JE665_RS232_Interface_Users_Maunual_1983 JE665 RS232 Interface Users Maunual 1983
JE665_RS232_Interface_Users_Maunual_1983 JE665_RS232_Interface_Users_Maunual_1983
User Manual: JE665_RS232_Interface_Users_Maunual_1983
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Jameco' JE665 RS-232C INTERFACE USER'S MANUAL Operation and Programming .,,. . JAMECO ELECTRONICS, 1355 SHOREWAY ROAD, BELMONT,CA 94002 (415) 592·8097 . . This manual is intended as a supplement to the JE664 EPROM Programmer Operation Manual. It describes the operation and programming of the JE665 RS·232C Interface Option. Complete details are given for connection of the JE665 to any computer with a spare RS-232C port (9600 baud, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits, odd parity). A sample program is provided in Microsoft* MBASIC for implementation on CP/M t systems. JAMECO ELECTRONICS makes no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy of this manual. Every effort is made to insure that the contents are correct but errors may occur. Second Edition © 1983 by Jameco Electronics 1355 Shoreway Road Belmont, CA 94002 (415) 592-8097 Written by David H. Nelson - Jameco Electronics * Microsoft and MBASIC are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. t CPIM is a registered trademark of Digital Research, Inc. Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 INTRODUCTION ii THE RS·232C INTERFACE 1 THEORYOFOPERATION 2 JE665 PROGRAM 4 JE665 PROGRAM MODIFICATION 10 USING THE JE665 PROGRAM 13 APPENDIX A - JE665 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM APPENDIX B - JE665 ASSEMBLY DRAWING AND COMPONENT MATERIAL LIST' Introduction The JE665 option is a circuit board that implements the RS-232C standard interface to allow connection of the JE664 EPROM Programmer to a computer system. The JE665 requires a spare RS-232C port capable of 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits and odd parity. A sample program is provided in Microsoft MBASIC for implementation on CP/M computers. Modifications may be necessary due to the different hardware configurations available. These changes are explained in detail. When connection is complete, the computer will have access to the RAM inside the JE664. This allows for convenient data storage and manipulation with the computer. ii The RS·232C Interface The RS-232C interface is an EIA (Electronic Industries Association) "Recommended Standard" interface. It transmits and receives data in serial form, one bit at a time. There are no physical requirements for the RS-232C except that it use a 25-pin connector. Accepted practice is to use a 25-pin "0" connector (0825). The connector on the JE665 is of the female gender and requires a male mate on the cable. Only six (6) of the 25 lines are used by the JE665. Table 1 lists these lines and indicates the direction of signal travel. They will be described in more detail later. Table 1_ Name and Origins of Signals Used in the JE665 PIN NAME DESCRIPTION SIGNAL ORIGIN 20 7 DTR GND Data Terminal Ready Signal Ground Computer 6 DSR Data Set Ready JE665 5 CTS Clear to Send JE665 3 2 TXD RXD Transmit Data Receive Data JE665 Computer --- RS-232C voltage levels are different than standard logic levels. A voltage between + 3 and + 15V indicates a "High" (logic "a" on the JE665) and a voltage between -3 and -15V indicates a "Low" (logic "1" on the JE665). Notice that these signals are "inverted" (Le. negative voltage equals logic 1) on the JE665. This is normal but may not be the case on some computers. A cable is required to connect the JE664/JE665 to your computer. It is recommended that you use a cable with removable pins so that lines may be swapped if necessary. The cable must have at least the six indicated lines, but may have all 25. In order to transmit data over the RS-232C link, there must be some way to indicate to each device that a data transfer will occur. These protocols help assure that both devices are ready and that the data you wish to transfer does, in fact, get transferred. Data accuracy is another important aspect of the RS-232C link. Each byte is checked for proper transfer to and from the JE665. Hardware parity checking is implemented. 