Hardware Setup Guide

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Hardware Setup Information  The system diagram of the Autonomous Water Rover is as follows :                           Figure 1 System Diagram  The various components in the above figure are as follows :- ●Power System: The power generation, storage and distribution includes the following                    main components : ○Battery : LiPo will be used to ensure operation of rover for over an hour on one                                 charging ○Solar Panel : A 50W Solar Panel is used to charge the 12 volt battery and also                                 increase the operation period
○Charge Controller : A 20A 12V waterproof solar panel charge controller will be                         used ○Voltage regulation : Voltage regulators will be used to always keep the supply                         voltage for the pumps constant i.e. 12V to obtain similar performance even at                         different battery levels. Also 5V and 3.3V voltage regulators will be used for                         obtaining required supply voltage for the Rpi controller board, Navio2, telemetry                     and all installed sensors on the rover  ●Raspberry Pi 3b : It is a single board computer which will be used for complex path                                 planning through ardupilot, hosting the web interface, providing live video streaming and                       communicating with sensor nodes ●Navio2 : It is an autopilot Hat for Raspberry Pi 3b which simplifies autonomous                           navigation by bringing multiple sensors on a single board and by seamless integration                         with Raspberry Pi. It also has analog to digital converters along with pulse generators to                             produce pulses which can control servo motors. The following sensors will be used by                           the Autonomous Water Surveillance Rover : ○GNSS Receiver : Tracks GPS, GLONASS, Beidou, Galileo and SBAS satellites                     for accurate positioning ○Dual IMU : Accelerometers, gyroscope and magnetometer readings will be used                     for orientation and motion sensing ○High resolution barometer : Senses altitude with 10 cm resolution and can be used                           to relay accurate location information along with GPS ○Communication Ports : UART interface will be used to relay information through                       telemetry radio ●Ground Control Station : It could be any windows based personal computer having                         Mission Planner installed ●Local Area Network : A LAN is created to access the website hosted on the raspberry                               pi. It is not needed for operation in autonomous mode

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