FLA 1001 W July 29

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ISSUE 16 ISSN: 1080-0263
Official Publication of the Slovene National Benefit Society
In This Issue
Up-and-Coming Calendar of Events ......... 2
Slovenska Stran ........................................ 4
PROSVETA Crossword Puzzle ................. 5
SNPJ Recommender Coupon ................... 6
SNPJ Fraternal Sympathies ...................... 7
Born April 14, 2014
Lodge 41 welcomes Tori Ann Raspotnik as
their newest member. Tori is the daughter
of Albert Raspotnik (41) and Leslie Gentile,
and the granddaughter of Barbara Dow-
ling, and John and JoAnn Raspotnik (41).
We welcome Tori to the Slovene National
Benefit Society and extend our best wishes
to her entire family.
Miss SNPJ 2016
(138) receives her
crown from Miss
SNPJ 2015 
VEHAR (138).
The 2016 Miss SNPJ Pageant Court: [from left] Miss Activity 2016  (138),
Miss Talent and Miss SNPJ 2016  (138), and Miss Fraternalism 2016
 (216).
We welcome Miss SNPJ 2016
SNPJ Fraternal Director
IMPERIAL, Pa. — Greetings from the Frater-
nal Department. I hope everybody had a great
time this year during the Miss SNPJ Pageant
and Slovenefest 2015.
Activity for the Miss SNPJ Pageant opened
with the talent competition in The Alpine Room
on Friday, July 10. The Alpine Room looked
spectacular and the talent was outstanding.
Many special guests were in attendance at
Slovenefest on Saturday, and the Miss SNPJ
Pageant contestants and committee members
attended a special reception with the SNPJ
National Board, the Ambassador of the Re-
public of Slovenia Dr. Božo Cerar, Slovenian
Consul General Mr. Jure Žmauc, and Honorary
Consul of Slovenia based in Pittsburgh Sis.
Petra Mitchell (782). We also introduced all
of the pageant contestants on the Slovenefest
performance stages.
Slovenefest marked Mr. Žmauc’s last ofcial
appearance as consul general, and National
President Joseph Evanish presented Jure with
the key to the Borough of SNPJ during a special
ceremony held Saturday afternoon at the Inter-
national Pavilion. It has been an honor to know
Jure and his family, and to call them friends.
Good luck, Jure, wherever your road leads you.
The Sunday program featuring the introduc-
tion of our Miss SNPJ contestants and Miss SNPJ
2015 Nicole Vehar was also held in The Alpine
Room. Bro. Vince Rigler (449) performed the
National Anthem, and Monika Mavek from
Murski Val performed the Slovenian national
anthem. The mayor of the Borough of SNPJ,
Pa., Bro. Gerald Sankovich (770), presented a
proclamation honoring the Miss SNPJ Pageant
and Slovenefest weekend.
All former Miss SNPJs were invited to the
stage by our reigning Miss SNPJ, Nicole Vehar.
It’s great to see these ladies return to support
the Miss SNPJ Pageant program and crowning.
Immediately afterward, Miss SNPJ 2015
Nicole Vehar delivered her farewell address.
Nicole has been active not only on the local
level at Lodge 138, but with the programs at the
SNPJ Recreation Center as well. I am condent
that we will see Nicole participating in SNPJ
SEE 
Lodge 776 hosting
youth fishing tournament
Lodge 776 will hold its annual youth
shing tournament at the SNPJ Recreation
Center on Aug. 9 from noon until 2 p.m.
The tournament is open to children age
16 and under. A social will follow the
tournament at 2 p.m., followed by a regular
meeting. All members are urged to attend.
Lodge 776 Recording Secretary
Aug. 10 meeting slated
for the Western Pa. Fed
STRABANE, Pa. — The Slovene Feder-
ation of SNPJ Lodges of Western Pa. will
hold a meeting Monday, Aug. 10, begin-
ning at 7 p.m. at Lodge 138 in Strabane.
We welcome any and all members to join
us for this meeting. Please come and share
your ideas, thoughts and friendship with
your Federation. We hope to see some
new faces.
 (33)
Federation Secretary
Lodge 31 members to
discuss holiday dinner
SHARON, Pa. — The next meeting of
SNPJ Lodge 31 will be held Tuesday, Aug.
11, starting at 7 p.m. at the Slovenian Hall,
1037 Baldwin Ave. in Sharon. Please park
in the lot and walk up the handicap ramp.
Our holiday dinner honoring members and
other Lodge business will be discussed.
For information contact Barb Bogolin
before 10 p.m. at (724) 347-1197.
Lodge 31 Secretary
The next two PROSVETA issue dates
are Aug. 19 and Sept. 2. All material
must be received by Friday, Aug. 7, for
the Aug. 19 issue, and by Friday, Aug.
21, for the Sept. 2 issue. If you are
concerned about making the deadline,
send an e-mail to prosveta@snpj.com
or submit your material via the publica-
tions area of our website, www.snpj.org.
Lodge 686 has August
meeting on their agenda
WEST ALLIS, Wis. — August greet-
ings to all members of Lodge 686. Our
next meeting will be held Friday, Aug.
21, beginning at 7 p.m. We meet at the
Bevsek-Verbick Funeral Home, 10210 W.
Lincoln Ave., in the lower level meeting
room. Contact me at (414) 543-4429 or
e-mail cak923@gmail.com if you have
any questions.
Lodge 686 Secretary/Treasurer
SNPJ Fraternal Director
IMPERIAL, Pa. — The Fraternal Department and the
SNPJ Recreation Center invite all of our members to the
SNPJ Recreation Center during Labor Day weekend, Sept.
4-6, as we celebrate the 76th National SNPJ Days.
For those of you who like to start your weekend early
by arriving at the Recreation Center on Thursday, the
Gostilna will be open the evening of Sept. 3.
The weekend will kick off on Friday evening, Sept.
4, with a welcome reception sponsored by the Slovenian
Heritage Center from 7 to 8 p.m. The reception will be
followed by a welcome party in the Gostilna featuring
music by the Brigita Šuler Ansambel from Slovenia.
Saturday, Sept. 5, will start early as our golfers arrive
at Stonecrest Golf Course to compete in the 70th National
SNPJ Golf Tournament, which will begin with a shotgun
start at 9 a.m. We have a special hole-in-one prize of
$5,000 on one of the par-3 holes. Participants will have a
chance at many other nice prizes and, of course, all golfers
are eligible to win the many door prizes that have been
donated by our suppliers.
The golfers will return to the SNPJ Recreation Center
Celebrate National Days to cap off your summer
The  from Slovenia will perform Friday, Sept. 4, in the Gostilna
at the SNPJ Recreation Center for the National SNPJ Days welcome party.
SEE 
Lodge 604
KIRTLAND, Ohio — As a friendly re-
minder, the Utopians Lodge 604 picnic
is scheduled Aug. 9 at the SNPJ Farm in
Kirtland. Music will be provided by the
Ron Likovic Band with Utopians member
R.J. on drums.
The Utopians will once again be offering
a $2 reduction on the gate admission with
the donation of a non-perishable food item
or a monetary donation for the Cleveland
Food Bank. Items such as tuna, peanut butter,
cereal, etc., are always welcome.
The Utopians are trying something new
this year on the food menu: doughnut ham-
burgers/cheeseburgers and doughnut hot
dogs. We will have the usual food items
Utopians Lodge
preparing for
Aug. 9 picnic
SEE 
August 5, 2015
Ofce hours are Monday -Thursday, 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m.; Fridays 7:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
NatioNal PresideNt
NatioNal secretary
NatioNal treasurer
sNPJ NatioNal Board
 568 Lang
Road, Sewickley, PA 15143
                2400 Derby Road,
Birmingham, MI 48009
   183 Wylie Ave.,
Strabane, PA 15363
 9519 Evergreen
Lane, Fontana, CA 92335
e-mail: pwoodhcs@aol.com
              1001 Grandview Ave.,
Apt. 903, Bridgeville, PA 15017
 6308 Highland Rd.,
Highland Heights, OH 44143
   1255 McCaslin Rd.,
Imperial, PA 15126
 25 Willow
Crossing Rd., Greensburg, PA 15601
 503 Orchard
St., Carnegie, PA 15106
 712 Fiddlers
Way, Painesville, OH 44077
     1014
Edgewood Dr., Royal Oak, MI 48067
                    1116 Ber kley
Lane, Lemont, IL 60439
     13592 On-
kayha Cir., Irvine, CA 92620
SNPJ Recreation Center
web site: www.snpjrec.com
e-mail: snpj@snpjrec.com
1-800-843-7675 (THE SNPJ)
associate editor:
Subscription rate is $8 per year for non-SNPJ
members in the United States (Fla. subscrib-
ers, please add 6 percent sales tax). Canadian
and foreign subscriptions, $50 per year.
Advertising information available by writing
our ofce. Material concerning the ofcial
workings of the Slovene National Benet So -
ciety is given publication priority. Unsolicited
manuscripts returned only if a self-addressed,
stamped envelope is enclosed.
Postmaster: Send all address changes to:
(Issued biweekly on Wednesday)
(USPS 448-080)
(ISSN 1080-0263)
Type of Event
If a concert or dance, who is
Who to contact
Phone ( )
Complete and return to:
247 W. Allegheny Road
Imperial, PA 15126-9774
e-mail: prosveta@snpj.com
Have something for
A look at events planned by the Slovene National Benet Society
AUG. 7-8 .....Fraternal Weekend at the SNPJ
Recreation Center. Friday night music
provided by the W. Pa. Button Box Club
at 8 p.m. Saturday dance will feature the
Don Wojtila Orchestra from 4-5:30 and
7-8:30, and the Eddie Rodick Orchestra
from 5:30-7 and 8:30-10. For details con-
tact Fraternal Director Kevin Richards
at 1-800-843-7675 ext. 144, or e-mail
AUG. 9 ........Annual Utah Slovenian Day Picnic
sponsored by Lodges 113, 689 and 757 at
Price City Washington Park; noon-5 p.m.
For more information contact Joanne
Lessar at (435) 637-6925.
AUG. 9 ........Matt & Stephan’s Polka Picnic at the
Evanstown Picnic Grove, Herminie, Pa.;
1-6 p.m. Button box music and more. For
more information contact Matt Sepesy
at (724) 331-4329.
AUG. 9 ........Fontana, Calif., Lodge 723 jam ses-
sion at the Fontana Slovene Hall; 2-6
p.m. Open to all musicians. For details
contact Frank Rote at (909) 987-8714 or
AUG. 9 ........Utopians Lodge 604 picnic at the
SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, Ohio. Donut ham-
burgers and cheeseburgers, hot dogs
and usual fare available at 2 p.m. Music
by the Ron Likovic Band from 3-7. For
more information phone Gerri Trebets
at (440) 951-9611.
AUG. 13 ......Imperial, Pa., Lodge 106 bar bingo
in the Lodge 106 clubroom. Early bird
games begin at 6:30, regular games at
7. The kitchen will be open. For details
contact the Lodge at (724) 695-1411 or
AUG. 16 ......Chicago District Federation dinner
dance at the Slovenian Catholic Center,
Lemont, Ill. For details contact Marianne
Murray at (773) 582-2632.
AUG. 16 ......CAL picnic at the SNPJ Farm,
Kirtland, Ohio. Music by Eddie Rodick.
Grilled hamburgers and cheeseburgers
will be served. For more information,
phone Rick Gorjup at (440) 354-5001.
AUG. 16 ......Fontana, Calif., Lodge 723 dance at
the Fontana Slovene Hall; 2-6 p.m. Music
by the Frank Rote Orchestra. For details
contact Frank Rote at (909) 987-8714 or
AUG. 16 ......Herminie, Pa., Lodge 87 Slovenian
Luau dinner dance in the Crystal Ball-
room; 2-6 p.m. Music by The Vibrations.
Advance reservations are required. For
more information contact Shirley Bailley
at (724) 864-1606.
AUG. 16-22 .... Senior Week at the SNPJ Recre-
ation Center, Borough of SNPJ, Pa. For
information contact the SNPJ Recreation
Center toll-free at 1-877-767-5732.
AUG. 22 ......Strabane, Pa., Lodge 138 hosts
Eddie Rodick in the outdoor pavilion;
6-10 p.m. For details phone the Lodge
138 clubroom at (724) 745-9860.