1 Theory of Operation To access the JE665 from your computer, certain events must occur in the correct order. As long as the proper signals are present the JE665 will communicate properly: But if they are not you may have unexpected difficulties. The first signal to occur comes from the JE665. This is the DSR (Oata Set Reaoy,t;lfIl: 6) line. It will be held high (RS-232C + 3 to + 15V) by the JE665 when the cable is connected and the IPRGM PULSES/RS 2321 switch is in the IRS 2321 pOSition. lfindicates that the programmer is ready. After the computer determines that the programmer is ready it will set the DTR (Data Terminal Ready, pin 20) line low (-3 to -15V) and then back high (+ 3 t'o + 15V). This will reset the JE665 and tell it to expect a control word next. It will also set the CTS (Clear to &end, pin 5) line low (-3 to ...:15V) signalling that the J E665 expects a control word. Control Code • 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 o 1 o 1 o x x x x I t Control Bit 0 - control word follows 1 - data follows --------' Address Clear Disable 0 - clear address 1 - don't clear _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....J Write Enable 0 1Shift 0 1- load from programmer -------------~ save to programmer lower 32K - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' upper 32K Figure 1 - Control Word Detail The JE665 uses control words to tell itwhat to do and what to expect next. The control words are sent in the exact same way that the other data is sent, but there is one difference. The JE665 expects the upper four bits of the coo.troJ word to be 1010 {A Hex). The lower four bits are the actual commands to the programmer. These commands can select the upper or lower 32K of the programmers RAM, clear the address, select the read or write option, and tell whether or not another control word follows . (Figure 1 and Table 2). It should be noted that more than one control word can be sent in succession. The only requirement is that the last control word must have the control bit (bit 3) set. At this point no further control words are accepted until 256 data bytes have been transferred. 2 After the correct control word(s) are sent, the last one having the control bit (bit 3) set, the actual data will follow. A block of 256 bytes will be transferred. If the transfer is to the programmer then each byte will be sent and immediately read back. This will verify that the transfer Wl:fS correct. If the transfer is from the programmer then a dummy byte will be sent and the byte returned will be the desired data. After the 256 byte block has been transferred, the CTS line will again be set low (-3 to -15V) acknowledging that the block was accepted and indicating that the JE665 expects another control word. The proper control word(s) are sent followed by another 256 byte data block. This cycle is repeated until all of the data is transferred or until the end of the lower 32K bits is reached. If the lower 32K is filled then two new control words are sent that select the upper 32K. The cycle of 256 byte blocks and control words is then repeated until all of the data has been transferred. (Note: The UPPER 32K LED on the JE664 front panel will NOT change when the RS232 is active even though the 32K segment may change. When returning to manual control of