 0] CHL I2SSTD[1:0] CKPL DTLEN[1:0] rved EN D rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 11 I2SSEL I2S mode selection rw rw rw rw rw 0: SPI mode 1: I2S mode This bit should be configured when SPI or I2S is disenabled. 10 I2SEN I2S enable 0: I2S is disenable 1: I2S is enable This bit is not used in SPI mode. 9:8 I2SOPMOD[1:0] I2S operation mode 00: Slave transmission mode 01: Slave reception mode 10: Master transmission mode 11: Master reception mode This bit should be configured when I2S is disenabled. This bit is not used in SPI mode. 7 PCMSMOD PCM frame synchronization mode 0: Short frame synchronization 1: long frame synchronization This bit has a meaning only when PCM standard is used. This bit should be configured when I2S is disenabled. This bit is not used in SPI mode. 6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 5:4 I2SSTD[1:0] I2S standard selection 00: I2S Phillips standard 01: MSB justified standard 473 GD32F1x0 User Manual 10: LSB justified standard 11: PCM standard These bits should be configured when I2S is disenabled. These bits are not used in SPI mode. 3 CKPL Idle state clock polarity 0: The idle state of I2S_CK is low level 1: The idle state of I2S_CK is high level This bit should be configured when I2S is disenabled. This bit is not used in SPI mode. 2:1 DTLEN[1:0] Data length 00: 16 bits 01: 24 bits 10: 32 bits 11: Reserved These bits should be configured when I2S is disenabled. These bits are not used in SPI mode. 0 CHLEN Channel length 0: 16 bits 1: 32 bits The channel length must be equal to or greater than the data length. This bit should be configured when I2S is disenabled. This bit is not used in SPI mode. 15.5.9. I2S prescaler register (SPI_I2SPSC) Address offset: 0x20 Reset value: 0x0002 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MCK Reserved OF DIV[7:0] rw rw OEN rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9 MCKOEN I2S_MCK output enable 0: I2S_MCK output is disenable 1: I2S_MCK output is enable This bit should be configured when I2S is disenabled. This bit is not used in SPI mode. 8 OF Odd factor for the prescaler 474 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: Real divider value is DIV * 2 1: Real divider value is DIV * 2 + 1 This bit should be configured when I2S is disenabled. This bit is not used in SPI mode. 7:0 DIV[7:0] Dividing factor for the prescaler Real divider value is DIV * 2 + OF. DIV must not be 0. These bits should be configured when I2S is disenabled. These bits are not used in SPI mode. 15.5.10. Quad wire control register (SPI_QCTL) of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x80 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 IO23 Reserved _DR QRD V rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 2 IO23_DRV Drive IO2 and IO3 enable rw 0 QMO D rw 0: IO2 and IO3 are not driven in single wire mode 1: IO2 and IO3 are driven to high in single wire mode This bit is only available in SPI1. 1 QRD Quad wire read select. 0: SPI is in quad wire write mode 1: SPI is in quad wire read mode This bit should be only be configured when SPI is not busy (TRANS bit cleared) This bit is only available in SPI1. 0 QMOD Quad wire mode enable. 0: SPI is in single wire mode 1: SPI is in quad wire mode This bit should only be configured when SPI is not busy (TRANS bit cleared). This bit is only available in SPI1. 475 GD32F1x0 User Manual 16. Comparator (CMP) 16.1. Introduction The general purpose comparators, CMP0 and CMP1, can work either standalone (all terminal are available on I/Os) or together with the timers. They can be used for a variety of functions including wakeup from low-power mode when triggered by an analog signal, analog signal conditioning and cycle-by-cycle current control loop when combined with the DAC and a PWM output from a timer. 16.2. 16.3. Main features Rail-to-rail comparators Configurable hysteresis Configurable speed and consumption Each comparator has configurable analog input source DAC 3 I/O pins The whole or sub-multiple values of internal reference voltage Window comparator Outputs to I/O Outputs to timers for triggering Outputs to EXTI Function description The block diagrams of CMP are shown below. 476 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 16-1. CMP block diagram of GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices Note: VREFINT is 1.2V. Figure 16-2. CMP block diagram of GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices 477 GD32F1x0 User Manual Note: VREFINT is 1.2V. 16.3.1. CMP clock and reset The CMP clock provided by the clock controller is synchronous with the PCLK. The CMP share common reset and clock enable bits with SYSCFG. 16.3.2. CMP inputs and outputs The I/Os must be configured in analog mode in the GPIOs registers before they are selected as CMPs inputs. Considering pin definitions in Datasheet, the CMP output must be connected to corresponding alternate I/Os. A variety of timer inputs can be internally connected to the CMP output to realize the following functions: Input capture for timing measures Emergency shut-down of PWM signals, using BKIN Cycle-by-cycle current control, using OCPRE_CLR inputs In order to work even in Deep-sleep mode, the polarity selection logic and the output redirection to the port work independently from PCLK. It is possible to have the CMP output simultaneously redirected internally and externally. The CMP outputs are internally connected to the extended interrupts and events controller. Each CMP has its own EXTI line and can generate either interrupts or events. The same mechanism is used to exit from power saving modes. 16.3.3. CMP power mode For a given application, the CMP power consumption versus propagation delay can be adjusted to have the optimum trade-off by configuring bits CMPxM [1:0] in CMP_CS register. The CMP works fastest with highest power consumption when CMPxM = 2’b00, while works slowest with lowest power consumption when CMPxM = 2’b11. 16.3.4. CMP hysteresis In order to avoid spurious output transitions that caused by the noise signal, the CMP includes a programmable hysteresis to force the hysteresis value using external components. This function can be shut down when you don't need it (for example, exiting from the power saving mode). 478 GD32F1x0 User Manual 16.3.5. CMP register write protection Out of security concerns for applications, such as over-current or thermal protection, and having specific functional safety requirements, it is a need to insure that the CMP’s configuration cannot be changed in case of spurious register access or program counter corruption. For this consideration, the CMP control and status register (CMP_CS) can be entered into the write protect state by setting CMPxLK bit to 1, which should be done once the programming is completed. The whole CMP_CS register will become read-only, including the CMPxLK bit. Only the MCU reset can reset the CMPxLK bit. 16.4. CMP registers 16.4.1. Control/status register (CMP_CS) For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 CMP1LK CMP1O CMP1HST[1:0] CMP1PL CMP1OSEL[2:0] WNDEN CMP1MSEL[2:0] CMP1M rwo r rw/r rw/r rw/r rw/r rw/r rw/r 15 14 CMP0LK CMP0O CMP0HST[1:0] CMP0PL CMP0OSEL[2:0] rwo r rw/r rw/r rw/r 13 12 27 11 26 25 10 Bits Fields Descriptions 31 CMP1LK CMP1 lock 9 24 8 23 22 7 Reserved 6 21 5 20 4 19 18 3 17 16 Reserved CMP1EN rw/r 2 1 0 CMP0MSEL[2:0] CMP0M[1:0] CMP0S CMP0EN rw/r rw/r rw/r rw/r This bit allows to have all control bits of CMP1 as read-only. This bit is write-once. It can only be cleared by a system reset once It is set by software. 0: CMP_CS[31:16] bits are read-write 1: CMP_CS[31:16] bits are read-only 30 CMP1O CMP1 output This is a copy of CMP1 output state, which is read only. 0: Non-inverting input below inverting input and the output is low 1: Non-inverting input above inverting input and the output is high 29:28 CMP1HST[1:0] CMP1 hysteresis These bits are used to control the hysteresis level. 00: No hysteresis 479 GD32F1x0 User Manual 01: Low hysteresis 10: Medium hysteresis 11: High hysteresis 27 CMP1PL Polarity of CMP1 output This bit is used to select the CMP1 output. 0: Output is not inverted 1: Output is inverted 26:24 CMP1OSEL[2:0] CMP1 output selection These bits are used to select the destination of the CMP1 output. 000: No selection 001: TIMER 0 break input 010: TIMER 0 channel0 Input capture 011: TIMER 0 OCPRE_CLR input 100: TIMER1 channel3 input capture 101: TIMER1 OCPRE_CLR input 110: TIMER2 channel0 input capture 111: TIMER2 OCPRE_CLR input 23 WNDEN Window mode enable This bit is used to disconnect the CMP1_IP input of CMP1 from PA3 and connect it to CMP0’s CMP0_IP input. 0: CMP1_IP is connected to PA3 1: CMP1_IP is connected to CMP0_IP 22:20 CMP1MSEL[2:0] CMP1_M input selection These bits are used to select the source connected to the CMP1_M input of the CMP1. 000: VREFINT/4 001: VREFINT /2 010: VREFINT *3/4 011: VREFINT 100: PA4 (DAC0) 101: PA5 110: PA2 111: Reserved 19:18 CMP1M[1:0] CMP1 mode These bits are used to control the operating mode of the CMP1 adjust the speed/consumption. 00: High speed / full power 01: Medium speed / medium power 10: Low speed / low power 11: Very-low speed / ultra-low power 480 GD32F1x0 User Manual 17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 16 CMP1EN CMP1 enable 0: CMP1 disabled 1: CMP1 enabled 15 CMP0LK CMP0 lock This bit allows to have all control bits of CMP0 as read-only. This bit is write-once. It can only be cleared by a system reset once It is set by software. 0: CMP_CS[15:0] bits are read-write 1: CMP_CS[15:0] bits are read-only 14 CMP0O CMP0 output This is a copy of CMP0 output state, which is read only. 0: Non-inverting input below inverting input and the output is low 1: Non-inverting input above inverting input and the output is high 13:12 CMP0HST[1:0] CMP0 hysteresis These bits are used to control the hysteresis level. 00: No hysteresis 01: Low hysteresis 10: Medium hysteresis 11: High hysteresis 11 CMP0PL Polarity of CMP0 output This bit is used to select the CMP0 output. 0 : Output is not inverted 1 : Output is inverted 10:8 CMP0OSEL[2:0] Comparator 0 output selection These bits are used to select the destination of the CMP0 output. 000: no selection 001: TIMER 0 break input 010: TIMER 0 channel0 Input capture 011: TIMER 0 OCPRE_CLR input 100: TIMER1 channel3 input capture 101: TIMER1 OCPRE_CLR input 110: TIMER2 channel0 input capture 111: TIMER2 OCPRE_CLR input 7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 6:4 CMP0MSEL[2:0] CMP0_M input selection These bits are used to select the source connected to the CMP0_M input of the CMP0. 000: VREFINT /4 001: VREFINT /2 010: VREFINT *3/4 481 GD32F1x0 User Manual 011: VREFINT 100: PA4 (DAC0) 101: PA5 110: PA0 111: Reserved 3:2 CMP0M[1:0] CMP0 mode These bits are used to control the operating mode of the CMP0 adjust the speed/consumption. 00: High speed/ full power 01: Medium speed/ medium power 10: Low speed/ low power 11: Very-low speed/ ultra-low power 1 CMP0S CMP0 switch This bit is used to closes a switch between CMP0 non-inverting input on PA0 and PA4 (DAC0) I/O. 0: Switch open 1: Switch closed 0 CMP0EN CMP0 enable 0: CMP0 disabled 1: CMP0 enabled For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 CMP1LK CMP1O CMP1HST[1:0] CMP1PL CMP1OSEL[2:0] WNDEN CMP1MSEL[2:0] CMP1M rwo r rw/r rw/r rw/r rw/r rw/r rw/r 15 14 CMP0LK CMP0O CMP0HST[1:0] CMP0PL CMP0OSEL[2:0] rwo r rw/r rw/r rw/r 13 12 27 11 26 10 Bits Fields Descriptions 31 CMP1LK CMP1 lock 25 9 24 8 23 22 7 Reserved 6 21 5 20 4 19 18 3 17 16 Reserved CMP1EN rw/r 2 1 0 CMP0MSEL[2:0] CMP0M[1:0] CMP0S CMP0EN rw/r rw/r rw/r rw/r This bit allows to have all control bits of CMP1 as read-only. This bit is write-once. It can only be cleared by a system reset once It is set by software. 0: CMP_CS[31:16] bits are read-write 1: CMP_CS[31:16] bits are read-only 482 GD32F1x0 User Manual 30 CMP1O CMP1 output This is a copy of CMP1 output state, which is read only. 0: Non-inverting input below inverting input and the output is low 1: Non-inverting input above inverting input and the output is high 29:28 CMP1HST[1:0] CMP1 hysteresis These bits are used to control the hysteresis level. 00: No hysteresis 01: Low hysteresis 10: Medium hysteresis 11: High hysteresis 27 CMP1PL Polarity of CMP1 output This bit is used to select the CMP1 output. 0: Output is not inverted 1: Output is inverted 26:24 CMP1OSEL[2:0] CMP1 output selection These bits are used to select the destination of the CMP1 output. 000: No selection 001: TIMER 0 break input 010: TIMER 0 channel0 Input capture 011: TIMER 0 OCPRE_CLR input 100: TIMER1 channel3 input capture 101: TIMER1 OCPRE_CLR input 110: TIMER2 channel0 input capture 111: TIMER2 OCPRE_CLR input 23 WNDEN Window mode enable This bit is used to disconnect the CMP1_IP input of CMP1 from PA3 and connect it to CMP0’s CMP0_IP input. 0: CMP1_IP is connected to PA3 1: CMP1_IP is connected to CMP0_IP 22:20 CMP1MSEL[2:0] CMP1_M input selection These bits are used to select the source connected to the CMP1_M input of the CMP1. 000: VREFINT/4 001: VREFINT /2 010: VREFINT *3/4 011: VREFINT 100: PA4 (DAC0) 101: PA5 (DAC1) 110: PA2 111: Reserved 19:18 CMP1M[1:0] CMP1 mode 483 GD32F1x0 User Manual These bits are used to control the operating mode of the CMP1 adjust the speed/consumption. 00: High speed / full power 01: Medium speed / medium power 10: Low speed / low power 11: Very-low speed / ultra-low power 17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 16 CMP1EN CMP1 enable 0: CMP1 disabled 1: CMP1 enabled 15 CMP0LK CMP0 lock This bit allows to have all control bits of CMP0 as read-only. This bit is write-once. It can only be cleared by a system reset once It is set by software. 0: CMP_CS[15:0] bits are read-write 1: CMP_CS[15:0] bits are read-only 14 CMP0O CMP0 output This is a copy of CMP0 output state, which is read only. 0: Non-inverting input below inverting input and the output is low 1: Non-inverting input above inverting input and the output is high 13:12 CMP0HST[1:0] CMP0 hysteresis These bits are used to control the hysteresis level. 00: No hysteresis 01: Low hysteresis 10: Medium hysteresis 11: High hysteresis 11 CMP0PL Polarity of CMP0 output This bit is used to select the CMP0 output. 0 : Output is not inverted 1 : Output is inverted 10:8 CMP0OSEL[2:0] CMP0 output selection These bits are used to select the destination of the CMP0 output. 000: no selection 001: TIMER 0 break input 010: TIMER 0 channel0 Input capture 011: TIMER 0 OCPRE_CLR input 100: TIMER1 channel3 input capture 101: TIMER1 OCPRE_CLR input 110: TIMER2 channel0 input capture 111: TIMER2 OCPRE_CLR input 484 GD32F1x0 User Manual 7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 6:4 CMP0MSEL[2:0] CMP0_M input selection These bits are used to select the source connected to the CMP0_M input of the CMP0. 000: VREFINT /4 001: VREFINT /2 010: VREFINT *3/4 011: VREFINT 100: PA4 (DAC0) 101: PA5 (DAC1) 110: PA0 111: Reserved 3:2 CMP0M[1:0] CMP0 mode These bits are used to control the operating mode of the CMP0 adjust the speed/consumption. 00: High speed/ full power 01: Medium speed/ medium power 10: Low speed/ low power 11: Very-low speed/ ultra-low power 1 CMP0S CMP0 switch This bit is used to closes a switch between CMP0 non-inverting input on PA0 and PA4 (DAC0) I/O. 0: Switch open 1: Switch closed 0 CMP0EN CMP0 enable 0: CMP0 disabled 1: CMP0 enabled 485 GD32F1x0 User Manual 17. Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter (USART) 17.1. Introduction The Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART) provides a flexible serial data exchange interface. Data frames can be transferred in full duplex or half duplex mode, synchronously or asynchronously through this interface. A programmable baud rate generator divides the periperial clock (PCLK1 or PCLK2) to produce a dedicated baudrate clock for the USART transmitter and receiver. It supports half-duplex single wire synchronous communication, LIN (local interconnection network), Smartcard Protocol and IrDA (infrared data association) SIR ENDEC specification. It also supports modem operations (CTS/RTS) and multiprocessor communication. The USART also supports DMA function for high speed data communication. 17.2. Main features Full duplex, asynchronous communications Half duplex single wire communications NRZ standard format (Mark/Space) Dual clock domain – Asynchronous pclk and usart clock – Baud rate programming independent from the PCLK reprogramming Programmable baud-rate generator allowing speed up to 9 MBits/s when the clock frequency is 72 MHz and oversampling is by 8. Fully programmable serial interface characteristics: – A data word (8 or 9 bits) LSB or MSB first – Even, odd or no-parity bit generation/detection – 1, 1.5 or 2 stop bit generation Swappable Tx/Rx pin Configurable data polarity Auto baud rate detection 486 GD32F1x0 User Manual Hardware Modem operations (CTS/RTS) and RS485 drive enable Configurable multibuffer communication using centralized DMA Separate enable bits for Transmitter and Receiver Transfer detection flags: – Receive buffer full – Transmit buffer empty – End of Transmission flags Parity control: – Transmits parity bit – Checks parity of received data byte Error detection: Overrun, Noise, Frame and Parity error LIN Break generation and detection IrDA Support Synchronous mode and transmitter clock output for synchronous transmission ISO 7816-3 (T=0 and T=1) compliant smartcard interface Multiprocessor communication – Enter into mute mode if address match does not occur – Wake up from mute mode by idle line or address mark detection Support for ModBus communication – Timeout feature – CR/LF character recognition Wake up from Deep-sleep mode – By standard RXNE interrupt – By WUF interrupt 14 interrupt sources with flags: – CTS changes – LIN break detection – Transmit data register empty – Transmission complete 487 GD32F1x0 User Manual – Receive data register full – Idle line detected – Overrun error – Framing error – Noise error – Parity error – Address/character match – Receiver timeout interrupt – End of block interrupt – Wakeup from Deep-sleep mode While USART0 is fully implemented, USART1 is only partially implemented with the following features not supported. 17.3. Auto baud rate detection Smartcard mode IrDA SIR ENDEC block LIN mode Dual clock domain and wakeup from Deep-sleep mode Receiver timeout interrupt Modbus communication Function description The interface is externally connected to another device by the main pins listed as following. Table 17-1. USART important pins description Pin Type Description RX Input Receive Data TX Output I/O (single- Transmit Data. high level When enabled but wire/smartcard mode) nothing to be transmitted CK Output Serial clock for synchronous communication nCTS Input Clear to send in Hardware flow control mode nRTS Output Request to send in Hardware flow control mode 488 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 17-1. USART module block diagram CPU/DMA W TX SW_RX IrDA Block USART Data Register Receive Shift Register RX nRTS nCTS R Transmit Shift Register USART Guard Time and Prescaler Register Hardware Flow Controler CK Controler USART Control Registers Transmitter clock /8*(2-OM) USART CLK Receiver clock Receiver Controler USART Address Wakeup Unit /USARTDIV USART Baud Rate Register 17.3.1. Transimit Controler CK USART Status Register USART Interrupt Controler USART transmitter When the transmit enable bit (TEN) in USART_CTL0 register is set, the transmitter clock pulses are generated by the baud rate generator, and output on the CK pin. Then the serial bit stream is sent after an idle frame by the transmitter according to the programmed configuration in the control registers. In case of transmission corruption, the TEN bit should not be disabled when transmission is ongoing. If the data can be written to the USART_TDATA without overwriting the previous one, the TBE bit is asserted. And it is cleared when the data is written. If a frame is transmitted and the TBE bit is asserted, the TC bit will be set. An interrupt is generated if the corresponding interrupt enable bit (TCIE) is set in the USART_CTL0 register. Refer to the following procedure for the USART transmission: 1. Write the WL bit in USART_CTL0 to set the data bits length. 2. Set the stop bits length in USART_CTL1. 3. Enable DMA (DENT bit) in USART_CTL2 if multibuffer communication is selected. 4. Set the baud rate in USART_BAUD. 5. Set the UEN bit in USART_CTL0 to enable the USART. 489 GD32F1x0 User Manual 6. Set the TEN bit in USART_CTL0. 7. Wait for the TBE being asserted. 8. Write the data to in the USART_TDATA register. 9. Wait until TC=1 to finish. It is necessary to wait for the TC bit asserted before disabling the USART or entering the power saving mode. Reading the USART_STAT then writing the USART_TDATA can clear the TC bit. And writing ‘0’ directly to TC bit can also clear the TC bit for multibuffer communication The break frame is sent when the SBKCMD bit is set, and SBKCMD bit is reset after the transmission. Table 17-2. Stop bits configuration Stop bit length (bit) Description 1 default value 1.5 Smartcard mode 2 normal USART, single-wire and modem modes Figure 17-2. USART character frame (9 bits data and 1 stop bit) Clock parity bit Data Frame start bit bit 0 bit 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 bit 8 stop bit start bit Idle Frame start bit Break Frame stop bit start bit The MSB bit is taken as the parity bit if parity control is enabled. If there is even number of ‘1s’ in the data bits (the LSB bits), the parity bit should be ‘0’ (even parity) or ‘1’ (odd parity). 17.3.2. USART receiver The receiver receives a bit stream after a valid start pulse has been detected. Overrun, parity, frame error checking, and line-break detection are also performed. If a frame is received and the RBNE bit is asserted, the USART_RDATA and associated bits in USART_STAT can be read. An interrupt is generated if the corresponding interrupt enable bit (RBNEIE) is set in the USART_CTL0 register. The RBNE bit must be cleared before the next data arrived, or an overrun error will occur. In case of reception corruption, the REN bit should not be disabled when reception is ongoing. The RBNE bit can be cleared by directly reading the USART_RDATA in multibuffer 490 GD32F1x0 User Manual communication. DMA read in multibuffer communication can also clear the RBNE bit. Refer to the following procedure for the USART receiving: 17.3.3. 1. Write the WL bit in USART_CTL0 to set the data bits length. 2. Set the stop bits length in USART_CTL1. 3. Enable DMA (DENT bit) in USART_CTL2 if multibuffer communication is selected. 4. Set the baud rate in USART_BAUD. 5. Set the UEN bit in USART_CTL0 to enable the USART. 6. Set the REN bit in USART_CTL0. Reception errors An overrun error occurs, if the next data arrived or the previous DMA request has not been serviced when the RBNE bit is set. The ORERR bit in the USART_STAT register is set. The internal baud-rate reference clock is used to over sample RX line for data recovery. If a noise error occurs, the NERR in USART_STAT is set at the rising edge of the RBNE bit and the invalid data is received from the shift register. A framing error occurs when the stop bit is not detected at the expected time. If a framing error occurs, the FERR in USART_STAT is set at the rising edge of the RBNE bit and the invalid data is received from the shift register. The three error flag bits can be reset by writting the OREC, NEC and FEC bits in USART_INTC register respectively. 17.3.4. Baud rate generation The baud-rate divisor is a 16-bit number consisting of a 12-bit integer and a 4-bit fractional part. The number formed by these two values is used by the baud-rate generator to determine the bit period. Having a fractional baud-rate divider allows the USART to generate all the standard baud rates. The baud-rate divider (USARTDIV) has the following relationship to the system clock: In case of oversampling by 16, the equation is: USARTDIV = UCLK 16 × Baud Rate In case of oversampling by 8, the equation is: USARTDIV = UCLK 8 × Baud Rate The choice of the USART clock (UCLK) is done through the Clock Control system (see the Reset and clock uint(RCU) section). The clock source must be chosen before enabling the 491 GD32F1x0 User Manual USART (by setting the UEN bit). 17.3.5. Auto baudrate detection The USART is able to detect and automatically set the USART_BAUD register value based on the reception of one character. There are two methods which can be chosen through the ABDM bits in the USART_CTL1 register. These methods are: 1. The USART will measure the duration of the start bit (falling edge to rising edge). In this case the receiving pattern should be any character starting with a bit at 1. 2. The USART will measure the duration of the start and of the 1st data bit. The measure is done falling edge to falling edge, ensuring a better accuracy in the case of slow signal slopes. In this case, the receiving pattern should be any character starting with 10xx bits. 17.3.6. Multi-processor communication In multiprocessor communication, the mute mode for the unaddressed receivers is introduced. During a reception, the target receiver is active to receive the full message contents while the unintended message recipients are in the mute mode. Idle line detection and address mark detection can be used to enter or exit the mute mode. In idle line detection, the USART enters the mute mode and the RWU bit in the USART_STAT register is set when the MMCMD bit in USART_CMD is asserted. It exits as soon as the idle frame is detected. The RWU bit in the USART_STAT register is cleared when the IDLEF bit in USART_STAT is not set. In address mark detection, the bytes with their MSB bit set are recognized as address byte. The 4/7 LSB bits in the address byte are the address of the target receiver. The receivers compare the address byte with the address of their own, then enter or exit the mute mode (set or reset the RWU bit) according to the result. 17.3.7. ModBus communication The USART offers basic support for the implementation of Modbus/RTU and Modbus/ASCII protocols by implementing an end of block detection. In the Modbus/RTU mode, the end of one block is recognized by an idle line for more than 2 characters time. This function is implemented through the programmable timeout function. To detect the idle line, the RTEN bit in the USART_CTL1 register and the RTIE in the USART_CTL0 register must be set. The USART_RT register must be set to the value corresponding to a timeout of 2 characters time. After the last stop bit is received, when the receive line is idle for this duration, an interrupt will be generated, informing the software that the current block reception is completed. In the Modbus/ASCII mode, the end of a block is recognized by a specific (CR/LF) character 492 GD32F1x0 User Manual sequence. The USART manages this mechanism using the character match function by programming the LF ASCII code in the ADDR field and activating the addrress match interrupt (AMIE=1). When a LF has been received or can check the CR/LF in the DMA buffer, the software will be informed. 17.3.8. LIN mode The local interconnection network mode is enabled by setting the LMEN bit in USART_CTL1. The CKEN bit in USART_CTL1 and the STPL, SCEN, HDEN, IREN bits in USART_CTL2 should be reset in LIN mode. The LIN transmission procedure is almost the same as the normal transmission procedure. The data bits length can only be 8. And the break frame is 13-bit ’0s’. Break detection is totally independent from the normal USART receiver. So a break can be detected during the idle state or during a frame. When the receiver is enabled and a start bit has been detected, the circuit samples the next bit. During the break detection, when the framing error occurs, the break detection cancels only until the RX line becomes high level. Then start bit detection begins. If 10/11 (configured by the LBLEN bit in USART_CTL1) consecutive bits are detected as ‘0’ before a delimiter character (high level), the LIN break detection flag is also set in USART_STAT. Figure 17-3. Frame error detection and break frame detection in LIN mode RX Line DATA0 DATA1 data length BREAK FRAME DATA2 DATA3 FE LBDF 17.3.9. Half-duplex communication mode The half-duplex communication mode is enabled by setting the HDEN bit in USART_CTL2. The LMEN, CKEN bits in USART_CTL1 and SCEN, IREN bits in USART_CTL2 should be reset in half-duplex communication mode. Only one wire is used in half-duplex mode. The TX and RX pins are connected together internally. The TX pin should be configured as IO pin. The conflicts should be controlled by the software. When the TEN bit is set, the data in the data register will be sent. 493 GD32F1x0 User Manual 17.3.10. Synchronous mode The USART can be used for full-duplex synchronous serial communications only in master mode, by setting the CKEN bit in USART_CTL1. The LMEN bit in USART_CTL1 and SCEN, HDEN, IREN bits in USART_CTL2 should be reset in synchronous mode. The CK pin is the synchronous USART transmitter clock output, and can be only activated when the TEN bit is enabled. No clock pulse will be sent to the CK pin during the start bit and stop bit transmission. The CLEN bit in USART_CTL1 can be used to determine whether the clock is output or not during the LSB (address index) bit transmission. The clock output is also not activated during idle and break frame sending. The CPH bit in USART_CTL1 can be used to determine whether data is captured on the first or the second clock edge. The CPL bit in USART_CTL1 can be used to configure the clock polarity in the USART Synchronous Mode idle state. These 3 bits (CPL, CPH, CLEN) should not be changed while the transmitter or the receiver is enabled The clock is synchronized with the data transmitted. The receiver in synchronous mode samples the data on the transmitter clock without any oversampling. Figure 17-4. Example of USART in synchronous mode RX Data output TX Data input USART (master mode) Device (slave mode) CK Clock input Figure 17-5. 8-bit format USART synchronous waveform (CLEN=1) Idle or next transmission CPH=0 Idle or preceding transmission CLK1(CPL=0) CLK2(CPL=1) CPH=1 CLK3(CPL=0) CLK4(CPL=1) Master data output Start Master data input 17.3.11. bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7 bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7 Stop Smartcard (ISO7816) mode The smartcard mode is an asynchronous mode, which is enabled by setting the SCEN bit in USART_CTL2. The LMEN bit in USART_CTL1 and HDEN, IREN bits in USART_CTL2 should be reset in smartcard mode. 494 GD32F1x0 User Manual A clock is provided to the smartcard if the CKEN bit is set. The clock can be divided for other use. The frame consists of 1 start bit, 9 data bits (1 parity bit included) and 1.5 stop bits. The smartcard mode is a half-duplex communication protocol. When connected to a smartcard, the TX pin must be configured as open drain and drives a bidirectional line that is also driven by the smartcard. T=0 mode Figure 17-6. ISO7816-3 frame format S 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 P ISO 7816-3 frame without parity error S 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 P 0.5 bit 1 bit ISO 7816-3 frame with parity error Comparing to the time in normal operation, the transmission time from transmit shift register to the TX pin is delayed half baud clock, and the TC flag assertion time delayed a certain value wrote in the guard time register. The USART can automaticly re-send data according to the protocol by SCRTNUM times. At the end of reception of the last repeated character the TC bit is set without gardtime immediately. The USART will stop transmitting and signal the error as a framing error if it continues receiving the NKEN after the programmed number of retries. The TXFCMD bit in the USART_CMD register can be used to clear the TBE bit. During USART reception, the TX line is pulled low for a baud clock after finishing receiving the frame if a parity error is detected. This signal is the ‘NKEN’ signal to smartcard. Then a frame error occurred in smartcard side. The RBNE/receive DMA request is not activated if the received character is erroneous. According to the protocol, the smartcard can resend the data. The USART stops transmitting the NKEN and signals the error as a parity error if the received character is still erroneous after the maximum number of retries specified in the SCARNUM bit field. The ‘NKEN’ signal will be sent to the USART if the NKEN bit in USART_CTL2 is set. And the USART will not take the ‘NKEN’ signal as the start bit. The idle frame and break frame do not apply for the smartcard mode. T=1 mode (block mode) In T=1 (block) mode, the NKEN bit in the USART_CTL2 register should be cleared to deactivate the parity error transmission. 495 GD32F1x0 User Manual When requesting a read from the smartcard, the USART_RT register should be programmed with the BWT (block wait time) - 11 value and RBNEIE must be set. A timeout interrupt will be generated, if no answer is received from the card before the expiration of this period. If the first character is received before the expiration of the period, it is signaled by the RBNE interrupt. If DMA is used to read from the smartcard in block mode, the DMA must be enabled only after the first received byte. In order to allow the automatic check of the maximum wait time between two consecutive characters, the USART_RT register must be programmed to the CWT (character wait time) 11 value, which is expressed in baudtime units, after the reception of the first character (RBNE interrupt). The USART signals to the software through the RT flag and interrupt (when RTIE bit is set), if the smartcard doesn’t send a new character in less than the CWT period after the end of the previous character. The USART uses a block length counter, which is reset when the USART is transmitting (TBE=0), to count all the characters received. The length of the block, which must be programmed to the BL field in the USART_RT register, is communicated by the smartcard in the third byte of the block (prologue field). This register field must be programmed to the minimum value (0x0), before the start of the block, when using DMA mode. With this value, an interrupt is generated after the 4th received character. The software must read the third byte as block length from the receive buffer. In interrupt driven receive mode, the length of the block may be checked by software or by programming the BL value. However, before the start of the block, the maximum value of BL (0xFF) may be programmed. The real value will be programmed after the reception of the third character. The total block length (including prologue, epilogue and information fields) equals BL+4. The end of the block is signaled to the software through the EBF flag and interrupt (when EBIE bit is set). The RT interrupt may occur in case of an error in the block length. Direct and inverse convention The smartcard protocol defines two conventions: direct and inverse. The direct convention is defined as: LSB first, logical bit value of 1 corresponds to H state of the line and parity is even. In this case, the following control bits must be programmed: MSBF=0, DINV=0 (default values). The inverse convention is defined as: MSB first, logical bit value 1 corresponds to an L state on the signal line and parity is even. In this case, the following control bits must be programmed: MSBF=1, DINV=1. 