AUG. 23 ......Mikey Dee’s Polka Picnic at the
Evanstown Picnic Grove, Herminie,
Pa.; 1-6 p.m. Music by Mikey Dee and
The Polka Quads. For details contact
MaryAnn Bebar at (724) 668-7394.
AUG. 23 ......Fairport Harbor, Ohio, Lodge 355
picnic at the SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, Ohio.
Dinner service begins at 2 p.m. with
music by the Bob Kravos Band at 3. For
more information contact Lee Jackopin
at (440) 943-3170.
AUG. 27 ......Imperial, Pa., Lodge 106 bar bingo
in the Lodge 106 clubroom. Early bird
games begin at 6:30, regular games at
7. The kitchen will be open. For details
contact the Lodge at (724) 695-1411 or
AUG. 30 ......Jack Tady’s Polka Picnic at the
Evanstown Picnic Grove, Herminie,
Pa.; 1-6 p.m. Music by the Jack Tady
Bears and Guys & Dolls. For additional
information contact MaryAnn Bebar at
(724) 668-7394.
AUG. 30 ......Cleveland Lodge 142 picnic at the
SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, Ohio; 1 p.m. Music
by the Wayne Tomsic Orchestra. For
more information phone Martha Meglich
at (440) 884-5043.
SEPT. 4-6 ....76th National SNPJ Days weekend
at the SNPJ Recreation Center, Borough
of SNPJ, Pa. Welcome party in the
Gostilna Friday, Sept. 4; FREE National
Days Picnic at the lower pavilion Sunday,
Sept. 6, from 2-8 p.m. For additional
information contact Fraternal Director
Kevin Richards at 1-800-843-7675 ext.
144, or e-mail krichards@snpj.com.
SEPT. 7 .......Val Pawlowskis Labor Day Dance
at the SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, Ohio; 1-7
p.m. Performances by Frank Stanger
and Eddie Rodick. A pig roast and ethnic
foods will be available.
SEPT. 10 .....Imperial, Pa., Lodge 106 bar bingo
in the Lodge 106 clubroom. Early bird
games begin at 6:30, regular games at
7. The kitchen will be open. For details
contact the Lodge at (724) 695-1411 or
SEPT. 13 .....Imperial, Pa., Lodge 106 Black &
Gold car cruise at Lodge 106; noon-4
p.m. Join us for the Steelers season
opener. For additional information
contact the Lodge at (724) 695-1411 or
SEPT. 20 ...... Westmoreland Co. Federation
Grape Festival at the Evanstown Picnic
Grove, Herminie, Pa.; 1-6 p.m. Music by
Frank Stanger Orchestra and George
Suhon Duo. For additional information
contact MaryAnn Bebar by calling (724)
SEPT. 24 ...... Imperial, Pa., Lodge 106 bar bingo
in the Lodge 106 clubroom. Early bird
games begin at 6:30, regular games at 7.
The kitchen will be open. For additional
information contact the Lodge by phone
at (724) 695-1411 or e-mail snpj106@
OCT. 25 ........Detroit Lodge 564 annual Grape
Dance at the Slovenian American Club,
Melvindale, Mich. Doors open at noon.
Dinner served at 1 p.m. with dancing
from 2-6.
Membership Booth drawing winners
32" Samsung TV ........................... , Roseville, Mich.
FinePix XP80 Camera........, Austinburg, Ohio
Punk Wireless Speaker ............ , Lawrence, Pa.
Heavy Duty Watering Set .... , North Lima, Ohio
Magic Bullet Deluxe ........... , Kirkwood, N.Y.
LED Solar Lights ..........., New Middletown, Ohio
Marshall Headphones ................, Canonsburg, Pa.
GPS ........................................................., Pittsburgh
$50 Visa Card ....................... , Hambden, Ohio
(Winning Guess: 333; Actual Total: 332)
Lodge 559 Secretary/Treasurer
CHICAGO — On May 25, the Chicago
District Federation hosted a memorial service
honoring those buried in the SNPJ section of
Woodlawn Cemetery. This marked the 81st
annual service. Wow, what a tradition! As
quoted from the program booklet:
“It has been 80 years since we gathered here
together for the rst time to pay our respects
and share memories. It became a tradition to
feature two speakers on the program, one to
speak in Slovene and one in English. In 1962
the men’s Slovene Singing Society, Prešeren,
became a part of our program until 1986,
when they disbanded. Beginning in 2011, we
have been fortunate to have local Boy Scouts
give the opening ag presentation. Also, the
men’s chorus Zbor Spendov became part of
our program in 2011.
“The Federation and Woodlawn Cemetery
worked together to bring about the special Slo-
vene Section. It was through the efforts of Oscar
Godina (559) that we now have a Memorial
Stone. Ron Zefran (559) aided those efforts by
conferring with the cemetery, the stone cutter
and the monument designer. Also, the SNPJ
gave us a generous donation. The Memorial
Stone was dedicated in a ceremony on July 16,
1992. A program booklet is printed each year
listing the names and dates of those buried at
Woodlawn. Names are added as burials occur,
and some names have been removed because
of mistakes in information.
Federation President Edward Dabrowski
(449) emceed this year’s memorial service.
This year marked the ninth time that Dr. Janez
Vidmar (559), Honorary Consul of the Republic
Honorary Consul Dr. 
 (559) addressing the crowd at the
Memorial Day services.
Chicago Federation continues
Memorial Day service tradition
The Zbor
men’s choir
a few songs
during the
81st annual
Day services
held May 25
in Woodlawn
of Slovenia in this area, spoke to the group in
both Slovenian and English.
The service was followed by a gathering for
lunch at Czech Plaza Restaurant. As always,
the food was great and we especially enjoyed
the musical entertainment supplied by Vince
Rigler (449) and his accordion. Slovenian
music makes us all smile!
Our thanks go out to Jean Cherway (559)
for making the service arrangements with
Woodlawn Cemetery, to Grace Doerk (559)
for helping prepare the program booklet and
keeping it up-to-date, and to Edward Dabrow-
ski (449) for taking the photos.
Next year’s Memorial Day service will
be held once again in the SNPJ section of
Woodlawn Cemetery on May 30, 2016. Come
out and share in a great day, fraternalism and
great food!
by RICK GORJUP (158)
CAL President
KIRTLAND, Ohio — Now that summer is nally here,
the weather has been much more enjoyable for everyone.
The Cleveland Athletic League (CAL) is hosting their
annual summer picnic at the SNPJ Farm in Kirtland on
Sunday, Aug. 16. We will be cooking hot dogs and
hamburgers on the grill, and serving a pasta bake, sausage
dinners, roast beef dinners, and sandwiches.
The Eddie Rodick Orchestra will be performing on
the bandstand for your enjoyment. The balina courts and
bean bag boards will be available for play. Come out and
have a great day with family and friends to eat, dance and
enjoy the afternoon.
Join CAL for some
fun at the SNPJ Farm
available as well, and for the faint of heart we will also
have regular buns for the hamburgers/cheeseburgers and
hot dogs.
Our Lodge is proud of members Ally Perdan, who
sang the Slovenian national anthem during the Slovene
Heritage Night with the Lake County Captains baseball
game, while R.J. helped hold up the Slovenian ag prior to
the game. Later in the evening, member Kathleen Trebets
played “Slovene Trivia” and answered all the questions
correctly. Well done, everyone!
Utopians adding a twist
to their Farm picnic menu
by AMY MAVRICH (138)
SNPJ Trailer Court Civic Assoc.
SNPJ Trailer Court Civic Association
will hold its annual balina tourna-
ment Saturday, Aug. 22. Sign-up will
take place at 11 a.m. with the games
beginning at noon. This will be a
single-elimination tournament.
Beef brisket, chicken, roasted
potatoes, green beans almondine and
corn on the cob will be served in the
barn starting at 4 p.m. We ask that
you please bring a munchie to share at
the balina court, or a dessert for after
dinner. This is one of the best parties
of the year and everyone always has
a great time!
It’s never too late to join the SNPJ
Trailer Court Civic Association.
President Rowland Hudson, Vice
President Joyce Hudson, Treasurer
Sonny Jurkowski and Secretary Amy
Mavrich encourage everyone with a
trailer at the SNPJ Recreation Center
to become a Civic Association mem-
ber. Dues are $20 per person for the
season, and children 16 and under are
free. Come and join us; we always
have too much fun!
Until next time, see ’ya at the
Gostilna or Tiki Bar!
Annual balina tournament up next for the SNPJ Trailer Court
from the
August 5, 2015
Important figures to consider...
29%... people who would purchase more
life insurance if they were asked
62%... people who own coverage, but don’t
know what they have or why they have it
82%... people who are under-insured
If your coverage is over 5 years old,
contact SNPJ for a policy review.
SNPJ Marketing Department
SNPJ Loyalty Annuities
Your loyalty with SNPJ is now being rewarded!
Contact the SNPJ Home Oce at 1-800-843-7675
and open your new SNPJ Loyalty Annuity TODAY!
* Rates are not guaranteed aer the rst year.
* Guaranteed minimum interest rate of 2.0%.
* No fees are aached to either Loyalty annuity.
* The SNPJ Century 8 Annuity is earning 3.25%; the Century 5 Annuity is earning
3.0%. Century series annuies issued prior to 2012 are earning 3.0%
3.5% Loyalty 8 Annuity
3.5% rst-year guarantee rate
3.25% in years two through eight
3.0% in year nine and aer
3.75% rst-year Loyalty Rate
for conversions
3.0% Loyalty 5 Annuity
3.0% rst-year guarantee rate
3.0% in years two through ve
3.0% in year six and aer
3.25% rst-year Loyalty Rate
for conversions
Slovene National Benefit Society
247 West Allegheny Road
Imperial, PA
Central bank warns of
counterfeit U.S. bills
LJUBLJANA (STA) — Slovenia’s
central bank has advised caution after
one of the banks in Slovenia issued two
counterfeit $100 bills of very good qual-
ity to a customer.
The warning comes after a branch
of Deželna banka Slovenije issued two
$100 bills to a customer. According to an
article in the daily Večer newspaper, the
man realized the bills were counterfeit
while traveling in the United States.
Upon his return, the bills were con-
rmed as fakes by Slovenia’s National
Forensic Laboratory. Initially, the bank
could not believe that the bills were
counterfeit since no other such bills had
been discovered by the bank.
Police said that 16 similar counterfeit
$100 bills had been seized this year, and
it was believed that they came from the
same batch. “These are quality fakes, but
they can be detected with a UV light,”
said a represntative of the Maribor Police
According to representatives at Banka
Slovenija, all banks and other monetary
institutions are obligated to check euro
bills before issuing them. The central
bank noted that nearly 2,440 counterfeit
euro bills and 1,120 fake euro coins, as
well as 335 phoney U.S. bills, were seized
in Slovenia last year.
Parliament cuts local
government funding
LJUBLJANA (STA) — In mid-July, the
National Assembly passed a compromise
deal between the government and mu-
nicipalities on funding for Slovenia’s 212
local communities. The changes to the
2014 and 2015 Budget Implementation
Act reduce the per capita rate of national
funding from EUR 525 ($572) in the rst
half of the year to EUR 519 ($566) in
the second half.
The proposal was passed in a 52-6
vote, with opponents siding with the
municipalities, which wanted the funding
to remain unchanged.
According to the terms of the initial
deal struck between the municipalities
and the government, the per capita
rate would drop to as low as EUR 500
($545) in the second half of the year.
However, that deal was dependent on
other measures through which the state
would provide funds for municipalities.
After the government failed to do so,
the per capita funding arrangement was
negotiated anew.
“At rst, the government offered
EUR 514 ($560), but increased the gure
to EUR 519 ($566) after hearing from
municipal representatives,” Finance
Ministry State Secretary Mateja Vraničar
reported to the members of parliament.
As Vraničar explained, municipalities
were additionally eligible for 54 percent
of the income tax collected each year.
This year, the gure totaled EUR 1.18
billion ($1.29 billlion), which is not
sufcient to cover the per capita rate.
An additional EUR 60 million ($65.4
million) will be required to make up the
difference. “The government had already
earmarked EUR 41 million, ($44.7 mil-
lion); the remainder will be allocated
from budget reserves,” Vraničar said.
Work week in Slovenia
among longest in the EU
BRUSSELS, Belgium (STA) — Ac-
cording to the results of a survey con-
ducted by the European Foundation for
the Improvement of Living and Working
Conditions (Eurofound), Slovenia is
among the EU countries with the longest
work weeks.