the programmer be sure that you are in the upper or lower 32K as necessary). Table 2 - Control Word Definitions Control word Hex (Binary) Will Follow Clear Address AO(1010 0000) control word yes lower Ai (10100001) control word control word yes upper no no lower upper A4(1010 0100) A5(1010 0101) A8(1010 1000) control word Read Write U/L 32K A9(1010 1001) data data yes read lower yes yes read upper lower AA(1010 1010) data AB(1010 1011) AC(1010 1100) AD(1010 1101) data data data yes no write write read no read upper AE(1010 1110) AF(1010 1111) data data no no write lower upper write upper lower 3 JE665 Program The sample program ofthis chapter is provided to help you make the connection from the JE665 to your computer. It has all the features necessary for data transfer, data storage and data entry. You . may choose to use it or you may write your own. The program was written in Microsoft MBASIC version 4.51. If you have MBASIC you can enter the program into your computer and save it as "JE665." The next chapter explains how to customize it to your specific computer. If you choose to write your own program, carefully follow the sample program and THEORY OF OPERATION. You may use another BASIC or a different language. You will also need to read JE665 PROGRAM MOD/FICA TlON. The following is a breakdown of the lines in the JE665 program. Beginning and ending line numbers are shown as well as a description of the function of each routine. 4 Line Numbers Description 100 300 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 8100 8300 8400 8500 280 470 700 1230 2240 3370 4390 5340 6240 7060 8040 8260 8350 8470 8520 Initialization, credits and start up message Select EPROM size to work with Main program menu Get data from disk Put data on disk Load data from programmer Save data to programmer View data (ASCII and Hex) Enter data Exit from the program Clear the screen Get a file name Handle any errors when opening files Convert hex to decimal (SA$ to SA) Handle "NO EPROM FILES" 9000 9100 9200 9300 9400 9500 9070 9130 9230 9330 9460 9530 Set up the RS-232C port 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits, odd parity Check the P§B line (bit) If DSR is on return F = 1 otherwise F = 0 . Toggle the DTR line (bit) ofnhen back on Check the CTS line (bit). If CTS is off then F = 1. otherwise F = 0 Send a data byte from DS and get echo i nl5R Send a control word from D JE665 Program 100 'JE665 RS-232C SERIAL COMMUN.ICATION PROGRAM llQ'BY DAV.ID Ii NELSON 12~ 'SEPTEMBER 14, 1983 'CLEAR THE SCREEN 130 GOSUB 8000 1·40 CLEAR 1000 150 PRINT TAB(26).;"J.AMECO l!;LECTRONICS":PRINT 16,0 PRINT TAB(20) j"JE6.f)5 RS-232C INT.ERFACE'OPTION" : PRINT 170 PRINT TAB(21) j "SERIAL COMMUNICATION PROGR~":PRINT:PRINT 180 PRINT TAB.( 26) j "SEPTEMBER 14, 1983" 1,90 PRINT : PRINT: PRINT = PRINT : PRINT : PRINT 200 PRINT "INITIALIZING. " 210 '***** INITIALIZATION ***** 220 F$="GPLSVECX" 230 CS=2:SI$="16KDlt (2K x 8) EPROM active" 240·BA=28672 250 FOR X=BA TO BA+8192 260 POKE X,255 1270 NEXT X 280 DEF FNH$(X} = RIGHT$("00"+HEX$(PEEK(BA+X)),2) 300 'SELECT EPROM SIZE 'CLEAR SCREEN 310 GOSUB 8000 320 PRINT TAB(10)jSI$:PRINT (lK x 8)" 330 PRINT TAB(20)j"1 - 8Kbit 340 PRINT TAB(20);"2. - 16Kbit (2K x 8) " 350 PRINT TAB(20)j"3 - 32Kbit (4K x 8)" 360 PRINT TAB(20)j"4 - 64Kbit (8l( x 8)" 370 PRINT : PRINT : PRINT 380 PRINT" SELECT EPROM SIZE >"j 390A$=INPUT$(1) 400 IF A$=CHR$(13) THEN 500 410 CS=VAL(A$) 420 IF CS4 THEN 390 (IK x 8) EPROM active" 430 IF CS=l THEN SI$="8Kbit 440 IF CS=2 THEN SI$="16Kbit (2K x 8) EPROM active" 450 IF CS=3 THEN SI$="32Kbit (4K x 8 ) EPROM active" 460 IF CS=4 THEN SI$="64Kbit (8K x 8 ) EPROM active" 470 CS=INT«2 A CS)*2+.5) 500 '***** MAIN PROGRAM ***** 510 GOSUB 8000 'CLEAR SCREEN 520 PRINT TAB(20)j"« JE665 