17.3.12. IrDA SIR ENDEC mode The IrDA mode is enabled by setting the IREN bit in USART_CTL2. The LMEN, STPL, CKEN bits in USART_CTL1 and HDEN, SCEN bits in USART_CTL2 should be reset in IrDA mode. 496 GD32F1x0 User Manual In IrDA SIR physical layer, an infrared light pulse (a Return to Zero signal) represent the logic ‘0’. The pulse width should be 3/16 of a bit period. The IrDA could not detect the pulse if the pulse width is less than 1 PSC clock. While it can detect some pulse by chance if the pulse width is greater than 1 but smaller than 2 times PSC clock. The USART data frame is modulated in SIR Transmit encoder. The modulated signal is transmitted by the infrared LED. The baud rate should not be larger than 115200 for the encoder. The infrared detector receives the modulated signal and outputs the data frame decoded. The polarity of modulated signal transmitted by the encoder is opposite to that received by the decoder. Then the decoder input is usually the high level and a start bit is decoded if the input signal is low. The transmission and the reception should not be carried out at the same time in the IrDA SIR ENDEC block. For power saving mode: Transmitter: The pulse width can be 3 times the low-power baud rate. Receiver: The same as normal mode. Figure 17-7. IrDA SIR ENDEC module RX Receive Decoder IrDA_IN USART_RX USART IREN USART_TX TX Transmit Encoder IrDA_OUT SIR MODULE 497 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 17-8. IrDA data modulation start bit TX 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 stop bit 0 IrDA_OUT IrDA_IN RX 17.3.13. start bit 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 stop bit Hardware flow control Using the nCTS input and the nRTS output to control the serial data flow is called hardware flow control. The RTS flow control is enabled by writing ‘1’ to the RTSEN bit in USART_CTL2 and the CTS flow control is enabled by write ‘1’ to the CTSEN bit in USART_CTL2. Figure 17-9. Hardware flow control between two USARTs TX module TX RX nCTS nRTS USART 1 RX module RX module USART 2 RX TX nRTS nCTS TX module RTS flow control USART receiver can receive data only when the nRTS signal is low, and the signal does not go high until the data frame reception is finished. The next reception occurs when the nRTS signal goes low again. The signal keeps high when the receive register is full. CTS flow control If the TBE bit in USART_STAT is ‘0’ and the nCTS signal is low, the transmitter transmits the data frame. When the nCTS signal goes high during a transmission, the transmitter stops after the current transmission is accomplished. 498 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 17-10. Hardware flow control RTS flow control nRTS start RX stop idle data 1 start data 2 stop idle CTS flow control nCTS USART_DR TX empty data 2 data 1 empty stop start data 2 data 3 stop idle empty start stop RS485 Driver Enable The driver enable feature, which is enabled by setting bit DEM in the USART_CTL2 control register, allows the user to activate the external transceiver control, through the DE (Driver Enable) signal. The assertion time, which is programmed using the DEA [4:0] bits field in the USART_CTL0 control register, is the time between the activation of the DE signal and the beginning of the START bit. The de-assertion time, which is programmed using the DED [4:0] bits field in the USART_CTL0 control register, is the time between the end of the last stop bit and the de-activation of the DE signal. The polarity of the DE signal can be configured using the DEP bit in the USART_CTL2 control register. 17.3.14. DMA requests DMA can be used for USART continuously communication. The DENT bit in USART_CTL2 is used to enable the DMA transmission, and the DENR bit in USART_CTL2 is used to enable the DMA reception. DMA transmission configuration: 1. Configuring the DMA registers, which the destination address (USART_TDATA register address), the source address (memory address), the total number of bytes to be transferred, channel priority, DMA interrupts are written to. 2. Writing ‘0’ to the TCC bit in USART_INTC. 3. Writing ‘1’ to the DENT bit in the DMA control register to enable the DMA channel. The TC flag in USART_STAT is set later than the time when the FTFIF flag is set in DMA_INTF. It remains reset during the data transfers, and is set when the USART communication finished. Entering the Deep-sleep mode or disabling the USART will lead to the transfer corruption when the TC bit is not set. DMA reception configuration: configuring the DMA registers, which the destination address (memory address), the source address (USART_RDATA register address), the total number 499 GD32F1x0 User Manual of bytes to be transferred, channel priority, DMA interrupts are written to. The RBNE event occurs as soon as the data is received. 17.3.15. Wakeup from Deep-sleep mode The USART is able to wake up the MCU from Deep-sleep mode by the standard RBNE interrupt or the WUM interrupt. The UESM bit must be set and the USART clock must be set to IRC8M or LXTAL (refer to the reset and clock unit RCU section). When using the standard RBNE interrupt, the RBNEIE bit must be set before entering Deepsleep mode. When using the WUIE interrupt, the soure of WUIE interrupt may be selected through the WUM bit fields. DMA must be disabled before entering Deep-sleep mode. Before entering Deep-sleep mode, software must check that the USART is not performing a transfer, by checking the BSY flag in the USART_STAT register. The REA bit must be checked to ensure the USART is actually enabled. When the wakeup event is detected, the WUF flag is set by hardware and a wakeup interrupt is generated if the WUIE bit is set, independently of whether the MCU is in stop or active mode. 17.3.16. USART interrupts The USART interrupt events and flags are listed in the table below. Table 17-3. USART interrupt requests Interrupt event Event flag Enable Control bit Transmit data register empty TBE TBEIE CTS flag CTSF CTSIE Transmission complete TC TCIE Received data ready to be read RBNE Overrun error detected ORERR Idle line detected IDLEF IDLEIE Parity error flag PERR PERRIE LBDF LBDIE NERR or ORERR or FERR EIE Character match AMF AMIE Receiver timeout error RTF RTIE Break detected flag in LIN mode RBNEIE Reception Errors (Noise flag, overrun error, framing error) in DMA reception 500 GD32F1x0 User Manual Interrupt event Event flag Enable Control bit End of Block EBF EBIE Wakeup from Deep-sleep mode WUF WUIE All of the interrupt events are ORed together before being sent to the interrupt controller, so the USART can only generate a single interrupt request to the controller at any given time. Software can service multiple interrupt events in a single interrupt service routine Figure 17-11. USART interrupt mapping diagram IDLE IDLEIE RBNE RBNEIE ORE RBNEIE PE PEIE FE NE ORE OR EIE LBDF LBDIE USART_INT AMF AMIE RTF RTIE EBF EBIE WUF WUIE TC TCIE TBE TBEIE CTSF CTSIE 17.4. USART registers 17.4.1. Control register 0 (USART_CTL0) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000_0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 Reserved 15 14 13 12 27 26 25 EBIE RTIE DEA[4:0] DED[4:0] rw rw rw rw 11 10 9 24 8 23 7 22 6 21 5 20 4 19 3 18 2 17 16 1 0 501 GD32F1x0 User Manual OVSMOD AMIE rw rw MEN WL WM PCEN PM rw rw rw rw rw PERRIE TBEIE rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 27 EBIE End of Block interrupt enable TCIE rw rw RBNEIE IDLEIE rw rw TEN REN UESM UEN rw rw rw rw 0: End of Block interrupt is disabled 1: End of Block interrupt is enabled This bit is reserved in USART1. 26 RTIE Receiver timeout interrupt enable 0: Receiver timeout interrupt is disabled 1: Receiver timeout interrupt is enabled This bit is reserved in USART1. 25:21 DEA[4:0] Driver Enable assertion time These bits are used to define the time between the activation of the DE (Driver Enable) signal and the beginning of the start bit. It is expressed in sample time units (1/8 or 1/16 bit time), which are configured by the OVSMOD bit. This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 20:16 DED[4:0] Driver Enable deassertion time These bits are used to define the time between the end of the last stop bit, in a transmitted message, and the de-activation of the DE (Driver Enable) signal. It is expressed in sample time units (1/8 or 1/16 bit time), which are configured by the OVSMOD bit. This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 15 OVSMOD Oversample mode 0: Oversampling by 16 1: Oversampling by 8 This bit must be kept cleared in LIN, IrDA and smartcard modes. This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 14 AMIE ADDR match interrupt enable 0: ADDR match interrupt is disabled 1: ADDR match interrupt is enabled 13 MEN Mute mode enable 0: Mute mode disabled 1: Mute mode enabled 12 WL Word length 0: 8 Data bits, 1: 9 Data bits This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 502 GD32F1x0 User Manual 11 WM Wakeup method in mute mode 0: Idle Line 1: Address Mark This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 10 PCEN Parity control enable 0: Parity control disabled 1: Parity control enabled This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 9 PM Parity mode 0: Even parity 1: Odd parity This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 8 PERRIE Parity error interrupt enable 0: Parity error interrupt is disabled 1: An interrupt will occur whenever the PERR bit is set in USART_STAT. 7 TBEIE Transmitter register empty interrupt enable 0: Interrupt is inhibited 1: An interrupt will occur whenever the TBE bit is set in USART_STAT 6 TCIE Transmission complete interrupt enable 0: Transmission complete interrupt is disabled 1: An interrupt will occur whenever the TC bit is set in USART_STAT. 5 RBNEIE Read data buffer not empty interrupt and overrun error interrupt enable 0: Read data register not empty interrupt and overrun error interrupt disabled 1: An interrupt will occur whenever the ORERR bit is set or the RBNE bit is set in USART_STAT. 4 IDLEIE IDLE line detected interrupt enable 0: IDLE line detected interrupt disabled 1: An interrupt will occur whenever the IDLEF bit is set in USART_STAT. 3 TEN Transmitter enable 0: Transmitter is disabled 1: Transmitter is enabled 2 REN Receiver enable 0: Receiver is disabled 1: Receiver is enabled and begins searching for a start bit 1 UESM USART enable in Deep-sleep mode 0: USART not able to wake up the MCU from Deep-sleep mode. 1: USART able to wake up the MCU from Deep-sleep mode. Providing that the clock source for the USART must be IRC8M or LXTAL. 503 GD32F1x0 User Manual This bit is reserved in USART1. 0 UEN USART enable 0: USART prescaler and outputs disabled 1: USART prescaler and outputs enabled 17.4.2. Control register 1 (USART_CTL1) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000_0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 15 14 STRP LMEN rw rw 29 28 13 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 ADDR[7:0] RTEN ABDM[1:0] ABDEN MSBF DINV TINV RINV rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 4 3 2 1 0 12 11 10 9 8 STB[1:0] CKEN CPL CPH CLEN rw rw rw rw rw 7 6 5 Reserved LBDIE LBLEN Bits Fields Descriptions 31:24 ADDR[7:0] Address of the USART terminal rw ADDM rw Reserved rw These bits give the address of the USART terminal. In multiprocessor communication during mute mode or Deep-sleep mode, this is used for wakeup with address mark detection. The received frame, the MSB of which is equal to 1, will be compared to these bits. When the ADDM bit is reset, only the ADDR[3:0] bits are used to compare. In normal reception, these bits are also used for character detection. The whole received character (8-bit) is compared to the ADD[7:0] value and AMF flag is set on matching. This bit field cannot be written when both reception (REN=1) and USART (UEN=1) are enabled. 23 RTEN Receiver timeout enable 0: Receiver timeout function disabled 1: Receiver timeout function enabled This bit is reserved in USART1. 22:21 ABDM[1:0] Auto baud rate mode 00: Falling edge to rising edge measurement (measurement of the start bit) 01: Falling edge to falling edge measurement (the received frame must be in a Start 10xxxxxx frame format) 10: Reserved. 11: Reserved This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 504 GD32F1x0 User Manual This bit is reserved in USART1. 20 ABDEN Auto baud rate enable 0: Auto baud rate detection is disabled 1: Auto baud rate detection is enabled This bit is reserved in USART1. 19 MSBF Most significant bit first 0: Data is transmitted/received with the LSB first 1: Data is transmitted/received with the MSB first This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 18 DINV Data bit level inversion 0: Data bit signal values are not inverted 1: Data bit signal values are inverted This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 17 TINV TX pin level inversion 0: TX pin signal values are not inverted 1: TX pin signal values are inverted This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 16 RINV RX pin level inversion 0: RX pin signal values are not inverted 1: RX pin signal values are inverted This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 15 STRP Swap TX/RX pins 0: The TX and RX pins functions are not swapped 1: The TX and RX pins functions are swapped This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 14 LMEN LIN mode enable 0: LIN mode disabled 1: LIN mode enabled This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). This bit is reserved in USART1. 13:12 STB[1:0] STOP bits length 00: 1 Stop bit 01: Reserved 10: 2 Stop bits 11: 1.5 Stop bit This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 11 CKEN CK pin enable 0: CK pin disabled 1: CK pin enabled 505 GD32F1x0 User Manual This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). This bit is reserved in USART1. 10 CPL Clock polarity 0: Steady low value on CK pin outside transmission window in synchronous mode 1: Steady high value on CK pin outside transmission window in synchronous mode This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 9 CPH Clock phase 0: The first clock transition is the first data capture edge in synchronous mode 1: The second clock transition is the first data capture edge in synchronous mode This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 8 CLEN CK length 0: The clock pulse of the last data bit (MSB) is not output to the CK pin in synchronous mode 1: The clock pulse of the last data bit (MSB) is output to the CK pin in synchronous mode This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1) 7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 6 LBDIE LIN break detection interrupt enable 0: LIN break detection interrupt is disabled 1: An interrupt will occur whenever the LBDF bit is set in USART_STAT This bit is reserved in USART1. 5 LBLEN LIN break frame length 0: 10 bit break detection 1: 11 bit break detection This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). This bit is reserved in USART1. 4 ADDM Address detection mode This bit is used to select between 4-bit address detection and full-bit address detection. 0: 4-bit address detection 1: full-bit address detection. In 7-bit, 8-bit and 9-bit data modes, the address detection is done on 6-bit, 7-bit and 8-bit address (ADD[5:0], ADD[6:0] and ADD[7:0]) respectively This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 3:0 17.4.3. Reserved Must be kept at reset value Control register 2 (USART_CTL2) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0000_0000 506 GD32F1x0 User Manual This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Reserved 22 21 20 19 18 17 WUIE WUM[1:0] SCRTNUM[2:0] rw rw rw 16 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DEP DEM DDRE OVRD OSB CTSIE CTSEN RTSEN DENT DENR SCEN NKEN HDEN IRLP IREN ERRIE rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 22 WUIE Wakeup from Deep-sleep mode interrupt enable 0: Wakeup from Deep-sleep mode interrupt is disabled 1: Wakeup from Deep-sleep mode interrupt is enabled This bit is reserved in USART1. 21:20 WUM[1:0] Wakeup mode from Deep-sleep mode These bits are used to specify the event which activates the WU (Wakeup from Deep-sleep mode flag) in the USART_STAT register. 00: WU active on address match, which is defined by ADDR and ADDM 01: Reserved 10: WU active on Start bit 11: WU active on RBNE This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). This bit is reserved in USART1. 19:17 SCRTNUM[2:0] Smartcard auto-retry number In smartcard mode, these bits specify the number of retries in transmit and receive. In transmission mode, a transmission error (FERR bit set) will occur after this number of automatic retransmission retries. In reception mode, reception error (RBNE and PERR bits set) will occur after this number or erroneous reception trials. When these bits are configured as 0x0, there will be no automatic retransmission in transmit mode. This bit field is only can be cleared to 0 when the USART is enabled (UEN=1), to stop retransmission. This bit is reserved in USART1. 16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15 DEP Driver enable polarity mode 0: DE signal is active high 1: DE signal is active low This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 507 GD32F1x0 User Manual 14 DEM Driver enable mode This bit is used to activate the external transceiver control, through the DE signal, which is output on the RTS pin. 0: DE function is disabled 1: DE function is enabled This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 13 DDRE Disable DMA on reception error 0: DMA is not disabled in case of reception error. The DMA request is not asserted to make sure the erroneous data is not transferred, but the next correct received data will be transferred.The RBNE is kept 0 to prevent overrun, but the corresponding error flag is set. This mode can be used in Smartcard mode 1: DMA is disabled following a reception error. The DMA request is not asserted until the error flag is cleared. The RBNE flag and corresponding error flag will be set. The software must first disable the DMA request (DMAR = 0) or clear RBNE before clearing the error flag This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 12 OVRD Overrun Disable 0: Overrun functionality is enabled. The ORERR error flag will be set when received data is not read before receiving new data, and the new data will be lost 1: Overrun functionality is disabled. The ORERR error flag will not be set when received data is not read before receiving new data, and the new received data overwrites the previous content of the USART_RDATA register This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 11 OSB One sample bit method 0: Three sample bit method 1: One sample bit method This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 10 CTSIE CTS interrupt enable 0: CTS interrupt is disabled 1: An interrupt will occur whenever the CTS bit is set in USART_STAT 9 CTSEN CTS enable 0: CTS hardware flow control disabled 1: CTS hardware flow control enabled This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 8 RTSEN RTS enable 0: RTS hardware flow control disabled 1: RTS hardware flow control enabled, data can be requested only when there is space in the receive buffer This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 7 DENT DMA enable for transmission 508 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: DMA mode is disabled for transmission 1: DMA mode is enabled for transmission 6 DENR DMA enable for reception 0: DMA mode is disabled for reception 1: DMA mode is enabled for reception 5 SCEN Smartcard mode enable 0: Smartcard Mode disabled 1: Smartcard Mode enabled This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). This bit is reserved in USART1. 4 NKEN NKEN enable in Smartcard mode 0: Disable NKEN transmission when parity error 1: Enable NKEN transmission when parity error This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). This bit is reserved in USART1. 3 HDEN Half-duplex enable 0: Half duplex mode is disabled 1: Half duplex mode is enabled This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 2 IRLP IrDA low-power 0: Normal mode 1: Low-power mode This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). 1 IREN IrDA mode enable 0: IrDA disabled 1: IrDA enabled This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1). This bit is reserved in USART1. 0 ERRIE Error interrupt enable 0: Error interrupt disabled 1: An interrupt will occur whenever the FERR bit or the ORERR bit or the NERR bit is set in USART_STAT in multibuffer communication 17.4.4. Baud rate generator register (USART_BAUD) Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000_0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) This register cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1) 509 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 INTDIV [11:0] FRADIV [3:0] rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:4 INTDIV [11:0] Integer part of baud-rate divider DIV_INT[11:0] = INTDIV [11:0] 3:0 FRADIV [3:0] Fraction part of baud-rate divider If OVSMOD = 0, USARTDIV [3:0] = FRADIV [3:0]; If OVSMOD = 1, USARTDIV [3:1] = FRADIV [2:0], FRADIV [3] must be reset. 17.4.5. Prescaler and guard time configuration register (USART_GP) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000_0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) This register cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1) This register is reserved in USART1 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 GUAT[7:0] PSC[7:0] rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:8 GUAT[7:0] Guard time value in smartcard mode 7:0 PSC[7:0] Prescaler value for dividing the system clock In IrDA Low-power mode, the division factor is the prescaler value. 00000000: Reserved - do not program this value 00000001: divides the source clock by 1 00000010: divides the source clock by 2 ... 510 GD32F1x0 User Manual In IrDA normal mode. 00000001: can be set this value only In smartcard mode, the prescaler value for dividing the system clock is stored in PSC[4:0] bits. And the bits of PSC[7:5] must be kept at reset value. The division factor is twice as the prescaler value. 00000: Reserved - do not program this value 00001: divides the source clock by 2 00010: divides the source clock by 4 00011: divides the source clock by 6 ... 17.4.6. Receiver timeout register (USART_RT) Address offset: 0x14 Reset value: 0x0000_0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) This bit is reserved in USART1 31 15 30 14 29 13 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 BL[7:0] RT[23:16] rw rw 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 18 17 16 2 1 0 RT[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:24 BL[7:0] Block Length These bits specify the block length in smartcard T=1 Reception. Its value equals the number of information characters + the length of the Epilogue Field (1-LEC/2-CRC) - 1. This value, which must be programmed only once per received block, can be programmed after the start of the block reception (using the data from the LEN character in the Prologue Field). The block length counter is reset when TBE=0 in smartcard mode. In other modes, when REN=0 (receiver disabled) and/or when the EOBCF bit is written to 1, the Block length counter is reset. 23:0 RT[23:0] Receiver timeout threshold These bits are used to specify receiver timeout value in terms of number of baud clocks. In standard mode, the RTF flag is set if no new start bit is detected for more than the RT value after the last received character. In smartcard mode, the CWT and BWT are implemented by this value. In this case, 511 GD32F1x0 User Manual the timeout measurement is started from the start bit of the last received character. These bits can be written on the fly. The RTF flag will be set if the new value is lower than or equal to the counter. These bits must only be programmed once per received character. 17.4.7. Command register (USART_CMD) Address offset: 0x18 Reset value: 0x0000_0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved TXFCMD RXFCMD MMCMD SBKCMD ABDCMD w Bits Fields Descriptions 31:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4 TXFCMD Transmit data flush request w w w w Writing 1 to this bit sets the TBE flag, to discard the transmit data. This bit is reserved in USART1. 3 RXFCMD Receive data flush command Writing 1 to this bit clears the RBNE flag to discard the received data without reading it. 2 MMCMD Mute mode command Writing 1 to this bit makes the USART into mute mode and sets the RWU flag. 1 SBKCMD Send break command Writing 1 to this bit sets the SBKF flag and make the USART send a BREAK frame, as soon as the transmit machine is idle. 0 ABDCMD Auto baudrate detection command Writing 1 to this bit issues an automatic baud rate measurement command on the next received data frame and resets the ABDF flag in the USART_STAT. This bit is reserved in USART1 17.4.8. Status register (USART_STAT) Address offset: 0x1C Reset value: 0x0000_00C0 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 512 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Reserved 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 REA TEA WUF RWU SBF AMF BSY r r r r r r r 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ABDF ABDE Reserved EBF RTF CTS CTSF LBDF TBE TC RBNE IDLEF ORERR NERR FERR PERR r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 22 REA Receive enable acknowledge flag This bit, which is set/reset by hardware, reflects the receive enable state of the USART core logic. 0: The USART core receiving logic has not been enabled 1: The USART core receiving logic has been enabled 21 TEA Transmit enable acknowledge flag This bit, which is set/reset by hardware, reflects the transmit enable state of the USART core logic. 0: The USART core transmitting logic has not been enabled 1: The USART core transmitting logic has been enabled 20 WUF Wakeup from Deep-sleep mode flag 0: No wakeup from Deep-sleep mode 1: Wakeup from Deep-sleep mode. An interrupt is generated if WUFIE=1 in the USART_CTL2 register and the MCU is in Deep-sleep mode. This bit is set by hardware when a wakeup event, which is defined by the WUS bit field, is detected. Cleared by writing a 1 to the WUC in the USART_INTC register. This bit can also be cleared when UESM is cleared. This bit is reserved in USART1. 19 RWU Receiver wakeup from mute mode. This bit is used to indicate if the USART is in mute mode. 0: Receiver in active mode 1: Receiver in mute mode It is cleared/set by hardware when a wakeup/mute sequence (address or IDLE) is recognized, which is selected by the WAKE bit in the USART_CTL0 register. This bit can only be set by writing 1 to the MMCMD bit in the USART_CMD register when wakeup on IDLE mode is selected. 18 SBF Send break flag 0: No break character is to be transmitted 1: Break character will be transmitted This bit indicates that a send break character was requested. 513 GD32F1x0 User Manual Set by software, by writing 1 to the SBKCMD bit in the USART_CMD register. Clear by hardware during the stop bit of break transmission. 17 AMF ADDR match flag 0: ADDR do not match the received character 1: ADDR matches the received character, An interrupt is generated if AMIE=1in the USART_CTL0 register. Set by hardware, when the character defined by ADDR [7:0] is received. Cleared writing 1 to the AMC in the USART_INTC register. 16 BSY Busy flag 0: USART reception path is idle 1: USART reception path is working 15 ABDF Auto baudrate detection flag 0: No auto baudrate detection complete 1: Auto baudrate detection complete Set by hardware when the automatic baud rate has been completed. Cleared by writing 1 to the ABDCMD in the USART_CMD register, to request a new auto baudrate detection. This bit is reserved in USART1. 14 ABDE Auto baudrate detection error 0: No auto baudrate detection error occured 1: Auto baudrate detection error occured Set by hardware if the baud rate out of range or character comparison failed Cleared by software, by writing 1 to the ABDRQ bit in the USART_CTL2 register. This bit is reserved in USART1 13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 12 EBF End of block flag 0: End of Block not reached 1: End of Block (number of characters) reached. An interrupt is generated if the EBIE=1 in the USART_CTL1 register Set by hardware when the number of received bytes (from the start of the block, including the prologue) is equal or greater than BLEN + 4. Cleared by writing 1 to EBC bit in USART_INTC register. This bit is reserved in USART1. 11 RTF Receiver timeout flag 0: Timeout value not reached 1: Timeout value reached without any data reception. An interrupt is generated if RTIE bit in the USART_CTL1 register is set. Set by hardware when the RT value, programmed in the USART_RT register has lapsed without any communication. Cleared by writing 1 to RTC bit in USART_INTC register. 514 GD32F1x0 User Manual The timeout corresponds to the CWT or BWT timings in smartcard mode. This bit is reserved in USART1 10 CTS CTS level This bit equals to the inverted level of the nCTS input pin. 0: nCTS input pin is in high level 1: nCTS input pin is in low level 9 CTSF CTS change flag 0: No change occurred on the nCTS status line 1: A change occurred on the nCTS status line. An interrupt will occur if the CTSIE bit is set in USART_CTL2 Set by hardware when the nCTS input toggles. Cleared by writing 1 to CTSC bit in USART_INTC register. 8 LBDF LIN break detected flag 0: LIN Break is not detected 1: LIN Break is detected. An interrupt will occur if the LBDIE bit is set in USART_CTL1 Set by hardware when the LIN break is detected. Cleared by writing 1 to LBDC bit in USART_INTC register. This bit is reserved in USART1. 7 TBE Transmit data register empty 0: Data is not transferred to the shift register 1: Data is transferred to the shift register. An interrupt will occur if the TBEIE bit is set in USART_CTL0 Set by hardware when the content of the USART_TDATA register has been transferred into the transmit shift register or writing 1 to TXFCMD bit of the USART_CMD register. Cleared by a write to the USART_TDATA. 6 TC Transmission completed 0: Transmission is not completed 1: Transmission is complete. An interrupt will occur if the TCIE bit is set in USART_CTL0. Set by hardware if the transmission of a frame containing data is completed and if the TBE bit is set. Cleared by writing 1 to TCC bit in USART_INTC register. 5 RBNE Read data buffer not empty 0: Data is not received 1: Data is received and ready to be read. An interrupt will occur if the RBNEIE bit is set in USART_CTL0. Set by hardware when the content of the receive shift register has been transferred to the USART_RDATA. Cleared by reading the USART_TDATA or writing 1 to RXFCMD bit of the 515 GD32F1x0 User Manual USART_CMD register. 4 IDLEF IDLE line detected flag 0: No Idle Line is detected 1: Idle Line is detected. An interrupt will occur if the IDLEIE bit is set in USART_CTL0 Set by hardware when an Idle Line is detected. It will not be set again until the RBNE bit has been set itself. Cleared by writing 1 to IDLEC bit in USART_INTC register. 3 ORERR Overrun error 0: No Overrun error is detected 1: Overrun error is detected. An interrupt will occur if the RBNEIE bit is set in USART_CTL0. In multibuffer communication, an interrupt will occur if the ERRIE bit is set in USART_CTL2. Set by hardware when the word in the receive shift register is ready to be transferred into the USART_TDATA register while the RBNE bit is set. Cleared by writing 1 to OREC bit in USART_INTC register. 2 NERR Noise error flag 0: No noise error is detected 1: Noise error is detected. In multibuffer communication, an interrupt will occur if the ERRIE bit is set in USART_CTL2. Set by hardware when noise error is detected on a received frame. Cleared by writing 1 to NEC bit in USART_INTC register. 1 FERR Frame error flag 0: No framing error is detected 1: Frame error flag or break character is detected. In multibuffer communication, an interrupt will occur if the ERRIE bit is set in USART_CTL2. Set by hardware when a de-synchronization, excessive noise or a break character is detected. This bit will be set when the maximum number of transmit attempts is reached without success (the card NACKs the data frame), when USART transmits in smartcard mode. Cleared by writing 1 to FEC bit in USART_INTC register. 0 PERR Parity error flag 0: No parity error is detected 1: Parity error flag is detected. An interrupt will occur if the PERRIE bit is set in USART_CTL0. Set by hardware when a parity error occurs in receiver mode. Cleared by writing 1 to PEC bit in USART_INTC register. 17.4.9. Interrupt status clear register (USART_INTC) Address offset: 0x20 Reset value: 0x0000_0000 516 GD32F1x0 User Manual This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Reserved 20 WUC 19 18 Reserved 17 16 AMC Reserved w 15 14 Reserved 13 w 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EBC RTC Reserved CTSC LBDC Reserved TCC Reserved IDLEC OREC NEC FEC PEC w w w w w w w w w w Bits Fields Descriptions 31:21 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 20 WUC Wakeup from Deep-sleep mode clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the WUF bit in the USART_STAT register. This bit is reserved in USART1. 19:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 17 AMC ADDR match clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the AM bit in the USART_STAT register. 16:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 12 EBC End of timeout clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the EB bit in the USART_STAT register. This bit is reserved in USART1. 11 RTC Receiver timeout clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the RT flag in the USART_STAT register. This bit is reserved in USART1. 10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9 CTSC CTS change clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the CTSF bit in the USART_STAT register. 8 LBDC LIN break detected clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the LBDF flag in the USART_STAT register. This bit is reserved in USART1. 7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 6 TCC Transmission complete clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the TC bit in the USART_STAT register. 5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4 IDLEC Idle line detected clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the IDLEF bit in the USART_STAT register. 517 GD32F1x0 User Manual 3 OREC Overrun error clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the ORERR bit in the USART_STAT register. 2 NEC Noise detected clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the NERR bit in the USART_STAT register. 1 FEC Frame error flagclear Writing 1 to this bit clears the FERR bit in the USART_STAT register 0 PEC Parity error clear Writing 1 to this bit clears the PERR bit in the USART_STAT register. 17.4.10. Receive data register (USART_RDATA) Offset: 0x24 Reset value: Undefined This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved RDATA[8:0] r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 8:0 RDATA[8:0] Receive Data value The received data character is contained in these bits. The value read in the MSB (bit 7 or bit 8 depending on the data length) will be the received parity bit, if receiving with the parity is enabled (PERR bit set to 1 in the USART_CTL0 register). 17.4.11. Transmit data register (USART_TDATA) Offset: 0x28 Reset value: Undefined This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 11 10 9 8 7 TDATA[8:0] 518 GD32F1x0 User Manual rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 8:0 TDATA[8:0] Transmit Data value The transmit data character is contained in these bits. The value written in the MSB (bit 7 or bit 8 depending on the data length) will be replaced by the parity, when transmitting with the parity is enabled (PERR bit set to 1 in the USART_CTL0 register). This register must be written only when TBE bit in USART_STAT reigister is set. 519 GD32F1x0 User Manual 18. Debug (DBG) 18.1. Introduction The DBG module helps debugger to debug power saving mode, TIMER, I2C, RTC, WWDGT, FWDGT and CAN. When corresponding bit set, provide clock when in power saving mode or hold the state for TIMER, WWDGT, FWDGT, RTC, I2C or CAN. (The contents of CAN is only for GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices) 18.2. Function description 18.2.1. Debug support for power saving mode When STB_HOLD bit in DBG control register 0 (DBG_CTL0) set and entering the standby mode, the clock of AHB bus and system clock are provided by CK_IRC8M, and the debugger can debug in standby mode. When exitting the standby mode, a system reset generated. When DSLP_HOLD bit in DBG control register 0 (DBG_CTL0) set and entering the Deepsleep mode, the clock of AHB bus and system clock are provided by CK_IRC8M, and the debugger can debug in Deep-sleep mode. When SLP_HOLD bit in DBG control register 0 (DBG_CTL0) set and entering the sleep mode, the clock of AHB bus for CPU is not closed, and the debugger can debug in sleep mode. 18.2.2. Debug support for TIMER, I2C, RTC, WWDGT, FWDGT and CAN When the core halted and the corresponding bit in DBG control register 0 (DBG_CTL0) or DBG control register 1 (DBG_CTLR1) is set, the following behaved will be occurred For TIMER, the timer counters stopped and hold for debug. For I2C, SMBUS timeout hold for debug. For WWDGT or FWDGT, the counter clock stopped for debug. For RTC, the counter stopped for debug. For CAN, the receive register stopped counting for debug. 