Slovenians registered a 40-hour work
week in 2014, which compares to the
actual work week of 39.5 hours across
the entire EU.
The highest number of working hours
per week was recorded in Romania, at
41, followed by Luxembourg and the
UK at 40.9. The shortest work weeks
were reported in Finland and France, at
only 37.3 hours.
Employees in the member-states that
joined the EU in 2004 or later work an
average of 40.1 hours a week, almost
an hour longer than those in the older
member-states (39.3 hours).
An analysis across ve commercial
elds showed the shortest average work
week in the EU was in the banking in-
dustry, at 37.6 hours, while the longest
was in retail, at 38.4 hours.
A comparison between periods of
required minimum leave of employment
in EU member states shows that Slove-
nians have one of the shortest periods,
registering only 20 days of required leave.
This gure compares to 25 days of leave
in Austria and Italy, and the average EU
required leave of 25.1 days.
Ljubljana University
launchs a world network
Network of Ljubljana University has
been established in an effort to boost
the quality of study programs and in-
ternational cooperation, along with the
university’s reputation. The network
will link respected scientists, professors
and other persons active in academia
and research and development outside
of Slovenia.
Following the network’s inaugural
session, held July 21 at the university,
representatives of Ljubljana University
said that the network had outlined “very
bold development plans for the future,”
and would “bring positive effects in this
A majority of the network’s members
are active in the natural and social sci-
ences, humanities, technical sciences and
technology, medicine, and health care.
Most of the members are employed in the
United States, UK, Italy and Germany.
The network’s council, which was
elected during the inaugural session,
will prepare a nine-year work program
based on session discussions and featur-
ing its members, Ljubljana University
announced in a press release.
Use of anti-depressants
on the rise in Slovenia
LJUBLJANA (STA) — Slovenia has
been seeing a sharp rise in the number of
anti-depressants prescribed over the past
decade or so, and the most recent data
indicates that ve percent of the popula-
tion is currently taking these drugs.
Slovenia’s National Public Health
Institute (NIJZ) noted that the use of anti-
depressants is increasing in Slovenia, as
well as in other OECD countries, while
prescriptions of sedatives are dropping.
Doctors in Slovenia issued 525,200 pre-
scriptions for anti-depressants last year,
up from 459,680 in 2010. Most of the
prescriptions were writeen for patients
between the ages of 45 and 64, and two
of every three were written for women,
according to the NIJZ.
Earlier this year, several Slovenian
media cited health sources when report-
ing that anti-depressant prescriptions had
risen by 360 percent since 2001. This
spike in prescribed anti-depressants is
attributed to several factors, includ-
ing a greater awareness of depression,
economic and social turmoil, and the
fact that anti-depressants are sometimes
prescribed instead of addictive sedatives.
For the most part, those seeking help
from general practitioners for mental
health problems in 2011 and 2012 suf-
fered from anxiety disorders, reactions
to stress, adjustment issues and bouts of
depression. Data from 2009-2013 shows
that 91,774, or two percent of all appoint-
ments at the primary level per year, were
due to various mental health conditions.
The NIJZ cited a 2010 Eurobarometer
survey on mental health in which eight
percent of the respondents in Slovenia
reported taking anti-depressants in the
prior 12-month period (the EU average
was seven percent). However, only 39
percent of the respondents in Slovenia
(compared to the EU average of 51 per-
cent) took the drugs to treat depression
or anxiety, 27 percent to treat chronic
pain, and 19 percent to attain “better
Ljubljana swimming pool
reopens a decade later
LJUBLJANA (STA) — A fully reno-
vated, Olympic-size swimming pool
located in the Vič borough of Ljubljana
reopened in mid-July after having been
left to waste away for more than a decade.
In addition to its main pool, the
Kolezija outdoor swimming facility, now
revived by the Ljubljana municipality,
offers a wading pool and a massage pool,
and can accommodate up to 700 visitors.
Table tennis tables, a basketball court
and a beach volleyball court have also
been installed at the site that was popular
years ago, in particular because of its
Olympic-size pool.
The Ljubljana municipality is also
considering the possibility of adding a
short-course 25-meter pool to the com-
plex in the future, but only if a private
investor will fund the project.
Pool admission, set at 9 euros ($10)
for adults during the week and 11 euros
($12) on weekends, is higher than at
most municipal pools in Slovenia, but
still lower than that of pool complexes
operated by private companies.
A battle shaping up over
Slovenia’s Teran wine
LJUBLJANA (STA) — Slovenia plans
to ght Croatia’s renewed efforts to use
the name “Teran” – for which Slo venia
has protection within the EU – for a wine
produced in the Istria region that it can-
not sell under the current arrange ment.
“We expect the European Commis-
sion to shield the Slovenian protected
origin. There are no talks underway
with Croatia; we did not consent to
[discussion] at any point,” Slovenian
Agriculture Minister Dejan Židan told
the press in mid-July.
Židan made his statement after
Croatian Agriculture Minister Tihomir
Jakovina indicated that Croatia had
stepped-up its effort to nd a solution
favorable for Croatian wineries. “We
have the commission’s understanding
and support. We hope things proceed in
a positive direction; if not, we will sue
the commission and Slovenia at the EU
Court,” Jakovina explained to the Hina
Croatian press agency.
Slovenia protected Teran wine as a
Slovenian product in 2000, and Teran
became a protected product at the EU
level in 2004 when Slovenia joined the
EU. In 2013, Slovenia secured a ban on
the sale of Croatian Teran wine in stores
across the EU.
Croatia claims Teran is a wine na-
tive to the entire Istria region, and that
Croatian, as well as Italian wineries, are
entitled to sell it under that name. Croatia
demands that its wineries be allowed to
sell Teran under the name “Teran, Croa-
tian Istria,” which is also acceptable for
the nation’s wine producers.
Minister Židan acknowledged that
Croatia was exerting strong pressure
on the commission’s agriculture depart-
ment, but he also noted that Slovenia
had been countering Croatia’s efforts
and would continue to do so. “Slovenia
will, in any case, advocate its position at
the commission. If the commission does
not respect the will of a member state,
we are ready to defend our interests at
other appropriate levels,” he said.
Croatia and Slovenia have been em-
broiled in several disputes over protected
designation of origin. The two countries
reached an agreement on the protection of
Istrian prosciutto and Carniola sausage,
but a deal on Teran appears out of reach,
at least for now.
Museums plan exhibit
of presidential gifts
Two museums, the Modern History
Museum and the Military Museum, are
planning a joint exhibition of gifts given
to Slovenia’s former presidents. The
display, which is slated to be launched
next year, will showcase hundreds of
gifts received by Milan Kučan, Janez
Drnovšek and Danilo Türk.
Some 700 gifts received by Kučan
during his two terms as president (1992-
2002) have found a new home in the
Ljubljana-based Museum of Modern
History. The Military Museum, located
at the Maribor barracks, holds some 700
gifts given to Drnovšek (2002-2007) and
Türk (2007-2012).
“The collection of Kučan’s gifts
is very diverse,” according to curator
Monika Kokalj Kočevar. It includes
paintings, sculptures, weapons, plates,
candlesticks and a number of photos of
the president with foreign dignitaries.
“Each gift has a signicant symbolic
value and a story,” said Kočevar, adding
that it was hard to assess their value.
The Maribor Military Museum has
included some 100 gifts received by
presidents Drnovšek and Türk in its
permanent collection. The remainder are
in storage, but can be viewed by visitors.
The gifts received by current President
Borut Pahor remain in the presidential
palace, though some of the smaller gifts
have been donated to a store run by a
charitable association for the homeless.
The articles comprising this feature have been
reprinted with permission from the Slovenian
Press Agency (STA).
Tommy Lasorda is a baseball legend who has spent
six decades in some form or fashion with the Los
Angeles Dodgers. At the age of 87, he is still involved
as a scout, an advisor, and an ambassador for the Dodgers
international afliates. He is best known for his 20 years
as the Dodgers manager, and during that time he earned
the respect of both players and management throughout
baseball. He was known as a great leader who worked at
keeping team morale high, telling jokes and giving praise
for hard work.
As a teenager, Lasorda took note of the motto on the
side of a can of Carnation milk: “Contented Cows Give
Better Milk.” That philosophy took root, and throughout his
career his approach was to remain positive and to work
toward keeping his team content. His players rewarded
him with hard work and loyalty. He was quoted as saying,
“You give loyalty, you’ll get it back.”
SNPJ agrees with Lasorda’s philosophy and believes that
loyalty begets loyalty. That’s why we recently introduced
the Loyalty Annuities that have a guarantee interest rate
for the rst year. The Loyalty 8 is guaranteed to earn 3.5
percent for one full year, and the Loyalty 5 is guaranteed
to earn 3.0 percent for the rst year.
But SNPJ takes loyalty one step further and offers a
higher rst-year loyalty rate to those members who convert
their existing SNPJ annuities into one of our new Loyalty
Annuities. When you convert into the Loyalty 8 Annuity,
your money is guaranteed to earn 3.75 percent for the
rst year. When converting into the Loyalty 5 Annuity, the
guarantee rst-year interest rate is 3.25 percent. SNPJ ap-
preciates your loyalty, so we’re offering you more earning
power for your money in the form of higher interest rates.
Tommy Lasorda learned at a young age that contentment
went hand-in-hand with hard work and loyalty. He spent his
career working to keep his team happy and content, and
it proved to be a successful approach. SNPJ has spent
111 years keeping its members happy and content, and
the loyalty of our members has been a big part of our suc-
cess. We’re excited about the Loyalty Annuity, as well as
the higher loyalty interest rate applied to SNPJ conversion
money. Phone the Home Ofce at 1-800-
843-7675 for more information and to nd
out how this offer can benet you.
 Thought for the Week You give
loyalty, you’ll get it back.
Tommy Lasorda
SNPJ Recreation Center
Aug. 8 
Don Wojtila Orchestra 4-5:30, 7-8:30
Eddie Rodick Orchestra 5:30-7, 8:30-10
Aug. 30  3 to 7
Turcola-Kravos Orchestra
Sept. 6  2 to 8
Joe Grkman Orch. & more
(lower pavilion)
Sept. 13  3 to 7
John Lapinsky Orchestra
*Denotes free dance
5. Avgusta 2015
Ureja Vida KosirUreja Vida Kosir
HEADLINE: Song of the Mengeš
TOPIC: For decades, chiming
in Mengeš has had a very special
place – it has a long tradition and a
rich cultural heritage of which the
people of Mengeš are very proud.
Chiming in Mengeš has now found
its place in a book, one of the few of
its kind in the country, that bears the
title “Song of Mengeš’ Bells – About
the Chiming in Mengeš.”
Mengeš is a musical city. With
numerous musical instrument
makers, good musicians and even
better singers – as well as the bell
ringers – the residents like to call
it the “European music center.”
The decision to produce the book
came about in May 2013. “Bells ac-
company us throughout life. Every
day, happy and sad sounds come
from the bell towers, but chiming
on the bells has a special, solemn
signicance. And at the same time,
bell ringing is uniquely Slovenian
since this type of harmonic bell
ringing is little known in the neigh-
boring nations,” said editor Nataša
Vrhovnik Jerič during the launch
of the book.
Pritrkovanje ima v Mengšu že
desetletja prav posebno mesto – gre
za dolgoletno tradicijo in bogato
kulturno dediščino, na katero so
Mengšani zelo ponosni. Pritrkovanje
v Mengšu pa je zdaj svoje mesto našlo
tudi v knjigi, eni redkih tovrstnih pri
nas, ki nosi naslov Pesem mengeških
zvonov – O pritrkovanju v Mengšu.
Mengeš je glasbeno mesto.
Mengšani ga radi poimenujejo
celo evropsko glasbeno središče s
številnimi izdelovalci glasbil, dobrimi
glasbeniki in še boljšimi pevci. Pa tudi
pritrkovalci. Starosta slovenskega in
mengeškega pritrkovanja, dolgoletni
mentor številnim rodovom pritrkov-
alcev in že več kot trideset let tudi
zbiralec notnega in drugega gradiva
o mengeškem pritrkovanju je častni
občan občine Mengeš Franc Blejc, ki
letos praznuje svojih 85 let in knjiga je
luč sveta ugledala prav ob njegovem
Odločitev za pripravo in izdajo
knjigo je 'padla' maja leta 2013, ko
so svoja znanja, sposobnosti in
prizadevanja strnili Nataša Vrhovnik
Jerič, Ivan Sivec, Jože Vahtar in
Primož Hieng in rezultat dvoletnega
dela je knjiga, ki so jo ob letošnjem
občinskem prazniku pred dnevi
predstavili v mengeškem župnijskem
domu. “Zvonovi nas spremljajo vse
življenje, saj se vsak dan z veselimi
ali žalostnimi melodijami oglašajo
iz zvonikov, pritrkovanje oz. pritr-
kavanje nanje pa je poseben način
slovesnega zvonjenja in hkrati
slovenska posebnost, saj tovrstnega
ubranega zvonjenja sosednji narodi
skorajda ne poznajo.