MAIN MENU »":PRINT 530 PRINT TAB(20);"G - GET DATA FROM DISK" 540 PRINT TAB(20)j"p - PUT DATA ON DISK" 650 PRINT TAB(20);"L - LOAD DATA FROM PROGRAMMER" 560 PRINT TAB(20);"S - SAVE DATA TO PROGRAMMER" 570 PRINT TAB(20);"V - VIEW DATA" 580 PRINT TAB(20)j"E - ENTER DATA" 590 PRINT TAB(20);"C - CHANGE EPROM SIZE" 600 PRINT TAB(20)j"X - EXIT THIS PROGRAM" PRINT 610 PRINT: PRINT: PRINT TAB(lO)jSI$ : PRINT 620 PRINT TAB(10)i"ENTER SELECTION >"j 630 S$=IN,PUT$ (1) 640 IF S$="C" THEN 300 650 FOR S=lT08 660 IF S$=MID$(F$,S,l) THEN 690 670 NEXT S 680 GOTO 630 690 ON S GOSUB 1000 , 2000 , 3000 , 4000 , 5000 , 6000 , 7000 , 7000 700 GOTO 500 1000 '***** GET DATA FROM DISK ***** 1010 GOSUB 8000 'CLEAR SCREEN 1020 PRINT TAB(10);"GET DATA FROM DISK":PRINT 1030 PRINT 'GET FILENAME· 1040 GOSUB 8100 1050 IF FI$="" THEN RETURN 'ERROR ROUTINE 1060 ON ERROR GOTO 8300 1070 OPEN nR",ll,FI$ 1080 FIELDIl,128 AS R$ 'NO MORE ERROR HANDLING 1090 ON ERROR GO TO 0 5 JE665 Program (continued) 1100 '1110 1120 1130 1140 1150 1160 1170 1180 1190 1200 1210 1220 1230 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100 2110 2120 2130 2140 2150 2160 2170 2180 2190 2200 2210 2220 2230 2240 3000 3010 3020 3030 3040 3050 3060 3070 30'80 3090 3100 3110 3120 3130 3140 3150 3160 3170 3180 3190 3200 3210 3220 3230 3240 3250 3260 3270 6 PRINT PRINT "GETTING DATA • • • " PRINT "[";TAB(CS*2);"]" FOR x = 1 TO CS*2 GET#l,X PRINT "*"; FOR y%=1 TO 128 POKE BA+(X-l)*128+Y%-1,ASC(MID$(R$,Y%,1» NEXT Y% NEXT X PRINT : PRINT PRINT "FUNCTION COMPLETE" CLOSE 1 RETURN '***** PUT DATA ON DISK ***** GOSUB 8000 'CLEAR SCREEN PRINT TAB(10);"PUT DATA ON DISK":PRINT PRINT 'GET FILENAME GOSUB 8100 IF FI$="" THEN RETURN 'ERROR ROUTINE ON ERROR GO TO 8300 OPEN "R",#l,FI$ FIELD#1,128 AS R$ ON ERROR GO TO 0 PRINT PRINT "PUTTING DATA " PRINT "[";TAB(CS*2);"]" FOR X=l TO CS*2 PRINT "*";:P$='''' FOR Y%=1 TO 128 P$=P$+CHR$(PEEK(BA+(X-l)*128+Y%-1» NEXT Y% LSET R$=P$ PUT#l,X NEXT X PRINT : PRINT PRINT "FUNCTION COMPLETE" CLOSE 1 RETURN '***** LOAD DATA FROM PROGRAMMER ***** GOSUB 8000 'CLEAR SCREEN PRINT TAB(10);"LOAD DATA FROM PROGRAMMER":PRINT PRINT 'SET UP PORT GOSUB 9000 'CHECK DSR LINE GOSUB 9100 IF F=l THEN 3100 PRINT "PRESS WHEN PROGRAMMER IS READY" A$=INPUT$(l):IF A$<>CHR$(13) THEN RETURN GOTO 3050 GOSUB 9200 'TOGGLE DTR LINE D=161:GOSUB ~500 'SEND CONTROL WORD Al NB=CS-l 'NUMBER OF BLOCKS - 1 Nl=NB:IF NB=31 THEN Nl=15 PRINT : PRINT "LOADING DATA " FOR X=O TO Nl D=168:GOSUB 9500 'SEND CONTROL WORD A8 FOR Y=O TO 255 DS=255:GOSUB 9400:POKE BA+X*256+Y,DR 'GET A BYTE NEXT'Y GOSUB9JOO 'CHECK CTS LINE IF ,F=O THEN PRINT "NO ACKNOWLEDGE FROM PROGRAMMER":A$=INPUT$(l):RETURN NEXT X IF NB<>31 THEN RETURN D=160:GOSUB9500 \SEND CONTROL WORD AO D=169:GOSUB 9500 'SEND CONTROL WORDA9 FOR X=O TO 15 FOR Y=O TO 255 JE665 Program (continued) 3280 3290 3300 3310 3320 3330 3340 3350 3360 3370 4000 4010 4020 4030 4040 4050 4060 4070 4080 4090 4100 4110 4120 4130 4140 4150 4160 4170 4180 4190 4200 4210 4220 4230 4240 4250 4260 4270 4280 4290 4300 4310 4320 4330 4340 4350 4360 4370 4380 4390 5000 5010 5020 5030 5040 5050 5060 5070 5080 5090 5100 5110 5120 5130 5140 5150 5160 DS=255 :GOSUB 9400-: POKE BA+4096+X*256+Y, DR 'GET A BYTE NEXT Y GOSUB 9300 'CHECK CTS LINE IF F=O THEN PRINT "NO ACKNOWLEDGE FROM PROGRAMMER":INPUT$(l):RETURN D=173:GOSUB 9 5 0 0' 'SEND CONTROL WORD AD NEXT X GOSUB 9200 'TOGGLE DTR LINE D=161:GOSUB 9500 'SEND CONTROL WORD Al D=168:GOSUB 9500 'SEND CONTROL WORD A8 RETURN '***** SAVE DATA TO PROGRAMMER ***** GOSUB 8000 'CLEAR SCREEN PRINT TAB(10);"SAVE DATA TOPROGRAMMER":PRINT PRINT GOSUB 9000 GOSUB 9100 'CHECK DSR LINE IF F=l THEN 4100 PRINT "PRESS WHEN PROGRAMMER IS READY" A$=INPUT$(l):IF A$<>CHR$(13) THEN RETURN GOTO 4050 GOSUB 9200 'TOGGLE DTR LINE D=161:GOSUB 