Gradle User Guide
User Manual:
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Page Count: 443 [warning: Documents this large are best viewed by clicking the View PDF Link!]
- Chapter 1. Introduction
- Chapter 2. Overview
- Chapter 3. Tutorials
- Chapter 4. Installing Gradle
- Chapter 5. Troubleshooting
- Chapter 6. Build Script Basics
- 6.1. Projects and tasks
- 6.2. Hello world
- 6.3. A shortcut task definition
- 6.4. Build scripts are code
- 6.5. Task dependencies
- 6.6. Dynamic tasks
- 6.7. Manipulating existing tasks
- 6.8. Shortcut notations
- 6.9. Extra task properties
- 6.10. Using Ant Tasks
- 6.11. Using methods
- 6.12. Default tasks
- 6.13. Configure by DAG
- 6.14. Where to next?
- Chapter 7. Java Quickstart
- Chapter 8. Dependency Management Basics
- Chapter 9. Groovy Quickstart
- Chapter 10. Web Application Quickstart
- Chapter 11. Using the Gradle Command-Line
- Chapter 12. Using the Gradle Graphical User Interface
- Chapter 13. Writing Build Scripts
- Chapter 14. Tutorial - 'This and That'
- Chapter 15. More about Tasks
- Chapter 16. Working With Files
- Chapter 17. Using Ant from Gradle
- Chapter 18. Logging
- Chapter 19. The Gradle Daemon
- Chapter 20. The Build Environment
- Chapter 21. Gradle Plugins
- Chapter 22. Standard Gradle plugins
- Chapter 23. The Java Plugin
- Chapter 24. The Groovy Plugin
- Chapter 25. The Scala Plugin
- 25.1. Usage
- 25.2. Tasks
- 25.3. Project layout
- 25.4. Dependency management
- 25.5. Automatic configuration of scalaClasspath
- 25.6. Convention properties
- 25.7. Source set properties
- 25.8. Fast Scala Compiler
- 25.9. Compiling in external process
- 25.10. Incremental compilation
- 25.11. Eclipse Integration
- 25.12. IntelliJ IDEA Integration
- Chapter 26. The War Plugin
- Chapter 27. The Ear Plugin
- Chapter 28. The Jetty Plugin
- Chapter 29. The Checkstyle Plugin
- Chapter 30. The CodeNarc Plugin
- Chapter 31. The FindBugs Plugin
- Chapter 32. The JDepend Plugin
- Chapter 33. The PMD Plugin
- Chapter 34. The JaCoCo Plugin
- Chapter 35. The Sonar Plugin
- Chapter 36. The Sonar Runner Plugin
- 36.1. Sonar Runner version and compatibility
- 36.2. Getting started
- 36.3. Configuring the Sonar Runner
- 36.4. Specifying the Sonar Runner version
- 36.5. Analyzing Multi-Project Builds
- 36.6. Analyzing Custom Source Sets
- 36.7. Analyzing languages other than Java
- 36.8. More on configuring Sonar properties
- 36.9. Setting Sonar Properties from the Command Line
- 36.10. Controlling the Sonar Runner process
- 36.11. Tasks
- Chapter 37. The OSGi Plugin
- Chapter 38. The Eclipse Plugin
- Chapter 39. The IDEA Plugin
- Chapter 40. The ANTLR Plugin
- Chapter 41. The Project Report Plugin
- Chapter 42. The Announce Plugin
- Chapter 43. The Build Announcements Plugin
- Chapter 44. The Distribution Plugin
- Chapter 45. The Application Plugin
- Chapter 46. The Java Library Distribution Plugin
- Chapter 47. Build Init Plugin
- Chapter 48. Wrapper Plugin
- Chapter 49. The Build Dashboard Plugin
- Chapter 50. The Java Gradle Plugin Development Plugin
- Chapter 51. Dependency Management
- 51.1. Introduction
- 51.2. Dependency Management Best Practices
- 51.3. Dependency configurations
- 51.4. How to declare your dependencies
- 51.5. Working with dependencies
- 51.6. Repositories
- 51.7. How dependency resolution works
- 51.8. Fine-tuning the dependency resolution process
- 51.9. The dependency cache
- 51.10. Strategies for transitive dependency management
- Chapter 52. Publishing artifacts
- Chapter 53. The Maven Plugin
- Chapter 54. The Signing Plugin
- Chapter 55. Building native binaries
- 55.1. Supported languages
- 55.2. Tool chain support
- 55.3. Tool chain installation
- 55.4. Component model
- 55.5. Building a library
- 55.6. Building an executable
- 55.7. Tasks
- 55.8. Finding out more about your project
- 55.9. Language support
- 55.10. Configuring the compiler, assembler and linker
- 55.11. Windows Resources
- 55.12. Library Dependencies
- 55.13. Native Binary Variants
- 55.14. Tool chains
- 55.15. Visual Studio IDE integration
- 55.16. CUnit support
- Chapter 56. The Build Lifecycle
- Chapter 57. Multi-project Builds
- 57.1. Cross project configuration
- 57.2. Subproject configuration
- 57.3. Execution rules for multi-project builds
- 57.4. Running tasks by their absolute path
- 57.5. Project and task paths
- 57.6. Dependencies - Which dependencies?
- 57.7. Project lib dependencies
- 57.8. Parallel project execution
- 57.9. Decoupled Projects
- 57.10. Multi-Project Building and Testing
- 57.11. Multi Project and buildSrc
- 57.12. Property and method inheritance
- 57.13. Summary
- Chapter 58. Writing Custom Task Classes
- Chapter 59. Writing Custom Plugins
- Chapter 60. Organizing Build Logic
- Chapter 61. Initialization Scripts
- Chapter 62. The Gradle Wrapper
- Chapter 63. Embedding Gradle
- Chapter 64. Comparing Builds
- Chapter 65. Ivy Publishing (new)
- Chapter 66. Maven Publishing (new)
- Appendix A. Gradle Samples
- Appendix B. Potential Traps
- Appendix C. The Feature Lifecycle
- Appendix D. Gradle Command Line
- Appendix E. Existing IDE Support and how to cope without it