Literature o pritrkovanju na
Slovenskem je še vedno zelo malo:
nekaj novejših krajših člankov, dva
priročnika iz leta 1936, notno gradivo
iz let 1928 in 1987, novejša zbirka
pritrkovalskih melodij, nekaj redkih
zvočnih posnetkov, doktorska dizert-
acija in monograja o pritrkovanju na
Vipavskem. Prav zato naša knjiga ni le
knjiga o pritrkovanju na Mengeškem,
ampak gre za pomemben prispevek
v mozaiku dediščine slovenskega
pritrkovanja,” je na predstavitvi knjige
povedala urednica Nataša Vrhovnik
Jerič, predsednica Zveze kulturnih
društev občine Mengeš.
HEADLINE: Aljaž’s tow-
er connected the top of the
mountains and the sea
TOPIC: While shopping
in Koper, Planet Tuš visi-
tors can also jump to the
top of Mt. Triglav and view
Aljaž’s Tower. A precise
copy of the tower is on ex-
hibit in the shopping center to
mark the 120th anniversary
of the installation of this
metal tower on the highest
Slovenian mountain. And
here, at (almost) the lowest
point of the country, it will
remain until Aug. 6. A day
later, exactly 120 years after
Jakob Aljaž installed the
tower on top of Mt. Triglav,
it will be transported to the
Slovenian Alpine Museum in
With this tower, Jakob
Aljaž hoped to set a milestone
that indicates Slovenian
property at the summit of the
Slovenian mountains. The
tower was visible at the time
of the Austro-Hungarian
Monarchy, during the First
World War in the vicinity of
the Soška Front, and during
the Second World War when
it was rst visited by the Ger-
mans and then by the Parti-
sans. With the declaration
of Slovenia’s independence,
the Slovenian ag was own
from the tower, and in 1999
it was recognized as a cul-
tural monument of national
Med nakupovanjem v ko-
prskem Planetu Tuš lahko
skočimo še do vrha Triglava
in si ogledamo Aljažev stolp.
Njegovo natančno kopijo so
namreč razstavili v nakupoval-
nem središču in tudi na ta način
obeležili 120. obletnico post-
avitve pločevinastega stolpa
na najvišji slovenski gori. Na
(skoraj) najnižji točki države
bo ostal do 6. avgusta. Dan
pozneje, točno 120 let zatem,
ko je Jakob Aljaž stolp namestil
na vrhu Triglava, ga bodo pre-
peljali v Slovenski planinski
muzej v Mojstrano.
“Aljažev stolp je pred
dobrim stoletjem predstavljal
utelešenje narodne zavesti
Slovencev. Danes ga sicer
poznamo kot pomemben sim-
bol, krajinski motiv, a pri tem
pogosto pozabljamo na njego-
vo zgodbo, ki je edinstvena v
Alpah in verjetno tudi v svetu,”
pravi Gorazd Lemajič, soav-
tor razstave o stolpu Ta pleh
ima dušo in vodja oddelka za
konserviranje in restavriranje
v Narodnem muzeju Slovenije.
Jakob Aljaž je želel s
stolpom postaviti mejnik, ki
označuje slovensko lastnino
vrha naših gora. Izkazoval
jo je že v času Avstroogrske
monarhije, v času prve sve-
tovne vojne, ko je v njegovi
bližini potekala soška fronta,
v Kraljevini SHS je meja po-
tekala prav po vrhu Triglava,
med drugo svetovno vojno so
ga obiskovali najprej Nemci,
nato vse pogosteje partizani, ki
so nanj postavili tudi slovensko
zastavo. Ob razglasitvi samo-
stojnosti je na njem zaplapolala
slovenska zastava, leta 1999
pa je postal kulturni spomenik
državnega pomena, že prej pa
tudi točka, ki jo obiskujejo
množice planincev.
Aljažev stolp je povezal vrh gora in morje
Cotič the best in cooking
TOPIC: When it comes to
cooking pasta, Chef Matjaž
Cotič from Zalošče near
Dornberk is one of the four
best chefs in the world.
At the recent world com-
petition held at the Culinary
Academy in Parma, Italy,
Cotič won over the judges
with his Karst avored pasta
and the smell of the sea.
“I prepared twisted troe
pasta with a shrimp sauce
wrapped in unsmoked Karst
bacon, and along with it
I served a tatarec made
from chopped fresh shrimp
sprinkled with a salt ower
from the Piran salt pans, a
sauce made from fresh peas,
and I sprinkled the plate with
albumin curd from cow’s and
goat’s milk,” Cotič described
of his chef d’oeuvre. Cotič is
the head chef at the Gostilna
dela snack bar in Ljubljana.
Kuharski mojster Matjaž
Cotič iz Zalošč pri Dornberku
je eden izmed štirih najboljših
kuharjev v kuhanju testenin
na svetu.
Na nedavnem svetovnem
prvenstvu na kuharski aka-
demiji Barilla v Parmi je strogo
komisijo, v kateri so sedeli
tudi dodeljevalci Michelinovih
zvezdic, prepričal s testeninami
z okusom Krasa in vonjem po
morju. “Pripravil sem zvite
testenine troje z omako iz
gamberov, zavitih v nedimlje-
no kraško slanino, zraven sem
postregel tatarca iz sesekljanih
svežih gamberov, posutih s
solnim cvetom iz Piranskih
solin, in omako iz svežega
graha, krožnik pa sem posul z
albuminsko skuto in kravjega
in kozjega mleka,” svojo
mojstrovino opisuje Cotič,
sicer glavni kuhar in mentor
v ljubljanski okrepčevalnici
Gostilna dela. Strogo komisijo
je najbolj prepričal kuhar iz
Turčije, ostali trije nalisti
- poleg Cotiča še kuharja iz
Francije in Arabskih emiratov
- pa so si bili po kakovosti tako
blizu, da se komisija ni odločila
za 2., 3. in 4. mesto, ampak je
kar vse tri uvrstila na isto - med
najboljše štiri.
Matjaž Cotič najboljši
v kuhanju testenin
HEADLINE: The exhibition of old
farming tools in Staroda
TOPIC: Ivan Šuštar from Staroda
likes to collect objects from the old
days, especially old farm tools, as well
as items that were once used in peasant
kitchens. In front of his house in Staroda,
Šuštar has arranged an exhibition from
his collection which he opened with a
cultural program.
An old farm wagon, scythes, sickles,
axes – mainly all the tools that were used
by farmers and foresters before modern
equipment was available – are exhibited
in the courtyard. In the basement of his
farmhouse is a tidy old peasant kitchen
with pots in which the housewives once
cooked polenta, jugs for milk, wooden
spoons, a wood-burning stove, a table
with a white tablecloth...
As a collector of antiques, Šuštar has
been gathering old articles and furnish-
ings for many years. He received most
of the items from people who didn’t use
them anymore.
Ivan Šuštar iz Staroda rad zbira pred-
mete iz starih časov. Posebej staro kmečko
orodje, pa tudi predmete, ki so jih nekdaj
uporabljali v kmečkih kuhinjah. Iz zbirke
je pred njegovo domačo hišo na Starodu
nastala razstava, ki jo je Šuštar podprl z
bogatim kulturnim programom.
Na dvorišču star kmečki voz, pa kose,
srpi, sekire ..., skratka vse orodje, ki so ga
nekoč - še pred sodobno mehanizacijo - pri
svojem delu uporabljali kmetje in tudi goz-
darji. V kletnih prostorih domačije Ivana
Šuštarja pa lepo urejena stara kmečka
kuhinja s posodami, v katerih so gospo-
dinje nekoč kuhale polento, pa kanglice
za mleko, kuhalnice, peč na drva, miza z
belim prtom...
Kot ljubitelj starih stvari Ivan Šuštar,
danes upokojenec, stare predmete in op-
remo zbira že vrsto let. Da bi tudi širša
javnost videla, kako in s čim so nekoč delali
kmetje, gozdarji, pa tudi mizarji, je zbirko
ponudil v ogled na priložnostni razstavi.
Obiskovalci so si lahko na Minkinem
b'rjaču pred njegovo hišo ogledali orodje,
obenem pa prisluhnili bogatemu kultur-
nemu programu. Zapeli so pevci moškega
pevskega zbora Dragotin Kette in člani
Brštulin bande iz Harij. Član obeh je tudi
Šuštar, ki je kot harmonikar nastopil še
v duu Eniš.
Da je avtor razstave navezan na Starod,
je dala vedeti pesem, ki jo je napisal o tej
vasi, obiskovalcem pa jo je prebral Frane
Dolgan. ”Pesmi domačih avtorjev Danice
Pardo s Prema in Janeza Škrlja iz Dolnjega
Zemona pa so prebrali Laura Frgova s
Staroda, Žan Evešov s Pavlice in sestri
Ana in Martina Klančerjevi iz Studene
Gore,” je povedal Šuštar.
Posebej zanimiv je bil ogled stare
kmečke kuhinje, ki jo je Šuštar uredil
v kletnih prostorih. ”Kuhinja ima vso
opremo iz starih časov. Stvari sem dobil
v dar od ljudi, ki jih niso več potrebovali,
in zaupali so mi jih v dobri veri, da bo iz
tega nekaj nastalo,” je povedal Ivan Šuštar.
Kuhinjo je blagoslovil župnik Martin
Šuštar, Ivan Šuštar pa je povedal, da bo
razstavo v prihodnje z veseljem razkazal
vsem obiskovalcem od blizu in daleč, ki
jih bo zanimala.
Razstava starega kmečkega orodja na Starodu
Pesem mengeških zvonov
HEADLINE: The Chinese
reward a Slovenian book
about coffee
TOPIC: The book by
Božidar Jezernik, “Coffee:
Magic Potion,” which was
published by Modrijan,
has received the Gourmand
Award in China for the
world’s best book about cof-
fee in the last two decades.
The Gourmand Awards,
which are awarded in several
categories, are often com-
pared with the Oscar awards
for lms.
This year’s event, the 20th
Gourmand Awards for wine
and other drinks, was held
in June in the city of Yantai,
China. Prizes were awarded
in several categories.
In his monograph,
Jezernik describes the tri-
umphant march of coffee to
all of the world’s continents:
from Yemen, Ethiopia, the
Ottoman Empire, the Bal-
kans, Western Europe, Bra-
zil, all the way to the modern
coffee production which is
dominated by Starbucks in
In his decades of dealing
with coffee, Jezernik has
collected close to 500 post-
cards which have now been
published for the rst time.
More than 250 photos, draw-
ings and advertising slogans
illustrate the production, dis-
tribution, opposition to, and
approval of this beverage.
The book also describes
the arrival of coffee to Slove-
nian lands, which in the 17th
Kitajci nagradili slovensko knjigo o kavi
and 18th centuries remained
limited to the wealthiest
residents. In the middle of
the 19th century, the wealthy
farmers also started to drink
coffee. Cafes then became
popular among the towns-
people. For Slovenians, cafes
had a special signicance
because they were the gath-
ering place of the social and
political activists at the time
of the national awakening.
Most of the coffee came to
Slovenia from Trieste, Italy,
which is still an important
port for coffee.
Knjiga Božidarja Jezernika
Kava: Čarobni napoj, ki je
izšla pri založbi Modrijan, je
na Kitajskem prejela nagrado
Gourmand za najboljšo knjigo
o kavi na svetu v zadnjih dveh
desetletjih. Nagrade Gour-
mand Awards, ki jih podelju-
jejo v več kategorijah, pogosto
primerjajo s lmskimi oskarji.
Letošnja jubilejna, 20.
prireditev Gourmand Awards
za vino in druge pijače, je
potekala junija v mestu Yantai
na Kitajskem. Nagrade so bile
podeljene v več kategorijah, z
ožjega seznama najboljših del
so bila izbrana tri najboljša na
svetu. Za nagrade se ne potegu-
jejo samo knjige, pač pa tudi
lmski in televizijski prispevki
ter glasbena dela, so sporočili
iz Modrijana.