520 GD32F1x0 User Manual 18.3. DBG registers 18.3.1. ID code register (DBG_ID) Address: 0xE004 2000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ID_CODE[31:16] r 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 ID_CODE[15:0] r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:0 ID_CODE[31:0] DBG ID code register These bits can be read by software, These bits are unchanged constant. 18.3.2. Control register 0(DBG_CTL0) For GD32F130xx and GD32F150xx devices Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000; power reset only This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 TIMER13_ HOLD Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved rw 15 I2C0_ HOLD 14 13 Reserved 12 11 rw rw 18 rw 10 9 8 7 6 TIMER2_ TIMER1_ TIMER0_ WWDGT_ FWDGT_ HOLD HOLD HOLD HOLD HOLD rw 19 TIMER5_ Reserved HOLD rw rw 5 Reserved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 27 TIMER13_HOLD TIMER13 hold register 4 3 2 17 16 I2C2 HOLD I2C1_ HOLD rw rw 1 0 STB_ HOLD DSLP_HOLD SLP_ HOLD rw rw rw This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the TIMER13 counter for debug when core halted 26:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 19 TIMER5_HOLD TIMER5 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 521 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: No effect 1: Hold the TIMER5 counter for debug when core halted 18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 17 I2C2_HOLD I2C2 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the I2C2 SMBUS timeout for debug when core halted 16 I2C1_HOLD I2C1 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the I2C1 SMBUS timeout for debug when core halted 15 I2C0_HOLD I2C0 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the I2C0 SMBUS timeout for debug when core halted 14:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 12 TIMER2_HOLD TIMER2 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the TIMER2 counter for debug when core halted 11 TIMER1_HOLD TIMER1 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the TIMER1 counter for debug when core halted 10 TIMER0_HOLD TIMER0 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the TIMER0 counter for debug when core halted 9 WWDGT_HOLD WWDGT hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the WWDGT counter clock for debug when core halted 8 FWDGT_HOLD FWDGT hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the FWDGT counter clock for debug when core halted 2 STB_HOLD Standby mode hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 522 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: No effect 1: At the standby mode, the system clock and HCLK are provided by CK_IRC8M, a system reset generated when exiting standby mode 1 DSLP_HOLD Deep-sleep mode hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: At the Deep-sleep mode, the system clock and HCLK are provided by CK_IRC8M 0 SLP_HOLD Sleep mode hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: At the sleep mode, the HCLK is on For GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000; power reset only This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 TIMER13_ HOLD Reserved 24 23 22 Reserved rw 15 14 13 12 11 rw rw rw 20 rw 10 9 8 7 6 I2C0_ CAN0_ TIMER2_ TIMER1_ TIMER0_ WWDGT_ FWDGT_ Reserved HOLD HOLD HOLD HOLD HOLD HOLD HOLD rw 21 rw rw 19 18 CAN1_ TIMER5_ Reserved Reserved HOLD HOLD 5 rw 4 Reserved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 27 TIMER13_HOLD TIMER13 hold register 3 17 16 I2C2_ HOLD I2C1 HOLD rw rw 2 1 0 STB_ HOLD DSLP_ HOLD SLP_ HOLD rw rw rw This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the TIMER13 counter for debug when core halted 26:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 21 CAN1_HOLD CAN1 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the CAN1 for debug when core halted 20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 19 TIMER5_HOLD TIMER5 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 523 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: No effect 1: Hold the TIMER5 counter for debug when core halted 18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 17 I2C2_HOLD I2C2 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the I2C2 SMBUS timeout for debug when core halted 16 I2C1_HOLD I2C1 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the I2C1 SMBUS timeout for debug when core halted 15 I2C0_HOLD I2C0 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the I2C0 SMBUS timeout for debug when core halted 14 CAN0_HOLD CAN0 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the CAN0 for debug when core halted 13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 12 TIMER2_HOLD TIMER2 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the TIMER2 counter for debug when core halted 11 TIMER1_HOLD TIMER1 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the TIMER1 counter for debug when core halted 10 TIMER0_HOLD TIMER0 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the TIMER0 counter for debug when core halted 9 WWDGT_HOLD WWDGT hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the WWDGT counter clock for debug when core halted 8 FWDGT_HOLD FWDGT hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 524 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: No effect 1: Hold the FWDGT counter clock for debug when core halted 2 STB_HOLD Standby mode hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: At the standby mode, the system clock and HCLK are provided by CK_IRC8M, a system reset generated when exit stanby mode 1 DSLP_HOLD Deep-sleep mode hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: At the Deep-sleep mode, the system clock and HCLK are provided by CK_IRC8M 0 SLP_HOLD Sleep mode hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: At the sleep mode, the HCLK is on 18.3.3. Control register 1 (DBG_CTL1) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0000 0000; power reset only This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 11 10 9 18 17 16 TIMER16_ TIMER15_ TIMER14_ HOLD HOLD HOLD 8 7 6 RTC_ HOLD 5 4 3 rw rw rw 2 1 0 Reserved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:19 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 18 TIMER16_HOLD TIMER16 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the TIMER16 counter for debug when core halted 17 TIMER15_HOLD TIMER15 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the TIMER15 counter for debug when core halted 525 GD32F1x0 User Manual 16 TIMER14_HOLD TIMER14 hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the TIMER14 counter for debug when core halted 15:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 10 RTC_HOLD RTC hold register This bit is set and reset by software. 0: No effect 1: Hold the RTC counter for debug when core halted 9:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 526 GD32F1x0 User Manual 19. Universal serial bus full-speed device interface (USBD) This chapter applies to GD32F150xx devices, mainly describes the USB full-speed device controller and its interface. As this module is different from other serial ports, so the higher complexity of it requires developers to know about its background knowledge. If developers want to get its latest information, please refer to the official specification of USB 2.0 version which is published by the USB Implements Forum (USB-IF). 19.1. Introduction The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a four-wire bus, which are the power line VBus, the data line D+ (DP), the data line D- (DM) and the ground line GND. It supports communication between a host and the function device implemented by the USB controller. The host controller allocates the USB bandwidth to attached devices through a token-based protocol. It communicates data with device in polling method. The USB bus supports hot plugging and dynamic configuration of the devices. All interactive processes are initiated by the host. Every transmission between the USB host and the device is accomplished by transaction. Transactions can be classified into three types: Setup transaction, Data-IN transaction and Data-out transaction. Transaction consists of three kinds of data packets: token packet, data packet and optional handshake packet. The USB device interface implements the communication between a full-speed USB 2.0 bus and the APB1 bus. According to USB standard request, it can deal with all USB packets: such as detecting token packets, handling data packet transfer and processing handshake packets. The format of transaction is performed by the hardware, including CRC generation and checking. According to the USB protocol, each device can have a maximum of 16 logical or 32 physical endpoints. The USB controller supports up to 8 bidirectional endpoints or 16 mono-directional endpoints. Each USB endpoint has a corresponding buffer located in a dedicated 512 byte SRAM. The data transfer between host PC and the system memory is based on the data buffer. The data transceiver of endpoint in its own buffer must comply with the condition that the state of endpoint is valid. For isochronous transfer which is need to be in stable rate, and bulk transfer with high throughput, the USB controller provides special handling and implements a double buffer algorithm, which allows the isochronous endpoint or bulk endpoint to transmit and receive data continuously without waiting for the state of endpoint to become valid, since that buffers of these endpoints are always available, one is handling data, meanwhile, MCU can use the other one. The USB module can be placed in low-power mode (SUSPEND mode) by writing in the Control register (USBD_CTL) whenever required. At this time, all static power dissipation is avoided and the USB clock can be slowed down or stopped. It will be resumed when detect activity at the USB bus. 527 GD32F1x0 User Manual 19.2. Main features USB 2.0 full-speed device controller Support USB 2.0 Link Power Management (LPM) Support up to 8 configurable endpoints Support double-buffered bulk/isochronous endpoints Each endpoint supports control, bulk, isochronous or interrupt transfer types(exclude endpoint 0) 19.2.1. Support USB suspend/resume operations A dedicated 512-byte SRAM used for data packet buffer Integrated USB PHY Implementation Table 19-1 describes the USB implementation in GD32F150xx devices. Table 19-1. GD32F150xx USB implementation USB features GD32F150xx USB Number of endpoints 8 bidirectional / 16 monodirectional endpoints Size of dedicated data packet 512 bytes buffer(SRAM) Dedicated data packet buffer access 2×16bits / word scheme USB 2.0 Link Power YES Management(LPM)support 19.2.2. Clock According to the USB standard definition, the USB full-speed module adopt fixed 48MHz clock. For using the USB module, it is need to open the two clock, one is the USB controller clock, its frequency must be configured to 48MHz, and the other one is the APB1 USB interface clock, that is APB1 bus clock, its frequency can be above or below 48MHz. Note: in order to meet the system requirements of packet buffer interface and USB data transfer rate, the frequency of the APB1 bus clock must be greater than 24MHz, so as to avoid data buffer overflow and underflow. 48MHz clock of USB controller can be generated by MCU internal or external crystal oscillator, through PLL frequency multiplication: 528 GD32F1x0 User Manual Regard two frequency division of 8MHz internal oscillator as the input of the PLL, then 12 frequencies doubling of the clock Regard 8MHz external oscillator as the input of the PLL, firstly frequency doubling, then adopt USB Frequency divider to divide frequency When the USB clock is generated by external crystal, only four USB frequency division coefficients are 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 (useless, MCU frequency cannot reach 120 MHz).Thus, for obtaining 48MHz clock, PLL frequencies doubling can only be 48MHz, 72MHz and 96MHz. Note: Regardless of internal or external crystal oscillator generate USB clock, the clock accuracy must reach ±500ppm. If the accuracy of the USB clock cannot meet the condition, data transfer may not conform to the requirements of the USB specification, and even it may lead USB cannot work directly. 19.2.3. Pin description The USB controller in device mode uses 3 pins, DP, DM and VBus. DP and DM are data pins, which are mainly used to send and receive data and fixed on the controller. Before enabling USB, these pins default to ordinary GPIO after reset, after enabling USB, they will become USB pins. As bus power supply USB device, the VBus pin is mainly used to supply power for the controller, while it is not used in that USB controller is self powered device. The pins DP and DM don’t need configure because they are connected to the USB internal transceiver automatically as soon as the USB is enabled. The signal pinouts are shown in the table below: Table 19-2. GD32F150xx USB signal pinouts USB pinout GPIO pin GPIO configuration USBDP PA12 As soon as the USB is enabled, these pins are connected to the USB internal transceiver USBDM PA11 19.3. Function description 19.3.1. Basic functional block automatically. Figure 19-1,shows the block diagram of the USB peripheral 529 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 19-1. USB peripheral block diagram USB connector DP DM PCLK (>12MHz) USB PHY Analog transceiver Suspend Timer USB clock (48MHz) TX-RX Endpoint selection Control S.I.E Interrupt registers and logic Packet buffer interface Arbiter Control registers and logic EPnCSR registers Packet buffer memory Register mapper Interrupt mapper APB wrapper APB interface PCLK APB bus IRQs to NVIC Controller block The USB controller includes the following blocks: Built-in analog transceiver (ATX): The USB ATX connects to the USB pins DP and DM to send/receive the bi-directional signals of the USB bus. Serial interface engine (SIE): The SIE implements integrated full-speed USB protocol layer. In order to ensure the speed, it is implemented by hardware without software intervention. SIE is in charge of data transfer between endpoint buffers and USB bus. The module features include: decodes and encodes the serial data, corrects error, bit stuffing and relief stuffing, isochronous pattern recognition, CRC verifying and generating, PID verifying and generating, parallel and serial conversion, address recognition, and evaluation and generation of handshake signals. Timer: The timer generates a start-of-frame locked clock pulse and detects a global suspend (from the host) when no activity has occurred on the USB bus for 3ms. 530 GD32F1x0 User Manual Packet buffer interface: this module mainly manages data packet buffers for endpoints transmission and reception. It could select proper buffer for endpoints to meet SIE demand and locate them in the right memory addresses according to endpoint register data. It progressive increase address with each byte exchanging until the end of data packet, as well as to follow up on the number of exchanged bytes for preventing buffer overrun. Endpoint control and status registers: Each endpoint has an associated register containing its controlling information and current status. For mono-directional/singlebuffer endpoints, a single endpoint register can be used to implement two distinct endpoints. The number of registers is 8, allowing up to 16 mono-directional/single-buffer or 7 double-buffer endpoints in any combination. For example, the USB peripheral can be programmed to have two double buffer endpoints and 12 mono-directional/singlebuffer endpoints. Control registers: These registers contain information about the status and controlling of the whole USB device. Interrupt flag registers: These registers contain the interrupt flag and records of the events. They can be used to inquire an interrupt reason, the interrupt status or to clear a pending interrupt. APB1 interface block The USB APB1 interface includes the following blocks: Data Packet buffer: The block is dedicated 512 bytes SRAM. There is reserved memory for each implemented USB endpoint. The size of total buffer depends on the number of endpoints, the packet maximum length of endpoint and whether to support double buffering. This module is used by the data packet buffer interface and the corresponding data structure is created. Application can directly access the buffer. It is composed of 256 16-bits words. However, the access mode of MCU is 32-bits, so the actual occupancy memory size is 1024 bytes. Arbiter: Since the USB module is connected to the APB1 bus through the APB1 interface, the APB1 bus has a conflict with the USB interface when they all have memory access request. The arbiter is used to resolve the conflict. It will give the APB1 bus higher priority, and always keep half of the memory bandwidth for USB complete transmission. Through this time division multiplexing strategy, the virtual dual port SRAM is realized, which allows the application to access memory at the same time of the USB transmission. At the same time, it allows any length of multi byte APB1 transmission in the transmission process. Register Mapper: This module collects the various byte-wide and bit-wide registers of the USB peripheral in a structured 16-bits wide word set addressed by the APB1. APB1 Wrapper: This module provides an interface to the APB1 for the memory and register. It also maps the whole USB peripheral in the APB1 address space. 531 GD32F1x0 User Manual Interrupt Mapper: This module is used to select interrupts which are generated by the possible USB events and map them to different lines of the NVIC. 19.3.2. Buffer USB buffer transfers data between MCU core and SIE. It is implemented by a special virtual dual port SRAM memory, and it is mapped to the APB1 peripheral memory, from 0x4000 6000 to 0x4000 6400. The total capacity is 1KB, but USB uses actually only 512 bytes Buffer descriptor table Each USB endpoint has a relevant buffer descriptor only for control endpoint buffer. In application, it is generally treated as a special function “register”. Since these registers are not hardware mapped, their addresses are not constant. Register mainly control endpoints related memory address, buffer size, and number of transfer bytes. If the endpoint which corresponds to buffer descriptor is not enabled, the register of endpoint cannot come into use, and then buffer descriptor turn into available SRAM. A set of these registers is known as the buffer descriptor table, which provides a flexible method for the user to construct and control various length and configuration endpoint buffer. The buffer descriptor table is composed of many data structures that define the buffer address and the length of the buffer. The first table item is defined by USBD_BADDR. An effective endpoint usually has two packet buffers, which are used to send and receive, so it correspond two table items. Each table item includes four 16-bits words, and thus is aligned with the 8 byte boundary. Double buffer In general, each endpoint has only one send buffer and one receive buffer, thus, for both sending and receiving, USB endpoint adopt signal buffer. However, to meet the following two kinds of USB transfer, the USB module implements a double buffer data transfer mode: Bulk transfer: require high data throughput, ensure can achieve the fastest rate when the bus is in idle state. Isochronous transfer: which is real-time streaming transfer, require data must be at a constant rate transfer, or arrive within a specific time limit. As an endpoint register can be used to send and receive data, so endpoint register actually control two buffers. For implementing double buffer, it is necessary to change two buffers which are controlled by endpoint register into two send buffers or receive buffers. Actually, the course of change from one buffer to double buffer is complex, referring to the “double buffer endpoint” section for details. Figure 19-2 describes the relationship between the buffer description table and the packet buffer, including endpoint 0 which using single buffer and endpoint 1 which using double buffer. Note: this figure is not drawn on the actual scale, and it is addressed through the USB bus 532 GD32F1x0 User Manual 16-bits mode. Figure 19-2. An example with buffer descriptor table usage (USBD_BADDR = 0) 0xFF IN Endpoint 1 Double buffer 0 IN Endpoint 1 Double buffer 1 Endpoint 0 Reception buffer Endpoint 0 Transmission buffer 0x0E 0x0C 0x0A 0x08 0x06 0x04 0x02 0x00 19.3.3. CNTR1 AR1 CNTR0 AR0 RXCNTR0 RXAR0 TXCNTR0 TXAR0 Endpoint The USB module supports dynamic configuration of the endpoint, except for the endpoint 0 (which is only configured to be control transfer mode), each endpoint could be configured to be any one of four kinds of USB transfer mode. Except that endpoint 0 is only configured with single buffer, other endpoints could be configured with single buffer or double buffer. Single buffer endpoint In general, if endpoint is configured with single buffer, there is only one buffer in each transfer direction. Once the transaction is completed, the endpoint state will be automatically set to the NAK state by hardware. At this time, the USB device needs to handle the previous data transfer, however, if this USB endpoint meanwhile receives a new packet, USB device will reply host with NAK packet. It leads host to retransmit the same data constantly until the device could handle new data, and then to respond the ACK packet. Such a heavy retransmission takes up lots of bandwidth, which affects the transmission rate in terms of the bulk transfer, which need high throughput, and isochronous transfer, which require higher 533 GD32F1x0 User Manual real-time performance. Therefore, the dual buffer is needed. Double buffer endpoint Double buffer endpoint use two buffers to send and receive data, one of them is used by hardware, and the other one is used by application. In the course of using double buffer, USB peripherals need to know which buffer is used by applications for avoiding conflict. Since there are 2 data rollover bits in the USBD_EPxCS register, the USB device uses only 1 bit to handle hardware data processing (double buffer function constraint one direction transfer),so application program use the other bit to indicate which buffer is used at this time, that is what is called ”SW_BUF”. In the following table, the correspondence between USBD_EPxCS register bits and DTOG/SW_BUF definition is explained. Table 19-3. Double-buffering buffer flag definition Buffer flag Tx endpoint Rx endpoint DTOG TX_DTG(USBD_EPxCS bit 6) RX_DTG(USBD_EPxCS bit 14) SW_BUF USBD_EPxCS bit 14 USBD_EPxCS bit 6 The DTOG bit and the SW_BUF bit are responsible for the stream control. When a transfer completes, the USB peripheral toggle the DTOG bit; when the data have been copied, the application software need to toggle the SW_BUF bit. Except the first time, if the value of DTOG bit equal to the SW_BUF’s, the transfer will pause, and NAK will be sent to host. When the two bits do not equal, the transfer resume. To enable the double-buffered feature, EP_CTL and EP_KCTL need to be configured: Setting EP_CTL = ’00 Setting EP_KCTL = ’1 Table 19-4. Double buffer usage Endpoint DTOG Type SW_ Packet buffer used by the Packet buffer used by the BUF USB peripheral application software 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 OUT IN RXARn_0 / RXCNTRn_0 buffer RXARn_1 / RXCNTRn_1 buffer description table locations. description table locations. RXARn_1 / RXCNTRn_1 buffer RXARn_0 / RXCNTRn_0 buffer description table locations. description table locations. TXARn_0 / TXCNTn_0 buffer TXARn_1 / TXCNTn_1 buffer description table locations. description table locations. TXARn_1 / TXCNTn_1 buffer TXARn_0 / TXCNTn_0 buffer description table locations. description table locations. Endpoint initialization 534 GD32F1x0 User Manual The USB endpoints must be initialized before they are used, initialization process is as follows: Initialize the TADDRx/RADDRx registers with transmission/reception data buffer address; Configure The EP_CTL and EP_KCTL bits in the USBD_EPxCS register according to the endpoint usage; For transmission, initiate the TXCNTn and enable TX_STA ; for reception, initiate the RXCNTRn, BLKSIZ and BLKNUM, then enable RX_STA. For isochronous and double-buffered bulk endpoints, both transmission and reception relevant fields are need to be initialized. Once the endpoint is enabled, register USBD_EPxCS, buffer address and COUNT filed should not be modified by the application software. Endpoint request If there are multiple endpoints trigger interrupt request at the same time, the hardware will respond to the highest priority endpoint. The priority definition method for endpoint is as follows: Firstly, depending on the basis of the endpoint attributes, synchronous endpoint and double buffering endpoint has a high priority, the other endpoints are low priority Then, according to the same attribute endpoint’s endpoint number to arrange, the smaller the endpoint number, the higher the priority Application should conform to the above priority policy order for processing endpoint interrupt request. 19.3.4. Interrupt handling There are two kinds of USB interrupt event: device interrupt and endpoint interrupt. Device interrupt event includes the reset, suspend, wakeup and so on. Endpoint interrupt event only includes successful transfer interrupt. All interrupt events are captured through interrupt flag register, When there is an interrupt condition occur, the corresponding interrupt status bit will be set by the hardware (regardless of whether the interrupt enable bit is set). The software can program the corresponding bits of interrupt enable register, thereby NVIC triggers the USB interrupt event. NVIC can configure three kinds of USB interrupt as following: USB low-priority interrupt: triggered by all USB events USB high-priority interrupt: triggered only by a successful transfer event for isochronous and double buffer bulk transfer USB wakeup interrupt: triggered by the wakeup events. USB low-priority interrupts handling Checking interrupt flag bits in the interrupt service program is to confirm the specific interrupt event. After the corresponding operation implemented, interrupt flag bit must be cleared, 535 GD32F1x0 User Manual otherwise the same interrupt is triggered again. Even if the multiple interrupt flags are set, only one interrupt will be triggered. The sequence to check each interrupt flag of the interrupt flag register in the interrupt service program, which determines the priority of each interrupt event, processing procedures in accordance with this priority to handle the interrupt event. USB high-priority interrupts handling It is only for handling isochronous transfer and dual buffering bulk transfer. Surely, the two transfers can also be configured as lower priority interrupt, but if it is configured as high priority interrupt, they will be handled in high priority interrupt process instead of lower priority process. Since there is only normally successful transfer interrupt in the interrupt service program, its handling speed is faster than lower priority interrupt. USB wakeup interrupt handling In general MCU sleep is awaked by external interrupt event. However, USB is awaked by both external interrupt event and internal interrupt event. The external interrupt source is used to wake up the USB by triggering the interrupt line 18. The internal wake event is mainly aroused by the signal. Specific wake-up interrupt handling process is directly performed through the USB low priority interrupt processing service program. The USB clock will be restored and the interrupt flag bit will be cleared in the wake up interrupt service program. 19.3.5. Reset events System reset and power on reset Upon the system or the power reset, the USB controller and the interface are in the closed state. At this time, all the endpoints are in a disabled state, the USB module will not respond to any group. Applications need to be carried out as follows: Firstly, the USB controller is configured to 48MHz, and the APB1 interface clock is turned on, so as to activate the register unit clock and then clear the reset signal; Secondly, open the analog part of the USB transceiver, which opens the internal voltage required for a period of time; Finally, the configuration of the register and buffer description table is required, so that the USB module can carry out normal interrupt processing and data transfer. The USB firmware should do as follows: Reset CLOSE bit in USBD_CTL register Wait for the internal reference voltage stability Clear SETRST bit in USBD_CTL register 536 GD32F1x0 User Manual Clear the IFR register to remove the redundant pending interrupt and then enable other unit Reset interrupt Once reset occurs, the USB module will reset the internal protocol state machine, and the sending and receiving parts will be banned until the reset interrupt bit is cleared. All the configuration registers will keep the original state and will not be reset to ensure that correct execution can transfer immediately after reset, however, device address and endpoint register will be reset. The USB firmware should do as follows: 19.3.6. Set USBEN bit in USBD_DADDR register to enable USB module in 10ms Initialize the EP0CS register and its related packet buffers Transfer procedure USB transaction summary USB module transfers data between the device endpoint and the host through the transaction. Host defines the direction of the transaction: IN and OUT are relative to the host, the IN transaction is to transfer data from the device to the host, the OUT transaction is to transfer data from the host to the device. All the transactions are initiated by the host controller. The process of a transaction is generally as follows: when the host sends a valid function / endpoint token packet that can be recognized by the USB module, the USB device is properly received and needs to send or receive data, which will be followed by the associated data transfer process. The USB module is used to realize the data exchange between the special buffer and the port through the buffer description block and the endpoint register, and then realizes the data exchange with the host through the port. After all the data transfer is completed, if required, according to the direction of transmission, send or receive the corresponding handshake packet. After each successful transaction, it will trigger an interrupt related to the endpoint. In the case of enabling interrupt related to the endpoint, the Interrupt flag register can be read to handle the corresponding interrupt event. Figure 19-3 describes the relationship between the USB transaction and the interrupt event: 537 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 19-3 .USB transaction and the interrupt event From host From host To host SETUP token From host Set STIF ACK To host From host IN token Reset interrupt SOF interrupt RSTIF SOFIF data data From host ACK Set STIF From host To host OUT token no data ACK Set STIF Transaction finished Transaction Differential Reset data SOF SETUP DATA STATUS SOF Control transfer 1ms frame Data transmission (IN transaction) When a valid endpoint receives an IN token packet, the SIE will begin to read TXCNTn bytes of parallel data from the endpoint associated TADDRx buffer. After the IN packet transmission, the data will be loaded into the output shift register and converted to serial data to be sent through the USB ATX to the USB bus and send to host. At the end of the data transmission, the hardware will send the computed CRC to the host. If the endpoint indicated by the IN group is invalid, a NAK or STALL handshake is sent according to the TX_STA value. The USB peripheral transmit the data packet from the address indicated by TADDRx by LSB order. When receiving the ACK sent from the host, then the USB peripheral will toggle the TX_DTG, set TX_STA=’10 (NAK) and TX_ST bit. The application software can identify which endpoint has completed transfer by checking the EPNUM and DIR bits in the USBD_INTF register. After filled the data packet memory with data, the application software can start next transfer by re-enable the endpoint by setting TX_STA=’11 (VALID). Data reception (OUT and SETUP transaction) When a valid endpoint receives an OUT or SETUP token packet, the USB ATX will receive the bidirectional data on the USB bus. SIE receives serial data from the ATX and converts them into parallel data streams. These data streams are stored in the buffer by the RADDRx controlled. And the controller updates RXCNTRn with actually received number of bytes. The values of BLKSIZ and BLKNUM are used to compute the BUF_COUNT, which is used to detect the buffer overrun. The USB peripheral receives the data from the host by LSB order and the computed CRC. When detecting the end of DATA packet, the computed CRC and received CRC are compared. If no errors occur, an ACK handshake packet is sent to the host. If any error happens during reception, the USB peripheral set the ERRIF bit and still copy data into the packet memory buffer, but not send the ACK packet. The USB peripheral itself can recover from reception errors and continue to handle next transfer. The USB peripheral never access outside the packet memory buffer, which is defined by BLKSIZ and BLKNUM. The received 2-byte CRC which follow data bytes is also copied to the packet memory buffer. If the length of data is greater than actually allocated length, the excess data are not copied. 