9500 'SEND CONTROL WORD Al NB=CS-l 'NUMBER OF BLOCKS - 1 Nl=NB:IF NB=31 THEN Nl=15 PRINT : PRINT "SAVING DATA " FOR X=O TO Nl 'SEND CONTROL WORD AA D=170:GOSUB 9500 FOR Y=O TO 255 DS=PEEK(BA+X*256+Y):GOSUB 9400 IF DS<>DR THEN PRINT "VERIFY ERROR AT ";X*256+Y:A$=INPUT$(1):RETURN NEXT Y GOSUB 9300 'CHECK CTS LINE IF F=O THEN PRINT "NO ACKNOWLEDGE FROM PROGRAMMER":A$=INPUT$(l):RETURN NEXT X""'...e IF NB<>31 THEN RETURN 'SEND CONTROL WORD AO D=160:GOSUB 9500 D=171:GOSUB 9500 'SEND CONTROL WORD AB FOR X=O TO 15 FOR Y=O TO 255 DS=PEEK(BA+4096+X*256+Y):GOSUB 9400 IF DS<>DR THEN PRINT "VERIFY ERROR AT ";4096+X*256+Y:A$=INPUT$(1):RETURN NEXT Y GOSUB 9300 'CHECK CTS LINE IF F=O THEN PRINT "NO ACKNOWLEDGE FROM PROGRAMMER":INPUT$(l):RETURN D=175:GOSUB 9500 'SEND CONTROL WORD AF NEXT X GOSUB 9200 'TOGGLE DTR LINE D=161:GOSUB 9500 'SEND CONTROL WORD Al D=168:GOSUB 9500 'SEND CONTROL WORD A8 RETURN '***** VIEW DATA (~SCII AND HEX) ***** GOSUB 8000 'CLEAR SCREEN PRINT TAB(lO);"VIEW DATA (ASCII AND HEX) ":PRINT SA$="o-" INPUT "ENTER THE STARTING ADDRESS (0 TO IFFF) ";8A$ GOSUB 8400 'HEX TO DECIMAL IF SA>8191 THEN 5030 \ : II \ \ \ : \ \ \ \ US$="\· \ \ \ \ \ PRINT : PRINT PRINT "ADDR DATA HEX DATA ASCII" PRINT "---FOR X=lT016 AD$ RIGHT$("0000"+HEX$(SA),4) Hl$ = FNH$(SA)+FNH$(SA+l)*FNH$(SA+2)+FNH$(SA+3) H2$ FNH$(SA+4)+FNH$(SA+5)+FNH$(SA+6)+FNH$(SA+7) H3$ FNH$ (SA+8) +FNH$ (SA+9) +FNH$ (SA+lO) +FNH$ (.sA+11) H4$ FNH$(SA+12)+FNH$(SA+13)+FNH$(SA+l4)+FNH$(SA+l5) -------------------" 7 JE665 Program (continued) 5170 S'i80 '51~0 5200 5210 5220 5230 5240 5250 5260 5270 5280 5290 5300 5310 5320 5330 5340 6000 6010 6020 6030 6040 6050 6060 6070 6080 6090 6100 6110 6120 6130 6140 6150 6160 6170 6180 6190 6200 6210 6220 6230 6240 7000 7010 7020 7030 7040 7050 7060 8000 8010 8020 8030 8040 81.00 81J;O 8120 8130 8140 8150 8160 8170 8180 8190 8 Al$=h" : A2$="" FOR Y=O TO 7 A = PEEK (BA+SA+Y) . IF A<32 OR A>127 THEN A1$=Al$+"." ELSE A1$=A1$+CHR$1~) NEXT Y ". FOR Y=8 TO 15 A = PEEK (BA+SA+Y) IF A<32 OR A>127 THEN A2$=A2$+"." ELSE·A2$=A2$+CHR$(A) NEXT Y PRINT USING US$;AD$,Hl$,H2$,H3$,H4$,Al$,A2$ SA=SA+16 IF SA>=8192 THEN PRINT:PRINT "PRESS ANY KEY FOR MENUh;:A$=INPUT$(l):RETURN NEXT X PRINT : PRINT : PRINT . PRINT hPRESS TO CONTINUE - 'A' FOR NEW ADDRESS - ANY OTHER FOR MENU"; A$=INPUT$(l):IF A$=CHR$(13) THEN PRINT: GOTO 5080 IF A$=RA w THEN 5000 RETURN ,***.* ENTER DATA .**** GOSUB 8000 'CLEAR SCREEN PRINT TAB(10);"ENTER DATA":PRINT SA$="O" INPUT "ENTER THE STARTING ADDRESS (0 TO 1FFF) ";SA$ GOSUB 8400 'HEX TO DECIMAL IF SA>819T THEN 6030 AD=SA . AD$=RIGHT$ (,"OOOO"+HEX$ (AD) , 4) PRINT AD$; 0:"; . 1$="" INPUT 1$ IF 1$="0 THEN 6240 FOR X=l TO LEN(I$) IF MID$(I$,X,l)=" R THEN I$=LEFT$(I$,X-l1+RIGHT$(I$,LEN(I$)-X):GOTO 6140 NEXT X L=LEN(I$):IF L/2<>INT(L/2) THEN 6090 FOR Z=l TO L-1 STEP 2 SA$=MID$(I$,Z,2) GOSUB 8400 'HEX TO DECIMAL IF SA>255 THEN 6080 POK.E BASE+AD,SA : AD=AD+l IF AD>8191 THEN 6030 NEXT·Z GOTO 6080 RETURN 'EXIT THIS PROGRAM PRINT : PRINT : PRINT PRINT RARE YOU READY TO EXIT (YIN)?"; IF INPUT$(l)<>"Y" THEN RETURN GOSUB 8000 'CLEAR SCREEN PRINT TAB(55);"THANK YOU" GOTO 9999 'CLEAR THE SCREEN FOR ZZ=l TO 25 PRINT NEXT ZZ RETURN 'GET A FILENAME OR ERROR GO TO 8500 PRINT: PRINT "DIRECTORY:" FILES "*.ROM" PRINT PRINT FI$="R INPUT RENTER THE NAME OF THE FILE ";FI$ LF = LEN(FI$) CL = INSTR(FI$,R:") IF CL<>O AND CL<>2 THEN 8140 IF CL=O AND LF>8 THEN 8140 IF LF>10 THEN 8140 JE665 Program (continued) 8200 8210 8220 8230 8240 8250 8260 8300 8310 8320 8330 8340 8350 8400 8410 8420 8430 8440 8450 8460 8470 8500 8510 8520 PD = INSTR(FI$,".") IF PD>O THEN 8140 IF LF<1 THEN FI$="" RETURN FI$ = FI$+".ROM" PRINT ON ERROR GOTO 0 RETURN 'ERROR HANDLING IF ERR=53 THEN PRINT, "**** FILE NOT FOUND ****":CLOSE 1:RESUME 1030 IF ERR=61 THEN PRINT "**** DISK FULL ****":CLOSE I:RESUME 2030 IF ERR=67 THEN PRINT "**** DIRECTORY FULL ****":CLOSE 1:RESUME 2030 PRINT "ERROR NUMBER ";ERR;" AT LINE ";ERL :STOP RETURN 'HEX TO DECIMAL (SA$ TO SA) SA=O FOR X=1 TO LEN(SA$) FOR Y=O TO 15 IF MID$(SA$,X,l)=HEX$(Y) THEN SA=SA*16+Y NEXT Y NEXT X RETURN 'HANDLE "NO FILES" IF ERR=53 THEN PRINT "NO EPROM FILES" RESUME NEXT 9000 9010 9020 9030 9040 9050 9060 9070 9100 9110 9120 9130 9200 9210 9220 ,9230 9300 9310 9320 9330 9400 9410 9420 9430 9440 9450 9460 9500 9510 9520 9530 9999 'SET UP THE RS 232 PORT P=5*16+8 'SET P TO PORT ADDRESS OUT P+T,128+8+4+2+1 'GET'READY FOR BAUD MVISOR OUT P,12:~T P+1,0 'S~ND BAUD DIVISOR OUT P+3,8+4+2+1 'SET 8 BITS,2 STOP BITS, ODD PARITY OUT P+5,0 'RESET FLAGS Oll'!' P+1,0 'DISABLE ALL INTERRUPTS RETURN 'CHECK DSR LINE (PROGRAMMER READY) F=O IF (INP(p+6)AND32)=32 THEN F=l 'DSR BIT IS ON RETURN 'TOGGLE DTR LINE (SIGNAL "COMPUTER READY") OUT P+4,INP(P+4)AND254 'TURN DTR BIT OFF OUT P+4,INP(P+4)ORl 'TURN DTR BIT BACK ON RETURN 'CHECK CTS LINE (PROGRAMMER ACKNOWLEDGE) F=O IF (INP(P+6)AND16)<>16 THEN F=1 'CTS BIT IS OFF RETURN 'SEND DATA BYTE 'DS - DATA SEND DR - DATA RECEIVE IF (INP(P!f.5)AND32)<>32 THEN 9420 'WAIT FOR TX REG EMPTY OUT P,DS 'SEND THE BYTE IF (INP(P+5)AND 1)<> 1 THEN 9440 'WAIT FOR DATA READY DR = INP(P) 'GET THE ECHO RETURN 'SEND CONTROL WORD 'D -., CONTROL WORD OUT P:D'tl. b '7, 'SEND I,T OUT RETURN END 9 JE665 Program Modification In order for the JE665 Program to work properly on your computer it will need to be modified. This is necessary due to the different hardware configurations available. The first step is to locate an unused RS·232C port and determine which chip your computer uses as an interface for that port. You should be able to find this information in the computer's documentation. If not, you may ask your computer dealer or contact the customer support department of your computer manufacturer. The chip will likely be one of the more popular ones such as: 8250 8251 ACE USART Asynchronous Communications Element Universal Synchronousl Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Z80 Z80 2651 SIO DART PCI Serial Input/Output controller Dual Asynchronous ReceiverlTransmitter Programmable Communications Interface In any case you will need some information on how to program it. The JE665 Program uses the 8250 ACE as an example. . Now you need to know where (what port address) your interface chip is located. This will be important for programming. The base address should be in the range from 0 to 254. If you have a 16 bit computer this number may be higher. There will be two or more addresses for the chip. The 8250 uses six addresseS. At least one of these will be a transmit and/or receive register and at least one other will be a status and/or control register. In the chip specifications you should locate the registers and particular bits that indicate and control each of the following: DTR - Data Terminal Ready (computer ready) DSR - Data Set Ready (programmer ready) . CTS - Clear to Send (programmer acknowledge) These lines are individually monitored and controlled by the JE665 program. 10 The program lines that you will need to modify will be in the range from 9000 to 9999. No other changes should be needed. . • Lines 9000 through 9070 set up the RS-232C port for the correct characteristics. They set the baud rate to 9600, the number of data bits to 8, the number of stop bits to 2, and set odd parity. They also reset all of the flags and turn off any interrupt modes the port may have. Line 9010 tells the program that the base address of the port chip is 58H (88 decimal). You should change all of these lines to set up your chip. If you have an 8250 then the only change necessary should be setting P to