V monografiji Božidarja
Jezernika je opisan zmagoviti
pohod kave na vse celine sveta,
od Jemna, Etiopije, Osman-
skega cesarstva, Balkana, za-
hodne Evrope, Brazilije vse do
sodobne proizvodnje kave, ki
ji kraljuje ameriški Starbucks.
Jezernik je v desetletjih
ukvarjanja s tematiko kave
zbral približno 500 razglednic,
ki jih je zdaj prvič objavil.
Več kot 250 fotograj, risb
in reklamnih sporočil ilustrira
proizvodnjo, razširjenost, nas-
protovanje in odobravanje tega
napitka. Knjiga v 19 poglavjih
prinaša zgodbe o zanimivih
osebnostih, odvisnikih od kave.
V knjigi je opisan tudi pri-
hod kave v slovenski prostor,
ki je v 17. in 18. stoletju ostala
omejena na najbogatejše sloje,
sredi 19. stoletja pa so jo začeli
piti bogati kmetje, predvsem
pa so se z njo krepčale ženske.
Kavarne so postale priljubljene
med meščani. Za Slovence so
imele še poseben pomen, saj
so bile zbirališča družabnega
in političnega življenja v času
narodnega prebujenja. Večina
kave je na Slovensko priha-
jala iz Trsta, ki je še danes
pomembno pristanišče za kavo.
The Ethnic Kitchen
12 potatoes, pared and sliced as for scalloped
8 slices bacon, fried, drained and crumbled
2 onions, sliced thin and cut into half circles
½ pound sharp cheddar cheese, cubed
2 tablespoons butter, cut in small pieces
Salt and pepper to taste
Mix all ingredients in a casserole and cover. Bake
at 350º until cheese is melted (about ½ hour). Mix
thoroughly to spread cheese. Bake another ½ hour
or more until slightly browned on top. Casserole
can be kept warm for a while before serving, and
can also be prepared the day before and reheated.
Serves 6-8.
Treasured Slovenian & International Recipes
Posodobitev dolenjske potujoče knjižnice
HEADLINE: Moderniz-
ing the Dolenjska traveling
TOPIC: Next year, a
new “bibliobus” will start
to deliver books to 65 rural
sites in Dolenjsko and Bela
krajina. The new bibliobus
– a traveling library offering
close to 7,000 books – will be
equipped with modern tech-
nology and air conditioning,
and it will also be handicap
Last year the bibliobus
had 1,300 active members
ranging in age from pre-
school children to pensioners.
The bus made more than
11,000 visits and loaned out
120,000 pieces of reading
V 65 dolenjskih in belokran-
jskih podeželskih krajev bo
knjige čez dobro leto začel
voziti nov bibliobus. Pogodbo
o nakupu so z ministrico za
kulturo Julijano Bizjak Mlakar
podpisali župani osmih občin
na Novomeškem, ki bodo so-
nancirali nakup.
Na razpisu ministrstva
za kulturo je novomeška
Knjižnica Mirana Jarca za
potujočo knjižnico pridobila
200.000 evrov. Manjkajočo
vsoto, okoli 100.000 evrov,
so se zavezale zagotoviti
dolenjske občine na območju
nekdanje novomeške. Novi
bibliobus bo sodoben, z novo
tehnološko opremo, klimo in
dostopen tudi obiskovalcem z
gibalnimi ovirami, omogočal
pa bo izposojo okoli 7000 enot
knjižnega gradiva.
V občini Šmarješke Toplice
se jim zdi naložba predraga in
v vse bolj elektronskih časih
celo nepotrebna, a podatki
govorijo drugače. Sedanji bib-
liobus je imel lani ob 1300
aktivnih članov od predšolskih
otrok do upokojencev več kot
11.000 obiskov in 120.000
enot izposojenega knjižnega
gradiva. Z novim bo na Do-
lenjskem ohranjena dostopnost
knjižnega gradiva bralcem
vseh starosti v oddaljenih
krajih. Po besedah Julijane
Bizjak Mlakar se na ministrstvu
zavedajo pomena dostopa do
knjige in podpirajo nakupe
novih bibliobusov. Novomeški
ni edini, na nov razpis bodo
morali počakati na Gorenjskem
in Koroškem, ter v Porabju in
Benečiji. 
   
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   
August 5, 2015
Aug. 9  3 to 7
Ron Likovic & Friends
Aug. 16  3 to 7
Eddie Rodick Orchestra
Aug. 23  3 to 7
Bob Kravos Band
Dancers enjoy the nest in Cleveland-style polkas and
waltzes at the SNPJ Farm. The Farm features the best-
known names in polka music, plus down-home dining.
Gates open at noon. Dinners served Sundays starting
at 2 p.m. with music and dancing from 3 to 7 p.m. The
bar opens at 1 p.m. Sunday picnic admission is $7. Rent
the SNPJ Farm for your special functions! For additional
information phone (440) 256-3423 or (440) 461-6476.
off Chardon Road (Route 6), three miles east of Route 306
For information phone (440) 256-3423 or (440) 461-6476
The Fifties (#1615) by StatePoint Media
1. Gold measurement
6. *Trans World ___lines or TWA
9. Daughter of Zeus
13. Broadcasting sign
14. *Watson’s and Crick’s model
15. Alternative to truths
16. Bug
17. Denouement
18. Beginning of a sickness
19. *1950s car feature
21. Aroused
23. + or - atom
24. Montana tribe
25. Pecking mother
28. Do over
30. Genuect in submission
35. Spill the beans
37. *McCarthy’s foes
39. Wither from heat
40. Fairytale beast
41. Anklebone
43. Crunchable info
44. New World parrot
46. Acute
47. Grand ____
48. In need of xing
50. Brooklyn team
52. Big fuss
53. Minor damage
55. Beehive State native
57. *Type of skirt popular in 1950s
60. *First man-made
satellite to orbit earth
64. Schoolmarm’s whip
65. Rainy
67. *It supported the
North in Korean War
68. Brandish
69. Sodium hydroxide
70. Piece of cake
71. Approximately
72. Coniferous tree
73. Indian _____
1. *Nixon’s respectable
Republican cloth ____
2. ____ Karenina
3. Hindu princess
4. Garlicky mayonnaise
5. Make an attempt
6. Yemeni port
7. *Holiday ___ motel chain
8. Highway patrolman’s gun
9. *Slugger ____ Aaron
debuted in 1954
10. Gaelic
11. “___ there, done that”
12. “C’___ la vie!”
15. *The Platters’ sound
20. Dead to the world
22. Moo goo gai pan pan
24. Young codsh
25. *Thermonuclear weapon
26. “Pomp and Circumstance
Marches” composer
27. Narcotics lawman
29. Wanted state in old west?
31. Bankrolls
32. ___-__-la
33. “Eight Is Enough” group, e.g.
34. *The maker of
Frisbee and Hula Hoop
36. Yellow on bald eagle
38. “Absolutely!”
42. Get something ready
45. Tied the knot
49. Not a thing
51. Exterior plaster
54. Very recently
56. Set of principles
57. Lucy and Ricky, e.g.
58. Has a mortgage
59. *1952 Olympic site
60. Like soup, but thicker
61. Supreme Court count
62. Ancient Peruvian
63. *Newsweek sports editor,
“Boys of Summer” author
64. Pencil type
66. *CBS unveiled
this logo in 1951
© StatePoint Media
from the
Reveliers Lodge
Lodge 33 Secretary/Treasurer
AMBRIDGE, Pa. — Slovenefest is now
in the rearview mirror, and as I view it with
a smile because it happened, I also feel a
void because it’s over so quickly! Some
thoughts that come to mind...
Congratulations to Julie Rockwell on
winning the title of Miss SNPJ 2016! I am
sure she will represent the Society with
pride. Best wishes to her predecessor,
Nicole Vehar. She did a great job and left
big shoes to ll. We are proud of both of
these awesome young ladies.
It was wonderful to see Bea Cvetas!
How nice that she was able to attend and be
part of an event that her husband Joe was
instrumental in planning for many years.
I’m also so glad Phyllis Wood is back in
action after being ill. How nice that she
could attend all the way from California.
My thanks to everyone who worked so
hard to put Slovenefest together for our
enjoyment. It’s a treat to attend each year.
It was awesome to see so many young
folks attending and especially supporting
the polka music; they love dancing and
singing along. It’s entertaining to watch
them get so involved. Again, everyone had
a good time as our Slovenian traditions
come alive each year.
“The sun will come out tomorrow” has
been the motto of this summer weather.
Finally, this past week brought some
expected sunshine and not that four-letter
word we’ve seen so much of this summer...
but the ducks are happy!
As the students prepare to get back to
their routine and return school in another
month or so, we wish them well and much
success. It will be bittersweet sending my
son off for the rst time, but I know it
will be the best four years of his life. You
prepare them with a strong foundation and
hope for the best. It’s time for our children
to y, and wings were never meant to be
pulled back. May they always remember
what they were taught and use it wisely.
Family Week is right around the cor-
ner! We’re looking forward to seeing all
the families we share the week with, and
we’re hoping for lots of sunshine to make
it even better. It always proves to be relax-
ing, enjoyable and memorable. If you’ve
never participated in Family Weeks, you
don’t know what you’re missing. Come
and join in the fun!
We’d like to extend best wishes to
our longtime member and friend Eugene
Standley who relocated to the south. Here’s
hoping all is well from your friends in
Lodge 33. You are missed!
Enjoy the rest of the vacation season,
and I hope to see you at a fraternal event.
May you all stay healthy and happy.
Remember, the only thing in life we can
always count on is our fingers! Until next
time, blessings and smiles.
for their dinner at 4 p.m. Door
prizes will be awarded at 4:30.
The opening rounds of the
SNPJ National Balina Tourna-
ment will be played on Satur-
day as well in the Balinarena.
The balina tournament finals
will follow on Sunday, Sept.
6, at 9 a.m. Also on Sunday,
the SNPJ National Horseshoes
Tournament will begin at 11
a.m. and the National Beanbag
Toss will begin at 1 p.m. Entry
forms for all of the national
tournaments taking place dur-
ing Labor Day weekend are
available on our website, www.
snpj.org, or by contacting me
at the Home Ofce.
At 1:30 p.m., the National
SNPJ Days Golf Cart Parade
will begin at the upper pavilion
and proceed through the trailer
court to the lower pavilion, the
location for the National SNPJ
Days Picnic. Be sure to come
cheer on the participants.
The picnic will feature a free
dance for all of our members
to celebrate National SNPJ
Days. There will be crowd-
pleasing entertainment as the
Joe Grkman Orchestra and the
Polka Bros. will perform from
2 to 8 p.m.
Of course, it wouldn’t be a
picnic without games for the
children and the young at heart.
The Fraternal Department is
planning many activities for
the children as these have been
a favorite of our members for
many years.
Be sure to bring the family to
the SNPJ Recreation Center to
celebrate National SNPJ Days.
Contact me at the Home Ofce
at 1-800-843-7675 or e-mail
krichards@snpj.com with any
Join in the fun of this years National SNPJ Days
IMPERIAL, Pa. — Sis.
Bertha Hayes of Lodge
106 has outlived her life
insurance policy.
Sis. Bertha (Yamnik) Hayes, 96, was born Nov. 6, 1918.
Her family lived in the California Hollow area of Imperial,
just below the current location of the SNPJ Home Ofce.
Her father, Joseph Yamnik, was one of the builders and a
founding father of SNPJ Lodge 106.
At age 10, Bertha told her mother she was going to war
to take care of soldiers. Her mother explained that there
was no war. However, after graduating from Allegheny
General Hospital as a registered nurse, Bertha was work-
ing in Cleveland when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on Dec.
7, 1941. Her hospital was activated by the Army, and on
Jan. 19, 1942, while on a train en route to New York, she
was sworn into the U.S. Army. Sis. Hayes spent the next
four years taking care of soldiers, as she had predicted, in
the South Pacic, including New Guinea, Philippines and
Australia. She rose to the rank of 1st Lieutenant during a
time when women rarely attained that position.
After discharge, Bertha married, had a daughter and
divorced soon after. She raised her daughter as a single
parent during a time when it was frowned upon. At the age
of 50 she married her true love, Bill Hayes, and they had a
wonderful life until his death in 1979. Sis. Hayes remained
in the Imperial area until moving to Georgia in 1996 to live
near her daughter.