538 GD32F1x0 User Manual This is a buffer overrun condition. A STALL handshake is sent, and this transaction fails. If an addressed endpoint is invalid, a NAK or STALL handshake packet is sent instead of the ACK according to bits RX_STA in the USBD_EPxCS register, no data is written in the reception memory buffers. Reception memory buffers are written starting from the address contained in the RADDRx, the number of bytes corresponding to the received data packet length, CRC included (i.e. data payload length + 2), or up to the last allocated memory location, as defined by BLKSIZ and BLKNUM. In this way, the USB peripheral never writes beyond the end of the allocated reception memory buffer area. If the length of the data packet payload (actual number of bytes used by the application) is greater than the allocated buffer, the USB peripheral detects a buffer overrun condition. In this case, a STALL handshake is sent instead of the usual ACK to notify the problem to the host, no interrupt is generated and the transaction is considered failed. If no error happens, the USB peripheral send the ACK handshake packet to the host, toggle RX_DTG bit, set RX_STA=‘10 (NAK) and RX_ST bit. The application software checks the EPNUM and DIR bits in the USBD_INTF register to determine which endpoint to trigger the RX_ST. After handling the received data, the application software can initiate another transaction by setting RX_STA=’11 (Valid). Control transfers Control transfers require that a SETUP transaction be started from the host to a device to describe the type of control access that the device should perform. The SETUP transaction is followed by zero or more control DATA transactions that carry the specific information for the requested access. Finally, a STATUS transaction completes the control transfer and allows the endpoint to return the status of the control transfer to the client software. After the STATUS transaction for a control transfer is completed, the host can urge the next control transfer for the endpoint. To initialize the control transfer, TX_DTG and RX_DTG bits are set to 1 and 0 respectively, and both TX_STA and RX_STA are set to ‘10 (NAK). According to the SETUP contents, the application software can determine if the next transactions are IN or OUT. When RX_ST event happens during control transfer, the SETUP bit must be firstly checked. If it is 1, it means a SETUP transaction, or else a normal OUT one. The USB peripheral is aware of the number and direction of data transfer by analyzing the contents of SETUP transaction, and is required to set the unused direction to STALL except the last data stage. At the last data stage, the application software set the control endpoint opposite direction to NAK. This will keep the host waiting for the completion of the control operation. If the operation completes successfully, the software will change NAK to VALID, otherwise to STALL. If the status stage is an OUT transaction, the STATUS_OUT bit should be set, so that a status transaction with non-zero data will be answered STALL to indicate an error happen. The USB specification requires that the SETUP packet of the host has an automatic retransfer function, which means that the device cannot respond to the SETUP request of the host with a non ACK packet (NAK packet or STALL packet). When the SETUP packet transmission 539 GD32F1x0 User Manual fails, the next SETUP packet transmission will be triggered. The RX_STA bit of the control endpoint cannot be set to '00 (disabled) state. When the SETUP token is received, the USB receives the data, performs the requested data transmission and sends back an ACK handshake packet. If that endpoint has a previously issued RX_ST request not yet handled by the application, the USB will discard the SETUP transaction and does not answer with any handshake packet regardless of its state, simulating a reception error and forcing the host to send the SETUP token again. It is to avoid missing another SETUP packet transfer which following RX_ST interrupt. Isochronous transfers Isochronous transfers can guarantee constant data rate and bounded latency, but do not support data retransmission in response to errors on the bus. A receiver can check that a transmission error occurred. The bottom USB protocol does not allow handshakes to be returned to the transmitter of an isochronous pipe. Normally, handshakes would be returned to tell the transmitter whether a packet was successfully received or not. Consequently, the isochronous transaction does not have a handshake phase, and have no ACK packet after the data packet. Data toggling is not supported, and only DATA0 PID is used to start a data packet. The endpoint is defined as isochronous endpoint by setting the EP_CTL bits to ‘10. The STA bits have two possible values: ‘00 (Disabled) and ‘11 (Valid), any other value is illegal. The application software can implement double-buffering to improve performance. By swapping transmission and reception data packet buffer on each transaction, the application software can copy the data into or out of a buffer, at the same time the USB peripheral handle the data transmission or reception of data in another buffer. The DTOG bit indicates that the USB peripheral is currently using which buffer. The application software initializes the DTOG according to the first buffer to be used. At the end of each transaction, the RX_ST or TX_ST bit is set depending on the enabled direction, regardless of CRC errors and buffer-overrun condition (if errors happen, the ERRIF bit will be set). At the same time, The USB peripheral will toggle the DTOG bit, but not affect the STA bits. 19.3.7. Power management Power mode USB applications tend to have several different power requirements and configurations. The most common mode of power supply is as follows: 1. Bus power supply mode: the USB protocol insists on power management by the USB device which requires the device to draw power from the bus. The following constraints should be met by the bus-powered device. A device in the non-configured state should draw a maximum of 100mA from the USB 540 GD32F1x0 User Manual bus. A configured device can draw only up to what is specified in the Max Power field of the configuration descriptor. The maximum value is 500mA. A suspended device should draw a maximum of 500uA. 2. Self powered mode: in this mode, USB is applied to provide power for itself, only a very small part of the power supply comes from USB 3. Dual power with self-power dominance mode: some applications may require a dual power option. This allows the application to use internal power primarily, but switch to power from the USB when no internal power is available. The USB module supports both the bus power supply and the self powered mode, and the switching which requires manual control between the two modes. Suspend and wakeup A device will go into the SUSPEND state if there is no activity on the USB bus for more than 3ms. As the full speed mode of the USB host sends a start frame packet (SOF) every millisecond, the suspend mode can be determined by detecting 3 consecutive SOF packet loss events. A suspended device wakes up, if RESUME signaling is detected. RESUME signaling is derived from the RESUME sequence, which can be initiated by the host, and can also be triggered by the device itself. Under the SUSPEND state, the hardware do not detect the suspend signal until wakeup process complete. The USB peripheral also supports software initiated remote wakeup. Remote wakeup always means device to wakeup host. At this time, it requires to wakeup USB module first, then wakeup host. To initiate remote wakeup, the application software must enable all clocks and clear the suspend bit. This will cause the hardware to generate a remote wakeup signal upstream. Setting the SETSPS bit to 1 enables the SUSPEND mode, and it will disable the check of SOF reception. Setting the LOWM bit to 1 will shut down the static power consumption in the analog USB transceivers, but the resume signal is still able to be detected. Setting the RSREQ bit to 1 and clearing it in 10ms will initiate the RESUME sequence. (The time interval of 10ms can be implemented with ESOF interrupt, the interrupt occurs once per 1ms in the kernel.) Link Power Management (LPM) Level L1 A device will go into the LPM L1 state (sleep state) if the host sends the EXT PID and LPM SubPID when the SUB_STA bits in USB sub endpoint registers is 0x3(Valid). Setting the SETSPS bit to 1 enables the power saving mode, and it will disable the check of SOF reception. Setting the LOWM bit to 1 will shut down the static power consumption in the analog USB transceivers, but the resume signal is still able to be detected. When the resume 541 GD32F1x0 User Manual signal is detected, sleep state will exit. 19.4. USB registers 19.4.1. Control register (USBD_CTL) Address offset: 0x40 Reset value: 0x0003 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 STIE PMOUIE rw rw 12 ERRIE WKUPIE rw rw 11 10 SPSIE RSTIE rw rw 9 8 SOFIE ESOFIE rw 7 6 5 Reserved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15 STIE Successful transfer interrupt enable 4 3 2 RSREQ SETSPS LOWM rw rw rw 1 0 CLOSE SETRST rw rw 0: Successful transfer interrupt disabled 1: Interrupt generated when STIF bit in USBD_INTF register is set 14 PMOUIE Packet memory overrun / underrun interrupt enable 0: No interrupt generated when packet memory overrun / underrun 1: Interrupt generated when PMOUIF bit in USBD_INTF register is set 13 ERRIE Error interrupt enable 0: Error interrupt disabled 1: Interrupt generated when ERRIF bit in USBD_INTF register is set 12 WKUPIE Wakeup interrupt enable 0: Wakeup interrupt disabled 1: Interrupt generated when WKUPIF bit in USBD_INTF register is set 11 SPSIE Suspend state interrupt enable 0: Suspend state interrupt disabled 1: Interrupt generated when SPSIF bit in USBD_INTF register is set 10 RSTIE USB reset interrupt enable 0: USB reset interrupt disabled 1: Interrupt generated when RSTIF bit in USBD_INTF register is set 9 SOFIE Start of frame interrupt enable 0: Start of frame interrupt disabled 1: Interrupt generated when SOFIF bit in USBD_INTF register is set. 8 ESOFIE Expected start of frame interrupt enable register 0: Expected start of frame interrupt disabled 1: Interrupt generated when ESOFIF bit in USBD_INTF register is set 542 GD32F1x0 User Manual 7:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4 RSREQ The software set a resume request to the USB host, and the USB host should drive the resume sequence according the USB specifications 0: No resume request 1: Send resume request. 3 SETSPS The software should set suspend state when SPSIF bit in USBD_INTF register is set 0: Not set suspend state. 1: Set suspend state. 2 LOWM When set this bit, the USB goes to low-power mode at suspend state. If resume from suspend state, the hardware reset this bit 0: No effect 1: Go to low-power mode at suspend state 1 CLOSE When this bit set, the USB goes to close state, and completely close the USB and disconnected from the host 0: Not in close state 1: In close state. 0 SETRST When this bit set, the USB peripheral should be reset 0: No reset 1: A reset generated 19.4.2. Interrupt flag register (USBD_INTF) Address offset: 0x44 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 STIF PMOUIF ERRIF WKUPIF SPSIF RSTIF SOFIF ESOFIF r rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 Bits Fields Descriptions 15 STIF Successful transfer interrupt flag 7 6 Reserved 5 4 3 DIR r 2 1 0 EPNUM[3:0] r This bit set by hardware when a successful transaction completes 14 PMOUIF Packet memory overrun / underrun interrupt flag This bit set by hardware to indicate that the packet memory is inadequate to hold transfer data. The software writes 0 to clear this bit. 13 ERRIF Error interrupt flag This bit set by hardware when an error happens during transaction. The software writes 0 to clear this bit. 12 WKUPIF Wakeup interrupt flag 543 GD32F1x0 User Manual This bit set by hardware in the SUSPEND state to indicate that activity is detected. The software writes 0 to clear this bit. 11 SPSIF Suspend state interrupt flag When no traffic happen in 3 ms, hardware set this bit to indicate a SUSPEND request. The software writes 0 to clear this bit. 10 RSTIF USB reset interrupt flag Set by hardware when the USB RESET signal is detected. The software writes 0 to clear this bit. 9 SOFIF Start of frame interrupt flag Set by hardware when a new SOF packet arrives, The software writes 0 to clear this bit. 8 ESOFIF Expected start of frame interrupt flag Set by the hardware to indicate that a SOF packet is expected but not received. The software writes 0 to clear this bit. 7:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4 DIR Direction of transaction Set by the hardware to indicate the direction of the transaction 0: IN type 1: OUT type 3:0 EPNUM[3:0] Endpoint Number Set by the hardware to identify the endpoint which the transaction is directed to 19.4.3. Status register (USBD_STAT) Address offset: 0x48 Reset value: 0x0XXX where X is undefined This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 RX_DP RX_DM LOCK SOFLN[1:0] FCNT[10:0] r r r r r Bits Fields Descriptions 15 RX_DP Receive data + line status 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Represent the status on the DP line. 14 RX_DM Receive data - line status Represent the status on the DM line. 13 LOCK Locked the USB Set by the hardware indicate that at the least two consecutive SOF have been received. 544 GD32F1x0 User Manual 12:11 SOFLN[1:0] SOF lost number Increment every ESOFIF happens by hardware. Cleared once the reception of SOF. 10:0 FCNT[10:0] Frame number counter The Frame number counter incremented every SOF received. 19.4.4. Device address register (USBD_DADDR) Address offset: 0x4C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved 6 5 4 3 2 USBEN USBADDR[6:0] rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7 USBEN USB device enable 1 0 Set by software to enable the USB device. 0: The USB device disabled. No transactions handled. 1: The USB device enabled. 6:0 USBADDR[6:0] USB device address After bus reset, the address is reset to 0x00. If the enable bit is set, the device will respond on packets for function address DEV_ADDR. 19.4.5. Buffer address register (USBD_BADDR) Address offset: 0x50 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 BAR[15:3] 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:3 BAR[15:3] Buffer address Start address of the allocation buffer(512byte on-chip SRAM), used for buffer descriptor table, packet memory. 545 GD32F1x0 User Manual 2:0 Reserved 19.4.6. Must be kept at reset value Endpoint n control/status register (USBD_EPxCS), n=[0..7] Address offset: 0x00 to 0x1C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 RX_ST RX_DTG RX_STA[1:0] SETUP rc_w0 t t r 10 9 8 7 6 EP_CTL[1:0] EP_KCTL TX_ST TX_DTG TX_STA[1:0] EP_AR[3:0] rw rw rc_w0 t t rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15 RX_ST Reception Successful Transferred 5 4 3 2 1 0 Set by hardware when a successful OUT/SETUP transaction complete. Cleared by software by writing 0. 14 RX_DTG Reception Data PID Toggle This bit represent the toggle data bit (0=DATA0,1=DATA1)for non-isochronous endpoint. Used to implement the flow control for double-buffered endpoint. Used to swap buffer for isochronous endpoint. 13:12 RX_STA[1:0] Reception status bits Toggle by writing 1 by software. Remain unchanged by writing 0. Refer to the table below 11 SETUP Setup transaction completed Set by hardware when a SETUP transaction completed. 10:9 EP_CTL[1:0] Endpoint type control Refer to the table below 8 EP_KCTL Endpoint kind control The exact meaning depends on the endpoint type. Refer to the table below 7 TX_ST Transmission Successful Transfer Set by hardware when a successful IN transaction complete. Clear by software. 6 TX_DTG Transmission Data PID Toggle This bit represent the toggle data bit (0=DATA0,1=DATA1)for non-isochronous endpoint. Used to implement the flow control for double-buffered endpoint. Used to swap buffer for isochronous endpoint. 546 GD32F1x0 User Manual 5:4 TX_STA[1:0] Status bits, for transmission transfers Refer to the table below 3:0 EP_AR Endpoint address Used to direct the transaction to the target endpoint. Table 19-5. Reception status encoding RX_STA[1:0] Meaning 00 DISABLED: ignore all reception requests of this endpoint 01 STALL: STALL handshake status 10 NAK: NAK handshake status 11 VALID: enable endpoint for reception. Table 19-6. Endpoint type encoding EP_CTL[1:0] Meaning 00 BULK 01 CONTROL 10 ISO 11 INTERRUPT Table 19-7. Endpoint kind meaning EP_CTL[1:0] EP_KCTL Meaning 00 BULK DBL_BUF 01 CONTROL STATUS_OUT Table 19-8. Transmission status encoding TX_STA[1:0] 19.4.7. Meaning 00 DISABLED: ignore all transmission requests of this endpoint 01 STALL: STALL handshake status 10 NAK: NAK handshake status 11 VALID: enable this endpoint for transmission. Transmission buffer address register x (USBD_TADDRx) Address offset: [USBD_BADDR] + n*16 USB local address: [USBD_BADDR] + n*8 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 Bits 14 13 Fields 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TXARn[15:1] TXARn0 rw rw Descriptions 547 GD32F1x0 User Manual 15:1 TXARn[15:1] Transmission buffer address Start address of the packet buffer containing data to be sent when receive next IN token. 0 TXARn[0] 19.4.8. Must be set to 0 Transmission byte count register x (USBD_TCNTx) Address offset: [USBD_BADDR] + n*16 + 4 USB local Address: [USBD_BADDR] + n*8 + 2 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Reserved 4 3 2 1 0 TXCNTn[9:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9:0 TXCNTn[9:0] Transmission bytes count The number of bytes to be transmitted at next IN token 19.4.9. Reception buffer address register x (USBD_RADDRx) Address offset: [USBD_BADDR] + n*16 + 8 USB local Address: [USBD_BADDR] + n*8 + 4 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RXARn[15:1] RXARn0 rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15:1 RXARn[15:1] Reception buffer address Start address of packet buffer containing the data received by the endpoint at the next OUT/SETUP token. 0 19.4.10. RXARn[0] Must be set to 0 Reception byte count register x (USBD_RCNTx) Address offset: [USBD_BADDR] + n*16 + 12 USB local Address: [USBD_BADDR] + n*8 + 6 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 548 GD32F1x0 User Manual 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 BLKSIZ BLKNUM[4:0] RXCNTRn[9:0] rw rw r Bits Fields Descriptions 15 BLKSIZ Block size 2 1 0 0: Block size is 2 bytes 1: Block size is 32 bytes 14:10 BLKNUM[4:0] Block number The number of blocks allocated to the packet buffer. 9:0 RXCNTRn[9:0] Reception bytes count The number of bytes to be received at next OUT/SETUP token. 19.4.11. Sub-endpoint x registers (USBD_SEPx), n=[0..7] Address offset: 0x100 to 0x11C Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 SUB_ST Reserved 12 SUB_STA[1:0] rc_w0 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SUBPID_ATTR t r Bits Fields Descriptions 15 SUB_ST Successful Receive for LPM Token Set by hardware when a successful receiving for LPM token completely. Cleared by software by writing 0. 14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 13:12 SUB_STA[1:0] Status bits, for the handshake of receiving subpid LPM Toggle by writing 1 by software. Remain unchanged by writing 0. Refer to the table below 11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 10:0 SUBPID_ATTR LPM Token bmAttribute Field. These bits write by hardware and read by software. Table 19-9. Sub-endpoints status SUB_STA[1:0] Meaning 00 DISABLED: ignore all LPM token reception requests of this endpoint 01 STALL: STALL handshake status 549 GD32F1x0 User Manual 19.4.12. 10 NYET: NYET handshake status 11 VALID: enable endpoint for reception LPM token LPM control register (USBD_LPMCTL) Address offset: 0x140 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 LPMSTIE 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 Reserved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15 LPMSTIE LPM token successful transfer interrupt enable This bit set and reset by software 0: No interrupt generated 1: Interrupt generated when LPM token successful transferred 14:0 Reserved 19.4.13. Must be kept at reset value LPM interrupt flag register (USBD_LPMINTF) Address offset: 0x144 Reset value: 0x0000 This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit) 15 14 13 12 11 10 LPMSTIF 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Reserved rw Bits Fields Descriptions 15 LPMSTIF LPM token Correct transfer interrupt flag This bit set and reset by software 0: No effect 1: LPM token Correct transferred 14:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 550 GD32F1x0 User Manual 20. Real-time clock(RTC) 20.1. Introduction The RTC provides a time which includes hour/minute/second/sub-second and a calendar includes year/month/day/week day. The time and calendar are expressed in BCD code except sub-second. Sub-second is expressed in binary code. Hour adjust for daylight saving time. Works in power saving mode and smart wakeup for software configurable. Support extern accurate low frequency clock for higher calendar accuracy. 20.2. Main features Daylight saving compensation support by software External high accurate low frequency(50Hz or 60Hz) clock for higher calendar accuracy performed by reference clock detection option function Atomic clock adjust(max adjust accuracy is 0.95ppm) for calendar calibration performed by digital calibration function Sub-second adjustment by shift function Time-stamp function for saving event time 2 Tamper source can be choice and tamper type is configurable Programmable calendar and field maskable alarm Maskable interrupt source: - Alarm - Time-stamp detection - Tamper detection Five 32-bit universal backup registers which can keep data under power saving mode. Backup register will be reset if tamper event detected 551 GD32F1x0 User Manual 20.3. Function description 20.3.1. Block diagram Figure 20-1.Block diagram of RTC RTC Block Diagram Alarm Logic RTC_ALRM0TD RTC_ALRM0SS AF = 512Hz RTC_ALARM 1Hz RTC_CALIB RTC_OUT Output Selection Logic ck_spre (Default 1 Hz) IRC40K HXTAL/32 LXTAL(32.768KHz) Digital Smooth Calibration 7-bit Asynchronous Prescaler (Default = 128) ck_apre (Default 256 Hz) 15-bit Synchronous Prescaler (Default = 256) Shadow Register RTC_SS RTC_REFIN RTC_TS RTC_TAMP1 RTC_TAMP0 Backup register and RTC tamper control logic Calendar Shadow Register RTC_TIME RTC_DATE Time-Stamp Control logic TSF TPxF The RTC unit includes: Alarm event/interrupt Tamper event/interrupt 32-bit backup registers Optional RTC output function: - 512Hz (default prescale) - 1Hz(default prescale) - Alarm event(polarity is configurable) Optional RTC input function: - time stamp event detection: RTC_TS - tamper 0 event detection: RTC_TAMP0 552 GD32F1x0 User Manual 20.3.2. - tamper 1 event detection: RTC_TAMP1 - reference clock input: RTC_REFIN(50 or 60 Hz) RTC pin PC13, PC14 and PC15 can be directly controlled by RTC through the register RTC_TAMP and RTC_CTL. The function priority of PC13 is obey the below table: PC13 Function RTC_ALARM output OD RTC_ALRM output PP RTC_CALIB output PP RTC_TAMP0 Input Floating PC13 PC13 MODE VALUE X X 0 X X X 1 1 X X X X 0 0 1 0 X X 0 0 1 1 X X 0 0 0 1 X X 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 OS COEN TP1EN TSEN 1 X X 1 X 0 RTC_TS and RTC_TAMP0 Input Floating RTC_TS Input Floating Output PP forced Wakeup pin or Standard GPIO PC13 value bit X Note: (1) OD means open drain, PP means push-pull (2) ‘X’ means no effect The function priority of PC14 is obey the below table: PC14 LXTALEN in LXTALBPS in PC14 PC14 Function RCU_BDCTL RCU_BDCTL MODE VALUE 1 0 X X 1 1 X X 0 X 1 PC14 value bit LXTAL Oscillator Analog Input LXTAL Bypass Analog Input Output PP 553 GD32F1x0 User Manual forced Standard 0 GPIO X 0 X Note: (1) OD means open drain, PP means push-pull (2) ‘X’ means no effect The function priority of PC15 is obey the below table: PC15 LXTALEN in LXTALBPS in PC15 PC15 Function RCU_BDCTL RCU_BDCTL MODE VALUE 1 0 X X Output PP 1 1 forced 0 X 1 PC15 value bit 0 X 0 X LXTAL Oscillator Analog Input Standard GPIO Note: (1) OD means open drain, PP means push-pull (2) ‘X’ means no effect 20.3.3. Clock and prescalers RTC unit has three independent clock sources: LXTAL IRC40K and HXTAL with divided by 32. In the RTC unit, there are two prescalers used for implementing the calendar and other functions. One prescaler is a 7-bit asynchronous prescaler and other is a 15-bit synchronous prescaler. Asynchronous prescaler is mainly used for reducing the power consuming. The asynchronous prescaler is recommended to set as high as possible if both the prescalers are used. The frequency formula of two prescalers are shown as below: 𝑓ck_apre = 𝑓ck_spre = 𝑓rtcclk FACTOR_A + 1 𝑓ck_apre 𝑓rtcclk = FACTOR_S + 1 (FACTOR_A + 1)*(FACTOR_S + 1) The ck_apre clock is used to driven the RTC_SS down counter which stands for the time left to next second in binary format and when it is reached 0 it will automatically reload to FACTOR_S. The ck_spre clock is used to driven the calendar registers. Each clock will make second plus one. 20.3.4. Real-time clock and calendar BPSHAD control bit decides the location when APB bus accesses the RTC calendar register 554 GD32F1x0 User Manual RTC_DATE, RTC_TIME and RTC_SS. By default, the BPSHAD is cleared, and APB bus accesses the shadow calendar registers. Shadow calendar registers is updated to real calendar register every two RTC clock and at the same time RSYNF bit is set once. This update mechanism is not performed in Deep-Sleep mode and Standby mode. When exiting these modes, software must clear RSYNF bit and wait it is asserted (the max wait time is 2 RTC clock) if software wants to read calendar register under BPSHAD=0 situation. Note: When reading calendar registers (RTC_SS, RTC_TIME, RTC_DATE) under BPSHAD=0, the frequency of the APB clock (fAPB) must be at least 7 times the frequency of the RTC clock (fRTCCLK). Systerm reset will reset the shadow calendar registers. 20.3.5. Configurable and field maskable alarm RTC alarm function is divided into some fields and each has a maskable bit. RTC alarm function can be enabled/disabled by ALRM0EN bit in RTC_CTL. If all the alarm fields value match the corresponding calendar value when ALRM0EN=1, the ALRM0F flag will set. Note: If the seconds field is selected (MSKS bit reset in RTC_ALRM0TD), the synchronous prescaler division factor value in the RTC_PSC register must be set at least 3 to ensure correct behavior. If a field is masked, the field is seen as matched in logic. If all the fields are masked the ALRM0F will assert 3 RTC clock later after ALRM0EN is set. 20.3.6. RTC initialization and configuration RTC register write protection BKPWEN bit in the PMU_CTL register is cleared in default, so writing to RTC registers needs setting BKPWEN bit ahead of time. After power-on reset, most of RTC registers are write protected. Unlocking this protection is the first step before writing to them. Following below steps will unlock the write protection: 1. Write ‘0xCA’ into the RTC_WPK register 2. Write ‘0x53’ into the RTC_WPK register Writing a wrong value to RTC_WPK will make write protection valid again. The state of write protection is not affected by system reset. 555 GD32F1x0 User Manual Calendar initialization and configuration The prescaler and calendar value can be programmed by following steps: 1. Set INITM bit to 1 to enter initialization mode. In this mode, the calendar counter is stopped and its value can be updated. 2. Circularly reading INITF bit. The initialization phase mode is really entered if INITF is set to 1. It takes around 2 RTCCLK clock cycles (because of clock synchronization). 3. Program both the asynchronous and synchronous prescaler factors in RTC_PSC register. 4. Write the initial calendar values into the shadow calendar registers (RTC_TIME and RTC_DATE), and use the CS bit in the RTC_CTL register to configure the time format (12 or 24 hours). 5. Clear INITM bit for exiting the initialization mode. About 4 RTCCLK clock cycles later, real calendar registers will load from shadow registers and calendar counter restarts. Note: Reading calendar register (BPSHAD=0) after initialization, software should confirm the RSYNF bit is already set to 1. YCM flag indicates whether the calendar has been initialized by checking the year field of calendar is 0x00(YCM=0) or not (YCM=1). Daylight saving Time RTC unit supports daylight saving time adjust function through S1H, A1H and DSM bit. S1H and A1H can subtract or add 1 hour to the calendar when the calendar is running. S1H and A1H operation can be tautologically set and DSM bit can be used to recording this adjust operation. After setting the S1H/A1H, subtract/add 1 hour will perform when next second comes. Alarm function operation process To avoid unexpected alarm assertion and metastable state, alarm function has an operation flow: 1. Clear ALRM0EN in RTC_CTL to disable Alarm 2. Set the Alarm registers needed(RTC_ALRM0SS/ RTC_ALRM0TD) 3. Set ALRM0EN in the RTC_CTL register to enable Alarm function 556 GD32F1x0 User Manual 20.3.7. Calendar reading Reading calendar registers under BPSHAD=0 When BPSHAD=0, caldendar is read from shadow registers. For the existence of synchronization mechanism, a basic request has to meet: the APB1 bus clock frequency must be equal to or greater than 7 times the RTC clock frequency. APB1 bus clock frequency lower than RTC clock frequency is not allowed in any case whatever happens. When APB1 bus clock frequency is not equal to or greater than 7 times the RTC clock, the calendar reading flow should be obeyed: 1. reading calendar time register and date register twice 2. if the twice value is equal, the value can be seen as the correct value 3. if the twice value is not equal, a third reading should performed 4. the third value can be seen as the correct value RSYNF is asserted once every 2 RTC clock and at this time point, the shadow calendar register will be updated to current calendar time and date. To ensure consistency of the 3 values (RTC_SS, RTC_TIME, RTC_DATE), below consistency mechanism is used in hardware: 1. reading RTC_SS will lock the updating of RTC_TIME and RTC_DATE 2. reading RTC_TIME will lock the updating of RTC_DATE 3. reading RTC_DATE will unlock updating of RTC_TIME and RTC_DATE If the software wants to read calendar in a short time interval(smaller than 2 RTCCLK periods), RSYNF must be cleared by software after the first calendar read, and then the software must wait until RSYNF is set before reading again. In below situations, software should wait RSYNF bit asserted be for reading calendar register(RTC_SS, RTC_TIME, RTC_DATE): 1. after a system reset 2. after an initialization 3. after synchronization Especially that software must clear RSYNF bit and wait it asserted before reading calendar register after wakeup from power saving mode. Reading calendar registers under BPSHAD=1 When BPSHAD=1, RSYNF is cleared and maintained to 0 by hardware so reading calendar registers does not care about RSYNF bit. Current calendar value is read from real-time 557 GD32F1x0 User Manual calendar counter directly. The benefit of this configuration is that software can get the real current time with no any delay(max to 2 RTC clock) after wakeup from power saving mode(Deep-sleep /Standby Mode). Because of no RSYNF bit periodic assertion, the results of the different calendar registers (RTC_SS/RTC_TIME/RTC_DATE) might not be coherent with each other when clock ck_apre edge occurs between two reading calendar registers. In addition, if current calendar register is changing and at the same time the APB bus reading calendar register is also performing, the value of the calendar register read out might be not correct. To ensure the correctness and consistency of the calendar value, software must perform reading operation as this: read all calendar registers continuously, if the last twice data are the same, the data is coherent and correct. 20.3.8. Resetting the RTC There are two reset sources used in RTC unit: system reset and backup domain reset. System reset will affect calendar shadow registers and some bits of the RTC_STAT. When system reset is valid, the bits or registers mentioned before are reset to the default value. Backup domain reset will affect the following registers and system reset will not affect them: - RTC current real-time calendar registers - RTC control register (RTC_CTL) - RTC prescaler register (RTC_PSC) - RTC high resolution frequency compensation register (RTC_HRFC) - RTC shift register (RTC_SHIFTCTL) - RTC timestamp registers (RTC_SSTS/RTC_TTS/RTC_DTS) - RTC tamper and alternate function configuration register (RTC_TAMP) - RTC backup registers (RTC_BKPx) - RTC Alarm registers (RTC_ALRM0SS/RTC_ALRM0TD) The RTC unit will go on running when system reset occurs or enter power saving mode, but if backup domain reset occurs, RTC will stop counting and all registers will reset. 20.3.9. RTC synchronization When the user has a remote clock with higher degree of precision and RTC time has an offset in a fraction of a second with remote clock, RTC unit provides a function named synchronization shift to remove this offset and thus make second precision higher. 558 GD32F1x0 User Manual RTC_SS register indicates the fraction of a second in binary format and is down counting when RTC is running. Therefore adding sub-seconds value (by adding the SFS[14:0] value to the synchronous prescaler counter SSC[15:0]) or subtracting(by adding the SFS[14:0] value to the synchronous prescaler counter SSC[15:0] and set A1S at the same time) subseconds value can delay or advance the time when next second arrives. The maximal RTC_SS value depends on the FACTOR_S value in RTC_PSC. The higher is FACTOR_S, the higher is adjust precision. Because of the 1Hz clock(ck_spre) is generated by FACTOR_A and FACTOR_S, the higher FACTOR_S means the lower FACTOR_A and at the same time the lower FACTOR_A means the higher power consuming. Note: Before using synchronization shift function, the software must check the 15-bit of SS in RTC_SS(SSC[15]) and confirm it is 0. After writing RTC_SHIFTCTL register, the SOPF bit in RTC_STAT will set at once. When synchronization shift operation is complete, SOPF bit is cleared by hardware. System reset does not affect SOPF bit. Synchronization shift operation only works correctly when REFEN=0. Software must not write to RTC_SHIFTCTL if REFEN=1. 20.3.10. RTC reference clock detection RTC reference clock detection is another way supported to increase the precision of RTC second. To enable this function, you should has a external clock source(50Hz or 60 Hz) which has the higher precision than LXTAL clock source. After enabling this function (REFEN=1), each second update clock(1Hz) edge is compared to the nearest RTC_REFIN clock edge. In most cases, the two clock edges are aligned every time. But when two clock edge are misaligned for the reason of LXTAL precision, the RTC reference clock detection function will shift the 1Hz clock edge a little to make future 1Hz aligned to reference clock edge. When REFEN=1, a time window around every second update time for detection is performed. Different detection state will use different window period. 7 ck_apre window periods are used when the detection state is detecting the first reference clock edge and 3 ck_apre window periods are used for the edge aligned operation. Whatever window used, the asynchronous prescaler counter will be forced to reload when the reference clock is detected in the window. When the two clock(ck_spre and reference clock) edge are aligned, this reload operation has no any effect for 1Hz calendar updating clock. But when the two clock edge are not aligned, this reload operation will shift ck_spre clock edge a bit to make the ck_spre(1Hz) clock edge aligned to the reference clock edge. When reference detection function is running and the external reference clock removed(no 559 GD32F1x0 User Manual reference clock edge found in 3 ck_apre window), the calendar updating also can be performed by LXTAL clock only. If the reference clock is recovered later, detection function will use 7 ck_apre window to identify the reference clock and use 3 ck_apre window to adjust the ck_spre(1Hz) clock edge. Note: Software must configure the FACTOR_A to 0x7F and FACTOR_S to 0xFF before enabling reference detection function(REFEN=1) Reference detection function does not work in Standby Mode. 20.3.11. RTC smooth digital calibration RTC calibration function is a way to calibrate the RTC frequency based RTC clock cycle number in a configurable period time. This calibration is equally executed in a period time and after finish calibrating once, the cycle number of the RTC clock in the period time will be added or subtracted some individual RTCCLK cycles. The resolution of the calibration is about 0.954ppm with the range from 487.1ppm to +488.5ppm. The calibration period time can be configured to the 220/219/218 RTC clock cycles which stands for 32/16/8 seconds if RTC input frequency is 32.768KHz. The calibration configure register (RTC_HRFC) specifies the number of RTCCLK clock cycles to be calibrated during the period time: Setting CMSK[0] to 1 causes 1 cycle to be masked during the period time Setting CMSK[1] to 1 causes 2 additional cycles to be masked Setting CMSK[2] to 1 causes 4 additional cycles to be masked Setting CMSK[8] to 1 causes 256 additional cycles to be masked So using CMSK can mask clock cycles from 0 to 511 and thus the RTC frequency can be reduced by up to 487.1ppm. To increase the RTC frequency the FREQI bit can be set. If FREQI bit is set, there will be 512 additional cycles to be added during period time which means every 211/210/29(32/16/8 seconds) RTC clock insert one cycle. So using FREQI can increase the RTC frequency by 488.5ppm. The combined using of CMSK a FREQI can adjust the RTC cycles from -511 to +512 cycles in the period time which means the calibration range is -487.1ppm to +488.5ppm with a resolution of about 0.954ppm. When calibration function is running, the output frequency of calibration is calculated by the following formula: fcal=frtcclk*[1+(FREQI×512-CMSK)/(2N +CMSK-FREQI×512)] 560 GD32F1x0 User Manual Note: N=20/19/18 for 32/16/8 seconds window period Calibration when FACTOR_A < 3 When asynchronous prescaler value (FACTOR_A) is set to less than 3, software should not set FREQI bit to 1 when using calibration function. FREQI setting will be ignored when FACTOR_A<3. When the FACTOR_A is less than 3, the FACTOR_S value should be set to a value less than the nominal value. Assuming that RTC clock frequency is nominal 32.768KHz, the corresponding FACTOR_S should be set as following rule: FACTOR_A = 2: 2 less than nominal FACTOR_S(8189 with 32.768KHz) FACTOR_A = 1: 4 less than nominal FACTOR_S(16379 with 32.768KHz) FACTOR_A = 0: 8 less than nominal FACTOR_S(32759 with 32.76KHz) When the FACTOR_A is less than 3,the formula of calibration frequency is as follows: fcal=frtcclk*[1+(256-CMSK)/(2N +CMSK-256)] Note: If FACTOR_A is less than 3, the calibration midpoint of CMSK is 0x100 when RTC clock is exactly 32.768KHz. Verifying the RTC calibration Calibration 1Hz output is provided to assist software to measure and verify the RTC precision. Up to 2 RTCCLK clock cycles measurement error may occur when measuring the RTC frequency over a limited measurement period. To eliminate this measurement error the measurement period should be the same as the calibration period. When the calibration period is 32 seconds(this is default configuration) Using exactly 32s period to measure the accuracy of the calibration 1Hz output can guarantee the measure is within 0.477ppm(0.5 RTCCLK cycles over 32s) When the calibration period is 16 seconds(by setting CWND16 bit) In this configuration, CMSK[0] is fixed to 0 by hardware.Using exactly 16s period to measure the accuracy of the calibration 1Hz output can guarantee the measure is within 0.954ppm(0.5 RTCCLK cycles over 16s) When the calibration period is 8 seconds(by setting CWND8 bit) In this configuration, CMSK[1:0] is fixed to 0 by hardware.Using exactly 8s period to measure the accuracy of the calibration 1Hz output can guarantee the measure is within 1.907ppm(0.5 RTCCLK cycles over 8s) 561 GD32F1x0 User Manual Re-calibration on-the-fly When the INITF bit is 0, software can update the value of RTC_HRFC using following steps: 20.3.12. 