the correct base address in line 9010. Remember that these modifications need not agree line for line with the sample program but only that each complete routine does its particular task in any way possible. Some computers may require that you set up the port from hardware rather than software. In this case it may be necessary to move some jumpers or change a DIP switch or two. Instructions for this will be found in your hardware manuals. • The DSR (Data Set Ready) line is checked in lines 9100 to 9130. If the DSR bit is in the proper state (1) then F is set to 1, otherwise it is set to O. Line 9120 does all the work here. It checks the DSR bit (bit 5) of the status register on the 8250 chip. To check any bit (0-7) of a register you can use the general statement I F (I N P(REGADDR) AN D (2 A BIT)) = (2 A BIT) TH EN ... This will be true if BIT is a 1. If you want to check that a bit is 0, replace the" =" \/\lith a • "< >" Lines 9200 to 9230 toggle the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) line to 0 and then back to 1. They do this by turning the DTR bit of the control register off and then back on. To turn any particular bit off use the statement OUT REGADDR,INP(REGADDR) AND (256-2 A BIT) and to turn any bit on use OUT REGADDR,INP(REGADDR) OR (2A BIT) Change lines 9210 and 9220 to reflect your register locations and bit numbers. • The CTS (Clear to Send) bit is checked in line 9320 of the CHECK CTS LINE routine. If it is correct (off) then F is set to 1, otherwise it is set to O. This routine starts at line 9300 and ends at line 9330. Change line 9320 to reflect your chip address and bit location. 11 • The routine that actually sends the data over the RS·232C link is from 9400 to 9460. DS is the data to be sent. line 9420 waits for the transmitter (TX) buffer to be empty and then line 9430 sends DS to the transmitter buffer which takes care of the rest of the transmission. Line 9340 similarly waits for the receiver (RX) buffer to be full and then line 9350 reads the echoed data into DR. Once again, these lines should be changed to reflect the proper addresses and bits for your chip. • The final routine that needs to be modified is very similar to the previous routine. D is the control word to be sent. It is output to the transmitter register in line 9350. Congratulations! You have finished the modifications to the JE665 Program. You can now save it as "JE665." You can then proceed to USING THE JE665 PROGRAM. 12 Using the JE665 Program Now you are ready to begin using the JE665 and the JE665 Program. Your first step is to be sure that the JE664 Programmer is set up correctly. You should connect your RS-232C cable between the programmer and the port on your computer. There are two distinct members in an RS-232C link: the DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) and the DCE (Data Communication Equipment). They are distinguished by the locations of the signals on the connector. Some computers act as DTE and some act as DCE. Others are hardware selectable. The JE665 is DTE. You must be sure that all of the signals from the computer go to the proper lines on the JE665. Check the hardware manual for your port and be sure that the DTR signal goes to pin 20 of the JE665, CTS goes to pin 5, etc. You can change signals by pushing the pins out and swapping them on one end of the RS-232C cable. Some common signal swaps are the transmit and receive lines (pins 2 and 3) and the DTR and DSR lines (pins 20 and 6). After the cable is connected with the proper lines, be sure that the programmer is plugged in and turned on. Set the mode switch to /KEYBDI and the IPRGM PULSES/RS 2321 switch to IRS-2321. Also be sure the IWRITE ENABLEI switch is off. Now invoke the program by typing MBASIC JE665 