Bertha was able to follow her passion of traveling and
visited the places where she served during World War II, as
well as South America, Israel, Russia, Ireland, Indonesia,
Europe and China, twice. In 2012 she visited Imperial and
the new Lodge 106 clubroom, and reunited with numerous
Sis. Hayes now lives with her daughter, Linda Trusnovic
Baker, in Acworth, Ga. Her immediate family includes
daughter Linda, step-grandson Brooks (Roxanne) Gayton,
step-great-granddaughters Layla and Skyla Gayton, and
niece Joan Grze Nitz.
On behalf of the members of Lodge 106 and the Slovene
Nat iona l Be n e t Soc iet y, we ext e n d b est w is h e s t o Sis. H ayes
for continued health and happiness.
cared for
Outlived Members
best wishes to our
for the month of June 2015
Eugene Raggi (89), Slovan, Pa. ....................$100
James & Veronica O’Donnell, Reston, Va. .... $100
In memory of Josephine Krispinsky
SNPJ Lodge 257, Cleveland ........................... $50
Edward & Henrietta Snyder (776),
Leetonia, Ohio ................................................ $25
In memory of Stanley “Stush” McCloskey
Tony Shircel (584), Sheboygan, Wis. ............. $25
In memory of Stanley Sircelj
Tom & Patti Eckert (138), Bethel Park, Pa. .... $25
In memory of Amelia Progar
Bob & Rose Marie Lawrence (138),
Strabane, Pa. .................................................. $20
In memory of Sylvester G. Holzer (father
of Mrs. [Frank] Karen Valencic & siblings)
SNPJ Lodge 265, Southview, Pa. .................. $10
In memory of Helena McElhaney
The following donations were made
in memory of Bro. John Poklar (584):
Jeffrey & Susan Mouthey (584),
Greendale, Wis. .............................................. $80
Marcia Schlueter, New Berlin, Wis. ................ $30
Thomas & Leona Kuehn, Franklin, Wis. ......... $30
Barbara Smole (584), Elm Grove, Wis. .......... $25
Timothy & Mary Donovan (584),
Greeneld, Wis. .............................................. $25
Cynthia Perich (584), Waukesha, Wis. ........... $25
Kimberly Lindquist, Eden Prairie, Minn. ......... $25
Amy Jones, Milwaukee ................................... $20
Robert & Amalie Smole (584), Mequon, Wis. ... $20
Karen Francisco, Greeneld, Wis................... $20
Donald (584) & Susan Lesar, Muskego, Wis. .. $20
Sunny Smiles
at Lodge 218
The State of
Colorado, the Denver
area in particular,
recently made
the national news
because of torrential
rains, hail three feet
deep, and trees
down in the streets.
So a lucky break in
the weather was just
what the members
of SNPJ Lodge
218 needed for a
picnic. The group
was all smiles at the
welcome sight of
Photo submitted by Bro. Ed Tomsic (218).
August 5, 2015
Looking for information on your
SNPJ life insurance and annuity
policies? Pay a visit to snpj.org, click
the “” link and
follow the step-by-step instructions.
at your ngertips
Receive $10 for each valid referral submitted.
Every valid referral earns the recommender
one chance in the Quarterly Drawing for an
opportunity to win $100.
Every valid referral also earns the recommender
one chance in the Year-end Drawing for an
opportunity to win $500 cash.
By submitting one valid referral,
you have the opportunity to earn
a total of $610 in cash prizes!
Recommender Benefits
The SNPJ Recommender Program pro-
vides an opportunity for adult members
to encourage family, friends, children and
acquaintances to join the Slovene National
Benet Society and take advantage of SNPJ’s
competitive products and numerous frater-
nal benets. Not only will you be helping a
friend and strengthening our Society, you’ll
also be receiving benefits yourself.
Please contact: __________________________________________
(Parent or guardian if under age 18)
Address: _______________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ___________________________________________
Phone: ( ) _________________________________________
Indicate Preferred Agent ___________________________________
My Name: ______________________________________________
My Lodge Number: _______________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ___________________________________________
Phone: ( ) _________________________________________
e-mail __________________________________________________
Each individual must be informed that an agent will contact him/her and the referral
must have some interest in SNPJ in order for the recommender to be considered valid.
Complete this coupon and return to
SNPJ Recommender Program
The cookbook sponsored by the SNPJ
Heritage Center is now on sale! For addi-
tional information, contact the SNPJ Rec-
reation Center toll-free at 1-877-767-5732.
$20 each
plus $3 s/h for rst 2 copies
For 3 or more books,
add $1 shipping for each copy.
Name _________________________________________
Address _______________________________________
City/State/Zip ___________________________________
Phone __________________ Number of copies _______
Return this order form to:
Cookbook for
the Ages
Make check or money order payable to .
Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting
Feb. 5, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 2 p.m. by President Evanish
with Sis. Pintar and Bro. Lawrence in attendance.
The minutes from the Jan. 27, 2015, meeting were read and
Approved to send National Secretary Karen Pintar and Miss
SNPJ Nicole Vehar to Florida SNPJ Days Feb. 26-28, 2015.
Discussed the Cherry Blossom Festival that is held in Washington,
D.C., in which the Slovenian Embassy participates, and approved
to invite Miss SNPJ to participate in the event.
Reviewed the health care proposal again for employees and
approved a plan with a health reimbursement account as previ-
ously approved by the National Board.
Discussed Slovenefest donations and bands.
Discussed postage costs and postage cost increases. Discussed
ways to reduce these costs.
Reported that the auditors will be in the rst week of March to
nalize the 2014 year-end audit.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
National President/CEO
National Secretary/COO
News from
Here & There
Lodge 559
CHICAGO — Ready or not, I’m back
after a brief break from writing. It seems
as you get older, all kinds of goodies pop
up. I was about to go for back surgery,
and noticed that Otto was having a health
problem, so I canceled my appointment,
went to the doctor with him, and then
that very night fell in our front room and
fractured my right arm in three places.
I had to have a cast put on my arm, and
in three weeks I got two different kinds of
rashes and had to have the cast taken off.
Now I’m waiting to see if I will have to
have the cast put back on. We never have
a dull moment around here, but we just go
on our way accepting what comes.
In the meantime, I have missed so much
activity. I am so happy that Vince Rigler
(449) posts various items on Facebook so
I can see some of the things I’ve missed.
I’ll open by wishing a happy 60th wed-
ding anniversary to Frank and Delores
Novotny (8) who will be celebrating Aug.
13. Happy anniversary, and many more
anniversaries to come.
Congratulations and best wishes to our
grandson Joey (559) and his wife Mary
who have just moved into their rst home.
May you both nd much happiness.
We were sorry to hear of the passing of
Ray Przybylski, husband of Angie (Roka-
vec) Przbylski. If you remember, Angie
performed at many Prešeren concerts with
the late Alice Birsa, the late Frank Gradisek
and the late Tim Prelesnik. Our sincere
condolences to Angie and the family.
We were happy to hear that Ken Hoytt
(559), husband of Denise (Cherway)
Hoytt, is on the mend. There’s nothing like
being tied up with health problems. John
Cretnik (559) has nished his radiation
therapy; hopefully he will be in remission.
John Kovack (8) has been having a health
problem, and hopefully it will be taken care
of successfully. To these and all members
on the sick list, my most sincere wishes
for a return to better health.
Marianne Murray (1) recently returned
from visiting her sister in Kentucky. So
many members have been planning get-
aways since our weather, up until two
weeks ago, was really terrible. We just
nished a week of sunshine and no rain,
for which we have all been waiting.
Otto and I recently attended a steak
fry sponsored by the KSKJ. This is an
annual function at which everyone cooks
their own steaks and the club provides the
trimmings. Many thanks to Mike Vidmar
(559) for taking care of our steaks. They
were delicious!
We also attended the July 24 Chicago
Federation meeting. After the reading of
the minutes and the presentation of the
nancial report, we heard the delegate
reports from Lodges 1, 8, 449 and 559.
The delegates discussed the Memorial
Day services held in the SNPJ section of
Woodlawn Cemetery, agreeing that the
program was excellent. However, the
crowd dwindles each year as many of our
members are being laid to rest here.
Next on the meeting agenda was the
Federation dinner dance which will be held
Aug. 16. We will be honored to have the
new Miss SNPJ in attendance. All plans
for the dinner dance were nalized, and if
you would like to attend you can contact
Federation Secretary Marianne Murray for
tickets, which are priced at $10. Members
are asked to bring baked goods.
The next Federation meeting will be
held Sept. 25. All members are invited to
attend these meetings, regardless if they
are a delegate or alternate.
The Slovene Cultural Center has a busy
schedule coming up. Their annual picnic is
planned Aug. 9 and will feature a $10,000
prize drawing. A barbeque lunch with your
choice of pork, lamb or chicken will be
served, along with čevapčiči and klobase.
The Zbor Spendov choir will entertain in
the evening.
One other important date to remember
is Nov. 8 for the Slovene Cultural Center
20th anniversary celebration.
Pioneer Lodge 559 members, don’t for-
get that our next meeting will be held Aug.
24. We hope to see some new faces there.
Well, that’s about all for now. I hope you
are all enjoying the summer and staying
healthy. I always say that health is wealth.
SNPJ National Balina Tournament
Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 5-6, 2015
at the SNPJ Recreation Center, Borough of SNPJ, Pa.
Lodge NumberName
$20 per team entry fee for men’s and women’s competition.
ENTRY DEADLINE is Aug. 28, 2015
Return this form, along with entry fees, to:
Slovene National Benet Society
Att’n.: National Balina Tournament
247 West Allegheny Rd., Imperial, PA 15126
Phone: 1-800-843-7675
Make checks payable to SNPJ
The Home Ofce will verify all memberships. Complete tournament
rules are available by contacting the SNPJ Fraternal Department,
247 West Allegheny Road, Imperial, PA 15126.
Team name _____________________________________
Team captain’s name, phone number & e-mail address:
The Miss SNPJ Pageant truly an experience to remember
I have always enjoyed Slovenefest, but
this year I had the most amazing time
throughout the entire weekend. A week
before Slovenefest, I heard about the lack
of girls entered in this year’s Miss SNPJ
Pageant. At that point, I tossed caution
to the wind and submitted my pageant
application. When I decided to enter, I
didn’t know what a fantastic time I would
have, nor did I realize how many amazing
friendships would form over the course
of a few days.
Upon arriving at the Hampton Inn on
Thursday evening, I was treated like a prin-
cess. The beds were plush and the room was
perfect. Once settled in our hotel rooms,
the girls began to congregate in the hall.
Some of us knew each other, but mostly
the hall was full of bright new faces. All
of the girls were friendly, and I knew then
that I was going to make some amazing
friends. One would think we should have
been a competitive group of ladies, but it
wasn’t that way in the slightest.
After getting to know each other, we
headed to the SNPJ Recreation Center to
practice for the pageant. Once arriving, we
were showered with gifts, lotions, embroi-
dered blankets and, of course, SNPJ “swag
bags.” Our rehearsal went great, and we
all had a great time laughing and enjoying
each other’s performances during practice
for the talent competition.
Then came the big day: the talent and
question portions of the pageant. What
should have been a stressful day turned
into a super fun experience. We helped
one another curl hair and steam dresses
while blasting music in our hotel rooms.
PROSVETA welcomes letters to the
editor from all SNPJ members. All
submissions to Letters to the Editor
must include a name, address, Lodge
and telephone number for verication,
and all are subject to editing. The views
expressed in Letters to the Editor are
those of the contributor and not nec-
essarily those of the Slovene National
Benet Society or PROSVETA.
Letters to the Editor submissions
should be addressed to SNPJ PROS-
VETA, Att’n: Letters to the Editor, 247
West Allegheny Rd., Imperial, PA
15126. Letters may also be faxed to
(724) 695-1555 or e-mailed to 
. Not all letters will be printed
or individually acknowledged.
We were nervous once we were all on
stage, but we knew that the other girls had
our backs. After the questions, interviews
and performances were done, we were
treated to a lovely meal with the SNPJ
Executive Ofcers and the most delicious
cheesecake. Then the dancing began! The
music was blaring and everyone wanted a
dance with the pageant girls. People spun
us around until the music stopped.
On Saturday morning we were handed
money for a shopping spree at the mall be-
fore being treated to lunch at Olive Garden.