1) Wait the SCPF bit is set to 0 2) Write the new value into RTC_HRFC register 3) After 3 ck_apre clocks, the new calibration settings take effect Time-stamp function Time-stamp function is performed on RTC_TS pin and is enabled by control bit TSEN. When a time-stamp event occurs on RTC_TS pin, the calendar value will be saved in timestamp registers(RTC_DTS/RTC_TTS/RTC_SSTS) and the time-stamp flag(TSF) is set to 1 by hardware. Time-stamp event can generate an interrupt if time-stamp interrupt enable(TSIE) is set. Time-stamp registers only record the calendar at the first time time-stamp event occurs which means that time-stamp registers will not change when TSF=1. To extend the time-stamp event source, one optional feature is provided: tamper function can also be seen as time-stamp function if TPTS is set. Note: When the time-stamp event occurs, TSF is set 2 ck_apre cycles delay because of synchronization mechanism. 20.3.13. Tamper detection The RTC_TAMPx pin input can be used for tamper event detection under edge detection mode or level detection mode with configurable filtering setting. RTC backup registers(RTC_BKPx) The RTC backup registers are located in the VDD backup domain that remains powered-on by VBAT even if VDD power is switched off. The wake up action from Standby Mode or system reset are not affect these registers. These registers are only affected to reset by detected tamper event or when reading protection of the flash is changed from level 1 to level 0. Tamper detection function initialization RTC tamper detection function can be independently enabled on tamper input pin by setting corresponding TPxEN bit. Tamper detection configuration is set before enable TPxEN bit.When the tamper event is detected, the corresponding flag(TPxF) will assert.Tamper event can generate an interrupt if tamper interrupt enable(TPIE) is set. Any tamper event will reset all backup registers(RTC_BKPx). 562 GD32F1x0 User Manual Timestamp on tamper event The TPTS bit can control whether the tamper detection function is used as time-stamp function. If the bit is set to 1, the TSF bit will be set when the tamper event detected as if “enable” the time-stamp function. Whatever the TPTS bit is, the TPxF will assert when tamper event detected. Edge detection mode on tamper input detection When FLT bit is set to 0x0, the tamper detection is set to edge detection mode and TPxEG bit determines the rising edge or falling edge is the detecting edge. When tamper detection is under edge detection mode, the internal pull-up resistors on the tamper detection input pin are deactivated. Because of detecting the tamper event will reset the backup registers(RTC_BKPx), writing to the backup register should ensure that the tamper event reset and the writing operation will not occur at the same time, a recommend way to avoid this situation is disable the tamper detection before writing to the backup register and re-enable tamper detection after finish writing. Note: Tamper detection is still running on tamper0 (PC13) when VDD power is switched off if tamper0 is enabled. Level detection mode with configurable filtering on tamper input detection When FLT bit is not set to 0x0, the tamper detection is set to level detection mode and FLT bit determines the consecutive number of time(2,4 or 8) for sampling.When DISPU is set to 0(this is default), the internal pull-up resistance will pre-charge the tamper input pin before each sampling and thus larger capacitance is allowed to connect to the tamper input pin. The pre-charge duration is configured through PRCH bit. Higher capacitance needs long precharge time. The interval time between each sampling is also configurable. Through adjusting the sampling frequency(FREQ), software can balance between the power consuming and tamper detection latency. 20.3.14. Calibration clock output Calibration reference clock can be output on the PC13 if COEN bit is set to 1. When the COS bit is set to 0(this is default) and asynchronous prescaler is set to 0x7F(FACTOR_A), the frequency of RTC_CALIB is fRTCCLK/64.When the RTCCLK is 32.768KHz, RTC_CALIB output is corresponding to 512Hz.It’s recommend to using rising edge of RTC_CALIB output for there are maybe a light jitter on falling edge. When the COS bit is set to 1, the RTC_CALIB frequency is : fRTCCLK/((FACTOR_S+1)*(FACTOR_A+1)) 563 GD32F1x0 User Manual When the RTCCLK is 32.768KHz, RTC_CALIB output is corresponding to 1Hz if prescaler are default values. 20.3.15. Alarm output When OS control bits are set to 0x01, RTC_ALARM alternate function output is enabled. This function will directly output the content of ALRM0F bit in RTC_STAT. The OPOL bit in RTC_CTL can configure the polarity of the ALRM0F output which means that whether the RTC_ALARM output is the opposite of ALRM0F bit. 20.3.16. RTC power saving mode management Mode Active in Mode Exit Mode Sleep Yes RTC interrupts Deep- Yes: if clock source sleep is LXTAL or IRC40K Standby 20.3.17. Yes: if clock source is LXTAL or IRC40K RTC alarm/tamper event/timestamp event RTC alarm/tamper event/timestamp event RTC interrupts All RTC interrupts are connected to the EXTI controller. Below steps should be followed if you want to use the RTC alarm/tamper/timestamp interrupt: 1) Configure and enable the corresponding line to RTC alarm/tamper/timestamp event of EXIT and set the rising edge for triggering 2) Configure and enable the RTC global interrupt 3) Configure and enable the RTC alarm/tamper/timestamp function Exit Exit Deep- Exit Sleep sleep Standby ALRM0IE Y Y(*) Y(*) TSF TSIE Y Y(*) Y(*) Tamper 0 TP0F TPIE Y Y(*) Y(*) Tamper 1 TP1F TPIE Y Y(*) Y(*) Interrupt Event flag Control Bit Alarm ALRM0F Timestamp Note: Only active when RTC clock source is LXTAL or IRC40K 20.4. RTC registers 20.4.1. Time of day register (RTC_TIME) Address offset: 0x00 564 GD32F1x0 User Manual System reset value: 0x0000 0000 when BPSHAD = 0. Not affected when BPSHAD = 1. This register is write protected and can only be written in initialization state This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Reserved 15 14 Reserved 13 12 11 10 9 MNT[2:0] MNU[3:0] rw rw 8 7 Fields Descriptions 31:23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 22 PM AM/PM mark 20 19 18 17 PM HRT[1:0] HRU[3:0] rw rw rw 6 Reserved Bits 21 5 4 3 2 1 SCT[2:0] SCU[3:0] rw rw 16 0 0: AM or 24-hour format 1: PM 21:20 HRT[1:0] Hour tens in BCD code 19:16 HRU[3:0] Hour units in BCD code 15: Reserved Must be kept at reset value 14:12 MNT[2:0] Minute tens in BCD code 11:8 MNU[3:0] Minute units in BCD code 7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 6:4 SCT[2:0] Second tens in BCD code 3:0 SCU[3:0] Second units in BCD code 20.4.2. Date register (RTC_DATE) Address offset: 0x04 System reset value: 0x0000 2101 when BPSHAD = 0. Not affected when BPSHAD = 1. This register is write protected and can only be written in initialization state This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 Reserved 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 YRT[3:0] YRU[3:0] rw rw 16 565 GD32F1x0 User Manual 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 DOW[2:0] MONT MONU[3:0] rw rw rw 8 7 6 5 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 23:20 YRT[3:0] Year tens in BCD code 19:16 YRU[3:0] Year units in BCD code 15:13 DOW[2:0] Days of the week 4 3 2 1 DAYT[1:0] DAYU[3:0] rw rw 0 0x0: Reserved 0x1: Monday … 0x7: Sunday 12 MONT Month tens in BCD code 11:8 MONU[2:0] Month units in BCD code 7:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 5:4 DAYT[1:0] Date tens in BCD code 3:0 DAYU[3:0] Date units in BCD code 20.4.3. Control register (RTC_CTL) Address offset: 0x08 System reset: not affected Backup domain reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register is write protected This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Reserved 23 22 COEN rw 15 TSIE 14 13 Reserved 12 11 ALRM0IE TSEN rw rw 10 9 Reserved 8 7 ALRM0EN Reserved rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 23 COEN Calibration output enable 21 20 19 18 17 16 OS[1:0] OPOL COS DSM S1H A1H rw rw rw rw w w 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CS BPSHAD REFEN TSEG rw rw rw rw Reserved 0: Disable calibration output 566 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: Enable calibration output 22:21 OS[1:0] Output selection This bit is used for selecting flag source of RTC_ALARM output 0x0: Disable output RTC_ALARM 0x1: Enable alarm flag output 0x2: Reserved 0x3: Reserved 20 OPOL Output polarity This bit is used to invert output RTC_ALARM 0: Disable invert output RTC_ALARM 1: Enable invert output RTC_ALARM 19 COS Calibration output selection Valid only when COEN=1 and prescalers are at default values 0: Calibration output is 512 Hz 1: Calibration output is 1Hz 18 DSM Daylight saving mark This bit is flexible used by software. Often can be used to recording the daylight saving hour adjust. 17 S1H Subtract 1 hour(winter time change) One hour will be subtracted from now time if now hour time is not 0 0: No effect 1: 1 hour will be subtracted at next second change time. 16 A1H Add 1 hour(summer time change) One hour will be added from now time 0: No effect 1: 1 hour will be added at next second change time 15 TSIE Time-stamp interrupt enable 0: Disable time-stamp interrupt 1: Enable time-stamp interrupt 14:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 12 ALRM0IE RTC alarm-0 interrupt enable 0: Disable alarm interrupt 1: Enable alarm interrupt 11 TSEN time-stamp function enable 0: Disable time-stamp function 1: Enable time-stamp function 10:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 8 ALRM0EN Alarm-0 function enable 567 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: Disable alarm function 1: Enable alarm function 7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 6 CS Clock System 0: 24-hour format 1: 12-hour format Note: Can only be written in initialization state 5 BPSHAD Shadow registers bypass control 0: Reading calendar from shadow registers 1: Reading calendar from current real-time calendar Note: If frequency of APB1 clock is less than seven times the frequency of RTCCLK, this bit must set to 1. 4 REFEN Reference clock detection function enable 0: Disable reference clock detection function 1: Enable reference clock detection function Note: Can only be written in initialization state 3 TSEG Valid event edge of time-stamp 0: rising edge is valid event edge for time-stamp event 1: falling edge is valid event edge for time-stamp event 2:0 Reserved 20.4.4. Must be kept at reset value Status register (RTC_STAT) Address offset: 0x0C System reset: Only INITM, INITF and RSYNF bit are set to 0. others are not affected Backup domain reset value: 0x0000 0007 This register is write protected except RTC_STAT[14:8]. This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Reserved 16 SCPF r 15 14 13 12 11 Res. TP1F TP0F TSOVRF TSF rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 10 9 8 Reserved ALRM0F rc_w0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INITM INITF RSYNF YCM SOPF Res. ALRM0WF rw r rc_w0 r rc_w0 Bits Fields Descriptions 31:17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 16 SCPF Smooth calibration pending flag r 568 GD32F1x0 User Manual Set to 1 by hardware when software writes to RTC_HRFC and set to 0 by hardware when calibration configuration is taken into account. 15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 14 TP1F RTC_TAMP1 detected flag Set to 1 by hardware when tamper detection is found on tamper1 input pin. Software can clear this bit by writing 0 into this bit. 13 TP0F RTC_TAMP0 detected flag Set to 1 by hardware when tamper detection is found on tamper0 input pin. Software can clear this bit by writing 0 into this bit. 12 TSOVRF Time-stamp overflow flag This bit is set by hardware when a time-stamp event is detected if TSF bit is set before. Cleared by software writing 0. 11 TSF Time-stamp flag Set by hardware when time-stamp event is detected. Cleared by software writing 0. 10:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 8 ALRM0F Alarm-0 occurs flag Set to 1 by hardware when now time/date matches the time/date of alarm setting value. Cleared by software writing 0. 7 INITM enter initialization mode 0: Free running mode 1: Enter initialization mode for setting calendar time/date and prescaler. Counter will stop under this mode. 6 INITF Initialization state flag Set to 1 by hardware and calendar register and prescaler can be programmed in this state. 0: Calendar registers and prescaler register cannot be changed 1: Calendar registers and prescaler register can be changed 5 RSYNF Register synchronization flag Set to 1 by hardware every 2 RTCCLK which will copy current calendar time/date into shadow register. Initialization mode(INITM), shift operation pending flag(SOPF) or bypass mode(BPSHAD) will clear this bit. This bit is also can be cleared by software writing 0. 0: Shadow register are not yet synchronized 1: Shadow register are synchronized 4 YCM Year configuration mark 569 GD32F1x0 User Manual Set by hardware if the year field of calendar date register is not the default value 0. 0: Calendar has not been initialized 1: Calendar has been initialized 3 SOPF Shift function operation pending flag 0: No shift operation is pending 1: Shift function operation is pending 2:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 0 ALRM0WF Alarm 0 configuration can be write flag Set by hardware if alarm register can be write after ALRM0EN bit has reset. 0: Alarm registers programming is not allowed 1: Alarm registers programming is allowed 20.4.5. Time prescaler register (RTC_PSC) Address offset: 0x10 System reset: not effected Backup domain reset value: 0x007F 00FF This register can only be wrote in initialization mode. This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 Reserved 19 18 17 16 2 1 0 FACTOR_A[6:0] rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Res 8 7 6 5 4 3 FACTOR_S[14:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 22:16 FACTOR_A[6:0] Asynchronous prescaler factor ck_apre frequency = RTCCLK frequency/(FACTOR_A+1) 15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 14:0 FACTOR_S[14:0] synchronous prescaler factor ck_spre frequency = ck_apre frequency/(FACTOR_S+1) 20.4.6. Alarm 0 Time and date register (RTC_ALRM0TD) Address offset : 0x1C System reset : not effected 570 GD32F1x0 User Manual Backup domain reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 MSKD DOWS 15 29 14 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 DAYT[1:0] DAYU[3:0] MSKH PM HRT[1:0] HRU[3:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw 7 6 13 12 11 10 9 8 5 4 3 2 1 MSKM MNT[2:0] MNU[3:0] MSKS SCT[2:0] SCU[3:0] rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31 MSKD Alarm date mask bit 16 0 0: Not mask date/day field 1: Mask date/day field 30 DOWS Day of the week selected 0: DAYU[3:0] indicates the date units 1: DAYU[3:0] indicates the week day and DAYT[3:0] has no means. 29:28 DAYT[1:0] Date tens in BCD code 27:24 DAYU[3:0] Date units or week day in BCD code 23 MSKH Alarm hour mask bit 0: Not mask hour field 1: Mask hour field 22 PM AM/PM flag 0: AM or 24-hour format 1: PM 21:20 HRT[1:0] Hour tens in BCD code 19:16 HRU[3:0] Hour units in BCD code 15 MSKM Alarm minutes mask bit 0: Not mask minutes field 1: Mask minutes field 14:12 MNT[2:0] Minutes tens in BCD code 11:8 MNU[3:0] Minutes units in BCD code 7 MSKS Alarm second mask bit 0: Not mask second field 1: Mask second field 6:4 SCT[2:0] Second tens in BCD code 3:0 SCU[3:0] Second units in BCD code 571 GD32F1x0 User Manual 20.4.7. Write protection key register (RTC_WPK) Address offset : 0x24 Reset value : 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved WPK[7:0] w Bits Fields Descriptions 31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7:0 WPK[7:0] Key for write protection 20.4.8. Sub second register (RTC_SS) Address offset: 0x28 System reset value: 0x0000 0000 when BPSHAD = 0. Not affected when BPSHAD = 1. This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 SSC[15:0] r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:0 SSC[15:0] Sub second value This value is the counter value of synchronous prescaler. Second fraction value is calculated by the below formula: Second fraction = ( FACTOR_S - SSC ) / ( FACTOR_S + 1 ) 20.4.9. Shift function control register (RTC_SHIFTCTL) Address offset: 0x2C 572 GD32F1x0 User Manual Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can only be wrote when SOPF=0 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 A1S 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved w 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 SFS[14:0] w Bits Fields Descriptions 31 A1S One second add 0: Not add 1 second 1: Add one second to the clock/calendar. This bit is jointly use with SFS bit to add a fraction of a second to the clock. 30:15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 14:0 SFS[14:0] Subtract a fraction of a second The value of this bit will add to the counter of synchronous prescaler. When just only use SFS, the clock will delay because the synchronous prescaler is a down counter: Delay (seconds) = SFS / ( FACTOR_S + 1 ) When jointly use A1S and SFS, the clock will advance: Advance (seconds) = ( 1 - ( SFS / ( FACTOR_S + 1 ) ) ) Note: Writing to this register will cause RSYNF bit to be cleared. 20.4.10. Time of time stamp register (RTC_TTS) Address offset: 0x30 Backup domain reset value: 0x0000 0000 System reset: no effect This register will record the calendar time when TSF is set to 1. Reset TSF bit will also clear this register. This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Reserved 15 Reserved 14 13 MNT[2:0] 12 11 10 9 MNU[3:0] 8 7 Reserved 22 21 20 19 18 17 PM HRT[1:0] HRU[3:0] r r r 6 5 SCT[2:0] 4 3 2 1 16 0 SCU[3:0] 573 GD32F1x0 User Manual r r r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 22 PM AM/PM mark r 0: AM or 24-hour format 1: PM 21:20 HRT[1:0] Hour tens in BCD code 19:16 HRU[3:0] Hour units in BCD code 15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 14:12 MNT[2:0] Minute tens in BCD code 11:8 MNU[3:0] Minute units in BCD code 7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 6:4 SCT[2:0] Second tens in BCD code 3:0 SCU[3:0] Second units in BCD code 20.4.11. Date of time stamp register (RTC_DTS) Address offset: 0x34 Backup domain reset value: 0x0000 0000 System reset: no effect This register will record the calendar date when TSF is set to 1. Reset TSF bit will also clear this register. This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 DOW[2:0] MONT MONU[3:0] r r r 8 Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:13 DOW[2:0] Week day units 12 MONT Month tens in BCD code 7 Reserved DAYT[1:0] DAYU[3:0] r r 574 GD32F1x0 User Manual 11:8 MONU[3:0] Month units in BCD code 7:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 5:4 DAYT[1:0] Date tens in BCD code 3:0 DAYU[3:0] Date units in BCD code 20.4.12. Sub second of time stamp register (RTC_SSTS) Address offset: 0x38 Backup domain reset: 0x0000 0000 System reset: no effect This register will record the calendar date when TSF is set to 1. Reset TSF bit will also clear this register. This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 SSC[15:0] r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15:0 SSC[15:0] Sub second value This value is the counter value of synchronous prescaler when TSF is set to 1. 20.4.13. High resolution frequency compensation registor (RTC_HRFC) Address offset: 0x3C Backup domain reset: 0x0000 0000 System Reset: no effect This register is write protected. This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 FREQI CWND8 CWND16 12 11 10 Reserved 9 8 CMSK[8:0] 575 GD32F1x0 User Manual rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15 FREQI Increase RTC frequency by 488.5ppm 0: No effect 1: One RTCCLK pulse is equivalently inserted every 211 pulses. This bit should be used in conjunction with CMSK bit. If the input clock frequency is 32.768KHz, the number of RTCCLK pulses added during 32s calibration window is (512 * FREQI) - CMSK 14 CWND8 Frequency compensation window 8 second selected 0: No effect 1: Calibration window is 8 second Note: When CWND8=1, CMSK[1:0] are stuck at “00”. 13 CWND16 Frequency compensation window 16 second selected 0: No effect 1: Calibration window is 16 second Note: When CWND16=1, CMSK[0] are stuck at “0”. 12:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 8:0 CMSK[8:0] Calibration mask number The number of mask pulse out of 220 RTCCLK pulse. This feature will decrease the frequency of calendar with a resolution of 0.9537 ppm. 20.4.14. Tamper register (RTC_TAMP) Address offset: 0x40 Backup domain reset: 0x0000 0000 System reset : no effect This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Reserved 15 14 13 DISPU PRCH[1:0] rw rw 12 11 10 9 8 23 22 21 20 19 PC15MDE PC15VAL PC14MDE PC14VAL PC13MDE PC13VAL rw rw rw rw rw rw 4 3 2 1 0 TP1EG TP1EN TPIE TP0EG TP0EN rw rw rw rw rw 7 FLT[1:0] FREQ[2:0] TPTS rw rw rw 6 5 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 18 17 16 Reserved 576 GD32F1x0 User Manual 23 PC15MDE PC15 mode 0: PC15 is controlled by GPIO configuration. 1: PC15 is forced to push-pull output if LXTALEN=0. 22 PC15VAL PC15 value PC15 outputs this value when PC15MDE=1 and LXTALEN=0. 21 PC14MDE PC14 mode 0: PC14 is controlled by GPIO configuration. 1: PC14 is forced to push-pull output if LXTALEN=0. 20 PC14VAL PC14 value PC14 outputs this value when PC14MODE=1 and LXTALEN=0. 19 PC13MDE 0: PC13 is controlled by GPIO configuration. 1: PC13 is forced to push-pull output if all RTC alternate functions are disabled.. 18 PC13VAL Alarm output type control/PC13 output value When RTC alternate function enabled, output RTC_ALARM: 0: RTC_ALARM output is open-drain mode 1: RTC_ALARM output is push-pull mode When all RTC alternate function are disabled and PC13MODE=1,this bit control the PC13 output value 17:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15 DISPU RTC_TAMPx pull up disable bit 0:Enable inner pull-up before sampling for precharge RTC_TAMPx pin 1:Disable precharge duration 14:13 PRCH[1:0] Precharge duration time of RTC_TAMPx This setting determines the prechagre time before each sampling. 0x0: 1 RTC clock 0x1: 2 RTC clock 0x2: 4 RTC clock 0x3: 8 RTC clock 12:11 FLT[1:0] RTC_TAMPx filter count setting This bit determines the tamper sampling type and the number of consecutive sample. 0x0: Detecting tamper event using edge mode. Precharge duration is disabled automatically 0x1: Detecting tamper event using level mode.2 consecutive valid level samples will make a effective tamper event 0x2: Detecting tamper event using level mode.4 consecutive valid level samples will make an effective tamper event 0x3: Detecting tamper event using level mode.8 consecutive valid level samples will make a effective tamper event 577 GD32F1x0 User Manual 10:8 FREQ[2:0] Sample frequency of tamper event detection 0x0: Sample once every 32768 RTCCLK(1Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz) 0x1: Sample once every 16384 RTCCLK(2Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz) 0x2: Sample once every 8192 RTCCLK(4Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz) 0x3: Sample once every 4096 RTCCLK(8Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz) 0x4: Sample once every 2048 RTCCLK(16Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz) 0x5: Sample once every 1024 RTCCLK(32Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz) 0x6: Sample once every 512 RTCCLK(64Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz) 0x7: Sample once every 256 RTCCLK(128Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz) 7 TPTS Make tamper function used for timestamp function 0: No effect 1: TSF is set when tamper event detected even TSEN=0 6:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4 TP1EG Tamper 1 event trigger edge for RTC_TAMP1 input If tamper detection is in edge mode(FLT =0): 0: Rising edge triggers a tamper detection event 1: Falling edge triggers a tamper detection event If tamper detection is in level mode(FLT ≠0): 0: Low level triggers a tamper detection event 1: High level triggers a tamper detection event 3 TP1EN Tamper 1 detection enable 0: Disable tamper 1 detection function 1:Enable tamper 1 detection function 2 TPIE Tamper detection interrupt enable 0: Disable tamper interrupt 1: Enable tamper interrupt 1 TP0EG Tamper 0 event trigger edge for RTC_TAMP0 input If tamper detection is in edge mode(FLT =0): 0: Rising edge triggers a tamper detection event 1: Falling edge triggers a tamper detection event If tamper detection is in level mode(FLT !=0): 0: Low level triggers a tamper detection event 1: High level triggers a tamper detection event 0 TP0EN Tamper 0 detection enable 0: Disable tamper 0 detection function 1: Enable tamper 0 detection function Note: It’s strongly recommended that reset the TAMPxE before change the tamper configuration. 578 GD32F1x0 User Manual 20.4.15. Alarm 0 sub second register (RTC_ALRM0SS) Address offset: 0x44 Backup domain reset: 0x0000 0000 System reset: no effect This register is write protected and can only be wrote when ALRM0EN=0 or INITM=1 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 Reserved 26 25 24 23 22 21 MSKSSC[3:0] 20 19 18 17 16 2 1 0 Reserved rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 SSC[14:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 27:24 MSKSSC[3:0] Mask control bit of SSC 0x0: Mask alarm sub second setting. The alarm asserts at every second time point if all the rest alarm fields are matched. 0x1: SSC[0] is to be compared and all others are ignored 0x2: SSC[1:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored 0x3: SSC[2:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored 0x4: SSC[3:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored 0x5: SSC[4:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored 0x6: SSC[5:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored 0x7: SSC[6:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored 0x8: SSC[7:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored 0x9: SSC[8:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored 0x10: SSC[9:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored 0x11: SSC[10:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored 0x12: SSC[11:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored 0x13: SSC[12:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored 0x14: SSC[13:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored 0x15: SSC[14:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored Note: The bit 15 of synchronous counter(SSC[15] in RTC_SS) is never compared. 23:15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 14:0 SSC[14:0] Alarm sub second value This value is the alarm sub second value which is to be compared with synchronous prescaler counter SSC. Bit number is controlled by MSKSSC bit. 579 GD32F1x0 User Manual 20.4.16. Backup register (RTC_BKPx)(x=0,1,2,3,4) Address offset: 0x50 to 0x60 Backup domain reset: 0x0000 0000 System reset: no effect This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DATA[31:16] rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 DATA[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:0 DATA[31:0] Backup domain registers. These registers can be wrote or read by software. The content remains valid even in power saving mode because they can powered-on by VBAT. Tamper detection flag TPxF assertion or disable Flash readout protection will reset these registers. 580 GD32F1x0 User Manual 21. Touch sensing interface(TSI) 21.1. Introduction Touch Sensing Interface (TSI) provides a convenient solution for touch keys, sliders and capacitive proximity sensing applications. The controller builds on charge transfer method. Placing a finger near fringing electric fields adds capacitance to the system and TSI is able to measure this capacitance change using charge transfer method. 21.2. Main features Transfer sequence fully controlled by hardware 6 fully parallel groups implemented 18 IOs configurable for capacitive sensing Channel Pins and 6 for Sample Pins Configurable transfer sequence frequency Possible to implement the user specific transfer sequences Sequence end and error flags / configurable interrupts Spread spectrum function implemented 21.3. Function description 21.3.1. TSI block diagram Figure 21-1. Block diagram of TSI module G1_IO0 G1_IO1 G1_IO2 G1_IO3 G5_IO0 G5_IO1 G5_IO2 G5_IO3 21.3.2. Group 0 IO Controller TSI Counters Group 1 IO Controller Transfer Sequence FSM Group 5 IO Controller TSI registers AHB Bus G0_IO0 G0_IO1 G0_IO2 G0_IO3 Pulse Clock Generators Touch sensing technique overview There are different technologies for touch sensing, such as optical, resistive, capacitive, strain, 581 GD32F1x0 User Manual etc. Detecting the change of a system is the key problem and goal in these technologies. The TSI module is designed to use charge transfer method which detects the capacitive change of an electrode when touched by or a finger close to it. In order to detect the capacitive change, TSI performs a charge transfer sequence including several charging, transfer steps. The number of these steps indicates the capacitance of an electrode. So the application is able to detect the change of capacitance by monitoring the step number of each transfer sequence. As shown in Figure 21-2, there are 4 PINs in one group and each PIN has an analog switch connected to a common point which is the key component to implement charge transfer. There should be a sample pin and one or more channel pin(s) configured in one group. In Figure 21-2, PIN0 is a channel pin and PIN1 is a sample pin while PIN2 and PIN3 are unused. An electrode connecting PIN0 is designed on PCB board. The A sample capacitor Cs connected to sample pin PIN1 is also required. Now the capacitance of the channel pin PIN0 includes Cx and the capacitance introduced by the electrode, so capacitance of PIN0 increases when a finger is touching while the capacitance of PIN1 remains unchanged. Thus, the finger’s touching can be detected if the capacitance of PIN0 can be measured. In TSI module, a charge-transfer sequence is performed to measure the capacitance of the channel pin(s) in a group, which will be detailed in next section. Figure 21-2. Block diagram of Sample pin and Channel Pin ASW_0 ASW_1 ASW_2 ASW_3 Chip PIN0 PIN1 PIN2 PIN3 Electrode CX 21.3.3. CS Charge transfer sequence In order to measure the capacitance of a channel pin, charge transfer sequence is performed in chip. The sequence shown in Table 21-1 is described based on the connection of Figure 21-2, i.e. PIN0 is channel pin and PIN1 is sample pin. 582 GD32F1x0 User Manual Table 21-1. Pin and analog switch state in a charge-transfer sequence Step Name ASW_0 ASW_1 Pin0 Pin1 1 Discharge Close Close Input Floating Pull Down 2 Buffer Time1 Open Open Input Floating Input Floating 3 Charge Open Open Output High Input Floating 4 Extend Charge Open Open Output High Input Floating 5 Buffer Time2 Open Open Input Floating Input Floating 6 Charge Transfer Close Close Input Floating Input Floating 7 Buffer Time3 Open Open Input Floating Input Floating 8 Compare Open Open Input Floating Input Floating 1. Discharge Both Cx and Cs are discharged by closing ASW_0 and ASW_1 and configuring PIN1 to pull down. This step is the initial operation for a correct charge transfer sequence and is performed by software before starting a charge transfer sequence. Discharging time in this step should be guaranteed to ensure that the voltage of Cx and Cs are discharged to zero. 2. Buffer Time1 Buffer time with ASW_0 and ASW_1 open, PIN0 is configured to input floating. 3. Charge Channel pin PIN0 is configured to output high, in order to charge Cx . ASW_0 and ASW_1 remain open during this step. The charging time should be configured (see Register Section for detail) to ensure that the voltage of Cx is charged to VDD. 4. Extend Charge This is an optional step in a charge-transfer sequence and the behavior of all pins and analog switches in this step is the same as Step 3. The only difference between this and step 3 is the duration time, which is configurable in TSI registers. The duration of this step changes in each loop of a charge-transfer sequence, spreading the spectrum. 583 GD32F1x0 User Manual 5. Buffer Time2 Buffer time with ASW_0 and ASW_1 open, PIN0 is configured to input floating. 6. Charge transfer ASW_0 and ASW_1 are closed and PIN0 is configured to input floating to transfer charge from Cx to Cs . The transfer time should be configured (see Register Section for detail) to ensure the full transfer after that the voltage of Cx and Cs will be equal. 7. Buffer Time3 Buffer time with ASW_0 and ASW_1 open, PIN0 is configured to input floating. 8. Compare ASW_0, ASW_1 and PIN0 remain the configuration of Step7. At this step, the voltage of sample pin PIN1 is compared to a threshold called Vth . If voltage of PIN1 is lower than Vth , the sequence returns to Step2 and continues, otherwise, the sequence ends. The voltage of sample pin Vs is zero after initial step and increases after each charge cycle, as shown in Figure 21-3. A larger Cx will cause a greater increase during a cycle. The sequence stops when Vs reaches Vth . Each group has a counter which records the number of cycles performed on it to reach Vth . At the end of charge-transfer sequence, the group counter is read out to estimate the Cx , i.e. a smaller counter values indicates a larger Cx . Figure 21-3. Voltage of a sample pin during charge-transfer sequence 3.3 Vth Vs 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Cycle Number 584 GD32F1x0 User Manual 21.3.4. Charge transfer sequence FSM A hardware FSM is designed in chip to perform the charge transfer sequence described in the previous section as shown in Figure 21-4. Figure 21-4. FSM flow of a charge-transfer sequence IDLE(discharge) Started Buffer Time1 Extend Charge Charge enabled Spread spectrum disabled Vx > Vth or the cycle number reaches MCN Extend Charge Buffer Time2 Charge Transfer !(Vx > Vth) or the cycle number reaches MCN Buffer Time3 Compare This FSM remains in IDLE state after reset. There are 2 kinds of start condition defined by TRGMOD bit in TSI_CTL register: TRGMOD = 0: Software Trigger Mode. In this mode, the FSM starts after TSIS bit in TSI_CTL register is written 1 by software. TRGMOD = 1: Hardware Trigger Mode. In this mode the FSM starts when a falling or rising edge on TSITG pin is detected. Once started, the FSM runs following the flow described in Figure 21-4. The FSM leaves a state if the duration time of this state reaches defined value, and goes into the next state. The Extend Charge state is present only if the ECEN bit is set in TSI_CTL register. This state is designed to implement spread spectrum function. In comparing sate, the FSM compares voltage of the sample pin in every enabled group and the threshold voltage. If all sample pins’ voltage reach the threshold, FSM returns IDLE state and stops, otherwise, it returns to Buffer Time 1 state and begins the next cycle. 