HB1803R HB1803P3688

User Manual: HB1803R

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FY 2011/12
FY 2012/13
General Fund
Motor License Fund
Political Subdivision Funds
See Fiscal Impact
SUMMARY: Permits third class cities that have parking authorities to assign enforcement and
administration of parking laws to the parking authority; amends language relating to the
Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA); and extends Philadelphia's red light camera pilot program
until December 31, 2016. This legislation would take effect in 60 days.
ANALYSIS: This legislation would amend Section 6109(h) of the Vehicle Code (relating to specific
powers of department and local authorities) to authorize third class cities to delegate their power to
administer and enforce all ordinances and resolutions enacted in accordance with the police powers
set forth under Section 6109(a)(1) and those certain stopping, standing and parking provisions
provided in Sections 3351 (relating to stopping, standing and parking outside of business and
residence districts), 3353 (related to prohibitions in specified places) and 3354 (relating to additional
parking regulations) to the parking authority.
This legislation would add subsection (g) to Section 6109 of the Vehicle Code which clarifies that the
on-street parking regulations in Philadelphia will continue to be enforced by the PPA. Subsection (g)
would also use language similar to that in Title 53 §5508.1(q.1), which would sunset on 3/ 31/ 14. This
new subsection would take effect on 3/ 31/ 14 and all net on-street parking revenue will continue to
be divided between the City and the Philadelphia School District according to existing methodology.
This legislation would amend Section 3116 to extend the PPA's Automated Red Light Enforcement
(ARLE) camera pilot program. The legislation would allow PennDOT to recoup administrative costs
incurred. This legislation also adds a defense for a violation if a person was driving a busload of
passengers and that a sudden stop could have injured them. All net revenues from the PPA shall be
sent back to the state for distribution back to any community through a competitive grant process.
PennDOT shall not set aside any specific amount or percentage for any particular community. A
selection committee would also be created for the state ARLE grant program, with four members
from PennDOT and four appointed by the mayor of Philadelphia.
FISCAL IMPACT: The changes to Section 6109(h) would have no adverse fiscal impact on
Commonwealth or political subdivision funds.
The addition of Section 6109(g) would have no adverse fiscal impact on the Commonwealth, School
District of Philadelphia, the City of Philadelphia, or the Philadelphia Parking Authority as current
revenues are consistent with the $35 million threshold. All net on -street parking revenue from the
Philadelphia Parking Authority will continue to be divided between the City of Philadelphia and the
Philadelphia School District according to existing methodology. For FY 2011, revenue from on -street
parking regulations was $41,785,000 with $34,185,000 going to the City of Philadelphia and $7,600,000
going to the School District of Philadelphia.
The changes to Section 3116 would provide some funding for PennDOT for their role in the ARLE
Program. According to PennDOT the department incurs about 3% of the total program value to
gather all the applications, review them, initiate all the individual legal agreements and monitor the
ARLE program from a PennDOT perspective. The Governors Executive Budget for 2012-13 projects
$5 million in ARLE grants during the 2012-13 fiscal year. This would imply that PennDOT will take
$150,000 for the administration of the ARLE program. According to PennDOT, the new selection
committee will have no adverse fiscal impact on Commonwealth funds. The requirement that all
ARLE grants will be distributed without set aside for the home municipality could result in the
reduction of funds to the City of Philadelphia due to the fact that the city would no longer be
guaranteed 50% of the revenue submitted to PennDOT. Philadelphia received $8,423,000 in 2010
ARLE grant funding and $1,500,000 in 2011 ARLE funding.
PREPARED BY: Tim Rodrigo
House Appropriations Committee (R)
DATE: June 8, 2012
Estimates are calculated using the best information available. Actual costs and revenue impact incurred may
vary from estimates.

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