We made our way back to the Recreation
Center where we were introduced on each
stage, and everyone cheered as if we were
pop stars. We attended dinner in a beauti-
fully decorated room that evening. I made
new friends by sitting and talking with
members of the SNPJ National Board,
the Executive Officers and dignitaries
from Slovenia. Once again we danced the
night away until almost losing the feeling
in our feet. The night was capped off with
an amazing fireworks display.
The crowing on Sunday was so much
fun. By then, we all had become so close
that we were happy for each other; there
was an overwhelming feeling that we
were all winners. We watched with pride
as our friend, Miss SNPJ 2015 Nicole
Vehar, gave her moving farewell speech.
The roaring crowd cheered for us before
we were presented the titles and whisked
away for pictures. We watched with happi-
ness as Julie Rockwell started her reign as
Miss SNPJ 2016. We all hugged, knowing
that we were so proud of one another and
wishing that the weekend wouldn’t end.
We were nally set free to once again
polka the day away.
Being part of the pageant was one of
the best weekends I’ve had in a long time.
I made amazing friends, not only among
the pageant contestants but with many
others as well. For all of the girls who
have contemplated becoming a part of the
pageant, I would say it is an experience that
will change your life. I have never thought
of myself as much of a pageant girl, but at
Slovenefest I felt like a princess. I know I
will hold these memories for a lifetime. I
would like to personally thank the SNPJ
Executive Officers, the National Board,
Fraternal Director Kevin Richards and
the Miss SNPJ Pageant Committee for a
fantastic experience.
 (138)
SNPJ Miss Activity 2016
August 5, 2015
Entry fees for team and individual events are $65 per member.
For individual event only, entry fee is $60 per member.
Entry fee includes greens fees, golf cart, prize fund,
lunch at the turn, a golfer’s meal in the dining room at the
SNPJ Recreation Center, and a drawing ticket for give-aways.
Return this form, along with entry fees, to:
Slovene National Benefit Society
247 West Allegheny Rd., Imperial, PA 15126
Phone: 1-800-843-7675
Make checks payable to SNPJ
The Home Ofce will verify all memberships. Complete tournament
rules are available by contacting the SNPJ Fraternal Department,
247 West Allegheny Road, Imperial, PA 15126.
Lodge No.Name
Individual Event
Lodge No.Name
Team Event
71st SNPJ National Golf Tournament
at Stonecrest Golf Course
2298 Route 18, Wampum, PA 16157
Phone: (724) 535-8971
Saturday, Sept. 5, 2015
9 a.m. Shotgun Start
SNPJ National Bean Bag Toss Tournament
Sunday, Sept. 6, 2015, starting at 1 p.m.
at the SNPJ Recreation Center, Borough of SNPJ, Pa.
Lodge No.Name
Entry Fee: $10 per two-man team
Return this form, along with entry fees, to:
Slovene National Benefit Society
Att’n.: National Bean Bag Toss Tournament
247 West Allegheny Rd., Imperial, PA 15126
Phone: 1-800-843-7675
Make checks payable to SNPJ
The Home Ofce will verify all memberships. Complete tournament
rules are available by contacting the SNPJ Fraternal Department,
247 West Allegheny Road, Imperial, PA 15126.
Team 1 captain’s name, phone number & e-mail address:
Team 2 captain’s name, phone number & e-mail address:
(Team 1 captain)
(Team 2 captain)
MOVIE QUOTES (#1515) solution
Bro. JohN W. umek
• Lodge 41 •
IRWIN, Pa. — With sadness,
the Umek family and members
of Lodge 41 report the May 11,
2015, passing of Bro. John W.
Umek, 101, of Jeannette, Pa.,
in William Penn Care Center.
Bro. Umek was an Honorary
Member (outlived member) of
Lodge 41, having outlived his
SNPJ life insurance policy in
February 2015.
Bro. Umek was born April
27, 1914, in Claridge, Pa., a
son of the late John and Mary
(Bozic) Umek. Prior to retire-
ment he owned and operated
the former J&M Market in
John was a member of
Sacred Heart Church in Jean-
nette, where he served as choir
director for many years, and
The Holy Name Society. He
was a Eucharistic Minister and
a cantor for Masses.
In addition to his SNPJ
membership, Bro. Umek was
a member of the Jeannette
Rotary and the former BPOE
#486, and he was Past Grand
Knight of Knights of Colum-
bus #1222. He directed the
Jeannette Choristers, and was
a member of a barbershop
quartet, the Claridge Slove-
nian Male Chorus and the
Elliott Chorus. As a member
of the Pittsburgh Slovenian
Octet, Bro. Umek toured and
performed in Slovenia. He was
also featured on the album
“Echoes of Slovenia.
John was an avid golfer
and enjoyed playing the violin.
He was a founding director
of Jeannette Federal Savings
and Loan, and served as their
In addition to his parents,
Bro. Umek was preceded in
death by his wife, Joan M. (Ca-
metti) Umek; a daughter, Joan
Dangelo; two sisters, Hannah
Cametti and Anna Umek; and
four half-siblings, Frank and
Joe Shray, Angeline Lewis and
Mary Fisher.
He is survived by two
daughters, Patricia (Joe) Erdel-
sky and Kathy (Ron) Drylie;
a son-in-law, Chuck Dangelo;
six grandchildren, Chris (Tom)
Hong, Mike (Stacey) Erdelsky,
Chuck (Amy) Dangelo, Barb
(Jim) Gray, Lisa (Adam) Pion
and Scott (Trisha) Drylie; 12
great-grandchildren; and nu-
merous nieces and nephews.
A Funeral Mass for Bro.
Umek was celebrated May
16 in Sacred Heart Church,
Jeannette, with Fr. Paul Lisik
as celebrant. Entombment fol-
lowed in Greensburg Catholic
On behalf of the members
of Lodge 41 and the Slovene
National Benet Society, we
offer our condolences to Bro.
Umek’s family, relatives and
friends on their loss.
Bro. William leNarcic
• Lodge 31 •
SHARON, Pa. — The mem-
bers of Lodge 31 sadly report
the June 4, 2015, passing of
Bro. William “Bill” Lenarcic,
88, of Hermitage, Pa.
Bro. Lenarcic was born
Oct. 17, 1926, in Sharon, a
son of Michael and Christina
(Gasper) Lenarcic. He gradu-
ate d f r om H ickor y H ig h Scho ol
and worked for 25 years as a
mortgage broker and insurance
agent. He also worked part time
for Plaza Travel.
Bill was a 72-year SNPJ
member. At the time of his
passing he was serving as
an auditor for Lodge 31. He
was also a member of the
Sharon Slovenian Home and
the Church of Notre Dame in
Bro. Lenarcic is survived by
his wife of 44 years, Stacy; a
daught e r, Susa n ( D av id); a s o n ,
John Bartko (Kathy); and six
grandchildren. He was pre-
ceded in death by three sisters
and a brother.
Funeral services were cel-
ebrated for Bro. Lenarcic on
June 9 at Church of Notre
On behalf of the members
of Lodge 31 and the Slovene
National Benet Society, we
extend our sympathies to Bro.
Lenarcics family, relatives and
friends on their loss.
sis. thora Fay kooP
• Lodge 6 •
SYGAN, Pa. — With sadness,
the members of Lodge 6 report
the June 5, 2015, passing of Sis.
Thora Fay (Venditti) Koop, 90,
of Monaca, Pa., formerly of
Moon Twp., Pa.
Sis. Koop was born March
30, 1925, in Hubbard, Ohio, a
daughter of the late Nicholas
and Cheurbina Venditti.
Fay was known for her
award-winning polka dancing
ability. She and her beloved
Louie Franz traveled exten-
sively following various polka
bands, and came to know a
number of the musicians per-
sonally. She also had a fondness
for accordion music.
A fun-loving person who
embraced life, everyone who
knew her came to love her.
She even started her own
“kitchen band,” Fay Koop and
the Chicken Grinders, and
entertained crowds with fun
and laughter.
Sis. Koop is survived by
a daughter, Penny Mayhew;
three grandchildren, Mat-
thew Mayhew, Shalynn Jur-
cic and Tyler Milton; two
great-grandchildren, Lydia
and Roman Jurcic; a sister,
Nancy Sabella; a very special
niece and nephew, Gloria and
Leonard Mancel, in addition
to numerous other nieces and
nephews; and an “adopted
daughter,” Coquila Hess.
She was preceded in death
by a daughter, Melynnie Fay
Milton, and her beloved Louis
Services for Sis. Koop were
celebrated June 9 at Stewart-
Kyle Funeral Home, Hubbard,
Ohio, ofciated by the Rev. Ty
Sabella. Interment followed in
Hubbard Union Cemetery.
On behalf of the members
of Lodge 6 and the Slovene
National Benet Society, we
offer our condolences to Sis.
Koops family, relatives and
friends on their loss.
sis. aNN e. tomaziN
• Lodge 321 •
WARREN, Ohio — The
members of Lodge 321 sadly
report the June 6, 2015, passing
of Sis. Ann E. Tomazin, 91, at
her residence.
Sis. Tomazin was born Jan.
1, 1924, in Warren, a daughter
of the late Michael and Anas-
tasie Michalovich. She was a
1942 graduate of Warren G.
Harding High School.
Ann retired from Valley
Health Care, and had previ-
ously worked at Copperweld
and Van Huffel Tube Corpora-
tion as an executive secretary.
She was a member of Blessed
Sacrament Church and the
National Secretary Associa-
tion (NSA). Ann was a 67-year
SNPJ member and served
Lodge 321 as a past president.
Sis. Tomazin is survived
by her husband, Charles J.
Tomazin, whom she married
Aug. 23, 1947; two children,
Karen (Raymond) Majeski and
Charles E. (Leslie) Tomazin;
four grandsons, Mark Majeski
and John, Colin, and Sean
Tomazin; two brothers, Mi-
chael Mayner and Frank Mi-
chalovich; and a sister, Stella
(Nick) Pappada.
She was preceded in death
by her parents; two brothers,
John Mayner and William
Michalovich; and two sisters,
Helen Hrusovsky and Mary
On behalf of the members
of Lodge 321 and the Slovene
National Benet Society, we
extend our sympathies to Sis.
Tomazins family, relatives and
friends on their loss.
PROSVETA 2015 Publication Dates
Publication dates are highlighted in black boxes; deadline dates are circled. The deadline for submis-
sions is noon on the Monday a week prior to the issue date, unless otherwise noted above or on the
front page. Submissions may be mailed to PROSVETA, 247 West Allegheny Road, Imperial, PA 15126;
faxed to (724) 695-1555; e-mailed to prosveta@snpj.com; or submitted via the Publications section of
the SNPJ website, www.snpj.org.
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Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame
HUDSON, Ohio — The Na-
tional Cleveland-Style Polka
Hall of Fame will return to
the historic Bandstand on the
Green in downtown Hudson on
Sunday, Aug. 16, presenting
a free polka concert. Patty C
and the Guys will strike up the
band at 6 p.m. for a two-hour
show of Cleveland-Style polka
and waltz favorites. Bring
your lawn chair and enjoy the
Patty C and the Guys are the
nation’s top button accordion
band, as voted by the member-
ship of the Polka Hall of Fame.
Their lively tunes will get you
clapping along. The event is an
annual fund-raiser for the Polka
Hall of Fame, produced by the
Hudson Bandstand Summer
Music Festival. In the event
of rain, the performance will
move to the nearby Hudson
High School auditorium.
Polka CDs and T-shirts will
be offered for sale, along with
other items.
The Hudson Bandstand is
located in the town square on
S. Main Street (Route 91) in
Hudson. For more information,
contact the Hudson Bandstand
Committee at (330) 958-5800,
the Polka Hall of Fame at (216)
261-FAME, or visit www.
Polka Hall of Fame hosting a free concert Aug. 16
Tournament played June 6, 2015, at Rolling Green Golf Course, Eighty-Four, Pa.