A log-on message will indicate that the program is initializing. Next a menu will appear asking for the size of EPROM you will be working with. This may easily be changed later. Press the number of your choice. Now the main menu will appear. It will allow you to load data from the programmer or from disk and to save data to the programmer or to disk. It will also allow you to view the data presently in computer RAM and to enter new data. These options give you the flexibility to store, retrieve and modify EPROM data. For the Enter Data option, when the address appears enter the data in groups of two hex digits by spaces. Enter a blank line to return to the main menu. This same technique will return you from a disk command. ~Et(>arated The rest of the program is self explanatory. Simply press the letter of your selection and answer any questions that may be asked. If an error message appears just press any key to return to the main menu. When you are through with the program, select option X and answer Y when asked if you are ready to exit. You have added a new dimension to using the JE664 EPROM Programmer. We hope you enjoy this new flexibility. 13 ..... r----------~ - 20 1 - READY (OTR) !'1i\13~~1~1______________________________________________________________________________________- . ~ r'((N'\ RI~ R~O S~I -=- WJ4IQ-I_J\'Y.j)'V~..JWv\r--H~ REC 2 1~~3~+-~ I 2B R21 'v XMTR 3 1----'5' .~ I~ ! !, 5~ ~EADY (oSR) 3 11 5C ~ , 111 1413 32 31 30 29 26 26 20 n -=- ~ ~I J rr -=- R7 410 aF- -=- ,I. 3B 1 1 l.J: 15ue'P "Qj!!8________-+-________________- , 1A C,1i2 ~'~'~~------------------++. 10 sD--J 1......--~8' I~ ~ ,--------1f-J'Wv\-----------------_+-------4If-------------, 1 + SV >R2 ----'2J 4B R6 +~~~ n: a I~ ~ I ~CR4'~ ~~_+--~--+_--~_4--_+--~----~~:~~_3_AJ4 5 ?R19 1C4 1,----------------T-----=3~6AA C==k..--:"'- 7 2 SF 1 "~ ~6~ 1 v 140 I 1B .--- I ~4 4 +TR 17 \l-_-'---+-+-++++--~ ,~ alc J ,----+--+-f---J ~. I L - J I 14 10 60) 11 210~3-------+--_+---+---__--~_+--+--4_------------~ 4 3D 18 7 ~17 J1 'Y C5 R4 1aue 11 11 TR ,12 1~ RIa CI t_ f" I D4A R5V~~L;9C -LC6 18 27 .4 ROAR 33 10 10 9____ 12 ERROR PARITY CK DATA AVJ\AA t 40 2 :3 -=~ ~ ~lofl---'2;:.;--~2';-:--2:O::;---T2U:-~8--2;:":,.-..;2,,..,~,...-;:;~'"""--'2~102~ lDS 5B I S Ne 153.8KHz 17 -=- 3 RI -A.JV\r + SV UART 8 • 20 4 J\~9A 8~;~ vv +1 Vg;3 '/ I 6 III 134383738 +SV (CTS' AC,K \ +t V '1'0 91 _____~_J---t--~--~~--_+--~--------------------~'~'~'root4~cK~IR~a~4~·~_+'~ 3 D2 .--_ _ _ _--"'-"1 a2 "'4'--_+~---+---+-~------------+-~W-_+_+-l CR3 ~6 7">-7------l---+---+--4_--+-~~_+---+------------' r ______--"~4 01 U11 all!'!a'---l-'2_ _+-. 12 03 a3~ a T8 12 4 7~5----_4--_+--~--+---~_+--~---+-------------~ 2 ~' ~2 7~3------+--_+---+---+---l-_+--+--~----------------- r 3~0 6B 10 20 11 .. 1 -:-'=- +SV 8 ~ 7 • 5 4 3 I 1 (TO PRGM BO J4) 4 11 ::::\12 o ~ h313J~14 UART DATA CONN J1 hI 1if:] 11 ~12lho 1'1 ,"CR5 13 tJ14 1 If'! L ___~ 7 • 3 I 1 2 .-:~ ~> - 1 I +5V :> ,>'" R13 ,• Rl2R15;> >R16 • > ~ 1 8 8 7 7 1 I I 3 ~3______-I-+-'-----f, 11 r-\:;Cx>·!!.-+----!.fiLJ'~~o--f.LJil~L:~:~:: L:~: 3 13 "f,-ll~. I S '712 13 11 11 SV Rll +lt a~~_r_~~~~_r--~~~~f1'~~lLt--1_r--t_~r---'v~--C~~~6~.~~ 8 P '1'C9 ,1,. ~ J IW - r:F.:l: j[c3 ca I -=- -=- I,V 2u. +SV ,h~ OIR • > +8V ~R141r CCiz~ ITO . . . . .O,,, 'L[ tV l" to" UART CONTROL CONN 1",2_ _>---, J2 1 4 SG -r ~~~~~~--~~~~--~~~~--~ (FROM HEX KEYBO) 4 tL--________ KEYBOARD CONN 1 ~J3~________J1~2------------~ NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 1. REFER TO COMPONENT MATERIAL LIST FOR FULL COMPONENT VALUES AND DESCRIPTION. 2. SEE ASSEMBLY DRAWING FOR PLACEMENT OF COMPONENTS. Appendix B - ~ P ~2 - P I ~ ~~~ I ih P U----', '----p ,Cffi~I--_~_-+-€)I --04lm:r ~~
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