585 GD32F1x0 User Manual As shown in Figure 21-4, after 27 cycles, Vs (the voltage of sample pin) reaches Vth (the threshold voltage). There is also a max cycle number defined by MCN in TSI_CTL register. When the cycle number reaches MCN, FSM returns to IDLE state and stops after Compare State, whether Vs reaches Vth or not. 21.3.5. Clock and duration time of states There are 3 clocks in TSI module: HCLK, CTCLK and ECCLK. HCLK is system clock and drives TSI’s register and FSM. CTCLK, which is divided from HCLK with division factor defined by register CTCDIV is the clock used for calculating the duration time of the charge state and Charge Transfer state. ECCLK, which is divided from HCLK with division factor defined by register ECCDIV is the clock used to calculate the maximum duration time of Extend Charge state. The duration time of each state except state Extend Charge state is fixed in each loop according to the configuration of the register. The duration time of Buffer Time1, Buffer Time2 and Buffer Time3 are fixed to 2 HCLK periods. The duration time of Charge state and Charge Transfer state is defined by CDT and CTDT bits (see TSC_CTL register section for detail). The duration time of Extend Charge state changes in each cycle of the charge-transfer FSM and the maximum duration time are defined by ECDT[6:0] in TSI_CTL register. The duration time of Extend Charge state in each cycle is presented in Table 21-2. Table 21-2. Duration time of Extend Charge state in each cycle Cycle Number Number of ECCLKs in Extend Charge state 1 0 2 1 … ECDT ECDT-1 ECDT+1 ECDT ECDT+2 ECDT+1 ECDT+3 ECDT ECDT+4 ECDT-1 … … 2*ECDT+1 2 2*ECDT+2 1 2*ECDT+3 0 2*ECDT+4 1 2*ECDT+5 2 … … 586 GD32F1x0 User Manual 21.3.6. PIN mode control of TSI There are 4 pins in each group and each of these pins is able to be used as a sample pin or channel pin. Only one pin in a group should be configured as sample pin, and channel pins can be more than one. The sample pin and channel pin(s) should not be configured as the same pin in any case. When a PIN is configured in GPIO (see chapter GPIO) used by TSI, the pin’s mode is controlled by TSI. Generally, each pin has 3 modes: input, output high and output low. The mode of a channel pin or a sample pin during a charge-transfer sequence is described in Table 21-1 in which PIN0 represents a channel pin and PIN1 represents a sample pin, i.e. the charge-transfer FSM take control of these channels or sample pins’ mode and the states of related analog switches when the sequence is on-going. When the sequence is in IDLE state, PINMOD bit in TSI_CTL register defines the mode of these pins. Pins that are configured in GPIO used by TSI but neither sample nor channel in TSI register is called free pins whose mode is defined by PINMOD bit in TSI_CTL, too. 21.3.7. ASW and hysteresis mode A channel or sample pin’s analog switch is controlled by charge-transfer sequence when FSM is running, as shown in Table 21-1. When the FSM is IDLE, these pins’ analog switches are controlled by GxPy bits in TSI_ASW register. All free pin’s analog switches are controlled by GxPy bits too. TSI takes control of the analog switches when FSM is IDLE, even if these pins are not configured to be used by TSI in GPIO. The user is able to perform user-defined chargetransfer sequence by writing GxPy bits to control these analog switches, while controlling pin mode directly in GPIO. Each TSI pin’s hysteresis mode is configurable by GxPy bit in TSI_PHM register. 21.3.8. TSI operation flow The normal operation flow of TSI is listed below: System initialization, such as system clock configuration, TSI related GPIO configuration, etc. Program TSI_CTL, TSI_CHCFG, TSI_INTEN, TSI_SAMPCFG and GEx bits of TSI_GCTL register according to demand. Enable TSI by setting TSIEN bit in TSI_CTL register. Optional for software trigger mode: program TSIS bit to start charging transfer sequence. In hardware trigger mode, TSI is started by falling/rising edge on the trigger pin. Wait for the CTCF or MNERR flag in TSI_INTF and clear these flags by writing TSI_INTC. Read out the CYCN bits in TSI_GxCYCN registers. 21.3.9. TSI flags and interrupts Table 21-3. TSI errors and flags Flag Name Description Cleared by 587 GD32F1x0 User Manual TSI stops because all enabled samplers’ CTCF sample pins reach Vth . MNERR 21.3.10. TSI stops because the cycle number reaches the maximum value. CCTCF bit in TSI_INTC CMNERR bit in TSI_INTC TSI GPIOs Table 21-4. TSI pins TSI Group TSI_GRP0 TSI_GRP1 TSI_GRP2 TSI_GRP3 TSI_GRP4 TSI_GRP5 TSI Pins GPPIN pins PIN0 PA0 PIN1 PA1 PIN2 PA2 PIN3 PA3 PIN0 PA4 PIN1 PA5 PIN2 PA6 PIN3 PA7 PIN0 PC5 PIN1 PB0 PIN2 PB1 PIN3 PB2 PIN0 PA9 PIN1 PA10 PIN2 PA11 PIN3 PA12 PIN0 PB3 PIN1 PB4 PIN2 PB6 PIN3 PB7 PIN0 PB11 PIN1 PB12 PIN2 PB13 PIN3 PB14 21.4. TSI registers 21.4.1. Control register (TSI_CTL) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by word(32-bit). 588 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31 15 ECDIV 30 29 28 27 26 25 CDT[3:0] CTDT[3:0] rw rw 14 13 12 11 CTCDIV[2:0] 10 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 ECDT[6:0] ECEN rw 9 8 Reserved 7 6 MCN[2:0] 5 4 16 rw 3 2 PINMOD EGSEL TRGMO 1 0 TSIS TSIEN rw rw D rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:28 CDT[3:0] Charge State Duration Time rw rw rw CDT[3:0] is set and clear by software. These bits controls the duration time of Charge State in a charge-transfer sequence. 0000: 1 × t CTCLK 0001: 2 × t CTCLK 0010: 3 × t CTCLK …. 1111: 16 × t CTCLK 27:24 CTDT[3:0] Charge Transfer State Duration Time CTDT[3:0] is set and clear by software. These bits control the duration time of Charge Transfer State in a charge-transfer sequence. 0000: 1 × t CTCLK 0001: 2 × t CTCLK 0010: 3 × t CTCLK …. 1111: 16 × t CTCLK 23:17 ECDT[6:0] Extend Charge State Maximum Duration Time ECDT[6:0] is set and clear by software. These bits control the maximum Duration Time duration time of Extend Charge Transfer State in a charge-transfer sequence. Extend Charge State is only present when ECEN bit in TSI_CTL register is set. 0000000: 1 × t ECCLK 0000001: 2 × t ECCLK 0000010: 3 × t ECCLK …. 1111111: 128 × t ECCLK 16 ECEN Extend Charge State Enable. 0: Extend Charge disabled 1: Extend Charge enabled 15 ECDIV ECCLK clock division factor. ECCLK in TSI is divided from HCLK and ECDIV defines the division factor. 589 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: fECCLK = fHCLK 1: fECCLK = 0.5fHCLK 14:12 CTCDIV[2:0] CTCLK clock division factor. CTCLK in TSI is divided from HCLK and CTCDIV defines the division factor. 000: fCTCLK = fHCLK 001: fCTCLK = fHCLK /2 010: fCTCLK = fHCLK /4 011: fCTCLK = fHCLK /8 …. 111: fCTCLK = fHCLK /128 11:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7:5 MCN[2:0] Max cycle number of a sequence MCN [2:0] defines the max cycle number of a charge-transfer sequence FSM which stops after reaching this number. 000: 255 001: 511 010: 1023 011: 2047 100: 4095 101: 8191 110: 16383 111: Reserved 4 PINMOD Pin mode This bit defines a TSI pin’s mode when charge-transfer sequence is IDLE. 0: TSI pin will output low when IDLE 1: TSI pin will keep input mode when IDLE 3 EGSEL Edge selection This bit defines the edge type in hardware trigger mode. 0: Falling edge 1: Rising edge 2 TRGMOD Trigger mode selection 0: Software Trigger Mode, sequence will start after TSIS bit is set. 1: Hardware Trigger Mode, sequence will start after a falling/rising edge on trigger pin detected. 1 TSIS TSI start This bit is set by software to start a charge-transfer sequence in software trigger mode and reset by hardware when the sequence stops. After setting this bit, software can reset it to stop the started sequence manually. 0: TSI is not started 1: TSI is started. 590 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0 TSIEN TSI enable 0: TSI module is enabled 1: TSI module is disabled 21.4.2. Interrupt enable register (TSI_INTEN) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 MNERRI Reserved CTCFIE E Bits Fields Descriptions 31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 MNERRIE Max Cycle Number Error Interrupt Enable rw rw 0: MNERR interrupt is disabled 1: MNERR interrupt is enabled 0 CTCFIE Charge-transfer complete flag Interrupt Enable 0: CTCF interrupt is enabled 1: CTCF interrupt is disabled 21.4.3. Interrupt flag clear register (TSI_INTC) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 CMNER Reserved CCTCF R w Bits Fields w Descriptions 591 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 CMNERR Clear max cycle number error 0: Reserved 1: Clear MNERR 0 CCTCF Clear charge-transfer complete flag 0: Reserved 1: Clear CTCF 21.4.4. Interrupt flag register (TSI_INTF) Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MNERR CTCF r r Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 MNERR Max Cycle Number Error This bit is set by hardware after charge-transfer sequence stops because it reaches the max cycle number defined by MCN[2:0]. This bit is cleared by writing 1 to CMNERR bit in TSI_INTC register. 0: No Max Count Error 1: Max Count Error 0 CTCF Charge-Transfer complete flag This bit is set by hardware after charge-transfer sequence stops because all enabled group’s sample pins reach the threshold voltage or because the cycle number reaches the value defined by MCN[2:0]. This bit is cleared by writing 1 to CCTCF bit in TSI_INTC register. 0: Charge-Transfer not complete 1: Charge-Transfer complete 21.4.5. Pin hysteresis mode register (TSI_PHM) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 592 GD32F1x0 User Manual This register can be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 G5P3 G5P2 G5P1 G5P0 G4P3 G4P2 G4P1 G4P0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 G3P3 G3P2 G3P1 G3P0 G2P3 G2P2 G2P1 G2P0 G1P3 G1P2 G1P1 G1P0 G0P3 G0P2 G0P1 G0P0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 23:0 GxPy Pin hysteresis mode This bit is set and cleared by software. 0: Pin GxPy Schmitt trigger hysteresis mode disabled 1: Pin GxPy Schmitt trigger hysteresis mode enabled 21.4.6. Analog switch register (TSI_ASW) Address offset: 0x18 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 G5P3 G5P2 G5P1 G5P0 G4P3 G4P2 G4P1 G4P0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 G3P3 G3P2 G3P1 G3P0 G2P3 G2P2 G2P1 G2P0 G1P3 G1P2 G1P1 G1P0 G0P3 G0P2 G0P1 G0P0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 23:0 GxPy Analog switch state. This bit is set and cleared by software. 0: Analog switch of GxPy is open 1: Analog switch of GxPy is closed 21.4.7. Sample configuration register (TSI_SAMPCFG) Address offset: 0x20 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by word(32-bit). 593 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 G5P3 G5P2 G5P1 G5P0 G4P3 G4P2 G4P1 G4P0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 G3P3 G3P2 G3P1 G3P0 G2P3 G2P2 G2P1 G2P0 G1P3 G1P2 G1P1 G1P0 G0P3 G0P2 G0P1 G0P0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 23:0 GxPy Sample pin mode This bit is set and cleared by software. 0: Pin GxPy is not a sample pin 1: Pin GxPy is a sample pin 21.4.8. Channel configuration register (TSI_CHCFG) Address offset: 0x28 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 G5P3 G5P2 G5P1 G5P0 G4P3 G4P2 G4P1 G4P0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 G3P3 G3P2 G3P1 G3P0 G2P3 G2P2 G2P1 G2P0 G1P3 G1P2 G1P1 G1P0 G0P3 G0P2 G0P1 G0P0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 23:0 GxPy Channel pin mode This bit is set and cleared by software. 0: Pin GxPy is not a channel pin 1: Pin GxPy is a channel pin 21.4.9. Group control register (TSI_GCTL) Address offset: 0x30 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by word(32-bit). 594 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Fields Descriptions 31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 21:16 GCx Group complete 20 19 18 17 16 GC5 GC4 GC3 GC2 GC1 GC0 r r r r r r 5 4 3 2 1 0 GE5 GE4 GE3 GE2 GE1 GE0 rw rw rw rw rw rw 6 Reserved Bits 21 This bit is set by hardware when charge-transfer sequence for an enabled group is complete. It is cleared by hardware when a new charge-transfer sequence starts. 0: Charge-transfer for group x is not complete 1: Charge-transfer for group x is complete 15:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 5:0 GEx Group enable This bit is set and cleared by software. 0: Group x is disabled 1: Group x is enabled 21.4.10. Group x cycle number registers (TSI_GxCYCN) (x= 0..5) Address offset: 0x30 + 0x04 *(x + 1) Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register can be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved CYCN[13:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 13:0 CYCN[13:0] Cycle number These bits reflect the cycle number for a group as soon as a charge-transfer sequence completes. They are cleared by hardware when a new charge-transfer sequence starts. 595 GD32F1x0 User Manual 22. HDMI-CEC controller(HDMI-CEC) 22.1. Introduction Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) belongs to a part of HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) standard. CEC, as a kind of protocol, it provides the advanced control functions of all kinds of audio-visual products in a user environment. The CEC protocol gets hardware support from the HDMI-CEC controller. 22.2. Main features HDMI-CEC controller complies with HDMI-CEC v1.4 Specification Tow clock source options for 32.768KHz CEC clock: 1) LXTAL oscillator 2) IRC8M oscillator with settled prescaler (IRC8M/244) For ultra low-power applications ,HDMI-CEC controller can work in Deep-sleep mode Programmable SFT(Signal Free Time) value for arbitration priority: 1) User configure 2) Auto configure by controller as HDMI-CEC protocol specification Programmable own address(OADR) Listen mode supports user receiving messages on the CEC line but not disturb the CEC line. RX bit-tolerance function support for higher compatibility Bit Error Detection 1) Short bit period error(RSBPE) 2) Long bit period error(RLBPE) 3) Bit rising error(RBRE) Programmable error-bit generation 1) RSBPE detection will always generate error-bit 2) RLBPE detection will generate error-bit if RLBPEGEN=1 3) RBRE detection will generate error-bit if RBREGEN=1 Transmission error detection (TERR) Transmission underrun detection (TU) Reception overrun detection (RO) Arbitration lost detection (LSTARB),if asserted controller will automatic retry transmission 22.3. Function description 22.3.1. CEC bus pin The CEC device only use one bidirectional line to connect to others. The CEC pin through a 596 GD32F1x0 User Manual 27KΩ pull-up resister connected to a +3.3V supply voltage. When the CEC device is in the output state, in order to allow a wired-and connection it must have an open-drain or opencollector. Using HDMI-CEC controller needs configuring CEC pin as alternate function open drain and a 27kΩ resister is also needed for pulling-up the CEC pin. Figure 22-1. HDMI-CEC Controller Block Diagram ARM Cortex-M3 AHB to APB Bridge HDMI-CEC Interface and Registers APB Bus Interrupt/Wake HDMI-CEC Controller IRC8M/244 RCU LXTAL CEC Clock HDMI-CEC Core MCU CEC PAD 27KΩ 3.3V CEC Bus line CEC Device 1 22.3.2. CEC Device 2 Message description A complete message includes one or more frames and the message structure is shown as below: START Bus Header Data Data Data Bus Frame Frame High .... Bit High Frame Frame The frame has two types: 1) Header frame: The first frame in the message which followed the start-bit, it consists of the source logical address field and the destination logical address field. 2) Data frame: All frames in the message except header frame. All frames are ten bits long and have the same basic structure as shown below: Frame Structure 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 597 GD32F1x0 User Manual Information bits ENDOM ACK The information bits are data, opcodes or addresses, dependent on context. The control bits, ENDOM and ACK, are always present and always have the same usage. 22.3.3. Bit timing description All bits timing in the message are divided into two types: Start bit and Data bit. 1) Start Bit: The start bit has to be validated by its low duration(a) and its total duration(b) showed as below: b Start Bit Timing a High Impedence Low Impedence 3.5ms 0ms 3.9ms 3.7m s 4.3ms 4.5m s 4.7ms 2) Data Bit: The valid data bit timing is constrained as below: Data Bit Timing Safe Sample Period High Impedence Logic 0 Low Impedence 1.5ms 2.4ms High Impedence Logic 1 Low Impedence 0.6ms Ts T1 T2 T3 2.4ms T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 Nominal sample time 1.05 ms Table 22-1. Data Bit Timing Parameter Table Ts Time (ms) T1 0.4ms T2 0.8ms T3 0.85ms T4 1.25ms T5 1.3ms The bit start event. When indicating a logical 1,T1 as the earliest time for a low - high transition. When indicating a logical 1,T2 as the latest time for a low - high transition. The earliest time it is safe to sample the signal line to determine its state. The latest time it is safe to sample the signal line to determine its state. T5 as the earliest time that a device is allowed to return to a high impedance state(logical 0). 598 GD32F1x0 User Manual Ts Time (ms) T6 1.7ms T7 2.05ms T7 as the earliest time for the start of a following bit. 2.4ms As a nominal data bit period. 2.75ms T8 as the latest time for the start of a following bit. T8 22.3.4. The bit start event. T6 as the latest time that a device is allowed to return to a high impedance state(logical 0). Arbitration CEC line arbitration starts from the front edge of the start bit to the end of the Initiator address bits among the Header Block. In the meantime the Initiator should monitors the CEC line.During this period , if low impedance be detected when whilst in high impedance state then it should assume that it has lost the arbitration to a second Initiator. |Arbitration Phase| Bus START High Bit INITIATOR[7:4] END DESTINATION[3:0] ACK OM Bus High Before attempting to transmit or re-transmit a frame, a device shall ensure that the CEC line has been inactive for a number of bit periods. This signal free time is defined as the time since the start of the final bit of the previous frame. SFT of three nominal bit period ACK bit of last frame of previous message Start bit of next message The length of the required signal free time depends on the current status of the control signal line and the initiating device. If SFT=0x0, the HDMI-CEC controller’s SFT will perform as table below: Precondition Present Initiator wants to send another message Signal Free Time (nominal data bit periods) ≥7 immediately after its previous message New Initiator wants to send a message ≥5 Previous attempt to send message unsuccessful ≥3 This means that there is an opportunity for other devices to gain access to the CEC line during 599 GD32F1x0 User Manual the periods mentioned above to send their own messages after the current device has finished sending its current message. If SFT is not 0x0,the corresponding user configure SFT will be performed. 22.3.5. SFT option bit description SFT option bit support another way for saving bus inactive time through setting more SFT counter’s start time point. When SFTOPT = 0, the SFT timer will start at the time SOM bit asserted when the controller is in the idle state. When SFTOPT = 1, the SFT timer will start at the time CEC bus is in idle state and the SFT time will be saved if you configure the SOM after SFT done because the controller will start transmit without any latency. When SFTOPT = 1, some other cases will also start the SFT counter: In case of regular TX/RX complete(TEND/REND asserted) In case of transmission not complete such as the time TERR,TAERR or TU asserted. In case of receiving progress, if some error detected and error bit is generated, the SFT timer will start when output error bit finished. 22.3.6. Error definition Error-Bit If some errors are occurred and corresponding generation configure is enabled the HDMICEC controller will generate an error bit on the CEC pin for indicating. Error bit period definition is shown as below: High impedence 3.6ms +/0.24ms Low impedence Error-Bit Timing Frame error CEC protocol defines that each frame of message need the acknowledgement to confirm the communication is successful. For broadcast(destination address=0xF), the ACK bit should be logic 1 and for singlecast(destination address<0xF), the ACK bit should be logic 0,otherwise the frame error occurs(TAERR/RAE flag asserted). 600 GD32F1x0 User Manual Another frame error situation is that the CEC bus pin voltage is different from CEC pad when HDMI-CEC controller is under initiator state(TERR flag asserted). Bit rising error(RBRE) RBRE flag can be asserted if rising edge detected during the RBRE checking window and RBRE flag will also generate CEC interrupt if the RBREIE=1. If RBRESTP=1,the controller will stop receiving message and if RBREGEN=1 the error-bit will be generated. If RBRESTP=1 in broadcast the RBRE flag asserted, the error bit will be generated to notify the initiator the error.If you do not want to generate the error bit for RBRE detection you can configure the RBREGEN=0 and BCNG=1. Note: The RBRESTP=0 and RBREGEN=1 configuration must be avoided. Short bit period error(RSBPE) RSBPE is set when the period of the neighboring falling edge is shorter than expected. RSBPE flag will also generate CEC interrupt if the RSBPEIE=1. If the RSBPE flag asserted, the error bit will must be generated except one of the cases below: 1) BCNG = 1 2) LMEN = 1 3) Receiving broadcast Long bit period error(RLBPE) RLBPE is set when the period of the neighboring falling edge is longer than expected. RLBPE flag will also generate CEC interrupt if the RLBPEIE=1. When RLBPE asserted, controller will stop receiving message and generate error bit if in one of the cases below: 1) RLBPEGEN=1 in both singlecast and broadcast 2) BCNG=0 in broadcast 601 GD32F1x0 User Manual Legend: Checking Window SBPE LBPE High Impedence Logic 0 Low Impedence 1.5ms 2.4ms High Impedence Logic 1 Low Impedence 0.6ms BRE Ts T1 2.4ms BRE T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 Nominal sample time 1.05 ms Table 22-2. Error Handling Timing Parameter Table Symbol RTOL Time(ms) Ts - 0ms T1 1 0.3ms When indicating a logical 1,T1 as the earliest time for a low - 0 0.4ms high transition. 0 0.8ms When indicating a logical 1,T2 as the latest time for a low - 1 0.9ms high transition. - 0.85ms The earliest time it is safe to sample the signal line to T2 T3 Description The bit start event. determine its state. T4 - 1.25ms The latest time it is safe to sample the signal line to determine its state. T5 T6 T7 1 1.2ms T5 as the earliest time that a device is allowed to return to a 0 1.3ms high impedance state(logical 0). 0 1.7ms T6 as the latest time that a device is allowed to return to a high 1 1.8ms impedance state(logical 0). 1 1.85ms 0 2.05ms 2.4ms T8 0 2.75ms 1 2.95ms T7 as the earliest time for the start of a following bit. As a nominal data bit period. T8 as the latest time for the start of a following bit. Transmission error detection(TERR) The TERR is set when the initiator find low impedance on the CEC bus when it is transmitting high impedance. TERR will also generate CEC interrupt if TERRIE=1. When TERR asserted the transmission is aborted and the software can retry the transmission. TERR check window is depending on the different bit state of the frame shown as below: 602 GD32F1x0 User Manual Legend: TX arb-bit=0/1 Checking Window TX data=0 High Impedence Logic 0 Low Impedence 1.5ms 2.4ms TX ack TX data=1 High Impedence Logic 1 Low Impedence 0.6ms 2.4ms Nominal sample time 1.05 ms Ts T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 Table 22-3. TERR Timing Parameter Table Symbol RTOL Time(ms) Ts - 0ms 1 0.3ms The earliest time for a low - high transition when indicating a 0 0.4ms logical 1. 0 0.8ms The latest time for a low - high transition when indicating a 1 0.9ms logical 1. T3 - 0.85ms T4 - 1.25ms 1 1.2ms The earliest time a device is permitted return to a high 0 1.3ms impedance state (logical 0). 0 1.7ms The latest time a device is permitted return to a high 1 1.8ms impedance state (logical 0). 1 1.85ms 0 2.05ms T1 T2 T5 T6 T7 2.4ms T8 22.3.7. 0 2.75ms 1 2.95ms Description The bit start event. The earliest time it is safe to sample the signal line to determine its state. The latest time it is safe to sample the signal line to determine its state. The earliest time for the start of a following bit. The nominal data bit period. The latest time for the start of a following bit. HDMI-CEC interrupt There 13 interrupts in HDMI-CEC controller and each are made up of corresponding flag and interrupt enable bit: No. Interrupt event in HDMI-CEC Event flag Interrupt enable bit 1 Arbitration lost LSTARB LSTARBIE 2 TX Byte Request TBR TBRIE 603 GD32F1x0 User Manual No. Interrupt event in HDMI-CEC Event flag Interrupt enable bit 3 Transmission end TEND TENDIE 4 TX Byte buffer underrun TU TUIE 5 TX error TERR TERRIE 6 TX acknowledge error TAERR TAERRIE 7 RX Byte Received RBR RBRIE 8 Reception end REND RENDIE 9 RX Overrun RO ROIE 10 RX-Bit rising error RBRE BREIE 11 RX-Short Bit Period Error RSBPE RSBPEIE 12 RX-Long Bit Period Error RLBPE RLBPEIE 13 RX acknowledge error RAE RAEIE Note: Any HDMI-CEC interrupt will wake up the chip from Deep-sleep Mode. 22.4. HDMI-CEC registers 22.4.1. Control register (CEC_CTL) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 2 1 0 ENDOM SOM CECEN rs rs rw Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 31:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 2 ENDOM ENDOM bit value in the next frame in TX mode. 3 ENDOM can only be software wrote when CECON=1.ENDOM is cleared by hardware in the same situation of clear SOM. 0: Next frame send 0 in ENDOM bit position 1: Next frame send 1 in ENDOM bit position 1 SOM Start of sending a message. SOM can only be software wrote when CECON=1.SOM is cleared by hardware if any of flags asserted: TEND, TU, TAERR, TERR and CECON=0. If the message consists of only one frame, ENDOM should be set before configuring txdata. After setting SOM, the SFT counter will start and when SFT is 604 GD32F1x0 User Manual done the Start-bit will performance one CEC line. Software can abort sending the message through clear CECON bit under SOM=1. 0: No CEC transmission is on-going 1: CEC transmission is pending or executing 0 CECEN Enable/disable HDMI-CEC controller bit. CECON bit is configured by software. 0: Disable HDMI-CEC controller. Abort any sending message state and clear ENDOM/SOM 1: Enable CEC controller and go into receiving state if SOM=0 22.4.2. Configuration register (CEC_CFG) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) Note: This register can only be write when CECON=0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 LMEN OADR [14:0] rw rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Reserved 8 7 SFTOPT BCNG rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31 LMEN Listen Mode Enable Bit 6 21 5 20 19 4 RLBPEGEN RBREGEN RBRESTP rw rw rw 18 3 17 16 2 1 RTOL SFT[2:0] rw rw 0 This bit is set and cleared by software. 0: Only receive broadcast and singlecast in OADR address with appropriate ACK 1: Receive broadcast and singlecast in OADR address with appropriate ACK and receive message whose destination address is not in OADR without feedback ACK 30:16 OADR[14:0] Own Address Each bit of OADR represents one destination address. For example: if oar[0]=1,the controller will receive the message sent address=0x0.This means the controller can be configured to multiple own address. Broadcast message is always received. After received destination address(last 4 bit of HEADER frame), if it is valid in the oar, the controller will feedback with positive acknowledge ,if it is not valid in the oar and LMEN=1,the controller will receive the message with no acknowledge, if it is not valid in the oar and LMEN=0,the controller will not receive the message. 15:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 8 SFTOPT The SFT start option bit 605 GD32F1x0 User Manual This bit is set and cleared by software. 0: SFT counter starts counting when SOM is asserted 1: SFT counter starts automatically after transmission/reception en 7 BCNG Do not generate Error-bit in broadcast message This bit is set and cleared by software. 0: In broadcast mode, RBRE and RLBPE will generate Error-bit on CEC line and if LMEN=1, RSBPE will also generate Error-bit 1: Error-bit is not generated in the same condition as above 6 RLBPEGEN Generate Error-bit when detected RLBPE in singlecast This bit is set and cleared by software. 0: Not generate Error-bit on CEC line when detected RLBPE in singlecast 1: Generate Error-bit on CEC line when detected RLBPE in singlecast 5 RBREGEN Generate Error-bit when detected RBRE in singlecast This bit is set and cleared by software. 0: Not generate Error-bit on CEC line when detected RBRE in singlecast 1: Generate Error-bit on CEC line when detected RBRE in singlecast 4 RBRESTP Whether stop receive message when detected RBRE This bit is set and cleared by software. 0: Do not stop reception for RBRE and data bit is sampled at nominal time(1.05ms) 1: Stop reception for RBRE 3 RTOL Reception bit timing tolerance This bit is set and cleared by software. 0: Standard bit timing tolerance 1: Extended bit timing tolerance 2:0 SFT[2:0] Signal Free Time This bit is set and cleared by software. If SFT=0x0, the SFT time will perform as HDMI-CEC protocol description and if not, the SFT time is fixed configured by software. The start point is the falling edge of the ACK bit. 0x0: - 3 Standard data-bit period if SFT counter is start because of unsuccessful transmission(LSTARB=1,TERR=1,TU=1 or TAERR=1) - 5 Standard data-bit period if CEC controller is the new initiator - 7 Standard data-bit period if CEC controller has successful completed transmission 0x1: 1.5 nominal data bit periods 0x2: 2.5 nominal data bit periods 0x3: 3.5 nominal data bit periods 0x4: 4.5 nominal data bit periods 0x5: 5.5 nominal data bit periods 0x6: 6.5 nominal data bit periods 606 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0x7: 7.5 nominal data bit periods 22.4.3. Transmit data register (CEC_TDATA) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Reserved 3 2 1 0 TXDATA[7:0] w Bits Fields Descriptions 31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7:0 TXDATA[7:0] Tx data register This bit is write only. 22.4.4. Receive data register (CEC_RDATA) Address offset: 0xC Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 RXDATA[7:0] r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7:0 RXDATA[7:0] Rx data register This bit is read only and contains the last data byte which has been received from the CEC line. 607 GD32F1x0 User Manual 22.4.5. Interrupt Flag Register (CEC_INTF) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reserved 15 14 Reserved 13 12 11 TAERR TERR rc_w1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TU TEND TBR LSTARB RAE RLBPE RSBPE RBRE RO REND RBR rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 Bits Fields Descriptions 31:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 12 TAERR Tx ACK Error flag. This bit is set by hardware and cleared by software write at 1. The ACK bit is received 1 in singlecast and is received 0 in broadcast will assert the flag. TAERR will stop sending message and clear SOM and ENDOM. 11 TERR Tx-Error This bit is set by hardware and cleared by software write at 1. TERR is asserted if the controller is in initiator state and find the CEC line is low impedance but it does not pull it down. TERR will stop sending message and clear SOM and ENDOM. 10 TU Tx data buffer underrun This bit is set by hardware and cleared by software write at 1. TU is asserted if the software does not write data before sending the next byte. TU will stop sending message and clear SOM and ENDOM. 9 TEND Transmission successfully end This bit is set by hardware and cleared by software write at 1. TEND is asserted if the all frames of the message are successfully transmitted. TEND will clear SOM and ENDOM bit. 8 TBR Tx-Byte data request This bit is set by hardware and cleared by software write at 1. TBR is asserted when the 4th bit of current frame is transmitted and software should write data into txdata within 6 nominal data-bit periods 7 LSTARB Arbitration lost This bit is set by hardware and cleared by software write at 1. LSTARB is asserted when either situation is occurs: external CEC device pull down the CEC line for sending start bit when controller is in SFT state or the 608 GD32F1x0 User Manual controller and CEC device sending the start bit at the same time but the controller’s initiator address priority is lower. If LSTARB is asserted, the controller will get into reception state and after finish receiving the message the controller will retry to send message. During receiving and sending message, the SOM will keep set. 6 RAE Rx ACK Error This bit is set by hardware and cleared by software write at 1. RAE is asserted if ACK=0 in broadcast or ACK=1 in singlecast under LMEN=1 and destination address is not in OADR. RAE will stop receiving message. 5 RLBPE Long Bit Period Error This bit is set by hardware and cleared by software write at 1. RLBPE is asserted when the data-bit is out of the maximum period. RLBPE will stop receiving message and generate error-bit if RLBPEGEN=1 in singlecast or BCNG=0 in broadcast. 4 RSBPE Short Bit Period Error This bit is set by hardware and cleared by software write at 1. RSBPE is asserted if a data-bit period is less than the minimal period. 3 RBRE Bit Rising Error This bit is set by hardware and cleared by software write at 1. RBRE is asserted if the rising edge in a period is occurs in unexpected time. 2 RO RX Overrun This bit is set by hardware and cleared by software write at 1. RO is asserted when a new byte is received and RBR is also set. RO will stop receiving message and send an incorrect ACK bit. 1 REND End of Reception This bit is set by hardware and cleared by software write at 1. REND is asserted if the controller received the whole message with feedback correct ACK. REND is asserted at the same time of RBR. 0 RBR Rx-Byte data received This bit is set by hardware and cleared by software write at 1. RBR is asserted if the controller received the whole message with feedback correct ACK. When RBR is asserted, the rxdata is valid. 22.4.6. Interrupt enable register (CEC_INTEN) Address offset: 0x14 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 609 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 4 3 2 1 0 ROIE RENDIE RBRIE rw rw rw Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 LSTARBI Reserved TAERRIE TERRIE TUIE TXENDIE TBRIE RAEIE RLBPEIE RSBPEIE RBREIE E rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 12 TAERRIE TAERR Interrupt Enable. rw rw rw rw This bit is set by and cleared by software. 0: TAERR interrupt disable 1: TAERR interrupt enable 11 TERRIE TERR Interrupt Enable. This bit is set by and cleared by software. 0: TERR interrupt disable 1: TERR interrupt enable 10 TUIE TU Interrupt Enable. This bit is set by and cleared by software. 0: TU interrupt disable 1: TU interrupt enable 9 TENDIE TEND Interrupt Enable. This bit is set by and cleared by software. 0: TEND interrupt disable 1: TEND interrupt enable 8 TBRIE TBR Interrupt Enable. This bit is set by and cleared by software. 0: TBR interrupt disable 1: TBR interrupt enable 7 LSTARBIE ALRLST Interrupt Enable. This bit is set by and cleared by software. 0: LSTARB interrupt disable 1: LSTARB interrupt enable 6 RAEIE RAE Interrupt Enable. This bit is set by and cleared by software. 0: RAE interrupt disable 1: RAE interrupt enable 5 RLBPEIE RLBPE Interrupt Enable. 610 GD32F1x0 User Manual This bit is set by and cleared by software. 0: RLBPE interrupt disable 1: RLBPE interrupt enable 4 RSBPEIE RSBPE Interrupt Enable. This bit is set by and cleared by software. 0: RSBPE interrupt disable 1: RSBPE interrupt enable 3 RBREIE RBRE Interrupt Enable. This bit is set by and cleared by software. 0: RBRE interrupt disable 1: RBRE interrupt enable 2 ROIE RO Interrupt Enable. This bit is set by and cleared by software. 0: RO interrupt disable 1: RO interrupt enable 1 RENDIE REND Interrupt Enable. This bit is set by and cleared by software. 0: REND interrupt disable 1: REND interrupt enable 0 RBRIE RBR Interrupt Enable. This bit is set by and cleared by software. 