   
*Don O’Neil 138 70 $70
**Daren Fetcko 138 69 $70
Fred Tauzel 138 70 $45
Tom Sedora 138 72 $40
Jake Cadez 138 73 $35
Ron Tkach 138 74 $30
Skip Morgan 138 74 $30
Jason Mavrich 138 76 $25
Jason Snider 138 76 $25
Corey Ward 138 77 $20
Jim Cadez 138 77 $20
Mike Lucas 138 77 $20
Albert Paul 138 77 $20
Bob Mavrich 138 78 $10
   
*Sara Taylor 138 95 $30
**Lisa Novak 138 76 $30
  
*Joe Davey 65 $40
**Matt Falosk 71 $40
Brian Stewart 72 $20
Bob Alvarez 72 $20
Steve Hornyack 73 $10
Scott Lutz 73 $10
*Indicates Scratch Champion
**Indicates Net Champion
   
August 5, 2015
Year Name Lodge
1957 Marianne Swiderski 137
1958 Genevieve Masser 564
1959 Joyce Bence 564
1960 Patricia Urana 87
1961 Judith Rebich 758
1962 Janet Pollock 223
1963 Janet Prevec 643
1964 Elizabeth Highberger 87
1965 Joanne Janiga 769
1966 Linda Kozick 615
1967 Linda Serro 87
1968 Barbara Turkovich 137
1969 Susan Sohacki 87
1970 Rosemarie Roginski 33
1971 Carol Bokal 142
1972 Denise Lamm 566
1973 Donna Wolf 142
1974 Michelle Volk 117
1975 Karen Klobucar 7
1976 Maryann Morvetz 87
1977 Justina Dabrowski 1
1978 Kathy Hlad 576
1979 Carol Morvetz 87
1980 Donna Kravanja 117
1981 Andrea Zupancic 769
1982 Tracey Anderson 677
1983 Laura Vercheck 138
1984 Beth Ann Prost 138
1985 Joan Grabner 142
1986 Julie Ann Podboy 138
1987 Mary Ann Racic 723
Jeanette Marie Hiti 576
1988 Kelly Vavrek 138
1989 Teresa Mlakar 723
1990 Lisa Vidergar 723
1991 Melissa Lawrence 138
Lisa M. Streck 5
1992 Anna Marie Klepec 643
1993 Stacey Apanaites 158
1994 Deirdre Kocjan 643
1995 Jennifer Skrajner 142
1996 Allison Engel 138
1997 Ann Dolgan 576
1999 Carissa Pabian 138
2000 Christine Wojtila 158
2001 Kandace Kocjan 643
2002 Veronica Vana 53
2003 Amanda Fordyce 5
Courtney Pabian 138
2004 Katherine Matas 614
2005 Ashley Paul 138
2006 Shannon Fetcko 138
2007 Kristen Cushman 138
2008 Kristy Zivkovich 158
2009 Danielle Brand 6
Colleen Frank 158
2010 Kara Maruszak 53
2011 Ashley Russ 158
Samantha Volpe 158
2012 Nicole Wright 6
2013 Amy Vogrig 138
2014 Megan Sinan 782
2015 Nicole Vehar 138
  
Year Name Lodge
1957 Valare Gorss 87
1958 Anne Marie Galardy 715
1959 Marlene Lustik 764
1960 Sandra Ozonich 288
1961 Margaret Peterlin 53
1962 Patricia Schlarb 576
1963 Peggy Peterlin 53
1964 Lois Svoboda 715
1965 Charlotte Bokal 142
1966 Judy Ann Rebarich 277
1967 Karen Turkovich 137
1968 Paula Evans 262
1969 Margaret Laurash 427
1970 Pat Hlebak 604
1971 Paula Kertis 87
1972 Linnette Lesko 566
1973 Susan Stritar 14
1974 Kathy Tokarcik 117
1975 Kathy Hillman 254
1976 Sharon Krona 158
1977 Annette Gadusek 665
1978 Elaine Soldo 277
1979 Ann Renée Koval 153
1980 Valerie Stodolsky 87
1981 Justina Dabrowski 449
1982 Ann Marie Sternot 139
1983 LynnMarie Hrovat 576
1984 Suzanne Chuberko 6
1985 Jackie Morvetz 87
1986 Kathy Roginski 33
1987 Dawn Meyer 147
1988 Gretchen Buday 153
1989 Joni Marie Crotty 115
1990 Irene Schulman 8
1991 Lisa M. Streck 5
1992 Anna Marie Klepec 643
1993 Stacey Apanaites 158
1994 Amy Powers 153
1995 Amy Lynn Kobert 138
1996 Stephanie Fall 115
Angela Garzarelli 117
1997 Stephanie Topolovec 689
1999 Caralynn Fejka 153
2000 Melanie Jo Smartnick 729
2001 Kandace Kocjan 643
2002 Veronica Vana 53
2003 Jessi Fields 225
2004 Danica Kane 567
2005 Faith Sadar 665
2006 Rebecca Ehalt 715
2007 Jacqueline Denning 41
2008 Kristy Zivkovich 158
2009 Brittney Zemko 643
2010 Cynthia Bober 138
Kara Maruszak 53
2011 Selina Progar 138
2012 Molly Kohler 153
2013 Emily Hogan 6
2014 Ashley Russ 158
2015 Audrey Whetzell 225
  
Year Name Lodge
1957 Marlynn Turki 138
1958 Janet Snyder 36
1959 Marie Tome 8
1960 Nancy Sleber 87
1961 Sandra Ogrin 14
1962 Gail Nachtigal 604
1963 Ruth Butkovich 270
1964 Karen Solomon 87
1965 Elaine Kvartich 6
1966 Nancy Skiba 615
1967 Linda Serro 87
1968 Barbara Turkovich 137
1969 Jane Gregorin 14
1970 Patricia Hlebak 604
1971 Carol Bokal 142
1972 Denise Lamm 566
1973 Linda Roginski 33
1974 Michelle Volk 117
1975 Judy Pintar 6
1976 Joyce Braddock 158
1977 Cheri Gottke 26
1978 Kathy Hlad 576
1979 Carol Morvetz 87
1980 Valerie Stodolsky 87
1981 Justina Dabrowski 449
1982 Tracey Anderson 677
1983 Karen Kovach 142
1984 Toni Trontel 262
1985 Jackie Morvetz 87
1986 Kathy Roginski 33
1987 Mary Ann Racic 723
1988 Gretchen Buday 153
1989 Teresa Mlakar 723
1990 Lisa Vidergar 723
1991 Melissa Lawrence 138
1992 Anna Marie Klepec 643
1993 Stacey Apanaites 158
1994 Deirdre Kocjan 643
1995 Jennifer Skrajner 142
1996 Allison Engel 138
1997 Elizabeth Buchner 576
1999 Kelli Blair 784
2000 Christine Wojtila 158
2001 Kandace Kocjan 643
2002 Carissa Pabian 138
2003 Amanda Fordyce 5
2004 Courtney Pabian 138
2005 Caralynn Fejka 153
2006 Shannon Fetcko 138
2007 Darcy Brand 6
2008 Kristy Zivkovich 158
2009 Brittney Zemko 643
2010 Kara Maruszak 53
2011 Selina Progar 138
2012 Danielle Brand 6
2013 Kristen Cushman 138
2014 Ashley Russ 158
2015 Nicole Vehar 138
  
 
Year Name Lodge
1969 Jane Gregorin 14
1970 Kathy Kovacic 8
1971 Margaret Rosko 643
1972 Margaret Rosko 643
1973 Susan Stritar 14
1974 Mary Sierputowski 576
1975 Kathy Hillman 254
1976 Susan Marisa 289
1977 Lisa Standkowski 6
1978 Kathleen Hlad 576
1979 Patricia Derner 254
1980 Laurie Belvedere 33
1981 Andrea Zupancic 769
1982 Ann Marie Sternot 139
1983 Christine Ebelacker 782
1984 Suzanne Chuberko 6
1985 Susan R. Caroll 643
1986 Dawn Tatters 223
1987 Mary Ann Racic 723
1988 Kathy Jo Lajevic 138
1989 Alicia Franchi 1
1990 Lisa Vidergar 723
Irene Schulman 8
1991 Marsha McVay 259
1992 Renae Eorio 769
Michelle Smidl 769
1993 Kelli Blair 784
1994 Dierdre Kocjan 643
1995 Melissa Ann Snyder 776
1996 Shelby Tonti 138
1997 Stephanie Topolovec 689
1999 Kelly Lampel 289
2000 Jacqueline Elk 391
2001 Kandace Kocjan 643
2002 Erika Marline 314
2003 Caralynn Fejka 153
2004 Lindsay Snak 6
2005 Jacqueline Elk 391
2006 Tandy Krajec 147
2007 Monika Vidmar 559
2008 Megan Reynolds 225
2009 Danielle Brand 6
2010 Danielle Brand 6
2011 Selina Progar 138
2012 Olivia Kamicker 721
2013 Amanda Couch 715
2014 Alexandria Perdan 604
2015 Nicole Vehar 138
  
with SNPJ National President Joseph C. Evanish
SNPJ Miss Activity 2016 ELIZABETH HARTMAN (138)
with SNPJ National Secretary Karen A. Pintar
SNPJ Miss Talent 2016 JULIE ROCKWELL (138)
with SNPJ National Treasurer Robert J. Lawrence
SNPJ Miss Fraternalism 2016 JENNIFER PROVENZA (216)
with SNPJ Fraternal Director Kevin Richards
Miss SNPJ 2016
is a member of Lodge 138 in Stra-
bane, Pa. She is the daughter of
Bob and Jan Rockwell (138), and
the granddaughter of Tony and Josie
Bole (138).
Julie is a recent graduate of The
Pennsylvania State University where
she earned a bachelor of science
degree in kinesiology with a minor
in biology. While at Penn State, her
honors included being named to the
Dean’s List for ve semesters, and
membership in the Health and Human
Development Honors Society and
the National Health Pre-Professional
Honors Society. She was actively
involved in the Penn State Panhel-
lenic/IFC Dance Marathon (THON),
and was also a teaching assistant.
A member of Lodge 138 since birth.
She has attended and helped at many
Circle 19 holiday parties, and has
assisted with the Lodge 138 Duck
Race. She has participated in the
Youth Telegraphic and Family Two-
some bowling tournaments, and has
submitted articles and artwork to both
The Voice of Youth and PROSVETA.
Along with her grandparents, she has
attended Federation meetings and
volunteered at Federation picnics.
She was a Youth Roundup camper for
seven years, a TEL delegate for ve
years and has served as a delegate
to the Young Adult Conference for
three years. She has also served as
a counselor for Youth Roundup and
the TEL Workshop.
34th annual Slovenefest weekend launches the reign of Miss SNPJ 2016
fraternal programs for many years to
come. She did a great job representing
the Society during her reign.
I want to personally thank a few
young ladies, all of whom are former
Miss SNPJs, for serving on the Pag-
eant Committee: Miss SNPJ 2014
Ashley Russ, Miss SNPJ 2013 Kristen
Cushman, Miss SNPJ 2012 Danielle
Brand, Miss SNPJ 2004 Courtney
(Pabian) Koenig and Miss SNPJ 2001
Kandace Kocjan. Please know that
your efforts are greatly appreciated.
When National President Joseph
C. Evanish addressed the audience,
he touched on the many benets of
belonging to SNPJ. We had a special
guest in attendance, Ambassador for
the Republic of Slovenia Dr. Božo Cer-
ar, who helped introduce Miss SNPJ
and her court during the ceremony.
The moment we’d all been waiting
for the entire weekend had nally ar-
rived: the announcement of our award
winners. I had the honor of announc-
ing that Jennifer Provenza (216) was
selected SNPJ Miss Fraternalism
2016. The runner-up to Miss Talent,
Toni Zibert (225), was announced by
Region 5 Vice President and Lodge
449 Secretary Sis. Tina Rigler. SNPJ
National Treasurer Robert Lawrence
then introduced Julie Rockwell (138)
as SNPJ Miss Talent 2016.
The announcements for Miss
Activity started with the introduction
of runner-up to Miss Activity Julie
Rockwell (138) by the chairperson of
the SNPJ Audit Committee and Lodge
723 Secretary Sis. Phyllis Wood.
SNPJ National Secretary Karen Pintar
then announced that Elizabeth Hart-
man (138) was selected SNPJ Miss
Activity 2016.
Anticipation grew as the announce-
ment of Miss SNPJ began with the
introduction of the runner-up to Miss
SNPJ, Elizabeth Hartman (138), by
Region 2 Vice President and Lodge
6 Secretary Jim Curl. SNPJ National
President Joseph C. Evanish then
opened the nal envelope and an-
nounced Julie Rockwell (138) as Miss
SNPJ 2016.
I thank all of our members who
came out to support the 59th Miss
SNPJ Pageant and Slovenefest. I’ll
see you at a fraternal event soon...

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