0: RBR interrupt disable 1: RBR interrupt enable 611 GD32F1x0 User Manual 23. Segment LCD controller (SLCD) This chapter applies to GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices. 23.1. Introduction The SLCD controller directly drives LCD displays by creating the AC segment and common voltage signals automatically. It can drive the monochrome passive liquid crystal display (LCD) which composed of a plurality of segments (pixels or complete symbols) that can be converted to visible or invisible. The SLCD controller can support up to 32 segments and 8 commons. 23.2. Main features Configurable frame frequency Blinking of individual segments or all segments Supports Static, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6 and 1/8 duty Supports 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 bias Double buffer up to 8x32 bits registers to store SLCD_DATAx The contrast can also be adjusted by configuring dead time VSLCD rails decoupling capability 23.3. Function description 23.3.1. SLCD Architecture The block diagram of the SLCD controller is shown as follows. 612 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 23-1. SLCD Block Diagram SLCD Blink control Clock generator COM0...7 control signal SLCD REG SEG COM Driver data SLCD RAM ANALOG matrix SEG0...31 data The SLCD REG is the register of SLCD controller, which configured by APB bus, and generate interrupt to CPU. It includes SLCD_CTL, SLCD_CFG, SLCD_STAT, SLCD_STATC, SLCD_DATAx registers. The Clock generator generates SLCD clock from input clock. The SLCD clock drivers the blink control and SEG/COM driver. The Blink control generates blink frequency and blink pixels. The SEG/COM driver generates segment and common signals to ANALOG matrix. The ANALOG matrix implements segment and common voltages. 23.3.2. Clock generator SLCD input clock is the same as RTCCLK, 3 different clock sources: LXTAL, IRC40K and HXTAL divided by 32 can be selected by RTCSRC bits in RCU_BDCTL register. The input clock frequency varies from 32KHz to 1MHz. The SLCD controller uses the input clock signal from the integrated clock divider to generate the timing for common and segment lines. The SLCD clock frequency is selected with the PSC and DIV bits in SLCD_CTL registers. The resulting SLCD clock frequency is calculated by: fSLCD = 2PSC fin_clk × (DIV + 16) The SLCD clock is the time base for the SLCD controller. The frequency of SLCD clock is equivalent to the phase frequency. One SLCD frame is one odd frame or one even frame, both of them have several phases as many as active common terminals. The duty is the Number defined as 1/ (the number of common terminals on a given SLCD display). So the frame frequency is calculated by: fframe = fSLCD × Duty 613 GD32F1x0 User Manual The SOF bit in SLCD_STAT register is set by the hardware at the start of the frame, and the SLCD interrupt is executed if the SOFIE bit in SLCD_CFG is set. SOF is cleared by writing 1 to the SOFC bit in SLCD_STATC register. Figure 23-2. 1/3 Bias, 1/4 Duty Odd frame Even frame VSLCD COM 2/3VSLCD 1/3VSLCD VSS COM inact. COM inact. COM act. COM inact. COM inact. COM inact. COM act. COM inact. VSLCD SEG 2/3VSLCD 1/3VSLCD VSS SEG inact. SEG act. SEG inact. SEG act. SEG inact. SEG act. SEG inact. SEG act. Phase 0 23.3.3. Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Blink control The SLCD controller also supports blinking. The blinking mode controlled by BLKMOD bits in SLCD_CFG register. BLKMOD = 01 allows to blink individual segment on SEG0 with COM0, with BLKMOD = 10 all commons on SEG0 are blinking, with BLKMOD = 11 all segments with all commons are blinking, and with BLKMOD = 00 blinking is disabled. The blink frequency is generated from SLCD clock and selected with BLKDIV bit in SLCD_CFG registers. The resulting BLINK frequency is calculated by: fBLINK = fSLCD (BLKDIV+3) 2 After a blinking mode (BLKMOD = 01, 10 or 11) is selected, the enabled segments or all segments go blank at the next frame boundary and stay off for half a BLKCLK period. Then they go active at the next frame boundary and stay on for another half BLKCLK period before they go blank again at a frame boundary. 23.3.4. SEG/COM Driver SEG/COM Driver generates segments and commons signals. BIAS generator: The bias is selected by setting BIAS bits in SLCD_CTL registers. It has its max amplitude VSLCD or VSS only in the corresponding phase of a frame cycle. The odd frame voltage and even frame voltage are shown as follows: Table 23-1. The odd frame voltage BIAS Static 1/2 bias 1/3 bias 1/4 bias COM active VSLCD VSLCD VSLCD VSLCD 614 GD32F1x0 User Manual BIAS Static 1/2 bias 1/3 bias 1/4 bias COM inactive / 1/2 VSLCD 1/3 VSLCD 1/4 VSLCD SEG active VSS VSS VSS VSS SEG inactive VSLCD VSLCD 2/3 VSLCD 1/2 VSLCD Table 23-2. The even frame voltage BIAS Static 1/2 bias 1/3 bias 1/4 bias COM active VSS VSS VSS VSS COM inactive / 1/2 VSLCD 2/3 VSLCD 3/4 VSLCD SEG active VSLCD VSLCD VSLCD VSLCD SEG inactive VSS VSS 1/3 VSLCD 1/2 VSLCD COM signal: The common signal is selected by DUTY bits in SLCD_CTL register. When DUTY is 000, static duty selected. Only COM[0] used and only one phase in odd frame or even frame, so COM[0] driver active signal always. When DUTY is 001, only COM[1:0] and 2 phases used. When DUTY is 010, only COM[2:0] and 3 phases used. When DUTY is 011, only COM[3:0] and 4 phases used. When DUTY is 100, COM[7:0] and 8 phases used. When DUTY is 101, COM[5:0] and 6 phases used. The all common signal driver is shown as follows: Table 23-3. The all common signal driver phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 COM0 active inactive inactive inactive inactive inactive inactive inactive COM1 inactive active inactive inactive inactive inactive inactive inactive COM2 inactive inactive active inactive inactive inactive inactive inactive COM3 inactive inactive inactive active inactive inactive inactive inactive COM4 inactive inactive inactive inactive active inactive inactive inactive COM5 inactive inactive inactive inactive inactive active inactive inactive COM6 inactive inactive inactive inactive inactive inactive active inactive COM7 inactive inactive inactive inactive inactive inactive inactive active SEG signal: The segment signals are read from SLCD_DATAx registers. The segment signals data are SLCD_DATAx when phase x. When the value is 1, the corresponding segment drives active signal. When the value is 0, the corresponding segment drives inactive signal. For example, if the application need to active the pixel COM2 SEG2, COM3 SEG2, and COM5 SEG4. It should set the bit2 in the SLCD_DATA2, the bit2 in the SLCD_DATA3, and the bit4 in the SLCD_DATA5. Then the SEG2 signal will active at the third and fourth phase of each odd and even frame, the SEG4 signal will active at the sixth phase of each odd and even frame. The active and inactive voltages are shown in Table 23-1 and Table 23-2. The segment signals show in figure 23-3 is the result to the above configuration when bias is 1/4 and duty is 1/6. 615 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 23-3. 1/4 Bias, 1/6 Duty VSLCD 3/4VSLCD COM0 1/2VSLCD 1/4VSLCD VSS VSLCD 3/4VSLCD COM2 1/2VSLCD 1/4VSLCD VSS VSLCD 3/4VSLCD COM3 1/2VSLCD 1/4VSLCD VSS VSLCD 3/4VSLCD COM5 1/2VSLCD 1/4VSLCD VSS VSLCD 3/4VSLCD SEG2 1/2VSLCD 1/4VSLCD VSS VSLCD 3/4VSLCD SEG4 1/2VSLCD 1/4VSLCD VSS DEAD time: The dead time is using DTD bits in SLCD_CFG register. It inserts VSS after each even frame. The number of phase inserted is defined by DTD bits. The application can adjust the contrast according to the configuration of dead time. Figure 23-4. SLCD dead time (1/3 Bias, 1/4 Duty) Odd frame Even frame Dead time Odd frame Even frame COM SEG 616 GD32F1x0 User Manual 23.3.5. Double buffer memory The double buffer memory is used to ensure the coherency of the displayed information. The application access the first buffer according to modify the SLCD_DATAx registers. After writing the displayed information into the SLCD_DATAx registers, the application need to set the UPRF bit in SLCD_STAT register, then the hardware will transfer the data from the first buffer to the seconed buffer, during this time, the UPRF keeps set and the SLCD_DATAx registers are write protected. When the transfer is completed, the UPRF is cleared and the UPDF is set by the hardware, an interrupt will be generated if the UPDIE is set. The segment signal is driven by the data in the second buffer, so the displayed information will not be influenced by writing SLCD_DATAx. If the UPRF is set when the display is disabled (SLCDON = 0), the transfer will not occur until the SLCDON is set. 23.3.6. ANALOG matrix The analog matrix supplies SLCD voltage. The SLCD voltage levels are generated by the VSLCD pin or by the internal voltage step-up converter (depending on the VSRC bit in the SLCD_CTL register). When using the internal voltage, the VSLCD value can be selected from VSLCD0 to VSLCD7 by the CONR[2:0] bits in the SLCD_CFG register (Refer to the product datasheet for the VSLCDx values). The application can adjust the contrast according to the change of VSLCD value. The other way to adjust the contrast is by using the deadtime. The analog matrix supplies intermediate voltage levels (1/3 VSLCD, 2/3 VSLCD or 1/4 VSLCD, 2/4 VSLCD, 3/4 VSLCD) between VSS and VSLCD through an internal resistor divider network as shown in the figure 23-5. Figure 23-5. Resistr divider network HD SLCDO N V SLCD RL RH RL RH RL VSLCDrai l2 RH RL RH VSLCDrai l3 BIAS[1] BIAS[0] VSLCDrai l1 VSS During the transitions, the low value resistors (RL) are switched on to increase the current in order to quickly reach the static state. Then the low value resistors (RL) are switched off, the high value resistors (RH) are used to reduce the power. The length of the time during RL is switched on depend on the PULSE[2:0] bits in the SLCD_CFG register. The RL can be always switched on according to setting the HDEN bit in the SLCD_CFG register. 617 GD32F1x0 User Manual External decoupling: The VSLCD intermediate voltage rails (VSLCDrail1, VSLCDrail2, VSLCDrail3 in the figure 235) can be connect to the GPIOs by configuring the SLCD_DECA bits of the SYSCFG_CFG1 register. Adding decoupling capacitors on these GPIOs helps to get a steady voltage resulting in a higher contrast. Thus the PULSE[2:0] is allowed to select low value to reduce the power. Note: When using VSLCDrail function, GPIO should be configured to analog input mode. The segment AFIO and VSLCDrail decoupling functions cannot be used simultaneously. Table 23-4. VSLCDrail connect pins BIAS Pin 1/2 1/3 1/4 VSLCDrail1 1/2VSLCD 1/3VSLCD 1/4VSLCD PB12 VSLCDrail2 1/2VSLCD 2/3VSLCD 1/2VSLCD PB2 VSLCDrail3 1/2VSLCD 2/3VSLCD 3/4VSLCD PB0 23.4. SLCD registers 23.4.1. Control register (SLCD_CTL) Address offset: 0x00 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Reserved 8 7 COMS BIAS[1:0] DUTY[2:0] VSRC SLCDON rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7 COMS common/segment pad select This bit is used to common/segment pad selection. When duty selects 1/8 or 1/6, SLCD_COM[7:4] pad is always select SLCD_COM[7:4] function whatever this bit is set or reset. 0: SLCD_COM[7:4] pad select SLCD_COM[7:4] 1: SLCD_COM[7:4] pad select SLCD_SEG[31:28] 6:5 BIAS[1:0] Bias select Bias is the number of voltage levels used when driving a SLCD. It is defined as 1/ (number of voltage levels used to drive an SLCD display - 1). 618 GD32F1x0 User Manual 00: 1/4 Bias (5 voltage levels: VSS, 1/4VSLCD, 1/2VSLCD, 3/4VSLCD, VSLCD) 01: 1/2 Bias (3 voltage levels: VSS, 1/2VSLCD, VSLCD) 10: 1/3 Bias (4 voltage levels: VSS, 1/3VSLCD, 2/3VSLCD, VSLCD) 11: Reserved 4:2 DUTY[2:0] Duty select These bits determine the duty cycle. Duty is the number defined as 1/(number of common terminals on a given SLCD display). 000: Static duty 001: 1/2 duty 010: 1/3 duty 011: 1/4 duty 100: 1/8 duty 101: 1/6 duty 110: Reserved 111: Reserved 1 VSRC SLCD Voltage source Set this bit determines which is the SLCD voltage source. 0: Internal source 1: External source (VSLCD pin) 0 SLCDON SLCD controller start Set this bit by software to start SLCD controller. Clear this bit by software to stop SLCD controller and the SLCD controller stop at the beginning of the next frame. 0: SLCD Controller stop 1: SLCD Controller start 23.4.2. Configuration register (SLCD_CFG) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Reserved 23 22 21 20 PSC[3:0] 14 13 12 BLKDIV[2:0] 11 10 9 CONR[2:0] rw 8 17 7 rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:26 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 25:22 PSC[3:0] SLCD clock prescaler 6 5 PULSE[2:0] rw 4 16 BLKMOD[1:0] rw DTD[2:0] rw 18 DIV[3:0] rw 15 19 rw 3 2 1 0 UPDIE Reserved SOFIE HDEN rw rw rw 619 GD32F1x0 User Manual Set these bits define the prescaler of SLCD clock. 0000: fPSC = fin_clk 0001: fPSC = fin_clk/2 0010: fPSC = fin_clk/4 ... 1111: fPSC = fin_clk/32768 21:18 DIV[3:0] SLCD clock divider Set these bits define the division factor of the DIV divider. 0000: fSLCD = fPSC/16 0001: fSLCD = fPSC/17 0010: fSLCD = fPSC/18 ... 1111: fSLCD = fPSC/31 17:16 BLKMOD[1:0] Blink mode 00: No Blink 01: Blink on SEG[0], COM[0] (1 pixel) 10: Blink on SEG[0], all COMs (up to 8 pixels depending on the programmed duty) 11: Blink on all SEGs and all COMs (all pixels) 15:13 BLKDIV[2:0] Blink frequency divider 000: fBLINK = fSLCD/8 001: fBLINK = fSLCD/16 010: fBLINK = fSLCD /32 011: fBLINK = fSLCD /64 100: fBLINK = fSLCD/128 101: fBLINK = fSLCD/256 110: fBLINK = fSLCD/512 111: fBLINK = fSLCD/1024 12:10 CONR[2:0] Contrast ratio When chosing the internal voltage source (VSRC=0), these bits specify the VSLCD voltage. It ranges from VSLCD0 to VSLCD7(typical 2.75 V to 5.20V), Refer to the product datasheet for the VSLCDx values. When chosing the external voltage source (VSRC=1), these bits is invalid. 000: VSLCD0 001: VSLCD1 010: VSLCD2 011: VSLCD3 100: VSLCD4 101: VSLCD5 110: VSLCD6 111: VSLCD7 9:7 DTD[2:0] Dead time duration 620 GD32F1x0 User Manual Set these bits configure the length of the dead time between frames. 000: No dead time 001: 1 phase dead time 010: 2 phase dead time ... 111: 7 phase dead time 6:4 PULSE[2:0] Pulse ON duration Set these bits define the pulse duration in terms of PSC pulses. 000: 0 001: 1/fPSC 010: 2/fPSC 011: 3/fPSC 100: 4/fPSC 101: 5/fPSC 110: 6/fPSC 111: 7/fPSC 3 UPDIE SLCD update done interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software. 0: SLCD Update Done interrupt disabled 1: SLCD Update Done interrupt enabled 2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 SOFIE Start of frame interrupt enable This bit is set and cleared by software. 0: SLCD Start of Frame interrupt disabled 1: SLCD Start of Frame interrupt enabled 0 HDEN High drive enable This bit is set and cleared by software. 0: Permanent high drive disabled. The time during which RL is enabled is configured by the PULSE[2:0]. 1: Permanent high drive enabled. RL is always switched on, and the PULSE[2:0] is invalid. 23.4.3. Status flag register (SLCD_STAT) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x0000 0020 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reserved 621 GD32F1x0 User Manual 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SYNF VRDYF UPDF UPRF SOF ONF r r r rs r r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 5 SYNF SLCD_CFG register synchronization flag This bit is set when SLCD_CFG register update to SLCD clock domain, and It is cleared by hardware when writing to the SLCD_CFG register. 0: SLCD_CFG Register not yet synchronized 1: SLCD_CFG Register synchronized to SLCD clock domain 4 VRDYF SLCD voltage ready flag This bit is set and cleared by the hardware according to the SLCD voltage. 0: SLCD voltage Is not ready 1: Step-up converter is enabled and ready to provide the correct voltage 3 UPDF Update SLCD data done flag This bit is set by hardware when update SLCD data done. It is cleared by writing 1 to the UPDC bit in the SLCD_STATC register. 0: No effect 1: SLCD data update done 2 UPRF Update SLCD data request flag After modifying the the first buffer by the SLCD_DATAx registers, the application should set this bit to transfer the data to the second buffer. This bit stays set until the transfer is complete, the SLCD_DATAx register is write protected during this time. 0: No effect 1: Request SLCD data update 1 SOF Start of frame flag This bit is set by hardware at the beginning of a new frame. It is cleared by writing 1 to the SOFC bit in the SLCD_STATC register. 0: No effect 1: Start of Frame flag 0 ONF SLCD controller on flag This bit is set by hardware when SLCDON is set to 1, it is cleard by hardware after the SLCDON is cleared and the last frame is displayed. 0: SLCD Controller disabled. 1: SLCD Controller enabled 23.4.4. Status flag clear register (SLCD_STATC) Address offset: 0x0C 622 GD32F1x0 User Manual Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Reserved 3 2 1 0 UPDC Reserved SOFC Reserved rc_w1 Bits Fields Descriptions 31:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 3 UPDC SLCD data update done clear bit rc_w1 Set this bit to clear the UPDF flag in SLCD_STAT register. 0: No effect 1: Clear UPDF flag 2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1 SOFC Start of frame flag clear Set this bit to clear the SOF flag in the SLCD_STAT register. 0: No effect 1: Clear SOF flag 0 Reserved 23.4.5. Must be kept at reset value Display data registers (SLCD_DATAx, x=0~7) Address offset: 0x14+0x08*(x+1) Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 2 1 0 SEG_DATAx[31:16] rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 SEG_DATAx[15:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:0 SEG_DATAx[31:0] Each bit corresponds to one pixel to display. 0: Pixel inactive 1: Pixel active 623 GD32F1x0 User Manual 24. Operational amplifiers (OPA)/ Programmable curre nt and voltage reference (IVREF) This chapter applies to GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices. 24.1. Operational amplifiers (OPA) 24.1.1. Introduction There are three operational amplifiers in the MCU and the operational amplifiers can be able to route to external or internal follower. When an operational amplifier is enabled, there will be a corresponding ADC channel used to output measurement outcome. 24.1.2. 24.1.3. Main features Rail-to-rail input and output voltage range Low input bias current Low input offset voltage Low power mode Function description Signal routing The connections with dedicated I/O are listed below: OPA0_VINP——>PA1 OPA0_VINM——>PA2 OPA0_VOUT——>PA3 OPA1_VINP——>PA6 OPA1_VINM——>PA7 OPA1_VOUT——>PB0 OPA2_VINP——>PC1 OPA2_VINM——>PC2 OPA2_VOUT——>PC3 624 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 24-1. OPA0 Signal Route S3 DAC0 S2 PA1 OPA0 S1 PA2 ADC switch matrix T3 PA3 Figure 24-2. OPA1 Signal Route S4 DAC1 S3 DAC0 S2 PA6 S1 OPA1 ADC switch matrix OPA2 ADC switch matrix PA7 T3 PB0 Figure 24-3. OPA2 Signal Route S3 DAC1 S2 PC1 S1 PC2 T3 PC3 OPA_CTL register can select the routing for the three operational amplifiers. For OPA0-2, S3/S4 is used to connect DAC0/DAC1 to their positive input. 625 GD32F1x0 User Manual The OPAx_PD bit can be used to power down all operational amplifiers. Calibration Before leaving factory, the default factory trimming values are stored in nonvolatile memory and used to initialize the operational amplifier offset. But also the chip support software using the user value to trim the operational amplifier offset. During trimming operation, all switches related to the inputs of each operational amplifier must be disconnected. Each operational amplifier has two operation modes: normal mode and low-power mode. The different mode can configure different user trimming value in different register. The trimming value is a 30-bit value for each mode of each operational amplifier. Writing 1 to OT_USER bit will switch the trimming value to user configured values. This will take effect for all the operational amplifiers. Following steps are the commendatory procedure for either one of operational amplifier: 1). Configure control register to disconnected all the switches to the operational amplifier 2). Set the OT_USER bit to 1 3). Choose one calibration mode in below table: For example: Operational amplifier-1, Normal mode offset cal low Configure like this: OPA0PD=0, OPA0LPM=0, OPA0CAL_H=0, OPA0CAL_L=1 4). Write trimming values in OPA0_TRIM_LOW. The writing value should be start from 00000b to the first value that causes the OPA0CALOUT bit set to 1. Note: After writing trimming values into trimming register and before check CALOUT bit, software should wait for the tofftrimmax delay specified in datasheet. When got the correct trimming values, the values must be kept in trimming register. Repeat step 3 and 4 for complete the whole operational amplifier calibration procedure: - Normal mode calibration high, - Low-power mode calibration low, - Low-power mode calibration high. Note: During the whole process of calibration, the external connection of operational amplifier output must not pull-up or pull-down current higher than 500uA. Table 24-1. Operating mode and calibration Mode Normal Lowpower Control Bits OPAxPD OPAxLPM 0 0 0 1 Output OPAxCAL_H OPAxCAL_L 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 VOUT CALOUT analog 0 analog 0 626 GD32F1x0 User Manual Powerdown Offset cal-high Offset cal-low 24.1.4. 1 X X X Z 0 0 X 1 0 analog X 0 X 0 1 analog X OPA register Control register (OPA_CTL) Address offset: 0x5C Reset value: 0x0001 0101 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 OPA_ OPA2CAL OPA1CAL OPA0CAL S4OPA RANG OUT OUT OUT OPA2 OPA2 OPA2CA S3O S2O S1O T3O OPA2 LPM CAL_H L_L PA2 PA2 PA2 PA2 PD rw rw rw rw rw rw Reserved 1 E r r r rw rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 S3OP S2OP S1OP OPA1LP OPA1CAL OPA1CAL rw rw 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 T3OP OPA OPA0 OPA0CA OPA0 S3O S2O S1O T3O OPA0 M _H _L A1 A1 A1 A1 1PD LPM L_H CAL_L PA0 PA0 PA0 PA0 PD rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31 OPA2CALOUT OPA2 calibration output When in calibration mode, if offset is trimmed the flag will assert. 30 OPA1CALOUT OPA1 calibration output When in calibration mode, if offset is trimmed the flag will assert. 29 OPA0CALOUT OPA0 calibration output When in calibration mode, if offset is trimmed the flag will assert. 28 OPA_RANGE Power supply range This bit can be set and cleared by software when the operational amplifiers are in powered down. It select the operational amplifier power supply range for stability 0: Low range (VDDA < 3.3 V) 1: High range (VDDA > 3.3 V) 27 S4OPA1 S4 switch enable for OPA1 0: S4 switch opened 1: S4 switch closed 26:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 23 OPA2LPM OPA2 low power mode 627 GD32F1x0 User Manual 0: OPA2 low power mode off 1: OPA2 low power mode on 22 OPA2CAL_H OPA2 offset calibration for N diff 0: OPA2 offset calibration for N diff OFF 1: OPA2 offset calibration for N diff ON if OPA2CAL_L = 0 21 OPA2CAL_L OPA2 offset calibration for P diff 0: OPA2 offset calibration for P diff OFF 1: OPA2 offset calibration for P diff ON if OPA2CAL_H = 0 20 S3OPA2 S3 switch enable for OPA2 0: S3 switch opened 1: S3 switch closed 19 S2OPA2 S2 switch enable for OPA2 0: S2 switch opened 1: S2 switch closed 18 S1OPA2 S1 switch enable for OPA2 0: S1 switch opened 1: S1 switch closed 17 T3OPA2 T3 switch enable for OPA2 0: T3 switch opened 1: T3 switch closed 16 OPA2PD OPA2 power down 0: OPA2 enabled 1: OPA2 disabled 15 OPA1LPM OPA1 low power mode 0: OPA1 low power mode off 1: OPA1 low power mode on 14 OPA1CAL_H OPA1 offset calibration for N diff 0: OPA1 offset calibration for N diff OFF 1: OPA1 offset calibration for N diff ON if OPA1CAL_L = 0 13 OPA1CAL_L OPA1 offset calibration for P diff 0: OPA1 offset calibration for P diff OFF 1: OPA1 offset calibration for P diff ON if OPA1CAL_H = 0 12 S3OPA1 S3 switch enable for OPA1 0: S3 switch opened 1: S3 switch closed 11 S2OPA1 S2 switch enable for OPA1 0: S2 switch opened 628 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: S2 switch closed 10 S1OPA1 S1 switch enable for OPA1 0: S1 switch opened 1: S1 switch closed 9 T3OPA1 T3 switch enable for OPA1 0: T3 switch opened 1: T3 switch closed 8 OPA1PD OPA1 power down 0: OPA1 enabled 1: OPA1 disabled 7 OPA0LPM OPA0 low power mode 0: OPA0 low power mode off 1: OPA0 low power mode on 6 OPA0CAL_H OPA0 offset calibration for N diff 0: OPA0 offset calibration for N diff OFF 1: OPA0 offset calibration for N diff ON if OPA0CAL_L = 0 5 OPA0CAL_L OPA0 offset calibration for P diff 0: OPA0 offset calibration for P diff OFF 1: OPA0 offset calibration for P diff ON if OPA0CAL_H = 0 4 S3OPA0 S3 switch enable for OPA0 0: S3 switch opened 1: S3 switch closed 3 S2OPA0 S2 switch enable for OPA0 0: S2 switch opened 1: S2 switch closed 2 S1OPA0 S1 switch enable for OPA0 0: S1 switch opened 1: S1 switch closed 1 T3OPA0 T3 switch enable for OPA0 0: T3 switch opened 1: T3 switch closed 0 OPA0PD OPA0 power down 0: OPA0 enabled 1: OPA0 disabled Bias trimming register for normal mode (OPA_BT) Address offset: 0x60 629 GD32F1x0 User Manual Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 OT_USE Reserved OA2_TRIM_HIGH[4:0] OA2_TRIM_LOW[4:0] OA1_TRIM_HIGH[4:1] rw rw rw R w 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OA1_ TRIM_HI OA1 _TRIM_LOW[4:0] OA0 _TRIM_HIGH[4:0] OA0 _TRIM_LOW[4:0] rw rw rw GH[0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31 OT_USER This bit is set and cleared by software; it is always read as 0. It is used to select if the OPAx offset is trimmed by the preset factory-programmed trimming values or the user programmed trimming value. 0: Trim the OPA offset using default factory values 1: Trim the OPA offset using user programmed values 30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 29:25 OA2_TRIM_HIGH[4:0] OPA2, normal mode 5-bit offset trim value for NMOS pairs 24:20 OA2_TRIM_LOW[4:0] OPA2, normal mode 5-bit offset trim value for PMOS pairs 19:15 OA1_TRIM_HIGH[4:0] OPA1, normal mode 5-bit offset trim value for NMOS pairs 14:10 OA1_TRIM_LOW[4:0] OPA1, normal mode 5-bit offset trim value for PMOS pairs 9:5 OA0_TRIM_HIGH[4:0] OPA0, normal mode 5-bit offset trim value for NMOS pairs 4:0 OA0_TRIM_LOW[4:0] OPA0, normal mode 5-bit offset trim value for PMOS pairs Bias trimming register for low power mode (OPA_LPBT) Address offset: 0x64 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 Reserved 15 14 13 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 OA2_TRIM_LP_HIGH[4:0] OA2_TRIM_ LP_LOW[4:0] OA1_TRIM_ LP_HIGH[4:1] rw rw rw 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OA1_ TRIM_ OA1 _TRIM_ LP_LOW[4:0] OA0 _TRIM_ LP_HIGH[4:0] OA0 _TRIM_ LP_LOW[4:0] rw rw rw LP_HIGH[0] rw 630 GD32F1x0 User Manual Bits Fields Descriptions 31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value OA2_TRIM_LP_HIG 29:25 H[4:0] OA2_TRIM_ 24:20 LP_LOW[4:0] OA1_TRIM_ 19:15 LP_HIGH[4:0] OA1_TRIM_ 14:10 LP_LOW[4:0] OA0_TRIM_ 9:5 LP_HIGH[4:0] OA0_TRIM_ 4:0 LP_LOW[4:0] OPA2, low-power mode 5-bit offset trim value for NMOS pairs OPA2, low-power mode 5-bit offset trim value for PMOS pairs OPA1, low-power mode 5-bit offset trim value for NMOS pairs OPA1, low-power mode 5-bit offset trim value for PMOS pairs OPA0, low-power mode 5-bit offset trim value for NMOS pairs OPA0, low-power mode 5-bit offset trim value for PMOS pairs 24.2. Programmable Current and Voltage Reference (IVREF) 24.2.1. Introduction An application programmable current reference module is included in the MCU. When users want to use current reference, there are two different running modes are supplied. One mode named Low Power Mode and another one named High Current Mode. The difference between two modes is the current step and maximum current. The former’s (LPM) step current is 1uA and the latter’s (HCM) 8uA. The former’s (LPM) maximum current is 63uA and the latter’s (HCM) 504uA. There is still a voltage reference module in the MCU which can provide a 2.5V voltage. 24.2.2. Main features Current Reference feature: Programmable current Programmable Source or sink Low Power Mode and High Current Mode Voltage Reference feature: User programmable trim 631 GD32F1x0 User Manual 24.2.3. Function description Signal routing IREF PB0 When IREF is used, the PB0 pin should be configured to analog input mode. VREF PB1 When VREF is used, the PB1 pin should be configured as an analog I/O and external VREF decoupling capacitors are recommended. User Trimming User can trim the IREF outputting current by programming IREF_TRIM and can trim the voltage by programming VREF_TRIM. 24.2.4. IVREF registers Control register (IVREF_CTL) Address offset: 0x300 Reset value: 0x1000 0F00 This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit) 31 30 29 VREN DECAP Reserved rw rw 15 14 13 CREN SSEL Reserved rw rw 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 VPT[4:0] 20 19 18 17 3 2 16 Reserved rw 12 11 10 7 6 CPT[4:0] SCMOD Reserved rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31 VREN Voltage Reference Enable 9 8 5 4 1 0 CSDT[5:0] rw 0: Disable Voltage Reference 1: Enable Voltage Reference 632 GD32F1x0 User Manual 30 DECAP Disconnect external capacitor 0: Connect external capacitor 1: Disconnect external capacitor 29 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 28:24 VPT[4:0] Voltage precision trim 00000: -6.4% 00001: -6.0% …. 11110: +5.6% 11111: +6% 23:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 15 CREN Current Reference Enable. 0: Disable current reference 1: Enable current reference 14 SSEL Step selection 0: Low power, 1uA step 1: High current, 8uA step 13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 12:8 CPT[4:0] Current precision trim 00000: -15% …. 11111: +16% 7 SCMOD Sink current mode 0: Source current 1: Sink current 6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 5:0 CSDT[5:0] Current step data 000000: Default value. 000001: Step * 1 …. 111111: Step * 63 633 GD32F1x0 User Manual 25. Controller area network (CAN) This chapter applies to GD32F170xx and GD32F190xx devices. 25.1. Introduction CAN bus (for controller area network) is a bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other without a host computer. The Basic Extended CAN (CAN), interfaces the CAN network. It supports the CAN protocols version 2.0A and B. The CAN interface handles the transmission and the reception of CAN frames fully autonomously. The CAN provides 28 scalable/configurable identifier filter banks. The filters are for selecting the incoming messages the software needs and discarding the others. Three transmit mailboxes are provided to the software for setting up messages. The transmission Scheduler decides which mailbox has to be transmitted first. Three complete messages can be stored in each FIFO. The FIFOs are managed completely by hardware. Two receive FIFOs are used by hardware to store the incoming messages. The CAN controller also provides all hardware functions for supporting the time-triggered communication option for safety-critical applications. 25.2. Main features Supports CAN protocols version 2.0A, B Baud rates up to 1 Mbit/s Supports the time-triggered communication Maskable interrupts Transmission 3 transmit mailboxes Prioritization of messages Time Stamp on SOF transmission Reception 2 receive FIFOs with 3 messages deep 28 scalable/configurable identifier filter banks FIFO lock Time-triggered communication Disable retransmission automatically 16-bit free timer Time Stamp on SOF reception Time Stamp sent in last two data bytes 634 GD32F1x0 User Manual 25.3. Function description Figure below shows the CAN block diagram. Figure 25-1. CAN module block diagram Transmit mailbox[0..2] Receive FIFO[0..1] Mailbox 2 Mailbox 1 Mailbox 0 CAN0 Tx/Rx CAN1 Transmit mailbox[0..2] Receive FIFO[0..1] Mailbox 2 Mailbox 1 Mailbox 0 25.3.1. CAN0 CAN1 Tx/Rx Working mode The CAN interface has three working modes: Sleep working mode Initial working mode Normal working mode Sleep working mode Sleep working mode is the default mode after reset. Also, sleep working mode is in the lowpower status while the CAN clock is stopped. When SLPWMOD bit in CAN_CTL register is set, the CAN enters the sleep working mode. Then the SLPWS bit in CAN_STAT register is set. To leave sleep working mode automatically: the AWU bit in CAN_CTL register is set. To leave sleep working mode by software: clear the SLPWMOD bit in CAN_CTL register. 635 GD32F1x0 User Manual Initial working mode The CAN enters initial working mode whenever the options of CAN bus communication need to be changed. Set IWMOD bit in CAN_CTL register to enter initial working mode or clear it in order to leave. Normal working mode After initialization, the CAN can enter normal working mode and is ready to communicate with other CAN communication nodes. To enter normal working mode: clear IWMOD bit in CAN_CTL register. 25.3.2. Communication modes The CAN interface has four communication modes: Silent communication mode Loopback communication mode Loopback and silent communication mode Normal communication mode Silent communication mode Silent communication mode means reception available and transmission disable. The Rx pin of the CAN can get the signal from the network and the Tx pin always holds logical one. When the SCMOD bit in CAN_BT register is set, the CAN enters the silent communication mode. When it is cleared, the CAN leaves silent communication mode. Silent communication mode is useful on monitoring the network messages. Loopback communication mode Loopback communication mode means the sending messages are transferred into the reception FIFOs. Set LCMOD bit in CAN_BT register to enter loopback communication mode or clear it to leave. Loopback communication mode is useful on self-test. Loopback and silent communication mode Loopback and silent communication mode means the RX and TX pins are disconnected from the CAN network while the sending messages are transformed into the reception FIFOs. 636 GD32F1x0 User Manual Set LCMOD and SCMOD bit in CAN_BT register to enter loopback and silent communication mode or clear them to leave. Loopback and silent communication mode is useful on self-test. The TX pin holds logical one. The RX pin holds high impedance state. Normal communication mode Normal communication mode is the default communication mode unless the LCMOD or SCMOD bit in CAN_BT register is set. 25.3.3. Data transmission Transmission register Three transmit mailboxes are transparent to the application. You can use transmit mailboxes through four registers: CAN_TMIx, CAN_TMPx, CAN_TMDATA0x and CAN_TMDATA1x. As shown in figure below. Figure 25-2. Transmission register Application TMI0 TMP0 TMDATA00 TMDATA10 Transmit mailbox 0 TMI1 TMP1 TMDATA01 TMDATA11 Transmit mailbox 1 TMI2 TMP2 TMDATA02 TMDATA12 Transmit mailbox 2 Transmit mailbox state A transmit mailbox can be used when it is free: empty state. If the data is filled in the mailbox, setting TEN bit in CAN_TMIx register to prepare for starting the transmission: pending state. If more than one mailbox is in the pending state, they need schedule the transmission: scheduled state. A mailbox with priority enter transmit state and start transmitting the message. After the message has been sent, the mailbox is free: empty state. As shown in figure below. 637 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 25-3. State of transmission mailbox empty transmit pending scheduled Transmit status and error The CAN_TSTAT register includes the transmit status and error bits: MTF, MTFNERR, MAL, MTE. MTF: mailbox transmits finished. Typically, MTF is set when the frame in the transmit mailbox has been sent. MTFNERR: mailbox transmits finished and no error. MTFNERR is set when the frame in the transmission mailbox has been sent. MAL: mailbox arbitration lost. MAL is set while the frame transmission is failed because of the arbitration lost. MTE: mailbox transmits error. MTE is set while the frame transmission is failed because of the detection error of CAN bus. Steps of sending a frame To send a frame through the CAN: Step 1: Select one free transmit mailbox. Step 2: Fill four registers with the application’s acquirement. Step 3: Set TEN bit in CAN_TMIx register. Step 4: Check the transmit status. Typically, MTF and MTFNERR are set if transmission is successful. Transmission options Abort MST bit in CAN_TSTAT register can abort the transmission. If the transmission mailbox’s state is pending or scheduled, the abort of transmission can be done immediately. In the state of transmit the abort of transmission has two results. In case of transmission successful, the MTFNERR and MTF in CAN_TSTAT are set and state changes to empty. In 638 GD32F1x0 User Manual case of transmission failed, the state changes to be scheduled and then the abort of transmission can be done immediately. Priority When more than one transmit mailbox is pending, the transmission order is given by the TFO bit in CAN_CTL register. In case TFO is 1, the three transmit mailboxes work as FIFO. In case TFO is 0, the transmit mailbox with lowest identifier has the highest priority of transmission. If the identifiers are equal, the lower mailbox number will be scheduled first. 25.3.4. Data reception Reception register Two receive FIFOs are transparent to the application. You can use receive FIFOs through five registers: CAN_RFIFOx, CAN_RFIFOMIx, CAN_RFIFOMPx, CAN_RFIFOMDATA0x and CAN_RFIFOMDATA1x. FIFO’s status and operation can be handled by CAN_RFIFOx register. Reception frame data can be achieved through the registers: CAN_RFIFOMIx, CAN_RFIFOMPx, CAN_RFIFOMDATA0x and CAN_RFIFOMDATA1x. Each FIFO consists of three receive mailboxes. As shown in figure below. Figure 25-4. Reception register RFIFO0 RFIFOMI0 Receive FIFO0 Mailbox 0 Mailbox 1 Mailbox 2 Receive FIFO1 Mailbox 0 Mailbox 1 Mailbox 2 RFIFOMP0 RFIFOMDATA00 RFIFOMDATA10 Application RFIFOMI1 RFIFOMP1 RFIFOMDATA01 RFIFOMDATA11 RFIFO1 Receive FIFO Receive FIFO has three mailboxes. The reception frames are stored in the mailbox ordered by the arriving sequence of the frames. First arrived frame can be accessed by application firstly. 639 GD32F1x0 User Manual The number of frames in the receive FIFO and the status can be accessed by the register CAN_RFIFO0 and CAN_RFIFO1. If at least one frame has been stored in the receive FIFO0, set RFD bit in CAN_RFIFO0 to read one frame from receive FIFO. The frame data is placed in the registers (CAN_RFIFOMI0, CAN_RFIFOMP0, CAN_RFIFOMDATA00, CAN_RFIFOMDATA10) until the RFD bit in CAN_RFIFO0 register is cleared. Receive FIFO status RFL bit in CAN_RFIFOx register: receive FIFO length. It is 0 when no frame is stored in the reception FIFO and 3 when full. RFF bit in CAN_RFIFOx register: the FIFO holds three frames. RFO bit in CAN_RFIFOx register: one new frame arrived while the FIFO has hold three frames. Steps of receiving a message Step 1: Check the number of frames in the receive FIFO. Step 2: Set the RFD bit in CAN_RFIFOx register. Step 3: Wait for reading CAN_RFIFOMIx, CAN_RFIFOMPx, CAN_RFIFOMDATA0x and CAN_RFIFOMDATA1x until the RFD bit is cleared. 25.3.5. Filtering Function The CAN would receive frames from the CAN bus. If the frame is passed through the filter, it is copied into the receive FIFOs. Otherwise, the frame will be discarded without intervention by the software. The identifier of frame from the CAN bus takes part in the matching of the filter. Scale Each filter bank can be configured 32-bit or 16-bit. 32-bit: SFID[10:0], EFID[17:0], FF and FT bits. As shown in figure below. Figure 25-5. 32-bit filter 16-bit: SFID [10:0], FT, FF and EFID[17:15] bits. As shown in figure below. 640 GD32F1x0 User Manual Figure 25-6. 16-bit filter Mask mode In mask mode the identifier registers are associated with mask registers specifying which bits of the identifier are handled as “must match” or as “don’t care”. 32-bit mask mode example is shown in figure below. Figure 25-7. 32-bit mask mode filter List mode The filter consists of frame identifiers. The filter can decide whether a frame will be discarded or not. When one frame arrived, the filter will check which member can match the identifier of the frame. 32-bit list mode example is shown in figure below. Figure 25-8. 32-bit list mode filter Filter number Each filter within a filter bank is numbered from 0 to a maximum dependent on the mode and the scale of each of the filter banks. For example, there are two filter banks. Bank 0 is configured as 32-bit mask mode. Bank 1 is configured as 16-bit list mode. The filter number is shown in figure below. Figure 25-9. 32-bit filter number 641 GD32F1x0 User Manual Associated FIFO 28 banks can be associated with FIFO0 or FIFO1. If the bank is associated with FIFO 0, the frames passed through the bank will fill the FIFO0. Active The filter bank needs to be configured activation if the application wants the bank working and while filters not used by the application should be left deactivated. Filtering index Each filter number corresponds to a filtering rule. When the frame from the CAN bus passes the filters, a filter number must associate with the frame. The filter number is called filtering index. It stores in the FI bit in CAN_RFIFOMPx when the frame is read by the application. Each FIFO numbers the filters within the banks associated with the FIFO itself whatever the bank is active or not. The example about filtering index is shown in figure below. Figure 25-10. Filtering index Priority The filters have the priority: 1. 32-bit mode is higher than 16-bit mode. 642 GD32F1x0 User Manual 25.3.6. 2. List mode is higher than mask mode. 3. Smaller filter index value has the higher priority. Time-triggered communication The time-triggered CAN protocol is a higher layer protocol on top of the CAN (Controller Area Network) data link layer. Time-triggered communication means that activities are triggered by the elapsing of time segments. In a time-triggered communication system all points of time of message transmission are defined during the development of a system. A time-triggered communication system is ideal for applications in which the data traffic is of a periodic nature. In this mode, the 16-bit internal counter of the CAN hardware is activated and used to generate the time stamp value stored in the CAN_RFIFOMPx and CAN_TMPx registers for reception and transmission respectively. The internal counter is incremented each CAN bit time. The internal counter is captured on the sample point of the SOF (Start of Frame) bit in both reception and transmission. The automatic retransmission is disabled in the time-triggered CAN communication. 25.3.7. Communication parameters Nonautomatic retransmission mode This mode has been implemented in order to fulfill the requirement of the time-triggered communication option of the CAN standard. To configure the hardware in this mode the ARD bit in the CAN_CTL register must be set. In this mode, each transmission is started only once. If the first attempt fails, due to an arbitration loss or an error, the hardware will not automatically restart the frame transmission. At the end of the first transmission attempt, the hardware considers the request as finished and sets the MTF bit in the CAN_TSTAT register. The result of the transmission is indicated in the CAN_TSTAT register by the MTFNERR, MAL and MTE bits. Bit time On the bit-level the CAN protocol uses synchronous bit transmission. This not only enhances the transmitting capacity but also means that a sophisticated method of bit synchronization is required. While bit synchronization in a character-oriented transmission (asynchronous) is performed upon the reception of the start bit available with each character, a synchronous transmission protocol there is just one start bit available at the beginning of a frame. To ensure the receiver to correctly read the messages, continuous resynchronization is required. Phase buffer segments are therefore inserted before and after the nominal sample point within a bit interval. The CAN protocol regulates bus access by bit-wise arbitration. The signal propagation from sender to receiver and back to the sender must be completed within one bit-time. For 643 GD32F1x0 User Manual synchronization purposes a further time segment, the propagation delay segment, is needed in addition to the time reserved for synchronization, the phase buffer segments. The propagation delay segment takes into account the signal propagation on the bus as well as signal delays caused by transmitting and receiving nodes. The normal bit time simplified by the CAN from the CAN protocol has three segments as follows: Synchronization segment (SYNC_SEG): a bit change is expected to occur within this time segment. It has a fixed length of one time quantum (1 × 𝑡𝐶𝐴𝑁 ). Bit segment 1 (BS1): defines the location of the sample point. It includes the Propagation delay segment and Phase buffer segment 1 of the CAN standard. Its duration is programmable between 1 and 16 time quanta but may be automatically lengthened to compensate for positive phase drifts due to differences in the frequency of the various nodes of the network. Bit segment 2 (BS2): defines the location of the transmit point. It represents the Phase buffer segment 2 of the CAN standard. Its duration is programmable between 1 and 8 time quanta but may also be automatically shortened to compensate for negative phase drifts. The bit time is shown as in the figure below. Figure 25-11. The bit time The resynchronization Jump Width (SJW) defines an upper bound to the amount of lengthening or shortening of the bit segments. It is programmable between 1 and 4 time quanta. A valid edge is defined as the first transition in a bit time from dominant to recessive bus level provided the controller itself does not send a recessive bit. If a valid edge is detected in BS1 instead of SYNC_SEG, BS1 is extended by up to SJW so that the sample point is delayed. Conversely, if a valid edge is detected in BS2 instead of SYNC_SEG, BS2 is shortened by up to SJW so that the transmit point is moved earlier. Baud Rate The CAN’s clock derives from the APB1 bus. The CAN calculates its baud rate as follow: 644 GD32F1x0 User Manual 𝐵𝑎𝑢𝑑𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 1 𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝐵𝑖𝑡 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝐵𝑖𝑡 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 = 𝑡𝑆𝑌𝑁𝐶_𝑆𝐸𝐺 + 𝑡𝐵𝑆1 + 𝑡𝐵𝑆2 with: 𝑡𝑆𝑌𝑁𝐶_𝑆𝐸𝐺 = 1 × 𝑡𝑞 𝑡𝐵𝑆1 = (1 + 𝐵𝑇𝑅. 𝑇𝑆1) × 𝑡𝑞 𝑡𝐵𝑆2 = (1 + 𝐵𝑇𝑅. 𝑇𝑆2) × 𝑡𝑞 𝑡𝑞 = (1 + 𝐵𝑇𝑅. 𝐵𝑅𝑃) × 𝑡𝑃𝐶𝐿𝐾1 25.3.8. Error flags The error management as described in the CAN protocol is handled entirely by hardware using a Transmit Error Counter (TECNT value, in CAN_ERR register) and a Receive Error Counter (RECNT value, in the CAN_ERR register), which get incremented or decremented according to the error condition. For detailed information about TECNT and RECNT management, please refer to the CAN standard. Both of them may be read by software to determine the stability of the network. Furthermore, the CAN hardware provides detailed information on the current error status in CAN_ERR register. By means of the CAN_INTEN register (ERRIE bit, etc.), the software can configure the interrupt generation on error detection in a very flexible way. Bus-Off recovery The Bus-Off state is reached when TECNT is greater than 255. This state is indicated by BOERR bit in CAN_ERR register. In Bus-Off state, the CAN is no longer able to transmit and receive messages. Depending on the ABOR bit in the CAN_CTL register, CAN will recover from Bus-Off (becomes error active again) either automatically or on software request. But in both cases the CAN has to wait at least for the recovery sequence specified in the CAN standard (128 occurrences of 11 consecutive recessive bits monitored on CAN RX). If ABOR is set, the CAN will start the recovering sequence automatically after it has entered Bus-Off state. If ABOR is cleared, the software must initiate the recovering sequence by requesting CAN to enter and to leave initialization mode. 645 GD32F1x0 User Manual 25.3.9. CAN interrupts Four interrupt vectors are dedicated to CAN. Each interrupt source can be independently enabled or disabled seting or reseting related bits in CAN_INTEN. The interrupt sources can be classified into: transmit interrupt FIFO0 interrupt FIFO1 interrupt error and status change interrupt Transmit interrupt The transmit interrupt can be generated by the following events: – Transmit mailbox 0 becomes empty, MTF0 bit in the CAN_TSTAT register set. – Transmit mailbox 1 becomes empty, MTF1 bit in the CAN_TSTAT register set. – Transmit mailbox 2 becomes empty, MTF2 bit in the CAN_TSTAT register set. FIFO0 interrupt The FIFO0 interrupt can be generated by the following events: – Reception of a new message, RFL0 bits in the CAN_RFIFO0 register are not ‘00’. – FIFO0 full condition, RFF0 bit in the CAN_RFIFO0 register set. – FIFO0 overrun condition, RFO0 bit in the CAN_RFIFO0 register set. FIFO1 interrupt The FIFO1 interrupt can be generated by the following events: – Reception of a new message, RFL1 bits in the CAN_RFIFO1 register are not ‘00’. – FIFO1 full condition, RFF1 bit in the CAN_RFIFO1 register set. – FIFO1 overrun condition, RFO1 bit in the CAN_RFIFO1 register set. Error and status change interrupt The error and status change interrupt can be generated by the following events: – Error condition, for more details on error conditions please refer to the CAN Error register (CAN_ERR). – Wakeup condition, SOF monitored on the CAN RX signal. 646 GD32F1x0 User Manual – 25.3.10. Enter into sleep mode. CAN PHY mode If set PHYEN bit in CAN_PHYCTL register, integrated CAN PHY is enabled. At this time the internal transceiver will begin to work. This mode only used for CAN0. 1. The connection outside of MCU chip is refer to the figure as follows: Figure 25-12. CAN PHY connection diode diode PA5 PA6 CANH CANL diode diode 2. Configure the PA5/PA6 to analog input mode. 3. Enable the CAN clock. 4. Set PHYEN bit and PDMODE if needed in CAN_PHYCTL register. 5. Configure CAN registers as usual, same as not in CAN PHY mode. 25.4. CAN registers 25.4.1. Control register (CAN_CTL) Address offset: 0x00 647 GD32F1x0 User Manual Reset value: 0x0001 0002 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Reserved 16 DFZ rw 15 14 13 SWRST 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved rs 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TTC ABOR AWU ARD RFOD TFO SLPWMOD IWMOD rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 16 DFZ Debug freeze 0: CAN reception and transmission working during debug 1: CAN reception and transmission stop working during debug 15 SWRST Software reset 0: Normal operation. 1: Reset CAN with working mode of sleep. This bit is automatically reset to 0. 14:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 7 TTC Time-triggered communication 0: Disable time-triggered communication 1: Enable time-triggered communication 6 ABOR Automatic bus-off recovery 0: The bus-off state is left manually by software 1: The bus-off state is left automatically by hardware 5 AWU Automatic wakeup 0: The sleeping working mode is left manually by software 1: The sleeping working mode is left automatically by hardware 4 ARD Automatic retransmission disable 0: Enable Automatic retransmission 1: Disable Automatic retransmission 3 RFOD Receive FIFO overwrite disable 0: Enable receive FIFO overwrite when receive FIFO is full and overwrite the FIFO with the incoming frame 1: Disable receive FIFO overwrite when receive FIFO is full and discard the incoming frame 2 TFO Transmit FIFO order 0: Order with the identifier of the frame 648 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: Order with first in and first out 1 SLPWMOD Sleep working mode 0: Disable sleep working mode 1: Enable sleep working mode 0 IWMOD Initial working mode 0: Disable initial working mode 1: Enable initial working mode 25.4.2. Status register (CAN_STAT) Address offset: 0x04 Reset value: 0x0000 0C02 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SLPIF WUIF ERRIF SLPWS IWS rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 r r Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 11 10 9 8 RXL LASTRX RS TS r r r r 7 Bits Fields Descriptions 31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 11 RXL RX level 10 LASTRX Last sample value of Rx pin 9 RS Receiving state Reserved 0: CAN is not working in the receiving state 1: CAN is working in the receiving state 8 TS Transmitting state 0: CAN is not working in the transmitting state 1: CAN is working in the transmitting state 7:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 4 SLPIF Status change interrupt flag of sleep working mode entering 0: CAN is not entering the sleep working mode 1: CAN is entering the sleep working mode. This bit is set while the interrupt is enabling. 3 WUIF Status change interrupt flag of wakeup from sleep working mode 0: Wakeup event is not coming 649 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: Wakeup event is coming. This bit is set while the interrupt is enabling. 2 ERRIF Error interrupt flag 0: No error interrupt 1: Any error interrupt has happened while the interrupt is enabling 1 SLPWS Sleep working state 0: CAN is not the state of sleep working mode 1: CAN is the state of sleep working mode 0 IWS Initial working state 0: CAN is not the state of initial working mode 1: CAN is the state of initial working mode 25.4.3. Transmit status register (CAN_TSTAT) Address offset: 0x08 Reset value: 0x1C00 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 TMLS2 TMLS1 TMLS0 TME2 TME1 TME0 NUM[1:0] MST2 r r r r r r r rs 8 7 15 MST1 14 13 Reserved rs 12 11 10 25 9 24 MTE1 MAL1 MTFNERR1 MTF1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 23 MST0 22 21 20 Reserved 6 5 4 Reserved rs Bits Fields Descriptions 31 TMLS2 Transmit mailbox 2 last sending in transmit FIFO 19 18 17 16 MTE2 MAL2 MTFNERR2 MTF2 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 3 2 1 0 MTE0 MAL0 MTFNERR0 MTF0 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 This bit is set by hardware when transmit mailbox 2 has the last sending order in the transmit FIFO with at least two frame are pending. 30 TMLS1 Transmit mailbox 1 last sending in transmit FIFO This bit is set by hardware when transmit mailbox 1 has the last sending order in the transmit FIFO with at least two frame are pending. 29 TMLS0 Transmit mailbox 0 last sending in transmit FIFO This bit is set by hardware when transmit mailbox 0 has the last sending order in the transmit FIFO with at least two frame are pending. 28 TME2 Transmit mailbox 2 empty 0: Transmit mailbox 2 not empty 1: Transmit mailbox 2 empty 27 TME1 Transmit mailbox 1 empty 0: Transmit mailbox 1 not empty 650 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: Transmit mailbox 1 empty 26 TME0 Transmit mailbox 0 empty 0: Transmit mailbox 0 not empty 1: Transmit mailbox 0 empty 25:24 NUM[1:0] These bits are the number of the transmit FIFO mailbox in which the frame will be transmitted if at least one mailbox is empty. These bits are the number of the transmit FIFO mailbox in which the frame will be transmitted lastly if all mailboxes are full. 23 MST2 Mailbox 2 stop transmitting This bit is set by the software to stop mailbox 2 transmitting. This bit is reset by the hardware while the mailbox 2 is empty. 22:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 19 MTE2 Mailbox 2 transmit error This bit is set while the transmit error is occurred. 18 MAL2 Mailbox 2 arbitration lost This bit is set while the arbitration lost is occurred. 17 MTFNERR2 Mailbox 2 transmit finished and no error 0: Mailbox 2 transmit finished with error 1: Mailbox 2 transmit finished and no error 16 MTF2 Mailbox 2 transmit finished 0: Mailbox 2 transmit is progressing 1: Mailbox 2 transmit finished 15 MST1 Mailbox 1 stop transmitting This bit is set by the software to stop mailbox 1 transmitting. This bit is reset by the hardware while the mailbox 1 is empty. 14:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 11 MTE1 Mailbox 1 transmit error This bit is set while the transmit error is occurred. 10 MAL1 Mailbox 1 arbitration lost This bit is set while the arbitration lost is occurred. 9 MTFNERR1 Mailbox 1 transmit finished and no error 0: Mailbox 1 transmit finished with error 1: Mailbox 1 transmit finished and no error 8 MTF1 Mailbox 1 transmit finished 0: Mailbox 1 transmit is progressing 1: Mailbox 1 transmit finished 651 GD32F1x0 User Manual 7 MST0 Mailbox 0 stop transmitting This bit is set by the software to stop mailbox 0 transmitting. This bit is reset by the hardware while the mailbox 0 is empty. 6:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 3 MTE0 Mailbox 0 transmit error This bit is set while the transmit error is occurred. 2 MAL0 Mailbox 0 arbitration lost This bit is set while the arbitration lost is occurred. 1 MTFNERR0 Mailbox 0 transmit finished and no error 0: Mailbox 0 transmit finished with error 1: Mailbox 0 transmit finished and no error 0 MTF0 Mailbox 0 transmit finished 0: Mailbox 0 transmit is progressing 1: Mailbox 0 transmit finished 25.4.4. Receive message FIFO0 register (CAN_RFIFO0) Address offset: 0x0C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RFD0 RFO0 RFF0 Reserved rs rc_w1 rc_w1 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 31:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 5 RFD0 Receive FIFO 0 dequeue RFL0[1:0] r This bit is set by the software to start dequeuing a frame from receive FIFO 0. This bit is reset by the hardware while the dequeuing is done. 4 RFO0 Receive FIFO 0 overfull 0: The receive FIFO 0 is not overfull 1: The receive FIFO 0 is overfull 3 RFF0 Receive FIFO 0 full 0: The receive FIFO 0 is not full 652 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: The receive FIFO 0 is full 2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1:0 RFL0[1:0] Receive FIFO 0 length These bits are the length of the receive FIFO0. 25.4.5. Receive message FIFO1 register (CAN_RFIFO1) Address offset: 0x10 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RFD1 RFO1 RFF1 Reserved rs rc_w1 rc_w1 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved Bits Fields Descriptions 31:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 5 RFD1 Receive FIFO1 dequeue RFL1[1:0] r This bit is set by the software to start dequeuing a frame from receive FIFO1. This bit is reset by the hardware while the dequeuing is done. 4 RFO1 Receive FIFO1 overfull 0: The receive FIFO1 is not overfull 1: The receive FIFO1 is overfull 3 RFF1 Receive FIFO1 full 0: The receive FIFO1 is not full 1: The receive FIFO1 is full 2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 1:0 RFL1[1:0] Receive FIFO1 length These bits are the length of the receive FIFO1. 25.4.6. Interrupt enable register (CAN_INTEN) Address offset: 0x14 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 653 GD32F1x0 User Manual This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 ERRNIE BOIE PERRIE 8 7 6 5 WERRI Reserve ERRIE Reserved rw rw rw d rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 17 SLPWIE Sleep working interrupt enable 3 2 RFNEIE RFOIE1 RFFIE1 E rw 4 rw 16 SLPWIE WIE rw rw 1 0 RFNEIE RFOIE0 RFFIE0 1 rw 17 rw TMEIE 0 rw rw rw rw 0: Sleep working interrupt disable 1: Sleep working interrupt enable 16 WIE Wakeup interrupt enable 0: Wakeup interrupt disable 1: Wakeup interrupt enable 15 ERRIE Error interrupt enable 0: Error interrupt disable 1: Error interrupt enable 14:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 11 ERRNIE Error number interrupt enable 0: Error number interrupt disable 1: Error number interrupt enable 10 BOIE Bus-off interrupt enable 0: Bus-off interrupt disable 1: Bus-off interrupt enable 9 PERRIE Passive error interrupt enable 0: Passive error interrupt disable 1: Passive error interrupt enable 8 WERRIE Warning error interrupt enable 0: Warning error interrupt disable 1: Warning error interrupt enable 7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 6 RFOIE1 Receive FIFO1 overfull interrupt enable 0: Receive FIFO1 overfull interrupt disable 1: Receive FIFO1 overfull interrupt enable 654 GD32F1x0 User Manual 5 RFFIE1 Receive FIFO1 full interrupt enable 0: Receive FIFO1 full interrupt disable 1: Receive FIFO1 full interrupt enable 4 RFNEIE1 Receive FIFO1 not empty interrupt enable 0: Receive FIFO1 not empty interrupt disable 1: Receive FIFO1 not empty interrupt enable 3 RFOIE0 Receive FIFO0 overfull interrupt enable 0: Receive FIFO0 overfull interrupt disable 1: Receive FIFO0 overfull interrupt enable 2 RFFIE0 Receive FIFO0 full interrupt enable 0: Receive FIFO0 full interrupt disable 1: Receive FIFO0 full interrupt enable 1 RFNEIE0 Receive FIFO0 not empty interrupt enable 0: Receive FIFO0 not empty interrupt disable 1: Receive FIFO0 not empty interrupt enable 0 TMEIE Transmit mailbox empty interrupt enable 0: Transmit mailbox empty interrupt disable 1: Transmit mailbox empty interrupt enable 25.4.7. Error register (CAN_ERR) Address offset: 0x18 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 15 30 14 29 13 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 0 Reserved BOERR PERR WERR r r r RECNT[7:0] TECNT[7:0] r r 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved 6 5 ERRN[2:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:24 RECNT[7:0] Receive Error Count 23:16 TECNT[7:0] Transmit Error Count 15:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 6:4 ERRN[2:0] Error number 4 These bits indicate the error status of bit transformation. They are updated by the hardware. While the bit transformation is successful, they are equal to 0. Software 655 GD32F1x0 User Manual can set these bits to 0b111. 000: No Error 001: Stuff Error 010: Form Error 011: Acknowledgment Error 100: Bit recessive Error 101: Bit dominant Error 110: CRC Error 111: Set by software 3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 2 BOERR Bus-off error Whenever the CAN enters buf-off state, the bit will be set by the hardware. 1 PERR Passive error Whenever the TECNT or RECNT is greater than 127, the bit will be set by the hardware. 0 WERR Warning error Whenever the TECNT or RECNT is greater than or equal to 96, the bit will be set by the hardware. 25.4.8. Bit timing register (CAN_BT) Address offset: 0x1C Reset value: 0x0123 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 SCMOD LCMOD rw rw 15 14 28 27 26 Reserved 25 24 SJW[1:0] 23 22 Reserved rw 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Reserved 6 21 20 19 18 BS2[2:0] BS1[3:0] rw rw 5 4 3 2 17 16 1 0 BAUDPSC[9:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31 SCMOD Silent communication mode 0: Silent communication disable 1: Silent communication enable 30 LCMOD Loopback communication mode 0: Loopback communication disable 1: Loopback communication enable 656 GD32F1x0 User Manual 29:26 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 25:24 SJW[1:0] Resynchronization jump width Resynchronization jump width time quantum= SJW[1:0]+1 23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 22:20 BS2[2:0] Bit segment 2 Bit segment 2 time quantum=BS2[2:0]+1 19:16 BS1[3:0] Bit segment 1 Bit segment 1 time quantum=BS1[3:0]+1 15:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9:0 BAUDPSC[9:0] Baud rate prescaler The CAN baud rate prescaler 25.4.9. Transmit mailbox identifier register (CAN_TMIx) (x=0..2) Address offset: 0x180, 0x190, 0x1A0 Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX (bit0=0) This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 15 30 14 29 13 28 12 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 2 1 0 EFID[12:0] FF FT TEN rw rw rw rw SFID[10:0]/EFID[28:18] EFID[17:13] rw rw 11 10 9 8 Bits Fields Descriptions 31:21 SFID[10:0]/EFID[28:18] The frame identifier 7 6 5 4 3 SFID[10:0]: Standard format frame identifier EFID[28:18]: Extended format frame identifier 20:16 EFID[17:13] The frame identifier EFID[17:13]: Extended format frame identifier 15:3 EFID[12:0] The frame identifier EFID[12:0]: Extended format frame identifier 2 FF Frame format 0: Standard format frame 1: Extended format frame 1 FT Frame type 0: Data frame 657 GD32F1x0 User Manual 1: Remote frame 0 TEN Transmit enable 0: Transmit disable 1: Transmit enable This bit is set by the software when one frame will be transmitted and reset by the hardware when the transmit mailbox is empty. 25.4.10. Transmit mailbox property register (CAN_TMPx) (x=0..2) Address offset: 0x184, 0x194, 0x1A4 Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TS[15:0] rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Reserved 8 7 TSEN Reserved DLENC[3:0] rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 TS[15:0] Time stamp rw The time stamp of frame in transmit mailbox. 15:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 8 TSEN Time stamp enable 0: Time stamp disable 1: Time stamp enable. The TS[15:0] will be transmitted in the DATA6 and DATA7 in DL. This bit is available while the TTC bit in CAN_CTL is set. 7:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 3:0 DLENC[3:0] Data length code DLENC[3:0] is the number of bytes in a frame. 25.4.11. Transmit mailbox data0 register (CAN_TMDATA0x) (x=0..2) Address offset: 0x188, 0x198, 0x1A8 Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 658 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31 15 30 14 29 13 28 27 26 24 23 22 21 20 19 DB3[7:0] DB2[7:0] rw rw 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 DB0[7:0] rw rw Fields Descriptions 31:24 DB3[7:0] Data byte 3 23:16 DB2[7:0] Data byte 2 15:8 DB1[7:0] Data byte 1 7:0 DB0[7:0] Data byte 0 18 17 16 2 1 0 18 17 16 2 1 0 3 DB1[7:0] Bits 25.4.12. 25 Transmit mailbox data1 register (CAN_TMDATA1x) (x=0..2) Address offset: 0x18C, 0x19C, 0x1AC Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 DB7[7:0] 20 DB6[7:0] rw 15 14 13 12 rw 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 DB5[7:0] DB4[7:0] rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:24 DB7[7:0] Data byte 7 23:16 DB6[7:0] Data byte 6 15:8 DB5[7:0] Data byte 5 7:0 DB4[7:0] Data byte 4 25.4.13. 19 Receive FIFO mailbox identifier register (CAN_RFIFOMIx) (x=0..1) Address offset: 0x1B0, 0x1C0 Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 659 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31 15 30 14 29 13 28 27 12 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 SFID[10:0]/EFID[28:18] EFID[17:13] r r 11 10 9 8 7 2 1 0 EFID[12:0] FF FT Reserved r r r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:21 SFID[10:0]/EFID[28:18] The frame identifier 6 5 4 3 16 SFID[10:0]: Standard format frame identifier EFID[28:18]: Extended format frame identifier 20:16 EFID[17:13] The frame identifier EFID[17:13]: Extended format frame identifier 15:3 EFID[12:0] The frame identifier EFID[12:0]: Extended format frame identifier 2 FF Frame format 0: Standard format frame 1: Extended format frame 1 FT Frame type 0: Data frame 1: Remote frame 0 Reserved 25.4.14. Must be kept at reset value Receive FIFO mailbox property register (CAN_RFIFOMPx) (x=0..1) Address offset: 0x1B4, 0x1C4 Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TS[15:0] r 15 14 13 12 11 10 FI[7:0] 9 8 7 Reserved r DLENC[3:0] r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:16 TS[15:0] Time stamp The time stamp of frame in transmit mailbox. 660 GD32F1x0 User Manual 15:8 FI[7:0] Filtering index The index of the filter by which the frame is passed. 7:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 3:0 DLENC[3:0] Data length code DLENC[3:0] is the number of bytes in a frame. 25.4.15. Receive FIFO mailbox data0 register (CAN_RFIFOMDATA0x) (x=0..1) Address offset: 0x1B8, 0x1C8 Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 DB3[7:0] 20 14 13 12 17 16 2 1 0 r 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 DB1[7:0] DB0[7:0] r r Bits Fields Descriptions 31:24 DB3[7:0] Data byte 3 23:16 DB2[7:0] Data byte 2 15:8 DB1[7:0] Data byte 1 7:0 DB0[7:0] Data byte 0 25.4.16. 18 DB2[7:0] r 15 19 Receive FIFO mailbox data1 register (CAN_RFIFOMDATA1x) (x=0..1) Address offset: 0x1BC, 0x1CC Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 15 Bits 30 14 29 13 Fields 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 DB7[7:0] DB6[7:0] r r 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 DB5[7:0] DB4[7:0] r r 18 17 16 2 1 0 Descriptions 661 GD32F1x0 User Manual 31:24 DB7[7:0] Data byte 7 23:16 DB6[7:0] Data byte 6 15:8 DB5[7:0] Data byte 5 7:0 DB4[7:0] Data byte 4 25.4.17. Filter control register (CAN_FCTL) Address offset: 0x200 Reset value: 0x2A1C 0E01 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 11 10 9 8 7 HBC1F[5:0] Reserved FLD rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 13:8 HBC1F[5:0] Header bank of CAN1 filter 7:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 0 FLD Filter lock disable 0: Filter lock enable 1: Filter lock disable 25.4.18. Filter mode configuration register (CAN_FMCFG) Address offset: 0x204 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 FMOD2 FMOD2 FMOD2 FMOD2 FMOD2 FMOD2 FMOD2 FMOD2 FMOD1 FMOD1 FMOD1 FMOD1 Reserved 15 14 13 12 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FMOD1 FMOD1 FMOD1 FMOD1 FMOD1 FMOD1 FMOD9 FMOD8 FMOD7 FMOD6 FMOD5 FMOD4 FMOD3 FMOD2 FMOD1 FMOD0 5 4 3 2 1 0 662 GD32F1x0 User Manual rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 27:0 FMODx Filter mode rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 0: Filter x with Mask mode 1: Filter x with List mode 25.4.19. Filter scale configuration register (CAN_FSCFG) Address offset: 0x20C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 Reserved 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 FS27 FS26 FS25 FS24 FS23 FS22 FS21 FS20 FS19 FS18 FS17 FS16 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FS15 FS14 FS13 FS12 FS11 FS10 FS9 FS8 FS7 FS6 FS5 FS4 FS3 FS2 FS1 FS0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 27:0 FSx Filter scale 0: Filter x with 16-bit scale 1: Filter x with 32-bit scale 25.4.20. Filter associated FIFO register (CAN_FAFIFO) Address offset: 0x214 Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 Reserved 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 FAF27 FAF26 FAF25 FAF24 FAF23 FAF22 FAF21 FAF20 FAF19 FAF18 FAF17 FAF16 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FAF15 FAF14 FAF13 FAF12 FAF11 FAF10 FAF9 FAF8 FAF7 FAF6 FAF5 FAF4 FAF3 FAF2 FAF1 FAF0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 663 GD32F1x0 User Manual Bits Fields Descriptions 31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 27:0 FAFx Filter associated FIFO 0: Filter x associated with FIFO0 1: Filter x associated with FIFO1 25.4.21. Filter working register (CAN_FW) Address offset: 0x21C Reset value: 0x0000 0000 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 FW2 FW2 FW2 FW2 FW2 FW2 FW2 FW2 FW1 FW1 FW1 FW1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FW9 FW8 FW7 FW6 FW5 FW4 FW3 FW2 FW1 FW0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 FW1 FW1 FW1 FW1 FW1 FW1 5 4 3 2 1 0 rw rw rw rw rw rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 27:0 FWx Filter working 0: Filter x working disable 1: Filter x working enable 25.4.22. Filter x data y register (CAN_FxDATAy) (x=0..27, y=0..1) Address offset: 0x240+8*x+4*y, (x=0..27,y=0,1) Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 FD31 FD30 FD29 FD28 FD27 FD26 FD25 FD24 FD23 FD22 FD21 FD20 FD19 FD18 FD17 FD16 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FD15 FD14 FD13 FD12 FD11 FD10 FD9 FD8 FD7 FD6 FD5 FD4 FD3 FD2 FD1 FD0 rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw 664 GD32F1x0 User Manual Bits Fields Descriptions 31:0 FDx Filter data Mask mode 0: Mask match disable 1: Mask match enable List mode 0: List identifier bit is 0 1: List identifier bit is 1 25.4.23. PHY control register (CAN_PHYCTL) Address offset: 0x3FC Reset value: 0x0000 0300 This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 Reserved 9 8 7 POMOD rw Bits Fields Descriptions 31:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 9:8 POMOD CAN PHY output driver control register Reserved PHYEN rw This bit set and cleared by software. 00: Low Slope Mode 01: Middle Slope Mode 10: High Slope Mode 11: High Speed Mode(Default) 7:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value 0 PHYEN PHY enable bit This bit set and cleared by software. This bit can use CAN PHY for CAN0 or not. 0: No CAN PHY mode 1: CAN PHY enable for CAN0 665 GD32F1x0 User Manual 26. Revision history Table 26-1. Revision history Revision No. Description Date 1.0 Initial Release Mar.18, 2014 2.0 Add GD32F170/190 Products Jan.15, 2016 3.0 Adapt To New Name Convention Jun.24, 2016 666
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 691 Language : zh-CN Tagged PDF : Yes Author : 李盟 Creator : Microsoft® Word 2013 Create Date : 2016:08:10 15:37:37+08:00 Modify Date : 2016:08:10 15:37:37+08:00 Producer : Microsoft® Word 2013EXIF Metadata provided by